W A \'
I NTI! Y E . H .
r;;-:\' I r.L~ , OHl(),
W ED TE, I) A Y A PH.l L :J:?, 111 0, •
UMBER 296:1
u IJin·r'·' . W}l on \Hl "'>I~ t h ll '1 I1 g l'~ ~I.S frc~n t b e ~ixtl~ Dis ri('t. , Sacred Concert at St Mary's. hil:! 1:1 n a ll I f,; Inlly frolll Dayton ~ I 'II~S t 111'1\ h .. " w II fl u ll die I h I.: Il nw · [' ()~ t, !\lu s ter 1) . H . , Flln , uf W'Q'I1 I;! _ Mi sa; ~ Io .... El,ur lltn ft nd hrother, i 'r~ fall , ll WII: IllId III t.1·e, .. tl p riveci villa, J 1.1 1"11 1 · ~rt"i e r!l . .b~ . B . H e u \lllr 'l' II A ol ll1i l' of t b lJ P ; es b y terion Wi/liaTll of Miamisburg wert lit _ _ _ _ _- - I ,I thclI' lu lill!;(O ~ln d til wh oltl lll th ~I)I\. ' QI"LIS Il i ey, . M. WI it un d lJu r cli <If L hun a n 'wIll give Il M . hom o Ivel' 'IlIltlay . Mr. anti Mrs . Edmu n d R ut !l ll ic k I~ I:\ LI , !<'t\ lurk!' 1 III (,III i 'Y unll!! r wh nt [1 W. Print'l. jOin ocl I,h nH!I'l'Y orcd OOlle r t In Ht" J'Y's ohur b J, l!lhuli Inwoou h"l:1 bee n em ploy6d S!'l'lIl!; I" !,\l l\ctuul ' d utlJ , we w tmlt) thr 0 1:{. ' II rrie r Goo. O . MIlls, of t his \' eo ing ut1'! O·OIOClIc . '1'hisch oir Ilsclm-k in :;mlr.ll & Buffman's gen · served dinne r 8undl~Y to Mr, find Mes . flJl1ll Zimmer rnoo olld flllllil y, iJ H III dll!l)Juir llilu n l)t ex)) ri tmc:o ~t n u te:;. Will' ull o'hlo on ileoou n t of call i!; t of olghtf'HII Ul' I'W nty voices e rnl stor . Mr . 01111 Mrs. Nul' Br6w II IIlI l I Mrs . AN D IlIug!J t ll ' what, lifo full o ws close ly IlIn us~ t o hI' PI' se nt a,nd is un ne r tb u PiliClio llt Icnde r1\11 S t!III'U Brudf.)r.} is spending" ' B ' . n plln thu t,rll lJ t 01" d eath IlOd tl cny . A f li s t, f r II on uu d !low uf uJ s hi l) of l\1 r~. 01' _ '. 1\ . Houg h, wh o few weck s lit her h OlUe iu South ' uruh 13. SmitlJ . [ a~ n .. 11 BlI g~-~1 VO ullr ltl1 w orth .t he m o uoy IIl lln' .t,~ Mee W IlIU Il I){)o t. 1 Y beiu~ )lrl' •'pri ug cum cs li gnin w it h HI' WII I' II) 1'l1!1,rl\ctl r i~et1 tlll:t o · 'u sion flo U1 k ill flly hring:,; t h 1,\ )'0 1'0 t,but h !' r Cll"rhl8ton. _ 'I l' n ill" lifl1-~ i v iu g p IW l;) r IIml th oll rt.11 I s tall·t t o fj Ols h , t·OI\' hi H il l! tOHll t u ,,1,1 f dN) ().tI mu y 1111 " 1 1\ o pportuoi. H o w( 11 1111<1 Pjlrl·tt, li S 1Il1l ~ H!HIlI~, l:ioh ool BIIlI Thursdny THa r wilre I\ IJ HHrvicell at tlie ' lit Hoh ool Hnll, 'l'lInr ~ dIlV (IVllll illg, . April :t:lr(1.' '. ' , II II I.! lIIo ru 'lothed ill ll U "elll ur ,lIu IIlllk i n ~ u h up )JY cOlllbinlll,ioll . t,v .. f u jov ing HI! ' lIl u:-lio ren(] el'ed. . ·PC HIP t,. " Lot, us lW jle · t!Jolllln.d be. Thif' Wf\N th tl tinl\~ o f fu nning IU1 ElIs! e r cill Y ILl, l it . Prl;l by te lillu Fri l!od .i · chul'oh LID ' Ulld"" un 80 A pril 2:3rd. OUll t fI~ the fll'! " r"1 nf .I ell~e Compo For Rll n t - Fin blne g ru ~ IJIHI1·'01' ~1I1 ' - 1\ HO W li n d )l ig. litlVtl Ihll t whu t. Wll ull death i ~ m go ni illifi on, kn o wn 11M t,b o ' Vll r ron cl1l1l'01l . tOil lit, C"Il""r '~ ( :r eelr. ture, wit,h IIhuOllullOO o f rUllniug Ailull Jt;lIlori uk , I,y t h. , Old ;.. !Jut th e d ian '0 from Illo we r life of COO llt,'y Po:;tn! A!:I!lo '\r.l t i"I) . i u whi oh . Ji:vo ry llotl y ilw it etJ til t h e (·vnr od" '1'1111 i!:pwort.h l..ea g lle r e ndered au w I~tllr . 0 J. I:t!ok l\ . t. III tj tl ,ll nJlIl ~1J 1"I" c) W t I! hi gh r , brolld ov(!r y ' l1lpl oyp.I\ fr om P o~ t. l\'1n Ht,or - ---- .~int PI·ARt.IIIK E,I"ta l' progmm to (I, hii- . lind Mr R. t:h I1H. A Bro w n nnrl Oeo. W. Zimillerman lI ud 1; 1''' 11I1 0l" Il fn gl \7oll b'y Bim /d ow n , i!-l pli ~ihl" to IlI AmhRI'. hip . 90 Cents Cincmnati ' ExcurItll' ~a 11 udi en c(! U II ~nl1doy evening , w,II "" lo ve iR b OIllU Ill'! 1I11l1 w!J o~e I MI' . .An tl"ll lli WII A II\IIU PI' I'!<itl';'lIt, . ' P I ' L' !lOll Jt.:'y ltl l' tlta r tell otr'J'uo~t1l1,Y murll Answers Sumlnolls. II' i,.dul lI is ~llp rllUio of. tl iB AR.. oci n ; P-• • '. 'i'ibhal s, S10n ennsy vania Ines. " T_ H . . 10ellll " 111' has Ilcoepted a in~ a ll I,b ir Ax tf ll Rive Wllll tOl"l1 tl'iP. _______ " I.I I II :; II l p"I jo'lI t ! '1'11 1'. e Hev I' r nt nk lin 's J10~ t 111 11 to r , ViCA pr e~;j - -- ----p a; lt,itm 11 8 tra vel! ng sn lelc'man for tl nll if UI wh ole of it is II llt-HAlit. )1 .. 11 nt " J}4~ tiT eo et I y lin d Il t:;UUtlILY, April 20 LIJ, Jt~ x o uHli n th n De L l1 vlll ream t:leparlltor Co, tl1 l HA t.h n IHY th ey stl1rt.fld, lli t,y Our OO UlIlHllli t.Y r pueiv etl IIn" t ll /ll' ~. \" IO l h II "' ; '. l -: I ,H I' II -, . !l h lolc Itnlt l?ri.d lly llI urn it ... W h ll ll n t, fl'o l\l th ll .."f1) ullIl tlI"iH.', H . Dnnhtl lll , I' lll'es,m tnting tb e r u Trllill le ll v !i \VII Y llf~:l\' il\ e lit . b F.ruok B\uir lind wife of Dllyt.on will ce l·tll l lll y hllv e nnt Iling ut 11 11 t1JO Ilud til111l "H 1)1I"~ld frl ,lIl '" , lill til Hil t 11 " l l' ntl IlJ P~, (: 1 "~I!1I 1 uP Dellio· rn 1 II rr .w rs 0 1. t,lJ coull t y t. r ou urllr Il. Ill . , C~ n t rtll 'l'i o w. !I)Je n t "'U!lte r at the home of hiB Joymeot t.l1 r ou g h o ut. '" N I f I II) Ihllt~lr . Geol'''o ZimlJ1 l;: rll lUn h ll d l iO Il " 1 ews l'illlP " )leO jl !' IJ t Ie oo t1 n t,y ftl t h el' .J s. BIlllr and fllmUy, "BrotbAr Nonh H llVe Ou t 'b 'k, fllll e, n 11 lid" ou th o 1nwl1 u t hI !! h OIll A ~" "II Il' t il.l. ,1tl rk (\ I';I-\ UI ,. " lire Ill llloTllry III III IlA r s 'fl li"S IS II If! Corwin. f o r Rain" <i OAt ~ !jOe !J ot II t mll!!io wi t h bi s !lOll L . A, Zhnlllhrllltlll, UII 0 I . t I' t l L ' d' t l ( :IItt1tll it,ttl 11 y o r gnlll'l.ll ,)(Ill 0 ' Ie II Il 10 11) Bellbrook. tltOl'OS, uu t you oun htlllr t ue whole Mll iu ~ tr 'o t . 1 U nil (1 ~' I ot es .· ,T) Mo K IDsey anu hlDily f \lOl" tl1ill g for h n lf tb e pri 0 at Soh ool MI' . Zh1lt1lOr1ll111l hud lJetl ll 111 f, lIl 110,111101"11 W ul"t l r o w, r. N. Hun!" l10d fl1ruily of Mrs _ H, Bowles and ohlldren re o 1.'11 DICy t,~ u ~pon t. .JJ.II ... S t er V\'I' tl BlIlI , T hnrl'lduy eVening. April 33. In g houlth for' u IlUlJlbor of yeurl-'. " II 13 ' . I'" 0.l'~ · l Mr s. AI - turnotl home f rom St. .Louls Snn. ' . G . \viI1iUmtlOnlllllUe n bUidn e~!I und I,w.o yenrA a ~ o b wall se l'io ll ;!ly .1. I': . . llItlue.v 'B ' t St M ' hlP 1\'1 Kln!lOY· UIlY eveoing trip 1,0 Chilli n th" ,t,he fll'Ht f th e ill 1'111' ;: ' v rullllollth;:, IL it'ge fr oll! : aptum a . ary S MisH ' t -lI" L e mmon is home fol' . week. tl1 e~jr t!lof w hiuhh e nClvul' fuli 'y - -- -- I ' Easte r EV"' l IlfBW dn y8 trollithecollegentGrlLlI . \ Miss Mllud Avey and Nellie Bo· .1 • villp Ohi o wurd visited friends In Spring Val· FolI l' moving- plclul"R, ' 'h~mge recov r ll, Fur so me t im lIu hu.1 East~r Fe tival le p four limes a week. Mo nd ay, W d-. s h. ,wlI !,.YTUjJt ulII ~llI\llur tu tho~[ - - - ' M ;. Be nj , ~ es !lOll dll ugl1 tel' Of l Monduy . lItllnlav a t uf IIl'pultlxy , bn t Llil:' lo voll Olll'S at St. Mary 's. He \, . .1. 1". ',1l1 WII IIllIlt'r ul1lllillis· Mo rro w w ar /} g nest s of t.helr rela. Miss Loin Cornell of Farry VIRited nesday, l~riduy amI Hahn ami o 's. droude,I to t enr Ihe w o'r ·t IOnd hopod ~'" Htrr In o rnjll~ (1!IWlIlld 1 111' llOU te 1.. •I t h e f,1I( 'I I'lllll l' lI t of bll m tO I tiv!:!'. 1'111'11 . H op Htll es uod fl1ll1ily , SMissd Mltry ' Illla rs 'S aturday and " h t y t!J[J fill' Lri l,t h t,. IIllcl Illl Illltlll' !HJum ell 11tUIlO ~11'_ Jh an [l Ot. u t th Ii n ice En s t e r j un uy _ Mr , F . a'tllrl' on I:IIIIIII-Iton ,.· llc1 Iit I·hat tile o vil uuy mi .. Ha r V eys burg.. tla clllugter,~l1s. '1'!J ompsonnlllll\J i l!~ olf, nnd thu B WOIO 1If't nltoge tll l! l' t o tb o" nt,illl out of t,h tla .v, Ulilt of ev ' nll t:::it, Mllry's, IInr·h . '. ~1', ClurenoeLan s ingerand MI88 Penrl ' tu rr y, o f l;obIHlo n, t .~1\ 1t 1101 J1replI~ed ·fo ,· Ihe blo w 'wh e n it fe ll r e-bi r th lind 11 0 \\' iiI' . ' MI SS S Mu r~ und Eva Feuley und Dal y Myel'S were married in Xenia vnut~l ge of th l! fin e U'IY lIud lillIC1o)t,h on, ~l.I elr h el~rts . . ' , . I At. t._ Mllry's ohul"c!J II J.{ootl ly I R ob e rt hil"ll n u tt e nded Easter Wednesday. . . 11m fuuelll l servloes \, e l ~ h elellit llumb r of I'ni t hful oll es ueflltU the Ob't ,. e r vic H lit 'to 'o lnmkilne churoh Miss Nettie Mills has been oon· rouelilund Cll111e up to Wuyn f'!lv ill o ' ill MI·s . l:Iamlltou'tlHleglllltonto C1\1) hI " IlI,to h ,llUA M\.)Udll,~ u~tlll"lll.lOU. dn y hy )Jlllt,ukin gof t h e Hody and I uary. l in Wllollng lon !lnll "'pent t h e day floe<ltoberhomebere, on aooount bill3 1.0 ~p ud II Ii'" I t.illl e wit h IJ " I' couilu tl-d by Rey . •J. E. Ctluwn]ll1 I Bl o ud f t1 ur Lurd III til e Ilrl v cele I th g ues tl'! of Mi s Homore Keefe of Sickness, for a week, but exPects !{l'ILH!llJlI r nt-II, Mr. 1,lI ft Mr)ol . M d or, wlJ o, in uddltion to the SOIl)) I brntio n ; Iw'd nt 10 :;.lU th chur h (Jlli Ma y Tuc k l' Wll soo w.t!-! [&·nd b rothe r . 'rhey r epo rt a very to return to ber sohool work at Sel• . Liddy, tu~e ron d lo g~ !lod .I>ru'y ,~ r, 11111 Ie II Wu l! fi\1 -d w ith h op Inl , hOPllY unQ born Murcl11 , I 70 . . h t! wu s thll l plea s unt Ell tel" . mil, 0" Monday. Oid "fan e VAr II III' Ilpt .J on brl f !ld~l r H In whl 11 b e tonk th u lle \' ut worl" hip pol·ll. \ h o hilU CO DlO onl y dUll~ht I' a t Nn t hllll ond MUI" Miss Cu rl)line Harmon of DaytQn ' 'rhomp!!on H in ~Y No: - N olth e r Joylu l VI.IIW l )f th o 1~ I A~so(l r esurflll to cpl ebrllto ttl!' " I'lll r Pilurreo tioll gUl'et 'l''ll ke r . t::lh.1 cl 0pUl't d th l" Spri,ngboro. is vis iting Mrs. Joe Stake t:bI8weak. hu v we, bllt h l'l Will n\llk o n !lew J:I 11 , will 'h th u ·hrlt,jtlllll wo rlel h ull tl nv n . li fe AJ1J:lI 10, HlUtl !ll{ II 3, Y nrl' , Mr . Wulter Gibbon8 Ie confiDed OII,.;tmtioLl of l1i" Ilbility to !'iug nt, J. u~t e lo hl'l1\(ltI o n ~ nndny. n l UlU ;l'h e c hur()h h utl hee n hI te full y 1,l1r tl w aeli!1 Clnd t,w u.du y!:! , Whe ll Mi s Fl'iedll Actermnn is eot r - to his home on aooount of Ii broken t'!chlll')\ 1:1.111, 'l'u l1rlltlllY eve nin g . fortmg Il nrM\(JI~ t u III s tl'lc ktlll tl M ml l'(1 witll o ul, IIUtl p OI,t,ed about t b r ee ye.t l'B f IIge, s h Ille r. taiuinfo{ h e r m other fr om Blaocbes limb, huving been struok: by a fall· Apl'lI ::l:h rt . OIles. . . 11\lI n t . . n Ull til e lnl l'lIt IlIU ical with a u acoid In whi oh mud h er 11 t 1'_ iog tree Mondo,y. o's: I' e brN,hrtlll A III r '(thednul u o ft h eMUcafl !:I(l1t1 oo n tri_bll t d g rell t ly uutil . h )' J'b l' r OII rty 01' M"r ' 11I.. " MIle M'ISS68 Maud A d N e II e So_"I(. Iheglltl w 14bout ke t, IJrngnlln . ' . t th'c uffe r e. r f rom h uUu h e_ CoO U n vey an Cood Inusi' at Hallll ,fcI'earn opening " 8 unluy . It I I I· d tl I I.' JOYO U . lemlll t y of b e !'1'I!" Vloes . twentl t:l th yenT. A I:' l~ oblld, !lue h 'lU WIl!:I slI)d Ilt, Jlu h Jic so le on t;;a,turday wlud SIlent Fridll.Y in Xenia, O. April 25th . InWI C ] ~I L J!l yrepo,;e, Ie urt ~, 1n R. v , .J F 'ndwulllld r 's ad. \Vunde1: u l Illto IL f:i id whe r e th e l "ndwus pu rcha ad by Ell.rlR bin. Mrs, Doris Howlll.nd and ' lii88 nltlY of tbelr hr. th e l : o.nd , With dress, li e TIlILel cl ear IInu oomfo rting horses g l'u)ltld lind whe n fund wa s ~ on . Mr. WI lIhl U1 R o bl 'tot, . wl1 hilI< Warrell I(eys. Mustor r"nd tbl:l btlllll the bleH ad promit1 tls ~ivell of 11 lylOg iO Aen slbl wlt-h IH 10e]) wouod M.ary !;elll1r8 spent }!'rldR.y and Mat. he<-n quite ill fo r R v rill w e kl{. t.lfnl ritlllli fo r the tlnri l.d of tho ir t-(en e rnl ' ~estlrt"c' ti on to" 1 ire Ever on h e r heud All o ld f!imily horse I\1rA. F r ed R bluson aud daugh •. urdll,y In Davton With tbelr eieter, WIIS able 10 utten.} ltlls t r ser vice!'. el ad . , . " . t ' tar Ruth I\fU spend~ng a few dll.yA Mrs . Ernest: Randolpb. b t l I-II k '. . . t h· . . ' U 111 tlng . ,vas Rto.ndlng gUlLld !lnd k e pt l e r. with be rpu.r ot 'Pencea dwife }. n Ii -s l very 'vert . Appropnll. u ylllo ~ w e l ~ !:lung y The oIl' ring Wil li the lur gesf; io' from being trumpl ed t o d eat,h b y . 0 • Misses Overholtz Ilnd 'l'llylor en· , '1'h o MI8se PMI'I1lull und 1'1' ut, 11 qUllrtettecu,?po ed of MI S es Lucy the hI. tu ry o f t. Mary's the colts _ ' , lir. Olin Weidner died o n Sunday te rtllined at the home of Mrs. '.a:urDltvo Pn l" ~ hall, .II1 e~ r ,, ' t:;be was united in U1llrriugA Mllrch \ aftero?on ut t~o Sllndus ky Home bull. Friday evening, II. Dumber of a 'l ld M\:l~srs ::-Ih e rw od Ullll Murl tt ElJlly . liml li fe 1111 good ingers . Yo u 1Il1••V h ILl" W . O. Raper lind .b' . 1:1. Furl' . 14 1 9,) ~ o Geor ,' P. WII 0 0 , who Ilnd WIll . be bUried Oil Wednesday f ' II f S· V II them in mlxl!d qourtette lit SQhool EI glint 11 0 ml olIerin" b a r O1ul, Fish and Game Club. wi t.h h e r ~u t h e Clll'e of h e r at o.n 0 cl ock from Refor llled f1en s rom prlDg a ey. Rid\, 'l'hUr!Hlay ev ning , April' 23 but eloque nt, te ttnlonyof t hl:l lo \" aged pllI'e n ts in Ihe h ome of her churoh . I Mr. D:~d~ie ha~h~ aba~. late· Mr . lIud ],{I'S, 'Iyde 'Ie mlln !lull of friend~. Th e r \\7 il1!Je II m eetillg (i'riullY childhood . Slle wus t h e m othe r Of Frank Miltenberger lind family Y PUfdC t Sh " rlom rt h f-BelY)' u F l P, ' Cllllie up 'I'll folloovl-Dg Ak~tcb \va s )J. rellllr ,I nl' gll >,. .at tll I'Int. D ea r t h nnd family from move . )'une .." . " to \vl\ U ~ hl' p ll ous e for five ons and ona dllllghtor; 11 fmil am.' b •• thl0 IS I)k ace nort 0 b right 11"'10 on frr.m 'i ll oiunnti. "turdllY to ti p nu b.y It f ri od of t ile .fIlDli1 .v un<1 l"el1l1 elcc t iou of "lUcel' Hod other b ntli · put b ellutiful bud, ve r y RO On t,mns Ceoterville !lnn Roy Miltll nberge r roo... . s wee .' . E[lster du y with t.h ir pnrent", M r. bv Re v ·Vndwn ll nde r. u es_ p lnntedto th heavenly hOOle w h ere !lnd fawily were un day ~\lests of' The Bellbrook bR.ll team played !lnu :drs • •T. H . l'o len1nn , Iln~l MI" . Ueorge W . Zimmorm an ",u " ba m Any o n inter ~t (1 in t,h e protec the 'mot;h or oan followed, b ut not thfl ir!', Ghrls Miltenl)erg~r the Bellvortu\\ln,boY8 SlI.turdav, tbe Clvde r e tul"ned b on ia in th evell- in 'ept. mbaI', 1 ~Il, at Wayne bor o , I,ion of tl II lln.1 gltlD luvited to un til she had le ft ILn v idenoe which u.ud ~Ife , scoro being 14 to 1, in favor of Bell· in g. but Mr . 'oleOll1o !lui! li ttle au l'ennsylvlIlliH, un (l died III, WuyneA . j oin . 'OMM IT'N: E. should ·be t r eusured by usull umid 'r ile Epworth I IIgua will give R.n brook. ' r el11ainAd for " visit through t b El Vill e, Uhio. April ) I, 100 Ilged '/ Easter Monday the triEd a nd t ribulations of this .e ntorttl.i ol11ent on F riday evening we k with otbel' relnt·i ve!l . v elu·tlunu 7 mooths. life. God !le ems to be nelJ,ro~ his cq llSlI~ting of l'elllUu gs by Miss Cri W nt.oll Mgr. Cook's ~ tl ef's hi t t o . !:lIS poreuts Ollme to tIn" oouutry . Bus.iness Meeting su1l"eri n g ohildre n lind she was ou d el' frum DaytoD , "iohn lI.nd pinno ,spring Branch. gethe r when ho plll'VR bit! Ol·ne t. fr om Gerllwny . ~ettllDg In the. Enst . of the f e w who Jltwe been p rm ittell . ol o"unu d rilhl. Aol o n.t 'o l}(Jol BlIlI, Thur .11lY even Duclug hi8 infll!ltOYf' lIe 11I2tl .~wol s i;;· A, . t,~ r '~t'hlhlr anollul . !JUStine f to e nte r into th,,' Paradise of G od Mr. '£hom&" Laoy, wife and son f h b ,.I~JlJi:, A pr II ?'l t e l's OVd m ao.lug E' tl'II' n"s DOt I" \"ful to utter '-1 ted ~, . d wure f oreL 0 . thI e .,eUuBl· t' " t1 S '"' '0 h e hc mmllnlClln E t M Sd a n'nd O' ., ,. , -- -. H auy. and d....augb ter EdD.. VlD till care 0 nn eart y ntue l' nu t. . •n!lry !:l a ur u er 011 ay or n~thEll' impo~ ible fer the l1nre· th e formor 's brother, Jaoob Laoy Mrd . l)l'. BYlAtt r e ' i v (.I th e Silt! nH ~h e r . Wh 1\ old .enon g h he he 1\ig l1l" r e po r ts Wt! I'O r eUlI of the dif- (leenled to nn"erstund, l' .tho e Sprl"ng Valley. d th 11 t i l er ' fi lS - t e r , M r " oail le n}}pre nt,1. d t,o II tlOne . b I les 0 f t11e c Il ur h , Ii II who wutc hed "by ' her be<1"ide, ~he . an family of Lyt. le, on la8t 80n· I n t e 11 Igence r, W h 1'6 f erElo t l"C.u d B v l", lmel di ed lit, h er b om !;! iu Col Il l> r e mllin <1 fO I" sever-o l reUl' l::Je of whioh w e rA fouud to be iu very ee d to be g on e for tbu s naoe of 1'111'. • Ii. Dill WIlS a <'-'in ci n'nati R.Y , umou!!, Indlnull, !,)atll rdll.Y. Mrs . the u "'. n" ln , tn t-\ull ivlLn lu(\illnll , sutll.l fll ut o rV me ~ . onx. vl' U\' to l' S llnd"y , Mrs, Frank DlI.kln II.nd 'ohUdreD .. oo udHi o n tllf\ whole Stwol ve hours. I::!b e blld been Hyatt htlN t·ha !!lItisfllctiou of 1111 vi n l-; wh ore, 011 ' .1 UIY 27, 1 7i:1, 'h e WIl S hurllH being o ut of d ob r, with Il iOlls to COUle into this life IIgaiu, she M' Md' B t t t · d w e re "islting Bert Marlatt aDd fam""I I' -:• • a, nlo ntl·l 0 '.' uo It.e d t II s 111"1\1I S "!J I t a' ll tl II I s urp I U~, " IsA hflr 1.lU . os on . en A<da er alne mild· e h er .,~Iu'er" oU ... " v 1\ e, 0 f t l II" t AU) wanted her fdends to kno w· !lh e 8u)ldl1Y SIster, MISS and ily .of Mt, liolly . . . wore ago, but WI~S n ot nble to be c it.y _ Iu 1 75, w!Jile there, b e unit d W, H . All n wu eleot d 'enior lived, .wns sfroill th y might put Mis!! lu:m Wmith of Dayton .140d Miss Floren08 ~oY, spent lut wII,h h e r at the time of h e r (l fl llth wHh t,h e l:'re~bytel'ia.o ohuroh Wltru e u f, )r the n e xt YEmr , noll .r. l1er earthly' body Il way without ,liss -'lumChll!le of Xenia. I ':3ut.urday nlgbt and ~unday with Mrs . B vi!! hncllotlg bee n II sufFer er whel'e be wllsa fllit.hfl1ll\ud uotllli:4t,· H. 'olemlLL1, jun iOI' wurden . •1. H knowin g he WIIS living in the 1Iigh M- H I B II f X · ' tt ,hel' oousin, MI88 Lena Uonnor. ' k ay, I J " . " 'fl' U1111 1' 0 1110 , ' '" l!'lf!of friend e eu Ilover a S nnday enltl W\.I fr olll 0 .... rlcel·. ~lr n lu., Hu r ivotl by en t IU III Ile r , 'II u . er ens. . ' he IlOW eelll od freed guest , S 1e Mrs. Ernest Dakin and llttle -.on two IDI1rriel1 olllld1'oo. 'l't\(~ y moved to Wllynesvill e io WlllinuUII)Jl ILI"I li. V . B'lrllhort from ove ry earthly care IInu r e joic . ' i" • Russell, of near CenterVlIte, were If you'rf! not tL hu ll fnn oma Fe br uary. 11:\\)3 , r U1uinin~ IlbmH Il Ve tryw 6u ·. iD" in t !J ut fl' eeuolll, . at th mot.hllr Ml _ Ray Eugle 18 .oonfilled to hiS visiting Mrs, H. U. DaklD famauvhow to oh ool BIIII, 'J'bnrsdIlY y enl", wb p, n th ey r eturu.:;f1 to Iud ilove flss er tau it elf II nu . be cu lled l10me on IlflCOU Ut of Illness. . i1y last week. P Hm iog, April 23 rd . IlUI1_ 11 .J lIlllll1.ry 27, H1 0 , tll oy Services at Christian cl)urclt (or h l' 'bll by .hoy Russel unu whe n Wm. Alt' xu nc1el", wife !l·nd daughMr. John Bmith II.nd wife enter· Mr ,lmd Nrs. Eli D: Buruett h lltl uguin r et u rn d to Wilynesville.witb 11\3 put his li tt le .hnnds on h e r fuoo t E' r were I-: !Ies ls of her pl1reuts over tainBU at Sunday dl1tber1lll~r UH their g lle!:l t s Easter ' lIlll\IlY, Mrs. t,he .inteutio~1 of malting it th l;li r l:tc v. 0 . , W . Hull , uf Lebllllon ulld ~Ri(J " in l1mmu" mllOlmn.," he !3nnday . . Lines ()f Indianll, Mr, Ubarlea Rye Hannnh Rei J h e l , of Oll.\'t,o n, Rnol1el h ome . will t>1'6uoh ill th., · ·hric'!tlllll . church BILid "llh l.llY buby . !Je need his hurles EVI111f', wife und dll\lgllter Ilnd Wife, John DaviR' lind danab'er . Be lelL ve"ry II "'I S 'lt,Ul' d.I~y uv a nin .'.,' lit 7' ::30 I)'OIOCR. IIlIlIUUlO to stuy nUll CM'S fo l' hi m . " wore guests .of lIer ]>are nt~, W . V . Rosll and son George, Mi8888- Alice aml Mllrthl1 Burnett llull Mr . lineI ,, ' fo ~ tn' .. O' SOI'S ~ ' , 1' 11\"• Mrs_ J::)hermllO Dyche lint! famil'y . !lOll A. lind Roy E., four nephe w!:!. He wi ll IIl so pre rub nt 1U ::lu u ndoy Til e )loin Wil' . gOll'o uutl w ile n h e L11f'll s nod wlfo Sundl1Y . Ullenowith, Bertha. Smitb, 'ar MI'ss PI.l rcl·all I' n Ile r I rl'D h t lJl"ee ni lIIany frilml1::! t." rtl ol'u lllg nlln 7' ::30 i n tho a ve nio 1)11. e(lliwllY ngul n her husband , hed M' I'll. . . - cd ~U " t l ces . I lind s tllldtl" 6 C1l0 1 will b tl ut iJ :i:l m. l'I'_ Y,v'OI)sey entertaln ~r . Duniel Wollord wu calling He UlOlll'n 1ell' 0 ~. H"ell lII o!Jber tlU·tl6 brot b r ll IInr Uuarry , opse.v . W If B un d d \.lug I~ t er o n Jilmes Cbenowtth SUDdayafter· 1I10nologu ~ I~t 'c I1001 1:1 n, .\IId CI1\!lJ s tillu EOllllll\'Of 7 :OU; .. I I T I1111'S · d ay eVtlnilll1 , .April ;t;.l . IJ]v el' y body IUlld welc"; me t o all und o the r rehttivB!:I, we re left to and Roy B olluDd , wife and ohil· noon. Ge m City ic cream at wh ole ale In /V\emoriam. of I,hese se rvic'ls . mourn ber ' 10 S, but sIIac1 & of nil drtlO of Duy ton. Mrs . Ne \vtoo 'S mith Is On tbe siok
I "I II I t'rilll
BA I,]
and r etail pl'ices at Hahn &
o' s
parlors . Mrs. ,T. ·W . Edword!:! of Dayton it! spending tilill week with Wo,ynesville .friends . DON'T .be ' IL ti.g ht -\V ll cl. · LOOHf n up I.ln~ be lit School flull, '1'hursday " . . evening, Apri I 231'(1. .v o·r e gOIng to ha ve (\ winning teo,lll. 1)1\ 0 thnt 'deserveR your support_ Hahn & Co. will serve t h e ce lebrated Gem City l ce·cr~arn at hill parlors on and after Saturday April
25th. . Mr. Joo l'rillt·)I of Uuytoll eojoytlcl Easter \lay wit,h his parentA h e re The Missel! Mille.r wi1\)lel\se YOIl in their due ts (lot School HIIIl , Thurs. day avenlng, April 2i1rd . Miss N. Heleu 81lutb of Wihningto~l. was tIle guest of Mrs. ' Hl'r.-iet O'Neall and othllr· relatives hel'o over Ea8t.e.r , II.nd will also visit with BIlrveY8burg frlenus on her return trip bome . Umpire Lewis IDlI.kes n st.riking. S810n while on dut" b ehiod 'i mpre .f . Sbe pitoher but be will nlf~ke (l morEl strlkin~ imprellsion floD) behind tbe-footlights aL Sobool HII.n. Thar" day evening, April 23rcJ,
Money, in differen t amounts) t() loan on good farlll security. lnquire ol C. G. Wllliam80n; to loan at 5"" on fatm "'lOl1ert~. C. G WiUiamsQn James Kerrick arQ
of the Edgar
iOD ;.~...nJl:'Q·Street.
The most e loqueut thut c,m be pronounced Ilt t h e del!tb or !Loy on e id tibfl quiet recogllithm ill the henrts of the m 'JU1'nel·t\ thllt the. d eollILsed did whnt h e cou ld whit." He Ii veil to mlt'ke p eople bett er aut! Illtl) _j) i!;!r . 'l'bis w1ll out.renoh tho UlOst 61ocjllon t ph.maes and wIll call . . stit Ut(1 110 UlODUluent thllt will n evor cOl"roda or d ll~ILY. :::iuc h we heli ' ve t,o' be tile eu logy l\u(l t he rnOlluuwn t . pro n ounced ond erpoL c1 i n m omor.V uf Brother I:IflW . o,rd B :ml.h Ol11" Wort.hy Put-roo. His life tlXprto ..8 U s lloh ~entlUleo tti of tiltul anec:t.iun lind n o hillty 0( pUl'pose IL t o exe rt an IJlfioeno {or bett(ll' upo n 1Ii1 \\ ith- whom \,I e oll~ e in tlontll ct . 'rhe!' , i,; in Miami CIlllpter No. 107 O . 1t1 ' S . a IIlnce r o IIpprecin tj(\ n pf. tile life nod c hl1rno· tEll' of Ol1r <1epn,r teu brotber, nnd II lovin .. .. Il0tl h ea rtfelt . sYIU))lithy for our b oreaved Mister . Our JU\1ttltll loss sustained ill Ilis t!epl1·rturfl is k eenly felt . . We reoJt.\l lissocif\tion 'with him und derive Inspira.tion fr~)111 thtlt m em o,·y for g reatar ear~estnes of purllose, stronger loyallY t o ana 1111.o ther and " grel1ter desIre to be brotbel'8 und sI8terS in the fu1161!t signifiol\n.oe of tbe ............ .., Srotber B 60th lived tt us brll. faithfully ItS b,e gone aDd we of of
Mrs. Chenowith Surprised on Birthday. Ou Buster SuudllY April 19, l~ ve· I'y pleasant Sllr pr i,e was cole bl'l~tell, i t b eing the !'s ven ty. eighth birt,hdn y of ~ e thu.nv C henowith. When the noon hOllr oame quite IL &UlJlptllOUS dillnel' \YO!!. s m'v et! 1111 dill utll p le jl1l:1Lic6 _ 'I'h U!ltl pl' S nt Wtll"'lj : ~lr . b~l"tLOk' Cook. \Vif!' .LnU d I' t J b . , ' I. I " IIIlI{ II or'b " <.1 · · ~!~'lv l . uetl·-CI~"l l t I, W lt,~ IllHl. llLUg tor, .1 lam lellllWltu Ilnd \Vit e , R o y h~n () wiLh Imll Wife, 1'iIlDlau Bart.un , wife Iw d two olll l. dren Lovi Llloy l1ud son .Iuoou L 'L' cy, wiffl anll'llilught r lind Mrs. E li , ~'L BUtitn, F.rlln k ~ mit,b. WIfe /lnll so~ , Mi!lsol<! Lenu.llull Goldie Coun r, Mfltlt;r Wi IIi IL III , AUen, .£t~mer~on I1nll Hermou. (Jonner /lnll 'l'uollla!l Llloy lIn(1. fall·dl y O . uo who waS there
Lebanon Post Master En.. CI k d . te'rtains er s an Carries. W. fI . Autrum. Post MAste r at 1".61)aI1011 served 1\ batlquet to one hundred und twenty guasts /3Iltur · day night ut Elks' HIlH, to whloh hl\d invited Illl th~ post mUlItl\r!I 'Warren oonniy, 1\11 the mail oar· clerk8 nnd repreeentAtivetl in the county.
~~:B ~~i~gru~!J~~ i~othAv~v~il:'~I~\;~~
mos tly 100 y un' to r ell1iz e th .ir I . ._ . I !IS tbough m os t o f th e m wil l r e- I Mr . II. n u Mrs. ElVin Fires nnd fam· IlltllllUer 1\ mothe l"s love oou II U\o~h - i1y spent uoda~ with Frank Howe er's c ure . ' aud fl1Ulily, Bllt· w e u\ll~~ re ll:)e mber ltOll be Mr. 0111'1 (JIet\. vt" r of Dayton spent' gl'!l,I,e ful f ur t h o ku o wleg.e Rho hlld Su.turdo,v lind • unday with hi s of of t!Je higher lI fe ere th e s iuldng m oth el' of t lJ i!l )Ill1ce . eurUl e n . v sHel Ca rl ed h er t o le Mrs. O. R. Ungles by oa.lled on ' h r premou s IlIlrge . Anc1lJlfl,Y _we i Mrs. Geor g ' Duvis Fridll.Y after. who btlve kUOW1l her a~ fl· klDd ! noon . hAurtec1 'u s i!! hblJr und frl ud de'..ot "h I . u . df il W It OIl t o !J e r _ fllUlil.Y giving 1\1\ h er J v dar as dUlfl'Y ~Io ndDle y'l CI u ,er str IIgtll IInti Itfe t their pby"it'al ' or uo lAn tlUlI y nn ar eaver Utl tlut! . Willie h er l1erur, yeu r ned to wore t h e _gnest:> of Mr. and Mrs, do tilU J-e for t,hn bettor purt (t he Bll.rkleY~RI~h Run(Jay, , pcu·t, thut WfiS to live wh en the out. ! Mrs _ E lvlll .Flres spent rhursday w!trrlrntl1ruo(l to eurtn !Lnd the !lonl afternoon ,WIth her mother, . Mrs. to U tl wllo gave it ) Hho wl1s look- Jn oob Senra of Harveysburg, iug forwurll t9 hn,vill g he r ohildreu Mrs. t-\T.m Dunn ~nd ohildre\l a.nd nil ra!lclly to al,tend 'I~bbllf;h 8011001 Miss EdU11 Bogan 8pent: . Thursday al.)<1oe trlLined ' in t h e ","l Y of the with Chauncy Bunnell and flimlly. . life.. .M ny we n ot fo rge.t her Mrs , Ed Martin n·nd. Mrs. Geor"'e ... for her 'boys o r our dutyas Ellis were shopping in Wilmington mothel's to smooth thei r PII,thWR.Y \ MondIlY. . and TUBlre the n.e ighborhood more Mr . Walter Jordan 8pent Friday homelike for theIr s.l Ikes, and pray . a.nd· Saturday in Dayton . thli.t· 1\. dOllble portIon of parental . . , love' be given to 'tbelr f~ther nnd Mr8 Job . n Relf1;hway is visl,t ingher ,. ~ d ht M EI G t.hat b~ Illll.y seek '~isdom and under. Bug er ra. . me~. &rr~son. . standing to ~llide tl1em ari~bt. Several from this plaoe Ilttended . tbe Massie '£own8bip. Sunday sohool .,' oonventlon ' at Jonah - Run' ohurch Sunday nfterDoon.
list. Mr . .Tohn Murny II.nd grand· daugllter, Miss Corti. Luoll8 of Mt. Holly were visiting his dautrhter. ' Mrs, Duniel Morgan on last Tn68fluy. Mies Bertha Chenowitb and Ja - , cob were culling on tbeir oOll8in, Mis':! Florence Laoy , lut 'l'hur8day afternoon
Orego ... i~. Miss Ruthe Kersey, of tbe SintoD Hotel <.-'incinntltl, spent Saturday !lnd S~nday with ber parenss here. Will Myers of Newt'o nville spent Sunday with relatives bere: . PrOf. R)1S8ell of Earlbam Cpllege le'otured bere Snnday e'v eni Mis~ Edna Speno~~ ill i. , g. Mr. II.nd Mrs. Uharles BPldI. . 'of Leballon villi ted relll.ti vel here.eGb-
. .. ,
Rev. Weaver preaobed bis ~ well sermon here Bunday morDIo,. Several of bis frleDds , ,ave Clar· .• ence Craddock a sorpril8 Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bba'" moved to ~ear WaYDesville MOD4\-", . Mr. and Mr•. J .oe Kene, of are vl8iting Mr; aod lin. wpa __ ~ .~_ 8ey • .
The Miami Gazette.
('no't wco st ay with :-'1, .. 7' n d :U lI1(!d tb ' olLl llr ho:, ,\ III If' . Ill[' I hl'Ul h,'r (' hlll j.; wll h h I>! IlIllI' u bout !J Is Il1Ill1h'I"R n pr k lI,n, l , lllJ ,tI 111.1.1 tll l1l1 ,~ h lib IIl' :Jl'L w(l lIh l h rr Id<.. " I I<' allf", lilY !(1'Il,'111I ('f' .111 .r " ill wnlt It U h'n'l ' r fo l' tIll' 111\In. Y "'. ' (' 11'" £liah. Pro .. et h _ ...."end in Tim. oC ,Need. I hllll, lItll\ Ih~ 11I w 01 ' I SI·Itt'\ I' II'r'" h l'h I I) I Il/o: h l t o t:t kt tllI'l' l u " al i.. I.,· l it" STOR\' 0 l" TIi ~: .. HtCHW Y AND 11<'1,1. .. alWAY" PREACH£R "TI\I' n \I''' :J bn'l la 11' ." 'rl o(( ' l l lQ ),(1I1I1I:"" r 1/ ,y . li fti ng hi " h" a,1 rJ'(j 11l hI, I" v J' '''h ' . '~ ' , '' l u •• \l lt"", W , S. fi~ .on· l Ill\'th l': ' ~ ~IJUIII er 111111 .' lIJllldl1~ hi. , i I It .• "17 I l.-lObhlll!;, : ' . " Il nsh, nly !'lO ll , ),0 11 n 11l!;t 11 (11 II PI'II;I S(' I j IlI rl ' A lltlCll y-- "n ~,
Making the Best of It. Thnt h blind rn uNl 11 \' 1' i n a w o r l d at 111'11' own, ' hlll o ft f rum all Ih ' in , Ler. ~. t. nnd al'll vitl s of I hel r 1' .. 11 w ' men, I ~ a Jessl'lI illg b.'liof, 1\' !I,'pl'l " " t he j;IAlill ~,' of 0 1\ w ork SllL'h ns t htl st or us dll hJ II cocd I 55 (' r\lelty. l a m any o( lh \! IUU!'t co m mon l ace t!l.$ks .!:-tey k e p pne with or I'YI'O olltstl'lp thos with (ull ensl's. Sal's th e se('· I'etary o f tbe !I: iv York A ssoclallnn (or thl' SlIn e!: "On the stll ff or t il as· socl a tion a htlml st enograph er i s r ',g I. lllrly empl oy ed. I usunlly hu\'c he r t o d o illY work Cur 01 , and lInd th at he Ihak (war l Y\logrnpnl clIl err o r s Ulau uny of the others. , • . When t R 'k ed III . h ead of ou r tel ephon e com· 1l3tJy . lo g h 'e a switchboal'd ror blind ' p~/l le to prac t l e on b t hought 1 was c! azy, That was a Yl'ar a h ad th o p l pnslIro of writing him t ho other rillY allklng for Ih e Installntlon lif II switchboard at our now olllce, and t old him Ul el'e were now In the city 01 " e lY Y ork fiv e blind sWltch uoa·rd op· Cl'litors , two in hospltalll In positions of great I'('spon Ihl1l t y, wh er tit y hlll'e tho nmbullln c . ai l s and oLh er em ergen cy w ork; two In bu sIness h ouses and ono In lhe edi t orial r ootns of a gr l\t New Yo r k dally pap r , 't'hr e of t hese swI tc hboard ope ra tors are wqmen," The loss or on sen " 8 ott n WbllLs the ot h er four to a jleen · n ss which o,'ercom es lhe apparent d eaclen y. Whnt th blLnd u sunlll' lack, say!! ColIIQl" s Weekly, Is OppOI' tlll;lty, and t111:i movoment to ' gi VE th om opport unity should Clnlls t t he "mpathy and h III of all. Cheap Board for Students, How to furniSh c heap b oard to col, lege students Is a I)roblem t.hat Is vex· Ing the aulhorltl es of mony of . u r great Institutions of I nrnillg, Hlln'ard Included, In tbe cunent number (I t McClu re's yeorge I<;ellllan t eils how they manage to give ' board . . l 11 I;: nnd tultlon at the Valllat'ai so unlver· Iit y at Vlllparlll so, Tnd., ror Lhe small !111m of 38 cents a day. If pnym nt Is made 1n advance , for the whol ye:t r the cost ill onl y $120, or 36 cents a day, Although this Instl t uUon hlt~ neVBr had a girt of money from an y source, It II fully eQ ulpped and paytl Its own way, having ample bulldln s and a statt of 162 profeseor s anr! teach ers and more than 5,000 students. Summed uP. say s t.h Boston Herald, the method~ by wltlch these r ernai'ka· b.le resulta lOave been achieved may be described as energy, Intelllgence lind r emnrkllJJle butftness capacity well '1pp ed. The cheapest effective police torce In the world Is the Northwest Mount, 'ed police. whQse t erritory extends from Herschell Island to Kenora-ilie largest police area In the world, Tills entire 'Oeld Is cover.ed by less than 700 men and 250 horses, The work of the police In the old days was rounding up horse thleTes, whisky smuggle~8 and IndJan murderers, Now It ts al. most everythIng else; the chief relic of the old dayti being the horse thlor, Which In that country Is a hud varlety to extermInate, 1\1any of the mounted pollee are now post ed singly In the lIew towns, where Uley do local ail w ell as patrol work,
A MIl.II9achusetts mat;!, 83 years old, was so Sure onc year ago that he would dIe .at the end si x months that lle gave Ilwoy' all hl B property, whIch was con sl d er:! blc, to friends anll .'charlt.ahle jnsU~utlo ns , k eeping only enough to provId e for hImself (or t.ho half year, He dId not die as he hat.! )Jredleled, and the oth er day was lakop. to th e w/II sb ouse, the p I'sons whom he had benetltet! l'ctllAlng to do nn~" t hing Wi' him, The Indianapolis St ar takes occaRion to ]JOint tb e 101l0wln;; moruls: ]\1OI'ul No, 1: " Don' t prophesy IInl ss ye kn ow," Mornl NO.2: Don't give :lowa.,y all YOUI' proller ty wlthQut ~ Citrong sU'jng nt1ach ed,
The beglruting of rag ula.tloll ror movlng-picture shows oftenl a dOtl ble °PPOI·UIDJqr. Those whe become r eo sponsibl o f.oco the wor&t such ellow~ can d. ought to have IlIl Opportut ., to reloun In lUI I solated part or 't he Jail where tboT wUl not corrupt Ita nvEll'~ moral". Thoso wb.e g;et till! best PesIllt8 Possible from the' Iiulli Ile~s, 88\Y8 tho st. Louis Rejlulllle, QJ' f' entitled ~ rank wlt.k eollC!l:e , pres I' de~ta 811 edUcatorii and al s8 with mu" tlmt1tiDlWlJrea If the visIble slIPpiy of ulokBla aDel. dImes can reward them for the the moving-picture abuw of the ·tutur,e may do for the public,
A We£iesle)' coiiegc professor r'!~UkC!l. bel' pupil s for wasting so much time playing brldgt'-a aa'm e whlcls IIb~ deslgnlltCll lUI "a BOn at m entaJ <:hewln~ gum sulled beat to empty minds." Will that t eacher dare to come outside and I'ep at her ' rClmark 7' , Mexicans are UCO;:;;;d of taking ahlpJolldll or Yllljuis out to sell IIDd drowning thf~lIl. Mexico probably wond __ whr It never hit on thlu plnn af UB"eriJlB tbe IDdlau "('lItl" .. q.. 'Ill...
:::.::.:.:(o:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:~::o:.::.:.:4C~ 1
Ihlll;, for Il Is Ihe law whll-h ~h, ~ . '.1 ('Olllllllind or Got! g il 'l' ," 11' , ,'1 '.' I th l' ltlol lll'l"S ,;(' n tl(' rt' b llli\', .. " Hil l d 51f t u" r ll l'l:' h"I'a ll~I' w,' ..'' T he little. w~ have used <lS · God :.: • ..' ••••• ha,·c to I uv ~' U II '! 0 0 SII' l II lin ow .. dIrec ts w i ll always multi ply for + ,., futu re needs, '.' Ihnt I t 1M c l'lIel': " t1l:' m;tlHIl',i I h i' UU) , " :.: alm o ·t fll1l" Iy . :+: . and trouble acco m . •:' " )' ('n, Cl od kl\ol\' ~ all IhlngK," rl!I JIl, .1 ~, pllsh a bl essed mlnlGtry when :.: t h lI1uth ~'r, (Jill tl y: " hil l I,' ,' III l >it 11 ..1 :. : the y cause man to look upward ;~ . ilium tli ~ (;lltl WhOfU th y f a II r r fl' an ' ,1 ', :. andl gi ve God the chance to.~ nlHI l' I"' pel." :.: " Bll t II' \: c,d :.: reach down his helpi ng hand, kll o w ~. w Ill Hu not ~" It is ever true that man's ex · ,~ , Ii Ip '!" 11 I'si st d th e b oy. ..' trem lly Is God's opportunIty. '.' • "Ye " Hll Ok 11[1 t.h e olhel' bu)" '. Duvid said: " I have been '.' 1 " .~ I'! 1'. " " 1,1 not 0111' t alh<'r b ll'~'; II I'! III yet.' · G '. ' young. and now am old; ..' have I not secn th e righteous .:. ttl nll rn ' o f hI s od u.,<; hC' IllY d yl ll ~ , ,'. ', •••• IIlId did Ill' not SIl Y .thilt (: ",1 wou ld .. forsaken , no'l' his s~ed begging • ,:~ ".4 nr fo r li S ?I' ~: bread," The w i dow d id not :.: " Y s, " whl s,,"' r(',1 Iii nrol her. " have to beg. God always pro, .:' "Anti won ' t. !I c': " !t' vi des an honorable way of sup. ~.: " Yes ," agai ll wlli sper (' d t il<' m Ol hpr. ... plying our nced, •• "'I :.: God's glfl,5 arc only limited by':: ., l e C0 1i1t1 n ot SIlY fl O, COt· IH'I' (,o y ~ ',,' must not kllOw t hat sit e dllUUI ,'(ll h" l' •.,• th e room we provide to receive ., , It! them. .., UUII, and )'(' t doubt wu ~ In h\! I' lear t ',.', •••• th.u t' God would ot" co uld help h ~r III ~ The l as t vessel marke d the .. '.' and ,.. the!;l' nt ex t r emity, .' limi t of t he widow's f ai th .:' L on aFter th bOl's bad r:lll n In 0 ~.' measured the flow of the oil , .. t III I I I' tt I k I ,~ She obta I ned from God only.·. !L rOil C( s e ll B I(' flat I n' It ' . :+:~ what she had prov ided room to '.:'. H ,.r " I," e,;" k ptI rlll g l ng II n h erI nl'~, I!.' receive, .:. anu t 1 'Oil S (l USH S~ t la~ t; Ie hatl I~ IIOt t urlled 10 Gorl In It I' tl'u ub l ~ It 18 our cnpac l ty to rece i v e ,.. she Hhou l d h:1.I' d one 'I' II' lI11 nn ' lIP,' '+' an d not Ood'u ability to give ~. and mude h I' r I gulllY anll un CO III' ~ wh ich dete,rm lnes ho w much of ".' fOl'laul , ~: blessing both temporal and :.: ~ spiritual we sh;;)" receiv e, ••, " I will seek t h e Il ro lllle t P.llilhn,' · Rhl) ';. ' .:. (>xcl aim od nt Ins t. " P "rha l' Hl It e w Ill ~: The empty vessel s of the :••: helll' and u abl e to help In tb e nlll ll ' ... neighbors Is s uggestive of the .. or h is C od," world 's poverty i n heiplng t he:; RISing In olw dl nce I th (' I ho usht, {Ie needy 60Ul. Pl ent y of empty,•• sh e w n t soCi l y to til e door, I Ilt sh ~: vessels, but nothi ng to nourish ::: shoull! wakfl he sl eepl ll g boys . an,l , {Ie and satisfy. Such al one God '.' (,I flenl ng It qui til' , pusse d swlrlly o ut ••, can supply . ... '.' lu\o th e night, ... ,., Aga i n the empty vessels may ••' Th e ligh t was jllst u r ,O~III~ In th o ~, lIuggcst how much God depends :.: east when sh r turned . Th bOYB ~: upon the help of others In doIng ::: w ra li tlll sl ellin g, alld sh o w t' nt alt tl ~ hIli work . The w Idow mU6t ex.. ,.~ stood ov('r'th m. A new IIg illt of h o ve ~ hau st the human ability to help aral. 'h e I' sh on In II I' ruc~ u ~h 1.' before God ,co uld begin to do ••, look d down upon them ancl xclalm c Ll '.' hi " paIL, •• , Joyflllly,ov I' nnd 0 \ ' (\1' again : -6 ••• ~ It Is only the empty vessel .:' " 1 shal l not Jose lhem ! j ~ hllli n ot :.: for which God has need, Sup . . :.: los th l'll1! I shall not lose lh m.!" pose , now, that the ' w i dow, ,:~ But Lh cre was muc h she 1lI1I!;t du. '.~ whose poverty and need un· :.: Th pr ollhet harl snld to 'go ami gath ,/' :~ doubtedly were known, had been ::: nil Uw emp t y v ssels 8h eould hClr. :.: ' offered vessels full of various ~ row, and sll mut; t ob y . H astily call. ~. ' things to eat, and being ~ontent ••• Ing h r flons elle sen t th e)l1 rllrth III :.: with the pOllsessions In si ght. ::: on _ dlr ctlo n, ,vhll e sh e w e'nt I n an, .:~ she had f'lot let fa i th look toward .:' oUlel'. :.: the blessing which GOd had to :.: "Emllty" ss el s ! Wh o CY I: .h eard 01 ~~ give, tlhnk how much she~. /i uch'a r equest?" cxclaim d 'tI1I'I neigh. ••: would have mIssed, But Is It :.: bOI'S, "Had Ihe pOOr wluow .:~ not so With us ? We take the .:' razy?,' g0I113 vellels filled with the wOt"ld 's ',.'. .' • Bllt back nlld f Ol'th, ba ck ifUld tanh , :.; offerings and have not room for '.' apparently uncon sciou s o f th e wonder • •:. that greater blescing Which G.od :.: Ing l ooll s of her n eichbol's, I)a!!sed the ::: would give, ::: Wi dow nlld h er sons with the em pty The wldo,w in her ,need turned .~ V ss Is- pots and JUI's alld basIns IInll :.: •:' to God fir.t and then to her :.: all mallller 0[ dlshes-untll th e uur,) ••' neighbors, How often In our .:. floor or the lItlie cotlO"e was' qullFJ ~ b .~ Q '+~ trou lea we reverse the ord er, ••• cnvered, :.: exhausting every human appeal ::: "\\')Iot CR n she be going 10 dO ?" for help before aeeklng God and ': ' W!llI the ()u es tlon bein g a.sked . on ~ his bleulng, :.: every side, us th e lIelghuors ga there,l ~ The godly IIf. of the departed ~, In little groups Iwd tulked at the !t' father w:"s the but legacy ~:: widow and b er trouhl es. And tllCY ~ which h. cou l d leave to hi, w ife ;.: saw th e credItor coming to LUke ' the ~ and two 60ns. The .pathway of .:. uoy s they ,shook their h ead s anO sUld : ¢~ faIth whIch he had travejed :.: "The g r e<lt trouble WhIch huth fall en ~ pOinted out the way they Ihould !!< uJlon h et' hutb dri ve n her I1Illid ," ~ : go In time' of need , :.: "I have come tor the boys, '" bluntly. ~ Tho devil, like the creditors .} almo st brutally, spoke the Cr('dltOl', ad ~ of thlll poor wIdow, II standing ~ be followed t he mother Into t.'.1e itOU RO ~ waiting before the heart's door, .:~ after on of h er many 1I'l ps, "Whem ~ eager to aeize upon III dearest :.: nre they?" he exclnlm d, wrathfully, treasure s, but there I. nothing ::: a glance around Ole IJtllo ltnl'e ,room ~ to fear a. the 1I0ui look, up and .:' told him that they w or not th/)r , and ~ khno wa that Jeliua has paid all ::: then, a s his eyes Cell Ilpon .11l motley t e debt. ~. ' '.' array o( em pty v Bael s scutt red ov er t.-::.::':+:+:.::+:.:+:+:.:.:.:+:+:e:.:+:+:+:.:+:->:.:.! th e fl oor, he Jau gl l d del'is iYelv, an d suld : THE STORY. "Hast th oll truded th em for· these7 'Tis but thy folly, l or they b r lollg t o ~ ce:'ial n vl1l~ge In th e l und of :n C'," . 12 'Bel III (hI' lillie E llshn til . "1'\ 11: bllt I woultl hn ve O!l e I,arlln :; propl ~e t th er e IIv cl a wlel oll' and II p- I' wo rd wllh my SOIl U," th e wId ow es tw o SIiIl S u [lon w hom a 15l'oat 11'0uule c lillmed, ul1nbaah ud, a Ill! os Ilt Ihat mohnd flll1en. Sh Q' was I n debt, and th o m ent thc t'wu b o ~' " ca m e 13 tl L' U with n xt ctay th l" ~ red l tol' WH R comi ll g to olhel' I'es sels Ul e c red ltrn' f elt r ea _· drnl; h el' two 'son s Into bondage b('. sur.eel 0 11<1 .. with th e cond oscl' I1e1lng all' clluse Fhe was un nbl to 11 :1 :1 hIm th e o f on e who Is sure of hb (1IIOI'I'Y, h e m Oll ey I hnt was due 111m, for It was stelj llCd witho ut whil e tlw willow & law In l~ r lle l that t h e creditor wn s c l of;('d lind uUl'rcd the .:1 0 01'. 'eotlt led Itl clnlm the per sOIl and th c Th e moments dl' ug ~ c d t helllselvcs chlldl'ell of the d ehtol', ou t IIntil It seem eel to th e (!1'~ lIli ol' Only the IInr bofore tll' Widow hnt! standlrlg WIthout t1ll\1. ·It lI ar! u e~ 11 been t o Ihe hou ~ e or the Credltgr, anll, hours. Angrily pou"l dlng on l h o d oor tailin g In nngll iso at hIli f eet, h at! 1m. li t last, when bl s Ilati!l tic e would 11 0 plo :ed that ho walt ~'e t a. little l onger l on ger b/'ool, delay, he demand cl that and sh e would try to ]lBy the deut. the two boy s come forth, But ho hud tu.rned n dear ear to hfll' In response there come a gl ad cry pl eadIng and w i th brutal bluntness from within as th e wIdow cXl!luhned; had t.Q!l1 he.r that on tbe morrow h ~ "They ILre all filled!" would come to ' Ulkll lillr boys to be his "All filled! What does It Irwau?" bond,servantN. exclahn ed the creditor, ";"ot the 13 r oke n b ea rted and dlsco ur~ged sIlt! empty vesscls! Filled with what?" But at that mom ont the dOor was had I'eturn ed to tltll Ilttlo uure cot. tage, It wa~ a dear' SI)ot to ber, for filing open and th ere wltaln was r e' therll sue hnd lived with her husband vealeil to the astonl:\h d gaz(l ot th a.nd son!! fur lUany years. The hUsban'1 creditor and , th ose gath ered nhollt, the anti tath ev hat1 belonged t o the prieSt . ,'essels filled with the frag rllnt all. Iy ord er, utld aJlhou::h In the low apII" "~ow I will pay . thec," cried the .H uIII con(llt lon of the nhllon lIe hue! widow, jcytul1y ; and my SllM shaH go 'had hard wOl'k to lIeCllre a II villg, still free," , by careful llllltlaging ~nd subsisting Oet Busy. on the Illalnest and cc 4J'selit of fooc\, You Cll>lnot cancel the cUfltom of they hael matla~e.d to g', t alung, Then hael come lh e ~r e tlt ~.Jrl'ow into the ' preylng' lln your fellows by oc:cuslonal home, the denth of th e bu sband nli ll praying: to yOur Fat !lel' above, father. ant! with thell onl,l' m ans uf The Good· Life, PUP1l0l'l gone Ihey s('On iound th em . selv es in ore 81 ralts, ant:! gradually . A good life Is Imllo!lslble until on~ h a\'y c\euls hart aceunm!ated Ull liJ knows that tbere Is ' ever sotnethlnlO now t he credlto, ' ...·us about to t :", o more desirable than livIng. her S01l8 Into bondage ttl lIatisfy hili Mind Your Own Buclneu, clolma, Tbere Is l t U promise of a "Only 'ono more night," sbe thought, .rlghteousness ror prollclency tearCulli, ' as ' sbe Rathered her two lating your neighbors, boys aboilt hl'r and tried to t~lJ thclU gently posllble that · they UIUF.l Rell prayer. loave her Oil tho morrow 10 IOUII nlled wIth love '~ut WII don't wallt W EO. moUler. dol. to Dleaae God II re-, SER·MONE TT E.
. ;~ U)' lh
I .\
~: ~
LAMPS ~ CANDlfS '"A~~~~~i~~
fr ill .,' lIf c'). ·nl· I'l')' slll l Il ' a cl~ , IUl'h IIml II half III a !: lO Ll wltlt h fur' Ihlll h· III ~I'. I ho ci;;h >:;OIlWt IIlIPS <Iou blo lhl , "' l llI'h i O! usc ,l. 'I'll " th ( " ,!twll Iw all f i ll ig ' urI liltS, hl. '\\ <') \'p l', I'llt her 10 (ll'Io' III UI ' O't'cts tl llll. t o Ilirllpln er • 1111111 ' nl l'n IHh l ll!:';. 'I' h, wp jl l' I h;) Shtttll ', whl 'h Cunll N f, 'UI' , hallo w Iwa l, Iv pl<, IlIl IY Ijc I 'ft iJ>l lr' . bl' hu \II 1'0 'j l Jl " I ~ h 10 bioi , Ih jll ll "II~ .. f t h,! Ill ll k tl II>! wl,ll a ~ llw t't! ' l'''.
III 0 II It gni l\ nt 'hIn l' np wc!lt h ! llI" II It (I I'll n' dl \' hnd . 11 1'0 l 'I'ch'nn' .('I"II{ loll t< I'elllll l'k' hk ' 1'1)1' t h " I I' 10 " Ihll'~ s alill fol' th ' (' h II r 111 I n ~ II ' ht l hl'Y Rh elt OIl!' "tight fun y , II ffh llllll. I bat ~ u c h ~ 1' ll tl .. S :\1' IlIl t>ud'll sol 'Jy III I' " \l 1111 I I' )' h<l uH'.' 111111 hllllll oi I' u ~" , bUI \; u','h It; 1I 0t I h ll U ~ l' , T hl')' I Illr be lI ~l'cJ ill lit ')1'" (0:', Illa l 1'00111 1; wIth ] 1l'l' f.' ('t ILlllt , Alil hal OUl' np d s 10 he ml n<!rul or Is In hu v. I II~ til !' s ll r l'(ln ndltt /o;~ sliow a l'l;lt I' Ii 11.1'1 11011 .1 11'11h I hI' OI'('tOIIl I(', ~'tt r th i' t all I'Y~ lIIl \Ja llO Il I lalill ' whl (' 11 Ul't liS Oft('11 Util'tlltl IIh l'ar l 's :tll tl hill In,>: 1'00 tll ~ ns III I he IHnlll1; I' om, I'rl'lOIHl e ~hnd lls (I n.' a nel' rl' <'t arCH IlI· (JItIlI IIlPIlt. Th e ~' ll hll w t o e X t ' i11'nt ad, ,·:tn t:l gt' \\'lw lI ~ iH' 1I " 0 Inlll'lI ~l' n '.' I,el w " 11 ihe ta hlt' Ul'un wh lr h tilt' InlHiJ I·l'sl s. li nd t h(' lop of t h ' ~ h n tl .. , Fonl' ('I I' I ~ II I''' t nsh l(lllt' tI inlt) UI'" " PI'Y l'IT '1I1'l ftlHl tl l' f o r 1\ ,',dillli :t1 c r y '. l al lUI II) wh ich . ltul , l ~ nl " " ' ~I :11) i IlI'lH'H rl'flln lHlHt' I " It ' ll. 'I'h lo! <lIs\( s ,) i erl't onlll' III uS llr... I :! i ll('h ' ::l flI' 111 111'1' I n IIi, IIII(, I " I·. T h l' 1J1lttel'n n ( I hp 1I1al ,'111 1 Is "lIm ll I;illk ls \t n lld urown lit Wen; III ('llIs l r s 0 11 a dl'l'll 'I·,.:tlll hlll 'k):l'tlltllt.!. LIl I'I(f' 11 ~ lIrto'~ clll lilt I dk at; w{-II. t"SII(' ,'1! II," w llt'll l11ufl., u p 111' 0 " hall, 's o f l e~s simple sl ,l' 1' : W It,1' r!'lime'" al'e s(ll tl in ill(' l'hu(l q I't' all r to I llullnl t hc cr c t n llll (' (In. bIll I t IH g II t' I'a ll ~' 11ll' enst' thll l ex (' lu sl,'" ~ h a " !i h il I'''' 10 be cOI,l ed hy 11 11 IIll1 al eur Itlu k er or 1!l1;' Ih l' Shltl,j' I uUJ,;'h t ('OOIIlI ' 1 In lit s\J OI'. If UII ('[Ill hlt v , a CI'U IlI COllI e" 01' "l't :\11 o dtl Itllli prelly oll e III Its " It It' lu ll 'olld l llu lI , TlIe t h e 1" t Is rl'a lly rlll it e ~ 11I1jl I , f a 111' lll sks an' C O \'C I' U with I h e t onll . 0 th at a ll ~ h o d isk >! Hhuw nell y Ilh ~ SUntp II I'I'UIIJ; OllJ C'lI t uf I he !luwers, 1'11 ' i nslele or eu h l' It'I'l e' "I th fram e I;{ th lm liu l'ct with SOlO r lh l l mutf' rllll, ellhcl' It s ilk 01' IL col 1011 III cr eam 1'0101' 01' 1\ silltdl.1 wh ilh will I:;oft II th c lI ~ h t uut 1I 0t d l lll I . A 1'0 It II d I h' Illw('l' t'(I A'f' or I h ' rll sk s, \\'hl ch u re jolll 'd l og I h r Lr sid e nt :t pollll a Iltlle 1 bo,' e til cenff,,' hurl i ollta l dlam tel', Is Il ' \I'n 11
A ilia:· ... /.: I'a (' ' f ul shad .. Is Itull t 11 )1(1 11 , I'U'UII II r 'a m . 011 '0 l lllll " 1'1'(!lllls ~uoI · jl ... n l y from I h l' chlnllHT SIII1I''' ' L ,\ Ulll'I' tit ·tlllar ,\tllntl l~' 1I0 ll'l' r" tI c r ll' tU1I1I I ~ Il hlrn'u III a h l!;h 111'" lallill nt.; dun ul' rr lli. lIlid thI s Is so ~ hnjl< '1 1 Ihu t I t 11 II rro \" f) IlIlll Wltll' II S, HU lhal II h"'l Iini Hh ecl til,' fri l l iI: in ,Il'l'l' 1«' 1111 111'';, T Ill.' 1J : I ~ p (If th frill JollIs I h., top o r 1\ lWlrl 1l ;11 st rai ght l:u lla r hll /O;I\IIII; I I I' I: 1I 1IJ, T hi s Is CO l' 'I'eu Wl t lt Ih .. C " . 101111<' all() 0 \" '1' It Is l a ltl II ~ t t'ill (I f ",>en ' \\',II'k Ill("c.
Th !l slun . Ihl! " h ael l' pl' u\, el', 1Il:l\l p In 1\\' ... ~ .. l'li Ul'~ uf r' r etu.lIIl1', ,,(' II (Jill) l' II L III lit .. ll)jI In IIll1lil'f' lhL ~ l y l (J 10 III. ~ llu l\ l ," I.Vtll' th fm llll!. C:ul'h set:, 1l1'1l rn!'ltl ~ a do II pu lll t III t l '" Im lltlll i. 'I'h l'SI' al'l) lincd n nll lI'I It I Ill (~( 1 w I t h , !HIITI' \\' plll k ( 'ry~ tn l f rlll!!l' . Thl' .. ,'lUll tor lll Pd by I h,' ~1.'C 1i IlIl '; III hic1tl"1l by II n <J.I'I'IIW (J ltl lllll {; III I II',,' IUIII'II r luiJu lt h IIf ll ll Inl'll wi d... Thl' lIu \ll l lll; '" [,r u ll l.el's I hI' I'I'I'UIII)' \till" ot I h,' 1'1',,· IIl1l n" u:u: li;:r 1I1HI u ll a lil " cl ' I'I' pl ll il or I r ' 'i1uworR, .
Abundance of Lace Essential for the Proper Effect. •
lion s :rntl I It I' at o f lll.. t1 ('~it;1I id I fL tll ·tll hllllg l nllt\on , Xllr r \lW rlu · (Jll lll in/{ makes Il p r II y tri m , UOII m l ng f or slludeA ,cr th is k ind. lind Ie th t' SlJll iJ' Is not too 1ntl'lCltt lind It · I'eg ulal' t\ v I'Y narrow l'ystal rrln ~ ', a l'ol1nu th e ci ge w Ill IJ(' 1111 alltl \llon . Ono f entlll'c or theRe ~ hud, Ii Is Ihnt th y IU' 110 (lI sll ), mn(1 at IWllie Ili ld al'!:l so In )( \1 ' Illliv ' that on ma)' h a l'" dl!! r en l Ollt' 1'01' ' v r )' IIUJ.or l ullt cic, cas 1011 ,
.., I
u I s uffe~ed untold misery from fem al e troulllcs. My d oct or saicl anopc l'l\ • t ion was the only chan ce I bad, !lnu I drl'adetll t ulmostas much os deuth, .. Ono dllY 1 r cn(l how o·th I' wo ml'n h nil b ec n cured by L ydln. E , ftiuldww 'lI Vozctable Compound, and I decid e.! to t.ry it. 13efo1'e I hnd t al(cn thc 11 bo ~ Ue I wlis better. and now I am cn. tirel y ttl'cd. .. Evcry woman suffer i ng w ith an,. f cmale t.l'ou hle "hould tllli~ L y ,Ii:. I!!. l'iukhnm's Vcg tnblc ornpounu."
FACTS FOR S~CI( WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia El.
ham' V ge talJ1e Comp lind,
r iJlk. D1.alL~
The Pbwer c1 Love . LOI'o nn mlLny ponolls nnu as many cl'f'utures as y01\ J)ossl lJi y CIII1, Lu \' s Is Ihe only power by wh ich YO\l UII Wilk e yon1' s~Jr ric h In a ru o ~al wo Id. -Dlacld e,
In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S F OOT,EAS E. A powd ' r . It cures pllill f nl, Bmartl ng, n en 'olls
et and Ingl'llW lll !; nalls,
' It's the great ot comfo r t dlsCOyol'j' ut
t h ago. ~1ak Cl.S n ew sh o('s asy , A c!'rtaln Ollre for Bw enlln;: r t. S Id b y nil Dnll;1I'hl t R, 26c. A cce pt n o /lub. sUtute. '1' 1'1111 (Jackog , i,'R EE, ddl'ess A, S. Olmst d. Lo R oy, N,. 'ii,
The Wrong Ten se. Doroth ea 's father was sitting before /l. 'wlndow In his couutry houile w I h The Ilr ill c(!ss dr liB r lt'h w hIte D oroth('a on his \rne s, HIl was l oo k, matel'illl, a SOrt ,,' ' avu m ad ol'e l' a Ing across tile fields with nns el llg luslt'OUR silk foundatiOIl., !Il " OIlIl of Iho eyes, when the los sle brok In on hIs pretl l st al'l'llng m ellts on cOllld se- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -, r vcrle with, ."" hat lire you look I nil: l eet fOl' a White w e(\din~ gllwn, It T:ll g ulo ck hal s Ill'OIIl Ise to ue ex, at, plllla?" __ can be made with a \.r IIlC ss lace yoke tr m el), I)opulnr. "I was l ooking Into the (uture, my and coll ar nnd I U' IIICl'S~ lac' In· Cold and ~ II\' ,I' gau 1.O l'ihholl ~ can dear." SClt:tlon for the sh ould 'I' t'tr ets. \\'h l l b' wOI'n 011 Ince gnrl\ a ha l s. " The future, papa! I thought I t "'A I slI'night Iln<'s ar extr m Iy sty lish, A II th new :tpproved Frel~clt mot!. Into thu plIsture! "-Hal'ller's WeekI )' . yet Ibo hrld.' Is permlll ('t1 to h av() t h e I uf hats are \\'01'11 slmlght on the woodlIlI; . Bklrt mude entTul n wIth a II au, Too Free' Sp~ech, Some of th early liats are ' charm , good s w e 'Il nnd ri ch lace tr lmm!tl!; The allegations made during a tr1sl that sets \I'ell over the ijllk , No tllr, Ing in their combination or 'heartul, tor " bla "hemy" raises the whol e qul,lsreJ'ence how muth 1;"0011 l ace Is u s d, nesl! Ilnd warmt.h, A sm art little three- tlon of cQllrtesy and kIndlin ess In 1l,JIbIt l'Ie\'er makes a thin wblt!.) dress too cornered arrangement In CI'(111111 co l, IIc dlscusslou. Ridicule and sarcdsm elultoru te, . slnce man y rea lly h avo a red cloth with a knol of brow n vel. arc Jlermlsslble, and etrecUve wea pon. lact! appearunce, Of course, IC one can Yet at olle si lle hollIs In plac a bunch In d " bate, but mere vulgarity and pul'chust' ~h e l Ace I'oue!; to w ('ar ,o\'Qr of sn ow drops, \'lu\ eI8, lIad a ,high os· auu 3c or Irreverence In d.;allng with th e s ilk rOlludatloll, something gor' prey of shaded b yaclnth nIld jonquil . Bubjects that are sacred to alh rll, ant geu ufj cun b e had. Th eS e 1'0\)0 patterns Pretty blu'8 soms ht tile maul' anil not to b e con founded wIth free s{ll<!l.'ch nre Imi de or chlrron. r lebl y IIltd uellU- vttried ahudes of salmoh p ink Ot' rQse, and cannut be tal rated,-Uoyd ·. I\rully uonler ed wit h the uest Iltlle. l emou yellow, white, or deeper ombllr (Enij'.) News, , Th ey III'C 'cry t'X pensive In Ih e Ilner for m lovely trImmIngs to lulie, lace materlah;. Somo or the s sheer I'obes 01' mousseline de sClI hu t s fOI' res tatl· A Counter Stroko. , ar e showlI OVC I' roilllllatlons or fltr llJed rant 01' theatel' WBUI'. Th lwlgs nre A styll shly·dressed woman entered .sllk, thc linIng silk bei ng lL IUlltl'OllS llhlt!en uen ath lh e Hillell'tl or of tlo l'al /l. Chili so laundry and paid fo n l1ud dull ijlrlpe or whIte Ihat look s, 1J :mly, while u tIny Imllch at Ilale l aunclertjd shirt. preHy ul' neath th e chll!OIl, giving Lhls gr en l ellllels h ere and tll el'e etnnds "Why do YOll wear tbose 'rats,' I season's l lUtlern schem e in IItrlllea. lou't from thl' I1Il1 ij~ of del'''ate color. tblnk yOIl call thom, la your h air ?" In·' qull'ed the Chinaman, who ha d an lu· quisltlve t urn of min d. "Tush, M[. John," r e" llft(1 hI s CUB tomel'. " I alwa ys thou ght ',' wall 'hi. n se otlquette not to tal k a" ouL lh & thin gs they lIko bost. " Tho Oriental bllnk ctl h Is oyes a th. laily pussod Qllt.
_ ..
LOST $300. Buying
Medicine When Right Was Needed.
Money sp ent for "tonIcs" and "hrac· er e" to r oll~ve ludlgesllon, wl.ll.l o IIi. Iloor old st ollmch Is !.lUt! 'd With try nml [,urk, is worse Iha n 1 0 !llJt ~ a [loekethooll containing t he Illon oy , If . the money oll l y Is 10Sl 1\'s 1m I) enough, but with lost ll calth r'rOItl. wrung enting, It Is hal'd to nlalce the money back. A lI11eb, young lady' lost mopey .. drugs but Is thqnkflll sho l'fiund .. wu'y to get back her hClalth by llro[l!'l"' tood. She writes: "I had been 'a rlctllll of nervous dy " pepSin tor six years and spent turoe hundrod dollars for treatm ent In tha a ttempt to get well. , None at It dId me any good, . "FInally 1 tr'od GraDe·Nuts Ccod, and the resultll were such tbat, It It. coet II. dollar a \lllcknge, [ would not be wltho\1L It, My trouulo bnd .h een
'Wl'itcs to Mrs. :Pm.kham:
fr m root:; nnd harbs. has becn the stan<lard r mcdy for fama1e m~ Rndhaspo. it iv lycur d t houf!nlltl;;ol .,,[01111" I.'tllllll p s(iud Il al'l' II:1ll1 l )' w omen who !In;yo b en tl'oubl d wilh :r lllt UI'II11 II I IlItll IIII' I hI' dhllh'r I IIUll ', displnccmcnt , illfiarumn.Lion, u1 {' I'll. Co p b~ III llIi ll lulltl' of till' 1I11t1P !lha!It'>! tion, i!!)l'oid tumors. irrcg'u.Jnl'it il'~:t w i ll ntf ('Il 1111'11 Ultt s tt tlsrll~' IOI·lly. periodic pruris l backache, thl~t; I It'H1'. Th",)' Ill'e , a lilllt' mOl' d lfll('u it III m g·downf eling, flat.ulcn Y1 in liB' ' S' hUlltll lo! on IWC:O II 11 I u f th II' si z ' , S mull tion,dizziJ1cs orncrvollS pro tYI:atlllll. Why don't you try it '( pnltums 0 r lite lI ow I' II IlIlltt'r ln! fl i' l\lrs. Pinkham Invites nIl slt"'k Ilw 0111,1' (1 IlClS ~ ltllubl' rlJ l' !'h:tll ~ , IInl ,~s un o I II' ' fel's h) hll\'I' wom n to ."'l·lte h Cl' for ndv1c '. sonr ethIlI 1;" o f II 0 1' sha dT~llt, wlw l' , Sbe hus lX'ulde<l. thousa.nds to heal th. Address, Lynn , Muss. Ih hug' lIu I,' I' Ill' dil'p lny Ll III ' e ',
This woman says she was sn't'ed' from an opera.tion by Lydia. E . Plnkbam'sVcgetable COU1l)OtUlU .. Lcnn. V~ Henry, of Norristown, Ga'i
Th~so embrolderoll fral'lloll are very decoratlv.e, an" form 11 very dabit)' gift, especially tf Ute embroidery Is worked.. by the giver, Ar t linen or Dill!. may I.e used fOT the fOllndatlon, The flowers and bows are worked With ChllUl 'f'.Ibbon, ,the l eaves In autlQ-stltch, and t.he Btalkl In cording:stltch. (n No, 1 we show half (he de61gn tOr elleh pauel, also hal! the size, and outline for eutting the foundation; say thut Jlale gl'cen Is used fOl' the ground, then tho r cses would bp. In plnlt, lind tho sOlaller , nOWel'S In lIale ulue ribbon; two 01' three sbndeR ot gl:een silk or mercerIzed tln'ead for the l eaves and atalks, Tho bow would be In pale Ylo'llow rlj:lboll, fixed by gpld seQuins and beads, ' . The foUndation Dlaterlal should be cut to allow one-half In eb turnlnJ:s all round. 'Jlhe cal'dboard foullda.tlon is cul' exact to olltlln\l. Till) CHI'd should be very strong, and I wo l,leces \~1l1 be needed for eRch tlIInel. In one nn open, Ing Is cut liS Indicated by dotted line In' No. 1. Cover this with IL tbln loyer of wadding, then wltb lho emlll:oldery, Out the tlllening In materlul a little .maller than In card, The t'dgetl of tbl8 opening must be not(1hed so that they may ut! turned In over £!lie or card and fixed by 8eC!)o.tlne to the Inside, the outer edgel being lhe Slime, Down the edgo that comes next the second ' panol Ill: a strip ot ribbon or material about 1% Inch wIde to torm a hinge, which IIIUJ1t al~o be fiXEd to tbe second 1l81),el. A plOOB of clear glass lIIust now be placed at tile back ot nvonlnc, Dnd fixed by strips of )jnen and ROOCOtlno at the edg.., The eardboa.rd for back Is covored with iateell. 8nrt must be axed by sec,lOtine to back I)t pouel. levin, au QI8Il1DS at bottom tlarouab ·
au, tlIe pJaotolP:allb.
callsed by eating rich (ood slwb na, p'as~ry and pOllk, . uTbe most ,!"onderful thin,: that ever happened to me, I am sure, wa-.. the change Iii. , my condlt1im alter I hegan to eat GrapCl·Nuts. I began to' IUlptove at once aud the first woo l!; calneCi rour )lounds. "I teel., that · I cannllt e:t ~rC!\R ,my. .. Belf In terms that nre wor' !ty of th~', beueHt Grape-Nuts hM hrought t~ ml), and you Bre JleI'fectly treo to' pu bllsh this letter I~ It \\'In lend som., peor sulrerer rellet, Buch as has com9' to me." -
. ~.m.
YWer ~ •.~.~ ...~~za.~"f.1o."'11~~
D, atthf' 1.lopnt , "!''''al ts! n vuln f(IT 111(' ('rOlf'/<, I hI' L'h~ ('tlS~II, ot '" 111'00'1-
J "
, ,
I .
to h' 'eO' ''" .". m, ",... k 0." '.:!~, II' h,' fils to tn 'tu th e '~llrJd" II)" 1"1-":1 1 pn,l () I' th e ('o mpn l')' ('(1111" ,1 frlln 1)lar. :HIII r':l rllC'T I h:l ll 1' !lV" tl·OI'· '
q00d J 0 k
Ir.===================;'1 I .
~S 'D
): '('. hI,. tJl IIppl"':<. lfllllilJ!c P:,l Yll u t:al'ly l!=: COl' 11<'1 r ~ nHl lllll f' r" t ho ncal. II , 1:< do· A N EARLY TEST. Thankful. 0 , . ,,,, ' 1'>r1irl lH'11 to ntl t IJI' ., gal a ('lllI:.;ht lit a "J hllP your cl)nsll l llon Wi arn grut'" ~ I01ilur 11"11). A fow O1O:1Ih,. lui 'I' ~ n 11 wa s rloso to mltlnlght. Ilnd' al- : t ul to y(,) 11 for whal you h lwe done Cor nlll r a;;ell t (lP IJt:Hrs, Il l) prolllls"~ All ooe d Who leCOlIc. .H Ollse'S Grow in g . to "e ll a farm wagon, somothin:; lh oll~h fl he hnd yawned a doze n t1111e3 thrm:' , 1l 1ch T hrough Tr ~ de Secured by " J hOlle 80 ," answered Senator (CoP),l'll: ht.) OIHP-, PC"·!l,I PS. that III ' f!lrmCr n f'C' <lR. d:l r llll;' lIi l' IIUf!t h alf hour, h e stared org hnnl: "bllt '/ mtlst COllrell!; 1 am A:Jen t s Who Work ' In t he at a prl (' • so low Ihlll tll C' , f:( r ln tlr re el~ nn and 11'led 10 g('t up f' 1\()\I ~h n ervI' r o u doubllesa nevol' I~new ] Ilcl(lI or 1\' ba.d hU!III()cl (J ll1 nnrl chal'/;cd to· to I pst his fato. A s Ill e r loek stl'llClt lhalll,ful for Ihe dl'l'nn g men t whi ch Rural 'Di stric ts, frl 'tl dly . 1 h~' rl'late" hllw IlIl wa~ done 1l<lc l{enSIl I;; which Is YOlll' lost; mtll ,I' wllnl th " front !ta tll. Bn l jll HL II/I W (l lIP b~' t hI' form I' agcnt. Th en I he 12 he (IlLlk a 101l ~ 1)1"lltll' and I' l1eh,," mahe~ e(.lll1pen s!lflon rov my senl ell 1111111 his. rO j', wit 11 11 L111WIl nr(' 11I'oh. I' ':.1checl It, th e doo r o[ (h ' housu It I s till' desl rl' to A'c t ho rgaln~. to l m l'{'l or tl11'IIS loose his vlab u( wrath . rol' lI er hand anrl sll hl : "~II!1R ntubl\Y Inil Jl,endent of th ' g ratltnr\(. llr my lill y vC'ry Ina ll Y people who :11' much up<>lIt·rl and oul ('filliP. J·IOI·wn:;l'. lean· bll Y som 'Ihlnl-' at "rices su low as will II c occ lI!>es Ih t' concern I' 0r 'senl c(l - .\l au!1p- e\' I' slnc I m ct yon Ilt th " CCJlIIllituf:Uls:'- Washlngton Star . lil, c' YOU . lit 1'0 Is bu t onl' Hll'kM, In!'; on th' JW I1I If Il ta ll, u\'(Ja.l ·shoul · pi nl c IIl ~ t SUDliller 1 have \)()on madly F roUi I he i 111 0 when id as nI'S( b : dlel'cd rClll ow wh011l I 11l1111udlatcly r I'· "81\.1'e U II I I'S' IIl'1lfits," th at ColSts maul' by Ih Il l'st .3 'Pllt as a r obbl'lg outfl l , ONLY FIFTY PER CENT, In lovp wltli yp tI ," I'\nn 10 I'U:1RIIIl.ll In lli o Cllvil y tlml oa- ol; nl zlll l us lIils lln ss. ' 02. I 1m IV hIm re ~l donts of ru ra l (;ullllll l1!1l1 I S v:t~1' ami OIlE' (h tlt should be pu t IIlIt ttf " If; that lin?" Hhe 1"'pii l'lI. sUlling a It Is the serltw · , 1)U :ln "~ "'. JI gp-I.' an order, !Jut Iho t li n, bnd in tollli otl for lti H hl'3111 (hil t On th o. i nstallt .. fur hadn· t I li)ay eu nmo unts r,r money. yawn and l oo kin!; anxlotlsly ILt llll' wh l('h sho lind j;1'own to ahhol' \, he flloll.JaIl lIlI tho BUIJlO el ven, I'ow"cl on lire' a!'!;I1I1lPl1 t ;H, lrI out by . c rt~tn ra r m er Iflo('s 1I0t und 1'6tA nd thnt 1III' cl oel,. w n,; 1l1wa YII mOllut 1I on "LIm o rldlc· Ihe SlIm cr 'w, IUlIl c ul th e ;;"llI e 10(1· c l nll~ r ,; of hOll so:; thlll EtlL'k 10 do b\l ~ i - I~oods nOm e f ro m tho sam onct. J'I1 I nOI " Y {'s. :11a lI'd I? \\' 111 ) ' ()U 1I1t1r1'y mfl'~ That' · ,d"n:i I1 l1 hbj' or nt h r and he -cou ld t IIl'es wllh hi m rOr I h 1'<" y ea l'~? !\. nl'SH Ihronvh the mails. I hat till' lor.t! lho ottl r agoni I-opn·spnted. rJ lJIlh'l's 111'1:" chal'glll~ LO() mnch fo r nIl' 1\ llifT!' .. 'nt mlm w as IIsed. Rnrt :1I1Y lh fd YOII'II he millc 'alHI mok Ille 0(,' 11 , ngo 'CUI like a nony · Xllt'CSR rldcl'. !luo· lool(l lI!; c·hup h o is !I ud OI1 C of ' l h Ihl' il' 'oods, anu Ihat it Is fall' rOl' the th e ranll er III on th II' r egulal' list or tb e haol.1 st man In l he ",,,rid ." Ht~'i1 ral'o over I pement:: nnd bt's t fc l lnw.a I c v I' l(n lJ w. " \\' h l '-e l~ l\' e uaven' t kno,i' n !leh CHn . um I'S to Havo tholr d HI r s' '·s l1ekprs." Th o only "ufe Wlty ror QlttairM nt bonoI'. Th n h Ii cldoll l1ulwhal \\' a~ he doins t.h er c·? And prolit ,. th ill S ' Iv 8, that cuu sr s niuny Ihe rl)n5U1l11'1' t(l UO Is to ' patronl~. (Jthor vpry long," sh o snl[I, as slie l~ un IlIn l fi t 11Ist' his cha nce had COlli aull wh el' IVtl s Hic l,!\ 'r to gain l' x jlrl'lcnce tIlaL Is r o tly, hOIll!' co,nco I1R. HIli hOI1l(, m erch anl.,; tinll "fl to \\' 111 Ii til clork. h I' hOll,;ht him a long. lo w. l' 1(1 8hIt. was 1111 • or lhos sltua.tlonl': that " Lon g ('no ugh for I\1 C to know Ihul For IIHlny years IIn sl U'avcll ng nre Intrr: st C' 1I In b illg fall- ann sQllill'e, In,lklng car with a Fren ch nllm ' tha t llIakE' It mal) [eel liS though hi s inll'j· I \s(' nt ~ hnl'(' h n n.:m(' l'Ou s In a!;rl- '1'h" y kllow that Ih y mus t dcal bon· you !lro th onl y girl I co u lcl e\' or loyu. I., '(JIIltlu't IlI'onounco to lia \' c h ;~ lif o. I("t had \! ('l' tl put In nn utolllizer allll l'1 1!lurnl !'ectl nn~ ~ollclllnr; urll er s fo r !Illy or' Ihey \\' 11 losp ustom r g. S tly th e 1V0rd l1tH.l I'll do onnhlng'1' 110' 1'0 :LillO wlt,h tile cur :~ S 111 11, 1, blll- sl'I'I1II(1 11 1111 0 \'(' 1' him: Whi le I w<\ti gouu~ amooJ;" th e (a r lliors. Thi s l a8s Th 11' pI~rr.e lJtall' o of IH on t I ~ rar 1c";9 anythi ng- you lI1uy nsk ," 1,·,· hp.Il(I Ll1i l1l e (~ anlcl n [l1I1I1p.d All atple. try ing 10 IlCl'u [l c min e t OJ;cth ' l' and " Yon will '?" ask II til girl, begin· of H/;rnls i I(n w n a.~ hox·car men. than tll .n l mad by th e box-cnr con. . Ilf!i.olO" tau l;ht HIc:I(s for 1I110llt s l.~ get h. Into Il hcap WIHlr It wonld -worl., Th yea t er 0. nelghbori100d , and ai m CtH'n. Th en , IIgaln. Ul (\ IIrlnellJll.' 0 1 nlng to sbow some intCl'esl. i u t he milt· 1lI0llUIS 'end th en Hicks ~ holl g ht Ihnt "lon ty Fiskl' l;rnbh u In by th e fi rm . to fle ll sliniciellt goods so lh at It ca r sl'nding 1I101l0Y 1'1'0111 t he n Ighborll ooc1 t el' for lhe first lime. he cou l d r un the car hllll e Ir. He " L onl, ! " h e whl spercd, pointin g loa d can be Rll i'pped to the ncarest sia - whor It, is cllrnell Is all w ro ng. I t. Is "1 \\'111, M llu de. " ,rieQ. , And til r e, In th ligh t nf 0111' l al11l's, l tl on IInc! .dlr. trlbutell. ".Anything 1 may URk 1" Th e w ays or again st Ifhe in t r sts o f th 'consume r ll 'V1re'D ho :lIId Anatole got alit of the saw lI lel,s s ilU Il':: Oil Ihe curb. His t h oce agents al' milch II k ~ th e " hea th - of el'er y " Anyt.h l ng. 11 0 maUel' whot, I'll l eap lass lind Illnd. A IIH' ly ,. 1I ()~ \lltal b l~ t 1'100 agalu. Rlo\I· " I'. An,l cxpressl on - but h' had non(:--not 1\ (' 0 hhl cO"-"waYR, that arp. dark and 1I0me l!)wn 3 l wa~' R affo rds th bes t Intn a dell of !ions for yo u ; l'd lhrow ; ,"f1 er awhile ho heeum e TOul l y expert. bi t In the world , and he WUH U'yl ug tri oks that arc vain." . H ut nevor hE'- markal. Tu el'e llel a savin g Ih fr I 'ht mysel f 11110 the ragi n g sea, or leall 11 ,' cou ld rlln over mol' dOlrs nnu to 8c:l'fltch a cigar Ito flU hIs tro~ scl's I ~~, th ey I' ali rich I'pward s, 01- th ey rato s alld commiss i ons to millcllel11 en. frol\1 a balloon W re you to Ilsk It. c'hi 'I OilS than lIuyon J vor SUI\' lind with th e e vld en L Idea of II 'hUng th e w ould Quit t he busin ess. Will you put Ole to t he t est, dear?" . D , M . CARR h" o.v~g d th1'C arrcs ts IL w ee k II ll r- lUntch whl It he h Id In his mouth , ·· Ye::6. HarOld," 'she sui t!, as sbe reJt. should b Imow n to very Inte lllFOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE tllrned th e pressure of bl s band Ilud In/-!" aTi o( l aHt 811mm r. l~l s l,o und I stood 11110 two bUIllPp. that a.1I classes of good In l~ite of his many Ilhor!comlnJ.;s. on a log. Ha stings and HOI·1. U!;C tilt r ed a, deep sigh of r elief. " 1 promhal''!! a r e;:! 1 valu e. Th se values are Right Kind of Advertising Brings In I Be 10 be YO UI'll, and now pI ase get I1lcl,9 'WIIS not hnpopulat'. Sn, when a 11l1dn 't ~ee n UR at ull : and h I d h oI' baR d Ull 0n conditions. 'f!lo ' Inw or the iCustomers and Bullds Up ol'o \\'d of us w nt dowu to tho L l s- toward 1.1 rutlly old depdt oarrlnge th nt y our hal :lnd make tracks tor home. 8upply nnd. demand h ilS n ot all to do' Business. ll;'n!!t'lh;' North Sbore' plac [01' the WIIS stllnd ing a hit far lher down t h e "It I were only half aa pretty as I've got to get up at five o'clock towIth flxl ng pric es. To concll! Iy sum til'S tortnl glJl In Sept.ember. w e w ere street . morrow mornin g and h elp mot h er with Fraulein Mathilde!" up the factors of co~t at a manufal!M · r ch ants whO get ou t and pre sent th e Ironlng.-A. B .. L ewl s, In Judge_ . not !!tJtprlsou to t1uu Hlcl,s th ore wit h Suddenly th ey nlmost '~ II ov er t ured al'Ude , the r e are three principal "But you e,re. ( ..auleln! " thei r lines In the right way are going iliA cUr fi nd Anatol e. "You IlJIpel·t1nent thhtg!"-Meggenel em ents viz.: Th e cost of the raw to captu.r tho tmdo. . Que.slions t hat WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE. dorfer ~ Iae tt e r. 'Va b(lu bolon t.h ere bu t a rew dnn; 'mat ri al .' tbo expense of manufacture the rela.llerR should ask th em selvell, when tb ro aI'rived a nl ce of Mrs, and th e eX[l nso of dlstrlhutl on . From Different. arB' What nm I doing In th ~ IVay of 1.lsp;!!! lm'll. Her nam waR H.ortenso Ih e procl uc I' or th e raw ma teria l to "I understand yo u have been teil1ng ad" r tlsR ng 7 Have I l he right klnd ' l U,V'VElSRllt·wilE;t and sh e II'US cerUl lnthe conSllmer , all Interestc d 'In the Mrli. Nix a. story?" said the mother to or space In my 1I0me paper? Have J Iy goo(} tQ look upon. tr an 'acU ons are entitl ed to equitable 'h er elght.-Year·old daugbWr. . 'th o prolPilr styl e of opy! H ave r As for lUok s. the momen t he ~ot comp n aalion. T ho far mer, the grow. "Yfls, mamma, t did," replied the• . sPQken to the prln lel' about getllng hI s spectacles on her , It was all U[l er or. oats !l lis hili oaLs to t he mill 01)cblld. • . up the advertlse::ull!nt tllstefull)' alld -wlf h 1.l1tn. , erator. 'fhe oats 15 man'ufacturecl "But , on't YOll Itnow ' that is \' ry with a lborder. te., and In the rl tb t I lid WU!! eo 11ltiful Hlat, w nil felt ,. In to out meal, or hreak fast food . Tb.) n811gbty, ,lilly dear." ' Ielnd o f type? sorry (or 111m nlld bega n 10 ' try to whol es:t le s nd r eta il dealers ar eni"No, mamma. 1 dop't tbink It wall." Sprln~: goods should b I n show wineno r blm up, find get hll1l IOll'ested, played to distrlhute I t. Th wholesale "But It Is very naughty." dows cnow, and much or all tbat Is ev n· tt we h ad to .rln g In the a.1I3ChI'011denier Is nothing more t h all It wal· · "But, mamma, she asked m e how · read y ror the buyers. i slle nctlons nnd adventures of FJ'itz bous('man, an'd his COlli p usatlon Is for old you w or e, and 1 know you dIdn't rr th merch ant us 5 a page or 8 of 1"allrollJI elt to .do It. stora~e, and for costs of hnndllnl;. a'n d w ant· roe 1.0 te ll . h er the truth,! " h alf pa ge In the locnl pllllel', h e should . un, we didu't; devot any ~oo much th S InranlC'eing to tb t! manllfacturer Yonkel's Statesman. hnX(l tit ! printer 11ft tile fo rm and run ,nf our time to~lcks, for t be r est of th co~t of th e goods flold. H e r eceives orr a tbou san d or m ore h andbills that 115 weren't mnch better ofT_ ' , • on1r:t. small margl u , f profil. Jt may Unaccu.tome~ Splendor• call be clrenlated About t he co un t.ry, 1\0 mau wn s willing to be awny be fJal ti tha t. tb e I'etall er fill s 11. , III ace "r see th~t yoil know how to 'enJoy . ' 0 lise In doing this unles. I t 15 the frnm ~ any U10re limn b could posas to th e consu mer us docs the \vhole. YOllr Dloney." saId tho old-time frlend_ rlgbl kiUld ot advertising. No use In lilly 11('1\!. a nd the consequlln c waH all!cr t.o th e retaile r. Npw It: 15 1m· "Yes," answered Mr. Cnmrox; ''l~ni jus t sayllng: "S~rl ng goods of aU klnrlR l'ihat rilHl was always surrounded th( ee PfIlCU CIl I for til e III an urantur"r to doIng pretty Wt;lJI. 1 don't mlsa home at 1)ro·v·n's." Such IVcu't bring busl, ~ Pp n drclo of adorll1l; sw ains de· ll1at'n l 3in 810 1'I'S of his own In hUIIcookIng n ear as much as I uS\ld to, ness .. cayC pri ces, nnd ' (ell how low vot.ed to the ' point of mRnsll1l1sh l ol'. 'dreclll and thou 'ands of lowns. It b l' and', am getting so I o~n walk -Into my th prlcl~8 a~ ' ani'! how goo,d Ul e goods And ,theu, su ddenly, Hicl,lI I)rlghtcould find a lUore cenuowlCa l wa)~ own bOllse wllhou t feeling as ' If. 1 are. T ho ndverll!> IU TIt t;ho l1lll be so IIIl d ~ most tIlUazl ll lll~' allrl bQCIlIll ' of distrIbution than th e whol sa ler Qu'g h t t.O walle up to ' a deak and reg- · hi s ola:. jaunty, debonalt·, d l' III ~ Il , slli f ,alt\! Ihe r.' tail· r h w oulcl do so. Dut dh'lded as to give a space to different Ister."-;-WaBlilnbrton Star. kind s of goods, und some good IUustra: "Doc).or. I ,h a" 6 swallowed a slon a g!llur 4 ' U; they are cut out a more costly t Ions, and sOlDe pri ces tbat will tal k . "'fes: I bllve dhcovered It InsIde A (ew. days later when Hortense's sysLI11 of ulstrlbl1tlo n I\IU~t be InFOR A CHANGE. so wh en. the prOSI cOve burel'S l',cID O y ou . It 15 Impossible to extraot It, bu t, '(ather was 10ol.log for her she cou ld 1l1i!;11r!ltcd. lh y w!'ll not b di sappOi nted, Mer- I f , yo n like, w'lth the aid of mdlum, I 'oot he locnted: Th'i\n It · was di61\0\1' as to the travel!ng sell·d lrect.- oh ants Rhould see ·that cl erk s dQn't lie, can ' trnn sfo l'm It in to a superb ,col-eT(\d licks was IIl so mi ssing. to,the-consumcl' .agen t. He does hi s don't ml :s represeul, and that th ey t r e'a t thY,st.;;-BOII Vivant: ' An inquiry was , Institlil d and llu :iness ch i eny w!lh th e P ople wh o every caoller C0111'teouslr. SC'e that do· 1('1I!;t.h 0110 of th gTOOm,8 wa s found Sorry! .. ' Ivo little stud~' to con1m rclal mat , The Big Find, IIv fl es of goods ar prolllpt Iy made, who aatd Ulnt only a f ew mom onts b t ors. He re presents himself as agen t " How do s it bapll n t ha L B r own . R ,nd tha~ , in . nell package t h ere g009 f 11" he had se!lll Hortense and Hick s Hlclta. who wus !lt lll ahs utly aud de- for a large who lesal e house. 1-1 buzzing 1110 n g t h e back rand to th e ject dlr b 'y log to 1i!; lJ t t bl) cigarette l alks continually of hOI\, t.h con sum r OIlt II rlrcular teil lng of OUI r bArgai n s. lreatl ng over ybo(1y In s ig ht ?" " \Vh y, you see, )' eRrS ugo , h e pre:-';011' should be the merchants· harvest ~9!1slug .In HI I, s' u n pro n ou n ceab l'~ 011 hill t l'OUS .I'll . . by Imyi n:; frol11 him can save tI:e sent d h,ls wlf wi t h a 1Itt1 toy barllt tIme : E:v I'ybody who h as money exr:Jc~r: nnd alm ost. at th slim ' lim ', "b n Horte nso (no w Mrs. .10hn profi l!; tll nt. I h retal!('f wOlI.ld millcC'. Ilect!; to spend a goodly ahm' of ,It. In whicb the Children could k )I III fr M'lils t~lu:;te r callie In ao · Stallwo()d H ustings, of BrooldlJl e) sa w But th e f act ts thll t th e exp 'nse I '. ,Don't m )gle t ad\'erll sl ng ri ght. T II penni es." Tlllllllced ' tbat H lel,'s had told her th at ' H loks, sh e, stollPCd short and, leaning nut ellrulnnt rL T be ave ra go tnl\'elc r " [ see; and no,l'! ' h'e flnd s himself your Ilal,l'ons tha ~ YOIl enn secure for 1here wQlIld b' all lnllell1 ent at 110 o\'er him, I'l ed Impu lsl vclYl who s'ells goocls- til tbo fqrl11 'I'S TOthem llny 1(lnd or goods t h at t hey want the head or a fru gal Industrlolls faniui st:l.nt date and opln d I hat tlil s " I l ia \, . n ' t half tban lt('d rou for af! ('cll' s I~ commi SSion o{ from 25 to 40 , . If YO Ii should he,p pen not to h a10 what lIy':" \I' Ll ' tt. you did for tIl O, 11 0 1' Can l ove r. 'Your 11 I' 'cen t " or ab out Ifi to ~O per 'ceni.. " No; ilOW he flnd .. the bank ....,Is Inl\lIlr d (or I n stock. Your jobb r . We all gasp d. Til n w all looked ca r \yU 8 ~eallY Ir~ O'lIl~' I'/,\y IIi wh toh mol' I ban t he l'etall(lI" s a vet'a!;e on will tall 'e sv 'cl al I)alns' to IHit li P a ' Puck. AI , All 11 otll or In spe cblllSS anmze- WEI coule! Illivo b ell ~lIre l\lat pursuit 6uch goods as, he 8e lis. email tll'der fot' you, 'J( yo u tell him In n t, . Th en . ns soon liS we ould at woulel 'hs\-c' bce n unavailing. yo u P llt Lilia Is not all . Th e ~e mcu ·nre tbat there III ' neod for It, ,and wlli try Manager's' Idea. .enough ' wind· ""Ith wh ich to do It, w e I;n·ow. ,Tack IIntl 1, al'e \' I' anil \' er downright d lijhon st as a ~ neral I'\II C'. "I don't t hink a J) e r ~o o nTII)I'eclates a to ' as ~ lst YOIl all h e ·ca n. Now Is you r All gasped n~aln. 60 grat e!'ul t(J YOll, nlld al wllYs will b f', l ' lI ey Ar~ 1\ npvclOIHnent ot the harvetit tim and mako the best of It. t hing wb n h e gets It for notlUfig," o tlllll WIIS the IInl;lW r! So thl ~ \" m!'l WO. In I;?" and sbe sm iled lIll prov .. bini ligh tning r od agent, 'I'h y said the m un with tb cane. 'Wa!j what :lO ounted tOl' I hI;' ohang; i n a lJa !;ltlngs In R way that made Monty prncl:lco t h e same prillciples, only , You're right," \'eplled the theatl'lcal HlOW LOSSES OCCUR. hi tL th kind or goo ds sold . In fact Fll ck,~ ! So thlR wIIS w.\l)' b e hu d Uijd [ gl'Onn nllcl gr een with livy. , manager : "lust look at t hOB cl'itlcs, Barber (,lnsln-unUngly)-Your .asc' endel1 [1'0111 I,h e cella I' of deSlionDul 11001' HI ks seem ed beyond hll- t ho 111Irjorl t)' ot th em re pres nt qlleg II I nvestors Fall to Study Financial Mat. how they're rl1aatlllg m y aliow! " wan ts cutting bad)y, s~r? ,dllncy to th e r oof garden of joy! So man 'a\ll , Ho looked Ull at h er WI Lh 110nsl's that exist on ly In num ·, ' I n 'Yonk · ra .StatelilllaJi. ters Closoly and Act Unwlscly. ,Patron-'-'fhat's the ' wily you cut )t ' - <l'Ill:-=:' Out Horlen se! , How coulq sh e ·hll king, sh eeIJl lke eyes aod blurted one " :ost ern city ·ur locat d a IIU[I1I)er of Illon w lJo are doing business under th e ' last time: C.lIt It nlce~y ' tJtis 'time: II ll\-C donG i t ! How could sh e hl1ve .O llt: ' ' A MYSTERY EXPLAINE.O. Th e gre:it 'm asses of people do not The)' give suftl clent study to fillanclal mat.. ' I, hos,c,n i llelc9 when she had !'i!-onl)' " 'But 1 though t y ou w er e gOing to a hal f down dlfforent hames. . Progress. , " Fl slw nnd myself and all the otherll to marry ·nJel" , evon ha \'cn T a war<,hollsc', When or· t erR. Th ll fal'm el' who Is omployed from "D ral!ls don'·t · oount l o!' a·s mue::h as 1:1 I(!rt from! ' How , could sl1(l ' h ave 1\[1'5. :John Slnnwood Hastings 100111'11 \:crs nre sent to th em by thel l' agents, ollrl)' m or ning' UII la te at night jlas no IIlOIlEmce," said the oynl!=, "and Influ11 I1 11ed ite bouby prIze When she n,l ght completely k e;nummulCed (If anyone th oy gO to SODle 1I'I1Oiesalo groel!> ' anil tim e to study Into things oll~side 'Of ence doesn't count tor as mu'c h as Not alone this: but h ave' taken nny of the otb ers! Hoiv, as beaum l\1 ns sh e can IQOk like thnt}. !J1t~, tht) goods. those that direcllyrelllte to hi s occ u, niolley " . . or. how , . . ! ! I "You said that w e were golllg to nCtel' they purc):asn Wllllt they need. pation . ' Th e san;·e wi th . thE\' a fOrage , ," MY dear. sir:' answer ed tbe aadl),Ih oy allult I'ate lhe s am o.~' They buy But lIortanse'e ~ather at. lnst elope anti asked me If I would have laborer . When ellher have a '1IUle practical per son, ,"yOU dlsregar.d the .aw~k~ from the, condition or coma- t.he car r eady a t half·past seven," con Il l'lad fr'ulta In bulk, t h e " heapes t kind " slIrplus money to Invest they are ellSY .fact that It tnk es brains to get Influ· th em III bo xc~ supposed ,t o nnd I'epaok 'lose hecwfldorment ,tha t envelOl1ed tiS .tlnlte'd Hlc\ts in the ton e and manner vi ctims of the sohemel:s wbo inalte enee and' l~flu ~n C(i to gIlt mODllY.",all. B'-o bopped up r\glit Into J bo ail', ot Ii nlau who has been a \\'akeneI1 wei gh , 25 pqunds each, but ill r eality gl'cat promises, plausibl e argum\mts, Wasilington Star. ,and "\vben h e. lit he ordered e veryon e, from a .beautlfnl and rosente dream nnlrwelgllin~ from' 20 1.0 22 po·unds, an!1 with 1\ ju ggling of fi gll'res ' sl)ow '~ IIR e s Illcluded, 'The spi ce s that arc , 10 do something: and tb n not to do by hl1- v1 1lg ' the hed gIve II.way. ' how litt le ' money can be made Jo enrn Premature. ' Hortense looked down on him, bough t .Ilro adulterated with g roun d great In.ter est. It , Is al ways sate to I t : and th en to do It or not, just " as " " Bflgel' ,eloped ' wJth .hle coo~. the ' nll t shells, starch. and other material he wBlrt.eil tbem to rio or dldn't ,want comprtlhending, and there y.-as , a 80lt seek ' ln\restment .of surplus moneY ' in unfeeling wretch!" that makes up w eIght. The ootTees t hem to do. He 'demandell that w e light in her· dark eyes. local Investmen ts. You are certain ' . "Well, I don't know _ 'Why eltouldn't are' of th e very ohca jJest and th e teaf! tliat if you u ~e good jttdgm ent YOII · .all slat't In pllt'sltlt ami ordered out " I'm so ·sorry." she cded, sbrtly, "so · 'h e If he wan led to?" . tl1!3 same. It I s Beldom i hnt the ar t Ic les caunot lose. ' Wh'en .YOII place your ,all' kimllJ of veblcl es from ballo~ns to sorr)'! Wh en t said 'we' 1 meant ' of "Bill chis. wife was just going ·to ' seri t 'to tbo purchaser are th e same a6 money· Into Ihe hands or sch.emers In .8uhmames. ' course .Tael, e,nd myaelf. :. didn't ex.' give a dinner party......:...Llte. ,.. lhe slim Illes shown. it inust 'be ' reo Ramo dl ,st ant place and cit whom you Somebody said th;lt there was a plain v ery fully , perhaps, for I was niemb ered that . the agent Is under chance that 'mlnistm: at the CroBsln~ nnd that they hu rried and n e.rvous aud tben , too, heavy I'xpp.nse, fOllr to sIx d'oHara a know little, t1lfi rp ,Is A DESERVING .cASE. ·YOII will bo the loser alld that chance had prob!llilY · gone thel:e, So Anatole I dldn't ,fQI' ·. R moment ,lmBj;lne ~hat (iay for loam and 1I0tel billS, ~nd then wn.\! < away from the door of yotl would think tbat J meant yon-I , he r eclllves 25 per ce n t. commIssion la IItron@: aga inst ~· ou. "My wife lind I never. l)nve a flIBCU 91_h wIne· cellar and t,old to ll,:lng out ' d.ldn't think that ~ou had ever t1)ol1ght slem b fore the children, Tf I see 'a 0;1 what he sells, To this must bl3 CleanlincslI About Stores. , 'lile Daim -Vlte car and c'e t .·us over to of, B\lcll a thIng, or (leslred It:' . Close ohH erver u note that the most .quarre1 coming on, I always SOlld .th em add ed fhe llronts for the house, whI ch he:: Oroslllng fmmedlc.tely. a~ as Monty and I stood sil ently ·wa~h 'o ut.'·· Is ahout. nn'ot her· 25 per cent. All this success ful grooery stores are th\! one.s 111uc ll \lIlouet' llll ilosslble. St uyvesant- Itlg the rattly old d~pot wa~ou -cllr·· "1 thou ght I If Ad seen thetn In tbe lIIusl 1m mnde an'd tho bUYe ,' of the which a,re k ept 'In the ' cleanest and WC:¥.!t ~8 by tills tfmf\ In a state Q[ rlage disappear . In to the darkness of go~ds Is Jlle one who' must make good. neatest oOl'<l er. Th ere .Is a large class str et v ery ofte n." inol plent npopl eli:Y, and toe r e~t were the qul ~J; Slla Sll1~)[lIcal.lY lighted ,street. Lately· lu th e 'lvestern stales the box- of peo\1!.e, and they Ilce not the rich est Nol)llity. , bn sy trying .to ,keep 111m from ,getting TUen ,1'Ilonty lllgbed. 'rhea I slghe~ _ l'ar m en IHive. ado'pted dllbl ou!; m eth, ones" eUtier, who' ,would · rather have ' "Hn vo y ou noticed, the Buits ' '01.. " in al) 'over; so Mon t Y , Rll:Ille and . I, . Th.e nnre · hoth slgbed together. And ods {It geLling trade. Knowing bow good, d ean grooerles, t1ilngs the~' armor which w e have In the hall ?" • belu'g deoUtOll the l ellti >; valllalJIE! to we m eant 'om , tOll.: an xloulj th far nl el'll 111' '' ',0 , sectlre th e , Imow al"e pure and kept ri ght, and pay: ,ask ed Mrs, Gottll Lately. 1;11(! wortd at largQ, hcmco the best 'W ~ . trted' to· ad'dne some oomfort hl gh~st Jlt'lce s' f,o r Prodllc~s. tbey ha\'e a good ')lrice for ' them. than have in. "Yes:' replied her nelgilbor. " Where .quIIlIfted to l 'ldE!, with Anatole, were hom t)h~ fact that . there w.a~ but one been traveling aroitnd t hrough the terlor, cllrelessly k ept goods at a cneal> thl' on15' olles to go. which w e were Hortense, alld two of 118; 80, sighIng COlIn try pl'etending til be buyers ·of price . .A:ttraotiveneBs about the grocery dId YOII- get I,b em ?" "They w'e re, ,all · handed down to us; ,gill (1 to do fOIf the double' pur]lese of, ag!1{n, w e w ent to where Flicks was st,m produce, They oont,ract wit h· the ,Is a m08t Iqlportant thing. It meall8 a being tn at. the finIsh and of gaining ,an 61tt\lig and ; tl1klngthll match from his farmer for butter, eg gs, lioultry .. etc., sa,v·lng ~lll around. In 'the lIout llero Everyone or them was worn by my 'tOppol'tunit}" to · telt elleh,'.'i'[het· what ' mouth and .tlle clg;.rette from his jlJ'omlslng about 25 to 30 pel' cent,' countr, where the Bljlllmer WElathef ancestOl's qr my husba,n\l's In t)le·; revolutionary war."-Chiongo Recordwe t.hought of thIngs. '. hand, shook him a cOllple of Li;mes: above tho market price. They claim ! contln~~ s for the. great~r part of the , "It'e broke . .. peod ordInances Ulat "Elh.-w'llat 1" ga.ze.d tip, 'a t us 't hflY allO sb'ipplng to . Arizona. NeW' year ·~o.o grea.t carll ca,nnot be exer. Heraicl. 'Dlgllt so that :;ou couldn't bave found with. . lack-luster ' eyes in whl~h ' at Mexico. or somewhere else. where . ciRed In the· looking .arter.' stecKs. ' A I:;ver Notice It? a kegn1811t with a fine tooth- comb ; . lengt.h begal): to apllea .. , II. ralnt gleam higher PtiCeB are' ,recolveci.: Incident.' , little ' ~lE~glect' ~m cause' lossea, that Church-Po you think .women ha•• .and I.ti eOuliin't have bee,n more than" of almost. .human" Intelllgenct;. . A~d, atly t.hey say that· their houso runs' ,a wII\ ' ve Berlou~ Some classes ot .. senae of humor? ' ' ,eight IIlInutes before we sIghted, the as we bundted hi. lank frame Into ,htB number'. of '1Ilr~., stores, aDd also sella Iood. not protected from ·Insect. Gotham-No, I don't. minister'. abddei wblch we at pnce lank car he '!DunnurEld ' helple.lly, to iIIe farmerll, lIavlng them ' the ....r· will be ,ruined. The grocer who ' "Don't thlll'k' a woman can get 'o rr -noopbluil beeau.. we sa.w the -bead· ,wonderIngly: . age- IIrol1t. or the dealer Tbil Is luf- w('ulll hll . windOWS attractl.e tulythlng funny?" 11sbt of Ricke' car' In tbe IItreet In "A,M to ' tbl'nk tbat lb. ~k hIm ' ftcleDL The farmer fall, Into the tr~p, wlU to a.old · ba nng atale '~l dldn't I&y tbat. I've leen 'em "ro~t of file pte. . when Bhe m.lbt h ..,..lad mel'~ . livai a good lar •• C?rder . for IIUPlllletl, " Hf,! iihould to- . . olr: a .treet car . funny,"-YoDkera t Ibe Dalm·Vile came· to a ltoo, ADd-Gb. Imt the UHf Ud • few ween later !Ie bela a . that bfa ,tocka ..... ItAtesman, .' lot or &lUI& Ida 0. 0. W~I·lcep\i · .
- ------
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THE MIAMI -Puhll b...1
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State Sundn ' Schm,1 CIII1\'ention. '
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II" "I.ti"uncw 1101. 1'alel
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TElLE:Py.lO )'J g (!JiLL . ' . No. 6-2
:\lIdit:)~ ~~:IW~Il, ('ap~~Ir~s , The Caus~ of j\1~1I:Y $·I.J.H ..L fOi t Olmty.
I~o rl I' Illnlh
j\. M A I~' FIT.
Sm.lden Death '
lln~ I U ~ J) It;{t'l'" A I'L I~ B
!;I II f'I' I Ill ' ,I 'I'll x 1'h(,l(' i, .1 011 I , • • 1"'/" ,i 1'1'" itl AHllllltl Old ,. , '1 h,' 1,·llnw whn . c~mnlJVlllC III HI' ou IIIT.Hi. ~,n'\fl'':jl ~t lt ll' ~lln,IIl ;l" ~C' II() "I L''' "\'''IIti nllll' 11J1 " \\'h"n II" I" III n\C' WIl l< 1I1!uIU;(.\('(J by ta,·! 01 II'~lt~ lltI'T 1-III·.·. :\IIIJ ";Ildol . n , · & . ~ .\LJL\ , ~I r~) ,,',"onlleNI fo r '1'011' 11... TUII:;uIIY. fill' (Inl i!'s ot il1vl1!'tgultng' Ih ('I''' 1 ' \1' . " ,."I;!:, ",C·C.,·!!".! , . fl I ' ~ " I" ,·_ll,,;.rl dlh I' ~ I 11:0. ;;1'ltt~ I,'I' 11' .\\:-11,;"1' 11.111',, I. 'V p llll E'Sl\IIY lind Thnl'"IIII .\' • .lnrlt' \1 11 11.1111 ". I~ 11 1l!l d o wllwfI'trl ro ul'l',' t.\tnt ~I I"" III. " . fu ll'. w I th 111 1 VI W ' . • . ~ ' 1 \ """ "III' J lOo."1 III J" )(J 1lI III Xt. d , llI·tn \ J"I~ ~ tj l·Utl. I\II1I1Y l'ul1n tu s 11I1\' LlIIII'I'lidy l'h-r' IpLl \\.11 "\'lll1tull ily I ' ltd 100 hI. 1'11 111. Jf II~ '01'111101111:; wbl:lt.1Wl' u r lJ t Ih r III I' , .L..lo. III (.,iimc " r I' '. . .. ' t lo uH'\\'.l.)" H I" u'" d t> lll~lttes tll this 'nnv,l nti un li lll l )"'11 1111 \'9 dono '.... r ong a})(lllw lHfll - It ... • /III. luck t,"XC'S lin' hll'" deYulv- • I . 1\ ''I'"''I ex .• . IIc.,'_lt·!' . oth or" \~ill ilo 8 0 II o n . B [ UJ'!' J no r tf'r I" twill !;: il1YP!l tl gn l" d i\: will Ill' \'llU POll Ilw Cou'llty ' _lllIlltor". lind :::.. J. ;Il~.~. n·,li~,\s~. " 'I'i To ·I .·pllllno ill h n l1 n /In.1 . Ilie 1 hnnurrrl .. o f tlundll:.' Kchool .. will 1Il 1lL'h 10 (t r for you t o Ilnaw~r UIlUlI. thi "nl1t,lwrlty.l". k ~tllw[lll. I kiolll'" Llllld.le b "'hili I l CI'11 lla(\Hll o~1 <tll .r II r IIl ght, - .oi \",",ll,," chnllll· " .d lllY Ph Ul1 11 ' .I-=!. Ire t IJIlRtllr ~. . 'U1 pl,r ln t emh' n ~. trutht'ull .v lit lJu " Iiotls osic(jll nnr( Autlilnr If \\'''J'rPII l)llllJ1 t.y, 10 I" tlh·J. itinc ·y l'UiSUil ' tAllcflh' r" IInrl olh 1''', wh l! Ih () \1 ~li nu' 'UOI .'ll1d /IV! i to con l:'Pfll Wo ffi ·ttl JIIl't t'llIllpltlttlu Iht' ll l\' ~ tl g lltlVJl IJf l-ooTs..,.•." ..... ~"4~ ' ",1 bh",li I\ ill nt ! _ ._______________ ..) re co~ni\l,rl l 11 8 Il' · l fl~ · It.f"'". nnl(1,,:; n (>. B,v ,. .) 'l ul ng .V lIlt willlJu ~llll'(\d tho tlH' t.~t· "tH nf' t ',\pl. ,Iolln .Iuck, Juto !trek tll e 1'111111)1';.:.111".1"'\11 ' 111:" C'" nlr}, " f r lJI,.dtlcr. ," 11'e: l,i , I III "~ thel ll dIe-point. tl by till;' ol/lIul,y. "' dllJ I1ti . \1nJlIf1I1~l\n tlJ e sllf n g uilt.y (un('lOl1rl' f L UIIII I Il, 'illl'l11l1l1ti, ~ow 1' 01'1; Ih" bll'/lk'\lIwllalJ,I"" It-II'''''' I'I'lIhY('cl1. tl d t () sit in Ih e ,nn\'(\lIt ioll l.ndl' ll · nTl11 Y OI1 (in n f rH YI)Il\, rl ('~11 01'>1 III.ll m"1~. oth l' l' dh.IS, Ilull th e dis 1I1",111l',. ll,,"j, l. "It"" l " h\'U "!l'r"~II :[ joy il" SIl!!slllll S wll h 1\ C·Ollilt.()[) ILnC.1 " h ilt.,. be"Jll1l1ktl pusitlOll uf who/ll' .i< tll t. Jill " Ul'tll1 u f.mlll a ,1.-1':1 11 " 1'''' 111 "I' I hI' l.idJit; \·" :;1111 , ," ',., , a c'url' i ~ HIl t''' (1l!i,' l.. ., t \1\' tl ·pn1per I'I' IIL ~~x('fll l ')1' Chll'IIb:" hll. iJl'l n hllllo-,I\' II I )IUI'IIII,;,' ' 1'1111 II ,11'111 1'0 Ip l lllul l ,'l' Iii lIltPrtl :;l, tIJJl1 I1I1 'y . I r":ol 11<"11 ,.1'11", 1. I,,,, . [, "", :on; I,·,·; I FU !~ERAL e ligll~f.l,i III (!'l11 dl1 c l. th e IIl Il 'ic 'I'he rl llllJ,:ht - I';)(1·1I11 1I J,:11. ( ·Ul'!.. .1 lick '" will \\' I ' ~ fillllll :y p .. " I !l1 ~ h " ! " I ' \ I ,'.,/1 "', ,,- I'" JIl l" u k '! ). ,. 11.".,,1111 \VIII' I'l!1I t.:ulluty III I\\' \;1'" 101 1:111;: " :. h." I' ,"' ''':Im p R' ot t 111-~ lis t u f spe ifl li ;l lS I' II ~III( II 1111' Ih l' Tele\lhOnp, Oay or Nigh1. ppl ~ ' a Cure for Dnlukcness. . . . , ~I\':ol 1. ,0111.·\", , d hl. .. I, \c r 1'1>\1...,,1\'. 'onlle nl iun, in oluutlH Ihe I1I1I1Hl~ of aLl (\lh e lili lilO l'~l:It t wllr l; l1PU I11t Il.·.. , : " ·hIl L.· :., 1.. It" ,d IInnl! nih! local No. 7 LR-:V,' nce . ·hlttE'lTy . ' t . .Tuh ll . M,m . "For t,P I1 Vf\lI r~ . " " uill II Jlhl· ~imlln. II:! It WllS \ ' Ojl'y unl VOl's, 1 Iy . iJuii"Yoti ~('" Id ,"" p. lin .11 ! ' ~ll l o.: i~ ,. (.lId O':CI. ' . I'lotllc~ 1I"lt 11111 .1t'. " WL IlL'\'( -,,[ " of 1.0 _1 11 ).: . Long Oistance No, 69 ·3r inge r EIVal t. Bil m lin t uu tz from. , l hll \'e tluvn ti t tI ooplt' . II ~ n ('lll'l Il hn t 11" \:"I u e WIl :l ~ l' lIn"r ill ~ :l\C\' S 1" Il Il!,lll~ll III gil "'1" 11 thr'JI' gh' ~ltc .1 ,,' , out itl e nf Ih r tillite und II ohoico ~e . o n 110111 0 fnt' t \' 0 1' fifl."\' (IrnllkaTl I" II lI cl ' lIl' Whlll h,,,l h,w n ~h'C ll ill . IIntl )t. :,11. 1 l<I ).:<'t Ill' 111.' 11' I """ , ,luri ng tli l! WAYNESVILLE. OHIO leotlon fr Olll O h io 's g l'out IIlTflyof lI1 U . 11 0rO!<R 1·1I.!! h.·~~) I1ln!'ll "rnlify 1\\'1\;1 11,,·u t·t,ui u HIi ,",llIIt th I'll '\' Il::' I1li~ loll' 'I:hc ll oi l", :.. ,,1 1!"C ,,<:,t raQrcl il l:11 {I' .f C' , • h : C () .,W .11111 ( lot 1... :,tJO il rt.: ;\ l 11.~t. Sranch OfficB• Harvevsbura 0• cnpable ~nooll' Y Roh on l w O l'k e l'~, ing ' ;f;1,~ ;1 1 ,I:! 11\1,; Ih ... 1',)tlllty 11 11 !til k It s l l llld ~ Ihl' l; i ,:h l' ~1 for il" 1I'011l1,:rfn l Prngl'lim!l w ill h~ r end y b . . Mny 1, " 1, t 1I1l)' II)nn atlliN, II wi th t.I\O l fl IX~'!', Wltl h will U Ilt!W llltlll t I'in l \'Ilr·~oiLl"'II1 ..,'t d""t's,il1 g '·lIs('s. . I i'r . . tl I . . ~ ,,·! .n l p · l' ''''l i s 1' 1":I~ :I"l to l .lk l~ nll ,l j ~ liod Cll n btl hl"l w itb uut oh arge, on 1" \'0 fl f fll'lnk ' l.t Ihl'f,· }1' 100 rl f( nll_ , L II ,' I Olirn III lu .1t1l,,11 1Y . ~ "III b v a lld n oc".:i 'I '; ill liiIY'':''''L :11111 nppiio/ltion to Lh A Ohiu ,' nnull Y 1' 1f'~ <1llil · lind tho> lwrrihln (\I'lIvn olll' -d,, )l1I1' HI.I· I'''1I k". y"" ilia ), loll"" a ' hool As a iati on, 7\! Rn:;!.: r y will " rJlllunll" Il'Uv ,' him. ' l' h,, 1 " ""pit: ""lllt' "I' .hj, """.It·rfnl lIew oI i, · 1".1 'I'} I A. A.·Y ... " , ':"I'l'n' IUld .. 10..,,1. th, I iI·Il, ,,1lLlhll'll II. Bldg, 'o \nm b us, hi o . c UI·ow ill ·he t: I Pu lll' h('lpI'111I 1 II II~if l AtlJ11ini st rator ' s Sa le. 101l11o ':t:I.lf,(:l'Io\' OII,,.J \ .J. I,, ·~ s l1 r l' ii-' II ' I I Ilrmu"t It oll lllukes II~ littll: Il ~ p"",,,i1ol,'. I IIlcr ,;.. en .. 1:;11 '.:10:",,'1"1;, x . \\/111'11 1 • \ . It·, ,' r ,. ~ ," I" lil t.: "'lIill~ ""',,Iillll rl': "l i ll ~ tlo i, ge"ero,,~ I Ofllrl III I{" I'" Bid.: . . ~ l l d ll HI If the' Child Were Yours. . " I kno w II W Olllllll wh o Ill' 'cJ ll '1'111' Illhitol'~igt1I ',l , 11 K Iltlnlini,t r,\ "lfer III 1I 1i~ I':li ":. II",,', III 1:0: :01\1' d rn u ken h lI::1 hllllll wi tit .. ttt It i ~ "11 0 \\II t (I I' with th ~ w i II 1I11I1I'X('1I ,,!, ' I he el!- IlI i,ln k c. hill relll"" I1."1'1 11" II" III ". ~1I'!lll'l ; ' I k ' I ' I 'r II Ihul, 1)1'. Killl\'e r '~ H"':IIIII/· I{lIul . rlllol th e A Signi fioant lIuestlon O!llII e in II I egA )Y -cellinI! /I Wllyt:tu tJ '.ll11 . 11 , tnfl' II !' /) 'l\, itll ~II" hl' lr, ll ("'II,;f,d , ,\ill Ild,lrt:ss. lI iu1:I.JllII llOII. ; l'" ua ever) letter to' the ed i to rifll r oms of Tm~ g s upply of ~ood IIPPh' ou th o U1Tlln ; qt1\, I' 11) 1' _lIltl at (l 111J lk' " e n ool'· DHlLINEA'J'O Il r eoentl,V -1I f] u es ti~n tllbl . 'rho mun li t e tb S IIppl.·, th o lut ,e!iill ollc o f snill 0 '1\'1el ~~"""!=~~~~~~~~~~~ wbioh outs rig h t th r ough 1111 the unel lly s tllPP It chi nkin g ult o · cl am nso[11101I1' '\Y,ly n svill problems disoover ed in t h e progresII geth I'. '· -Ex ·l lIlO l,(e . ' UU11 1,y, hi o on V(Jt, ·TIIHll' .V t411 1')<!i.lll ll :IIHI D e llll ~ 1. of the Child-Resclll! Cn rupn ign, lind ;\lAY I. IllOH, sol veil them in tlhu r t ortler . A Way to Kecp Old Magazines.
•• .,'!'; Il
('lippt'd from
't; ' ,'\'.
t '
Peach Tree with Whitel:Slos~oms? Mrs. Lindtl .. " r-.'f pnd enh llll 11IIt! brouiht t,o' 'OUI' IITtelltion fI tl'n growing at, b r bOOl e, Dinl\JonLl fiill .Fum, wbioh was lu full bl oom III t week. !i nd wliose ' idtmtil y wn dlffi . oult to estllb\ish. The trunk, 11mb!! Rnd tw igs gave every indioa.tlon of 'bei ng 1\ genutn peaoh tree, wbich Mrs . Menuenbl.ll believes it Is. but the m ys t.ery omele! with the fact t hat the blosMoms l1fe &S pure wbit.e "II nnmer OIlS Ule! ever decked 1\ oberr y . or pJum t r ee. Mrs. Mimden'ball s umitted Mm· plet! of twigs to a 100111 fruit expert who made a. careful exauliuation and compared them with ' plUm twigs and with hi8 knowledge and recolll!Ctlon of t h e nectarine. he feela jU8tified in pronounoin g it. Il tree of·that . ,!arlety.
Fr~lt Surviv~s
CO.ld Wave.
DI' ..John I-lya,tt;
Tobacco Sales Slow at 8 cents.
An American Machine Furnishes Light of the World. The matob Is Importallt to tbl) oomfort of th~ 'smoker, but it. would elitaU DO. hardship to him if f·be .o ommon·· ,jparlor'·' match. were pro · hlbi~ ' Hnd dealers allowed tp sell no.biOg ~ut the lisiLfety' t ma tohee whioD will light only on the box . To be forced to on.rry " safetie8 " with small stiok8, flft·y 1U B box. would be no great oross. 'l'her:e are also safety matches made In oards of 25 from wood pulp and giveo away with advertisements printed on the folding b'ox _ For these are 'Do w p.rov~ded lJotb meta I and leather boxes whioh oooupy le88 spaoo In a Pocket than 26 common matohe8. , The 'substitution of the " safety" for the parlor matoh would put mo~ey everybody 's pooket. For it would make a great reduotion in the fire 'w aste whioh Would rele!ult Jessening insuranoollremium8. ~he landlord adds the insuranoe premium to the rent and the merchant .figures it into the prioe 9f every artiole.
J . E. 11,\
"WhiLt w o uld YOIl want d une with your ohild if h e w r t o become a publio oharge?" Whllt would you ~ Whn t· wo uld you wan t don e with that little f el · low who stands at yonr kn ee a you read t his, 1'ubbing hi s S~ II.J1 h (>ud "tfectiono.tely on ,v our ILrlll ILS he begs your utt.ention ? What woule) you wlmt done with the gol denbaired fairy in wbi to who plLlYS II f your fect? If-yes. l kn ow the r e i a lump in your th~ollt /lnd tears in yonI' eyes and that it is a oruel and beurtle88 question, but for the of one hundred thousand homeless little onl's- Uke your -what would
During the miid dllYs and weeks of .Maroh, the prospeo.t.8 for fruit of 811 kil'lds was unusually promising. Ilud the ontcon)e WIlS eagerly lnoked forward to. ThurtidllY and Friday nights, April 2 and. a, the weather ohaRged and merlHlfY registered 24°. w;hioh OIItused grav" doubt and nnellsin8EIs. However, upon 0108e examina.tion, it. tR foand thlit while a great pro· pqrtion of budM ·were dest.loyed there tltill remaided enough for (I. lair orop if theyare permitted to reaoh maturity.
A few orope 9f tobaooo bave beeu sold, but tbe. price paid, 8 oents, 888ms 80 far below,the prioe receiv. ed Jut year, when many planter s reoeived 12 a.nd 16 oent8, tbat tbey are reluotant about lettiug tbem go for ~ ntUe, ' a-lbboogh ' all growe~s 8",80 that a oro, ~n be raised with profit at 8 centll, but It i8 natural bope for better prices and .to aocept thenl wheu opportunity pre.eo~ Itlle1f.
Think for one moment. of the ohoice you mlly mllke .....:.the nlm ~. house-where to day in one Stllte alone forty-four children are exi.!it. ing, br'lnded as paupers. v; ithollt even a chance-in the country · of freedom an~ equality ; the Ilsylum where hundreds are }larded togeth, er, fed, oJo~bed and taught by the tioking of the c loc k, rnllrohlng uni · formly throQgh til e life in wbich God's greatest· gift ill individuality , or tlie home to whioh no child bll come, the h el1rts thllt ach e for t,he touoh uf baby band and tbe j y that only IL hild olln bri ll ', t he h ome whElre t ellll" r (lILf nnd love will bring (ollt e r cuilll t o 1111ltHI hood aud woml1nll ood w rl,hy of the .name,-w hi oh wouhl you cbo,,~~ If the ohild were your ~ , And when you h •• ~ e n.nswered t1~e question, and lin we red it with the pUl'pose to mhke your Ilnewer come true-there will be inll.ugulLra.ted in the land will stnnrl open und t h e asylum8 will c lose for Illok of in mates.
'I'ELL YOUR NEIGHBOR. If J:ou think King of the JJn undry
is the pnrost um1 most eoOnOmi(llll soap you ever used , why not tell your 'neighbor, s he wl1l IIppreointe it I1S much as y ou clo . <)ne hur of this pure soap \V'ill ~o farthe~ !l nu do better wo'r k tbun finy oth er yellow hmndry soup and co st~ lesl!. Three I!lrge bnrs fo r ten cents.
pel'::Il)OU I
p roperty of tuo For t hl'Il8 selll" . I hll va folluwed O ~vit1 LU!iltlflY. llO('IIEie1l , IJI1s ititin2 t~ pllt n whioh 111\ bles m t v gr't th ill jlfl l' t lOf tho fo llowi ll ~: Onu,hnlf of 010 t bAnefi t fl'om m y 1lla~Jlzi Tl es, twenty. I 11 1' OilS 8 of t.)/.mc 0 , 1HI I mlldE! nl' lope vr po r tfolio!'. ntt- hlggy and . Ilt of hlll'lt,. ,,~, h u • ubI in si\l,e. nf h II v y pl'pel' , fo r bo l,1 gods. tiVl:lill1ntlr 11 ponod!! of r1111'er o'n t, tl p»llt'tm nt , . n h II fnnc fr- rtili \l', -", fifty " hoob of corn . ""a n t work rlep 'll'tll1 e n t ... lo oll1seh o l11 hint", tl"n 1m h eJlS o f ('01'0. vuri ons tool. d r ' Olukin g !l tc. l'ht oUlltents ul' 1111(\ Ill uny other 8m til IIrti olc.. . 6U h on vol ope 1 note 0111 t 1iCl Ott t idll . :::laid ule will 'Onlll1 f'nca lit one Ev rythin g tlill t pe rt41jo t o t b it· o'('\llck in the tlfterl.loon of Buill lillY, de pllrtm enl.sgoes into its r e~ p ec t, h- Il : P Il1' (lhn~I'R Il lUon nting n v lupe. The . hort storills [ out, to $ :J o r le"8 shlill he p lil l fO r in ont, lind fus t 1~ t oge tb r . 'l'he col0110111. F l' pmohn!!os flU,?VC thlit ored fll bi on fig \1l' s l ou t o u t lind "11111 /I 01' <lit "f th1'ee 1I1 01l 1h [< will m o nn t on heu vy pnper . Luter 1 hll g i ~'tltl. 1IIII'ohils e r s ~.iv iI\K th eil' end them to .som e bildr n in " nottl,. wi I h ILpproved h ospitul , where they g ive g r lit plellfl ure .-The Delineator.
k' b ' t · Iii 01 Dllvitl LflHhl y, I nouse ll. e eEl lOla I?g IU to rlllO ' ). '1'. Hawkl'. AL10. Jl' •. HllrtsClOlc, <JI l'k d og f or 81aug e w orlt befor e it is .L month old. ne of th« mOl.!t Intor. ell ting feature of Ii: kimo villa ge!; are pnppi tie.1 to tpe j)ole of II t nt 'l A !-\()A P _ ATl 'l.'hey pull on the rope w ith all th ir puppy str ngth in th e effort t f) hr PII:C It: is Vt' veIl I.J.\' I'tll L t,ic'" I h , l ~ the a.w!ty ILOd j l)in in the fl'olics of tlt eir Amer lC;H n 111\01)16 Win 1)1 ' ))'e , (liP Ih llll e lde r s, . ,)t until fl. (log bred f ur nny o tb f' 1' .11 11\,io ll ill th ~ "'nI'll). q1tlll service ill om yell 11' " Id is it pu t. I{tn ~ /if th a I,JllIlIlh ',V 'tlll P h nK no n in t ruillin g for I,h f lU!. It. he\!;iuR tol'iout-Ild 111 0 1'0 tl\ II lJ It~ s hu!'!' " I I. ' by rnntli n~ t en U1 il e~ wHh Ihl' ttl.'llI1 · t,1I hh~h t 111ft 11I1't, II III I I to P nn "l en , t,h 11 it Is til' ppel l nu t. '.'r, II 'Y It. !lil t 1,1I,,1t , f "'"!lh 0111 .\' h"" e"t :1 o n nillil l,hA , ,,m 8 cllstlllll'O: GI'ILtln,d l." 11ft,. ,·· :llIo r hp~· ;,r 1111' ' fu rtl n o.: "" 'II P' tho di , run' i" ill('I' . Il ~o ll ulltil Ir. 1I ::rl'I" th lll KllIg' o f ·tha 1,,11 ",.111 Y rilll Che<l itll fHt eol1th m onth of lit" , hOI,. II" 1'11'1101 s ui rl lJy n il [l r ') C' r1', when it. becom e<l p'L rt of t.h r t>!; 1l till'PI ' I III'!,;I', IJIII'~ to,,· le!1 r·11l1 t~ •• Jur ser vice. 'fh e h fe of tL l1lull lI o~ 1 h'om thr'ee to fa 1111' yeA1'S . No greute r pOni SUll1ent. oun be injliotl:ld lhu.iJ to lay n. dog oil' from e r vice , When unrnly th ey. Etr e oiten threa tI.. tor e ~1u ened with II !IlY ofl' l\u11 with Il lm oHt · ~ II hUllllln int.ellig nce tbey so em t..o r':"oryt.lliug rn ow ll ill 1\Iu ·ie . unde r ta.nd tbe disgr uoe it itnpli e. W , Cliff. ntt(JL1. Prop'',', in t he eyes of the ir fell ow work rs on the trai'l, AlJ 1:t:g h t to be leaders . Jl 1.:' A constant Ilpur to a.n UDainbi~ions dog is t be "out-siu er," who will quickly ttlk e aWIl.V tho leadership MIIY It. n ot only in tho m tlil ser vicll, but, in telllllS maintained ohiefly for the ~_~_~_~.~~~_~_ ~~~ _~~~~~_~~_ ~~~ pleas ure of the s port , Tbe iu t,e'l li- ' . genoe of t·h e 1l1lilulllntf' I:! r eultlrk n, ESTABLISHED ble, it ~ scent wonder f ul, i t,s instIll J t.: tl l:! u rul e, unerring. ~o me dogs are better t rail fOIi,lW '1 e r l! t hun others, tll:! S Jme u r e be tter leader. It iJlizzard th b e~t of t it III lose the t rllil , bnt inva.ran bly fiud it. When on . the trtLil , t h tly n e ver eu t bu t onpe it.duy , tb en (J t NEWSpape~, tbe e nd of 1\ journey. A f ter f ed +-':D ADUITTEDLY TUI( , mg, like weary ohUdl:tlD. rhey' f ILII ·Leadlng Agrlcnltnral Journal of the.Worlil. tl siee p und lI.rl:l ne'v er quurrolsama . Every deportm ent written hy ~ pecfa1l9ts, the It t llk es on 'an uvel'l. ge twe nty bJjrhC.t authorities In thefr·respt.oclive lin"". No'olherpaperpretenda to CO lllpnr~ w[t,h It pouods of fooll 1.\ day for tI tellm of e leven dogs on bard rO ttte,-LiLla In quallJl"",tlons ot editorial ~tl1lT.
1 H Grc
'Before you Dlllke" oontrllot for cover,ing for your building find cut aoout ~Ilrpenter-Morton R eo ting . It will not craok In cold we,l ther, oi' soften up in hot · wea thl:1r, It g i ves YOIl u11 ' the protection tbat it is pas . AMERICAN MAT R MA KERS The ' American parlor ma toll i.8 11 eible to get and it is le8s expensi ve oonven·i ence wliioh has oonQuered than uny other high-grade Roofing . Gives tho agricultural NE WS wltb iI. degN'Q tbe Iilbabitants of many oountrie8 ma.terilLl. Bc.oklet fr ee . Mr, A. B. RaRe 1\1 c "be 'i n St,Niohollts . ot Cdlllpletenes9 aot evan I1t.1 ~pU'<l bJ otbers, and b'u rDed 'm",ny of them alive. Sid os. IND.SPENS .... U .. I~ TO 'fhe' maobine wbioh now I1lmost -------.~.------For Rent · A.LL COUNTRY RESIDENTS exolUsivelyeuppU,,8 this great conWRowiSRTO 'ven\enoe, .at 100 for a cent, in the He Got Whu,t Be Needeu . KEEP IJP W.TH TilE TU'lES. >' l'-h' " "i ' .t . f E (;iood " BJu~ (;iinss" PI\!!ture .for E ng '" .' epea .. ng ooun rle8 0 u, "Nine year.8 ago It looked a81£ my · III_gI. S.bSOriptlOIl, '1.&0 I rope and Soutb· Afrion. and to Chili tiine hud CaDle, "Ilnys &lr. C. Far . . reot. , Good ' fences and ·.runnin·g Two SlIbBcrlpt/on;', ,2."0; and Per.u : was invented I~nd perfeot. thing of ¥iI1 Creek, Ind. 'fer. ' 1 wflte r . For furth er i.nfol'lllation in· . '1TO Subl.rJp~IO'" ' .... iO. ed ta st-iII , manuflWtured only WB8 80 rnn down that life bun.g on a quire of, Nllthnll J an e", WIly-nes- • PEOI&L INDtJClBMEN'I'8 to ·OA.ISvery · slender thread. It was then ville OhiO, Eft8, OF L .... RGER ()LVBS. , in Ohio. The patentll on it having my drnggist recoommended'Eleotrio Four :lJIoiIJAB' 7'JiaZ 7'rip 8(1 (){mts, expired., 96 ' per cent. of all matoh Bitters. I bought a bottle Bnd 1 got ' taotQriea in the United States u,'r e what I needed-strength . 1 bad one SPECIMEN COPIES Seed Oats for Sale made by it. Tbe 80 million people foot in the, bu~ Eleot~lo Bit,..m be maJled (roo ell requeSt. It wl!\ pay lUIy· In Amerioa. use a8 manV'm",tohes a8' ter8putit book on the t';lrfagnID , and Illte~ In iUly wo.y In cquntry lit.. to A ,limited IIDlount of white soed bUlly . . J. 've been ·well ever sIDoe." dold ltiud tor tb()~ Adolrcss tbo pllbl!ahl.'I'II: ~ 800 million rn the reet of th~ under guarantee atFU. Bohwa1'tz's oa te for Bale. LUTHER TUCKER a; SON, world. . drug Bt~re, 50!, . . Rl.chard BrpwLl . R. F. D, a, 4:\b~· N. '1r.
,\f t,· I'lhJltI1.
'Varnes\, i ile, () h_io -
' Va,teh,
7 lewd ElgJ11 or Walllt:ll11'muvcment for
n:·C( ~ 'l'EH.
!. ,
ISPRING and SUMMER Shhtt _ ...-...
WASH 50c Ur), Per ia~ Lawn Allov{'r Nett
- _..: ----' ......
Skirts. ,a re ve ..y large, Our Cut and Han o . cannot be excelled. Our $5.75 Sldrt cannot oe ef( unllcd. OUt'
$18.75 ,talues eq ua,l to any $25.00 suit in tho lilad{·e t.,
I The ONLY Agdpultural
till ~lIt, \1rll I1Y
Particulars (lnfluire at
11 " 1111
tl'ect, Xenia, Ohio.
'1'-J. e
l'·lepholW ~'o. l~
all the Leading Maga7.ine. at HIe Ga7.ette OtIice.
t " Th a t O. cll r ..l E(1wflrtl ~, Admini trtl lor Th e. CIever "M a I y mu E!S " . Carry the Mail I in \Iaska . · w.lth t h WIll '. n l111(,X d of tho ~ tllt() 'fb
Received for
Spring Jackets ~3
. ~
Petti.coats $~· ..
oo a,teen,'
.$l.G(). up ffcathel" Bloom. 4$5.00 IIp Silk ..
HUTCHINSON & GIBNEY .. North Detroit St~ ~eDia,
I"IllU"1I'1 WII.UII '111\1 WI[.. I II C', Jo-·: PE~~(}NAI. ANI> MIIl".lllI l'I't'''' III 1\1/1 I ... /o'W[I"llIp .1 lOCAl $1;. ":,!t.
~~unty ~()urt . N~ws.
1'1'*:.M~ I
4 .
Wrl May
Win Outing 'I'rip.
nnrwlll ~
.I ohn • i('I1 (')'1011 111 .1UI'o IIt H., 11. :~ , It ~ l111m J<:iIl'" It". 1"~HIl " P'tl'l. t ' )~UION 1'1.6:,'\1'1 II · R'!'. 1" ' ''''11 II nl'I'OH III \V '\M hlll J,{ tllll tOWl1'hlp , $li(I(j , 111I,'l1If; III th " c1 ,.]j ,d ll 11'1 hU1l1 rl" 1'\1TIll 1'." ill[,"rho wny 1'1'1>." uf It I"Il'OIl ull lln~ I:!ittLte ex re I Mile PUDlDl t.'lI VI'. .J "; ln Ni hull;nn t o J Il.· IAjlh 1-' l-l (lIJ. I .\l' tl ~ N. \ )1I1 t! L~ 1" lIPI' ron ,,'I>III'lh tnll 1'0 111l 1ll0~t I'opuhu .VIl UII'" IUII,v Rmllo Frll den. Dof ndtlot l o uutl IjH!., U(I' W>! In 111I1'hlll nnrl \\'11 bing .. ~ ; tle( t. IIn.l tlft,r ,I I,d" t snjn ul'll ill \\' Ill'l'I~ 1I t· . lIl1l '. and ~Ii:;:. liu guilty and ordered t o pity for m.1I 1)· ta u h l) wn~hll'!', ~,i:H.I~ I \\' I[h l'I· llI fI·; . ·.. III :-ip'III " huro, \\111 111 :'1c Kin. oy, duug-h of Mr. nud :
tWllnoe of ohild, $1. GO io O!l~h III III oostA in t h ! OUija and in d fuult .shnlJ be oOlll mit ted to jail. Stntevs Wi I1111 III ~h o l, wl'lI. PI nil I gu ilty to II (,1M ult Itnu WUH Ii II U - $ 10 and com. ·t.n,t\) vs J olw B . Donn II. Me tiOIl for new trial overruled uou Donnell . Re~telloed .to 10 d uys in jllil !lnll Imy th e oosts . Htll to \' >I J uh tI DUll IJt'1 I.
S'UbscripI tlIons' .
1>[r . ~Chllhllllh Me KIO!\C'y of ( 'or .' win H 0110 of Ih o 'undlllllt o ' , Itnd l' we S 0 no rell!!u u why ill t h tl w o rl(1 !oli o would not h' th e lu('ky Wi/HUll' . ! ' l'h €1 trip illc1l1(l p .~ 11 UO 11lil f'. • ,n r llll r oacl!'l, 100 mil . nn 1.11 ku ~: I'I , "1111 . I llnri olhll l' ('IlIl~ ttl(1 I"t WI1 , (:I. ,,,ol rc!1l 'l'hll l ~, l/l.\· , ' VI nilw; Mr. , . • 'LIll i ;\1l' . . 'Arlltl ~'lInm , \I''', lit' IJ 1111!-< Ulllll Il v9'"' ('ill c illl1uti .1 \11\0:!!l (1 nll El'fl (1llh u IIIIlI I)th(jr~ 10 .1 !)!lc Jlh I' l' ' 11 ' f I . .XIIS, 11'1 .. " m nl \) 'W II 111' ,I' pro. ,hIVl' !;f(lI ' h ,"Ut! .J uly l :!,lI ll OXJl O Il ~ I B• \\ . 1I~ 11:1 U (Jl 'el:l 'ill 1' !',lnkli ll . . . ' II Onlo:l!ll vi . It alll o n~ (.hel r relutlVef', ('flof t Ill: t rip to 1. pllid 1)), tbe I h ! 'O WII S Ip . "1 It od uthnr ('on, Ill"I·I. flftl' !' h" "llIg l;e l'll $11lJI/lIo tl ud hen. Lllbllllrln Pr ,,~.
. I O~ t'ph P . BUllhlll;' t , I,nl~ A. h l\ II h"1 1'1 ·... 1011\111 ·1', Ib e l' ll. :r.h~. M , tt, \J ' ~ " n':;;llll' I 'llr 'rl'l'I( ttl 'lI"ll1J , \!;I 11,; , bl'" l llI ' r. Ii I' ., I '11 11:;. I~lli~. 1'(' . '\i 1·IOO. '1t.(n" 11 ,I" . hi." h"llll! III ti l . 1.0UIe< ,Willi ;'\1. Mullill ILIlt! "II. til I\ ln,' 'l'III'"U IIY' l' I·(~ I : II ,~ . IIllti heol' IlIll l', / '11 '1 11' !.'I~ , "I('r . ,1u..., 1Il fl' I 'U rIII ; t" t l \\' n '\II·~ . 1';UI-!('lIP F""t, ·/,. l:o t'III'I1('(1 to .J
II' Ihl'
l\lll ry
UlInt OI' !Iud
hlt IJund '])lIl'IUII MIIl!;'r, lo t III If rllllklili. $1,.,11
~hlJl'ki ng' n t\ ~ ,
I hl'i l' In'll lt
' r,
1\'11' :\ .
·. .I I
Ill' 11111 d" lIlh S. B . 811 is .
u in :i Olilies . . P0r Salt,. . \\' .1 K alhon. fllll ' pU)Julil l' )JIll ni l MllIanl 11'. ,nook, VB Wil li,LlIl E. AI1I1II. ' . Hb~,,1' 1I0d .1 J j H 1'1.11 I' to'i l ' . , ~ .." .' . 1, 0 1' o f tli l' l!e l1l'),111 HIMt' li t ( 1)\·.WII1, Snuok et III. l)nlur g r ;lnll,d 1,1) !I 11 ( >llIIl'gO ( )l'l'illg l '"1 /' I!g ~. II I M . "V\ 111.1 luI, I II FllI' l, A ll " . . ' I hllH !-<tI ril l' 1'('l4111U1lI 1 hl ~ !I(n"n~IJI i" ' I' I'"t ill o.: ·,·:(ll(II,, '·:,O; :f ",(1(\ r ill' r elLI B~ I III I ut pl'I v llte .su le . r'l lit ' ':1 :'0. . 11" "11 I,I . ]J1'U llJlIgod i1 II1\1 ,~ , II:; t r) l(1(); 1,l u, ·\;.:I( 1 r,() 1" ' 1' ., ,'"111 1;\ MilllLl'd 1" , l:ln ook v,", \ . K SnrJlJlc UllIH I.,,, I.l . C U IIIl /lUU tJ~II "I'':' 10 1"" 1I/ £, U"" I' t il \\'U .\, lIl'~ \',110 I,'rilll( ." : I. II \\'111. · I·" UII. I l\' O~Ij IlI U, U et 11.1. Allll'L ::! lI nok , lillill' 'nuok, L iclu C lllrl A MfllIllll1 g, lol t! In '\ \'II IIIu Ill tl Jllln g li n d g I'lJI~ 1 la l" frl ellrl ,; u n 11)1 <1 tl n uo k aou B,t! }( ::Inuok Ullllle purti es Beiglt l ~, $:l:!r.. HHlt' " I' t il \ L.ittl tl ,\l lI lIlIi. !I ll o f d efe mlllll t . 'lJul'l es 1:I. TUl'n j. 10 'hLl'lI A , {Wllntll \1'111" \ g lll l] t.u "UII hl1J1 l uo ldrJ ~ For Sa le. !ll.un l1 iu~, l u I, ill AVlllulI 11 i g ht ~, fHl Willi all\l l' 1111 ~,~ v r tl o r(} '111 1' ltO H 'I' H: ( !O 11'1 "'I ~O Ihl'uu g lJ W IlI eh I ll'] II~ ]J",, ~e(1, E t~ t a u f 'u rub J . I", s bl y. tll~. "1 ' II I ' t r unu' I l t0 An l 'xtrll /ill \! '.'1:.'91' IiI) 0" PlIl' el. ll A, UlllL ". l UL li ulllll I lr. ( ) Il ll,. A. U u ug1l , II ·I.i ug f il l oeusod . ( nll:ll' g I'll ot d Ioc) ell proUl ' ' , I .\1 1J Il · 1 '0 ' UIIII" ( (111. \v. e ll I'll ,Oll lll l' f l' UIIl 'nu lt,• 111<11111'1\ III, l ui l< 1lJ1l r ,' . \\' . "l'" y I '".. n n lJ " .... Ck er , . I0 t II pn)l:Iec(ui cuter
li/jI1 ~,
mis ur y
D lJt, ~~,
Proceed i ngs,
rcpll lah", 1l11\ .I~hl" ellr ~I e(" d ll.l\ " url~'"
". \\,lIk .1 ;tl) O\ I ' I'1 l . ttl 'd l aw I 111 ) \\ dtll'!un', h\' ,' (n ul! of 1',." ," \'C'"'il t,:.! In 1111 ' ..t., May or ,,'r ; alll l lll"uq",r.l lcu \ Ill a~l' 01 1\' 11.\'11\'. 1'11 1< . Uf tI,e ,, 1:nUl O, .. 1 flh l " . 1" rull 1",.0" 1111(1 co p('nl l lutl, to whkh I hu\' c .... t·l. III.Y hanll ami uIHduJ "ul lh l_. IlIc ·lll ll.lIl.\ v I '\I'rll . A. IJ. I IIO~ . ( '. 11 SI IlI,I1.
1.!:,,1'!lte o f MIlI'Y U. H ill e, ll oCI\t1li"ll ; .~ e '.:' II H;q ~ niJlfl l tiu", Ln t I lIt~ ~ If\ oe r t' FiI·t /\,uu fill II I II CClI un t J'ilad. Hllg~J ",s.(:l lllu ClI . , . ilPl1li,; 1'01' In v e l' 'u 111' 1' u, uul h t'ult,h . lIl!' . 6'1'1.. ,E s tllte o t H au ry DillltUNII , ,Ie. .1lIditol· $ . 50; Bill 1'(;1t Bros, b lll uk s IeI' hU H t'U fII lt>l·,y b'PlI ' LlhJ·.!~.t io C('11I1 U. III bill Hi ed. for , probat e judge :j:.J.OO ; . '. L . t h ose IIlt 'l' .~, Ilut r >c nll y b ilK \.HlI'J1 W . U ::;0 0 0 \1. "dll1ll1iNtrll to r VII nn l Utll:.l, I lUll 1lo r .2. 10 ; \ ' . B . " r,~y I UI', ~ Ptl l' d UI '111 of 1I11 'y tlq;r· II r re p/th O1)1 urirl ge
J'!" ~ !tt l ' (.f 1111\ III I~ ,l., tl h · r
'I'}w tJu.l,·r
'1' 11
CltrVt:Hlt r
'c hil1l k . W. Null nppointe'd Dl1ulIUi!lt,l·utUI' . T, M. kuuill8 D, H . 'B. Anderson lLIIll fl . H. Uou o v r ILp. Jl oiuteu II ppru 1 ';t:l I' ~ . of
l'll,JlOl'i 06 0.
~ Ilow soa p is u fllVOJ' iL III ulIwy famili e!), um' LUi !)~ i ou i", tu ligbt n the bunien' of WII bdllY. Jiu ve YUlI Chrlsten.L Alliso o toO J oh n F. AI· l1 ~u d King o f the Lnlllld ry 'oa l '! If - --..=,-_J:IiI5S011-;-l X uorrs ill F rnnlc1iu town uot be nllvillod b y milli n s L'LVll. sbtp, $IiOO, A 1U.lLtohlo !\ 01 IlU Rel' Ilnd IL fltVOTl t Wll lilHn W . ' tiM to Hut,1! A . III tht! wol'ld ' ", uute"t, fOt" SOI~p S U. I:)tltt, luG 1I00'OS in DeerflQld to\)'n~ preu111oy, Illude f rolu tue l ' ILu est s h ip, $ 1 a nd oM\ r go()c1 lID 'I I'LWful Bud uest II11He r hd li n d it, contulu,", oon idol'l\.tiotl!!. ;!om a nnpthu. 'old uy Illl li vo delil , .fosflulL F oster lIt1tl wifA to .U l ltyton r s, three Inr!;l1 blt!,1; for ·t eu W. Foster ~1l1<1 wife, l ,w re in Frllnl! nEAl,
1C8'fi\'l'J:l TitAN
High !It /lull gg~ t. a 2\)
lin ·town~bil>, ~~ OO. Theodore F. t:illonoA IInu wifoto 'J)emorllh .Soook , lot iii ' ontb L 1>11 Is
PJ e n t·y of 'l'ro il ble
s t. lg n atio n of. th o 11 V I' !lud .bowels. ' T o got. riel of it ulld non, $750. h Cll d ,wh o ""nd 1)illioul:luass .lInd the, A . .D, Spence 10 i'am oral! S nOOk, pOISOD tllut bl'iu g!!' lILUn(lice. till~ o lot ioSoutb l~eull no n . ~ 1 and 'o th ~ Dr . K i ng's ,Ne w L l f a . .P ilJ i!. the r e h able }Jnrifi e l'~ tbflt Ul> th ~ wt)J' I, witl.! · vltllllJ b l e OOO llid lJ~'(.tl !lUI!. o ut {g1·\tH.ling ()r grillin g . 2 ::i~ ILt '. H~uben '1'ilfol'<1 to Green Pegs, .b' r cil • chwal'lt.'s IlI'llg t o r e ..
10Hn F ,r ll-tlliliu, $400 . Ultrl:ie H. 'Phillip:; I,() WillhLu; ·P . B~y. , 6 Ilcr (j ill W'uYIl~ tow.n~h'ip , ~2,720 . .
·P . :V . BOlle t o W. F. Elzrotll, ' ll) (/l III Le1Janon . $l /Inri ot h e r 1500c11111\1 valu~1Jl e comnclerll ti0\.18. ' l:i(l.pu llh A .. Montgomery t(J Puu .)l'Jie 'C . . 'r'e rwi11ege,', 2,X; tlCre!! ' 1O HltmUtou t,oWJ;1sb ip $1. Smitb 'Bn,tcher Bull wi.fe to '1'. D. !:!en or, IQ~ in L~bllu'on, lfiOO. " fbO l1 l1lS ~on.or Iln'd wife to .DllVid Wa lter".lol in Le~l\non, $ 1 nod at·b .. er good noa 'vlllanhl e con 1!Ii d SrIL 101 0 II!!.. Dll v!.l Walter t,o KaDBBS Wl.tltrtoll, lot In r.ebtlnotl, , 1 R,n d other vn l llA.
bie conslderut l ~Ulj,
l·n.U<I!'\ll l..ty
WJlynll8vilIe, O. t n. 20
.Albert S m , V,ll l 'Y Ph on e J I ~
t' \Viii hli
~Ivoll h.\' til
AJip u ll 0
IIllll BAil Hil1~e .. ~, 1'ues· lillY ni g llt., AjJI'11 2,', i u lii " h 'c hoo l Bull.
'l'lIi>! c(III1Jl!l ny is >'nlu to be
Oil of tll " us t, Il Ltr ll ol ionA all LlIS rOIH] , /lllli I,h e )l opl~ of Wayne ville 8rB t o he c(.) J\ ~ rll t\l1tl ted npon hitTing tll H ·oimor t UDit.y o f il stenin g to n n e yell i rig 's e nt er hli n lit nt by the ll1. Of Mi s hipp tlt e Wllyll sbu r g P e nu ;1' 11'11 lIi1~ , 'I'l lII es hll~ t h I foll ow IIIg to suy : Alisi'I Flshcr , hiJl]! i8 n ot II !'e ude r , thllt· i. too t fl lll for h er-lI ll e is 'a r 6tll n t l·e!!!I. "n enl e rtliine r , lind when i~ Co"l ll10S t o hti e llt, sh il:l r 'gh t there wilh 1111 t.h o (lluilll s uf /I t l'i od
n uti trn e ly . s heo i.
/I rl, i ~ t .
~ " bf
I' e ci tes
"lI Jlerl,
~ il1 g ( J'
II f 11 01 '"' )'\:l!', o f n Hln y 1101 . ~ , !;Ilfl I;; It I' urpri.w, IUlCl bel' WOr K II ~ 1\ '' 0 'ulb; t 'Ind render \Vo!'a ~ it.II"ly g l'ellt. Miss ' hipp UI1 l'eoite h )' !ioo g!l, or si u r h e r r ecitlJ tiOD. H., \t · lI!ion s h e !.l eud h ilI' o\yn cnllljlll u y.
Fa l')nerS
, The Black Perch on tall i n. Rl!:NIBR , will make t he sea s on as p::luul at Wayn ~;;v ill '. i\ l $'10. DARK N [GH'l', the 13la k Spani sh J ack, wi ll ill at. the ~tHble ~. la t yea r , at
Do n 't
One Hundred Garments lFor Hospital Children.
H ' Mo" s hall Prop o.r• •_ '• • ''-11 . J'
l ..........•
tllne, and' good I
P ·nt 'when
addi tional co t J au can get the best' OIl tbc market, sm~lH
Clay Burns llll fl.... hunur d ullll t.wElve gar., III Uh1", U BIl tl y s wed, IVl ll lio pllcked h l.ui·i'l t'lny II lid Ii.lli ppe rl i r.o he Gil I I ~ . , dl'OI.l '1i H l'!< ]Jitlll , :.H. Alllmru , Ci n
) our
money on cheap, ' -Lnf'eri 0 I'
at a
Yo u will a l!io f1nd
at the same t.abl . A line Road . Stallion. 'lay Burn 3was. sil"d by Ohio );! g r eatest. ~p eed . h')l'se. Hobby" , B ur n s , . 2:W 1· 4, the s il't! of r'::ORSALE. 'I .nwllud :l:1I7 1· 4 , Dernice "' 01' .13111 - Full hl ood R. <.:. J I~o rie i l0,( j - i(, . W. I) . . 2:08 1·4 , ' IBIlIlld Red eg~R, iiOf' Il s~ttill g. Lydit.e ;!:09, Jim J< e nn ' dy 2:0}}. Dnri n g the tbrea winoor 1II 0 D~h $; X , l;' r cd R. 2;U!J}I', Annie Bul'1ls ItVE'\J;ugeU til d O:.len .(·ggs }.lOt· w ee k .' · 2 : 10~1 , Maggie !'ig,g s 2;1l;{ ; ·Mnl. ' Mlltr Ami t RO D, . and ~eventy oth e rs in the lis t. . t. II. 22 \V1I,y ne!l vi l\e.Ohi" . .. To see 'LAY BU RNS is to admire him. CompetelJ t juq.ges hav 1ll'(jJlounc u him ' to be F or Sale o.n e ui t h , very best ,indiv i of the get (If his no4'ed sire. • Come and ee him b fore Num ber 1 timoth y; hllY for I:!ule. going e l. ewhere . . P I'itJt $ 10 p f1I' ton in 'bEl budl. ,
() . A. t-i1.l.'tlWIl . Vult y Phon .
Lt pl'i' puid for IlonJtry
(~ui nt l · tt e,
...................... . to N otiep
1111- 1 n :l lllhrw nn IIl H Lec ture
Stop ~eading Your Ne'ighbor's paper. Subscribe for tIp Ga',zett ,' . $1 a year.
..__ _ ....._ _
dl"C ·t.\ I~ ~ I ·d. \.,j 'j~
F'I n a l E n t t!r t aln. ment April 28.
, AU .1. r·:IJ\\ . \W h;o( , lh~ wil l dlll ll"Xl'll o f
CQUill t ry P rod uce W a n ted.
~4 '7 1. 40.
A O R FsA'L' COl 'r ~l:lT .
wILli 1I1 c Wilt
I h • C"' ~ ; ll t-" ul I IJ. \' Id r4 :l .,hlt,,\", ..; J'U \\ • 11 UuW t\ . A Hurney.
v .) I'I;: . WH::\
IJCt.' l·,j"\l,d
LJ ...", u 1l 1'PlJllIl l..'l1 unLl
,,,1 l l!
.\dmln b trIlHlr
Ji:. tll t l
tJ M~
anUt':s-etl cfl \II' I ~~la tl"llr Ilu "i C1 1 ,jl~ tlh' .\ f. I. Ll' o r \ \'""arrt'll ouut ,\, ,1IUII, 1It'4.· l~ a...'t.I\J . 1)!It " II tlti s Hh' day t;1 April A. II , I \lO~.
' 1131. t o l1 ul'illJu tluPl'lOg fOI ' ' :! ',: ~:"I. ll t I I ~ I\ ln ll l)r Whit. hen otioi. phml blllg \'II . J.. l;' Uunw l' fill' ILl·.V. Third II N JOIl II I, n l!'lt1.
l ", ul~n
,'d rllllll s lr~l" r
'luallllc'J " ,
We can save
Notfce of Appointl11enl.
01\11 d. ' ~'illI" ,, ;., 'li n t li ltlt.l .
.OJ i Leo a io Whit- leIlO.:l.
ue)' , bridge r plll rs ill ::;nluUl tOWIl . M ls. e s Ad 111m] W!\1II1l Rlngl. H:HtU LIJ (If WillieI' Kim!c"I·. ( t, II I, hip 27 ,·17 i Gl)ol'ge lIidl . ur id g r - wh o 1111,'e :,II' lit Ihp Pll ~t I w.J YOIlI'. Illlit·!< in U " JlIl It.n u t ow lI~h i ll JO.:n·, ' Ill .",... \\' l'llltl U I' 1' 1111 1 .I·fl l l· \ ·d l'I' ll r~__• III, mill ur::l. · 1~ lnj( 'IlW, lI1t til II l" ~ "" I!} ,t ll l,t.l IIf :'\11 1' 1\1 .1. Lu!'111 ~' . Ja. ' &I'W ,OOJlI,fll I. I II :!ti. :Jf, ; 1J'. ·.l':) i Il1 11' Ihe W I\yu(,,,\' i1 I ~ I~x(; h ll ll ::; f', Ill' ~ Oll , OUlltl'Ue t 1-1 .J\l.9LJ; \, ' . uglesb'~'!ll! lit, t 11. 11 \' IIJlU ). ,t UI'I! t,ll th i l' 0 11 101. I·' I! "I Ih·OU II11 1. f·lI ut!. .& Oil , buril\l o fi l1 Ji~1l lIL l:!o ldltlJ" s b ~IIlI « III . Brow lI \ ·O UIII,.\', "/lIT.YlU g [Il 't ll u 111 <1 (1 (l r lor rh e will o f 1:l1l1'. wiu o w GO OU; I.'. 1:1 . f uroi s u.- w llh t ll' lIl I II 1)t'~I. \\,I"hl),; !I liet &L ~ ltll t, lI. dtll~ ""ad. Will lIeI l u g oLl Ilull lubo r f l,l l ' CUU I' t. h oos Iud st r Hllrll .. Qf t il! lurge 1I 11U1 U\1 ~t.I<t1 t U ,j)I' II Ullle Ilnd .I olin K .,. 00 ' A .. II d t,ur r lloe I , ; " , tuw , In x · , lIel' o f' r)fl t ron~ It hil I' be' il theit· ' mUlI II llpuluter! I xecntlll·. W . Ii . . . • . I j - I "0 lUg UWJUIS81 1,1 11 r K JUlll'lIU ' . , , ; III u ~ur til Hl' I·\' e . Alrellu.I' :\liss . l'~ lzroHi , l' . . UIIIlt!IlIltIW. ' h o a r VII 1' 1 1I (. d a ey o p onu ~ I), r II!, /10 . •Ionni tl Uoo k IInu 11 1 11 tit k e~ 111'0 MlIlJle 1l I IIIlll,llI a~IIlJl]Jr/li sO_I·lI . '011 1" ('0 "'t t . Ii' k'" u Ij .1 ." ; '" II ,0 v' " ' IIU l'U.. u· In t rU1DiD ~ t n t.u. k t.b A p lu('(l illJf tb e In lob e wn lel'lIf tile ll!!sigulIleut don . cost 5.·Hi. ;\li!l~e!j'I H g l e , of 'lllull:!!I \V1I,rtl . Alltlign 0 n u th ur , w e l' fltl sessmonh fat· col,lrt ho use . to HI:! II car t 11 10 C I11111111 ' 1\11''' ' lIud M I'<I. .l ullu ,'tlln t,on IZ . UUU j .liJ rOt· 1179 .0.0 W IL r C ived 1I0l1 (iI'O"'" (lV( l' fr Ul Ifmni!lin In. t Frl Estltl. of Edw'lrd ill d r: II seu : th e auditor witll lu s h 'uctell ' 10 fil e Uhurl e!! l". Nill !LJJI)uinted x o uto r. b1l1 t Ol' siune. cb y Ilftel'no() u . bringi n g with th em M\'~ . 8tllnton'" ~ i~t I' , !'I fr;;. D. W . AI '[) I', hwr ::l, 'I'h IllU A MI Il(lr, .l o hu I!:. ' I t d ' L ·t l. .. un rlt cr. WIlS t1 re til U , I u ~l f'l?k" . 'wll h/ld b RAn t.L1 >h· 'ue .t Ho1JiJ\!\ori /llIlI B o wlIl'd Early . I U II ' . I f I li ng . D O m -..:tl W Ol' t l ll L' 'OUCJ' \:l l or t:' v , I' UJ t1ny~ . I£:ltu t uf Fr er1/'rl olc M. , But hi ll . I I 11 . 1 wuH tel t;eW~ l' u ell r r ill ' 11 0". 1\l r . 11011 Airs. Eu1It1 1111 I R t! ttll1l(, ::lUll. rul llnl'. ~' Il' ~ 1 /I ll(l Ullt, rllell . 0 11 : (1 II C ' I" ~ ("I'll! ' I m ' $7;1. ~(); ;" it,h • 'Illl'k for l' pall' l ug .wo .Il 1· tit II' g rflllli ll 'lIlJ; hl ' I' ~ l i s:, ~~sttlto o f ( ; . L . RIIl.Jort '0 '1 , d • d . ..1. . l:i elc' ll Ht\lla~~ . hit \ ' 1' r 11I 1' l1 l ·, 1 I I·Ol.O -9U1Il!eil . A 1111 11 M . l1 o llfll'ts III li p' "m'il; II LIl I:> JOWl'l l' pl'ill~U O I · o.r"".d ~ l)r Juf yi o"l,t ",iI.h 1'I:IIl.t ll·,,:, nt L oui". p ui l1l, cI I' X., I nt,ri x . .1, 1llf' 1l 'FolI(·n. IU ( :lelu(, l'I·elr I ,wllSllip r UI' 0.50; villp. K HIl I tlok y . '111,":-1,1 gUlHI P <' Ulllt· H IlJlI'.I' · S UI\I OII III K n!l U t~I·O I':.:tl IJ: .vllh Jiltllll. ,-\, 1~lho li f IJ I'I'I'P ' l'!' HI llrf1 ill"", Cli ot IIl}Jl rlii ng II ,,[.,it t o YoulI~ "PII,lIl1ln" ".Jllil'IW\ fl l·H ' 1)1'" " !J l'>I t l) l'IIHllllnd nv,l' 1J1ld~". I ~IIt.ll tl r ; I'lll,), • h (lll i ~,, ", II j i< :Hl Ol · I~,, '"tt ,,11':<1""11 \1 '''1 1)1'1'\" "'1'. [Ill' • I till. m e l'· l' ll p COlli r:t(' r \\,11 · Ipl. I'm' /I t'lile! ItllhlWlltl. If n l.1i 111'("11 nl. Ii I "·I L I'O UIII III til bll,~tl lll t:\ !lI , ut tlw OO Il I· t . IItl ' t\f ~: lTIil l "" Ml' C:\lIl El, d
c-='---_ _
Brio .ca s
n on, $ l lIrrtl u tll e l' VllltllllJ lo 011 " ",, 1.-1' I, Iinn rJII "' ri d" " nltf'l.·"""n /11),1 Iwlc1 hlsl,uto uf IJll vi ll Lu. bl y, uec a sed. ut.i Otls. n 11 fI" »"t I"~ t li n "'1,1,, 111>; 1,1 11' . U XOIU' .J . 1~L1 WIII' U;! u ppointo,l udlllin. M,lyor's Proclamation. Allllro w 11'. 1 1(01' t lJ"lI r y \Y . I; ll. W ;/'irllllll1l'lIHIII, 1>\01 111 uil'u istru t r; 1J ml $ LO,OOO. Meo k r,luh:li n If l·ILIlI( IiIl ,$ L,r,UU . . I~ utl" 01.\"')1\ 1\1:-1111 11'11 1" ·ll1n .\· III TIl· In th o nllltter of th a guu rdinn sbip .I\1UI'." L . .To hn ti.'oll 11I lllllU :< bllil tl I I; li ng . . . ~III th ' 1·1 h ,In"", .1 ,"'Ul,ry ..\ . J) . I IU • .J W I llie IH:Lll l oli u f Ltll' qllUIlI!l 'd l ' h'I,.' lC)T' of of Arllliol,1t ' . 6 ill i!:', Lucy F . Virts Ac1IlDl \V flil :.le l, l :i:!Ilcresi n .l!' l·lIn.k · .M I' S J:J. J<: F'rt',·, w h o i" I1 joyillg ,hi .. III ('o rt>'''','l''~ \ ' 111",,, 101 \\' a .\·I\·o,·III". appointeu gUHruill1l ; bond $500. . \yn r rt.'11 fOll fll ,. ohto , Lh{'rc \\a"4 illl cl .... cth'" lin ~uwn shij), L:1,OOn. It ~ p r lJ nu uld IIg u willi 11 r L111\1 'b ll'I', h~I,1 "n the ' " ("It~" lIe:.1 I,,,,,d Opti o n " " '" In t,b e U1ut.ter of Bunk Dukiu, . --. r " . (in ' . ~ nailh 11111 flll1llly. IV/IS 1· .. "hlhl,l", ll'l' · ~lnll \" " ClU l· O . • ,;11 I111.( II r "l,ldn ' ..&.\' 11\' uf ;U J l ' \\"h t ... k~.\. __, lc , U 't' r, U I' imb oile. l1nurdiull nl1l , I h)l'i~.I· u to COlllnl issioners' ~ t·iZt!ll witLt Il vlOlen l (lll'.:.I ill . ~ FI'i. m}' "tIH" "'all ,J! \ ' IIIt''''', I .i"uur~ "r tI~" cr' IJo rru w $2,.,00. J.: ':~. l! ); CC'IH II U \\l"ILL t' n pr l.!.'ic Tlptlou ur a
1.l1lu L·. 13ruwll tILl. ::Illl con fll'lll eJmlu llL t,i'] b~t1o n UJ'tltJr tH I.
Lia stood .evcr y test to which ' it has hV t,lltl Gl1ild of ' th e , t;t. · .MIJ'ry'!! beon s ubjected, an d 1,8 t he most efficient 'Imrt:h dllrilll; the f.ol'ty dilYs 'o f IJl;lllt., aim l will ).le (:ived " " .d nutda 'p ai nt. you can use.
C,t ulIflti , J'h's e
. .:..
"Il rill e lll,!;
fasht onec1
gQod llI't'e ofl lY th~ 1Itt.le suf1erers at . . the HoslJitul. o r el:'l1 . ulltioUILJity and . oolor n Qt con i d or ed , 'rhe ' good w ork .d on e fn tb.ltt iust' tutio~ is Olllde ' po sible ' by . ju t· suoh (Ion.~. tlotl!! 0.1 90 of cn h 'und other JlAc~s81. . tie!; the 'wholo ' uwountiDg' to !!uffi. oient t o do unt.ofa good. l)oDI~tion!! 'Ilt IlDY tlm& of the year rr~UlanYf!ot:ir(lell re t·bn n kftllly reo .. - : - . - :
There i's no better. paint than
· Hanna's ·Green Seal Paint. For Sale by . .~ , ____ _ _ . .. . . . . ~ ~ _ _ . . . , _ ~ .. ~~. .
CPOPS AIIID MOISTURE. Timely Cultivation W ill S a ve Much Latt e r fo r Former.
0' Practical F~lshions
;\1 11(';1 "r III' IIlUlstlll'e 1:11«'11 11/1 by our l'.. I1~ I,; IOSI lltnoug b lack Olf t ir'lethl ll Iy t'lIll iI' 1\1 1011 . AI 110 t' lIll' I"
Wa sil'
Used to Al so.
W e ll
rosts mny be drll'l'll wllh ~Jl .... d .-'COnnllty a ll {llltn)' farrnl\. If wl'll . 1N1)('O l!u IIUr! th e rig ht m I hod 10' fi~'l well. A r al 110S t d rive r Is on Ilf r I' mOnt \'11. ill' made I h lng-II IlIHI IIlIe If' ~J mOS L us tu l thnl n fllrll1C'r r':1 11 ~ I. Ull. prlg ltls are · bolt d nc ross !Yt a sllJd. or a roup::h vlunk 81 cI ma y • mode fO I' tbe purpose. ' rb standards llI ay bo 12 or l il ( c t L • 'Til h til Is bolted II. ero's 0111' ""'-k:h ;:IIPllo rl S t hp holst for lila. \Y.~i:J::t!f . For this n block of Iron or ~ wolghlng not less th a n 25 llollnd a m:l8l be uhtalncd . lind It mu s t havCl sia.l'lle or ring in It so It m ay be lCP.-d. The llOs t Is placed where It ill JOll d
. , Ealy to Drive POltll with Thl .. "to be driven and tbe weight lifted a nd ~Vowed
to tall on It. A little praetlco •....1 e nable one f.o drlve pastil In soli 't1i.a1 eoomll too hard. The rig Is ust!· I aJ80 in putting down drive n wells. To drive a well, s a ys tbe Farm and "J.tome, l%'-Inch pipe III preferr d. TIle length should not be over six 4'teret:. The fll'8 t pipe to be drIven mus t e a poLnt at Iron or steel. Any !Madr:amltb wbo Is an expert at weld. 1 can readily make a point lIolld In ' (be end of the pip , and then bore nil· '1IterQU fl on e·lourlh·lnch poles in It rrn tile UrSL ;1.8 Inc hes of its length 3bave the pOint. Berore dtlvlng, 11 -t;nupflng mus t be screwed Ilown tigh t a d fast OIL the tlt read that Is to c.on· II It to Us mate, so tbe thread ms1" Dot be injured. Also on top or this piing must always rest a block of JeIIAI Or seosoned ·hlckorY, to rec Ive aacI dJst rlbute the conollsslon. to pre· ..sen-e t he pipe tram destruction. ""e pipe is drive n tbe same lUI a t. anotber length being attached '38 fast as one ts sun.k 1/1 tbe ground. ODe rule must never be forgolten : ~ length dr pille must be threaded 'so IODg a s It screws . Into the coupllug aJII! r sts (buts, ' tlley <)all it), on tb e • <--nil of t he pip beneath ' It Th!s 'prevent s spTlttl ng the <)ollplln and lftky jQlnts. . DRAG THE ROADS. -:NDt TOD Late Vet to Do Much to 1m. prove the Highways.
).!.1"I ' all ' l o
hjl ring'
\)II I'illlO; thl ' 1:1 11. 1I11I1 c' l' Hurt ,' nl' ly .. "rln!!. IlIl' IIIlll ~ tlll·t' Ihul lulls l~ lukl' n lI y nl otlh' l' ('arl h nllly 10 It , ~l' llt blll'k h~' :tpllili ry nctlu ll to th SIII' fn 0 II'IH'II s pl'illl': OIiOIiS Ilnd Ih sou bl'gltlll tn .·hill .. all el th " willus hOh'l u 10 blow. "I' hl:! lillII' llI'd uethJn nt' th e soli moist· Il l' can (lilly tako Illa(' ill :Jaek ~ Sill'· fa ' ~, HII ~ h as an' (0111111 111 l1el<.l:; that haw' Il1'e ll IIlowell I hi' fu ll Ill'foro 1\'lId ha v Ileun Ilat'kl' ll I)y tl l'ILiIlS IIL1l) S IIU\\, ('11'111' to ' Ill() NlJ l'f\lc('. J1' nOlhln l!: is dOll 10 check Ihi!' was le, hllndrf'ds of barrels or wlll i'r nl'f' lost ,·ve ry <la) which th .,·omlnp; crO ll mar sadly n ad 1J0fore till" s,' a ~u n Is 108 lI . How n);l~' WI" clt'k Ihle groat wast.e? hupl y tl~' earl y Sllrr~ r,g ' ··r t he 8111'ClI e ~0 11 s o as to ma ko nt:. "artn mulch , llOYS J,' or st 11 'nl')' h th e Nor lhwl!>;l(' rn A;rric\Jit1ll'i s l. l'yt1dll~ l hat will Bn till' s lIrraf" ~oll n l11(, dent h of two 01' /lIn' In hI'S will rIo the " 'o r k. .\ smoolhln~ ha no\\' IIllIl' perllaps 11(' nU L at l he h (;'ud or thl1 Imjllement JIst for thi s w rk. Ol'dl JiHl · Iy t wo harrowings 9« soon al> !.he gl'o'und worl(s well wll\ do th o " Ilrk. T hI s early s U;'fac cull! val!ou has a.':4o anolh r Impor tan t mI ssion . 1L ~ r.t r~ th surfac 11011 from crustIng aOl:l from becoming 111111 Ill'. How mally n farm I' In III )las l hilS negl cled thIs early work In hI s eOl'nO ld ani! lh('n WitS cam pe n d 10 p lau t his cOI' n two or t h ~ e InchC's d per than he u' lslt ed lu order to put It In moi llt earlh. Early s u rface c ult IvaUon wllJ kf' f \) Ule Bo il moIst 'Ve ry n ear thc s lIrtac:! 110 a s lo Insuro' gerlllinatlon as soou as th e crop Is plant ed. The bene Ots from cllllivotJon a,·o o nl y. jllflt begi llnlng La bl rp.a ll zed by a- fe l\!, progressive fa nner s . ' VII I yO IJ bo one Ihll.t wil l be (lI'olll e,! by It tllp eomlu g s asou ~ THE FARM GATES, " They Are Properly Made and Hung They Will Not Sag. A good gate prop!lr ly hUng Is One oC the' best e Qulpm nts of t he rm·m. It will save limo lind It \\'111 sav tha Carm pl·ollerly. t oo; t,h n, it will just "sorte r" help t bo look of thin gs . A gOOd gafe Is e asy to mak and easy to han g also, and I will glvc h ere II s ho rt de8crlpt lon of t he !dnd I hllve usod for Il dQzen or mo re Years. writes Ber· nnrd QuInn In Fanners' VoIce, aad th e same I see In II SC now on a goorl man y farm s nro llnd b OI·. We IIseil to .b e both e r('d a great dea l WI Ul gate s sagging or gell ln'g out ot sq uare. 1
Wife Fou nd 111m a Careful Advine r to Wom an 's' Drl.168.
It \\'os JlI ~I\Ra llt 10 h l'or MI·K. H llmnlllnt! s\ll'a k ' \1f h pr 1111. bUIl( r H h IlIflil. nos,; In dUI\I • II 111:111 ' 1'8 . und nls9 of h ili ~Il'a t (lIslt· ill I'vp;ol'{l I WUT11U \1 'S . I h·e~>i . "~tlb()r1y cou l<.l guess whnt 0\ lIP I II /1f.l Is 10 lIlC 111 <:hotlstn l{ Ill~' n,'w g'o\"ml HC'h Y ' ur. " ~h·H . I hLlllllloll d sl1ld. (Ill l'lles Oy. "w llh'llIt TllII ll y h\~,U'· Inl'; 0 111' cnnvE'rsatlo ns." A g ,'a ·...Iess cO\H~ 111 , t o whom .' I Ih (.l r>r iyll <~e til' hl'aring olle or. tlt pse tI , 11I11I Innllitg (. 1H't!l'sallo ns . Ril itl I,h ll t f' V I' lI[tel' Ihe /1 culhl" Illness or M I'. 1-1a11111'101ltl for the IIOll ltlOIl uf 'nso r \,Olllll ltl ' r! In h r m ind . " Wllllnm." suld Mrs. Hnm1l1olld . 0 1\ this nt l' lItoralJle OCCRRioll, " I am Itnd . dd ed bl>t wel"n >l gree ll utHl II hrow, fUI' III), wllltt'r slIit . Now 1 llllo\\' wha t. YO I!' \'I) t hlnl<l ng. You 'r th) lI kl n~ t hf-t I said I W :15 lir.' d (0 Ilenl h of bro lVlI. I nny peoplo persist ill riding 00 t he street cars, insu ftlcicntly protected by clullr ill g. . and 1m 1 II'U ~. nnd 11m. You Lhlnll rod Tlte)' start out pei'bapa in ,the bent of tho dBY and do n ot feel the aeed of bull PI' ha \' 0 tho greell." "T0p,". ' . "S tlll- " sa lt! l\Tr. lIumnt ond. . 1'1,.. rnpid nlovi nf! of tbe car Mol a the body unduly.. \yh cn. they ~'ilrd. ~e "Corllllllly ." said his wlto. " Ll Spols. en r jlurlrnp" Ih o\' III'C 81i~hUy pil'il1l1. " ' hen t he bUlly I. III tillS cOl1dltlOn It I. ('asily.,lt lllr,!. 'th i. 18 espccin Iy trllo wlrrn 1\ r no n iR .itli ng . . .• anti I 1II01'll ullt La fa.dE'. II rita l'S. wh ilt1 ]Icginning 1\ ~ ll~ e t cnr ride ill the middle o f th lillY oud endmg It· UI the brown is II 1II0re tl'lhll wo rth y color." 1" ·(,I:; nll. Rlmo t iD\'lIti ably requ ires ex tra ' HRJl8, but peo lll~ do Dot oba.crve theM "or CaUl'!! -" hegun J\ l r. Hammoll f!. llrCl'n ullOns. henel! they entch col t! . . ·· Ytlti . or courso brow n mak's Il\ ~ ('olds are cry frcqu~t in \be :<: pri ng 01\ th is !lecount, li nd as tho Summer nlil'nnrc , 11 1 ~1' do n ot dc c ren~c . Durillg the tipl'i lll( lI1onth9, no ooe ebould lrok olrlcr." a ssc nlu<.l h hl wif . l h i~\' tI [ tidhlg on the CIII' without bcin~ pro\'ided Wilh n wrllp. . " Unt how-" ve ~tu red ~l r. H Atr\' X cold cnup:lt t In th o:! f:;l'ring is lin hie to In~t Ih l'ou ~h the entIre Suml\' Pul'i ,; Pull rn No. 23~~ , A \1 SeR mR mond. Gl'elll cRut ion ghould be olJs.. rvcd nt this ACnllOn agRlnsL (')( 1l0 ~ U "C to colll. DurIn, All o\\'l' c!.- A pr, t il' Iitll hreukfa~ " nllt lt ow mu ch smn ll')r I look In lh e fi l'~t (ew pleasant dnrs of pring. tI,O liubility of catohlDll old i.8 great, No wonder eo mnn)' people Ilequire muscular riJeuritntistn nnd eata.rrhal dia· jnci<('( a ncl all that will ' ho fnu n d bl'OWII than In an y other co lor." a nti caSi!S during lhis senson. 1I :0~ 1 '1II1Ille' 111 const rll cl lOJl II< h(' r(' l\fI' S. " " "UnOlld nocl c.lfJll uI1v rova l. " And H owe"cr, ill s/1il l' of th e gfenlest preCll utiona, ('old~ will be e&uJ!ht. port·rll ),oll. tlvclope cl In onn or 111 L1 e w 113 ' I'm rca ll y gR lnlng lI ~s h a ll t.h o At the npllCl1 rnn co of tiJo li r~t ~}' lIl plO l1l. l'cr1\1lI\ should be token acc6rdiD, c10lled Sw l ~s IIlll s lln. Th s lcl '\'l'lHlf t im. per hllps I'd betl I' not call 'rlor Lo directio ns on the bottle. alld co nllllued unti l " very symp to m diM PPPllrs. . Do not /lu t it ofl'. DO not wu ~ lc limn hy t.nldn{( othel' r emcdies . . Delfin d a nd 51 C \ ' (' N II r cut In one pic e, l h l! th gT ' 11. " once to tllice PCrllllll und contlnl1e tn ldng it until you Rre posit h'o that t bc cold Ae.nm be.ln· dlr cctl y ull de r th e u rnl. . " You do n't-" be~lln the carorlll a'\. has ' I1tircly disnppcored. 'I'llia muy 8Il I' U you" long Dud perhaps leriona J1ln.~ ancl lhi!! os we ll os l h E~ side (rollt unfl vlser. loler on, " I know I don't look s tOllt lo you ," Hfrlc bnek srams o r left opcn fo r a Slight dis tance frOIll t he lowcr dse' l crl II Ml'll . .Ilall1m li d. " bu t you'lI ( e l Bad (Hecb rrom Cold. wonld w hoez and ltn ve spella of covell· Tb ijCjual'e Dutch neclc as well a s ttle morc at hom wil lt III lu brown. alld lIfr.lIf. J. Deu ~sch, Secretary Bnlldin/l In$!' that would sometime, las, for a (l' a n d lower edge :s ar trlmm (I 110 it 's dl'cided. jnst DS 1 thou ght I t Mat.criul 'l'mclcs Coull oil, 151 Wrush ing- hl1lf houl'. "Nllw weenn n "ver thn.nlc you enona-It wit h nnrrow In8(>rllon an ll edgi ng !! of wo nld be! When ono has 1\ hu s band ton St.. hicngo, Ill., writ s : fI[ havo fo und your med1cine to b o (or the c,lmngo ~'ou ha ve made In our Va le nclc nn 8 Inc. a nd th e s arm n l. Is who Is reall~' in terestea und t a kes unlls nn lIy e~ncnclo us In g etting rid of Ii Ule one's h Nll t h. Before t he bvaheld toget he r by narrow rl~boti . Th e thoug ht abo l~t one's d res~." and Hhe bad effect, 'rom cold, and more espetll.ldng your Pcrunl~ IIhe 8ui'fcr~ . ... l·Jpa Llel'l1 Is In raul' !<izes-32. 36. 40 anri turned a bri~ltt gaze to t he 'vlsltor, "It cially in drh' ing away all sym pt<lms of t h ing in the 'lay of cough. cofdICj nd H 1110.111:'8. bu st meas ure. F or 36 do d ' s implify thin gs Bo!"- Youtb ' c.n tar rh. with wbich 1 a.m ir 'qllcutly cr oup, but now .he bas taleen DOt. pit. !J us t Ih e suck req ui res 2 a yards of Companion. troubled. . a blltLl6 0tl'e rllllll,and is well and. ITO,.. malorln l !!; Inc hell wIde. 1% ~' Rrd 36 "Tlle relief Perun. ,",,,e. In catn.rrh3.1 as IIbe haa ever beon in h or lifo." troubles aloll6 Is w e ll worth the prie Inc hes wId e. or ] % yard 42 Inc ite!; Pe-ru·nll for Colds. Put End to VolubilIty. pel' bottle. j have used the remcdy for wlllf'. 9!4 yards of Insertion. 7'f.: yurds Mr. Jnmes Morrisnn, fS Eaat tilth 8\.., ~everal now." Aberne thy Ivas SII[lpOI\OO to Infl ueneo Paterson, N. J ., writes: or dgl ng lind two yards or ribbon to SpeUs of Coughing. people by a brusqueness amountin g 10 "I hav6 g iven Peruna a fair trial, aDtI t r im. . Mrs. C. E. r . . ong, writes from At.wood, I find ' it to be jus t wbat y on claim I' To pro u r n 1.11111 pnl tern "c nd lO \,I""IS to ab solute ru dell ess . It Is r elute d ' tbat Colorndo, as follows: . to be. [cnnnot praise It too highly. I "Pnll rn B,lItor." omt: of Ihls pll p.. r. one day a v 1')' \'o lu ble la dy took h er "Whe n [ wrote , 'all for advi e my hlLve u s d two bot tles in ill.V family for ~'\'rlt l' nUIll P n nel neltlr/,s,. plaJ" '.)' nnd 00 ' d'Qug hte r , who was Ill. to se him. little th~ee·Y'\4r·old girl had l\ cou gh colds, nud eve rything' Ima~iDable. I sure to gl\'o Hlz!' ,\nd num b"r ol p fll. t~ rn . "W hi ch of YOII two wan ts to cODsult t hat had bellD troul,ltln$!' h e r ·f r f Ol1 l:' can aafely My that yuur m edlllino is tlae m e?" s uld Altel' u lhy. mont hs. Sho took l:old easily, and beat I bave ever nsed." No. ' $33. ".My daughtcr," re Viled tbe woman. THE MEAN MAN. Ab r netby then pu t II. qUoRtion to SLZEl .•. , . . ... . ....... . . . ......... ..... ....... . the glr!. Defore sh ~ hall a c lian c to NAJl1El .. .. . .. ................... . . .... ...... . re illy. he r moth er b ga n a long story. r;~:-;;:;:;:~;;;! POilU! " • .1)' cured . . Abernethy told her to be quie t lind re· ADDJUilS S ..... . ; .••• •••••• , ... .. . . . . .. . .... . til••• LItU. PUla. paled ' his Qu e~stl on to lhe gil '!. A . Tbe,. alao ....lIe.. Dt. s Bcond time lhe " 'oman bego,n 1\ stor y. t .... trom D,..pepela.a. GIRLS' SAILOR SUIT AND BLOOM . and a s econd tillle he told h er to be dlre.lio" a,,4 Tooll-., ERS. E .. IIDlI'. A PO';;::: . . qui t; then s h Interrullted him II. tblnl ~,. tor 01.. 1 N_ time. ee... Dro",.I,,_ B •• Ta.~ la UI. )Iou" eo. "Pu t YOllr longue out," he said to the ell To",ue, Pal" III . . mother. Side, '1'ORPlD LIV'" "B ut th et'e's nothing the matt r with tb. Do"al.. Pllral,. V.P'A~ m.e," she. exclalmel1 . SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALl·PRICE. "I b elieve," his wife angrily de"N~ver mind. pu t you r tongu out," he commanded. clare d, "that IT I Yo' ero dead YOU Genvine _Vii Boa, Thoroug hly ·ove rawed . the woman wouhi be marrIed again Inside of a WU\!~ . F~c.Simllo Signature . yea r." ' ob eyed. "Oh, no." the mean man r eplied, "Now keep It oul. .. • said Ab ru ethy, and h e proceederl to exu mille t he girl. . "YOU a'r e mistaken , Try me snd I'll proye It." _ _ _ _ _ __ -Grund Mllgazin e. LADIES' DR ESS I NG·SACK.
m _nal,...
~~f ~.,.p..H.<
One Type of Gate. trl od lIlany dlfTe re nt I!:lnds of IW8clng a nd at last got my pros ' nt Way from not icin g the brncl ng III a t russ bridge. I like 10 U8e fl v ·Inch harR .or boards snd three·~ unl·to l· s oC an Inch In thic k· ne ss. acconLlng to we ight of lumber. The bracing 18 at lhe truss or douhl e X style, putting two .pleces ,V·shaped Oil on e sid of th o gate. and on the oth(>r sId an In ve r ll'it V. as sbown In Cllt . .A. gal e of t hk! lyle prpperly hung wi ll no t sag; eve n a 12·Coot gate will hold liP well. Of cOIlr!le. In doIng n. good J.ob of gate ba ngi ng lh hlng )lost mus t be flrml y s('l and s t tongly braced. 'fh e scr w o( th e bOltom hinge should ' nol b ·s l'ewed In th PORt qUi t BO fa r' 8S th e ta ll scre \v, and to make a gate open IIp·blll the . bottom screw Ilhould lie p ut furth er baok In t ho post. About a hal (:lnch III eit her will ge n· el:ally b e eitn llgh,. '1'h18 lIIakes th e ' gale rise from t ho g round wh en ulIeLi llg.
, ' An minols rarmer saYII of tbe drag : "'TIle drag Is mtiklng .more good roads'. UIan- a ny Impleme nt or. machine ever f.v~tcd . 'rrbe nice thing about th e dn.g Is t ha t It 18 Inexpe ns ive. and It w.tfllzes the male rlal at hand tor up r uts aod d e'lIresslonll: [have tray· - eW extensively during the year jU8t pas:scd. over mlnot·s . Iowa and Ne bras· ': 1bL It is no trick at all ·to pIc k Ollt -.elY s tretch of road wbere the plullk clrag bas bee n use d. The secI' t of ~I ng gooa . hard road·beds, well .. 1>'OImded" 'Is starll.lIg the d rag all tho ~tL>r e dge '!>f tbe ~ ()II.d . and workln !> the 'dlrt to.ward the ce llt~ r. of ilie road .· fo this · way all ruts aro filled , and the ero D of the ' road IB so' high that It drm!ns per!ectly and tbe best part· of flJe dirt ' Is In thc.l cent er, where th e re ilJ the henvl'est wear. Those who have MAKING A WELL HOUSE. und~tak e o to keep ilie ' roadway adja.. t t.o tholr Carms in condition ( s a.y One Wh ich Protects in Winter and "tbrtt ilie t ime reqlllred to ilo the wo rk Beautifies In Summer. Is ~racUcall y nothing. Hoad m asters l.a m:lny t\lwnsltlps are I!0w IIsLng avail· A well hOllse he lps to keep the wa;3 mon ey to 1)I'o ~lde drags and kee n leI' In t he well cool In s umme l·. ~nd ' i1'Jem .on tbe .roads ·at the right time. al!lO pre vents th c. pUrnl) .fro' n . freezing t~ 111> the good poInts of Ute 'Klng In the win ter. It " trr~ l\fllke on e aud have It ready tor: It Is constructed .!r09iness when tbe 11t'oper time comes ' along tho line s as 1.0. ea.rl · s jlrlng." . shown In . tho II· III s tt:atl on , a well THE BARNVARD. bo use . may bl made to add 4;l6an' I.t .Every Day and 'Keep It Look. beauty to the sur· ing Tidy. roundin g!;. says tJl Counlry Gen· .· hl' barnYlIrd I ~ Oftl'lI th e most un · tiema n. '1'he orte •.,j!;hU): Hpot o n lhe fan11. bllt It need he re \lhown is .rot. be so. ·n the ha bit III (orm('t! at. built . d Ire c t I Y ... ·~Jt111~ . Il'e barnYII,'d eaCh ·d u.y It UllOft the usual .(.1ll. be ke pt a8 lid)' as any oth e r Ilart square wei I plitt.. .of the fal'lu. Tt should be cleane d as form ()f plaD '< . t his hel ng alloy,'e(l to as ·t hu, cnttlf' are out of i't In tbe. proj e t !lome s i:<e Inches a ll about thr> ~.)i n g . . The dl'oJ;llling!'l should lM! hf)ulle. The roof Is Il1sde to curve • bf.'llnnl lnt~ a rlOtlllm "f th ban,· grac~rl1l1y out t o th aves that over. ;l.rIU tJlat Is set olf from the I'esl o( hang the walls. U the doorway Is ori ,r yard ana whlclt should have . a Ihe north s ide, no door need ill! IIsed . oo.ftl,r Qve r It t hat. can be olUllly lifted ·d.urlng th slIJ...mer; but this sh'ould , _4 ·lowe re d. !la yil t.he Farme rs' 'Reo . be In' place In th e ' wlntllr. and • he lat. · n e •. 'J'b .. parts of thl !; receptacle can Uced wlodews Bbould then hay asash 'fle ~~~, adJust.ab! , Stl tltat II. c a n be CHed to ~hem , or on opening can be li"ilbrged 011 de n\and. The ('over over fitted with' sash and the ot he r two l~ manure keP,jlS 't he laLter jU1l1. moist covered: with hoa rd sh utt ' 1". A fe:w ' l!'DD21J(b so lhat the (el·tl1lt~, ~ocs nol vine:;· or a Hhl'ulJ 01' two may be planted , .~ Ollt of It. T.he drying lip ot Ibe "at I he . \)lise of the ... a118 to lidd to tht! _ U n ! wben the latter 18 :Iert In plies aUractiyeneBIl. So sImple, a IJUte . . • very wuteful /lroceSK, &II '1'uch bluldlllg can lie 8&lIl1y marie by thl! of tlle nitrogen works air Into the atr bbuBohnht mechanic, _pl'reelved by the rarmer. When Ihe "~pIDgil In n barnyard are allowpd Solution Copper Carbonate. lie about ~e)' dry up aad most o( Dissolve 1\\'0 ounces copper carboJl. ~ ftra\ ""llie III dlll.lpatea Into the ate In tbrae )llntl ammonia, add ti ... • . 1oaa. water. .
1 .
GIRL WAS, DELIRIOUS . Burning Up Old Letters. Wh nt mol" di atross lllg occullation can oue hit IIJl On than to burn up old letters on a raIny da y? It Is a lways a wet day one chooses fo r lhls. tooilug rath er like 11 Judas ()\Ie minute and like Ii rcu les iu t he Augelln staple lhe ne ;o.;t. It Is positive ly slIrprlsln g t h~ WilY li ters accumulato, especIally with p eoflle who are elthel' no ! method ical onough or too se nUmental to rllthlessly des troy lett e rs nOl of any really nerntanen t lIalllo. liS they are read and onswel'cd. T he g loom a nd pathos of th is Occupation are n· hanced when It Is our pain fu l offic.e to look over and weed out tne carr es.pondence of aile d ar to us who has Pari); P att 1'1\ No. 2336. All S('alll~ journe yod "to th e bo urne whe nce no Allowed.- Nothins Is morc suitable trav IeI' l;etUl'n s:" Certain le tt ers 'are to r .eVf')r~,.d ay or play weal' tha n fu ls lIacred. ntH\ ·shollid. I tb(nk~ It ke pt, be ja un ty IHtle cos tll llle. 'rho blol\se Is labeled "S t rlctly PrlvaLe." '1'h18 Is 11 /l llpnc l1 on over the h a d, a nr! lh e full matter which mus t bo considered with bluomoi's are joined to an .unde l·wals t r eference to the Im'portance Of' the oC cambrIc ha ving a s hleld·taclng or le ttcrs to tbe happiness oC t he the matol'lul. . The s€~pan\le s kirt Is writers ; wher e t ho dIsclosure of the gath erer! ' 10 a belt. and flnl Rbel1 wIth contents at a letter would work Sal" a dee l} he m. The pattern i!;l adapt. row 01' wrong to another It hnd bette l' abl to l hill. ser ge. flann e l. cambric, be destroyed at UIlee. So much harm plqlle, duck or khakI. Th e pattern Is has bee n done througb the eareleB. In fou r slze!;-slx to twelve years. FOI' handling at personal le tters, 80 many n. girl of t n years th.~ ga rments r eo frl nds have bee n estranged, that to quire 7 ~ yards (If malte rlal 27 Inches n eglect to destroy a letter Is sam ... Wide, r, ~lI yards 36 Inc hes wide, or 4~ limes almost criminlll. yanl\! 42 Inches wide; as lIlus tralo I, on e· half yard of contraSting mnte l'inl He Graaped the Idea. 27 Inch es " ' fri o for s hi eld and stand · :'Tommy," saId his teacher. . Ing edllar lind 1 Y.: ~'D rd ot bl'al(l :> words 'clrcumst.antlal evidence' occur trim . In th e losson. Do you know what clr. To proclIrp ·thls _patt!'rn. sen.d ~o ce nt.. tn cumstantlal evidence Is 1" Tommy ra" Pattern Editor." office of lilts papnr. . Wri te nnm' a nd address plr.tnly 'lo nd bo plied t,ltat he did not. Bure to ' give size and ,numb r of pattern. " Well. I will explain to yoU by ar iIIustl'9t\on. YOII know .we bave a rule No. 2:136. against eating apples In Behool. Sup· pose SOIl18 morning ' I should 8ee you In YOllr ,ileat with 8: hool!: h e ld up in front of your face. I 'say nothing. but NAl\IE .. . .... . . . ......... . .. ...... ,. .,.......... · presen~ly [ go round to where you 'ar& ADDRI'lSB : ..... . .. .. ...... . .... . ... . ....... . Illtting. You' are busily stlldylng your. Jesaon, but 1 find that your taco ~ s Th t'l'l! Ilre 32 lines o f fe rries plying smeared , whfJe und, r the edge of YOM hetween Manha ttan Islanr! und nearby' slnte r sec the core of a rres hly·eate.. s hores. ·llrr)·lng ·.8 dlllily !l verage of a/1pl e. . 268,8011 ll:1SRenge rs. "I shollid know. Just .Sll well BI If I had caught YOll a t It , that YOU had An .Evldence. I been oMing an Illlple, although, of " Chnl"le.v III getUnl; to be ~ regular courSe. J did not see you do It. That slatesmilll." said younig Mrs. Torktns. Is a case In which circumstantial evl· admirIng ly, . dence convicts you. Do you' know "Wha.\.. maltes you tlulnk BO?" what It Is now ?" "He nlwa~'8 ta.tklllg In hi' sleep "Yes: ma'am," flalef TOnlllll'. "W. abrllil, Ht,lIlcllng . pat'."-WaahingtOll ""Ung . al)fllea in sChonl.··- Youth'. Star. .' ·Companlon.
- ...........-
58.Got, a· tleoreue of
I. .
"An eruption broke out on my daug hte.r 'll ch est. I took h e r to 'Q iloctor. and he pronounced It to : he ' e'czema of a very bad torlD . H e treatlld' b er. but 'thE! d l$MSe s)lread to h o!; back, and then t he wh ole at he r h ead was a.ffeoted, and all her hall' had to be cut 01T. Th.e pain she sul'fe red ~as elCorll' clatlng, and with tbat and the b eat and tingling b e r lICe was almost un. bea rable. Occasionally she was dellrl· ous a nd she did nC?t have a propel' hour's sl ee p for many nights. The second doctor 'l\'e trie d alrorded h e r jus t lIS little rellet as the fJl'8t. Then I pur. chase!! CuUcurll Soap, Ointme nt, nnd Pills, and before tbe Ointment WIlS three:quarters finished every traco or· tho was !;lone. It really seemed like ' magi c. Mrs.' T . W . Hyde', Brent. wood, Essex. England. Mar. 8.1907."
,11..l..;c,{.' •.,
PROTECTION cUfol'ded t.ty 6
' ,~
SLICKER?· -.Light Clelu\
~~Wii~~~Wllterproot .
A G~ntle Request. "Charley, dear," Bald young Mrs. Torkins, "J wish you WOUldn't pay so much att!lntion to the personsl popu· larlty of horses this year." "What do yOU mean?" "You have a dreadful habit of plct. Ing out anImals wbo are favorites ti.. fore the race an" absolutely friea4· leS8 atter." .
Catarrb Cannot Be CUa:M :!~;a?~ttb~~~~::;~T~~l:r~·b'.l:V!.=~~~:.~~
"lIlonal dl ...... AIId tn ord • • '" .u,." 1\ you mUI' lat. remedl... Uall·. Ca\a',11 Cu.oll tekta la'
~~:!~: ~.s.n~:"c~~~~~"C~~:~: :~~ :~:"f':i::' eloo. It 1ft1 p,o..,lb04 b,. oooot lb. bot. pby.lela.1 l~ l~(:~:;,o':'[dt~~ ~~~nt!:~ ~~~::,:~~~;..!~~tl!:':ri
tho Cell bloodlrilrlao..... IIDII' dlreclly
00 \be '
r.."oer:;.:~::~~~~ .:a~ :~::~~!IC~~t'~;!~~J!ll~
.. Th~re are positiOll1l open ill the Navy for h pndreds of "oun«: __ between 17 and 25 yearll of are, and for mechanics up :'035 year. O . f · age. Good pay and ...ootl food • furnished by the GovernmeDt. Fo.l ' · fu)~ information a44r • ~avy Recrui fi n&, Station, p'~t <?CJice Building, ~inclnllaH. Ohio.
. ulla In ourlnl c.t.rrb.. bend tor , .. flee. F. J. CIIE:I1EY '" co" 1'ropl., Tol,40, O. 11014 by Drnlll.lm . p,lee 75.. . ~...o Ball'l Jl'amll1 PIlIl tor CODlltpollo", .. ()enulne greatne.1I , III markee! br ,Impllcfty, unostelitaUousnes8, lIelf- . forgelf~lnes8, a hearty iaterest 111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ others, a. feeling of ltrotherhood with _ .~ the human tamt1y. '. . A. N. K.-E (1908-11) 222t.
ImmigratIon Canada, 8t111. Yfho I\!!9wl1 . Immigration into ... e;~ri1I~;:'~ ISllt year ''In the old da)'11 In Enilltnd tb", numbered 277,376 n an increue alit nosel' and crnpped "1'1." . or 61,ollU o\'er tho year. The "My. my! I GOuld aevar 10 ._ ... nu.mbl)l' from .the 8~_ 'wu hob 1tJ'1ea."
With Fearlu~ Eczema-Pain. Heat, and Tingling Were ExcruclatlpgCuticura Acted LIke Magic.
~ . -
III , .. -
'.' '.1
''....-4 ,:!l.,
,., ~~
''.''.'.'' '.' '.'
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Vividly .
De;~~!;:d ~~O~nl~. Who
,NEW ARRIVALS IN CANADA tiolO : HEARL V300.000. IN 1901.
I Truth and
End and AIIT\ of Wom an 's Life. ;1& Understood by Ros i e'. Mother,
Mrs. K Mutznba u~h, of Duncannon, ABOUT SIXTY T HCUSAN D FROM I II one of Ihe PhiladelphIa public Pa"llftyc : " 1 wo.a slck li nd mlsf'mbl'lll l THE IJNITED STATES, !\('hoo l s III alltLI gi rl pupil whUI!0 an· I'(',(ors 1'1111 c or lIt:lnn l st. hnve ever In t SprIng lind a s I I No w t bot i Is known t hnt In the helrl Ih at tho princIpal nd and aim of di d not k now what ., was ~h o matt r 1 y ear just ('lImed IH'll1'ly slxtv t buu. Ill ' III' Ir n womnn Is marringE' . ThIs k ep t Goi ng a.own !nnd f rum t ll l nit d Slal S ',Ir ('\ar f d 1Itli r , r! I s ", ' 11 tip I n mo st ot ber and down u ntil I t h II' In lcnUon, or mnl<ins theIr hom os sludi l> . but she 11:1S lln Invcterate dis, n p h),sl cn l w.r cll. l In anada . it Illt..;ht not be alit or lik e r geogrol,h y and It sceDls IwposI had smolherlng 1 pillce I I I S U I'dl rOI' SO IlJ l'(~a801lS th::tt sll>l o to t nch the !ltully to her. T he spells. fla sh es 0 1 w ould brlllg tll is o\)out. 'I' bese Il{'oplc. 01her d:l)' her t :tch r. made impatient he~t o\,er til e kid· I nr llllt rolh ll' in g t h e exall/Il l e or t ho by bel' socml ng ~'~l\vll1lngneSS t o l ear,n De~o Ilnd pnin In J)as5- 1 filty-llve or 1I.l xty thousand who di d h cr g eograph y k ssoo. sent to, Rosie . tog tbe kidn ey s cre- fhe same thin.' the y ear pr e"l ous aud'l mUlh r Il note r .qu sting h el . to ~ee tlons; whIch contain ed sedIment. M)- an almost eQut~1 n umb I' who the 'year I' thnt the girl s~'ld led ber l esRon , The husbnnd u rged me to try Doan's Kld- l beror e Lhlll but follow d tbe exnmple nex t ti llY ShOW llcJ no 11ll(lrOVement, ney Pili., and at last I did so, Th ey or the thou!lanus ot th . y ear pree rI- hOIV ever. and the t eac h r IIsk efi Rosie did me much good , and 1 u sed In all Ing. An exc 'lIent clim at E' certain nnd whc: her sh e h ad del ll'ered the note. eight hoxes whleb restored me to pe~ posit ive crOll1l at 1;1"lln ~ f all Iliuds I " \: os. ma'am." wa s the r epl y. teet h ealth ." good market s for th~lr prod'ucCl, l an d "A nd did " your mOlb r r ad tho , Sold by nil dealel1!, 50 cent~ a box. -and gooll. land. t oo- at low pl"lces, uo.~e; H (;IJ I. : ~.alll t he t eacber. Foster-Mil burn Co., . Uutfnlo. N. Y. easy t orms of' paym ent. (not forget . ,, ~ ~s. ma m . ." V\ hat tJiu sbe say. t1ng t.h e HiD Olcr es of l and glv n f ree MADE HIS MEANING CLEAR, by th e GOI'Br nm en t. parli cu lars o f ' My m oth er snl d tbat she dldu't whl h th e amldlnn Go\' rnrn C'n t A sent ! ltnlJ W geogl·aph l'. an' sbe got marri ed, Protenor's Son Tr.. nslated Father'. wh ose nnn l all ilear:l Isewb el' will my aunt dldn'l kllow g~ og ruJl hy, Speech Into tho Vernacular. t ell you abou t) nlld Ihl' n t he sp l en dId 11 11 Fh e got mnrrl ell., na' y ou Imow socl~\ contllUons. 'l'h sI tuation Is geOb'l·uphy. 14n' yO U dldn 't get marA coll ege protessol', In compnny ' r led." with h is son wa s enjOYing U walk In . p ret~y w II slzod u p h y [J. writ r in oDe -----" o f th e mngn7.l ocs. Qu oting from th is Tr uth, lik e a rosa, ort n bl ossoms an oltl I lIl.tlcl . we find thIs: "Those or liS UPOIl l\ tbol"ll Y st em.-Hant. t he t;ou nt ry, when bo lIlet farm , I'. It ~nd b een a very w et soa, I who mad ~oo d In liIo Stu t l's." Int er. . ,_____ .. 1100 , li nd th o pl'oCessor, . U1!nklng to , j ectf'd an ol he r st' lt l p.r as it 10 ca n· Garficld T ell ":t lln nt Illl cOlllmen t! itself tltart Ihe coO\· r5aLlon In 1\ way that tinue the s(ol'y of hIs uei g hl>or. " l1a \, o In IIrO"! d~~i rin" n 11I':>lil'!! III once ,.il11' " 'oul d provo iulel'esting to t he fnrm er, had I t Il ' 1' f tl e t ,to . l'lLI piC. I"'" . 1Il1hl. polent IIn<l h culth · ~I\· l lIg. rema rll d: as, I:om I !; II I , U I e I L I. m"du ui IIcl·h. All <l1'll!: "lore•. " There has b E'en a r allter abnormal I mone) Is . a ml!, hty gOO~ thin g on com._---pl'eclpltation or l ate" I in s Into a uow COUlltry. nut lhasa SnIt the a cllon to the wor ci lind the '[I fa ' . d 'h t • wh o make an en t ry, or \. n blll' l ands word til th e actlon .-Shake'lpc are. Ie rru er sceme aome" a em , nt lo w r ate" arc able to square 1l11l1g s b arrU5s d, aud th.e prof ssor'r; son . I lu tw o 01' U;I'CO seasons' crops. Tber a who . u!led a dl!Terent vernacular. I are hardships In bull!lIn g shanl! s thou gh hO\\'1I5 a stuc1 cnlln ti,e college I and th n with I ncr eos1 n g proSllsrlt; to which bls ta(h er was attach d, at' l g etting , thln J;s Into shupe for b tter t emPI.f'd to stmlgh!en Ollt u~ malter. h omes. But arralrs go m ucb as In the Drn wlIlJ; the f arm er to one sid , h o I St.ates. " 'e 11llYC th e l argest lib In Buld In II su p 1'101' way: the world ; th e!":) Is more home rule In "The gon rDor m an:! that w e','e the Provln es (h an In th e sev r al b ee n lHl\'~ng ,a. dev il of a lot oC rain." states ot th :n ellllblic. Tax es arA -Harvel's \\ cekl y ,_ _ _ _ lig ht and wllh only n few million p eo· pi c w est of \Vlnnl\1 g we don ·t g t I n MACHINE·GROUND PAINT. ,each otber's - " 0 \' . One's f rl n ds over
Ilp puJ to tho W ell· Tnion-ned in r \'~~ walk of IUd Ilnd arc essen~i lll to prMD , success and crcdit.nble slllnding !I.e 11'ingly, it is Dot claimed thnt Syr of .'j~. and E lixir or Senna is lho only remedy "t known ' value, b u t on e of many reasc:.... why i t ·ill tho best of personal ntod ftuuillY la xa\i ves i. tbe fnct that i t ' t10a 5wcetelUl and rel ieves tho intemKl org.t.<.~ on which it !lets without any d ebiliiau II after eITect3 and without hnvins to in~ lhe quan Llty {r:om time to timo.
.. , ,\'e )'UII rll Utl t' 11(1 your luIIlU ~ " I I II,' Hk l\l\lI,1' UIIII lI ~k lll' 1'01' hi s 1'1'11 ' 1101 (h 1I1"'cl y 1111111. .\11'. lIarl"'l . seuu '1111 to Ih MkllJ l,fol·'. l':\Ilt. 111I1'd)' 1I111'1'l'r1 L1ls Si ll IUld wa · ·uu~·. A lIt! 111111d , ihal Ih ,·I''' red nOSll I CI' :lllll 11111 1I0t III '" \(',' rt·lIly. t! UII'L cutu' rrolU ·u l'lllk. 'I l! rlllh~1' ' !It! Il c ImtJ he'll IIP III'UIlCliull Il l' I h ' oll e 111111 'e Wil li SO 11 ' 1 111;1 11 lipldlS ' . j It !lcta pleasantly and naturally a tn' 1111111 tllu t al' tlfl'lIUUIl In th e pU\)li c. u wuultJll 't walk till thl: salll' lliuu uf :I truly as a lu:ative, and its com~ "'.I'r ap plael! itt <\ull ill flll I'l's pcutu hlllly tltl'l'l'l li S 11 ))uhll c wU s UII ." lI \J aJ' Ihu PI YlllouLIi uUI·kl!. AJler U ",\Ii l'l ;;ht." ;llls ' lltcel I ii· lIIu(e.· gr ill' purL' are known to !lnd approvtod tv r,'w I'CIlUII'k" L111! 1111111. wl l II all all' tlr 1I111 ~ . " I'll ge nt! 'lill H ·t· CU IIII·S." ~)hysjc i ans, M it i. free from nll objectioomY :;l'.'I'Y UIlU \I'll II IIIH!I~' Iuollinlls 'I'h" skipper IIltlliell. II tlll llI '( wall i ~.ble substances. To get i ta beneficial nlJo llt rul' l,u3!lllJlt. PIII'I;!Hdl'ujIP 'I'~, hatl t h .. nlllll. ut hi s I,UIIHl' Hntl he dar '11 IIUI 01' 1' eels III woy. purchase the genuiJr o.l1\· l'ed t'll I I()UIHJs fill' a JlU,Hltlg .. IU I U Hight or hllll 1I1ltIl "lt h ' l' 11ll' ru anufllctured by the.C,li Comia Fi.r; S.JTU? L UIIlIUII UII tile capll\in 'lj HchoUII CI' Ill UIU' Y 111111 lH'C li paid 11(' 110 'hud !'OIIII whl cll wn l:! 10 s ail earl ,\' III t hu III oI'll' OU I ' alJOul (1)1 ' (' ·\yanl. Co., only, and {or 1111. by o.llleadin& dntaIIlII. F'hld l n/:' th ai 111,· sll lpIJe('·,. I 1It\, ('. " Y'lu r 'lII!LUlld 'lj uld I('klld , .\11'5. gists. esl WIIIl UOL wIWIl,'(\ It~ tho dlscnt· I'Y ·.\I'Li y." tiuld .\11'. I hll'Ul t. " " 1 'IJk' I "' " ~ th t\t ,Ihe U1UII!'), I\'""hl 11 01 IJ, pulll UIl' 11110; Ill(' ~ 1<i jJjJ 'I"a 111 I I'll t! 1Il: llu lI, " hit I til L UIWOIl W<1 !l 1"'uch"11 lh p IIIl1I1 It'' 11111)' Hay II. h is ultI~" 1 l1UU IJ (· ~, call~\l nlO('e (·UlllltI(,lIllnl. rdcntl." Il c· IIlItJ II CU I IIJOlilulI hull IJ",ell ' 11 ' " QIll' CI' I,,· III 1'1:1' ~jJ ul( ,· 01 yuu: gag'd In un !'III':I·I,,·ISt. lIul ('llIlrel), ,,;ltitJ M rs. HUl'd y, ,hakln~ h uud s. IIII PI'O,""II ul lJy t.hl· la \'. Ill s 'u Jll " J wus III th ' rllilt' (1 Slul'li ('UIIIIIIIr IlIJl1luu h ail IHaUl' f';llnd his eS<:UI,e to a IJa>;;l:Ieng,, 1' houI ." l ' xpla ln ' d :\'11'. H ILI' L'lIl tl ou, bUl. fur 1l1J\'I\Jll l:l l e:lSOll~ . tJ u et. " II ' oll ly 1\'I'It 111ll IJIlt ·. I hI' dug. d id !lUI dl'I'1I 1 It ~ a r, ' tu ImH·I· hy I hI;! I tu !la) Ilt"d nHlrJ'.icli lL,· l,rL1(I I"s t o;'il'l II 0; II III I' UI' I! I II IIll' IlIl'I I·lIpulls . Il cu '" J" L Ullnotl.·· hilS 0 1 CII' III I h ~ kIIJjI " l" . Th e ruon ey . ~h· H. I l ul'll ), lJufIlllell vII lJlm . wOlllu lJe 1'01 Ihr:01l11"" liS suOU llli till '\\, h:1I wOll ld YOli Ilk fu r 1i1l1J1I'1'," I ''''11'1 ul'l'I " HI fIl LtIlld')Il . Knitl. ~ IY H Ily. " • .-\ 1'<' yuu 1I1l1.h · UII ),OUI' 1111111\ ',''' I'l', " \\'01 '\,.1' .\ r i>. '''rdy ~" I s Hl ad y ' \1 jJI' lIll'd IUt.: IIIUII . SUi l III )" 1':11111. " n , pll" /I I II ' glllluut 80m" oftb" eholeeaU"nd8 lor """In 1fI'O'IrinJr. .-took J'at Alogaudanired r rmlo Rl u theu.,. 0'-" " . ' 0." I' '1llit,tJ I II' llk I It Ill' ., " I .\l r. 11"l'Itel. (rieLS o . Rn.sllat.chewan n.nd Alberta. htft . Ti.. __ ' il {Jl\' l ," C: u pl. Iht r'uy. wu o had intlul-t; "Ill h..· een1l1 bee,. OptU4 tor lIettlemo Dtulltler~'" " Then," l·l·ll)l'l .. d lll ~ n<;<J\lIlintltllc'·. th' It ll \\,ullled ' ~ l ral' ;l l!lII1CI' UI' buy . 'urr 0(' It ' ll I,.· lUll lat.·. .. IlIh I\\'O Lundun HIIlI elllU I' l~· nluutl '. Entry m.y DOW be mad" by ll"'.Y (on _ _ ;-';ow thl! ~I(I IJ I )('" 111.111 I' (Ill In I h'" lIewlIlJilfJpr lilltl II'IIS l; agl'l'l y s ,Ut'cll , ~oullillons) . b, Ihe 'alber. mOlher, Hon. \lallPIJc IVsl):lver .Lhat tll'll _ nlghls IJI'c' \,luUll 11I g th., 'ululllns I'ur UII " d\,el'lI sPI IICII! ter, broLher or .'ster o( no lulelJd.itJ8 ~ at.eruler. Thou.... ud. 01 bom WIl.(' II.ds o f lei) a.cnda U. jewelry SWI'I' ill 1'1 mlJul h blld lJ(.'(·u oJ' U I't·Wfi)·ll. fOI: u Jcw , Iry SIOI' l'lIb each am tbtUl, now enKlly ",vall a bht In u. ... rol) h'tI untl II '. not unllntu ni ll y. l u · \)el'. 1.,011' 'u WlIl'nlll l;l ),. but III1U 1' 1\1 II 1111. jfM!at gTftln-gro.. IDtr. st""k ' ralllioi all~ au..... f f'I'l'1 d t h aI Ih ls wa s I II\' "n l., I' JII'IHt: al· III hIs wll'(,. Th c s li pper dill 1I 0t lIC ' '.rmIDtr """~Iona. Th"re )'on .. Ill lind bf" l lb lul cltmn!.., ~ OccasIonally ' oDe h ears Ul e "hand, tbe lin e Pl'ob&.blY thought w would 1I0t lUll ed 10 uy Ill, lIU1n. The pall I' ('orel ut all wll h CUllt. l:i ltl'dy 's ideas Delghbo no. " h,,",b ... lor lumlly wo.s hlt.l ..,-.,m lxetJ·, pl>inl ot (lt e pain l eI' slightingly live through the wInter; nnd while It I slutt)ct lllut I he l'ub lJl'l's hUll n Ol 11 ' Wl ur dOllle,s lh: econolllY. 10. youI' .wlldl'6R, good I"wy. 8plondlo _ aud .. aUroadaCODyeonllot"to market . UpPI' -h IItJ II~' fl tJ wllat wn» 111 rc t\kl!' \ I'l I' th~ 1l1l!U 1. to wh ich :\'11'. lIu r . spolten ot ns "unscien tific" unl.\ " not Is cold. r eal cold. It Is free tram the Entr, tee In eacb c&IWIl .. 110.00. For ~ t horoughly uilx<:d." Tile facts ur e all moIsture eX llerienced In t he ('os. YOIl cnn decornt" yOW' bome with I y Ihall Lhllt 1\ r ware! wuuld I> ~ 01'· u el lIld tl.ll1lllu j usli ,·c'. lie d l~co\ll' 'h1 hL hl.l\.ML BeHL West," p'n .rtlc uln.r8 1\.~ lO ,....... AlnbnSlinc yenr nIl er yenr at onclI e would nl' h b .\lIwl'lcan xp (jl' lc ll ~E' . Ht· hlld. on lbe si de ot Ule paI nter nnd bls h~nrl . 'Schools are g()od as encouraged by t \' I'EHI fo r Ihelr 1I1Ilul·,'. raUl ., •• beAl time \0 ,0 nud wbe..., to loeu",,_ hnlf the cbll of u<iDg eitber wallappl,10 ' lIrepored vnlnt. the Governm ent; . the en terprising hUI'c twtJ _ I rin!,:,; lu hi !:! b(l I' . II' I he he SltlU. cOlJllllulltJf'd a jJil H~ ' uHc r bout It Is lob e fIIos t "scientific" paInt there American pro1),oter n utJ Yan kee drum. r e wl nl ex Q~Jl' d lh o Cl rr~r ut' IH\t;l!(q; H. M. WILLIAMS. l'UlIlI llJg IrUllI N ' W VOl'k to I' II' UI' ltIlIll OY h could t UI'/'1 (h e Illall 1I\'~ r 18. bec auRe i t. Is made on th e spot to m er see to It thut we tnk e notice ('.r Law Bullcllna. Tole40.. 0 ....... I<:ull~ . i" bl h slil'IlURt; ' II In l'QIIIIJl1Jl'nt Bult the par ticular purpose for whlcb the l at es t Improvements find bes t ngl'I, tu lh( tlmllol'ltl '!! cuu 'Io im II ; If nol, 1111(1. lIIagn iflcence IIUY "(188('). lIP Iun!;th ' ruUII w lilt! he In his Ilu\\'l'r unLiI In,,' In Ihe l ' n lLed K111 1~d o n l. Ilu It Is to be II sed. It Is liS scIentific 115 cu l tuml m achinery. Altoget her we are rv~l~ i:!~~ SanitaryWall n good doctor's prescrIption, It tbe as n ear to affnlrs a s we would be on th u t u pound tl was I aid. It loo k ed U a,Vel'l'et! IhnL th e III' Kld .. IIL 01 th u FARMS RntJ~o~" comcs in lB hcDutitul tint.!i and Jl alnter did not mIx Lt thus It \\,oulli our own f arms In the States. WlnnltlUI' .:! t hlu /:, to the sk l\lllcr. c lose t o tuwo aDd cotton gin . \Vell Wl\ te1"Hl. Unl l ed l R l tl~ . who It aplleul' ' II lIladl' while lhllt combi ne imo an endless be as un scJe:..~lnc as 0. mltent m edl. . ll eg b enrs the slime r elation to liS as "'I'wl'D.ty PIlII ," Huld Capt. Ilunl y , r OOf1 drab,age. Crope. u ~\' or fA.U . " ' I tt KJ"O'P fr"lJuCllt pllgl'lnlllJ;es to Nt::\\' 0 1'1 lUIS, varielyof soft. velvel Y Alabnsline We". CoU tl 0, rtc, Form aad Pe a c h 0..,....... clue. Mar oyer, the pnJnt which a Chicago . d ld at home; an d Ed~lonlon coldly , "Is till prlco or U IJllssns", to alwlI)'s lI'av I t! 1.1 11 bi s IIhl\). Thl c.i<l ..e. \0 Am e rlt:ua. Oa .• tor sn,te t1 t '" b"1'Cail'b. sb ll~es which will mako any bome ,"ooll. paInter turns out Is matle or with the surrounding r egi on IIdvanct)s .\ L O\\duu.,.·u n 1.11 Day r<'lIul : ' Land ",.11 .,II.pted to growinfl' C "ul ~l"" _ Lrigbter and more Sllnila.,.. Late)u ' li t lIalurally Incl'Otlse d largel Y TuhacL"U. etc. Let m e 8CIHl yon full J)n. r\lc-ula.... genuine white l ead nnd pUre linseed as Omah a did .111 th e days wh en wo .. Anit wOIl \\,U llJ il," us 'enl d III Sarnpto ti nt cards t ree at deniers, or mnn y RllUI.l bAqalp .. ln land . :,11'8. 1-l ll l' d~" >;; respect ro r h I' l'lsltur 011. It h e does n ot mIx It h lmselt he w ere as youn~: as t h e b oys · yo~cl er . m un. wLth cu lh llllill MIII. " fur (I trill ur W rit e us {or free color plans for W. Eo CA.RTH. Bowlin, CHaD. K_t~ nllt! IlIUtJ . apt. llardy d eeply r egret a d ill' uud II 'all 011 tim Ihere »pl ·mlld I h T. II h nd HOL tJl sco\' l'!'tJ 110111'" IJ& Is not sura whal Is In It, and cons. We g et togelht!r much ns they dHI III deco rati ng your borne. quently his client cannot be sure. _ tbe grauges ov,er the border; lh e gov, w eHS I. t.Jllt my PlJru soll iliaI'll' i s at Sctld by P.inl. Orne H .rel",..... nd C..... Ullhu:y IIt!VIlLll(\ ~(;l In hnuling hIs e r:&l S10rel iQ~,dulh.· sc ale ;l Dod properly A s tor not being tborougbly mIxed ernment has est.abllslied experim en tal t ell JlUll nud I l'IIU' 1 );U no ·Ig hel·." l:abrleu pnck . ..clI. ot 60c lb e paclc:aco for J; \l C. 1 10 Scollan tJ Y illd Lr ·the oli ar. by machInery, that IB sIm ply a mls. 6chools ot agrll~ ulture, and progr ess In .. 'Ow ao I kuow )' vu' U pay tb l' mOll' . white And ll...'Jf t he D:lCkaC'o tor tin ts, Seo H ardy did 1101 pu s 1\ I·Plllf.ul stalem nt, ·n llt. t hat then :lm e 'Alllbutlnc"Jloncachp,ckWhit e t:ea d liS mnde b every line I s stimulated. ThIs Is a ey '!" nsk ed t h l' III;l W '1'. :.-re before it is opeDl:d cilbu by yO\lfCcll nl!;ltl. IIIH dl scOI'l! l'Y Ihnl no 1 "' I\'ill'd National LeRd Co m pti RY Is tho rOllg:' grent r egIo n for grazing," we hea r the ,. '{Oil. Bm 11 hJIIIIU CtJllI;' r etor ted tll -or the workmen. oO·orell. r end I' 11 him utluh l y Ir hlcorporn ted with 7 or 8 pel' oent. Calgarl' citizen con tfnulng, "and t h n /IIun. ' :[,IO't It pl uln Ihnt whcll 11. g u' WlI t lmllsn L1'I\\'I'I1i I n l hls quiet wa y h e II n~ lo u s u buut gelUng t he I n POll lids ot pure LInseed all In tlt e tactory. mILk. with buildIng el evalor s ot w hea t at _ don' t waut th" all ' nllon or th e Ilubli , \lIH-sage lIIuney and he " ' US u!l~lIl l e d Ily I ng a pust e. This paste nee d onl y be on o dollar 11 b ush ol, many at Uti '1m! , .' •• ' ",' : , " ... A t o 1Ia.\' nOlhlng of holfl el's cR lI ed 1.0 II fear th ut lIf ... J'1!U'llel mlghl : Icul lhlnned with adclltlonal lin seed 011 to tim e to go over to tbe 1I ~0 stock ex , away dl1l'llI& tit I1l l; ht . H ~ t all hill' mak e It r endy tor the brush' hlbltlon In Chicago or vI sI t old fri ends . Trlbu •• Did lC .. 'Im 1" If.. .... ~ "'l'lw moo y' ll be palll li S ' uon as cr lit InlO t he ha llwlI)' sev el'lll tll\J P~ . The tborough I ncor 'oratlo~ of I _ during tbe course of lhe wInter. For Cleamn, Purposes ~m~;r~l~hit"lo~ ollly to be r mlsHured by th r esonullt ~ p g EV/lry Is aA.. ~.~reT~l\l'·~ HI'!YI ·ouon.~ftbeftM" 6.nd ~')u !Ot " "u~ld. BEST MARCEL HAIR WAVERS ..,.··..--. you gel to London 1" ment and all has 'alreaPdY bee n ..--.,cOJnh man Is t aken for what he . S a:. ~ " wt ... ,rl ht ..\.V• •• U UVu .,L \.:\, fit . Y. U • ••_ ..... wort or for \l'hst he can rai se; and 1 11Ul1 • • " f 1".h10D ....".wb..... Sendllto for -~ ..... "0.;' replied th e mllll . 8hllkl ll ' his evldellce of sOllnu slII III l,teI' elllallut· pUshed' b efore tlte paint er g ets it. In thl g d i d thl f tLI II I . /'"I1 n. u~p1, Oo .. ObaDc.Uur tI~ .. W . _ Ill£; from his guelll.'s r,oom . 'fo know how to tell pure whIte Ie d II 00 a r nn on II er e 50 FOR LADIES· HATS ' ha Ch" m' I _____ _______~/'bI"~ ___ b ead, ';yo u'l1 know wot t.o du.' : In th e mornlllg Mr. Eal'lI t IIIQlIlr d Is a .. r eat adv autoge to both palnt~r we Intenc1 to show our old frlendl Plul nho o. 5tIlI. ,I•. 1Jo•• nol I..... ,~" I•.';~',~.~l,~~ I OUR SAFETY RAZORS &(0 lb. r,r"., ••• "We'U go aboal'U lo·nl ght ," au, nOIlII~ ~Jlt. Hurtl)'. with dt: I sl on, lil t res t edl), If his fl'l lid bat! brought and house,owner. Natlonnl Lead Com- that we are mnde of the rIght stnf'f- linA \' !llIi'U,co.,la~ W. U71 1o . ... ~~~~~ ~_I ".,10. Ill,.. DoU"'Jln~ . s!~~n!&:l}o~k!a~ t he money (0 tbo ~kl pper n ud to a pany will send a t ester free to anYOM that , we are c hi llS or the old block aro I"'\I'~ """d I>y...,.". rl~" ~OPP.7 Co.. gl I>4llOn St.. Brocal,,,: ~. T . " I lUlU at dHy b r Uk." . who built up tbe Amerlcnn We at." 81 lu~r I.u I, ~~rU " ul~. l'e"I)' srut! coolly: '; M~' " Vou'd b"ll" r Inll'Otluce III us an neglltlve Intel e8ted . Address the company nt r:QU ~he r okl ".R"IDPI . brJ" b 6(Jc. WlU Iln~I"J"roal;l... .,......... nuos Woodbrid ge Dulldln.g , New York. N. y , ohl f l·Lend. MI' _ lIarhel," ~ a j;~(!st 1I the frlentl hllsn't rend the m arin The great doers of lll!\tory have aI, I _.~ ,:,,,os 1I'l'lJ..ITl¥.. uo., I!)lJU >:II''''. U. N . J . -~~.~___ • plll<'Jeugcr liS t!1ey I'ea<: h d Ihe. ye t. 'b' lI be h cre ." . Aft er b rellkJnst thE' sk Ipper took A Sarcasm, wlI.ys been mell of tallb .-<Jltap l n. scII·)UUer. "DId your husband k et ch ·chllls an' lit ••, WIDdo...•• SoolhJ"tr 9yt'np, rALLS AND .I!10M! COUNTIY, . . . . . The ll1al e eYE'd the lll! Wcuntel' 1I11 he ~ r . B:lI:u'l I nto th e pllrlor wlll~ l'e he or child, ••••• ,blnc. 101. nl .hec:Cllu. 1;111',., ~"UU redue ..UJo. la· " lIlt 11 d POD 11 3700 I tf': t • bo.e tb t!I aea I e...I' . I _L . . . . .1 ~ proposed h oldi n g blm II h Otli age' UIlIII f e \' r..,,, u sk ed th ,i ll tlll'c d tho onbln. wonlan w h. 0 "las Y blUmlYOu. aUaY'l!&1D curclwlDd ". pp1JI. taIr en H~ Blnnd ln'" In f rollt of th e cabIn_ • , lho JtreA~tln .. k. Rhn. ,he .~,V.l\lh la'Rea, .Iu. ID Amorlo.. /1110 .....11. DO ,,)'.,10 _ _ t he mon y wns fUl'thcomlng. To vass " An 81d ' f r l nd of lI1in . G ul'~e," r"t W ,O(XI ,,,,-'.rea o f 1-he t1n eat frult.alut &"rleulturaJ land till tbe We• • . " N o." IInswcred lbe WOlllan who was Tb e more II. mnn doesn't k:lOw the The "''''' .. ho ... a n'. a born .. whore " .erl'bIDfllI'1'owUbal malr.. t.ralla. prolltabl_ snld Ule ~kllJlJlJl' . " '\11'. H,Il'lI t. ' 1,]'5 the tim · ho ,;l llnced OVf' I' 'one of tbe drlv ln g. a s pring wllgon. "He w OllltJn .t l ess he doubts 00 ,,,. )' term"- or lh. mAn wllo "·,,nla Ian for I".ult••", abOl\ld write .... a. w. neWSJ\1I1l 1'8 lIud ' fOlln d thIs item : goIng to L ondon 'wIth liB." • lIulblng bu~ ab solutely rella blo Inlorm.Uo... • .. 4.... ' 11)' , " 1'0 Jlunlled t h mu l eo "'rhe ca lltUl'1l of .Johll fioggs, I he hUl'e that much glt-up·an·-s lt. l-Hl j es' Twin Foils........ D. A. STROUD CO~IPANY. " i\' 1I0ll!,lfll (1'1 [\d of h hm," lIddod ~~t. r obbel' o C Mr. Ob el'l y't\ j owe ll'l' 81,01'e suL 3rounll. an' l et ' em overtake l:lm." Barnet. "Wo've l;now n "ach athOl' at Pl y moll\h. was s Cl ll\'el' PiCCO o[ Ill)' Important to Mothera • . lice work , Th e boo ty wus f(Juud' 11 110)) C" >l l l1 c~e 'Will' Lors!' Exam ine car cfulJ~' every bo tLlo of "1 clmld l ell you ",u s. n b Ll ~u 11l rr l lid I he \lrI ':OIlHI' and h'" wnll rt! fllund crl fo r (' ASTORIA n s ar~ and sll re r C'mcdy for cr r tl I:l klllll er' ~ U lIl i I,' huff,". I:eplled Irlal." Inrants (IO U ('1:lIdr n . und see tbat Lt tlie m:lIe, ~l'l\llIln s. \ cOIll (',hlll 1'1111 .through ('apt. Besm tll o ~ • ./~- "A l'O I'e I fulls Into I h' hal'IIlS ' or IInrd y'H fl'llIll' aud h e ~hr ust t he pn, MOI·phlltl." I' ' IlWl'kr d r-ll·. I ;:ll'tII!l. "r pel' u ndel' \\ 1'. I ar net ',s nOse. IIPlnt' SlgnnLur of ~,tY./'~ g one l':U1)- lak's 8 M !lm ." iug 10 Ihtl It 'lII. lu se For 01' 01' 30 Y ears, . :''$ l1e sklpP"I' hilS liOllle jJr lmp spi r 1'he K ind Y ou Have Always Bought. ' M r. nlll' n ,t rl'lI d I t uti llli vel y. its In bia rooru: ' S II /; •.. ~ tcd Ihu mn te. . A h ." hI' said ('oollr. " t:au'g ht Illm. Those Peekabool. "lI rlu ~ I t hOIl I.. .Iaek ·.\ I'll y,' · cr ied (h ey? Too blltl . FI'I nd of di d Shc- \ VomeIl 's clothe s' are ' a my .. !'tlr. Bal'lI(1t. " w htl ll (li ll Crit'lltl K 'ni p t y otlrR'!" 1')' t o m en. nrcn ' t t hey? hrin~ hOUl your I> ' Sf. '1'hat'~ Ill Y 1I10t"':UII -ald ." h issed Ih· sl' l pper . b e, H e-O lt. \ do n' t Imow. 1 can otteQ ·ter." lll' 'en hi!; t'l cllch ed I ..el h, "I hul lhe seg throu!;h thcm..-Cornell WIdow, ."Wb;l d o you call 'lin '.Illck,' wh en law wa H nl101' you,',' · '1.8 nruue's P(·ter '!" IIIQull'l'u th e mate. '" dldn·I." I'olun ed MI'. Rn~ncl. lu , Pettl t 'o Eye Sillvo fell' Z5c "Allc l's (!A II 'd 'i lll .Inck ." I'C llliC't\ ~II'. dl p;n nntl y. .. \ t uld yo u lilt' and Ii r:..lievc. l ired. 111'('1'1','01'1< II cyc~, Rtop. r ye Blll'flfl L '-'I!l Ilotes on If ." fl'l enll was doln ' lloDleth1n g tho 1u \V ud\e. , <'On g~sl~1 1. inrI, met! 01' sore c),c8. All W I ~l) a rucrul tace Callt. ~'lu r el y [lrn, clldln Illlow. W ~ wa s a-sle~lIln' I'ClrU' dr ull,iiu Ill' HowUl'd lIN~ . ,lluirlllo, N. Y. 4ueod his prl VlllC I>ol ll e which th , l ar III the ~ h e d8 on th dock s. ant! The wonlao who mnrries for money mill e alded Mr. UIlrt1 ,t In em ]J tyIIl S. lIock Illw dou ' t allow tllat. W e' d a elhe. 4re. On,IOe oaekoo, ulo,* all "be". ne, d,elll "14 . ._ ..... tItu a",ath" die, ' unmlndCul ot the pllln cd ex pression hce ll j ~llly we ll klcl(ed ,If w e·t! a beeu usually gets what sh e went alter, but Color IlION flOOd ••Iahle,an·d 'lite, 0610" than It'lI dlUerent wIth a. man. .,..,....IUtalllrIIODillalNl1o Wlit,tOltratM8klet-H,.toOillt BI".bandIllIICctI'''' (1110""0£ "RUe 00 . . . .",..., III", .... on ~110 sklppor's f ace. call1thl.. '' ----------~------------.~ ' --~--------------~ '! I : tu~ ibe voyul;e to London Mr. npt. Hal'dy. J,JaralYJ'ed wIth ra ge. l) al'llet ceased cut.lal; Wid drinkIn g ~at motionless whil e Mr. Barnet PilI onl y ~bell be sleil\, and oarrled such on hIs bat and ' walked out at the devaat'\U9l1' amon g the entables and door. Wheu the 8klpp er did ru sh out drhl\aab&es on 'the Achooner thut Capt. hIs lute vasllengel' wal! IU)\ to 'be Iw~ Ilpr('u(l every sn'\1 1<1 thl) wlud pi ck ed ' out uruld Ille thron g- Oll l! eo· to ~padlte lbe Ilassnl;c. cuunters on II Soutlrwurk street uhout "It . lIle reward's unly nlull 11un." nlue o'clock In tb e . Illuming. said Ilie eXllllperllted skll1ller to hImself, -M ' he ' watched bls Iln ~s -ngar's Winter Story from Maine. IlfO,Wlll\8 at the sll11i>er table. ''1'11 take .\iollllay moruln g wh eu Jue Dolley's ' yon \11 Scotlaud Ynrd , my fine fellow." , WhOIi the Duy was crec\)lu g hIred man wen t to . the barn be was Ill) *be Thu.illea , CallI . Hurdy Ilskell Rurprlsed to hear tbe sOlllld ur mUs'le l\Ir. illnnet bow und when he pro· Ln the COW stable, H e ILllteu etl, nnd 1,Iain and clt'I\I' came t hc I10tQS of " Old IIOBed ~Ing hIs IlllSlIng money. ' "As we Wltlkerl down to thc sehoon· ZI() COOll." 1'hlnkIQJ: !lome drunken er as P1Y,mouth," r eplIed that gelltle- man ' was tbere. ht' opened the door mall. ~i 'Bend 'a card to my friend 10 lI,n d went In, but saw no olle. Some· LunllOll tbat 1 was comlll ' on YOllr whut ·frlghtened. he look d llrOl1l)d l\fId boat ,81111 as 1l0Qn as '£! reads ' 's ' got discover ed that the music wall coming In 'c'U bring down ,the blunt. I 'll from th old cow's mouth . That was stay _ the ~chlll)ner 'till '0 . com es," too,mucll , and he tiolttld for the hOllse, . "o.t." laid the sktpper. "I'm goLng telling Mrs. Dolley to come to the barn, -liS tbe oilS cow W8ll b pwltched 'ome.'t ' InvesllgnUolI IIhowed thllt tbe IIltlf Mr: Barnet gra8ped his hand. 'Yery tblng," he crIed, "I'll boy had .dropped his nlollth organ In ' 1'-0 . _ . JI!'O w.~ ),0,11, None or the brIny deep tho, stable the dllY befor ud the cow for "'wben there's four walla aad a bad tried to 8w&110" It. but It had stuck III her .throat an'" when she 11d~~;;;;,II'O'UD[' ...· Th": .h e turned brttatlled libe "Olel Zip CUOD.· ~ ~k\' ,1
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SLOAN~S for' spavin, curb. te!1d"Qns~ wind .pu
for thruah, foof for hoq distempe for.· AT AU.
.far.mer· keeps G supply. 0'
LINIMENT sweeny. capped·
and all lameness in horses - . and .qa,rqet on cattle Qnd sheep--"cholera. thumps and ~cour'J" hOgsa.nd ·roup . in poult.ry PRICE. as to. 50
1 nt . pl'lll /{ III1l1 rW IIOt, t 11 /\ p .. 11 1. willi h.... tH II ,I L)lill, Iu .. " - lIYIlt', Il\i nUl , . wIIC'n' !'Ill' will r.' UIIlIIl fill' li n i1lllPtiull!' v I~it Wltlt h .. ",HI un.1 !llill \ " ~Iw
I Ion 1.11 W 118 Ull L1l s 1:1 tJ II:! .1 "!>'>'I' I'. l\1u,.ri~ , uf Sk l pp() r~, \' " .. "', ,. I hili II\' .,} \.1\ , .ha' lI l" U, I:ld i lli I ,u,\ J( "\o"e l' ltll ill th l1 ~ J1rill ot I HOI\. ~ Ii ,; ~ ' 11 0' \\ :1\ III' ' Ilf \ ,UUI t~ ""'!'IUIul 11, · s ",1"~ " An 1I 11 11(:k of 1111 U\I1') UlU ' II II I 'V It " II l ,,',n l} IJtliU i . 1 till "' ;ll 1,'11 lilt' "<\ \\t'It ,le "II<I wll h ~ 1I l'1t II I II II'" I tI" , tt ' Ifl ,,, ,. 1111 -)11" .1 _I ll l ht' " "lh The I igh l S ture Li" ·If \ 1,111 ·lld\ ;Hh ' pl ltJ \h \1 . ul il1 \\ 11 -- It'rlrllli ("' ll 'n Ih ll l 111\' fri a nl\ ,It· 'I (llltl"H C'1I1'1'pd ('nnSulllPlitill '11111 \ IIlli . j 'lI" . Thi ~ slu rt." h a~ Illn ..(' Jlatl'U~l R ti l ,,1\ 1'.1 ' I "~ lil f' U'I ,ud u l 1 'l l n I U I II ' ~\ I " wn~ un Iii ,' hl'!' ls 'J'lwlI 1 W"" th un I' \ {' t hl' for(' Ih r rl' ill lIl'1: a SlIll. \\ " " . . ,lIl,· \ IIIII~" ....... ·"'1 Ill·· lrkl. \\ ,11 Ill'uth , . 1 "111 tlHIIH \l hlu .1 11\l ll l!'" h~ "It1 h IBnn l d pni',uIIIll'lt t o ' i l'~' Dr. Ki ng's.N \\' 'I'r) tradil1 l{ wilh 'IS alld )' OU will 1,1; I , ,,,01'1<",J II".! II I, "" " " ,n I", (I ll· LJlsP(lI' pry H 11 ll.ltf1 IJ) fl jlllllll',li. k h I'f ll l .( al.:lflHlIHftli ..Hl flll ~)r LI H' Pll IJ U ,~ ..,l'Iwol ... IItt I;.' , IIn<l ufte r t,rlKllI1< tw o lind II nO"' 11 W y. II I '"dd ll h·ltt n UU II I4) l h t' ,'O ll n 111~'Il' P .I n tl 'pee l'a1 prll'lJ, l lL\ " I .lilt ..;dwo):-. t h at llH schnttl 1I111t llul,IIl'R \ W I H II Wf'JI fllllil 1l~t1II\ , hr,,,<" III ~hlc b 0,,\(1 "·h,,.. I. '"'.' rh .\\, " ~ I.I J J"I1\1 111111ut thnt Ntlw Di. rUVBl'y i~ , I "",I, ""II\I,' ~. 'I h· " ' pal,,' ,I , 1111: 11 1"1,,·,1 a ",1 111t·, lJo~1 1'1lI1l (,l.1y tOI' l'pn ghs tluclluug 'B urs oll Hosl' fo r Ladll·s. t 1(' 1I1l1"'!"'" " , ., " •• , \l'1l1l'" In '" " )'1<1"0111 1' 111 db-t!llfl in nil tir o wo1'\tl ," '01(1 1111 1111, n \'1111·()tlll(" '11 I'll I I '" ' II ,.( III' " "a,,1 \\ 111 " ,'1"'01 ~ ~IIl' III. Ihe ,,,11 0\\'· d,'r g lllll'lInt uu It t. F "t 'll :. i"ill h w lll'l ~"~ l )' 1 \,;:oi \ I C (U~ p .l\llcul :Ll·~. IlU nJ d)" felr ulurday IInly :!l(' . " 'I'h,'r.' -1I,.l! I,.· 1",",1<1" ,) (or "~,,I ,ll'll~ ~to.... :,lh' IIIIU $1. U Tl'ial
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'I'hrcatillc r s pool ;'ie . ,,' I .. ·"'"1 ltl'l hl1 'lt , ....u,llrh-lII I.. ' u Ill,', N ic(i line u l' g il1 l! hulII . , ('a liclll!s 1"'.1l I", ,. 1' \ -, h",,1 "n,,-e. allti I"r all IIr.· Yt/UUl ,'" "''''''t- l t.., 'ti\ .. I'lH 4' ut ....1 ud l l .... r lo, It,h" t',,, and lin(·n!:!. "', 'I" I~ ,h"l! I." 1,.",'1,,,,,) "' .11111(ror 'NF \V lOT OP r ('E ~ AND " .t ,1 -.-1.. ..1,,,,,,,,, ",lIubh I\,. I ,"',·I. " H-. , ..
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wllte r . lr". I) ,I\' icl
Villi." ' ,
:-It" , I
tljoyed t ll
t r il ' w(ist v~r'y ' ' p l H'h .
\\ln~ h~ I' :--llh:': "I'JlHl n u r !1 t he HuzeM" !'III \' . I II~ ~I \\'l'll'O m l1 vl - i ii t tlt · 1 ~l I k o r '0 11" JOnH" , ... te " ~n ~)Jl'1 l1 . :-. of tile eoju ' ILl III llt· rj\'(i'cl trolll tlJ t' r eoe llt ' vl ~ lI rfOUI MI''; ,J 1111 _ l'illl"P~ "n" Sl' te r Mr~ Bel'e
011 , til 1'("11
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\\ l lIl ,, "t-'IIl. I II' 11l1·an .... IHr J'I<' lwrl\ 1I\1~ll l n~ ,111.11'1"'111'"" lh,' .1 I !1I 'rr' • tl1l1\ Itl' I t1 11 '1ll u c"l ; ,1 II) ur Illh h'1 ""u ,1 ""'(H lUlllI llI j ' a Il ttlll l"" k f!\\l " u(
I :\ SERTIO. ' S
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St'c our lint' of Ladies', flfe n's Ulnn . and HOY' A O xfurds, all th e late t Mi"/I un is \"11'." bn \\; .1 rud " in .T a n s, Pal (' II I. (,,,It Vi<"i, pr paring h er urt, exhlhit f.)r in pel! tion lluri ng tb .lI1 etlting of I Ir e and Dull Calf, Drn,wIllg ILn d Mauunl 'I' l'II illill ~ A :. \v sociation, ork . hoes Don '~ o v'rlunk ollr Elk .• kin It will bea mlltter of graut 1' (11:;1' t, hoc for Men and BoYS, the bes t 1l00ong t.h ou stOI\ I rs nf Hut hls'Jn shoe mad c, eyer,,' pnir 'varrantcd and (;hbney' dry I:\'()UU!! stor e in Ju s t recoived II n c' lut uf Gem XClliu, us ';IV II II ~ tho III rge 01 .. Ie 1)( otb rfri nd of Mr (JIm W . Ehright Work and . Dre!;, S hirts , men a ncl ' I ( II thllt he ba bo n obliJl;ed to ~ I vo up b oys, AIso {.em ~antB )ve rll s, hidPO ltIon in that LorO nli C au nt Jackets and Brownics, e f a ftUJing of hi s eye Ight aOll his PAl N'r geoRral hea lth nlso n ot b iu g gl)O,t Mr. Ebrigbt bu s b en Wc are s ole agent for 1'. p, " by tiut.c111nsonnnd ~Ihn Y for t,wellty yenr. !loti hilS ' been uniforml y Paint, be ,t , old, ae us be fore yo u ~u y your courteO\lF, Ilccom ollntiug Ilnd e lle r fol , and he wlil Iw g l'elltly IUil'BfHl prClyers , we have tlle well known by the public wuo Jill ve j) Itl'olll:t. d Leggetts P ure Pari Green, Paris that substantiul h Ull e (juring' IIll tbut timE', und tJl o re (:!I<[,ec lully will Green and Bordeaux. also Bor· hlB depllltura 1'1) r tlgl'E'tted becllu~e deaux mixture. Free a book of of his afIUotioll, in(ormatilln on s praying a k for it. E, E. 'Liddy wllO h'IS 11 11 t l',! III dlspll.tolltr 011 t,jle '. & '. Ry . for It GROCERIES nuulber t f hilS r 'CAD~Jy b ell trllnsfe rred from De n v r to b y_ Rolled Oats all kind s 10c eone, Wyomillg . Mr. J.Jllid y llltll 'romatoe lOc been g retltly di 8 .~ b l ea from rhe ulIln. String Bean 7c tism, llnd Uuds tbe oli1l1itt II t h is Corn 7g , Sx" and 12X!'c new h rue morfl benelioi nl til his uga r. the " cr y b est at 6 cents. hellUh tbhD Den ver . B e W 1'1 t . '., tbu.t beth be nnd his family are ver y You. had bette r buy s ugar It Will well now, lind tbbt t h ey OIlDnot do b£, higher . without th i1' borne pllper, Birng u s your produce , we pay Mr. and Mra, Leslie MoCune, wbo a mucha anyone. Remember we IlI'e now living in VIm Wert Ohio, givc away nice rug , Rocking went over to EIlda, to spend l~un Chai'r s, lace curtains and lamp, daYra week ago, with Dr, nnd Mra, Alexander, Bod 800D after rer~olling Ask for Coupon • the hOUI!8, .Mr, MoCune was taken violently ill and reuniin d so m ost of the day, II.,lt-boogh he retnrnetl borne in the evening, 'but Wns un. Ilble to 110 to hi!l bUBintlS til fol~~~~~~~!'!""~_ _~ _~~~~~~ _ lowing <1&y. ..
ICE C EAMPARLOR \Vill he' opened for thl' sl'aSO Il
..,I"·lt hllu", .1I hlf llkt.d h,tl llll'rcln
Nutice lO tliddefs ,
, c Doll Minnie
25, 1908.
b1l 1l iL' l' n ' tJ
Mrs. Wm. Retallicl, Dies Suddenly. -
will hawll
til e
City Cl1eam
MI' ''. Mll r y I~rll oce" \:{ t'llli ck, wid <If t Ill) I) ttl \ III. Hlltlllliok, d ied 'u'"d~ U I " '1, 0,'111 .. u",j"t,u,'hl , tll·tl II h,' i:ludll Il ly li t h tl r lIum h tW ()I' U WIl V· .. ·"""I"" 111""',11 wllkll li .... '11 .,r ".,,~ .. I~etllil W Uj'lIu , vill anu Un gull in iVuntl ll,)' .. W H fill ,' 1l lw c \ l!'lh l~, ll\l .. n l ll~~ 'tIlL.d" · ""th: l \11 .\h 'g Rl'tlll\ioli h ud not II ' uu il l , II<' 11~'d h) ,,01 ,1 1111,11 ,1. ' Ik"JI"I',I, ""·tt..... Ill' ,Id " "''''d. h,' l 1111 .1 hoI' " E'Ath WIl !' It ;. h \l ( j; tl' hl' l' " loI d,', I\lr ""It I "'pal,.,' a ",1 h""" ",,· .. I~ "I " frinnl l" IlI ttl fn rn ilv . ,hnl\ I.~ ,,~,, " h " '1 In 11I1'n l"1r "'''1111;'' '1\' ,k :'\1)11 11 It ft !' !litH;" !', htll' "Ull .I oli n "T llllhill ,,( ,II ;'Illlll,. ,,",_lI' I·\, \\111 flll' nl.h. ~ :. . . _ _ _ -~I ~ ~ . . . all'\ II 1111' 1 1I1 i'I 'l\ " h"'lJ~_ 1I.('}' \\'1: 11l)., kl'. WII::tgll ill g-f l·, l1l' hom", 1IIllI !l "'ll p.rI :111,1111 Ih" " ",I, tll ,·\ 11'111 1'0'(C " :1I . In "'\1 ",1' 1111 .) tht, wood -b onsn .i n. t. ..L,. ....:; .....,., • • \\lUJ fil II pla n . I'" lu.'I'tllt'a t.htn ... lIud It(.' l ,l ih "t;\ rtln ~ I1m1 f" uni! h l:< lII oth,'l' IYIllI-! ___ . _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ "II<I RUI'l, t,ld,,,",_ .h.,11 ,.. ,.k ,· "· 1' ..... 11 .· " " ,\ . lin tilt 11 0'"' i ll li n nn('(JlH'iouH H rlllf~ tl l "oIlO! l ( Ull l lt " "")"'" IH r rlU' lunla. or ht'.llillt: HppafUlU~ . Ill/ 1111' \\ .I~I'1 l'IH-I· t ~, .11111 rur \11 ,ulld l:lx p ! rt djm;tll <, h . ~ru{))lI,d nvol' Olll' ~to\' ill()' P.iCLllH' ~ Ilow (~Oll,1.." JlI "r -" \\. ,,. alld II, ~ (1." '1, lIt Ihl· lI"li,1I 111' 1' I I ' p H'!; h er 1111. 1-.; Itt""hy ,lIlt1, III" I-d i\lhl "nl " I!d lit ,\,11 " SI ll' is . IHV1Vi'tI lI .v t Wll (lll ll ght. rs • L LI" ,. lu, tI ... 11(1,,"1 a,·." .. IIII~ , ,, , 1"':-;).""' 1'. tlllU.<-' t." , (' pIe 111' ''8 IHUgInIl' 1,' 011 ft'r hid ... l Tl lll ll tHl'Ullt tll 111 \\ allt.1 t h t·... l· n ..... lind thrutlstl il l'. 1,"fo)Il' 1<,,' til<' "1' ..1"_ '"". hl ' lll' ". 1""""(. III 1[("fUI1 " 1'I1 1Will ' l lO ll l' llIUI' hl' l v~ 1 II) '<" 1'1", .. 111 11 ",,- "\l·/1 I1",,,·" ,,,,,I I"'''' ht. ,I 1" ' 11 t\ 111 110 tl1lt111l'1'II IY Itl I() c. 'clon k ( '( 1 ',ltlll'{i'-'\AI ". ' Iln \., ~ ( Jv ' ['} I'I'{I"lY enI 11('' 1 tol~ : ,l tlt1 I II" Uunhl n t'on: h y n ','-t'\ ' " 1111" Philip Tro nt. I b:lll.. .III UN dlMTt l fllrt. I I I Tt·J~II · t un\ fi r .111 ('l1l1duI\Iod by R~l \'. II\\'
pri es.
holt'till 1.. n«l
btlf1lrU!--...... ....tWL--......
w.ill lL d ny ,
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hIli .... \\hll'll Ill.,,, In' i t'lt'ln.'ll· 1 .\I H I
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tlhl04 III l'un ltl1"UI 11\' to 1:\t\' nur l ~aJtI n.·.,,,lUlh!1l .. rnr lll l ' 'rt l 'atrl.C, 1I1 q\ rU \ ' t' III1'nl '" II PI tar.du ... I'lf ,!'t..:t.. rOl ' \\ t:t' nud ' \ Ht k . IIH:l1
t lnlll'11 ull rt Ijn.l \~i tl t·tl (or ti l .... tl tl r~~n hll iou", w ill Ill' t'l'lI' h t· f1 IlII d IIl t' tl !j\' t lltt u Jl dt.·r"'~ U (1' .Il \\-'\ \"I\II"H'tll'; I hill, tW IHI'l.· lit' " ,\ I\\\: h . fJ ' c' ''_li'l~ 1I 0f'lI n t .\ l nncl a ,' ~'I H\" '~:I , 1\1 ""',
11 .11 " (\
':,lI h
11.1\ .. I " I'rll. 1110 , L·.
(' t.'rl
White's Store News.
1 ·1. 1·: ~n:~ 'I' .,
uf thl' IJo d n ) I II J ':~h u·. t tl"n I1f
II .' 1' IIc~ \ Ill·
That Emerson Crowd,
,;(·",,"1 IJI,.
1 ' J1 h'~" I r ll ' l ~ \\' UI'I N) l ·fI \l n1\·,I ~ hi u .
'[' he old ge lltl e lllan w as ri g ht for we urel ), h nd a haJlPY cr ow ll II Sa lni·tlal" 100 T 'l~ . Banunas M. E. Church Red icl n ' t s nppl y th ' d lI1allc!, so ceives New NLember II l'x l "ilt ~lrday co m e a rOil 11 (\ t his At, h IIwru iu g soryi '0 n Btl ·tel' wlty al('ain a nti we will hav e 150 Doz . Banan lls at 10 II n oz , ~l l\ ~, 11 t t he ~[: 11: ~ Ilro~, r v, Ph i IIplrout l't'C'l lv ell lO tolullmeUlbflr :)0 Doz , wee t rall /.(' s at ~() ' , ship of the 01 molt, CIHl 1II1t.h," Il l. 1 r 'WhitllCI' , EUlel'sou Euroh'lrl , White Sta.r Pctatoes. l"unc LlU ol1 lu lind Altr,ed .I ou s $2.75 per sa.ek of 2~ bu. lI ud 111. 0 I' otliYetl AI. Wysltng by lettet' from nt ' lJl'ing' Ya ll y. 11 o f th h e3 t p ntat oe!> for LI II'.!O
MOSE COH[N SAYS DISI+I SlILE ng' to "Value, Not Price, eilnng's allcl in Is the Real Test." ordorourtost,ock, g t olne of al'
gO I
Ilhtke , 80111e 111
$15 FOI' U b ·ll ' I' sn it Lhun you have b e n paying "1 a ncl $2il fol'.
o'ood Ollt .f the way we will [ua/ku n. spp-cial .' c~, I(l of (lTsbe and enameled ware for tho next 2(Y days. During' this tim' we will ell ' u II 0 f HU' 0111'
pllLlllill g in thi ~ lo c aldy we. h a v \'c r fO lllld. · Lon g , ' bright, Mi nisterial Meeting' 1I1 00 th. \vhi tt: pilla toe s, tiue of Hillsboro District cool< r., gOlld "i e ltle rs, O ur sec d wa g-rowlI III th ' cord !ioil of tl! ' H !gi l1n ing Monday eVE nillg nnd no rth an d onl y a f' 1I1:1I 1 lIppl y i ll C{,m tiu ui ng u util 'l'uesuu y e voll iug IOe Disht'8 "~or c iuulu iVll,!1 'l'tjry pr ot'itllhl e Dloet,ing til · ili a rk to Hundsum· Brown uits - B >lltI liflll 'Hie 12l' Waynesville frie nds of Mrs, Orlandus Githens Stricken of. min i ters of the Hill,;bolro l>is triut ., g l'nYS, lan, , Rtcel and the n w mod \Vu;! h e ld in the loclll M. K Olllll'ch, Ea.tinB Pota.toes. 2t1e Prank Hormen .fellriog any l5c with Illness. " lint! Il DUlllue r of the form e l' pustor time to lellrn of .h e r death, tit t~e 80 to 90e bu. ;s hade - al~o leg.tnt bla 'k thibets, 2-c 20c While MI' . Orlllndus Gltnen~. u his ChurOI] we r e on tho pl'ogl'nm , home of her daughter, Mrs, John We - I) I 0 ' tl I blu s l'ges lind un fi nish d worsteds 35e 2Ge 8oey'8, in Cbicago, where sbe baa prominent f[lrlller ne~r Lytl e, was unU nlso took t his f,locn ion to l{reet I ., a ll s ~ Ibl; Y' 5' U WI I gO(l e ill un 'W :l an d :1 buUo\l 1n00l els. 3!Jc •• c tran tlct·io ~ busines in WaYll osvill e thei; old. fl'i ell1l8 110d pnrit!hion r s been for several months tlnd wllere lOm e ·''''''w u 11 ' 0 I'o tu tOl'S IIOW •• lai\i)\'ell I'i)!ht LIP lo da lt' . (' ll lr :; on 511c ber sistar, ~rs . Eva Barger, has Saturday oft rn oon h e beollDle ill iu nsocin l wily lin opportun ity which 39c " " beeD wi~h her ministering to her I\.nd cltlll1(l n t · the nIllce of Dr . 1'. \vu'" lL ll1ututtl pleusure. Mop Wringers. $1,25 each. 1: 1 'eves, pall'll poci< ts, lu Llon pock65c SOc herwood, whn prhuoun 'Oil the pn· Amon g these wer e the Re v. U. L. oomfort. ' . 701C li e of I he ue. t h ili s ill ' ls, id enli '<lily I Ii" same g mut;s as SOc " tieot suffering from coogestion of 'ong r, Rev. \V , M. Cotl'mlln und · , P yo u hal'!' h n 1':IYlllg $1 . , ~20 fo r 95c 80c M.iss DeIJa Do\vnlug, daughter of the brllit~ . " " Rev. A. '1' , owgi11. I~ll of whom 1lo u se C ICit t111lg' IIIlI C. On ' I , ts Mr, and, Josepb Downing of Mr, lXlnkl\ll. who Willi formerly'", h.~vo l.QlLII Y wurm - h 'lon'de here, not 1 Otl " MOe Xentu., expeots to start lor Europe ne ighbor of Mr. Uith n , but who i on ly umoog mewuers of their O WII of d IlIrge woodclI pail wllh abollt May 1, visiting Phlladelpbia u ow conduoti og n photogrlLph g ll)- c llul'cb , but lool UIDOU~ tbose or wrtll l!e r altu c hed ; it hnl FI~" 01' and other eastern olties en route to lery in the M 1(lns.oy IJrOperty, {)thul' reli giou!:! bollies. . press ur e do s t li e wo rk, New YorIl: whenoe abe will SltlJ On kindlv onme t'orwllrd lLud took the 'l'h e Pr sidiu g Elder (]If this Di s the lath . It is MillS D,owning's siok QlllJ) t.o hi!.! h Ollle wbure Mrs , trict, Rov, D. Lf. Aultman, opena,! Another Ba.rgain p11rpose to take II. course . lit· Woor!. Gith ens WIl " umw oed , !Lnll every ·the meeting lit 'I ::30 MondllY e v euin~ brook Oollege. near Birmingham, cltre ILd,llIiuis ter 11 t o him . 111 F Ull 'v I rUlle Pllt up ill and oonduotl;ld (\ short ,d e votionlJl Cutt~l'Y, Engla:ll~, visit in Sootltmd Itnd reo l'H'vic , nfter whioh R e v, E , H . 2,:; lb . bo xes , Lal' j{e' . fillu fflllt j turn bome in time to tak'o up b er Judge Boxwell Appoints Oherrington, ueliver ed II, fine EllS 00 to th e Ib, Only 7c. duties In the public sohools in XenExclll .•ive agency fOl' Lh e c'lebl'ated RPOOllS, tel' s ermon, which was i n tuue with Blind Commission. Ill. the spirit of th e 'r e urrect.ion tilL , Olives! Olives! ys l ' rn" Men' Fine .. A Lte l'llu J'y 'rho de votions Ilt the m orning Prolmte J udl-(o Ale x Boxwell lIPThe Lafayette, .ndiul1ll, Morning uit ~~O t o $35. Alfred Be njamin r 'cent ' hl}>lIIellt of good Journal, br.s the following to suy pointed IL oommi s io u MondllY 'om- se ion TuesllllY we I' in CI1(\rge of & '0 .. Huits at ~ lij, :f20 to *30, "L" ooncerning the haodi wOl'k of {~ fur: p osed of Dr. H er oh ol Fis h ~r , MArl,iu Rev. E , 'I', Lllne. wh o prlilparell the thinl{S ill bolLl es bring li S 1I0t ysu ;m Coll eg'" ( ')I lhcs fOl' young , tb e wUY for whut followed. Jami on Mid Dillon B . WilBon, A. mer Waynesvillitl.n : .N 0 ooe prObu lily is pre on I v 1 h e slIIall pi ti ed 01 i I' (>S at lOe men. Dan .t{., Aliderson. of the OIU Peo- to oxamine LLny blind 11atl ents who t9 give II s ur vey of lib work a uott le b ut also Lh c mcdium and pllred l>ies' . home is lJecomin~ quite profi. mlllY Ilppear 1)efor o t·hem IIpplying NOTE: WI:: in vite you to visit 'p of t'~ll s Distri'O t . tbun is tbB presidi o !::, la rge fruit al ~;; to fl Oc II bottle, for the Stl~te Blinl1 Funcl. oient with the needle,. and the la · OUl' lIew lothing Department, • • 'I'oto.lIy u1ind ut'e entitled t o $ 150 Elder, Mr. Aultmun , whose jutlrny . dies ' wbo think they understand which oc upies th e ontire second . needle work should Cll ll uud see per yeur, nod will receivH .tho nr ' t in ~1:l lui.long his peopl e llriul-{S him Fresh Fruit a.,l\d Vegetablf;S, fllool'. · All OUI' s uits al'e hung on in- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!"!'!~ some 9f his hand t'mbl'olde ry .for q tllLrterly p.lyment of $;]7.60 0 0 Vel'y uear t o th eil" 'plrituul und B c ea rl y at marl{cl 011 Sa tur- dividual hange l's and al'e exhibited tflaterial wei faro, nnd who is ev er ladies ' shirt waists. ' Next. Sunday, July 1st .· ldd l,b eUl r t o uoqu!!elanll day, Yo u wi ll nllll u n ~ce di"play from dus t proof wardrobe cl uthing A Twe llty Yeur ::ientence, (ElI.ster) is his seventy seoond lJirth . Rev. ', .L. 'unger gil \·u !tTJ ClXday', and be expects to get right r oy. ..... ~""'~r<...,~~~r"r"r"~ hilllStiblo f API Ie. . blrllwiJerrie;:s, Ripe tabin ets. No 111 0r broken s holll adllress on t 'rhe Etlster "1 have just oompleted n twent,y ally egged- on thlit oocasioo, Be I S 'l'h uu ght, in the M, E, Hymn"I", It 'l'Olll:1 tll e~ , UIICUl\1bct' ll , Lett1lc e, t1 e rs h el'e, venr beillth sentenoe, Impotled by yet liS bandy With his needl e '.Hi It Buckleu's ArnlO'L I:!ulve, 'whloh , young lIldy , Rullj eu t ill which h e s ho wec1 gront f\ Sp :11';1 gus. O llion s. Pi ue Appl es. RAILROAD OR TRAConred me of bleediog piles just twen. ' L •• ' fnlllililirity, .and fn whi ch he l)ointoc] c tc . 4 Mr, Albert Smitb, ",on of Mr. ILOU !. out truth!;! not C lre.llUHld of py IDUIl Y ty yel~r!! ugo," writ,eRO S . Woolevt'r, TION FARE FREE of wh o bnn fr quaot ly sung thO!;'(l Mrs, Cyrus I;;mitb, has hau for saDIe l..eRllysville, N, y, Buoldlll1'8 Artime, stalls in the .droadelMa rke t io 1 ,h ymn s before, but I~bo will no w nica !:lnl ve he,ds th e wor~t sorell, Du.yu':n, und hi8 . ~peoitLl ty lis country Everyt hing in " sing witb deeper . Ilpprt:lciu tion ur bOil"'; burnp, wounds nnd Oll"~ hI tilt! ",hurtest tillJ\). 2GF' "t .l!'I'e(j· C. pro,iuce, of whioh he obtuins Inl'gll th eir bea,uti e:!, . Garden Se~ds ~ Hev , W', M. 'otfman conuu cted ::ichwurtz'H drug stor tlUantities in this itriulodlute neigh hllrhood and cnrrles to his cUl:ltomer j 'SeAu P otntoe lind Oniou ::ie ts the d e votkntti s ervi ces llt t,he open. In I\l' appet.,iZin g ulld lIttl'il O,t-i v,e ~ iilg of thtl 'l.'oesdu.y tlftel'o oon ,se . style . . . 'rb a Fine!:\t, Stock iOIl. Iwd the Rev. J, R. Cooley utill Lowest P rice d' e I'lv er cu., II serm on ' w h ICI1 glLv e Aftor the formal sprillg up eniuj; of t,rl~de in the Arcade Itl!!t week, , trell g t h nOll spiri t u!!1 uplift tu 1111 I· . , then u. lJoyton duily poke ,o f Mr, House Clllouin g ' uPllJics, who wilr e I'r i vilegeJ t.obCllr it., Laxative Granules . ::;mlth '" part in it IlS follows: '" '1'b e l ev . W . A . IJelltun oont,il1ued surpasses nil other . re m· One of tbe most \lnique lIuvertis. l . witli the E ost el' thougllt !!uggested in features rec6utJ,V lDltuguratell, '- Oronges , Bunnna!!, . Apples. by the ::\, tlson,lInd glLvea· systematio edies for tile r fl Jiof of si~kt,~nd one whioh was thtl souvonir ~. Caullllges, ODlons, Bihle lling approprhl,te 'to t he cnti1°f~ : headache, dizziness, in(li- . given to the publio during the opell.! Lettuce, Radi s hes, ' (heen ' ~ ghlcl res orreotion ~lme" ing 'l'hursdl~Y evenin g by AIlla,r t . Onlous . '- . t't'of. W, ·!:f, ·Cole delivl~red UD nd · gcstion, . citron io C(l1lstipa ::;mitll, stalhl'l5 ond 1~ ·A~oade . It. Fanc,y Wltittl Soli.1.1 Ellting f dress on P ulpit On'ttory wblch WIIS tion and Biliousness, lleouuso wos 0. small oard with" Dreased ~ a ge m of Its kind. i~ Poultry Our Specillity. On one end Potlltoei', CllD't be, boo t , \100 'rhe olosing se sian, . 'f'oesday evtll ey 11 rl' 0 01 11 pORed of ~ho has t of the card was a little 'oottoo l1er Bush el. ening 'Wll ill charge of t:~e Rev, A. knowu Veg: table drugs . 'lOU chlok," whiob was ver'y suggestiv T . Cowgil l, wbo!le tiled t'l.t 1I0me In of tbe line of goods in whioh Mr, Bring us your Butter hi s old pulpit! nnlo q~ his old friend!:!, mixed' in the proper propor Smith dellls. wllny of whom, though, bod ' gone at COHt. tions koown to gi VP Ule ues t and Eggs, Highest Ml', I:!mith is one of the IDOst en. beyo ud t.he bor d er :L... ouOE' h e mlnisterprising merohants of .Dayton's Prices Paid in Trade te l'ed h.era. result . or Cash. Rev. Dr, A. H, Noroross delivered Model ArclI.ue, Rod one who caren!! Every bottle gUIll'rauteed to the trllde WIth the best of every. { 1\ IlIIJ~nificent sermon on "l'h.a SumyOll1' fG.L' ·to give satlsfllotion or mon, thing. 'I'be poultry whioh he hlto, ' ~. ml~s of '£r\lth," in which he led his ey refllnde(I, . dies is a.ll drfl!Jsed by hi.rn. ILnd oue IT l~AYS TO THADE ~TrH heuJlers up into high slJnlmlt~ of ne~t look IS sufficient to lltlSllre one thut oratory liS he 1)ldnted ou·t to tli'em ·2r.c I!. Imttle at Schwartz's, t,be grljat t·ruths of the Bt-ble , hill good8 are of the very best Illulled unywhere upon reoeipt · Wblle Mr, I:!mith we not first The S6. slon8 were 1111 'Well I\ttenu_ lIf llri(,6, to enter bUlliness In the Arcade. his ed Ilnd grfla.tly enjoyed" ~Ilnd our - . ever, intereating potronage is due to olti1.eos had the pleasure of enterthe faohhat he gives to the public . ta.ID~ maoy vlsitlOg cl and tbat wblch 1a WADSa, rc.....rc'"'rc..... ~~,..,r"C laymen.
Come and See for Yourself
Walter J. Kilbon
.. ,... .. . .
Pot. , Grailite ·Ware, 'fable
Book ,', and Glass Ware.
T: B
¢it. "
r r~
- - - ---
, Z,'m. merm!lD u"r
r '"' ,
'rJ r'J
rrJ J rJ rr
J J ,L
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1" .
J. W. White..
eLOSlno oue SlILI3.
For the ne,,' t few days my stoek ofUa.l'Hes,·, \V hipb, Robes, Blanket, 'frunks, an'd fact cver.Ythillg' 'cont~dned in a fi.r~t · class tial~ ness shop, wlH be offered 1'his is an excellent Oppol'tuJ.lity to fill wants liot only the present but for the season . . Every:-, thing' to go, nothing ;l°eseryed.
I • .ti.
AND, WAYNFSVILU NEW&, ~:o.:. ••'nk> -YII""'" NINTlI YE~R .
.,Joseph O. KeyS Pass~
M1'II!. Anna Starr, a pl'ODlinent New Burlington. Harveysburg. of tbe -800tety of F~lenda, ~_;;....."_--:._ whose home at Richmond, IDdl, Rev. H. H. Comp~n attended a The community w~silhOO.ked wh~~ imi .. Bu~ton Elunh.r~ 111) ' IUlfill •• For t.he firth time In ' ]es~ 'tban Im~, oame Satorcl&y to Waynesville ~nllt-erlal Conferenoe ,In Waynea, the word .04}De Fnday that Mar, tel' called '" .,he hOme of ¥r d .Before another issue of the Miami foor weeks onr commonlty wall in oompany with herionanddlLo~hlast week. " Ihall Stout was dead, . IIls fll.mlly. 'Mra', J. B. J~tI"'; on ean~ ~t~:r. <iazette goe. ·to its readers, tbepres . shocked Monday morniDIr by the ter In· law, aDd bill taken ap he,r Rev, Jesse Hawkins attended Fair bas the .sincerE' sympathy of a host noon. •~ , eqt publ\lher will bave stepped (lut.' news of I"be death of ·Esqr. J , G. residence fol' Bn. indefinite tll]le at field Quarterly lleetlng at ~w' of friends and nefltbbors: . Buria} , 'J nnd given pln06 to D. L. Crane ~f 1 Keys, whiob oocurr!!d IlOIDA t.ime tbl' FrleDds Boarding Home, with Vien11la Jut Saturd&y, . Sunday at WaynesVille, QUite a nplnber I)f ~d ~prlugfield, ObIO, who bitS Iplilled If' l' dudug 8Ufllll~Y night.' aunt Bebeooll Daniel as her oompanRlUIIell Bentley and wife Mr and Mr8~ ienry Murp&y and in and MOllnd. 0111' villtige .ttended , hnperlltlvA .bums duties llf<1II hDdlnl! Jo Ion and care·tliker, moved into the lower end of the old interesting' obildren, Of ' Morrow, .~e .K~~~' oelebr,,~pn . ~d. ~egree Ollr unell vl<1P.d n ttentil- II • Mrs: Geo . E Riley, oeM Ridge- MartiD Houa'e. • .pant. several day .. wltb reJ/ltlv8ll ~Ol;k, In P~ytef\;,on ,:iIl~l1ra.ay *iter. Mr. Cruuo ill oot 11 tjlrll"~ l! r I, Ih. ville. Is oonvllle~olug from a. three ' here ", ' noon' ,-an li1 eVtD1Dg," A~moull ihem Car.l ltioKinney fell from I J . ' .. . wehl Alber' t!liIioV, l'J~rry MoOlnnjs, lieople of W&ynllsvl\lp, nor III mUll) , wpeb' ilInetlll, and ber dau8 bter, one d~~y lut wee,- and . bro~e ooe ot Mrs. Mildred went Day~n 'Perry Wade, Jllm88 J (jlln8, tw.... of uur reul1ert:l at Il disIIlIlOt-, IU; tbll ' Prirle Riley, wbo seldom enjoYII per· tbe ~ll1es l hilleft haod. the first of lallt week to lay In her 'tl81 ~mltb Woo GrahAm lind C L , • p~tlve beatb Ilud bus \.;(11)\ \I foot ~ealtb, ill IlI~o jliainlag In A CI~lf belongiog ~o A.-V. FoJllnd, tluppJy of sprlug m'illln tlry goodS. T~~~Il,. ' :rbey l'eport a IIrlLDd " dm~ . strengtb. whloh i... sUPPO.led to b,ve been Mr and Mrtl. AIlrOU Harvey eo, ,,~d .! lslgbtwbluh • raJ'eb eqqa~ olote tQqoh with tbe vllllIgtl Itud vii Illger8 by fr~q ue ll t, vl~it It oil by i.b, • ...\ th e\r. . ,tlous ·.~,runa 1.. F!>r /SIlltl-A jump seat jaRler In blUen by . a rabid do.., went mad t er tal ...uo;ou an d f am, in'' t~e i;loUQdil 01 ,thu order strong home feeling btl bill! oherillboo 800d rep"lr. lnqaire lit. .James Lin , last week and was killed. 11.1, and Barl alld fllmlly to 8undllY " .• Mr . Url10e 11.1111} be~lto hl~ OIl I' a r II.~ II ' dl nner l1r .. · Henry Snider ia ......npng der'~ wall·,n IIh. P. WII ,\·llesvil,I!3. . Mrs. Ellrle Staele, w , ho,'haa been . o'ut 1~rt"'''. 1..._ print.d'!' III t. I1111 tlfliOA wI!!!!) Ii your."" . .. u ". aDd .far.b~ • ... ...__ au .. ilud Itl Ihu" l'el;urniug ' 10 hiS fir"1 LoRt.,' a Ionok-llkln driving glove. 8pendiog ,the winter, n til., eouth, Mr. and ) 4rs. ~m08 Van Doren,.. weath6l:.' ,Be wal 'out J'idiq ~.b ReturD to t.bi8 c tIlOA. weat 11\ ho\..of rel(aiDing her heallh I enterta~ned ' \ir. aDd Mrs. Ernest Dr ,Ward one·afte.l ... oo'-II (a~.~• lovtl, t.\ II til' ~tfvertl) ytSul't1 , tlXJ,ltlrieDc. I"" • Ij oJ I ( U ,1 , U. at lib., home of ber motbe. Mrl Qo I ef ' ,,011 ,o hildreu and Mr: ~od ) u :.. ,_ ,\ .. I ...._ '....a.. j ! lu C' no tltIllti , U,.btlull UUu t;lJdDg. Mrll. Uyru8 Rmltb baA btlen very ,, '" M' F Shld' ;k ' t 8 d dl • , .... " ... oY Ie I&e.& lJ'J --- , ... . field. anu we bell rtily COIlIOlt!Jld bltll lII, hnt. It is grlit.lf,lng ~.her frieDds E8thel~ Compton. ~b~ ill Ilooompan. 1'8, . , . a "" p un .~ ~?e.r " fe r.;' 'Be" 8IIY8 be .,.... ·~own. to I he pnblio, Bud tlsk ~ couH'uuollCltbd she Is improving 8Om.e 8lightly. ted b~ ber son ' Howard. ExeoutI,ve COmmit of tile, from Dayton tb.e oth.- da, in Jlf~ of tbe liberlll pllt,roDIi~e W!! tlfa u ' ' !saalt) Burll,y. aged 81 yeua, tlD AlnOUlt bad a bll!lness ,meeting mlnures !lnd ie ooDflden' ~$b,,* If ..... joying IInll truB ~ tb~ bosiil:.t!B may Mr snd Mrll. Frank PraU of almos\; He loni ~Itl~n !,f .nur 0081' 8e.tnrd~y Digbt a.t tbe scbool bouse. rOlitl~ were q~ite,lImootb;' he ocibld lIldefio\t.!lI,v nnder bls skill Spring VlIl1ey, were entertained munUy, died in Xenia at the bome Mr. all", ,Ml;I, mem BurDett and lower tha.t time by &t JeaaUt.,1bI" aod manogemenf, for we know t.btl tiunday by tbelr ,n ephew; Mr. Je(f 01 hi8 son t!yha~WI 8uDdayeveD. dangh., &~ Wayll8:Bville, oalled 00 utes. ' . ~ , pOl'slbllllies lire g rEI\' I , Smith ~nd family. ing of ]~t week. Funeral ~r~l~ bll,pd'ell., S~d"y afternoon. . Mr, aud Mrll.' Ohas. Eo Jolla ua4 During OUt' cono~tlon wltb tbe Dr .•1, G • .Maoy,. Dentt.t, will be 'In were held at the M. E. ohurch bere MI. alld . Mrli. p'ellrl 8tu"a:t, of 800 G1enp and Barry J~ wife Gazlltte we ba ve been oOhsclentloull . FilI'I W.. llJIII'S liT :llolre. Mr, Keys hiB office Ilt BarveYllbor~ tbe TuesdlaY alterno~)D , Wihl1l~gto~, lpen~ Sunday wlrh Dr. and U'tle,ll~n enjoyed 8unday ~ ,he . io the dlscba,rge of ('Qr missioo frl!!ntltl hlld oblle.rved Il rapiddeoline beginning Moaday, Mayt, and at At ..r.h~ meetiDg of'$he bQard Maot_ndllater. . ' home of Mr. and re, Joe",'bom., We have given what we beUevll w,,~ in bl1:l8trength a'n d vitality, bat duro !:SprlDg Valley the week of ~7 11. edu~tton 00 Friday Wm. C. • 11811r8. E. "ilia and Jan Mercer '" '. . . , ' . ~ , Mrs. ~"t.Ud& ~mer1olt . .t; to 8'rlo~ly a news p!,per withont oater. Ing tbe llist rAW montbs, weekll aDd Mrs JOSiah Mills ' bas been quj~tl wu enllploJed for prlnolpal of are bilaaWylq &helr bomes w!til D t . da I k 'to 00DI1II' I~to the senBatiunld, and we gained even days •. the oban~e had been at her bome on the upper 8pring. aoh~l~ and El~beth ~v~, IDtel" freSb paint. ' ~:h pn ~ne !.-~k' wee ':'L_ ID - 8usta,.. '-ed a repn t 11. tl, on f or pub , q-ul' t e -remar.... "-bl e. . -edlat~ roo ' m Ia n ot ' Mr. Wilbur WUaon, ' w r. DIU' er a, Buy boro pike, for a boni 1)b tee w~lI:s. ... • Tbe ""rimary l' of Cinoinna~, ber oondlaidn He COIHllll'll -U\ that; hlblng a. paper of dlgntty and stand He bad not been able to walk Corn Krouad ,for rent. .appU.~. Mlu Ollv!) Anabee lpent Saturday aDd "Sl1I1day •with Ii WIUI btl optojon thst lbe w.. nM lng, We know we bave mll(le mil· down to Mllln8treet.,only onesqnare 0 J .,... d empl9Yed for District No.3 west ~ hil na-nt8. t ..... ,. ' be ' .--a ~ t of .. , .....war I. town ' ""'7• . n .. ODD.... on to opera_ on ._ ny friends throngh out weekly In , f rom bis home, for severa] day., . Mi.. . '91 . 'DODa M,oUOnaJd of 00, then, Se ........,.1'.1....... . aD , ew Iorl Of l - a.n'" sball "ntll 8 a t ur da~ y a fte rooen, . be f eIt Mill Florenoe, Murray, who lias ...-, ..-. te roars. 0 e wb om we prls....,u .. . lumbu., Ia. home for a w"Ue "re-". med'-''' •• _d . " -08 Ihe -me "'om. . I d I bit operated tbe l!witoh·board in the es:, •• U t" . . ...., _ au -oM al ways hold in It ndest l;egllr, t 0 !Jed to go on 80Dle imperative In'" to have & .Ie of ho_ ld abellu , beeD ~"'_ ~.. Der h ....... t bl to t ohanlle at ()entervtlle for lome time S · B ' h a -~ ... . b ; b t h as been 'Oar Ino II 00 to b 9 U~I USln8lJlll Il Wat! no a e re urn ... pnng ranc. gooda. of reooT- '~I &re ve- blah. ....... ' .' for mly courteous Anl\ re peotful t.o bome ~~bont ald. l!IuDday, be was aDd ba8 given a(imirable _'isfae-., 'J .. all,'''pd ba ve avoided RI vlug offense, a bOut the bOUle most of tbe day. tion, hila been 880QrtHl to take oharge · • Mn. Edum 8uoUh, re',¥,ned home M\~ BlanoJie " ' U and hllve no apology to mAke to auy but oomplained of pain In th~ region of tbe Valley 'l'elepbone exobaQge Mr. Elmt!r ,Parr and wife of 'bll) Friday 8veDlug after a two W"~I Wllliamabil . .t _l~Iu.J.Il_ . one, for our Qborse from IItart to fin of the bear~ before bedtime, buS at 'Wllynesvllle, and III trainln!J MIM vioinl'~Y attended &800lal danoe .at -vilit .10 OlnoiDDat. ,, , nooD "ifWY ~SI,. at .lI1.Il_~ is.h bfl.1 beeD guided "by Il sense of .'~88 mad" oomfor.table and r~tlred Lo~1I6 Hamilton in I~ mYlteri., the home Mr. 8taoy 0rajg.. and.'" Mi~' Caule Url\ham ' and lIl"a of..MiIIeea .Beriba, . . . .b ter of :near BoxaQDa .o n the 18th. 1&rnold'~were Bhopp'lDa In Wtlail,nlP. Coon. ' . right aDd jU8tice, but If .w e unwlt. as ueual. Monday mornlng,ameDi, Mre. EmeUne Peaoookand daniJl. ~ tingly ba ve inju~ anyooe we aln ber' of his housebold went to his room ter, Illal Emma of "Dt\yton ' Mr. l!'ranlC CoOk,.Dd family were tonoThu.lday., • All ball &-11'8II.dy beeJl lllAll1Pl.~. ., r O«Irely regret It. Ir people ,re uuder to aroose him, and fonnd btm slttjna 8uocUy -wltb tbelr relatives, Mr. ~ery plleaaantly enteraalned' a'dln. wiUI the In&entlon for T'I~"."" t~e Iwpre88ioq $11&\ it il an &asy on tbe Ride 'of' hie bed. with hls head a~;M ., rs. N. B. Anthouy. ner b,· "'rank IMlrin and family Igbta of ,he 001de8 lIIa.le .o,INIIt.f':'i JDatter to, please aeve al tbouR"nd testing on his pillows, but life ' had Sanda" .. , bUe drUl 'On Thursday, every week for twenty five fied, evidently 88.ver&1 boars before. 1I~;' Or-iandul Glthenl, whOle ller. K~a. Alice ("'henowlth and ' Ber, Aprh 30. Bat 00 ~IID~ " YMrs In e80h item In a aew_paper, His funersl will be held 'fhuraday ioue &nd' lodden ilJDen wu men· tha Bm.Uh-apent 8&tu~d~y and Sun. laoh a bU1:r 'thpe with 10 IIIIlllQI~~r: let them oaRt all . pe'reoDal, itv aSide, a f"...,mooo ':' "o~~t In 6azett-e week. Ia day In 'Day ton., Mr: Joeeph Bigier Wlla bo of the . ' brotber. .. , a.~ one 0 'I 0 00k a t his 1a I.e atin tbe&he home of MrJu' ConkllD iD . ,- it baa been ' and alliome the pillce of a publl8her reSidence, the Muonl1o Order . will, th '; ' k b 'Udt 'd d ' , ' Mr. ~'obn Orndoff 1800 ·ebe 'aiok -Bellbrook oemetery Friday. n~...ry to poetpolle It (01' a themselves for, a time, and tbey have the oomrui~J service at tbe ~ t :'1 ~ to : :tatno 1I.t ~t the time of thts Writing. ThQID88 KiDgllleY; of Clnoinn~ti, A 10 the <Ia~&er part . of Ma in a measure wilJ ·realize the em grave. ,a n s reng IU c on en 14 ' A L d .bo hall been Vl8itlng Wendell ' 0 will l,1ea.r Of l& a '-ra-ameo. of 'be' ~'08l' tion. , to hil home Dear Lytle. .mond' rs.vrere 1111& ~caa ber an eon Book for a, week ' returned bome ""- even .....,.. v • ... • _ • • visiting • ~ . toml\ are bad thin... Individu!Iol8 Wlosll~ take tbe prlvl Miami Base Ball 1Il'II. Mattie (""handler of &n. th" nelgbborhood on Th1U'8day, Tbar~~y, their beII~ aDd molt. 'eIIl8Ollal~, lege of expl'889ing tbelr opinioD8 re Team '$50 to the Oood dolRb, Mi8aourl, w~ ilnmmoned Mr. aDd Mrs. Elmer Parr bad Mrs. ·ADnle Newell, 01 oonnerhll' when ohuraoteH Uke 801tOot~1iIjlil:~,J1 -If a newlI ' bere on account of the d8tb of her the I r 'gll1e8.... :n t 'd l DDer 00 S,. . tendent8 are. ~ up in g ardl ...... "'"s of oon8Al'tUen068. -.. b unuav, ,ville. ladlana, ill visiting her daDg ' paper pobllaller wonld give l1Ia own Mso83 er G. ' BaMld Cook aDd all ;~tber-~u-law, Mr. Marshall Stout, Mr. JOEl 8witb aDd st8tel' of ter, Mr!!. ~laQk. 1. , 0 M9ndaty morDi,D I oar "l~ perllon141 oplnjoo or every persoo he others wh'l were in aDY way 000I w~ . 8pring Valley and Fraok W .. rdloe Mr .. Doqe l>epper and IamUy ha bad quite the app$ariuaoe of a ~ • Mrs. Amanda Reeves and band- and famUy of near Centerville, moved into ~he Bath lioaa,e. nest! plaoe, for all m ...y .. 'eiRh' ' his papel It \1Iould r&lse nooted wnb tbe entert..lnment a dlsturblLnoe, but ~hy shoald ,he Tbursday . night. for ' the b6neflt of lome little SOD, . of LeJH&noa, !Lr. Ch.arU~ Laoy Is at 'home froPl Mrs, J088pll ' ~iIJlI, ,eaat, of mote .riga w~ hi.hed at the ot bave Il mind of bll OWl} tbe ball team, IIhould fltel amply P8!!ts of ber brotber, LeBoy !rons, 8priagfieJd for a sbort time with brook, islJl with ,pneumon a ; . office,: d the privilege of expres.sing It 4S .w·a rded In O8.b and glory for the 'be'first of the week. biB par«.ots, Thomalt Lacy and wife. MIM Mary Pqwer81 ~ of DaYton, otliers do? suoce88 of tbe affair. · ~r. ·nom.. hacy Wall calling On lpeDt Sat"r,da.J a~d SUDday There is ,DO newllpaper In , exl8~ , After all e1Ol)8n88S were paid, tbe Mt..· Iilva Morford, we're summoned • P. Clbenowitb and 'family, Sun. Mrs. John . loney. enoe 'hat has Dot publilhed state- boys bad a 8orplos 01 $47 to add ~o WiDob6lter, IndllUl9 j day mOI'Ding. Mr8: AileD Dnil vi8ited Friday menta that were not strlotly Ilooord- tbpir bank aoooant whioh · wnl be to attend the foneral on Friday Mr. J .ames B. Ohenowlth Is and Satnrday with her lister. Mrl, Ing to f8Ota, bnt when·one oonslders used towards new suite· and ot.her ternoon of their relative, Mr. ual1y ge.&tiag weaker. . Crowl, in Dayton. is to ob n8OOe8sitlell. 'U s the88 .... . LItI~IOb;~:lt .. , how dlffionl& It f';""uently -~ .... or ford . D~I" Da> ..0 ...., rea-v ed BU818U Morpn. lpent Sunday In Ml's. Sallie Smith, of J)ay~D, II; Wq 'ooneot information, ·even of a •• OD8S, Mr. ~orrord leaves Ii widow Mt.. HoUy wlt~ relative8, vi8iting her mother,. Mr.'. ¥tIID-"'..-v ~~l!f!lJi8t . trivial matter, ao.d that: tbe same Ma~onic Brethren N~tice. and a lion. ' • this week. ' ,'. taotll bava a very dUJeren~. aspect to .• , B differeDt people, whioh atlds 8notbThe members of WaYDe8v.ilie l$i>m: To Mr. and Mrs. . H. . '- . ' Mr. WlIbur Gowdy' wenUo~.L;" ~ 1 Williamson, Mooday, April 27, 1.908, IngtoD,' OhiO, . 'Friday ', to . . " er great dlffiouJty 1ft the WilY of Lodjlie No. 168 F. ~ A. M. wi I oon- d h Oeeaonla. . j di . d i I, vene at 12 :30 p. m . (sbarp) on 'I'bnrs ,a aug ter. __ ."...... wll~ and her parente, U oe . op n~oo, day 'aftern~'n to a'teDd the funeral ~~ d ... U i I.lh ood .. _y. ' r'eaobiJ1g an unpre ... hi I I .. vv IIIU. an . lUI'S. _aur oe ., erw J ' U fDa " Mon .... ~~ s h ou ld ma~e m more eo ent obllequi6l.of our late brother ~08epb V " ameli _aeon, 0 yton, spent . tnooodemning . an~ mistake of the l G, KeYI, Itaq. . of ~priDg ' alley were ineatM witb ht8.parents here. W, C" T. U , met at .~l\I'.' IiIGm• •CI .lund . ' WARBICN B . Ki!lys, MASTER: ,day of tbelr relatlvell, Mr. and Mrs. . . .Mrs. Jame8 WeolIl9l1ll!l;" . . f ' t' ·JOR'N B. O'ASKn', t!EOT. WillS. Graham, on th9'Lytle road. 7.1\10 Armitage visited Mr. and • ' li1H~ml~D' Spoken words are ,soon, orgot e~, , I • ~ • M.rR. John seagle and Wm Myers 'a t :rhe Bliooalaarea.te or easily deDied, bat whatever goes Mrs. Luther 8ellen of Day top baa N t ' '11 S d Speoial DIst~lot aigh I t I ~ .. out before the IJlEDSONAL AN D ~eh tbe guest Qf her 81ster, Mrs. ,,~on VI e u~ av· . . preao.lied b Mr. C. ~alW(ll:r.I~lld."T: j ~~ n .... pr n 8 spr.-u r " 'Ray!:Smitb, ' .Bever"l from her~ attended t~e 8Venln 14 3 '. .1' publio and il proof for or against· l~ . LOCAL , IT.E'MS fDDer&1 IOf Mrs. Ret&l1iok Thursday. ' > ~. ~y . .ae1f, henoe it haa al!'IlYs bee!) one " Mles Glad 8 S ' noer took' dl ' MH. ElJa. Kemp, o~ D,a_~'~I1'" .our-pe&teBt etlort-s to oorrootly Valley. ' {-uoile '1 pe . ' i' ed . . of Informoar.elv68 belorewrltlngaQYMeaers. ·0. j . . Bua:n~tt, A; ·B. , , ' with.. Mlt~ MaaoD Snnday. thl~hereOD week: 'Roy " tlarria, :~
Sun(Jay Night.
A_. .-Jr.
I '
., &blnR. 10f" p,l1b11.oatiou. bu~ ~e. aUCba.Ddlerand J. E. JalllieY 'apprataed ...t ' ' . lima1a r lpolltlon h aVb lOlld e tb'e estate .of Mri. ' 8. , a. Ellis Jat! otb ersln l ' mistakes along t.h08e ' lInll8, buli, at! week, . t'-e old mountain prt'acher said.·11f Mn. ;Joseph sellrs weat'of" i!'erry . . YOl1 .t.,io.Jt 3'0U can do beUer tbao is ·in very i,ll 'bealtb, sO 'mllqh so Il~ ~)1.d Bea,.JiUJt try it .y 6tlrllelf," to 0&118e h,e r friends great dlBtrels. ., We' ~ave It\ldloimly avoidpd·f\n. . Mr. Wliltam Null and 'family of . I j.n . ·new8pa~~. '001) t.rovera. Iell, t!prlngboro . Ir&IP,Dg were . gn~ts. ·ot U_. a"']D -,.for tbey .are Intereatlng to bll~ f~wAnnie C. ' Q'N 6&11 aod ' fa~Uy one ~readefll, .~d do flu inore' harm th-.p, ·.da'y ·last week , 'good,: , ~ , . . .:' ., :. Mr. .M!llard E. Dt kln , ~i~;'li~l~n. . tO~lU'ds none and ~~ been .w ltb hi,S. Sister. ~",,~, , ::-' MOII~8inoereJ" youre;' W. Hawke; f~r 11v.e years~ haa.l'e. tnrned to bill (ormer home In Ne"" .~iI. '1'. BROWN. York cit.t. , Mrl, , J4&ry E. , cadwallader, oe .• . ~8lirOw I!~nt, Sonday w.tth ber lis : . ter, ·.. re. J. B, Wrlgbt. ., &nd Mrs. Cha.: AI Bough • LebaD~n .Ue~dH ' the fl1l1enl I N'o mber i .timothy bay for ..Ie. ~ IIr~. lhnhall . , Prioa t10 ,... ton in the ~~. O. A. JimawD, WlJD8It1l1e. O. w.,re gaOl" V.U~ Pbooe. , 'a2t 111'11. J.I'.
Harley OIeaver aDd wife ·of· Xenia t ~. _~~wood 'Aultian!~ittotle daugh.· Mrs. Minnie ·....... .I,~._,... n " ' . ber ,~ , v18ited mother, y Snnday. ' . .. y an. , 1111 a . . ' '. Lamml', Tn6ad~Y . .l , ',' '. . Mr. aDd Mrtl. FraDk Cle&ver enter· ' .. /i large crqwd from bere a'~Dd8d tal ;.;. ' .,. I d . I Leba ' 8 ~ias Ger~ru4~, . • ~D 'Bnr, ibe Viotorla d n.,.. r en s rom non all· daY 'lIod W~'lea(1&1 . 1.u,..HN1lRp Theater liJond&y..ili8 b t, . "Yo' . . ;,. ' iting ' ~elati~68, . ·~!'~r...:-~ I: .II<Ii., ·j . . " ,. , " Dr. E . p. Krlegbolf made a- pro. '. . .•. Mr. Ray. Eagle iB, Improving nice. f i ona l l v I8 It to 1.:i"1noInn • tl .Banday. ',Mi EdnA. OIaOlleB, . eu ly. ' .' , . ' , I.ln(llaDla·, , Olive and Annabel were gU6Iti The PlK>ple ot this ~IOin,lty ' ' 8 d f X nIa ·ftt de ' pieved to,leam pUlIe lIulJ~en deatb ove ... an ay ·o e ., ~ -. en. of JMr. St.o\l& Friday. , '. ,-' , ' IIi," E~e ,Moore .18ited' hi Day~ .~{u M~Y B;onlle.v ~o" goel,back toD W8dDeiJday. ~· , and forth OD the timl every day: 'y. ,S. 8her~~ 'aod WIfe were. Ml8I ~~.. ~penoer re,~in.... · .0 111.81&8 BUilda,. of frleD41 .Dl!I'r Ly. her .aohli)8l ·. ark ...~ • tJe, ···· .. '. \. ' ,~. a1lieDo..: '. ." Carl 81ruB I'a Iil~k with plet:p'eq• The fue ......Yio8 of Iln. 'Sma _nn wU h.~ a' thel'rteDda oharoh Sunday m~ ~. " , , • . '. ,,' ~r ..-.IIlOrs were n ......y took dlnn~r at tbe yaney BouBe da'" d S' 'd '
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White's Store iMOSE COHEN SAYSioISI+1 News. I
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CI ' III ' ;11', )1111( 1 I h i,, 1 II a~alll a lU I\' l: \\,1 1 lal" 1:l lI l) o~. ll all; t1I I1S al I tiL " 1)0 7"
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White Prtatoes. $2.75 per sack of 2~ .
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Ine n o w liviog iu VIIll W o rt. Ohi ll. gJ\'e awa y ni ce rug's , ,OC lI1g w ent ov e r to Elidll . to ~ p e Jl I 1-I.1U hairs. lace ('urtain :tnd lamps , d!tY, n. week ugo, with Dr. fwd Mr, Alexander, find 000 nfto r r Of! hill g As k for ollpon s . the house, Mr, Mc Cune WIlS til ken viol ently ill nnd re lll'~in eu so IUI)s t of the UIlY, tdth o ll l{b h I'(ltll l'n etl howe. io the evening, but WII UIl· uble to ~o t o bi t' 11ll!lil.J ll ' th e f"I· ~!'lowing day .
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ceivcs New Members
1';II~ r el' lIgar, Ih e \ ('ry h es l. at li t ,c nl s , / till.". 111 lilt, ~t. E \'1I11 'T h . I "I'. 1'1111 . , . I I' I" HIf ",'('/' 1\,1'11 1111 " 11111 III U\l) U' r You.ball b e U('!' hU .I' s Ug'a r It . 11'111 l " h ll' II I tll l'el!lI l'ch,I:"rl:::;"ll t h,\,\'" I.
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E, E, Ll ud y Wf ll Jill !! !Je.,,, di s putuh t I' ,)u t.h n C . ~\- i':i , Hy. t 'll'tl nU01 ber, f yeH I'S hll M n 'l'(\I1II,V II, 011 ' trtitls fe rJ e d fr o nt D" n vel' t.) <; hp\·. eune, W YO I'lllll g , 1\]1', L ldtl" 11 );,1 Ileel) g r IItl .V (li 1lll bl cd 11'0 11\ rll'o lllll(l tislII , lInu liud tl I,h a 'lilll fl l l' II t hi~ new IWlII lIl o r n IJOl1l11icilli I" hi:; htlJllth I.hlll! lJull vt)r, 1:Ie writ P" thu t ba th h e tlo d hi s fllm il y tir e v er y w 1I00 \\', tlod t ltl,1 tIt PY· .. cnull ot ti ll wit,ho ut th E' ir h(lIl)o !Jape I' .
yo u hll ~' ~' tI\ll' , I'j., ,I, "" 1'1 "", •. fHII Sp rayers, '\ l' h al'e Ih l' \\'ell knllwn j'l., ,,,.,, ,,,,0\ Io, ," •. d·! (. ,·It"",,,, , '\ ,• ,~ • ,I lid " t! t • II'!' r-t·).I1' Ll' t-!gc tt ~ Purt~P ari s (:rccn. l)ariS I'l \\"'lI " \ 1\ "'It'll 1'\',\l J " (; r('cn a nd BOl'deall' al s o Bu r . ' I I,,I ~,!")".,' 1 " ' .. "'1,, I ,t.~'··:. I """ , l' t I J '/ .. JI • I.I"! I 'I": deu ux mi x ture , Fl ee a h n ul, of l Set'
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whit l' l',) tal oes. Illl c ~o"d \'i'll e l'''' 1) 111' ;;\;l' d S( , f~ \\, :1;; g' ruw lI 1ft lh' (ol d ~ ()ii (I f I'" Hl' gl ltfl lttg ~lullLlll'y L\\'.l'lling i lJIIl Cllllllllllill ~ 11uhl 'l'u l'" c1I1 Y ' \'(' lI ll1g lI "r lh a lld ollly a "lIIall ' "I'I ".\' i ll 8c IIIt:lu;siYl, 11 v\Jry I' ro lilalo l 111 l i n t; t it l.' III <lrk ' l, 10e Di s h.·s Fo r ll and!itltl · 1:1'11\\,11 s uil s H ':1u liflq I;,c 12l' W!Lyo e!:\vill ;-~ f ri nllt1s o f i\ll'~, Orlandus Githens Stricken " fllllll i:;l urt! o ftIl 1l 1:l1I b i.JUl' lJl';lrl'l WII., Ill'ltll ll th e locll1 M. B. ehl1l'(lb, Eating Pota toes. g'l'ays , talis , s (,o l·llInd Ihl' new :!tI(· 15c Fmnk H armel! arti fe ul'i ng OilY' with I11n es~' , lI,nu fl 11 111111)0 1' of tlt e I'Ol'IllC'l' lJlI ton, 80 to 90c a bu. ishade" al,,!) l'l 'g'lIl1 t bl u ' k thih ·t~ . :!.Jl· time to le J.ll'D o f h e r death, li t tb o 20,· l1om6 of her ul1ugllt I' Mrt!, .Tol1l1 Whil e J\h . ()rll111 (ll1 ' l-lith o ll !<. /I f t lli c hUI'C il W I' 0 0 t lto pl'ug r ll ll1 , . \\' 1 . I hltw f;t·l' • ~ :lnd \lntini ~~Il'd \\'( ' rs t~d s l :1;'(' 25c BoeY 'II, III 'bicng o, wh er' I! h a liti S pro fUin nt, flll'lI.I . 1' u nl' L.y t.1 . I~'H!< U IIIIIII~ w t uuk Ih i:, I,ICCIISIOlJ t l) "r 'tlL c ,' a ll S' I P P \. 1' 0 11 \I' ll I OJ' " ' ' · ol d frio lld s lind 1)III 'l :oIl1uoe l' '' I I ' , .... l ill a n e ll' :! ;11\1 1 :\ Illl lllIll 1111111(,1 " ,I c been for everal lll o 11 tll~ IWtl wiler trlludl c l·lll ).: bu. 111(1",1; In Wn .Yll flJo; '·llI o t.It ' \} lOin ' "I'IIWII t a l: ,' p Olal o .. ..; !lOW , · . " ' 1(;111 '\ 1'(,11 1'1 ,<1 11 1-1 1' 10 rlal l· . (' l l lh: "n f) tl<' her sist(.\r, 'ifrs , Eva Barger hu s ·S llt.urUIlY u f\, (ll'n On T1 II h' nm A \II ill 1I;;()Cilll WH .r lin o V)J'll' l u nity \\'hi cli been w ith her m ini s t e ring to Ii l' nnt1 !dl f' tl lit .thl! tlni e A n f I 1' , T . Wil t! ' I~ II l1ltu" I "I lI~nre , Mop Wringers. $1.25 each, '1- I"l'I'. "'" p'.I"·" 1" " l l' t " . \)ull'lli pm:"· ' (i!j\, 50c " cOlllfort. ' 'b e n vood, wh o jll'U IIOlll1 ('O{\ th o p'l. Am o o ~ tit M ' W C I'\' Ih e ]1G \ ' , / '. L . I I I I I ' "'a ll\(' g nu 1l'S as (ilk 1\ '11 11('al 7.-," () il L' 0 I· tl "" I I I It· I p s III ti e ll t ,;ufTerill g fl' 11 1l1 cOllge"l ilill of Cung 1', It ev, \\ , M . 'olfllllln !I oii . , ~ lie ( ,,"uI ' II . '.111 (J't "I" 'OUI I10 11 ' Il . ll li l t , .\'(l U k l',,' 1"" ' 11 pavi !15c M,iS8 Delln uowniug, ufl ugbl,er f til b rahl. R \', ' A. 'I' ".. Y U (' I ' a II I"Il g- II ~ "1I1 · . L(l . ng' $ I ~. *2tl 1'\"1' M.r, Ilno Mrs. J osilph D o wnin g ut 1\'[1'. 'OllkllU, wh ,) wus 1'1I 1'111('l'ly n Ittl Vll IUfln y \\'! ' rill fl'lllud" h e r .. uot IW,· I lilt 1I Xelliu, expects to s Ill rt l o r E nr pe n oig'bl,o l' of illI·. liilh (1 I1 " . hul. whtl i" ' ILdy lImll n/-( IlIfllU )Jtll'S vf t,!t UIr U WI1 01 d 1 rgl' IV od e ll 1 )1 'tlli ,I , "'tll) I)ltl J.lbout May 1. visiting PbillldelpbiJl n >117 I'o ndl w l ing II plt Qf'ngl'lLp il glll- ('h ul' clt . lilt ILlI1JtI~ lb tJ~tl lit' Wl'ln !.!'L· r atlll h, tI : a 1 Flo\\'( ' !' .J Imd ot.lter nstern c ities I) r'm t", tu l OI',Y In tlln i\1 ~· K in !>o.r p ro IlOI·t y, <l l b,·!' /'u li gluu~ u uuius . , prL' ''~lIn ' tI " l!" I he II' rk, New York whe nce ~be wil! 'Idl (1 11 Idnlllv Clllll tl (" " wnl'l l IIwl 1001. th A '1'It" Prc,; h1i ll g ~;I,lt · l' ot til is lJl lio the 13th if, i Mi !l:; D ow llln g'tl !Ii ' k mlln t.o hi,; 11 0 111 . wlt or 1\Jr" , Iii 'I" 1 ,]1'. lJ . " f l\ ul t mlll1. O\lt' ll d Another Bargain purpose tu tuk e II co nl'Se at 'iVtJod - Glth 118 \I"L!'! Sll ll1ll1 11 n od, Ilntl PI' 1',V tho Hi e tin " II I. j' ::10 J\loo llllY e l'e llil1g brook Coll ege. lIelll' Bi 1'I111Ugb llTll . Cll l' ILtl lII il1i Bt I' '(1 Iu II i Ill. lU ll1 c IIll uotu cl ll ,, 11 0 1' 1; t.liuvl)lloO Ii I 1111,':111(' 1' Pr ll ll " . IJil tupill J Eogltl,od , visit ill 'cotlund . anrl I'e~"l l'i e. "rt,OI' w hicll , HoI' , K 1:1 1 ':; III, 1)tIX ';; . . L:lrg' c', tino ' 1'1'1111 ; . turn l10me in time t tltko n11 h er Judge Boxwell Appoints Che l'l'in <7tllll , d e liver ed tI tiu A Eu~ UII ( til , 1J" (Jil l \, 7.:. uuties 10 the publi c scb oo l in Xeot ur !I( J'Il1')Jl, which \VIl S 10 :t n n e with I·;xcl ll:-.iv ' a~l'lIl'Y 1'111'1 11(' I' '1 ,1) I'a L' d RpOOHR, Blind Commission. iJ.l. th e Hpirrt. uf tit · ). ~ nrt' c li o. ll 1111, 1'. Olive&! Olives! I "Altel'hul'l' ~ vst "Il1" M en' s Fine l 'rhe Lufnyel te, lli<liuUll. Morllio~ PJ' u lJut ,In,l [.!e 1\l ex l3uxwtll >I I" The c1e voti o ll~ lit th m Ol'nl 11 I{ , Su it , ~:!o I ~ :Ji;~f,. Alfl'l'd IIPIl.i unti n Journlll, hos tbe foll o wiog tCt SIlY po inted II {\t) lCl mi ssio D M ftL1l111y. ['"tn· io n 'I'll . UII,\' 11'1' 1" III 'illlrgo of A 1' 1.' '' ' Ill ... 111))111 III of g-oo tl &(·II " "L1ilsal~ ' '-,.~~tltfJ*:10 , " J." · '1' I I 1 I ' concerning th e hllouiw ork of II fol', Illl ell of [I I' . II ll l' o lH'l1i' ls lh I' , 1\l n rt i n J (lV , I'" " ~l!lll' , '~ II' pr (lU l'et t· 'I.! thin "'" i ll ho lLI,· ... b rill g : li S 11 0 1 I ") U T Iller WllynesvlJlilln : A, J IlJlli 'Oil 1111 (\ Dil l 11 B W i l~DU . lilt, wily l u I' whllt f ollo wed . ·' Y" l"1 11 Co lll·g·" : 'l"tI H'!I fill' Y'llIllg' , U l'l' DIl-O K Andersoll~ o f th u Olu Poo- L ' xlllti ine II n .v blind pllt lOnt wh o ,\I ll ou e )lro hllbly i;; huttE' I' p m o n lv I h c SIII:! II (llllL' cl a lII" '" at IU" mel l. pIes' homeisbeco1Jl i u~ \Jl1i toprofl . ma y 1I)l11l'1I1' l ll' f(l r o L\H' IllI\Jlpl ," i ll g Jlll ru(I ,to ~.i\·.l! :l ;O! lIl'1'eyo l Ih :, W?r l: j il l , Olll.C b ill ,, 1:;0 l.h 2 1Il ' r\ IUIll a lld N( 'n:: . WI ' illl'it, V\I\I t o 'I' if;it 0 ... cient with th e l1e Ol11 e, Ulid t h o In · f Ol' ti ro , t',lto U li I1l1 Fllll d , of tim; DI t,I H. t I h llll I S til 111 , Rllllll g ! a r "I! 1!'IIIl iI' l ., - III ,)0.: " h lil t;' , In tlti 11g' . ) (:1' 1Irt m en! " ...., _ ' - ' II ~tt. dies who thiuk tlt ey tlnti I'S tu,llll 'T otll li v !llin U III'O (l1IIit.1l1U I r)' :f.I.~() bl<1ol', Mr , Aul l lllllll , wltmw .1 U \1l· I1 .V " . . ou r III' W " oeodle w or k t:l hould all 11I1Il flee pe l'y e nl:, 1I11l1 will r oonil' Co t h o fi l'"L lII g ' ILlII Oll g hI " I Hl, ~pl tl hr! IlKS hlnl ' Fresh Frui. and ·Vegetables . , wh l'h OCt IlPIC~ ,th <' l'n l ll '(' f;(" onci so me Gf hi s lluuo PlJliJroi ti ll l''y f o r f]u Ill'! ol'ly IJIlY III I' ll t o f .~ : r;- .f, O ')0 I'\'L'Y \.10111' t u t h II' SIJl l"l tUlIl' lI ud Illo(Jl'. All ('UI' SllIl!l (li e hung-Oil Ill · IUllies' s hirtwaists , N ox t, O I'lU(liI Y, ,lul y ' l ;; t . ': ~~l t' O rilll ~\'\!Irtll~u, 1I1)1I w b o is ev .·!' Ik .l'ilrl\u t ,"l a rl, c t 0 11 ~a lllr' : dil'idllal hal1g-L'I'~ :lnd an' l'x hibite l i , A 'J'\\'I lit,\' Y/~!II' ::lou le ll cP. ( ElIst,er)iRhisseveut,YfCe(lOJlllhi r t h lI .lfly t "(;l)II U"dl1l1lillhIL h e lll d 'l \' ) ullw l l ltlll(i 'IIII ('l' dl ~ l' h\, i f I I I f Ib IU" lIflY, auu h e expects t o ge t, ri g ht r oy · Ih i l·.( ·. ,L Clin g r gtl.;o 1\11 ux ' . ' • . " " 1 1'0/,1 lUf; (1 1'00 WU I'I I'II (' ('Ii \ln g'1 "I ly eg::ed on tlltlt o c fl SI·ell).' lI e I~.' ....,. ,...,.-...JL<L<,...,,...,,...,~ Inl u Htlbl o Ilti. 11' S. 011 " Th o E ll ::!tOl' 0 )\P I'I ' ~ . ~lr"wl l 'rn e": , ,h iP '" ta lnn ets . No III I' l ' hl'elk .n " It I) II 1- " 1 I III v t) jus t rnnv le t,e(ll1 f' w ent.y yd us bnndy With hi n o (110 \I ~ / I ' ' f'Ii IJll!-{ lt t , i n I llIl. i\1. K. Hy IJl 1111 I ". I' TOIlI:ot" L·~. (~ II L: llIlIlJ e r " L e tt ll 'I'i' h ' I'L', . vellr h o,lIth Mo nttm ce, ill1J1n~fld hy young JUdy .. J,'. " lllo.Jpt't III wlll· 1t Iw .sh owed g l' (l l t ' \ ~ I' ·lr;l glI". ()ni OIl :>, P ille .1\1' (1\.- ;;, "Bll U ~I t'l1 'lt Arui '( tiulvA, whi uh ____~ !. fll lU l llIlrily , a ll d ill wltl ,It be p o in( l'ti • . RAILROAD OR 1 RAt!J ur ud 111 ( f h l pediJl~ Jlill~S jllSt, twen'ir . A11,ol' t "'lll1 · t.1J, "~ou o f II' ,II'. Ilu .l ~ uu t rl'u lb s l1 ut t1 1'olltllnt! o f U,}' mU ll'.',r e tc . ' ().., " .TO U TION FARE- FREE t J :v e llrs ug o, .. wr1te,; ~ \V on I eVI'I', Mrs. Cyrus i':intith , lta~ hnd for SOIlI U '" ( wht) hll' f'l' r qntlllll y ;;n n ~ I,ho~.. I f l.eHlly!-tYllle, N. Y. BUI! ltlll ll'" Art.ime, stflll~ in the ..U oatlel MlIl'lw t, TU l It .\ ' l lIn~ lIO I'UI'(" h ut ,~ h o ' VIII lIu\\, 1- • ni p-Il l:in 11'0 hUll I!! 1,1111 \\'or" l !lOI' A~, J)ny i.·' o , Ilnd hi s f ped ldl'Yli!lco lllltr y ,1~\,f' r ~; : lti lll; in " ~In!£ wi tll ,deli ll" l' Il Pll l'Cc illll (JlI UJ b"i1~, U\1I'U"', wllqnd ~ Itlltl cut:l iu thu pro,inoa, o f which h e o i)tllill !! Illrgn , I Ill' II' 1101\\1t'LO~, • • . • I ~11tI/'t.I·~t IIIII~ . :UJ ~ I~t, 1~1't'\I 'C, I tUIUl t i t i eA in tlll ~ imul(Jllll te noig-b Garden Seeds 'H~I \" \\'. til. ( ~Cl llll1l1 l1 'oil(lu('f.l'tl . .·c hwllrt~"p url1 l~ Atllrt' . 1)l)rllood llDd ourrios t f) hi s ' 'l1 s t ll lll er f-ief'(l r o tn t oe;.; 11l1{1 ( )ni o n Sf'is the Ihlvul il. ll l1l !il' n 'w ''; ,lI; I,ir e u p e n , ' -' - --10 1111 IIpjletb.i n g 1.CIIII IltoLr1l 01i\'1) ( " i u. g of Ih u 'I'II U;'lll1 ,1' Ilrt.e ro llu,n t'H"T h o FifW~ 1 ~to('\, '\ ~-~~~-~-~~-~--'"'!"--~~~~~~~~!'-~~~~"!"'"~~ lltyJ fO, f ': ,' 1I1tl Ln \I'{' s l J) r i '(' ~1\()ln. 1111'(11 tl10 R Ul" "J 't'IL I ( O l! Ioy l 1=- - ---, A ter tb tl o rilla I ~ l'l'iJl g lI p ull ipg 111 11' , I' Pl II ~e l'Jll tl n - I\' ll C I g ill' \! U I ,)f tl'll.d o , iu t,b n Al'c nu e III ~ t. \\'.w l" , --" t l'o ll ~ ih lint! SPll' i lUlI1 upl if t 1" 1l1l the llll IJll y l,Oll \luily ' 110 k · o f 1\11', l JJ 11' 1"i n l'IJlw:,. whll W" I' !' I'II·ll pgl'.( t,1 h Oll r it. Laxative Granules ~.. '1' 111' 11.' (' 1'. \\' , .A. 1,"'I II I) n ·OII II I " ,'l l> ... ·1 :::illlitb '" pflrt, iuitll s f L,I IQw s: "~' !'Ul'plIsses till IIth (' 1' 1'1' 111 , One o f lite mo:;t uoique lltil' ul' t i J. w ith tlt o 1';II!:n!'!' ·!llll l1.g hr >l 1l:;~ . I ed . in felll,ure~ rtlueutl.,' . 11\1I11 ~u rll\ eu , ). Ol'fln ge~. B 'lI1l1na!', :\pp l~ . j ' b y t il S"U 1l1l . IIU!1 gllve ll s.vs t ull1l1 ti~·,; f or t h e l"(' liof of ·s kk. lIuli on e whic h W(\ ~ t.llU !lo uvonir l'1t\Jbll !£f'!< . Oni e ns. .. Bihl e I'l'lu li l) :'; npprOp l' ilt t\l t o t it til \ 110Xt. it"W cLav~ Ill,r I't! .1 ,I inlli dizziJ1e ;;~, ll\!a~achc , ~iviln t o the publlo ul1l'iu g th Oupeu'I 'r L et tll~fI, RII (li fl he, . ('; 1'(,11 11 g111 11 r l' s tll'r B('.l io n t llll e . , in.g Thurs ulLY ev(!uiu g' u.I' Albert. . .onifill" , J ·l' of. W , II. Culo d Blive r Ctl ll11 1111 . A'(lsti()Il , ohrnlli t: C()IlStiPll :Ll'll('S'~, p~, l:;illlith , stu ll!! 15 !lUU lli Arcllde It ¥nu l'Y Wh i tt , '(l lill '1';ILt ilig '( dr()l;~ o n Pnlp l ()mtlll'Y wlli c h was tion and UiIi!)lISIlCSS, l J.jCIlIlStI wn'l! II SW1I 1l Cllrd , WI t h " [)re~seLll r ~ n f(nrn u f 11.,; I, intl (~nd Poultr y Our S 'Jecilllty . ()n IIl1e f11H1 Po t u Of'~ , CUII' r, 1111 " ,on I , \IOp- (. '1 'h o l o~ illg H'tltli UL1 . 'J'n osd " y tW. tlH' Y !11' ('1 ('(\Ill p\l~(!t1 " f UIO lIo!-t, o f ~he card Will:! ti ed II li t ll e "COt.tOIl 1 • 11 ' I' BI1. l! ,J.. (miog, WI1" i ll PilU l'!;lO o f th o R e v . A , Jc,ll lJWII V('getabl e I ll'n g~. !lIlU in e1aK~ ohick, " whiCh WIIS \'e r .y sn/.q.; Il v" ~ T . ( !u I\' gi ll , who l;f) '1 I 11 (111· a t h O Ul e In o f the line of g o ds in wbi l' h MI', BrinlX U ' your Butter ~ Ill s ulLi pnlpit fllI W"g h is old 'r il nd!', IIlix fl tl ill the }lI'O P I' P" Opi)I' Smilh d till! . '. ntnn y o f wh om. tholl ~ h, had 'gO L1 llf'RS . COHt.. M\'. timith is one of tlle m osl on , a nd Egg. IIig he I lJ'~ \'[) 1H1 th.· hlll·t1 o l' 'llnce b e minh;re 11 Jt,o;, t e rprising II1 tl fclJltUt.", of DUytOll ', Price s Paid in Trade t ·i·eli II nrl " rrhi~ i~ M.od ul ArCILUf'. nod o n e '''bncCll ol!j'l r III' Ca;;h, ' R e I' , Dr, A. l:l. No r c r oss l1eliver ' (1 ~\'ors l!nHlo ' g'll lll'l'll n l ot'u t o the trud e wltll tll e h ost, of o \'eryt1 IIl1u,:mfic nt, SC rlI)Ol! OJ] "Th o ~umwant~ pn'~ to g lvo ., lItl!4fl~oti u ll . Ol' III UI1,. thing, The jlo ultory whioh hehll!)., 11' . PAY. ' 'J'C) 'l' ,'A l)"'. 'VI'I' I!' m i l s o f Tl'ut.h ," i n whi o h he 1e d hll; ' e.'f r e fuD(l erl . dl il! all t1f(~~seu by him , IInu o ue (. \ I: ~ l.IOuw l'S np int,l 1Iil('h s\lU1lllits nf {'O!' sea~()l1. look 18 ulIiCl ent to 11>1 uro n thllt" '" umtory I1 H It ft p lli nl ecl Uli t o I.h e m :Jr.c II I)ottle nt Schwartz'fI,
C ( 1,,·1':-: ,
' I"l";,
PoL ',
GnL lite \V' a.rc,
rr a )le e tn t'cry,
'" Z.Immerman,r s ",.
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• . ;. ; J W Wnlie II' ''MOSE COHEN
J 1':
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"r-c"""r-c...,r-c"""L,(,...,,,,,,,...,.-c rIlIlYUlE'J1. >oJ
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gl'l)A tiy e,V f1dll Ill.It I our I {;It.!Z Oil , lUlU th ~ )llunsur u1 eute\', ttling nlUlI,V \' is llll1g rJel)~Yll1en nnd
in filet cverything "ollt:Linl'd a "first ha1'hop, WIll , he o'll'cl'ctl at
J I Btl . tll1(1
\V It i
Blallket:o; , 'l.'rllnks,
tll p I! r (lIlt tnilltl' of th Biblp.. 'I'h( s ' ~~lOn~ werflllll Wlil IIttellll.
e lit i
st()('k of
J (.
oue SlILB.
hill goodllur 'II' the "ery lJest-. While Mr. ,'l\1ith w,," n (o)t, tbe fir t / '" to enter bl1l:ljn e~1! in I.he Arc:n(ltt. hiM ever iotere ling patronage t due t o r . the fact that· lle gIves to the pnl>li, I ~ . that whioh it wants. I
RookH, IlllU
Ipnilell u.ny.wlrerl tlp,) n reo eipt f If pri(·o.
fill yOllr not only for the ent but the next Evcl'Yt 11 i II o· t.O . h()'() ,'. llothillO' I'csl;ryefl. '"' ~
'-"-'~T.· ~
Joseph O. Keys Passed I Mrs. A~na Stan, a prominllnt Our Adieu. Away Sunday Nlght. i member ot the Soolety of Friends, Iwhose home is at Rlohmond. Indl. For I,he tlrt,b time In less thun l una, came I:Iaturday to Waynesville . . \ Before another issue of the '~h~lDlI four weeki! our community WU!! In c?tnpU n y with hereon and daughliuzette gael:l to its reuders tb e prell . !!hookel1 MondllY lI1ornin!! by the ter:ID.)l\w, and ~U8 taken np her ent pub}tsher bav e Atepped y lll, I ne lV of I h e d uth of Esqr . ..1. G. reSIdence for' 8,n lU~eflnitll time ,at lIud given pln ca to D. L. 'I'nlltl of I Key !:!, w!licb 0 cur rt>d ~olJle t,illle thE' Friends Boarding Bome, wIth ::; .. rlu .. flehi. OhiO, who hilt! I'-lilian iT. I (Iuritw lSuntlu y IIi '!It . I aunt RebecotL Oaqiellis her oompun.. .. '" IlliperutiYi-I hume dutlel:l Ilp lI l"lld~ll!! I , Ion and care·tllk er , Dill' uucli villl'cl II I,tlm I it. II - • • Mrs. (jeo. E Riley, nellr Ridge. Mr. 'rllllU i~ nut, n ~ t rlll ,,,, " 1' I . I h, vill e, Is convllle.cing from IL three \' 0 \1111 uf WnYll tlllvi ll p, 11" " I,P 11 111 11) wf'ek!!' Hines!!, ond h~r danghter, of ul1r rflutlel'lI ut II dl!!tlll' :1', II I. I,hlt P"rle Riley, wb o seldom enjuys per. i hlJo, ua t lv It'llth IIOt! 11111, h .p : II feet l~et1lth, IN ulso Il:ulnlng in ololle touoh with th e vllllI~e IIDlI viI stren<>th .. " III ~ers by fr eq nenl:., vl"ll>! lind h,Y I,h' Il'or .~ul"-A jqnlp seat jagger in stro ng' hume I'tlell ll g hI' bu" c lt.lI' I"hriu good rep" i r , Inquire lit .fames Lin · Mr Cl'ltrla tlll!o hf! ~1I1l b, ,, U<l 1'I tl r 'LI'" del"s wUj;l·.n l<h· )I. W1I ,\' 1I1l8VI II e. print"r III I.hl ll "I1\CA wlaHn II YII IHb LOHt .. u Ioll ok- kin rlriving glove. und III IIlLl 1'1 " e tllrllill ~ Ie) IllS Uri'l Ret,urll to this nttlon. lovl', lilitH' "H verul ,Vt!II">! ' 'lxpurlell C,
New Burlington.
Rev. B. B. Compton attended u 'l'he oommunity w~sshooked wheq Mrl:l. Bu~t.()n Jl:llrnblut- IIntfctnugh. M.l Distorl61 Oonference In Waynes. the word oltme ErldtlY ~bat Mar. , tel' called Itt ' t he hume of Mr. II lld vllJ~ last week , shall Stout WIlS dead. His fumlly Mrs. J , B. Jobel! on Sunday ((fler. Rev , Jesse Hawkins attended bas the sinoerE" sympllt,hy of a host nOOn. \ fIeld quarterly' lit Npw of frlenu.s and neu~hhors: Burial Vlenn!'- la8t I:Iatu~I4Y. Sunlluy al Wayn l:!vIUe. ~ulte Il number of Odd .M:ellows RU8 II B tl d wit h" M'I' uod Mrs . Henry Mllrph.y ti:nd iu oDd around o llr villuge' at~nded se en ey an e .. ve the gr6ft~ obl(lbrll~irln and degree moved Ink> tbe lower end of the old Interesting childrtlll, nf Morrow, ~vork in Dllyton on :1ll.~l1rd"y ufrer. Martin Bou8e, 8rl nt severn I du)':; \\ i th relutlvefl noon a,nd eVl'ning , AUJ~~if them Carl MoKlnney fe ll from u wugon bere. wei's Albe'rt ~tIlUV, I:Jn,rry MoGinDis, one day last week und broke one ot Mrs, Mildred Euule went Dll yton Perry Wade, Jtrmes R. Johns, &m. the bQolls 10 hi8 left hand . . the fi rst of lust week to lay In her uel omltb, Will Gruhllm Ilnd C. L , A culf belonginR' to A. V. Foland, supply of spring milJillllry ~OOU I!. Tewoll, '£b ey ' rauort a gr~nd time Mr' an d M r!!l nlHOIl A B arveyen· 'Il.nd ~ sight wl)loh is rarely equaled which iii' supposed , ' to buve been bitten . by a rabid doj', went mad tertl\ined their tlOllS Frnnk und fll.m , in the bounrlll of tuu order. last week and WBS killed, ily. flod Hurl/HIU f~mily to t:;unduy .M B S id i ' ' dinner. I r. (jnry n Ill' 8 ventu~lng Mrs. Etlrle StAele, wbo as been out ftlrther and fllrther 'this flne spenulng the winter ~D the 80uth· Mr. and Mrll. Amos Vlin Doren. 'w6l\ther , He W8S ut orldlni with wellt iQ hope of rella·ining her ell tertldned ~lr . lind Mr!!. Ernest Dr. Wo,rd one afternoo'n Jas& week I t Ih h f t b M Collier and ohildrell and Mr. !lnd " . iu Cioci ulllIll , ,bllllll Ulld /'ipriut,( Mr ~ Cyrull Hmif,h ho!! bp-en ~ery . s Ii '~, ome 0 IAr mot er, rR Mrs, ~bldaker to Suuday dinner. J , ~ . otuoy i, ~eUlng tbe ~'speed . ' 11 I • 't" tif I to h f i d Esther 1J0mpton . She Is Ilooompan. , fe el'." Be slIyi he o"me' down field. tlllL! we hellrr.i1y uO mUl ud bllll I) , IUt, I .IS. grll , ,~ ng erlir henI sled bv her son . Howard . 'rile JiJxoout.ive Committee of tbe t.o Iha public, and ullk Il oonf.i lllllll lol' t lilt. s b e IS Improving Bome 8 g t y. , from Dayton the otber day in fifty , Isaao BurlflY, aged 8t years, an AluulDi had !l bU@lDess meetln~ mlmlles und. i8 confident .'that if the Ilf t he Iibenl »u·t,ronll"e Wllltrd I; Mr. IlDd Mrs. Frliuk Pr8~t , of almost Ufe long oltizen of .'ur OOUl. Saturday night at the sohool bouse. rOItU!! were quit& smooth, he oould joyl'n g IInti trU!H tb u bu~in ;, t!1! UllI~' I Spring Vulley, were enter~ined munlty" died in Xenia a,t the Mr. apd .Mu. tHem Burnett lind low er tllat time by at Iealltfl~e min. ill ' rA1I88 IIldefioirel.v ulldtlr his " kil l t!u~dIlY by theIr nephew, Mr . Jeff of his son ~ylvtlnus Sondliyeven. daugh&er, df Wllynesvllle, oal,led 0 i Itnd lIIaon gement , fl r wa ku ow thl' Snllth lind fomlly , I f I k F h · .... '" d ft u es. 1Il~~~~~~~~~d~~~ . ng a ast wee , uneral , IS p.nen. oDn "Y" ernoon. Mr. tlnu Mr14. Chas. E. John8 a~d pIJl'sl biliti es lire grlllH . , ' Dr .• J. U. Maoy, Dentist, will be In were held at"the M. E. ohnrch here MI. anu Mrs. Pellrl Stu',rt, of son U1enn Bnd Harry Johns, wife During OUI' oonllentlon wllh till' ~'" " ' W .. ) LJ Urs " .. 'Ih)fe, Mr. Key!! his offi~e at BUfvey~borg the week Tuesday ILftern oon. . W11~lngton, spent S~nday with Dr. und Utile son enjoyed Snndayat tbe IIzette we hn va been oOIl@cioutious home of Mr. und Mr,8, Joe 'J,'hom ... . in the uisohurge of "ur mi !-l!liuJl f"IHUd". (Iltd u lJI!erv l1cill. rllpid deollne ~8lnnlDl:! -Monday, May 4, and at ,At the meeti~g of tbe b9ard pf Maoy and, sister. Mes8rs. E. Mill., and Jap M.ercer Mrs. MI\.t'ld lk ' . to We htlve given whatwe l>eJieve W 'I" in h ill stren -th IInu " vit"Ht'y , blltdur- ISprlng Vlllley the week of May 11, edncatic)U , on FrIday, Wm. C. MllJer I a E mer a wen. at-rlctly n news pltper wit hout cater. io!! th e lust f o w months, weekl' lIud Mrs. Josiah Mills has been qultt! was employed for principal of our are beautify\ng their home8 with Duyton on8 day Ill8t week: tooonauU 80. r k er iog to the se nsl\ ti un!ll, and we guin 11 even days " the clllmge had been ill at her home on the upper 8prlng. sohool, ooncern Ing . lind ElIzabet.h Reeves, Intel" fresh pilint. , with D r. and lIustll.invd a. 'reputll tlon for pub quite rtmmrkuble . boro pike, for about three week8. mediate.. Tbe primary room Is not Mr Wilbur Wilson of Clnolnnati, h di . B ;I 6h t . lied M' Oil A be . . ' er con tlon. e 8al'1 • It lashing a paper of dignity linu Lltund Be bud Do t been able to walk Corn ground for rent. Inquire IJUPP • 188 . v., nu. e was IIpent Saturday and Sunday with it was his opinion that Bhe waa not Ing. We know we hllVtl Illude llltl. down to Mllln Htreet, only one squtlre 0 f 0 , J Ed Will'S. d emploYEld for Dlstrt'ot No, 3 west of hiS pllrenta. . a .oon diti on t 0 be operated on j us t , t.o In ny friendll through OU( weekly j 0 , fr om his home for severa l day" wn. Min Winona Mol.)onaJd, of ' 00': then. ' 8e presoribed a new 80rt .~of h f It Miss Florenoo Murray, who has ' teroourse. wb om we prizu lind sba II un t I' l u t nr d ay a fte ' rnolln , e e lumbus, 18 bome for a wbUe pl'epar. mediCine and since she oame home ' d t ' t operated the "witoh·board in the ex· 0 , alwnys hold In klnuest regard . ' It a bl I~e 0 go on 80llle IDlpern lve lng to have II. Mle of ho't iaehold she h_S been nain", that Her hopes · bu t WBS not u bl e to ret urn obaD"e S· h ..., hl\1! been our Inollnatlou to be UOl b U Sllles~ .. at Uentervllle for Bome time I pring B ranc. goods., . ' ':1 r of recovery still ~ are very high. formly CO Ill'teOUR aOll respeotful to h ome wi~hout old, Ittinoday, he waR and bas given adminble 8atisfac.. Mrs. Edum Su-.ith returned home Mi9868 Blanohe tloroeU ,wd all , 1\ nd bu ve s voideu jt\i ving offense, about t.ho bOlltll! m ost of tbe dllY, tion, has been seonroo to take oharge . but compll1lned of pain in the region of the V lilley 't'elepbone exohange Mr. Elmer Parr and wife of thi9 Friday avening after a two weeks WilUaDl8bo speot Saturday • a.nd have no a\JClogy to mllke to any noon very ple.... ntly at &be ho~e a ile, for our OOUrlll' ,from !lt3rt t.o fln of the heart before bedtime, but at WaynesvtlJe. and Is training MI811 vioinlty I4ttended a soolal danoe at visit in Clnoinnat. ish hfl.!! been gnldtld by Ii sense of was mllde oomfortable and retired Lorana Ba~lItun In its uiY8terhl8, the bome Mr. stacy Craig and 8is· ..MIs8tl8 · Casllie lJrl\ham and Etta of.Mls88ll ,Berthll, Beul~b and R ..tb, Mrs. Emeline Peltcock and daugb. tel' of near Roxanna 00 the 18th. Arnold were shopping in Wtlmlng· cOAoSn'h as al-ady been' i .al- " .1. rig ht und justice, but if we unwit· as uaual. Monday morning, a mew · n.. .-1eCl. l' Mr, FI:'&nk Cook and family were ton Thursday, ._ tingly h.tI. ve Injured Ilnyone we sl n . bel' ofbls ,h ousehold went to his room ter, Mis!! Emma. of Dayton enjoyed W"8 the Inten ' tion fa" Lytle "v-, ...llle , oQrely regret II . If 'people are under to arouse him , and fuund him sitting SUDdltY with their relatiVes, Mr. very pleasant.1y enterSalned ILt din· .. ' . ' N BAth ner ,by Frank Dakin and fllmlly Knights of the Golden Eagle to live tbe Impression tbat it is an easy on t.he lIide of his bed, with his head an d ". lUrs. . . n any . 8 d un ay., .Bellbrook. bUo drill on Thur8dayevenlaK. Wiltwr to please several thoulltlnd restlDg on his pillOW8, but life had Mr. Orlandns Githens, whose se'r . Mines Alice Ohenowith aud Bel" April SO. But au aooount of" be. ~ople, every week for twenty lIve fled, evidently 8everal hours before. in~ suah a busy time wUh 80 many· years in eaoh item in a new .. paper, His funeral will be held 'rburBday lous and sudden illness W8.8 men· tho. Sml t b spent &turd~y and Sun. tioned In the Uazette Jut wee~. is day in Dayton, MI'. J08eph Bigger was bQr of t,he brothe~8 it hu. beaR 'I ouod , let them oatlt all personl!.1itv BRide, uftornooD at one o'olock at his late still at the home of Mr, ContUn, in U J h O d if I h i k Bellbrook cemetery FrldllY. ne,eess&ry to p08t n one it lor a tl1Q8. and Ii!lsume tbe pillce of IL pub1ish!'lr reSidence, the Ml\8oni'o Order will the Leak btlilding. and does not ..... r. 0 n rn 0 SOD , t e 8 0 . " themselves for a time, and thay have the oomruital service at t.he "'aln strength suffiolout to be taken Ust 80& the 'Ime of this writing. ' Thomu Kingsley, of Clnolnna.ti, A lonJ' the lat,ter part of Maf.· we .. Mra. AnDa LUC811 and 80n ' Ray- who h8S been visiting Wendell trna. you willhoor of it aRun. ". ' in u measure will realize the em grlLve , to bis home near Lytle. d I ·tl h ts I BoolI: for' Il week, returned home I Storms are bad things; e~en .., ______ __- -barli8llment of the position. mon ,wore v Sl ng er paren 0 , 'l'hursd.. ~ Mr8. Mattie Chandler of R&n. this nelghhorhood on Thursday. y' . , their ,b est and moet espeoiall,: 10. Illdlvidu\lols usoa.lly tute the prl vi Miami Base Ball dolph, Missouri, was 8ummoned M d M EI P " d Mrs. Annie Newell, of (Jonnera· when churacterslikesohoolluperln~ lege of expressing their opinions ra ' I 8 VJII ' itl ng h er d aog h . tendeots ar~ m~ed up in )IeQl. . Team $sOtotbeOood h erA on aooount 0 f t h II d ea th 0 f h er th '. r. alii is r,st, dlmer lirrS ha. d as v III e. 1n d lana, gardless of consequences. It' a neWA 1, Ih I I M M h II St t elrgalas a nner on un a.v to ·M R BI k ' ou " Mr. Joe Swith aDd slater of near r, rs . . oy ao, · 0 Mond"y morning our village paper publisher wouhl give 1118 own MII,Dager G. BlLroid Cook and all uro ere Il· aw, r. urs It Bprlng Valley and Frank Wurdloe Mr. ~ode Pepper and family hflve had quite the appearanoo of a busi . perfloJltll upinion or every_parAOO h El otherR wht) were In any way con· lAst week. Mrs . Amanda Reeves and hllnd. and family of noar Centerville . . mov~d Into t,he Btith hon8e. ness place, for a8 ma~y 811 ~eIRh"ol' mtlDtlons In his palJer It \lrould ru,ise 'n eoted wit,h the 'entert.alnment a llisturblLnoe, but. why should he Thurllday night. for thl' buneflt of some little son, of Lebanon, were Mr. Charlie Liloy is at home from . Mrs , Joseph t:!im8, oust of Bell· male rigll were bitched at the p * -9ot . have u mind of bls own the ball teum, should fllel a.mply reo guests of her brother, LeRoy [rons, Springfie,Jd for Il 8hort time with brook, Is 111 wltb pnllumon~&. oftice. '"Ihd t,he prl vilege of expressing It uS \\"Brded in 088h and glory for tbe the first of the wee~. his parents, Thomas Laoy and wife. Miss Mary Powers, of Dayton, ' Our:Sun!1ay sohool' 18' ftourls,~inl, \ othersdoY suocesl! of the . M1SS Ruth Morford and nieoe, Mr, 'fhoma8 Laoy was calling on spent Suturdav and SUDday with and the intere8t ~nd .ttendaD~ .... ~ There Is no newtlpaper tn , exist Arter all expenses were paid, tho MIs8 Elva Morford, were summoned J. B, Chlanowith and fllmily, Sun. Mrs. John Maloney. oon8tantlyinoreaslng. LaatSunUil enoe thltt has not publislled .st"w- boys had u surplus of $47 to add to to Wlnohester, Indian3, Jl\st week day morning, Mrs . Allen Dli vis visited Friday thel'e w~re 125 10' the ranJw. ' menta that werll not st,rlot,ly Rooord· th~lr bltnk aooount wbioh wOJ be 'to attend t.he fnneral on Friday af. Mr . James ft, IJhenowtth is grad- ILnd Bli.t,urday with her sister, Mrs. a..u~ nday we had the priVller Ing to faot!!, but when oue (lonsiders used toward8 new suits and other ternQon of their relative, Mr. Jeptha ually getMng weaker. Crowl. In Dayton . of ' Ustenln~ to a !l8rmon by Rev. bow dlfIioult It frequently is to ob necoessltles , . Morford, Besides these ooreaved Buslell Morgan spent Sunday In Mrs, SlIllie ::imlth, of Uoyton, baa JohP.lClif',e, who Is 8ant Irom pll108 'fain correct information, evon of a been visiting ber motber, Mrs. Pen. 'place as evangellst In the 9br~ ones, Mr. Morford leaves a widow. Mt. Bolly with rel~tlves. trivial mMter, and tbat. · the same Masonic Brethren Notice. and a son. . ewitt" this week, ttan-eHleb, , Mr ~ Ollne ~1l8 ra~ • faots.bavA a very different aspeot to Born: To Mr. and Mrs. B. B, • Mr. Wilbur Gowdy wentt«> in'he 'f"l1ll1,.~~Mr., ~OQrnelJ,an~ The mom bers of Waynesville WUliamson, Mooduy, April 27, 1908, different people, whioh nelds unoth. iogtoD , OhiO, Friday to vi,it lils w he Is IItilla 'young:m.m, ... . ' er gl'eat dlffioulty ill the W/lY of Lod~e No, 163 F. & A, M: will oon- .11. daughter. O~gonia. h t I ~ eminence • sold trijlOi'lI ,. vene at 12 :30 p , m , (sharp) on 'l'hur's wife and er parents, re urn nl J? thlB nllilfbborhood eR'oyed tb8 reaohlng an unprejudioed opinlod, day afternOlln to a.ttend the fu neral M~dQ . • Mr. and Mrs, Maurice 13herwood It should make him more lenient ob!tequles of our Il\te brother J08eph Jame8 Milson, of Dayton, spent week he bas j~st 8~nt with the.,. of I:lpriDg Valley were guestti 13un. in condemning any mistake of the G , Keys, Esq . Sunduy with his parents here . W . C. T. U . met at . he hOlpe ' Oqr PJlel!i~lng .EIder, pro ROyal; r7~ ' I' d M d Mrs, JameH Wednesday afternOOn. W ARRII:N B KEYS, MA8TER. day of tbeir relatives, Mr. !lnd Mrs, kind. .....m ArmU~ge v 81te 1'. an . ' will be tiS t QnarterlY M~•• Will t::. Graham, on tbe Lytle road. JOIlN B . OASKIllY. ~ECY , MrR. John Meagle und Will Myers at rh.e 'B1i!JCal~ure~te sermon fo~ , e 'and ondaf. :tfie Spoken words are soon forgotten, Mrs. Luther Sell erE of Dayton has Newtonville Sundav. . SpeOlllJ ·Distrlot Blgh I:!obool be il-y will be at ~ ?~clADk. ' or'eaatly denied, but whlltever goes ht'ell the guest of her sister, Mrs, preaohed by Mr. C. ~owdy th .Into print is out before the PERSONAL AN D Several from bere attunded tbe . M 3 ' ~o ' suudaY' lit 5, e re" Ray I:lmlth. publio and is Jlroof for or aguinst itfunsral a ir Mrs. Retalliok Thursday. eve~lDg, ay . , '" . for lIer;vlloe. : J!l~el'yone w,tll be LOC:.\L ITEMS ielf, henoo It has ahvuys bee!1 une Mi G\ ' d S ' , k di Mrs. Ella Kemp, of Day rr, ,.iti. .t.o tbeBe• . ' • I S8 , .11. ys. penoer too nner ed her 80n, Roy Harris, aDd family Rev• . U. wttl. be ' of our grea,test efforts to oorrectly Spr' Valley. With MI8EI LUCIle Mas~n Bundoy. thi8 week. <' ~• Messrs. ' 0. J. Burnett, A . B . inform ourselves before writlDg any· Mr. Elwood Ault and little daugh. 14r8. Minnie Thofnbll;, of ' tbe, Ep'wo~t. , ~he ~ .' Chlmdler and J . E. Janney appra.ised thing for publication, but we. as all Harley Oleltver lind wife of Xenill. ter, Leollilra, , were in Dayton n~ , apPl the estate of Mrs. B. ,B. Ellis last othersio simIlar positl6n, haVE> IIllidl' visited her mother, Mra. took dinn~r at tbe Valll'Y Bouse day and Bundtly. Lammt', Tuesday. ml8ta.kes "long l,h08e 11 nt:!8, but, at! week. Snnday. , Mr. andl Mrl!. Frank'Cleaver enter· Mr!!. Joseph Bellrs west of l!'erry the old mountain ' prpacher ~ald, " If liisR Gertrude Kable A llirge crowd from here uttended you think · yon con do better thnn is in very ill health. 80 tIluoh so M tbe phlY, Ben Bur, at the Victoria tained fri'e nas from Lebanon 8un· day lind Wednesda.y• . in to cause hllr frieods greut dl8tress. Theatter Monday 'night. old ,Ben, just tr.V it yourself . " duy , iting relatives , We have' 'stndiously avoided An · Mr, \IV IJliam Null "nd furnily of Mr. Ruy Eagle is improving nice. Qr . E. P'. Krlegboft' made a pro. Mi Edna .1 ames, of .lob'DiClID4 gaghlg in newsp"per 'oon t.roverslett, ~priogboro were guests of Mrll.' Iy. ' fesslonal visit to Cinci!1nati Sonday. Indiana. vlsitl'd Mr. L8WlisJ ,:DIIUI!~!~e.. , for they ore -intere8ting to but.few Annie C, O'N ell,l1 and family one The people of t.his vloinity were Raper '[uesday. Olive and Annabel were gue8ts readers, and do far Inore hurm, than day 'nst week . grieved t(llearn of the 'llUdden death Misl! Myrtle ' .........,_ .. eilltel'taILDetd H:S011tb (..ebalDolti, over Sunday of Xenia friend8. good, ' Mr, Millard F , Dukin whosehome 01 Mr. Stont Friday, . thelloholars 'of Wltb malioe towards none ~nd hus been with bis sister, Mrs, G~. Miss. Eme Moore visited in Day, .\liSB May Brom,e,V now goe8 baok ~hool l"hursday eVllnflQ&. gOOd' will to all. . t.on Wedneeday. W. Bawke, for ttve year8, has ruand fortb on ,the tr&inllevery day. Most sinoerely yours, , turned to hla former bome in New M. E. Sherwood and Wile were Ml88 Edna Spenoer returned to , MAlIllI: 1', BROWN. York ~Ity. . gueet8 Sunday of friends near Ly. her aohOQI wert, Monday, atter .. month's absenoe. .Mrs , Mary E. URdwallader of tie. ,MQrrow spent Sunday with her sis Carl 81~s i8 810k with pleure8Y. Por Sale ter, Mr8 .•r. S. Wright, Tbe fUneral Iktrvioe of Mrs. Rilla. Dr. I\nd Mrs. GhaR. A. Hough of RQ8t wall bel4;lat tbe Friends oh~roh Leblinon atte~ded the fnnera,1 of I Snnd!lly m011ling. Number I timothy hay for !lale, noot Mr. M.rllha.ll , S&Oot dnnda,; aDd Price $10 per ton in thft bl!..rn. . 0 , A. tUraWD, Wayneeville,O, were gueete afterw~ of Rev,. . . . ' Vlliley Phone. t a 2~ IIrli. J, F. Cadwall.r.
:.,. ....,.,.. 'j! j
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8 . .
The Miami Gazette.! MAME T. BROWN. WAY;"'E YJLLE.
• Standardizing Eduo"~lon. When MI'. 'arnegle stabllsh d hI, Foundation for the Advanc mont of. '1' II hlng. he mayor may not have had In mind a imlficallon and stan· dardl zlng of ~Oll ge ·t~ d\lcntlon . ID .Nol'th AUlPI'lon ; l)ul thnt Is sOlllethln/\ whIch h i!; gr at gift Is likely t,) no 01UpUsh. Tile nominal 111I1'flOS of tll o F'ounuat!on Is to llro\·ld ·· a fllnd th ilL' roome from 'whlch 11Iay pro,-Ide "I'U1" ing penslon8 to r agpd pror ssora III IIl1ch nou·s ctsrilln coll('~ s at the llll· ted States, nnada and NewfolllH)lou d ~s nre not SlIllPorteJ by til Htat '. This purpose ha beo n strictly n ol· hered to. llut In ord er that It II1lg h I h, ac omplished It' ha.s bepn nC'C'o!!sa:'y 101' the presld lit aud t I'Ullt('(, 8 to do milch I>rellmlnnry work. \\' hnt i s n ~ol lege? Wbat Is "nol1' s c\lIrlsn ?" Do '~ a slDall gl'aut from II s tate c o nstitnt ~ state support 7 These :l.nd other similar Queltl oos w I'e fU lldam(,lIllll. ' In order to l e ttl!! the first one, say s th " YOUth'l Com'panlon, th e ofnc() rs or the J'oundatlon we re obliged to establis h certain standards ot admlll8lou, cur· rlculum Bod gra d uation, to Wilich every Instltution which des l~ es its profes sors to heoefit by th e tUlld mllst conform. Tbe cUr ct result Is a gen, eral raising of the standard of collego education tbrolrghout North America. '!'be result of the Inves tigation In to tile socllu'!anlsm of collegel Is· havlllg the el'leot of defining more clearly thao has e ver been. done before the r elatlona between various d enomina.tions and the colleges with which th ey lIave been rein ted by bonds at one sort or another. This, too, Is a. gaIn. Stili a third result Is the eSlabilshment of a unUorm systelu of accounting amonl; oollege treasurers. wllich. In turn, wlll malte possible a better -knowledge of and a cbaoce for wise sllggestlons con· cernlng the Investment of collego ' ,unds. Tbe vaJ~e of ~arUClpation In tbe benefit ot thl8 fund Is ke nly felt by the colleges. A large part at the time ot the trust!3es Is devoted to: lu. JVestigaUng the claims of American Instltutjons which desire that their pro. tenors shall shnre In the . penslonl yielded by ~he fUnd. VpaUantl and Chicago. Postal oIDolals who have taken trouble to keep a record of peculiar spellings declare that there are nQ fewe r than 372 varieties or "Ypallan. ti," and that tbls tact entities tbe woll. known, thriving and bea utltlll Mlchlcan city ' to the lead In this particular among American cO,m munltles. Every letter 8lIcept "R" has been used as an Initial In 811el1Jng this It Is pointed out, however, ' that the varieties In the spelling are cbhioy ootlned' to the fiI1lt syllable, ," yl' being a I~tter lacking, 1)1' haVing only an IndIfferent . at;andlng In (orelgn langur.ges. "Tipsy LalltI" and "Zip SlIanti" are two of the most pec,u Uar spellings, wblle OOWbypserlimter" ,and "Hlpassllll1del'" ore two or ilie most Impossible. · U Ypllilantl stands first among those names which are epeJled Que.e rly, saY8 Patbfinder, Chicago e'88l1y com.!s second. Here are the ways It 1'1 spelled. besides the' correot way: OhlccagO, Oheeago, Ohlcawgo, Chlkkago, Chlggngo, Cheggego, Cheegngo, Chi 1'&ago, ' Shecago, Shlkkago, ,Shercaggo. 8hakakko. Schuerk.a lgo, Psceschaggo. Stkschaga, T schaklCo, '. T zstchago. Stktechagko, Scheniuikko, Zheekalto, Ztchaggo.
ludd \!nly awallenl'!! to • rOll.cloll" n as of God 's (' all . Thcr: had c'ome lion ,Iation. tI (,Clns~lnll :mosa o~ "olf-Impor· lunce. and a spirit of cnll:e~, ~p U-co nll · dent pl1rl)1)80 In til e exalt d plnce God Auel l)e had lI,ul (!aJh?d him to 1111. be An ImpRtlpnl for aggreRslve lIen' lc (>. It Rub Upon th. S..ould ..... ol Elilb.. Hut the ~'eA7:) oj' dls <:lllll n,' ullIlllr t h fll.trhrl\l minIstry or EI.Un h lact STORY ' BY THE "HIGHWAY AND ChaSll'n(>eI hili Illltr'l\ anel hl'ought him BYWAY" PkEACHER low b for Cod tio'thnl Ood cOll ld 'rxa lt him . U(I' 111)\\' '~ lIjah had goo<' and his Illllnt 1(' lay al hIs .rpet. ;·Oh. 00<1," h(> ~clall11et1. as tile In ScrlJltur" AUlhor!l)'- :! J,IU hti 2: 12·15. 'be n ('!< of I hat h011l' w/) r( bomo In ~RRQQOOOOgOOOOOOOOOgOgOO~ IIPOII h lnl, '·tholl ;od of E II Juh, quic k. con III by that salllO plrll in w hl~ h SERMONETTE. 1'; Ujah w'n lk d, so that Il 'ople; IllIIY know liS th Y Be" th e manti of Elijah The s leep y sain t never l' Rtln)'r lipan . m that til GOd of 1 ~1l· ready to recei ve the special unc· jail stili lives ond 18 mighty In h la tlon of God's Iplrlt. w o rks alHong me n.!,. eCls ire tor specia l blesslnD must be re-enforced by the efWith this Ill'll)'<' r IInon his 1111!'! be fort which will bring one to the again s tooped an t! thIs tim e p\'()ked lip place where the blessing ca n be the m:Ulti '. bestowed. " In Ih E' s ph'l t Rnd po w I' ot F:l1Jnh, God's gifts of speoial power o Lo rd!" h , fervl'ntly whlsper C(1 08 and grace are never carelessly he turn ed R.nd re lrn .c d th o l'llll)wnr bestowed. . towards th ,I orda n over whJ llh bu t It Is only he who asks who s o s hol·t a tim b rur he had fla s ~ e rl receive. ; It I, only th u seeker with [';Iljllh . So In l<'nt hnd ~e bee n who finds; it Is ooly to him who In watclltn/-t Elijah lest th e Lord knocks that the door of bl essi ng lI hotild snat ch th prophet from hllll II opened . ' ('1' he krH'w It. lhat ho h:td n(Jt real· Ask, seek, knock. These are Iz d how far th cy har! cO llie. ~llcl dUro the progressive steps wh ic h tead III ~ th wul k I)fLCk to th .Ionlan he from desire to possession; from hntl nmpl o time to r cnll nll thE' r~ aspiration to realization. l1I:1 r knblc In('lcionts of th long jour· To ask Is an admission at a U"Y trom Gllgul to R th I. froUl B E' th ~ 1 lack and a ' des ire for th e satisto .1orl('ho and then to th~ .Jordan and fying of that lack; to seek is the on throug h Its di vided wate r!!. All test of the genuinenes8 and he drew n ILl' to the banks ot the qual ity of the des ire; to knock rive r be sud delily r c nUod the r~('t Is tho settled purpose of the ' tht\t .IJIO so ns of the PI'Ollb '~s from' llae heart to obtain at any cost, seh(lol at .J .rloho had fo illowed hIm It Is only to the watchful eyes IUld hl y nl;lster o ut as fnr als tbe h~h of the saint that vlslon8 of blurts overlooking the Jord an. aud h.! heavenly messenger. are given:. now Iflted his eyes In t.hat di rec tion t'l It Is only up!>n thOle whose feet see If they were 8tlll th ere. . pres8 persistently tho pathway Yes. t.bere tb y were, th e group b of duty, no mattel' how footsore Ing sharply 511hou tt d a gainst lh and weary those feet may · bew stern sky which was al1 aglow ",lUI come, that the dellCendlng t he r ed and gold or the s etllng SIIU. mantle of God's special .grace and It was evident trom th e Lr gesllc u· fa III. la.tlons and excltemeut tbat they :laW Between promll. and him. ment, botween ' the call and the The sp lash or his feet aSI he dipped commlealon there are often Into the water at Ule edge ot the many hard, weary, trying yearl river lIuddenly recalled him to a I:onof .ervlce which are eaBential sclousness of bls s urroundIngs, and, to preparednell to receive the lowering his eyes from th e ex~lted promlle and oxe!=ute the commls· grou p on tbe blurts opposite, he 100ks .1 .Ion. AI wo contemplate the upon the e urface of th broad rIver, Inaplrlng plctur" of EII.ha re· whIch la}' seemingly as an Insuperable celvlng the mantle of Elijah, barrier Ile t", en hl111 and lhe conUnua.. thu. betokening hl8 exaltation tlon of his joumey. For a momeut to the high place of urvlcl! left Elisha paused, but only tor a momp.nt, vacant by EIIJah'l tranllaUon, [or as h e looke d alit. beyond him and we exclaim: "How 81gnally a gain lifted hi. eyes to ·the oppo!llte bleBled of God auch honor blurt bo b came ·consclous. that hl'l'e Ihould be placed updn hl~." w~s lhe p lace or the first tElsllng. Tha But we mUlt not' forget the sons of the prophcts wer's watchlog yeara of waiting, of toll, of privaIrlm. The broad JOc·da.n separated tion; of peraecutlon, of aufferlng him from them, Would be be abl e through Which he paBsed to to go to th m ? lr the power of prove hll fltne'l to receive the Elijah rest d UIlOU him could he d o high commlliion. That waa a less tlHlu cross Ullon th e dry bcd of great day In .Ellsha's lifo when Jordan as th e 11rophet Blljah had whllo plowing in tile field at done? Allel·meholah Elijah came and "Yea," he e xclaIm ed. looking uj) lo called him to the office ' of heayen , ' ''and th man tl e (If E lijah ill' prophet In Israol. But there with lIle as token that tbe God of was a wide at,'etch of years beElljnh Is s till PI' sent to work hl~ tween that call and Its realizami ghty works lu Is rael. Old not 'tlon; a atrotch of yoar8 which EUjah s mlt l he water. 'and did not were to prove to be · the Bchool th ey obey his w1l11" of d18clpllne and training for the groat ml •• lol'I he wal to fill. It Eve n whll h e was' thus SileO king I. ever thul. God'. call .Is Wltll him self he WI\!! carefully roldl. n ~ the garment whIch he hold In his heard, the .t.lon cornel of great 8ervlce. and tlTen come. the hands and a8 he fln,lshed hi s solilostruggle to attain the place quy h~ raised It above hln h ead and where the call and the vision are . th en brought It down lipan the waters to have their fruition, Ii tore him. e xclaiming as hp. did ao, I~ !I vol e which r!lng out on the sti li all' BO thnt It was audible to' lhe group of
The Ge rman officer who killed hln. lieU while uude r sentence tor murd~r IDg • comrade 'tll arms d.e clared t/iat
the woman In the ('aBe bad hrpno'.Jzed blm. Adam's old r,lea Which It 18 ael· 110m romembered was throw,) out 01 court. \ A Spokane doctor e1ept tor 31:1 hour... LeJ.·JI'. see, "hat city ot Peoll. .,.n/lls .Il It tbat'. 10 lanled tor 10m. _1.DC'......t &Ill rate. wblche\,sr ell) 1& ... 'W1O It aJ~" thll cb.,lIenp trolll
' 10 1IDJl('tJoed!
Chlokens Do Belt When Not 0.", ..
THE STORY. Inl' the ma ntle at bls feet THERE 'Where It had fallen_
As E lIslla lowered his eyes f rom thl) heavens It was the fi rst thing he saw. Slowly he stooped aud touohe d rcverently the rough garmeut or Bheepskin. JoJlljah w!tb God! His mantle lert . We may trust .the univerSity studeot beh ind! I'e:ldlly to agree with . . tbe , profess or Elisha 'did not a t once 11ft tbe gar,whc. lias made tll e gwat. flclentlfic «Jls. ment (ro m th.;) ground . Th e ro WI\9 ~vel'Y thut tobacco n:;a ll !)S ' a mau. Bomethlug so sncred about It. lie The yo.utli who Is mlx,lng ed ucational kn ew U wns fOi' him . . H e und erstood en!1eavor with . a knowl edge of tl)e that It wall thc sign fr om God thnt h is .-:racetUl (&rt ot blOwing smoke 1'1 ng~ prayer had blle n hard antI 'th(lt .th . 'ye am]lI g ot his heal·t was to be eatiswill bite hl ~ ;)ulldog pipe th e clo~er 10 fl e d, hu t an ove rpowering sellse of the 'hls' tee th WId feel that be h ns been great .trust Imposell upon him, and a vlndlcat·fld. Of course, 1r It Isu 't wrons consciousness of parsonal. unworthl· or !Jun:; fu'l the pipe will not t.nste so' ne ss coup led with that .spirl t of true 1.:00Jd, but tl:\en he .c ao get enough au b.uml1lty which com 8 fl'om rJORe fel'Lllol'lly on that side at tlrc rence te. lows'tllp with God fo~badc any thougbt· 6utll'fy hlmsel! and the n w dI 5COVel'1 les9 haste . . of' the professor's will come In ban'd, To take Elijah's mnntl o-Ob. bow to use 10 arguments with hI s 'rare ntl! ' Ipil ch It llIeunU Would he be ; CJual ., ' . ' to tlle xDlt d trust? Would the ruan.It III wonde~ful what a college prates tie II'. bls llancls be to (he bonol' or the • I' call dls,cov.e r wben he ~e ts out In dlsllOnor or God and t~e memory of a ~ertaln direction, k~ow.lng In ad· the g rea .. pronhet upon whose shaul. trance lust he wlll arrl\'e. ders It had rested? - . A number of 1\ew' York worneu were Invited to tok e a bath as some thing ·novel. Alter the I!lp their ' hostes~ handed tJJ em klIPonos and a ' talk oft the. deUgbts or the bath. Most 111 them wcre so much In1])reHsed ' th'a t t,bt!y declared 't lley "'~re gOin g to ban' anothi)r bath some tim e. It will be aeen rroln this sImple' uarrallve that there Is. stili hope fQr New York.
As he touched It revere ntly nnd then drew back and ' lIfte,j his eye. to · hooven In sll nt appeal there was no thought 'of supel'slti ous regard or Idea t.bat In tho !larment Itse lf rested an y sur.ernatural power and charm. H e knew It was ouly a· sign, a token given ' him "by God t1ll1t he wns to till the place left.' vacaut by th e translation at Elijah. And yet the )((0 and. oharar.ter at th one who had worn tbo . garm ellt had b ecome In a sense & part ot ibe garruont ftseif, 'so that It wal a. constant and .eloQuent, reo mindel' of the way the I)rophet blld walked. tho manner In which be had wrought, and tbe higher, bOiler life after which be Jlad aought, 110 t,bat It was sacred with memories wbleh could liut sUmnla(e and Bpur on to the highest and beat eDdea_vor. A. Elisha .tood thU8, tbe deepenllll!: InQuence of that mlraculoua hour reechlng to the utm08t rece,... ot bl • lOul, there came the memory ot the tll'lt Ume In bll life wheD the ' mantle
!LId liaclald him 1D4 Jat bid
Olen on the bluff 0111>081te: "Where 1/3 the Lord God "of E lijah 7" Hllber and th ither sprang tbe water's as th ough s udd n ly Imbue d with l!fe and soon a dry Il~ne bank .." I· with wate r au eit her sld{l sU'etched ont from shore to ebore, a nd tbl'o ugh which Elisha pasped. With br !I 1111 es)l, Inteo'se Interest the sons of We pl'ophcts beheld the WO!Iderful s ight. 'fhelr eyes n evel' tor an Ins tant. left thaI lTllljesUc 1Ig\II'e llS It moved with £uch eontlden ce lhrollgh thos a towe ring wat ' "S. 'It WI\!! all though th e r e ?Ju s b ein g bome In UPOII thel l' hellrts t he consciousliess that thongh Elijah w'a s not th I'e, tlla 811me 'mlgh ty God In whom Elllj nh ha rl trus te d wa s' present to wo.rk his 1011'ael es. Neare r and neurcr came El!sha. find as' his foot presS eI the b'Lnl. of th e Jordan and the wate rs r eturn ed to t.h II' wo nte d chao nels. a cry broka 1'1'0111 th e ir 1I·ps. and. allrlnglng down th e J;~cep pathway of t h e blull, they shoutetl as th e y run: "Surely tim spirit of Elijah 101'n . ., Elisha! . ' I'cst llpon SUI'oly the Sll I l'It. of Elijah d.otll rest UPfi ll .ElIsha . "
FOR THE BEE KEEPER. Sprl ng8 to 'Hold the Entrance·Blocks In Place,
r hav n v ry s lmllie dovlc to liS ' fil l' It.'e plug til entl·Ul1c . blO k s In 1,lat'" wl'lt S l\ o1'1'01\ 110n II of Dl" Hlt~r". I hn ve rOlllll:J the hlock~ ~o of Ie II I11m·",el. an ti ne rhaps a woak col· any robh d Ollt. thal 1 i dod th plall I 1I0W II H . IIlld find It work s I' I'tectl ,' ·. I USt' a s pring rur (Lch block: lriadn f rom u . ui ce or ]\; 0. 11 tlt e I wll' , ~ Inchl' s long. with all ·half Inch llt 011 end iJC' lI l at rl ~ ht 1IJ1~ l e s . Thl" s ho rt end IH dl'l\' n Into th e front o r I he hh'r abollt :!'I/~ luc\lC's froll1 th e s ldfl. n nd blgh nOll gh so tilllt t he low I' lid 15
It 3'oU "'lint VI~otllIlS t'hleken and hens thllt' Inr do no t "vQl'cl'owl1 th em. 1"01'1. 01' ;; 0 in onl' !luck [11'0 s uftlciont. If ,. u hllv e 1I101't> 1 hun t hi s nurnl::-Itr by -:lll lueRns nl(l k' 1\ I' hall!; ror y .. r 'rhkk ell!;:U' IIl'o bltlll y co:;tlng mm!! thnn Iht'Y art' worth . H ~'1l 11 d(J nol (1ur(' to flell RlIY (lr Y\llll' bi rds th J1 start Into III c'!llc k 11 bll !! ln t' N~ on lhe ~·ti l tJ n.v plall . 1)1\'ld(' y"III' IIc)cll l11tO c 1 0 1l 1E'~ uf ~bOllt -In r wl ~ en d, and Imild hllll~et; for ttwm III in' {H" ' u~ IHuts o f I ho fal'lII (0'0 1' Ins tall, ' , r ),011 have OUll honllnll re 1111 th UL\ ,,: :111 of Ih'" bill'll Jlllt allNh l'1' hOll se or:. . ~1I 0 wes t sidl'. Tlwu rr YOIl hnv,. ~ , IJU Q Ill! ds p ut nllot/w l' hf)II ~1:' tlown t.y thEl calr lot an ' unul li n lo I hn tnl'll'e l en d or th e burn yard. .-\ dOIl(!1I dm61' li t Illt\ccs wllt SU!\ g .. ~ llH'lIlsl'lv II If yo u If th 1'8 is nny one th ing that a. look f r 10('tl li(Jn~ I II you I' far'· I. H YOU hU"e m ad e a IIl ll ur III I "ising WOnll\ll d1'cl\ds mOl'e trhan uuotherit . ('hll'kclls 01' "0111' h ~ n!l "d ou 't utDOunl is :l sUl's ical operation. " 0 CI1 I1 state without fcnr of a · to LU ll ch" tl'Y' t his IIlt'thod . It wl./1 Mill" l'I'is and pi a s p YOIl. 'Valli' helu will con trad i lion th at there am bun. b healthl 1'. wll! Iv y !J tiel' anu \vIII dr ds, Y fl , tho\l.suuds, of operations. . rCf(IIII'e Il'Sd reed . 1'-,· rea6011 ftl l lIlls perfol'Tuc(l \If n women in our boswllt b "aHlly sc(>p wh II YUII 1):\\,e JJi tnls wbich nre E'ntir ly ~lJl eccB. o n c tri ed it, hl·t 01.16. 01' 1l!l1tlling sa 'Y and l1lany'hl1 vo been aVOIded by I'lsO tor Ih ut lIlalter. el!n not. I<t'lud I'Uwdlng. Also th(' co lon), )Jlan g" rOH lhe fowls wlrl !'I' r:l ll !:e h~,d IIC' llll''' !: a FOI' pl'O(lf of this stn.tcment read the birds to lIunt for Ihpll' I:vtn&'_tb follo\y[ng lett rs. H. B. A lien,
Mrs. Barbam Bl1sc, of Kingman,. Kan as, write to 1\1rs. Pinkham:
ROAD DU:;T . Greatly
The Dev ice on the Hive.
l ust abov e the hoMom . A small Sl:lflle straddles tbe !lpl'lng nn In ch from the toP. leaving about s ix Illches c lear . The e nt.rance·b lock (%x1 'l! on edge) slips between !!Ie free end at tb . spring und tbe tront of the hi" . The IIprlOg9 are perpe ndicular when ID placo. FEED FOR HENS. "
They Have to Be Kept ~hut Up Supply Green Food.
It the fOWls bave to b kept shut up tn keep them oway fl'om ·th glll'de n, f('e<\ them green sturt sa early as pos-
Apprccl!lfed Chicken "
DO llb llp~ a you hav e 1I0111'e r!, ·.... llen ttl' d. bot. IIC>l'lIll lrlnj:; a ll I dItS\)', how g ra t eful llncl rprl'e s hlu~ S '('00\ bat h Is. and whut a ll :\1<1 It prOves 10 toning UI' th I:olleral hc alth . A ,!on·. sldel ate hI' etl er will t; It that Ills fowl s njoy tlltl) s ame cOlllfPl't- Ollly In th ell' natural way, a g lIe l'!JUII dust bath. A commodlolls box or larg" heap o~ tin e I'oad dus t s houl d b k pt In ras,- reach ' or thA fowls at 1111 t.lmes. 'rJil~ will greatly aid In k (' ping th III tree from Hce aud . v I'u lln of 11.11 kinds, Ilud hel ps tilO plumage to retain Its lIt1turul br illiancy. During the warm seuson a good s UPI,ly of lhls dllst sno uld b gathered aDd s tor d Iu boxes aud barr III to r lise In th e w\nte l'. It will be nppf& elated hy th fowlll, and will be found to . ben fit th m In about the same <;I~gree ns In tbe SlI DlIIl r time. It 13 a good plan to 111ft the dust 28 . It Is gathcre~. dl scal'dlng a li the ston cs and bmps. Th nIle dust sbould t.hen hc placed In sonle r! ry J}llIce wh ero dampn ess wlll nOl . affeot II.. until .1I'D,nted for IIlle.
alble. They have been depriv ed ot green stuff during the winter lind wlJl need· the new ration . Sow some rape seell for the poultr,. If th yare turned out to raoge. sow the mpe seed In til poultry )·al'lI. l! th e grou nd Is soft, the soed may be scattered over t11 ya.rd. It will talto root and will froqlleliUy grow as well .11 It the ground had been s [1aded u 1'. ~-----Rape growl! rapidly aud In /I. f w A HOME· MADE BROODER . . "eeks ",111 have made an Imm os !I1ll011nt or lear surface. The fow ls ent Ono Which II Said to Give Satlsfa~ It greedily. especially If thcy do DOt .t ory aervlce. have access to green stuff outside. After the 111nnts In the gR l'll n h61'8 Tl.l e aceompnnylng 'ket, h sh :Jws gotten a good start, the hell S will do ho w to cons truct a brooder that wlt l no damage. If they BOl'lltch In th e not require much tim" to lIIak , SRYS :\ garden they will but cultivate th e orr spandent In th e :Poultry Keepo ... ground . Lettuc'e Is a good plant to raise for Ule fowls. Th ey 'Uk e Us· 'suc III nt leal·es. I t hus in It -mar value than Is IndIcated by th e food elements. POULTRY NOTES. Clean lhe droppings from und er th e roosts frequcntly. Buckwh ent Is excellent for both young and old pou ltry. A luylng h ~.n shollld have const!lDt access to lime or gravel. Grit Is the ben 's teetb . Provide h al' with IllentY of it. so that she may de. geat h e r food. Jr YOU e xpect th e he n to lay fr eely , you ~lllst feed her the Ithld of stul'l that will mak eggs. Feed Oill y what the h eus will eat up clean. Any kind of fee d left tram on e d!lY to anothe r Is apt to start disease. Watching the Incllba tol' carefully Is the way to get th bc st hatch. A IItlie cnr lessn ss is eUI'e to prod \Ice dlsasl l'01l9 results. Charcoulor I,>nrned co rn occaslonal Iy III a good conditioner for th ~ fowlN . It preve nts Indl gc sLion and <;ll he r dis· easos to which th yare h eir'. Scaly Log, Scnly I ;; shou ld not b~ permi tte d to dtw lop among the fOW ls. We Bee many' YO lln g tO~' ls with scaly logs on th 'hlcugo market. Tho s cales are raised by nn Inllect. thnt burrows tinder th am ll11d callse s the Irrltatlon of th e lI esh . Th of tb fowls '1l!lIst ·be considernble, nnd theIr thrift Is nC-., feoted , fOl' the Illseot" lI 1Ve by su oltIng the bloc;Jd of the fOW ls . Gl'on!\e and, 011 are d eath to a ll Insects: DIPPI~g the legs of t.he... birds In ' ke ro sene' Will kill th e Insects. The llerosene should be washed off In 'I)( rew ulillutes. as It will make t he legs at the birds so re if I'i!!t on too long:
They have right to tlie promises alllt ma.y Ju;;Uy lay h bld upo n them who nre, God's s el'vlluts: th ey who nPllly themselves to olley his prece[1ts, these ollly can rightly apply hi s promises to themse lves. Mnk It cl ea'r that yo u are God's s ervants, and then thes e Sa It for Pou Itry. prQmlses ~Ire your own uo less thnn Salt In smaH QUllntlties. Is bene tr y our name . were Inse rt ed In. the fl clnl' to ponltry. 'but 'It should be mlxe e! '11 romlse. Ilud , wrl ~ten In. the ilIIlle.- In the feed. L!lrge amounts are apt Munton. to cause serious l1Iuess 01' rosu lt ,ntally. FrQm half a ' lira.m (0 II, dl'nDl The promises 'are .a pl'e'lloua book; of salt Is falal to t.h e average ad.ult every lent drops myrrb a.nd mercy. chicken. Th.lB qua·f\t.ItY will' eaURe loss The)' are golden vessels -Iude n with 01 appctttlJ. great thirst, Inflammation Ihe Choicest Je wels tbat heaven can o·r the D flmbl'Q,neOllR lining ' n{ ' . th e afford or the soul desire. There 18 mouth al·d thl'oM, and dlarl'hflea; If nothln" you cnn truly, call a mercy but the fowl be openerJ arter death tbe tn· you wlll lind It In the promlael.-T. testines wilt be. {ollnd In a condltton BrookB. resembllog, I!om~t\'~at, that resultlnS' from arr.enlcal polsonln•. Thl!re are too many "nUng to ""_ the kingdom of bel\ven In capaclt,. nle Qe~'d H.n. of jl,ldgea and poUcemaD. If tbe ClOW Is nut b)\. n~ture-a heavy aDd rlcb nllUter all the balanced ra· tlonl one can 'prepare lIot make
her .\lcb. So J'fth ODI, to
:MrS. Arthur R. Honse, of 9 burch
Roud. Moorestown, N. J., wntes:
.. I fc cl it Is my duty to let people. know what Lydi a. E. plnl,hum's Vegatn!Jl0 Compound Ims dono (or me. I Imil'ered fr om feDlnlo trou bIes, and IllS. March my phys ician decided that II.D op ration wns nccessary. My hus ba.nd oujcted, alld urged me to try Lyllia E. Pinlth:un'a Vegetable Compound. and to-da.y I am well and strong."
For thirty years Lydia. E. Pink. ham'a Veg tabla Compowld, made from roots nncl berbs, has been th& standard remedy for female ills. nnd hns positiv Iy cured tbounnd. or waIn n who hnvc be II troubled with di placem~nts, infln.1UII?ati~?_\ ~e.ra tion, fibrOId UmOI'II, IrregwBntleB. periodic pains, and baclmcbe. 1\lrs. PltlkJlam Invites 0.11 sick wome n to write her for uclvlce. She. bus gll\(lcd thou ·n.nds to health. A<f,drcss, L~ Mass. •
What a 8ettler Can Seoure In
160A ..... Craln-CrGwln. LaDcI FIlE£. 20 to 40 Buohel. to the A...,. 40 to 90 BUlhel. Oal. to Ihe A~... _ 351050 Bu.hel. Barley 10 Ihe Aen. Timbor for Fencln. and Buildi.... FREE. Good l.. wI with Low TQ.aatioll. Splendkl Rallroad Facilltleo and Low Ral... School•• nd Church •• Con •• alent. Sall.r.cto.." Ma.keto for all ProcIucllo.... Cood CUmate and Perfect Health. . Cbaau. for Profilable 'nveltment.. Some "fthe ohClf<eAllM'nl n ' prodnc lnR' tp BI\~lwl 'h e wnn nnd A lbertn. nUlY 1l0w ' ~&()o quit· Illn the U 100sl bcallbful .. ud \l1'oeperoue sections uuder Lbe
Inexpensive Broo.del'.
Reylsed Homeite_d Regulations
Secur" II. lJox and In t he cent .. of the by " 'l1loh ,'ntry mn)' 00 mn~lc by pro"y (t'n e"" bo tom cu t a circular hole just I!lr g~ L,-,111 cundl t luns). by I: h fnfhpr, m o thur. ROn, ' l er, urotb6l' (lr ~ 1 81cr of I'o toudlnll' bom ... nough (.0 I'ecel va u common tomato d",nllh utetuler. . an. Hol es are I1Ull oh 'd III th e !l ld ~ ot En"y fec In elwh ease I ~" O.OO. FO'l'amphle... 111...:1 8 t BCKt \\. '>JOjt.. ·'1'l\rtl..: II I, ....H "'t' t o rat. "tc,routea. the can and also a hoi ellt in lt s hot- be • • lime to (.to ,,",I where 10 lOcate, "PP17 1.0 tom large enough Cor a 1 V:,-llIcb flille. H_ M. WILLIAMS. A hole Is then cut III t he (op or the Law DuJldln'" Toleclo, ObJot box for this pl[1e to extend I.hl'OlI"h from the lOll 01 th e tomato an. whi ch rests on ' the bottom or th e box, 38 s hown. A COIDIIlon lamll furnl s h cs t ho heat tl.l the I'atll'l-tol' formell b)'. the to \ , " AND mnto can.
Clean Egg •. Th e re Is only pn way to ge t clean et:;;;s, n.nd thllt .It to hllve lC:lll nests anci cl£ al1 poultl'Y h()ll6es. An eg g once soiled Is pel'llI.un elil I)' Ro ll d. T'h e egg whe)l WBI'm has oron nd It a r;lutlllo1l9 s ubstance that llxes the Jlrt 011 t he g.!; If t he o.\l<'t cOlh S wh ca t he eggl! are freshly laid .. H e ns tilnt a re kelit where thcy have to walk thl'otlgh dir ty, wet yards, go Into I hc nceLs with their r a t. covered with IHu rl. Th e mud fro m lhelr feet gets ~nto th e fl'C Rh gg and t,he soiling : Ia the rOs\llt. Washln" .." '" will n ot und o the Injury and lI uch 'egs-s ore hest ll~d at. hom and no t sent to market. , A ft)\v s tic h ggs in 11 lot will ')Jut t.ho lot Into th category 01 "dll'tles" whe;:: the eggs al'e SOld.
.... ,
r\ \ ••
on stormy days
by wearing a
:i ~ \ _
. . . . .'. _n \ \\ .SLICKER Clean· Light
Ouarontood Waterproof $3Q!l &verywhenl .1._ __
Eggs for the Inc~bator,
A ,reat d al depe nds ou tho kind 01 eggs you hllve to put 10 an lucubato ... Tile eggs shou ld be fresll and from good heal t hy, v\go'r o lls st.ock. As the eggs Rre gut hel'ccJ day by day' they s hould be k e llt where thoy wilL not ge t 100' cold OJ' too warm. Se lecl eggs ae n~al' all even size ,~nd oolcu' Ill!, pos. s l ble., Th el.n ;s I;)hou"icl be ' turned once a. day to Keep the yolk susneuded. In the center. It Is blli'" n:;t to heep eggs more than two ·w 1>iI. The Cresher tbeT are the better.--o. W. Watson. .
.. Needs. Variety. One poultry writer ' tru thrully Ian that what tbe be ll on tbe rann' need. most hi t.he proper aSP-nrtment of grain, vlcnty !If green food q.Ud R fl\1I pre portion of meal tmll &'I'lt. Jf thlr.. I, provided aud they are Propel'ly hO\l'~
..n' tA ...". .......
BEST MARCEL HAIR WAVERS m~:r'j ~="~~:'&~'i:~~~~:t":v:
lien, She wUlland made jou will aUntioD up la),I!!. bau.to111eltercillo winter. 'When It Pt..VlI
"1'01' iSfht years I suffer d from the most se'l'cre for'm of female troubles an ,,"u s t old that an op ration wus my only h ope of recovery. 1 wroto Mrs. Pinlcham foi· advice. and took Lydia E. Plnl,bam'& Vcg.ctllblo Compound, nud It IIl1 s sa.ved m y Uto aud mau o me 1\ well woman,"
«(;Olly,lgIII, by
Dn.l\y Story
Pub. Co, )
Dealing Away from Home Causel Un .n~cels.ry .Exp,bnle and Anno)'a"ce.
Miln)' Wayl of Cuttino • Board In. .
One peculiar 1)hase of ~man na tln.. Is sbown by b ow some people wllJ jump. In ' an\! buy goods wl tbout " & Ing what Ihey are gelti ng. Not le'l' ago Ii. man out lID a western state, "'Il~ h ad made II. few' Lhousand b)' fll.rllllhg, deolded to buHtl a ne w house ill hi' home to w 1\. . He was II. tlght·flste d, plnch-the·pen ny kind of fe llolV, aad decided that be ,,,oul(\ but nil h could In lhe way at fixIngs from tho rnall·,)r dt'r bouses. H e had th o locnl plum b er do the lead·pllling oarl 1\ lot 01 work that · them a il · o rdrrp l. pl~ coulrln't do, tllcn ord~r d his halh-tllt lIud tollc t .ftxln ,gs from e. 1\1 , IJ . orele: conoern : JI I)rlcod ttl tubs in tll ( local house, lhen dechlnd thll t h cfll1 l( save ·two or three dollar . H gOI b iB tllb and hi s lltu!' d rrom nbl" ad 1'l0lh came wit hout t1x l \I!"~. Th ere was n lot or tro ublo cv r freIg ht, and ~vbcn th p. ful> was plI. In Illne It wn~ fOllnd th ut nothing Jyl 111 to \· U co uld be had to fit It. F :.ltlr.cfs, valves , te., wcre ord ered from 111 hou se lha~ !Ill).> pIl ed th e tUb. When th C~9 came It was round U1 0Y wpr l li w-ro nf( si ~ e. They w re senl. ·baclt, nnd a110lh'r 101 sent. Th en e~' en the lo\!al IllUllIbel bad to work two or til. e da)'s extra to get thIngs In sllnpe. \\"h nth,) job WILS complet.od, It was talmu tha t thE cos t was sorn l $t5 more thal1 the home mnn offered to do an til" lVorll and supply the equlpm n't. 'fh ls I! only one IllusuatIon of how mo n J can be saved iby- ord ring from I bouse at a dIstance. Some who order tram the rotan man-order bouses get a taste I!)t" the renl thing. A. yonng mati III 81 brnska town !I·e nt 65 cents to _on It 01 the conce rns Iror a buggy wn lp. ~ I was represented as chelljJ at twice th .. price. In a weeK or so be got It b1 expres4, cbar gE~ ,only 75 cents. It wns don e liP In a packaGe that lho com. pany .dldn't charge fQI', but wh u ex· amlned, tbe youn g llJlI.n round tltal the same wblp could be hod (If hl8 home Bto~ ekeeper tor 51) cents_ 'I'here was 5 centB money order aDd postage; 75 ceots ex pressage and 66 cen I s for the wblp, making a total or $l.4r., not counting the t rouble ot orderlng- -nll t bls for a whllP that. could bo bad fm ooe-thlrd the amount lit home.
Two Pllce"
There I\te )156 dlfl'erent ways at eat. tlng tile board Into two ple~ea of ex. actly t he lame lfh:e and ·shatle. Everr Way m 8t involve cme of the 1\" Cllt.. s hown In diagrams A. B,-0, D' and E. 'fo avold relletitiolllf by revereal lind re ll etlol}, w~ n cd only copl!ldei" cuts ' thal eilter at t.h~ pofnts a, b n'mf c. But tb exit must always be a'l: Ii point In ·/1. straig-M ilne fronr th entry th rougrl th' c.ente'r.. ThiS' Is th e' rn'lfst . Im1l0rlant ondltlon to rel"o f'llI ber. rlT case fl jail oanutlt nCel' at a'. or YOIJ will- ge t th cut pr:o'Olr\cr\. fur lil m. SI ml1nrl .1 In ' 01" D. YOu' must no tl 'nte r til k. y·lln In th e. snm lUrect Ion as' Hs If, or you will gl'l A or B, If yoU al'e \ G rl~ lng an '" O~ · C, tln d en.-·
"So Mien th y contin m J a skin g hi e discharge nnd walked out Into the . A STRANGE ISLAND. blm. He li ned up hhi lselr ,nd sold lIunligh t. H e bad gained lIell)) while «Ito them, be lhal Is ,vlthout s.l n In the penJtentiary and looked m ore 1I0.~ons Why ' People SometIme. America ns Should _ Be Interested In Turn Their T~ade from Home >aliong you, le t him first casL a stono like a IUnn . H was In tbe ve ry prlmG Thill Pla'ce . e( life, clear·e ed anef strong. n Ing ..17 her." to the Mall ·Or~cr In the days of hls youth he was we]l-dr 'ss d and of fin appearance he Houses. 'Vhll Am rlcans nnll Canadians goi ng th e galt. ..nd sh e was P oud t o was keen ly aware or the favorabl e have bcon runn ing over the world In travel wllh him, aud ask no questions. Impression i b created. In Ws 0111 With price oulU ng. short we ight ~ 3r h or nov.e lty. e xplol'lng th loa· 'rho glorious to·day ' WIlS h eirs and It b.oUle tow ll-the town where be bad oaokllges, trndlng stamps. adverl!sin~ lurla l j:lng ll' 6 of Arricll. illld t 11 frm:en were 1\ crime to 11ft the veil o( t o· made bls misstep-the glall hand ' was ~alcl rs, box'car .merchants, mall·ord I' I' J.:"ioll s 'or th n Ol"lh. loolilng tor mo rrow. So band In hand. with airy xle lllled on e very sid. He was In· Douses , dead beats and nume rous slra ngfl 11 oples and lI'SlOmS. til y f t th ey "trod t.he prlmrolle- puth alh' vlted to socia l fnnoUon a, attended his pth er burdens to carry and coutalld have 0\' rloo ll cI a vel'Y st range coun' wi the world was light. and flow rs, (,Id ch urcb and was smilIngly received ,with, the life of the storekeep r try lose at hand. Th IRlnnd at by til yo nn g wQme n. The prodlga; Gnd one glud, sweot Bong. Car from a bappy one. He. rl se.~ In the An e~adn Is on o of th e stranges t of ull ~ J} l iJ£ One rillY the eastern b rok rl call d bad r tu m d and a ll , In lhe goodn s, morning with .the l.. ne of the lark, th e stran ge placIl3 In th e worlLl. Fil ·fl.l tor ma r!:llls. To stall VI/he re he wali or th Ir harts, w r bent on Corget. "" orks hard all tbe day long, and goes Fi rs t of a ll, whe re Is An gllda? It" ' I' meant n II avy loss. To put liP might ting the mistak e alJ(l encouraging !"tIn. to bed at ni ght not knowing whelller t" ~ b. IIi on or tbe Virgin Is lands , aad [t A In bls ettons to retrl ove his r 11uta. 1Zf. m enn 15all'a1l0 0.. ::»... h e p ut. \I V. rash tbe price or oil wi ll be raised on blm li CK nOJ·L heast · of Porto Rico. one of ~"lI :ll wellt the market und his hOlIes. That tlon. tbe next day or not. Tile n there 16 lbe th o Great' i\ ntilles, [1I\d Its . first pe. I night h lIpeut II. long whllt1 on lho 'rho ex·con"i t begnn to fc I that h.. home psper that lhe merchant 801ll cullnrlly i1> thllt It Is f1nt and low, 1.h 'Jooka. "Twice t en Iii tw enty a nd fiv hadn't IJ e ll 80 bad art'r all, an rl wlleo Urnes Tf~ads ; and it makes blm Ured ne lghtJOrJu!; Isl et; 1111 b pln g stee p nnd t.o ca rry." T wcnty-fiv e thousa nd ! Sal· tbo subject of his terlll irt lhe 1>011 wall to' learn that he has been for years mountaluolls. It Is uln e mil es long" n ry olle hund rod dollars a. mo nth. Cash r ten'ed to h e s poke bitterly of tll acting tho chump by not ·advertlsln g 811d two miles Doross, and li es so low '0 11 hand, Z()I·O. Down came tho nir "excossl" JllInlsblll nl" gl VOII hlrrl. In. Its llageo In the right way. Thero thn.t III heavy ga"!" th e seu. Illtlkell a <:nstle. ddle Dnn·ell. asslstaut ;callh· nut that was ' llW!t now and b e 1,,- is a lot of r e lailers who kick an d howl' cl nn breaoh o\;er lhe lowor ]lort Ions 1 r of til National Bank of Stanfield tended to buckl e down and abow thO about peo ple sending to mailo()rder f{1 ot it, whe nce Ils nam e--tor ao cgnl](l ' r!: ~ old. fath p,r nnd motll r and his man y houses for goods and neve r ouce th ink iit out fo r M xlco. Is the Srmnls h for "drowned I land." li' In the morlling detaJls were In th rdonds thnt be was worthy of theIr that tbey, the merohants, are tq blame ~ext W cOllie lO Its s ira nge hl ~ to.ry . til: , han!!s of a great detective agency and confldellc. H e wou ld begin by ' cut· tor the malter. In J SI It had only 71!l lo habltants, at , ~ br night t.he bloodhounds were on th e tlng ' out a ll his evil IIssoclates and' . The otl1er day tb o writer met A_ far· G wbolD bu~ three were wblte peo ple. trail. Th e chnse did not last long. It vrac tlc 6 a nd start In rresh. me r. He was an In teresthig ldnd of Its populntion Is noted tor Idleum,s . ,,{ss s nowing In the lead en dawn ot a Nell resigned her job !lnd returnea chap, prelty well up In t he W/lYS of the and tho milin oCcllpallon for nuiDY wlnt I' morning wben three m en to BtanOeld . Tben she \\:ulted with a wicked world, the me lhods of the box· years was wrecking- tor an oxtenslye alighted from tbe limited and slepped woman's confidence fo r the comple. ~ar m ercbnnts and th o manners of tbe and ve ry dangerous coral reet sur· upon tbe platform at Stanfl Id. All tlon of the romance t he paper had local storekeepers. He said that be rounds t he IlIla n'd and once gave it wore grest coats, closely button ed u p. talked a bout. But tbe re wasu't aDY bad been buy ing goods from a fe w (l( very melancholy notoriety. But s ince The youngl)r of the trio glanced ~Isl· romance. \\'i lb the ofl'er of employ· the mall-order bou ses for the past rew SolutIon of the Problem; Lbe estnbllshment or the lighthouse g'D f ully at th r eced Ing red lights on the ment by a wealthy and highl y r eJl uta.- , ears. He commenced potronlzlng ... the Isluud ot Sombrero (47 mlle$ to rear sloel)er of tbe train and bitte rly ble old gentleman It 'would be toll1 them In t.hls way : He wanted to buy I terlng at B. YOII Dlust consider 101011 th e ellatward). there have been few, 're mnrked: to approaoh him with a Magdalen as email riCe for his son at Christmas It any, wtecks on A.negada,' since the II.t one end <'n1y of the key·!\ n . or · "What a tool a young mu can make his bride. Anybod)' with hath ey&s time. .He went to his local hardware mnln cause of th e shipwrecks \\'ns the ,yO ll wi ll get repetitions. In other shut could see that. So he to ld her dealer, found that the rllie would of hi mself It h e wan ts to." constant tlud swift curren t which sets cases YOll must consider jolns- at To this self·evident proposition gently but firmly t hat matters betv.·een ~08 t him $2.50. His son had seen the ' both ends at tb e key; but afte r leavupon th e Island from the east. there was no r esponse. All e ntered a t.hem were over and ploully R.m{1SI~ aJ lame thing advertised by a mall-order Ing II. In case D, turn alw8'Ys either to Accordi ngly t he natives are now b ack and U\O storner·faced ma u of the hs r to leek 6omo ' honest employment bouse for $1.10. He told his rather , not otten aroused hy tbe cry o{ "a ri ght or left- use, one dlr c't1on only. tbree Indicated the dostlnatlon to the and try to bo good. It was a little that h e oould buy It for th~t. The vessel on Lhe reet"-lhe onl y ca ll In Figs. 1 and 2 are examples under d'flver by u word at foul' letters. After odd th ..t sbe should break down u . Itorekeeper WOUldn't come' down a tbe old days whlcb would arouse them A; 3 and <l are examples under 'cent on his price; In fact, told the man a drive of soveu or eig ht blocks the rrom their almost pe~peLual Inactivity. 11; 5 and . G come ' uude r 0; and to send away snd get It. H e did · BO. vehicle Btopped In front of & comOf I n. fact, they are ahoqt the laziest p e~ 7 III a pretty ~xamp l e ' at D. Tbe rifle cost him, laid down, $1 .36, or [loslte bulldhig of brIck and stone. The !lourse, Fl Is n. p,'cullar t}-po and obpte In tho )Vest Indl •• , although that r;1:15 less tban he could have bougbt It ."tern·looking man motioned the vlollsly admlt.l! or '9nl)" aile WI\Y of f& say ing a great deal. at home. This Is a poor argument In younSer one to get out and tbe two cutting. Cor you c1aarly cannot enter Anesada used to be covered ' with of the bome store. The dealer favor q uickly followed . A few resoundlnc ' Illlderwooll- notabl of t h IIlnd called at b or c. could bave sold the rltle as lOW' as the kuocks on the door brougbt out a mou STUDY OF HUMAN NATURE. H re Is a tablo ofr the· results. .sel1sld gralle, which he re III parllcu· mail-order" concern could lay It down . whose dangling suspenders, bare feet which the reader can , oheck at his In his town, but he wouldn't. The re- hnportant to Mil n of Buslness to a. larly rich in the vahmble gum ' know n le isure: a nd m\lssed halt Indicated a hurried as .Jnmnloll. kino. AllogacJa Is the home lIult . was one more man became a buy· evacuation of his be(l. Alter a ra\)ld a Reac(er of Character. 0: "\\'ays. b . a ar very numeruus an \1 slng ulru tropical or on the mall-order house plan. 1:IcruUn y of bllJ call er 'with his albrt 46 = 8' + 11", + 21: plants, bnt It fs perhnps ralher more A How many bus lnoss m en apprecluh Tbls same man told me that he .eYe he e jac ulated : 3'1 0 17 + 21'. Dote\vortby ror ItB Imnlense numbe rs ot B how valuable a l;nov.-Ie dge · of human 'll'ent to his local drug B to re to buy a " EddIe Darrell! By tbe ,reat Lord 39 86 rubber founta in syrlnge, He paid tbe ' n ature really 18 to them 1 ' '1 here an mosqUitoes, gallln!ppen and scorpions, C = 1.5 4- 31 Harry! Where'd you catch him?" 39 85 = 17 + 29 4not to speak at venomQUS and otber D druggist $1.76 for on e. A few months few thin gs, even the ,capl ttll mployoo ,Hia curiosity was satisfied and, aft~r o 1 1 0 lale r h e wanted another one ot tbe In business, moro valuable than tbe rcptll s. The S~lrround lng sea s are III a few laconic directions by th~ leader, rich In scale an d shell flsh ot many Rtlme kind. He found ' It was adverfaculty of understanf\lng the people tb ' two I' turned to t~e carriage, leav· 41 tised In the )JIg book ror 60 cents. He wi th wbom one mus t deal day aItel kLnd~. in tho YOlingor mao In nbarge at the sont tor It, cost him 72 cents laid day. AmO[\I~ Its singular bIrds t h e flak ee\Jell. COIN AND TUMBLER TRICl< • . down to him by the rural mall carThe success ful man In every walk m ingo Is one of tb e most numerous 'rhe man of tho Item countenance rier. .Another case where the drug· of life Is thet man who Intuillvely speCies, and most of th e po nds are the was a United states d eteotJve. His It Can Be J;aslly PerfOrmed .by the gist WOlf not up t.o snult and wanted tq ImowB how t/) deal with those wbolll abode Qr-ducks whIch, on th e app roach <:o mpanlo n was the oashler of the Na· ,Smal! Boy, . make a profit o.t of all proportions to h e comes In IlQntact. lt Is tbe kno,,"~ of man , rise and flll ~he air 'WIth their Uonal bank. The youug man tliey left what legitimately should be made. edge of huma.n nature and tbe ability clangorou~ cri es. at tbe jail was the defaultlng assist. The accompanyIng skel.oh sbow. Tble fa rme r felt that he WtlS being to read hwnfln chara tel' tbat 'm ake! It Is not II.n easy matter to reach the how I lL goo d trIck m;,y he easily pe r· ant. overcharged for these little Ullngs and tbe pOlitician a success, that gives the Island . A [ew years ago an attempt At the ens uing term of tile United formed by ' anyone . Lay II , piece 01 could see no reason why be should n ot public man In every walk or me the wall made to open 1Il i nes upo n It. but Slstes Ollrt the ;YOllng m au pleaded lIave a. little money by aendlng away most useful I D'ower in his possession. nolhlng came of t be olTort but dlsap· l;u\lty to em bezzlin g tbe banle'li money, frqm home ror what he wanted. This It the avera·g(l business mlLn pnld a ilL. polntme nt and 10SB.· Am'o ng the many wblcb Ire said he llad lloped to return same farmer knows that he s.lIould tie more altt'ntlon to physlogo m y a~t1 disagreeab le teaturel of 1If(l III this hot if his whoat doals hadn't gone wrong. buy gOods Just as lew from bls home Its kindred sWdles he would be mOl"t! and stellm lng cllplate Is the pres nee There didn't aPllear to be auy very storekeeper' as he gets them from the successful. The Idiosyncrasies 01 of Itlrge salt ponds, which In tile llry miUgilUng c lrnumlltancc-s, save tllllt the prlsonor was closely related to one A Little Odd That She Should Breall ' mail-order house. He a16·0 knows mankind are as varlouB as tile sbell~ . 8ea~on give out an Into lera ble ste nch ; tbat In many lin es he . can buy gooda of lhe ocean. Each Jndlvldua l can aot and the Bamo ponds in lbe wet season of the best families ot tho lawn and Down. cheaper. The only trouble Is t hat 'be und ers tood. but b can be plnccl fill Ull with singular rapidity and flood ba4 always borne an excelle nt re pu· . , tathn . . And ho was young. R is law. CfY over a suggestion of so snge a some merchants carry II. sDlall line :J f In his class, nnd 1\ fair estimate 01 a considerable 'portlon or the Is land. yers referred t o tbls In their Illea ror character, anLl all given with the be. t merchandise on 'whlob th ey think they hl.m made by the mall who cun rear. As w e mo:; Infer from Ule n.alllp.. ~ _fi~ : mercy alld. stated that, (or seven yea", Intenllons In the world, but th at Is should malte 2()0 pe r cent. profit or lhe 'face and! und er~to.nd natural al)' Anegnlla hi pr otty frequ ently Iloode.d . past the prisoner bnd been a trusted what sh e did, and b e left her be~ore more. ' There is li ttle call tor this lions. Whene ver a hurricane comes swee p· I fi 'J . . employo or the bank and th e tal Lh ful the storm 811 bslded, without bothering class, and when a. sale Is made tbey One of the ftrst studie/l or the busl· Ing along the waves roll completely wont too large profits. Their custo m· n ess man shOUld be his clIslomers. over Ibe Is lantl, and the people ,have trE!us urer oC a IEiiu,llng church of which to sa.y good·by. This Is a Good" Trick•. he was 11 member. The cou.rt s poke of Then he. went to Ohio and r eported 9ra don't IIlce tb ls treatm nt. They Ho should kOlow a little of tho hnrac· to 1001, out for th e ir safely. feel It Is not tbe ri ght k ind of a delll: ter of each. "He should be able to tell t he parable of tlle talents and mnde 1t for duty at the large establishment Wh en Schom bnrgh, a German trav. h ea.\')\ pallll r tha~ , ls' tree ' kom' crease, live yonrR at bard labor. operat d by bls friend . In all his lila Dud are sore over It. It doesn't pay the w ell·meaning, han st one from th. veler, was In Anegnda many years ago on a bou"d or tabl" . Secure tll ree tum' The ass istant cashier donned the he had never seen Buch lUaE>'1ll ftcenUy the lDerchant to mlirk his spec ia l d eud bent, Ilnd know how best to tllere was one morulng ,a gr at Qutcry tllers t.hut are alll'O- ond' s lick a piece stripes and bega\l ~lls long ' term ut apolnted "Offices and he felt th:Lt he had ,oods 1>0 hlgb, for It Is just on th is handle each one. ... There Is a d Ifte'r tbat all the 1I00:th part or th' 1 ~lall(l oC tbe sal~le ltl!lLVY. pl\11er oyer tb:o s ervl tll(le. He was a moilel prisoner, r ached a plnce where tbe surround· claBs or goods th tlt t he catalogue euce b etweell the. UCl.f0l1 8 of tile mun was \Iood d; and so to all Ilppearance • <!pe nlllgs In l-WO of theur. !leatll' the wlHden said. Inga we re In consonance with his am· bouses make low prices to attract at- who Is a lwn:rs lookiog fo r som mer· It wa ll ; l)llL on el(um ln nllon ' It wat; t r imming It all IIround the edgEls so at Soon lifter tbe convlot reached th o bltlon. Be was bel;l nnlng to fee l at tention , ~ud make tbe )leople tblnk cliant who ;wlll trus t hIm and wllo found that the s npposed waves' of tIle to , leuve nOLhJng or th 11ap,er 'for I!." .~ . n ever pays 'bis bm s, a nd thc bonest s ea \Y em III reall~y only a low·lylng ' on e to' see. M:Wk.ol lJ)ree cover,s- of penitentiary a. yo ung woman sought home. The rouad·ruced lIUIn m et him fuel' are s elllug cooda cbeap .. D. AI. CARR. man. There Is a lso 8: differen ce be- fog whic h wus rapid ly swee ping along. , Ilap r as shoWIli Illi Fig. 1. to: I1 U't~ Olte~ llIJ1fOYlnl' nt at lL hotel In lhe prison with a bright smile and a glad band, town. She was well·tormed and fairl y then' to(lk. blrn altoctiollate ly by t he 'tween l he dishonest ones, and the Another c urious thin,;. iR the a.e l"ial I the tUlrrl)lers. ID.laeo: tllree coins OJ1 geo(\ but extre mely re,tlcont. ar m and led him Into Ill s I)rlvale ofh onest OOIt who is a De vet· to· well. lI.ud refraclon. lind this oft n bri ngs Into tllc e li et ot panc r, t llen t1\e~ tumt)IDI ~ .. ' Old Fogy Ways, Sb belonged to a Cl1\88 Hugo speaks fice. Til 1'0 lhey chatted for a long The wlI.y· my {alb'r did and DJ}' always In the .. hole.... Day after da) view other Isla nds which lie balo\¥" tile , with .covers on td('1 .of tile oOln's, UIII • of as ':le8 ItIlserallles." It was notlcl)d whUe. 'l'he hlg man was delighted grandfather dtd, III good enough fo.~ the c a lly papers tell of , the sm ooth horizon nnd which, according to tl\o I unpre".a:relt l1l.1nlHer being Inl the· mtG. that· sha was rreQuently In the cook l over the hll) .rove d allpearance of IIlr llle; I doo't take milch stook In t hose forgers who pass worthless checks ordinary operatlo n~ ot naturo; ougllt lo I die" Now Uft Ule- coveI'll ott the· em!' room attOl' hours preparing dainties o! ' young protege, and In a short time aew fll.n gled Ideas." Hoy manr In tbe the "country jay" wbo has a che k be Invisibl e. tum!)l rs ; and yOlt wfll" see' t llat.. ti1~ s ome sott, wh Ich sbe took to ber room' jlearned what he .could do aud as~lgnerl retail trade apparently la ke tbls ,'lew cashed' or bU YB good ij on' aonw oue A part ot the surface Is composed or Il&per en til ,Openln !; <:0\'e1"5 the coin s. 'On many ,occasions she was observed him to an Important position.. The uf things? What percentage of busi- e lse's c redit. How niuch' could 811Ch Band dunes, but ther e Is a considerable ' Replace t,he covers. lift tlhl' rnfdd lcl ann. late at nlgbt, by the aid or e. candle, salary was even up to the rather oJ\" aess men are mak ~n g ll rOgress by fol- work bo prevented If tbe average busl. proportion or calcareous or eora.l. land lind: It eoln wHIi be seen:' lIDll'er t ho· tum· sow ing On matorlal for a ' man's gBl'- I timlstle vl~W entertal.ned by Eddlo lowing In the footsteJls of by·gone ness man only could ·.read charactr.r with belts of fertile iO~II\, It th~ hler, a:s- lhe Ollenlng: or tnl}! tIIm ble l meuts. It soon out .that 11110 hlOlsel!. As he was Illavlng Mr. Trust· ceneratlons? It Is not a wise and a. lie sbould? The wise man will 105u ~0 11 'wAre IntllllIgen tly and rartbfully , Is covered. Drop the< Cl lvel' bric ll · had 11 lover In th e penitentiary, wbo well nudged his new employe slyly In good 'Idea to use tallow dips and pine nei opportunity' to s tud y human natu)"/! culti vated, It would no d.OllIbt yield ar;:tin Bnd nrt the oth r lumb lers ant!; was tb~ recipient o( tlleso favors Ilre· I the side and BallI: . knots In an electric light age? What and' profit tbereby. Is a capita good returns. . covers \)odll y. so that the 5peetator:J> atEld dl1:'lng t he hOUI'S she should b,aCIe' "13y tile way, where's our little girl, would an Intelligent man 't hlnk at the as useful to him as, the moner he hal 1n ordlnary seasonll the fresh water C llll s ee the coins. rernar lcflUl:" at 'tlilt been as loep. A metropol'l tan newspa· Nell?" Western ' farmer wbo would undertako Invested 'In bls bu siness. supply appen rs' t o be ample . On the some time th t you WI]> m-a:~e ' them, Jler Lhnl- makes a s pecialty of 8ucb Dnrrell laughe d lightly. to reap his wheat field with a sickle? northt!ast side or t be Island tbere Is 0 \'anI9h fro m one t~ tll o oillet'. Tha a Square Deal, On' l y cases sent 'au InvestIgator ·i.o th e )lenl" Oh, 1 dld~'t bring her along," he But still many are In lhe same boat slngllia r .sllcces~l on or v,-,ry' sleell op,?[] illgs or the tnmbrer~. e:t!llaln u · tenilary aDd he took' his lJalnt brush said. "1 gu as she's got another when: they try to do business ns their . -Ffow much of the 1U0ney which II natural .wells of fresh ,,;ater, some of f'0pular lII(~chn!Jlcs. !"\,s t n r be ex· along. An extract· from his r eport ran by this time." fath el's and the ir grandfathers did, lIent away to the ' oa ta logue house. pOR'd so tha~ am' .onu cn.n s ee them . lbem 25 feet n.cross the top. like ' tills ; "Do you mean lo tell me, sir." laid There are cel·taln, principles that one ever relurns ' to the communi ty frO ID It would be b nrd to nnd Inywhe:-e II.. a nd :L SUff! way t.o do thfe: >3 .to It ell "With 1I.. loTe more 'Iastlng 'thlln that the ol.d . g~ntl ema.n, his ma~n er ' may follow; can be ho~est, give 'fhlch it Is sent'? How .much of the o[ Mercedell for Ed,mond ' Dantes and changing with terrible rapldlt.y, ..tbat square measure, be sociable tavor money spent with the home merchants bolte r, wetter, worse.smelllng, or more" them 16\'e l wllb the toMc-. live a devotion as uns elfish as Juliet's to yt;l U have deserted tbat young wom· rrlends, and all those l!t:t1e tJlt'ngS, but goes t o buil d Ull other places 7 Wha generlLlly disagreeable place DIction ary Fun . ' Romeo, Nllll Thorne walts outlilde the an 7" to do buelness In the old. way means belps pny the' taxe!!, build roads 'arid lhan Anegada; but, singularly en )lIgh, "Bob:' snlfl 'r001; by way of ."the griiu ·)Valls of the state penitentiary "W~~, I - I, you know sbe's a- . falllire unless one Is 10catl111 In a brldge.s, erl~ct cburclles' and school· It a\l~I(Jars to bo ·'{ or tbe mO!lt Ilal"l a Ou ~y Oe('. "whi ch is the mORt dan . tor thl! release of b en conVict lover. ....ellbackwoods place where there . Is no houses, foMers II.nd encOlirar:es publici pretty healthy place-at. least Cor the gl'I"O U!; wo rd to prunounCD 10 tho Rng. Wben be walk.B thr.ough the 'great .lron "Don't say It. 11\1', lest I strike YOU ~ompetitlon. 'l'be up·to·dale m erohant Im prov91 ~ p;nt s. buys fn rm prodaG!!, naUves. ot whom nearly a ll are hlacl; lis h I rlTl gut1-.l!e ?" . doorS to the freedom of a scornful down!" cried the big man', In whi te 1s the miln who 'gets thore, anll It is d. carrIes naUles of the nelldy on I lhe or \!Qlore<l ··Iio's sluru !)lo(! ," said 1'om. " hecllus world he wlll tlnd an, a.rOlTeady to I!IIS. b'e at . . "A lIlan might steal aud reform . .liifficult matter to find the place to- . delJlt -slde · .of · the books the yent . In Ihe' n.~t·e-cciIonial rial's, the In· ro u are !;urn to :;-cl a tmnhle- I)clIYOOn f.aln him and B heart that Byrnpatblze.I T: lit !llere's n~ .hope for such as , you!. Jay where ad.vanced methode are not around, ane! Is wfllins a)1d eager at dlans usod to come bJ.ber In thl:'l r t il l' f1r~t null Itt I lr)the\'9 ~ " all times to assist tilem by oredlt or canoes; but no Indian could e ver with him.' . ' _ ,' Tbere's lhe oxlt-go! , You~! " Ilecessary. "Cood: ' !,;!lld Hob. "Which Is the money, ';( they may n eed It ? Is It the bring . himself to m!:ke a .permanen t· longest En r!i sh word?" There were Jl)nny paragrapbs at clltulogue Ilt;lIlSe or the luoal mer· home In Anegada, with Its sleHllIln ~ Shootln.g • Bird. Utopia'" Idea. Tom. that .89rt and pictures galore. It waa a ~ aid " \ uletUIUnllrlaulsm:' In Qne at .th e marble quarries ' of COlPmunlum Is' an lJtoplan Id!!, .chSJ;lt? .Tlile local inerclllln~,? 'Then fogs, Its squalls, It s sea floods, .: lI s 1)I'OuI1111y. fin e II.rtle) ~ and attracted attention.. A • ". '0; It's sml1es . because there'a a round-Cn,ced old geI\tlemao or 11 phflan. rtal y, wbere dynamite I.s used for tued upon platoniC pr:lnclples which w!lr "no gi~e him t he opportl1nlty to fn>sh.water Inundallolls. Its tltrO., t.broplc.' t11l'n visIted the penltentlar)' bhls ting, a bor 13 years Old , wllo I[ot ,eUker recognize natural I!lws as ap. fi gure on t.hat· "cash ,ord er': perhap!! HOlOnS and ltll dense Ii ~'" rms of 1::1 . who le mile bcrwpon Ule tll's t and Il18t to bllslnes.· nor the rewards you, are about to buY'. He can fill It, Ilects; an~ 1;10 Amerl<;au could be pel" ' ll'l LOIS. to S90 It It a)l were true. " He ltne" hold of au 0101 pistol, took aim anot . • tbat reporters were sometimes given tired a t R. bIrd sitting on tbe rQQr ot 0 ' nlUlt~d br ei1perlorlty pf lntelll,en~ freight (~cluded, . ~s .cben}>ly, and 111 ll'Jc<led to s~ ' end more tb an 24 hOll!'!! "Oh, that'e nothing .... shll1 TO·m . 'Il J~ lome lnlltancee mnch 'les1l, than tho o tb e hila nd, In sJllte at It s stl'nnge . kllo w· a word l hat nlls over lhree miles to-er-linaglnaUon. But In this In. ·s1}anty. Within tb.e shanty, 'l"Jls slored ,r ex-traordlnary acb.le.eOlent;B. ltance the yam 11'118 bu11t upon tba II lange Quaot~ty of the eXJllos~ve men, neans that the plodder, ~e Indolent c ..talogue fellowB .111 charge. Stud IIbB. I) (ween I ts beginning and qn dln ,,:' founllDtfoDrof . .rtty. The round·r.ced tlonod. and tile boy ml.ed the bird ,n4 .t be IncoJJqletentll shall partake up tur hom!! trade. .Dollars !lent awa1 'What's thai''' ' ask~d !lob, JILln.U,goods rever return, but help build "gentleman.- Thomu TrustweU b~ and caUl'ed ..n exp108loD that killed 'f the bened~ pf the labors of tlie for' ,. uo.!Ieag u61 e,Il," said TOLl •.. up thl eltles and bill ca~alO • . The Soapy Deep. ' was manager of • blg 'CO!LCirD flve meD anct ertppled leveD. -He ·biro. Dore wo!:tbl• •j01 tliat earned b,. .,: Llttl'l . Johnnie, 111)"8 the Cblcagl) The Keeper of the Key.. ~. Dot onll t DC to rrlbuD(l• .,,0 'Ills lint trip to the BM·' 1D.I'UDllo, be promlM4 JIl~dle . ,1004 selt "u nllarer the Ihant¥ than an;. wrtl of the workers an.d torevel' be • .hoUII~ and )fet be I18Ce"lved ' DO I. nardeD UPQD tlielr ' OOIDUlUDIU... TWo Iq~ Therlll la little reason Ile lOt out. ae mel oDe . . out or ,tbe· C!OUD~'" .bore, watcbed tbe foam of thl! .dn't . do . It., of. • 11M • selUDe aoodl not O1&e . and asked his motb~r: "Is th."t neces8lU')' suppllei • rora or U. ·alJeikecl .."II........ DO'W8Ir,'a l' "MaJi.:...'1r.~ loaal.Aeat. .~ the . OWe Jlah. • ..h cuny ,otIene4
+ +
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1\ MA r .
The Cau.t: of Many '1'bo·, t llrlllm'''ll4 l1vlllluglt·~''lhllll , t\J IUI~~ rl'l'!,ll1~lIllll' tr"MIl'" whlt'h \Vido\"s'Pell sion s. 1.J,'L~IT 110uble KOlIIsr,,"1l1t lumid .IlIt' 1II11U Ilre Ill\(I 011 tlhl gr<llllll1 b Icuth 11I l! ... e_ 1'~11)II~h~~ ~\'r~kh al 1\"l\II~':"~'" Onln . Iby II 1\t;t\Vj' lLutl1l1l(,\llll' wi ll, ~·rtlJlI' l'IIW>l . " IaAn rfl,"ly rOr litH", ('Cnl~rfll-lfHlIlln M. H nllll 'l'I' hll fl ' Sudden D ~th8., M."'I\.'f. Brown. Editor &; Mlmnll; r LIt B.,ltfl Ro he 'I 'yl LIng ,,' r Iwh th (' I,t,lth i!l \)lIinh~1I wi l h k l 'Ol'elHl I lntlly Rent the L'III~etlt1 IL CIlP.V of There is :1 ,list·.\,,, lJll \ {\iilll ! in tJli , ' I l'Ig I~ . .!Jer f lu "lll'uin" k ,',e .~ _ _ .'_ •__ .__ _ "' OTUIU). lit· tbo W l lef<1. '1'\III Otl.r IJ 011 I till' lln(I JII!"r orlll e( y til!' 1'(1'11 ~WiD".. !rnvi'l I' .. ~ wlt l eCHmtT" 11111, 1 d,lI" 't: 'm'H . U lrl""\""<\'~O \'l, :,1 ", \' ~ild,lt-II , HOOnyclIr " '· · , · · 111 '11"'1)"01' fll\hs d ,Vllustel)In CIil.lafromtho b (ithl~(JrsIH\kingthe"lno;l, ClW!\'\-l(lIJ~ioll"' ; Tb e luw~ r I'l tins ~. '. ri 'ulh.' IIlC C" IOIl'.l1 " , 2~ .. y.. \'r 1f 1l0~ l"hl .1I 1L"pnee dorue of he tent, . t\ IIbrnllt uJl . no th peu ioul ngof willoWlI, njitl o r~ I I ,,' il - hcnrt elj,""I'" 'rltt1tJ:'l' WAYN ·",VII.I, Ij), (I , -- - cllrre'l terml'nlll Imrl., tbe I' high - . - --und r the Il'~' of ~ixt en y IIr", II nl1 . ":'~'" I'n"I~lIollill·1 III T\)1I1II next I~"nr III Uro.;" BI'tI)l. OtrFICE IN ALI EN BU ll D111.TG • U ... - III 'Ul f;rilllr<! 111' 1 , J J t' l11>o"e tbe hcaus t il llu<liClJlc{>, Lytle. ll('lpl ot's orinors. Ilro IItfootlltllly Ih~' II "'Ul'h-, (11'1: ,'(["11 II II". WII/l t.-lI'~. '1'Et.£:pJ{oJ'le (Z)iLL . . No. 6-2 ,"bel' 1'1, IICOI)[JJ"llshe!! two COOlII\ to 'ullowllY Inw, whioh I !loam op ru · I [t ht: n"~IIl (Jr' ki,l~ I' 'I"' '','ph"n" ill hOU MA "uri .,ftll e lie' <il'ea t', I '----~-- ---. reyo lul lllll~ !LnLl th t'n Inllll " With 1\ --~ -live April HIt\), J\lO • I\!' f o l1t1\\'~ : 1 :.~8 ,1; k,;\ "., tr()ull\" i.. \\' III ' I'~' I Pl\,I l bo (Ju\lollllny III' " IK"t. WIi:ONESDAY . APRil. ~II. III Od' orllf'h 0 11 Il nurrow "'P P dwny •. ex. Mr;;, .1 11m E', R . •John!l IIll~ b01'l 1\ 1. U lt1COIll t' () I' ;!:t:,() P Ol' 1\ 11111\111 ... "r ~ . iJ _Uli.J\I.',]\ 'ltl (\"lll l\·" I . \' " lI ft)' Ph ollo I·I- ?, "'~ lIl·l~idl1 ~~~· ,p"hnlll : \)uu tiug Its terrl f!:\p morn ontum on ,ulrering qOlle s ver Iy fur u woek is n I O Il~er n·Wnr , " \ lil T ' ' I f l ' '. . 1 ' I' 1 f • , . .. ~ •• ;>-. t', ) 111'1 WI, lit I, ----~---~=~'""!!~~=-r Apollo Qu in tet Next t ho blp)lodr oru!' IJ'lI l'k, . pnl t rrom t 1H3 !' 11 1'0 " 0 lleU1'1l gm . ", 'rh o Wll o w IS r.t' level .llftW. tllck lh e "ILal "I':-: 'W~. eall.,ug C' Ital'l'li "I' I . 'T d 'N' ht · 'f.·h!!!i,,"n ILot t hnt, ll fi ~~ ' ~J llgllblJ , Io:ufl<>rs fro,nltbn multl,fly certainl y jllgt.lln tth hU. \)!I nd ·s·Utlllt·l l r esult · 11 1l, lJlmitk'r. 01' III" l,i.llIl" '~ lh(:llI~el\· \'f\ . l1 ues ay 19 • 1L (JI.lltnOt IJO de:c rt'll' d, nnr.! wb en oughl, to I) . nblo to )'tupl\thl l!. 0 \1 frum (' !til e" contracted in th e brl'ukclu"l1 HlIll\\.l'll., ,\\\.l)l'c-Hhrcvll. I:tU!\(]N Il'Illl hh .. ailllP, t "hI ! ">lI'~lolll l: I) onOB ~elln , the \)1 'tUt e o f it. will 1.111 wilh bel' . 811 ill ~lIghl. ly bottl;lrnl, from l u ,il' rlll'gl' lI 11 III !Ii III\' 1.i" ,II'~ Ys 1I 11r! , The ,\poll o Quintet aod Bell Ring. • • ~ II t 'lII' 'iti olol:l\Iu"] '1I~ 'l'l;"';l ,.,. a I' r\ll"'r \ oarried in memory to tb end uf 111' ~ l)l1 t , ;j , Th I'lIt O 1>1 lU I'flllfl d fro ' " In'lIll1ll'tlLOfllu \.. ... 11<., .• If 'fJll nn, [,d.. ~ UN ERA l 0 IRE CTOR, ers will apP6u at School Ball Tues· life. it Is th flrtH in UllIC£' wh I'e !I i\frR ' 1lInd !orn 11 i ~ h.t Itl tWf'lvl) llo lllLl'S J.l I' 1I111I1tli.' iUI{ 1I:t1I\' )OU ,'f. , 11I1I," ""'lIli:-' nl,/! night io t h eir grellt, eveol~8 'l b 1I . lal:itl~ I>f, 1~i ti ll , ,:'. WUl1Ip- 1{ 01, th" Telellhonp, Day or Nlghl. tliLlgle uutomo bI ~ It ' tlll'DtH wo Greatbol1s II d ut t,h h ( lUe of It mny I\I~o It.'· · 1I11d d I.hllt gr"" l I;idll"", \I",. ;1\'.1 iol".:dcr r"" I~ ,l.'·, fnll of deligbtful tlurprisetl . somer " ult, in s pa 1', Ml'. und Mrs ..J . B. Jque~ OLl nlldll Y !I '1'\) 0<" (Ill til \lell ~ion r oll" will lL O:0I'\ ,>Ct, il1,I1 .. I.I," lIJ hultl ,!ri ne IIlI d L.oca l No. The ",orlll-wide ham tf'f uf tb i~ afte rnoolJ . uft el' cb urell , t"' .... tie tbe r I IllCl'ell!;, \I' 1111011 t Illn kill"., ('Ijllles Bel Idlng 1'11 111 II) I .l~l-1I1~ It. :11111 0 ",'1' ' Ul\'() tIe LlI l\l llll \llt-.'~' lIIt ""l'~'" it" of h illg Ohio's Oreab:st Sunyel1l"~ retn llrkll ble cOlllpllny lin be young son wh ich ir~ parent!! !lnl Ill) IlpphClltrnn i lind , '() lIIpellclll~ go " [It'll lhroll)(h' lIl ' ol,,~ . I long Distance No. 69-3r day School Event. een nt IL gbnco. ~'tull1 Frllu e proud f. 11 'I hose whll hnvt h' n l' j e ted ",,, I to g 'l lip ",:"'" !i ll l(' ''; 11l1ri n' lil t' WAYNESVILLE. OHIO oome th e grau t .'L L 0 11 (1\II\lly f . lIi): ht. The IIl lhllllld till' c'x traonli!lal'\' 0 ill Lil\ !le llit1~ nl' llullt1 beCli li e II I' i, 1('I )I1I1'1 nImH mnkl lip. effec l uf S W ll ' "I'.I{ .. 'l is !",tlll rcnihcli. 1 Branch Office. HarvBvsbu.rD' O. Tobllc With the opening np of sprillg tbe lLor ohilts : tbe Pllt.t,y B I'Ot.b t:l I'''. wlHl Tl ~la tllis the hl".. h l'~t for i t ~ wOlhl" fu l t,y for t he <'orue . 01.1 \llI' cn tlllll. aUentton of Sunday sch ool workel'A wulk, skip tbe ,rope Jlnd ell! Llce on over tbe 'UUD . ,'lIr"s uf ll, ~ tlllI ~L db rt:<'ill~ ,'a~cs, !' " l 'I ~ l' I I I n ta k'c Ollt 1 lq . throughout Ohio i8 Ulmal1y directed t,helr heuu " ; .Burg os [Iud 'lIlrll, the IJri • eigb t, ce llt s , Bnt, l'U S k ell .S "'"I11 P-, "a~all suhl 10." :\11 ,Intg.. j l~ i ll ti ftS'co;; ,t :11,,1 to the Ohio Mttl.te Sunday Sohopl gymnasta; tbe W>odorful Mllrtell up O<lUTlige Ilmlll1l1ybe tI tnrn In Iif. Ll l1 e·cJollnr ail,' ',,'ltlt:S. Y' ''1 IIIII V frll\' . II Ti:-tI~ ~E P\' ANT ' PI OBI , i,; M, . I) . , . . l!I. I (. ,\ Til j\ \'" A Y Conyention , which this year Is an· troupe of oyolist- i t he /lel'iul MII- fnirs will C·;lLnf'. ~.II I1 t\11.! b Olli' of lhi~ \\'1" " h·,.fll 1 !l 'Wr1i. DOUDoecl for Toledo, 'fue day, Wed · lettes Ilod Mi S Lu Belle R ochE' Mr , "nd MI''''. Perry Keorick, '-' 1 t ' I 1 11'" t ) l'.I\· :ry alltl u hUII I. that kll~ llii ,. hlllll il. gil' " II r II u • bUI h bl.!nl fr 'C 11." lIIai I. II ,,~~ , n r. Ki , . ' ",001 !I('t; "1\11 ' , , " , II '" VI II" ', 1.1·II IIIn g D rlllt.t~t nesday and Thursday, Jun;, 911 , wb o lIoe" the dllng rOils nutomo b'1le dlIug hI e1' B rt IIU I\n\I 1\1'ttl 1>111'J PI{ ge; nUll i h ~lrdel' to keep. T h ",), flllll 1t1l'1' '';' Co,. Bim:hll lltt '" . . '. \', WI "'II The prollramfol this great even t is dooble.somersl1ult . of Wayuesvill EllS! r ~lln .' th ei l' work too hllnl IInll (,I JIllpl,,!n wl'iLi ll j{ JII tllitl,i Ic"dill~ thi~ :.:e lle r.)I1 ~ )l1i'e III I\ f '\' ~ IlIrI ". Mll ill l'lt l~y nt -.'le hOI') . I)f Mr. flnl t l\ lr~, tlfTer ill th i" 1':11"'1. 11"I1't IIlHke !l 11\ I already about oumpleted. 'I'h e ( h Fromltnly hUyll oome I e great "" of he (Irralger,I', Th e "'" "h ln g I~ IId!\lllk .hlllrcIIIl Hlb., rll"":tu,e , SWlltlIP who have looked it over declare BedlOi ftl.~ily of I'lders Il.nd the Le ter Kenri ok . lI O t. rh e 1'<1 t f "h eir burd ~ U~ H 1'«)Qt, Dr. lilll."r ·, :;''''\lIII- I ~''Ul . :rllll l\r~ t hat i' is the bes' of the long erles Marnello M ~rol· t '!. (llllirtet of 110ro · ~ ' I L ., .., :~tlolll,r.cys, Dingbtlllllun , :. Y., QU cver~ " " Tbe Illay ent·itl ed "Ullole J u~ h ' ,V I n 11"8 LUng <)f t 18 IIllUul' ,V ..oup u of Ohio'lI oelebr.ited st-a te ·nnda.y . bllticbellringers . loG el'ln ~my wer e was pre Fluted in Lytle hVlll 0 )) IRst in ~'Oll\' Iuulldry !l ull kll b II you ""bool programs. I.' . 0 hn i Ltt ; fouod t3chlldel, tho g reat zebra rid- Satn rdny vellin!\, aod III t with will flll~ it ell sy to k ap ' YOlH ser'foled!), whioh is know n t:be world er ; Mnrguerit nod Hanley, the d sened t!noce$s. 'l'hougb tbe vanta , Establish your own lind Yut.,' I·IfIII!',' ~llrgOI1 I1 Hllri \1ontisl. among MUDday ohool people Ils tl1e gymnasts. Imd th e Prosit trio I~n.d wellih r look d r!lther Irloom y it YOllr lllaill '!l ltlltJpiness get tbl'eo 1>llr home of M" 'Ma rioo Lawrence the Horton uud Linden , burlesi]ue bar did not deter quite 11 goodly ol'owc1 for a dilll e nt Y0ul' groOElr'", Subscriptions R eceived' for II e o. prasent General Seoretllry of the performers, RiccobonO the world 's from lissen! bllog, 'fhe plot of the I~Mrnational !Sunday 8Qhool A8so . aU the Leading . Magazines At H IIIIli1 lIll ~lItlll'd"y Af lpl'n ''In. greatest traioer of Ro·imlll!!> Ilnd his phty isa very goot! one nnd;wols glv. -~-.... clailon, is beo'\use of thllt fact peonl· ml1fvelou'l oompany of horses from en by the Spriogboro Alurnni iL soa y H l' 'r 0. at the Gazette Office. larty intereeledto give tou ll visitors It i II. fn ot thllt In urauce 'Olll. Russio , a,ud the Mi zru. Golem 110ro· ciation i n Ii mnnner very clreditable to tbe State Conv-en tion a great batlll1re from the OJ urt of the Shu" to thernsel v 1l\~c1 pleasing tbe ponies thro ugh (,lUt the unntry will Sunday 8Obool weloome. gi v YOtt Il- lower rnte whel'e yon of Persia. lLudieoce. Prof. Exoell of l.lhicago has al · uso ' openter.Morton R oo fing- th,ln Wormwodd lind hi s trained bllllrs ; 1'eIl4y been annonnced IL8 the oon . the Dut.tons ,md the lark Brotber s. Mr , li nd Mrs, Uhas, E . Johns en- '\~her yOll u!le shingle , 'in l' irOIl . duosor of musio. Mr. MarioD Law. riders; the great a.erial.ClIukonia.ns tertnined on MondllY, Mesda,mes BesidElR ,it i- lesli xp n ive und renoe will be present and speak on and the famous Jordan family from Susan Whellton , Kate Johns, MatH, m ore durabl e. M r, A. B. , i(l 8 PX 1J.'ueec!ay aDd W edDesday • Prof. England i Il>nd till! COnl})&nv dll Emeriok and Mury Cllrmouy. lusive ag 1l ~ IlOd S I1lhl" rooflng St. Jobn, whose lectures were 8Q of pigs tha.t skip the rope and shoot Mrs. Dora Warcl and .hILrs. Mnry \lndor a gUlll'nntee thll t it ,..-ill lu st highly eDjoyed at Mansfield last the ohutes Ilre from· New 7.elillind Wll1i1lmson were tra.ding in Dayt,on f or rOllI'S. A LADlE.. ,OR GbJN1" , feat, 'bu :been 'eDpged to deliver IUld the eight Cllrnellos, l1orobll.ts i on Monday . .aaother l8ries .of six. The other Alvarez the aerialis t i De Mario the \V a. {~ uite a, number from in nod ' ,.F~1Il .t~tiODS, whioh inolnde oontortionist, .aud a company . of around our vil lage .were at't ruoted to For Sale the Dames of MODinger, DamUn, burlesqne ·bull fighters are from 7 J ewel BIg-ill or W~\thalll mo ve m 'nt ror Hie Gem olty during the la.H er plirt I!Ila'$ery, ; 8t~ntz. 'Ewalt, Dr . F8aS Particulars enquire lit Spain. of. lust week by-the proximity of and othen of equal note. Numbe l' 1 t! moth y lillY for ,1\1I1e , Euster, The program will be ready tor P rice $ to per ton · it, t1Jf\ hllrn . dtetr1bu"on by May 1 and may be The new stage cur tain for the 0 , A. HtrllWIl. Way li e. 1'1 11 .0, J E W RLER AND OPT! 'AN V nil y Phone. ' t tl .211 l8OD1'ed without oharge on applloa. ha.ll arrived on lSll.turduy evening How to Fight the Rose "on (0 the Obio Hundl'Y 8ohool As · just a little too ate to be put up for WAYNESV II.JLE OHIO Chafer by H. A. Gossard thll.t £'v£'ning'l\ performllnoe. It is aoota$lOD, 711 Rnggery Bldg, Columbus. Ob~o. a nice One t1.nd you will hO've Ilmple For Sale. The R08e Cba~er beet.le Issues the .opportonity to see it on .rhursda,y ground In .Tune and w~thin two OT evening, 30. 'l'hat is if YOU Cheste r Pa rk Ope ns MaY 3 three weeks layli it:s eggs in the make It' a pomt to atteod t,he pu bl'1'0 An eX.t,ru fitl c yonrlin g 1'nr('ell earth from one to four inches be, ,drill by the tel~UI of Lyltle IL Eltle 001t., llllJllil'e II I; tlti!! Ollltlfl , OhN\erPlIJrk. Cinoinnal's favorite neath the snrfaee usunlly in waste K. G. E on that dute'. IiLemember amuement r8lO!'t "m open May 3, land, partioularly 'if, it be of light be~t It costs you nothiugelwcpt your Country P·rodl.lce W ~ll1ted. the earllest date In the history of sanliy oharaoter. The ~rubR whioh own efforts to get thElI'e lind tblLt it .thell&rk. But . Cheswr Is going in Jf1uoh resemble the w.ell kn ;l\vo will prove an evening oti plellsllI e .'J-:Iig hi>!< 1' C'~~ II )ll'j l VIII,I 1'( r p \l l ~ r ,\' I for 1'1008 aeuOD thl!! year havin'g ~hite grubs of sod land, except for to you. The pnblio is rf;lquested to msm nnd "g ' )I . \ 1\a' r t. Hlll ith, more noveUle& to offer than ever their swaller size, feed I'n the rootl! ~ttend, t 1\ 211 Vll ilroy Ph oll . l.f't before. Tbe whole iuklrior of the of grosse8 and various pl6nts Miss Lurh Burnett was in UILYpark baa been transformed and old ThtlY decend he lo>\' tho rellob of ton a short t.i IIHI .,ile fur e. parr. tit friends will hardly r~ognlze it. frost on the Il.ppr<)H oh of wlnterllud thit! week. Way nt!sv ille· H. S. 'the greates,t .of the new featuresis in May IIsoend oaa rer to . tbe sur· · Mr. Etlwurd Loul{uore whu till.'" COrTlIneIlCeJ11t:nt. called ' ~he 'A.'lokl~r. .T his i8 by all fllce and pupa.te. Where praQtioo- been looated in, Dnytou for q Ultl:l 1\ . vYltym)llvil lu HIgh .'0)1 )01 I ,; 111'11 w odell the greateAt ao1neemeut devise ble, badly int'ested !.Iod may bO while P'llst, ba!! Ill tuly moveu bll ck Itl~ 1,0 Ii ( 11l!'1' , IIIIlI I h, Il H'lllbur!4 I) f tba, . . . ever inveDted. ~t t8 a high plowed In lillY, thel'eby des t,roy. to T,ytle, Ilt present be Is oooupying the gtllrlulltilll! l'I,,!'4 ~, "'" ~ l' ll II" hWlrw) plane up whloh the fun. ing ma.ny of the pupae by breuldng the proporty lately vllon$ed by tiLl'. th t1 h' r l' itlU ,i ~ . III' ''' iu II hi"h ", I ll \( 0 1' expecru 11 y . ~ 18 carried io a big padded their cells, thus preventin~ the 6 111- and Mrs , Uonklin , WASH . 50c up, 'fhlr te llll m ~ llIhtl r~ WI ll rect,ive tub with seven oompa.nioniJ. At the 'ergenoe of tbe same number of beet· Mr. 110U Mrs . F. I:J , Duke hlld til", their (lipluUIII tilil' )' llIr al \,IlIl ot Persian Lawn AllovClr Nett SOp of tbe iDollDe the tub Is reloosed. les. After tbe beetles IIppear, thero plellsure of eotertuiDing 00 Sonday: the 001D1I1 nQetneul, wbloh wiil be It followlI a. llwift but oirouitous i8 no .rellable remedy, exoept fe llO- Mr. tLnd Mrs . J. M. Earnhart. Mr. 'fbursdtl.,V, Muy n, lind lir e! .M:a ry roak to the bottom, twisting turn. iog them away from valuable pl/\nts Ilnd Mrs . Raymond Harshbarger , Gru.y, Ellen 8h e rw ootl , 8~lsaD \Vright., ----------. ~ -------Ing IUdlDg bounding aDd rebound. a~d hand·ploking. Sometimes they Mr. Wm. R. Duke nnd Miss Zoe E. ~ybil .t;Illwk E' . Fl om Berryhill, Muy ntru,wll, Ruymood \\ illiulDson , Seth iDa.• antli the people io the tub wil.! not a.ttaok plauts sprayed with Duke. ' FurnlL!", Frell till wk o. Berthl. 'Olith, &im08t 'wild with 8xhileraU.oD a.nd Bordeanx mixture, again they plLY .Amy tillY , RUYlllonu Du:;i:! uud joy. No matter how used one ,ls to no heed to any kind of spray, Mr. WilbUr J.t:loy was in Dayton J obu ·· tr'LWll. . :1 ridiDg in the·Tiokler oJ:.le can never While they are killed by stro.o g ar on liJ l1ster. SunddY at thl3 home Of. 'Mr , and Mrs, Walter Laoy . know what to expect lind therefore Ilenlcals, BO many recruits ure al ways Mr. lind Mrs. Ueorge Wbel1ton ODe Ii oontlnually surprised and re8~V to take the , pltloes of tl~e d~. thrilled 'l'he last ride il! as exoit~ stroyed beetles t.hat the results of and Mr. and Mrs, W, F. Ulark and Arbor Day Observed tng as the first and there is tI.8 mucb polsonous sprays are almost imper· children ~pent Suoday with Mr . " .r by Local ·S.chools. · m. EI . Curmony. .w.r. tor the epeotatQr8 who pay nothing eeptible . . SI)l!ciallv valuable plants an d M rs. W Fri<1f1Y. 17th inst. was Arbor Da.y. as there itl for the people who are ,suoh atl'grapevinetl, small fruit tree!' lIn'd 'Mrs. Wheaton then return ed to l .pending th~ir money, Still no eto., m~y 1>e enolosed, in mosquito Dltyton on Tuesda.y after buving IIcooruing to Geo. 'f:lnrris proolululI. aboo t t en. days . in thi!! viclntron, llnd tb~ gradea iJl Waynesville spenL ODe with red blood in his, veins cun netting "for two or three weeks dur o .~OhOI)I, uoder diraotion . of . thel r ~tand'by and 8~ an .the sport witb · ing the ·pe'riOd of swarming. of the Ity , trluchel's. ga ve (~ very IL)Jpropl'iate Mrs. Matilda E:nerick went to ILod jnt,eresting oelebrRti on" of the ont waDtiDg to joib. The Tickler heeties, but this method of protccillireat and will be the talk of tbe tiou is obviouilly lo1pr!l.oticable on u DlI.vton on Tllesd,LY to oopsult with. dny, 8'\011 school giving IlU exer oise .urroundiDgoou~tryhi a few weeks. ltl.rge s08·le, Newly set clusters of Dr, Barker ooocerning her condit-ioD. of \t,i! own, A Dum ber of va·rietie!! 0 f trees gra.pes may be made sa.fe by enolas· We hope thllt t,ha oODsultatlon IllIlY we re exhibited. to illustrute ptlrts Ringling Bros. at Dayton. ing tbem in paper sao.ll;s. · The most eo(1 by strikiog the proper ohord to t ake n by pupils whioh are quite unfumiliur to moet of the peOI)le, pra.oticable devioe for use on II. bring about her recovery. and Mrs . • Toho Sheets were . There was mUSiC, murcbing and Mr ' World'. Greatest Show to Exhibit sized Boale is an umbrella.shtl.ped SInging, costumes a.nd soenery , 1111 There on Frida)" May 8, collector made of oloth, htl.ving a hosta to Mr, t1.nd Mrs. Perry Wilde of wllioh cornbin ed to make it ·u hole in the bottom. the and little danghter . . 1ll.OS~ oomplete und eotertllinlng oe· ' QusiCio. ' 'l'be people of Waynesville will openillg in the umbrella or funnel have an opportunity on May 8 of should be plaeed 0. ptul oontalning vl.lting Ringling Broth~rs"World'lI ' water with keroseoefiotl.t~ ligon top. Greatea' HhoW8, the PQlnt of exhlbi· If these beetles Ilbove the oolleotor H.e Got Wbat Be ,Nlaeded. "OD being Dayton . . This 118/\IIOn sharply disturbed by jarrIng, "Nine ago it looked tI.8 if my A NEW ENGLA~ D Kl'l'CHEN. markll 'be twentr·fitth B-DDiversa· they quickly loosen tbeir hold and time had oome. "tlllya lMr. C. Fllr· 'tr of thlll great olrcwr, a.nd the Ring. are percipitated into the kerosene •. tbing, of .Mill Creek. lnd. Ter. "I Floors clean IlS wax utenl!ils sllin . liDg Broth,rs are celebrati,n " the It may be necesaary t'o jl" tbree WII·S s~,rnnd dowhn t,hlldt lIlf.~ hung 0hn . II; ing Uke mIrrors Ilnd nil ' I'n their . .. , very lSlen ar .t rea. ·t was t en year br prel8D"n(f the greatellt Eu· tlm8sper day throogh · a period of my druggist reooommondied Eleotric places, cJeun Wlll.~ows partly hidden ropeaD program ever offered, a pa. ten days or two weeks to g,et a. orop' Bitters. I bonght a bottf:e and 1 got by dainty mU6IUn ourtaios of snowy nde 'that IUrpa8II8S ' a.1l those of the of gmpea, With a suffioiently lll.rge what I needed-streDgth. ~ had ODe whiteness, Such Ii result is eRally put. a Dew 1Ul!1'oomple\e menagerie, oollector one 'should be able to jar a foot ,i n the grave, but Elleotrlc Bit. lind quickly ' accomplished b'y the I' ADother brilllADt .-acle and the rod of beavy "rape row in less than tersputJtbaok oD/the : again,and use o.f King of the Lau..Qdry Soap . , "..... , . .. rve been well ever I .. .:Iold. 1D00t u&oDlebiOK aDd sensational five lDlnutes. ~me prefer II col· UDder gUtl.rantee at F C, wartz 'e Three lll.rge barlt fot ten oeut!L may "tbr1l1er" ill aU bi8&o.". lector mad~ by ~l\Oklng oloth strips drugstore. oOf be obta-Ioed from your 8rooer. Tit ..:
liAZE'l'TE I
LJ N ng H.'jl A J' b: H
"'ALTER Mc LURE ' n r
lI y
'L' le'l 11 ()
ii Ie, ( h i
.. 11,
old ·
SbiFt Ulaists
Our al e are vory large. Our ut and Hang cannot be excelled. Our $5.75 Skirt cannot be eq uall ed.
Silk Suits'..
$18.75 values equal to a.ny $25 .00 suit in the rrUt1'1iet.
Spring Jackets
$B.75 up.
- --
'P etticoats
$1.00 Sateen. $l.§O up Heather 13loo111. $ 5.00 np Si1k.
during 18 t
week. lQ KY( SUITS.
Alb in a ~cSherr y vs , .1llml?fi Stoop for mOlley /tod fur t h e r reli ef. .Plainti ff avers lh at ~lt e ap' pointed th etle f endan,t a s h er agl'n l to s 11 ce rt aiu l' e~1 e:-ltat OIlId II I) wltldl is ord tl r ed s uspend ' Ik I~e lllrl\ be iu ~' m ade by hiul s he . I':s tatp. or ~(\rg W. ' l' ho'll1a ' prays fol' th e a UlOll nt wlll'l, 1IIi1\' flN' CaS P (!. Ad III i lI istr'l\e,1' nli' tt lll] be fouud d UI} wilh iulercst I r i) li l allit.lav it of filial 5C ILI '"1I1 ' lit whi c h January :.O, 190:1. wm, rd ll re ti 8\.t:; pencl eeL ~'rrt n k Brandon 'and Geo. A . Tn th e m'lllte r 01' ,I Ill' wtll ' of Burr vs Luo I' F . WuLZ et aI , pal'- J OIIlI 11. SWIIII.:, de · e a ~~ll. Wtli tltion. Plailltilfs cla im o Il l! WHO; ad lll i tled t, proba te . siX lb lut arll st ill ce rlaiu [0111 ~Estalt! or IJav1d 1,/ iU, It I, '), . eli-· t a t e in lJ a 111 i hOll t il wlls il i p ,'lIl II pray f r partitlun or C1. t h~r t.:ga l leased. Aelinilli ::ltrrllor Ii ;ccl illv~u.tor.v alld apprai om " lIl \\ It lc h a I t c rua l,i I' t:. was onl e rec1 rl!cOl'rled . Ed lHlllHI P . Vall I\Ul'tt!l::; vr; III t b tl malt(-( of tit · ~' lIlIrdi ul1 Hll r a lt DO ll o hlle , fill' IIIUII C\, unh,. Plaillti/l pl'a y~ for illc1l{lIlent u f ~ h i p o f Wi lh u1l1U . .Jack, i ll HtIIl . $215 a ' paYlIlellt fo r j)l'ul css iollal Warre ll C. Ja I, appo llIl ' c1 g1tarc.It an under \)olld 0 1 ,$200 WJl It ser vi ces as a l tOI' 1I 'y. I!:!i zab eth J" c l, s ure l y . Geor~ e I~ill t: s ys W. If. Whit-' III til' lIIat Le l' oJ' Lll e will of acre anrl Wi le, for Ul uu ey u nl \" P lain ti fi cl a lu u! $ I~O du e blUl 011 a , Lewi s HUlllp hroy,s , d ec a ~\I' d . r\ olllruiss io ll w l t ll tu e will (1 11 1,1' xed promisso ry Ilot e . Wil S issu ed' to ij o us to n HOI " ~' to COMMON' l' I.H A!? f'OU WI' . tak' Ih e d e poailion of G eo r!.< l' \ . ~ I il l a l' llli'. Snool< V8 W111. K Bllrr l Ot1e or th c willi SS.' S 10 tht: S n90k e t II I. COllrt ,fi nds It ll ec- will. Il!:lsan' til ord e r sale of r eal es ta t e Bs la t 'of RollllI W. ;,\jlllfpnl; de cribccl in () rO~ij peti t ion of lui 1,1 01'. Application wa s iliad Mo r ri ,. K. S nOok, e~: ec utor unll by IMti e 1',01. Iron amI alO ll' l L , 'orde rs u l'pr ai se nl ellt of sai d ren l lroll . [., hc r el ellse I a s ur e~'y s ln te alld privati' sa le ot. Same. fr01l'l t he 1I0nli of A llll a E. MlI lC hari ~ A pK" r I't! Will . Apga r. fl rd. '!!lIartiiall, and IH·" rill g of aU ~ t: U(!lII g- allll cJab ly adju . ted by sa id, appl i ca li o li was Ii xcd ill, tlt t: p al'Llcs t.h 'r' l • i : IJi s llli ~seC! A pl'i I 30, .l'JO~, withou t r (;ord a t plai llti ff's ·ost. E 'l tat e of Haun ah Obe rlin, d eFrall c is :vi. A ll e n vS 'c nlra l 'ea sed. Execu tol" fil ell fir t ulld U ui od T I.·phone CO UlpaIlY· JurI' HUIII acco unt ,,,ith youch'ln, ful' d islll{l't.>eu a llcl wer di chal'g·e d. dctll e lll e n t which wa s orLl ered
John CI~rk vs C, &
I S b ' . · ~o~II~~ n\: p/i~I,:"):tIf~ ~ I~~:: '~~~~ 1~:'1~\~;' I' U scrlptlons
lI ul'riel l~n~Mcll, d l!II' rallk /'. \Vi):.,oll -to Mi'l'", 'J'. I'i: ll . \{U ':;1,11 , adlU llli ~- Wil"o u, " 11 (' hall' 11I1 .. t·" - ill II trHIQr. orclert'c1 10 se ll cena.J1I 1.--.:," :t4're 'lrarl 1H'tWI'I ' 11 i\ l illIlli prpll~i sijo)' y rn(,)tc ~ al tli (~i r f:t\:p rl\' e r~ , $ 1. vlllu e.lI l1 U to trail h'r 1I1 0r l g'ilg-C' Lo u: ~ n. Crllllt ;111(1 wife ' t o eC llrlllg th em to th }lllrc hll!l r. 13'lrI'dl'a llei ~'l'1 ./11 11 I'c t ••; H ei~el , .ICs late o~ Evan all~ HIIIl I He el , i 15~,IJO acres i ll Hamilton \ ow n1I11It OJ'fi. 1'i rrio aud hllal 'ICPOl.lUt s hip,' Ill ecl willt vo uult e, luI' !'c trl " ' l1t
gHllltl u'r
, Hy . Co. SII Sp ndetl .
l"II ' I\JI;NIN<t ODll l ·:-;.
' I
w llter nlln be Il.vOlUuLl 1J:v II J!, g I{lIIg ' uf tLe LILundry ~Ullp. whioh cOlltllillS I rlilptllU , btn, hr.!! IL 0101.1 n sweot, odor ; t h i'ID, t,oo, King of the Lnuudry !Jells' veryw h el' three large llars for t Il ceu,ts il)steuul'f fl ve cents • trnight M" t.i It l' W W· (JlIji tncr, I II, l\f a~ lik e 1111& 0 1" uU11~hll yollow SOUIl . I ' : i lll, to .\ 1i)l" I':t he l IIrtl , ~3,
, I "~Oll.
For ' Rent
ell s te r Arthur, ll7, ' Ol l'llll bll S, to ' Mi ss Mal'l lHl .' wi sll cl', :H) "
l< i tlg. :\ItIl H. .
l ,tOQd " Bln e UrnSEI" fillMor e fur ' h ica!{o , r ent : Gooll fences omi' l'uDnln~ ' I1I.,lto ~li ss N' lIi e B. G liiss in/o:' r , IVII l er . r'tlI· fllt,t!w r i n flH' llIh t i r)/l i D. '
. lI a rl' Y "
A lI LO U,
r.. ·hflllCllI.
,,\lire Ilt', Nathan .I o'hll \\, S e t II ,s, 5 1,) , 1.\'114'. 1,) I \' iill' ()\t lLl . ;\ll·~ . (;. ' o~ g-i all:l 10011, II •. : S lll'llIglJOl'o.
.I Olll'>'. \\' Iiyu
s- I
Seed Oats fo r Sale
A 'limlt tI 1I1l1011ltt (,f w hite seeo.
loa ts
,COMMISSIONERS '1 PR.OCEEDlNGS' i Il urrOll g·1t c hll' l;!
\dd lll g'
\' .
:'I l a· $
c'· \Vat ~llll, Illy ' IIt\)l"), rt: .: OI'(\ rll r pro · Uoll l. j 'lcl ge
1'0 1'
jail r.e wI ~ H r l)!'l .•
coa l fo r jail
r~e wis Hro ~ ., se we r pi pe IIl1d
d j':q' age
\Ves t rll !::) tar, ha r d oc ke H
I~ohcrt ~ fl n. IUlilb r
f'W : ~111(',
Ri chn·tU BrllWO , R 11' , D. :J.
unn a l' ~i~ n u u, ' ad IIUtl.JiJlI tri\"
Lor \" Ith the will unnfoxeu of the es3 •. 00 tnte of Il vi Ll Ln sl1l'.1,v,uecell ed, will olfar 101' 1,lIl e at pub li' veod u e at l(di5 tbe lil ts \'ssidoDC llt suiu DII vid Lns, b.ley , docensed DflIU' WUYD s yille JO. 33 Wa'lT 0 '<lllll ty: Ohi o. 00 MAY 'I , 19
15. !i·1
prillllll g -10.00 i>rJII gc
'L' h ol ha s H 'lr mOIl, uridge
ario ,jea s GAZETTE OffiCE ..,-a ·. -&h~
- - ,---Adm ini strator's Sale.
1. 30; , - - - -___ _
.)I)h Il SO JI
W, C. '(' u rton, y Uill
We can save you
money. on a11Y magazine or publication of an,y kind. , Conin sult us before send~ ing in your order to any publisher.
th e POl'!';t)lI l1 I prop rty of tlt o n ill Davi<1Ln.tiIIIJ y , 11 ellRlltl, oUl1si sti D2 i n pnrt o f th e (\I'll owio g : 0111 . half of tweD I,.y. f Oil I' cu el'l o f tolm ooo, 011(1 uggy nn l Sc."t of hlll'1lfI8i1, h onse, hold gUIld" , f1 v lllmtlrell Ilo nou:I of fertilizer , l'ifty h t)o k~ of corn , ubont ten' bnshe ls o f {'o m , vllri u S too l ~ autl Dill ny othel' RIll III ILI"t,i les . Saio !llll will 00010) Ilee at one o 'o l'lok in It.he Il.ftero ooll of !lid day. TERM :' Puroitlltle>4 nmounting to $ il or laR . llbllll II p!lid for
re i:Htirs i ll 'J'urtlttc r'c c k E , tatc of . L. Rob rt SOll, d etllwll~hip _8.00 cease'cI . Executo r fil ed ,illV ntnr \, H.'l\1. ' l ark, cOnt r".t I and app rai se ment wlil II \V rc 01'lei r d recorde d. rego nia Brtdge 0. , fir t CS,t l lllU t, · 'On '0 11.1£ ·tate af Albert Dill, de .:ell eel. t ract 7 Adm llli s t rato r filed fil'~ t IlCCOll ll t 3000.00 wi~h vouchers fllr se ltlt!lI1 enl S tul ,of ' 01110 I' %illlri which was orde red s u p e ud e1. lubb",. co Is _ ';1,30 ooal!. F IJI" j.Jtll" hlll:!6K IIbove t,lu.I, !l!um II orfcit t e',f tlnee m ont,lts wil l . l illJ rrl iI'. 11I'0k VS Will. E , I~s tllt e of 'l' h odore 1. .ic' SlaLe or Ido v,' Karl 11. '·to iviul7 ' Snouk ,' 1 ,Lt . 'l'1J ~ R·a IIt uy lit x- C alldle . ~, lIt: 'ea 'ed, H owa rd E ~\V ec u e s , c ; IS e).s be g i v D, l1llr hilS L' co tb eiT . I . E . d ' , p romiswry notes wit,li ' Ilppr oved C ' 1llo r 01 l hl' rc a e~ lal ' III .qnIJ ' ' a n 'l .hart appOIlllec1 a m llli. tra " ~ lI tl'al lI i6n'l'el e pllllll tl o n to I" re lllunt L ' lIllUin g' lor 10 1' lInd e r !,Jo nll 0 1 $51)00 Wltlt the Co " r\;\ nl ' "Ilfl toll" 1(,. 0: sureti elj . A 111 - lno iI;~:H50 WIlS rt!p,' r tu d a nd Ilpprovctl . lilted '1llLes Fi d elitv alit! ... uar. ' . , pr 'J, U T 'h t! l.'lIl1rt ur<l "ed exec uto l' nnt (II ,a nt v' 0 (If B idtll11l1l'l', Mel . a :;, Plan a ull s pec l h c oll OIl lo.r " IOSO/Lr .1 . li:dwHrd~, AumioistflLtor t h l1 pro ' \! <I s lo pay ~ h Laxe , slI retr I\l1d J oh n g. L~ l)bi n s II, w. \",tlln.e a,lJuIIII li t I r r b rtd ge 011 with th will lIon . xed l)f th ast ute $ 1.9_, h costs (If till o; \li t 111101 H . Suij{trilld a llel g. I). ({II ' II Socla lvti,1 p l k ~ app roved an~l of Duvl d Lu blt ,",rI f\lla~ d. -o nt l" ~ 'll ~e~~o Bert L?" l;!d at estl ". 'J'. I:'I llW)(I". A'l1 10 adlU illisl r lite bulall ce accord · ".e re a l' pe1 illt II ilPl) l'il i~' rs . ill g lo · t lte provi sIO n s of lilt, win j':s l a le or H an na h 1\.. lirowll, l n, a~~. " , 11~ Hurt. oll k, ( 'Ie rk !'ilOIlA'rr.: W1'. d t!cea,.;ed. Adllliuist,r ato r fil ~ c1 1 CO ll Lrac t~ 10 . 1[. BI1t:III~ IHIII ~ 1 '.~,· l flt· (,I' Avur i ll'· l ~bl'''' ll l d e· fir t allcl tinal aCIOlIll L With vo u·1t fo r IrOIl I .hIo ll e l·s.'I'''' a~ld. 1111 .. -; . .I "0 11• _ _ _, 'f' ~ q' r. fo r se ttl ement , \"Ili ch wa S or. t ru e l va IC Utili · • ..,e pl cmbd. 'j ceas ed. 0 11 mt)till n 0 1 A nn a ti I Hratl sln: I, ex 'utl'ix, ,.~ . :::; . d er Ii ' us p 'tid ' d. at pnctls Ix e( III contract. Uailey Iil c"l h is boud i n lli e ' lllll ill (,.lIe of A nn a M . . II. \OVar.J O ItIl K e·l le r wa ''t'pllin t d a of $l2,OOO. wiCk, ' decea sed , A!l1l1ini M(ral /' III IJ IUlier "I' tlt e ~ol d ic rs' burial Ullt wi'lh CO lli III i I Ie of Hall1ilLClII towlIship I'J >l tllte of ' l'r ulJ1n\l H ol mes, cl e- filed tlf~h lind li ll al vOllc !t ers 'for se tl'l lII e nt whi h [ 0 ijll v a ' a n y by dea[h o f W . II. ctla~I;!r1. Admi ll ;" lra lor filed . I ,I 1 1 lI;lll c)' . t!Ig-hth ~l'c(tu nt wi th VO\l c lt l! rs ro r \Va s ore er ou !Ill _ l.l el1 C 'e : • . " . Stop Reading Your Neigh~et ll e lll' lI l whi ·1t Wil ~ or ll er II E ' tate ot .lall e B. 8v ;l.II~ , dcI ellL\ OII l o iJullcl t.1'lt1 g> Il('ross susp end ed. · ea~erl. Geor!! B, I~v a n s ap. Ca es Hr :> creek , ubllve Uarv ol'sb llrg ~or's palPer. Subscribe for · I " I"'1l1 I w;,ts 1','e,.,luh:d, silJlI 'ci uy I I E ' t flte (I f lo>avI,1 I as hl '" cI·- p rlll1l.'" a( 11I " IISlrlltor Illlf,' ' I'. D. th G tt I l ,r'.'w k"r" '''1' :\i l tJ()O witl' Mort llll II . EVH II '; ( ' I,!g"' ll alld ,15 Q~, 1t r :>. e az.~ e. $1 a year. Ceased. G eor!! ' W. Kuart li aLi :l tlcd lir ~t all .! tillu l a ll lI lI d Alllla I':. l ool'u , a , sur ClI':S ' I'l a ll l' IIIr ;1I1t~i li o llal pililll{ aL ClHl llt wi'lll ' UIl C II I 'l':- fur Sl:: tl "" ;llI d ll.::;. ( 'o ll uycr. R. H. I' ark ~ 1 ;-',I alliel's ;l111 1.ut'l dl!, w rc a pprov111 ilL wlii II wa - o;'c1cre \1 lill " " li d 11. W. , l eel, ,' !' W ' r ' Iq) PO i ll t 'd tel hlld rda cd pos ted fur bid s, l!e ll rl l:!el. ilPP!' ''I ~ ''I'!i . .' ''IlI ' 10 Ul;! kl ~ i ay 4, L9 I ' , E:-. t a~ll .. I', W . Ii-. I:llltll': . el l' tC'ie:-g s tlli c of Ol h ,) J1vII II ', decellsetl . ed. j<:.l:cI/ I(l r Ii i d 111 1' n to r y 11IId Ueorge B. 1'; \' ;111 1>. appo illt 'eI , ad --''---''-'' ail pl'ill sel ll l:ll t 'Vitl l Ii W re l'ecol'tI- milli Slr a lo r ullll e r bo ud of $10 with Mortoll U.' 11:l'lI l1 S a lld AlInll tll ll ty tlf '1' l'Illlula eel. E. [oon';r~ lIre ll ' lI11el II. S. , . :1 I';slil l 01' 11 " 111'\' )j o ll k , de·cas· C P 1" 1" I . I II W " i" OilllSfld hy I" ll ul lo ll !If tl lfl Ilv I' ' 11. !juralt K Ilu III,. lit . ,wielow, (\ 1I0ve r, .. . :l . ~ r aur : ' iunu bu wol:; 'rll /!l,t rill {I f It I\uti e J • fil ud U s l a t '· 111 1!1I1· tltat tl he will i\I c"k.t'r we!,,, a ppO lll Lcd a pprlll '; ' r R. . hendllchu .\llll billltlll ~I II>"l' n llll ~b v In ' AI, '''S'I' NI~E 'WANSPI\RI'. Pllil'o ll Ill ut bl'iJI g~ jllu illi oe , tnk I I I t II tak a tIl! jlerSona prop ' r \' II ,... } Dr, KIn g's Ne w Life P Ili". til e r e li . Ever,9 (h iug 1~ 1l Wll in ~l\lsi tjllL.Vafullt\Oll :Ju t !' or llt ill tI! ap Sa lUlI e l, r\ . E ll is ;;utl ' wif ' t o ,1],le Pll1:ifI~:s tbu& d o tlH wOl'k with W . Cli ff. Sult,(lU , ~r op'~ . prtlisellle lll. ." 'C barl l:ls E '. E l l i ' , 24 ac,r es in Ma s. , O,l~t gl'I ~lhn ~ u~· , ~l'.l pin g , 25~ at Estll l e of l,~t!bccc lI EI,li s, d e- s ie t ow II ship . $ 22 71.4 5. I B l etl O S h\\lIft:-. ti dll1g 8to r e. G l'~ ceased. l. '1'.'l~1I1'i uppointcd adSar,l h F, Harri s til LOld se It'olk I miuistrato r lIn d er b oud 'of $2,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With ' ,), 1!•. Jann ey nnd Ch arl es Pa rd ee, lot No . 63, L· rank lltl, -= ~uy 11. 'IWls tiS Bureti c lind A. B. C hullcJ- $2250. Je r, Oweh J. BlI ru e tt and S." L, William Apg'ur alit! wife Cal'twrll{hl wer" 'ilppo int ed ap- C l.tas . Apgar, tr act in e'. 4, IC S. , $\00. praltlers . ' rostate of Mahala W"rd, ~ e , L.Cluisa G. Bur ne ll to 11. ESTABlJSHED The Black Perch eon Stallion s~e one ~ cea sed . Willt'lllll H. , D earLb. ex - Harv ll.Y Itl1d wH e, 16 }<f a; rl' ~ , fl. RENIER, vhll make the sea' ec ntlr, :Iil ecl IIdd i li on al l'onel of -oah Chap1l1 a ll liS '· x,!cutOI" son as usual 'at Way)) ville. , ,$GOQO. ' 01 Aaro n Wrigh .t 10 Edwaru A . , At $10. Estate of 'W.i lll <l m B. " De bolfl, J{rs lill g , 13t Il c res ill C lea rcl'tw k DARK NlGRT, th e Black . I d ece a sed. VII'sL and ' f.i nal ni-- tow lIslt.i p, $2100. Span is h .Tack, will be at t he , count a pprovt!d a lld Oil II rni'cd , Pa ul Iloag'la li d to Martin FI~ ll, arne s tabl e a last year, at and cou,rt li nd ~ t:s.ta l c fully, <1d- lJ Il eres in I.' ra nklin towus hi " " $LO. mini ste r ,t!. ' $1000 , , You wi ll al so find Ji" late of 'l' homas H. Sl lI il It, J os hu a Fo'" t~~ r alld J t! llui~ Fo~ Clay Burns Leading !l;rlcnltural Journal of the 'f/orIII. IIll beCile. Fi'l's l aecount 0 1: guar- 'I e I" tu GeorJ(t! '~. ' PU rl{eC ll, 32 at t he same ' (Itall a p p rov d a ut,l ·Ullfjrllle d. .Every d eplilrtmcnt written by specinli8ts, lb~ "cr '" in CI.e<l l'c l' ec l<, t o wnsh ip , 1 stable. A 'fin e Road Stallion. highest "utbo rlLI~8 In 'tbe.l r re~pectlv" lIues. ' . , , . , ' Estate (If M. , M. ' ulp :' as~ i gllor. ~WO . No 'otben, apcrprctcnd.~ to CO OlptU'O with It Jay I.hll'n3 lVas sired by Ohio's . Fust /l ll l!, filial aC\cC)unt approvl' d In qutUJllcations ot 'e dltorlJlI ~l"tJ. J. H , C. J on S li nd wif e lo Jall e gr atest speed 'hol'se, Bobby Gives tbo agrlcuJtuial NEWS wltb & d.gree alld COUrL lind s , ".~ 'o Ulll fUlly ad- Ba ldwlll , 45.8 1' a c res 'iti Sn lelll of ll\)/Dplel.clBe&I not even ottempi.ed bl olbern. Burnl:l, 2:19 1-4, t he ire of Ulini sle r ed. tDwtl s lup, 'L.,SO, ' Glenwood 2:07 1-4,Bel'nie , j N Dlspn~SAU"'1.J TO ''Estate of 'Hell ry l!Jrtic, deCell::l\.\,. C; '1~ i c h e lJor te LOll Pa uglt , 2:07 1-4, 'G . W,. ,D. 2:08 1-4, ' A LL COUNTRY RESIDENTS ed. Firs t and fina 1 aCCOlill I a p- 3 a' res I \I Clell,rcre~ k t o w li Ship , Lydite 2:Q9, Jim Kennedy 2:09 wllowisH TO peov ed and estate fQulld to be $1. KBEp llP Wlrrll TBE TI"ES. y. , Fred.R. 2:09X', Annie Bums full y admini s tlH'ecl. L. D: Shll uk 1\11<1 wi if to Gell e2: 10Y. ,Maggie Briggs 2;UYa , "Ia,l. SlIb80rlptloD, fl.60. E~tllte of J ohn D. [t'41 X , dece as- vle ve ~. Ma.llt1ox, 2), ]UO il(; ' tlS, " T"o SDbterlption., '!, ~O I and sev n ty others in the, list. ' . ed. ll'h'st accou,lIt approved, al · 5\ l2, Oo.O. ' . the 8abl4lrJpllou, 1ll.60. , To see LAY BURNS is to lo.w e d and con fi rllle,cr. .PECI,U1. INDt!CE1U.QTS to a.usRttaK. lIenderso llto I<Jditlt M. admh'e him . Competent judges , DRS OP LARGER (lL1J88.' • Jl;stllt<:: of KlitheJ'ine , Moullt . Harris ut al,lot'ln .co r W'I,n , $50. have pronounced ,him to be , Kiblley deceased. ' li'il'staccounl: , Fou"'lJ.f~In~11:8' ~n·lal7'rfl.';;0 (:etJts. .' one of the very best ,individual 1£lla T. S~a,lIley, to Frede,rick B. approv ' d, at.luw,ed .~tlc1 t:o~lhnl1 e((. ,SP.ECIMEN COPIES of the get of his no ~ ed sire. ' Douglass, 18,Z>l9 acres In 'furtltl· tree 00 requ8llt. It will JUly aD1' Estate ,or Catl~e rlfle Moullts creek ' te,l WIl ::l hIPI 11114,000. Come · and sea him before Int4oril.tted 111 /Uly way 111 COUDtr'J ur.. '" Kibbe~, trusteesblp. li'irPi t ana Ad~ the, publlahen: i'oing . . Bert Q.llllum and J u cv CullLlDl J , final accou.n~ of trustees appro ved TUCKER " ' 80W, ' . . aDd esta't e round tLl be tull ~, ad- tn Cllrl H. Haag, tract ill HaIIlIJMarshall, A~, N.Y· i ""lise d l s l ui~secl wit hont r ecll rd al pltulIlil)"s cos t. ~ l lH r hi px rc l A ll na 'l're u>lry vs Johll SL' LL I '!i. I t b ei uU' t> lI10d to 1I)JJl'ur tli'"t 1J1 :,d ll l iff n llt.! d efc udant hll ve I1lfHr i e I" 1.11 on Uloll o ll 1 the tOrtll r, th,it:! 'aLIse i cli. 1l1.l stld. .
- ---
en 8 tl'eet, . Xenia, OJlio,
Notice to F,al'mel"s
The ONL"!:!~C¥~!~! T~~WS~aper, I
, to I'e
AMPLE BOARD In your dealer's store, and jf you ) ou've struck the right piece to purchase
,Hanna's Green Seal liquid Paint· There is nothing better .
on the market. r.r he man ufactn'r ers of ·
t h os~ ' goods have had 20 years of ex~,.· 'perience as such, and theit~ , patrons 20 , 'year's of satisfaction. Our g\)od~ are heavy bodied ,a!id of such consistency ,as to require thinning with Linseed Oil and are ther,e fore more economical
than light bodied paints.
ton townsh,ip,
...- -....-iIIIIII
'Fot Sale by
1,._-------------. P 1F
Tile hi General1)emand as ODS
Incldt\n l\ nr so IInnd\\llf; h~ !'ldp9, fact. pedltlon tlom that post. He Will! or· e d arlld to the front soon lifter. and r be. stilted In cold print If( It tho con\·loc· fl.eve, un !)"r th . wlltchruJ aye or hJ tI Ing pow r that a ccompanlos the Indl· lIuvarlor oftlcer. who Willi on old ''{('st of. tho Well-Informed o[ the World has \'[dual PI' scntatiou. PolI)tt'I·. h "dld some credltllbie flgbt· I bad charge of 40 French nnadlan , alwnY8 bm'n [or a simple, pleasant and SUIT. BOYS' RUSSIAN In~ ulIlll h was mus tered out. expert fi h l'1n'n whom 1 had tnk n to effioicut ~ iqllid laxati ve romedy of known "1'hp 05tor~' of til bushwhackeri" th e mo uth of al;ln aw rl\'er. but a val ue; 110 I !(ALive which phY6iciana could raW a ll ~Inj o r Joseph's nOodl e so.up shor t dlstance from 'Saglnaw bny. Ere gut tll ' t he h adqllarters of maoy omIInnction [or (nmity uso becnuso its com. lho Ice mo\" ' d out 1 h d occasion, Illltndi ng 011\ ors. but I dO' nu t thlnl It ponont parts oro known' W them to be many tim • . to cross aud I' cross the cver bUll g n ml clrculotlOn." I'll' r on my lri lls to and from Bay wholesomo nnd truly bonQRoial in effect, CllY. RAID qN THE NOODLE SOUP. PRISON LIFE. acceptable to the Sy6tcIU and gentle, y~ Denlin, willa Penonll ria, nel· On t hi s ~I l e c l\ll occasi on I was " 110' promp t, in nction. • islD, Telepllhy, Ps,cholo,y, pr ssed" lhllt there was unusual dan· Showing That the Civil W,a r Was Not f.ett er. Wri tt en In 1864 by Capt. Porter Suggestioa. HypootislD, In supplying that demllDll with its exgo r aud my· many llravlous exper iences All .Grlm, but Had .lts Comedy. to JIo1aj. George Vanderbilt Appea rs. Ind Spiritualism. ! ecllent combination of Syrup of Figs and had taug ht lll O the wisdom of he.ed lng lb warning anti malclng the U c ssnry By Elildr of Sen no, tho Cnlifomia Fig yrup Somo of th III llionls In, :I -.var piny 1,i1cl' n 1'01 e out of tb o I)Ost, n ·' at· p!'olla ration. In con SNlllence of this I n ow Pllllnhl " In Ke w York slI gg sto:l t r writt n In 1 64 ' by a lInl on 1)1'19' EDWARD B. W!.RMAN,A.M. Co. proceeds along cth icill lin S and ~c1ieB nrocll red a lo ng, stout rOI)e: fastened 10 1\ civil ian of til Il rpsent ~e u er(l tiuu I ()IIer III C'harit' ston. S. .. Illls ' 0 01 ttl Emincot P.y"holopt ...... on th mllrits of the laXlltive for its remark· un nd of it s 'c ur Iy round my body. that II\(' Illny wrl1,:ht. of to·da y talcEtS a lI !!'hl. IVlliI'h 1111I!! grnphl cnliy of tlte HYlfieoul. a\Jlll Stl ce. ~. and th e olher nd a1'oun(l the body of who l lot of llcohs. A v t ' rll n wi t h ' l\rr ~ I ' III ;; ~ or lhe 111011 conflued In the That is one of mnoy rC!lMns why qno of th e t1 ft he rm n who was to ac· on em pty s lo'I' took lssu with him . I!ollft'dc c'at ' 1,,'lson th e r. It WII!! com Illll!y m e. "Tit I' Incld Il ts you mention," ha found alllong th ,It ets of the 11\1 Syrup of Fi gs and Elixir of Senna is given 'Ye wall,ell qu ite a dIs tance apart, snhl to ! he yOlln!; mall'. "l1lllY n ot hU\'e Maj . n oo rge Vancl !:'l'hll.!. U. S. A ., who the pn·ferellco by the Weli·[nforrncd. SPIRITISM . . enoll h liO as to l(Cep the long ~ O I1G nl· II C nrren ns her pres Ilt ~ d : bu lhe· dh' cI In \\' Il ~ hlnglon laSl Angust. lII aJ. To get its benefici!ll eITecls always \Juy The P'h Y5ioal P.' enoin ena. mos t lllUt. W e al so walked on a Hno stl'\lgr;l c h ud Its Llllle d~' I>itll utio ns. It "ande l'hlll" son . G orp;e Vande rh llt, the g nuinO- lllatluhcturctl by tho Cali.\11 t be llhy".cal 1l11 enOlUcna of spi ro with each oth or, not ono ill ad\'ance or was Itnt ;111 ~ \' ill1 , and it WII S a good of this ' il y . ulJclph I' .cl the docllment., fornin Fig yrup 0., ollly, and fur sale he olhe r. Fo Ilug a secu rity 10 tho t \\'h l h I ~ wrlU l'1I 011 :1. SCrnl) of pal)Or thill/t I wtlS U'[ t .sm ca ll li e accoun tell [0 1' on the compnrath'o flrmn e ss of lhc Ice. I \.le· "There WUS II' t Il\II (' h tl m In t b In !t !)l.' llel\ d hand fl O RI1\11I\ Lh at It by ulllill1di ng druggists. l' rice fifty conta -;1"1)111\11 th at',lI ylng lIlo n posseB5es, ·In· per bottle. i1el'l~;' t1 y , t1l pow I' to produce thom.. :lmo n trille cnreless and, lnstead of closing days of the wa r tor f ar 'I ea l Ill · requireS II mug lll fyl oL( g l!~$'" to l'C~al1 It . The ll'U c i' was wrlttr D by apt. nUl" Th IlCl \\' ~ r resides with in the mcdl um looliln g straight uhend, I was looklug clll illS, !Jilt while the nms CI'R of t II and Is , III 110 wny, connect.ed wltb 01' II', oUI I' dire ctions at thc s now·covel ed gn' at \I'oll ble w (J l' e fOI'\11 l1laOIl /: pla lls to n B. 1'000 tcr of G co mpan y, T e nt h THE PART HE PREF.E RRED. F uls taO";; wE're pi nUfll l III r!"mote ~ <1 \1' YOI'll (·a l·all·y. HI1\. PortoI' In i nflueoce.1 lo y an outside agency. It Is In:n c\scapc. p ilices. Dna ot these whom' kn", w th o Ilrly 6tn .e of t h e war WIIS first How oft ' n III life we fe el most eo· po\vcr b c l o ll ~ lug exclus lv Iy to tho Subtle Meaning in Po et's CrltlolGnl of ubkeU VEl m ind nnd bas b.een we ll cure when we nrc n enr st danger dnd h ad got up to th title of majb r . He .lienl NU\lIt of b .com pll ny and a los Decollete C06tume, WII. n 0 rmn.n. f)'l ~ nd or Ma j. Vaudcrbllt. at lhal In that sense or security fal l to II ar nllm d by Prof. Cowes, who ovldently "Hls battalion consisted o r th e rnw· li mp th o commandoI' of COllll1nny L . lho w a rn ing voice ! lIowe ver, In this r,olu el the ' word- " telikln es ls"-from Jonquln MlIlir, the poet or. th e Sler· T he Iller ho wrole to alit. VlI llIl erth combination. of "tele pnUJy" and case, 1 h ad previously h eard. I1ebned est lol of I' c rults that . ve l' hudcl led ra!!, Is something of a recluse nud and heeded, and well It wns that J h ad und r one command. 'r ile nggrega· bUt from the prison follow s: .... in eHc." , rare ly comes Into San Francisco, but hnrleston. S . C" S Ill. 2 , ] 6·1. Pa ris Pattorn No. 2296, • II Seams " The only thing lIlat can be said of done so. At tb!lt veri mome nt-an un· when ,he dOllS h e Is modo a gOild deal Fri e nd VanYotll's of th 31s t of Allow d ...... For t he small bOY '1l jaunts this pOIVt;l r wllh certainty," says Dr. guarded moment-l felt myself Uned of a !Ion . On hi s Inst visit he was- little s uIt comprising ' knl ' k rbo ckeril Au gust Callie to hll nd a day or tw iHudson, " Is that jt exists: that It Is bodily (an Indeserlbnble fe eling) Ilud one of the gu ests at a rnlher formal Sine altd Is th e oub' olle 1 have reRIHI a loog box·pralt d blouso Is v · ry In less time than I can write It i was, :nol 110 power of Ule objective mind: colve d since 'I have been In th con· nttrilcUvo. It deve lops well In wblto dhme r at a friend's house whero he tllat It Is a. power of the human soul, by this unseen power. borne across an st ayed ove rnight. His bl' ltese b a4 fedemcy. You cnn bardly oncelve s'rl;. e hamb l'ay , dnek or any ot tit Ild that It is valuallie In lhls lite only Iceless area (where tbe water 'was Imown the poet s Ince her chll\1hood, h ow glad I was lo heal' trom YOll. Of wash I1)l\l\l1'lall:l. A box-plait exlends deeJl~l) , a (listance at ma~y feot In as an evidence that there Is II. kinetic ·apt. Page I Im ow nolhlng, and 1 thInk from tho s houlder to lower edge at so she felt prlvlliged , n ext mornJng. to J(or\lO resld nt In tb e 80UI. There is no wid th-so wide, 1 could ueillicr have h e lllust be dead or In the hospltul. el\ch side of t he front and the closln\:: dlscours to him of tho beanl/es ot -valid evldeQ.ce whatever that . dl sem- stepped nor jumped It. T e ll J 1m Rt:'~'riold$ r am hapllY to Is mlld'e unde'r the box' vlalt at the leit the Parisian gown she had worn the IKldled sl.llrfts either do or clLn produce . It I was surprised what abont my learn of his I)romolloll. Our boys are side. A turn·over collar or a neck· nIght be fore-beauti es wblch seemed companion ? As soon as he felt the the )lbenomena of tell kinesis." a ll we ll exce jlt Blis s, who is In the band for adjustoble collars mDy be to have eSCApell hIs observation. It Is tbat power whlcb, in splrltlstlc rope b ecoming more taut be looked In Mr. Miller listened to all that a}le hos pital. bllt gc Ui ng b eHe r. 1 sella lIsed to finish the neck. The stylish elrelos, produces I'a,])s upon 0001', walls my dlrecUon and saw me moving hod to ay and r emained silent. til Is via IInderground In a gumboat· sleeves are gathered at the top and and f!1rnlture; l!lvltates the medium, throug\l the air without any offort· on "But dIdn 't you r eally Uke the lIlan's boat. box·plal ted to cnlt dell lh at the 'tiltll tables and sometimes oauses the my part. There was no break In the dress?" p leaded the lady. God 'only knows wh en [ will get The kni ckerbockers are drown ' ill m at ol'dEl rly and dJgnllled parlor ice ·at. his end of the line. He moved "Well," rel)lIed the Iloet, "I dlJ like away from her~ . Wo ure half staned . about the knee by IUBl lc. or It pre· £U rn!ture to " cut fant!lsUc tricks boo nautlously toward me. . Had h e not Those wllo have no money (and' am fer red, th y may boo gathe red aud lin· part of It woll enough." . been tied, being very Euperstltlous, he fore biJ;h heaven." one of th numbe r) are almost always Ished with bands, Closing t,he bands Th e lady brightened. Bllt of what use Is all this 1 Is It would have moved veJ'Y rapidly In tbo hungry: Our rations have becn cut t with sme ll buckles. Tbe lInttero Is In ::lnd eCd ?, she SJlld. "~lat pal t?·/ 011 trleltery? I am .fran It to can opposite dlre·cUon. He could ,not Un· down. at Inte. The "Rebs" are geUlnp; lour Sh.;;3-tWO t o li ve years. For 1\ The part you bad on, . answered . ~t It may be legltJmately done and derstand It: neither could I; cnn you? boy of threo years tb\l Bult reqlliros the poet : and that ended the dIscusvery despondent. and some of tb ~ serve 0. purpose, but I flllly agl'ee At that time, I could orril'e at but clllzens teil us that th peol1le b ere 3% yards of material 27 illch es wide, slon.-Upp!n('l)tt'S. . . wUh Dr. Hudson and others that the one conclus ion-It was spirits, the dis' never so low In splrl's (t~ lit 2% yards :t6 Inches wide, or 1~ yard . SKINTROUBLES CURED. were voW'er Is Inherent. embodied SPirits oC d eparted friends; preseut. Old men and lilLie hore are 54 Inches wI de. It Is a noticeable 'fact that mediums yet I had my doubts. They Devoured Every Morsel. guard ing us. W e are und I' Foste r's To pro ure thl!! patl ern s&lId t~ cent!! to F irst Had Itohlno Rash-Threatened are · seldom developed l!l moro than At tbls time. I can nrrlvc at but one fl I ht dId I h ··Pattern }~'tl tor. " oUlce or thl D p"'per. 0Ge method or means of communlca· conclu sion- It was a spirit, my own tion was mOll1lted. It w\ls nss lgoed t o .. r n g Later With Blood·Pollon In Lcgan . ( ay. an once n Il..,Ollt 'Writ ... nam Il.nd ruJ(lr\'8~ plnlnly anll be .lolL '{,hose that glYe verbal messages, cmbodied spirit using ' the kinetic' en· a t'o~t in close proximity to a settle. .0 minutes a s h 11 comes BCl'eeoqlng aure to gin, IIlz and num\)"r of pitH rn. Relied on Cutloura Remed ies. wbethcr In the tJ'lUlc.e or seml·trance ergy resld nt within my seU; 0 '[ this, 1 !!le nt of bushwhackers. lover us. Some pieces . have stl'uck state. rarely resort to the physical have n o doubts. "About twelve or lIfteen yearJl ago "The se were pot the hushwhacke rs the buildlng a nd ' In U) ynrd. No. 2296. meaDS o f commun lcut'ton. . had a brealtlr.g·out. and It Itched, of later daYij. 'I'be y we re for th Illost Fin)' case s of yell~\~ feve r In th e Ullon tills occasion, as UIlOIi all OC· SIZE .• .. ••.•• ••••• •••••••••••••• ••• •••• ••••••• . ;Surely a I)OWer that cnn levitate pon· and stung so badly tb;Lt 1 could nQt caslons of a slmilal' nMure, an ejacula· part )'oung lUen who were banded to. "lty t hi s mornin g. No cases among :derable ob] ct.s can. eaus~ tile raps that tory' prayer of tbankflliness escaped getber awaiting an OppOrtunity at g t. the prisoners Lhat I ltnow of. Two h ave any peace beeauso of It. Three NAME . .................. ................. .. . ne dlstlnctit hoard and can move tile my li ps to the Oreat Sp irit. the Source tlng to the front. Pendlng that Bol. t housand office1'S and 10,000 enli stcd d octors did not help me. Tbon ' l u~ed ADDllESS . .......... . . ..................... . PI!!2Idl In he ~utomollc sla~e writing. of All Good; for I was assure d that dlerlng wi t h th em was n frolic . some Cutlctlrll Soap, Cuticura O.t· l)'Ie ll II rc co nflue d he r e. 1'I1e enlisted :vbca circled around a table It Is lhe wbatever the power or whence Lt camo men , nnd Cuticltl'a Resolvent and "The big Oe man major took hla . m n \Ire dying fast. They al' only costom for ono person to net as s)l<Jlte·s· It was .H Is power. It wiU t hus be seen part with all the serlollsn 5S of a dl. \la lf fed. with no sll ltcI'. 1\1y God. bega~ to get beltel' right away. The y LADIES' JUMPER. rman.; thQ established codo of !llgnals j,hut this ':kln etic ene1'll:Y." Is the pow· vls loL1 commande r on tho eve ot ba t. 'an, to bo In one contlnulIl ,Ilght day c~r d me .a nd I h a\'e not been bothered If. agrced lipan. Tbe Questions al'e "' Ith the itchlug slnco, to amollnt to er tlHlt controls the physical forces of tIe. Once n w e k. somet'lmes ofte n r. and night ,I S, h l\ v en to i bis miserable and It tbe answel's come from anything. About t wo . yenrll ago I prison \lfe . nntur ,tbe powe r of moving and belns the major s en t hurr1 oro aI's for the 1" O rll»lI heard npon the tnblo or elsewhere liIid la grIppe ' and pneum onia w)lleh moved; " the po wer tbat enabled Jesus eTllltB to ration up f6r (\\ two days ' I I want.IY1·0.~ to'?R mb'~ 1\ favor ~y bllY' the power' that prod uce!) th cm Is the 'Ie[t me with a pain In my s ide. Trettt· . , money ~ou ca n and Poter to woll, u pon· the water," SCOllt anel then took them ou t solemn. nl;l: up u cuO klll.etlc force or w111ch I have spoken; aud s nd It to me, "hl ~h will n~ 1 asi )y Iota th o country. m on t ran It In to my leg. which tben says Dr. H udson. t be In te li ~g e nce , r, snch, coming from "As afton a s, (he j!olu mo welt alit Ilrev nt lI)e from stnrvlng. My heal th swell ed and began to b ceak out. The During tbe el ... l1 war, whlie en· t.ho same Gc ul'ce-the subjective mind doctol' \\'as afraiil It would turn to on sco ut'dld not return , a da" or two III any thing but good, bllt J hope to camped at Savannah, Oa., I was pa ss· .contaln ln<; the Intormatlon. . 10t.0I'. IIstlall y spluahed wiUI 'the mml li ve It tb~ough. Te ll P ratt, .lim Rey· blood-polson. I used h is m edicine n the auswel's are I·e·celved by lhe Ing from a cabin to my tent. There of tbe country roaels, the' hoI'S S 100' nold s and any of the boys. to wrIte, b\lt It did no good. then 1 used the \vas no occasIon for me to halt-:ncl oc· (tJ)tl~ of th e table, It Is ' not Idnetlc Cutlcura Remedi es. t hree times &1111 b I"WIolinI dOtd. th,tc. I t l f Ing jaded and IIncllrrl.ed. If th ov WI'II?hl .~Cnii1 e< caslon th at I Gould see: but all at once 11~ bu~ an unconscIous musclliar cured the br'laJ<lng-out On my les. J. F • ever b l'ought back a prlsCiller HlIlt fact e e s 00 co . 0 ec on 0 • etlon of · tho on e whoso subjective someone baclt of me (as I supposed) wa" kept concealed by UI major. ~l n~ for preSld~n,t . wlt.h gr at al)xl ety. Hennen. MUan, MO"IMay 13, 1907," placed 0. powerful hand on each shoul· lt u l.JUl holds tho Information; oJl o.t hern "On one of thase s couts lh o colu mn FOI th cou ntly s sake I' ·elect Abe .:!'tUla· g to t he stronge r movem ent. rler a nd t hus pre ve uted my taking on· b nd Iln exp erJence that was not down . Ih'lr.c~.IRa, la:.!1 lit' ~'1II be .tjustTtlhle thllng Ilentlc Pcr3ua3lo n. othe r step. My feet seeme'd r iveted to l • .( ND ~ n t:ell1gent answer Is ever given A YOllIJg chap trol:\l th e so utb. J hO lho major's tactics. The bush. t .e e J.s Ion t. wa n . e r ast lil the sllot, but I turned 11IY hea d and I Irules3 ~lIe knowle dge or In formation recently took up' his r eslden e in Bo~· a l mles nI e III tb e fI Id. Clean t hem was g reatly. s urprised to behold no one Whl~ekel's . who alwo~'s kn ew of th ~ \I';) su1.' jectl ve mind of I t . . out nnd lhe r hell!on Is play d out. comlu'" ' or the col ton wlLh the (lurpoae ufo PIlI'sulllg cer· behind me. Ho.d 1 taken one more scnt e reu, Moray. ,Iohll son. G tman and All are . ., ullln I\nl )II' :Ie l -nl UlOugh th ey may h\lve no taln tecbn lcoJ studl s at th Hub, en· e(llloln!led to give him a SUrprise. . A)b)odll'o knowledge of the s am.) . p " ~P the rcs'ult, undoubLolll y, would "'nbe eo lUlll1I had haltE!d nt t he nntl In this IIInee. Th ey dl (l not osoalle. gaged board and lodgln ~s at jO n. solect ~ )lfy r esl ee ls all. h\.nlomatle slate wrlUng may be gen· hllve proved fatal; jllst as I was halted of Its fh'st day's ride and was blvou· est;n.bllshlllolll'· In C(llu mbll!l avqnue. Wh en you talte a dl'ln lc Ullnk of 'Ulne. It Is possible to receive mos· Il bll~l e t g l'azed my chest. It was not long afte r hIs Install· acklng In II corn fi'eld . The camp fires A nogro (110 fO I'm er slave who bad me. R member me fo all. and .God IIllgCS In tbat lll\lnUer and ha ve the os : ment tber In that the . Boulhol'uer bad been Iighl d and th e all' WRB gra nt tim! you and I may meel as(l.ln \l\Urllnt: that every possible chanco or jOinod us on t he "March to the Sea," fonnd himself obllg d to COnllllluU Lo I'tldoient with t he odor of' noodle soup. fl'nucl 1J a.f;l been eliminate d. [lul 1 IlOW se r ving as ccolc for our "mess") The bngles had sounded fcir th e sen'· some day. George . are yo n g oing out tbc landlady with roferenc to the ' was stanellng GOllle distance away of the SOl' vice \Vb 0 you r time Is lin ? m Ull r epoat over arid over a gain that noisy doings of some of h,ls tellow· or mUons . ~ ~ ven the pickets had log Has Scekler . be n baclt to th'e regl. oe m essages a re not [rom the d ea ~ . wllO n he was atti3:cted by the peculiar come luto cam II for , ~r\\'b . ' lodge rs . ment yct? ' Yon to l.d me . Ias t spring 'S ou may even recel ve n. m essa ge (or noise of tbc bullet Il nel the flying at II. "Tlte people In thc room neJtt til " Without warning th e bus hw hack· ab out him. nead lhil! lette l' to all my chip In the air. He said : "Who froo fnfonuat!on)-. the wl'lllng or which Is P ari!! Pattern No. 2323 , ' All ' S ea~3 mine," said \le, "qual'l'ol In Il loud tonR ers 1'080 UJl ,out of the 'fuclclor shooks \)O Y6 (llltl :J.cqulllot[J lI~es. . I/Crfoct fa.c s imil e of that of one who liP dat chip ?" I Informed him that It .-T hls pr ~tty tucked jllmper r~gulll:l' l y every. evelling m uch to my ancl the tence) C()rlJ llrS; with one com. !lIlt. Porlcl' Will! ta l;(! \1 prisoner 'at IS d Clld, But that In forma tion auel the was II. bu llet that sll'llclt tbe spot bl ned rllsh they sivept down UIlOO \\f n• the batlle of S t. M:u-y's Chu rch ' 'n 18 ~'· e for s ill., cr elle de "ohlne, 11I5tress. Wbat's the trOllble, any· . l mcwlerlge of the styl e of wi'lt!ng, et.c .• wbere be saw the chip fl y up. He dug jar .foSt'111l·s ~o u p line anel captured It. Vh·glnill. T wice ht. orollC th rough the cQ,slimel'e, volle. 1IJ0hnlr . challis. or way?" about n. foo t III the ground and found m ust be in tho subject! mind of Tho (:olon I of lh e bll s.hwhack ers. It confe derate lines bn t WUs r eCll.ptllred. any , oC the novelty goods in 's l!k at . "O h. yon mustn't mInd th em," said umea De lil'csent. lt is te lepllthlcall y lIlo bull e t which haa oompletely Oat· wool. The tronta,. hncks nnd wide It l' the landlady. "Tllo.t .dccurs v r! often. transmitted to the subjective mind of teucel 'ln it s impllct with a large Ii ,one. former sohool teactlcl·.. and his staff . On · the t hi rd a t Lenlllt h e l\\lccee de<1 III !Ilono sleeves ure tri mmed with Inlier· at ,least alice a weok. It's on ly P rOf. appeared s lmultane ollsly. as the major jOin ing G tl'. Shermart's army on Feb· In the lUeantlme J h a d not moved from c'h e med ium nnd from him elllallat s ttons of filet lace, and Ih e ,girdle Is Whitesi de, the hfJlnolis t. trying to per· reported It to his superior om eel', be· ruary 2'(. ] 8~5. this uns n, IInfelt., Itlnellc energy that JUY posItio n, so that 1 m ight ga uge made of. tbls Ince and the material. It sundo hl ~ wlte to go ttl th e band con·· ~-----.:..IIIove5 the peuc il. All of this may be tho di stance, angle. etc. The conclu· fore the lII!tjor'~ shack a.nd d e ll1amJelj Is al~o ao excellent pattern (or any of ce~t.'·-lIluBttllted Sunda.y Magazine. . hi:; rations. sian ' wns In accord witb my previous An · Important Peraonage. ono ""ltlJ(iut physical contact wllh the materlalll, such as \lnen, "Tbe oolonel B:llllted t he major and An Inquiring pe rson In England e iUUJr thc slate or lIenc ll. Tbe me· recliOlliug, viz., that one step would When It Came 't o Ra isi ng. b Jggod bls pardon tp r the In tr ll slon. cn-me l lpon a veteran soldier s unning n lqllll or cotton volle. 'rho I:attern Is In dl.lIlll. If a genuille )Isycble. will Inform have been fatal. "I h ope, now ~Ilt you've become " three s liws-small, medium ' a nd large . T be n egro handed me the bllllet, 1 Ha sold be and his 111an had not come ,hlm selt In f(,ont of a Dll bllc hOlls e In '. yon th a t this Is :til du e to the depol'ted In m edium size (h e Jlllllper regulros YOllng wife," said tho ent.husIastlc! 151)[rit t hat sont the message and he lookcd at It, tossed · it away (bullets to fight, bu t 'they we r e a l Illighty hllll' Devonsh ire. and hegan to question 3% ;'ards of mnted al 20 Inch es wlcl A. ' a nti-race . suicide lady, to tlla n ewly. or shO) firmly believes that bof h the were so' commou then) and thought of g!,)', and the odor of thc~ nooc\le so up him abont his catllpniS'lls and the ,2% y,a l'ds 27 Inchos wide. i% yard 36 :,'; cdded counll'y slrl, "YOII: n riiake good' lenders he had fOt\"ht nnd t;1I'. "DId YOll r.an1>D1iaslon of thought an d t he trans· what "m ight have been," and 'was truly bod made t hem furious. ' use of your bleSSin g a,n d r also many " It permi tted 'to have th eir fill th ey ever se,e '1V'e llln gton 7" a sl(ed the per· or 42 inches wide; 3 y" yards or lliet mjsslon of en orgy came from the same thaoUII I',that It was outsldo of me in· chilClrell . , lasel'lIon to' trim. would retire In good (J.I·clo r and t he . oUl·ce. 'l'b ey did, but not ' tl ll~t 1'0 fj te\lu of In Ide. son, tlonlly. , '' "Wall,'" sr.ok€! up the. rural hllllba~ll. To pro" u,,! . t hlij pntt'lm Bend 10 ce nts to H er )I' as another Illu stration of major cOllld do lik ewise. If the major which he ascribes it. "DId , e ver see W IIin gto n '" reo "Pntt.. rn Edlt\lr." (,me a of tlila Ilnpel', :who -h ad overheard lhls utteranco and T tl so a re InslancCII wherein [ go "1,lnelic energy" which. ·ot course, 1 wanted fig ht; h e c'oulll h ave ' It, bu t peatod th e veternn.· wIth a su pe'rlor Write nutlle nnt! ncl rlrctls plnll)ty nnd bo cil!eme,d It akin to Irriortercnce "a. deal \h ey were not there wltb allY hostile srone. '''W hy.] vms lying on the Bure . to give size nnd number or p altern . 0' hoI' tIme olJ~slcle th' kltcl;en·l\ be back to ono of the strongest planl,s In did llot t il n \IIH)e r~tand·. . my platform, v l~.: 1 beli e ve lu the al· (C o pyri Ght, 190i. by Joseph B. Bowlell.l Inten tions, otbe r than those men· ground at W:J.terloo when I 'eard .th e T,ut t' tal~ln' ve:;etablc s!"-lllustratOd tioned. .' . sound of 'oss es' 'oafs, aod then a ' voice' eged phenomena but !latin the alleged Sunday Magazine. LET HIM DREAM. ;'The major was vl! tually a prisoner. call d alii : 'Is tha t you, Saunders?' cause. SIZ· E . ••••• • :' 1 ••••••••• " ••••••••••• " •••••••••• He su iJ[llittod graeeful.iy and asked the lor knowed tb e voic e in an hlnstllnt 'XllJs is a case, nrobably, lu whlcb Do not hIm. let him dream; colon el a id his staff to he h is gues ts as '-It was the Dook of 'Wellington,. . NAMm . ...... .. ............. .: •••• ••••••••••• t he l:iearch~'r for IJght an d tnlth Dnds Ho Is cl r ~lItninS' sho I. (air: long" as the grub he ld ,ol,t. 'l'he .colool'l If. more dUncult to llncl ers tllnu ' the ex, As the ullklln" oC a slrenm .. 'Yes, 511': says 1. most respectful. , . " , ADDR.E SS . .. .. .. .. : . . .... . , ••••• •... •••.••• • regretted to· s.n y tbat he and his sta'[f ntppllllg 't hrough n. gten oo mewher. "'Come 'ere.' says lh e doolt. v lllnailon than Ule thln~ ex plained: would n eed all th!. e WIlS. and as the "J '1'17. reluctant from ·tb.e g ro und, for while .t lle bello vc r In splr.ftism !Inds It F ills lho poet' s brClllBt with glee H ~ r Inu g l; lQi" mattes hIm glnd; , Im~jor c;o(lld gO 1.1(, ' k to town a ne! ge t 1 was tl recl all t. . . mucb eoslol' to b lleve t ha l wh l b he '1t\JIQ rellel'o D1 ... In her 'ye9 I\l' Be'e ms to seo more tht;ly would have to swee p. the nlcntly deHi res to be Ll'lie. .. ' J want you shouia .go baek 'om~,' '.~A "& I'M'" Dysp.. c:ts1n.., to· Don.tlty thoy ItUlIC never · had; ' . ·board. ' . mo·~.tlnn ""'t'l'w Heart, But. you mo,y he curi ous to lellOW Tllough he hns no cha rms [or you. 'e says. A l1ur( at ram"They clevoured every morsel. WbElIl " ' Why?' say s J; bow a power resident wltbi n yO\~, a L I " Ito dream as ·Iovera do. et1y', fo r ~Dla:. luc~R I N&u. the I' past was finished the eolonel'o .. 'J3ecos' you' r~ killing too many ()Owe r at wldch 60 little Is Imown, can 81\"'. Dt'o"'slncb8, JlDcI eye fell upon the majol"s spyglass; he men,' says 'e. T,,"tlI llI tbo Mouth, CoD\move ,w ltb . sueD dcllrllcy an obJ cL so He !lUPPOSOS thnt her (ace 1.I1~ht 11l"l'lr a poet's pen: Touj:ue. P,,1ll In tb, allowe d tht.t as tile government · hacl "And· bacl( 'omll J went," concluded mall Q.S tlte Ema il at bit of pencil, lI e I.. Ill' umlns lhn.t her grace t B ide, '1'0111'1,0 L1VEIL Seek Many, But Find Fe\lf. plenty on ' hand 'an d the article wall the veterdn, shl tt.lng his ngam ,. leg snti t hat £lame Ilowel' to move, with I (\. lhlng 10 J;"lad den men. .' Ve have all. scen pages I'lIlIlllng r1tt·l relrOlale Ibe Bowel... PUJ'elr Vegetable. .. s.c arce In the confederacy he would InLo a more comfortable 1,0stUon. :lBe. some pond rable ollject 01' ob- Ah, h er o oso wfUJ n C.\"or cust around · the balls, corrIdors Ill)d public SMAll Pill. SMAll DOSE.·SMAll·PRleE. 1n ll t<! graoofllt clas~lc mOld. have to takn It.. 'rho mojo r removed Joots. And her chili when ~'outh Is ·.past rooms of NeJV York hotels with d the field rlu~ s Cram hl13 unltorm and How! I ran not sa y, nor Clln anyone. "I"'.'tll b I>lIed IlP fold on Cold: card on 0, salver. ~d cailing for b!!-uded It over. U'n".e ,Mu,t B.... Bul I do say tbat I sC'c no ne d of at· ~rn lrl"l; 11 1m would \)rlng tltsma.y, wanted portion . but how mOllY peraonll Fac·Slmlle Signature fJe t 1\101 gludly drollm awny. "Tho mr.jor was Ilolltely . re' rllmtinl\' (lny }lOWI,· to the dead tbat bqve Been them find the person tbey QIlt:'Bted ( 0 Benet his men in \11 tnb rt:'nt j~ tbe iI·/lng .. And furthe r. Site I~ hI .; \,~onuse of her ,A_ ~ were after'! A llnge 'wiui has kept a CIt,m p thllt tbey allow the vis,( kIlO!, thf\t the ]lowel' exls, 8 . as I bave Bmllny gild!! all oarthly tlttnll'''; record for two 1eal"8 ~lI.ys tl)at hI. itors tti depart III This was I bo~ observed 'arId cX[lcrl.e nced It. 1 Illv tywhore ho hear. the whir REFUSE' SUBSTITOn. ' record hils been olle OUt" of IIG.-New of angols' wIng•. dune, ,nd the btlI5b ..vhol~i k'eI'8 soattered aba1l lI.\'e, berewlth, . two cases In my tnCOlUlcleseh' ~-"-".~... ..... hl'r shrill nnd rMpt nlJ vole • York Herald. 88 oul)' . bew hoYl . ~eace ' D ",hlah there could Tht!re III music tot bill' 8&1'8; . to do. 'hDO po_alble fl'l1ud becaule there was Ttl! RtI)lIIOllt!ll that lIer c:bolce "Major metl1um therewith. 1 Lett hI. rtval.
ract Ica
iii L
LLI. ·· '~~~ --
Dleht. ADd ratllll1ll!d
, r' ,I
'On., dny'. warlh, at one·n nd·twen ty. All thl" oilier dll~'" 10/lol'h r ; All th " dny.. nt Wflr,t lind plenty, 8Umlnf,' r 'H "u n u lld wlnier wealhe!'. Anil If Cnrl Y ROem D@nplnbpr (Aurl III fMly frosts "" " pl e nty). Ch cc- l'lly. 111 ), httl ! - rfHl1t'mbpr ynu, Hrw ro n , \\" "'1',1 vn(O ~ l lI lfl - t'" nl,,! - n il'hllrd Klrl< , In I ,I nI'l lIL'ull'.,
After Being an Invalid with I'.ldney \ Disorders ' for Mony Years. -John Arm strong, Clov rport, Ky" HE REALIZED $18 PER ACRE FROM lays: "1 was an Invalid with kidn ey I H I complaints for many IT, WHILE OATS GAVE 1M ' years, and cannot ' $17 AN ACRE. tell v,'hnt agony I endured from b:HlII" Mooso Jaw, Sask" :''1 ov , I th. 1907. sch. :My 11 ru b s "ritlng ,f rom Mouse law, Sllskalch()were swollen twlcel wlln; Mr, S, K. Ralln, all san: natural sIze and my ' "I }lnv much 1,1('asure lu sayi ng sIght was wcallen· 1 that on lilY fUl' m this year 1 had 50 0 I lng, The k idney se- ncr s In wh at, and 120 Ilcr es in oal.s. I creUons were ~ I s· My wheat Il\'ernged ahoul ~2 IHishels colored and llad a. scdlmel1t, When I per acr , and I h ull 200 ncres cu t bewisb ed to eat my wlte had to rsl se I f ore th e I'rost. which 1 sold at 85 mo up In bed, Physicians were un. ' cenls p r bnsh el. thuB r elllizi ng on ablo to b II) me and Ifwn3 going down I that wb eat $1 ,00 ller acre, I)ot cOllnt· fa st wh en 1 began u slng Dono's Kld· , In g cost of twine. soed sod l abor , Wllh ney Pill s. Arter a sbort time 1 r It r egal'd to Ihe other 300 acr~s of wheat, a gr,eat lmprclv meot and . am now as , It gnt t onch d w i th fro st bu t In w orth strong !lnd h tlallhy as a man coul d be, CO c lIts 110 1' bu sbel. It will n et IDO I give Doan's Kidney Pills all tbe $t3 ,OO p I' acre, bll t 1 do not Inte nd ', cr dlt for It." to s II , It at that ,pri ce, as I e!lll make Sold bvall dealers 50 cents :~ box. 1mor m on y by f eeding It to bOgs. Fosler'Mi lbllrD CO" nUffalo. N, y, "My oal ll t ur ned !Jut about 50bu sholfl --- I' to eh ncr . alld at~;; ent s p r bush el ,DON'T LIKE LITTLE STRANGER. will give lIle $17,00 to lh e IIcre, not cOllnling 5e'ed, tw in e and labol', Did Ever Youngster Welcome Advent , " 011 a c IU nt of the late spl'lng, a of Little Brother Qr Sister? I per cent.age o f th grain was toucbed with f l t.!st. bu t UII account of good Th e motber s w er e tallllng' shop. , pri es, farmers 11'111 I'cal\?e a. fair "Wl:en lilli e Ha.rQld come," said t he , prollt U ll t h ir fnnna ev n t hIs YCllr. first moUler, "h,l s ol del' brothel' R egl· \V nl' as lIRual up ' agai nst a sbort· uald was v ery c urious abnut him, age of CU I'S to get our grain r emoved," "'Yes , R cggl e, dear,' I told him. 'the Jltlle baby Is a WashIngton's blnbdny Wat ered Stock, present to u s tram th e angels: Edward H. Emel'son, tb e Jlresldent "He frowned In thougbtful silence, of the Amc!r\can "ine Growers' uss()Th en b e said: elation, canne from Wa shlngtollville to "'Well, mamma, It we ,wrap him up N ew York lhe oth r ,da.y and lunched carefully and put him away and don 't III a Brotl dway cafe with an editor . u se hIm, we -can give lil m to some· Mr, Emerson. naturally, I s a oon· b ody el so next Washington's birthday, I nolsse ur of wines, The edi tor deems can't we?'" . himselt something of a. connolssour, The oth er mothers smiled and too, and Introduced I\fr. Emerson wltb sigh ed. Th e second sal~: some plid o' to a Rhine wln t:, pr()"On the-er-advent at my 1Itt10 8um ably of the famous '95 "In lace, Miriam, Hannah, our five·year·old , was "w II,'; be said, " bow do you like tak on upstairs by the cook to see tbG this Rhine wine, II1r, Emerson ? Den ewcomer, Uclous; don't you t\llnk?" ,"Hannah looked her Jlttle sister over "Not bad ," said MT: Emerson, "only' sternly. Then, turning to tbe cook, I fancy thelre's a. trifle too much Rblne sbo satd: , In It." , "'Jane: you can l(eep that In the "NONE B,UT THE BRAVI:," ETC. kitchen: " Again Ule mothers smiled and sl gbed and nodded sadly. " Yes, It Is always 110," they said.
HOW TO AP?LY PAINT. A Feeling Anawe,.. -' Tcn<'l ,e"':-Tommy , call y e ll t ...lJ , . . Greatest' eare sh lful<1 be t aken when the nal!.le or tho bartlest w<>od ? ' ' pslnting building s or Imil l olllent $ TOUlIl1 Ie-.1 cao't tell y ou fust the wblch are expos d to the weathel', to I, but 1t's the k; ;.~ ~h y u ,' ks have t bt. palnt appll d properly, No , t;lIlngles out at-Yonkers Sta.t('SUlIUl. exee ll nc.3 of mlllerlal can make up for CUI' l eSRUeSS of appllr ation. any mor than care III applying it can m ake )1oor pRint w ,ai' well. 'rb surface to 1:e pain t ed shOUld b e dry an(1 scraped and sandpaper d hard nnd smooth, Pure \Vhi I ad should II mixed with pure IInsc II Oil, f r es" fa I' lhe job, aud shoul d b well brushed o ut , not flo\\' d on thI ck , Wheo paInting i s dOl1e In this mnnner with National L ead Company's pur e whit e lend (trado marked with "The Du tch Boy Painter " ) t here la ov ery oh anco Ih nt tpe job will be sotlsfac· t ory, W hi l o l end Is capable of abo colule I !;t. for )1l11'lty, National Lend COll1pan)', \Voodb rldg Building, N e\v York , will send a tesllng out fit [rae to allY one inter sted, ___,
It lack d but a rew mlnut 8 of elos, flul ttay li ,;h t, aCt r II' Il I CC pl e~s ol,::ht, Inn g lima In ttl flonk of L eone, fuund the mind of Duell 'Y fllll y (!om, 'I'll r bad!J n no uulowarc1 trend nf mi tt d to th e cUIlI'st~ h e would all all'all'll <Juring th e day and Howard wa l to I!Jtll el 1~'l gh to save ill Hank J>udley. th e YO llng ell,shl l' und owner. ' of L eone: 1':0 t I'lIln ealTle [1'010 th o cily was ' v II humming 'a little tlln e. al· 1Iut ll late In the art rnoon Itlld h did though Ih evenl s of tb IIree dlllg nll t dUI' to II' II SI. th ' ' VOlIl!! of Ih , tIllY. days had uot be 'U ' slloolally call· As ' Ilrly llB Ilos,llJle hll selll lhls Le ledll I ve to 'h r ful n '5S, g l'8111, Willi th p nlng of lhe I; lr el dOM ":\Iust hal'e $10,000 by 12 o' clo('k of the uong died all his lips and h WitS Donk of L l'une Is d ool:ll ~' d , a n yo u con sc ious of t lI rn lng pale. There ilOt cu m to OI Y r Sl'lI t: wit h th lll sum stood his heaviest depositor, old Dr. a tllul cnHh, Secure I Pam Ilnd drlvr Gr im Iy. and lht' r.-owllin g raGe lold h cr~ with all hasl ," only 100 Il lulnly , I hilt th e long'ex pecl -d Th e day w as I1n venUti I one for lind reured Il'lIS at hand- the d ' i>o ~ it th e village bnnk , Scal'c I y wer t' the was ,to b wllhdrawlI , Th e old m il ll duors open hef ore a delclull.or y st l'ln ~ w ent to tho d uk, wrote a check with "f deJlosllol's f nc ' d til wl<-k el 10 draw. vi cious sl al)s of the pen and shon'lI Ulle the il' uulnncc!;, A Ifttle later tho It Ulroug h tho wicket to Dudl er, chpckR u l' Duck wol'lh & .fllciI SOIl COlli' "Gil 8S I 'd bott.or l ah e It out." he I'e· llJ,l'IIClld to COIllO iu , aod t he cush marked, ~ollrl y ; " nu tl'lIing whu t you dwllldh·,J. money IIharks are u I> 1.0," The I'U lI'on5 had n ev er s~ n I he " Ju8t as YO Il like, doctor." repllf'd cushl I' 90 slow anti dellbpnwi In hl~ the call1lier. eh el'fully, although his m ovC!lIleut s, H e Inspected cach check kll oes were (1IIakln g, ge\'l:> 1'11 1 times OVCI', r eferred constant· L eon was a small village. 26 trllle s Iy 10 val'lolis books and letlg 1'5 and from t ho Ity, and fat' many years )( . cou n ted Lba cllllh wI t h gr eat exact · Isled wltbout II bank. Three y ill'S he- noss, ' But nol. a lull mluute pa ssed with· rOl'e , Howard Dlldley had gon there lIod Invested nil of Ills Bmall for tuu e Oll t Ihe bnnk r's ey s se kln~ the In eslabll sbln g th e Bank or L eone, 10 'k, Th e haul' of t n arriv d ancl Jl elng II gellial r 1I0w. h e soon be 'amo pnss 11 lind th en. aftcr IlI1 Inte r~al that 110.l\lIlar with' til town peopl anll ihe se mell endl 811. Ule hand dr w n ear hank sprang raflldly Into fl\vot'. lhe to lhe II l;ymbol. As the , IIs'h Slink It 1108il 8 uggl'egating a very slItis fac· low r In lhe drawer; h s trai n d his lory ,Bum , Th n camc W e paniC and ears ror th sound of wbef:ls, R lief worryin g days lind slee pl ess ulgl\ts mlCht com e In tim . bllt l he chanc ror ' th young !Jankel', JU d sl\gh't, No answ ring t 1 . From the Orsl. Dudley t It gram hlld , ul'I'iv d ; 1.lls8 L eigh mI ght /I nt thllt h e cOI\lrl sustul n th hank, be from h om, ill, or mol' Ilk iy ~tii1, Ilrovldlng ' r, Grlrnel y did nol with, LU"lIlIlIug to embark upon 8U h a du· draw his heavy d posit ali lit on blollJ! mlsl!lon , Any ono of a dozen tIm e, But Grlmely Iva!! erra tic and thlllgs mlgllt prevent h er comin g, Il evi sh and with ev ry openin g' oC llIe Willi lire sobering Influe"n cc ot l he doo r for days Dudley hlld eXJlcclcd counUng·roo m upon him, too, Dudl y the blow, I' gretled sending the t elegram . It Th e ' Grlmely ch eck was for $10,000. was Qu e8t lo~able business to t hull ap· ati\ th er WlI S no tlen ),lng thnt It p al to anyone, much I 58 au nnad· mille 8 bi g h ole In the a\'allabl cash vi sed woman , What righ t had h to of lhe In!:llltu\lqn, St udying Ih !:Iltu· SU I', hImself throu gh h I' s~' mJlll th ies ? atlon , th conv1 cUon was foroed ' UPOIl • H liwklnsmllb, th e bi g Eagl creek Dudl y that t he elld wall near Ilt hand, farmer, PI' sont d a cbeek for $700. In the ordinary 'Ollrse of bu sl ne&8. he Th er WWI nOL t hat much mOlH1Y" In could hurdly hOl>o to suslalll t he ballk th !Jank, Dudley beW hi !; br 1,11''11du r ing another day, for the I'ate of tb e Instl!uUoll lay 10 To mid to the difficulty. Duckworth the answel' to a shuille question: & ,Jackson , Ille Btock dealers, w ere " !lslt or dellOllll'!" I to r ecelv hogs all tlle day (Ollo),' ll1g, " Deposl ," and would h ck heav'lly ,from theIr ae, Tbe next cw>lomel' was a slranger ('llUnt to th e far·mers. -'fD0' It wall 1I0t with a ch eck whloh alBa ex oeecl eq tho diffi cul t to con}ootllre what elTeot. cash Bupply, Dudley caugh t at a UrllU IY'B action might hav IIpon nil' sll'a\\'. " l'm sony, but as you are a m erous small 0 p081tors, shOUld I t he- slrullger, I shall lIave to ask for Id en· cOllle g nerlllly Ilnown, af! ".VIlS likely. tlflcaLlon , PI as have Mr, Oucll\\'orth Soon after closlug th e ba'l.k for the call wilh yOU, " Tho Ulan went out~d nl s"t, Dudley ' went alit to wal~ In the (he hankel' again breathed, ope'Yt air anti to Iry to think, If t he 'F ifteen minutes dragged hy and the bank dernttltc d, all his savings would s!l'Ilug rand Duc.k wortll' mi gh t step be sw pt away and ' h \Vonld l> a In at any minute, Just th on ,,:heels ruloetl man, Tbe stigma of the fall· gl'llted shrilly upon t:h"..~ grllvel and the lire ond long traIn of delays alld loss Cllllhi r caught a r;lIlllps of steaming to cred itors would Inevllably attach hortl 8 guided skilfully by th single to him, no matter how honest and OCCUI)an t or the bUIig)' , a ciosely'velled rl ghl OilS his mallagement. It, WIlS an woman , alllng his bookk eller t~ the ' alternative from whi ch any , hbnest window, he rllshed out to exten d his mall might shrink ' with ev 0 ' fib I' of gr eUng alld carry Il heavy yalls Into his being" lll~ IJI'!vnte office. -m:TIiiled with hIli blttcr reflecltons, Mias I~elgh removed 'h er I'eil and too, were the dashIng of hop s w,hlrih disclosed a I'Ildlunt face, " Here's the had hardly taken ' fo~m_ In his mind. mon y, ' Mr, Dudley;' she! anllounccd, He had tolled hnl'd jlllflug his early I rlUlllphantly, "\ hopo the bank Is bus!r\esB years' for ,c.·lJ'ltal an~ ,ox· still sufe: it Isn't 12 yet." \\ !lhln the 1,erlence anrl had lived n rather chee'r · vali se w ore packages, of bills and car, lell9 and cOnlforU es~ life, Wllh his ton s or gold and sli ver , bank ,sccurely tnbll shed. he 'hnd 'Plle banker W38 ~es e l with varyln" hope8 to end It II, un d VI!;\OIiS of a f'mo'llon s; but Ills husl n ess Ius tinct cottllge hom,e pre ded nver b>' a Ilod sense of honor S CIII' ('t1 U1 6 mas· dark·halred. IImp\c yed gl rl·wl fe pro· tery, ( MillS L eJgh." he pro tested , ' .,[ ' trud ed thelllseiv. ottlmes Into his shOllld not aCCf!IlL I his m oney-tbe ledgers and accounts, bank mi ght be consld c l'ed ' Insolvent. LIke a hunted creal.ure, t110 young' and 1 h ave no adequate security ' to bankcr drove hi s mind Into evel'~' ave· oITer ~'Oll , " nile offering Posllible eR ape, He The gh'1 laugh d n ervo\lsly, her at· mU llt have $tO,OOO; hil t l1I11ong his IItude sholtlng the slraln at the prebusin ess aad personal rl' l e nq ~ h e cOIIl1l cedIng hours, not think of one who would hav tb e' " W ell- " Evidently Ahe lU'.d a plan. wllllngn('ss and abll,H>: to cOlll e ,to hi s bUI, paused aud looked dmllurely a.: rescue ' wllh stlch 'an 'a mount of'l' ' ady Dudley, ' cash. "r l!~lght ofl'er YOll mY8el'T." that In· One thought,offerlng a possibl e so- dlvld,ua\ ventured, seelns a grea: !oUon ; present.ed Itself pefsi'stcnt ly, light. • only to be !IS )1er slstonlly l',eJected, After : l pretended refl eeUoD, 1>111;15 Again and agnln i t r turned to th e dis, Leigh annbunced h er dech;ion. her 'Ira'c ted mlin. Finally: from turning It m erl'y yes quite belyln g t he ext,s' , over In "his mind as a sort of mental' 'ge!'ntetl air of busin ess: reiaxatlon. be came to consill el' It serl· " [ have never cared fOr personal S9ou sly,. and, nt ,last sought to devise curlty, hut presume I mlg hi make all means of utlJl~lng It.. , , exception In you~ case," , In the ' citY. 26 miles a~vr.y, lived, tile The boo'kkee)1e'r was tnppln g Imp:l ' own er of the dark hall' and .lImpid eyes tien Iy IIpon the door , " ~'lJ', Dudley," of bls day dreams, Eltb I I_elgh wae ~Ie callee\, "you're wanted here." an orphan and · Quite' welil t hy by tn· "rn a minute," the cashier jlromlsed, berltance, 'I t bad come 10 D)ldle~"s and he utlUz d the millute by lakIn" knOWledge, In a business 'way,. thst she the blus,bln~ yq,ung WQUlan Into b:.kept considerable sums of money In arms and kJ~slng ber, safety deposit vaults, preferring that Expenllve A,dvel1illng, .(0 Inveetmenu, RC'\dd-Some people are jtJs~ crazy Should be appeal, In his extremtt)', to Mill Leigh or Thoy were little more to see their names In print, you thDJI good friends : True, Dudley know, Greene-Yea, J k~"w; my chauffeur called whenever In the city. and they exchanged rather cor-dial lettel'll regu- haa been arrestt.d for , sneedlng liz larly, Perhaps atralrs woulll have t1mes!-Yonkers Statesman. reached a more at: lanced stale bad Var'! True. It Dot been for the Inberont delJcaey "Wbat do you think of WI whole OIlu"lentfoulnels of the m8l1,-he _ lilt, lor him_If the hard task of drtak queatfoD?" .
waiila:w. IUItII bII IJualneaB
1''' etta...
It .4eaftrYlnl
It takes a. w oman t o sIt dowll and cry wh en sh e happ ns to th ink w bllt a hard tim h r children m igh t have had If some o t hel· woman h ad been thei" mother, .
• t·
• Q,
"U" I <~"' " M~ : :
T.r.~DE MARKS ubl,t:XAX.U F.IC ~nt;:c.~~''':ltl,~~~,~:-::'~LI::'!::~ ~~C I~I~~r.:;~il.~~'~hJ;h~" WA~ tHMil'ON, "'U
~..I: J'
• •
The Kind You Hava Always Bought,
Bears the Signature of
'lD I
For Over', ThTrty Years
Volco (In n plaintive whlsper)-Do! Just one, Maud! STATE 0" OUIO. OlTY or L Od COUT\',
To".oo, L IS
PIU.SIt .J . CHeNIlY mike. oath tbat be II lealo.
~:~l~~~,O[n ':~o Q b'I:,O~{T~i•.ro~·guTD~ ~~4 ~.:.~:
.foreu ld . aud that. l aid Onn will p.y th o IUIll ot 0:; E \I \ NOREm nOLLA.R~ t o. each and er • ., c • • o of OATAluno that CADDOt. bo cua:ed by tho UIO (Jt U.Ll." C ...T411IW Cu ....
'FRANK J , C HENEY, Sworn t o lJtltOTe m e and lub ll r lllt~-<l In WT pre8eDce, 6Lh doy or V.combo •• A . D .. Ul8Q,
j --- t 1 I KA t.
-vB 1\'(1 Catarrb Oure t. talcea totem'lIy Ind act'
dlrec tl, 00 tflC!1 blOOd ann UlUCOU• • urrace. of lb.
',Ilem. SOD d'tur
1t~'''Ulunl.l ...
F, J , (J UENE\, "CO" Toledo, O. Bold by.1I D,'uQgIIII, ; ~c, Tak" u.n·••·.llllly 1'111. lor coQlllpaUon, /
Evidently Strange. "A gentle,man, to see you, sir," an· nounced Mr, Struokllt \Vrlght's n ew huller , "Ah~tell him I'll be dllwn In a min· ute, I gUE!8S It's my brother, ,p1'oba· "Pardon my question, but how do bly, I'm Xilectin ' him. Does he loo\( you know your wire doesn't wiah you , anyUllng lIlke me?" to take out Insurance?" ' I' "No, sir--Il(\t at ~II , H el Is very ien· "Wo Jl, I'll tell you. She's sot a DO' tlewanly In, appearance," tlon I 'm going to survive' h er and that Perlhl of Fence Mending. It will be colleoted by No, 2," '''r und ersland tIlp~ me III bel' of con· THEY GROW, grCS8 hurried home to mend his fences." , Good Humor and Cheerfulnell from "Yes, ,But he doesn't appear to Right , Food. have made u n eat job of It. His pros· pects Idok as If ~Ie , ,had gotton hllo a Cheerfulness Is like' SUnli ght, It dis· ,l unale with. l\ lot ,of barbed wire," ,----. pc)):; Lbe clou ds fl'()m the mind as sun· It Cures ,While You Walk. IIghl. chasos Ilway the shadows of Allcn's Foot ·En. !! is a ccrtni,,' c ure for night, . .w{'ntill!l, cflll oll~, nnd "wo llon, IIching Th e good humored man clln pick f:ot, icct. :-;oltl b~' 1111 Dru ggists, Price :J!'K', Doo't liP and 'any pfr a. load th at the mUll uccepf any slIl>!>titutc, Trial Jlllcknl\u f'I~,*: , with It grouch wouldn't attom pt to Addr!!8ti AII~n S, Olmsted. I.e Hoy, .N, y,
PE'J'£R8, 1' , O, Uua !II1V,
For Infants and Children.
''That Held Her, "Th e most eloquent sp eeh rever heard contained only four words," saI d Sociologist Snodgl'Uss, "Gin ger MA' gonnlgle had brougbt his best gUl'l to the grand civic ball the East Side Gentlemen's Sons T erpsichorean Co· terle, ticket admitting Ind y anu g nt, fnclucling hat check, 50 cenls. The guyl, fascinated b)' a b tt er waltzer, Ilbandoned her escort anll danced three times with the str anger, As th y w ere b egi nning their. tourt h waltz th ey w ere stopped by lhe hand of Gin ger :Magonnlgle, which clutched the arm of the guy!. Gazing deep into ber .eyes, alld with a voice 10 wblch were mlug led surpri se. selt'plty, Te· proa ch, reseutment and m eaaco, he e~· claimed: .. ' Sa,a·ay. wbo brung yer?' "-Harper's Weekly,
~"'I n" he PI •• I)ollar kind, tI ' !.Hl , ,,, ..... " t.,
l OUR SAFETY RAZORS ~1~r,,~~ilf:.~,~J"~!
. h _ _ _ _ __
THE PREMIUMS GIVEN F'REE in excbange lor C;ulon Tops and Soap Wrappers from
GREATEST VAHlEl'Y, and showing tb., LARGEST VALUE for the number of Carton Tops or Sonp Wrappers required, 40 pall_ Illustrated catalollue, toll over 1000 art\<lle. free. Address .
Anythin g that Interfere s ,with goo(\ , The only faliuro a man ought to health Is apt 10 k eep ch erfulnc ss and fear Is failure In cl eaving to th e pur· good humQr In the back gr ound.' A pOse he sees ~o 'be ~est.-{}eorge _ _ _ __ Washington lady (olUld that l etting' Eliot. coffee alone made things Ilrlght for, To in ~ ure th o direct ond quick clean s· her, She writes: , inK o f t he sYH tcm, luke Qlldi clli Tea , t he "Four years ago I 'II'as practi~ally Mlltl l!!!rb T..axnt ive. It pU l'ili c~ t he "Iood, given up by my doctor and was not 1!r-~diC'~teti disenfie I\nd brings Uood H ealtb"
IiiU'"' W.L Douglas orrC1Jt, U'FIOIV.
WRlTt us rDa BDDILEY , IAtlOATtII LANbS' IN tHl(Ol'lCf..QImG OIt£&Tnrr" expected to JIve long. My n ervoUs fA~LS AND UtO"! (QUHT ~Y. 'IIWlD. Virtue Is' the first qn&l\ty to be consystom wns In a bad condition, Altltudo only !l700 fh. nooye the ~el\ leve\. la e"bou.tlbl .....ter aapp"'. taken 1",-,' sidered lu the ohoice of a' frlendthe Arent ttuul(o lli\'t"r, tbp " eve-nth lurgeSt rl'1er to Amt--,.,l ('u.. No .lUb. DO c)'clolUl," . "But I ,waii young and did not want J'oh ru;on , ' 4'!otOOO lU'l"C9 Of t.o e Hiles t fruh.nllfl agrlc ulturatla.flt1111 tht! \\'ea\.. to die 60 I began to look abO,ut for the r.rlu1t. UlJ.1D wbo \\' n.I)L!1 lI.. )Iome wh e re e".-rythlnl! gr tVA t hnt mAke.8 'Annlng proO tt\ 10-60 h1rltl ~-Ol' fhe. -utan who "'n.utfoll~uld .tor lnvest.mtml. sbould write U8, ••f ",' e ~lrtI. W :lnlllow'8 SoothlnJf !lyraI'. cause of my chronic trouble. 1 used For cbl1d D.oLWn8 but. nbs olulQly r el iable lotol'matloD. Addrt!lut ren t elJtbJR5;, .oIleD. the gum! , roducet toto have lIorvous spell8 which would namruatl ou . aIIMY' patn, CUn!l wtnd colic: 2)c a 001.Uo. 8. A. STROUD & COMPANY. Twlo Fall~ lda1.o exhllust me aud after each sPElIl It H etter to w ear out shoes t,han would take me days before [ could sit (1908-15) 2225, A. N. K.-E sheets,-{}erman. up In n chair. "I became convinced my trouble v,' ps ea used by co Ifee , I decided to stOll It and bol"ht 'some Po~tl\m, ' "The' first cup, which I made aecord ing to directionI!-, had a 800thlng effect on 'my nerves and I Ilked the taste, For a. time I n early lived on Pbslllm and ate Jlt.tIe food besides. I 1\111 loday a bealthy woman, "My faml}y and re1atl"es \Vonder It 1 am lhe same person.I was tour yearS ago, when J conld do no work on aeconnt 'of nervo".ne88, Now I am do.Ing my own hou8ework, take cc&re of two bables-one twenty, ,the Othf<f two months old. J am 80 busy that J hard.· Iy get time to WTlteo, a letter, ye.t I ' do It all wltb the cbeerfulness DJld good IIDR ITIFl'NIM,IORINUI, I~" OR IIIIUI8It bumor that comea from enjoylu, cood NOTHINe .. KTnR THAT YOU CAN health, ' WMIIMO'I MlN"RHlUMATIC TWINGE, ". tell m1 friends It 18 to Poatum
lowe m1 We today." !'fame Poatum Co,. BattJe
'YQUIl ~ fULl UKI A Run" H\MIt
. 111
I'!"o IIhTl"htP'r
,I rlli ll 1111\\ "l'l'Idl \\ 'I"' ~ "'"
Barnhart's Shoes are
h nll1'> WIIl ' I'P .. Ili' (111'(1, ,1 Ill\' I
P l"
J IH, ,Ind III'I"rll'l1
, l \I"~,
n ,:-
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,J I; till " t--h,~
\\r n~
H ",,,n\~k,
IP1Tl'i "ll
\'· ~lh
npr', :!:l. 1"He." , wh" \\' (1/, 1
q uulitv lind
, t " Ih,l ' lfl''I' (3"" "nr, ,1111 \ 11. 1~1:1 l'o\ \" '11 \'I~il l ll'fllI hl "~~('1 1 1111'" UIlI"I ', ~, " f "'hnnl :1)'1' h\' Il\~ , ;\I'\I' I 'i~ lla l' ,h i"11 HIll1 IltltI 1"1111,1 h 'l ' l1i~ !I,,',1 K"plr"nh",' ' I , 1 ~\I1Il" ~ tlw It~" ,'I
Hu rstlll lI m~'(, i Jlll'od IH'l' ll
t WI") I,y ....' y .. 11 ,"'a r, ' 1 ,1 II W:J i t ill(' /In, l' fI"I"ln~ nl ',I h~' " 11 111 motht>" tll" l "
, I,
f i ll,
I ' "1
Lad i.". th e
I\'fOSr. cormN, of
Dayton . invit " N ext 'U IU[lIIl Y 'VC WIll ~t'll ~O ew Bun c hes r !.Sanan,,!; Itl 10 aDo;:, Clolhing ParloT, whkh OCC: It IIY tht' 50 Doz, Ol'angl!, III 20C a D o? 11, enUre secnnd rloor of Ili s new store So "e me a gai n, " Calil'll('s CM l1l'r rtlai n and F ourth ,treeh, :
W ay 1I1' AVill" Yuu to ill SllCct the B('uutiful
Eli t iI" nc\\" mall'''; f.t' ' II thin g' ha\'l' lut Iy b 'ell add pd, ,'rile wot'ld' H lll'~ t CI')lh illl,r cun tIC' scClll' t'l hl'l'" lIOW lit !llIch f{ a,\()I;abl L II\\, Pric!! s tha t Il I' 'rsun who car ';; fl'l' fil '~'t ,lass clothing' can]' :::isL lh(, l.-mptat ion t ,[ buying',
"::u:h ,'uit is hUIlg- Ull all ind iv i lual ('oat lLan~er am,1 is displaY!'d frum dlls l. pn llJf Cla!'.'i ',th illl'\s,
Mosc C',uh en Head ,W hat WIll Do [< or YOU.
for 10
:Walter J. Kilbon
t, h~ J
for 12 Y u can have your choic of thou ands f handson1e ne w Spring ui in most any pattel'j, 1)1' co lor that you could dt:eam of, We also make a specialty of all W (1 Blacl< and Blue e l'ge,' and Thib ets, UI' $12 ui ts win outcl ass any *15' $16,50 uit sold elsewhel' , YOUI'M n y Back if Any Other n' rn Will Equal ut' Price ', '
Z.Immerman,'-r r rJ
l. J l.
for $20
l 1 l.'
r J
J J l L
rJ r r
r J r
Ed Probasoo, ' :, t.~. 13.
" J
Yo.ur Railroad or Traction Far r to Dayton- Ask It it. '-rc "-,rc~,,-,~~,,,",rc~
\,{lImlngtoJJ,O ' '"
·1111 0rl' f'nrfllll'lI/~itltl'
prmopllots I,IIIU1 fIr 1't)vel'lt! ."" ' II'~, lind ~heil' IltlfJllI!le L \, III i111 Ik\'I' k . of ZiO ll, 1 n " N"lI~" 1< h,'n'''y -!(Iv"" th"L {I" I ""a... 1 u' ill t,.. illftl,.. llllIli ohill Rry rCf IInninK '1 I ' '--' I ' k Educlltlull or WlI),Oo'.,' lIk , 1' II II1~e ~.' h (\ol pllmpk 11" , will' h \\ ilt prulnnt! the I 1 !<a\,~ t It~~t ,0 g av e ' e~' {S c"\ lI U \ll ~ Lrll' l. WarrclI I '''" Ill y, Oh iu,;lt I he n'l-: u l,'oo tl I II (, (OW., for l wo wee ks 'nr III Cl' lllI~ .. r ",,1,1 U Oll l'(1 heW 0 11 UI. ,! , II' wurkilll! " ""~"" 1\ 11 111' ll1rot6 1'IIIlI y
Notice to Bidders.
\): tlll'r fat. _,; Ih~, 01 ~11It' k I''' ,otl for ::; 1, :,0,
•• t
sultll)lt"tt t.11lI ,,,tll.wil1 g
April . ,hill'
" NtIMJh ,'lI: h )' l ht· Ih1unl uf l
lit '
he'"l Wal, ,,,,.,,llIc "1 1111 ", !,>,' '',,"1
II" t!
"r lit"
'c l illli l a ti OI1 f rHlIll 's ,
I ,lucu t lfl ll tlr 11I' lf h ' I ,
g-h ~
, Fur Salt-.
I I I. "1\1,11;1'1111',1 Ih' \ t"rlllinc il . lhut it l.!'l Ih' I' .......... u ·.\! f(\r tl, .. 1111"01)(' " lUll'O IIlIUU,la,lf{)u ,Ir th' I IllIhlh: ~~'htJO l k I " f Hhl (Ull' rir't . IHllI 1\11' lht ' t'(H,,' en l eIlCt..I 1\1 d 1I, l'o,' I'al I\' fli ~"Itl He ll IlIN, t h,. I t h" ~c h vo l lOe III "'II Ie), .al tl Mchool .. III'" It .. hl ami con t1\1~ tt·t1 he r~p a lrl"(l . f u ruhJIh.'l.I and I lIIp rp " ,,,1. ,,. a C... L wh ll'l, I" lit,' JUl lge lUo HI
Oh io
I I' UII ( '''UIII ,v ,
Gold Enamel ~(j ld 1 'af (1 11 p i ' l llre
I tlny
111 1"''''''''11'''' ":
lixlllrc!' , f lll'1l1llll' o' ,
t' te. a holt Ie,
OI f' h 'V'''1I
'lJ!W , I" filiI'
whitp , lt'l
pAf tiU t,till L!: * :I~I O 1,,1' fI(): " " 00 fo .. LOll ; hili 1<,!fII. ~,o pH ""It,iug , I~ , ~ ,
WII k~r~on , ()r6!!lloili,
'tVe UI'e gOl ng to
IOc 1-4 lb. box. \)('
, .111'"
rlis tln c t p rlll:M1.~aI8 fur 1Ih e furnall o r lh: attn~
' lIppntlll u8, ror lhe w' clos t. , :LnU for til ' .truln or Sl'wt!r ; ILnd Lh e · lerk ot thltt lJolud I herell,l' , ULltorl1.Ot1 amI o rdctOO'Lo ad. or VOU \V ll llt lh e b t brant! tl ~ , (or th 1;I0Ard, Iu:colllln i/ Io Lbe ' LUIUI." (or bill In <'Ontormlt r L II, ,,, una e rllitf), I' hick II ood we hav e I t, so a ! lu tlolls fOr Ibe rrpalrN nn,l hnptO,'CUI n loS In th e~ tooo lu tion mentlonod ami IlrOI' td ed Cllstonler sa " , wh o hil S t e, tecl f Ur ; n il lltt' HOllrd ' b e r eby re /SC rv ' Ibe ot h e r brands NothinU' but clean rIg hI, 111 Its ~I sc rc ll o ll , \ 0 rejeOlll ny or all <, to bld~ which may b r cel\'ed!' lIIilling !{rain !lud eed 7 kinds, j And IUI' tber uo~lc III h ereby g l v n thab , .. , " 100 Ib aletl bl(\ ~ In conforml t v 10 lu", lInd sa ltl tiO SWlle plll:.(S. T_ .... • p e r S. rc solullon/<, for Ih e r ' rmir~, lropro\' m Ullts,
For Little Chicks,
Sel f' . .
we r " Ild work. men
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tinned aud 1'<o\'ldcd fo,' ln ~ Illd rC 'QlutlofUl, ",til be re eo h ' cd nntl Ul e(\ 'by th o uutlel1'lgned, Il t Wlly n,' vllt", (" hlo, before or by \weh 'lI I "'clo k nooll o e MOII,lay , M ..y :!6, ~tln , I DaL d Lh ls "Oth flay llf April, \1108, , H , LKM~:N 'l', . lerk of Ibe I;J aTd 0 1 ~:d\llllltion of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~!!!! _I W a yne "lIle Vlllllge Sr.1,U(,1 Ill~. lIn ~ O t rh' t . '\, nrnHl ·OlH" ,Ii'. Ohio.
J. W. White.
! I
Fish and Game Club. n ",IUI WH" 00 l:iiR HIJI!ls
A tllm l)Orn ry nr~n,nb"a ti on '\VIlS DlI\de f\t th e 1'OWllRhip Bous IAllt Fl'ic\u,v ni g ht, preptlrntor,v t o II per· lIIlln ent rllttni:-.u.tiou wbi 11 will probl.Lbl ,V ho n1nc!e next FridRY night, Owin!{ t v the fllct that many ,who n re interested in the Club lire fa.rql. (les n.nd oon eqoently were bnsy with spri ng wor", -- the lit.tenda.noe wus not as In.rge !IS would otbefwise hnve been, but the Interes~ mani· fe t,ed wltrranted the eleotlon of tbe following temporary officers: C, M, Robltzer, president; M, L, Purshall, clerk. and J , H, Caskey, trel\surer, Thou ands of vuloltble (fish heen placed in the Little ~il~mi river ill past ,Venrll, and many of tlltlm 1111 ve been 1I1egally oaught (lnd destroyed, until It- hllEl now become II. necessity to proteot them by or· glLDized, effort. ' It h.! the purpose of tohe Club to re stook the river ILt this point with fish , Rending aWIlY for sevorlll excellent vnr!etie
~,e:nS~'h~~e ~~ltll~;~~1 i:t~~~r~e(~orr1l ( will also lIay that ( l1uton ceou ty 1 never had be tel' air ; r
The Resul.t.
Pa.ris Green.
their beautifnl cor emoni II II od flor ILl tribute. also wi s h to' t Ltunk Rev, " , Vadn wa,llttder for his conSOling word. Ilnu the clloi r lor tllei~ servloes, ' " MilS, G, W" ZI,MM"~RMAN, You 'an pi k from the grea te, t Atthaear1vng ofllln y IIftlUe IJ, A, Z I ~DII'lIt~I "N , t ogether wi tll ft ve s ist ers, was left _ assol'lm nt of Suits c v I' I~ xhibited fa tllerles, 'om'll~eOlJllly then w s under one I'oof. 'rh I' s the n w the l)lIttlo of life fought to l\Ianh ood, Excursion to Springpopulal' Bl'owns in plain and fancy field and Columbu s- effects, <11 0 fancy and plain GI'ays , On Aplli! ] U, h 77 Lte \VII Ilnited in l1lurrin ge witb E$t.hol' (Jh!lnttr r. $1. 00 Sp[1 oglie ld- L:.!5 Columbus pure All Wool Blue Serges, All 'l'lIree children OIl'I,lIe to hi s this nnrlu y, Ma,V:.I, Penu~yl v llnitL Line W 01 Black WCl'steds and heviots, Trninlllv es Wnyue vill e ' ;fiOu m. unioo, one so n aud t\VO Illlughter~, all hand made thruout wi t h heavy 'rile e', With two si. tel'., ', Ml' , Mary mohair linings and stitc hed wilh silk L, .~ enl of H,u'v ,VBU\Il'g und ,!'ill'. , $20 is ,what you II pay el:ewh ' l' fo!' Murtha D , ' bllndler of Randolph, ''-~~'''''''''-:-..I''-'~''''r"''r"'' s uit;; of like character, 'Mo" B1U:vive to mOllrn hi lo~, y Ul' 10ney Rack if Any Other C()ne I'n Will Equal Our Prices, of Ltl ' life !'il l tIt in Q town of his nflti"i ~,V Whel'll h e Ctlr '() ~ nestly strived t o build II l'I'J)tItntion ;, upon t11e , lJl'illC,i ple, f pe rfect h on (New Goods This Week est y und IU teg rJt,y, r Althougb l'ellred in 1,110 fuith .l l , '"J t,he ociety of b' l'iend , hi s , Ollnec-, lcl\ n 'Y 'l'rmn, Strll\\'uen ie ' t,iolJ with that oh urch wus n ot Ul tLde Fu II CY l~i Jlt '1'011111 t es, Fresh until about. fifteen yonrs ngo, 'wh en (, 'nrl y Lr.ttUCA, UCtl lllb ,rs , \1e !lUlllm oned bi s entiro fllm ily to Gree n Oni ons 'We, how you Alfred Benjamin & dedi 'ute the l,ll elveR to tho ,erV1CO 'H. II 11 i s 11 '"', ' 't " oncct lothes a nd H, J, Brock of the J..ord, Fuuoy Fioriutl ]. & o,'s Fine t Hand Made Tailored He wa s uu indulgent pa ront, n v. I ' I' ~', '" ,31'ments, or deemin g uny Btl ri Llct , t oo g r eat Aspnl'flgn", W e a r e Dayton' exelu'ive selling thnt our wis hlls m ight ho ~rnti fi d " R h u h a r b, a gen ts f o t' these celebl'atetl makes of 1I1H1 witbholding n othing thn t, WIIS l, Pi u e Apples, Melt's Fine R ady-to' \vea r ,Suits and witbin 'his powel' to g'T!lnt, Nu v 1 (Jrancre', m en who formedy tho ught it necAll 'bi!1 ~tlffel'ing i ~ :el' , ph e lc1 Fn ncy Llll'ge BaIJILilUf:', L monR e~sa t'Y to hav e t heil' clothes made by thn t otl'ong \:lun ] W CU ll trnl y ,", 'Bermuua Oniun!', Appl es , S eel to measure are now huying from SIlY, "Thy will O 'Lorll, lie dOtl(', " , ~\' P I, Pullltues, uow 'nl.lhn gE' , Mo 'e oh 11. We fully beli ev ,' t hat still l'eruembc l'il1 g tll!lt ulo&;ed prol1l, '" Oll l' $20 jin of sui ts ibi ' s" a on will L , "Bles, ell lire th ev t11at lIl oum '- 'bick lind H e n Feel1- 1 ~ ~itlds su rpass any shown elsewher (;) at. '25, for th e,v 'h nlllJe l'omfol't e!l , " " I. r; rum, ) [others a nd l~ullker You I' Money Back if Any th e r CAn!) OF T II.' ~ I~, ·, Oa t s, I c pkg, New ' I' am Concern Will Equal OUI" Pdc s, j wi II to u.k th is !IlOIlO!; of OX'\ 'hoo<.e, Bolog nll , ,'e (I Po- , IlresAing t o my friends 11Ilti n eiglJ' t,lItoefl, n or t h ern g r own , On-, hart; my incel'o thuu'l ts for their ion ' ~atR , White anel Yellow W also handle th e famou s " At· mnllY uot of kiQ.une!:1s nnd worels of Pl'iceR Ri,ght.. terbury Sys tem" Men's Fine Clothes syrnpa thy 'lib oWD 1IIE1 M ,til tillJe of a $20, f.22, 125 a~d $3 rnygrolltand shockill g b reuve'llcnt. Bring us your Buttl'r Elloh one will b h I'i hed by 'm e, and Bggs, Highest Also the "L' J!l!!'l'I1Ij1R STO T, "ystem ,College Prices Pnid in Trade Clothes for young mp.n at $10, $12, or Cash" {If lntererestto Horsemen $lfi to $20, , I have old my Vlovel'dalo l1Ol1~ el l 11' PAYS '1'0 THADE WITH to John St,roop of Wllynesvill e untl "
Bean Snaps.
,Harveysburg, OblO, December ~2" 1 42 and d parted t ill life Deur Oregon!';, April 2~ 1!l0. nged li 5' years, J. ;lonths and' 2 t.lny~ ,
Ill) 'vol1r OWl! ' Ito ' r epair lllg, a ,( ItIlJl I~ l tJ ;1 'sortm nt II' half !'oll's , CIII olll ready for like, l;tt'l,s fr .) wilh \'ery pair, lI11d lhl! pri' ~ 10 to :.~,c a I':tir . You ca n !'aV' 1I1o ll ey, wltll
11'111111 will eXL~,1 ,Wt' , ln LlI ' fullo\\" ..~!!'!""~~'"!!!~!!!'!~~_ _'!!!!!!~"!!'-. IngIh' 1);lrth:nla.rl'O . Imm e l y: __ _ _ .... __ _ ::!;IC " I , ' I'her' s hllll he l,roll.ICIl ror "111l1 YO ,lI 'an uUYE'1 ganL uil:o;in Fan Y ,' I' h"ol 1.. ,,",IID.w llel! ""' I'eI" II furn acd 01' lI' f<Llng BPI':I""I" . " uI1lC l cII~ It rUT nl~I' and Plain WIl'r Rt c1;; anti aHsim I'~, 1ht'UL (01' ~ni ll t'tc h onl h01ht. am1 f U" nil th e rOUlHS. " Inse t:" b!lt3Cme n tM ",n~t p arts t h reof. alsl) Blue , rg' , Black WOl'sle l mill' \,V ha vu a Ii II 10 1 of R ed ":', 'I'h"re s ha ll be pro,'ldt', I In llllll ftll ,hcv i l., CUL in f'ingl' O t' d Ollule c Kidncv Hean s I ' Ipr e \Vhit e I M3 111 s' IH10 I hOu~e slI lt"lIlc water,ul . "l. , \0' , , ~ , II> Ke Lher wllh adc'luat.e IIICI"' . fu r IWOllerll' bl' ast ,'d !:itv l, Th es, uits a r i\larruwrat Bans a ll el Hand tl us hln g :Lutl uleanlllll111 sam , "3 1'h"rl' . IHIII \)0 c" 1I6tl'll"l I III or qual in val~e to 'any which are solei Pi c k d Nav\, 13 <Ill !; , Your hOl ce uII,Ier Halil sullool !lnuse II tlralll or se wer uf >1: where al,' I::! to ,:13 ,50, ~u ntc l c nt ' un r)u ' Ily L O th rouklll;' III'. In ~h e u t i1c alb ,' wULOr· c losets t h reo f. whluh llru in or Ho.wcr You r Money l!a::k it: ny Olh er Hh all b p. c ltu"Hled tn I\Omc suttab le outle l 10 . on' I'n Will f Equal UIII' Pdc ::i, fixed by sa lll I3Qa fll , I 1I0 ard, ~ha t " U"solv c,I, fur~ber, \I}' We are s till s ellillg t h e old I b ldd ·.rs tor snld r ' lm lr" alld Improve me nlS , , ' IT I' , I f p . be rtlQ ulrcd I rurnl b Ctl'"l,lu t c tie' r e lla b l Plet e r .>1 II lie ' 0 arl s sc rlpllo ll s (t( lbe am"'fa!U" th ey wtl l fllrll1 4h, G ree n , Tt is ~ tri tl\' pure and a of Lh o ImIJfO" mom" Illey w lll illilk", , , ami 01 lh e \\'01'11 tb ey 'will pe rf"r:.. , log Ih er !o:lI<1rllllL e goe ' with ('''cry pack. [wilt' (ull pla n s, s pecltlC!ltlo ll S ," ..1 ,Ietatlo ; , III1U SlIoh b ltlUers . " .. 1\ !link e p "rat.t: :lntl
Itolled ats all, kind !\ 'J'omatoc " 'J'heJriGllds of Mr, tr.l ll r baJJ 8 tout S trin g Beans 7 ~{ , M U , and 121{ c W r clistr o sed ln s t. 'V ugar, th very be, t, at (i cents , nouncement thnt 11 hH ll PII. !lffl /I , wny at hi h me ut, rngonifl 11ft l' You had bcttcr buy sugar it will nl! iIIoos of bu t I' W hours, Mr, he higher , Rung us yo ur produce we , pay tout's Ltome bad h ill in Hnr v y a much RS an yone_ emcmbcr we burg for m/lllY yelll' , until Il few give away nice TUg . Rocking months ago he moved bis flllllily to f)regonilL a, /), cOllv6niono to bi s hairs lace curtains nnd lamp. rlu..ught,er who teaches th ere, ' 8is Ask fOT oupon, funeral wa s held Il.t t,lle rtllodox Friends O,hurch in Waynesville , UU , day afternoon and IVa v ry l!l,rgeJy nttended, Ell 'P!I tor, Jonnt,h :m B, Wright of' BarveystlUl'g, hlld' burge ,_ __ of the ae nvice and deli v , t;ed un up, F I'll A N I !; , ' propriates rmoo , n v , Baoj,l:iuw. W d" ire t o ex presi! ou r '!li DGe r kins I\~d ~ev, J , 1<', 'ndwIL!lader (IS, IlOU heartfelt thllnk to our friend>! i~t,ed in tile S l'Vic. , 'rhe follow , ,ilUd lIeigbborll for thei r Idndn ess iug obitnary was,l eau: llUd sYOl puthy showll us in tbe I 5S I oao Marsha,J) tout- son of l snao of our beloved hu baod lIod fllther ,ut,'WIIS . un we with to,bt, tbl~nk I:i., and Jan D, 8t? born ,ellpeoial1y In Wayueg villo Lodge F, & for
Save, Half the Cost.
allli th C\' gai ll c d ,l) !I I" , t!l tlr e
Death of Mar. hall S, tout at Oregonia.
Sa tllnia,' , lInill ou r bllsin S~ incrc a se d :ov 'r tit w ee k bcfon',
al lil l ,t) on) _ c, 111111 H I" II \'I'll \\'lllt"'(!l1l '!"II rl'r I hllli l 'I' hre:1l1 p et' :-pool jl' , 11l'fclrI', ' I, ' il'l' li he 0 I /tIll rham, nnrill r h '" " 01' 1\' lilt' !'lll' 1111 11\'11 ' alld lin c n s, With til I, I~ 1' 111 ""h "I \\'11' 1"" ' r:\\" LOT ' OF LA ES .ANI) vlli. of' 1111"h i' ht I ' 1I 11\111' ~I I " 1111111 I :\ISI<; IlTION. f n I III I'm bl'l', M.. nlll1 ll, Ill' -Ill' \'.' ~ 1,.'\·lIlglv SHOES c'd led b 11" 1' rohi 1,11'1'11. bUll II "~ " ~ I ' II (J/l re '0 g'I'PIlt. \oll~ -h r· IIl ot, , h i'''' ,'I'\: flur I,ii\(' of I.arlil'~' , l\ll' n '/i ovpry wnnt Wit h ~lII\hl1~ rrll'£' 111111 and Bo) 's O.\ford fi . all thl' la1('81 ou r . tr tc'h l'lI lt nnrl~ , fa d., in 'fUll , . Patent. ('1111, ici. To k ri 'IV h r wn ' t n 111\'1' liN' 11 1111 h b e l' Il t-Ilth : thn 1'C'llI n l111Il;.! rhil· n nd 01111 Calf. r\;' n fIlIll S(\Yf' lI !!ruI1l1 ('llIldl'p ll Ips,' ' Yo rk ::;hoes R tenrler IIlHl Il) \' lt lll; , 'nuo~,, 1\(}J ', l~ol1 ' l uverlook our Ell, Skin ""h ma' pl ,lcn ('ull 111' \ " I' 11(' fill .1. Shu' fol' Mcn and Ho~" , the be s t' B !'id "(1hil!l l'on Hllllj!1'1I111l ('h illir 11, he i nTvi \' (1 llv \IlrOI" hrntll I" s hill' made, ('vc r y pa i I' wa rmnlcII ami 1', Ill' ' i~l ()rs linn i1 hn!\t of l'ell! , Justl'e dV 'd a n eW 11)1 of Gl' l11 tivl's nnd fri en us, Onl' lo",~ ill in- , nl·k and Dr !is S hirts , m cn and dAf\,l n j! I'Mt emp, Itt t 011 1' , turn\\' is • '~ortfln(111 bv tl\" thn ug lt t. lllll t wo 'buy s. AIAll (re m P,lIn ! fl , OVI'I'II lis , l'I hull lII oet. h e r w it I'P pnl'f.iog ill un . .Jacl\cts and HrIlWnll's. know n , PAINT 'rhe fon 1'111 l'Ierviol'. were holrl We are s ole a1!r nt for p, p . . ' from li Ar h(1)11' 'l'hllr(;Clny, A lJri I 3:1 , litO , in ohnr!!A flf f{ v, 'L'ront, wh o Paint, hest old, 'I\lok well'll !. nf hopA lind cOUlfo"t to Sec LI S before yo u buy yo u r til , h i k(,rt fllmil ,l , prayer!!, , e have the well known A InrgA numh I' of rplut,iva !lnd Paris friP1l0 A wel'A pr pnt tn t'llrn the Leggetts PUl'e Pnri s Green. n'~l'ting 10 Ie fUlr~ ~ncl J OUt'lt PY' tn Gre'n and Jlordeaux, 1I1so ,Borl'PRutif111 Mlnmi C !not ry , whAre, deaux mixture. Free a bnok of in 'L It el of f] oWi\!-A ",lin WH, t,r)1lll !' I'· inforOlatio,n on s prnying ;\!~k for I\' hdd to rl's t, ' it. "..\I 11!!' III
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muuy Clls lOlll e rs lIa k
.re",~f' I', l\IIITI' i~, of t:!kUlperl!, VII" hllll A d n,.t' oull in the IIpring of L906, Be SIIY,. : 'An IIttuok of PIIOlllll uin, left IjlEl H' WIll It IIond wUh suol} 11 fcarful co Ugl1 thnt ItIV friends de, 0111 red 'OllKlIlIIptitll1 'horl m e, and death WII>4 OI1I11'y hf\f'I~ , '('beu I WIlS )le r!loudl.'!1 to tl'.\' III', J{ing 's New LH!loove ry, It h e lp d III R immedl. ntElly, lind Ilftel' taKil1f{ t,wo lind Il bu.lf bottles IlVf,s 11 well lUlln again, I fouoll Ollt, thn.t New OI~lIovery is the lle!lt I'emedy for COllghllllUd lung, disense in nil the world," t:!old on· der ~'IIIII'",nt eEl Ilt Fred C, Schwartz's drul! !'I tOl'A , 5U' I! lid , '1,00.. Trlill b trle fl'ee,
Van Wert Plant. , A delll Wilt! closed the early pllrt of tlIe week by which J 'l lmes Stoops 9btnins entire ownership ILntI Qon trol of t,be Van Wert Cnnning Co" 'V111ued at '26,000, having llOUgLtt Mr, Frank 8nook'B iDtere3t, This is B fine pillnt lind has been u profit , , ' a~le lnvestment S10M its orgnnlzl1 hon, ' InCidentally. it m(~y be ~entiouecJ here that the Waynesville Clluning • ' , Co, hilS started off thl!! season witb
make Ole change in our st.ock, 'and in oro r to gc~ 'orne of our goods Otlt of the way we will' make a spAcial ale of di bt's and enameled ' ware for the next 20 days, During this time we will sell all of O,UI" JOe Dishes Fur 15c, " .. 20c " .. :, 25e ,j 35e
4& 50c 6Se 75e
& 12c
...... .. •• •• " . .. .. ..
15e 20c , 25c 39c: 39c: SOc
95e J ,OO "
Flower Pots, Granite Ware, Table Cuttery, SpO()l1S,
Books, and Glass Ware.
T. B. Cust¢tt.'. ~~~~~!'!!!!!!!!'~~~~~~~'!"!
A Twenty l' ellr
, "I have jost oompleted Il twenty year hellltb Bentenoe, impotJed by Baoklen's Arnio'l &lve, · whiob cared me of bleeding piles just tweniy years ago," wrl,tesO S. Woolevllr" of .LeRl\ysVllle, N. y, Buoklen's Arnlc/\ ,&live b8tl)s t"e 'worllt so~es, bolls, borD', w!lunds Bnd oots in ' the sbortest time, '25F at Frel.l C, t:!ob wnrtz'l! drug, store.
Veg'etable Laxative
Ilurpnsses (1.11 other l'em· ellies for the relief of siekheadache, dizziness, ' indigestion, chronio Constipa don and 'Biliousness, beciluse they lirE' oomposed of the b'8st Vegetable drags, Ilnd mixed'in the proper propor tiona known to gi ve the best ' resultll, Every bottle gUllrrauteed to give slltlsfllOtiOD or mono ey refunded , 2iic II. bot'ie. at ~chwartz's. malled:anywherelupon,receipt CJt price,
CLOSinG oue '.
SllLB~ '
For ' the next few days .my entire' stock of Hal'ness, ,.- Whip&, Robes, Blanl{ets, Trunks,~: and , in: fact every'thing contained in a first class ' harness s,h ,Op, wIll ,:_be offered at cOMt. r.('his is ail excellent opportunity t9 fill ) rOllr wants not onJy, for the pres'e nt but for the next season. Everythin g to 'go, nothing reserved.
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U&IT\ 1'\11, lJ'OIl~ al\d Lh ug-h-I' ~~J'. Willial I RI·h aild wit'~ 0f.n ,;\~ ' '. ,. . . .. , .. I I UlIC'l 1\'('1'(' "1'" pi "ls'll1ll ' I'nL 'J:~1l111 1:' ,I 1I11111U, · fl""IIIIlI 111 1nll) ·' . ," I r '1' I \,ql't1I'\lIW !11 "h~'lllllaf' "I€oIlP~ \1('1' I taill,:rllw John ('(\111 1(' ; ";1101 Lnlilv on ' :il t l'n el II til\' I:a"":llhll'('a t l' ~~ rI'lJ()1I I1lt1l1l'l'. ,, 11':;. I urn It rom " ll U I'- b. (.. ~,'unrlft' , ' '< . . 11 1 I·01.1" , I I't 1..1 11\11) ,' I T "'rI ' . " , l ( .,'1\1 , II I'11 I' oi l ~1I , I ,t~ 1II11l ll~. ,,~. , '\ 1 • ' , . .)" ,.. u lIII ~111 1'1' Pll I I :1 ).! I't'al llt:::1!
E. Smith
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i\1!' :lilt! MI' . AIlI,, !'l SU,Il'Y and _ \ Illtl:\~ ,1,.l})\I I" vI~l l lr lll lt' lh.l . 111 11:' . fRill I) l'lilil t'd tltl' lid' (II' dl~ lUlu1 1 .J . H . I. tWl\ Wl lh nnl ;1I111 y ~1Il (,11 '\ "II t I . II (!l lal' ' e" 1I1(1I,tI, 1111, IIllll11~ al II I~ 1J~1 tu"w~ . I'~. 1\ ;~ . ,. . • .. q u iu, ,t 1;1 1').("1' ).("al her ill1. al. tht' hontt' ,\II ':f1 !11'l'tha :-,"lllh •. )1 I r l!,:s\\Il'k r l' ~l r. ftllc.1 ~ I ....;. \' ",ik~l:t flow mill''; ( '0 1111('1' W!l!{.'·!1lhng 011 J l.1ll . ( ltl'l\Il\\· ltl l.a~cJ h "J"", 1:1;", H:l tl' .\ lini.> Iii'l l\;; W:I»
rv way. ~h. -Harl'Y' ~ LJ',II" Iir.,;t l'(Jvi.e\\' in~r al111 (,I~ph;c;i'l.. fa ll\ t! .v, , > ,JJnJ.;,~IJ(· ·j.:td ~r"'I'h( ' I~\lI\IS!l'lal l'l'('~-1 1\11'. \v~tll, : r
I·. ,,11I1I'1 ·1I.·l llilll.\· t' I·I111
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~·l... rfl() t1 ,tut31:! Preac~)cd W I,j;.
Sprin·~· ~ran'·h.
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It'I1 L whwh ~IY'
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I?l h n utili L' '11 el; t ~ I l'~ . " i"la UlIk\· w h.. has . b e'n 1{'l\v"u~ HI'''''' '' "II (J\\' at (1 IIit " il l ,r"l' "IO('l ,,, ti llle IJl:l~ll:l ItOl
H h at\,'~ t 1Illllll1 ' cl
~I n' '\ " 111111111 \\ I'\,-(Jrl "lid , d ,IIwtv ~ .\ 1 , I " ' . 1'1 : t , II e l'l'ilped nol by UII' ~O\VI:I' a IIIIII' r lay ton . , iUl}Jl'vI ill)!'~,.. 'en' I"l pidh' at. }Jresen~ . 1'1', '1" ;\lu.1' I",,·, · " !'T lI'I II h O)tI\, \J ]' " IIl) th 1'1\ .,,,'1 lI " Il u l, 101' . I hub ~Jy all wlto aI" ill tlw Ii .ltl. LI·. AlJ·!". 'I.'h",n:\:; IIp,;.; I, \'i.;it·lIIg; IH'I' ;\J1.;; .'Ia r u Jo:at';lhllrl h~ b~en stayMI~~ Frnr1' k [) Ik+l (It l.y rlt1 "· ,, IJj · tlll! 1'; 'I~h' I' 1l 1 riIlI1l1l ~ h lJ J'lttll ~ hi,' [l1"')'I' I', III HI I", jl,lll pk o r ' .l1lS Wt>l1cJ'III I.1t k.trla~'.I\t:d.tlll' 1I1 ~u.t· 1l~' ~l1 n:;, . Gh~: li an~ W.all I' 11il-;" alllL illg rh <'l'l' 1'(11' q\lh,I'!lw hil rid is. alu h ' , 1hrll I ~ ( I Y I II \ \ il.l' '':n :;i 1) 11 D; C' I II\,\, VW 11 "II 1111 pi ' 11-"1'1\ 1111111111 1' hlln l a 'ne!'p W ' I "1,1 t III ~I OIl~1 n 01.11- fal1l1lt '8 ,J II 'al' Xellli L. tl'n din ~ tu the hOU5ehLJI Ult l e~. • I,tltl n qlljt.I · ill w llh }In 11 l1w ll ill . 11'111 111 ~ I '~' y,ll'k ~t ,t.. : ._ !OI'S hUlV~'Wi11f.~\'{, ~'1;!01 1\;1.1 d e~~d~I \'s. !\da. Dahill clllJ' hilLken . pent AL v'a rintls 1\1\':<, .J. . Eal'H· . .. ' " ' .~. ....', • RAS R mgQl\'~ Ions I " . ny. '. I:'; a-I rtl~ W h\f'H1s l' ill ML Boll\' wiLh liart and Ml'h•. ' l'lIa H a l'!l hbllr~~ 1' M r!:>. ~ l()w:lL'l, of l:.:as t Omng L', ' "h ' U; I ,; ltall(I(, al11"'I.l lIh~IJl ll ll'tltrHlqH ,HOOT.J \ ,J t , r. !=\l>·~ t whlll'(' l'lv<' d th ·.l1 1101''; l'Pialivc'". . ~ , ha \' b,'11 J('f(' . it'! l h.l' ~t l c~L , f Nt i:H Li zzil' . w· ltl'dll\·;j'lvl'lllJ"llli.lth'1'J\\' n~ l ti )J , ~ 1 " .' • jO f Lhe l'lu~', }Jl'u\l.!.\. l"e l\ ··\!~;::;l ty :~nd ~ \' . \'1" ("II' ,1I~\,ll ' 1I I1,\" " ~, lll '" I" 1M'1:.> ('Ill E J l hm; ut: ' • " . 1 \'a~ul' IJ ~ "l;ath l'illg :-;LnClU1('l' Ill'lft..,1,,4 .. Il' . I. ,Lnt I 5, .o. are. I l"lI>il', a r l v rl\ll'k III IlP,,~ n (11" 1'11 ... :,~t. l t1lllllCfl l ['UIIIIl) 1I e illullt I \\. I I 1', J' \.1/ ·ll ll~r Fil' ,,t .. Fvcry thl"Jrll Illl.! "'I'il) a tlw t iln ' " I' ~h i~ lelldl!d tltl.' F l'lendll I.,lua rt rly. m~el -, 'Mr . .I oh ll l 'II~ I(f' Y "'I)l1l \VIlY lltlS. .. \1 [ 1 . ~.. ... I I" U J\ .J n " . , '" .,.... '1 I"In!): In \ Va~ n .,"y l' llI onSu ndaylorllOOJl g·:UU;,.allf,Jll. , _II\C I''i n P i"" .tU)·IlL· "I Ih \\' II.'r" H''; 111b lIigh ~l'lV I"L"I ''''11.1 th(Jui"'ht. ll;l':!):!\ II'l,d 11c) I' BieHl\!1 ' \'I·I·t in ,,·. . .." • t' . "111 1 \' I "I:I ' "·OVI~ f ~l lllrt.lIlYllllul:iUll. ' ",v ... ... rl.ll.leh un 1 lei , alle l SundllY .... . .. p~ar : ; ul'(':i ai'll 11\\ it t nf 'Ilt " ( .rll~I''>u t h l llHI al1fl .. tll," PllPI''h;t J1uti nill cl1 to\\a1'd the "vi~f:! lise uf rullll'f' ~ II'S V\" lIlc'r l n'kilt is 011 thl' otit.:\< a,..; 11 ( I ll tl ltlhtl ..\ · .1 t y. ' . · . . t " . 1) "" 'tl t\l .•. , pu t . ' ' . . .' . . '!i~lll(\ al I)'~' I!Y n: l?~lIreu () ll) L \:! , TIlC' ri ('po l at l";rlKt\\,ollC l . I1k~lll .l\I·lltlHt , " I Llw ,;ch,),I Wil l 1)13 ol1 l,oP}lUlb'I.lllll.t1::l: Ie, "t. . ' 1" ~111 •. j' i1s lal t h'lllTI ' lit t11111w l·HlIlg. ' hotU~o fl\'1r HalTv Johnll ofW'dYIS1l1 \l ,I I~I I \"~ tl", W/\ , • ' '1 ' , '~l ' " I " 'l <Ii tl · " 1i.' ',1Il1)1l' '(I "1 'WI·t lI .:-, pont ,~u C' ':' • .' • l-1'Hllk :-;t"l{I'" :l lt( ol her~ , I~ t.·l'uJ)' . II,; JI I I !I, ' " ' 11l I1Itl ~ IllI'.V rllJl tllI'lIl i I·."" ":L J " all." TJI.llf. , 1uI'tznll)h ;\1 " 1~~H'l'llH.' I:u. I ay · IIl(~vlll'. • I... "!~llUU, ,I I' I 'I' ll Ilf!irln \' u n ' I .. I II ' '11 " l~ Ml:: all ~ wllh I{osa lJ;lvls ·tl1ll 1athro l' f . and WI' a 1'<' jJl) III 'I' l" . Ill! IC WI "u all,jU L It. , OfiALh~ll~:, U.:, d Ii" 'r 'tl h ' adlli' :. . ' ,< "., Mr . llalTY :ornell and wrfl\ w',O' , htl I lit 'oj" , r \' 'r tlll'1I1; lho~c wht) ha\" tri 'Il 1'\1" ,,: ,.•• ,.."U{III' IIHI 'i!f Il: {I1 II I )w,: tv life 'las:'h hi ~ }lJ'in\' i }ll~ IhllUg hli h . ,Ju~lathan ~1 c:Lrrty l\ml !1l~1l!1~ I l:ti ll'd filL'. J . Milt Stll ... ;;l'eden~f~rM [ II H II' I I . ' . . . , , b ' \ " ' " '1' I of Iwar (,ent\;Jrvll lc were e ntt:rla IJlt:u 1\1 S I' \. tt· .ll.!y an WI e, " ,(Jll u. "w. ~ ,'I; ) f u r slII.h a long 1m' III malle it u ('b l'i.l '·I" Itl' \" \I ""11 , .· Il"I'n \\ ri ,,!\l.t, Y 10 U m un e t \ Oll\\,IH, \I '-I , t r . 8 ]" II , If (' U' kin . 1'., . ' •. \. e ~man '',And wife an d 1Ii'1 [' II ~"r.v "V'!' il • ~11\ ",ni 'n c ~() t h '[lU\llTe. . .'.l1~: ,II <l Vol I "" lit \: 1\ :', f lt,:t ~ <~ (I li)~ \~~~ ;l~n~. i~~I';i~i~'I~\ hl'l~ ': );.~"I~~';~~ ! ;: II(U::;::lI)~' unl , t) ,'\ . , . ,\ ~:. ::- Bi!;,~cl, ~.m ~~lcl<" ~ f and dau¥ h. , y 1\( , _ ~-, UPIi \Vb ~ u.' ttolllh'Il till' 111 ~ltn){ flll'lIil :<. 1,1 ,\1 I' I, Ilri\ ttllY ll1 nu I~ . (')Ii• a\':{nn~ ' \11' TllI/l1Iil-'> II s anrl !iOll Frank 'I lS8t:'S ' 'L 1"v In 8l' ' / I ~ u • • Z It G' h . ~r. -'~It-t'et1: liWlll1I oj II' II' _ w~.JU$t Ii n utty \\ ~ I' II,; follow8 : \\ 1 111.~'Ii~IIII , . I "~l W t. \'itLl 1".11 1 - 1i, ~ 1~d a I pllc1()l~h of fla yt"I' f'I,lIl~ \l:~kl~ , :lt1l.1 ,J. ranK H al' ,,0= and HlUl)r he D~ ';1 I'll tt'tI~ a. It e~:, vl l't \lit -1n I U.1l l1 ptqinl . , InlUAOnn, ~1 s r~ Em ·t J ohm. un ,"'1i I'iil IS .. ' L'" h ill, linJ'1 I ·K ~l" I I , J}.y I .. came ']'u~sda\' to nLllmd Llll~ l '''111 \\ 1:l1'f' III l III(,tnlla I Sa llltllliy. • T;~hu tr . Sl acy 't.I amu ke and ess l s. Le\\lll . ".,~ I\lr;l , _ " . , . r '--.I. ' . . JJ . ' M I' () 1 . I 'I' \ t " anu Elmqs artl~k , ' . '. M b har,.. ' ~Il!i. Willinfll)1IH1 , 'lIrt . \ Illl \.... 11 '1 ,:" I 1/ :.' I HI : l YI~. " " ,"1 \l t'm nl ~:xe)'el ,\ 'S, et' "1~le l' ,· r . 'J I'\l('i';t II <I ll anl W! v n. mUIlY hau tl~ , .o JJ'ivil e I)f bein ; • '. ' A '1 I'; , I I ' . ' . B tu'oltll:\ o\\,(\11 Wllltc r \\' hit. . . ' ., . '. ~ • ~<tl' ::;,,11,,1''; Il::llltf Ullc "f lli q I:.'l'a.l· to J hlyl~JI1: t()-Ll "~' to ;!tlen~ th1 y- ter tain e I, b'" f W' w g l'\ '< ;to • IIIlIUI r ),.al II' 111<4 I yUIU . , ' I ' • . ' . ' nE'l'U1 o[ hi!>; 'OIV"'L (,Im)'\e" l1"kll1 . ' ife n I. . ..,. I lamsoll , ~.~ " ~ II n '" II '1')J'ull~J1, t \,I,.J 1': 111 I t '''II n 1\, I, rl\" It I{ n ullll\! '. 'ON/. 'ER1' ~U,tMI' , e". ll al'l. ,vi \'1' 11 er I .yI'. ;) y l Qn ' <...· w n' I) ea\ II -h as-agalll , . ' VI;;) . 't , d oll),"1111'(I'st \ \\ ... M on '!:mday., " I ,,\ II, 1111'111' , . • ~ . l' I dn I ughlt' l'I·Heva · ·f d I' ~ . ~ 11I.I'I' ' ''~' .' 11l'fl J 'h"IIl\l~I\( I. I tllljlU Il lI l'l". Ii ~" " 111 .tll~,d:l.l c < c' lll' . U1m ~1l 1! ~llclll ; I1d lu k ~h~ . ¥I'unk SOli"h .to a ti t' !u· rt l U I' Wat {\n~, WI p. an Il- , 1 .... ..1 r !J" ' I' rfl ll II'Y" 1"' 1'I'y'1 'I 'III'I, hml h ll '" ~ " inll'f lfe \V 'lS l)igh ' .u IleW Rl'd ' Jl w' hUlIU<1l1 d amI Gnd Mr . Allie Jil Ie, . l ~' "1ro \ VJ)n, :w I ~I ' I • • . :, " ( '-' 1.1. ' i'. ' •fit ••1.1 ' ti ' ('cl,se ' I.I) TI.l 81' >1 ~ ,,' . • . .," • • r \ W\ anI UIlSc;'1l , Iitt! da~h~r Mildred ~t (I r 1 4. . 11 d '-.~:! ~i l oJ oIIlll1J 11"1111,,,.1\11'. IIml MI. Jv le I' It' nellel 0 I ,' f Ol'lll \'lyum )l'oCth :" bttle~()I)l1av\ll lh t' sy mpa th 0 t~e t: J t ~.l u... hom \) ' fM r.' , tin '" I W I:H Ii I t!... I" , • , •~ , .~ . . .,. ,.,.111:1" ...,ul1 uay, at .rtt:: ~ ut III"t \\' t'I'k ' ... '1 t' ,IfI .. SIIII U.. 111"" tl' . . "lr~ . "'/lI~ 'gb ' 'chool t'adu.~te ·: MiD' 'lilllli 'J\owd n [Daylo" f!OIl~~1lI . Y, ~ • '. / I L t'!'\!.PI· K nr1.Ck, • .. .' . n" " .~ ~(c:llll 61: ~I u , rt:illl 1'1 wtip.. .l\hlr l·l ... ' , \\'~s. ~hl:! guest or :1'1 ,COl. nel' and ....::...:...~ •• , ~~ . MiS, Mary Watkins paSs !;fQunU v 1I I,'J: II ~ ~ll11l , III I tit t! • • ", . wlf Tu ·' 'da .' . . ' ..... . ~' . . ...L. II E~ • " ~ . , . 1. ~ I ' ._ I ' 1u .. tt"~I" \IIlld ,10.1110 I IIl1d ",o n " l • ' I' ho ("nJle .. '· t'l' . lit' given h'·J . liit~ ,' ,, "' , ' , . Sprll1~ J ' V aile. walllua mell k r i\u, u l IAIII l:\W'I', ,u i -;it! "I., , . J h'lf aid Cl I.vof lh El M t: .Lurch . • u1 ' Ith IIUIlW. II , ,lr . the • h ' Wp'" vr. . I, ' ' •• ' 4 ' , I i\l1'~' Og t\ll , Ll lI /togh l.!'I· j." , nt. OIYlppiul.!lIlil'''' l~Utlcrtl't W _I 'l at tt ' ho' fM ' J .. C'j .' ' ', ' • I JWIJ, \)upJls frOlll 19ht g,t'aut r ; ;.Ill '. ~ ~ .. ~ "', .U l Ttl ItU' O d llo111 n fr Ul ll II \' I ~_I ' II r!vrlill 11,1 -h <c,ltl" .l 1:11111, .1 ~~ I,j. "1e:' ,I > r.n,~ ~ , 1':'1.... . un- : , . -; -: . •- • Ian I Lhree t"·OTI'l'.t,bo. ~'en th tf,ietl the M tlr!i ' Wid 'J" lI el ( 'lllLr l tls Bur.! \ .\ .. ~ \'1 11 !I(' Ollb IIf tl\1I h Vfl t t hlug . a"M"lllJll ghnTtL .\ ed]lc,;da~ !).ft 1 noon·. .. ::;e etal ~r en hete alll.' IIQej,1 tht! (1 u t.ersun eXIlJYlJnabon.,' They were: . II ' tllu~ l1\~b"" ' "IH ll g ~;h l1w III I '\.~L1 l .: . 1~nnr:. lIu: l ~~"·" ·'!.!' I\" J ;\ ·lnthe l l)W ll, .~ ' ·.M., \.Chds. ,)tfcCoyanlwif'ellfXe- Rl:1 ~d~ Quar l'iy, ~,le· ~in g:at WaY':rB.lklt'htl 111111, Evel( .LCI,cy , y.sla »1\ '''11 I sL F rl uu.y ' " '. ~i~lI:< 'Nerl.JI , fli HF":HtWIl ~1 1I1111t.\ T~le t:vn r!<.Il' t j oOlllpIIPIlll ot \hr1sl ... m.a' w ' I'e th, gJjests.of Mr. llnu,M,\:s ' n ,s~l1.. undny, , .,'. ..' .Sta¢y, R 'l~n , l. J ohn I and V\.oleL ',: : .:' .•.•} .'~, ' 'lll&~', 1(!)t1~ 1),1111( Ill os t 1j,l ljo.\l!.(\! l l\"'tI ~OJlg: . trim .eL, ll,ntli~ : ~11lS' b. . .~; ·l~o o.k 'T~~n.y ',nll W ?"t'sd ay. rh M E . Q.uatl~rly nwettng ~\,O IRing .' .. . .. . ' f lnlJt • IllcllLl. I ,!f' I:l r~ I'~ Kbnrg Lhi ,,: . \I f o rl,tlilat n I< t, [:(> ~!) .... old llJlllltli t !(ln ,001g~ /I rid. Oil l' • Mass <l ay • of the town$1l1l) c,h QOls ,be h~ ld '111 ilie !If, b. ,c~\lrch' ~l m I .4. Jew fro Jl\,<ll\;I.' .v lclmty. saw ~lOgI e!) L4r n g tl b~':l' I In t ~ 1 1)1lc11l . ~ '1' " dnn " rlt o · ill!! ' :X('r~;f'!; tlw" .m"l'" 1 1)'Urnl lll· . -',. will P" blll'V II FrNa'I ' M.a.~'.J. 5. P'ac~ 1 ~ .~ afurd Y" :l.!W "" 'lI1cl<\~. \ lI ng· (0. 'Show llt:Day ~on on both I • " • ' . p. , 'rlIttS q;IP" Iq~lI\ ~ . , ~ ..1 n 1 P r af. ,Bt~ :k. of ayliQ I , wYJ ado r s,<;, ••Mat'Uh . 17. ~\,~t\e. l11g I •. '. " r"ddu and Sa,lUl d j1Y. , ... t1 o~ool hl~b . ():ti ~~ lm u . A· Rurl tit ..jmltli n 1.11 h {! r ~ ihQ.p ople In the $.ft~dli' ].' Black. day mOf.lltn , ,., . ,I .. .10' . , ' 11 .1\ ... ' .. ... )11 t d' • r ' r 11 • " l' . I . ., , ,.. ., ,I· -[ 00 "; ~fh:; e . m~ .nu t • lrp.tW, 0 •. ; \,l} ~ . • t. "' ~1!.';:>, ['ul'ul.Ld r'a ~. ,,~) , .. ,,' "b,,1 7:' • • . I or p e Int a: 11£ l'e ~~a g om!:!) 1II!u...,..iIIII~,....w~ < ' \ Ut , ' ; . _' _ . ' . 1 I I\l'~ ilL 1 e sQh~ I '1.1 ~' e)'t' en t;~l'tmn(>!l C!'i ~l'snut. ning pOS1!IOh 'f\J.&'ht . pel'stC1l' ,at. 01 , t1~~n~ soju flat · in t . e hope $' 1'1I M \rl(l elfll1l\lllyslI11. om, 11. lIg 11.U~ /\ud a Uw hum!'! of MI •. ) Hatb 11'~!1' Hell /IDx. ~ge ., !' ~l\u L lh' W th~ has Improved so ut":Cllllll Ollg l;O Il,!;qp il ' I It' uI t)~a ll l' I\llkl g l'lllll~ d . OI L. ' wes (JiB~llhl' ok, , ' L, -e., l-ir. d il:!¥"~ W ayntl'-;vil ~ I t h aL.fll l'1'l1 work .nd spring worl< of hAl' \'\Hi r c'm.rp leotc. . It-. (I'>ll"n Hor~\., 1 hUI:"day l bl~ll~;l'leL'c , lW,IRY , " . .... I'tt! ~U1d '!l?aY.[le r , um~fl.. . bll s th tl 1Il .tOI'Utl' ,I'll \1'\11' IIw il);I" 061T' RY awl \"i fe. n :;( ). ' , ,~ ",' t' : ~l'h .Bnccalaur atle. ~Cnl1vl1 "I~I 9'"' 1" ., '. S Lumb".~nd §011 StanJey , ' . I " ' .. " , " ,. Horn 11yt:!til1c'il, ' \ffl'l'l\llg ' ~lT ~r .I ;pre ched 'Sunthw ntg h!. , .M!lY J I I\~. w : m th ( G n~ CI~ .PR . Saturday. e ll111 0 h and I ;; 1111111" , ' ''11 \\ ,')1 k r.lL~d ~\{l'S, U' :s ('u!l ilf.f;lt.ilbl'oilk i", the T wn1,uH b) H('\', Mal' l ln (If Xe-I. Mr. H atJ'Y ~olln II an~ne-:::\ r~ 1!:l izaul:'Lh L'Dl1 ol 'aud ,: l.'all .',.\. '~ , ~niu, ' ... ' ILI'adiilj:l' in D~7'tonon Monday. . ns and ·Oll. LoiuwarJ. w ,~)'~ /< Uc ·I.s of 1::1 "ud ~jr:o\ () 'N (:u ll It It,'~l til bId N\I ;..; r ll;\tn l' lo"s (·IUi .YI 'lIlO. t u uY son. ' t 1I Itll!1IJI' r oI1 t o th"il' Wllrn'n (',, 111 1- hillin, IJIUAj l,hllt (I'(~1Ii\l n11 0d h .\~d 'II ~; .: up l. :01 d.I' aJ.l(1 left 011 l'JHee of th ' H ,,,will'l -PUI ib W6)'" 1'111 ' . , M. Hough . wife. and SOn th ~ Mi:;:;I'S Naom i all d (l1'ph:l Ho k- t)' lr'II'JI,I' fHr 1t.1' II Wu III Il l, t· 111 .\' l'o \l IHlll of Thu l'suay f or fll«: hom Iff his pHl'ents ~~ 'e.~c:f~ ' in IJn:Sill~ the xamitla- i 1\ nneth'I' 1'9 tlm:l~Y visit.ors at the . tt n ,'lInday. 111 11' I II \' t·1I III' .~ , Wilt, IIn l' 111) ]11>" tUll1 in X:eHi~, . tioll . • ...., ' ·!tome ·of . M l~. J. W ~, Ward. • . MrS'. ,1._ I. IUllhildill~l'n, uf U av,\. H. Chapl1l:rn will ha \ . till' ,;al.. n"lIt l'''" ''I1~ ,ln l 11121 nll'II. UI' bIll. tOlL. .M,4,saMalld Web and ~ll'. ,"am llcl tVIr. M . I' ; ' hel'w (Ic] and :ll j,;, Ml·. a nd Mrs. .. W111 . H. a.l-mony, · t!rlowll, un 1, 1\11'. J).u't ·BOlll'. of Lt,\)- I'. I ' '1' 1'" M' , llJ 'tl 1" \"1\ II" tl"S'll' llI t lOn~. /.lllt t. h \tv.e Cll{aw '\yu ' nllt l'r i d 'h ul'::;uav ill X _ Em Sal~rx ~'4 'it~1 'in WUYll esvi ll plW tll' . Sunday nOst's ~o Mr. and M'l'S, I) I !" O~I II, 11 'SI "j . , ,l.1 ." . h 1'1\ 11 11 !t1 >l PU'UI,1II 11 to "l~nl ll to t·ll "nl" t ' . W ri.-. _-., ..... , t ." vV. F. ' larkal1d i al1'1'1ly. anon., W\;;De gue&t.. ... of I r . nil I I t'S. UII t\U"J ..... , - - - -\ " ,,""',,1 p(l ' · l'"~,,,. [l 1 I1fH,S fJlltofllllfr • . _:_ ' _ . ' ." . ', , " Th, ' ~c venth Annual mmence. M. \V;'h it., .'u ncl u.I ·. OFFlCEPS ELtl.,;TED 1\\\11 .\' JII rh",(llI l'kn",;~ ul Lilt) Iihlld . ,rbe Illg]l seh Pi ll !n1 Lh1(~;,ntit III nt of Lytle High .chQol will occul' H.ichaj'd Hiel, !'> "OUl!"!" t '(In I f ' ,IllllI'llIst v:tU",y ~ltll t wo IU'(1 oll lh' :ha.j1man's., ';tl\" hl :l I~I , Ilvlli f J.,~rhle 11. ~r -, gr& " IId u[ Iees. 1 in. tit , new hall\ on ' W ednel:ld a",r yen . ".' ,.... , , . I ,. , 1a l l' a L'.e 11\' Win tonRLcks is lyi ngll'l'iousl' ill . UI "'l1 lII ·CI'I1 ..~ , Unt, \~e 1", 1. h~l' .' - - ' ' • lilY' Ma v20 .at lk,'clok . • AIl art! p ;., hl ' t lh ' h ,) f Ala mel'Ling 01 lh ;; ('al,ilwt. ')1li, ,_1 1I lI rl~ l.n l"'lIi:'1 Iv FI l l1I, tlJU t ."hon'! New ButilngtQl1 o' . I\rl l'i,· · H.eI~'y n lug l.'!lf "I\t ,Ul1d1tYlillVil(;!r! lu '. atLend . 'L'h a"mis~ion . II . .... lI g S l IB(,U:; . •\ ( Il lll \:! , II . " I '~ 1'1\, \ I llll lll'lI 1n ,, " l'll UOIHIHIO IlS III .. ",anon. ' . . willm o t 'Iikely l:) ,~ f . Some t Im!! " hl~ unl. \:~. Alln lt' 'l'h:Jl'p' . . el·dO I· th e T" p\\,(ll'Ihl ~': lgl1' atJL~' lI' i,ha tun !.hlllloW(·!lnil ll llf W" ~1I ,Y l ,"--:'." 1I11', 'anII MI's C. 'tYt.. Fnlke l'!loll "!.lId th ,boYs· will. be seUing gtlneral ad --·. , MI's . Eunl' ,' Shu te j" pl'epa.I'iIlg-'tO· we re ('h('Sell on la,.. t I' nday (',,(;jilin ).!' glllhl-by" 1.11 till' r "f lll" ,"'- ' hy II VII)' \ L...;; tt'l' ( ,\lnl\lt.m:1!i 1l\l 1 ', ln~!l hl'ok- t!a..ughl,' r. .r,.'lIis~ ~p ,])t . 'l!tlll.'~ay in mislIion ti 'ket~ whi "h may be ~x- , ' mov to Ri chmOll(l Illcl. wlwn " "he They n l'C' UR f(lllow~; 1'1'('.'. I'Jmu ' ,I. i-1111c\1~" I hi' 1II1wt' l'. . \\ II Ih " .. " \w," u n el1 IlO, ' . . ' ,. Dayt'tltJ., ,' \"!1'b11g d ~ot' l' ' r~et; at t.he p,ost-offic~ ' '. . ',.' ., Carmuny; \0;1 \ it:e l'l'e.. , , ' . L.Wi l_t tl ll'nn ·!'I·tlllllt.l'OllJlt', IIltli HlIlh!IL Ago,2d1r llu't"l)el' of 1',I'lell,' ,t.... ~ e1th ' I'lrl'l da~' ot' atuI·day., '. wllll1la\< h 1 h om~ With hel d<lu gh- . ' . 11111 ,"(' lin "llIl\ b "u IlI I I11 1l''''llrnll(,l1 t~lld d1lu'l1't I'lY,1ll eting 'lt" '\)'11(>;;I 1i!1'. Ml'li. De illps '!( D nn i.. han: ol1: ~lId Vie I. )n.-.. MI ·: . ~1:\r~hH1.", ·.ltl ..I' II, II""" w,:slt ,'\lhvllal"n. vill'drtil\:byandSundu):. · ' . ~;:fJ" 'Jlil IIlIlUIl. S S te,'·May nr, 'I) . 1 I 1 · . Pighlun: :lnl' \ It'l' I'rb., J A' tl\ l~I ' AI' II IlI Il ~ I :lIh.rI -I", I Hl'; 1, 0111' IIIl w 'r I' .. It ' I ' ,. I I ' tj " " , ' ' .. . " Ill. 'limpUIl \V Iv 1I1HlJrW n an ''" S prtn ' g b oro. -'_ o nvlll }J f'11 J1 e • CUll IIi Ll O le n .f« 'nr'Il'I<; '~Ih VIC(' 1'1' ' Il . , i'll l'. . Llt r.a· lit" 111(' hi'" (111 .... rllI . (n Ih"l BE'-.' lIpenll.i '~l fQ I' aPl) Rdi ili!l ill Xen ia ; , ._- ' W!lt-ch es llt.Kl lhon !l t tl l·tl nm1 · t.b ey beth lit' athollse; T rt'as.,ClIl'ia l: l.t·n- .I· LI IIII \\ 111t 1111" l\Idl'l!oI, \"II ~ ~)! t:I'(: l·st·\\> · ·\, is g9ttin~ aloll~. ni cel". ! '0' " ' I ~; wil) ~l e ill Y II tI I' III.i u n 1111 W Ac111 !; ell ' rgai1i,;t T.: 'V'I .willi'.U ll~11 I ahd I I'I ' II ! 1/,,111,'11 "I' t il,' ll' nth ... ] I~' t I III , I ,;;~ .. I) awl' in!'> and wife '1IlC!J1 d~(I ' . ' a,:J.a no eyJ3bU ~~. i ']'1' cl·t ~( f I(IOK ~avil A l'Oo'c " el>t'lon . ~ . . " ' . ' 1ll1 ,1 1 ,,111 1,' Wh "n'lll cll'lI t lr 'hit· , ..... . ". . 1 , ,,.. I • '. '" " u ... cluy!:! ' 'IIft'ILII .I'· t.hll IIlltoh1\ll\.kcl·. ", " );II 't rga nis l , MI'''. nllr.I. :\I ,'l:I':IY. ''' ' ~ '1!1 \\ " lIl d" \I· nil""';(IIt:lt t 'Il ".( ht: t.h ' IV 'dd ll'lg'.o ~ ~hss AI~'Il:l.'J o.y\n l , 1 '. " ('r A ' · · .1 (d:.h'; high HC h'J\l!' IJ1 I·'dpayev~ning Mi HS EVIl DiL\'j j hOl\l ~' for VI\ ("\ , . ~ ' 11111- 1 .. 1\111 1",,," "11. w h /1(' \I i(l Il frl1: t .1\1 1'.' lJann\1 IB J\1 '\l'llll~l' d l l' la!'l . ~ r s.. , ~lal·\.'Y , "! ~avtlr .yf • l '~I'~ 1.1 ullhf' tHJ.r\.e f .M I.... , t'rtr,l'IdI;lJ~Qsn\l' ;'1 I I f we 'k , ., " fl(:;-Jl dIl1g a f(,\ ,~ay!s ,\\ Il l! t. ,In ... ,rl" ""hi) I on ll! 'he ""'adua.tna t lO ll .. TI)(l ~dl oll;l GR.ANGE ' RESOI UTrO ...S (ll \\'11 1' 1 I t ~" IT HI" 1' 1 \' IIn ( " • . 'j . I ' , " ' ''' =. wll ()rtl . ~lt ' 1\1\ ~ "" l'''II\~1I1~ IIIII;,Y illY',; (\ lJ11n_ Pr,"<. A .J. B(oWI1 of W ilmi ,\g·lonl~'I'''· ( I:1S: e{lyet,~ . . " , . ' , . "" 1'1~ YI'eporla~oRt , detigntN~ tim e ' .. . \\'II ~ IrJr lll' l1 W i l li lI l" , ple~ v wbil ' c:olll2 l' lec tlll' ·dlll a largo ~d i lice l\I ):!~I';I. Fl'ank n l;J~ I'rt!nl; ~h.I' Wi th III I hu L t\vo lIf t~ t)ign: ~ho , f l1r tltr. o y()'l1'~ IlIl VlP).l ,",0,",011 IU Ht' l ' 1'''.11',,11: ,,· I",·lr 1I1111'\n[,11 IIIIlI"lIL!, 'lIhll~ II1" >-: 11'11' 1 \V'n,VIII,,,_'inlhel"rirnd,, ln l l'ril •.Sr\trl1'l f'a.,r : Jhk~" Al bcl't , ~ r~'r.I,~ail~ W~lllJl'eslm~:·· . , ".' ¥ ritlll ,Y . ' ,\II I ... IlI' ... r .lllll""'Jll h " h,' I~ ; Ill. 1 \'1lh ' 1IIIIh. '*' I'I' , I· .. ·(·I'p·,,, llil'it nt .I, Wm. llurrma n and wl f l' .,[m·u)' ~elc11we~<:.tralls e lnl{ uHlIle~~ lI\~. !li , Cl,u e WilJ ' l·s~lIl wa.'\ a' l) ring~I ( ,. b .I ud ,III" I" · cl Iy I" II" !'til II , .·.11 I Jill. ltlll1)O; !rut. \ Wihn ing-lon w e.rt> vi~it l1)'s "t eh ,. 111 Lt!b;!!,o n Mon " " (. '~l'b()l'O vi:;itiH' Olt ,8atll r c.1ay . #" . · Dr: ,l . (~: I · IIU.\' •.• / 1'1,,1:1 1, will .:: llll l 'UlOlIl"I 'l. !l w.I>IOI,I .. ,.lh' .... 1) 1;11 1'1' IH>\' I ' III I~ 110111('( ' 11 hI' " u d lllol11elyl' J . M. Hufflll<lli :lIlt! familyi Mr: l aJ{d'l~~, Ho Il;.\'d.GI.ahamcn, 'Ph . g tll al' lru ~i1\ess ' am} . soclal · In 111 ~ nn.! 1, . ".1;. f!lan'l, \,,,l, nrl~ t.lIP , . Oh. I .\11\ '" • .t .. ur h t II' Id p\' \' n (111) " . 111' 11l'n n1 thf! l o {'I' .'l l nda},. .' tt; I'~I~en, S\ll{"l'al .9. t~sJ ~ I:I l)dsa.t .. m c.etili gof t h e ET>w()l't~ league w~s· ' , Wctlk \)("'II1I1II1 !:' >:\ I ' ltHIII\', '1'1 11 1 ., \\1 ··l l I ! I I \ ~1I11111111"; I I' ll II I n,,· "' 1 1\~ 1111~" nnll ·1'·rl · ,·I)I I·· f Phil ll ' l l L··\I·IIIIII·tl· fu)' dn1}ll.ll t)ndrlY ·. " d",''... l.jl, .. . ,II ,\ ~elda 'Iwlll '" .., . le rli<1"; . I IW; II 'U,;('I 1ll1!;: t .' , -', • .' I, I' • • ': . " ,. " ., . E . p~Lr8onag'" -: on ,Fn(lntl III 1::i1.II'1I 1~ V,dl.:y 11111 WI,<, k 1l1 ' {J1l 1 in llis livint! wisdom W !'l'lnl'''I' ""~\\ ' \I·d Ih .. til]1 .' Jl1 ltny. ('UI',a r C:lHll! nt u l uu r l104gh1\' 1 Wll~ b(' t,on ,lIn,l}1 ~\n'l'lJoI . gll· <.I~y e.veIl11)J: .wll n the, ofli 'el'!,! fo~' ')5 • v ·ct l I. t h I I l' I II t il },h (1eo:!I,1 1 ,' 111111111' hll" " lIr - h()l'hood wilf I)' l!O I'IY li' l~al' lI Ihal 1\ (:' 1" h<~p~llJed~L a.\l'(lfr~ r~'k, . thC~I'\stfi," g .brear .,....t-e olect ed . MIIV • ~ J. . , ' u H\1lI (I 11.' a 1 11 'h ' . r '" " r ,.' , , . ,. ,! c.lI'um llI'\\I!our I.th1111 y!'.i~~I 'I:. j{.' bt'C: ' lI.J. I'; lli ~., I'''' '\ I ,I " 1" " 1 I, I,,~ . ., II,I io\. l 'O II II I I U".Y h~I~; ll1pn')I' li ea!Lhat th' h O ~le .ot i\J ssi : , ltll ~~LI·t.~ock 81rl , Fw,Yd 1?ric ':-m, l'on9,f SP1~ l\glield ' .w as 8 l{,. t:lnr vf>Y n ll l't, " l'lmpl f' 11 \'·It !~ nll l "" ,, " I' I II~ 1",, \'i J 111/.' JI" , hi' wllllI .. hl.:;')il , .J: A. l:'fll'q llahal'.lIPUI':, enl:l. Alldnon~f . J)ay\.(m. j?enttl \ '~kSu·ri'\la' ·visit\' fo'l'ls oal'ent.s. ' lId 1118 HI D ').1," V ' and r{ fl,,(, I';:; v. L''I' (' '1 t I Wo/_' ' 1,' " ... f II, "',, , '~ \ ' ' • hl• > , ~. "e nt,1 ' ~Qlmda.y ., OJ}lJ" r t ll ll I .y t." I 1<1 V . I t•l p ' 1<" W ' I1Pi< allu Whc l'ea:. ·' on e knEl I\' h I'. hut til Iflll l" .: .,,,1 ,l.. , I ,~ I IrllsQ" I . • Vi I~ . e , 0 '). ' wl. lh • . .. .. I (' Ul 11'1~ 1t . W'I '" " pl ·nlt: f.l \il t... (!\l l!lt ,l\l .. ., • 1 s i r . . IIITu ,. . , • ·1•• arl' A:Illng ..:• • 'r".. 1:", • t-' ~ r e pll it'llll hy' ~1' I Hl' ~ t; ~I1'''~ J r ' I~ IUI' e ~1~!" n ~tlle ilall ~d h ' I' ll 1I t t.. III t \' ,'.' 11'1 f ' I... ," ll~ 1,1\1\ \\' 11 11~ II II .,11 I lll~ I'UI 'rl H.! pm.I!,!· ':' a I •.~: "II , ~ L'tu:- > !YI r ...Fr~l1 l<,: I~hlll~er c~\' ou t ::;u~- f.l' ~nd - aot til I<Ul11,'~U l'~. \. <;Joh:llllll11'~ ; 'n"fl , .. r e i ll It :_ praise b , I.". . . "I ~t '" \ IlIf,':: 1' 1 I ' . h 'J fl " .. illll\l~tr: . , ' e\· ~nl l~!{ . .~I: ' I I' Il I.aIl Y fr,1 '1 d~ Itln.y ~Ylth ~new ''Rla'hb~ e .. ' , , Mrs: io' n\l1~~ Gi'tl.1e\l:< ~nd famj Jy villennd'1'iJ}'un y, dw \\,IlIChll.l t k~l" ! R ~ol \·'(! . , lh~tl w elr.\J \\,. lllhl1nl bl« ,'I\l~'I Il ,lt prc;! h li ll til h l ~ 11I'ldIU K . r". I~h LhCln ustlll~!.f~II!/',fVlg hl'r· l . MI , ' Wmona.r\·J a,~ ~~d,, ~spend ' ,~~a ted o)l .,a~'\-II'.day 1110rnlhg: t or I t ' ~~V ' II ' tllrl" th ' tIll I ,)(t ls ubml SSt011 l " l.oJ ,bellennglha l l·\l- Wll h 1i !.-:t., I III-""lC<II . '!\1 ' ,1Ilgflfew ciay m Cins:ml1atl , : ' the'i b ml' lhcanuda. . . • " "em I I I .~ \J ill . ' ~ 11 ' . i doe th a ll Lhj~l,p; w II." and \\'hl1.: 11'1 ' Al' l.\Ih1 n~. th e "!'I'n n ,! ;:1 111 Ill' ,] ,111 11 I J-t:1 '. C:h:.rpman :; ::tI·. a ~ J U. Q ' ' . "evru-atNom liol' a~tendt'd Qt\al·' . Ul' ~alld ~ I ' . Ray nor Borden wertl " WEltinel'du ,v .. ' . ' , ca nno t refl'allI ft'nm m omHlllg' .I lll' 111111 H I'\) " ' (.;I t bl.!n~, WI" hu m \11 1 '., - . • lel'l~l1e ,ting' a .WaytH:lsvilliJ a ~\-II'- c'a lJillg 'on friends Jl ere on ul1day , · .. 'i\1r '.' . \ia il1ptoJI of ]q,' r t h { III I' I ss or 0 11 so d ~Y liS all. ',11 'Il . L~' 11,· I lit I ' .. I ll j, p 7\1, I ~ llt I h' \\'IIS I 0 rego,l ia. . . ~. day . ..· - ' . t ~,. ~',.." " ' •• ~lls~ G race Beck is on the ;lick' !ill!;';' . , • 11lIl1u ' )rot,h ar -i n. lll \ (1 1' M /. Kit III ,. ~{ 501 v,eq , . rh~t ,~.Il th t' ,I aCh \Ie , IIfli ' " t ." I 111,,1 \' II I It\'~l (lit 1"11-,'11 , u Il1 y 1 . _._.__ , ". ~ . - ', Y,t; roFfr m h I'e W ~1t. tG, J)ay1gll Th (!clmme~cem nt exet'cise! l ~. , . . ' "I t r 1 1i~. 0\1 1 GIang , htl:'! lo.t II I lw o lit I~I""I , (r,J1t<~h1 IlIlU .J\I~I' )11J) , . I •.' I F'rldav t,(\ tl~e it'cUe hut ' frol,' !lei I' , I 'f>\.. d' , I.... ., th ",1'" MllI'O,\) t.b, .lIIeU . \~ hl l:! II Ulll Itl~t , lIseful 0-l1 t1 v~h.le dl\lemb r ,Hn~il h,IIIl I' II. t I I.Cl. l n Y I'J lII lJllrnhi >::IIll'l'; th, \ ~"·';',I· ~~~ I.,~\ , lI\tl.- l.J~\~1~Aa.u~h~:('on 3lt;(In in .r ea· hing '1wme 'Siqru- ueh h"on " lu~s ay 6\.e m~o~ "U; ·we l!. MlIny l'e~lflf u t.!o\ I'I' JIlPllI¥" we e, t nd to t h ,l.Jerea vl.d ta IlIl IY i'II ,.>lltPI·" IU III(' I· 111,,1 I.wo 1"·" (1, ,,,,,, lOl lk!t v~) o [ I3lh _1 9t <.! VI ~ILlIlg l daYiliR ~I·c!sumec.l tll'ey, - didn't:oSj. 'We,~k.. " .' . . • · Mr. HII~"'I)tol) m" 11 1\ 1\1 11111 !!IW El l'l\ I , OUI' d l!ep s L a~d . hear tfelt sYII'!lath~' \ ' ·;" II( 1\ 1Ie1 FI'u 1!llj,, 'hu vi n g PI'HI!OudIlJ I i\ 1t"~ •. ' h rW oucl ~~d 131 : 1; . mu ch c)'f the' circu\>. ".:, : ' , . \. FI'~rtk'·.pence ~d , fa~tly of .. : · ~ bl \ ' t t <tl " I !,I':1l1!1 fI'"l'atd'~ I'nal I ve, and ' . I h i III ( , I Ill" ' I 1I t, BI' \ IIIHI. . iii I~S boll)a , l oul " p; nt }\1111(,ay' In .t,. 'I W d ' d '" . . C'" (!< t" M.iail'lISbll*g; \xe~ glR:~fs of h~<moth.. .\., fl~r efJll, ) VI RI .S (I II,~ ) aCtI. 1" ll1l 1I H ,' wn-l ., . ~ Vi lli'): .. ., ~ -n • VI' 11 ~. . r:" te l' . ~l!.~. g(l ." .•,., f\. t) ebe~" Pe"'t" d' on l in ay • '. ~eso ve, IUt Ut' e h'" at. I I.u ' ll<q '''' 1'1l'1\ I.n . Alli' . . t !.lI t fl 'al'S ·'"a1;l d' had t b " .r, "'-\1 u .. • • .,..,1 MI'. [:<1'lle1 \V d i h t, \\'110 ' hn >l lIM n I' ill In lurnh g ,for thir lY dlilYS aml .that I Mlttc\l IX. 1... 1l r. 1\IIIl. dioll ur. t h e III IIlI' 1\<1 I'. Paul Wl'ighli I: >lllrntiLl f rum ')" Ig ) h ~ n . h7l1 ·S~~ ." aJt '. '. Y,! i' MiSs ,T halt l'c in tin h ill hel\lr,b ~b Vel;I\~ III I'm I h~, lh:s l·"so lutlOl'IS be s pl'e<id UPOIl .,u r o f \\ 11'. IIIH.I !'vi r . ("m k !. II ill \Vll y n ":,-I' 1.\ UIl(;i ~, lnu ialla, •'n ntiny ,rting. ~~ Il' U ~ ..:. y ~ . al S of I . ~! ...1.<1' ,J I 1)l!jlilln a~ Sa . Tll l11ut S,aJ;lI] that a COP,Y bepr.e8~'lIt'I \·il l '·. Ap l·t l :!!I, 1\10c Ag'':1.'Y,·llr", .M I" I..t'\' i . M\,'c)'t-\ hU~ , a~I:;~ Pt. t!d . a l ") ~"-'\l l!.ll:IY l.l1l1~YSP~~ St II' I ~ ~I Hu ' 1 II SO . ...,.Y,':... MTs.:i Ii ~ t1 ~lInl1 0,_·. ,1 ~ \"1 •• 1 "Iill It " . ~d ~l' h l.J · I'eaved fam)ly and PI' IIlL nll, 1 1(1 11" )lI tll,. ' pIJ,' itio ll in a nlill ill Wi'A~il' rinia . IV till ,\~I" nUI1t. ~\! Yel ~¥ . !ll~l ij~. tnin.ed n ...·P~'ml..l dJIVlll~Jl·~a#lt~r;. wi tl l,'v.fO D'. .1) , tI\,l tI ' for tl t; ll . \ V-f< TIl OU~ i 'a l pap'r!:! , I ." " , 'f g .' • 1 • \ . ,' ,I, ,I t.,' . . ' '1" . " .' . , ••• , ';, , '\ . ( ,,\ I{1, u~' 11Ii\ ~ lt~ Mi: Lucile M<l::lOlf spent SlImJay . . ! . ' <, " , utly IlLLel' ~.~celd y bupe Cm trl.J ,. l'IrllSl11111 b . . ~,. I ve l, '1'1 I f :tUlI 1V t.~~k 40'"111>1 " I) \1 J' nlll' l .Y \\'1' th n/,1" l :;" ' 0\ " I tl 'l{iLI ' , ' 1ll!l.I'Artllc.l " II . . .•nal) ~ella ' I'n ell l Y )'1' . e ' I e\'. " at h urue II l{h' lll en.t<'' '111 g . \ . ' fl .. t~ ..' I I M:_r...· I t(lI' XIJl'> I!P< lit ll' heltfl~lt. 11l1l1 llR U : I. L' "1 "1 t l I 'ro' " t B L.L ClIUTrJ1Q, • -dISCU ' '. • l ~lr es I lloOI.( 'nel; • ' . •. I ' •.1' ran ( , , 11 el' WIoI!! Il \ .l1llH ll lao. ~o . p.:hill S,"" , . b en \ nh , .~ . 'otmuiLt ~ .•' 1,111' rtllll./I\' ltl, ll .Igl ";>I ~1l(l/rilllJd~ ti 'alLlifd . • ' ~ , ". ~, • , _._ _. .... . ' " a, IOS·t...4~Il]OYao", , ' .. '. , ', . . who hI! VI! st) loud IIslij,;ll'll t,ll UI .~' .' ~ 1j' ,It , ' , '. i.. ,." Elver~ on, . Mr, llhd Mrs. Ii',,"uk "'(11 lriI;1'lvl'ff . _. . • .! Ii iui ' H~)·rlJg · tf) tueh" lov0d ohll ~he mCeltng.p p le' :ld?- -The bi/.." 1llalf stJit fa~ the ·Miami: Oqr pt.ill1ic scl~o,L'1I _1i~U\e 'l'h\1r~d:1r IIfl er Ull oXi 'i1irll¥1 90 Ci~iDnati Ex~u -i:I\IIII , ' ''l}~I'ln I IY ta.M 11'111'1 Mr,.., \JIl~ sodl ~~t ~ll~ h , of lliSl'W~ (m· €tid.ffiition.'at t.he.Pos~ o~hce ' i1~' the tire (tont Q.f~lh& y, I1s t, ; \'islt,iJ\~ iU;cl!l,' sio ani ... Lines [1111. I n I.~ 'U~I' I. 0\ t r .Il' to .. at tl" llpt .' UH aYb·~yel ..'".~ . Jastw ~ ft~d th y' arl!"N~r-,T'cat . ing in thj,1'trI~.f:·\ltn wlilr·. m{J!l Jifornin, ' ljl h, Wyumiggl\ud . .' . "'l ... " '''': . . n".' ~·~.iQ.wllrrt~, t,11ll ~ 1·ltt~tlll\ tl.1 . III i4a.~ ,(1 ~lId~by JOhnA,SPIIU14!Y/"'TheY, ,. T ht\d \ " .,.. . whld\ th(lv iAe.l. .No ·t.: r u l,e l' kind'·, team 1.\'1 , ' . e~enin~ ,)tilet · st08L8t1 . ,('<Y a r lOIH en, '~~'- '. ElC<:ursiOJI neaR \:.ulllel· h ..\,e beeu ' »b9 \'l~: than , lie'Ql'e uf. W tn ~. go to 8ellbl'ook ty , ......'..,..a· joya~1l tOUt' ad "are "6cneflted b,v 1e at ~4 .' a. wJls !lhown to.tbi$ by tbi fM~\ll" . spent Rtaftd 8tf openil}i' P 1!l8 tn-', 811~eal"et .t bft, . I WI .. -.BJrol's&1t ~.d 8181'lC". ~b " that *h1tY Wilt ~ll . 11111 ':1' ~. b> ~. I III v, I 1 we!'" I 'lu IUtlll l 1 \' I:l It'I Il';; I:" t \\'l\IJIt.
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ThlR 8I1bj(>ct: :,e to h tl'U whe n t h wn,'nlng Is nllllie nt' . I g il' . here w (mlion In m y own XI1l!ri ('lllle eannoL (J ~s 1l.l I Y Ill) a cUllnt('" rOI' Dealing witb Personal Mlgnel. tl'1 pat hy : tl! · 1' 'ful'e, a cl var caso lam, Telepltby, Psycholo gy. c lull'\'o)' II ~O. SucceUi on, " ypnolism, A wny buok In lh e " scvenllo,," (lll're 8nd Spiritull ism. OCC'lllTed what 1\'lts kno wn, h nll Is tha t By ~tlll . remelll h r (I hy maey, a 8 " the li vIng EDWARD~. WARM AN,A.M .' color, S \l As hta bula ,(1I5a6 10r." Emln.nt 'P.,cholo.iat aDd )letor t he lra ln llll iled Oll t trom In materia l. H"ciIDlat . (loslop I ha d ul I'll 111 tat ed RI,·ep· , Tho riCh. I' with th In tenti on of S l'min g a re lhe ideal Thoy mn berths for a Ind y fri 'nel aud m ys~ l r. rooms . \V had ba. ~y Inl' n our Sl' lltll wh ' n Il'l'ol,m d for pictures . I h al'd-O r !'oll g ht I lll'ard - thc s~ t\l re out In botter dis· d ub i SPIRIT ISM. word ': " A wr~,. k. awrcc' k : f; t outo! eon lnot with ru gs carpetin g,. and d IIw.. ",j''''-;: Clall·voyance. th is CO l', g t out ;)f thl ~ ca r. " . Indicate a hlgh ll r degree of taste and :~~I;~S when the publio inspectjo~ of 1 recognized it as tho ~ 1I1l sl1l llll cu. ltll r th nn do the colored mon' l l . In one or tbe lendIng .c ltIO'; or Ollio, h en U IrOll t b egin t 0 d or k on tl Ie and m ot.hods ofdom g . w lllcs II' h Ic h we paste OD wben we th . . a I'cry promine nt lUall , a Ulan or In· vole ' thn t cli me tu Wll l'n U!I . f np· s tros r I ' I ' busllles s ll:! hones tly desIred ; Jt;me8ll Jt I" wn ll pa p I' C cry a pan c Jl O)lle to ose I t til lI u n 0 (l nd of unH mlteil c r · dlt at pronehl n::; dongcr. It W'IS a 11I"'lIlillll , UPIl J ' . th' b t til th'cll' wits and acta..'Luses Iik o al'lmped ed cuI. t I~L e ~e IS. no m g II. a u , e b WIlio n r colvoII Who through ill.ll ~ cs~ l o n . 'I'll e vor s:!.w ro aes <;lImbln g up a tI . whe n' with r enson ' 01' th e ba nks , 8~d e nl y dlsn pueared , aud , with out mess wWeh IS not "open pla and abovester d wa ll growing out of a hard· i'mpress lO n ume as wo rd!> y ' l .l cn ll· ' . with him, ubolll $20,000. bO!l.l'd." wood IIl)or? Ye t. that Is ",'hat we , ~eason tiHlr e url~ e s before him tho B ing In the city ut th e time , 1 n ot sny tll a ~ I n Wil ily be:. rtl th llill It m ean.~ t h o.t a perman ent invita. , Ru g-gesl icIRII'\To to the ya Imagina ntl y ) a tion nd 1 om s ure t h" l wben 'We ' a~~C~~I'~i/~I::, g~~~ltl: ~n~nl~ll:h ~~I~~ tiOD is e~tend pers uaded a 'ollng lady to allo w me ed to anyone ,t o corns to hyp nollz hal' III OI'de l' I h o~ s he my fr l nd dill not hear t'b 'em. Suni l' e "n~ t IIA per ..cove red wilh rosell on I _I g " II I tl rJ I , and vc niy any and all statement. n " osItl CII n on. lthor artls tio - Tile l ' h t l ' men t so f L d' mlgbl IJ come lalrvoynllt, a nd. I be re· It to sa r I heell 'lI t he m. W Itt. I he our wtlll :. ,1 ney are ne ' lll tt l t hI h s e JllUCO lll t en V('.r~lse II b < ¥ I~ 0 ~ u a no'" c am E' . 'l~n"-lI 0' I. .... I, V by, fi nd t il wh ' roa houls of th ma n tmln . bu t not un lH I I'l'so rt pd to u lit · nor t l'ne. I. oses are a ve ry eaul. m en weflre abrou d ~ht b' tb e r c 'nt Il noll' [1m '" ege .-bl .... El r.-. ~'JIIIpoun • 1;lp 1'\1, • to tlI e('L th 1)l'oj ul11cle or lil Y f\ll . but they wcre novol' made ' to clall flurr ' wl~ch ~u . 111 - ho bal n,; It nown to both of us. . Is now I s It II. pur Iy vegetab le <TIIIIpol }lld clim b up Inl 1'1 01' WAlls and ther do passed, :~gg 'sts tlllrslo'>Y r Sb el Il ~ e nt e d, lJul In ror mec1 mo fr l nrl . who had U ti p H t1 I1CO wi' b clI('cUollB. m ful from roo\:..q o.nd horbZ l- WIththat sh did not beH ' ve In elt hfl r hn.. whal slie r a il ed my " ecc'~ ntr' a" not g row [ro m .hardwood flo oring' j Some we re I'ulned nud a ,'ory few be. out drugs? Th e set lig lackln ure s , o " t b wall Ite r papor wo rd. ure also Clime Insane becallB ot their losses. Co mc I\n{1 coUSin or c lah' l· o .~un ce, and l hat nl)See. • • To jJre v n t a ll Y a nxl13ty on the part ti resome and etJually dlsagre eab!o and Tw tt . t k t!'hl I bod y could hypnotlz her, as ma ny at· II ' relle llae t. Do the wom nof.Am erlca cq J1tmua or 11' e 00 e I' own o r her ~ fa es. t he r. at n.lly whose ,!se as ,.,~ qlles much t T of .\\,us it IXS we 0.1'0 told ?' te mpts bad been malle Dnd all had Th I b 11 d II I tb I It Is when suclJ limes como Ibat the I Com e l\nd Sec. ae c nm pull y ln ~ Ihn clA Ughl !'I', I Imnln' rsll d. dlut 1y t1lug rn phod him of ollr d lAY ; corr e t ac~.~s o~: tl:~ed oSr SO~d °:0;' , ~~atesman, f th~ ~rea~ IlnnnCI~r dll.n~ I ' Vns'ib I~ eve r s u cb a person as, I encoura grd her to c . press h er· ored wall. F orh ln ate lr It Is lh e only I the m an 0 > a HUII'sl oCdO lll~S I lro a I J.vuio. :J!:. Pinkha m, o.nd is there l1:n y sel f tre Iy ; In tact, h Illing he r to and lh 11 . uft er 1he ' train hnd pull d t 1. t a ays 0 \\ a 1 s pen, Mrs Pinkha m now Ollt, clean I tOllk way, and m ~ ro Cor una tely It Is 1 t urnsS rugg 1lQ('k Ihe to whom 810k 1II11 (1 whlt o lie J rrom hi s desk unload h I' olljecUo ns. \Vh nUl ls . k d to tb on ly perman ent wny; t he onl y thf' CALL OF TH E SOnod IIslens to . . ' 'te 'J IL. '\\Om..'lD nre a s c lI:a5 don e sbe bc(>ome pns slv (l\ uec· hnd l Irl rnr the pu r pose of sayIng her wrl. way tha t does not In\'olve t'ho end· IIf li nd minE.', Needelt a C,l n·Opene r. Se There nre lHlUc1r ds of essary cOlld ltlon) a nd i n less than cas S C ,1m ili nnd t <;. te de She did not Ii lI e \'e my pramon lt Io n l ess la lJo r In t he futuro. One of tho c urlolill fea ~ll r 8 a t m e two minutes through out th e nlted States at tllose. 't!lh ' ~ vkas pl'lva correds~~d nbC8 I II htl (no iong I' time Is e ve r til n th ht llot then; lIOt 1\Illll we bad 1)aS8' II WI board mode rn. warship s Is th ne· I' quJr d with a good. n SIC women g ~g ~ wa s some n ew oug 'S' who ha ve mOll ey In t he banks and nr sulljeet ) sho was s arely a ve ,. that w omen only and tcon u e le tters kept Sf lit gully al, Ash!" mus t be ~I ' e n th,e color, Light colors looliln!; ror Inve stme nt In ~,.~ r_ of provIdin g eRD·ope ners. In so thol'Oug hly hy pnol1~ lands . No cd !;tric that she hula, anti she. with II. t ly coi11ldc ntio.l? r oll ect 85 a of tbe light thrown upon I invostm en t Is beUm' or siludd 1', loolle!1 sarer · T a ll · ·C a " ery Inrge p roportio n of Ilussed readily Inn a clalrroy ant con· 0 k I ' 1 S t ' t l" f"f 1 dow n Into Ihnt ya wning ' . . a r co OI S re Il co t b orne 1\1l( h:ls m a nd hem . ee, u il / O . tor InSlanC() . the la nds til Western nce BSlully eOlls l!)ts of dillon. Can. ' Have they rea lly !JOt l etters from nanially l' tll zeel w!lnt " tlli ght llll V(\ Lightin g Illlis be s a.ved by choos' l ada that can be bought at fr om $10 to l over one million , one hundre d She went (cla lrvoya nlly) t o h!B been" bllli Official sta t istics show It not beon ror my "eccen· Jng a c olor '" bleh . will r eflec t the I $16 Ile r acre whi ch yIeld a revenue ' th ous and women corrcsp oDJlen ts? Ll esh lp when a t sea bomo. She \;k'" Qui tJy lea ve bls t rlcitl cs ." la~ges t degree at light. In Dorth equal to and ofte,n gronte r than til II' CClnlC and Sec. horn e markets ho'me In tbe nig h t (T snY "sn v" hi m. . s Is well lrn OWll . not u passeng el ro oms use warm colors • .pr: rolors ol'ig inal cos t. . Those lands ma ke a as ] I:we they proof thnt Lydia E. that Is a clalrv yant .express ion) . 1 w hlcl1 escaped r efl; l:r.• .I. ,t · - In SOltt and c8l' UlI n Invl's t rn ent. During t,be b obtai,ne d t rom HID! s leeper ; hence the past Pi Sbe saw him board a t ra iu, saw blm que s tl on Il kh am's Vegeta ble Compo und west !"'...llllIS sometim es the light , can two month s lorge nat urull y nrls ep Invest ments In urcd thousan ds of these \1~' (lm'6Do' lea"e the train at De troit, Mich. be 1ll0dllie d by t he us~ Sh ould of you darker be the thes (·,.l iy' ·6itie' t~ receive lands hav e been made , Bome In· Come every time dinner See. At this PQlnt 1 Interrup ted her. I the warning l1I ~Bage?" col ors , Darl{ greens, absorb t be IIgbt: te nding to use the londs for tarln lll g crew. Tbls m ~an s 'I'his saId : "I thluk he bas cro ssed the rl v· light ye llows r ft,e ct It; browns mod· pm'pose s or their .own., Othe rs to r eo [ am n ot~:lfo thn t I wa s . but'l urn doubte rs. ( be can lids are er Into Ca nada." Sbe In formed me ure th .. I was tbe Ify It, a ud so on, through tbe scale s 11 t o (ar nw r fri ends. on ly one who Th e or 'w'~b~o~:~~~~~~~~::~ to the contrary. [menti on this fo r mary ]as hlon. nud the of' colors. The color scheme ot II. the Govcrnm nt of anada I ~e(l . e confron ted ' with the Jl -- "'-'::O- ~(~iO~~~~~~: tbe purpose of Impress l,ng u p 'You I nm otton ask d why I: dlel not room not only Is ds p ndc nt upon tbe dl!l'oroD t poInts t hrougho ut the 1\ color vId!ng a machin e that Sfla.lI of th e carpetln gs bllt It Is olso Stat es bo \. in the.!r Ilossess ! tbe tact pre vious ly ex!,~. viz.. a wnrn lhe olhe rs. Because the war n· dependc nt upon the li ght of the room. tic ul a rs or dis tri cts in work sati sfac torily and A .. n"'''t'lo\'' RII~'''''''''' _': wb lc h t ill go ,all using nnd Is ~u nced Il y a s llg· Ing would not Ira,' been ae e pted a nd Experim ents with this end In view art) fr ee homes tl'o I gm tl ts at 100 e fl tcd by it i bu t the one who Is mel'ely h ypo t would hal' " lJeen look d upon' a s a LOsing a. Tena nt. aod does not pass lJeyoud t ha t fi t sulJject ror the hlnatie a sylum. II each [lce B illi e to Mlll Wu.y~, m k ls . sWJerin g woman being conducted by the navy d part· A landlord 111 the Highl ands or Scot· schools , c!\ltrolle s, & . • sldf's , lia[t' the passeng ers reall y b~ ,<J:iToGif'nre val · snlcc,b taug ht collll1't1 elOCl!,to l :! 'J~I~" meot, aO,d tbe man who prm'lde s tln resume . She said: " I see him lIev d It . t h re \\!ould hove been such laUd had a "crotte r" t enilDt, who I>ald l liflbl e Inuds. Th s as' nts will be I miglit justllS we ll accepta ble machin e doubt1~ss will not xoll us that th rail roll d offi l!lls him ten s hlJlIngs a. yea r as r ent for pl eas 11 to gl "~ In10 'l1latlon to nny do· -;:===== only Dut moue)' in bls purse and win go up J e fferson avenue (she llUd ='========~ nev er been there). I see him turn w uld ha v probalJ ly "loo k d me Ull" the li tt le fnrm. At the e nd ot th 1~ I.ou s of S Ul'lug, a nd, w!ll tell all 1 & credltab lo fame, but will do patriot ic dec1.lnd yea r the tenant ca me to the abou t the ra!l)l'ay r ot s. &0. dow n Woodw ard avonne, then out lind tll ·n " Iockell me np'" for di s tu rb· l,lllClord a nd s aid that ho was not lIervlce to his country . ' --.Gris wold slr et, the n to t he le ft on Ing th Ll ace. t bl' 'to llO Y ma I'o than five spllllnl;8 a PERHA P A NA rURAL MISTAK E. , Clinton. street. and he is now. In a DUring' tll e Ivll war I 'was, for II I'ea r. as crops bad becu POOl'. The Tbere Is a dltter nee ot opInIon as story·an d·a·hlllf hOUS~ ( giving the short time, quite 111 whlle' in a mIJ. la n,\Iord a reo d' 'to t his . to -wbelbe r qr not the're has been n number. Had Reason to T hInk He A comra.ll e called at my tE~ p t ap d , Ill' At the cnd or tll O th ird Yf'.ar tbe d L06t Hil Pati e nt. 'drop In the prlc;lll u~ the n"cess ltle6 of Again I In ter rupted bel' by askl ns s l s t ~ d pn my "'Jln g with him \to bl~ tenl.fnt app nrM berore the tandlor d ...,.-lite. Bradstr eet, who bas been dolfll her how she Icnew It a s Dotrolt a nd tent. I told him thll.t was out ot the oga.ln nnd complai ned that tblng's 'H enr. Orlmm who wa s fo rmerly ' the family shoppin g lately , 'BaYIl there how she . kn ew the nam es ot the ctlles t.1on . H was Im pell d by an un· wore going so poorly with him that op.e of th ' prom inen t me mbers of the I has heen a drop, while diamon d denl· all' eta. To tb ls she replied (ma rk know n Ilowe r ( which nclth l' of Ut bo was not able to pay any rent. Tbe '0 rmae· Amerl cnn socl l y. I li s a. s lory bel' lh words): en und ers "I tood) move among lbe ami would not tn ke landlord agreed to ers declare t ha t th ere hnB not. Thl! let 111111 remain I abo ut a Ge rma n fr iend uf h Is wbo thron g, but lhey know It not. Jea n· DO for un ans wo r. He ral s cl 10 to r ent fr eo. ore the men who hove dlv erg~nee of vie ws Dlay hinge largely At the end or tha four th was ttlke n III. not talk with tbem, but 1 can 5 e. J my feet nnel ; wi ttl the aid of anothel year the 1 put them lothe hard· tenant once more nPl!eare d on what we consIde r th n ecessiti es sa.w For ma n y days t ho G r m:m was the name or th e sta tton and, on comrad e , I was bing holped to his before th e landlord e~t test.. in the rough. and Qf 'lite. It they are Dler ely pOl:k and tbe lam p posts,' Gald: close to d eat h. hut aft!)r a lim e ho est weather . l r ad the na mes of I nt. wh ich we had not yet rea ched "Colone l, It Y01l do n't b'uItd me a sbow ed Im prove men t lbeans the bange In price at tho' re- the ' streets : in fact, just In conditio n. ,.~~;hf\ ~hi\'"~~'nd ' t he same ~ s I,=he n, wi t h n t er rible ra sh, a tre fe ll barn l 'li ha ve to move." Th e doctor told t he Gorman 's wife 1 tail s tabllshm ents has been too s mal~ It 1 were there In body. But J have ac ross m y' tent. deeply bu r yln!'; Into mad~ since 1836 thnt h er hU SI>RtHI migh t lllll'e any· .to attract notice. P el'hllps a tew mDl:e not told you nil. Li sten! H ' h as Ihc ground the blanket upon "'hlcb I CATALOG "'Fe I'Olf THF tfSJrINtl .beans are served for a d ime, but not allaved olt his whi Skers and- hall as· had Jus t been lying. th in g to at tha t he lik ed. ~=::::::::::::::~~~ • The Ge rman ex PI' ss d n. Ileslre for .:::. Te lepath y? .I think not. Clai r 'oy 4inough for one to make a tuss abont. Slimed another nam e." .Llmbu rge I r a cheese, sked for anrl an the a s sumel} name and ca? \>\, Ithout do ubt. Il ly own sub FOR SPRING FEVER t ho wife, being ~ lIt, ' howeve r, articles of personJfl , LANGOUR, a g ncrolls woman and ,ploased at the ~ ' adornm ent are r egarded lis uecessl tles she gave It wllhout II sitancy. Tbe JecUve min d \llldoub tcdly flere ived KID NE Y DISORD ER3 AND Improv me nt, an d In orde r lha t he r ~ ,of m e tbe diamon d dealor may. 110 next day I called. on t Ie wi fe. gave ber' ttle d,lln gel', bnt ' f l' some 1l11flCcou nta RHEUM ATISM, hu sband m lgb t hal'o n nl hb l' nt a ny a dhigram ot her h ,shnnd 's mo ve· ble I' a son lil y oiJjecti ve mlncl did nol . !fIght. At l ea ~t we hav n't noticed ho. ments, tim e he had a last for It, pl:l soma the n umb er or the lIouso and ge t th Imnrcss lon. My com rn de wag "Spring fever," so ca lle d. Is not.hln~ ch eose In ev r v . room tel olerks puttl'ng tbelr dlam o nd~ his a ssumed in the hou se . . nalUO. She sen t II frI end I,il !)e ll ed tu a ct . Iluicid y. ~r h e only ,. , more or away. ThIs t hey wo nld do If dlumonl1 :;' to commu nicate wi t h less than Lhlcl, poisoned It Is a s)' to I~Hlglne thfl Droma. him. H e found t(' lopn thy was (m ill my s uuj ecll ve hluod. 1 Thl! volsons Rccumulnt!' The n xt mortling tho doctor 'nlled were !O come down 8 0 greatly as to bo him without dlffic\ll ly. He Inquired mind to Ill s. bll t t ll a t was a fler the t h rougb tho long win ter, at the 1''Juse and as soon as he oponec1 Keepi the bre.ath, teeth, ...'lthiir the reach of a ll. for, him first by his ri gbt name, but da nll r hl1l1 been ' JI rc II' d liy ' my fir st wllrm cla y the tired . nnl] ,on til mouth aod bod~ . nll·ln r olill r:; t ho rloor ho' asltl'd: p.ntisc:pl ioally oleRn Ilnd free Irom UDWas Inform ed that no s uch II rson s ubj ectl vo minI!. II w a ~ , It Is t rllE'. a manlfo ~ t ~ ItR If, C'allsln;,: uohlng r l'Olll " When did he dle?" - Hartror d Post. 1 heu,lthy germ •.:Ue and dllllllrccable od?n. Andove r , Mass., dis tin guished a s an \\'as tbere: th en by hi s a ssumed name. rouuda bou t w a ~·. !Jill t be ob jecl was heAd to foot, hin!;uol', sleop!n E.' ss, etc. - - - - .- ~~~o:c::~C:t ~~~PAnd tooth prt!panboDB educati onal ce nLer, hos just I' celved Ho was ushered Into his III·csellc e. He ACCOlr. lI11 shcd. It could not have heen Rhe umat ic Jlalns ofl.(·n llarass th~ TooK TIME. germioid was, as al, dislndescrib t e l e p alh~' , as Il y no Il o s ~ ibn l ly could nervos ed, whlske rles s. , too, whil e cllltl rrhal pOI ~ :Jll' • le,acy of $500, t be Income of which Truly this was remnrka ble, a nd the the knowl eclt; of the accldent·to·be and uric feeling and deodor. Acid run riot In Lho syst6 m. shall be appl1ed annu ally for an "oM, more so as a first expel'lemce. \-Vas It have bee n In BUrOne' s e h; mind . izi ngtoilet requifilt e ~iiJi~~ $e ' lh salt water t rl)lltrn elit rur fashlon od Ilelllng· match ." T ho can· telepath y or olahwoylince ? 01 cxoeptionlll ex' I 'rh e night Ilerore Un co h , ' ~ as sas- IQ(~1l1 s ymptom s; but a 01 an s ,I' a nI! In this tosts w ill he pulJUc. The compe Litors case, as In the previou s on e. [ cellcnce and eebna III slna t) on ho hnd n drea m of his AI" tOlllc Is needell by t he bloon. Oth<'r· omy. Invalu able ,a re to be !:jet ween ren and fraul[ to admi t that nil th e Imowled p:e lll'oachin g dl!!llh, And on t.h l \'p nlug wI se a most mi sel'allie snmmer ,,\I I I gh t e ~ n for infi(1med eyes, ~ el:rs .or age. 1t mJ)' be that thil obtaine d may hav e been tI;l e )Jn~ hl cai lY ot Its futnlllll(' nt he wa throat and onanlan s na rra tin g It torture yo u. G!'t th e poisons ou t ot t~I ( ' d uterine o(1t(1rrh. At sma ll SUll) of mOlley will do more to r received : bllt waa It '/ to tan to n. Boo(h's mind wa s neres· h,ood borore the hpt i; nson Is Iw rE' drug and toilet Premon itions and Impress ions. slll' lI ~' Int . nt on his 1l111 ]'(le ro ns plan T hin l he blood, s timul ate th educa tion t!J a li !L mil lion s pent III reo o Iddn o),t storu, 50 ceDt_, or" All premon lUons are imllr ('~s l o n s , for (111 )'S before th as >las slna ri oll , and and ll ver , Invl ~ornlo tbe ne l·ve!;. 18 tb e s earch a mong t~ e bugs o( Palal;:on lai==:;Z==\{lc~Il'rf!~ "t by mail postpaid. ' hut a ll Im prcsslon s are not premonl · espt!<:itilly so du ring th ' hours J'lll lTle. nd\'l ce or a Oorlllon ·Ame ricu\1 Sf tll re a re bu gs In Pa tagonia. spe Large Trial Sample tlons, An Impress ion lllay be the fore- dlat.('ly Il rec dl nr.; lh' 11l0lU(J 1lt wh on ~ I a ll gt. W h tm [ls ke d how. he r eilli ed A man, havI ng blrod hl mroe!t clls lln of u. pleas urnbl e e ve n t; a. pre· lho nll,ll'd el'OllS !;IC Il<'lll was 1.0 be ptit " ,et ar. y hnnest d,.ilJ;fo\ ls t t o mix In ~' to ~ Spots farm e l' , had a c.ll eos(J s ct Ile foro "'TH "MUL?M AN" BUUT"" .OOK aUT 'oIU W illia m WaJdor [ Astor haR Impart. moniti on is the foresha dowin :!; of np: Int o Opcl'tl lloli. L in coln , you will 01). bottle olle ,hlllf mmce llul rI : extrnc' hi tHa t he might help hhn~el r. Alter THE PAXTON TOILEr cd nuotho'r Im votus 10 the Oxrord uDI·, p,r Otl hlng da nge r or e:VIl , It docs not SCI' 1'('. wa ~ Il llly Wlll't! l:!d, bll t he h ell buchu. ono oun ce compollnd fluid ba lm som a 1.110 0 , tho master said to him; I vers lty en dowm ent f uu d, wu lch "'nt follow, boweve r, that Ole 0\' _lit (,01'0' cd It not. J1is s n\Jjecli v . 1.1110(1 per wort, and two ounces cODiPound 5)'1'111 " ancly, yo u tak 11 long lime to . inau gur a ted by Lori! C1lI'zo n on hl£ Bhadowed is Inevitable. T he 8hllbow c Ived It. ·nu ,, 'CCSStl "i ly <:Ia il'v,o y sll rslI pRrllla. A t uspoonf lll aftor oac h hrenkra s t." e l ellon 10 the han cellorsli lp of the Is merely to warn you of ' Immln nt anlly . Il ut poss llJl)' te le pathl cnll)·,· aa meal and on (' nt bedtim o wi ll worh :'1n trn th, mas te r," said Saedy; "a univers ity.. 1I[r, Asto r origin ally prom peril whloh, (f yo u aro wl , e, YOll will 1[ ' xl s ted In t he mind of 0 0 lll. In marvelo ll s clian ges,' t hi n the poisonnd cheese o· Hils slw Is nn sae Boon C)nten e ltll·r case It. rllt'ni Dh .8 us a, ' nne e x blood. s train 011 tli e po,ls ons and regll· as yo u mny think." Ised to giv e $50.000 when t ho fu nd divert by het~ dlilg Ul e war ning . . Do not mistake Imaglnn.Uou for pre- a mple nr 1\I'(!JlIon ltlo n: Its origin , It~ late the fnuclioe s. ,.-"7'-- reached t ho total of $500.000; now be monitio n. All premon itloli S In tul· OJ Clll'Il('Y ;' It s Ilehe!its . wl.0n heeded ; MlglJt Be Sure of That. . proml sel! to g lvo $1 00,000 wh en Ibe I\\'e. a nd a ll In t uitions Sympat hy. Dohhy is tbe son nre correct. Its In .... vll:l.lJle rel,nlts II'h II unhn ded "It's a. seriOUS tbing, Verena ," bas had lho experieof a min ister and fun d haR reachcd lllh; a mount. Th e Wheney c l' you a re' In doubt, It is not In cou plu slo n I d s ire to sa)' thut nce or "movin g" s present lotal of the [lllld is $~75,000 InLultlon: Intuiti on 111'1,'0" doubts. the foregOin g lll'tleles ha\'fl i' ne n writ. ighed 1\11'5. Ullmore , " to be tho wiCe fOllr times In , the spnce of bls eigh t • IN hen anyone a sks you. "What mnkel! · l ' l). wi th 1he ho pe ,ot In ter esting thoBe at a mall ' who holds a public office. years' life. Some limo ngo an elder· you think so?" and YO U cun nnswer ' who ha ve hereto!'o re g iv en no thou g bt It demand s so much of hi s. time and Iy ,mlnlst r was ·ylsltlng Bobby's father China has agreed to punl sh 'ih hi· with positl ve assuron nnd the course of tho converl!atloD. ce, "J do, not to lhe subj ects incllllled In. " P~ ychlc' k eeps blm away from hie. home.'" Ile~e olllcials who took s tops to compel think It, I know It ;" that Is a true 1m· Phe nomenn.: " to c loar nWA y the , ,"I know,ju st how you feel, ma'am," turned to Hoa ven and B01Jby was Japanos e sm ugglers to respect thl! pres!>lon on wblch you may ' re ly. c louds thnt hnve obscure d th e ill'OadOl salcl the eiderly domesti c. "My flrst I\skeel concern Ing the abode ot the Jawa of China, and the Incld en' Is Is It possible to '(orN ell ,the fllture ? view of t.h e ~ee k er aCter P!lycil ologleal husband w'a s th e grtlnd Im peri al out· blest. "Yes," said tbe y oung~ t'3\', . ~· I th. closed. One of thoso cla~' s Japa>" Is' Onl y Ie a ' lImlted degree. J t hink t hat fnets :. to onc(lllra,:: e veryone to step side .guard of the Amalga mated and a algh ot deep wea riness.' "1 ky:ciw. It's Solid Ified Order of Fuzzy G~zzler8, the last place we're gOing Wie ly t.o bum p against It nallon tba! pod , In His all·wls!! provl,WlIlCc. has o\'el' t he 'thr sholll Into, t hat to n:ove to." large l and sometim • es be was tbat ? will not be s~t1 !! ll e d 10 have Incld e ~~ droJlped the Cllrtaln betwe'ei'l liS and life hat awaits Ihem he re. busy try In' tlle future In the general , e veryday' "The , 'Now' Ii; eternal an d wl1l be Cor to rememl ler the signs and jl;rlps tbat c1osed ,ln just that way, 1 couldn' t get 0. word- out of hfm aU alfalrs of li re; but lIpon ceL'taln occasever : ~a;J long." n A marble stal.u e or Gear "0 Washin g. Ions, as In allproac hlng dan ger, He There Ii not a future, nor will thero ton, romove d for protecU on from 10 kindly lifts the curlaln to· give us be eve.r; , tront or Independe nce hall to the ro. fatr v.:arnlng that we' may avert 1hat We clutch no 'TI)-morrow,' no matter "'hIOh' woull\ otherwi se Ill'ove dlsas· how clever, tunda 0; Philade lphia city bllll, wal trous. . It'B ''Po-day' and ' To,d~y;' to·morrow dedlCll,ted ~c e nlly , It waf! a gift 01 How does He acquain t us 'With this .0 E'AOS comes ne,'er. eehoo~ .cillldl'e n .to the cl ty. OF 1000 ARTICL ES tact? By a slloclal dispens ation of I know It's so he re, and It may !:Ie for· PACIFI C COAST BORAX CO.. provIde nce? I think not. God ' Is DO ever." respecte r of persons . That whIch we It CXlst Albert S. Black, a St. LoulH rr you wish to come In toudl with call ",soul" Is but a IIparll: ot the All· .G eomrulsslon merCha nt ,' $500) to call SOul. n your hlghar selt yOU shoul'IJ learn to 'A ' posse s~~8 all the' PDtentla U· G 1\ R DU A Ve,eta ble COlllPouaa Usten lo the prompti ngB ot tbat stlil IUu Annie C. Keroue, a bookkee per UeB of God HlmBjJf, bllt ' 1n II< much n Pre.~nIllP rTIIIIl ..1111 .,...... JrI ~. ... •~ Inl CIa•••aJ -JIM for a rival firm, an "old ~en," and WI les8er d egree-I n the proporU on ot small voice-t he sleeplesB Beni:lnel oil .. U • 'bo apDMIt.a. the olea.. watchto . wer ple.too. ot the 11011 human Boul, _ "old cat," The WOman colltICtecl dam the spat-I{ .to the whole. Moor.'. Gr.e.tea t E.rnlng l. IlceeflteC. OUfalJIe ed " .... 3. Uii& Listen well, be8\! well. and • .. ~ ... *II.1a ~ . The subject ive mInd Is the mind or wui . Tboma . Moore never mare more ' ..... III colin , n •• af.UQ LIle Boui; .the hllholt , raclllty J8 ,1ntJd. bit woll. ...aaieo,. ...... ........ diu fA,GOO a )'eat fr~ ilia :wen. '~OD~rl&ht. U", Good of ~~. Ing Socletl u. Scboolb oys who c! cln1med "The bo,. . tI?0don the bu rning de ~K. wh ' nsn1l buttlm cd ned" have been lallgh (I olt the platform , and now, like Fourt h at July 8pread- ygle ora t ors, artl ollly 1\ memo\'y of the old l' r !;!!ncraU on. But the d clfi h ulag a ' bool boy, fOI' nil hll ah eplsh slurring of wo rds a nd' voclf· ' rou8 false emphas es. got ono gr a t be nent- ,Ilraollc In stand ing on his f ('t b ' fore audienc e. To Illve Ills BUOCeSSOI'S Slmlla r prQ t ic • torons c debatin g uUIler p rop I' Ills tru lion Is cle arly t he til ing t or upp I' gro'llJlIl ar .:;Ia sses, high schools and !H'atlom l ·'8 . DebaUn g nU.' a ns not pllly S(I uKl ng bllt th inki ng, an d Is t he r"r 1'0 mo l' 1'0111. , ble Ullin " (leaking pi cco:;." A re (' nt len£:et or t he ew England .\ ssoclnUon or Teacber s of English makl;s a s lrong pI a for the n 'o nrng eDient on t be part of t ('ac bors a nd parent s ot orga n· Iz d d · bllte belweeu Hchoolbu l's, It hos the excltelll (1nt 'oC oUI s i, Is 1'0· Inte d to th e l ellc·hlng of E n gl1 ~b, an d hns a beR rlnG ori Ii. 1II0rs l question that has vexed our schools- t he qU AS' tJ~ or secret rraJ:,~ rnltl ('s nud clubs. These 1I0ctetie s usunJlr hl\Ve not.blng Im portant to do. T he presCJlce In ev ry schOOl of on e or more ct plJntlng 80cl etles wo uld satisfy i n 11 hea lthy way th o m y t rlolls d s Ire of young men and wQmen .. to bel ong to 801beUling."
I llellol'
eo., 8ostonlMIII.
GAR :D-U ,
1II ........ ~ •••
i.· ..... ....,...
HOME.GRO,WN DA'RY FEEDS. Outwit T nem DetectIves MUGt, M ake Use of Modern MethodG,
'fh p m t holl!! C1t1 llluy d by rl ml ull.}s have " hn pl'U\" d," They haY,! It come sriel1l1!k, 'I'lle orllllh:u l or lOoo day hun(\ loK chluroronn, o l'ium, morphia, with all l h c ICHH'l1 .' lj u( Of. pb ysl iall . ' GOOt) COLD STORAGE, A gaIn , th (' tonlH' 1\ pd by lh1'1 111odl'l" 1 jllll hlrd aI" lInt'lvai d lUlI:lf:l'IIII.I:(>s, H ow the 'Well Can Be Ut ilized to One umazlng Ill'OOr of til ' 's 'l j'lIllfl e Splendid Advantage, knowl dS of the mod rn r!"imiual und hi ll Ik - Hn e 's In k c IlllI ~ ah,· a. .. l o r On flll'lll:> wh :r~ Ice ('1I1\nO\ Itn 'p n . modern (1i:;c'lwericR lies In Ih •.' f ollll\\l. Y nl u tly o l>tuint' (l t'r wh ' r fnellill s lo g fu !'t : Jl econll~' In ) 1111'l-1I'1 1I1's thlJ I 'lg>' !laCe or 0. bllllk w : l~ I'tlplrfly 3.1'e,l1ot at q and fo r >llorlng I cc Wo lI'eli o p':mt'd b~' m ,~am;" ul' a C1l111J1lirll.l C' d air Jlal'alll~ wh i II h llc) vnli' IJ .' 1\ i n \'pulf't\ by u Ill'omin nt cnr,; illc l' H' II lIlOtl1 he 11rc IISly ! HII th" d e I'CI h'c nlsN a .. a il~ him. seH of sd~nlill c di s('U\,P I·Y. 1-'01'1l1 ' I" I,\' III l'usl'~ , "f forgl' l')" fill' Inf;I;tl ln', a d rop of WlIlo l' was plrlt' <I nil lhe rol' '~" I \\'ol'd~. If lh IIH P '1' hnrl bf'llll SI!I'UI(' h d anti i l H 51 7.0 1'l'11:0\'l'" I'ltt' wal"r Wil l' ilJ1l1 l1'dl:lI""y 1'11('1<(0(1 III; If 'ho pa p 'I' h nr! IW[ h " e ll ~l(' rall'11"tI t ho (\1'011 l'I'mn I 1!I'(1 fol' awhll' 011 II I!' 11)11 TIlls 1)('()l'I'''S was 1.1'1 1111\' UI1(1 hllll i1'd th c II,)rllml'1I1 , N<t\\"arla ,I'~ ,Iu' s ll .q Ji('jnll ~ \1 HIl I' is I'hlll()Io\I':\pIlNI lIlid UII th pr('of Ihe
them ,"
" Whew!"
In unleon, "l3ut UII\l'!! not I ho lIll'rl "I' t h tory, Ten, dill'S l UI"I' a 1'1111 along, 1)1(11\ d 1111 t h ' brll1\' l1 l11uck<'rol uml d 1'01111 cl 11)(· 111 In l o n 1101 :<prhlE!. Thal b i\e'll 111"111 ; alld, g"n· llcomen. th E'Y W O ('l! I h(' lill ~ I boll"d nt;lekcr I Y01l t'VC11 ' Inlll" l}. j Ihnu!;h l "11 nt s I1l1illl; SO I)W hOlll e 10 th 1"IIIS, but-.,"
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l1H1l'k ~ ur : 'l'l\rrhi n" '" (, J ~ It .\· (t.: I "C~ I'U b)' (:!I'ar IlIFfl'l"nc,t's .11 1111' ('(>101', Phol o/; nli'h~ " nu",l "I~(I I II Ih " NIP.O
The Rude Girl. "1 wish 8om o Unh' ~ fh.l t I 'I·ltld fl ... · .... n d lIoar tl 1l'l1ll~1I 11" . IIl r." • ',", quo th tho l 'ullow ~ltlthl. ' j\lu'n Uw' mahl " 11 rur!.·: t
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'Tn n"',
'\'11"11 u 11"11 )1 ror 1111111 II de" 'll1l1rnls Is fOllml III to!· li rr pl:l('j' Ihin ~ h('",~ ot
my \\ Ht'd .
l.ti lly • -I ~" "'.
~IUS f; al'~' 111 H l't!'rJ II" l\\N'n tho bU:'I;(' 11 IlHperH, .\ !\ h(lUlI 'l~ nlll' 8 h ol is lin I he glu~~ IL I~ r ll ll.l o l'pu, h', ~ uilol II' hy
i.Jo)ly-Hnve YOII pro rll~cd to all~" '1110 yet thlll YClll'? Polly- No, Incl ee I! 1.'1' r It to wait I1Dlll 1 g t nl Y 110 W g wn I1nt h 'fl. _ ~. Unn ecessary, " Mammll, did ~' nn "" VCr nnll I' h o w t ' n('l(' jllSI) I' Cllts~" " !'I n, claar ; Il If; it 11)01114' ill walc h y' ur unc.le wblle h' Is elllin ,,' "But y ou don't ha\'(' I', wat h him, mum ma , You 'lin h(,I1I' hl'; l l'1L1."I. ITlen 0 Trluun e.
He Prescrlbrd . Slogl tO I\~ ' all! [(>I'lInl; lllis(' I'a l,l c, ,I O<1 fOr , 1 c.'\.h'l gl't lil Y mind 011 nl Y b)l!;i n fl" my IlpJll' II r IR ~0 11 and J ('an't s ic ,)1 , What wUllld YO ll ad\'l se 1It ~ to clo? Dr. Wls o-~tnr ry 11\f' gi l'! , Two dol· la .... ; please,- ( h ien !';I' DlIll y ~t'ws , Po lice! .I0nqsb~'-Th nt 'hl ag' man who t!IPIII t IVa w c('ks was a1'l' st jl yellIN· dl!.Y . , S01lthsoll'- \ 'hn t wn : tho dllll' Te ltgn insL hlw ? ,Ionl's by- Illlp I'S0I1Rtl11 g 1111 o ",c(,I'. JudI,; USED .TO SUCH NOISE ,
.nil n 116- No; l' lll boo k kee 1)<'1' In sawmlll.-Utica Oh~ I·V!'!'.
Willing to Oblige.
, "All: ~tr, McM lclCl~o ," :;Igherl th e Wic1ow' Hqollhan . "S lI1'e, nil' \\' hln m e ~_-.._.....l ,ulcl man !loled it 1 'rt fl bl" hole In hear t,"
Mrs, Hoolihan,:'
sa Id JYl r, "an' it's mesilf ns. Is arter h ar~, Would yeh 111011ld khl· · ~~t...,,_v li t' , flJl up th' hole In , ago, ])all.I' News.
m' ...-'\'.,n.'~",'
Cllldl y.:' Conaldered,
IItJ:~" remltrked th e Relf·huportnnt
' ,,~~rn an;
"W8S n ever 'l.l llproached proposition of graft In Jl1Y life," lIt!bat fact," answerE'cI Sena tor ' Sorg. bum, "may be a. r ecognition of your .hQnellty snll then ae;a lll it llIa~' be a reflecllon on your Inf1uenoo,"-Wasblng.
"Iflfti a
mny ht' ma.h' loto a \'ery fair sllb sU· t ut. Th(~ 1\ccompanyin g cut show s hoI\' Ihi s m ay be don e, A wll1dl ~8 Is "Inc d 11 (\ frll mo mad e or twu by fO Ul' In cb material securely braced to PI' vent. stl3l;ing, says HOllrd 's Dairy. man. 'l'll slzt, ot lho bOl( d \lel1ds on Ihu sill! ami gha p of tile w ell. Tht) bOl( I s bung hy lWO ropes to preve nt Its turnlJJS; and sboulll be strengthened Wilh gal vnnlz d 11'00 at lhe com ers, If the millt Is (o ' \)c cool d, It shOUld be lowel'cd inlo tho wot I', oth ' I'wlso the mil k will nnt cool rn.pld)y en ougb and may ~ all ~l~ troubl from sOlldng.
'T)lI' d n lr ~ IlInn C:In IlJ>t , :1IWIl YS 1':'1'0" n.i I lilt' roull t h a h" nl't'lhl f\1l' ( 'U \I'n, Illit II unlly thl' 'flll'lll'r !luiq" mn.n (,U II , H IrItl:t look uh f'acl, hCl\v. I'" 1', if h I s to do Ih ill. anu his wor k must 11(' \\'1'11 vlllllll"d 1IIltl proll1rt~y exe"lI t d, Wh t'11 llli!! COli h lone jfl(j Jll'o(\t i!l usuall.' morA lhnn wht' O a part af Ille foor! II' p111'I'h ll 'cd, Usunlly the daIryman ('Ull ca \'rr ilia cows t h ro ngh f rl')I1" snrln.e: unlll fall on pllslure an d AoI:lng footl ,vllllout the nec NSlty 01' fcedl ng ,:;-rllln , It fII(tS h 1l0 C\l s~ary to slimlllot the JIll 'W\' 8 , Th Is can be doue In goo(\ Corm by gl v IIlIl' 111 ' 111 a dl' a~ing or fnl'l11yarr1 manure, If t bat I s not tt b e hnu Uti8 such f I'Olizer a ~ nl Lra 0 d ~odl' Olml hono ru eal, but liS tb,ml wi t t. l, I'O !lt cauti on ulllii their nIne for 11lICl1 dro ~t\in g has b pe n prov 11 , 'Vllon tb ' \lU6lUl'es 1,0 'U1l1l1 Ury ur (ull, daln' l\Il'n shou ld hav' ~"!!!111! rood reall." t o s UJl p ly til e n 1)t1. .';" rarm ('r dahoymn n should lhlo k /)~ ~(\o Ing throllgh tlI o s utlllll(>r wl lhon t ')11\\" InS' a sliDply of such food rCll ,ly ill case th at Il Ll n eoded nnd just \I" ht'll It I s n c 11Ct! H Lb 511 11111r "IMlllu only be' llcedi: d i u part thcn Ih bal· an ce IUay be cut and ('UI' II tiS fonll for Wl ll( r . Xot a JJArticlo of I l II'I.!C' " be wasted . .\tno ng tbo IUO ~t nlluahl(' soiling toocl H nre alfalfa , p ns alld rnt!!, corn nn II sorgbum, \\' I)(~ n' \' l' r thCBo will groll' til ' da iryma n ( '1111 r Mill' COVCI' ~he elltl re S 115011 'for SOiling food With, a RI1J)p l y . ' \'1101" alfalfa g ro ws tn good rOI' m, this plant alon e ma~' suppl y solllnp; ' food , "0 \' I ' in g a perie r! 'of at least three 1I1')111 11 s, SoIling foods of I ss vall1 11\ Iud!' rye, mlllE't, soy b enus IIl1d cowp a ~, , F urni shing tcod for \\'Int r I s not Quite 80 E'.as:y. ICvory fa r mor dall'l" man, howe\'er, In nearly all th e oltcd States should aim to grow COl'll, eltb r for I he! silo or to r eed ns ured fodder, When gr o\l'n ror the sI lo h e shouJd lry. and get much gruin on th e COI'I1, Thl R will les80 11 the n eell for ot.her ~ra in , When grown ,to Ce d dl'y , the ulm sbould b lo grow Jt fine. The dairyman who enn grow cor n f or his cows nnd yet · do s not 'grol\' It, does not know bow much he loses · J.l MOl' (ood CRn be ~own from corn per acre for dairy cows Utan [rom any other kInd or crop, The aim should bo to grow liay legUminous In charaoter to 'reed along with tbe Ilfrn, Such hay as al(alfa. clover, peas and oal.!!, or vetchea ADd oats, are very suitabl e. If tlIese ca u b e 8Up\llemented by rools, as man· g e ls . to the extent of a rl ck a dal' to each cow, very littl e grnln will be need d, not- more probably than three or fOlll' pounds a day; eveil Jess may Buffice, ' The grain may ' be grnwn alone, or probnbl y what i s b ttel', III Lbe mL~od form, hen thull grown, oats antl wheat, nats and barl ey, oot s 1\od' sp ltz, Or oats lind pens, make good mbtul'es, or tb ese oat s and wllea t Is 11l'obnbly, Bom ewllat the b est.
Accounted f 'or. Nltl1rallr sho turned to , h e r , hl \.\h:ln~ fol' irtfol'lullt\on. . "~ In' al'e SO' m .:m y of th.c pnHr:e mentioncd as 1)laln cl othes men?" slle ae:...o, "1 lIuppose," bo answered, "that tbe,.'~e like the rtst of UII, It takel all Ihelr ".:y to keep their wives froru betns tJiaan clothee wom--.Q."-·l'bUao
room tJt~.-(:hlcalo nan, Ulpbla l.edlv.
:Ma.ude F.. FOl'gi ~, of Lee burg,V"-t writes to Mrs, l'inkbam: "I wnnt oth r sutInring women to know what Ly<lin E. Pinlcllum's V('g& tutlo ompouocl hilS <lone for me. lfo. m onths 1 fmfl'ereu from femin ine ill. 1i0 that I thought I couln not Iivo. J " 'rotc Y{)Il, Rn~ 0 fl"r taldn g Lydia. El. Pinkham's Vt'getnble Compound , and u sing the trolLtm lit you pl'csc ribed 1 l elt like a. ' D w woman. I am 110W strong. and ~ell ns ever, a.nd thank you for the good you nave done me. n
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thhty years I.ydia. E , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, ha been the standard TOluedy for female iIJ&. aneL has positi vc ly cured thousands of women who have beE)n trouble(l with displacemen ts, inftamma.tit>~ulcera. tion, fibroid tumors, il'1'llguJarities, periodio pains, baokache, that heMing-down feeling, flatulenoy, Indijp!1J!.1 " tion, dizziness 01' nervous PlUSt;iP"!~~. "Why don't you try it? l DIrs. Pinkham Invites rm· ilck women to write her for aadoe. She bas ' gnided tltousaods to bealth,, Address, L~. Ma8~
, 1'Ill'eQ Vece&.bte.
m l"lE
Genuine Must Bear Fac·SimileSignature
Story of One Anim al W ho More Than Earns H is Keep.
-,- , E1' rcl se he mu s t ha \'0, fOl' un les9 h Is prOlle 1'ly ex ref s d be wl1~ 1I0t b e thrifty and ha"e a. "igoro1ls can' slitutiolJ. 'J'hl s flu esllon or ~ Ivlug II bull proper exel'rl g I!! IL s01'loUIi ono
Tn.u l-j.\l&~
DeiDR all poison, one >50 110" ...iIi .~""ad or make 50 to 100 tilll. calce. tbal wilt kill _ or more rail and mlc •• and tbousands of Roach ••• AnlO ond ned Bu rs. lk, Uc.'7Sc: bout
a,.n dnJUliNID4c.oaatrylllffll..
Send fot OUt comic poet.l cards and FREE U.bullr.pb ... bleh ban _vuIHd UIo
world with "ullhtu.
B. J. WBU.9. et-bt. ,.,..,. OItr, N, J.
b the1D~n w
has irled to t· the same"" out of 101118 olhermaI<:e , Sir Jacob Poesh at
Worl ~
and tl1e picture oC ir ,Jal'oh l'ocBb nt work, takell from Farm nnd 110me, shows how II bUll m ay b" macle (0 e:t · ercise an d aiso be or gTeat ' a ~s i rl no/'e to bls owner, He pumps ' a ll (Or ' tbe water (or A l arge daIry, culs C ,n s'n d mukes hlll1 ~l'lr very use ful to bls owner, His calv es all OIllA strollg C1 11(1 thrlttr alnce h bl'san IVorll, (\njl II I· though h we lg'lI ~ a nlllmp t on , hp handles blru sn J( like a ' klt te ll. 1 l J)l nk bre o ~ I' might take a h,ln t CI'om 'i s p i cture, I wOlild like to h(\I'e n !'ic· t. nre sbowlng him runn i ng' I lie IIla cblnery, but co uld not gElt a good I llc· cu re 111 t hestnble. ~
I"Sll~ '" ." CleaB . Light· Du~bI~ Ouarantee"d Walerproof
and Sold Everywlicre ,at $3~
Temperance Cartoon .Post Card, N Oll)ing with a stron ger ap,peal' bas rve.• ~cn put upon the market. Scatter them broa,dcast. .. Wantedl An Emancipator" should be in every home, 15 carus, -25c, $1,00 pcr 100 (cash with order), Agent5 w3nlcd. Write tl?-day. PATRIOTIC POST CARD CO" Sa8ill.w. Mich.
Do not t urn the cattle on - Ih o a\ fulfil., :rho crop til too ",nlUlfhle to pas· ture, A balr-starved co~' , even ir she I . IUTJIed on good pasture, cannot retuTJI a pro fit at once, < Keep the best calvell, They arc aa good for t.he man who rai ses them 0.1 tor any ono In the wOl'ld, • Ta~ a lItUe better care of the 011.1 yes t1i1s l 'ear than eve r beforo. You w ill g et your money back . Open up the sprlngfl that may ha\'e The Cow Pay.. been cl osed during the winter months, . A 700'lIound cow will, b)' the time Let t he water that the cattle drink b~ she I s lhree years old. atep on the trosh and c lear, scales with bel' calC and milk prod· A rarmer who will' keep a kl ckln,: uctll nnd outweigh and be ' of Ill;ore cow nnll k Ick her on the udder and value t :han a. threc·),ear-old sborthorn llound hor over tbe back with a mUk. lllat I s r eady Cor the market. !lIg Btool once or twice II. day III n eed lessly uBlng up a great deal of Don't ma~e tbe mistake of letting energy. the rwa down on account of Is there a bog hole anywhere ta of feed before turnlq to , ,J our pasture? Fill It up, It you CI&Il'~ do that, 4rai1l It.-i'Um JOUTJIaL
This woman snys that after months of suffering Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable OompoUDd ma(ie bras well as ever.
Hotel Clcr'k - What'll tl:e j:eallon t~t you're p,01111: to leave mi. MlsH De ton, Stat. Swelle~ Ar.c rou dissatlilfled wltb tbe " Amon-Q~F""rl-en-d-.-. servlc'e h er e? Pat.lence-l hfAr ...Peggy'S gone 'l n Miss De SweJl-ob, not nil, but for ballooning. the .tatlonery ,at the Smith hOllse hal Patrlce-lndeed: Wt!II, IIhe mull be a beautiful cTCat on It_alld lookl 'hapP1. Sbe aiwaYI looked It Ih. more genteel tban youi'll that
hI!!' lIOtIe up III the air.
M ilk and Butter Cooler •
u\ :'i ll ..! or 01 '-pc lu i li ll'lll\ n ll d it I u ni'uld,.d and phn t g nq,h l'd , 'rho 1)I'OCt'ss Is r ,llI'al('d \\'1111 ('\'" : ~ It('(, , a nd llftEll' a f,' 1I' twUI'S a ll Ill" ,I"cu. mOlll S or. > casily I' :lIl. ' A P I'Ot 'SR f,)rUH'rly lI ~ (' d fu l' t hfJ ,: llIssifh:ulion or bluod sl :lln ~ ('Oll slsl; cd Ill, 'x:Jll1irllng 111 U1 llli I 'r til" mi· Probably Safe from Them. (,I'OS 011 u nd fl'o 111 I h upl)(',11'1II1" '" or njor!1sIJ~)"I'" IIJo1'11 a ll hnd JU S l h('co the \' cI globul ('>1 til iJ\" pl<ti!,!lljors cht·!stfJllcd. , , ,'I' a lillll' r \!I 1 om; to know," wou Id draw th I .. co nl'l .. sions as lu I he t'nfortunal (> ly SRi,1 hi s IlUl'Pllt::, " Whlll Ibe IIllt'llilig ra- na lu r of t he' blood , Corm('l's will iiI) when Lhey tal'llir. t hat tlll~ C'xnmlnntloll gave no \")s nl t wLw n rh ulood stain s w erc n OL l'ceon!. ilulll ." To·dllY n more :;ri nl! Ile Ille holl Is Thil l! rar, hoI\' vpr, h i~ li lat I l1glll shtl!1 THE MILK FLOW, IIsed. The alai n i s wa ~ hod ; It r(·\V nll1)II' ha, ' "6('111\(',1 lIluUla\ lon. - hl('l\. '0 'l' rlhn nt!. , drops of th e wnt er IIse d are paul' II In fluences Wh ic h Affect the Quantity into a tube cou la lnlng som ~p 'cine an d Quali ty. Succinctly Stated , serum frnl11 a. rllb bit I noelll atNI with \'151101'- 1 hal" oll 11 h e nl'lI or yonI' h llmau blo d , \\ ben th o acidllio u at Pra ,t! ally all Ule c/feclS pl'odu(' d loon l'l'oblf) tn." r\\,hat it It. WBtl'\, Pl'or!u ~ In til SN lIllI II I1n ' d e· by seasorn IIpon mille yiel ds are indio mr~r:..tsldl(' (who hoPI' liS to be a posll a nd gil' 1l 3. misty oP llearan C:B r ecl result s due primarily to the lnllu· Ilrobl lU Is ho'>l' t o In I h e liquid on can he \l cr(ectl.v cer. nco of tho BpBson upon the 100d of Ollt of It with the lain thut the blood slaills were hllDlalL the auimnls . At no period Is tb l s c r· nn . Il.r!' t more mnrked In ordinary seasons Bribes for Crergymen, than wben th cows are flrst turned to "Thl'ee 01' four attempts hal' b!'en graSl!, Th Blldden {mm II. dry, POOR VENUS, made to brlb c fU O," said a c l l'g rlll lUl, and more or l es8 unpalalnble fqod, to "My ( rl euds of lhe Cl(llh t oll me tl H.. t a 511 cu lent I!.nd palatable one, has a th ey, 100, hn\" b en occaslonaHy marked e rrect upon th e ' milk, Prl. t ompted with bribes , m a rlly it increases t h e flow , of s ~ \,lIm, "Once Il was the advor ll slng mr..n· Bnd this orten b ror the Imp;'oved agel' or' n h eallh foorl . H offl'l'od a llara eter' oC tho food has had Unte to sub!! I'lp t iou uf UOO lo OIl!' mission 'bow anr e/fcet III)On the cellula I' tor, lichool If 1 would tplI frolll lh fllIlJllt maUon. Sn. tal' , a day or t wo, the itOI\' IIlllch 'boLi h nllh food I:ad' dollo milk becomes. (' s p eclall~' In th e mornm . I 1I1>III e h ltn gi Y> In l he m on ey i n,!;, e.x!' t' ptioaally flOor. and II. sample {or till' m issiutl lIndAl' lhl'ents of ' X, bing lak 11, It IOQk s bnd , In s lich IlUSUI' , hut o f ('OU I'S 1 did !lot 1I1 ' no a case t11' allpeal to lhe cow i s lIsel ss, lion hi ~ [oorl in lhc h11l'c h . 'l'I1'e tor I n th Cali r I' or a da\' or two na. c hurc h Is no p in JOI' h '1111 II food ture has r ighte d h erself ~ud the o w ta lk s. will !rive a more normal, tbough per"1'111' wi (lo\\' or a d ru nka rd ann s on. haps still a poor mille, NDI guod · rnr· nolhlu~ oITcred lIle $50 Th 'r Is one ' ful'ther aspeot of m ilk iI I would Iir' In prai se of her h1l sband prOllucllOll which mu st now be brl ,lly irl hl~ funcpa l se l' III 0 II , 1 111'ai s d t.he con sI der ed, says Farm rR'Voloe name. 11111.11 h >ll'lily in the se rmolJ - nn ma t. ly, that it is 0. process lll gbl~ inlluh ! I' how bnr! II 111'1'\11 may h , if you (>x· cnc d by the ner voua 6ntem of tbe amln ' hi chura't I' YOll 1\:11 1 flnd In It cow . \Vhale ver excites tb e n erVOU8 " \vh al! YtiU dill Ihls und II \,"" tolr! many tnlit!l worth y or prRlnc -filHI to ~ y~tem will nffect the milk yield, and OIU \Jpfol' ,? JJow can'I .5 f YOll , Ih ' widow 1 wrOI a n Ole ,of gcnll .. re- lI)ulnly by ch eck ing ceUlIlar growtb, Mal'~'," buke, 1t Is n o bad Idea to thlnk ,tbat It Is " "'(·11, 511', 1 Ilwllg ht II (Iirlll 'l 111111· "Orte ll re ask ed t.o dill bRCk the ayst 111 ot tethering cattle prac. t el' IIlllcll , a. til' !trl\l~ W('l't' b !·(,k f' 11 0 1T m/lrrlngc erlfl1catcs-to Sllr 1\ '01lll le (!cpd In ,lersey, I.Ul d th e consequent all' e or!~' ," W I'I'e nUllTlej l 111 March , 1906, In trad freedom from excitemen t. which has of ;\I:II'O h , 1907, A m an once otter er! In t ho cou r se ot yeaJ\i Infinenced Worki ng Fa st. In > $1,500 to Jl 1'l1elrntc n w rul1g "t t he In 1Il( of th esc COW3. so as to co. use Y cnsl- l'lwy snr all," bll7.1.f'5 Irll ' l hlo; sort. I Ihl'lIst IL t mct in hi hand It to be as exceptionally r i ch In tat, wings al lb e 1'111 or ~5!! liltH?' a 5 ('e · and turned him out of duol's," I\S compared with othel' salida, and, ond, RII compared with oth er COWN, In tbe Crilll!;ollb eak- W ell. whcm I hMI' :l r elation of cellular growlh to se rum buzzIng !lollnd 1'111 II0t 'lllit surf' Empress Tak i ng the " Cure," RecreUOD, ' '>I'hffth el' it 's a l1 y's wlu~~, or 111)' ,wl ro Excltel11ent of any descriptioll, , l'uder th e nal1le ot Prluce~!; Strecb· Ill l kiug. -YO llktll" Sllll s mall , noll', the ompr .. ~s of Rus~ia I s Ul ying owing to Its elTect upon tho n enous III 11. h o t e l at R:11 all o trying to regain sy slem o r th o co w , imllledlately atreclS WaYSide Commun i ng!. hp!, hCllllh, which has beclI sbu t te r d h er IlIllk yi old . The period or heat al. Wm' hllnl LOll · _ \ \ ·ot ~l lll't .. d ' Ih o by man y 1\Il~i tl c~, not 0 m c ntlon tho way s CUIISQR t milk to fall ott In hal'(\ tim ,anyway? TulTold Klllltt - \\'c dill , ;.'1' oIl' fool. nil mp t lo r'dute hel' l\ \·oirdu \Jol s. qunllty, a nd " shoul d UIO cows he W e wil s s tiff"I'ln ' wilLI ' 1' ]\\ loug (orr. Th c omnlpl" ~ nt p ress cOlTespon dent served, 110 gr cat Is th e effect tlllOll the nnybod)' el ~c Hu ght ,<,1\1, - 'h·I'a!;;:.-, dOl)s lIot : ~1'1Il to han! di s ' ov er ed lIle nervous system that th e milk Yield 11001' IlIlly ~ \\'h I'cabcltlt s, or, wl l tl \HI- becomes Quite abnormal, botb t b' fat Tl'lblln '. ('onlm o!! consl(l cl'lltion. h tl~ l'efl'Rlnerl and athol' solld R sink Ing far below from ca ll1llg t\LlonLio ll to 11m; scen e o f I Ihe standard, lIut t.h 1'0 are otilcr In and Out , b el' "('lI J'e," ' Hut. lhough trnv~lIn~ hi· \ sources o f excitement ~vhlch ma\' h a\'e FlI l1 k s- !ll~' . Isl e r I: comlll!; t)1I1 spl"lu g. ('o" nil o. and ,,~n hn'ulill lit that, with a fu l' m ol' g noral rr (Jl , !lU h ~fI th e Wlnk l<-H o w lon g lI'as '11" fI n l up ~1Um('1' u !; ~ lIl tp . it ha s been 11I111os~ lhl e wQrryin ,; of caUlc III th o fl Id s h y for '!-,Iudgo, 101' R a lHlllo to keep tho s r.rct, ProU· cl egs, fli'~s, 01' ,p,.,at heat , nnd Ole ox. "hl y Rln" il h ~ bC'cumt' known that cltc1I1enl; ll rod ncl~cI b~' lhundel'storms, WOULD MAKE A nIT. , I he l o\'oly CZ:lI 'lllll I s n.n it ali an 5011 a All animals dread a t hllnll"l'st ol'm, S)"IlI Pllf h Lie, If HOt In fi l1lslllve, lhroll!; nod It h us been n oll cM that l he milk WIll be 'lUo" l nt; 01\ the b Olel wh ere shlol y l ehlod at lIu(!h tlnle will produce Is i!l I' tI;CII I. }\ l 1 ~1I~ 1, RuplIllo I ~ IIOW scours i'D cn lves, <1l1it~ fl1shJOllubh,-', lind t h I'I! ar gl'('nt rI ,lYR in s tOI'P fol' the "10dl'rIl hutel Know a Farmer ' by His Stnck, when her rnai c!' t)' d"parts. Wh en )' 011 drl vo liP to a farm er's cloo~, even if ll e i ~ a t ola l strao gel', it I ris h · Girls Elicited. docs not floed a Shpl'lock Holmes to give YOU a hInt IIi:! to his disposi tio n, II I~h debul-n nl en thlR Yl'ar IlnV,llI g a barr! Hino, ns K ing Etlwartl It any o:r I~B dumb Cl"p,atures are nt'ar, has d Id d ~hll t 110 Jl'lsh gh 'l I;hu ll be When horses and cattle sbrlllk iti presen ted at 1101lrt. unles6 ahe h as first t r r o r fl"01I1 IL human being, dogs bark ntle nd e ~ III ba il s at Dublin (,RS I , As and Hil a rl at everybody, cats nll;h olr th e elll"l or A bel'deen is v e ry unpopular with 'o rc.hod backs wh eu you tr)' to In Ireland ' and 'the blsh 1I1'l stoc:racy pat them, and the h os · scuttlo olf are boycottlllJ;' th blills, th e ' yo uog "wlld all hawks," be IIl1re that cruelty glrlll are to sulIer If t hey canOlll l Ul l" I'B presen t. A- good, kind m an's catqe :ma,'e I hE'1 r Plll'Ul1ts to be friendly just will be unafraid and dl6\,ol:!ed to make ' for tHeir oakes - to th t) lorll Iie u tellaq l. friend!! . 81 a Ylal~hl - 'I' h,')" i·~ 1!1 YO Il WC'I't!I1't hnml', 1'1'1 d to foo l 1\1 , I'llt I'm not Sllf' h :\ 1111)1 II" l loulc' :Ills:; \V ar!p- Y s-" r- I IH!'Ull, 110 ,\'''11, l'ou lrl ll't lip , or- t hili. wOllld b~' Inl' Ji ')~ sllJll', don 't you Imow '/
.1 lnks -DO~R that WOQl ll1l 111 Ihe fi ll I. (ln nllY YOIl by bCI' slllglug'!
Prof. T ho mas Shaw Vrgcs the F.:Irn,e' to Plan Ahead,
, Lt!WltST
.-~ '-----'
(~AZh'l'Tl~ Jl\' III~J111: IIII"l!rl l;l\tn' 1I~lIIh(' r 1'1'11111 \ Lflll !.III! Wlt'h ,lUll" "l1lot" "'link. 10 I. Ill;': tI ... 1nh'n . " " .. ~ll~' "rjlll n dl~tllll( ' tl 11M It wllrmtl ll Our Illonoll ""Ills f'fll'I'l u,1 Puhlt. h".1 \" '1" , , \\ ",,~<\Ilh' • hI,. llt hnn,Ir" " 'ff 1It11,,'i, IIltlnv lIeUrM" Illl'lII III kindly "U1bl'l ln'" III tb" hllir ~hllJ)4 UIl"Uotr "lI "11111 ' III !I II t III 11 "I ,II." 11111111 t,,\V ffl ll\l '''mlra l li:\'al1 lift tlllt,y III I·'U HI. R~II(1l1 , It iH ~tllJ)lIll'll Ibtl! \) I. "1'1\11 .. , \,:.111, I' """ ~'tll1l1,II.'r 1","r,lI\' rI", ( 'IH'~, III lHlI'!\" \,I'h l d.,~ I ('~ h o t, ~prlnt(!!, ' ' 11\ l'lIlifor nlll , L,) vi14 I tel1 t,I 10 SlxtOtlll ~ Ill(>tl W I t l.1(\ II ),"" • IJ ,,,h,III "· 1 1\ 1\(\ Ill tl,,'," d th l hnr!\!''' o nt o n \'fI' l ln ~ tl' at ·d tor rhourunti~1l1 an~i I~, ur luun h bout,s hllngerl lHt,Y I ~;," yeILr I. 11,., I'.' ,! I, ,of,· 110"" ,' " nl hIt . Iv ~'rUl,I'l , wI !I tIll' fI\'II \\ ly c e ttmg much better . Adllllfl d eooh f,lr tuklng po seng rtl vlH ta) , !! "Yf' t.1l 1I1""I\"~ 11(11,,, 1\ Iltl: ,I f UIl I' II 19 ' 1101111111 i. 11 win oOnlll1R ntlllf tha I·h · ships lind b,~ok. (llr ll'l('m I ' A I ,I , ~: , I t ll LI)II'(; ' .' ' 1\ t I I ft at> t' II J , " 11)('11 t. .- - - pe lere. Ca.rpen ter Morton RQolln g call ho No, 6-2 1 It wus ' "" t\I\IIl.l ed I hilt, flln y tWlI' Knn flllY . I~R stet· 1lIornin g, whil e ul:4od wit,h Vgry @atitifRotory l'esnlM !h u nd r", 1 Ih, II1>1" :ll l )ll'l1 pl l' w. r l' 1111 d rn tl!' , r th!' " hip!' I \ , ,. r IIIl1ln.' tl"I. Hun l' D ith l' Il flUL r of or penked I'lIn£. I".'t< I IIp 1\ 11 ~tx 1I11 11'~ 01 ~h, ,,'p \Ill " ba tw 'Il P l'd !'o, t·bu lith e r Iw . I\,11 weiglt eu It is U' . Don .oondu tor of heat ~----------------~ ' \\ ' e'1I' l:-\lrII Ptlll''' and II llf l .1<; 11 <It. LOll I,; Ulll'llII rnll,l f Ollr of l'h tllllw{ ntnort.h cold. 'l'he 'u pperr ooUls ofltc1w ell· ,)",11 April ~ 1 \l1'''' I'~ IIHJ I:t' "'I :' ." II " w \', ,.1,(1 ",vr."ll( In iJII I1l l1 Ri t,v (I f /to B. .I nd o, f o u r t o , ~ , v., V l-lio,' Rnu J'JI" "r cooleri n ummer llD<1w llrm. ; ... " l' lI nln".' I'.. !,flIl1l1H ht tl 0 1\1' lIt' u U lllll r"nl' of thom ,.llIe huck Il l' . j~lI ; II nelllnob r It er in winter tbttn when oMu r roofill l{ 1, " ' f,, ~ hl"lI ~',l U\lIldl tl.w ·,.1 ,:111111(,-" 1'1\ \1' i lt'lIl oi llt oly IIp}l <1!1Hu tint! lIellr liS Ultl,t OI'\,dl:< uro u8011 . MI'. Mr. A . B. 1 Tilt tlay w . ~ II t \'1I1('1I1 ('1I 11fo l'lII 11 p O,,!'I!)1 tU, l.' )1Ig 8cm h. If rhiH p'·" "" ,,1 "' .... (It er l"lllllU wh e re thoy ' lDES c:lrri II. full tlt,ol'k. Bt1oklo t I wt> Hill y I-'XIJt'c l ... t,.r.I!I K t'nl-o fUr ti llY .. '~)t'll r " lid bd!;llt , wit h t h ll llltl.·' wI'r<'1I161 by II Tp.clJ pt: iOll CUlJlIII it,tlle o f and lunple furoh!lJ li d frell. , I Clll-Y ItUJut to .. 1£ [t,ybolly Wit 10 ('it , ~ ptf IU hl'.·. ol;fioi(ll t.' nod iudl wh u t ook " - - --: g~lld huUJol' lIud j ullr, r. r!lll~er with t.he Ui ix th ou sllnd f r 11 En, t e r Ai UN ~UAL81GHT, {.tdk\u ~,. ~ t ~trun '" r . with Ih e free. clIll" lily bloom . , wit.h th e re lUIlII! \l'e UI I' 1\1 1'('lu\ l1h III \I) Nfl , . I I 1\ on e 0 f I IIe up t OW1\ .grooll r Ie~ ~,lIll g UOUI uml uhtwLlOIl Ill' old 1I (' \ln iu t tl.ll11 eno. h /lUor IHI g l\'en a u f or hlS 10 h",·tl l)t ll.l 1'1 1ll(" 'l' t ~ 11 1i. . ' " "1\111 I Utl L'~ ' ~ ,lil a b roug ht 1I 11l)1 11t.ools, tltble III lunc h eo n. The quadro n j lilt. Ilt,urdlt y u. lIuDlbe r 01 womeu nl ol' :II i~ 1.0 ht' h n p p I ~(I , : of.!Je ri', ~lIl1dll!tnrf1lJox F, !J ut· mo t. u(lm iru.1 r eturned wit,h the m and I wol'e IlutiEnt ly ilJt1nding in line 1111 I t h tl lll >1/01, l'ig1Jt llo WII a ll th e .hy . lII et Allmira l 'l'hOIh!l !1 lind 0 \ ' , flil ' l fllt, nt npon purchll s1ng the SILme . 'l' b e DUUl oort,ti ( 'uuv utiv n IIr WlI rll1 m ot. h 'lI' ea r t h . Nol, II Wllr 1 I tt, of ('nli~ol'lli ll. , !l f~er Inn~h Il.n d IIldnl{. 1'IliJ r e port,or up on in'vesti . IJoluUlh u<I itlHt \\" k UJ) tIl i llllleu of 'oTllplnin t \\I\ ~ h (i ,,'1 fr o JII t.he 1111 Illlt,llltl,o bil e t,,?ur o f the olty '.\11 5 ' ILti oll foulld hey w e re getting t,hree .Judge Burn\l)I 1 , of ('Illd nuntl , fo r 1'1'0\\',1 1 1:< Ih e ' wll tted " u.1 WIII'C'he d I111H1e , li o v . (~ ll1 ll tt tlllkeu to lill i , " ' fo r th a cnlllin ~ t)f I he fit <:t , .All Iludle o e.of ~e \' eu th o l1 1I1H1 in th e IlLlrge li ,l\'ernn r . Imrs of Ki,ug of the Luund ry f!llt til to th a si~ ht \\'O lll cIIUlY f 1'1,11 Illlclit oril1111 o u "('loLld 'iwr,enShiP .'· I 'oup fO.I· ten cents . !;onp th~t Bells (luI' flu 'lIIer fri t) ll (l" II I'Il Ull /lid · wUl ti ul:(, lind It .li(l. \\'h 11 tll Cal if o rnlu hll s reoeiv d the fh- ~t . SO leodlly oe rl,IIlIlly ml1l1 t lll1v nnu~ el'ubly worri en ,il l'ut thl' i r f utllr wl'ell t lis lIf S ill tl ke f l'O ID the lI1eolO · wi th wid e "JI'. u II I'm .:! . W u hll ve '1' l1!1.\ rue ri t ., or op!:!. n e\·e.' III i 1111, .. \'1'1111 ' t ill Ilt l 11* !! hl]l~ were tir t l1Iade visibl e l)y n t,hln g h e re t vu goot! f0r t,h sllllor .,,~--------------=-"'"" " 010ul18 roll hy .. the pll we rfnl fleh l g l!I SBtl~, t b l3 re b oyR, 1Ill(1 we Ul' e ~ivl ng !,h e m Ule Notic e. W/I , 0 0 wild utl.JlIrs t of d light tilllu I) f t,h e ir Jives; l'w o or titre I fr om the crowd, bot one oOlllfl feel tho l1 K!lOd of thelll oh Iluy "Il t, II I ~loes, )f the 'hurche R in Ihe c it y will th e !!ubt.iu eel e xoitelll e nt , ' L'l!pu twon'tY. fo ur.h 111' lell\'e of !Ibsen 1\ 1lillY I II} oticefl n ell r 1 tl 111 i IUIIC U,I r 11 " ,. , thes CIUlle !le u r e I' Ilno I~Oflr(l r until Hud CO , rlO" on · !:Illore. 6~Ci',·:t A , <':0. . wl,o ,·c~I':c. ". Ros. 1-11 II. YOll All pillces of llu 1lle r 'oullly , In I b~ !;Lute of "un.,," ; >,' , Iy In tl.le ~ ek u s pOl'si bit', t,It C'V will their oUI lin b ORme 1Illlinly viijibl e 1I111l1!! lIIeut tr li e . I ' lin lls ulltom o ,' •• \l'r [J. I."shley. fin I..f ..llt of Ihe 3 ~e ~ r . t" he giVOIl.lI1 A (1, 111 911 c ru tlo n . t I "(.'\"('1 0 t o th e nllk d eye, ~1I1\1 1111 'OOver!lR- bil efl. vil'tuul whO rcs ldd at O:do nl. ~u n:an e r ly flvjl rytlllng h ll re, is 'ountyyenr:;, , In th.· s .:\ te "r I{ nnsas : an!lJ(ate . IY f' , t ·I n cellso rl , w h en wo ou I·d }I )1110 11 ·l .Iey ' I ., ,\ . ilm Met.aHl ... lhe "'<'Ih'r and the lellal gu"rtUn" l e ~ t o le11l, -IIY II. I Y neve l' of II , it ~ee UJ iI strllnge not to h elir !:l OUln seu"11 tlixto n ::;y l "eol~r j) l.ushley. • "I,III11la,'1. of t,he grellt whit fuond s uoh It p1rlce bef re, where wbo JI"" re"ltles 3tO",01' ( \. of .o ur 100.11 lil<herllll111 telling of the Sumner County. . . til the ~ tl1l1~ o f J{unilihl, t.he futb er f flOt,tillp: pltlilces riding tbe wu VIlij IlH th eJ!' 1111 n ey WIIS 11 0 [(oo.l to t hUll , :-; "Ivcstcr D hlc,·, ~a ld IlIflUlt bt:llIg d t! . fi<lil t hllt got. IIW!ly I~od how .lurge grllcefu lly ttS so Illllny I!WIII1I\. I) t!lllS Do budy h e r e will tllk }Ju y c~a.etl, antllhe ija hl motll ' I' tJavln~ t h<l CIIr~ they w re tlli!:l yellr. All t il t.llles . ,,"11 CUlir.o (l yol~" ld In(lIul. lIrc her by notllleO ill !:Ii llgl fil tl1 eY' OItW wi h uliIi · f ol' lIuyt,hil lg. At. IL hUl'b Olle bUIIlb:lt , ell r J t:1I wa I'll., II~ udmlnls tra lP'r lire from 1!l " . . . it tar y llTeCltilO n , Ju ' t I' OU I' Ilun d I'e d 'loot .It J ,Ol' An gul th t.1I 0 011 1l11l1cxcd f t he c,·nat.2 o f Oa.dd t~lld \~8, W lel'O ,\VU wI r.a. hley; \\,(1) lIe '''''''11. ouotb" ~nlJ day of April. YllrdSl lpllrt" lVith t hegilln t ' nnll t- thousun d nve buudrm l of I,ll ern nt l lJ\lH . tll c.l b l s l)cI t\I " " lu Lh c prot)nt~Courliu . Of all the m elln women thtlt'hu ve iou t , liS (j ug hip , 111 \Varrr ll OUl.lty. hto. whl}r el n b 't said the leflc1 !lnl! lit, the t'lbl lI.t OIlC , Iwd were ,wiljt· "ItlHHor "car come t·o light, in r eoent years, the formin g II line m o r e th"n f o or miles ed upo n l)y the pretti e tot' girls, onl! \1'111 ,I. J!;d\}arrl~. lI~ ",hnln lstrator wlLh Lbe 8~unplc 11lI",'.c.1 .. r sa t.1 "staw . a. .. rorc.ald. . l"" . ... ullel1 tha t. th e. I)Cr~nn i.d ~st.a Le 1~lld c ffc ·t.s Of meanes t was Mrs , GUnno ss, I)f nellr l o ng. Mlljesti clIlly thtlY mov ed on yo uug SU lloI' ,1' OlRrK ed ~ ~'Gee, but ~lI ld deec,l. ulare In~um"l en l 10 \lnyhl8 deblH !l0 nOllr tl.ltlt we oould ellsily tId!:! IR gl'ellt. · 1 wish w e oonlel Lllport e, Ind" when body lifter hody Pllssin" til)' •• nrl Ihc ,'nst> lIu(1 chllrgl'Hot ,ulmllllst erlog .. ' h is eo tate. allll wherein se. was found on her tn,rm. e ~e t he , Hal(1 odmllllot ra· sailor boys in their r egu!II ' ,iu Cll h for llit~ u.1I s ummer ." . wr 'lI! "fur ·suld. Slatell th"~ saltl dc cc('elll. ion bltle on deok, On I' peopl e here ' hove I'ectli vcli Dad.1 La ~h ley, dled ."Ized Icc 8hnl'l~ or o fo llo\\'llI ~ d e.t rlbt.~ 1 reILI III e~tate : 'l'he oollos;m l propor tiun of the t! Ole bendit s n.lld hll va furnish o I th!;It ua te A word to aur corratlp ond.w ts, In Wuync Town hlp, WarreD , (;oulI ly, Ohl". oOllt:,I IIIII": abouL Rl xtY'elght sbips wlth their greut bltlok gnns tl.le neet with large qllllntit iies ' 0 f tllI(1 A weekly ptlper If! II. hlird prop· tWQIl,,-,.lh·e IIltn"r ILh (II , ~;;) acres, an,1 osition , as any()ne will tell yon, who grimly protrud ing from their sides, f[e~h .nJel.lts, fruit::! nnd vegetub le , hcl n!( lh • .lIn prcmlHc. "ou"c~' e(1 II> D,,,'1 .1 . . lJ\\s hl·y ur I. . ~ \\ t... fluUlIlbrc y6. d uett dl\lcrl haa tried the experim ent. We sug-ge t,i ve of t he vurpos for which f or fourte e n thousR nd !ltrong young .\lu rch I. IKIIH, a nt! ...'ord~tIb y III W"t-rcn • Slillors they CIlU wer.e llot live o'n cllmflto alone, (III lIt)' Dl'e,1 N" :11-0. l)lIg ' a~,:J ore!ll e d, '1'he ulIlguit ud,e would \Ike therefC lre for ' you to : '\Iao lhe tollowlng (\e,crll> d real e. t,ll· : Ituate lind grll.utle ul· of the fieot, thnt hnd ev n in Cullfof nlll, IIlld Unole ~ 1101 In Way\\c To"'n~ hlp, Warr.ell lighten our barden s by having your ('OU'U}" 0 1110, . !'b \ 'd T th t ) onlululll g,lwo !I ",I ulncly,(uur hUl1llrcd'b~ matter in the offioe here not la ter cost soore . of 1\1 ill i on. of dollurB , hn<l 1 1\ I ern proVl er. a e r,ut 1 l !,04) acres. ulld boling the , "arne' pruml ....'S 'than Tuesda y mornit lg by !) 0 'clok . 1111 Ilwe-In spi rlog inflnen oe o il tb~ of this we our!!elv es can te~tify. for ( O'LI' C)'en by Abel ·'atlerthwalte. to 1)",,1,1 , I ' bl 1 d 1 . I ! I.,n. hley, by dwd daled .1""I1"'Y 7. 187U. IIl1d We wII.nt a.11 the news we 'enn get multitu dlls, lind they seemed to re we Sll'i'l t leJr to es oa CC Wit I ,'e ord ~I In Warr n oun~.,· nee.1 Hool< No, and don't like t o delay , the neigh. uli:t.e thnt,th oy were in thtl preseoc e good things Itt Illl1ohe on when we ".7. paRes ~:III nu<1 '' :IT : :ttl of ~a ld real es~:tte " .:o 1l ~ lItulln ~ :tnll beiug lh ~ home fllrm "lid borhoo d news, bitt we oan not very of II. power, mighty f r t1estru\l tion, visited the wilorshi vs. Two or t'hree prom,"". of wbloh thu silld D,ni!.1 r,"Ahle y shtpS II1lgh ty of eaoh for peuoe sq undron [)O si bll bly ve r holding ecei ved dlO<l selzcd "8 uforcSllld , ·well afford to hold the, fdr~s until 'l'he 81\16 OsCllr .1, 1 ·;Ow'lrds. tlft 8al<I IId Ulln· lat06 on Tuesdl~y night, I1nd would within it.. grllllp the de tiny of n!l.· the publio Oil board elloh dny for I ~tral()r wllh lh ' wtll annexed U8 ulorll I,l'!. , In 'hlu ~a ltl !I\lIldon K!:I forth LhllL tht b ~~ 1 tlon8~ ix da ys f r,onl 10 fl. m . to G p . m . , n"IIII like to be out 00 ~ood time. 'IIII" d crllllion or ".1(\ r :II eK\JI ~Q ' After passing Long ,BoIlOh nntil Ilnd during thefiee t ' stay here fully Imperrec ~ anti nllc rtaln 'I'hu I)m 'ur of sultl . Now if our good fJiends Viii I PClt Lton tlooifonua onl 'rQ( t.h e lUrt f flr IOlIldn g oblige , us by sending their letters the (lag8hi p' Connec tloutha d relloheo 150,000 of our people h~ve gone nn ;:.ccuruu · sun- oy hila ,,~", rl,)l lnn uf "lid abollrd lind rewtlin ed ' as long u~ Ilrc ml se ~......1 ror all orolcr rur ll! ' sa le (I I 'in \In t~e appoin ted time, it will be the entrim ce to Iln 'Pedro hllrbor Ijuhl reu.l cdt:1 l e ~u'litrelllt sf'i' lor trh c p\l rJ)()~\.; und the reo.r ve~sel direot ly opposit e they, liked. nsulll1y from Dn a t o of Ilaylng th d.lm or ~ al(1 'dcee(\elll. Ou vtll a gre&t oon!en lenOe for us ' three hours elloh. La.til 'y. nllll lhe l'o"1.S antI ~bnrgos or lIdmln· the west hn}f of Long' 8el10l1, while IHt.t)rinl.l "a.tu . ' fhi~ f"oIahl liolH'em, A. _)C. SU'h II VISIt to II hmllslll o n who ·y IY!:.<WrhlN1J.c.~I."shley. yet I'll hne, elloh vessel 1\ t the sn me saltl In("nl. and Kate UNCLE SAM'S ,\. M c:L~ . t he nU)lIhe:: l' hUR ;Lnll Lhc leJ(al 'uurdlilll u 'er heen on " wars hip i ,. in tant Oll~t Ilnchor tlnd r emlli ned Of .,11<1 I.. ralli . IIlItI her b,\' \lotlll '/1 Ihat ltley motion less Oil the wllter, After u, revulatl l)ll , l'he ~o rnpulons nell\' . la-a ve iJeen m lld e pa r th~ (lOlt ' uclutll , 7t H afore- '\ n e~'s 11Ull polj!lh of everyth ing, th e $ I ld. l u ~ ~lld pc-·tltton and In !'Ioah.l U'ltOIl, 11IH1 th':ll Lh y IU't-. oanFl. wtH·;t iJHJ"".:"·tltioll , Fleet at Long Branc~, Cal., oruJ!le or 1I10re thltn thirtee n thous , big gnn the great n tlUlbe r o f mpid o r .Icflj,ur th t!ri"tio, ou or h e fnre Suturrla nnd miles they arrived l.I ero Ilt, ;J :20 l.. and It'8 Cordia1 WASH ' p.lII . ju t twenty J).liuutes l!loter thlln fire, I!lIlfll1 gnns Ilnd tbe ~ intri clltp to.' HII ,hlY of .July. IOsUl·l!,Alt .1. I!:DWAUU 50c up, H mllohin ery from the wireles~ ' teleg, a. lIllmlnlSLratOr wltll We .wlll Persi the time luid down in the sohedu le an Lawn Welcome Allov er Nett ",,"<:xed 01 lhe cHtal of 011"1\1 mltde for them at Hampt on ROI,l ds, ru. phy u.pparl ltus in the topwos t rig_ I,a.hloy, !lec.used , ~ing, to the monste r engine s ~&i the S~T" W. lIKo\~N , Altor'1~Y , ' May fl . ..:..1L, Mr. W. H. IJard, of LOI!g Bellch ; Virginiu ., four mouths ngo, hold, ml\ke II. most fu.soIDI1~hlg';\ew , CI11., Bends us t~e followi ng iI!teres ttn the, evenin g IL huudre d thous. tug fWooun t, of 'l.Fight ing BOb'B" Ilnd people gl1ther ed ugltin Oil tile I1nd has been enjoye d by our people Notic e to Bid'd ers. round. the world fleet: l:3at,urd ay, shore bluffs, pier, hotel bolooni es here to the atterm o·s t . In ono case n, four-ol tr ,eleotri o train carr~ed free NOl.lCt! L. bereby given tbot the Boar() 01 Aprill ~, was a gala day, a real Red I1n(l I) t every other pOint. of van· Eduo•• tlon o( lVayncK,'llIe vttlt>gc !,ohonl 450 poor orphan ~hi Idren to the I)llltrlct. Warren Oount)· . Ohio, at the r gu, Letter Day for this l)art of thQ Pa. tIIge, to wltuess I~O illumln oltlon of ships where tht'y were most cordial ly la r meeting of Hald DOllril held 00 the ~llllI citlo Ooast, On thllt day tbere or· of &he fiee't IIncl 11 display of t·helr dUy of April, duly MODlca thll ,ollOW OUf lug rived here Fightin g Bob" EVIlD'S ijenrch. 1igbta, Atone minute be· receive d, a,nd petted by the Stlilors . resoluLlnns: " Rc,olvcd. by the of I!:ducullon or fleet of sixteen warshiV 8, 1 think fore ' o'olook , th~ sixteen IJIhips la,y ~fter It free lunc~ Gil I~hore, they Wayne~"ttle Villuge Uourd SchQol DI~trlut. War. were returne d to thei" homes very renoVnunly. Ohln, tlnd It I. by Raid Bnarll our people in this semi ,.tropicl ll ali· darkly on the wu.ter with only I1n . Ic t~rmlned , thnt It Is necessary for the mllte beoome inore ell1otio nal :and ooclIsion,,1 glimme ring light Visible, tire.i, but bubblin g over I~lth ohlld· IIrOpQr IIccommodatlon 01 tbe public schools ish delight . (I f ~a l tl district. and for the convenience anti, more etlsl1y urouile d to II At the iU!ltunt of uight o'clook t ho prn"perlLY of Hllid ochool., tbal tho school high 'degree of enthus iotm thtl.D the whole fleet burst fort·h 'in It flood of . Artel: seven rltlY!cI of reAtiess 1I0ti v · tt ou~c In wblcb said 80hool" Me now bel,l -ity, tihl nuvnl festivit ies onded with ant! conducted be repalrc'd furnished and , sllme people in the nortl.l or in the Ji~ht res plelllie nt in th bluze of Impro,·r.d , UL a cost Whloh III. th.: Judgemen t , middle -west, ' Hu.ving Ii. ~ong ooast more tlllLll tllirty tbOUSILnd inoun· II g ra.nd · ball Ilt our new. botel , Vir_ of tbe "\latd wtll exceed $oUV. In tire fOIlO~ ' II! IlIg parth:ula rs. IItlm ely : . line for ocea,n traffio IIlld realizin g d.eoont electric light!cl. bringin g ont gin11l, the M ",rine bund 0 f .. fty,sev en " 1 . ','bere ijllllll be provlde,1 for Hllld musioi~nt! WI\!I there in tbeir blue ~c hool hous. "n\lln.Lallctl Ihereln their ' greu.t exposu re to aU Ilttuolt inelctu il every pllrtof' OllOh vellllel or hentlng apparatu s kunlclellt 'toa ttfrnace frpm an enemy on the wtlter, the y 0'101'6 pluinly' thuu the un..Y 's sunligh t IInu SCl1rlet , tl!u UllV8.1 offioers in boaL fo r Mid ,"cbool hOUSe. ,aWl for furnlsb all the t,h eir blue u.ud gold uniform ti, oivil- room~. closets. l)i,seqJeril9 an(J parts thereof, talce ,a gre!lter degree of interes t in had dOll ll, while lit the sume instant "2, '1'lIere H hall be provldL'd In anO ror u11 maritim e matter s I~nd 10 our nu.· six po,v,erf ul sellroh. 1ight flash!ld ian in swell, bluok dress suitt! ,md' !;al(l"sch nnillou.e 8ult~blo water,olosets, t.o' women in Etllnuin " gowns !llld diu- gotbcr wllh ade<lllat.6 rneunN vY, this perhap s 11000unts f or' the' frou'l ench !:Ihip, p11lyiug upon tl.le .. flusblng anll cleaning 'be !<lime. for properly " :1 'J'here shall , be conslructed In qr wild ent,~usill8m with whioh the wa,terij in every directio n , from monds, !lnd as they glided over th e IIl1(ler 'said HCIIOOI house II tlrah' or sewer 01 coming of the fleet blls been reoei ved right to left now in front, of the lJolishe d floors, in lind out u,mong the sulllele nt oapo'clty to Ihoroughly drain Lbe by all Clllifor nill. We here end{lrIl8 Sllips, then III the distano e, toward /!t'ltely pilhtrl:! of the splloi:ol,1s bllll. WIILCr·cli'HelS I,hel'eof. whIch drain or sewer . hall be extend.1I to su lLoble oUllet tn Roosev elt's policy for I1n enlarge d the Ilky uutil the whole tlrlllltm ent 'room, while throug h the lurge be tt-cd by said BoarilsOU'C , French 'windo ws 0111111'1, . ov~r the " HeNol_ed . further. by said Ooard, Lhnt nny: We believe with Mra. Edd .v l!!eeOled to be 11 flood onight , thon "Itld~rs o"la ropalr~ , and Improveoico tB thu.t , "It will muke for t,he preserv · upun t,he multitl lde$ . on the sho):e WllveS, Illlnoil1g Iightl> h 'om the lIIu shall be(orrequired LO lurnlsb complete de. miuuI.e d blltt,]C's !llp!:'. it IllAd.e a scene Slrlpllonij of lbe apptlratus they will furnish. ing of peflOe 'llllong the nl\tiooS. " with u lit:tht sci intense thllt it wou]tl Bnd of th.e Improvements they wIll malee, 'l'he U nited ,Stutes ill nut a conque st· enll.b le one to ,relld; newspa per print, IQng t o he remem bered. ,and ot tbe work tbey will perlurm. tngether Were we there ? Yes, but not as wltb lull Illaos, speelttoatlons an(l details ; 'lovlng nation ; we !:\tlVe proven this oontiuu ally shiftin g, and l>resen t,ing .. oll such bIdders SMII make aeparate , anll ' ,in the llu.s t. 'Ve appruv e of the u speotnc le , exoeed ing in splendo partioil lonts in Ihe du.noe, but mere· Ill.tlncl proposal . for the furnaoe or l.eaLlng r IY .IIS S[Jectlltorl:!. AIlIl now, beg ' ging lIpparl1tu;" lor lbe waLCr·cln.ets. and lor tb .. plnn to oontinu e the cruise: of thla !lnd gl'~udeur u.nytbi ng that we bad tlruln -or sewer; "itd the Clerk ot lbls Uoul'li . 11eet froDl here ioto tbe Orient ; it ever dreame d of, ILOd oontinu eing VOur pllrrlon , only just a, few fignl'es : 18 hereby authorized anti ordered tn ad,er' Fivo of these &hi 'J's uree"c h, 4"0 feet llHO, for Ih e Board, uceOltlln to tbeStatuLe, will e~tl1blish our pretl l,ige I\S 11 DU.· fol' 11 full half hour, whill! the tIIum • ~ u for btds 10 "00 forml,t1' I"w g unel tbese reso· lOng, or III:! 11 fnrmer woald BUY, over !t'tlon. for the ropalrs LO v131 ,power among other . nations . ,Dlltion of the vessel.:! con tinned 'fat· and " ll provem80111 In t bese resolutlo ll. D1ent1oD oo a.nd provided ~7 rod.H, If two of them well'e placed 'for ; and the Hoard Pre!tig e is a vll lUllble ut!set to.' II three hourI!. horeby reserves tbe ' eud to eod 'tloros!:! 11 qnare twelve. right, in Its tliscrotlon, , peacem aker and we are destine d to 10 rejeot Bny nr all .. '- ,. Uun you U8 , when MIl,ry . whlc,b may be received ." u.cre fie ld ' one of them w.ould t!tiok bld.~ beOOme a ~rea,t Ilellcem a\ter ul,llong r.xol'!lim ~t' Anti further notice I. hereby glvCll'lhat ed, "Oh, wbat would 1: nnt', .&. 0 A. ,' e 1'101 • 811, a). t·be ~nlltions, give just to llllve M!lme 8~(jwn here over the fenoe ten rods, If the six, s(!al~d bid •. In confotml resnltillo ty ns: tn IllW for tbe lind' repalr~, ImproYements. .ald ' !!~'! !'!'! !'!'! !'!'! teen were !'!~: plnoed ::::: enr' ::::: ! to eIld' they "ppuralU9. "Iosets, 80wer and ~ork, .;men ::::::::::::::! The tleet wtl.~ sohedu led to !lITi ve to see ~his !" ILnd then IInothe r of would form It line lnore thtln one tloned and Ilrovlded 'for In sald "'~80Iulions, here at 2 : ~O p, m. 19u9 before ' 'the our del1r Eastern friends . WIIS rewill be received I1ndllled by tbeunderslgned. Seed Oats for.sal~ ftnt blui1h of day the crowds , bogan membe red and mentio ned by nllme, lind one qUllrte r mIles long. They at, ,Wuynenlllo. Ohio. belo~e or by tweit'e carry 9,72 gun, 614., offiollrs I\nd o'clook noon of Monday. For Sale. May 25, 1908. coming , and came in iilorell. sing rea.)izlo g that they oould,n ever, in DaLed thlrs 20th day of April. 1908. A limited amoqn t of wht'te seed l:i,uOtl men. o. R . OLEMENT~, Dumbe rs until well after midd~y. in thls'JlCe , witness II. sight surpa8i! '~ The rl1ilrol1ds olulm that tbey oar. Olerk 0 r the Board 01 Ed uca UOD 0 f oate for _ ,Ie. The 8team roads , and troliey .lines 1ng this in grande ur and sublim ity. ried ·350,009 IK!rson AD extra fine yearlin g Purcel l Wayaeavllle VIIl.,e Dis. 'R lehard Brown, R. F. 0, 3, s, during the tm20 tl1ot, Warren Co)lnlJ.Scbool Oblo. ooJt. Illq Dire at tbte 08'-08.
DO ES " YO UR HO US E NE ED · PA IN 'fI NG ? If it you don' t aye anyt hing by putt ing it oil', just lhin k you do. The fhct is thnt th poor ly se:'LS(llled kiln (Iri ed llllTlber now ned , n I ss cove f('d with g'oocl dura ble ,pail lt will <tuickly deca y or dry rot. Don 't put it off but calJ your deal e .. select from HAN NA' S 'G HEE N ~EAL Boa rd a com bina tion of shade,' of th Dlos t ,atisf acto l'Y and durabl, pain t on the mark et, ..
aa. . . eT
Wa ist s
. Our Sale s are very large . Cut and Han g cann ot be exce lled. Our $5.7 5 Skir t cann ot be equa lled. ·
Si lk 8,u its .
$18.75 valu es equa l 'to any $25. 00 suit in the ,m arke t.
Sp rin g.Ja ck et s $3.7 5 up.
Pe tti co at s
$1.00. Sate en. $1..00 u'p 1;Iea ther Bloo m. $5.0 0 up Si1k.
"'9 -t& D t
st X
to Lot O.wnt'rs (II' iami Ceme tary A s!'oo. 'I'llt' Anun" lult l'Il''1l " I 10411101 . ' ~ '111 . I ('llIlioll \\'il l110 hOiloi 111 ."d·IIY •. 'nll .' I. ' 1190. liT I ,""I " c' l, ( " I ' fil ii plli'(JIl~ ( 1) 1' It ; . t e ll!c lllllo{ tWI I i' fll .- lh ·~ , u ne ' \'1' " . Urll l' tLlIIl tllIP Cl1 ·r k . ' II II I f "' W IlI ' " 111 '0 111\'itflll t ll III t, P llll.
.1 ' 11 . 11. (' Il K K I.l'l ,i.m l\
ill ~
.. tilt , 10 " .. 1\
=~C: WE have take n fr om our regular stock, and placed on first two tables in .our store , 104 suits , ~l mostly spring, but some fall weights. These are brok en lines,~ :~ one, two and three of a ki nd but 'tevety Size in some patterns. They rang e from size 31 for a fifteen-year-old youth to · ~ize 48 which will fit the largest man. :'~fa
:t :t :t
huv (l Il l'oi iJ L1ll 10 e'JIIlill m •
uf th e IAlltllll. .\' ~ lln Jl Third 11 0 · th .. "" I lI r ~w har!' fur I m l (·(' llt.~. i IlSL<'1l1 1 g llllrlli llll <I f' (1 1' II il v: lIl1'i n g II til li\'O ~ l1t,; Jl f >l' 1):11'. 1!:. Rhodell . Ul iuul'. Thei l' (, \I ~ tll lll f\ l'H /l 1f! Hhuwill ;{ lhl'lI' Charle s H. :-illl r ·
l ' Ulllt'l' I'lt.) ' ICK I'INII S
Th e retull grlJI: 1''; ,"I \\ 1l .\' \1 ('~\' 1 1 1 ( ' 'nit h ou gh ~ v llr th i n ~ t h y ,;e ll is lid·
v .n
++ a-**i .i-++++-'.r*~~ $".~ .1-l+rr~ ~i-+'ti+.+~,+rj'+ii"t " .' , oj ·f·" .•''1'......
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IIPPJ'l" lhlitll l Ity u" illg tlll <l l .1( 0e 1l Ol)l,
£Il1ll1e HUll ~U.lU U VS · Willilll ll BaUtt- AIIIiIl .11 .· 'V"rWIU lt , d ljl1UtlS 1d . S Oli)) in PI' 1'''1'011('. 1 t... III· IIIl1ny illl . l II1I1U . COLIn linll,; ueftlOllli'ut 'gnilts 111111 Ilr1l\ 11I ·cuunt . j{lIchtll IJ l1lll111r1 il llt.i o ll~ . of tlxtrl:lUII:l oenel ty und divorce i~ eXI' olltrix o f eswte o f Mur. hull Lntl grfluted . hUll , .1 t<ueul!eu. l:lecond IlCC(.uu t, Subsc riptio ns Received for BilJliu UUUtlm lHI VB Willillm &ns. lillllnil b McKiIlU I:JY, ,Tn tee L1f OR lu te mau . Cuurt fiod>! def('lu.luut g nil ty , of HUIllluh Mo K'i ou cy, lJcnofic iuJ·Y. all the Leadi ng Maga zines of eX1rt"ut! urutll ~y IIUI! divorce I ~ FIIIlI' llI UCOllllut·. Nullie Mortuu , at the Gazet te Office . I(rlmted . PlU10 till' Ill !;;'! ven oustody ~ lllll'll j,lII ofli~ tllt,tl u l Wilbur MOI·t oo· of ohlltlrtl u bu~d"fenUullt must sup. al. III , aulu orl:'. Thi rd !ICOOllu t·, -~------....--~....... porttlle /u. ElIlma Lowe. lIdmim trl trix oi e~- M 0 S E ,.. 0 HE N Nllnnl" K t:ihocktlY Vt.! Lillie Saltb tut.tI uf RII(:lIe l H. Lowe, deoea!Sed. "" et Rt: &Ie of pruper ty confirm ed Fil'ilt IlO0nuu t . I. M . t:i he l'lJe rt, 118by ouurt. Igu ee ()~ est a,te of Chll rl tli!! \Vurd "t" William 1:1. BI/lktl Vl:I BC1rry Stroll. d"l!igIJUI'. Fin!t I.lUU fintll I1ccoun t , I . ~~ ........' beok. Coun fiut1!1 unor in vrooeed - L \>iI . \>ili lli'.Ul ~ "uminll lt.rl1tor uf es• lUiU"'''''''''''' tlltu of MIII'I,hu .J. Willinlllll. Fit'st lugll Ilnd uuMon 1>1 lllljw isHl!d . .~ . Mary V. WIlt!llu VII Thu United ndullui >!tl'uLhr 0 1 tl ~tllt e of Andrew 'f.' Balnl. tl eo 1I~l:Hl. Ni n t h accolln t. Publi81 llng cUlll puny, 'ourt find ESL!> ttl o f ~' I tlnk ., uilnsoo , deceas. motion Dut Willi Mke u lind saUle is ed. FnnDle B, .ToLlIson appoin ted overrul ed . ~ ..'\ n 'IV "IOlh ing De pal'tm nt hilS I:Itlnry ii . KI B' inKer VI:I Hobert H. admini strator under bond of $100 be n in H ~ull ed in t he mamm oth Mo > I:It .•Iohn . MOlioll lo r new t riul ov- wit,h J, ~ . .Cox uDd Mary Vox a s (Ilhen slol e. Tt wi ll b call d th B ureties . III ventory dispens ed with . erruleu tlud pltl lutt l:L..l>! o l'd ered to " :!: ~l. . !-)p cial 'Iothing De pt." E!ltiite of Davi,d Lashle y, deoeas · n:uovtj r( roUl dll-rI:lUIIIl,Llt .H UII 01 $62 FI'OIll now Oil the m en and y ung' ed. sClir J, Edwnrd s admini strator untl ou" t!!. men of ,Wayn ellv ill > amI vicinity who files his a ffidavit in whicb he states d e" il' ~ m ediu m p~ ic d ,I thing' can tbat Reb Oil A. '6X of ROfls Hill. be served h '\' b t t r than el s Butl r ' Vaun ty. Klw nl<, ~slve8ter wh e n ' . D. i«ls blev infuDt of Ol\:ford , !:lum, mer (Jaunty . Kunsns nnd K~te A -fl . Y tl t z, o f ( xfol'd , Kllmms , /ll'e d . ouuut Willi vunob tl l'S lor tltlttiel u it · 0 f in Ib is IIctiuil and ~hut. wlaiub ill urdertld tI~ IJtlutied. ~ v e l'Y d esir, , .E t4lttl lit '. L . itolJe rt>!oJl , de. ""~~.:..,:.: CtlDnot . btl mlldtj within aule fabri· I hio ou tlui« def udllut~ I ho.w n t his sea 'on. Oelll:leti. Proof uf tJublioa liun 01 Every sty l ot' this season ~s pesign, Ilotiotl of IIppoill tWtlDt filelL t llf A llIB Ulll~ J. .~ il1g . Ev ry ne\v coloI' and patt 1'0. (JonKli n, d ec\l li sl! : Will t11ell llll O Estllte ot til1rrie t M. t::!D.litb, de. oeal!ed. Prouf ot IJuuliolition ot no, Il.ppliClHion to lidmit to Prr,bllt e !\O t, lVol's teds, ve lourRI cassime l's , ancl assortmen~, ch viot. , stripes, checks, plaids ' plain fOf hflllrin g Muy 12. Moe of Ilppoinl~flnt filed . colors , g rays . oli ves. plenty of new In' matter of will of ' Illi th J . . Estate, of W. B. B OIl I;l . de flHsed. brolVlis and many fancy mixtur es , Oonkli n, dace/lse d : Will t\1 ed lIod Proof of publloo tloll of notlet! of up, llppliClltion t o lldnlitB~me to pronute cut ill the consel'v a l iv ·tyle or the polll twen t tlleti. " Coll ege Sty les," same M the highset fo~ bellrlug Mny 12. of · 1S ISJute o~ 1:1 , E . .ijovth. d oellserl. e l' p riced suits , which are so much In runttel' of 'ill of 30 sph G. Prloor of pa bl iOIl f.ion of II otiotl uf It p . in d e mand by young n1en. Al l s izell Key : Will filed a nd npplica tion to pohJtm ent. filed. to 'choose fro m . . "dmit salue to problLte set fl' , h ell f · Est.-tes for settlem ent: Pl'Oof ing Mn,y 12. IU'ifd publlou tion' of notioa of el!· In ' Olutter 'of wiH of ::,!lIruh .l. tIltes 'for lIettlew ent OD Ma.y 4. OoolH'e r. del.16Hs(1I1. Will /tlllllit,t etl 0:-:-( ~Qkt.A of Jleooco/1 L. [.owe. lie· to prol;>t\ta I, l\1IlY -l. ol Win dow Ull -I I h eOl1sed . 'ElttlUli I~ci wtl. IHhniui~~I·II. ~ Sl. '0Illp81'e the lp ' tor Ji.lell "coouo l .. or ~ ttl"llUlU t va III e s. Com par 50 & 52 E. Main 8t. Low est Pric e Clo thie r whlOh It:! \,rul;lrllll s Ut!(lflllrleu . X~ni" Ohio, IIH: ,\I . EI<'I'i\ 'rl'l 'I'Hi\N S tr l~ tc!l. I th> s tyl es . You'r wise enough to ~. ' E!!L~ld .If \; u"l'ltlti \~·Ilrtl. IllSl:!i~IIOt· King Powde r UOtll l'll11Y to the know .""'io.f.~w-i 1. M. dbei'b.,rllll:!~iglltltl filoo bl" flr!!t Peters V"rtrid ge ·ompuo y. lot in and fioa}aOOOtlUL With vouche rs lor aettlem ent whIch Is ordered suspen d· Hamilto n towutlh ip, '1. Kings Powde r Vomplll1Y to the ed. Peters Cartrid ge Compa ny, 7 ncr es Estate of Rececea. Lowe, ·deceas ed. Orclng ton egg!', buft' or while . $ 1 in Hamilt on TOWllShip, $1. . Admin istrRto r' f"port of Bu la of per· per setting : $ a.oo fol' 00 ; iii •.00 fol' Lucy Bnrton to Christo phe l' 'Fry eonal proper t,y 1ilell, oonfirm ed nnd 100 i blaolr. $1. 50 pl' r settin g. S Ilores In Frnnkl in t owl1shi p, ,~O O . reoorde d. B. B. Willtel' 011 , Or g lI i ll . O. George A. Burr to Margtll 'etto lIod j\{ , E11llll.til of Mal tho. .1. WilliluD s. I L. William ll, admi,ni!ltrll.lor, filed hi!! Lealie J . Hllrshb nrge r , lot in Leb·. ~I o\ l l\ fl'1·l( hl l'.·I' \II V NI£S.\U.I,'/lE. o ,--+-~ PAPEI-HANQEIS~ on, $1. ,--+--t::"" firat Bnd bllloo ount. with vouche rI' 1' 00 11) II xl', d or 1.0 l'r o ~s Br os . Louis Freel to S. Fred & Co.. 0, for 8ettlem ent whioh ill ')rdered tiUS· II Ill'll W Ill e S Ml' fJ, Laxa tive Granu les Notic e to Farm ers corp rlitioo, lot in LebuDo n, '1. p8nded . 'lleiepl lU lle ill h Il S0 /Iud ill e !;l1rpIIS8 's' 1111 otller rew· Solomo n Fred and Amelia Fred Estate of Lewis H nmphre ys, dewh e l'o l l'IUl U ' 'callel \ tIlLY . )1' night,. arid eclies for tb f! r e lief o f sick. ceased. Davhl W. Buthph reY8 Itp hi>! wife, to the l:l. Fred & Co. It Vull py 'P hono i ,l-:l. Tobacco Gro wer headac he. dizzine,ss, indipointed executo r aocord lng to term~ corpora tion, lot in Lebllno ll, $ 1. Samp les of AU Grade s of of will' withou t bond . R.. M. Oalla, Lewis Duffy lind EU\l\II~ ' Duffy, j I gesH on, cb r onio Consti pa ] will thi s week t'eeeh my her, O . 8. Higgin s and .JameR Follen hlB wife, t.o 'Henry UnffY'. lot io I tion and Bilious ness , beclLuse Papel '---Pa per Consecond car load of anton. 0 .. ~r., aippoin ted ·upprui!ler~. " Morrow , $1'. t.h ey [11'11 compos ed of th e best High Grade ' Fet·t.i1i:~ ' I'. 'rhos(] stan tly on Hand v ~" rllHtry ' urgeo n lIud Dentist . E8tate of M. M. Culp. ullsigno r: WiJ1itlm H 6lirillY to J. S. ;Stonte n wishing th e Pe r1.!,;; "t'lnb le known Veareta ble llrllg!!, lind On applica tion of J . W. Miller, IIS- boroug h. '1l l ot in Frl.lnld in , $1. GI'owe r will cl o \w ll t() se ' . mixed in tiie pruper pl'oIJ or N o', . sIgnee pay 11 pro ,ratiO dividen d of , A\lgust~ 'KrOUBtl Roellm e r lind me soon anti pl n 'e th e iI' OI'd "' I·. tiolls 'At kn H ow llm lI o t on o gi ~!Ltlll'll ve tll u y Aftel'll ooll. a hest " 65 per oent upon ' tha olalms prp-. Albtllt A . Roebm er, her hushllU d, ,Those using PE't' rie'K egc laLJ le , r es ultll. santed and allowed 1'n ,mliune r ra , to A. Hoppe & Co .• My' poles in GI'owe r find it (·qn a l to) a ny, qulred by law Imd mltke roport to Hamilt Gn. t,O\\7ollhip, $1. Ever .v uottle j{uurrll.l1lf1IHl and sUl'pas:;]ed b:v none. (All' ' ·~{usjc court wlt-hon t unneooe llllry 'delny. to gi ve 811tlHfll t.iOll 'or 1II 0D· alysis and pl 'ice consi ]e red.) Elellno r H. ' ' to HilDrie t,tll. 1 ey r efund ed . ' Estate of Mt\rt,hR .J. Mullen , de ROPl'!! 3X" Ilorel'!, $1 ; In HamilL on The low ma rg in I a m ~ 'iling I~ .\'OI·Y t hill • Known in Muslo. ' eealied. Apprltl stlment IIud sale n.p' towntlb ip. on bari~ m fl'om Imildn g' a 25c u llot.tle II t 8eh wartz ~8, ' W . Cli l}'. t-lnttoll, Prop'". proved an4 oonfirm ed . "nll ChllrleR , Mary Hoover t.o Lon genera l canvali. Fertil i7. ' 1' hav. O. SllBnk, I . llInil ed,lIllY wher e np")ll n >f,)e ipt \ I uf prll'c . 8antR Bdmiui tltrlltor ordered to 3,0 /lcres , $80U. . ing beeqme su h a COlfl ll lliUi t , l~ J especia,lI y amulIg- lobacl:u g r(J\V' malle to the purobll tler J. ~"r1 Roll ' ' W. L , f)il1rshall 1t1l11 wife to ' ·Ed . . hllon a 'good Blid suffiole nt, detld fm ers . ue:;lle l' S\101't1 d pl' \JUl" t l) Telephone Day or Night. wll.rd Freely. :17 lIoreR ill Frankl lll tbe Cal'!'y in sto 'k all I II ling lIoltl . ,'Dlstrl but\OII of to \\'u!lhipi Local No. 7 ,b rands. Fanne l's 'an 1.h~11 go lIale ord,e reil. It RenoliAd til Spot. Georgt! Knopp nnd wife to W . B. and' COlllpal ' Analys if< and ...u.wvo.", of will of Lew!!! Bnm Gaskill Long Distance No·. 69-3r MI'. E. Humph rey . who OwO!! u , 'lot in Maioe, ,1. Price with other urand s k",pt W IfI fldml tted to !a.rge ganeru l !!tora at Olllegn U. l'he W ol'ld '", Best Ullm'a teo Mary Littl A , Bn.noah N:ess; Rum, and is presidt lnt. of the Adams elsewhE!re, a nd d l'aw their O\Vtl dOlin, is en tire ly free trom dil!easll, on nel M. Snook to ,Iennle Snook, lot ty'rele pll,one Co., us conclus ions about ",11(,0 1' Branch Office, H~ryevsbura O. thenotbigh well fI,!! of 111e to e levu'IOn lc fevers prevail , ill Dee rfieltl, $1. Bome' reJepbo ne '0 . • of Pike COlin 'pu rc~ase. ' whil e ou t,he lower levels malll.ri a, is Esta\/! of Andrew &Ird, decease d ty, 0 . , SRyH of "Dr. Kiol!'!1 New ' Di • . 1 also have in sLuck a fin t:: ~ encoun tered II. greu.te r or less exNinth aoootin t for settlem ent filed 'coverv :' "It ~'lv e u nlV life once . ro........... .....~~...."!""~........~~ \ ten t. ll coor(1into lot ~ tOllltlt ude . T60ve r" of White (' dar Posts. 1io11l At least I tbitlk it (ild 'ltflee/u ed to , . Estate' of, Andrew HI&I~d, deoells ed For Rent ,COtlll') lI!1lll te II.ffeotion!! II&88itude, in r ound and saw 11 hal\(/,);. reach the ~pot-th e vllr~ sellt of , , Ninth aoooun t for , settlem ent filed U1nhtrltl, jllundlo e, billioos ne88, fever my cough, -wlltlD evarytb lng else it. HA~l'HA 'V A Y ; llnd IIgue. aod ~eneral debility , tbe cd "BI , ,, ' Eatatea for settlem ent: WUllllm . faned." Dr King'!! New,'D isoo·v ery , i most effeotl ve remedy iR Electri c lio ue lirR88 Plliltur e for not only reacbes Wnt. H. Carm ony., the cough spot i it Van Doren, guardi an ,flf estate 01 rent Good fenOed ,Va.y''lesville'8 L ettding Dentis t Bitters . the greBt, alterat ive and ",nd rnnnin g beuls th~ sore spot.& Bnd the weak Office in Keys Bldg. Edwin Vander veer, iQsan8, Fiff.h water. For further ' inform Main ~n blood pnrifie r ; the antido tefore vuy ation In spots In thod. In'ogs and cbf'st-, form of ' bodily weakn6 88, Denoat I· aooooD t; George F, White. trustee quire of Nathan Jonell WlI.yne8-JSOld under gUIi-rantee 'Lt. Fred ('. !!!'"~~, -.!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-"""',~~~!!!!!!~ nes!!, and lnROmn ville l", t:!o14 lUUler , Ohi~ pr .&late of Elenor White, beDeftI Schwa rtz's drug· store. no, Bud ·be 4!or ' , the ' G tt ,gusran " tee at $1.00. ,.;1l'rial bottle free. J!'red Subs cn .I' 8ze e drug ator Price 50,.C, Bobwuta'.
$9 88
$12, $15, $16 + t and $18
.S U I T 'S
$9 .8 8
Ther e are regu lar and' stou t slzes in this and the work man ship and fabrics are peI!ect. . Nearly ail hand;. tailored, and we Will stand back of ever y suit we sell. T~e offering such savings in these sul18 so unus oal that we predict a rush---so come early and get your pick before the asso rtme nt is prok en. .
:s e',e'
Veg etab le
------------------------- Iu
Cra inin g a Spe cial ty.
'.L' e loph onc
I' WHyncs\ 'iiJe, Ohio .
1- - " --- .-~ , --_. '--- Sutton
Xen in, Ohio.
. •
Gre en. tree t,
t.10N E V
By Wi nifred Graham
" (1f 1I)')l)("
a n'
t1iln rl ng
/'",1y Dll m fnn l 1111<;,1". wil h thll l I nllnil(, pr('(!i>lion d IInll n;.: Ihl) w, .mll ll '1r Ibl~ w or i o who w;1I nOL '01: "Ollllll.' 111('1 (' cI \ ·lI't"rh1. Slllnh(ll'e ral !<f'!1 hl'r l·~r · hl'(I"'N l·urio u"I ,\'. ,,11):,111 fi ll, h 1I111dl' Ior l' Pl'I'l I y rl\ l'c ev u Ill'elllc r . \y hl'n i\1 iI; Sl llnhofl UHllil' ~ Ill... t ",(Irk t)f t ho y(llIng' I' Bo n . n f I l' rulln~ " Hlnty fn lllilf{'B, and eO)!,Il!( ,1 ' If{Or~l'l r " :'011'. Pet r llch l,) HIII'rlt'~, '/\ \\'(\Iof tl,y .'I ly II1UII, w llf"l( sll \' ,'al lt',1 " 'Pil::l!Y, " lis II lid llUnlC. h I' r. r i tlr-'l ';01 11"'1. (n ly I.acly 1 II I'n fOI'(\ IV 11 10' bolll ' u 1I;.::1r 10 1t)11]{" Iho n hllvI' rllUl "l l'l1. ·lrIMI. Ind lg1lt1lllly 11<'lI l ed I h ul1.' · g;,tiull. I 11:11'('1 Illl p nli nc'" with ~IJII. " d!' · .I a,-,'d h!' nld,'\' wOllwn . ' 11t 1((,1' ra r I 111\· ... nt1l1Tl cfl ( 'aill. ;il l\\II ) , 'I'hllll!-;tl lie hn' unly bi" PO)' :ll f\l'I '~I' ''r. h" Is ltlh gor n ctra(lI('I,'lj 111'ir, nll<l wil l itl h ... ,.!l u large (orl UIII' 11111'11 lhl' Oltl ll\lUl tfl!'!'. E vp. r~ uu(' I hoUllll ~ 1I11 [l Inol III Ii r(,11 Ie ~ IJ UI' .' n£;").: (I111<'III wi I h 1'( 11\. " " 1': \'1(\ rno l lllllHt UlIlI1I1~" 111 ...11' 1i1' ('S in Ilrr' l .. 011' 11 Wil Y," ~ nl" \ 'i('/ ('rll\ lI ~ h l ' I ~', I. lI o.l~ i1:lrnrol'd I'OHP, wllir a si~ h " " -('ll, Wl'1 t," ;i lll' 1' !'i"II, ") nu 1II11: t fll r::I1'" nr.\· tn nJ;Il" . l1(1n'l fnrt-:\,j I " X'
"Why, Piggy, Dear, How Tired You l.ook." . "
,H!ct YOII to dtnn(>r lo-morrow, and we 1:0 to the op era afterWards. YOtl . are hrlllg ing IIfr, B arnes, ' Por bll11s 1 sbaJl li k e him , beLter on fUl'ther IIcqunlnt, alice." ' he kissed VIc:torla, and smllod to h r splf al! she dr()\'c back t'o 13 rkeley SQuIl,I'e,
"J woudor," she Ulo\lght, " If Ihe dear <,hilt! wi ll b e angry wh n she finlls . DPI. Gul wa)' la to be tbe fourth In Ule l ,f,x? [SU(11)08 It's I'alhel' a1,1'0010 II 8 fir 01 to p tan Hueh a Lad nlgbt for ' P l l;g ~-,' hut l <,an't stunel tbls fas hIon ,)f 'omen s Illng th 1Ullol vf's to the 111 h e't bltlll E:r. Vlclorla had fal' bett"!' r " t~r D to her Orsl Itwe," "Id oria W(IS waiting for lr r r Hance In IL bi lio hOI\doir:
Intt l' " ill • lIlI\'('I'SIIl Irlll , 11'111'1 11/0: \ 'ICL<!rio a mi " al'l ( >a l\\'ll .1 11I1I1 1..I II ;-b,'d, , IJIII'il\ !;, 11 111 11 "1' , , 'lelnl'l" I!'lall crd ( I'\~ QII4"ntb f n;lll lit" I'a l' ,'. (, f Ih l1Ia n 1;111(\ hllli jilt,,", LO I II I ruuc (If I h,' 1111111 \\'bo I'"'<' I' tI h r I'rr~~ItJIIl - ,"'t N' 1II,{llght. 11 ,' 1' I'Y "~ WIll' a flll1.zh 'll 1"llrN,slllll, whlr'h HU ' e n"' 1ll I'Hllwr II Iln' alll~, look . "HilI' Is u hl'llrt till' 'III"SI sc'nll , ntl'lt lnl l'I','iI III 1'(' III Ill!' wll\'l.I ," thollgllt I L /l"Y flall1 1'<'nl, " 11.' 1'111'1' Ih' 1'\,l'n l ll); I" fln ls lll'd ~ llI' will It. ' In IU\I ' " ' jlll ('111lt. (h,h'H}' :tgalll i f I pl ay illY c: . r dli f'I"V" l'l.I'. ' Ln'I .· Ilnrnrnrc/'s I·nrrl.. WeIr<l nor tllf/klllt to IIllllI/plllal,'. slnl'" sir had Iliitl h<'l' plnn, 1,,'(nrl'lI" I'" II wa s lIgr('1'1.l »tt(' slllll1ld \'fR I! ;1 llos ,Ii' pnsill' 1I 1I 1'1ll~ ail fnwl'\ '\I;1 til!' Ol\l'r~, as bh" ltnd \I parl ',' ub l' 1l ,I'l<~a~I' 10 f;1 \'l' 11 ( r l cll0 , w he a lh l' Kalll Q Il mc ('XllI'<'N>lI'rl II. IIi!' sl r n 10 h!' 1111 rO " llI' '' to r kto ri"'J /laure, II I ". Ilarn!'~ \\'fl~ Ihl''' rorl' n,' k,' 10 HCI'OlllflIl IlY l,ll")' IlI11'ufltl'd. Il',\,' l~!f ""'Io rl ll :111)11" 1\ itb ('lillI, , al war, E rll' k 11 (1 W I hI> olPIn i I" of I hfl [l in n, s lncl' Ihi~ \\' IUI to bl' llw .. " "I elen OPllfJrl llni l), or l 'l~klll bR"- while th e sun o r f'orlu 110 , Ahlllll', MIll' 111 1111' r! wl l h wh al a ltl ('I,lt}' :l I t , Harnl'!! nHW t o IH'(,O IIlIIU 11 _" \ h('l r h(l ~ I .'lj 11 h I' llll"r!rllu" n,..,r , "I'll' l'(l~I' nlHI clo~ ' I t hI' 1001', l ill'n III' IOl)k II Rl'at b( bi nd t ltt' IIrtnl n, w lJirh "(mPl'a l rt hi m ('1'0 111 vlc w, " ,"It: tn 1-1 a," Ill' whlsjll're(\ , In ~ l o w, vlbrntiu g voirI', "roil al'~ u o t IOlIl'1> lO nr ar r~' thUI. ili a 11 ~ " II ' !!rasl' d h... l' !ta ltel ahl lO!! , rough· Iy , 111111 frO ll'll f' il lho word s In to a j s t, " Y ou at' HI llylng wi t h yourself," b salrl. " You know YOII IIr goil" to t hrow him twcr lo·nlght." , Sir jl'lnncI' d 31'1'088 tb e hOllse. "Vou know , or YOll soon wil l know," contln \/I t1 Illll ruthl e!l!\ voic e, " tbat BarnCll 118.6 muddled l ] ls afflllrs, as h e will mUddle' your li fe, It Is ,common talk In the city, so Lady Dal'llf ord t: lis tIIO, h '8 on the brink of n disaster. Yon must nol fall with blm , You are being rotien ' cd tor better Wing s, R e· cOllslder, I am waiting, 1- " A shor t laugh ' (rom Vic-torla b r.oke tbe wordl!. "aliI" sh e exolalmed , "so yon are the bet~e r l hlng ! I am glad, ErlQ, you have not lost your sense of humor," , "We wer mado tor each other ," he assured her, "You bave known It all nlong, Wllat Is the u s o f Quarr ' IIng ?" "'J;'hen I I.'s all settle,d o" she replied . "We Just tak e up t h e old position again, and wl lie eve r y Lhlng else off -the slate," He looked at ber eagerly. " Y ea, Viotorla: yes, I forgive freely." "How good of you! Ro w generous I" H er voice gr w soft, h er melting Ilyes looked long and s archlngly Into his, lie fiuRlred rcd with the glow vlctOI,}, and p l elJsuro_ Vict oria. gave a 111gb of r eli ef whl oh grnt)fied Eric, The figur s In tho box OPll oslt w ere movin g; and Lad] Oarnfol'd wn s making h I' adl u x. As Pel1'llchlo reappeare d, Miss Stnn. h ope rl)se, a little dizzily. "l:>iggy," she said, " I dOll 't feel well. Will you take me home'! "
IT Il h ad nrom I ~ (ld to se ol'l hel' to l.a 'I~' IJzI l'IlfOI'r1:s aud nll"ad y he was a He wenl quickly t o h oI' sid e, watch· Ing her cl Osely as sbe' ex.cused h, ersen JIII II) Ill te. , " I Iho ugHt you hall forgoit'I'11 to ('() III ... , ~~ he cr'I d 10·kl'n l:\ I r \\'1I ElII u t Ilist 11 III,l' <,( ar a L " V\' tl r, PI g!:~' d PilI', tlOW 11"' (1 )'Ou 1001: !'" I! p I aug I I "~ d I , I II t'l' Ir. !';h ' [bl lowl'd h!til t(l th e <:I~rdage, II\ I ~zl tI , . .. ., .. ' III t I1(' mu ( ('r, I " 8h e . n", ,-,0 mothl whl lilH'roll all th e dO,o l' closell On .tb m, " T r ll lOe, I'm not a chillI : I must !O harA your son 'owl! as well liS 'your
lo Lad y Daruford, "Wasn't I t. a succ~ss ?" Queried I lady Darntord, as Vlctorill v;tllished down the corrldo l', "Oh, .J ' 8, Indeed," r eplied Capt. Galway , "slle has ' all but accept,ed me. Cut It's tiresome brea klng with h er violent P etruehlo," , "He's q11lle mild ; !lhe needn't fear," repl,lcd Lally Darnford, elatod,· "My congratulations, and a ~l eBSlng,"
.i o~' ~."
Many Concerns in Small TOW 'lS 'Impoverished ,for tho Benefit tl e few In BuslneSI in Larger Citlea.
n rll\ ht m! n ' I ~ ' of t hl' d l tTt'r\?n ran IIl1sociat Inn, hll.l''' f or 80m ~- t>tLl' 9 h!'l' 1l wI' r kir\~ tI v i Illg III atl8 ot' ur ... v utin::: ti ff' ~'(l wlh (lC llr mall ord l' h IlR ln C' ~l\ . \ ' ur!ous nl9 ns hal'e he 11 JlroJ ('Il'11. :-: I'nl ' I~' :111 that ha l' b ('e n tl'i~ll hl1 ') met. w ll h fail ure, The calnlog no S)' ';' I. m of ltu.'ln M 001111111'5 t o 11(\1' 11 '1\' 1' . SOl n,I' Hurto ll hOIi R 'H h.w l' ri ro ll ll d 0111 of slgh L, hut l ho hlg 01)('5 Dl'c' g1'(\\I'. I ng b l )(~ur . Thl" mall or el r prohl m III a ·troll h!.')n lIf til l' f.'asons w h~' It a.U Sl' or I hI' lIlethllds l ira l II lf rSllfI, I lrpl r wide adv" r· th!' IIf'pselltalioll o f th'ir Rld(l of Ih.' !lIl ,~tllJl\ b y , hc htllHl r c,I ,; no r! t lrou' ntlds DC rarnl , r ,' lIg lolIs, soi"ly, r;:r~ h loil allrl ma ll orr! 'I' l)tlll ' r, I hat So to t h bom ('o!; or t II ma~s s, . :1.1)1] whl dl arc mai,nly !!llPP0 '" 'II h ... t I1('1 nd vcrllB ln~ of Ilw muil llrel pr "(JII C'ern s, ]~Il h l ocal ity hml I tl< p CUllill' loca \ C' ond ltlon s. :\'l el'challl ~ ill M'III l own s, ancl th, 8 towns ar o mlln,' , nl'(' not IIIf' aggr essl vo anrt o ntf' rll rl ~ i ll g ' C 1n~s th at ure cap abl e ()f CO l1l lINingw l [h th e mall order cOJ('erns. Th ~ ag r i ult uril l classE" are among 1111' Ul0Sl In te ltt sr llt , ar rea dol's and thlnk<'I'll, hut th er e ar e ch olln \, ls a.lo ll ~ wltl 'h th eir tllOugh l s now. ' loso stu d;.r!em on ~t rat es that as II. general rul l] f!irm el', labor under tb Impression I hnt a low l'stlmat III nIneI'll IIPOU lh nt by lhe neOI)1 o{ t h e tOW'lIB, Th ' Ill' folk dr ess be Ller, the children of. t he III rchants move In a dill' ' rOll t cl as s (ro m b e chU dren ot the rarm r , and ev en lbe U1er c halltfl' wl\-es p,' r, haps dress a litt le lOQrl'1 exp nsll' Iy thar. d o tho wiv es ot (he tnrm rrll. All tbese thlnss bave t h eir r eflection In buslneRs m a;t rs. Then, owing to t h Impr(\s s lon~ ' that are the r esult of con, ti nurll re&dlng ot the ad vertlsemehts at t b e ~li talogue h ouses , t he {lI.rmel' 13 l ed t o believe that h e unn eessarlly n3YS blgher prices (or what goods be requires wben he ' purchases them "t t he ' honlc m erchant tllao' 11e should, H e believes that be til imide a vlcUm and tbat · the profliS thut go to the merchant s hould not be 80 great. It Is eviden t t bat lhe farm 1"8 a,ducatlon along e'c onomlc lines Is de!ectlve. He' has to a groat extent dev loped :L warned Idea or business and com m er, lal valu es, , the ~atalogll , hOIiSO proposition be amellOl'at ed It Is <'\'Jdent that the' cOlls,umers of every elm! be made t o I' all1. lhat tlre~' or tn ()rro r . . In fact !\ course or edu l\Rtlo n .... 1011 1,; right lines h; n ecessary. lt HI not g!lod busillesb I)ollq' for th e Ilaper s t hat drnw slIflIlort from ' mill I 01'dllr eo nceril s to comhat a I?USinC'!!H I.ubli sh anything: thAt I F. ]lkely to III· j ure t h e Income from adverlislug. Thus lillie h elp can be expected trolll the pall n l t hat have t heil' colum n s flll ed ,,'It h mall ord I' nd\' rlishl);. Tit n t h er e remain s onl y the countl'Y 'press us t h E! medium throug h wh ich t he peoille m ay be "nll ~:lllened . B llt li ere Is allo~her probl m . The avcr· age co un t r y eUlto'r I~ not b )r lrnlnln~ t;nul nl1ed" 10 C31'r" ron Bll Int IlIgen' ...,' J " • CBtlIf)ulgn, He is Ilk I,· to Injurl' the (lause In,' creatlrl" I,r judice!;, b'- hi too blunt alta 'k ~ <0 O il Ih e cata ,log ue house system, and all t heir l Jlltrons, An." effort lhnt h ma.\. ' mak is looked upon by t he farm er ItS emnnuli ng rrom the busln Sf! Int rests or Lho town , anrl publi sh d solOly with 2~ selfl" h m O' t1vc, Thus or(' ex('oll"llt ul'l~ ulUenUt dead ened, allD !!bllft s 'Ul at Sh onl !l b" '~ft'ec tlve , act as a boom ei'ang, , Tt lias been the Incll,nallon of lht'
" I']l'rrylhlnlt'R Ih nHlti,c I-," he an. " How do rOll (eel?" Isked Pet ruchlo m erchanls ' 8ss oolatl0lls to di scu ss th E! anxlou sl" , l o""arlng tll~ carriage wln- .lU aU oi'del- house behlndl C10s d doors. , hi s (jugers fnltli'n g over h ers. , n~ v 1 Ih do"v lhnt "Ic torla might· get the air'. ' n. his sma ll knowledge of aRRoc lll.tion 'I' " o-(hl ~ wnx (' cl'Is is . I t lirllcUclIlly' • ' "1 do n t " ,now. J-low do 'YOII f eel, worlt the f!lrlller if! ruost likely t o tl\ li ll a-rui n, 'l'hllllk H f'llI' (' l1 , rOr YOllr t\ h' k b h b I f " q. 1 \"nsn 't r eally' III, but I l.n t at w f'n IlS n'~llS , men 0 a sa!;" It cnm e in II me. I o111:lIt not Plgg' . I /l[lt, Galwa" for an. t own or gal\lze I ~ 9 fotr t h!' purpose , couldtl 't a, lu nd In h;l\'H ~ f) O\{('1I to - ni~h t. TO 'l11orrow J ~ U J , ollier nlonl lIt.' It n '8S al)omlnable 01 of ralslllS 'prices and .wprldn g again" t "u' lld hnve wriUc'n ~' Oll II I 'rt ' I' -whull n th I • th r I I '" D~ rnror(l t~ ftsk 111m an,d l eave e nler estR Ol c ' armer s n go 1pilI wero boy,ond my I'l';JI'U . I co uld Lad J ~ I TI tb I tJ h hll\" IIOI'nn It b' nl ter th hll," UB alon e: I couldn't b ellI (oolin g him era , l e wnr (> asaOC!l 0115 , .., < been conduel cd In many towns 1~lo,l o s t ' H llin' " 'rb e> woril s ,('itl11l' ",lo wl" a Ib,l t ; Ijtust to tShOO If h e w~; th e same. Justified th is belle! on l he /llI.rt o( nI t) r ln " l h ~ Ii " ,;, ''Tn wh at Dx l l'nt.?' lIa! waR , e sallle 0 Anmenes s, ! fanner. It lIIu~ t ha II nrlol's \oorl by " Oil I ~hllll 't hnve to bc' ~ 111 )' hI'CI\lI," only more so. ny t h e ",a y~ Piggy d nr, t h e , ,merchall\s t hill. an~' mutter t hat 11,' ,lOl~ \'<" 1'1'<1 , in Ihnt fli1nrt, hll n l way 'J think y ou might have, given me just a ffects (h" int relHs or lIIerchll.ntti and. "I it'l' MNI Slollllll), ar'('Ollljlllll!(,S Bor- oue look acros;; t.he hou~e , to encour- farmer s IllIII hl bor t'fI; aU k e so'o uld b ! r , \\' " ltlll i i m r>nl1~ 1 ' II " now uIlI" age 1lI ~ to b ehave nicel y.' . rll cu ss (I, OpEm l " . Til cl'C i s no I' USOII .. ~ I, all ~ h 1' I'l f'I ·ol~ IlS I hll,l Ihou son ds "[ cO\lldn't," Ir c ao sw I'ed i)rnkenly, wuy a I .ctllr('f'· on bll!;hl esfl econ om y 11'1",,, I t1~lt ~'d ~ "11 I n sha n ' my lire. I " I was a fnol t il be II11 al'I Iyo"u ,tu-nl ght, ~~, hould c '.LllllolI h la l IC3r Qr s- t l lat. ((r -V " ", I "' I ~ I " If!' r YOII )' l1UI' r (,I('uH'. slr)(' e rove It wn s l orture I II d C!;C I' lit '.1", m el'rh ll tll s sitl)uld h p PI' se llL to hear ,a l:"'l 0 11 hrl rrl t inl l'. \' 0 11 will Roon Sh e pil l h er ;Il'mR rnuurl ' hl!( m'ck , him , H his 1l1'0P"Hltioll w i ll nolstand ''' 1d 't. ~ fl rl till rl ' a Iw ll .'I' m~ 11. Dill I "Plggr." sa Id IIhe, "Lady Dal'nfc l'el th e rill is'ms, ai' all whom It " hould " ',Iill l ,I ' I~ 1 111 111 OU l' l aRl l' I'C'lI i ug', Vfr:- Inform ed me tll -day I W;I !;.' llla lTylng liJter est, It Is a POO l' on e. I fl l'itl, 1:,\1. nlll;<rll'i\ ni s WI~ ( un 1:'11)" goo d- yon JOl' ):0111' mouer. 011.- I III ,S(\ ., gl arl "~arm p I's and laborrrl:l have t heir I,~, I w,l!!I1 ' l sl l'Ullg enuu gh 10 kuc[I I can glvo h el' the lie! .. Don .t mind own ol'l~nn lznUons, 'fhese 0 '1' all of " .,.,,> Iu ni g ht " about the ~ql!s(l;; ; th ey WIll bind liS aJl the protecllvQ ('11l9S . l t Is t he aim ,\ ~ shi, Cll t I' tl'd Ihe hn II pf T.ady t he closer. ' , of 'the average rarmerl~' or gallizatlon 11,11 11 a hOI1~(>, Victoria Inolted H e JI !;te nc d with Ii wild slI' It'., to comba t the ma.chln:ulion::l of ' the • " .·,I"' I ~I.\' al hel' lov !'!', 1:houi;h rlale IlIa hraln, trusts that di cta te io lh III the prlce>}' "lIo! cl l'u II'Il , Ihe rt.fllI lllg IllfjllPllI;e of "Good God!" he whispered , clltch· that t,bey shall rec ei ve' fo'r t h.oir prod~ .""'f n l ng I lll pl'O\'ed rath!.'I' t h an tll((~,.ed Ing hi s hreath , ': 1-1 misjudged YOll, ucts, ft i9 tbe object of tbe )atiorerl' I, ~ I'rJllllt C'J1U nct', bringin g 0111 ihe too, [ t bou ghl with liady, Darufril'd. assocIations to cO~lIlia t the inclination ':''It ''UUI'r hf'twaLh, In RUlli" SlIbt! o wny, She t\lld m , she warn~d m e ! May , of the capitalistic cla!lse~ to ' lower \\ hl('\1 thr illed Vl cl,orin. wllh slI r prine Heaven Cor gi I' me! J felt, sure to- wages, and \'alse' price s 'of commocli· · lI 11 tl II "~'n ,; e fir ndlOl,ralion . ' night would be. the ~ud! l waa wl11lng ties. On close Investigation It will \\,hUn Virlol'lfI rrmOl'pd bPr cloak In to 10110 you if her worrls were true be founl( that the farmer who 'Is th l! l ,n .l\, Ilal'nf('r ll'" l'Oorn, thl' host(,Sfl np- Tile !;lory of my ruin was exnggerat~d: 'mo~t. aetlve worker aga.l nsl the t~U8ts, 1.·nl''',1 unC!"I\ dc',,\l l' , with 11.11 IIi " of It.'s all OVOI' the nlty, bu t (, shall 'get alld the laborer who crleit loudes t ''''''.I'' .. !;"!?,.I "~ril"IO' 111 III Iwl' rnulln e ~. oIee('. I have Irons In tbe tiro, darling agaInst th e oPllresslon of tho employ· . ~1I' ~ w,' I child:' sha 8&'.1 .• lhllnls8- -secret Irone...:,-" erl!, al'e tb e on es Who by their eltort ",.:" I"'I~ (lIn td wHh /I 'wa"f: of hl' I' hand "Oou't- doll 't l ell me more! I un· Sighted policy give thl! very systems " ~ if> a(l il r t'l'stIl1 VI l"I'ill, "1 rio hOllO ' doret a nd ! You tried we tn the ,Ore; l1lnt they oomplaln abO\IL th!! great,es t • ~' Il\l WOlI 't \1(' ao~ry, l)tll ('811'1. Oalw8Y but oh, Piggy, t can't be angt·y, be· sUPJlort. 'rhe evils of t r.ade' anrl com· Qllitc' by caulc- because 1 IQve yoU so, and my merel! to-dny are the olrsprlng of cap· I I\IIrl'. fit' ~lIrtll'd 1111 1 ""1(,(;, filln hromw l1 and sI'lpndlrl, a love Is real golcl, rt war; all a trap! I ltal conoentrntlon P,or yenrs vast -:- I,P1 ' I'd Irlr l lm~ (,I' n t,mn." iIee th whol" thIng now. It l bad sums have 'been ellv l't1rd from 1111 seeAh 1)11;')' <'n tNerl till' draw lll~' l'IIom been CILugbt: If-" lions o( tbe uolon to t~,e "!;Teat metro.,,, .1I"'IS s(urldinl; (In " ...'hita I'IIK, to,.., Sbe burled her race on bls Ibpulder. polltan centers, BII\lonl o( dolla: 1 ,l'lnll' ahov!' Pet I'II{'hl(J P,,,rnl'lI, 11 gMce"nuD'f' cry!" be ,,'hllpetelS tenderl)·. bave been drawn b" great Inllur· ' '.'('m nol crytng," s!w 1,1.__ UC8 compaulel; -till. well,""U ftf:lJrtl, backa .hav., oamtonl at. oac:eenaa&ea tM ~rm i&ucbl-aa for JO)'I'" bUlde tn tit mac,. m11lIOltt UW " dolll!!: \\'I'I'P d .
l'nnltlll. T he' trllst 1'0 111 ~ n : II 1\ ... I.l dlll'o--1 wit h !J-usl IUOn"y fro ~ C' Io n>! of fI· C' Inm!. 'l' hoM 1l11U19 n f1l8t h t' IDpIOY':" I n a WilY wif pny l u t rp~\. )"illI\nl!lt'l's dllll ' h"IIIlS ror ill '·l'~tll: "IIt. A li<l f.eo. • l'E'rn'~ fI 1''' Il l lla 1I!ILIllat ed, C'omltlned 1 nlu' 11l11 m unl h ('ull epl'Il. lind th fnl' I he 11U1'I1lltl" I, th e 11111111')- lit fll'1I111(, Ilr !I\l' ('all ntry 01 IIll'ge , ~ lid It III I h t' IlIq;' (' it ii'S I hroug h II t"'I'I'nt (" IUl lIlI I!'. Itl" I'e WI' tlt ul ~ 1l'II'lt built lIl) t baL wu rk;; 10 thl' dot I'luf(lnt of tllo l'nl'lI1(,1' uud Ih c. lll a",RAs "f I he lund, nnt! Ol't:'l'a tl'rl lIy 1111' t.lollur - th:l.t w t' r<' SlIll "lhnl by t hI' vpry l' 'UIJll' 'U\>p rORs('el h y It. Th ere i.. one Cll re' , nlltl /)1I f' oill)' for I'l1pl LlI1 cUlI con t l'aUnl1 . I ~ II. stl'l c·t Ildlr l'l'l!nt" ( 0) HI Ill IlIl' hUlll" tr'ltip fll' lll(' l p l (\~ , ",t' II In on ('11 I'l' llI ' ntunlt y t o t li (l g'r('a l e~ t x tfn t nil Ihe lUrll l n);" 01' t h e f1 80 pl " \IF Utili r.o Ill lU II, nit.\' . 'l'h ., wlthdrawnl or I' llpl hl l r1'lllU II ~f'l'tlo ll i lllllOl'fll'l IIlt p" 11 ltl ~ l 1'O llItH' h, II I lIke:; R\\'II )' th e IIi 811" ftC t'~ It\lItl ~Ir · Ing- lIe w in dllHI I'll s rOl' I h<' 1' 11\1 '10)'111 lit, 01 lito Ilvopl l' : ThllH In " I\ ~ ru· I llrd d 111 [ b·' l r II I/h llill.lill 1:, <In ti rl'a l (': '11111' \' 1~11I!'); an' !; l'pl, rrOl ll IId \'8hC. I ng . T h ,1WI1I I' HIIlI'1; I f,w II f' (lI rm· 1';' Prllihll'l :; Is C lp3I r ny , ,1. 11.0/1 ~ "'· I' :V lil t n'st :11111 I'\,>'I'r IJerHI HI i n I Ir (,OUI, III II nil y l'ulr.'r~ ( r o'l1 l it r-fff'('I". T lrus It ('un ho ~ ,,' 1\ how ,' 11 0 1 II I to l hl' ,1I11IS"l'" 10 11 llIl f'l',;llll rl lhll l li ll Y SY ,II' I o j' 1)lIslu'l' 111111 draws fl'l 111 1 ~ 0'0111 111 111111 ," th e Ul'plllH ear nI ngs of thl' 111'I)P 10 , :1 ud laltC~ away t h leg l tlllla II IIr(ltil ~ (lint sh ould go t o It" l1'lId 1I. 1lH' II , Is a s ~' t m wo r thy ot c: nr! I11 n;\· 11011. II UI,l ot th l1~ e qu as t ionll hE! ,11 1· t' lIKsed op Illy bef I' lh (J (nrrn,lr!1 rmll Lbe olh er l ahore!'!;? I R lh orE' an~' Ilrgu, llIen t l bat 'aon ot be w 11 il tlslalnl'd? I s UI. re un Inl iHg('n t farm l' 'h,) wlluld n ot tlo . 0111' Rubslunllnl tbln k,· InS' whl'lI It III SIHl\o'Il t o hiill' thn L II I" \\' o rk l n~ diro 1I~' agliltHIL hl ~ (m' n Ilnand,,1 I lI t ... r" ~tl\ w ll n h o pnt roll l7." fI ol hl'r t han hom stOI'(,S ant.l h 01ll1' i ll'
~li tl1 t l ons ?
D . 1\r. / ' .
His Relief From.
.. , bllve used severttl bollles Perun. ,.nd , 'eel gt'f:1lt1y 6ell~tlt.d thereby from my catllrrh ot tbe belJd. I feel encourllged to ~1I"vtI that II / use it. short time longer / \VIII be tully IIblo to orlld/Cillo the dlsclIMI ot .hlrty yellrs' stlltrdlnt. "-Dllvld .hlecklsofl,
Arra ngement of Goods to Attr~ ,:t A~ tention la Not to Be rqegleet~d, Mr, Jacob 1" Davift, Galena, 'tone :\I any grocers cO'nslner It u ~'el <! s!< tn heal th for t hiltY' I!C\,ell yeara, nnd after cured." !.fr. C, N . Peterson. 132 utb dIsplay stocks In windows ' for ~h c pur· cann ot t.ell you bow lUuch 1100(\ J;'erUD& pos of attraotlng nttenllon , Thll l ioro began to tell on my heal th, Rull r ._ • ..-.~.r,_. same olles will carelessly stDck flp out· tried /!everal remedies, but obl.4ined cornplcte sl dl' heaJlS of perishable good\:, ILnd better imm~diately. snd 6n .~otllCfl (all to even us mosquito netting to keep the files off. One o[ t h e most WTi tes: "Two .':e/\f8 110 I .... bailopr osp erous grocerIes , I n a Illrgll cl ty R rllIl of tnhold fever, ,... """ dp C&UlliDIJ dl&tre,.. IlDd lOur ,to_la, In tho w e~t made rapid lIfogres8 from of i ho etolnloh and Pervna a slllall stand to a bi g COllClll'll III l\ few 800n, and taking t hree or foe bott_ ),onr8 , I t wo s the ueat ness tb and CIl.n Jl,OW eat to.DjiJiiuI'" " place nod tlte display of ~he good s, and Manufaduring Com.,.ny, Col ......... 011)0,. th~ prolllptnetis III looking aft(ll' orders t hat built liP the business, ThIs, at l ea st, is what Is clnlm d by ' t lr owner. She Old Her Duty by HIm. One of ' tbe notabl ' thing!! II.hout I h o One Monday mor:nlng the CQlored plac Is that ther Is nOlhlng dl spltl yed "wasb lady" did not arzlve at tbo out!\ld e til' tore unless thlJ sn IW Is In , uual hour to do the weekly washlnJ a cnsc. The sho,\\' ~Indow!l, oll e csch ol a fatntly re siding In a Pennsyl vania side or t be door. nre as cn r dul1: lli:ed tOWn. ' . up t wo 9r t.llr t.Im es a week a tbe When sbo appeared some time later wlnd QwR of II (l\shl on~ I;1 dl'Y ~(Xlds the mistress· of Ule house dO.iconded to store . Olle display wU"he q f 1\ certll,i ll tho ' kltchen Il,tJd was greally edlfied ; 1, lnd of cu nn ed goods on which thl;! by th,e WOma\l'A explanation, "roc I' Is nHlk!ug a t; lIn . Cans wi ll bo " 'No'm"~carefu llY r etum' llIg arti sU cal ll arranged 10 J)l' raml ds, omam ented b y a voluminous black , SI al'S, t l'lang l s, witb a I'iew to bar- \'1111;-"1 wn sn't sick, 1 hnd to, stay tIlon y in tll e color armngem nt of tbe home to recell'e r.:y dlaeosed brother', label!l, . Laler a dtsplar at olives, r emainders thllt ~-as sent from Pitts· produots, bacun, bnms, sa \1~a!le.!! . lard, burg day lie tore y lslerday."-Llppln · cat sup s, condi m ents of all Idnds, ~'III cott's, II ul'rang"d. Evel'ytlrlng 11:1 S MOIIWilling to Ol) lIg e, abl e, Wh en the berrl l! beglll to ar· The poor bu t lIer'vy youn g man 'llfU r ! v the '(: ar dlsplared In thc Win' dows, and ROllle times ·th o Whlllow~ after tbe hand of lhe h eiress. "Young man," r oarea h er Irate fa· m ade to h old whole s~ocks. While In one window t her may b'l 11 display 01 tber, "never darlten my door again." c;annerl goo d~ , In the"'oth I' will \) 0 ar, "All rIght, sIr:' replied W,o suitor , tlstl 'ally nrran ged a line of m eat blandly, "I'll come around to-morro'w The 80ft, velvety Atabasand complete assorl ments oC I he goods Ind give It a coat of bright red paint. tine tints pro~uce the most of som w ell-Imown housl'. N atncss Tbat will be much better than dark· artistic efIec~, aJ;ld makethe. II.nd cl un llness are tb o two principal enlng I t." home li&hter and,brighter. lhln gfl to be observed In the grocery And the next Instant the poor ,b ut 50ldby Palat, Drutr, H ....... awI wIndow di sillay, '[,h er e shoul" b alll- nervy young man wall beIng chaaed
Scotch coachman, a Frencli \lIe protection from flies and hl!lE'cta. by I t l a necessary that changes be lUade chauffeur and an Elngllsh bulldog, frequently. And le~ , Jh e arrangem onl of t.he good s jn t he store corr e~pond w ell ' with the show mad e In the w In, Ptothlng WOUld Help HI",--Mott1er A~ (low , ' 'I101t In Deapalr-Owea Quick Perlonal Advertlalng, Cure to Cutlcura, ' Adv (wtlslrOJ of th !'! Jlro~lo r IlIn(\ al· ways pny~, whether It Is by Ir<;u lal', l etter, blilboaril 01' th e coluDluR f,f tli e began to break out, with Itchlbg sores. l ocal fl:lper. Th e n ewspapers or o hy J doctored him, but as 800n as 1 got far the b est medlullIs and the l east I them h ealed up In one place the,. eJO:ll nsl ve In th e 10llg run , ' Y t i t m.a y would break out in another, I was bo not ami ss ' to bacle up yuu r n ew s· almost In despair , I could ' not get ' papel' advel'tlslng wit h clrclllllrs now nnythlng that would help hIm, Tben and tbell , or be,l ter stili, hy let ters . I began , to use Cutlcurn. Soap , and Cutl. Merchants h) Rnlall towIIS 'RODlt;l tlm.el cure. Olutment, and 'a ti er 'using them )ahol' nnd er tbe h:nnl' .lIslotl 'th at . t bl Y three tlUICS, the, Bores commenced to are, well (\110 WII t o al~ In til e cOOl nlllnl, heal. He Is now well, and riot n sear . ty: that . th el' .Ill IILt. e need of arlver' Is I<.'ft ' on nis 'bod y. They have' never tiRin g, aR UI l!l'e Is only so much t rn de returned nor l eft hIm with bad blood to bp h a~ a?d It will IIl1.tlll'all)' (Il'ltt 'as one 'would tblnk, Cullcurn. Reme: t h eir wa.) . rhl s r ensonlng Is wrong, dlli s Ilre the be~t J have ever tried, It mattora no If.MI', ,10110 J on es visits o.nd I shaU 'bl gbl • recom mend tllem to your Sl ar dall y, he will , npllre!'late . ' > ' . . . l,1;ettln g a latte r from yo n cnlling hla ·ae) one ~ho Is BIU ~e tlll~ likewise, atl!?utlon to sOl)lr n~\V thi ngs that Mrs, WIII.l nm Geed,ng lO~ Wa.Shl,~I' p el'h,Lps h has b een sl udy lag up In ton St,. A:~tica, Ind" July. .. 2. 1907,
General SlOrt:I I.. c ..... lult, ..aIedI and _rbr tabeled _ " - II
IIOc Ihe pdt,... for _hillo uol
Me Ihe paok.., "" th.,..
tbat the "ame AI.bati ..." b 'Ill UM packaae ""'....0 Ii It oioeoW
-".her by 70_11 o~ tho ~ , Ifh. Alabaatin. Ccllllpall1 Grand Rlpldi.1IIcb. IlutemOtflce, 105 Wi1IIrlUMo
, t he mnll·order hou se cnta log tlc, ' It is Then the Quarrel Ccased, a pre~ty good Idea to IlPcnli a (ew. dol · 'rhey were h avi ng tIl usunl family lars In BPcc! al advertising every limo . quarrel. A s WIIS also Ilsmll, shO', could ',YOII get III i!t~~k II,Dytbing n ew Il \ld not convin ce him tbat Ihe ' kne~ 8!llabl e. DolJ~rs' 'I;l p~nt In adV'lrtl ' Ing wl,l ereot she ar&,ued, are. n~vet- 10$t It good judgme:Jt II t;Jx' l ',:0I6 .'t . ' a to s h I ' atu"ld?" sbe' erclsed in the constructton of , tbe ~d G e no, .. noUce . Icream " , , " Yes, dear" YOII did:' b e replied Bualnelltll Methodl Chang,ing, calmly. "And you c am~ baok stUPid." Merchants sh\>uld coDsld er w ell nll -Bobemlan, . phases ,of any ~;.""Osltlon tlrat will - -,_ ""':"-...,-- -' evenlllally, work ttl' tbelr dl'.triment. . Year utter year conllll1ons are. chong· '
7a... I. Dilly Dlle ' ~~8r~a' ...-I
lng, The retailer III fln'dlng th SCI'O W8 becoming a . IItUll ' more' tlgbtened, Tber-a is hound 10. be a reactfon. R~ railroad rales, In .....-. " . batel! In the way tbe way of trade In gdneral, Iro helng , . ' . . ... pre~ty well aired by' the P.iQvarnlllent. The Ume 18 'I\ot far dIstant when !I1'l 'Inlerelltl ot the conavmars and IpO reo tatl era will be much better protected, For the carrr~ng out of thele PlIrllOlll!ll tbere 18 necesllty for .tnngent action.
.,stem t. a ba'1 thins ror
Ia ~ 1& 1Il,01&l'1 . .
, -~~--~
m"" Qu'••' '''ae •• .
..~ ... . .
. ,
,.RO M SUN NY ORA NGE GRO VES . WA NTE D THE WO RL!? 'S OPINIO~., rE'su lts In pain ting at the leas ~ t ' The TWi clt-T old Exp erIe nce of a San Pri sone r ,Had d larA 'E'ly upo n til e mat el'hl too Hav e Tha t, Tho ugh l Bern ardi no, Oall f" Man . He W ent With ou t J,.u )(u.-ie Pnll 1t Is slu~phl com pou ml s, d th~ inb"Tptlle llt~a enn £) b caN lly t tlsl· From Sunn~' San nern al'el lno, The !iolid part 0)' pig-ill nt In th~ , A f:P,'I\l111 1I,'JSOIll'1' JmHi l' lI In Jail shou ld mld at of o:ran ge grov aI· Il, writ 8 l.ion!'1 nlOs \Vh ile )~e ad, l~ 0 Th l pf'n~illt'SS, II " wa ~ a 111:tl Ilqll ld pnl' t l \l'hu 0: 111, H nih, ot I ~ I hall IIg lIl' ,<1 Itt a Ilvrn b Lins e II Oll. Thu ss best ~II h"r or Ihc \l) \\'Il 'S in· I D1gll th .Ire t; , "F\l r l;bnc • on 1):J.ln llll g nlwa Yll buy thes ly 1I'" ll sae' \Iull !< a nd h i s Ilall e lc wa!! Jlft en )'f'UI 'S I Cle anges I S t; pam l Iy unci hav e ~ " .tf'n l IIf- IlI'N ly ,, :l 1 Ilnow l1, " thei r h ' w ua ,l 's llfl ' r fer d \\' I lh I)alu s In ' hl ~ mix t h em fl'e b for E'llch job. luen ,l t I'IIUon IH' wrot c (0 I fl frll'l ld : un my unc l( , fl'C'C1uell I. a!;klll~ luI' ISpC oS LJ(~ , S n~1( 1l~ (lt1the \Tllx lng the t ef.\t la mAll a mon lhly IIJlo.,,'nll • ut (t'li e. calls to llUllS the SAo , ciull 0 Place a pea·slr. d bit or Whl ~on!;hput,ol ; aI''' tel bp ('on llnu f. Il u r t ~ L en,1 ln cr '11o1ls, drOpl;Y, r heu- I '1'lIl hi s it on a pi ece of char coa l or I r i1l1lll'lsol1l11 'I1 t, Tt,~ , .lo ~ I Ieee vt [I'lpo d , I' '_ , J-l(; s nu UI'U mali c! ue hl's and ol h '" III IlIUI! w ood. Blow the flaU le ngai U(; l ' lrU y U 8 I'IJ,g pil at. I'a.o rs, rpnl ll'l ....J n st It ana I ,he ~ -e wlln t It wlll do, , a sj'tll pton"s or k ldlle ~' , al1l0 If It i s ,pure I " \ ~' trou bl e, [ coul ll ~('t I hnt unt ' u ' h [IIOI1 ( h duri ng a p(' nod ', " h Ite L ead" li ttle drop s or lJ ('ovc r!!(\ I w'o I.rl als nn d th bri ght, pure I n o rell~f. Ullt ll 1 Ion! ; I u~e ll J)o:J_u's Kidn ey 11111 in ~ O!'lY lcn. Wo m !alll c l ead wllJ alljJo ur, and mcn ana hu . t pr \' 'nlng , 0 n day It uccu wllh pa' Pill s, rr ' d I hey cur d m e Ilv'~ ~-eur. :l 0 rcn - 0 lin <'> nn t\cn ce the Wh ile L ad call , 10 111111 t Inqu ire Into Ihe nlall b e com - and thi s Is 1\I'Ie D I' O[ I, ha ve pub lic l y sa;d expe ndin pi tel y r ad u'co d lo on g lobu ! ct lle n f' tici alE -ffe cts le or m · tal' j so. Th cllre g Ihe allo wan c, ll u, SlIPwa~ thor ollgh ," b l ead, . ThIs Is becn use pure 1 110~ 'd It W:l S us II lu bu,' 0 Gltsi 1I· "\ hI la Sol d' u~, :i.l1 d C'a,lers, f'O cent s ona l \vOX L ead I s m ade frnm m talll uy a uo~, ,xt r n 111('1\ 19, n f \\' 1/.:111'8 ue: \UI llC wtll l' • c l ead. Fos ter·M ilbllr n Co" JJulTalo, at ral~(ls tllS . You may o ull new RPa1 N. y, test doze n8 or oth ,. so· p 1'6, bllt j ust n~ a m utte r o f cu rios ity the high est calle J d Whi te L eads and 1I0t be h e nsl,c d f or parl t ular s. H ' able winn ing (:;' ~t:l\s. t o r e fUlll nl, to I ra~ HE COU LD BE T duce R UST one ED . of th em to l ead , If lh'lY hi s aslo ni" hmo nt, thll t t h IR I ho on prac tica l way t ile w11l e IJI'lsoner not chan ge wh olly t o l en had lIeVl !I' ol'd cr N I 111\ eXlr brl'cllf.; l' an rl" flf g r ~ hi s sloc d but You n9 ster "Ma de Goo a nll'111 nnd k, PO;-l \- l ea\'e [\. r esId ue, It I s d" Befo re Tem p · hlld not cl aI' that som e try will In li me b IJ dl gre Sll10 kpd a clgu r all l he lime tat lon W as Pu t In His W ed lUI Is ndu ltera nt Is pres Pllt ay , SY RU P I b e liatI bec' n In jllil. , othe l' IhOrl1l11:; hbl'e tl IIt o('k, , -'Pra p l;I ests _, "TI Jr ' you ' I sl1o~t1d h a\' o y our pain ting t I , tb . muy b ' Il Ia tod In Il llull dlng d . , " " l en d \\ In : A t rai n r r om the nort h by \Y 10m ,t ,~ monu foctu red , PI' In' 11 un e " 01' yurd don ue11llln pu ll~d Into eel Ih e mun , " hav wllh S U~h matPI'ln l s, no mal trOl ltoto "e,:z : t'!,ck(\ ~e. ,J 'on th. awa y from th e 11t)'! n,; hen t nr Ule stal lon at Cha l'lott ' you b en s (\'i'h en b ow ch ap th ey mig doin g ' SOLD BY ALL LEAulNG DRUGGISTS. .:svl lle, Va, An I wllh t hat ht B em, it wou ld elde rly IlA d fa I' slttf ng h E'ns) ten doll a rs :L m onth ?" man thru st his heut! out of und tllC'y ;10 be ('osl ly In one size onlY, r ogul or price SO¢p II th e eut!. "I s llb ~ 'I'lbe d to t w o l)l'etiS be rem ov ed ollce ~, (!ay ror .' boltlo . wlo cJow lipp or a dny couc h anel Slllll tll Oued fe ,,, and NlIlI onn l l ,cad 1bur'ca us," r epli ed the Ilrl~ol1 I' ~ooJing _ _ _ _ _ 'omp an)" wate r, Wh" n th y r('(u rn Woo d· a IilU o colo red buy_ to th a ll cl:Il brl dg Buil ding ly, Tbe follo win g col· " You don 't SIIII110Se , !\lew Yor k City , are ' Ioqu l h oy shil l tb o 01 selv ils h i and , 110 yo u , that [ nm y ensu d,: th' gth! !r !;onl llnp; on r eq uest go in~ tu pa ss thl'u u gh n blow pipe trl! to h ens onl 80 lb Y l'au';1 0 l thlfl , Ih IllOst "LI lt]c boy, h :n-e you ,\ m crow d on any all nuo ut t o Olb er?" I c riti hav Ilaln th l!; 110u , cal tim e or mr life, wllh out lin d bren k the 'ggs , ")'a asuh ," nUll . so t hat the Wh ite Lea d )'nny lu g out wha l ever y body hus b ( st. 'I'h' tl'UP n ~Rl is ~ ~<ml" (' "Ar e you '1'nit hful to ' yOlll ' got to 8ay cont ,'lv· eel , Wi th It will be sent a stud lcs? ' aho ut me? " Th.· hind , Jlf' :<l to thp Cll Irnn ll Bom Iy n t~ !ct~': H rf·l~· ali ce by whl c b th e d(,o" • "Y asSu h,'" Is sct Il/l 1\ nuil r d III pO!d tlon. th,. ht'ud s or ttl! - IJhlhi Il'I ggc l' will ct t d uoo kl et huv ing al; li s Hum b ein g Rtlld ~ I· ,·d to Is sll.lI ng IIY the h en prin fron lls"Do pi ce the "On tch D YOU p r ev"l It I.' al<tn g. go to Sun da y oy Pnln l 1'," I'e- , "YII58U scho ol?" wh en she The htll1ol 1 '· 1,10' 1< Is b o lt e d ll s:hil nt'll' S. 'I'll , el(,or clo Sl'ij prod u('ed h," y Ip 01 (\ 1<1' from th e orig inal palo Ung .. 1;0011 m, ~l1li tih CIlI1 lIl;[ I B\' tile _ "no rOil say y ou r pray e,'s n ost unti l Thi s IIUI ever y IJaln tcr hns II com e note ll l'cn ,ov ell by h ond, nigh t?" , mild from ] ~ ·Inch 111111 001', as th c gua rant y of, pure 'Vb abou t rOlli' So )uan y dige stil'e diso rder A 1111mb I'cd ba nd on ell'h lt e Lea d. " Y1I8 Inch S \~ Ide. The bl oC;lr II 5uh ," s aml h Em 'lI l eg el Xl In ,Ih l' ella bl es th ~- - - - - - or II nl1(J worn n nuw Ulat n uwn ' l' IQ t II xHc lly v.'hll t "Ca n I tru st yoll to do an Lub or lanl , Is cut Oll l II c(,Ul Can Seo ure In ~e l ct preA FOR GOT TEN ROM ANC 'nr Iy 10 tit eRch hen I s erra nd scl'li l tloll ha s E. be' ll SE'c lII'cd from n doin g h~' writ ing h er num , f or m ?" and nail ull on trom t It e Itisl d e of 10' brO il lhe gl'oa t Bal. tle reel; slJ'c lnlls l who ofeggs I n th lllnk , ,On arri ving hllU1 e 1 "Yus!;III I ," t I'a ll neat .n ed"d lin , AlII el'l 'all fel's It fr ely lo UlOse ,who 160 Acre . Crab•. Crow lncr ,F arlll " <orld . '" I'll, hpf( !'s 1'''-0 cent.1! t o uthe r stra luer tub, so I Iilad FREE. 'linn at tnlt 20 10 ~o Bu.b... Wh ••t Land tll ' "o wl~h gC't me slInl tariu m irC'a tmen Ih. Ae... . • l. Jl s u se for a, n coup le of aPJl h,~, "-S uccess It hum e·ma d 40to 90 Bush el. O.t. t o to g al e as s how n In tb o the A cre. Mag a· fe\" wee 3510 ks CAU 50 Bu. h . l. B Is sold lo omp lelC 1y I'i'st oro SI N,G DIS EAS E. ('lit. Whi ! this worl ; " 10 Ih. Acre . zlne . Timb er for Fend n..... d \, ery w ell \)0 and Build in •• FREE.. the dige stive fuu c llon ~, Incr Good Law. with Low Taxa hOll ey ilt urdi nllry t lllpe rutu euse t he rl1s It W~IS Un hea lth y Con dItio Sple ndld Railr oad F.dl il iM,jon. 51 ren",rr:h and cn'1' (',UR E AT CIT Y MIS SIO N. ns Wh ich Ma ~. aDd Low Rate.. n erVOl/ SU'SR, In· Scho ol. and Chur ch •• Con, enfe Pou ltry. Kee J: l ng Unp rofit able " omn ia and all sym ptom s or r.<lo /7 ola for 011 Prodnt. a dIst ress- , uctlo ... Cood Clim .le and Perfe ct Ing nntu l'e clue to such dlso Awf u l Case of Scab ies -Bo th, rcl 1'8. Mix dy a Mas l Cbaa c.. fOl' Profilablo lnVOHe.l ltmoD 111 sC:lf l('S like r Ollp, ('hk lt th~s e thre e Ingl' dl en ls ta. of Sore s from l oge ther , shak npo x Slid Scra tch i ng- Her Someofth e cbol ce$t JP'''ln-producl nJflan~~ ID c ank.~ re d mou tb r snit ,wel l autl talt e one or two t Tort ures Yiel d to Cut lcur a, Mlm,\.c h ew n n nud Allx' rta. t ram fll l h, Ji c.o ea51100nful s Sn lUtly now b hU" qnlrr~ ll hi lh eKe moat nft I' eacb m eal. On e ounc e lint! had 1,"1'81n III l. 'I'h SP di s aS ~ 9 com pou nd IfCct.luus uu~er tho henlt .hfn.1 u.uJ. p r OtiperuuM . Are rrt!'t wli l) e\' C'ry wh t;lre 580 nc Card ial, lwo 0 1111 'es "A youn g wom an cam e to our thl'u lISh oul !'ssence nf city p t he who l coun t r}" I)sl miss n antI ion two in a mos t'lLw ful con ditio n phys H(lII P Is a colli l· gel'. One or our ounc es syru p at C,ln· by ",hl~h entr y may be mo.4 e l,y prnx d ve l olJ d Inlo a cluo'n ! call y, Our c1() tor xam Jued bes t·kn own drug g! at s, ,,,In y (00 ~ ... S((1 l e anll cOUt h er and lo who m tlt e abov n freo t:> c: hlck a WorR ' from e was sub mitt ed, :~~~I~~, lItIOIlS), hy tho I .. tb r, u'oth er, ''''''. "00 ' ~' O l\ rem emb er, Jane, told us that she bad lCt week i! r. scab iJrolb 20 '7rear s ies llbe Itch ), 'stat es er or .laLCr o11.DleD~lug bOW l10 six monLhs 0111. Th e best posl Uv Iy tha l a. mOTe Iteel · [lr ven tlvll ago, a nloonJj gbt nIgh t, whe n .1. whls · Incl pl nl parm liS, rheu mat ism, etc., and harm lv'~ Entr y fec In each ""00 18110.00, 1l'0T l ess Ill' scril l llon ould nOl ll.m plll ..". Is a y t in of xerc l se, wi\J I)er ed, '"rou l ' nde ght rly: 'J nnle , I love yoU,' "La.t)jed ~We8 ou from expo sul'e , Her poo l hO\l "e9 ..rll .. HiO r"teft, l'<l uL ... be,Ht "lme to go t,"p r be tlJl ed by und wberull.r" e to lO(l and ~'ou IIns w red, p!l ssl ona from (!l'n fl and eI UUlI111E'~ ute. u Jfp) > tu Ilny on • and t hat It i ~ tel)' : "l olm, bod y was a mass or sore s troll l scra tch· 8 anel H. M, WIL LIA MS. fam iliar l y Imo wn all the " fr(lll l ' li eI', cl1l11bln tl, w l lh Roc kere ll I' Law But ldln .. a \' ''', ~'O U no: e l ooks so tunny lind s woll en, Ing and ho was not able lo r etai n solld hon ey_ ure, " To l_ Obi ." Pro Do mlu ent, yo tl food I,p·( PI sUIlP , 'Ve o·cla hlr ose worl t.e of ('hnre'oa l Pllt som ethi ng's bit, d·ha rd ove l' h r for seven drug · :Ill l he IHtll h et\dl; glsfs will g t th Ing reol n ts f r om w eeks but w e coul d sec little toad mId 0.160 III a t eD h?'" lh (ub, mud. a til) imp rove · lbel r jobber, alth oug h mos t at th em men t. On e day I bOl1g bt, w ill han. ace 'S8 to y In th Iwo·11l h hole , 0. ' calc e of k €<l p thor n III ~tock , Dl s~lptl ne Abo ve All, CuU curn hick npox 01' dry.. , Ii n a(l~- on ' t he InRich' , orip nnd a bott le at Cutl· ", ~o r ettn t, In M Oroc 0, clur ing cUl'a lles olv nt, and lhen I ~ Is not so good as ta IIlPS ca ll eel, It 11 we bath ed our A Boy on Cler gy men , fierc e ngag eme n t , a sold ier will n l so prov ent lIIlkC 'rs Clu ped b, gal C, tOl' hal - hon ' }'; bllt ot ~he pati ent well and gI1. \ ' h er I\. [ull dos e rrom torm for Ing In BIsh op Pot ler . at nn cc1e , .hes e J.1tt1~ pm•• Fren ch for el n l egio n ",' as alm cl_ by th m mbl' alto of ~h c mon o[ hOI1 Iy It wOl' kl!:l S r ' l1 as one th elas e Res tical olve n t. a 8 h sl ept bett er that dinn er In th, ca ll barc olIl , abso rbs They nl90 reUeY1l DIll> j ew Y ork, r ead II. Coo pe rs· ,wlsb , , anel will "''" lhe pois ons ' th at 1Ifoor l sh bull t aud (ell flat on his fac e. nigh t and th e n xt dny 1 got "I"rr well fo r a box at tow n soho o'Ibo y's ess ay Cro ... DYHPI!P SIa..J D' "He Is d ad," _. , t mpo ra l'Y I)nr'pos'es , h sa esy lel on .. lerg y· mnt 1115 CuU t r t ,101'111 In the corp oral , I an· cura Oint men t. 1n five wee wh ile tb e ks this m en,." Tbe e~say, whlel1 U lOr", Ing over him . Llrt ln g a batl mOl llh, In wln t I' Illor Ihan IH Dex t to noth Ing, crea tell much If. A perfe ct ....... ered fa,ce , you ng wom an wat; :lbl e to look 7li per t il tor a amusem ent, WllS as follo ws: l egl ona rr grqo nad: "No , ~9r[ ' n t. or the di s ases. IImo ur; for Uiu tflesM, N:", . ]los ition ,and loral ,slJ( !\s now s tron g and well . ; pou ltry n . " The re are 3 kind s of cl Dtow MinesH, Du41 , l)t dead , 1)1ft bad l y hurL " 0 1' cn llscd by lho PI' s nce rgyn 1en ....Whe re I s Lau ra ,Jane Bate s, !i Fift h PEA NUT S FOR YOU NG CHI IT,.. t,. IDt h ltIoll th , Ooa[' of lIcn, you r Ave" New lll shup s, reat el'S and cura CKS . pack t of ' lInl~" d emh nd ed lacli or ('x(,l'cisp., nnd over tes. 'ril e blsh · orIc, K Y_, Ma.r. 11, 1907 ." T g uu. Pn.ln .ln ft1e ·re dtn g 01 the ___~ Sltleou ups t ell th e r cter s to wor cor[ lorn l. " 1 bn,'e forg otte , TOR rID UVIJ I he pou ltry, uod n1so a 1a k lIL l, and t he n It," salll Goo d Wh ere Pe a,\u t a Can of sh It r, 'l'cgu lato tbe cura BO'l' Be els, ts til hav e Pu;e ly y~gel;]'I>Je. sol dl r , tryi n g to wIpe awa e iJl!I1111!1 0 SS and dr afl s do It, a clll'a t Is thin y tbe nre com mOt l Che ap ly, Dlur rl ed man , but whe n h e Is It bloo d, ca us 5 or -dfsens s. ] find , " Two days ' arres t," shou rect er says a wrIt , t d h e gets full er nnd an prea th cOr)l oml . and lIrtln ' tb 'r in lo"arm er s' R vic w , tha ch long er e wou nd ed . I'ueh eel raw IJ IIllu l 111'1' L n il kind s rna serm ' ood on 11 s onto and becu Genuine Must Bear his back h e stag g red \0 or pou ltlT II I' lJullJ ect d to m s a gOOd man ," Hie' bub y chlo k ralio n, Las th 'se Ills· t year , I CasC ll, wb c tll I' Fac.Simile Signature It be th e pll re bl'c t!1I tbl' nea rest d('lc tor ami d a Imil of bulus d l'l.: bu shel s of pean TTLE uts to t t' tJ (lr mon gl'lll s. ., T ,he Poe t's Erro r. Th er e Is no kind ot Icts , .. my !I rst brooel of pU1 'e·b "or cou rse, " sal(l th poet 's fri end, r" IJllrr ed eecll n g Ibat wIll prev cn t P l ymo uth _ Ro ck~, 'i'~ In ell s nSCK_ "he has his fauH s. but h e'a num b 'I', I 'I'he rce dlng Afra id of Rev erse s , 'a u 'uo po et, shoi ll d b e plen tiful shel led the uut He g l ves his IIf to the ser by hand , "Wh y t:'d YOII turn that yo 'rllllhed. , noug h so that all th vi e of tbe ~=-....J un g man fow ls may go to dow them with [\. wo(Hl on 'POlU mus C"s":" "}t n?" ask d tbe geni al you ngel \0 ilia 'her roos t with a [\Ill erop of gr a!j8 /.lod ' (lart . lind grou nd thor n ill n otfe , " Y es," put In the criti c, " n er o " He look ed "'llll,1l1; and -mil l. sa ~' grai n , Th b sl bala ncl'\ 1 raUo bu t s {,(liS BEST MARCEL HAIR WAVERS ~:~~~ cn pab l e." u corl ' SPI)IIc1ent or Fa 1'111 ns hny to mak e l h ml stuk of S\IIl\ 111111 Hom _ prov ,d "Iio migl lt. bav e been all ~~~(, 'lllr~bl~'b1~t7.~be8'o.~~~~J J mos o~ lng that t ffec Ihut llve ," , und tr li e ar e srow , To be su r e, It was slo w wOl' ~~ ~ttilt' Bac chus Is one at the' mu s k () mlll l\l· k Jlt nwn y this led Ib crns (y sen i ol-, "b ut I'm s," will bo n stro n ~ f ucto r fact ure a Qua rt of pean u tohl he i :tll I nve terat e j oker t m eal , It In k CHin g ." tbe pou ltrY b eall hy. wns th en mix ed with stal Brus rru"'~'Ifu '~.!'~I~~e~ abou t be r lk_ln. Samp lo ~es lig ht br('ad Perf ume ry ,&, Toil et Soaps, "" ell , ",he,'c' s th e h arm in h t.Oc. Will no\. Injllr Mlo... that ?" Nurrl , .. StolJt1 Co .. ~ Nobrns l hRt h nd boen moi st ned rLhaw litun St.• !JutAcJu,tlMap 1\Iun wlrh sw eat "It's uille A mun whos e boy com es hom 'lllr "R 10 ,'un,; UIIlC r", :Il who Ihl s : 'rhe fl r st th ing h e'll do • . • A HOM E-M ADE BRO ODE R. milk . I le· e It from ~al' Ij\'i ,.", J lileh , scho gl "Ie !(lI'1lotij, nil odo" ~ . I take him on will be 1:0 take ot and wan l s h elp on )1l s ' l esso n ~ ur., bU l!jv me off," r This' mlxt ll1'e wa s ligh tly wor OUR SAFETY RAZORS ~.';l'ni&M,~Y:J,~t.~ ealiz es Ib ot a llttl e l earn ing I 01.. :I\lc ,---k din · Not Har d -i s a dUIl- :! 0 '-, to Mak e and It W i ll Dc to a crtlt llb l y ' m ass wIth n 'onte nll11 l'nt- com es ., 5 c Ii Ilh I' by cul- gel'o us thIn 4 OZ, SOC ~~ \~~:d~~:ec!»,?l1:~ ~l:'o~Ir1~U~t~t tsll~~~;;~ I nbl fork , 0:1.:. OJ 1. l) g. ~ \' tUl'e Goo 10 Tlor I)lac ed on pl o I lns, 111111 give 01.. $3))0 d Serv ice, by wish Ing ; it ! s lionel. om' 1)l'ClldLlJ)l ~ w i th n lo th e "Mo lI{lco " tlon w it h olle' s Int, grow l (; l'eco Jlcll la. hJck s onc on nil I'nat QuyS gO'ld out ~, or Jllil il an ~ 1111" o ... lcr tf,d",I' and geL I'n);. A Gard enIn g Nati on, , As It I hav e mad e and n se d a b :(lu8'1<', ~Ioli was RA Iled to tast. o, they In Swe d 11 a Inft Is mad 1'001I er Inwn rd sllpe l'l ority to aliI' surr oun dtlevo t!I'ed It e once a 11.1'(1, N . Y. u ' 0 ,. ~S3 Fult on " ' t., l~ruo", that gives GoM r esul ts. 'I'he iugs .-:.r hea rlily lind grew nma ztJlg cLe "oa r to elleh scho ol pup il an, , mal orla l ly, or'tl 'ees or ~ cost s abo ll t two dollar ~ and 'fhElY IV I'e yn rded In U shru bs to be plan ted abo ut n han dy Dur tng t11e last yea r the ex smn 11 In· per son the ho , me. Eya port s of s-;--' can buil d oll e In a dar, c l osur o unll l si x w kR B l' l aw Ditch Ilnr l ' b mu st g The Old , belnA' rant aceI" this co untr y bav e grow n grea test ___ ~ gas f ro m til ' l am» does lu ' mov ed to fres h grou nd twic taln amo unt of Il1nd to be not go Into It Acts Slow t h e e aI' hrln ' t Item devo s ted at to cars , carr iage s and auto · ly But 'Fre que ntly PI'Q- the he chic l, apa r lme nt at nil, ;l ~,"ftud not a )lUIIY \lUl'p Ol;e or sc'hoo1 gn Td ns, ,b llt fil l n mob on e IIm'o:l g . arou llell, duce s Blln tfnes s, Ther~ /it. N. K ,-E nd u nde r tlo. fioo r. ltli,l dllg 'th(' in. Corn b l'ead , stale (190 8-17 ) nr scor es of horti cult ural ' 2227, It dry li ght br oM . socl et! ~ nnd wur m, expl ains a writ 'mH let c urd" boile d pora t oes wblc h emp l oy gmrden el's to give tile I' in Farm und pen - ll11l1 Hori le, The curi ous efre 't of slow duily pol TIH3 'la111p l1nm i s abo ut 'nut m eal form er1 thei r bill - rllbl l c fl'(>e Insl ru c tion aod IIf far , tlu' e Incb es advI ce on from th shee t Iron , The sonl n f: and th e gruelun l buil din g in of I frlli t _ w ith pl o t y of I)U"(1 wate and vege t e cu I t ure, r, mllk and Th e nat· d is rise .IS n l'C!su h ellt !low s n il g 1111y t 11l'O l t, :s show n lu l1um - l u raI gree n gl'as s 111 tilt'i l' yard . f 'I r eHQUI'CCB 0 , l e CO Ull l ry .are b llgh lhe her s of casc s w ' hql'o lhe 'ey s are at. In ~ ,drum , F, ,wh! ch Is ' p rfora in CfI!US'l d In this way to tetI with , fect ed by oiTe e, a ~on· I derf ul xten t, POU LTR Y NOT ES, A euse In [lOIHI w ill Ill ust.rate: • ---- -. , -, Iud ' in 0 weg o l\lon ~ -t. cxpe rl ,.. ~ mp Give cn foed of good soun " nt to Mot her s. , . Exa mi ne orta d l':tili encc d It slow b ut 8Ul'e dlsen care fu lly eve ry bo t tle' of !>e !lelt ilng CAS TOR JA a 'd ally. , sn.fe uud sure rem edy for IIll011 hel' eye s In. th e for m oC Incr as- I I nfan ts and chil . Old plas ter furn l sh C'!; !;ood dren, and see th at it lim mao In g w enk l1l'ss und shoo d lin t el'ia \. 'h ~ wllh wav y, cl [\\l clng ltn s or' g pain s . B ligh t; so II cars t 0 Wb n a chic k fl' qu entl y (II ~~~ ~ \11\'111 Iha t. 11 0lh lng Ise ,COll ~ACK I t lis Itsa H Ie! lie seen Sign utur e of It III loua y, ,: f or lIllu u! s a t a tim e, ~ NEU RAL GIA . STI TCH ES. [n 1 LAM SIl For Ol·c.r Late h l\lch o(\ pl1ll ets will i'llI' ENE SS, CR AM P Y eats . he 's:\ vH: Ir . l ay ' TW ING ES. TW ITC HES 'i' lltl RIn d You Hav e A l :l" uys' befo r,e sjlrl'O/ol, FRO M WE T OR DAM P ' Deta ils of Hom e·M ade Broo ; " Tlli s ' "rad ua l falll ll'e Rou :;ht. I der, ALL . BF:l of ~ l gl1t UISE~, SPR AIN S, A WR ENC Put a ' few I'lls tylt' on nai -:--alUTn)ctl lIIe and [ naturn.1l H O 'R TW IST ~ • ls III , (h \ 110Ies In t h f! sIde, thus I tUng y b 'gau a I THI SSO,VER EIG N REM EDY drln klnE: wntet'. EXll licit, par l 0\ very- E'nl'll cst que THE Y CA N'T RES IST ! st for t.he ca use. the h eht ou t Into " This 15 an nge ot stee l," t he ho\' er and t hf Abo u\ Bree dIng. geese sbou ld sal d th o : tli ls tim I \vas tol~ t.hut b l,el) \ ba lunc In Ule broo cot- ar~ ~".dlnne r spea kel" raU lor 1,11 ln h, lIesh .. d I' abo v , ' T li( I f e , 'oiso ",,, nl \l _ ~ som etim hea es t r look that ' se r vol r, G, b etwe en the sbee Perm it Dle to , Sll .. g~&t, Inte Th e lles t l ayer s are gen eral t I fa 1'111 , anll , whil e ,I didu 't ~:tll ~ t. ly III' Iron , K, nntl t he b eHeve tha,l ,ad tho chai rma !too r. ; 'I s nbo ut on( I coff - , (IIrreren ~ ,tab l. fow1s, n, COUI teoll sl y, (' was lh,tt , the ' CRuse' o[ Ill:; trou ble, I for Incb deel l , The tube . F , the ll~n efit oC the ~'el'O I',~el' ' shou ld ' /lol c Jlc!: lIlod to Orus ts of brea d WElt with ",al' s ' lire:;!· quIt ,it and see. m n ew touc h tb en t you 811ell that last Hard. e sl!ee t ·lron . mer ely exte lld milk nr'~ uuau rpUS::led fo'" f eetll PAIC I: 25c AND 500 ' ln j! tig YOll ng It, ron gh t "l t ook up f'os tum FO,o d h e floor , 'C. I t tak es tlie l ensl Coff ee in ' cblc ken's. ' It C;.:; ;;;- Wh ij;-V;u- ~.tk_ ~llltC of Ihe ,Iokas of H 'JII at any broo der I '- eve r ope usbn nd who se Ulvl ng' mea t RS a stim ulan rat d , expe rien c e wltb on e CU ll Allen's }'oot·En ~e i9 n certa t and In ,the cnt, A, Is the ,pap er at a n ei:;;h : cha ngin g tho toop wQI ke-e hot, ~\I'l!llti ng, CAllous. nnd9 \\'ollin curt: for roof in g I bur' s wa s l) beuB hi B ove r Inoh u l1sat lsfa~ en, n,,"i oll to I'Y . ;Wel l, I reet. :':old hy nil \)r\ll ·lua tche d boa rps, B; C II lIlad e Pos tlllll st rictl y nccO !l~i"t". Pri,'c 25<:, Don 't boa rd flOOr or sam e mater l'dln Rc~e g, 10 pt dlAII\' Mubs titul '. 'J'ria al ; D aTE I 1'C'cUnDs, bOil ing k''i~e FUlM :. lal' earl y In Mar cil It a HUl e longer, be- Add l'c.a Alle n S, Ohu stcd .ll!nc sma ll wln! l ow8 . ' El Is the hove __ __ _ . _.~Le Hoy , N, y, r, Har E ' causp14 to 18 egg s: Jf hole our bJgh al titud e, s In each 'Iide of the 'b roo '(he 'l' suit Eac b one doos l~est who der fOi ', \VU B cba rmln g. 1 'sho w 's tgns of be· does bl s have UO\\' usp,d Pos· best tbe csc ap e ot gas and fum es, tor one day alt a time , and L sholVE tum !n ' pJace Of lI"I,'OIJJ[JUI! r h ~If, . " then colte e for abo ut 3 r efr eshe dOOr to reac b the l am II, N s him sel f with the. kno wl edge 'a ll' SllaCE ' mon ths and my BPl'l riklu d plen t!· belo w the nca r, eyes ar e well , -nev er that h e can do it b tler on the ,und er 'r oos ting Ilerc he8 dall naln lng me. or 8110;\' ln g allY n ext.y II wca knes s. ' Sem ploD . ! J..-uow ~o a cer taIn ty that reco mme nde d as a 'teod orlz the or caus Give e The m , Gree n FOod. pl'el .erv es and Ipcrea8l'l1l the of tb& trou ble Willi colte o ,l<.Ild .. - ,----- ~ -:valu e When eb1ekQ can not get gree t h e cure Gn l'ilcld Ten> n gras s I was ill quit ting It .lIlaJ iure. and bulld up the surcs 11 h Cll ltb~' the h ~"b tnedi~i nc, in· BOme kInd , of cut gree n food ueLi/ ln I s I ndJs: ,ner voul l syst em li,'cr , kidn ey", ~" on Pos tum . 'for that 6l0m lloJI lind bowels, r ..of 'pen sabl e, Lett uce , cabb age, kc it. for, con. ti· onlo na, Wftll Ilbso lute ly the p',nti o~ nnd Hick ·headlllche. Writ e, (,~ r l i"ld only chan ge I mad e etc •• are good tor this purp oilo. n ut It In diet abd 1 l eu C?" Broo klYll . N , y" fot took DO med lclnl ?, free 8II.lUI,I ..... "hou ld not be negl ected If it Is d elilre d' l "My nUf31ng bab y has bee n kep t In (0 bav e the <:hl cken l hell, ltby, a perr ectl ) hea _ __ _ _'_ _ used POlitUll<, lthy stat e sinc e I bav s Colo r of Egg 8he lla, ··Mr. - -- '. '. frlen it, disc arde d ?'be re Is no diffe renc e In cof· the ot the yolk frOm dUrere&lt bree d ••COlo l fee and took OD Pos tum to see If be no. COU1d ,~ rid at ... ~a dysp Indi vidu ality . Qut U,e colo epllia. and frer of the Qae at ~dacbel. chan ge prodncecl·r'a mos t r8mThe aII.II t. a matt 81' of bree d, and arub le Imp rov . tbt , 'l Ileu t qp!c kly. " . eolor of, tIle ,0111: ~ lO, eru d .., We prep are OUI'II Ivell tQr '"'I'Ilere
P ~f i9 S "fJ LX \r c..8ennn ~l/\ U _ "U'
\t D" y;
1 iff lJ s duo I 11. t t toII ":Y' I.JO
Ef.fpc1'LIlli ,
Mutivc.' .r
d.01 d. 'fu . it At· b I ,-" . t,
CI 'Id l'
has '"'the ,1til l name of the Com-
Revised Homestead Regulations
~1{ft. ~~~~
Our ComDlellon
TlIl I
l~_~~=4'!= ' ~~Jl
'. a Reuon." Name stveD b7 ,dee da. " the l'ratA Il JrUo1a; ! 111' mL~rrefl: p
Mr ... Will M ll K"" w lt,ll h,II' 1I111',l t !lnd Hunt , M,', hl'll ~It ... 1..>1 BIl,I .. ~ ,
lP U b II·I C
\,lU >I r e ;'Ol'UI" 11\' i n"ltpri n u ' liT i\ t nllflll\ll1. 111 ('tln g I1 f "tll,lId l
of I ... hunn" . 'Hrly,-t! llttlllt) 1.. ,, 1 wi"lIk Iltler i-Vf\n;) I II ~ til WIIlI .. r III 'M A ngt>If'!< . I 'll I
Mrt! , 1\'1 .\1 Hil i" . ti t' 'l'tlp, .kll, KIIII - In~ IIn , LlI~lIul~.llI lIllIlIr 1111)\1)1'18\>1, ' t,er of Mr ~ , ~ I. ,,( 'ill·twrig )1t 'L'h 11l1rpclSe 0 1 tht) !l1'!!U II\7.II \,hm an,l ~i!l~ K lzzlo' Mprrit.t , ~t,i1I bll s /I ~hD II be to p1'011! Jte t\ I!Poli (lr lJg r~Il~. f-,pllng (If lovlllr,y to Wll vn villI' h ' e nOlL cilll Wt'lflll' hetwe III th !lnd it.!! p '01'16 f,IT 811 ~II )''', " ' 'I'i~ ~u m II1ho l''' no ,l '01113 1'111 U~t'I''' of the Ui09' t,O bn\'o the now!! fI' olll 'th olll pnhli l'OUt1!1, hllme , MO 11111 t hn,'p th e HII \\r tolfl" Muttor , r /lOS tl"!<, III
Tuesday,May 19,' Head IIorses an,d
~ 16
Jamie Bogardu s, son vf ..Mrs, Liz· zie Bogardus, forme rl y of Wayn s-
!Ii. cn ~HPd II t ""Y t lillI' , ~ 11 '11 11 , nlllli IlIln .. II(·. ('III'l' ,I I tin's igniti n UUl\1l S, (, 1' ~ J tl l' 'h 'n'n Slalliul!, 14 ,YtlUI't! '1101 , 16 halld ,; high . we ight, tl'i)l1bI1' , gll Cll1 r o "d s, Hlg n I' Hi t ::;. 15 P ulld. , tin :l tyJe and aclion , ki nd an J go IItlle' allll g uod worker :IIIY1, " t" , e tl.' , 'ru e lIl"ti6' r lull n,11 u ull pi c· wh re, H a,; mad lWO eason," IlJl my ('finll wilh ex 'ellt'nt result: , 1 .ul'l'ell l3 klinK, 7 yeilJ'!> uld, 1(j hunds hiJ;\'h , gentle aml gout) \\'url\t'r. nl C!! UlIl,\' be 1I t IItnrH Il f lhll urgun. 1 slJt'l'ell mart'. 7 YPH!'S old, Kent I" an d "uuJ \\'o rk r allywhl'I' ,: I bl:! 'k i1,ntiou if desireu mare, ' )"ClI'S, vld , guo d Wild;\,\, ~nd dl'j\,t'I'; I impol'ted Wt'1-(:h !JOllY, Brin g your i(len s uull ':01\11 "plrits
ville, is in a Philadelph ia hO 'JJ i t:~I, undergoing a n Qpel'ati on , Abo\! t two inche taken from off his ItJg will be nece.iSar y , The lil,tle fellow is' undergoing the operat.ion in tht' til!' iuter ,kl t.S wit.h She lland colt a ,;id e, &,(,l1ll l' illld \\'(>11 It l'llk l'n: ~')'l'i\l'lin g' cnlt.: 1 ~o II same stoic manner in whi 'h hf' mel tll1H be ll' to pro1l.lo t of the I lutoOl oi Ie for bui nes s nno rrllll e , bl'ok n, sing-I-line, 1-2 ~'ei1l' ol d with the acciden t. pl en!mre, !lry corililllly y ours It is an unusuo I pri vi leKe t o be FRANK BftA.N DDS DIC~r 8 G U'M'EII'l' . able to oelebrate the 50th Itnniver!!at::;YL\'K TICI! 'L'IIJrOl'O, ry ot ~ ma.trlage, but still more nlTe 131H't)(Jt1 XtllI' X, wit h pi gs, I!I shoaLS, wdg'h : I,tI) pounds; IOOs pring pigs ill it to be spared to repoot t,he mur· - ~-~---ext rn nic > one:l; I bi ).\', bOIl(> P.. lalld ~hi n:l. Hu~l', :! ,vt'al':l ok!. I'i~ge vows mad e liO yenrs bafor e, bot 8uch mlt,rked \l hU}l\lY event hI the liveH 01 Mr. Mrs. Is,II('1 " ~o Che 'turdI1Y, Green, April 1~. Il their bome In 08kaloo8l1 , IOWIl 1 wb hBd plighted MI~y 9, for the tblrteentb l!eaSOn , ~ S their trbt,h eaoh to the other, aooord- !:lunda., WitS IUf'peotion ' Oay , Ing to the beautiful ceremony of A 1thougb ' tbe well,ther WI.! 0001, l~' l~ ~he Friends, at Jauletltown , OhiO, in tbousan ds of Clnoinnatians visited I C I 1 ... ~e Big White P8Irk tolook thing Mr. and Mrs , G reen a.fterw!lrds o er . Th ey found ColoDel Martin Ii ved iu Chnton ,Illld Warren oon n- h~d kept faith with the people llDd ' tiM. and their danghter Willi married hlla ;iiveD them, Itl! p r omlsed, Plot'S to a W"'YDes vilie produot" 'rhomai new nttrll.otions tbun ever ' before, B. Garretson, known n the "War- in a. single se880n. The whole ~r~ AI' 1 " 1 • I - 2 B k' I ' PI . is lm}lroved, from the front. gnt to t ~ I In gOOl Telltllr alll lle,81' y 1\ w, rea mg , ows,.1 ,DIHC lI[\\'~'()w' ' time News Uoy, " baok fence Imcl all of 'the improvA 5(Mooth Harl',lw, W edet' ,Harrow, DI'ag Sm'o ther, Rldm, Hamil ton On tJt11! ocoasion, \1 r , Garretson added to rhe already , exoeptionally ments a re of '-the 'sml.l1'test" rder. ultivator, one-horse Corn P an te!', t wo-horse Wheat rill Osborne tt1owInter8@tlng p ng ram whlob Will;! 'I'berllis nothing warmed over f~olll l' Rake, Osborn e ol'n Hal' cate l', Hay Ladder, Gravel Bed, . oarrled oot. Ii tender ond affeotlon- last year, Chester il! very brtght .' , ' ' H,ftl'IH'!-i 1 Tr?y Wagon, 1 s pl'lng Wagon,} .~ . tribute to tb'eir" integrlt,y Ilnd this8ummer ond s t,ands todo .tbe long uBefnllives, ' reoord breaking b1;l8iness of its co. ~ 0 . Runabout. 1 Rubber Til' B u g~"Y , reer. nearly new; ] light SI ig h,, ::! Buggy pI ', double li ght Harnes.~, 4 set.-; of • ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"'!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ' WOl'k Harness, h, avy et pring \Va ron Ham s~ , Collat· and Ham, s t of DEATH TAKES single P.ony Harnei ,extril. Collal' and pads, 2 addl S, Power Hors Ii 11per in, good repair, 4 sets extl'a f ni ve , HoI's Blanke,ts, Whips, Hal l I'S , Tools, 'F orks, Shovel, Hoes. Rak ,Axes, arpente l' Tools, ross-cut Young Woman---Mrs. Stel· aw , 200 fe t 2-inch Rop,e, Wh >elbar row, Ladder.;, Feed Boxes, llart' Is, la Smith Answers the lIand CI.ippers, etc. HAY FORK ROPE AND PULLEYS. Summons.
133 Head Hogs
200 B
TON ND CORN 'HELS H .A Y -t. B U H .KL ' T.bJ T E IJ E I) 0 RN
faFm .
F. FI ' BENE'eKE "
Waoons and
_ _010"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'New Cabbage,: New Potatoes, N~w Bermuda Onions, ~eW' Ripe Tomatoes, - New, Green Beans, New Green Peas, Lettuce, 'Ruhlhes" ,· Clukes
-~ ' --.....,....-
Fanc, T8nn8SS88 StrawbGrries ' TBBMS
Mrs. S~lIa Smith, a&,ed about 22 , y.ear:s. died last Friday mo'rning at 11 o',clock, at her nome near Waynesville. " Th. remains were taken to Bellbrook Sunday afternoon, where the body was interred, She leaves one child and a husband, Frank Smith, to mourn OVir ,her .rly demise. .
,J. B.
C. H. SU RFACE, Auds,
Fancy Ripe Pine Apples. , ' Fancy Navel Or~nges, Bananas, Lemons, Apple8
inylted pi
, to Ilf$elid ~"r' Banana !lIe on next S",t'tt'rda,v. This ~e expect be"the Biggest Sale of the . Ie n. Begins promptly at 6 a. m. ', nd c1oses---. 200 Dozen' at tOe a Dozen.
Pasture for R.ent.
Vllluea ~nrne ril'l olll. ' B, U, ~ t eW(l,r t, 11 1.l1erohll.nt. of eaUl' View, M iss" ~oy : !'I t.e ll my A goon pas ture; plenty of gl'a.'lS Qustom r!; wllen they bny fl. hox of
ana an ahunuance of good, pure, Dr , RiJ)g'~ New Lift! Pill", th y ~at, water. 0, . RI KS. I Ih wOl'th of thrit Oluoh goM in wei gh t" if IIlIIiol d with const,iplition, mllh~rhl or l>illioll!mfls ," ' 'J lfl nn Subscribe I-, or the Gazette drug rl er guu r flntee or Fred 'ollwltrtlf,'s st.ore', 25 ,c,
SR8CiaHof Salurday Only QUUER' WilEAT BERRIES 5 tents a Package. ORANGES FOR SATURDAY 15 and 20 (:ents a doz.
l'w, 60c a lb.
B. P. S. Paint _..--.
Browrl' A "PAINTER'S PAINT." Bill
Dark gray s tallion foaled in 1894, Bred by Cloverdale, Stock Fat'I1l , ·1~ 'l:lb. Sil'ed,by the im.I!orted Aorse Bamboo Ceylon and India iteas blend· 13145. 'Dam Fenelen 14Q30 by Fen e~ make the finest Iced Tea elen 10045, Weight 1,500. knowD and the le'ast .expensive, because of ' Us strong dra.wlng ' rrel"~S of ' B,' Fe~dlng: qualitie.. Tea Siftings 20 y a ,lb. , $10 a mare ,w ith f Qal. Any~ O.her Good TLil\d. R D one parting' wit}): 'insured mare for, for Saturday's Market. New feits the insurance. All care will be taken to avoid accidents. but we canCabbage" New Potatoes, Cu(;um- not be responsible for any that may bers, Radishes, Onions, Oranges, occur. , Lemons, Pine Apples, Ripe ' ToN. B.~Wi1l be at home every day in the week, ' .,atoes, Crea~ Cheese, etc. All interested in these horses d are asked to eall and see them.
All I' ,lill' u~s use tbi ~ l)rnml, Will have II. corload of hl ll'h I ' ll c1" 'l'obllcoo Ilnd Vorn here thl ~ \\,' 'J{; W,' w\~b cs})ecloll1y to call the I~ttentlon to ~II' who are thinking' of b~ying Fertlli~ers to tbe ( ~Inmus filler, Bumt\!. ill deoayed vege1a.ble, m " I' t~r . whioh Is a ne oe~8ity h: nll lions "nd w ltbout ,. 'oj wh~oh no orop co,n be grown. Come ,.io Bnd',see' , .,.' , WUI S!l<ve yoU: money;'
(\ tb o finest pieoe of mil blllery Pllt l' lw'lh er. 'ee the Bradley Gan g P lowB It lit! '111\1\' 11 I or,;- thcy are etlaiest gold'Ad pl lH\I!!O 1011 11 .·. (1111 1 the only 8\lc~e8fful 2· r ow oultl- ' \, 11 \011' 1I1/'I,lI llIot ared , If you are lOOking for II i\1nllllrt' SIl"" d,'r , we hnv e t he'st 20t.l1 Ap_ tlll'~·. 111\ 111:;111 " t running prbodl'r on till;' IlIltl'kf1t, \ Ii hond:(I ' t·he ', we ll.kllll\\.'lI ZIUlD'OIl}l"n ' .i:l 11 ~j!11;" • .voun~ tIIen! No girl will rpfn!lA I I) 'go ' 'l'ic1,lt f! Wi,l,h ypu if yon h'lva Il Z il'l,l lnl'rrlJlIO ; jlll!t l' ottl,'"d II ('!~rl ou(l of t,lle well:known \.Ir"nd of
A, P. S. Paint 'is n pure lead: ' zinc and linseed oil paint. It'is. mud~ upon a formu la which has stood t he test of , yeal's, It, is p;'round exceedingly fine- much nnel' t han hand-~ixed 'pa int or ord iml ry p~'epared paints. B. P.' . Paint is a "Painter's Pain t ," alld is endorsed by all ]Jl'actical' workmen who have thOl:oughly inve ti~ated what it ,i made of how it is I'l')nd e •. and wha t it \yill d o,
4.,W., Wkite.
Vulcnnite , Portland Oement
One of the nicest pamts for inside fin,lsh in the mark et. Produces, a hard glossY' !'! urfll ce, Any ODe Cll n, apply it, a mI we Will make the season of 1908 at t he farm of J ohn 9tr~op. 3 , ~-4 mi les guarantee the res llll'" west Of WaynesV Ille, .i-2 mile outh of Lytle, Ohio, on the Upper Spl'ing [re.h from the Oven. bol'O road. Brown Bill weighs 1,400 These will all COOle III to, pounds. Nice beautiful color, with morrow : Cream Crackel's. Nab· stripe in his face, good limbs, heavy mane and tail, plenty of action and a isc,o s, Tea Cakes, R eceptIon good work-er. Sired by a Canadian Flakes, Oatmeal !lnd I... em,o n horse, the darn a .b elle Fondry., and Cracke~s, Spiced Bon Bons, Pea.- the great dam was a Cadmu!l, ' ijis col ts are large-and have good' action , IIUt Cakes, Ginger Cookies. Crea m .Jumbles and ~wl ebac bs .
. . ' .. ney
Twine ,
,\ 1111 ," f),11 WI"
Gloll White,P.. int. , pt, can JOc. , g~1. c.. n $2.00,
or Illlproverl
I'V I' "
, Tenae••ee Sttawlterriel now arnving dailv. Pack· ing and quahtv are t he best. Some of the very best Brands are heing sent us. Price Lower.
Hl mll
W., E. O'NEALL J , O. CARTWRlG HT, Clerks.
Hee, Baw, Day and Night. Scrapn~, Blue MO!)Jl Scrap Tobacco-3 ,p kgs. for 10 Cent». '
A cred it of !1 mOntllS will be given, pUl'chnsel' givi ng n te w ith RPJ)l'oved ,ecuti ty. Discount of 4 pel'
cent cash.
SPEr.IAl- AlI Rcll,
Pain l ·\,;; tind B. P. '. Point i:!conomical }Jecau!le put:e materials and fine g.rinding enable them cover, 25 per 'c ent, more su1'f~ce .per ,v:allon in 10 .. pel' cen t less time,' and 8ecure a m'or~~, beautiflll ' liu rable jqb , tb an wi th h,and-,!1li~ Qt.))t~\!i' Pl'~ Plll'ed paints.. ' ' • i)
BOX 'SOCIAL. , (l'here . will b,e a' 'box social :at the Utlive,rslilist 'Church at ,Ridg,eville, neXt Sa.turday evening c All ,are cor"'; dihllyL invited ''to attend. . '
.1\ f!;'
P. S. Paint is a "Painter's Paint,' ~use it ineans .. sntisfied ,clIlstomers ~nd inere~'~ecl' busin~8s. "
, PI~Op.
Daylight StQn:,
Dut()t~ for ,WaYllli8y.~J
WELLMAN SCHOOL Friday May 8, was the last day of the WeIman Sch~ol. Sixty sat , down to three tables, every family of the school was represented to show their appreciation for the teacher, Miss Alphia ' MiIler, who has had such " , ' tban Ilnylllundry sor.p,· .. good , success with the schooL The afternoon was passed with Ci-I King of the L!aundr1 , phering matches and singing. with ' Airs. Rose Firea at the organ. Then foiDed three Itlrge .,.1'11 we were dismissed. by the teacher, lustead or five one voting it a well-Sllent day. merlY • ONE WUO,WAS TUDE, •
WAYNJi':: V JLI ,]!;, (lUlU ,
Y B ~J L
-~- --
'D A
MA • ..'ll,
1~J t,
s __
.~ (
HU1I1I1111iJt' 1' \hut \ In pri co,,", III !'I t", I BACCALAURATE ~prl1lV: Valley. Ore~()nin. , Bellb~~~. __ tWI, \V11I-'1'~ lit UJ'o~ "" Hros ., I H ,Y OII Wllllt llIill i'n I'~ ut, !']leci ul ~II'~. 1)II\'e Rntll ll Itll il thl'l) "l1i1 - 'i\ lr li nd 1\1J'~. 1"1', d :h" I· \\',.IIJl I ~"'\(I Mr. IIlld All''', W II /Jp hlll .r; of Mr. ,I. I':' JUllll tl.Y Willi ill 1,1111\11011 \ 0\\' "rlcx:!I. \:111 11 n Mnl.l . M . Whil (1 Sermon at M. E. Church 1(l!' II u( :I'l lll' ,Y p\'ill t!. a fI ' v llii t ing hOi' Itl ll uI-{h 11'1' Lh 'l!'u !If \\':1Y l\l'~ i ll !' f :onl ~l \'II \l VI;;II,f1 d lwl'1 u uGhll l' , M I'~. I I1Nt wet'l l(. I J)llnlll !l :\11'. IIl1d i\lrs . Dli wl' (t rl n"' .I~J'I' 1J 1 KUIIIIII ,\' wil h Al i"ll l, il>h'r nutl ,I 0,1(' I>h III Tilt · :-;n ll illl), . . ~'rllluYILUl.l tlllt onlllY uf Lhi tl W H Wit ' Largely AtDon 't forge t t.\10 1' f:l IYl O \, u I sfl.le .It .\I i,,:\ II lll'ri t Hll wk o yi rl lt(' t\ in 1.111 11 I.\' . ' I' h. , BIIt' 'ul ll \ll' '!Ltc !lerl h oJl o f til" 1l:x.~h i' r if1' I"ennk Gnl1uher of L I bI Cross Bros. 11 111111 WII'" hitt 'n lIy /I lh'~ II ('u IIJl lo Attende( .\ ilI a . . iltl' <' . 1o' r Ol1 (, IIV O llt ld Ilub.\, I l l u~ h . 1." 1\ 11,,111 1' I:li g h " UliINI )J1'Hllohed in \ VIIIlI'r ll ults IIIl(l \\ if!' \\' ( ' 1' 0 1,,1' h ll \'I' 1'lHfl l'll lld 11111111' lln ll l' nihil Prl'. LJyu,l'\ill' c llurch uy &e \', MI', L . A , ZlmmermRn 'NII!! in Uln· " f 11\ 011 111. II I; 11111\ .. '; II r PI!\I\t IHI iH ~lI lf'Hj 1\ ~ wi I" Il ve r y Hore I ~ II l1 d - -g: n es ls o f fr ie u,\ ", in S (l uiu . :-:\lI1,ll\y p h!ll ~" , d \' I~ ll \\1 111 rf'llI li VI':I 11 1'1'1' e ~ O h l'I' I"IHlllay · !:'vll ulng "Ltd :ou:<io ol hml tl 'l'notldu.y. hll hl\l pub; lIin g i,.. f( urod. 'I'h,t' I~aecalau !' 'alE.' :; r n\(ll~ al th "ie. Sl.... ./t's:;u 111111 .1 ,)1111 ·.m l'R ;\ II"H 1'~I\ 1l1l KIII ' nl'fl l' ~l. ' ·lIt, '1'111'"11,, " I,it p I; II1'ISl1l1 ll ('ho il' WIiS (llll h IlV' MisK MI~Ltill Conk WII,; "'!tu pping in IL\lt\l o noe. II llrv e y~IJI'II' ~ pao pln uo w II ll Vt lin M . I',. ('hll l'C.;h , ~nday, e venmg. was l "iRitN1 U\' (, 1' ~\1tlll 'I Y 1\'1111 \\'IIJIl I !J ~- 1'\" 11 111 1-{ wi lli IIll ~~ 1I1' lh' ll 1I 11 1l 11l I1 f pl'e(\lHt tll) b.\' tI ll' IllI'g OILY tn n M"Udl\Y, 1,,, 1111 11 0 11 , .\11111 " olll1l,l II " t gnt, Ill . "","11' 1 11 II i I.}' ttl hll'\,u 11I ,.. i!· wH l o h n!! a,l tl! lIIh!d 1;1,1' u n Ir;tlll e ns e C(HlgTega· t o rI 1ri II Ll !-I . tt lr ... . .111 Ii II Ho).;ul " 01 . 'Q w lllllvil io ;\tl', .J Il IIll1ll . () vj 'l'h , dtz or Oxford Millf Com M oKIlY IIf Xtilli lL Willi In I ")JIIII'f'" h,1' ~l\lIllill~ I,balll 1,1) .1 . H . ll"n r.h· a l:<l l'" II .. II1g' ('I'" wd ed mil) a low1I hUH K'iturduy . ( 'U IIlIlIUtl 'M MI,nv, · :-: 1;OI'A ill \,V " .YIH·M . I;\r.l('~· nUlllber not !J ·ing- :~hl' Lt. ~d ' W]~~:;\'I~~~;~ III ~II~lt ::UII \\" ~~1II1:11~1'l'llt::I~), "I ~: hll ~ 1,1'1'11 vlt:!il,ll1 )!, h l' l' PilI'. iil ~ . 1I11" 1 (·~ III'.1 'I'llI'Sd ll;V 'Illd vit,il dIll s !:!IHt, r l ei 'illll ll i i' Thuy ;, 1'" " PI' llIlIl /.( :t IllI d 111..,.:. 1\: 11111' 1' II I II ll'II' Iwl'l ' N .· ll te IIU III hl'lc( .l.r w ll <! 1l t il .'f l)uth Mr. "IIU M .. ~ . ,J . 1£ • •'IlUlltlyautoed l \'lll n IIllrl 'I'Ilr,1I1 .\', Iht! WlIlch- lI1a!t fl l' e V.(· 1I S lnI1 UIlI)~ I'u 1111 . I' he !)f',I'I1:on, wa~ PI·cllI'.hl'd b . ,~.~ ' f ~~ l.l .. y" \' II h h'i!; PIII·l' IIt. , ~ II'. HIlI I :\11'. I"I'll 1"< I ' 1lI tl l'r l~ nli'rl lii n OII ' ;- ~ t !1I' 1 1I'd t,n tlll'lI' liulIl e fit Oxford, to Ule lll11111 :-:ll1UlI!1 .\- . ' . AI~'I· t. ~ :, . ~1Il.ILIt, I~ ~ O.I,ll? ol~h ~_ IIl, 1 ,\ In;, .I IIIII P:; \I"~ t (jn. f l'll' llll:< i'1" ,ll1llw " II '; Hlllldtl y , . .... ~ouiul :;ul u uL ~tnc. U, ~1. White'" SU.RPRISE . l nl\ ' ISllj . •11111 It \~ a.'i a fOl('lul \1 l ' . II ,,· I IIlll11 II 'l' IIH)u t of tll 'l'own • Sel' lll tJlI. full of C'h l'is liall advice tu / V. \V , :\14111101' 11 111\ WI 1'1' WI' r, ' . 1" , .(111 ( II JlII III' 1'11 11 ('1\ ')1\ 11'I(· I\(\.- ,,111 1' \:LI"h ~rhool )l e lll in tIl l'o wn lo' ril1liY tlud t:)ltt,nrduy . . ' I . V · '1'1 • 1 • 11H"1'" h ll lltlH V r"'I • " 1 the 'y()1I11~ 111'11 and wOlllen a hout lo S lO pplll g 111 .HlIl ll 111 1111 Ii ,I . • , • I h 11 'J li llI-till y ove ll ing WtI Ii UCC81lH Mrs. U. M. White Willi in OilY too cl\l ~r IiI' : ' . . ll.lI C1l la -" t. , w, ' I~ l u ' I'illl l/tb y , :'l! I·M. 1) •• 1 1'<1\1'11 "1111 11. J\I I' ~,. bll \\: l!I l ill overy wil y. liul'n et Se\lr!:l Op tl ll yestord,:"y on bl1SIlIIlS!l . Given to F riends---Cupid Hel' , m llh ;\!::;o I l r ':I'~ cd 1Il ~h' i ' ll11 t h IU1I1 wil l'. IL lilfl l' " "11 . ~ 1 J1 ltl! 11 1111 ;\II ' ~!'I I ", .ltll ~,,(' II . ~Jlt: II I ' r 1111: with III thOug ht 'Ullwu,rd UlJAlbert Me rrl tt ot l:inrveysbnrg St~als March and Takes sam l· t'lHll'ch at lhe mui'n1l1g' :'; .'I·Vl ce. K I'. ()" IJ 111'111' \' I ~ it nd f r i I'TJI I. 1111,1 Il nn!l lll. ;'1 11' 1111111 lilok ~lIp!)or l wul'll. Ii:~ d :-iilllisoo, .orb.:, 1lJIll{IIsb Wl1tllll towu IItHt, weak. Illr ,llLnr(\ll }' . wllh .1. I, . sIIOIII" 'l' Ullil fltl1l lly . 1I 1- , HII C'o" 11 til l Myrt.le fi u nok, ' No Sun_ WaynesvUle Girl. ' " W."0 , Mrs, R uy h'oUl~ WIlR ' iu t:lpriog OL[) SOLDIER DEAD i 'f il e lJa cOnlll11 r "n t n ' 1'1I1O n Iov I lI'd II. I'. 'I ~'11 , ' 11(\ WI' 1"ulll1 t, .' IJ lIu c-ro f . ' . 1 ( I Rtl-: . "Ilirtin Wll fl .IP11I·ue ln lr fi 1" " 11 i\l1~H ~l alJ.('1 fHI(:!w()od, IItl e l1.d Ii J ~. ·.I'IlIj)W ]ll'~Selltetl the diplolllllA tu. Vtdll:!Y U.l;lllrt of lu .. t w be,k, - - -, IIU'I,(O 11::1I1i(!O('1 , '\Hulu,Y . lh l1 (J UOI' f'lltlo,n ll t :-il I VI' I" hl'n l' Kl n_ : Ihl . OlIl HS. w~th worets o r to.roe. 0" Mr , .6,8 Howell IIIllde u \)l1slness All,lf ll ellri y II weflk Ilud e lilps ed . ., " \ . I lr .IIT111 MI' I:I. Bar lu w ti l' IlfIill' N fl w (In )' , Igr ol I, Jll'ln Iyl.o o f el]l1m~tI6n. ls, gPt- . trip to_Uinuhinttt.1 'flltl~eI Iy'. . t40 )1(;1 IV .. uf . til IlllllTiu g of MillS 0\1 1,./ JI'I1.' Y ,Bu 1I !101~, :~gf'el , .~ ..V' II I ~ ' / Bl11'l1o g to n \\'ur /!' uest." n r, th e V!d ~Ii,,~ LilliI'll l( i 1.101' h1\~ ret,III'IH' tll " l l l:, g un,l g l.VIII . A t. the tuue of . Mlnu \(\ H u. thl1wuy I t'I~I. \Jd out, lWei dt pl1 . • 11111 I Ll .e .~ IIl 0 1'1ltn ", at, : ,,, c ln k' l ' '1:1 , ~ S I l u '. 11 (' 1' hllll lO 1',)1' Itel' ~nlllll\l I' \' llOIlLion , g lv lll t,{. we hUlo koow of tberetnrns Wl1rr~n .llklw I:t wus ill OilY ton I I f th a l· Ill !' 11' "11"111 I )odll~. w ith hellrr. 0 .1 . t il . U II ) " , . , , lI waiti 19 \1 ' \I) t l . futrue .t' of llooupltluttluYl!lllstweak. itwll!:' LIll ~ lll'Pl· .U 0 e e '4S0U. t r o nhl o lllltld l'll' )!" Y' nnd\vlI _ Imd t',) II ~s l:l lj1tmBI"I. 111 .~1l11" , WI!" ,~J1 I11 A1' lI1 ltJl g (' \\'II ~ III L l'IIIIHll1 l l1 1'' (l ~uull of )" "fo r'(11 )11'0 d'e l' efred' No OIill w"'! uny the wiser untIl 11 . I . .' . 11 t li tl l! lI tJt! t ' LIIl '} ; \' or hll:;", ti1l(lJ'g111 l' I'IIln r . , , IV Mr. JOllleil Neuly of ' In oinnl4ti i@ Uazett-e representa tive ran tbe to, 111 n 11(111." Ilt 11 (' "'"ok. HI, the 0 I ' I' . . ' . ~. l ite uddn~ soil' riug fOl1r tblngs n. thu g OU!:IL of Mr. Jltmot! tltooJl!:!. ry dowii, und the truth wus mude t or:v , I bUil l> " H Orll ('l' \Vlls .. 11 lind Lillii'll 1\.1111 01' 11 11111 IJlIl t ' Ieu rn to d o' "To tblnk known . , '1'1 (1 (,~ A . . R. )l 1I.'t II' lit <lown l ._. I!"\'~ 111lf'1I (1I,,(·t('c1 t o Len 1'1 1 h r v u uxt withont co nfusion ole~rly," " '1'0 Mr , Vul 'ImUlI:I I\nclw\feof::;prin~ · OnWednesd!1y,Maylll, Mr . .I!"'. E, IroUl IHII'I1I I1I1IJ.,'l y t l. ,II.tll>I\(! tli o l IS~Il I . . !ovcYllurftlllo wrnul1'!!i n oerely,""'.1.'o VlIl1ey wore In towu IIIHt ..W ek. Lo.Urand of Norfolk, Va., to fnn ril l. fi ll 1~llfl n fUlIllllfll' h).(l1rr· 1 Nt!\V I:$urlington. . 1'11 1 s(' \t \lull'l""l'tl h W ljll n o~ll:i.v II ('~ rl' l)lfl b ono t Illa tive!! s urely" 'Ulktl IldVlIlltug uf t,be remov!11 Waynesville, and on 'l'burs(\uy ut, IIIl ,' 111' Mln ,M,,' lu I' ,1' I'II I'S. 101' Ih (l tl U1UIUI' 1' \·l\oldlOlI . 1111\1 "To t r ust' in Uoll liod B euven ·s ulowllJ!tlltllltlt!.'IlltUrollfl 8ros. -!o'olookwas marrIed to Mi!ls Mio.. . I L' I' .II. II. l 'tllll pl ull fil l(·t1lh pulThf'l\li !l~ 1, I' nu l\}y .I'R Hllll ' IM , ·curol,V. Mns\o fl\l'lli~ heel by tile , nieBl1tbawll.Y, and t.hey took the CHI~ISTIAN , CHURCH pi t. al. til' M. . K l' hUI 'I 'il in X 'l1i<ll1l1 ,.j,l~, IIlme l1 u Ill ll r. ll un Mt R Ohl(l YrI H: ul' \ ". 01'c1l !ltr/l of X en iJt' WIIS 'If ,you wllnt blll'~uluk In Uuggies Ii Oiolook for NorfOlk. YII " , Suntlay , RI'C Il ('~ I' K n n UIl}I , . j ll ll;hl Y II}J pre'i ll tell. .' und' r::IurraYI:t. 01111 on Oro.... Urul:I . wlrei'tl the y will muke th air h u m u I Th oe In' nh)l'ial Sl'l'll1 JI1 will Lip l\1i.'!; HII ']I'6(l llllll t,ty o f M III,],I) \\' Muss III etin '" of the 'fown!lbi'p ' \fr. John ~lIrtwrrght WIIS u. t tile t::lhe Is t,hr. dlluglltet o f MI' , llnfl 'J'llcr will bl~ prl/tehil1 g- in ~h I prea(! ~cd aL l ~ I(,! 1\1. K (·hil l' ·h 11exl I fl th e ~Uf'. t of MI~!:I Lul',Y (Jolin 1· .\ 80hOOI9 WII S llelJ h e r Ifridl~Y anillt COUUIY ~tl.t qne day III ~ ,}'eek. Mrl! FrLlzee Hllt,htH\'IlY , lind i w e ll bl'iKtiun (,11\11'011 .111111" . ' 1l1 0 J·lIlng ll::i llncia. 11l01' nlllg 1),V l ile pH~ll)J' . I,'.', UI (hI Bo wl< I' spent l:\III UlIl Y WIUI u t;;'1811 t, tll~y 1'01' Bellbrouk, A , . . kn own Imd delirl~ lov d bYltho~t nt.I Q::!O IlIlClio th t\ L,ve nuig u~, :. 0 1 T h(:! young lady f r iends r l isa WIth D. l i. My r S IlOfI f mil ,I'. l itl r g tl 1'0 wI1 g llt hel'ed together 8t Ml·. ( J . P'brry und flinllly were VI~- .of Wnynesvll!e fr~end ,. who b~ I!y ['trw l~ eO rg HIIII. . ( Ma r ha Hat R pi -asant!y .' lll'pri:;('d :1 : lG 'L. Ill. IlOcI li te~ ed to 0. mo!!t itlug L"uuoo n t'riend~ lust week to 1013e her. h e "ns .for ov r t 0 In th l:! ult rU ULlf) n t, 1 ::30 th o n. v. I hl!1' lus l w e k. Illl I'AH lI.lg pr ogram o f musio. exerursIl uu" Mr"'. I:l~rry Wtllter and '7 stenog~apher ~n ~ue B \liCO I MI'. 1:],411 \Vii! pre c ll t·h l Mfl lII llr lH.1 I M 'nlilers of New HUI'ling loll 'i \'~pl'l'ng' BranC)l. Ir'I •. s, (11'111 . Jln~ \' dt,ationa fromtbe Mr. .. U n 01IU! R for praselltutl"eSl\tUolt~lJlbns,IlUll ;,1!l'nJ o n n t thl!j ohlll·oh . All It I' CII I' · , . • d' - I . r f"11 n( I"· f.l u n1 0 rlitler>nt d is tri c t sOhool. At 1..:30 !:Ion D"u visited I'rlellOl:iberelSllnt,lUoY. som e }I;\n",th of time soor e ' . 1 ' II" , ..1 1 uIL .\11 . 1 nllm 1 I () . l w ,' .. . _ ' "III Y ITI v ltp " t o llt.itJl1t . Harv y,' ullrv a nd Clal' k!';villt' heI]I ' c! p . Ill . tho orowd ellJ yed tbe p (Jnlo ttLr~ til the president of Jume tO~~ l1 M 11 JI " t I I l I ~h, Il nd 1\11'''. A\Jn 'I' PI'nll o r B ~(I · din n ('r !tpr l'llll on the In.WD after , ~peoialsu.leofhi~U-cln8slJlilJiuery ]!;xpof;ition. bhe i Jl. moat. 10 v[Jultl ' (. . ~sl· I" I: t~rl~ (l~ 'eAlra{,: ~ v ,d, \\'nllnfl ~[l'''. l\lo lliA Cu llin ~o r whl h nil wer e re ady to li~tento tbll:t weektlt Ml's U M White'!; Ilod Ilc c'Ill"'llsho(1 \VOnIUn lUI \1 STA,!'EPO 1'('I01\.' J IJlL t Hayas usr.IY· n ug ,lll I)· ·t · at bor 1j~ AI ' I 1" B h D . ' , " ' . :" ... . . ' . ~ l' dinlH~r \Va fiClvecl tlntl Mr>\, Cumpton Ily ,o n ~\ I' g , e" '? 1I"es . I a t I til ,,1'eS by Prof, uo of a~. ' Mrs. Anna tirlu,tbury Is In town WayneSVille loseR h e l , much t o t,h _ ___ _ I ., . , Id . , . :t I lb ' t.'f I lit 'n n wlt,h a u tl l\J t~s Berth", II M.b t Oil wbu oUlphllsi~el1 the' duty of re"ret, of frleuds here. . I cel \ m ,UI.I us. II am eau I u u t 'd Y I l' ,,) r ,. 't I II d uttar I~ winter'l! 1!~IlY in ISprinfield . L G d ' I Mi,," Will ona ~ "hill Mll o Do fllll tl of gifts ,~n nr u. I " J . lu e euc let: t o the pup lind tbe u. e 11 k r'l 14. mil ~IL s~ sl b nO ' \'d 1:l1IT\:t:,,"hLIq; is n n(lidl1 ~e fO l' o n e J ol' 1:31 . ' .~ vel' luw 'ILlhi ' Lime Me IIl1{ l 1\11';< . L e wI!! !'Iti b,,!; n· t,y uf the 1)urent t,o the teuCher. :At , Mrs. Ch"ytol1 8~ftllllln IS Il,ule to h II \~~e , IlD of th. '1;') 'ition!lllf ::)t'Lte 10 peot l)I' f 0 ' Bang} ~ '1 Ill' " ontlt ·L p.u:mllll \\'e l' ntl' rf:l :00 II. Ill. th e ball gtlme begun bel be u.bout "~8 1 n IIftf:lI' H. t!lege o f t!wk. b ere, IUovlng lUll e. v'd ug h~r I. M: ' , e isu pl' !!Pr- rNou!:!f l(llk Wile 1l1'IW.U We;l'k~h';'l~ 1~1l(\ l<~uotorj8R ' Thl;l , ~,'II!ld d.1. Ug l :~I: and 'la\!;L :. in l~~\~ tuinM hy Mr, 'anu Mr. . ' \J url os ya twe n · Wuyne!! vi llo and Bellbrook J1eas; tow llBllIun 0 o.r 0 , w er e 10 I~ . . .. ." < , - - < • tl t rd ~y ni " h t 'IllU o g ' i ll a s oo r e of 9 to 5 in f~vor euggg dIn the I.>roke~ uusincs ' . \ )111 111 £' I't'ill I 'I'l'i bu n' 1;11 y!' : ., M Iii!; , Mrs. Lizzi Harmo n arc wi t h, hi m. t Il n I, "' . . , r f W " 11 . , j :.I Air .Phi·j liOllkius .Ir. wbo hall Rev. AUl O 'ook perfo rm II t.I1I' Win Cl1I1l ~II C DI)IIul,l of b.'"·,ve.Y~lJUr:;, The L adie' it! and lvUssionary . ) ·li . •1}l . . Ii nUl\! t h ~VIIS hill" I . ny u "~ ' . . been ~I/:Ii I 'If:{ ill UII' ton, lilL r eturlled Ol:!t mony in Ule pre~elloe of t h l' W I1rn;11 Co~ nl y , Olllp , I III 1D~1 1)- IRociety of the M,. F . 'huL'c,h In 'I. at 'l sell by . E.l do l Lill O .of Indla.n,t. lIss Mlu'Y ::;el1u~ viSited her S!s. hOm.fl. hnll1 dlnte flll):lily . ' l'he GA\', eto x uu l, 111 t h IIItel'ost ()f h OI' . u mpn I ~? j the h ome j)f M I" . . . Lackey Oil 1\J I', tllIll illri' : l<Jlmel' P/lt'r w re n- ~o r. Mr:l. B.liodo;ph In D~yton fr~m , teo(ls to tbe n wl y murri Ll oo uple f!,r IIPP 1I,I ti U n t t.o lIoe 01 t,11 \>0 ' 1- TIl1.1 l'stlay afLel'lloon of las!: we k. t_nr tn.!octl l t~ \lmll ~ lly MI'. Jl'rtlnk :ro :lc1I~Y ~lutll Ihur (la.y a.ttendlDg M.r , 'Alex Mtlr& \V(lut to OliytOI1 t\ long uud ].lruR)JurO l1~ life . tl o ns I ~tilte .~USI~ OWl' 0 1 ,\ ark ' l .D Ik lll und faJIIlly noday , t h Jl'liII'VleWOOlJl llle lloement. o Monday, where he bus Il good ll !!i. s b pEla!ld J]'n.ctoru\ III whioh wOlLl ell. ----1\)1''; . E n g lo lind d l(ct rblor o f Wbi te MI', U. R. 'fit]o~ superintendent tion, Ilud ,cJ1l}(1t' fl RI·(~ .etllploYOd. H nd I \ Lytle. c ornUI' Whl'e t lt l 1! 110S t R o f 'rh 01l1R!; of t,Ile to wnship sclloOI!:!, left Sa,tur. . MillS Belen Kelsey llliS return~d ALUMNI tlJe Rey nol ~h! IIl\\, r ec n~\y e lluot ed , B al''' HIIU family o n .'11tl'Itl!tly tlUO UILY m orn illg f or his home ut FII.irfroin U"i noinnltti , wlion, !!belilul ueeu tile Illn,te Wll! IllJPO~ l1t I,gbt, y01\n g I " .. ' S ' d ·ulJlhty. fle ld , (\hio , nnl\ will re~ur.D I1galn. -----,W011lBIJ t.u d o tll1i:! klUl1 Of wo r k II nd ~l ~. anti .M l :s. WII ,I tacy an 1 M ' ' . . " J:[ , . H t b b ' b' h I ,,1I ·winter. , r · . . l\lisft Mil DlIotl .lcl Is bo t Ilt'tttr o n u f Idau g h ter lI'mti of Dayl(ln u j oyed ~.t' Ii rn e.'1t 1J.ll k lli I" VISItIng . ,C . I ~ , 0J1 !:111 81' t o e~ ll IS BC 00 MI'!:!. ~ug\jIH' ~~osl er of UI udnl e Banquet Be a ,Feature he plum !'; . In fllot h e r 's wall t,h e l undll,Y aL the h om .of M1.·. anti Mrs. j Dllklo Iln~rl fJlllllly: . ,\l lJr l~ fo r "~ot'ber yellI. . Wilt! VI;!ltlllg r t! ln tiv t!1! 1",1'" 'IIturd,, ), This ear--- Held in I. fir. to 0 1 t,lI p. 1,200 " )Jpli on in rl :; n ow o n I Albe.l't Ol'lH:lI of th IS p lace , . i\1J'R , )i-fllmll (~rnb b 01 OilY t n '.I 'h . e W, U, A . .met .llt tlle home .of and !Sunday : . I llle f() I' Oll e ( )f Til p . Jt.j t) Il . . '''fh Baccalaur a t e . ' rmon on 'lll1- cI~ m e ,dOWII ' I' , n~ t ~ I I t he ~ . y o s· \in' ,1 '. 'llotll.D g hllUl Monday IlfO. O. F. Hall day '"ening wa c r lainly an eV(' IlL j \'I!le ( ! . lI1tn 1l ~'(,~I(>J]t, ~I l' da ug hter. teriwOlJ, . 'fhe sixteeptb anniver!lft,. , Ice 'reu.w Fl' eZlI rS IIUlI UhurD!I IN HONOR O · F CLASS appl' ciate d by all. As u sual Jo1e l'. ·Mls. B r t,h ll MlIlIt,h bomg on o f t.ll e I' Y m eot,lUg of the W . C. A. will be lit prices tb."t, will oltJlIe tbem ('nt ut 'a<l wu llad e l' deliv()l'ell a' fin ad dr ::.s. grallu:Jt !,s . lit I,b h OllllH,f Mrs . Dunhl1m.JunB 8,' Cross Bro!!. F ridlly eveni ng th e Alullloi WIll --~ - - , which he d i/,ccLetl p:'II'liculul'ly to 1.11 ' . ' 11" "1' :1 I f1'f!1r1 Wis v icinity I1tt,eud . MI' , (lull Mrs . Rllymond {Jt:owl . ·Mr. Cal Ze ll il! very ill und WJlII huve tJlialr II 11 nUll I blintluot IIDd re P r of.' E. BI'atLc n gal' > c la:s. A mal quarl t fl' In BellV 1'7 o Il , tlunco g Il' II by Al l'. tlLCY Umlg Iln c\ Sull L tlwl'enoe of Do.yton in'e removed to .MiRmi llOKpltlllllt lillY, ocptlOU ' to t,b e 1l0W lueruuuJ'!'I. Ail in hOMI' of the g )'aouatin& CltlS 1a.'3t t ow n .f urnish d th l; ~';lIsic anI] t h e.... I1lhl s i,;rel' /I f !If;'II I' ){~~lll~l1a, . vis itil1 g h e r sititer, ~lrsl Allen Davla : IlmreqnestflCltobet,heJ'eby 0'010 k Fl'iday ev ning . All of th ('lass \~e\'el~lde >c1good. lheehurch wus 1\JI' .1. 1I. ,Uhpllowlt.l1WII!dlllJ1t ISCU ~1Irl1 to Mr.HndMrs , WilJis811l0k too 'I'be fllJJowlhg Is the prog r lllll : weI" )Jresent and they all had a Im p- fill ed Just full !lo.t til !lf'lll' hi !' hmll vl's Lt' r ll1LY hy mid r ' l1IlU tl\' IL aou. The Rev . I1n(l Mrtt. 'J'ro ut 'e njoyed President's address, El1ith Mosher. py time ('omf I·tuble: A ll UTllt~ III wllshrng LII II '~ 111' 111\11111111 a visit tram J\1rf.l. Will Tr out of ·O~. Game. were full lY e njoy d aft r for the CO!ltmu d success of th cla.-;os J\I r . Gila. H~l'pel' is under the . Sp~iDgfleld Illst week. Re'4dlng of Mlnut Sl~nrl ['toll 011 11, whi('h 1'1 g unt J' freslnn e nt,,' we re of 190 . docto r 'Q Ctll'O I tM.! !J. severe cold, by t]Jel:ieoNtary, 000011 BllWko, 'O~ S 1'1' <l . Mr. Wal te r Kenrick and wif we I" Corwin. '1'h l~ AUl1ivf! J'Slll'Y B!lnquet of the TitIuny, t,be wlA·toh maker, !ltill W e looU1e to C1l1tcS of 190 . ,John S und.a y visito rs in pring-boro at til _____ Jr. 0, ~ , A · M Jodge wlll .be ~eld ', comeB to Coleman'8 st-ore 00 Well· (Joll1fl1ingl', '\19. REMOVAL SALE lattel~" pn l' Ilts. . 'Om HI1!ll"ol, ILrt.e r Ii SUM ssenl In th 11' ha ll W e dll esdllY evenllj,g. '.:r. , nesdft.Y8 for wlltch work, Re!;ponse, .1olm t:lt~n, wll, 'OS Mt·. an d Mrs Elm I' 1 ~:ll'lIh :ll·1. hau y '11r 'S WOl'lt will olos witb n. pi c ni o Muy 2(), . • . Mweot> po'tato, pil\nkllLt Qmnr Low, In Memo riam . LueU'L ()orllAlI, ·Ur., th pl e~ · ltl· , f n.te l· taining on S un- n t /e't. An oi!!nt \Yoclo esdny. Mr, 11110 Mr. , Frl~hk Zell, who ie' ~ two doors east of thtJ 'Ubristil1n 'Po r e.lll 0 t o ok hofol'fl m o ving day, Mr. and Mrs. ){,oy Earnhart nml i\Il'" AIi'en MoKin , 8Y i3 I'i sit,ing 11I1\~~ h~1I sl'und~ng t hlL winter In I '1'0 Our ASllocill tiOI1 - ' 'Di$tlll ot uti irVo I,h 1'0 IIU !l OW OCUI)i d by Cos · daugb terg, M [,S. P ' ITY Earnh arl a nd l'(' IILi i YCS 1Ii'1I1' Tl'oy th,i., weel" ~llllh'rIIlU, wal'.a VISI ton;! ~ BlllJpr.ook o!t~1l'ob ... 15 ~ 'per hundred . tbe' billows, :yet' o no .II!:! th seo ," lWu tOl', t,h n j w(;ll( I'. W 0' wil!" 11 Ilt cut famil y, 1\1 r. and Mrs . Will ti wc(')1Y ~h,;. H "lI l' :-il i I, '~ ';11 te rtllio d Mr. . F 1'ldllY , a t·t(' ndlUg t.ll e M L~!I'" meetlnl/: : 'l'helate8tuewli from Isrllel Wright. B. K Y!!, 'IHI. , , , prie n... fUI' t,\\'/1 w ea k!:! , Cro8!1 Bra>'. and d au g,l,tel' Lu cy, Mr. 'antl Mr8, .~ 'I I1 (:. ~q l ('H ' 11111' dill1 ghte l'R, l\Ji 'l'hu l:P 'U llU P Whl1ta.tbe Be1Jllroo'k who i~ in 'the !:St. J<;lizllueth 'llospi t!ll, Looking Bllckw,lI'u, l)a,yid FnrJ1n ~. . has . 1',l h ', M,'. al~d MI·s. AIl l:n , t a y ~II I tif,," ti l('~;1 IJI1 M I'!>. Lotti l.CC I'II 'y ~n.1I stllod. IIl,ld uwned by, Mi; , in Dhyto~. IS verY ,e·l lcoul;lIging .. ,lOll . COMING da1lghters , MISl:l ~ I'lh a :lllt\han nl1ll \\h ihlrl' 11 of XM ill "~'hUI'Stl(IY' 1 hit b lls ht!~n Roltl to:~ OIlVtoo ~I~r. '1'0 tb f\ DenT Old!l'im e-', ___ MI '$ I c I· tha 1',lb 11 . A v I'y /v1r'!' ~ l ll l'l-!lIl'Ot }1I~r l,in I,ull d li ugh .' 1.,1' . wh o \ III hnve IL fi~~ dwelltn~ Mrs: u, M. Wbite is ~oing ,togive . . , plea ant day was !\p n ~ 109'E' lh 'r by I f, r VI sit d }'1r. I1I1 (l M,. -. Alo lld~ nh lLll b on.!<o I' nled th er o 00)): .. Bome , good "'u.rgltius tn IIulline ry "I drink it . liS t,be Fut,es O I' c1l1iu .it., Rn!<ll1n~ t.oWllrtl m! at /,110 rt\,te t: ,Lhe compan y . . ::il11l1.l a ).. · , . Mr , OIiVtll', \Vllt 'on . I!pel~t 11 oou.. Frlduy an~ .Sutnrdny ot·_tlils wee.k. Come, fill It I~oll huv e d o nlJ. wltll . rhyme!!, 1100,000 III lIes It clny , the1''' is n oeles. ·1\1I·S. Lu ey Pcu't\l!1gton and h ~ I 'l \\, (I .• . , . ". pic of cln 'y ~ thlS wO"lk WIth hIS broth ,' Mr. ~y .Uuwke hilS gOlle to Cin Fill opt.hulonely gltlS:l nml dl',~in it,. M.1I1 viflito r whOse 11 rl'i vIII is 1II0st l litt le c.laUghte t' , rl'o m Bl'ooldynN . Y. , . i\h , ..l:d)gl,' r. i\IIO llg.n1 \',11:11\ mOI~l. er Be rt iIlO, horll, Uhio . ' 1 I I ' lb ' null Vlsll LH n \l l'(ur · . . ", . oinuati where hI' hil~ 1I.1'ol:!ition with rn lue m,;ry () t t Ie (ellr 0 d ,t1Il1 B,~~' 1",nXIO.tJSI,V ILWlllt,O( .Y u!!t.ronoll1 ors. anti h e l' uuug h t e l·•.MI·:;. Mru'Y Mllh)r l . . " . , , M rs . W E:I . HolUles left 'l'bnrsdn.y the I liu,r velltar .cODlJ.lIl· ~ne J)ltvl , . 0 'IbIS IS Il /;I'l(ll; ClOlnet. clIJ\t,llr .d I'll- I fl'Qm F'l'3nklin, hH.l, IV l" week e nd ~h . ,J , N. L !111111J.1I • pe.n t n f '" I 1'01' .Pit t Im rg , Pu" going as I\. de\! . . lnl'ernlltionn . ny, -~- - ..--, .- - -.. l,nrieH ~Igo by til 1Ilfmllt Nep tll e visi\ors .a t. th ho me o f MI', and Mrs. dl.lY:-: lI'c(, ll w l ~ h lllS fllUllly. I gll to fr o II :::l ugllrcl'eok Chllroh to the ' " ond WI~\Ch. hill! r en ppellreu lit. IIlte !, '. L . WIIII.a m 011 and daug hl .. P vn,l . Ml' ~1 "J' 1'1 ~1l 1l \ II I1cl~l serf II t\v~ 1 11'I'li !'!;iol1u r y Go~ve ution . !lelc} thert! . Biriklp. (Jounty suryeyor; vuls (If ,t, yel! I' It III Mrs. I.' ;Inc! . he l: d!ltJp'ht€I'l{ l t o fnlll i Il lillld 'I' 1' .. IUlIy e ye U,ll\g. Ml'i' . . Iushllll wlll . ocou' the cn ln t wlllch g\1ld eJ. I,h Nnl'- hall b Ii VI SILll1g I'ldailYeil III l h HI ~l1 rlll"ll lll"I (' lt \\'11 . butH), prlllll d i ,) , . II " i to l '8 0 py.Wlls ,ln tp wll tlli!! wuck, to s ee ..nholH tl ' the r etuilling Willi UI, UOlld Mlln'~ I , 1IIull:; whell f,lIl~y l"vn(lIHi l~ngl llT\d good (lld l~t1c1, ve::;lale for nlmos;taj unt olln Hld £l !'lI1;.{lIll i t, WnSfl fo r t nDlit tHI).oN I tO~l~,I\ , I: :11 WI;I proper_J HQllow. · · . I G' t H' h S h I 'W ' in t hey J~r 10(\6 . . rn nth ' pru;t . flllJ . 'j Y II or. . Il n !l r e " ., Miss "~ill1 \ . Blllina of Uol ull1lJu!I lVen a 19 . ' C <,lO, aS I At, 11... np polll'IlUOO in 14 (' (\. so n M ' \ . I' , · D k ' . ' _ • t ~I ' B'" I' f ~ 'Illoleo ll Ohi I 1\11'. /\11 /1e I1ll: 1 Benyhtll Bout b of p ronounce ' d ..S ucc.ess-'. . ,I S. 10 <I It I! H!mallls :lUlJ\! I - I . l \l .C ,' ~ ,) ~. ' " . ' ' ];e lll)l'ool, 1:;1 w tl rse Itt tbl!! writing, 1avislN'o g hl'r futh'f, Will . 11 . B11l1l1l' fl.ttor ,t,b e t:'A lJ1tul e C!' UOII!jtnlltln opl l\ t h e sam e. W mu :t rem mbol' hal 1111 ' h(l(' u \,1"I Lln~ hl A son , 1\11'. WIll , • . . .. . Il"'d enJ' oy1ng It muoh 0 eded VIIOll , G d' R' l' d hy t,lle Tnrkt'" It . Bpl's'ld ttlrror this i 'I' all \> onlhhi l1j.'.' t(, hl:! lhllll r(- BI' IlCC' IiO Illltl ~(> i n ~ t il the In tol·e. t.!l l , l\1I'~. Ellll ltc' lIIp,of D,IY,t on. vlslte,d , . , '" 00 ~m , ea lZe tbrou~hout the nut,lon o f EUl'ope fulfot. . o f Lho ItWllt Ol'. !h e l' sou , I{oy I:hU'I'I~ anf.1 ffitUlly Frl .. ti"on. who iionsidere(\ It 1\ 06l'tu,ill !;Iigo of ' . , . . ' 1: ' . 0 • tl 'L b li llY . ' . D' . . tl ' t dl th 't Mr. H e nry 01'1 '(111 ·who .l::\ lJvlIIg' M'I";; At II ::;unl,k I,-,on 1 0 IIllon I . ;, The ooneart gIven . by tile Olym. I Bea" to H!'I1l'io l h. 111 ' T{insey t:llltllr Beokett" ' who live on the upper pIa Quartet at ~be sohoo} h,Ol1siI 1,"liIt ohuroh bells we re I:ung el\yh tlIIY ,J1t ]> ~ce ~o ~ee I. It . , o!, II . a.v .. u, I ll) " .' I • I II l' e li' ritlll,Y: . , 'l'hnr14CiIiY eV~DJJlg WIlS II ~ood olie~ noOn lind pl'oyers ' oi1'el'et1 f ordellv- Ml. Id es almos t <I. RP,I. lIS hl, 1\11', Ji'l'lIl1k HIIlI !lI nnd,'I\1l . ,J a lu e~ I' . Mpriugboro pike, IIl!<\'.lll1cJ a .c rowd. wn s erlmee t wo grAllt, ev,ils , tho WI) OU,!' wuro MI' .•l tiDIes Eli-Una!:! on 1\ __ _ ' Mr8, Amllnda UI\l,lhuore and Mr.~. to greet them. ' . . ' ,CO,!IAt [l,nd trite l' lUH;"" Wllell ,. UflU I'- Stl etss ve~al IItl1 e~ d\l~, 1I1 g the i1'<1 ~. dfl~" r~'1 f'nn.) . " . ,.. . ' 0; BIlrnet,t were g\lests I)f Mr. . 'l'hera wos not u blLd !lumuel' In est th~ (1H.l't,h I,his 0 \net ' will ho Ii The, Base Ball rr eam U1 Ly t.le lJ Ig h Mh;, VI,L1 l)fLVi s Is viSiti ng 1'6111.\11 "Oli : rOOR QUAIL ChaJ:1es '1',. BI.rne.r, "Of New Burling. the p~o~rlllli Ill~d the I>it~ui8t um1 l ,.tlollt IItriktug ,!nd o()nspicnon!l ob- I:lchool ls ,c? mif)g I'ig!lt to th e .fl'ont . i ll XStlill 111111 DIl.Vtl1I1 :, , ~ : ' • ton lut ,W ednesd!'y. • violi01l!t were feltt~res (If the OOO ' j j eot even ~o t,h e nllked oyo. , . i On last ~l'tda.v .afturno oll theY11111yed ~tl'~. J\hllid n , of W I~S.J.Ies vil1 \ 'l'hlJ ' ~ . 1" u ,'l d . ' 1 . .. oert. ' ,' - .As yot" on 'IIOConnt o t its ver Wayn sVl11 High. sch ool tetll~\ and, MI'" Bl'IlIlbur't Ill1d :.\1I SR ()plia PhiJ -i I ooP.~~nu~. ~I~ ll:1) cor!:llrtrl.' gl;.l:t l1ve Corwin pflople cim Itl their Qntter.l)l.oe~ulJl WitS reallzed., .and great, distRolle. it I.HllI not bt!conl8 ~hegamee:ndell With a ~COI't! ()~ ;) ~I) 1Ip \vel'lI ntertniuea ,11Y Mr ... W , Ii ~en" t: tile ban f til p:lIed ~Q wa.tohes at KUban's store a~ they Pro!! Brat~en IS too be.c.l~gratulated \rIsible even in the lurge telesoope i m favor of LyLJ e . m e' lhl was . Aroold Frirl,IY. . S ' d 8 > k .g:, ~ I e tl npter s . wlll htlve lilY attention on ednes on t,he selection of the qUl1rtet, 118 jt Is knowl? thut .It is now eil(bt thE; Lytle team's firs t gam !:!, the}.' , Prof.f . 1". Yonng lW flohM n't tho ~;~:b: CL:~:e ~o:ae Ig~tRfO~ days, Tlff"ny, the watcb.Ull1ker. It Will! oertllllll~ flne , h~lIlt1led nllllion miles IlWIlY. 'I'wo QUite naLu)'ally fl· e l I1Illch . ' Ialed ~t .M t:1 liqt unl'cll ut. ' Morl'oW ltltlt . , t t ' f th ' 11 ~ t ep Mr. Banj. J~ipplncott fell II tll1ort, yel1rs from now if wi II onlv be !:!ixt,y the outcome, and reall y th' dul ~ p. O~?n 0. IYes 0 , :., gl'e1L & e. ot time ago 011(1 injlu·t!d ltlJn ~eJr <iuil.e FELL OF£ inillion mi,les ILWIlY CLnd wIll 1) !leen som . playil'\g which ~fttIecl<!d c I'C( lit nIH IIY· " f\r~~~i"l~~~::~ ,Je':.!,!;V~o~ are blldly. He i8 a ·,I·(lilt delll bl1~t ' r I by ever,r; hodr. on tnemselvt'" sp c lally Hot .tll(' e l'y .. - .. dr BQr;Yil:\ pm tor 'their . ~ro.::,~rt. DbW, '"abte to get, around slow 1\ . ~.,----~~~ , the ~:~~~\~~~:ns~~~:~L l:lUSi~~:: C] OSE MEMORIAL DAY n ~tuted nu,mber of :v~ra. It~: Jf, . Morrison Villi Excursion Springfield Ie team defeated the.1 J Pain b,Yb.i :any ld D. WUR01l, Pt,ltras8 of tb~ 10K on II ladder Sat\1rd~y. ' fluddeUlYj' . and 'Columbus ' . High school. on Ilturday , . ~Il er~::~ to.8
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allMrs. fecI Chas, beiter.E, Johns ,.,... - All Dayton relail theIr m~reharit..'1 1.i~ve ~tl;n~oif~lr~n~~~Y~t.~oi~ia~'n~~ ' Wi·iiii and Iagreed to dose respective tmd mllllttll)lv. relatives in Wilminlr-,tllaees of bU8ines.~ nil day ¥emoria . . . }Ay Sa urday May 30th. .
1>10/1 Rile! complal net!; · he tretted aad H,' oldel! 80 tIlucb Ihal. hla aunt. who Rill In tl hllIUUIQ( k nellir b~', cou ld restraIn he!'>! If no longer. Ilulllt:; IIi> 10 til Iud Ril • fllllt d, lu y ln~ a huull <lll htll 11IhDUJd 1' : ; ".hIlIl O~. wh y .1(, , '0 11 t ry 10 hl'<!a l, : thllt ('(lIt of " o lll' ~ '!" Tho hoy II;fJl(Ptl till Itl . Rli1'lIl'lse . " Wh y, I II' lI lIt him 10 bo gO\,d for stll\l eth i nh." " BuL ht' 1I1;('~ his o wn," .,ltl' obA GOOD MORAL . j t'ct d . ' '' 'Yh y I;houhln 'l It h tl \·, II':" ; JUIIlO I; >!tlll'Cll hurd Ilt hi s 1111111, lht' n Jn mcs Is L ed to Under~tand the Valuo. IlIlSwc?l' d : of Disci p line , ''\'11 II l,e to know the good or IL horso Ihat IIIWIl\' >I ha s hl~ 1111'11 was!" ,1:1111 '" "'liS a h ll)' lIs,' (1 to h llvlnl~ hIs "As 'rol: w o rl\i u!,;," Ih /lU ll!. ('0 11 (1I\'U \1':\) i ll 1II11s1 Ihlll,l:S. hul oc'(,:I" lno' tI[tIl d, " I sl10lll d thlll k th,m' wus tilt1 t1 nil,' ~on1l't hhll'; illierfor d w ith It l.; PII ' "1I01l(: h for that wht' ll h Iot'l . to bo ,1UYUh'!l I , :11111 111I'1l - lt );I't' w st llhh tl l'n . an ol!! hOl'st·... . liS f\ 11111 1 . " \\'h )' , llom ' l YOIl Hf''', If hn f!m':tn 't It w a~ 0 11 n 10\ 1'1)' 1)11 rlllug l'al'l), Itl Il'nl'lI wll 11 hl"s Il ('ult- " .I Ullll'a lwf; p!l'lIlh l'I' 1IIIlt ,l ntl1, ' H ",anl t'd til I!II j!an . Thf' 1I ·h .. si<lI'I1I' II , gn' w I' _II In t1 slllll!;" " 1' 111 o rr . OIoth .. I' !" 11\1 "nlll'lI lilt' fal" al)tI 11Iolw <\ III hl ~ nunt lIPlis h .. wa s It'll I III'; tllO 11I/l'cll . ''I'll bt' 1 "1' l ll n~lr . I,arl, In 11111(' for 11111 h ." "Oh-o h!" III' H' UllIlIH'rf'f1. " 1-:-- 1 SUII .. h. bul yo u pun' t "',) out Ihl s tIl!Jr 1' \ Wh 'l l yell I III',' ,Irll'illl! (II. nUll, 1111.1 I Inc;. " ~ald hl~ 1II III Iwr, l ulu!lIg 111111 1111 ~ 1H1 8U ynll'r r!;.\ 11. 1'111 11,,1 I','n 11 >1 Ih " p"n' h . " I hall' SO il1\' IlIcl o\1r wUI'I. ~~ Oll tl II H Ill Y l,,'I\' 1:111 1111 Il bH; hil t I ' ll for YOll t,) dll. t;1) lalil' olr yo ur " II)! t r )' to IIll'lIt! 1l1~' t,·III1'I'I'." n Itl lila I", 10':1 01)' for th e j nh ." .\1101 tit ' O\lll t h "lInl no IIIUI'I' ~ O lll' ,James IWlIl II aud SII I h ' li ; It e· !;r lllll- "Iul llln;.:.
It II Mak1ng Prollre n and II 1111,01' tilnt to \',(Ide-A wako Advertis er, SELF· CONFI!; 1ENCE I MPORT ANT -' FACTO R TO SUCc;.ESS . . los!" estll1la t B show that alll'(I'tl ~lll,l: In cOlln try l'a l1l' l'~ l) n~ In rr('; d f ull" ~o Pl' l' 1 lit. tho poItt flv" )' IIrs . hl~ :]Lo ws th!lt Ih!' m (:rt·t.'''lIt~ flro DANG ER IN DIFFI DENC E ' Tronlltlll l( 11111\' I mpor lllllt I t I s to ad , V f'1't 1\1':>. a lld It INO 8 11\1 \\'8 th:1.t I hl' rl' Is modt In Ihe r l,l:lIt k i nd of U HEl or print · One Cannot Ignore Respon illbility and ers' Inl" or th,'re w ould be n tlN' r.'as n Gain Promine nce In Any Vqca· (11 5 \ ":1<1 Of u conti nual 1t\C· r(, :l~(, . T lwl'6 t lon Chosen -Ta lent' and can Ill' no donllt that t he 1lIl'o:lI ls 111 Ene~DY Essent ial. th e mnll ordr'!' h t>u~cs lutu tr lHit' III llit:fPI" 'li l pnns u r Ih (' rOlllltry ha\, Tn th p st n lRf::le to ~ II C('I ' C<l many nrl1u,;ctl rn rl'llnllis f() 111l' lluc,'ijsit ,l' at fnll by lhe ",:cy sl,l p. 1'1t1' ~;oa l o f ~ur ' In/)I'.' "st!'lIsh l' ,dv,' rll sillg: r 's Is lI(1t for th e o ne wll() ('n!'(' ~ il i A Oil £' lJ ( th(' IrdIH: S t hut has 0 0 dl111ht t IlSSillllO I'cspnnRl h llity . l'\ C'l\ It"r I ~ stllllula tpci :tlll't'rlls ln)l Is Ih.-, pl'a"II' " I I \0 Ilf' atlUl uE'd hy hllll \\ ho Is ill of 11 :0 I V 1I1:lIIl1f:I I'lJlr.·I'S ~ nppl )'l lI)\ " 1':\1· "(JlIlp(lt'.1 and re~ kl(' ~~Ij' pi ll n.; 'S In l crt< w i h p\,o('Il'i'l ) Pl'lI :\1111 1'\':111.1' pr('· d ull"" I hat he ('anllo t lIC'l'ro nl1 . 1':11"'11 ad " .· l' li~ln~. T hl 'l'l' ('nn hI' nIl D l tII lt" nc 'In sPit Is a h urt'iN tn douhl Ih" Irnri ,' l':\p,'r9 hu\'(' Il('nn 1m· mnny. A la 'il of I'oll llci ' nci It as hCl'n pPl'l nn t 1 1f'(\ltll ll~ In till' IIlUlt"I' (If In · th e stulllhll ll); etotlo ,hill h as ('IlU ~" 11 IlU\ n Inf: 11ll, 'r dlll nts to ,10 1IIt11't' lind h l'lll!iln y o rtt' ll tu roncclil Its l ust ,' r In t,,," ,,1' !I.\,,·,' I·t l .. II1'::. I tll1 altPl's nnt 1101'0' • hse llriry. Il o\\' Inany III wp fin ll tht ('h:tll~" hll.; bl'l"l1 \\'I'('lI ~ht, bil l ILia l\lll n ~ HlIbol'd lll:ltC' p(lsltion~ In til 1\ f,\('1 Ihnl :111\' rtl slnil rH Ire'IIII ..,I' lit j;reat ('ol11m 1'<:1:11 wMld whet hll\'r all lli e ""111 11')' II f' Wuvupe l' (luhllshu l's li as tlt e kn f1 wlo-dg(> oS ~l'nll:l1 rO lr a b l,:;h l' h" "ll i!II ' r(':t~"cl nlJnll t .20 11('1' ce nt. In 11111.('(', and IWrh al1s n ro play l n ~ s elllli l fly,' "1':11'.. Th is OJ :Ins thnl Ihe merlI(hll' to OU I) wh o Is lur ' r i ol' n.s 10 (' han'l;; nI'l' gl'lIlng t h('11' 'yt'>i '11O n, trai ning. bu t whosc n K~ t- SR I\- (,IH~ SS n 1Il1 nT(' 0 11 t he' I'Igh t IHII h for I be llroanel s"l f ron fl d('I1<:' t' h avo horu fnf'tors 1"1'11,," or tlu ' it' Intcrest s. Profe ~so r-It Is saicl thlll you went r ound rlnl'1lng th bells of th o dltYt'ren t In t o r 'l ng burrit' r l; a.ldo, an d allowed :\IlW Is I h., ~ITIle to sl art at worlt b Oil S,' '; In t IIlllhl. . him to stElIl Int p sitions of h o nor on ~pring' IInti Hum mer lid \' rtlslnl':. . t-;IIIlI!?IIt - \ "es, sir, I w:1l1 ll)<1 10 sc "hlch nne I beln ngl'd t o. and amu oee? Th r r will be n. h ea \' Y t ra!! th l'nTT!H e who wo ull! for;:e to t.he f ro nt I n!; ~"U!IO IlS . T he peopl hnn, abu mlmu st Orst know lbat he Is m cntall:; a 11 1'(' of rcatl y ('ash and th ey ar E'qulplle d (or th o pl'sli ion h - se"k~ . I1I1XI " \l5 to SlIcn ll !In me of It for things It Is not ),l'are th ut' ripe n cxperl(, IIl't'. tli al thry want. 'rhe IIv m erchallt Is It Is n ot ng that, CO Ullts In th s tI'U~' going 10 !Wt his sh are of It. glt'j. It II braills well cul\iy at ed , li e- Is solnS' to get just a little more and energy, It Is conl1den ce, and If b sel s out r ig ht and does n lIUle till' power to conlrol. Fo \V would jll(11 cluU5 adv crtl slng. Whe:! we say a.cbl(,ve "reatn es!! If th 9Y shirked IIltle we m ean that h e mu st u s lib· r esponsi bility . , Th e young mall slllrt· er a l spa!' an rt fill It with t he rIght Ing out In the world should loarn that It th re Ie an opportn nlty otter d him k lnll of I dt'1LS , ot a\lt'ntlo n atl.racto r s Stort In eRrly. Take Ume In sttl(l)' lng l o pyrl~hl, by O" lty Story Pul>. 0. ) to ad \'Un ce he sbould l"raSp It. o ut j\lst what you wnnt. You Ilhould He should not be timid. Ol~ t e n old '3r "Pnrdot l me!" requ st ed Biakesl y, th ougb th!'Y 'w r e a commil t ee servin b ends are passed ovor. H e must not ba va Ideas that are worth trylug out, light! tou r- hln/> the should l' or tbe all. a b allty COllt st. Stili tb re was thInk that youthfu lness I s a bnr to sam oplnlolls In regard t o goods that ~r l a t th e d osk .. no slsn of the gll·1. the pCI' formalll ;e of duly o r to as· YOU carr y and " 'alit to shoye, 'Wh en SlJe tIll'll d. blankly nnll star d a t his ," Tbere ! Thal's her!" cried lhe un· Bumlng po s ltlon ~ that rip er years may you hnve carefull y wel l;hed the mat· o a~e r (ncll. fortllnnt e YOllng man, as tliey lurned perhnps have becn as so la te d wllb , t el', take yeur printer Into you r can· " I beg y ou I' pardon :' be com lnuell bac-k lowal'il th o o ffico. Others may smile and d erld4~, but 1'0· I1d II C and i ell him that h e must do qulckl y_ " 1- -1 thoug h t J rec ogni zed Th e sllecJall et rush ed abead ao" m emher it Is abili ty that CO'llnts, and h is best t o g t the Ideas In the right you , r- l could on l y eee the back of look d at the g irl In question . Surely tenllclty aud perseve rance t!hat wins. kind ot sbape. 1'00 otten good adver· your h ad nod there was someth ing sb e nc:uly answere d the dellcrlp llon; Authori ty makes tl sements fall tlat because Ule IJrint · easy the work, lIort oC (amlllar about-" but wh n Blak esly callle Ull and caught er has no kn owledge or lacks the Among tHose of tb e pres ent who "Famili al'! . Tho Impud enco ~ W 'Il sigh t oC lhe ' (ac e be shook lila head have achlel'ed mightily nnd wbo oc- m ea.ns ot 8 ttlng up all attract! I'e all· 't: guess I'm uot! " snapp d th e g irl. sadly. IUPY promine nt places In lbe corn m er · vcr tls monl It will pay the liberal sblftlng h r wad of gum alld tumlns They roturne d to th office aud sat clal -world, snd In tbe al'ts, nre young adyerlls er to adopt' the m thods the to pun cb h oI' tYllewr.l ter vl c:ouRly. down opposit e oach bth er. lIIen df tal nt and energy. The Incllnn.- grl'at concern s In the cltlea follow. Th e YOll n~ rellow b ack ed Ilbrtlptl y . ·" Qulte UII In t r eKting phenom enon." tlon of these latel' days Is to sel'k Hnv e a certnl n 9\yle of lype to use 1nto hl~ bah' In the doc tor' s waiting LOused exc luslvClly In your adl'erUs lng_ If tbe doctor. " If she Is flesh and the young and the en rg tic to fill room. mumbll og, "No, and she's not blood WIl lh o ' prlnt er Is too poor to get It for oUKb t to b e 'nble to find places of r sponslb lllty, No lan geI' la the one. Th 1'0 was. sam I b in g III the h oI'. An d you, It ml gbl be a good Investm 'nt f or you say YOU se her almost nge conside red the cblef require ment WILV sbe WOI'I h er h nlr thaI. made-- " every day. you ar sure; and 'yet you for high places. Y9u to s cure It yoursel f and for YOllr At the ' h enda of thl! '. "Now, Ill /-. Ollikesl y." b'ec koll ed a cannot place her?" corpora t.lons wll1 be found men of nn sol e use. It will be dllTer nt f rom lhe slluat, IIIl cl Il cl r d mall, Ilopplng his " That'S It., sIr," atMIwer ed the young advance d yenrs. oth rs , and the people \\'11\ notlc It. In the great bank· bald b ead Into th e wanIng 1'00111 an d man, blankly . Ing Instltul lons young m en will be U will be a kInd at ndvertis lng trade . motioni ng him to enler. "Hum- l shaH h av e to 'think this found to b e the mosl aotlve forces . Tn mark for you. "Doctor . )'I'C come again nbout tll at matter Dv er some mOI'e," decided Two 15·yeal'· 0Id ;\fald II bOys, '1'. systf!1l1 fur the th e army no loo ger Is age conslue red II. smnll I'ond f ban tbe B08face," explain e(l Blakes l y, knlttlng bla doclor, I _Rvl ng tb c young mall , cross· wortby of hlgb office, bu t rather m erit. OUT FOR ,THE CASH. Clayton Whli e. son of DI', Waller H, tOil 1:1 Vil t d omllllny bas. My can brow s. "YUI( must find h er fol' me. Ing to lhe wln\low and stllrlug blankly So It Is with every profess ion or voWblt e of t Perld u ~ av nu e, aud H. Le- Ill' Ilrllctlca lly nolsE'les s anlt do not She baunta lhe lite out of me," out of 1[. Organiz ations Which Proy Upon the lantl H yd 1', SOli cation. . of [.'redel'l ck T . Hyder mak 't be l'uDlbllu~ 80tllld t.hat can be "'Y R, Y II, I reme mbel'," chir ped the "Oh, Dlakes ly!" Lh e speciali st crl e.d, Accomp any1ng other essentia ls ' . Busines s People aa Well as Other. , of Convei's avenue. ha\'e Inv nted a h I1rd on t he Floston 't:. structur e. 01 li t tle doctol'. ."H um- w ell, It mus t be tumlng from the window . sbould be stabilIty ot cha racter. 'J,'oo Now and then comes tho news of miniatu re elevated railway which Is cour se a road built 111ie t hI s on a r qal . I find 'no sympto m s of Insani ty . The young fellow l ookcd up and often It Is round tbat of the (Illes wh o l arg peal would be dallg rous to tbe and y.o u say It I s YOllr Onl y pecnllar lly." asked w hat Was wan te d. formatio n of some n w-fungl d or notseles s alld. more speedy thBn the public If -not car go to the front. wblle all quall~le g the (ully ~![arded o n a cgilnl zatlon. Ma ny o~ them are de. cars of the thlrd·ra il vnrl eiy, says the "YeR, that's It. You've got 10 flud "You \'i'lrk pr tty hard, don't you ?" necessa ry for COUllt of the two tracl,s baing harged _" the work are In evl- slgn (!d to do away with establls Boston bed Herold. ber. I dream about camo the qucstlon . that (ace. 1 d ence, weakne ss of charact er, the In- systems at busines White und Ryd er .II-re both pupils In s. Most of them nro Th e r oad baS he n bllilt In the base· th know t hM I s '" hy, yes sir," answere d the en- c!lnatlo n to soar her every day, but I e H ImOnt gramma r school. Th o fol' socIally and to seok sch mes d cvlsed by Inslnccl 'e persons ment of young Whlte' s hom. and has ,l:a.nnot l ocutl) her . It's drlvlllg me amored youth, "You see. lately. I've r ecreatio n In m er Is Ilresiden t or It.e cone I'Ll knowD ways that are vnln a Ill! v.. bo thInk tbat they can make some 75 feet or track. It has three cars and mad." b on rush d to d eath , ond sometlm os unworth y, causes as the 'Yhlto & Ryder Ra ilway Oom· a downto ll. Ottr Ilenl- ellsy moo Y through the worle. PlanM a smail eltglne. J get 10 thinkin g ab out bu siness so tentio.rl es are I~very tblng connect d pauy, whil e the l all i' 'Is gen ral mall' "Well , 1\'(\11. don't l et I t do thai, my lIard tll, ~vlth p enitents .· proposed are of tbe most Imprac.t1cal ' Lt 1 g ' tall strUllg up and II~Y O with men whos filled with tho rn!lwllY, evtll1 to tbe curs, was agf'r. h " '1 I I II o careers werl full oC cy . SOli "~ 116 " spec a at I n psyc I10' to Inav tIl desk and Idle 11. '\\' Ilile bn. "rami e and brightne ss, and who hael nnd v! slonary kind. N'lt long slnoe built by tbe two young tel' S, White Rnd H :;del' \l egnn conHlru tinA 10$!('nl dl sea~ s. .., hu t wus the de- ',are• I ClIII go ~ ,. back to " 'ol·k ." 'l' h e power I H received from a large th respons ibilIty placed upon them, bllt wkat was Imown a, th "South D ako, e rond O\'el' six months ago, and now n .-scriptio n ~ ,\"nln please? " "1 s,-.n," said tile (Ioclo r . "A,nd I hM been unfaltll flll to ta" gell plan i mlor which White built. ' Youllg e"oryth was undertak en, nt,d It ·In· th eir' trUstA. ,, -, lug Is (10111111 t d and sltlilds In· " \ "J~('a!ll i ful , 511'. 'J'be most band some suUpos" , \'ol vad a compl walk over to the '\\indow 1'hon It Is not all r volut!on of es· Wilite In sp likin g IIhollt his InveoLio n sp I!tilln. In ablilly , In self- tabUsh ~d bu si neste Th boys olso cam e In~Q sea 1 hav p. e\-CL' gazed In lo , Lips that he'r e and YOII s l::'Ic tlodij. It WIiS SUl d : gazl' out a:hsen U~'?" confiden ce and energy to Ilccomp llsh, prqpos d to prom ln ti c> som e tim ' ago \vhell. the7 {·.I irly IJ poak. H ed ch eck s, bl ck hail' ; have the bacl(ln~ of' "Why , yes 511'. th:l(' s q ul l e It I.l ahlt but It I e b onesty "I really h el l ve lhat r have a belt I' 11l \"!TIt"d II small at allllloal. and Integrit y ond :l .Standa rd 011 Interest s to the extent !l ()!n blnatlon that a tlmct s me pe- Df mlIlJl; when I or all llot k p my mind ]; 0 n se nFe at right , and rl !;ht (lolng. · $2 0.000,00 0, Il nd wl l h thi s great amnunl . u' h rll'. l l' ull . l'ounli d face; Il GI'f'cian o n m y 11'9 I' It [ ju t;l ~o th e l'o, l ean on that aS~nr s greates t " ucccss. With· !> tnbllah sUI1Ply' h ou ses In. l arge Itle , '!1t:.:.o , ane) yobrows pCllclled hy lIa· tile si ll 1111(\ sllll'e blanllly AN IDEA FOR THE .'BOVS . · o llt." EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW . out thl'se qualities no on c'aTl expect . !SSti lmln n lure." ~c cA.ta l ol;11 S with thl! "1!lInt- thls Is In t I' s~l ng," the doc· to ' st.laln· g realne ~s. l~ ven s mo 01 namos 6f m r('hantli wbo woulrt u se T hey ·Uoe Many Devices , · ' Jlum - \·eI'Y Intert'sl lnl!;," mllsed Ihe t or I' ' tori II to Tr ap Rab- Drawing Wh ich Can Be Made W i thout qulc l;]y. "('ollld you say I tbe l:ren"es t men , tll ones wh o have m •. aucl suppl y all tit c m erch a nts l ,ho l n~1 t, "and all ~-ou r m ember i f YOII ball s " n bl t l! I n A uctralla , t hi B gll'l's face at a heen bonoretl 'Ily )!QS l tl c lls h igh T aking Pencil fro m Paper. In go v. with th o " oods li st cl. rt was a brl!I s lhe fa c{' ,?,' window opposli o when you w I'e gnz· rnm "lnlal affai rs, hal' Ilad the ir wenl<- li llnt sch em e. "~"aclly , Sll', Th a i's whal gcts m . Illg OUl t I' S l YO ShQ In Au ~ll':I lIill'ahbl \s are ~ o 11Iintl!1' \I S uld s u h n Illnn b ellrself, flnd llotth ink- n eS8 "~ dIsplaye d bef ol'o lhe TIIO Il1J\!{III ~ or 11\<:> nrroDlp nnylnl: world c9 me npora llve nntl l ry io think wh et htll' J I'e 1lI:!111J(i! 1' a ny In!': I)f wha t slI ocess!ul , It ~h al til(')' :1!' . hllllt (,,1 :t~; Plls t!! an ll d you saw?" aft I' yea,rs of promln<:nc . und ar e w tlUld be the fl.lnltt :\111 wOlllr1. be PUR), II' til nn ly ( 1). ·THLI'l\cu lll r ('Qslllm e, but, l !l I he building stl'Oyt>l1 up of a mam. rol' tb t)l·l.Jt ec tion or raps. " Wh y, thll t mi ght be possible ," cried I 1I~'Bln,l: decllnill/ 111)1l wns, tlm t I h \ll'llI'i I shO Ul d not II !: ),l'flrS rohbor! or l.he moth IlI nnopoly to fi gHt tho f face only. I ouldn't t II H sIlO w e1'o ttl YOlln g mun, tal lers at agel'ly jumping to his hOllO), Ih at II h lgbor sellse of If fl 'II 11'11111 lile pl1pe r un til a ll th moraht y til e land 01' cOlllllel th m to bl'como tall 01'. silort, thin 0 1' pIU IO[1." (cet IIml l'ushlng 10 t h w11l(10w : dmwlng I\'a ~ !lIHUe, lLud Ju ~tlce assul'os. But wh en tho 111 I'oly ag nts . of tb e con ce rn . '( her e 1';1I1 ~e', nd you h aY f) b on aware 'Phe donlor haIti hIm hac k [Iud cau. Don' t Rhll'k r espon sibility; dop't I g. I ~ on l y on() way f ~ l rl hel' eon ditlon u UI't1 m IllIe thaI na of this hauntin g I'nce for h oI\' 1 0n~'!" to ft,::lI t tho ' trad e.. tfoonerl, "Slow now ; I'm lIfruld your nore t he atlldnm 1ll1" lI1U ~t lJ emS.10fl 1) 1' IIno l' \.rnced. enl of t h e kn o \\'l ed ~ ~ awa y-fr om ·hom e evil, and that "Wpl1 ," 'OgI1l'l!d th YOl1ng man, " It 1I1ilHt Is a II tt]' Is by • vOl'l.nxcd, " ," essontla l to success, lind do 1101. forg(Jl educatin g lhe II Is not 51) OilS),. Tlt l'! 111'1'0WS sh ow .may b w"l'ks, It Illay be m u uths : I people to th fa '!!. that 1'11' yo ung f IIow walk ed cnlm ly 10 that th er e Is always til ' dll' 'etlan lhe pencll IUusl Qlove to lUore sntlsfac l.ion the sy stem is wron;;, Is ttnJu st aDd oan' t se Iii to I' m mbnr when I saw It lho \\-indow c on. nnd looli od out. H o ga zt'd In kn ow illJ; that we blll'e abi ded II)' trary t.o econom le .laws; ,th at th e farm. th:st. rt lia s sorl of I;rown on me," at lho st. r .t1t belolv, . t11 0n at tho win. honor and 1111 Its precepl s lban that ' or an!1the l aborer who patroniz e other "Come, ,co ila'. You lI1ust not th in k <lows ill th e offices opposit e £Inti t.he we gain great tame In w ealth . than ' home entl;ll'Ilr l ses Is so much 'abollt It." woriling calllo from lbe IIUle d octor watcbed bl ,,'y eti w ilb In. I n But 'Not Out. D. M. e ArtH. ngalnst hla own lnteres~s , This Is a doctor. l o rest liS th ey . I'Qamed e xpectan tly BUSINE SS EXPER TS. terllous "But llo\\" oan 1 belp It?" 11I'ocess_ It Is .1Itny an eXjlensl fl o\'l ces a:,111 tr:lps arc II se d to yc from on e window to anoth ()r. thing t o (la, Rnu the only way It can bE catch thcm. but noue "FIIIII her." Ie l~ orA shill)1 "You d o u't see b or?" h e !>\Igg"st cd Every Mercha nt Should Be Orle If He dOM Is by the liberal use of prlttter' , Dr emcl.e nt t han the one .shown "That's just. whAt I have b een tl'y- killdlY. In this Intenda to Pfleet with Succe8&. Ing to d o for w eeks. Can' t you herp Ink, by utilizing the bom e papet~ tba~ Ilhl strat!on . A 1111. Is dug "No.! Do you?" i n the are as d eerily Interest e\! in the bulld- ground along a l'Dhblt'), lIn me?" I".ntl two "fstl't that her over there?" tbe docDuring recent y ear!! a numbe'r of '1ng up of -the " Hm- Ihe CR~f' Interest s m e greatly, tor polnled . . borne town and com· pi eces of bon I'd, swi nging on fl pivot. lelf.styl ed· bu siness exports ha ve .come lIIunlty as tbe nut. Mr. mIlk 's l y . I am afraid lIlal tl\e lnerehant~, tbe banl.Iire placed 01'01' It. A th o rabhlt strll\(ls B1ukesl y followed tbe finger , gU\lped Int'J eilslenc c . ' They are appar ntly and as tbe farmers should search woulit cos t you more than it and I'c el ed back tbe board It Incllncs anll pitches him be. limllly, with the s'UHed tb'l of the advertis Ing wGulr1 be wor t h." Into the ]lIt, slvlngln g hacl{ Into posiexclama tion, ' ''[bal's b er!" school. They fore buslness·1.m il ders, "Wbat w o uld be your (eo, sir?" tion · agaIn b)" the "' eigh t lit the other Our Commo n Protecto r. "J thought so," smiled the slleclall at. men wltb Ideas, !lnd r eady to d.i spense " I" l ve h unllred If I Ond h er. One Th e~e lraps, which ai' . large DId you ever tbln k thlt'the go.... rn· etHl. "And-a nd ~'otlr fee, docto r?" cried service: ! at 80 much per .dIBpenl !c. One m ont Is a bundred If 1 do n'L" great oblitera tor of prize enoligb to hold '1 00 rabhlts, are In do the tri ck . Artel' YOII have learned ' the young mRII, r ecovcrln g himself . of the reaaona wily thIs clnss of experts . scheme s, premium "Why, th al's 8 IIlllc hard for DIe. but. not tl' t1stJllg games; adultera ted common use, are' madE' by lbe wh(\le- how, t !!st y 01l 1' frI ends on the trIck. himself to look out of I4!XIsts Is th~ lack of proper buslnee8 fOOOll , 'elc: ? It surely ts, 'a nd the time tale and sold by b anI war e and hnple· Rut 1 must. /llld h r! Y es. (t ' would be. th o window again. . ' ,. , educatio n on p~rt of mercha nts. 'Were Bld~k to Her Job , worth 500 1.0 me to see h er fa(:13 again Is not fnr orr wh en It will talle a hand m en.t. dealer!! !lCuol'ltl ly. . "FI~' c hundred ' dollan " re.mlnde d the average retallc A family (rom Indiana pas8e(l r · the w ell-InfOr med In tbe method s of and be sllre I hat It was the sallie t hat the sunl'e little . Other death-d eallng d e vie,,!! f or exseiling goods, and man . ' ' man that. he sbould bl!' ther e WO.uld be a w esl ern railway station . termin has hUllnl cd m y dl' ams." ating l et I t the be rabbits hoperl cut are qut I h .. such polson 8cbelDe e "For that?" came the astOlllsb cd little n!!ld for I hey had appare ntly hrol(ght roost: a. tbe bu sin ess spl~clali st. ss coupone and the premium "Jiut 1. can't 1ll'l1mlse that )'our ideal cry. s In gen· carts, \vhlCh seil for about $tOO each tholr goods . Jt b ehin-es tbe business man theBe eral. and ehattela nlong. 1\8 each wtl1 love YOII," put In t h e doctor, anil fumi gators, costing $60, 101' Plunp: Fraud one way Is just as bad as "Exac tl y :" days to b e In the front rank of tbe m ember of lhe lamlly WIIS loaded to In, deadly ga's Into the trail S. fraud sOlne Jtghlly. otlier way. Tbe lottery Th e doctor was p~ld lind 10f t abrupt-. well -fn fOl'm cd' I he neck with baggage . The youngea t or he Is IIkE'ly to be In princIpl e Involves tbe plan of making ''I'll lake ' r are or' that, thR~k you lv, his wOI'k beIng don e. ' boy wos htgl!lng a I)ask et, and . 5ltl1n~ the front ranlc of banl<rup ts. There 111 a groat majorit But whun can )'OU start t b tl sMrch ?" y· contribu Ned'i Sugges t fon. te towa rd the nInk Cfily stagger ed to t.he . wIndow , hardly a mlddleg ~emllrelY In I t, gazing . penslve l,\' and round . ·Ono may be paymen t at sums to 1\ mlgh'ty "Wh ere did you huy h (' l', mnmllln ?" " Wh at do YOIl Kay of to-llIOITOW?" small nerved hlmsllif and looked out. I c tl ectlv Iy ubout, was a lIel h II. on' . A plodder for a while. but It sooner ...\81( 6'.1 tllrre"'~· (·ul'~oll.l X ~ " l IH 1\1 "', minorI ''' [-In! The sooner the beiter." t y . 'rbe average premium His gaze fixed ' on a. huge sIgnboa rd ' ·or · l!\ter become her nos t of straw_ , \11 I.., l eanell 0\' rt1'IC (Ial nly pratl le. . s evid ent lbat the re- scheme works wltb more certaint "A ll rl ;,:hl. I ShBIl gO to Ihe clt.1 on the to I of y. It HIM "n p\V tit lie QI.l"r" lb S 'I'. the building oppOSit e. taller or the jobber or the man "Yee," cxplalne d the molber 10 a In auy 01 ' ans that all the userll of goods wIth with YOIl I II I he mOl'nln g and speud tho Th ere "BS l ·'An 8I1g."1 hrou S'h~ h er. dnl'iJn g", " h e fnce of hlA ideal, POI" brunch of bU91ness who does frIend , "JQbn ny was hound to brlllg n()t Iteall "'hlcb premium s are given muat can· I oneworod. nnd ht~ IC lntl t' fl. whule da y with YDU." tray tl In IUritj co loI'! w.h all the skl11 up to ad"ancc hf)1' along. and ah e. \vas a-settl n ' 10 he '!'hen 80tlly bent ht. ~urly h"ad, ' d .method e III S1l1)Plnnt ed ,l~lhute towards paying for pl'fzee 'ext mornll1~ tilt' doctor called for ot th!' sign-pa inter's J\ nd klsled t/le 010 ping child. art. UndlJrn eath by ' some onc more entcrprl slng. fetohed her, neat and all." ' It Is wblcb only about 3.0 or lila pati ent. amI to,:; ;lher III .y look tbe he roafi . "Cre per cent. 01 But But1r1en c l lU n~t.. ( ' l l i n ' O\'t'r hIm mo for tbe Comple xlqn." nnly n eces'la ry to study the tallure ·re- the users o~ tbe goods re.:elve. There elevate d fo~, th e ('11,- . 1;I0th loolled And lIt) "'-Ihl : " If l'tI lw,, " )'0 11 . ' Alld \/11 th e lime' her hauntin g eyes' ""rts at lillY of Plain to Be Seen tbo large comme rcial are two waya at headIng orr tlUI 'Vhlte I wnJl Uhllll l h, mft"Hn a. eag>1rly at e\'f.r:; yo ung womull In the . I d I t hi . '" wonder ·Chenty was dlscbarg ed, agencIe s and tile ca.UGe of disaster can Pfemlum I'd caugh t (11" ullg I. til" :" -cur, bu t. . Ilunc l' pres nlf.'d the Ideal wen' fl;n7. nil; den I : One III to educate eep no t.he s. easily he discove red . It is tbe know1. tor he gave everybO dy to underllt and ' -PIIUtI\l ulphh\ R~ cnrd . fllat had obtaine d sllch Il . UalS/.o>rY over mercha nts snd the /lonaum ers· to the Flahlng Rodl at Weddin g. tbat he was the big gun at' th e oMee .. edee of tbese trnlhs which tlnc nrllges truth that young B1ak 1)"" mind . tbe premium racket is I All the gyesls at a wedding at the buslne3 8 eXlJert/l "PI:~clRel)'. , Tbat Is wby he w~ Curioul . . But lit range as pla.n · that works against their 'nIe ~f)ctor walk ed alowly Ihrough Southen d,on-tbe Inter· -Sea, Enl1:lan d. brou!\,h t It may scorn, these men who The Chllrt- Are· you ' the trained tired. -Baltim ore Am orlcan . ' are ,pe- ,ests. and tbe other IB to ha ve the gOY' 811 tbo olJl os that the l 'oung man wal flsnlng rons, and the bI'ld. and bl'ld.e. cia lists and knDw all about bow to emmen t prohibi t the plan. The fDl" nurse mother sald wal eOlllhl~? tn the habit or frequen ting, but no- grool'l, bo~h membe rll or the Scotlan d run alfalra of someon e else Why NoH The Nursl'- Yes, d eal'; -I'm the quit,! otten mar III a hard proposI tion to ban die, wbere . "~d the, ftnd the tace. Angling Koelp-ty; pallled beneath All lack thp ability Teache r-Chn anyone tell me what trained nurse. . to. properly and perhnplJ the latter 18 equally, 10, At "",n they made a tour of the Ilro~ of l1$blng rod, OIl leavlo, The Child-L et', lee ),011 do HOwe of a philosop her la? cessfull y conduct bUllnes a but It (0; more a and In.peete d the cashle~. U I ehlln.h. and wolllll " 70ur t.rick" DotUe -A Pllllo80 pher .. aile . . . 1"lvaa, . mere ~eCUy... rl~. . a "pldlolo uede:
I t
Ii t
The ,Fa ce an d the· Fe e •
r'.,o: '
~ractical Fashions GIRLS'
.' --
O. W. t,. Nps bilt, Mar J('ID , l(y,. wrll R:
D,Allot Hf
BORAX _I~ ~HE DAIRY I .ll:~~:I:l:.leP~:o:TII:~:NI:~:'
There ;
Was ~ Hope. . l rpot ,
Hi U (!hrlJulC'
A Mattei of Profita ble .Inte est the Fumer and .Dair m.u Y - -- - -
to , I,n g Ot; ~ Ivll ' I·Y. 1I11 11 SO It is. Ihp way I th y do It. It IIj ~Clt. nf' "I'ssrorll)' ~o, how (' \"o1'. Pl1re \\ hit, 1",,:1.\ Olld lln · spe d oil 01'
tbe .... ss(l nliaJ elfl,lI P lli S or
Inl' n1 ld with kleln ny 'fhe pro\)l em of kOf'plng sweet all good Ilul nt. Adultllranls In whil II'rtfl trouhl f's. all (I lIne n I th e utf)~ H I18 u $' d III lin n ct iCln wlt.h Clun booeasi"l y found by th URii' tit a wl ~ h d Il alh mls ht ! lIl ' lk aull cream s IlIn t;. ;tllel b utter blow pipe. Aelull m lll.ns ill liIt H" d oil end my uwfll l s urfer· I m«klng, has be 0 Il serious Qne wllb ("a n \)e d pt ed(' d w\i ll II fair dpg"I'c" of Ings. 'fh e flllcr lioll s I til,.. fadn er. '·e rtnillty. Se e l h ut th sa t\\"o .. 1 III nlS we re th ic k 11'11 h SU I. ! Jl e h us come ( 0 rea lize tllll y that J arEl PU I'\, an d prollBI'ly P:lt ou itl1<l l he m y I I m b R the Blight at tllint o~ ·hlnt of stil.I n 511 paint will Stll ' put. m e nt. swollen nnu my right lett In a 'a n, lin or churn may rul o ;o.:a llcmtll Lead Compnn),. . \\' ood . ' sld so neu I'ly ]Ia '" a ..... hole out put; that the talut which brlllgn . nulldln g. :-.lew York liy. will a lyzed I could n ot Is le Ct is In t ho form of ha.c:t e rla Ben(I a blowpl l) c ut llt llI\d Ill lltr u · rai lle my hand above m y hl'lu.I . Th e whi ch grow and mllltiply 10 milk or tions ror tesllng Loth 'w hlt ~ i! ad a ud doctor be ld out 00 hOlle of my · reo bu ller, producing dls aslro us results. linseed oil, ·o n rcquest. covery. aod I had given UI ), but at las t 1' bo fo rm er h ns learned that het THEY WERE RETURNED. stn rt d \Isi ng Doao's Kldn e.y Pills and wa ter wou't r inse. Ilway the greasy made n rapid gain. Aft I' three months' resldll e In dairy utenSiLs. H e has I('o rn d thut Boa n II.:nvc8 a u se I wus well nnd nt work a gain ." Sold by nU deni e rs. UO cenl s n hox. r esidue of Its o wn ,wh ic h lB. If any· Fos te r·Mllburn Co., Bulralo, ;-.<. Y. thi ng. worSe th a n lh o mi lle or cream rl'sldn . alld It III IItl1 0 wonde r that - - -- - - -- SANOY ATE THE "PARRITCH ." that th re ball be 0 a 'on!;tallt clnmor N ntL'Ire and n. woman's work comtor a dnlry cleanser und s weetene r b in 'd have )lI"OUU 'cd lito granuest But H. Had to Play Mea n T rick on th at will m' t modem requi re me nts. remeuy fol' ,,"onmn's ill~ tu at the H imae·lf to Do It. A fcw of the lUl'l; st c r am,c ry e B' world. has ever k nown. t a bll s hm ents lIave call d exper ts Into In the good ol tl .fasltionecl clurs of Ao old ge ntle lllun In a I'illl\g~ not consultntlon on this probl m and have Ou[" g randmotltr n; t h ,y r 'liell upon I Car rrom Glasgo w br ' u ll Cu s lud f! I'f'ry with thi s scientific ai d h ll upon a prod. mOrn lug on por rillge, an d • .llI Clrci(' r to \I cl of nature. whtc ll x;lclly. fills tbe th l ·OOt. and herbs of til fI Id to saVtl t1H11, coo k II u. whol wp"lt 's s up' lllll- \)orax . Amy (atlol' th e UI'f)-l ~hnll I"pl llrn cUl'e dillen. e and m itjgate suffering. ply evo ry Satu rda~. On f'1'luny 11101'0' , Sci ntisls lla l'e .I on kuown borax.ul )'011 eVf'rytbl ll g )'ou ila\" giv !I Ill t'. The Jndians . on our "'iV !it rn Ing Ihc ~ tu lT soe ell v'I'Y ('old a nd a cleanse r. a Bwe tl'lI('r nn" a n a nti. George ( I"flllly) - .\11 riJ;hi. Ihe u. Plains to·unyean )~ro(]uco root~ und " cry sail. aIHI ho fe lt he mu s l aban don J sell ti c destroyer at Lac'le rla and ger m 3 uPll05e we I'I'MI a l t I:e kisses li l'!;L h : rb for every ail ment, and ~l1ro .t he stnl gg l!' to ('at It . [lut hi s slllb· I g rowths. . DeBl roy» all that Is harm. ill eases th at uama tho 1110 t skIll d born n Ulure rorbn,l an y such Lhuught. ful nnd prOmoles and ]lr se rv B fr esb. !bTa o. 0 0.0. CITY ("I ' TOUDO. ~ ••.. ]1h ys icians wh o have spent years in ~o h~ rotc!hed. th whl Rky rrom the n'S8. s w Iness and \lurit y . . r II ,' log FaurI: yC',~: ,,"~u·~.i~ka. oatb tb" bo I. . .MO. tue ·tUlly of drug . Clipboard, POI II d olll n glosS null th o clalrY1l1 DlI and da iry h Ollsewl fe of port""' at tbe ftr.1Il ot ~' .. J. c n.~.Y!II ·v.• d." IIIC Fl'OIn t h e r oofs and herbs of the UIll\UI In ltl6 (;t lf u f 1 "lcllu. CvuD t1 Iud ti '~t!j . ' ;: pia I'd It b ' fore him or. th Inh lp. drudgery aod of need I 5 8 work and .b tor • •• ld. Mil d tb.L ..Id ftnll "Ill p.y lb e .1IU1 0 1 f1chl Lydm E . Pinkhum m 1'e than " Now . Saudy." s aid he. "I C yil eat OSK II USII IIED DOI.LAU t ar •• cb . ",) •• er, il . t wo rry. ~.;.. U I C~hllnlllh.t "aD D" t bo "ur.dbylbo".Out IIl'yyeul' ago gave to th . owomcu Ihot Jllll'l"ltch yo'lI ha tha t wbl ·ky. an' li S c:h apn OBS and value ' ho u1d give u.w. C . T .BkU C UUL Y IIA")I K .r. HEliE\". of !he :yol"lu n. r emedy f ur thui r }leIC ye d on ·t~· won·t." . SWO rD to, ,, me and .. u.c'llocd Iu wy pre.ellc •. . culm I' ili<3, m ore pote Ilt and emellHe stuck a ga hl nt th last ~(1()o n. l it firs t ulace III the u cessl ll s ot Ibli~'1 u l UI:CemU. I, A . lIA.I~~·GL "A50:i. cious than any co mbination o fdrul?s. y fil l. llllt I,eeplng his 'P' 81 ·tldlly II e ",cr dlllr,Y. { ~'L } NOTA Hil'ITIILIO. Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable t It g lass of whl sl,y. II llla\](! a bold. rho COW" .udder Is kf.'llt In II. clean. an:;-UaUtrb Cer" I. tokeD and . ell C OlllPOlillU is now r ecognized 0.1' the brllve e rrorl , allel got It do w I!. I'll n b onllhy allll smooth cond illon by dlrHe-CLI , o n lUe hluod aDd 11111I':(1 11i1 uf tU. .1 f . , . h Rlowl y find ('on' fllll )' nvu r d bac k washin g It with borax aud water, a • ,·.leW. tieud fur le"lm",,1 I • . tr u. atnnu(\l'd rcnleuY or woman s ills. F. J . U "SE\' <10 co .• T"I.da, O . th o whl fi ky Into lht' boW wi th a tabl es poonful of \)orax to lWO quarlll IkOcl by all Drul.lrt. tf . ~~<. MI'~ . B rthn. Muff, of 515 N.C. St T&.oallaU· ,t' . lUlly 1'III.torcoulllp.Uoa I Loui iana , Mo., writes : ., grnncl ·,:(rln . I1S he fillid to hhll sclf: of wale r. . "Sauily. m y lad. I dId yo thot lilll~, ye This nrev~nls roughn ess and soreThe Oeta il.. . Complete rest o ratio n to h ealth ould tulel" ' n ss or crac klug t als, which make " Th e PUI'U ul al's-?" m cnns 60 mue.h to me that for the. 5~ke milking lime a drpad to the cow and a " W II upt. F' obi s was s hot In the of · othe r .Bu ffe ring women .1 am Willing Returned Him. worry to ~he milke r. . . to m ak e my troubl es pubbc. A mno rel urnl;!d to hl K natlvo I' lilage TO MDTH ERS.- A dainty boo~ In 001· ba k. originally. nnd wenl a rolllHI with "~'or twelve years 1 b o.d been 5uft'crart!! l' havin g e llli grot d to I\ a ll ~ all ) rs. cnlle d "Jingle Book." se nt fr~e to bls haek bCl1lt a good d('ul like nil In· lug with t heworat forms of female ills. . some 20 years Ilrcv lou>l. He as k (I 'Iny Mother sending name and address t~.rrogalion mark, until he J;ut n po r t- Du,l'in!j' t h llt t ime. ! ho.d e lev nd ifIerent abont ditrcr ent vlllug I'S he had of her baby. and tnps from one pound Iy s la b ot back 11Cn!llo n. Th 1I he physiCians without h elp. No tongue straight ne d up _his lln ck lInlll It WII8 can tell what I s uffered, and a t times I known In lhe o ld days. and li na lly of carton of "20 Mule Team" P"ckage de Ide dly oneal'e in s lead of Ollflhl r· co uld hardly walk .. Allollt two ye.a rs the town drullka rd or h is Limo Borax, with 40 In Itampa. a bl y cony x dy rl his whl sk ' rs a ago I wrote Mrtl. Plnl,hnm for adVice. '''Ob, he'& dend." was the r ·Vly. . . . . . I followed I t, and co.n truly say that. ~' ddre~s PacIfic Coast Born Co., "We ll, we ll ; li pad aitd lI \II'It'd Is he?" fi ghtin g blocl! dnd set ont 111 rlllrs ult Lydia E. Pinlt ham's Vegetable ComChica go; III. of a buxom widow, who. bei ng a pound Ilnd ~I rs. Pinlchnm B advice reo "!'Iop : Iht.y dldn ' t bill')' brill." - - - - It is ",Idow, know ex actly holl' .10 b e caugh t stored 11 nlth and stren gth. " Dldu'l burr him !" e sclalm 'd l11e NO MARRIAGE SELLS FOR HIM. while malntulnln g 011 lit SY ll1lllOlI1~ o r worth mountain& of gold to llufIeriug forme r rcsld e nt. " \Vell. th'~n . I~hat eludin g capture to lh v I'Y b 'Sl ot he r women." 'd ld~ they d wllh him '!" abillly."- Sm nl't S t. What Lydia. E. Pinkha m's Vege"Oh, l hey J,-,st poured blm lIaclt III - - -. table Compound did for Mr . Mllfl', tbe ;Ug." Neceaaltlel. it will do for other sufi'~ring wome.n . Knl ck<' r-Do you favor a schOOl of . Just a Deduction. journalis m In lhe un l\, rsl\ l 's? A pollle lillie s lrl was dlnln~ one Docker- T her sh nllid b lhl' e ; one da ~' with he r gl'nndlllO Iwl'. ],; I'cry· 0 11 how to r UIl \lupers. on e 011 how to Ih lng (It lh e tahl e was ull usu ally kel'll oul of tis m :lDd on e on how to d:llllty :J ill! \ln eXCI'J)IIUllnble. \)ul Oil gel Into the m. I.hls oe ItSlo n lhe IItUe gir l tOll nu a .-- - - hull' in h I' fl sh . and guaranteed She [)idn't Understand. :·Grautlml.l." s he slIill. s w eetl~· . " what obSolutely .. an you tell your \II' se nt flanc e 's kind ot ll sll Is lhhs?" WATERPROOf ring?" Inllull' d t ho romau tlc gll:1 a s " \\,h nl"~ th e matte!'. boy?" .. Hnll but . lilY IJ al·... ~awl:~ "Ge lIIamle 8a~' s It's leap y ar the dool' b II sound ed. "Oh: : I' plle(\ th e child . "1 lltollJ;ht an' 511 's gol n' tel" propose ( 0 m tll " . ·' Why. cerlnlnl), ," an s wered her I)r:tC'· perlla]Js It \VII S m .. mnld," lIcal trlend . ..It's the ne wes t ot lbe SLICKIR~ 15 YE~RS OF SUFFERING. lot." Revenge'. Furious Appetite . AND HATS H e who. fl"Om II. natural s we toes lI [verY garml'llt guaronteed It Cure.• While You Walk. and fncility ot l emper. s bou ld despise Burning, Painful Sore. . on Leg_ Cleon· LI9ht . Du mbl.. AI1C'n '~ Foot·Ease is B ce rtain cure for Tortured Day and Night-Tried Inju ries r ce.lved. w(luld doubtlf'sS tlo .Sulls '3 92 Sllcker; ! 3~ hot •• weBting. callou., nnd swollen . lIohing Many Remedlcs to No Avail 1\ ve ry gr at alld a ve ry laudable feet. Sold llya ll Druggist.s. Price 25c. Don't JOtD ~' .or/JI.c£l1J ' t'(~ rN"I'[ -Cured by Cutlc!lra. nl'Cept any 8ullHt.itute. Trinl pnc!<s l!e FR~ . . t~lng; but he who. provolHld a nd CAr.. tH '~l[ /'t)II I~f A Jl'llfG Address. Allell . Olmsted, I.e Roy. ~. ~. ne ttle d to tbc quic k by all orte ns • "Afte r an aUack or rhellmatlsm. Ilhould 10rHfy hllli"Se lf willi the arms r.rodcsty Without me rit Is awkward; of reas on against the furiou s aplletite runnin g sores hroke Ollt on my bus· ot re venge, and. after a great confli ct. band's legs. from below the knees to and me rit without mod esty Is lusole nt. I mll3t e r his own pass ion, wOllld doubl· the ankles. The re are no words to But l1loll es t m e ri t has a doubl clu lm less do a great deal mo:e.-Monta·lgne. tell all the discomfor ts Bnd great !iuf· to acceplunce, and meel,; wi lit as ferlng he had to endure night and day. 'man y palrOn!1 as be hohl cr s.- Ilnsil ~ .
Pari", Pullel' n :-.lo.
S nnms fru!'k for
A lIowlJll.-' A 11 ::11 11 I Y lillie . (·v('ry·li IlY II" 'al" tllIl"llI~ WII I'IIl ~ UIllI II"I' d u., ',. I!i d l' \' -lo p II III brl' ItL ·ul·al· plnk dl!unhl'uy . Th o " V " Ill~ (· k . culT!; or the Ih l'I!I" lluaner le lll; lh s ic' ' v S :lOll IIh:llll!lI bl·cte ll hl al"C' lll'u llo\l('(1 u lld 1'111· brolcl r r d III he avy 1I1"l't rlz~ll olton. unl! fur lh el" UI'n UIIl £' lIl crl ,,'1111 I~rp n c h \w ottl. 'rhe liluit ed sldl"t I.. Illl!l ched III 111\' Wllist UlHl el' n 1",,11 ur the mule· dal. and Ihe ., rl nce"" )la ll ol I ~ ll11 rl ll,U' larl y bpCU lltllIg II) 11ll' g l"owllll;" 1;11'1. ~Iv lng long an d &rIIc,·rul IInlls lu Lh p Jl gul"<!. Til e )lllltCl"1I I!I In CUll I' 6 1 ~cs --six to tw Iv' Yl'a l" l;. - l-'Ol" !l 1;11'1 r ulg ht YE'llI"H Ih !! III'\':H I"l'q llll"oa II\"{' ~' anl ll ur 1Il11l <rlll i :!7 1111,'Il\! ~ wltl , :~'1 yunlll aG In<:)1 ~s wl<1 ..... 0:' til l' .. ~· lll· 1I 8 42 IIlI'h t'8 whl . To 1'1'O<"IIro thl ~ 1'001I1'rn lie-nil 10 l'C' ntu t n ·' }Iath·rn DCPli.NOl t,' I1 t." o t thi s pUrl~ l". 'V rlt~ nlLino and ulhlrt ',",!4 pl l1l l1l y . n IH , LJc sun' tu gtve Hi7;u UI1{} IlllmUI' r or p Ull ·rn. ~Q.
:-;I ~J·: ...
.. .. ...... . ..
!'< 1IJ1': .. .. .. . .. ............... .. .. .. ..... . ... .
'rOwN . ......... .... . .... ... ... .. . .. ..... .... · 1'nml~T
"I'll _'0 .. .. ...... ...... .. .. .. .
RTA'I'P. ..... ........ ... . . ... .... .... . . . .. . . . .
i ' I .. Warm baths with Cuticura I Soap followed wilen nece
' t'Ings sary, by gen. tie an0 .n \ ith Cuticura, the great C f Skin ure, preserve, puri y and beautify the sk in, scalp, hai r and hands of in fants and chl'ldren, rell'eve ecze. S, Uri " t amas. , ras hes, 1't cIling tions and chafmgs, permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy removal of tortllrinub .. disfigllrin€!; humours when all I e f alls "loy be u ••~ ".111 e . the! hou r of blrlh.
I ..
""lcl l~roughouttllo,.,.rlcl .
lAndon. 2i.
Ch!ln urhl1\tAe ~q . : Par1&, II ltue lie In. P1l1.1 ; AUtilm('0 .. . yrlllfY: Indio, B . K. l'aul.
11'1 n. Town. '"
~~~~~~: 1.1~II~UIr~1,!g:~ J~~':\'a. [)1*~[n~ ·:)l1'::'1.:."!;
roi~;ng;il~~n(,~.,};~co~~~q~~~l!i<l~!i:: N~~ ar-POOL l"rte, (,'\1 11."", Dookln all til. SkiD.
Settler Oan Secure In
J60 Au... Crain.CrowIDI ...... d FREE. 201040 Bu.hela Wbeat 10 11,o Aero. 401090 B...h.l. Oaia 10 the Acre. 35 to 50 Bu.hela B ...Io,. 10 Iho Acro. Timber (or Fenein.. and Bulldin•• FREE. Good Law. with Low Taxation. Splendid R.ilroad Facilitie••ndLow R., ... School•• nd Church •• CODyenl.nt. I Salid.~lor,. M.... k.l. for all Proclu~tloD" Cood Climate and Perfect Healtb . Chaac •• for Profilable IDwe.taoeDt&.
, ' ~_o(O
OILED sum.
He used every kind or re me dy and Good Work Haa Slow G·rowt h. Bllnc roft Sile nt 26 years 011 his his· three pb~'slclnns treated him, one after lory and We bstor 36 0 11 his £II 1I0no.ry. the olhe r. wlthont any good r esults ''I'ls lho su me with Ihe g l'eat Inven· whatever. One d uy J ordered s ome UOris. rt toolt yare of stud y and ex· Cuti cura' Sonp. Cutlcura Ointment. ullcura Resolvent. He bega n pe rlm e nt -to pt'rfe'~t th om. Everything and must have u tOllmiutlo n. otherwise It to lise the m Ilnd In: three weeKs a T1 he ? al'ls -,.nCt rn ~1I •• :!2!J9. All S OlllllS connol st.u nd . a nd tll c 11\01'0 solid the lorcs were 'dled lip. Tho burning fire Allowed.- fUa c k \ III Ilan (~I01~1 hll.9 foundation lhe BaCer 18 lhe str ucl ure. stopned, and the.' pains \) ecam e bonr· b II IIl1l'd rill' thl ll tli.nlnlo thougli abl e. Arte r three m onth s lie was quite s\.ylls h jnc k t . TtlI' IIlIcle r·arm I\ uc1 Onc e In a grer'. t whH e a ' wom a n Hho .. \' s lde·bac k MllaniS c ilrv(t s harp ly . "cln a ll~' be lle v S .t.hnt he r hu s bund we ll . I can prove this t es timonial ' at any tim e. . Mrs. V. V. Albert. Upper lit t he wn lst t he lo ng sltl,,·hack !l;nows a s mu c h us he thln kfl he knows. Frenchvllle~ Mo., July 21, 1907." ,11111 ~ hle·ri·ont SOa l)l!> nl etliin g at th e Il houlclers. Tbe notched culIlIl" Is focao) FRIENDS HELP. Pall ing the Way. wltb hlack vulve l. und nunow \)Iuck "G eorg ," said lhe pr.!)tly gi rl, "r !lolltacn \lrold IR IIllecl as a trimmin g St. Paul Park Incident. ltnow you're awful ba shfuL" on t Ito {I·onl. s lee,' etl II lid lowe l" e dge. This was port.en tous, with leap year ~ l'.h e'D Is In . >WO I1 !llzeS-:l2 to 4~ "After drinking coffl)e for brenk(a.s t so ne w. He blu s hed assent. III'h s. \lU ll \. ' lUe u·8m c. Fol' :16 billit 1 Illwnys fe lt lunt;uld and dull, having "And you'd have pronoBed to me ex· th'e ('out rt'qulrcs ~ ~~ .val·ds or ma t('- 11,<.' ambition to ge t to .my mo rnin g cept for lhat 7" ~ 1'101 20 Indi es wld ~'.' 2Vr, yards 3il dUties. Then In nbol1~ nn hOltf Of so This. t oo, be was hound to acknowi. In ' hes wide. :! Ik r al"tljO; 42 In ches wltle. III ,·eak. ne l'volIS dernnge me nt of the edge. . ' or J"l4 yard 64 lucli es . Wm tl; li S IIlu". "W olI, ] would have aco epled." she '1I'11lt'c1, one·11Ight.h yurd ot silk unn hrllrt and stomach would come over n ,"10 with !iuch force I woul.d freqne ntly .'ent Oll. "and so that's settled." Bt/V n yards r"J( bro hl. '. h"ve to lie down. DI.s cusslng lhe matte r later ahe .ex· Tn JlrOCll r,~ Ihl ~ fJBlI ~ rn I!(\ntl ·\ "Ilnls "At ot11.e l· times I h"d s eve ro ·head·· pressed a natural ' pride that she' had 10 "Pall.'rll D,·PUI·l,",,"I." of thl8 pnpel·. af- Dot tnkeD any advantage of the sea· 1VrlH' lIt.lll1 ~ ,In..! adth"'I!Uf .pluln))' . !l.lId b~ a~~es; slomneh finally became KUrt..' In give Hlze antl u U1llhc-r or pattern. (tltte d anh dlgeslIoli so Impaired thnt · IOD. I ~ad serious. chronIc dyspe psia and ct)";]stipation . A Indy, tor , mallY years NO. 22911. .SlZFl .. . .... .. ..... . .. Stupid Jeweler. S fJlte Preside nt o r the W. C. '1'. U .. "Yes. Georg_ that Is, Mr. Pickel NAME . . : ..... .. .... ..... ... ..... .... ......... , told me she had been' greatly benefited proposed la st night,',' said the truth.. b, quitting cortee and \lsh\i Postum ful Dora. " and we' re engaged now; TOWN . . ... .. ................. ... ........... .. l<~d Cotree; she was troubled for "nd I'm the first girl . he ever loved, BTREET AN D :-IO ..... f .. .. : .......... .. yflJLr8 "I\·lth al!thma. · She said It "I\'US ott crOB8 10 quit cotree when she r eplied Miss Wise. "J STAT}» . ... . ......... .... . ...... ... ......... . . f(\lmd she could hav.c liS delicIous an don 't, notice' YOilf ring." . ...... Jcle as Postum. "Oh. h e gave me ·one. but he h!ld to Another Nl!me. ,. Another lady who bad been trou· take It back to get It ftxed. The 1,ltlIe W·lll1 a-Suy, pn. what Is bl~ ' wIth: chronic dyspepsia .tor years . stupid jeweler mad!) the Inscription tootllall eO.lch? (W.nd Immeellnte relie f on ceasing cor~ . Pa.~Jt must b(! unotber lIume for a ' fo,. arid begInning Poslum twIce a read. 'George to .Genevleve: Instead of ' 'OeorGe to Dora.'-Phlladelphla Presl. ambulance, my 8on.~Chlcago Dalll dIU'". I3he was wholly cured. Btlll N ws. . anOther friend told mo t.hat Pos t um Mo~.rn ElCp!anatl.on. FO!ld Cotree wall a Oodsend to her, her Freshman-Did YQur rather cut "Qllr Jap to Study French Army llih!thodl. hOArt trouble havIng b en relieved allowance on account of that lark? PrineI' NUSWllIoto, II cousin of th e after leaving orr ootree and ta"kJng on Sophomor&-No Indeed; prohably on eml)erOr of : Jtlllan. has BI'rlve d ID Postum . . account ot Bome hUllnesl mIsconduct Paris. where tor two or thl'ee yeal's he _ " So many sucll cases came ~o my .of hIs In the past. . will ilevote blmllelr to military stIJdy. lIotlce that I coni:luded cotree was He III aeCOllll)anled only 'hy nil nlde the cauee IIf my tronble Ilnd I qul~ and ·TI1rough Struggle to R.po, •• de-camp. The prince. who rank!! as 8 took up l'l'lstum. I am more than Struggle and anguish have tb.elr COJ;l Imander In t be JBl'llnese W'my, look pleased to 118), that lilY dnFB of· trouble JJIB<;e In e.v~ry gl Dulne lire, but they a bl'llIIant part In the ManchurIan have disappeared. I am well and are the Itll&AI through which It ad· campalp dUI'IDI the RlIslo-Japaneee bappy." "Thl!C'e's Ii Reallon." Read vunr.el to a IItren~ which II tulI or war. "The Road to Wellvllle," In plrp. rtf'!ae.-Mable. Ever read the letter? ,~ nlw
GARFIELD Dilleatl ve Tablets. F'r(,m your cllrllgglst, or Lho Garfiel d T e a \.:0 .. BI'o oltlyn, N. Y. 2uc )llll" bOlllt).
If you
"~l1;J h ave a
p Ilce!nJ hom£' all you ha ve t~o do \!I to ltay t lle ( l"\' lshl and le t your wife r ..!tl It. Mr.. Wlnolow·. SoothIng 1'1,.,-01" For ('ll .t ldr~D tee Lbtnll . I011euu, tha if'l\Iu,-, It.!d u,l:el tn..m u: .Uon.aU.Y.lo&ID.. . ....... "'luU DOI~ :. :/:o.. a""lue.
on••ppu... from
"geIIIlI"!-, W~
time. The, If huml"
Entry ff'C In (' n('b c a Rt! 1"'10.00. For ,)I\mphl el. n t'8 tW ~.s t, .. 'Jar lh·hlll r a n K tor(1~ i4, I·Hu~e ... Ilwe Iv ,,0 Illl\l wbere to 10 '!\IC, ulJPly Iv
H. M. WILUAMS, Toledo.Ohloe .
Law Dulldln..
I Keep s the breath. teeth, ~oUlb an"d body I ________
remperance .
_ ______
Cartoon Post Cards
Nothing with a stronge r nppeBI has ever bee n put upon tbe markel. Sco tler. Ihem broadcast . . " W a ntedl All Em anci pator " should be in every home. IS cards, 250; $1.00 per 100 (cash with order). A ge lll8 wanted. 'Write to-day. PATRIOTIC POST CARD CO.• ' S,.ioa."', Miclt.
In "fr'ef't warl"t,. r(l t ""Ie at th e l o wMtll.t l l'(."It IJ)' II". U •• , !!i l•• nil'....
'.~ . ltkLLOOG!lr."· "I· .l.I·~K t'O.,
for Cleaning Purposes ~?t.. ::~rm~lti!~m tthe.reut,cost Invunt ion of t besae. Send a:,o fur
I ,. J . J 0 1l X~TO!i . tll9 A . :;1.\:;. H' t WU li h i tlK tAH1. J. . C,
anliseplicBlly clean and free from uoheallhy and disagreeabl e odoTl, which WilIer, soap Ilnd tooth preparal'ona alone cannot do . A germicidal, di.infeot'ng and deodorizing toilet requ's.te ~iiiiii~ii1 elf exoeptional e.x· I celleRee and eoonomy. Invaluable for inflamed eye., tbroat and nas.l.oil uterine catarrb. At dr u II and I oi let Itores, SO cent., or . by mail poltpaid .
Large Trial Simple IIITN "M • • L.T" aND .t.UTY '~ .00" weNT . . . . .
i.f"!) lU, IWM. ('OD~rt'O ,JUNeS a taw j(1" lnjl". all wldo",., II ":1 \" WarMJldh,,... b&.tn4flOday. lionO .... bl. . . rv " ....
The (a.c t t!Jat S0ll10 men Me s elf· . made Is stamped on the wrallp er. =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ =_~~~:.=
Revised Home.tead Regulation,. by whtr-h pntr,· mny bf"' made by p1'o xY (on certn.ln conUltlflu", . Uy the ffLt.lw f , mother. ~Q ,.. d tLU6tb t Cf, lJl'otu t! r or Miwter of J u wudlll~ lJOWb"
.1~ IIJllhJn " f • • 8.00
1Dd1f!1.1l1' tu blon overrwtiflf", Bead B5a for btl t of .la-. ___--'~.~~~~~~~=------ 1 11>1I1'8 '1l ''' T il lI!G. (A, .. WI W . ~I .t 111 .. Now f o,k .
&110 reli eve 01. DYAIM!P81., lo: 1 I.dlp,nl(,o.nd Too If.... A pertect ~ID' 'J'bel'
DI:ulneu, N ... H. t Drowain eR.. , Bad '1'••"'10 the Houth. Coa", ed 'J'OQlrlle, PAIn In lbe 81de, TORPID LIVER. Bowe1a. PUNI,r "egetabl..
per month. Write
AU7 • .•
\I" tor 'laJ~ r..
1/. IJ.
WIJ)()WS'undn N IW LAW obtai ..... ' NS by JOl4N W . MO"R.I., PENSIO . W&~I""D, D~ 0; A. N. K.-E
foam vel)' cared b, tbeae
!~'~i~ ~d.- ~e~~.\M;~1 \I'~~~I ~;,~~'T~~,\ '- -'- Who Are We? Wavnesville KAHt
'rlHlfo .
00 a .1.'!1> II
m 'F ICltJ
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YOllr . yeur If
nOt 1",11:
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MI11l11gf'l' " I"' ''II ~t
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~vIllEl writu frum ~'rnn):lin" thtl 1111111 \\'h o WII" 1'('\''' IIII~' 1:111 1"1 1 ml III 1111 , wher ~h El l s 0 wi JOIIte(l, t he l'nih")II" III .MO I·I·,I W. I're','! I'd I umt ~Ily>! Bhe 118t. h n VII th e <1l1'l.ett . f~;IU III l' Ulfl ll"'\ o t 1111 f n rt h"I' ,(' 111 1111" I WU Y Il
u I1I1 W('''J\
U"e willy, '
L gg hll8 b Nt htiVing II ~reut for UlllIIlIg :.I. d01l1 o f Iro ubl WIth h r thr olLt, but. ._. ilol h upiug t'u ho hall n t d hy t.1I I SI H" l' HI):\ P
oillnLlHtn (ndlitnll. I I
. . I (-looll IIl1>roi ng 1\I1'fI . 11,.. 1.1\' /1 \\'nnt y ou g" til tlw dl'Y I{Olltl ,.: ,.1 " ,'41 \\'l lh 1lI 1'~ I W!lllt III :.:C't 11' 11 ,,,",,,. .. r I ~llll\ IIr'Y !'OIl))fr r n qutlr l (l r "~ ,, in\lPltl"
ENTERTAINED 'I·hat ... 1.1. , - - - -...- .....~~~~~~~.....'""! I W ith an icleal day fill' bast:! ball. - land very one of t h boy, in fine fet. . . t le l he Miamis w ent to B IIbrook ' In Honor of Popular Teach- Mr~. '1111111 , ' .1 s ho uld 11m 1 ~I' " ih '~ 1 THINGS 1'0 FORGET. to t.ry their luck with the team of • ~ • cumlll tlll ."')U P I'hey Illh'erl ls" , ' f Lhatplace. That th y u cc 'ded can er-Scene of GaIety wOlll l! I'll lh l' I' g.) to til , g I' OI'I' r y ,.. tll l'U ' be g uessed by looking at th follow· Last W'eek I1l1d "u t I hl'~ 1 (1IIWI iJllr. ,)f 1,\t. iI. ., 1' II Vull see" 1.111 f.. llul' aht ".! 'll .1 ~ro\\'ll , I ing score. . .,. . " A 1< ll.c1<ro{m~ n U1 a r,· h "' llft'a rl e ·".lnd l'roud . G irton and Thompson w ere surely I __ __ the LlIllJl Ll ry :-;'" )) f u ,' It' ll ('to ut ... ... tI Y II know 01u ," I ~ ",hlls~ III <Ii' Irllln( th ' b ttery wOI'k GI' rton bel'ng I It, 1" '1 hll \'(\ (l1 ~'I'H )f '" ~ liP 1I11\1111I1k t.~ lrhHlcI el eon. a.. ' . . Th e h Oll, e uf Mr. oud 11'<' P"l'\' \' \\'oulU ClW" hl.IJI·,J d he.1,1 ,n III :l lI gu l.h IJ. almost: IIlvmclble, and strIking. C?ut ' Ktlnl'lck ul \VllvneS \1 I\l" WII,; II " l.tlO '; th p c lulhl''' \V hlt ~'I1'" !lIlOW. th lm t !HI bow.d. 13 men . and fie lding his posItIOn ' of g uiety when thei r dll It htlll·. It i" IJIlI', ·, lIull (11!01 t< Ill u t! U!· I hnll 11I1 ." lI ',,, I'''tl)' ~",'" 1,Iu n '" t rK<IIl , nicely . Thompson, on account of a MI!I~ Bel'lll!I e n tA l'tuiu tlu in bailor nl ' o lh lll' k lllll lr )' OU know or u s!te l_ton hidden II'B)' bad finger, ha~ a hard gam e to play, oer fri e nd, Miss Opbn mmo PllilliV!! . I _ .__ __ +- _ __ _ 10 n ..,o,,·t, nllcl KlJartl ••1. nnt! kepI frol11 he l Bergan , Sm.lth and Hawke ~ttendSb ort,!y lifte r t,h guest>! 'n rrivtld LIl~t, rn fi ni"n for iot ri nl' \\,00t1 t\:tsy ttOOI'~ In thcLl:i'rk nnel w\lORe ~bow lnJ/, whu." ul1·. ed to e,:,e,:yth lg tha t ~am . thD e lrk~vay ellc b wa >! given It Ii"t, of qn ri es work , ' de n dl~plllV !o n the .tnh~ld, and Jlmml a 1Il- ' h ended "Som et!Iiug t OE'lI t :" tn whiclJ _~_ _ _ __ __ flll'llitlll'(~ It 'W Wou ld cause jlrlef IInrt ,Mr,;", .Il,llIfdlln g !Well.. J~mmlt'su rely played the ga~1,e l Mrs . Ward cn rrl flcl off t h e pri ze. , Notl'ce of ApPOl'ntment, dismay. of hIs hferat t he bat, although ha\- Next were S)Ule lllle>ltionseaoll to It·s a prelL." ~oo.l plnn to forge l It I ing but little ch ance in fie ld work. . tlo~wer with w o rds olJlme noin ~ II rou koo"'lJr 3 1blng tbul wlll ,l ar kclllhe JO.V Pratt, Davi. and Cook att nded to w it,h t heir owo initlnll!. 'om e veJy .. - -. OC a man or :I wOlllau. a ~ I r l or n \lIlY. • all that came their way in lhe o u t- . pioy tlU BI\' rs wen! gi veu Illld eu : Est;Ul' of J'l~c l'h :. 1\ ('y<. ,1c c~a,r\l, 'l' II ~1 will wipe out .. s mile. or the Ie · ~ t \l ay fi Id lth o gh chances were ver y . b The un(\l'r~1 1I 1I1'\1 11 11'" 1"','11 a 1'1',,1 111 ',1 11 .,,1 301l0V e ,a u " I Joyed Y 1111. '1 U al1 lle,\ :t.' "x 'CU l lt>'"llh,' ,' . Iall' ror J"SI' llh A r"lIo w. nr cuu. " :lilY ~I "cln<~.tocloy. ' scarce. . I Ref r el!blJl eois lIf Ie" Ul'eu lIl n ml. \ u . I>: CY1I. It,· ,f \\' UrI" ' 1l l'IIUIIll', (lh .." ,,,. lI'. u prLtty K·o.l<l 111311 to furllet II. ! In .the s ixth Daki,:, w nt.m for Da- cnlt e were serv ed . \V i I.biu the nil l'- ...·a"~,1 111110',1 lhl~ Ill h ,",~' nl ~III)', A II. .' ele.·ted . vis, and su cceeded 10 pl a t wo- kin o f auch guest WillS ltiel.d tl ll II ~nl'- , l!'U I<. ·w. II . ,1l ,I.I~S so bagger to left. In the mnth M ar t prl!:!e til thll for m of II pmk JJIlP"1 ,,'uA"K 11 11 " " lI", Straw hats, peek a boo wl1is ts, eb ! look Hawke's place. b eurt, lLunouuci ng i ha Dlllrrilige u l ., l I'~,,'culur •. pahr started the game for Bell- I Mis!! Opbu E lmo Philli !J!:! to PIlU! H brook, but t he home boys landed on W r ight to tuke pllloe I n the ell rl y ,S Ullt~i'iOl' Decoration Dft,y wi1l800n be here. him for fair, making nine. la~ge a nd summer. Notice. Eyerybody try and mllke it the best juicy runs off him. ' One mnmg was Mi s P hillips is the po puhlr pri . ever . en oug~ for the local boys, but T~te mury tellober of the 'orwin sch ool took hili place and th~ rur:t-gett ln g and forl)) rl y t,1I nglJ t in Lytle; her HellOI"" A , I 'u~, ",1'0 rl·.I ,:, '~ ut Hu~e 11 111. HuU "'r l 'ou nl " I n \lH' ~l Ht u( 1\ an Ola,- • ~ ' I 11 . (~ Oli Hool ~ as wn$ Warlll d~Y8 now ; you can, Burely ceased for tAe r emamder of the home bei ug In Cu li f orn iu, Ky. " Htl'r U. L ..,hl_y . 1>11 IlIflll1t of t h~ :tl:e cf game. After s howering oon g rILtulations c ba.nge onder cloth.log without danM~ \' c n ye ars. \\flU rC ill tl c., li t ~rt') nl. SU UlII ~ I ' The spasm of the afternoon was as upou the bride elect. t·lI e gu est s de. Co nrltY ,l n It,,, ~ta l e uf l, 3 n llaF, : a1l< ll~ .. t.C' ger ot a cold . follows: ' ptlrted e xpl'e siog thelll:.leives IlS II . Met1.. th e "}(I th 'r allil the h'l'a l I\ u.mllllll of th t" ~a l (l SyhrCl!S h "r D I..lls hleY ,1'4uhllurant. ba vlng en joyed tbe a f te rncon . who illhU l'c~ltle ~ aL ox ruru, ' 11111nH ·OUllt~' . MIAMIS ThOtle p r esen t WE re : MiseR (J - In til,' ' hue oC " lIn'(I:!, the fat lter uf saltl The furner, bless him, is 8upreme, AB n Ii SII 0 /I S"lvc t e r n I.·a~hluy. Ntt ltl i ll fullt. b t!t llg tit·· t:: lllstill All~tin. E ll!\. K ey , EVIL Dlwis, ly happy now. Bnd has no time for ct n .. ~d , Hnd th e l'Iat{1· r llu vl n A "ll~ clU'h Dakin. r I.,.. I I o U LaUI'ft, MoKiulley, phtL Phillips , foolllhnB8ll , but is buokllog down to A. () Oa\"ls, r L . r . , . ' " 4. o u o ~ H eoriettu McKlnl!ey IIn'd l!:li ~llbeth und ~ uslOdyor ~,,'d Inlllllt. .m' hereb,· uotlll ·,1 hard work. th a t l ~cn r . 1 )':d\\'arlJ~ , ILtt 1Hhnln ls t ra 1or I o o J Cook. C.. ... .. "Berji(an, lb. ..... l\ I o 6 o :l Uhuorller, of WI~yn elsv iJI e, nod M es II'lth Ih will " "11 ~' ' d 01 ~Il~ .,M2ut ilaVl,1 ~tn.l'rin .2,· 01' () 9 I U In· o dumes lsUu01'll Wllrd, Margrn t La ~h h:y. dcc,,- a ... ('d. 0 11 th ' :..!'7 t b l iar of April . J , Dakin. ~ K..... r, Wb An you lee a boy and Tbomp!lOn. UU~ . III~ ,l hl~ l!Qtlll"" IIl Lh " prO Il "LI' n\l ft In c.... 4 I 1, ~ Adda Kenrick. Hord t nI nt1fur \\',lr rt;n \ UII11 ,\', ( htn, W)WI' -I n he. ~ al c l II skippiDgyou cao eallily gue88 wh'lt'8 Pra.u, I I......... . ., II o o ~ Jollns ~ nOIlo o u g McUinni s I.LOlI Le titill Kenrick of O~caT.1. J':d""l'tls. a" .ulmln l.trator with Iht: U tbe matter wlth him . Hehoo! will Mart. Sb.. .. " ..... ~ w ill u flucxetl o f Kaht c ~ L ,ue . Rii' urorctS atO . I , t Hawlle. :lb. ...... :) o o o o Lytle. "4t nt.c<1 t.h . \. the 1.ersuJl~1 cs t-ale I~nct effel'lS or 11000 be ou, Smltb. 2c .... ,..... ~ o o I o II 011 "a id tlt:c~d (!ut (u'e lmmOh:lc llt t o J, a~' hhl debt'" () Girton. p.......... ~ o o I allll the co:-.t lo. Hud c h llr~ .. s of tulllllnl.IJ l l!'l'iog MONEY RE'W ARDED ,hi, e ~aw. all(1 wherelll ~c . ~ alrl Ildmhll,ll'a ~ a I II 6 The river bas resomed ber regular 1'olal." .......... :.17 lor as Il rur~ !lId. "t.aLctl t haL sai d dec edent, 8t.,e, and it's to be hoPed 8he won't U. ~hl L:"hl 'y. cll ~d . cl/.cII III lec K imple or IH1L[,BROOK . the followlll ~ dcs 'r llJ ,I reu l c~Lal' : , havfl aoother aolP'Y llpell uotil har'l'he long story of th e n egro, 8enSituate In WU Y IIC ·1'owlI.hll'. Warn'n . vel' ill over. AB R R H 0 A .; ry White who murdered Buy'sore ·OUII l y, ObIO. vo ntalnlll\t a\Jou t slxt,\'·el!;lIt ' For Sale by Meyers, 2b.. .. .. ,. 4. 2 :! o ~ 0 I of F ankHn bas at last been settled ,". , d tWt!uIS·II\,c hlllldrNllh, ( Il~$,l a ·rlu<. ,,",1 Turner , 1 b .. .. ... 4 1 1 o ;, 0 0 r ~I n~ Ih saUlt l,rem l" eM "ou" eyed 10 \)11\'111 'l'etc. :lb. p.. ,..... • 0 \I o :I ., I by the pllyment of the ooplure r e- 1. 1Ishl'y II" l.utll s H um l'l\ r"y~. lIy(le~a dlllcli The night , riders are coming I Mills. c I.. .... .... 3 0 0 o 2 0 0 ward, 'whtch WIlS offe red wbe/l Mllr ' h I. I~1I0 , autl rCMrtkcl 10 Warrell TIley are operll.ting aloDg tbe Ohio BurgOll8, If ... ,...... 1 ' 1 I 0 0 0 White escaped from jail at Lebunon . 'oll ntyl,oetl llonk Nil :I • . ,,"ge Ur.:) : Al o river 00 the Ohio lide, aod hMveo Bohanll. 0" .... .1 0 II o II 0 . . b the ' ( 11 1)\\,1111: (l e~trllw.1 real C" t:ot~: Situate WIIS equally dlvulled etw{Jell A. III W'asnc 1'toWll. hlll. W arcell l·ounl~·. Ohio, ' Morn.. r f..r ..... k..,p UI; I et '.s '-.... Ifood i D t hi II sec t 100. Ganslln!(er, r... 2I 1\OU0 oo UI II0 0., It Kemper Elstun" f o rmer DlllfBhul ~Ollluln l lll: two a mi nl "~ t l'·rnur hundrellLh. , Spabr, P" ......... 'l I 0 I of Blanchester aOlI the Eden tor De- (!.IH acre" lind b 1111: Ihe ~UlllC premli, ~ . " reaver, 8 S. , .. . .. . 2 U 0 ~U I I 0 0 ' . . . cun\'evci1 h,· ,\ iJul 'aLlcnhwaltc, to 011,'1,1 te?~lve ASS,XlllltiOIl. . .. I.aslll ·'~" lly 'chi"d . I~ I '(I Janllll r), 7, I 7Q, IIn,I l'be o.w Fish Bod Gawe clUb Is . •, ;!Ii :, 7 were probailly thirty ulffe r. I'cceor(\1't.! In w llrn", COU II~Y U~etl lIook ·u• aD orrauizatloo to be proud of. eo·t men wllo olilim d to pa~"" 2:1II'"IIJ '1 :17 ; all 01 , . 11I wal "SLate . .o flBhermeo. lovers of the hll.Dd in the captnre and tleveral 'on~ l ltutln J! anel IIcl ng th (' h UIII P (lIrnl ,llId rod aDd line, could go to tht> river 1 2 :I ~ ij 'I 7 II Il \ h h ' t l, rOln ldel<o f whll'h lh,· ~ald · l>ad,l I.a hIe v .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 '0-11 weeks ng v their p .eu,s t ro t elr a - .1Il'll s"" ,.e.1 1l$ " fores,I I". aDd briog home a nice me IS of bass, Wayne8vlll~ Bellbrook ...... 0 0 I 1. :I 0 0 0 0-5 torneys, were Lteard ' before Judge T he' ijaf(1O,cllr.1. ~:" w"nl~ . II~ ~ alCl Il .hllill' bu' now-all he oeo get is a few " Ira lor w!tll th' will aune~c,\". "rn l'l·... ""1. ' Clurk 8tr., carp, Let's be loyal to the Firat balle 00 ~a Il8- W:tyncsvIl18 3. Hell· H i ~di t ely t ook t h e matter In his "lid l)(Itltloll 'ct" rl rlh 111111 111(' 1I~.~t brook 1. Left o.n bases-Waynesville U. e mm,:, It . ""11I111'llc oI,,'orllh\('Il I'f Rai l! n'.,1 " 'III\,C I. loven of the rod aod JiDe . Bellbrook 3. Strllck out" ·G lnon la, 1'O Le JiI . under ud VIBe m eDt IlIIld ronde red 11:18 hlll,erf '<,1 and uncl'n ,"" 'I'he I,rll)"'r or Ho ltl Wild pllcbes·,·G lrt.OlI 5 '1'~Le I. !Uplr J .e8St: decision Monday fa:voring the m e n petltl .. " I, fortlll\'lnlo'rcof tilt' COllrt f 'I' muklng Lewl•. Time. 2 ;15, 1mentioned . The judgment was lin a I\ nl l~ Hll n 'I'1' Hlltl ' \r"'rll)II(l1I IIr ,,,1,1 We aat the ' Indulgenoe of our lIll"c>. 111111 lor ILIt onl,'!' to!' II.c slI le uf 1b. as ed . on. th e f 11.0 t·s· th 11 t EI ~ t t1 0 t c- 8Ilrc .. 1,1 r"11 1e.t:l lc ,' "t1 I>rC ll"~" " 10.r th'>PI'I'I'OSe readers for a little while in regard .gather w,lth m mbe'rB ~f the detect- uf 11I')' III ~ the d"hL" of . altl I I ·tc("',,~. lIl'It! Notes of the Game. to DeWI. . Oomiog io, .. stranger to Ive aSI!ociutiou went. into the h OVC! I I I'''"hlt.)" .11111 Lhe "0 ''''' .11,,1 < ha r !;"~ III' 1I,l uI III' people aod waYIi of doing thingll Jimmie Dakin and Joe Thompson d actually "\ncildl White uud .·I· I~ V ' rln u III" ~ ... t,!I ~ I h" ".Iltl 1/,'1"'(,·,, ,\ '",.. an . " . .. s)'It'p,u'r II. r.n_ilk '·, ,oI,lllIf ". \. ~Il' l [(~I~ 100erally, thiDga OftBO get "mixed surely were the candy. urre9t Itt the p erIl of their hV fl!;1 . .1 . 1"17.. lite utotlter .•lItl Ll,e e~nl 1!l""'~I' " up io tbe shuffle" Ilnd it Olay not Raymond Williamson is improving l Ui ,-I1L\flln fa u l., HUl l 1I1"r{·li r IHJtIth- ti that the y be iDteotlonal on ~nr par~ . , Bnt ODr in health , and it is hoped he will be h a\'~' Ii\"c n mil lie I,arll\' " u l~krHII,n ,t.;1 :; : , rurf:readerll may l'88t 88sored that tbey able to get around for the n ext .. 'dd . t o :-call) IW t. tt l 111 ,t lltl In s alel utillull. 1'-1HI BATHTUBS SCARCE .ttlat , t.h t1y l\fl' rf'( lutrc t l l llan ~w r ", IH; [ u j, ' l t l(Hl wtll have the best pauer ever print. game. , ur 11em ur tlh: r ct(l, (HI o r he ron ! Snt.unla.\" eel In this 8OOtioo of the country in Cook made the star catch of the WASH 50c up, Ameriouns trl1ve Jing ubroll t! are ,n ' !th <I lly or .July, 1111.". , courae of time. game after a hard run, and lIucceed- Often puzzled:on tba siubjeot of bat h t!, !WAIt .1. J!lUWAUIlt-: ,Persian Lawn Allover Nett a~ iL(\ m I 11 Hn.r a lor W1 Lh the w i ll ed in making a double ' play. It was sUY!llthe June DE ILINEA'l'OR, W e . It IIl~ea or Lh e e !.CLUJ o f u n \O ld • - • sensational. are 80 useel I1t home to tbo luxury r.a hley, c1ec cu ~c t.I . A DOCTOR Manager Cook c~rtainly deserves of II. porcelain tub, thut we fe el us ~T II 'W . 1I11 0w". Attorney . Ma~' 6. - :1,. ,reat credit for gettin&, such a likely r we had fallen in among the hea.thbunch of ball players together. He en wben Ilfter Ii dusty journey WEl is going to make .all the teams he find that there is no bath in the pen · Notice to Bidders, . From Home RespOnds goes up agll,inst look up and wonder. sion . There l\ronlwllYs pUblic bu.t,hs TOast Medical n Europel1n oities!. :frequented . ty Nol1t~ I, hereby gil,.,n tll"t thu' Hoard 0 1 f:cluelltlon or lVayu us ,'l11 e VIIIII~e School People of refinement. 'fhe bathe 1>lsLrlot, Meeting High School Warrell oUllly. Ohio. at thc r gil ' ure kept clean, lind Jar m c~tl n ~ of ~"td 1100,r(1 lIeltl (I ll the. 20th On Friday afternoon the High the prices oharged lire not hIgh, F.luy (lny of April .•Iul y IId optcd tl,,· ,ollowln g school went to Lytle, but oh; what a tWinty.five cenf.s for everthing in- resolutions ; . Dr. J. T. EI.J is wall 10 Dayton last defeat'. The Lytle bn.ys wer'e J'u9t a I I d t I d t' Jf "l\esol\·Cd. lJy lhe HOIml of . Edu~ntlon 01 i h St B 01 0 U( e -soop, owe an lp. you W a)' ljcs"III~ \' lIIlIge School DI~ trk t , War. week attend og t e ate ,o meo· little strong and defeated them by like a btun bulh, which is z:e· r 'o Co untv, Ohio, lind It Is by Rllid 1I0'Lrll PJ'thlo Madiollol 800lety of Ohio . the score of '5 to 4. ' freshing, yon c ••n b!lve 8. sack of c1cterr ulr,cli, thl~l It I~ necessary for. th ' 'l'he doctor responded to the toast, . brtln to tbruw into ' t.he Imt,h for prOIJf'r 'ICIcomlllodllt!OIl 01 lhe publk school.~ "Grafting New JdBall," Bod said in . (If " ,1<1 dll:! lrkt, "lid 101' the cOIl\'cnlcnel! nlHl C S t1bou t t on ceuts, 'flhere uro often l,roRpcrl L), of ~llill "chOllls. that til e school part: "I .wooder whethe.r ~hetou8tQunty cat swimming pools in' oonneotion w ith hou,(' In whleb ijald ij<lhool. lire now held mal'er thIDkll I am a polltioian or a On Saturday there came from Leb t.helle plndes, lind th's II.ttendlLD ts Ilre n lld cO llllheled It~ repall'cll, furnished " 1Il1 hortloulturist that I should be au d f b d d ' I d h d' t .t ImllrOn·a. III a (l()Rt Whlllh In the lll(lgemom " - anon a crow 0 oys resse 10 • us WI Iy very goo ~o lropo lS S Iln",. (lIth e lIoa . tI will c .. ceed $5uO, In Llle fullOw, thority 00 graftiDg. . Could, 1t be. white uniforms and a crowd of root- ulllnieurists o!l'wellals hldr.dressers. hi!:, l'art k lliars. 1111111 ely ; , poeltble ' that 80me one told him ~ with can~ and banners, but You can o~d8r Ii blltb brought to " I . 'I'loere shll ll be pfln'lue<1 for slurl wu health ojHoor In our town~ goodness, Isaac, ' they went home you if yo 11, lilie, lind it wight .be ~ch ool bOilS. ·and III .Lallccl there in a lurnace GraftiDr iathe manoer In which we with:dirty uniforms and a defeated amusing to do this illno!!, for tl nov. ~~;~ei~;'I~~I:~~il'~~~ "~o~,~~:c~~I~,t. ft~lr f~rln~r.:~ .d evelop 0meotallty. As we grow look. ' ,'. elty . Thesecllmeulnlrer,naturally; rOOIll~, lo"ct., bllsemcnLHal1ll parts tbcI'cM. Qlder ma 1 of the earlier grafts It was a good game and was nip but all these tbings are part.of t.he .. ~. U'here ~llall lie provldM In an(111tr wUher and fall But the onBS we d t k f . . .' h D . ,d i e s 'l\'hich muke IIp da hl Hchool house $ultilblo watcl'·lllo"et~. w ' ' teudaod pruoe'live to bear fruit .... a!1. uc , or rune I~nm&,s, w en ll a- varle e~per eoc . .., gethcr w.!tb adequate mc ..." Co r IJroI,crly D Elli 'd'" f k ' VIS sent two runs over the p ate, the peouhar charm BInd novelty of tl I. t!ushln/l an(1 cleanln!! Lhe ~ "m~. Co · 1 d' . no u lUg, r. II 80.1 ' t a e winning by the'score of 7 to 6. journey 'abroad ! .. a 'I'hero "hilll be conatructccl In or Lycopodium . . In ' the pareD st.em The score was as follows ' uI,.ler salt! .d,oo l house .. llralo tor .e wel, .or we ,have its ulle III vyroteqhoics. . .. ---~-"IHllden t Cal,.clty w thorOullll ly draIn UI " "f ~' a 4 /j 0 i A II HO ' ME.C011 .... ING "'"·clnRc ta Lll ereo!.. whiCh drllin Qr "e wer . B'u tlt growl by grafts of new· 'ideall Waynesville... (loa l o r 0 0 ~ ... j JJ. shall IJ" c., tunde" to SODle "u lLable ouLiet to 00,11 webavB II. magnlficeot tree of Lebanon ........ 1 I " 0 0 (I _ (I 2 o' ,·ij Ile.llxeil by salLl Hoard, . . . . " I(esolvc(l, fUTtller, by saltl l.Ioard, Lhat Ufe, not unlike the one seeD by the Datlerles, Wayncnllle. Strawn and. f.uC,Y . one-tlyed Joho, whl"h bore ,12. man- and Pendergast : Lebanon, Cooper. Wol! · The h ome coming Committee OU bidders tor sBld repair" and Impruvement" Arrllngements of the Xenta Home_I -hUll be rellulrcc\ 100 lurnlsh cum)llete de· Del' of fruits aod whose leaves were ~an and flart. th f ti · i'ng, · are lI,rrang i .n g a·n e I egao t 8()rlpLion oJ ImprovemcuLs tl)e unpur:HIIR tbey [urnl sh, C,om fort h e h ea JI og 0 , .e na on . • • • aod of stho they will will make. "Now the fruit. II what we pass COUNTY TEACHERS program. ' 'i'he committee are 8S and 01 the worlt they ·wlll )ler~orn1. togollH,r . $~ to the ' people. But the natloo 10 follows: . J. F. Orr, pr. A . C. Mes. wIth lull 1,luns, 8 Ile()llIcatlo'n ~ 1m" tlelalls; senger' Austin M Patterson Mar. ~ O<l such bidders "h.. l1 ma ke "" paraL" and +bl8 oaae is the doctorll aod I can w . ." b ' " I, ' . disUnct proposals fo r Lho furnace or heatIng prove by any ~ibloDl!l.ouw here-t a'l'he folloWlrig' 'i s the progrAm for Sbf~1 L. Wolf., 8. O. Bale, Harry D. uppamlu" luf'the w,ncr'clo~~t8 , and lor Lbo ~be word heahng is '!Ipelled In the , ,, SOli tb and Prof. E, B. (jOlt. . <1ruln o{ SC \" ",r ; aud th e OIe.·1t 01 thl8 DonT,1 original Hebrew h-e·e·i-i-u gl as' aI- t~e Warreo Couoty Teaohers :AliSO. ' This home coming will take place Is hereby aULhorl.7.cU and ur(lcrcd to ad.. Or· l I · h m nd 'Physioian olatlon which meet8at University h i d . .. t dth tl~c. for theUoa rd.l1cco.t1ll1 g .l() theStntute. It 10 go n • .e ~m . a , . Chapel T..ebanoD Ohio May, 23 '1908 t e list t,wo uYSIn ~ugQ" a.n . e for bids In confurmlt!' .to hi.... '\I1d these resn. heal thyself. T.I;1est> leaves are .. ' . ,. , , .1 • first two d~ys in September. luLions fot Lbe rellal rx al1l1 ImprovclJicnl..' hI wbat .1e oommonly knowo as the FORENOON, 10 :01,) 0 olock. The _ _ _ _ _____ these rc.olullon>l mcullontltl ancl . pro"lrlt'll 'long IHBD' They used to be called Teaobiqg of Elemeos.ry M&themat./ If YOll wa.nt a tight roof and one ror ; anl1 th" ",oard hereby 're_en 'c_ Lltl~ h ' 1 . 'b· ~, ICI D 0 Bryant North Hlghsobool ' . ' right, In It~ dl~crullon . to reJcrtl\ny or a 'S io p utere, u. Bre now. I_ve . .. ', . , thllt CRn be easily kl~pt in repair bid. ",bleb lDay bo I'ccclt'cd." ' for aDy wouod. May we all become Columbna, OJaio. 11 :00 o'Olock, A . : . ' And furthe~ notice Is hcrehl; gl}'Iln tha~ DetroitSt~ Wen 'heeled.' Let na graU for tbe ~lImplle of tbe Life and Work of IDllISt upon using CarpeDter.Morton 8eal~d bid. In conlormltl' to law 111111 liald 'lon, green.' , I . Borace Maonl Dr. '0 . .&'es81'AD~ioch I Roofing, Tbil Roofiol~ is made fro~ re.olu~lons, for the rcpalr ~, ImprO\'ClUcntH, . School ' , L F'b W l:lll It t t d Ith uppuratus. doscts. sewer tlnll work, mCIl •• ' . ' ong 1 re . 00 ·..,e , rea e w t1r;mud ",nd pro"'ded for In sal<1 r~"OIUUOnH, ETERANS AFfERNOON, 1:00 o'clock. Some Natnrll.l Asphalt. Nothing else is will be receIVed and lIIea lIy ~be underslgned, SONS OF Seed Oats for Sale , Phallesof ·theLateFlnanoial CriSiS, ltoitf d b'Ut M A B at Wayncnlllo. (' hiD. bero:oc or hytwehe Pasture for Rent. - - -J.J.LL. 8 D Fell I B WRIGJl'l'o-Prea j ,equa . or url1 I y. r . . . o'clock noon or Monda.y. MlLy 26, 11I0Ir.' ~---' at their hall Sunday af". CooKI Seo'y: SIDEH carries a large stook of thiS, Da~e~ thl~ 20th da)·~rftrc~E:1~~TS, , A ltmlte-d-a-D-}-qu-n - -t o-r-, seed t.moon Nay 14th, at 1:30 sharp, to ~ B. D. KELLISON, Rooflog and ~lls it an abeo. Clerk of tbe lIoard 01 F.ducatlon 0 C A good pasture; plenty of 1'1'&8 anu an abundance of good, pure march In a body to the ChriatianlEx. (JOOl. 0, E. DaATTD, lute guarantee Qr.,. results Wayoesvllle \' IlIUjle Scbool Dl~' oats fOt' slll('. Rlohart! BroWD, R, F, D. 3, water, O. S, RICKS. dlurcb to ~tttDd M~orial service, T, ~. Boonl, ~ tm:lO trld, wllr~en COUllt" Ob Ie. w ~: us ~: "U \ Y,
11111 '
\\ ('II, ifs illld
Lo mak n Olel look likt, with
~Ianna'$ •
A wood wo,'lL
Filii It f,n' nil illteriur 11 part i('u lad y :1uap t .. it
othe rwi s'e . ,i ul'ing th s urfa It i.' the only f'atlahll\ tru.n parent ti i h th nUtl'ket nlld wcnrR like iroll. \'\ ithont
SPRING.~nd SUMMfR $b1rrtt llJaists
at state
Our ales arc lurge, Our Cut and cannot be excelled. Our $5.75 Ski.rt cannot. be cq unlled.
Silk Suits.
$18.75 \'alues .e(]uul to any $25.00 suit in the market.
Spring Jackets $3.75 up. '
Pettie'o ats $1.00 ·8atocn. !-[oath \r Bloom. Si1k.
.50 " up $5.00 IIp
"~"~~"~!!~!!~~~!!~~'7!!~~!!!!~~~~~~_~~~~~.~_~"~i~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~!~"b r 0> r (:OuIn~ I h:ILUN-O FISH - --~ "H+'i~"rHi·~-~FH+tH
ii' i-~
- NEWS «'.tOM
Breach of Promise Proceed · 1'(''''1'11 10'1 1',,1 11111 lillnl HC'cIII IlI'r 11 11,1 \V nr,' lin!! r eno h p,\ b l' re t.lIRt 'thal·n IJrH" II . ,oIl"II'cli IlI .. 1 Ill lll nl' Ill I'" 111111 II" " b .. " ~Ollll\ ,, 11 1.1( .. (1 dynll rnilill" ing Case is Dis('1)111 : Ii", b .-- III' n 1111 1.1' "Ii 1II1r1 1" IUrtlll, .(\onB on t.Il f1 M 111 1)11 n "I'r: 11 bUVI1 111'1'1' missed l\I',~~~~:: I ' I;,:II '~;' ':.·,::IUn::;il ~:~~~~::~; ~~;=IIII:~~~j~'i '~~I~~II'~:~ ::':;H~II\~~I::'~( I;.~~I!II~
11' · I" , .• lo llu\\' I·" /11 1\1 1''' lIlil'lIl ell IlUd , " I'he m ll~ 1 HH Il ~lI l iu lltll ~nir, lli 'I' \l" II"lti 'ill~ "" III!l'IUI IY IIU,UI10l~ 1 1' d. h!l~ htH:lIl I't!fllitUIt In 11I l< \, " 1'1 ,." 1'." 1.11 " ,,( 1\1 ,/1.1 lioy le. ,1t1UUIlSl:ld, uuuty /·U III·t" 11.1 1' 1I1a 1l .V ,v el"', I ... ' 1/1 , .' /11 " 1,' II I.·" :11111 l'I' I'unl ml In!!. 1, iJ UH II 1:1\1 ~II ul I UlIlI r. I ltl p l . .. ·1 , ', , ')"·.l r.1 1'; ,1 I' '' ' 'd~, 1l.t 11l11l1 .~I, I ·'L t ll l' III ~ " II I IJl'encil III' 1l1'Ulll itltl 01 ." .... ~" 1,1 IJ" " ,01 1.",:- tl\" .I . d \'CI'"~ I;' d, I'S \VIII. Bllbtlll, IIgllt.! :--,j. tl).(lt ll.l t!t H" ,,'. "1\ 1:1 14"",II I1'Y. 0' 1 III No tlCH 'ut' publi Silltl", hIlVub"lldlslllill~adIY I1l · I ' ll ' I ·1l11"'i " '11 I.. 11 011 I'""IJ,,, II UlI',. . ul 1b COutiellt of h,'tll v ' I'" .11, III (j"IIl'gu 11 . (!Sbor·u. (I I', pro 'eeuill glt waco 1)1 , 'I1~ hl, " ·n"", !. 1' 111/1 1 a l' '1111111 l UI' l:!UI:1 I1 W llt IIl~L, ./lUtUrrl" by olti Mr (;lustill, i' III) .il l d
IIv'~rrou tltllt Mr~ ~itlt·s 11 \VUYII"~VI '" I1 ILlI 1""lIlli.: WI I..
III 1m
1'l lllI nl\ '~ lu t,r,l nll !~ h f,' r l'III " hy
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' l' hl' I'Il", I ,tlli01 1,,1' (1" 11111.\'. WII!i
It. Young uu'11 William H E::;tllt u of h:Ii:<lI\1l3th Hnudllll. deY ouu!:l', vs PuLl 10k \,lItYDur 11IId 1::1. B: otl ll~ ell III veutory nml llJ)prulse. Woodwtlr.t . l'(1tIti uu 10 1' money III 111 flied. Duly ~" tILte "I' Hulph Bra huuy . uliuur. Ueorght HnIJw. plldutill' Vii Evert '()uu nti \lull hlllli llC OllLl t For I:!al,tle. l::Iuow, dmuudtJllt. Patili 11 for di. IlwnL til '( I. voroe on ~roulldl! uf extrOIlIt~ oruel . E .. IIlI I:J of b:111.lIiJe l,h Hllnda ll , de, 'yo .,..d. n, . , " nnd h i " alt"· " " '"'\. II p.".u.l
Ileys;t or
~a:::~' I~;()U~~ KUIN(I:;
,;" 0
~ t~
t ~.
+ ~
fifteen-year-old youth to size 48 'r~t which will fit the largest man.
'[)alues .
WE h .j. ,a vetakenfro.m ourresu- .~ I k ," a~ stoe " and placed on first two ' ~ "i" tables I'n our store • 104 SUI't S, . "t" . t . d b ut somp fall X mos t1Y Sprln ." , _ 'oht Th f' Well:) s. ese are broken Hnes~ "t' or. eoVneer1ytwS0jzaend itnhreseomofe' a kind but patterl!S. They ranne from size 31 for a "
Lus trl) filli fl h for 01(1 i'nrnitur .
$9 88 :~~~~i'~~~:~i~~~l!~ir~L~:.:~I:!;}1i~:~~I~~ S' U· C,""' ,,, ..
. •
. lint . of '.1 111\1'00 , III 1' lIll'n'l1 II~- uUl'g lll rs 111 ' &III~t I"illl,nfdn .v II H!I:t IJIlt ull Ih ut WIl K l'PCl llfPll WUA $ 1 ITI (1I1f'1l Iln(\ Il · hont, /I !lo llur 'f' \ 01' 111 of Jlost' ll~ I<tll lll)JR lind II tl oilen ciguril boI 6 n~, iI'I{ I,.u POf'tll!!lst,er .J. H. Sigg: Ju IJ lttl (lII", th eIr I' SOIl Jl!! til e tlllev Ij ~t"l e II h O'8e 8ud uug~y IH'llongio g t il D. K orbis.~ollJ'O C,
1Il 1.ltt
\\1' II ll U d e r 1\'1I,Y 111I\' III'1IIII1 ' III1lr· rll,g" . 1·IWt!lrlll ll., . 1-\ •• ""1":11 fit I'lL judg. ,
, I!: ~ IIII" III H '"I,I! I' ti rrurt.l , Im b~,
... I\V .·nlll II " J IIU II I, luI' sULrlp, iii II . b"l"~.,:, u l .A ltlILU lh' t;. \:hlll!i, \lllll eIIwrll, " I' l i:.UU!J dUIII,,;!;"iI . • ltliuling /"110', ~lI·"t, .I' "tl /lull l UC 'i'l lltlt. t( lr Ill lit h.1 lind 11m II WllI'I'IUll to that l< 1.1 ·' IIi ,'III 1tI"(1 ulC t l1 0t. 10::,1111,1 II \' ttult ' ll W ~l nll\llll lIIi _ 'l h ll 1lI11UDI' hns lJl:Jen cl1l'1'ieu on lilli' FII'r.h Il CO( ,nllt ' for H!t.t lw'r) nt, 4 1l,ietly , iu t.IlH coul·ta nnLii ear ly tilut.l . ' tIJ Il! wee k u cum l,rolllitle wus mnde b: ("r,tI Ill' Tb QOUOl'6 MoUlln(llot!!'. IUlll the 1I11l,tler tletLled . , UIICUIlIjUU. ' luvontul'Y lIud 8PPflli e, NltW '1Ul1'~ went tIleu. " 1111
111111 ' 111'1'1 1 r
wi r\v\ ' "
111 1II1d[fI /· \l p.II ,,,JiuIIII Jlr liability III Ulllltf·I· ..... IIII'nillv (l" tigllr d. 'I'h ('1101) i: 1l"hlru til1pll 10 pl'llt'ut Ihc, 0.11 lind ~ !' Ill' ill Ihi .. 1,lonlitY.lIllu , ill 11\1" 11 liJ l' III ~ IIII ' III 11111 hill,·" I'Jld
· :,.' S t ±
I"IIlTu""no.. •...••·
Ueor~ft Rlues vs Mli~on MOAdlUll S UIlHe I'ef'errell 10 referee In
$12, $15, and $18
E~ tlltu o f lJllroli llu Franenkueoht,. ",.. d eccllri .(\. Ituurt.h lIccount ll)lpJ'oved ',.. ~ t, bllllkrulltoy WIJllulII Mcl)ouIJld . a.llowed lind ulInlirrn ll . Etlwuril P . Rellli llAtou Vii J. M. ESIt1t11 uf E IIIL You ng, rulllor. Conden . .J llry II! wnivetl ullll court FInlil aucouut 1I.1Ipruved, allowed A new cluthi ng Department has ~ !lull", jndglll ent for pllllntlfr, and oonfirUll:Jd. UOl1l't fi nds e8tate be n im;talled in the mammoth 'Mos ..\t Perry 11 . Rou. r 0 lve r , etc. vs fully udmlni8tered. GlIh n ~tO l e. It will be call d th L ui~ L ' ury. Ijxl'cutrj,,,. etr. Mo. Estll.te of Lizzie A. Pittsfield, de- " $!l. H,'I ec ial :Iothing Dept." Ilu n to req l1l1'tl Il ill i lltill' to I:It ~rllte. ceR8ea. j!'irst and tinul II.cconnt ap· '" I,V !:ILlite 111111 number ... lIverll l cu uses proved, 3Uowed u,nd oonfirmed. I<'rom nuw un t he men and ~~uung 'Ii uf lI oti lll\ oont.uin tl( lln II tilion. is ov, Cuurtfindse8tate fully admini8tered m '11 of Wayn esv ill e anu vi ci nity who ; !'!'roled. Estate of Josepb L, Libbey, de- desire medium pl'ic 'u, lothing ciln ..;.. A lit e M . F.vlln s V>I ,1l1 d~on ~u n Bar. oeased. Mary Kibbey; admlnistra- be ser ved h re bettel' than else, ;-;. m on, ,·t1CeIVllr UI I'tl llIl/lllt ordered tor, flied bel' report of lIale of said where. to btl lUore defi nite lind 'Httliln in estute wbich is ordered r ecorded. tltatillg aot!! of pilLlntllf. ' W w . ti. Delirth, oxeoutor of es-- E, H . VOIl i\ flll'teis VI! I::Il1mh 0 011_ tiLts or MILh"ltl Wilru , decellsed, f 4:~ hUR. ClI @ cil,ulliS>!oo on ImYlllflnt p lluutitf vs June Bantll et aI, defendU It S 0 lly u ufollclluL to plaintiff slim of $tO ant . Return of Willium B. Dearth • vel'y desir, uuu CO"t.H I,f 'use . exeout,or of his prooeeclings und able fabl'i', lib WiIlhlU Wdlln II, udminist,rll tor sales. Sa.\a of r enl estate confirmod s hown this season. ~ VII Big Fo ur Rt.llroud, Causo cou- and <lead ord erod to .purchaser. ·Every style of this eason's pesign1tinned until n ext te rm of O~lllrt. ll: tate of 8u.rriet M, Smitb , de, ing. Every. new colOl' and pattern, = PltOB 'T~ OU II " ceused. Inventory ,Rnd upprui e- orst d I . . d 'i:" .. . . . . Uleut:filed . w e s, V our. casslmel'S, an Eritllte of Belle Robillson, imbecile Estate of Irwin Watkins et ai , ch viots; stri pes, checks, plaids' plain "i!~ Rocount for settlemen t'. miuor. Inventory fl Ied ILnd r eoord, colors, grays, olives, plenty of ne'w ~ . Elltu te of ' h'n rlie 'l'h nmpson de. ed . . . hl'owns and many fancy mixtures. ~ 'ells (j inventory nud upprll18ument Iu lIIa,tter of will of AmIl,nd'L U. cut in th conservati ve style or the ~ Hied. ' GilnH, deceased. Will admit,!'ed t o .. o llege Styles." Rame as the high, ~• . In Ulutter of .fI~bl te )f .J.)hn , l:l eiss, probllte May 6. er pr iced s uits, which are ' . 0 much ~ w~ dt!o6llI!eu . .1 . l). Mllkr lI)Jpoiutet.l RIllAL II:!:!TATE TRANtlII'ICIlS. in demand by young men. All sizes ~ Ildmi nil'lt l'lltor Cill b OIll" Ilun 'n llder ' ~ bonil of $1000 unil CH use oontin uer! F . M , BiRpham. Ouores lll WIlYoo to choose fro'll. eM s~jt.JJ III matter of estu'te ot .Ioh n tieiss, t.ownshlp. $l. S'ts I predi~t defleIL~el1. ,J . D. chdlel'uccu pterla,p ,rne bEn:<l to Willitull Eoxhower UI , Wly poiul,'ntlllt Il~ ndm irlitll,rlltOI'U a boniS t !Lores io tiul'lti-u township. i i, und pay more lion allu fli ed bowl 0 1 $1000 wit,h J . oth er ooDsidemtl oos . e lsewhere? . C B Weiss lind J. W Vuller frofl ThoU1ILS ~ellOr lind EUlIlII~ Se Dor ' ..L holde r Boud 1I\)prL>vtHI u.lld Is or. to Knnsoll W liarton, % uere iu Tur ~ Win dow on 4I h ; d.,r~ll thut le ll,or:< ..1 CII] lIIirll" t£!ltlt)j' tlf'l1I'Aek t(lwuShiP. $ 1.00 !lnu ot,h er ~.::J .J j St. COlllpa re t h e ! . d U i.Jonis [lUU 1.. ~llU 10 IiU lt.l ,I . U MII - oOI'Miclel·ul,ions. val Il es. Compare ~ l,tI' Ib .. L bIlIll,H·lIU".I,IIlI '; II,' u ollrtlt!u Mllry On" \', F'r.Lnlt DI\\'ltI, ElIll the s lyles . You're wise enuugh to IlUli ,ldl1llUl~trtLtUI' plly th e cost!l 'J'ute, ,ItWIt A , WrIght null Mrirgll_ know. h"I·el u. I'SUIL 1'1'1\ (', wllo with t he granl,e r' 50 & 52 E. Main 'St, Lowest ' Price Clothier Xenia, ' J.J~I~'t,e 'u t' b:hv.lLwl,lI ltlllHlull , (}(o, h l/reiu cOIo:mt'Ute 1111 of Huni sllu Da· ~ IltlU,tlfll l. Willt/LIlI it ItUIII\u ll up vi >! d~obtll!led. to Edwllrll OIl-vis, reul ... ·~ '&-MAIN ~. l1"int OO ILdmll\l "Lr'~ I,,,r \\,' oll uond uf estutl3 Iyiu g In ::leotio'n ,36, towusblp ' ~-4"'.i>#.+,+,++++"'~41l"~ H-.f..,..z~...f-+++!O++·1 I.....III.t~ I.' : ,:WOO ond L. H RIUlCI1!l l\IId .J . F , 0, H. 3, M ~. ~. $1.00 aud other I &!~n UIL 11 IL!! I! 11 re ti e14 aud W III i Ii Ul H oon sMe rll t Iv n s. · il!!E!22!!!;! !!!!~!"'_!,!!!!!!!",,\ ,,!!!!,-'_!!,,!,~,~~!!!!!!!!!!II!!!~!!!II!!!!!!II!!!~~'!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WIIIIIlIll!lOn W elil ul(toll Bowyer and B. Fred UompllDY to Frederiok B. For Sale. ()Iem RunYIlD ; ILppru.isers, Douglutls pl1rt uf lotI! til:! and 671 n l:LOTHI!S. I E!!to.te of Perry P. Spance minor. vilhlge of LeblLllon '11 00 and othe.l Or<lln g ton eggs, buff or white, $1 Flnu.1 account tor settleQlimt filed ollnsid erations . In Ulutter I)f will of David 0 MRry E. Bisplll1m to ·)j', Mrtlcolm per setting: $ 3,00 for fiQ; $ ri .OO for 1) Green deoeatled , Will filed and .ais pbum 0 nc res of lanel in Wl1yne 10~; bll1C'k , 1111. 50 ) 1 r s t Ung . e. ----u'ppJica.tion to Ildruit tj 'llne to tlrobllto tt.ol'o~~!!bip '1.00 ILnd t,ber cOD@idera- H . B . W i I l c I ' 8 0 1 l . 0 r t l g L l t l i l l , 0 . E~{B L~f ER PAINTER~I set for hoorlng MILY 11. L l' G I Eiitliteof Lewi!! HllIupllreys, de '£heodore Lllwrence to Clll vi n l axa lYe ranu es -------- ,~ ---~ , MAl!\! iI'['IU<:11:T \V/\ \,N~vl LnE . 0 , oeo.sed. IOVEl ntOlY I'Dli npplllille, Vonner pllrt uf Lot No. (\ nnd X of j surpas~es nIl otber r eUl, e _ • fp r OOUI next, UOI1l' to U l'OllS Bros . Iil.iW· ment flied. lot 22 In HI1"veysllurg Massie tOWII- ' , l l:IlI1'tiWllro t.)t'~1. «' aUles for tIJ r e lief o f sick. N"obce t F'arlnel'S Estut,e of Frederiok M. l:lutdhin ship $1.00 , imd other oonsidera tion , I 'Dolollit ono in hl)\1"o und ofllcs • I ' First llOoount of 3d headache, dizziness, india lion., In nol'. MARRIA GIC LICENSES. I and I w\tor e l oan be' cllnlll flay (lr night. miDlstrator Ilpproveu ILHowed Iiud ge f (1 '0 C t' s lon , . IrOD! ons IPS Villi .'1 P I\l lllo 1.1-2. oonfirmed . HOUleI' H. DeVeuna., 22, vi oliolsr , TO.b acco GI'owcrs Est3te of Wulter S. Kiuder et 0.1 of D aytou 0 hio lIud LaVerna Ulllrk II I i tion and Biliousness •. llecrmse Samples of All Grades, of minorS. ' Fit'st ILCcouu t I1pproVed 18, of I{ings Mills. ' Rev . Mr. Miller. I they urfl co'IlJPo~ed of the he!lt ' /. 1'. II allowe!d and coofirmed lind court JOUle!! A. Suook 2r', farmer of 1 known Vegetable drill! , and 1 wi ll this week r c in" 'my Paper---Paper Con~. finds estute ful1y adu.iD1stel·ed. Youngs. Obio und Anna Brllnd 2Ll, J' second car'loacl of anLIJn. V 't I'lnury ::;nrgeoll ItOU Den tlBt. Estate of Mary B. Hille, decellsed, teuoher of Ft, Aocie n t . rulxeu in I,b e proper prl1p Or High Grade Fe rtilizer., Th!)s' stantly on Hand First Bnd final aocollnt n.ppruvetl George Wesley Rush 21,flll'm t:r 'l tlonsknown to give t b e ' best wishing th'P ' I'l css \'egetnble and oonfirmed Ilnll OI,l Ilrt fiuds e t ..te of Bll100heBter lind Dollie Good win res ults. I tullyadmiuistered. . ill . of Blfmobester . Rev. :\ir. I::Ihep, Growe l' will do IV ' )] to ' .(' At, 1:I[1 l11 e OD 1;1I,turllIL.V Afterlloon. Est3tA of Jaue '1'. Hlnkl e, deoelL~ed u e l·d. · " Every botl,le g lllll'rtlTlteed, me soon and plac€' lh il' ord Firat acoount 'IlJlproved, ILllowed ancl Oto JIlcolls 2 1, mill hanu of KingI' to , give But,lsfuotlon or ili on , Those us ing Pt!e ri es.<) Vl:!get nb l l' Jl I Ie, 110. confirmed. MtI1s, anu Nora F. Tuoker 18 , of ey refund ed . Grower find it flllal lo UlW', Estate of Nauole C. ,flliluey, d t - Masoll. 25.0 u boUle li t Schwartz's, ~nd s ur passed by linn e., Anceased ~ 'Irst. , IICCOU Dt "npprovecl, • -. n lysis and price considered.) RlIowedund cOflflrmet.l . A WOMAN'::; OANVASS mniled;tlnywher e upOlll'eCelpt' Th I ' I II' Ev I'yth in g Known 10 Musio. of price. e ow marg lll alll:c 1IlgEstate of Willlrll.n ,I Uo\l e t t. deon bars ' m e horn Inaking a W . Cliff. S utton Prop'l'. Od&s9d, HOWArd Uo llett admini ~A oareful oa nv~ss of ull the homes trator with' will Iluuexed, tiled 'hls 'In the oity ",bow8 ,th3t two-tbirdll of gener a l canva: . Fel'tiliz '\' hav , "pIe bill in sulc.l estate whioh Is or, b ouse keepers Ilra using In their ing b ecome s pch a comtnodily, deted recorded , h d I ' K" b ' especially among to bacco g rowI' J D kito ens au lI.undrles \Dg of t e I t Rel10hed tIl e Spot , In matter 0 f WI' 11' 0 f B ar" 1 • oe . ' , . ' , , '. ers, dealers shQuld PI' 1)al' to I lillY 11. "bIer, ' deoelt~ed, Will ILdmitt'e d to r.a,undry SOl1p. rbbY pay tep oe~ts . Mr. E. Humphrey. who OWns a cal'ry ' in stock al l' It!~ding I pt'obltte May 4. fo.r tbree large burs. Are you one Il1rge J( eDeflll ,s tore at Omega, 0 ., brands. Fal'lIlerll can then go . Estate of 81lrl1h J. Doebler, de, of these or do y.0u use the oommon and iii Jlre~i dtmt of tlbe Adams Coun, • ceaRed. Charle!! P. MlI.r ·,h and Geo, soft musby laundry ,80ap jus t he. ty'l'elephone Vo, I1S weI) 8S of tbe and compart' Analysi~ and O. 'Maroh appointed exeoutur'.l, giv O'Luse it Is chellp !lnd Is liable to I'uin Bume 'J:elepbone Co . • of Pike UOUD Price with othel' orand s k pc Tbe World 's Best Ulimat6. ~~~~!'!!!!!!!! lng bond of $2000 with W. Uhester ur olothes. ty, 0 , says of Dr. KiDIf's New Dille lsewhere. amI draw thei\' own Is not entir e ly free from disease, on Maple'IiDd W. F. Elzrotb al! sureties. YU ooverv: "It 8!Lved DlV life ODce. conclusions' abouL whe re to , DU.H.E.fiA.'l'HAWAY t~e high elevl1tlons fevere pre villi , f t d ' pensed with -- At. lenst. I t biak It cUd ' ]t Aeelned to while on t,he lower levels mallirili i8 . nven or~f 18 F R' • II k d Notl ' c" to Lot Owners of retloh the s pot-t.he very seat of purchase., ,Va,) !les ville's L ewin g Denti8t Estate, ,0 Mary , eta (), e· ~ I also, ha e in s. tock a fin encountered to 11' greuter or leU exceased. E . L, ~ettllick appoluted my cough ,-wh6D everything elsE' OJlice in Keys Billie. Maln St tent. aocordin& tOll.ltltude. 'To overadminilltrator giving bund of $20.000 Miami · Cemetary Asso. failed." Dr King's New Dl800very lot of, While Ceda\' Posts, bolh como 01 i ma·te l1ft'eotiOns Il8IIltode, with Annll M. Bone und O. W. Mor not onl.v reacbes t·lle cough '8P9f,; it in round 'and sawed hal ves. , miliaria, jaundloe, bilUoo8neas, fever 11111 I&a Hurettes. Morrill P. 8teddom, Tbe Annuul eleQU oIi of said Asso heull:l the sore spots and lhe wellk For Rent , ILnd ague. and general debility, tbe ' George Wltoraft and E. M. RUD ' otllt,ion will be btlld Monday, Jone 1. spot,s In thod. IUDga and 'ohetlt. ' 0108t effectl ve 'l'8q!l8dy . ie Electrio . H. Carmony. ".n appotDtf.d nppl'Rl"en. . .190,8, at 1 o'olock for the purpose of Sold under, Ruaran~ee llt li'red C. Good " B1ue Ur1l88" Pasture for Bltterll. great alterative and .. Sohwartr;'s - drug store. 1)0, Ind E,tateot WilUatl1 J, Retlilllok. tie eleoting two trustees, one Treallurer .00. Trial bottle free. rent. Good fenoed and runDing blood purifier i the anttdok tor every GeUed. E. L . Retlilltok appoint.acl aDd ODe Clerk water. For further informailoJl la, form of bodily ' weakn8ll11" aervona. .clm1Dietrator ~iYlng boud oft301l0 ' DBIIa, and iallOlDDiIl. Hold aader quire of, Nathan Jonea, Wilynea. guarantee at !'red C. SOhwMb'. Anu II. Bune aDd O. W. Morrill aa All lot owners are tnvlted to at· J LUltro Unlllh on floors wears 'lIke . Morrla p. 8~dom, G80.lend, J , H. CAlKty. Clerk, iron, ' i"---~--------·. vll1e Ohio. drUB Itor.. Pltioe GO" .
$9 88 s·
$9 88
+ i'
There are regular and stout sizes in this assortment, and the workmanship 'and fabrics are perfect. Nearly all handwill stand back of every suit we sell. tailored, and is so unusual The offering of such ,savings in these Ithat we a rush---so come early and, get your pick before Ithe assortment is' broken.
R •S• iiI N GSBURY ' '
V egetable
A. L. Wysong &Son
UN ER'1' AI{ ER.
CraiDinD a Spe'ci-alty• .
J () h H.yatt,'
TeJephone No. 121
. 'I a.y es,r
Sutton Music ' Store
Telephon,e Day or Nigh1.. local No. 7 long Distance No, 69-3r
+.,....,. " ,! " ..
8ranch Office. , HarvevsburO' O.
19 Green Street, Xenia, OhiQ..
'nu l th~ first r 'I11116 belo 'lg 10 lhol HIGH ' ~F\:CED COWPEA!' L ord ,qd w :lltI~ I' whl) m ini 't"l' In I lie 1.(')1'.1 '1\ : "!"I'le.,," wus thl' rt' Ml'(l IlH" , It Will Pay the Farmer to Give '''~em D. L. CRANE, uTrw:." , .~. · Jal1ll ttl ,h.> ! J1 st \Spea k.. a Fa ir Chance, I', "bu t what. S"<'1ll the 11l'~ 1,1 to ('are /)II IU f or the ('I alnlfl pC God II pon Ihpm?" ('()WIl" RS 11 11' Sl: al "'~ 1\11.1 hi;:.h 1L ~(\ 11l " illl 1111' i hal \, I"I'Y I "U:l11I1 let lUi Ihi s Y"lIr, ollrl it w ill I'IIY (" ' o'l)" (a r tl!· 'EhMe'" 8".1",. LUD"," 1II1••""lou"l,. l\luh'pl)"d. The Man to . Choose. liCIt br (11 11' undllr l mnk It IIn ll ~nl ur \0 H"" Ihat III' )( 1\' 1'. a ll hI ' SllIl'!; U 'Wb en a gi rl III about l O choo~e • I h at lIell h.,!· 110 WI' real' ,nIL" rail' 1'11>1111' , It I:; ~ hl'I' I' t(lily til IIny STORY U Y THE "HIGHWAY AND " nut Olll' 1:1. t IIl.lal I ~ '1111 , lind 1\' . IweeLb eal't sh e Is allt to Ih lnk mora at I ,HI 10 1'''111' uoll r~ II [Ill oill l'l rill' lJI'/lH PVWAY" PREACHER ~hlli l ijl!ll" " 1"1'1'T1 " 'II·i l,·' \\'f) \\1111." lInll Ihllli ~" w ,th III on l allli 1\1111 hus hili phy sical attractlon8 than of his SEWAGE IN , THE COUNTRY . 'I'hlt~' w us Ihor> llIuI' lllIlrinJ.: and dl" hl'e u ,,"ly hun l)l"elllll'".I, or :~lll It; lOO character, and , lIadl), enoll!;h, slle Is al. I"'QI' l\I 1-\ ru \;, II ' I'I'IIP, ' ('nW\I~ Il~ ai' Oll J'tlg't'lI1f' ll t Ih roughnllt th .·e1101I/ , Sy stem for the Farm Which Will W ork most Invar Iably attract d b y lllo QualIlnd It HI' Iii 'II tiS Ih \' W('llL , 1I, ~\j>r\ .. s" . Satisfactorily. ('IOI Ui1ll1Ilh' 1't'j.:U 1'111'11 IlS 1\ " I, ,,o r l!lnd iUes tha.t dazzle rather t)ian by lhose oo~ooooooo~o~oooo to b<'C1 111:It' n ight that Ihl'r f'(·'. 11l1ll 0/'1 1 (,I'Op : " t l;"l I ~, (11 1.',1' will I; I'U\\' lIl> \nuu enduri ng 'Qualities on whkh bopplness n l,lhlnJ.: fur th'm t o do lIliL hhan :11l1l I'he Illle~lll1n Is oft (;' 11 :\ . kpli h)' (h (;, tUtl !lVIII' tu IlIal,e II )l!l )"in~ ,' n il' fit of marl'l d lite 110 much dt'penda. 'I'be rll ~I'ho,, 1 and shift f nr · Ih ( 'J\I H I 'I \' e ~ , f UI'mel' h o\\! 0 11 1' ('o nld hut' a bot h ' lllytllln" "I sf'. IInll will hllllr"1·'· th .. God \1\ ill make the of. modern girl would do well to follow J';\' 'n I hi' PI'Ullll ot was n f )ll l"' xtol l li nd r oo m In Ih t' ('Olln! r)" with :;ur , .1I i1\IIlt!n l l aud hy thell' growth, It IIlll st lie I' fering fi : the need, the example at the wise young man ~f'''1II rl ul. th e nd Of his J'IlSuII I' \ 'e~, fQJ' or h OIl t!l' wa g<" "'~P(l c llllly · \\' h.:1' lhl' III ' ti l hi 'l't'11, hOWt' \'f'l' , thaI t h" II' b rt'llt It II t Ie good things we pas. IIR h e I"rt the students 11ft I' Ihll '?\'IlU of to·day. The latter may nt I't and flltl(' tl OIl Is to · Jo:fl illI'i' ni ll'u~ HI fr(JlII land Is quite I '" I. <> along, not the gOOd th ings which Ing wOJ'shlp, he ~nld: Ih 'Utili Bp lwl' , alltl t hnt th t'Y ('annut IIpend bls time with th e nllul'lng·mald· A fl' w YClal's ago th ere w:t ~ no " I,x cpt tb e L ord Sp l' nd his ,abl{, en whose golden hair and blue eyell <> we keep, which are multiplied known WILY of dili ng thl 8 thlll WIl 8 saCt' SlIl'C ssrully ilo thi S wlth oll t :\ r lll l for il s WE' hall at no ilion' IlI' r (. In many fold, ar~ her chtef claims to attractivene ss ; 1\0 alld IJI'uct Ical. H ccP llt I ), ('ortuln ex , supply of ]Jolal!b and ph il~ll ho rl l' '1I:ld. v According to God's arithmetic t hr- II chool or th e Ilronh'et s at Gl1gal." 1,.. rlrnHlIl'" mIllie l u th e Irelllm I1t or :>lowli er <I I,! (hl's(' ,,1"l nt'nl s lillY'!but' In nine cases out at ten b e will () ( the more we give the more, we A nd tit 1011I<lpnts as thoy s 'p, II'nt<'o! Hl' wnge und Wl\st .' ( ro m wut er CIOdel!! l I' t han w!to'll "ppll 'u llt I 'J.:IIIII I IIIIII~ marry a womanly glrl-one who II lit· <> have "for ouraell/e d. (or !lltl !lI ght , ,· 01'0 IIIl C(\l'tulll wll Iller ('TO)lij, since uy III 'Ir lI ~e III Ih ls way ll ~l V ' I'i'Yl'illt,d 601 11 (' ('urlon s tru t h~ con· ted to be n good wife and moth er, F irst consecra t e thy gift to lh o w or d>; of tho I ropll et Iwto k !'I'd the IIl t rll~C u or the II lr Is nllOr .- t'n' ,~ ly " l'ruill g ila't ria. Ull ll tlt elr wny s, It Whatever mistakes men may make God and then let h i m direct In dl sl:oui'ag'ell1cnl nnd duu t]t, 01' h op ' or JlJ)pl'oprlnl l'11 hy Ih l' 1t1t(lIllH·l\. A 1111 B 'mOl t hat certllin hacl l'la uttaf'k aI" In otber directions, tb elr mlndl work the dIstr i buti on thereof, Thus what God would do, Sonw wh o" f' ulll'ogt'n I s, li S i s 11" 1' 11 lillo lI" II , UIII' mOAt ~alll ' mutter IIlld II ,,;t roy It l.I p~ t wl1l'u f fllth w as st ron !; st held lh n IIltler very 10glc£lIy, with r eason IUlrl lore- <> 6h~11 thy offering be multiplied Ihey ar ill lJ(' r r.,('l tl lU'kn St; :\1111 al so IJx)l e ll ~ l\' e " Ie lll!'nt IIf fl 'r t Illt y , many fold. This devout man of vi pw, and I\'/llt d ag rly ror til' lIlor n, IICbt, when It com~9 to matri mony. ['n'parl' Ih,' 11111(1 W(' lI . r"r tillz,' li hersh1lt u\\'ay from I>xygpn . Th eRe bllc, Baal· Shalisha brought of the <> ln g, bll t -wh en nl) brl'uk ru Ht W IIS fol, rd ly wl rll ' I he minera I III llJC'IIIR, and Olrll are dill: rent, and , YOllng or old, will n ut (a,l so ~f. w p r Ila~ flo r 'I Ii I tpl'la fil'15t fru i ts of his fields that the <> l owed by UI1 glial In k of foud fill' d i ll· co wll enR will Pll Y 1"" (' 11 \\t hen they "~,s t tney are likely to be, alltll'atcd by man of God might be fed , and 10, <> nl'r, I'V II qleso bega n t o C] lJ(Ktloll and I hr<'e dolla rH nr more pt-'r lIu~ht'l. A the adventur I' or the unworUIY man, he hath' fed not only the prophet IIOll bt. 'Illce' he n lgbt !Jpfol'C ,,,ll<'n bll ~ h I 10 tilt' al' I"(' Is I he 1I ~1l:1 1 11I1II1l1 l\t unless ' they are closely glltll'ded in but the hundred needy Gons of th e pI'oph t had dp lu red that excvlIl Sown for ha y . • 'J'h r<'t' pOf'II!! Tll lly ri o th eir homes, and acquire a certain the prophets gathered there, tI l ..ord ~ 1 ! cP:ld th e tabl!' Cor Ihom j ust AS w<'11 wh l'l'e I ho Illud ts In IW·l d d egree of common s nse. ?ol odt'l'n girl V Ihey w o lId nor. eat, he h ad r emulll :1 It is the first frultll God can Sh:l fJ(', th p jJ ' lI S !lOWll I'\'{'nl y :1nd Illle do not admIre dull, hOtnl' ly or stingy Ulle, not the left overe. In Be luslon in h is u·partlllt'"t. and I t of I he 1'1I11«'r gro \\ lug l"u l'll.'ti ('" US('~ 1. Too often we make certaIn our wa s whl sp red abou t t hal he was gi v· men', abd these three fau l ,:; Bre qu lle "\Vh<'11 th Ii li s lII'O So w n for ~(' II thay Illg him Ie to Vl'Uyer, own needs are satisfied before likely to helong to men who, prop rly n i ll Y he dl'lll .. L1 In r (lws I In('h FI UPflrt. we are will i ng to make our of· T hlls matters sl oo d when lI ~ ong I n understood and rightl y dJrec t ed, might Thl :! W it)· , SII ) S Fal'IIlI':''' ' VUleo, n fJ I' lt t he at'tpI'noon a lIu L, ovpre d trllV ler ferings to God. It la this Oia\) ram of the Sys tem. will plunl /In flCI·e. I f I Itf')' are cII ILI . mak'e d slrahle bu sbands, It Is on· reversal of the Scriptural order was 6 (' U. slowly approaching IPadlng an y 11 Y~l o)l ,'ni ps", ulr is adm i t! d to vatNI \lntll th ey 1"1,;-1 11 to con'" .11 e aldered a nuisance to be a bore In lhls wh ich not only destroys the atl upon whoso bn k evpll In Ihe til>' iank III wll " It lhl' S waga Is helng gl'o\,l lld t oo IIlIlc.h. they will llJllk '" 1IJ<l)'C tWent i eth century, and girls do not power of the gift but lOBes u.· dls tau ce i'ould be discerned the pll r l/lf'd , ~o I C 011e ca n 1:1111 hJ ~ sew . Se d thi s WII )' Ibull wh l'ti sown llroa,l. lalte Into consldel'atlon the fact that <> the bleealng, Renlember God's sh aves o r wh eat. uge I lIlCJ a wat Night concr t e .tllnk CIlRt or wllh a gl'nin (Irill. ·'o me ,' "ob dullnes8 comes often from dl(lldence, <> claims upon you firat, and not "SOUIC oue I s brlngln ~ or 1~ ls tirllt nt'llrly alr.tlght abu\' e tht\re the bue. )"eCO IllIll ' ud ~() wln ~ I'O W5 !Iud 'ultl\'at. while tbe lively, glib mall, who Is 1!1Il'e only will your offering be mul· (nllts, " joyrully k'hout dOlle , nnll they t I'hl' will I'el'ol and ' lI early all the iug fol' lillY. I II ullhl' l' eas th l' l'l ' III of of himself, Is otten quite empty·head· tiplled to the bleasing of othere, <> ull took up th e cn', so tbnt EII ~hll, soli d !Ualler In till' sewage will be course l"sl> uen etlt to t h soil Illu n bu. verily that whi ch remain· 0 who wus s tili tna'rying w ll hln, CU I."' destroyed. The lolet ant} ou\let to tills wh re more >;e'd Is IIse!"l ; hilt 11 P"f Ii ed, and would qUl't e likely n ot be t,ol· eth unto thee shall be SUfficient erated by serlou8 m ~ n , Don' t marry forth to sea what th e co mmotfon was tauk should be b low tho surface, both SOWII' 0 11 w ell' preV!ll'ed and w (>' for thy needs. , • w eak mall, urges the Nnw York all about. to lire vent the el r ulatlon of all' oud t1l1zed l and wlIl.not onl y l il'odllc !)lOr \! "Wi ll a man rob God?" ia " "Soe yo n t raveler ," th ey ~ rled; "ho to jlJ'PV ut allY floatill g soli d Illlll te J' se tld ur h ay thnn a bu shel 1)lIt In In 1I Weekly, who II simply charming III Ill' question asked of old . And the s lovenly, sli psh od mann er , hut will omes bringin g aD orrerln g. ' beln;; uJ'Owu luto Ihe next In.n k. 'rh tellect; refinement at manner 'and sad anllwer rl"g8 down the nlso lI(h1 1I10re nit I'Oj.;t'n antI' lIlure Eagerly and brealhlesRly t hl'}' walt. secoud tank 1s Ilk th e flJ'st one, and III .peach, poetic In mind, rever nt of agell: "Yes, he will and does •." eel, but as h appro8:ch e<l n e:lrel' an.1 it lh \I.".tel' plll'l!lcution I s ('ani d yet , hulUus t o tho soil. :women, talented, but lacking In that But in robbIng God man robe nt Inst tum II up the lane Which l erl (urUHH'. FJ'om lhl s w nk the watel' Is moral' sta!J1lna wblch Is so eAsenUal SPRINGS FOR FARM WAGONS. hlm.elf. In h',f) blind selfishness to tbe Bchool, tbey saw bow lloltJ'r som etimes ('an i d to sand anti l>I'nv I a man is to make ,. good husb and, he clings to what he hatl and was th burd n of the aes, bing IItlle I fill I'M ltnd aft r passing throu gh th m land overcome .the bUSiness dlmcultles ml.tl8I the treasurel God would but the loose grain In sheaves, &n~ Is Bold to be clear en ough and )Jure Big Saving in Comfort and Money Ef, fected by T,helr Use, pour out upon him. _bleb bellet most people, The weak tb elr C01lntenl;l llc('s fell and they b e· onough for drinking pUl'pvses. !llOugh ' Llaten! "Bring ye all the llIan dismisses everytltlng wittily with ca n to Question In their h elll'ls hew there would s 'em to b e no 'valld rea. A bi g saving In money and In com. tIthes Into the Itorehouae, that tbey should al l be f9d frtJm sucb 1& son roJ' )Jutting It to this t e t. ' epigram, and tbls Is charming In tort could b mad o by th& lInll'f'l'snl there may be meat In mine m?ager supply, 'l'h re should be. theil, lWo co ncrete • play; but ·In one'a husband It' 18 an· hOUle, an d prove me now here. Tw nty small , round, thin cake, lanks, lIlade wal 1'.lIght. ach ]lrovld d use ot spri n g!! on rann wa gons. P r . IOylng when .events call tor deci sion, with, aalth the Lord of HOllta. at bal'Jey bread, nn~ tbe llnthresh cd wi t h ' 1\ manhOle which sh()uld lJ ' urnc-. I shabl pl'oduc ts, Ilk frui t, veg tnule! comprehension , and prompt ,,a cUf,ln. if I will not open you the win. <> grain In the slleav es: mull r ed· one at ti call nil" Ight Ihe whole being con. and eggs, are grea tly I nj lli' d , by bE" dows of heaven, and pour you th E! studenl!l, standI ng neal' when the ct ~ wltll 'th' hOllse Uroln wHh as Ing curri ed to 1Jlarkf't ()Vpr roug:h Precocity and Degeneracy, out a bleSSing, that there ,hall ass was unladlln and t he, offering h ad ~:I;Ch roll as the nnl ure of tile lioll \\;111 ron\l8, The jolUng and jan'lnft from Precocl~ la not always a thing to be not be room enough to recelVlt b en laid at tbe f eet. ~f th e prophet, permit, and tb e drain being at vltrlfi d springl es8 wagons I' suIt In much In. It," desired. ' Indeed, It may, just as surely and he t Ur n ed awuy III a disgusted tile with cemellted joints,. . The Inl eta jury to t he load. 'flds Is ofteu , 80 lUI a prema~urely ripened fruit Indl. mauuer, 8 S did the rest of the . I>tu· tl I of th ese lanks should be g r eut that huyers wi II cnt th Ilrlce There Will a dearth In the dents an au e s from one,fourth to on &·thlrd. land, Why? Undoubtedly be· tate. decay and early deatb, mean an . b low the sUl'face of the water . Peac h s anled tc:n mil es on a ~aUlie the people had withheld "Enou gh ror the prophet , bul wlfere· H er Is a tarm syst em prolloSed by early degent!rt; and los8 the spJ'lngless wa gon are orten uulll to ~ from', God , i1nd had con.umed withal sh~1I the hundr~t1 stud nts gutb. Jos pb }OJ, V{lng and published III the mental faculties. By many . biologists time and thought 'and substance ered h ere be fed? " they !laid one to B reeder s' Gazette: I see nothing bet. ship wbeu Ihey Ilrrlve at the cn r. Tbe It .Ia considered an expreBllon at PI'&llDother, . losil on Ihls on e crop alone Is ver1 upon tJ:le gratification of their t er tban to !lnl sh the bU Siness by lead· mature senlUty. 'As Lombroso has In· own de.lrell and lusts. But 1'\0 olle stood n ear the prophet no"ll' Ing tbe water away f rom the ' Ii cond heavy, Large peach growers and or, dlcated~ many of the me~ otgeulu8 there waa one man ,who w ith. save hili faliliful servant ar.d t he man tank t hrough glazed And vltrifted tiles chardlsts know full well til at Utelr • ere subjects ot degeneracy. There And fruit must be handled like egl;:~ , so hel.d 'not from, God and blea~lng <>, who had brought his orrerlug. II a p.erlod at anteuatal growth known <> came to that man and hi. of· <> 80 bu sy " 'ere the 'stud ents with tb~lr till they jo,ln with tbe I'eglliar farm they use Ifght wagonl! with Il ex lble drainage Byslem, at a safe distance ferlng, 1\ low to scientists as the lenlle period, em· muttered cODllllalnts as ther from t he well. This should make sate sprlng8, and draw a smllll load, Small <> . There II a dearth In the land v talked togeth er and slowly edge d far, the farm w ell against pollutlou and farmera and grower8, with only an bracing the fonrth and fifth months of lO',day In r:eapect to the kIng. <> thel' and lartber away from th~ the whol llyst ID shouJtl pro\'e auto- acro or two, cannot alfortl orchard prenatal existence. It has been tound, 8ee wagons, but they would sll\'e enough dom of God. Why? Because <> proph et t hat they 'dJd not ' declares W. A. Newman Dorland, In 'God'. people are withholding ~ him as lu~ )llac ed lils hane! upon tb o maUc In ·lts action, and give no trou· on each 10lld t<;l (lay fol' a gdod set 'the Century, that • .lUgb.t arrest of the flrat fruIts from hIm and he head at the mall .whose olferlng ht' WOOdland fnrm we have a very of bolster spring". development at. this ' period Is ohlli-nchad received, nor hear as h e blessed Tha use of springs 18 also a groat cannot Bend the bleaallig. If pea. him In the nalDe of his Goel, aut a sur, tough, Impo rvlou s blue clay overlying comfort to the drl"er ai' t he load, lerlstlo of the clas8 of beings known pie would reverse the order of our wator·bearing stratum at gl'av.el . . degenerates, and precocity tl . rec· their . giving, and remember prlsed .exclamation from ElIsba's serv·· 'and 11 8e a drilled 'Well, so ~here Is prae. Furthermore, says Farm and Home, ognlzed aa one of the expresSI?IIS 9f God'i clalmll upon them before aut arrested their, attention, and the tlcally no possi bility at water polhltlon tbey I ngthen the life of the wagon, Wa development detect. ReUef de la group or (1I8coura~cd alld hungrr from O1\r drainage system. We bave beoause they take up the Jolts Bnd the ,they lought to,f Y tl:1elr own. deelre. and needl, not only Bretonne: ;yvbo composed at 14 a poem students turned' to see lh'.l servant: bill ' one tank, with a droln leading jars. Even tor drawing grain, hay, powould there be an Increale In on his first 12' loves, Is a remarkable pointed to the uarley loaves and. away. ' rhls 'has worked perrectl y IIlnce tatoes aud 01 her farm crops t,hey aI's heard him ask In asto.n l shment: 0 ·v ery us eful. 'fbe load nd es much bet. the offering. to the Lord, bl!t ,precocity. "A wit ·of 'Ove 'Is a 'fool of "What? Should I set this berore alii 19 t. 'tel,,''-Is \lot so likely to shak,e ofl', and the offerlngll would be multi. ,wenty," II an adage founded upon the hundred meo?" tlte comfort to tbe driver, who \Dust plied by God 110 that there A WELL·KEPT FARMYARD, popular appreciation at thJs unpleas· "Yea," they heard Elisha say, with spimd a good share of hili time o~ would not lie room to receIve his ~ aDt. truth, blessing. ~ calm aBsurance, "give the people that Nothing Which Paya Better for the the wagon, Is ImD1easuJ'able. they may eqt," . Trouble ilnd Coat. A FOLDING TRELLIS. <X><><><><X>O<><><>O~<X> What a happy and contented orea· 'fwent~' bnrl ey 10lweB, scarcely I.'uough for 'ten men, to be tll s l'lbuled! ture the farmer now must be w.ho was THE STORY, ~oU1lng I ii ill ore ples slng and at· One. Which Will Prove Exceptionally to a hundred? What could It mean ? too busy ·to market , bls hogs during , tl'acLlve than to see a beautiful form· Serviceable for Pole Bean .., I-I}oJI11~ wa' s a dearth In t he iaod, es· "N I~y. m y ma ster," now spok e up the grand ' I'ush when e:verybody w~s pe ' Ially In that porllon at the cOlln· the man who had b ro ught the gift.. yard, It would h e a ta sk to name ,al\ hurrylng ,ln his porkers betore the bot',' be bosl way that I ever foulld to try slll'l'olmulng Gilgal. Successlvo "these al'e for rh~ , aud nro sc otTcd tb e flower seeds plantl)d In our flowe r tom shOUld drop clear 'o ut at the procrvllS hall failert owing til little or no enough to supply thy presenl need. gard o.n C\'ery flprlng or even t.he va· pole beans Is to make a folding trel~ ' vlalon market! At Ibe time, 'd ou'b tless, niln failing, and th e peopl e w ere mnch Wallte th em not hy 'fic'a tterlng them !'I ety of bllJbR set In lhe fall. lis out of plastering lath, as shown SeedK sown In t ho sll rlng Incllld e In th e C.lItS, e Xlllaitls a \\'l'lt er In Farm he bemoaned his fato and said thing!! distressed, In their Impov eri shed con· among so man y, [01' there sltall bE) several varie ties of poppy, pansies, and Hom e. I bore t hrae small holell well calculated to corrupt tbe morula dltlou they w or unable 10 ' mak the scarcE)ly a orumb tor each mun ," · at the hogll because circumstances had accu stom ed orrerlngs to the SCllool o[ , "Glve .lll e p eo ple tb at they may eat." asters of all colors, balsum, carna· 10 toyed with him .. Now b ~ Is poplng t he prol)hets locate d at G IIgal, and as was the ouly r esponse ot l he pl'oph et. tlons, cannas, chrysanthemllDlS, alys· sum, dahlias, 'd atura, larkspur, marl· .:. i among his lielghbors as a man of su- it r eslllt the sturlents enrollM the'e addJ'e s ~lng himself aga!ri to hIs sen ' . gold, nlOrnlng glory, nasturtiums; p e· perior judgment and telling them that had bllt a scant living, A s a resllll or ant, ' " [or' thuy sU lIh t.he LOI'd, Thell tunlas, sweet lIes3, verbena, forgel· _. this, th ere, wa s much IJlsc,ouragom ent shall eat, and l elll'e lher of:" he knew all the w'h lle IIogs were golna me,not and sweet wIlliam. We also ' nnd not II. little mnrmtl l'ln', ,and It " They shall eaL nnd l eave th ereat" plant many bulbs whi ch I\re taken 'UI1 Trellis Folded, for Storage. up, The farmer Is uot the ' only ons ~eamed In evitable Ihat th e school must who feels that he Is sbrewd er than bll close, 'But In tbe dnrkest houl' of the rep en ted th e group of Bt udents, In' In the fall Ilud .lItored away 'untll' through each lath. as shol]l'n In the credulously, as theY ,watched th e servo fellows the momor\t good luck tolsel eXJlerl ence the ll·rophet Elisha , had . . first cut, and fastl'n them uigether ant obedi ently . tnk e tlte 20 l oaves In spring, aometWng at him. We have beds of geraniums, hardy with commCln ",Ire nails w ell clluch ed, cOllle and . had cheered and encouraged his hands and pass th r ou gh th el :r them to ho'i d 00 'ye t a little longer, d e· mitlHt, giving to· ench ma'n as much a!~ roses and fiowel'lng shrubs that ·grow Flve.root posts are Bet one ' [oot In the four to !lve f eet hlgb and bloom pro· ground und a wire strung at top and Prof Lounsbury, discussing tlt~ chi ring thut It Ih e school should ol ose . h e desll'cd. ' (use.l y, . The cut shows the arrange· boltom, 'fhe lath are fastened to the French element In the English lau· It wOllld ue a r eprollch UJlon lhe land, Th ey ate AS only h unSTY men ment of tbe (\1'lves and walks, trees, cuage, ' calls aUen tlon . to one French alld the religious Intiuellce which 'the can 'eat, /lnU ""hen on e man'lI 8Up' shrubs, etc.; at our place. There Is a word v,'hJch we b~ve adopted, but ~ ch ool exerted would be destroyed. ply was gOlle, he found the sen8nt of hedge bordering the yard, two ever. , "'I'he land Ie apostate enough aI· the pl'ophet rcady to Rerv" Ib em with green trees in tront and sO,me , hard ""hlch has nowhere contorm\!d to the "cady without our l eading It stili fnr. more, So they all did eat· and 'wer~ maples ,over 100 years old, Engllllh pronunciation. This word tl ther luto forget(uJness of God, satisfied, and ' behold when the trag. ennui. Olle would hard :y have IUP Yea, I tl not th e pre~ent dlStresll of ment~ were gl\thcI'ed 'thcy hnd more - The driveway II seml-elrcn lar, and pollelt, jocularly remarks the profel ' lhe land 'due to the wand ring of I h e thall at the beginning. Tl: en did they near tlte' road Is a signboard or sale notice where I post what [ want to Trell ia In Placs In Garden. lor, that" our race would have lelt th' people from God? And what will fol· recall the words of the proph et spoken sell. The name of the farm Is painted lleed of going to anothe~ tongue to) , low .It even the religious t eachers and the night before, and said ann to th e wires with string. AI sbown In Becond on tb·e..,board, Last but not least, Old the word when It hIS al ways had II. leaders are sClLltered? Rath"I', let us other: Cllt. ' The ' trellls la mad~ In sections 110 Glory floats !lrom the ftag sta'lf. much of the thing, His n£lJanaUon o. walt ))ali n~IY ~ntll the Lord provide "Surely we have reastn'" at tb,e as to be easily handled, When not In til wa -e prOnO"" 'e It ra ~ ita I dalh' ' mllce. ' . Lurd's table an(1 have l eft U.t!reof." use It Is folded up nnd lald away under A Crop of Wheat, e "1.... , ...." , Thus they had b en encouraged to , reAD average crop of wheat removes ·sheltor. The pollts , are spaced eyenty Utle III chleOy confined to our educated, \\'1\11, patiently, and Elisha hod so that one section of trellis wlll JUIII leisure cia... Ord!nary folks have no IIIAlnlld with Ihem, sharing tbelr For Connecting Track. "nd ' Paving , from an acre of Boll 113 Ilounds of Wood hlocks laId alongsid e ralls are ammonIa, 46 1I0und8 of II hasp boric go between two 110llts, -Det!Ja! ulle for It. 'I'hey 'g enerlllly lire- ; ('anty tare and setting Wem nn ex~m. ler to describe It ILII that bored teellng. pie of lIublime fulth lind poUenc •. And preterrerl all O:8\lhalt·pu ved ' streets In acid, 58 pounds of potaBi1; oats, 107 Interelt ComputIng, To flm' the jnterest on any gJven ao the dilYS had pa ssed, Hut tile . sit. Frankfort, Germany." to I''.llY other pounds of ammonia, ;15 pounds ot phos· .lIme, DougllU1, vlce,presldent oJ aatlou had grown dal'l,e.r and dark~r, system of connecting the street Iracks phorlc acid, 174 )lollnd!! at p~t8llh; red sum fOT <hr.y nDumber of daY8, ·at an1 the American Institute ot Mining En· 1'0 be ~ure I he land ~'Ill! beginning 1:9 and the n8vhig. The llloCK!! '~re Jalu clover, 116 pounds of ammonia, 17 rate ot Interest," multll,ly the prinCipal ctneera, the !1lltoric land on the Iring rl,lJ'lh ItH rruit~. hnl harvest day over the wbole space hetween the ' pounds of ph08phorlc acid, 57 pounds by tbe number ot days and divide al Hew Yort Palisades which tbe govern. \Vus ~'el tar ah ead, aIlfl t.J1 i:! ISupplles hi ralls and for some dlstaUM outl!lld e of potash; a ) ,300 pound steer, 40 -follows: Three per cent. by 120; fOUl the rails. pouod" ()f ammonia, 20 pound" of per cent, by 90;' five I)er ceut. by 61/; e t bas aacented through au act of ,be !<chool WOI't! J)I'Mllro lIy xhauated, pho.ephortc acId, 1¥.J pOlmi1s of potash. 15 per cent. by 20. and 20 per ceut. .. n . '" I " Yes." diij(:onl!ola l ely nUl'mured Th~8e are organic mInerai 8ub. by 18. C!CJngreel, The proper ty II lalll ~ be Jue of th ' ~tuuents to a feJlI)1V memo Superltltlon Attached' ,to Fllh, worth ,36,(100. h!!'I' on (illY lI!le~ Ule last bit at nour The baddocl!. bas a RupersllUon It:· stanoes, not all' or wate.r. ' To pr!lduce Growing the Cork Oak. one pound at grain and two poulld!t-of . . . "I t bl' barre, bad been used, "we taclled to It. On each side of · tb Tbe National Plant Intro(hicLJou Tbe duke ot Abrunl Is au explorer bave no morb hp.~'o to eat, and who Is shimlders, near tho gilla, It has II straw, 2,000 poundll o~ w.,er- are nec. of DO mean rellOWO, lie hll8 not anI, .hel'e til provide for 0111' needs? Can dark I1POt, fabled to be the Imnrll811:IOlJ e9111u,), to dls80lve plant food anc! evap- Garden at Clllco, Cal.. II experimentorate lh~ugb tbe lea vo~. ' . Ing with tbe. railing of the COrk oak, led u upedltlon toward the 1I0U~ · t be 111111110118(1 that the peollitl -wbo lDadt . by the finger Dnd thumb wblch baa not Jet been grown com, pole. bat. · remarkl tile Phliadelllhia ue Jlkewhle lulferlrlg should b:-Ine' to Peter wben be took ~t up 1M In, the United Statea, TIle lie •• tile ArBt tilled rom.a., as wllac lb., IVUI aeed fOl' them- the puny .n Itl mouth to 11'1 SpAin. wbelll " 51 ~ COld iii W_ vir_I&. llelve.~'· 10 C'.aeaar wltll,
The Miami Gazette
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90 BUSHELS OF OATS TO .THE ACRE, WHAT MR: KA:'" TEJljBRUNNER HAS I TO SAY ABOl}T HIS GRA,IN CROPS IN CENTRAL CANADA, \Y rlt ltI K from R gina, Soskatche('('nt ml Canada JIll', A" KnI t IU· bl'UIIIII'I' 1\'J'11 ~!l:~ ". 'UlLlI' y "urll nbo 1 to ok Ull a boml!t-I 'ad Cor lII~' K~' It', nlld n.IS() all ' fOr my SIl Il , Th hult s 'c tlon wlllch we ow o. llllJul ll S tho Mooso Jnw I' ok ; I s a Ill \\'. 1.. ,,(,\ uud h eavy lautl. We put In iO ur'I'l' " 0 1 wh 'a t In stuuble whl clL W(,lIt ~ O u lJ~ h e ls to the nero, lind 30, al'rl'~ \If ,s lllli mer fallow, whl r h w ent ~i. bll t;h II! to th o a re, All til wh eat W I' lIu I' \'l'lit 'II th is year Is No, 1 Hard. T hat lIl onn>; th e Iles t w.heat tbtlt r'ln lJ.' rai se d III I I h o (,!lI't h. We diu n(,t IH' II :lilY wll.'at y et, as we Inl nu tOo \<('( '» Oil" )lurt ror our own 8 elt, a\1t1o 1:If'1I Ih e otlJ,.r flurt to 111'01110 who wunt III":-I l ,'Ia:;s ~e ,: d, for th ero Is no doubt II' you ~u w good wh ca t YOII will hal'. \,pst gouli whl' lIt. W al so thrl.'. h d !1 ,OO O IJll ~ h o l :; of J11'st ('In ss oals out (I f 1\it) nCIt's . 80 a 'I'OS has I> Nl fa ll 1.1\1\\,1111:\, w hl h y lt'lrl c d DO bU$ht'ls 1'<'1' :11'1'1', HIIII 0 acres stubbl (" -whi ch w nl ;:0 ull KIJI'ls t o th e 11(, 1'(', T he:;'} II llts UI' t hl' b st ki nd th n t (':tn he llli~ed . ,," 0 hu,'o shlpllNI th ree :II'· l on d" IIr I III' 111 , allll go t Ii:! conts p r hl1" h '2 l elf' II', All our gra in wus ('u t In th 1 ,I~t w c('k or Ihe m onth of A lI~ll~t L 'rur ' uny f rost olllti loucb I t. " I';ot w it h ~t an~lI n g til fa('t th at \\'e 11Il" hnll a lat e spring, aud tbut the WClIItIlI' I' I'olldltlons t his y~nl' \V I'e " PI'Y all l'eJ'SO IUld unfavornble, w '1\ III Illak m ort lllon ey Oul , our t1r l)p tIll !:! ~'('a r tlllln last. ' " I"ur lJl~· ~t' 1t I t ee.1 com)lf' lIfl u to sa y t hal \\' ''811' 1"11 'ulluda crops (,Il nnot bot I'h k l'tl, " " ' 1'11 by ullusual ondltlon!l," IlJrurIllallull r l'l;8. .-ding trpe howl" stt'ad Innd s In Mrulilobn. Sa:<katch . wun und \IIJI'rta m llY b bu d on n ppll. ('!llIolJ 10 nn~' II mHIlf\ J\ tl overnmen t Ag-f':IC . "'h ~ (' hdl' r tl SPll1pn t npp ~Urs (0) wh t're, It o will glyo yon laform a. tion n ~ to b at 1'0111 nnd what it will cost YO\l to rea!'ll .thasA lands f Or 111I r· [loses f I ll~ll cll on. W il li ,
Menu Thoroughly Varied, Jamf'!; ) '\ c :-':elll Whist I r once vis! ed In a l' tl ~t I n 'P ariS who w all nol Ol·PI'. bllrdE'IIPil wltli Ib'ls wor ld's goods, unci \Vas sll l'prlsl'(j ut Lhe SllnlptllOU~ lun<;,h provided , 011 bl"'llIg ·Ul:;ked how hu Qlailtl l~fld t o I\ve so well , his host reo pll Ii : " I , lta\' a !let monkt1o)', wh,ll'h I I('t do\\'n f rom my window b)' J) rope IDlo lha t of my l andlady, and t ru r lO Prll\'ld 11('1'. unlt!tlm es ,laC·ko retu r ns wi t h l\ loof, ~o m e tlmes wIth a h am . H Ili v i sit s are rill! of surfl rlSef\, ue lJel't!r k Jl ws ",hilt may ollpoar." ('mlnou s. ''Th e booKk ee p 1'," said t he Jll nlor par Lnr)' , " lia S be en married near.l y (ollr mont hS' now." , " W(' II." , d!'lnanrletl th ~ enlor part• ner : " whllt at that?" " Why , he hasn' t a8k~d ' for an III· crease III !I!l!ary-" " H avellS! We must havtl hill .C, (lou.nia exullllned." -Cathollc StaJ)darcl and Times In.ect Chemllts. Fallin!; to bite sugar trom se veral lumps, some marked bces ullder 01»scnatlon or Gaston Bonnier, a J,'re ocn na LllJ'a Ust, flew aWIlY, r eturnlu,g In an . hour or two with other workerll, after first visitIng' n fOllntaln, . Settling 011 the sugar, th ey were secn to pump wa. ter (rom their Ctl'PS, when tbey su ck er! Ull the ssrup 10 tormed, ' Important to Mother., Elxamlnlt careCully every bottle or OASTORIA a IIBfe and sure remedy (or LIlfants and .chlldreza, and see that It
Bears the ~ of • # ~ In Use For Over YearB. . The Kind You Hav.o Always Bou gbt.
U.e Where Needed. Slart)(Jllrder'- J'm going ~o hu y the l aJldl;lfl. Ii boWe of haIr I' stu reI', Ha!lt\pom- 'Why she 6 ems to h::n·e a goofl h!'ud ot Ohhalr. SlaI'IJoun!er·, h er s Is all J'14ltt. I'm ;;olug to get bel' t o I\SO It on he, ma.ltte;:sea,- Pblllldeljlbla H eeo l'd,
Reflected Sentiment. " Whenever that nai n Sl16il ks. Y01I> know exacily what he lhlnkll,~' n~ marked ~he admiring auditor, '" shouldrft lilLY that," an~w Eirl) d t llecautious Ilcn!On . . "But you know ex. actly what be thinks his constituent., want him to think."
acts 6ent1YJet p,rompt·, !Y on ih~bOw~ls.cleanse'5 '
the ~st~m effect~a~!'Y~
assists one in overcommg,' habitunl cons!iPal\<'ll nent!>:. '10 get its., ...n,-:u"M'cio~ effects b'Y' Ulne. --
slttll:~ f1l a lIecluc!ed spot. Itfll cloak SHOUL D HAVE KNOWN BE·rTE R. or mantlo ",,'118 drawn closely around capture d crew . re nut tnt ~ a ' bOtlI I --Dnd llus h('cl nIT' f .·nill t he cultr l"!i ald . him, bu t from without th e fold s or the Man Found Fash ionable Church Waa garme nt whl b e nvelo ped his b ead The 1111 0 ur rlll'11ll l\ r wn!! flr d, lInd the No Place for ·"T lght·Wa d." th e re looked a stl'Ollg race, wbose ('on fl 'I I"ra ll'~ al ~ o pus he d orr. knu wing thac I hl' nrp would 1I 0t h long 10 II n trarlll g eye seamed to l llk e :11 ' LADIES ' JUMPE R DRESS . "r have Ule t hU11l1rOl Il, ot lIleD "'ho f('uf'hlng Ih " I' ~~el' s pOWlilH magllr \, ry de lltll ltod mov m ont of the Cod Cln•• Son to S ........ mlt. WomaD. were m nrrl d and li ving ha tlll Y lives." zlne. bus y Illllc. Kuols o r Ileollio ga t he r llll s alll Uiu lUau wit h the horses hoe pi n hr ' llud I h re ta lked In lo w 10nf'R " hls II cll tl n l 1:·1 . wh \ n the cult r · STORY BY THE "HIOHW A Y AND In Ihe smo kin g co m pa run nl. " bllt hi e \\' " I' wit h 1I II:.rlile r oa r an .1 bu rst . BYWAY " PR£ACHER Illld th , (UI' I.I\· g lau cell whl'\1 were tb re' Is ne ithe r lo\ "e nor m atrimon y or fl nll il' . hI' lI'I llk III :}!1 fa l ho ms of as t 10 th dl reo llo n or Ihe stlent ~ g. fol' m o." Wlll l'I·. (· n . o l· I ~ mil l'S ~o l1 th ·~" U Lh (jl\ll t ur Ind icated pla inl y t hat \t Wll' ~h " . "Go t turD ed do wu In yo ur a llo lV of I it .. oU V' r 1>* nil" "r Ihp lla 1'ijo r. s tra m>: · r Yo'ho wn~ til lI u llJ IICt or \lO:! . CAPTU RE . O A CONFE DERAT E. days ?" w a~ ask d. SCrll)tul'o HI'ocl and hi: mell \\' (' rc !akl' lI llrls· Au l horlty - 2 1, 10gI , verllo,Lio n . . !.lilt 110 \ on e: ~llI).ed by ': No, I was n vc r lu i'll d dOWD. 1f -4 : 8·17. Ollf'rs 'I'rle ndly Imp uls . s corn ed Inc llQe d to ttl Plll·tl.lIlrl. Ht·nrl was so n t 1.0 How the Dash ing Atte mpt of • Ra ider 1 " 'us It wa s by flllh;j'(llI ilHltcad oZ' F'llrl \\' or re n. 1I !) ~ 111II hnr hOr. nn tl reo sp ak a kindl y worll of g ree tl ug tC'. l:t", .Was Fo iled. lov . On lh Blr et . In ill InrHlIl .. t 'P<>Q-oO<>tK>O<>~~ mal ne.1 Ih.' I'!· Itl Il ICl nlh s a p rlson" r . unHt.J'a llgf,' r 0 1' bill him w 'lcolll e. Ali lll l ~ had lhe f IIc i ~y to alls ls l II yOUII !; lal!y Itl Xt'iW Il);(,11. H IH uillne IUIII bee n 0 0 lhe woma ll u ot d Ilnd ·the n . as . 8 1j~ SERMO NETTE . \\" h n i h,. city llali a t Por ll an el , Mr ., wb u had full ell . ny. gh W AS l\ rla ley. pass('d al on g on he r way. fill " .~ '" >!. burn cI a Fe w wpo lls a go (h N WM a ll Ilp~ ill thl" II llrl h. and h i;; 1l li t uro he was JUSl lil Y 51 )'1· frnlU 11 . al l t lila II me J'!\ fn\1ll o n . I)f tI. e bllO tl' 8 omp ('lI lI r'ern f.'ll fo r I he plt)1ur('~ J 1'('lloUlltlC'el ,,1'1·!!.ly 10 t ho cr!'lIlt o r th e True piety Its h ' ' Is. I was a j:!ood oJ 11" 01' il l' ynl r illz. n~ or PIlI·lIallrl. WllUSI' vic tory (I( t il e mar ket plll 'o b ell l' l n ,~ III h Is lion In genuine hos pitality. e ve n t h n. bllt afl e l' unl' !ollil at lhn l .onl a ln d . In c l llllln ~ IIU I'I mi ls uf 11 III y- 111111 bl"' n Illll\l r' pos"lhl p b ~' tho cnu rhalld~ SOlltO r th e hal'l y r .Lke!l h" ,rs of th· I.!lI Doors opened to adm it the y. FOl' llIlInt('ly lIlI'.,!' 1'01" girl t hr re was nil o l h '1' III Ih i.; world hnd 1'1I ,"huSl'd (h(11"e. Th 'SI) I.f! plac.«! 'falthful serva nts of the Lord )( ,tlltil'!, !I I-; lUll! X p N1i 1io n or ) l:':ss r3. Mer,o l· fOI' til t'. Sh e s le Pllc<.l h lto h ' r r at'- · ( nltR. wh ic h hun g In ' th 13 11 i l l HI .I nW f "n. IlI l he h ll nd ~ or t h all ' il L fi S"J'o who let In the blessing of God as rl ag-u 1\l mOs l IlS soon a il I fl)un d h l' ~ \,hnlllue rs. w 1'0 ooL fl'I'I;OI!I' II . alli l • o ~ o In I'('cul vo U IC II !. C'nll('('1Or ,'11 hail not I\' rn sf\ vl·,1 10 grar.r I ho lJu lllll ll l\ and was d ri ve n away. II n(\ lhll u'Ih 1 Inn;! ' I' 10 11\' .. I hi.. ''''nih ' )(!<'II1'h1/1 " l!:v ltIPlltl y ih s(' rvant ur Tb ... wh ich will IIc rl'(' give to s upply the n eed of 0 Icu 10 tak e Iho I'lar'I' (e lt · tlJRl [ wo uld givo th oll Sflllds 10 Ol'wlt/'r 10. l~fi:\I. hlll ~13~' OI' ~l c l. l' lia n one Who Is engaged in God's 0- GI 1'llIl),; " I· ... t be W () IIlIl11 t ho ug ht to h ~\' 6 h l' aga in' I k nl'w th at Il w ajj of hI' 0111 cll y ha II. V' U !; !iparC't1 fCI1' ntauy ;n"ar . . A n Hlll~ Ihf'lIl work Is to give to the Lord and <> sl'l r aH s hu wll lcllUd the llVO llWo ti U11 \\' re two Ihat ha l'!' on ly o ne chanC'c In a. tll Oll s ul1I1. I 10011 li n wa ~ a 1' 11 :';<;1' (\ ('h:LI':II·t 1' . [l1I1! a ~ th e ll' wn y. ealln g thei r [r ugul l'tlpus l t;"C'l!e r ll l 1111 CIr '51 a s lhl' pi rlllre~ of lII"n . such giving never goes w ithout , liS t hey th nt c han e ant] atl ndnd a t'u..o;h loll· WCllt. . I.... reward. \l' ho sCI'vE'C1 lh" 'lIy In IIIP t1'y\n~ 1I1n ),(1 1' Is 1'I 'lIl1'lnlw:'I'/I In I'nrtl allLI for a bl e clll1 l'c h the u xl. Sun day." Iri R .1I0ral ~t n' I1~11l an d . hlun L wu rs, " H OI ': t he y nu frl nil s?:' s n ~ke ll li nl{'s f Ihe cI \' 1l wa r. God can find she lt er and food T hey a rt· "Well ?" I I{' ha cl 111'1'11 a ;WI. ('('Illa ln , 11ml I ud h I'selt, "that lilf' y t h liS come \ 0 SII U· l uose for his se rv a nts In most unex. of .J e(\l'Clla h :J t· w!'lt. lIIayU I' , 111 ~ng " You co ulll " avn knock' cl me !l o\\'o ag,<' c1 in 11I1~ill "~n uslHlr(\ wil li ~ II C· 1l C' 1II 'an d li e po r t WltllOllL a ll )'vno l.;;k· t , (;9·GO pected plac es. allu cn " , t Cll' or C II ~ ltIII1H at wltb a ('Il l he r. 1 wa:s 5110 \\' n right lu · 0 (·p:m. Ji!' hall f,1 1'\'(O(1 In Ihe IIY ~J)\' III !;. ' wlll li ce COfl1cs t Iholl ? or w hill.~ t PUI'Lla The ent ertainm ent of this nd from 1 r. l 10 1 6a . and .1 al'oll to he r pc w. Sbc But th OI' '~ Il h h~r I' l'nnw nl as all nl.1 I' ilmn In 18~ ;; lin d go ·~t t ho ll?' It WrlS a guOdl y raCe plain, unassum ing prophet , poor m o th I'. 81111 s ho ga\, . me a s li g h L ho w :'lIe[ , lIall. who Wll :'l III st e! (·cll·(l muy m l~-G.lIl1l whl il t he sll'all g r hUd." Hh con t il1. l ln Ih., 1,lt l"l' ,'oar was hH' lt'lI In and despised , except to the few 1 G:I. nnd WllS l wlc re-cll:!clell b,·· In I' Co gnitio n. 1 lill l h rc ill n 1I0l't t 10 lIlt' Sla ll' S' II 11ll'. u d to IWl'se lr as sh e we ll t o u 1\01 ' fl) re in Israel who were faithful tl) t he (l ud o f the wa r . s e veu lh llea \'en and no,' r u nriel's tood \Yhe ll .J HT" r~u II 1),1\' ls WIlS sacl'ot'l I'Y Wil Y. " Wh o cu n he bll '!" God, was not going to bring 80. Mayor Me L li nn mRY b l!l ntin II fiv e wOl'ds of l h ' sOl'lllon . At la st th e " 0 t hi s Inst Que li tl un ·whl 'h aruba III clal prestige to th is Shunan imite by Ihe I'ead e r of h is tor y as the 'hll'f of war 11 1'ls!tI' d Por tl an r1. CIlII . Mc· con l l'lhulio u hox was passed." he r min d caOle a p a rtlll~ nll s we r HIM wOlTlan, In fact her hospital ity xecllt lv at P or U1I1l1I wbo foile(1 t hl' L,ellan wns 0111' of h is 1I1 e r l:llll ·rs. and "And you hlldn' t e ve n II. I. ic ke l, or da y ti S s ho vis ited thc widow, ro r ab e perhaps was going to cost her 'lt t mpl of con fed rat raid ers to ,; ·t ioo lc lIi m down tho h:u'hll l'. Ref ' rl'lng cour se'~ ~1 on a IllIhll e l)cea ~ I( 'n In 1:11 r y a nI to fo und I hut lhe lIlUel', w hll o OUl nlr.k · the regard of many of the "swell aWR Y wi l h th n'\ted St ates r " nu l' th is Inc!·I(' uL " Ha du 't J? In g up s ti c ks with wh lr h tl) m uko 0 . Ill' Hilld . \'lgo rollSly : " 1 let" of Shunem . But enough of Il shl ng. wbe ll s he W a.'! II'l s h I'd n $1 bill and a $500 bill , as It hal)' c utle r '1I le b drow ne d Ill e darn sk uok ! " Orc o ve l' 'w hl ch to coo k th e lIl1.1e cak a the light of rlghteou lneaa and "c ut Ollt" of th e harbo liene r of d. Por They tl nlld III were roll ed togel h r at 0 11 nnd m al for h e r selr and h r ·ap t. Mc L lI an WIl S again mapl r at truth had ahlned Into her heart Jun e, 1 63. anI;! placed In my V(!st. ponke l." Portlan d III 1 Gl!. Ire dl ' d April 10. c h!ld re n bad me t thi s s t ra ng!!r and blli ·to make her underst and that 1'he cODfed erates. led by "ADd yo u IllIt In t he $500 by m ls> alit. I 88. and wus to t he lus t vigoro us IUlII s e r vant. lind · Ile had sl.loken s uch there was more honor In enter· hnrles W. Read of Mi ssl s Ippi. a gr ad· forceful ta l(o?" _ Paris P a tte rn No. 2350, words All or . S e eams nco ur age me nt ond bl essing lalnlng one of the humble IeI'· "Not much I d ldn·t. [ pll t In the uate o r Allnallo lls . e nt rod ' P Ol'tland to b e r that s ho had been g reatly AJlowed .- CO'1lenll ugen blue · m orcervants of God than in filling her Ilnd wha t followed ma de my h eart hal'ho r JUD e 24. 1 sa. '10 th e fl s blng he lped, and findin g that she was (lr Ized IIoplln has beeD mad e up Into tbl s RUINED RELICS . houle 'wlth a choice compan y of acb e. Tb e doacon 10 c hru'ge of t he schoo ne r At'clle r o f South pori. Me" chal' m lng tt'oc k. Tho fr ont a branch has or a tho trlbo or Lovl, h e had her rlcll neighbo rs. whi ~ox ch tb handed It back t o me wi th tbe ' y bad ca ptured oft' Monheg a n, Amus ing Story of a Young promi sed to see tbat h e r SOD was e n· IIrlnces s pan -I for me d by wide tuck ~, Soldier '. ~ To-day we need to learn the tit hed rOI' n consid e rabl e depth ue· ~etnnrk ' that the church fo r hear. Their o wn ve'sse l, the bark T ucony, In . Collecti on of Shells. t el' d In oue ot tbe schools or th" ~ joy and blessing of true hOlpi. whi ch t h y made skate. a was cruise low two tb fr · bloc om wa is ks the t IIn furth e r do wn o, th ese tucks be ing prophe ts. wh e ro he could pre pa re tor tallty. "Whe.n thou rY1lIkelt a !\een ool y In t he wai s t portion at tb e th e s t r eet, a nd th e girl giggled nt he r southwa rd, wI th lJad reslllts to norththe prlesli y se rvice. The d C' lIgh t In "coilect lof)s" uftually dinner or supper, " laid Jelu., From that time on th e Shunam mlt\\ bac k : th e s Ides of th s kirt bing with- molhe'r behind my bal:k and said s he'll e rn sh ippin g. t hey had burned whe ll begin s a t a ll! nde r ag . a nd F raDk "call ' not thy friend.. nor thy wom a n watched tor tidlDgS of lhls out e lUI t' pla its o r fulln ess over the a s k papa to ta ke m e a s coacbm an at Ih y took tho Arche r. as tb e fi s hin g Mo rle y, w!'i leR Mr. H abha rton In " Adbrethre n, neither thy ldnlmen , schoone r was ex nc'lly a rl apted to th iI' ve nlUl'es of : ncl s tran ger. and ove r t.he pa.t hway which blps, and cl os ing und e l' an love rtetl $35 pe r aDd boa rd." Sam 's Soldi e rs," nor thy rlch neighbo rs, lelt "And Ilurpo se ot e n ~ rin g Po~tl a od barbor b ud onl y passed from cild bOX nothin 'I)lal t a g t e th lse e bllc happen k. ?, The n ec k he ao hod d. possed s he found mallY a poor hi ll I,!st s kirts they alI a bid thee again and a "Nothin g else! Ot c:ourse s om et hing unflll sllec ted. Tho crew of the Archer to hIs first t1'o ullors nnd humble one to t e il ot tb e deeds s lee v s a l·e ·tt'lmme d wi t h In se rllon anel wb e n h bec.a me recomp enso be made thee, But . else li nd dglog boe happene n put of d. caire on I WillS board -colQred lace. froze n to my a cap tured known !IS the moat IJe l's ls tont "color kindnes s whic h II had s bown them Tho when thou l11akelt a fea.t, call pa tte rn Is In s ix s lzes-32 to 4.~ seat wIth t e rror, and wh n all hu t mn 'a hill. Uij ho had passed by. ' Iec tor" In hl l; 'nat! \' e town. He was . the poor, the maimed , tho lamo • C' Read's plan to ttlke th e C118h- 00 . of th e )'oung soldier So It came to poss on day t hot 011 Inc hes . bus t meas ure. For 36 bUst thl) had left th e cburch the sam e d a eOll s at th o civil the blind i and thou shalt be s be be he ld the mall and his se nant riress l'eQulre s 12 ~ ya rdS ot 'ma t e rlal ca me arou nd aDd pl'l tJ,d me loose alltl Ins , whl 1 was nn nrm ell topsail wa r. a nd hi s devotio n lo r ellca was ble .. ed; for they cannot recomrun scboon 20 m Inch e e r. out a lthough aud acious . was p,Q uall y am us ing and a mazin g s wid'!. 8'1. yards 21 Incbtls In to th e cold world.'· nasslng by hOr own home s ho we nt to the penlo thee; for thou Ihalt be ca rried out wi th very prospec t of . " te rans , a mong whom fo.rtb to meet him and coo s train ed . "',Ide . 6¥.a ya Hls 36 Inchell wide, 'Jr CJncino ull E nqlllr r . he was a reo recomp ensed at the resurrec · 5 s % uccess,. yards IIntil 42 Inches t he v ' Igorous wiele ; 1 pe Y.a rsonall· yard him t o tarr.y a n.d re rresh hlmse lt aftor c I·ult. Oll e du b toulld seve ral untlon Of. the just." ties o r Mayor Mcl.e llan and Collecto r ex plodlll1 s hells. mos hi s long nnd well rls ome journ ey. T bl ~ 20 Inc h 9 wide, l lri1 y ard 21 ·.Inches t of t he m ve ry Easily 'Growrl Lilies. The good .heart II nnlltlv e to , wide, s e\'on·e lghtlfs yard 3S Inches we tt began to b felt. he did and, liS many an onB hns found larS' . To carry th em all Into camp F e w people unde rsi a nd how easily J.eTho goodne .. In others, . Thll Shuuahlng wuul d h ave proven a Since the n, sbe came to kn ow t hat th e wide, 0 1' three-fou rths yard 42 Inchl::B lilies m ay be g rown In. abu nd a nc e. The nammlt e woman "perceiv ed that . valuahl e comme rce deslro yer for tho wide e xt ra, for ' bias ba nd ; 31At ya rd:; e nlertaJn lng or ono at Go Madon d's servant1 na. PI" Cand l Itl llln; Ill y Is as har- confe de rac y. Sbe was n EliSha was a holy man." fast .6aller. broug ht blBsslng upon bor househo ld. or nplJlIQu e Irlmmfn g. n~ yard's of In- dy a s plum tree, m ultip li es rapidly, fol' h I' The good heart alia delights 8 rtioD a nd 21A yards of ed gin g. typ e, and carrl d a 32-lIoun de r Sbe had a gr eat yearnin g Cor good· and gives grent sta.lks of s.uperb nmlds In fellowlh ip with goodne ... It hlp8 on a ' plyot, aoll a brns s 12To prOQu r e this pllU e rn M nd 10 cents to n ss aod ha r greates t d e light wns to waa a real Joy and prlvlleg o for "Pnttern hldIt Or." om 'e of this pa per.. flow e rs In Jul y-f r:lgrant . heyond pound r forward . s it und e r tb e teacbln g of tho words prophe to expres s . .PJant the m undllr . t W rit e 'ntLr Il I> Il nd ad dress IIl a \n l~ Il nd 1;)0 this Shunam mlte ~oman to reLII k fnvored tho ' conre d ~ rnt s In Ells ba and receive trom his hlUlds that Buro to g ivo size and nuruber ceive the aplrltua l bleallng 01 lIa ttern. your gralle treUts'e s or In yOUl' goose' laklog the cutte r . H Elr cBptalo had s piritual le achin g which sbe needed. berry rows.. U a bulb gets Injured In which Ellsh. the prophet wal died . Rnd 14 of her crew were asho re, This feollng he r husbnnd oultlvat No. came ion, 2350. thore to will be e nough loft. able to bring to her and her hus· share with her. and the re WI18 no more I hnve . had 900 blos a,o ms In .a smail on de tail o.r le llve. tb e. night of JuD e band. . SlZE .. ......... . .......... welcom .......... ....,' •••••• e guest In any home In all tho bed about ten feet Ill' tllame te r . yo~ 24. 'l' ho vesse l was t e mporarl l y comIf thl. 8hunam mlte woman manded .by Ll c ut. · Dudley Da ve nport. land or Is\'ae l, not eve n ' the can king . ~ow ibe .1aplI,Ile se 10Dgltlorllmii him· had been abaorbe d In the lateat NAME .. . . .......... .......... ... , .......... . An a ncbor watch \\~as ke pt. The night s elt, tllan was tbe . prophet Jus t as easily !tnd tn tbe s ame way, ElIsba In falihion platel, or been gadding wa s calm aDd dark . Til rnld ers lay ADDRE the home SS .. . of .......... Lliis Shunam mlto womlln .......... .......... . . t ·nlY ·yOU musl pla nt them m\lch deep· about · to afternoo n card parties Quiet aj!08pd the ' Archer, until after IUld. h e r hus bund. er- about six Inches, and you must and IOclal teal, or the matinee . But goodDes s and kindly servIce not pl aht them In IDILOu re. Our native ml(lnlgh t; whim they manned R boat , ahe never ' would ' have ' had eyes ' n Vll r go unrewa rd ed by God, ' and 1t· LADIES TEN·GO ' RED FLARE m eadow lilies can be grown jn Lbe aDd with. muffled oa rs rowed ' Lo .th e to see this man of God I I hs Cushing . On belo g hailed t hey made came to pass all the prophe t came and SKIRT. same wa y, or eveo In soel, II It Is passed . to and fro by her home. no' res ponse nnd s hooting 1I11.'Ir boat we nt the longing gre w upon him mols to l. Bury Thla , Shunam mlte the m tEm Inc hes deep. !llongsld woman e, ' ~oard d th o cuHe r be tore pour 80m e s pecial bles sing The aUl'atum and E ns \.e r lilies require Into the never dreame d that her kindly ' th lookout co uld gl v t he alar m. life of tbls home whose hosplta llt'y ho ve ry deep plnntln g. I\.lld I ' cannot service wal to bring to her the Lle ut. Da\' opa r t WRS 'Rsl eep In hJs had enjoyed . p~ol1l; se that they wli', ' g lv!l r Oil good treasur e for .whlch her heart cabin, aDd th e c re w were ' tweeD d ek s "What s hall It bo?" he · as ked hIs reslllts.-E: P. Powell. In Su~urblill longed moat. And yet It not In thei r ham m oc ks. Da ve n port was servant Gehazl. with wnom on day Life. . . a literal fulfillm ent of the decseized anel 'Io ck d In to ' his room. a nd b lalked Lhe matte r over. " Would I.ratlon of, Scrl'ptu re that If we tbe crew wer'll s od n UOllnd and >;lIggcd. th e'y that I should s peo!} to th kin g "seek first the kingdom of God . Honey Seeker '. Nall'i'ow Eac;ape. that be s h W lh om kindn ess, or' to the 'j'lle n th e rald e rs .go t: u p th e eutl\' I" \I , and hi li righteou sness, all these Rare ly h a s a humarl be ing l'eeLl III an cilor, ca ptnln ' of t ho' )los ts ot Is n\eI1" w r iling v ry Qutetly. and things 'shall be added unto ua1" a mot'e painful predi came nt ~blm th a t " iay. no t th a t, nn' master ," I111~ k l n g, sn it ,' w ok h oI' out of I he . harex· In whloh . a ~' o un g m a n named bor In a light la nd breoze. t hrOllgll a ~tX>9<>~ clalme(1 G ha1: I, "ror tbe y dw cl ~ In se· Trunke tt foulld hlms If rocenl ly. c urll ~' a nd pi nty In th e ir own lanll nor lll(' ro chlln ne l. llussey 's ~I)und . i.\ Wllile ' THE STORY . ro bbin g a bee hive wh iob 'W ILS "I Can 't Unders tand It at All." In ShUll m. But ve rily s h hnth no . fls he rrtl nn they had ell III u 1'(1(1 o rr e' butl t In tlto fork of a t reo 40 feet g uln child." was pollgcd to 8 0 1' ~ C as t hei r wa s Imllosslbl C'. hut. F I'an k hOI' th m from the gl'o\lIld 10 W nn gorll lla, Aus- pilot. H E:R E was a ceM ln womRn of " Lo, child)' n are nn b e rltago of th e to ' a hi t o t WOOd!;, la ld · lhalli 1111 In a tralia, Tru~. wbo was n.lnuG hl ~ Sbullom In th e In.od of Is rael who, Lord ; and t he fr When t he 'on f('d o ra I08 go outs ide ,'ow a ll the /:: ro lllHI lUl(l cove uit ot the wOUl b Is hi s bat, . coat and boots. w as CG.DlI)let e ly 'th l' d (l1e n~ a s S crlptlll'O says, \lC!l.S g r aL- great as l'e wl\l'd," oxclallll e llal'lIor with L1le lI \1i lll'oll ultl.'f \vli h tl)'lIs h wI)(}11, l-I . ed th e pro phet, Quot·plllollcd 10 fln (l a s mothe red by the nraged Ill se~ts. For . (Jon liirn ed th o 110ssesslon of th is Ing the words t ho wlJl d fell " IlIld wh en Porlla nt l go t wa y tli ,s hill .tll 111 of the P salmis t. "It a ll ho mo, a nd con: te n mlilUtes h e re m a ined t b us unable ' world's 'g oods ; ",rea t as to nulllUes . s ball Indeed 1If! a nd misH 'd th e \" sso]. sh e could f;r tltu la(' t\ h ill1 be GO In this case." Hn lf on ~h ~ l'ea:t !iudl to h e lp hlmselr , uhtll s ome f OI' s he "'RS II. wise wOlll an and 0\'1Ie l'el1 fri e nds h e S€'CII some foil' mi les off .t he harbor Ih) n Ih 'Y wOlllll m alte to h is collcc· saw his plight and by mea.ns of rO)lC) Btho nft'alra pf l1(l r h us band's homo A full yeur hns IlU gsed 'slnce E llsha's e nt r all ('. tion . bolsted up to hIm a baF;. . . afte r tb e most caroful manoe r of the Inst \'Is lt to Shuo :l.fnyor ~1 <, Lell nn lost nCl tim e io a rm · Pa ri s Pa tt eI'll ~ o . 2364 . All Seams e m. for s el-vlce In nm o d aYR Inlcr Frlllllc w a \!' rOlls cl1 . With this t be unh llP py vlt:tlm ~CRt e aste in ha ils , wife ; g real tlJ to her othel' parts 11Ig Allow a n eXlli~d lllo n 10 !'I o n.ftcl' th c cut.- fro m h i,; s h l mb p r~ hy th d.- This pre tt y mod e l Is e xcep' s ome of the kingdom have ke pt e buv; le·cnll ot of tho In ~e cts o f!'. a.nd tbe n. w rllp. te womanl y virtues. and Ul kindly deeds him bus y. but l'. l'le \\'n!! asslli t II by :,\11'. .I -w It tll " boo t!> an.;! S:lIl dle." one dal" be t urns his tl o nally s uitable for s kJrts of linen, IJlng It around The I'eglmon t hIs b ,vhlch sh was onstnnt ly pe rformin g stells thithe ead , s lid down th e hJs cll lluci ty of call ero r' of Cll stoms . mount d qUi c kl), aud r. accomp aDle d by his se r- pique. duck, khaki, or In fact all wnsh. rope to WOllt at a ga lloT! the ground. w her o he fnlnted . In a vor)' for h I' ne lghbor8 and fri e nds; great. vant, Ge nh lo materia ls. Tho coote r-front clo·ij· For s hol' t ime Ihey ha d I'equi s l· III t he dire ·tio n o f the l'ecM hazl. halt ap hour he ' fI~ maID e d un QOIIt fl gtlt. .as to h.e r plel y; but, above a ll . great Uonc..'<1 a;ld lORd d t\\'o s tl'nn .()rs . lbe Xobod v k ne \\' wh a "Let us go lip. for this Shunam mllfl Ing enllhl s It to bo 'lronod without any t WII S th a trOllble . SCIOIl S, During which tim e Ills fri e nd!!' In th e bu rd en ot s o rrow wblch restecl woman I'e jolecth Ches apeak e of th c Ne w Yo rk lin e lIud 'b ut ' a r;llarout ly the In a Bon," ho OX- t rouble, and nn . Invort ed plait oron· ' by vigorou sly rubbing e ne my h ;ld ap' whi s k y Into bll1 the Forest upon be r heart- a lIorrow wblch she claimed . th e center-b aclt. Oity, of tho Boston line. Il ared In fOl'ce e nou gh to jus tify " Sh~, hl!oth !Ihewn groa.t ments For 28 skin, succeed ed In dl'1lwlng most the hid' troni hor husband and the worhl. klndnos s unto o r. waist with soldiers and volunt.e ers. had alllrm cit 111 1) e nti (e po~t tho skirt made o·C materia l tbe polson oiliers, nnd hath . allhou gh no ' '{ rom his stings. which n sorrow ' wblcb when It strikes deep rewarde d he r 10 aCcorda ltceGod wltb bls ~\·lth Dall. requires nino yards 20 amount lld a r med ' th eir (or ce, bad tak.e n on fl eld one had scen htm. to several bundred s.-Syd · into a won1an: s heart · Is greate r than word. Let us carry Gad's blessing . Inches gun8, and were out and a fter th e be· \vlde. 5Y. yards 3~ Inches wide, ney News; 'The \l exl day Frank we nt to loolc any sorrow whlch ' a womnn mli~ ,know liP to th e child." calmed c utler. . -4¥.! ynrds 42 Inches wide, or 3% yards up h t's t1·en5ure . . Tho brush-h eap was ~ the sorrow of a childles s bomo. And lilllshil rou nd It even In accord. 54 Inche s ' wide ; wltbout The Forest Cfty ORl'rled 28 llIe n ot' ·gone. :Ind In It s Illace nap ILneed s was a hole. as WlI!lng to .. Try Again. Wh en 8S ' a bride' she had come to ance with the word he had spoken. ,8¥.! yards 20 thE' Se vonteen th Uillted State~ Infan- large as II cell ul'. and .Inches wide. 4'1At yards 36 " Jedge," beside It s lQoU said , the 01<1 dnrky. "you try, tak., be r Illace ' In tho splendid home and the mother greeted him wIth Inches wide, Capt. N. Prime. wllh ono s lx- th e cololl e l of th e. regl'lle nt 4~ yards ,42 IDches.' wldo. been a married mau a long time?" nnd th o whIch ber husband bad · provide d tor words ot rejoiCin g. saying: pounde r fleld pleee. one 12'lIoun dor, captain of t he gUllrd. or . three Yllrds 64 In!!hes wJde; 1% "Yes." FraDk hea rd l~: f) . . ber It had been with the joytul thought "The Lord hath made me to reJoice. yard 2<\ Inches wide. nnd musk e ts tor 40 volunte e l's. There colone l ~ay: three·fo urths yard "All' you' experie nce il jest that cblldren would como to bless and for ho bllth taken away my reproac h 36 Incbes wld~. an' wer~ , about 200 men on boar d. th e rna· flve-elg hths yard 42 wlae?" "I neve r henrd of lIuch extraor dinary make bright tho home. To her, I1S and hut)1 given me a 80n." jorlty ulIllrme d. exce pt with su ch nrtille ry prllcllce . · Inches wId e. O~ on~-ila\r yard 54 "I bope so. Wby~" You 887 th e fil' e 1n wIth all women In that eastern land, "May' the Lord ever k eep thee Inches wide. extra for bias band. "Well, suh, I got a 'oman ~er sa1 weapon s as lhey had provide d tor 'the \\'oods WitS' jU9t ,tile Chlldlol 8 ' home 'Was ' a reproac h faithful .to tho sacred mission ot Width of lowe themsel ves. r edge about 4% · Y1ll'ds .. she'll marry me-ODO d.nt's wlllln' "The very 1..10(:0 ... · said th e cIIII!.a!D . . te r .and the crownIn g honor ot wltehoo d . motherh ood." rellpond ed the prophet . To procllre this IIllItern send. 10 centa to The Chesape ake carried 2'1 me n of "Thpre W2,S t\ I/:reat. rise airly aD' make a lIvln' fer de 01' bruah ·h..,all' he re, was moth~rhood. But..,al.\ through the fervidly . compan y G. 'Seventb Maine \(olunte Cl·s. .~:~:~er~~m~1I1!~.~ ..alf~~~:8 ~~al~~ :n~pe:e man-d at's why." sam!> fe Uow s ot It 00 11I't'. ! IInp- ' long years of wedded lite th~s joy Capt. He nry Warren ; two bra ss slx- po se. V1ll1e IIghUng' bts aure to g\"o IIlze and ' number at pattern. "But-y ou are a "ery old man. pipe." 'a nd' blessing had been denied her, and Evil Speakin g. pounder !! r equisiti oned for th e occa."Hut how cOll,lu.• t h Il e nemyi Were you eyer married ?': Jt seemed DS though her heart .mUllt lavet SO If 1011 must slleak' 111 of your neigh· sian f.rom th e slate arsenal ' nn'd ' 1i0 lho rnngc s o e xactly 1" said th e coloue l. "Oh, y.o8, eU'h," was the r e illy. "In No. 2354. ' tlreak wlth' the burde~ of Its grief. bor, do It who're only a mean man will armed cltlzeos , includin g ' se1leral 'old "'{lley mus t. have us!)d 'the & fUU Tennes see an' Alabam a; 'bllt 'botb er gun Her bus band, conscio us of the ' hoar It- that Is. wbon n9bod1. II BIZE .••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •• 'um tried to rulo mo. lin' so 1 l eI' . Illillors. Sbo also bad aboard a fl ght· ~acll tim . and Jllnmlle d tbel r Kbclll yearnin g of hvr heart..,.. f.o r bravely al a touud but yo.u fself. . ,. log parson. as a newspa pe r ' 'urn Item to' I got experlonl~ed good; but ot In exactly Ihe ' same s pot." NAM.E ••.• •••••••••• • , ••••••• ~ ••••••• ~ •• ~ •••• . 8he tried abe could not hide It alto. I'll say dIs I!luch, 1 bez never ylt the time stilled that "Rev. . Mr. Wal"That Is u' t 1:08slbl e," said th l) capal1ort·S lghted Policy. gel~er from hlB tond. . loving eyelADDRE SS ...... ... _..... : .......... ......... · ·trled do manled dron ot the Park street chllrch reno taln . "Somo. or the exillos\c stato In Georg y'''ms· w 'rf! sought tenderl y to be not ohly hUII- . Locking the heart against tho drafts w ___====== der-ed valuabl e '"'tvlce helping to, mlloh 10llde 1' Ulun =---~ · Atlanta Oonstlt utlon . ot he rs. 1W . there band but BOn' to her, Ilnd trier! to 1m Qf Bymllat h); Is the Bwlftes t way of make cartridg es." must bave b E'll gUDI of diffe r lit callGatheri ng Galax Leavea: her life with 'actlvltl el IUId plealiur ea Im'1I0vel'lshlo8 the whole lite. Fortuna te'ly tor the pursuor s, the ber." Her.o of Tay Bridge DI.~ster. <1alax leaves' are p.l lcked In bunche s whleh would take her ml~d trom her confede rates could not ~nd tbe sbot ''It's a mys~ ry." said. tbe colon.e l. "I 00 GoOd. Mr. James Rob~rts, tile hero of the of 25 each and sold tC' florists In grillt. And she being too true a wom· When In Rome do al Rome does cltles. They seli In Moum' Airy, Md., Tay brIdge disaster . has retired, aftor locker on the 'Cushlng , and atter Iwo Cll.n ·t unde rstand It at all." an to be .wallow ed up ot her Borrow, or ' three shots had beel1 ftred at tho "t can." sttld Frank to I)I/Ilself_ found rellef.ln . the perform ance of !lot want you to !lo. . Do as Rome for 25 cent1l ' for 3.000 lOll-ves. WomeD bavlng c.o ncl)Jded 50 , 'eats' rallwal steame rs ber proJ\!'lt llel gave out. The "That bl·lIl1h·heIlTl took ftre. nn'd children often make" one dollar servloe. It' was be wlilo salved the · th e sheila . Itlni1l1 deeda whlcb endoarll d her to ought to do. or 118 right requlre l. '. .and 11.60 a day gatherlD g thePl I" mystery or the lost traUn by cra.wUn l ahot locker contain ed 90 1'oulld sbot tiecnmt! red hot, arlrt ooe hy one tbey uel"hbo l'll and friends and made her for the 32-poun der, enough to have ra- burst just wb 1'9 tbey lay. And Pray Withou t Cea~lnSl' at the peril of his lI(e alol\K the Itrldge ' the mounta ins oC Mal·ylan d. tbat Dame great. lJt Sllunem . Pra]~er contlnu c8 In the desire of until he came to the C11P. Returnl nll duced the steamer s to klndllDg s. and Is the e od of the finest coli cpon of Now It cbanced (JIlle day 81 Ihe we"'t the heart. tD all probabi lity had though the mJnd be busied tbey been found war relics I ever lIaw." by tbe slline meanl, DIffiCUlty Defined . !lent the tet. lb. . aliout ber Jentle m.l nlsterle l that an with outward conf4!deratell would I;tave put up e. tblnp. The young re llc-1Junter doclded th. Dllllcul ty Is OD1y a word IndlcaU nl rlble ne"l to and Glasgow . hard arrudo ! mere,. took ,h .,r to the otber l1ght. . It 11'88 not just Ih' time to conilde bla the degree of IItrengt h requillt e tOl' ac- For lome Je&P pait be been 10CCI'0 aide of toWll, wbere a widow .-omaa. How Ie 1t to You' Wben Read saw the pme was story to tbe colon&'. So ho ktllt ilia tbe Po" ..... hw' childre n dwelt In pavThe world III not all rood ,aTe to compll .bln. particu lar obj.,ta ; It sa ._ matt". 8uparha leadent he ordered the CuahlD ". cablD fill' more tlwl 10 yalU'l" UtI . tlIe .. the Ileceult,. Ia Uu:ourh tlte market the bUDd optlmll t, IIOr all W ..V. tD .ere noUce ~ lDAdie dlll!Ot . . CO. .,. tare 4IDL-Bamtael W. . . . Into a he&p tn the ~~;tii r:cji~ U. ~U..mID4tcL h1a "'I:.'__' _~'~' real21" rot ·~.l; .,..t cll.. ':01
Practical Fashions
--- _.
be,,, ,' "
r--- ---.. . .--- --- --,..
\\ II ~ ' "1\1", I I h ',,, ' 1""" l~lld III H I \\ 1 '11 ' 11 ' In I' \Ill"'" lll' d"II I t. l illi' b.\ I' V .. !I I." I llt! l" •• 1, -",11 I ~ } ' I' I' t' . - 1 H n t ll" :Inti II. \\ 1'1' 1111 ',' P II 1 ( '111 .. 1 1'!lll t' ,I'1I . tlll\\ ,
~-Z~ imm-er~-an--""';s rR['~l~.~t~n. !,~.~~~S Brown ! ~~'~~~~~~~• •~I 8111_.-..-_. 1~ II Fancy Tennessee Strawberries I
\\' hfl l'l ' , ~,llll' 111111 1 )l1I1'1I11 !! frlll! l tl /11' IH'" llt"h, I h ,<;,' "" ' I,I\',i,,
N(> w ' nh ba~l' , ' j l'W I' UI lltVO:I', ~cw BCl' nnHl a O n ium;,
11111 \ 1 1' HI' dll'(,I' ~'J h~' 11 11 , d~i. l lnj; f" d" I hul on l bl'II I,hlll' h ,\ \,' "II], i I''' I' 11 1;.:1)0 1' /11\ 11 1)I'ltl ' i',
R,l \\ nvs f:' \l I. Ii 1"' . 'I'll
r efill',> lip II 1'"1-,,1,,·,,, Ihlll "'" t,£'nlle r ol1,r bl"nl' l ft' l ,y m IIlh.,· III
rln' I I1 l\1i ll.,,, , f ('\l r ,t.' IJIII'I£'I\ ll1'Il 11 1 r ~. fe l
1111 drFo. Inlt' .IIHI \o\·ill !l. l"l l'<- nl ,, ; I tl , h,dg".lI'ut' ull lI , ''' I t hy lil t' '' hlll''''1 8 11 ,1 ,tb e " r,mllllll l l\" 1111,1 (' 11 " ·1 t lw rt' for b i t n J<l1l v II tlml II>' II l UI Ill\! Il'tlmt \'
, All J( l' c! , lice H a \I, Day und Nil-l ht, cra pnn, Blue Mo on Srrap Tohatc.:o- ;j p kgs . for] II Cents.
village pap ers f C' r pllhli IItioll. , ' \ A llEIn I:l ll lD fl:01,
I w s: ( :, L , & . mll in ' trook. $ ~,aOO i Middletown & i JlC i n n n t i br'l11ob $r, 000 i .·ecouct trll( k , $2,000 ,
d a Ie ouett '
,,(>.1 I
Il l'tl g
S t,I1I'l',
~ :ll'
-h ick~n
~H~O~w~t~o~R~~ea~C~h~C~h!!!!e~s~t!!!!e~r~ 'l ,'~~I ,I~~:':l ~~!:l'tl" ~ fi(li~h
'ON "S . "$ , $ KILB •
~ The ·Daylight
$ , $. $, $ $ $
'. G<;IOd romato~, Scans ~ ,. 25 ".
Fancy Tomatoea, extra large cans, l~c B,lue.Siar Peas, 3 CU)'lS 25c Blue S,t ar Corn, 3 Cans 25c Blue tar String B an8, , . 2 cans 15c
1'0 1'
A ll in ter es ted in the e horses
. Ohio Standal'dCorn at 5 Purity Pumpkin , E Vesper Sour Krau t , c , Ves pe r Spinach , 15c Fancy Y ork S tate, Cream Cheese, only . 15c.Jb
, '
Fancy Muir Peaches, 151b Rnlled Oats,3 packages , 25c cOrn Flakes,S packag es 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit , "
. , 12
$ it} $ $ ,. -r" $ " i* $., Wn I·te' Sto re - -I*{(,. ' * $" News. -r" ' Ia;wus anel plIrk!! o f A \'onc1al e, O pen ~tlo c:mrs IlTe used, 011 "th le llo e, All 1in e ~: trH.n sfe r to It tel' P Ill'k . ~
, $ ,
, ,
.• '
.. That good kind at . , $2,10 pel' 1,00 Ibs
.$ $
,Set' of 3,
Screen Wirt~ Cloth Scr.een Windows Step Ladder
only f{9c
$ , , .'PC~l~T $ $
«. ,to!.
~vaporated fruit,
be~ t
' ..
ClOsed Out 'n il o f
$ $
Ma .rowla t
R eel KIdn ey Bean , b ut hav ~ a cle an lo t of llalld pi ~ :1 a Yy B ean s at Sc a II.>,
~ •
I '~gg' IlHu'k e t Ii rill. g' I'ade!:l wa ll te d, \\'
'Percales, etc. ,
Those ti'ne Ro.ckin~ Chairs are in. Brmg In your tickets,
Id'ie Money".r ~.:~;t. * #
1)0 you kn w th C I TIZ I~ 'ent p )' annUnl IlI1 ,tinw c1 p .i t .?
'~ II \ NK
a nd
{~ ~,L?
nil you
, ~~~I}o
Money i!l
community :
~Ir ~~
...,.~~-~~~~-.~~~~ " ,
~ Si;l. u boru'
' ("~-
Vulcanite Portland Cement Alll'lllIl'ellds use tbl fl brand, Will have II cllrl onci of hIgh 'l'obnc(lo ttnd orn hert!
8. 'PI S. Paint ~.......................
thiS week, ' We whlh eSI)ecially to <lull the nttenti.o n to tl.1\ ' ,who are thinking of , buying Fert,i1lzilrB to ' 't,be hOUlUS filler, Humus Is'deolLyed vegtllabla Ollltte r whi Ii Is f1, necells ity iT! n,1I soils 'anil without whioh DO 01'0\.1 CRO b l) groWll, Come in nnd see us , 'VIII RI ~v e yon mOIlOy .
A '~,PAI,NT(R'.sPAI'NT.·" ·
no w
Tell You Why
r wanted to
The Prophet Says: .. Fine weather and n good for Saturday.''' So we wlll he ready WI t h }' ;csh \'egct- '
~ bus iness
tables, Nice Fruits, Fancy Cream ~ Cheese, Cakes, Crackers, etc ,
t&~""'~ J. W. WAite.
. P.S, Pain't ill U Pill' " leao, zinc aml lin eed oi l paint, It is lYIflll e \1)1\111 fl formul a w lli c h hu, s t (lori' I \If' 'test of year s. 1t i$ ' ~l'ol.\nd exceed ing ly fi ne-- much liner than "hand-mi xed pa int or
1'I1iilul'Y II'epared pain t!; . R. P. S, Paint is a " Painter's P aint, '"
Corwin, Ohio.
:111d i<i !;Indor sed by all practical W0 1'1<11Ien w ho' have tho)'oughly ' inYestio'ated \vhat' it is made 'of, how it< is m alle, ancl wha t it w ill ~"
h Ol ce Hl c nll ' nt . 0 ' a
know '" h e "s aid, "A Davto,lI gl:O er\'Dlllll C<l1l1,e to my home , an(l q uote d . the, sam e article and your "rice j ' 10 w er ,~ than l1is," Sn call uSllp"nl ,any ~ time and get wise,
' We ,Pay',l,5c fO: Eggs ~
A ltd yo u 'wi Ii Mee U H l Ilne(lt p ieoe of mac h I!l ery Vf' r put tOI( Clth('j r, e the Brnd!e y U ttng Plows Irnd Cul t i vutors-tb py ' [Lre t he e t! ieNt guid"Ll pl o w!! mncl E', /luel tho o nly ~ o ccell f f ul 2· row ('ulti . \rntnr lllnnnfilctured. If you lire looking for II MUlIul'e l:!preuder" we hllve t ht· Ifl t t. :&Ot11 <:I; n. tur: th e lighte, t runn ing '-;pr"oder. on t ll IJ Ulllfltflf. , We bnndl e t,b e W ,II klJowll Z D1ill l!l'IUUII Bugglo!!; y oun!:!; mOll ~ No g il'l will ,r ef m'B t o go l' illing wit·h YOll if you lmve It ZilllUl rml1,n; juSt. r eceived n ollrlollcl of ~le well.lmnwn brund of
a ' m li ll bl ue IJa Lf Ll lad y fro Ul 'G r een e C0l1 11t,Y lOo k frol11 ht' r ba ' k c t a ' s he s a lll, "Tb j: j , t b~ kind 0) "o/Tee w o w a nt, " aile! I t' ~ WII ' t lie w ra pper from C huse und
, ..#$WalterJ. 'Kllbon I "
onll W OOl',tl t lil a !ol\vin Elov l1tur : " '" (lI1rJ',V u f nlllin lJ of fllnll ILI1vleUlenti' , Im olt n, Uu:!- w ell -
he '\p~ Hog"
'1'"I1(lel's ,
:,?_ :eI} , .,(~
~~~~. -~~"~'~'-,~~~-~'~~-
bi oI' 1111 k! IllIH of- -
kn o wn O!lbOl'o,e Wh ent lIud ('ur ll H i J\lI e l' ~, H I) Y Hllk S , !'ung ue ltl;;t< 1)1.. 0 lfnrrowI', U Il II H inlt r 1'\\'iu . ji' llrm Or l', c m e ill .m ll l e th o Jut· o ~r I llII)1: \'011
:.+ ~.. #
yo u l<now th B ok of ' tho CITIZEN.'S uAN Tn" , a l'e SIl bJec ' t t '1115 P Ct IOn ' t w lce ' eac11 year by a tat exari1 in l'~ , Jf you do nut, inv estigate, and after cun vi ncing y~Ul'8J If of t hese facts, place your f untls WIth ,0
CU ,
Grain, Hny, GattI,
Dn you knuw du r ing- th e finanriul pan ic last wi nter', you had to wai l CiO and fill days I( g t. YOU1' MONEY out of the ,ity Ba l1 k~ that paid you 4 ]Jer c nt ? ' On you kn o w th OlTIZEN" (jAN ] will pay " ou th ntil' amount of YOUI' depos it, any tim you n,~ed it, 01' want it·! ' ty
- - Pay
PO'Y8 :1 1 pr
f\.'lVil1g';o; :\CCI) l1ntH
kn ow that th sa!
Bit He r
ha ve a lar ge 'o ntrac ! to fill ellch w ee k and ca n d l spoJ ol' otlr p ro., clu te aL .th ' v ;ry !tI g h e, t..pri tes .
MEN'S WORK SHOES ~ Ill, Special Cllt price this week ~ "I'll
Dressmakers Attention ' , Wese~l O. N. T, thread, 5c • Nice line ,of laces. just in . ~ Also Cahcoes, Gmghamf>.
Latest Market Report,
~ booklet, tells how to paint. ' ~ Nothing But
Cl\l' ..
Floor Paint, Interior Gloss ' Paint. House Paint, , , Varnish Stains, all colon., Try o~r Chin,a Lac for ful'• niture or floors : Ask f o r ' ~ SHOES Sp cial prices on Llldies' Oxfords this week, 'rans, Viei ;s,' Patent olt, etc. It will pay you to see u ' before buying,
th e Cc l ebr a t c1 " A tlu " BrlllJ(1 of Po rtland Ceo m nt. p oial pri ces g iv en in large or ma ll q uantities fro m th e cat
Iii 1 '
Coming )'his Week a
P ea ' he ., gT'Hlc, ullcl a
CuIi f,o rui a
, '1\1r
brllud ' n ew l o t. ,
Ilnprove Nature wl'th
~ '"
* ~ "* $ 11Iar~~~:11~/~~W it The Citizen's Bank, W aynesv 1,1Ie, O. ~t , ~c:,* $ it}, ...... * day ,
' t : B P S arrlage Pa\11 , per qt, 65e. Barn Paint .
Ye t bo.t'so ur B au ana Tl a'y. ~Our ' f dend jo hull i c G r e ll will ..~ unload a fin e lo t or f rHl t o n t ha t it}
SAD IRONS Mrs. Potts/Irons ,
Next. ,Saturday!
Pratt's Stock Food . Pratt's Lice· Killer
,Havc' YO(t., A ' ny
g ual'ante 0, by the d i recl .'up ryilliLlIl of ~,IN of lh e mQ!;t flubstnn rial Men of Ihi !;
" Good E~ting Potat~eSr 75c F~cJ, :Ea~ingP'otatoell , r)c ~ Cho k ', CHICKEN FEED ' /fhi ' ito;
BAR'NHART' lornl\'u tIle SHOE
~ale by l ~~~; to c;;di~~l~. ~~'~,~ ~~~~~~~"~
t be b urt of t.he busi lJeSS _lI nd IUtlDll , {I~ fao turing dist,rl ts ot the ait,y II,D li ~!, io ter estin:,t au tbut a rouu t, Th ~: , Avondllie W iuton Place lin i lIlor Pi ctu re qn I pnssiqg Ill! it doeB throu gh Avon d ld , Ciu cin nu ti 's ' .(,>.. pratt.1 ,t r e~l1deotiu l distr ict, 'i' bi ~: lioe.stu rt Ilt Fo nrth nlld M[Lin I'UUS -'(; to Fi f t h, to Brond why Il tlel , 00 out throug h t.he ue!~utlful b om e lUI d ..~.
' I N.
~ ~,ito~e~~ftt~ )I,l l! O '61~~lrnkutll~~~[J t~~~i:!~~:b~"jc:: b a ·tor PlI l' k, Illlss ill g t lll'o\lg
fill • partin).\' with inl'ul'cil lI1al" ~ flll'era·k d '\11'11 For salt', ()x('h an,1.l'l· ' I fl·it." th e ins u rance, 11 cat·c· willlk' or w e era Ii yOlll' \.IWp t'orn, \\', :lIs11 luk('1l to ' lvoid accidents , bllL W(! CIll1 have a ).\'o,Hl sup ply .. r fiTll' ehkl'.l:'n IIlIl lw I'e.- pon 'ibl [01' any thHll':1ay wh -at, WAY .'1I::·~' l1,J.r; J\IIU,K, "Jl!CUI'. Li. - Will be at hnm e very day 1iI - ...._ - - -. ':! \ in th w'ek,
t. ]i n :tl! Tt li t
l,llSI I'£) 'lUi It mod o t;o wlllk o n
liue: '£bo 'lurk at r
I' -"!I ~'~,l ,!;~:;:,.(~:.",~,l;~ r:~~Il~y: ! I
~"" " " '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
i ' NATIIRE forlll£ dth e FEET ~
s lu lng8: $6 0 i ~'? I \ing ,~ ck" $700 ; t oo ls IInll OI l1cllm r y, f; , 30; Monl ' llveml o( our read('l's 111l\'o Ullkecl , 00 u t he hellt wily of liett~ng t o,()hps, rJ.c*,*,*,*,,*,*,,*,,*,~ic* '*'*'***'*'~~ '.:-tc'***'*''*''*'* gomery brRllch ' t ,O . tel' p llrk u ftll l' J'~II 'him\, Ui lloinuati. i~. 'r llers Ill'e tW() linea; t he 'lurk t rl'e" c ~ Ii ue !lnll th e Avoo d lllo. Wlnt' n PhI e "'t'i~ ..... ~.. ~ .. ~ v~ ..... ~ ..... · , ,0;'
COUNTY AUDITORS. nultors 'of the oo nn tie!' ,t hl'l)u\:h , w b ieh the Ci fioi n nlit.i , I.. btlul1n ,& .:\1)Tt b e rn rliil WB Y r\ln ~, lOl' t w ith A uditor ' . 0 , Riollnl't1!lQlI H.t in . C1l uuati Mo nd llY lI u,l fixed til 1111n il!! ! n.ppral eullm t per mi le lUI fol-
tl.l l",. , lillY:>: " 1 t, II I,IV wh en hltl'Y louy II lI11x ,;1
ORAN . E. FOR SATUlWAY 20 Ce nts II do r..
rt l\ wu it l"
11'11 rt,
ill W,
Dr, 1{jIlR ',; X<, w Lir" Ptll" ll wv l-Wt i Da rk g' 1':l V stallion fu;\I'd in 18!)-I : I! II ~ w u rt ~ u! thnl, 111IH'h I!o\r! 11) 1HI' d lil" Glol' rdah' Sto'I, Fal'lll. WI'I1! h t ,, \r IIn~ \(\ I t'(l wl t,ll C,'IllI, fi Jl.d lllll. ,: il' d hI; tlw itnlJll r Ll!d h or :;(' Bambou li lt' III rill 61' hlll.lo \1~II" S" ,· ,I" ljl \ 1111 :\ 1I:;, . I hint [.' lwl{, l1 140:311 hI' Ft'IIcl l ll' 'UlI1'f\llt e nr .l!rt 'd t' , ;-;('ltWIlI'I ~'>! 1'11'11 tntl,, ;,. W~' i trht 1 ,500 . .
1000 Dozen Egg~ , P ay ing ' 15c Dozen
Wan e
(~ ,,'I
l'"~ lolI\ul'''
db I'I t b'er, 111111 t o f'I1Clt ' uf t ll fl ,'1It!
, H, ti ll I'
t d
I') 1'~(
Fu hcy ;'1/11 \,'" Orn nges, L(:moll s, ' AlIPll'o
m eru odJl I b l:l ]Jr elld ') /1 II ItlOlO od.d pll g of t h I" J't' 'ol'll!' of u I' h lll~e nn d.1 COpy t ll\! l' o t lip ,l rtU 1Pm i tt (I t il tilt' fll 1l11li of o ur df'-
the ill: aSon of 1!)Ul'o at tIl\'
I l(lfLvtJt'. c)h ·,),Oll ll)e l l ppll'SPI'III~: ],0 \," rnad,' I{r"wlI H,ill \I' li~hK I ,~ ()n
'li-\ \, .
v()l\'in "
I11Ll\; f'
farm of ,Jllhn Slro o}), 3 I- I mil, ', W('~ t ilf WaYlwsv ille , l-:l mill' ,so~ll h
,C ros s' B' r 0 S .,
B allil!1 3 )\,
t lt l"
i ( 'hurlf's
Cuk s
PIllUIlI,;, 1 i('l' iJ '; Ill 'I ful ' 01\11 ' ,1"11 11 1"', Sl l'ill t! ill his fac ,gl'vd li mhfl , lWf.vy ~~ man ' and tail, pl ' m y of action and a ' ~ ~'lt(jd "' \!I'ke l', ,'il' d by a 'anadian , ~ IWl'se, (h ' uam a bel lI:' [.\JI1dr,l· and ______- - i llwg'I'I'al,]aJl1 \\,<1: a 'admu:i , H i,.; \ ' 11111 " :~1I 111 :I~ 1;( ,111. r"lt: ll1'f ' large nnd hu,, ' ~rO(l(\ a('lion , ~
, I
Fa n cy Ripr P in e . p plei'< , '
h ) Ih ir llI e IlH) I'~' . u UI' l'llH I't (' i, Ill' drll lllld i ll " II \UI'niII /,; th ll't ." dn,y " und
tll nnllttee
Radi sht'"
L e IIUl't',
11 11, ,,10 r IlIlI hflll il n" \"' ''II ' ; III II'
N ' W Ripe 'j'lllllnlncl', N t'w G rccill Beans; New C;r('('n Pcns ,
1I11:'il' l' nt.I]lIIOH n~ I
Ii II!;! IlHII
C<:ll'n Plh nt 01', . TOh:l(,(,o Tl'an;o;plantcl'S, .'lee1 an<'l.
P:ll nte l' lind 11. p, ~. l'oin t eCQnvmi cal iJeea'll!,; 11) to Covel' ,25 pei· cent. more sUl'facc' p I' g a llllll in 10 pel' ce nl ll~:;s t j'me, a nd secuI:e R mpre beall Liful " clu l'abl job than with han(l-mi xecl OL' olh l' pre-
llUl'e matE!rials and fiAe g rinding enabl ,;, ih
pUl:ed paint.'.
IJ. P.
R. l'ain ti: is 'a
"l'ainter ;~ Paint," because it menns 'sntis fi~(. ('lIstome rs, and increased 'husiness.
0,ISh CI' osmg SaIeWl;';~'; ~~~\~:.'. t:;vx O~!,,~~~:,:,~: . "
Ask for U. p, S, Scaled Evidences-Cp8int costs. color card. and plates of colored houses)-FREE
A CIIIHlj rnilln's Luck ,
Arnlcl~ ::ialv e i,"
Being obliged to vaca te my p )'esen t quartet:s, I'will offel'
my enti)'e ,stock of
Dish 'e s At a great sacrifice. Every Dish in the house will be sold, regardless of cost.
Walter J. Kilbon" , Prop, Daylight store, ,Distribufor'for Waynesville and Vieinity -
'l'o nll womll'n in the olty of Way_ nesville Renll t.en , oentll t.() your gro .'" cer und get tllree ,l arge hnrs of KinK nf the Soap, ' After uRing one lIar of, It it you ,}o not It Ie., tt, ' telephone
The Oazette does ' Job Work at Reasonable
writes 'Ollo,r\es F '
Bndllhn of 'i'rIlOY Colifornlll: ' ITw~ 21i ,. bOXBij ourdc1 me of on 'a nnoying , OUlliJ of !'f,ohjn~ plies" whioh 'hlltl troubled me for yellrB llnd .. that y !bldort to n9 ' oth e r tl'e'litment' , I:!olrl un.lor g norllntee ,"t,: Fred Beh WU l'tr. '1\ ' •
we will retol'n
your money, 'l'be Hewitt Bros, 180ll p Co, DIlYt.on....Oblo. Bell Phone 1619. f [IlIA
' .....~allDa
. ....
.... .
MAY 27,. 1110 .
the mlmn"r in wbioh U w.a made. lilted by tbo state for yeur8 and of ) A bunch of keys were (OUTld last By m.aJls of Ill,n l!tr."onll she ma?e l tllte famouB general8 tbat hllV6 blld we~k. can be had by ' calling at this tile .object olear lind enabled eYtlry bl\d command In thllt Infllntr)- . office. one tounderet.aud more folly ~ow After Ill!electioll' from the orohel!M.ra, L lie Mc , une. of Van Wert. pottery Itl made. ~ra Il tllblellou Wll8 given illustrating was the j.!'u ~.s1Jl1If relative. here last DAY OBSERV ANCES IN Clas8 Prophecy . the la8t 8nbjeot-that of 11 soldier'8 w ek. OF THE WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL A GREAT Mr . •D.. d ' t life,-sl::!owing 11 oUDlp-fire and a I loe 'ream Freezers ann Uhuros THIS WEEK. woymoD flavl. told 0 tbe ' . . "OIa18 Prophecy" al he !Ia" I~ in ~ard pa88ing on hIS beat , tbe Ep- Ilt prices th.l1t will olose them (.nt Ilt SUCCESS---THIRTEEN IN CLASS. . ' . worth Leu~oe Quartet 8ang '·'l'ept· Cro~B Br08. . 192G • "bat bad ~me ot bi, 011&81 - ing To. night. "waking a grand tina Ie . Program in Full to ~ Obaervedmate, and' their varlOlll ooonpali n8 to the lIIo8t subjeot. .Have your handkerchiefs spray'ed All Are Asked to TurD Ollt , WIth Lotus Blossom perfume fre~ at Each Pupil Given Only Six Minutes---All of the Orad- io thatlar.otr jear j 80l{le "8re ~Ie. Cannon Dedication. turad in I"ndl far di8~Dt, "bd 0'l1er8 Prof. Cbb8. B . Paley go. ve a talk Schwartz's . . uates E~says Were Interestinc---Many CI' k f S . ItUl in their blrth-nlaOe. . , ' bis relative to the new III w of employ - , M M II 'I" iDjI ext'l'll teaohers tu gl ve our I r. a on ar. 0 antlago, . Illustrating Subjectspropbeay prove to be Il8 happy as B bools /I. hi b Cal., is here visiting his Sister, Mrs. · 'After next ~turd.y another Mt'his pen piotures. 0h I K gra e 1108 a high ! o. S. Ricks. morlal Day will have paBBed In ht.I so 00, after which be pre8ented the , . tory anu tbe 0 Ie of tbll YioinUJ I graduateB with their diplomA8. ~e FoU!th U_ S. Inf.ntry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamell and . '11 pe P b ers bow "lrrlp"OI1 " wu heine em.i 'family of Dayum visited friends WI have done honor to t Ole wbo p\)yedlnalJrea'm.nyottb8W_~ Thelaat epeaker, Mr. Alfred D. AsRev.Pblllp'l'routgavetbefinal h I't k' fougbtfor the malntenanoeoftbl. C,LASS ROLL Ba~lJe, gave a kit Otl 'be .nbJeot benediotion tbe lIoudience filed oot. e,re as ~vee ' . glorioua Unioo . 'rbou_nd. ~f ern eta-wI' 8 er ~bllrt work w•• of "Tbe Foorth U , tS. Inf.ncry," more t.ban plea8ed with the thirt.y. The MIsses NaomI and Orpha gravee wIlH.le.deoorat.ed with 80 m . , . pat rec~ lin d tb e urawlQga sboWed " H k tt t taO d oAf( ' AI ' -, aniil*ic' peroeption seldom OUI' OWD beloved Infantry oODlPl!ny fifth antlual commenoemeot of tbe oc e en ~r me mISS Ice 1I0d tears will fall aD 'be deoora. Eil~n E. Sherwood, in' bigb IIdbool work. . eqoallecl in Obio, How" bas been P:'J'lMItu- W,llynesV1Jle Hi~ sobool , Frame thi' week. tionsin memory of tboae who ban Suaan H. Wright. " 'May' E: Strawn. I Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Gliddon and lfone before. Drainage I mother spen t Sunday with Mr. and La"t l:)Qnday .dterDoOD Wall . ' e . Amy A. Bay. Seth ~. Furnas, Immedlatft}Y 10Uowlni tbit, was Mrs. Charles Gray. beginDing of these observaD08e, e &no~her Reollima&loD ~moe e . ., Mr!l, M8rgaret Jone8, of Cbillago, Memoril'lllermon belne prMO a' Mary L, Gray, on ·'Dr.lnage;" by JltUAID, A. Ba,. - -- - - - I ill tbe goest of Mr . !Iond Mr8 . Frank the Chrl8tian ohurob bJ &he ·Be•. 'Raymond J: Williamson, 'l'hilspeaker told of the Kreat &dnn _ Jonet' , on Rural No: 5. . Geo. ,HaJJ, wbo preacbed a aermon John W. Strawn, Flora Berryhill, tag. iD dratnac', aDd be, paID" "ere Meeting a Oreat Suceess---Bril.liant Meeting of the !:iwe8t potato pillontl! at Omar Lew· foil of good thooghttt of ~h. deeda Bertha E. Smitb, wellee'abllahed and bro1l8bt - ' . Oraduates-.Speeehes Exceptionally Good. i8'. two dooTs east of tht! Chri8tian of oo,r heroes. andallo Uhl'ilt.laD , ~ybil N. Hawke. fOJlth 10 ol.dy ,hat &DY ODe oould oburoh . 15,. per hundred : . tboo,hts for·'boae who Itm I~rvi... Raymond Davis. nnden&and .od . aPSmlOia" ,hem. . H St of R' l chmond Ind , . , 'i'be churoh was filled . ,to overftowiD" R , . ' orace arr, - Alfred D. Hawke. ' • ,. P...i~'1D ••• Optlaum a ..rdly had tbe 80und. of ,tblree uourse 80pper 'the tOIlSts were waa at ~~e.Frieh~ds Hohmeone day last ::: ~~'::~t;:::n~~ the G. A. . ~...... h "", ' h ' d week vISIting IS mot er. ' . , ~ Thtl ~eba$e was a hard propoilUoo ~mm"neemen' .......n 8&.~,,, en ~n e. . . '!'he Sona of Ve$erans wUl bn Ano.her year baa. rolled Ilronnd foJ' tbe UsteDer to d8ctde .. -'0 tha the ~~~mni beld ita anD~1 . . .ion At tbe time of roll 01l\J 61 Tifl'llny, the w~toh. maker . stIll ohar,. of the p~ogram tbll Y8&r alld 'jIVUb it hRe oome tlJ. day of polJJtII , broo,ht out by both lid. . .Dd I' " . . .u 'h. biDDer HI· \..n,l wered to their names malting cornell to Coleman a store on Wed- and they have worked h.rd tomab' IOIIQel, tb. "paniDjf of ~he "ayi." ware. Ie Itrong . , . .t it .,.. almo,t sla~of it. exilte n96. Llk~ all of t~e l i& ODe of the bee, Ilttende~ Alamni nesdays for watch. work:. · It a,ood on8. '!'he procram 11 &I wl,b aDd CMch.r., tb. impa.ib1e to mate a decision by p,h__rtDg.oUblti auoola&loD. ",,"I in the hlltory of tb. aa8ooiation. Mr. Emerson Earnhart and 8il- folloWI, oomlDlI8C8IUen, aDd IlnaIly the ta.t tbe aUdienoe. a b~ll&Dt aftair. embnolD. all the ·.l'be toasts were of th" bighest t:er Eleanor, were guests of ·Mr. ..... 'If n:h W. '1 . ' . He IDe 0 . . • .ora aOf of she IOhool. y ....-01e "~ber. P••'.... r.tune,h at KO &0 ma k...Gb e " a olull and the lilteners enjoyed Raymond DaVIS, on Sunday. h T WIIIIai B I'. iDgo(~olcland tbe Jlew-theal. . IQ00e88. ' 8v,e ry mlnote of the time. Mr. J . M. Eug1iah, of ManUa att e 0 p o....t • • '. ~61'1t IpMUf 00. tbfl ~Ilr~. . .rna'~lDbl, ball bad . . . ifnl.l ,After tbe program was fini8bed California, t8 the gueet Of. 'Mellart'. then pr~ to Corwla UeIlmDl ' , Na,.r tn ,the hl'&9", oUb. "&em•. tlv. .ide w.u: Ba'PloDd, ~i1~r.~IOIl, a.of&14~rati~.. ~d tb. qnat Ithey ~jon,.ned again to the. ~88em · Jo'S'e ph and John Ri8ey, of Corwin. nu~ . ~DtU the ..... race . ia Vi'" OD tbe hlll baa th.eHtCIHII tor wbQ " .. a ' Petll""llt. '. AltbouKb \l~ll "'••• dfMm, deoon~ . . .be ' ~I'r hall, where a 8bor. mQ8io.a.1 Mr Bnd' Mrs Stilwell aod family reaehed, wbere they will bal&, oommeo08meDt ' beeD ZPO'" aupl- ba "eld &0 bit snbJeo' 'hrpulb()u'l '08 cIa.. Ool~n.., 'he tabl_ pfeaent- pr~Rram 'was given under the 'di ot Lebanon w~re in attendanoe tl.t and drew 80.en . . . . . ;'a_ ",oai. . Th. wea'her ,was jllle. and 1& w.s 10 (~l'Olb~ , .t tlm81 ihat a tng ; ~Iy look and •••ry,thlnl rec'~on of Mra. Fred B .. Sberwood. tbe Alumni exerci8es l!'rldaY Dlgbt. in memo ' of the ... 'he r.Un\C of oontiSo'1D8at and 1'6111 p8I'IOD belieTlD, OD. &h. oppoel&e bei... to complete banDOD,.. l'be The program oon81sting of R eorry . ' 1004 fellow.Hip .moD'80hola~"D4 eonld aot. bqt well belt~e bu' "hat Tlaucla betDI of the hi,u.t q~llty oet 1010 by Mr Harold C'ook ae ~rB, Gm oe Co~~\Il, ot ~outb then proceed to tlle_.terr te&c'bera "iVe... do~in&Dt . on . .ery be .... rilb&. · and ~... to 'be Qcaee..•• '&I$e by oompanled by his 8iater ~r8 Fre4cbarle~towdn, (was IL ~/luwest at ~blle where an ad. . will be c1e. ' ' . iii' .. . . ,. AlnmDl an 0 severa. avne8Vl e O,.e 'ijf o. .youg mep, lIeure. White i • mal. qoar~ oompceed of I ' k '. . , Unreel " ~ 110.. Bow.' OIfaiDdQ ~. . . ' ~J"1'1 &be ' . aIS wee, . . . . . .UNMe 18J!m0D '~' ~hed Tbafln' D...."-ve " .. &&keD by _ = ''Mrs: Lou Ramsey, M~. Mary ............ . . . . . , . .... tn ,be M. Ill. obul'Oh by Prof, Albert' John S'rawn who .~iDt~ a pen .' Molray and Mr . Mnlford were Com. ' WayoeeriUe . . . a . . . Ep. E; ' ~Uh, of· the' Obio U~iv.nltt, pI~Ql'e· 'h&t"UI')ocUolook. npoD, Preaident·IIAdqre88 .. . ..... : .. ...... Edith Mosher,'04 menoementgueBt.8· ofMr . tt.nd Mrs worth Leque q~~ Deeo· wbo .poke to a ooD,npttoli tha' Be spoke of ROod $hiqel tba~ have ~. of Minutes an'd Rqll Call .... Donna Hawke., '04. Harr,V William80n. ration of the pa• • will COlaoom,I"IJ ..filled ..b. churcb, aDd beeD. aOOODldPIlslhif.ed. ID sot.nee, art Mrs. Clark Cadwallader, of Morplele the PI'O~ Welcome to,Class of '08 .. .. .. .... John Cummings; '96 who,.lap praaoh'eda .-l'I1lon full of aDd ever y. • y e. . 'row and Mr8. Miriam . eralg. of " . Responte ............. . ... . ... . .. . . John Stra\V1l. '08 Norwood , were gue8ts of Mr8. Ag. , I 'fberrdei~.~~ for QI~to '-,7.~~~ UlOUlb' and Cbtiltlao feellnti to h fd hi ' k n raga "" ..... ' ' '• • '0 .... -y thOM .,ho Dl. . 'l'be second .ftlrmall. . .peaker, In Memoriam ........ . . , .. . . . ' .' . . . . Louella Cornell, n~B W right last wee . . -Bo" D. lIaDi...toD........ it • !!Ibu""'a, oi,M. tbe night on on the pro&T&D1. Ill_ Flora BerryDr. and Mrs. Stahl, of Franklm. produ....otourowDto-.. AI.~~b bl h "h olt&II" poke 'h 1 feellDTo.Our Association- "Diatinct. as the billows, yet one uw .. -. --w o . • ... e r . "-. bill, pve an ......y fDn of ,004 thln,l h drove over to Waynesville Sunday -he baa no& beeri wUb QI,lae , lIALae·0 '-........ w•• n-be-d tn by II Dd b bro b aa t e sea" . .. .. • ...... . . . . . .. .. Ella B. Keys. '96 d h >n f M dM ... ~ ~ ....- , , ........ ' iD & tenry ......, '. .' . UI t an were t 'e gues .... o , r an rs.. tn 010118 touch with bit nath. to"n 'rr ...· '~ .. " ..~her, f ..Dd. al~bQ118.. ont ber .nbjec, iD a ""y 'hat all Looking Backward ..... .. ... : : .. ,.. . .. Davjs Furnas. '06 W. H . Allen 'u ntil Monday. and .verybody kIlow. hrm • . Bela ., ,be ~hool ha. 1 1 " .. crow. d ed, no one could Dot but 11011'88 wlib her. T the Old Time• . . S D . '80 Mr. Ma' t th"w McKin8ey, who has '.·D. elntinAD6 -_ .. ~,.,_po .nffer~d. 1Id iIlttnDltl, from the be"t. ' '. ,'. 0 , . .. .... .'. . . . . . . .. ue aVIs.' " ..,,... ~ ~"';"'~er, r-~ ....... - - ~.' TIl. deoonUoiuI hi tha · ball were Optlat.a ' .' "I drink it as the Fates ordain it, been in Texaa in the ' fan~an~le dif,. r~"D'" ffi>yerDOr ~rri••t ~lIQ .' .a-rh. · '1'be Co,lon, piDk ,and Th , e I800nd n . , &iv.lpeaker, MIIIII . f.ome, fill it and have d.on~ with -rhymes, trict • returned ho,ne last week, Matt fD.amioM. . Fill up the lonely &,1&88, and drain it, is loo~ing and feeling all right. . Tbe dedlOiaUOD of Ole o&DDOD tba' blue, ·...n tD nideDce everywhere, Bertha 1:. Smtth, like her predeoel· In memory of the dear: old times." • ed ho L __ ... _ - d ted b 'b "lid .. ,be ,101& dni... ·fro~ th. eel.· lOr, abowed tbe audlenee ~, this Mr. Israel Wright arriv me . . . . . - ona Y · lOy..... • )anted Calift OIGhel&ra. of SpriD,- bla world of oun la 'hi oDI1 pl&Oe from the Dayton hospital (Sunday, meDt, 'Will &Ike plaoe, aDd allaott paId fortb, She car""D arOee, io ...hloh to lIv(>, .provided b. ')1. . ., .. ' and although 8lightly improved. he ItOry of the oannon will DO' come pla7~ th.• ,r.adaa&e8 . .ted on th.larIer lif. aDd b.lpI bls f.Uow. Warren ildwaldt!, Bl&rold Bowell, ISberwood, tJ~nder80n, Cook and i8 far f.rom beinr . what his- friendl amIY. · '. . . , Abou~ ~ year alG ..... S. lAv . y ~r. &1".', ieUI.,ftrroUDded m.n in ht. h"rti I'ml,}e lor 8Jlllt BoDl\ld ' a .. wkfl; Harold Coo~ .nd C~ne; and .several be4ntlful oorue~ would hke to see hIm. . ~lI!Iu.orr.ria.n~~~ , fto"era, . enoe. .... Joe ThomP-:Ob . Tbe ol&terer wal !.()lot. b y Mr: Ol~ord Ridge, from Mr. Rlo~ard Riok. was remC?ved Ca~'wrilht Dotlced .n, ~rtt~l-iDa ~.~e'JI~yer!,~b8I,or~t~ .: Wire)... M , r. LodlaDl and,lon ot Lebanon. Cilncinn&t.i, ~hO,le.80108 are always to the good Sllmarlta~ . H08pital ' ID dall,.• ,'bo,.at thelOvera~ent ~.tbl ~~ia&8)Y ,~, tro~'"u ~h~ ~.. .' . ',' " . . Aa \he olook ' IItruok ei_h, 'Mi-, looked forward to with delighf:, Mrs. Cinoinnati Illst Tnesd~~ sfterQoon,. B?m6 oa~DODa . ~ gtve a"a,. "Mr. ., ' , "W,irel.. 'l'elep:aphy" ... ... ' the Fraak Carman and danghkr Itruekf!red ~herwoo.d acoompanied hUn .8nd t~e III te8t report 1~ that he Adelblcor~ MoKay lm~edlat", wrote • 0"0 ' " •., inbJeot .. give.:. billr, ·& lthE. Fur. up 'he' mallo aDd the fUD oom; ' After .thls . ahort program the 18 no'WOTBe tban whlle .here. . &0 the WarfDepah rtmeoi.~&Dffd t~OODspaoe · d081!,. DOt .per~. 16 ' Ri'" d aeqnenOEl 0 t e nn.-& e o. - 0 f nlu,. as •"'" meneM. Maur,. Hal'dd a~well an!1 'O()mpany: eOJ01ed ' tbemaelve8 in Mr . I).lld .w.rB. Harry. .. oge a~ theae DtlemlUl tbe .aooeede4 in ,Rcrun.f1QNQt Dri,ft1/n~ . Kive the .~bjeot ,the .~ it da R.,-el t:tarlette performed 8Ovel'llo) lIOOial . inte~00ur8e and .t~08 ended Mr. and Mra.,ClUlom Ridge. of receiv'io tWO'oa~DO: "IUa '-8' lla . "rival, but· 'her~ uver bu beena "oad.dol fa ..t. 'o f leg.rdemaiD another briUlant funotlon in the <Jinoinnatl , attended the Alamnt iii h g pllOed l · l~ " _AUtullJ .dODe in Ia'ie ' ie,ierll,. ~ubjeot t~t', was as elenrly handled after which. ~ll repaired to t~e clio• .history of tbe Alumni. , exeroiseR and were tbe gU88t8 of ~h~~=week. · D pol DI'. plak rot.- ~or Ole ' let~ .."Uh u ·'bl. ~Da wal., By mMDI of 'b~ lnl( ball. Upon .• Q&;erin,the·banqu.' . Visitor. were present. from Lob, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnbart. M ,be rigllt of tbe.' _ . . . ., . a 'bllle bord.r, ... ,,_iug. handiiome p~per ID!I"ument. toobtalD wir~ ~"I Dr. Mi~ler made a 8ub7ltght aKlon. Harvesborg, Vay~o.n, Lytle. . ail.rveYtlQur( peaple D9 w have.D. on a knoll a ebor' dl.~troln 'b. ~ke. ' j' " '. leu r.oIt. w~ , ~Dkodooed iD vie". ploture of ,tbe ~mbl,. After a · ~I~ri,n, Valley and other plllo88. opportunity to have their watoh.. 'e ntrance .. stand four ped..t&1Iabqll, . : ,AJ'.r'~ ~VoO,,&tQD ~y. tbe.. Rev . ~f~,the aadin08.nd 'lJe:atJ&oal work . Tepaired by: file~Qiqg tbem to ~. B. three' feet ·blgb. 'The ·O&DD.n a,,Phillp'Trona, ~d .uotber "lec,~iQu ,0f. ~ndiDR ' I;D. . . . . froID ODe e1l4· A. Coleman'B 8wve sto~e i~ Wayn~, Pl~lIted OD the midell. 0.... &D4 she . of .~l!l, Ol.I'\I&I.;ork:of 'ti~ .oom- of ~be ~oom ~p 'b~ other, .COD. , . . vl.lIe and Tlfl'~ny. the .watohm~ke~. sbellli~pl.ramid8oDOl.outll4e~*o .. .m8J1Q8lDen' ~a.n. . , '. '.: dn,~. and bo' !or ooe IiD_Ie ,m's . P.ERSONAL )JENTION. !, .J.: E., ~anney wils in Lebanon on An,invitati.on was .received at thIS 'I.'be,gun, weia h '2,800 'poaoda _011, :', LutbH. BUba k b.p $be .expe~meDt. ; .... blRa:!y .\ . ' l,e~l buameBB Monday. , , office Monday apnouncing- the com- all«\ are-four feet three iDo_lo... . . ' o. . '. MtiBfac;&orJ .. .tll to .1 e opera r .lIr. Wallace ~bball8 was in to.wn '.' ~r. Fr~nk P ..Forgy. of ~banon, ing marriage of Mr.'. Herbert' LaW· by"lghteen inoh_lD oirOumf~~Do.; hpe..8l' "aI. Mi.. }~neo ,,~the audlenoe. l~.,,~k, " . I~ a ~n~ldate for sher-iff. ren.ce Warwick t? Mi88, Hazel Roth anel ~h~ ~uzzl8 8ilb_ ino.. .. ~~~!~er.objeo$ bellll(,." lAl.,' . ~ ·Deer .Fatally. , Don" f~rge' · ~e l'8Dlov..l~le a' }lemember that onliprioetl lllsta ~am , of Columbus~ OhIO, ~ednes- . Tbiunak8ILoneof thelND~'" ' ther ,lU'buak':'.' ,. She' ."ot. qf biI . IUiI . S bll .Va ·· ... • • '"he Oroaa ~l'f)8: . " , two WI'6.S at Croes, Br08. day. June 10th. · '.' moriaJ.· t9 the memory of OUl' be· . d f hi ,,-' ..... li~.. _l1li Y ....w •• ga~e ,..... • . ""- " 8 .,-, f B JIb ~ " .. b ' . .' bir"', ,,, ~ __~ () . ! 8 " ",;.zana .e lub~eot of '~ • . F ....Ur,.. ..... arl'1 vvDnor. 0 e roo., .Mr,. and . Mrs. Cha~les Clements Mr. I: E. ~e:(s took. a walk Mon-. rO~I, and a las'iDg. tri a~• . k» ~Q118 "i+>~~ employed, i Of lit. ""'~lJl'. rDDQh ' t"oulb'; . aD,d mQlt.r~,*, he~ wu ID ~"D?huil,da~. ·.. ' \'Orere 'm' Dayton last Fnday. day, af~er ~emg h.o~ up for such .w lio wor~.ed 80 earD"~~ to 1801U'8. .of .tbipll.llP~hle, ,aD.d of ma~ID~ s~bjeC~ J~' d~."tDI. of t ...·. Mr. W.~ltel: .lIoClu~ W~B. tD ~b~ .s. .Lev Cartwri,ht . done. buSiness ,a long time, a~d hIS mn:aculoU8 ~w.r tb~m. ; . ..) . , . . ~Il'" .' ~b~".~.~i!!l . tQ .• ab .iba' would baw 4011', · oncllt &0 a .noo ODe ,~y Jut w~k. " , . ·at ~e OOUll~ seat t~i8 week . en of self-wJll baS . brought .bo.\lt... 'l;b~ peop~~ o~ .W.~V:tJle ~~ . jeo& 1DII~' lp a o1.,r. ooD,~~......n,· a-io,-r 01 _tloDru ~riJl"r....tiOD.J' TrY U;tua Bloaom ..Perfume' Fo~ 'a lasting ~rfuine1 t~y Lotusteis wonderful r-elult, w~en but a 1..~ ,!ompli~e..ted OD ~ &~bo~ .. DR••~" b.r . bAnn oould ,I~~t abtlit.. ... ..... b .:. _ .. I'.....~e.• ub..... i. 4_ ' F' ,,:,,,, ' at Scb :.I. ..... .:,~' 1Il'lOIIOUl I ' t ;t 't C!':'h a tz' . short time ago he was conSidered al· U i~ ,he 0~&1 city ilk 'be wWl • 10_' ''' , __ ~.. t", k . ., I' . ....... auu.,. HI ~ 'I . .e· or -..e ".n,~ 8. a;;. • ue I a .,... w r s . 'f tho i' f B 'r i' G ' .11_ 1M , - , , - a or. . ....DD.r tIaa, uia4. th. all4leD_ ' ,. ' . " . ' . most beyond recovery rom e use th. uoept UP 0 P Ill( &'QQ. ~- • . ZhlDk .be,bad l~..· 'be _OODIid. M.... Nol.. 8&• • of Barv'YlbDl'K Uyon want. barlai.DII in Huggtea of hill limbs. . .' . . ol~nali. wbo ban _~ ablt &0 ~" . . . • ." . . . on oar atree_taU Friday. and Bnrreya. 0411 on Orou Br08. • d M W " J Oak' OiIive th1lnloable aoqllial&loD fro~ . MlIIll~"'D Wri,ha *oid .aboa'·an .rabl. lilDe aDd Oloacbt. . F ok Bnnd of lAlla ' ,. . ' . Mr. an rs. .arren. In I ~" " . - .' ' . Mr • .n . on, . non •• .A new lin~ of the lateat PQst-cards and farrily. of lIannibal. Mo .• ar- ~e K~'9'erilment. . .' ..... dII~.a arid,,_ t~ ~ay. FruI SoU to 8.......1'4 ... bel'8oa bUtD_ Iu, week. Just received at Katherine Alexan-rived here SUl'\day mominjr on a vis. • - • ~. ",,'110" biD. a~~'f _Dd .,""-om a..O ._ ................. ;. _ ~8tella Btabop, ol ·XeDi.l'1 well d,er·.. l'~toMrs Amanda Wrightanddau..l. Dea~ of ~. ~PPI 04"", $tm'" of·· t • ID..... 0 qua.. II.. gy ... , --, "I . , . ' ~ , ... m ,,;,... ooa.14 budJ' be...... Kary.. L, Gny, ..... .,abJ-.o' &be pelt· ~ Il1aII S,bII .a."ke. ~~rbert Warwick waa-areeting bis ter Mi88 May. They left M~ndV Word )au ~ b.n. of .... '.!~;:'~DCb brl"" •••r 8a~.ted. tba,''''''_ oae..y ...... &0"'" ..... ~(:aa:= t ~ . .Bremo,nl friends h~re 'the fint of the afternoon for Washlnaton.D. C•• death of·.1In. ADDle ~PJI, a, • ~" . , . 8b"PoD of &be . . . . . 01 . , , '" "-~ ' . a ~ l'QI' . wberetbeirdaqhter.MiaaDontlw. hOlpt&ll1ID DaJ&gD. 8be .... JIIae lultptloa .bdbOWae~.'''''''DIIl I I . LeW Gl..... ~ K~-¥a~t'McKinieyandA1bert willgraduate.~Nationa1Park,Sem. ~e .~t oIllear _ _ or ..... or _w!Ms. aDd wbaa " .....s. i of of ~ to .......08 . , AlllllUli and lira, Ellen Side. visited iP&1'Y. Arter ~hieb they ,will make an died lMf 1DDda,. u4 bUi14 . . ."Ii aIaowed . . • a. ' ....0III . . .1rGCIII ~ .ftDiDs. JOI. SUDday. . extended tour of the Eut. '1'UI....,. ., ...... VaIIQ.
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Crownln :J Glory of an EVilnlng In the. L i fe of Rev, Mr. Brl~ugh, '
How It Can Be Uled to :,.horn Calvel.
S0111<' tbl ll l!; hall 10 be done, RI'Y, Mr, " l~xp e l'lm El llt R t'{'C nllr con 1\1(11'1(\ hod u'I' n \lU SI I' ot 1l ar l\ Il~' tll o N ('bl'ltRka ljlnlion 8110W lIomu h ur!( oh lll'!'h f OI' ~ j) ~' cal' s. 111111 1(' 1' Stlllll: r WlIllI S In regllrd ,to I he re· Ih" 111111 1\,l'r .. ~r y wtlS \0 be (I t'fl lll1 rl y t'-Il p~' t'lye guln~ lIIild by J;ol'lIt'(1 anti dp· c I,'hl'nled , Ha rd<'u,!iJul'g wa s a snlll il hor n od SIt1l' rH, Durlll !; n 1'(-('1(111 ur >I" \" 111(\('e, 'I' ll hUI'cll ,W8 11 s l1I<l.1I lind lh . . : 1:.:-:.::-.:-::.,:::.:-::.:-:.::-.=-=.,:::.:-::.:-:.::-.=-=.,:::.:-::.:-:.::-.=-=.-;;.:-:;.:-:.........;;.:-:.........:-::.:-:.:-.:::-::.-::.:-:.:-.=-=.-= Qrtll month. untl und er val')'lnJ: .-=.:-:.:-.,::,.=' . AN EFFEC TIVE COW YOKE: l't'op l e. w(', f' 1'"0 1', bllt art,l\, \Ilil ch ('Oil' \1' al her condit 10nK I hl' hOl'lll'd st prs Bil l n tton It WIl!! el pc il l '(\ 110 gil' .' Ihe IIIlldE' a 1I1IgliUy III1'gl' l' p I III but t h 'Ilf;>'d t ' II l'l c a ~ \II'Jlrl s t:\on;n ll oll porty, One v.:h lc h 'Will , Con~rol the Moat ~\'p ai e r \'alll(l or th e d 'hlll'lI l"d s el'8 II was a r eal dOIl Rl loll porl y . w!lh Fra ct ious Anima l. liS r· dcrs SI'I II lHad Ihe1l\ Ih most a hu rr I or n Oli I' , a ,m t'k of YIUIUI, a ~!do 1 Jq l ~ "- him (hr Ulllny ) a rs- t hl ;; f('(' lill!! fIf 111'1, 1;'. (I ' I'h ll lll<, t ha j1 I'O Ot s ble. 1'lI'l'thc l'll1or , f,'om I he U'me i A IL I' II, i l\ ~ 1111 lh o 1<Jll1's (If whkh of bocon, Il !lam 1\ 11 (\ all th.~ I1th " I' 111X ' I II" ~ ' t fnlr WOlllon , til l b Id IInll him til 1 ) I'Ol 'O ~ (' lll aTl 'l a ~ . Il f' line' \\' II I'I"'R 'h HlIl.ll"d to h Oill', I hit v f oulld I ho Lh ey !' I~t' r d the f 'll I t. !lUtll I lwy QI 1I 1Irdl' nalJlI r g life, Alld , n ~ a 11 ,1\1 tr l(t · !' witb h f''' !' I~ - ll nll W' wt't',,' I llal h i s r!'liol Wa w ould' hlll'Q Wet'!' sla.lIghl rod th e d" horned "'(lu ld w it h (\ 1'0\\,0 [11 1: r"ul ur , n elll'on Rn l;l' r ll, wh o ;~o \1 (I ' ud!!, us f r l t\d sh I P l;o : hilt ",1"" 1l hl' show r\ th III I IIllnuo to lUlve t he u(\nlOtu g,l hlH wlr", Til rtl hllrl JI 1i;! I l1ll'odlll' ed (11' '11·te HAh ts Ill i n hE' It' fI m e on day II ,'er HI r ni II rn, had va!;I "" nOl lons I)f rI rl'H 1I'01iid be leslI tiallb'CI' rruP'! Ip j \l l'Y (.\11" si ll t he vill a,:p , bad Ihe IlH I' SOIJU!1" 'V irl'd and \\'1 \lol\l s o 1lI11C'1l a il ~ a )' l n " " lIy I n sp an ,,1 II 1\1111 1;0111'.", a il I' i n~ Ille flll'dt,ng p Cl'lod IIJ' d t h 'S wuol,1 This woma n says that RInk as ':\ Alfl III III (' h ul'c h, nn !! Ilgr f' I III YOll r I avo: ' I 1'(,llw mb'r qui l l' w II \I' ru w I'd , II kp 1\ 'lll.·, n df tl firin g a bl gh"r prl co on U\(~ op U mal" women /fhould Jlot fall to try "'0 1\1 II n 111 1'11 on [h I' I fg h\~ ci n I h \ hI' da~' h \l dOI)llrt d. nnrl I was I' I(,URCl L he hat l ~f''' ll:t 111 l' r r al c ir ~ I ', l' \' CIIIII~ of k et , tlilon li p 11 1' larger IIlI.I I'k'eIH dl'" I ,ydla E. l'lnldm lu's Vegeta ble \ ' no"~h l O ,b ri d of h im \h n : hil t t;U \'e Il l' UO I'f)I " )' f or th is aC I'o ba !. an d t b(' ril 'I\llT llltl , hor no tl st e l' ~ 11'111 \)1'11I!! rr III 10 to ~() Compo und a s sbe did. , T il lIlilk .. II all c \lIp l ·Ie u f lllll now, wh II t he \\'('I'ld c' r"wd ·, nU I' O( h ~ 1'1 d b" l'a use 11(' hUll d > ~ I'I'tl 'll Mrs. A, Gregor y, of 2,1l~ G Lawrence enls 11101'(' pel' hundr elw r lg b t tt\un pa rs J1l witilo ll l kilO I\'I el ge th llt hard " 110 11 mo, I long. l u lUl ' • hll\l ha('\( h e'\\': \Hl l Dorot h y was onl y !; \\ uel, "t" Delive r, Col., WrJ tos to Mrs. hOrllel1 Ilt ep r~ o f I b ' Ham I Qualll'y, dll anti \Vir'hl W ~I S Iinit1h pd anll i ml tallC'fl a Ill:" 1111 , 'fo r b o WIlS IiglJ,L uf Iwar t , a lld U(ll :1.1\ 8ntl hul . I lt l'g e l ~' to th o f act thllt i<h\pPPr s .10 Pinkha m: hI' l< ni' w how to b r il\ ~ th l' hlllgl l l 'r t o "1 was prnctlca ll y an invalid for III. Hil L b e d id li nt IIIRr r ), l {nl ('. 'L'hel' , !l Il'IICh on I h I1llt I' 11'3 11 by whlP h nr c to bid npon Ill' lIurued oj'· vl' ry lIf;h l 111 \lIe h Oll ~l' ('011 111 h, yenr • on II C'~O llllt of f e m a le troubl '!I. II I ," 1;')' S, and III r ead y ' !'nI' S, 1"0. was a lOll /:, ,1 \'~' 11 l ' I'1'U<:(', aU 11 Oll t' rLJ l'lngs , 1 Ululerw cnt an operati on by the ,\I\d noW 1 CUll on ll' laugh ns L1 r~lI Un>, sbo Illi ~ h ('11 him <lO\\'ll it , !t ud h" t llm\\,11 011 II I 011 C" , Then , 111 t h" dll;;k nl'llI g con ville d or tl'lt' adv(tll\a gC'll Or !l hor all Im ll v(, lIl ng I hc' I lI e m lll'l'!; do tor 's I,Idvice, but in & few months [ III ' 0 In ugh, Ilud iny t'r ::l l'~ n r c' f wand I' II , bl' lIl~dl 1\1111 lI'el'(J I Ilj:, nS II III , t of rl" horn i ll g , IIl'il l'S tlw ti'll I' 111 e r , th c' wa.,> worse tlthn tho of Ihe b efore. A fl'icu d I lI' rrl t' nshurg , hur ch brOil "'!>!. 1~1 11 " l', fplI c,' at tlw hoUIIII\ ; and w b ' n b ~ 'n i t! ' 1'Il 1 ~ <'l' should Ih ~ pl'C) e:e fl tl 10 vised Lydia K Pinkhn m's VogelD.badl& 0 11 , he w a ~ a j oll.'· ral(( ', lh l ~ fi' l lo w t ried 'I " st'u l I lIr) h Ig h lR a l ltll'o hl lll, I hl'll' ~I f l s In til (\ nl l1l i ' l ' r 's lIoor, Iii< > th o asl slllnd Ulnst h:"111all m~lh' Compou ud and it T ' \,ored mc to perl ed ' 1'hl' J!a l' ~ IlI I1\~O WitS <l ar k. :'\ot e \' f'n - a "(,I'y rl t of Lo ,.. : A ll ;lI'c hn ;; she 11I1 ' h cI hi m bac k agnh l unci ug'l ln, 0(1 ur l)c l'fol'nl ln g till!; OI)I:'I'<l t: on , b oalLb. such U8 I b alfe n Qt ~e d i n a ('3IHU(! );Ii nl lli 1'1'(1 f\'Om th e W\ I1 (\,I I\' , f'l r 1\i s . e~! A lld ,\i"us !" Ir Whme Ihll l' lIl\' 'S III' 1'111101'11 on I he man y yelll's, Any wom an ~lJJl: urln g aa (.01' , 1u II.; h ll," al h Is l eal'S and mocki ng Pa rR OIl I1 ru\lg h and his wJfo li nd III 10elkH! born 10 1'0 1', fO r ~lll) lh ! lt l'ell hi m unt il h l ~ nd nlt l'tltioll W flo' : wil l, 1'lI l'llI th e Ir('st III tll od IH hy u ic 1l~.1 or I did wi th bnclm che, ooarin g ·dowll paius, periodl pll.lns,sh ould not 10 il h,' rol' h could toddl c iH' I' O ~S ' \ hI' fl oor 10we,1 "l' ll y his ra ge, 0 1111, ho J'('mem , ~n n d hali l l of s lu in g qllloLl y i ll till' rillmtl c potl\l:! h , \\'hll lhls f,r al t , ' ~ llt t o u se and Lydia E. Pinkhu. m's Vegetab le o n his chu bby Irss he Ii l'iI lie d llw be r ed lJ I'olhy a ~ he hod ~ f' r l\ h l'r IlIl'I L, cll\rk 0 11 ' Rllc:h \'elllnI;8; ,'es tl n ~ tholr Y oke Up Unrul y Cow. hns he II eJ' lalnl!d llIat\V ' t1l1\l-~ S It Compou nd," I'P'" and 1I lsCIIl<S ill g l he nffa lt·s of t h \1' I" s o( a lon' r, and h\\' l~ II\'d his t 01'1l (Ien ' l l'(\ IInil [all' , look i n g w l ~ tr ll lly wil l Ill'ohllbl y be'll ' l' i,r, '[0 ht! o ll e :>l1 o \\'n in Ul e u(:co ll1P8ny lllg IIIl1 s, t!I:J11C' ~ ,nlld I 'r " l~ )' 11'1(' 1,.-; on OD e 0111 upon him us h e I1 l ay ~ d In t h ' elll'l), ei llY, FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. S il l' of su c S8 IL "hould b (\'111 be· ('nlltioll sl y , 'JIll lIy, thfl l n by I'll I' till' 111n ~ (,nu lllo!h 10 b I bl~ luotll "r, s l\ u g);'l1l1 ~ l1loo n l\ ~ h t ht' for ', n el' win dow ; u.n ri [fcc li VQ, ' for the cnl f hRS l' Ilc hl'rl th e For t11irty year::! Lydia E .' Pink· Ilt:t' of 'a 1'1'1('0\ 0 1110 fOO L of I h " T il l'S Il COI'fCSII lln\lc ll t ham's or l' \'u lri e te n w eek s a nd pl'of ruhl y lit V egetab le Compo und, made hi. ('\11'1 ' head n fll l n ~ t her bl' n ~ t a nd he IOllg ed (0 go b ck to II I' , but ltr w ei' tll O 1I ~!' oi pn r!ij hinll rs wor e Fnrm 'r. 11I1I1'1I1 n&, hel' III'S anti It ('k ~ anfl ), 'S co ultl !lor, for Dorot hy W ll ~ II I Ie an el 't nL'S; q UI (,tl y III fOlll' 01' s lle w eek s, It III Ilril' lsa bil' to from loots and hel'bs, bas been th" ul'I'ang d 111 a r;p ntl·clt" Ie itl f l'on t or A poll', :1 ~~ r. . ('1 I n Ipl1 t h Is hllng IllY w ll h 1111:< Rort ho ds, r , Il g~ ln . h ll C01l ld 'e 1\0 l>nc, ' ll W il l' oa i'l)' aUll m il t hfl tlt· HII' down on lts sid .. , so l hat s ta nda rd ~l11edy f01' female ilIsJ \llwl lJr w l nrlu w s, mlel 11wn, In th o as ludlcnl d. w il li .two f l b llow nn d wuuhl \' a.c h III' Ilnd Ill'o wd IU s ' ('S ul on wl\ (\n sh lll c d, and [0 1' w ecl, s 11 r In Its ~ t r u gl-t l es no (lort Ion o f he pM· and bas po, itiYcly cureri thoUBl1ndsor darkn s ~ , TlI'!lcon H oger!! SwlrLly till' lS I n b!':! I\bol'e. 1 Illude a halt er of 'Women wLo hay b en tronblf d with h~ r rH c and n ck', a,~ h will g t Inl o i lli nrl 5h " who W~9 m cm h!'r (\ 1t l'I' as It hlld Sf' II h er lutll y S, \\,1 til a dId 1l0l1gb to 111 va Ollt £ 1'o\\:o su 'II Ilt th o ;,'1lid U IV, l Ie was t a\thrlll lc to d " l' 10 Lh Kwltch, on y wl l h a wi re rol' DIY co w, Ilu lr of Kla'at' s lip tbe hnll' awa " fl'OIll di:;plaCCUlents, inflamm ation, tu'(:era. tio~ fibro id tumors , i.n gnJal'ities, 1I11'1!l litlllS, urg tI hill) 0 11 : nll~ [ shall h!')' a l ll il l-t, long ti m f'. and clLl'I'led a Qu id, 1111'11 lhrew 011 every Iig h l ln t he lh(' r gloo of the h Ol'lI , ttCI' hll\'l ng PROFIT S OF DAIRYI NG , ri Ot blame h er , fOl' loye x c uses much, It eprilll, I n hi s (locket a t wb lch hp hOll se, \V\'a(l(l d Jlilper 111'0 u 11[1 on p nrl or thl.' periodi c pain.'!, ~a kacbe, that bear.. ' I'h 511 1'[11'1 ' was n g;'allll slice 's '. aTlll , af! r '0 11, s he was h is molh e r , oft n l ool,,' d. and h c f el t h SLick o f l)otu8l1, dI p tI\() t'XIIMetJ end In lng-(: wn feoling, fiatu! ncy, indiges' lIl d F'1'Otll Ill tion,diz ziness or nen 'ous prostm tlOD. e P Uf"O Are Il' S of sl Several lllng,ro mn 'K cn i nd m s a and Are n V\! I' nsalll b e an~' on e 's b e all . I tlo n o l tuean to c o!tn ror h im awat c r and rub gontly III)On th \ ;t' Why don't you try it? Cumu lat i ve, J/ l s h et\I 't ",ns w eftl'Y of loy, Dnd h is Quick gasp al1d an ex ' lamatlQIl of di s, l l' mity of the hOI'I1 , '('he soft xl 1'101' h ('lI r t cl llT ' r lng f l'oUl tl\ h 81't>; or rna., Th e n 110 1'S, wnlt!ng outside, 1'll'8. Plnkh nm tn,'ltes all sick of t he h oi'll '1'11\ , soon be I>en trn letl AX' (.th"r men . l ba ve Sh tlli d' h im lI ee p, li mbs ached wllh -g ruwlng, IUllns. ile hnd a g 1l11l11~ 0 , of two ,\' (~ II ·kIlO\l'n wome n to write ber for nclvice . Th proflt.s In dairying a r of ·IilV· Iloslllg h;, I u (' l r(lspect, !il nc I 'dnchl . d W a raw, r od slll·facp. ulldel'no nth. She has cutdcd thou Bnds forms cUl'rY! lIg a"'ny throngh Ihe ornl kinds, anll aro cUl1Iu laliyl', Th Still IIslng th chronic le bill love ptralrs, ami 1 do nol ausll pe ncil, k eell health . Addre ss, Lynn, Mas&. to g'lnrlng ligh t , 11'0 111 room LO rooUl , moue y r ecel \" ed for lIlc c1lllry I1l'oduCl S pushing til ou tor coatlug book until I nt "lld lo p~'al s!' or tP, blum hIm , H" mlllly s eki ng IL place' ot retr at. ,\ nd r epres ' nIl! ijllt u purt 01 t.he Te 'eillts, Ih e 1'0'" S(loL Is abnut tho slY.I! or a 101'('(1- \1 r slst nUr, (1' (11I \' oll~' ; i>lIL it AN o-.ll .. LANAT ION. In Ute n's rlor, )l eilld e 'two aLilI r ocklug T h e fertility t hat go ,s onto ,th o la nd dime. wh1cb Is sumel nt In m ost cas~s, p b hI h Is de per fo lings h n eath a ea.w chai rs : sl ood fOllr batter ed shoes is a very Importa nt rccl'lpt a nd bl'gl ns Ill' should b t ak n Olat no wa te r (t'olh or Illaylu lnes , It wa" b ecnusc and two paIrs or n enLly-du rn 'd st ock· to mako COlullOlll1d lu te rcs t 'as 0011 as II rlp 'l s off fro m t h ene! 'or t h e calls\l o I his h eart· ot hi s was ' tender a ud Ings, Rev, M r . Brough bad b en co m ' It gets Into the 801 1. ' pe nCil, for It this get s upon th e t ell' (oarcd r eb uffs" ,He had gOOd r e1l50l\ to pI t Iy slIr prised, Th casb IHOfity tl'om d a iryi ng are dol' s\< ln of tbe 'lilt It nll\kos an U!l' know the PU'lIgs of ne who bas s Dlllil. -but thc y come In every m'onth II cessary sore , Th e onel'Rlo r !ihould .l)ro lfpred his heart onl y 10 ba ve \I of lhp year, 'rhe farmer that la QII' also Great Men Not Arithme tician" , observe catl\lon nnd pot get no), !1('OI'n d, It waH h is ea~lI est I SSOD In gaged In dairying can PIl Y' Ills bills PPtash rn a r c nt t ria l a San I·'rnncl sco dn hi s skin or In his oyell, CallI!, l h l;l w<tys of wom lltl . Jt ,,'as a,boul ttl judge mad arlLhme tic a t est o r m e n LOI obout as h e sOO!; and get b t ier bar· tic polallh cn n be purchas ell lit nny time be first dounell tli.e disti nc tive gains by s o doing. This is anoth r drllg sLore soundne ss, But It thlli -test had be n 1\1 sUcks aholll the sl7.e of garb of' a man, an,1 It \\'as at the sea, , applted to c rtalu grelLt nil~n they kind or [lront" a lead pencil and n dime's worth will sIde , The inan who hUll a well·equ lppcd eas il y dehorn from :!O to 30 cal would ' h ave bcen d e 'lared Imbecil es, , hy II! ,It Ulat a m ao's fi rst l ove Is y's, Dean Stanley , eminen t. autbo,l'- Mel pi, dalr)" can u t ilize his h elp and save Wh en not In use the potasb sl;lOul\1 b l! !lIveD tu a woman wl,l.ose eurs ex.ceed 1088 or Ume and tills Is l'et ano~ber ' vIne, for on e, would bav Ileon ' k ept In a bottle tig htly corked, for tt his o wn ? GenevJlll'Q Wlti! d lt len st kind at profit that 18 overlook erl, down l er t cx posed It ahRorbs moistu re (ron: hopeles s bad he boe n judge'd lwi e his IlKEl, but 'h e loved bol' at flrs l Th e dairym an alwuys h as , a l arge Lhe air and d[sltH ~rates "Why didn't you answer you ;- teach· by his Incapa Ill' to do a sum In simple rapl lJly. ~ I~ b t-I'ave noll slr . H ' was a tJ'tollgh t· addltlon ' or mUltiplication, H(ld Kebl e, aruount or manure to use on tbe ca~I)' er " 'b en she spok e to you In' the arltbI' ~ f ellow In tbose! dc.yS, and to love Inellc, Ethel '!" THE DAIRY ' COW , wrller of famou s b YUlIl S, dlepcnd ed crpps 10 the spring, tor most d a Iry wJLh , him was lo BIJek ,to possess , He rarmel'l l do so me work ot ~bls kind, .' oz manlma told :ne I 'llU t tlD " upon bls arlLhme tlc Ox ford woltld not t'\lshto(l \1110.0 h \ ', ca sting oway bls 10ll g bave kn own blm, W,b en bursar 'l'he lliants get a good earl y start, anrl ttl Value ,Determ Ined V.ry L argel) tb\loak durio ' tbeool hourlh." !llml'r sensea , and titrew his arms he found , lo hi s hor r o r, that c rtal'll a c· tho prodl,tcllf are mark eted eal'ly" get· by ItI! Feeding at a Calf. .about h er n eck in au. cstasy of at Rough on the Candida te: counts came out n enr ly $10,000 lo ling th ben ofit of th e arilest prices, f('eclon, regardl 8a t.hat ' hJ3 liad n el'e,' Thi8 18 anot.hor "Tbero s a cn ndldate outs ide, Wut,. )lr ont thal should be t Ie Ca bad, lves sbould In , 'al n be did led ,t he In 1 Ill'ned and 1m h a wa~ h~e n Introduc ed, l 'egnrdle ss that an · you." said t he blrell man., as n ot lO impair ' either gro\\'th or d l, In' to (; plou 8 ul en of the c(l\lege g o ()ver tb o cr dlt d to dairYi ng, oth I ' w~ b el' b eall, regardle ss , t!tat " Hans the candida te!" exolalm ecl ~sUo n . Cor In ter 011 wo are going to figures with him, Not lIn ~!I ' an expert sh e WIlS building a mulel'p l ce 0: TUeER CUl.OU S MILK. Wli /i sl1Jnmon ed ,,;as It discove red t hat ask t hem to t~ k care ot a l ot Qf feed the farm r , sa nd work, 'He plnced on e ,foot on t hp And the hi re d ' ~I\'11 ",ent. out mu~tl!lr K oble, so fhcy mll Y cl evelo,p !l'nJ be Jlrofltab le i n casting 1111 a colu mn, had IlIlU e of 'sand ,and the :ol hor on I Cannot Compla In, for He I.ert MI ad Ing : Certain That nnI01 cled Its Product ion I,s on the aI8,' \)lIt If. t d and (!:J red ror lu II I.h e date 01 th y ea.r to the co l· <I),f'S,!, alld J!:,lssed b er ., velJem ntl)·,' "[ baln't l yn ch ed a mnn In a mIght,. ~he ti eart of II Man, lege's d b 8 , Increaae, ca r I ss and h armful mlluner th!'lr dl· 011 , WOnl lln! wUTl;Ian! ' Wh a t l ov yo II gestl ve Iucll l tl es hav e heen Impaire d, l ong tim. but or h e aln 'l 100 m.uoh ~er w llnt mil ch wi th othor m ell or his' a~I', throw awayl Sh apurpad Qlm , She l'othi ng Is more cer tai n ' I'han Ihal and they B lmJlI~' say, " W eu n't do It ." m III (oller luslI'uCl lous! "- AtlaD~ and le arned lo smolco c:o rnsUk an d Done For" "lra '.!?ec1 him by t he shol\ldo r s and tb e tota l amount of lubeou lou l! milk Is I 11m IIlI11 a b eliever, says F, H, <;on8tilu~ oD, s, For ~b e first t\~o. in hiil "With Ede\l Foy, " sIlIII a t rn.gedfo n, threw him do wu, and, cri ed : " Yon I)l'e clgarett lucreas lng, Tho only way l o IIT,OvenL Serlbne l', that be lfe rs should n o t frEs h· lIle h ba d no, swoet heart, al1d he:! '''[ Dl ad a, lh'e other SUllday . 'an excul" Its conUtlll '0 bail . b ad boy ~ " and h e, poor ( ' lIow, Very Likely, ed In' r ellMe 'Is fo,. el'cry e n IIIQ young, )f aliowl'd ' lo drOll t hei r wan ted nonc , He decid ed lba be -IIlolI Into the co untry. . nst hbnself 1tpOn hIs tlic and W\lPl. "Again ~lla e Woo(\ ~" PX lalm od tb. milk 11roduco flrAl l' 10 kDO\\,' mOl'O abollt th e calf at (ronl 3 to 30 months o f would walt until he m et Porothy , an rl " The co untry, fresh IInri gl'een, WIlS 1I0n 'l\" nsaUoua l r ader tile newspa hall r tilll all 1118' love atralrs? Bbt· then h e ,,' Quid dil;eas , age, t hey will get a IIttio more growth explain how h~ hal) beautifu l hI t"he A.1)rll sllDShln : An t Ol' J t f hem l' /ll, , Some of llle tul!' come to dose The litber 1I101lS milk will produce lInd !\tl'engt h, and W beli eve th e ir dl, p e-~~, r t ' h r , and would )l es old , man and lils d,illlghtc l';- a gil'l "Yes ," r eplied hla cynical frleotS; of 18, tho dr ea~l ed dlse1ts creature s he adO!' d " dltl'lng , those h er pard!)n , alld In pigs and olh I' gestlve cal)ubll illos are also stront h· she would t II him had II IItt Ie ~(Ioth where .. , &,ueSB tbey wilh 'Mae wouldn 't." , yOU Ulrew animal s' hus y eal's are wl vos n ow, and husband s tha t he wa s bee n d ' 01onstra te d many en od , the only boy sh e had ba se ball s a t doUs, getting a olgar fo~ 11(' , j ealous. Th ere wore Idsses- Iove ev I' cared Iln),Lb ln . aboul., nud Urnes, It 'Is, eQu8l1 y 0 rtaln' that the We h \ come to' bell · \'0 tbat a tbey ElV ' r~' hll . IdsHes- stolen rrom bl , sweet hearl, wonld b b al)Pl', diseased mll\i g h 'ofl th e dlsoase to large purt I.s due to th e feed nd ot up ther , " Foy lhl·OWS· phenom enall y well, a'nd human he!ngs, h !' (or~ he very eyes of tlleh' com· of whum !lome Ilre th QII Bli o n, 'rll organs of dl l(" s ti OIl , 'rhen t h e new family moved into lbe be bad 1I00n \ on 30 ci gllrs, TheRe b e I)9 1l1 0n8, who Imo,g[ue d ,It ~'IIS a in0ie vacan't house' a cross t h o' !ltreet. Thore Il1'OsOll t d wltb a courtly bow ' t o the more s~t soeptl bl o to the dis ease i.l1an lllie the oth er o~ga ns and IlIU ~Cle8 01 hal'l\Il p. s " kissIng gaUle," aud did Dol w8i1 one b.;ly othe r ll. , tIl e hotl y , are e! v elolled bes t by COli ' iu the n ew family, lind YO\ln!; g irl. guol!s th joy be felt, nor falhom tlie he WIIS slrange In Tho sureR I wa r to prevent t he stal,t lise ; the bree der who, t hrough lhe town, Slid stOOl: " 'Tbanks : said she; sroillng prettily, Bpread ~uil e that IDlUle him ldsB (lyery other dlm'd of tu.beron losls In herd a 18 to negl eo~ , ' has ' n,ot pl'ovldec l tn some ~ly wa tc~lhlg the CoUter bo}~ ·th y'll do to\' fslh I',' slrl In l he ~rclc:i betor ' b e chose the pla y, It was only right t hat tbt. • "Last Snnday Foy 3hcl J mOlde ~ b e koep tho anlmlLla out 01 doors ' aB much '1\'8)' ror the emerge ncies I.hat nlwuys POll h e really wlsbad to 1.lsR, "'lid, {rlend of min shonld a!1 know sbow BomE aam eXCUl' Ion pgaln"T he boot'l!l stood as possible and 0 Iwat to the boiling come Is sb,ort-I;Ilgblod, " oh! t he joy Wben Sbe ran sc re aming courtes y to th s l1-a.ngel' nnd In vito In thfl same poi, bllt now the girl was point all milk fed f rotn animals , un· that wben a cow once shrinks In h (rolD bil;n, to be 11IIrsu d ;, lind llo w Sh ,him to join In hllllding lesB the milk Is known t o b free trom milk how hard It ' ls lo set ,h er )laclt, a SIIOI\' fort, I'lInn lng It alone, fO u glit ' when euugh\! - rol' tb a he Til re wet'C two tbe germs, , an,d Quite often It Is Imllossl hle, even s latel's of t h strallge .. ',Ah.' salll Fay, 't blly' ve don. for 1mI" !(obe wanted to be I i8seel! It hi' !! b como a fad In some Quar· with the best of Iced, So It I!tundA us boy, ond one wn.s ·tall all(1 , fait', with falh e!',' " t el's to rldlcllle t b e [Jresence of wber · 'In ' liand to provide In 8,o me WilY for , 'rbere waa one ' brown,h alred s,,:eet · golden and /lllI e yet!, and a ou losis In mt'lk , One II:I8.n boa.sts tlult t h fJije limes and elthel' have Ramo 'h " nrt Who lll'etl In the !lI nd or faery. sweet se l'lousne se that mude ~ ol , one'! ,To Ca~:h Cockroa che s, h e hI reedin g i t to blR, fllmfly and Is In g crops growin g, 01' ,enQugb anll \\Iho led blm, wld c·e)'e cl and balf· h eart, bent fllijtel'. T bat day 11 sllsge gu \ ' e drinkin A florl g sl Ithlms has di scover d by accid nt a f rni d. U> clr, }'(Ioll sh 'fu h'y r ea!'II) , In I,he luis· b el' bmt h er hi!! now II()eket, lmlf(~, and man~ elOl'ed up to sup(l l emcllt th e ahort Ii new !l'ay to , cat ch cockl'Oacb oll, ture baclt of UtI! red burn, and thon ' It was bu t a few days Ilfler A It , he do es not t ake the cillle IlS!!. no ~h, pastur e or !lumlller , also to supply SIlC' tha t h pi llt lrul t j ill' contain ing It !! rap or In ~ wll) b ... provod , 8S 'm ahy p eople are cul ent ,fecII fOl' lhe wlntel' tl R ";UNt him a,;ld \locll uRe he, coillcl not carried , h oI' boolts OD tbe way , til bacon hal1li ned to be lert OVOI' nls ht loslllta nl to all d iseases, fle hilS notll· g pO illl' f:IIl'les thAt s he sRld $h e ,saw, 8chool. I beUev4'l th er c Is Buch a thing alii In IllS olle ot hi s gl'eenho ll,ses, l'e xt lOomt.o I;aln anci ove rl-tl)ing to los by compell ing success, Every bl'occler S11'! cOllld not undpl' 't nnd th at mell Was hfl failhful to h er , t il ls, r ckle: £: ti l s , ra lUlO~ S. WI' I'!' mllde for ste r n ! r Rhould have 0. c\>ntple te uuderst andlng thin gs- fo r lover ? 'fhnt 1 s holl not lell , (or h e In g a dozen ,or m Ol' eockroa ob fl!!l weI' 'Yalnly try ing to climb 'sIlPII'IT ai' his buslncs s and ibe IndiVidu al It ~htl n" ltHli ll n ~ an ll , a ----~bold wlss wenL away b erore l ong, never to ~·aU1li:r Hu IJIl) s(1I1 life, ne cis or ea'c h animal , so thal th el'e 10 r;;-;-;;;;Pi~ft1 Poautv ely cared ~ turll, 1 l' m c ruIJIlI' fJ li t w II t ho da,y sides of l he gl ass jar , 'rb e fJol'i ~ t ha~ DAI RY NOTES . .h••e !Jul. Pan.. ' Gllcced d In ridding hill 110 eslabl lim In Ih e Yeal' wh cl1 ' sh~ nia'y not h;l1men t , ~ Ii' Ii liel'lllilu d l nr;', 'y es, and deceit. h e depart d. Jt Will; ,the day r dlmlH!C -o f t heso r epII)slve cl'ollt.ur es. whh:h 'Tl1~y ' ,,1..0 ...,1I.ft »I. The 'cntl'1I1 nlou t Is all right in Its ha vall Bbund" nce of good , rich, 1\1\ISI' 1''' tiH) \I(l l'ti0 1\ ~r t he h Nl\'t of my first. Ion s l'otis' r s, H wa s wllir Ire•• (rom Dyoptl"" I., I", form erl y Ilte su ch ,high [1rlced planla lila e. bill YOIl c I\' t dcpcllII ill'o n it 10 jllicy foods bes t ti lllt ed for milk pro. m all , 1"01' I.IH' re nOI liill dne wltb m e 10 \.h morn ing, ond i n th l' e l'(!n' as orchids dlgcRU\JIllLud,Xuo RD''''', nn(1 gUl'd IIlr,s, tluctlon , st ny t.hCl'e, In g h e Was gon e- - all d 110 on o Ci).t1 X"lIni' Ii. ptlttect re_ bO n t'R't hl.lie e~" ' 8 t o Wh(lm II I' go v(, b I" 11. Is lleCeSSll l'Y Lo paste a Illc co of edy ,ror DI ...tue!... .!'! .... I( YOII hal'e n ' VI~ I' uRod a \l ll re breri II P-II t't , nlll;, lind r I)roml ~ or ot emal brin g him back- sIr hll(1hood Sei f Jlaper 1111 sea, Drow a lneu. Il.d · tb e c llt side Develop of I II j ar so bull In rolll' h I'd , make 111e necessa ry ment of the Dairy Cow, serr('(' y , s ho wed t.h e I'oblll' ~ u e · ... onl) Bil L It h , carried wltli' blm lilY hal) Inth e KQu&b ,eo. I IHlt t.hf' l nseol s call get sufficl enl foot, Inl'ostm clIl nIHI 'Ml e presen t d llll')' cow with hilI' 1l1l-l1'0nl7 pi t-H t .C (la YII, I connot comp lilla, fo r II " t he !lure' 10 l ind the se 'ret h et l'llyeLl ' I h . 4 Tnngl'o, P!"lllln &II. mu· holll to cll mh up 101 0 . 1,0 tl'tI)I, 'In ll1C1 b rOil bllil whIch " lYing milk has y u1II' n eigh bal' , mny wonderf ul ,capaclt y for '" le{t stde, TORt?ID L1VI!iR. !lie th h eart of a mAn . 11l 1'1l ' his b!lc1{ wu S limed ? ' , , " rh", ",.....te ' ori g inal caso t he lalle l of t.1J m a!.lU ' [lwn .' Try thi Bow,,"', Purel, V"ll'Ilabi a. hce p develop ed from all aUcesto r lhat ' s luvesl ment once and . . ' .1.01'(' is s woe(. uut thElr e il r() 1110 f a(' tul'cr 511Pil li eJ thi s ' n eed, "Diana's " Present ' Jol:I, ' YOII, will ')11'11 a \IUl'e, fl r ed bull' ,o,f y,~ur gave milk during onl y ~ few OlOI:UIS o{ SMA~L m ' n t ~ o f Ihf,l t1p.cl1est- llalll', ' !-lIs lo\'c t he year and ':h II gave It In KI.1IUII Th e glJ'1 11'110 po~e d for "Diana," the OWII neXI, ~· ('m r . • • for ' I1IH cOlislu was s weet. ,ror Ii hall graceful IIglll' wbloh tllI!'lIIou nts MalJl, A (1l'ott~· ~ood !\uggllsL lon com e~ trom Quantit ies, ' The ol'l, ~ ll)al , cow o'o mp el. Gen~l~e, ~ust Bear Devotes L-ifo to Good WQrka, h el' I lIlI C'h 19 himse lf whe'n she vls ll.ed son Square garden' l ell her calf to , be~ln eating I'mp.s ' lI.t on Q of til tow'cr , Is noll' sho\' CX I)(\I'imen t' stktlonR ", on Fac·SlmlicSignatu~ .Mrs. CharleH "M. Alexl1ntl r, nn, E ng· " ll,IK hOllsc ; hllf , or: the h \ltllillu t iotl Ing a Cll tO II L~le cow!'!, ,I t says If ou has ' ~ man·bou rd· ,an early ag and grn.dlta lly dllcrenij ed hrush over llH'. marhle IV~ , ' d ' ~ - ~ II sh WOlllal} uf bl l'lh and fortuu , Is l ho IIml di s grace of bavin g to hll t h o a.n,1 b ~ 1IoorK or ' l h e er \',',ho don 't Ila y hi s hill s, ho Is kick ed ' bE:!' ,Ilow till, wllen th e winds ' ot Plaza hote l ancl glad t n PILL8~ /~ ~~-c;. .. CllIIl lWd heforr. hE'.r! 'A lIIall's hellr!. It , Stan(orr ! Wllito pi cked hr. ': oUt 1"lld ' I" oC n hand of women , Who al'8 , out, but IH1 'ow t hul don 't pay 'llI,Ir aulllmh blew, tb e calt ,,·~ s makIng h,ls ': ulllln);, fl monste r evangel Ical 'r usadc l'l' volt s' at til/it,. r t hink I t was abop}' ]9 3'001'1; al'jo, WII living from t he dry grasses, .Man __ board w,e jus t k eep 'f eenlng ' right wheo Kite w as $a),11l1l ' '" , In ·Phl\ade lphla. Ihal lime that be a(;Qlllre q 'th't'" disHI,p ' ''Hall 10 I h Prine.. nllke many " 'omen along Irom lh • best bas taken, nIls anlmol !" in one of ,Joh n and ha ~ , d " teed vel, we 'can grow. of wnalr h , Bit e prer I'H It Ufe ,)~ sac· 1m' balhlng lha l chmg \0 bim as 'l on,:: A, ' 1.1c 'nl1'l1 opoll In 1101' n. ca·lliclty tor milk giving overa._ ( think Dan rlN ce and endea vor to th e wh i rl 01 ali I 1m '" IIJm , Nor la It 600thll11; 10 French m odel ed soveral tim es al5. ~reat 118 was (olind thE-- flgu1'e, Fced l ng Calves ~ C ~ p e on(l ,to whvm you wOllld S"lalll~' lure, ny, tbe way . whut bUI, rm not Roclul ga~elY, She Is aCCOlllllanled by tn lier th e:; wild state, Peoplq' talk ' has II comeo The .Jol1rnal of th" OrlUsh board , o r' abou t IlltUng natur,e hOlI' husband 11\ h el' vi si t to tho ".ll.ed gh'~ <IT; ;' our la s l long ,;!lite' ponc ll go· or' Paulin.... Markha m, wllo take" her owo had the loal Slo ogrl c llltltre tCH, says ull ci' il)l oniis to r,c mall\ h TO In /:' i O ,,11001 under th e IIIn\)rel,l a of arms 0'( V e,n us tllu t "Probab ly a method s, but w'hal wo!!ld , have ? TIn-any hel{le4 lo Itn hnll' man 11 i s all long as It Is advl sablo to 11 ned to ,the 'soml' monlhs , ,'0111' riYal. dairy cow If ah e had niortlll\z c her by h av Ing b el' IIOS,e for D fe ed calves on whole milk OJI a· been I rt to nature J 1')ulem\ )('r on.o. IIw(''eLh'! alt h had cllUr(:h Ilgltre,- Ueau ? We I(no'" byl:l rol'od way. '10 farm or IIntlt' th oy have reaolled about what Is now the who -I\'it~ !;wum 1.0 marry him , Kate New York T legrallb conditio n of COWl! In Taking No Ch,'lIIcea, , 160 pound _ live welgbt, or 96 VOllnd,B lanilR whe ro no ffort bas been W88 wcal1 hy, lie kllew, \)ecauso 11111' mn.dtl - -- ' - - A (11.1'1\1 I' who look much li rlde In of voal. T his ,velght fallJ a.· ke.lll 'two borsas; ,but b o ,lid nol , may bc a ttalnerl to' develop 1hem ." They give a pint A CautJou I Man, or t hp. ' look s o( hl ~ re.I lenlng IIlg!! once In' n ,month, pr(lvlde "are sor tb~t. fie cared 1;1\' hpr snap· d the calvt!1I are a Qlln.rt of mill! f1er day, excepI In tbeFIrst. 'I' llIo r-Aln't your lWO broth purcha,, ' d a ]loll' troin a "TI elghbo!' Catted , Oil qllickly 811' 1IoB8Ible; but- one ftltsh , of ml11(-glvlnl\ afl,er the birth p\n~ b l ac ~, e~etl 8u,d (btl mllnner 10 ara gambl~r s? ot l'plm' ((IIIVIll'Y ' At the u ':;~lal a!{c ot e i~ht cannot 'II-'bIc:Li &h ' ('mild lucl, ht' I' I!klrlS a\)out expect lo do It IInles8' tllfl ' "t:alf, Tbe develol lment Second Thlof-Naw; only on(ll of the dil1ri we'1k s, ' 1 hCf seo mer! to 111m ratlJer valves are ,ted th'ree times a day, An 'cow Iter 1\ II.' II 'Me! S W i ll ~, head down Q' ul'd , II110ws what can be dono ana FIrat Thlnf- Aln't tbe other 'Olle? slllal l. effort sbould alllo be madr. to ba,ve the poltJt'lS to still f mfl1 u' \ rft~!" on wh kh he I;ollid anI. S-cond Tblo[- l'I'IC" gTenter, ponlbll \t1e., H e, don't 1.:1",. Kylllg them dubloU!; !y, reo he CIIIYel! tat at. the lime veal comma nds ~' 11I1.11t tJ .' bls b l 1111 , 1'\1 tlr~. lime he t no Chal\(~P8 of , , I;etlin' Into mUl\80l! witt , n..ll'ko.l l : dryly : "Gueu hen. I a bad I1ll1;h price; ' other"I •• tbe retlli'mJ I'l" h'I' d(l I hi Too mnch skim milk bas beaa thll!' '<,ITClII! a!"t," h e fail th' (larUec, 1-1e'. a burlliF ,-N. Y I r r k 'ell ~he cal lIhut up for a few (rom veallnK Qn whole mUIt '1DaII ~D .. Il'l Ol ' l lJ(: 1.1 (el,'e i'lIf, oe,," , meanll of l!endlDJI: many B calf tell tM Ll WIU ,a , Wc!ekl), Il ~:, ,, " - \'I ' Ulb's ~ompatIJon.
•• •• .••
n, vlI g h
By Ellis Parke r Butle r
be at al! aaUI~~c~rr_:'
I ~vey.rd \. the back pa~\lIre.
ena'"full,. •• mem ..... " ..... 01 . .
, ...
--;-Cu.,r.. ~'. 1001. 1>, III. AUlb.r. W. 8. _~ .. ,. ...... ,. .... SEBMONETTE. No human greatneaa or pow~r or riches can blot out the stain of aln. Leproay Is a ' type of ain. It la Incurilble, except aa God' appllea the remedy. The world'a lelt-treatment for , lin will never cure the plague epot of sin. Only the God-preecrlbed remedy of Jesus' blood can cleanse. • Many Naamans In the world to-day are ' waiting for tha word which will lead them to the place cleanllng for lin, Speak tho word as did thla little milld that will point to Chrllt the Ilnbeilrcr, When In a heathen land and among a Itriinoe people the little maid did not f:ll"lJet the true God. When aWilY frdm home do you leave your religion behind you? God'lI glfta cannot be ,purChilled, The world'a gold and silver and flne raiment are not legal tender In buying the blessingl of the kingdom of God. ' The sinner mUllt accept God'. way of lalvation if he la ever cleansed from aln. Many a sinner ml sles Iillvatlon beciluae he willfully makea out the program aI to how he will be aaved. The way of cleanalng. waa 10 . almple that Naaman almoat mlaaed It. So la It with the way of lalvation. It la 10 euy and Ilmple that many a loul refuaea to enter therein. The greilt Syrian general had to learn what aubmlulon and obedience to God meant before he could obtain the blaa.lng of clea"alng and healing, So It la with everyone who would receive Qod'a aalvatlon. However great or mighty Ite may be from the world'i. point view, he muat eubmlt hll will to God'a will and muat obey God'a word before he can h!' aaved. When Nurnan came to the klnll of 'ara,el aeeklng clunllng. the latter knew ao little about God and hla prophet that he wa. unllile to direct the needy leper to th, place of cleanalng. Too often la true of the Chrl. tlan_ He I. unilble becauae of the low atandard of hi. own Chrlatlan life to point the needy sinnet' to the Chrllt who can heat. Ttle dark hour ' of the little Jew'-h girl'• •Iavery ' waa made bright · by the . opportunity It brought her of pointing a needy IOU I to the true God. So It may be with tlte Chriltlan. The darkelt hour of affliction may be . made brlgl\t wlUl the edndly aeft'Joe for Jeaua_
anything·... tlravel,. but Quietly nn· lured the gl1'l. . "And III htl more powf>rl'l!l tha.n tht! gods uf 'Hln '! " Willi I hu l' iJtllt'nllJl U· OUII reilly .. "Why, th('u. I:; Srl'ln gl'put aUd Is rar.'1 In bondage ?" The IIl1l n tIlu,id lII:1lle 110 reJliy. In rac~ 1111110 W ilt! UXllected. (or the mb· ll'esl'l III &I1II R!lIl'1 h ,. with an 1I1JJluti nl wove or h I' lJand and Bile left th, apartment. 'fhat nI ght the housphold o r ' an· mlln WII S thrown Into tnr· greatr· t exeltemuliL lind joy u~' til., arl'lnii or a I'unner \\'hQ bl'Ol\I;ht tidings that tbe lTIII8ter of th hall'" hold hud been hellied ILnd was yell ' then ~I lil s wa ~' ~aclt home. and would dou~Jl ~. III'· I'lv(' on t he mOITOW . Th el' ~\' as Iltt! sleep In thai hutls ehold that night. heca use of the I)(e;l' arlltiona which mus t n edl! be malfe for w Icomlng Nanman 'home again . Evell th ro yal household was In 11 fever at ux !temeat ove r 111 0 joyful II PWS. and th e king ordered h is chariot reody for the morrow ' tbat h p mi ght· ~o rillth hlmseJ( to meet lbe gr<!l1! genll ral on hill I'e l Ul·n. 'rho wife or Naoman could IIcarce contain hel'selt with joy and Impl\.· tleutly wlltchad I:lVCI' Y d etull at the ' 11I'e parations. kee iling the s (' rvnoill rushing hithe r and thithe r unll l It seemed us though they would drop fl'om ahoE'r exhllu stlon. Upon III little maid fell PI'eD a more trying burd en, and by tb e tim e all tho ))rc pamtlons had been mado she waH utlel'ly Ured out, aad creeping off to her little couch, IIl)e SOOD rell Into a heavy slumber. So d cr, In fact , WlIS h r slee p, tbat ahe did not hear th e bugle calls, the s houting and the rejOicing as Naaman with his ca.\'· a1cade CI1 11 up to l he house and was gree ted by the wailing tbron gs.
THE STORY. ISTFULLY, llnd wltb a r;reat heart hWlger. the little maid from 11 r 'Vantage ground behind the bushes watched ltJe gay cavulcade Iltnrt. She bad slipped out unobs rved, lor aU the lIouse1101l1 had gathered to bid good· by to ~n, the lord of tbe house· hoW."~ with a great company of lIel'vanta and soldiery waa starUng' {or tbe land of rsrael. "Oh, 1 am so glad be Is going!" ex· elalmedthe Httlemald to herself, "butbllt I wish I were gOing, too." ,4nd abe began to "cry softly to h l'Ielf, as Jibe bad dOlle many and many a nlgbt since ahe bad been seized by the Syrlall band during one of their raids Into Israel. and 11ad been taken Illto this !;Itrallge land and sold to this great general. ' , True. they, haJ been kln(1 tq bel'. bllt ahe could IIOt forgel hor ho'me away . bllCk tbere In 11IrOOi. She wanted to see mBmma once more' Bnd her urothera and !lIsters, And as ahe wat<:herl her mastel' depart tho; Impulse camc to ru sh' tqilh and beg him to hike he r back to her home. but liS quickly came I , the ~eallzatlou that she wa s only a . / slav e girl, and could ask no favors. alld WIUI a IQw moan fl he so nk back III b er place. BlIt tbe one c,o mfort which " she hnd had In her Ion IInetSs-the thou ;;ht that the Ood of Israel whom her l)'Iorb or had taught her to rev ~r· once aud lovo would not forget herc:ame JIOW to help and cheer hel', and tlhe ' TOOt. from her hiding place imd • Uppal! back Into, the bOllse. More thnn oncA during the 4ays which fo llowed lbe story of Joseph cawe to hel ns It barl be'i!n told t o her by he l' Ll.othe r. and she had said. over and ovtlr ago.ln: "Ood remembered Joseph; and 'he will remember me." And ' tbere sbe was oontel)t to let the ,matter rest. So the dayt ' palsed. but oDly once ,since that .1lrllt mornlnA' when, shll had spoken to her mistress of the prophet In rarael, who eou/II cure bsr mBster. had ber ml.. tJ'e,llB spoken to her ot the matter. and theD It wu to remark. rather Impa-
. :tendl:
'I'h greftl ngs ar ove r. The I!eremonies att ent!llJJ; tbe r turn of the great gen ral ure ende d. 'I'll lling has depo r ted tor the palne,e, anel the groups of cUl'lolIS aud Interested peo· ple are scuLt rin g (0 th eir homes. "Oil. how good It Is 10 have thee back ogllin . aull healed." exclaimed Nauman 's wlrl', wh n they were alone. .and she reached IIJl In 8. sort of awed way and smoothed lhe rl'esh ne ", s!;ln which had taken the place of the un· 'slghtly leJlrous spots which bad .hut him away from her for 110 long. . "Yea. 'tls wondertul," responded Nilamall , returning tbe cares. "'rell me all about It," Ille urg d . "Yes. ' yes," he res ponded: "bnt first tell me: Where I. the IllUe Hebrew maid that laid me 01 her God and whose God has h al d me? J searched all through i.h crowds that thronged me all DIY ' return, but Haw not her faoe ... "Ah, tbat Is ,.hat made thee Be preo cl.pled . , r wondered of what thou wast thinking 11.8 I saw thee s arching tbe faccs b for thee. wh n thou s bouldest been t'Ont o.t with but one rac ." ",Yea, and I am," lovingly responded :-<anmon. a" he In turn patted her cheek. "but I !Dust see the lillie maid an4 tell her, too. wb~l great thl.ngll her God baa done for me." And to t.h e IIltl audience of twe; the great general or SyrIa rehearaed like an entllUslastlc child tbe stOry or his visit to Israel ond of his ~ashlni: In the Jordan seven Umell, and c:omlng out cleansed of his leprosy. And wben be had ftnlshed be ' turned to the little maid. and, ))utllng bls arlI,l about Iter, asked. tendel'ly: " And now what caft J do lor lhee. 'fho hils done so mMh for me?" The little maid looked II)) beseechIngly Into hla race. and tben looked questionIngly over at her ml stren as she wh'lspered the one word: '·trome!" And even bc!ore the Worda of assent bad becn spoken she read the answer of her aplJWlI III the loving. apPI' cla.tlve eyes ..blch beamed npon her. "I should like to bave kept her . . my own (Iaugbter," Naaman said to bls wife later In ·the day. 8.tI they 'watched tbe departure of tbe little maid tor ber home, "but NaanUlD .111 . nOit f~ !Nt her." Recording the Vo ice.
Dr. Ma.rago at Parts Is photograpbIng the human voice. Ilnd with a powerful magnifying glass he Ie able to read tbe records or a person talkinI!:'. It · Is the belief ot certain sclentistll tbat tbeE;evolce pbotographs eventually wlll take the place of writing and al,phabets altogl)ther .. Stenography, too, would be abOlished. Instead of writ: J,o g a letter the sender would talklntQ the microphone, ·pull · out the strIp ot zl ",~ags when through 'anti )Jost It. Forgery 1I'01lld be alit at the question. for It Is IIbsoll1tely ImPOSsible to de. celve the e lectrl.c needle, wblchto.lth. tu'lly record!! I!very shnde' of tOile. For books and ncwsllllpers 1be Idea Is to bave a com'entional Illlitlltion oJ zig. zllgo of the varlolls vowe ls lind can. Bonants In the form of t)· 1)6 . which will he set In \lues like orellnary prln l. a d·. Tele phone cOllversatlons WOUld . be I\S binding as a wl:itten con. tract' ,to·dily . Long Wlreleaa Transmlulon. 'Cnnsnl ,!'homlls TI. Norton or Ohem. nllz r ports lhat by the Slaby-Areo syst,cm of wireless te legrllphy over 1,000 words w ra r ceutly telegraphed from the t\'lul station at (he COmJ)any at Nlluen : near nerlln. to th,e · Aut· trian mllJtary ItaUon tor wlreletlll telegrapby al r<Orueuberg. neAr Vlell' na. a dlBta.nce or about :J72 miles. He adds that, lhls Is the record result thu, fal' In the use at the sYIlem lor 'ovep laI\J transmlBslon.
Driver Couldn't Underatilnd Amerlclln Not Being in iI Hur"'J.
AlJd ;luat After Ita Mlstren H;!d Milde Neilt "Bluff."
A ,t raveler returned from Satta teUI tale at .hls own expense. Having lourueyed to the h.l storlcal acallort on Ills wa~' to Jerusalem, he lucceeded In blrlnl: a cunvllyance to carry blm to the stalioD. 'By speecb and gesture be IJ'ltormcd the, nat! ve driver that he wished to be carried In It lei s urely, sig htseei ng f!lsblon through 8.1 many as ,poBij lble of the prinCi pal tbo,roug hrares 'ot J aITa. !lnll to be dell vered lit Lbe t!!rmlnnl just In tlwe to tbe outgoing trliln. H o hod no sooner seated h imself In the veblcle, bowever, than the drlv ~ r whipped up bls borse and whirled tbe di s may d traveler at a rurlous pace through all the dn~,t and over all the etones of lhe notOl'lously rougb streets of Ja![a. The passenge r ' wa s too bU8' Ily e mployed In sav ing ,bls bones to be able to ll'e,lInythlng of the lutel'estlut:
You~g HankInson ( waking a call)et "r. You !Jave ha d tbat pUl'rot it. long tlml'. 5 I , ll..,8 ~ Miss Laur;) . Miss Laur/l- - Yes, we ha\'s bad blm . 1 lI eve l'al yea rs. . 1 Some people call Peruna.·a grKt tonic. ' Othen refer to Pel"tlD& as a grn' Young :r.ankIDson- Qulte Illtl:l ll r. nt , I catarrh remedy. III ~el noLt! " ('au I It t I Which of these people ar.e right1 u it more proper to call Peru.n.a a CIL' S9 aura- , ery. III u e a · tanh remedy than to call it atonic? most . . 0 I i h P . b th d h d Ind Young H1ankluRon - Tbey baYe a re- I ur rep '1 a. t at eruna. 111 0 a tomc an a catarr reme y. eed. marlwbly <!l vel' 1II\ ITot o\' r a t ilie there.can be no effectual catarrh remed'1 that is not alao a tonic. Ca :;te rllus', Miss Lllll rn. It cau hnl· · In order to'thoroughl'1 relieve any caae of catarrh, a remedy IDtlIt not only tate lbe sound ot a klsa to perfectio n. I have a 'epeoiflc action on the mucotll membranes affected by the catarrh, but it Is that amohg tbe ltccom pll sbtn bc t9 or I mUlt have a general tonic action on the narvouisystem. our feathered trlend be re lu the corCatarrh, even in persons who are otherwiae .trong, is a weakened condi· ne r? ' . tion of lOme mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen the Mlos Laura (indll;nantly)-No. slr' j circulation. to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital fo.rces. . He does n~l attempt an in Itatl on ot Ii Perhap8 no vegetable remedy in the world haa attracted 80 much attention soun d be IS nOl accustom d t 0 bea~' 1 from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful emcacy Mr. ecolnlized m9ll" "e...... d i 8 grourin ... • h 0 ld you Hankinson. Or that I aD ass ul e 0 f this h erb h aa b ee n r.,_ 01 01 - . . , an ~ -e m 1.. The Parrot- Wall G~org e de ar upon the medical profea8ioD. When joined .with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a r Inke this bi rd o~t ot th~ roo~.- trio of medical agents is formed in Peruna which conltituteaa I}leciflo rem a 'faller. ' ' 1 edy for catarrh that in the present ltate of medical progreu cannot be improved upon. This action, reinforced by luch renowned tonics as COLLIN· Economical Pl1y ~lcliin. . SONIA CANADENSIS, CORYDALlS.FOllltOSA and CEDRON BEED, ought Ambnssador Wu 'rIng-fang wall to make thiI compound an ideal remedy for catarrh inallitl and locationl once, It Is alleged. t elling abou.l ~ ..cer- in the body. . lain selfish politician. H e said. rbe From a theoreticalltandpoint· therefore Peruna is bevond criticism. The man r eminds me or a doctor of Shang· . .' , ' a T ' .... _ .J hal. A ma.ndarLn came to this doctor use of Pel'lUla, co~ t~ OPlJUon. . .Dum_rlea ~~oniala from evory for a!lvlce. He could not sleep, had quarter of the earth f~ ample.8Vldenoe that this Judgment i. not over no a ppetite Buttered a good deal trom ei1thuaialtic. When practical exponence con1irml a weU-grounded theory the depr sslon 'and nevertheless ,\\' IIS tak- remIt ill a truth that cannot be sbakell. Ing on fat ,a t an alarming rale. 'We'll Manufactured by PerunB Drug Manufacturing Company, COlumbus. Ohio. soon put y,o u In condition again,' said tbe Ilhysldan. 'Wbat you need Is exercise. good, hard exerci se. Four times & wElek you can come tiere and put In tli.! ~orolag poli shing my floors.' 'But wby nOl my own 1I00 rs ?' the manda.rln luqul rc d. 'Mlne: laid the physicIan. 'are larger.·"
to~n .
A rrll'lnl: at tbl! sta tioa, bo found that he stili had t\\·o bOllI'S to walt. "Wby In the world." he demanded, IndlgnanUy, "did )'OU ever bur ry like that ?" "You American," res ponded the drlvl'r. wltb an expresslye sb rug. "~Il American like go very mucb fasl"Youth's CompanloD. BOY
Eczema Lilted 7 Year_Face Waa All RaW-Skin Speclallata Failed, But Cutlcura Effected Cure.
r ·tarrh RemedlV,
or a
I·t Both?
tlll j
"'\lb en toy little boy ~ as ~Ix weekI DId nu eruptlou broke out on bls fzco. I took him to a doctor. but his face kept on getting worse until It got so bad Ulat no one could look at hlro. His whole tace was one ' crust at:d COMPL,AINTS ABOUT PAINT. must ' AAve been very painful. He Jcratch.ed day aud night untll bls race The time to complaIn about paint was roaw. Then I took blm to all tbe Is before tb e painter appli es It. Tbe best flpeclallstl In s kin diseases but man wbo lPuts up the money s hould they could not do much tor him. The I not shirk t he res ponsibility of choos· I czaoma got on his arms and lega nnd lug the paint. Truo. the painter w, could not gilt a night's sleep In ought to know paint uetter than' the mantba. I got a set ot CuUcura Reme- banker, tbe professional man or tlle Illes and he telt relieved the first tIme merch!lnt. ·The trouble Is, tbe bouse· ( used them . I gave th. Cutlcura owner too often deliberately bars the Remedies a. good tr!al and gradually competent and bonest painter from the eczema healed all . up. He Is n,)w the Job by accepting a ' bid wblcb he seven years old and I think the trou- ought. to know would make an honest ble will never return . Mr5. John O. ·job Imposs Ible. Secure your bide on the basis of Klumpp. 80 Niagara St.. Newark', N. ' 1 .• Oct. 17 and 22, 1907.0'· NaUonal I..ead Company's pure White Lead and' pure Linseed Oil and Bee that you I!:et these malerlnls. VERY O. T. No one need be tooled by adulter· ated '\\'hlt,£,! lead, A blowpipe testing outOt will be malled to nnyone hlterested In paint. , Address,. NaUonal Lead ' Company. WOOdbridge Building, New York CIt:!_
Some 0' IbeebolDeBt IBnil8 for \!TAln ~ .. tnlf. atock Talel ulClllHJ w1.a:ed (a:t. r miu gl u tbe o l;!w,l hi· 'rl"~,, of l5 .. s l.&wbewel1 and .AlberlU b" . . . . . cellll), ~D OpeDe4"or8etllcIDODt WIder Ibe
Be,l.ed · Home ••ead Reculltlons
comelm 16 heauliful tillts ano! white that combloe loto an endless variety of 10ft, ~eIget,. Alabastioe shades whicb wUl znake aflY hollie
brigh~ and mor~ l&IIitary• . Samplo tiot cards ft'ee at dealers. Write us fOf 'uee color plallll 10r decorating yOIU' home.
Entry ..... , now boo ma,(Je·b, 1>1'0., (on urto.lo conditions), bl the lather, wOlber,lIoD, Lla.Ulih. ter, brtnbe r or 6 18teJl of an IUleudlll.r bOID~· ALeader. 'rbous.nde 0' bomeat....d.. of 1'00 acre. eACh are LIl"...'OW .,...11, ..... II .. ble In tb .... II're&L· graln·!f1'O"II" •• t.ocl<·ral.. l nll aDd ID l nd
'arming .... OLlo" ••
Tbe", yeiu "III Bnd b ....llb'ul c llmllt" . ,00<1 oehrbbora, cburc he~ for ramlly w"r~blp, ~~ huule 'or )'our c blldren . lfodcS lawti. jl ple~ldld ~rOIl" .Ild l'aUl'OadM .ooveu\t;IIL to madlSL. Eotry re" io '''IoCIi ........ 18 .• 10.110. For pampb, let. "LaSL BeaL WesL," pDTth"lI ..ra ae to ,·OI~", route•• ~, dlDe 10 ,0 aDd where to. \"" ...... • ppl, to .
Sold bJ Palot, DroIr H ..d..... Iftd 0 .... eral SioreslftcuelulC,.oetJed and "",perIJ labeled "och,... at I!Oc tbe " lor wblle and me 'Ile po.kne lor liD ... 50. t h., "AI.b..tlo,," isolloc:h pack-« belore It d OPCDC/1 citbu b, rowscll CI the wormeD. .
HangIng 8caffold •. With the modern SkY8crapfng omci 'rile AJa~s ~ Ota114 Rapl4it, 1lkIIi. ' bulld!ng has come a new form 01 E.alerD05c.. UI6WaterSL. N.V.Clty_ hull ding soealtold. Instead of constrllctIng the scaffold from below, whlcb Is Impossible, In tbe cases of bulJeJlngs ranging from 10 to 50 storIes blgb. emperanc:e CartOOD Post Card. platforms are SUSPended from the Nothing ,with a atronger 'appeal 1:lIia ~ver Stork-l _ you've cot the cout, ' steel glrdl~ rs above. On tbelle swing- been put upon the market. Scatter them Ing platforms tbe brlcklayera work broadcast. "Wantedl An Emancipator· Flamlugo. Flamlngo-WroDg. Hear of centi- and the sc:affold 18 raised as the work ,bould be in every, ]S .cards" 25c; $].00 per 100 (cuh with order). ,Agenta pede being caugbt aeorc:hlngT procresllefl.-System. wanted. Write tlHlay. Stork- Yes. Flamingo-Well. I put Dl1 toot OD Beware of Olatmeats for Catarrh PATRIOTIC POST .CARD CO., Saciaaw, Miell. that Contala Mercury. blm and got bUfned. ... mo~a.,. "1lI .urelJ 4 • • 11'0)' the '00'" ot .moll :'::~rr.::W~rro~~hAII~. '::,ouC:~:I:a:l:= '8~~g Counting a Billion. Speaking of counting tbe balrs cr ~!~~:O:~~t~l~~r:rp::.t:~::. ,·:.c~g~ ::m~~~~~ A PerrellL For Ill do It '''0 IOld to I~O .ood ,ou CIO p Olllbl, d.· La".Uve CU ' RES Cold •• ,our bead_uppose you undertook to ..rS". Blood lJDlou. from &be 111. HaU'. ~ .\.&rrb · ~re. maautaoturccl bJ )" J. Cheo,.,. • Co. • T OledO, 0 ., ejlOl.&IDl 110 mer· I'arillor& MALARIA 'M .....nd count a billion, how long 'dd You think cuI'J. rllltr r ... l and I. IAkOD totam.aIlJ , &t' Uo~ cUrectl, gpO'a. (In Ie. )rever. It "ould take you' to do It?' A billion, blOOd ....11 UlUCOU' .urf""". ur lb • .• ,.ttm. ' Ja aUc>d on .... " ..lpL 01 t .....llty-the "GAle. bu,lnll B.lI',. CII.rrb Cure bll 'Qr. ,all Ie' til. according to the French notatlon, . .auIDe. I t !II tak'cn Intern.U-, anet made In Tol.4o. THE MEDATDNE COMPANY ' IN E ••".Srd ec~., ~e ... l!'ork which we follow, Is a thousand mil· Oblo. b, F, J . Clleu., '" Co. T..,hnuolall t .... Ilona. If you had before 10U a pile r~eb~'~\(!~~iJ ~[tt~e':rn~o~:lJp~I~:: ,f sliver dollara containing a million, Alike. and could count one every second. for Working tor a IIvJng II like Shakeelgbt hours every day. It would tnke ,ou 96 daYI to complete the tusk. But IIIpeare's 11laYtr-always praised. but ,up pose YOIl undertook to count a avoldeu as much al! Nlsslble. tboU8and of those mllllon·dollar ))lIes Gar1\eld Dlgeltlve Tabletl -you would be a work eight hourI a day tor 36.000 days, or abOut 100 From your druggist. or tbe Garftold' Tea Co., Brooklyn., N. Y., 25c per bot,eara. tle. Samples upon reque st.
a.W' BulJdJn.,
To..... Oh...
Important 't o MotherS.
Examine carefully every botUe of CASTORIA a snle' and.8ure remedy tor \Drantl and children. IUid see· that It
It Is D.O dIsgrace to be mlstalcen:· It Is a crime to be a bypocrlte. Tbat Is the sin ao;ainst IIgbt-tbe worst 01 all.-John Oliver Hobbs~
ID Use For Over 30 Year•• Thtl Kind You Have ,Alway. BOUght
A well-Intormed pby-slclau Is freThe Problem. "Literature Is very difficult:' aald ' que.ntly 1II·lntormed.· one authoress. '. "Yes," answered .the otber. "The probl em Is to be ,n financial success wltbout being a Bocla1 Cnll urll,"-Ex, change,
of the
" E;;al.s
of tho happy homcil of to-day is a VIl3t fund of information as to the 1>1'.51, methods of promoting health and ltnpp i ll ~'>;s and right li"jn g :llld knowledge of tho world 's b('st products. Product;s of actual exccllcnec and renson'aulo clai ms truthfully -' and which ba:ve o,ttnincd ,to world-wide T,he unhap'p ler IL 'mlln's mnrriag~ Is, ' acc()pta.~c,e ~hrough tho llpp~ovnl of tht, the nIore he wBrn s other mell against Wcll-InfolnTIcd of tho World ; not cif iadi · marriage; the unhappier a wom.lln's ' vidunl! oilly. but of the mnny who hllve marrla,;e. the U\ r Qf a matoh-maiter . tbe happy' faCility of. selecting and obtainabe bec:ome:;.- Alchlson Globe. ibg t"e u ~sl; !.\le, world affords. --.~-~-'Kill the Fllea Now . One of the products of that cbss, of t· Eth' •• belore the)- multiply. A l>ATSY FLY k 0 KU.IAi:R !t ills lhollllllndll. IAstl! the sea. -n ~ componen par"", . nn . Ie... IIOtI. _\~I( "0111' a ~ kr. Ilr Rend 20c to H, ' remedy, approved by physicians and comy the Well-Wormed of the Somera.·Uti De R"lb Ave_; Brooklyn, N. y. mended bO Worlda.aDL"Vl!lu~blc Bnd wholeMIme family Wben ' ;V0ll are dealing witli 'm man laxative i' 9 the wcll.I.'1InWli Symp of FiSB' who (!onUnuaJly insillts nla~ :' buelne8B Senna. To geL its beneficial Iii "buslness" YOIl lIad bclter exam In", and .au the ~OCUlDenta. carefuIl1.-Puck. ,clfecta buy the genuilJC, nIonu· the California Fig Syrup Co •• factured SORE }:YES, weak, itdlamed. r:ecl, 'IV~tel')' emly. ale by alll~Dg dniUi"'; IIn,1 _olllln eYIII. ",e l'K1"1'U-S EYE SAI.Y£.~. An dtdgi t. 0; JloWli'd In a Pinch, Us. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful. s'm nrlIng. nervous f et Bnd .Ingrowing nails . It's the greatesf comfort d lsc(1ver)' of the age. Makes ne w ahoes flaB),. A ce rtain cUfa for. s weating fee~ Sold by all Dru!f{; lsts. 26c. Accept no 8ubstltute. Trial package. FREE. ,.... d, dress .f.u S. OImsteil, La Roy. N. Y.
,Govemr.'Wlt a Good Cllato~e... "C"a help come out Ilrael, wher The a(lvup-.,ot II the larplttJIdl. ,II ~yt1a aDd til., rest, Dr the world ridllaJ puraJIlWlr r:1 elect ric IBlliJ,Jl 111 HIVtI.. lIulialo, oN. Y. b..- btIPIl -.eareb~ for a clD'tr' the COIIlW. JI )111_ liD.. . . :Jot 01 , . . t. MIl .. .. a1llUr:
Th a t· n ' 'IS '~e-ru -n 8r
't I lit"
DEFIAICEwork Cold W.ter a pi_reo 10 pq.
mak .. laUIIdr,
A. !II. K,-E
One trial will convince-"
you that,
will 'relieve soreness and stiffness quicker and easie",
than any other preparation
sold for that purpose. It p'eDetrates to th~ bone. ·quickens the.blood, drives away fatigue and gives strength and elo$ticity to the muscles. Thousands use Sloan"s Linime"t for rheumatism. neuralgia. toothache.ei~ sprains. controcted muscles..stiff joint::., cuts, brui$es. burns, tramp or colic and insect sting~. PRICE 25~.. 50$. to ~1.09 Or.Lar'~. ""\J\JII.u\J....'n,.'lu~...
AUI-:' Ius "IIt'I'" "" , \\Iip IIlltl I 1\1\\ II l ."l til" ('I,blll '"lIt - h ·11I'I1'l d 11'11111 1I 11l 11ltlr It' lIrllll~ l , mn lll 1,1111111 11111 t II. III\''' 11111, 11" '1' It 'ul I lL': !'" ,I 1t ~~1I 11 '~ 1 1' \WlOj! day , \ tI ,,"uk 111 I hll Bill . III ~ldl) 1'Illll1lg llto "IIi, IlIw g Ih llt'l
Writes ~n E. 'ceedlllg ly In - hwu '1'",,11,';\' t,l1 l', Id u ml "II llI i1e: \'1 Illn g I .. n b .. ul'll~8 IIml ~ \ ~ lIt ill terest ing and DeHcrip' Iulln l ow .. r", I W lIt,V ,·ight lII il !l lti t ive Lt'ttt' f ' rfll'lly uitmg tit ... Plll'il il': 1111 nil lIll Y
-- .-.--._------
.. !.
I d tlm)n I r u m p \ l d. 1l1 t~ II U I. I , (, Iol'lcd day 'on Memor ial Day, lilt 1 Iht' U(J !t1l a a1 I t l)(l k II ~.~ t " II . iw' I th E' lit he r tl)(l e o f t\l ,11I1I'1' tl ilil I La n"Ii ' Several Promised for Presentation WI ' 1·(t lll n ill fl,1 1'01' 11m r ~t IIf . th" 1 . to the legislat ure. I Irip for (\1 11' Il o I1UI:. 1 wt il 1I"t un j ,)\1l' II P ,I' , ulI IIl'cally kk11'I11/.:1I4'll lt l thl ' I Ilpl' tllkl 1.0 d08cl'ib n ' 11:- 1t v l"i.lIl .. r IllI h ·. \ n l r R, rill' til . 11111 ....... ·"...... hl'1l1lut:1w. d lz:t.iTlllSS, indi- f .." rllpTlli n II .. I W (lIlltlt IlIIU la'lLuty hU I' /lid Il o"lcri p :'111' tl II ~ tlw I 1 (' 11 il 11tH hltll t 111t1 1 TO REGULATE CORPORATIO~S 1 g (,:> (j 1\11 . ( II 11111 (' ('u ns tipa In yuur 1!' '' I, \",,11 '" "I' I h I' tlll/,\'I I I' lI UII , IJII U h om IHllllhlll uut 1'1' ll~ IIP, Ot. .v Illi UlllUdll ' t ~ 1Il1; It , 11111 1111 tiOIl und Bilioub Tlcs:;. IIUI'"II ' U YOIl r eq ll e~te/I fo r at I' 1 p.!<itll·o t:\ t (l by (HiI' !; nilll 'uu\ln!:tu l' tllllt eu, l- lu 'L II, Ilill SCU UlIlI, tl W Oh til L I\: .lUl:) t Dt ma nd Th at Ohio lI wy II r!'l' 1I11 1lww d " t Ilt tl I " ,. L Shoul d '! ake Pro. , keep QP t,b l)lr Shil l e of 11 ws gAt.tier- $200, lJOO lI-ud wau y o th e r!! Ih ll l W ill wuu ld gu o ve r . rhu, w u.t l' 'UIIII:: 11.1 1 gr0 5~lvo Stcp- St c";es About ~he , k ll U W Il """da hl , tl rn l!", 1\ 1\ 11 lot! Il Dd 'It 0 1: urr"cI t,o Ul th" t >l ooli ()I ' e tni t lo b t! K\lt,y "nu' ric l,Ul S~ . lit tll lu · \)tl j us t bl:lfll f ~.h ewll U (; Com ing Sosslon of the GenC~ill ' deD e illt cOll u t nflll e vi!!it of l 'hll r I 6~ W I' t\lrutj.l t o L us f\n~ull;j ill'the O\' t' l' "he w onhln gll) i\ IIl'W (' Id h ill " 11 I al'tm ent h as II I'!' ' el l 1I 1l (\ III' I Asaembly, Browu AnLl fllmll.v ttl . on t llArn ( 'fill · ev tl tling wlJ e rtl we hud plaou ed tl) I' tl l1t1 ~' ,s hel'lI in. taliroti i t1 t h tIlamm t h .Most:! r Ih Ikst Wu \' t! Abuu r (Spcrln l COl'rCSPQ ndE'nre. ) f ,)rnta migh t hE' of infer ... t . .( 'olwlI : llI l l' " I I \\ ill bp ('all d t he ~tlly 0 \' I' night· &nd u ontill Y h eu l' h"1t \Vlt.~' o ve r , Chul' l ' s I:lI'O ~\' n , Who I C01UDl bUS. O. -Th at time "' 01'1(9 & '1'h ey Ilr rive,l 00 ~ hednlt' titUE'. Rubert, .T Burdet te, ill til l' 'lJ\1rch hllLl betln S I k lI ll th e " ~~I . S," .' pl l!ia l «'I(I( h ill(r U ' pl," lH 1! · g\llll~ vUY-, gl'/;'Ul cbauge .U publh, srn llnll'nt Is I 1'; I' tt l'}, 1," 111.. ;;llII l'l'II l' t" I'<I ~ pr il twe nt,.v "i~t,h . II h ont t,b.lee whe rl1 h I. JlU s t.or, uur w c h llllgerl, u ~ lI uH whu FI'lltn 1111\\' n il Ow In '11 fi lii! ·yO \J I)I~ 1111(1 I) " U ,,1'1, lI l, th u : e\ hJ oucou. by th o u itt dt: or l he n 0'1 ttl ;':1\ \' "I li,ln l ioll (lC 11\ III o'olock in t,b e II ftlj rll un n , find t, Ie- 1l11rplll n ~ lll\<lw e nt, ,)J\I.(J Lo ll g BUll ,It iejill u II ejIU() 'un ) III II IIf Wuvne 'vi lle lind vi r inity who t ut' :1 611 · 1,'k 1l O " , 1 pll. ~ wUl'd Il p ll LlIc' I\ lilltle~ hili now : '·l l'lld lld. p ooned th at t h ey wert' II t tit., , uJ 1J whe r e we ,,<lour II tllL'I'e ";UUllI'UIJIII h!l~lIu tu Ie/ u k wlll l II11U d es i!'\.· Illl'i iunJ w il'ed ' Iul-hing cu,n ll L l hu g Ill , I us COtn111l re il w il h r ' li l!' )'1 ':11'>1 a o. .1 :! ~" /I l'IO\Li.: li t l:ie h wa l·.l ;r. ' ,', e rn P Ilol,flo De)JO t In PIII;udtl ilu. urld clulle to I,litl p ier IlUU pre pllr. (1 tOT' IIl1d \\'1\1; OUII OlHlLl'i lJ ul lllg Ul" SI'I~ " l!J hl' l't' Iwll!:'l' thaI! e lse· tll t it I A hili wa s Itl tl'oll nl' U In Ih (\ S \' . ' 1I IUill-tl :UII YlIllll l'" IlI IlJll I' UI,'Ui pl, befor e m"n y minute s , -ill Ellis ( wbo Ji~ht b ouse keepin g, wh fll' e LIlt) \) xl iJt'illY U ' 1' . 1t\ lIk i ug t ~\"'J lI11 t ut wilt'I'l' . 1'1.. Il ly firth gPlI l'ral IISlWl ll fJly \1 1'o\'lllin!; , " f II r1I 'I ' , bail beeu with UR ~It at six weeks) fou r dll.Y provE'I I to be d,ty;' of ['0 11 - . ' lI IUl'noj' q f he sl at o 1'0;; 11111 11 " 11 or all pllbllC' I . SI X, t ll A 1111 III IH' tJ 0 f ll " ror f' 1'\, lcI' I COI'l' r,ll ion:; 1\ llJore bad blt,obed our h rse t-o the Ctl rr lage bl ntly inor Ili!ing pl eh>mre sl l'lll . _..:.._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ilnd ell'. lun- in g B~c lI ll l 'l l. I;,' nt I'(!gul al loll I It au Is nnw (' )(11 " ;1.·cll tind W 81l on h is W il Y to br in g t,h em light.. 'fIJ e uext dny being Sllbbllt.! 1 Suits of W e oann ot l'\lfrn ill 1!'l1lll ' tt>l li ll g' oVur s team l'alll'tlul l;; IJY lit Blatt:> rail. ....- -- - - - -...- - - -- o nt to I~iu dti Vista, 1\ \ e of w e ll tttl n ded hur h In tho morui n g . alllJ th er ll t tl fl lll 'III l\ r, (If thf V'J)' Ilg'I' . 1'111111 COtnm ls~I(j1l eve l'Y de ir· 1 T ha t. hill W it S a1 . .. hout two on d one hnlf m ilos the.B l'o wn KOillgt o tlJ M t h oLli!'! t Wh e nth ii 1\ 11 Oll lli ' all l fabric, ~o r ou~ h !l il t! tn,,~ t la ug-hl' d ut oC 'x lst 'tlCl' - tlli ll . F " 't' , J will not. n u!lort ll ke to de~orlbe un o we t J the rl 0 IH. i I . :ShOwlllhi.~ !;0asdl1 . I nnw c I OI)~ UI(lt It was s h)lp l v !4, SO wo m g l', til wll1cl uC Il H , h (' W ~ I I IlUIl tll l llft nilludIt. o!'d tvh\) tinl 's . ' t he m eeti rg, ou CIl II fiJi imlL!.:ine OOTU p'lro note!:! i 0 I . f t Ie II te)l·noon . th e d.)ok, l'X ' II lllle Wh l, W \·u l,' l'illtll'.V ~ \Jl'g uo lI t1Il t! I >'~ n\.l ~ (' . Evl'l',I' :;ly lt' ll t' lhi:; ,;ca:;lIn' ~ p' ~ign· II~ II !-l Ine a ~h ell \\· I ~I.'()II ~I Il, a n!l t hllt. But Ill! t tl t be.i r Impres sion pf N l" w ' W owilI edon WUI . (;IlIrda nt!llIo e, UIJrh;t\ lln ::;Clll llti" t . W ing. JI~ \'~' I'Y ne w 1',)101' and pattern , lthh 1'!II'IH·Y (ll'kl1 a ve .llIl ltl 11 Il llhIlCl ll tllily hlll _,1 "'"Uforn ill-yo l1 know ch ilflre ll n re Ma r y , U Americ an Ave \VO\·s l .... ds. \'I'l o UI'S, l'iI!-l'i me l' , a nd ' ., thell 0 .1l u,bont Illl uprib ht pOtll,,, lw ~Il l. IJ II 1'llI> lIu ,l th!'y nr" SU " " q uiok to m a ke up their mIDds a nd Li7.lzio Flli rohild lind 'Itt'vi ts, SI I'i'II!!!:!, cllt>l:ks , pluids" nla in nlc tl rtl'r l tl t l h1l<'C'I'~ (1\1I it l tit ho I' :;it;te r l{.u- \'l('o k , looking hll P PY Eilld "i ll. ~IIl ' I \t IlnllI l: , )1\ ~1\tlll'll l1.I· . Aft t ' I'Il ' IIIl1 . S, " III I' IWIlI'" won.l·r !IometiJ netl tir. j ust 811 q u lok too ex· oh el. We colors . "' 1':\)'';. uliv ~ , pi nlY of I ft tho B rowns t Lte r " Th o Old :- 11 III ll1 e l' 'r im. ," for t h tiI I,w t hey ~· l·l' l· gOl n1011 1> wi Itout I " ', l lU . \\'b lln lue :; lIbj (.t w all fil'sI press It . W ell, Ey ier 's verdiot wos w h ile w called on tlJ;l 1 ('8 " II lJ O. ill' ,wn!! UIIII ma ny r lomcy mix tu res old soh901- nll\to I' !It of t h o JO Ul'l1 y, d l"m o ll ~ t, l'(\ l in g ' hronchc ci tOllr y ari< n;;(,. )ll1 ~H n('h\l . I ...____ _·""'!!~~-_-!Soon iu"llt! u p "nd i t WRS, " 1 lik e of mine thot. I h ad n otse ~ ' ut in I hI ' COIlSl' l'I'[l1 jv :; ty l~ o r th e n forllbu ut tit pOWtll' of miu ll VOl' III til I 1', 1I 11 t1 S~ ll~ \\'a s · tlt p ouly ' s tut(, lhal hn:lstPd OahfoT nl!l R \I , bu t th e g rlttl"," 1'6 t h ir ty. t hree yellr s Iln d I " Coll'ge .'tyles ," >' U IIH' as t he h igh lIl'n od thnt wo Clo uld n t h olp t b in KllI g it wn u lil l or a bill t'rllll lntlul;' p ilI/III' s n ' le c J'. o ne wbo it! used to the Ke n t lloky oh ll • e l'llI'i ('(!d s uitt! , whidl IIn~ !:IO iT1Uch , prmltlfJUs ; :Jil l wllon som rllc te ristios liS Il boy hlld fo!J \)wo I hUVtl d"1lI 0Il s t·rut d It m oru aR ttll! - - - - - - - - - -- - -,.;t: usl \il .\· Oltlouns sflu.,hl to get Inro li nn with blue graBS t h e re ne ver 18 any ~bin g h im ill t!\' nJallll by young- III n. All ~iz " thro n g h life. Wheu 1\ 1I .v , if if h o htlll iu t h u ~ lIliTlil tttku h e r III)(\Y I tllnt llo ll QY, t il e llrnposiliou WI1 8 liCit ( t btlt Just ex a ot ly. t lLkos its' pla oa, it W I.I S Notice to FU,' nl Cr s U r u. ubit, U b uoket of blac k· intu rl.lo en bi tn eh O~ fru :ll. o with n ulon tllu o t hul' l g\Vl'll sel'IOUII {'Oil, ill l mUon by the I But 'he're "re sum e Ildv8n t llgel! We ber rio~ a game of ball or a p robloll1 w a Ul 1I, lawm tlk I'S. <Ai lifornla n14 h8 ve ove r tbol:!e of t,h o in m a t hemati c!! IlU' knew n !:Illuh and .. .. ~l::t;. ~ I~,~ Now t h"re Is un a wakf.' lli ng. It Is ' , LIIO lllllg, w w eJ" E!lpt lind mld~le W est. 'l'he oi t r on s T ::-Ull li II I UIII' prmlleta b ( ,I'OWC . rl tha t 't" SO\' ell'ol ~ b.llI H 10 'regulat e 0 word as f&il , tlO whell he got out in 1'00 111 11 1l1ll1 ~ l ll d W t! w a eco I'S Is where'?' I'Ill sl ill nJjl'I'. pu l!lIc sen- ire (,()I' )lorlltlou >, will Ilod ornams t.roos llre 0 beaut1 ful ~hiti bin. wester n c oun try in p u r u it uf Tllnt e \'enin g l,i;<:~d b'lI il'cl\lld u ll LI t I'OclUl'i'd ill tht} l ind \t 'gINlal urc. g reen all the y ear Bround and th o , \\' in dull' 011 41h the dollu'l ' , it WU 8 with t,he 1!1l1ll0 te l it r ;!i;ltOl', ~1r . ~ p t'i ll I wi ll litis wel,k I'er eivl' my ge r ullIl UlI ll f.lhd80lduot1ll trees Ilre a lovely g reen s ui t lind h e hUl! mudeq ~ • • Sl. Uompll l'e the S .conll ('ar load (IF ,anton , (},,' uite n fortun e t el' ~111 d nlld 110 OI upn lli 1I 11 8\10 l\'n I tll alr a dl) ~e l\ III c'mlJ (l rs of lit\' I gls· . , II.bout seven or eight montb s i~ t~e . , . .' . . va l \l a 'Il·t:> 1.1 1'(' ;;-Iy lng t h o slIhje,·t IIf'('11 s. om par e High tn tlll ~ world, but 1 fellr be I n ot to t h lIew h , t'l\d • FCI'Lili v,e l'. Th'I~I ' o t,ol trg'III Itt , w lI , r we I tholll;ht wi th the l(lea Of lu!t'odll r ln year. Then t,bere is anothe r source ' the ' <l tv l,,!!. Ilt' l' wis enough to laying u p muob wIJ ere " m oth und , o U IV s uch g'CIII](1 ' Ul' (\, wiH hing lit e P ' '1'1 ' :;S gt' lllble W( lln ll Il 'lt, bill s. a:1(1 of conltan t enjoym ent as w ell os rust ot.h ors !Ira "lllllyln g tlle kl1l)\~' .' d oth not corru pt, ' I t l'O\\' CI' will d \I'd I to ~ ,t' buforo wituC!s ' (1 , R at u l'llI lIl< 1'1) U \II ' pro\loslUo n ~o !Ill to \J(' valt inc.\r.)me, namely the Ig reen " In a JI()t;ltloll me . n an d place th eil' OI'[l I' . Ou Mondu.y lit 10 :(10 by preViOll!! 1'00111" Wlll:!v uut the I' tlt uf hlt A \' or ~' to Il t i nl ollll!('lIt1 y 11 \1111 1\. It Is the pBQple who come froDl the East, +Q' & MAI N ., " Thos t,l sin f Peel'lts.."; Veg etabl ongage inen t, Wm, (Jurn a nd n iece llJolISlln t, avenln g mun"lJhl n g Quod y,• ~(l Il (, I'a I PSp rl'!I ~lon HV f ill'. U" t Ihe Wi sconliin bill Is th 011 to USo n a If IPace would pe~it I'd like to ( " 'c)\\' C!I' rind It ,qual I,, ' ~tny CllTOe and too k u s to th e to p of tho ea ti ng orll ng lIud !n lk l ng uf 1l1 0 11J Od '1. give you lOme Idea of Its V!lstnes8, 1 ami Ul'P;l:;:; d by n ,nt!. (Anpast a nd OUl' denl' WIIYo villl' First N utionu.1 Ba n k w h ere '['lI a t gll' os II s la le cI)tt\lfI lesluli but .uftlole nt to eay, It la genera. lIy uly: is und p l'i CE' 'onsid red .) beyond q u estion we sa.w t h e gra n d · irielld :. 'l'hon IV r e tirQl..I.· PI' !Jurcd pow!',' 10 h ' glllall' al l public fI 'l'\'l admitt ed that the tourist is OIlJjfor'1'11<: Iuw m Hl'Jdn 1 am s !linK CLOTHES,H I,sHINO.s. est vie w of our life , On one sid e to " br e a k oump" 11 xt duy . corporll li us, It. II'I\ S lIuI:t" 'd ~ "to " nia's mOIl' profita ble orop. And la w at the lus t j) s~lo l1 or Uto ~\ l ~oo l1 ' (' II bar. m · 1'1:01 1) making a was th o t g ran d old P a oifio a.n d on Wn kirig ILbou t foul' 'olook t h si ll 1!,,&lallltul' . lInil It hall , met with yet at Wbittl er where mv wife and , 'M nil eBllVUH . Fe rtilize l' hay. the other thre As ides ~as Lon g Beaoh, n ext, m orning I bud U des ire t o ' U populor ravol,', Tit \\, 1 ~('iJll. lu la w 1 spent laIIt liabbat h very pleasan tly 'ng become ' llclt a C Oll11udity. Long Belloh n 'Ie ,,~o I wnnd e.r II I ba.'J not b en as nll leh 111 t1) pllhlic At one o'olook tbey wer e. lIt onr and where the tonrlst Is not so especia lly IImong t ba c growdoor oguin with a do u ble te"I,1l !ln d out. u ),Iulon" tho l' ik c Ptl l:! tll\l ·tl.ll)SO' yo as th e ~ w 'York; s tlt,o lnw, h il t mnoh & lIOnrce of profit I learned Is beoaus o Or lootll N.., w Yl1l'k en!, d eal rs s hould PI' pal'l:' to a three seated rig (suoh os wo n eyer dens of VIC II!:! fil l' II the h otel \ \1'- that conditio ns. In lha.t ~lty t hp Jlubllc tbat; one bank s&arted in ' 1903 wi th cat'ry in' stock . all lead ingsee baok East) , and !.OOk six of 118, g inill wi UlOut ei ng oJlllmll1l lJ ill g , s erv,lce comDlis slon ]I OS llut! a "real capital stook of $25 j ooO and now b ran(1s . . Fa~'me rs an .l~h n go making eigh t In 1lII, for a. dri ve over 'r'bere I ;!top ped uglliu tlnct Il'l. ' tl til sltuatlo ll" t o d It! I\'lth nncl ,lIccI/rdl llg bu'. depoelt of $600.000; while and thut 'mpar 'g l'll nd Analy. is fin I truotllr A ttncl t ho ' t ()f to th r por ta of \I}e work ot the CO I\1 · Long B~ llch , and" deligh tful d ri ye . other bank startin g later bas a de. ' Dll s$ion, ,It Pric I ' n with Juol' oth y tblng I' b rand s k pt ror tho it WOII one long to be t:emelll bered t h e lMe bn,nq u et gIVen thor e to tbo poopl th ut . o\' rill/r HII~h shad ui . pol" of over '500,00 0. s.h owlng t hut Isewher .. and d,raw their wn but space will not; permit a de~ ori p . offioer !! of !ihe fleot, then sOllle bow .tonlel'lty to pus h tbere 1_ really 1I0me c.ther 80uroe of his l' t luans ,ir o to conclUSIon: ahou t wh r tion ; Then w e' went t.o t h e pud.-. to t h o't in ouneot iou wi th that uf that enactm ent Into I~ law. ' ttl PAP~R , proftt tbere, QaIDely, orange s, lem. pur 'ha e, Bee 11 wbale, or ru t h e r it "fmDl6 f eust 0 Jon g ugu, of Sol IJII ~zllr , 'l'he New Yor], l lW I CllllllI0I' SOO\.:r 0118 aDd English Wti nuts. The I n.L- ho . 'in stul'k U lilll' h ~ W ise nsln work ," the dlmeus iou!! of w hioh nre 'l'umin g 'hOUl tb ut. oonu I wll ik d by compa rison wlnl walnut oropal one briDgin g$350,OM. 1\1(, of Whit '. ,edal' P()S LH, Lotli clla· as fallows : lengtb, 63 7-10 ft .. d ium · d ow u to w'1l'd tbe uel.l oh nllfl tot>cl 1n"·. nnd fl' JIll Ne w )'L rk et>lu But to oODtln ns, Chll8, Brown aud lllllr'b 8 to . he · e n"~ cl lilnL the I glsJa. ill i'OIl1l rl all :-awed halvc,<;. eter, 12 ft ., j u.w, 16 7·10 ft. , fi n length , f!lOing thf~ mig h ty PaC'iUc ItH er fJ tUfe will ' a k d to make am end· wife ware more deliber ate in InS'kS~ecialtY. 6 7·10 ft . t&i1 width , 12 ~-l O f tt; sk ull Ili r;:h t of. s torm , wilh ~ h oBe ' g l'ell! monts to. It 11101' In !ln e wlt b the ing up their minds. But, ~ft-e,r spand. . , : I wldth, 7X ft. I t ClIm e to , ~ Lt O I'l~ brel~ k ar s rolling in t o wlu 'd II~ llUel Wlseonslu IV. Wrn. H, Carm ony, log five 'd ays with U8, Beelng tIle It. Is nr,; Samp 'i-d by les pOIIt of !(:ul ' A~l couQOll Grade gts r omem s of Ma.y 20, 18 7, 'fne live weight, Is tis· bering t hnt It. b~l s. nlw>lY S1ghtB and looking over P lUlRtienn , thnt that ",h\l; h fi rs l sileo ella tlm n.t ed " t 48 tons. One w ns fo nnd been /I flgul'e a t Goll 's iove t'o bl~ In Int \lI b ' ntl.' ,Home Pholle Paper 2-7, ---Pap er lI y changin g ,Its sy ~ tOIll , ConI thin I[ 1 am safe In 8tl.ylng that tbe y with a six b y eight oh ioken ooop Ln oreatur e mlm , ] in volnntll r;v nt t,or od or 1'lI lLal.'r \'lInt of sy~ t 1lJ. 01 ,rganiz· en t£~ l'vill Iw ch. were delight ed wltb thl'" P"l't of Ing stant lind ly r";ulnli on Hand u }lubllc u tility CQr· itsstom acb full of obic kens! '!'hin k the pra yor "0 liod let t hy lov r o ll _ _ _ _,...._ _ _ __ ,_ _ • O.Ufor nla. pOI'af! oml l,' v ~.j'O(j t.lll J; n ' lI)'st U1 In • or 1l11 't his tt.nd' the n tell Di e ·t h ere into my ,ou l like tIJllt !" ODe olrcnml tjlonoe 1 t.hink I m~t wlLsn _.!!....~!!!!!!~!!.!'!!_~ . !!.~~_ Aud n ow I ooule to IllY COD hI iun cOliforllllly with lht? 'Wl scO ns ln p!all , "!'.!!' ~_ ~~~ __~._ ~_~ 't r oom for J onah i n t ha t p re· ....!!....!!....!! _~ " will 8 00U I' t eslahlis h condl tlo qll that r.e le'e, ,W e were ~rlving on Orange ))I1ored a nd ' to th e pl'llctic lII flsb I Or that the Power t h ut tJurt ()f iny let. will Indlu. t he grpn Ws.t dlilgreo . of The' \Vorltl '" Btl, t ' <;)li m u't e, Grove Boulev a.rd, 'the home of the oreated suoh a. whale eouldn 't k eep tel', wh io b UlIlY be of b tlDel1~ to pros · l)l'ospE'r lty nnel w 'l1 \) Ing for Its mu· Is not I.Itiro lr free (I'om ~li tlense, Qn million aires, of whieh Pasade na 8.l1lan Illiv.e Insid<t or o u tside just as Imctive to uri~t.lj. Yon C!l[Jl !! I)el.l<l tiS I1l cl llall(l o nnd Uiul r Inlill \) lt:j nts. So tb e ,bi gl! " Iev/ulo n fover s pre VI\it , boas&. fody-e ight or fifty . Uharlel l Ii tle 01' much mOIlOV tl yon lik e. condition d ami '10 cOll lrolled, public while 1111 th e lowor h' vl" ls m ul u.r ill is Be ohollo. utility mOllopo lles bccome th o en ooOl) t "nrd to Il t: 1"'llt..,r or lellM' e x, had alighte d from our oarriag e to F or two days the r e hnd be.en II On II l'1:ivtd Itt Long Bell.cb , r told rrl elldll :lIld S I'vantail'1ll or the PE'opl0 an d t nt., !I (' , · , I)· IlIn ~ to I' IHll<,le , T o overdrop some letters In tho post. box. very rough sea., but 'U4u l'itll:! to l:! IlIJply ull n Otlu~~ , PIIY till will ,. Bdl' I' the best s " r\' I ~I\ s (It. whl'h COI1W. on Tuesda y el ' ' :lll t lI f'rp(ltion s III sit ude My wife remark ed, " Bere oomes morni,n g it was t:be tjmooth bi lls un J ut the 6U(\ l 'd PlIY htllf l UI r t lIP), are ' Nlllnhie ut til lOlVst ceon· m n,lnr in, j t:/ o d itl P ; bi llio'n l:!n e 8; fe.VEl!: est wate r &; " . ,., lome of our folkll. .. Chule s looked ws'd ever seen, nnd w omll!, t cost to IIsors.. '. l1Dd ngu p, and ge n o r~l d ebH\t,y e nil took th o w e IJ uu thr oll IU ell,ch OOUI\JUI.1Y·, . 1" Wi sconsin MAl l'o Sl ' ltEIilT i t Is; II!:',.", 11 UI~t 't1ie llos t e1feo~lV.e rem edy iR 'Eleot~b t! and beheld, an outflt ttooh at! is oom · 'W AYNII;9VILDII: : 0, ric'! . hoat f.or 'II' Islllnd, 1\. dis tAn oe o oLl OUI' expelll:!es fpl' ,tlle l otH' dl ~y ·j (\n a[~lllIent or til >;nHc(1 n ' ln m !\Sura BI tter s, t Tn r OOUI next· ll oor .tQ r 08s··. B1'08. he ~en l, mon~y Been here, a liveried ooaoh· .of a b outCatlllin .. o,ltero.t. I've . Il nll (. ix perso u!:!, t,LLl'ce g ood ro OUl, I iR,thp lllC)st Im\lorta ttt 'SII\ ~ I thirlly milAB ,. T b e tl r t Il ie,c,e , or b1ood'p urlfier i tb eu n tldotef o r evtlry i;lllrd Will e St., 'I' . mao; liighsi lkha'ta nd uniform dress, tbing to Ilt trn ot OUl' atte ntion w nB. uOl u'd lIod e vervt.h il,l g we oou ld d e I IC~ I!\l tlllOn eve r lI, n t ,I \Jy tH o l er;l s: ' 'Iorm of b()llily ~ellkne ~ ' . perohe d on II. high seat driving the Dying fis i)., They 'llel ph on e' i n . \tOUII8 8Dd ofttce . . lat II I' or an Am cr l 'an stuto, Tt m ea n~ n 6!i .. , li n d !u!loUlnin,. s~, Ilel'VtlU S Ilre I\bon t the t;!re) WUIl $\1. )) wllll,a wo .ouu ld It I V.U ~o l d Ulld er , mfin clpallon trqlll ilredlldlco for t ho g un a dooli:,~U high' stepper and two size of II turtle d ove, r no t ee M, . .If recl C. ;:i()it wr; ll z'!'I yb of£' 1· carl be called !lilY n r u igb t . but l on~('r , gone to t h e h otel . V ll'gll1lt~ \'l ull llU'u Anl.c l'\can people. l t .means tho "end drng ~to l' e. P rice GOf , fine ladles ou the rllar seat, looking They rai8e '&bove t he Vlllle:( P JlOll l:I 14-2, w ilter li n d fro m $1 ' to $30 p er d llY for ou r 'llI~l . J or th e . rille of poUl!ca l an d fl ll aocill.) \i'k e they bad jllst oome out of Ii- fiy Ii few l'ods frolll llu-u y IDttki llg $72 to $1:l 0 ft> r . h e I s\1ccl\la tors. 'two t o t,e n feet • • . ". ' .. band .box. T,his slght .woe commo n;ve the surfaoe, then <lis llvpear in fo ul' du ys \.~steat1 of ~!), l! : '1'111'> mo'tlf 'or th ' Wls onsln U.lll Is to UII, but to . S66 Chllrle s Brown 's ihe water "gain, Th Por Sale, e 'n l'xt . Wltia Il .BIll:! l)tUt!. CUllI P brul"ln , th e l 'lte (' Kt.llb \i sh nro nt or th o ., IIJ'in Iptel! of head elevate d just a little nwre and sea-aer pent, t hen a. whl.lle, thlm' t w o Browus s tllr tcd uu t heir jO,m 'll "y Illi l'oclprocal justice helw en ]:\uhll.o lltll· Ur c ln g t on c.g-gs, b~lI · o r white, * 1 to note the 100)[ of mingle d super. large porpois e and lastly at t,he la.nd . t,he cons t, !lnd We uftel' (Iinner twd n l ltles ~llrl Ibe nMers ot tb B(I \,\'lc they par Bottin g: $ 3.00 for . )0 I J!l 5.00 'for tority and dlsgllst that · came over Ing a sea han , plelHllln t vi it w ith Dn,vi.>! Mee ker!> ! rellcl el', It glyes ad dltl(lIlnJ ]'lowers . . . hlB counte nanoe was amusin g ' b e. . ' : tho exlst.lng hoa rd ot rnlll'oad commlsto· 100 ; hIn ck, $1. GO 1)01' Ro g . \ \.. ")' ')ell ville's J .eltdln8 Dentiat ~L r,o ustn Of Ill y Wife, took 1\ ' Ill' fu t' I lon o('~, 'a lJourd yond d880rip tlon, cOIll)lOl'etl or ' th roe . After 'dinner u·t a. tirst ~llL!\ij l'e~ PI\!;l\ Office 1:1 in K eys Bld l(. , B, W~ lkerson , O regoni tt, O. Mal~ !:It deOl~ Viti L os Aogolc ~ . , comml sslont;'rs. Il ppolnte d hJ' the gOY' 'A word 'here about these million - tauraii t, we took the gl~ss bot tom ' : Very sin 'e l'ely I ('l'tl or with ~he consent Of the seua.te, air9jl, 'before coming. bere we hlld b oat toview the sub-ma rine glLrd ens , Plt;:mlle'n u (J1l!. W. '1' , E 'RA ~I.I~ I' l? r n term of six YCllrs, attor the. inl· --- - --,learned that Paeade na, for Its size, whi'oh were fin e, but . ·tllli t crm • .lIu d romovn hl e . hy the gOY' h a rdly ot\me For wu probably'tb~ wealth iest city In up 't o our expecta t.ions c.rnor for cause -gueHs we L u t l'O Ji n ill li on tl 'Jors W 'u rl' like . It -places nnde r thu j nrls the world, and ' tbo't 'it might make expec ted t oomuo t. , cl lct!on of They nre benu- ir on. Hood "Bl ue u.1'(l!'!s" P lliltura for the state board of rallTOn\1 oommls· us feel a little uDOom fortable , but tiful , but every.t hio·g wns on II s ll1all er r ent. (10011 fa n c '~ 111111 1'Il/milllS elon ers the mau ufnrlllre nnd dlstrlb·u · it d~ not, . Riohes here ' are just sC lle t bll.!l we hlld -~- -tlon of ,,118 and elecll'l cl't y' for light, w(lter . .For fn rth or Info rrnnt i'l!l in expeot ed . At • 8oomm on ItIJ l)overt y .back Ea!!t" 3 o'oloc k we stiLr teu .,eat , ~n'd ' powel'; t el e ~ h llne alllI 'vat er qui'r e of , Nnt.ltrl ll ,l on on .:mr l'aturn VlI lUlJUSlI llleUs (;101':1. ii, Wny n ml • and when you get used t o them YOI1 yoyage and 0. rongh Taleph~na sorvlccs and street rtl ll wny clllllllnni es, v ~Ight. one ' it proved B, (;t , i:)te wu r t, n Iller ollunt of CeThe pll rposa of (lnnllnl s lone In lHe Oh io, feel perfeot ly oomfor table abont, to be . , Before we bad p.roooe de u dil l' Vi ew , MiRB., !lll ys: 'l t ell Illy' bolh Wlse'olls ln aurl ;>J,. ;" York them, You fear of ever'be far, those of u~ on de- !!.!!.!!.!!...!!...~~!!!!!~~~._ ~!!!!!!..!!~~!!.!!...!!!'_ !!!!!~ deok begun to <) nato me r t! when t IJ ey lillY III b ox o f clared .In both IHw s ,10 iiI) 'he so Isll'lng . ' f I b t d d .. ·called on ,for 8s81stll. h oe, ' . D r, mng's 1•. yet Ne w we I.I Ea P ill s t;hey "tit of adequal'e S 1' ,,11' 0 ' :1n(1 rf'a onllble ea til ' w e nee e , someth Ing to h " t e , worth of t lmt 1Jll1ch gold 0 in rates . All l'abnl !'H, (\i"orlnt P.J<;N UJS S AVED MAKE have the poor alw&ys witiJ. U8, some hold to, the op&irs would ln a tlo ns, upset, lind w eigh t, if it nHot d wlttl clIl ustiput ion , special pl,lvll.('gl'B · 1\1 ,J favclrs are destitu te poor, but' .they genera lly the wind was so cold DOL LAR, EA]{'N IW I soon fel t t h e muln,rit4 or l.lilliol1s nes ." old nn · strictly prohlb ILI'(\. .\ II 1"(111 \pment manag e to live on tho crumbs tbllt Deed of going t o t he' oabiu , T h er e der guuron tee Itr. F rell U. 'oh wur t';, 's and metllode of 1I1!1lI11(ac;tllrillg, If u grocRr ch !\.l'ges YOIl tl ve oents !lIs· fall f~m tbe rfoh man's table, We 1- fou'nd Eyler luld ou trlbu tl ng, measurln.\;' 'Hill 'hnrp;l ng lor tl btlr f or 1m lit h II SOI,~Pi sick us drug tore, 21;'\. It,'SI too II1ueh , figure "hilt we have a lfttle the ad. be ever w'ill 00 a.lso a sel'vlces al'e placed tlrrd"'r S.l1\l r.vlslon , R,s k f or three In.rgo Imrs dootor 's wIfe, of KlDg of vant&g eoftbe 'iliilUo nalre, WeOlln fr-:>m KansBs C Ity. wbo Rn.d examln a110n. lIud t h'O pi'oduct sold th e Lal1nd ry, th' ll tnllt1u.r( d I l Ilul)t hn . A WAij Nl l (i ' Is made the 5I1 hJ,' ot. of ool\~lnUOUB drlv., aloDg qrange Grove Avenu e that if she.1iv ed to reaoh . " ' tes te an d ubSf'l'Vll tlnn. Th o .\lubllca. sonp Of. Am e rloll the shore , , tln1 ~ Rltv ~ n g fl v., 'alte In and enjoy all the ~eanties she'd not be 'fool enougb One sho'u ld s tud y thOlr pocket- tlon of s r llerlnles for hisp ctlon to go oU.t by oents upon evor y t,lIree hll tH · yo n of all th8118 fiDe homell, t~en .1'etnrn on tbe wa.ter again, After remdin - bo'ok li S w ell 8S g Ull rd t h e:ir ' lIk in (On8Um er s or llsera ' Is t qnl red, and I1se . Smtlll flonU()lI1i ll. 1Illlko PI·(,II . to oar humble home aad simple Ufe Ing in the oabin awhile , and It Is made uI!lawful to eharge grt'attlr p er OI1S horne~. the sell againll t ill-s m elling SI1I1)1 mu(ile t'rom or le88 rates ' th an those shown on l_nD I &belD tbe ezpene e, vo.ble beooml ng roughe r ali the time I cheap . teria\. PIIY wh~lt. y lpu mlly b;veryt blug Known io Mullo. lIubUsh et!' Bcbelhllee. ....scar e of &heIr be 8I!labll ahmellt a, s_ned Qut to find mother you OIIrnnot s ecure "ny s oap E'qnlll to and Mary, The 81JcnMsf l11 public \11 lItty blH-wlll W. OIUf. Button , Prop',., wbUe we dream of the "IDanm on I fouDd the~ where the captain King of the Laundr y. J t'i~ a lwt\ys not rob munlclp nll Up!I of th Ir rlgbt to had 'he1 .e1nl JWD ar.u over there," placed them, in a seat baoked up the &'ime olean bright Bnd h elllt.h. TOKulate C01'\1orat lons, but wl1l leave The Gaze tte does Job councils with original !lut110rl ty In J'rlda1, _ BroWD I wna to Lo .iDlt the life preeerv erl, just be- fnl. Every grooer 8eUs three mattera . Tn e !feet" the 'replallon all of large bars for ten cente . public corpora Uou ,will ' - laft III'CW
'9 $8 8
,. ..'.
$9 .8 8·
.J oiln ll ya1t '
'e h'p li OIH! No. 12 1. I ' Je, '»)' nY \.
$9 88 ,.
, "
, I
A.L Wysong &SOIl
- -
Rent ·
..- ....
fUN ERA l 0I REC TO., R. Day or
local No, 1
Long Distance , No. 69'-3, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 8ranch Office, Karvnibu"
- - - '- -
Butt on Music Store
Work at Reasonable Prices
19 Green Street,
~~~-~-~""·-·-·-·-"-"""~~~~~~~----~----~~_ ~E~-"'~-----'~~~~--"~----~--~~~...~a~~ ~_ 1
'I 'ltil ll lll~ J\ IIJl fl f I" ,111'111''; \V"'ic1I1"1' lot 11\ r ; j.J1 i ll l:l",t'u, .; ltlO
The Business T. ClnSClcted in the Various Depart-
.1:'. B rill gu, I
LJ llniJllUI t u
l~m tly K . •\1 11 .
WITH A LAME DACK ?r-.. ltn[) ~ n , ~; J 11,111 " t llul' v II lUll "I <l Of IlJ slliuru t i 1)11 1; . K i<t "~y "if\llI hk Ma k.; You l\fl ~r:lb lc . ments F l'!! Of I . 'J'. A IIh 'i lllte 11U,l wir to A.btl l-'\: ('\,j~ l'\ hI ., 1\ \\ lslJ rr ill . . LiJ" I h.\,\:SR,eltec It Dun h!l.Ill , 8, rt!s in 'I' llI' . ]Jtq.J 'rr, i ..... ll l l'-ll.J I:JoI O\\ f)1' t h\:, " '(Jutlclf ul !"lIn luud t h". H I", fl I'l.' r It t ow u~ I Ii Jl, .~l 111 1(1 nt h !"!' <;0 11 , , . )"1"1Il'1· ·; , ";(lII1 Jl,' Q \ -) I H,,,,/ I I,.. ;'.I'.'lIt hid, • ;\id Hrat inn • Ji ",·! "I ,d Ida,', \\· ill( "I'~(\Il. ll d Tll il1l)< II'II ' j\1 f1 ,\" W . W!'iAh t., f'Xf' n l o l' tn <.: ".)"1 J'( 1\1(., 1\'. ,r. iu L
n n'.' I'~r('
J-j .
tit Ill. Ollt! hutto II I 11I c) II t! y I·f!t" j~ed frum '~ lIle of' tOI,JU OOll ,j rill~;'l;!il tUl'u e d
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I' IJ'rill .
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WIl y
, 'TATrU
ug I'!JO II ou I h OJ'otol'.}rl1 II ltute Fro lJk, Bl'll lldou nul! U fl Ol'gP A. wi,tLI tJJ l' RU)Ji l1 ltuiJwll,}' Co ., f OI' tlt e Burr VI:! I",ucy /<' . VIrts t.. t) l. I,JOII VA lJu i ldill ~ of It hJ'jt.1~(~ ove r the ["il,tl e Klven plnillt.lffR to fil A IImelJrJeu )l Ao Millini I'i VEW fi t Rt nli b!l r. l ill W II !! 1'/)- .g,,"crulItl '·lff,·l' ill UII< 1" '1 1.',' :1111 1SClid YI~UT tition. atl,l l'c. s I f' J )r. KiluWI' f! o i uti d . l'l C(J o1 HiJl~hH1IIlOI1 . E mm or H. Bllllo,Y . eXe(\utor, v AI . A )l titi on f a!, Il britlg.e o\' I' ' f II!!_ N. \' . Tit n ')!ltl"r bert I, BI'JI U lIt 1'Oot t Ill . ()rd al's 1I1'f! reek Il enl' "nnbylo \\'lI , 1) t,weeu !'i fl -,(;'' " ull d I') II C' . !I rOn t(JIl to ~e Jl r Ail I AHtll r . dnll:lr Si1.(- 1",ttll.!l> 1t1'C u Qni. or 8 ..nm l>Roo~ \VIlyne tilld Mil sit' to wu slli ps Wit . ~.. I,llw all 'uod · "r\lgg i.~t" . J) ,n't tilak!: Inllb Want:-. '1'he U, N '1'rnotion f!lcei veu lind Ilill oll 0 0 filii. UII I lIiiht:l\.;l·, 111/1 I'lClIl(' lI llu'r lit", n:lI l1 e . S'''(1I11 ,,:I{I)' ,t, I If. Ki IIII\',.· S B\\,all:,p- l,{<)OL, '0. UauiOIe ,JillrniSIl 11 w'i thou t r ecoI'd '1'bo alu QO vered hl' i dg~ , Utl!l r tiu f. " ",I the ,\(ll lr (;s~, fJiu g ita lJll<Jll, ~. '\ .,011 ElltJo 8 1l0iJr VI! '1'h o C. N. Traction ford s , over. Ttrl'tlecr 611k, Wll ~ olrl t o el'<:l'j botl Ie_ • Co. ('u IHe cli.!'ll1ill~etl wit.hout,.r eoord . Frank Mnrpby fOl' $10. 'l' h l
U I 'l'~
";HY .
P JWG J J\ M ~ , /.; VJ': J.( JI" ;:'<";.
IN 1/ l'1'ATl .INS,
And , ill f l:\d , ,11 nyLhi ng in Lito· way (,f M . I:c all . 1 til' J'J 'inlJlIg
I R ou ul1od the I::pot, nteratl l u to wit,lI . . ' Mr. b:, y , who o wn !:, IL Wllgut'r fl nel Unl'ry l:;nl11ueJ BAxter ( o r . )11 a te tlon t o Illr~o ~t:l n l-;J.\1 rill .t,oro Ilt UU legll. I), v Ed Bull sI'. E rror to jnl-ltico of stone n rch on . HI! VOl' t 1'e t., tit t,1l Illl d is p1'6sil1111l of tlJ ~dllllJ. Couo . l the peae . est,illlllte, ' 1i.0. . ·t.v " L' Jepb uJle 'u. , I~ IV 1] Ii , u f tb , . , ' . , fl ume f/' I IlLt one Co., nf .Pike 'OU Il Wlirren Howitt VB . W. A. H(1witl;, Uon.t ruot ""',,1:3 elitoreLl i~to WII h I ty, U. , 'O lIyS of 111'. Ki ng'~ N ~v Dip~o pu..V «ehtB out of l.rnRt fUlliI. (Jba!!1' H~nderson for repai1'lU;: stope I OU Vl'1' ,~- .'Jt !:Hl vO tl Ill y Ufo une '. onlvert noor 1'0 it.1 e nce o f Viot(», :A t I nst 1 thilL!;: i dhl. · I tsefllll otl_t o pnOIJAT ~ ,0 WI Worley on DILyton pike u ncl repuh' l'ouclt t lle "pot-t.ll VOl'Y. 'eut of M ' . t . t m y 'pu gh - when \'(I I' v nLt lng 'olse Frank BOW01IiIl, guur~i!l.n .John of . con or' ete II on fl.m !'i r e fllil ed . " V .... .b:'ing's N F. BOWIllIIO, Itnbeoilf' VII .John F. bridge. !Lt .th e e tlmllte, l !l .· 'n oLol11y I'ouoh o 't.lI cough l'[Jot; it Bowmlin et al. Horbert Smltb, ·.Ed, 'oo trll ot wIl made with ,I . B. Lt ul. the sur e s pot lind tho weuk win Dlirby nnd F rank Kemper op. \'Vill ti fol' l)utting in .fI. ilO-iuch corru . . pot!! in thOllt . . lung.' .u u u ch t,. . . , ok! nnder gua.ran ~ee lIt F I'P I ('. polD~ed oomml88ion to. put a money gll.tei1 !le.we.1' nenr re~ldellce of WIll, Sehwarv,,:1 .d ru g. ~t-o.r '. :,0,' an I valuation aD oertain rell:1estate. at the esti mA.t,e, .1)0, ,00. Trill.l , bottle f('~o. ( Oont ra ct WIl'S onter ed Ir,to In the olatter . of th e will J ~. seph G. KeY8 ·deoeased. · Wlll ad. Churl os~ . l,.e wis fQr oon(jroto ~ ...... ~ Chicken Feed. mitted to probate, anel Frank Bran. and apr-on uU.d rellltlr It:? a1,lutl\,l out RUQO don and W:. H .. Alleo aPPOinted ex- of l}r ~dgo nellr re idalloe . , ecutor8. Bond $10,000. S . Lev, am for , exchange, J on os in W a,yne to wn hip." flt tho '0 1' Gl'ucked we era kGVOlll' ow,isal t:c5m. ' We a Jso Oartwright;, J. E . •Tanney lind Aal'on esti.mlite *19li.'· have a good " up ply of chi l<eri: Chluldler /l.ppointed apl>rn.iserl> . U_o ntraot Will:! IUlloe with Willi'lm whel.\t. ..J WAY E vu,L~ - Mru • . In the matter of the will of DIl vid Evans for repaIr of bridge io J., bn. 0 .. Green, deoeAsed. Will 8dml t-ted non /lnd where dirooted ' in . 'ItlI'tl . to' pro bn te . to wnship, w.ttU ' eptell'lbOl' 22. . E!ltlite Of JoeJ EVIiUS, deooased. . Ol·egO~iu Bdc.tge (;0., COot-ruo t Widow eJ,acts to tllke under the will. $1500.60; Franklin hroni ~J e 11111uk NICW '
· Geor~('
wus . '.
' o~r
We Are the folks
'hllrlO~ '
... -~-.:..- -.-- --
10 it
aJl t1
" U I1[ .l',I.· ,
Frank L: Bowman,
guardill:n, . V8 ;Tohn 'F, ·.Bowm~n, imbeCile et 8)
O~der . granted
to' sell ' real ' estatt:l:
of. soorch ..}juri
d i,~ lIp'p ellrei(
Pa.s turefor Rent ~
In tb'e matter of the will of West Gle:Ony, deoeased. Will offered fo!' probate. . .
--~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~
When Ready for
' .
. lire n 'ked to call 'a nd see t heltl.
JOHN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'l'be' Annual election of sn ia A!lso . oiat.ion will be hald ~~ODdtty, Jun e J, 190 , at .l O'olook for the ·purpose of . . Estate William .J. RetalUok, eleotfrig two trustees, 6ne 1'rolLsurol' ' deoeased, Inventory Ilnd R,pprn.ise. ILnd one Clerk. .. . . meni 6·led. All Jot o.Wr;ters are invited to !Lt. In the matter of the rrl()tJ~~tlClft. end. J, H. CASKmy , 01' l'k , . omcor. Pursuant . to the Jaw of #Ohio ooQcorning negleoted or clelln. DISEASE qUODt ohlldren. the juvenile court 01 tbl. oounty. Mary Y. Wilson Is appolD&ed .probBt\on 01l100r of ...'.".1.,..... oourt;
ment filed;
CL~~NL~NEclS ~~ECk~
Eet.1e at MRry F. RetnJUck, deoeued. Order gl'/aDted for sille of obattele. . ..
'Cultivatul' "
Com Planter.', Tobac~lO Tran planters, •'teel and Revolvin ' Rakes at
Oross Bros.
W III' ]( ;
I' a ll
I)honl'," ~o U., Wid We
wiJJ ${o 'v 'r it w il h 'YOU, :,; l1d ".ve 'ill'a l1ns i. itiye YQ lI w ill b~ WI . t ir' Iy s'. tislfiC'fl.
Corwin.~ Ohio.
~.------------------------------------------------. - -- --~
·S kirts. · ('hil' Ha1e ' . aie very Ia •.ge. OUt' Cut }In(J Hang cannot 110 .oxco Ucu . . Olil' $5.75 81drt canrl().t he "eq ualled.
SHkSuits. ~ 1. 8' . -j () 'J'
'~5 .00
\'alu~s equal 'to any ' 811 ill i It the Inad{et ~
8pringJacket ~~~ .7 f) up.
w... __
The' M'ialllli Gazette
One rcason wh.v Cllrpoutel" 1.1011, ton Ro,oflng i!l gett ing so ]lollnl!Lr IS .!;eoouse'it il:l So oallY to put, on Rllll wenrs litter it is on. You _ 't . bave to keep fussing with it. It ' d oes l1otbroak througb Illro a tot of i:...-cheaper ROOflng on the
WASH .50c·. up, Persian Lawn : Allover Nett . " . •.
_ __ --...:..
v-:-:::::~..;~...:;,~,,:!.. ~
. da' Ie
'Agood pasture; .pl nty of. gnu:! STROOP. , p ure and. all of good < '0. ,R:I 1\ . ' ~ _____ ~---:--- _ _ .. 'Estate of Hlinnllh MoKinney, ben . water . ,efioilLry. · New bond ·filed. . . . , Notice to .Lot . O wners of. . Estate · Welden Ru~, decensed. .. Final ,,~ount filed. ~iamj . Cemetery Asso . Estate' of Mary F. Retll.lliok; de. cea8ed. Inventory and appraise_
SI,if1t Waists
H.' Wi ll b at home eVeI'\, d~n'
in th(· we k.
II' ' Nc.·fv U1e Public
~\11 intercsteiUn these heu'sc l;
-ahlJndanc~ . . ..
tog' th (J I·.
we ff"J t ha t
'1'e1'1l1s 'of Breed,iUg- : .
li ll e~ t pieoe o f LU l4chiuel'Y Heu til e B!,uul ey U IH lg 1'In Wb n Ull ( '1I 1t i VIII 1I 1'.·_i I ii'.\' II 1'0 I h e !lit .. i es t g llid p,d 1)10 11'8 I/ IIH I£', n o ll Illn o lll y ~ LII'C\esffl.ll ~, I'OW cult!. \11/(11' UiH l1u ful'.tlll·ocl. If 'you lI l' r1 loo kin g for ... :\1IC I1I1I'fl H)lI'PllIlt' I', W I hn vli I.h n 1llLrst. 20t.h c. n. til' \' . I bu Ii g h te" t 1'1IUt ii ng ' /l1'1 '1It1 0 1' nn I,ho mRr. k/i t Wo I Hl,IlIll o Ih wull·klJ l) wu ZlIJlLll en nun BU ~~ i o!j, y \1)1:;: 111 n. ! No g irl \ ill I'oflllle to go ritlwg wi t h yo u if yon llu ve Il Zimmerlllan j jUtst, re('" iyed 11 ('UI'J rJuti of th o welJ-lmown brll/ld ot' " ud you wi II
f:V I" I' [lilt.
I' , HI N1)ER
..we- ttl' " in a posi Lion 10
~,ill ~(l(ld
. /Dat'k
\\ H .i!]
il. l'igh - -rig h t, b(J lh ill [JI·i· mnd 'qwiJity;' Aft .'!· ubon i ~w"'lI t.l' 'ig-ht Xl:!a l';;' t' . peri 'l'a·'.' Jll t.h h'i ll! ing vu:iIIf'S.'; ill Sum t' (If Lhr~' Jargo r Ofi h'~R in III
B "1'1'
.forl '-'
n. s.
r' OW ' _.. n·'
. '. . _ _ ...._ _~ " I rn"llle matter of t.he \vlll tIf AUU ll 'Wi-llmak Ule Sl!a~em of l fi(l ' :lt t i AI, ' Lewiil decea ed. Wjll Ildnlit ~ed . k 1 50; B .. P : fllnir, ~6~" r- pip fal'm of John t!'()()jl, ,a I ~,I 1I,lih'~ . to Pl·obate. Widower. el ~ots to tuko 1 .00 ; Hllrluu Wbi tll r e, 11I1I1'1:lol' ·w stuf W<l~'n ,vill(', l-~ 111i l(l " u tl1 It . under the will, ' ~titith ' Batfieltl, aO::t5 ' UharJes ' iJ1Jb litlilJ ()~tillla t'u of LYLlt', hi.ll, ~"il th. UP 'I" ~11'ill 6:.1.00 ' tllt;tl v ' · ho ro t oad .. lk(l\\·n \ e.i.."h.'l'l.1 t1tJ J!Jhn .KiJ>bey and .J okleph Perrine . . . ;') : ." . . pO~l1Id~. . J('" boau llful. color . IV It h . appr(lillers.' · .'Ylison costkl. ,:.I . e utl'l\l LJlII on In hl$·f.acc'. In'l1hs., iW;l\'Y Telel?h one 00. , rent. .'llId to!IS. I ;~ .:lu ; man e and .t~iI.. rJlell t,y 01' 1('tion an. a 10 the matter Of the estat-e ' of 'J.·ru~tel:' lS Jj'I'lIllklill ·t.ll Yllshi li IllU d goon Wl'kel': , 'i l' '0 Il~' aa)tll(hj~1 R,lohard Eme r!loll , de~ell·sed. .The Il'pproprio.ted fO r r ~lId hllprQVOrn e~'t hors~ , th . dam it ben<, r, JIlll·,\·. Ildmlnist~a,tor gt\ve All ndrlit.inna.i , the g reo I; da m was a 'Adm us. 11 t. ' front Decll/Illt 50. OQ ; 1 uggles (,1l1 6/ col t. al'e la,l'ge a. : \'eS1;(lud af'timl. boud of $2000. Co .. blanks f r probllttl judge 1 , jj;j i 10 the matter of t,lle estate 9 f A, F . .'im OritoD, .DtlijS 40- ; ' Llidier!t' ~tnlth Conklin, deceased, Will ad. Relief OomulissioD , ' expen!l('!:l O\)~tt . ~itted to probatu. FA S, Conklin , yenr ending IllY 110.00. . . .. I&ppolntel~ exeoutor: . . Biggins, g l'ay staill oll fQaled lJ) 1894. p. B, ·lI.n<1 F. M, HA.milton . ' . . Bred :by CJov nl uJe 'tock /1' u'm . To Remove Scorch • tains ' iren by t ho im·f.Jl,lrted hoI' (' Bamboo appointed appraisers. 1~J l " 5 . })a ll1 Ii' nelen 140~ () b' F 'n. In the matter of the est'Lto of I recently soorchod 'fl fi no white 'len 1004;'). ' We ig ht 1,5 O. A~andBJ . Conklin, deCI;lRs6d.. WiJl rt.waist so badly tbtlt I fOlired i~ ~dml~ted to l)robll·t e. Ed. 1:; • . Conk. wOllld tenl< if I touohed Itl SIlY It lin appointed exeontor . 0. · S, Big, oontrihutor to 'I'IIl!: DhlJ,I Nlu'I'o n 'fol' &,ins f.;a. Dun·bjlm and .h', ·M. ··BaUl ••Junc. Bow vel', 1 . covel'cd .t ue ,' 10 to ill S Ll l" U Illat' with f ) al. AnyQne parting- wi lh in u r ed man. fo}'jltoli appOInted al!l),'nisers , 1'~c:orIO II(!lI pl/lOe \V i t l1 Oru i l}II!';;- 1\1 11 11 fei t .. th in, U!'a ncc;l: II cal'C:' wil l hp Estato Edward Nills, decellsed. dry s·toll.rch; dn.u1ne·neci, lind Jaid t1l o tal.' c.n to :,wold a ~ident:·i, but. wn N l.n. i nventory und a,p prn.lsl'mellt filed. 'In tbe snll. Ill' all QOU1' ev r y 110 1. be )'t>f-lPOll fl ihlc for any t hat m:l\'
( ) ~-HOHN VJ
Wu ViBIJ !l JJ (lillll .1' 1.0 old I th e utteotioo to !ill whu IU'G t l liuki n g of Imying 1!'el'!.il izel'S t o the hUllJl1t; fill I'. HUlll ulI is dUO/lyeli . y'eg IlIbl", [J)a.t~ i"I' w ],; 'Il is 11 ·11 ece!<lIi ty ill nll oils a ud witltout w lnrh fi n CI'O)i Clln bl) gr'O wn , 'orne in 8nd set' ll~ '. il l ·:ll.lvu ,YO ll IJ I0 U y .
W. B . Dearth, exeoutor, vs Jan e for probate jndge in,.,o ; . '. K 't BAnta. et ai, defendants •. Order J)benson, lurnber .12.10; Dan P ,. 130ne. t~llllPS 5.00 ; HOWllru. Mo 'nu ! IUlfI . gral! ted t.o se JI rea f (lS til to . . bar ./3.00; Ruggloit Cinlll , hhml( fu l'
" Nhe 'p, llogs
:lJ!,l \" ')01 Itl I Il l! t 'ol'wi n 1<:trH'!l. I O!', \\'0 cn n'Y /I ' juHlln" ui h l' lIl II "JlI ()ltIeut ~ llo b II l il e w ell. 1( lf" \ II ( lll1 ''' I' lIl' \ \'III! t /lud ( ' ))'u Bi nd el's, Ha:r
,I :) J:)
uriL l l l
A I I I.' lI i h · lid ... \ISO Ihi f' bl'lInd . \"iIl ha vo a oarJoad !If Il ig h g r/ll1 ']',llmf'C'o /1111 1 ( 'o l'n Fert.i1i !l.ol' h ere
,,~ Uil.'co\'ory
III I k i l1lll-1 of- -
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j il l'
f'~1 IrJlp I'Ij \' W!
lJt\ ' [) n(JJJC: I~ ft:-;.
- - I)II ,\' f'mdl
·I't' d.]c 'n ... i-(u 1 !'I~, ' I, ' ng n ulust'l !.lise li Ul'I'oWS , !lo d HUI ' ''' I' ' I'willo . F'lIfllll'I'S, r1UI Ii H ill 1l11l1 ~I " " he 1:4t .
SA ~E I II LL.', J' \M jJJI LtTl-:, P ·)STE:K'.
:-'l'L',. i.1l 'lrs !t Il ~~l'Ilh.. 11t l lp~, Ii It: 11 lU. Ltlt. h.\t whi ' 1I all I ·'1.1 .... '. 0 1 1I1l" .I " ll'l'I •. II it(, 1l11"!! Ilut nl rcfldy tl' il'd iI, IIl !I)' I I :" '~' It :1111)/1<: IHlILl,' se tll fll,' I,> IlIillI, a 1. " u ,1K 'Clk !dl. I Ilig 1·1I)I·C "I ,ullt .. \'"'.lII p . Rn,,! . '1I 1d h"~,· 1\, (illtl oulif) . 'lI 11 (1', <: 1011\1 'y (Jr hl, .. ld~· '· t l'<H.' . hi e, \ Vltell WI' lt i ll 'Ill 'IIIH'II l'l'arltnx tll1S
.. ·lt OI 'EJ!l IJ/ suo
IlllytJd/ll: 111 the lit' .Iob J'Jill ling'
'lUI'" ; 1..;
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::itllte VII W. Eo Hlllllblll·. IlI u tlull t o quatlll illdi 'tul l' llt,~ ill fOil I' Ult::;o ~ U V/JI'. ru led.
Are You in Need '
111.,,101 " 1 '1'1: 1., 11' 1, ," 1,] I
( 'n lliJ\~
& SON'
\\"I It" '~IJ\l II.I' !-o 11( ' ,'( " ... rlll II I Plqll)~ 1 1 1)1 "I H I!1 ).! tl lll1\' h.wl,; , lll'le' " dol. ""I ' ll') h "I' 111 ", blnel.!.'!' "11<1 Ili,,·a~,· . ~ilti tlll'' 1'''I ~ 1 1,0 I;l el)l'/{ Browu . /Il n l(ophn ge r ti nt! hll l.' lm n ll to ·Hri;.:hl f"rIIl (Jf·; kid",,)' t re'lI ,!", · lJ '. ic; . l h. II'k' J, ihlll' 101 n"'t.".. A , Ke lllJ,! RI' /1; ls l'l111 v!I .l llr il cl< K e · I L' ' 1'1111 I< II\J , " Int i ll R iltlor v il lp' , 1l1l)I1l1l' , lf"r 's r "Vt' I',1 t1I1I1;,(hli II {",1m.II,. VIlJ' e t ILl. I.t ul'de r OII thnt t.h o I'e· $1. I<iolll,, \' . 1i""1 "1'1.1".101"1 ll'<lllhlt' ,l \\'1 11 he Wli I ft· I v tl '1 I' Jl 1,1' l li n li Ilrl ll li e"r o"" .... .. ,l;lt.lI. h,Y \fl' !l'III1'''' )'''"11",.11 . II h as . I'l 0 e rOl Lor 10 CIIJl ,Il/' ll 0 '. en· , L oJ ... , II" I II 1", lld ill :.(, 111; 11 1'" "':1.".0;. 1Il r y White 1m uivill ed IJ OI WHtlil Mlrprifr, I;) ,I ,; lill j.'ux. ;Hj 1I('1' r.::: iJl \\ "1'1, a ll o! I II I,ri .It, . I'I .f.:li'I' . :t lld I"", and Ueo rgo l:f in vllrd . 'l'lll·tl 'reo k t(l \\'r1 Hllip, :!!I. » 1'1,\' d " " SIIII'q;. l lI lI II I 'I '" ' ' lhal n 'l
.C llUl·l tl1'i P. ' ill kl.' I'xeCI1LIJI', t tl A llOt' B, N il/". lot i n '.'Jlf.'lll~1 1 1'1), $l\{iO.
! III ',: ',It flfil'~.~ i i.,-a]J I iI~Iillllljllt o fm(:d t h'.
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o f ti l' ( 1-I I,lIt" 1) ( U " IIl'Y WIII II'" J;IlIl . :'1111'.1' L 'ClIlh'}'. lnt. ill .":il'l'iugl)o rl', ,l c " IlHU/ I, \'S .1.11111)1'4 ~'IIIII III~1I1I 111. 1\ 1. [)1".,I·ilJli l,illn u f " ",111 111 II I' d "I'I ' (/ /11101 UIIIl!tI. L " u n ! t\'Oll ll l1iJr 1'!{f)L Hll lt l\IIII".Y 1'1 1. IllIlI .d b I." lJ: lllltl l1 JI' Ol l " g i ll' , JI>I ''' \V ii I d Lillll , :\:] . .-\ . I{!'i l tll' 1':\ """'1'1 1 V 1~lp ' I .Y. t O I'
Petticoats . Sl .O() Sateen .' Heath r Bloom.
$1.50. up $5.00 lip
W uynt!8"j tI ~, Ohio '
HUTCHINSON .& GIBNEY North Det.r oit·St. Zeal., ____-'l,,__............._ _~
"","~." --~ ......
no\\' tll N e III no mOTe Importa nt IIcstion hdo l't1 th e I\me r ic:an pu blic thRn til gCll nrnl iru l)rIl\'eme! t oC ~h' blghwllYI 10 th ~tnllll ;lrd twenli (l th (,CBlll ry reqllir!,m nl s .. Tbc "oillme of t l'llOl c over lhe l)uhl1(' hl t: hwa'y~ Is l'fl pa l to or s· ('ecds thaI o f ,,11 t he railway s.' Th e Cood Ilrodu cts or th world PII ~\I O\' C'I' lhese roo'd s 10 '1' Iwh t.h runl'k L Dad roads luler( ':'p with th' I' gula r di st r ib uti on of th ese 1'1f)!lllc ls , res ulting' In un E'rratic I,lud in CCl n ~ tant supply for II. Ilx tl a.lld regulnr dt' IU lLlld, Bad r,)lld!l hn\'e ne e SllitateU lh e praC)· Ilcl' or 1'1iRhing tho crops lo .murk t nil in a beap; tnklng but two or th rce mouths Ins l ad ot I![l lt ad lug th is d Ilvery .o \·er six to len montbs . Selen· tltl cally. far m Pl'OdllC1S sh ould he ' t l'o m Ilraducel' to cOll su mer ns they al'a lIee ll ed moved lor consum pti on. but the flll 'mer :will find Ih9 road s III tbo wint er a.nd IIIJ rl ng bad a 1111 a t times prac tl('ally I mpa'. IUld t or t his very renson he_ h un'Jell hili lira In to ru nrket as BOOIl as harv t,ted. Thi s COUS 5 congest ion On the rallr ads and work. b ~v oc III bu slnes~ onclltioll$. Th o "mo\' lug of th ' crops" roqull' S un enormous aUlOllnl or mOIlCY, and n· g 11 ' ral u p. b!"al':l1 in f1r.)an 111.1 cenl rs " ol'y {all I ~ th I'esu lt oC tbllt Jl UIl<i n drain. T he hUrrlod ctislloslUon of tile ),00 1"5 crop has nee(' sltn ted til . hull rlhlg of large sto rage bOUSP.8 In t lle, grain cent I'S to ('Il re for it. In Chicago Ihe ~ tor· as cblll'ge 1s nine cents PCI' b\lsb ~ 1 \l r ' y nr; th car· r~' Jag alillcity of til elevato rs of th a l city alene 18 a bout ;;,000,000 bushels . l'fl pr 'S n tl ng a elo rag charge of 0" r $5.000,000 )101' yeaI'. Tbe passing or Ul e food sUi:'ply In to th control of 'the grnln k ings In ans 11 los8 10 Ihe former and an addition al a nd un nee 'ssar), coa t to th consum er. The ge neral Improve ment of lhe hl o; h\\'[\)'8 or t he cOull Lr y Is vallUy m ore I mporta nt to tile people as a whole than the buUdlng 'or' tho I'unarna canal the 1m. p l'Ovemo nt at lhe rnland Wilt n vuy ·. or the Jn l'gaUon at the seml·ar ld la nds ot tho w st. 'rhose who haye tl"fLV I d know that the rands through out Eu rope al'~ good; t be ume ' Is ll'Ue , of
1II0 'C' ((H'cihly ho w M:·(.':1 1 I!I Ih l' bUl'cil' rt Qf had r(lade :t IlY lliin1; plHc l'lll'l \l1I ~ s li.!y do. TIl\' \'h'nr r ,"I, ~ '1I1'1h 1'01\11 \< ' 11111111': IlIt(l Fi pl'l n!;fi ld. 1!l ln "i >:. show II lUI nv('I'lI!;" Imlll'c' rOI' foul' da y s In I\lal'(·h. I~H)ti I r 1;:,' _ \'l' ll lr lcM 11 '1' ,Iny. \ '(' 1' Lh ~11 111(t I' ,ad III June a 11 (.\ ,lilly lire' 3vl'ra;;, · Wlt~ :1. 9 \. hI IC's! 011 Ihe 61l 11l days In Peoria . (in tn l l (' ~ awa y. IInch' r (ho 1',l nlfl \\' 1'::111 (, 1' ,~ nndllion s hilI. IW(' I' Ii hnnl ma r\' tho Imtllc f,JI' ~Iurch \\US I GG. Ilnd liro :n'('('uge (01' June and Jill)' 1;';3. O ll~I'I'''ll tl OIl9 at -C'hnmllal gn oVl'r ;11l l' II I'th road s ilo\\ tI Ihl' nv (' I'Ill:'!' tor .JnIlIIllI'Y·. F C'b I'III1I'Y and Mnrch 10 he 63. U f; n ' h lll ~ L 2no (ur Spl'l ' 11lhe r 111111 Oc:lo t)('I·. The t'!lllill at Jl calilr r," ('I' II {::r:l\'1'1 roa tl \\,118 MIlI'C'l1 and AI)I'II. ~4(); .Ju i)' IIlItI Au;;lI:;t. ~'j S . " I' on arth I'oad !Plullll){ Into ull lnlU. Ih (' counl ( 01' J ,tnuary . 1··c\)runr 1 and ~I :l\'(' h '\\, II ~ 5·1: AUgllht alld S pll' llIl!eI·. 3 1G. ' Vil li!! delh' rlll g on udd!' S~ 1I (11 'H /:Ionr! I'ollds . tho wrl el' wns on('1) int('rrll itecl nnd IIsk d Ie hc wo uld (a\'ol' t ax ln' t h \\'Idow ' ~ coUug !, 10 h Ip lrnlld tho 1"00 iI s. H e Ull fl W\? I'od lha't 11 eel'tlli llly WOUl d. as th e :lnlll1aJ Inx W lIl(1 I1robll\)l)' not exe: d 10 01' 15 cenl.8 , and h gnve llie fOi l wIll&, IlI us ll'llti oll of Ilow bad ronrlt bllrden Iho p op l : A woman goC's InlO ' 1\ gro ry st01'O for n. dozen !;gK nn ll II Iiolln li or blltl l'l'. "'hen told the pr ll"E.'R. ahe prot ' sls. Th e gl'Q('cr In defe nllo, snr!>: " \\'('l l. ) all S • mndam. th e ron I ~ arc s bnd 1I0W. " OI'Y fow r(lrmcl's a ro comins 10 I(lW II. 80 butt.,r and <,ggs 111'1" IlnIl I'Ce." She \11/:;5 lh r<' cenls more fat lhe eg's nnll fOllr cenls lIlor tor th blllter, Ilnd tbls s('ven CCllls I'clll'cse itl s It I' bud 1'011<1 tnx pOld tha I evening . Thi,; Is r iloul d fr om 11m to time th rougb· alit tht! ),l'1l1'. not ollly in hoI' 'use \)u1- In hundrod s 01 "tb e l's In lhat lo wn nud in UlolIslm dli of towns t hrou ~h· out the IUllgth a nd br Ml h of tbe land . T il 1'0 Is no dOllbt thnt lh ' wOlLlo n ill qu alio n would benefit t. h roug h good roads b~· at I list (ell lim s th e alllount o[ tho UUI 011 111' 1' cottag . II w uld b tntel'es ~I/I.~ to lu ke a coner 10 example or !Illite ai d. IIJlply It to • t.nll qa l fartn In ono of tbe central " 'este rn still s an I: lIee !).Xa t ly who t stat.e ald mea ns SQ Car llS taxes UPOQ t hot fa rm a re conoern ed. li'o r th e lJurpOlie of lIlush'a tlon, let li S take an avera ,;. fa rm of 1 GO nc rel 1n ~e 'corn belt of ] II Inols. Il nd se. whal the ell'ect upo n ille ta x8ll on that tarm would be If t he state should !Indects ke a very \'Igol'ou l campaIgn 1I!.1I1
Austra lfa Il nd ' e w Zp}ll uu IJ, cOllntrlel; lIew I' thali our (l wli. leils populoll s. (lnd wI t h noth ing li ke our aggre·
'Rum 'amJ then finally pa y art ~h e honds will hurdl ), be Under 8 sUt te a id Inw not II. rod ot I'oad cO\lld bfl of road tiu ll dlng under stat aid, one t h at o'n tcnjplat etl fe lt ·by . t ho ]}'1 'oPE'I"ty (j\\" 11 I'S of I he B nl pit'e Ilta te o wing bull t un les th e resIden ts of a townsh ip decid d t o do 1,:a e wea l tl~ . 'J'hc (act that the r est at the wo rld h ilS an e1\pend llure of l he enormo us sum ot $50.000.000 In to tholl' Innil nilS list o( ta1\ab le pl·olle)·l y. so. . Not n dolla l' Q£ slate ' money could ' bo expende d ;good ronds wIll ie we have burl ones is slgnille anl; It t en years-< lnough mon), to Improv a ll the maln Oh io. IItlel' 40 ~' CU I'S of buildIng roads by t h e old ulIl ss the fa l:nlC1'8 who li ve In Ih1) l'ural tow nllb1p, Ji hows. l but the p lllO we lla\"o been pUl's lIlns h a& tlot hI ghways or t he. lltat . ollncat ever)' COllllllunity wit h ' plnn o( Itlcal ta1\a.llo ll a nd bond J BHII IJS. In wblch th e voted for im provem ents. been RlIccessf lll. In three huncYecl ,'ea rs loss Ula n the mal'ket to wn lind county seat and give 'fa n ncr had to pOl' l l'acticu ll)' the wh01l3 bill, h ilS com· H ·lt ~hoLild he all geel that state aid was R. plan to e lg!Jt pe r cent of the hl!::h\\'a~, of o ~r coun try bave plete nelwork (If gOOd roMs (rom da10nn to a lro ; t he J'nsl;lld .1 8tl\\(.' Ilid Inw whic h w ill onnl)fft it to b uild com pel rail roads, cor poration s . mercha nts and manu· b ' en perman ently improve d nnd IL t th e ra te we a re go· plnll being !llat the slate should \la)' one·hnl t tho ex· t h I'e m llos of Im ll roved roads wh ore It hall heon build· Cacturer s to he!p build th e roads, It \V ould not b fa rIr l~ It would I'eclul l'e ncal'ly fOUl" t housancl ;real's to pense and UIO tow nllhills or rand dl st.rl o~s the othe r Ing oall. without tin), Incl'ea se wh atever In taxaUon from tho tru th. Under state aId the farmer s oontrol tile t'(ll1lple te t he job. So as I'ondb ulhlel's Ule people ' of . I.e $50,ooo.olio wer e o~llende d In t en ycars . tbe II Jlon .ra rni . 111'0/1 I'(Y. . ' si tuation ; if .lh ~. decide to Im prove the r oad l! the otber. th,.. 'Ullit ed Stales ha\'e b en a failu re. state wo uld bo requIre d to raise $25.000.000 at It. "here Vi rgln h\ . Is Ihe Il rs t southe rn state to join the people 'a re obllsed t o he lp. pay t h bfll . . This Is all the llIoro 5\11'I)rl51ng wh ~ n we cons Ide r Is In the state pro per!.y 10 th e t otal. tU!sesse d valu ation slat o /lId column ' fol' good 1'00.(\8 . Kentuc ky Is 'a llve to In ord er to build road s che,iply t hey s hould be thllt t.hey a re conspic uo usly Ituccess ful In overy ot he r at $1.250.0 00.000. To raise $2.500,000' II. year. or $25.· t be Blt liatlo n a nd Is tn kln g ste pS to chnnge Its constl· built extens lvel)'. It . costs a gruat deal lUOre propo r· line humall e ndcil\'ol'. Million!! lI pon m illion s o r 000.000 In' ten year s. wQuld r equire a two mill t ill! up· t uUIln Jn order. to ,b(J in n position to sp read t hc roa d tax tlonntel y to build a half mile of rond thau It does to dollars ha v(' becn wa st cd III ('vlH'y slate in t he u!1-loll on t his p rO[lerlY ; so 'a two·mil l tllX applied to all the oVe r a II ' tbe properl y in t ho slat9. . build ten b a lf m iles. No contrac tor cares fol' a smnll npon the liublic l'o,IIIH loy ill·tilUed or IIll sdlrec tcd ef· J,H:opert y of the s tate of lIUnols at tJio present ossesse d I II certain pur ts of th o coun t ry. notab ly In t b e 1>11.s· Job b ut for a la rge one ·compet ltl on is keen. It takes fort an d with rcull y \' cry 'IIttie to sh ow for the os· \' aluatlon tand not :takln g Into aocount' the Poslilble In· 61 sl\ll):l va lier, t here Is an entire rnl sconcep,tlon a 8 t o 'Just as much. ti me and bothe'r to get r eady t o build half p end lture. It is onl y Within the Inst tcn or fi fteen c rease Ill ' val ue ' thereof:) would produce the !lum rewhut lho stale oid pl an of road building ml)lIlt18. Some a mil e of road as It .does to build te n mil es. By build· ~'('a l's t b:!\. a ny r en l ~l'nS'T()S!; hos IJ e n made along Lhe Qlllred. Imag lnn t he s ta te would t.ulle control of the highway s. . ' Ing In the Ilu'ger quantiti e s ttom 20 to 25 pe l' n-ent. In II n(' ot perlnan ently Illlllrnrl ng the conditio ns. Tbe .records s bow th nt th e .t a xlng valu o of aD build expensi ve . road s aud tax th(l people t o 11fty [or ' cost (\f con structio n can -be saved. T he trou ble Is w ' ha\'c bec n cndeavo l'lug t o un· Ii" erage 160 ac re farm in. the corn 'belt or' J11lnols Is a the m ; .othe rs that it fa a· Bch em.e to force roa.d bu ildlng . As .I'oads properl y buli t Will lust for a g rea t ma ny t n!lglc the sna rl by pu ll ing tl\C' wro ng' stri ng. Wltbou t Ifttle I ~ss t han $2.000. ·the act.ual value being apl)l'oJ:J· · agni ll At the wls bp.s or the f a r mers . i oth lng could be years 't h ey should be' built as .Boh ool houses and eourt Anv reason for dOlu'g so. :t he fal'lllcl's of the COlln t l'y, from matel), '10'.900. A t,,·o·ru·U! st ate tax on this faTm as' " fart hel' fro'm th e truth. 'J' he state doee not In any h 01lses are built. viz: by a bond Iss ue; thu8 II. to wnship ' sess lIto ill to Ca.lHornlil. (1'0111 the \'cry f1r!J t ass umed th nt ed on tbe va.lue of 12.000 w!luld be oxactly $4 a maun e I', UJld~I' a state aid law, i,n terfere with tbe a bo llndel·. state aid could: build 1~, 15 or 20 ~lIes of road. fh e country load " bclnno;cd to th J1) nn d It was ~helr year and no m ~. !tl\(\ 'hI t en yeara the stale tax solule local controJ. of the ' hI gh ways. 'l'he voteys at In o n ~ y ear. havo the ronds to use, and spread the vay· b llsln as to ImlJl'o ve tllenl . a nd th is llIi llconcep tlO n beld _'ol1 ld be- $40. which would ,be tllO larm·. proport ion 01 Cyel'y 't ownshlp decide whethe r an y roads sha ll be Im~ . ·m en t of the same over ' say 10 or 20 years. " It this I. .the Ii"'il~' for nea l'l r 300, ycars. . prayed. what" r oads, to wbat exte nt, when H shall be don e a nd the state aid plan pr'e valls , there wiil be vert : ·olie $25.000,000 total. Where thl • .ra n n would PM' '40. A few ye!\I' ~ ago" lIlan In New .Jcrsey lIla de a di s· done. If 'at all. Tbe I ta te has a.b solutely no voice In tbe 8in,;le corpora tion In t he ' Qlty of . Chicago Would little. it any, Incre ase In taxlitlon . . CO\· (' I·Y. -11 WOf{ 11I:u. \11 highwa y's are public p rope rly. '. . . have to pay ' 570,000, an~th e r . '190.000 , and' the rail. matter. If, howeve r; th.e t owns lllp; by a mlljelrlt y \'ote, F e w llcoUJ£' have any idea to what extent bad. roads -I\~ IlIUdl ~o a s th e sta t.c house. This rai sed lhe Gues· waya ot the s ta to over ~w o millions of dollal'8. ·rbul. e decl iJ e!i ·to build " road under the IItate aid [llan, It itlt.erta re with t ravel ana bow they al'fect ·the itus lness tlon ; "\Vh),. 'It' th e high way!; ihe publi c propert y. should aee by R stale le vy of two m ills 'for t en yeara. one.hal f ma ke:;; appl lc'ation to the state for that purllose ; the ' <;I[ th e m ercblUlt .In tb~ count.ry town." lint tbe public toke care (lr its OWII ; ,,'hy should tlot tbe The IIUnol!! of the $50.000.000 Is provide d ror. The other ball ·nua., state enginee r th ereupon vlsltll tbe 10calltYi' IJoell over , hIghwa y commIs sion baa 'gathere d /lome t ery yaluabl.e · IIl ilte and 'a ll pro nerty t herein onl rlbute to b.ullding be taised 'by '100111 t axation or by a ' bond Issue. . \/'lo rond propose d to be Im proved wIth tbe ·local .atitl\or . da t.a upon e~ect of road alld . ~eather conditio ns f he roads 7" g\' er~' tJO tl )' Is in torl' In Wllm . e.·/e ry· II i s. a nci decIdeS 'upon tb e charact er ot the impro·7e· . Let U8 a BCijme tbat,the t OWllShlp j n . ~hioh · tbe 'flLrlll upor' highwa y tra1l0, Observ\ ltlons ' were .made at 12 ,. IIi bOlly III ui'recl d t hl'ollg-h the mal'IIel8 by the I·o.nd con· Qllos tlon Is located votes bonds to' tbe tull coDlltita. Dlenl best. -'ul te d t o t he conditio ns. He then prel1at'e i well dlli trlb~ted points 111 the IItate and an aetual.c ~d l l loLls; lhe)' 81'C' beneft ted by good r oads und ount . tlonal limit, th l~t ttl • .go~slnto" debt ' just ae fllr U Inju red plalls a nlJ sll('el ftCliUon s and' when the se .are approvo d '1& was mnde by tbe .vehlcle s paSSing upon dll'feren t days b y bad ones. Th c n ' W 't hough l sp read ' ~h roug'hou t the can go and '· pays ·the hlgbest Inte rest that the law' .JMirhy the h ig hway· commis sioners or otbe r proper l), c oustl· through out each montb .of tile ,.ear, co.,erln g .all kInde . - mits IItat ond fin nll y New J e l'scy led t he way t n bettor con· tu ted loca l. .a ll ll!orl ties. the' contrac t Is le t to the lowes t it· ~ ·J:lBY. .The Umlt o[ the. bond 18~i1e I. fi ve per . "at weathe r and road conditi on.. di lions by passing a Jaw by whi ch t he stat e should can· ' .. cen~. of tbe assesse d -valu\lil ou, so. tbe amount of bon4a res pons ible bidde r and the w9.rk Is .then done .unde r the The t.rlbut one·th ird the m one.~· · rcq ul rcd to ' Im prove th" report shows .that tramo over Itone or gravel r esting upon tbo ofarm would be nvo per ·c a nl. supervi sion of t. he a~ !l te e ngineer . Thill InBUTE!S t>rop ~ r ~ODO roads was fairly uniform througJi,Qut the year, wblJe . or l'Oa,18.. Otnpl' t:t; I I p. ~ follower! . l a cl'ea ~ llI g the propor· ex.actly $~OO. paya ble· ono·ten t h each' year. with Iz:. conslhl cUon a, nll ·tbat means . durabili ty and . low cost UpOII the eartb t lon to on e: half and In 0:1 0 ('a sc. iHa s8ochus elt,s, to roads it wal subject to the widest ·varla· to maint a in Ule road afterwa rd. tere _t a t: flvo. per cent. 'l'he total Interellt on· th•• bonit . . UolII. The followin g figures .are · slgnlftc aJ)t and ·teU th rpe·four lhlc\. IIIB ue. so far os this farm Is conoer-n ed. for ~ th'e tea " In tnlUly cas e,8 of tire Xew England s tates ' fa r m ." years would be $27..50. " . '. pro perty III only n vr l'Y slUall pOl'Uon o[ t he totlll t axable Thus. ·If we add .~lie bon'dt : ....... ~ ... '100.00 $lro·pert y. In some ·dses not t.en pel" cen~., and wilen th~ Interell t on bond ~ ,...... . .... . .. ... • ... 27 ,60 The followin g Uble complie d from figure. gathere d by the cOHt of road Implove rnenl. was dlst ri \J ut.ed o"er a·1I prop· And ' the ' st~'I;e tax of ...... .. ....... .... 40 .00 agrIcult ural departm er,it In '104 .how • . the percent age of Improye d roadwa y. In each Itate: .,-ty of tbe ata le .. th,c burde n ""as h a i'dly foit, and yet immens e l ums we re rallied fo r road lI urposes . Best Alahama , ........ .... ... 3:43 ] OW Il. .......... . .. . . ....... 1.62 Nevada. We' hav~ a total 'tax IJI, :tbe farm Of .. : .,1167 . 50 · . .......... . ... : .... 1iO South Dakota ......... ..111 A.rlzo na .. ...... " ... .... 3.62 K aIl8.. " .. ; .... .. ..... . . ... ].28 Ne'W "o f all, t he ronds w I'e buill un der pr oper snpe ryl»lon, whic;h 18 exactly the arpount of t~e tax that ' Would be ·H,... mp. hl... ... , .. . 8.60 T enn el le. . . .. .......... . 8.74 ;\ rkn nSH.~ .. • .. ... ... .. K .. ent .64 uoky ; ~nsl,en d ot I &,'111(; It to the Inellper l n eed ...... .. ....... 16.60 New Jc r~ey .. ; ... ....... 16.3:.' bauds Qf tbe levied and coJJ~cted upon this farm for both atate atd '11 II [orn III ... ... ........ .18.87 l..oul818118 ... .. ........ .0 .•• ..•.•• ••••••••• 1.71 ~OC8: (In t h rnn Bter. New Mex ico .......... ... .01 Texas 'olol'udo .. .. .. ... ... .. . : .r.~ Maine .... .......... . .,... B.~a and to pay oft the road bondlJ and Inle rest. Tble .mount Ne,,' ¥ ol'k ... : .. .. ... .. . 7.16 Uta h .. .. .. .. .......... ... 8.57 . '1' II years ago t\e w YOI'I!. al.l\ ~ began In a smnli Cnnncd i ' Ul . ... .. ... .. ..16.76. Ma r yland ..... .... . ~ • .•• D.10 II "bout ~O* cents : per aere .per year and the .:W !'I;o rth Ca.roUna ......... 2. 61 Verm ont .......... ......13.45 J nl0 ",,'art' •. ... •...•. • • ~ •. .!.!!O MI\~,.auhu"etl " ....... .." a~· to a id aDd a pl' l'opri nl"rl $50.000 to s la .. 45.811 North Dakota .. ....... .. "» VirgInIa ..... .. ..... ...... a.08 l't tb e wOI·k. char ge qa1ust the fariD lor the wb~le ten yeal'l woald D I Klrh' l or t·/tlum bla .. . tiII.i>8 M'lc hlll'n.n . ... .... , .. .. ~ ,10. 13, Ohio .'. , .. .... .... .. .... .. . 88.'18 W'ul\lnll'loll .......... ;. 1.11 ,.he pla n grew In fal'ol' so rll'pld lr that withi n fiv e yew's be ,1.05 per acr.e. Thll IlmollUt of money Pal¢ by tbe F lorId... .. ....... .. .... .. . 6.00 Mlnn,'so ta . .. .. .... ... ,_ . 7. Weirt Ylrclnia ......... ~ .97 ma .. , ....... .... O. the st ate by ..u o\' I' r\\'helm fng v o~e pass d a constltu · G.'nr-=ta .......... ....... '2.85 MlllIIl:<I!IPPI . ..... .. ..... .. .:IS .Oklaho farm undl'lr the state ald IIlan would enable the atat. Oreg1)n .... .. .......... .. 7.ti6 WI.cott. in : ..... ...... ... .16.72 tlonal a mend1li ent pro\'ldln g (01' nn of I SO.OOO.OOO Idnh u .. . .. . ...... ..... ... 1.111 M\f\l<our l .. . ...... ,......... P eQnoy l vnnla" ....... , ... %, 10_ Wr oallq .. ......... ..... to expend 1110.000.000 upon Us hil,lhways. and the g. 1.46 illinoIs ...... ... .... .. : .• . ~. 41 MOlllnn . .... , ........ , .... .~ In bond. to belp b lllld tb e higll,,·a rl:l. Wbat a record ! 28 Rhode Iela nol . ...... .. . 43.26 pendltu re bt tllat a~m would acid to the value of tana . 11141an. .. .. . ....... NcbrMk .. ... a .. ... ....... ....CIa · South Carolina ..... .., 4." 1n ft ve )'eara frum ftr l y thr,u~ &nd lo I1fty m illion s! T he The United Stat.... i ,It propert 7 at leut Ave aad probahl y ten times .. IIhlcJa ~ nee~Slary to 1l~Y t he In tere llt oa thl!'~ _l'.no~o ua u the relptoU ye fanu ~ouJd be tuB\! ... Order to ~:xx)ocJOO~:xxXXlIOODOCxx:IOOOOOOCxx:~OOOOCxx:IQ OOOC:xx~()(l)tOOCxx:IQO~:xxxx:ICOOOCCOClCCcai~ .....--tlIl. b l U . . . ,..... _ .. "....~....... - ·,..
5 _ _ _ _ __
['lIhl1.,h,,< 1
U 00 a le"r . . . . . .. III oovanue • 1. 26 a year II no& paid .a 00, ao~....
MAY ~1,
Will ' Meet at Carne gie . Library , Lebanon, Ohio, Tuesday, June 9. IIlII Oh, DI'
..!...• __ ...
panded , tIIlbjeot t,o t.he deoi@ion ofBI 'sh the Relmhl \cau )lrl1nCll 'ietl ;
·CloS leng . Sgle
.J. M. Wl'ight .
j\ ~1l1l.0'lIy IIlId Phy.liu logy [nt,tlbtin tl, Dr . Lnng.
100~ ·
- 1_ -
'l'hO' nltmel! followi u'" will be C8D dtdllttlll fol' tb e dift'er'e ot ODiUM "p.
A,l!\.tolll y.wd P hVlliol ogy of Sto-
TELE:p}iOrh1 ~JtLL •. No. 6-2 . WEDNE SDA Y,
at W d YIl t! k Vllh . ll h.u
D. L. Crane, Editor aud ManaKer
.... tr
of the
UBAH. :S. MOUN '!'. U. U. PA'lvl'ERSO N
Being obliged to vacate Illy 'p1'esel1t q uarter ', 1 will offer
my Emtire stock of 'Aoute Gllllt.ri '· Indigtlllthm , Dr ~ AI'e yow an lzaak Walt~n ? It' you Rlulc\aJl. I·OR COMM ISSION ER are, how us. F. H. I5[MPSON. .,Aoute UIl8tritl~, Dr. BI rJ hrol1io UII!ltrio Indige's tion, Dr. -'---. "Rowin g Not Driftin g " is a good t:ltahl. LU8tro tiuil!b for old furnitu re. Aoute lute!lt.lDttl I udiltest lon, Dl·. motfo for all of us. At a great sacrifice. EVOl'Y Holbro ok. ' , Dish in th house will be Acmte UIt!ltroeot.eri o Infeot.ion, Et" 2220.. sold, regardl es.':l of cost, The "weet-g irl gra:lua te i~ a thing- iolngy .wd Pntwo! ogy, Ur . WlIlh\D 1S. of the past in this locality . S,y mttlUlatology of Simple Gam,ro . . eoterlo 10feotlo!l, Or . 'N, A,. Hamil. ton . Decora tion this week , Let's not Ullolero t Jnfautu m , . Dr. Elliaon . 'I'BE W A YNES' V1LLE foriat the honol'e d head who lieB i~ 'l'rea tnlent of tbeSam e, Dr, Death. OU1' cemete ry. Etiolog y aud Platbology of Aoote 1lI0oolitll!, PI'. Moure. At Wllyne s vi11e , in the St~te of The political pot is beginn ine to Putbolo gy of ClI.tara"hal U loerll.· boil and ~V4tl'y day brings forth a tI OD, Aoute Membr llneous lUooOl Ohi o, tt,t the olose of bmlines8, itis i new candid a'e. A8800iflted Plltobology, . Dr . Keelor , MIlY 14, · 1908. PUBLIC SALE Bympt,olDs of MRIl Uat·arrh al 1110· RESOU ROES. oUtil., Dr. adwall ader , The rains of last week were a g-odLoaU8 and dl.coun '176.17:1 80 .end to the fa l'mer, but a little more 'I'll" Severe FOltm, Dr. St!lphe ns, Ove rdraft~. sec uredt s 8.yrnl>to Dla a of nd un Folliou secured lAr OIeern, \I~O BII would' t hurt anythin g. 'I'be underslg ne(I, as l lle e ... cut nr or llle wll U 0;; . Bonds t o secu r .. circulati on 5 i1,OO'J 0 0 ~iOD , Dr Robert s. 0 1 AVDorlllu F . EllJrl" ul . deceaseu . a ctin g In Bonel . securitie s, e lc . 108.810 00 cootonnl ty no lhe p rovision. or sa id will and B}'mpt·oms of the Mewbr aneous Baaklog bOus", ",000 00 Due from approve d rese rve aglA 2B ,II'4 I II l he luw. a nd In obedienc e l O ~h" Jull"m~u~ Base hall was on the decline dur- Varlet.y, Dr. Bough . Ilnd tllrec tl on or t he Cou rt nl Com m Oil P leo~ Nol~ s of olber Nat iona l Bank s 1.630 UO In anll for Warren Cou nlY, Ob lo , hI "a'e · ing the last week. Hurry up, boy., SYDlpto1D1i of Ohooie lIiocoliti~, Frac tlor,al paper cur rency, nlck ~ I M No. 10667. E:m mor• . Hally . as!'u('o "Xecut I' .. and ce nlS O() 7 we are Rungry for a g-ame. Dr. A, T, Wril(b t. agalnsl Albert Q , BradMlre el and othen;, I ..''IVl'UL M ON EY HE8IlK'Y K IN HANK. "'Z : will offe r foJ,r 8Ble . at public v ndue , on l h.· S pe cie 01&8noals of tbe Same, Dr. SherIO,aHa 70 prem l~e~. l.egaHe nd"r uot~.. 2.fiOO OU wood. 12. 8Ci ';0 Are you a fisherm an 'I If you are, mpti o n f uod with U . S. t reas· ON SATUR DAY, .l UNE .27, 1\10 , Atmoa pherlu Influen ces tn Galt.r o· Rede urer (il U. c . of c irculatio n ) then <put your name down on the '2 ",00 enteric lJiB8M8s, Or. Lewell en. III one o 'clock In Lb e afleruoo n , lbe r .J e& . roster of the Fish and Game club. taLe 0 1 wllll, 1I Bald Avarllla ~'. F. ll rlght clled Influen ce of Blop Da\ry Milt in "UTA • • .,'Ized . Bml " ,bleh Is descrlbee l 3" follow. : -,-tiame. Dr. MODD.. .. . " LOtR num berell.ev e n(.), el 'Ut I, ulne(p) LIABI Ll'fIES , Lebanon atarted her band concer ti 111e Local Milt Supply , Dr. ilnd t~n(10 ) 10 JOH epb 11. b apm an' Al1l1lllon Mar- Capital Atoc li paid In $n o , OOO 00 t · ~he Village of wayn~8vlll e. In llle cou nty last Saturd ay evening-. After the die. Surpl u8 fund MI,O(J(l 00 or ~V arren and S late of Obi .. , belu l( ~he sazue Uod ~ood music we had here last week, premlNe& conyeved b y Margare t J on es to lvlded proHu , I t'll' eltpe nses MeRt Broth!!: Egg Water flnd Uru. and ta%eM paid 20.IIll I 66 Abrabam Elbrlgbt lly de.. 11 dated Sept ombtor it makes UII hungry for more. al~, Ur. Kreigb off. Na.Uona l Bank noteH out" lan d ln g 50.000 00 17. 1801l . Dod, rooorded In lhe Ueld Hecord Dlvldeodi< unllQld 100 t~ or Warren 'o unt '. Vol. 411. pUl(e .; Otl, ana The Death Rate of Galtro enterlo Due 10 olb er NCltlonClf also belag Lbe SlI rnO premises de,' I,ed by lJunks Diseale Abraham Ebrlgbt l O Avurllla F' . ,"brlghl by l, Ur. O. B. Hamilt on . 6 ,000 00 ) 'l' he exhibit of the schools ot TurIndividu al depoal1.S biB la Nt will wbic b I ~ recorded In Vol. ~ • I t1ecreek Townsh ip last w~k was It OlUle Report s, Dr. Romin e . SUbJC!C l 10 cbeck. page :nu, of t b l! Rcuord or 'VIII~ lu IIle ... ro· 103, . 1: 4 7 ; bute Cou rt of' Warren CoUOLY . 01>10." P!,pers will necel88 rially be abort. De mand c" rll ftca t" ~ great .uccesa . All due credit is . to of de posit 1:1,37 1 011 J 2 12.863 65 Said te..1 es.t at.e leas been duly apil rilise d a~ All physlo lan. In good et.ndl n! in be a-iven to Prof. L, S. Ivins. tbe sum of T'wenI Y' ~wo Hundred anll Fifty the profel1lion are Invlkd .. T OTAL. . :183,476 01 Doll arft ('2~ 60), and tile same will be Kol(l for the hlllhe.St price tbClL can be obtained JOHN M. WRIGHT, Prell . T ATE 011' ORlO. COUNTY Oil' W A&REN. 88: tbere for, aoa forootl es8 tba n ~wo ' lhlrd ll ( ~.J Postoflice Obse
D is h es
-----.. riO.
Report 01 ~qe Condition T.B. CU ST ER
rvanc e
o IIIIU1HII:L FJ8RIlR , !:;eoy .
The PllltplBoe will be open 10 all departm eots tor bDaineea Saturd ay, May 30, CDeoor&&loD nay), from 9 $0 10 and from 3 to .. . Rural PlI.trons oaJUng for their mall will be aocomo dated only be. _ tweeD the bonrs of 3 and 4. RIlra.1 (;arrier s wlU n5~ mak~ their 'ripe on 'his date. All ma.lls will be 'recei ved and die. pltobed IlA usual. . The lobby ~11l be open froan '7 DIl· til II. li'rClDk B. Flur, PUlif,mluner .
LUltro fi01Sb for in&erior wood· work,
Lee Francis Lybarg -er whose lectures and round tables, were 80 popalar with Chauta uquans last year, returns to g-ive·a course ot lecture s tor tne week on "Sourc es and History of Americ an· fortune s." Prof. D. Lange, the greate st naturalist of the tojorthwest, will give a course of lecture s and hold round Farm ers to the Fron t tables for one week. Nature lovers - -- cannot afford 'tO miss his instruc tive Boo. E . P . I:h,wlflY , state orglltnlz- and enterta ining- lecture s. ar of the Amerlolln SoOlety of Eqlty All geolog ical studen ts will be g-Iad of Obto, &tnrdClY aft,ernOOD, JUu..I d. to know that OJ. ' G. F. Wrig-h t will 1IIOS, at 2 o'oloclr. over Ur088 Brol. give a course of ten lecture s on Go.tore 10 the Elect.rlo ibeater . All ology. Dr. Wrigh t is the world's o~ tbe fumera 8re l'eques ted to iTejlte st ' author ity on. his apecial · mee' blm ~nd pear a.bout ihe ... subje~ts. He has just returne d trom dllrful slllvl\tion of t,b .. fa rIDers. hl1W a lecture tour in Englan d and ,across -'- dray:can '.seoure ).irotit"ble price;; the. contine nt. ' . prodoQ ". CumA' Clod bring your . Dr:.. Carolyn . G~iael) the ' favorit e ' wives .od ohlldre n. .~ with all interes ted in health, will ' be • at Chauta uqua ten days thili year. To tmprove Cann ed' Go«ids .Her subject s are. Amerjcani~e'sCook . ' .' Ing Schoo.I, Fireles s .Gooking- SChool, . ' Demon strated , . Nursin g, Fumiga BolU8, relUlre who are la1'ue paot. ·tion. '. ' , .a rl t~1I m~ tbK t. veget"b lell Molld fruit Pr. . Henry T . SeU, the , · ·whiob have ~en h'erme ttca.lly 8~~1~ Bibli~" 8Cbolar~ l~t\lrer and author , ,~oUld beopen lld .1l ooupl~ of ~o~rll return sfQr '.t he ··fourth ,season. He lMSfore aiing, in order tha' thO" oxy · &ive' a cou~ of six lectlfre s up.Ien may . retufD . . 'Thill pIau w.i1I on ,t he' genera l theme "City' 'Life in aw~y ' t,l,le peoulla r flllvot" tha.tlB lble Times: " .', " , . , ,n ...rly,.all ~Dned tbinga b" vet' sa:fll . ,Th~·· music i~ un~~~ the di~ection a oon~rlbu'or .to .tbe June O.LIN- of Pt:ot. C. C" ,Oasew hofor.t ell yeari· · .A.TCR. : direCte d the choru. work at Chau,, taliqua N. Y. Private vOcal and in.. COMMISSIONER 8tri1me~tallesaOns be given .each day, . ' . . '. ', ' .. . • Other departm ents are Ohio TeachN, B : M~KlnlleY:Will be a oa~di' ~1'8' Readin g ·'C ircle. Athieti cs, Kin. ·date ,.for ~oonty Oommi.8aloW:i~ .at. der:gar ten, . nayS' and Girl.' Club :. : ~eoomlng p'~llJlar, electio n. Thi8. Work, besides 'lecture s by 'a .' numbe r · p~rt of tbe Coun'y is en Iiitl8fl to one. ot college preside nts :and profess ors. · 'Ill!lmber , o.f the boar~ and Mr.', ' For fu.rt,hf:!i illform ation, . proMoKtoaey·· will reoelve .the , a.oUd 'gram", tents'; cotta~es, rooms, etc;, vote 01 W.yne Towna bip. . addra ..F. GiUuin Crome r, 1314. N. •e ,~ • ~ Main Stree~, Dayton, ' Ohi~. . ..
-.'. ,
aao l1a 'e 11UItro dUilb fQr ule by .' . .' J, E. Jauua; . · . lam 0leari1l1 ou' aU put ~n 'II . .' •• .. ha*a., Il!edl, reduce d prioel. If WANTS IT.AGAIN you bne DO. boagb ' ba' oome iD 'DOW and II8OQ1'8' one of ~T cleariDS-Up t.rIP1~1. . Mt.. .a.rllto .
Pa int
The time to I aint is when your hOUR~ need paln till g , and not ix mon ths or a year aftel ' J ou first cli. covel' t he tact. E very time you po tpon e foi' one reaso n or auot hel' this impo t duty , . you lose good mon ey, your buil ding begi n to deca y, and . in teacl of un expe n e of u few dolla rs for pain t, you find it neee ssary to repl ace the da~nage.d sidin g with new, For !ale by
1. J O. CARTW R£OHT. Ca8bl~r tbe of sold appraise d ,'ulue. Clnd foruaHb In hond abo,,, named bank. do solemnly , tbat ~D tbe dol' of ale. . tb e abOve stateme nt Is Irue t o lb e best or Jl:lu, tl8 S . UAH.Y. my knowledl Ce nnd belief. I>lxeou lor ot l li .. will 01 Aya ' J . O. CARTW RIGHT, Cashier. rU11l F. Eblillh l. decelhed , • CTB W. IiHO WN. Attorney . S ub~cr1bed and sworn ~o before we, thlM . 22 1101 day of May, 1908. June 27. h t..
E. V. BARNRA R'l" NOTARY PUIILrc, . COHItBCT-A lteftt : W . B . AL""N
C . '1'. HAWKI> J. W. WU.T ..
Warre n County. O hi o. '
Dlrect.ors .
B. P. S.
~~~~~~~!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prope rly owne I ~ II r e req ueHted to rei move :: ,lie Iblatles ' amI weed8 Irom I he sidewalk and IIlI tlel'll on ~belr property. O. H . MITR , 2 t. M·ayor .
Pl ay in g
Est ate of Jo eph U . Ke, . decease d . '1 he uollers litned uave been lIpp oln t II Dud , quallflt!eI as r %r cu l orsof l h" "bUlle ot Josepli 0 , Ktyft, lale r Warren (,unt y, Ohio, de · ceased , D.I,,<I t bls IHh duy pt I,".y, A , D. 10uli.
W . Ii. A I.I.ll" AND F' tCANK
• t
Cards of q~allty. In beauty, style andflnlsh, no
other$ compare with them. Found wherever soc1ety plays cards. : Cold edges:: ro~
tAL • •
J. E. J'AIrH BY.
Hoyle 128-rate pr ....!~ . foqwoC·)/Irr·.. roocIc Wlappet. and naIn. of dealer , .1lICb wor. ·· bou,hl, ..
Card Co .• CIncinnati, 0,
'. ~he ,world -lamed ' trea~ent . ' for Piles, ,Eczem a, open . sore$, n asat catarrh , and all the disr eases of th'e skin, burns, etc.
.m'~[1]3'lmt ,
Endors ed by ',physic ians, lead- ' in~druggis~l!' and 'thousalld~' ~~· grateful patient s who have been cured by its marvel ous heallnc pO\ver. . , . ·In the treatme nt' of hemorrhoids, 'it obviate s, ' the ilcc~ ity,of a surgica l opt;r!ltio'~, ~t1d the danger and excruC1atmg pain. . It cureS quio!cer, !UMI IS, entirely safe.~nd pamles s. . . Send for areular s of buadreds of thousan ds of testil1loaials and professional endorile. ments. l.f your druggi st doa not handl~ It, stlQd direct to , MUlHALL H£IOILI,.£ Ctt..
I;IKAN UVN. blxtluu l oJn" ,
Notic e. Rebeooa A. ·Cox ,. wl.o res hl e9 "tHuse 111 11, · Butlel County . In tb" St1i~e 'of l{on " a~ ; Sy l· vester ·D. L as bley , aD Iuf~nt .. r 110.· age cl .even years, WIIO r t!R ldes lit I)x fo rd. !:lu \Dn e r lY. In ,h e ' tale or Kansas; ami K aLe A • . Met ?, lhe III"lh er a nd \lie lega l ~\Jurdlun of tile eald Syl"e8l~ r D I.llshley, . "Id Inlal'l, wbo also resflle,1I aL Odorll. Sumner Qun l y. 11\ lbll SIIlW 0 1' 1\:a"8118, 'l be , fa tbe r o r s uld Sy'lve"," '" D. I .... nley .. ' sa id Infun~ being de· cealleo , and tbe s aid moth e r havin g lh'l cure anel custody 01 !Illd IntClu t. lire b ~ re bv notlU ed tbat ~QJ; J 'EdwardS , 118 udmhilst rllt ol' ",itb tb u ",llIl1one xed of tbe est a "" of Dn\' ld lJasbley. dec-used , o ·the 2 Hh day o f April, IIled his (Mltlllon laLbePro bare Court In Warreo Coun\y;Ohl\>. wherein II .. said J . .Ed .. ardcl. 118 admlnls~r;ilur wll h lb e ... 111 aonexed 01 said e8tate , all .. rorcsald, stal~ tha~ tbe lper@onal e~lAte oli(\ effeilLs of • old deoedent a'"~ 10.IlMole nt t o lIay hi! d ebt!; luilt lbe cOsl. ond c bCll'\!ea ot admlnls t e.rlng bi s eataa.e. and, wb e reln be, said IIdmlDls tra· · t.or all titrre&uld . staLe(! tMt s:1ld decedeo t, · David Lasble~ , died s el?ell In lee s impl e or. tbe follow log d ellcrlbed rul es ~ate : . Situate , In W .. yne '1·OW08blp. W a rr~D . CoUJ,ty , Oblo. ~onlal nloil about slxtl' · elgb~ lind twetny·f\ "e hundredt b s (68,25) a c re! , and Jlelnl[ lhe 'ume 'llremlseH coDveyed ,to Davlel Laablev bv L~w :l s numpbre y6, by d eed doted Marcb I . 18~0 , . and' reoorded h. Warren COuO~! 'D cell Ii OO~ 'No. !l~. page Sua ) Also toliowloK ' de scri bed real eSlllle : S ltuat~ n ~ lfowti ~h l P, W ~ ren ('ount.\', 0111 0, tllng two a 'nd ' ninety· fqnr iJ uo<lrtlllth . acres, . ..:1111 belDg the same preml SC~ by Abel SaUerth walle, l O D llvlcl by deedl·da.t Qcl JanuClry 7, 111 711, a,,11 "ec'Grd,Mj 10 WarreD ("ouiny Deeel. Book N , :l38 cmll 237: a ll of Raid r eal estat e
'~~~~;~~~~~ wbl<>b aodl being tbtl tbe said
bome Da,'ld fonu anel Lashlev all .. toresald . . Oscar, .1 . E dward. , 118 &a Iel adminwltb tbe will ~ooel!ed lUI ator-eellld, petMUOD sets forlh tb .. ~ the best a~;~~,l~~\ deaorlpll on ot sall1 real estllte 18 10 . aJid UJll~erla ln , /I' be prliyer of said 1·...,"..lon \stor.-n ordllrof tbe C,!)urt f<or a;aall:Jnl accllrate aunes and deillfrlpUon of n lll preml$Ca, and f,~r ' an order for the sa il! of ~a\cl real .etate olld premlaeH tor t\le pul'JlOljc cif paJ1na 'be debUt of '8&14 David Lalbley, ancHbe _ttl lLIl!l &dullb· Isterlol bia ea&Ate• . 'fbe A. eea, aod Kale cuardlau lbal tbey deleJl~llIot, u afore • alld
. Notice of Appo intme nt,
H~nna's litt~~n S~al
A. fl. S. Paint is a pure lead. zinc and linseed oil paint . It'i!:\ mad upon a formul a which has stoot.! the t e.'1t of years. rt is grollnd exceed ingly fine-m uch Ane l· than hand-mi xed paint or ol'di narY,prepared paints. B. P. S. Paint.i s Ii ' "Paint er's Paint, " and is emlo.rsed by all practic al workm en who have t horoug hly invesli gat cJ what it· is made of, how it is maJe, ' aT)d what 'it will tlo. · '
Pain ters find B. P.~. Point econom ical because \Jure materi als und fi ne gr.intl ing enable them t.O c6ver 25 per cent. mo).'e s ul'iace pel' gallon in 10 pel' cent less'tirpe, and secure a 'mot:e beautif ul ' Jurab le job than with hand· mixed 01' othe l' prepared paints .
B, P. S. Paint is a "Painte~'8 Paint.' " bec~use it means B,ati8fied custom ers and increas ed bUliinea8.
W alt er :J .' Kil bon , Prop. Dayli ght Store ,' .Distr ibuto r ·f or WaynesvUle and Vicinity Ask for U. P . S. Sealed EvidenceK- (paint c.o sts, cplor card. and lJlates of colored' houses )-FRE E . .
KE MP 'S No. '10
The Miami Gazette NEED SMALL TOWNS
anr'~ , which Is b .. t{C'r done ,,'ltb fhe·.1tt "r'!1 )l"!'l;un to Inl I'lHluae this odd IItlle
1I?1111 ,
How to Use Newlpaper Spaca to the Best AdvlI,nUIQo.
:±scz How Would You LII<e Locusts? Prnbnbly few people ' ar !'ware that Inlll'c\s. 1111 8. group. co"srttllte a Bour e of food supply tor the ra,'es of man. kind. Yet Ins cts be.\'"e hI> n onte n trom tlmo Imnll'lUor lal, l om ' tll11 1'9 tlgurlng as luxur\1' , at otlJel's :\,; f\ slaple article of di et, P rhaps the 'hi llt food Insect- and an Impor tant 00 ,too - Is tbe locus t. Tt fum Ishes the fa \"or· Ite food of man~- numerous A frt can tribes, s01l1e natiolU! JIving almost ex· clusl\' I)' upon ita te min,; hordes. Lo· ('uats, ssys tbe Scientific American, have be('n regarded as luxurl s from the eal'lIest times of wh ic h any I'ecOrd. remain to us, In th British [!lU' aeum tb(lrG I. a • -106vell 'lllpture al:lolVln g men carl'}'lng dltre rent kinds ef meat to some festival, nod atnong them are som who cnrry 100S stick. te . 'h1ch locusts are tied. In Athens ot old loc~s ts and grssshopperil wero aold In the markets and they were then pref rred as dslntles above tbe 1IIost fiucculent Qualls or th bes t figs. According to !lfr. P . L., Simmonds, who m~ ,a n exhausti ve study of IItranp kinds of ltnlmal food, the lIaYOI' of locusts, wbUe strong lind dl8a· ereeable when raw, becomes mild and 'readlly disguised wh n cooked. In tact, trom hla own experien ce aDd that of several ot his friends. wbom he Induced to partake of th e far e, h. as.urea us that a brotb made by bo\1lng the untledg d alopterl n Rocky moun lain species) for two bOllI'S In the IIrope.r quantity ot :\ nd s easoned only with pepper and slllt. Is quito l)alat.1I ble and sca rcely lObe dlstin· CUls hE;d trom beeC broth,
CENTRALIZATION ,AS AN EVIL Bui lding Up of Larg.e CIties, w ;'th Their Crowded and Di sconten ted Population, Ono of the Per lll That Mena ae Nation.
H I!'> llo bud blows from tbe b'a c\(. smtt h '. ha.mmer thnt wt!hl,s ~he Irou. n I~ the 'onUnual chlp pl n~ away ot tbt' .. tlllltur Ihat Is n "ssBry to IInl ,;" th e ,·1 at liP , It Is lhe word nner wo ),d wrltl Pn lluwn by 1I1e' ,,-rlt!:'r '~llat on· "Iltlll.'s rhe compl ted ' nOI'I.'I, nnel It I;' \.)11 cOIls tltol n tlvert h;l ng that brlugs lI t1 /'t'I:'~ S to tha ID rchaot, eomhlu ed Vo' lIh 110,1 1I11llltr to carry oul 1111 busl· O(' ''~ ugl' l1lpnt!' . If ~' O \l will not tbe SIH1('('Sllhll mf'r· rhRnt 11\ an)' 100·alllY. ~' ou w,lI IlIId Ihat he ill thEl pe rsll! l nt Rdv('rlis e ~ , Th re al'e pxcl' llt.luuS. of course. wbel'e bu~l · nN'S blls b en built up I>erhalls without vet n N' ul b In!; spent [or prlnter's Illk , The pioneer .toreke 'pl.'r In A n w cQlln l ry ma y have sllcb a demnnd tor hl ~ guods thllt he mtty be ~bl e to IUC' reed . He may be ahle to relaln his c ustomel'll nnd· tb us go ah ' nd for swllil . Bllt his bUSin ess Is tlot Ilk Iy 1.0 b pe rman",nt, S ome adVel'lls<)rs will st art In bl!! field . and l,Jy lib ral use of methods or publlclly gain In a few .muUlhs' IIllle trade greater thnn the plone('r took years to bul d up. A n~' mer<:hant who bas commOll SPO I' esseotl al 0 success should I1l\1'e u II 1 he 1Ilialltiea rt'Qulred to construct a draWing udvel"tlsement. HEl know. the Qualit y of his gooda. the prlres, tbe c'laslI or custum ra h hall In hlB n Ighborhood, and wllh tb ese point. al a basis he II hould be Iltlle to arrange matt(' r tor ao attrllcU,'e nd fertisement.. He no doubt can seour!! point rs trom his home editor; that IB, Ie tbe ed it or has any .llleas. .atld mosl of them ba\'(\, One rea~on why advf'rtls III nt8 In th e country papers sometlflllls do no t show up we\1 Is becau!;e of the scant.y suppl3c at: type tbe ed Itor Is ("onlpelled 10 struggle along Wllh, It matters no t how good tbe wording o[ an advertisement. mal be, It must b we\1 "seL" to attrlact atten· lion, A c lum sy prInter can spoil tho pulling power of th e best· worded ad\'ert lsem nl.
A WONDERI;U\- PE,RFORMANCE, The Amusing Little Dwarf and HIs Funny L Ittle Speech,
\\,hl"lf MI'. \l1I1I11<1n (lhlll Ie wllnt w e will cu ll Ihe tlwllrt I~ 1'\·;\tI~· . the II1nI1U~ l' b gl nM : " Ladil1\! :llld j,(l'IlII f' llu II . allow me 10 Illlro.hJct' 1.-1 1', Malllllll), , \lit' f;UII!llIS dwal'r of Grc.· nt .Hrilnlll , " 1\0 r"'JIM 11I11 ' h hlgg'l' 1I111n h l' lu"lr:. : ' 1'he tiwarr bows Ilw . · tokl '~ liP hi. htlnci\tl'r 'hillr, wlpclS hlH l'uI',.h 'ulI , .1IIt! )llll!; II Int'; hill pocl, 't , " /'111 601'l'Y to :<11)' II Is II. lilllf' ('on · relt 11," 'rhll tlw;l1'f Il\1l s n his hllt with & thll1l111, seiz .. :; his C1I1I' ue If III go. " rnd ed. I hpJ;; YOllr JIll I'll0 II : s h ould 111w e ~ a ld YCJ\I UI'I' II Irdl y IIblo to npll\' ("ial" ~' UU1' o wn I\r'~ot llI :s~ ," " I n c lit th nllolug)'. PI'IIY luk e a pinch · or o;Dutr," l 111'1\11 hux and o lfl' rs,), " ::-10\\', i\ll'. Manikin, t II liS Y I:1 tol'Y:' " I W!Hi unrn on tile s l1 ur( l'H t tiny of tb yell 1', In I he H mllll" ~ t (' II Y of En g· an.l lund . was fed on li b!}.!'t '11k sl1l!lied s hort hand," All the lime t h dwarf Is making viol ent motions wllh hl ~ hautls lind h('nd until he lhrows hl ~ hat uff, drfl \18 h is IlOlItt box and can . "I beg yutl r Ilu rdoD: 1 am lI\\,kward to·duy ." The manogel' whls p I'S SOOl (,lh lll l; tn th rlwl.ll'f'lS 1'11 1" an,I, ' 11Il1iug I\t Ihe comjlSu y. sny~ "YOII see IIl'Rt Mr, Mnlllklll' ,' s lor)' III as short 118 hlH tl gu re, 11 will. I he l' . rore, bid YOII gouel·by."
AT A CRITICAL TIME. Women Are Likely 0 Suffer with seroul Kidney DIsorder••
Mrs. John Kirk, R, F, D, No.2. De-. troi t, 1\IIch" says: \oF'lye years a& o :i.t a crlUCil 1 Hme of me 1 we s 011 lha v 'l'I;II uC a 'ollnps willi 1,1.1ney 1roubl S, b (II '1(ache, dIzziness. 1' 11!'tr d~oJ1 Il Y swellings a od urInary Irregulu rftl,:!\. 1 lost fl esh and lel t larlg uld, n 1'\' 0l1S or Ull !;tr un~ all th e time, .As my do ctor did not be lp me I begnn. using Donn's Kldnt>y· Pills. Tn 1\ rl3'~ week!! al\ these symptoms ,left me. 1 riow welgll 163 IIOUUUS and feel In ex. cellent health ," Sold by all den.lers, 50 cente a box. Foster·Mllburn Vo" l:Iul!l\lo, N. y,
l.ook /It Fig, 1 ond rou will ~C'P how Thrre are mun : country ml'rrba ntll two 1111-: burs CUll be mu,1 10 lOok like ..'h\) SE' Ihelr (rad I;I'Ill1U1llly sl1l1Jllng U\ll' 11111 0, d\\'lI l'f, :\OW If k II I F'lg, 2 I\way fro m lh('IO- Jenvlng Ihe count ry and going to th~ grent ..til es by the· chnnn I of Ihe mull·order trade. writes Gl'orge H. MaxI" 11 In Ihe Jltkhl"an Trod !!. man . Th f;' re are many eo unl " ... dltors wbtl . Ready to Pay FIne. sf;'e' tltA proRporlt y ot Ib elr to wn s de" know where $:1 ,000,000 In rub. pi ted nnd c lrcula.UoIl lind Ildvl'rllslng \les concellled." anhl 110 New York Ilw, income rlldllced tor tb same rea on. ),e r. " ,),bls Vllst IHUIl IIcs conc~en1 ed In' , 'here are .,ery few, however. who tbe Inside vest Ilock t ot the 30,OO()' reD Jlze that their problem Is 1\ oal1on· automol)l1I s ts ot Ne w York state. ElIt'tl alone. and tlJat It Is wrapped up In man carries ,100 or It In one crisp and a put ot the J;rellt tuudarnenlal note, reatly 10 lJe I)ald out In a fin~, H QUl'slion whether this nall() n shall be he should be urreflted to'r 8lJeedlng. IICT\ll'lllat d or shall be de~trn)' ed by , Fines, though , don 't IIppear to 5l p ' the phyelcal deg-enei'atlon or human· sp ed lng," he conllnued. "Perh ll ps .Behind and Before the Curtain. Ity. the 80cl l&llInr"sl, Indll~tl'!al dl>lCou, tho rich automobili st rCSlJ,r.d& tb ' ln tent., moral and polllical corrupt,lon and you will turther Il h ow 1\ teAtb· much All the Suablull wood tblaf llhl. and class hatred bred In the city The tblef was alTest d. The magl!!prell hat, top boots snd Cl ot~k CU ll slums snd . tenements and cerlaln to mak e th dwarf n comlcnl !lpllclmen, trate said to him : 'You aTEi brough t culmlnale In anl\Tchlstic crimes, rIotA (,anI.', baod1i.f"rchlet and Sl1l1tr bOli up on the charge of stealing wood . O il S mobs and nll·d sLroytng floclsl up· will )Jl'lp 10 acid fUll to thtl vertorm· Tbls charge hns been pl'o\'ed again st he8,'ol8 lUI the result of lIome long )'0\1, But you are old and poor and conti nued per10d ot Industrial sud )'0\1 sh all b e let air thi s tilDe. Duly r,omml' l'clnl depre ssion. don·t do It again: 'Nonlenstd ' I' tortThe tact Is that the' upllllllding ot ed the thief. 'L t 118 not have an t.he co untry town and slIbllrbsn v11ralso sentimentality h reo I steai m,.lage. a8 an antidote and sat !fullrd ,f wood, J pay my, and there's au. against tbe poilionous soclnl. moral. Queer Thing. a Boy or GIrl May See 111m!" 10 60mf'ulle In the di s tance. at end of IL'" . physical and political co nsl!quenc s of the sume time 11I!l lcallng th (· rllnl~way In HI. Geography. h rdlng m~lIons ot our wor~lng p ople animal wi t h OUIstr Ie II " linger, You WOUld Not Accept Counterfeit loge ther In the unnatural congesled 1:he mnjOI·1ty or liS lire alit to I' . WhntJ YOti Clln't II e tl ? f' rl~.lp B a Money, Why Accept Coynterfelt li fe or lhe t en e me nt s, Is th e one great g ill lice at I1lustn\lIons Figs. ~ I !I Ilnd '4 gard 1\ mup li B a thing ' wlthclIIt 1l0111, Goods? OU s llon that rises above nil others In be lp you , ' a conglomcral.lon of wig Iy-waggly Good mon y Is mllde by the Gove rn· Im\Jortan e 811 8 J)roblem Ihatthls nil' f.lowe\· r milch one mnr d r~lre Itnl- ment In whiCh you hnve Impliolt rlllt~ lines and dol , ihe tormer bing m· tlon must solv , l nless It 'does Nolve Illoyed to ma,'k the course ot rivers. vers nl 1)(,11ce, It ILppcars hi ghly 1m- Bnd confidence. Oood goods are nw.d& Unlveraltles of treland, It, II. will 8\1rre r dealh from human d&boundaries. e tc.. and the laller Lo In· jiro babl e Ihat Ala skn and Sib ria will by manufacturers w40 are willing 1.(> Another Btep looking toward Impot'· Importance as a problem tbat this oa· e v r llo rec.oncll d, Wllene" r one stake their r r)utatlons on the quallt~ dl cnte tb Ilo&ltlon or 10WIIS, CITIES AND TOWNS. Now I wlln t to disillusion ),011 , T looks nt III mnl), th ey nre "bavlng of the material offered to YOII througll tant concessions to rrel~nd was take n t 10)1 ~ ~n d clv lllzaUons thl\t hove ris n when the BrlUsh house of com mODS In th past only to be destroyl'(l. 0llr8 What II E .. entlal for Their Upbulld. will trY to show YO I1 tha t II. mop Is 11 r w wurds:' (Fig, 6 , ) It, If> a dispute the medium of their advel'Usements 10. will be lik e wise deslroyed unless we I'eally fUllni t' than man~' So· called that hus b' n · going on for Hgtl., and t.hls paper, tng and Permanency. ounler[elt goods are not pus d to the first reading, by a vote take heed In tI me. advertised. The rea son for It Is th~:r of 307 to 24, the bill providing (or I wo Th da nger ari ses from Ihe I;on· IUell and towns are bullt up wb~re will not ben I' the close scrutiny to l1ew unive rsities, In w~ich t.he re shall gesllon of population In cltJes and tbere or~ certain uatural advantages which genuine advertised goods art~ be enUl' absence ot rellglou~ tests, from else. thnt alford economic means for mr,nsubjected. Counterrelt mOl\ey IJay!t Complaint of Inadequate provIsIon for The solUtion IIcs In ch.ecklng tbe ufacturlng or for the distribution of more profit to the counterfeiter, CounEducation hao been of loog staudlng In tu~lher growth of clUes aa the produc't s. 'rowns and citiesl may be terfeit goods ure olfered to .·ou tor the Ireland, but within recent years there homes of Industrial worj(ers and scat- classlll~d afj manufacturing town. &Dd IRme reason. , .' haS been marked Improvament In that tering those homes Into and among commercial towns. Lorge c~ltles are Tnslst on the Genuln_Reject th. suburban homecroft vlllllges nnd III built up by lIupport from llndustrles respect. Sc hools ' bave Incressed In CounterfeIt. tbat 'employ people , There are tew au~ber, and reqUirements DS to at- countl'Y t.owns and rural settlemenh,. To do that. trade and Indusl rv must communities that clln exist llo'lthln DESERVED TO WIN HIS CASE. tendance have been greatly relaxed. be deeentrnllzed. Industries ~f all themselves and upon borne' resources ~b\lc schools are noW In existence It.lnds P1ust be establlsbed In the su· Without the asslatance of other comReali), Able Argument Pilt Forwarct whlcb are open to all ,pupils, and Dt burbs of the cities or In Ihe towns mUl;tltln. The city mus t draw from b)' Accu.ed Sailor, Attendant III obliged to be present at Instead of In the congested centert!. a large trade territory, ' An parts of \ religious exercises to which pnrents ,T hat Is · that requires an the world contribute towardl the susA veT)' gQod story bas recently been or guardlan8 object. The additional organized campilign, bllt first. It re- tenance of such great clUell as New told In the fleet of an Incident wb lca happened w"en Admiral EV:J.tl8 was III . universitIes, wltb . the I~tltude ttllowe4 quires a current ot rlgllt thought In York, Boston and Chicago. It la the support thus received that mlilkell tbella comniand 01 the, ' an old·tlme 'as to religIon. will, says the Troy (N. the mind, oC tile people. bluejacket was at the mast before It requires that everylhlng should <:lUes great. The country town has Y') Times, facilitate. the '· acquirement Capt, Evans, charged wllb getting of profiCiency In higher education and be done that can be done t.o hold In Its trade radius limited. t Tnless the proper etrort be made to protect this food out ot a mess chest outside , ur ,wll\ obviate the n,ecellsl!"y for s t ud ents the existing towns a.od ylllages the trode, to care for It, to cultllvate It, It !!leal hours. This getting of foou (o!" trade that now naturally centers there, 10 go abroad to find what they waut In night watches Is '" common 'and atrou!l; Any part of It, Bmall or large, tbat Is likely to drln elsewhere. It rethe \\'ay ot collegiate training, The ' Is dlverted to any of the buge central quires push. conUnual exercise of endesire on the part of most men &hoar(J lhip. ' eaect 'o f sucb Bction sbould ' be most mall-order concerns tn the big cities, ergy to build up a good trade center. Capt. Evnns Isked the mao what be bene ficial. . and thereby taken away from the I(). Comp,e tltton Is conawt!y growing' had to sa)'; and the man, slzln, Ul> cnllty where It origInates and belongs; keener. It Is pulling together and the dellcl/.te situation., said: constant work, puah and enterprise Boston has a re.~enU) establlsbed Is on Influencee that promotes just "Captain, 1 didn 't take /10 food outer hitched up with common !lense that to that extent the growtb ot the evl\ c:uetom for whIch It Is o;a1mlng much. that ohest. Why, captain; there that I's eating at the heart ot our na· alwa)'s wins. It III the New Voter.' fe stival held anweren't no foOd In that eliest!' I: Uonal life. Wbatever Is needed to sup· Avoid Nsrrownus" nually In Faneull 'ball, It Is not. a. ply ibe needs of every housebold In ' looked In that chest, and, C"lllaln, ( There Is Buoh a tblng IlB carrying' partisan m(lve but (leekS 1.:1 poetry and every rural community should be sold mElt ,a cockroaoh comfng out ot tbnt chest wltb tears In his eyes,"-Har. prole to Inspire patriotism In tboa'e over the counter of a local store and principles of economy , in businesli ~o per' s Weelj;ly. ' . who have recently come Into the not through the pOlltoffice and lhe mall extremes, of practiCing the trlmmlnc operations unUI harm r.esults. Too 4lfOwnlng rlgbt of citizenship. In the trade. much cutting down of expenses melUl. aees 1'" Block of Stone. Then comes ,the question of the meeting Just beld the stars aod stripes decreased bUSiness and 108S. It I. While workmen were sawing through were lauded wIthout stint, the way out growth of toWllS and villages. There narrowness that should be avoided. a bloc~ of Batb stone at Exeter, Eng· where the I;ountry editors and How many times ' do business men of civic corruption was c;lscussed, tho Is , land, they out fnto a cavity 10 which merchants can help themselv s, Once red InSignia of anarchy was metaphor· Beek cheap help ralber than those ' was found a cluster of two or "th're. get , It ·Into the minds of tbe whole ically trampled under foot and various whose :cperlence and aplioesB JusUdozen JIve beeS". . Ameri~an people that t.he salvation , :alds to getth'lg rid of public evils were of th'e unIon depends on the .uP- lies their asking tor good Wages'? The ' lncldent occurte4· ihe work& eKploHed. H ·tbe ' sflheme wlli: as bl,lllding of the cc;mnl.ry towns and Gbeap help ls generally exp¢nslve and ot MessrBOollard &: Sons, mOn\)o claImed for It, ' make ·the new' .voters ·I!-uburban vlllagcs-get ,the , Idea pllmt- poor help: The clerk wh'o receiveJ comic sketches, The outlines are pro, .there are ~o ~Igns ~t , a ' setPem~nf. mental Ijculptors'. ,T liere waS" ·n ot muc!! expected \'Ided for you; and your Imsglnation ,' Each , one, . stl'\\n~e to /Say·, sports a Ilgn of lifo III tlie bees at ' first; !Jut better than old ones, It Is worth wide ed arId deeply rooted sb It will grow five' a weelt cnnnot ItselC"-and a thousand loflue nces will to be ~uch more tban on laulomato~, which need not be v,ery ~Ivld: supplies sort of "bllly·goat." benrd, but that Is i-hen air was admitted fhey gradually adoption. a machine, and he may b,a all right the few, details whlcb go to complete ·an appeudage to whl h no lady ought revived and after a tell' 'hourss~\'erlH . enter t1ie 'fleld and .enlist for thJa great In certain c!lpacltles, but ·he will never to object ,In a man, as, In time of war, of: them ~'·ere able to fly . .iome fault·findlng person~ are crltl· camp,rugn ,for rural Ilnd counlry town prove a trade winner ror the merchant the picture. Let \1S first of all look, caretully ·at Ita ,calltUre by the . opposing party and village ctevelopment to check Ule clslng the ~OO New Yorkers who il\s. who employs him. Many a ·merchant an ordinary outllne map of England Ilhould make It master of the Bltu, Had Heard La~~r. , <!lIssell poverty ovel' a dinner costin I; overgrowth of cities wltb all Jts result· falls In ~uillnesB Just because ·of bl. .und Waklt (F.'lg.. · i.) And what do we ~tlon. , "Shaw'. new play 11\ said to be t " . , ' ant evils, ' lliggardly way of running · things, on Bee? An extraordlnary ,commotlon 9n . $10 a plute nnd where some ot the ' When' In the North Paclflo ocean we last word on ' marriage." 1t can not be done a.11 at once. The gu sts allPelued wearing · costly jew, first tblng Is to get public tbought account of his Ideas ·that be can wIn tlle west coast! ' Yes; a Jlunawo.y pig should keep our eyes open for 8. sea· - "Impossible," re}ll1ec.1 ~~e IDllrrl",d; els, H t hIs. money had b~cn given t« acth'ely aroused u.lld ' turned Into .out wi th cbeap help·. lind CI!ln·: do bUll- -fine fat ~ anlmill-beini pllrllued by serpent which has caused great deal man. "Jt hln't even tbe I~test word:' . , the po,!r they thfnk more tood would right channels, There mUl\t be 0. co·m" ness iVllhout advert,lslng: ~ old cOl\'p le to whom It . dou\ltless of commotion during lhe last , 1('.w . CHA~GE IN FOQD .b elongs. 1'he old , man Is elos6 on yeal's. 'I'bls r.c·llrfuJ ahd . w6hd er(ul hAve been done, :Mor(l good to th« plett'! common conception In the minds· Hustlers In Demal1ld . . the ·linldlaJ's 'heels, bilt is appa1'ent· hoast .lIi known al! Japall. (FIg,:6,) poor, perh·ups. but not to tile g u e~ ts · at of millions of poople or this I).ew naThe world , likes a hustlE:r, an'd haa WOr:~1 'WoilC;lers lri Health. lIIuRtraUon 'F ig. 7' Is the western the hllnQlle t , Just thInk, temark~ the · tIonal lu eal. . The u there 'mnsl be unit· little lise for th!! laggards: No town ·Iy . out of br~ath after' his. unusual, In(Uallapoli:s Star, how Uluch satlsldc ed, concerted and vigorous nction to wall ever knqwn to get · to the front .crtlon, for look how :wIde open Is his part. ·of Amitrulla. ' wb·lch represAI:its It Is wor\.h ,knowing 'that a change mouth! His uetter half Is nnt far ,be-the head of ·n lioness with hE-I" erirll tion 4!J9 of tIlose gu stS took In In· l'enl1ze thnt Id eal. The fncls aud nr, when Its were In the hands In food can ' cme dyspeps ia, "f d em hInd; she' ton-, III a~ · r \ll! . trot, but has laid bac k, as though ,annoyed at someepectlng the tilled vlsl to l' with LeI gume nts to 8t1IJ1101't It mus t be· or a lot of peRsll1llst\c moss·backs. It more staying powerEl than th p, old (hlng. It my duty to I~t you know bow Q all!!' I ' se minated through a great educational Is th oJl~linlst who IULs iii. well·regndiamond lIara and rope . of pparls ! GEORCE J . BEESLEY, . Nuts· tood ~1I~8 \!u)'~d me of IndJgestlQn. campalgn- lillr!!ly separate and apart late u balance wheel who Is tbe safcst mon, 'and Is Ilble:, to ahout ou~: "StOll · "I b d ' heen froubled ~rth it for SOUle peuple uevE- r ca!1e.;eu two sides ' from pi)lIrlcs. one to lake th e helm . One good IlUllhyfiars. lInt\1 last year illY doctor ....acomto II. Ques tlun. En>ry counl ry editor Dnel co un try 01' and worker In a town whu has the the s lip, The ~rd s wIngs ·uroucld mellded Grape·Nuts food to be used MAKI·NG , A CAR'O $KIMMER. m reh:!"\. , ·8holll(1 be , 11. leader In the ri ght 1,lnd ot mf'ttle In hi:! make,up, on the pin. stfl'kes tile cune, Is Uiere· every mor.nlng: I !oiro·w ~'d, instrucHere come's th'" invenu:r · of a g\1n rnol'elllenl In his localit y, 'thoug h he hav e not a cent, Iki worth Toy EasIly Made ~rid :«Ith Which LotI by lifted 'oft Lhe pin an!f go "1\ flyl.! tlons ' j\nd nQW I am entirely. well wh.lch, as alleged, cau ,:arrr a !JI g ~ ell a dozcn men without progressive . of Fun May Be Had, througJ.l the nil'. to a gl'~at height .,: '7'b41 whole r~mijy .lIke Ornpe·N uts.. Ide"s who mny bo I ~ ac!.enl in financl~1 {rom London 10 Pari s or 1110 r eve rs e School Books In Plillippint:B., , d.ll!tance . . A .Il l ~le ,practice, sa ys Golld we use · iour .Iinckages n.wcek: YOll a friLl i'S. '1'b~ re baB bt/li ll a gr at It .fli of lOng. ' Here 1/1 som thing for thfil llQYS, It LI~e':atur, wl\i e nable YOI) , to skim are welcdlne. to use this testh:iI<Jnfai ,. Tbe othel' day J took my o lllpany ---.,,;--~does not malw noll/e' l1)te the dllngel'- the card 100 teet. dlstnnro Il ll'hting r (" ~ ntly, bllt when It on fI prac tice 111ol',c h to 1\1nril!'l Il\a, as you see · fit." , ., , ' " ", ., ,One on ".Labb y." St!idy the IIlu·stration. and 3'0\1 Cl\,n .' ' The real'lon this lady wos belped by «ImeB to such n rang, as that Wdl \V h n wc rcached I h.~ ~ l \'\,,1' w e Ilatl All proprje tor of Trll'th. ~tr, H ·DT)' make the tl klrnm er yourself, the use of Or(lpe·.N)lts f(lod. L9 't-bat, It. would' nllP 31' to hI! I' d \le.:!d to II matn· to wall s8ve ralmll1\1 lcs fur the 0111 L nl10llcnero. POllUlo.rly , as " Lab· Is predtgested by natural ,pI'ocessea , ernnl\ C"a l NilI' II !:n Ion lltl w 10 hit t1.l(l rO\1'" fe rry I,; COI\IO over, JI;st , then by." hus had to Kllcnd' ~ deal (It mono 1\\'0 PllipinQ ~O Y 8 callie aloqg on ('hell' How Ole! A,re They. and the'r etore does not ta.x tile sto m~bje ct limed al. i>crh:qJs tho tlnl8 wa y to Pasl g, ey Iii. libe l acUons. 'He once ad' "There go James lind n tb rt ach as the food ' ~h~ bad b~eri using; mitt,lHI In ('ollrt that he hnd! spent over -will IIT1'lve \\'11I.'n hosti l1tl "s will lie , nrown," o1.Jserved Wlnlfr.pd, ndmlrltll~. It also ~ontalQs the eloments rCQplretl: I asked one of them, a Ind of about $200.000.' "'rh n." said lhe late Sir carri ed on hy t(.>.IC' phon , Iy, . :'Wblll 0 handsome pair th y look, for building up ' the nervous system. \2, to ij bow me his ![IcilOol ·booliS, Frank I..ockwood, :'1 must thnnk you" ,to be sure" and yet quite, young, I If thai part ot the human· body- 18 ill, Th eBc consIst d of a. scoond reauer, a ~ 1'. Lnbouch I' , on behalf of ·thc;l proWorking Dlagra",.. Jt Is l' 1),irtOd tlla ; 11 · ~·.;hl :9 Abou,t ~pel1e l' nncl -nn orlthm!lliC nnll dtf· Wond er how old they are?" ·perfMt worklng: ,ortler. there ·c;a.n be no, I to Ilda\tt the Pilrllft tl t':llte m (If tlhort. tere!1 (1'0111 t bose In the Uulted Staks resulon, 00 00. nnc,! pros!!)'cr!" N ('d, ous toy pistol. bllt It , \s a more amus"Well." answered ber: slst~r Etb(!1 dyspepsia, for nervous enol'gy " repre· lOllS to say, ~here were roars of laugh· ,.band Writing to tlte l:lli' n.,;oll language principa lly 1.'1 the wonfs. ~AS there Ing and -more Int.erestlng toy In every "curious1y enongh. ten y aI's ago th~ sents the s~eam that drives. the engine. ter In court.- London .TIt·:BIt.a. combined ages of James and Herbert A 8lpall COllIn \tte ' ron-;sting of ' ex, no IlIl e resilng tale of apple Btealln~7 WI!-Y. When tbe nervous ·llyB~em Is run The illustration Bho~s how the tuy were one tblra the age ur old Mr, 'down, .. the macblnery ot the 1I0dy Ma,u de Boothls Stri!nuClu~ Day. " rverta In sl)Orlhand lind r _rtal n ed'uca. Not linctly: It 11'&1 ·'" the bad On h~r recG?l'\ vlsl~ to ' ti~ e~ Orlen-ns Ie made. There Is a IIlotted handle, Brown: at present one ot them is worka bJldly. Grape·Nuts food can be' tlonal officers was apllol.lled to coa. bo,'s stole: yt"l. the terrible retrl· ,butlon ' bad overtaken 11Ie thieves as Mrs. Maude Balllngton Bhoth passeiJ In wb.l eh 1/1 'plvoted a slip of wood 'two years older than , t.he other, and uaed by smaU children as well a. _Ider the' mn ler. . tz::s::::= __ _ l1a<l ov~rtakp.n them "'hen our great nt least one stlenuoUI dar. Shit with a notch In the oppel: end,-Around their q.omblned liges are 14 ;yeaI'I .1'1l1li adults. It I. lIerfect11 .cooked &Del rf.!ady tor InBtant qle. ' Th.eGerr.-.lI eplperor hints thnt h~ trust magnates· werp scboolt>oYI. it preached At a prillon 1n tbe lllornlng, -the' notch and handle 111 8prung- a than theIr father's ace.", "Oh, I lee:' replied Winifred, work· Read "The Ruad to Weilvllle." III 'WolLI.iI De t bave hie tala ry WI kIna was "~edro," not , "John," who was held an Informal receptIon In the mid- strong rubber band. On the lower head; for abe p~. "Tbere·. a t ReuoD." . the bou,e .end 01 the wooclell .UP II a short, J)ID Ing out the 111m 111 /Of 1'taIHIa ~Dcreued; but there _ml, droYlD ed because be went flahlng on afternoon. tben preached :VOu , for put,: SUh(!ny. The arithmetic had . . of detention. a(tllr tbls another and a aUahl cone. · To ole the 11dDl~ Wai a clner IIrl. Itve.....1Id t"~ be DO probl.bllltl that he will KG the matter Ie aruples ID b'Ulanu and JlQetaa In.teacl reception. thel! addrellecl - : Era club, mer, tOD ••~ck the card ,OQ the • lrfke III c..e bl. 4 •.m~d lit r. oj .ID olel ad dlJD-.-J'rQm AnM whicb woullCl liP "UIl • IoP.fonw ad pall back
ex· ,
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Lon of "Suppli es" QU ickly Brough t JlJror to Reasor,.
,\ grnll l'Il131l wr.o nnep sel'l'PII 'on &n j ury tells nil IImll ~ llI g I>11 .ry of hill (' I'ptlrfol!( '()s. When lh u IIrlll'l ng wall 0\' 0 1' alld th e jury r'tin' d tq thci~ room to c:onHl!l pl' th(lh' ,. l'dlct th. Y :···· ····· ····· ····· ·,.,· ····· ····· ····· ····· ···7· ·····..... ....• ..... .•..• ..... ..... •••• .~ .. ..... ...~ found til at they ~t ood 11 to 1 in ravor .e ••••• ~ •••• e ••••• 01 an acquitta l , but lh one hal'l'p.III·d e •• ecce ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••• u ••:;;eu ••••• u.~ to he a Vf'r.,· cumplll ('Ill I)ld ~elltle· man . who I' 'M ed his chIn u pon tha heud or a thf.·k bUllllon cUlle Ill1 ti UIl· noull ed d .. Ii ~lnll~· lhaL he wali rflfrdy to stay t ll !'1' as lOll!; as an)' or th l' I)}, ')'h e h OIIl' 8 tlmggNI on. " V(,IIIIl).( ar· rlv 'd. ~HIII lh old l\ >1I1l lIlali ( 1). :-tillalPl y 1;() ld OUI. 1'11(' th er juror!! wea rll~' ull·a.nged th ' ill S 'h'es tn lII:rk.· a nl ghL 0 , it. I·'('um lillie' to I II1W Ih r Old genl if'lIIan woulrl contoll,l plali l'ely suck the head uf lh C:IIII' . 1,' llIully h f'il 3i11 t·p al\'l I ht' ('un. d l'O!JflPti bl'uvll y In th rtuor. I 'I'II"1\ nDp at th ~urY ll lf' n plckod it lip IIl1d Irllind. to hi s !:!IIrpris f'. thlll II wus nc I'ly f li ll or goud old I dsh whi:; k\·. Th p. t'lunk· rltl 01 1' \,('11 pu sH>Jd th e f'~lIlj ·l'Imllri . ra · l ic" !', i it uf it:; COlltPllt S. and Ih, 'n awultl>ll (',1 li s Rl umber lng OWII C I' . 51 .. \' . Iy lip 11ftI'd th ane If) his 111 011 II . loo'ted aL his wat h . IIml then a I :.l~ willi t h... 1l 1111 0UI1C(l1ll III : "\loys . 1' 111 '&fthel" '\Ian gill' l1Ie IlInind.'·
I rl ~ h
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Wetcom e to Amer ican Cou nt ess. Hlld:l ' P slh 01'1'1'1.1)011 I nr of a Vi ellflu flllp I' Rays tha 'uUllt Sz ('Io,~ n· yl 'erlalni) , did not get I'ltl of all ' .Ie inqui sltlv people wben he W Ul to his own ('onnlr~·. 011 his l'ltl lo lbl) hom of hiH mother. 'OUlltU6S Em· m erich S7.l'c ll 'nYi. wh I'e h , and Count S8 Gl adys wer e Illvit ed to luncheo n. and lat I' COll nt AI "ande r (I('I\SSY·8 . wb el' th ey din U, t he llro· t ograp hers. alllal III' aud pr o/ess l onal. were E'XaSlleraLl ngl y " rsl stellt. l~ veo Prof. Lurnul tz 1'. whn Is treating the co untess for a tllroat trollbl e. was an· noyed by 01 ~o Mople. A t the r ec tl' ,loa arrange il tor the young coupl o at Oel1uezo th'o blessing or th e olu 11I'lest, the warm welcom e on til part of th widowe d mOlher . the ' unl· formed peasant s. t.he whlt e'I'ob d glrla, th'e a tl\'e ' bund lind the rormol lid · dr sses all lu·o.IJably Impro8sed Ihe ,young Amerfca n wOlllan. bu t '~he was most surprrsed wheo a little girl ad . vanced and presented to b er a large beart·sb ap d brown cake. Th o ver88 which tn 1Ittie girl r I) IIted told that the Lebkuch en was t'he Hungal' lan sy III bol oC wedded I,)lIss. Th
i ·;>pyrlllh t. by JOlOeph B . 'Bowles. ) 'Ill flolillcia n who Is follQwll lg the ·caillng for a IIv IIho()d eatll. d rinKS .a nrl 81 0(18 pOlitic You annot got. him off the track. He find s lillie In· er l!st In anythlh~ lsi!. A ll bls reatl· lng, o ut~ lde of th pal) r a. Is on po· IItl III topiC!!. H e k e p~ lrMk of past' .. 1' tlo os and IlUst ward vot B. know!! 11 1\' bls wl10rd has gon • will go. and Ollght to go In th rut\lrc. lie Is tho , life all politica l 08sclllb lages, for Ii (I has the air or Ihe exp rt and th e sllbn ss of an " lIIulltra ted l ectur 1'." ][ attends tbe "Wilkes, " funeral s. · danc('!;, partl s. basebal l lInd football canle ~. hrlstenl o gs. chUl'oll fairs. pic· nics IUld all other Bocllli happen ings. .fln d g L-; hlmllelt \'oll'r1 "t h • 1II0st pop· u iar mun" when 'vel' hc ' bllS II. chance.
P/lI:ls Pal tern No. 2393, All :<eUIIIB All ol\·ell.- IJrlght l)ink colton Villi h Ull b en use d ror th is si mnle I!tUe ' vCI'y day frock . 'I'he waist. mad "dth n I"OlInd lie k and Howlng sleeves. Is lit In on [11 (' (' ('. and Q hl ns hllnrl of I II 1'011 .. slileh~'rI with wh i t trim s th e lo wer eli ge oC till' sle V · .3; Similar hands or m Ull >n(iug the fl·onL . SnH~1l whit e p('url bultons fast II the ci rlls-:J at ~h c nt er ·hark , and 11'101 II , hIllS IIIUldR on \1\ front or t he waI st. Th short. f ull skirt i s [LlIach ed 10 t.b~. wai st lind 'I' a. b It of tbe materia l. alld r ibbull I'UJI emhruld ery beollill; : t rim s lhls b It and th round Ii PC!C Th e patt I'll I s In (0111' s l7.cij-lI ix hI tw Ive r urt!. For a girl or tan year lhe dl' ss I' (11I1re8 3'h yal'ds or mated ad 27 Ill ches wid e, 2~ yards 311 inch es whl • or 2* yal'l.lll 42 lnch('f1 wid e. 1 % yard elf b ad in g and :) • yards or ribbon lo tl'l lll: ,To procure thi s pnU" "n 8 .. 0<1 10 ~o .t... t.o "Pu tte rn D 'partnu..'Jlt,' · ot Utls pllpln". Wrll() n"me ami a!ldreSH plai nly. ana be. Bur to gh' Hlzll and IIlImber or putlel"l'.
fashlooa ble clu~. maklitg wild guesses In. togethe r with' ot her ralme.n t. cluh waltz tun e at the plotrorm YOII cOlll i! with the r est ot them as to bow nil· du II. tickets to vOl'lous dances and go 111' and " pivo t·, with YOUI' parlner. 1I0nitl llolltlcs looms up, At twelvc enterta inments. and In fact. from just to show that you wel'e not. 1'1'0ud. that night yoa may be addreSd lns for· mornin g unll! night, .day III and day 01' that YOIl kn ew how to "rev erse: ' ty 'or flnr poop Ie In a Httlo hl~1I baok out., to "slft" your NO. 2393. salary steadily Int:i Dancing went on all Ole tim e. cOllpl .SIZE .. . ...... ...... . . (! ~ DC 110m lIul all. You must lie pre· " the hopper." coming and going and round dallcllig f1ar!ld to meet all kinds of peol~e at a N ME . .. ...... ... ... .. ........ .......... .. . . . The "grand ball'" w re o r course being succeed ed by What It Showed . quadl,ill oll. Some· minute' n notic • and you must .e able tbe most Importa nt function s given times a lithe and sinuous jlg·danc 'fOWN . .... . .. .. . .......... ... .. .... ... ..... . Lillian B. lllll. the well ·known ",'r l· er to tind rstand them and adapt YOU\,' by the party. 'rhey were attend d by got a IIRce cl eared for himself to dis· ter. at humoro u s advertis em ents, told self to them Instantl y and easily . or e verybod y. Includin STRIJ: ET AND 11:"0 .. .... ...... .... ...... . g tbe mayur. aUlI port In. and g!'cat was U,e nthllsla sm at a dintler in ChIcago abou t a grocer you will be lost In politica l aoclet y. ' he l ed the grand ' llIarcb. 'It '\\' lUI a when sOllie girl who Rdvel'Us S'I·.\.TE: .... ... . .......... . .......... .. . .. .. .. ed ror 'wollld 1\ boy, acoept a chilI · and wh'oso Suppos rou happen to dl'Oll In at lively tim • alld diamon d s were as lenge and come ,out on the board. to wife presented him th e 11 xt day wl t n (lown·to wn h"adQu art ra where 'th y pl~lltl [ul as blackbe rries. Full·dre ss · do a lUI'll with lbe jlg·dance... Su had. twlns- botb bo)'s. are waiting for & meeting to be called. Slilts were largely In evidenc e, "nd Vallc/IIS ' and sway-Ing and r etl'eatil "This Blory was pl'inteil. ·· said 1\118' ' MISSES ' TUCKE llt; Tiler ma.y be t\\'ell~Y ,to thirty men the danc1nt: kept D St-llRT WAIST . lip until morning . such appare nt Indlrrer ence and Hili the oth r day. "11'00 afterwa rd a th ~ n ubout. SO,D l6 slUI ng In chairs readln~ ,,\ l IIU h a ball the elCti' me opposlle!< ullexam pll'ld vigor ; such a hamm r!lmou ~ I rfRh·Am rcian woman dreBs, l'ln g or ta.1klug. som at a c·ard·ta.b le pIa)', ot pOlitica l life ruet. once a }'car, ami of th boards and turning anl\ twi st· ulaker spoke to lIIe about It. Ing a frl IIdly J;nme of cin ch. otbors at the occaSio n was one •. 'Thol'6 wa • . no poin t to it,' a pooJ.tllble 01' Ii. bllllard· lablt'. C:.m be red . Jndges. wU/l an toeyebe rem Ill· Ing. unHl at. thc end lh e crowd , rcaret! 'woman to possible ils approva l and the dancers di sal~ objp.c l ed . yoti play cards? Now. o[ COUrl • It Is 0 1' j)robab l' r e-nomin atlon . we l'a, not ot p 'a red amollg th e spectato rs. " ' /1;0 point ?. sa id I. 'Consld er, Thl! • • • 1I0t ahsolutely essE'n tial .thllt you can; all too proud to attend. and occasio n· man adv rUs d for a bo y. His . wif~ - -'l--n>nl l'lnb I' thnl at ono poll 1I clIl bllt It yon CIlII make 'a band at one ally 80me or the cit)" s elite attende d, Politica l so 'ie ty at the picni s. demo Ill'esentE'd him with twi ns. b()th bOY8. :la 01 1,)01'1' th ra \VflS a " b('-I\ut y show" card·tab le 01' "Ilock 't elgh,t balls trom just for th e novelty ot the tblng.. A oCl'nUc and I was IlPI)oint ed one or the judgel!. the br!lJl.k,'· or \llay li S It seerned at first blush. hUd It t hat doesn't show the value oC ad· a fair gamc bll· wO)llRn might. be l ed out by an ex· .lI.s lilies oe The olh r L,,!O judgE'S werp ' llUlIln s lIardlj )'0\1 ara lI·em~l"calioll . whlcb were verHsemen~ , what do B it show?' a" more welcom e memo governo l' of the state ror one 8 t. anH quite noliccul,)ly d ra wn. Th e wlte " It shows: the dl·P.SSlllU kel· I' plied, t (,lg Uler'," and 1 SUw 1 was '·doubl e· bel' of society and In strata of jloliU· th e nc xt set- ' dang/lte r s of Ule '''blg bO.8s" were 011 'UlUt it he bad con tldod h is husi nf'SS .1'0 " II;' borol'e th e "beautie s" WSil t, cal existenc e. ' " l nl< n tllrn d" "'n th " mld rllr band. togethe r with the wom en·folks affa\r8 to his ,wife. 116 a mall oughl all til Illn rorm. ]11 rront of Lh e plut· A nd If . It ~ hOllld haPllen th:lt you WillI th e nHLn. hut shol 81\11 y M Oee." pf t hc various offi ce-bold er s. but thc y to d o. b e would huve II en Sill' cI t he f (II '1II Ih r wu s alii!; rI1wd on th e Juioed H "rolill at sOllle ··hig h.ton d" It was a tru ,1' coslllop ollHur gathel" dId not mingle wit.1I .,bulrs. and th ey weI' lUI d \ly th c Te· politIca l lub, wbere the average lady e~llellse oC·· that adverlis ell1 enL'" SOme tOlll cs sucb Ing. unique and pl <l tllresqll e. and rare· picnicke rs. , They sa.t by therus Iv s .jill eLi v adh I' nt ll of iho' coniest lng ' liS literat ure. a r t. scl en e. Invenllo n or I)' was U,ere an y disturba nce 1I1li t I~ sQlUeth iog ot exclusiv e g ralld eur, ·' falr ." 1 hnd inl)oC'cn lly ·SIIPl'OS d similar Ulutters The Wake Was Fine. weN bein g dl cu!!sQ;I. all:l ounted to ' aUYlhin g. and were polntcd out by the more that I hlngs w ere "on I h s!1uar e" lI\ltll lind could 110lrt youI' own In COn\' 01'3 . Dennis an(l Pa t rick weI' IE'lIl1ln'( oi'{lInar y of the m£llTy.m~kers to th eir J W/l IIJ11B'oach (\ by oue of th jUdg II tlon , 'YOII were " maklng over th rail of. t h big lineI'. orr to a hand " thero Anothe r ami more common I>h ose oi compan ions .. wltb ihe idea U,lUL th m's t prlz ought' (be salll e liS the starboa rd Wat; a t)ln gy 'oal h!lrge, al the more pleb la~' polillca l social Ufe was at the slIlopn s. Somelh nes a PQ,Bslble preS idential 't o go 10 a cerlaln 8'11'1 who. to my no· gam of cinch. the hull or II: onoe gl'llCeCul Clipper Nothing that a. lluin Hel's the ward politiCia ns ga thered. cundJda i graced · tbe occasio n by his ship. t lon . wos not vilthln a tbouHllnd miles has leal'n ed with his head 01' his hands not only to talk poWles, bllt to , roll flresenc e nnd cons Int d to hand out a ot bt'l ug first In th'e TOr . I put \lP bllt whnt :1>0"111 corue . "What kind of a boat Is t hol Pal?" in handy In poll. t en·pins. pln~' pool and. at the ca.rd· sumnle of sllver·to lngued oratory . But ,IIIICh a "It r e '1<I ck " that tbo oth er tI B. ' quel'i'!d Otlnnls as he shaded bJa eY~1 tabl s. " play for lbe drinks." The ~ no\!el' hea.rd one judgl's got a IItlie lIlt uncerta in. and l' t who could draw ,w ith his hand. amount of social intorco\ lrse thu!! ba.1 away any or lh,e attenda nce at . th e 8t last. as first 'Iud II eond prizes wel'o PO,l Iti cal cl uh meeting s. In the cas "T hol is whllt ' yez call a dead ship," In B large Ity Is eno rmol1s. Arter th9 basebal l ga me or b th. Sold watch s. th )' agrel'd to l et , of the dowlI: toWI\ the fnt women's rac\!. repll~,d .Patrick . 91·ganlza!l.0ns. took c.rdlnar y ward politicia n, had .euten . hI PIlI'l s' Puttel'll No. 23 53, All 8 ('am9 li '1'11er,,'11 a limit. even to oratory . ' 'm s'clect No. 2 Ir r wOIll<1 vote for p!aca .e\'ery Sundar DenniS wlltch (] th e buhhl es chu rn. In my tlm~. Th~y supper h~ woitld ba ready to engng AlloWl'u e .- A simple tulloI" mOd el In Great t'h p,rr:i ' ~o'r ft'fSt I"rlze. was tbe onstern allon when. ,w ore enllVeIl ed ,by · the admlsfll on ot III hIs politica l ' Ing IIn'd r ller stl)rn fOI' II. 10llg while. cruising . and he conld as ' sometlm e's haPllo-ned, ' tbe whi te blllcll1~r 's lin en Is here portray cjl. .when No. l's nnma "'us annolll' cOil n w me mbe rs~ tbe flood . " Pat!" reading of reporlll usually nnd a bun'ch of .men at Th rronts Ilud ballk are stitched trom the ' {:ates of heave n opened and drowne rl ,. S'I'O(l1l ~ent liP trom th o crowd. ac· and m a.klng of "Yis. Dinny ." mol ions, spej!'chE's, anll bowling alleys. ot: In clll'd' l'oom sllOu lrlel' to waist)li te. !lnd t b e cuffs on. or lbe pi llnlc grounds . Th o la st polltlcu l ('oJlllllln led by a cheer rrolll one c·or· always Sblllcth " 'Tl s a dend ship. eh ?" lllg In .tha way at ,a ' his neighbo ring saloon. lho .wlde kimono . Ii!I evos are . flnlshe;1 I wE'nt nlcnlc I attonde d (IOlOmenccd on u n'er of t.he, 8 'ats wh ere th e' wlnner's '\,aude\' 1110 stuut " Vi S. Oi nIl)": I)), E'lthel' a menlbPr t.brollgh a great mnn)' with ' u blndlllg of 'Jllnk or blue .linen, polltlcn l .f1llilt s very threate nIng dll~·. and at last t.he I !U\'tI nos , ~ere bunched . Wh ,n No. of the club or " Will hedad. Oi Ifll\,vC' lit. Lonk ut some oulslde tlilont. and skirmis hes. big IIl1cl little. lIud Th e w idE' tIIl·n· tlowl\ colI nI' i s flnI Sh('J. Q.\(clouds Reem ed to make up their mind!! ~.h' big wnk e as sh 2'8 ·Jlqme wa s gIven she was' r.heered 'l'hF.lS(l down-to e ho~ ." wn meeting s were valU· cept just at .eleollbn times [ SIlW \\'Ith II similar binding. lind th o wai s\ v r~' to IIweel> the ' ground s. 0111' 'p urty lind h y ·o ' hl,. majorit y or"t.h e cl·owd. and able In , brlJj'g iul; t he I~niters of Ule Jlttle drunk ' llllOss. c1pse at tilt' cen ter·fron t. nut there was no tak n alarm. wHh n nllmber 'o f oUlers. :waN satisfied illY eyes lghl. wa ll sti li differ nt wanl.s 'rh 'pal , togethe r aDd affordin g doubt that the wOI·klugmen . and lern hI In thl' , e Slz(l!\ - 13 10 1i years. Restaur ant Stories, m -:l· and had ' one do\\-n th tract< to whera !:ood. N'ow for 1I0lh or the 'e girls the l heul .IUI ollilortu nity (0 exchang pol· chanlcs galh er cd at the saloolls , to .llie first tl'll!n ' to 'town wa s stal.1onerl. A t the l..ucIIIIII S ' 1lIu's r(' c'lIIt rllnner 1"01' U III I s or 16 \JII I'S Ih t' Wl.tist r . v ot c batt been soli'rI, thr oo votes' fur i itlcal Iiews and to dis'c uss Ihe c,)mlng ,se each elhl'l'. ' 'A nd there was no 'J'1I0 ()rowd gal: th e.l'e ar.d jnnmlod th t! ID Nell' York George W. R 'ctor told qllll' S ::r y ards of l1 \aterla l ~O Inchell Rch • . When It CIlIII t(l '0. ~'::'-:Uld SIIi"t"ng or fil ll .()l\mll al gu. · . Tll ey' were doubt that . th ey 8.flnt· money thel'o: train InstRnl ly. JII"~ OPPO!!it lho pic· a great lIlany I' ' stall rant stories. He . widE'. thl'IJO yurds •• tilClwE; wlrl e, Lwn thel'C ' were o'nly ,thr II prlzos ' wol'tl1 ntivaYIl ' lurgely att ullod. and It 'was a. maybe more ,thail i:he~' nhOllld ho\'e IIl e g l'ound. and (L half IlIl1 c fl'olll us. has been .·a colledo'r oi these stories YU I'dl< 6q Iidl s wid e. 01' I'. YO I'd 4::' '''.ytbln g-T did 1\ ,1iU\o " dol1ble;c ross· dl sSTRCO f o.l' a' n y ward to. be culled done. E ut. thilt was where they IlI dh 's w ld('. wClIl wus 1\ wid e platfor m. un co vered. on '(or a num!.)!)r of year s. fn ~'" 1I1ys If. One or th o jll(lgos, pro· IIPOn for ' lnforJlla tlon oC any sort and to Dnd (lOlUllOnlonshill: tl1 .1n ct theil' wl.l lch stood hundr ds who W re wall · "There Is the French' IIlE'llli sl!lI'Y." t oT."o pro l:u ~p,' till!! pattprn ~"11l1 to ('"ntlt posed a S11'1 'who had afRce lik e a' liot hav ' a repr Pu rn V,'pari " ":lI t." of I hi d pnpol'. es ntative Oil hand .. A ';soclety ." 1 hav e oft'n ~one to Ih o In g for this train . "Let bel' go. Aam: ' he sa id. " l 'he Fl' n ell, DlEl nU Is n CElS' \\Orttc- 1'I (" " il\llll rt!, pie nt tw 111gb t.. 'fh £1 111 nm l fl.d t1r«.,... ~ nl ul nl y, and h , athol' dlsgi'nce thllt 'I never Iw e", to lIa[lpetl swell pOlitica l clubs RlI t'" and l O ,I;~\"~ ~1 7.l· a t~ t1 flmn!Jelr or pu.llcru. t hero mot th e saId th e conduc tor : " no stop till ;'VI' sal')" becau so ' we hav n'l got. in Eng. ..!Ildge SIlJd •. "Sur that's th~ n!" ' 1 I,)lIt 'once. No inattcr whut lhe wellrhe~ profess ional mell, l a wyers. lioctors gel. to Cbh:aso ." Awn)' we w lit, and 1I>;h. th o ' \vonh to desc ribe cer tain hatf"S .... lected (L girl raj· thi s priz and WIlS t he " falthful " '" re tMI ·band . and fl !'ofessors, l)usLness ~ e l.1 or lo rge liS WO ' lluBsed the had got ber. nallle. so 1 ' imid , tn jud ge p,l cnic groullds h\lll · t;OU es an!! certain m t hods or ,cook· 1-:0. 2353. .IZI-:. .. .. ...... . .. . .. Tile pI' slden. opene<i ttl llI\lct!ng i~t o !' fits In ' ,"urlo. us chanll el s. alld r1reds more t)ame down throu'gh H ellco w e, shollld nIl know c (l, o. 2; "Wbe~c '~ yOllr !rlllY'!" tbn Ing. H,e ' ,and th e UlIllO!l t 'freedom at 'dilloll~slon t lley sat at the );A tabl s· nnd dl'ank Ibeil' drenchi ng show 1"S In whlto .II R .. .. . ...... ... ..... , .... · .. ..... . · .. .. .. .pOhlt ... ~ to ber and r said . " (jut or W8.S all owE'd In Ur(lSSeB Unnry .'nm ch . ·Otherw lse we Juak€' any , debate · wbir-h wInc wb ero lhe ward . feUu ws drllnk stuck to tlieil' limhs ond straw gra \' error s. . Th lis I kllow a young !·()w:-> ..... . . , .. . ........ . ... .. ..... .,.Igt.l ; but we'd hott l' 's'plH the vo~es mi ght 111'l se. Sometlu lea a 1" cess was beer, and they '. played "brld~e" 01' ..... . : • hats that \'fcl·e· boing- ~oal( ed to ruin . llIa n who took !I gi rl out lo lu nch. and lIiill · Un.le~ ypu 'voto' for :MI!lS - ' -" glv: ' d <:Iared. and til e ' men tnlk ed and " poll er " wbere th . ward meL\lI ln y j Bllt l:!TK1~E 'j' ,\:-; 0 :->0. , ... . . " .......... . .. tnlr him the name of m~' choice- ':so I:! lhoke(1 Ijntll th lhe train WCJlt past I' ' Aarrtl l1ss at the walter asked : ' e m ee llng ' 'vas' cannd "cinch," and whon YOII come to ·UI P. tht'ir yells; and as It WP. llt by Lb e Ci>I' "'ha~ the cirowrt won·t . ha\'(~ any h<?lI or to 'onl r again. ]t. wUI; " ' WIII monsie ul' ha\' E' a III. ('lUte or ST.\TI.:: . .. . .. .. . ... ..... . .......... .. : . .. .. .. ' amusln g to see questi on at wblch 18 moral !llld wblch window s Wf)re raised II.lld th e cho ...,s table d'hote ?' ··t;Olllins on the 8)lIt; · two ,'otes to ono h9"" tll.t?ae oC t!l\l ' galllet'ln g who werl) Is nQ t'. T l ea v,e It cheerfu lly 10 . \·el'y at the la test SQllg was wa Cted lULU •. 'Uoth ,' said th'e YOllng m'an, 'and -w11J wIn out, anyway ." ' offlce: holders "'ero regarde d. I, lhelr llIan for hllliself to judge. l"elr OUI'S: put pleuty of gravy 00 ·em.' .. l-fe did all 8!1ggestetl. bllt. lis ' l ,alll() position gave th\llll "H ornswo gglcti." no "distrib utive" Te( e'" . "Oh !' nln·1. dnr (l,,·rul. tlie look of dIs· pow r. the." 'wer e looked, on as merely "1·iorn!i wo. u for ' my cbol"e ~1;1 d" · i s ollt! . of the most ~ ,. . Every year, 'always In the ~ ')otl Y ,01; liSt t.liat overspr ead his featu.res " hapVI' l1 mu: ('x Ill" S!!:\· p or nil wnrus 10 t he vel" 1.1()AIn't kC'l\"~lll JU~'· ... b ~lI u hy accl~ lltlt8:'. lind not ranklpg at old . sllmmer ·llm\). the Wile C,lndere lla. swC'1I pl8111e Wllf> w~le ri be saw how ' be liad been ·'horn· 011 with those Out h~ lI" raltl. offie~iIolder8 wbo ,bad beld,. general ly away out, In. th!l, "1 "'111 cali se diamon ds Rnd rubles naellllli' hi" til .'\medeo n Citizen . There COUll· . fI'Wo~gled" was ' someth ing classic. But . " JobB'~ LO 'llort - -'----out. In n eltber or my tr)' In Borne ~rove. And here to rail from your lips ' every Um e ~rQU Is U wOl'ld (If meanin g ih It. and. al · pofiUcn l HI. t=1l'at. lmprees lon. .all he sold was "Holy geo.!" though 11111: foulld in anyone or tl\ own poaIUons " dld 1" have ~h~ appoint - Bo.o .t et~ dllll) speak. my <1blld," said the good faJry. d Itaelf 'In Its gal'est They stood ~y t11e lake.' She WI1~ (li cl Hmilrl s of t he day ~e('o'gn l7.e(1 .11$ mont of even so' mucb afj a.. dlly·lab or'lr alld gladdes t "rags." "and then I l?J:iall send YOIl a prince," al)d gave Itself 1rolll DOst'JD and p~!tlcaL Arter a ' man. bRS been m'lxed' iJp In at ni l' disposa l. all thorllut l \le. It: t~ a w(trd thaL . tll.I. 90 I was merely I' a up " What?" gasped O!nt/erella. unl\lloy ed ' festh:ltl es 'o( all sorts ""'n d "Arc you romautl le1" she cliirped ll~lItl(IB for a year or 'B~' be begi ns to IlIcky' guy." III fact 1 WS!! lucky in and ,kinds.' Th\,l'e WIIS the. fat mal,'" hn-ve all tbl3 pnperll say 1 that was art~r 1\ long tlilenc... I/t)'celv e tbat politics bas as many '..,· mOTe ways tiJllt1 ! Fool'. Parildlie . one. for not having mce, t,he ·sock race. , chasing weak enough to fal\ Into the lionds of til \! ·'E1ceed lngl'Y'." r eplied the ' hlcag,,' gl's In a social way AS, tlle ' game or 'anythln g L\l give 'I' llI:' old school men of , h e Middleout] wa~ tlpt both· grea!led pig (so ppllt\cr. Uy 8ugges Ii fortune hunt'lr? Jl:ay. na, ; kind tlve. man as ' bo' IIt' lUIoth,el blac" qlgar. .. three-cu llhlon carollls ;'" Tho va~lety ere~ by appllcs· nu. ' ralry, Rond ' me a 'ham' actor 01' 11 band· Ages IIsed to !lay thal wer& three . . the tU~1>r·war be~wlll<''1 the firemen " :'.o\b, I am BI! of gva-datl ob. Is so .wld~l~ dlvel'.U I.A 1J1&d Il ~ear. lt. What 1I0me chauffe ur. but donlt II4illld me a places for por sons not good enoU3h and p<illcepten's teams, the dan Cell, tbe does yon yelloW" and tbe .Interva le 80 abru)lt tb .. t tt for heavell~( ]) for those gnot:l rlflOPlo hl~f moon r«nln4 Tbf:!le ~eting8 alWaY8 II,rrnnge d arreeohes •. the oo-wllbg \1110I:e.'· alle),lI, the i·nlg• )'OU of?" ' 'takes a truly, 'ootmop olltan spirit ·to tor the parade!l ," 110 bad died' bl'fore the advent of tb~ , . the marchIn g, tl'lpl r;er baby and basebaU " atand. Uie ·\lm. 'rhe Cl1lcago man llfU thought ful, auoceIB I'U\ly "taiL", lil. degree .· At and the ."graJid n ede.ffme r; (3) ror Inrants dylDg withballs" whlc" were brelll1. .and cane game, . the lemnuad e A Dllemm •• "Well, 1oU\; .0·clook tn tbe artel'llo bn rou may "Iven. · Don't IlDaJlne out baptism . and (3) tor Idlolll anll tell )'ou the truth," he J:8o It dl4 O(It cost stands, the wall.der lng mlu,tre l ... anti He-So your tather' thoulbt 1 ",ant· otherll wbu w ere nOt ot sound mlod,po~ded, pJter 'll 'ml ute'8 inedltaU on, I>e toucl)ln g gl..lel With a vou"g me. anythin g ·to mtnaJe In pplitfca l IIOtlletl'. the ""hell pme." YQU could .pend · "It l'emlnda ed to marry you for yaur IIl()ney. Wbat N. y .. AmerIca n. ehaDlc at a "ratblk eller" in a IrlelldlJ polite and rJtherwl 'me of the belf of a s8. You . were able your money a .1 Ittle at a tlma at pumpki n pie and-" Illd JOu 1ia1? .bat qY~r Jour 1Iet'r .. ~ bow thblp .t o buy tlcatlla to the baUa, cbaD~s OIL 'dlve ...Uled amuaem enta•. or YOUOOtha UIlII Bm t\le Boatoil Ilrl Bbe-l 'Peraaadetl 'blm' tht you !tot In N.v•• of·tIIe ward. At I~II, 8unls )I. 8V817th IDI tbat collld be railed ror Jlave Qne swltt thrWan d ' loae lt' all at .• JP'OII allusion tD ~ . .l'~ ~II' . tAlna ..... 4lelD't. and thun h • •Id If aut. W". The wln4 never blow. right for ..r til. be1ll!.lt ot some Deed~ pqlluoI an'l Ule ..sbell.... · , I more tb'a1l ber _ • • '.1&14: lM ' cua 11M elldll', IMn alii ....- - mati who doetiO't, mow wJa1 b aallPl' " , .. ·~. .:f. . .. .,W
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(iL()R r<.)LTH F()l · l-{TH~ A company of bUBille~'1 m 11 met n Mond'ay evening at 'tlH~ store, 'New Burlington. Bellbrook. J bn H. temall ann sta rter! the hall rolling to have a el bl'ation in \ Wayo viII nn tht> FoU',\(",ioU!~ i'ourth , It .will bE' ill characler similar to the . Mi H!l R.olli ldillll spen , 11 few lillY!:' i one held Ill;St year , wilh . om changeR and niany iml)\'oVE'menl.s. Walch IlIst; wea k wi th reltl/.i vas iu 8)ll'ing lr. :Alva Malone, wife !lod blLUY the Gazett .nd. bills J.1Ir .,nItOlJI1Ct' lll c nt.8 f the pl'Ogl·am. Th I',. will be \ '11 Ill! '. ·lIre visi ing hi parent MI'. J, htl Mulone. fun and Illrood tilll ,for c"crybody. . 'hns. ~uoduul.Jull , Mury Uurr Mak e your plans t(/ SIl ' nd the entil'e day here at hum~ . unu ulher!! utt.,Il() r1 I I ' . )!; . l'Ul lly AiI'll . Kate R.v ne Penewlt of New ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~==:=~===~=~= at 'euter Itlllt 8utu.rtlu y, Puris: IndiUM ii:! vi iting 1\:I.r. Hnrry '.rhe ~~riends' W. I!~, M. to t tlt Myort\ Duel fUUlily, the houle of Mrs. A . W . R ve Mill ~t 1111 'oword. of Nfl \\, Cur. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE lyle. hio, ill vi Ri t ln g Mi~~ F rau eA _____ ,,'lIturdllY rottel'uoon . . l\,to1'l'is. ~. G. J oy conceived the idea of Memoritddtl.Y willlJe observed at ~lr s R oy (I Hoppiug, of XenicL, 8urpl'isitlg his wife , Lydi;1, on hel' tbe M . E. ·'h ur oh next.. S ll ul'd,IY speut Wedne c11l • wi t h h e r ~js l e r birtliday, May 24th, so with t he as- lifter . Melville EIIYO!', or \\IilMrs ,Juhn Jjl r.t k , sistance of the "Lizzie's" it was suc- mlngtou, will d livel' t ile. tllldl'eSH
'O d
HOWARD D. MAN~INGTON Who Will Deliver the Memorial . Oration.
Additional Locals, Try LotU_8 .81088001 perf~me, it's fine. For ~lIle at 8chwlI.rtz's. 'l'he stork brought a fine'dau&'hter to the home of Mr. Carl Hinderson . Sunday, MtU Ethel WU'UaIDson, of DlAyton aUeDded Commenooment ..nd alsQ tbe Alumni. request all The Sonl of Ve"-rans ... buainell 'houses to close during the Memorial eervices. M_ BlaoltburD lAnd Mr, Ear
ces..oUully cllrried out. W ill "nd ~'rnnk Rej~v ell wh u slJtln t That morning Mr. Joy and wifc tbe wiuter .tlt Kiugs MIlls. are at rode out to lee his uncle and aunt tlie home oC t il ir fa t,h Ar, A. W . who are in lIuch poor hialth (J osiah Reeves. Mills and wife) in the mean time Mrs . B . H . C!mupton . llOd Mis!! Quite a number &,atherednt their Jennje ReeVflH Iuttlnfled ~ W Ollllm'l< home witb well-filled bask et.~. Thir- Foreign M b~ionll ry Conference ' tit ty-six partook of the bountiful clin- Loveland on 'l'hursdIIY . ncr unde'r the maple tr e. Mr14. WILl~on VUlDpton ' who ha s ThoS!! present were: . U. Joy been in. (Jr. Wilson 'II hb~ IJitIiI in and wife, Lizzie Kauffman, Paulina Xentu fOr severn I 'weeks wus Butterworth, Lizzie Yeazel. Hal'l'Y bronght-hmne ,Frilly . Her recovery Sherwood and 'vife, ·Wm. Zell and hall Dot, h6611 lilt speed,v II!' wn s wife,. F. Hathaway and wife, ~m' l hop tl fnr. Phillips, wife and son, Orval, Frank _ ~. Smith, wife and child , Joseph Hisey f:lnnnll 's 1t1~t,ro f1ni 11 fOt·., file by and wife, Jonathan Haines, wife and J . E. ,InnnllY. . children, Ida, Annli, Marshall, WiIlie and Esther. Mrs. Mendenhall and SECON D MARCON I lion, Clinence, 'C. W. Haines, wife and daughter, Elizabeth , "Frank Loy, --wife, daughter and son, also E. B. .b'.V,Soh wllrtz i ·t,o be complimented Moore. She was the recipient of u~on his effort , In behn)f of the several handsome presents. veral scbool, on his n'OUrlng effort,s in were una hi e t ba tb ere. making tbe wireless telegrnjJhy alJONil!. WHO WAS. 'f·HERE. ptLfIltUB I1nd in the mnuner in .• - • ' whioh It was worked. 19' or a lllBtiD~ perfume try Lotus ~ ---~~ Blossom. <fflt 'it at Schwartz's. Use Ha'Onl1' 1ustro flnl'lh un 1100rs.
Need a new Pair of Shoes for
Mr. lIud Mrs. ,J Dun :l'Ul'uer s pont SlltuI'ilny ' lind Su nday with tbefr 8 U JlIlIIe II nel fl"'l1 lly 11 t ~ f1riug(lel(l h it) . lUI. lllllllh
~'lcConll gUll . of Xen lfl lhe gue!!t of MillS AnulL Tilt Tuesday. 'fhe unnual bllu1luet of the ,11' . ( U. A. M. Weduesday 6'V Ding Wilt! lII11ch enj oyed by n, Itlrge nttenu un ce. '!'l1o program conf.!llIting: of musi c by B Ilbrouk Orcb6l!tra, l\ud M,.le QUllftette, so ln h Miss j1~ IC)r_ IlLlce \\1'Y rs, Reolttltiou8 by. ,\1111' · g~ret l'rlJ wl, };~tb l' l Poonlwit !lnd }l:;tbel Lall singer. The. sp ukers of the eveni ng wel'e Han. ,Teese 'l'uylor \,If .fllmest.own, OhIO called the "UY(llone tlp6ukel' '', on llco'oun t of i:!liylng 0 milch in 11 bort t.ime; nud Rev. Pantle, or Dnytou ~ they both expounded th virt,ues of t he order two thhlgS in VIII tioulllr th~t urt! not t'oUJld III obher oruel''': '., Tbe . plaoiog . 01 tohe AmeriCt\u Elllg on every school building Ilnd r~ntltug the Bible iu the OhOOIS. : Tq kno\v I' good ,thing lIud how ' to keep it must mit lJe for "otten by t " mem lers of Iiny'l.atton or i nstltntion, w bieh it! ' made up of t.bree kinds of people, the worker~ i'hirkers and jerkel's. 'file first w ,~ LIlost bltvo nnd the last two we must overcome . ' Mrs Bertha !tawsey Wus in , en ' iU ~r d .'. Ilvnesv e, .w.onB8y. Mr, and. Mrs, enjamlm Roffins visited their son Frank nml ftl.n)!IY in Dayton, l:!undHy. B lib k B 11 at
P~bll .
.................. ~ .
A Ce\lfornilAo's Luck , "Tbe luoki est d ..y of my life WitS wben I bou<." bt It bOll of Buokleo'li ArniQll ~lve j"writef! Charle!' F. B d h f T 0
~ ... ~ ' . . . . . . . . '. KILBON'~
• ,
S '.. .
25~ ~o~e~ o:~o; w~I~~~~i:~II;~;~~~
t;'C' $ ':~:bf~ 1:~I~~r Piyl:~rs w!~~~ ~~l
Th D i ht St e ayl g o r e
RARGAINS THAT BENEFIT ' THE PEOPLE Good Tomat tl$, 3 cans 25e Fancy Tomatoes, extra • large ~ns, 1'3c Blue Star P.eas, ... can·s n~~ Blue Star Corn, ~ cans ~ Blue Star String Beans,
yielded to no ot,har treatulIlUt" j:k>ld under gallrtl.ntee tit. lt~ted V. Sohwartz's. ---.. FC~DIN-O COD~ LO~ "-
• ,~ , Dunham,of. l.ebanon, atteo dtid the A very 8uooeslfol . sohool year ____ Al iI ' . , F h' UIDD &lit week: . oame to !' ,0108e lut . rid&y w en There will be Itn ioe·oream sooial .. Mr. Allie Hainel, Jr., ~nd famIly, ;h~ ~r roo~si of t:~e ::y,~e Sohoe~ at. the RidgevillEI, · Universllli t 'lfIIr" ofXenia, 'were&'Ueats of their grand 'j 0 n . n a PlOD 0 a t e OU8e 0 Obareb Saturdttyevenlng June 6 parentaJast Sunday. EIiZ8~tb fl. Chandler, the primary Musio 'Will be furniRhed by th~ , 1Il.. 'Edlth UraDe~1UI the sues' teaoh~. '!'be dinner W&ll spread . on EarnblArt Brotbers. All are oor'dially U A ~ O'N ' l d a gr888y spot near the oreek · andltnvlted . ' , . ot ·.r. an... ",~.... . ell , ur·· the well fllled bukets were soon . ,2 cans 100 iU'... Oommeaoement week. Oh'10 Stan d nrd Corn a t 5c quite emp'y, A large 'f reezer of ioe Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Miller, of oream, fOl'n18bed by the &&achers, FOR RENT . Gr:en~:~ebr~~8k:L"~~:~fln:,i!! .i::::"~ Purity :Pumpkin~ , Be S~h&'boro, were tueats o~ Mr. and alao dil8ppea~ed In the I8me day afternoon, June 2, ut a p. m : . Ve!;!per Sour Kraut, Be Mra: John' Caskey oyer (.!unday. . w"y . F ., Adm·l· ssl"n "')';:0. . Vesper Spinach, . 15c , ~, .. . , ive or teo .acreB of' 1100d tobacoo " - I; , 1'I1e 1118888 Mary an~ Flora . Tib· . ' 'l'he afterDoon was spent· In ur- land and two beds ()f plantsallre"lly A· Deoortt.tion , UllY 'Pr~grllm Is Fancy York State Cream ' n Cheese I 100 Ib be II, 'of La ban on, were in a.ttend· ious .. out.doo.r sPGr~. About two for use. Inquire or }Jhone, 0, beiug ~ rrtlnged for by oommittee .F . ,on y '. ancy Muir Peaches! 15\b anoo,a' t·he ~lumDi Ftiday eoeniDg. o'clook the sohool joined in singing Rioks. Milia Ada ~woing vieit~ friends several . familiar songs lI.ud the . " _ ._ Address by Rev, l:'a tton' in the IAf- , Rolled Oats,3 packages, 25c ' CornFlakes.S·packages25c . . L st fi I h d to Ik ternooo. ,Evenin g . p ro. g r1l m wt\l beh~re l ..t :week . and . ~180 attended promising quartette of the high. \1 I:o n 8 m" e . wa ' . . '!.?,In nt ,0 Ol~ok.. ~lcket~ 011 sale I~t. Shredded WQeat .Biscuit,. 'lie 'Cemmenoemen,t 'and Alu~nt. . lIohoo! fa-vored us with tw~ tine ~e- I FOR" _. I nruel' !4 grooery. AdmISSIon Hic. " 12c . Mr. 'a nd Mrs. A. B. Sides jOllr- leolions. Mr. .ElhuJJ, the I!UperlD ' , SALE neved to'Cincinnati Saturd~y, .mak- tendaDt, and Mr. E. J . Carmony, _. _ _ .. Mr. IlDel Mrs., Hllrllln Badgley, of 'POTATOES f'th 'tJ. di t d Mi Alphu v. i.slted hal' llilrants. Mr. Ilnd, Good Eating Potatoes,,7r.c · ing .*he triP partly on businesa and 0, e D .. rme a e ~oom Iln 88 " rile residence of the late MI·s. H, M W 11i D I W partly for pleasure. ' , U,bandl~r spoke briefly on ~(lh ool . B Elli I I f D 'r 'f Ell ' rtl . , I 11m IlV 8,e~~e8dIlY.. Faney Eating Potatoes, 81lc . .. . . k . . . • R. nq u re 0 r. t . . 11.1 Mr!l. Mury .Glrm hll8 been very Mr. and lira. George E. Riley and t d I til i ' for ptlr~loulllrll. i]l thf , week , .hll.viug ,b.. een st~ioken ClIlCKEN FEF.lD ..l.ter, Pearl, were the .-..... ~,""ts of . . 'h en woI PIIor et o h · e deven ng . 'rh a t good k'Ind a. t dau au i'h h th ' with pl~ralysis SundIl.Y. · M d Mrs . M . S'l ' S " w ew" II. ello an every: Lytle .. . ' r. an " aunce ,I ver8 un- o~e .honld eDjoy a ple~8ant vaoa. . " .~rI. J : A . . Turnbull sPlilnt the I $2.10 per 100 ltis . day. Mra. ~lIey and .he! daughter ~ion aod retorn in the fall witb re. .. past week In Xenia. wltb ber dnngh·. STOCK FOOD have been III for Il while, but are newed loter~st in Sohoo\llfe Tobacco keeps I~Olng III httle by ,t er Mrs Armstrong. Pl·.-l~l'8 Poultry Powd'ers now better. . ' . little, day after day at the Lytle . C • .. - -Pratt's 'Pood • -. Warehouse. Pricer: vary from two l'try l.iotns Blossom Pertonl"', It's lCI_ • h an d1.. Pratt's Lice Killer ~ve your ..erobie f a'prltye d .. CEMETERY ELECTION . ' to nine cents per pound. fiue. For sale fit ~oh"nrtz'!I. '"
.f t ) '
$ $.
$ .'
fo~::.~e~~~I~~~~~::~~a;;:a. ~e:~l ~~
prlOO8 for two weeks. Croll Brt1j
~~~~-.i'_~!!!....~=~==~~~~ !! W S' ., .
'Hpeoial attention Is oa.lled to the , SCHO o Mrs. .. ~ ' INE S:'URPRI'SE . 'advertisement no~. . . ,. . - . ." ... . . ,. of 3. only 890 ~ . " . . . . in another ooiumn In mendmg . .somewhat: ,' '..,. Sc ' W'Set 01 G'ENU regard to the eleotion of offiuers' of The. Seventh Annual Com~ence- .. 'l'be Bonrd of ' Educo.tlon. ~f Bar. ' . . ,reen ~re oth ' '. Lut 81;lDd&7;' being the wedding the ~iaml A!,soolation, t·o be held ment of .J;.ytle High ~chool, which veyshurg village' school dlstrlot Screen Wmdo1oy!! annlvel'8ary 'of Mr: and ' Mrs. Clar. Mondg;y, June 1, 1908. . . ' ~as . held on May 20, was indeed a. ~)e't ~atprdllY ,evening; :' ¥I\y' .:lard.: Ste~ " .. eace cra~e,.as Dodd., tb~ relatives ·.'l1ie 'Qffioers deslrl;! thlly every lot fine on.e an~ t'ef\ected ~uc~ credit 8nd .sefec~ed .tb'~ follo,:,"iQg teuohers ' . '" PAINT aod friends gave them ~ genuine owner, ·or a' representative of the upon all connected With, )t. .The for this coming y~/I,r·. . · · , , ·B P S Carriage Paint IUrprile. ' . famlty'be pretient, 8-11 there will be me~bers .of t~e cl~~s delive~ed their .. SUl?t\ : .R. ,B. . Eulu-g, .ioter~ed- · '.. p~~ ~t, 6s~ Bam Paint: 'l'hefrlends assembled at the home several measures to oorne UJ) that or~tl?ns In a ; very effecttv~ and illote, Miss Addle 'M~dden, ~riminy, '~ 85c.' ;FIQor .Paint, I'nter:ior , of. Mr . . Walter ·WilIs, . (lnd went to th" lo~ owner~ will be alone 1}l,te~e8t: l>leasl~g m~nnel' ..: The,cl~ ad~r ~,.~,l\b6J~ler:ov:r.o~1. .E~St,.. En~ ,/:Ieboo); ,Qlo9& .Pai!l~, HouB,e , Paint, , . .. "'Varnish Stains; .~II colors, . Mr. Urane's home wherathey found ed in. It is hoped tba.t tne lot: own- w~ .glven by ~v'. Rob.e rt, 0 . . M.a t- 'Mr: .1:. ,W, St~:Wllrt , . tb,emDot6v,endreamlogof.anythiDg erl! '/I'ill t,.e present, thews o~ \Jest Milton, and to. ea~h _'_~~_ _ ' _-'___ . . . . : Try. our Cliina~cfoHur- : of'hla kind. ,. . . ., The",)~a~d hilI! worked btl.rd ' 1I0a· and everyone who foHow.ed .hlm .10 J• . " ':. .'. ' ·niture or. fioors Ask · f ' . .. The p&rt,olpants enjoyed 'flem ' .d iligently for !lome time ., p~st, and his ...~'tci11iaht flights &f Qratory .it ' .. ' . , .:, .'.' ' ~,~ ..• bookl~t, tens'ho~, to ,pai~: ,. " Iielv8lf ~ ,he fulle8t extent, ' &nd :all :1' il!onlY,fa,i r toward them to be re- proved .a.. •pleasure. an~ a be~1ef1t. . went home feeliDg they bad. had :a warded by II. good turnout ?n' that .~he Supermte~dent, ~.r. Elhuff de. ,~. ~~O~ , . . :,. very good time. 'l'bose present dat". · hvered a very. approprll'!-te, .t alk l!P. U. ,'. .~ . SpeCial prices on Ladles ·: were: JOhD Phillips andwife,LQD ._. on:prese~tingthediPlo~as, Mu~i~ Honie . Gr~wri St~~wbe;~ie~ ' .. " O~?rds . thisw~.~~. , Tim!!, For a la.silng perf~m.e t~y Lotus ~as furmshed ,.by th~ .Elhl!-rt famIly . ,.. : . :: ,.. .. . . . . .,vICI ~" Patent . ~olt, .,e~c. : .Atkitiaon and .wlfe, J. B. Will8 and w~f~, .Ionzo ~rnh~~t and wife, Blossom. Ge.t it&' Hohwa'rtz's. of Miamisburg.. Thehall wasJit~r-. ' ~ancYflorldaPlDe App.1es,::.,.-It Win p.~yy'P\i,to see, us',~, Eli 'Burnet&and wife naD Gray and .' -'any . paCKed wl~h . people; Such a Oranges, BR.nana$'J Lemo~8;' . $., befor~. buyi!lg'. ' . . ,. . wite, John LI.oder iod wife. Ray~ NOTICE ?row.d had .n ever b'~fore b~en withi!l .' N'c~' Potatoea. ., , . . M~N'S' WORK:~HO~ ·." ~ood M.lllford and wife, . ({hu)es ____ ~ PDr~ls: _f~o~t 350w~lep~es5 e~t. '. New Cabbage; '. " Spe~ial cut price this week '... , New J,Jenns, . SChwartz. lind ~ife, Joe .Mong~r aDd ven a pecla ..ram carrymg ':pas ., . . , . , ,.'.,' , .' 'w ife . Barley Will. and. wife. ' Los_ bavioR llowera will llleaae sengers W,a s run.' up from Lebanoll '. New Onions, . " . . Dress!I:'alCer.a A~e~*ion . , . ' d 1... k af ' . .. . ' All' . ' , , ", .... , WI~IIlItDd wire~ ·. La~. Grabam an,d .l~ave ~hem ,at ,the . Townllhlp ~ouse a~. ,,=a~ ' tel' .~t ,w~ .ov.el', . .wilber'. Stock Food~ ' . : ' . , W,e se~J ' O. !'1 ;T. ,tbr~,6c Wife, Clem Cr..~e and MI81e8 Uil&' earl, 8atur<lay morning so that tbe umte m .pronourtc11IIgthls commence- .. 25,1b Pails, only 21k! ., . c · " . .• Nice 11n¢ ,ot I~c~ ~ Jus~ in, ~Ul•• J08ie Decker, Pearl carey, I ~oV1mltt~ oan arrang,! them . ment a gl'eatsl1cce ; one to bepro1)d (Regul.a r p~!c.e '3~5Q-4 'pai1ft left. ~ Also .Cahcoe8J • Gmghams, Mary Nioklea, B)aDohe Dyke,. M,,:rie of. ~ . 'Pllris Green':"'" '. . . Perc~les. etc.. . Crane, .Ee&el WUls. Gwendol~ne DEDICATIO~ . "Mrs,~. it. aando()lph ~nd IJttle s.on . ~ Buy n'ow beforei~ advances . . , PREMIUMS' . . . Russellieturned to their Gem CIty T · 1 F tFl P 4 f 00 ' Th ' " ~:"--'-' ' . I!klbwaru, Martha Graha~ •. Belen --- ' ang y .:... .per, or . ' . . Mnlford,. Iva Oarer, Golda Mongen home .OJ! Saturd· ay' af~er Ll'Iavmg ~n- · . 'e- 00 .. ' "ose IIne'n.ucKlhg .. B . . . .CPalr8 iha DDlfaD, Alice Gray 'a nd OlaDd 'l'he dedloation oftbe New l!'rie'oda joyed seve;:al days visiting their relGold MedaUlou"::'Best ,Spring ' . ~.r~:. . nng In your Devaol, I~e.r Kearn8s, ROy. Niebe). Churoh at · Xenia Ohio, will take atiyes here. . • .Wheat Flour made. . . ,Ie e . .. , .' )fury Linder, RDP!!Irt Demaree, place next S",bb&th, , May 31, 11108. Mrs. Letitia K~nrick and Mrs. Bn~, ,U8' yoyr I!utter and . We 'Pay 16e for Eggs Barry Schwartz lCmer80n LInder Servioes, 10 :90 •. Dl., 2 :30 p. m., HiM G " . ' ded h Eggs-paymg loe lor Eggs , .
'$. ':' '$'
Decor..tion ~ • y
'&. A·prleotl. Apricot., lie a lb • . •
... lust 'iFaflCY California frLJit that bas so , Id at·25·c a ·lb . • 11 ' season ltD d hete tbey are, ' a,t .t' , ptl~e. ."· .. , . .
$' $:C~Me«f ~pti~t., .'. ...
Wu~,Irwill Mulford. 'Ed~~
en.... EmorKODl8r.Jllm8l'Bntter.
worth aDd wife and obl)d. Carl Crane
.a nd 7:30 p. m.
tit: lanJ~eat~~ion! :O~:~
h~ld at the beautiful home of Ml'. Have your hancllterOhlef• .• prayed and lira. Will on last Thut:aday
St!' Wet,
. Will stand . the s~cn tiCI!. , U , !you would pay: SOc a c~n V~u wo.uld ,,~t no bett~r. Fuli ~cigb.t.9ans. , . HIgh ~taadard qll~hty.' p. tl d' I t I . . a. :.~ or ; an "eme~t~ , We, bave a. lar,iC e supply ,of .... tbl!i.bll(hgrade. c~U1eDt • . W~ .• a" .'_ ", ~, to you tb·. t we.beheve ,tt to Ill! olle ' . .oqh~ b·e st.made., · .. . ,. ' . '. .,.' I '
.~faaIl71I'nDkPealelUUlr.mlly, with Lo&Q8 Perf~me free afternoon ' . They ..... ....." Nelbelaud Jlmma Brown at Bob..... ••• _ eJ.j0J8~e'·tJjne. '
'of a very
$,: .-
'.More .~.tome....
Lawn .Mow~~I!,
I "
: .' " '2.50 .for .a ~ood mower .~'odl ,3.00b4v8tbe beit we ·hAV~. · . ..
. oiLIfte Ov. en. ' rom ',bu'
Ask· Uti t~ .,tid a. .ampl th~ 'flew Jell, Tart,, ' . e. CoOkiei or :.tacca ' • A 'f I ! , . -:,0011 .
,' U
, . .
than ev~r . bero'r e on Cllase ,".' 'aod' SallbQrn,'s ' 'Hle,;ded CoJfees. .. WI)J.? Well 'Olle cUlltoDier sure ·to: hr·u .... ' n :tb .. M' . S' I h' .' .e· I·1 ~ .re.:. ,.. ~ . Q . e!, d M% .:, }1~ t .~ 8 ..... r5o' \.Iooell an rs.. . Price 20~ Idb. " .;,: .:..,,' ,. ,...
$ $ 'rUb r $ ZIMMfRMAN".S s1l'alt'erJ .I ' '.O. ",
1ge a C.n '
I. ' :' OverstQc~ed on. .. !,bern. . ; ,
l'. . . . " -
" S. II.tu.tdav and · th,at'll Qur, next B anaoa D.y. F.ull 20 bUDcb"s.,of Dice .tr~it at IOc a . I?ozeu, .will., futolSb every. customer' with • good supply '
'$ '$ $. .Ad Z.Immermgn. . '.' ,',s.., ....-.../ .. . "'.. '.$. ' .
.- : \'
'! . '. .' . U
' 1
::t:'~!':ts~~08aOin. , pe~~am:e ~fiee •,
To reduce stock befor. e movlu ....
itento}h~ejl'OO, ml 1.l0WWoOO~Plllled lb·, 'nll < r •• e ewe er. e w l!t l at Ill '
. . 'S ' I\··t' .1N e S ·. t0 re 'e"w '
$' ,'.
S $
PersOns wanting corn suitable for feedine to hol'8eS will do well to apply to Mrs. Waterhouse, af ·Corwin. GIlO. S. SALE. l va.l1eY PhOne,04•. , " _,
$ :$
S $
" '·. .~,:'1~~.",.4.~(~~
1 h,ue of CrAckers
atlfU.e I
;t\l lill
~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-~~ . --~ - --~~~-~------~-~--------~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~j~~
1(l l'ef'lt"lIIl~lt I IIJJ III'" llr lllt.ely, hO~Uh- Il t'I'III1'l\' llllflllh,~I\""t.!llrl·i'1I1
vell l hlmn ll' impll rt/illt. c'(lII~itl l 'r~tlflll In can nllt ad tlq ua tely tellor pande. hv "AIII,'l'h" IJI lI\1\,> iJlg trllll\ til .. '111'11'1' H"~I'I\K 1\(' IIml Jl~- , Ihu PI'OPIIf'lIIl-{ qUIlII< I\. sc r iul;' lhat war. 'l'h imag ination AII)O/,I"lIl1." <11111 1\' 1I1']111)1'tl,)1I , ,, ~11I\,(,I'.\' /If< I,t I w( Ihu,: !l I'i(I"11 011111 t ltll \'o in sla~j.{ I'S in il'l efforts to compreI . .\Jorelllllll I,'rl ,v .\' VIII'j;~lO \ O I I:tp"(l(1 ,, 'I !ill lJ l'li lit tllll l'II<..1 lu till' !'I'h"l· '111111 Ih'luHII'O II Pi' lh llt Iil l' IlIU"f\I'Y hend all il mean t. It is the gl'eat ~ ,.,HI ' l' t,IW ,)111111 1111 \\'1'1'1' !:\)le Orl!a Ilnll III Ht s ltI lIll\;I~,lI d :tt!flt'l':;i< lUI ~II VO l(ut'l-tllll\ ,,\n\1 I,1 I\'IlI'l! " n II:; OW lI !lO est ami m(lst stll p c n~ous of all lhe V IC ha ot J.· fi If!. WI 'I'P fnrl d. [ I JII l; Ih,' ~ unl il 1111' IIlh·"t II lit \ mil. t ~II) Ul- lutioll. IlIlil thIS W I" tit ' ~i 111\lWD pal'\ nnd perh aps u£ a n future histo~nnllt;h t" ,1111),'" n. tv tlibPII,HI')1l. I ~kl " l\""'lll'nlll'l time \lt ll "Ilulh. \\,hllu thd l'l'LIIIII of l 'lHI '" ll e I'Y , [,'o r the F.renchman's boast'that THE DA¥ IS OBSERVED BY A LI\RGI!" CROWD IIt!;I,\' roVI W Lhnt ;:rell, stl'ugglll lltlld· _It 111111 b " lIlad th e I 'lI,;t ox- II1'(lnml 1I11l1 t llu " Ip(lt'lIlL! II I Alll'lI - ho was a soldier of the empire, the wl lhuut Pl'l·jll(.Iiel· lIull wilh ~XllctH ·Ll~1I1110. 1111111 LIneol 11 l \ ' '!I ~ ot' Il lllloll:l mte Amer ican volun teer Can proudly FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. rllll· IIf'. ~. 'I'liu g l'llu<1 Ilrtll~' tJll1~ t lind 11 11 OIIIJu;.i IIIJII e'JIIIII'U ~ 1(1 ...·t to 'Iai m thal he was a so ldier of the The (;rt)at Arlll i 'S, f tll'(·,,11 till' I I U blll'k \1 \'01' Il llJl\o l.tiu ! 'the ont ll euuLrul ot th <\ OVO I'IIIIlOllt civiL war, 1111,11'1\'411' :11111 It \\Iu lell ll, in !Iv li v I ' 0 1 whioh "hI hllli ,,, II f, Ol,' f\II'ly A"l tl t h d . 111 1' \ II lhl ' l 1·II I. id l" ilit!IlI)Ill'!I'rill u, 1I1I 1, 11I,'gl'l'I!I, \\':ll' w'I " t1 t1~ lill(ltl. I r t IIJ'", ' 1'1" .: ' 1' le S I't!alll,' 11 run ernnson • .. ' ", I' It I ' \til ' r 'f " V"" I'", 111' 111 IL " WI , I I,nef IlItA I' 'with 1,lllOll;' after countless graves lIhllldflll 1·I' III:nflHlllfl .11 1,IIO l lU • \\/1 " "1'111 1111 ' 1,1 , I)I'.\ \\, \' ) '~· lI l ~sill(.,t h fl or"u ll i:t.llwlI or , tb II ' l · ' Lh '~ outlll a ll. l . urltl·leachva'Speech by Howard D. ~anning'ton, a F'ormer W~yncs. 1I111\' .. I , I i' I I " 1" I II loll'up (I hl' ll'(\ (ll'lIwn h~' 111(1 III, It . ,c . , • u ~ u • \1"" I ,r 1I 11111 l'I,t ifIll 1 . \1 fl l" l tl , . 'I 1 1 I, I ,' I ' I I gtt ~' (j I 'l\lI1(jl\t!; Vbllt. ,Yf ~lIr::l III·fol·b II\,becarne a 17 I'a veyardaftt!rathous- ' , J ,. •... lit ' .,,,,,, II It w,' l1 li S t,hl nlll'I h ,)J HilI )I 1 I· I"ll , )t I 111 \\ II 1.\ I 10 ville Boy, Printed In }t'ull ~-.nedication, 'l I ' <; \\,111'11" " i i ,,' 111(1 " I' H'lt 11I'I IHi'H \\' U::I II. I'll 1111 xpc'l NI bli llt, th !j and million In trea!lUl'e hall gone to r tl'lI' 1,, "/'11'0 111 .. 11111'1 It WI)\Ild IHlIU;li\lUI.y ~!III JII ll. t to , /'I1 1 up IIH! Ct1 usm 0 f b'.l tterness; a fter " 1111111' . 11 dllll ~ 1111 1.1111 ~ Ii -.'Id ~ ,,1' 1[11' of GOVerRrnen t Cannun. . (:a u s .ii of (; r clit tl' ulnd c ' ~"III".II I'\llIIl.\' W II ~ 1H1 1I'~hllllil1l-( 11 11 11 1 , 1I)~J" I"I,II· 1Il 0U t .t r t il 'll l[Ji l'o? N'l ! unto ld thou and s f h omes~el·edes· r' ll'f! " ~ 1''' 1' I" .. " ~\ t'h')III~knl JIl\) . UU i1l'~,I\J It· tllltlllloll . uf hIHtl)r y; 11 0 () Iat.~d and draped in mo~nmg, and The "nilUS of IlLat /4 1'ellt st.r ll£';11\' m ont \\IIlIII 'II\(I f) lIllal)l of ('X 11 1) . /J II U U ~)t uvur h,ur uu by fa rm tl,()i~ IU' I :I~J!$o lu lelllldc/;lmpl.ete ,ru.m marked. J lIst as tit i;'X l'cis :; ~Q I' the day 'I'l,,' 1" ~"~y !;all 01 tlIL" ' O ". t.... '. III III/( III\lr n . 111 1''' II lit t 161'11 IIf 1'lJnl llHlI1 II Ill) wi t1gc , 1111(1 )/1'1'1 I'h~ll "hl/ul,l he rt nl, 11 llet", 1' ~ w h" bUl l t.ltu Hlt glt t{\Ht 'oll l~e pI'1 \ Il llf I,l!l pa.'lSage of ~l'mles. strife ceased. w I'e about t o s tart last ~atuJ'day af '1' 1", " .,U"II' 1II'lll"rlli/' 1'1'(1/11 tl ... o.,tr"11 llUlI. to II UI' pflopll' , fl1l' C,llI1 plll"~t' .\' 8(luoll.• I" 1111 th" hJ/1 h',n' Ii Ilg rOrtll'" L,f C 1I gO\,~ I'DlIJ ~r~ t" oo uld ,all ~l1rl fll ll ):l uch !~ J he wal' ~}(.~ds rolled away and the ~Iw". ' , t l Ull II ~ w alf II!! t.l IA IlJ ll"flt, IIll' Iw nwI- lsPll,nco Illil l gl'uctl :,Ilu llll {urlh it'a r fl lltlu n. lh e pc U!tUr,lt y of I n r 1J0" ;:!I:' n of ,~<lPPI!1~S. rode suprem,e on tel'noon, a stnl'm f \Viml , hail and ·Pt""" " k ·~.h rlll clllrlull. III' ,II, •• "llOlrwllorn 0 I ~. or .tho A 1111 nOll n YOIlI,1t hi 110 1~' dh<,.ju",,'tf ,,'tt "Ii to III (Jtb r, al' Isitio ll wuult! 1.111 v ll llldo 'li;;~e n ti oll hIgh. 1 h p.'1l1 0nS of peac a sprc::ad rain c~m down. fluc] dampened th~ /1 111"1" . h,,11 rll\l ' ,' 111,'111 Irum 1III'Ir i.:wl j I>q n u 111'11 1 1l'I f,llu 01 v i Ji ll II wo d d; IIIHt ,' ,1·19·t'fl III' th l~ !{1itt.1· I'i lIg pll ll oply 9 f Ipvall 11l0ro 1'\II11 0UII thlln llLHl bo n them ,e~ves , 1.lke a swe t benedIctIOn spirits of n good mllny llf'ollie. Blit, IWII ,v1!1, it JI ll ' ;\? II lit, hI:' iIl UIJP I'q pl'illl(, I) Will'. li',u'PlIsir! 11,\1, 1/1' \VII" , il,Ji]~'~~d Iprllvo n I y t11(~ ~lxnJJll'l"'s of t h e c,lt! vel' thiS strIcken land. Ilotwiths t.umlill g , the.. we l'e S veral .' ~"lr I"""I no m{or~ L1H 1,111I1Il1' hl' a nIl ~ h It Iwiefl y I·t\vi '" !lom e IJf 1111-1 ph!! ..,II b.l' 1111' IlIl1dl 'I' l!lu JlII)I' uf .. ,1'" Ill' lJl ~ !" \VO d ll. fjl' l'e WIl~ It 1'lU tio u fulli Hill!; F() l'ty-three years have passed since ' \IU'" , t hat. Wfl ll llly I,hll rll on~ fully liP)!!'''' l' f'llI 1Jf'~Ir'I' "11l11['/'~ \II'I'U ~1"' Pt Ilsillo it,. dus t iny. [I, i:; uut nlttlll'tll - ih e t he ' lasl host il e g un of that great hundredpeoplein1.hll g l'ounds, OrUIIW IIUII1"lI'lf,. pl ' 1... 1' 1'\.• \\ lu1[ •."j.••. dill til si"ltifl'llnl~ {fthi~nc)tl'I~i (m j h ' IIIl'fl dll'I' (''' I11I'l1tlllll li wlJlwl'r" l lllll, Lllll t'"1'1l1 no n, Ill~i lJ 11 p v,,; i h " - l ~val'was fiJ'ed;,~in~ ~ 'the fleets 'of MI'.Chlli'les Werntl~cted as pre- Noellllflll/" rllllttl.HIILI",'!' ~lr'M rci.urn , I I!!lu II Il U'; tl'.v .von l· )J. ll'illlll) , wlth j J'b.;oI ·,!c! Ih al Jlr" lIlIt! ,;\ Ill''' \;oul ·l ! r.hIl Ltl lll UIII I' H, .1 1)1'111 0 (\ Ut! It. Wil l<. Il'0nhav· '1'1 d; !lmcc t~E1 ,tlltter~ iding offic I' , Th first lhing on I r cf\tU\I Ilh, klll'elI tllr 1'111'1 'd klS~ 100 hah',' u. IIIlIg r (;II~t1 QI' III( 1:l tlI ""'~. of tha t ~I I' nl' :lfll I ,I". tfli~ II nl': I ill l.1 ~1I1 ' 1)11 II I: h lln Id ~, 1l1~1 t(j~ ~nde!' one ' VO l'll- l'!l~k ~ of .ulu e, faded away I'!to tht! the progl'l\m, aft I' ul'l"iv,al a l the Wll l'lIlHl \\'II! " lIly rlll'f\\' hrwtlr to til IIJl~ C'llII~I 111111 0111 ,.11 It'Ot.. [ hoI I:! ,~ I e 1111 IULt,llr,, 1 blll1l.l- c l tl zEm~lllp of t he land. But 4a years . b' I b d 'J'hls day Is tho I:1l1cl,'ed day of the' ollie 11 11111 mOT'll ilU )lll l'llIl1t 1II111,loIl]' 'J'I f I I I 'I ' I II a rlo. belwee o t lltl !lel!lltllhll~ ;; t~te have not sufficed to cause US to formetel~Y, was . nt.U ~1 y t 1e an ' . bl lllt,:W" .llI llV n u " 1.1"11 Ight, n/' Ih. ;m l l I~ II ,71 (111r 111 (II .(1(11 IlUd I' ll l1t)r t beru IItlltet;'. 'l'b lls !,lIteR get these who bared their bosoms to 11 afl I' wbi 'h the Rev, 'J. p, ad wal1a- 11~tion . ,H i ~ 'a, Ut'IoY wllon -(~ g ru.tElful i ll th t'~n II U;" 1'llV" ' · , f1 "III1I ,1I /J 11[,(11 '111"1 f· ...... 1 11I1't' 111 or MIIT.\' IIlUd , K eJl tuoky u~u(l Mi ';!jll l1:" treasons hail a,ndmade of their bod,I M . b 1 people Qe£lse ,their t oil aod r evnren't. ., .\ . '" 111(' 11 ;11'11 l'rI'J/ I',1 I fjl1nl \\' /I~ 0 J6 ' h f . . h ' , . , ' t fJ f tI I'; tA If del' c) el'eu a praye t' . Ul4tC y t 1e 'I'h 1'" hit ~ II) 1l)'H 11, \( '11 1/ tlt'lIl\ I I' , \,, 1fll'll 1)11 t III' 11,,' blood'o tilt' i') OS 11 au 1,1'1: ~ V~VIl~, ~'~ I i aJ'ampal'tJ0:t t e c~~~I\utlon an~ we BpwOl'th League 11,I1lrui't , and the Iy repuir to til e silent camping. Ill' t,n tIlt' .lllIlllfl(lillt(\ l h lll . ', of fleO"'''' , nf 11t""1 wb" \\'1'111(1 1l1t~i'l1\ \IInl'[l" it; uI~e( ::"u~~ I ~ ' D pllrl l Ir: JllJtIIL. t 1 .nlon. 0 gran b a d may Ol'ator of the day. Howard Manning: grouud, there ,to PIlY ,t beil' tl'ibu~tes 8it.JII , ~1~ IJ IA. 1t uvu 1~lInt.tcll~llt'll tllHt ill , n .. , M'I!!IIII I'b ,(rtll ( r AlIlI' l'i('4lI} It h- ~v ~en. .1' l~f IL f ~:, I'lI nu°u. soug ~ , t lI~V?1 t ase t~ reme~ ?rat reve~e t on,gav t.he spf,!ech .wh ich fllo!V!!" oflovean~ldevoti'onbYBpeeob,BoI\g WIlf'IIH, IIHII'~ lIf t"H ~1' \l I:htll !lll l" I' rI" . 'l'tJlI:<th l',.m l'i nrlht> f'lIthl!fl'.,III ~ 11, e no Ie ~lOu' ,,,e . l1lj l ese ~emot~es, an 'I SO ongas!t !!11 inc1 lJu , , " ut "I" 'lIrnllll' l)t ' t(. t 1 . I I ' II ' 1 · 1 .lll IlIde puml Dt Bt,nte g v [liIHI .ll t , s ha ll please HIm to spare to us thiS an d tl owere, to t h ose wh o !Jered all v'" '" ' " Wf'l'.' II 'f' \' I ~ I 1"1 nJj1l1l W\I' n il - 1'j'l t, ' f ' d tl bOt~e ' .., l'I 'llle, ".~ avQ I.~~II,an d ~ay we a t "east 'I ' . , t(\.b1i ~ h U ll erll pil' of ir~ ow/) ; II (1!'eill , . lAse ~n'l ". •)l 1~1~ ' , .1 6 B:nnu· Mannington'l<! Sllccch . llf:l t il Ii- liv ~8 tbu t tbe nnti n' migh l Cl'ellte flO IlI'iSt.OCll'IIr.1" 1)1' wa illth ; hl ,. " , A tJll rl. ,lf Llnli I, rrJLo l Y ,,(us livu tll of ally , \\I th dIrges ~ue, r~palr to 'Ii ve . 0 luor b IL11tiful: no mQr e shOl'L, to o.'~ct /I!) 01 Ii'l wlw. <. /.111:1 ",. L11(1 WI,1'<I nj 'IIl ?,t . II lIIl I 1.1<; '~/U',. tl f I ~lI d to rl'llOl'Y WI~ so uth lI f tho () III.O th 'sl:! lowly m01;m,ds, sh~ltermg ~o~ ;~tAND1!1H, MlUlIJJCR8 0 1" 'DH~: Il " NJ ,Hublime, no' m ore Ull[>l'oprilll( r II- !t ll \' h 1(1 t o vi i \\' thltt. t il E!l1Ut11 llatUl'llll!'e Itllko 11,1 1,11£ \I' IIngll) un~ 1'1".1:, t1J(:l olily IWssi bl uuturul dl spm:; once p~e~ant With celestial . , went, t ,\11 1' to pr AAI'\'f' the l lll't.itu_ II) t, h l'~ r 1·1l1l1l 11 ,; . l'wfl l,[wh l UIos dl I';~O U hue ::)0 ~ h erl:l w ~r n no weI!: ft l'e~ ," and WIth ' revere~ce bespeak • ' t ' _, Id 0 AfUIY, LA()I ~\I J) Glilln: L1l!~U£ N :-:oglll IOU ·. a ll e cODCei~el1. tlno of !llll \' 1" Bol i1 of th s ' onn: IllJlot.I·Wlill.r Itpp.~"" ••l /I pprn.lnb eU 'b d fLnl:!d Ult tu I'll 1 ulJuL1da n \j 10 (It vide the Ir glory and our gratItude as. we I woull ll(l illthwd IIl!H4 th u butlOI.I Ol' fO,r MIS herOlc dead h ll. tt! u(ion:l Il l'll' ·~lT(l()t.. h l jlll l"t, I~t,lou . I I n iter wllh lIl'InilWlll flll'? 111111 i:!very l ·O]J:l l'i\.t1l gov.e!mue.nt!l: Bnt Ilguiu, covel' them over with beautiful flow1I\lUl i1'l u illY h elLl'l, 1II1t r I:lpolld t.u b'on II trtllt ~f .Illl lpl i! for a gel'. If uot in whol!). Two <I ll 8tiom+'1 thin/! III 11111 J!~" h l~ U,P L'() h1(1 (LU(l' ~U~l k lit Ole M.I~ l a!\~ppl r~v ' r, gre ~t 'crs, the emblems of love. the sentiments uf th ill o· nl:!ion IllId W~en the last soldier of the, reo 'l'be soldier hilS. been th ideal ' primaril y, WIl!'f' l n vul v 11 ; O n II oV.flrt.l~row·I-=-· W~I n" Ign ,H'lIl1h Ill' ·llIthe r .( t \VI~tel'., u t l'lDg !n t~~llll ,WI I not IlVfll'oolllte, t,he bonOr ot ber' of nn.tioDs lmd , peolJlcs LI B fur !)lo,ml que!'tio11 ; ~IH otu r III 'Wl1 nil ):l alu It h ,\ nl~ht , ha COlltlnen t. ~l(llln YOne lUlll~ lne pubhcshall have been muster~ lI~to . IIdtlr 8 Ing y.on At, this timu , it Ii! 'lJ~ok ' II!lllii!toTY runs unll' pr operly qne!lt.ion-tlll II'. rllleAtiCIlI o f con S Hook i n t h e fllll',,' llll.v~ n1l sO ll th ~1111 \~1 .~ n~~ad ~t.~~ GOv:tTHOent the g.l'UJlU army beyondthet'Ylnkh!lg '" I , ; ': , ' ' . ' , " sri60ce ~ tlJ e' u th er Il gil R,ti 'I,O ,of opo- l'flcog nizeel ' tho w l·11ugfo ln o.c,. of, WOI,l ,<I n ' .'V ·S U Dl I , to ~, 11.1 gl' 'ali stars. wh~t:e .t~le Great Qap~tn 11Ul!till I~()ncir t o Ilcltlr&!l1 (I gll,therlng 0: 80, 10 SII~tltlCO ? ~6~ . ~'f , I. ,1,11e tltuth~; ill oth l' word , sl nve~.Y.1 I"very , A endY ,ns 171.1 t,ll , de le- wfL~elwlI.y. ~otbeSQI~bel.D gcoll tr,o ll ~d l ~hals tlt.e mVlslblehosts, &'t;ateful ,01 tAII~eriQanH "uywber . nnder· 11-0; rlohe t ~lld r~rest liberati on POBISI- a n d the ri f!bt of s ce : io n EtiOh ,\ gl\ Elt~ from Vi rgiuh to 1,11 c o~r f1~ by II } IOI" ll I\ nd 11 [hujl!l hos l,ll e Ilzen .wlll come to.k~ep thiS festival otrollnlt~tI 0088. But to be Lhe I'e Ip.. hie, Like the ;.:illll of . dnow in beCClUl'6 of the ver.v ntLt U I'O n f th ~ \VOl' 1;:1v 11 ;lIstl'lloliou:; ,w rlHen by tllte. \ Of death by strewl~g, the sw~~t. biosI I;t of 'y (lU~ Il inn Invit4itioll '011 tbi~ tho Jund of ,Jude&' n early t\ nty a f'fllil', illv h ed t.ilf 11th r, Ii tlh 'j'40l111l,; J ''0' r on t(l ~ ni (l!' th 1\1 ill The Immortal Lillcoln, . sem. of ,t he May tIme, and WIll be t i t " n . , ' remmd ed thereby of the great'debt Illonient'o\ll! ilo(!lIsioll tlClds to th oen ur ell ugo, W 10 gnve 1 life fo1' 'I'he Vil lI y oYth e Mis ilnippi t hen Lhey owe to the perished ' army ' that oblun tpr of the greel<it1g, '1'0 llle it the in of the whole wor lu , PI'~ n) I!; d . !l's it btL sruce proven to ' march d so g,a.llantly with the great ' 'oIL pacnUII.!' pi Ullure , 1'0 retal'n tr, !LOb oue f t,lles if r tl IIp bi" bth s lit I)f 0\11' uut lona Ilt.v . 'i'be h~S).derR! carry~ng the banners.of the my notive h Q m lll~ t .v oul, .j.fOvi tl&tlpn ht U~ II vi ciulo06 MOl!lfioe tu llIl't iO\l li st, v,'olll(l Ilk wi ~ "'hllve 1:'e U cut ~ep,ubltc! to trIUmph. and re-estabAfter neill'ly thirty /:Iv j 8lJrH " lib 11\ uol m . Ana '0 '1 i IlpprOprlll t. ' 00' hom us wll o d.wt It io tlt iij st,ate. h,shmg t~~ foUndatIOns , of oul' 0&Wo wo ald hu lle boon ginl cl flbout ttotJ.aledl~ce,on firme.r and moreen-' seuol:! to Itddrc~tI YOIl 1\(1(11:1 II 2 t, t to 1l1l1ku lihi B ob. er V'LIl ' ; tltn t. W wi h t,1l1! Ct1 stVD1 h u n 6!l llnd bri!-lt,lin g uUI·'mC.lp!es, . tlle huo r nml . tJlelHlU1 e which lll~j l cODle todn.v to la y ut' ,wl'l!ul.h ·. t)f \.Inyu l1 (;ttl t.ll u imm Ot'tal Lincoln But p'eace hath jts victories no less plc""litl bud grntill .J ttl II, kt\ o wleilgr Prlog'I(f\we test !)IO!:'S(llU!O, bedewed 'i1\~(~l y Inrt~IIt'C(I , " '/I n nJltlD " mllk o renowned than war" Tpe nation has Wilen 110 k Iuto the f"C1es of'muTl ,:"I tb teM~ofll1 III l1rYI llHi l,; tll titud t r c/Itie I'lIl;io l' I,hu ll fri etl u~ call with too<;l the severest test of interwho Wllr{\ klluwn t(llll Y <:hlltfhooll upon Ih e IItU ruol1nd s. "wh e l ~ m ak ~ I ll w!!~" UII l,hiH (lllot/ tion o f necine war. We are invincible ex1 rllctin toile ~"i1rly d it~' 11 wtltl ll 1 SIt!A)l tht' \.IL',' lve ~vb o ,junk 11' 1"11/11, by U'lUmt M,n e of t,1I p ui uu it. is In~ temaily. ,Can wewithstand the inII veil lUll jill{ you' llllll Oll llll t d Illy I ' ' terost.J ug 'to htl v t he vi W~ of on e. \)1'.'1sidiOus dangers of peace? AU gov/I I !,h"Il' 'll lltl'y '8 h O ln lql~ hI HI. 011\ fUl II I\!. t, 1I1l(1 I II O~t 'pli "hl nell I'mhen ts are experiments, The per· , 8~Jf Oil" 01 )'"(( . '1' 1lI bill' witneRB·11 of 8ngJl'h RtaLesmen of, thal"I ·ri orl . ished empires of the past prove this Jlltl,UY Lt ~l\ l l" "nd ',- fl, il..' Il"'" l l.'lt'nHonor · to Men John Hl·ighl. in }l speet h a l Roc hchl e, tQo conclu ~ively .. Upon what unaeen L\.JUtl,\tl,niaIlY fuoe _, ,blli r "" ,I) ,;til , . J~rwlaml . i.1I I 61, l'I"ea ""tf l.lpon lh.e " 'ork sh.all our. craft be.shat, t ered, ,and • (1111 u[ IIltl ,l (relltll!l ! uf c lll i;:;ics i ~ <> I' . reOJIII iu I.hlt, · rIlOU:; IlIUlIY /If till' '[, rlint allaH' and rebuking hIS. 'oun- how distant IS the cruIse befolle we .friouCll! of 1.Il Y olllhlh( hHI J oO llnl, til" 111'1\ hJll ot P~rt . l !' ulilivlil" (] tl'ymen for their hosti li ty' t t.he On· m e t it ? No one 'can foretell.. We thiS t".tl . ,"rlluI\&lt !IllY rtf my lifr . 116uxl y il vo hlludl'l'C! y t'fll'S barur i n call,l' and al) ' wering' to 5elfish mU Rt be vigilant therefor by keeping ,. ,.. Uhr~!!t, Uplll\ I,hi> dend ~Vj1O Ii d for boast tlll L the' di. mem bel'ment of pure the fountains ' of our .citizen, '1'01'0 siut(led flJ)" t t) tH!(li!~I,tll the~() At,h an.. "[ qllote Peri 1 .~ , "It is II lll > llinll mcant ad vlln"to<... aO'e to Gr"at Shl'p, .'. " O&UUo11 'ns 1.IHllllllry'!; 1Il01l1111II:\Uts 10 . Bl'iLian, ~ail.l : " There. cann ot be a' Great "uestl.·ons pre,ss for solutinn. I 'I . in yuur bellutiflll C lIlete. dtlht of j\1stl tl til pay Sll)ltl r hw hOIl onI' !lead !II ~an ',I' !llllll\'e L.lan th ,I ~ I am spea k - Each 'period of time presents '"'T. l.ta Y . ry ill lltJ Vltll'WI ~t Ibo f;!1:!1;eolll in ()t' til men wll o bnv E< d' v lltod t,1l i;' lOlJ 0 f ' 111. fOll , ' l1 lrlg: ~ JUdg men t on own problems. SometimelJ they are. 1 II b Ii v R to lig htiul:{ fOr I,LIIlU" (·onutl',v., thlS qU/;'stllll1 . tllRL It IS bet ter rOl' us old ones they are old ones familiar ' I, r i b wh .C1 l"VlJ 0011 le I . 'Y. "yuu t\Y - bht,lUgh Int nor , (f II I··h .... ~I an d or tb our forbears ' . ' but ret o utilo!':;! itt eVl:!ry II 11111. t lI peo pI.., 0f Ie.1I - for hls~ory on I fter 1111 tht' lle yeilril of IlUS6I1C, . t ,. t Ib t f i B . the govern menL of En gland ~) thaL peats itself and we move in cycles sl OWin g I 't I ' 't t h Id b h ' ' . Vlr ll6 uU , II Q VII or. l wish to ~ou.8r"t\lllLtc YO,ur 0 im • tim's th h' Ii ves llpon the pnhlio A View of La st Sltltul'du 's Ob 'l' I' VIl n<: ';' ~1~~tit:~lllt (of rU6r oli °i~ in ~~nye No p~°tsplebal!ld t~O getnerati~nt can'Wes. e t IlrlY Il!lSOlllu.tlon 1l1)on Ptoo4~ og . . ' . :: . ' cape I 0 I~a IOns 0 soCle 'r. . e , h if f h , tbey , bllve every nne reC6lveu 11 . ' l3 t.a tes, and 'ubJect to alf th e cont.en- must conquer and subdue these prob tb6E1e. ~un8, t e g tot ~ gov~tn. 11>""'180 tilllot. will never deCllY, a epul th re fO r(1., U () lUll lllh~(l !!el ~lel.ll orJ t, ~ ~oi l' CHild \IU~ ' 'ph :;1U,I'U'I "I' n ,1'l.ll) tions an.1i disasters \\~hlch have ac- lems 01' go down before' them. Nameot, ' It I~ Inde\ld I11DOSt unlque'Qhrfl that will tLlwa !I b'e ptO!:lt iJln _ We t l'l etlill'st to 'I nd uoh t war on lIOn ~\"(t;-i UI ~ II gll tll ring- WllH:I.l I~ compani ed the hi tory lIf-the s~t~s tions must go flu'ward o.r 'backward. dlstlnotioll . 1 wlsll I1lso to \lOm..) ., ' , . Y , . ~!le Ulln iltlt.\lt.IOJJn l q n6!<tlO o, bnt yeur .I a "'::1' It r k"' , IIjllJII 1·1)1) lJl1ll)llIl'l;. of Europ. I ~h.ould say. t.I~at, I.f a lfhey.'oannot stand still. Our people mend YOllt good ' people fOI' tHeir trll),us not t:111tt In whlUh t~en' .\.101.1 B even ts-:-(1~1f,.. II ~t' ll ll) ' tl. - fon'l;lll u ' ~u t'~lW!tllll S I ~ll ·I\(JI.I:; WII" vh" ll,111.11V man had a gTeat heal'l \Ylthm h1m, just how are- passing through an or~ener08i'ty iu ~u18 .. frl1lr which hMo, lie ~lIoul<lerm g, but that lU Wlll.1 ~1 to r t>c ~ n.I ~le tb e UlIJtal ~ldo o f t h IIl g ltlllwlll1(lllt. 1If.(!I.l!1~ t KIng (l u(lrge : h. would ral.!,,,!!· I~ol fOl'\~ard to tha deal which is to}etermine whether. dli ' l t tb' Ii ftll ow 1 t tben fUlDe l!l}lr !lerv d t o 11 no OOlltro \ ISy" , "1),1,11' tlill IlIlI '\' tl'iJUIl " ru'l~o ns d.l.ywhen, fl am that POlllt of land the government IS strong enough to iUIl It (;111'~ 1\, ' ~. lIr,t!epl\r... every occasion, whon llonor I ,'I",.\'e1'", . W II ' tbH tliL'"ot ('flURe of Il pd ~(1")flWIHll! '1':11' 1\11 U~ IJC"; ~l1bl~ which is ~aiJ iLable nearest t he pole, control certain great socialforces'ol" ~eot., 1~lldl! 1}()~Sll,lle t'll~ lIplen<1ld dillpll\.Y of ' it,ber wOl'n ,O t: oct, fl tern th o ()i Vl\ ~Ill', 11 1l!! t.hl;l" OU.t·b. It(jli~v- ~elISQlI ~lt, all, IIi" Ulllj ellly Im- r _ to ,t he !?hor s Of. tl:o ?r~~ Gulf,.the, 1wn,e thel' it is to be do.'1linated ' ~y lUonunient -to your tloldiel \lend . 11 " b .d '1, " t, tng tit eXistence 1'1 th!lt ,,\s,tll,u h ,)]1 Ject 11 III,\\"~ lit 1II\1>1t. ,'ulnta)' \' "'ll,it'n wh,() I. of. thal vast ont)nen t ~mght I them. OUI' feal's for the future he . a y remem hIli whOlc e'Lt ,il., ,J'copa l'diz d by co o' oy . '1'1.u l' 'HullllvU I. I·t ·., f 'I t· become one great confed eration of not ,'n our w · eakness but rather l'n . ," '. . '1 erc , , . 'thll , 10 s of tIle I· U (lIJl.ll' ~ III . I Government Can~on ·tlS the se)ll1 olue uf ~l1ustrlo\lll!)len trolof gov :rnllln'J) t til t he ll u r~b, I/l.VI>I·y I. I,ill' .1;1'<'" t. o l,j c' 't, IIf tllJ~il't\ st~tcs, WIt 10uL a g r eat ar!'llr a~d OUI' rapidly gr!)wing strength, Sud· .' : . " ' ," . '., . . )~IRcribe(l llpO-p. the IIlllllulUerlf.'. to ·I'\O I~"iht .t \l })o"P, tl:lILte It hy .• ho o~ IY' ill ;tI.Hllltl l;n llJ/lit,;l \ hurt' it \\'/1" . /II osl WI ~hout ll l]T eat navy, nqt mDcmg It- detlly.accumu!ated al!d superll:bund~ · ',(Ibese ,ol\u?on I1r~ 't.o ,gUl.U·I' , tho ..lniu buoet!,, ~thonslfll . ol , 1l.~udtbi8 IIctlllll ' )JU!\ Ibla ...... sQcl1~sl"n ., Wlt'll anh llppll y , int I'1I1\\If.~(1d, iii ·1,I"i .. if). S., lf, Ul With. !~~ e~tangle,m en"t.'iOflant ,~ealth begets luxury anti .co~801dier's . eternal OUllll.Ji),lg' gl'o.ull'd, flIJitnph; ' , . . tuo 10. of p!lJl~I !ln1 p q,W, tv t h e fli n t st~1 tl~. !::l ol pr VIO " ", I,,' t.ll e I 0_ LUI Ope!!n POht1!!H, .'" It hout a cu"tom l'1lpttOJ;1, ij.ence the patriot s ' wll re .•IGlory . Ul1t<ls with l:Iolonin ' ' " .' . ,dout b t il ,1lSt(t~lt /I of ~ I n",et'.' W'l. rruudti~enlt'lll. I' , f (,lUI :I,IVI'S \\,Ol: " V . ~,ouse ..1Ils!cle, t.hl:o ~lgh , ~.11 e , length ~ru;k will ~e. t? 4efend ,th~ ,," g " :··t' hese werll ~hl~ IjraY·. 1I11 IrhOwl !'~ hul\' III cl 90llled, It lIIU~t r ed Il t \,V~IO wu!' It. j,:; IIf1Ut:'~:;lll'...\1 hI t1 X Inlll! nlllll r l,hll /, '11~(1 . b! eacllh of Its tel utOlY, and freedom and mdlvlduahty of the Cit rc:>u~d the ·lJlV,O?"O of :f<l,le aelLd " ,. 1,,)... ' ; , oli ~ Bn .l)y' t.l~ nol'l.11 U!l.' PC£1i'I (\BI:rt (Jf t mp"~I' I,II \.! O I\ ft'\IH1 JU J'i I·. YI:t on /' WI th Cre d rr'I eve l'ywh ere, pe;,!-ce iz n trom the aggressions of this Com'~o~ l;ren"rl\.t!u~ls . will rQll~ by Who , Lerl'llJtc In \'al",·. k()l1 ~ lb .lIeltl the. Qltqd. ,f,lIte!l, 'I'~f\ c/':t~tllll'7i d r e p ftil I~d a Lt.Il IlI)l I;, Lt, 1'1Tu\JI, Lhl;; h,v ev rywh el", Such t1 confederatton new element in our midst. And , it · oontempliltit)n. tif',' t,bt~!ltl '~teru Iu:~(l. <'.~ .. tn"t ; h'c 10 ,i\ "d: blgtt nh an ur,,'. lIl·C.dh mo ral ~ll n t:1Ul "~ t'Qf t h.e Oil Hnn wits J1l'fl hi hltiou II!lei It)' \I I)rll,.ltl~ tlu I ips wou19 , ar:r~ rll ~t I: ast some. hope that is appropr~atc:: :that at this time rim wf\lIponH '"hll .Glorious history Prlsilli ~hcl~ h \lll~l". \llet Ihl: Il{.oO IIl or " ?ath. irresis ti1,\ e. .Lt k e It ~H ut, titl u~ ~''1I,V ' ,WhiCh llIi~ ht 11 1I1II,ll llt' 1(1 PI'ob I hi t lOn, mn~ . J no t f OI. saken o~ ~eaven. and ' whIle \ye are drlD~m~ de.e p from the , g ,. ~ . "'., d ' ,bur "OIlIlUull .lOunl, .l)lllt 1J1"'~CC ul1 .·\! k u.'l .!t ~ lJulfl ll weet) flWtl~1 every \) Ilt l'l.d r fj ll vcl ·ht' I'.1t()II)I'C\ 11,. 1I .d>f(·u tn(} lIy th~t , th fu t ure of om lace may be fountam of p3;tnotism, we should ' , of.tlt~i o~:\~ntr.y, ,, ~Il e tlO ~V" ~he . tpI~~~ 811111d, ' II) It:! Pl\tJ, : ,.rt'Iu,st, fl. 1.!t'M.hltnl ,ljln~ol,n h j~ 1H !l j u~t.' · :\' Ih'gll li\'l' . tlt llH l)l'e fl'r ~ bett er th~\1J. th > pas.t." make l1).ental note of th.llse ins,idious , v&IQr of .thei!~ 8uns of Ii~rt,y Nor cl;!iu Ii bclll'ulh lL lymll (,o\ hanel1 . Q~llle t.O ~he pu e~iden l)y Il~ tb i,. tltl1 l'l , rtn" th e lll)IlHlciia W 11I.1VIII1 tU !;llti of a Alld tillS 1S the fall' pl'o!lpect, th e dangers to the Rep1,1bha; for what ~ll(; tl',ooly off"red . up t.he~r" yo,\lnl; S~Sh :as t.lle ,wl\~ ot Jo" ': alld '1I0W t he) 11'.~ I· i~ ou~ ' of thtl mll'l\~I(lS ,jf 1 O(~el'U I! r ,,; BI'HI;ili yUl'::lU'II'S 1" 1i.lH 1'I~t·il1g migh ~r nutioit, the. "hOI? of the strikes at individual' a1'!d commercial,' 11 ves tliat the nllt\OD might be, tlee, : r IiQ<tflll. ,enrol,le,l III ~h Ir CO UIlLr~ ' h rt l\~l '" tIlDO!4 . . It was dl Vtn ?ly. Or(hllosct i lIt >1' St8 (If Ilw III l'i '111 Iltntes l. race. \'h ~ou th Ifll p'el'l lied , ancl freedom and opportumty mu~t even- . 'aDd.·.~t~o~g ~\nd s'l1~\lI~nt" ;"I&Il '~liel itll~ I ) '.' ,", " . , ' th'L~JI!'l8~r\lul,n lm~be:. l~~ t~urn !'t. ~~ t1 ~ld n\), thQ I'ighl:l,of hll!~, ll~ ,nllHII' . wpu ld have u ~stl'()yed . . ' t\ recoil upon , the whole.• n.a tion .., • I Li ' I hll ' "Id tl "'til ·It Is II.-pnrt 01' t.hI8: II~blillle oOstom til)S grel.l.t ref(jr!ll . It Vi ua h od. 1 " WIIIl l), ll.'d I, l:hl Ol m Ca lll on The call tp arm s hllVlllg' been It s~eme that the great wars of .mortll .., ?~ ~ . H, 8~ u~t . A o~ ' t,be agtl{i, Dud, lu natiouKI 811teero wlH tJUlt he ,sho.n.ld hrlil... the \Vb al pructi{) ., so ul1ued, the outpouring of men to history are arready written arid, f ' nat~on · m\f;;h~., · uu.d~r . Goel, hl~ve It, of our own gfL.lltuit de(td thti~ we of the a,hlp of s,tnte , jm~ing the pus _~ '.1,'1 1 f ' 11 I ~1' ' . IT' ·fi ll \,11e j'unk was neveL' equaled pe)': thel'efore, behind us. A higher and , new.birtli of.fre6Q:~DI, ,!\ud the f>v. oonia 'it,lltn1/lil1t on t,n is O~I4SI ;)U to (~~~ of t~ 't,!1~tl()llt ~'ht;.,~~h 1;\, I! \~l l SOI\ :~:~I~~'~;h~)\" '~'CJ~ldi:Wd~ ' th el') P~I; haps in all \'It world'S 'history. , It, grander civilization will rebuiae otherDlI'fel)t of ,the'" 11eopl&, . by tbo 'P~o . pl\y uur tri but.eil 'Qf I Vf,l "nil ' grut,\'- OilS !lnAIS ;~'fOI~ pelS '~~U d"06iU:S. ~ .~l. f , ofh (1111111; ~ 1;\ y,'t:'l' ;'~ '" 'j'I;~ P ;110 lind I'emintled one of fhe sac I'ed cl"Usades; er means for settling dISputes. Hon, ., Ii t 'h f h' " , Wilt. , U' \I a Wil >! s tll'! ...,1" to · ' '- " , , 'fl t , . , , t d t d t 'htf I'd d' I p'le; aod . for, . ~he,.'people, 8bn~1 ,notrl'tu Elifio t em 'dbr tthEllt r ;V~IO!, b~elr stl'u1Li~nt . \vnf\ wail Ollo'se'D, :L'1I1') pl (we, Ito v l wi)} 11 It Im~: ' \l.IU;1 in ,: 1er camll:ll_ rrolr:tf ~vtehry ~relClUc d atnh es.llan s .rlalg °brw,al,(yo IPt ~mtacy , r\.h from tbeoorth: " _ . . ~QOI' . o!,~ 00 ... e. r .8t;Iuerlug!!, electiou tI[ 110 C)J;ber mtl.n wpllI~l ha v th fOl'mll \.Ifill lIf t bl;l 'CPO tl ~u t i ou . e~el y wa ,(~ 1 e~ e qc I an . ,~ 'X1 preval oy.e r e Iberen lp .e rp8 . '" '. '" , Gri\ is the8weete8tfl~wer tl:\a:t ". 1\ II e 1:( ntH I e ulle f litS At ~b e 1.1111 1'\ pf ·It "Lu\)p t ion IJf Ihe ..POOI'; " th' hIgh and the low Vied ests. If men s better nature s do . Tl~68e oonnpg, are' " uuh",or,n.l · t.o bl()8RuIile " in the hUDltlD ' heart. gl.V? ~t ' L,n'coll d ~r: d 0'111 t.ituLj()1l I ll.JI \~wi~l "' €i l ev all ytH~rRl w'th each o ~hertfHiecul"eenlistment~ not require thi~ science will. Arm- . · the "al~Dt dead ·wliloh rOnJlOd8 oile Qr!ltitude is t,he oil thtlt foeds the ttlIS; III "p'"Ii lit' f I wb~ !I . r~ij n-" HID",- of tile.' fn l'(,I:l' IIf IftlVerll ;n lit unlle!; Then. fol\()\l'ed four years ·of war, ament impro'vements ' areo:vertaking' Q • , • 6 8~.e · o'pon th e 8~ore ' d o.l.h f • I ,eL III I', . , '. 01' ..,ntmg 1:1 ,. 0 '" ( ' ll ',t · . I" l ! . t to ,, ~ th b ' ' ht of aD Inoi'tlent or anole,nt, bil!tor;y. .... r 0 pllo.r · \ il) '. l::Ie bntl nonll f too trllits or r.1le culIl e. ml ilJlI , mlllly lIf' ~n u w - ' ~I 1 VI C 01 Y me ~Rmg 1llS one.' them~eI'".es, an'l e u~el' 0f welg '. otilltn. Ititltbepronli ' boltstofonr ' g 1\ ' 1i .' I)lirs of t llllt l)lIgl' 'i wll\bed to SIde and then to the other; four onshlpsandtreasurewlllsoon80u,ad ·'''l'I;le.S'-J'tll;? law .fq"~l\cle IlUrl'(:,nder i l,l~tlon. that it is the most ge.nuTtius tbe qf\oVl:& ~T In I .!! ~~11I.P9SILI~)n , ahCllish !i.1 ;1Vt.ty , : 'A~ e~ ry 'st~t1 ut. ' year:.! of .altel'ml.Lil1g hoyes 'and fear.s; the doom for the 'war,rior, He, like , · ()r·retr.e&t i lIud thol) It wall tbfl.t th81tn !t~ l?rovlllioos. for tbe ,I!!lrvivorg fie WtUl the I.tla~ .1l'1:l1l 1n tile ~~tl'.tl kO·()\.Y!:I ~lJl;j ol~".Htllti f}ti it:/s[1lf WII~ u i tour ~ears of hea~\.aches aud tears .t~e mediaeval knight, will be a.glo, tmmqrtat tllree hnn(lreC) WllO beld 11)8 wlusof 110Y nallou bn ' "!lrtb. who would 1111 ve !\oqght. ollhtuty IlIlmpl'(,\lI1 i",!1l which bur ely OS OILp,~,l l at hon:u:t; foul' year!; of bloodsh~ and 1'IOUS memory of the past. God the 1J1t!18 at Tbermopvl~,e ~il1d before wuolll1\J Ie b,llll doul:!. it.hlu! not TQ1l0Wn ur ~"ho ~Uld :e001116 llV rtlll·o w. I~nd ronny q u . 110111';, Ilf !lu[fenng and death at the .front; speed the day, for those in whose, . , iF' i d' done tob muoh , . ' . ILIl op ',r ~sor ,. . 0 II )~ P' Nl w ,~r . , w(Jioll 'lll;L IH'Y \'IlL one. \v(U'e IIlIIi t fou)' ye8l'il when , the two al'mi~ memory we meet here. today, and tbe Ollt Dlllnb8r ug III ~ an" ,nJ! er \Vbp.t Ito lPlghty War the gt;llat oiv.- I:lu hllrl CI)IIVIOtiOOi! it !f1 . tru " ~'lt, ~p.fl th ut, II. w'ol'1.Hl ole in!:lt~utUe ut Of IsLJ;ug-gled bilck and forth Uke ,Wrt!$t· those who were the victUns of. the gUll., aQd whAre tbe de ...1 were lil confltd wd. (Ii \Ire. in lengt4 j they \\'er,~/ellll)ElraU WI tb 00~11l ' n 1g~VOl'lllll O O t might btl f1ocur~ ling' giants; and fln~l1y foul' years of great civil war, Buffel!ed eno\lgh for over ,thel.., bopl'i8~''IIa~ erlll~ied lor 'b"t~l6' 1100 iu the' n'1l~ber of iJ;lenjseus ,wit ren~?n , and wtt l1 falrn ~~ 1 1" f' . Ithe grande"t spectacle ever the ,l ot humanity for all tim&, 'and ,if we • . lenllllit ed iu 'he ""QI\"lt~e8 ot battle Addl',(\ tl) thllse ll()1'l\onal . ' Bllt t 10 ·1 I:loovtl ry <lOl)rt a tel' thllt of lilan to witness, for a people not could ~vea message ' from them ' ' . . ••lt1-l0 tbe ptlin'ciiplelliovolvecJ it es.: be bnll betlu hOl'n 'IDlid tbo ' It flue HIlda ~f .cott.~n oOJ11d be prof· only stl'Uggled f('r the integrity of today it would be to ~ our ."orda talJ~'~1I@4:ut!lllQllJllItl~. ibllt Oeeds '' 'U'-' war. of hllWrl' 'Veri- tionll of. Illilvll1'Y ; he Was poor, 1t4 bl.v r.r ~n t 1° !toothd guv~11 1 their republic bu,t for the emancipa- mto plo_bares and our .apeal'B into 11 \he pbtua .of "Uteek ~HIiDR aD untutored, hot msJestlo uU Dew Vll uo:o e 8 I\ve,_ aD mil. e tion of an endlavcd race. Tongue prunlng~boob. '. ' .
~', IIIIl\'1\
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The Miami Gazette When Miss Matty Found O,ut
0 , L, t!:RANE.
Ala.ka Imposal bl. to Autol.t•• The New York to Parts 8l1t9mobll· Ists have found speedy r allzaUon o~ tho IlredlcLiOn that whon they l'aehelS Ala"ka. they would learn what bad going actually meant. A t I l1"t, the . only car whlth has yet gone tbul tal' bu made the dltlcoven·. Tbe. AmerlC&ll maclilne, which It wos xp clod 'Wo\lld push on {hrou~h the Alaskan wastes to Nome, (\;1 tho west rn side ()f tile territory, thor taking ship pasa88'8 to 'Siberia, Is halted at Valdez. A dispatch from tbat point to the nows, paper whIch Is 'b ehind the schemo :toys It will belmposslblo to go tbrough AlaskL Experiments made under can· clltlonl there, one feature l;elng a .heavy tIJIowstorm, 'Ihows thera II IlOt'hine ,but narrow trails, whlcb can· IIot 'b e "n~goUated" by the antos. So the w·h ole outt\t has been load9d on a at4!lI.mer which wlll return to Seattle, &lId from that point 1\ vessel will take the car and the party accompanying It to Vladivostok. The dispatch ' from Valdez say I with refreshing frankness: "Jt Is Impossible tor any mlUl who hll.8 not 8een the trail oyer which the mall til carried tram Valdez tu FlllrbankB to realize the conditions that eXist to-day. To consider making the t.. p across Alaska In the 'tace of such cOl1dltlons would be .L dream , ot 's cgeechaco slyass: In Ule Chinook jargon, which means t~e Alasltan tenderfoot." In' the opinion of tbe Trqy (N. Y.) Times, this outcome Is not surprlelng. f~r at. the outset-It was predicted In various quarters that no automobile could succeed In gettinJ througb the Alaskan wilder. lIeSII. Even the much ~erated hlghwaya qt New York state must app~ar like .ftrst:Claas roadi!' by comparhlon with the Alask~n trails, And parts or SI. berla are IIbIy be not mucb better. r,'
'Amerlcan J!duoatldnal Method •• He . fs nother tribute to t he value limer '~~ edu~tlonal methods: In • &-rier n)ad by Sir William Henry ~e, formeI'll' president of the In· atttution of Chill Engineers, before the Royal /3oclety o( Arts In ' 1.9ndon, the ap9aker mentioned . the difficulty If not impol8lblllty .of 'milklng a comparison ~twe~n , English and American m eth6d8, owing ~e {act that the American boy pOBBel!8eS "the energy and ainartness of' a .new race; tbe Eura, pean boy mentally Is two years behind . bim:" This' explalne<l the dllference hi cW'rlcula and eltaminatlon papers. But it la American adaptation to these dllferent conditions which accounts fer. the success of educational methods IHire. Still further tell timon,. to the eBleacy pf American Ideas II found In the PropoBItion 'from G~rmlUlY that the c:onver8!lUonal ItFle of teaching Ian, cuacei be put Into practice by an ex· . Change of American and German pro. fe18on; ., the .(merlcan profelsorB In8tructing German , stu~enta by this method. and vice verBa. German edu· caton are 'a live to the practical de. mands or the times, and appear to de1'lve much Inlplratlon from th. lTntte'"
The tntertlllL Which Getmany baa .hown' In tbe matter of canal collitruc. tlon and the enterprise which hi ':Irav,dlng a great system at Interior wa· teMl'ayl have been mtlnttoned repeat· edl,.. ' Now comes the announce ment that 13avarla Is preparing to provide lueU with deep canals that wl\l enable .. It t9 have such ~ommunlcatlon with th~ larger bodIes as will constitute · a connecting link In traffic 'betweell the North 'sea and the Black sea. In a ,word, Bavaria Is ambitious to become a ma,rltlme 'state, 'I1here Is strong, be. lIet that such a canal system will 'bring enorm,o lls benefit to the agrlcul· 'tura! and IDnntifnotul'ing Industries "t the kingdom. and the plans In cont em· piatlon 'Involve t he expendit ure of $110" 000,000. Fresh proM that this Is a :canal and deep waterwnys age. Enoch Artien clI.8es iii real lite ap. to turn o'u t dllferently. The poet gave a pathetic finish to the story by bavlng th.e hero perfol'm an act of r& 'nunclatlon by giving his wife up to' tbe ':Oiher man. ·A husband wbo had. been mourned' as dead returne!! to 'hls Ten. lDesSe8 home to find the lady who had . .. upposed berself to be his widow mar. ned to another and wltb a new parcel .of children In tbe house. He gallantly W,_bled hil . legal rights 'and allowed the :womin her choice between the old 'bvsbllad and the new, and she prompt.. ly' toqJc the fttlt, and No. 2 says h. w1IJ ac08{l'the decision, and move to have dW eceond IDJrrlage Bet aside, ThIs .le. not a bit romantic. but It 10 be a senllble way out of the p~r
It . . .tat.ed tbat the heart or a vegetarian beats 68 times a mlnut'i!, aud that of, a meat-eater 75 times. Thul the mea.t-eatlng young man wlih a ,e.etarlan Iweetbeart can see how dlf. ftcUlt it Is at times for "two bearta to ~t •• on,8." ~==~""""""==
By' Edith Bernard
'l)e tWenty,ftfth ann~v ersa ry ot the deatb of the RUIBIIlD Burgeon Plroeolf b .. beau celebrated by hll ....e OD .• meet and hOlpltal at St. ......" " aDd el1do",ing aa UalaaJ ..... "" ~rb OD ~ur~er,.
(C(Jpyrll,hl 1·
ADDING LIFE TO THE TOWN, Summer Fes1lvltie. Can Be Made Helpful as Well as EntenOll nlng,
The village s tore Is a d IllLl'tment store on tL ' sDiall Bcale. lly II . tho wants of Ultl community ar s uppll d . om lInl S. perlrapF, tiler Is III\t trade enough ,tur IL' litora 10 onllue Hsplf to .onlr oue lIue. " ' hlle th e (al'mer's wlCe alrd daughters, re looking about with a \'1 w of buying 't heh' ,d resses , ' It:~; his sons and perllapli hll1)lIf'1f 11k to look III ilie clolhi)lg, the lIatt; and all klnds ,ot wear for lOen , 1'h ulI-to·tlM storekeeper should see that the wanlS of all 111'(1 aUended to. He IIhouldn't give a pl'ospecU\'!f customer tbe op· IlOrtunlty to go elsewh£1re , He should find out what tb e clIIstomer · want8. aud If It Is not 111 stock , give him to UDd I'tltaud that It can be gutten for ' him. Elver), to wn of s ny testivlties durin g th(' 8ummer seliSOD. If It Is nol customary to have such events In th e pIn ·e. lhe merc bllntll Thousands of American women sbould get bUBY. anll It uothln l; Ise, In our homes are daily sacrificing. get up a horse ra e, Ij, dls;llay of sOllie their lives to duty. I\lnd, nnd It wll1 .b foulld that the In order to keep the. home neat people will appreciate It. and pretty, the children 'well dressed One IIv business man In a toWD aud tidy, women overdo. A fewo,le ean do a io't sin gle handed If he setll weakness 01' displacement is oftcn out In the right way. There Is no law ' bronghton and t hey snffcr in silence. to prevent lbe starling of a contest drifting nlong from ~ad to w.orse, among the farmers. 0 t up a list of knowing well that they ouglit toO prizes (or the ones bringing In aDY hl1\,c hel p to overcomQ the pai llS nnd and all kluds ot products. Make the aches \vhich daily make life a llurden. contest one tlillt will ·a ttract a tten· It is to 't hese faithful women thllt . lion . Le L the cloUIIE'r give n !'l Ull o f clothes , the j weIe r a wl;Ltcb, Bornething useful. It matters not much what It ma)' b , fOI- the b l~ges t watermelon, come as a boon and a blessin g the greatest apple or UD)' other th lnA 9.8 it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth. a grown by the farm I'. HlIl'e unJlreju· MIl~"rtlle N. Y., and to Mrs.1V'. P. IUced judg S. Have the deal 11 (air Boyd,of Ikllver Fal~ Pa., who say: one. It will bring /1eo1>le to Ihe p l~ce "I was not able to do my own \'I'Ol'If, and tbis Is what pleases the townspeoCI"lng to the female tronbl from whk h ple liS ·..... eLl aa t he resideD til of the I suftered. Lydia. E. I 'i nl,ham's V gecountry., table Compound helped me wo nderfully. and 1 am 80 woll that I can do as big a. OFFE'RING OF BONUSES. da.y's worlr a· I ever did. I wish eVl!ry sick wOlllat. .you,d try it. Not All Enterprlaee Asking AaslltOlncI FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.. Prove to Be Good Thlngl. '
All ber life ,had MIss Matty bp n a avoided Mrs, Keen e and ' h er cODs 'mll mere !!uhstlL"t, As a chlhl. Il mem- Lr~'am Of ,tnlk morc and rnql'e, and hi The), Bring the Be.t Resu !t. ~ ' the !leI' oC n larg famil y, h er clothes were wife becnme nnlilolls a t hi s failing ap· Merchant · When Rightly Uledthose handed down t,o he r trom SI.s· l ll .' tll . . lIss Mally hers(?lt. good s' ul, Some Merit In Circular• t rs who b ad olltgrown tllein, ' Vhen "'IlS dall ," receiving fl' s11 (1I~lIll1l:1 l ou s, and Letter•. !he. gre w older eba was ocoas lollally It \\,lIS grad ually becoming cleal' to ~all d UPOD to t~ach th e "llIage school her Lblll her con Iltlo n ot th~ fir s t There Is adverUslnJ:, and there Is \'I'h n the rel;,'Ular leacher was a bo Mrs. prrUlv.y·s ~II ~ 11 at, pel'. 5ent. Even In the matter of a , Im'e haps, t he correct onp, bll t 1ll11" loyal adv .r,Uslug. On e kind Is th o almost ruouey,wllsted kind, aud Ih other '~ f affair, sh did not .bave a lover ·who h Ilrt re fusell Lo admIt the truLh . was nbl'Olutely her own. Wblle .4.0"1 thou ~h t I could hold illY long ue the cluss that coun t.. The merchant who hn ll al ways placed li tt le faltb In dl'8w Trullt called 00 her for a Unle, . abollt It, but 1 can't," salll Mrs. Keen It was only becaus of a tailing' out one morning after 11'. Spl'aDzy lrind ad \' rillilag Is the one who has n ever with hi ll old sweetllenrt and 'he re- lerl. the hOll Re. "1 want to tell YOII tried It III I,he right way , He la the turned 1.0 her a t her first smile. right 1I0W. Matt)· SpI'<lnzy, that yo u one wllo Ili ac s a little curd lu tbe So when Mr, Spranzy I1sked Matty Ill' one of th e bl1st women I vc r saw. pUller, me r I)' stating Ihat he Is a to marry blm, to tak.e th place or the an' a Ii ' tt r hOll sckeejler tllnt I 1'\111 dealer In such lind 8u('h gOllds. He MI·s. Sprunzy who was goo; It s em <I mYBe lf. whl h Is say lu' ml1(' h: but 1 Is the one who Is al\\'lI)'s grumbling tbe mOllt Inpvltnble thing III tbe world want to' t 11 yo u also that you nr~, a about buslneBs, about the ways of that she shOUld d o so. Fot he I', It Cool. I aln't Il mil surpl'l~ d at ra- (ther O1el'chllnl', and ilie trade that was going Into a. new world. slah Spranzy's fo ollo' YOIl the way goes away from the town. It IB all In bow tbe adver tisement Arte r' the first wond er of It all, the h 's been ,doln'. His firs t wife was IllY loy ot nossesslon had ome Ullon hr.l r. own 'COUSlll, name d artel' th Hlt' Ue Is built, bOlb In 'Wor<llnt; and t ypo· It was · hers, a ll h ers ! FOl' she grad u- I1l1nt I was nam d for, too. Hilt that gl'n(J hl('u ll y, and wllat kln~ of, clrcually realized t bat th uew h ome was, ain' t goln' 'to kO p rna from t 1110' the lilting medl nm It Is placed In. 'Vheu Indeed her own 'and one from which tnlth about he r. II re you al'e wo"',- adv rt!slng, It Is 'esseutlal that the adahe c~uld not be <Ii poss'ssed;' that In' yom'se lf to dentll. tryln' to do IlIte vertiser say something, ont] say that the , house nnd the busband were b el'S. she did , ,Do you know bow IIhe did 1 somelhing I'ls ht to I he point. It Is 1l pretty good fdca to give prices. not lhe less hers for having be- No. YOIl don' t:' longed to a form er Mrs. Spranzy. "" rell , I'Ul golr' to t 11 yon. OND .Prlces always appeal to t he purchas· There Was not the sllgbtest tho light cousin or not. You said YOIl walll l'd In g public. 1t malt l'iI uot whether of jealollSY In her slmule I\cal't;' there to mnk e Josiah com[ortabl the way they are a little lower or a little hI gher thall sOUllibody ' else's prices, was only graUtlld . .Julia. did . . Lanll! Julia nev I' mod o She would stand In "he doorway of a him omfortable D. dn}' In h Pj- liCe ! 10 give prl e8 and l1reach cheallness, room and wonder how the othe r Mrs. 00 you reall y s uppose sl1e lIlade (l'~s h Qu allly and bargains, will attract atSprf!.nzy had clean ed It. ,She tried ,bread for hlin every dny? 1.)0 you tcntlon. Thel'e nevl'\r wall au y money In every way ahe knew to dl SQO\'er the I' ally suppos sh e let him lay down made b~ the . II mall merchant In the plans ilnd methcida of· tlle woman who on Ule best \. Iv t s(lfa at all. milch Tural city or ' town that won ant by lyIng. Lies may do (or the mall·order bad owned It all before It became hers; les8 wltll his boot s 0111 Do YOll think h OllSes, t he departmen t Slore and the for th ere entered h l' heart a. gr at this honse was bl'lbh tan' cll e rful 11.0' ch aJrJo hn 111 the bIg city, but n ever ambition ; not only wo uld ab show do well for the mercbal)t tn the s mall her affection and gmtttude to Mr. town. , Spranzy by making him ss comfortThe merchant who build s up a. repll· able as Ills first wife had made him, l aUOll for honest goods, a 'square deal but she would pay her pr decesr.or and ptlees t hat are right, will win . the tribute of doing It pr clsely In the ftrst Mrs. Spranzy's WII$! But th e He getl! the people to think t hat he Maoy towns tllat are an,lelous to eels "on th e square," that he la selling 'dea once conceived, she had some h cure manufacturing enterprises that >\lfficulty ,IJi finding out what that way goods at bonest Pfofl ts, . and keeps · Is will urrord em'plorment for the peaadYertlsement ever befor", them and ·'aa. Her husbaml was chary of speakflnds , that It pays, The merchant who Ille r eceive propOsitions frOID dltrel'ent 'ng IlbOli't his first wife. 1\IIs8 Malty wins Dlust be up-ta-date. He must concerns desirous to locat somewhere eared that his sense of loss was st III know about new goods, u.uderstand whel'e the peollie will lOOsen t he ,t een, and thought It rather lndell. ·the latest Ipeas In biB pllrllculur line, strings on their purses and put u p a ::ate to mention he!' ; and wl!en sbe I bonul1. The bonus proposilion Is nil did, on one oocoslon, ask him bow and be QUiCK ~ put all good' IdeftB nto rl -h.t sometlmel1, but In Ule muJorlty' prsctlco. r It j h Mra. Spranzy had made the brown means ust so muc money Clrcularl lire. only good as "flye rs." 0 cases bread he' was so ttlDd or, and Inslst~ 10 at. . There IU' hundreds , o.f towus upon I\avlng every day, Mr. Spra nzy They are not supposed t o lake the .In tb'e ~ountry that , bave trIed the ho.d seemed so uneasy, tha t when h e ' place of regular newspapel' udver.tls· bonus deals, and with regret to the had gone poor Miss Malty' looked Ing. 'lobey short·llved, and good ones who supp)led the cosh. ]t may penitently, with tar-filled eyes, at he only for the Rdvertlslng of a kind tbat be all r ight to subscribe for stock 10 portraIt, and snld, liS she so ott!i!n . can' be classed as "tranSitory." Watch a meritorious concer!) that Is strug. el1ld: the sllcccssful mercbant, and YOI1 wlIl gling tor capltai' to carry on Its oper. ."She must 'a' lieen a. mighty kind find that h e rar ely llSe S circulars, un, ations~ In ract .It Is 'a l ways a good less for placIng In packages of' goods , Idea to have the stock o( .any manu. woman, to be mourned like that!" Then one V. nlng Mr. Spranzy came This Is a thing that. should not be fa ctllrlng nterprls own d by Ihe borne wIth the lette r, saying his first overlook d. It II s good Idea to have, people of the town where the COn Cllrn wife's cousin, Julia Keene. was comlng. a. lot C,l rcula,r s advertising ne~ II located, But too otten the bonus on Ii visit fol' a few days, goods, l!pcclal tles, etc., an! ])Iac.e one hunter Is sImply a bonus hunter aud Thought I Could Hold My Tongue' In every package. Tble la a good way his enterprIse Is not likely to amount h ' ' In t he two da.ys belore Mrs. Keene's pleasant (or him, whali Julia was to mak e announcem<;!ut of the arrival, It ' 0 muc . arrival, Mias Matty worked bard t o alive? Well, It wasn't. Julia hild or the expected arrival, at new stocks, Wane of the Get. Rlch.Qulckere. have h er house In ol'der; and when dY81lepsla, an' ne ve r cooked a thlllg But circ ular advertlsl!lg IIbo.uld be only The lla8t len years has apparently she was, at last , awaiting the' ~a she couldn't eat herself: They was s upplementary ~o the r~ular newspaD. M. CARR. be~n the era of the g t ..rlcb'Qulck ment wben 1I[r. Spranzy should bring mighty few things' sh e could eat, so per advertis ing. the guest, she wtlnt Into the. dining It was might,. little varie~ Josl~h got man. ' 0 sooner does one scheme DOCTORED ,COFFEES. room, anll glanced up again at the on the table. , She 'kept all the sh ut1)lay out than anothe r' to tres Its /Ilace, portraIt, as if tor courage. Thanks to the ever diligen t postal ters drawn III so's not to tade the car"Oh, I hope ] have everything all ' pet an' the wall paper, an' Josiah hlld Adulterated Goad. Sent Out by Con. h ispectol'B, and an un relenting gov· oern. Who ,Oo Mall Order Bualnee •• right!.. she 8ald, and .cJasped her ernr~ent, the sche.mers not so to go In an; out the kltc.h e n door! sc,'s hands nervously together. Then sbe plenmul 8S a tew yeuT/! ago. For not to tramp dirt through ·the tl'olnt Farmers who have had their curiosity wiped her eyes, IlJId we nt to the tront hall. He just loves flowers, and Julia some years a numbe r of lIupposed let1 aroused over th e pure tood matter door. wouldn't have one on the place. She might profit by doing a little thinking. gitimate grain aoll stock brokerl Mrs. Keene'! large person was nre- said she liked grasB better, but 1 (II, thrived In bo(.h eastern and western ceding Mr. SprlUlzy up the little rose. ways did t hink she did It just, 110 Some of the I)Ig mall order houses are cities. 'fhese were acU ve In soliciting tbe . greatest dlsll'lbutors of adulterated bordered walk. , devil Josiah . Comforta)lr;: Well, t gcods. In fact, tbe clli lm Is made that through the malls and thro ugh local "Oh, yo u got roses !"· she was say-' guess he wasn't comrortable. rr he the greatest amount of adulterated cof- omces Ihe buslne88 or small Investors , Ing. "r always did tell Julia this place ever bad any pleasures or luxu rlell It fees and tbe 11ke are sold tbrough ' The millions of money gained from needed 110we l·s." She nodded towacd was outside 0' this house, Toward tlle ngents and the mall order concerns. the unBuspectl ng people will never be the figure of Umld h esitation In the last sh e wouldo't e.ven let him smolce Lately, tbe state (,Ih emlst or a western known. doorway. "There you are," s he called On ce the goveroment got on the outdoors, because she said s he could state has been deyotl ng attenl!\ln to out r eass urin gly, and In a moment not staod the sme ll of tobacco In his the goods put .out by mall·order cnn· righ t tra il there we re Ir regu lari ties she was kissi ng MIss l\latty cordially hair an' his c lothes; 2n' here h e"s cerns. He secured 8n1:11 ple9 of coffee disc overed that resulted In fra lld or. on the ch e k. "J was just lellln' MT. 'slll ok In' In every room In the ho II,S e, and had them examined by one of the del'S bei ng Issued agatnst a number Sprunzy how nl('e I he place · looks." Say 'l lJIythlng about Itel'! Of CO III'I!e leading chemists. It was found , that of tho conc;erns. The e nd Is not yet. she suld. "Jl1l1a ' never con l.d bear tlle he don 't! He just . lays back aD' lets one ot the chief "b1,ends" which Willi· nnd the ' work ()f extermln lltion w ilt be clutter or rlowel'lI; ~a ld 'gl'e n ~l'aSB you do for him! What man would- sold for 35 cents 8 pound was com· k ept up ti ll there 18 ,n o foke mlulng ~' G Good e nollgh for he l', and plan tl' n'l? An' he's afraid to give Y-;IU flO posed of 65 Iler cent. broken colfee, or 011 or pla ntation companies ID op. of trouble to lake cure of. I like much 1111 a wOl'd 0' thanks tor It t(}r 14 per cent; chicory 'and 31 per , cent. e ratlon . Buying stock s In a fall' maT' som ething real brIgh t an' heel'fll l my· fear you' ll find Ollt he DeVel' h ad It ,roasted oats. Oats are worth about k et is a risky business, but when lhl' l'6 self, an' J'm glad to see YOUI' t!lste berol'~ an' slllck' Ull on It. If e Vt)!· . 40 cenls a bush el. It TeQulres not are sch() tnel's to Rtllck the cards funs the same way!" a man lVo'S better off without a woina.n much figuring to show bow much the against the Inv estor. there Is not a Ev rytlii ng I ~l tha hOllse cll lled 'for that mall was JosIah Sllran;IY whe n custom ers ot this bl'i! nd of colfee al'e ghost of a ahow fO I' him. comm ent, ~lld always brOllgllt ' forth Juli a' pnssed BlVny! Lun'd ! Slle neVtlr \laying' for th eir "ants," There are Factors In C'ommerce. o.pprovul. Miss Mntly was so nIled gl\' him a pi asn nt word nor a pleas, dozens of concerns In the country who Qu ite oUe n the statemQnt Is made with amnl1.ement lit lhe things Mrs, do II. large business th rough wome. D ant look, so far aa J eyel' heu.rd; a nd that the revolutionary melliods of tbe Keene was re veailug, Ilowever , that she nel'er did ono thing i~ make 1I1.m a gents who work tor lIremlums, . nnd present time Dlcan the cutting Ollt of she almost forgot to be glad at the comforlable, ]f she Wlls my ,Ol\rn first , wh~ give cheap preI1llutUs with the tlte mldd lemon. 'rhe l'e seemB. upoo lady's words of . praise. But It Was at COliS In a hlllldred times o\'er, I'd goods sold.. 'I'here Is barely a s logle I!ll /lper I hat she r~ceh'el the greatest ha ve to say It-she was JURt abou t as one at these concerns who handles pure only A aupe rllclal exam ination an d stud y, that this may be t rue. But 'sbock of the day. , mean a. ' woman a s eVllr dl'e w bre~th goods. Thel's Ilre eftOl'ts being made " Land, YOII must think I' m co'mp'ny, ot IIle;" an' hel'e you are settln ' hE~r now' to have the', postal nuthorltles tor- when th re Is a most careful anal ysll made of conditions, It 10,o ks plain puttln' ft6w e l's In the m l.tJdle or the up above your mantel to go an' wo": 'lid these conce rns ~e use ot . the that there can be no system that man table," e'Xp laln ~d the first Mr's, Spran, Vnlted States malls. shlpl" can devise that 'will take the place of ·zy'S oOIl t;ln, when Miss, Matty sum. She was so Intent tlp'o n unbul'den!ng the middleman. Methods may cbaDse. monea h el' to Ihe little dining foam. Neat Trick Played by Robber •. Even the character aud the work ot "Not but .wliat I like It; ] like to take her. mind that .s he hat,! not :npllced It , VIlli . cElrtalnly reprehensible. a little pains for , folks myself, and 1 the tlgllre: standl!!g In the room M· thougli, one cannot but amlle at the the mIddleman, the distributor: ~.y ' like to be the one ' /1alns Is took ' tor. yond. At hla unexpected' arHval bot.h ,bold trick pla.yed by hltlt a dozen men change, but the.r e will always be 8 But Jlllia wasn' t that kind , was' she', women looked up In amazemer.t; but In Parlll " few evenings ala. Tbese In- place for him. He would be a thin. Joslab? Whul? Oh. yes, I aln'.t saYln' belo'r e even Mrs, Keene could s peult, dividuals rang at the door. of a private of the past long ago If a more ,econom. ,but what ,Tulia was a good woman, Miss felt herself clasped In heir house, . and bef(}re 'llie ' lIervant could Ical means ·could .be found for the cen. ' husbant,!·s ,,(ms. an' m~' own couBln, too; but I gUeIIS announce their arrival the leader ' had eral distribution. of products. H'e II When ,he leI. her go, Mr. Spranzy your . second does better by you. tanned' an official IIcarf aod introduced the handy man or commerce. He can. Miss Malty, this brow~ bread , Is as stooped ,d own and awkwardly k1ssejl 'llmBelf DB a pOlice " commls810ner, not ~e well .relegated to the junk good as any . 1 ever ' et, It not better : her. lei zed about 11,000 w.hlch was lying beap. He IB here to Itay; and wm but you oughtn't ' a' mude It eSll.eclally . "I'm ~llghty glad you know It. ]\fad 1n the table' 8", stakes' In a game 'ot, stay 88 long as the wheela of caul. ty," he , whispered. for me!" lOker, anll saying he would' not meree and progress turn. MIss; Matty, put bdtl! arms about 1)1.& rouble the' host and his' guestl It was onl)' the dflllirability of samplinG the excellence of the meal that neck, and drew hill head down tID <0 call at the omce. that ' evening, Dr., FI~ Will - Retire from HaNard, Dr. Reginald Heber F1tz, Hersey proga,,'i' the Itldy pause ; but . Mlsl' Matty hers, "0 Josy!" she cried. Dut would be obliged If they fessor of theory and prll,Cllce of bad Il chance to say : "ould do 80 ' the nlU:t morning, On Sunday morning Mr. Sp! anzy polHely departed; When tbe 1I111yerS pbYlllcs "t ." larvard Medical 8chool, " I'm real glad YOIl like It, MIs' K~n e. I make It fresh every . day, WIlS (he first downstairs. HIs wltla 'umulJy called at the 'office tJle nnt has resigned his chair. Dr. Fl lz wll\ for Mr. SIJr&nW's us ed to It that WilY. found' the fire burning when sbe camla ~ay their visit created visIble .surprlse, . ret ire from the IIchool on Sep lemb e~ -1, under the new age limIt at 65 years. 811' ) \I'llllt to do everything just like down l\'-tor. At brenkfast Mrs. Keenla lDd they learned to their dlagttst that looked questioningly tow'a rd Ii. ba~a thIs police commissioner of the night Qr. Fltz' II regarded by maDY authorl. she did!" Mrs. K ene ,laid down her buttered spa'c e ove .· the mantel. Mr. Spran-zl7 before had trIcked thell1. and their tt.. as the most eminent physician In ' , 1111 e of brenl, and looke d at MIs8 looked , too, and said: 51.000 had been carr-led 017; by a gang the United States Blnc;e the departure Malty, th(,11 at Mr. SpranzY, "r thought I'd send the crayon' llO r. af IMeves. So. much for playing poker of Dr. OslCl' for England. He Waf bom In 1843 aud haa been Hersey pro. When Mr. and Mrs. Sllranzy went t rait of J'ulla to her sillter In Nashua l; IUd haTing an 'uneasy conscience! . fes!or....a1nce· 1892. up to bed thllt night, no word was I thought maybe she'd like to have It." I<llul;.en bel\100n theon, nor did Mr. Foreigners' Attsndlng German 8choll'" '·WhY. yea," t;ald Mrs. Keene, There were 3,869 foreigners lit the Bl,raoZy ruellt I:IB \ ' Ife's quesUonln~ ant1y. "1 don't know IJut Bha wcnnn. " lennan unlver.s lUea durJug ille 'i¥Jnter 81- AI Ihe days pasallll, he became Miss Matty ouly looked at her 'Bm8Jtera, constJtutlq 8,3 per C8:li.. or ."ldeuUy dllpresReti alld ""Eo",; He band wltla adOrlq and bJ:aa'nd tie tot~ !'tt~cJance.
For thirty yer,rs Lplh E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound, mad ~ from roow and herbll, bas b n the, standard remedy for femaJe ills and has po!1iti veiy cured thousands 0 women who have i>e n troubled with displa m nts, intlemmation, ulce ra. tion, .fibroid tUmors, irre~lIJllritie " pel'jodie pains, baoknch , tnnt h ar· ang.down f cling, flo.t ulf'IICY, indigo • tion,dizziness,or non-ow; ll rostmtion. Why don't you t ry it ']
Mrs. J;>lukhnm Invites nll sicJt 'Women to wrJ.ta b e l' for ndvlc:.,. She hilS gul.\ed thou 'Bods t~
health. Address. Lyun.l\Insli.
8TOPPED TO SALUTE HOGS. One Man at Least Grateful to the, Source of Hr. Wt!a lth, "The Interpreter" In fil e Ame rlllll Mliguzlne says of a r esllecttul fatbe r be once knew: "Isn't It time we took olf ollr hats, and thanke d thi s pleasant land fOI th'e good thlllgS It has done for U8 by go: Ing on patiently covering li p our bllln· uers, rectifying our mi stakes, and responding cheerfully ,to our every 111' telllgent ertort ? "I knew a man out west who hab the rlg bt Idea about It. His b thar had made a great fortun e In the pork packIng busjness. The belr was n ot ::Iufted .up by his millions. Long after he had grown accustomed to the Uloney and might reasonably be x. peeled to look down on butchers, If , ln walkin g hi the country with his chll. dren th ey saw a drove of hogs on the road , li e would make his little boys Bland at attention and take olf th Ir hnts. 'J WM!. them to r es pect th .. SOUrel'S of wealth: he 8a1d ." His Elusive Memor.y~ ElU/l!oyer-'Yllliam. did that mila. wh o call ed to see mo while I was out leave his nurn e? , Shag y· Hlllre,' Office BOY- Yes. sir; his nllme i, -Is-well, th e laRt part of It Ie "oha \\'," ' , EDiployer- What's the fi rs t part ot It? omce Bo), (malting a 1j1 1'e lluOU9 pt. tort 10 r cu ll It)--Well , . ir, II 's Itller Grim, or Hawk, o r Hen, or Brad, or Fan , or K r., or Rick. but to save my bloorq/u ' IH, Mr. 'ro~n . e,!<l, I can 't: rem mber which. FIT THE GROCER Wife Made ,the 'Suggestion. A 'grocer has 'excellent op portunIty
to know the effects of spechil fooda on his cus tomers. A Cleveland grocer hus a · long list of c ustomere tliat have been Iielped In h eal th by lea\' lng olf calfee and 'usIng 'P ostunl Food Co lfee. He says, regarding his own el'l1erlence : "Two ):ears ago I had beelS drinking colfee, and muet, say that I was almo ~t wrecked In my n erves, ' "Particularly In the morl;lng I wu so Irritable and upset that J couid hardly, walt until t.h" coffee wa .. Aeryed, and then I had no appetite for breakfast, and did not feel like .at-, tentUng to my store duties. . "One dllY my WIfe" suggeste4 tlial Inasmuch ·as 1 i 'as sellln* 80 much Pas tum there must be some ml)rlt In. It and s uggested t hat we tr:' it. I took homo a package ' and sb 6, pre. pared It ,acoordlng t o dlr.actlons. !fhe re ~ ult was a very bUIIP~ one. 11'y ne.rvouBness.grnd unlly 'u lsan liear(.d aria today I nm nil righ t , 1 ~O U11'I "d~IBe evel'yon e afflloted In any Tlay with nervous ness or 'stomaCh troublel1, to . leave otr t'otree and 1I11e Postllm Food Oelfee." "Thero's a Reason." Read "Tho HOlld to Wenvllle," Inpk,s. Ever read the above Iltt*r? A one appea,.. fraln tIme to thne,,u lne, tru ...nG nail e'~ hlf,II'.,tt. ·iii. .; tel'''I.
NO CHJTSIDe. "GRUB" ALLO~I:D.' DEFENDS HI' CLAIM. 111 IcI In his band . . and tIl!\ ' Im-rant tUl'tlctl dt'kr l'dly 8.WIlY. Jl (j Wil li tIIo Rl gld Rul es A 9ai nlt B ringing Food Dr. fhnd I ns l,cts He Was First >to IOYIlI a foll o wer of tlie prnpl.l"l. 10 it .. I·nto Big Apartment Hotels. V olunteer in W ar IYI '61. from him. If he was to Jlorlfi b. b e wou ld II(>rl~h wI h hlrr . ~ ·: t he ft'lt r nr· rr 'yOIl II\' e hy l hl" 'I'fi r In uno of , lIhmltting a r,IOY of all nOll]lwlt taln th ul t n r ('Inllln 10 Dn~r,nll In fLnl BOYS' SHIRT .... AIST. tb eso faa hlona.hl 1l\llu'llI1tont holC'l s whlr h slli(. 111111 he I'ollln:eo.r rl ;VI I c rtalnl y Cull Into lhc hauds of lb· !Ir.~t rUrt Nol 11a, PI I,hl, S,rit. Arm1. ·SyrlulIlI. I . tb;\t 1'1111 a r 'H( nllmll~ In ('lI llneot ioll a solcll !'I' III lill' rl vll wnr al lIulavla. wi t h tilt> r ooms. YtlU can nut ull tDOLl ~. Y . "wll hlll 'I £' II min ul s "rr nr t ho "1' rh apfl Ih e T,nrd will YI:>t Sf'ncl my STORY BY THE "HlCHWAY AND 11110 ,)'0 II' «11.11' ('I'. on IIPI'II or your 1II:t:l[QI' Ilway ." thou g h~ th e yo ung 1,111111 1'''1''<') 1'1 111' Ill{' I !flgl'um 1\1111011 11<111117 BYWAY" PREACHER to hl ms If 8S tbo Il Clt'I'llOOn w ore away ; lire. "l l)S Ih " l' 11 \V York 'l'eh:grlllJh . P r('~lrlr' ut Ll"t'nln 's c all for vol llnteors. 'I'h , 1'0 i ~ a h lg 11111OWn hOI I. of lhe April lfi. IN';l ." ~ }r. 'harIN; 1". Rnlld " I he l' III yel Unl ." A DES P ERAT E CHANCE. belli clnss. whose I al-i a pl:OI' l clc that !'l·(-(. l\l l y mllde "I"pl y to t h ~ tafpml' n But th t' I>rojJhr r maillNI hun" with I'oom i l',lI3l' l'S Il1U ~t cat III lile r Olilnll· of ) 1r. :1. '1', 1,'o\'(J. wbloh U.IIPCllTe d ill '''A'.~~...'J 1\!1\',,'t~~! ~.~ ~.~y.*"h'. ;':.-'·?1~!.;·..~ . . . . .~ ~; W. %:'-;'f. *"rft~ his r.M lil n/r olld gaye uo slg ll tilllt. !Ie Story of A mos Ch a pm n. Scout Under th e ' \III (la y Swr. fIofr. Fo!,,1 r l alrlled would til> Ilu ght but r emulll w'! rp h e I·ant. !'I:lny o f t hem lilHrc"ga rcl this Gen . Mil es . ~ SERMONETTE. ~ was. Th e yo ung man wnu;h",\ him el au ~ " In I.h"lr I naes. uu d sO lll e of \ ha I t hr, h l1nor of h IlIg t he tlnlt. vol · with ruillllg h eort R H tho e\'t'n I II!; thrll1 o]l l'n ly oa k food Inlo l h elr apar t · 1111 1"(11'11 In th 11'11' war h ' lol1 l;lI to " moR Chopln /lo was 1;; )'Nlrll ,ln ~ov· Iho l\alilJnal Hiflps or I h ' U isnict 1: L ions of evil I n the w ay of ;;~ IIhudo ws heglttl to fu ll . H ~ nl)tQjJ t! p mrnbl. Till " ha s b oon £tollPcd by the ol'nm lit OIl1loy as a SI"OIl I Ult I hI' of ColUlllhla, and no t 10 D r. ·ltauc!. I.lS th e Christi an a r e always ch{lined ; ar n st look upon tho Jlro r,)',eL'ij fnce' I lIlIna ,,~r. who h as order d tll at all I f he Is w alk ing the pathwa y ?o 115 he I' ad along nll\1 Ihen he saw a bOHI( ts 01' 1)1'1)1'1 I os bl'ough t to the J)ialn s. Dllliug his Uffl of <:OIl ~ l nll 1. l'laimcll by hi11l . I n r pI )' Or. Ilund P I'll 'and xpo~urt'. 1\'1'11 s M r. Ha llllnil ~ marked out by God. ~ lOOK of tl'iu.l Illlhtlni j o' fl 1\5h f flrrh . ond ho.;\()lI'y sha ll 1)(' turne.l bn k. Rays: J>u ITi~h in '''fhl' G,.elil Plain"." one ~ ' It tak es the eye of, faith to sec '# hoa rd him xt:lnlm und er hi s IHCMiI : A lu wYl'r !Ol d me th at th e botel mnn " ~I r . .1. T . F ord hos given ac urat eor his most. bernie .lePeIH wus I,,· r· ~ th at th e resources a. nd power of ~ " It i God's word. 11e wI ll nu t wnR ('ollrting u'ol1h IO- Ihnt a t enant In Iy my I'C' o l'd KCel1t lu lWO f llCIS whi c h ' form f'd while he 1"11.'1 b eRrin g d i s· ~ God are al",:,ays greater than. ~ rail! .. a hnl el had :l r l~ hl t· III I! an ything I 1'" .. 1 IL I ~ n ccessar~' i.o expl aill . M r . ~ t h ose of t he enemy, ;'1: "l1u th Gorl Fen t t h ~e worrl til go In hb; 1;0(111\ he fll ('a ~rli , MO I hat he co'm· l lat hC's fo r Gvn . Mil II fro m hi s ('flIlI P F'orrl says ( was enroll ed May 1. 1 86 I. 1'(> k t o Call1il SI\pp l y. pJlr'd w ith th· pr ovision i n hIs I caso on M cC I lIan allli IlII1 " t Npd in M ay 13 nt E lm i ra. The foreea of eyil neYCI' 7f. Ihi lher?" NlJ.lPl'ly l' ,~c luim d t h YII\lug :; c rowd in 'so close upon the soul ~~ mun, ilr(>uklng' In U pOIl th E) llh<>l ·i! Iha l. hI' ~ ltai l (10 no coold nK In his l n el lan T l'l'ltOI'Y . T he «isllmch pal·t y whlr h Is trll as far as Tl11I ~t r ing In consl st ' ll (If six l1I ('n. Enrl y·· (n I I'll' · as to preyent God's hosts com· \: r oveI'I . . 'tparllll c>n l. .Iu st t h otlte'r day a man 1;OCS. l In avill I s a li lllull \'I ll age 1I!'1 C1 '. Ing In I;>etween. ~ "Nay., we allall r l'll1ul n hem." D ~<I WUH ca"g ht bl'in ~ lnr; a hOlti fl of milk m orning . anI.'!' a ha n l nl ghl 'S rill '. w e IIld lIot rals a compa ny In ooe •• A fact for the Christian to th e prop het r olled liP his JI" Pf l \ 'u~ In (o th e f ro nt rlOll 1' and was reque!'t erl th ey werr:" Hl lIJdellly /lttac.:k~d Iloa ,. t ho clay. May l. 62 mon w 1; lIIust c l'e(!. W;u;hll a. rll'!' r by -a. llan.1 of 01"1' a • rest on : "The angel of the , ~ scroll all(! l Ilac II II In th o 'bol;o m of 10 I('a I'e t he pla ce. ' . ~ n rl- w e \I'fl r" two w oks In r oisl ll g t he ~ l.ord encampeth round .about - his manti . H harl b (,E' n r e ad l n ~ tb o 'fila rClnillll s m e fi r another nptowD hlll1c1 n ' d I :lOWlL an c! ('o mall r. h o w ar· <'0 1111"111 ), . \\'e co uld not be recog ni zed 'lhll5 des -rlilC's U f; Roldl ' r~ IIn tll w e were nlUsLElreci i a. ~ t he m that f ea r him and de ll yereth ~ Psalml; o f D aVid . and ha4 f all en upon hot el whlrh was fill ed wHh f amllie1l rlo r s. Cllilt. D odl' .~ them ." ~ 1ba ~ 110I'U" 1l whlrh I'carl : '''I'he an~ I and whi r h had a rl ~ id rill t hat n o one whal rollowcd: wilith wa s 011 Ihat dill . ' " e ha(! The flrll t Intl m(ll Ion or the prcRPnco III I hilI. lim e 110 Illn cn In til servi ce Th e peace and. assuran ce tba't ~; DC tbe ToI,rd encamp til r oun d IlhU llt ~ ho uld cook In an apartment. It b e~ - t hem t hat tl)ar him and dIJIl I"'mt b i!; th at fact brin gs: "Though an 7/: ('a!lle I( noll"n. hOIl'61'er. tbat t h e patron s o f In dians W IIS u yoll T w hI ch wa ll Il tl· :'Ind liad 110 3.sslglln lenl. We waited P arIs Pal l rn :<:0. :?3:l7. All Seaml! or lhe pi a e were c o okfn~ r! h t along. cd' v 1')' ma ll in t h e pAr ty. In an in· to S 0 If I h(>re was tl vacancy In ~, host shou ld encamp against me. ;' t1l m. " 'I'h l' w ord s seemod 10 fla sh stant tho h ldlllll S ullpearell on a.1I h • • my ca rt sha ll not fear; though fOl' lh 1\ m ssus to hi s own hear t In A liowpu.- fJar k h lue pongeo has heen n Id th{'rl' wa s !TIu',1l siolltll lng on till) som e r ('glmenl thnt WIUlled I\. omi?, war should rile agal nBt me, In ~'t 119 h on r of n l'·'d. It wss cno u ~ h . And us II for lhls sl mpll Bhll·t WII l st. The pa rt ·of th mann ement anel empl oye s sides. IHltl y 10 nil ou t. A t la st ne ... s came DlimlOlInting and abnndolling th II' • hal t h e Tw ·Iftll New Yurk th is will I be oonfldent." · ;~ as h e w ont ubout hi s or lIamtlu lls for tUl·II·clo wn co l l~I' of the material Is to n nd (lilt wbo the guilty ones vollln· '"' 'The unsee n fnrces of God are ~ r Ilrlns fur the n Ight. a fter th II' slm· m ild s parnt e f ro m tIl \! ahlrt. 80 t hat were. Tbe g uiltiest Dl nn of t h lo~ hOI·lles. th e brav e han d or whltl's t I' ~ . at SYI'~CUS • need d lit. IlU ll w e moved I' fo r a Il lllldrl'ld Yllrds io eyor on guard , lo.t evil come ()I l~ m eal was Ovrr . he k ept r epeating It mar be worn wllh the pl ain whIt e l(1olted th e mORt In no ent. and In wern mU lltcl'ed Ill to that l .lglm nt n i gh thy dwell i ng. IInftn Elon. ' If III' rflr red . narro w ord r to covel' li p hi s n efarious a blllTnlo wallow. a f\ hullow ulIllIral M ay 13. All 'omplIlI Y K. th words ove r Ilp ftly 10 hlm l)etr : Syria's mighty army wall bilt ~; " Th an gel ot th Lorll tll' Dmpeth belt Dlud of II bins blilld of the !lHlle· work ,h o lodgcd a cOl11plal n l with dep rc8slpn In th e prairi e. .. My cl aim a s lhe fir st voilllJteel' In 3: II puppet In the hands of God. tff. I'Olll\1I ahout. thum LhoL f ear Him to l'lal Is Rlit ctwcl !\Io !l ~ th e waist lin e. an d the managpr. In \'Ir;orous language. Chllpm an and Di xo n. b e in~ hnt l he :WIll' of t h e r ebellion bns nevel" bill ton !! ~e wed to t his helt at regu lar th at some fine was cookin g arounrl sli ghtly woundod. WQI'k d luuel an d bo n dl sllro\' ed and nev er can b , 110· What foolll God made 'of those ~: deilver tb m." fa st til d el l n this d ClIressl on . 1111(1 I ss 80me olle ca n gil' h Uer vidence ~>'" m ighty men .of war as like ~ lIe f el t .as Ihoul!;h God hhn " plt had Int r va1!. hold Ihe trouser A In pillce. t he hOll s . and tha t he WOA much os soon as I t w us sumel n lly d p to thnn 1 can sh o w. When t hat Is done sheep they wore led Into the ~ spok en 10 him and. r eslln!; in t h e Iler- 'l'ho ]Ilaln sll i r l 5i yes nre gathered dlstl.ll·b d by t.b sme ll of food. trap Got forthem by the prophet. ~ recl a ~s u ran ce tha t OOd w ould not Into narro w ull's of the mater ial and . 'I' h!s wall In the aft rnoo n. and that afford sa m cov r . I~ W illi occ llpled . l ' will gladl y yi eld ~he ' pallll . M en, Surely God "bringeth the coun· ;~; fall h i li!. h e Wll llt to Ijh~C I I. th shirt fasten s lit the ceut~..·frunt very night th e I' wos an odor or cook· 1\[1(1 t hu wOl'k conUnu (I from wllhln . 3. numb I' ot tb em. claimed to h ave SmlLh h nd fa llen fro m h is h o rse at volunteered I mmediatel y attcr SUllller sels of the heathen to naught: ~ Not SQ wllh t h servant. LiUl 91 ep wlL h sJUall pal'l bu l lons. . The nat · I n g II t inough til · fi rth flopr. 'file he maketh the device. of the % came to quiet his t ro uhled hearl . Tn tern 111 adaptabl e t" any w ashable rna· maouger got a porL I' ancl clerk . and t he first fire, and wo a .l)lIllposed to De WIIS nr d upon. which ~o doubt people (evi l) of none effect." ~ Imaginati on h e lll ctnred tbe Ilrmy of the t orlol and I!; hol h 8erv lcel bl e a l. d Ilrac· a. pass k ey. Is tr ll e. in which case th ey wer e They traced the odor ,How wonderful aeema th is ~ Syrians gath !'Ing about the city. and tI ca l. Th e pattern I s III seven slzes- rl~ht. down t o one door and sortly uo· days ahead or me. Th ey t hl' IItory of Go.d'a ho.t~ coming to ~ 08 a ca slonaliy h e would drop orr Into t!lr e to t1ft('!en y aI's. For n b oy of lockl!d It and rushe d In . Th ere stood enli sl ed I n th e militla. There w ere nln years th e wai st I' quiI'. 5 2~8 the deliverance of EII.ha, but It 'k a ftUul sle p , he wouid dr am t.hat t b e no voluntee rs at that' tim e. t he :man who hacl ompialned wllh a · is no more wonderful 'than 'the " r dl(! not volunteer until war was wh pl orlllY wi t h spears before Ul em yards ot m aterial 27 inches wid e. or l on g fork In hIs hand and a gloating eKperJence which may come to ~ we~ closin g In u[lon th em. And tht" 1% ~' ard 36 Inch es wide. declared. and volunteer s called f or by 1001, in bI ll yes as ho watch ed 'four To prncure till!! pAttern set\d to cents el/ery child of God. Positively ~ he would start up and flnd th at (!ark· PI' sldent 'Lincoln the 15th ot A'prll, t o "Pall'rn D('Ill1rlm ~ bt." at 'this pnp cr. l arg(! pork sau sages sizzl e lind fry In no evil can befal.1 the bne Who 1861. The mllllla wa s call ed hltO n e88 sU II prevailed anll thl1t all' was \VrfI Q nam and uddr d plllinly. and be a pa n o ver all oll·stove fire. Is abiding In Chrl.t aava that~ ' quiet about. and h e would lie dowo Buro lO g"'e Sill" () nd numbor at Ilaitern. servl c b efore 1 volunteer ed. The _. whiCh II to ~he honor and glory • agaIn liPan hi s cO\lch. Thus th e nigh t ThIrd battalion of the NaUollal Same Old Price for Sparrows. of God and the furtherance of NO. 2397. passed . and just b fo r e t he da \vo wae ' SiZE ............... .. RII1!ls. wblch was called Into servt.cs R IV. Simon Turpl e was an eloquent the GOlpel. With what aublime ~ hreakln g he agaIn dro p\i d orr Inl o a April 9 , was sIx days ahead or me. speak r. !lilt h Ree med to have a list , courage did the realization of ~ trouhled sloep. This lime he dream ed N"CllE . .. ..... . .. .. .. ....................... .. This cla im I s good- I acknowl edge the of serm ons. whlcb ; wb 1\ he once be· • this fact flil the apostle Paul and ~ that the rulers ot the city had selzee! raet. but it does not In any way Inter· 'l'O WN ..... . . .. ... . . : ............. ... . ... .. .. ll. h 'w ent d ght t11ro\l gh to the . ga · send him fearleaaly Into every ~ h,l m and his master In a ns w er to the f er e wltb my claim. They wer~ a!, end. and tl) en starled al the flrst ser· danger . and evary lufferlng, ~ demands of th e Syr ian g noral snd S'l'REE'l' AN·D 2''1'0 .. .................... . r eady In the serVIce before tbe Wllr man again . ' and so on. . ~ even unto death. It was ' tho op ened. . hAd carried tbem to the w aIlS of t he S·rATg .• .. , .. ... '... ... ..... .. : . ........ .... . A you ng man in Lhe congregation realization of thll fact which ~n· ~ city and t h en thre w them orr' tho '11 gb "I hope tbls explanation will cop· was about to 'leave fOI' South Africa. : abled the Christ to turn upon P,I, .~ paral'et into th e hand s o r tb~ wultl ng vince Mr. Ford that I was the OMIt vol· but the Sunday before be departed h e . late al he bouted of hll ~ soldiers below. He awoke to flnd unteer In the war of tbe rebellion. I CIRL'S AND 'CHILD'S HEEFER. attend d the church serviCe. power to crucify him and calm· think t he war department r ecorda that th t error ot hill d ream had the course of his lecture the mtn· 1n Iy . declare: "Thou ' couldut ~ cuuB e ~ 111m to throw blm elr from bl s sh ow no volunteer, wh08e medal was i stel: used 8.n · Illustra.tlon In wblcb hay e 'n e power at all against dat d prevlou 8 to April 18. 1861. 't he cOllch wllh a 8tatt and lle had !anded were the words: "A man can (laslly me, except It were given thee ~*:_. lipan the floor. H e' was all a·tr mble date of my medal. '1 will also yIeld pnrc:ha" e Lwo swarrows tor three · from above." t h at point I t 'better evidence 184' pro· and the cit: 11m seemed so r eal that h e penee." The Chrlatlan who feart be. look d abou t to ~ IIss nr hlmseH that. duced t h a,ll that here pre8entell." . The young ma~. after bei ng absent fore avil not only dllhoriora God ~ he was not In the midst of a. h Olltll1ll fol' 'abollt thre years, r eturued, and "Now, Boys. Keep ThO-Ie Infernal : but ,provel traitor to the caule army. But no. In the light at th e THE ARMY CAT. agal.n on the first . opportuni ty attend· ~ of Chl'l" In whlah -he hat en· Redsklnl . Off." ,el\rl y m ornI ng he cou lcl Ree his .m as: ed dlvln'e ser.Vlce. Strange t o ssy; lie "" lilted. t el' stili sl eepi ng ol'or lher peacs· b eal:d the same nllrrati ve by the same dead . Ohupman said : ·'Now. boy s. Not Generally Known Thst Tabby I. ~ We need to ' offer the prayer <I: full y as wh en he had l ain down th & Regularly Enll.~ed. . minister. th phrase st rikIng blm ke II thos Infernal redskln s orr m e. ~ of Eillha: "Lord, open thou ~ nl gh ~ heloT'. and all w ithout Wll and I will run down and pi ck up most b eing nhout tbe ··two :Sllarrowl mine eyea," In order that we 'I: quiet . . When Maj. Gen . Merritt 8alled from Smi t h, anll bring hIm ba ck before ihey for I:bree pence." , may lIee the mighty forces which " a nt th e 'army must he about th. San Franci sco h e asked th.e govetn· At t.he close of the service the min· can get ot m e," are .at our commilnd In the flgh"t city!" he exelalme[J to hlm selr. "Oh. Layin g down his rifl e h e SIl1':lng out ment authori ti es for three cat8 to I ster. In bls courtesy. came and shook ' agaln.t sin In our own IIvCl and T know w e canllot escope!" and. ru sh. Probably the trIo han ds with the you t h, and w elcoming ot th e '*lIlTalo wallow. l'al1 with 011 take to Manila. ~ the evil In the world. ;:1: Ing forth. h e 8~raln e d his eyes to ~he him b ack to bls b ome. a8ked him It speed to Smith. seized and alteml)ted of Amerloan t elln es are bow teaching ~ Not only did God give light ~ I' bill s withou t t h o ci ty. With a Yank ee' bablts to t heir ml ~gtll d e d fel• h e noticed any change a bout the to should r him . . ~ to the young man 10 that he ~ " I lay d"wn." snld place. baQmall. " and low s of lhe Island8, for it was Maj. · • could lee the Invl.lble forcell ' . wild cry h e rusb ed bac\<: Into l h'o hOUSe and . faillug down In terror by The young man. evidently quite un· got his c hes l ac rOSR m y back 1111<1 hi li Gen. M er r ltt's Intention to scnd them prese(lt to but ha 'shut The cats coneJerD d, replied In a pawky ton e: arm s ('Qund m y lIcck , alief t hen gal allhore when h e landed. '~ the eyes of Syria'. mighty men • the sIde ot bl8 master'l} couch. , ho 'Shook him , ud!! ly. crying the wllile " Aye. mnn. t her e'll two ,01' three uj'l wi t h him . Jt "'lIS as milch UB I from t b e commIssary depot. all : 10 that they laW not whither : that the hosts of th e Syrl81ls we re cb ~lnges; but there'E\ y.l n thing 1 can could do to sln ggC! r IIl1del' him, for JessIe street. San Francisco. : their way took them. How 11m. 1!l)on th m. I t Is not generally lruoWIi that the see. the price o· spa1TOWS Is ay e at the he co uldn' t h ill him sel f a hi t. Ry , Itiesl are the powers ou~ God. " Al as. my niast r! How shall we , th o time 1 horl got 20 or 30 y ard s. !,'Uv emmllnt silencls seve,ral t housand· sam.e auld figg r.."-London TIt· Bit!!. · ~~·'~~i¥1\! r~~~~-H;¥-~ik"f~!:'A"'i. t. ..~..~.~~\.! do?" h contlnu ed, 81\ h e l ed ttl l) \Vn~' ab out 15 1-ndlu 1\8 cam ror m e at t ull d.bllarl! annually for t he malntenallce O'P cats. bu t t he account8 ot the to t he door ond pointed to the borRea ap d of theIr ponics," THE STORY. Squelching a pisturber. and th c hal'Jols' wblc h fill ed Lhe hIll· 'r he boys ' In th o buffaIn wa llow Uni t ct States d pot commissari es hAw, go chase )lerse' r !" bellowed a sides opposlt . I n ever y stor ehou8 tllere open ed on lh" Indians, and A mos ('On prov e It. MASTER, ned. mUlt ftee sarc:astlc boy In th e gallery. II I' from on e to fiv e animala-, and "Th ang I 'If the L ord encampeth rOI' It. lest th .king o,t Syria catch th e Prot. McGoozle. who was dellv ring "When T WIlS within a hon t 20 yar ds l h elr l'atl(1ll s aro 1)l'ov lded. iI.s oare· as a bird Iii a snare." exclaImed the round about t hem tbat tear Him to a s< h ola r ly lect\l r e under the au spIces calmly Blloke the ' of the wallow." he coutinued. "a 1It(le tully and r eglil arly a8 those of any at ; ser"ant of Elisha one day as he rushed deliver t I:)Ol,lI. " Parla Fatt m No. 2351. All Seamll of the Society of Social Uplifters on 01d scounell'el whom 1 bad f d 50 tim B th e soldi ers. -l nl'O the preeence at the prpphet. The prophet. at Our Molber t\.llowed.-Th l s jaunty little coat Is " The. Fl ex ibilit y They are not fed on scrap& nor &l'e "Nay, r ather. does It seem to be the. rode almosl· onto me and firM. I f ell -young 'm au was all out of hreltth with sui tab lo rllr piqu e. duck . linen 0[' In· Tongue;' stopped shorl ond glared at with SmIth 011 top of m • bU L as I t h eir Indl v ldllal tastes dl~regard etf. as 'bIB ru nnln!;. and In bl'Ok'e n 8 "tences h osts of Syria wblch arc ' ncamped dlan·head cot~on . The square collar the youthful o(fender. . al'e tbos e at the enlisted men. bu t Ibe went ou, to explain how he lla(! ubout us." , was the almost Impatient ·'A part· from the ru(!eness of ·th e In· . dldn't reel Ilal n. I t.hought 1 had th ey nrc allotted so man y Ilounds of and while turn·back cu ffe are trimmed . stepp ed In 'a hole. .ehanQed , to be paBslng thron gh the r ejOinder. wIth insel tlon and edgl'ng of wbl t e t erruptlon." he said . In cold. cutting, " The ]'lIdi:\ IIS co uldn·t ~t1l 1 ronnd cho-t e bee f ur a.ny other delicacy th eI r "Ah. bllt God's h ost s nr e ther e" 'cll1, '8 gate · 'as two 8tl'anger~ had en· ', Dod the garment Castens distinct accents, " nnll I ts totul Irreleembl'oider) Tho young mnn look od at 'the tb r e a minute. 'l'he boys k e[) t Ii r ed-, mill' desIre. Of cours e. th ey, .terl/\! nnd ha(! overheard them qnes· 111 dOl1ble·)reasted !! rret!t with small vancy. to the matter under dl~cu si!lon, hot; so I jUllllleti uP. Ol ck d 1111 Smith. may ha ve as much game. as th y lonln~ those standing' In the market nrollhct half fn w onder, half In fear. pearl hutlt-ns. It Is suitabl e f\lr shep' I wish to l\sk th e thollg htless "person wi sh. and th e storehouses seldom fall 1-!a(! his masler gone In sane that ~ e and got sa fe Into the wullow . 'lliace as 1.0 wh ther Elisha the pl'ophe ~ herd's pIal d or Venetiaa cloth. The who uttered t h ot basty and ill·consld· of "' Amos: Rqlli Dixon, 'YOII ;".,1 l.llldly to furnish 8.n unlimited SII[lply 'had come thlth r, Baying that they should talk tl1us. and be so IndlfTer n t pattern ill In (our sizes- two to e l gl~t ered exclamallon how Ii normally co u ' ral!; and mice. That the ca t t! save, ball Important tldlngl\ for hIm. and to th e certaIn destru ction wblch was years. For a c hild o f four y ea rs the BUllcted and h omogeneous human b e- hu rt: . mi.lllY times t heir cost of aUllnort Is .. ·~o , I am not,' saId I . wb on they had . received un aml'matlve b efore them? Ho saw the PI'Ollh t r e f er r equIres 3%. yards of ma(erlal ing can possibly c hase hlmselr! " w ell Im own;. as such supplies as crack· hIs eyes to h eaven. He saw his 11ft .. 'Wh)', look at your l eg!' and sure r eply. they made as though · they would Flavln g thll8 completely crush ed t he 20 Incb eH wlcle. 1% ya rd 36 Inches ets. ch eese. bocon. flour and m eal are liearoh thee out In the city. ntld then lips move. H kn \1/ h e was In prayer. wid e. 11k . ya rd 42 In ch es wille. 'or 1 HI pres'lIInptuous juvenil e, Prof. i\lcGoozle enongh . th e I g was shot 011 just above much 1I011ght ' aftel' by ' tll e roden ts. h y anoth.e r route they pa ssed out of Then. 8S h e ceased and on enee1 his y arci 54 Inches wide; 1'~ yard of Inaor · r es'Umed hi s l eoture wi th a perceptible th e ankl e'Joln t. !lncl l had ' been walk· All m en·of·w!!l· cal'ry cat s. Tllelr eye8 agaIn, he Ilol nted In the dli'cctton In' on th e bon e ann draggIng th e foot ·. I.he ~ lty and hastened ayay. , tim!' and a ~ yard); of edgin g to trim. note ot lrlub1ph !n hI s voi ce. b hlllil m e. and In the excitem ent ) u se fuln ess I s never more apparent' And :wby thlnkest tbou that they or the SyrIan hosts. prorllfe thlfl pAttern lIend ~O cants Tb e writet· was nel'er kn ew H , n or buvp,. I ever hall j han on sbl·p board. . The young mall lUl'ned his eyes In ·tt)To"Pntli!Tn 'w ere mlssarlell pf the ' Syrians?" Dcparlmen .... • of this paper . cI'oss!ng frOil! Anlweql'to N ew York Dandified D·Ann· u nzlo. . any pain In nlY l eg to thI s clay ," "'rile namo and aildr ';@8 plainly. and be that dl-recti on, and the vision that m e t -bkcd .the prophet. calmly. 11111'0 to give IIlze and number of pllttorn·. on the st eamship Southwark whlin. h e Siome of th . Germun l)aperS are . "Old not I follow them. Bnd noting hb astoni shed gaze made hIm faIrly Emigrant Mc.lley in Italy. was awak en ed by tbe 8udden stop· deepl y 101 rested In ·the wardrObe 0" Ithat they were making for the outer shout ~lth joy• . for beb old! the bill· Some stud ents ot emigration In [lIng of the ti hlP. an occurrence wblch D 'Annllnzio, the po et. ,The cu t of hIs NO. 2351. sides between th o Sy rian hosts and .SIZE ... . ........ : .. .. Igate to the city. ' r hastened tblther clot hes; th ey BllY. lhe )Inti ern of ' his I taly profess to b eli eve that !lui l arge hO\lpenlng In mld,ocean generally :anrl (rom a place of concealment nea; the cIty were Cull of the horses and Tbe pllSN .I\..1\m ••• • ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• , numerous vests snd the colors of his 8ums: of money anllually sent bacle by meuns somolhlng serlou!!. :the gat e 1 overhear(! them say" all chariots at fire of the Lord , cravats an:) among tbe vllal things In t~l e (! ml~ ran t s t o their famOles . or de- sengers rl!sl1ed on deck. llal t clad, and .they passed put tbat Syrla's army TOWN ................................ . ..... . -hiB lite. He owns 72 day sh irts and posited ~n t he ppstofflc ell. moro than w ere disgusted to learn tbat a rat would not be long In sweeping down Buoys Lighted by A~etylene. STREET AND NO ••. ~ .......... ; ....... . 12 dozen silk. and lisle socks lie In ·hls compensate fo,r the ~ vIl8 . Certainly having crawled Into the cylinder had I1pon 'the city. But we have time to The Brazilian lDlnlster of marine cUl,boards. His ha ts are legIon and In t.he n,on ey a n t bllck 18 a r ea l bene fit aaused th Q bait;. Sueb an accldellt on · ,fl ee . ere they come!'" exclaimed th e has Intereste d himself In the subject STATB ....,' .... : .............. . . .. ...... . .. .. eVElr), variet y of st)'le. His evening to the countty. as we have already a JUan·of·war In tIm e 'ot action mIght .young ,ma,o. Ills voice tre\TIbllng In of. lIIumlnat d acetyl ene buoys tor ' use clo·\hes. dinIng suits and walkIng ap· noted •. but WOUld . anyone be 80 short· be fe'a rtully, paid for, and an active . fear. on' the c~~st.. Tho type ' of . buoys Is 'JThe Law on Companaatlon. pal'el are made by the sartorial art· 81ghted as to con t end that an y amoullt- · cot · ls ' l ts only Ilreventlv.e.....,sIi) Frail"Nay,~ r ejoIned the llrollbet. un· that lighted hy acetylene whlcb will . Goog1e-That auc,U oueer has a lot Istl! of Rome and Paris. His und er· o( 1D0ney can r epsy a peuple for t h e -cisco ChronIcle. ,moved ,' "t.he Lord· sent UII to Dothan burn .coritlnuou/lly tor six months. The ' of wind. ' ' clothing Is ,of lhe fln est spun !ll1lc This brea1cln g up at familY. life, lowering of ;and h ere w e shall remain till he bids largest of the buoys Is situated at the 'Japaneaa:- tha Style. :' Halyard-He neellll It. department ' of his habilIments Is · saId 'moral staridard!l and cons equent physl· 'us /lio. 'CUoIlqOt God 8a"e U8 from even mout h of t htl Amazon and ,w elgha . It Is the f a.n cy· of the moment to Google-Why? to . have cost £ 00. His wal'droba Is cal degeneratIon ? "Man does not live tbe mIght army of Syria 1" comlliete abOllt 20 tons. The use of 2~ have ev erything Japanese. ana In one Halyard-Decausu his sues are ' said to be , more extensive and costly by bread aloDEl," espeel!llly ywhen that ···Ye,;;' reluctantly admitted the IIght8 of thlll character and vsrrlnll amall. bread III got a~ lhe ext,enso of nallonal j'espeot this lnay be commended. and th~ tbat of Pony mlillonalre living. .y otmg m~ his fears not 'b ) any !n 81ze, Is coutemplated ' at dlt'lerenl morals. The propl1et of old Is ~Ight. that 18 In' the arradgement Of Howers. . means . dispelled; "but hoW. It we · r e· 1!OIlIts along the ocean OQast. " Rlghteonsn ess exalteth a nation . but 'These al'ranged In the Blmple 8tyle of PrOOf. , Unconicioul Indoraement · main here while the arlDY deBcen!!s sin Is a r eproach to any people."-An · the orient, a spray to a vase. rnlgl1t' "You think COUIlt. . Fuca~" .fll honest Mr. Gl\b-D~d Y('lu sec. my Qe&t. tonlo Mnngano. ' In Charlttes and the have something to do with decreatilng upon tb,e city? The people of tha place ;'BIII Hat" NUII~nce. iD hlB de8tre to IIS.y his debt&!?" tbe 8.-"<tl'ava·gance that has been char- . ",1\1 deJlyer tbee. Into the haMs of the To tefrledy ·the "big hat" nuisance , "Certainly," an!!",ered the persoaal where 80me 8clentla.t BaY8 that people Commons. acterlstic ot florlll diaplays for · ..syrians to save themselv8B. and thou In Paris theaters the ' theater commit. tJ:lend. " hIs wish to marry an Ame~l: who are great t~lkers are In danger Lo.t Her ,Own 'C~le, , of insnnl ty? IRllt few years. It Is quite the fad ~uowest ho" .that the Syrian general tee of the municipal' council has dC1 can belJ'eBs pr~ves It."-Wauhlngtoa Mlu Annie Hall of Cincinnati. lieI've rice cakes and tea: preserVed Glib-Whit. a :crazy Id.ea! -Q11U! aWI/,U. that he will have thy lite clde~ ' to recommllnd dl'tstle actl.ln. Star. . danghte r ot the ArcUc explorer. re- g(ng I' and the nUlet' tblngs to wl\lo1I 101' the, lIIany ttlD" tho" . bast . deli"" The committee propo!letl that every eenUy det nded her own call e In a law· the Japanese ar~ partial . creel We king .at Israel out ot his Bn8.otator shull lIan : tb right· to resuit. and It'll! neces8ary to reillte th ·hands. It Is fOf tbee, that be bas peen quest the poJlce ontoer on duty In tbf The Retort Ap~pol. fact tbat she l\lIIt IL The case 'lYas ..earoblDK the land; and If he comll tbP.ater to call for tbe removal of any Old Moralist-Remember and mut before .lhe lIuI,reme enurt. and the man othlther how CUl thou bOI e to etKlape?" hat whlctl preY'enta an unoblltl'uctel1 .'. "'hI' tllOk tbe o(ber .fde made the bay while tho Bun shill.. will l'Iovld8. a way," 111&8 t::C' Vie" of the stage. U thfl wurer reTboughtless Youth-ob. 10 to ~ belt · *e-et leaa" 110 tb. court de· ~11l"dlellt ",pWA, an.d tho pTOpllet f . . . to CC)mlll, the Qftlcer . . , 0l'Il_
Practical Fashions
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Illl x. d III 11)(' tlrlT JI ~1 r 11l' ~1 1I "'" t il l"'" kllll \\'11 to,) g l vt' tit!' IWlllt
( 'IJIII'l tl" H I) (lflll ~ I I)I' :I;', 11 11 11 hlilld 1I ~1! 11111111 1\ ' " II ,;t l' U jjl\i ~lI I' u j ' - --, JJu:-\ t l'O til1l S l1 0111 n,,, "4 ,j' ,').. l h\Ve~1 'l'hr;>!-""r l' " IIlP Il~' "" Ilf ,' " uth L u l'hlHlII II lld l,lll , '. M ill~ lI ul lI:~ . (Ill I O I'4'I;t; ll llllli ll'o ti l l'. A ~qui t h bu, li'oll . A . H, Hl d ,' sprll\. ' 1I~ t!C U lI1p r'"IlI,;t'll /'l '~ 1 1t ... 2 1. l-iol1tll L l)II n OI1, H . ~, J:ill gf' /n illl ,. tLlwlI." !l lil ' U 'JII t ho r ig h t lin ' :; 8 .. a lld ;:t' ttl eli Wll h uut I· "(," I'I\. t ,'(· I'.I' 1" ,1 t i l ' 1( 1111 r nl 1(>(',1 rhlll lc'< II ";uVllIl l li" Lif,. 11 I" ("JIlI'''.~o '' , lIt o r e !o<troll" ly thlll i In: " I . t:s'rA1'!i1 T IU JI; ,. ... IC I1!'. l ~(' (1 r '-r 1:1 i ll l'~ ,.. \\' Ii , W II trll (' rp I CI !! I\' ,' ~ , tl l " fll('l l "1I ' I' TlHlIl FOR SALE I Il lll n \, 1~ II J!;h:<h "t Ht c m Oll , hi!l IIl1xi t"l' a t "I. m o lllll uf ,I>'f"I1I1'IIIII h~'I:' , 1'.1' 1'(lrlill d .. " Olh'€' 1' n . ~] 1~MiI 11in , Ii:lltt'l1n L t CT :\1, ' ('I~on n l' NnpJc!', 1Il11l t ,l IIIl1illt.1I 11 I h I. dol:' " I Ilml rei! n ul l. . II s ny. III II H 'I " ' LH ld tul': " I hn -" 1111,,\\,/,,1 ;tt\ III,y" t o Vlcut! , II 1'011 1., III !'f'llwartz's, 'With. Wi l hu r H o wlIl'(l :\11"!l1 (Ill€' , 11" 'll l..ll' KlII ~' " .\i , IV U j,'('Il\'I' r y " ~ I Ilf 'I'.' llIti,11\:-\ w llh f llo ult (I '1' 1(' ),fl !<i d l'J1 C'P til' III" Ilot cI :\ I )'~ l-\ I \Y m . II. Sppnc' v;: Philip, ptlUCI'. xlnl' v i'~ tr" AIt' XlIlHl tw. t'oeo li l~ H I tlHU1,V Y(,f1 1'~, ' fLl I' lIng h ,. 1111(1 (:o ltl!4, HIII I '. "pd'l ki n g- rl ll ri ll ~ Ih l' ~1'1I11 • . 1I11111a'd.UII .y wl l1l1·t "l'oIn 1'1' e lll!. /'.. lr• ll'J",. " II IC,", I I I'(\ II I' I It-. ,I . 'I' IW i,, 1 BOllnl o f H OIll. l\Ii ~"i o n " t)f Pl' e ~ lj,r· 1111'S' !lull .In lln H,ur,\' ;,\lil'sihlin€'. aucll fhinl If' .II' ,·d .l Il Y hln , Ihll'·I"'~h .\ n Hi\?, \11 " "I\ r , Ill' ",(i el: " ill.\' " J' 111' 11' " fu r l lHTf ic n!III'., inn chur 'h ii-< he r It)' ~ I'nll t!)d heir!! u f ,fohn h' , lis" ildi ni' t il \\ III fO lll111 It it J' IlHlrl:u llh> I' m llll ." r (ll: '~ " Jl\ IIIt1hll" iJr . IIItI huy o 'boen fl' l) II ' J . ::ih ul'\\'c II ri ll!! :tLlI1'gul'e t Jo.!. S lLur Lhl'Ollt, IIntl In n;.; l~ 'lll p lllllll ~, : U,Hl , I I 'f' 'st ' lti 'l'!" 111' (1 bOlll'til w!t ll l ~lIv( t.o nl e 'lD.; we r . wonld IW m o l'( ' b W ill huut " h,) tl io 11 II . , I I t " , ' . ~t.llte of Oblll vs \1,1 1Il ri , ' I,ll ),1),. . ,, (Iud lots i ll \VII~' ll ebv llll'. \V II I'l'OlI t,hlln 1 Wo ul d bp WI t.l 1 lit, I UIII1. " 111I' l Ull ed ht,d ,' ,," 111 h i) m tlll ,., 'c Ullly , :H HUll uthOl' CI)lI sill Tllti I)I ~, F'O L' nOIHly f Ori .\' 'yH'lI'~, )l1 W lH TO " · / I.' I1II11, 1 \Il~' I I( I , t lt l ! Am '1'1 I~II ull t i II J OI'IJr s 1111111 II fol' IW IIJ'in g "f ·r' ll< Anuu ul , 'a rt I' IInll i-i1)fIll C ' I' ~l. 6 1'j' ltu,; ~ t\l d nt.. th ~ llllllll 0 1 tllI'rIn WII" r :.1")f\tllIlg t u thll d 'nlllllt! ut 'PltC BA'I'K f' rl ' 111 ' IIrt e r , 11 I' lIusiJllnll, o t .HUlltlilml . uuu l mfl" l'oT1l l'dw". A':' 11L IIJI'{"I'n nr nl: j Oi h UlIlllnH" II ml II IJP l't,v , IIIHl \\'11 >' Nnli 'C to Fal'mers ' I I" lJ pn "\111 11 111 11" 11I 1I 1011 1' 1' () • Mi.s<)n r i, t Mouroe und ,Io hnston WBllk Inn ~" It 11 11, nu l! 1"111 H(1\I 1 !If'ltl ng II w ,lf' tlly XllLllpl1 t o til(! and F.stllte of J"he H, "~"" t1 !-1 tI 0 1\;; d, Cull ivat 1'::;, Hnl')'O\V _ . pllrt of !'oct,io o ~ o G in township ,I u nll , q:(n;ll'llll tl"' ll t, l>'I'cil l"ic; I\" ll l' t",'", I;; 1'1' /1 t lJl)'" I'S "" tho wJ) l'l d , . '(W Ell; . Inv ~ n to r ,V nUll upprn iSOlll e nt, m elt '1'oba~('o nrowers lint! Rn u ge", i\1 H , ~., 1,00. drug tar A, :,'1' II ml ,: l UO. '1'1'11I1 1i I:,:' I,('t , L' III t hl' <,.lllH ,r Oll I' , 11 0 J' " E tn te of Otlw 1!:"'anR d CPIIS rl 1 '\1 Plclnt I'" T 0 1 .1 11li~ V i l'g i n in 131' II1l e)7 t i L'IIT J. h ot- t,lo fl'(I(l. ,," ,I(','d ill tb( tlI' U\\' III "U lug "lll l' ul Inve ntory lind uppJ'lIi"em ellt, fil ed . e~ln oni1Ji8ret\ 1 ~ ttltoi n .r tnine viHe, J will thi s' wl'el, I'{'('l'ivt' my - - .... - ..... tlHII\Vl) :; r ~nt. jCug liH.ll -s]JQfl king l'l\ oe~ Tnm 'plan L 1'5 • l(' 1an I Estate of David 0, Ureen , d e ,(l ,O . s;>I'lind eHt' luad (II' '<\lItOIl , 0" FO RE l'-iT ' '''lil t ' ' ' 1111 1'0 g' u:,t, ll f tI'1I 1ISC' 19 0 1, 'll cAused, Hauodl J , Green llppoin t. . II ig'h l : md' l-'e'I'li li~ ' I', 'I'ho~ll Dor ot.llY Hei ( t o Lowi :; H, Brown I, t hUl:i!a; I\I, On r l>.v u. -tl'll llt; Il llll tll1l'u . R yol\ ing' Ruk !:i '1 ' , ar1 nxeout1'lx IIccoruiug tc' term!! of wishiIll{ t hl! Pc rles." egl'/ ablt! _ _, _0. . 11111) bo wJ . " . \ iJo ttL'L' 1l1HI >1'::\ tII1111in ),; ~'i v o r t n ,"'r~!\ r FtIJOU tld llll'l'(I ! llUI \\" ,,'1\ rlw two )J(l\~IJI\lI:!, llll L' ' j uicell will. ,lobu Uook, .1 . P. Mn o Lenl1 II purt of I t :12 Il llt! :3H i n HILJn e;; t ; !'I)\\' '" w ill do well lu s e IL dditioll t Mo rr o w, $:;0. 00.' I 1 Ilud ,T. E . ' heet!' lire uppoillted lip. 111' SUOIl alll! I1la('{' their I'd 1', Innr1l1l1d t.wo lJ1I 11~ (I [ pJ ll ut.H II In'lll ~· I· t 'll)t' li o " t'. whI ch hull f0 1'1lI rl y be 1\ U.J HlIIHI:HON~~ II.' t< 1' 1I() (;Et: 11 ,~!;, fo r U:-II" , l nq1Ul'r 0 1' p lll\ll1" ), ,', II tlI'OIl W, bu[ b I,m " II ' Iidlltnd HD, I 'l'hol< l' IIHillg' P 'el'l eHs V geillbl r! pr..ti er9, of .10<1 })h H, Kibb y d . by th e lJl'u '13 1' 01 \' n t;: (;1'1)\\"1' fi nd it (·qual It) un y , . E::Itut Bills a ll o~vcc1: V, .~ . ~ ntll1ye r Hi"k!'. II anti su I')la."-~ 'd lly no n', (A n· ccnsed . Fir t Ilnd 1iunl u ooun t- fo r bridge . r epairs Deerfie ld t OI\'ns h 11, ' - - - ---u ntil II W IIH lIl' W II fi l'm II tl el ,-it lt! nl ys is and pl'i ce ol1sio I'd,) H\\ PA I '1' J L I IE I'l 'IUK 11' " htY,-&' L'om ' ' 1'h 1: III i'lh' , A . $27.711 . ', JUlue Crlrnpbell , ref und I' sett,lement fil ed, 1\1 11 q lJ1th ," 1),1' VI'. '1'. , tond, 1. 11 tll A ntc:/,- . I '[' Th - low llJiI1'g'ill I am se ilin g E!!tuteof WIllilim \V, 'h ockey, for dog tnx , ;H .OO; F . D, i e r, l'oslll i f· u\ .'!1'H~,lf .•)f thH lllorit.s ot ;!'(/II J n';"U'of j.\l'i U'$ fill' .IUI1 . ;.. UttOll ...,' 11.'J<.. till ual';; Ill ' 1'1'U 11 I making Ii dC:1eeased. First nnd finlll Kcoount bridge repu lr F rnnkllo tuwlls b ip, ult the dllrer o'nt, kind,,' o f lclUntll'.\' __ " __ go lI el'al anvas, Ferti Iiz I' ha v. for settlem nt, flied , $65.50; Unl Miller fotll'tn estill1u~e ~OIl, JJQ llJonght Ilt \'lIrill u ti lIlO ' nil ! A){l' ~l B,n.~ ''l'~ ~' Rl!1I~ Ev r y th iu g Kn ll wn In Il1l4il'. ing b 'onw s u 'h a l!\)Il1I1I1HJily , . tur'llI . ~ , ' lilY, Hull,ClII. l' I'PI" . ' E'ltate of Rlobltnl L. ~Jmontun. on o')ntruo~ . No .112 , $~5 ' 00 ·, Le WIS the leadl/l!;l t1K un,t1 ' ll M ' (1 t 11 IJ I espec ially IIll10 ng toba . '0 ~t l'(J\v· decel\. ed. Fir t, ' and l1nnl. II co unt Brot berE! . .Ill foL' with flUId i m !lflrt!lllt n 11 1111 I urn I (If th«· 1I1U,. t, -"i l' ',1 -I tl' 1'~ , d al I'. , hould prt'PM II) (oraettlement, filed , hqu elLnd JIIII :10_.1. ,Low! ~~O,tb now convi nced KiugQ I' Ih e l , aulI llt y 'I m','s upon tfl l;l wtlllsu ( t,Il Hll(l.ln tJ 1'1 ') " I lA!l'I'Y in gluek uli leading era 'ompnny , How e r pIpe, :f~a , 36 ; i t h e SUll rior o f them HII ,. J U:;C I IIlnl" in Wn ,rll avilla ,Ir . '(1 uroJrl I b rn nds. P',un! I':; can ',h II g o Estate at WiWoUl J , ollett e, do. R. Hurt!hbargor , tlu,lilry a s 'it in Ill )' nnd Idtc h. n co n. bl" imply, luling tIV pnt, Ii ' ,1 K i ng' 1:1, () and t:I.Jlnparl' Al1l1l y~ is nnc! oeased. '1{ime for tHing ,of inv n· jl.lnitol' fO I' Muy, Jaw. II Fa!. 't,untly IIn(l OIJl Herr CI,ly n i ' fierl 1)[ til 1,lIunary wTuppe rs th e 11 , Pl'ic ' wilh othe l' hralltls k pt toryextendeclt\Oduys. len8r:, Junltor ILt court \vi.thit. Ig t fOrtl / "1tlllUfuctUI'Ur, Wirhn t \\llll<l1 t fltIlOlJl .. elsewh I'l', lind d I'll w thei I'· 0\ n Estates for settl ment: .1 ,. U, bouse dUflUg May, *~O,OO; Wliiter dime, . Y 11 r ce ive ur r f urn lIIail u bun . 'rrimble, guardian of Belle Robin son MoOlure, \)u[iul of .Bent'Y B ell!!on , .. _ ... - - _ . I ti f ul pft.:J.Ul'tl \litll hi t' rill' frull1ill ~ ) \. . • I conclusions about wh el't:l to PilI' 'ha e, imbeoile second account i Mary $50,00; Cbur)es Ij , Lewis, contraot LADIE ! ~l:'E 'lA'L O'l'lCE 11d)' Inll IV it< p, [ T ai, II ha vt! in l'Il ock a .nne tipurling, guardia.n o,f Perry p, No, 2l!, $195,00 ; Lennie Whitacre, .. . . ~ D]]RTAKER. . ' 1I Spenoe, fioll1 aeoount j George W. bridge repuira ' in It!s,m towu hill , All the r etn it "fO' f , ill tll tl Ityo f In uf Whit ' om' PO!lls, bIJth Carey Ildminil!tratorofGeorge H , $W, ';'5; ': Fr d e 'Om]lILn Y, TtIdlle, s villo h ave dOC1d d t p' St' Il IS b " R' 'f 'O)' E~1l3AL~{RR li . ill 1'0lllJd llnJ su w ,l hal VE'!!. d t1. nn I occolln t j collrt hou · e, ~1I . .ja: , Kin" U , crlptions ee lVed Osborn, ' deoease t> of tbe L l111 ~h'y ' ,'OIl(llltllil'QO'I MAT STltHi IIl'I' WA YNK VII. D tt. 0, .
Ie ro s S
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s~Jl1ry Il~
~11 11 i '1 ! ' ~~_!'!""'_~_~!'!'!"'~~~~!'!!'!!'!~ ~~~ ._
Annie E. M.ulford, gllardlan of Rol Ita W:. Mulford. minor, f1.fth account; Luoy 1l'. Virts l guardian of Armin. de. C. unus, iOlbeeUe, first und finltl aooount i 'l'homll8 BrehIWY, minor,
Uoptl'act No . ;$2 WII e n tel'ed into with Ollnt t:)tnntoll for n ew concrete t\od stone ahulilllent to bridge n a.r residence of ~eQrge !:lurfuce on Woolen M.Uls rOlld in Jj mnl!lin t o wn -
lIud 0 11 ~bl l'd 'lPnts p er blli,. 01' t hrA Illrge bal'!;; for ' t n cen t.s t1111<1 sa viug to g ad yell o w soap USE 1'$ five oent , \llla n ouch pur bo. Aof tohl e bf~r!; soo.p,
In r ooUl n xt <1 001' to Urosi' Bl'os" Wm, H. Carmony. Hllr!! w In . t.) r~, .' I rr~le)111one in b Oil '0 IIU U om e I Hom PJione 2..7, C nt r ville €xch, \Vh l' I 01:111 11 0011 a un,y o r night. lilley Ph one 14-2, • _____________ •
iall the Leadi ng Magal'li n
oflat the Gazette Office.
eooond'and final ac¢ount; Uue,. "his t\t the estimate of '57 ,at). . ·1 Welcton Rue,Selina deoelL~ed , I e xecutrix at· 'ontJ;llct No, ail Wil e ntered into fin ..laooount; Mary Ildmin. i~trntor of, Josep, h ,8 Kibbey, . Kibbey, first witb 'milll! Drllke , f o r ole!tllillg Itl\U g n ..... t1 final accoant; Joseph E, !:lrnitb, pllintlDg Rl.lct:l' brMi~gle ,r)!Iilifl )ol .. uroh in Kings IJ Iln e, , e r u 'e ( , . admiutllttator of Richard L , Simon. ton, deceased'first and fln!ll o.~coont; Uontract. wus e ute r ad i n to w ith John E, Smit.h, Ildminidt1'llror t:lf e · Wi1lillll1 .\. 'cott {Or r J.)ui!' W ( I I k
tate of L , 'i1l101ltOU, d . cenfJed , first and finnlllcco unt ; N /III atf' E. Shookey, Iltlmiui LI' IILQ I" uf 'William W. ~bo kpy , fl/'l~tllncl tilllli aCCount" . . of H, E. , Hou t,l!, deoa u (lll" Estate Invent<>ry !Iond I.Ivprl~i l:!em ent filed , ' El!til.t.e of Mnry E, a(;pkilll', jill , . booile, Third lIud fiUllllfccouuv for Bettlement filed, Estate of Dnvid L/ltll1ley, d cMsed, I:!alebtll filed by 0, .J. Edwurd 1111milliatrator, Est .. te of Mary E. Hopkins, de · 08&sed. Bowl1rd W, lvin appointad admlDil!trator, giving bond of 1'1:000 with '1', E, Ivi~!! lind U: WII· , bur Ivins ' as sureties. Inventory ' dispensed with, Estate of Davi!1 O. ''ul''een, £Ie. ' ceased, Hllnna b J, Groen roade known to ooart her intention to take uuder will of her deoellseu Con. sort. In tile , mllt-ter of will or West Glenny, deoeased. Will u.dlnitted to probate. ' .10 matter of ~ j II of UIl!1rles FI'ieberg, tleceased, APl1liOtltlon to lid · mit sa~e to probate set,for hen,ring M.IlY 27,
Pla~s ~nd ap eelficutiOlll:l
c,;&.~h~rln·e Mounts Kibbey, decellseu.. . ]t ,ia ordered that E, E , Kibbey be
IlPJ)olnted trusiee upon giving bond oftjOO Ilnd this cause is contmuecl , In mlltter of the trus~ orel1ted by ~tl1 of Catherine M:ounts Kibbey, d~sed, . E, E, 'Ki bhey 1l1>l)Qlnted tr\1ltee having glvell hond of ."00 'WIt)1 ~l11ard J, Wrigb~ !lnu £Io.rry Wrllht 8!.lretle8,
( ~VI Il '~
J.elldhll' Df Iltlst. ~ in 1\.l\ ;11 Bld g , M,lin 't
p, ~N6 , and, SUMMf WASH
... ...... _- •••
Spring Jacket .,a. 7-0 lip, C'h )
P,.~tti c·o a ts
Craining' a Specialty.
,! Have You- Any Idle Maney? :
1* *
~l ) ~75 yalues ec:[ual to an)' $ 2 5 ,OO ' ~mi t jn. the ulHrket.'
tlA~It~~~. nl."~
*,*,, ~ *,*,*,*******,*,******,*,,*~,*,,*,* ~ W'---- ____ . * '* --~
Silk 'Suits,
FA"t" ,~
'Samples of All Grades ,Long 'stance ik 69-3r :Papcr~--Pnper Con\iA (NESV IL ~ c . OHIO stan tly on Hand I:~ rV8vsburO' O.
P&A~Tl~\L PAIUTn~ VA"N'~B""lI ' i1 I ~ Ii "1I1t,
SOc up,
Sal :; ~r very h'. r o' Our Jut' ana nann' annot b(} excell (1. , OllI' $5.75 JdJ't . (tTl not l)(' C(l'wllc(l.
A• L• Wysong . , &Son
Persian , Lawn Allover Nett '
f UrlE RAl 0IRE {: T I R Telephone Day or Nighf Laca No. ',7
l'Alter doctoring lii yeurs for chronio indigestion, IIni:l spending , over two hundred dolJl.lrs. not,biLlg hilS 'done ma .us muoh good at! 01', ' King'!! New: Lifc Pills. I conl!ldflr I them the best pills ever sold;' '/ writes B. 1l', Ayscue, of Ingleside. Fred q. I:!cb'wort1.'s drug store. 2~"1
f IJL' lI ew
The Best Pills Ever Sold,:
'I ,' "
und IIl1lkin g forll ut IJnf\'()r d IJrlllgo i, illll to \\,LI!lLli p , TIt, rlJ n t,imn l'O $"t\ or, . 'Plu!1i, IIIllI ~ p(,ulii cllti\.l ll " I'U1' brit1gu aU ( lli OW 0, 111'1'111 II lJ1Ituwlll" pve'r, Turt,le U r el" I; 0 11 \~ lIulillg t ulJ pike iu 'l'UI't.lll ' l' tlO )' 1') \\,/H; hI Pi woru . uJJpr""e u aut! ol'del'l~,l lIuv Ljon isud uocol'diug tu'lll 11' , -olil <'u'pl'ulJOStlH:I to be recei vod n.t Ihu ull.lit.m"1:! oltlce tile du y .'un( ;,l~ \lOtil Jl 0' 'l oc)! A, M. Plans and lleoifioution ful' ,t el bridge !lnu n e w conore t o ubutlllen ts over 'furt,Ie Ureek nelll' Rufford ' , cl.I]luing house in nlOn tOWl)Slli» were upproved and ordered ndv'el''tised ncool'ding to 11.l\V. 'eulod pro. pOBlt.Is t6 be reo~ived llt the A,n ditol"s office ' TuesdllY Jun e 22 unW 11 o 'clook u . 01, .Pltmt:l und peoific,. tiulI~ for 1\ stae I )Jridge on Buuncll rou:l1 in IOIlI'c reek tOWll sllt p wer~ I~pprovod aud'o rdered posted. :Sallied proposals will b e r eoeived· lind oontraot Jet J une Itt 11 o 'cloc k II, Ill.
oOllcreto lIuutUle.l1ts rOI: bridge on' Bunnell road in ·C1ouror.oek 'tOWIl. ship wore IIppl'oved. !lnd ordora,l posted, Seo.led will. be r eceived !lOci oont,fUot let Jun o at Estates of West Glenny, deoellsod,. 11 o'ulock 11-, Ul , Martin J tluieson l~l1pointed exe, . eotor giving· bOnd pf $2U,OOO with J. --W, Wood, H. W , 8umenlng,' John . FANCY WORK V. H. Lewls, 'J~. ~. Ivlns,L. J. Sim· ontOn, J. A . Runyan lind R, M:, Gul· Any on e de iring to 1e ' all" la,her liS -sureties. L .. 1. UOlomnn, 0, S. BJggips and Wilson Ung)eshy in Fallcy Work, s noh as French, Eyelet and 'huliow , EDlbro.hlOry, appointed RIJpruillers, . In ~tt.tter of ,t.rllst oreated in wiil oilli on Mrs. H, E. Hnthllway. .
i{. IT, E.
_._ _
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.tIt •
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,i' .
Do you know the CITIZEN 'S BANK pays 3 p r C nt Pll J' mmnm on sav ing'l:I account!; a nd time depol>itA?
, ,
. Do YOll know during
t he finan cial panic last!!', ypu had to wait GO and 90 days to get youI' MONEY out of the City :Banks tha paid you ~ per cent?
Do you know the CITIZEN ' BANK will pay you t he entire amount of youI' deposit any time y ou need it, 01' want if! ' .. Do you know that th e !lafety 01 youI' Monev is guara~teed, by the clirect , supel'v /l'Iion' of ,NJNe 1)f, the most sU,bstantl"l Men of this community? " . .
'* ~L~ ~~
~r · ~.
* '*+t . ~...
~.. ~ . ':J ' ~..
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'* ] ~~ * ~ * HUTCHINSON ' &" GIBNEY t* The, Citizen', s Bank, .'Waynesville, O. :** Xenia, . ' . * ateen. $1.50 IIp IT,c ather Bloom., 5.00 up. Bilk. $1. ,00
.&.. ....
know · the Books of the OI'l'IZFlN'S BANK are subject to inspection tWice each yeal' by a State eica:l1liner~
Do you
f you do not, investigate, and after convincing yourself of these facts, place your fundA with
.. ..... _......
.. -. ." V 4 • • .,.....
.Y.. "1"3"'"
~ l 00 "y('"r .
Oh <:!rv'd 0;,
III I&d l""1 t l'
U . I idll"I' trouhl (' 1';'l'J'S UpOIl I h
June 15th,'
_; ..", ~, ,H ')
.11 1:-1 ',:
'1'1111 A III II fl !)II 'I 11'lu g AI'''' willMun ''' '' '' '1'11, II !; I " II ", 1'I1-t.OIlI , l'IHUhl I~ 1'.'..\lIjJIII 11111 t, " " I h~ ILIJ"VI~ cltltl II~ ,' IlII .V will 10, ,htlS o;a lubnLte d, ' 1' 111'11. , 1101111,1(, .. /I·lJjJlIII If; t() il.1I pOU. I I ' IJlli(;fll'~ !tIlLl Ilu; pn:! ~l(' to Ilutify
No. G-2
B om! Jj'1\';~ I Bung!
nht) peoJl1 ' llf 1his (lI o r , 'Qud glvet:l I the folluwing ,tI.i\ute :
·' Boost." d on't ' ·kDook."
'fbu it" gi'v 1\ flS a ;;111nte t o 111 1l fiug rO I' t;C hu.;l .. : '1'11 Ir At Il . gh' U boor in 1 he e ul'l'h or .Iul'y r.nlll .f! III xt ! I . UIO, "'II ~ 1, 1f! pu pil .. !In' 1I1l~f'm 111"\1 !l 1I(j III I hUll' IIIIHI(!1 in th e 'l'h A·.1 nun brlll e is (l Ulin g ill fllSh. SO h Ull l. , A '; ':;11111 II! . g~ve n by tha 1011 "glliu . pl'Ill ci pu I of tlul Holl oo l. Every I lU l)i1 ri I:'S i u his pilloe . 'l'lae 11111{ i!l ur u /{ht Dou ' t 1) IIWUY I r Ollt " o m ll 00 tbe fonvlI I'U I I b tl 1U'1Jj i)lll I ur touoher. While iI, 111 he m g' l)l' (l n~I, t forw,u'd lil o r lUll!! "'\Ill I' t lt, 1' 1' 011\ I h e dUlH' I\) I h e 8tU ud of tile 1)l' i 11(.:1\111 1 ur I:oaoher, Ilvery !JUDi! JJ: r ylJl1u .v ,,' ll! !C,·f t u i l 1.1\(~t they , ivl's tile illig the llIilitl1ry slI lute, will b IIt11'" IlL I HIIIII:! 011 I,h. l~oll rth . w111011 18 11 1'1 fulloWH : T he l' ight ·hl.lucll1plifted , pnlm up. . Monua.v, J \lIHl Hi Will be Ii' lug Day WitI'll, t o ,. lillt. wilh t h forelUllld Lot' lle putl'iutw lIull Hiu ~ the "grand dil~t\ t u It. Willi tI IlS Stu,UlJiOg olll rll g" un Ihlltllll .Y . . wl lh 1}1I 1111 UPIVUI' U uli ll 10 It.ttitude uf t;U lllt,." 1111 th pupilll repUu.t t o. gether s lllwly and o.1i t\nottly the Ill1corll.l,iulI J)IIY WIlli dill y u bserved ill L1w f1t, tia\~ JIlIIIIU,'I' th nL it de. folio \\I i ng »l eUKtl : sarvell hill' tl. ·'ILI1I'1 II1Y. " 1 "Ic,l ~' IIl1cll"' ''c' " ' V lilly 111111 Ihe (J
1l 1)llg it fol'
.\',,1\ ~
rllpu1J1J c'loJr wlil ch !L Ol L" lib. OIlC l1 a tl o ll In· !Ilvl, lble wllh ,1I1eny unu ju~ U ue for ull . "
you /:1)1 11" 1.0 OUtI rV tl the hlWIi "America'~ of th e titllt of Oblu{ il' lIo h in the 10 III fj" i llh IIIHI ( 1l1 l11 b o lull ' ''l d halp At the words, u.s prouounoed in t'l Db I va I,b lu w ... . Ihis ph!'d&,e, "1'0 wy 1lug eaoh one extends tIle rlgh~ bu.nd gra.oefully palm upward, toward the fiag until '1.' 11 I' Is U II )trf' '',i,-,' ""llll" " ' r town the end of the plooge Ilffirmatlon. on I h 6 f'" JI1 .of r.t' l1 l'ul'th t,hnn rh t1 . nil bILDI1s Ur op t.o tIle s ide, 'Va,Yu vlllu . Kia .. WI ll l.Ie ,; llId to ('he )h1ll1ll', till stllOdilJ ~, nil tlio g tie u,OUU ptlOplu h"I'I~ un .. hQ I~vurtlt . toglil.h e r in uoi ou HIe song, "Anlerlell.l- My 'oulltry ' J'j of 'rhea." lUll ('tlJ' Iuiu h n tul in ae ut.rlll Oh1 0 In primary uepurtmcnts, where not 10D~ u~o II 11 lUll WIII:\ awukened t h clllltlren ure very smt~l\ they twonigbts by un illmllte oCthe hotel drc ttlugbt to r e pellt tbis, instead of rDoolng buok 11,111 I'ort,h io the ooui. ,.btl pledge as given for the olller clor; uuu f1f1 I,ue bhir:1l Iligh t he \Vali oqil(h'sn: Ilwllkel\ed IIKtllU tly I~ llll~O s kipping. " 1 g l ¥M III)' hen,l m y heart tliloJ ",), nU llu·~' . He Willi Ilugry alld Kohlg to) hitl <lOOI' 00 · l Ui\g\lOl I!. " Il ktld the l e ll ow wllt~t Wus the nlut In flome sohool the sulute i" givter-. 'l'he r eply WII ; " 1 u m lit k II nd ,the dootor KIl VA lIltl sorue . mecH iDe, en in >:iileDoa, iltl IUl uot of re vereno£' UOIl oo)wpnnied by !Lny . pledge. telling me to 1,lIke it two llightll At 11 tlignu.! II !! the flag reuchas its running, then skip ooe." tl.ltion, t.he ri~ht h,iDU i ral ad palm do\yn WUTll , to , a horizontl\l DELINQUENT position with the forehead , bnd . held there until the flag is uipped lIud retur~ tl d to a v rtical position. Siibscribers Must Take No- Then, M, JI. second s ign 11.1 tlle lio.nd dropped t the side and the PUllil tice Of The Follow- . itakes his selit , ing Rules. 1ua &lilflUt ::Illlut·o Oonforl1ls very olo. ely to the lIIilitlLr.v lind uavlLl <fdatet. II h e 11,1 ' . 'I'll P!l!'t- m·" U"jJll rlllHjJlr, r d . I?I'iUl;lplIl", lU lly uuupt the ":lileutoouLI.v l!'''Uri,1 t,"" l u ll(,lwln~ nlh'" 'iIl\lu~o:" t UI' d.l1l:V t!xel'OI e IUld the AI'e
lUlU Ii, wvt.lll I,
el'e IV givo II t'ollow~ :
"'0 1
0(11) 11.
~ ubso rlb .
i~ 1\.8
"A reu !! e. bune will lJ ' '~lIo·w. ell publi:lLerti tu !:i Ul1ra ren e w:.1" of But:sariptioDI;I !jut llDlcli!:! $ ub orip. 1I10lltl t~rt. ·ex",· Iy I 'ul vtlu IIftAr the t>el'lll (01' wbielt tlll~ .v 111" ) [J1l111 within Ihe I'J11uw tU I4Vt)rl (ld,, : Dailie'" t.brut) mOllth", 'fri we k11e11,-ilix ""111011 th~. uli weak 1108, ulD~ mODtlui. ;'vookliu", oue yel~r; they aUidl not 1J cuunted 'iu tile legitimate' It!:!t of subsoribel'S', IIDd
bopies mulle~l on lIooouut .thereof .8hlll! not. be Ilooepted ror llHlllieg u.t tbe Ileooed oltllls p ::Itll~1:I rllttl." Other wille tbe p~1JIi!:!her muSl Pill': the reglllu.t; pI'ioe of one' Cen t on elloh popel' mulled. ' . While tbi!l order ill ell'ectlv6 ,Iun· oary 1st, tbe llellll,rt,lnent hus . I!X tended the tiu1a of its onforoemont to April lat., or,ler tbll~ eVClry publisher UIIIY h"vo un o'PPOl'tiUJity to luljQst . Ill" )JIl!jiutlllS to the ' n w oooditiml , WtI hllve I' numbet· 01 'subsodbcfs whu are ill arre~ra mOre . tbllU ODe yenr 'Hiel, ulthough most of , tbaui Rre l'espoDsible Oleu, we will h~ve to drop tbtllll. 08 tue de., lJllrtment bas ordered thot n pub. Haber who railt! to comply ,vith thfl order will forftlit tb ", seoond olass post';!l priv~lege . .' ' Wehope that 0:11 subsoribimr whO are In' arrellrs willlltlY us l)fomp't1y befQr8 we will btl .oompelled t'o stop tbelr paper.
11 ,. 'nllrtl~cS " llol " '''~'' II '' 'lllllli LI')II; IJeu ut)', \ 'gOr Ullrl l' h 'erru l·
II ·ss SOUII di .... ppear \l'hCII th killneysore
ut of order Or dis· e usc!1. Kld, rey lro llbl hos be Olllll . 0 prc"rilent
\;llIlt.''''I.\V;:~ th:'l it i ~ I1 l)t UIIC('" I" 1110 11 for" c h il li t o h" 'Ii: horll ami tc,1 with :::£~~>:t:.ilfl'ii;,.. II'cu k kidllc>,s . If the c hil lill r i " " 1 s tooufle ll , if th e 1If1l1e SI:.I](\s th " 1I ·, h. "I' if, whe ll th cc la ild 1'I!lIch"s" " age whe ll it s holll,1 be nhll! to CQll t rol U,c pnssa).!<:, it i. y et amici"II w iul hed-w"t . l ill K, th:p ' lId II pl)ll it, Lh · 'uU $e nnlt cd iOi· ('lIlty i, ki.l ll "." tronhl" , :J ilt! ( h e firs t l<ICIl ~ h o u"l
lOll'llrol ~ Ihe trcnt llll!lIt "f
l h e.s c i'll 1',,1'1" lit o rg'''',.. '1'hi~ ullpleaSl\ lIt I f . u bI\: ii< !lUI: lIJ II di sensed 'olldit ioll III Ih e kl,III """ 111111 hhluil" r alld nOl to 1\ Jltlhit ,,;; lIiost p~oJlI(!' s njJJlose. " ' 0 111" " liS \\'el1 liS ""' 11 111''' lI,nll" mi ser· abl e w;lh k;rluc), aud hl ndll er trQllhl e , "",1 hnth IIced til , sn l\le g reat I'c Ul cll y . Th e lllihi _"H I lh e imlllc<lilltl! cfT ct (If S walllp . ~oot i ~ ~n(}11 reu li ~ (\. It i ~ solt!
11.1' 111'1I ;.:;.; ;' t.', ill fiftyCelll ;t il,) vlle.,llllhu .. iI,,, holll 's. \' 0 11 11111\' h :I"e a s; lIl1pl o htolil~
ooval'ed wire uhout us t.lliQk fiR yonr little 11111;!,Ar, II nd buve th elll ut, it Ule wid t,h of yo ur willelowH A I () buy two craw·eya on auoh Hide ot the s8 sh-openiug~ , ODe of them (:, that the 'w ire will slip in. Run' the wire thro u gh the QUl'tllin cllsiogs lI.n (l put the ends in t h e yell. Your ourtll,lns ,,-:ill hllng (I S mc al y II ' thougb t be fix t ures had coat th!' 11 thl'ee t·iU\e~ tineen cen tl:!, t he' lIotonj cost of y o or " ruds. " -The June DE· LINKAT O I~ .
·Lust.r u
ld furnitu re,
Dr, .John Hyatt; Vet£'rit:ln,ry Surgeon 'and O.e llti s t,.
'relephone No, 121 At Hom on ::!uturtlll Y Aft m oon.
Waynes, iiJe, Ohio.
h." lIIail free . :'Ih-u n nom. or S"ampoRoot. palll}>h.l<: t t el l;II K all ." >on t SlI'ulllp. Root, 111"'"d '''K lII tlll }' of lh lh o llSllJlfls oftesti1II')lIi al I · tt e rs rcc'ci\'et! frolll s ufTerers cnred. III writillg Dr. Killller & Co" 1l'"g haml(lIl. :-.:, Y .. be lin: und Ille ntiou th is paper. !JOII ' l 1Ual~c a llY lllis tuke, hili 1'<:111 ·mh .:r th e IIUIIIC, SWllmp.Rool, Dr. Kilmer ' s ~ wn lllp·l{uol. alld lhe address. Bingh a mton, ,N. Y., 011 every bottle.
PUBLIC SALE 'J'be uluJcll'$ ig ncd , a... lhc ',,(;oc u l a r or Lh ~ wll
conIorn.lly to Lhep'rCl\·IHlolI. or 1!U 111 will 3 nd the Ill"'. nlh.l In ob ucl le n oe t the Judlflllenl OUTt of Ou m moo 1>lells . III and fur Warr e n (;ollnll>'. Oblo, III elL'" No. 100,,1' • •"mmur .'. 1Iall),. '''''men e xecut or, agahl"L ,\llIen Q . Hrd,l. ,rc 1 a 1111 olh • ...,. wlll ofrer f ,' r ell l~. :II 1.\lIJII., vcmlue , on l he
1..16 <llrectllll: of III '
Versus the Largest Camp of Citizens.
RDAY • .TUNE '>'7 . 11108.
ilL Oll e o'cloc !; In the ;.rlernuon , Ihe r " ,, 1 eR. lau~ or whlell .,,1,.1 A\,:lrllh, I'. E brltJhL ,HOd VIZilll. "ue] wlllch Ih I\c6Crlbc d 3S foll oWR: '· r IS nU ll/l tJcreJ ""' 1' 11 (1), ' IUhl (H). nin ell l , [lIId 11'11(10) III J ose l,h n . hallmun' ~ A 'ld ILio u LU lh ~ " 11I "lle of Wa y II s . IIII', In lltt! oouuty or WllI'r" .ni'li(l SI;, W"f hl u. bcl nu Lb e.nme
Livio g in fe ut. i n u t IL n e w modft of life. Hlnel) the uILY>! of Adam tl E Ii ' I prc mh,e.... (\4;) I1\' c ,' · d b)' Mu run. r t!l JOOt!N tv an v e , VltJ~ III t 1e OVen air hilS AllrnlWI1\ Ebrlg hl by dOO d dated '~ ptQwllcr heeu III.lpUI',.l'. The .Jewis h t·u.tri. 17, 111\111 , nOli r"o r!l(~ ll l n lh lIed l HeconlH .1 II or Wan'o COunly . Vol. ~ O. PII)( ' /iOO . allli uroI IS were uW ers in tents but· aIM) b~ln lr "he d um\! Ilr..,ml ~e" d ev l~"oJ by the vul'lle of teut B,Dd SUUl lUer oot. Abral'UIlI Ebrlgl1ll0 AVllrllJa .F'. ~; brllth l by hl~ 13 1 will whiCh I", reco rded In \' I. !!~. tllge life \\'1\8 u ov~r 1D0re u.ppreola.ted page :till. of th e lI uuQrd (l! IVIII .. In lb Pro· Uti It mntter of he ilJthfllluesli thlln at buloC 'oort or Warren un~y. Ohio." . Said I'\!III Ml;n ha.M be~ n duly at>J1ra";~d aL h (JrelHmt, w on it il! r lloognized and the "u m III (l'wenl y ' twll Hundred un" Fi ft y r eCOolJlluended by th higbest Uollars (":.!:l50 ), alld tile 8ame wl1l lie 80ld lOT lbe hlgh C8 ~ I,rlce Ibll~ clln be oll lalncd m l:ldioal authority. tbere for.and lor not I 89 than two ,tblrd 8 (t 1 'i'o meet this neeu the Ballevue. o( Mal d allpr.3lsed \'ulu~, und for 6a~b In hnoq St.rlltforll hilS erected Ii large nurn· ber of ttlnh! on its roof. 'l'hill hos. telry il'l one of the fluest in Americil , o cupies Il whoie oity block ill Phil .
011 tbe du.\' o.f sale.
mala for people of
meuns. 'l'h~
hti for se verlt!
• "'': >I)I UII
. ~;xeI.lU lor or Ihe
w1tl OI ' AVa, rlllu I' , ~; brlgbl, decelL.~rd.
ll":'PIl W.
adelphitt lind iH eighteen tltories bigh. It iE! l'el11 tent,fu g for gue ts who! have the meuus to lillY for it, bull the rlltes high. .Patrons who
sleep in tentS deolare tboy have no desire to return to th~ stuffy Il,tmos phere of the ulloal hotel loom, . l:loUJuclJ for the bi~bei!t 'camp
Altorney . June .27 , u t.
NOTICE Propert y OWllel ~ lOre requested to remol'e the tlll~ U es and we",h Irom the ,Iclewalkll a ncl gu lll!r8 ')n Lhelr property. C. R . SMI1'U , :z t. . . Mayor .
Notic~e of
been the lurg. Es~aLe or Josepb G. I{oy~. deceased . est C ~1I1P of oitlzens in , Amerioll. 1 be un(ler Igned 11Il\' e been appolnl .1 aod qualUle(1 as execu tors of ltle .es .... W or JO~ep b On M'LY 1, 360 tent:! were engllged O . 'Keys. laLe of \Vurroll ·QUll t y. OhJo. •le· u{, 3seCl . outed lIll " II tb dllY or l\l"y. A. 0 , fur thl you.r, t,be I.. r~est nUlUber Ulu6, ever I· tlll~tld ,tt!lll \jl~rl.v Ii delte. \lod W. B. Ar..I..t.:N' ANO 1" ItANK U\l.A/'I\) O N. tile usuul IIUlJlher 5.10 to tIOO ure 4 I E"f,cIH:lr~. " plollt;:ut:lulate"l u:rlill ill')CO'I!:Iiulltl. IIg'~I~ 1I!:1'iured. '.l:'bis ou,lllP so thor. ougblv eq~ipplld, offer!:! Ule greu.tetlt advnnt!IKe:;-r SL, l'eorell.tion, de. Notice. REMOVAL SALE lightful bO~I:'-like fe )Jow8hlP.-b9. sides olle of t11e 1110 t expe~si ve, • 'rb r duoe .. tuo k 1.101'01'6 movillg c'lrefully !Sole ted uDd well blllanoed ioto tb l'OOrll HOW OOOl1J}i tl by 'us progl'uUt to \)e found Ilnywhere . ReJ,lerc:o A. ('uX . ",1, 0 re~I':~~ II I Ho~ ,· 11l1i. Buller QUll l ,V. 10 111(' ~Ime rt f l\ulI .a~ ; . Syl· Gill', tlll jew .. l r, 'Wti w ill t:\eU ~tCl1t '1' he ~xLJense Ilre l!JO exoeedingly '·e. t~r D, Lal5hl~Y , 'UI In fuli l .. r P't :ll( e f llri 'U!4 ru~ ~\VO week!!. ross .Bro". 1l1odetlt 'l::I to 'be WIthin th l!l r«luoh of .,,,,e n year!!. ",no res llleN III Oxfnrrl. " """~r County . In t.h· Suite of K a n 8a ~ ! :.i1lc1 l ~ nl.J! thOSO,.lllO!lt n eetli ng Il.D...-LJ.Utlng..--H-ro........... " , U.e· 111 t.b6r and the 10'1:111 g nu ..... l nn you W"1\~ II> fl:!w 'weektl of hell.Jthful of the . ald S}''''cs ll'r O' I,as hley. >laid 111 la.1\ , wbo aJIIQ resltle . aL Qx lord. Sum nor 'Viwly, DEDICATED ont-ol.ll l)or Ilrll , wi~lI the bOtlt oom. In · the S I," ...., of !Fun."•. the fath er or s ullt . ,,' . d . f l ' . S Iv ·sl.r· O J.,usllll,y. $311.\ IlIrlLlI~ b(,' ng dc· POD1QIlSulp. un er care u sollervis. cea~ccl . and anld m OLll e r 11;1\' lng Lllfl CIlro iOD, wz:ittl lob" manager, l!.... Gillum ulIIl custody oleuld Inrtlnl. llrohero\lv nOLlllc() .New Church at Xeniathat Oscor ,J }JoJwaJ'(\s. us ne]mlnls tra.tor· 'roDlllr, Dayton, Ohio. wltb lIle wllll\llne.xcd or the CSt al.e of David . •
Local Men Promment in Organization.
The 11'riend8 Chur. oh lit. Spring am; 'X enio, WIl!! dedicated III t ::iuudllY witl,i 0 g~:HJdly , congregllti,m being pro!!en ~ t..o witness the oer~Dlouies' tn, tile elLrly part of tl~e yelli' 11104, Mter u. prayerful ,o'on iderlltion of thll; field' of work. the Wilmington Ye~rly :Meeting deoidE1d to ndopt 'the Plt\.l~ uf t.he org,\nizl1tion of " l:ItltlbtLt.h., school ·llnd the elltu b1isb. !pent of 8. llleetiug 'i~ Xsnht . ::)0 the IU'esent 'Ptl...,t~r, ne". AlUO~ Uook Of B!,rv~yst;)ll:rg, Wilt! oaHau to the ta!i~ . UOUBI:qu~ntly ou . Sabbl~th · lIfternooD .Iuly 3, 1901t; the first. meeting, ',W\ill
yell I'll
A ~rlllld ~'I~mily Metlicino.
r,aShley. "I!c e a~ed. e n llle :iitll liay of Aprll , l008 , IIIrli hlsJ)6lJ lloll In ~bc Probllr.eCoun In nndforWar.-en Co uol)'.Oblo. wb rein 110. nltl Osca r J . IJ:d.ian:!M. UH :tllmllllHlrnwr wl~h the win I\nnexcd of al (1 estat' . 3 ~ nloresald . Rtllted lbaL lbe pe t'8(1nal C8t.u\e IIl1d ef[ccL~ or ~l\l d dece.tI 'Ilt atc Ins unlule nt t o pay bls ,1eblN
"It gi Ve!! me pleosUJ e to . speak It goO(t · word for Electrio Bitters" write!;! MI' , Frn.o lt t:Qniun o'f No. olH6 311(1 Il.e ODS'" Ilnd <;lIl1rge. or admlnl~terlng .Houstou l;;t., New York. "It's 110 bls es t aloC. and wbereln be, said udmlnl"tra · grand fuwUy n'aedioino for dyspep . LOr"" ufnrl)<!lLld . staLec' I.hllt Bald decedent. Oavld La"hley, dlecl 8 In IeI' sImple of <l1a. Itnd liver oomp1ioution!!; wbile lhe followlIll: d.c !!crl boll relll es tale : for III me Quok and ~ell.lf, kidney", It Situ a le lu W ..Ylle TownshIp. \VarrclI oannot be too highly recommended. ' oUllty,Oblo. l ontalnlnll abOut " Ixly · elgh~ ~\\'cnLy·tlve hu"drooJ\h ~ l61!. ~5 ) a crcs. an" Eleotrio Bitters regullite the diges. I\n<;1 being lh e lIame premises ,lOoveyed 10 Dllvld ~ive f~uc.tlOn.s, 'pu,ti~.v the blood,· Ilona r... sl.lev bl' 'I.e" Is [(umphrey... by lIced doted Impd rt reuewtld vigor aud vitality ~1I',rcb ' I. lRIl/) .. allcl rCl'or!lccl h. W arre n llnt~ D e<l Uook No . :.1 • ·PI.go 353 : Also uf the waak· Ilnd debili~te d 'of both CO Ib o following (le.crl lX'd r eale8lillc : Si tuat e liexes. I::\lllcl u oder guu.ra ntee lit In WaJ'n~' Town ~hlp , Wl.,.-rcn unty. 0,,10. 'Fred . !o3ohwl1rt·z'H drng' .,torl!l , 50;. conlnhHllg twu aotl nlnely· four \l ulldrcd~lI.. ' 1 . tI~ )
acre. und b IlIg tn O HaDl~ }lrelll ik lJy AlJel aLlcrtnwalte , to Du\'td by de'd (ta l '(\ Janltru'y •• 111711. unll
COil ' C leo'! I"a~hl .. \· ,
. Any uarn or .o ut ' buildinK OIUJ be recordtoJ, In W"rrun ('~unLY llecoJ l100k No. mude water tight by applyit1g Cllr. ';7. I,,,geg :l30 dnll ~ 1IO. : nil of sa lll real ~"tal~ oOStlt!lUng and being tb o home farm .·II.. d pe nler.Mortou roofing. '1'be ROllt· prc mlscHof ...blbb tbe s aid Oa\'I1\ Lashley . ing 1m be rtppliad Qver Old. shingles, died SFI'Gcd lUI uforesaW. 'I'he said O>!cllr.1. EdwurdN . .. 8 sahl 1I(1ulln· 'if ·desir:ert, /\on'd will mnKe a ' goo'd l ~ tr iHlJr with ~b l\ will annuell 'UI ntorv8a1d,' In his saId pOUltOIl Mt'lH forth tbut lbe ij~8t 'ttgbt,job that wHl last · for yeurs . ilvalh.ble do$Orlp,lon or Balet r ea l estlUe IS This Roofing i!:! o~eli,per and more Imperfec, anel uncer~aln . 1'be prayer of said lletltlon I~forllnorttorof tbeCollrt fnr mailing sati8fAotory than ahingles or other un :lccurute 8ur\'I!.I' :and ~rlJltlon of 8ald lDuterials·. A ~ 13 . • ~I vES will fur· preml8et1, IOnd for an ordur (or tbe tiale of Huld real etltate ''and premla()$l tor ~be purpose nl~h bo\~k19~ . llUd !luluples UpOIl reo of 1lilyIII!' .be deb~ df, Kalil clecedeM. DavId Lasbley . amI tb~ 008t8 and cbargllll or .. dm.ln· q oetlt••
hela ut the··I'hird U. 'p , ol~urc\l, oar.' ner Mlirket 1I~(~ Co'lultIlms streAt Severnl o~ the leading ,spirits of lndftlnn. und Wilmington Yeu.rty Meet,ing' oondnoted the servloe, aUlOng tlie numbers, being Robert W. DOUgJIlS8, Levi Milis, Dr. Prat.· 18wrlng his eRtatlJ. 'l'he Hald ntl~ A. c.x. RURAL CARRIERS lOW, ;lOM6phu~ Boskinfl Benjllmiu Sylvo tel' lJ. Lluhley, 8a\lllnflint. and Kale A. Met&. Lbe motller and '\a~ lellal lIuI>rdlan ILnd .Te8l\8 Hnwktn!! lind pt·berll. ot ~io.ld 1nfant. ':lnd bereby ' notltlcoJ tbat tbey FEEDING CORN Rev. Allnn .lo.y of R:lohmo.nd,. lud., have been m •.a" detendnnt, all alor4/' IiBld, to laid In .~Id ACtiOn, ancl . ban~elj In tlU,llllllkullP Llf the ru. and Albflrt .T .' Brown, pro!lident of 'bat ,beJ answer lalel pe~ltlon, qn or before aa~uraay rill oarrit!rl~ tQl'lk' lJIIlOI'I J UUff 1, 190~. W iilpin,ctou·(Jollege, bad ohllrge qi P.ersons wanting corn suitable for or demur the Uh da,)' July, t'1t~8: . ' lUI folloWIl : No. I. Pred HondtlJ.!4ul\ ; t:be dedi_tor)· servloe8. feeding to ftorses will d.o well to ap0tI04R J. EVWAJW8 ~IDIDI.~r.tor tba will No.2, Bay F. MilltI; No.a, John (l , ply to Mr!1.~ Waterhouse, of Corwin. 1~ I'U~~~,.~tbe QfDa\'~ GEO. S, SALE, a~ No; Up'lJire White; No. Ii. Valley Phone 54. Ueorp D. JIUlB. . '. . L'11IUO • llnl.h made to ' walk 00.
Hanna's Citt~~n S~al Stands f~)t Paint Effici~ncy
0 1 AVllrlllu F. " : brl ~ hl. aece"H~e], a t; llo g In
B ·lI.lIl N ( ~
TFLEPrIoT'ir. ~JiLL . .
Women as Well as Men Are 'Made Substill ulc for t:urtain Uods mjs~rable by Kidney and wm He Junf.' Hth---To . Be Bladder Troublll, At, IlHrllWfll' II,.torf', get no pper.
~ I , '!io a y~lIr J( nUL' paltl . 11 UI1\' :O'"
1'111 1<1
For twenty year.' i t ha.· o'iven :complete satist'action ill hundl'edHof to\\ ns throllo'hout this all<l othCl~ ~tate . . . N arly aIL I look g'o()(l when first appJted, but the qu tiOll you w'ant to consider is, "How will it look in five or six year. ?
Use Green Seal There is Nothing Better Made
For Sale by·
B. P. S. ·,Paint-..................... A "PAINTfR'S PAINT." A. P ... P~\in t is a pure lead,· a nd Iinse d oil paint, It,i,,; made.upon a formuJa which haJI, sLood t h ' t est of years. It jll ~Found exceedingly fin n1uch fin r than hand·mixed paint or ' unlinu I'y prepal'ed 'Paints'. B. P. S. l'aiJlt is a "Painter's Paint," and is endorsed by all practical w O\'km en who hav thoroughly
!'ai nL l'S 'find H. P, l:i. l'ein L ~(;l.Il1ull1 ical 'beca use p.llre ' materials and fin e g'l'inJin rcnabJe them tu c v t' 25 p r c nt. mol' Rurfa·(:! p e l' gallon in ' to pel' cent less timt!, a nt! s c ure a mo re beautiful <lu l'able job than wi h hand-mi x II or \. }ll'e· pal'ed pain W;;.
n. 1'. S. PaiFlt iff a "Painter's
Painl," because it means _ sntif(lfied customers and increased husiness.
Walter J. Kilbon, Prop. Daylight Store; Distributor for' Way"es,viJIe and Vicinity Ask for 6 : P. S. Sealed Evidencea-(I)aint co ts, co\.or card, and 1llates of colored housesj - FREE
An .... ,. lind stfttt. Steam and Horsl.ll'owcr. . A blind tonsiull • • Low IIIII'IJlSlIlnl!. No .Ice to drive setting. A.1l complete :with li£tjng jack. " wnJIIcb III <>perating 1hc t ClIs lQn. Bvory I'n's warrnnt~. 11.1111"1 you all about them, ~ilh ?riccs and discounill • .
n iscovery of Famoul Cooiga rd ie Mad. Millional re& of Prev iou sly Unlu .. k y Pros pectors - Valuable Nug. gets Found on Surface.
Many D i fferent Points of View Devel. ope d-Misfortunes Clf Ourselves
In Ih(' history o[ gol d di ggins and l1ul d !In(UlIg muny a rOlllan~lc Hud I ragl .. story Is to be tound . l~ w of I h e~ ' storll's, however, pnS!l\'lS!; mOt·o In I rest than th a t of IDW th e famous Co"lgardle mines, In wn!;t rD Ans11'.,11 0 , Wf'r d l scover ~ ll III 1 02mi n s which buv sJnf !~)'1 ' Id d mil· lions ot po nnds' worth or gold. Lnck I'la ),1'(1 a s:r('at par.t (n tbo discovery, bill It was th r ward cf IlerHev<;' I"!lIlC . In -,\ prll, t ' 92. two Ictorlan Inlners H;!,III(> d nyl y and Forll Sll'u I( Ollt for th 1\ rth('/ISl (If Auslrnlia. but af I' tra\' ring 250 miles they losl th~11' llOr~e8 ilil d Ilad fO' turn bac l(, l':qlllllll d wi th fr 'sh hOI'ses, tb y ~Lart , II agai n Oil what prO\' d t o be a 101lg. ted lOUR :llId futllf' journey, for once mor t hey were forced t o turn back - this lime f OI' want of water . The third atl !)lilt ' \' C/O th em fame and fortun(' . PI 1'. t they !O\Lnd th at wb I h to th III \I' ll . morf' VI'OCious th on go'l d- Dam Iy, WlItPI·. Th ey fuund a n otnta l W II, 1((10\\'11 to the Bealtel' d trlhE's of thllt f!\r awol' couDtry us ;. oOIP:arclle: ' Pitching' th ei r comp beside the well lIwy turned th eir horses Ollt to CoecJ and started nrosjlectl ng th country a rotlnel. Ford \>1 k d up a hnir ounc lIu ~e t and before nlgbt. th ey hnd ga 11· Pl'eel In ovel' 20 ounOOB of I;Old , Two or thr e weeks' more surtac prosvect ln f; was r ewar ded w ith ovel' 200 IIlIllcell. By this tim e food sllppli s had gI ven ou t , so, ,k eplng their own counsel concern ing their elI5coverl s, Uley retui'ned to olvlllzaUon. laid In a fresh stock of J>l'ovlsions and h ilst ned bt. It to Ih Ir El Dorado. WithIn u f ew· daYD of th Ir r eturn 1h Y happ n d upon lhe ' rcef t hat fDlde oolgardle. ' DeginnlDg wIth a "slug" welgblng GO ounccs, t ll ey Lljcl ed OUt from a cap of that ree f In a (ew hours upward of 500 ounces of gold , Ba~ley, carryi ng 55 4 ounces of go ld. j ourneyed back 10 tlle nearest m ining town, exhibited hla ftnd to tbe mining warden, put In a claim [or It 1 ase at the land on whi ch thIs mar"elous discovery had been made and hll,rrled off to tbe fi eld again wIth a Ilnrly t hnt numbered 160 m en, besides coa hes a'n d horjles and all tbe para· Ilbern alla of prospecting and cl1mpLng. In their waIte rn COUl'se of time came go.ld seek ra In hundreds aod thou· sands. From Bayley and Ford' s mine ther was taken In the first nlDe year!! of Its blstory 134,000 ounces or gold, "alued at £530,000, ., Almost as sensallollaJ as 001gordl were tbe Lond.onderry and Wealth of Nations " tlnds," The Lon. donderry was discovered by Il pllrty ot un successful prospectors on their way back to Coolgardl,e. Twp ot th em picked up some rich gold bearing specimens. Aiter a brief search th oulcl'OP of a reef 'Was exposed, fro'm which In ' tho coilrse ot a few doyS lbAY took out rroni 4,0()0 to 5,000 (lunces of gold . F rom tlle cap of t he "'ealth of Nations r eet goll1 t o t he vll lue of £20,000 was secured In a jew day.. '
T IiO phllo~OI,h(1l· 81t1 llill gly f ('gard d grllll!) on l.IJe bl1(·!'. I'lulfnnll. " V'II," h t' said , " arc (Jero [Ull' stec \!hol ll ' rs hr e ~ , · () t-r ' ";Xnl lI()ugh for a quorum , 1 rDP (' ~· ." ,;1I1 t! 1.11 , IItOIl! 111 1111, " I IHl yt\ (I. lIUI t;tflclt lll)'llel f lind thllt rl'llI'cst;mh; S(lIlI& 11IOIIP), 1 ~Iroppcd Into n 11010 In N(wali!!. s Y I'ILI YE'III'S lI ,.,;n. It Is II h andsom& st cl' k lind th ere Is II pretty nngget t hat sneli wllh I t." "SHln,,'!" SUggl'Bt II ti i phllosopil !1r . "Gllefls 1 WI\>; ." IUll f.\hetl I ho stout III li n. " I rClllember IIIlW IhaL t.he wLuo WIIH '1I1I('d t h ' H Ull 'yeomb: ., 'I'll Y IIII' IlIlI sht! d at lhl s lind the n I h ' rlhlloso))h 'r 91101te rC jlr ovln~ly. "~I y frJeD d t(;:' h e said. "vo shoul dn' t I lIu~1I ILL til 11I1srorl llllings of 0\111 !"s. l t Khow:! urate laelt (If hllll \llllld~' . JC ),011 IIll' st Illugh valt un lll you get
California, God's ' Countryl 1n God's cOlin try llere wha t lrans-, 'f ormntlon s are Do t posslbl! Th~ all, Ing with e,'ery III that Hosh Is 11 Ir io am here aud generally lind healing. 'rhe flowers gro"", larser Ihan their w,o nt, and have a perfurol') all thoir own . 1'he birds sing more ~ w eet l y and multiply more rapidly. The fa· mous navel orange caDl e from San Sal· vador de Bahia In' Brazil. rt did little Ill, 1/ s natLve babl t at, unel li roved a. 1a1luf In Florida. Here I t has been l11\e tll c tr c of lire. Luth , I" B'tlrban k nnlls Ca1lfornla the spot of all o thers "'b'I'e he can make polato 's grow l al"li: , beal' great CI"OPS and be!:orne as meal y as ftu e wheat flOur. ' H ~re h causes the CIICt.US to shed Its vicious " Illn s and ;vI Id provellder for the IJ nBI s and salads for the h UlUan ra e. , T he !;unll ght and pure nil' 'are errec· 'lIve In reslo ri ng mental dlsord I' 'ILnd mOl"nl degen eraCy. Be~ldcs tb e nnt· tl I'8 1 sun ligh t and ' th e 11IU'e a 1\ 81r t h re Is a fine mOI'al ntllio ~ ll h l' r hel e, n !;utln)- bOil ruin ~s and a \vhol sonic c;bl\rit y whi ch nl! combin e to do gr ont thin " :. In sou thern . Callfol'll la a larger pel"cenla ge of th , peopl go to chul'ch than In Now York , and Ihere IH ' IJO " Rat restauranls," as In ParI s. oor r oor gal'dens such a ' that in New YMk ,- Los Angeles Tim e!!. An Episode in Court. chal'g d with s nilt~hing a WIHnan's Ilocket boo It." " ( know It. judg , llut I wouldn't <\0 such a thing, hungry and brok e Jam." ' "1'00 con sol ntlolls. I sU Pllose?" " No. I don' t pretend that. liut why shoul d I snatch a woman's pocket book ? Wb at would I want with a cOI'l ple of car tickets. 11. powd or rag, a Itilwe of cllcwlllg gum and a dress. m ak 'r's addrllss?" Onl'o I*)l"e a , shrewd crIminal overshot his mark. His faml llal'lty wltll be ontents c~nvlcte d him. ~' You 801' 0
Pleaslr'lg for the Lecturer. J'Jibert Hubbard san, h Wll5 near. Ing the' ena or a l el'l1Ire b fore !.()OO all, >nllve lumates or a slate Inaane nllY' lum WIl!)D ,all 01\1 womlln tame SCrf'Am. lug down Ille aisle, wl\vln~ h!)r arm. f rant!.'all)·. ' • o:;oll! r can'l itan<l tbla 1\8110 lUIy longer_" ' .. said tile aupel1litendent to ...."/1JIII:1I .... . the Ue ...
and Oth ers ilnd tho Trag· edy of the Hat.
(j~lInDS of an eXP.4osive German for aa ' embarra~sed
American officer.
list , nrr. ··Why. Ihey' re so stollrl the.y pas~ed a law on e t ha t It m cn ~ IICIUltl ll 't kiss hi li own w·;re · n a 8I1UClIlY, And till man wbo had just ,tot h Olne on Sunday from n lon g jou rn r broko Lh e Or(III1I1 I;(,O nnd wall huu l ed up In court tor It. Fllcl. IL was II. ~oo d whlle ago, thougl)," " l"n' nch rneu k iss l'uch 01 her- l '"e 80en I.hem. Au d lI alllllls- why you 'tl thi n k to sea a. coull l e of noble Pnl!)rnJllalls m Ol: I hemllcl vcs Into each oth. r's arllls tblt you w r w'tll 8sll, g the end of some GOIII·stIlTln!; drama, wh ereas It onl y menDS 'all rig ht.' Whn t In cr allon those m ercurial )lco' pI k et p Sf..\,rd-up , 1.0 exr,re8S Iheir feelings In a grrat crls!.J, I s lmr, I~- ('all 't Imagine." '\' he pl ump lIIat rOll giggled. "Th!'y !lay King 1';t!wllrd hOI! Iho true DrlUsb di slike o! senlll\lo:lIal lloijes. bu t wh en he go '9 over til G rll\!I11Y a·couslnlu{';" IIDlong lhe royal! les he romcmb ers his OWU Germllu a l1 ce s t r ~' an I he and the mi ghl y Kai sP(" \0\ ilhelm embrace 11k a CO li [II of g'J hln g tichool·glrlll, It must b o a Sight." .. Imaklng of ki SSing. didn't YOll SUPPOS(l every· body lIn w thn r u, kls6 011 I h stage or & t h eat r Is j ust a hollow show. I\S I! tlIe like til r eal thing os a palntod t,.c 7 orne fl'lends of ollrs a Ii'lli e way out t) f town got up a very cl ever play 'last wintel' a~,d hud a prof sSlonal coach and nl! that. I t "Nail fur n churlty hospital. Well, MI·s. Smith and h.or h usband w r e bot il In the cast, but l\fra. mlth 's be;,t 8C ne was with the hero. her lover. , The !!1!1)" was a great suCCess, but 11001' Mrs. Sm ith found R QU er ch ili In the nil' wh II th e af· f air was ta lk ed ov er arterwards with some of the W<lmon on die board or 11Irc('tors at th(l bospital. 1l was only later stili and In a roundabout wa y t.h ut she founcl til e ), thought , her beautiful kl sfo was tar too r ea l to be proper , And wasn' t her husband nlad wh en' ho b eard of tbe gOSSip! Why- - you know the stnge effeet Is' the empl!es t sbow. As a malter of fac t all thllt bappened wh!!n hls face bent !iO close oYer hel"l; was h er own frantic whi sper, ' For, heulien's sake l et me "If Ii body meet (l bOdy stralghlen YO\lr wig; It's slldlDg oV€lr one ear.'" Gomlo' through the rye. "Did you ever see ' them rub noses In New Zea· If a body k iss II b odv. lan d ? That's th e limit. Qf cours you don't often . Need a body cry?" have t he chane , for It's only the aborigines-the Maorl s..,..thal do Lt. and now a good maDY of them are civilized out of, all their native picturesqueIon of firing a revolver Into the aIr o\ltslde 10Ut dool' would S.ilom to city dwellers as extraordlDary nel:lS, just as our A'IIerican Indians, ctc. But out as t be Iaorl.nose sulut. B ut as 'a rule we AmerlSn the mountain district wbere you' go to see the geysers nr.d hot sprin gs there are a few that k eep ~ans Ilave reduced tho custom of salutation to ttl up a queer mixtu re of store clothes and primitive ' barest and l "woBt t rms , outting out pret.ty .much all t he fancHui formalities lit other lands ' and In· ruannel1l. Tb er'o's a native girl there who acts as deat or p.arller times In our own land. W bolt a guide t hrough the , geyser r egion-she's really iuto Rhops, t II the clerks what we want, with no Quite 'I\'ell educated and \lp-to,date, but-don't pr t nse of gl'eetlng them like human beings, and you know how some coquetti sh Frencb and Gerthen MIt out again In the same time-saving '>ut man s lrb deliberately k eep up a foreign accent mnnnerless style, wbleb makes any w ell·ured v,'hen they speak English, because they kn.ow It's F I'cnchman wond er an d think things about us. At rat.he'r fet ching? W 1\, this Maori gir l will rub l eaat, b e wOlld e r8' ~ tor a f ew day a, then lie oatches noses wllh yllu In the most demuro fashion If tbe mlorobe. At first, ",'hen be. an A m erican you signlry t hat, you're interested In an'thropOlelevntor, b e says to the boy, " Good morning. W1Il ogy or sociology or whatever head covers the you be so -kInd as to lake me to the eleventh iloor subJ d." . • • Thank you." B u t the n ext week be knows I t I s r eally curiOUB when' you come to thLnk of It, nls Jesson. ,l;{c, t oo, bolts In, aDd merely grunta, how many ways the human creatures have of SIlY., '.Leven." H e la Anierlcanlzed. Ing How d'yo do. 'T he traditional cowboy tash-
'. , . ~' , "If""" """'" .... " .........
"Talk about masculine supel'lorlty," said the globe-trotter, " YOU OUght to sell the way women greet a man guest In Jllpan. There's a nice f ellow I~ Tokyo whom 1 used to know. He was In San Il'rauclscOo a Jew yeal1l ago, but h e went back to take up his , fathe,,'8 business. " rell, I wa s InvIted to his house In 'rokyo. Say, you ought to hlIVe seen tbe .way rorrs. Furugawn. saluted me! She was upert Tr~iner a sweet little ,cl'eatui·e. not r eall y prell),, ' but gen. Mr. and Mrs. DoubUul have Ue and daInty and all that sort of thing. W ell, sir. renovate their IIl)e went down on her knees ancl cl'ossed her hands decldl3d to on t he floor and bowed ,her head down to touch house, aild ore deep tn the wall paper, the nlatUng. ] f elt like a grinning Idol. Furllgllwa dIscussion of ought to have told bel' not to, or el se be aligh t to wax ed flOOfS, new dining room ha"e giVOD her waTnlng so I migh t have gono down table, etc. Mrs. D.'a cODversa-, on my own knees. but as It was r'd no Idea what tion IR f ilII of "Lucy r ecomshe was going to do; so th ere I stood like!\. wooden , monds Blank's for 50 and so," Iml\ge ot a heathe,n god, and IIhe Ulltiklng all t he- "Mary says we ought to 'be tline what beastly manners AmerI cans have. very careful t'f we Ilatronlze You've 'rio Id!la what an Idiot It made m e t eel. What Clar k 's, because they break I'm used to at home Is ha"lng a sternl y aggl'esslve th eir promises," "Jennle tillls Amerlcnn woman deliberately glare lit me In a Die her rug dld!l't w ear ,w ell street car till J gl"e h er lilY seal." that she bOllght at T,he Or.(· "It was hard on YOll," said the hos t ess, with a Cl1t," etc." etc. ' twlnkJ e In her eye, "] r cmember YOIl ot old at In tlie midst of It Mr. NeardancIng school, lind how you used to hate eveD that by cmnes in and catch es the mJld ordenl." drift of the conversation. He "Boya always hate bowlnl> llnd scraping. But breaks I" with: "Say, Bob, If glrla seem to 'lake to It like f1uck s to water." you wunt wall naper I'll tell " Alas, /Jot, all us," ,pu t In a plump and jolly YOII of a crack er·jack salesman youn g matron: " wbJle we were in London Il\st y ear to g() to. I hell evo he fairly I was presented to Queen Al exandra. To toll the eats wall paper , he's 80 widetruth, J really had supposed [ kn ew how to make a awal!:e abollt It. H e know!! lIultahle eurtsl;!Y. hut m y frll;!nd, 1!:1I e~1tI j.'o.unlng, what yoll want. bettor than you who ' gtlVe m o varlolls jlolnts beforehand, made me do yourself." ~ractice over and over while she' criticised . It all Mr. N earby Interes ts Mr, ~eemed too absurd for anything, bllt really I assure and Mrs. Doubt ful so Utat they you t hose rebearsalfl were', all tha t suved m e from call for this salesman at that dying of mortifi cation on the ftoor of B uckingham llRl'tlcular atore. He imlllodLJlalnce. It you fnncy It's easy to make a vm'y, v ery ately' enters loto their plaaa low, sweeping curtsey, almost to the very fto,or, wi th spl rl t , and natollishes oguin and again an4 ', agatn, gracefully retiring dur- tl)em with hIs extensive , in!; the process and not getting tripped liP by the , knowledge ot patterns, their longellt train yon ever had a cha e to wear-well, doslgns, ~ b elr bleDdlng colors, lust try It yourself!'" the l~ualitle8 of paper, tbe ef"At least, YOIl did l<now what was expected of feels, of light and abade and you, and hali time to prellaro for ' It," said the whe ther they would permit traveler. " It's wheD you I'lln uri agalll4it sollie un- many' plctllres hung aga.lnst , e'xp~cted k~nd ot B!llutation that you're lost. T saw ' them. In ' alldllion" he kntw ' the 'history of wl111 a funny lIght once on the nler here just IlS I was papel' apd pOinted out Interesting cnanges In lan,dlng trom one ot tht;! Hlimburg-Americau boats. styles, In cellhig decoratlonB, In friezes, etc., '\'lIer<l was 11.', big, beRrd ed Rus's lan on bonrd coming 'W hen they left hIm Mril'. D. said ,Impuh!lvely: over, tll "hiil sO'lle' relations or other, nnd when he "Well," t1!at man (I! an artIst. I feel posltlvely walk d · down the gaDg-I,lank there wtlre two young rested. He takell a load right olr your sboulder", paOlll ", I"altlng fOl: him, a l)retty girl, e"ldenUy nn~l Inow; : she sighed resignedly, "I s'P98e we have RIIIIII~ an, nnd a yo\mg fellow who wasn' t ltusslan at to g'o back to that , stupid furniture depar,tment all lHIt spokelilnglish and looked as It he balled agalm." And It tru\; I!eemed · more stupId than t.roro tbe IItate of Maine. ~ el:, the onfl wllh th'e ever, The saleBmal~ Wlls affr.ble onoug~, but be bear a foil upoil the pretty girl as It he'd l1evflr seen seemed only to follow them about. state price. any tblng 110 good hefore-I guessed be was Uncle and tell tbem Whll,t was "the latest." Nlklo\' lt ch or something or ' that sort" And When H e (lId not know bow to suggest what wou)d he hod i:lssed Olga on hath pink eh(>~ks, didn't he harmonize with tile rest of thl3 room, nor how Just grab the stla, shy Yankee feltowand lei.. him, It mi ght 1\t In any way Into theIr putlcul.r needa, too! Yes, elr, first on 'one cheek aDd then on the Neltb9r did he edu.. te them to an Intolllgent otber, jUlt lUI Ir he'd boen a wl~ltlng a",eothcart. apJl~eclBtlon of hIs '\lmlture aa ' the other lIareB" "Tbat poor fellow from Aroostook oollnty WIUf crlm- 1Il81L bad done with hi. wall palJ8r. . The ftl'llt saJlHlmall waa a genullla comfllrt beaOD to bls eal"" whon Uncle ~Ik&uvltcb gave him a parting bear·hilg and let him free, I luppoae blt'4 cau.a he pve them tbe advice or a IpeciaUJlt, n~ver In hi' lite leen RUBllan m61l kf .. each He ltuewthat out of en17 doUa, the cniBtomcr other-but he'll see more It he marrtn the prett, for th~8E IOOdl tour or !he cen.. ,c ame to Ilrt all 1 gu... be mean to." So he "4 !lot toucb
!J OII\(',"
"~tlnH' Inughs arc Ilk sn ez('s," saIl. Ihe slllllL m;n ornculnl' ly; "you can't k ee p t hem hack, T o hlllSh 01 your own ml:; fortU II I ~ ' 8toi('l\l ; 10 hLlll':h ut t,! :. 1111 (nrtu II O!i of ollwrs Is btlrhnrn usalld t1ll're' ~ til! I! II Int of lb ' ...Qld bar- . burlan In most or us." Th ))hll0501) 11('1' nodded. " Wel'r.\' gOllt lor u slrvln)r of Ill\r· barI HIII ," h sulll !lllfl !laUr el 111 stout mnn I\glll Iy II Ih shollldol'. " De next I I me I shllp on II pnnana Ileel nnfl prruk II bh\fe gln (;s vl ndow , laugh as mooch as ~' tl\l I\ k ~b\lt lOn't 1 L me cat(,h YQU nl I t: ' •... 11 IJI) v r y ar ful," cbn kled l he stout man . 'Ttl lo ugh In nlY 8Iee\'e:' " \' en yoU l aug h III ~'our sleeve," said lh e phllosnllh I', "ro ll must be werry cnr eful dot yuur f unu y bont) doesn't get hysfl 1'1001 : " The stout ullin sl rnlgbtened lil a face_ 'Til rem mber Ul al," 11e sa id , 'T d quite forgotten wh re l he funll Y bone wa s looal cd, Your sllt·tll·llIl ng 'Knowledge or analOmy do II , YOIl r dlt, phi105 011h r ," " Y OII ar IV rl'y fiadderlng," tne phL-, l osopllel' repli ed. "lind ,It ISB not m y b,lac to suy dot YOIU' gomplhnentnrloa sl'e unci served. I know a bone or t wo, " und lI1uyb a f ew musculars, bilt I vouldn't go so tal' as to .ay d pt I am r ead )- to mak a nols l1~e an op r at · Ing tople, " "Alwn)'11 mod st." laugbed tb o slout man, and th o Uttle groul,) :au;;lied with him. r. " Phlloso;)her:' said tb. draft clerk, " whnt '8 your o[ll nlon of the ' 111 r ~y widow' halsT' 'I'h phllosollher shook his tead. " I am too oldt a bI rd, MY POl'," he sal , '·to be lurcd inlo exbresslng an,. decldet oblnlons goncornlng de aHlrlt dot lofely vooman bl·erers. 1 vIII edmit dot de . Idow' hat 138 ' a poorty IS1'ge broposit lOll. A: frlendt at mlno, a weTr)' short mnn, vaS!! sitllng In de Btree~ cur de odder d llY, ulld next to him vas a hili girl v~arlng 0. 'v ldo",' hat. D car gove a jolt vlch troo de gl rl a l ee tl ' orr her palance, and v en she swayed sJde vays she knock ed de silk bat from de .h ead or a. lUon two B. seats avay. As );he l eaned torwarts to ~ Salesmanship Bee vot vas ' d e troobl e she smashed de eye·glnss s of a man setLing 'obbo. equl'I)PPeI hlmselC with the Bite, lind " en ' she drew back ahe kDowl edge or the man Inside scraped de wi g trom de head of n man the offioe door- the man who by de door. 'In de con(.lslon my trlendt ' g1ve s advi ce and gets paid for vas worn' gladt to scap rrom de ca~ I t, not onl y In money but In wi. his !ife." -Cl ev eland l-Ialn Dealer, appreciation, tHUng the 10l\d of anxioty trom thos& who The Seven Prophet• . seek him. " Th o late duke of Devon shire." Ilnld Don't be a butler even though you are a COllrteaul 1\ diplomat at a. WallbJugl'on <llnner, " kept II stud Olld .took 1\ culm 8Dd ducal !lunkey. Be a doctor and dlagtlo.e Interest In the races. "There ,WII S a cerlnln BtlOrting pa per thEi casE'. Be a lawy er ami convert that k ent a h~rge stair of Ilrnphets' and always prophesi ed the outCflme 'Of 1m. yOur jnry. Be an IIrchltect Bnd eon- portant races. The duke, for somn r eallon, Pllt ,great r eliance In thes€) struct a helpful argument. Or he an artist and put In prOl)hots tlnd their prophecies. H nl,' ways r ad I.he paper, and ,he on. stcokes that tell. Introduce' yourselt to your ,tlnually recomm nded It to hill frl nd R, - , " But once ;nt Gno~wood , at, the day '" own goods. Milke, them friend s of yours-not the kind end. a man clime up to the duke nnd said : that stick, but the Idnd that : .. 'Wllat or your papar now ? Did ohant " 1)arUng Is such sweet YOII see It thlll morning? SIx proph. sorrow" and_ are gladly swal. lowed up In ' wrapping paper ols proph esied thnt six dlll'orent horses woul~, win, and here se~en ran, and string, ' ' and, th e winn er was the I;ovent h, Whl cb How the race ot shopperl no ,p1"Ophet had selecl ed, W II, whut flock to such an 'expert! have you to say now?' Mr. Provider Is willing to ,', 'All 1, have to ~ay: ' the ellI'k e ans'hop with his wife when they Bwered. calmly. 'Is that ther e's room are going to deal with ', Mr. Expert. Miss Proudfdot un- for another \lrophet on thot Vaper: ,. bends to Miss Bright behind the counter who shows that Keep. Tab 01'1 the Trolley •. she knowB not only color but An Instrument has been it. vised tor style and the approprIateness making complete tests ot Btr et car8 of ea'ch to tbe IndivIduality ' of white In operation. 1t consists ot n the wearer, table over which a' roll of paper III red But the raee of ' shopper. are, out to get the tull slowly, above which sre Drm:! can-ylng worth of their money and many a time they recog- small recording I,nsb·umenla. Eaoh ot " nize their helplnssneils. It they only knew whence these Instruments Is connected wit h a to turn for help! Blit, the Inept lIal_penon at clookwork mechanism , whIch c au ~ClI their ,eibow merely tells them the price-which II it to , regIster on the movlng p,per boplainly hrKfld-and looks patiently relligned or low ~very five seconds. Each il) stru. Ind'lfferently apathetic while thf:lY Houn\Wr about m en t reglROOrs a BIl,eclal . valu fl-~ u(!h , and get, .what they don't want or 'whll& the:r ought lUI' the Jl~pere s and volts used on each car motaI', or the Bpeed of the not, to havn. Come, Ilome, rub your eyes, and )Jut tile mloro- car or its loeat!on on the IIn~ etc., 80 800pe' to your goods. It Is the way 'to touch the that for every trIp of the cjLI' Ovor tbe ., pc)rket·nerve of your customer. He wants your road this device furnlshea a grSllhical goods Dnd you want 1)11 money. That IB, he wanta r9l)0rd lat' more accurate than could your goods U yoil prqve It to blm. And yo" be mad~ by any num~er of obseryera ' • wl1l1t his ' momey, not DOW, merE!ly, but next ':''!It'k -Unldentlfted. and next month lind next year. Uae Jour telesoopo on next year and bring It close to you. If Will ~oarl l\I!one, to Farmers, 'you undllflltand wllat :rou are talklnl about, an4 The Transvaal goVemmeht, througlttt 'you talk about what you UDderatand. yoU call tb~, medium of & land bank tbat Is b.aee biB money comlDS ~ you a ,ear hen(Mt, Inc open&(!.. la about to land approxl. You bave .urel, &.led a atrlDg to him. He fa matelY to the faMllerl of • "Ullng capUv.-yota have lIbowa bow 10 tbe country to_ enable them OODftI't hla jnt o -I(004IB
'Touching the Pocket Nerve By Mias Diana Hiracfller, LL.
.1Y ....!!'I-aN!I ,.~
~'~l!~~~ ~ ~ ~~~.~~
SHEARING SHEEP BV HAND, Two Methods of DOing the Work Art Popular w it h Shearer•.
Farmer Tells of One 'He 'Finds Satisfaotory.
Th Ilfagl'n III shulI'ri hcrcwlt It Is or (l hog 1l1'1 ' lIUI,; " hute whl clt a 'onellpoluJ ell t uf the Wallnce's lo'ILrlller IInds IJ clnll y Itll udy allli 118 ful. He nut ouly usc::s It for a hOi; MO I ' Lln~ ChilI Iiut rOI' II I PIling . hogs nliU vt1cc l natl ng alv ' s, \Vb '1\ UIIl'lI to Morl llOll~ tha !lIppi ng tunk I!! 'COl' rlld uy II heavy 1I11. A is n Clltch II II whi ch will hofd, tram 50 to &0 hogs. de pcUI.Jlng au Blzf', 'flley tHe (1I'lve.JI In froul yard J •• wh ~ I 'e th e 11 01'(1 10 be IlUrl",u Is fll'tl l
'. Diag ram of the Chute. y:lrcled. The gate F Is 1hen clos · d. One mau '0 II IUlo t ho P ' 11 A nnd works tit hog's toward 1he gu(o' B, throu gh whl h they pll~S (fil0 C, OD to 0, which sorls t ht' lli !rito I wo ya'nls, :.Ii and N. 'r,h s OI'llng Is done by a mun ut ' l. wh o hll.ll rull \' Iew ot tit hog froUl th e' tiUle It e nte r!! the gul 11 IInUl It. passel! Ollt lit D Into either l'urd ~[ or N, 'rw o r Op",s fro m &ate o paas ov I' llull!o!Y8 at. J and K up ~o a I \. I' at I, where Ihe lllaD wbo ue s til sorllng stands, a nd III so ho.ndles tho ,;ut B, reg uluting t he numb I' of hogs to let In the chllt , A s hi gh as 8 ven or Is-ht huudred 1I0gS huv e b en 1'\111 thl'OlI gh In three ,or roy 110_U_r_8._ _ _ _ __ DIPPING VATS FOR SHEEP. Be.t
Ruu lts Are. Obtained Where Animal. Have to Swim.'
']·\\'O lll ' lhods (If hand shearIng are 11011111111'. One or I ht'!i8 Is knuwn tlH 111 11 101lt; me thod Dlld the other 01111 a6 lh 1'1) 1111<1 melhod . lIoth have tL el1' 1~(!nlll\llgeR nod dl sadva nlnges, Wh ~ n 611 I'll al'e shorll b~' Ihe long mel hod Ih !lhvu rer bl3ginll by I' ",UV' Ing tire woo l 'rrum tlt e hend. He I II 11 OPCIIS Ih , wool plI th e Ihroa t nnd sheilI'll !'rom lit untle rllll ' of Ihe same III til lup of th e ne k . 'I'h l" III CO il· 111111 II unlil a point I ~ reached at or n ' ar (he s lloll!!1 r blade. 'I'he IJo!!l. lion of lit she II III th n revel's d, and tho wool I'll s lrnlhlTly I' moved from til 0111 01' s ide ot til e n ct{. A lIe l'ie~ of I'lngs ar thU H Illude, x tellOlnl! f!'Om I he heud 10 the> s hould I' blt.lllt'< Th E! she » Is then hUd OD Its .Idd. 'i' h wool Is th en !! ho~Jl fl'om sbolll!! , t{) bu tto k all one sid\!, Th e outs ore nmd s llllllar aud 1I1ll'UII lund' C'f ,",uul wldlh , . Th !ill 0 11 Is theu t.lI'Ded o.. er aDd th e wO(l1 i s I'!Jmoved ' )-om Iho Cllher sid, 8h tlrillg fl'om lJull ock to ste rn, A good s h ur I' keell5 Ihe s h aI'S gllllwiug, UII it we l'e, thrc)llgh tlle Wool. mthl' /, 1hall making al8t1l1ct ClIts each lime th e sb 01' handles ore pressed ' tognthel', Wh nIh sheep ll re shoro by the ro UIlU melhod tbe unlmlll ,ltI place<l on Jtfl buttuck , eXl)la llls t he Oran ge J udd 1,' ul' mer. Th e wool , Is IIrst remo\' d from I he brlRket down ward to tlJe tor fluuk. H Is lheu shoro from ri ght to le ft leal' aC I'oss lhe betly, The wop l 011 the e utll'e bell y tllu. 1'()· ilia\, d hangs on th e lefl side of thft fl c e. 'rhe wool Is then Olle n d UI' on lit 111111 r!llde or th e neck, and begin· 1I 1 111~ Ilt the ars Ihe II ck and body a ro s horn by l'unnlni the shears to th!! l'ltlg of the top lin e, The !;lieep Is III n WI'lI d O\'el' nud ilte 'ri ght s ide Is shol'l\ In !lIe sam woy. .Elich Une mud hy t h sIt aI's 8hould be at l'lght an gl ' s wi t h Ut tOil line, Sheep thus !thorn hM'e II 7.e bru·llke apllenranc!,\ th n~ Is v ' ry ultrucUv , AD , exper t sh 'arel' will n ver cu L the wool twice. th at II' , h will not, e v n when shear· lug V!\st th' spinal column, point t 18 Hh lI/' S so high t hnt the wool will 11 U\, to b 'lipped a gain. EXERCISE r-OR BROOD SOW. She Must Be Kept In Cond ition' at All Times of the . Year, excrelE; or the b rood ould summer time, '1 ' hls should noL' lie forgotten till tlt e sow It! just a fe w weeks from farrowing. Sh should b glv n n ood lot o~ x rolse all the time of h r m e t hnt ah may work a la rge parlor' h er food !tIlO gOal] , s trollg, IUUS Ie, rather than Into fa t. The sow Wilt Is kept clos Iy penned will n ot make muscle. but fnt, aDd she wIll transmit to her otrsprlng a weakened cons titutloD, whlcb m enns largely a luck of musole·maklng powe r, ' The lIIuscle·makiDg po weI' Is a large part of the constitutlOD of allY aDI· mal. The animal tbat has the power to develop good muscle will make a pow rfUlly· bullt hear t. which is oue great muscle, A flow erful he art to send tbe blood w.lth ' great. [,)rce all throu'gh the body 16 a lurge factor In the l)rOper development of the trame, TlIel'e rol'e glve the brood sow a good lot of e xercise ID the bright sunUght, alld In lhe pure In a pas: tllre where tllere Is DO dust fl yIng In the ulr,' Some BOWS nre giv n .the Ir ex· erclse In dry lots wher evel'y foot· stell sends the dust Into the all', Nat· urull y R OUl~ of tJlIs gets tnt!:' the hlllgB or tbe BOI\', and tbla Iii not a desirable rec Illacle tor dllGt. It must be ough d of[ with muc us , Til xel'clseil sow will be more 111'0. lit! 1hun allY othe l', for !lhe w!II have th e "lilt 1'1111 out or whl II to make. IJI'oge ny, because not only th e mUI' cl B of the henri , but a J thl) othe.r mu scles of lhe bOe!y will be st r Cllg th" ned, Til
b look d nrLer even il\ III
\\1\ere s heep s wim '10 or 12 reet through a 'solutlon , 1 find It quite aathiractol'Y. \\ hen Rheep swim through a tUDk. th ~ dip seems to work Inlo the wool bette I' thnn It tb ey were simply held In It and then takeD ' out. Several yetll'l! ago 1 built on my tnI'm a wooden tanlt 25 feet long, 20 IDches wide at the top, rour reet de and "Lx Inches wld ~ at t.he bot· 10m, I made It out of Illllnk, tongued and grooved und painted w II. It gave me good satlsfactlnn, bllt the trouble with the woodeD vat Is that It Boon rots wbere the ground toucbes It, SiDce I bav been lIslng my steel vat 1 would not think or muklng another 1\'oOden OD , us th stccl VlLt Is much ' more durnlJle, and ther efor e c'llUses much les8 troubl. 1 hav IIl!ed many kInds of standard ulps, alld I he res ults " have been very satls faotory wh re the l~lru otlOllB w re caretully carried alit. 'Jibr e -\Ve1!Its o1'u Is rnthel' young tor 111mb!! to be dipped. SIIYS 1\ writer In Fnrniers' Voice. but I do not besltale Ilbout di pping mine wh en they are flv e or six w eks old, In fa ct, I flnd It u good 1Jrltct'f"c to dip Ule la mbs whe n about this ug , If I he wes ha ve be'e n ----~ .. shorn a couple of weeks provlous. On FOUR HORSES AE I~t ~AST, th shenl'lng of th e . wes tlle tickll ' wl!l Ilass to the lumbs th n by dip· . IIllI g Ih,e Inmbs the tl clls are, lTcctive- Arrangement of Lines fel' , E:lsy DrlVo Iy deBt ray ed. Ing of the Anirr.uls.
An eosy method ' of drlvlll~ rour Hogs After Cattle, The )lractlce or rllDblng hOgR after horae!! ubrenst Is !lhown In the accom· cattle to live ott the droppings Is a p!ltlyllig Illustration: Hllch the tw.o practice that it would he well to middle horses together aa If they wer4t abaudon, It Is a filthy practice, liS all bl\lst admIt. Wba t Is worse, Is thnt • It sprends tuperculpsls, and perhaps ' lltber diseuses to the swine. w~lch In turn nre ealen lIy · human belnga. - There can be 110 d'lsllutlng the fact that many cattle are atrecled with 1uberclllosls, Moreover, ,It ' has lieeD r ecently shown by the government ID' vestlgalors that th ~ droppings of cat· , lie are the most common, means of Spreading ~he dls8flse, So 10Dg, as lhls pasturing hogs with corn·fed cat· lie Is carried on so IQng will the dis· ease continue 1.0 'flx Itaelt In ttie s.wlDe, wblch In turD <lome on to the tnble, ,of the peap\!!. Lin. Arrangement for Foull Ho ...... !'iog. Rooting I" Barnyard •• alone Then take a hitch reIn from Some hog ' ~alsers advise to let the the o~tslde of ~he outside horlle·. bit hogs have the rUD or the barDyard tlOd , run It througb I he lIame rlDg· aDd nd root. 4ver the manure, They ssy to the buckle on thE! IIDe. Then tie the thllt the exercille Iii good and that outside horse 10 the next horse's haOle It ImJlro~e8 the man\lre, In addition 'ring, ~be hogs" get nl\lch food Ollt of the 1'hls will guIde tour horses. says the lJ!anure, But this Is not D llractIce that Prairie !.<'armer. as easily as two Ihould be ' encouraged. The manuM,ill not the proper kind or medium to horses caD be g,ulded. carry tbe food or 1Iny animal. Jt Is knowD that, tuberculosl. germs treo Draft Horee.. quently es1at In manure In ImmeDse The borse lUsrk"t Is IIbo,vlng a ~umbel1l, ' alld "'. !mow tJlat hogs are chaDge In regard to lhe demand tor aQlrcellltl1~l41 to tbe d .....e: Let large d1"arteno, If thele heaVM lUll· lOll ID8tead aJI(J mala ar tUI: t.~ .. lmaJI8I" laora!I .1
If turted.
If In Advertllement Convinces You, I"OUND THE CAUSE. Stay Con~' lnced WheD you I' ad In thlH np.w~l'n!ler After S,Ix Year. of Mllery and Wronli th e ndvartlstJllIent of' a mnnllll.LC'lurer Treatment, ' who has paid for the space lIsed to con"ln.ce you tltut It Is to YOur Interest JohD A. Ende rR, uf Rohc r t~on Av f" to buy his goods, unct yon go to a Due, P('o Argyl. P a" Bu lrcred tor six dealer , vhere 8U h ar tlcl s ore lIeUBUY', yeul'S wi t h stlllging pain In tll(l Lack, vlobandIed for sale, !lo not ilo't tb~ d ule.. or anyone of hi s clerks s Jl YOII 150m lent h f'adllches aDd t hlDg f' lRe :w hlch ,IJ c:llllm R Is "Jusl as dizzy spells, and \Vila good," It a n a dvel' ti l!eme nt convi nced aSlHlrl'd lIy a ,slleclal. YO II , It was becaus e uf th e It'm eDt of 1st that his kidneys truth whlrh It contain ed, were a ll r lghl, though 11 SI T O~ GETTlNG WHAT YOU tho secrl'tl ons shOWell ASK FOR. a r er1di s b, brlck.dust sediment. Not sati sfi ed, Mr, Enders , HER PROTECTOR. 6tarted aslDg Doon's J(I<ln y Pill s, "The kluD eys bega n to nct more reg11. larl Y," he saYII. "nnd in a short time I pas~ed a t e w gravel ston es, I t elt better ri ght awuy ane! since thell have I had no kidney t ro ubl e," Sold by all d ealer!!, 50 cents a box. Foster· 1!!burn Co" Duffalo. N, y,
Table Linen of To.Day an Improve· ment Over that of a Few Years Ago-The Latest In Lunch Cloths.
,;ornpnrlllg the lnblc li nen o f to-day with that of t n 01' 12 yt'IHlI ago., Ih I'e Is a ml)l'k d 1lIIIII'OV III ' II t in u os l ~'D. For yeurs II' lia v~ hnd very fin linens ID 0111' ha IIlI, and there huve b n manv bealltlfu l d s lg'ns. Lilt not wIth· In tl;e l'tJuch of the moderate pU'l'se. So muc h progl'estl hUll beo n mad ' by man· ufacl III' ra thn t now pricl:!s are lo we l' and des igns al'e beU r. Of co urse thel'e are ce l'laln pal te m cloths of fol" el al lJIillte Ihat can n ever be 'henD. It Is th e lin li S of IJIcdlum Qualit y, weight HIs Double Grief, Rud liI'ice. but of fln e d sign, t bat will It was seDtence day In the city np peai to th e aveJ'Uge housekeeper. conrt. A lIlall In the prisoners' p en, Some tblnk Ibnt the line n Illud e In 11'0wllo had beeu se ntenced 1.0 two years land has taken 1he J)lace (If lhat man u· for larceny, began to ry softly. 'rhe tactured In othe r countries, It Is good, big mlln next him. who was going to cheap Ilud Oft eD very handsome, al?d el've seveD years for bigamy, s aid: w!ll IRst fOl' mnny years, I1rovlded. of "He re, nurse! Who's that YOUDI "A w, wotche r sn lffllD' IIbou t?" COU I'S , It Is no t. ruined by chem icals cbap that's always follow1 ng you ''I'm-l'mth·th,t hlnkiD' ubout leav· In launde ring, Designs 'In nil household arouDd? 1 b e a bea u of YOl\rS ?" In' (sob) my-my-faUlll y. Lea.leavln ' lin ens are steadily gaining In artisl lc "Ob. DO. sIr, Dat"s Jimmie Hawl(· my wlfe-" merit. 'I'b old·tlme cloth t hat swe pt ·sbaw. d e d teetlve. I: hires him to pro"Aw, cut It ou t! Look at lIle. I ain' t tlte 11001' Is no IODgel' In fll llh 10 11 , ' teet me tram kidnap er .. an ' th ings!" cn'ln', Gm 11 An' I'm I!'svln' two ot Tb e b 'st sly le tab le lin e n tOI' a . 'eol,"-"Jac k" Cremer ID Everybody's, luncheon Is u cente r-pi ce and Indl· SEVERE HEMORRHOID' vidual doilies. to malch . Th re a I'e . It Cure. While You Walk. howeyer, b tUlIlful cover s , made e s· Sores. and itching Eczema-Doctor , AII'n '. Foot·Ease , i~ " certl\in cure for peclally ror luncheons, but a regular bot Bwcating. collou9. and swollen, ocbinl Thought an Operation Neceuary dlnnE!r CIOlh, no malter hoW simple or feei, Sold by nil Druiiiatll, Price 26c. 'Don't -Cutlcura'a Efficacy Proven; accept "nr 8ulJetltute. Trilll ~nck.i!c FRBE. mugnincent, should n ever be used . The Addre8ll Alleg I:!, Olm&led, Le Roy, N, y, cenl er· plece is only large enollgh to "I am DOW 80 )'ears' old , and three ' over the nllddle ot t he, and the years ago I was taLken with an at· signs are r s poDslbl1l for doUles come In ' diUerent sizes, The re a re (hose for plates. lWo Sizes for gob· tack of piles (bemol.'l' boids), blee ding 80 m~ bright remarks. aDd protrudlDg, The doctor salll the lets, those for wate r and wine, othel1l only h eip for me was to go to a for diffe rent dishes, and sUIi othel's for hospital and be opemled on. I tried the fin ger bow ls, LineD sels wi th scal· several remedIes [01' mODths but did loped dges are very durable aDd prac· Dot get much h elp. During this time Ii lazy n:aD wlII Dot work himself so tlCall. Fil et lace Is balldsome. but ax· sores appeare d which chal\ged to a long as he can work other8, pe nsive, The luce Is jolne(1 with tine terrible ltelling eczema. 'J'ben I beg an Une., squares, In long bands or clrcu· lo use Cutlcura Son,p, Olntmeot, aDd T,L lar, ThE! doIlies ure entirely ot lace, PlIIs, iDjectlng a (lllllllUty Cutlcura R Dal ssau ce 18 sti U used for t.he 1able. OiDtment with a CUUcura Suppository . Japanese and Chinese IU,D"'ll cloths Syringe. It took a, mODth of this , are liked by many, Iiu t the plain white treatment to get me :In a falrl!\, healthy of the Well.Jnror~ed of tho World has embroid ery Is more desirable lb'aD' tbat Inlo wbl ch ,blue is hltroduced, Tbese state aDd then J trE'ated myself once always been {or a 6imple, pleasaDt aDd c loths a re round, aDd Olelr beautiful a day for three montbs and, after th!lt, efficient liquid laxativo remedy of known Ilat t rna of chrysanthemums, aster or once or twice a week. The treatmeDts value; a lllxative wbieh physicillDs could tried took a lot of mODey, aDd It 1s J ' . Iris n ady cover the body of Ole cloths [rortunate ' t hat I used CuUcur&. J . H, sanction for fan1lly uso ~ooaU80 Its com· an d I' ach to the edges, Some ot the Henderson. Hopkinton. N. y" Apr pOllcnt parts are knowD to thcUl to be cenler·pleces show artis tic introduc· wholcsotno aDd truly bCDefic,ial iD effect , UOII of colors. Even the best colored 26, 1907." acccp.tablo to tho system aDd gentle, yet mbrolde rl es wll)' fade lu time, o.nd An4 the M,?on ..... n Laugl'led. tllelr use demand·s a judicious sel eTh ey ' were jogglng along the old prompt. in action, tlon whlml will h"rmoul ze \\11th the road aDd CUIJld was so UUSy lhat the In 6upplying that demand with its ex. table china. yeiung maD dropped the line!! either cellent combinatioD of SYTUP of Figs and ROUDd center·pleces are populal at side ot the rUDabou t. It was then present; QwlDg to the gener!,1 use of that 'thEl' wise old Dag turned lozlJ.Y ' E1ixir of Senn~, t~e Calif\lrnill, Fig Syrup Co, proceeds along .ctbical liDes o.nd relies round tables. and charmlDg pntte l'lls arouDd , nre shown wit.b borders ot Maltese. "Wllat nre you looking at 1" qu eried OD tho merits of the laxative for its remark. CIUDY and Bohemian lace, Tben th e /'l~ the owl by 't he road s ide, able &!.1cce&.S. fs shown tbe beautIfu l lace from the "J am reading bE~tw ee n lhe lines," That is aile of many rcnsonl why, L\zores, known as Fayal. No more love. laugb ed tbe ' old lIa,g UB she gave' a Iy handlwotk can be seen ibo.n lhls horse laugh aDd showed her long yel· Syrup of Figs and Elixir oC Senna is giveD the ' preference by the Well· fnIormed , lace, whose deslgDs are executed by low teeth, darning ID the patteI'D atter the tbreadl! To get its beneficial effects ~ways buy have been ' drawn. Some beautifuJ. the genII inc-manufactured by thc Cali· I:fow'. 'rhls? towels with borders ot Fayal lace were w. One Huodred IOolla.. H.".,l for lUll ,fornill J~ig Syrup Co" only, und fur sule hie of Calarrh Ill" .ao"o, \Ie .uroll bJ' aall. recenUy seen, The purchasel' only F . J. CIlENEY .. 00., TOledo, O. by alllcadiDg ~ruggists, Price 'fifty ceDt'! paid $1.50 apiece for the towels at ea,arrb Cure. W., Ibe lIod....lto.d blA" .. lu!o"o r, J, Cb •••y pCI' bottll!. Faya], 'or t'be la" 15,.a". IUld boUovo btw por'.oU, bon' 10 all bUll"... Iraa,... tluol aDd ftoaocJaU, A well·kDown authority says that abl. to e&JT, out aDy obllil'l~ oal lOadO by Ill. ftrUl. table IIDen should never be sCIl~ched. • WALDINO . f(nr ....:w .... MUVtll, 'VbOl ol~to DruIIII". Tolod •. 0 It ' ls a common mistake that many Dall·. C.tarrh Ou", 10 I.. ~ en lo,ornally, • • L1all up un lb. blo"d aDd muCQU. ,url""". of Ibo r;;-;-;;;:;;:;~ftl PoalU"ely cured." housekeepers make. aDd noUtlng so de· jlroell, '1.s.em. Tew.u Ulontalt UDt free . 1,'tJCQ 7S cons.", tracts trom the appearal\ce nnd lite cit th.a. Lud. PIUa. ~i~ COIIIUpaUOD. haDdsome lInen as starch. "EIlIow TheJ' allO nllue nt.o treKS {rom D,8pepaJa, IiiSuggutlve, grease" is all that ODe needs to dlguUooaod Too Beanl the proper kind of linen stitt, It should,' TowDe-Tbere WillS a I!pelllng·bee Eating, A perlec~ reID' be IroDed clamp. to get the fiDe sheen down at 0111' churcb lhe other night, ody tor DI..ln ..... Nau' Ra, Dro\vlililue •• Bad so characteristic of well·laundered The pastor 811.\·e out the words. Did Tul elll tbe MonU!, CoatlineD , 11 it Is IroDed when It is dry, YOIl hear about It? ed TonKuc, In lhe or neal'ly 80, It gets fuzzy, Browne-No; was It Interesting? -!Blde, TORPID L1V'BR. rearnl ..te the DOtl·el.. Purely Veaelabl.. Always darn table dnmask, as w('l1 Towne-Rather, The flrst three as various otbor wll? a wor ds lie gave out were "IDol'ense," SMAll PILl. SMAll DOSE, SMALL PRICE. ravcliDg from the cloth. ,It there Is a "~1I6tor." "sHlary,"-SII'ay Stories, hole, put und er It a piece of the same _ _ Genuine Must Bear <1amlUlk. matohlng tho patle lll as near Important tli) Mothers. Fac:Simile Signature a s 1I0S lb le. Then dal'l) v ry carefully Examine carefully every bottle o~ ' )JUCkWU 1'c\ a nd tOl'w~rd with th e ravel· CASTORIA a safe a,n d sure remedy .fO~ in t,;, if I hc wOl'k 1s don e ri gh t, th e t.nfants and children, aDd see tbat darn Will IHlrdly be ~otlced arte'l' luun· Beare the ~"LLS#~_ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. derlu t,;. Signature of~~ /~ - ---In Use For Over 8.) Years.. Try Larding Lean and Dr) Meat, Tbe Klud, You AlwayS Bought. l.ardlng is Quite easY-It only roo '\ ' . \,\ 'AND Quires CUre a!ld accuracy. It simply . The world belon gs to those , who n eeds a lardlng.needle an<l.Aome n eatly " \\ on stormy days come the' I.Ull!:. 'I' h.ey will find bOlle a D<l e l'culy.ctlt strips of l'llt, ba!!on or. and IItre ngth, I\s' we huve done.· ',:., : by wearing a . ~ 't(JW~ pork, which are used exactly as It fellow, ' . they we re plcces of wO,ol or thrend, one large sUt.c h be ing taken through Gllrfield Ten is of Jlnrti~ular be'ncli t the meat nnd thE! s hol't ends Of. the . t b o~1l 'llllJjCtt to rh edtnnti~1Il /lnd "out! It fat left slicking out, !rlle slrlj>S arn ,ul'it1es the ','lood, cl~lI~ sl!ll the ey~ t c "! an,1 eradicates disease, I)r tnk bdore, retlrlu", Called lardons. The fat bacoD or porll Clean. Light to be used In the .1)rocess s~ould be Some oDe ,has !laid that haQplnesB I• . Duroble kept ID a cold place" 'Use that part but a lI'ablt. It It Is, bare's hoplDg Ouarant..... of the pork Which lies between t he tha~ , You may ,acquire the bab.'t. Waterproof rind and the vein. , Lean and dry meat and some klDds of gan)e .!ire much 1m. Tlte ( , '" (Juve.rnlll'. t lleetl~ .thQU,!"I1~5 ..32!!~. of \.'h'lI ':-cr\'i<:c cmpI(l" cs, Wrltc , J;, J. proved l>y l,ardlDg,- The DellDe,atol'. T. .t ....(=~:e·1..~,'~~ ..~.4r~ ' l-!u"kil'i8. 28 Mnnlell ·l}l<lg .. \Vu ijillngion, 0, <:., for iree infornlntioll , A Good F~mlly Soup. Take two Ilound8 of boiled turnips, Th~ theatrical mlilnager haa a poor April .t, 1-. t.ODlrI"eltll ....... law .IYIIlI all w1cto. . cut Into· lhUe squares. put Into 11 stew· , show "if Ii Isn't a itOOl' OIIe. ut UI. ~1 W.r lold le!!l..a..b .. " Ina 00 cIaJ. liono..,."t_ "M'~t pfllllion ot !:l • •Q!JJM!r wntb. wrfte u. tv' pa~ pan with' two ounces ' ot Hutter; stlr ~~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'a\lYINUTO~" . WU.ttOIl A,u, .. W~~. D, (l . , a qui ck fire ; add a large table: IIpoontul' of 110111', two QtJarts of Btock. Simmer geDUy one ,)jour nnd 11 hriltl strnlD through a ,SIeve and put. baCl.k Into the saucepan; ,sensor, !jUr, boll aDd s~rve, Watermny be used IDste'1d of stoc!" only 11 less quanUt~ Is" and If lIttlo more flour aud lJutter, also half a Illnt of rlc'h mllJc at' reuul )ust be(ore serving.
What a Settler Can 8ecure In
WESTERN OANIDI. 160 C • ••C ...... I... uad F~ 201040 BUlh" . Wheat to .he Au •• 40 to 90 Bu,h ... O.t. to til. Acre. 35 to 50 Bu,h.l. B.rl.,. to the Ae .. . Timber for F encin. aDd Bulldi.... FREE. • Good ...... wilh Low Tu.tio.. Splendid Railroad F••lIlU...ncI Low R..... School. aDd Church •• COD ... DienL Sallor.ctory Marke.. for all Produ.u. ... Good Clitul. and Perf •• t Hullh . ChaDc", ro. Prallt ... I. In •• at....D . .;
Bomeo, 'he "bol_eM gr"tn'pT04uclng t.n .. 6 ta
S{U:"kaw1JewlLu nod Alberta. may no w b e [le-' q,,5t'ed lu t llt!86 m OIl "uei: proypel'Oue eec" ~UD8 unde.r tb l!i
RevIsed Homestead Regulation.
by .... btetJ e nl ty' mny be mlule by pro)t1 (on e~... taln ·o ndltluDR). b y th 14l ht"t' , m<.llb,·r . Ion. d auR' hter, urothe:r or .hner o f intending bom&st.etul er. Entry lee In tl1ch Catle 18110,00. Yor pampblet, uLR t41 Ue~L \Ve s t. " pa.Tuc\J lar •• " t o r"le •• ~ute.. beti~
' Il
Law Dulldln..
Keeps the breath. teelh, mouth aDd body antiseptically olean and free from oahealthy and di •• greeable odor., ,.hicb wlter/loapand tooth prepualioD. alooe caooot do. A ,ermicidal, diaioo fectinj aDd deodorizing toiletreQui.ite ~ii~~~ of exceptional ex. I eelleDee .nd econ. omy, ' Invaluable for inllamed eye., , throat and na..18IId uterine ca:arrh. At drug .nd toil.t .tore•• 50 cent., or by mail poatpaid. .
lIrge Trill SmJile '
i ne
. Gene,.al'Demand
LIme 10 go nod where to locale, ap"l"
_001( .... ,. ,,, • •
THE PAXTON TOILET Co., Heit... M....
Se.d .eat...•...... e . .II ,t op Iroa poa.' "&I1OD of ., 20.M.I.-Te•• •• !lorex •••• .. ""Dt. ID .Iampa ••11 w. will m.1l IlIu •• , ' 'ated booklel, ~t.. muay D • • • for •• !lor•• 1.lbe Dome. Far.... Datry.·· aI.o thl.
I.' D.
I.ce lIe~ltla. 13 b" 10 l!l" •• ~' oa ,,101" .;'cd)' for wo.kl.lA. FREt:. Addr" •• raclflc co ..t !loras.Co •• ChI".,o.
Join' Our Weat Virginia ColoDY TO CAUFORNIA
Lund (, '" Hul~ wh~re one acre Itl eq ull i ' to teD.
NI~ ti ll fl to weal' your Ute out 011, 110 dUOW. ...l .. ~t \~r frown hbnda or feet. to c:()nt~lId wllh.
the Inull of r;,u Dnhhie. flowers. wonde rful cro" ... h eu lth fliid hn.pp'heaf:t. L&ntl on 01U' EUJplro raltc h ' 1"010 160.00 t.o 175.00 per 1 IrU: h ldlolt "' ulfr rl Kht!l . rlud wn.Wr Is kIng, h~"d In lOt 10
nl1d 40,;wr ~
~ \ ': &LICKER
Simple Cheue Fondu. ODe cup of, soft White bread crumbs. 0~1e cup nf grated ('heese, two egys, b\4ten together. a CliP of milk. a til· hlespoontul or butter, a plgr:h of sllll, 0: pinch of cayeQne, a plDch ot soda. Melt tht) butlel", add the 1ullk. .f)da, I ba-a crumbs and Jut the cheeee. Sea· IGIl and cook 'live mIDUtes, or uu.tIJ alnooth; then }lut ID tbe esp. ..Ur lbree II lnutea aDd '~GIl IIllUorG'
.0' .
' IJUloua C';r;,o.~
If I "r1 . I~::,,~. tWtJnty .. t,l"o ut}IHIll.
llaUed on ro,·td pC. of THE MEOIIITONE OOMPANY Jail .31'" 8I're l'(, ~ I!"~ York
~ \ . '~;I .
ru"yme ••
Temperance Cartoon Post Card. NOlh ing wilh a Sl'ronger appeal has eve, been put upon the market. Scatter ,them broadenst, "Wante,dl An Emancipator· should be in every "home.. IS , c,!rds, 2ScS $1,00 per 100 (cash with order), Agent • wanted, Writ.c to~day. . ,
t.h o eaR)'
Ji'o r ' (nll hl'9rma.t.lulI, "..,,.ite
t"~l·{:~!t )11....,
, E.' 1;:. llfll'lDERSON 307 J"rt."UD Ave.. MouDd.vlll •• W. V••
trll~ t8
)111111 . Thl H lu,stl ls In th e: fnmou s $o. n .fo[tqulQ "ulley . IDuu ' " ,,,Tnt,, unlll you arc ri ch,
$5QQ P·ER ,DAY ~~~lcVn;,~~.ffi:
INn acbe Ulo, fako or t ...u~,1 ' O'lr arlit I. , w(oll .knuwD n..lu1 raUablo.. lntuttd .. tl-.,)s' t."." Bond /",ot.. 1 toda,. ADAMS. · .JONJ!:8, Del't" K, () oclonat" Ublo; ,
10TARIES an' JUSTICES HANDLINe Touebe,ubo. aI4 .. rl'ftf"rca.~ PE' ~81' ON olf,. to TAIISIt, <II WUITIIAI'f
Co" Wa
IIIrtOQ~ D. C. (OT~r l1 ·l ...ra~ ~lI""rleoee."
DEF.IIIE,' I;STI ••H-!~.O~"::a: li "...."".0. eUP •• IOa , -oilier -.e _ _
1• '. .
' ~~.
prl. . . . . QUALITY. ,
Glorious·4th of July Celebration at Waynesville, Ohio ~
Our 4th of Jul. . ommittee In t ~ . There wi ll be plenty of Music ~ Big Base Ball Games, Running Race. , Sack Rae's, ag-ain Monda~ · ev 'lIlng and anang- - ~ Swimming Races. Tub Races, Bliby Show, Ladies' Ball-throwing Contest, Girl ' ~UI1 ment: are bemg madj {e.r on.e of ~ nlng ~ace. Prizes for the Fat !\'len Tall Men and others. Over 30 VaJu ahle Prizes will the Gl'ande ' t 4th of July elebra- ~ be given for t.h e different .contests . . tions Wayne ville has ever had. ~
.T he \'h
Mr. Ullst' n Willi in LOUlIll ll ll. . un,lIlY. Mr . RIIJpb Miller Wttlil tt L ' \)lInon t; llnd8Y visitor. WiI!lnn EUwllrds. of DllyTon. Wil li here Oe!)orllt.ton Oll~' . Mr . .Iames ZellRlld fAmily villited friendll hpre IflHt week. . Mr. wall II guelet Ilt tb ~toOptl house Sn,nday. Mr. J . E. Janney WIlS in bus hod Dayton Illst, vo.:eek. Dane Banby. of DAyton, visitfl d fritmdR here' IR st Sa turdllY. Mr. A . & l1erll, of Dllytrm. WRR viRitlng friends bere last w ek . Mr. RIlY Zell and family ofXonin were vll!itlng here lallt 811turdny. Mr. and Mrs. Will mitb , of 08,yton were bere on Deceration OilY. Mrs. AnnA. Bradbury , of SprinR' field, spent unday Wit~l Mrs Mary U llp. Mr. aud Mrs. John Dodds, of Budson, Ohio. are visit.lng relatives bere. . Mr. l!~rank \Vooley, of Dayt.on, attended memorial exeroises here Sunday.
mi llgl~1l1 and Sab ina ye~lcrduy on a
tour fin . pec l i n of th ('s(~ h ()o l heatin g a pparat us. ' . . Th l'e will bc a g am e of ba ll next I • 1I Thursday a rt rn oon )e ween I Miamis all d th B IIbl'o k~. On t hf' · ' ' Moo '11 l I 19t)I 1\ tn ~. III \ I Ie ler e . Dr ..1, (T . MIlCY, Dentis t, will b e iu
To Look
last Saturday.
Commodore Custer. of Dayton, Sunday, June 7th. Excursion bas been enjoying a vls1* with reltrain leaves Wayn&!ville at R:2g a. aU ves here this week:. '!'., Central time. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Pease and Mt88 Mary Adair. of Dayto~, are ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . visiting Mr, and Mrs. C. E . Werntz .
White's Store . News.
Mr. and Mrs. Steeve Phillips. of Washington C. H . , were the gnests of relatives here ,on Decorllotlon .day .' Mr . and Mrs. Howard Manninlrt,on were gueats of Mr. and Ml"I. S . .L. Cartwright. &tllrday n.nd Sunday. Mr, a.nd Mrs. A. . ~. BarlILD, of New Burlington , were in attend. . ance at ·the Oeoorllt.iqn c.e remonle8 Saturday. Mr. and ' Mrs , t!. D. Everly; of Dayton, were the Knests of ' Mr and Mrs. O . .T. .Edwo.rdll on Decoration Day.
~~~~~~~~~~' I
"Something Doing" was tbe observ ation of a customer who was caught In th e r\lsh last Saturday. During ' ~hese busy times we CRII ask but ·tbe Indulgence on the part of ·oll.r friends al!d 'we prOtnlse Kindly at. ten hOIl to all.
- - Pay
Insed Exterminators
our list. We now havl1 /I Prof. c. B. Carey and ·wlfe are fresh SttPilly of Paris Green, Slug in attendance at the Ohio Northern Shot, Rough on Rats, POIsoned Universtty Commel'Jooment tJtte Wbeat, Sticky and Poisoned Fly week. Paper, Li me, etc. The reonion dates Ilt the O. S, ~ 2:), O. Home this year are as follows :. When ihe Cherries Tuesday, Weddesday Rnd .Thnr8drly are rip!,! you will nee cl a .luly, 7, 8, and 9th. Haudy . Cherry Seeu~r. 'l'hi s . Mr. Alpheu8 Harland. of New does ~he work ra)ticll V. SlI ves Burlington, was In town lust Wed- ti w e and labor, Price uOo. nesday . He was superintending the p' A I removal ,of bls father 's and moth. IRe PP ,es I er's bodiea to Miami Cemetery . for preservi.n g. No w IS the/ Messrs . Frank P rRtt. Newton tillle to put up tll\s wholesome Bllnnel aud Burton El\rnha.rt were fruit. The pl-Ic.e is very low and ' In atteud'lonne at the Democratio the quality fine . Congressionl\l Convention n.t Xenia . MecitUIll s Ize $1.00 .per D07.clI. lu.stThuT8dtly . , J.Jllrger size $1.25 per Do'/len~ 011
Th. Falmouth Ky., QDtlook .,a : De.y~ ' John Doagh~edy , of Waynesville, We will have a fine Jot of ,lIorrlved bere Illlt 8a~orday for JI Banana.s for Safurday, Ripe and weeki vilit to hts failier, Sanford soUd. Only lOe a Dozen, DouIheJ"Y, near Goforth. Mr. Doqbel'&,. eays 'b.' Warren CounOhio. Ia faU of Ken'uoktaDl and . that PllilUeIOD oounty baa tarnllh.
J. W. Wkite.
heep, Hogs
Iluli Wool nt til '01 win Elevu t.or. Wo ca rty II full lino of fllrm IInplt'l ments, stioh '0$ the wellknown Osborn o Whellt and Cor n Binders, Hay l 1etlLlerll. Rllke" , fongue Jess ViM Harrows, and ' Binder '!'wine . 11'0r!lIllr!l, come in llnd see the I!l.t· es t Il~pr o"ell .
Anu yon wil l see t.he Boest piece of m~cbinery over put together . See the Bmdley Uang Plow!! a nd Oulti vat.ot:R-t,l ley 1111'0 t,be easiest guidml plow!> mode, and tho onJy snccesfful 2· row cu\t.i. yator IllRnufnctureu . If YOIl ure looking for II Mllnure !-!'prellller, w~ t he IlLtest 20th Cent,ury , i,he lightest run lli ng Sprea der on 'the market, We bruld lo the woll)cuown Zimmerw\lu Huggi eR, y ounl; Inen! No girl wiJl refu!.lo to go riding with you if you have II Zimmerma.~; jUII.t received a cllrloRd of t·b e well-known brand of
. ~
tnr tLi I lliuds of- '
Graiu, Hay, inttle,
Don't, forget Winonia Sabin Mc· Fruit To..r.a. ISc fl Ib.. Donald's 81\Ie at ·t be 'home of tbe new in the Ctlke ) late Arnold 8~bjn. aarveys.b nrg, 0 :, Department. Crisp Lemon JUDI " . &tnrday, Jane (jtb , 1908 . . Com bles with 'c hoice frui t sll ndwicb cd I menolng Ilt 12 o'oloo\r sharp. between the .]a verso titanley ::)el1ers was in tO~D Il while Saturday evening anc'! went The Way . to Lebanon SundllY. He was on to prepare . a . meal. At·. his WILY t:o KeutuQky , but stopped mour-'s "'Veribest" Camled Meats " ,", oft'li few hotll's to 88e hl8 frieDds. need bo cooking, .an(i Uncle Sam Mr. and Mrs. WilHam ~mtth, Mrs says \'Thev are all ' .food, clean BurriS and son Earl. of W8IIt Oar : alld wholesome." Such as" Ham· rolton, are ,oing to . st3rt for Oali. burger Steak," "Vielloa Sa tltiage." fornia, JUDe ~6tb, to make that 1'Corned Beef, ""Roast Beet, " theIr futute borne. Mr. Smith is the Loaf Mekts- '·'.Beef," "Ham" ancl 800 of Frank B. Smith of nellr Ly-
. Vulca.nite
What Many
Mil', Ulothing
At .'"15 .00 --;-_ _
c8nd to pay.'
Almost every day sOlne one 'makes that )"emark in Mose Cohen' s store . . uTely when Mos Coheri's tore has the mtlrchundise ' to . 'atisfy these disllPl' .inted seekerS t hey mustpt·{!twnt t he largest and most uive l':iE.' as- . sortment in Dayton. 'There's no magic in it .. Mose Coh nJ!'I store simply uses morl ~ rn merchandising' meth· (lell; I hat make f m' hetter: Qua l· it y. lower Cllf;~ and more !'lat· i. fu(·tion fOI' th e customer. It p resents the best productions from ten of America's foremost tailol'ingorganiza- ' tions . .
B ' llel' tailol'ing, !'Imal' ll'l~ m dels, mOl' sdvan ed full • . Tics and !,I'l'eatol' ntl.'!Ortmen l
·.M .
The· Penny Picture .Gfl ller.v will
,.£<,'" ........ 10 Wnynesville onl.v 8 short
. ..
Home Grown Straw.b errl es · .
'F~ncy Florida Pine Apples,
Orangell, Banana.s , Lemons,
Tbe 0ddfellow8 wlll deco.rn te their. brotbel's' grR ve~ on .r nne 1,U.b 'j Leonadlls Bllca-r, of Dayton. WIll bl) the I!Ipo!\kel" o·~ tb\lt ocoll!lio'n .
- ---.- ---
$1.110, $1.50 and $3,50
Straw Hats
L:.LOTHI!S. tl
Her al'e M hail' Lil1f'cl. bluck unfiish I wOI'sted Sl1ft s extra special at $11). that. arf' $22.50 standard. Here are I;lpring conts, top coats and crJlvenette ·I·nin . coats at $16J of modern tailol', i.n g and aavanc!!d style . unusual values under $20.
"'"r:!, I&MA.1N
N'5t1c~ e wShirts $1.00
nlake th es garm n't s unus ual · unti E)r $20. Ev J'y Mo~u U,)hen gnt:men t · at' $15 is gual'an teed to give $20 worth of s I"~ vice ()r y \I mlly hav nt·w gal'tll nl!! fre . Hel'e ar' l)ral,uLlv lilt" times .ru; many cOI're 1: m()lie lH ns you will 'firlll ClII,Vwhel'tl d >ll' at $15. Here are s uill; of vel'V dal'll W01'st ds, s uits uf 1I0\V ,1.phant. ollv . Lan anti brow" 'axolIY cal'!8imel'e and w(inll rI chev iut . ,..
Portland Oement
All rllllre:ad8 use this brRnu.' Will have a carload of lugh gtm(l!l 'roMoco and Corn Fertiliuir beI~ thIS week. . ' We witlh espeCially to cal1 ~he o.ttention t,o ILII wbo are thinking ,of buying Fertilizers to the humus filler. Bumosls d eoayed vegeltlbl6 UlUt. tel' which 1s a necessity lr.. n.11 80l1S and · withou t which no croiJ CIlO be grown. Come in antI see 'lS . wm !jave you money:
'F. F. ~I """"''''
at Ox fords
'T.' BA Pi\: IL
80 'Cents Cincinnati Excursion Pennsylvania Lines.
of his
Mr .• :l lIl uel Burnett e:r!!t. of Bell . .
bls oilloe lit Hn,rvey sbm g Ule w k beginnlnl! MondllY . .lune 1. und u t ' priug V!l11ey til w~ek of JUD e Mr. and MrS. J .. H . CQleman . MI' . r! M F' d Hende rson and t wo an r!l. I' . daughters, and Mr. and Mrs . D. L. Orane and son Ethan wer the gues~ of Mr, and Mrs . H . V. Wal ter In Lebanon last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Anron W oollnrci. uf Hagerstown, Ind ., were the gnest,s of Mr. nnll Mrs. Henry Wool1nrd last week. Mr. W<;lollard has berm f\tijovin~ the scenes of hie eqild buod days, aDd has enj9yed his visit' Mr. George Binkle entertalDed the fol1owin~ at d inner L'oon d BY ; Jacob Hinkle 'and wife, of .New , Carlyle, Will Bergda.ll. wife ",nd mother, Ed . Kettermlln and wife, Lou Githens !lnd two ohlldren, Sam Mr. Z. H. carey, of New Vienna, ~mitb, of Lytle. and Walter Hinkle bas been visiting his son. Prof. C. and family oj Lepanon. B. Carey, this W9¥.k. . • . Yr. and Mn. Bamuel BlnJde, of J Alban~n , were the guests
111'1 o k aru l ~I is~ Hll'la.1 lto,,"uu g le, li t
1)11 vtll ll. \\' r mllai II 1\ t h I' h Orn e MI l! Mury bellll),' tl pell c 'l 'uulldu y 'i llt Ull yton 'l' hll)'!;(l ,IY, l" tl1rJ1iu g' t o /Iud ."VeUnesduy ttl iJl.lyton wl t l! .hi ;' h um t,he llilln , dllY . ' her ~I!lter Mrs RUl1(loJph. I . M ess f!~ . Clurlel' oml L,IOY Peter- I . R. Peterson .Ir. llus been null l' 1 ~ (l1I lind M~sse" Minni e Book . ?f Du~ I th e tl ootor'l! oare. LhiN weel<. t on. nnLl I'.velyn RoslI. of F U1r.a ld. ' M' H '1' . ,j I 11 IOhio. w r e tbe gnell tH uf .T. M. Pe t. , l t. urry UOllel! \ II te( II 1I1:; p l' ~o n Iin et w i f e ' UUU'IY Grueo, in Deltl WII I'I'. 8 poupl e of d U:ll'1 ' . , . , t lli w e k . . Mrt! . ~trelt. uurl MI'~ . Wtlli!lIn!'on. , ' uf LUDlbel'ton. Ohl u' were til" ~ \l s til i Misld.iltr tllll1:i owllLO ll, of Uu y t n' l o!' lIIr. Alllm·t. Bur t"lJI ulI~l wife. , WUII the t;n"l'lt. of her uroth er, Mr. , 1'n Rd,lY. , A . H.. l:iowluutl ",ut.! fnmil y from I I Jf riuny uutll tiuuda,y . I • SOCIAL Mrt!. MllbuJI y nnd tlo n Wttl l(1 I', ur i I Aroanum Olul). Villitl3d hoI' SI:Hel' I .1\11':; , Willluw 'ullL~ inghIIUl ~his wee k '. I'ho. I~itertlry nlnll will hllid It.ll . Mr. Bmtt'ell. uf iVlI y o esvl~le, \VUM reP.-Creom ooilll n.t t.hA hnlltlO o f IU. Bolllll'ook 'l'hm·"d:ILY With the , . Iutertltlh:l ot the Leotu re .Bnrettll . MI' . •1/\ 'oh Corn II . ~ ndny v uin j! . Re v. ' oarge 1I1lrp l'llttenll ct ' th e [ .hlll A1·~. I H()~, lit ~ehlino~ , , t,)UllUty '. E. Conven tiun :H Yell w Eern ~u t de r, Hoo. tipl'ing-s, 'J'hursullY· I - - -Mr. Ilnd Mrs Juwell lJa vis anll NOTICE ubildreu. of Pleasant Hill Ohi o, vit!o i.ed his sister, Mr ' J ohn .\:r' inley. this week. The .Iuu a • \V . . '1'. meeting Mrs. Mary UI.vUJ wbo Wlltl trick· will 'ue hl, lc1 ti t thfl h ulIlE' of Mt·!>\ un with piualy ill. IS WJ llIe "troUt; r Mllrllll;t. 011 or tll .HII. , t .11111 0 r.i tb . bnt helpless . . ILt. ~ p. Ill. MI·S . M,II'!!;!' Bnugh. Mrs. PU,triok Ui.bbons I S . und r ["elltl er . 'l'oJJi ~!iJ: " Onr flower tois the doctor II ol~re wltb' pl enr! S· 1 1 n " Ull d "Seer o· d nn gel'ouB d rln . k" . ' Mr. Chas. Kubl , of Chiougo; ~I\ . W e will OblltlTV(1 it us fl ower mit' ". . oume howe l:iatl1l'd!lY Imd will eOJOY I~ short. vlloation here with bis PUt' ~ iou illlY . All oOlne brlngtng your ents, Mr. ond Mrs . John Kuble . bo Ill s t!!. .K B. Moor·e. 'e Mr. Murion Buckles. of Dllyton. is spendln~ this week with hi", un FLORIDA FRUITS ole, Walter Murri nod .fa mily Ol\8t of Bell brook . Mrs. Su. III ueJ Rape)" 'of DfI,yton, W . A. Bill. 8, brother of Mr 'Iem spent Frulay with Mr. and ~r8. BUrnett, fl,l'J'i ved' here Friduy {l'om ...M Lewi Rtl.p er. Miluni Floridfl" He brollght,. with ~liss Carrie '[ate ' ()f, is him some' rure fruit suob as WU,Dthe guest of Miss ll,lzel '£I\.ylor. "'oes. tllJPlldiUllS lind plnoapple!.1 . ·Mr. B. B. Morris lind ' wifl?". of ay .. Oh ' t h f Due of the pineapples weighed O8 bo£n e, to. were . e gnest-!:l 0 . hersist,er Mrs . .lllliu Blllrd. Wed over IX pounds'lDd -u.1I nra on ex nesdRY. l hlbitiOn at the Gtlzette orno . 'I'be " l ' ve been to several good Miss Mnry. '!'tlte vlRited her sitlter, o~lce force llau II sample of the s tores and t hey didn',thave! Mrs. Frank Collins , 01' n ear Xenltt, pineapple lind koow where of ' they the style I want~. 01' the ~ ," Ilk. Tuesdl'1' co lor or t he weave, or 4;!b t! ·the price wa.~ more Lhnn I· --:-_..._J.---.-_
I. h UH I'd auto d lo W'il-
om alJd a Grand Tim '
. Bomto ir.and Mr ·. J . F . He·a· Ih orn n Til ~d HY, a dU\I)!hler.
~ all Lla~· .
Plrll l ' (f
~ g'lI~l l'a nt~ ()l'(l - to every body. . ome ~ 'and spen I Lh Fourth .at Wayn ~s ~ viii . Bring ~I ( t , l' fam lly and stlily
New Potatoes, N~w Cabbage, New Beans; . New Onionll, · Wiiber'. ~tock F~d-. 261» Pilils, only 20c . .. Regular prico *3.1iO-4 pails I fI,
Paris Green!
Buy now befOl"e it advances · Tangle Foot Fly Paper, 4 fOI'lic (;old Medal F1our-Besl Spl'ing Wheat Flour made. Bring us your Butter and . E,g8-'paylnc 15e f~~ Eggs
ANI) WAYN ESV LLE ~~~~~----------~-~----~~~~--~-----,-,---~~----~---~--------~--~---------~--------------~~~ ~--~--~~------------------------~~~~~~~ , lo' lb" l'
j\' JNTII YI ' : Il~,
~II' , S Ulll tl 1'1SIl ;l l" 1I11l1 littll' UHnl:\h
1)( :RSON A L M b NTIO N .
t " I' Wlld l' II
11' 11' I... Dlty I 11 11 ~ · tt lll'tlll.' .
1 i\l
\\' · t1 I ,,~d I )" I'\IIIJIII~ IIJ. , II WI:! CIUll O Il ll ~ hin ~ 111' 1 I' tll o WII ' , ' ''; of 11111 1I \ 'ITl 'II IW' ",' i\\t .. i\11I.·It .1I 1'1 :11'1" o f 1,)' 11 ,', I " ~ I I !'. l ,i Z~.i r. 1,:111 ,, 1. " r ( 'i llllll lll l. l' !t u \ 'I Ili'i l lllltl I I'tl si ., "~. ", : Wh l' n I·'. ,\ 1. l J III I' k l' lIIl <I Ili_YOlll' o lll /;11' 1 SPIt.II·ul l)" III WII YII I ~ vmo, ( . ' .I O'YOIII·s IIgl) . t hl j' Wl'rt cllilcl h OI)" .· \\'1 · 1111 1'11 1' 1... . ·I' II(.\' 1Il'i it otl Iljlll r t" h"WI~ \: II I' , 11 1111 h oJlI \\" \10 lllll l" 1·lf1d . i'11'': . (' III I' \; I w() yon rs
t l/W It
Sn l l' l lI . ' II' IIlIdll\,
f l.
10 1111111.
to 'Her Eternal Re in the G m City---A S
~lI.rl ,· n llt, h .
. M I·" . '\1Ino'· vl d.~n l· I H It. lIf WII .\ · I II '~_
V Ill e h tLtlll III III 11111!'1l' 11 " 1" . M r . '11) 1\ M rs . It· . 1<; Mill"! tllln d. at IliolHl l' Hili urdu.\' IV
' l it,.
I<. I r I ' , n ll 11If\I'IOIJ Il l' vtce h l' IJI.k SUlIllny, , ~lrJ.l . •rn un ,:id '. hft !! jl\tlt r(' 'eiv .tl 1\11 i nvltU l ln u t O flt,lollll 11lo H Iz l el'
pr l\f'xt
(" '0>1"; lillcll!' l'el1 SCllw urt,z fl ltend d
Il ~ ['lfl'lU . 'j'b J !O I1.1 r li r o ' on t ("o r l11l1ntoWI'l , • Iltltl a n d Helpless In valid. ~ all!)u ot hur t,IJWIl . . 'l'h J11I1ll o f n '11 n ~ .-.- lIIo.rn ill l '{lC 10 :30 . Dl . ,list.itlguish~ t'll mi ly hrin g<; n bi" I.' [ u r plY ! M l',' . 111. Fan" tnt !) a ;\l h· . AStL UhllUdlel' , or Kllu ' ns oro v d. !:iIW r alfu m ileH nftl w ll Cl1~ l't!:,L('efll'l r'fll ;\1 h e r hll111 , in l)uyloll ( ity, Is th I:)I1t!s Ofi:HI Ver ul Wllyue ,\ 1 r. IIrl' r Itt tivl'tl o f Mr~. ,'I do,; ' IIY ·W(,um·H(iay , ,J\.lll :;. ,aftN··year!' \'1110 [ I'ie ud 1111 1 l' lu ti Viol • IU1~ IT \Ug ~, whi Ia wl)t l lt l nlltlw her II I?fu, ntuld suff dng . . . ' Mr.llnu M I's,lr n ,.. lIoddull£!ht r, I \\ t' I'l1 LllOgllC,· t . r'ortwentyy ar' thl'I' hl\~ bc na . ~ no R 1 ~t f _ . ~ ___ 'g radu al lu&'> IJf thl.! us e f h e l' limbdl MtS - ml1 .~ ee( ."'111' g~.s d (J ' l f' II l b ' I MI' . Hoy lrull~ lind t nm ll y , u n Liny. LY1'LE ALUMN I ull LI tna Y!1 1 ame en Lll'f;! Y hlll .5, and lu ring hel' aflli~on sho T h e .M is~l'1S llJlIUll. li ntl J· J'1I1.1 is _~ __ ~ \'( as al1 'xample !If I ali 11<:(' an d , 1 f\ U u~y hll vt\ btll"11 lh g n tllltll o f Mr . ~h ri:;tianfll'liL~de. ~Lllt.l Jr~ . •W _E.()· eoll for:; \' or ul 'I' ll 1i1'~ 1 nnllll}!1 Ull nll1 I u f lhfl l 'll .'ch llol A l uin u i . 1'-'."" 11 l [i .. ~!ioc ill Ml'il. I U I'.\' hy waR lpfo l'~ her mar- 0111)':1 ~ • • . . l;iul'ol!l " ook W n t t o '"IUUl - . ion W U tl 'h ' l i n th(1 l'i u~e Mi~R ,arah Urowll , (Iuug-hle r ~i· . ltnll 0 11 ,_lltlll'-
.. lidt l tO wn and y. 1 p v . U All .MilIH WI ll P u Bl'lck ch nr It
}01."(' ~t-. I'S . ps h 1' (' \ Vltito, Du ll , lJ lJda'lt> \\·11 11 ":'I (' f 'hU' ~ ,1119.13 n I ' . . ' . ' hullI Mnrtlll L WI:' lienr K lug. I ' . 11' L . A. ZiUllllt) r Ullt n . AllI bl'flse M il Itl ,
\\' l)l lll'HYld,Ill',
, ' \
Mr. 11111 ~Jltl . " ul l· l( U~' i o k IH1U .\\ r . IIml ~l r!l . Will. H . Cll rlD ou y •• PllltW . "1 11, 111 ~111l,lil l .Y ,,!. I h.e III nl\ of 1\11' ';!' ,or' woO" ' 1I 111~ : . IIIItL ~h~. J' rry h Ol1l',l r.k , of I1YUrlH r.1I I ·I'hlll'sduy. Ilfl 1 t· ...,Uu u P . II roL I UIII ', ..'iI·. _ •1 • [3 \ \,I·I/.: I U UI1 vll l(o . wentt.n hi" llrll itl I . h o fuullull itdio l's Mr. Pll uL Wd rrllt I .An \'xt1'1l .ar\'lol h ilt( \jee ll pl'PI hnll 111"11:. n tlll'lll ~h lio r, a nd Mr",n . BI\ I' I'Y IJll l l)! ' '' 1' Ill I ' 1 .~" I I 1"' _ I Pllrmlnl. tit, u." U ~v '1 I 11.' II'. 1.lU 11 r b'h for I. ":hl 1 .....1\<1 i 11 1\ Hl l'il1 u,,; pl' rlica ille ll t bu too I u r n tl h1ll1l11 1lI UIIIIIl " II rt e l' 1\ WI' I.It ·. I 1'1'11;1 11\ Y W l ll' J WI 0 0 uso r ve ( J hoI" nil l1I')," L' Bud ,," Itfl ern oon u.t llllullug it.' 'Hi t., it \l'1\ ~ [oBml th re v is i t with T;{ I!ltiv es h e t·p . " ,-, ". . . " . ' rho l' I,! n lllr II l)l1l' l ilT' pre,~o lllu ~. \\, 1.\ " n il VOlT t« ,d u ll ~ III Jlll'Y do no All' . E:h~lOl' tillll r l' II lId 11'::;. Cll if Il r. Ro,Yo l wi ll also h Jr esAnt flod it. WI)W lu ng hu lillel lJ ull Ihl r tlmt ~ e"'k l' "I I ln y t lln w el t) OIl11f'll l.I>I'CI I'" ('x pe(:tt1l1 th ll t (Illite ,~ trea t Itl io wily IS nul. kl)(,\\" II , iJn Illt' Il c eto r :, ullll llY (!" . II ·(· tmllt. (.f tlHI (, l ion" ~ I\l r /j f or JIl l w l l(lll t te llI . . IIlIll'''C; III Ill S Int/lIll' )'. I ..' t Io~" I'"VlI H""I III n m so n , "r. '1 A S \ IIH .... I·I'Y g Inti til k ilo\\, I hul II WII 1 . ' . I 1\1,' . IIwll1l l':< , ICI I IIl I; 1"f1 rlull ~IJfJ nt'l :tJr n o llllllll d l1 ug hter .nt.ended the l l-i u!J tla,V ill \\'lllItllI ~ rl>H. ' Ulllln It a III nt in Le lJuuon \J1St I I I' II lId "tr ·. I::b)'l',\' li n d HIl l'III,\ W' k . CONGRATULATIONS. I '- " lith ~ pen t ~1lIJ(III .V with 1\1r . a ll rI l l\ll'!l. B01· t,! m W ooley Ollme to tlle i\1r~ 1:1 m,V ~J mphy o f . 11'1'0 1'.' hom o of Mis M inn! . Duk o n 'I'hurs Uar o ld !'xPI'(\ts I(\ ~ 1 1I! otl n t w lIllY tillY r6 11l fli uio g until l\'\OUclliY to u t~l l' .John 1\1 1I 1·"ltll 11 Mnlt'tll'\l M 'I'll' ,lit I'U _ t tl ll l\ A Il1mni. . J. ., - , ; • • . .. , M I~ ... Mit r r:;n )'pt. L,lIIC.Y 1"11 tor tlt l ll,:d I Iitlld\~i onie E . Duke hilS lJeen 1'0. We. 1 rn I til l , \Hl le, I !n ~ ,ItIl]:;II .\N , 1.111'. 1lIl,llIlr!' . Ehlll\l' I~ lsh lt l' of 1lt'1I 1· lelupl llyoli II,. ,tel10he l' f o r next term " , OIlgl'ltt,nlllll1 yo u 01. tilt' IIltll'.k ' ,1 \ i111ll1lI:;IOU , 'ulunl ll Y Il ll tll-ill IH!tl.y . l i ll Distr iCt No.~. IItlP"t)VI' lll nt o f lhe (-in? ttn Of . M r . I 'hnrl '" Tucker Olltcrtllln rt l Mr. F. U . Duk e i s tilllwpro vin g, "t H1r~p it. l'i IHlt up to yonI' li l fmJ" ,"Pt, hAl' ID l1 litl" 1' Ilnd !)J'(jt11t I' o f L bllnnn hnt ir. is v r y lo wly. lJnt 1111' wl10le \III [JUl'. nlllkf'- up lind I)V l!l' i"un rIIlY· . ' Niis,. EHt.1 ' tu oy is spendlog tllis III 1 (1 '''' ' \' 1.'" . ' ' ·OIl I{ L·ullIl.,tion. ' lit. 11'. 111111{ Ii o ugh u lIl1 fI1Ulil~T I W' k li t t b h o m e of Mr. ilnd Mrs. ~ p(j llt. 'nlHl tlY with hi s sou flml f!l llt · P rr.y Elll' nhlu·t. ' 0 11 \-( • " _ _ _ Ily 1)[ OuldutltI , l'IU:ise .I!ilizltbeth Ilod Mllry Duke POISO N ED DOG Mr. 1iltl/ll Il IIUIt Y itl quit r;lo1c \ 'P n t t ho JlllSt wo w tlktl with their li t MIl Wl'i110 1;, g l'llud-pure n ts in Leb,lUou , UI' . 11111\ r.1\·'1. l. l . ' 'ea1'flr e eu~ 1'- I ~T l'. Llod lII rs . •Joe M G rllY were ' lIm e m i. Cl' ant POiROnl:II.)uhn 'I'IlY- Iililliug lllw ~ isl.tlr . Ch n rll I' o f oul d r ivi nl{ o n ' nudIIY. lor' f; d og M nrlay . IL won ' t \)(' gnnll KILO itS I 'ily. Dilin. lCI;' (hnL How' if J ohn g.'I'l: n xl. Spring Valley.
of S p t'j ll gti ld
• DI-. .1. H :<l.1I0Y lJe ll t iHI., will be it l ..Mn•. A ni HIIIIl R, (I I V lly t o n, hns h i" r, Ilh:,,' nt I;l'lrv ' ,VliIbnl'g the we I, lIolJU viRitin/.: I'ri I1lIR ho r o for som a b elilllllin~ j\ Lonu ny, .) uo J :; , li nd li t· 1111111 . ::: !lI'illg \ ' oI~I\'y t.11 l) w e k tlf .I nn 2:t . B. Cho n t1 1 l' " ' Ittl in Richm ond . l od. lu. l I" 'if lu,V nu tl ~ILt.lll'[l flY on IJr. IIml Mn... U. (t, Al x'lDdtlt , uf hn in ;I. 1i:licln, Ohw . [l 1' 11 01'(. fo l' II \\'( f' U' Mr . •J. T . Lhl lly 1l1ll1 wife, o f \' ;",il. \ Hit ,·q lldl\· '''. 1I 11 t! f ,·l\' nLl::; . t n . IIro ,guo~ t.~ 0 [ ""r t , . UII d 'I r"~ . 'J'h I"Y II I tll t<lr fl u t. , 1l11c1 . rllll i lilw IJieluy. I"tllppild Il t OilY too, wh I' !\Lr:;. Lu ' 1',h'!I';'; l1at' Hjui llPfl . t h 11l . !\IIt1 u il h Ull !Ill' '. l\L rt()h;I~. l' IIl l' 1111 d I IJ e . ' I ,,0; t W (\, I ., I1verYlllnslll1 l. trlLlh r r . • ' lilt j\ l ill r ' ~ f' ''I1l' .1fI I ifill .
l\1I H A lllli 'A r t1lVlI uT'l'lveti h om o ! .'lI turdllY f or II r HI1n1WOr v;\(,lIlil)ll fr III UP.. II. Ky . U l' . und ~h. , .1 . '1 '. \Cllis lI11tl I.. n 1t I II lind ,I UIln! 10 .IU ILl II-l .V I\ntol'll t il
\\' i IlIlIJIIII
I . ' ... .
Mist! Auoll ' t ,HIP:' W ' I~ II Wa Yllll:; M IlXI ull hHH h lll ll vi«it'l \!: l' r i"I(I,.. vill ,.. i "ltor. 'l'u c~{ll1.v . .lIlIl n ·]'llin'::. ilt lhl~ · vicill1t .v t ill' I. . , OI ] IJ;! , pre.... ; . 1lY ~o n , Ill' (-1001'1-;1.1 UIII'l nn l !:o l' ll.i n.vill l; II . 'H il l! 11110 IHI " I . .' u l :!l Il" .'nlln viou prl' , ; Fmnk BlIlkleY I tI 0. ; visit fr u ll) IIi " I!fIl llt " r I ' 1t1l 1'If " " I' ·11 1l' 11101111 ' I){ }OJr. lIuII ~ [I' >I. H u rry I If ' .Io lm A . 'I'II C)ltl P,'OIl. 1.1' II '. : B 'rllll .'d Mi,,>'cm r i ('''1'111' I tlll ~U1HIII.I' \.II ~ J.I1 III 11 tl W ., ' 11' . t . I 't I MI' ' 1' 1111 1' lll lIlrl!' or ( 'll\ r'II' lIl1tl d ll\':' Ill' Iltll 11 111 111' .. r ..\1 1', Il ntl I\l rfl . .nal I (\I, ~ nJl . , • II , . , U O jl~, , oy It' ( ' l lI' k II'U II ~. 1,'I'ullklJi nld y U()I'III1 I'j l :.'.! oh . \~'II'" 'tt ll llti~1I1l Irl('lIri 1· .l tl ll\· II lI ti " . I . ,. . ' . I I L 1\ ' l' l . , J IL ' , k HlIh ll'flll l'. ,\lr.'"lol:-'II's. I,•• H. I{.J I Il!lol I II I lit \lI' , ·O IIl . lUllI \lHOII , ' • • liS f.o Y J '1 ) I) ",~,'nr!l I111-; I (' nil \'H I' \' I' 11 1111I" •ltt r'lJdl n" thtl \ ll1l1l l1 i h ll . '1ltnl' J>r~ .II CU ,,' ' lJIll [I'l'I\ lIk \\1 . Il olml'!'. clh' ctor. . ' fur II wllok "ul. l~ ,, 11,,1t 11' ITIIIIl'I;\" Il l tl,' ... HV I' lI i llL( "Ptlll t , \1l1 tla y Wi th I ho __ ___ Irmw. II'JIJI 1',,11,... ) "l"
11 ""I'm,
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.Ii. i' Srhil 11.1\1 I; lin,.. Ii.. ' l 1.( ' I HOY,' f' N 1) I'WOlle, "' I M r!' . '.11), t It! II ' " II :tY H "i~ il i ll ~ it\ XI)IIia . I 'l l'. \\' 1"111'1' 'I I" "I Willi Ih ~11e!;t o t It r ist 1'-1 11 - (IW, 1\ " I' '''Y I,.. ~ p tl n" " 1:0 hit;" vlIC'uII,HI willi froillTlll lit WIIY I U, A M I>I. H ploll !~ hle y It n ll Ml'K ( ). l lIl · . . m o m; f 1'01ll Jj'I'i eltlY u nt il , \.! ml IlY. 1'111 .
'illl'i ll llt I I. knltl' . . , . . I Mi · 1~ tlll . 1I :'11 0. hOI WI," 1 tIt ,cilllT1 · 'I Ii. , b .tI;dt l· \\' L h i '; III 1"\1\ w l lh , , . . l' 'lllt' I' llIs t \ \1 1 k wln-rl' "ho" IUllI L"d tilt h' I llIln y fl'lt lid" III \\' I ~ \1lI ~ IItI~ 1ll 1 . UU l11 l1lL1I 1l!t':11 I II t.
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1;:llplIlrie k, l Ilt' I. hlln Ollllll· W0 I1111 \\,1 1< 11 lu I'. \\,It~ ill till 0 Ilt fl t w nr. lc. !l11' . .(· . I';. ~~"I
ti l I.) l it· "hn . t l1f · fl' It· I "I ~ IIh·tllwitl II I
'l l'. ' I I.. .. ?l I n ... 1':1 III PI' illt ~ i" II I'L' ll d ln~ Il row WIIS 111 11111' 11 Sill u n IIlS." ~. " I ' l~ n~ 111 1) 1.1' 11'11 ,• \' 1111 '. 11 ' 1' ,I; 111.101'. ' WH . hU I'\! iu i.h~ lIIt.c/:o t. (Ir t,11 S~H,I.f) BUI'f>llllltf Ltch r.
fHI IHl ,d l f"tllll Ilt l' h l t l! ('.Inn .. r·y IU':< 11 :':01.(1 : IIpP 11' 1 a ,,\ if(' (I II 1I hlg ' fn r ll1 , \ it.h ~Lu.t h .. d~l f;' 1ti\lC'1I Wllrit 1.11 (iu. ~It' ~ 1':Jlant l 1"":11 11 11' " L I~ . I!'. M . [ !lIII':, "", ,tln ,-, (loy lllhht. Tlr bywill Ii li n ( ·Iad: '. 1'11 1' 111 fl " :II' \" J ' 11 0. \ 101 II I,h .· \\ tl i tl ('llI lIlI 1 1·\lII H1. o f t1w nowl" lIw'l it'11 (·" nl )I" " Il r ttl J , ... .. JIl II "'r, 111m• W I1111 t I Ill 11'11 , II 11 1'1 l' ', (' I 1
blip,,), l ul ul" ·.
I "ji~t's A lmi n U. II l1d 1\111 (1l 11 Bruw n ,\ 11' ~' S Sil ll jl.IOII .. r M"I'1''' ' \- "'ltH . • ,. ' • ' 1II I<:1It1,'(1 t it .. fUll(llll1 Qf thlJlr 1'61111 11 I" W Il III ~ I \ \ ' 1",1; l.i v l' ~II'''; \\'111 to1 111111'\ II\' III I>I~y, . . . , . . T . 1\ I ' ll IIIl' WII " I II ( ·ltllllnllllll GOII S'II III tllI.\' . ' , : n ll ti rt V II 11 11,\l tJlHlll.\' . 1"1'11'1 11111' ,' \ 1' I 1\ ' I· 0 '0 ,. ~ 1'I1l\ 1'1\;11' t' u , I .. IIt"T v \V" II I'I' i llltl fll Jl\ II .v V !-r\' 1.11 11''' W IJ t'rll" nVI' " hi .. (on di· 1; 1 ~ I ·d Ih l'llrl ~ 1I 1.1W II Sl1llfl ll .y . ti ', Il . a,. hI' itl Il l )! Il il w II II th y
ug ll. !L nd r.1r .. t. 1~;,.It' I{. I'llliol t b ' "111 11 II IVlll",," II i, '\\' 11 11 III t.h . Illtor . HIIB li lt/ vI'ol 1' ,'111 11 lit II LV 1.11 (Jio i u I1I1Ii. 1I 1It! I" ul, Il l' 1\1 ' 1' l· tI~lt lt uca ht 1tJ~ ;. i\k i\I IIIIIII ,, ·II·P<'t. 'I'wn Illon t,h s II !:" II \ 11 I'll liU \. (1 11' ;1 IIhl 0,111011 Oil i\1r " ~; l l i"t.r ~ II Wfl /'i tlt q ~ ~' lJ tb IlI' 1 or h 111' \' nIh . 11 0 111111 ~IIV O fi
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11. \' 111[1. Wlt fo: III
Ly tl e .
~ll'. nUll ~[)'}ol • • f. H, .rU II A~ \Vf" ['~ ';\1 ( 11 ,1I111Id ''' l'1I In SUlI II" ," \'1" l llIl''' II I Ihl' IWIll tl tlf 1\11' . Illtl 1· 11·.... . 111·,r lll l' IlI I I. 'I', 1:ll ll t l l'vil ln pallY. III Ull yl t) lI , \\, hi .·" lmil \l e lHl r . I\'a;; w ('ll llI I I'ntirotl, '1'11 '1'.. '.1' ("'1 • t lln ", ll , II t II ' Ii II nil (·mlll.' ',Hg" lI tif.l)l\ IIl1dt 'll pit l d i1.Ull fo r 1II (11~' l Ing'" """ 11 , I"a fT'1l 11 ~Ir ". I, n ll'" Il ll llolIH·. f." llI i lill l' l~' . ~ 111 \\'/I~ II I\l~la l' I I /l I II , ~JI I I hn llwlJ 111'1 ,1111(1 I"' I'\' /l" "'I I"'" i l'II0' .; :.!:,.lJLU. It .. lh o ft. I I. I\lll !.; ' lI' ga lli ~ -
11 d
H \{ ' ''I\ II ~,m W II" ill I ' 1111' 1111111 I W \ ' IInl , I'~ . • . . , RI \\'11 0 I' W e re I· .. icn(~ s ~l1d '~ (' Ia It 1L.':·' IIII'I I"I"I1'·. .. , ,,lIHH1(1(11,, .. I·: pi,.('opill C'on\' I1('lltio n ., .• ti t!s Wh t! 11 Nc\ ' S ' . . ' ;It Xt:n ill I/I ~ r w l'r.) ~ 1 1' . -I iC'lr ( 'n n etlll" "'11;; 111 t ow n l . ' . 'I 1>~ li "f. J L<l Il' ~I'1I Ji ll /li d 11.\:\ ,,"') II U 011 Ca m e of Marria-ge III~ I \· 1·" I. , .1 I:- tt I I) Il' w llIl i n ~luoe;i(!, l ud..
1 ' lJ u~
TIJl: rl'o tl: Clh' aor
S OOitl t.i .h
'Ii.. .luaephine Bolen of JlimeS· town. !\pen t· a fe w IlllYS with Mra, P.
Born to 'burl El 'l'hm sdlly. IL gi l'J
Bow l
Ana wi ff'
wl!lll ILV" ' L IIlee l,ill " ·ll turc1ny ·Tn n e ' to Mrs . Dnnh ll1l1 Illld daul;l\teJ' n Otll 1:: All tll'aLl.. lcerl t.o I)epr SElll t. eut. r tuill ed tit \Y. U. A . n.l; I h 9ir • _ _ ___ _ ~ honul ifo l oou n t r y hOffit3 M 'n llllY II t e rno II. itbeiul-(thcKixtoEl n l.hI IDlliCLUB Vlll'lltll'Y of t h e W . • : A . lJi c,e !ll'OK I'UIIl W!lS rond r e 1 f 111 lV(\d lIy h l u rl ·h. The Farmer s 'Iu ll willlllcet wit Mrs, :sul liva n ot DUJ tu n Wll l3 t;\1 Mr. William .ran e at P kin 'rhnrf\· g il ~ I; of h il l' Hl!1tOI' Ml's. KoPt' ILb"
A. Ale xnnde r. M r . and Mrfl . M . E. $helwoo tl t . D tou. 8]JOU a u cI uy lOlly 'l'ho W . C. '1'. U . convention Will he held i u t h" M. E: ohuroh on next W d n sll o Yl~lId 'l.'hu.rRday the 10th !II Hl lL t h . Til e ilvel'Meda1Qul1rtet ll Ut! (:I Itl I) Meda.1 (;ontest in e100uMOil will be hold on 'Wedaesdlly .ev . I'lDln~ ill To wu btlli. On. Thursday
tlay nflem onn.
- --. - - - -
HANDED A [_.E_.. MON _
w eJ;.
oYttlllng Mr ~liss Amy
. RUUY lI.ll will speak.
OI:riH, ('f Xenia, tlpeut 1'I1.Iss Bot'lllnfI111 Ml·R . I)o l'is llll\\·. ' IIDdILywi~h. Miss Kntll erlne Auti. ·t 1 " 1 Ml'll . , 'I (11lI1011 bIlll 0 ttllI' S 1)\ II C • Illlltl VI I ( rut' am
\ VIllSo n 1\(:1) 1' ,IHlll e:, ro wll , hio.'V~t1 1\1 1'. u D 1 Mr~ . Fr eu Sherwood, of n ~t1'lY tlnd T hIlI'H (!tIY· Wny n os.vl11 o, I!pellt Suo day with Uti!:' ·noUlt .Y, wb r h e WIll ll t tO Il.d Til f ollowi ll l;{ pl'o~ rtIUJ W'I ~l vtJlI: I ..I\ l t. Itoy M 1'5111.1.11 un!1 i\1i ,"i lie !t he fo rme r· ...· purents. M. E. hel" t il Warw I k - !:flllll nupti llJs t hi S' L \ '" L~ t" P :J Web Me .. k R hond I ' l R a "l,pal'h" Tnrobull w ll r IIlll-rr illd Thu l'slillS' wo d lLUfl wjfo of this l)llloe, .' . , tl~t ', l ' .., O I' ~O, r _i! " , w ef!l. . ~tl ' Eln Q,l l O . ' 00 , ofn lotllonTu Ildav .M rR.M('el,sgrr.- w alld · lm.Ft"idllyt~ be lItl gne. I:'!d ,I ns llh][u.wkonndwifovisitedlu 'll',Sbr . .Jlllll e.~ . El 011", .1 o llu " S. I I' N. . I U, . anll It, • II I h . t l ·t. h i" uncI, }o1r. B . 1<, ,J ll ll1 ellll ntl Itu tl - X e u itl the lu t t er p'llrt of the week -' " ~ U " R e ndiu g Cit lin ul, ~ " li d R II II '/I ll 1(' (' lIll\1I nil el' OW I1 I' P . ~n( I 'j . . , N' k ey nnll Jto " !runil. of t b V I~Yll . I .11 1 4 Ii l It y . 1\1ISS Ul e tl Reeves, o f ,ew Burh . 1 h , ." . h y the Seer tll rv, Min n,io re. Duk e, I w ~gl l f P lln :. a nI m m;~ t: c ?l1ks H.lll.h Hll o\c I t visit tld in DII Y \{n gtoll s pent Sutut'llay night aud Ci~~~~l;I~! ;rue~I':~l~ :~~I~:Y~ttLl,t ',.1.Ifg . 0 . • (,( \)ltyt.Qn. WW ' S nudny '9\1; W I' I OI Ut" t,ll ( ' 111. 11 If 111 0 . !l.i lltl j ' -11I1CIt£'. oJ'''"n.!: tOil E l·1(lu.y !lo d ~lt turdny . S unday with Eelnn Molntlre . . h) h I li VIi'rtt)I'S herl~. l D. H it,1t tlf!, '011 ; I. ill (ll. I' , F I'll _ _ _ _ _ __ M rQ. A . 1', Hn wln n cl !l Ull ,. 0 0 , 01. Mr .•Tolln Ueevns is sun'ering from hllRuunti Iwo c\f\ugh tel'AIUld tWO;;OIl~. I ,o mlll lt;,..l . ,. )leI' J1d Rog r s \Va i n I S lIid 1', ' 0:-1; T ho ~ . ' h o ol• Aln 01 ni, T \, . () I ' ' l . i ver sta rt d I.Q 1111 \ 01'", 110 ..' U • tll'OIc l:l1l r ib s onn d 1 Y Il fl.lllll. .few . .
'of Rob,.I[')L B \'.;~wn, 1)111 . IIII' ttht, piun I ' CI~ aytun , an 111 <.\ el' )"<1 1" lived n I1l' Belllll'ook . bu lfol' l;lllU m be l' of yea l'5 ha: 1)· 11 a l' si lenl Day l oll, whel' 'ht! e njoy tI tit l a8: 0-
lil l Y e v IlJn~, Juu u
-=- ~e
:r ~hoJl1
,B . . 1ul'pby . wh I.ow u Iiu;t. W e k , 'n 'iu" up f III'elifor InOl'll. L eu ' '!IS' " lu 'Ohool l COMMENCEME.NT wit.h t.h ' . d ' Ii '" .: . , I , _ . ', . Y Miami 'Ga~ett a nU \\ ,\5 a 1\1 '111 b) 1 IRII )llIll1jJll~ g,O '1l I1lIl e tJ ~'LYS . , L lC t.;. ~t,tl, 11t , .. L~OU~I . Of th e famil v f T ..J. Brown. . II 1 e It 1 U'I ~U D I~ . Yqllf '1 h on g h ts, nrreu H unto 6. .. 'l'b o o nmTl'l "'n nOfll Pnt, of t ho \ Vn v np . ' . !Ilr. li n d Ml's. Eel U r g dn ll /l u ll Wo \\1 1" 51) [O[' l n o ll ta 1It1 tQ htlvo 'l'nwnRhin onh nol will 1'(1 hl'111 nr t.h Q - - -...... wi l h 11 1:\(lui t 1.1 ulluiber o f our PflSt ' . . 1 11 t Uo .dl\.\l g h I 1' , Ilf Dtly t OIl w e I" , uu . . . . : WI\VllP ~\' l llf' Ql'l1 onl lHl l1 n l"xt- 1"1"1I1.(v d I y yis l Ul"S a t t il t) h OIll t1 ()f . M r. li n t! "s\l)\H r l!l tendellt~ . S. A. Rll lw II J . . I' . . THE FOURTH . ! t.s. PlIilip lio pkillS. A. l "d['lltl' l 'It , I !. t... Sill\t.h lI,o(ll,e "', flV lllTl ' , ' i gllllu'll" t1~)\v 1'1 <l 1~lIk!o\ \\'h iol1 Not .Far Away a- immense 1,. A. 7.\lJlUte t:ulIlll. ropl'l.!~ 11tcul"ive " ! pI1m'an'", ' .• _-W· t 11 ,4'0' f f l'll lll C r w n Lod "l I ' of P , 'ls 'Lt· \\'111'1' t'uj Yf' 11 h:- oil. IS f or rrt 'l'ly
Ed '
u t-d ll Y t o tlt L lid th e f un I'ld of b Ol' hroth e r .in II. \\" M,I'. W l11 . B Oll th , l'o t Ul'niog Oil ~I OIIIIIIY . . Mi ' s EI b '\ J' n !lOWI t \\t tll , utt 1't.fljn tl.o Yonn g j ·l' "J.ll es 60ClIlt,y I) E tho l' r ;:bY l li rt ll ll l; \t nl'c lt lLt h l'l l'h olllil lJ' . 1 ' vonlll j.\ .1U I]U 12 . r ll .tl) , I
d a ys Il go.
Mi s~o!! Ktll, h erin e nncl 'Olive AUIl. bee vi !<it ed in X enilL 'l'l!ursdo.y. Mr ' F FII n k Ria tt l' ,oei ved u bad ont \~it.h t lt fl lid? Itt his wurlc.iotlt 'J'ltul'" du " ' .r . , " ver !ll l rt)l ll h er o 'llt,e olled the Mill!', (;1"111 ' "'11m I~'h~ lI.n\/ , ~J P la r SU I1 n m o io lJ .~t ' the Soldier" lI,tI I I1l111l" :icIJUIII ~ l ll \\llt l:l . ltl. h ome in DILy lllU /l'lrul'r!uy, ' t·, tllllll'tl homo , lIlI! uY , , . H ey . M AI'i1l e Oil. f. who has been JI IU>l tl'lltl'l I I ,IJ /.~. Ilr .. -:- " , .C OtH'", 111 qt1lt o ~ i r k tlt fl pll ~t. w eek iil illJllrOVAff aIr a C J 1 .• t ~ U (I III ' r t·I ltl l', 1'I111 lI 1:1 .. _ . Enl' lflw" ""Ill bn ;.lIVNI In .ll)\\· n h ll ll i l /l ~ ' ..Joe g H li t, ..n I lU ll Mrs. Ueorge I£lJll:! a.nd 14l'S,1 Ed 'u ttl nlIlY,. l·\' I1tn~, .1I1111J 1.! . Alb rl H I w it... ",'hil e pillyivg oellr Details., \; n " t il" \) (,11, I lJt,l1 n il 11 1,1l. FORM E R DENTS. Martin spent FridaY' nfternOOlHvitll IU Vl t li t,1~Ill ' ';1 1'0. fl U I . Illl n(l nI\OIl} ~ th .· (1I 1.\\1 01' Y S~ UUII th utternoon, . 11'';. · 1.YlI~ I:l m H , u f WlU \,Iu...,~ 1 r. ,VL n :. ell .. . ,,' " l';ll j~ . ,'.j,p vtld tli l: g-ll f r,'T!~ :.I (;i r 1'1~ U h .It- llSto vpeel a u II rUl:! ry lIf1il find is sufI~vet'ylhi\lg if; m oving' :11 ll){ .1 n (l.. ", It.h hel' !t tl!" d ill plllU I- 1\1111''1\'11-. 1111(1 M r s. G~ .\~. Wlllfl ' :o'1h'ut l . l l :1Il11 Mr . !J1~n .1 ~HI (Js. 1 11e U'IY I f£\l'Ili~ f l'OI11 II v lJ ry SOl'O root.. Ar1t uothl y fot'lIwe'HJI'al itl l't 1.'1\ thl~, ~l'r.l' u r e h rtj l~ n IL vis1t, t l:.l h _1' I IlLI' j l'I l isl<, ellie. H Ailles. t1augh~(!I' nf ...· ,tl,ul'\luy /t ll d .·\1'~\lrl~' w l llL .hdlll \ IPuj n g,.l ulI l l llJlIl: P . IU . . . , ,I ILll1 c<' H 'lwke wlfe ILUclda.ughtel', g lOI'iLlu , FOlI l'lh . 0\,(,1', $! (I III \al - ' llt::!, .\i l'. lIIIlI M I' . l,ll· u. I ]'ight f l '. 1., ll a I.l a ll\ 'g .. W l~~ ~larl' l~t1 Lit \ '0 11\ . lInr)1'alllily. Mr. B ll n Ir 1:1 11 1'1'1" un do fLlllllly o f 0 1' ' p l'iIl !( li tlltl Llro the gnosts of uubk l)ri ~.c!-; hus< 1)('1'1.1 d lmn l l."d hy . ' . 1MI" .J oh n Wmg I' l ll1 Inn a t l I'L'I t Mr. lin] 11'1'. lft~(] I'"p l3' II'::ln 111111 \)ttyto n' u,l' o 111 ~twsts o~ hl ~ bruLh- I n':;ll ph Il'Lwkll llllll fl1mily. • (,I q /l llllihe l' puoru WIll br, fU I1!1[ l l ll1 . , <1' ..\11' I llY HllrrlH UllU £tUllIJy . " 1\" IJ ' tI M' oo Nettio Ev' lI l ll' tm Lt! r\) r i si l1~ mer h anl s, . . , \ 'c\ IHll'd fly IN 'ning'. im1l1erii at I.\' r1 11 11 ~1 1 1 l' WPl't1 th e ~nu~l.t; of ( :11.111\0 , • .. 1 LT'~ LII 11I"!I 'l/\ """ . 1"(.iv l t tl " III\l OI t! !tIt LI VIU·!lt'!l. \\ u ',lf t 1. l he cel" nlln \' , \V hl'cll \\" I.~ I)el'- 1:.v llltll nnll n ntlC Il1l1il .vSn n c1l1 .v . i'oJ i.!'Is J..\:l\'ll Murri~ h nl !I,Il ,nUll c.k U\1~ ;>!i h "l in Cillc inu8,t l Suuday. A full PI' g ra '1l w ill U' a1l1lO llnC('i " • ., IJf Ittlurt t r \l ll h lo t.lIIS w oo k, Lu t IS · . L ) . f X . inn e xlweel,'!'; isdllc . ClIIUh " "l'll lyt' IHl u l 'S t ill::' 111 tll ()lJl .fo rm edbyth e R ,~. Wm. Mye rs, the ' 1'11f1 !.nllk .q AalnfUli,. p lac' w~lI h i, t.O hf ont o ' . " i\lrs . ou. ( ~ e.u !cl"o eUlli. was · I b '(1 1 !lnd I,la t <:O ItI\"'UI~ II '; br.I·II ~ JI l'fl· 1 I l ' 'I h _I g i v II ten li t I be h lil t! of ~J.r", . I~r- I ~ . l ' f II t t,La I' j!;l'IlI!ll. u t MI"t< NelldSuodllY. l'he Ia t t:ls t' t Ilin g LI e co n. l er !:'l . . ' H"\'I!P~: ' Oll Jl 'won "u" I e • . anu soIll C-.. II t, M 1l 1111 1'l1t ' V '(In '~dtl Y 11ft, 0'l\1) n. M i~!{ 0 I ". tlltr~ 0 lI y 0 0 WII S . . _ ,.. _ .. , is a contest nmong tll> Lanus tlf lhl.· l'tl 11 11 bl . 1.1' fu rnis h d (lIl t on H:I ml ll \,\, st r et. I~ v( I'Y UI1(l y in vHocl . . l h ";lll' t Of ~tI H'" I uth Sllok ot t . .... . ' I:S0,)7 'S !lU I 13 WIi.S w e II M r s . ~ yll 1111<1 ' I WA n s. Wa",, Itt ' a II"em I- 1 Mr. 11'1111 i\lrp Ed 1.31)1:(1111 II llel fll,tUi 'atun ll v ...llli llll rl" :9". ., Ferry sU1'I'QIlnuing t () WI1 !' , \. MiolS h.J Itl ll I \.I-J - l' tl 1. ' , . . t 1 ) I . h I tl . 'I I' .,. 'I i \V· II t <" t ~Il''' .ftl lll lOLt ~llll cr IIU c ull cll'UU , -- 'rhe vemt this yea I' [lrCl1111~ ' l:' '0 lI~t,unl t.I !lULL t Itl 1~lltlqlle:! Jl'ou g I; all a U' \1 d mg. ! .v. 0 , (10111' :,~' n o~vl t! ;l Jle ll 0::> .. K ' ,:It1"fioltl Oh il), Rr o theg1l 9st MI' .Ul y u tj ROIl.1(lOtll1ndullughters, ""I' Ipse ~lIl'J thi nn' th aL has (lccll ['n ed in t\ fIll I' \11'100 M lI:1l : 1 K Olsoy iOLonds _ . ' llni fty \'p.c l;: wII.1t 11ll'l pill' llt of t. b l':; ll1 ~ " p ~ t' )\1 ' 1 Mrs ' .. ~Il o f' (' lruin"l on \Jill hl1ve .... J., • --( of J1tH· pIlI·en ~ . 1. 1101 . ~., ] . "" , beeu vis Wa nesvill sillel' l h e ~t'ea\. H u m IJl I) Vin g ln Wlt.1t IIl (\ Mi ~~I~ KIlII ~'OIl . .... , , " • . · r d I . . ... , pII Cl . .lIaru u" . . iu g ;\1\' .1111(\ !'Il1'Il, Fmuk OllrUllmfor l!' ·t l . Invllal.Wl1fi \,el r te l\ Jy !le\ ~ l Mrs tl el1l'ge \)a\' i5n llll Mr. Il' rnnlt . . , . the pllEl~ ruw uny!!. omi.I.lg. " . . . . .. . _. um I . IiI lJ \" . " al peo))le het;tl , ,l1In!! ul1cin g' th g mJ· : H,lI'j or.\( we n Vi'il'Yn~~ i\ll l ~'j!'itor!l ~11'. 1.IT.I J\l .t."flll~tl o f . e Ulll'vlll e . Owin' t tll~ scnrcitlV of ' frnit Wutc ftll ,\\1 YOUI ftl I\d;; 1.0 til at Mr~. lll' Bro wn u.utL Ml' ·. \) u Id . · uatl on of M1. s Ma ri unna facl< e l' a t\ :-:;ut'llrdll.Y nf to ru oll lJ. OhiO, Vl!:lltlll r lUI f1:Ullt'l a;.If:!!:I Fthlnr~l e th e re h~~ b n quite Il rush the le on h. egl'ea t day . of . Wn'yll . tl t:\v.I II ,,; ~l ItlS l~1l1JJ1e i\'" B•' t he13ostonNorl11al sch o J' of Gymn . a.s- \ Mr. Imel MI',. \V nH tw .1'1l'u II..1I lind J~Lll1'!:Ih b' H IlrJ(l (I t l U 1'0 udves er e. . Y!JIl at Waynesvil . • .' . R I rb llll'h visited fruit g row e r " th o past week. for WatC:~' fOl' 1I.1 IHt"g~ .bIJl ~ "pd ne ;o;l Duko Ilull !\Jr. E.nlll ' J. ' lll'lIlon y, ti cs, .Ju n ' 12. HIO:. Miss Pa kel' is l cl (l1ll?lIt .r ',ioln '~(! re :,Liling lll 'l'lllll M:1t !l~fI ~~TI~~'UTJlI:)yl ntHl~tt1UliIY lu stl'l~\~'bel'ri s , . w ele d pap I. of L..y t ie 1\1\ 1I O!5t1.t tI frOIn- \V linen t h d augh tc r uf MI' ,'nl I r.<ft-s Fran k I M0(; In m s unclo) nft mo 11. . I. 10 k ChIILlI'OIlS OilY WIlS ubsorved nt _ _ ,_ • , • < • Hol> 'I 1(lhn Ilh (l fnmlly o t Lv tl" Illw to n \HI W ~ ' . I tho lreny ' hristin.u clluroh 011 Suu . -- - . ~ ~(), lU \ktH111llt~1I uO tl~ tlae ,' I,l lt~ lin 'Pack .j', <llltl . is a gt:adua Lc of t~ spe nt : ~'~ll IIY ' \viliium RtC:h l b Llu t f ont: h u n llrl'ld ])oople wit- UlIY veuin g . very lluge tinu a.p~ :-lunduy ohllul OOnVtllltlOll ' h hIm Waynesvill High school. She will un<l (a nl1l~·.· " .. ntl.~ :loel t he b.t1~ gll!~e h ~tweo [t tho Ill'COitLtiVO tU1dienoe' were present. h'ulcrllJ UW;' \y ak . t al< a pl1s ili()n as t each er in a schOl)l MrR .' ohn rl'lIonlJ:i~t11t nlltl1L1lUgh . • Ncbl'lI~ klL !tt tllllll.1! t tln.~I .BelflbrOOk~ 'file children prosented the exer"l ". 1'l'U(l I3CO\'O Wil l; ). , 1I ~ til nVOl'11 I "t: OSi:! aud Orown" in a very ' , I . •h . . MI'. ILud MI'!:! . . b'n.llk :l..ell Ml' 11 HI' e~' Y ur k' 1 . t r t; \v ~lr oulling I )U S,im 1~1\i~ Ilull l th (d' 0 se, r . MI'. and fl'lrol_ 1!l'an \ ~ mlt • neal 1 . ' • fultlily Runllll}' aft rn 00 ! II n IHIl S. . UcclclptalJle mu.nner. IIlDdMr". \\'IU. ~ II, ,..\11' . 'lUlI.Ml': . - -'t' '\V It" '["hb II '1 I ' ll I M.i.. ~UtlllioB es!{ I'l\elmfillulito the MI' I Rcisent·u,) will have nn Ly ll , c.nlel'tainetllaSIW(,"CksevcmI '. ' I I H H k t t.x I • .. 1.1 .nr I "sn'll( ('11 e r ~n 11 itl 'll1CKC'U'lOE . . ' of th 'ii' relatives [mm Dayton.Wes l . · UII. • IIW·tl wuu I) en 1\ un · Iin(l ..John H. ighwdV8J1Cmt Run. L0l1S0 W I C -" . . openiug next Satl1rday evenln". the ra .tbey pklrllicilmttl<l ill the URY' ,.. 'l.'olll .Turne.. . Tho K. of.P. llecor&l.lon WIlS 01>- Canter"i lie bll.nd will fUI'Diah the C.[lI"·O lIton nn d Fru.'mount• At tht.. dtlY wIltfit b i . r •. '. scrvtld here Suoduy Au Ilcltlrestl I io 1I00n hour 31 sal down tu u tabl la· t.v.l'nty I lLun Verllilry U tuo wor· Mr, vin Fires spent s uverlll i d IJ Mr Spicer of Dayton mUll • . de ithgood t.hings to eat. The rlll g~l)fMr , andMr.RI,yZell,3nd Th(' Miam won from Oregoniadny.. week WIth Iler lJl th~l'lV{tlsmlt e YI loriioofthe Elliott ! Someofol1\"high80hOOlfr;,~ . n w . ' In social convel'/SG ton wore tbem joined by o~her mem~ Sunday by a Reore of 1 to 6. The wbo I very IIlck nt. 11 r home In • lC~~Ol :~il::bt'Yd turClay. J ul:fe 13, :hil~:~~~.ror a coone D • ",us
'oI1l1 '\!l ·tl
1.er8 of tb
boys ploy Bellbrook Thut'llday.
The Miami Gazette
To Cut Down Wortd'. Fuel Bill. "LeSI than 116 yeara trom DOW ratl. TOad locomotives will carry no fuel. Tralnl all over the country will be nln by Ilo\\'er conveyed by wire from a dozen great cen'tral plants located In :the neighborhood ot coal mines. l.'here will be no .moke. no ctnders. to make a journey by rail disagreeable." Thus Prof. Robert Fernald. expert In cbarse ot the 'government tuel In· qulry Is Quoted by Robert Franklin In tile Tecbnlcal World Magazine. It hIlS been proved practicable, he II\'YI, by the belp of gas-producers and gaB engines. to convert the energy or coal Into elecLrlclt,' and traDsmlt It by wire over dlstancell exceeding 250 miles. Tbls means tbat train, could be run from a single central plant over 200,000 square miles- an area nearly four times tbat at the state ot Illinois-and tbat ten or twelve such pl&nts. located at or ncar mining cen· ters. could furnish motive Ilowe r for an the railroads in the United States. "Now that It Is commercially possible f 0 transmit electric powor 250 miles or more.' Bays Prot. Fernald. "the 10cr-Uon at Immense gas-producer planta at the mlneB, or within easy ruach of them. must speedily follow. But It should not be SlIDPosod that thlB power will be utlllzed only by the ratlroads of the counlry. It will 'be Bupplled to factories, and employed tor all sorts Of . 1ndus~rlal purposes In cltieB and towos. wbose populationB will be thus enabled to enjoy' cleanllaesB and freedom from tbe tyran~y of smoky chlm· neYB." This Is the IntroducLlon to a 1'emal'kable article In thla, magazlne_
Weary WlllIam-Excllse me. mIll, bul 1 !Ie lhot you Ilave had a tUf with your laye r. and he has lert you. Allow me to esco rt you hom e Instead.
Beveral plans have been made to ea· tabllBh a national AmerIcan university. The Ide&, recently expressed In a bill Introduc;ed Into the house of represent~vel. Is as old aa the countl')'. WashIngton. In hlB address to congreu In 1890. urged the promollon or an and SCience. and NlCommended that congress cooslder "whether thla desirable object wUl be best promoted by affording a!ds to semInaries of learnIng already established. by the In· aUtutlon 'of a natfonal universIty. or .,~ any other expedlents." The (lueation suggested by Washington baa not bRen finally settled, although It has been answered In part by the growth or many colleges and unlverBltleB throughout the land. In a country like OUl'8 of wide area' there should be many ~eat centerB of education. It aomsilmes seems better to strengthen the collegeB we have than 'to found Dew ones .. but there 18 room for others. A national university might have BpGdal functlonB such as preBent InBtltutions are not In poslUon to discharge. , and Its omclar nature would make It a powerful Influence In AmerIcan hIgher ec!ucatlon. which is now dlBorganlztld and uncertaIn. in standard. I
Saved From Being a CrIpple for LIf•• "Almost sIX or seven weeks ago I
became paralyzed all , at once with rheumatism," writes Mrs. L'ouls MC). ({ ,. 913 seventh street. Onkla nd. Cal. "It' ~truck mo In the bllck aud exte~d· cd f ro m tbe blp of my right leg down 10 m\' fool. The attack was so severe thut . [ could not move In bed and ,,'as afraid \.hat 1 Bhould be IL cripple tor lIf . "About 12 years ago I receIved a Saml)le bolUe of your Liniment but n ,. r had occasion to use It, as 1 hn ye always been well, but somethIn g told me tbat Sloau's ~Inlment would hel p me. 80 I tried It. Aftel" the secon d application 1 ('ould get up Ollt of bed. and In thrOB daye could wallt. oc d now feel well nnd entirely fr e fron1 pain, "~ty friends wero very much SUI'-llrlscd at my rapid recov('r), and 'l WAS only too glad , to t ell th m that ,1oou' R Llul~Mt wa£' the ouly medlolne 1 used." The Soft Answer.
There have been from time to time , 8I:lny reportQd InventlonB or bullet",roof coats or undershirts; but ,some· how none ever seemed to meet a really adequate teBt. , Now comes the story that 'a Russian' colonel baB devlse~ a garment ot this ~Ind which Is ac~ ually what IB claimed. WbUe the formula for construction Is not given ' out, the announcement Is mac1e that the materials are. three and ' a halt tlmeB aB hard as "teel ~d are war· ranted to ward off a Mauller 'bullet . llred tram a high-power rlOe. Still. It la not going to be easy to obtain or wear the bullet· proof coat. The gar· 'ment IB ,~ery costly anll weighs five pounds. and a man trotting around In It must feel something like the armor· locased knights of old. But, asks the Troy TICles. what are cost and weight compared to value ·as a lite preRerver? U the, coat IB truly bullet proof no doubt there are a, gpod many rich and titled personB In Russia who would think the garment cheap at ten tlmel the cost In money and dIscomfort. ' ' Small boys who are afraid to go out Into th!l BtreetB to play lest they IIhould set run ove-r may be Ored by the grea' hope that some day \.hey wll\ be president at the United States, but th~ rough: and-tumble kid has his eye Oxed on a position as· pitcher In the cham· plonshlp team of one of the big JeagueB_ . That Illlllears to him •.0 be 0. . higher position than president ur even Goorwalker In a department Btore. As he pitches ,t be tattered ban In \.he "'.. cant lot 'hlB mlnd's eye wan'derll for ..ard to tile tlme when admiring mill. ,t itudes wlll :IBe up to allplaud, his curves. meanwhile saving enough ot their ·strength· to throw pop botUes ' at hie adversary of the rlvaJ team. A dlspatoh saye that Prince Vladimir ~rgejetvltch Kutuzolf and I;le "If~ Watwara Trauovskeja' Klltuzurt, ot. Russia, have gone to Doukhobort. et,·. Note to printer: Please put tlle let terB back In the alphabet' atter usIng.
Some men are bnchelors and some are 'lilgainl sts. Between the two Ie a cl.., about whll1h esec,I!UVe' mBllB8.\;el .... n81'e1' 'w rlttlen, or Bcalnlt wbom _arranl. are rarely IIIIUed. it m7J8t be • oolorl... lite.
Is ,,"ung around. and what was the atern becomes the bow. Proas are rrom 40 to G5 teet long and six 01' seven feet wide. and are BBld to attain a spe d ot 20 miles >\n 110ur. The junk Is the distinctive typ or Chinese marln'e architecture. a somewhat unprogressive science amo ' !i the celestlals. Ev u before the hrlstJan erl!': Johll Chinaman voyased trom port to port In vessels ot this build aud rig. The saHa are mado ot matUng anel are reered In 'much the Bamtt WhY as a V netian blind Is I'als d. 'rbe jUI'.k Is bullt along the lines of an ol'lenta l allpllel' with the curved keel tor the sole and the drop art ror the beel. The com· mon 1'Iv r boat or saml)an IB on the even more familiar mcd ~1 at the Inve rted fla t Iron, Tbe modern large junk Is a good sea boat and will riel a s vete tn)hoon In sntety. ' On Ule streams of IndIa may b seen a tytle ot rowbont ~\..t:.Ich somewhlit res mbles our Am~rlcan craft. It Is, how \'er , of clnm sy con · struct\on and the oars. whlcb are lashed to
nny observing tourIst wbo mIght , joul'.ney arouud tbo globe (he varIous types of sen and river craft that he would see on such a trIll are as distinctive IlS are the costumes of many of Lbe countrIes he would 'travel througb. Few AmerJcans there are who are not familIar with our preBent styles of water era rt, 8\1ch 1II the common rowboat and snJlIng yachts. but ahf're are many who, It told that theBe !JoatB set down ou SOUle fo~elgn stream would excite conalderable CUI'IOlllty, would be greatly surprised. However. If they would stop to conSider tbat these boats were evolved from the primitive crafts of our forefatbers and tha.t the various condJtlons' In different lands would make these boats Impractlcablo, the surprise would be lomewhat tempered. . FI~st, let U8 consider the gondola of !tal,Y. renowned In I!ong ,and story. The gondoill. haB probably been drawn oftener than any other boat on recQrd. Crank and black ,a nd dismal. with
enator Tillman at a baJl,Quot 10 Washington suld In humo~ous d rense of ou tspoken ond tmnl( mel hods: "Th se people who always keep ~a lm fll\ me witb mistrust. TboS8 thllt never lose tbelr te!bper I suspect. He who wears under abuse nn angelic s llll1e Ie OPL to be a hYPQCrlte. "An old Soulh Carl~lIna deacon once laid to me with a ,chuckle: "'Ke p YO' lenapah. Bon. Don't yo' qUllrr I with no ansry PUSSO D. A sort answalt am allu8 best. Hlt'B comman\led an', ru rtbermo', SOnlly.. hit DlIlkea 'em maddah'n anytblng elal 1.°' could say:"
Deafness Cannot Be CUl"ed " loc.1 appliCAti on., .. tbe, •• nnot r ••r b tbn ell. . ponlon of lhe ear. T&": III I.J on\y 000 " ., w. eu rC\d . fn e •• , aa.d lbat ' I b, oOll.qtUUODil \ rbwoillet. O ~ 'fDOt!l 0&ul 04 by an tnlt.Dled cOOtlhtOD of 'b • OlU.Odllloloy 01 Lb. EQIII.bIID Tu~o, Wben ,bl. \u ... o t. loQa rued JUU b"v~. rumblto" "HInd ",r lin· parteel be. r l0lr. aud WhtUllSi II IID"'r 1, clQied. De.t" nUl l, thD rel u lt. aod uul a • tho IDt1amm6-tloQ C-aG t'. ,.k'!. u ou t loll tb t, tu ba N1J~red to tt.. 1.I11rrrat ClID"" Uun. bearlot( will btl da. t fOJ'c d fIJI'f.eri n lQe c..,@. Odt 01 leo lir. el.,ed tir U,tarrh, whlon I- .olbl •• bul an lolllm eel CQD~lllo o o r Lb. DI'Ou'" IUrf~ ...
W. .. III
glv. Olle
U' l\d"" ~ 0 011 rt
(or ao,
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Oeal taC! lI (cftuaecl b y ca tarr h) tb at c.nUI;)L bs curN bl UIII'I C.... rrb Cu .... Sonel fur ol rcul..... r...... t-• •r. CIUlN EY • UO., TOledo, 0.
T~:.I'/; O~I~~~b~i,'~'tnl fur coDl:lp.tlutl. . Not
Emb~,.ra .. ed.
"Have )'our claBhes with tbe COUN embarra ssed you,1" ", 'ol at 'all ," answered Mr.. Dustill Stnll. "(,;very time I am fln d and do not I a), 1 f .el that ! bave added just tbat mucb to my earnlDgs." In a Pinch, Use ALLI!N'S FOOT-EA8~. A powder. It cures painful , smart. Ing. ner\'otls feet and !ngrowlng nanB. It'll ' he greatest comfort discovery of the I ge. Makes new shoes eaB)'. A qertol cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Drugglsta. 25c. Accept no BUbo etltute. Trial package. FREE, Ad· dress A. S. Olmsted, La Roy. N. Y. Repine not : the disappointment, of to·day orten prove \.he blessings of toOlorrow,-ThomlW! a Kem!)IB. If You Have Common Sore Eye •• to~e~her. you ncelt
If li neR blur or run
' A:r..VJ~.
25c. All druc'
or HO\\'lml Droa .• BulIo.lo, N_ Y. , The faire st of all things fnlr OD earth Is "i rtue.-Shakespeare.
!:la la
M .... Wb..aDW·. 8oo&bJnrr I!IJTUp.
"or chlidreD teelblDlf. IOtI_lhelf\''''''. redu_
JlammaUoD.eUa7.palA........ '!riD4oolW. .... ..,...
WIBe women gl!t their rIghts without tslklng about them. \.he bright 8t ~el beak on the lott)' prow. tbls boat does not ap))eal' sq successfully to the"'nouUcal mind as It would seem to do to the artistic and poetical one. But on the mil es of canals In the city of Venice thIs craft Is pecuilarl)' adaptable. 'l'he gondola was forme rly tb e only roiCIlDs of gelUng about the cily, buL It Is uow be· Ing displaced In IJ8rt by small lan nch es. Tho ordinary gondola Is 30 feet long Bnd fall I' or llve feet' wide. and is llat-bottomed s.o that the draft IB IIgbt. The bottom rIses slightly above the ' water at the ends. while 'at the bow and' stern slender ornamental stem and stern pieces ' reach to about the height of a man's breast. Tbere IB a covered shelter tor pwisengers In Uie mIddle of the Iloat Which, Is easily removable. )n ac· cordance with mediaeval Tegulatlon gonilolas are palilled black. The gondolier stands erect with his fnce toward the bow and Drope}B the boat with a forward stroke. making his way through the narrow and orten cl'Owded canals with amaztns dellterlty. .' TJm.lUghout the IslanllB of the Pacific the oa.noe i~ a common 'Sight. Strictly speaking' the canoe Is a light boat deBlgned to be propelled by .. paddle beld In the hands wff!Jout any fixed sUI)J!ort, although 'In some cases canoes IDSY be Mon that have an auxiliary sail to be used under ravoruble oondltlons. The ',anoes most common!\,: ween In the waters of the F,Iawallan Islands arft ",&Jilt from a single tree truak hollowed out with an outrigger as seell lu tt.e llJu8!.I'!lUon. Wonderful sailors, too. are the natlv'eB wbo III them often undertake long ' £,Oa voysges, far out of the sight of land', and passing Crom one Island to .anothel'. . 'r,h c cuuoell of Samoa. ' are built ot seVf,r sl plecell of wood of Irregular shape festened toJ; ther and cemented with gum to prevent tltelr lenklng. TIll' coastB ot the Dlalnland of flam. llUJ:mall and China al., awarm with canoes While tho catamaran. II a type of water craft that may be leen In I8veral co'lntriea. each 'Iype oUt .. ;lIle \I114S Ill! dlatlnctlve reatu.... TIle \.&ta.-
wood an IIprlghts fastened to the' sIdes of tltu boat. overl ~l p eacb othel·. The uatlves. how e\,el', are expert In th,e handli'ng or the cmft. ~~~::ore~r~l:t:!o:v:~~!e~~n~o:atsfaB~~~~ ~~~e~~:; In southeastern India, near the Strait Set· and pl'opol1ed from the stern with a long. narl'Ow tlements. an odd salilng CTIltt may be round . oar. .In Itel orlglnnJtorm the cathmarancollslsted ' of This vess I IB I;gged with four Balls. the larger one set slightly to the front or'the center. wblle sppeal to tbo Wcll~Inronned in everY tlp'ee log's, Qte rj1ldd!e ol,le being the longest, 'Iasbed togelh r , It was used Ill' the natives of two others, of atJIl Bl1Ialler deB!~ are set one ,walk of life and ,are eaonntial to pormane~~ Ibe oroIllolldel coast, particularly Madra,B. and at the prow and the other naldw.ay between the success and crcditllbi. lltanding. /1ceoralso In WeBt Indies and on tbe coast of two. The smnUellt of Ule salls IB rlgged at' the Soulh AmerIca. stern and I~ ' Intenged to aid In steering the crnCt. ingly, it is not claimed th"tSyrup of Fip Th o FIJI Islanders develop~d tbe catamaran On tbe rIvera of England and lreland may be and Elixir of Senn" " the ~nly remedy 01 Iii 11 In ' their wlir <;nnoes;' which consist of two seen SflVllral t~pes of the wherry, which Is very .known value, but one of many reaeon. parallel logs joined toget.her with a plafform 01;1 popular In Ulese waters. Oars are used to aid tho why it is the beat,of pel1lOW and family wh.fcli a lJ}ust Is placed. Thelie boats are safe single SI111 In the' smaller boats of,thls type, but tiae laxatives is the filet that it, cleaD8I!11, anil also very swift. Portsmouth wherry. "sed In the Ol)en sea. hl\8 a Tho' flying prol\ of the ' Ladl'on'e IslanderB Is mainsail an~ rejoices In . a topmast and a topsail. rweetens nnd relieves t~e 'i~temal organ. another type of the catamaran maCie with two 'rhe TurkIsh calque Is a fammar object In the C>tl wbich it acta without any debilitating hulls of' U1ueqllal size, The lal'I;er hull. 'YhJc\l carSea of ' Marmora and ' among the Islapds ot the arter effecta ~nd without having to'increaae . , 1<3 s the rigging. Is perfectly Oat on one aide and Aegean. She Is distinguished by her peculiar the quantity from time to,time. rounded on the other. On this are placed bam- , maIDl~Il.Il, which Is a combination ot a tore-and'. lt acts pleasantly and naturally anel , sail and a square sail. . boo poleB projecting beyond tile rounded side, and to their e!'\ls Is fastened a ' boal·shaped log PageS of luterestlng readIng nllght be written truly aa a la~tive, and ita component one-hair 01' one-third the size of the larger hull. or the many pel)lIl1",r boats which may be found , ~TtI nre, lmown to and approved ))y ThIs Ilrev,ents' CApsizing as effectually as the FIJI the "'orld Over- While the essential principle physicians, aa i~ i8 free from .all objectiondOUble canoe. Both ends ot the pma are made of boat-buildIng .mullt nt:C"t'sarlly be 81 mllar. varialike, aUd ' tho bo'at Is saUed with eltber elld first; ous nations and tribes bav., dpveloped the Idea able .ub8tanc~. To KOt ita ,hi!ne6ciaJ but the out-rigger Is always tG wind ward_ along dllferll'nl Jlne8 ,u ntll'to:dny ,t.'r,(> varlollS 8tylea elJect,a alway. purch&88 tbe gen,ui ea.rid types ot water craft can 'bl1 numbered by the manufactured by tbe California Fig 8y:nip Against a '\lell,d of wind the proa III k1P~ 9way tI:1l ,hundreds. the stern approaches the wind, w~(ln the yard Co.; only, and for IIle bl aU lcading drucml1r&D la a favortt" of the Cll1nese flsher,man and tbe Inrge'r stream .. of that oriental country are
W·f IY ,' THE BOY At a lltf I,) luucheon given on the day before hit! depm,\ure toll- Europe to Joseph Cowen. the English Zionist. the subject of apostasy came up alld one an, to Iilustra~e Its preyalence. r •.(ated that (lnl:r a row days ago tbe first child l.. the b~me of .'f New York'B wealUalelt ,Jew. had been ~auBe "the parentB hoped by <hat ,reEne,V'1! an ollBtacle. Ill,. ths way of the ~r(IIi.'r,eBllI." 'l'hlB recalled to lUIotber dlan don told at Suit by tbe ....
Truth and (Juality
,WAS BAPTIZED Dr. Tbeodor Herz!. . At a dinner party. lIil WEI" the stan'. given by Mr, Btocksen' BondI!. a precocloul! child uked the father: "Do all people tuna Jews when they grow old?" "No. my boy" alUl\1tf.>rp.d ·tbe tather. who had I"t'nounced hll "atH. IUIQ bs-!ome R Chrtstlan beforo the llttle fellow was bom; "no. my boy. why do you uk?" "Woll, tather, 'If" children are all CJorlltJ.... XOIl anll mother are Obrflttanl, but graadtath"r. who ,lUll came from Rua~ he'. _ awtal I ...•
P'INAL REaTING PLACI! RiADV. Phi neal G. Wright, Eccentric Bach. elu, Now Calmly Waltl for End.
NO'w t hat he has the whiske rs on his monllm ent brushed straIght., h iB tomb well stocked with whisky and cigars and a proper lusol-Iptlon grav n TWO MILES A MINUTE, NOT HIS FAULT. on the granite, Phineas Oardnej' Wright, Putnam's richest and oldest T"'omll p8l1 mlnute, Once th ere wa.s a young girl with :iachelo r, says he can cO Cce howweny l the end wllh calmness and satlsfac· barr Is of money. wltt" ~"m ct"o r And not Imowlng ,,'hBt to do wI th Streakl ng,hc8ky. tlon. Mr. Wrlgbt II 79 years old, and It, s he conls ulted ' a Wl80 mall, He 'WhallHlhnthtur! ,worl.h somethin g over $200,000, accord- lived all alODe In a tent h e had built IIl ylhclrcCs. L oo ko.tthtlTn wu "eEl RHAPS it Is the desire of t111'ougb tbe cotton waddl'n g will glf. Ing to a. Water bury (Conn.) dis patch . for the purpose, 1 ~lIdlng a simple lire. Wh en tb y'o ung girl's case was I,rn· M ywhatabrue2.. ! This BUm, he SIlYS, he has accumulated every hostes8 that bor It. delicious lierfllmc to the case, A novel kind of worllbag, Is one by strlcl attention to d etu lI ~. not t ry- sented to him. he said : "There ar prize shall be I,opt and A honka ndaru.h, made lise of by Its wlnn r, made to rO llresenl th co~tum es of the Ing to ' know too ml\ch Bud co n ~ 18tellt· threo thing £; that 'you an do : All nftha'I(IAHmell"FirHl, you can be an old maid anti \Vhntdld ", e hlt ? More proof tba.t Lydia. E, Ptnkand not pussed on (rom early 60s, 'wh n hoop d skirts reig ned ly suspecting all 'I',oomen. Following bl<18olllebodyye ll ? lIam's V ~eta.bleCompoUDd savell winner to winner, t hat supreme. An ordinary bllg Is flr ~t out I be 11I'of;ralll wh Icll has made him devo te YOllrsel[ to chari ty. "S econd, marry Ihe lUan ot your, woml,ln from 8urglcaloperatiolUl. ba8 brought about a retnrn to Ihe made or s ill, or brlgbt gingbam, a B,uccess ful , Mr, "v' rlght haa 8uperln ' Ajuro n dns r enm1I1rs, S, A. Williams, of Gardiner, ttlookcdllk Ililors . s lmpl 'I' gUts tbat will be put Inlo use round piece 'or cardboard making a tended th 81'ecllon of h Is ' own mono heart. "Thlrd, marry a n6blem(ln." NOlo ll lngnOl·... llaino, writes : at once be fo re there Is lime to think arm fou ndation fo l' t he bag. About ument, I1 lld he has Inscrlbecl I hereoll : J( ~P J )tothl'cours . So the young girl we nl away and " I was 0. great siU!orer from f!!ma.le nder nct of the bag are placed t \va "Oolng, but know not wh ere." ,or the momentary saarillce of giving til - Leonard H . Robbins, In J ere y Jlngfee.' troubles, and Lydio. E, Pinltham'a Vflg~ IIlVay l he prize just wall . A IJreLLy Outed ruHle!! of taffeta slllt about two thi s th e more definite In format ion: pondered, and while she was ponder· table Compound r estorad me to health SHE WAS INNOCENT. veil 'lIlSe, for example, will be placed Inc hes In wIdth. 'rhe bag Is closcd In "Never beat ,hy !llall, bllt by woman." Ing a . nice youn ' fe ll ow clime along. in three months, o.fter my physician He wa~ poor bu t handsome, with Tho Wrig ht manum lit Is the s how the ordlnlll'Y way wllh a ribbon drawIn the drawer of the dressing table that an opera.tion war. ahsost 0 11 co, It oniy to got It out of the Ing strin g, A china or wooden 11 ad I)l ace of the Putnam cemete ry. It Is a broad SbollldcrH and so forth, and she lutely neeessa.ry, II fell In love wllh him Bnd mnrrl ed him , are lIolld gran Ite block bearIng on Ita top lVay , and will 'llerilnps fill a long· felt and shon ld nrs of 8. small doll . Mrs, Alvino. S~rUng',,9f 1114 OleyBut aCter they hall beell ma.rrled a lIeed ; 0)' a dainty s ota cushion will be tb en purchased, - and the hea d' orna- a bus t oC the mlln who Is t o li e IInder bourne Ave, ChICago, lll., writes: li ttle whlie, he grow sudd enly e xtra vaIt. The bust Is a ralthful like neSS, plnc d on th e lounge Bmong Its fel · mented with a Iloke bonnet with rib.. I suffered from female trouhle~, & gan t , and would riroballl)" hav e sqllan· lows Immediately on re turn home, bon trimmings or the sa me llerlod 11.8 even to the whI skers now tumor nod much infla.mmatton. '1'1'1'0 d ered all heT money had he not been of the beln doctors in Chicago deocided n ver to be removed IIntll worn out the hoop skirts. A long shoulder cape trlmm d In goatee f8.:l11lon . The that an opel'll.tion was necessary to Sf,va of taffe la Is t hen mad , and t he b ead soulilto r who did the work WIIS an 11'- kllled by dissipation . (I I' fad d . Then the YO,IIng girl married B noble· my life. Lydia. E. Pinllham's Vegetable; Eve n a hand some brocade workbag of the doll Is plac d on Ule tOll of t he r s polIslble person witll elreml nate Compound entirely cured roO withr,ut Is almost sure to be pressed Into Im- bag, whil e the drawing 8trlngs are run Ideas, He Ilarted Mr, Wright's whls· maTI. And after they hnd been IIv. an operation, II Ing togeth r tor several years, he, as m dlale s rvlce In place of the old up through the doll's head, a , s llt be.· ke rs al tbe middle In his original 18 the nature of all truQ noblemen , FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. work, This made Mr. Wl'lght angry, Ing ma de In the wig and In the top one. whIch has grown shabby and began to abuse b,er. At last, not beFor thirty years Lydia E. Pinkne yor was the correct color for tb~ of the poke honnet. T he nds of Ihe and he paid another BculplO\' $600 ham's Vegetable Compound, room. A bodice case, a parasol caBe, rib li on or Btrlng are tbe n tied In a to brus h out the stone whiskers Ing able leo stand It any longer, she from roots a.nd herbs, has beeu the ur on attractive 'bag for the toilet ar-' gay rosette and the ltttle lady hung straight. This work brought tho secured a permanent dIvorce. Then sb,e went back to the wise, standard remedy for female total price up to $3,600, but Mr. t.Icl es necessary In traveling are SI)re up against th,e bo g, man. and has positively cured thousands of When the bag Is to be opened the Wright didn't care. t o be IJut away for the coming s um"Ob, wisl~ man," she sald, "your ad· women who have been troubled with head, with \La silk cape a ttache d. III ln tbe tomb nOlll' by Mr. 'Vrlgbt b8.8 m er, vice has bl~Bn very dhlastrouB. What; displacements, i~mmation, ulceraFor anyone fond of sewing and em- pusbed liP to the top of the string, placed ample s upplies of wbls ky and have you to say for yourselr?" tion, flbroid tumors, irregularities. 'broldery, to make one's, own prizes 18 thus leaNing sulllolent space for the clgarl!. "It was your fault," said the ~8e MrB. Bronson--You appear pleaee6, periOdio pains, backache, that bear"1 don't want, tbe boys who are burY' more a pleasure than B task, and bag to be opened. 'fhe cardboard In man, "because you didn't follow It." mg.down feeling, flatulency, indi~s my dear? while there may b. sma.!1 time at the the bottom of the hag makes the skirt Ing me to reel too badly." he ex· tion,dizzinesa,ornervoU8 prostration. "What do you mean ? 1- " ftare out all around, BO that whe.n the plalned. "1 wsnt.them to have a little Woodson-Indeed , I am. Tau Mrs, h Ight of tbe Beason to give to Bueh Then tho wille man laughed heartcape comes down over the top of the something to keep them cheerful. No, know wblle I W8S away Henry went Why don't you try it? employme nt, tbere 11'111 surely be flome IlJ. "Don't you see," he replie d, Mrs. Pinkham invites all IIlck s pare eve nings from now on that can bag there Is no pOMslble evidence of body can Ilay I'm stingy." He ha.s "now tbat It 18 too Illte, tbat you be, flshlng and the neighbors said he ca:me women to write ber for advice. ho,me with a beautiful "sk'ate," 1"1 turned to good account. The sum- anything but a c harming little COB' alilo engaged tbe -Futnam Silver Cor· Sbe baa _guided tbousandJI &0 . gan on thEI wron~ .end flrst?"- Judge. MrB. Bronson-And Is that why you healtb. AddreaB, Lynn, H ..... mer Is, of coUt'lIe, tbe great time for tum doll, representative of a pe rIod net band to play at his funeral. Mr. Wrlgbt's "GOing, but , know Bra so pleased? this sort of worll, and many girls and when gowns were more plcturesqlle GIVING IHIM ENCOURAGEMENT. Mrs, WoQdBon-Certaloly, my dear. women commence now to gather te- than elthel' convenient or sensible to not where," has stirred up a lot of Wt1EN HE CAME HOME, I looked In thl! encyclopedIa and found trouble, pa'rtlcularly among theoloethor such remnants at silk, brocades wear. out that a "skate" Is a large fillh. glans, some at whom bave written blm and lace aB appeal to their artistic Rubber 'reethlng Rlngl. Mobil. Vout" Evidently Not On . . . ':sense, so that by the time the hot abusive letterll. He Is Iltlll hale anll Ivory teething rIngs are not to be hearty. Trifle with Truth, Giving Hlm.elf Away, weather arrives, enforcing Inertia She never'l" be was only a 'fl'om active spartA and exercise, they recommended because tbey tend to walter, for be had 'basely told her htl Booker T . Waahlngton. Tuskegee'. -w1\J have on hand sufticlent materials harden the gum and make It more dlf· Th. Wlf.'. MornIng Glory. was a gentleman of Independent famouB bead, said recently In New to make Ul> enough attractive bridge ftcult for the teeth to pusb through, A writer In an exchange says: "The meanl, One hot day tbey were Ilt- York that the thougbt the closing or prIzes for the entire winter that is to l! tho baby seems to want something finest compliment I bave ever heard to bite on, a soft rubber ring whIch tlng In ,Hyde Park, He felt VeJ'1 aaloons of tbo south would be a good !tollow. drowsy; she felt very lovln&'. thing. And to an objection he replled. , A parasol caBe or roll I. an aUrac: will yield to the preBsure made on It told to a woman was by her bUllband, and he uald, In Bpeaklng at her: 'We "John," she whispered, "do you loft' ' with a smile : live, as well as a most useful. novelty. Is the best thing to give It. When the gums aeem hot and tever- always think of her as a mornln, m?1" 'Oh, what a vague objection! ~ot only will It prove of servIce In 'Eb1 What?" opening eyes. Vaguer than tbe answer of the KG·t l'Uvellng, but at all' other tlmea as Ish a piece of Ice held In soft, cle&1l glory, 'becl&use she looks 110 bright " Love you? Of course I 'do, darling," bile woman's SOD. weU a silk or satin cllBe to keep tbe cloth and gently rubbed on ·the gumll and oheery and pretty at the breakfast table.' and again 'his eyes cJolled, "A yo 11th of twenty or so, he eel. ,delicate material Qf tbe parasol from often gives relle!, "How many breakfast tables are "How mucb?" she asked; and be ,bn.ted Ea.ster In the upclosod saloou "becoming 80Ued or faded and the presided over by women wbo make no dreamily said : by drinking, large quantitle~ of e&&,'costly gold or abell 'bandle from being effort to be dalnti?-and there are a " Roal' beef, shilling, sir; taters, tut)- Dog, marred will be found an excellent great number who are at once untidy pence; cabbage, tuppence, ' sir; bread, "The next mornln'g be came home service. . and even unclesnly to look at. penny; half-stout, tuppence; one aD' to breakfast red-eyed and pale, He A Btrlp of material a yard and a "The claim that hO,uI.e hold dutieB ten. please., Blr."-Royal Magazine. ate Dothls;:.g. He only tried, wIth maD,. balf by a balf yard .lIi wldtb and, keep ~omen trop] looking well In tbe grimaces, to Bwallow a cop of , cor· lengtb will be ample lor a single CaBe, A Great Favorite. fee. morning III easily disproved, for In but many of tbe parasol rolls are many a hOllsehold where the woman Farmer Bentovel';-I understand tnt ," 'John,' laid his motber, severel,.. made sulllclently large to contain 'gives a belplng hand In the kltcben a Neighbor Staokpole'. nephew, that'. 'what time did you come home Iu& three or more parasols. Tbe pIece Newest Jabota are of wblte net big apron will thoroughly protect her here fr()m the City, Is t. wODderful en- nigh t?' ·of brocade, flowered silk or satin la dress, and tl\en, too, cooking, unless tertalnJn' young teller? "The vague youth answered: -lIned with one thickness of cotton edged with colored val. Stripes will be much used In the one makes It so, II! Dever dirty work, Farmer' Hornbeak-That 'pears to " ' Bed time,' "-Los Angeles Tim... wadding and 'faced with a light silk be the genera.! Impression. It seems "That woman commlta an error who ihe color of the outside material. and quarter·lneh and In the balr line. Green II! mucb favored , not tor looks \lDcared for and badly dressed "Do you think 'y our rather would tbat one time when ' be was Blck he tbe wbole IB tben bordered wltb a WAIT TILL HE SEES THE BILL. nat band of nllrrow satin ribbon, with whole cOBtumes, but for a. single ' coat In the morning. The other woman, hurt me. It I WBS to ask him for' you 1" bad his tonsils cM out, or suthln· of the so~t, and JlOW wben he sings y.ou or skirt. who Vo'earl! any old thing to the break"Hardly. But there's ' no telling, lace, with a silk !"uchlng, or simply Toques are the great for fast table, IB a.!so making a mlBtake: what ~e will do 'I t you don't say Borne- can't tell It from a phonograph, scral> wltb a row of embroidery or feathe r In's and all. They just ,have blm ell stitching, Inside, abont 12 Inchel! deml-tollettes, aa are also taJreta and for that Is the time when the men thing pretty Boon! " the go the hull time ,f rom one 'cburch of the household ought to see • trom each end, are Btltched bands of tulle turbans. ~uttlng Out Loels'l. Claret·colored cloth BultA 'bave boon woman at her besl and not specially festival to and from socia· rIbbon about three Inches apart, "Is bridge still popular, Mrs. ble to party, till It's said he'B' most through. whloh put the ba~dle and much seen wltb hata which repeat the rely on bel' appearance In the evening, worn out hy the I;:ontlnual ,round of when the sott Bnd charitable light of Gamble ?" , , nd of tbe parasol, keeping eacb Bame shade. "Yes, Mr: ThrlCty. It Is with me-I 11Issipation not, to menUon riotoul Talreta parasols, trimmed wIth the gas will bide, many defects." ,»al'asol fll'mly In placlt. ' ' play ever;y evening." Iivln'.-Puck, straw, 11'111 be s~n at When the parasoll! are all laid In dainty bandB "For stlll.kes?" their r.espectlye &lIts, with band Ie and the sea/llde resort., . Cramp Rlngl, "For hIgh stakes," THE RISING GENERATION. Hats stili set low about the head, 'Sticks allernatlng, tbe piece remaIn' FOrmvrly It was customary for kings "It muslt be an expensive pleasllre," are blli In tl1e orown lind are jommed Ing at eoch end of t,b e case Is folded at Ehgland on Good Friday to ballow '''NO, one evening I win Bnd the next down over the sticks of tbe parasols, down about the ears. A new thing with a foulard dress Is certain rings, tbe wearing of which time I 10sle." and the CRse then rolled up and tied "Well, why don't you play every together with ribbon Btrlngs. This a. little jacket lined with the same prevented cramp or epilepsy. They were made from the metal of other evening?" • $IIOIe case may be made up In cblntz foulard of the dress, Nothing more gr,oss than a ~bwe~ decayed comns and conBecrated with -or even In linen, BO that It may be , Noth ing New, ..,.. w.a she4. ' readily. A small amount of II! permitted on mUady'. !.oat In the an elaborate ceremony, Bome detatls M.lss FlasBay- Thls Is my twentyof which are BtllI preserved. 'They ' . <lrt'ls nnd heliotrope powder sprinkled way ot a , stockl"g. , were "highly 'r ecommended by the third birthday. Miss P,ert-What? medical profession" about 1667, for 11110 Pll8say-I aay this II! my twenAndrew }Jborde, In bls "Breviary 01 "My husband baa promised to, alloW Healtb," speoklng of cramp, says: ty·thlrd lblrtMay. Didn't yeu know me to chooae what 1 want ' for mt "The kynge'B majestle hath a great It? bIrthday." , M.IBS P,art-Well, I declnre I didn't. helpe In this matter In hallowlnl! "Oh. then there'll be no lIurprile crsmpe rlnges Vo'ithout money or peU· It bas a~:ed terribly since I first snw this year,'~ It, tlon:' "Won't there! I'll bet you there Ia Occasionally cramp rings lllayed Q o~ly he'll get It Instead of me," A Peacemaker, persuasive part In dliliomaey, Lor~ the first , Berners, aUf ambassador at the court, "You' re a liar! " exclaimed DR. TALKS OF FOOD of Oharles V., wrote In 1608 "to my man. "You're another!" retorted number 'Jorde cardinali's grace" tor some Pree. or Board of Health. "crampe ryngs: o' wltb truBt to "bestowo two. 'Calm yourselves, gentlemen," Inter, them well, by God's grace." "What sbaIJ J eat?" Is tbe dally tnposed the peacemaker. ' "It IB ,quite qnlry the pbyslclan Is met witb. I d<J possible that you are both right." not hesitate to s3l1 that In qlY judg' In the Futur., Mallter..,..You .ant large wages fOI mllnt a large percentage dlBeas~ ~s JUlt In Time, The latest ,soh erne Is to set type by a boy WI;\O'8 had no ,experience, caused by poorly selected and ImpropPolicelDan-l just called to say tbat Boy-Well, ain't It harder for me erly ,prepared rood. MY,Jlersonal exp&"Ireless. , Of fOllfse tbere will be few occa- your dog: license had expired . when I don't know how?"-LondoD .Ience with the fully-cooked food, Mrs. Sniff-So has the dog. He died Blons when this 80rt of typesetting Opinion. known as Grape-NutA,. enables me to can be utUized, but It sbollld give tbe thIs mort;llng, speak freely of Its merits. The RealCn. , Ibtelllgent compositor a feeling of real "From overwork, I suffllred several H'ER CANDID OPINION, "Man," didactically ' begsn Prof, ycars with malnutrition, palpitation or comfort to realize ,that when out of Broadhead, "Is the only animal that the beart and loss of sleep. Last sumtown be can hilS tie to the neareBt ,Iaugbs-" , Wireless station 'and set a column 'or mer I was led to expeMmimt person" Eh·yah!" broke In tbe Venerable ally with tbe new food; which I used two of type matter II) the home oftlce, Grouch. "And ' that's b'c ~z he Is the In conjunction with good rlcb cow's with all the usual tyPogt:llphleal er· only animal that owe8 money to an: ,mll,k. I~ a sbort time after I 'comrOrB in evIdence. other anImal and Is therefore obliged Dlllnced Its use, tho disagreeable symp- , Possibly tbe neWlJpaper plant of tbe to IBUgh whenever ' the latter ~nlmal 'toms dlsapneared, my hearL's action future will be , so scientifically gets ott h(s ', favorite tunny 5tory."- beci\ma steady and normal, tbe tuncequljJped tbat all the work connected Puck. with It can be done somewhere else. tlons of the stomach w'3re properly and nobody 'will ' be required around Publicity. carried out anrl I a gain Slb.ot as sound· the premlseB .except the cleaners and "We don't hear so much about grafl Iy and as well as, In my ),otltll. the nlgbt watchman, In public' matters as we , did:' re "( look lIpon Grape-Nuts as a permarked the citizen. "I regf\rd that a~ . 'teet food, and no one can golnsay but it. very favorabl e condition." that 1L, bas a most promine nt place In A VI"UOUI Puadox.. "Jt Is a favorable condltJ,on.," re a rational, scientific system at teed· "That young doctlN' Is a , quee, con, plied Senator Wadd, "Those matten 'Ing. Anyone who uses tbls toad will tradlctlon." , wore b.e comlna altogether , too llub,llc Boon be convinced at tbe soundness 01 "In wbat way?" for a spell .~Puck. . the principle upon whiCh It Is ml\nu· "lie hali lin exceedingly good temper, faclured and may the rllby know the Here Is a handlOme design .ultable to be worked on DorothJ bags, udeB and ,yet be Is lacking In patteD"," .-: The Mbd.m Education, factI! as, to ,tis true worth." Re!\d "Th!, 'ot teapot coays" all sub en\ls, handkerc~lef aacbets, etc, It I. In ribbon at "I shOUld never have thought that Road to Wellvllle," In pkgll. "There·. tbree width., thl'l colOrs of wblcb WOUld, ot oourse, be cb,osen to BUIt the do you like my No Goldcf View. urp08e for w"lcl\ It Is used. A gopd e!reet would be gained bJ ullOS three ltudylng wouUI haw COllt " much & Reasou.," you think I Ct.D lIDmore for the lowers, the darkest sbade for the bottom of the chapShe (sentimentaUYJ-Wlll J'01I Ie,.. Ever read the above letterf A nllW money," • Jet, shadiD, to the lI,hteat. Tl;le stalU. which are III OOrdlDI( sUtch, me wilen I'm old' , '-res, fatherj and If you onlJ nn one appea .. from time to &1.".. T..., OICUlttlll, ... -YCIU mlght~, Tou . ., IIlk. til. rUtlltG ~r .tU bow belq ill some C:ODtrutbai ae (Pl"Ik'UC6IIYI-1'JIa,\ Is eo••UaIaa llow little 1 have studlect"-Judp, .... genulns, true, ..... full u .... It IUl1 wone!
Prizes for
. . . . . . "7 8I"Ir . . . . .
or ..
-~~-----------~--~~.-----~~~~~~~~~~~-------------·1~~ "I~E·'TAI) ~T~8 .REPO---~ l)1' --~~ I ----- !!!!!!"!~~~~~---:"'~ I 8~~~I ~~""!'!!"'~~~~~~'l'he I Program_ I 'rill' .. "' ."
J \
"'!!! 'InllWliI-1I0Wlut,I'IIUlU' I... l·ru~. Ho'·. \ ' 0 1'11 n 'J'u .v lor. ~.·a utauqua "111 11 HI'~I 1'11I~ 1': "1'1 .·"lt l 1I1W /d,('r lilr y lit t.11tl L")"IW!U;::suc:r. (,clr}'\· ~. . I.rlr.Lllh l N >!' ll1td II lllil'tl lH'lI l. Jl <la'hl : "1·1 IIII'JH ; A ... ( :-;, .... ' \ (~!!'(l 1ahl (' 'y. ;' I ' l n;. ~'rllllk "'nfl'. Of the 45th Annu al lon_ '1' h .. e tlJllI~~ Wt! I'f 0 l't! I " A tt I' dlll'\ .. I·III/ot I;; 'O'I. r~ fur i ,~ Wu.yn ", ville; HOIII l')")lt.. I'I'C',\' I'ue ~I illln i Vldley ('htllltItOl(tlll. "h",,,Ii(' ' nlll )!'" rt ,"-:' lId "11C(, sf) I I () 'I 1,I'Ild III /! ~ I 1 II 11 AI) 1 0 . Il , IJV",' " 1'~ IWI1 (, .... I' 11' t' I 11I·' '!'IJl)uP..'! on, :'1111 :1"11. I " \\ 111 ' \ "\I 11 M .Iul~· I7tll uod I·,'d rl II II II" . 1",1\11[1 "' ~ntion (If Warr~n ounI.uxat ivt' Granult>s 1111 d,,", ' lIlP (, ' HI lii'll 1'"" ,1 II~. III' ' ( It ) T(Jtl('h " r~ . (C') (:01\1':11" (If ~\nd.\' . ~l\pl. of ')"Il(')ll' rl\" 1'"II\\n" \) ,}" " ,,. A\lgutlt ;11'11, PI' tlfl[lt. tI prtJgm ul ~ur 1 illg'~ K.w r,iI,' Plil ~ 1 ,"111111,(,·,' ty's' Rnnd ay • chon. s. " nfpM IH~ 1111 ( 1) 'I' llI' tellC'llpr lIl\null1 krill\\' th menr. "p\, . Irrnnk "th.,r !'tUII · I'Iwul·t I., Klll il H 1111 !lsi ng filly PI' vi 11'1 emo in uot II IhHII\ Ih. _____ I ... 1 pill", /,,"' \' ,mid;' 11"::1(111 'l'hn tI'lI('1J I' lIltl t hll\'o It. ~lil1>! , O. ; Sllpl .llf ( 'l.J rJlIllIllI e eli, ." I'M t lifO I' 'Ii nl' of Rick'111, 1.1 y rnt'ort'. llr lIoll r. nlU lC'lll11S IIml I\D. \\'ritl'~ 1I \,' .\'· Tile W"rrlll1 OIlI\f1I.y ,oi. ti , 'UOI' II . 11111111111 whnr., wh,ll1l1el how ~ ('n(\ ... I IlI ul ,,,iritl he I .. t" ~hil' U Y.' 1' . 13 . • ·Iolnn" , 13hw Hall Itort'"iueTII. 'l'biaill llt'll elacl;il, (li:t~il1 'IlS, indist·Hutio n i tl ted \l'1',~cl C.. C'l1\\'IlI'I \" ~ drl1~ ",Iml ', t,HlIl Ilt (Jrq; ,"111 UP"LlI't1 by Il"YIJ tell '11 . 'I'bu 'I1PtlIlY , 'CUlm}'" , fUIII ' l)IIIU , bl.·~c.J1lliv lllllllllli \tt' g-csliun : ~Ju • f l f I' ·ltrol1ic tb u i~h Constip stu nd ard a ltl'll ctioll:l "!!"~~.....- - -....- - - - ' a t i 0"\ 6Xt'rCli!'tlt' to OUllrgllot Mr!! (iUIi I, t. tl'n It , j[.~ liubjuc t i~ I'll· h 1 ~h\J I'.WllU.d , \\' lIsh lngt'lill t owu· fl1rni hud (IS )JIlIl'on ~ tion and Bilious ness, buolluse TlI lUllO ' u"bdl '1 ~ It"ie,)ll, ,U•. B tho . M o rly . M IllS t xt.uuuk tll O "I ul", '1111" ,U n " J " I'. . . .., ' 11 t M OJ " u:S 11 1' P it\ ... 0'1. 1I. ~illt.uwn!i'hiJl; 1 ug"u ' ~ leu t, pU1'1J .nu rixplm~e~ IU 10 btll' plfl!l !lnt, WilY t ll\'~' 1I!'t· CiHIIJllIlII'(l nf tllo !'fI"'' ' object, tbe lleye)opUleut f R~OUCED '11I 1"l Elzroth . rurt! '{'reek' I!:lizllIIrinK tIl!' VII'\' best till lit 1\ th 'onvt'nt l on t tbe qniei VullE.>y ri!lu dllll'ltc ter . Our ' ellocatl • 111 11"'11 r;,,,t'l lIblC' "!'lIp. , ILucl ou Ilu", u tu 'hnouh:, I', WU11l ; ~.h'~, \Y. T, inti will 'l.J S(\~I' by II gilltlct! nt, tb'I of the MinfUl : PrOf, .T . F. Young III tbrtle pultt' to develo p: physiol ll,m- 'oleUllln, Dt!erfie ltl; Phillip Whitu. rullowi n ~ plIl't.hll \I11 X,'" III I I... p r" l tt' I' ,,!''' Iltll' list of 0\11001, IIU Itb!e di conr~t' Ilu , werl:d !nre. .tell olunl lIud rellgiol ls, 'et< t it cre,l:lllrlalDi Rey. ', WllrI', ,·uIPUI ; l llilellt. : R 11. , tHIII" \ n,," 11 101 /' 1 ' (' l ilt' llt'ij t J l~. Dollive r, t:I. u. . lJoolle P.of L. U. tlrow n of WII tUlI.! Done of tb ese 111'6 ueglect ll . Dr, J . M . ' rigbt, CI,PArOr\1 k; 11 'I . 1,)ull l1.' hllrp CulLivat 1'1-;, Jim']' WS, ~, H.av, Will. A. rt'~ IIIIi. minglo n then gaveu~ bi ~rl!tch,llk. D v lou euch fu tlnd etj\1fllly . F. B. ' teurl1~. F'l'IIlI kliu'] \' I' ,' I';l\uuny, P"rhllld :N Whllll l;o W il' talk . He said': "(1 ) Knowlt1d£! of The igo rlllle of college Ilnd uigb Ring, \1ulou ': Mrs .for,.I: lli li:HtlllI . Bll/ld, WolJ l'i\lnlel ~lIlU'ut. lj~·. Mild· Corn Plant 1'5, Tobact G()(l' wortl require d before t,·lI{:b Kelwol tUlhJllt,~ uf t il ~\ "" ~l l tl:;flLO IiI.I.l1 0\' I1mll · !Jib": !ill\)ject,; ill )0. i"oll (;. P t ~t', liuroll! Jllt' vif. teIl C)!', log. (2) Stay at the ~ . " IInu wlIl:!snqll'l!'log '1'\11) 'ourla)' e.,' rpfnl1lt II. Trans plant · l' , tc I and ,'ohool I. A . HUIliinu 'I ~ d tho 'onn'n. H el'. (~eD. R . .... t,lllll't. i 011\ mugi · ('buroh word un\,ll we d o our be&t. being t.he on ly pillc where 2:10 " hOI 111' "t Schwa rtz's, tbe hi · tion with u helpfnl iu piriug Ilc.ldl' \;,.:\ll Cillll, 'hiougo I"I1(l1e ' Orehe t·rll, Revolving ' TIak (3)' Yodlvld ual work ifl wbsto ounts . ble\Ylts tud! d. Keepyo aL , lIIui h·c1.llllywlI1 1'1 1 IlpOU 1'1'ICuil't llr&el'f nnrl ill whi ohheet ,ed Ihe ilUJ.lQl·. l' OYIIIl:llluglll'illU I' h e t.rll; .BishojJ ( 4) Reaoh out, beware Ofrutll . Hnve the ohildre n in the "'undAY 'eh oo l. tllllee of .b lble knowh 'tlge b for hi J . •. Bur~'l.c .. f 1)\'\1'" . ll, Imperi al onterttLin · love lind oharlt.y for all. (5 ) se Pres. W. A. EudR ly of the hlo hIe tenolllo g. He oo ulcl not Iliscotl r. I'S . DeWit t 1IIle r, E . ::)totts your own talt'ot. Don't. desi re t.he Ilncltl y: hool As oelatio n gave us Ilg , only en ont'lIg , nnll retul'n to M1' . O!uro 'l'mp 1l.l·h'illles, oprlluo ' i' otherfe llow 's talen t- us Y\1ll r own. It few remnrk s on the value . fthe llsi ovI gorntel 1tu dh tllJl t.o (\o bett 1· I Or. " . 0, Th IIIp!lOll ;-(6}:Bav e 8ol:lle porpos e t.o your work. 'uodll) ' 'cb 01 work , , Dr.H. 'l'. 011' 1 . Il lla grollt r wMIt. I. 0 Fl'i\lIci Lyllllrg er, IIlumln nted ====~=-=-:--~~-----.;...::-:-GOllrd your pnpll from orlldle r oll 'fhe onv ention opened Ifriduy . 'l'he 'onv - II 1011 adjo\1l'ooU by I!' I e ,Movin g Pictur e!', Dr. 'arlllyn whome depaTt ment, (7) Live the witha~unrise erviee llt6:00 A.M i.ngin~, ".81 t· 13 the Titl Tbllt L1 I~ I Dr G.E, Wrlgb t., Mrs Em I· life we teaoh, then onr teachin g will A bout forty mem bel'S . ,', , ' Ie~ Ill·· .. l.ell ll illlC Dnutl t under tbe Bllld . Iy (·t regory , De lIO WlllilJ ml( 01'. B. C)UDt, lelld ership of Rev . T. B. ~t,earn u ' . I OflirB In T'IIY. Bhlt{. .- ~1uill ,'t , M , Duvis, Pmf . D. Lnng", .\ nnll V tt' I'j utlry ' ur:';OUI1 nllll 101lt1Mt,. The Ilppoln tme.nt of 'oommi t,tees jq,yed t he e/l.rlv bour in the Masl,et ;" How to _ Deal wif h the ProbDeliln y Martill Illlct II numl ol' of was next attendlju to I\nd the meet. servl - . Tbo onfer ence Cl) "'1 . ~ at :30 lem of Railr oad Capi- 10thel'lltll'llctioO , ' iog adjourn ed for the noon r ece88 . WIHI wellllt tended ' . and many inter. ti The pnr, s of lootm sfwhl h the At H O\11p ,11\ ~lIt' lll'llI1V Aft()Tn 'fhe ..ft.ernoo o !Ie Ilion opened by estln g points gatherE 'd tollelp lle lll . US in Iza on. s nod uott~ger ' 11~ m n very . Rev , Verne Taylor reading the 17t.h our wQrk, The mornin g devot.lGD F'i7'.rt,. 'rhe (:to\' r£mulTI t ~houlll , vuloubl e ]Jnrt of the progl'ul lJ , io ' ohapte r of Jpho : Rev , I:;' K . Sal' . wa l:! soriptu re text given ,1 fr\lul OXPl' SS , IIllirmu tively tlodlleg lltiv6 oluues , Eoonom ies FUN ERA l . 0IRE C'T0 R4 . Natllr Work, gent of BarveY liburg addre8 sed UI! memor y by vn,rion s 8uuday !::lohool Iy , the pm'po es fo r w.bicll llU inter- Hi tory BitJle Hellltb and DOI.n estio ~,....~-~~~~!""!!'!~-~~~",,on The Value of the Bundl\Y School . ~orkers. 'l'he music was ~~~!!~ .... in ohluge Ilto.te mrrier mtly is 01 took, hon(ll.- ;:)oience, Ueolog T.elephone Day or Nighl. y , hesides 011,1 S He tint guve 'UIl the ' v"l\lo of the of Mr. Brown . T4e r ellortll (rom or notes. work in ~u io, Indu!!t rinl Arts. Sabbat h. B o w it. s hould b6 kept. ~he V&riOU8 townsh ips showed d~1i caonel. '1'he dir eotor ' of tbe DOOle ti ' cieuce, AthletioR. holy, Our ltves. reading s and gates presen t from 1\11 th e town roud proposi ng to issue lloh eonr iLong Uislance liD, 69-3r Ifor fnrther inform ntion 1I1ll1 11rotbough te "hould be differe nt on ships except Solem and ~ [u FrllnkJ in. tie!! hoo.ld make u l' cord of noh e?,rnms Ilddl·SSl l . Il'. GiII1l1ll Ur lIhle Day of Rest. 'l'bls day 8hould The worle was progre ssi ng And in , propos ed isslle on the miullt of the 1:11 LN . Mnin, Duyton , (J . l'Jver.v th1ng KnowlI in Mlllliel. Dot be given over to worldl y pleas· terest awaken in g t,hroug 8ranch Oftice. Harvevsburg · bont t he cOl'pornti on, to whioh l~ majuri ty of • • • • urea and vices. He then brough t reporti ng townsh ip' . 'l'he W. ( lifr. Hutton . .1' .. 'P'I'. t:!eor(\tl\· the di reotors shnll suhsori be. .FANCY WORK UI the value of ODr schools . Be ry's report was now read Ilnd nco Til h·d . '1.'1111:1 stlltep:lOut, signed ' laid the eohool was the place for oepted by the (Jooven trioo. Muoh iudi vic1ulIUy by eaoh of the direotOl'~: the -.oquili tion of lulowled~.e aDd regret was felt beca,use AllY ono de irIng to til Ito la!l!\on. M. A , Jnm, a.nd sworn to llerson llHy by ncb . traiDt q iD dloipl1ne. Our Sabbat h eIIon onr effioien t earnes t ~eoretary s hould be Bent to It del ignated aiD· i ~1 Fallcy ,,'ork, soch n!! Frenoh. ~II~Y 11. (loboole mould do th&Be both. aaked to be relieve d trom the office, clul of t befede rnl govt3ruUlellt,- the F"ye l - t. :lnll 8.hut1ow . !tlllbro illery, iD the truth of God and our Tl1e Home Depart ment was !lbJy lnte1'8t llte Comme rce Commi s ion . '1111 on Mr. ,E. Bllthuw ny, teaobiD , would ooun'. handle d by Mrs, A. M. Brown of Fon1·lh . An lluilUl.r report worn' Mn. Frank Farr ' of Wayne svUle Lebano n. It is the liest report ever to by a majori ty of ,the directo rs thorou ghly revived the work of the given by our 8~reta.ry of FOR REN T the Bome sbou\d be sent to tho SlIllIe body ' Cr&41eltoll, ..he aaid: j'~h eohool Depart ment. She iusisted tbllt the stu.ting with llnrtiCiult.rHy how ,1101114 have one. lntere ,t the par· t\uperl nte.nde nt.s of the , 'Va,riou s su~h ecoriti es were dl posed of, 6' i e or t n Il ore of & all to 1 11000 8n' m Bible ~tudy., Sunday SchOOl Home Depnrt ment.e of the vtnio\lS the proceed resnltin g, !Lnd their u e . Innll nnd two 1) I1B of Illllnts alll'olld y Gra inin g a &' and ohurch throug h the little ones. 80bools should report their work to INj1h. 'l'b e uov-orn Dlent sbould for u 1n1lnil'e or Vb 011 ,.. • •'. ) { I ll< 8'f1!llltt'r Yo. 'OaD not begin we soon to inter- the County Bome Depa rtment WA .. ~tt!:lVll.I)/c, c). Spe cial ty. See- tbroog b its l:1 \1e01al \.I~:ents • . having Rick!!. . Ill r OOt,l l next d ' or to \ )ro",,,. 8IIt'ohUdren in GOd'I holy word. retary. It was to be iaptent ed that direct acoess to ull 'books and tlOl:l11ru.WIll e t0Te. BaTe mothe r's mee'ip gs, VlIli'-th e only ninetee n Home Del'art lnents counts of tbe raih'oll dS,-tuid by ample s of All Grades of FEED membe J.e of the Cradle &11. Let .wereln eXI8tenoe wben we ING CORN 'lleleph ne 111 bouRe unll olllee had tie v- IIl W, they mll'y keep only nch b olfs each IOhool have a Oradle Roll be. enty sohoo)s in our oounty Paper··-Paper Conw.b oro I ell,n hI" ClUed df~Y 0 .. l1il{ht. , rr ll" acoountl!. or IlI eTllorllD ,i lL Ii the 10 tore 'biB next year in our Sunday dilloUlIsion whioh tollowo Person \ l~ll "'y , wantin P (HtnA }·I-\!, g corn. uil;nhl for d wnll In- terstu.t e CUUJIlltl l' C()U:~u1 iSl:!ioD shall stantl y on Ha~d Sohool workil finlshe d , feed,ng to hot S wll! do w 11 Lo ap terestl ng Ilnd iostruo tive . .l:' rof : L. authori~ l1udl~re pe1'1!hl tted to deMn, Ntlo Wood lpoke for the l)ri · o. arown followe d wlLh aDothe1 .!! r\vin ' lIe · troy nOll ,:-uluIW invtlSti lJation .of ply to Mr~. Waterh ouso of mary work. Have a IHlparate room Iightfu ) alJd belpfu l ohalk·t G~:o. S. SAL I·;. lllk. (1) th e 111 'u li lIX P 'nLlitorSs, ela us if poulbl e. Get all the ~oung ohil· Nt) one person oao n~ 54. . . oarry tbe aDo, Often 1111 mny ue lleemtlcl allvi9Able yalley PIdl'8D iD the primar y depart ment. day School Illone elloh mQllt ueRr , i(t:U~. 'I'bl! I vj,. lUI io any POl" ---'--------Reep them in~rested, don't 'let hitll'lU t. (2) l'he boy imitute s hi s ti 0111,r form t hu ori~tlJlll -dl~cl nrlltion 'l' l Mlll HU OR lilf) (J[l:'4T() ;\1 'h~ drop ou), Ul!e 8uppltm ent.a ry tather, lIU won d!"r some of them, of lnteo nun mlHle /I t till tim the . .. . fl'nr lII' I1'.'J.y II r\nnrtp r 'If n ('(til t 1'1 ' \ . 1...,.. .tadles . She to\dus how Deg1eat the house of Goll uod grow I llanoe of tile ... lUll I l'~, !lIther IU I ted ' t f h " " ' 1 .. th . f . .heo1.... aDd w~r& were conduc l ' UIJlg nonm 0 t e ulu ell' orm, o'llrlw tel", I'h l ,' utloter . lund!'p,],.. .of f'"11111 ~ Itavae:" ,.. Tillllin &he Irtnt Preeby terlan chure)! at All work tn humon ye, tru~bll, (:I) r don't get e t, 01' ot lleT.\ iim, o \' Il·U I>. t,lIe uses ~Y \l.,efl I lUI{ of tlll! .1 " ,llln 1'." ~' ''. f'· I t I 1 t h ltIalOD, Ohio. ' An tiiteresthl~ dis crosseu and ruin . the tetun All /!"O(' T!! }rlll'\' rpl!C'llt.l JY '\('l'il] 'Ii work . exprc y - ,U ( II 'HI e 1!1lle liS to oUl8ion DOW took place, afo-. whloh Our II t,ate worKer At , A. Honlin e 's . I I ~ tl .... u ' .i!hll 11 seclIrt ' . ./,to S Il tJl\~ I'X(: Ilflnt~llllp thl' u l "r~I' t\~ '1 0 I I t.l)lb·tlOUC 1'1 I)~ bM" f,r t n eliOt." jn~teu d of fiv 'he prelide nt olosed by IlnnoQnolng talk iuspire d mauy return to the les wero () I' pH , 0 1' t e ISSUlltl Oe Mr. Brown wbo. gave us auothe r work determ illetl t ot o do . , . wore ILnd of aDV .' uritio!S I,"' IlUY Ptlrpos el '~lIt. ;1 , bill'. . llr(!tul h OUllOk eller . obalk.t alk. He ,aid: " ( 1) Good better work for the Master . Be. whioil th', IILW rloc not l\utbOrl~e S lOll! ' out tlll>l out Ipst. t.he.'1 forget. Machi nl cornea wheD we 'know, ' fore the State Conven tion at 1'oled o, 01' tho tn ilure tl'l'«P l' t Ileoumtol th_ 'f~l' -.ul theu 'do.' (2) Plan June 9, 10 . lind 11, Mrs. W. T. fully wbutev hr tho Inw req llires, or . 'Ilrpeut el'-Morf,O Il l'oollng Inys tin aud work well, follow defltlite lines. Colema n, Mll8on; Mlsl1 Minuie Duke, othel'w i 0 to comyly' wiitb the l~ro. l~lOhe~ t the w?ll,t. h l)r. oJt i!l II II t, li S (3) Use your IDfiaenoo in eohool aDd Mr, ~lwulI Cal'mo ny Lytle; lIrs, visions ofthe h\,w, hilluld sl,bjElOt I II~bt to B.II~ ~ r bnokl ." . other .Roof. on'. (4) Show 10nr apprec iation, Josbph ineDod d, Mrs WAS H - - 50c up ~arga.retta the direotors pCl'son ully ·to s noh 1ugs. It I fir re fstltlg nud wlI;! ,~ worda of oheer 'a nd oomme n- Brown , Wayne svUle; Mrs , Edvm.r r~ Persi an Lawn d t erm of imprlso nmeot IlS the law proof Ilod will wetl,r for Allover Nett" ye~rs. Mr. d ..tion when good or earne8 t work D~kio, Mrs, Renson . PrOf. p,. J;i. lUny llr esor ibtl.-F roUl 'iRailr,oad 1\. B IDEo oa rriel'l a com)Jle te baa been done. ,(5) Make progres s. Wrigh t,Harv eysbur g i M'r , a nd Mrs. oapitlll izlltioo tI.nd ' Fede'fIll Regulu . stock IHI~ se\ls It under I\n l~ bSolnt, e 'No Qn~ likes to alwaY8 travel in a V. S. Loer. Lebano n, ti l,>D ," by Frankl in K, lL/luo, in t he guatlln tee of n urIlNli ty. · . olrole. " I 'l'he devotio nal exeroise!! fo r t'ha Amn-ir am Rllvimc (~f Ravie u,~ . for Tbe praise service s for the even. aftel'no oo were under the ohllrge of Jono. TAX , NOTI CE ing were 'iD oharKe of Rev. F. A. Rev . !:I. ' K. Sargen t. Prof. . L . O. Paa the eftloieDt editor of the Viii. Brow.n cond,n oted the music. l'hiuks It 'nved His I~ife. Then tor. Rev . F. B. Stearn s oft'ering the wal! gl\'en .the treasur . 1'he 'itiza n ~ ba nk \~ ill pny er's report Les!,er M. Nolson of N(~ples, Maine, tn. es prayer . Rev, Ph1111p Trout of whioh wal aooepte d , The for t,llei r patron", tiS m!tll\l, (Jommi t, SIl,YII III Il reoent lettE,r: " I bllVe Wayne sville now addrel8 6d us. . Be tee on plaoe of next meet.ln 'f'hose del4lring Qur servioe!l . will g report- ulled Dr . King 'l! New ' Di!,pov ~ry 8po~e 'of the admira tion and 'Iove ed favorll bly for W a yneSVi lle. 'l'he many years for conghs 'and colds, pI as!! lell ve ,with tlS t heir lInmes, ~whloh Wm. MoKin ley had for the auditin g oommi ttel' found the trellS· Ilud I think it SllV cl my .life. Iha·ve uncI IIIl 1I1IIount s ufficien t to foond It I~ remlll'k . Sunda y 'School . The rnost impor. m'er'", book ooneot Ilnd F . C. 'R ARTSO ,K, mOl'e ' tblin trhrollt and Jung able :remerty ' fo r th eir t·tlxe comp,l nint-s, Ilncl "aD'w ork'ot the ohuroh was inain. $2.00 surplos f;)r next year's . ·.Cnsbie r, work. would no more be withoo t 'tl bottle talDiD l&n aotive, workin g lind 80ul The commi ttee on resolut ion · thun I would be witl10u t food ." cODve rting Sabbat h Sohool . It is thank ed Uregon ill public ~ Gmucl lJ'amily. Me~licine , schools fol' b~or nellrly fort.y yeurs Ne\'" Discovery bits 'he dnty of every churoh membe r their help !lnd cou.rtes y ,~t t·he hend oft.bro llt to tbe dele- aud h,mgstood "It gives me plens ure t o s pallk 1\ remedi es. As IL preven tlt. _' to 00 a !SuDday School suppor ter .Kates, lind those wbo . had taken tI va of pn'IlU nl On\lt, anCl hell Ier of good word for Eleotri o Bitters " ,aDd a'teDd er. G.> with , the boys part on the pregraD lllnd thus helped weak IU,n~ll it blls no equa.\. ~Old writes MI'. Frank Conilln of No. J36 HOllsto n St., ~ew York.' "U's li aDd I1r)e on the Sabbat h day to slll- to make our Uonvel ltion u success . under ,gUlll'ILntee at Fred l:)oilwnrtz's g.rancl fumlly medioi ne for clyspep dy tbe wonl'o f our God in his holy: It ·w as resolve d to extend drug store. ' 60~ and $1 00 '1'ri II 1 1'1'" n,nd IL \I'Ier compli olltions ; while bott le free. . temple . Parent s are greatly to lign of gratitu de to our ' Preside nt for lam e hnek uoll wen.k ktdney s it blame beoause o\lildre n Bre not in p. H . Wrigh t by sending . ,'. _ ', ~Dnot be too hi~hly recomm end·ed. " him to the thel:hm daySo hoolan d becaus e they 8tate Oonve ntion ut ollr FOR SALE ~lectric Bitter s .regulat e the diges· expense' 111-, I $t~. t D !Ive f110otl ooS, purify the hlood nnd drop out of the Sunday 80hool . so to, pledge $26.00 to the viSitor, The l'eSiden c. 6 of 'tha llJlte Mrs . S' IIDl.P tlrt reuewe Make ~riflcel . for them, but see t@ ~ur able help to SundllY t::!ohool B . 1illlil4, Inquire of Dr, .r. T . Elli!> of ~he \Vet~k d vigor and ·vita lity lind d('bilit~ted of bot,}) it thai they love and revere the worker s, '1'0 aid and work , Mxes. Sold uucler ,to bring at for IJt~rtlonJ,q's . bonae of 'God, Teaohe rll hold tbe a Oradle Roll and home _ Frtld C. 80h wtlrtz's drQ~ ",tore. 50p depII1·tm llnt , boy, and glrh! ill the ola88, pray' tor in elloh' 80h~1 of the oounty II!! •. . . Thllt 'them, speak to them, Show Inter. we give our aid and suppor t nt the est tD them, work with and for «;lOming connty eleotio n and make A Purel y Vege table Laxa tive Save them one by one. No old Warre n a dry ooopty and help • nater w:ork ClaD be done t~an thAt wherev er we'cl\n to drive the lIqoor C!",es Chro!,ic ConstiC iation. -and 'All of.iDlt ructing and aaving God 'Il little corse from our lll.lld, Llv:er and Kidney Trou les, ODea. The Comm ittee on Nomin ations ~We Dext had ~lo by Rev. Flo.rd now reporte d: Preside nt l"',r slIle Bll!U' rolluwlll~ J. M, Poe "blob "u receive d in grtIfot de- Hamilt on. Lebano D; 1st Viae Prell, Zimme rmlln'lI , llIbt~*h.lmm.DI8.adieDoewhlob O. H. tJarey, Wliyneevl11e: , 2nd Vioe Whlte'p , oroWW the ohuroh : Springfield, Ohio, Pree. John, W, ",n80n, Oregon ta ; "H .t I .... 00
welOOOl~d h~
Cr 0 S S
Br os.
Dr. tJohn,
'T 1 1lone No. 1
IlIl lP
"Va")} yii Ie, Ohio .
local No. 7
19 Gree n t1' -t X nm, hin.
A.L. Wysong &Son
--- -+--- --
N6 and SUMMfR Wa ist s
Sk irt s.
Our ales are _very hll·ge Our Out antl Han g cann ot be exce lled. Our $0.75 Skir t cnnn ot be eq ualle d.
Si lk ' Su its .
$18. 1 5' valu es equ'al to any $25. 00 suit i.n the ,mar ket.
. ...
Pe tti co at s
$1,0 0 S'at.een . $1.5 0 np Heath~ r B'loonl. $5.0q up Si1k .
The Alpha Ghemioal Co.'
N01 'th Dat roit:ilt.
.• ...
--_.... Ma.ry J . a,nd l!.d win M. Morrill to .......... ..... ,...-.~ • • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w' . . . . . '" W eltll' ill. W"yh "'II ,. Hdph R. CbH.dwlo;k , Ll'llot In Wasb. ---- ..... IlI gtuu t." wlIsbip , $1. D. L . Urt\De, Eel! 'r and Ml\na ~~ I' Petiti on for Divorce· Is Only IDliz!1bet h l'huUlp!lJ O by Will"rd PI'. .aI_e~ or K1da., DI_. New Suit- Real Estat e 'iV,·lgbtexeol.\tor to 'larll Tbomp Most people do not realize the alarm· $1 00 IL v~ur . . . . . . . II) "(1vUll '~ Ron ing ihcrease and remarkable prt:'lI.1::ocy Iltml estlltfl 1'1 T,el>1\uon, ~l . f l . ~r." Ct1r If not Ilnlll Trans fers Pick Up. >i·vall.l· of kidneydil'-'las~. , Jacob UbI lIud wife to Lewis Whild:J dneydis OFFlC E IN ALLEN BUILD J NH ordera are the .I SI'own, llllrt of lot No. 33 in Mar most commo n 'l'lU"E:Pllo~ e eJILL •. No. 6-2 row, $!lOO di.~allell that pre· ~Jllry ]!; B'rll;wo VB I::iturkey H . vail, tbey are WF:ONI!! ' llA \' , JUNI'J LO . almost the laM I' rn~~'o . PI ~itlt.lff pmy s for dtvoroe WHAT II:! WOMA N'!) Forem; ic "·~IUlt· -Mamm oth Melang e of Mirth and Mu ' ie, I:iAPPINE~ recogn ized by Declam ation and Drama , Sermon and Science Under the "" 1' 11 1.\ lid'" .Ir ~'I' ''''~ ll el:' leot. palient and phy. Leafy Boughs of the TaU Oaks of Clullsic Neff Whllt II! it tllllt m6aee borne hap. sicians, ~lw conD o ' t fori'{tlL Ib,~ fll llrlb ! Park, with Its .Purlin g Stream , Riot (If Na. , 011.11'" PHO ,K:ltu INOS . ',.. t en.t thefn.,e lo e. py ? Wbllt 18 it tbat mllke8 out ture and Its M~ltifariou. AUra 'lions with do~toring tlie t{fetl., while ~e ONgHtM of Ohio V!:J Zimri HtuiJllS . gill"'!! "nil ohlna shiue? Wbat i8 It ilia' di.M.e undermmes the system. B om Oe i l!u(lnnt f OtllHl gnlltv on seco n!1 that m"kes the tuble liuen . What To Do. !lnd nap' h RI' up t,n the top, boy Tber,~ is comfort ill the knowle dge 81 Seaso n' Tickets, $2. kine sweet and clean? Wbllt is it often W Illlt ~ Why. t htl ·Jtll, of 0 111I·S6 . s . nonot. in indictm ent. Single Admi ssion, 25c . eZl'ressefl, tbat Dr. Kilmer'l> . tf.III'I·.V Flnh.u t. VB .J. E Shuma ker , tbac robs wash-d ay of all Ita drudg· Swamp-Root, the ~reut . kidney remedy, TEN I)A YS OF UNALL OYED DELIGH r. fulfills levery wish III curing rheumatism, of L-J""vtlysbllr~ (Jolil Compa ny . ery? King of Ibe Vtuudr )" Soap. pain ill tbe bacl.:., kidueys , liver, bladder Instruc tion rrom ROlne of the mustet' miou" or fUR illoll . Did you uver UIIVO I~ stone hruise ? CIW~ di~lIli8fll,d withou t reOli' II. Buy it to-d~y. You ' will wonde r and every part of the ' urinary passage . Famou s Men lind Womeo to Entertl tln. The EtJ nca If yon Wllut OliO, just tl'Y to walk UC!!!lS pllid. It c:orrecls inability to hold wuter why you'vlt done 80 long withou t it and tlonal Event Pal' 'Excelle nt of the Yeur. sca: l ding pain in passing over to ' orwin . it, or bad . UII vel' Ooll 'uulO V8 Martbl \ Ann 'l'h l'6e Illrge Mrs for ten cents every- effects follOWing use of liquor; wille or b beer, and overcomes that ullpleasant ne· \I!OUIIID. Court refuses to grltnt were. Frida y, June 1.9 : cessity of being compelled Lo go often 'l'he I.lIlaUUf1l1 ~reeu yal'dtl full of Iii vo~ce pmyed fo r uy pilliottl -~--.--f a.nd during the day, and to get np many Count Loohw itzky , the RlIssili o ex ile, wllu.e storie!! of fugrnn t biu" uu:t It! a tlom'ce of com· rUl't.h f<1' order", tbllt illiid 1)lu GOVERNOR HAR RIS time. during the night.. 'l'be mild and RWlela n oppres sion mllke tile blood boil int-ilf tbe extl'llordinary effect of Swamp -Root ment fJ'OIII i:ltrnuI:e rs umlllg to our !lIlY to uef " Dll~lit IIlImon y lu the Satur day, June 20: . i~ soon ·realized. It stands the highest towu . Bum of $1 00 jJer woek until further for its lI'ouderful cures of lhe most dis· Two oonoer ts daily by the iuoornp llrltule COlumb us Will Atten d ,the G. A, R. lressing csses. If you uee,l a Uledicine nutlce. Sympb ony orohes tra. • YOll should haye the Qest. Sold by drug. Enca mpm ent at Lima. '1'l.1e Fourth 11:1 ouiy 2-1 ullYs oft', J e!'se M. Littler v~ Henry P . Lane Sund ay, June :11; gists in (ifty-cent and oue-dollar lIizes. . Vou IIllly have a sample bottle and a JtlVite your h '\e llll!l and relative 8 t ttl. On lIlotion of defend ants , Two big st!rmon a by Bishop Hartzel l. ' ~dullttedly one . book that tells all.. . . . of the biggest wen 10 the religlol lS world. bere all tbllt day, Ilnd let'li ·a oourt Oflier!! 1I1111ntlft' to 'give M80uri. (;/overn o And ew 1. J:tarrll' bllo8 abouqt , bolhsentrr~e r l' • rip Dorter. , by' mali. Address Dr. ty for O.Ollt/:! within 30 days . Mon"'ay, June :12: . ~lgnUled bls intenti on ~f atteDd lng Kilmer .& Co., Bing. Ohildr en's Day, Pl$mabu81ka, the worM renown ed bird E- l:{. Von Milflel.s va J . M. BIlY the tUde U. A. R: Encam pment h~ton, N. Y .. Whel.1 and _~a.a&. dog trainer , wtth his galaxy of Ilnimal llohlr8. '. .. wqting ' mentlon tillS pyper and don't b'raukl lu lIu,l W t1YIl6!1vlIlo, the nero "rhe motion to make tbe plain- whioh will be beld at Lima, "nne 15, make any mi~take , but remember the Tuesd ay, June :13: two extrume t! of tbe oouoty , lire the tiff's ptl titiOIl mort! definite and cer. 16 and 17. ~I'me, Dr. KIlmer' s Swamp. Root, aud farmer 's Day, Prof. Bolden , the oorn culture flat.bor ity ' 1'hi8 year's Encam pment II! ex. _addn llS, B~nglnunlon, N. of the world . only ouel:l tl' Obl!arve tile lrourth in taln vm s o verru·l ed. V. : . peoted to be tbe largest beld in tbe paOllAT E OURT tbe good olll way. . Wedn esday , June :14: Notice of Appo intme nt. Estate of Anna M.I;. Warwi ck, m8t deolide , II.S Lima ' has eix 8team Jane Addam s, of Hnll Bouse, Obicag o, t.he world's WilY" aurl five traotiol l8 rellohln g gre&tes t aettlem ent worker . deoea8e d. Court finds estate fully 'rbe WIlYlltl l'OW IlShlp HOI'SO Pro· a.dmln istered. in every dtreotio n. The grllnd Est:ito: tJf Joseph O. KeYB. deceWlod Thur sday, June :IS: . tecti ve ASs. c ill~lou. lt~eets u.f,urda y, re~iew Will be held on 'fhnr8d "l' 'l'be und'erHlgned "ave been appointed aud G. A. R. Day, Gell . O. . Bow!lr d, tbe eloque nt grlz. Estate of Andrew Baird, deoease d _. , . qualllied as ezecutortl 01 the eatate of Josepb Juue 13. lJun 't torget it, but be zled veteran . ~entb acconn t approv ed and oon· when the boys of 81· '65 w111 pass a 0 . Keys, Jate ot Warrea Oounty. Obto. .Ie· a '! ven polp," and in the Une of maroh ceased. thel e, II it ii!. /l, gooLi urganiz tion. J)llted thl8 Illh day 01 Mal'. A. D. Frida y, June 26: .. , firmed . 1 Y 18. W. B . AI...... "'ND will be t.beOht o 'Drnm Corps of War Oldyas 88, the Indian orator on "Tbe Laet . Stand of FIU.. K BUNDON , E!!tflte of Oharle s Ward, assign OJ'S. Vetera , tbe ~ionx." ns .. 8 well 1108 tbe "Grand • l ElUI <;l UTOH8 . A tobaoco lmyer .0Ie...uol1 up the Cou'r t finds e8tllte fully admini stered Sons of 'Veterl lnll Drum CorpI, " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Satur day. June 27: !!!!!! Ly tIe rOlld groweI' ll IU8t weeii', ~nd E~tate of Rebecc a B . Lowe, de· nombe ring TripJe Olef Concer t Co. of 17 young ladles who have 100 lilds of Lima rangin g PUBLIC SALE lieverttl l~rUl t'I':!' ht!arts were made oeased . . Fir8t Iloooun t IIpprov won 8 prizea in 10 conteRt8. Walter Bowe, famoua lead· ed In 'lge from t.welve to fifteen years ba.ppy, II nu thei l' poker. books a · and oonfirm ed. tnl man, who was with Irving and Mansfi eld, in read. 'f be st .J ohns O!ldets, a drnm corps . . ing8 and remmiBOOnC68. grellt delll het1.\'ie r. .Estate of Wilbur Morton et al, ot 25 yonngs ters will also be beard. Sil nday, June :18: undflnllgned, :18 tb" executor of Lbe ""II minors . 'fhlrd aeoo.un t approv ed Local veter~s are ing &0 01 'l'be .A varllla F. Ebrlcbt, deceued. aC;Uag In W. J. DawlJon, the grellt London , Eng., preaoh er .. '1'be Antiocb Uhn utlluqu " tit Yellow and p.onfirD'led., take In thlt! En~mpmen& an'd [he conformity' to Lbe provl8lon.ol saId will ~nd the law. antd Inobedte nce to Lhe ju~rment and dtrectlon or tbe Oourt or Oomlll'on PIe.,. ......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sl)l'jD~iI will OOO1menoe un Juoe 19, Rstate of &tmue l I;llarpe , deoease'd . delegllt lon f rom here will be muoh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......_". In aad fOIr Warrea Ooun.y. OhIo. In caM! aoll ill Imothe r OOIUWD of tbht pa· FOllrth Iloooun t of tru8tee ",pprov ed, lal'ger tchan in pa8t. years . No. 10667, Emmor S. Bany, ullUChellecutor. p~r Iii IlD Ildver ~lsemeDt oalUng at- u.l1owed ilnd ponfirm ed . agalnat Albert Q . Sndalre et apd otbers. will off"r /'.>r .ale. al public gendu~, on the tention to I,blll t!.lot. ~n rst.Lding the premt~. Esta·te of 11Hrllbllll Ludlum , de' A 1r11~'rNDERH1'ANDING progrt.LUI It looks like i~ will be Il cea"ed . l1eoond acooun t ofaxec uSome housek eepere think beoaD8e ON' SATUR DAY, .JUNE· wloner , sorue good things being of· trii: oonflrr6 ed , . 27, 1908, a soa.p oontaln s naptha It il wortb at oae o'ciock 10 Ule afternoo fered. n, the reill ea, E8tate at George E. Rbodes , minor. B.v~ ' cents a. bar. ~uuh II not &he taLe O.r whlob ..Id AvartJIa F. Ebrl&btd II' YOU WAN T TO SIlIl 000 0 led ~ooond Iloooun t of guardi an ' ap. eeh'ed, .nd which 18 ducrtbed as followl: 0Il8!!, KinK ('If the Laundr y Soopco n " Lota num~re 4 aeVfln(7) ,}, n1ae{p) tains 'oaptbl l, and now 8ells tbree aDd ten(10 ~ In JOIe,h B. Cbapma K. Of' P" DECORATIO~. lJJoved, ll110wed Rnd confirm ed. n'uddltloa ~o tb" Vllla'I" of WayneayUle. 10 the oollllty Estate of Jobn Eyer, decease d. laCKe bars for ten cents everyw here. ot Warren a.nd StaLe of Obto. bela I the .ame Third accoun t lipprov ed and oon· N hl Pl'8llllses oonge,e~ by Warraret Jon.• to ot· ng bet ter can be IDa d e i n a Abraham 'rolVu Lodge No. -,a~ K . of P . firwed. Elbrllht by deed daLed September . y ollow laundr y soap. . 11, J880, and recorded 10 tbe Dec.d Recorda . will u60urat e the gravel! of their ot Warren Oollnty. Vol. fe,' PIlKe 608. and Estate of Bllnna b A. Brown , dedeoell sed bro t,bers 00 BUDlln'y. Juoe a,1lIo being the prem1aea derl8cd by ceased: Court 'finds estate fully ad· Abrabam B:brtcbt to Avartlla. F . EbrIght by 21. Meat lit '~stle' b III at 2 p. m. NURSERY INSPECTION. hi. last ..III whloh 18 recoriSed In Vol. 28. ministe red. pace 310, of tbe Reoor4 ot WUls In tbe Pro· I.IAMII!S BI!lNUAM C. ~G. baLe Collrt of Warren CounLY, Ohio." &ltMe of Albert 'Dill. decease d. f,. A. ZIMMEIlMAN\ K. R. &~. re,1 e:atate bu been duly appraIse. ilL ~'h'bt 1l000Uut uPV ro ved. allowe d aud U odeI' the Ohio N ol'se.r y and Or. tbeSal~ aum of T"entY' Buadred and PItt, oonfirm ed. ob"rd Inspeot lou Lit w, every norser- Dollara (1225'0), andLWO the .ame ... 111 be acid for the hlCbest price . tbaL can be obtained .v ma·n , or Ilny other per800 in the jt;,;ttl ttl 01 . HIiDUtlh there ror,an!! for not le.~ tban t ....o·thlnh (,,1 bern n, de" EQUITY SOCIETY. KI",tP, 'enj(lI ged of j said Il growtn appraise g d value. and for eub In band trlte8, t.lf!6t1tlU . Court. dUdl! ellt6te fully ~hrnb~, plfll\t8 or vlnetl for sll18, muet, on tbe da, ot sale. IlUll'Iillistefed EI... OB . B .... LY. before .July let•• file "pplica tton for . '!·lulI'e. Wl\ ~ .. 3 111<111 Ul'i)\\' 10111, S,lt.Executor of the will 01· ]!;~tate of .Ev~n and Rut,b Reed, the Inspeot ion of sUQh IItock with rill .. F'. Ebrllbt. ~ecease~, urdllY tl) hili" lIull. III Ii . Bit \Vley millors . Court findl! OjItute fnlly w'lth tbo' Ohto Depurl iment o! Agri- SITU W. 111110"". Auorney . or . lulllhu ~p .11' in t,lle intoltlllt adminl !tef8d. Jllne 21. 5 t . oult,ure ; Tbe dlspoila l of nolnlp8 0t. of tubu CO growfll' H . Be IS nU illier .Elitate of Da vid LU81l1ey, imbeoll e. ad stcok, eitber by 81~le or gift, -ren· elltiqg SU61l1ttll', "lid III "II probab ili- Courtfl ndll t!stllte fully adwini stered der8 tbEl owner 1I1lble to a severe Notice. ty be will 1',. tnru iu 1\ few \V8eks Etltuteo f'1'rUlU au Bolet', decease d. 'rbese in.peot ioDs .are and give unot,ha r talk, wben it is by the li:ighth ac\)oun t approv ed, allowed ' Divisio n 'of ·Nurse ry and -.:-llop ed t.b",t· tbere wHI be more out Orchar d and oonfirm ed. lnlpeot ion, and free of oharge when to' hell r him. 'Estllte of Elaoor White, beneU- "ppliba tion8 are tiled before dulV 1. olary. 'fbird Iloooun t approv ed, For IlPPUClitlon' bl11.nks Ilnd fur. allowed and . oonfirm ed. ther ·infor~atiol\, Il~dr~: N. E. REUNION ~HAW, Oblo Depart ment 01 Agrlou l. In t)1e matter of A. J. Brown , an alleged in@anfl person. ' 'Court ftnd@ tnre, Colnmb Wl, Ohio• . 'l'be '.Reuuiol,l of the Engle tbot A. ll' " Brown is imbeol le and fl\mlUe s wll(be on ~undl\y, Juoe 21, thllt bls beinla t large i8 not dllnger.: SAILS FOR ENGLAND 11l01:j at tbe old Engle hampst ead io ous to the safety of the ' comlnn~itY. I . }Vasbl nstQn townsh ip, Ra.lldo lph Estate of C41lrle s Frieber g, de. ooun~y , Ind. All knowo kinfolk es The Rt . Rev . Boyd Vliioen t, ·Biah· 08a. ed. \\'Ill udmltt ed to pl·ob~te. "I ve been to several good Better ' tailorin g, smarte r peoiall y luvited to be present . op of Solltbe rn OiO<!988 of J. ildwa.rdl ... The a(1e~::;:: widow ~lr:~,0~': , ~ary. 'r:~~4~ storee ~. Freiber and they didn'jth ave the g, elect annexed of' said estate, aa model8, more advanc ed fab, ORAB U. El'iGLIC, Pre!litl snt. stated tlla~ tbe pe....aal U\aLe tid t,o. take under will' of decease d. started . for EnglAn d Batnrd'ay, the .style ) wBllted , or the rice and greate r assortm ent ROBT. ENGLE. fillas . & Seo. laid deOedent Insumolent to Fr6derl ok 'lI'riebe rg a.vpoin ted e·xeoq.. attend tbe Lambe tb Confer enoe "t an~ Ibe costs are color or the weave, OJ' elae and. cbarles or l\dlnla.l.t,erll~1 nlake these garmen ts unusua l blS e8taloe. aiJd ... he,eln he, to.r u~der \lond of $3000, fnrnil.4he4 London , Englan d: the price was . more than I under $20. Every Mose C~ tor .... a'ure...ld, .,a!oed that I&ld witb David Lasble:r, dl.ed 8~~ed 10 tee sImple of the Fidelit y and Deposi t com· cared to pay." hen garmen t at $15 is guaran CUPID BUSY tbe follo1'lnc'lbed re,,1 e8tate : ptl.nyo f Maryla nd a8 snrety. And Buckle n's Arnloa !;al ve Wins, AlmOit every day BOme one teed to give $20 worth of .ser':, Situ at" In Wayne 'l'owlUlbtp. I o.,u",ty, Ohio. 19atalata& abeut .tJltv·'ellrlbL W, D. B"ker, OeClir 'r. Ludlum and makes. that remark in Mose vice or you may have new < 'J,'om )loore of .Baral Ronte I, hundredths (68.U) acree, A'n nounbe ment of the tUllrrillge .of John Allblon 11re uppoin ted ~pprale . '. Cohen' , g arment s free. s etore. conveyed to Davtd . • Coohran, lta ,write a: ,"1 bad .a bad Laable, tdr Ellrl ·'Everiy t.Q Atisl! 0. CJautc r. ers. . Surely when Mose Cohen' s 80re oome on tb'e 4Dltep of my foot Maroh I, 18&0; an~ recordedby~eed dated' Here are probab ly three h. Warren . be~k; 01 Dayton , Wilt! 0l6de a ilhort, lU.R1UAOE LIOENSJllll. and c01::ld .find not,biD g tbat would CoUll" Deed Hook NO. 38. 8tore has the mercha ndise to times as many correct models. pace 8~: AlIO heal U until I applied Buok)e n's time ago. E~l'l is llesfirvillK of tbe the toilowlnl ducrlbed real eatate : . SltuaLe .a s you will find . ~nywhere else satisfy AttG. Geyer. !lll, Lebano n, to Miss these disappo inted In Wa1D" 'fo1Vnshl p\ Wa\'ren «:;OWlty, Oblo. olca &lve. Lt>88 't han btLi f of a bellt that cali be ~i.vtln bim, R8 every· Mllrgar ' at $.15. contahlloK t ....p and atnet)l·four lIuudredt seekers they mU8t presen t the luJ et ~uthllrd, 21, Lebano n: oent box won ' tbe day for me by ~ z .o.) "ae""a. and bela& tbe aame promisee body knew Ilnu liked him while hEi Here are Buits of very dark . largest . and most diverse u· . J()seph 1'. Brant., 26, LebllDon, ttl footing 'a perfeot cura." Bold under couvejed. by Abel l:Iauenbwa11oe, to Da,ld worsted s, suits of now ele- · UvtKl In Wttyne svilltl. Beie'a to rantee at Fred C. Schwa rtz'l t...aahle" by d411!d elated January. 1.1870. gna 80rtme nt in Dayton . Mi.,lI. Minnie Meloy, 20, Lel?ano n. 'phant, olive, tan and brown ' re'corded In ~'arrea ('4>UDL1 Deed Book aoll No, you, Earll drng ltore. There'e no macic in it. Hose lI~, paceall38 .and 11111;' all of latd real e_te Saxony cassim ere and worste d Irwin U~ Better. 21, Li~rt,.. to coalUwtlall bellll the beme farm azacl Q,hen' 8 8tore .imply uses cheviot . premlu8 of w!btob tlIe said David (-&ahln Miss' Rose L. Wbite, 111, o.regon ia. dted ICtHd ...foreaald. modern mercha ndising meth· H:i-e are . Mohair Lined, _ 'file '.aid oJ. E4ward•• &a . .14 a4mJn: jlEAL JJ:8'1'4TE TRAlC8 J'UI. CHES TER PARK . black unfjish ed worste d suita' ..ods that make f9r better qualllou:at.or w1tJa ~tlle "III ' annetred sa atonaald, Jllmes Ford et al ~ Cbarle s Ford, extra sPecial at $15, that are In Ilia AI4 PedUon ~t8 fort.b tlull llle br.t ity, lower coat and mOfe satavailable deaomp,\oa or ..14 real .tase $22.50 standa rd. II lots N 08, 19 "lid 20.10' MainevH1e, iafactio n for the custom er. 'Cbute r Par:k . • tarts "ti opera ~:::~!'C~ aDd u_naln . Tbe prayer of aal4 ,I, i&for&nordero, 'be OonrUor lIIaktnC Hert! ar'l' sprinl coats, .top Heil'S of OlllTktion ell,\wll ll"der to It preaent B the best p~uc .88Ion , Juno 2~, wU.b tbe Metrop o)lAC<:III'1",e la4 de!JoI'Iption of _14 coats and craven ette rain .,1. tiona O. Vadw.l aad 'trem tor llllder, , t an en order of traot tor Americ the, tn ule a'8 Salem of EaI1illb Opera compa ny, whioh . ; coats at $16i of modem tailor· eod prell\l8ee I.or llle purpoIIe foremO st tailorin e organiz a· ing and aavanc ed style, Uil1. j~' ol08ing all. eu,ormo qaly 8UC. townsb ip, $1. ot IIal4 deeeclen.. Da,,14 For aUldn d. of ota4mJa, usual values under '20. . GI/orge W. Stanley to Ed ~ . and tiona. . e ..lf.d eDK"Jlement .t Clevela nd 'l"bI A. Oa, Perio dicals , Amon , tile earl, opel'''' ",111 be Oante Conkli n, pllrt- of lot No: 149 an4Ka~ .-.u Bbblo Hood, 11. '1;roYl\utore, Bobll. tn Leb!l.n_oD,. News papen , UUI&u.. ,. ' dalal, 4etea x.rtba , Matild a MoHiay to Lid" B .nd Mapz me., Belle MoK.y , pan. of )ob 11111l alld ~10 ID, 11, MIAMI , GAZETTE
AOlllnds H." KldDeJ· Tlolble Ind NeYBr Suspect It
_._- -- - -
Antioc·n Chautauqua
.I, ..
June _19 to .Junp 28, incl usiv e.
. ,
...--- -
--.-. ...
t····*******~************: '
.1 .
! '..
And eat the G.EM CIT Y CThEAM and SHE RBE T. We have got them for Retail or WboleSllle.
Wha t Many '
Ton rbes Say __
& CO .,.
# *
! :
~ '
..wi M'" 1aIitI-.
.Men 's Clot hing At $15. 00 ___ ___
HINTS FeR TH .E HOM! COOK. Uew.ilre of Undertaking Menu Boyond the \lllpacity.
~rH 'E
Thoso who know what til.stes good ..nd ullderslulld omblnatlon s of fooll rnllt or apJl Uzlllg ort n wrllo deIIghlful menus. and close otf willI th o sttl le rn 'nt that t.nls simple dinne r. or Illll ·heon. as It may be, hi oosll y prepared. T ho xperl nced will sec. howev r, thn t the work. d 'manded Is far b yond tJIC stronl:,'t h of most 1~ll st r!ls s e8 or 'the skill ot tit average rnn.ld . The IUlposslblllly at sorvln g tbe cours II wh I' o)'e person mus t be both waltr ~s lltld cook. Is ILlso ' vldent to Ihe initiated. In tact. thu available ml'Dn s or serving R meuu must be tak en in to IIC 'Ol.lll t. liS ' well I\.R the palate nnd pock tbook. ' Olhewlse thin g\! thaI s hould be hot ;1'111 be mid and cold dishes will be u napp t1zlnli:l)' luktlwarm . . Whell I!l vlt d g il sts 11.1'0 exp('ct d It over wOllld be belt r not to 6 l'V thr e COU1'S ~ a nd hh.\, o each as u(' nr perfocUon as skill and c.~ e CO il mnk(! them. 'Vhen U I'IO llltl ll IIlll st b" hel' own cook , and waitress a UlI act 88 hastes!! ItS \\. 1I. sh e s hould avoW r;'lecI toolls and any thing that must not be delllYcC; [\ moment In serving. 'I'h youns mls tr S9 l'ecelvll1 ;; her guosts In IL lig ht s ilk aud f lopping bn k In tp tbo klt~lle n to t ry Cl'oQu li es tOI' th \I' dinner Is a pl easlllS . 'fiction In tbv chapt e r on dinn er giving Ill1l.df' easy. bu t Ii dinne r of rOl'lst beef anti Yesotabl es or something else that call be k eJ)t hol a few ml n ul.C's wi Wout injurr Is milch more prncllcal. It a kltch It Is as neat and clean as a tidy housekeeper Is apt to hav!' h e r own workroom. a pretty white wash waIst and skll't nre the best to weur when finishing cooking the company dinner. The advlco' bear reiteration which Wllrns against unde rtaking anytl?lng In the menu for guests th~t Is unfamlllar_ Try It on the family at least onco and see It It be' wltbln your ability as a cook.
., J :
11 Is 1I 0t I'll Y fo)' me to g >1 Ilngry. 1",,1 illY " lll p!"s wife Is n01 asy to h 1\11; 1')" w illI. . ~h(' 10( I,~ 111'1 a t;'r<)wn ·\lJl hally. and sho I () InnOe 'n t l.1 I'''l'p l'l cd whon I pnint (,tut ht<r I Hll:\.:. !t l'X t hAt I g('neral lr 11 11 hy f.lrl('l'inl\ Ill>' 1M tho on-(mdin g "arl.)'. J{rjb ~ lIN I \ l c'~ 011 Iheae o('('Rs lo:u.l. 11 , lis I llIr "1 be bo - of trl('W-I." . ' I"\""l' 1lT(I IImils. how uI' 1' . to my I. .. 11!;lllilll y; (l, nrl pOSRlbly- 1 don'l r<;e l 6 l1Tl ! --I l' III.\' ~l ster-l lI · law · B (l l·t fu ln ei<l-I. \ VIl l'fl I f Ollud Ibnt s ho had luv('lJ'l.j t ill' f lIn It ('l'lIisl\ In theIr yach l lLOd r -(·;. til·r ly f:J.l~ 11 Itl't> I u sc~ . I l'csit lved I1I"t ,-II liN \\'\l c~ !lhoul d not Im \,<l her frolll 111.\' "" '1'('1' tllsl'lca"lI ro whem I <,(lll id Ilt('h I! 1- ulone. . 'he l'lllflcrl 111 • hy a ttacliing II ' rll It iu hpr ot hC'r g IIC ~IS IIn til we bnd l " I!' Nl t \lo ligh thouso. 1'hon th o yacht Lr'<'IHLl(' I'cry IIv,·I,. and lhe othe r 4>U . ':!i rJIsllllpoor ,I In rApid !lUCC lIsioo );:(· ... ,It 1\ t nl l. ~ul1d -IoOkl n!; )'Ollng ludy ' " J1hl('.~m·~. SM s Ir.el\ Mrs. Hub b~' the a r tn : nd ru shed her out on de'k: Anti ld Hob rub b d 1118 hands gl eo(lIJI . "'I'h(' box of Irlcks Is' goin g to cat b I. Ill h; Om e," h e , ohs ned. "Sb ' f! I!olng to cat h It a . second ~Im "'." 1 IIIAta.d. and started I.n Durs ul t. '\Vtth " view Lo sccurlng ' tho next In-
11 ne my pl'eli umllbly-Il lhe wretc~ hIlI; one!" . " lIon my wor(i . I don't belie ve sbe hll." 1 conf ~ ('d . " ;><0. I I'call)- don't b£'ll!'ve she }:las! W ' II suy to 1\ frl ene! who needs a littlE harsh rli sclplln . How el' r. 1 do nol Dpl'l't'b ollrt li ll Y dang 1'," " YOII may be able to rt r nd YOllr· Heir," I oalrl: "b ut 1 001 not so· sec ure. '~'f)11l n al' nttractive creatu r s. A nl a ll Is n el'er safe unless be ron ~
~In atl-
J dlscrvc rod Ihe two ladies standing In UJe I Po of th e smokln'" room. 'I'bey Yore arJ; ulng .wlth 'IIuch unlmation that ihey. did. not 'notice me_ It·s IlhClmlnable," the tall young la'(ly "rotested_ "Pertectly a troclolls." My sister-In-law looked at ber with «:lm1l1ated innocence. "U Is It Jlttl e rough." s1.le 8Il1rt. catchI ng at t.he handrail, and shaking her Ilretty head at the great green 'Waves that &1' etoo us at the' barbor' moutb. "0 :\t-h!" She threw her hood over !ler head to tond oli a sbowel' of spra,y. "I In an YOI1." 8&ld the tall young hay, h:i1IlDclng herself like a Ball(lr. ""i'01i l<now pertectly well that I don' t :lulnlt Ihe Tleather." ' ';1 lb Ink I do!' ~ my nallghty sl~t\!.r In-'aw confessed. "I"-the I!lilp illV'" Il lurch.....:'·l'm sure I dO." She 'mllde a da~t for the hatchway and dlaa \l' I' ar' d: white-faced. but s miling and uI)rellcntant. . , "Serves bel' rIght." the tall young Jarly multered; but her lone waR les!! unM~ndl>" t)J,an her worns; and she laughed;' unwillingly. Then she turned .and sa w mi!_ ...... he wl1lnot be oble to Introduce us · ror 1\ little while;", 1 observed. "So fl4IrhRII~ you will allow me? I bave tbe mlRfortUne to be her brotlier-Inlaw." 1 do n9t remember that I had e\'CT Inlior\')ced myself to a lady befol'('; Ilut J relt that I bad a goed e ltC:U!l~ In tiN clrcumslance~and lhe Jady. .. h !" sbe said. " bnl s urely YOII are Ilol: Prof _ l-.oarlmer?" I am not old for _k ",It'Qressor." and look younger than
n\\: ~y!"
"Tbore!" sh cl'led. trlulllpba ntly. "-' 11 c1 y t you c la imed. In your IU'liclt's, I hal m n had more moral courag tban WOD1 t' n! :,\0"'- I nOl only a poor w eu~ wnman . bllt I am not afraid thnt an) man will lUarry me agRinst illY will.' "But aren· t you afraid at being 'VIII Inp;?': I Inquired. rll\lnly not." , slle o·s sel'te(1. "rn th pros(lIlt st ato ot the laws-the man ·~ a!je lnwa-l urn very unwllllng, a nd lik ely to remain so. 1 shall WOI'I! In my ca.b ln. and baye no more to' do With them than olvllIty requires; or, If I do. It will only be to tantal\zl! 1... uc)". and make her think that sbe Is stlccel'!dlng In her evil designs." MillS Fane langhed a laugh wlil4fh did no 1. st.rlke m e as that of a bluestocking. ;; he will be 80 mad when she Is un· dec Ived , the IIltle monkey," . "1'ha't·s a capital Idea," 1 prt) nounced. "1 think 1 mlgbt try it; bul you mustn'l-' "Indeed! Why not?" "It wouldn't be quite fair to the POOl man; unl'e ss be was In the joke." "No-o; but I can·t very well tcll blm." "You've told me." ] pointed out. "We might kill on bird with two stones, don't you thinK? Besides. there art a. lot of things tliat 1 should like tel ' dlBCUSS with you." . She looked at me without 'the plIlC& ne~. They we re drenched wit h sprllJ and she bad taken them orr and wa!
Catarrh Twenty-five Years-'-
Had a Bad Cough.
Miss Sophia . Kittlc8:l\n. Evunston. minols. U . ~. A., \\'1'iU)!I: "l have been troubled with catar rh for lIenrly tw n ty·th'6 y ILl'S Illlli huvo t ricd mn,nv cu r' for it, bllt obtained ~er.v lit~le -h clp. " 'rhell l\Iy bmllter Peru no.. 1\ lid I did.
advised me to try
"lily h enlth WIUI v r.v poor at the tlm~ I b og-dou \.aldnl!' PcI'm.... My throllt waJt yer.v 6 111'0 [I ntl I had l\ brul cough.
"Perona hilS cured me. The chroniC c.tar'rh /'s.gone .ad my heQlth Is¥ mucb Improved. .
"1 recommend P eruno. to all ml fri end:; who al" troubled as 1 WAS." PfRUN4 T4BUTSI - Some peo",lo proNOODLE$ FOR THE SOUP. fer ~abl el8 . ruther tllIIn m ,HeIDe In • fl uhllo rill. Buch pcopleCQ.1l ohl.llin Pel'uTime Used for. TheIr Preparatl'on II no. tabl t A. whl ·It represent th III cliui- ' nal inl:'l'I~cllOllts of Pe l-uua. Each t.lIblc\ Spent to Advantage. Third Day.-A novel m~tho'd of growing Jllle. of the v.alley Je thlt lit equals QUO avllrnge doso"Of PCl'Uua. which the roote are placed In a refrigerator and prevented by cold from atartIn9 in the .prlng; : ' The good old-fash!oned chlcken n~ the". Sixth Oay.-When the ftower. are wanted. the roots are tak~n from . the, noodle soup Is bard to beat. If Ihe M.aufactured by Pf!luaa Drug ,...... refrlgera~or and placed 'In a warm greenhouae. At the .lid of a week they noodles are bome-made_ The troublo I. are aeveral Inchel high. '. . too many modern ' cooks wJll not taka fMturing Company. Columbus. Ohio. Eighth Day.-TwG more day. and the ftower .talk. put in an ,appearancl. the time for tlie necessary rolling, Twelfth Day.~By the twelfth , day the leaves have commenced to unroll without which the paste Is worthleslI, LANDLORD KNEW HIS CAPACITV. To make them, mix two well-Deaten and the. Italkl and the blo.~om" are clearl¥ .een. . Flft!'enth D;ty_':""'At thIS end of a fortnight of growing' the little liell. are J)ggs. wltb ·enous,h nour to make a sUrf Would Need to Lay . in Suppll.. for beginning to opon. ' dough and knead utiUI smooth_ . )f Student Guelt. Eighteenth Day_-Whl~.t on the eighteenth day of thle magical ptant grow- very. white pute .Is lI~ed. only ' the ~h1tes of the eggs are used. "Lawyer Hummel entert.dlned all Ing the lilies' are ready f~" gathering. Divide the mixture Into equal parts, wIth his brilliant conversation On lbe and roll · each Into II round ball. which, Lusltanla," saM a tourist. "Hnmmel had one night , In tbe The drooping species Is an exceptlon- . 13 then put on a well-fioured boa.rd tor ally grace!lIl plant and can be used aa routng. A glass roller by Its SD\OOth- .moklng room an argument wltb a tera climber and 'also In the open shrub- nesa of surface II excellent ior thl' ribly scarred German altout education. bery border .where It aSjlumes the ap- part ot the process. as the noddle • "'There's nothing like our German pearance of a weepIng shrub_ . It III must be rolled until the cakes are al- .tudents. You cO'n 't get away trom useful tor covering walls. ' fencell, 'ar- most transparent. that,' the German boallted. Qnd hi. By Frau O. ,H~toD, Iowa. bors or porcbes. . The cutting Is likewise 'I mportant, race. ail slashed from corpi duell. The sweet shrub. so called 'fr"m the old-fasbloned mel hod of having lIeamed with prlde_ . • One very general mlstal(e was made the fragrance of Its leaves and fiow-lloodles too long ,tor graceful eating I.. . "'No. you'ro right,' said Hummel: 'I once visited a German student In Het· . by the early planters on our ""estern ers. Is a member of a smaU family ot not to be commended. Betore cutting, dry olr eacb ahoot of delberg. All we conversed on duellna Ilrolrle8. and sometimes In town8 as North American pianta known botan; weil . that of planting too · mucb and Ically as Calyoanulus. lt Is a slow lho · paste wltb a napkin; then divide It In the students' sitting room a walter too closely about the hom4~8. Not only 'grO'Wlng plaut. and succeeds best In Into h~lves and ' quarters and ' pile' knocked. entered and Bald pol\tely; .. .. "The landlord ot the Keg preaentAI was this a mlstak,e frolll ' the stand- part1~n)l protected places and moist th.e .m on top of the other so the .point ot beauty atter a tew years. but ground. but ·qulte readily adaptll Itself edges are even. Cut Into narrow hlB compliments and Wishes to know strlp'B wltb sbarp knlre. The. more If you are thInking of stepping. acrose a ve ry lIerlous one trom a hygienic to other condltlons. Calycanthus ' fiorldus Is a speoleB threadlike lhe noodles .are the better. thla evening, sIr?" _I'KlY l!g(). . , point of view. Not Imm,edlalely. but .• ' I,l.t(,6S 1 have lost iny Id enUty ~ ,. 1 '"radually and slmo_ilt Insensibly to forming a Bmall. compact bush tour ' Set tbem away to dry and they are " • "What doell he want to know that .. lImtau!>Cl. "1 gatber that my , bad little "Now Am Only a Poor Wea;' tbe owner\!_ Too many tr'ees near tbe to Blx 'feet hlgb with deeJ) blue flowers ' ready tor soup. for'" the student Inqulrod , For fancy shapel the .paste may be 1iwJII.\;,\"C has kidnaped you. too?" Woman." dwe lling Is certainly pl-ejudtclal to wMch appear. e.a rly In the· spring and " • "Becalllie, IIlr. If YOll don·t;." 8ald health. for It Is held by' tlie best medl- last weU Into the summer. C. glau- cut with aharp tin cutters. " -"The 'YCM!ng lady smiled. SlOWly. the walter, "It will scarcely be wortb cus and C. Inevlgatus are not marked.... ·1 J.l~d not know that 1 lIad a com- wiping tbem. She looked still 'mor, cal autborlty ' that dampness and the EBlentlal to Good Slaw_ ,,1:Jlle to tap a ffC3h' barrel t.o-dar." · .. eXClusion of sunlight are perhaps as ly different tor practical purposes. but . Fl"!l :lD In misfortune." she sotd: "But charming without them. The first essential of good slaw II Not Time'. Slave. I Jf f'c nrse It Is .. eonllolatlon. I think "We shall quarrel viOlently. o.! great causes of Impaired bealth aB C. ocoldentalls. a native of California. A traveler. findIng that he had a we bll,I'p been associated be fore, Iu a cour8e." sbe stateci. "but-If you reali, all other natural cause II combined. Is more vigorous In growth than tbe the cabbage Itself. which must be well bleB.ohed and SOlid. Then It must be couple of hours In Dublin. called • "-' Ill'. We had a long contl'oversy In me~n It! We understand each other, Ii'resh air and sunlight are God-given others and has larger leaves_ finely shredded and crisped hy allow- cab and told the driver to drive him necessities for life al1d health. and ~o Aeal)amlcal Recont 1 am Marga- ot course. ,Ing It to stand In Ice cold water_ 'Be"Of course." 1 agreed. ··Decldedly." both should be -J)lentlfUl wltbln as well around tor two hours, At At&t all went " el F;a 11 e,'" , fore serving drain olf the water,llour II "And she really does desorve to be as around the home. DSlmp and Uly, J stRred at her like a boor In my over the dl'esslng and tOBS up lightly we • but soon tbe driver began to . ventilated houses IItrongly dispose to whip ul,I his borse 80 tbat they narBurnti e. She;, was very un IlII I) till' Jdea taken IIi," with a fork_ The be"t dressing for rowly escaped sIIveral colJltllons. "Exactly." I said. "Precisely." varloull diseases. To l11ustrate: of a '1l1dy who had written a treatise slaw Is made 'vlth the yoUta ot four "What's the matter?" dp-manded tbe <Ill <:on Ic sections; anll stili more un"1t will annoy ~er 80 much becauBt Within a fow · mlle.s of ply ' home II eggs beaten smooth. add. In turn, and lJ lkl' my notion of an advocate or' wom- -yes. 1 really think we mtght,' b& a good farmbouse that a tllw ' years mixing well: two' teaspoonfuls each ot' passenger, "Why are you driving III recklessly? I'm In no hurry," <en's rights und female sutfl'age: the cause ,s!le Is so .sllly. 1 simply can'I ' ,ago was occupied, by a renter, with hIs "Ah. g'wlln wid yez," retorted the Bait. pepper and mustard. a little M,u "'eds upon which our oontroversy malte her understand how utterly . 1m· wife, nnd. I tblnk . . half a dozen chll. '. caYenne. and 'one-Jourth cupful . cabby. "1)':-11 think I'm gain' to put 'lad taken plllce. llosslble It Is tor me tp cOI\templaU dran. tbe oldest )5 or 16 years old. sweet cream. Bring three-fourths "YOll scarcely look the character," mar-suoh an absurd thing-In the During the protracted wet spell hi the a pint of best vinegar to tbe In the wbole day 'drlvln: ),011 around present state of a~ln_ She think! late summer ' season. th'e bouse was , I c on f03sed_ pOint; add one cupful of butteUr',I'''nn''''d,,1 tor two houri! GltapP' "How like a man!" she cried. "A that a woman Is made only to be ma~ <10mllletely Bhrouded 'and dal'ke-n ed by stir until mixed with the vinegar:· Suceeasful Deme".tratIO'n. . tblckly planted maples close about It. 'WOIl1!1n who Is not bls bumble slavll' rled. It Is absurd!" tben .p our over tbe egg mixture and "Preposterous!" I agreed. . "ShE and supplemented by a thick artlfi<;IBI beat thoroughiy. Allow tbls to get ROmuiuB was (oundlng ,Rome_ 'lUlI st he a monster ot course ; and "What I'm trying to do," h. ex. "'car <),owdy, ,-.tracks. anti Bhort · balr. thlnlts just the same abont men. I've grove not far back. endrcllng tram before ulling. plaln, e d. "Is to show thnt It Is posBJbl" cold often tried to make her understand east around to southwest_ But south ftnd square-toed shoes!" She beld out to start a big town without bulldln. tbe position; but It's no use:' and aU outside the belt we.s the Simple Cleaning Procee•• ft llny foot in a :rldlclllouH. pointed. It around an . all ;well or a copper "And," said Miss Fane, ·ll1lpres/llv& Original open prairIe 9011. now unMany of us embroider lIuen or French ~ hoe. deflnantly . Tbe yacht mine." . 'If shirt waists. or linen center pieces Toll ed be'ayUy just tllen. and her bal- Iy, "I believe. I positively ' believe, der oultlvatlon; all on high elevation. , At thle 'inopportune moment Romul sbc's always extolling you to the skies Tbe house became daml'. moldy and doilies. for our friends. Many of ance lIurrc4-ed_ Fortunlltely 1 08.ught broke In 'w lth a remark tbat tbe new ico, tbougJl naturally neat, will , lIer Bud deposited her on the sea.t. She r'm almost sure that we are, the snarel. \1J-smeIUng_ Soml! of the cblldren be~ame seriOusly 11\ with diphtheria. one our work soiled before It Is finished. city was a B'utte. III right; 'a11d hB lOt ' Watched me struggling not to laugh whIch she has laid for each other." MI8S Fane laughed. Ironically. • \ooy of a dozen years d\ylng with It. But If one .deslres to make up the rna· It In the neck. all you Hnd full, set .t b er. We argu,!!_d. about, moral courage. the though np case of It had ever occurred terlal or give It to a friend without forth In 'y our Latin ) reader. t "Tha.t Is like II man. too," she apwashing. It ' may ,.b e made .perfectly plalilled me. "He doesn't trlulllpb over civic disabilities ot women. the rela. n that house before. Nor was there Walt.d for . a Min. clean. b,y sprinkling thiC?kly .wlth the fnllen . 1 concede that; and also tlye value or mBtlcullne reaaon anc any other case about the country at First Cy'c,llllt-What's In the f)lno. Frencb chalk and ro1l1ng uP' tor a few box. Dill, and where'S the girl! . 1118 £,II)'slcal (Iupel'lorlty. But. mental- feminine Instinct and lUany othe) t he time. rrhe attendh~g phystclans lIays. 'The chalk may ~hen be easily ly- now YOU are twice Lucy's size; points. and It was not long berore we' told them tbat If tli'e y did not cut Second Cyclist-That contain. my s.hnken · out, Ilnd· an: Immaculate gift Punctllre.mendlnll· device. I 'g et . them sud l'et yOU ilave let he r klrlnap you; discovered that our seemIng dllrel' down the trees close around the dwell.ences wel'e not 80 ~eat after 'aU: Before Ing and iI~t the SUD sblne .all around presented without destroying the mended quickly and . well without liftWld y'un dareu't eyen 'shake her!" original finish or the _fabric. I know Ing a finger: . . , ' ·..rm not sure thllt I 'won't," , I said. 'many days she bad promised to pre. and Into the house, tbelY were likely to aU die. Tbat being done there As every potato grower ,knQwlI. the' from experlenc.e tbat this is B8 emca·F lrst Cyclist-Tell usl ., "wllcn she's well enough to bo !lha ken. ~Ide over OUI' home_ . has never been furtbelr tr"uble. 1 beltc:r care which can be given t~e eloul all It ,Is slmple.-H!lrper·s. Bazar. B.e ccnd CycUst.:...That b'ol contain. a Sh told me tbat \3ob and she were We were Bitting. /lane\ In han~ grant you that .this was an extreme '.!leed potatoes III storage. the more ' lady", skirt , tlnd picture hat; wben ~ ~ In r. for a quiet little oruise ' and watching the sea g'r ow smootli. ant Boiled 'Llyer E" Brochette. punclllre I've ' oDly to ,don (ham anll 1\slm ll m e to CODle ond fllll ijh my book the red SlIn drop below tbe. hori20n case. but a{t~r ' all It ·ls .a question of vigorous win the ' plants be which ' are Cut oacon' and Bllces of liver Jnto . ill Ill'Uce on board . The anchor was when a wblte UHle fa'qe peeped ,be degree only : ' and the ,general state- ·grown (l'Om them. In' our lJIustratlon plecei of the same length and wldth. 'w alt! Flrlt Oyclllt':'-By Jove, tha:t'l cle~~rr tlil when I put my root on (leek ; and tween otlr shouldera; and my 's later ment of llnwhqlesomenel3s of a shaded we show storage racks which provide Run a wQQi!en akewer or stout straw not only right, conditions for .proper J \01101\ t113 t s he bad a reC';ulal' party. In·lllw·s coaxing voice wblspered ' l~ home 'remalns Indisputable. keeping of the potatoelf. but which through each plece at Uver and alter· prI ll l1n llO' WCi III O\l- " oor~~ , 1U take , liP but Uttle. room_ Each tray In ' nately through a slice of bacol). Pro"' rh ut'~ ('· my case," BaW !'rUss "God bless you and make you very the stack Is separate. A careful study .ceed In this way until each, sl\ce Qf V nu ll. "O[(ly II s.eemee! t fl me that "e ry happy." she sald_ "1 wonder 'tJ ot the picture will show holY tbey aro bacon Is · .f astr:ne d to. ,a slice of' liver. they W I'e 11I'lnclllnlly lIlon! She you know how milch I Wish It, dears?' This Is a charming plant. the f\.o'w- made. .' 'a nd each skewer 1s full. Lay' on a tlno wfl Ihnt I object to me n," "Y wonder If' you know: wha~ a goot ers of whlcll- "'~"WY yellow blooms, broiler and broil over a eleal' 6re_ "A lIIl IIht' 1, lI n\\'8 that I ohJect to WOllllln you al'e. Lucy!" 1 sald_ dist ributed along the branches so as Feeding ttgg. to, Chick·••..:....] ·UBIl the W OOlI'1I. · At lonst I don 't (j Rnt ly obRenovat, 'BrullhCtl. , "oon1l') and be8fde us:' .Margarel dten lo cover tile. who~e , bush-come Infertlle eggs for the Chick". In JEX't to them; tl:ey are an nnrulrabJe. told nel' . . "We couldn't bear anybod, into blossom belore. tile leaves apCamels hair aoa red ' (lable ~rushell mixing ~he corn meal' put In a TIttle ' IIll,giul\l fl ':I:. Whst I really object· oll;e: but we shall love to have yo, pear. There are two popular forms of soda and lIak". ,thenCeed. It el'11Dlbl~d which have become out of sfjalle or to ts l.uC'y·t! Ir.l entlon to Iml !'I'Y III to' wlt h us. deo.r,'· thc plant. o'n e an uprigbt form (For- or give them a good-sized pIece to curled ' often are dlsoarded .. worth· .f~ e or Ih('ru," Old nob gl'lnned when he saw UB. Bythla vlridlsslma) andl tbe other a pick at_ When four weeks old I gI,'!\ lelB. DIp in boiling bot water o.nd tb. , b:!J.l- Does llhe!" "SO you've Bcored again," be re drooping plant ' (Forsythia SU81\en8&.) oracked corn and wbeat, bl1i-t~rJ Illlli" will resume Its original sbape. ."~ he 411'1('8, rei lIy !" Dip afterwaru !~ <'old . ·marked. ")'(:)11 bolt of tricks!" The plants al'e lJerterlY hardy aud Ilke the baket! 'cotn meal the bast. '''\~''Idl one?" Miss Fane Inclu lred. will adapt tbemselvea almost any White Ribbon .. -'~I hllven~t lbe Ipa Idtlll." · Ral.. TL\rkay• .--TurkeYII . • r.e n"t kllid of garden soll_ 'nle upright tol'lQ U.. Cif Onaka V8llom Illorealing. To (,JJau whltQ rlbbnp8 . .ell td8Q/ - , tlu ne 'laughed, merril,. bQrders. tor .baret. .to ral": U 10U pv • . tIaem • The Ult' ", analce T8nom Is tllere.. la very Well ada pted ba IPIOUU8 &ad lblt will IIOl W'I; ltllactly In1 C!ase, proffl'saor. Ing In the pracUoe of ' alit ........ Ilecllea or 'lI801m.u. ollaDc. to loll" ~ture. , . . me to 10•• QR. U.. price 1& 10000liW ,:!~~~;,!~~~~
•• ..·lIn
thll tuU1ld of comment rra." tb. foul forlorn outcaats. From their plaoe wltbout the wallll tbe erie! and croan. and curses from within could be relnt· Iy beard, and occlI.I!lona lly a figure could be leen passing alon~ lbe top Aa la.,.d ••• of the SI ••• Saaarta of the ramparts of tbe city fa·r above I. D.,.. at I:luh •• them , Far out across tbe valley 'oouII;! be seen the tents of the Syrians glJs. STORY BY THE "HIGHWAY AJIII) tenIng white In the last TIlY S or rbe BYWAY" !'1Ui" ACHU nfternoon aun. Long' months they had ~ IIiIIIIII.. been there, until the sight had be· come monotonous and IInlnterestln!. .Scriptllre Autborlt y-2 Kings 6:24- and to-day. as on· other dnY8. thele 7: ] ·20. four , lepers let their eyes wander out In th.a t direction. because they nothing better to do. Smok'e could be selin cllrtlng up lu· SERMON·ETTE. lIy from the mulUtude of camp nres, bringing II. auggestlon of food Self·help leada to ancl the evening meal. A wistful look The limit of human endeavor oame Into · the faoe of one ot the·lep. markll the borderland of God'a era, as he m~tat1vely said: power. ._ "There II no lack or tood with th" We mUlt do befora wa can Syrians." discover what God 'haa done. "Thou art fooli sh In the thou ght: Many a soul la famishing In Ig· came tbe sbarp rebllke from the mall norance of the plen~y which Bltllng ,next blm. "for dead men nee'd God has provided just outside no food." the closed gate of the will. "Well. we can die bllt once. Better Realization of a desperate t o perlah In the e/Torl to get rood UlUD condition I. the fir.t atep In the to ldly sit stili unU! we perish," weB direction of deliverance. ' the retort. The one cast ut by men ma~ "Yea. and soon we shall be 80 ~alf become the messenger of God. we shall be unable to move. e,,)Q The depth of human need II t hough we wnut to." spoke \IP anotl..~r, often God's recruiting' ground. enconraglngly. ond he struggled 10 The discovered good thing bls teet. "Why s hould we sit ht!fCl may become a curse unlel. It I, until we die? Como, let I\S go Ol1t shared with others suffering a to the bast at the Syrians'. Ir lh,,)' like need. sllve liS nllve we shall live; anll It ~od can make the food of the th Y kill us. we shull but di e," enemy feed his fam ished chll. Suylng whlcb, he starled off wi-!h dren. uucertaln steps toward the distant God cln turn the famine Into Oll\llp. By Lhl s time lheevenlng shndow. a feut every tim •• were beginnIng 10 (a ll and by the Samaria turnetl the lepers out time they had reach d the ~ul s klr(B to die, and the leper. returned or the SyrIan Camp da rkness hart with a melGage of life. Evil was come. A strange all nce brooded In returned with good. the air, but so In tent were Ihe lepera God's blelSlngl are best en. In creepi ng In unnotice d tbat they joyed when paned along. did IIOt become oo n scl ou~ or the Bearerl of good t idings al· omJnous Silence until t hey bad Btumbl~d waYI find · doubting heart. to (lver some garment s lying upon tbe queation ..the trutn. of .lhelr re. ground and fell headlong Into th ve ry port• . midst ot one of the te·nts. In rear nnd The doubting heart Is always trembling they lay quiet w'h ere the y ready with It I plaulible theory had fallen. expecting ·10 be killed an y as to why It should not believe. minute [or their abrupt entrance, bllt The doubting heart mines as tbe moments went by and nothing many a bles.lng at God'a handl. hOllpened, they became conscious ot It was a slrpple teft wh ich the the !!~lInes ll which filled all the camp. , eervanta of the king luggellted Not a Bound could be heard save the to prove whether the meuage noise of their rapid bres tblng. and at of tke lepers wal true. It wa. last they gr w bold to r ise a.nd luyes. just ." Iet UI .en~ and I"." tlgate . the tent In to wblch t hey ba d Thll Is the appeal of the PBalm· 80 unexpected ly stumbled. Food and Jilt when he criel to the doubt· garment, were scattered about In the II1Il heart :. "Oh taste and lee utmost confusion, a8 they could t ell that the Lord II good!' JesuI' In. even In the darkn e8s. vltatlon to the flrat Inquiring "And lliis tent 1'8 empt y, too," sboutd iaolples wac : "Come and lee." d one of the other l epe rs, who had When Nathan iel doubted that tollered farth ron . .' the Melliah had come out of Then follow od a burrl ed InvesUga· Nazareth, Ph,I lip' responded with tlOtl. the lepers as they ""cnt trom the simple tect: "Come and tent to· tent· gatherIng up artlc1es 01 cee." The woman who met vlllue, and a t Isst exhallsu,tt wllh their Josus at the well cried to her ert'ortll they sat down to at more fellow townsmen of Sychar: leisurely. for In their astonishment . •iCome and see," and ·th'l II the th y at first had only ealen a few slmplelt, the qulckelt and the mouthfuls as t b,ey went. lureat way of proving that " We do not wf' II ." sudd nly ex· Jesus hill delivered the loul be. claimed o'ile at the lepers, "for th is Is Ileged by lin and hal spread a a day of good tblngs, :lnd "'e bOld our feast for thoie Who hear the \leace. U we larry till the mor ning glad tidings and "Come and I1ght. some mischIef will com e upon ace." us; como now th r for c. let us retlll'n ,and carry the good tidings to the .- c ity," THE STORY.
T WAS during the siege of Samaria ISyria. by th ml 'hly Icing DC For 10l1g months the olty Bell.~lldnd.
1011 ~,
r# .
had boeu sbut wlU,ln Its .s tron~ wulla and the (nmlne' "'us inesslng s(lre upon Ihe pl!ovle. '1' ~e sconl: supply of "I'O\,lsIOl1s grew les8 and less ami I.Inlllly tholle who lllld 1I0l go ld and silver to · buy at exorhllant [lrlces wer unable long r to obtuln food . so that. mnny died. Awful was the ImlTerlng of thQ people. u.nd dark and terrible ' wer~ the deeds whloh he Ileo\)le orazed by hun· ""ierwere l ' i!1o commit. It " ' US ·lJQ uncommon thing to hellr or' lhe elll'lng of huma o fle8h. the sl)'cnger · llrevail· Illg over the weak aud l,uklug life that 'the life' of tll other Ullsht ·lJe an'lnlued. , Such was the olldltlon' In the city of Syria, whore t!l.e kin.: of Israel dw It. And wi t hout the wnll s of the city were fO\lr lepers sulferlng from tbe sCar~lY of toad, hut mJJjsln g !.he aw· fill sights and sounds wblch those within the walls had to 41' ndnre. Now it bad boen that dUring the early months cit tho siege the triends I. f theRo lepTous outClI.I!ls· I'einemberod them a 1).(1 onRt food ' dowlI to tbem ,fl'QD1 the Willis. These food Ilullpl\es which they had carefully stored and I1se d as Sl)arlngly as possible wel'e Ilnally e.x huusted,and the n they realized as never before thn t Ill' )I wore face to face with death. They knew they could not look rOI' further 'help from their brethren In tlle. clly of SIIUlnrla. snd' they understood eqUlilly . weh that ' the enemy encamped all around the city would not listen to tbelr cry for bread. • Thus In their mleery they s!lt walt·. In~ for death , and· while ",altlng Ihey talked over their hQlpless condltlo'n. \ "'Surely we have tailon UPOI;t' .evll d&ys," exclaimed one, dolQfllUy, . "Y 8 though 0111' condition was not ' ~~~earahle enoulll ~bere must be added this .tbat wo perish with ·)lun. pr," ~Jlonded. a Beoonll, 4rawlng hla rattled' man~e abp.ut his emAciated form. And tben he added with an· air 01 qtter. bopelellsness : ,lBut why ahould we dellire to live? 18 not Clur leprosy bllt a ' I1\'lng deatb. eyen nDW?" "Btarvatlon Iii but a quicker road to the gtave," ,rlmly assented a thl:d. '''nue, and we are well on our way to tbe v.alleY of dry boneR." spoke up the faun"', and. by ~.Y "f emphasis be ext,Ddod hli arm wh(ch '",as mel1l ..... ucl boDet, the white ~tl of lep.
Tbat had been a wonderful, day ir. Samaria. Wond I'Eul. to!' tbe hUnSry hnel been fed ·a s thou a l1 from the vel''' hand of GOt\. A1I day long t he peopl' ha d !;t renmed fOI' Ih to the, ta mp ot t he S). l'll\ns" and SPoiled· "lhe I nls ttiere 80 that evcr~' body hnd an oblindan e and to sJlar. Th en with the coming of the e v n{ng came the bugl call tor the clos Ing at t be gates of the city. The few last stragglers have cOllle In and tbe gate k eper lias begun I,he task at Shutting t he ponder. ous Iron doni, wben h notos a ' little group of mon standing ot some dl ~ tance oUtsld,e-t be gate and lOOking wlsl. Cully 'v.lthill. Ue beckons Ib m to come. at;ld ' Ulere comes tbe ans we.rlng CTY : "'Uncleqn! Unclean!" . "Wbat! i, cried some one from Wi tbIn the gate. "nre the lep ra Who brollgb~ tlellvel'alJc~. to .tlie city , to bo sh itt out '" , ." Again the cry sounds fortb : , "Unclean! Unclean!'" It was Ilt that momfln t that a ngure was seen to press iI-.l'ough I he gate, an<\ tbe peoille noted bls long balr lind coa,rse. •.robe they. whls Jlered: "It Is the prOPhet." . Wi t h rsl)ld strIdes the prophet (iro.· ceeded straight to the 'group of tour lepers; nol bee'd lng 'the cry of' "Unclean! ' Unclean!" · . And tJtat night wh.e n the gl\tes of Samar ia closed theY . l!hllt" wrthln" not without. the' four lepers who hail 80 nobly served the city In Its BOre need.
Saloon Town Refo·r.m·ed. "We've got a town on our road the boys call 'Hell,' If yo~ want a real hard' thing' to try:, out· !-he Y. ·M. C. A; on . put It there." This was the remark made ien yea~s ngo by. a railroad ~res. Ident .to an International Y. M. C. A. secretarY, w~o h~a urged t at organization could better the tlons of Irving and tbe serVIce on road.' "'I1hat Rults us." laid ' tbe sec" retary. The compa~y put up ",500 for nn equipment, and the oltlzens '2.500. At the end of ·a mont'll sn.lorG men protesteil th,at the liew organl~ tlon was ruIning their bUlllneBil. Ont! of them, who 'had the bltgest l1&ylD. cotner' saloon In town. said hl8 month. Iy receipts had fallen off from ov.r ,3,000 ·to '700. and he or .the 118sool" Uon had to Quit, Now a t\andlom. Eplllcop~1 chllrt'h ,OCCUPU!I bIs corner. A brakemnn '\'ho ca . me ba'M to 'the t"WIl after lin ablence of t\\ a yean. ~ullted for bll form,r ... odlltos It: tnelr accu"",om~ teatll lD the eaJoou
maJdD,lt tile maro Iib.atly. . and rOUDei dtl, .ad . . . "Ie. . IoUaUd blliJCU~.
r,actical Fashions
~i. . . .~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~
Don't Poisan .Babyo
FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her ohild must hrtve'
PAREGORIO or la.udanum to make it sleep. These drugs wiJl produo& meep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produoe the SLEEP FROM WHICH TlIERE -IS NO WAKING. Many are the ohildren who · have been killed. 01· whose h~alth has been ruined for life by paregorio, laudanUm and morphine, eac.h of which is a narootio produot of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling eitber of the narootics named to ohildren at all, or to anyoody without hJbelling them "poison." The definition of" narootic" is: ".d. medici"1'U3 whicllJ relieves p(1.Ji~ and, produces aleepl 'but wkica in p.oisonous dose$ produces stupor, coma, convu,z.:, si.ons .and ~ath. " The taste and smell ofmedicines containing opium:are disguised,
and. sold Under the names of "DroPS," "Oordials," "Soothing Syrup's," etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or y~ur physioian know of what it is oomposed. CASTORIA .DOES NOT ' OONTAIN NAROOTIOS, if .i t bears the signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher.
Lette'f s from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. fletcher. Pari s Pall rn No. 2371. All Seams Allow d.- ThiS p,retty. mod lll Is s ulL' nbl e tor 1Il1l1·qll lsette. colton volle, chambray, lI n.e n, sbantung. tUSBOr or china lillk. The fulln ess 18 dl litrlbuted In s mnll tucks at tb e front and back. and lh SQUDI'e neck and wide mlkauo armh oles l1I'e t rlmm d with InsCl'lIon or fil et lao . bound with 8elf-co)orell ' ribbon. The gulmlle may be of the snme or a. contrasting material . the neck and armbands being of t he tIIet lace. 'rh e Ilallera Is In six 8 Iz~lj32 to '42 Inch es. bUst measu l'e. For 36 blls t the jllmJler re qulrlls 2 y~ yard s of lllotel'lnJ 20 Inches wide, two yard s 27 Inch ell wide. 1% yard 36 or 42 In bes wide ; the gulmpe needs four yards 18 Inches wide, or 2% ynrde 36 Incb B Wide; as Illustrate d. five· eighths yard ot all·over loce ]8 In cbes wide. yards ot ve lvet ribbon. 3% yarciS of Inae rllon ' s nd 1* YlIl'd o f edging. To procure 1hlll palt ern send ]0 cent. ,to "PIH I ~r n D pnrlml'nl." or thl ll pap ' I'. Wrlle IIllmll anti 11Ilrtrp.~" p lnlnl)·. nn I ~e sure Ie I;lvo 1;1>.1- lind nu mber or patU,.n.
PromoIeSS~;ro:~~=~ nessaooRe OpilUU.Morphlne
~371 ,
SlZE .............. ; ..
NA~ .. ... .............. ....... .... .. . .. ..... .
TOWN ...... . ... ......................... .... .
iearl the
ALWAYS ;;;ture~o_f.".......~..
. . ,~ \ The lind You Hav8 Always Bought
·0 ....... : ....... . ... .. ..
S'I'ATE . . .. .. .. ........... ... ... ... . ... I . ... .
.. I rt.Y..!!.!~. "~'!!r~.Q... !~!!.'a.
B:act Copy of Wrapper•
; ]
WRIT'ER OF REAL TALENT. Evidently the Bushby Clarion Hall Genlul on Ita Staff.
,'PariS F~tt e rn No. l~ :1, All Seamll Allowed.-Nnlnsook. juconet, Pers!an lawn or hatlste ure e xe lIent materials for thiS g:ll'01 n t. ·The body ' portion' Is S\1 lher d 1.0 the yl)~: e at the t~on,t anti bltpk. TIlls yoke Is mad e ot all~over {U~kln~ and hlsertlons at nanow lace, or or the materIal. Tbe flllliengtb sleeves ' are ga~llI~re d and caugbt 1nto nar.row wrist bauds of the ' mnterlaJ, finlshed . n.t the center·front. The pat· tern Is .In fi ve : lzes-2 to 12 yeaN!. ·For R child of six years Ibe night· gown requires 4 yards or material 27 'Inches' wide. or 3 Yo yards 36 Inohes "w.l~ e ;. as Illustrated. % yard of fancy tuc king 18 In cbes " wide ror 1ront yokes and t1ril yard of edging to trim. . Pro , prOcOre thIs pnttcrn "';~d '10 cents to "Poll ern Dt! porllll" "t," or lhls pappr. Write nnnl e nnd · n.chlress phtlnLy. untl be 5lir" l O Slvl' sh,,, Ilnll llumb~r of patlern.·
NO. 1582. '.
SI.ZEl ..... . . ... . .. . ... .
NAME ... .. . ....... . : .. . ..... . , ... ... ... . .... ..
TOWN... . .... ....... ~ ............... .. . ... .. STREET AND NO ........ .... .. . .. ... .. . STATlil . .. :, ..... .. .. , ...... . ... ..... .... ... . ..
N'a tural Fly paper. The pinguicula Is Ii plant whIch ,Is a natural 1Iy Pllper. Its leaves are can· stantly covered with a 1I~~eky sub· IJtsnce ·that ' trap. all ,lnsecl8 aligHting tbe\'80D.
11Ie ,editor of . the Busbby 'ClarloD leaned ba,ck In his ch'alr anp surveyed vlslto,r with a solemn and unwlnk· lng gaze. "YOII want to knQw If tbere's any good reporter hi' this town'" he anld. Impr sslvely. "Well, there III. There's Old H9bart." "What sort of work can he doT" asked the Vi sitor. "His clllpab!1ltles haven't had tbelr full cbance yet." said the editor, slow· !y, "but h.e·:;! getting on. and I'm afraid we shnll lose him beton; long. Wby. las t \ k that rellow wrote a two column acoount of a tire that was thrilling, ,[ tell you!" ,'''Fa rmh ouse, old mother, ' grand· fnther born there, and eo ·forth; I BliP' 'pose?" sn:ld the visitor. ."No, sir !'" Gnld the editor. "It was a ,d eserte d nen·house. tbat's what It was. I can tell you, that lakes talent! We ~an't expect to keep Old with, ua always."--Yollth·1I CompRilon. '
SICK HEADACHE The1 alao roUe"e 01..,
froll> Dy.pepm.·Jo' dlllutloD and Too U...." , It.lln~.
ed, lor' DI ..lno ••, H .... .a. Draw.'ne... Ba4 Tutc 10 Ibe Moutb, Co.led TODII""" raID I. lb. 8lde. TORPID LIVBII. nplate tbe Bowel.. Purel1 V."t •
For Six ~nonthl Baby Waa Expected to pie with ' Eczema~Now Well -Doctor Said t~ Use Cutlcura. "Slx 'months after birth my little girl brok.e out with eczema. and' 1 had t wo doctors In attendance: '1'b6.e was not " llartlc.1e ,of skIn lett on ber bOdy. the lJlood oozed out just anywhere. and we had to wrllp her In silk and carry ber on a plllo~1 for ten weeka. She was the most terrible sight I ever saw, and for alx tilon.thl~ 1 looked tor her lp die. J used every Itnown remedy to allevl· ate her' sutterlng, tor 'it was terrIble to witness_ Dr; c-.-- gove ner up. Dr. B-- re,commended the ·.Cutlcura Remedies,' She will soon be thr~ years old and has never had a' sign of ' th,e dre:a d trouhle . slncc. We used about· elgbt cakes of Cuticllra Soap ana three boxes of Cutlcura Ointment. iamea J. Bmlth. Durmld, Va., Oct. H . and 22, 19~)8."
An Indignant Editor. lAst · Sat~rdliy evening after lewlnl • For Inflammatory Rheumatll;". U.e one- pInt ot tanners' 011. pne two patclhl!a OD ,our Sunday trouJlerl pint spirits of turpentine, one ounce iUld cleaning and pressing them _ ot 011 of IIpl Ice. put In a !ltone jur and buns,' them out to d~. An bour later Ihake togetber; tben add one 'olilice we found that they had been stolen. of vitriol one drop at a time ud Thill will ~:lplain why we were Dot III Ihake lJetween every dr(jp. Rub the our aecultomed place In church ' on Subday. Tbe buman being 'wbo will ~nname'" partl at leait Mit an boW'. d~JlberBtely .teal a plllr of tl'Qusera ,nandng.., warmly wltb IInnnel. from the e,Utor or a weekly paper, and bowlu tbey are hili only pall' fur . Lawyera' Imall Incomel. The total Income uf the London bat OhUr(lb'llbl~i&';' dele"el a worse fate 11/l11I1I~ar;1o.a wJU allow ua fo II put at £780,000 a . All th.,,· UI aa If clytll. . UlIID .. lIIe Y. II. 0, .A are about 1,1100 . memb..... 1
Dr. 'J. ~. DlnBdaie. ot Chicago. III., saya: "I u so your ClI.I!torla anti. &dvlso Jts use In all families where there nrc) chll dreu," Dr. Alexander E. MlnUe. ot Oleveland, Ohio; snys: "1 h av~ frequently prescribed your Castorla and have tound It Q rellablo and pleasant rem,. edy tor children." pro J. S. Alexander. of Omaha, Neb., says: "A: modlclno so 'V aluablo and beneficial for chUdren as your Cast(lrla 18, deserves t he hIghest pralso. I flDd !t'lD use eve.r ywhere." Dr. :1. :A.. M«Olellan. of BnffAlo, N. Y., says: "J lmvo frequen~ly prescribed your CastorJ& tor children aud alwaj'8 got good results. In fact I uao PlI.I!torla for mT, own children." Dr. 1. W. Allen, of St. LoUis, Mo., says: "I henr Uly endorse your Caator1&. I have frequently prescribed It in my m edical practtce. and bav" always found it to do all that Is claImed for It.'' Dr. C. H. Glidden. of St. Paul, Minn., says: "My oxperlenca 119 & rrrao-tlUoner with your Oastorl& has been ~bl7. satlsfactOry, ~d 1 consider lC an uce11ent remedy, for the young.'· Dr. H. D. Benner, of PhIladelphia, PL, says: "I have used your castorla u • purgative 1D the caees of children for rear8 RlI8t with the mOlt happy effect, and fully endo~ it as a sate remedy." Dr. 1. A. Boarman, of XlIpau C~~. Mo.. says: "Your C8storia Is a IIpIelicUd remed)o tor cb-lJdren. knoW1l the world over. I use' it In my prllQtlcll' and have 110 hjWltpCl 1D recoDlJllBlldlD& It for the complaintS of Jntant. and children." Dr. 1. 1. ~, of BrookIiD, N. Y..· &a1B: "I consider your Caatorla ~Qo excellellt preparation for chlldren,' being composod of .reliAble medicIne.. and pleasant to the taate. A &ODd remedz tot all dlaturbaDcos of the dIaeatlve o.r&l'JI&" .
Genuine Must Bear ' Fag·Simile Signature
~ ~1lff?~
WESTERI CANADA 8om"oftl"' Clhol~A"~ IImdHtor IP'nln ~.. Inll'. nr fiu. g klJ,t.c..~hewo.n n m.l Alberta. b nva
8tQ,' k rulsUlg' nhd mlll"t!lI le.rUlingln tli C 11C'W 0& ...
t r lc l S
bee .. Ojll!Dod 'PI 8csttlomeat under the
'evlsed. Homestead R8gul~tlon. Entn mny now 1M! ma40 by prooy (on cerl.liI conditIon ) by lh (l (atb'e l' J wOtIUH·, lion . dn\lIbJ.. V"r. ,bT oW,l t~r or ', ,18tcr .01 au tUl c ndtnK .hOJnGl> Rte".dcr. ThQui:M.uuti 01 homestnadt.t Qf U;o&6r84, e3.c h a.rfl th ue; ,uow c lWttJ.y avurllablu til 1b ~".
Iffa.~ 1f~1>\ IJ ·gl'()wllllf . "toek·rI>Jsl.utt Dud Oll~"" farmia g ttt'"t'UoWt. Ther~ you .. III flnll ~el>lLhful .,thlla.le, gOO<'l IWll::fhnor~. ·hul'cbettfor'u.wil, \vol"8h PI scbool. lor yonr clJi) dren , good I....... Aplcndhl "1'01>.. and rullro u,clll couveu.lea, to mArkeL,
, Entry fee .1 0 e...,h '''..... 1.. 110.00. 1'01' Pl'mpl» 1tt . .. LG.ri~ II"", We.." ': pal' Ueu""", .... to. ,·.a'~
1It!.,. \ 110.. , .. 110 ...."
roUI.tl8. a»pty to
.,.hero to )qoaI4
, H. 1'1. WIlLIAMS. Law IkaJldan., To.... O~
,,"/all., Yuo Work . . d Eaahl"a 'Wou to Dco Beli ... W u d. _ H.l..... . . . ....,,,lpi 23 C •• t ••
TttE MEDATONE CO • 128 II. 23rd Itreet.
__----_. ,,.--_..._----'-_.----------.,.;.....,.". .. --
...... ...
~., -... ~
.~ .
Comm Iwillg' Thur:jdnv June 11th, and ·on tinllill g,.f9.r 1') dn.'yR, r ,,-ill of1'(.1' to th l?nyi ll g' pld li e or \\:1 . 1I(\,' dll p :I,n<1 ,"j('illi1, a ne" a S01'tment' of geu ral m.e n·hancli e ,at rock -b t torn 'pri ps . lIel'<' i ~' n. I nl',l Ji s t of :-iO lllt' of tIl< nnl'()':lill~ to IH h· .1: .'r" ...... . ,..; . >.:,;v ....1 , ". . (, '~,
Pins, regulllr 5c kind- 2 packageR fO I' ......... .... .. .. .... fj Din!ler PI!ltes, white with gold banrl!:, ...... ..... .. .. each Dinner Plates, white witl; gold banel. small. i?e .. each 4 2 lb. Butter Jal'S with handle and lid .... ........ ~ .... ... 10 Blue and White Stone Water Pitcher, lal'g e size ....... .· 10 , China Coffee Pot Rests, gilt decofl!ted .. . ...... ... ........ 4 Children's Toy Wagons. ju ~t t he kind for little folk s .. 10 Ladies' White Embroidered Collars ......... .... .......ea.~h 9 Children's White Duck aps ........ .. .. ; .............. each 10 Children's Folding FanA ........ . ........................ each 1 Assortment. of ,Po!lt ards', 2 for 5 kind ............ each , 1 Curtain Rods, mad of brass. xtend to 5 feet . ... each Boys' Black Leather Belts ............,.. ..... .. ........... each Ladi • Hand Bags, S5c kind .... ....... .. ... ...... ... ... each 217 Ladies' Hand Bags, SOc kind ... .. .... .. ... .... ............ each 3
Lauies' Hun d Hags, liOe kind ............ .... .. : ...... .... l':)ch .1B c 'nt . h'onil1g Wax., ith WQod hnndl!' .. .. ....... ;. .... .. · .. 3 flll' fj c 'nt ~
.' rub Bl·u;;he........ .... ,.. .... ~ .............................. vtlt'h 'hinn ' !" lI m Pi tche r .. .... ... .... ................... , ...... 'Hch lass Tum bl rR. with go Id band ......... · ....... .... t-aclScal'f Bin:, B ~anty Pins , Ti Pin: . ,~(c .... ......... ~ach Frying Pa ns. mad of Itond . Leet. larg'I' ,izp ........ -n h Rubber j ru; Balls, lal'g~' :iz ........... .. : ................ ach D a rning , tt n, black til' whit' ........... ....... P 'I' RJlo\\l Pal'l Bu tton • all 'izes· .. · ................ ... ... -.. pel' t1ozf'n Gro t I·R , .. ........... . .. . .. .. ................ ........ ............ . ell(:h Enamel Lids .... .. .. ... .... ............ .. ............. ...... ,,\.·twh 1 quart !':namel Din per.l, well madE' ...... , .. . ......... cal'll Paraffin .... ........ .. .... .... ................................. l'ake Hearth HI·ooms.................. .. .... . .. ........ .. ........ 'arh
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White's "Store .News.
n l;l(l '
lb. 15c.
'Premier the'ese. IS to 20c a. lb. '
Treasurer's RePort of Miami Cemetery. wajDesvllle, 0 ,. June I. 10 011 , O"Dem 01 Miami Oemetn v A IIBO'
clil~OD your treuurer ' bt"R bIB annual ,report. .
lelwc t.o " ubuilt • ' '. Reoelptl tor tile flscaT yjl~r erom nil ~o ur.ce& as foIl0,,8: n.400 Zu Sill. 0110111. ] ,136 va Gravell and vaullB. " , J73, 00 Foualtatlone. :10 00 rlilJ.tJi, , Wood.
,7700 1690
Renta. ... ,ln1.e(eet,
, un
. Vulcanite
Cern nt
All mill'cud s use t.bit' bl'ilnd, Will A/\ va 'It ell ri olld of h1gh grtloe 'rohur 0 lind 'or'l E'al·liliz ' l.' ll c·r
Le~t!n Bars~ , ISc a. lb .. A . delicious
.c ake" le mo\,! flavor. , The mOI'c ' y ou ca l the ' more you wallt.
t h!!1 w eek. We wi!lh eI!l1l6(jinlly' t,(\ O!t11 tile!
t t l ).JUon , t o t~1I
tbinkillg hlly ifl ~ j!'C!:t.iJlz 1'8 t o th o 'hq,lUUS fille!;. , " .8[{101t11> jR ilp Ily s rl veg hlblH Jilll l·• . t r which 1, a nece8flit,y h ! nl! Roi l ~ "ill'\t1 wit,h out. whiob no or op cun ue 'grown . ' olll e in nn(l !! 0 \l~, Will sn,yo you money. ' W]IO Me
l 'he . E. oci Ly f th~ ( I'thorlo .Friends chu teDwi,ll g ive n !:loCial at
th eir cht;ll' h, in th e din ing hall. this, Wednesday , " ~ening, J'une i Oth . I~e Cl' a r , s t l·l.\wbe l' l'i ~ · and ca ke wi ll be er \'erl. . All a l' cordinlly invit d. ,
MR~.:TAMg~.~( " RRIOJ '"
" '1
~ iJ" I!Il( 32 800 0&
191 00
....... ..... 01 trea !erer. ".tlll 75
.Home 6ro'wn Str~wberrles .
f l'esh from thl' I)u 1.('h I I, LEMONS fancy 1Iti;, Hcce\vcd, ", Evcry l);(y,.
. 1-
Th e powder mill. at (~o . 1a~(1 t LO explo in n lUf!t W e~tl e OilY, in whioh twn The~ lost t,b eir Jives IlOd ., RGVer: , I nl w r bflc1ly i~lurell,
. rind L'mollS jllRt ill. PINEAPPLES, ORANGES
CHERRIES-Will havc fllenty of. Homo
3.I/S4 37
lillie ...... Yi\ble-lIOIH.
mont of ShcJ:win-WillamR . ·trictl~ Pure Puris Grl.'cn ·Special low price on larll'~
3,lIII' :I: Balanct on band .lune 1, 190.. • tiD. Reoelpg "urlaw ~be ,ea. ' . a.ln
. ~,
grown herries this wcc)(. PARIS GR).!;El'{' Just receival1 a ~iJ:' fjhip~
oa... IIaa4 )aoe I, 100S·. AClCOIfIUl _',able, . .
... '
200 'doz.
124 M.I
' b"a4lloUres,
1. 794 32 1500 00
lIol1lal(e loan.
~~~'~" ~~-'~~~~Kf~
3r.I, 9 ~ 1716 J.O 00 III 90 1l!8 3 2
SupplIel" Kulln aDd carpet. JI1re\cht,
fl '1
I ,I II !
:17 ' 37
Oar load,ot vaUlts, PrlD~ln.. , .
I . ~ m I
OOal~ .
'fhis is guaranteeu t!> b tIre best Cream · Cheese mad e. We have both October Hud June Cbees·e. The ' first thoroughly cur.eel and so pUl'e that it is ' aid to" diges ti on. , .
Anu y o n w ill Bel t h 1in el:\ t. piooe of tnllchiu1'l'Y ever !ltlt togeth er . ~Qe til Brnul py (~an l; t'lowf! lind UultiYlltol's-th ey nro the en, ie t. Auic1 f'll plow!> mnde, nod tllfl only n cc sffnl 2-, r ()w O\11t.ivn.tor mRDufuctured. ,If you ax locildJ)g fe.r l~ Maoure I::ipl'CUdel', wo h/l ve the Itl test 20th ' Iltury t,110 li ghte,H ~unui.llg 'preud l' on t he mnr. , keto . We hoodle t,ho ~ ll.k Dowil Zimmel'mrm • Buggies, younEJ IUl ell! No ~il'l. wi ll l'efuse to ' go riding wHh YOI1 if )l 1) t1 hllv(~ Il Zim 'm eruln1li jl1. t, l'eCAivflcl n ollr1 oocl of th well.lm \\;n bfllntl of
!!60'; 6 011
3 ·Ye OIde Tyme Comlort Shoe ~
WHE \.'f· BIN] ER
436 6U
Insu.ance .
" 'a ('tilT.\'
, 6111 94 .
~uper\nteodeol. ~ure ••
col'll Crl~
v/Lt r.
sa.lo" 14
E&pendllute, LabOr. . ' •
1000 ~ CoU ]00 00
Makin. deerls.
J M, t b e Lorwin EI
e. t hnpl'QV'OtI
D"m't 'Pucker your lips at the words "Sour Lemons" especially ,our Ie'mons. They are the 80rt vou ,Iike- lbltl sktnned and .
fu ll lin!" nf j ~J'm lnlphun nt~ , ' ~n ob Il l' t, w ullknown O, hnrn eWbellt :lnil t' rn Bin(il"·. Hoy Tedderf'. U f,l ~ :: . rOl1 ~tl l' l q I 1'0 Rnrru\\'s,oml Bind r ,T wine · l~/I rm er~ . OOTII in lin I sop the I:~b·
Sour Lemons. 20e, a Doz.
(Jl'ain, Hay, ,attl .,
A very popular article at this season of tbe year is our • Sweet Hickory" Hced Smoked Dried Beer. . Every pi-ece is j!'uaranteed \I cut-from young beeves Bnd ill· . specUd by the government. '
he p, 11, .g',
- - P/I:V rn. b t·Ot 111\ lcil:1t] ~ 0 [ - -
Somethin; Tasty.
I 3 Crumbs of Comfort ._ _ _
B ,. ECK
.-~--,-----.. '1 ; '~~,~~
..... purpose mare,) ~ u8 nam_ •~o'11owt"" uK w ill be can. b good . general ' d ...... - f or tb e dUferen,m uggJes (one as goo as new . 0 Gel! II po two d i~ _ ... __ bJ ••~ th d i 1 f one carrIage. pe........ IIU eo...... e eo @ OD 0 bI. M. .. STOUT, .' Oh' the RepgbltoaJl'1)rimal'lea : r e&oma, 10.
i'o We
,IORM 0. OA....:r.B1'. Tr
'J,'omatoca, G.reen ' B N 'p eans, ew otatoea, New.'Ca b· bage, Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Cucumbers, etc. Choice
Banana$ lOe a Dozea.
- -________.....;....._
SALE to quit the MilHnery san ·my entire stock Call and see tne. WaynesvUle, Ohio•
NEW aONEY-extrll line.
EXcursion' Next Sunday Also to Springfield
·n .
WED NE DAY .JUNlll 1'i, l UO
Mrtl . Mllry Monden bull iii very I, flln ll of her sun , Mr , Lindluy Mtl ud,'nb nl l. l>h , l) ly(l fi Hiliit'. uf Win oheil ter lull " IlIl .. jOl1l(l(l hiMwif here fOl' U fo w tlll,V 's vi"i t , 01', C, A, . Hough was in t own yeste l'day, He i:\ays he h8 s no tracti on. news l ogiveo ut.
UMBER. 2\171
ill u t t,h
Wedding: at Colu~lJUS, a :' l . M, Whit Willi Notab le Even t-Ma rried 111'1111 )' on l.lll sin e!lN,
Ll'llllll u n
M r tl lI(l Mr!l. "ill Whf't.1'
::\Ilt -
We' l' , in IIIHt, wUfl k , !II n t , ( :l lIl'tln cu HiI(lH w us viHltin g New Burli ngton , . W..ell,ma n. , ., , J HarveYS.bur.g . . The Ohio HtlLte .'ournll l o f 'l'hors- in l\l.lrl'u w It\ ~ t, ,,'ee lr, MiNi. Eunice Hamil ton, ()f Galliclay, .TIlIIH 11 is:m e !my ' : " Trinity M" ILOd M.Il:!. Ge.!lrge Dil VI ~ \\' I e MI' . J. Jj; .1 11 1111 .r nn,1 fnlll'ily woro N t'xl unda,Yevenmg IS Childre n' s O it s' t I poli s, is visiting at h er . home here. Lellil clllll'oh PI' "ent (\'l benut,ifl1l ltppe~r ill DlL yt,on IIl~L w e k. ~ ) In" 81 01' II un n y, Jay exe rcise: at t he M . E. chul'ch . Ahllnt, Iji:deen ropr ke lltlltivtl !l of Mrs, .James Blair died a t h e r home nUOe In ~ ' ,)v 'lIiug ", II I,h o 1l0 ~llsion Mr . . lind Mr.', ·hu~lUe.Y 1311 II II d l The Baptist.! ha.1 their Childre M ( 'I I Ii: I' I 'I th e IOC ti W. n's '1', U, vis iteu the in Xenia, Thursd a y of last week : IIntl , 1'. , IIII' OA ' I I;: 11111 flluuly s p L1!, ~Ollt.l'ly WII,h Day exel'ci~ slast ,'tmday mornin WI ( W O!' GrAA II 1'lInnt y W . ( :. T , LT. oon·ven . She leave!:! two little 'ons besides ( e or~e of the IhH l'I'IIlj!e of Mi!:4" 1:111 1'-0 1 Ruth g n ... " tKIII L IIUU OII \tl!lt WBllk g, Bllgtln lIulllnll1llv . L Hlllu , (lullg hLtlr of MI'. 'illtl Mrs. her hus baml. l"unera l ser vices wer t' . ' ' tlllli awn f ete Wedn esday vening at "h I \., h eld Sa turday afternoon. H I .l A II II' un!'y Willi 1>0 1'11 1,0 Mr IInt1 . Mr. ~ w Wolfe Sf) ot l:lnt,1lI'tl3Y A ('['(lnlill lj 1<, I·uport. two of Ollr '" IIr ell .",11 ey II n,lIll" M a . Everyb ody come. .'h L d' 'd . f h 'M E mght wIth biB Pill' nt s uf t,hl s pluce. I M.Ar:.Chul 'chYard bert ~herwu ()ll Warwi Ie . .It, r.waser1\. .Mrs. Mct'llI'U Y III}!t. 'fbHrl!lll\y, h ' J.' e N a les AI soclety n t e , ~, 333 eel t 'M' I Y(IUn ~ llI ' A n wero lo!!t, nt, Dodd!! lIy one HUIl avmg church I .. 0,1 was nteriai I' II ' rom net1 at the home d ' 1'11. 3 t101·go I)IIVI8 lind I\[r . Er- : C . , D. L vi Ir,)ntlll - A ktly )wner CIIn huv,? dd ,V Ilft ~ rnoort , II~ th ey were Re n of Mrs. y's store is entitled t ~llnu 'w Wtl( ( lUg j '10 tl:i e many W. R . Lewis, of Kingm an, oer~ t M.llltn~ n wero, th ~ g uest!! uf a I·ug. , doJtotl:te ooJOl'oj (.11 pilly ell in the ~ lIll1f1 h,v 1I}11)1.:I' in·' . • 1'11urs .1I dayafte l'lloon VIlli Murns MHl fllllllly MoodilY· " r. t hh' otJi.oe .XII mill I'II"... g UI' IIe. I I o~~ I'"_ . I' f i b 11 I • MI' . (J'~(! I~f1 F unko)' f nUH' h UIl1" I . W . guwul:I 0 tl tl I' (U pllrty ma d e a ( nesd ay tIIg'h t t h e Mason ' s M.iss Sarah Haydoc k i: the guest MI' . IIOU Mr!l. Wulte Mi «~ r ,Iuo ,J orUHI1 e MII~y lind N hal.! !lb tt, tenober of Mil'. ancl MI·s. WaI teI' Haines , of dUllght er. V\Olr~ eh IlfDl Iuf; e fl't lO t 111:\1I111 a banque at Merrit t's dining . " t. t I1 II Imp Ie ,' ll ud,I Y fur i, v iI,<i t, tn reluliv , fl , ,olllled on M r, 14nd l\ . , everal tfl'om aI, the () , . & , ' ) , H ODlP, X I.-\Ul/1., Lebano n' , BUI'- • ' Lumbe rton. Mr~ B iiI kl ey 1>.• 10 I1 S lUI d l~y n f lerd eoorlttlOlIl! ()f grtltlUtH',\' used in the hngton and Wayne sville attende d. .1 ~ .llInu uy i s ill 'hi oll go,IIII Anll. wn s , t,b e glll'i!lI' Lf her friend MIBI! Mls3 Eli~abe th Reev s is visitin~ ·noon . ohul'oh . 'l'h ll wedui utt tnllroh was luI!, till' B"pu c li cun c uvelltl Friday ev ning the Eastern Star's (m . Anni e U Brown , FrH11\ Y nnd ntur' hel' bro~her, H. B. Reeve:: and famlpluyed by Ml. Victor Bonou u, a fraMr Itnel !'xiI' George Bogan were I had a banque t. A n tl w 111\ of 1)0 t, ourds J' dny. tit b 1 r I 1 1y. of Richmo nd, Ind. ·ern y . ro~ .1 01' 0 till bric egroom . lleiVel1 nt I(llt,h rin e AIl'xl\n M Mrs J G Fud"'e is t he gu est of shoppi ng in Wilyne sville 1!·l'ldllY · S' . der's. Mr. and Mrs. All en Eme rick and \'elat'i~e ~J ~p~r (. 1', acob ears IS sl owly Improv '['he bride's IIttenclllIlts elloh gown ed Xenfa . . M~. Rnd Mrs. George Ellis l4. m l m.~ much to daug th hter delight Blanch of . ' 11ft' her e many enterta ined t i on d M. . d M. Elb . U" ' ' Mr . Ob~rle !:4 tituns be rry, of OilY, d daugbt e r Ve til. !lpent unclllY With fllends . III It l el eo 0 0 01', lID wOllrm ' g t,he I. an IS. e rt martm Sunday an ?ir . Mr. nnd a nd Mrs Mrs. L'r, II I I I" Ell Harry MllrtllJ Cornell II Miss Bessie Martin , oC Xenia, were , ton. WIiS the guest of relativ es Snn· .I""~ III III , va "', were very plO,ur' , . M [" Harlan Edward s, our oldeAt and on arman, and Mr. and Mrs. th Iltuests of relative:; here Allque, Miss Evelyu !:lel'rou Will:! in day. Sunday . . f a II 'mg rapi'd Iy. H is d CI' totzen, IS Pearl Cornell and family a t Lytle. augh Sevel'a1 brethre n f th e Masoni> hi vender mou8I1e lhll' . Mis~ £lo I'-e I M'rs, Rebeoc a 8lde~ did Lytle . ~el', MI·s. Frank Howry not get to . of Lebano n Lu~t W pdnelldllY WitS untomo bile l ord er a t te,nded a banque t g iven by PIL~qnl"r of lu \liltodp ulis ill yellow the £letl'-Jer reunion in Piqua llist _. , Il.spen ding a few days at his bedside , W :\1 Th the MaSOniC Lodge, Harveysburg , l Several from our village 1l10llBSelin , uno MI t< MI4,V Lamp. week. attende d d.lY for Prof. E. L. Hatton and family, of R'Y,n avl e. , ree young last Wedne sday ev nmg. UIUt:J 10 pink i .. uti ,lll'b one . th Townsh ip <A>mmencement in Martin sville, are spend rried man ing 8 couple f {.IIw (J<>lu~bus ClIme bere to Trev~r C. Haydoc k played WIth ~aynesvi1l e Friday , evenin g Mi ss of ~ uouque t lI f Wblhl :lWBl:l t .......", 'l'ift'any, tbe watob. maker', will be deliver weeks with his p~rents here. lIutoruobll es to Dr. Clagett , t~e Sprmg Vall ey band In Wny nes- Violet King from the Interm ediate ,.- n.t Ooleml\1l 'l!1 store re~ularl .v every ZeP.h Undorw ooll Mrs. Sarah WilsQn fell downst airs and tbe HarvllYs VIlle Sunday . Mrs. FrllDK ,m. Rutb the wiltroll 01 WO{tU BSUIiY. I'oom h er e was oneoft hethre egrad- and broke one of the bll1'g Fertiliz er C o, bones in her They are uates. hOllar, wore htlr "wn .w ddlng g ow n, ankle. Mr, nu(\ Mrs, Eli ,Burne tt we re in uice Ollal:! nnd the owners ' lire proud und curried 11 boqu'et' of pink rose. W C T U Waltel: Kenric k ~nd wife, and Les,.,f them !d'1·. and Mrs. W, A. Merrit t entertied with ",illk tulle , Tbe bride Lehuno n 8tit.tlrduy ILttend • • •• ter KenrIc k and WIfe werem Sprlng - tamed ing Porno' v at Sunday dinner, Mr. an~ • borflelf \\lUll ohurmi ll" iu "II e vqul" 118 Grllnge . boro on Sunday at the home of Mr. Mrs. Cornell and Mrs, Mr . !lnd M.'B. Nlltblln Anstin, Mis Maffitt of ., •• ~ '" ( d ' and Mr!!. Samuel 'H.aines, .attendinO' Waynes ville. ito wOOdlug gown of, wbite nJOUS88 Deluye .) Mrlj, J!1mell ' tOOp8 uttende d the 'ele t·ilL Anstln , Mr. U, M tl ' K f P d t h ~ 0 Austin , . , , line satin, trilum d with duohe!!s Warwi ok,Hal n '1 C . ecor~ IOn service s t er e. Carl Gray who has Leen in CincinIn olum~ Mrs . Mark Davis ~nd Mis@ Marne T1\4! June W, C, r, U . meL at the yt e. astle;s ofthep olden nati .for Some time, is home again. Brown a ttende j ~he reunion of tbe home of Mrs. Marlat t 111 08. !:She ollrrlad a white prayer bOI:! hlRt week . on the 5th, E,agle. Will hold their memor lal ,serhi ok with n IJlllrk ar of lilliell of toe S ' . If h . . d VICes In tha hall next Sunday even~he tellcber s and pupils of )Dllh>tt WIth ,24 membe rs m attenda evera rom ere attende d Box- · nce. an ina'. vlLlley. Mr. Han,V Irvin Dodllpn 0 1 Dr fLnd Mrs , lIatbuw llY have 11.8 II hool, north of Ferry, la8t well Comme ncemen t at Flatfor k on l;;atur Pres. Dor~ Ellis in the chair , ,, Brllokl yn, Willi !.ttl t milD, lIod tb their guest, Miss Oertru tle Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader wiII be the 1'hursd ay evening . Itosnllg le, duy IIftemoOD, _when Mrs. Davia, I Thl~ tOPICS for the day wer ulIuers,W fa Mr. Rob rt MotJowel1, of 'priugb oro. Our speake r of the occa,sion . The ,pubDr. Hor~ce Hatton and family Ilre Miss Brown Ilnd Mrs. C. M AU8tin Flower Mission " and "Beer a Dan- lic is invited and requ.ested to attend. sp nding of MeUIt. i Mr (Jlltl'ord F!lrbllOb 01 a couple of weeks up on the Mr. 'httrle Buruet t wall In (Jlu- took purt in tbe progrll m . gerOL1S Drink ." Ulnoln nHti; Mr. ll'r d '1I8key', 01 olnUdti Batnrd8 Y Ilnu On last Monda y afterno on Mri:. lakes. un{tIlY, the To facilita te t he work of the Union ,A~ra Lewis.g ave a party !n honor of Mias Winona McDon ald is home Wtt.YDe ~llIe: uud Mr. Ruger Wilsoll ,,"ues. uf r elu tlV\l!l. APPOINTMEN1' it is divided into section s with a lead- 1¥ISS"" Glen~va Rogers , d~ again after several days in Columb us, . .y, of i!:u8toll, PII. About 300 MrR, .101m Fro.mru and daugbt er, Igh ~LU tIm e was spent1\ .very ' . er for each, that, for the day, con - apIirop riate and pleasin togethe r. - - -.Mr. and Mrs. BernSh ldaker enterlisted of Mrs. Bunn~tt, Mrs. M K ments being served 'in theg refresh gu were h~ vited to tile ohurch of I l;Iyton, are villi tins the fowily meanti me. tamed Sunday her ~arents, Mr. and Bro~h Mrs , Bratte n Mrs. White .fI;he compan y disban~ed only and l.'tGtO the r6C6j,tlon ILt lobe of Mr. Jobn l:l~wke . as tlhe Mrs. Huffm an of near Clarksv ille. . Of One of Wayn esviU es' Mrs ll.~a Jon~ and M;s M. Hough shades of evenin g drew on boutllt' l At the bride 'l:! tli!.tll', whiob Mrs. Abi Ha ines bas returue d to Mr. and Mt;I. Howar d Graham Fair Daug hters -AVe ry . wall prettily deoora ted, there werd, I) t . that they had thoroug hly enjoye d f I Sunday WIth Mr. F. Elbon and I t P "t' .. ItY In on, order, II tar eaoh taxmg some part the afterno on. Those breaen t were: a p eus~nt twd week's Iii IIclditiOD to the bridlll )Jnrty, MliI~ mpor tan 081 Ion MId near Waynesvl'lle . rsi. Bunne I con uc ted th EdDai:3 ternor, Mis Ahue Sbanno n visit ~vit.h frlellns ~ero. . e d evo- Misses Ruth Starr, Re a Earnha rt, . ·th M' F d b _ · _ . tional e~ercis ee . . The others r~lld Elizabe th an~ Mary Dl.!ke. Et~el ful ~~eid~~t~~ed~':h~~~ekab~ and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Vlotor Bonean Mt. EraD.k BaJlult,on, or 'inoin~~li Lnst Wedne day evenin g, Miss some'a rtlcle bearmg on the h tOPICS; Ch,i~u;e~hG ~elmE L'th, Aner aD extend ed trip Mr !luti natl, W~IO work li b one of ing and breakin g a rib She was a&l.t he (Jow Dortt EIJi r~('eivecl a m'el8og e from Our young istersH elen Marlat t and S~. J~hneandrBI:~h Co~'n~f~' e en ready . store!', III bere for his vllod.1 n, ..u ,ra. 'w IirW I(lik WI' II b e /I..• b'oUle, a bad cripple ahd great sui· , te Janney each favored us . 'olumbul:! Il.nnoun oing tbe flLot that Jeanet M r. d M S . after Au"u I 1, Rt, :l3~ King !\venu an rs. t.,Jo h n,o f Lebano n , ferel' . Mrs. Lutber ellers, of DIl.Vt(lll, ab bttd been Ilppointe!,i t.o th" pusi. WIth a, song. , came ' on Saturd who hilS btl(m the gu t of relativ es 'tion of lin lnsp otnr of evening to the WorkShOpf! A letter from Della Foster was home of Mr. and ay Caes ars Creek . - ' - - -Mrs. R. V.. St. John bere, returne d h ome IORt week. lind Enotori ea. On 'I'bllrsd~y ' the read expres sing her apprec iation of of this pla~e 'and remain ed until Mrs , Evn, Jones I4nd ' dllught er, new" \vo'!! further cQnfirm , g ed by a the .resolu tions passed by the W. I. O. O.•\ SU;day evenln . Miss hll ve lIeeu guests of lettaf fruUI Mr. Morgon . . Miss Goldie Keiter. of near Columd , , hellS of T U ('oncer nlng her mother , The Chhal'les Khpmg er bus, was th~ of her uncle 'her' c:hl'ldren have done the ·rune. Danad tCo'nl ren,ME:d' DlIyton ' rehlt.! vet! 3100e Frlu~y ev n- I thllt depllrtmeu~ , ooo&:r'~ S' ltd ' and. ~tarold, 'tOhf Isaac Lytle and'guest tu l oting ot' other relative s last . Deco rate the Grave s of De- ing. y . • we re un ay VISI Qrs WI week her t11'0n tbe l~ppointl1l~nt Flower Mission coming thit> month, Mr. and M'I·S. W. F. Clark and M.I'. and ·Mrs . D. ·S. Booke tt Il.ud family. " M' Ell I , I ed we observe d it this day also , bymak ceased Broth ers-On acoollu t of Memor ial service s .II~S . II! is to 1~ oongru tu lit Walter WIlson and ~aug~te~ Ohv,e, ing aftel' the meetin g. 35 boquets thel'~ will be no League nextSu nday spent last.Wedne sday In Mr . lind Mrs. U. M. White IIt,tende d upon her !tood IUl'k, as atl , It not only . b h U . Large Turn out d evenm g But Qn the next Sunday K. P. Memorl,,1 service tit SprJng . o'nries witb o.leoum era,tlVe John Wilson and daught er attend s'Illiry , f~om, flowers i'~ ... en yt e mo~an let all membeJ'l> ' bClro Snuduy . come, as 'import ant ed the Boxwel l comme ncemen t exer: bnt it it< Il grea.t b Ollor The re wo\'e .dlstrlb uted them to the shut-m. s of measur s are t b conside red at cises at Wayne . ", . syille Friday evenin g. ards ll11nollooiog the coming elget IItdiee in the state l' ceiving town ~any we re t?e ex~ressl~ns that meetin g. D~lfiog It hltht lll'l:t't hllg fltiU the lIlllrrlllgtl o.f 1'111', 8d: l:iathllwllS to ! this James Burge!ilS and bl'ide. of Mt. appolu tment, 'I'he slllary is of sur prtse and gratitu de In bemg Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Johns and on St~rling, visited . her sister, t. ~.. O. F.. lodge went t 'll the oome- MillS A. HtI<rner. 'of near LllIlA Ohio. Mrs. 1 !IH,20U per Y Ill' JllIll expens es . thus remem~ert;d, . tory Snndny IInll d oorllt.ed t,be 111'0 jnst, onto . ~~~ j~~~~ ;t~~d~~fe~~·inand. Mrs. Qumcy GOIlS, last week. . Mi~s Ellis is widely known ~ter an JI1VltatlOn bav~ng been graves of tlleir ueceli~ud Urotber s. Two . • ~. AI d . Robert Stanley and Wm. Compto n d f throug hout the Ktllto nnd hilS held receIVed to attend the Greene coun- al ma~~ th~1190b . ridiliat .mg class we re Sunday &,uests Notwit hstand ing tbe 1.1IId w8l\th'~ r II nr.. eXt~nl elr uu I 1I:1il.Y rA hi"b IJO"ltiOn'S 10 tb~ 'l~t8te 'Orang e ty of Zimri Haines . Conven tion to be held in ' Spring ~~nities I~~d ~~l:rsedo sch~gi tnl'nec, to t Ie r lome n ",lidl~ Jast, " large orowd wus prel!ellt., .lnLl tbe 'r . °aPt PtOhl'e- Pres Albert J Brown of Wi!' d , I f h 0h . d 11th . tlml bul' b en tin T11. notive · ·· worker in Va . ley, " e 1 t an .•••• whole afi'air WO!! SUOOe8~ rlll. .\ . ' Lebano n un\ver~lIty, on last Monda y. mlllgt.o hurs "Y, ~ tor 1\ pleason t, VI it With tho W , C. ' '1', U , I r muuy. n, WIll be aj. thIS place on the ' years It w:as a -1arge, live coneenti~n 'f~ey ar ..Miss Lola ol'l1ell At ~wo o'olook the ' ludge fOl'med reltltl VAS hue. and Ml'. 28th; ]n t~e mornin g ~e 'I'h w,ill G preach ' t . ' ttl! b We I'ecei\'{l d new though ts and m- Harry Glah am . io line Ilnd heudacl by tit Spring P e ople in Oorwio (11m lellve t,h8lf f '. , . Ilzet e J9ltmllWt' ' and m the .afte~noon wlll gIve an ac, . . " or wany spiration~ . ' '/ere much interes ted I rleUC,1I In congru n II iUl~ ller Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward attende d. cboudnt ,of ,hrs trtl P t°tteEurdope'd upon ' .. .. . Valley baod, lItftrttld f(lJ' the oeme work witb Kilbon rind it . IEbvf!~Y tl " t " will be tLt _ t. bl a tine appotll tnillnt ring in "How to " " .,. " . oi l' County Op- oh10cwd~~~~~mU~iv:~:i~~si: t h . 0 y ItIVlted 0 a n an tery . The',e' I'fere IIbout 75 Odd- tendetl to every WedneF , a : : their baskets well filled. D d.a,V by j la ' ... _... tinn Vic:lo; i " ;, ' I, 'r n led ' fellows in line. ware last week. They wer~ especia l' ~Ifflln~" the wlltcb muker, Robert Bogan and wife visited a I F irs t '.'y., II .. . " I , ' . IH;; ' It (ian Iy interes ted ill' the grad uabpn At ·tbecEmetbrv thebun dopen ed of brothe r near Kingm an on Saturd ay. ESf.her MBY,t he infant daught er I UNFO RTUN ATE Du," R l', :'-;\,l1cstE vnns,. Xc ... the ceremo nle by pla!illg II pIece, of MI'. MDd Mrs , Freu ,Mr.Ferre~with.whom they cherish Mrs. Charles Shephe rd is still quite Hender sQn, 1 ' enond. " What Busme ss ?II n ,i warm. friends hIp. ' . land the 'Harmo nio qUllrte t sltQg a wlla bltptlse d Ilt St. MIlTYS sick. SnndnY ' 1 .' Do, " MI'R, L . M. Garfiel d, Xe· 'i St;vela l from th~s vlll.age attende d . Death of Valua IiCna, after whloh Ule spellke r .ofthe Rev. J, F, Cadwa ble H o rCan -~ . -- - - -s e ' lader uffioiat mg, I the Ice-crea m SOCIal glyen by Isaac . Ilia. . day waf,4in~roduoed ...:Mr. L. E Speer, Qosent hal in }<'ert'y lust ' Saturd ay Mr. Fre" 'Ollekey oame. borne from \ Qrego n,i a. Woun d Itself to It's . Thit·d. " What t he Farme r Gan evening . ot Dllvton , who !loh,velled lUI Odd- (Jolum bus lilst Wedne l'duy He Is Ueath Do," Arthur Wright , Alplia. fellow IIplleub, dttl.r whloh the mtlUl- \ here onry for a short ti;I!~, • • • Miss Mary Sherwo od has been ali , he , Fourth ' "What the Anti-Sa loon bers prooeed ed to·deco ruta the grll ves will retllrn ulld go to work spendin g the week in Columb us, the Ilt 'lis League Can Do," Frank Dean, Xenia. guest of Mr, George Motts and wife. t.:!peoi~1 mantio n most be given to ohoseD profess ion . , Sprin g. Branc h. UllltlilatnrdllY Ernest Butter ""ortb Viola D. Roman s, ational Lectu!' -. the Harmo nia qUlLrta~ lIS It' wa!! b e Horace Jeffel'Y, of Iowa, is visiting MI'st! l.)or w ""III.'" . , I~n.t Oharle s Gra-y ""eni to the Tele- er and State Corres onding Secreta Ber~ Marlat t , and faWily of Mt. r elatives • and friends here, ' '" a WIIS III I:lprlng finest the people bere bave heard V ~Uey . lust Friday ' Ilttendi h:MiII t ' d Holly, ' fi h were ' guests of ~ank Dakin ng tlt8J gnp , II .0 enJoy a. ay s II lug , I'y gave. a olear and forcibl e _a ddress, and family last Sunday for along tll.Oe . Misses Mabel 'S herwoo d, and Edn~ W'0 T U I Sb After arrivin g 00 the ground s tbey "Are Saloon Taxes a Financi . Misses 'Alice Chenow eth and ' Ber~ Spe~ce.r- will leave Wedhes al Bene. . , : rueet ng. 8 rep~rtA hitohed t.heir hor8e ~nd proceed ed d~Y" for fit," showin g clearly th~y were not. tha Smith enterta ined Mrs. Clara LOulsv a. very spirIted aDd helpful mcetl'rlg, t llle, Ky .• they wlll at- , -h em sel e I • .. , 0 en'j oy. v II. Hughs of Dayton oit last Sunday ev- t~nd the Interna tional S. S. conven Press Report er ' :vltb B. large attenda noe . all p,robllbilit,~ the horse be_ _ __ __ -ening. ' SUDD EN DEAT H . , tion.. . . . Tho people of , Harvey sburg WIll enole uneasy . liS the 111e8 were very Jonath an McCray and daught er. . Quite Ii numbe gf young TOR have a oha,nee to bave theIr w'ltohB 8\bad. liud kept wl1lkiog people Charlo tte, were very pleasan tly en- from here attende d,r the arouncl t hu OLD COND UC surpriS e parDr. Samue l J{1'ohen 'dled In th!, rePl'lre d ·in tettain ed by H. C. Dakil\ and family ty on MYl't1!! Kibler $atu.r day night. 8~~pe by sendiog tree until it wonnd Itself to ,deatb. olBoe of a friend Ilist week in 1ilal:!t them to Colem an. stove on Friday , store, 88 When tbe boyS Uame baok they The C~ E. Society will give Charle s Brose f~r man.y ~ear~ a thLgltiaw Mlob. Be had tlot ' beeo Titlauy the wlltob· maker Mrs. James Chenl?weth and chil~ Cl'eam supper on ,the evenin an ice w.I1I bt> tonnd borse defld g gf the conduc tor on the Little MiamI l'all- drrn spent Sunday Wlth her daught er second of July. alltng a~d hi. death came very aud tber.& every Wedne sday. ~1l work . Mr . Bq.tter wortb waa offered road. died in Cin~'l!.n~ti, 'Tuesd,a y Mrs. Anna Lucas of Mt. Holly .. dent)" Bnd noexpe cted. . Mr:. Frank Cleave r and wife enIguarfto teed. . . 11200 for the annlma l a abort. time mornin g· of tubercu losls. The body Thos,..Hess'an d daught er, . MattIe, tertam ed ~ numbe r ~f youn~ . Dr. Kltcbe n WIl8 marrie d April 111' . 'l'be I(ne8*8 whom U g!lve ~ple Mr. and ago, and as it was so gentle aDy lady will arrive Thursd ay mornin g on the are kt:pmg house .for Walter Hess at a surprU5e party In honor of their 1872. to ltlary E. MlLcy. o~ t~18 ooun- MR. 9. L. Oartwrigh~mu oh plellsnr e oould manag e it. It walt a very valu 9:54 h·ail'1 and will be taken direct- and ar X~m~. . ' . son~ Walter . Mond~ evening . '1. ~Dd ahe with" daught 6rsurv ive to enterta in on Monda y, •. f b . I Death hasaga m VISited our mldat were Mr. able ..nlmal. · Mr. and Mrs, Will Kel1ley spent Iy to· MiamI c~~etery or urla. him. Be was well koowo hllre by , :lnd Mrs. HftDey. ' of Morrow and taken J, Chenow eth. Sunday with Granvi lle Ferria. ;lIr, .. • I18veral ~rR()n.. ' and Mr•. Horace Stoke. and Mr. A preciou s one from us is gone · The busineS s meetlnJ r of the C. E. CHILDRENS DAY De wu active io St. 'Mary'a bOI and I~rs. LudlulD . of Lebano A voice we loved 80 well is stilled: Society. was beld at the-bom F P., SPEA KER n; Mr. e of Miss A ~!ace is vacant in our home piialtD that elly, aDd Waa a180 II and Mrs Iilarhar t.and Hr Mabel Sherwo od Saturd ar ~. .• n~ II",. chadf t Dlembe r of G. A. R. P08t DeIlbaD t,of i'rankl la ;-8ey. Which never can be fllled.~ . t 1:1 Sunday aDd Mn . ~t Ib" M. III ubnroh next t;otiday . 1'0.38 Be wal a IUI'Ileon ill Oadwa111Lt1er, Kist" Memt& F. Spioer, Dayton , will God in his wilCiom . lin. tbeobl ldreo of t.he obll1'Oh have IIuoD. ••" ""'luH erad \he leo. Id~U41l'at the K. of P. MemThe Ropn aad 111'. tad lin. tIlelr aad ... exteDa i'fe pl'Cltpllml - - ....v "y .
at Trini ty Chur ch.
( 1ill l\ln llll t i
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! In
::.. ..!li. . . .
lb. ;~.~".Jp'0l~ :
The Miami Gazette
Imlat nMWy. Elijah hact tbs, th. SLAUG t1TER AT SUNKE N ~OAD. tI me bad no!. ~. t come wbtl'1 t'he word or Ihe Lord l\~n8 to be fulfilled by the D. L. CRANE, The Battl e of AntIeta m as Seen From u,Oolnlln g or J hu. I neide the Confed erate Linea. Hilt when thlt wl('k!'d, .Inlqllito ll' 011£0 rei&!! ot t wo ~' enTl hud end e~d In I he ('IIIII' l e~ Ii. ~h' !'I' botl' Ijf . i': ,·ollijvilJe, Want.... nd Proph •• Sh .... In the F .... l{:nonlinlollJl death of Ahl.zlnh II~ tho of lb. Dj.i... P ..... A Great Bridge. Inll ., lin old ~ol(J1 l r , IVl'lIo?s to th!! relllllt of his fall during .. drun kl?lI rev· ~lIllolla l 'l'1'IUlllle Illl IlIt!'1' .sllnA' IHI' 'JIbe la"t stone baa be.,n lalf! In the elry, :lnd .Jornm. uno,her ~Oll uf A1111b,. S.'TORY BY THE "HIGHW AY AND cUlln!. of hllj \'I Qw or \lurt 'of Ih\' bllt· cons tr u tlon of a brl(lge which lUld rOln e to the lhroill! "'(Ihollt aI'" ByWA ..... PREAC;H ER l1ll of Anll tam, wil!. ~Rt' cl Ill't,' r h e IIllllarpn t oppOsit ion. Elijah bad lodeelt. ,I elllhl f! to take rank os one ot hud b toll ('lIlll lll'eG by Ihlo' "ClU I'"d" ". be 'n dl ~Rp polntl!d . the gr nt. 'L of Its kind In th e world. u tt!~. He l$BYC: TH~ BLACK REGIM eNT, It was th n thlll he hnd IlIpr I ~ ~ n TJJ6 brlllg Is o\'er lhe Conm'c tlcut 8c:lriptu re Aut borlty-- 2 Klugs, chap· EI IMhll ot t.he orulD l s~lo n (;ut! ha<! 'rh e polllt I ""sire 10 mak t' Is Ih e rlv or at u'orlfor d. "Ith its approac h· rnlr. f t) lIowlulII J11)(> "\ WUfoC WI' IU iI ,\ 'by Ilm~ Ri chnnillou·. · d"'I" lolI w.' nt Int I' \llld upon 11111'1 to anoin t J e ll:. klog es It look nearly three yeun to build ter 9, over lHl' R · 1;' and only IL f(' w t;hort G f!orJ.;" II. H uk "l" . \.N U. trlhul t· to tl t ...\ lJ no n 1c usslst G 11'. Ii'\·er,ch. I w l l ~ " ou r ugt' nnl'l ~f' l"\' hl(l" rlHHlt ' .'t," a pd cost abont $3,QOO,OOO. It Is com· hy t h.· ordll l'IY we kt! uft r Ihat he bal! been sr.Jltchod 'J' nl ,.1' ttl r' I R"lru~· lil. L' nl1"tl S ·!I('!l'geun t. .On I he l1Int'l1ll1l1 ot ta tp.H l! 1ore" pOlled of nine spans ha" lng moxlmu m ~e p t(,Olb I' 17, .1802 , I WII 8 f.\l vllllllg th ... ·trom H'nO J )~ 1 ot P t erR lnl1'g . 1 earth to h l' l\' n . And e Vt'r sille SERMO NETTE , cllmensl on. of a renoh ot 119 feet and that. hour 1!lll sha had bef'n w:tlchln g l'/llluml ot tIle rOll1ll1lny whe n the urdel' fJa I' k :t~ I hfo ' lit'll ..l .!!' ot .... V f ... . .. clear height of arcb of "'8 fe et. and Intenlly the course or "''' l\1. ~· '! o Ill' !lIven to frtil III tu IIIO V(' to Ille H llnk r lt In lJi~ '\' ,· ~ t ~ .' n h t:'h\' n, Elis ha, In the anointin g of Is 82 fe4l t wide 'and has a total le ngth rae], (,0]18010IlS 'ot I he Holelt, " r . rlgllt . Tho tll 'B t II lit lIant, comllllllld· ,,'RH III I;' the Io" ('nlll t hut IIft3 J ehu, carrlrd ~t the commis · A U lht; l rt'nd IlI lt"H H Ul ! (Trlns , or ],192.6 reet~ 'The fOlllous Londqn p nslblllty whl h Elijah )'Ia\l J1 1, t!pd IlIg !'ho 'ornpany , orde red m to re ma in si on which had been given to 'r rn1>~ ~ t uml fu llh.)( I,rund IIlll) n him or fultlllln g Ihe co n: lTI \'\~lon hi lb., rl',II·. suyillg: "'I'hls I ~ lhe SE'C" bridge. W~lch has hit h . rto ranked fI.ret Elijah over 20 yeare before. O 'er u. rultl II lunL1 :' io lllloint J ehu king ovel' Is r ~"1. B~\l ond lim I. hOj ordel' d you to I·... · arnong stone' bridges . Is but Gli teet tlo. ~ 1111 " nd <l I" j,-,·I),. Thul are we reminde d that nR he hlld walled through Ih e )"'8 1~ mnln fru l1l tit cOllllluny unlll ymu ' [e(' t Arm to UI'Jl1. ,kl1 tan 1(\ It n ee, wide. 1.006 feet long ami l)as nV6 . God'. planl elCtend beyond the ' W l\ltlng thu grl!t1l t'''~ IU , I It r ha d corn e no word or etgn from gl't wl:ll. " .\l y reet wel'e ' badly I! \Volle ll , life.lpan of anyon e man . and ..r(\hes. ~Ith a longest span of 152 StuIIlI" the Bh' uk H"'I1I"",nl . God, nnd bl8 s plt-ll was EOl'e ,'e :,; d Aft r K imball's bri gade ot Fren oh's we allo find Illustrat ion of the feet and 11 ma:dmuIU rls . of arch ot by til cl lay. ']'h dl" ls lon hil(I moved tOI'ward J saw n n had come I own the I h l! lo nl{ II ... ky word. lin 'o f Jesul: " I nnt you to 27.5 feeL The Conn ctlcut brld&e, ''''ar wltb S)TI8. and the well-:\ lgb mol'· "1'''1., ,11 Iodi'II Ui un tl f' •...h ans Hill ne: heavy hattery III Cront lhat wa s 11 I' e· reap that whereo n ye bei ' t owed asYB a8slel"8 Magazin e, I. not ro.A ltd ' he b1'l,;lat ml)'oll ' t. tal woundi ng of KIng Jor nlll . Thl'L Iy t' n~lI ;:ed . I ",tint th e r 10 IIm'e no labor ; other n:ten labored . BrlKllillg '\IItI IIr,ol), I. marksb le for Its length of span. for h:lIshll. had 8ald : I!oo<i ,'I w of blltl ery ~od" uon a fte r and ye lfJ ashed are w entered ith "" IJII"P O~(' "..,." nil. Into tbere are several s ono brldge8 ",Itb ":-.'ow Is t he time ('orne when .J')hu tb ~ bat II LOllg ('r,' tit , !'IUHIJ f' o mn lUruJ, Oil nell by Seligwlt:l( Ilnt! their laboMl." Paul was con· " , 11(- ti c-I'l'e r QII lng thu m Ilhull be anoint d kin g oyer ra rael. 11 1111 a span of more tban 200 . teet, but hi s right. The CIl'Il s h of tbo InfanllT Iclou! of how the Divine tran· T 11l l iJ .' r-n tl lt.-I!' ll n l' ha ll (' I HIlf', the judb"1nent of God \\'111 fall upo n lhe IIncl Ih e 1'1I111101l'S 1'0111' marIe !< uch II these Bro gen rally naTl'ow one'~lJan Iceneted the human when he T ClItJ 1h "lIl \\'I\ :U W (1 I" \\'11:1 ~e nt wic ked ' hou se of Abab," din thllt I hound Ull Ul~' r· t fill ue,;l I Itructur es. a8. tor Instance . the' abln Fur HI''''I 1'\",::11"" 111 . "rote to the believer s at Cor· In obedien cOIII,1 lind follow ed Freu ch'" ui~ lslon. ce 10 lbls rOl'wlctl n, 10bn reek bridge. carryin g the Wash· (nth : "I have planted , Apollo. "Now, " t h t, l lr tL\' , o ltlu ., 1 c rh·d. Elisha 118d hast encd to RaDlOI h·GlINIII I rUlIlILI my I'('gllll nl. the f'OUI'Ie\"lIl h watered ; but God gave the In. fng1 on aQlledurt, which has a sllan of "·Thou ,.;: tl d.' u til Hlui h l ~ ll b t Id ~. uud was tbere wben Jehu and '.bo:Indluna . on I he exl.rc m left of (: en. L"t crease. l bl whul So f' then NUlton ne ither II he Sc 2!O feet and a width ot but :!O feet. oih r captalu 1-'1' s nell's lin. • moving forwul·lI . lig ht· or Isra l ( Y I's U H Ilrmy Ul't t nt t o 1'& lw that planteth any' thing, neither Neither Is It lbe long st bridge, for f " r'~ ," III 'his lu nd , or h lH llhl turned. Day art r day be bad wnll. iUl;. at th e ROlllett ' hUllse. he that wateret h; but God that U n ", ,, 11k.) til whln l",: hour..] . there Is the Congl ton vltulllct . In ed. moment arily expe Ung the Mntb \\'11('11 Ilopn b}' illY 01"1 II lit ' lI:l.nt hel giveth the Increa.e ." BUlIn.1 willi ,'..(1 'HrtJ)PH or pn l .. England , which has 41 arcl es and Is ot ]{Ing Jo ram. aud \ he, arrival of lh J n Y'I'lt' (1111 dlUl nH ugnl n !'. ort! r "111 to go uack. I lUO It . d tn .God reveals hi. plan. only to " .870 teet long and 25 (eet wide, AI· fl lISplcioUB momen t when God's wClrd. h . Wlll, t n !'<ih(J\ll tlwre w e nt Lhe Ollllrt'ss ioll. to lh' left. Illld tol · those of hi. Hrvant s who In F roln I II Bill 'k 1:"l; ln1,:·nl. would come to hIm to IInoln.t Jehu. thougb the Hartfor d bridge Is one o. l"wp.1 It to h yo nd th SUllk(' 1I fl ollt\. April ).., Uut, roftB""" p&IIMd • I. ... x'\-I nll &11 ~t do.~ faith and patienc e oar, walt God'. li t UI"'II Wartlf)l dlt!nI ba"lng tada., ,, " -OIJo rabl" lIen-h-., Bul .)oram. to UI s ,!rprlse o~ el'er the Widest bridges, It Is not any (lnll • peu. l ()u or . lC h n,·g~~ " Trump fi n\! drum t ime of fulfillm ent. tKt pe r month .. Wrltll u. ft,ir j»(,HI'" KTINU 'I'UN /I< WIL8<>N. Ail..... Wdbln"LuD 011 , gr w Illronge r and was , Ona)Jy On wtll " t Ol e b~lndllll -" n lJI'6 )( . 1).0.. feature that stamps It great, but . The wicked hou.e of Ahab. Bn yun lun d s nbt' l' , !ilro tc o able to. go to J ezreel to regain bls ,ummar y or size of arch, ot length and that wlokede at of wicked KNEW WHAT THE. JOB MEANT. '"" Inll" ol)Poseil I h ~l r ,·uNh. full 11eallb and "Igor, ond at last, and breadth , combin ed with Ittl per TI"'o lll<h III women, Jezebel , the wife of wll(1 h(,1I1'8 (·ru sh. ns we. have saId, ~Il!lha hall lett Ra· ",Vl th bu t (-no l h UKI! t u lhlMli. Ahab, muat have been a grlev. tecUon of structu re and symmet ry 0 AJl9.;"Y Citizen Put Ordeal Up to Sl re'd ' moth·G llead tor home. dlsa tilPolute d DI'lI'lng Ih.·lr l o rd ~ 11k" ,·hntf. ou. trial to the prophet £lIlha, outline, that makes plain the claim o. I n 1htt guru.' ulou th K U1P~r laugh; ear e~mpany. Ilud perplex ed. , 'It mu.t n.ave taken a vaat r U I I he' ~ lI p pe ry II I'll 1\l1~, auperlo rlty. 'rhen what a struggl e ellsue~1 In tbe r 'lIpIJl J;1 wll h 0 1)(\" han Op. amount of the grlce of "od. and Not long ago there entered tbe tIIreo heart' of the prophet . Impat1e l~ ce and Down th ey l ed t' mun und horsf"_ of faith to have wlilted lhrough or lhe superin tendent of a trolley linDDown In th(:lr IIWfll1 ,'ourHe; 'doubt ~ve tor toe rp!iBte ry. and It wall reporte d last week In lhe tho.. long y.ara .for the eom· In Deiroit an angry oltlzen. demand .. T" u mllllng w JlIl b lonOl' heel teverlsh ly the prophet watched events Curren t Events column that th~ Uni Over I ll(' era~llln g .. tp ~ l , Ing of the rlghteo u. judg. tUg "justlce " In no uncerta la l>l rm s , . at- Jezrce l and at Ramotb ·GlIea.d. Tbe ted S~tes consul In Harbin. Manchu All tla·lr 1,' ) ' (" (orwnl'd );J4i~nt . ment of God upon .ueh wicked· 10 I'espons e to tbe Qtnclal' s ge ntle' reuorts ' trom tho former place were lt u ~ l,e d (II .. B1acl< R .. glmenl. ria; bad refused to reoognl ze tho presl nel', How often perhap. duro In'lull'), touchin g tbe (',allse of the dethat Joram W&ll fast recove ring from dent of the municip al counc.1I In that Ing thoite yearl the Impatie nt mand, the angry c1Uzen . esplnlnp d' " FN ~" olll:" \h" lr battl e cry,' biB wounds . Ilnd tbe fact t.bat A.hazlah·. "17'rl·edo ,n or 1 UVf'! to di et-db, on the lJ'(lund that the , preslde nl Impulse mUlt tbat on tho day previou s ss his Wife· ha"e ,elzed klllg ot JUdah. went down to Je~free l to AI .. hnt! they meru,t the wor/l EII'ha to go to Jellu and tell ,.' ns boordlll g one ot the company '. l'fVas appoint ed by RusslL .HIII acUon vIsit Joram Indicate d a contlnUl~tlon N ot 06 wI t h '"i ·tls h c ol·tI. him of God', plan for him, so cara, tbe conduct or thoreof . hlld bas precipIt ated a dIscuss ion In th( Not R mere party 1I1I0UI : or the 1Ll1lance betwe'UI the two kings The y guve th Ir ~ plrt b, 0111; , that It 'would hasten hie effort. stClPped on hi' s pouse' dr!lss, tearing: foreign omces of the world Of. th.{ whlcb would strength en the hands ot Trusted the .md to Ootl, to aelze the klng:lom , But a, from It more tban a yard ot mat rial. both. ~pen'lloo r QuesUO!l In CblDa. Accord . .... nd . n the gory 8od. often would come the con· ' , "1 can't see tbat -we are to bl me R dllpd In trlumrllu l\I hlood: King Joram at Jezreel II.lso n~ceh'bd tng td the ~aty ot Portilmou~b, boUr aclou.n e •• that man muat wilt ' for t.hal." proteste d, th supeJilnte n<l nt. G IRd 10 s lrlk n e C r rblO W , reports from Ramotb -GlIead wblch Russia and Japan. al!:reed to eVlLCul1te Wlll!th e r tor \v;:' o l or WlW : the' fullne'l of God'. time, and "What do you expect us to do. ee t he r we re favorab le; hla captain s to all outGlnd to br olh!' onti tree brelLtll, Manchu ria. _"Ins- the provinc e to the that to attemp t to force the a new dresl !" ward 1'h!'ugh appeara on nces til remaini tip" DC den ng th, Jell/a I to VlilneJje. The 4merlc d conliul I. 1lChand of God, a. one might lay; "No. si r, I do not." rejOined tbl:! Prnylng, 0.108 In vain. him. ' In ~redlted to China, -and refuse8 to rec· angry cll l~e n, brnndls hlng a pi lOe (If . would b. to Invite not only fail, . 'm essages fact they had sent repelltE d That, lh . ~, mig ITt rlae "IrO-In to the king wishIng him a So th y coul(] once mOre see cloth. .. " hat I propose I. th at YOt~ ure. but Ihame and di.honlJ r, ognlze any othe~ governm ental. author. full re~"ery and a .peedy return to Tllllt IIghl rOI' liberty! p Ollie ebalJ match tblll materi \."No, the prophet mu.t patl.ntl y Ity. The RhslJan Il bave not with· , 1'11111 Is whRt "(l'(I(!dom " lent Ramot h-Gllead. True, there Wall .mol· bide ·God'. time, He mull walt Harper 's Weekly. To th ~ Hlnc\( ReaJ m ~nt . • drawn, neltOOr bave ilie Japanea e. and derlng In the breast of eac ~ <.:npl.41tl. through the years and .Iowly 1& new goveml nent for Harbin WIUI When Half Way Up I Was Fired at tho klng's hosts the 1I1'es ..r d18· H,i,,,j, da ' 0 0 hundr · dl! fell, but lurely ·.ee the ' wlckedn e .. 'lately arrange d In IUch a way ' all to lo~al ty , but each ",'as rea~tul to show From My Front. B\l1 th ~)' ur ' r"~ tln&' "" II ; of the . hou •• of Ahab come '0 S ~UI'K"l! unct .. hu"kles .. trong bls hand a.n d be tbe 1Ir~ t to talke lhe to . Russia tbe control, But tbe Itt full fruition . 'N 'lvtlr shUll ,to them wrong. About 100 yard. up ·the r,1 e o[ ground Persecu tion, step of revol t. And wblle 4lach Americ an consul, acUng' under Cn· t' rnP llnlon8. be just and troll' : . trial. famine lind 'the pe.tllen ce · J saw II. tree tbat had a busb y top that profess ed loyalty to ilie king Oh. to and the sent ""lng tew .tructlo n, ' from home, ' insist, that of w.r muat be endured . With T 'thought was' just tbe place for me Hall (\, m II,. "omru.lle s Irl_d. messag es to the kIng at JeZTeel, each ' RussIa IuU! no more right ilion Amerl· . the Psalmil t, ,EII,ha could say; SlIllIl'I wIth th ~ m ..Ido' Ill' s id.·; to Bee '" good portlon of tbe battle was watchin g for tbe' opportu nity N v ,. h, fie ld or lent ca 'v r Rranee or German y to name "I had fainted, un.le,. I ha~ be, fronl. When I neared the tree I Wal which would ctve him the balance oC Sh llll III I:Ih," k 1UIIII)I en\. lIeved to· lee the goodne .. of · muniCIpal omcera In Harbl'll. It evl· fired on from tbe woods In ' m)' rear : pOVler . . . the Lord In the land of the IIv. r hurriedl y began climbin g a ,feuee ; clent that U,ie go,;ernm ent in - Waab· , :Ehua matters stood "'ben ElIsltll!. bad AN INCIDE NT OF THE WAR . Il'Ig." But at I..t-there. I. ~I. wllen halt way up I was fired ILt from t'hgtoll. expects both Japan and RUBsla visited Ramotb-Gt18ad with' tbe bur· way • . an at .I .. my f~ont . where lay nearly 20 con· t wlt~ the Lord to keep tbelr word given ali Portsden of desire to tulftl! Ills commls illon, Johnny and Yank Spend a Sociabl e fede rates, just over 'the fence. '1 -the .t lme com.. when God but a. be had waited there bad COrml .ur· mouth. If Ita expecta tion espress ed Half Hour Togethe r. Ipeakl and the pro!:,het act •. rendere d, "you ~et. · ' By t.hls · tlrue no word (rom God and at 'last he bad with Bumcte nt empbali ll, tt Is likely 'then ,. t!:lat fulfllled concern ing ij:lmbal l's brigade had driven ~he enedeparte d from Ramoth ·Qllead, that the rl&hta of' Oblna wll1 be con· I was on one of the outpost s In tront my. to the Sunken Road, which God had Ipoken '0 many; wbere thllra .. And wbat of Jehu during theBe days 7 of· Sherida n 'on the OpeQuan one slderab ly advanc ed and tbe frlendsb lp many yea"" before, and the war· after· was fierce tlghtlng . We were not lliO I. While no hint hM.d ever come to him noon between the Chinese and the .merl· when it begu n to rain, says an yardll In front ,and a little to rlor Jehu who '9 unconlClOUlly of the Divine word which bad been unlcnow t be 'n writer. Tbere was a sort qf lett. ,:IUl' more firmly cement ed , ~ad been growing and develop.. . . spoken concern hlg blm there bad lull JUllt thEm In army matterB in the Ing through the yea,.. to flt Into Tbe comma nder moved 1·0 wbere he ~rown up within hlpt an Irresl8t1ble "Dear me! wbat au awful tootbac hevalle)', and It was tacitly underat ood could see the fighting , there God'. plan" .udde"l y flathe. ambItio n to rule over 'the nation. beinr: a 10U mUlt h'aye!" An Amerli ali play ' runnlna : Ia Lon· be ~w~ n . opposIn g pickets- that there rise forth a, th., av.ngln g hand of of ground between .u s.' ' In 30 "B.ut," old he to blmaelt , ' tor he Kid (ililckly )-:-T(lo thache Duthln'! .:Ion baa to be aoeomp anleiJ by a God', Judg""e nt upon the dared not trust his conl1de ncel t,~ any IIbbttld be no firing. M)' post was minutes . wblch seemed to me hour" I aln't got poekllt8 In dis suit ofi clouary tn Qrder flo «tve the English ' IInder . wicked, a dead tree. \YitJ! a screen of b e turned and sold to hlB me.n : " I see clothes, maD. "It this thing I. to be It mUll. an' have to carry me baSeball ' .udl~nc~ the , proper tip lIS to the bushes In front. HavIng Jahu .howed . a eomm,n dable no )lOncho to a Une at men coming be because God Is In It. and ) mUllt throngh tbe corn· lu O1e mouth! . meanin g of 'man' (If tbe W1tamllIar lIe'a l In beha" of moral and reo wait for him to open up the way. ,I keep me dry, alld kilowln g tbat the tleld; ttiem devils will have to glt reller 'wo"ld not term. ernllloy ed. 'l1IJ. I. IIC!) tunny come around 1I1110u. reform , fn I~rael, but In for over now!" Klmbllll'8 brigade .a1l\' ·them know th!! wlck,ed.n e,. of tho house of The Hlgho_t Reward , hI, persona l life and conduct he that'lt realiy adds tAil tobe humor I'lf the Ahab and I know the juogme nts which an hour yet, 1 advanc ed at "left ob· cornln~; every glln was loaded to reThe praises of men. ond all t'hat, foil Ihort of the meatur e or perform ance. But the Am I'lean dra· God has Bpoken against lhem by the lique" abollt 40 pace8 to a large tree. 'Celve them; wh ell the con(llde rateli gold olin gh'e. are not worthy to be ' wblch pi'omhle d she ller. I had stood got wlthln 76 yards God'. de.lre for him. ., do.. matist can plead a dlstlngul Bhed premouth of hi' prophet ." \.hey · ralsed th" named against right, living a.nd oalll with my back to the t runk (or 10.01' 16 yell and charged Into ma",), another ~odern day reo The preBenc tbe 8u.nken Road content ment, -Tuppe r. e of cedent. the prophet In R. minutes Several of the carefull y 'wllen I thought L be!lrd a and when rising to move out Of former. It I, recorde d of Jehu moth·Gl lead bad filled hIm full of ex· It they edited works of Shakesp eare are ful' that notwith 'tandlng hi. courTHE FIRST TASTE pectanc y. but w~e n ne ws was brought noille on thp other side. Pigs were were given a wltherlu g volley. The Dlsbed wJth .. .gIORSIlI·Y: Ana doubt· · often met wlt;b ageous and energeti C cru,ad. In the won<!s on our way t. hey dropped baok Into Ule Sunk· him that Elisha bad tlnalJy left . and ,less It t he Englllln audienc es 'Wollid front. and again.t the great evlle thst were as 1 turned and carefull y en Road was frightfu l. Learned to Drink Cqffee- When .. gone to bls own city bl' hopes Were · look the matier ill,. ili~ would ;tIml II 'cursing the land of ' leracl, he ' T.lU~ confede rate ,comDla nder then dash Cld to t.he ground, and he .s um· 'poked my heoO out from b~hlDd the Baby. large n1,Jm~r of the slang tenns In·. "took no ' heed to . walk In the 1D0f1;ed the oth ~ r captain s lhat t hey trunk, f flllly expecte d to see one. aald: "Om' men won' t make It. Them What law I of !lId the Lord God of . I.rael, . s ee. howeve r. wos .the fuce m,cn fight like demonB!'~ He eluded In t~ S,bakesp eu rean vocabu· If parents .reall.zed. the fact that' co l. might plan for tbe return of the king, asked with all hi, heart." It la a · lary. Tb~ baDpen s wb,en sO' "for... · .sald he, "'lhe king, Is IDllklng oC II nlan wilo had )loked his bead out what urlgade It wall ; T told blm , nnd tee conluln s a drug-ca ffelue-IVlt!c-!l., great thing to be Identlflell with called ,. Amerlc anls.IDIi" 1Ire InlCed~o good' recover y and Ahazlah , king of to Aee arouud on my s ide. The trunk requeat ed I hat I tJe .taken to the rear. Is dllt:Cll!lIy harm ~ul 10 chlldl:!lu; they a great reform. but how Lad at would ,Ioub leas besltate :1 betore ClvJudah, hath gone to vl,it blm a~ .Tez· was about three feet throu gh; and our ' which request was g)·anled . tbelr soilice. ' The Engllsb ' crLt.lclI the laat to be ,hut eut from races were pretty togethe r. J not OV8 1' 200 yards away ree!." 1ng the bablea coffee to drink. · , we met have 'falled to "cateb on" to tltj! ev.ol.u· a,noth. fellOWShip with the God whom "When J was a child In m y mother· s. "We are with t hee In t-hls lhlng." knew nt Orst g lan ce he was Ii '·John· el' lin e coming .to drive Ki mball'. brl· tlon ol. theIr own lan'KUIl~; . that·, all pOlltlon and ability h.. en. a . ~ade. and llle)" did ~ot sllcceed In arma nnd tlrst began to' nlbb hi .tb·l uglthey all exclaim ed wlt.h ono ace orll. ny : ' and he also knew . t~nt I abled one to serve. "Yatf\e" ' We Ipoked at each other for doing so. at· the tltble, mother used to gLvc rne· wh~n t hey bad come togethe r. I aut Mr. -4-squlthi the new Brltlllh lIre r bad been ' In Sharpsb urt; .omo, time IIlps or co ll'ee. As my Jllj.rents used'; scarce had. they begun tbelr meeting a .. mhllll , and tlien hecalml y Inquired : "That you. Yank?'" liller, was a lucl(:v ",find" bY·.Mr'. Glad·. wheu there burst abruptl y Into Ihelr wheu Rlchard son's dLvlslon came loto colfee exclusIVely at meals I n ever THE 'STORY . ;·Yes. 'i' hat YOll, .Johony ?" atone.. entered pal'lIanl ilnt - In midst a young man of. most unusual battle. lit lea",l ·one and a half hour. knew th ere was any~blng to drink but ::Thoug bt YOIl wns \togs." 1.886. A s1.n gle sp~ whlcll proMi1 81)peara nce, his manner anll L1r'eils be· afte.r Kimbal l's Ilrlgade . had been fight. cotree and ·water. . " So did I." "And so I con\rac ted the cntree. ha blt HE, prOJ)1Jet W1lsha retul'lIe d from tokenlll g that he belon ged · hIB po~er. as a, tl!d Mr. Glad· Ing · a.t l he Sunkell Road: When tbat to the !lon8 early . . I rem,e mber when (Julte .young • . """hat we ~'Ine to do nbout it ?" · splendI d 'dIvIsion began HamoUI·Gllead qlsappok1lell and of tbe prophet s. Every .('ye wus th:e11 atone, in 18t2, to olfer him tbe Impor· flght.l ng t here ":-Iothlng." was somethIng doing, and, of courae. the cbntlnu al use of oolfee ~o alfec\.e d' tant pOlilt of borne' JleCl'ela,·y. ' wlt~ a peIlJl p,:xed. lje lmll -gone thither unde r ~)on him. as .he exclaim ed: " "That . sult.s lO P.. t he Come .confide around nt expecta yere tion of anointin g coming In upon the liank ' of the SU/lk· my parentr. that they ' trIed 'roastl\1C "I have an errand to ~bee, 0 map. Hat In tbe cab!la~, &tt:bough ho! had on my dry spot." . taln." Jeb\! . k lng en o"er ' Road I he en~my was easily.. swellt wheat and bal'ley, tllen ground It In t he 18rael.' but no· word 1I0t ''previou sly h814 1L~ offtoe. He ra- had T move al'ound and we lIn.t do~'n. sslde. cotree·m lll, as '!)Ome fr'Oftl Qod IIlreclln g such nco substitu te for · colree• ' .Tehu felt the hot blood rush to his .malne(\ at the' bome "OtIIee until the lion. He hall "But It dId ~ot taste right and tbe,. _I,t;ed ImpnUe h tll' for head liS be · suddenl y ~ al'lz d that his and while we talked I watche d one The 200 lhat ] ra'n Into "" ere the only ROBebe ry governm eu.t · was defeate d In fle\'eral days looking for Di vi ne light call had come, but he manage d to blurt way aUI' he tbe other. · A:t the end ot troop!! [ saw · e xcept those we met wen t back to colfee agaI n·. That Willi' 18\16 ; was In the o'p~ltJo n ten years, three·llu llrt e rs ot an hoUl' we got UI) to wilen ] wos hiken long ,before Postum 'was ev\)r heard of! back. and tbey and , b itt no Divine messag out: "Unto wblch of coutlnu ed to .use collee un~1I1 was 27, all, seeing we be .go and he saId: and ha9 been cbancel lor of the e~· came,l~a.dlng and at. last be bad I'eturne de seemeti to Ilo mO,v lng for .the Sunke.n and when I·.got "Into omce work, I be"Recko n ron know yOU ' next Ume Road. and riot 'o~'er cheque r alnce Decemb er, 1985. He bome, aa ...e have II&Id. d'lssppo lnted all cllutaln s of the .li:lng'~ hOHt .... two ' regimen ts 40 rodB orr, aud I'll aim, high." h .. therefo re aerved but I1ve yearl and deeply perJllexed. .. "To thee, 0 cal)taln ." wllre .o rganlze d at HarrIsb urg to cope gall to have nervplIB spells. E~peclnHY' "50'1\ J.'" Yean! before 'lJ'llen Elijah was obollt ' And he went with blm, and tbree months In all all an omcer with Rlcllard llon's division . ·s o afte l' atter breakfa llt I was 110 nervol:'1 Ii anti whell: he . "Come over to my b'o use to be taken some tl'OlD day .... lt1m 'Ieavlng Into heaven he returne d ' the conscill usness tba t Ilbe the' fteld Gen. Hlll .must' have could .scarcel y a tten\! . to my , (:')I'l'e· of the CIOWD. To bave attaIned th. IIpomlence. . "Tliank s. !lnd you drop In ' on . me run troops In In )lOBI ~lon to meet chler place in the governm ent. by tWI» had laid the IIOIen111 charge upon him 8n\J\nll ng 011 trom God was upen bilm "~t 'nlght, after bavlng cOlfee f(l" wben you call '" to anoint J i!hll RIchard klug made oyer son him , Israel, and bO.ld It telling ' took ·tlme .to mo"e sllp'p er, to execute all that It .atePI, and In 10 ihort a time. II. aJ.. I could 'hardl)' IIlet'll. and. Oll: " ' e lllrned back to back and wallied so man'y men. him how the Lord~ spollen lo hIm w~.s God's purpose should be broul~ht a way •. eRch (lilly : tr;,.sUng the \ otlier. · moat unprece dented. rlBln&' In th~ mor~ln& Yo'ould feel wealil. In' the mounta in aud 'had told him that . to p888. _ _ _ _ _ _~ and nel~\'ouB, '.. lind h : was our 1IrJlt and last visit. A ~ .Jehu wos to IMicome idng In the room ' • How to :r.1t • Reataul':IIIJ:it. week ltiter. after . the batlle which "A: fr.l end persuad ed me' to. try Pos\DoubtUlS' the · next Braud ru.h to of Ahab. New Materia l fOf Wall •. Tbe man was enthultl a.t)c about II ilm,' My w.lte ·and I did not like ronted Early. I ' 811.W lhe P,Oor foUow ~luk~ will 00 caused /)y the report ' Itt At t.hat time Jebu was a mere youth Much compill'lnt hss alw8Ys been lying ' among ,t he. dead on· 'at ftrst, I)ut iater wben holled 800~ the dUlty 'restaur ant be bad discove red , tlIat· some one has Btruck a gll,sollne -promli ilng, to' be ·s ure. but oniy be. niade by occupan ts of bouse. In Cal. PerryvJl1e pike. "Bl!8l place I've eaten at In montbit .". and IItrong It w~ One. . Now " W.. well, for 'IOOn sOme ,miner Is likely to ginning bill l'&reer In the army-s nd tutta on account he saId. "'I!lverytbing ftr.t-claSB. You'll would: not give up Postuln of damp wallll. e.~ for th-, discove r . certal~ lupplles of fuel ' Elijah had utld,ers tood tbllt the Uine clsJlyln the rain), Beason of the beUer b'l" It.,, · . Yell, best colfee we ever tuted. , Face on Million ,; I. Poor, cached along the route of tbe Parll had not arrived to .anollit .fehu. When To r'emlldY this It Is proUOlled to u. "Were rou very bungry' when you "I cnn now let good IIleep, am fre .. KIng . Ahll.b Destitu had te been and k1lled 80 . years III tJie old, J!, new kind of damp-p roof paller, maide Mrs. wQnt In 1" asked hl~ fr!8nd. racerl. Or "'01 tbat III a bluff? trom nervouB ness' and headacb el\. t bllttle 'w lth tbe king of Syria, tbe of "raw cOllper," and Oarolln e Wlllll\m S, ,whose lace, II ber "A. a ' bear," said the man, varying In Iblc:l1i.. .recom.mell.d POlltum to .11 collee drlnll.-. Dr. Alle'ii of NeW' York drges eYerJ'-_ prophet EllJah hall not bMn BurpI'lled' ne.. from 0.0012 ot an Inch to ,O,~18 ,tory Is true, aP~rI on .a11 om 'Uncle "00 back some ;time when )'ou are Il04l1 to ~trate hi' ellort, on mat. or dlBapllOllIl.eci wben Ahall·. son It Ia sat/I to be capable of belDj Ba01'S lIiver' dollara, bas been taken not 80 ravenou .... hi. friend ad'\llsed. Ahblah had come to tbe' throne, not· wQrkeci I~to all sorta IDe tbe municip al of P&&tern ....• It to the Broome county' a1m,hou ae, ..,S "and IUe .bow 1011 like It then. I IOnrnm ent III Btnpam wltbata toll ndlnt (N. Y.) oorreap ondent. make It a' poIDt to the fact I,hat the YOUIJall1 rlalmed to be Insect-p daoroq hl, edlclea t. That Idea'. if carexperim ent warrior Jebu had,! d Irol'D tbe PIVOt, an\1 can 10 aIz roof ,..d ~~ Sh, .)'Ii . • be JIOt onl,... never h.. re- with B re.taur ant recomm ended or "VIIl l'IiNl mit., .. wonk a lot .. mo• .,. to battle wllh ni a' a ' glorious .-ecord for 'ValClr. without IIf~hg cJe.ued . It fJ celftd a aeat tor ber port1'".t I~ ,.Uver peTIIOII .bo w. .· vary hunll'Y wben he ADd bad pr.ied lJ.Im'lIelf a lealler "1M IBID. Will' . . WlIl1 but·. that .... eve.n IIu beell robbed of ate tben. To a perIOIt 'who 11&1"'. ---" ' the bOllor due ber. .Ja hal' ... .tarved ••"WIII _ _ po4."__ .
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. . .1 .
Jlteceaaity fo r S:w er Sya tem a and , Other hni tary Mea lur" 'l .
." pon th e benlt~rullleB8 of dC'lll'llrls mil ch or It.:. tiucc ess It cIt, anet li S . Tow ns that Il re nl)L r l! pu~ ,d ADVERTISING. THAT COUNTS ~tor o \\'t,", I.>' sanl lory plac es pUe gene rally A Go od Sta nd Is Wo rth AU It. Cos ts In Tim e and v!l.ti ed b y hOU"O'Boeke rs. Ono ts La bo r-B y oft en Pro f. R. A_ Mo·ore . Wi sco nsi n. Imp ress d 1"11 h lhe' fact thnt In sma How MOl\ey and Trad e Are Cen il tral· tow ns tyuhold and mal aria l feve Ized In Grc' at Citi es h the La .. off n mO I'e freque nt aud affllot rs are No rorugo crop ha!;· heo ll glve rl gren t· of the PeC1ple In Agr l:'ul tura mo re lilvo "IlIJI " co nrl ltlon l er numbers aeool'dlng to POP ~8 turl\lIy. tber e IIJ ollly IIU nllo n In tbe Un it ed Stnt one '1lal iOn Sect ion, . e1l duri n /;' l! hollirl Ule alra lfu s. fn uo v nt for who m r a m Qunllfle d 10 1I(ICRIle'rson lAborer. the rat man with a ne'll'~p. th lln In Lbe larg e citie s. Tbe be c nt or cli pped t he t1utll k. bllt (Jer, 811d the 11'18h wom ten year H IhUll n.lIIl1 Ca. Bnd Ilft slmJlle an's c hild . 'l' h ~ rens on foJ' th is Is the negl ct of cr Se pt(lIllbc l' 1. It the g rolYlh '"' far us h I conc erne d . hewblJ e " "Th h; In sanl ese of IlIfln Ijle · l are. t& t'x Ilrst th II!:' rl . men da.y s of t.rus tll and tar), Improve men wou ldn' t If bo could. tll r 1y pre fers to walk rath r Ihall t. ye t wiT £"I'Po pro p r PI' cant ioll¥IIlagl/. a lfillf ll Is ijn ffi lent to wlIl'rant a cro [l to rouldn·1. If he WOUld. and Ibe soco nd thll III an ora of trllsIS," ~' rlte3 W . D. are 'Sta nd- whic h latte r, all !laid and fr om In the tbe mu th ~ Perc th char ter or man y tow ns prov l· tak en It can b grow dOIlO , of th e thir d hns som lVIl.I. late pubils her of We Stan n wllh a r~so n · s bollid he land lly S pte m ber 1. It cthl 1K ubo ut rul that ridin g .alllo cut lhe n J' gard lesu of · tbe lllrts to '11 ... ha s not paid . All ng for whi b ton (Neb.) Flck t. "It Is con tend · s lon for tll o bull dlns ot sow erag e 8YS' abl . degl' I<) oC· ~ uccess on any of our s taJ:(e of grow th .. Ihl'oe are sa t tbut nll wadQ.Y a. Tba t does no t lilt d tem s Is ov e rlooked. and year s and old er and we year r the ISliod. ll ther cult s e ivnt nre ed' som fa rms . e good trus ts, bnt elap se before The y 'hav e no fUl' t her ambl· ·raf·t, how ever, thal . . wilh th e . Tbo y911r followin g t he seetling an)' cons ider atio Al fu lfa s whe you or Illl l0m oblh!8 ond rapi d lran oml ng lion ; lind 'It 'Is th e ('las s wlth oul amb l beenn tbe X·ra ys of Inve s tiga tion have give n to the imp ol'la nce of I)rovn Is stoc kme n lippli es the dair y men a nd muy reas onab ly expe c t thre slt or lion whlc b Is not apt to with e good turn ed upon thom It has been ldln valu g able fOl'o g a.ntl (:ropo. YoUr flrst crop wiii be rise, or caus s Imp oll e kind or ano ther , Sha nk's a m eans for drul nlllg awa y tb Jl.Jal' Is to rise. ready ossi ble to loca te the good poin e un· sa" s rov them a large port ion of Lhe for ~(Jllig out of fas hI on, ts. wbo lesom o In crcm e nt that Cllttlng th Dl ont'j toge th er wit h " To-d ann\ ay l aCl.m nlly the expe mu1II 0st The nd men d fOI' high poo- tryl ns tim e e carl y part of Jun e. a re rem ainS t~IO awk war d yo uth, acin g trus t In tbo lotos. Thc n . 01 h(lr equi nes. tor curi It Is fo und Ihal Mod ern socl e lain I'eeda. The valu~ of alra wor ld lfa as. a .",' hen abo ut one·tent n g . atra lfa. Cut ,,·pll·nlg h as sby of usin g Its legsl y IR wllh . lIl·f lttin g c lolh !'l, 'I;ea rchi ng II tbat is. tbo comme rcia l com bina tion a gr at.' amo llnt or r ed tap. tber e Is b of the plan . beto re aa it \l'ell ,wol'n Jo;uc lid Wllh Is Inte nded to dest roy the reta In bloom and on a mOMlln g aflets are il fund s can h' rais ed' by taxa tion near 'slJ,; hl ed trad e Is of talk ing abo ut them : and of r Ilres the or by · yes. coun try, It dh'q Is hard e r to give up Euc lid rting It In lo voti ng bond s for .:llltly. if we go 011 at Ulis rato d" lI' bO n dl sapp eal'ed. d n Il (lay tlle the bulldiD~ ot a tbe g l'cat mon e)' cenl erll. Tbls lhat hl thel· to II H ful appe ndag t's will. tbes than his seat , but hc dO.e s both . wltl refe renc has sew erag e syston). prohl lses fall' wea the r. Adju st t he cut· hav e n sigh . He Is neve r 80 near e 10 the cata logue bous es that bcro me. I r bar of the mo we r so Ul8t t/le ·slg htcU (oro we know H. mer oly I hat Sma ll toWJl S aK well as la.r ge clUe stub · h e cann ot s ec 0. wo/nlln stan ding have srow n up In the largo citie s wlth · gen s. ble left will be at leas t one Incll 1'lIdl men tnl'Y and our annl l abno rallr draw thei r auth ority for tbe In tbe pas rma 1[1 t r The lly w re year I'em s. alns . also , th e ma n csco rt' We caD all re- malting heig dl'I'1'1\1pe d and strongth en od a bt. Tbls will prev ent Inju ry Lo of publlo ImJl mem be r s s uit or h lllll.l ln s on stra ps. as aro a roo Ing anpt her wom an . He )'ieJds hi" a coun not long ago .w ben tller e was tbe state . Wbi l e near rove menl.s from root bud s of the alfa lfa Illantft. try Blare st ever y crosi:I·roads thos e plnc e prom ptly.· He docs not ly all U',e Btat(?B of our nil SOlI nnce stor s, the In I be afte rn(lon of the sam e dare to and at nnth 1'0· reta in It. .And thl ~ Is th tho sam e time thcr o wer e pros· prov ide for ·bon dlng and the rn.l slng of day of utUn e. If w athe r i188 1I0id ape. lUI · a rellu lt of hang only Ie·, fund s for Imp rove pero us tow ns el'e men be n favo r· l.s in g on Btan ce In which one wo maD In' the larg e r few mil es aloo a b ra nche s. [ 'use tbe wor d g ble. bas the aus! alra lfa ca n be rake d and ! ever y rail road " all el'; ..I" to bo grntGful for . I ' each on e of thes e cl tlEl8 and town s. th o town s of 3.000 or wha t ano lher "'010· ad vise dly. jlllt lato sma ll COCkR. 6.000 popu latio n are neg lect ed. Sure ly la IIllI o an will t hink low ns ther e ·wer e rrom two to The s Wit ! h· half ' 0. In the past sbou ld not be left stun dlng In lIie cock s nOllg h to be prou d of In the con two doze year n gene s field tho tent ral · stat Fail stor e ing of es. NeIhes besi des the bras.ka, e, ther e rem ato yet III;H Ion of tbe ~verage lUore tban two or tbr e dnys with real izin g the necenll: r of the othe r stor famil y out wit hou t chas ing back Iiom e mill tree,' othe rs. 'J' he whl le·h alre d gent le ma n clal line s. e. that were . hand ling spe· sma ll er tow ns hav lns moving. or the alfa lfa Illnnts ions of wllh an ol(l·fash loned all' ; unde rthe prlr lleg e of The y all enjo yed a good n-ea YI'III' S for the purr-ose of rl h t he cockll will be part ially the elD' trad e yoll ng bond s and popu laUn g It ploy e of the road . who or ' lias no righ t to prof and sold goods at reas onab le agaJ ns t prop erty mak ing asse !lsm ent. cOlll1Jlet ely IImother ed. By taki with the unsy mpa thet ic and its. avo wed lr be ther e at · all; the for tile buil ding of ng a well ·brcil1gb t· u~ pl "lni ll·fe atur ed ch hnlmn~ee! 'W tcllf ork anrt seW runn ing It Int o a Elrage syst ems "'Co·day. In e very agri cult ural e m ay littl e boy; and tbe nerv ous and cove ring all the . enac ted a atat e law of alfa lfa nea r the botl om one cock ·1111v c d sceuded froUl the old lady . Indu strll " poln ta InVOlved. This bra nohe !!. wl:\o Is loolelng ove r bel' Bl'ct can lon of the cou ntry you 1tSIt y (lull alfa lfa (rom th shou lder ~o ·b ut rrom tbe antb ropo ld law e plac pre· ap e ~ P ol'I", h BO It sh has pass ed b er st reet . anll can n01lc41 the reRulta that hav e been num ha. a1rellA:r been bene nels l. a '(lie t bou ght! vlol l I, 0 clIvl ed. :ber ot the Inco rpor ated vllla If aUa lfa brou gbt abou t by III liabl e to get olf at any mom ent. glr' ceed lngly gree n when cooked orIs ex· Adm ittin g t he need of Pllbllc All Tb e cros.s·roa ds the cata logu e bou ses. and tow ns ba't'lng com~ rain y con· stor es havo gone . arid t. h e .-y yanc es. wbl ch one wea ther aet:!I In It will "hea t" unle buil ding of sew erag e ayst em •. Is comll ~ lI ed to In the tow ns busi ness hou ses st , the ClICk Is open ed ever y day do 80 long as bllhles, bun dles and It Is alwa ys well whe n coD~ been vaca ted, thei r win dow s boar or two.· loco· mlllat· ded In mot o r ataXia cont inue to flou favo rabl e wea ther no mor e dlm cult y Ing th e buil ding of lOw ers te up and the torm er ocou pant s rish. Is eBtl· will be exp rlen ced In curi mot to adm it t,he need of tbel loto ban krup tcy or othe r oocu driv en mat e that the town la Ukel:r ng alfa lfa r pati ons. to STOW . f old Inconv e nien ces. .For It 1& man l· tha'll. In curl ot; heav y grow and that a syst em adeq uate Not that the cata logu e houlles tbs man lto «lve hay e necellsar . r s t that we are wor king out tlle crovOY. Uke cloTe.. the leav . of lold ohe aper tban the smaU y drai nag e for a toWn of 3,000 es are 'probmer · l e m of tran sit by the procealJ rich In nUr ogen , and ~hey drop olr cban ts, but they have fI.o oded tbe woull1 be Inad egua te for a tawn of mul· twic co un· e tlpll aUon of the ' p\lbllc ~o read ily whe n dry. and ther etor e the try with cata logu el b and adve rtise - 'tbe ellza. and a8 (he tow n grow a the "Idod for and of addi tion . If not pr· aim of tIle farm er ahould be orig inal plan s a,~ foun d lack lllg m~nts. allu ring awa r tn Bub· the trad ·trac Uon , of the acco mm odat ions tile affa ir. 'lfit fl the leas t posscure rlsh tful ly belo nsed at hom e. e tbat old IOw erag e line s of .lIttl e utili an~ . Tb!1t ible ty. . . Tbe se ' js no kInd ot arlth met lo. band ling . One·blli f of the feed Ing cata logu e bou8 1)s are own ed and they mU.l t be repll,lced b7 new Alre ady. mao a:r. · valu rapi d t rans it Is walk ing ~:Ith e' may IiIe lost thro ugh the wea aged by able husl ness men , buil tem s. The econ omi c v-alue at a t Sooner or Inte r It will be soln g limp. Ing and Imp rope r han dlin g or th r. tile brQad gauge plan , wbo real UPOD dral niage for a town cann ot beperrec~ -aro und tbe ize on one leg. E plur lbu8 unu c~op. ben ents to be deri ved ' from adv the estl mal ed. Tbe heal Ut of the o't'e~ m peop ertls le · 'ver r nobl e s en time nt. The sarn Is a Spre A ad of Root .nd Top Dev elop .Jng.' . The y hav e orga nize d ao ad't'e m.n t secu milch beU er qual ity ot hay will be a:Us. I. paramou nt to all otbe r thln g8. and ot b(\ said atpl ure s In ·uno -paro cft n· of an Alfa ".. Plan t Sev en Yea red If tile crop II cnre d und Ing cam paig n and each year they wb\ ln, ther e are UDIB'n ltal'1 tlcu . r, er of are cond l· ;Iarl y if the unQ be 0. publ ic conv Age -Or owr r on tete Exp erim ent l\ay caps than III open cock s or .pen dlnr ; tort une s. not only' pubU tion s a tow n cann ot exp ecl to e)·an ce. Sta· wind· llhln enlo g r W~ Ame rica na are notorlOl1 tlon ·row , Farm l s. Cap l can tNt mad e trolJ and l endi ng out cata logu e!, but tho l:l'e ates t pros peri ty. thou Sly 'l1alllred and 10ng'Bu!r erln g, but goo'i. eottoDl duc k \J~ hem m[n g tile edgl ligh t bav e bUIJt up a co.mbln'aUon of they doct ol7B, wbo are resi den t. of gb the feed t here es to lbe plac e, new sfor all· farm ~. auch a . thin g aa carr ying anim aili. Incl udin g · prev ent, rave ling . E"e leta p.po rs that are notb lng ' but man may ibllVe exce ptlo uall y good good ebou ld ba ~rder ' prao - ewln e and pou ltry. 18 BO well kno 'lilr e to tbe extr eme . At preij ent nR, mad e In jour wn the' corn en [n wblc h strin gs nals. It II sbow n that the Ucc . It III t hat It Is unn eces sary to spea k lIer tinc nt to Inqu ire whe ther exte n' IIlIould be tied' to tast en the cap8 bine d circ ulat ion of thes e sbee com~' slve ly of Its mer lta bllre . No tJI ag)Jre pare d to "tan d any thin g aud e are BUY ERS SHO ULD BEW ARE I!lngle Hea vy wIre cut is Inch es III leng th and. gres ate 32.000.000 copi es per . fora ge plan t com bine s the mat I:.Ioutb. tliin s from the companle~ .... e ver)'· "Do erla la a loop mad e at ·tbe top In whi ch to Tbe se they send broa dcas t oye ho pre· . a. Thl l Car 00 to tor a prof ttab le rall! m for dair y t nd to tran spo rt ua ~n com tie strin gs atta ched ' mak e a conv 1.'Ountry at thei r own exp en... r the Infr inge men t. fort fr(lm P .. tent . by enie nt Con cern , sbee p and IIi'Ood 80WI.1IO well as co.... s. arra Ave nue '" The y nge men t to h'Old the caps In plac Doin on plac e to ano ther. APp aren <\oes dO g not a Mall atl)P ~nlt . at ir thli Bu. . tiut lne" go alfa , Into e. lta. tly ever . we y thos e are poss Ibili ties . If not prob abll. mag azin e. sgrlc The wire pegs can be eith er run Ilr ; and the ml,;.htler the com ultul'Bl. relig Th BUCC liS or failu re with atfa tbe grou nd of pullhed Into the Into R"c entl y the Uni ted Stat es circ .nd tbe mor e mb( tera the c.onveypany . Itles ; but tr It la t.o be by deli bera te othe r pa~r tbat will acce pt ious and ifa sIde s' ' thei r ad· uit depe nds larg ely upon the seed flce, lind not mer e chnn ce, that "erU alng. . ' Be- ot the cock s of altll lta. mot e ~. a&an4. The whl Tbe y pay the top pric e for cou rt for the lout hern dlBtrlct of fore. plac ing II 'a liD our lady' geLs her seat lin oTde r for lee4 New Yor k ban ded C\own & deci Elx·G . she mus t this alhe rlle lng and la thll wa, mer e Idle, figu re of spee cb. sion tIle shou ld be secu red from a sam · sboe ov. Hoa rd' reco mm enda hora e they pret ty. 01' whi te-h atre d. or burd be are enab atta chm ent for strIn gs. To mak each of But let ua IllY bitte rnes s 1\ led to reacla abl) ut ever y' wbl ch Is of part icul ar lnte relt to lIeveral good ened a . For wIth 8 baby . ' seed hou seB Oth to reco mm end a mor e cons Iste nt aud nol: lhe gbo st of a llr~·lae . ahe stan da larm er tn .the land . ' The y set asid e' thou l8.nd s of tarm ers thro usho ut the tlon and purl ly test s mad and germ lna, thepe. cut old' hora e shoe a at toe calli: show land e. mak . . Two larg e man utac ture r. Ofte con stan t uae of our legs does each yea r mill ions ot doll ara for of lbat look sgoo d will glve a low test. n seed Pun ing two welghl.s of etlch sboe . n(lt of ad· crea m aep Apr opos of t he talr sex, hO'l l'eIt ch hole s· thro ugh shoe abOut two nece ssity mea n that we shou Beed arat or. Inst itute d a suit tor that raor . yert lsln g. ld be show dlna s a sel'm lnat lon t eRt below 80 Inch e8 from the rlly hard It Is to find! Eve n -etel'Dally kick ing. "Th us It cut. ettd 80 tbat tbe In be seel l that the cata - Infr lns:e meu ta of thei r .pat eots agal nat per cent . shou ld Let I\S, on tbe conn ecti on wltb be rega the rem ote gold field s logu e hou ses and cert one ot the larr; est ma\1~rder -con trar y, IItrlv e to aee whe rein hou lea. plcl on. It II vigo r Is seri rded with SU8· shor t end of shoe wDl stic k Into the ain clas ses of lIeR' ot tbeK Jo' n dlke , tbl! Tbe ousl hay fact tbat a pock et pubUBhEl r. are In a com y decl 'the com pens atio n for tbe disc bln" tbat con· of tbe s\oo. of tbe cou rt was In favo r even thou gh Il may spro ut. Imp aire d Bom and thus· holl l tlie cap In plac e. .atte nda nt 'upon the Intl rrate omf ort bas been disc over ed call s for el[te nded aUtu tes one of . tbe mos com plai nant s 'and a de'cree ..... e mak e little - HIC prox t lm· dam Lan nabl noti d e ce on In the dall y prel ls! ' But a trUllts ever w.blch toba cco, aug ar beet s, eaob corn er of t~ ks or pock ets In :1ty of llnll mlte d num bers of render4~d gl'lUlting a perm ollr know eap and till with fel· n. anen So t lar ID' · w .men lbe or . Thla will mOllt cert ainl y not any hlgb ly c111tlvated Jo junc tion and mRl ter's orde r try pres s: alth oug h freq uent wom an's pock et Is an old. old o on ac· grow n the prec edin g yearcrOI) blUl been gl'8vel or ston e for eap Weights. ly apJoke , anu too cou true ntin g In favo r of the com plai nant can be seedto be ·good. ;pro ve to be 11 lller e wild 1I00 He proa ched . has turn ed a deaf car Alfa lfa 18 el~er stao ked or plac s, ed to alfa lfa with out a 'nur chal to the e.d One won ders . neve rthe lelll. '" ,hel se orop with IiI a barn afte r curi ng. Wha tev,e r It may be In tb41 way l9. her IIlren voice of thea e ' dest roye rs of Thi s cuse b811 been befo re the Con side rabl e fair (,f ohan they . ever read the alle Sed com ic Jour hom e trad ces of gett tor ing the a good linjl lstle e. a disc omf ort and an past . thic ot two the tefJdlng valu e I. 1000t thro k year s. It III clai med e. 10 retn rll lor . ugh Isltl on . you r crow ded troll ey la Impo- nals . It Is In the blgh est 'd egre e 1m. coun.try mer cha ntl ahou la be tbll. the that tl1ou6Bnds of tbe ..para tors . In· ata nd. Wbe r alfa lfa Is seed ed with · IltackJng as the hay Is poro Ua and rain '" libe out fer· ral a In nurs prob e Bble crop that the frln srou they . do. gem nd tile fteld for the stud y of bum ents shOU tbel upon ld ;mIse pene r he patr trate the how ona .pat ll ge theenta of 8tllekll . to the exte nt the loca l papel'll. own an br, the com plai nant s. hav e been ed cult ivat ed wltb a disk and n fin e toot b of. two or thre e ture .· Prim arily . It teac hes you na· wer e It poss ible for tbem to cont fbue . cb bave dem onB trate d teet . aold ",ha te,'e r you r lack of beau ty maytbat , l'ear arte.r .yea r, gett ing. on and I)If are true fr1enda In a Ume of that they to tarn le(8 thro ugh out the couo try. barr ow unti l May Hi. or Jun e 1. Wee ds mow with rGQt does' fafrtAn outs ide :r well and need . The Tbe law s will tie. then back hav war e ds, been sear qui ohln te g thor de'tlp erat ely for man~rder bou sea are III the It cann ot com pare with that or of the United. Stat ell forb id oug bly littl e or the aHa lta Is lost wbe othe bua n stor ed lnes rs. l tbel r pock ets, ths ind clam orin g tor' the for' mon ey and the only ualD If It Is true t hat beau ty Is only skin pl'1vllege or pa~1 way to' com · well al g of pate nted mac h In ea. al nS' each othe r's fare bat them Is to agre the deep , lL 18 plal n that benu mak ing and 8ell lng of the e upo lY, like -thi ngs whi ch ever y obse rvan t eye Is actio n. The cou ntry pres sn a lin. ot 8am e. Tbe cou rt orde r mea na that 1.Ile eel. haa beco me used to and the tbe maU sklnnf'rl. Tbe oper atio n hae beenbein g watc lling for, and lrhl ch ' hap pen as cou ntry mer chan tll mnllt cet toge ther pell ed t:o-ordel' CODcern will be com · per- Inev itab ly as BunriRe. forUlcd . wltb con sum mat e elll.c pa:r an equi tabl e amo uut Tbe se pe- and Btar t a cam paig n or acy and cull arltl es form a solid educ atio n. upon each dlapatl1h. upo n the face s of an fOllndation for The con ntry pres a 18 on the machlDe man ufac ture d and righ over t side · the Jeet s ' rear ed upon them . whelmlDC maj ority ot thos e .who and a and by all wor king tnge tber and tor sold. as well as the pay men t of otb' e, lli. one foun dati on III prec{sely 'Wha one purp mee ls In the aver age troll ey. oae, the grip now enjo yed b,. dam ages on acco unt at luch man ufao t Thi s mos t jokeB lack . The ture 'and aalea. It al-o mea nl tbat mot her. w. tbe cata logu e hou sea c~ la ...mdenlahly true . bllt noti e the the be brok en lelll tbe . you ng I\1D char itab le. Afte r all. they c&II·t BIble ,anH ' w\tc 's bisc uit. the Impoa- and trad e turn ed bac t Into ItI leclU · two cOllOpanlell, who ate the com· or, [he slee ping poli cem an. mat e cb\l nnel plal nan ts. tl ell) It, the. J,loor tl1 lngs t But. can prev ent eacb purc s." tben , the. dim e nove l of the' meS of the Infr inge d crea m lepa ratohale r arte r all. one can 't heli> bein g Senger boy, r uncb aretc., etc .• ad Ing Infin itum , hav e to a grea t 'the .. me, or to pay a ro),alt:r Frog Farm ing; , A New Indu ltry &table. ' It's mor e com fort able for . than exte nt pass ed out of the wor ld of the usIn g of the sam e. Frog far~lng III dest ined 1I00n.r 'tbe otlie r thin g. OharllY , you or eulf eret h all thin gs. Tha i's a know . rejll lty as mat eria l for jesU rig. Wb at· late r 1'0 beco me a very Imp orta nt na· . The peop le ahou ld deri ve a )lret ty eve r tbey may hav e been . now, I\t Uonal IDdustry. I pred ict that wllb ta trom ' thls . It 18 not sate to iba I'il lond .011 the Bhoulders of char ity! leal t. they are dea .."'m".....'" d-la ugh ed to deat h a 'Very tew year s tew farm ers will any Inve ntio n put out by a maU 'J'o (lmo ' back t9 our fello w·tr -order . olle y· ., d the scri be who hils negl ect. con to cern utlll unle ~r8 -place aux dam es! ' !e t',el ss reco ther e Is posit! ve proo i r waa te swa mpy urse to he lad lea- them Is land fran kly for ·tba a tbe t dlst It ft. not au Infr ll\ge men 'blesB 'em -are not to be judg ed rea. lng of frog s for the t. An· by ap· But tbe wom an In' the ol'te r of fact . ma~tet . Alre pearance's. . Wer e .tbey . we publ ic conv eyady the ' UnltEld Sta tq· otbe r 1111n l lap were peop le iDcUned. to IIho'uld ance la pere nnia l. She anl \'e at the conc lusio n that .not con limi el to Ules, mor e frog l In sf][ mon ths. It I. patroniZE! hom e conc erns tber e ... ould one do the sam e o.onvu\s cialm ed. than Fran ce doea In ~ n' DCty otth o8f! whO boar d • ye~r'. be littl e chan ce of. belD« Imposed a troll ey hal anll ove r. Iibameless lve thin gs ove.r Tbe valu e of 'the annullI catc b In the upon . and. abou ld trou~le arta e over lY. and app aren tly the 'mos t rem ote cono epti on of 1\'hel'e In prof oun'd ' !Qno,c ence Unl~ed Stat es Alfa lf. Pro tect .. by Hay C.. p" of shfJ III 'g olng , or how 'to get 'full y $200 .000 and tbe the vali dity 'of any pate nt. ·1t I_ muc h ther e. ehe la a hum orou s enti the fact that iroSIl valu e 'to'18the The v scra mbl e on with an eag " bun tera la : mor e elUller to adju st mat ters with tbe bOm. ty: No. evl· erne Irflle d an,1I the gl'O llBd win be h dEmtl)' she aldplI the jli.t~r·a thn .$1\0.\100. The re la Mt the mer c'ba nt' thaD with lIODle whl~h. see'ma tn lugg est that · tlilll In ' fine . und er coT colu mn! ,allllbttore iga cond ition to .par'Tho se desi ring to mak e. an elev est dou bt In the -wor ld that wer mall -ord e'r hous e. sproul. the alfa lfa seed s or ... tarp er: A cov erin g of ha,. tI~ular car 18 the lalt ite\! e frog s ~' lileh '11'1\1 trai n will find In tbe IIho rtest poss ible time . Whe re ot alfa auli n will prev ent d~magtnfl 'lbe folloWlog . reci pe' avai labl e \.he nlu e of tbe ann ual catc ~ver pass , and whe n they ave lfa In the stac k. It h l1 re- .ul" ful: Tak e one trol ley a nurs e (;T(.J l la not used . freq uen wou ld leap Ohlo -MI at once .. red brea th,. (I am mer ely la.lp to pl Coa t Trad e. mor e' than a miltly a ' let tbe alfa lfa "sw eat" In Is ~e\1 to a man , ply . ltl! capa city by tour car, mql tl· I\OD doll ars. -Te Clut tbe cock . tlng of tJla Jta can Tbe be secu red by othe rwis e It I cann ot kno w hoW tbls Is Oblo-Mlsslsslppl coal chn lcal Wor ld. and ttl e.on· don whi ch exla ts to-day. rs ODS oftrad e, Sep tem ber 1. :Sow lng with a nurS e .In the barn will hea t and g~t 'mua~7 tbe ca$Oe 0.f ' 8 wl·'. oui. but it 8eel e In tent S ' by eigh t; pack tlghtl~ anll leav e . tbe crop Is Dl')St gene . H. W. . Alao an EXI "rt. . rally prJ!.Ct.iced In . 'lie acoo mpl lshe d \Jy turn ing boM''l\i to to ' simm er. " crea test !!lIngle mQ't'emenla of cat;8 The grea t a:mqunt' of valu able ,A stra nge 'ator y com el 'from , veU o III Wis cons in, as It .ena bles the Yes. It II tbe' t\'OlIey .. all over ":-'fo for' one ~IJl ' acro sl he.~ n9Ie ), they tbe farm :... appe al time s ove r-W Ith thre e unin telli ur of tbe Baljeiln atate ll. whe re cO.m mer - lean orld . From Pltt abu r, to Ne... 01' ,et a stan d ot ,.I~alfa aDd 'a ' f~ er tQ age take n from a . limi ted :acr eage' haa tbe cond ucto r: a , ta &rai gibl 2.00 n e 0 mlle . led a. an elal man dow , you ths InBtead one blea Unll lbe In~ At mor anty Is ' Btill In lla Infanc,.. Iii 1,·· lla,g ea II ratte nhl.lI. Coal crop the year at seed ing. An exce l· ot the· fa,y to thin k tbat a larg e portioD "Doell thla car ' too Allt erlsk com preh ensi ble of d Into aeet a lent 'l1le r m IIlu>uld be 80w a rece nt ban que t .. ilY8D ~ 'nll-m ell the of .lv.c nue ?" ·· . and ough t.t~ towe he- h'lllil. ~t'Ullr ll! down WI dlat ance by pow· of alta thc:d ot gatt l.n s B 'good stan d port ant ' crop . rega rdle lls n to this . im.. prim e : mln illte r al dlsU n. erfu l ,fam iliar localltl.ea; ..and it" lom lfa ot condl~lI;lns.. III to "ma nure the "Yell. mad am. " "', a~ambOatll. at a cost of e le~ .. elils.h ed djpl omn . '1ieavlly In the fall and ·)i10;'. grou nd It .11 the lIec l.rllU on of ' lri'd6pen com plain ed' to ·'Oli. plh a"! Ple ue ' let me olr than ~5 ' cen t. a ton. a~llIlt - , railrlei. AS -lOOn dence boat · tbat the For the C,ow Tha t Roa nu.- A Uta b oad In the a~,r1ng mln l.ter at )IIIIU ce,. nex wel l.)j' Or ~ere ':al1 ~en are the nex t corn erl" 'ore".6o .-:.r rom Pltt."bUrc cll8it ~nd dras aa. ~l! land wor ks '!Veil farm er has BOffed the prob lem of the who m' be ' "'.. ilth ns; ' bad I td, t rate o( equa l".....ln IIha rplie ss (jf . elbOW at late n:al .. T~e disk · ......t ,ll0 I![~llplil~~or 43 -ta The y dep art with. an air of wro ' watc h. Tbe . prim e mini liter wd ~ W1~lIt a brea cby eow. H. and 4ra pln g not only put the hea'vltle'all of foot ! And · "all men : IDDtlcence. leay lng t){elr . feUow·pa d IIllI Iono of:·tonli of co.. "'Ab, be, Ibou ldn' t han don iI~b .. en· are .ndo wed wltb hial llina t man y daya In good tilth e . that . but aid In . the lerl conl lum ed lIilth eurlOltt.T fo this way and alwa yll ' ....m .Dlroilltl~lR: bun ting lila way . ' uo' " ':-In . patH eula r. the ,rlih bie rlgh ta'! I 1t'I11 lIet It', ~e1t ··tor ,.ou·... , Sur e \lod 1llll lnl of Wee whe ther theI r obje ct In lIeU !nl 110 dll. t ·Sow ~ WI8Y 'mak . bec&U18 the bOa ts haY e e on war d !dn&. unti l I' 0(' altalf~ Beed "and thre e on. el.. cionllu~8dI' ,uncomt.ort- "O<''!II!"". tow ards the elld of the eVen- GIlly ~ ~ drif be tak. n som ewb ere ais .a aurp was t; aIld thO le that com e occu rred to him to ",ato ll wal retll rlled ' to Ita lllae , In .c<it i.lde The ratlo , 'bar n ley .tlo~d of a tlverelillt an obje ct at onc e de(, !ate d 'by bac1l:. m08 Ur emp t.y.. are not hard pain lear t bla 'pbo ne "~n ~ o· tie d ,fare out wha l for t dld Ber hay he e .. ·aa, whe how .r· u1t8ci ·ito .e uP.Btream.":"'Eye bod n b'ea ded· and enr, quotatlCln rJ'(liD Inll tbe nam e ~ thel r' d.ltl rr l'.. Cow. Now whs n her · natl. aUa Ua lett with out furth er. dlai urba tile '~'Sh:hl He. doell not DOW Suc h. eVlcl,nc'e or lIiat abll lty lB :fata o~, th. Immol'ta1 dQCu~nt 'CI88IMlIl ~ be nce adv entu re carr lea her Into, 'It . bac1l:," aal4 the prim e l to appl lcab unti l tl\.e fc.I'~wlnK rear , Fhe J\ef ereM e In . tbls . COD- L1ilillD ~olltempli.ted . lI!at rimo a.r p;'ta otlo n for Qurinwa. pou nds "pa stur el new " and ny, and 80m . ODe neet lon le. iatelr. of forb idde n. a Beed to .lrtT '~JIte a , per IIb. ' rtT acre . .and will usuBlIy 'pbo ne calf ~aurell ,fa alwt J,S co.t emp latln S· 'matrlmo OrtUeh adm iralt y han gt.e o at, 'lb. PilI'_..... .,._ _ _ __ her earl y retu rA field e~h fine r and bett er ten~ lon even In • . troll ey. . Ttle la~t D,,';:" lIult of bap plD ",," wou ld 'IM. ..", .,m to qual UtI!, ciu~ lty tton hom e. of ear prot ec- of bay toO amp ry . No er 'fol' HIm. ' repa y. Alfa lfa la a 'coDftt'med mor e· ._h8Iora~4"th~n b.. too Dalnful to· be pard onab le. . Alb ert, who la . aYe r~" ·old. . . UOIi:.du rlnR ' beaV J IUn ' tlrlnll. and It "ran nla l plan t and Wh at · a ., aommllllt upon the . was wm grow tor !nlD Y . &.and and haa bee aupp osec tlr ... . adTfce of PaII . &be n' dlec lded tIl.x to · lnce plut ntly Cro .,-.- Wh at do8ll well lcln ~p o. ao cb. 'yea rs 'lftth out rese edin g. led by hla pqd - .wlt h ~ addl baua tlbJ e paU81lce' ucf ' for1iearu Prov ided sbe 1'eIP lQ8. the fall Uon u;ti OD som e' Iud won 't do of -of· cott ~ on ; woo to sele l, bat ct a'b~T p.....Dl tor IWI ~ on all land . anil '".. . bum ukiD d. till. mea nl ~ drlll or broa dcas t seed er ...Ith ' mu y tillo form lenl el' h.. .to conald.i1I' . the Que of t~ mather. He wan ear prl)t.eetioD to be aM4 grI,I .. that ,are Just rilil t lD Il ~der atta chm ent III the moe of ann esll ls ·. llitat, tor . tro1J8J' sUon ~parec1 to wlli cll. caw . trai a It I tal" ud. iaft'l t'8a' "lO lIIe tlllq .... I. to :'be' -to' t tll" hu1l1'ldual. claolee som r With vor i Pull man . • ..ub..... mac hlll• .•or . aeedIIllJ, . . mU1e com mun ltlea ;,on 't do In all commen. PI..Ucln e . limi ted tor ~ Iun -ta d ..., . -nJe cUo a.. It of lltte.. The thln1l:ln. fanDer. aYa llIN• . J. a troU .y ~mtort that tbe the, Dun bF ! bU7 e ' qrop "Th ·. ere paSr pd II! • Me ad tha' or ope ra IlIp alfal fa. aeed 'stu Qln . tile .., n,nrlll'1thY of &110 TIle . of othe r' ,.... ..... ,.".. bit wIle 80f D t •• at Pl'O one lDpt oper atio n; . Sow- CIUl ,8OmeUm Jr tbaR a ad lUII attn ' .. " I ' ea _. by hud Is GReQ reIO rteli to . wlle re ue& ·11 lliiMecL .
-- -- -: -- -
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fin lit 11' hu m e I!r()\lLlL!~ 1111(\ t n n~ ' Mr:. lJ. ~ , 1,11" 1;11 , 1\\ 11 I" I!I \ " lit , ' 111 ·,, 1 fb I:' expl'e;>sl II. " wtllkeli I'I .. ht III oud IIllLl h i 11.1111 I· Char i'. (i turned tl l 'l UM\ , hl1d wll\kl1d rigb t oul Blu llton WIIS forUlorly Mi!:'s t' ClIIll'I>' ell)! I'Vc'lt()I'-i , I r~'.;1 l'I'O\\,"". I 1\' ()C .I:r 11"'''''l'E ~ •., ' H. • Y. l ,n~1I II ' IIl.{uil " Wllh 11 bon1 wurk ed IIII' YII'. Itf'y uol<L, n UB of WII ,vl\('~"ill'~ IUi tt ", 1-:'11 111 ' 1'11 1\ tC l e, 1 l,ul'Y uf Ii t.1I ~' In t111·i r ('redl t H ow- popn\n r 'o nng IHIl io~. ~Ol'l1 l'lant t· , 1 1)bac n Ic> gl vc' ~1I ' 1 " t'III' hil l <II' Ill un· O \'u-" hlll'l\ wllrkCII· for th .... i t ()r .v W!l~ . [,he tl fCllt, ",liS w llrlHll1 I I' At a Tremendou s Cooces - 'I'rnnsplunt 'I'S ' ~lccl and I C 1Y 1'1' 11I1ld, 11. O(IUtllly ,,;; hurd. II th e g'1I1l1 t1 I,l,; t lI T h ' s iol1 frOnl Re gy u Iar :!~.. , It 111 111 11' II I .'dlwllrLz'tl, ttimo!lt I.l lr' €' bOllr:! lind e n I d In W u.' tor ll ~Lnr two' rli t} rnllll \\, . , . Ra1, ',' :It mui l , 'II ; " I.\·\\ IUII'I 11(111 11 1'I' (' oJl pt Ihe tift nth InLlln g when Bell h oo k lil t-! to ,IlY lI [ lL fo t lIJIlI' r osl riell t : Wholes .... Ie Pri ·('S. . cor ed the winning run. With t,h e KIIII ,W>l Wl\lll'tlll1 . lit e g nlll l nlJ: ht, , 0 , / 111'1('(\ ex ~pl. luu of. l'b omps()lI'!cI r ogg d WII IchlUU II 011 tlt o (' . L, .1:. j . I . 1{ . ; ;;upp ort bell1nu tbe· htlt tlntl a few I l L } . oos llv erro rs iu th e' field . tho gilw e HIS) I'll P 1' 1111'llet to 1 10 lll):\ill l1 l1 l l1 l'rl" " , th e' WHY ·The. e lIanci lll1l11{' WOli 1\ goon OD nnd .hotl y cOIlI'stell of ohl f 11I'11I:;III' !'t,j l'\!I't /Ill nlh 'u ll c'l' cl , 1 .r~·~-NM--*---~~--~----~~ , 'lIil s Will Rrl l: ror . ILIII1·Y. I ~--~--------~-----In I h e tirl!t inning on ly tbro m ATI _ _ , H. H A ,,' A Y cJll oneh ide flICed tho pitch I'. 111 I t·h o Hp.coml , A. Dnkin stoJlPed Ilt Mr . 'lytle ·OISIIl!l.ll writl's ll H fr oJl I , " ", "'IHllIn'!' l.nUllill! I> IIt.!14t . lI on ", t WOoblise I11' t t " 1'1' ' ght .'in iUllnt,i to Ch lf'l) g:fI h is 11 1)101' fr('\111 t'eCOLl 1 Ol11 c'o in K".I''' Ulclg . • .. i IHI),,\' "''' U I' ~ ti ll IIIIt 1 r 1ul1 Mll l u :' \ n ,,,, ullu 8000110 'on ' nk's two bugg It.O N wport Kv . • to NOl'\v ood , '0 . t ' l '(\H " 11 .~,~ I . 'I th e urn oorner I)f the 101,. . . . 1n th third I'l'l yers, for Bellbr ook , bllt! bou~h t n D w h OU:fl ll1 N'orwu II. 110 ronch c1 first OU Smith's wild throw .11I1d hO ll jllflt f f'(Jent,ly 1li10V (1 int o it. ueli08te and troublesome qoelltions , t.Q1e s ODI\- Bnd third lind sec nel AI ti , ;Ill' , 111 , : t!lIr,l,,~"Arll l' nol'on . oomlng up on the l!pnr, that reqnir s on 'l'urner'sllit to right. This ti d ()h time and our·best talent to r oonoi'Ie, the s or6. In the seoond htdf 8mith /l nd in our m anl\gemen t, we ul wl\Y ' !!o to first by baing hit by Spahr H, rJ( woul el tnHe t.ll trollb l A t ry to ,lArs ue II 1) lioy that ,ve feel l'hompson I\dvtlnced him t !:\ 0 n el cull Oil vOl'y r ,tlll1 g l'<lccr ill til on his throwout nt first. Lu c K of sur e our lot ownel's would approve tenm,work on Book's l)art IlHo w d city Ilf WIlYlle ~ viJ1(, 1'1nd It!lk him Telephone Day or Nigh1. l:;with to woke home 00 this wbio' l is th l} \)u;.t soiling. InllJl(lJ'Y Ilnd endorse. Loca l No, 7 M y friendl!. th is is tb(J forty·seo· phlY. 'rhompson's ~ round e r wn s !:lOll JI, h wi II !:I 1~y Kin!; of tb LIlIlU .. ond Ilnnunl reourence of our Asso. cle,lrly in 'fo t e 's territory . but HO?k clry tbat oll~ !l11'Aft Iluge hul's fol' Long Uistance No, 69 -3r used bod judg m eu t, or rather diS ' Htton -~ L n s j ) ul"tion. lo our a·nnu ul report it phLyed his iguomn oe oj the game of ten coilts. lr y '\1 'v n VOl' 1.riell WAYN ESVILLE, OHIO htUI been t be h /l.bit onl y of n bOlit. bllse bt\ll , 1> 100tvi nif 'bls bll e t o 1;)11 wand rfnl 1:'0(\ p ~8t U Mlm"s I It.: vel'y t 11 Ill g Tell ow 11 j \I M . Branch Of.fice, Harvev'sburO' O. tln g to our lot owners t h e gener al field tbe bu ll to first I\nd , in 000 e· w rth t ,I[I)Ort'OW. y\ . CWl' . •'nl tl.llI. Prop . !'. ' .... manll.gem ent of the g r ounds nnd q uenct:!, wn n ot tihere to rooelvo l'urner '!1 well i ntendod tbrow to . , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILL GO TO LIMA finanoill.l oondltion bf our , treoso ry. ol\OOh mith /It third uliowlllg him l After 11.11 t hese years,' to.dIlY, It to soore. '. see018 fitting ,to give 1\ brief resn me No r unt! werl:! mil de in tb fourth r III Ul of its history. Miaml Ceuleter y was inn ing. I n tbe fifth P ratt was hit Local Pos~ Wi ll. Send Del~ll. ol'gani7.ed under t h e Laws of t h O} by pitch ed boll He reaobed eoonu gates and Alternates J on La ndsin ger' muJI of Gir ton ' State, April 2, 1 86~, Tbe or gan lm· fiy to righ t nod seoo\l~ on Rook' t loD oonslstea of t weRt y.eight mem o t.hro wn bl~ll to t hird. Oirton was 'l'he 1000.1 1'0 t, G . A ,.R. i on'nne . .. " 1'11 . Only two of t bat n. umber are fo r ced t o second on ~mlth 's wlllk t o . • uits ill Our Sholl' / , . I iog to I.tteocl the I\nnul~1 En Ilmp ..., B ,/ liviDg: t. E . Keys Mn{l · U., F. Chap. tlr!lt tlnd !!econd on ergn n d slDg e i. Wi nflow un:Main 11'1.' t • • 16ft. Smith a lso odr ed on tbi ment Of the G. A. R. DCpBrtnloulof man, The first llllrobase of land play, Inoidentall y eod inlt, t he 119me Uhio whloh meets thl, 'yen'r in Limll wu made April 7" .1 Oli, being 44,.6 tMm'II 'sooriu g for t he retuai ndar of J Lloe i!'i 11i und 17. . aores at 175 per acre, muing $8345: the ga m e. oorEt, 5-1. Miomis . The 'ity of Lima' Is mu..kin g h~l.l. 'As8oond purohase WOII Au'g ullt I n the sixth iOUln!" 'rur nel', fur Bellbrook, rel\oh ed fi rst a u Cook 's or.IL~ lJre f)'trt\tioD to ent rtllill the ,I IAI1\ 'CK ~:'I' WAYNl<1 II , DIl: . I). S p'8c~alty. 3, 1872, of 15 aores at 11500. 'l'bis fu mble . 8.'e took too far u.. lead and veteNln uf hio, R.mi t il Illrgc t' 1 In rO olll1 n _' I. 11 or 10 t ~ r l1l'. Aroi' makes our, possession 511.,6 aor eS, t.". Gir ton outod h im off by a th r ow to eoo.llll11;nont in yel~\,s j ~ expeoteti. Ei'll'lhwlI e t .)\' ·. Sample of All Grndt's of tal purohaee oost, $ 48 45. By the Bergan ILt fi rst. ' Bergan could hllV6 l.'11e !;l'Ol1t publio qu!),r e of th 011 '.reI pilon i n 11 us tilld', t1iru "- we find the first inter .... ent oaug b t him ell8ily a t second but • I f b' I reoor.... .... threw Wild. a cor e resulti ng , me . ropel 0 1 wi I be !Idornea . Paper--..Paper Conwl)pr -I co.n ],(0 en ll tl 10y fi r r i~ht. wu made, June 25, 1 67, . that 'I n t h e seventh , Hllwlan d got to with hog pedestals, from Hl top - .,..--.., YaH y Ph -,,!O J,j-~. stan t1y on Ha nd Moeee .Hudson . ' we r'e port first on T~om p8on'lI m uffe l t hird of wh i b willl' st tl buiitery of flllgs A I.:trtlcd Ji' II11illy MedicIIHl . · L the whole number of Inter m en tS, atl'ike a nd seoond on Sm jtb!s fum. unll t,ho en ti r~ 'o lum~1 \~iIl be 60"1 ~i vet:! nl l)t~lI ure to peuk tl !:_~~~~~!e!"~~"!,,,,~_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_ ~,~.,.--~~~~..!!!_'!_~. ~'! ble of Hook 's . grounder.. In the 1 . guo(1 ~ ord COl' .\illeol,ri Bitter!! .. 33""'. IfU "' rltl'\~ ( 1 11)' UII of N(l 0',1 " •___~oft._._ _ _ _....._ ' .Uta 011 ot.'--r worth' y 'l nte r ests e Ig hth , a~ Il. r eftu It . 0 f error.... , Myers twi ned with • lJc' ~ri() light. ·.i!lv I'y \"rlt sM' r·. " '" .. j 6 " '"' UOJ !lnd Toroe r sool'ed , for Bellbrook . tlcoOrnnlOunbllln I hil t (!ou~d 1J de- Hou. ton ~t .. e\\' ork. "H's and 'e nterprlse8, we have had th08e Soore, [1-5. s ir ed will h ' nlfered tb ' v toran'l! " I'un~l flllllily III llirilll1' fur (1.1'~ ) (\Jl . who doubted, the ultimate success, For six s ncoeedi n~ innin gs t be lind 10 llut1.itiun lo w I'll !it'l ' btl ve be Il .. in ,md· Jl v .. . C' 1(1 l)1i()IlI I" t1 ; w illI " and .openly opposed u s. tlle oth· glune a m oun ted to notb lng m ore or !leOllre(1 h.Y bot,h ~tt:!"111 hllfl traotlon . f (1f I.. nl ll 1t,lo k IlII'l w('lIk kidtwv .• " c.illito t 1M t o ) IliI!!, Is r i'cI/IIlI ll tlu(I'ed . " . less than ", pitohln~ m'ltoh. Blith !itr band it had m any warm loyal (J lrton nnel t;po hr pitoh ed m D~t ex. (t I!:' vtlry lik} t hat fru m t n ttl Eler&I'If' I-jibr~' n\ r ~ Illllt" t,hc' rI\~o". frleDds who r emained el1rnest and oeilent ball. Girton had a t rille t,1l twenty v tern,lI~ ",III 1'L\r p. nd fr om th E! 11111 <111 ,11"", 11I1ti f v "h" hl ll'd. " llf1 1 lteddfa8t through the darkest per iod ad va ntago in t b ese ix Inning!\, st·d k he r , tl oOUl l'lIu led h.Y i hl'II' 'w i Vill', illl}J I'r I', III 'wc',1 \'1~lJ l' "1Ll1 \ li n litv of ita bistory, and w n o are t o-da in g out ten Ulen fln c! Idlowl of,; two ~. tho Wonu.lll 't\' Reltl'.l .'UI'P ' will ,f th tl ~ ,(,lt l. lind oIl·Lllit,lt o1t1 .. f II li1 justly proud of J\llll.mll:emeter y, bt t-s to !:;pah r's Heven st,rikeont !lnci IlJ\!O b ill lib siull. '''' xc'~ . 1-;1)1<1 ' lI f1d ... r gnllrll lU~ , , two hit s. \i' I'ull C: :-i('\.I\vlIl'I:r.'1'I ".,tor\! .Whole number .0C interments 1'ne tU teen t b iuui ll g ~ll\" tbe -~- ... +-; - ............... III0ce our last meetmg 9B, total num· close of t h e gllmo . .M.y ers, for Bell. ~Al'TE:l A IN 'I'll ~~ I.,AUND! ' t 3395 brOOk, h it to left, stole s eClond a nd be f b ri I" . th u" .. In 6 ooun y ' scored on J. Dakin 'S fumble nt sb or t . . t,r011g' !)npt.lill "q'" ()lel.l.ll I' tLdily , r 0 nnmber of slate vault8 23. brlok 2. In t heir t illle lit ba.t, t he Miamis did but II I' ll 1\ t n~ell b.1' OtlI r,d hou enumber of Whole lots sold 111. frac· not s ocoeed in la ndin g Il IUlln 0 11 k h . d eel arH oJn 1~9c O II Ui' OlE t Ir t Il n 1-1 J~I tiODS 6. B1 a oon8ervatlon in voice b ase and t h e gtLme W IiS over . _ \I' II• . of our vaults, ma.ted"l , im plements 'l'he following Is the score :. oy to yollo'w tlml rol~ li nen!'. A fl)r lJll r tiol1hlr. , , UlIIIl UDlonDt, of nnpt,hn in SOIlP!! • _ _ _ _ _ _........_ _ _ _~_ we have' lD value$650:Y our ,t rea!!. 'WA 1-1 50c up, MLAMl is til! one retJllires fol' p erfl'ot h uo- ... ~ _._~ __ _ urar wUl' repOrt this afternoon in AU H JI 5H 0 A .,; d rying . .Just t,ry . t hretl large . burs ,P ersia' n Lawn · Allover Nett . ' < Dotes cash .an',d' aooounts 1~~2~ .Z5, 51 II 0 ) 4 :l of Rin ' of Ghe LfL\11ll1ry SO/l}) from 1'hlo,ks UBi. veel His Life. ull11 , 2b ... .. ... ,. " ~ making our ,totalI , .8Bets 15271.7:5, 'I' 10nt 11SOn. c.. " \ U II 1 1 III IlJ \J , L'''ter:M, Nelson of N0l'} fI, ., IIhowing that our now ex Da vis , r 1.. " .,... .\, 0 01 00 ]1~ 0'j U0 your grooel'., ten oent , " "' I " ,,.. . •.. . Ber~ .. n. 1.11.. . .. ,. Ii 0 " ~:. Ii .. ~_ . ' lI ~g in u r. oe~t. ttel': "1 lIllV oeeda tha pUrohase prioe ot dur e'nr ~d~I~~~'t.l~,. ~· i~ .. Y· ~ 0 j c IJ~NNED STH AWlBE[-tRlE, tl~ (} 1)1'. Kmg ~t:w l)it'oovl'l'Y tire po88888lon8:$326. 7/;. Yo~~Board OOOK, ab.. .. ." ,, :;-, {, 0 ., :! \l . , many years fOI' ouglJ nnd cp)(1s, was' prompt, in execut ing the ·in. J , Oak in J< y ...... II 0 Co 0 I ~ 1 l:illV'e y our, jil l'S perfe ' c\ol1n II1H11 think .it suv ~d' my life. Ihllve snuotlons at the l88t an~ull.1 meet. :;,~~~~~::~:::: :.,;,.:: ~ .:- ~ ~I ~ .:~ . ~ und d r y then tn k e e!l~ld purt!! (OilIld it II remorktfbl e r medy for ' , _ _ _ _ _ ' . t b l' OILt uno lung OI.11pll1in , and illK to aooept the propoeitipn of the 'l't') t al. .,.! .•.• " .. -to .<'. " '_'0' I fl'esh ber rie!:! tln(} t!gm', an4 m ix woultl DO 1001' be without I~ bottle ~ o' and War Department, A donation of I\ud mush t horough ly . '1'0 IICOO~U- t,bun 1 \ o ulc! be wit,hOllt · food . '" two Howltzers I1nd forty s hells as II, m : IA. UHOOK pJish this, tllke ouly IL smull qUllilti. FOI' nearly ftll:ty y~lIrs BW Disoovmemorlaltothehero e80rtb ~ CIvil .'ll H 1\ ' (I to A 1': ty ill U Lliilb Ht tL till') that you e ryhas, toodllt the' h endofthront, 7 :1 1 .-. U 0 . ttnd Illn~ rellledies. As II. preventu., k h war ( t e wpr . was oomplet ed t h e Mc), erM. :III .. . ". , . •, !! l ~U '1 m llY be su r e overy herry ia. .UlII h eel. lve uP pneu.11lol1iu , ILntl 1] BIer Qf . k' f Turn er ~ I" . . q.... .. P I I ' d i d d ha ' es gn II.n mec Dlsm spea B or '!'ate. g ~ . , ... , ... .. t, II -:- () J ;J ' (I Llt nto t)e ltl rs, un' e!l l imJJledi· wenk Inng::l it. 11a ' n o. Clqnlli. 'O ld Itself) t\Dd a. beautIful tribute wa s ~Ull!i . .r r......... , . .. . 0 I 0 ~ II 0 ately, in ver ti,ng tbe J'!l l' fO. I· a .r;J\ort 00(\ t' "U'l.r nnte nt Fred .'C[nVlll'~)\·A Holland, c.... .. 4 I I' II 1:1 .' 0 '" . paid by Howard Mtlnnlngton ~o ' our Uurg,-.;" I r....... ;, 0 1 () 1 U I t ime bol or a llUttlng ' n.wIlY . . i drug !ltor,,> . !l0. li n d $1 '00. '.l'r ln l , I 3b Ii ' (1 4 but t,h' fre e. lot owners for tbeir 'patriotjsm lind HMr)l'rh;, OO t . .... ',1 " I' 0Q ut 0'1 II~ The .wo r k is ea!lflv ·n , r.. . ,(....., ... . .. nd q oioJdy generosity in meeting t he expenses, J.uml'Sl n<:er, t r.. II II I) (J " II :l 'd01ie, ns t,her e Is nO' beotiD!;: My It was stated bY 'c rie of wirle t rav el ' puhr, 11 ... .. ...... :....0. _0 _0 _""':: 7 0 ber r ies OL\lIn!!d' ln th iB wlly,lUtlt sum. aDd observation; t.hat our .m e m orittl '1'0.111 ....... ... . ,'>:1 ., !\' -IG '!{ . Iller p r eserved their delioious fl ,lvur wae the most ' ,un!qoe a n Iside t·he unim priired. · MlaJl,ls .:.. 01 I I' a 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 U.. ~ i::ltl'itwherry shortollke eq' 11111 to N a,t iona! Cemetery '8. One good general lJUl'lJo. e mare, B(~ l brook . , u (I ) 0 1 ) ~ 0 0 0 () u 0 0 1· 0 two 'buggies pn' as good "8, new) . Y ou are elCpeo~ed t o elect. t h js ufo .s\loHllary .. ~;a .. III't} r un .;, Wn .rnCNvl llt I,. t hat'of th e sum mel' \lit !;! been ILO till 1. M. ,'l'ou'r. t e rnoon, two t rus tees, treaBurer ond Belll~rook :1. 'I'wo'ua'Sc hllN, ,\ . [lak in. Cook ,j oyment whenever we wilih ed one call'I agE': I"trsl bas ou b"H ~ a ll GlrlOIl I . off Sp all r . . . , ' . Oregonia, Ohio. olerk ..C, T. Hawke 's ' und 0 , J , Bur · 4, Strunk OUL b y ~'ii. b), Sllabr I ~. t hrough the .wlo ter.- i' ·r om Wom. Dett's tIme expires as trust ees" ,T. .Le f t o~ b"~CH. Wa.l' nl!. vJlle n. IICIII,roul> i,. C1.n'l.I Home 'o'lIl7{Janio'iI ' fol' .J)i11e. Double )'ll ay , Cook to. 'l'hOlJlpSO II " Mernl 10 . • 0 , Ca.rtwr~ght as t re.a surer ;. \lnd J , I'rurner. I"trst llil~1: on crfora, Wayn(! ii\'l11 ~ -...,- ~ H, Caek.ey as olerk. 3. B eilbro Dtl 1 0. lilt hy l)ILChfJ r. 1'lOlvJ;!lItl. Are y ou t.l'ouLI i:1 with yO\lt' roof '? "m lth alhi J'rl1lt.; 'I' i Ole, ~ tnI'. l' JlIfl ir(l~ . . , A (JONTE~ f:ED aOME. 10 oonolusion, t he future of our IJ('wl ' lLnd WlIt J,o; OIl . If 0, Iintl uut Il boqt Cl1rpautor .Mor . ,, cemetery nev,er ·WII.8 s o promla\D g t 11 Reoting. If YOll tI o your roof "Now g<.rllDdUlII . l!l1m !'Ia.tisnell , • .Notes of the Game . . to-day, . but while thi8 i8 striotly tl'qu bJe~ will be li t Itn end. l.' hl 'i n e I Wa II'1Btried I h ave 'b!len true, there are c~rtaio v ery impor. " Pekey " felt I~ t r ille ou t of phlce Roofing iEl IL tou g'li ; ruhber ·Jike nlll~ oross a,n d irr itl~bie on W1;I811 clay for t.D~ facts tbat in order to ins u~e tn. at berth No . :I, but made tl \'el'y ~erill l w h loh offe r s por f.eot protec. [ hnve b.een usin g I~ oheup . g reasy ~HcatlH.H'· $ 5~OO . itable 8.b owing considering t b e t,l'on I'r' om th e we Il t h e r . w. "" r . .A . UD . tnre 8UOOe88 , mus~' be kept s._- "I·Jy ored " 'two fd r a. niokla oap, (lll d I deolare ..,. ........ faot tbll.t h e hR S beeu plaving ill tIle 81 L~ in mind, nathely: the selection of field D ..~ sells i t I~od gi v es lin Il'hso Irtt grtLndma I·t \Vas not worth otlrry il)g iooo men for your trllKtees and of. Ber~lI.n WIl !! obli ged to lea ve the g uara nt ee of sl\t1sfnctor.~ r esults. hOllle. 'l'o.,liy o U,r gr ocer p r evail ed lioen, who will manage ~be ail'airs g(llDe on account of Ii game Jeg .. on m e to t~y King or' t h e: Lnundl'Y < • 'rlotl" on bu!,lness prlndlples ; Hirton struok out 17 men In nine Subscriptions for Thl$ b ile been the buppios t. ·'Wtllill • ,bat it mat be manag-t'd with oars Inni ~glj lind eight in the r emaining day bf m;/ m arried' IH~. 'l'r y It .§flood Judam-' and e nergy', tha~ Bevea innings, mating 2(; strikeouts all the Leading .I.'&'!~l!!!i,.C'llllc;:,. yourself gr~ndma, Y(lll can b uy .•. In all. H e wlH pi tch one of t he ".lU,",c. i.tbree 1~r1il8 bll rs for tencenttl" til. . aIlO1lld be a plan ot policy t o 4th ot' July games,
Cro's s Bros. l-l--
I) B , E. 1-1 AT
No. L2 1
'l' lw
F r 815 and !oSl )
... - ----
in .
NLo re'
lI ~ir. I
ell Stl' ot
Oh i(),
Fo r,82u aHel
A. L. Wysong &Son
'e r aining a
Sbiltt Waists
Our (areS a r e vo ry · j-urge 'Out" Cut fl an. callnpt. be xc .iled. Onr $$.15 Skirt cannot be c·lluaUe~1.
Silk".Suits. •
$1 .7'5 . y~] ue~ eq unl to hJiy .$20.0 0 sui t ill 't ho market.
, $H.75 np. .
Petticoats $1.00
$1.59 up ' up
at the Gazette
,Io hn 11 A11k in v, I ll, uf Leha n o u unu ' 1-111 :-*01 L",\ I", . J II . tlf Lo Ullllll rt .
Four Nf W 8 uit~--- S everal Ma rriage Permits I ' 'ued. .,
1> , 1..
b ll l lt't:t II; i\l lIlIr, '. '~~ , llf l"ran1;lill uud B • ;IH'I,. I" /I l1t n , '10, o f jt' l'ttTlk l1ll
Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work.
• - ...... - - .... - ~_"'VA_"""_""_"_"_"_""'_"""'__"'V __'VA"A""',..~"AV_A_.""'-.A . .__""_,..,._~
Antioch Chautauqua
Unhea.ltby K l d ~lCy S ?olnkt: Impure Rlood_ ,Iohn A. 'f'mt " , :~ :! , o j' l i ngs MllIiI It U BCU tu b ' .'(") /I$1t\(:r 'tl t htll o n ly $ 1 do II )' O[lr ~ '. ~ - . . In ~d" ,," ." Ilflll Ii 1/111 W il k l I':<on . :10, Ki tl ~ .. nritHu'Y an , 1 hb" hlcr t ro l lol '~ wc r ' lO 1)11 f L I!;-I" Cl\ l" If HO\l l iaf.t In uliva ll J C ·t l'llcl:d t tl t hc ld tl/lcys. Mil l!!, /I I I' 1\IO" l~rn - . b Ul Inn 'E I N A L LIJ: N B UI L l ,) ' f) I\fl.W t;; 1"11) M' i" Ill'I: Iil o y". that j "" ,Irll a ll iIi: 'a_ TELfJPTlO l\1 B ~;rLL . . r I ' hu l u ~ tl ll k r, . v.; .J II W Otl U AIh;1\"" ~ tllt'll bc;..<i nnilllt ~ I' (' ' . ~u ltt lll:l IHid wif e to f':. J •. ill I he 'h ~or,l t! r uf ---r--- - ----.:... I' lntl , I'or IlIU IH I.I'; ul n Ollnt, ii'll '.GO " t hl-"c Ul O>t im portaut , h IlIh' I' e~ 1 tl' " OIll A 1)1' 1~ l l eiJ , I 'JU~ \v 1~ \l N I" "\l A Y , .J! Nl'. 17. Ill " I Wit " . Iln tl l . A . I~e!l l y , lu t;; i n L e ulIllo u , $ 1
No. 6-2
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1Stll' Y U\) I,u
u u t.tld
·1 r lI u lt'!
li'uu r t h , of COUftte !
IUWII >l II1 \1, $l.
WM I: .
qui 'kl\, your l'lI li n:
h"",, i,
Season Ticket .., ,'2 ,
affected and
L . K. Lao'gd o/l Ilttorn ay fo r pltlin t •., hlUl ey, r e ll l t'R tuta In Leun n on, , 1. ho w e\'c ry ilr).:UIl ,,!elIl5-tv r Li I t o do i l l W h y, th e itT. . A . L . ' noo k nn u Mu.ry .I£. f;ln o o k J IIl y. If y(,!11 arc ~ i (;k or .. fr,lc l hao1 ly ," u t!gtll '[' h u Uu l t 'tt ::; 11It.Ui; Pl'in t iul{ '". tll Mltbel Buud le, lo t iu I::louth 1.J61m· laki ll ~ th l: grcu t k idll ey rellled y, Dr.
W hit t '''' t. lJt Ul utt er with t he oi ~y d au t! 1 U klll ~ l olo the IIl utte r o f ptl v io g Mli iu tl ll'Utll ~
. MY I tl lJJ , 1:lo r ro n glls V!! ' hllrl6ll ( '1'IIWII 1,,1)(11-:0 N o . 5:1 K. of 1'. Horro llgh ll, fo r III "u r e! :llId ' u lltody wi ll d f' UOI'HhJ 1htl g ruv e!! o f t il ir dll ur IlO II , u g r o nnu tl extr e m e ol' u el- oelHlOt l lJ\'1 l t' i1 ~' r!l II ~u ndu y .T nn e ll J. ty IIml ~ bl' e u t e n 11 d e .;ar l·io u uf te r til e t il t 'us t,le un ll lit II p. Ul . <I i,;p u In !;: "uf t h ell' j oi'u t propel' ty, .J A ~IK E\ t£ NtJ i\M, ' , C. l) uly 1\ ftlw (ltIY '" n o w u n t il the L . A . ZI M .I/ ~ n ~fAN , K. H. & H. 'UU lI'f I' £Wlltt:KIH NiJ ~'UlI I· t1J i t!llV U lip yuu r UllII OS, lind s p eQ u It Itl Lhe ' I H lll'l ~t \() o , IJlIIll'l e>l i::i( IIl):J!wn \'" Mutil dl~ Ao h ~
terUl/t U tl od 1:1 .' ' Ii:. ' Ac b tel'lnu n . Ali oyetll\1'6 oeut,urou ou 'bloago S h e r llr's ttul nPlJl' llv tl cl nn d O()!:! t s be. t llis we k . W i ll iL btl 'l'lIft 1:1 u ~ h es In g Inrlu .lllt of 111")0 ous th e bl\lun oe It'u l'IllciJl' or J!' tllr buul(s:J 1'1 rhllps it W Il.S or ed hed to th e pltllntltl' and oo urt further 1\ wards fl01. 62 11gains t nl liy lIo ItouM ve Il ! SIlld defe nda n t and In fl1vo r of plain. t ill'. o llllv u I b e .. ill','" I,f u U"!!, nuu with Sto111L 'allover VII Willinm R. t.b tl (soll"lti 'i WO 111l 0 h e r , t!h oulu Con ov e r . Up o n Bugge"ti o n of oo urt be fo l h ,wiuH 111 t h o (1I0t,Jjtops of t or. pa rties bereto Ilg ree to live togeth. mtlr co u u 11111 11 11 . W e h tl. v~ wilnl- e r a s man Ilnd wife, where upon ol p ,d w n ol· ltl p UI h f:l ll tl~n(1 wllte r · oosts were p a id a nd cause d is mlseerl , w p rks 'i "'to lIu Vto g ad !!lue wlllk , Jllilon Kl l1der VtI \1\1 nIt r (:/ . Kin. lJo w ' l ~8 ltIH tI · gOt,l.l 8"re6t, . Tlt u r a t Ill . ' 'ourt 'o ru a r s s h e r i~ to ~nlY wu y t n h,~v i;uotl str e t s is to olfe r rtm l estllte f o r ad Ie, fi r l!t in 111\ va I h'1II I, fo ur truol s li nd tbe o us 11 whol e Ilnd t o B 11 SIlUle in the manne r wh lob · .\ r yuu filL : 'an "YO ll , l'UII ~ bring . fo r t h the h igh est bid . By ~ a joi n t m o f t.b e jud ge UIlYS, OltO y un ullmo II !! l'e u ~ed p ole1 f t h a Cumwe,'n: P leus Il·nd P r o bll te O irls , 0(10 yo u 10 k ut UU o bjeot n n CI Il lt suw eth in g elt4eY W ell, if y'o u oo urts • •lud g e Ale xa.nclf4r B ox w 'l1 c un d o I1li tlletlo lind ll .g rtlUt lIIuny wli 0 pp in te tl t o trao tl llot bus iness m o r e t hin g l4 uo 'ld s, yo ullr elig i b le nnde r t h e oot II pproved Apr il 24, to one 0 1' m o t' b uutlful ~lr e a nts 11)0 I e ntitltlu " ,m lio t to r eg ulRte t b"t will ue glv n IlWU Y o n (11 (1 tbe trel1tnlent lind ooutt·ol o f d e fe nda nt, u eglept d I1nd d e linq u e nt ll'ourtb. obild r e n a u d to r . peal 0 r ta ln ' ----~---the r ei n nl1rned , "
O Ult1~
A lJo nt th irt,y y Ul'S u g , Mr , .1 uhn ]!}\'e r h ll rL fo und Il ti n type p h o lo lit th 1tll o nl1s t g r ove b lo Vf to w n , li nd II, 111111\ d in t Iy r e oog n il.ed it li S II pi c tn r t' of Li n t. T ho Ul u!! Burldn J'ohu 'Ji o il ,11Ii '(. r ill t b e 'i vil ~Y UT . '1'0 s uy th llt. b e WII S g ltl il t o n ll rl i t "'"8 pot tlll f:l it u1i1d ly , aB ,John ny t b e r e IVIIS l1 e v 1' 1111 o fll t;e r l,hlL t WIl m o r e belov ed by hi!! lO e n t h l\ n W UB M r. B nr ll1n . Auo u t tw o y eol's, Mr . Alfr c1 l:i l~r l un, of ' ow Burlin gton, w h o is II. brotb r Of Li( u t . l:iurla n, lollm d t his t intYll , £l,n d o n Ol'coratl o n DI1Y ' b ecame tb e p ossess or o f it.. Be bud kn o wn tllll t I.h e r e hall be n Hk e ll ell~ tuke n but ·y Ilr~ fllCo i t blld been l o~t, Rnd Ul/ t rn oe of it co ulel lie fo un ~l. Mr."Hnrllln p r izes t his t o ken very u igbly , and aHa r such u. long t·ime wn ~ glad indeed t o ge t, p bs!te sia n o f it , .
Friday, June , 19:
t k e Ill' Ji rsl tillc luri u).: YOHr ki' l u~ ys ,
Count \.nc h w it'l.Icy . t h o ltl1!1!!itlU p'xl l e, \\' hl/~ ~ !' lo rl eR o f H U!l~inn rt Jl prt!I:!M io n !\luk e I h ll hl olll1 boi l ,
T h e i1Jiltl III II 1 lh c 's lr;\CI r<lillury'!Tt:c t of Dr. K ih ll l!r '~ S wamp- Root, lit ' ){Tc:rt kid lle)" r ' II" \. j!' ~OO ll re"li z".1. It slll llcls lIlI: h i g l ;~.;t fu r its \\'oll\lcr£ul n r ' (,f the lIIost d islrl'ssi/l t; ca ~c~ , und is se;! J 0 11 il s ul ' rils Il l' a ll ' clnt ~gi sts iu ftfl y :cC'1Il 111111 lll IC-. loll ur size boll!t:s, Y UII 11111 V h uv e U !m lllpi c hotllc IIomoo(BwAlIIp.Root. hy lII ail fr c , Ills" a pa lll p h iet telhllJ: you huw LO linu OUL if you hun : kitl" !!y or 1Ilao1. lcr trou1>ll'. i\( t! lItioll lit is paper wh,m \l' ri li ll)l' 11) IJr. Kilmer & CO,! Bi ll g. hUIIIlolI , N . y , J)(I/I ' lm nkt! a ll ), I:Jllstake , !Jut remelHue r th ' na lll t:, S wa mp-Root, Ur, hi lmer's SWlllll p-l{ool , :llId th e a d,Iress , lliughautlo ll , N. Y . 0 11 c \'ery Lottie.
Saturday, June Two
of Oharles 'Frleburg, deloells(ld, ' ~nventorY' atld IlppraisE'. ' l'lle "nnu~1 Reunion of tbe Engle 'lIIent flied , fllmlUn will bt! QII MundllY, JUDO :n, Iilst,lite} of West Glenny, djlCelllled . 190M, at th .. nlli EnMle bOllll'lstelld in . Invl!ntory . and apprallment WlUlbtDgton 1.0 wntlhlp, Ib1.n' iolph • MARltlAGIt LIOQ8119 . OOUDty, Jpd All Jr.UOWll kinfolk ,os~all)' tnvUed to be present.
BuokleD's Arntou tllllve Wins .
QU Il t'Ol' h!
'OIUlllbu H
Sunday, June 21; '1'wo lJi ~
i:l0 rll lU n H h y Hi>l h u p Iinl'tze l1 , ud ll1it tad ly lI u e of the higg6!!t 111 n 111 th e r e ligio n :;! w o r ld .
Monday, June 22: r:hild r e n 'lI Ouy, P uuHlll u ilfl\ , t h e wUl' ltl I' n w u ed hl rd II ml d og t,ra in e r , wit.h h lH t;ul/lxy o f UUi01111 u ' II I1'''',
Tuesday, June 23: F IITmer 's 01 y, Prof. l:lo illeu, t.h e co rn of t h e w orld .
n lt ure IIIHh o rlty
Wednesday, June 24:
J an e Addll ms, o f IInll H o u se, C~Ji ou !;:o, t be w orld 's g r e u.t est sett.) a m e ut wo l'lcOI' .
Thursday, June 25:
f,)!: fe d ing to hOI'/I S Will I I W 11 t~l ap fll y to Mrs. WaLe.. holls', of or win GF: . ,' , SA I. E, Pel'SOnll wanting CO rn s u iLalJ l
G . A. R, Dny. Gell . O. zl d veter a u , Friday, June 26: ~
ldYlIsou, tb e Indil1n Ol'otOI' on " The Las t Stalld of
Saturday. June 27:
'l'riple Ole f 'ollc ar t Co of 17 young Illdies who ha ve w o n 8 priz es i n 10 oon test\!. WILl ter Bowe . fllmO\l8 lead. ing mltn, wh o w as with ir vi ug und Ml1ns field , In rellding!! a nd re mm il!oences .
PUBLIC SALE fJlhe U lJllli'~l l{n 'U1 as l he OXl!c ul oro( Lh e ·wll ot A v Ol rlUu P. ," 1I.I ~ b t , ole' aK!d , a tlug In contonntt y Itl Llw L)Tovj. lon ~o t HIt"1 wHl an,!
t hl: Ill "', und In obedience II') bile juaKlllenl
unll dtreuU on
or the
nr Cl) mmon
Pleu~ r,~
tn and for Warr en County, 1110, III e No. J 0 0 1,7, Em mo. .. ~ Hally , a. ~u uh executor, agalnJit Al be r t Q , Brad I r t anil oth ers, will lIe r fur stile, a. t publtu \'~ndlle , on" t b u
Sunday, June 28: w...r. J.),lwllon, t b
t,.'~:lX 1
re R ll~ (t1J
........ .., .. '"
..... -... .... ....
.... ow . . .
_______ •
'I ~
. . . . . . . . _w"tw . . . . . . :w .....
O N tSA.'fU RDA Y , .1UNE a7 1908,
g r an t Londo n , E n g., prenoh,e l'
-""' .... :"' ....... · ........ v ...........
pr e /O tSll~"
RelJcl~c a
1:1 Ow Ird , 't h e e loquen t g ri z.
tlJe tii DUX . " .
VallHY Prone 54,
2 0:
uldl y 115- I.ho inc" ,IIII Jll r llble ::lY lIIllh uny 0 1' h fl>l t.I·II .
&50N - '- Pay cash t o r ull Kincl!!
of~ -
Grain , Hay,' OattI , Sheep, Hog'S•
. ...
N Al.LO,YEU DEl.IG H r',
In" trn ot,ioll 1'1'0111 ~O ll lll II/' tll Ul lIs l r " Iinil ~ II f hUlIl. F l1 nJ o ll tl Mt' ll nlld W llm u III Ent fl \' tH in ~ '1'1,,; I!: In r « ' tl on lll Jt: v£'nr Pil l' 1'; x celIollt f til Yeur.
Kilt ncr 'h S" '"I1P-R,)ul , be 'alltic :Il> soon a ~ C)'\r ki.lll t:'·" a rt· weI! t h e)' \I'll! b lp all 111 ~' ')lh",· o rgll n ~ to Itcfl ilh. A tri al will c m vi u cc UII\'nn e. If you nrc sick"you Cl lll lII ak e no
Single Admi s io l1. 25c.
IIDe o',l!ock In Lll e aft m oo n. t ile" real e . laW! of wlllclI " 1(\ A I'nrllill F. E ll .llIlI~ dleo A 17.eo. und which 1:1 deHcrlbed as follow:! : I' " " Lots nU Ul llerell sen:n (7 ), el lll,t (8)" nln "t~ and t c a p O) In J osepb B. bap ll1 a n 'U ddl~I() D t o th e \ lJI age of W ay nes.Ute. In tbe ooullty ot \Vllrron and lI\Le of Obl o, l)illllg ~ b e same lIreml e con veyed bl' Margaret J ones lo A Il. res ult of u. stuu.1I mild dog Abraha m Ellrlgh t Ill' ~ e(t' da ~ed ept_mller Cllre last w eek t beo ellrLl of B el11t,h J 1, / 8 t111. and recorlled In tb IJlll d Record. of "' arrc,1l CoU Oly, ' Vol. 411, PIlIl!l /iOu, an il lUet Ilnd d eoid erl t o tuke i mme dillte also beinG Ibc " 'n w cml. eit devlHcd by Ab ra bDUI ~br l llht 10 Avur illa I,' . li:brl p;lll Ily ot.ion, tlnd Pil sed Il r el'o lt1~i on t,o 111ft la~t will which Is re co rded In \'01. 2 , kill 1111 U()gs foun d unlllu ?zled - lls II page :no, of the Rooonl ot WItI , III t he P ro· " . bn~... (Jolin of War.en unlY, Ohi o." r ellult dog!! IHI 11M ~ OlLrC fl ' ill! "/Lin nld • 'til e. taw has been dil ly al'pralM)cl aL the S UIll \l,t "wentY ' Lwo HU lldr d "'Iii l~ ln;V DolJure rll ~~ 50 ) ," nnrll he sarn e ,wi ll 00 ~ohl (O T t he hi ghes t price tlllLt cun I>tl ob tai Stricl, en with Paralysis th re lor,nnd for lll1t IdS. Lhan' t wo,thl rd . ('.11 of snld a p(lrlll.,,(1 \'ulue, uOll (o r caHh In hUlld on th ~ d ,,~' or . al '. lio1. f . , J Olll; O D , 1' 0 1' nen.r) y tt' I~ ~IM it .' . BA .I... Y, J,~ xecll to r of the wlJ! 0 1 Ava· q llur ter of t\ c t3lltury . e dit o rial rUla ~P. Eb rlgb t. d \!ceas~ d . wri t er 110 tb e ' tnQionli t i Enquirer, St"'u \\' . HI\OWN, ALlon l 'y, and w ell known ull o ver t be s tate, . ~unr M7, fi ~. Wilt! !! triok e-n wHh Pill''' lys is last w eek, uod is io Il o ritJi OllI oondition, Notice. Mr •• fohll son Will! b orn in Jell'er. SOli ooullty. and htl s Iv6 rked on ne wspupors in Ra ve rlli le tltH ng olties
I n tbe rna tte r o f tb e \:uurdi,lU Bhlp ,of Pete r 0, Greatb o us e, a urunkl1rd . Doris Ellen Zell Ed M. J o boson WI1S appOinted a;:al1r 'l' he Htt l dllllg hte r o f 'b,t ri el! lind liiu.n Ilnd li O b o nd r e'q uired , Mllry Z.ell d ied Jun e 8, " gell e leyeu IsiLIltll t! o!llngllheud ti l:! IIdUllnis y ean, ilnu Rev, 'l'rvn t OOlldU ' P: U ',rdUf of t o e I;!lI tut e of H e nry ~auk , tbe f une r,, 1 on \ ' t1UO I:l::ltlu .V of hLHt d C.UIi e d ,v!! 8 " I'tib E. J:lll,uk e t Ill. w ee k . . CO llrt o r Oe r s 1\lllllillis t rL~Wr. to lU i~ke privlu,e 81ll u UI r e ul tll:l tllte , " Iree o f . James H. Chenowet h. t.\l e uuw e r ",lI tllW {.f' ::)arob Bank ,1 li m ed ti. ," ,II il ' l'h om il" u nLl Mu wb o hilt! fil ed 11 )Jh'-i di D ~ Wl1 fVlDg t il(h" l hello"''' lh W IU' lIOrn A I'rl1 7, the Il l:Il!ignooent by m etes un d bouuds 1 ~ 7, lind u e l'" r l ed U, II! Iif u ., uo e \I, IIolld . tltlk;iug oourt t o lilly ber t be val: 1"90 . A ge d III ,V"'\I' ~, 2 . nl oll ~ ll!l lInd ue of tile' dow e r in mone y in lien pf ~ till ~ tb e sl1ms . I:le Wilt! lUll rri pu 1·0 EUlmti Llto.v , 10 the mu.tter o f Ed OI'Lug, Iln al lJ 0 J\l hel' :11, I di'!l, \V 11 0 hil S hee n, leg ed inuna person.' (JUUl't tln~s f~lnbflll t o 111m fur uelll'ly thirty Ed Oraig Ins ilne Ilnd cODlmi ts him y ear!!. '£0 t bhl uO,l oo we r e bo rn six o hlldren, oDe dllugbter 11Ilvl ng pre to the I urn 11 t OilY t on , 1u the lllll U e i' of. Muloh!. Bob on. of t llt H tate. .~ aee4ed him ~ o t.lul (h e~ut Ueyund .· ~ B e uuited with tile Pl'iUlitivtl ILU ulleged iU BlLne perso n, Co urt Baptis t ohuroh lit Middle R u n ',lay ' tiud~ MIlI'oia: Bouson, 'iUliane aud SI3ELF " 17, 11),08, and \VIIS bllptizell t he sll~e c ommitt! b e l' t o t,he stllte I1l1yluUl ' llt 'rbe y who g n~ picnl oin g muet 'OILY ton. day by Elde r W, L. Liues, Iu the ma.t te r of the will of ' 01)))Iu. lleed tl oonside r th e qU esti oo o.f iunah, Although WIIB not able to be with us at our regulllr mee tings . on (j h e lls, dece ll,se a . Will IIdwitted to Ilnu it grelltiv IJelps t ile prepartl ti oll s for ~ 'dll.,Y'S jllunt if IlU ' the aooount of hl ~ iUnell!!, we k~ew. bi8 probllte •. paoking mate rial ·nnd..a)) the favor, feelings. Bls suffe rlbg w8tiI of lo ng E~tll.te of Benry FIl1nnega n , de· Ite pionio ' recipe>l ure kept in one dUration, but he endured it patiint oeased. S~cona Imd /lnul Reoount Iy Ilnd 1\ Il wa,i ted the sum- filed with v ouobers for 1I~'ttl tllD e ni pI~ce in the kitoben oupboard, just liS one k eeP8 an "cmergeoQY 'shelf" mons to "OolUe up high'e r , '"' (jod whioh is ordered su~peuded , for company. When Summer sp . blls oalled and he blis ~,nBwe~'ed and E s tate of Howurd Gltm BI'ldelirant proll'o he s IIrr,lloge ". U.I·BO ·a "plcnio Isno\v busking in the s'u nlight of II et Ill, minor. William Benry liilde · . precious R edee m e r, Be lea,ves t I.l" brllnt ' 'IlPPolntell gUllrdian under ebe1f'.' ttnd ,t he pre pllr-in~ Illld , )ll1qk. lug of a lunob will lose all its terrors . mourn' his los!;, 11 lo,' iu!l w ife, flv bond of '2,000 wltb Wlllin,lD Hildeohlldre n, ono g /,lIndohild 0 110 bro th- brllnt u.nd Mo rri s E, andebmntllB ·'l'here should be 's o m'tI big. sheers of b eavy lIrowll pa,per . One o f. which, er Ilnct slster, flv u hlilf brJtt\ers ues uretios. nel1tJy folded.,· ~houlu lIe 'l)ut~ in the side!!.' IUlllly friundtl. May t he be " F V"! d" ~ " E stttte of tiy IVlln • ,~llIlIms , e. batt·om of t·he;! t. rhlS "hould rellve~ family low io huwble I!ub oellsed . FoVII ' E , WHllllms appoiotod be I,he table.oloth· 'rb e u . t,herA '1'I118Slon to Bim wh (;l d oeth IlIl things Ildmlnistr ll.trlx 'undar b o nd of $2500 sho,uld b e 1\ supply of paper oapkins well. furnished with Wu.llaca I). Evans Il~cl alMo R s upply of pll~lImn · paPer and Laurll J:lllrkrader IlS sureHed. io whioh to) wrllll the ' eutables, If Vorbis Wj))ialDtI you "'o not Uve n e ur a. .. tore wbioh M.'rlon '~rel1thonse, '" ... " \' and 1'beQ(lore Wlillams I\ppoi~t,. s e lls pllrllftiu puper, sllve all the Iio. tid apvralsers . , ings ' from your o rn oker boxes, At a It1~e m eeting 'rnesdt1y night Esta't e of r"ILFuyette Rue, deoell~ed , Tbera should u e two Ine~pensi va ~ . tbe s oboOI board' decide d to put in P,e rry Ru~" Ilppointed I4dministrator 8Illt u.ntl pePl'er s llakers, II oorkscre w stllilm heating flppUruioe~" Mlcl tlia nnder bond Oi'"$40,OOU fornish.ed t.lle gin"Eir 1I.le bottles, some " .. oontraot Wilt!. aw"r'ded tb Desour with Minni,e Rue /tnu May Rue drinking glIL8seB 01' OUJlS !lnll a few ties, Ja ...... es ·B. Miller, Artbar k' nlves, fork s !lnd SpooD!l.-The ,Tuly moux & S Oli, of Springfield. sure 0, Bar~tllow Ilnu ·~.H . ~. <{onover DltL1NEAT01'! . ..:. ....,.-_ appointed Ilpprllisers .
th nl ' ~
v s 3.1ol' r ll:' h: . ' lJ ook uu u ,I os e l'h B ~ J10 n , 3;1 . I n 't ii u bout t,lUl U t.o illlpro v e ll' /' e u a h , Lt pn r tn or~h l l) d Olll g 1m_'Ii . Mu r y M. T b o m pson t o H llrri et '. 'I)I'W III Ill/ e nll tl t1j,{tdu ? Ut!IiS llll fJt I' t lw UUI UI t)f Ih e 1;ll nt ul1 "WI'il{ ill , r Olll (ls t ll t e hi l.oua n Jn , :f. l. Uu u u ty 'lL I' u iUI{ Co .• f IJr 1Il0 1l11Y ; A ll th il l' 1.'1111 g llilla t h is w ee k , UIll UUllt $ IIJ ll:J'j w!tolt' i n le rCM t fru !ll 1:1 or o 'tj b n pll lH f u!' IJIl t t e l' III k , b oy!!! ,I Ull fl, UIUS, U, B . u uo h n n t II ttol'· Ti lly fu l' }lln i lll,111'.
~I a llll\loth Melan ge tif Mirth and Mu ~ i c, ))r cia muhon a nd Drama, ~c rmon ' and Sci ence (Tnd.;r th e Lrafy R O \l ~ h s Hf the T a ll Oa ks ' of Clus " i(' Nf'fT P a rk . with II !! Purlin g Strt'lllll. Hiflf fir N IIt ll n ' a nd It s Multifa riou s t.tradiun ;;
Th l!reforc, "h" 11 you r k irl nt"ys arc we.'l1t b' ", lJrullry H, lllu ' I , J, A . H.Il I1 Yll n lInd wi fa t o Elln .:r . n r nLll u f u rder. \"1111 call und tOrst:l. ll ,l h o w
nH ~
i l H~'lll :-; i \'(-' .
For\! lI ;;ic l" ~a t
o rJ:"ul1 c.;. T ill: k idn e l's filter a lld pur ify l hi!lllooo-
\ Y • Qu ll " 'J I-\. I UJltl'n li It:. S Wlli n ~t ill Tn Alfr Pl1 t') l' II ·I M ' l-iWnill . l ·!:; }., tl ll l'f\~i n ( ' II'Jl I'c r opk I OU(J\' .J. "
\V hoop , c n p, bo y !!,
.J lin e ] H to J U t)(I' ~ 8
un d WOo l I1t t h ~ 'orwin E lev ll t or, We OIIrr,Y full line of flll'm IIn pleme~ts, 8tio~ Oil tbe wel)kno wn Os born e \'\' h ollt a nd Corn Blnd!)fii, Hay T edd er s , Ru k e s, t' n g u e lesB' Viso H n:rrows, and Binde r 'l'wlne . Formers , oo me In und Bee the I~t. lL
~!!t; Impl' o "e~1
A n'll yo u wi 11 ee t h e ·.finest pieoe of Wgch\l1exy-_ __ v e l' put toge t ller. ~ Bee th ~ Brudley Gubg " Plow eS' 1l1lc1 ultiviltor s"':"tb ey " n.r e toile ell!li est. g llid lld pl()\\'~ IIIn cte', Il"nd t ilo o,o ly sucoe!lff u~ ~ rqw o ulti. VII t o r D1l1nufllcturetl , If' you ore .Iooklng for II Mllllure ' prau. d e r . w ~ 1111'v e th e lut'!5t ~2 0th Celltll ~Y, t h e li ghte~t rpnn i ng preade r on t he mn,r k t . We hondl e t·h e .. w oll. knowu Zllllllle rmUn B uggies, ;v oU1J~ Ulen!. 'No g irl wfil refuse" to go ' riLling "wi t h y o uH y o u have 1\ Zlmlll eJ;'wlln ; jUt!tl r ec el ved II curlolld o f t h e w ell· lm o wn bru.nd " of
at R Se: UlIl ,
BulleT County: In tile L"1.e cj{ "un s a ~ : S )'I ~ vester O. :LasUley, Iln I'nfnnt . 0 1 Ihe ag e . ICI'cn years, whOr eMd S II I Oxford, Sum n.e. Couoty, In bh Slale or 1~ an8a. ; antl KaLe A. M eW., 'tile IlIN ne. anll th e lell al guurdl!m of thOs aW 8),!\,ester D. J,,,shley, 8uhl Intanl , lOb o also r e~ l(l e 8 u~ Ox:lord, ' umne r County, In the SLULC u( " 'nn 5u8. bhe falher "01 ' ."Id 8y lvc;;te r D. r,aHh,lcy, ~a l d l,nfluH belllg ae· cca cd. and I I' , • ,I.I tl lI'Lhcr ha vloK LhO! allr" nod cus\O!l y . · ',I.. ' ''''c he reby noUUetl thai O:cnr ",' "'\\" ""~ fldm or witb t h e wi n .\1 I I.l I t " '·Ma t. .. of Oa \' ld [.4 ut-'l l l cy . d \" \,0 , . , .;, , t I tl n ' uf Apl'll. 10m . ll'k ll L· ... , ..• ..1, 'j ,h ll J1I1rL. n \&.IHHll r \V :u ".1 ( •• " .. " , \ ,-t.",,, f'" ..." , l (]
('I:-;r 1Ir .1. l~ lh Hlt'liS. n, .. ' II " 1I.., , r .11 ( '.• tl i l t1. e Will ilU1JV:':Ct~ ur 1'i a lll ..... ~ ... .1 l C. a ~ . ", I '.I n · ~ll hl l s t lltt.! U t.h :u th u iJC rKt ll1al l.: ~ la Lt! a ncl cffCt· ~ uf R,\la deceMn t u,rc 11l~ ,l'1lI I nl tv I'UYhis t1cbt tf
Vulcanite Portland
arid Lb," costs Ilnd chllr8 e~ or a tlUlh Ll8 ter l u~ his el\laLO, and \vh ' rein be, ij3Rl IIclD1l nl ~ t ra All ruilrelld" t\98 this brand . \Vill h n.v e /l' cad oau !.Ci r us "fc'r csuld . 8t;\ tl Uu\1 salll decccknl , Da\'ld f-a lliey, dted B"lzed III IcC $Imple 0 1 o f high' gru d e Toboceo Il~d 'orn l!'ertil! z~r ti e r e till' rollowt nu dCHt'rl bL'tI relll e~~ a t c : til IS w eek , 'Hllate I II w .. vue : I'()wlIs hl". Warren 'O Il /lL)', OIOjo, ,oll ialllllll: . abo~b slxw~e l l:h~ W.e wil!h espeolall y to oall tbe IIttention t o 1\1) 1111\1 bwenly ~ \I\'., III' p,l n:IILlu, (UK. 2., ) ac res, aM who are thinkit\g of buying F e rtilize r!! t o the bclllll t hc . ·a·U\ pre mhJes cOl1 ve),ed to .oll l· t d~ 'LMh\cy I". l.e,lIs lLuJll l,hr cyil, by ll c ed d.. ted !luwus fill e'r . Huwu!> Is ~I eollyed veg·tl.ll1ula mutMatch I, 111110, a nll ,re eor Icel It_ Warrel\ (';O UIl L' Oe,od. Uool, No:!' . Ill}," ar.a : Also ter " whioh i~ a neae~sity. iI! 1111 !loil!! nn (l 'wltho ut, tllll loiloW'tng clel'l'rlht .\ nia l CSlllte : :\m ua W! oh uo orop Cl1n ue grown., 'com e in IlUtI se e .whi In W"Y DP '1'O WU811I\1, Will'rem l'ounty. O)lln. cOlltllh .. ug IWO 01 11 ,1 nl nety· fo ur b U D ~ 118, ' WIH 's av e you money, \!.04) acrc~, '\tHI \lc~U~ tue ~all\e IlremlNeH COli I''' ,' co.\ by Aloel :aLtenh walle . to Du\, ld t.. aNbl ev, by Ilcr,d r1a t,,11 ~ a n\lury 7, ltl7il. 1111<1 I'ccord':Il 1[1 Warr\'u · ('ou n ~.\' Due.1 Hook 1'/0, ~ 7 _ page.. :!alll\nd, ~ :Ij : , 11 of saltl real es Lat~ COUSllb\'lh.~ and OOtn ll th'l hOlll e r.. rm 'Hid pieml elJo( whlelJ tM salll Da\' I<1 r, ashlev died seize d lI(oTe ~ alr1 , 'j'M eald OHCl>r.T. l;;tl\I'lI ri\~, U8 8I1td UdUlhl' IN LrIltor ",lth tile wlll annelre,d "" More81lld, III hiM sal.1 PC t~tl OI\ t. fortb IhQt the be ~t .. vallabll: .1 crip\lon 0 1 "aid real estate ,. Imperfect and unc n al n:" be pr...ycr of eald ._..:..._ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ pc UtJon I~forllnor~ ' rof the.COqrL for making lin uccurll~o 8l1ne.v a nd deI'Urlpllon of said , _
Oorwin) Ohio.
I~ RlI
.--...;-----------------""'"---------~I " .
nk!mlseR real .e"latc and l8W< to lorr the lIu,rPOise.1 1l1'e lor. aprem ll orOer sale of 11 of paying tlle debt.H Of 81LId t\ec;edcnt, (,!labley. and ..he Co t.H and bar'gck of admln · IKl.erlog hili " Ntal . 'l'he said UebUcCl> A. Cox, SY"~llffler J.lI, r,a8hley, aid~be Inttlnt. Katt! A, Uie moth er and lellal an~ guardian or and bereby DotlR 4 that they ha.e detf/ndunt, all afore' SIOtd, \ 0 aDd III . ald u Uoa, aDd \haL to aMI\'Cr aal4 peUU\lII, OD or beforo Satunlay. lllltll,
EIl'I \'AlthA
~, "
For ealc "at tbe follol\'lnr pla"ceo. :
A Purely
Cures Chronic Constir.:tion, and Liver and Kidney 'Prou lea.
The Alpha. Ohemoial. Go.
Statlatl cs ' Do Not Bear Out Statom'o nt 'rhat M.m Is Deter.i oratln",
- ,-_. ,
A Cenllno l<("lcnll sl. l,lr. @ml1 Konl.!;.
mania ".. hl ell hart carrl erl olY the vic· tim 'In r corci tlml). Iiss 1'ollr llu'lJn Iis lened with an
odll gleam In h I' inte lligent eyes. "WIISIl.'t Ih rEt-tha. t is- d·l dn·t he leave ,\ m (' ssBg 0 1' allYtbill ~ of that lUnd (or 1Ue?" sb d C' mall\lp.d. wh n tbe mat o had fiol sbed his 01 .Inncholy recital. "011 . yes," replied Mr. Prout 1111 1" rledl y. " Tb poor chap sont 5'oU his love. on'- ull' bopI'd you'd 010 t him In heaven- " he conclud ed In a burst of "iDfipll'aUon. Polly Antl'lm glanc€\! nt the mato with lIgh len d '1\1)8. ;Tery nice of blm," sbe commellted cooll y. "Who did you SIIY ' took his 11Iace?" "Capt. Cheater," returne d Pre'JL "Notbln g like poor Brundage, tlloUgh, be aln't," "I should like to lee him", III1d
Practical Fashions L.ADIES f GORED CIRCUL .AR SKIRT,
hall IRtely lind rtuk!'n 1./1 Ilrovc that I.n bigbly c[vilized CJ lIilJlrles Inlln bas 1l !J:l!!ed llis cOllslltu tlona l Btrengt h. 'llld (!OnAe!Jll eutl y Itl more !IUS 'ellUllle to did 'us th'll' h W IS .Iu earlier limes. Ther' Is obvious ly something tQ be sllid fol' ~ h [ s t,v 1' 11\ nl . bill . con· 8 ld~ l'e d a5 II whole, the fllcts do 1I0t hom' It (lUI. It Is IIlI()lIes lbnnbly lrll elvlll ~ nlion I\d\,l1:1 'es human com'!:l mnl'O COlllptex , IiJld Ihe pres· 1111' UPOII a mlln'S pbyslca! r sources tends 1"0 br eome moro Inten8e. it IjI also true .tbat · cl't torms of dlseaR . 1111 h, rol' Instance . as cancer aod heart \\·el\koI'Ks . appear to bo more prevo· leut Ihnn they were a century agoWe soy "u IIJ1uar." because only In a COI1l11Rrallvcly recl'nt porloll have tbe slati stics of morttllity and Its CH II S !I b on Irustwo rthy and exhllUstivO. Th- otllcllli records ot Geneva . whi ch havo. lie 0 ke pt carefully for l\ lOllS ;,orlod, Ili'ove tbnt the averagc durn· tlon or hUlllan li te Is materia lly great· Pa"l s Patlem '0. er tbull It WIIS 160 or 100 yenrs ago. Allow ed.- 'rh e skirt 31 66, AilS a ma III list rated Is on Not onl y lhe average length o! hum nn ot ihe II \V gorod ("Irculor mUllels. which existenc e, but the retention of physical are Ihe "CI'Y lateHt things for skirts thls and IntQll cct"ol vIgor . or what is ~UJ1lIJl !l r. Il mlly he mnile called the prime ' or lite, tends \0 be without tbe ·cenler·( rent seamwit h or and Cllt I,rolonged. The ' a g limi t of usoful· In round 0)' IInkle length. The ness has In pl'aellce been pushed fur· rial lij one or the lIew striped mal e· French ward . fianll elR. thougb almost , any ma.lerllli . The fl'lIit tul aotlvity of 'm ea over flO. Is adllptable to Ulis IIty l8> 'i'he · PlI.taod even 70 , years o.f age I~ 8. phe· !el'n Is In allC siz 6-2!! to 32 -Inclles. nomenon (u I' more fl' qUllDlIy obsel'l'e d walll mea8Ul'e . For 26 waist Lhe s kir to-day tban il wa~ 100 years ago. Nil' .v It b cellter·tron t seam, marte oft poleon's car er WIIS over al 46; Von sll'illecl 01' plaid materia l wltb nap. rei\101tke' s an scarcely be said to have qulros 4% yards -12 10 hes wIde, or begun, ' so far as great achievement., yards 54 Inelies wide; 01' without H~ nap. w re concerned, till he was neilI'll' 70. It '1'\e ds ~ y.! yards f2 Inche~ wid • 01' What Is true of war Is true ot dlplo· four Yllrds 54 Inch es wide. W ith or mIlCY, of law. ot me4lclne, ot every ""Ithollt center·r rout seam or plnln or flelll or ,,"ork In which me.ntul .and flgured mnterls l. wllh nap. it needs 6% pbyslcul energy Is Indlspehsable. yards 36 Inches wide. 4% yarlls 4!! When. In a word , we examin e Ilmpar. IMhes wide. or 414 yards 64. Inehel!' t1ali)' all tb.e data, weighin g accurate - wWe ; or wllllOut nail. It nedll 4~ ly all the evidenc e pro and con , we yards 36 Inches wid , 4\4 yards 4:: seem jusUned In taking an optlmls tio or M Inches wide. WIdth of lowel' rather Ihan Dr: Koplg'8 pessimi stic edge alJout 4% yards. view of the effect, of elv lil zatl~ n on tbl1 '1'0 procure thl. pattern &enll c~ nl8 . bodily "" il·being and longevit y of to ",patl ern Deportm ent," or . thIs10 paPer· Write nam ond adll...,.,. plainly. and btl man. Iu r o to 81" slz.. nnd Jlllmber of .pattero.
serl('d t he ·sptaio. "It beats 1111 the shine so milo), ot lh e~,e girl tllk e to me. (lIl't · undel'stnnd wilY lbey do It." " . either cnn I ." ag,r ell fhe mato, sa,·agsl y. " It aln't youI' beauty, nl s\\' ar. Mt' bhe 1t'(J the Hes you t ell ·em. ome women gO da ~y over a slack'llIoul hed liar." " T b 8~' S not tbe Ilnlllt," returne d lkundllg'o, sourly. "There' s only one way to sQuar. It. We don·t c!t1'l'r passong r8 as a :rule. and she'lI IIk ~ IX be the only one aboard. What y,l\1' ve got to do . now Is pass the word I.., Ihe Cl' w to keell their mou ths shut. ~ .url I'll keep "p this deaf and dumb l'aekeL She' ll /lever know me In tbls rib, 'SI) clally If J only show up aner dark." .' "And wbo's to $tllnd your watcbes ?" demand8\! the mate " ThInk fm a
I I!!III--~HE N '
)'ou'l1 :10 ft. 131\1, for "That Don..- " the sake of old times?" Qulli-Ied Capt. Brundjl ge when we make port an' sbe gGet an,lIously. , hunUr,' tor your grav e.~ · "Yes." Bald the . m~t.. "T'laL's so." agmod Brundnt;e. dei'for old tlmoll' sake and jectp.dly. "'Wo got to think that, over, . tbe 26 bucjl8 1'011 prom· Bill." 18ea. l'artlke rl,. for the '''l.'blnk It' over YOIIl-selt," retorted 25 bueles." tbe agg~ leve l1 Mr. Prout; "bul don" The , captain eyed hIm come nny nonsenae over me, for J dJ8daln fullr · .....on·t stand it." "U 'twa8 me," be com· The ArklalO was nearlnlr OblcBrO milled . ". 'd be glad to help ou~ • whan Oapt. Brund·a ge. sitting alone pal, :even It ! dldo't get ,a ceot. That'. In his cabin and figuring dellpera tely . ttl kind of mao • ·am." on some melLns of escape fro'm tbe "An' that'. the kind t' al n·t." re· . net fate had thro'""n around him, 80me Fast.Da y Supol'8 iltlonl . 10hled the mate tartly. "So mebbe NO. 2166. . SiZE, ... : .. .. ..... . .. looked up In surprille BS MlsB .Poll, In Arm nJa. tasts. both of nee !l81ty ) ' 011' 11 8tOW thl. here morali81n' busl· entered and "losed tbe door iiehlnd and of chOice, are very general. and N'AJ.Hll .... . .. ...... ......... . .... .. . ... .. .... . 'nCBB an' hand over the coin, so liS her with &!! emphat ic slam. Th.a t IItrlctly observed. The <e"et'!,tbln. 'JI be accordl n· . to. agree· moat common ". ! 'O \\'N •• . • .... . . ...... •.. .. .. . . .. ... .... . . .. . done. she Bat down and surveye d ber lonall\ of tlme for ab.Une '. ·lDent.' · nce· from· quondam suitor with mallelou !l eyell. tood Is seven days. 'J'bt' skipper of the steame r Ark.lam . STnmm T AN'D NO .. . : .... , .......... .. .. Brunda ge stared back with a sick!, T.hroughout this long perIod the Ar. 'muttere d: somet.b1ng uncomplimentarY, STATE .......... .... '.. .... ........ . ...... .... smile. wonder ing Inwardl y what her menlan s, imbued with reUgious fever. ,.nder hlB bieatq, bu~ pr.odlloi og a vlalt might Ilorlend . He was no' partake of no. fooll . Only I"n tM CallG .blllk~· ~ket~k e¥:tracted left long In doubt. of the ' young lIJllllarrl,:,d woman la billa therefro m 'and pal lied them to GIRL'S AND CHILD 'S APRON • She suddenl y stretebe d forth a al1m, any eoneess lon allowed. he matI!, who thruBt tbem loto lils < white hau<\. aad tore tbe black' beard The you ng 'men, on the' lIeventh day ;pGcke t and ' (aced hl8 ilUperlor wltb a from bls face. The'n Ibe l et her Uttl, of theIr (ast, are al.l~wecl ..satiB8e d smIrk. . by .oid and , foot upim It and spoke with much sacred custom. to "Now ' that'a ae~tlJ!d; . let',. run over eat a little calle, tree· unCUOII . ly mixed with salt. Your' IIcbeme again. 110 as 1 can ,get "Wbat an aWful silly you are, Jim ;my right beat:ln's," he sald pleal: By this mea.ns dreams "Of pilre. Brunda ge., to think that you could pull sparklin g, (resh _tly. ""ater ",III be' cert.alo the wool over my eyea." ""'.hen we get to. Bu\'falo- you . fix to vlllit the young man. The captain wagged his head dl. 'YOllrself up with .. a Phony bard .~' A strau'g e BuperaUtlon Is oonrlected 'mally. ""lg,' an' 'If Miss Antrlm ucomes askin' 'WIth these "Islons. The dreame r wl\1 "All rlgbt, PollY," be lIalet, ",.OU'V8 Ilee a malden Ito;' )'ou I'm to tell ber Capt. Brundage. got· me beat. What do you reckOD Bnd she wtll apprQ¥ h ' the IItream , died ,,verry 'sudden In ChIcago. an" carry him a jug, filled to do?;" ,t"wre:« a new sklppel' In charge. " to the b1'lm with sparklin g water. I·U . I . was a man." IB\d the Clrl.. "bOn't tOl1ret as I'm' SllllpoBed to The ' dl'eaill malden wUl be tbe «Irl scornfu lly, "I'd thrash you WQII, ~ut I whom lie deaf and' dumll," .:w arned til cal)·. Fate hall decreed be Ihal! 'suppose I must · get BatiltacUOp. an· Wn. "If she onoe. hoard my voice It marry. ' I othe r ' "oay What burt" me ~' moat. . This 'ad qileer tho 'wholll game.:' isn't your rlllsene8s, but tbe Idea ~haj Armenistrange superst ition 1.8 .fonnd In "Oh., aw right,': respond ed u)(;i, mate, a wher vel' the habit of ftLat· you conside red me such a fool. I'vt ."She'l\ Never Know Me In Tllia ~III." "Only she must be a. bJgger (al·bead Ing. Is observe d. !lad .It III b.elleved In found Ollt . all about you, and unlesl with 1.ILan sbe looks tr she 8waI)0'WB ' tbat, ~f.I88 Antrim . "Ferh'a ps he could tell blasted horse ' the 'utmost faith by tbe ' unma!' to be doing the work of YOII ' w~nt your wife to know eyery· rled men. 'Who'd :4!ver ' believe aB a compariy 'ud me someth ing mote about JIm." two ' men? ' Anyhow . sh,a'lI be put · thing. you' II do as I say. . fhlre '4 deaf dummy ' ror calltaln of a . '!Not him," respond ed the. mate,. has· wise when I •. she reac\:les CJhlcago." . "When )'011 PlUIse,1 yourlel t air as • Ic,. Bream .freight er'" ',' . til,·. "He dldn't know 'Jlm 81'11ndage, lie Worked .for It• . k single , man you " showed " dd d me YOUl ft " She's got to be'tlev~· It." ,returne!! "Well,' it'll give me time to thin Some ' yeanl ago tltere lived. 111 A~ bankboo k and oalcula ted that ,50( any'Ways, he.. e' ~s an a er· .the matter over," sald . ~e ~a"tjllll. .." Anywa.y, It. she· aeell an'. ·· Brunda ge, f;ould starl Ut;. ~leelY III houllek tbought , '.'tbl.1 here . Ohestel'·s dear an' eeplng kansas a man named Reynold.s " who hopeful ly. "You 'on sta, n d. tbe daY ~ at all. Il·lI· be only tor a. tew· min' dum' b,· can't" sn.. . _1· · word." __ owned a narrow gauge railroad 'from ...v llA a Now, .' atee, and the news of my dealh 'ill .ff.. look of Intenll~ su~prlse deepene d wa~llell and I'll cc,me on 'at night." . tvhen ""e reach ... uloago. llmm, Malvern .. Junction to Hot S"prlngs. It dear, you'll go .tr8tgh t to tbe ban... ~L her so that sbe won't stop to on his he/lrer's counten ance. Mr. Prout enter\!d a Vlgol'Ou was ~art)y due to the fact ~hat he "Deaf an(\ dumb!" abe repelte l. test, but In the end hili 111lperlos pro- draw 1250. and hand it over to me bad . pu ~ by a neat .... ur out them IIltle d e~alls ." little fortune , and r's ar· Then ('U say good·by ond 'you ca. "rt wouldn 't upset me," retorted the " WlIY. good grallious! how can a dea.t gwment prevalJed, and Jle hastene d to partly to bls habit of wearing" an eoor· thank )'our Bt..ra for · . "tUng air lie mou/! rm.~. ,"SeaQls like she oughter , be mute be captain of a steamel '?" 81'9. the necessa ry Inlltruot lons to the caslly." diamond shirt stud that he · . JOfful ' to ,h ear It, tr lIb,e'!I got aoy The mate's face flush ed. "U's t1ll8 .. --ber -a of the crew. '1'. 'r ue to her had won the ,nicknam e of "DIamond _uo '''b k e d 'co.,sp w I tor -0 .' ~ e .. uamall ra Sw r .en'lJe . .'· Joe:" word. 1<1(IIS Polly Antrim ..'" ~" d ber· bitterly and protested tervantl way," ,., ' but '. . "His uncle'" the s.1f as sole passeti" el' onInstalle "1'hat! l~ be :.11 Cr9m ypn," S~9wled main g.he the A~klam, II P II ' uy explain Pllrls Pattern No. 2S86. ,All of tbe ed. Sbel'loc It was '! tNavlg'ation' Diamon d d Joe's' boast Seam. d h ft II .. wal!. a ama,nt an e na ] one . had 'evet:, I tolen a 'ride lhat no Allowed .-Tbls dalnl,)' little 'a\l-over S(unda ge.' In Wgh (iudgeon. "J,tIR't bold Company. all ' he ' "ave Chester.r llie altd ·the 'mate pi:oceeeled to m"p oui a II . ss.. d 0Lt y.'h on ~III t erm s . , HI 8 dt 01 a .. agree a er • b tQag and difficult · course ,of deceMlolJ to Mr. Prout of the tondltlo s a uTI little ·26-mlle road: and. not cOlltEmt opron which 'migbt be used .t ot a drel'ii 'youI' J aw -a"rdo ' as ~'ou'r~ t\>ld.:· . job. He ain't much ot a sailor, D· 'for wbat !lPO( proulllle d, to be memora ple whlcb ''he hnd slirr~ndered ns ,shQrlly after the ArkiaID. tied up at all was ' re with tel ling this ·to his friends, he. ot: , tOI' II very .small CbUd, during the ·tbe wori:t tails on me." voyage. ·the Bulf,alo' docks IIlIe . was . boarded cel"ved' '!iy that un'feellng seam'lUI ' witt fered a I:eward .of '100 and a suit warm days ; ot Slimmer. Is . develolled The girl eye(l him steadily . "All In. Bbeer white Capt. Brunda ge. In 'tbe role ot tbe 'a hoaTli'e lauR:h, which :was 3)y a 1)IIXOtn young dadlsel "wilh ' a de· dlsUnct ir of clothes tQ the man whQ' eoutd do It. portion la verY Irllh (Umlty. . The body .. Cull., gall,1ered Iota the , :t.e.nnilleil cbln ·iuid .1!. jltllr of soapp)' the same," she remm·k ed. calmiy, " I'm ,!Iient Chester, pasDed myste\' before aggrava ting tQ hll comman der'8 One cleal' moonlig ht nlgbt a Ulan tio. u bp~nd. to , see him, tor J ve mad9 up ..tlie girl's eyes In hlgbly crodltab ·· ltila.t:k eres. . The wllto~tul mate: came Into his office, drlppln g t rom yokebanll at ' tbQ! .frQnt And back' and le bled mind. . finished wltb a dcel) bem. SatIn ribfIVe tt'd . he .. at the ' fl"oug Vlauk. an,l my mind to go to Oblcago on the tru;hlon. Sbe made no 81gn or recog.· . 'fhe Arklam lay at -the . Clark s"treet head' ~ toot. 0011 tled .ln smart b.Owli on .the shoul· "III this -Mr. Reynol "!?" he, asked. 'Bhe ackn,owlcdged thf~ sallitatlCJI\ wltll At'klam ." nJtlon, anll be re nooted that the stngf\ dock with MIss Antrim ' 8eat~d In the, Mr. PI'Ollt lI ttel'ell a borrlne d ez· mll ~t h' lost n sblnlng. lIl!:bt '5 ; raclofls ·smlle. "Yes," replied the 'owner of .the nar· ders hbld tlle garmen t In' place, and throllg!)', ,.c aptaln's cabin ~laCidly 'awaitin g hit . ' hCOO(( morning , Mr. ProUI," Stl!! clamati on. his failing to pe,rce.lve ·tl(at nature ba,1 return from th!" bank. row . gauge; In~!>tllnLarilY glllDcln . Ollt tW9 narrow ro\!o's ot se8m beadlnl> . neslde hel "Back Pn' the Arklam !" !te repeate d. clearly Intende d.' bl r,l for orriame nt t.b e )·oke·band. The model • liaid . "Ts Capt. Brunda ge sround?" Bee It It was raining. an actor. .T, o I.augbed Mr. WillIam Prout, . smokln , "What tor ?" . . , ' ' . "Well, }','e 'c om!) , for that suit of Is -adaptable to any 'of tb'o IIhee~whlto "To visit Jim's grave," responded ~l'• .Pr'.lUt, f~lI tb.e Ilgree~b . :rhe 1Da~e '. twlstf.d his features I"nto le tallk o~ the pipe ot pc.ace.; . ·~I'undage · e.nteret elo£hes and materia ls and . wguld be particul arly the artlesll Miss Antrim . ' .. becOmi ng semblan ce ot grler. . tbe, ItOO. 'I've beaf entertal~lng the talr passeng er. Who . wIth a look of Inten.e gloom ()ver. way on your 'road, .Mr; Reynold i, m)' .pretty In ero8l!:liarred dlnilty ot.'/ti:Hm ;· eXhilJlte d a U'V~lInflss ."of spirit·. not ~ hadowlDg bll counten ''l'm sorry to 1IIl)" tha t I've ,go.t had ' In ance, aU:~slg. "It'a tile least I can do under the wholly In keelllng ulth tile Jbews' for you; MIJIB Aotrlm. " was Ute 10rrow ot naled the mate to retire. MillS PolIl the boiler tank o.f the el13lnel · 1t ' wail. For 'a chllrl' .of slx.: yearll the apro'n recll'cums tances. And It'lI be a sort hard WOrk keepln 'my head above' ~a· qui tes 2% y,arll8 of mate!!lal Z7 of· • malden whonl deatll rre-ponse. He hesitate d and shook lill deprive d of waved her hand In dlnent. " cOll$olallon to sllil on the boat .he·' • IOTer. . In fact, ' the had Inches ' wlde,- or 1%, ya,rd . 36 . Inche" ter. but I did It~and-bere' I am!" '1If!4d sadly. mah.; being a . "Stay ""bere you are," Ibe said, go wide ; 1 ~ .Yllrd or braid t~ trlD,l. _Ingle man In ttle ~:rly' thirties . (ound nlally. "Count out the "What' s the trollble1" Inquired the IIsed to command. poor· tello'w." ,. mo~e1, ' Jlm' "Well, Capt. Cbesler 's ashore JUlt blmlelf yleldln~ tu lire ' ~: procure thJ. pILtterl) ~rl , het: face. a sliaile pale'? 'at the ' 10 ' cent. wltcber y o.f and . burry up." Willi"" to elianae Hlni~ to ." Pattern 'Department," senl! 'no"," declare d tlie mate, despera tely. her 'black, 'e yes an~ In",ardl thll l)1lpe.r . . ~Ight ot the mate's dolorOUI visage. y congrat · '. Tbe mate grinned broadly·, al . liit .. The 'angular ;wldow ilood beBlde ber :Write, namo Alld addrells ·pof l,lnly. and ~ "That doesn't 'mattet.. I'll see him ulated hImself Ullon the bappy .,u.r o tel &lye ~\ and number ot pattern. " 11 be slcll:?" third pr~pecU;ve bUBband. , .-'. . chance ilklpper IURge!! ou~ the : , "WorBe ,t han U,at, miss," ret"Jrned later." she said. · airilY. "I'm 'Iolng willeb" had thrown them togetbe r. ' poclu,tlJook, c4nd,' -lsllnr .deeply 9wr ·"Madam," s&,ld the pld ministe r. ' "do ; band 'the mate In a' hoane whlsp'il l·. "He's home now to l1 a c1:l my thl.nga aod get. On .the .Ieco!ld d~ ·~apt. Brunda ge .e d. J260' In' United Sta~e~ i.llke tbll man for better ~ or' for , NO. 2986. .SIZE .. .. .. .. ....... '. ' cu~ey ,~( "7Ort -wefl'~' bad-th at Is, 1 meau he . aln·t ready," saw fit to tako the amorou s Mr; PrOut hls temale Nemesl l. worse1'~ . P'olly. l)eamel Much agbailt at this unexpec ted aalde and expostu late with 'now, He's 'gont9, miss. gOUf, tor· , Tbe angular ' widoW' Imlled · ber .N'AM;E . .......... .......... ... ; .......... . " • . turn of fo.rtune·s wboel, Mr. PI'out too ev,ldellt partialltl1 he IIJm on the kraclou lly upon the unehee rtuf l1ver broi!de lt: -eTer." displaye d for "That'l 'I,'OWN .......... .. ~ .... ; ....... : .......... .... 8: good boy, Jlni,". Ibe ~Id . "The girl dl'ew a sharp breath. sougbt ' the' presenc e . of his chief, who Miss Polly's soolety. The mate! It. sweetly . "and now . "Wal; parloD," 8h~ drawled . "be's 1!e'll· 10 ash~J!l had prudent ly remaine d In seclusIon tened to hll remons trances and then 'STREE T AND ' N'O ...... . ~., . , ......... . : 4<Wbat l" she ga~ped, "YOU don' t mean happy. By the way, It ma,. Interel' flowahtul better lha.n Diy .Irst .bUB· during Min Ailtiiw 's ,vialt. Capt. 'ln411lged In: a flne bUrst .to sar.,....." babd and J'IOwahfut"worae Ulan m1 tI~. 10ngBho . re ·yoq ~ k,now t!lat 8TAT~ ..., ... : ..... ... ....... , ........... ... : .. . Mr. P~~t , and ! "'Tbat he', dead, 'mlss; yew. tbat'lI Brunda ge, resplen dent ' In 8. , fal~e rhetoric ,' liberally flavored 1vlth barah mean to se~ up housek Dnd, but ·! reelton I'll cllarice Jilm, eepln, lJD tb.1 beard' and wIg ot Inky blackne ss. as- nxpJetives. 'Ct~ an' sOI1'Y I am to tell Y01." ' Ilow, the ceremo nt 10 Oft," atrenrtl l 'of ' your kind "n." "A nice party you .re," be ·con. MlslI A.ntrlm dabbod a. haudk....chlof sumed to dt'Clelve hIli lady· love', pene" And Nlv,,, WII' ... The llaptain '_ emotlon :...-.. too deel -:'hutIly acrolS her ' eyes. "l'.ioW did hating optiCll In caets sbe 'InslBted olUd~, "to come' gI"lu' 'ml~ advice. for 'mere 'word. to expresl Lazlnells and Intelll,e nce never·have . He 80lace roll for tl). e Mlny. upon a persona l Intervie w, received Wot is It to YOU It the' glrl"li took a to bill fee~ -:It bl\l>ptm 1" 'she asked. "Why," b~ , ... IUli ltarlna helplesllly, aJ . ~ • .",at a mlsror.l une It la that 'tbe . 'been bed ·f.,lIo1O , - . 1l1e' ~s'. all rJch t wheu he ieft· here on his' oMcer's tldlng{l with. violent e~· fanc), to m~? Reg'lar dog ~ the ·m an. Mil" AntHm, 'leanln , ,on pu~"e the arm encoura d ges 80 much .plolilln of highly o~namental pro- lieI', that's wot you are. ~ tnt voyage. " . Lure' for til. Dllhon. at. Don't .".nt: the ' gratifie d" mite, tripped merdlJ er....'...'?:· remarke d the tl'allhy' lit. ', man "fIth . ' Thll bell yoursel f an" can't· bear to aeeany , atone tbe pn". pHlnk to notljle h~ been dllplaye d In a . "Step Into t;JIe cabln/' reqne8ted thtl tanlty. bl.:!t·rimDied eye-lllilBsei. the.• whart "YolI'~e bungled tbe .w~?le buslneS ., I· one elae get Ilel'l. . London lubqrb: , "Why Ilay reat when ' , .' • wtl)' Mr.' Prout: "an ' I'll tell you all For tlrCI plUl I'd ( by W. Q. Chpma n.) " 'It .I~u't a mIBrot;t une," " ariswer e. you OIln hire & horse. man and a dark you nlgger·h eaded B.wab. about It." he 8aH, blo,.. tbo whole gamt an' then 'Ed ' 16._ '. :p heatedly . ''WlJ~ ' poln~"'" DI~o-"an.'-I • . .Iui practlOllI perao1l.. "It tl· & bl..... nlgbt '. , The girl followed him, Ilod seating we to do 'now? the .blue, blales al~. wbere'd )'ou be?" _.. .. ... ...... -In II. It enablell people wJiOBe boob monll, II ~ per boUT! . Night reo :: , .. If that girl eVl!r \. Wllhout ,dllturb Jns your nel" ', .. ' Oen. Jamu·Ji)velJ11 Pllcber, edItor 01 WGa't sell ' to Imact ... tbet I'..eraelf, prepare d to listen to lhe landlt In Cbleago , and finds out haTe writ,. bora, a apeelalt)'." I was speallln for . , male'l doleful narrativ e. alln _nd have a wife and four IIldl, ple~dod the c~e~ttallen),t:lar rood, ~tII, tDe MtIltary . SurgeGll, II the new dlrec tea cJ¥Iltla ." . captaJo. 'roo tor.,ene ral of the Natllnl~ Volunteer laoaccorda nce with the Inatr'ueUonl ther ·11 b.e the devil to pay." erv.l. !IIlme Emerp noy c~'rpl. The cor.,... ".. .or .ar bI. chief, Mr. Wl\IIam Prout ravII .. "~atD't my fault," prote8ted I.b e : : ~s .~no", 1Iot 'Ila "There, " old RImer, IUllaed ,e 'ftr), aftectin , _ketch Of the Incl. In 1800; to fender aid Ita tlml, lIalle'!ly. "Wbat bUllnea l ilad Mcle.,.r Idea. ta't It? "l litllCtlUidilc ....ta reJ.Uve to the former '. llId. mate. at nationa l calamlt ,. 0:, In the 'event 0' you to make Io"e work" It ·u p lD10 • DaI.. ....... . . . demAle. due, ali be decJarecl, to "aYe known tbere'd to ber? lO,ht war. ' ':he CNI'lII Ii baln. r,l be trouble. " oipage tl Oil' tile 111\.. of ' lb• .medlCl! - rJalll ~""~. b{ a_n att• .ck or P,!l~II' qUtr~r. .~~~,~:=~::~ "1 wuu', all to 1alaaae.' 81U." _ OItl'Pa oi lJaiaet ~ 4
I . ' . •
• lollal.f!O r~' fond of muslo, M the or, 01 " i la nd organ! " he climb. la, II bl gb whul b", ~elit. but at UII' wordl! " lI el'"'' 1& dog !" be slinks under a desk. One ot Ihe , mOil!. Il CQm (IIi Khe il oa ts !n ElIglalld bf'Jon gs t(l I.ady Randoll 'h Churchill . 11 Is a Mu ltesQ . ngora, withou t. a s pot. and with It pal·lIcul ar· Iy c unnln ~ fa 'e. Thi s ca t wns broll ght fol" Lh e hl le Lord Itundo lllh Chul'chlll TRICK S FOR TABBY, durla,; Ihu t y Or or t wo wh 1I hi !.' l!l l'on ~ milld failed a nd ''V ry elfor·t 9ueer Thing. That May Be Taught w us mild .. to a mils Jllm. He waf' Her If She ,. Smart. afl'uid of clogs , la klll g U SHU de n t no r a t thl> slCht. nf t he m, bllt MI68 An go l:U One of tb p DlOHI dim uli Ihings 10 JII SI Jllealled him. She wus Kell t 'I'om leach a cat III to fo110 \\' 111ft! II tlog. India by IUl oltker In that COlllltl'Y As a I'Ille I hey wl\1 1I 0 t Jollmv. bu l oc· r us lOI1l\lI y Ihel'e III a u l' XCl,ptlOO·. A New YOI'k yo ung lud y hus u cut th l1l .tralls so close ly II ner hili' <I S La b ai, .mOl!t steJllllld 1I110n. Til clilef Cle rk DC the Htu.te li e1181'1I:11 nt at Wa s hing· ton hil S a CUl Wl lb the aame a ccom·· TllI shnl fl nt . Ho hns uwn d It (01' BfiV· e n or e lghL y a I's. It will fo llow him a bou t (he stl'eell for Inllell just like a dog, Ilnd Is xeesslve ly fond ur goin g out fOI' a wnlk, Ilrov lded 'lis IIl nste r se· lecls veilin gs fOl' his meulldel'lnga. In dl\)o'lIgh t ·1l pref I'S not to go on Illes I'B mbl('S, eVldenll y. be (luse It (1 0 1\ Dol Ilk to 0 010 III contact wi th s mall boy II apd dops , who ul'e I hen tOO nll rn!'l'Otul o n t he stl't! ts ot' Wus h·
l ng tun .
It. has ofte n beeu observe d thal oa ts r a)) y ca re not hlu g for a IIIl1st r or iI
niI Rtl'(lsS, bllt hecom at.l!lChe d to pIa and lIot t o IJ' rSons. l'\01 so wllh thi s pll rtl cular at ; tOI' at on lime when fi ll OWll I' c hall!,: d, hi ll . I' s id nee ' he pur pos Iy le rt hi ll cai' with fr ie nds who ooou \,ll d I h e hlmse h liad va· cated, but t he at WIlS not tnll ialled ,until It -ha d fo und wben' tile ·ne w hOlls was, and took lIP li s abode the l'e with evIde nt delight ut findin g Trick. a Smart Cat Do .. , lUI olt! fri end a nd protecto r. In til treaSllry depRrlm e nt at Wnsll· who hilI) tnk.e n he r pare nts there lngton thel'e I, on.e very wOllder fl1l yeul's before. The 'molher Ilad ~ cat. His na rD Is Tom, aud wheu ad· 11 watch·c ot, uble to 'Ieep guard bee ove r d r e8f1 d he will Ilnl ckl y r espond. e ven 11 tent, m raoulng If a st range step wulOng ' Ollt of a Bound sl II to go to· came, Imd, at course, bel' chlldr n wa.rd the " Ileake r. Sam Umes, to' can· were \,e ry brigh t . . \ Vhen the Church ill tuse him, tho clel'ks ",I'll alng alit COt wus told to "Go play t he plano!" aom.e word or ,,'ords In whi ch t he !lb would Imm dlately walk baok lIyllll.ble Tom hI e mphasiz ed, and to lind fortb upon the keys ' or the buby· 1hl&l h e vays no .atteutio n. But let grond In Uie boudoir . " ow ~ I t ro~ .~yone c all: ~'ToD1 , fl's dinne r time!" you I' Illcture! " meant to nssUme a deand fo rlhwlth h e walks aCI'o ~1I tlle lUlU" posH1011, wllh he r pawl! In Jllle,. room, rea ches up with hla paws . to a h I' ta ll 1\ utly enl'led around them tin Ilnll, slows It do wn nn ll com s und hpl' h ud .n Icely bent to aile side b rlng lng 'It In hi s mout b. Tom Is pas· ItS J( trying 10 "Io'ok pleURallt, " - _ _ _ _ _........~_ _ _ _~~_ _........- - - - - - - ------..
.Second Sight on a The 'rule thal l;0vcl'ns
t his littl e very slmpl one, a nd yct tbere 8eemB t o be a mys· tery al.ront t he way In which It work s, Let he on who l,)1~Y B t he trick, and whom we will call Ille slaUon must eh ' ull\l' biCYCle l l'ack Is
TI'Y It und lice,' The ' secret ot. the ri ck, explnln's t he Pltlsbu rg Dls lI",tch, Is us Imple qs th.e rule thllt govern. the h·uck. All the stillion ruo.s ler, thel' for e, has to do Is to co unl a long, In un Oll,p oslt clireoLlo n fl'o m thUl i!1
He H3d to Convinc e Man That Stolen Fund, Shou'ld Be Relurne tl,
~ away to some place fl'Qm W~lch ~e wl11ch yc.q s ay you s tal' ~e d ofr, IU caonot lIee wha t you do; Sturt un man y ljla\loDs as are Indicate d by thE · Imaglnn l'y bIcycle 'nlon g the trac k at nnmll ron. tlt di sk opposit e tbe Ha/! a py staUon mar~ell b~' a ,flag . . B egin· ~t , W~lch' YOll b gun. your cilllrse-!:In· nlnl; W.JUI the nllluber on tha disk op- c;lllde .t bnt InitlQ.1 station 'In the ce unt. , vosUe lhe Hng w,bf¢h You 'stal't (Sft y , If ther . wei'tl onlY: one starting 'vOlnl f',jgh t . at tile boltOm of t~e lIIustra · the flnl l\h would , always oCClli· .ut thE Uon) , !lnd. !lulling t he next IItation. same station; but as any Btlirti'ng sta· : "nllle" (even .thoUgh It ' I ~ mllrk~ t lon a t will muy · be iUl!id, U),a tl'lell '.. tbl'Ce, It 'Y,Oil are counUn g to the rl, bt) , m'a y be ,made to .PIleRl' more contus. ·COUllt t he sta~lbns as you 'l,Ial)lI lhem, hlg, Jr, In"tead' of elghf.. or any oUlel .' 00 aB far nil you ' plea!! , t hen. ~tt,lI:n, numbe r, you 'SDOllld call Ihe ,stat,loll .toJ)pln g , when the : nllmber of . flags from which YOU start'. ':one," and you hl\.v.e; pnssed iiomlng back l'e~ch ~s C(;)l1Dt for"'llrd ' IIny number " and J ht tbe same number os that ut w~'ch YOll sanie numbe r back agllln, yOU '\IIould, IItOpp d In Itcilng forward , I&nd the sta.- or' .course, bring' up 'at your startln/! -tion . master, on being ,SIlO·WII . ~ e sta· poJ'nt; whel'eas It yoU call the statio!) tJon Ii-om .whlch .and Ule directio n ,In , ·orr. " ' hlcl1 you begin YOUI'_ 'run wbldt you sta rted, -Will ,be .able to tell "eight" (or any, other number , de~nd.. you where- )'Oll Itnlahed YI;l,l lr' I'~lurn Ing lI~ri the Illll,Uon from which YOIl 2ouM\ey.,· ~, ., ' , . . 9boUlle· .to start ) , you will pus.l t on . Hegin" Cor Instanco; at It\!,Uorr e~ght. your ' return, and go beyond It eight 01 at. tire bottom of the illustra tion; cal,1 aa 'many . taUonll · 8a' will equal thE tbls Iltll$fon (08 It- II marked ) "eight," number' 01 your starting point. . ~ tbe. next, B!lY to ~b~ right, "nine" (nev~r mind w.ha~ It,{s r:narked ., a~d Am,ndt i!, 110 ' os unt;il' .YOII hov", gone forward ,aa The editor • dre~Vllng ' In. b" rar as '· to, (say IInW you have "oon" wheh · Ihe !loo!' 0tlene" and • . counted to 16, that I• • at the disk flve rather stern· visaged woman entered · *.t the rfght, ' Dear tbe top, Now return, without . ap0101Y, l!8ya. a Writer .In tb. eaJlIII,g lbe from ~hlob . you start BaltImo re $un, · back Dg141J1' "one.:,' an\! reckonln~ ,eacb "Will ) ' (.Jl kindly explain ," .be be tlag you ,lAIIB lUI an addition al one ~tli PII. IP'lml~', tbrtlltill C a newlI.II l~J YOI1 loave coun~~d a ' numbe~ _equal tq cllpptnc under tbe editor'a lVJIt8, "Wh~ tbat .at wbleb )'On left oft' III. IOing )'our reviewe r refers to my reetln, wanJ (IIAIII8IY '16), and th~ 'book ftll a 'HIIto " of ~aJ. Sulr. - ..tolll'" b)' a New Histerioal WrlJe" \t"
Will ' Intere.t All . Sufferin g Women .
Mrs, Della Mennes, 328 E. Front Sl , Mays," lie, K y-. , says: "Sevon years llgol began t o Iloties s hUI'll pain In t he lr1 dn ys a nd a benr· log dowD. sens ation th rough the hlp!!,. ~ ull b.eadach e lind di zzy spells. Dropsy a ppeared , a 'n d my feet a. n dan k I e . s welled so I could no t get my shot's on. I was In ml sory. Imd bad despa ired ot ever getUng cured wben 1 decided to try Doan'sK ldnoy !Pills, One box belped me so m ueh tb at I kepl on un til entirely cured." Sold bY all deale rs , GO cent s a box. Foster·M llbur n Co., Buffa lo, N. Y.
"1t'R qneer "\\'h al ' Ilot lOIl !! sOllie p 0 1)la get Inlo t heil' tr adM," Mtlj. R . · W. Mc laughr )', wU!'Ile n of l he lilted Stat S II nllellllll l'Y a l l.eaven worth, said 'In KanslIs City, K nn. "Some folks simply can't d istingui s h b. t'ween the right a nd t he wl'ong." Mu j. M e 'Iuugh ry t old II. ..tor.y or' a nlllLl wbo wa!! !len 10 a penlt ent lury for ten )'E'ars 01' ro u btn~ a bank or $10,000. He hnrl reache d tbl'ollgh t he . wicket a t th e tell er's still ion, sna lcbell a pil e of bill s, eseap II fro rn th e bank NEEDE D A LONG ST-£M, und bad hid t he mone)' I.refo re he was 111" · n' sted. . ' '' Well, !Jlr, he "'us Ii model pr isone r," )1 I1j . Mc 'I!tIIghry Huhl. "He lrehuvEld so w 11 that evel'~'bo ll y a I.rout tbe Jlenltenti nry liked him , and by such ('o.duht he s ucce ded In o lr talnln ~ e nougll cr dlt mal'llfi tl) r duce his Ume o[ iUlprl onment from t n yearB to s ix y a I's and nine Illont. s . A . day or t Wu before his I' I nse h reques' , d a n In terview wi th me. .. -,,,'arde n: he suld, 'I wan t to a sk ),our ad\'lee about a 11 1tl ma tte r: You 11llOw l im to lenve thi s plac.e · In 9 f ew hOlll'S, I nIh gOin g Into bus lnes8 of som ki nd uu!1 L sha ll wan t a. 11nrt· 9th'. Now, In wbal bu siness wo1I1~ you ad,'lse p:re to n t 1'- (01' you know 1 wun,t ~o make an honest · IIV', "Wot did you do wid dnt breakra s t Ing a nd be It gpod oltlzen.' . '0011 de lady up III da t hou se cave "I a sked him what k ind of! a J;lart- ,.ou'" ner he desired and how much moo'. ".I t'. in ~e pipe. I'm smok(o' It1" ey h e could put. In as his share, " 'Oh , a nywhe re from $1,000 ' 0 '10" .AD ITCHIN G ~ l iJMQR. 000,' be uns we red, - ~ , .. 'Where did r oil cet that l much L:lmbl Below the Knee. Were Ra_ money? ' . I as ked, In gl'eale r s rprlJle, Feet Swolle n-Sleep Broken .. 'Ob, the bank money -the $to;OOO Cured in 2 Day. by Cutlcur a, r Btoi e: he ' exclaim e d. ' " 'Why, man, that isn' t you," mo~· "Some two mooths ago I b~ a bu· ey,' I told him. ' . mol' break out on RLY limbs below m), I , 'Not· my money !' he cried, 'have n' t knees. Tbey came to look like raw I ea r ned i t by hard wor k In- i hls pl·ls . beefs~ak , all 1'lld, Ilnd no one knows on Lhese many years?' how they Itched aud burned. Tbey "And do 'you know," Maj , McClau gh· were 60 s,,'ollen th.ilt I could 1I0t ge t ry said, "lliat It was one o~ lhe bard· my sboel) on ror a. week .or more. I ' !it thin gs 1 ever .und ertook In all · OBEd fi;ve or six dltrE!ren .my lite to malie that man se e that got no help, only when t remedie s and applyin g them he was wrong- that th6 stole n mon·. th~ burnlbg was wOllse Ilnd t he Itchin g fiv was still t he prope rty at the bank, I~SS. For two 0 .1' tbree weeks the 8uf· n~t his, DQd that. t he. time ' be se rved ferlng was In te nse Ilnd during tbat In llrlson was only PllnJsbm ent tor time 1 did 'tot sleep an hou\' at a time. violaUn g t he ' laws made for the 1)1'9' ,Then ·one l1>.9rnlng I t ried a bit of tectlon of people's pro ~r ty. But be' CUUcllfa . FrOb, tbe momen t It touched did Bee It In the ri ght light at last. me tb'e li chlnll ~as gone He turned every dollar of th e money not telt a bit of ) ~ s and I have The 8'1\'ellln~ over . to bank, was generou s ly 1'& we nt <iown and it. \wo days I bad my wardfid by the man who bad sent b!m shoe" on Ilnd wa~ a.bout ' 8S usua l, t,o prison, and has 's lnce heen a useful \}eorge B , Farley, G, South ~tate St., und honor able c ltl~ n." Concord , N, H" May H J 1907,
~ --
You won't your ' dootor the whole story about yOUI' , private illne s - you are too modest. You need not be to tell1\!fR. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Ma s., t he t hinW'.,You 'COlild Dot xj>l ain to the doctOI:; Your letter will be held in tpe strictes t con· fidence. From bel' 'Vast corre pond· ence with si k women during the past thirty yeaTS she. may have gained the 'Very )mowledge that will b elp your oase, • uch letters as thefollowing; from gratefu l women , .establish beyond & doubt tJle power of
to conquer all female diseases. )~rs, Norma nR. Ba.rnd t,of AllentOwn, Pa., writes: EVPrr aince I waa ·sixteen yeara of :lge I bad Buffered from IlD orl;Duic dera.D;reOl cnt. and f COlale weakIr eu; in consequ ence I hnd dreadfu l headach ell lind was extreme ly nervous . My pbyslcian said 1. must. 8'0 through an operILt ion to get well. A friend told me abou~ Lydia E. ' Pinkba m'a 'Veget.&ble Compou nd, and I rook it and wrote.y on for advJce, foUowi ng youI' directio n • careIuU y, and · thanks to Ion I am tod ay a wt!11 WOlDon, and I am t.elliDg wi my ' friends of my uperiep .ce." II
For thirty years Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble ' Compq und, made from 1'00\.::1 amI b erbs, ,bas been the st.'\nda rd remedy for female "lllsz and has positively cured thousa ndsot women ,vho have been troubled with di pJnc ment,., infiamm ation, ulcerati\'lll, f\\.)roid tumol'fl, irrQgularities, periodi c pains, backac he, that bearIng-dow n feeling , flatulency, indigestion,dii ziness, ornervo us prostra tion.
ID -
EMOLUEm For Preserving, Purifyinf and Beautifying the Skin,.
Scalp, Hair, and Hands,l for Sunburn, Heat 'Rasb~ Cbciflngs, and tor all tile 1'1II'PQses .of the' Tolle(t 8014 tIlroliPoa ' lb..... '14. Laadoa,2J '. OIarwrbio " H<I .' Par. 6, RueDIDota! di hili : ... U..... I~ H . To. . . .,'&:, 8Ydae,l;~Jnd", Ia B . K . r.Lul, ~
ru~iri;:Io~s!~'I'l.·A%'~ JA!>~if3.~&lp!! ~"'" "iJ~\'" }·.mID
(AI"ebl. M_..i.J l. ~ 1'0\.." lt1I6 "'Cbenl. Coil>. &loI Prn.,.., ...,.1.... ' _ rr.., CUIIeIUa BooaIe& OD u.. 8IIIA.
. Explain ed to the Rector: St.. Tbomas ' Episcop al. church In ,FUth avenue lIa s unde r Its jU I'lsdlctio ll ' an Ea st s ide Chnl)el, sa ys the New York Sim . One cif the ' fea t ures of the ch~el Is a gy mnoslu m, in -which boys are t l'ained In all the. branche s 'o r physica l cult ure. Some at t he I.roys nre quicker In this sort of training tban they are In the more pOlite talk of the" est side boys. The rector of St:', Thomas '; Rev, Dr, Stires, vllllts, the chapel trequ'e nt!y, nnd Is fond at talking ,,' Hb the lads abou t th II' wqrk. He aald to one lit· tIe tellow who halls from near the East rlver: .''''ell , my son, thej' tell me you won' qllite II. vict ory In ~'our last can· test wit h t he boys of a rival IIchool." , J don't know ' bout that: but w'en we w ent .up ng' 11I d.a t I.rUllclt .frolll St. Fat's w'e put It 0.11 ov e~ 'em, ailll dOl' ain ' t n ever p ~p e d "loee." l'he' I'es:tor pntted him, on t be . head and said : " M y bo)', you' re all r"gbt." " Dnt'H ' whal 'I'm her for," was the Qul\lk · I' ,I1ly. " ,.
A Game wit h a Trick . .
tI,. .
" Spike. I,n It. . Tommy ROU-H un, It's all right ' for )'Ou .to \ laugh wben ' 1 g~~t spanke" , bill yotir rna doesn't use'a , barrel staYe. .. Edd'le Fye-:-W ell, . It"8 just a s bad. Sbe uses pa's 'sboe, and he's a ba8e· ball player, ,'. " '
ImPor t.nt to Moth. ,..
Ex~ne carefull y e'yery bottle of CASTO IUA a Nle and lIure rem"dt for 1IItanta , and, cblldren , and ice that It ~~ __
. :roo Tame. . "Bllt ypu can't ~"peet' thlll play Co BeaN the ~ ~ ;:~_ make 0. hit /' proteste d t!le m&llqe r. BllDaba re of.....:...- -- ----« AI« "Wlly not?" asked' tbo Rmbltlo~ 'IJl. U. . ,N ,Ot;er;: 80 ~lara. . ' young dramati st. "Don 't rou thlnk' rt '!Ibe' K!1ld You Ha~ ...1way. ~''5'''' ' 1 bas. enougb situatio ns?" "O~, 1!ut ' the !lio!'y one Peap Beler help" mae blGw' hI! inllfht be dIBCU.Bed In unYl.rqd)"8 lKInl-be eaIIM tile), like the lIlole,
yes; .
WE8TERi ,~
In the 8ame Boat, .." e get some aad clUles," aald .the attenda nt at tbe Lumpto n . lun utic asylU1)l to tbe IlIter,~sted vis itor, and , ot nl~ , firs t c ell. opened the door Ins ide wa s a. Dian flit ting on a I hreelegged stool, gulng vaciln at tbe wall, " HI, Is an unhapp y stOfY," said the attenda nt, "He was In love · " 'Ith 8 Klrl, but Bbe marrlE~d another ' m,a n, and he lost bls reason from g..leL,i They "tole out 60ttly, 10sl/lC the door' b~blnd Ulem, and prOceeded to tbe next lomate. "And wbo were the people -who Il~t ThlB ce ll was tblCkly padded. and tbought at .mus lc, anntle? " , the rua'n wllbln " 'lUI Btark, starin. . "Why, ohlld, they are con9hle red to mad, . be l'lc." "Who II thl,'" InQlIlred ' the visitor. "Oh, ann tie, bow well JOu do r.'''rhls ?'' repeate d the at end ant. membe r!" "This I. the other malD.!"-Ta~ler.
. "Helpfu l ·Hlnt." 1~hat Hlniler. Many of the "helpfUlI hillts" followed by our mothe r. are now proved utterly useless, It not mor e l barmful ' 'than belpful: For Inatanc e, rio one '· now use/l moist teu leaves t o cl ean a carpet' rug, bec'a~8e ot the 'Inevltn blli stillnIng. :, And salt uaed on a carpet col· '. lects du.mpnel)s nDd rusts !be tacks. German y to Hav~ New COin, 'Newspa dampen ed nnd torn, a n· Ger mll))Y. will soon ha ve. a. n ew coin · 8wer th.pers, e purpolle milc h more- satlsfac . of the- vallie' 'of a l1ut\l'~er mark or , torllY. R ugs sh'ould< 'be sbaken from s ix cents,' Tn order ,t o -tilsUng uls h thl) tbe Sides, for thb stl'alD of t nil weight Ilew pi ece realllly 'from the 30·p fe n nl g on .the enU Is very aIPt to loosen colli now ' In . use, ' lhe. gove rnment llll.s ,asked for designs wi th 8 perfora tion. wet!"l'he We lt SpIegel. publlsh e,1 t he Illc· 'rb ... i. more C.t.rrb Irllbl • ..,. UOD oHb."""D tl'J ·t u res .0' [ "erCoi-Bted col ns "'blc h were 11>"" ",!\01.II.r dl...... putt"".tlber, .gd uutp ,ho I.., If le1l( ,e.,. .... IUppoted t tl be lucurab ll. )fur •• i re.t r 'c enth: made In' England for irc nla.· '11118'.1 '." 4oeUlr. pI'ODt>UDec Ci ",llleal tlJ.., .... ODd tlOD In .8n tJa st Afrlo!lO English colony. J~t"..':~J'l:~I'.":.~~~~~':r..:'~~~~ l:r.,r~!~i'f. ~nd .a hnmOrl st III' a 8nmbnr g P!1per /kll.... b.. pro.... C''''rrb 10 be. cuD.lltull •••1dl.. !lays: "Give tiS be ~olns witb hol!?s ~1~~l~~::'g~·r!~~~!~C:I:'i ~\!!:t~~D~!.'J~t:t~~~'~~ co.,Toledo, Ohio: tl tbeon l1 (klnltllutl ooal c lire ou III .Ulem by aU means. ,'Ye clln string .. tbe JDaJ"eL h I. tak ... IIUO ..._\I, I .. d .... fr,Im 10 ,I tl tit ,.. d 4iopo k b to " ..poon'ul. It .e .. d reeLl), 01111.110 blOod the m. 11 e ea d s unu e em up an. 184 mu~oa.. .... of we i ),lIem, l',be y-olfar ooe l\Oid t bem a ' llrOCeSS wliloh SeemS ·to 'bUIld'·... 4.lIa_uff .. for aul ta .... . , . . lor cire lli. . &ad tel11al0nfa16. .'alil 10 cu_.... IItIIItJ be beyond . Ilccomp llsh'nlen t w ith ' lhe Ad4,... :, r. " ,; O HE~ KY .. co., Tol.4o,'Oblo. . Ierp.. Ii . I " an d bill " ' lI<JI4 br,DTlIRalii... 1ee. roOf B ppery co n" < 5. · ' . , 'l).h Ball'I F .nIIl, PlU.tor ·.0u.~lp.tlo...• . Exempl ified: "The best . In tentions are sometim es mQsl - embarr llsaing," r!!n'lark ed tile l.blloso phe r. " ' . '. . :'That 's righ t," answere d the man wbo allplles eve~ythlnc 10 himself ; "I I\e i he al;m~ c.ook,. at night thc' ))eat Intentio ns 'Imoglnnb~e, on,y to bl! Int eosely annoyed by. lDy s t upidity III .the m.ornlng ."
What a 8ettler OBn lIeOur eln
........... ... ....... '" ................- ........ ,
r- -
-~ ....... ....... ..:_dr i........ ..a-.-.
A Logical Conclu. lo!l,
"lIfr. Purslng ton says he belleve l ' a mall .s hould pa)' a s Ite goell." . ",Judgin g fl'om tl,lo .way he geta In ' d ebt, be must be uccustomefl to trav· Elling bilckward ."-Wa~hlngton star. . '. It Cure. Whll. You ' WallL Allen' • .li'd6~·Eatle i. a cenain cure foi' bot ~ w en\ lng, callous, and 8Wollell , achlnl fee t . Sold by /Ill fuuggiat a : Prire 25c. ' DolI 't accept Itn\' 6I1wtitutt'. 'J.'rial package i' RH, Addr~!~ Allen' " Olmsted, I.e . ltoy~ N. Y .
It ta ke!" n con elted man to make a 'con tin uous bit-wit h himself.
a:....,en. D&
110 Acft. c ......CrowIq FREE. 2Ot.·40 Buth... Wt>.at to ... 40 10 II) Bu...... 0 ... 10 . . "'cnr, Uta' lSO Bu.... Ia ...."',. to tI!e Ac.., Tu.~f_ F. . . . uid B1IiWu.a. FREE. Good t...:a ... LOw T....uoa . . 1IpIe~ lWh-ei f'KIIJtlee bel Low Rate&.. SC a .... CI... rcIo'•• C_••• I.nt. &tit tor;. ...... f.,. aU Prod-tlei oe. , Good Climate ....d P..,ect HUltII.. 'CIoaDc. for I'MIII~""~"'" Some ortbe cbolc•• ' iraJ""pr0 41lclnWl an4a "' , Ru...,I\uwh e,nLD aDd Alberta DOW be &e'1 nl ,., •.1 I II Lh .~ moal lIe&\\btul &ad Ilroap e _. lie~ 1I0u " Wl(\er 'I l. , .
w'' '
br wblcl\ enlr,. may lit made b,. Pl'Olff (011\_ , \&in couWlloD 8), 1>1 'be' fa'ber, motbtlt, 441'11:11_, brotber ..r alaur of Il\toDdlu l' Il1>0.. au.a, r , . . . , .' EDlry tee In eaeb calMl'.110.oo. I'or p.mpbl, -., "~Jle b tWe_ t"'J!•• UQ\ou.r8 aa ora""" 'ro n'"",,, ...., limo! to &~ a"d wb ..... to locate,.• ,Ppl,-IO
Law .....0110..
0....... •
JUNE CARNIVAt, Lebanon Ohio,
Tbursday, friday and Saturday, u-
Jun e 25 to· 27.
Ouril1s,t th~s~ Three Days and Nigh ts the Carni ' at Asso ciatio n , ill pr~sent enter tainm e nts of an Extl'aol'dinal'Y Char acter .
A ·u tom .o bil e W' in takp. place a.t,:{
Pa rad e
Ho rse Sh ow Pa rad e
" ill take pIaN' at 10 o'(';l<wk .a.tu rdar 1l10r1 l1 11g< C' ow l hol's('s ill pa.l'ach"' .
A II to will he c~e ·orat d
"""" .,
fo r th e gr ea t
~ ~
.' "
! Mas~mQuart '65c 0' Glass Jars
Iicefor thegro unds,s o don'tg etgay, '
.• Bobby Werntz expects to make the "kid. " hustle fol' the honors in the boy/s swimm ing race. 'fhere wiJI be a "rest" 't ent'on the
~ """""'~"""""" " """"""" """"""""""" ~""" ",~""""",,.~
(lloga irl
'cl lW ilr tz' sl """" ~,~ """"""""""""""""""""""~"
Zim msr man "s
"'~'"""",," . ""'" ""~,,,. ~
. .1
------------------~-~~T ~ '---'~'------~~~--~
hlef of Po·
~~~~~~~~==~~==~-~ -- ~~~~~~~~~==~-
J. K Janney will be
. .
__f t . __ RftR~_~ft~~,~ ,~~~~
': ({pil('s and Be.Lil x: • thow: (Jl)o d Hnnd
~."",~""""""""""""" ~" """"""",,,""""'~"""""""'"
~ W at ch ~ of N n.tion Cornpa, Il~: Hahy
Lo ts of A.m use me nts
White'~ S:tore j ~ ' . : . '.,' :,""'''' ...... .~ I ~.U. ·~~~Uft~~ft&t .... .. .. I News. . . ..
1- .
'K !
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, ~ ,r 1Ili J Ib 25 ~ ANNUAL REUN ION I s. c. t ~ ~ ~ .. \1'" ~~Ie ~ltioll, t~le::.e Il.: '.au~ ~ t ~ ,l~he Dayli gb t, Sture ~ ~ 'l'he fourth annual reunio n of the I 11 0 ill a ~ nos. luI t o ",cl thes ttl former teaoher a nnd )upila of DiS' l Old fli!lhlOllcd _ _ . IButte r Crack ers.
., $ ~ $
.~ ~ ~
Crum bS 0f Comfor·t e'
cri,; py buller . ~ PE IAL ' triot .No.5 In Sugaro reek townsh ip. c l'h ck r ' , alld th c: nrl' just ~. t roll1 Cali \I~S, onl" 6(' ~ Green county took pla~ at the old tile uven , J Apron qingha mli, cC ~ If Tom Zell is well enou",h he. ex- 8ohool house one mile north of . ~ Ferry \COdfjSh 8e a Ib ::D I'css Gmgha m!l, .. 10, 1 ~ Iii ' OD the DR.yton pUu', Itlst aturclay, ~ . • • ~ ~5c wi!!!;, n 'w ~tsto . ,naketheotherfellowslook Themo rnings esionw usdev oted :We ~ A" ma ll. lilt. or Purl' ' i1li ' " ~ 2 ~ 15c ~ ~ like "sellin g-plate rs" in the rat almost exolusi vely to social ~ enjoy- mark er1 dO:-"1I to clo,. Ollt. lOr man' ~e. ment·, renewi ng old Ilcquuintanoe Pure Cider V·ln ' eg and looking again OVer the once (u. HdSi. ~ .l'hV' . ~ i l.enin i Calll _iol~.elo. 20 ar. ..." ., , t1acll:l', ' We have, the · pro~ram set up ready ml·uar s t amptng . C. a. Gal • groun d ,w hi 0 h SOl11 A " _ Hlu ks and Tans, a IW W lot . next wee k ,and"It B ' .. k "of the visitor had not seen for for . a cor er, for· ~ow I th e. tim ' you will P ) of BUI'son ho E' in '. out ty yOUr!! or more, res, . !tmes be huutlU g good . vln e g·ar. The ~izes . ' ., . . EJllott was re·eleoted to thl.t omoe, Stat Food lus p e ta r vi s i t r1 us a Every" schoot distric t m Wayne and no doubt· ' W l.o t of Tabl Oil CI" lh he will oonduo t the ' 1 h c.I VI e k ng al111 l,n :cd 011 rlLlr Viii' townsh ip has' a chance at the bIg flag, atfalrs of the flssooiatlon UB ju st l't:!ceive (; au 'ome stlcoessl" ""1 b t" . . . . folly the next year as he bas In thll agar as l~lll U' '~Ie v ry e. . d ign , ~ 1'lie greasee pole climb will be past, "t~s. . 'l ice Cream Freezers, I ~ ' H ES I • worth ·$2.60 to the winner . At noon a sumptu ous repRst. wos ~ r\ few sa ln pl o frc'zcr s at ~ If YOll wan l II pair of shoes I ~ served , suoh a s oan only be prepare d , t t ,' . t . s e usWe will :av Runner s wh(, have never won a by the ladies of thut commu j5t llity , f.'·(lS . 0 C IO e~o u . " you mon y. Anoth l'ln t ' who are fa·m ed for their skiUiri thnt ' ~. q t. 1, rc zen. at ~~2, 2.1. of Elk kin shoes just in. r~e wil1 ' h~veafine chance t he depart ment', ' . .. ~ ' I. f) qt;, F reel( r\; '''t ,·~,7 f). Th demanl1 is greate r ~ 100 yardl! (novice). After dinner there WiJ.tI u vllrieu. :California. Peach es . than the supply, ~. . progrn,m given, whicli . oonsisted . ., 20c .... C~n. , If "Cutte r" Pratt has on );jis ' hit~ t!!ongs 'llud reoitlltions by the in'esenof j. ~ . . t ~. ANNJN G UPPLl E. ting clothes, visiting players 'will pupils of the s~hool . und also ~~wz.~~~>~~lfMI.~~. ~1r hy PI~ : 6 A ~ lI ap i ll e~ti·~ Sl tllld ;lfll • 1 . . ' f, i .~~~~~ ~~~~'NW'#Rl'IIWN have to hit some to keep him from psrs read, .musi~ u.nci relllini8~eu. Oei(IA Yelln w . l ' lI 1 I e 'IIIr"" Stone .J ars, LightJl ingJul' s \ r~~"".~!!;!!!!!!!!'!.~,--"""-!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!,!!-~~~!,!"",-~: ' 1t!::;-11 l I :LV \' .r~ . Mason Jars, Tin Cans, o:-~_~-,;"",,....., ~ r'
ground s for w(\m~n and childre n.
$ 3 Ye 'Olde' Tyme Comfort Sho , e I'. II $, (C . A'f $I I
~ 15~ t::~~:: ~~~~ $ $
a $1
Da "n ba hi .. ..
:~:th~::~~f~;kt:: ~l'i'z~ E;~~rOZ:~~~e::~;~~~~:o~:~:~f l i:e~u~)oY. ~~ "\ "~~I\~~~~ 7~a ~2.4 I'$ ~::~: ~~~, Rt~~b~~t ~$I. ZI'mmer~ lnan'. S. ....""no•• !Fr.It Jar Ruhhm " ' bof", b",i,, ; .: :,
5 and IDe I~ Dozen
stitute d th. eBe reonion s While, tench. I ,' \.' hat a. re \'0'1 lI ecdin g? The hat ·sohool tOll.r y~lLrs n~o' :, ordinarv Hlbh J rs QT tit , ll ubl c M C I e Is now dolog iSSlonn yr ' tl lJoth ISS .u v r . . . III R' r. \ th /Ck'! Wc hilv pl enty or wor~ In .Ponce, Islund o( Porto 100.. I F ' . '. : J ,II , r, SG "'eritCotubpUn.rcee rp All ' WllO l~re ill IUlY WilY entitlod <l sq rU I,t an, C j . I lI1\1 1I . ers, to I1ttend the.lIB ronnion s shonlt.l. lCrvs ta L ea llli /; :Vax. c t . . ' . ,. milk c every et1' or t to d 0 so, lit! tl ley New oods - 'IS Wee k . Z G Th B a r e exct>ptloutllly interesL iDg . QeCIl- \" If ' , . . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " sons I " · . 'vlll C1'lli e Oil ' ruul UeorKliI . . . iCa nt clulIpe : 1'1'1)10 Florid a . ' FAM ILY REUN ION t:)w\'e t Orall g-~.s from Oaliro r llia. JUNE CARNIVAL New Potato [1'0 111 '1' lII.l es~ec . . . . Mr. a nd MI's. C. ~. Haines ', and Frc!;liP cllch c Irll,Ullh c.: uthhuII L What the Mardi Gras is to New son, MI'. and Mrs. E. H owcll, Mr New't :r) 1D"l oes [rom lI S ' I ~ Ip ]Jl . . Orlean s snd the Flbwer Eelttival iSI~nd Mrs,. Frank Howell of ;rort WiI- I~ rcsh Vill e~ppl e~ 1'1'0111 !"I oririrt . to PRsadena the June Carpi val Is ham, and Dr. and Mrs. White of In-· ct -" e ll: , to Lebano n' and W~rren County . I dilmapolis, are. visiting M r, . Hen , . . H will be the orowni ng event of' the Howell and fann ly , and formm g a Hea.d quarte rs j , o~onth of 'bride8 and roses. famil>, r eunion. 1'0 r H"n ,llIa~ (III Satul.'daY ' · r 'f.he Lebanon opera bouse will be ~-. .• ~ R soene of be'll1ty. In Carniv al hId.! COMMENCEMENT . ~ will be found the Ham .Tree, ' one~f ---tbe greates t ore-ut·io nsof the modern The comme noeme nt of.the'Wa r ne . • • ~ day comic opera. Hams of various 'rown~hip school~, took place at the - - - .-, ~
................ t, ........ ......·.tt •• t. '!" . Sherwi n.W\1.liam8 .
Par,I"S Green' .
$ ! $
tmD lS:r man
$ $
J. W Wh i te
0", .,"'" Mason qual'Q) this week, 65c ' pel' doz. h amplon Tobac;co 'pray$7 5[) . I'S. .. L ggett'S:Plll' P<\rls :Treen I 35 lh pn y. c per . 'ugar, best 'g ranulat ed at '5 .75 IJer cwt. , ooll cann d C''()rn, 5c can Tomato es, ilean!> 25c Blue StaJ' orn; 3 C~ln s 25c ' l3Iu ' st:lI' P eas, 3 cans 25c
$ $
$ $
Big lot'just received,
Berlin J( ettles 6, and 10 qt . , Dueh 1'18 ,, '. 6. 8 and 1'0 'C]t ~ Presel'ving" · , 1~ and 12 qt A PI'uit Ladle ' free with
each kettl e. . . N e\\ lot of Premiu ms just in .,
:::I::!:8i:·I~::tf~~:~t~;:.8i~;h:P;: ~~~~~ ,~~~~1b!al,~:':i~~~s:::,~i::~ WE-;TEn~ pIi~~~ERIT~~ ~ palltme nt of ourl08 and relics will the three gradua tes btld good essay!!. ~ .
Bring us your Pl'oduc e. WE PAY THE LIMI1', .
Ann onfonow noements
1'h0 '0"" in. will . . ,',,_ dldtlt.JS for I he dlffere ot atnecs a(.. plmd d, suhjeo~ t,o the deol~i n u of the RepuuJ icall pri iJ\ tlrio's:
pNI;a.'WiUSthlCTti I1tl tOJlay ousr , NING- Pints and qts 'fAR ......Tin Cans ' . Hubbe·~. Tin Lid8 and SelllIng ax ' Get our ·prl' ('es . before buying : PA. RIS GREE N-I' The Sherwi n-Will iams kind. Nothin g bett'er made. Get Prices' on large lots .. Scrapn o Scrap Tobacc o"2 packag es for5c BEST CREAM. CHEES E ' PICKL Es, OLIVES, CAKES, RACK EUS. Everyt hing for a nice Lunch
MASON~Pints and quarts LlGHT
.. FOR REPRE SENTA TIVE ,lOI:1N MARSB AI... L MU/,)!OR.IJ L .. K .. LAt<lU()ON , W, Z. ROLl... I ~'or Ilcnoll1ln:ltlonl
F0.u ~UDI1'OU llOQ.N 'l': fl. <...:, PA'l'TEJ,lSON (J8 A~ . :I.
0, ,J, EDWA/l-DI:> . E, .B, ·ROGE RS.
~ Orange s, '
Il"ur rc·ol atl ulIJ F . . S, SIMP8 0N . AMUE r, L. IRONt> .
Water Melons , Nutme gs; ·~emon8. Toin!ltoes, Pmeapplc/J. BRING U YOUR EGGS PA YIN'G 15c PElt DOZ,
Walter J Kilbon. ~' .ZIMM~R M · d. L J\i. N'~
. • .' ~ 'l'he ' musia :was furnish ed by' tbe ~ . .' . ' . .~ Wilmin~ton orches tra, FOR RECOR DER 'fl1o I1llti on~·'"rOBl'erit·y r 'ally re~ts . :'. . OF COUR SE' · ' PHILIP t:lPEN CE ~n fRl'lU prud n ttl, 'ololl g as th ese ~~ ~ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ ......":""'_. ; For Sale or Trad e peor rc ,e)cull tlnl . t ellch Il}l to tbtl 'v ~lllle of fo,rmer l e __ ____ __ - _ __ . _5 5 __ _ yeurs- Rpprox i mutery $ ,ilOID,OOO 000 ._-_ .. , A Milwaukee Binder for . sale 01' in 190~.- thi!< tl1l1st cODtinn e to he COllO.t ty is the utiliziltion of t,he bell.ring orohur ds from $llOOO r.o $-1000 west-," by Ch~rle8 F, .Speore, in the or trade. Good condition, reac1y to ~O . The1'OhilS pl'ob!1bly lltn er hEle.n \ wi,ste pluoes . of }Jllst, years, The up !tore, tin,. UlQ,rve lous to bl"hold , ' A 1nfw iCU'n Tf.cvie'Ul oj Reviews for work. ALLEN H OLEl. !t tiDle i D t hid " eo 1'111 ion when ! ' nusi'gb 't ly , desert of to-day Is the Wester n Texns, cleared of mesqul tn Juna, IhOW8~ Telephone ~o. 95-2,!{ . ~plend id gene"ul orop ]l.l'osJlec~s ex-) blGSBOmill~ Ql'ohaJ!d of. to-niur row, and ,cultlVtl~d for ootton, . hilS wlt- ; / Be.turd ar. JUDe 27, will . be ,the .. _ Istcd Il~ ILt til heglnl ltng' r MII>Y, , ILnd th e Irrigati on ditch the Rdvance nessed .an lnorell8e In her I1nnual ' orllwu iq . day of ~he festival . In· • _ _ ~~ ~~..........,. Ito.d whioh have COOti llll,~11 u(I t the lllr{CDt uf prospe rity in mllnl'fold rai~ffJ1l9f nearly ten inohes, ~he , o!' ~~~ ,the momiD gat 100 oloak the horse I. T S k f ~~~~~~~""_. ullddle o f !lhe month. Ill e emply fOt'lUS ~ome of the results . ry a ac a of irri ohange of oliml1te in the new porabow parade wlll be the attraoti oD, . Shredd ed' Wheat BiSCUits, , cu.r~ ~f to-uny will n11 bA ~DlIsted to, glltion. in Te~as. wblch promis es to' tiODS of the oountr y 18.a s't udy by I EUja h' s Manna, Tb••utotnob ile parade ill In charge G~4KldalF1our Spring Wheat , Grape Nut8, move t'h~v11e l1t,coru . Ul1t~, 1'10(1 (jQt- . rival Lo\11siann. "" 8 rloe-produoing Itself. N~ture adapts of tile Warren County Autom obile herself Best Flour Made tOD now seedeu" 2 Packa ges for 25c . . ~t.j\te, unet In (;olorll.l1o, w}lera land new conditi ons Rnd helps t·h08e who I As.ool a\ion with J. A, nJlptttr ick. _, . ' I QDe trong InlpreliSlon I tho,Dew l w"tere d commaDda fromlh elp thems elves- From "Bullia. . of Ko&or W, .1 manag er, Y -.. .! . • travele r in the traus· M ,GOO toJ .~OOO an acre, and that tn I fjoadUtoDI in tbe' Weet and South.. I.....---~.......- - -.......~............ . show Bome tl;le tropl;ties of all our w~r8, On Friday aUerno on the baby show will attract the enger mu! tltqde. '. Tbe Beaux and Belles AmuBemllnt c.ompaDy, whose fame tor amateu r tbeatrio a'la has' spread for hundr~ dB of miles wllllf"rni~h tbe vl\udev llle
A Jot." w ... read by Miss Ethel Culver , who i n. ' ,dd"'"
Everyb ody come!
Z---a:rm a n' S I_.-
"''11 . e1-llUlD'.
,WAYf fESVIL f.E, OBIO, WEDN ESDAY J UNE '24, 1110 ,
--- ---
UMBE R 2912 ,
,' '! ~" " '... ''''~'''''''''''''''~'''~ . . .~
l~ ~
14188 Lorenll Brown , or Do.ytOn , M:is.'l Mary Latchem 'is on ihe sick agelt 20, IImllll, lonoOllh t 'looking !lisli. and littrtloti ve, Is uudar I\.rru ~ t on II. M ' R . , orrn! ogllrs Iost a. good h()rse oh"rJ(tl of 8toollng 110 UO W ' from hltr I t'l'h rsd' ireat .UDole,
1"1 'HE
Day Celebrated in Oran d ~ , Style••• WasSuccess All '. ~ ~ ~'" "rh h roug JUVU:NILE GRANGE ., ~ .
M"tthe w Berryh ill,ot as u, ay" Lytle . Sprin g Branc h. Bellbrook, tlhe has been oonllned Joe Prmt2, 9f Dayton , was a guest lAat hot IIond 'UhUdr eo's n"y was approp riate· "Miss Reva William hi the oouiltv · jail .Inoe Tbul'8dllY of his mother Sunday son is making a . Mi ~se8 Alioe Chtmowetb and Bel', l:Iunday, althoug h ly observ ed by Farmer olght, wben ~he Wtl.S bound OVAI' to , Miss Donna ~awke was a g'Uest: at dusty, was olen, and a great orowd last &~urd8Y evenin s' Grange short visit with relatives in Duyton , t.bll I:!m itil em ertllinoo Mr, A,vl er g; wbJln the : Mr. and Mrs. Garr t t Clevenger uf K.ent,uoky, the Probat e Uourt on $200 ' bond by .a house party m Dayton last on Friday tI'Vllnlog week . turned out to witnesil the Memorial followi ng officers of the J ,u venile and MI' , and Mrs , Clarence Crossley Mr , 'l'homll Mayor Lu.oe of 8prlnB Valley, after', Mrs , Ambroae Maffitt and s La~y eot"rt ..iolld Mrs, E, aer;~c;s?~ th;!, o~ ~. lodg~ i I Grahge preside d .: Master .be had pleaded guilty to t,he obar·~e. I V. Barnha rt, spent Monday , Edna Jan · were enterta ined on Sunday at the Jusbua benow 6t,b Ilnd tlimily , in Day- I k t:t 00 ~ ~ ge ~n tV 80~ ney · OVE'rseer Editb' Sheeha n ' Lec. home of Mr, and The'II,l rl drove the animai away ton ,' Ml W. F , Clark, a Frunk COok find family , Lenll, Gnlditl a ' ng °bgl d Dum . r hogll au 1 " ture~. Mlule Mhutts 'bapll \in : Bel. , 1'he Memo~ial services held last ~~~ ~'~:Z::::s O~~:~~w~~~th:~dJaN a88em at thelr a, aod after from the Be~ryhlJl flm~ on the Mr, ,. ' ~~ and 'Mrs. Edmun d Retalli ck formlu gein liRe Sunday headed by' theSpr in". en ,Bar ~,s oOk; TrstI.!lnrl'r, Raobel Knight evenmg by Ly tle Cas tle WaYDesvllle,p lke, three miles lIouth will leave tomorr ow for Battle s of the 'Golden Eagle. we re 8hlrlle t dinner I:lund' Creek a.y, bo K I P ' d d Sheeba n: t;eorew ry , LO\lelJIL Jan· indeed, a S\lccess , Rev, Liscom IIf Bellbrook, ~ondliY Ilvenlng Ilnd Mlch b, of ' Mr , 1'hOI1.III11 H088 and tlunily bad ro . ~ ,blln . ' mllro~e to t.he n~y; Ste.wnrd, Velma: tobk It '0 DIlYto~. 'It is said 8b~ Uornel J; A t! Lebano n. deliver ed an eX.c ellent ad· 8t! their ~l1ests, on ', ' " . ceIDlltery, where the sorvloos were li8tdut I:lteward Edna lIold it for 1I1I6, bnt the mone . for GenevIeve Moore, ofOolumb~s, Uornell ' dress on "A, Wrecked Life Proba· H8ss IlO(l wife lIodSnnday , Walter 18 a b~ld. Mi!18 Saum, of , (Jerel! Dorli I;lqui:es' Pomon Adr~ b!y on accQunt of the very .... ':"n tu'r' n:.!ove r guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rlchard ....e oow bad no.• "...,., warm neltr Xenii•. 'l'he spen.J[ers for the ooo&8lon .... " . , Ii, mght the hall was not so very full, yet Oorn~lI: Flora, Janette Jllnney . , quite ,to her when she was, -rre&te d. The CroSl, M a goodly numbe r were present . rs . EIIIl Rye, MrI, James CbeD. were Mr, W , F. I:!pk'er, of Dayto.n, Tho , R ecltatlo n8 by Marie Shutts, A comml 'ttee was and Mr Fran~ Antle 8 sent. down to owetb. ~18se8 Berth~ Sm"b and girloonfelltled tb"t lIome one Wilt!, .Mr. T '. J " Brown.a n d d augh f 14 ter, .,. r OD 0 orrow, Catb¢ no Burnet , Doro. Squire s. Miami cemete ry to A lioe Ubenowetb were entert&ined with ber wben she took 'tbe DUW, Mias Annie U, were m Dayton decora te the to dinner last Ohio. Botb of thtltle geo~lernen 8elel) Hartso ok, Edna by Rosa Davis Cornell, ael- grave of our departe d brothe r/Jame s lI.od fl\.ther, Sunday ."bu, I would rlltbQr die tban say week. of Mt Bolly, , made exoelleh & ,speeoh ell, Il~d wel~e en Dlny.'ld dle, Jerome Jones, Cu- Lewil!, wbo It Willi," lIle dl'Qlared to oIDolal8 TIffany, 'he watob· maker, " , Mi811 Jane CJ:a.mer, oflndlJ lDl, wu will be listened to wlth grel\.t IDteres t 'men Cornel lllnd Robert and frlenru. who' quea&loned ber re- 'a t OQlemali fl IItore regula rl Jones; 'be Me~am es A~a Kenrutk , Le~ltu~ vlaltlng Alice Cbenow eth a.nd other ho y ' every hrOur llt, . cul~r , 8010 by May Stra wn and tbe K~nrlckand Cora Johns spen t Frldll:Y Wed 8IId . . After tl1e speakin g, tbe ' ~ravell of lardiD gtbem, .1 t nay. ,the home of Mr. and Mrs Allie relatl veil last wepk, d . quarte te by th~ Jonoa ohlldre n at . ' " ~Wben ~he oow wa~ ml88ed t!le Hole and had avery enJ'oya blestay ' . membe re were deoorat4 Mrs. Ellen Mannin gton, of Spring eoea...,.. Mr. Clo.rence.Ry. eloRta veryva lu, Ki ' I th ' . ' were & 1/1 weI • ' Farme r'a Proooo&iye a/l8ooilitton ot Valley, was visiting friends bl rouder ed, . h b' I' b I . Miss F Bessie Cook is paying here and e lod~e again formed and The·J·u venile Ot'linge hl.LlI' uoon or· to Mr . and Mrs C E. J ohns. a visit a e or8e y 19 to ng on rlda.y Salaro reet townu lpf lOOk np the last week. ' afterno on , , marohe d back to their ball, w~ere gaol zed llmt a sburt time matter obt.ine d blood. hoands from Dont forget! The Knight s of the . Mra. Jumoa Chenow eth and ohllloe or~am aDd lomon~e wEtre served bet:inQln~' la Ii very IIUOOO8 but it's Osborn' . bus 'hey failed to talle up '. Mr. ~.en 'Parker , ~f. Charle l:lfui one Golden Eagl. are going to hold a dren were calling on Mr., Dan Mar. s~n, to aU. h ~nd itt! w~rlt Ie very promis ing, ' d ,-,. ~d d W. Va. 18 here on a VISIt to relatIVes band concer t 3t:ri1 ice cream social. on ran and family Thured ay afteroo l!'lowere .were very' lca roe , but. on. t e mil, an Ilf~rwl'" • etect.iv81 and friends . J. M, Stacy's lawn Saturd ay eveOlng We had preaoh ing at Middle ,Run Ent webrefetpPdlOYed by ht.he a 1800ia"on Miaees A.lUla and Alma cieinen amall token wal plaoed on e ..oh rta' d June 27. !\Iusic will be furnish ed on Saturd&y and Sunday by Iillder ta w 0 onn w~ere I e glr t bad dll . e . me • by the Spring Valley band and quar· Wl1Ilam Buo&:le •... , grave. .1, of Indian, ,: Mr, ...........t' of the oow and MrtI. Ed Ret·a.lliok lAnd tet. Vtas arrea&ed are vlsltmg MUIS Elda Brown . of Mrs. Biram Dakin and Mn. Er • ........... DelegatloJ;l1l were preBellt fr.:>m famll'l enterta tned t5unday ' Sbe ' .. -~ in bonor by" mllorah.1 ,from S ' M I "'~ ' d , M ' B lib 0 M SprlnR Vaney , W·) .. d ' ''~ I ml''6"" n. ' on Mr and , pr n~""ro, e roo~. r .. an rs. . , H oul'h an d DeBt Dakin were ,callln'" n ' ......,nter. of Mr J... nIllHI'8. V. L. Minor. Tl1o~e son Kennet .. .. MIIIM. 'Browa Willi reared In, the h, toOk dinner with Ml'. ,Mrs, Wa.lter Dakin Sunday Dr. ·Mary Cook, of Chi~go,' who vlUe. a(o$e,pree8n t "were: ¥r. V. ,L. Minor, and Mrs. J, W. Ward, 'BerrJb l1l family, .nd recentl y weh. bas been ~sitlng her parent noon, i 'haa The K. (,)f p , baDd, led by Mr. wife aod daught er Doria SO n.yton wberttl lbe WIUI employ ed returne d home. of Louill- The Lebano n SDldents, Miss Lo~a Mr. ~onathllon MoOray and IOU. H. D. Kellillon, who III to luperln - ulUe I[y' Ed Riltalllok , ~ 'Jr, and Come!11 Harry Graham were seen m a04 Air. Bob Bin, . tend tbe Wayue evllle ' IOhoola tbe iD She family of 8. 8. KIDg, wbom IS Fred Caskey passed examm . Dbar. CeDter" •, mtdst on Sunday. Mr. Ernest ville were gnee... ofof ation I ad oed I! IIOn~l, of Orelon la ; Bel't ~etal , our .Mr. H. C, Dakin "aa!lal d would tul'nl..h bond for he. r , in taw last week and is now m Rogen Nlr hag alsO joined the ranks and and faintly Baturd ay 'lib't and ready to tooh nb' 'Y :.."md be " ,., ~~IO, a an,d family. of Lebllno n; .Evau entered the tmivers ity Monday. ..: ", 001 $ h e ... n Friend.- . ,nd hillt!rs of the hanI' out his. ':;.I!IIIngle a. ou'y ......n or-.- 1I0k ' .sunday , D_ I . " . pntzed ' a abott . time ' ' I ....ta J~k and wife, of ~ o.k; yoanl,111:1, wh~ far in,$he ma· Mr. Chari.. Mount , of Morrow Mr. Joseph Mtller, of Yankee . Mra. I6wv B.W88 , ,' The too.l K ' of' P enterki n8Cl hlr , Cliff .J·,.~.on and ,family , of Leba· street, was a &'\lest at joruy , in Bellbroo~, oonteq d tbat was in town lastTh ursday and the home of ooulliu from ~yro'n tkturd ay aud -ve "ed ' b d t ' , .. ' th' OODl , miUee non; ..... Barab Smith, 14.. , Thad MIrat' Bekrne J,ones on :t'uesday of ~unday war. .h.e was only .' -kini What IIbe .ap. this office a pleasan t call '. . .e d ay a snc . as wee . . d ... ' I 0 ma.e , If , ' ' , Iy Zlm_~Dlian' and ...amily . . .. 08INI, an M ' .. M ' W Hie r e or'. werl' sure poaed WIUI due lIer. • The IlDimal • _ • Mr. ThOll. Zel~ who has' been iIl ·for orowne d ,,"h .uooeaa. : r. an.. n. m. 001 eman have Bellb k ro ' waa old and iU8 "Illd$ tbt' OW" lOme time ~th walkin g ;typhoid -:r / been ,en~rtaining the forQler's feroo " . ,... • ~tlI er, who 18 wealth y, did Dot value It LDRE NS DA nephe~ and the latter's brothe r for ' . bette th1a _ (:''hl' rellls Day W88 daly obeert9cl "&Orne tIme 'past. at more tUD IIns MIIUI Jirown III a veAr·b·l!IlO~~_k ~f Mr. and Mre, ' J. Wilbur Gowdy Yld~ . BURIED aUhe 1.1 E ohlU'oh Sada i aod. Mr. George Scott came,back d .. ui htef at F4,w~rd Qrown . of Bell ram ~ • ~ e -an lOR tan·, too~ !~t&ed }'~ a:!uMra. r~y Wedne~ , . -'_ " lailife ~~a:~ation le.l', of Spnng boro o apent Sunday I presen t to vltl~g'e ~p '3a'turd ay .}in'd' re~inec1 .... Be ' • .• 0 brook, who "'ppare nt,y . bu taltell with C H . 'Ie ' , " until Clemen ts and famil ' ' n Monda y. He III workm g at autifu l Miami Ceme - ,hear the childre n . ' ,Mr, and Mra, Earne. t 'RaDdol,ph, 00 1,0 6lr8ll' In bill dfl.ughter'lI plight . . , the carpen ter trade in Georgetown of DIlYtoo, and Mi.. Maty ~llal8 .• , " y. tery Was Charl es The declam ations IiQd th" mWlio • Mr and Mrs.:1 B Jones and -Xeni a f~uette . Israel S'atte~wal~, of , San I O H , ' 80~ .ware the guellY of Mr. and Mra. tl, were fi. ne, and aU the o.h ildreu en Pearl·drov.e to the home of the for•• ~I..• bought hIS ~other'B I!arm. and O . Howlan d Wedne aday. C. B,ose.. joyed the even\n g very muoD . The me~'s parentS, Mi. C, R. Jgnes, DEATH WIll start he~ about the 2tth. of Mla888 Ba.rrle t Sean' and Mary Rev Philip 'l'rout made Ii few liP. Spl"lng Valley, on Saturclay. . , _ _,_,__ , remain 'MillS A~,ea Wrigh t and aauaht er · Tate lert Friday for Yellow 8priDKS Ubarle s C, Brose died at bl8 home proprla te rem.ark s. ' ing until Sunday , ;:::~e Tn88day evo~ing Mr. AAroD S~~a~ved h~~e y~terday, fro~ they will aUend An&IQOh 001n dnohin atl 'l'ueaday, Jane 16th, . •. ' h,udle r reoelved II. telegra m a 'vlslt wl~h relatIves ne,1f , • " Morrow . and wu burled in Miaull cemete ry Miss E&hel Penew i" will ieave 15 ,Cent fobacco. , Harv eysbu rg. from Denver, CUI, to tbe &JfllOt t.hat Mr. W. R. Shreve . of \Yilrnm MondllV for Oxford, 'ObiO" where J'ton, last Thursd ay mornin g from the '. F.armers who are interes ted in M H hi. d.angbter. &l'arlanDII, Willi III aDd has ~n the guest of seve ral d'ed T esd She will at.tend oollege for aix weeki, . Waynes-, II :~4, Rev.•T. F. OadwaUader getti~dbetter priOO8 for theIr to- at the'ho~~~f lher 80~ M~rto~~en~~ be immed lalely lI~fted for follat ville friendll during the !P8Bt MI~II, O{lla punham waa thl IU.' week. ofilotat ing. : baooo, arEI requ8llted to attend a neraJ Friday mornin g. . I ot ly. f her .~rotdaher, Dd~·Tu0,,!,.!'am F thl t th ' 0D . U B Mrs. C. B. Young and BOn, of Car ,., in ' 1 01' 1' r y. ree Ye&.lS _r. 1'018' fanner s meetin g at Wa.yne . Ilvton yan Word Will rea.:u ved here 8~y thl&'e, Ohio, isvisiti ha' .her mother .... f 'b 11 . iii' ,.. , w~a in t,be employ of tbe ,honlly l. next ~t\U'lda, afterno ou at avl e, ~rs .. BJ:lce SmIth was called home 'l'b ladl oharoh ' .f&ernoon th,,' 8be blld ' ,dled at 11 'Mrs. Mary E. YounJr for a 3 o ~olook MondaY 'by the sudden death of he~ had: Quil:ng~ Beeeat the homlo f week Qr vania ~ailw.y COm~~y aDd In ,he oyer C~0881 atore. E. P Ba.'~ley', of father, , o'olock eha$ mornlo a. " ' . so. . " ' Mrs: Ley Tueida y. I, oapaol ty of train oondno tor waa fa- (Jolumtiull,Obio, ltate organiz The Dew. ,a~ocked the entire Mr. and . Mrs. ,I. B. LewilJ er of ' Mrs. WIll Harvey ~n~,erta,med her . Mr8. Pearl Arm,t roni, ' came vorably know nud I.pleu antly re- tbe Americ an 800lety of Xenia, oommU A". a ••bebad 4Ullt reOent down from Dayton f~a week-e QfEqn lty wlll gran~mother, of Corwl~, last week. OhlO, WIUI vlaltln , nd ber membe 100" red' , lin, by maDY of afar' '" people be • . , rialt with their ailter Mra Alethi a "!dr' and Mrs J, MorriS are ~nter. 'i'urnba ll WednMdlloya04 .1'hal'llda 17 wrUMn SO friends ' bere and bad Al d preaen . ,. y. Some Iihll1ee taiOlnJr n compan yeara alO y from haVing Washm begton ,Thla 11 a exan er. good opport anlty to hear C H , , aaid noWD a .bon' btI'DI aerioa. ly M Rev. G, B. Harper and wife left G E Engrsh dA te the viotlm of l~m~r ataxlll, thlll n~ speake r and to 18Ilrn . . y for a week'a 'Wlllt ~u. . Mr. and Mrs Ed McFarlan enter· fMonda . , , and :n, Vaul[hn, ~f' ~,ultc'::-' oome I de t Llnnen oeburg Ohio.wltb be retired from active IItlnD and more about thia 1I00Iet.y ' .1Ir:. UMndl er len Denve r fn~ are viBitinl' relativ es in arid around . tained on Sunday at their beautif ul r ~~. C~u, Kable. of Obioag ..Ide trom onltlva tlDg flowera l1li bl' ' o, ltl" ' day morni n, IIDd will arrive bere, Wayneav.ille. • • home, , ' ' olime home to attend $he weddio lt , _ 'waub le, wbioh WIUIht. deJight b.... ' RETl JRNE D 'BOM~ ,T Ifonda ,tBol'n tDg.t'lI o'clOO k. Up M andU '- R' h':'~ C' , Mr. and ~rs Bernar d ~hidaker of hl~ siaterGet'trnrleTaeadiroy &'Ven. dJ , -Vedl~retlrement . ' • r. " I u " (Jo ', ' 8 ~" ,I e IU'U fO:. an .ln08lt I ' b h b enterta ined to dinner , Sunday : Mr. ing , SO tbe Sime Q~ going to pr88a no sr M!M, • . , _n. I'll arrtl, .Genevieve lifoor:e w~re ~ter-, w o . . as '.' !!en d'M ' Ea IH k tt M 'l'be deceaaed ' W"S a MaaoD, ,and' 1I010nrnlDIfio CaUfollnia for flUeen ' " . , InnRe~IDu bftd~n made for the tained by Mr.,~i M.... 'Manon an rs. r cl:~ de . r dMdMr8 ~Ul!! Isabel ~bltmore, or Dayton , ' Clar)t-, ()ddfellow~ and waa alBO a membe r mo'ntH!!> paat returne d bome ', 1a.8t ~:; DH~:":~: G~ah:! an llJ)d \:~ 8s e gU~t fUDeral., ~' ,', .' , of ,L ytle. Sunday . , ~:is:,:rrltl K.We , tbe ordtlr of Rall~ay Trainm en. week tu tbe'de li"h' of ber • • • ualter Levenn ""_ ............h\t of' ot AI many ·Hel~n. r ' . f ' fl ' H ' 0Mell a Y RRn Gin f' x 'I d " ,.' ~.. , . g ~....... , CI , ', avera . ' OWl'rs an Ii 8Up08I1! ' friends She found muob to "d R , r eve, a " en a. waa , rs.. . K!eked by, ,one Miss Eva Cleave r enterta ined Mr :e~'~" \8 srun~!~f. .thMI.rI'!~d Ifal florl~t wben the guest. of Mrs 'Wm Bollilea , , In health. bill lot mire In' OeJnornlll bot lI&ys Ohio 18 8!ld Mrs , WilsOn Bennet t, Mjss Les· Thursd ay: ~ I Mn. S; Leve~ twrigh t: · waa OUII gf the q'l08t ~utlf,ul In ,home. " ,' ",iUle Bh';Xi~1 Bunn~lI, s,on o~ ," " , ale Tucker and Mr, Berget Sma, " " Mr, 'and ~ra, Frank Oolliu. and "lhe al'y of f,ur loved ODe8 "made ' ' ObaunceJ. BunDAIl, whl,le pl.ylog I~ '.Pe~.ple t~ Mr. Floyd 'Oo.""I l, Cllin le~ve tbet~ sO Anderson spent the ohildre n of 'Xenla were the f 8hrubll ~ foUage pla~t8 "nd ThE!' WaYII, " v' lit' ,~, ,IODY ~ere she w~k-en tbe yard Satnrd ay livening, wal work with KUbon .,nd d with his,family here. it will lie as:, Mr, Joh~ Tilte and family Tue8d~y ' ' toa reports aa Wt:ul Jdolted hi lhe tIoull lI permg, and Misses Emma and Sue Whitsel and and WedneadliY, 6 s 'colt, ' D~, &ebded , 'to. every Wednel!da V by 1l0wera brou~~ t f~OItl~, the green bringa t~~ weloom news tbH t ~r, MisS Daisp Uncy attende d chauta u" Born Ellis wu ImOledl... t~Y OBHeC1. aud TUfany, ~~~ Wll-tcb>ml'ker. to Mr, and Mra. U·l arenc. '. ", ~0WI6 he m,~I.nh.i,oed at- bta home in I' W'I~I Gard and .M1aae M&"~i U m.ake q~a' at Y~lIow Sprin~ Sund~y. found bi. D088 ,brolten 'bot *'t l..t • Redv · Phd~r. .~lMItkanfd fam 3 . Lanatn ger Tbnrllday, a 9-pound bo, . lI ': al" L'~noIDn a~I. , ' , ." . 'heir ann~1 vllll",Uqn to ,tbe Buok , " , rIVe h orne as~ ri.e ' ..rom ..Spr?~gMr. MIlton Hadle~ sold hIS beautl' Mr. Br~ W~8 In tbe 8.3rd year Qf e e .t.ate in about Mis8 Fauuie Maraba ll il the luellt ~~u~~ he ,waa MeUlng aloDK very, :t\eld,, where a month· iul countrY home thIS week to Mr, of Mr. Bnd ,Mra Rev. t'rout melate d at l hi8 age at th,e time of bls deatb, Fraak Marehall, y . '_ _ _ _ • " " nioely· " ,William s, thewec sheriff 1dtngo of Clinton faniece clunty " . south of Bellbrook tblll 'week, . · {: , .0 " , " , ', . " , , ' , , ' NEW FUNERAL CAR 14' 'W ; .. EmIna ' Dakin leav~ ~I!l N<n'l CE ' rs , t' I'IIam .l!"I' a ..e"on,of'" ..prI'ng Old School Assoeiatio.~ ' f<!r,Mrs, .' New Yellow Sp:ril :' w~ere, ,Sh1t Will Burli ngton . Valley, wu the gaea' ofber pUent l, , Mr. W.llter McClur i, e , recel~ed a ' "', " . ' V181~ ,Mr. ;and lB. C. R • .F.urtaton, lair, lI.ud Mrs, L. A. ~per Friday . " -, - - " and also attend Antioc new' funerlll} ' car' hut Wednesday h Chauta uqtJt,. J 81 MeOlbe-:a (\f, tbe Ol~ ,I.iohool, I alid twe Bons vlaltetl ~88o. ' " ' "., . ,'. ' ' ; ',' .' , . ' , aa . • .()W!"g 'to tbe 'rJ(l8nt purohaBe of' from, ar Cinoln nati, It II a lIilver,g ray relativ ea her~ ll\.st "feek . ola\ion are r~quea)ed ,to .meet at the 'M~M ' ~d ' T~Yblot~ ' of 2n~t,'~ t!, _ I ,' we Ilre · oompelled , to ·o ar. 'And 11 'the iateat , pattern and,' Mrs. K ' ''. ' , FrI'" ",came on a~(- Olg on a IInOa , vt81t caesa rs Creek . B, B. GOodri bome of . eZ,a of Cbicago, '" ~efn~~ qn , uay to,rela tiv.-oo e. She and, her' bus-:' k¥7 ,reqnea ' ., , l'S " he gueat of relAtivoh, t ,,11 partlea ' bavb~ • . bea1,ltl es here ful.y flnillhed; ""8.ntDg • .lune 211tb ...... eveno·ot()()~. b~d are ennnit e to-~ichjgan . ~ . ~ . ~ . :' Johq Crlte8 and Jobn F1nnpy f~r a .~U:nta "wit.~, WI ,to plea.e oau.t . 'NEW 'AUTOS Mrs. A , lJ~llo.r1t1.nv,l8lted 10 D~y Ogden, ,~"ended meetin g bere , Of VISIt. \ , ", .. on:'!t' ~d I18t.t le tbe sa~e by· OM~ or Sun'·1.,. , ', to~ 1aa~ wee ., , '_11:..'' :''.. Ooll 'tt . olD " 'STUl\JTS"" . d ',M' ~ay Ilnd 8peot &he , day wi'b Jeeie t "d ' . il bit.... Mi El ' Meaarll e .. ,fon&sh an Cook and , D .. Wtl! ' 88 ' H~,~nl':" tbis , an. ' .)~fPO 8 ,a,n ,Krea" ,Y:.o , .,-' MorrIS a od Robert Reev88, of Baine&. .\ , . , AIleD il..·. e nurahalled Balok o~r. at Rlohmo .. ' , , onna cut , , mom~ , ~~r; nd, ~nd., are visiting at, the L'Roaa BRC.. Some of our automo bile '·fleDda' t anexte Ml'8'EDiilv lIaln. and I ....OOllOn· , , ,.. , nded.t rip:toN ew Y~rk.:B0.8-1 J ' )Jome of theIr grandf ather, A, W. ' , " . , , "" . ~ ' Da~n. Mr"Qo uk 'bll8 ~ tourlD l'lte eel' " , ,~"re ' 'a!lt~llbI1 " .Ui'Pri.~ Mo'nda7" toq:, ' .W~n. Oity ;and :~he1 , EAST . ' , LU~herBaiDea,vlllited'1'8latlv.!'l_r ERN STAR ' oar, , a~d Mr. Allen a ru.!!~bou"" ' ~i.." ~ailDilt 8qamb angb b88'be~n PalUt-ersVI~, w~It~Kr. GerkiD~, o~ tbe ?ecllha m I~rnpam~, .tn~l"e8t. . , " , . " . ,Both ' are bll8utles, .and tbe ownera eiJ1pl~Y8(r.s teaohe r in th~ ' CArra ll, 00' of DaytoD ' droppe d Mt,o,a- tel' ~dliamson. ~rh~lary &::=~y i~cfDO~~::i.8alUrdaY of 8mJt~ , v~Star ' lod . .. ' 1 1 h Id th~j , are 'Very proud of them. I BencLlbliL. euhler of ,the' Flnt ~OQ~ bere, Na" ~" ge "Wl J 0 , ' , elr 8 i " d· il ",,' • ~ In town dr1VIDI a W,hl~ 8te"m~~" t. iona' batik. BOn of Asbury · dZ , . Mevei'a:1 .:M.aaoDa attende d the fu. W~ '~eIIIOrial ' 8ervi~es at the Maaoflic , 8&.18 a n~ a" .am .Y " ,n 1m· fDd cUd "'~w .blll oUmblDK "~tDDa .'I apn' tnIIdea abort.v Liver y Chan. ge ,n erai of 'Dr Baugh of OIarksvllle on rl Baine.a and ,w.t fea"-n aed iBit with ibis aunte'; telDple Df'xt Sunday afterno on at thl opl: ' ..' anoh ~ Done·.v e a ,7Whl&e ~~ ever ',Mh•. McShe rry and ,M;etiMt. ' ~qnday ' . " 18Je 09mmen~.ment a' WI1~lngton . ~d Ann, 2 'IO'c1oelt. All Masone and their ~r" Will Uaatin , wbo 'bas been formBd In oar' vUl"1lJ. ' . . . ... ~ • lW!IlUlIMOll: on ~ellday.. 0 • '.' . f..:-.L . .... ' . invited to attend; l' oolldoo &,n.1 18 ,' l1.v. eI'Y and feed stable , , ~ _ '. ' , . Chur . Mr.. V. L. Minor wife aod daueb- ..., Servt ces. ~ben 8&aJ11e ,. and wife , ..e~e iil OODaeo'lon wltb hll, bo&el, ~. Mr: and !tie. . Georire Ha~ke e~" ter Delis qf .Louia.ville ~. Snn~,. ~.. of i'raDk ~n~l1n II. are ':.. ' . '0 'E lold the ..,.m fa Or08l Br08. Be ....:....;...eCi at dinner Sunda ytbe ~ol- ~ of Mr. and ...... ~~ Jte. MervlO8ll a& the Cbri.'l an oburoh tit. )(O~blita ' Blln~ellla .v,aUID! NOTIC ° w i U..'howevBr, COD.tiDII8 in tbe bUI- Den 8uday aa foliow l: .- ~ . : , .-talUdl ' They are on thIir way to . 1Owm. pefIIO~: ~ ' Baird. '~~' , in Darlun o \, f bo' f a.tta,' ~ ¥lela •• , to IJMlIld. the, u " " fOl'l8U he ,date of tile nM8 01' a .. our wee : . a ..... llral ~da Wrl8bt. inImnler a(thei r old .haima. Mr. S1IDday 8Qbool at II lao a; m.; aer·, atDon'l meettn , ~ . hDda, . at baa'l'l ... ,penon tbe a iDdebt ed ~ me fur a. " . 1 10 , biIDI .. ho,ue, ~jolD. IIlOD by Rev. George W. Hall, .t oharoh . ~Al . . . 11., Wript , .,. . . . Dc;trotJ1y.. "iIIori a a teaehe r ,in the B~ '" J BroWD, of MolE fa~, w,u i p'" _ ,Slae $a lit. ADD. ~p. 10:80 •• m.,; ObrlaUa~ Bn~M"OI' at Wtlm t.- ........ will pnaoh Kathr p and . ,.... .. ..d ' ~D_ tm~ia!it .n JIjO QlJl . . . . .U1e ...biD .... 'nut_ , 1ft. . ... . . E:.,V, ~ 111'. ua~" '" ~ .. e:80it· m ; ..maooa U:80P . ,m . All C:=D-:t:':~:,a::::. ('"~,, ' WILLO . ' U u.n. . . 01 duI .. . ~ aDd lDovltal &0 Leba· made witloo mewU iIHeer ,loee. . I ., "" lI0II. .
• I
T' 1
p . er
..::..,..... ",,,,,,,'
The M,iami 'Gazette 0, L,
~.-~ y"~ ESV II, I.E,
( 11 10,
Mademoiselle of the Cross
Itallana on Emlgrallon. Emi gl!'tUon and Its r slim Is .. ilYe topic or con '"er.'sUon among all classes of oel l~- In ltai ~', 1 hQ.\'e witnessed mllny A bot dls<'n~l() n III the town II retary's ofll ra wben I gl anlng IItatl lie '. e,' cra! men always fol. lowed the strang I' Into ih office I\nc:l slood by, lohirested lillteners, untIl aI>' pcaloo to tor their opinions , 1 was .urpna;(>d t o dlsco" er bow well posl d nine out of every fc n are, with deft, I nUe. w IHblJugbt~ut convlc~lonll, la. yorable or unf."orable to. tbe moy& ment according to Ih 11' sodal position, .A, aoo Ulern land lord In tbe province or MOllse told mt', with bristling mua. tacb e and keen fla shIng ey II, wl'lles Antonio :Mangano In harltles Dnd tho ('..ommons, (bat ev ry y'e ar be 18 find· ' ng It more difficult to secure Inborerll to raise bls wheat, and he Is compelled to pay Iluch as O'I'I! available three tlmes ' as much as be e ,'er did berore. I turned to Plelro, a brawny workman, who stood lis tening an d $mlllpg to hlm Bel!'; with his hands In his pockets, "Well, and wbat do yo u lblnk of lbll emigration to America 1" 1 asked. He -straightened InvoluntDrlly, (he han da ume out at his pockets to IISliist hl8 .npld gesticulatory Italian, "A b! Btcnor, ~mllratl on Is one greal bless· 1ng to our country, Wbat would all of tbe 'e p ople do bere, IIxcellt to Ih'e 1D0re wretchedly, ,I t that were llos'!ltie, while t he laU fondlsU (landowners) ore 'fottenlng upon tbelr I\r~ ~ IOod ! The fac t Is, If It h od:t't been tor emigration, w must bave nded by eaUng one another up, Qnce tbere was no mon <'y In this to '''P , l'ow we .all have a little and we poor conladlni ' don't bave to go t o the pad~onll 8.nd b~ a Joan and pay him 50 per cent. ,on R No No! No oue ;)all doubt n illt tlmlgra tion Is a Sl'ent blessing."
Retention of Follage Dudng t.he Winter Makes Them E{{ec' LIve ,\\r tndbreaks- By William J. Green, HorUcuHurtst. a nd, Ohio. f];\'E' l'l!rl>!lll S :II'A n,r 11\' /lila I' ,'ulU I;! bolh fOI' ~b '1 1 I' and 01' ClaUWIII. _ tall HnH;\! 111"y fl1l'Hish Ii bll rrl r 10 willd an i} colr!, lIud thl!' j"mlH l'kil,hl): pic· turesque fOl'llu) aSSll ll1 ,I In' IIIIl adult SI) cl l1l ~ ll i< r I1\III1Y <{ Ilocles ;uld Inuch to Ih e !UI ra 'I i\'ClIlClSS or tl ol1 nl1'Y hOl11 o, e~ )Jeci<llly when th Ir bo"ghs gra.ce, fully bent! hf!nt:'lIth II. loael or ';1)0\' . In ",inter, when otho:'r t rp.f'K nrc Ilt'sU· luI e <It foliage, ib sc IIlUj !Slic t l' S Ipnd 10 Ibe sc ne an lilt' of Il ulmlltlon ",hlch mlligalE's In a IlII'g lIJentlllr th s'llvc"'lly and desolaU 11 oC Ihe ~eI\S (lIl . If tasle full y Intermlngl d with olher II e~ and shrubs ubnfll Ule home they gl\'e Wurmlh of vordlll' and variety oll tll ll e unattainable wltho.ut. t bell' use, Tha ~ mony ot I he ,-ergrt'llns cau be 8uccessfully g'ro wn I1PO Il thlll sUlldy ~o ll s . i nn Olrg ulnPu t In hel r 1a \'or, A t the base .of ('vergrrens 0<' aslonal 'ouches of color, such u.s :lI'I.J alrol'ded b)' beds of 11 lunln, canna, sol via or ol he r bedding IIlnnl ~ , ' fire highly ef, '\:1crll'e and satlsrllClory, Owing to " "II' ,-Igor or growth anll ase ot eull11re clumps of many or til pore u· NIl dl ngly \'o.lulIl.1le ullli 111anll< Ill' adju nc t' used In thl!i Wil Y, al)d IC le Ct undlstlll'bed, Ihey will InCl'llnse In s ize ond heouty from ~' elll\ to year, ~'oxg l ove" Illo.l)'codon, bardy phlox, larks lJUI' nod a hoSl oC olhel's, !rom which s lectlon mll y be made accord· Ing to the Illonrer's Cancy. ore avall· uhle fOI' Ihe purpose. In fact, ever· gr os form a most excellent back, groLlo r! fo r II- great variety of ch&:rm. lug hu s iu f1oW(l', tl'\llt alld foliage.
«'C' I')' ,'I!1h I. 'I' ba vllla«e· was proud ot Old Pierre, bUI Ihel' w~re. times wb n 11 became 111''''101110, , DIll PI~rre had two rRre uoecdotps. H e woul,l lea(1 olf wllh Lodl nnel Il ud with Lbe u trwr of Auslerlltz aud tb 1'0:;8, Now overyon had h a rd of II HICl'IU v., which was a muller of the till), betore yesterday, and the "Itluge \\'as fomlllal' with \' ry word of Old PI IT 's ramou!! xploll. His daugh· tel' was the ' prettiest b" 1'1 In coun, tryslde, Marie was tall, willow y, and fall'. There w(is about her a ertaln ~race of ' ll~lse which kept the best or the young' me n at a respectful . dis· tRuce. When Old Plerl'e di ed he gaYc (ho craBS to Marie and told h e~ Lo wear It always. 1I1arl 11ud Nanon I.\ved Quietly, the lf IIYes plaold and serene, In the IItt! bouso at the nd of th e village str et, and It IIcemecl tho)' bothered about no one. Wbe.ll s uitors boldly Bougbt ~a· TI e, cl\'11 and kind waB sbe to them, but no one of tbem earned her k.lss, So, two years slipped away, About tbls Ume there came to til village a youu g officer, . He wae cov· ered with the g l'lm e of the road, aud needed a few days' rest. Pel'mlsslon for this mucb·needed reposo had been granted him , Since he had completed a very bdr d ride to the tl'ont with dis· pat bes, aud th is was hi s return_ He went through the vlllage seeking a place of accommodaUon, The Inn waa tilled with a Dlotley collecUon of f~l1ows, and be sough t quiet. Then be came to the garde n of tbe last house In the villagE!' and saw a girl. "J musl s top here," he said t.o b im, self, noting th e beauty of the girl ,
dt talloe b/:,)'ond It arter ' ~L SlIm., Of len II .w,lnllhreak n 1l be wurktld Int(J tb e gen .. ral IU1Ic].S('UIH' l!tTer- t la' break up Ih tl mO ll otony. Tht'!i Is dun £' by Il1rorDlll1 ~rou\llllg all d ('O lllulnh'g clin'er au ' hOld<'ii ot 0101', 'l·Ut Il ~ a.n II" I'!' 'u lur s helt I' he'lt f >"I1I'gl"t, tiS b cOll1es, w!lh mal/lOS, bi rch II ilnct olhp,r trees, It ('hllnlll ng addltloll tl,) th e 10,11'\, s aJl liS gruc'efu l olltllnell are far 11101' channing Lhan the tormal lHHI st ill' apI"lll'lln e o! thl s tl'tliglJ' ·TOW wlndl.H'euk oC a .. Inglc 8p clE' ~. Sl uct"! evergT~f" n s nre a rlll'Olitt:' 1118(.' 0 t<II' tbe nestlug of birds, 1111 in'('rease In lhe Illlnlb I' ' uf 0 \11' lilli e t eatb I' d Crj lids will b observed " 'hPrever wlndbl' 'aks are sIablls h ct .• .. This ia 110 s mall Incenl lve 101' planting, Irb elh· er viewed trom t he aspect of ~e DtI . ment or that ot econom ic a(\vll1tage, The birds wil l many limes c'lmllen. sale tor the OnSUm(ltioll ot frll lt and gru.ia by lbe destruction of pernicious Insects which nre becoming lll"I'e I\nd more a m enllce to I he falm er IIlnd rrull: grower. !-'Ol' ecreens, La hide lIDslghtly OD j cts 0 1' 'to SIl u~e a degre ot prl"a,:y to the home, evergreens, 0 eause of pei'slstent foliage, serve tile I)U rllo!! at all Be~n ll, Bed for t biel purpo613 they may be planted In strl!llgbl or cUi'ved rOW8, to suit the boundllrl ~s or In almost any manner, so thall the purpose Bougbt II! realized, VeilY often, where a row of tre s may be Elssenllal, lu' order to make a s rvlce!lbl!e SCI' en, l he objebt ca u be quite as Wil li al · tal ne(l by groupi ng a nd by Itl ln gllng harmonious decldllou~ treOI! wltb
once grand arlll Y rODlI.' strap;gllng book alo ng tile hlghl'ClU (.\K, W01'l1 out by t h d mnuds of Ulat \lllit awfu l ca m, pllign . One :lay Nanon bUf st In10 th eIl- fl vIII!! room ant! snid , 'breat\lle,)sly: "Do you remember, tho Y01lng of. Itc r1" lI1arll!'S ' (nee be 'ame wTllte as Ihe wall ,
" Htl l B h er~-I n tb \'Illng ," saI d Nanon . And the girl gay u \'Y o( ,!;reat jo)', '," rlut b e III a prisone r ," contlouad 1\ tlUO n, sinking luto II ohah·. "A prison r-ot the PI' neh ?" "Th y have him- he Is a prisoner," Nanoll struggled to ex plain between tialntul breath s. " He-be was taken, by hili own men. Tliey lUI)" som or th m, that he will be shot, I do not know wb y, slnce some say he was brave, but they ull say he will be shot, An d tbey are waiting for the emperor to give bls word to It- that h may be shol- " Pale and trembling, Ma rie went In. to the street. GOing to the Ian . she asked (or tbe omcer In comllland . At· ter some delar, she again Insrat ed on seeing the commandant, aud s bow d to lhe aide the cross sbe wore, 'rhls epeedlly arranged ma tters. "Where Is th e emperor '! . I may see him'." 'rhe omcer laugh ed , "No possibil it y ot· seeIng him ," he said, Ma!'le ehuddered, Bnd wns about to go. when a cry reso,unded through tbe slreet.'l'here co uld be h ea I'd the mmble of a. carrlnge. It stopped before Lho Inn and a8 tbe occupant ap peared
The proposed two da ys' stay of soldier cropt away Into thl-ee an'd tbe beginning of Cour. As yet he had had 110 hrulce to see the g irl slone. AI· WaYR WIIS thl. rrave·fn.ced old wom' a~ lose by, and he cllrsed to blmselt, tor t,h e girl was V'ery beautiful, and be had an Idea bGl'n ot some li ttle ex· perlence thot nil fin e-looking peasant gl ria appreciated the qdvances or equally flno-iooillug omoers who had ridden hard and fast with Impo rtant dispatch es, Theil came an opportu: nlty ~or s peech at last. It WIl.lJ morn· Ing had been -loitering befor~ t he h,ouse. She was gOing tor 80me ferns, sh said. , "Do ) ' 011 think you would ca re 'lo look fOI' ferne?" sh'e Inquired, wltb a smile, "I am Bure J should like to h elp
Fcirest Destruction. ., When the cutting up ot t.he publl11 dO)DaJn b gan a century ,ago the lands ut, I\S well as large parts (It tbe original etales, contained lhe mOllt .sbnndant forests then st~n dln g In the tem perate zone. To illustrate what their deslructlon Jias. baen, and bow' needlollfi, It Is only ·necesilary to dtln· s id r ~he pine forests about. uiu Ur at Lakee, There ,vel'e in that r gion G() ;-ears c.u;o, saYI; J . L. MathewB, In the Atlantic, upwar d or 350,000,000,000 board feet of while pine lumber, sfandJn g In almost cont;lnuou's for sts ovel' northern i\nchlkrrn , nbrlbern Wlacon· eln, and a ~ gooa hilI! ot Minnesota, The cuLU n ~ thJs timber began In a s maH way, a few million fe t a year. Gradually this Increased until It .t;eaclled two, three ' 8,nd even rour bll· lion, and then upward wltb a rusb lo aggreg~e n early 8:000,000,000 i n a year, Theq as tbe torests gave ~ut It dropped: unU! to-day It Is less than 3,000,000,000 [elll a year, at wblch T&te the end Is fa~t approacblng, .
0" -
"Hurry up, Shorly, an' glt • mOTO on ! I wants to make der , next tow 11 , before del' jail closes fer de nlg}1l." Life III learntnr;, Buffering, loving; IUld the greatalt of theae I. Io vine-Ellen Key,
'.aery ~ we Evcrt!lt. , U~htJ hom $450,00 to $625.00; 101
' e.
from $650.,00 to $1200,00. An born $150.00 1.0 $10..000.0.0.. At our Cincinnali faaoric:a we muo Jp»n Churc:h Co., Harvard and Dnylon "i._"-o. , all Upriahb. Pricel from $Z5Q.OO 10 $400,00, IlIlh~ ~Ies of-tlle.l'lloods we ollclI, Iuc in . part payment nearly new or ICl:ondhano l>ianCJf 01 alher mues, lOme srand•• lOme uprighls and lOme lCju~rcl : We CaD .dl fOU the ..,cond. hand upnahb ' at from $85.00 10 $210.,00. Olcl.~lWCI from $3.5,qO 10 $6O.!J()• • We haY!' al present a o·u.mbet o( flew' piaooa which he.., been wed al display pian04 which we off", at 20. per unl hom our rqular Sty~
The editor ,looked uJ) as tbe ca lle. came rorwa rd, ~B.)'8 tbe Clevela nd Plain Dealer, "Sir," liatd the latter, "you oil· jected to t h.. meter of the spdll il poem I submitted to you 'tbe othl'r day. Because ot tbl s I have tor tllil present dropp d poetry and tu rned my attention to tbe art of tbe essay· , 1st. lI ere, ell', Is a .paper on ' Woman and He r Defects,' which 1 trust you will find to yo ur liking." The ed itor IIlatM bartt at tbe Ut\e ot tbo essay . " ' Woman .ntt Her Defects.' '' he repeated, "Are you • mllr.rled man,Ilr?" "1\0," replied Lbe caller, "I am not married," 'l'he editor laugbed harshly, "You should choose 8ubjeots," b.. , •• Id, "wlib wblcb you have bad opportunity to become famlllar.'· And he handed back the e ..., "'Woman nd Her Defects,"
our Even'" 'Puno ill Bost A T Mau.. Dlai:C tho world·famed Price"a. i.o regular A,.les:
1'0 ,"
So lIe walked alon g· at ber side, They lInd to t.&lk · ot sometblng, and the wal' 'Presented Itself as lI-n ever·JIlI' portDnt topic, He told her how be Talty Grouping of PIne. a~d Other Treea AroUl)d HOUle, had rought and hoped to win the crosB, "Doll/il It mean tlult a man has per· DurIng t.he etl tI r cycle or the seasons ,evergreens, For a formal screen a toJ1 Y may be malle ·to acceuluatll and dwarf or halt·dwarf species' Is ' best formed g re at deeds when he bas the brlghtt:ln an Illtlul Le variety ot cQlol's but by s hearing or close cll l)p ln ~, ev I~ c rOIlS 10 show?" she 'began, He hur.' In [Ilants, rrom t he Iiumhlest tlowers to stlcll ta ll growing tl'ees as ' Norway rled Into ',Bome explanatloa : the gOI·geous. maples. " , "Very g l'eal Every .soldier longs s llrllce ca n be us ed, The hemllock is E"'ety CQim ll'y home should!{s a dml ruble for the pu rpose,' and tbere for the crOS8, ,you know. I had s heLfer belt ot vergreen\l. W lnd· are a nUDlllel' of species and varieties tbought I had. earned H, ' but I waa brea.ks are not meant for the sole use o( Ilrborvltae, retluospora aU ll juulper mistaken, A man must be WO~hY, aod of ex:tenslve ol'cbal'dlslS, as WIlS once whIch are good, I Buppose every man at sODle time or tb ou'g llt, bul shou lq be so commonlS' . An vergreen hedge Is but, a Close· othe r thinks himself wor.thy, Oh,! wa r DI.ealel barrl era to FilII Work. planted as to protect chery home ex- Iy c lipped sci'een p.Od tbe same sJlecles Is a deceitful quelln! Let UB be hap, , work, ~ nd Inetll.clent ln4ustry nosed In th e least to the ro.vages of can be used fo both. A screen neede py In the midst ot It-" come In more cases 'Crom 'chronic dis· wind nnd' 5iOl'rr.1. The ' slI,v )ng In tuel s ome pruning to prevent open ings and The girl started, for she fOllnd be ease , than ·most r allze, ' Inclplent con.. a loue ~vIlJ , def,ay th cost of 1>lanUng to kecp th e trees .ln sou'lew hat "ym- .was · verr near to' her. that bls sleeye 'or metl'lcal !ol'm, but a. bedge should be touched bel' shoulder, ·, that , bla arm .u~p~lon ~eeps many from', full work material In a (e\\' yean;' limE', Tb, re are .·In. t.hls . cltJ:' at least 10,0:00 need· O)l walt Ii dOZ\lll yeal's or even clipped once . Or twice each y~ar, the was about lIer, She tried to elude ' him; her eyes showing fear. adults dOing l)art w9rk because of tu· --~------------ .;;..-~ "00 not b e afJald, Bweetheart," he berculosls, TakI ng tbl! various chronlo r------~----said, lightly, " Your kiss I would not aDd pre veQtabl e d(lleasell and there trade tOI' the cr08S, and I love you~" .re SODle 60,000 adults In a cl~y of the She had dropped her bllllket, and , me of Philade lphia whose work Is with all her strengtb abe sought to Il'OOr from lack at heallh, 1'bls Is prof. prevellt his caresses, J,q.ble neltber to employed, em ployer " You are a soldier without honor," tlor the communlt,y, says the Phlladelehe cried. ' . ' "I love you-I 'Iove YOU," b'e ropbla Press, When ' the sleeping' sick· ', plied, 'kissing' her, "Why, do.: not be .ness, .hal! I ft Atrlca, malarlai fever frlgbte ned- you are very ·s'I\'eet, and I wiped out by des.troylllg mosquitoes. In 'l ove you, '" . tropics, s prue and other in leshnal Suddenly sbe felt herself r~leased. maladles In. \ cast t ropical Allla, the free; and Bite liaw him wlde·eyelJ. l:Iookworn1 In the ' south and el8ewbere ' almost fearing, ,There was a 'suppllca· and consumption O\'er all :tories, tem. tion In his face, His ,lips moved In J)t!rnte nud torrid ." the Industrial in· silent questions, His band had caught clency of trlan will be Increased over In tlle rlbtlon about her n eck, ,and had ~be wO,l'ld on ~ scale , which 'wlll ~d· dragged from the bosom 'ot her dreu the orosB, .' v&n<;e both .c omfort and wages. the' "Yo..-tbe cross!" he gasped, holdAiUl nd nrd or lite and , the return of tns the decorat ion In his hand , The \ -::aplta !. :he droPlled It to the end of the ribbon, after be -had bent ove r , to kls. It, 'l'here Is a possibility ' tllat Grc:!t " Madeniolselle, forgl~e ~n~'; he B'r ltain may hM'e a llouier. "little war" e.ld , stnmrnerlpg,' contus,ed, pale, He oil tts hauds, though tbe serio usness of stepped back- two paces and' raised his 'Ule ':l\ltuation Is yet to be dla':losod: hand 'In, tbe . salute, even as he bad T be e l'UI1L! on at a borde o C Afgba'1l saluted ' hl,li ~mperor" Then he spun 1.ri.besmc n Into In'dla th rough the his· about ' and left her. , . 1o,riC Kl.J~ ber pass hilt; a threatening A White Pine Windbreak: Tree. Are Fifteen Years Old. Wben Mnrl~ reached home, Nanon -appeaz:anc", but It tbe moveme.nt 18 told h er of the sqldl er's. depnrt!lre. m.erely ,tlla.; at' IrreSPOIl'ilble lIath'ell hnlt ';0 long ' for e \'ergreens to grow" Ill'8t ~rly and ·the sec onr! time In "He has left this for you," ,sh e -said. lookio1; fOI tro~bl e th I,robablll tY ' Ls large Bough 10 affol'd a protection mid su mme r. Arbol'vltne, l'et.ll10l!poras Marie opened tbe fold ed scral' of pa· theJ' wll1"tlnd what . th ey ieek whc a ' nr;almll J)leroi cg WIJ)ds, I Res ~lts may a nd juulpers bear clipping or shem·lbg · per and !'ead: t.bey conie In contact wltll th 'Bnt! I lJe seeu l' d I,n il ompal'ativelY short ,best or al), bilt sprilcea, Ilrs lind ,even r ." . e S I 'lim by plamlng qulle thickly, t.he au- )JInes ~re quIte tract.&ble undel' th e lIIademolselle of ThB Cr0811: , I b ug or you to forgive. nnd forge t one - oroes, !J h" attitude ot the arueer ot lw r.llllous ll·ceB . 1.0 ~'e removed' from kijlfe ea rl~, In ' Sl1lilDl(!r be (o re Ille -new who has' tl\tlM to 81101v 'rlll!pecL to WII"t .Atghan1Hlnn se. ID S to be scmewhat In time to tln;e 3.!; they en croach .'1 11On buds are fully form ed, pi'ovldcd the ,he should 110. ve . hehl sllcred, . doubt., -a.d 'uni.ll he show!! bl. batld those which It Is (l csh;n d to leave young grow th only' Is cut, the exaOt Mllr,"c ter of tbe movemeut ·tor.t h Ilemlanent sh elter.' Many an ' All vergreeu tleage s bOUI!1 always - And, strange as It may eeem, tlie cannot ·be ~letermlued. . p.x'pus (f I)arnyard .ir poultry rlln might ·be ke pt wider , at the base tha n at the 1'.fademolseiJe of the Cross preserved be tnll fo rm d Into n I)lo:ce at genu· top, otherw.l se those pOr\ioml at the. Uhl bit of paper very carefully. VlJla!;e trusteos of South Oratlge. ~_ CIHllrort for IUS Inmates on ' ..tntry taU age wblcl 'l I'ecelve Insuffioienl ilght I ., oonieinpl;a.te ltD ,ordi.nanoe f.ubld. <l.a,ys, u-~ planting along its northern and perlsb and uns lgbtly dead spota ap. . Marie could not tot-,llt the soldier, dogs, 'c.a.t. aut! roostus to disturb ..v~~tern s id s a TOW ot white p ine, Nor: pear. It 15 uselesB ,to attempt to She told ' berself over ~d over Ilgaln 11'&3' s pruce or arbon1tae, FrcQuent· .·s tart a:l eVl,rgreen hed ge I.n tl' e sha"e that 'he was a man lIr1thout - honor, Cbe peace between 1M p, m. and 6 a: Ill. 1)', a b8,l'Jl wblch has "een located . tDO of a .tree, It one Is In dou b• t as- to b u t th e h an dDUme f ace 0 f bl m, th e In N'ew J ersey (bls melbol\· of retorm ne:\I' . the dwe lling. a number of out. the 1I1~prlt ly of planting an eyergreen abjeet. misery ot bls counteDaDce as . In~ lIAture by ordlnan-oe Is deemed BU· bulldJngs or an unslgbtly view, ma)' be hed.,6, a Bllte rule Is not to locate on, he had saluted ber that morning fn J)4Wior to Afr. Durban l!.'; t edloull gralt, Cloncealed IJ3" the 10caUon Of where It Is Ilot actually l\.,edEtd. lhe wood, she could not ban lab, aJ,c .,rocesses. a grouJ1 of evergreens, and In DlRny . Tluln' -came tbe borrlble day of tbe ===,..".,=~- . Instances this bit o(p1antlnr. will pel" Feed Regul.rJy,-Wltb po1ultry .. Frencb defeat, the day o~ Dlilery, to Dr. y~u walll sbll1elhl ng ne,; t(l Corm lhe <Wool" function of l\CI'een and With oUrer stock. In feeding 10 r Irowtb be followed by otber da}" of tumult ."arrel 0,'01'1 If It "akes a elock Jllll "Indbre~, A .rlp apProxJmatel,. or:p raUen for market It II n , c.eBBaq an4 deJlrel8lon, aa the D,e wi"1ll the 8IIC!01Id. to tltrJlco eb l, bow 10Dg wll\ to' ten tlDle. Its h~l ght Js IlrotBcted by. to feed r.e~llIrl,. IlDO all that tla eateD I Runlan campaign llitered Ita , war the " JP<Il to IItrike 121 Tbe Itl- wlndllr &k, as Is tlh"~n by ll\e Inolt' up clean, If the Brat In pro-' back throogh the broken Unea, franee .... t. IIJ oln:loUl &I It loob ;iyiDg 8mootb 01& tbe glOUliIl i'Or Ibf. portJOJl to the IDod lupplled I. I\~"'I mOQl1Ied her dead lind hel' bedranled . . '1Iott. 800D &Iae r8IDIIlnt. of &z,.
Would·a. Contributor "Up Agalnat" the MlaanthroplG Editor,
By Leo Crane
'~What '
Right !-lave You to ThIs?" " , a cb eer arc~8e. It' was the ' emperor', She could not fall to re 'ogulze blm , A guard walked at his side. Mal'le stepped forward, The soldier wss about tbruRt' her back, when tbe Uttle man turned nerVOUSly, This was a ~ay ot l?etulance 'Yltll him, He no· tlced bet, probably &ecMsj! s be was a ~olilan and pretty, · pro.bobly becaus" be saw the Caded ritibOn anl1 tbo cross upon b er breaet. He slOPPed, Then wltb a playful gestu re, h e lUted tile oross, and' with It 'beld hi bill fin gers, said: ' • "What right 'have you to' thlll?" "My fath e r earned It," s be answered, "What right bave you to wear your fathe r's crosa'" ' "He Is de"d. T came tiere to place It on tbe breflst at the man wbo III to be s ho t ," , "How! What! He d eserves no cross . Fle dese_rted b.l s POlJt." Tbese words came CriSply'" and decisively. "T'h ere' arc those wbo sa.y as mucb of you, Blre," lihe rejJiled, ' .. . "Wbat, What !'' ' H.e raised his e yea; looking Into her tace Ilb.l'e wdly, . " This man desired the crOSB of Franc~," she went on, ber Il'ps almost refusing lo epeak the words, bu t her couragelncreaslpg, goading, "He tried many times to ' earn It, . 0 'man, sire.. ' ~ver desired the .. cross and li ved to 4eser~ . his' c.ountry ~" .' , rrhe little ' man shook his head al it, t bis 11I erce'd' hlm wltb I1s trulli, " "Bring. In the prisoner; be ordered, Ii 1'l\squl!l y, • \liai'le telt the ~Iood In her grow cold at ' ule returning tread ' of the guar~, ' And 'Wbat ' Inanner ot' " nian' wl\s tt.J!s ' t)Jey hnd? Pale, 'hagga rd, with 'no t~ce of hla onQe debonair car, r lage, tW, remnant or his ha,lIteur. He ~a.d been' bowed, by the weJ.ght ot walt· Ing. 'rhere was on his fore bead a Bcar, baIt llealed. . "A g rave charge:" greeted the elO' peror, . . , "A tallie , bh~rge,'" S.alll the prleoner, lookIng about him, His ey'.QS . took In each faCIl;, 'p suslng wheu t~ey E\n: countered. the 'glah~e 01 lhe gir1: 'St.epping lo' tbe s,de of Marie, .t be ~ mpf1r' or lifted agal,n the crOIl.B. from. hel breast. Tbe , ·prlsoner'l tace lIuE!hM ."H",d J the 'J!lsn wbo earned thts. . J oould _8pa~1! ,you," said_ the emperor, sternlY, "You may b~ worthy 01 It 1et', ~ Clann9t deny tDe 1I06Siblllty, 1011 are free to"go," Witllout another wor~ th~ /rl'eat man . orc.sse'd the ,room, his . head ', bowed. the ' bandicap or, vlctorle. down; weighting lilm, and With his guarl! he passed. Marie Btood tor a m~ ment, (acln.J the man sbl! had sO\ight . to "VI!. ~ , ...... "We bavtr, l'09m at home for a sol dler of FraQ....-.and . II. pDt1emao: ue aaJd. wIth· pale Uttle emile, at .he pinned th., orou IUIOD hIa b.....t
make "Iisf.aory Willi to ret..blc
Send UI 5e. po4lage and we will .. you. wequdt, mail you either • booklet of vocal or piano
mE JOHN a-IURtH coMpANY, ' The One Price Piano Ho..... C~ O.
Peerless ·Drie.d Beef I~, , UnliJre t~e orclinaryd~ied
in . LulJt....,. .....)'·s Peedest Dried Bed
.~me~ in a
.ea1ed glas~ jar in which it is packed the J?lom~nt it is sliced into thoso debcious thin waf~rs~'
None of ,,the rich· natural ·fI~,;o~ or ,goodne,~s .e~:!?8pe~
, orqries ouL, ~t reaqh~s yo.1i .fresh aria ·with all tho rii.itzi;. ment retalned.
Ult.y~s . Peerless Drlml Beef ~ only one ~f,a : Great number of high.g~de~ .readJ ·to/serve.,pute Eood product8 . that are prepat~ in Llbby's '
,or,.1 Wbl1tt 'IUfcbent " '" J~~t- trY ~ ,pack~e '0£ ~y
of these. sueh as Ox Tongue, ·Vienna Sa.sage. , PieWe•• ·Olives. etC.. and. aee how ' ,deligh~y dill"
they .... fro'.,. at,h era 'ou~__ _
LEARNED A L£SSQ". On. Farmer IFlnds Out Somethfnll ,T~rougtl BUying a Mail-Order Stove.
dHl)pl ll~ buhy'9 IllIlIgry, whll.t Tbe travc' l I ' e ntered til 1I"00dli of th o baby do ? G Orgltl with the traditions or th e II'), I rtOCIIIl' t lie ~o r ~nl' l y nnd merely "'eeUy cntlly 1I1 roljg upon him. coo: "A clOKe IIbave!" lie oxclalml3d. , T he hll nJU'Y. bah): bollow. wllit ull Il ItrU c mtgllt when !10m hogll lla!! chll~ed him liP '1'1 11 ~o"'o onn (;I" 8 It SOIllCUIIlIg 10 curb a conv III nt sycamore. tor he thought Ill! uIlP~Ule : T h~ Intnn t willI th e b fllll~ will 'II s llIls IlH or them as razor· ha cks , frp.t(ul erles lmaginll biB astonlshm nt 'iI'he n he \ IpH.on pllllnly teur-hl'" - II pa y. to ad, saw nano of tbe ba sts strOIllJlng " ertS"", th emselves agains t the treeR, " We are mode rn safE'tY' rn zor,bllc ks," Thr Illmb loft t on I h hll l ~ lae when dnrk· n("88 closes round xplalncrt th e swine. dIvining his , lIl",11I not In 8l1elh'0 tr m bllna: lind ",,\II· thought . "and t eQulre no strollilin g or Ing to bo found ; I " pll\ Lnil v hi at hlA ,.J ' O ~B (lcrOM8 tile honing." It Wlls wl'h a sadde ning se ns e of tho vn.l eti and nl ('ads 1 ntl l Ih o 8h pDhcrd h eRr" It , and, hearing. mutablltl y or th ln gR that h e at le ngth ki ndly b "eclM. came a way from t.hose \'eglons of s ong J\ n~t wlwn Ita r ~arH a r £> ' uti r1, as on hl9 and s torY,-Pllck. , hro..... l. I t lI e ~ , 'rh .' IUmb hUl' rn a 10 I hlij pot -nl : II pay s . 10 udve rtlse. .,1 A BALLOONA't ICKLE JOKE.
lV' n tho d" e~
T h,' ~
nnd I;pn(l l'
11B""ful boy i Pll nll'!1 whon in that 18
mul(]clI w ho
lll ~
l o"~s ~L
p r nN nce
mnnn r
.,lueheR nnd "lie Il'erllhl c" 1111 h e p ,'. reh 'c8 at last. . !III r IOSII!! her clp"pl y \0 101m alld ~Ind' 1)1 hol(l" h nr tu ~1. ",,<las It b n,ls to IdHs her nnd she . ,'. r~n Iy RIIlIi. T hl~ 'act I. d lI1o llxlrlllod : It pnys to a d ,
• 1' 1)
ver t ht~.
. l~ . Kiser . In
hkngo R rl'on.! II nl.l<l.
They Say This Occurred, 'Welt , c hildre n," bellnl d lhe S uuda y );('hoo1 !luperlnt nd nt. "whal s ha l. I Illl k to YO Il a bou t lhl R llIortllng? orne, "nUl - l wallt you to CbuOflI! wha t YOIl "ant to hear abou t.. Any ItLtle boyar II,l d b<'re suggest l:IO rn thing'! WI,at l' hn ll r Ij pe~ about?" A lon g s ilence, 'l'hell u boy b ,t 'k row V ntur s " Whnt d'ye' know abO I'l t, " 1.1 Wl ader, 'ACCOM MODATING,
Yal "anl- \\,h at mako!! )·ou think t hat tb pltc hflr on our loam It; on ae ronau t of Miss Bl'lnmore-Why. I h IIl'd Bom4~' hodY, say he W!lS fore ve r goi n :; III) III . Ibe alt' ! ' \ Inolle. Mr. Quinby called up hI 'Wtre. b)' telephone, "Arabella," Ii ~ aid . "I'd like 'to bl'lng a friend home' to dln r- with us Lhlll \'~nlng. Have you som thing gOOd ." • "Jason," she said. " you laId me yo u we re going to bring a .frl nd to lake dlnn r ,with \I S. and I've laId myse lf ollt to !let 'a sood ·menl. Wh re Is
.. Arabell\l.... answer d Mr, Quinby, .,[ !laId I'd like to bl'lng a friend. l couldn t fl!\d ony to bring, it dinn er t~arlle- Ma. can' l r g 10 the clrcuJI .Is ready, le t's eaL I'm hunS'ry!·-Oh i· ca~o Trih un e. llD1t'se the wild man'! His Ma- No. chllrl. but , I'll do th.e HOW PAT KNEW. b t J e M tor )'OU , rtl Iron "it th l' bll iton hol811 out oC rOUI\ Cuther 's l:1jTh·~II .
THROUGH MAIL-ORDER SYSTEM Views of a Banker on the Situation DurIng • the Rocent Monetary Stringency Well Worthy of Consideration. The pl'e!lldent of a bank at MinneapoliS. dllrlng tho recent finan c ial stri ngenc y. called alt III\0n to one IOUrce of nnanclal d raI n upon the countr y towns whlcb should he taken Into consideration. aDd a re medy a]), Jllted , . "'n this remarkahle s ituation." be IIBld. ",,' ben ever ybody Ie prosperous Ind th e re II not enough cUl'rency to go round. It Is Importll nt that every doll a r possible SllOulri be kept at bome !lntll the baaklng bu s l neRS Is again on 11 casb basis. In tho cilles this Is be· Ing 'rlone with a good deal of success. and the clearlng·bollse certificates and ' ashl r's checks prevent a serlous embarranment. But out In tbe COUll· try. where th ere are no clearing houses. every dollar hoarded or aent away trom bome counts double, " At this time l he patrouage of the fore ign ca talogue houses is a fa elor that ought to be conside red seriously. l1y thei r own r('portR' two of tb ose e alalogu e hOllses. which deal in a lmost every commodity or lise to l,he ' bome or tarm. do a business of $90.000.000 a year, TillS Ie $300.000 for each ot tbe s ix business dayn of tbe week , This mon ey comes largely out or U\ C coun· try towns. Tbese catalogue houses do not sell to . people lu tbe clUes where they are located', It 10 tram lhe famI ' rs and residents of towns of lesB than 5.000 population that 95 per cent. of their buslnese co mes and at least a third or it Is from the norlhw est , And rem e mbe r. ' too. that there are other catalogue bouscs. and tbat the com, bined busLneBII done by tbem is at least $200.000.000 annuaJly. "I am Informed that all through the state of Minnesota this competition o( the forelr;n catalogue houses has been very serlously telt . by the merchants of amall town., to auch· an ' exte nt tliat Bome bave been driven out of business entirely, "If this has been the case during the great prosperlly of recent years. whe n money was circulated 'reely, what must the eltect be now when thl!. currenc,. Is needed , at home? Money Silent with the local merchant III dis, bursed In the localily. at lells t the profits at hili business are. but money lent away Is lost Crom 100a.1 clrcula· tlon, "W1thout goIng Into the home-trade Question It seems plain to me that those who btIY from a foreign cala· 16gue· hO\IJ;e at this time are dlrecU)' InJurlnr themselYes. ror tbill Question ot keeping money In home circulation Involves people ot al\ cond.ltto'n s."
The Wayne (1'\ b.) Hel'ald rocllel tb stery of a Way ne county rartJl e r who \II al\ csu !~ht hy one of the oat", logne hOllses , H e I arolld the I S80n and rAl ld d"'arly ror It: 1\Ir, Farmer had s e n ,th o s tov pi I ur hI the calli.' logue. nnd bad sent on his good $20, liddIng $2.90 for fr Igh t. Th en the stove calD e to the de pot . The tarmer cam j o town. loaded !II! the jllnk and drove up ontAI tho busi ness street. Tben to s onle friends. he conllded: ' " Thllt stove OOSt me $29 and $2.!ID frelgbt, and j'lI be t It 111 .balr shE'et Irou , I have b en waiting for it for ove r two monlhs and my wire Is near· Iy crazy abollt ·It. I could' have don e bette'r by buying at th e Wn ynfl ' ho rd· ware dealers, 'I'h e catutogue fellows can go to had !! In ·th e f uture," This Is a Ila~so ll that peoille of Ne· braska aud othe l' state s are INlng tau gh t every da Y' In tbe ):ear and It hi a pleasu re to kuow that they are g1lt· tlng th e ir eye teeth cut In th e moat nrUsllc and apPl'oved lItyle. Th ey are ordering from the catalogues and In r eturn they are getti ng a m isera ble lot of Junk. pal-I ng much hlgbe r prl.l6.i than they would have to pay ror IlI'St' c las 8 goods Nol d In the home IItOI'OR , The c n Ls 10Rue hous s \I ve and grllw tat off jus suc h poopl as th e man al ''layne .. 'rh~~s me n are cons tonlly loolling for t.h l! IJlg nd at th bartaln. Th e catnloguo hOU5"'9 are doing the s ant e thin ' . It would look as tllouS11 ·It would be " Wh NI Gr k meols 01' 'ok." bu t Its noth ng of the kin:!. Tile catalogue 'on oros hav e all t11 advantage. 'fh ey have. gollen the mon ey of thEI Indlvld\l~1 an d then t hey sen d hllU Ollt. any kind or au old lot Cit Jllllk. kn owing tbat h e bae 110 r ecourse. These caLalogll e hous es ha,'e b en do· iug this thin g fO l' years and nn!! plenty ot s uckers, ror you know thore III s omelblng recorded about a. Slicker bing born eyery sec;ond. P e rb apl th ey do not get th e saml)' suck r a second time. but th ey calch some that callie along li n the new crop. HANDLn~G
Improved Methodl Practiced in Man) Agl'lcultural Townl,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,..._.......
In Noth ing Short I" Style and Fine. ness to Her Elder SIster. Says the Edict of Dame Fashion.
11 bonnets . .hats and ant s of tbe small girl a re nothin g short of bewitc hin g t his season . Tbe pm"alllug rot of xqllll:l ll e fln emlst; an~l dalnll . n es~ whi ch is foulid th rol1 ghout ra Rb, toll'S donll.llu Is Cfl8enUally ap propri a te
to chlldl'en's ,clothes, and one find s It In childish belldw or. t ro m cloSe baby bonnel l~ wi de ba l ~)t ling rle mate, rial or straw. Plaln fla.pping brim,. of plQu , scal· loped and buttonholed round tlie edges. and lil lie crowns als o wllb but·
tonholes a ud scallolled dge, anI! butd down t the brims. torm tb. mos t Ilrll<.'ti cnl hala. one9 thut ar. eutirely durablc nn d reatill y 1l1ultcfered, Th e In eVitable eyele e mbroidery appears , too. Ullon mllny bats ot tbl. sort. und SOlllB mod els have dalsl BIf' or IIlrgp dots . aud sometimes a comblna lion e f th e two In ral Red erubroldA!TY MCll!l e red a ll over th olr 9urrac~s, An lItus.l ra: lon or tlti .. Is s\tu'II' n' t o thA dainty linger Ie hat. Tbere are In· numerable mod Is in si milar tlhape. " " fin IIngeJ'le IItllff li nd lace !Iud hand worlc of floun cIng ilnd ru rl's of yarrt e lllb roi d ry or allover. 011 or lhe dai n tte s ~ • [JJl)dell': In. s heeres l lawn aUQ III e. with u dOllble frill wblch droops a bo ut th l) da inty . IIltlo fac e like fl ower petals, has It \lI nk e d fri ll at pink chin a s ilk 8('1 i.., Let\\'een tb", tWI, lace a nd la'l' n fri lls. and. ot court,e. III trim med with so rl [lInk bows. ' Pict ur esQu:J floppy hats .of I g hllrn a nd various pliable fau cy slraw!< a re fo r glrh; a Lrlfle older. and 11<'1' , 100. l he wonderrllil y l'O I't, 'u 8trou~ rlh boss of tb~ seaso n ar an Important feature and are bandied la 80 01 c£lSel; with conSUOlma.te skill. PoppIes, bIllets. ros 8 , forget- mo·llot" are tho flow e rs most favored for t rllnmlng tbe straw plctuee bats. an:1 on tbe I gllorn or Ibe bu rnt straw velvet ribbon III frequently use d In· s tead 'ot silk or sattn rlbboil In can· nection wi th fI wers. Of IlttracUve cout s ror little girls there .are no e nd. The dalntl at are, perhaps, those o f s hee r lingerie s tutr and e mbroidery or lace; with a 1008" lining ot ohlna s ilk In pink or !llue; but .the pique coats, scalloped, button boled and B'Illbroldered In B uglls tl work. are extremely smart.
HINT> FOR HOME SEWER, Every rarmlns community turn. trnde to lht! town where beet price. a1'e paId for the minor products wbicll the farmel's bave to dispose or, Th, prlces paid for butte r and eggs. qllite . often, decide th5 business lICe of • town. The reneral practice Ln man) places I~ .ror ludlvfdllal nlerchante to lake produce In exchange for goods. The lowest :market price fs the ' rul~ In these towns. Should one m(lrohant . pay.' a cent a pound more tor butler. or a cent more a dozen f()r eggs, th' farmers ' conclude ihat the difference is made up In the quallty ot goods 0% the q\lBntlty they' receive in exchange. To overcome the annoyances occa' sloned through unwhol esome competl· tion In the buying o.f farmers' prod uctll, the ous lnes's men at many agi'j cliltul'tli towns, dllrlng th e paat fo" y ars. have undertake n the opcratiol or co·opel'lllti v . produc e!jlllblish ments, These estooHshm e nts general· Iy consi s t or a com mod lOllS warehouse ThE wi th cold storage appliances. merchants at the town are the stOck holders In the"con<lCrn, A manager IE ell) ployed ~In salary and Is Jntrust d WIth the buying and mark tlng of all produce. 1rhe IltorekeerJers . refer . a ll farm e rs who .have prOduce for sale tG the prodUCIB bou ~'e and the ' hlgbes t market prIce Is patd and d'ue bUh give n which are payable' In· goods at tbe stores In the town, This method h1\6 proved hlgbly sat Illractory t'lveryw b e r~ I.t has bee n tr ied Not alone bave the m rcl1l1ntS founa It advantageous. but the rarmers ~J we ll . Another feature worth consid· eratlon 16 the fact tbat farmers are , not compelled to trade' at an)' partiol!' lar, ·s tore. hut can make their " \>Ul' . chasea In a.ny store 'In the town , • 1b n again much ~raQ Is saved to the com" muntty lhalt might go lo the mall·or der bouses of the larger clUes.
IN BLUE FjNE SERGE. - - '----WaYI of Dealing with Materlal~ Useful and Attractive' Dre.. DOlltned, That Are Delicate. for. Schoolgirl.
W~ lace Is to be !lewn to· t hin IDAterlatli such ' as m\l'IiJlp dl'esses or un· derweal' of Imy kind It should be carefully 'and prollerly doue to llroduce load res ults, Lace editng almoBt a\· ways has a stout thread In the selv· &ge .whlcli serve's a.(\,mlrably as a gath· erlng thread. Pu ll tbl \! thre ad ant! Btroke the gatberll to make t11em eyen , Roll the edge of th materjal, .and. bOldlug the ,lllce nearest to you. Jlglltly bOld the lace and e dge toge the r with lhe tbum b and for e llngel' ot the left hand' and overcas t Ule two together wUb tiq:n und even stltcbes. To let in la 'e In il rttoD to rorm a design first bas te th " 1115 rlloll on t he rl J.;ht side 0'( lite. material In tb e d eslt'ed destgn lind bern It dowh on both Its edges, Out th e mate rial Crom unde l'U eat iJ the lac. leaving a. narr'ow bem a i' seam 011 eaoh 'side ot the' lace, 'rea ge lhe sealll back from th e lace towDrd ' the material, a nd l urn as for a heUl and o,'erhabd It. \.Uklng st~tcbo8 c10s to the line of the hem ming . BeadIng often Is used In und er· c10tlies tor runnlug rIbbon through to make gaUl 'I; nuel thUI\ fOrlil the nee R· aar')' fullness, Roll the e dge of thot malel'la l IInri th e n roll t he tllu s l1n edge ot tb e beading 0 108 to I.h embroidery and ' OYOI·b.0nd lhe two lo~eth I'. Beading Is oft en put In with 'a Fr' nob sea m. 'l' be fir st seam should be tuk II on the ' ri ght Bide lind rar e nough from the edge of lbe e tnbrol· del'r 80 that, wh en the ljIecond -lieam Is la ken It wtlJ bring It c lOHe to the ' om· b~older.r e d~e, This mal' \I don c by hand o.r 011 t he sew ing lIIachlno,
A pretty shade or me(UulD blue serge is used for this useful flut e tume. ' the skirt is gathered Illto wai s tband. ~.nd Is trimmed It t he
flne costhe> foot
Ideas for, Market Days, Tbat tbe "market day " Id a ill be· comIng' ,~ecldedly popular In tbe coun· . try Ie Ind Icated by the rn.ct that lhe merchants ot dozens of w stern to'i\-ns have adopted the plnn lately. Re· ports rrom theso places. wbl h have b en giving the "mark~t day" plan a trIal. Indicate' that It Is gh' lng satls· taction to deale!'! and to thel r patrons , Like any other Innovation the success ' of the establishment 'Of a market day' depend$ almost entirely t'lo\\·s. Ullon the Ipterest wblch. It evoke II a~d Her- Leisure Hourll, the s llstalu,E!d ene rgy thnt Is em· " t would like to 81"e ' !;lome novel." played In gI~lng It !l dJstin ctive v.a lu e $;1IJrl Ule pret ty s tenog ra phe r in : the to producers. TilE! merchllJlts wni gel !)ook ~ I,pr , , ont of the plan no more nor less than " y s, niles," I' ()tted thfl polite lerk, ~b'ey put Into It, If th arrangements •. I reI' ar the nO\'elll of tho day." made aftor1 the assurance that pa"Ou t, ar-haven't yOU any novels of P.o s( mllster- Nu bad neWR 1 bope. tron! will ftll.d Impr!J'H:d facilities for the disposal of their products It Is cer· tlt e .nl ght? ,T,hat Is ·t.Qe ollly tlmo 1 Pat? hue 10 read: '-(jhlcl\go Dally News, Pat-O h! l\f 1100r bl' th r'lJ aead, taln to prove a arawlng feature, It with fan cy gnltoon forming a b~nd and: I'd know bls haJ~d ' l1' l'l tln' In a ' thl?U' It ·Is e'mployed simply as a plan tor upstandIng tabs, TAKIN,G IiIO C\1ANCElj>. santi , ' ' ~rawLng a crowd ot tarmers to town The blouse jacket Is cut f!quare in. to spend tbelr mon ey. It IB equal\y tb neck. uod fa atens down the left tit for Tat. certain' 't hat tile ultimate r eB ult will Heliotrope Sachet. s id of frout. wh ere It ill trimmed " I)(luce.d bOI'~ . that fe llow 11'1 , Ifu, al· be unsatisfactory, ,It not serlons l)' TIlls .s nche requli'cg olle 'quarter with ·galloon. the \'\TI ~t$ of. Ihe sleereB ')19:>:S ' talks r~r about nn hou r about . I\etrlmental to fulure huslness r e la' pound or dri e d I'ose leal'at; g'l'Olllld 10 iL be ing trimmed to IIla\'ch . ., . During the Summor Month • • lhut bahy of his. does n't h e?" tions, It 'I's good poltoy not to go Into POWdlll·. oue·ht!H pound of Jlowde red Blue 8tm\V hat trl'llllli' d with sUII: Tbe summer time Is' the time the r& , . i'Never dfd to me, Alwuys I~"es 'a scheme of this kind until satlsfted orrh; I'oot , two olln ces uf [luwde l'e d lhe sallie color, In about ' five Dllnule~." . . th'iit conditions. are right . for Its sue· tall merchant must k ee p things mov, tonquln ball. 'o ne ounce ur vanilla bean. Mate ri a ls I' Qull'ed : Follr E. ud on at a WvelY. pace in his store, Oen· ,ing. " Gc ! ' How do you work It?" ces s. and once undertaken. to pu1l.h It and t wo drofl H utlar at ahtlClnrl. Mix hair yard e 46 i n ch!)!; Vfi d . rour, yard era)ly the wamI wealher seaeon Is .. ~ dunno. .I always reat! hIm II Httle for 0.1\ It Is worth, Make It wortlt the po,,'d 1'\; by !;.Irtlllg them Log t ~ r. ~81tlen. lind about t n yard>! g&l.loon_ · of , Ill)" . noetl·Y. aud-"-0Jeveland . wblle tor customers to come from ' D. dull wttb ' r·etallers and the I)er\od from JUne.t9 September III generall y regard· . Lendell,.' ' d!sta!lce ror th e day. so .. that they will l)e read)' to . a8sl~t In the perpetuation ed 'as ,a time when there Is little doll)g u rms,. hilt lel th e rn it llng' wllh musci Stopped a R·u naway. , Here Is ' wbere the retail merchan ; re lux ed . of thn . plan . , A . great deal depe)l ds on , ..Pall euee-Sbe 'stop()ed a runaway "starting right." and, once having pop· mLtS not allow ,1llmse lf t~ take .8 Sleep iess nc. B I " often cll used bv th~ once .. " ' ularlzed the Idea to keep up Bustalned wrbng view or things, The fact thai head 'J eln g exposed to the cold ~tili! , Patrice-She mus be brave.': e nthus iasm by prov.idlng Improved ihls strotch of lhree month s lias b~en tho rest 0(' tll a body I:; wa rm, In nln · "Bra.~ • why?" ". . (ac:I1ltles for caring for tbe 'increased ge ne.rall y regarde d as a period or In' ca ses on t of t II , If tbe h ead Is ' cQ veTeG .. "<j'o stop a rIma wllr,'· . activity ' ~ust lhe vE!ry reason wby be which It' devel ops: . with Ii Ritle h" ndk el'chlet It: wl11 lud-uc! "ob, l ':J)1eall a felluw .wanled her to cannot afford to allow It to , be one, III IIllloh-delll red s leelJ. cIOll~: iln!lllhe' wouldn' ~ do it,"-Yook-, Man.ners: Tbere can be 110 periods ot Inactivity P. I'S;, statesman. : . . Man!1 erB are ' not· .l Ike ctoth.e!I. t~·. for the morchant 'or to,day, He must Novel Method of ' Trimmlng, a bad thing. to have two suits of them keep a ' tull head of steam up all till; . A novel me tlled or trlmnlln; ·. hiliV-. HEREDITARY TAINT, Evelyn-Don't YOIl.. thhik, Ha~old l ~ne for best ,and ' one to~ everyd~· .. tiDle; and It Is ' e.ven more Imporla nt hy aid ot hatl)\us is ope o.t .the mOtlt tbat .Tllne Is a .COOllllon month to get W~ar .your . be'!t manners all~e tim'::' tbat he should do this on 'tIte up gnide. ' orlgl ual fashions this sea~on. ' Tile bat, , r;lUl,'ri~il . ln? A)\n08t '1111 the': weddings They sult(lr by b~lng PJ1t, a .....a7 when be ill wor'k lng agalnst .the toreCe pln~ used: for trhilmlng can be boUJ!iht t ake p'!ace t.hat moQtli. " than by; constant .. use.'If you keep .,our of gravital:lon than"on tho le vel. \\' lil a 'varlety Of designs. Birds,'. rib> . Hal'old....:.Well. wliill'l; the ' matt r best, mMners f.or ' company ·tbey will ·the business rus bes IIlnlost of .I ts own Talce exercise .In the o r,en ult· dalJy ; bons ond fI,?wers can be ,att;tohe d b.~ :wi 11 ' Jnl)', Ulan.! ' nt you III, an" YOllr visitor will lIuspe~t momeMum, air I.s a!l ·essenUal. the afd ot· thelje .artlstle $ftewers: Ttl" . I~"e l y n-N,'O; iet.'s 'make It the twen· ·they were pu.t on for ' hlm·., Second bellt · The ,live me~chant will m~ke up hi" Tight' s ~nd . t.tsh t,:fl nge r · r'h~g!i '.fll'st steP \s to lIur.cbase', .n u~trlmmetl . lieU!.. ' clothes ' may be worn at homE!. but mind' t~at there w1ll be no period. of are 11. . treqnent sOurce or red h!lllds, haL In .a nondescript shape whIch' 'wllt ',DOt , 8eCOn(\ best' mannersl To '1 fholll InacUvlty In hili store. ' He .keeps and the Im)y ' reme!\y fol' this ' Is to re' ton . "'.I~h any' ~o~n--'l!\!clt as. blltc'k. euy Or:der to Flli. ,.'" . Is :worth whlle t? be cou~edue It no~ things rilo,v lng al\ the t1me~ thllre" r.nove lhe Iri'lta~lng' ,calise. white or slring ' cotor,A ' judiCiOUS seDenler..!..OOgB! YeB. we have all 'the to· ,the peOple you love bes$!,Hom& somethln. doing every : tIIay ~il'd he .. ' 'l'hc secr et of /llaiuUng aud Walking, .Ieot loll of. the moSt s uita ble hatPln , . ~lu~!1t br.eeds 'slr, any nllm1)e!" of Chat, . doesn·t·glve. people a cbance to .forgilt: e rect consists In ke epI ng th e chIn foliows, In (be !lJornlng a lU!;ht . ot l )rlze. . ·tor a slng'le day that be Is Belling MIt awa·), from th e breast; this throws tbe bh./Is and black velvet bow can b4! , Immense Food Receptacles. u!1t.omer-Oh. I dOIl'l.. want any at ..t, 1\ ·recent municipal celebration In best ..merebandls'e at the lowest PO& 'h ead \Ipward and , backward. and th e pierced thvough Ule crown. 'I' ~he c()stiy, ultrafashlonabl breeds. 1 .' 'ahonlders wll\ naturally settle back· mlng. ·wlll :be discarded In ,tlle afterC'\J,~ila. Cal' l In which a barbecue Watl libl~ prio~is, want· a COllllDCID ~og; a ,regulaT -l!tr~et It II the se perlo~8 of Inllctlvlt, qn ward In, their true [loslflon . · noou and . repll\~ by r0Be!\ iVloiel;~ g':v' e n tQ mark the ac,lv.nt. '6,t. .an !llec«J Ul'. sometltlng that will \Ie a nuiSance . The ski n t" ke\l OUL or an egg shell 01' lilies, wbl flowe r tOllli\S,' W1tb . trtc ranwa,., coteee w~s served 'Tom I he. ·\la.rta ot retail merobabts ~hlcb ; 0 I he. neigh bors. an urn l\Oldlng 250' gallons, or , 6.000 have given the retail mail order '115 a .slmple but .good remedy f~I' sore the ~rock. The ' prettlest com.blnaliOIll Dealer-(}m-wen. they'U aU be cup.: beans 'l\'er.e cooked In a POt hoUsel their opportunity to make In· eyes, ,Just llllt on top 'ot ltd ' and band- of bloBII01DS calli be contrived by mix thaL-New 'York WeekI)' . . roads on their trade, With the mall aile over it. and you will be sUl'p r1aed Ing red rose\ and lIIills 01' vloieta 'a nd bOldlng 'lOO r;l\lIons. .order t10uses there are. no periods 'ot how sQOn the swelling will go down pale' p~uk rOB~buds ;-Hcl1l.s Cbat. , " Relatlonsh,p fn- 8.out~. DakCl\a. H... vy Importa of Foodstuff.. Inac~lvlty. anil during the ·, summer aud the pain wlll leave the eye. '" notice ahe to ·you. II Ibe In 1'08 the Lmports ot wbeat aDct months, they will h'u.tle harder tbao ' Walking hI an ld!3al e,xerch;e, "old A·almol.. Salad. Ian llid BotlualntaLC!:'?" OhollJ'-l I"Pll'lst Y01l1ilherlted ,0111. ·"heat flour Into the United Kingdom .,er 'or 1M.c;allle they "Deed the tb" ~M<i ~rect. win. "lUll slightly USA nne a()~te .:,~ Into smill ~Icceo;.. "Y-Ytl: we're" slightly .~ualnted. \:alte tor bueball1 . yare 11 )lei' cent. at the tota .. auppl,. mObey,'; retaU merchant moat, Ilri:ed. which will tlnow the DlU9cles, OIie orange cllt Itl / the sam~ ,w ay. ORI!~n fact, ibe!s Bort of distant relatIOn, accre~.e competl- of the back Dnd or .tbe shoplders, lbw quarter ClUP of 1IeedlMI raisins. OJae, 4Ihe wa. tbe ,!tnt '';Ife ot in" second . Jolumr-8are! DId" a hllh-baD ,. 110li the Importa were 36' per COlit. prepare OD part or Ibe catalogue JDeIIo ' prO~r line: OXPlUl4 tho chest with balt cup 0' Ii~r. on~ CU'p or DlUL . 1rlfe'. titt · ba'I_t:..~ Ttlf>. lleild; and ilia ..,. ah" WU de ~ . . . ID J'raaoe ~.... P'lr CeDt. ID tbe iJa. ball !MIfore lilt 1!h mafrled, Daft. . Klilldom III 1808 the import., chant. It II up to blm to 1IU1U. deep breathf, allIl do not swla, tile I lila and lI!t 8lalUl A half hoUt. IUI~.. oJ ..., ..... n "' laG .. t to a4Y~'" Bobby Wa. Curlolll, was Icanlng- over t hfl bl'ldgc gll7.lll g down Illto. l!.t o ('lear wa· P I'~ oC the Ilik , • ·'Oh . 1m.' he ~~c laltn e d sllddenfl'. " " ' ha l kl\ld ot fi Ii ai'e t hoe' ewlimnlnG' , ,'er lhe re 7" ' . ' " 1\ \ )' l3<)u," r pll II hi s fat h er . ."~ha l' Iii 11 I'hool or GarmOn ca rp." . flo bbY was thougbtrul. s Il..ool, tla.? lUld 111) Lh Y ha y Gerlllon leseon s1"- 'hl Cago Dally . I.itti
I Uan
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AIt Day, ~~Cl t urday" J uly -ith.
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d 1'00 . A uJla . ea r!'l v~ . I ""e~ .i p 'lilith , V e rdict IU {Il \' o r o i plulU l llt' P ROII" T IC N ll'll1 Ll'h'l1OI1',
1n t ha lll lltta r of th e \ I II o f ,I h l1 ·Utl!;. K f\ ll~·. :l:!. of ~l l) rr n w 111111 Hut h inso n , de /I);I'I\' \\' 111 till . Bllcrh,' l )1. Wh ir" l' , ,fl=!, "f !l I III' )'II\\', mi t t u t o 11l'l) hIH . .J. ~ 1 1I\l1 · 1r-,· I idl-(I :! I. flf Ll'hllllWII hlslll te of WIlli t loy ::ijltll'lill', d oIfllil A g n 'l:I!;t" .Jll hll . :.!:I, If I" 11l1ll1 UU , Ctlll tlfld, 'ule blJllilod . U etll'Y I" I'h, ~' I , lI f ~li d ,lIuL"wn Es tat,e of .'tllph n B 1:1 Ull t" II ' 11 1111 j~, 11 1Il U l'lIhu ltl , :1 1. \ 11 FI·llnklin . ceI'Ised . Fi ua lacoull llt, ti l d . ,1. W. U a rri~ , f,a, uf 'Ilrll~l o ,11111 In t h e tna t t.e r of t h e appoi nt,went, r \l1')' ~li ll t! I' , -I ii, o f ('llrILle, of It m e lUb r 'of the bOl\ rd nr 0 u nt y visItor!:! i Dr , B H , Bltdr apl-'Oillte u . \\' f!H k women ' !<honl r1 I r y Il l' . .'(\h ooh·~ Igh r. 'n r t1 . 'l'h 08e ~o t,h. E. t.ll te o f Alpb en!! King. cleC'enl'ed , i n g, buali ng. Rn tiRflp t io !:;\1PJlO il oril'!-I F lnu.1 II ccount Hied . :b!lItl1 t e. ()f J 0 h n Bl'fld II 11 r y • de go rll re t 0 t h ~ at of t it ~e w"flk_ lI el'l'SH ', }"1,)' "Book No, I FOI' \Vom. oeused , " , co ml llcco unt,fll ed . e n " conttliu" Ill/!n y vll lnllu le hi n t:; • Elltn of R~ b cCIl .1 , ' E llis. d o, to wum e n . nn c.l i t. is fr au : A:dt VI'~ ~l1l!ed , ln ve n t 01'Y li nd IIPIJl'lliso· ' h oup, HllOiu ', WI , to 111l111- i , Ul e nt til ed . Atll. t'l1O D uc to l' in s tr i teet CU I H, l!:q tute o f W alt·er B uger a t nl , u u y CJ u e~ ti on'!! you w i 11 1111 ,. nK I acco\l n t m ed lIwe r ed . Or . oboo p 'lt Ni/lll t 'ur F ra nk L H wlIl/ln, g Ullrdllln. VS, !lold 'by all d elLlor i' . J . B,Hv mall . r p or t of lill Ie of [ ali i e!ltl~ te O!llcl~ f o r ' 9110, D d AUTOMOBILE LAW S !lnti dlMtr i bltt l oo or Qer ';ld,
.. -----
I(lCAL . E STA'l 'l£
L OClII o wn e rs of nntom oilile b ,lV beeh no t lfiea of II n,IH'" 1 11\\1' pa' sed
Robert L. Bru Ddon burg uud wifo ' t t il Kin P o w d er Uo lil y' 1l0r es e g t o wns hip. .,l '"od. lith e r ino Hamilton ' <I tt a n El . ' oonsll'era
r equi ring thalli t o PII;V un Ilnnua l lioen se oj $ 6 fo r l' ~ n l,l 11lg l! u ull nlli. . 'lJ b 0 [ u rn i h e d 0hi, n es. 1' 1ley WJ wi t h two oards . On \) to b fa!!ten ed
I' tll'lI l1t II(
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Pili I h' l' hut
\)1'1'. t'll ~ hmt'vrll1 f1 ;': I an IIl1nllan,· 1I11'1'!
xpul'l'd 1t1 0~1 '
11 11Jlt\
Ill,}' flllll'
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\1:1"11," Il tHl I[1\1l'kl.v ' IJI'iec. vi I II III', i-IULllIlJlJ'" ..\III~f( ' !. C)iutl llulI l. T'I IIt")V l lL I WIll 111'1 11 1 u :I 11 III 11 f l'l lI I box II" II 1!1I11 \·in('ll1/.: I. ' to" t , ' Hlrnply "lId!'I , IJ. f:;(' lr '"'p , 1 Hl'r.' ·s litl' \ 11\' Th e!;l' 11 II Ildiill 111 I' I ,mr Iy ""Julll !lor I Hlli l s Wi ll .'.,11 : I UCIIIl\ \\'1 , >4,' ud i t 'I r 'I' . Ulliot;:< I Wll ~, Ct1l'tII 111 I tltllt V .. , t-<hol) p ', MIli{1(' (hntIlll'll l w on"l :;Ia ud IIII' t "t. l{,JIIIt-rnlr,, 1' It I llliid l' X PI'I ~h" ly Il Hll n l lll'l I'll I' 8 Wllil c lI , l'tllIlr\ll . lllu\llllll'" .fIl'lwh • iug prl '~, uIlIHU' 1'.'I01'Ull i 0)1' 'int I·nll l. L I\rg JU I' fall' . 'ul tl by all '.11 II hut',
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j A t Less Thein W hole~m r t'
( ~ [lIlIl()n
o hl'cl, tj(l
D r . ,J. I, Mu ~y., lJ ntl t, Wll! 111' ill h is u1lico lit /:l" lY y , hnl'g thf' \...·Imk IIf'gl11ni lig \1 0rt dll ~', .Jull e :m, Ilnc.l II I t:! pri Tl g ~ '!l1J C" \- Illtl W"!'), o f . J Uly n,
The Value of ~Goverl1 m ent h ritomo)og i l
l· 0 1' 8
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RlI it.
"I' Il" '<l1111U I1
g'ov t' I'n melt
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~h (l'y m 'p 11 0 11'
I L i ~ {lil t! Hf t he nict'Kl vi 'II'S lI'e ha v~ ('ve ( hull , '111(1 in all I)\'ulmui lit, th ey will nut la '[ lun).! , Cull lind S'l;l the l1l , and we are S lI;" VIHI will b\~ pi 'U' d wilh tl1l'lTI. Foll owing al'(' :1 f 'W of till' \,'i 'w,; wC' h:1I'1" to qlre l' : •. ,1 11 !Ill I
$11,95 · i ;) a:~<; 1 i t 'l ,, I tl. ' IJ
, t t Ileoffnt Il .nt aod hit no he , otl10r th 'l'ho ('UOll IlUU o! n~OIl John a nd Mllr:}' 'l'~ite t o the K Ing ar ear e n1n .!fr o m tttll'llf ~ I(,jll"'(,.,ll U Lui. I Powder Co aorel! i n Hamilton . , C 11 ut I' hilS 11.1 11r tt tit ~l j llHtiflecl hi li ' I lIud .. o th el' oons lde . r u- d18 h o n rI[IY before township, $1 t h r eetlUtll'ISe w h ita ellch l igh t out· , twmo ust in wo r k. It i over u 11tl .. tie , III C'O III t' , P f o r OU llT! l1n wil\il1~ I 111111(: 'ro uclmlt. 10US. the front !lod one i ll the r eu,r t h e tlUl t 'h e WI\ , I) til ohmICy t,ilollrist C'harlell and Uaroline .FoJ'd ' t~, E I. latter s o !\,ttllol1ed t. u t he cLlr t.h~tL its ' . , 0,1' "b l1~o l {)gl, t," lIut 1I l'Ol.lhil'j lit-W e mer U. Ford, lot in 11 ra YE!' will upo n the s budell t whu a IIUvi 'u is wMth m il and other '\(a.)ulI.ble rear )1tint oor pIllourll, Ll Dd m nodi, IiODS o r dlJJl1ml u nllU Uy t(l1'h' ugd Gj\DtoD L. lSina.rd to N e t t ie' M. tiou to the fOl'agoing I~ f eu light ou l ~u rlll 1ll'o(iucCl' ul' th r;o llutl'J", S l'e the <! ; u i .. i ll O ur ' how . McCarthy, lot in Franklin, 1950. must be . (!Iisp)llyed on the r e ll l , By Am d onn t b V1' uuyIJne tho 'Ill 'W ind ow on Mai n . t rrl' t. Barrlet A . • Kiilg ' to Mllrt ha E , Speed I ji m ited at 1111 ti m es to eig ht a o co of UI p lied entl/lUolngy lIn /! E:orDshell, 4~ !l.cres in £ort leor eek mile s ' a rt ~our in th e b u i n,os . ~n~ b ' II (1 v 101~ d e lire the , OAYTON towUllhlp, $ l llud .otiler valua ble con, c losely bUil t up pOl·t lOt1 of moo lC! m Ollt udvllnc eu ).leopl o f j·hn \\'1lt'U ...
'8 bin~ dH.'eo~lY
i n Nli tl n t, ,I')1ll' Ill ll tlW(I!I o f "i' cou t r ,1I10g 1.11:' d 11 iits I\ I'~ being ~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _~"'!'~~~~~~~~~ j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c pled In f )' Ig ll ~\Ol1 llt, l'i~, and ImlllY Inl in (J ' xll I't, I'um thit-l , 41~URr" ISIll O~'i " conutl',v '11 1' 0 Il\Juq lIUD't ulilroutl t.. ), " u " itl'Y· <for 11 reUllo nu bl!} lon g t b tll k h tlrg Ufllll:lUol, bUreu ll t< /l ll ll s tu.tion 1 (';1'111111 It'u mil,v ,1'111\:1 11;1 I of t ln18 t.o e UII.bJe' t ile " ol'i"e d ri e r t o CflWpui l>llt:!..~ U q Hu l\' tu fbll po t".. II ' Ih 0 "1 '111' II 'ulIll . .. (:1\'. til£' II ntl ~tll(' ~ 1 , Ii t of r ' of III 111111.11. Bitilw:<," IpailS, 'S to b·eA "el)t 1'0 tuIlUregi e olll'cet,er0'acl t o Clt le rk I tlulnud, 1)1' h Uw I,.,. ""(JI ll' wtlrti f(l l' E I"" Il'j .. () ol) u tl'ol l' l'IIVII ~l'l:i .~ t.1I CPUU('l' ~ t·lh~. · 1\11' If l'llpk /',,1) 1" 11 or Nil 1:111 10'P.10, Maineville, them to u m inir Wlll -tltl"; Ill" [:I bu;I'(1 1 ,'1" ,to" \'11 1'1, . ,.!t' /I . eter Mille r , jr.$66. Viot or t.i bb~, o f OOlH'ts, oue,halt aore In Turtltioree k town . pl o bh JlI 'l t I,be et'o u tJ t1:i' an tl/ II U1I ... J;l rlll1 d fllmll,- IIIHlltll!i" f" ,' d, ~Pl') M A B ' IDE' ti h ' t re ceived ' . " ~h\ 111111 h 'Il I' \.' , 'lIljl' IO I I lOll ... ; \\' 111 10 sbip,ll, . r, . j, 11 JU , llmlly .bu !'\U l\l ,h rlf Ihll J)rl,l!.; f')I' l. U\H' h'l(,' ,l ll>! W'I) \; I" otlll" '" If UII l'!)e,l ll er r S\i .tl ud II ' lotl \'1) 111 0.11'" ·'.t.t lJil! St,IIIIH'" 1"1n ,,'111. Jot .. .John W . 'Shawhan IlDd wife to a stock of j n t IJif<UL! UII('I',\' III't' a llt1/)\> t irll'l)tI CHl 1P,I.t.UI I I,' Bill I:'u u l.. " IIHl!l I!;\'I'" Belle S. MoKa.Y p.ud LidB RM o Kay. Mo rt on' H.oollo g'. '1'hl Roofin g ,ve r y tuug h elli ti(), l'u hbor ·Ji kc uullt_ with Llie wOlk lill fl OI'glllli:rAlt lo ll o~ltl\'t\ " 1111l'II"lh', P1il lfv t ill' 1o1l'IH I, I1111 lot in LebllDoD ; Rnd o ther consid, ing, whic h is ~ulLl'J.l n tued t o lust u nu til UIll' Ill ; IJ ~ g,IIUI1l 1r]ngV, Will 'h]I1IPII'r. /'(1111" '1'11 \'1~l!I' ,\0 ,( v ll .d ll.y era.tions\ f .. . . l t i' CIleup, b a UOUUIlIO UII vI' [Ill IlI O>lt '" 1111 1" 11' "f th -w~l u I1'Iflflt1 'd \YBII,r or Ula u y y eull; I tb ll! llIt,/!(1"Ph'JllrI FaDnle E, Mftgusf, anll hus bltlld . . . . '~1 _\tJ~ . ~...,., f H Ili 4 ' 1~ gu fU I J1(! tl . er thn.n shlug les, stesl , or t.1n , a n cll S Ltlllt l1 ud n", I'lli ' ' l! !iull!! \.It th", nil Fr.'(1 ' !; .. hwhrt <l' firnl{ ~tl' l'j\ :'(1,' Hu-lJaF. Harsbbarger, Jot in Le ba. muoh m6rl~ durll hle . A !i t t l hoo k. t iortul DO JlI~rtlll unt o [ Agri cmitllr . non, $1 and other 'v a luable oonsidar - lot f r ee tells Il l' out i t, Dr, L . I ), 1:1o \vI ~1'(11 wll o fo t' t h ·. ,tions, WA 50e llP, -.. pust four tee n yellts h il S b eon II t tho Persian Lawn ; Allover Nett Fred S. Bone And Luta B , Borie }»OMONA ' bouet of Lilll botell U lJ l'fo1'Ulill l-( .t h is to. Annie K. Bamflton, lot io L e bu I)ig wOl'k I)f Ih o OllO O lll~l ill Con t.l'olof Q and otb.!,\r valu!~bJe co~sidel" .nOD, '£111:1 ' WurreD COUll ty POUlOllU iJllw Ct Jlc!:i L!:!1 Lus 'ceil h ill lJJ'gani7.1l ;.,J U on' ~i usi(' a.ttODS. . ~rtlllge w et u,t L eba.non. lus t week Uoo i1lC1'oll 90 (1'(') Ill'1l !!1JJulI a i vi!:lio[l Celel!tla' B, Eastmao t o Arthur W , wi th ,m unul!lUllll y hu'g e Iltt oudllo·c e . wHir n il lIunllll1 IIp\lr Qlll'illl''lIJ J1 o f l£ \' ol'ythi ng Knuwn i n 1Ilu . i ·, Eastman, 106 aores in , Bu'milton 'i'11e grllng'iJ . Wll ti o pened ill 1' 0g Uhll' ·l:IOl\1 U $ 3::;,000, IUtti \vi tb I ::iii t h llll II W . "llIt ::'ut-t UTI, l! I'OP '", ~ownshlp, $1 Ru(l o ther vl\lol1bl e fo rm ttbori t 10 o 'olock, i n t h o fi f th u Ol~en IIstl l ~LilUL:<. I U II blHOi! 11 ,Vi toll () lIl,' oonslderatiolis. d egr ee, with evel'Y l'egul lU' o1Ti oe l' io Ill ltrJ 'y distiu~t I lue~ u fil\ vMl!ti ~!LtI\lI1, 1 ~) . OUL' . ; xl! n d ing cJu l'ing Lu u 11l'e!:ltllH YUlIt Calista B, East mlln t o Arthur W. the ir plac es , . ',I 1 EIl8tm&.D', '106 aOre(( , iu Hamil ton ' til xteen. al)PJioutio n s w(J r e presel1t, n Oll rl.y II h ull Of>tl million 11011.1I'S, Iln(\ .u uy I. n g llg ih g tll o f n lll ilJlo I\n 1 ellOr~Il'~ .towoshlp, $ lllnQ other vllluRbl econ . ed a ud fl~v ol'ubly r eoeived, 'l 'll a IlHernoon sesBiOn WitH h eld in of Ill or o t h ll n 100 'I I'/Iihe d Oll tOlll IJ J_ . 8.i deratloD8. t b e fo urth deg r ee !llld I~ftel' s oi n G og i a t,s - I " 1'Ulll " Llu w l:lchmoo l!'1A'h l:; W. , ' Phillips t o Samuel Butter. work , t h. proglllUl th e I n sec t I:; I)f ()Ilf c" r u p" . " , worth, am all tract· in oW tlyne . t own , Wll il ca nied ou t . ·hy L Ollis K N Ol'lll/IU, ill ' U~\I flbip, '197, 70, ' ~oog, by '{h e .gm'llgo : i l 11!.(!I'i/:a Ii a(' I'i l' /1' (~( 1~('I;ipl('::; I(l r George W. Ross t o .l:l!1rvey Nll w . ' M1's'. '1\1. A.ll~ox, gllve !lo . inte1'es.t, J on hEirry, lot in Cozalldale, $i' lInd oth ing tl\.lk on t beir ~~ili to Uttli fo roia. /. La xative GranuleR an)' er considerations , t ' H o Ul e t ra.ining o f .child rllu ' , WIlS ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S UI'PAS'!'!' ali o Hl er rem . ~ l 6 ,Oo ' . ' )nal~ket. n I.Jl y preson ted hy ~IrfJ. Cel estin , ().)l\IMIS8ION1i:f! 'f! PlIO I:F.[) INIII>, ' , , oeli s for 111 .. rl'\ lio£ oJ s ick, IlderllUooM, Helen Kelsey to Addie B. K e v !!', lot in Waynes v ille, $ ~ !lnd other oonsiderlltiona , ' <.:Jraqe ~. Beooet.t" Bnd Alber t H , L ' ~' , A n d It t o Ilora i .....aso U... '"1 D c"ns idera w 'nd o ther . ,.. .. tlD w., ·onl!. HeleD Hherritt to Charles K. Hill.
pali t iefl , to tift-een miles nn b our i n ot h er IJor t lOllR o f I1lU~ioll1altti . a, !l,n d t o twen t,y miles ou t s ldo m u nJc. ipalit ie!!, Clt r d rI vers !UUllt ,st o p e n s igdn\llleu to dl' clet!, U.MO b.V lllli ni veug rs ·owfhI'or~e· r'two veh l'81lJli
l'llcllC~l tl'
, ~, th~ ool~br,l teU
" I<'tll,l~h~\' 1' I~n"HI IlI"lHI'~cl r~
i~ I~
J~to~'e l
Green Htt· ct,
Xe nia, Ohi o.,
I~DIJIII [ 1\;1
regufll~. grange
Hale are JverY larg'e Jut and Han g' .cannot
be cxce llocl. Ou)' $5.75 Skirt cannQt be eq ualled.
Silk S'ititse,
Veg tahle
SL8.7 5 .yalue~ cqrutl to
. Benry H oover , )leep olaim *!I. :JO ;
H~eli:e~:~~~~t:S'ti ' I'
W , B. JOh·neon, witnll$s Mi i . Oeorge u n we r ed , ,ffild" braDt, SItUle 6il ; W, U ngles b y. ' ,' & SOn, but:ia,l of ' BRnllnh Y /ll'n ell $75 -.1iO iCbRries R ob bins, I'e fllnde rfor dog ~LOO ; ..J oho .~ , ,Thomps on,,' h ose for ' . oourthoussh6, 50; 'J ohn A . ·T b'o -p80D. 1~8uru noe at j' Dfil'ulory Ln , .. 1i!15 7'" St 'ka!tu Pen Co "uppli 8 fo· .auditor ... ". Ilaod recorde r ,"0, 00 " 'E C e r . , ,. .-0 , . . , . 'l'ftoDlNl'on M · D , medi Clll servi oe ., ,..... I ' • to prisoners 11, 00 : ThomllE' J Itmes .d&mage to rig and" barness at Men. denbaU a.r~b $ (j, OO; Oregooill Bridgi) Co" eecond estimate on oODtraot '13 '~IiOO.OO: Same. oontraot:36.1 ),2.60 , Bert Reed, oontraot 22$ltlO 55 iV , J , Zentmyer, oontract a r. ~l,;Ju ; !:Iilal!
., n s ,Veto a s.k eli nod'f;ll1Y on
))rAke, contrac t 38 $32.00; Johu C. laundry !!Ioap.
Ill cad ac 1C. gc,'{.jOJ1 ,
d 'z7.i nc. s , lIT Hi e
C(llt, 1ip:1
tion nmi Hiliou " Ms, h f'<JIlU!;O th . .\' II 1'\' {'01\ll,mw!l ,)f th o hpst-
Is l Jllta !T/llptom or, nil" not '"Dn g , y . eull,Do n g r a nge , ,, "I"",,~ , WOthink of Tl: I'.~ I)AP~II\. , )(n o,... n V~g tabJ!' r'il'tlg!;, li n ~ '~rlln".. u closed i n r eg ul llr tOl· I·U they B Cft rtbllm IIn(\ IIftlilfllGtion os Brenl, dl slj.J\NOS. yol i 111 i xOl1 i ll 11m .... 'l'he· '" nrc .. ,sYm ptom o/Ily of cerll1ln ~IlUClftll ... 1'( 1)01' l lr OllO l" t o Dltle t u t Mpl'ru w ,o n A Il ~ust ~l . :. N~}~~:~Cj.v~t:;;-lln:lilhlr';~~~rr~ctlY IQ(J.Dr., hooil ., tlolltl lOH1 \\' 1l gl Vt'. t110 lIC\lt .' . ' '" • '~ In th~ ~ntlonofU"ltllowvur:V IJQPular tonu\~h 'l'o~' u il, . ' • , • ., Rom o<t Y- )l •• ShOOI'ri Itl'sloratlvo. GolnJl dil'l)(t " AD V W E i 0 Y U N I:' ", 'I to t he 8tOnlllCh tl rv " nlon~ lorolll(h t t hAt ~\Ire.'; ~ liO'U j.' "'£. L ' and . f .. vor U) Dr. Shonr uhd hi R" slomtlllo. With. l'y ho I I 1 I'l'I.l 1>.1rw(l . ::3 ~h. l!i l'.< l JU~::; 9)1t thllt orial na l Rn l hlr;rhly \; lA\,lll rln r.l ple. no Isuch Instlllg p!lsh m,'nts woro CTt r to be 'mil. . t., gl , 'o tI" t IN'fll liOn fi t ' 'fo' morro w take II "u t o I dlsl ros!!. blo,HlnJr, " ""} t'." 1' [1"" 11/' ''11 , . ' ' ''' , breath an d "'I~ol\' CO"'£loXJOn, try Dr, Shoop'. .. ,U h your grocer Ilnd 'ls k fur' t hree Iur"e!)~ " mtl v"-Tnhl ,1&or Iqlllt'l- niid lWO ror )'ol1r_ / bars of King of t he L tlundry ::IouI', y rscommond . .. 101 ftnd will do. We &ell "ml ch eQl'o :!r,c It bntfh' , rhwartz'. t ' for,:,"erly five oent s pe r ba r , ~ ou IJf pr i('c:lmyw!Hll'Il . Illflilt>d nptln l 'tIO. i )lt wtJ1 be 8~rJlriHell Itllll d eli g hted ,. I. . . how qUlokl y IItlli easily e v erything ...!~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ it touohes is made , )lnrf', s weet Rnd t_ _ _ ole~n. Nothing ho.tter ' in 1\ yellow Q
b L ..
u:it ]n ' th e
Stomncll trolltllc ,I n !tt;elf " tr l/A
D"'ha~ltlllln Sh 0 ' ,S r. ' IR. . t t. I es ora I i
'l ~
for the Gazette
SpringJackets !t';j~3.,~-~ ) lip.
Pe,t ticoats $LOO ateell. IJ ~l' Bloom. ~ I iJ Ie
· '1.5.0 up ~ 5.00 up
HUTCHINSON & GIBNEY . North Detroit St.
Xoaia, 0
~~~~e~c~~_~-!~~~~~~!-~es~_~.~.1!J!J!~!!!_"""~!-~_ !!-!.!_~_~. .~~~......;~....~~~. .~t~~~~_~_~_~ ~m~ti~_ ~_.~'_~.~~~~_~~~~5E~_~~~~~~__~.~.~~~~~~m~~~~~~!7 ~_~_~'~" ~~'~~~b~~,,~~~..t __. .__~~__. .~~~~._ .
l.l",.I)l l,.. " ~ I
\\' t"cli\ ,
, l
tiAlET'l'E \\
,I.' II
,~ \
Cleaning Silk li'al;ricks
The Cause of Many
"~llk ut' till ' 'killd Vl'uullll' III1lY Utl cltlliO e(lln the followlug mB, ner , ' ~" ,ylj WOWItU '~ !:ioule 'vwpaDll D ]I l 00 " year · •• - • •. III I\d\'nu ...<f' for ,I ul.v. "/0 ur every quart of woif l. :.!6 se, r IJ no t lIah: . 11 I'H'u, u .. c te l ' ll ~fld iu Wtt hlUg Ii dl'e".\ p"r" (Wlf j(''F, IN ALL~} N B U ILI )JNH unt! gl'Il 1 c IIlIft 11l1'/.{ pol,llt.o Put, t·ll e ~1·1It.";d .p u t,'tt es i, o t o tlle· wllt·er , 'l'rL.Elnio]'l8 eJilJI:. I. No. 6-2 wilil'lJ U1\ltlt boo! 'nld nnll t;oft ; leL W ~j O:-ll:l o;; I)A" . t;lIod two OIt YH wil,hoot. being d i t.tuhetllll uov WCl,y, theu very Oli re tully pUUI' vII 1,ll u l'leur 1itJuid fl'uw' Lust 'MUIIUI\Y IHl t UIIU UI' LWU l1 il:;1l thu .;cc.lirll lJUL lulu Ii lClrge, CUll veilWtll'tl IU tlylclonm'. iuut vU/:it;ol, illtu wl.llch llip tho piuCUl:1 llf tlllk llJ1 aod down . "'Uf oo nl·tlt!, 'orn i g rmdlll!; fi ue lind IlII orops th ~ i I k TIl USI not be oretUled by wr\ll ~ llrg ; let, It hang Cl·ud drip oearurt! IOUKIU!!r we ll. . Iy UI'Y , tbtlu I!I~' it lid Oll the talJle, ,uIII wipe it thtlt on one' side aDd I 'l'btl ul'li v.btful l.I hnwot'l'1 Clf 11i~1 I,hell II the other. If necessary to wtltlk cllil n wl'l'l\l of g ood . »I'es!'l i I, do 110 blltween t1'Ulllel with u mnd e l'l~tn irun. "
t'UUtlll .Y. Wilt- lh t: IUO!$ tit 111l .V 111 tu~ YtllIl', IIn c! Lilt! begiuulDK of ~Iln. ·
mel'. Wouollr ,wutllher BI'YlilI "ill btl tbe next UUlI.lUee 011 the UtlmoCrltllo ~I o k l! t . '[11ft 'S
111/1 i~ Oil
I'\\nui Il l:
publiollu 1.1 li Nt will oraft berulIUJ .
It .. ,hl/llell
I Sudden Deaths. I
11I t I t '"Iu
the Fte 'Hallool
t:;eo the fur the l!' ourl.b on ao uther JJ"KU. It wlll PUY ROlllebo· dy to Ket UIJ IIlId hustle.
tlJore tlhuuhl hIlP[)ell to btl aooth r hUlw,V ruio, Uorwiu Avenull will hlt'vtl-t o be f1x llrl I\gaill . We Ulllnufllotufe and 8e11 post carUK, espeOllllly of WayuetlviUe I\od violnlty. Uu ll .. ncl lobk lit· thew
if Clnt! foul" un!'1 111\1 ti piritl Btls, io the tlj.l,·jug· or eluly ~umlll8r ,!y oall il "8prlng Fever, " Sut thertl Is no fever-Dslllllly, It is the ti.fter effect of our winter. babits . The nervet\ most,ly lit . fRolt. Tired , worU-Clut, n r ... es Il;llw e us l~ngu'ld, IIfel8)1I1, lind wit,hout Ilplrit or I\mhition. A f ew oose!l . ot Dr. Shoop's Restorllti ve , will !I bsoJutely und qlliok'ly ohange iiI! of these depresslog lIymptoUllI, 'fhe Re8tor,\tive of o urllo won't bring you baok to full he/11th Iu /I du.y vr two, but It .wiIl dtJ enoogh In -I boura to 1II\tl!lfy you thClt the remedy Is reaobing thllt, "tired spot," Drugglst·1I everywhere are udvii!lng its use a8118plen did uud prompt generlil tanio, It blir\Jen8 n flilling IIppetit,e aids di goM·ion, frAe!! slugi8h liverll Itnd kidneYlI, Itnd bringR new life, strengtb uod Ilwbltion, 'relit it Il few daYII Ilnd lie oonvinoed,
Th,,'e Is .. dis"" . " lJ",,'ailill): ill lh is coun t ry m ust dau gerou s Lee IIs"socl t' ~}J........ . II . ti,·e. Matlysu ddeu "I. r1 . .' d ea tb s are oallsed ~["QI~~fID'.I~ l:::li by it- b eart u is. t'n~ e , pm:llmolllrl, h eurt fa illl re or j "poJl I t',,~, are o ft cn till' n'~lIlt ,Of kld r,'I'r_ .... 1 [ lie' .l1~ cU S " . If 1 kiiluev t ro uble is ~ "r , allow erltoa!1"lulce ~ ..~ lhekid ney' poi · U II · cl uluod will atl ock the v ita l organ s, aU hill ),:' cala rr h of the bl ad d er , or lh a k i<,1 Ill'\'s th ll Ul sc l l!c s ul>t!ak <10\\'11 II lI d wi.s t . "w';y ce ll b v c ed I. Bl auucr t ro u bles "I lno~t lll \\'uys-n: sll l t fro m Ii ueru ll ge ill e ll t of the kid neys a nd a ClIre is ohtai ned g ni 'k!!_t by II pro per ~rea tm e llt of th e kId neys. If ),011 are I eel. lU g h;ul ly you ca n make 110 mistake b" taking Dr. 1, ilt lll'r '~ Swamp-Root, the ~reat k i\l ll l')", liv e r Il ll d b l:ulelt:r reJllerl ,·. I t corre ... t !; illUhi Kt ,. tn hold urinc nlHl scaldi ng pain in l''' ;'s ill~ illl Il nd o"erco m e s t h at 1Il1l'lea~lIn t Ilcc,' ty of !." illl-( cU lllpc lled t go ofl ' n th roll gh Ule day, ~lId to !{t',t ul' . l lllj ll)' ti,nes dllrin!! the IIlxht. J ~ I t: IIn ld " 1Il1 e x u a on1i!la r y e ( 'cl of ~ \\' a ll lp. ) hlot IS S U O Il reaiJzc:u. I t ~tu lI<l ~ th ' h ig h est for it,; \\'oud. rf nl e ll rt:s of the 1II 0st ub t rcssi II !: l'II~CS. I S " 'Il IllI'- Root is p lctls:l l)l to take AlI c1 is sold by ull drugKists ill li ft v-cent a n d oll e-do llor size bottle.: You ritay ljll,'c a sa m p l" hottle <>f th is w o n de rful new tl i~ cO" e ry an cl a hQo k thut te lls illl abo"t it , bOl h sell t f ree by lII uil. Add ress, Dr. 1':: ,.1I1 c:r & Co . , nill g ll!t lllt OIl. }; . Y. ' \Vhe n \\' ri ti il ~ IIIC!ll ioll rC(h lill g thi s genero llS ofT r 111 thi S pap!:r. D O II 't make n ll\' lII islll k t: . hut r e nl elll hl!r t h e Il uIIl C,SWal1 ll;' Rnol , Dr, Kilm e r ' s S wa mp. Root, aud lhe address. Binghamlon , ~. Y •• oa over, boLt' .
~.... "'-'>.....
Dr. John Hyatt; Vete rin[~ry
Surgeon and DentIst,.
'felephone No. 121 At BOUIe on t:!aturoll y ,Afternoon ,
~ aynesviiJe,
PUBLIC SALE · :l ~ t be executo r ~; brl ll ilt. dece ased.
'I' h e undol'Nlg n d ,
01 II vo.rllh. F .
'I'art. t.~ tile lIt;xt nontin ' e Itej.lubll cm Hoket for prelliit tOOk ."lIlv u t:lllort. .time t wOl'k, IITlfl Ohio III lignin bee.v eHoflh wOI"ld.
Will. 1:1,
on t,lle dllnt . dt) the toreth
Subscriptions Ret'eived for all the'Leading MagaZines at the Gazette Office.
at olle ')' tllock In Lhe afte rnuo n. the .re al es · La "" vt wlliull 8ult! lI " arl\lu F'. E1)rlglU died
o. S. &. S .. O,
I •
.14, 16
18 E.
.~ ~
~ • ~
Route 1 Coohall·n, Un , writes : "I htld a bad tlore oome on th'e in8tep of my foot, and ootid find notbing that, would belli it. until 1 applied Buoklen '8 Ar· nioli t:!alve,.. Lt'S8 tbelD hlllf of 0. 25 oent box won the day for me by Ilf. feoting Il perfeot ouie," Sold under guarantee. ut Fred C, Schwartz'lI drug store.
Grain, Hny, Cattle,
,- ......
Single Admission, 25c. D.~LIGHl'.
Cciunt Loohw!tzky, t:he R~!lsitiD exile, whose stories of RusII!an oppreRsion the blood boi l. . Saturday, June 20: !J.'wo ouncertll dClily by. the InoompllIl"tible Columbus t3ym phuny 'orohestrlt,
V ulcanite Portland Oement A1I rlli1reads use tbil!.~rand. Will bave Il oal'load of hlgb grltde 'l'obacco lind orn Fertilizer hele thl8 week. We willb 'ellpeottllly to cllll the attent.ion to all .who are . thinking of buying Ferl·iIIzers to the r humus filler. Humlls it! deoayed vegelable mat teI' whicb is a necessity h~ all solis and wlthollt • whioh nooro)J oan be grown, Come in and Slle .us . . \V.\lI save yon money.
Monday, June 22: Children's Day, Pilmllhllslka, the weill I ,.... 1\ ·' ",ned bird and dog trainer, with hIs galaxy uf IlI.lIUJIlI <1,,1 ... 1'8 .
Tuesday, June '2J: Farmer's Day, Prof, HOlden , thecoru oulture aatbor.ity of the w~rld, . . . Wedn~sday, June 24: . Jane Addams, of Hnll Bouse, Chicago, .the world's grea.test settlement worker.
Lester M, Nelson of Naples, ~aine, slloys In 11 reoent letter: "I ba:ve used Dr. King's Nt!w Di"covery WRUy . years, .for oough's and colds, Ilnd 1 think it Sll'ved my life, I have found It 1\ remllrkable remedy for ·th'rotlt and lung oomplaints, ' and would no mor,e be without a bottle than ,I would he without .food," For nelirly forty years New Discovery hRS stood at the.... head of throat and lung remlldl1l8. As 11 preveotll. tlve of pOllulllonitl, and healer of WAltk lungll it·hilS no 81\lal. &lId tlDdllt: gUll r "n tee at Fred 80h WMtZ's drug store . 501t ,and' $1 .00. Trilll bottle'ftee. ' .
And you wil.l see the finest pieoe of maohiuery ever put together. See tbe Bradley Ullug Plowtl aod ultlvators-they are fohe eli81est guid.,d plow~ malleI aDd tIJ" only sueoesfful 2-row cultivator mBnufaotureu . If YOll are looking for Ii Manure ~prellder, WB have the liltest 20th Century , ·the (ightest running Spreader on tbe ma,rketo We b[~ndle tohe wcll-kD,o wu Zimmerman Buggies, youn~ U1eo! No girl . will rafnse to go riding with you If you have a Zimmerman; jUlit reuel yed Ii clI.rload of tbe well-known brttnd o.f
Two bi" lltirwons by Bishop Hartzell, Ildmittedly oue of tbfl biggest Ulen 10 .t he rellgiOOS wOI~ld .
l'blnks It ~ved His Life,
heep, Hog's
and Wool at the Uorwln Eleva.tor . Wa oarry " full line of fUUl Iwplements, suob as tbe wellknown Osborne Wheat and e llrn Binders; I:fay Tedders. RllkeS, rongnelet!1I Uillo J;!llrrows, Bnd S·i nller 'I'wine. Farmers, oODle ill Itnd see the lat. I)st improved
Sunday, June 21;
June 2'7. :; t .
Thursday, June 25: U, A,n.' Day, Uell . O. 0, Bowttrd, the eloqllent grizzled veteran.
'F rlday, June 26:
Oorwin; Ohio.
.--__ ______________ ________________
Uldyallea, tlie Indilln orR tor on "The LasL Stand of tbe J:;loult, "
'Saturday. June 27:' 'l'riplf! Olef Conoort· Co of 17 ;voung la1dles who hllVe won 8 priZ(l8 In 10 con.~ellts . Wtllter flowe .. fliwonslead . Ing Dllln, WbA WAS wltb Irvlog Ilnd. Man8field, in retldiugs and rem1Oi8cenOO!l •
. Sunday, Jun'e 28: Wo. J , • y
Lalit ' WednesdliY evaning WIIS oomme~oernel)Ci "I the BOllie aod seventeen puplli! gl'Il'dURtlPct, Itnd wiII t,he home for vtlrioUII 00 MAllit aTRIl:E'f W A YNB8VILDIII, O. •\.lDIi liud trCldtltl Itlttrut!d Il$. the In room neltt· do,r ~ Urollll Bros tnlltltutlon , . '1'be reunion of the Bome ' wUl be Hard wlt-,e 8t,)l'e·.· . Telephone ' tn _ b.ou8e Ilnd oiDoe JulY 7, S lind II. where I oan be called day IIr ntght. t t I, Valley Phone 14-D. !!!!!!!!!!I!!!'!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 19:
El)'MOI1 S . BA' ~ V~
... '·.1.... nIIef ....1 PILES , Ir.SboIp·. . . OI..... SUbaeribe
I HUNTER & HARDIE 8 I and Third S~ DAYTON, OHIO. I 1 ' 1 ~_'R_ft_ftlYtR_RRftltf __ R __ 1C
F:xcclllor of lbe will 01 .... '·a· rllh' (0' .. Ebright. deec .. ell, IV . BH<>WN . AHorney ,
This will enable ' you to supply yOIl" wan ts j ust when yu u need them a t practically th e beginning of lhe hot weathel' period, and save money on every purcha e. We have r ut, price liberall y on all lines of Goods and everybody who ('a mes to th e sale will appreciate the g en el'Otl bargai ns. All Sllmm I' oods mU!lt b closed o ut ca mpi tely rega rdles of the loss, as we will carry nonl;! ov ,'tillllno thpl' Sea,!on . Now is the tim e to bu y, Ri!:k no d lay. . Be one (If the first at the sal e.
from some of the mlH1tat' minds of tile )"nd. F.. mouM Men Illld Wumen t,o Ent.Elrtllin. 'fhe Eduoa.. t.!ollll i Event P,n Exoellent of the Ytlnr,
of ~"Id ' ''\lpral.ed ,'uluo...",1 fo r tlakb In h .. ntl nn ~h e da.v o f ~ale .
Frlende of wui 'Peooock', son at - Mr , and Mrs , 'l'bos. Peaoook, who . }j.v~d bero' for 8~verl\l yeMs anil fi nally located in Doy~onf will be pained tei heu of his sad misfortune , 1.alit · winter bhl eldes~ 80n, u·bout 9 yearl! ' old : , have fRillng e'y e8igbt Ilnd lu~d to be ..tAken' Ollt· of sohool, and now i~ : blind, Mr. PeBoo.ok blls the sympathy of his old'Wllyne8ville frierllls , '
.T ~\'I.J
W • canllol ~' llIpha"i zt! t(H' sl l'ollJ;ly (h ' );' I'I ':\l III 111 ' .\ ' :lHving OIJ portuniti es whidl this sale will presenl. . OU I' ,stock's are \'astly larger, assortmenL llI ore \'aried t har, ever , and full of seasona ble m el' Rand i 'e of thl' mo t d epell<.labl ~ cha racter. Rather t han I'isk holding on t ill later in th sellson, we are 'goi ng .tp sacrifire right now OUI' en til'p sloek , e' l1l~i"linl{ of r'om plelp li nes of . .
'oullty AUlhl,or ~ . A. Ht.ilwell hl\l~ ourL of IVarren CounLy, OhiO," b .. s the lI}'mjJIII.lly (If II IlIrl(f! oirolfl Said !'\l1,1 "Htate has bee ll delly appraloted aL '" of friends .ou thtl' d.mtb or b .1II ruther the Mum uf 1'wenly·twn Hundred _und Fifty Dollors IJ ~200) , and the Urne .... 111 be s old near t)rl\wtorr'lllvl lle, Illd iuna, lotal lOT the blgbe&L price thaL ClIO IJf) obtaloetl tberelor,anc\ forl).ot l.esKlban t .... o ·lhlrd ( J 'w'lek,
. -"""' .. -
Season Tickets, $2.
bdn ~ the ""me prel1ll ~e" devised by Abrabam t:brlg ht to AVllrllla ~'. t~hrlj(ht by 11I ~ la t will ....hlch t A re<lorded In Vol. ~ , page :110, or the Keuord 01 Wills III lhn Pro·
Bcgin~ Wednesday, JUl.
ture and Its Multifarious Attractionll
delzed, DDt! will h I~ deKc rlbed 'aR r"lIows : " LuI.. num ber~.i ~~ven p), el ~ht( H , 11 111,,(1'1
._ I I
Forensic F'.ast- Mammoth Melange of Mirth and Musjc, Declamation and Drama, Sermon and Science lInder.the Leafy Boughs of the Tall Oaks of Classic Neff Park, ·with Its Purling Stream, Riot of Na-
A, t' . . Deafenbangb . 1l former Gazette boy, hIlI', w~th the aid of a pa~tner, la~nohecl ' 'The Press, an eight· page wsekly"Republioan neW8 paper on thll jourllli1istio field at Bellltire, Obio, lind hlt8 every prom . Ise of !!tlOOeSd, ~htoh hril many friends are wl!~hing fo'r him,
June 19 to J nne 28, inclusive.
will u ffer fdr J1Il1h", at J.JUbllc' VUl1l1ul~ •. on t'bu pr 101_ , .
(,hapmCln '~
SEMI- \'NN '
Antioch Cbautauqua
w" a c tlu!' 1.11
conrormlty In Ln" proJl ISlong Or 8111(1 will alld th t 10.11', .. nd Inobcldl en ce t o L111!! judgment ~nd tllrec Uon or lIle Co urt or Co mmon Pl elL. In amI fol' Warren ounLy, ' hlo, III c ..~~ No. to·(JM. Emmor . Hally . a.suqh ..x ecutor, a gal"~t Alhe rt . Brddstroot a,nd othc!l'8.
3"d h : n(IlJ ) 10 .10 eph B.
O ' TR
- -Pa,y cash tor 11011 kinds of---
to the Vill age of Wayn e•• Ule. In tbo pounty .Inlleph, Mo, or Warre n and Sllltc of Ohio, being tbe saDIe Sllud - n bhl su.b~ ,",pU"Il, lUI" t,htnkio premise. oon\,o.od by lI1arl(arel Jones tu Atftoaharn t: urlght b~ IIct'd dated Sept.Dlber he Monot, get, IIlol"~ \Nllh ..u~ tbp 17. I SOli, and rooorded In tbe lJcld tH:cortlH of Wa rrel! unry, Vul. 411, page ;;116, anti Oft zett ... ,
0, ..,t. Mi\1l\ , /II
'l'om Moore of Rural
ON .-:;A'l'URDAY, ,JUNE 27. 1908, -------+~~ ------
Buoklen's Arnioll !:;alvtl Wins .
All 8000 IlS ',he Democratic 0 D· vent\oll Is over IIlllllUftlotllrers ciln tell whether tbtlY call oontioue in busluei:l~ or nnt.,
1 I I 1 Dry Goods and Ladles' Ready·to·Wear Garments I ~ ~ l3
. .
.BEAO'flFDL PI<..vrURE • FREE How III/tOy dClYII, dh,1 you aay? Sllve tweot.y-flve wrappers of Why ~ UeCliulle we Ilt'e going.. to Ilttend the oelebrlllion lit, WRynellville. King uf the Laundry Soap, which you MO prooure tbree large bars for ten 08JltB , mail t·he wrllppers· to Lo~ k at the litH or" events, and the the mll-nuflloctorer inclosing 0. liwO ulllldsolJle llrl1.el! awarded to' the cent stamp, you WIll receive by re . winnerl/, . Yrm lin at IOltst ge~ in tllro mail 1\ beatlt.lful pioture 8nita· onjl of them . , ble for framing , free,
D"w~on, the
............. .
4 •••
Liverites For sale at tbl! rollo"llI" plaeea , Zimmerman's, Xllbon'lI,
.' great .LondoD,
A Purely Vegetable Laxative • C;ures Chronic Co~tij)lltion. .lId All Uver and,Kidney TrOubfea.
Ol.'aiaia8 e Spealalty.
Tel.phoDe Day or Night • Loee' No. 1 Long oistanci No. 69 -3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO' Branch OffiCI. HlrYBW.burr O.
Samples of All · Orades of Dit.H.E.HATHAWAY Faper--Paper Con. ~"'''.rll_riUe'. 'L eNlla, DeaUR Oftloe in KQa Bldtr, Mala Ht staatiy on BaRd --~ I
- -- - =--==-- ----
THE WA,R D BOSSE.S I;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!
- - - -- -
Writer In Apph,ton'. Make. sug;e. tlonB Worth COn.lderln;.
POLITICS ;i;;!!!!I!;;!!I;!!~
Ilikes and xc edlnsl,. blunt til way of pu tting a,jngs, lIul he
neltller he wheedllN nOl' IlItlmldated, 'rhe mel'e tact tbat ft. ,had promised the support of his dele~'Iltes In a con, \'en Ion to a certa.1n candidate did not (J etermln tbll.t he would s upport that candldat a~ the po1l8 on election; Bul Just so ~ar as his wdrd went, that promise Wt\8 iroti·clad and Irre vocable. Tlmo " 'IlS when a "bos." WlUl to be marke d by his reputation f~r physical pro,,"!Ii,JI, But tholle days aro In the ,s era IIJld yellow leat. StralUfe to lay. e ven In tbe toughest of the "tough" wards, the "leaders" an vel')' .eldon, r;c "" meQ ~bo dep8Jl4 on tbetr " knocl! down and drag out" abtl1t:es. The "b08s" of to,day BBl)ires to be _ "dresser" and R. wit, not a '·lIlugger." Pugilism III left to It!! r egular expon. enta. and though DlIIJl)' ot the "bosses" may he (latrClnll of the IIparrinll match es. the~' have given the rough, and·tu mbl e method ot the Pllst the good · b~·. and plume tbemselvel AD smoolh ol' lilans to achleye success.
, WIt'H
JYI'1PH7,HY "Olf?
bl, (1011111
Su ch a thIng as a conacleT.K'e I, something that no uns cr upulous ware! " buss" wfll , harbor, lor to him can. 8cl nce Is a dead lette.r In IIolltlclI.' B", sid 8, a "boss" may be In one party one y ar. and on the other side of the Fe nce the next year, He may support a thea.sure at first and tben "switch" Il nd tight it. Expediency III bls watch· word, and be will support a man whom he cord,fally despise. If he can see a.lvantage to hlmBelf ill the e~ul. The questlonR ot party prinCiples han [In exc edlngly huy Interest to him, ,pr the claS8 with whlcb he mlnglee, Tirtd the Interesls whlol) ,he represents, havo no time at all to .tudy poUtical economy, and no Inclination towar41 the ethical III de ot polltlcB, It wal! a matter of gllnulne Intllre.1 to meet the various "basses," bIg ancl little, and \Velgh them and analy.e them as they caf7.3 ht» my pe~"p6o Uve. They were alwaYII 'a trife curt, ous as to just how I ha,Ppened to be III Ilolltlcs. and I am quite certain the) were decldedlr nncertaln as to Ju!1 HI1IYY OP how 1 came to be holding' down a fain TO B)!= ,Ii( THEM COUP;> salaried pOsition wilen 1 could not de ~,ro.c~",.o:;,,...," ""/YI> l1IV.c; (lOOD. ' Jiver deleptea ; IUId yet, meeting m4 H ' WI!, In Ule game at every tum, from lbl CO"'HOf'I:y~IYJ'p ' __ prlmarlell to the nl\llonal conventions TIM£- WRS WHErf ,q "80J'J WnJ they knew ' ] WII8 "keeping casell," .. TO ~ /"IRRXfD .BY H/J A?£,othey may have eX!ltessed it, and tba! UTRT/ON P/fY.J/CR"l. ,,D~wA.U in some mysterlouB WilY I mUllt be ,01 Borne yalue In' the ' .um total of e le, ARD "b09sell" come and go. rllsh~d from the room, with n p rfect mayor's offlce and to tbe leglilioturcs menta making up political urI'. Tbey rl e and' full, and one howl ot cheers follOWing biOI. It Wa s to protest against the vice of drink· Th question of IIllent "bossell" and lug. makes roonl for - another. hlB last a\>p arance In poUtlcs. The tellm "poliUcal boss" Inl ages t6 The fl.lctnations in politics The average "polltlcll l boss" II In talknt.lve "bossea" is one wblch lIat are as sudd n and abrupt mos t people a stoutly·bullt man with II polJtlcs stricti), for "wbat Is In it," and bee n \'atlously reviewed, and the av, been that the 1.\8 the chauKes In the slock · mar· plug hat a.n d II large diamond, who that menns tbat he III neither In the erage judgment has kel , and the " hoK," of last year smoke~ ' long 1Iiack cigars Ilnd rul es game for his health, his recreation nor silent "boaa" was the great power, may be Ule plainest ot plain cltl· his ward or district with a rod of Iron, . hIe spiritual welfare, And why not? The fact wail that the "slle nt" bosl ~{'ns t he enSil ing year, One tblng Sometimes be Is rel)resent d as a. mnn Do business or professlolJal mell enter could talk fast enough when he WIlDt III morally ('E)rlalu , Ulere will nevin with a beart bursting with 8~'m[)l1t hy loto their resl)ectlve avo~ons for any ed to, and the talkatlv. boss could the) above re\Ulons? I trow not. 'The "stand Pllt" when he so desired , H il b an elimlnalion Q( "bosses" In for the POOl', Who the rlch po.llllcs, be08nse IcatlArs are an · citizen to help out the constitue nts "boss" has one fixed, set Idea. and that w8.!l the nature of a "boss" to talk h, a bsolnte necessity In ev'ry move· whose votes he ha ~ ve8l,s 9n election Is ,to "got t,hel'e," as be ,,",ould express did so; It be was naturally a sBcreLlv, me nt. undo prime ministers and day. He Is generally t yplr.ed as elo- It~ to accumulate a large' 1'011 of sima, DIan, be kept stili genera));'. The mosl (Iresldents are n slll'ely political Quently ,profane, IIJld slovy,wl· s de· leon,s and theQ. retire to some r es peo· e1[eotlve combination was the "Boss ' .. hosseR" a.S. aTe tile ward 110lltlcl1lJl9 light to set him down inyarillbly liS of table r!lsldence portion of the clly and who could talk or keep stili ai ' OCC30 fOl'get the low, coarse mob with which slon demand ed. and who could nelthel Who hold ' thel .. wlLrd In the hollow of Irish hirth, As a ulatte.r ot fa t, howev r. th re he was compelle~ to associate, while be goaded nor coaxed Into elthe. t hell· . hands, slIence or s)leech aga.1nst bls bettel orne 1)001l1e. gl'/ocI people, too, have are just as many dltrllront "hoslles" as he WIlS geLtlng his start. The snccess· judgment. thore aro nationalities iJl the larg" ful ones do' this, and, ~he uns uccellsful 8 arred I'n to fight " bosses," and have It could be said III lavor of nearh end d up hy co.opcratinr with them cities, for a "boss" Is IIlmply II. leader oneil remaIn at the saDIe old stand. reAnd g lUng their aid to ' Improve coJ)' for the time being, anU that may be viling the IngraUtude ot the ones who every reRI ward " bOSB" tba.t lie wa~ dillonll Iii cert1\1n districts. }'1ghtlng tor a few mO.n ths, a few years or "niade th<:> rime" ilnd got a,woy with not lin orator. Not In thll sense of ', "sllver·tongued spell·blnder." Many 01 , a "bC)6fl" Is atl Ilphlll job, for longer. A.nd some of the mO'}t suc- their "bundle," CeBSrlll ot , all " bosses," _IWUUcally' them could give good, co\UmoJ\·sells~ "I b rE'BIl ctIlbl('s," Bo·called, a'r e usu· I1l1eaklng, bave boell Americans. The "Ril l' loo busy 'to give ariy asslf}tance, , Ward "bosses" orten. e:omblne to ar,· talks, and , effective ones, too, but the) the United States anrl the " boys" 'arc all .:wJth the "bOSB," present PI'ealdent compllsh results, and they often cut dlel not essa)' to 81>lIt the welkin' ~'lt.Il J remember 1\ I'eforme r Wl)o tried to Is one of Lhe most m!l~ tl'rtul or politi· Illo ground f;oill under one anotber their pero!atlonll. and ratber despised .1'\0 Ollt 00 the prl)sldl'ncy or a 'ward cal bOijses, Who III his party dllr" without the slightest ·c ompunctlon , r I~ lb.elr bearts the "wind·jllmmer" alltl r lub ngalnsL tho "boll!l," lie tl'led Qllenly say him "nny" with allY hopo n ever knew hllt one "boss" ,vhose his Ilerlodl!, At the saine time, for a I wo ~'elLrfj and wus d fealot!, but the or Winning out against his rock ,root d word W3S absolutely arid enUrely to genuinely great aDeaker ' they had II deep respect and enjoyed hearing him, third ten ll he' i'eemetl to be Sil l' of strength? be depended on both as to what ho As for tbe "man with the peD." the, The' " boss" In th clUl!s, however, ~ lI (:c el\l! , Nearl y .,.vorv one of tho ('ould do, lind what hEI wonld do. He III lubers th club' promlsec1 him especlallY ..the typical wal'd "boss," Is could tell to a certainty about bow hi s were never Iln,,'1I1Ing to avail them' sQlveu ,of ' his servlceB It he coul~ aid , an d Dugn.n . a" I will call hIm. hat! otten a man who may be ev\,lved by ward wou ld go, and If be gave his hi gh Ilop.e s. Th nlgllt of lhl) election. either acclde nL 01' rleslgn, SOIllAtim 8 word as to the delega tes he n ever un- "make good" with anythlnl to b'elD o. a campaign. ' man goe" Into tlie game to helll a wlLh 18\1 me 01 btlJ's presE'at , DuglLn's <leI" any clrcumstanceil broke!, He ERNEST J\f'CAFE'8Y, Dnme "'!lB pill b fore Ih t' club amid a frlerd ollt. 01' to saUllfy :l grunge, and 'w a s 0. man ' of strong 'likes and die·· (Copy right, 1908, by Joseph B. BOIVlc$,) 8 orin ·of appll1l1 'e, Ill s l10mlnaUtm tJlC glamor of tbe , thing IIttl'a cls ,hlin ..... j 'wa s !If!col1ded h . tlt I ('n~t. live addl- and be s ~ays Ip, to finally emerge 1111 a Cull ·blown "Ieade l'," AJld some on') linn o.l ape!' 'li t's , eucll IJ 'j\'lowlng oulogy "r " lJltlln )' QIIl;aU'ij .;tR llUC It Qualities of the yonng fellow s who gO iuto pol!· anel ~ nlctl to th p. party." Duglln sat tics de!lbel'aft!ly will work OIL tnr - --IItflll1Cerl \vlll ) I.,hl' Jlml "''' wlll1;h we re ~' ea l'tl In, the same ward . growing Ill> TrllJlleal Rae:B Are ShQwn to Be wltli the p~ople who II ve the re, Id entl, He ShOW8 that the people who llve hl' illl,: II/md ed out (0 hllll , Th e " boss'" Mueh Longel' Lived. nlong the unbealthful coasts ot Cen Rll c.' On! ... , 'l\ ~e ,I· ....·os nornluai'ed In a fying hlmlelt with them and lheil" In, t ,'al and South America survive tbe In terests and .finally winning the qnO tl alf· do~ o n w.nds lind fee bly s'~ conded denoe of Ills constlluent.s so lallllngly ~.,oaust' In tropical: countries more habitant!! of the blghet· and cooler alll b ,l' onl y one Inlll l·l\lual. that they '1'1111 vote alni08t to a rllau as d(..t~,\'e d vegetable ,matter Is found and tudes of the interior. He ahows alse Illlgan hlm~plr. Wf, R al1floil,lnu one or he wi hos. III "msequence more miasma. the Idea tIJat ~he Hindus. who often rea<:t t it" lellen;. Rlld Ii roar oC 3lH11'obntlon h!\. become IJOpl.llar tbat only vlJorous puberty all early II.S nine -yeaTS, UVI ' illl k the hall /.LS the chalrlllan on· A true " boss" both follow/'! and health and long ur, are likely In to a surprising old'· age. The Inhabl, DOnllcec1 : Ms sl'leClion , Dugan WE'nt. up leIHi s,. He knows ' wbathls , "peo'I;le" northern lalitudes where , fro at now tUnt3, or the 80ulhern countries QI III.d down lb nislc8. aud everybody want, and h e , ~oes not stray far uwuy and then asserts its!!1 f. The fact -that Europe are' found to live muab 'longel tltl'e him tbe "glad hahd " nnd folded " porn Lhelr desires. If his WUl'd haa a humanity matures much ' eal'lIer In tpan tbosa ot tho more nortbern lat~ d l'lir ballots and tossed t b H lU into lilA c4·nlltltuenC); 'which favors 1l'1I beral In, tropIcal climes seem I! to warrllnt the tud'e, ha he j:arl'l,ed wl lh " '['lle"6's onothel' t';'prc-\atlon of the liquor q'uest1on he To llIustrate, In England In a popn conclllsl9n that it !Dust nece!lsllrtly fc r ~· Oll. Dan , old 111)~';" o'r "Hurrah for 18 for ' the "open'" Silllda y: ' und even perish much earlier, Dr, Lugl Sam, latlon of 27,000,000 there are bnt i41 lJl<nny "'1I~I\1I . " thl!! all·nlghl !laloon, I't necelisa ry, lie ,bon ,of RomEl attempts to put the pop' centenar.lans, while In SpaIn, with l1e QlI.d 3 bal/ol shol'ed at !!lUi wIth Is' strong on the subject of "the ' poor ul~ Impression to sleep by an elab· a population of but 18,000,/100. thel1 Ih p In.l uflction. " ~llIke 1\ ullanlmouE. ' man's club" and llot agains't "blu\! orate exblbltlon of statistics, are 401 centenarians. Tbe problLblll nail (1),: blorl 1D a vote fell' YOUl' own laws" and ,for the maximum of "pcr· He doesn't contend tHat the warm· ties are that the gl'eat morlaltty toun~ tk kel ," fIJld he ,"ul hl~ ballot In UrI' 60nal. llbQrty." InCidentally, he favors cst climate is the most sultahle to a , In sout)lern l~t1tudes t!S found In the ' Ihp" telll! r ' ~ hal and 8"1 down In Ihp a low !lce nse, usuaUy. mall. under tbe conditions, of modern GlUes,' and Is therefore not 110 mud ' P \, nth h",a1'13O uf anil Ipation, '1'1Il! If a "hosll" lives In a. Prohibition dis· clvillzaUon, but he ' Iremoustl'lltes -Ig, the fault of the Climate as of an ID CIIlllutilljt was tll\l ~h('ll In it. few ,min· I rlet be fu'l minaten against " lhe de. orously agaillst the Idea that a ('old dlll'erence to .&n!tary law., Ul fl~ and lIllJ:Wl ~1I111f'd li8 he Ilaw the mOn rum" and 1I0lnts ' o,ut l1atlsUcally and variable clfmate Is the most I:on· blll10lij bll Jtolng o ver tn Olle. lIide, "It's th.e ruin wrought by drink. l')II's may duclV~ to the physical and IlItel· Forcing Hit Chane... • ,,·alk.IH\'ay," he whlllJlored to tbe not prtvent him frOID havIng hlg lectllal Im\l:ovementl of the human "So Shadlll07 II lit trouble agAin?" lIlall next to him' " II ·. ·1l landlllide." "blgh·~alhj'· at the C'-lb. or hl8 cham· race. While northern climates may "Yell, a bit of a carel ~aDdal." 'hi II Il, nl-'lgl,bur , The rhalTmao \laRue at tl)e polltlo I banquet., but prod lice Iltalwart flrames, stath,Ucl "1 told him not to play un Ie.. b,o It""l.ed tff 1\11' (l'Ont or tbe Illatform makes hIm IItrong with the V(ltera • how tbat they do conduce tu Ion· could allord to 10Ie." lod MnOlln('('/! U\(' \·/tll' fOI' president wh08e lIupport be leeks. He 'Ion the gl'vUy, 111 proof his JlOIIlllo/l the "He muat gattela 10ur advice I . rol1ow~: "1i'lr f't'tf'r ('alley. 188 >llllrt for "blind pip," or "Iacel where ~tor cite. the that the average mixed. aad decldecl be ,GUIda" aIforl "ar. ; tar 0IU1"" n ...al1, oae .otto," liquor il 'IImullled In aad IIOld secret. Ar.\b ' outlive. the EaQIlI*Il, to I'lay uDlIBI lie I1lda', lOlL"-W. ._ II II n Jf1I bhN. 11111 hat. ,lad ID&lIJI 17. aIId he le&IU "el.auODa 10 &11,. Ll1 Ilo& . . tbaIl I i lDa.GO Stili
~ ~" '--.,.
'rh e Rlbl.., Is not a dreary book , It Is 1\ h (lr(u~ book, It Is not II dull booll , It Is an Inleu se ly lute r SLing book 'ot 1111 parts of It are all1u'o rrl, a le reading fpr ' ohlldr n , Why should they be? SOUle part" arl! not e l'en ftt fOI' children to read. nlbl lIteralure must be given to chlld\'en wi th dl. crlmlnallon, just as should any othe. lite rature, Your boy will be just as much IlIl e l'ested In Dible stories as In any othel' 'stOl'le8, IInles8 you frighten him nway from til em, Also you w1ll tlnd that be wants the r al llIble atorles. n9t Bom ebody's InlltllUons , It he BOllrellD s pre(erll "Dia mond nick - 'l'he Doy Ph'ute," or Its lilt. It doesn't sbow that Bible stories do not Inte rest him. It show. simply I hal YOIl lIInst lISC !tOme tact in comlletlng with Ule anthor of "nlamond Dick ," The DIble stories do blll\ good. and "Dla. mond Dick" 40e9 not. Naturall y he does IIOt waut to be done good to a.1l the time. any 1U0re thlln do the I' 'st ot UB. Insten d ot malting him m emorl zo the Bible for punishment, let him memorh:e car!)fully se lected passages In place of Bome other work. Ho may not thank you at the lim • but he wJ1l some time, It wll\ give him t\ berltage of pleasnre and prollL upon whi ch he may dJ'llw at wlll for tile rest ot his lire. Dotl·t give him the Idea that evory Bible story IB 0. moral lesson, Some Bible stories are no more moral tban some newspaper stories, If you con ruse the moral and the historical YOIlI' boy may grow up In d oubl as to whetber all Amalechlte Is a sin or a ' man. No matter what the theologian,; mllY have said tei Lhe con trary, It 18 not IIllcrllegiOus to treat the Bible sensibly. In fact, It seems to \IS BIIC' rfleglous to trent It any otller wa~', Perhaps yoU were mado wre tched In your childhood by having th e Blbl\! uninte lllgelltly crammed down YOUI' throat. Perhaps y.ou were mad to lI,Iemorize wbole cbapters by way of pllnlsllment. That that was not lhe bos t way to make you fond of It, never occurred to your parents, They had never beord of child psychology. P er, bap. you were threatened wltb hell unlesll you believed every word la the Bible true In ItB narrowest, tts most literal senle. P erhaps yon remember family prayerB where your falher read from the Bible In II. 'dreary monotone wblle tile r Bt of )'OU sat In Silence. From all thlB drea.rlness you wish to protect yotlr child, and no wonder! But tbat Is no r eason for deprlvl!'g' blm ot the real Blble.-Af\' pletou's l\1agq~lne. . Improved Matrimonial Condition •. Dr, L , C, Haliburton, the nOled Eug,
fish statistician, was diSCUSSing la Ne w York the IItatlstics of marrlag!\.marriage are hili' specialty. "The last statistics," he said, "show liS one IlleaslIJlt change, one gl'and 1m· provement. Aged men of wealth are no longer marrying beautiful, m e r. cenary young ' women as frequently as tbey used . In ract, these marriages are becoming In this country so raJ'e that the newspapers don 't besltoto to comment very forqlbly. upon them, " Ilpprove ot these cruel commentB, They keep sllch m'ockerles of mar. riage down." Hallburtoll smlled grim. Iy. "11\ ~ lillie town .In Herts last mouth," he said , "n mlllJonalre of 70. marriec1 a youug and pretty milliner of 22. The local paper printed the next day this editorial paragraph uc the matter : "Six months ngo, ' when ' Mr, Blunk's venel'uble wife died. ' hIli children and grandchildren feared that he would go orazy OYor the sad bereavement . Tbelr fear. have now I\ome true." 8ubrparlnel 'o~ SponSje FI."!ng. illustratiOns, together with a fun , des cription. are given 'In a Parisian Journal or a novel t;nJ8 of Bubmamne ' lulended for the sponge-flsblng ' Indus ' !.ry on the coast of Tunis. ' Tbe vessel Is built wbolly of iron and Is 16.4 teet In lengtb by 6.24 feet In diameter, the i;eneral fOFm belllg cylindrical, with he mispherIcal enils. It III In tended to carry two men, Ilnd 18 fixed so as' to enable the \'essel to move 8.long the sea bottom. An electric lamp ,,1 th reflecl ors fixed In front will serve to illuminate the bed of. the Ilea, and a glazed spy·hole in the bow of the VH' ~el enables the 'crew in seek out. and gatber the S~ongE1s. ·
.., 11m II/lid to wrlto my endorse· mont of tho gnlft rem~dy, Perunlf, I do.o mo.t h~lfrilly. "·-.lul/" Ator/owe. Any remedy that benelUs dlgestloa strengthens the nerves. , The nerve centera require nntrltlon. It tho digestion Is Impaired. the nerve centers become anemic, and nervous d ebility is the result. Porunll ' I. DOt •
norv/no nor •
.timulllnt. It bonollt. tho nono. by
Peruna frees the stomach ot , ca· lal'rhal congestions and normal diges, tlon Is the result. In other words. P e runa goes to the bolt om ot the whole difficulty, when the dl sagl'eeable symptoms c1lsallpenr . Mrs, J, 0, Jamlsoll, Wallace, Onl., writes: "r 'was troubl ed with my stomach for six years. Was treat d by three do clors, They said tllat ( had nervoua dyspepsia , I was' put on a liquid diet for three montha. "I Improved under the trealillent, but as !loon as I Klopped taking the mediCine, I got bad again . , • lOr saw a testimonial of a. man wholl. caSj3 was Similar to mine bing cur"d by Peruna, so Ilbought 1 would give It a trlllt "1 procured a bottle at once ' and comm enced taking It. I have toltell several bottlos and am entirely cured." Curlou. Indlln Cu.tom. The followln,. cUriOll8 oUlllom I. ~ eorded by J. Owen Dorsey In hI. lUonograpb on the loclology ot the ~maha IndlllJls: "fn tbe spring when the grast come. up there is a council or tribal assembly held to which a reaot III given b1 tbe head of t he H'anga geno, Aftllr ttiey decide t.hat plauUng time haa come and at command of the Hanga man .. crier III sent through the villages. ' He wearB a robe with haIr out.Ide and cries as he goes. 'They do" Indeed. S8)' tbat 3'OU w11l' dig the gl'ound! Hallo!' He carries sacred corn. which baa been shelled and to each household he gives two or three /tralntl. which nre mlxeil wilb the seed corn of the household ." Attor thl8, It Js la wCuI for lhe people to d!, up tbe soli and plant thell' crops. Kanearoo a. a Food. Twenty or 30 yeara ago tile baclE countl'y 8Qulltters. In order to destro,. kangaroo8, used to dig huge lIlta at ,the corner8 of their , paddocks, I unJ1lal! yards or calico along ~belr wire tencN and th en drive the kangaroos Into tbe pits. clubbing and shooting tbem. I . those days kangaroo aklns were of 'D O value; ·now thllt they are almost •• tinct, there 18 a great tle.m and for tl::em. Tbe flesh ot a YOUDg kangaroo Ie . by no means to be deeplsed, ad kangaroo tall BOUP II & dellcac,. DO. bardly to be obtained.
'$100 Reward, $100.
'file reid ... 01 IbI"plpe ...Ill b. pl....d 10 Ie ... Ibol in. •• I. It 1.1.. " .... dre.40(\ dl ..... II>", .. I. . . . 11.. he.p ' . ~I. 10 cur. III III ILl ,,,,p.,la4 Ibo. It O.carrb . U.W. Catarrh Co r. h ,he 0011' pc»IU". Gure uuw kouwa to &b. lIir.dJcaJ ,,.,ernll, . OaL&~ belnk Iii COIYUlQllt>ia.1 t1 t.8IM. require. a con.tlt .... 'luo.1 If. . lm."~ U.II·. <;.",,,11 Cur. II "'kon laIO ••• U" .. UOB dlnc<l1 upoa lb. 1>1004 ..n~ moco... 1••' _ . ' of lb. '1"om. Ute"'It, 4,."oJI,,& \b.
/uundOllon ~r ",. 011 .......,,4 IIvlllll ,h. p.".Dt 01 b.lldlllV ap lilt ooa.,lluII<'Il ..nd _I .... tn. n.ature III (loto, Itl', \f or.. The prqpHI\or. ha•• 10 rn,fob , " ••b III ILl eu,.u •• _.11111.01 lbo, 0_
One HUDdrel\ Doll.n fQr anJ eue UlI' 1t IILLI • ILlte •• 8~nd for I\.t of tlUllhubbl&la. , AdM••• F, J . Ollf-NET''' CO" Toledo, 0 ,
Balli b, ." D.unl.... 15c. ,
1'.lI1l1y PIII~ tax OOIIOIIP.Is.... ,. ,'.
A Matt" of TIme, the day of the ball !fame, &lit 'Wl1\1e, th~ office'hoY. upproacbed the head of tbe firm, and stammered : "U Y·YOII p-l"',p l'please, slr--" "Come, hurry lip!" Bald his employer, "If YOII have nnythlng to say, Say'" Spoke. and ~lreB, It. Don't tllke half II. dIlY." John D . Rockefelle r has one virtue "Bllt thaL's just what' i was goln. whIch evell his greatest critics won't to ask YOll it 1 C0111d take," sald WI .. ~eny hIm : He doesn't attect public lie.-Harper·s Weekly. ' . iinne,!'!. The. secret of this abctinellce he recently confided' to Ills famlly In a P'"ch, UBI ALI.:-'N'8 FOOT.EA8L physician, ' l\ 'po del'. It curea painful. am. . . -'Tn the first r ., h""'" , ' s aid "1' ~g, nervous feet and Ingrowlar nai1&. p ac~, , It's ' the greatest comfort dlecovery ot ;:an't eat mUCh, as YOII kriolV,' , "But rou don't have to cat al sur.h the age. Makes new IIhoell ea~y, . ', certain cure for eweaUng feel 80lil ~enst8." lirotestG~' lhe doctor, by all DruggllltB. 26c. Accept no 811. "['m aware o~ that," replied J. D., .tltllte. TrIal package, FREE. A.. "but you do have ,to lilt thffHlgh the :dre811 A. 8. Olm.ted. Le , Ro,., N. ,T. ' speeches, a"d It there's aoythlns r ' dread It's that BOl't of thing, , To , my ' Sh. L.ilrned, Too. mind an atter·dlnner B~e~cb ill like a A ,man IIvell and }.arnll,""" bicycle ,w heel;. tbe longer the I!poke mark .. d tbe hUB band with rome bill. . tbe ' gl~atcr the. tint." Bess. "Well, tbe 9.:hoo1 (Of eXpf,rlence doe. not bar coeds," retorted hll wJte,-b . On Mount Etna. change. ' The aharacters .ot all the climates of t,be earth. can bEl detected-th~ frigid Important to MottMr.. Examine carefully evory bottle of olo.e around one, ~he tempurate with Its belt of treel just underneath and CAI;I'l10RJA a br. aDd lure remeClJ;,for' tbe tropical. at the base or the """un. lIlfa~ta and chUdren, and see tJaat It taln, with Ita vineyards and luxllC'taDt , Beara the ~ am grovell. Tho gl'eat ocean aroULG. wltb Slpat1ll'8 ~be Illan4& of Lipari, Panarl, AlIaudl, III U.e 11'0.. OMl' 30 Stromboli and Volcano, "ltII their . TIle KID4 You Haft AI.,..,. hCIiL .moldn, aUBdalla.· appear Il1lder JOlll teet. aDd ' JOlt loa!, down "PGIl lht
It was
or~ft Yean. .
"hole at IJ.oI17
upo. •
war.... 111&
Oul. v;'h m the mellsea!er bad como F:\,E MONTHS IN HOSPIT AL. !laying IMl t I he prOllhe& J!llbloa WIU c1 illg DIlII t hu ~ h a wl Rhed l{) 8 him , DI.charg.d B,ecau.e Doctol'l Could I h 1' (> ~w lit OVC I' him n I' allzlltion of Ilh·t Cure. wh itt tb' nall nu would lose with tbf. llasslng IIWII )' of lIll s lllaD ot God . Ha ' LADIES' TUCKED ·SHIRT.WAIST. LevI P . Bro(~kway' S. Secou6 I. ve .. IUIII ha,1 a l'oll ~e mJll 1'01' bls rolfglor,. Au " ka, Mlun.. IIM 's: "Atte r lyin g hilt out for t he s tirr ing 1)o.. I·l he ha ll for til' mO'llhs In II "llIyec In th e hi s tory ' or tI,~ 'la lloll bORpHal 1 was di s· fl'llru lie-foro hla g'mndfuth&r Je hu's ('h l~rg e d na Incur· t l1le down to th Ilreli n t. Tit. " ;ory abl p. tl nd gil' n onl y of how 'h prolJh t Elisha h ...J\ 8"nl six mon t hs Lo Ihe. Ihe wo nJ Dnd th ll ni10lnting 1<11 ~'Illch My hea rt Vl'as alrect· pd. 1 had smotller· crtpltlTe AUlborlty-Z Klngl 1" , hlld n colll 'n ~lId Jehu to SIlI1.e Ibe tJS ~· dom rrom Ihe house or AI~lIb hud b.!en Ing s pells and some. 9·!!5. told hIm ove r 8ud ov e r again by hip. tim s t ell It /lcon· ••••••• 1 •• 1 ••• ' ••• 1111111. grsJ\ dfllthe r alS il~ had IIlood [1t hIs 1r.n<:>E Bclous . I ' gol tiO I wJum a boy . and now 8 S wonl cnme (,ouldn't USf) my SERMONETTE. tha t th e proHh t wal dylog o arms, my eyesight Il \\' III o ver hJm a Iieose of los s 10 the was Impaired ' al\'d Laet daYI come to all, but to nnt Ion which almo t made bllllo t retn· the kidn ey secrellon s were badly di s· none do th.y . bring auch com. ble. ThuR move d. be had gooto. ordered . I was com plete ly wo rn out fort and Iweetne .. a. to the one Wbat a scene and eXlle l'lelll1e iii at and dis ourllge d when I began u sing Who h.. w.lked with God. bud been . With the me mory (If lbe Doan's Kidney Pills, but I hey wflnt La.t day. aro not n.ceasar· dealh of hIs own 'father fr~Bh In lIl. l'lght to the cause of the trouble and lIy fNltl ••s day., for even from mind he had gone to tho ueath cha.m· dId t.helr work well. I ban, been 'a .Ick bed tho ,0Nant of God b r ot the pl·oph el eXllCct lng to nnd teellng well eve r slucc." may prOIl. the mouthpiece of again tbat gloom. tha t despall'. tbat Sold by all cleale,s. 50 cents a box. God .peaklnll word. of admonl· hOlle l('ssn S6 whlcb he hud son·. ~ how Foster·Mllburn Co .. Buffalo. N . Y . tlon and cOllie to tblnk WB8 always part ' If the Phy.lcal pain and the . ebbing deoth scene, but III t IW he had !L1l1neS of life'. current cannot prevent WHERE THE DANGER LAY. cheer Instelld or gloom . e xpe !tuncy the true child of God from nnd hopetuilleBS Insteud ot desplllr Jnd rounding out hi. million , In LI.t.ner. In Greater Peril Th.n Wu hopelessness. pbys!~1 weakne~s th ere life. Ambl1:iou. MUllcl.n. W8S. and It was plain to Bee tbat the During the long year. of .erv. salida of life were rUlllllng Ollt tut. .< Ice a. prophet In I.rael EII.ha · ,'bere WII8 Elever a more conscienhu t th ere W08 a mornl strength tbere had leen • .teady .nd .ure d •. tious YOllnS" men tball Eben Soule, and which told only too plainly thilt thnt elln. In the rellglou. and moral fleeting lire was conscious ot belll' Paris Pal tern 1':0. 2378 . All Seaml wben be found how much absorbed he ton. of the p.ople, end he I<new linked with ' the eterolll anti that Allow d.-Lawn, chambra y, Indlau· bad become '\II' lth th~ mere Idea ot of the ultimate n.tlonal qalam. t hough en rth was paslll ng thl) thIngs hend collon. China s ilk o r mndl·as. all playing In Lbo town band. he conIty which wae to come w Ith the which the life had stood tor woul" go deve lop I\'I;lIl In this s tyl e. The !t1Il· Bulted Ills mltllBler. "Do you reck· le.tterlng of the peop:04 thr.o ugh 011 ufter he had passed away. nells In the front is dls trlbutod In nar· on 1 could give up all that time to all the nation. abClut, but not. King Jnash bad run Qver In bill mln:2 row tUCks, sUt h d ileaI'll' 10 lhe bUfilt musiC without !aUlng trow grace ?" he wlth.tandlng all thl. ho .. w the lhe comforting tbln gs be would try lin , those In lhe buck fornl lng a box· ask ed . anxiously. flnat triumph of God and hi. Tbe' good old Methodillt bad a sav· to sny. but as he had en tered the plait. The three·quarte r le ngth rlllht.ou.nell: he realized that roolU whero th old 1)l'OI)liet lay and sleeves nl'e !llso l ucke d In lJox·plalt ing sense ot humor. H e SIlW tbat his thoullh m.n fall.d, God would bnd Celt those Quiet. e urn st. 811 ..rcl\. c ited, lllld the wristband s lire rorm ed paris hIoner W~I S much dis tres sed benot; he u.n derstood tho eternal Ing eyell fixed 11 pon lilll face. he had of IIll-o ver lace bOllnd with ve l ve t and tw een his wis hes and his cons cience, truth that man'. wlckedne .. forgott e n evel·ythlpg exce pt that here a Illece or the material beld In place but tbe mlnlsU!, smll d on him, never· might delay, but could not was a mun who rose above phYSical by s mRIl bu ttons. All·ove r lac IIlso thel ss. thwart the Divine will, thu. was "It·s the horn you're asked to play. weakn ess, and In tbat lnstllnt there trims III ro unel necl;. be.ln g fini shed he able during thOle dark ~y. cnme to his lllilld a faint realization with velve t r ibbon, olld th e w(l l: t I he ar." he said. " Ev r had much ex· of IIplrltual . decline to keep thnt It w ~ s Lhe charaoter be hind a closes al th e e nter·front. The Pll t· perle nce ,,,Ith I t. Ebe n ?" cheerful and hopeful. And It la " Nover 1I'led It but OI1 CP. btU, I like Ulan nrte l' all , and not pbYI!lcal te rn Is In se VIII! s lzes-32 10 44 Inches, thl. reallotion ,0 the part of s u ' IIgth 01' wo rldly Iloslllnn, wh ich bust nl easure'. l ' or 36 bust the wa lat th e sOllnd of It fi rs t·m le ," Bal d tbe the aervant 'of God of the IIltl. counted. r Qulres:J1 yani s of mater ia l 20 youn g mnn. mate triumph of the Divine will " !I1 ' m !" said the minis te r: "W plJ , J Intl ll t1 v I), he, r It UlAt lhe lrue In c hes wiel e. 2% yards 27 inc hes ""Id e, and purpoao In the world whIch man s tood rllv al ed In the' pres~ nce two y a rd!! :J 1i Inches wide, 01' J ~' a l'fl thJnk yo u nceu n' l be Ilfmld of fa llin g '. ..' makes of them optlmlats Inltead of death . and In that Ol's t moment 42 Inc hes wide: each wIth 'h y al'.:I of from gr aCe on accou nt or It, but I do of pesslmlllt!!. • In til pro phel's hamber th e re s we pt o 0 1' 27 Inches wId • 0 1' ~ yaJ' d 311 0 1' bop'e you' lI mlUl n ~e things so your Not many year. ago a woman ove r hIm th e contras t be t\I'e n his own '12 Inc:.he s w ill . fo X! rl~. [ (II' 'be ml lj ttQ. famil y lin d nei ghbors won 't h a ve to who had been an earn eat and nl lltatJo n of pallS thro ugh t h e Dery fa r. fearflll lUl.d belplelfs, anil 111 ter. As !lIllstra ted. % yaru of all ·ovel' lac faithful and efficient worker In ror of d atb. an,d thIs ma n ot God 1 I nc hes " ' llI e Ilnd 214 ya r ds (I f r ib· h eari ng YO U prnct Ico loo oftco , the .Iuml of New Yor~ tool< her , Eben .'·- Youth's ompanlon . wh o, j ust on t he bor de l'huld of e te r. 1.> on. own life, owing to the deprea. nlty, gnl'e no Illgn thal h e reared tor To pro~ lIre thts pMlern sl'n d )0 cl'nt8 lion which had come to her b. bllnllel!. but l'n ther that he was not to " Pallern D p'lrl lll,ml." or lh tt! p"-por. UNUSUAF_LV BRILLIANT. W ·!te IID.m e a lld Ilf.ldr ·s Jl t ul l\l ~·. n n" b e ~au'e the talk of upllftlnll the 011l;{ mas t e r of hImse lf but ot".,tbers. SUl'e 10 1;1 \' 0 Size li n d nll mbe r oC p ~lle rn. , people eeemed ISO utterly hope. '. . Th' re was t ha t Quie t. s e renity and on. less. How d'l fferent ,It would fldenc e wbl cb betoken d a mys terIous NO. 2378. S J" I'l ... . . ..... .. . . . . . have been had .he leen wIth sou rce of pow r. Dud Ins U'.Rd of. the God'. eye and reallZlld that ·be. kin g' (!Ommls ra ting wHIi n dylllg subN ..\lI1 E . . ... . .... . ........ . ... .. .. ..... . .. . .. . . yond the span of the human life. je t nnd speaking \\'ords of comfort, and above the plan. 'of the hu. he ra ther t It Jlke a child III Ill'c pres. 'J'Q\\ 'N .... .. . .. .. .. ............ . . . .. .. ...... . man mind God rUle. and movea. nCIl of Ils leacher rec Ivlng Instr uc. STH Eli:T AND N(I . .... ... ·......... . . ... .. We all need with ~row'1lngto.".ee tlon. that God Is In his heaven8, and ST J\,TI~ ......... .. . .... ... .. .. . . .. ... .. . .. .. . To re ll v th e tenseness of that mo. that all Is well with the world.'" m nt, be l1u r';t oul with the C\'y : Not well _In the .en.. that the "0, my tatber. my fn.lbe r. the cha.rbelt hae yet boen realized, but iot ot Js r8 I and lbe horse me n . \OIES' CORSET·COVER. well 111 the senB. that God I, the reof." .Iowly but, aurely working out And throwing blmself by the Bide hi. giorioul' purposes In the of tbe couch he gave way to we91lfng. wocld whlOh are to find their H e IV pt. but not tor th e propl\et. ult imate CUlminatIon In tho comas be had expected. but tor blnlse lt. Lady-Your little brother seems to Ing of the Chrillt again to'tho Tbere came to Ills beart n s e nse of be bright tor bis age, poesn't b e ? world to rule lI8 the world haa personal weal!:neslS and n ed whiCh lie Li ttle Margie-Well. r s hould say nover yot been rulod. bad nevor r It be tol'e, but whlc)l the so. Wby. he know8 th:e name ot alDelthbod. ·aro. plteoUI; In. morally weak, Strillped ot supe rficia l ' moat every player In ·the big I aguea. deed, when tho dylnll one realself-conflde nc ,always fe I In the Iz. . that he hal lived apart from presence of ' goodne!!11 and moral God and hal played a 101lng Little LeSion for Rufu •• strength. 'H remembered afterwardB Uncle Eral!tlls bad been pollshlnr; game. He hll not bull dod with thinkIng tbat It t)le comlll~ Into the bl. musket for balr an hour;' ' at 11I.3t God In thl. IIf. and hal no placo presence of the propbet of Qod could he gave It a final love·pat, and turned with God ·In the I'fe to which the affect him so. what would It be to to hla grandson. "Cblle." he eald, .oul I. lIoon to pa.lI.. come Into the very· presence of God1 'Idoes YOU see dat bottle about· 30 But wh.n'. lioart .nd hi .. But tha't It was Dot lime tor Idl. yards over dere?" purpo •••· are linked wIth thole ' tears was ' " 'Iden t, tor In commaudlng • "Shore I does," Rufus agreed. of the Dllllne, life I. made full voice /.he prophet bade l:lm rtse, and, The old man threw up the musket with the etornal ml .. lon which pointing to the corner of the chamber, and balanced It rather slmklly. doath dOH not end, but only .n· said, Qtern Iy: "v. bang!" It bellowed. "Now does you largo., '''Take the )jaw and arrows." liee dllt botUe?" the olll 'm an de, SubmIssive as 1\ cbild obeying I~. munded. llnr,ent, the king reaohed forth· and "Yea, I does, gratlddlld." THE STORY. tool( the bow and arrows In bls handll, "1's powerful glad to hear dat, Rute." and turlled and looked at tbe prophe1~---~ the old man s.a ld, calmly. "1's been BElklnr had seen people die be- with wondering ey.e s. . Psris Patte rn No. 2412. All S eamll .ateard from de way you sorted tater .. . "Put ' thine hand upon Ule bo",," Allowed.- Ve ry daint y and easily ' Iately dal your eyeslgb t w9.!i faillngfore, but. never had he beheld such , a d~athbed l\lI-tbat. " He bad stood by He (lId , ad, and the prophet raisin, made Is this coraet;·c ovc l·. which .Is but hit ·a ln't. Vou's good fo' several the couch of his .father, Jeh'o ahu &II himself ' Ullon bla e lbow , laid hJi! grtz equally des I rab le develolled In naln. yeahs ylt, Rutus." be had IlaBSed trom thIs life to the zled old hand liP on lhat of the young sook, Persian lawn, or jacone t. It ,Is , great beyond: He ' had seen that help· er man, and then with II, 8udde~ earn. mad e willi U seam at th e c ute'r .back, Us ing the Telephone. 8011 fa s tens a t lhe front with bllttons les8, haunted look In 'tbe deep·set eyes ellt Intensity he exclaimed: It was the fir st time sbe hnd e,e r "Open. the will dow eaR ~wnrd and and buttonholes . . The fulln ess at th p. used a tel ellhot~ e and the drug cl erk clVer which 'the misty film of deatb was grlldllally creeping. He bad . shoot!" top Is r el,;ulated hy 8 ribbon-run boau· detected the fnct by th e nen'ous '~'ay beard, tb.e words or regret over the In 11 meehnnlcal sort · ot way the Ing. and the fulln ess at th e wulsl.l!ne In wblch ' she b,eld the receiver. life , JIved ' and lhose ot tear. IJI .the tace king shot, little senSing the slglilfl, Is gnl.he red Into 11 s hOl·t p)ihllll. which "Dear me," she. exclaim d, timidly, of impendinG death. There wall notb· canc~ e of th net until the prophel fits ove r ·the hillS wllhou t a wrinkl e. "why are all t.ho ~e sl eve like holes In fng of bope or comfort there . . Only Cl;led, eagerly: . ]'wo row s of In sertion Bro used a s u the mouthpiece ?" . darkness und.. ,desllalr. " "The ano....· of the IArd's deliver· . trimming . I1l1d narl'OW' edging to illat h "The y arA th e re for a pu r pose." reo But how dlrfe rent was the deatbbed ance 'and lhe arrow ot dellveranc. Ilnl shes the l'Ound n ' ck antl urmholp.. plied the drug clerk, lIole mnly, ' of the prophet Elllsha. Word had from" Syr ia ; for tho u 8hllit !lmlte tbe TII.e Ilntte n{ Is In eIght. slzcs-32 to 46 "What purpolie'!" coine 'o ne <lilY ali ullexpected l'aild ·sud.' SYrlnns in Aphek till lhou hast con· Inoh es , bust measure. For 3.6 bu s t tile "\Vby, 80 you COn slraln J'our voice." . ,aged prophet was , sIck_ . sumed ' tIl D1. '" , ·'!lOI·Sot·co.vel· reqllir s an e v. •..~I'd of d en that (he And Blll~ was so embarrassell s he I!.~d tbe king bad gone thither. ' J;ftlle The'· ' 1)I'ol)h t eye d him with 0 milt llal 36 Inches wide. 01' 7 ' )'arrl tor~ot tbe Dumber she WIl6 to 'call up, contact had he had with the proph&t searching look and seemed disappoint· 42 Inche s wide ; t 'lG yurt! o[ headin g during .hls l1r~. He had ,t re ated ' hIm ad that lhe king dId nqt manlfeat all 21/l yards of ribbon , 3J ' yards o r' lll,BUILT UP .w1thlndlrrerence Ilnd dlsdall\, . COD- \lntbusla8tlc spirit, ~or. almost ItIlpa· so rt lOll' and 11.4 ~' arll of edging . Rlllht Food Iv,.. Strength and Brall') tent to ' II\<e hIs Il'te or ...·Icked pleas· lIeD.flY 'he exw\limed: I ' . , . proO:lI.ot' ,t hl" pattern ~e nd 10 oenttl ure, BlJd u~iQl/ldtul o't:~he rebukes and 'Take the Il'rro~'s. 'IInd smHe UPOD . toTn"Puli Power. c rn O l'pllrlme nt." of thts pup r . 'Vrlla num(l \l.ntl luttlrQ!<s "tmnl y . II ntl b e entl'eatle9 01 thIs aged Bervant of God. tbe groHnd.'· . BUrtt to. givu ~I~t: ILnd nunlbor or pultern . The nalural elements ' at wheat and To '&0 sure lie was CamillaI' with a11 Nevel' did Kln~ ,JOAllb ,forget tJ,1e bnrley, IncludIng the phosphate of pot. the womlerflll history ot Ell:!!ba's serv- words or rel)l'Oocb and -grief w~lch the' ash, are round In Grape·Nuts. and tbat. aces to Iarael. 'of how time and time' p nlphe t 'sD-oke whe~1 he had sn\lttell NO. 2412. .sIZE ....... : ...... .. . Is why persons \~l:·11 nre run down tram again, ' when 'famln*! and Will' menace~ three tnnes 'a nd stayed, a.nd ' years NAl\f1i1 ..... ..................... . ; .. ~...... .. ~pl'oper · food Illlck up t apjdly on the life of the !MUon, the pr:<lphet bad utter ·wl)en the third . victory over the Gr~p,&N'uts. '. tDterposed In tilt. name ot hls God una king of SYl'la bad ,bee n WOll lie I'~a.l. TOWN . . ....... , .......... ; ... ...... :._ ...... . , "My. s)istem was run down byexces. • '- bl\O.ugbt delly-erance. Bllt tree ..from lzed 1;he slgalt1CAnce ot the proplwt'. :1TREFJT A.NO· ·NO .... : . . ............. .. 81ve night work," writes a N. Y. man, an.r serIous trolJbles In his 0'*1\ kIng. words: " Tbun Ihouldesl have . ·Bmlt· "In spit e of a liberal supply 01 ordl. dOI;l:l and at Jleaee with all U',e nations ten 1\"e or six times; then hadst thou STA'J'}.••• . , . . .. . . .................... ... . ... .. , uary food. aboJtt, King .Joub bad Been no occa· · IImlt~n Syria tlJ1 thou luldst con· ",Atler . using Grape-Nuts I udUced SIOD M bother himself ubout the Bumed It; whllreas now thou shillt '--t amll'e .Syria b, ut No Wonder. Improvement at once, In atren"t~, and .. prop..... \ " T s nnll never allk t.hat De w hoa.l'll e r nerve aDd , brain power. The only time be had ever 'Down bl. (aUlel' .•rehoahu, to bumble 111m: to say grace again. lile Jlosltively in· "Thill (ood SeE!lIIed to 11ft me up .aDd YouUlful C.n;orn/a Family. sul ~ed rna" lltay with me tor!e:o exertion, with. &elt betora Elisha b&d ~n wbell the Father, mother and chUd. all UDder Ius fatigue. M.iI' welgbt Increased ~O ··'W hy . wbat did be say?" Syrian b<Wl~8 bad threatened . to de• troy tbe _UOD, aDd well he. ,.mem tbe age of' 17, ·and therefore · noted " He bowed his head, and suld: ·Oh. Ibs. with vigor &lila comfort 14 propor. .,.red bow la qJe streD~ of tbe prom- down III the school oeDaue Iqal'shal's Lord we usk that you will g~lInt. liS UOn. . "Wben traveling I always carry the 11M! 01 tbe prophet bla taiber bad g~~ book\ il ODe of the SnterelUng aDd' re- great stren"tb to eat ~hls stenk that out and won a .haid-MJDed 1t19tO,~T :markable Inctdeat. deyeloped here Is now before us.' "-Detroit Free tilocl with me' ld Inlure havlnr lI." o.oer Ule ro~ af the lfiItr ,r 'Syria. daring the Jut tew d8),', IIID08 c.•. PI·en. Name liVeD by ' Postum Co.• :~tl~ But lID luoh dAiapra bad threatened 8U. MIlI'lIbal ArP1J "'pn work. Tbe Oreek, Mlcb. Read "The Road to Wdl. Idm to 4rly.e .... to tbe proplutt, aud family Is BalDed Cr.-. Probabb- ucla ville." In pkp. Provide A.alft.t Fa"orltlam. Ever rod ., be 11.... ~ aaJd.~ the aDot'" record can Dot be found h above,., A new ID e:llIua Ille property of Ihe parent ~. pro]lllet . .Ill . "'ee, . . . 0,-" tJMf· '~-o_ .,11If. to tim.. Tho)' eqaallJ" .bared by tit. olall ' 011. 'PJIG.ra eal Bacnuufll&u Dee aro gllnuln., Incl .-full 0' huma" tbe deatla of UI.larp'-.
Practical Fashions
DAD AND HIS MfMCrW. Old Gentleman Really Had Very LI .. . tie to Brag About.
How Thing. Went. ElIlott H . Peabolly Is ooe of tb. bes t·known men at thl! Worces t ~ r county courthouse. At one time be and a few others " 'ere Interested In a business deal wblcb they .. Jpe ·ted to put tbrough on a certain day . . HIl ...·as unable to be t bere. 80 lb e oelt llay telepbonell to a Mr. H -- for partIculars. A lady answe-red Ute ' pb(JDe, anll said that Mr. lJ--WIiS not at borne. Mr. Peabody.s upposlng it to b. .M rs. H--, saId : "Well, perhap. you . can tell me wbat I want to know. I only wanted to Inquire bow tblngll went last nlgbl." .. . Tbe lady. In a cheerful. reassuring tone, said: "Oh. nIcely! Mrs. H-Is doIng fine, and tbe baby wel ghs sIx and a balf pounds. rm Ibe nu [se."Llvplncott's. . . Grandma'i Occupation. Bobby and Jobnn y we re dlgglog' ttl th t: sa nd unde r lil Y window . Johnny s a ys : "My Grandma's ullnd ; s h e'lI gune to H a ven; my motll r iiays BO."
t(' r·or·raol way. ," Dobby." says J oh nn y. " whut ilo y on 8'8 p 08e alte's doing Ufl th er e ?" W ilhout a n in~lan t' s llesl1ntlon ca me Lhe r eply : " Oh. standlu ' uP. lookin' round. I InlOSS."
TORTURED SIX MONTHS By Terrib le Itching Eczema-Baby" Suffering Was Terrible - Soon Enllre ly Cured by Cutl~ura. " Ecze ma aIm Ilre d on m y 60n:s fa ce. o " 'e nt to a doctor 1\' ho treated him (01' three months. '1' 11en. h e was so bad th ot bls fnce nn<l h ead were nothing but olle Bo re a nd h is ears looked as If u wy w ere going 10 fall off, so we tried anotber doclor fa< fou r mo nw s, ~he baby :;t"ver bettin g ady better. HIs band 'a nd I ' sa had big, sores on them a nd t h e poor lIttle J ello w I\ul'fered so terri bly t ba t h e coulu not sleep. AfLe r he had BU rr r ed sIx :month s we t ried .. se t or tbe utlcura. Re nt odl !I and the first t re atment let him slee p !lnd r est we ll; In one week the sores we re gone and in two mon lhs lie bad a clear face, No w be Is two y ears and has neve r h att eczema. agaIn . j f r;~. Louis b eck , R. 1<'. D, 3, San An toulo, 'fex., Apr. 15. ~9t)i."
IB_ .. ....... .fa
\' '"!'' ate
·Tbey ..t ~o •• lte.. o Dl .. t,eu(rom DJ'.p~ p . I ", rfl·
dl !r'lftUOlllLlld Too 1I<!~ rl, .E:1lt.J ng. A p ertec t r (! mtd1 lor Dlu tueu, 201 .. 01· !ilea) Drow/Jlue88. Bod
'~IIL_J T".I011l the 31oulb, 00111' ud 'Xoulrne, PaiD tn the S ,ld e , T ORPll) LlI' E~ Pu.~11 Vel(e tl1bl ..
tbe Dow·e ls.
==--'" REFUSE
SomeoftlteeholeeetlQntls for grO\1I RTOwlnlr, stock ."Ielng aqd 111.1"".1 'arml»lI'lo the he,), <111' trlelS of !:jaskllotcbe autl Alberl ... .huve r .. beell Opue4 .or BelUeiDoDt under the .
A Drawback. TIle great trouble with 80me men la that hey can hll\'e II J(·res pect wltb· out halt tr)·lng. Wln.lo .. ·•
F _ Sce_ s~ Stock RaIaiq Ie.
For Any Diselee or Injury to the e"e, use l'E'L'TJ'r'. ' ~;y I,: S Al,VE, ab· ~olul,(.ly harmless, U ~ I R clule ' y. 200. All drug"ibts 91' li')\\,uru BrOil. , )julfulo, N. Y.
Genuine Must Bear, fao-Simile Signature
Might Miss ~omethlng . Edytb- I. tole) him Ul el'e was D? UBI was Ung bls lim , as I didn't !.Blend to marry him and that It he wrote to me I would return b ls le t ters un· opened. Mnyme-Oh you sbould))' bave don. thal. He mig ht bave Inclosed matinee Uc.kets In liome ot them.
Reylled .Homeltead Regulation,', Entry may nel ... be:matle by proJ:)' (00 certatD . eondltlons ).by the fatlt e r, mo.h~ r. 9 0U, "lIouah ••
ter, brotbe r Or" Rlater of CUI 'ntendlng bome. Bltader. Tlt<>usan4s o. bomesteads 0.100 acre • • each are tbus DOW . a"1I1 AVI\th.blc In Ille.. IfI"!nI Vlloln-Rro .. ln~, Itock·raillllli' Anu mI.04
800tbl01l" Syrop.
'For r. h t ldrtD t eOl,hIDt(. 'Ofl 4!DII tho " Urnl, reiluull m. ft&UlWDllull , aUlIl ' pa lo , c urts. WIDd ClJlJ u. 25c .lJutUu.
1nr",l»i I calloll •. Thero 100 ,..Jllllntl health'ul.llm"te, 11'004 ,
There Is always .... ork and 'tools to wprk 'l\'ithal, for those who 'wiil.Ru skin.
n e llthbol'~, lOT yon.
c burches'or '1Ioll111y .. 01·8hlp .•ollooll J .plcodld C''OPI,
"WI,lreo. goo4 I ...a,
Bud raJlro"da convenleDt to mar ket. EII~'Y tee I." eaeb _ .... I. "0.00. ]ror pomp'"
Ln.SL Be~.t Welt ,.' routeR. beRt time to to
,('( . to
p~rtlC! nl[\t'. &t4
to ratea l ""uti where to lOC&14,
H • .1'1. WILUAMS. Law BuJldln,. Tol..... 0h!o. ••• _up:rollw·r··· ......• ~Vr~md!~~;I!Db~~b~~~
nave ~o .. ,T ..
o price. 211 c •• Ijt.
125 '1. 23rd Street,
" I k now It," re plies Dobby, I.n a mat-
. f\lKW YORK
PENSION =~':!ru.:r:~lrl~~y'''''' 00.• w~ D.o; ,~~f"j';"', .......
0""" I·=~ ~I~. "i·.... WIDClW8'DllderNI£W LAW
". . . '....I...
• _ ____~____~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~9!~~··~!§¥ '~~~~~~~~~~~~ I!~!!F~!~~~?~~~~~~~~~~~~B!,~~~~~~~~~~~~~.e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; .
tAl II
Grand======= 4tn a~ aynesvi el
k llls Five Horses --Ven Friday Was Interrupted by Uain---Cood Game ' -==========. 1 Severe in Northern Part of Township , on Sunday
-'::-:==-=--== ~ I ~jvt!\ dllg puilll.s t.o a g r ·at. celebl'~t,i(lll at Wayne. viII, on !.he g lorious Fourth, The advertising co mmittee has billed the surrounding -to" ns and I 'J'.\.Ie storm that went north of everyone whQ was ther e last yeaI' i Re lping boost, Mlll1ager ol)k has IWliynsll vllle FrldllY IifterOOOtl ;,bout booked t h ; Wilmington Nat ionals a nd the I nns can look forward '10 two oj 0 ' 'l ock , W l1 S very 1:!6VOr I. Tile good gam ';!>:!. Tht> morning game 'will be pulled off early so t~lll. thel.ef Ilghtll illt,{ \Vlill n,lmo~t inc S!!tl~t, and , , , WIll be a mpIe time to gt' t d'II1l\el. anfI J'e tUI'n in t ime fM the begll1)Hng 0 play e,d bll voe wltb horlles . I n' Ru. Lhe aftenlOon sports, a first ril.l ltou t No 5 an t Of Wtt.yn,eilville Do /I t be backward in elll:e~ins: the conte.'its: if you ca n' t will ~A!lrgE' Mill s inform ed a ll ' f flv ' b Ol' l4eM kill ed by Mill li gh t,nin g !lll(l yuu I1lIlY H A 'onn. and ev l'Y pl',~e I' wor t h t he money THAT GOES ON IlrInltnlJlI l, e very orl SH t h y we:re v/\ l . COME EA~LY AND S~f. A LL uRblellnlll1lll l! . , ' . .' ,I 'hurl es Ryolol:S thItHlriving hur!!(;l. The rdr~hmellt s!.lind will Le tilled WI t il g ood thlllb"S lu ~at an~1 dl mk '1'11 li g btniug ~truok tbe blliru Ilnd Those ",h desire may picn ic on the grounds, paying for both mOl'nlllg and Irilled the one animal wbi Ie the ,fternQoa a~ they gp in . t ot,her one was only ku~oked down . II W h h as ch arge 0 f tl,1e Ban d contes t, will endea vor 0 There was no dtllmq~e done tbe barn Mr. H owe, make it the event of the day , howe\"er. Come and bl'ing your friends f bI" it will be a 50-cen t celeb~ati on for Wm Pine 10llt two undlar the 10 centa ,. ' SIlO1O tree . This leavos Mr. Pioe Following is the extensive programwith only one horse, and will blldly cripple h'im in his furm wotk. Web IWiott lost ~ valuable horse, It WllS seeking shelter' under II tree. Jos, Cumpbeli lost one. ' The fllot of six borses boing struok by \lgbtnlllg in one storm Is rl~ lJlllrk able; bnt very dii!lllltroUt!. , So , far tli18 If! /loll tllnt, hAve been r Il>0rted.
- 'l'h er o'" "';1\ oe ver
I I , Iw
Admi8.ioD, 10 Cents.
1:30 P. M.
10 Cents.
~~~;~tgSO;'f I~:~::~ , 11ft
1 Boy's Swimming Raee. l et
Buucll lIr BaDaDu. 1 2. 801'Callll, , 7(,c ,
W. J . KIlOOo W , S. Haloes
2 Men'. Swimming Race. tao
lal Pair of SlIoe.. 2Dd 6 Pounela Ooft'ee,
E , V . Barnbart J,. A , Zimmermao
t 1.
3 Tub Race.
leI Bread TtckeU. II. 204 Eotefllrileone }'t .. fiDe.
P~rrf Enletprl~e
C. A.
2:30 Field Contests •
One Hundred Yard Duh (Amateur) 1st Silver Cup, .. , Jesse LewlR
Or. HatbawlIY Jel! SIIIIU) Walter McClure A. B. Sld~.
2 nd 2Boaea OlubSbeUa, tl ,
S One Fi'UJldred Yard Dash Novice, Open to Runners Who Have Neve Won Place in
a Race. lSI
B, S , Howf'1I " . U'
11. 6 0. ' 1.00,
6 Sack Race. 0 , H. Clement.s J, a. Ooleman
'ut 1 00&. 0&01 Corn. , •. 110, 2 Dd Grantte Pan, 06c,
7 Fat Man'. lW.oe (50 Yarde), Weight Must Exceed 200 Pounds. lst Boa Oremo Cllara, 12.50, L. A. Zimmerman 2nd Shavlna Ticket, 1 .00. Oeo, W. Dakin
8 Girl's Race; 50 Yards. lilt
2 ,60,
Dreas Pattern,
t n" Saylr ll' Anceunl ItJz
B, S.
1" . C. Ha r lRoolc
Ball Throwing Conteat (Ladies). IlL y. Plo' Perfume, . ,00. J, E. lanoey 2nd '.owoey Clloeol ...u,
W. C. Pbllllps '
10 Ball Threwing ContMt (Men). 1st I Pall'll OanvuSIiDes,
/' A. Funke}' 0 L, C,aD'
!nd easeu,. One Year,
11 Greased Pole. III
F . C. Scbwaru
3:30 BaD Game Entries for water events .hould be made with C. M, Robitzer before 12 o'clock on,July.. ', .Entrie. for field events before 1 o'clock on July,., with Warren H, Keysor John ' C. Hawke. No .atry fee, '
SPECIAL PRIZES. 1 Largellt Representation from Any Lodge of Any Order. Outside of Waynesville, n, OO , , C. o , Wllllllm80n
)o' IDI!.
, 2 Largest Repreflentation. in Ratio to Pupils , Enrolled, from Any , Wayne ' Township School, Not a Special District. .' Flag, ' !;,OU , J. W "bile , 3 Larl'est Load of People on One Wagon Not Residenla 'of Waynesville, 1St I Bbl, Flour. 6, 00, r:. M, RolJluu 2nd 11 Ca8e8 Oorn . •. 25, Waynenil le CannIng Co
4 Finellt Team alld Carrialre Owned an. Driven by a Farmer. " I" t !!>et New Shoos.
1 ,:to,
2nd IOU Envelppes
;,~C ..
ueor"e'['bompson Elntei'prI8~ '
/) Finellt Single Rill' (Never Entvred in a , Show Rinlr). lSI Suit 'CilUC. 2,nd BUIlIIV Wh ip.
~ ,60.
Jo'. ( :,
A. B , Side.
6 Highest Battini" Average for the Day. 'Jl1~kets
to Show and lue C'ream, ~ , r.o,
llah,, ' , Electric' 'I'hea~",
7 Mother of the Larlrest Family of Daugh~rs and Accompanied by them. Rat. . ,00, MIll! o race Llucoln 8 Largest Family Ceminl' the Greatest Dis· tance. lit Berry Dlab. 6 00. Crosl ' Bro•. Sod Child'S Rocker. 1.60,
Band Contest. Prlu,
~6 ,OO
lu Gold.
• '" U .,
:S1 HOE 8':=-1
on Fr,duy, noll , ill fuot 11 little more . • BO wh n t,ll re's II: ball game on. A t IW )' rll te, t hlM ill what, happened O il 111Rt Irrilill , when lel,n gll . MiJlli lt~ tllll' "Auin. t, I,ha Millmlt,llIt. Ouk dul l\ l 'lI rk , The gU lue wo tlolil'oelv ~ ()J.itWllU wh Im it. W I\ I:! oo lled vn 110 •
•. ~
I •
I ,'
r but ronr full
J u~t Think of
I ',
'I'hl t! il:' ll ow it was ; MoClelland, ~ fur Kiogs. d'rew 0 walk to first, IIond 1(1 wue foroee! to seooUl' on Esslok'lI ~, g ro onder to WIlliamson. Willillm soo threw ttl Reoo nd iO catch MoOlel. jji IlIllIl n1\(1 mllke Il doul>le play, but mll.b U1 l1 n'etluu eOIlY olltoh , lillow. ' . Q .... ~ i ll~ b ul II rU II OI'lI '1I to luuu nrely 00 ~ • blll!e. U , U, Mol:lelllllld hit to loft • UdVlIll OllI g b,oth H . MoUlollllnd nnd • • . Esl:!iok OnA UII SO, JJlllkillg the bases ~ fu ll . ,J DI!kin 's pllssof 11. Wilson 'B . , " grounll'or ullowed thll!- runner to Innd s tl fo ly un tlrst Ill:! well us lore ~."~~~~~~~ . iug H . 140Ule lhmd in for the first fi~~~~WWfW«'~~ _ _ _ _ - -- . - -~ .____ _ ._,_ __ _____ _ __ '1'0 ~top any pain, unywbero i0. 20 tu)ly , with the ba ees 'still full. minutes, simply t~ke jllSt one of Drtl:ke 's hit to left scored both .Es. For Sale Dr. Shoop's Pink Pllin ' Til blets. !llok I10ml H , Wilson and ~ pl!ssed P~in meDnll oongestion-blood pre ' - t hird s trike by Thowp Ull ullowtld ~ good general purpo~e ho~e. In8ure-thl~t ill nil . Dr. ~houJl'!C but.h H , Willlun I\ Dd Omka to Hoore .' qUI r of Amos Elhs, mall carrier. 'I:dNB. ' b'or fIJe Miawis, Swith was thrown BeadaolJe-or Piok Puin Tublutl:!. qnicklyeo"x blood l.'rOllsure, HWIIY Ollt a~ first . (Jook will ked nnd from pain oentors. Aftor t):lo~ t, pl\ln 8tolescuuud uut Hl:lrgllllllUd William, 18, gone. Headuohe. Nellralgia, I:!Utl \Vol'e buth, thrown out. l\.lngs l palnfnl periods with womlcn ato. IIccood tlllie ut \Hlt, Wet!! qf 8Qor* , 1\ • get Instllnt belp, 0 Tnblets ~5c. rtlti,o n as Williamson tUl\(le tbree ! t ruigbt faD.outw . - - - -......- - - - - - - - ~Id by all dealers, A. Oll,kin wus t}~rowlI out at firBt \Ha.1f Around-Sun..l- . v '1'1 N Y ' b If ua." DAINTY ACCESSORIES ROU 'l'bolDpson u.nd J, Dakin faoned. e ew ear 13 1.1 AKI~ln in the 'bIrd Innlng dId .>n· d . f' . . " 90e ROllnd Trip from W.ynesvUlf. The aOO81180ries for wlirm w on thor Iy tltroe lIIeD f aeo th 0 pI' tch sr. For an our pollcv 0 a 'square deal I.e.Vf: 828 a. m. are pll.rtioulllrly dllinty and (diUI'm· tbe MiuUliB, Prlltt, Mio firllt wan up, for eveJ:Y cu.stomer bas brolllr ht ing this year, SIl.YII t·he July Delhiea- wll'd e his U\ uoh· till ked-of threat good u a splendid bUllnellll, turning '!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!II!"I'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!! 'tor. Laoy mitte and band ornbroid by sending a huwUler tttraight over stoc~ ~lm(\lIt every month e~ed silk ~doves ~re favoritell for through over the lIecopd bll.g for 1\ Wi ~hout' ally pr~'nllums or schewel summer days, and the ohamois glove ~" ' " "'~ i8 liked for its w8ll11able q nalitias. lIingle, .tic JI:Iilde. secou!l on i:l. tn cle\IIc1'e ~he ,unwary custoDIer. MoU\eIlIlDd'll wild thro w from the ri L! . r· L In aOlne of tbe Bilk gloves Illcle 18 in· field but. W"y out all' at third, Smith I r~worll .reworll' .et in bracelet effeot. The sheerest 'thrown out l ror The Gioriovi rovnh, • , and ftlmlest of handkerohiefs Ilppeur fllDDOO and (Jook We have" lara'S supply of • In white and oolored effeot!!, laoo· lit first For King!!, .ti, Wils~n, ~1t , to left,l of aU the popllhu pieces ~B well III trimmed II.nd band embroidered. or rtlll.ched 8t100ml on t:)mlt.h s tue:l( a number of lIew nllel all fresh Tit Daylight Stur ' absolutely plain, wit·h 8. DarrOW oUliliblo mu(f ot Thompsou'8 'brow, goods. Also flags, ba'lIo ns, red o hem, band.stltohed, II.nU tllolle fin· stole third und made home on Con. I tI t ' • SPECIALS ' , Ished with buttonholed 8oollops lire over 'l:! gronn.:1er. , li:nc green 'e, e c. • \ vory pretty. Berglin started tlungs In the lilst 4.000,000. ' CalicOell, only , 6c PllrllSols seem to hnve lreaohed n urthreaOhlllag first °d Fhur Ml1Iioll harrels of Atlas Apron Ginghams, So ! tbe very nODle of t)erfeotion in IIlJape .=810 ' I:! WI" row, e ma e , , , ,. Dress Ginghams, 10, I? 15c . lind ooloring , 'i'he very newest has eeond ILnd tblrd on Willll1msou ', Cemonl I. ' 1 he a muunt your Unde 25c Swi!:!s, 'now ' 2Qc ' sixteen instelld uf eight ribs" Ilnd is :ingle,to left. Botll qe and WiiUam Sa~ S CllII !\ lo ,Pan~ma to help. 2Qc Lawns, no.w 16c' suggestive of the Ju.punet!e. Thare !lon soored on .1. Dakin's long t'wo 10 th e:OIl, I rill'! Ion of the Great 16c LawnlJ, now , lOe ~ ilia wide 811110rtment of hllnd.1os, and bllggel' over tho center fIolder's Canal, Hl\el Il l1 beC3u e it stands Hosierv, a nice line of 1.. the deoorativo effllot8 lIud beautiful head. A strlke.out by Pratt ended the ,_ fonlfC!lIt. CPSl, We bave a dies hose inall-over lace, shadings are as vuried liS tbe 00 . the fout fnll innlnO's or pltl. . fresh SUPl)l,., relld.v rol' you. , , Blacka JIld Tans, a new lot tames they lLt;e mRfleto IIcoompllny. -~ of B'u rson hose in out In neck rllobes of tulle, mulllne, lib Wayne8vUie vs Oregonia ' Corn Syrup,IOe lor: 1 GI.a. dar. , sizes. ' erty or messJillne, the, new€Ist id~ I . . . ' . ·'1'he ' ~ombiulll jllll of our'l New iot of Table, 'Oil Cloth 1-8 to finish , tllem with a lllfige bow 0.11' afternot>n the Miamill ' S ell' t C II 'I I')· riPS . . 'IS, ou £~ per J'UlJ" received', handsome ' Sunday db"II t Wh '~h 0 .. an d d. "Slu,tte, regonla .r d i, " whioh 18 8.rrangeci at the middle of oroslle fllllted them by flo lIoore of 17 to 7 cent 'orn aful 35 per ('HI\ t sugar es ans· the baok or L~t one Bide. • The gnme I WBS n very '(ood ODe,• syrup. '1" blS ilia k liS fi1l,I! e~t\nl. SHOES ... CAREfU L aOUSEKEEPERS but for a fow errors on both sldett, HhfVeat Sqppliea, 11 you want a J)air of uoes Wome womeJl ruOllt partion[ar 8.S to tbe glime was a "dandy... . . see us. We will save S' G. Tbompson Q'lal\e two douhle Ah'eady we a,re 61hnl( orders you money. Another lot the tldinel. of their bomes, no of Elk !lkin Ihoea just in. attention to their kltohen iOt~P, they plays and oll.u~ht II. man nll:ppinjf for~ t 11 Stl goods,- Ji;Hrl V vegetable!!, II.t third. The Miami!! made five Di'leli Peucbes, A pncot., prunc;s,! ' The demand is Peater take any kind juit so It Is chelip. two·baao hittt, and I)regonla. bad to Canned Goods of All Kinds,Fresb .. than, the supply. But after tbey bave uiled King of CookIes and Eakes, the very best the La.uridr:y Soap, whloh now selis go without uny, " . CANNl~G SUPPLIES , tbree large bars for ien oeots, t.hey ,SurfliC8, for, the MI8inls~ hll~ 't velve Coffees lind Teas, Dried Beef cannot see how they got along with- ~triite O~tSI dl~nd k onlio one ba~ ~n nicelv shO. edt Sardin~s, SUI~OIl, StoneJa~, Lightning Jars, " o~t it , It S , rn laO I r u re,g n a , Fresh FrUits of All Kinds. ' Mason Jars, Tin Cans, pito,bed a good gRlne. . M ' ', , TheTe wn about 150 paid adrni8- 'For Sa.t\lrda.y I a.rket, , Sealing Wax, Rubbera, . Paraffine Wax, etc. Get ~ Ion l!: ' . ' \Ve. ue ml~king these spe~lal ___ • _ _ W. our prices before buying 1'he DaDles following ,w ill be cantnllTket!l very popular. III have Mason qual't!! this week. dldat"B for the difforent offiaes II PSa(l,l'I, .thNeoPtOmPe~sa.r wtru~it~r'mOfeltolnles" sCe~.•. 65c per doz. , 'l'he Best Pills Ever Sold. ponded, subjeot to tbe deoi ion of "After dootoring 16 years f6r .. ~ .. Ch!lDlpion ,Tobacco Sprayobronio indigestion, hDd spending h T " 'tot's at 'ponula T ,750 the Repub.1leau primaries: ' over two llundred dollars. nothing ,cum ars, oma " " ;~ . era" . . J • . hUB ' dbne me'as D'l,u oh good ·o.s Dr .. pnC,e s. , :alj.nanes at l()o a.' dozen,: Leaett'S:PurePariaGreen FOR REPRESENTATIVE King's New 'Llf!! Pills, Ioonslder , ollly 36c ~r lb. them the MIlt piliI'! ' eVjlr sold;''> Sugar, best&'l'&f1ulated · at ,lUBN MARSHALl" MULFORlJ ~rittls 8 P:- AY89ne" of Ingleside ' _,5,75 nar cwt. T.J. K. LA~GDON : FrQdIC. l:;ohwDr~z's drng store., 25, e, • . . • Good""- A.I ' , ~nn..... Com, 5c carl ' , W. Z: ROLL IFor Renomtnulon] Tomatoe8" 3 cans 25c Blue Star Corn, 3 cans 25c , , , Blu,e Star Peas,' 3 cans ~ ~ FQR AVDI'tOR ClUt;;. ·s. MOUN~I, ENAMELED WARE • 1'. O. PATTERSON , Big lot just received. " I I OR CO)lMISSIONEf;t Berlin 6, qt ~u GREATEST"BARGAINS EVER' ~PFERED , • ,Duchess .. 6, Sand 10 qt ... O. J. EDWARDS. IN WAYNESVILLE, • ' Preser.ving" 8, 10and 12 qt ~ NJCREMlAH MoKINSEY. . , A Fruit Ladle free with ~ E. B. ROGERS .' 11"or ro,elcctlor. j ,Flowers, 50c and $1. 50 Values. for only each kettle. F: l:!. ~I.MrI:)ON. , 5c, ,10~ and 39c a b un~. h " New lot ,?f P~mium8 just in SAMUEf.. I.... lRO~S , FOR 39c·-Yout choice of Untrimmed Brin. u.your Produee. , FOR SHERIFF ,. WE PAY. THE LIMIT., . • Hats, very stylish ,Shapes. ' ~ , FRANK 1'. FORGY, BERT liRANT .TAMES FO~LEbI, 1:)8.
Daftn' baHt's
C. . 'White's Sto re ' mem ' na&: U
. , I
~~_~bek' fonr~l~
--,- --
S S'
.. , ;
$ $ $
$ '$ ,.
$' ,
'w Wk-Ite $
ii '
K~ttles ~ and 10
_T_iim_med_ ' H_ata_a$Illl!lloW.aB . ._5Oc·_ _.....
S" ~~: ~,.OW ! t.:.I___ •.
i #
d\l~ !
Water Contests 211
When .you think of
I· •
9:30 A. M. Ball Game
t hing certain, you \ ~et I tll lid of "tho weath er - . . Wltll . If he 'I:HlY Il it rain on' • 8l1 t uflluy. itl:! j UMt. Dliliuble ~6 ralu .. ' 0 00
IN.'I'[j Y mAR ,
~- ~
- :-tl-r-ul~ -
- ~'.:i-h-;'IS
WAYN Efo\ 1I'[JE, (810,
W E D N Ii~f:! D AY.J
LY l. 11101' ,
'ro~ weru~~
.Llwlol.VIS fldr tu PERS ONA L anti M rs. It A. lo w. " n big IJl)Y .lId" MllS u,fterno uu , MAU RIAO E Equit y Socie1 y Frankl in S unuay. willie th e tellr 14he .lll1cl tllught lIim 'f I n B.e aut. ul Miam i, W as nl\!, t.O he n!lhullle(l 1,1' fe ll on her Mr. ICI'el l Hal·ts ck wlls l'n Leb" non Mrll. Edith l:illrt'ip 1 ~ vi i ring her Tn u lilSt week . Spring fl'el(l 0'-1'0 of a the Rema ins or Maripnl·llII t.!I itl Carll i n ~t o ll , Oh io. Tber A w,,~ nil IIwtJ inR to llr ganhe noll.lll 1111. .. • H. ' Son of a Form er " UoIII' MliiR !hnndIOl'," lIllll'ine ro(\ n ;l1l'(1 i p l~' III ~ t :-;lItlll·(!t,,· , II . Ih pooUII Barnha r l's Shu! 'lor n will he · Ml' Fr ' d ' tanton. o f I- itl!;hur g. ana Chan dler the !llll,dl git:llJes ldo Ule, "!!he lJ!Uln 't c los'll most of Satul·u \ t .v II tl 1'11 1' 1 11111 "' L ll b"n n n Wtl ~ too ay. is drc ul ating Ilrno ng hi~ man., ' Resid ent _ __ ~ 11'I 1I11{ for I h" t'lIrIlH<rI' . for glltten fI bout hein g Il g irl h l' M,'. and MI·s. Will Smi th of Da y- fl'ien d!l h r ' thiH we k. - ---'rhe 10 t !1l1cl ritei:J or Mi ~R 1.1 .. rilll)lI self . " 1 ' l'b H! HOOI ty will he 01'1(0111 11011 lOn wer in town last Friday . Mrs. J . F . 'ad wallad 1', Mrs. W. Ohandl er were held last FridllY tnorn At-h om u llllrtl~ w er o r cuoiv ... 1 IL L h!!I'!), ho wllv t,r, I'"lll ll th J.'hese chi Idiilh i!llecohe s lillie to ll course of Mr. Und M 1'9. n. ,J . Eel Wlll"dtl were C. Barne t t. und M I'S. R V. Ba l'llhat'l this ottl ' 0 unu o l1l) oin~ Ule 1I1111'ril! !( II il'w w(,I ' k l-', lug at ten o'olock LIt the tIi 'k site m e li S' the t uu ht!tone r,lwn' will 1m 11IIlIther of Milrilllll~ lit 'ho ClIl'niv al ill Labllno n otltur. wer(~ Day tun visitonJ Monday . Friends ehul' ·h . 'fh(l a,1ITh Will! 0huJUlJ er 'l:!ohur llcter. of Mr. Curl I::lurt!<oo:;: , yonllgfJ~t. ~Iln Imeolin g 10 1' I,hi!:! )JurJloM ~',drne!!!!Rnd day. M "8. Mirand a 'rane and he!' u f MI'. Ilud Mrs . J uhn H: Hurt [luk , lIf tlt'I 'ewn with tI ,llVert', Itnt! the ctlre- sylJl 1I11 thy . '1'l'Ie fuiroes '1'h f'I" " ' l:Irl! llllrs o o~bt to lie itls whioh MisH Lu cy I';mley hal:! been q ui te d aughte r, MI'l:I . Myrt le ~ Matlhe ws , S pr ingnll ltl , to Mi HS Nelli e MIl Y I\ltl1H, t,el" tt,~ in thi s H1IItter Inoule~ Will'e very hupl·e!!sive. Re. oorne~ frolll strengt h o.nd t·he 8 , 1411 it it! 1\ ,VIII - s ick with n 'ura lg ia for the past. of Hy d e Pa rk , a r gUe!lts uf Mr . and Tn murkK WtlrEl 1IIIIIIe by Mll t lhl,~ Un- pothy whioh flowers ·J.,ringtield DHily N W!! !lUY !! ; pro,t ectl ? n to them. LUllt week from breitc1th w 'llk. the M R A derwoo (I, MI:I~ WIlrlle l' of ,"eII1I1IIWU ,' . Mt.t.ber l,IOo.d Is the only !I<lclet,y 10 0lnclllDIlt.i tlolll their to pr oftlslIion M Ii: I·R. . . 1·0B.'l. A !limpl" \'1 y et b Allutiful R,nd impl'e~ - lw o '0 UIHI got lI il( teen' of!nts II pouud \. 8enj . HltwklO!O . ..1. F (;Iltlwill 10 u II tIe Funkey i8 hom I Cl'om P o ple in (;orwlll OUD I tl ve their si v welldin< worl d more nou e tulln J:' kiss va r WitI' solemn i;r.ell Inlll for I· t . '11 II th f t I A d h . ac sonvl e, Ilider relld ,thtt tollowi og: I ... , s pen) ing her work with "ilbon lit untl u it e80ler. will he Iltn e vonin w e g n lit Il~ '/ :ao o 'olook lit tll 0 h me \Vutch tbls IJIII), er for further Pllr, In vaca t ion. . . tbl deur womBn 't! ollso,.th e mother te 11 1 t W d d b n r~( J Aver y Il UPI:! II Y " 'rhera 18 no dellt.ll ! Whllt seeml'< ~o l1ellrt iH jOined with . Y of Mr . und Mr~ . 'l'. A . Un vi on tioulus, nnd when the time comeE< the trained r.; V Barnha rt will be closed duro 'fitf Ull Y th Wilt, II mllk or . W sr. . Nortll stree t, wh en tbeir It II f.lrm e rs s h oul ll!ltteu , is truns'IU on i I d d th ' b d thf!mB et h II Th' Ilf f ing th e exe l'cist'!'; till lo at Oakdal e Park MI'. Fret.! 'ask '," cam~ hum' Melll - dll ll" htOI', Miss tl m n lin , 0 S0610g eye, w 0 s a· II! e 0 Illor . rel.l I nlli J{/Lll~,nnd (;ul'l inl! . . lIy tlJllt the teuohe r must tllke sec.. aturday : . , " "day vening for a m uch-nee cle d r est. HIlI·tHook we r e nllited Is but [~suburll of bbe hfe f! IY~lOlJI , I ouel Vlnoe. in Illllrriti ge 'riffnn y; t.ile wlltch .mlLker, will be H was accomp anied by hi. friend, b. Deser ved Prom otion y the Rev. ~,E. Unrelno r . WIH,sa pl1rtlil Wfl CIlI! dellt.h .' I My Illsting Itr!! titude to you, Sweet n t /J(llefllil p' IIt.ortl regl~lli rly flve ry M r , Frank Bonn tt . of 'olumb us. A !!bort lOusion l progrtl11l wus Ju the tn',IHI OJf h e r clll .VI<. lit the I restJOoe of II, tillod Dift'use d, for W ellnesd uy . Ml'i3. Ma ry Compto n. and daugh- rendere d ' b efore the I'.8nith 01 her u8ernluetl~, Illli} Ilft{lr Wh'lt, you huve done ce rempny . for ono lit tle 'l'he nl/lu y friends of Mr. anu Mrs. ' II tar, 'Mrs Chas. Hnrner , of N ew Ro ~coe G. H ornll Bck, b ut 011 w, ek " i 1I1!8~, Iu t t;untlllY, IJ)ltid. For Mr. Walter Uhllnrl ler, of London , of 'DIlYtou, the olellrne l!s of the le8. B. Allsl'ln, of Patton , CIl!. wlll 'be Burling ton, were g u el\ts of MI' . a nd Ohi o, sllug " Ob .Proml Wlltl here thifl •J uns 21, 11/ 0 , 1\ t 11.:10 O. III ut lions you havs tl1ught !! Me ," lind glllll to hoar of bis)Jr01 ber from sister's funernl . weak, attendi ng his Mrs Eo V . Ba rnhart 4perity . . Mr Tu e!lday . Denver , Mill>! Uilluy Lelning or san g , "',)b Anson 'ilL, M.lrilln a Cbllllul ilr hookS i for tbe though tfulnes WIlS s and former ly a Harvey sburg MI' .. ,'ll' d M"",. 1"1"d Hendc rSI.n , ~'I\ir, 011 I:!wee t unc\ H oly I ~,,[\tl patlli ad t ~ tJ. 1e r08 t ,0 f P Ilrll ul lie. Mr. Ilnd Mr~ . 'ferrill ' of New Vi. ." enel:1sllnd wtmuLII1inelis of those hoy , lind ' , he bas n been appoin ted by A 1 If Mr . ;md MI's. Ray mi t h. and Mr uahter of A B rrullr, nubler Sbe Wil Q""11Stl fl.. t 'll \lllHt, ~u v e o, M ri'! . •·t.0 1' IJen U nol e U. rfJ Ie QO"1l MI' . and Mrli, YOII II"'ve eonll. IIff! 'v i Itin" 'iml fl.f! mil wl\y " mail olerk tf " " I " .' 11, J1l1y B . H aud Abl t.:llrrull hundle r und wml I' " I I 11 0 t f I el1 tJ Ie k' ami Mrs Fred Wh ite wc )' ' nlel' lain - ,ul Re, /I" "IU ,,11111 " I l J . IHV In s. . ' having tllken tu ooivil Rervloe exo.w .,111., I . e r 0 0 yonI' uwn urt\ve ;'1'1 \Volltlill" ~\lru Ilt Wllyue b.villt', OblO,O otober h m l r t ! ' 1I1111'Clt 1'1'0111 " Lohen" l'in," et! a i. il ~ .. Mr. · l:!tllnley Jnlll ie~on. ot Leu". Duk e's . ' un Illy dinn I' a l . riiHt.lol1, Mu,roh ~ll, 1908, receive d "p' 1, 1891 lUlu Will! ill th~ :17th year of Ilntl tit ul'\(lo utili ~r o '" elescem led _ .. _ _ non, WIlS a guest of Wayu esvi]le her age. She g'rJldul lt\'lll lit the Be is noW the s t.\in"lLv t,oguthe r . 'L'he ,l£pi8co- p oi!l tmell t MIlY 19, 190 frientls t:lnnday . M ssel'R L A. Z.imm~ l'man, U. M. ll.d ring cerem ony W1I on ,~ rUll from Los Angele s, Ual., to WaY1l81lvi!le lilgh ~obool iu 1 110 8 ut!ed . be DEAT H Mr. (J. M. Whit'l ancl Jllm es Ben • .whit I MI' . Bang ham f duri th Xenia and ing pel' fur met! III fr ont of Il IOlrge LOll Vegll8, Nevada . but will lIoon Inte d 0 of P t ng . e duper U the editor o f t-h Spring Valley Blade hank (plllrn!l, {e rnA 0 Y e. Ilf Takes Anot her Form er Res- hum Itttende d the IIDn dllisietl 1I1lve R perwlin ent n io south · .'nne (Jiuul vBI lit spent yest rrlllY afte1'no Selh,'!''', u.nJ I h Illr.. e suc e e d, l ng, on al ong th LehlmoD llist weell'. yeart! la u~hl. ~lIe ' .,rillg Branoh The Iwi dll looke d' ohurml ng in fI e rn Clllifurnil~ . Ident from Our Little Miai'lli bankll fi ~hing , . gOWll of white Milk lUull, IlIllda prindhtrlo t lIolwul. From 1!:I9::1 til 1901 Mr . nnd Mrs . S .. B. Hlly~m, of Leb. 'fh Midst . d if e wor cam e to Ml'S ;"ames a period 0 '1' .yellr .. , "be mught, In celis auon Ilttenu d the funonll of M fl:\ lIud tl'imllleLl in tell,1 Illoe, t·he Nlarr led at Lima toops Mon d. ay, t h at h e t' unc Ie WI'11 IIlce beinl{ thllt whiob WIlI:\ the Wliyuo tlvill Publio s bool; reo usecl on Last. alurday, evening W rd came F. 8. !-Jormell M" udny. 'd' A Dinwin Ie of labama an d b rot h el' her mot·hert! weddin g eiootoo for tbe Ih llll wing y"or, slte announ cing that Mrs. gnwn u nuUl B. F,Horm ell Pos lmaste r Antrim of Lebano n of E. . C. Dinwid die of Mr. Ed E1atbllwllY WIlS Illarrle d Springf ield bel' of YUILrs ng(l\ Ilnd flhe clirrien II resi,inll ll lUlU w lit I.U Dellvsr , l:ol , I was dead , i\nd tbat the r mains wilh a few friend s passed through died !:ludd II\!:It Wedne sda.y evanln g Bt 70'oloc k nly in :inoinnaLi whit hlrge boque t of bl' \U 's roses . wllere flJl' Lh .. IJII Ht I yl;lllrs. In tbe would b brough t here Sunday town last Friday evening . to MlssGr o,oeUll rner, ot Lima, Ohio. there 011 busines: . IIIJlendl d A reoe ption WIlS beld followi ng luytou '(!uuo1 buildin g mornin g. he died last Friday at MaBenl . WILlter, Cliff lind 0hllrlrlli The weddld g took plaoe at the The people of HIII',' eysb)lf g will the oeremo ny ) IIml It flumptu lille to.ught t,jH~ IIlxrh grltdij. ous home the home of her daught er MrS. John Burnet t were in Leblino of the bride's parents l nnd an n Illst I:!lLturhave Il ohunoe ttl hllve their watohe s weddin g 1I1l1,per Wll ~erved . In , 'l'hutl I~ ull~ of ~be ::17 years of i Boeye in Chicag o and was buried dllY, IlHentl lng the 'lll'lliVIlL ' unole of the bride pertorm et.l tbe re lNirod in g ool~ / by sentlin g the ente r of the bride's oflke, Ilnd her Itfe, I!htlllucotl.,lIrully tUI\ IUrHkod Monda y afterno on .at 2 o'clock in _ Mr. Le wi Cbno,l1 er .ond .\v,iC1l of tbein oeremo ny. ., to 'olftDlnn 'K .st.ove litore, degC'ePl full')we d. Iwr'ohOt!en - ... rottl~-· M.lah'ii Ctomet ery. as Imd neithe r nll of the tlLble WitS l'tI r . - lformel l Ddytoll , B ttended t1.1 tunerll l' of :I.'UTa Tbe happy pllir I,rrived' here Iut n y ' the .wlltoh mliker will be 'n lurge sil ver oRndell lbrll Hion ot !M1Il\hiul:{. Mo,her h·) Qd is had been a s uft rer for . White Friday many months Abcillu/I Chllnd ler Illst I!'riday , and will go to hOllsek eep · there e Vllry WedneHdllY, All work 1' L1~es nnd Sll1ilnx were t,bo only prol tI~iou ilJ 1111 r,he wo~ld past, and her sister M-rs Illsp used in ing in Eva'Sa rger the Roy B~tb&way proper ty. Mrs. FI re ooe Buddie , or Branoh gUIlTllutel'd . U10re uob"~ t.b,w t·butof tha tetlcher . ~vas callpd .to h r bedside deoorat ioD. I some time BI'II ~n I e UIJ "'~t I . • ~,II AIllI where ou\' I1H tlld Muriuu ll, ago. At the hride s tll.ble were: Mr. un ,nrc It.\' evenID g, SURP RISE D Ilun 8lltll l; sllvelal c1I1 Y!l wit:b friends ooul.lIine~ t,he 'motbe r' bellrt wtMl1i NOTI CE IInd ·Mrs . Carl A, Hartso ok, Mr. aud Mrs Horme ll befor~ he r marria ge here. 1(000 minel, wslllftor~d lind trained , was Miss Mehita bel Haysli Mrs . J . S . Hurtso ok, Mr, lind Mr - -- t,daugh ter Kuooet lslslnev lmbt. lu the p11~~ of James R. and Zerelda • '1'. A OlLvi", MI's. Stlrll Neely Gill ': O · t Quina h t Mr. Uelu,gf d.'horpe I)f Riohmo nd, His F:rie~ds by Slipp h ' f mg' Off dys I,e~nlnge,r, Ed Yeazell Mr. Ilnd ret.lIW~~~at~, hll( ot M.ullln tl Ubuudl "r, wl;I}mve Hayslit , mid wa."l born in Jamest t w: r:;:n ~;~~ll:~e ~o own lnll. , WII8 bere Joist w ek visiting to CovIn gton and GetI at ons of our v rl' beHt, wholll to Greene COunty ., Ohio April Mrs. l:itephe n Haus , Mr . and Mrs. lrind1y reques t parties having 16, 185 . hiH a,unt, Mrs. Menden hrtll , who hilS ting Marri ed Rosooe Bornbe ok Mr . and Mr8. R aoooun ts with Uti to know \¥I\S to lovu. HilI' mother Dud he was marrie d to F. B. Hormel ! been .quUe il l. pleas, caUat 'rooe~·\ G. Kllus, Mr . and Mr",. L; I~, Bllrt, on ~e and settle the slime ... d h~,' II lui ,, "__ Septem ber 24 , 1 78, in Waynes ville. ,. "" v ~~be lell-ves " by cash or W.. , J • Ru ~ball'l Olloe do.nn tr m • . sh 0 sook Mr. J ,e sse Lewis c lolled hIS ond Rev' amI Mrs. 0 . E . Gllrd-' biutl u. tlltber "1Il1 broth ur, Wolter Three daught ers were - I\nl1 grentI y oUllge. o p I,,]' nato born to them, Ullyton , . Ilturdll .Y night, lind Wll8 last Tuesda y week, and told bis ner. CblLnd ler, uow of Dllytoll Ohio, to only one. Mrs, John Boeye, · CROBS BRCS. now !iv- in ILttenliuDoe Ilt the funerlt~ of friends he ,,;IlS going to Dayton . await t b tlc.tll, The titlO "H (\ Willi /l ing She united with The out,or· town guests ,vere: Mr . the Orthod ox Mr~. If . 8 Borme ll . 10llte.ld of doing this be went to a,nti Mrs. R. . Hornbe ok of London birLhrlgh~ IlItllUher o~ Wu MMlery Friend s twenty -four years ago, and Defea ted Satur day Don't forg t that Barnha rts Shoe ~lHI home of Mr. Matt Parshli ll, and Mrs, Rm'L Bl;lrnbe ok, of London , of Frlslld s. l'etain~d h er membe l'ship until death. Store will be closeQ Saturd ay, most get.ting his bride-t o b~, Miss Olive Mr. I~nd ~r!!. All of U8 whu Ilnjoye d bel' killdlv H. F. 8taute r and 80n Mr Benjam in Hawkin s spoke of the day, so come early or late. Parshu ll, Jrove to Lebuno D, und tlik- WtI\IH,:\11 'S Snrnh WlLyH ILnd were lleqult\lltecL with her feeling ly of her life, Fi ve of the regulltr teaul ~nt Pryor, of Dn.ytoll and Rev. J F and do your shoppi ng. 109 the t:rllotio n there went to Cov- Mr. and mllny vlrtulIlI, WIll julu in the Vfltyer Oadwa llader also spoke. M1'8. '. .T erume . Ohle, of MOI'row Iltst Saturd ay, and ·got It in . t ingtOD whne they were quiet,ly OlnolnnILt.i, Frllnk Spees Ilnd daugh the "nook" to tbe tune of 18 to 6. 'hltt ehe way ret!t ill pellCl1" it.nd The Eastern star Lodge , took Mr, Halley Hathaw ay: MISS. Elva .', , that light perp/,Iu nl mllY 14hinti upQn charge of the ceremo tel' alld Mrs . .MarFlll ret Wells, of Col- The ~ame Wtl.S feature nies at t he Ha 'haway and Mrs, LottIe Holhng l:- mur.le.}. les8 except 1 hey returDe d the same umbus .head attende that d Morrow the Hathaw had aY,Gar everyt ~ . nel' blng tbeir I;Iveoln g, lind no o?e WIIS any the grave. . _ , ' . , edd ' t X . I t " I I oJig 'f o r hou;''''h old k ' wiser until Gal'.8tt e got an inkrhe . brIde '".. Is " vo I"0611 gQne, gftlc1ull W te of mg the u own · ema WilY. Enter taine d. as wee . , . and Mr. Lewl8 . . of 190·1 of the , i fi I l:1i 1 ling of the Ilffair, Eor . vII.uisbed sUliles r long, ad- olass t:>pr ng ' e d . g 1 ' ~- - -- - . (Jr. and Mr!4. Shephe rd , or G len: mitted the fllot Hod h h I·.... Mr. II.lId B nt u sohool Mrs . Ilnd J E a Ilt <>u my <1llllr ones 011. . 1I1'1l11be Hocket t r entel:,of. the d First · I . For Rent ." . ulle III, ' Ii e,wefll tl -t. , 16' gues t·s 0 f th SIr 'l'he Gazett e . wishes · . , tbe ne.wly Luther. an chnroh of this OIty uunell ltt thelf. lovel" oountr y home' 0 J '" Ell A u d h e OIIL d.0 no WI·Ollg. . I:!he ' I~n d 0 tller " I t ' , r . •. .L " IS re a. Ives mllriied coup l ~ nil the bllppin ess IS . .Ii popnlll. r yoong . 1 know not whitt the future 'hath un' J:;unday . It· belDg thel~ gIrl nnri hU B n son BIthis week They ClI,me IIp in their possibl e A Iu.rge busines s reom on tlbe'O rOf marvel or s urprille , hos t of friendS in t,his oity. birthdli Y, the followi l?g guests : Mr. ("0tO. . , nar of 'M nin and Mlllml streets forItud 'rhe Mrs bridegr Rory oum Laoy IS Il Mr membe and r Mrs. of AS8Qred tll(>ne thl\t ht e lind dell.tb W I G d 'ht M Found -'l'here WIiS a sum of mon. merly 0rosH' hardwa re store.' In ' Mrs. Hill meroy. underlie~. Eyler Dead , tbe Epl800P II. ter ILI ohuroh , lind MS ID rliY Itn aug eor I ary ey found in Zimme r.lllin 's grooery" quire In person or by letter \If MiBS Annle ' Mr and his ~rs . Amos ohll.rge the elavon window shade . IlOli . , . . T dImly sueKS from bletlslngll known ' Illst wljek. ()wnsr oan . ' . '" . & A nnll PhilLi pa, W Ilynes v'ilIe, Oblo. Willi pllper depart,m ent·of Mr. nod Mrs. Ellrl HO?ket t" Mr t1nd by proving proper~y !lndbave IIame Plorce or greder 'out. of slRbi paying for MI'~ 'Carey [· ..vle r ct~ed yesterd ay Uo., of tbis oity . Mn. John . Rioh, Mr. Cui Lllo.y Itoc). thlR n otioe. Ana, wltb the chllHt.elled \"ia t, . mot'mn g at \:I :3U a m. 11'0111 a paraly· M. d M!-t Hart-so ck left Iltst Mhls Dora Sq?ires M ' d M WEB ' . own tic sil'oke . . The time for the funera l eve~i'UI~n for : . trip to __ _ _ "'"' • Wili Close Nigh ts pOints in the r. Iln rs . . , ogan , outh has not yt~t been announ ced. His j'udaule n't s too are rig~t,. . of towu, IJI\vebe lfn enlerta lning the , ' southe rn V'Ht of t·he IItu,te. fb tl y Kicke d by a Horse I kn<;>w DO' where h18' isilluds 11ft hitter's puentl l, Rev. Bnd Mrtl. W . I~'su~ance Ch~nge wl\1 be uthome to their friendK Il f· A ft6f ·J uly ~, I will olo<le my mil ~tI Will. 0. Dodd was hitcbln g IIp, 1:1. O'Neal l, of ,Broltd way, during 'I'belr fronqed plllUlIi in flir i te~ July 6 Uuery In /l n ' store II.t (j .o'olool r, except ew lIome on West ' I ouly kpow 1: UlAnnot drift his h orse I ust Wednes d. ay, prepan - . the IlI\S' t wee k , Gr.tDd 1\ venue . MI'. ',lturda teph y nights. MRS, U. M, WHl.TID n Shrille r f urme rlya Beyond His :IQvlI u.nd clI.rll . .. tory. to going to work, his ·horYe Mr. G . .'r . Meredi th, of the AlUllr· school teacher , but lately in the in. 'kloked ll!m, .breaki ng two ribs , und loal\ Bag .C(" of UOJlllU ,J •.. !!'. C, . I bu!I, o~llle 8urane e busilles s in Cincinn ati, has Reso lution s Catn ivala t ~banon , oautlill~ bini too pe' np for quite Ll?Wn M~ndllY on a two-we eKS ~aoa- I PurchaSed the imluran ce businea s"of 'l'be , Dail,Y News, Denvf!I',. Uol." o.,.. hlle. tlon, WhIoh· he. will th ' M ' M spend of June2S llitinep rintsth efollow ing d ' I at hIS fll- C. W. Ringer , and will take .pOS8esCh fP t ers, . r.~m ere It1. Resolv ed, fitst i that we, themem . sion at onCE!. Mr. Ringer goes to by one who hODor~d ber: 'l'herew llsllnn wful orosho.f peo- bersott . ange·o heOl'tb odoxE rieDd8 oburoh , roper Y M.r, T. B. Custer, wb hll8 ~een in Van Wert with the Van Wert Packpie . In bflhalf of'bund rl1ds lIf.grat eflll Rt Lebano n Saturl1ay. and, In /1.1"0 the menlbe rs of the Ohristll Ln Philip Bopkiu s Jr . plll'ohu sed the tile jewelry bUsines s here for ' tho ing Co ... as superin tenden t . ; As yet r~Of., a\l the mother sllnd of mony o~het h uudree)@ A varillll 'Ebri~h t, proper dRYS of the Cflrniv al Endeav or society of sltid ohuroh , do ty IIl!!t tiU:t-IIBst ~l.X · yell rR, left for his fu tur~ there 'has been nO one appoin ted to were Oi'owdod , The events were 0(80rro will'(, loving ohlldre n, J plly urday IIfterno ou for IIIl hereby . protest , !lg~in8t ba8e bill) $1,650. .'1'hl£l bome in Hillsbo ro, l:!undIlY. Hi8 take ~harge of the -telepho ne system good, !tad the speoiltl IItt.rBot ion games, on the. 8abbllt h . d~y., trlbl1&e 'ofprlll se to tbe . memor y of II a. very low pl'ice, "sit .Resolv ed, second ; thut we also Is tl valua tomily will leave Ilt.ter. We are in Mr , Ringer 's place . , . Marlan a Chandl er, who on t:lunday , ble pleof! of prop erty. seemed to be centere ll in the auto- expresol our apprecl o.tlon ' of the no· sorry to 10110 him /lncl his r"mily. June 31, paSlied "t,o where beyond • - to • mobile s. __ • ble gtllud taken by some of the leadI Death of John Pence tbese \.OtOM the,r e is ~ltoe. OJ 'l'be h01·l.\e parllde wBI .goOcl, aael ingmem berH of ·thebal l New Autom obile olub, 10 re'Mrs Wm Mill8 •. nee Bessie H~I I' 'severa l !3ntrles were mude. . For the Plitt seven yeltrA, ever . fUSing to pla.y in the ~ll Kames on , ' has been t!)e guest of. Xema John Pence, t!On IIf Mr. Ilod MrR. 8in08 tbesplll ucUd;b lg'Cluy toD soho)1 Tbe automo bi1e parade was Mr, ,J .mes Stoov~ ntiS pn!,oha s~ friends . came dow.n and .spent the a day Perry PetlCe, died last FrldllY', of about forty cllrs being in the \u.rge" buildln " flrl!t 0l'en 6d itl! dOOl'8, MillS a new lIutomo b\le ' f .. om line of Benj. tiawkln s, P ,l8tor of W.yne e. Kllpatr lok, with h~r brothe r .Mr, RIO~ Hoel . Itlpneu monia, ltnd WIlS burled t;undllY marcb. Only a few were deo- ville oongre gatloB Cbandl er hltl! beeo II t6ll0hAr in t,he the aUlo mon, at Lebllno 88l16mbled, June n. It Is n was bUlte a surpris e htm as 8~e afr.ellnOOD a.t t,wo o'olook : ,Iohn orated. Ktxtll grltde. And dnrlng 11.11 these Nort·h f\ru toorlng Fnnk BrllDdo n's car ' took 2 , 1908. ollr flnd i~ a dllmly. was not .e xpected until latet: She IS had bebO lJl but a "hort' time, and first prize, aud ~lI.rlon Hamilt "'ean tib'S be.uUf ul Influen ce. f the on's '. now the guest of Lebano n fnends .. potten bett'tlr when be went out of IOOOnd Severa ) oars Eclipsp of Sun ' were 'gentle, young Quake r WQmllD ball prettily ' Resolv I" ed, thllt ' \V.!J 81 membe rs of " ' ... _. Me8srs . A. MaWtt . · MIlrt Lewlll, tbe bouse, took cold the Epwor tll League , of the Me&bodand been buildin g ttlle1f ' lato the very deoora ted with flags. . Lhe lII:llpBtI ur the IlUI\ BUlldIlY. Obarlle Bart~ock, L .A' ZI Jilpl800pal !)borcb . of W.YD8ll· worse, RfI ~, d. E. Uadwa llader om"aUa, lhe. verI brlok and mor tar 01 was watob.1!d wltb a Atthe II.wtllle meut palace in the ville, ObIO, dalre &0 expl'8l1 onr grbllt deal 01 Jam811 Benham , Mdt Plnbll l, olat.ed. b0086, 1& was almoat tmpou t. dllappr oval of 811Dd&7 .... ball. &Ila& IIObootho.DIIe, 81l loto tb., haarta iDkI.... t tbroua hwt tbe !:Iob", .r", 0, B , Booke&t, Wtll - • .~ctll.8I of abe bon and 'strla wbo Ita_, The eoll,_ aottd .pt. in at aDY boor of the Reanlv ed, \ge "l8Odl=~= anA OhM, tl&raD18 an4 the CarDl nl to alllta ·llIRIll··lntlotclll:
- - - -_ .
--- ......--- -
i~~:':b~:;b~i !:~t~ d:~~:t~:
The Miami Gazette rr~~1fJH1IE IMl~§ir[S§§ ~AIL.ORDER EVILS 0, L. CRANE. 1Jl0.
:::s MUlle and Health, Music haa a d e IdNI Inl1l1 nee upo. th e blood preSI! UI In lh n rt er! B, and • pOll th~ I' s plra t I lI . \\. a ll lin w how It soo' h s. rtlr , Sh flB a nd I' s ts UB When jl\,led IIlltl worr ll' d. W he n It awee t harmon ies till 't bn SOIl I, Il.II e M , worrIes and hOlll tll'S Uy aw ay "I fillY nen'ous dl li Se hal' l! be(l n ('u r d by mUlile. while' 'll b el'~ ' 1!IlVQ b n GrQIHly n> ta rcll'd In lh etr d e~elupm (' n t b)' It. Anytb lnG \\'h l('h keeps tb mind rr our l roubh 's I<' nds to re SI OI' ~ h a i'l1Iony tbroug hou t tb e IJ til' . AI! l h UI)llft lng; l'n oll rn gillg, h or'Il I'Otluel ng 'molions wh l" h c reat e h opo a nd bU!I,-an y of sp irit s, e Xl)(' rlllncy of better tJlIngs - Ill I ~)l IIl1 I 11 tlC e motlu ns- bave II d Id ed ly be ll E- II I' lal Influ' nee Ullo n the hMlth. A feeli ng of u pli ft , of b a pp l. ness. li nd well ·bplng. I.Illl l~ kens tbe heart 'a IIctlon , In ('rcas the clrcu la.-· tl on of tb e blood, ancl te nd! to open' up all Ih anlDlIea or healtb . Worry. fear. nox l ty, jealousy - - all tbe .deIlructlve emotions- I nd to give a lense ot restrictIon and re press ion They Inblblt the hellrt'R a cl.lon ratbe r th&n accelerat e It. Wbere these emoUon predo~lnate, 1\'rllea Orison Swett Marden, In Su ccess Magazine, there ·Is a sense f constriction through tbe Whole arterl 1 system; even tbe n ne eentenl feel tbe suppressIon and con· Itrlctloo. Whatever make's us happy, .... hether It II a good or ulefu! atory. a ~ood joke, or t be tonic whIch comes from success or any unulual s cblev&ment, te nds to produce health and mental we ll-beIng.
~. g ~~ce~*n© Jij~
E ~te!rt@lllf2)me~*~
al1))~ <Q)tn, ~Jr M~ ~*~r~
©f F ern
D!Q)lllQ)~ ~lQJlh~re~t
Sys tems Th .. t S ~ p the Vlt,. !o l y of Agrl . cul tu ra l Districts and Conc~n. trille Weol lth in the La rg er Birth Stones. Il1i n ~, (' II hrl w(' n HlP row s nnd j:;8\' e Cit ies. A pPM"lI tly th is (' h 11'I 11'ln 1: m onlh \'a r h !: IJ "~ I n" ,,111'<'1'. T hen sh< 1Jl 1 1 ~ 1 b t' ll ((("<lI lt £' wlt h· t ll ' .. \,I'l,. 1111' latl[lptl 111\ b II nn d ~Ill l : " ~"" w h To a(' om lliis h RUYl hln g or a puhllc lICI t ,)I1 I.l has thi s '/1 IWII) ~ hll~ ~' bird Ca n [11111 flll t I he phil! li nd rt:' lJlac t lll' m h"" 11 "' 01'''1 11); 1n"'I·t inlP. latl'l.I'. h ll Ih,' qll l It's t " Tll t'fl' \\a.s a PI' ll y n:ll ll r,' th erp III l1. t b,' ol' ~anl 1. aUoll . IH ' "I'I~' 1' \ ('1'.1' ollh'l' I .>r~on )1111 u....", t Sll( Ii I' u rill' Ihe Wll mnll who BI'l'oill E,' 'r ~ , \IIag s ll uld ha ye an a s Ocl 9 ' II.! ha \' III g" a 011'1 1)0111)". }lllsh<,.1 Ii " lib); fir s t 1\Il II l\ l'UP I'I' 1 lion d \. t d 10 h policy of hom e pro. At a (P"Pllt jI:l l'ly 1.; 1\ 1' 11 lt ~· n h"sl C'ss s"ar( pi n ' ·"t With a m a la chite for t he ( P C Ion a nd "l lIa e bf' 1 I' rmo nt--a n asIn ho nor 0)( fUll r ~'OIIl1J;' loa<'! u'lor';,·:\ 1I lI\an. A ~ '\\l U ~ ' UT!lt'on \ on Ihi s. Hh socl ullo n ro r tll mol ding or a public I'ry Into pracl tc(' h a " ln~ bll'l llIl:lY_ in I h., ~u nw w ,"1<, IIdt tin,.:, I S b lnd lt.'d l he pins most: se 1111 n1PnI Iha t will l b(' rheo ry Iha t " Ruslll OllS , lik e chari ty. lhc ",hlp " as ' ItJr l l)lI~ \(~ llt.'hu ltl __ !t h s kltlful ly. ~ eg ln s at homl'." ( (l UI' hl'lI llllflll ,·nl",,. IiI a ro w b~ a It Is a ro("o g"OlZed fa c t that ·tbe r "'enll'l pl ('('(', eneli ·ur tu4l1l Il lC.·" hy a For a Graduating Party. Irt'11' fi r a ntl ll·~ . T he (,fllor 5rb l'IlI " 'r1 uld Y OU kind ly g l \'e m a fe w WI bus in ess of Ih ~ couulry villa geR was Intl pE'd i'l l." e r. l he cRnd l.'. bei ng s \I /otge (Io n ~ ? I xlJe L to g raduato and the larg lowns _ for tbllt malter. bluf' . pink. !;r"'l' II . a nd yl'l l.. w, and t he f roUl a /;Tu tum "r schoo l nnd wo uld Is hAlliS d(' stroyed . Year by yea r th w rea th a ro und endl ('a ke ilia l 4'11 d in like to hn va a pa rly n S\lnrll~Y afte r· once prospero us me rc hants are b InK II II I' ~. !Jul u£ f'Jrl:" I·lJJe·nol8 . pin k noon a nd venlng. " ' bill g am A ror ced to the wall--drlven Olll by . the :arnuLI'JDs. mnlden h IIr f ern ' Wil h wOllld be a ppropriate? \V1lnt would mall order busIn ess. And this Is tao ml}!nonette anf! dll lTodils.. A lall li t yOU sP. rv for s up per. and whllt wo ul ll kIn g pl~e In ta ce of the fa t thM th e can ell WII In Ih Cl' nt I' of I1ch ca ke. b nice lor n re mpltlbraoce of the 00. population and purcballing powe r of th e counlry distrIcts Is ever on tbe Tb pillc curds were p o~ lo l s 0 1'11 1\' aslon? Thanking yo u In advan ce. Inc reue. ml'nted wilh th e bir th tone lind motto A ORADUAT~~. The mall order hous es are drawlnl of eacb gues t. Be low Is t h lis t of ston 5 wltb tbelr sy mbols for ' eacb My dar, Ir you must have t he party the cash retail trade from Its natural mont h . . / l was given to me by an on S unda y you would carry It o~t the cbannela to the cities. The growth or l nlal and la 811 pposc d to be correct. s ome as for any other time, but I'm of this octopus haa ijee n phanomenal. By l~ way, It Is Qu ite the t hing not accIIstomed to planning formal From a 'elly ·llke Idea- without form now . to give Ihe birthday ston for an a tral rs for that day. ] lIhould serve :-an experiment 15 years ago. It bu I'ngagem nt rln , having It made ex- chic ke n sandwi ches, lumonade, fruit crown to proportions tllat threaten pressly a Ct er a unique d eS ign . Brace- s alad. Ice cream, cake" and for sou· the extermination of t he retail cou'nle ts, garl rs and amule ls are set wltb I'enlra ge t the little nove lty candy try me rc hant. ,An Idea of the way tbese individual s tones and give n as boxes Ulat come In eve~ ry Imaginable the money of the people III belne love tok ns. Th e list of birthstones s bape, 80 that every onEl's fad or fancy "rawn Into thlll mail order trade can be had rrom the rlporla of sOlne of follows : may be found . these hou Bel! . Jllnlll\l-y-O llI';,ei~ , Con.tllncy "nd Fldet· Itl". A certain , mail order house which Refreshmentl for Afternoon and Even· F pbrllll ry- Am('t hY8t, Slnc~rlt y . Marc h- l:Ilooti s L un~, WIsdom und Cour· beean with a few thousand dollan 16 Inlto n8" . . What kind or II,;M I' freshments yearll ago now doe8 a monthly bUBI· The conHdence wltb whIch rarmers Aprtl-, D IBm ond!'. Innocc n re. Jlf a y- l<lnlMl1lll. SU'." · ('A~ hi 1.0"". cOlild be glv n tor /lbout 60 people be· ness of '5.000.000 , with a yearly net are turning to the department of ag- Jun e- Ag-lIlO. !-I Nt. llh Hllll W .. n tl h . t ween the ages of 16 a1].d 19 at an aft· pront of more than ' 3,000.000. . JlllyHuby. Cnlll ont NI MI mI. riculture and the readiness wltb whIch A'lg118l- Sn rllou y x, ~I'ru e F· rl .~ nd ,d l l p . This Is the r ecord of but one In· rnoon g raduates' r ec e~'tlon ? 8clenUIlc me tbods are accepted showa St'llt~mb~r -Sll pp hl ,. e . C'ons(nni'Y . What kind of re tl'ellhmen ts would IIt11ullon . There are dozens of tbem o l ob~ r-Ol"'t. Iloll6 nnd Good "Lllc k . what education along tbll line II ac· ,Novcmhe,'-'rnpuz. f,'rlend" nncl 11 0nl)r~ . In vnrlous cities of the nlt.ed States. be 8ultnbl e for a atag party of 12They ar" sprInging up like mush· complls hlng. Many a farmer In tbe Dece mbe r-Tu rQllolse. Pr08pcrh~' . a n even ing affaIr ? !)EXTER. rooms Tery night. All that II! neces.... est and elsew bere la now raisIng betPany for Children. Il\ry to start a mull orde r bus lnells la ler. and more profttabl crops because In searcb of something ne.w 1.0 olh)ng will ver take the "lace 01 a place to r ec lYe mall and money e! the Instruction he has received and . amuse a be y of a d.,.Le n YOllng ste rs Ice cr am a nd ca ke for-young pe opl e, nOllgh to get out the first batch ot beed ed, aod tbe results thua obtai oed In vited t(. oele bmte her daughtel"8 with small cllk s. The n have fraPI)e prInting and for tbe fi rst advertising and als o from tbe te~ hlna of the Tar1- tenth hlrthday a mOlher had a glass o r le monad on .tap. campllign . In th II tag party havo first bel'l'lng ous agrIcultural colleges are hlgbly ~owl of j1;oldfl!;h Cor tho ceule rt ll ce, Uke the patent medIcin e l)uslness, s urrollntl cI b. v tiny nustlgnys ot no wo'r anchovy can a pes. then chlcl( n c-raUfylng. In other way a mucb Is be· . e rs, from wblch ribbons ran to each sa lad, grilled BUusage, brown-bre all the mall order bu sl ne/lS de pe nds' on Ing !lccompJlahe d. Obeying the wis hes place. At tbe c lo~e or the' repast the I!nndwlc hes, plcldell and Individual th gullibilit y o r th general public. of conalituenU, says the Troy (N, Y.) rIbbons we I' rlull ed and each child Tho usands of peolile every week send larlli. Cotree and glqger ~I . the ir hard · arn e d cash to some mall. TImes, membe rs of congress from 1011lld a fi s h cand y bo~ at tached to the order hO\lse In payment for goods Kan sas have apolled to the depart- flowers to be ta k en hOUlEl. For Play.lng the Wedding March. tbat could have peen boulht cheaper meat of agricullure for experts to ge S ls ot toy fi s h t hflt nela t after a What would be appropriate to gtve M. their bome store . Ilol e ma y b purchll8 d. and .th ey we I' to the ir state and the peo ple to a nun who plnye d tho wedding Why do lbe y do It? It Is owing parbow to make I)assl1ble roads. In cer· provided ror nmu s m nt. muoh Lo t he mllreh a t a marriage in th e atho lic tially to tll o desire or th e average per· taln s cttons ot Kan sas ' the soli Ie delight ot tho Be mbryo I:w.ak 'VIj.I. chul'cb 1 W hat wo uld be bette r, a 81ft l Oll to be h 11m bugged and parUally tons. Lnrg bowls furni sh d the waor money? IIgbt and sandy, and the difficulty II to 10 the e lf ct of pers istent adve rll'slng. ter, and the ch ildre n ns he d In pairs. oreat.e durable highways. The ex peru The prIzes w r candy box lobsters. The r e are so fe w lbillgS that a nun Tbe mall order hou se s ends out Its at.will give the matler caretul atten tion, Th Is m n II was S 1' 1' .d : BOlllllon hns lise for, 80 I , believe money would tract! v lite ral uro to BV ry tamlly In and no douht much practical goodwill In c nps, chi k n sa ndwi c hes, Ice be th most acceplabie. unless you th e coun try. 1n this lIlemture. om· come of the InquIry. The cIrcum' cream nnll lovely littl e frO l;Jted s pon ge happen to know of 80m e article that posed of we ll-Illustra ted . catalOgD08 . sh mi gh t long tor, II~ th ese gentle Ilnd ch eap ma;;azlnes know n as mall· sta.nqes are slgnlficant a8 showing ho~ cakes. . Besid es, e ltc h one hud 11 s li ce from sO\lls v r allow the mlselves to long nrder pape rs. I.h gooil s are Bet out .' the farmera are cQmlng to a. reallz. In the most atlructlv manner. rt Ie tlon of the faot t hat good roads are the bll'tlidl\y ca ke. whic h WllS o n a fo r Dlut e rlt\1 thin gs, tempting bait, and t he fl sh bite. . MADAME MERRl. most valuable ndjuncta to profitable side tabl e by II s plf s nrrouod ed by a n· All of lh Be millions of dollarll come dies. 1'he ~u est s elt(' h hlpw Ollt a CJm· farming. ou t ot th e leglllmale t rade of the coun· di e, wls111ng, lh e ,birthday girl mar.:f try mer han l. th man woo haa Inhappy ret llrn s of th clay. Th n tbe re It looka as though the gypsy moth, were gay s III1LJpln g mollo raps, w!lh· vestcd hIs cupilal, built hlmaelf a which bas committed such ravages In Ollt which no Plll'l~' Is co mpl ete. borne . nud been a.c th'e In buildIng 'Up the 10wn '11'11 h t he expeclatlon that be New England. has met an enemy w O~lll b allowed to do a legitimate which ca.nnot be overcome. ScIenti s ts A Novel Soup. business In a leglUrilate way. He lSI At a rece nt IlInc heon given by a .n the service of . the Massilchus tU en tit led 10 the trade Of his to wn and Upsy moth ommlsalon have devel· )'oung lIlatron who Is continuli ll y Oil th e country ·a djaCe nt. He. pays his oped a parasite Which attacks and de· lhe QIII vlve fo.r som thing lIe w this tax II nnd contributes to th e supporl . dellclolls soup was BI'I·vpd . AI; t he Mltcrpd chevIot e ffects Ilre n w. etroys th e Insect, alld t bes toes are to df1Y g l'OIY w;l rm ar tbls will pr(II'e The coat with hOtly li nd s leeves In of Lh co mmUnl lY. Th~t. c(lmmunlty \a let 100Be In great numbers · to hullt owes h im II. reclprocnl clu ty- the duty mosl a~ l)('lIzing , and till II long· re lt one 15 hIg hly flLvorfld ihl s seD so n. up and pr y On the vlcllms. The .lInea want , A S It !;Iv l:l a cba ng fro m rh e The 1lI 0rl e rn heml se Is altached to to give blm th prt-fer Dce of trade. along wbl (,h the commis sion blls beeR omnillresent frui t mixtures. everything e lse bel ug .,gual. ~h a yok or rpal lace. working are lbose suggested by the ex: I·pcll/ for It Is as folloW8 : li'rilit Soup 'rh Parlslenn e Iii w(~ al"lng a pink Prll'lelplea of Economy Involved, perjence of Inves tlgaton at WaShin g· -Dn pOllnd 1'lIlsln s, on e·hull pound ,I r8ey ov r lIer IIng-prie. I..o ng angcl !lleeve!l, drooping over The ngltatiQn for elimination or the tOD a.nd el1l8WhElre. "It h88 been shown cUl'mnls, Cl ne·halr pound of prnn es. IJO llnd I'ed I'uspberl'i es s heer IInd cr sleev s, are seen In late lobber I!\ bal5ed more upon prejudice that tbe gypsy moth , tbe co t Ion boll o ue,ha ll and pn.sf;lion than upon facts. The weevil and other pesls wbl cb do Vallt (dl'led ), one· half pOUJl d apples (fre Hh ni ghtgowns. Ame rican Ileopi are alwnys looking or e11'led), one lI tl c l( Inll!llllon . Put "The combInation of cO:I'set cover ' and damage to the tr el and croP!! may be the fire In three or tOl1r Qllarla of ' pc tucoat draw er s makes onl y two ror IL shorter rou te to a d('slr d e nd. overcome' by e lnp'loylng- the right kind wate r . B II tbre e hour~ , arltllllg wa t I' garme nts necess nry. Tb'e y care IItUe wbo It eliminates jU6t of parasite. Wl tb tbe encouragement a8 needed to mllke !!I.~ quarts of soup The most bea utiful or the evening 10 It decreases th e rr CO$t .or Ih' lng. and protection gIven to bl rds and the wllcn rl one. Taite rrom th fire and 1Ihades nr fOllnd In . ln e ~:ll naI ve mate. Tbey care. IIttie If every IInlt In the prqpagatlon ot Insect·eatlng parasIte' stra in throu gh a c loth . )'\lox!, day re- rials that give better B I'v1ce t han chaIn Is broken and the Dlanufacturer, th e work of getting rid or the pestll tur.n 110 the fir e a nd add a labl spOQn· many ot the cos tly ones. II allowed to supply tbe wants of the rill of s a go and five ta~lesfJoonful s 0[ ~'Ol' cpo l mornings · In RummEl r a trade direct. No one else conld object Ihould be greatly accelerated. l? ~gllr . .Ius t . before servlllg add dressing s ack mode of s om velJlt\g to thIs plan of procedute If It pOB· Juet 70 years ago John Jncob Altot c ra ck cd ic~ anel a tabl espoonful nt fabric or dailltll y t1owe~ red challies leBsed any ecQnomic points to recomwOlild be practicable. mend It. Time and well ordered' ex· bought at foreclo!!ure sale the John POTt wine In each cup. '-J r The tunic or over drapery Is a reat· perlments have proven, how ever , that CozIne farm located beyond what was A Pin TrIck. ure promInent on fashionable gowns the' h~Bt, the most convenient, the tben a letUed part of New York ' city, ThIs s illy thIng ren lly caused galeR this s pring, and the Inflnence of Gre- cheapest and most lIervlceable method In tbe TlclnHy now of Fltty,fourtb at Illughte r at" a (lart)' for grown ·ups. cian lines and e mpire styles Is ,,110 Df supplying the wanta of conaum· IItreet and Eighth avenue. He pald Tbe hostess brollght out a paper of ndticeable to a murked degree. II' I, 'from maker to jobber, trom 'ob· U8J)00 for tbe property. which hu ber to retjlller, : and from retailer to consumer. 'l'be opportunity for de~· DOW been partitioned In to 32 parts aDd IIment .upon the part ~t ' tholle . wbo divIded equally among the eight IIv· lind much of personal gaIn fn !!bowID& Ing Cbanlllr .brotbers and sIsters, heir. the consumer the larce number of Of Laura Astor Delano, a &randdaugb. mIddlemen he Sa keepIng and that If ter of tbe tou.n der ot the AltoI' . tor· they he cut out be, the consutrier, _ e, who reoel",.d the fa.rm a8 · her will enjoy this prollt, Ie great.. · Th \Is _ddlng portion. Tbe land altogether beca.n the from-factory-tO:faPllly. cut· mAkes up over SOO city lou and . II Dut·the-mlddle-man arc-ument. and It chen R present nlue of S3,250,OOO. lounds good upon tbe tace of things, 'Iile e llbt ~enellclarlee ot t his seltl. but, as Itated above, bas no real sav· Ill\!: at all, sInce the expenlle Incurred meDt are I.J eut. Gov. Lewis S. Chanler Ill' getting small ahlpmentll from the Jolm Arms lrong Chnnler, RObe r't Win: factory to the consumer Is greater \brop Chanle.r, William A~t or Ohan ler than the very" small per cent. exacted Wlntbro, Astor huuler, M~rg~I'et ~ by both jobber .a.n d retalJer tor theIr .Aldri ch , Alida B. Emmet and E liza. part performed In the trnnsactJon up· beth Winthrop ' hapman . on the old method.
It was In Germany that the firele .. CIOCIk-lltove wo s pe rf cted. and now oome ll news from a IipeclaJ consulal agent that tbe Germans arc making a are) ~ss railroad locomnth·. It Ii eoulpped with a bOiler art r the man Dar .of other )ocumoUves. bllt the wa tel' In It Is heated to the nec saar) ..mpe rature (rom Il stat.lun a rY plant El!oulh power can be I!IClred In It l( operllt.e It for hOUrs tor switching pur pole. In a railroad rard, and It doet Dot take mot. thq 16 Inlnute. tAl Ghar", It.
Now tbat the warm III here a suggestion tor an 100!lxpenlllve and artistic fire- place screen should he welcome. The accompany-Inc sketcb W&ll lDade from a vel'y successful home· maae . Bcreen that was rnllnul:u.ctured from u small. (·Iotbes-hol'lle. The upright wood·wol'k wae e ntirely ,covered with wnlte e namel. an.d the pale green drapery WIIIl rastened ' on In phwts to the uppe r al~d IQ1\'er bars with lII.t1e bra!ls·h&aded nails. . To tlnlsl the screen amall bms!' ball!! were scre"'e (l Into the top of ('ach of the uprl~h t rlleces wood. 111111 a very e lrecUve and Ilretry \lUI" !lcrt' n III made. A t",o-rold screeD may, or co nrs • be trealed In Ibe same mann r. and iho color the drapery ~hol\ld be cbo.en to urmonl:.:e wiLl! u.." t tbel' articles of 1n ....
Would Cllrry' Lava to the Sea, Should the volcanIc vent, or chlmsey, 'o f Vesuvlu8 become blookedwrttes 8.IC. Coartlno, In a recentl y published pamphlet-the aan'« er of an explosIon becomes Tery Ireat, and, to alford aD . outlet for the molten mass of rock he pro po Bell to bore a tunnel at the ~ase at the mountaIn to carry the la .. lIIto the lea. He aillo polntl out· tbe poslllblllty of leading tbe la Y& Into molds. so as to form 1r Into block!! for 'bul1dlnc quay.. breakwa· lers, etc_, alld 8maller Ilabll fop lIay· Inc the IItreetl of Naplee, luob a. Il~ DOW Obtaillecl from th. coolecl la.,.:
On, Plan Ttlat Benef.ta tha Buy~r I~ In r , U .. the Me rchant', Trade, "I \\:\nt t" ollt ll ll I suc \'''~ flll 1\10 \'lINn Ihnt we h(l ' l' IIst't! and whldl I~ . l\\lll l ilt' Ill' st <I n\' we hfl v a r 1;1·II'd . IL Ip IItIi '\I' I ~ln ll l 'I li h III" . 1 l1fink It " -lUI "'Clrk, c1 II I 11 1111 11 1':' \ u ~ \' (1 hy 1\ "t"rt> In ~OIl1 (, If\\ ' 11 In "· I~e't m ~ tn . " .' Oht 1IIt',\ t1 (' p ,all thl'(\lI ~ h a s bop Silt. ~ nl" ll . Sh('111,j IIII' C11"1!;llI lIl or ' C'I ! i1w hiI'll r('nd Ih ' 1\1'11(' 10' I wi II 10 otl'" r h im Ill)" :1 J1Uhl ~ I I'N for 1'(' 11 1"00 IIClo~ his phn ," w r ltl' ~ an 1011'11 tiler· (' \Jlllll.
" It II> ('s1led Il " Ix·fll/",!·'II·O Sale.' 'f ile hI 'II. of th ,- ~n l .. i ~ I I) gl v(' six arll(, I" s. Or );a rob , rllr t h priC'p o r tl ve. Th tall' III t'll! ma dl' 111 11111' hll li<. I~ : ' ;'< 0 ma ltci' wba.t ylltl 1111)" . , l l "'~s goo.!". Sh,'f\fi, fll l' nl 'hillf: I;\lods. lI u tl o n ~ , cIIIl· C(l s. s lnf;"llIllll . ull tl n" Ilanllt' ls . hJ\ts, gl o\'ps , r l!JhonR, hanci ll'rl·h lc·rH. huse tHatH'S, ('allil d fl'ul lS. 1111111'c! vl'l('e· la ll il's. /lIM SI\·II I'e. I' r nn y otht' r I;oods I bn l we t'arry in s l II ( wit h Ih px , I' pll oll o r goods nn whlrh W II are 1\\' rf' udy maki ng a sp ' ('1111 .l o w pr iC' , I1.nl1 tll{o Iisl of sp lui S udve l·t lt .ed e lse· wh e re In th is ad. \ yo u on ly pay ror fiv e, bUl )'011 g t Sill .' "I n order to mak e the sale s tili more etrec llve we se lecte d" r w we llknown articles 'wbl'h we m arked very low . and I" ... u exc luded tbem from tho regular 'sl x·for·n ve' li st. Of course, If It Is des ired to move sucb lines as cloaks and clot.hlng, of whl ob you cou Id hardly ex pect 1.0 !lell II ve tD one family , they can be excepted from the ·slx·for-flve· list and a price be made 00 tbem . ""Then ,..e lold ftve pair ... of IIbo"B, or ot any other line. ,..e .ould take the average price of t he nve and allow tbls amount on the slxlh paIr. "This lIale bas many 8lron,; polntR. In tho Arlit place, It III baRed on the principle tbat nolblng ,..111 \:lave quite the Inftnence In ' getting peoill e to leave their money wltb you aB that of gIving tb em something for notblng. I t I ~ t he ex t ra Yllrd or pOllnd or artic le tbat talks. " In addition to all t hese points, It II a plan that cau be used' equally well for almost any occasion, and at any time of Ihe )'ear. and one \II' hlc b will _not. I tblnk , grow old , If It b made a regu:ar ann ul1.l event. "That this Is a su ces'sful sale plan was ahown by t be fact Ihll t when we werp, rnnning It our com'l> lItor put on a sal II,nd got ' out blll8 In WhI ch h ~ call d attentIon to t he fact that th e price!! he was mailing W81'e lowe r than our ·slx ·for·nve· prl s, and 8t1l1 we got thll crowdltl. It wat but natural, however. tbat" we sbo ul d, because peo pie are always attracted by som thlna fr ee."
Creed of Mail Order Houaea aa Interpreted -by a Country Editor_ These conunandm nl s mak liP the decalogue of the mltil order house. They were not written 0 11 ston by Moses . bnt they ar I.h rough ly un'derstood and freQu ntJy bumpe d Into by anYone who deals ' wi th t he catalog ue mltil order oo.n cllrl1 , aod thoroughly In· dlca te Lhe business side of tlle8e co n· ceros: 1. Tou shall sell YOllr fnrm I'ro(luce for cash wb e re\'er yO.U can. but 'not to U8 , we do aot bU~' rrom yon . 2. You shall believe our s tatements and buy all you ne d f~om us because we "ant to be. 'looc\ to yo u. a.lthough. ~e are not acqualntp.d with you. 3, You s hall s nd In the mon ey In advan ce to glv~ liS a c han ce' to let th e goods trom (.j1e racto ~)' . with your money. n'l anwhlle you will 'have to walt l1at! nlly a few weeks b cause that II! 0 111' bllslness melboll. 4• . Yo II. s hall buy your chu rch bells and Interior chnrch IIxtllr 8 from U8 and for'Vard Ibe money In advan e. for tha' is our bllsln(llls·.m thod . ' ' 5. You 8hall collect from the bUill. ness n;len In your ...v lclnl.ty as much mODey as you can for ·the benefit' of your' churches. ,(olthough ''Ve g~tmore money from you .than th ey do, stili It I!! alalns t our rul e8 to donnte money fO J; 'bulldlng coun,try ch*ches. .. ../ 6. Vou snail btly your tools from lIS and be your own mec hanic In order to drIve the mechanic from your vlcln· Ity, for 1\'e wis h It. 80. 7. ·Tou '11'111 Induce yonr neighbor to buy everytblng from U• . I1S we baTe room tor mote money. 8. Vou IIhall otten 'look It the beau· tlful pI ctures Iii our catalogue 80 your wlahes w\ll Increase ~nd yoU wlll send In a- bIg order, ' altbough you are not In Immediate need ot the coods; otberwi~e. you mIght h.a ve '80me mllney left . to buy"' neceslary cooda from your local merchants. 9. You 8hall bave the mecbanlci tbat repair the goo.ds you huy from 'UII book the bill, 110 that you can .end the money for his labor to UI for new gooda, otherwise he '11'111 DOt notice our' Influence. 10. . You shall belle"e till In prefeJ'o ence to your local dealers. '11 . . You shall , In cue of acclaent. sickness or need: apply to locil ' deal- ' ers tor aId and' credit, .. 'lte do Ilot know you.
The ~\nck is tho mainspring of organism_ It quit\Jdy calla nttentton to t l' ulJle by aj'bing. It. tells. with other tSYluptoms, such as nervousness, bead ache, paiJls in the loins, weight in the lower part at the body, that a woman's femi~ organism needs immodiateattentlon. In such en, es the one 8ure remedy which speediJy removes the caUM, aud restores the feminine organism to a healthy, nprmal condition ... womn~l's
Mrs, Will Young, of 6 Chlumbla ~ Ave., Rockland, Me., says: .
.. I wu troubled for alool!' tIme witb dreadful backachel and a paID in mJ' aide, and 'IVa&' miserable in eyery _,., I dootored uatil I "'&II dllCOur~ed an4 thought I would never get well. I rea4 what Lydia E. Plnkham'l Vegetable Compound had done tor otherl &114 decided to try it; after taking three bottlcs I can truly say that llleyw tel' 10 well in my lifo." . .
Mrs_ Augustus Lyon, of F-418t Earl.
Pa.. writes to Mrs, PiDkham: .. i had very !levere backacliea,
and pre!llling-dolVD palnl. I could not aleep, and bad DO appetite, Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound cnred me and made meleel li "e a new lVomalL..
For thirty years Lydia. E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, uuide from roots and herbs, has be n the standard remedy for female ilIa. and hM IX> it.ivolycurnd tbousand8of women who hlwe been trollul d with ~plncem . nts, inflammatiOn, ulcera.tIOn, fibrOid tumors, in gUjarities. periodjc pains. backache, that bearI~g.d .w~ feeling, fio.tulen Y. indi~ tion,dizzine~ 01' nel'VO~ prostratIOn.
T our Evc:rell Piano 'actocy ' in BoAolI,
we make the world-famed Price"e . in reell1u Ilyka: !or Upri&hb from ~ $450,OO to $62~ .00; IOf G.-and. 'rom $650.00 t.o $120t100; Art Stylcafrom $750.00 to $10,000.00, AI-Our Cineinnali fadmieJ we make JOhD Church Co .. Hao.,d etid Dayton pia.n.ol, lJpriQbll, Pricet from $250.00 10 $400.00. . III the ..lea- 01 theae sooiIa we olten take iD put paymcnrne<lrlj new or ~h.nd pia_ 01 other maW, lOme 1Ifand., lOme upriab,- and 'ao!DO ~u.,eo. We can .. 11 lOU Iho;! 1eC0nd.• ht.nd upriahb at frOID $8~.OO 10 $210.0CI. Old.!'luareo f,om $35.00 to $60.00, '. We he.., at preocat a lIumbet 01 neW pianos which .have ~ uoed .. diapl.y pian".. which we offer at 20 per cent from our revull.r prices. ' "._ 'W" ....ka ulis/lICtory term. . ... reli.bIe EverelL
us lie. peAall" and we will ..
requdl, mail you eilhCl a booklet of .ocal •
piano mu.ic free,
" 11iE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, The ODe Price piauo HOUJC,Cincian.~ 0.
SICK HEADAC'HE f'oslllv .. ly cured by th Lltd.. P.II ••
Gl',nuineMult Bear Fae. ~imile Signature
the b,, t . .tb, mbulb ItoI)o aatileptiHU, 01 .... .UId In.. fro. _ h.althy aad dl..._bla DdOft. ",biob "'I'er, _,.Dd tooth p,.,.,.a.iau. alGae oaaaot do. A , '. .-noldid.,. dllillo "CII iI!' .Dd dec;>dor· laiD' toUetnquillt. . of 11IIoeptionai ... .,.lIitDoe .ad eooa. laTa'luable lor IDIII.ed throat IDd n..alaDd atenne Clltlrrb, A.t Forelgnerl In ClrllUI Bualne.._ dru, IDd ' toilet "T!Je circul u~ed to be an AmerIcan Il10,.., 10 Cleatl, or Institution," ,remarked an. old·tlme clr· II" .In pOltpeld, cus man the other day. "Bllt tblngs larp have ohanged . I went Ipto the drelli' In,;-room ot a show and nearly all of .'TN u M....,........."AUT." MO .......... t he performers are foreIgn e rs. There ' , are few ,;oed American ciroull per· --.formers allY more. There are no per· formerll IIlIch al we ueed .to baye. , lIIallrlll F,,,.. Old 'Bob' Stickney was tbel'e. Be don "-YI"oa t •• 1t'0 .. a1 a 'manage act' "Itb a team of hor,ee, To_o"" a •a. _ . CURES enn thougb he's 13 ,eara old now. ......,.................t.. M A. ARIA , ... ... He 'used to 1te the beet bareback rfpr or' 111....4 O. nce'pl OD the road. outsIde of 'Jlmm,' Rob, o Ph". aCt " •• 'a. THE MEDATONE 00• . Inson. Rut there are Qlfehty tew or laB •• 23rd e...... Maw YOIlII tb. old·t!mera lert, ud there .eyer wlll be aD1 .. , 1QOt."-N.w TorI!
Trial Sa.,11 .
!J'rlll1i1l., _
clf'8t b bad told ot tbi war with ml 'Syrian king and of how the 0011 at 181'ael was '/lolng 10 give the vlNOry -to th Ir king .Iol\~ h. and how bls ru· ther. Amlttnl. bad reliPonded to the cull ror soldiers and IllId go ue to fi g ht fo r his co unt r)' . JODah Foriot.U.lh R ...oratloa of ........ Coutli_. "And palla will come back," spoke up ~Ihe !Joy. I' al'lslIl·lugly. "tur he STORY BY THE "HIGHWAY AND !laId he would." BYWAY'· PREACHER "O ul wal' I s un oerlaln . Jonah," reo 6,Jouded the mOl per. sad ly, "Iind tby ruther know~ not WhOt1IBI' h e will re S rlpture Aut borlly-2, KlllglI 14: ' tul'lled 01' not." · "But If papa do e~Il 't know h will 2 3-29. cOJUe back, how does tue prOI)h t kllOW there will be a v lclory!" H ere was u polut which trOlfbl d the SERMONETTE. lad. and lhe molher patien tl y tried 10 show hi m bow God bad rev aid to "According to the word of 'he tbe prophet the victory he WI\S goIng Lord God of lerael, whIch he to give the army of Isra I. but tlw.t .pake by the hand of hla aerva nt Jonah, the Ion of AmIUal. _ , his ratber bad Ipoken of bls I' turn no from the certalnt.y of rev latloll the prOphet, which "'lea of from God but ralber as the wish Of Gath.hopher." hi s h eart' t hat be might be hack wilD Jonah wa. Intenaely Jewllh, her nnd his boy agaIn. Inteneely patrIotic. Love of the Dllrlng th e anxious wleks t hat to~· land of lerael WII next to hi. lo wed J onah'l active braIn waa bus y love for God. Loyalty to hi. s t lldylng over tblll problem at th e dlf· country w,a mea.u·red by hll ference between wbat hll fa th er had loyalty to hll GOd. With him said snd what th e prophet had lat4 there "'I" no conflict between He co uldn't Juat grasp t~e Il1ea that cltlzenlhlp and hollne... And the propbet could. know more thaa for thll re ..on "'Ie find him hltl papa, or that what be sald lfOuJd active In t·he reltorl~lon polloy more lurely come to pan than that of ·the kIngdom. and ' givIng that whlcb bill father had llpoken. A.Qd Idvlce and encouragement wllloh wben he had gone back to bill mother . undoubtedly unlt.d the forcea wltb lila puzzling questlon8. &lid lib. of the natIon Ind pr,plr~d them had explained to him that the prophet for tha aggr'lllve campaign lived close to God and God told him which ended 10 Iplendldly In the wbat to lIay, he had asked why 'Gqd recovery of the COl" of Ilra.l. could not tell hlB papa what to la,.. The obligation of cltlzen.hlp Aud tben she had gone on to tr, and I. Increalfld. not I•••• ned. by show blm the 'dlft'el'ence between God'" ,devotIon to God, , deallnga wltb a nation and hil d.aJ. Separation from the world lup wllh an Indlvldu&l. and that oHeII and tho thlngl of the world doea he sPoke bill s pecial mellla~e to tlH not mean an eacapo Of loclal nation; when ' be did not to the Indt · and politIcal obligatIon. to the . vidual. world. Suob wal the early Incident In thfl Service to God can only be life of Jonab which made a IIfelonl . hown by .erVlce to the world. Itllprl'&8 upon bla life.' His fath er n ev r· It II a wonderful thing. to be callie bac k, anil Int o bl s heart t here the moul'hplece of Gad. waa burnIng not only the sense of God choo.el for Ipecla' Hrvselr·sacrl flce and lo yalty to hla coun· Ice thOle who by abIlity and t ry, but a deep conllcloullness of the trainIng and Impul.e Ire peover-rulIng Providence ot' Go<l III the culiarly fitted for luch lervlce. aft'alrl! or hl a nation. . Jonah wal I clole .tudent of 8111rally of a deep rellglolll nature, hi. natlon'l hlatory, he knew th early ImpressIon! Intenelned hi s the pl"Omllel 0; God concerning desIre to know and serYe ('lad. It It, he wal zealoul for the po. se med a wonde rful thing to blm that IItlcal BI well al the rellglou. Ell shll sbould have known tb e mInd at pro.perlty of the nation, and God concerning tbe. tuture vlctorle! for thla reBlon God u.ed .Im which Is rael was to win o"er Syria, not only to .peak the word. of and wh en thlll propbecy had ,been ful· propl1ecy concerning 'the reflli ed to t he letter a nd Klllg J08sh covery of the territory · WhIch had Wall Ule t bree "I torles. he r e' I ,..el had lo.t, but al.o to solved that hI! would s I've Ood and In.plre and unify the fore.. of ' his naUon. the nation al to mlike It po• • " \Vby should I nol II\'e olose to God, Ilble for King Jeroboam to too, 80 that b e can tell toe of t hi nglt wage hI. lucce ..ful campaIgn, whlcli he II going to do for my na.. Of courn we muat not lorget lion 1" that In ' addItIon to hi. natu,.11 Suoh was tbe qnestlon whIch he ha ~ fltna.. .for hi. million a, often a sked hlrnse lt In se ret. and· It prophet ,to tha nation of I.,.aal, was the question he finally asked hll he al,o pOIBened that pIty. and mol her as he XllreS8 d to hel' his .. nee of vItal union with God wl ljb to go to .one of. the schools or which ",ade 'hl'm willing and. lhe prophets. obedient to the purpole. He never 'k new nil t hat It cost her God. to part with hI m for tbe long s ason, To be lure hIe Intenee pa. but be dId see tbat same look of SOl" trloU.m· and loyalty to his own 1'0,," and au glililb In 'he r face .whl b ball nation pro\(ed hi. one weak· come wh II his Cather had goue off ne .. and led hIm to try and run aI's iJ fQl'e to battle alld ·had never away f,.om the command of God re turned. , . which dl,.ected him to leek the "Bul I wIll retur.n," be ' Qllickly good of a neighboring ' nation spoke up, with I'cll!;slIl'l ng smile. who.e revival and p,.o.perlty " Yea, as Ood will," responded tbl he feared mIght th,... ten tho moth 1', fe l·ventll'. . u'ety of' hili own nation. but ~e And again be Celt l hat ovcrpowerlng' find' him finally 'Yleldlng to · the sense of God's COlllrol In the a~alrs of d l.clpllne of God and obediently men and of nallons which lie bad going 'on a ml .. lon of mercy to felt all a little boy when he b~d ques· a ,.Ival "atlon. In oth!!,. word., tloned his mother concerning tbe obedlerloe to God transcended prophet Elisha's word. any hullian obligation. Well I. "As God will ," he rejlpated, and was It wilen the 80ul· ·grllp, . thl. gone. thought. Tbe y ars passed. and lbe tholJ¥ht. ful, youth had developed ·Into t he THE STORY. quiet, Uledltatlve mall·. The ·I~t nse 10've of hj ~ country bas ma de blm a ';t~D-ul! ' t,il Lord will give UB the vic· 010S6 Btudentortbe pollllCII.I~"ents,and D to~y, .tor It Is according to the be has watched wltb g l'ow lng In te r· wO'rd of. the propbet 6 11 8ba. spo~en 00 est .. the .c omlng of JerebOam to tbe bia death 'bed to '0111' klllg Jou~t)·! . We (hrone. .what woulll be the elreet of c&nnot fall . 1 shan ·return to ·thee and his reIgn ' upon the. klng{lom? Would the boy," tbis 1.8t as he turriet! a'nd It be . for weal or ' woe? And wben looked at the little ·Iad · 8truttlng he noted lhe appare nt dls.p osltlon, ot . around the, dooryard, so .intent o~ hts the YOUf\g kIng to rest easy,. In t~e , pl.ylng aoldler .that he dl4 n.ot senjle vlcto~les his fatber Joash had won and the sorrow cif the motber or realize to yield to the corrupting Influencee what the going of the (alher meant. all about hIm, be sought t he. LoT~ Oblldllke be .was :aUraoted by t he sol. earnestly'. In prayer, crying ovel' and dlel' eqUipment, tbe ablnlng breas.t- over again, tb~t as Ood had :'tevealed plate, tli long, slender speaT .w lth It II to Elisha. the . plans f(lt th!! kingdom, . gleaming bead &nd t.he bow ~nd great 110 mlgbt l1e reveal to -him the thlllg~ quiver at arrows , Ilung over the. he 'Would do con~ernln« the nation . - stlJrdy sbouldel"s of ·hlll father, and , "They. ,that ' walt 'on the , ~rd snail wIth a slen.d er reed · for a spear Which not be ashamed," be re~ated one. !lay. he beld 'aloft JUIt. I\S he had seen hll recalling"one 'of the pa~lBges from t ba fathet do, he marChed allout, fully re- Psalms of David. ocr will walt." s~lved In his braye Utt,e beart to go . No one ' ever knew ·what that vlgll .to war when .. he was a miln jU8t al oost him, or ·the heart~yearnlr1g for hI. papa ,"I d9lng. . nation, of the faltb Godward -and th. The little ·. fellow loo.ked up &8 tbe hop~ manward- tbe :. world never worda of hll father were spoken, know II what the ytctorlea at 004'1 ·and lIomethlng In hl~ ,mot.ber'l face salnta cost- but, the 'n atlOn did k~ow held his attfllltion, and , he heard her his wonderful mellale and reJOiced, lay : ·..ylng: "Surely the Lord hath " Vea, vlc.tory may be,. with 'arael'. 8poken by the mouth of Jonah the' banner, u )ll!l!lha 'th.e prophet I)atl). propbet, ~nd will unto UII the: ~ld, but many .. brave soldIer .of ill- ·. bor4ers of ,the.l&nd wblob o.ur 't",then rael may tall In tbe battle." pouelsec,l!"
A t ••r rolled down tbit woman'lI l!IIeelrs, and the lIUle (ellow Qoted tbat, too, and It wu , a I quiet, aerloUI little fa~, tha~ was upturnecl· to tbe fatkAr to reoelve a last parting kll' and 10Ylnll pat, and then without • . 1rord· he fol,lo1!ed the weep,tng motber Into tile houlle, while the r.ther fell In With th' . other 10ldl81"1 ana went marcblnl do'w n ilie road. ·.-what II ' It, main~at' h' whlsl'Cred.. ·'Who II t)llll man Elllb.. wbo hu made you cr,,'" for he hid augbt the propil,et'l nam., and IIOmeho" COD' aected It with hilt motber'l tell4'a. ' Th. childish quel'J' brouaht a balf .Dille to bI. moth.... Upe .. ah, went c), . to . the
For Pe"ny...Word, . II hoved. tbat a conference of th. postIDasters.genera( of Europe Wlil be' beld this year In !:.ondon wIth a view to Introducing , penny a word telegr.m8' th.roughont Europe. . The Britalh poatmu~e~gel1e",l · ellthnatell the dlmlDuUon at re.Que. throagb tbe adoption of tbll m. .nre aa ~ot ea. oe~lng £ 130.000, wblcb waul. not ID. yolve . &nY aet\1&l 1'?811, th4! .pre.ellt pr.o ftt. exceedlns that ftgure.
Coray,Ha lred Mah Remembel'8 I SO) Whu T'''·led 1\ Forty Years Ago,
ID the method here Illustrated the rlbk of hay II lifte d up bodily, the ordinary Dox'cart i. bocked In below aDQ the whole Is t hen taken to tbe stack or shed, wben a horsefork plcka It up and swIngs It on to the IItack In a tew minutes. The first picture showlI ' the sbellr·legs, or t riangle. being taken for· ward to a rIck of, say, 12 cwt. to 16 cwt. of ltay. As each ahear·leg haa a swlvel·wheel , or castor, on Its (oat, the whole triangle is easily moved. The next shows the frame set In posl.
An Acre
• "•
Uon above the rick with tbe .ll... tackle ready adjusted. Tbe ~orle walks .out sitralgbt, pulling on tbe end of a rope, 8~d with the help at pulleyblocks IItts the rick bodily air . the ground. The horee and cart II then backed In below It, and tbe load lowered on thE' same, as shown .In tbe -thi rd· 'illustration . We have thus a solid rIck ·of from 10 cwt. to 15 cwt. ur more loaded on to a cart. In a few mill utes, and It. Is ready to b!l taken ')Ir to the stackyard.
~ ~
. , • ~,qll'~
I p"OD "~"II'T.
•J'. c./'I~R",n ~
J ROD,A,.,..'!., - . ,
.. . • . r
"~ow f"
"BOIIItit .'iOm. on the taatalJ&a"
1I...." .. oDetrolt
...... Prell.
. .
. .
. . . "'' ' '/'.1,
, PEI'CI,e,
T.hll plan of fruit garden IndIcates the epace that may be devoted to the dlt. ferent 10rt. t.o give an adequate .up ply for the .farmer·s family.
Revenge Thill Proved Effective. One of 0111' young· socIety wOlllen haa a \'ery good looking hlls band 01 whom she Is most proud . Having no. tlo d that this genlleman was paying mal'ked attention to a la dy .ln her ow n set s he k pt a carerul watch I!llld was fortunate enougb to discover among her husband's papers a n umber of let.ters writte n by tbe s aid lady. She then re flected as to what COlll'lle s he s bould pursue. She thought long and I\t last hit lll>on a strange plan . From among the co rresponde nce the lady .selected fOllr letters, pasted them on tbe back or her fan, and theu ac. colnponled ber hllllband to I'L dinner where she kn w she \,)'ould mllet bel' rh'al. It ~' as not long iJefore tb e tan attracted Ib attentio n of th e gu sts, Who asked to be allowed to look at It. The' {anlh . /I IJASSed from hllnd to hand, and whlll\ Jtreacbed the rIval she tumed c rimson alld tinder t he pre.text of . a sudden Illdisposilloll wllfldl'ew hasUly .-C nU ewomau .
A Wife's Need. Sb,e needs a good temper, a cheerful Tbe neshy tap root III tbEi edIble POl" dispOSition anti u .k now ledge of how tlon of th e plant and If HIe ground II ber husballd s bould be i l' aled, She not In good condition It ,will become · needs a ell liability at looking on the brandl d :and be of li ttle value. lit right side or life and refusing to be someUmes a ttains a dIameter of one worr·led by small lhlngs. Sbe needs a The o~' ster plant, as salsIfy IS' calIed, to one · and a hal.f lncbes and a: lengtb seoure gra'lp o( Buch slIbjects 11.9 are fs a bIenn ial; Ita name Is earned by or elgb t to ten Inc)Je8. of , Interest 1.0 men, and IIIJ0uid not be tbe fi a\'or It Imparts ·to soup, not so U well eultlvated .saislfy will Call' ahove .tudylng even pollLlcs In ordl'r prunounced In strength as the real tlnue to g/"O w until late In the fall. lIt to understand should ber husband o'y ~ter, but similar to It and preferred III bellL to leave tbe roots In the ground speak of tbem. Sbe needs a SYDlpa. and dig them fresh when desired f(,~ thetlo nature In order that, sholli d tlor. by man y. Tbe plant Is. very hardy and bas the table. It t he winter Ie not too s &o row . fall U\'l0ll Ibe m. shll may be able been In troduced Into· this oO Ulitry from vere· tbey will live throu gh IIn t ll tbe to give · comror~. Ehe needs to IInder•. next su mmer, sending up Beed stalka lltand eo'm etblng of . s ick nu rsing. A E'urope: wl/ere ' It Is ' extensively cuI· In the spring. In north ern latltudell, wife ·w lth no uo lion .ot what lo do III tlvated. . It can 'be grown under rather liowever: It Is best to take tbe rootll the oase ·of IIlnell~ Is but ··a us lellll lel-ere climatic conditions. The ~eeds betor:e t he ground freezes and stora thing. She needs ~act and Datlenceare sbaped Uke narrow prisms from. the m in mOist earth , In a coo) ('ellar tbe one to enable b er to know when to two·tblrds to tbree-quarter~ of an Inch \Intll they are eaten. Tbe hardiness, r emaIn silen t alld vice versa. alld tbe long. Tbey brown. taperIng to 1\ freedom trom Insects ana tun gl, the other to pu t up wlt.h her husband wben 1m&1I point. They should be planted ease with which It III grown and Its"ex·· bls emper Is rume~.-C bicligo Amel'l. In rows, 80wn thick, covered· b" not cellent · ftavor ,and cookIng qualltlet can. more tban one-half or tbree' Quartera of make thIs plant one of tbe most valu· an Inch' at dirt. A loose. mellow 11011 able for tbe garden. although one o' Appetite Stlmul.ted , by Cold. 16 esseq Ua.\. tbe· least . ;nown In 'thls country. Sufferers from los8 or. appeti te II", advised to ~Igl'llte to tbe 80utb , pole. Prot. Edgecomue David of the Un l· verslty of S yd ney. wbo Is a member of the Shackleton expedition , . has· sent .1 ·Ietter to b'ls wife. He BOY" be III In SNAU ",0111 GlASS . good bealth and tha~ ble appetite Is 1"WINDOWS. WI ......._ -... , , f ' , amazing. " Tb'e vast quantities that . one . eats and really lIeeUlII to need In MANGE" this cold climate are simply mar ve l· ous. , I .suppose t hey are cblefly used In kesplng liP th e .body temperature," Tbe professol' adds lb"t penguin soup III delicious and tbat he baa beoome v.ry fond of 'eeal meat. He wrote· h ll letter trom the ·camp at the foot of Mount Erellu., the · volcanic and glacial geology of whIch be W&ll .Dgagtld In examining.
'Pari s Pattern No. 2419. All Seam. Allo wed .- Thl s [lr tty thougb extremely simple little model , Is lIa.rllcularly a daptahl e to wnlsts fIr tbl n ~ lIk, or organ (II . Th body lin ing may be of t he sallie material 01' of lawn. and tbe {u linesl! iK shirred Into tb n ck und he ld In place, by the tilgh colla r or all-over 10 . 'I'he sIc ves-whlch are '!ut In on wllb the waIst-are gath"red Into cutrs of tbe all·over lace aod may be made In tull or three..quarter length, uccord lng to tute. Tbe high draDell girdle Is made or materIal slm · li ar to lhe wais t. Th pattern Is ln three IIlzes- t3 to 17 years. For a nllsM or 15 years the waist requlrell ,3't,i yards of mate rial 20 In ches , wide, BY.! yards 27 Inc hes wide, two yar~!I 36 Incbes wide. or 1 ii yard 42 Inches wId; as IIll1strated. % yard of all· over Ince is Inl'hf' s wlc! . To prOCllro t ~ 1 8 llaUem lIond 20 conti t o "Pal te rn Dl'pnrtm e nt," or this paper. ·W r lte nnme nnd addreRA plaInly, nnd be eu re to gil'c slz" and numb r ot pattern . NO .
srzlli ....... ... : ..... .
2419 . .
NAMl!l ••••• •• • t: ..••.. ~ •..••. ... ;.•.•.•.•... I '
TOWN' .. . ....... ............................ . ST.REET AND NO .•• . ; .. ............... . STATE .. . .. . . . . .... : . ..•.•..•·_•.••••••• . ••••
Plan for a Small Stable
CuN!l. "He used to be a Srl&t Jover 0. books, dldn't be'" . "Yea. but ,he'. been cllNd or tIlat."
"WhPII<'vl'r I rl'ad In th lI~ws'\lal' NI t',31 u· IItty 11ItH rlln a l"lly rl'(lIil hume 10 fight IndI ans 01' Rf.Jl' k ~ Olll !' ol he r :l(WI 01' adv entllrl'. tl ,Iuk S IlW tJul'k 40 r eal' s." lUlll1 I.h j!rll~'· hall'ed 1111111 III I II club ~hlO kl n A 1'00111 . 'Fu l ' I l'UIl Jl.\I" Y rrolll h OILl(' IIIl Cll, ·j IlS! us I SIlPIlfhi9 very othl' l' YOIlI1 !;st lr '1(l e~. n ne!' at J ()U~I , olll y III Ol~· ('U SI' I Wa l< \l · l . u <lllug ad v nturt;. I W ILS "~cap lll g I.' ·l'llllll}, . .' 1\ se'e nl s (oulls h nul\'. b il l It w a ~ ull ver)' I'l'ul 10 III ' Ilw ll.. Th,' r~' ru n Il Y call 1st (I of I he ont>. fllN I!t ai I g,,1 lil Y IlnlL IIcl(lng, and I glll':iH t hl" 'p'" 110 doubt llml I dl'sen 'pd .II . Bllt I cOll ldn 't sea It that WIL Y ,lh ell : I ":a ,:er r h ll . tel', and th ail e Id ea I hUll WIIS II' g.' t · away wilerI' lire was rrf' t: aud 1)'I'UIlIS we re 1I0t. " Th e Impulse to della rt Oil Dll' travels W Il.S carried 0111 so ~u tl 1I'II1 r I hnt I tOllllll II1 Y~ Ir wall(1 dnl: Car II W3 Y from the hOllse lIef" I'!' It ,III wn ed on me that I wus 11.1 IJI'()\'ld NI for u juu rney . 1 had gOIl jllst 11 M I Wil l'. will! I he smnrl or Ill }' physical a s we ll as mell tal wrongs ~t1 11 acu te . ·' A I!. 'I went J poudel'ed ov r Ihp nla.\,. tel' of provisIons, all(1 I b fllaa carn l' to me that r would make b;)' first stand in a cranberry bog rlgh t on til ro 1'111. Wllh this as a ·headQllol·ters I woulll make ra id s on nf,llghlJorlng orchurdR, and If the worst came 10 the worst [ IU PPOS d the craniJerrles would !lnllport lire. "We ll. 1 reached the cranberry bog presently and blvouaoked. Here .[ should spend tbe first nigh t IInder th e friendly 8\ 0 r8. I pic k d out a 80rt place for a bed an d lIat down to wal t for nlsht. "Now, cran l)errles a re not very fill. lng, eBpecJall y In the I'aw, green state, but J managed 10 ent some at t bem. And then It begun to get dark. "We ll, s lr,we sb ado\vs fell qui c kly on the hi lls about me and the all' gre w chilI. Fan tastic monSl re r pul'ed thei r horrid beads on very lIalld. 'l'be frll e' lire began 10 pa ll. 'So It won ·t ·s ul'prlse you to learn that a very Httle buy ran home crying before the supper things bad be n cleared away. und that be ne ver ra il away again ."
Practical Fashions
a ....... OATS '4"JCa.SUD,
Paris Plitt rn '0. 1482, All l!!Iaaml Allowed.-This little slip dress with deep square yoke Is one of the prett, models always popular for cblldren. Made' In PersIan lawn, tbe yolc,e · II stitcb ed In. clusters of tuckll ·at the trant, one cillster only being ninde~ 10 side oC the back; and petween Uie cll)!l ters lire I'QW8 at Insertion; 'rb e stnughl !lklrt Is in one piece and Is gatberl!d to t he yoke, desi rable fuU. ness being Introduced at the. sidell. by an. under box·plaIt In ea.cb arm·so"e edge. The sleeves a ... In bIshop IItyle finl sbed with narrow wristbands, and the skIr t Is trImmed wIth InsertIon matcblng that on t he yoke. The pat· tern IS In four slzell-one·halt to !lve years. F or II cblld or three .yeal'8 ~b8 drells r eqlll res tour yards of ma.terlal 20 I.nches wide, or two yardS 36 IncJiel wide, or 1% yard 42 Incbes Wide; wtth &\6 ya rds ·o f iosertlon to trim .' To Ilroeure thll pattern lIond 10 · celltl to "p&t. l ern -Deparrnlent," of tills p&Pfr. Wrtte name and ·addrosi. plainly, an<L:bl lure to gI ve s Ize a nd number ot p&tte~n. ., NO. 1482. .
, SIz m•• .••• ••••••••••'•.
NAME ...... .. ... ....... .. ... ..... ............ .
TOWN ... ••. ••••••• •••••••••.•• ', .... . ... ...,•••• STREET AND NO •••••••••••••••••• : .... !
STATE .•. •• ......•.•• , •••••••••••••••••.•.••'. ~Ival • • A.-I' ll bet you 1 see more tong~ea In one day than you do. B. -Done. I'm a doctor. A.-And I'm a post Office 'clerk. Thank you.-CJeveland · Leader:
It. Faile Alarm. · Jocular Small Boy- Say, mllter, I heard a man teIIlng to·day where yOU can ketcb 'em a doln' business at .. 81ltlm • reg'lar green ' gOodll . headquarter' Mrll. HOll\;er-lsn'~ It terrible to h"ve .,Iace, Astute DetecU,e-Whare III it, IIOQ· to crolls the street at one of the busy corners? IlV?" Mrs. S torer-Vel, lndeed. Vou J. S. B.-That ere big seed and plant never know when one or those big ~. Itore at the corner yonder. IIcemen II /WIng to gfab you by the arm and scare yo~ halt to death.-qu• cagn Tribune. Couldn't Stlnd Th.t. "Jobn wrltel from col\ege," said the HII StatuI. old &a&n, "that l ',e lowered hil dig. N.,U-So t hat'll hil pholograp'b• .18 nlty." It? . Wby, he'. a regular I.,ell. ' ''Ib what WI'?" Ltl-Ves. he'll pretty re&11lar~ & "B1 pay Ill' -'lIGAtion wttIa, .JDelJ1Me ' !Ib:"1'fftIqI ha·......... . . IDOD.y from lAId y","" ",a . -...cbiouo T~b~ Moll I"-A U.... c:lc!IIltltllUOII.
- -----
f.,. .....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,!~~~~~'~?!PS~~!m~~~~' •• '
2&!rand it==h at'.Wayn'esvillfi ~\Vhilt G It U ~')liH •
Fir,eworkS 4'ost
jjlltriotlslU dtllUtmd ,hat wu tor 1& day permit· our ohUdrlln to pla.y with and explode gUIDpowder, . . , , ohlorate!', plorates aud d:vnamlteP RVl'rythin~ points to a great. celebration at Waynesville o~ the glorious The facts gathered eaoh year by Fourth. The advertisin~ committee has billed the surroundmg towns and the fire nlarshi41 ory aloud for ev,ry one who was there Ia.'lt year is Relping boost. Manager Cook has reform io celebrating the lrourth of booked the Wilmington Nationals and the fans can look forward to two July. Giving ohlldren fireWOrkS good games. The m'o rnlng game .",'i11 be .pul!ed off early so t?at. there on the Nation'~ ' natt~l day tel\obes will be ample time Lo get dinner and return III time for the begmlllng of t.btllll , nol, Imtrlotism, but lilisrel(ard the afternoon sports. for law ILnd for the rlghtB '[If others. Do not be backward in entering the conleMts: if you can' t win Ii first DlIl'jng th~ lasL 81x years the numyou may Ii second. and every prize i~ worth the money , btlr of bul1din~s burn6l1 ill Ohio by I fireworks on the Fourth haa aver· COME EARL.V ANI> S':E ALL THAT OOES ON aged 36 , The number lkmed by tbem has ranged from 10 to' 26 The r efreshment stand will be filled with good things to eat and drink This does , not inolude ohildren Those who desire may picnic on the grounds, paying fOf both morning and burned to death by the i~~itlon of afternoon a~ they go in. ' their olothing nor thQlle killed by Mr. Howell, who has charge of the Band contest, will endea vor to 'runaway borees The number make It the event of the day . maimed through I,he losel 1If' eyes Come and brink' your friends for It will be a 504!ent celebration for and fingers is never lus8 I,han ' 100. 10 cents: The l1l.I10 of firewUI'ks 10 r hildrtm Following is th'e extensive program· Abnuld be prohlhite(} , Prepurl\tory to the raigll of fira, rubbisb In areas or yards Is hould be removed or wetted down. Stables, outhouses. paoklng rooml! and cel. lar window8 8hould be tightly oloeed r
=============== ============::...
PROGRAM 9:30 A. M.
Adatiuioll, 10 Cent••
1:30 P. M. 10 Cell".
Water Contests ~y'a Swimml~ Raee. 1st Buncb ,,' Banan.. , '2, 2d Boa CaD4y, 71k:,
W . J . KUbaD
W. S. Halnu
2 Men'aSwlmming Race. lit Pair 01 Sboee, . ta, 2nd 6 Pounds Coffee,
E, V. Barnlian L , A. Zimmerman
II ,
3 Tub Race. II, Brn4 Tlckllla. '11. 2n4 Entel'P~one YI. , 600.
C. A. Perl')' Enterprise
2:30 Field. Contests ,
One Hundted Yard Dash (Amateur) I.,
SUYer Cup.
J _ Lewill Dr. Halba.w~1
Jell a.. lu> Waller McOlure A, ft, sl~e'.
' 2n4 lIBoaell Club81lellll, fl,
5 One HllDdred Yard Dub' Novice, Open to Ru~n Who.Have ·Never Won Place in
a Race.
. l at Hat, Iud Sblrt.
B. S, 80well
6 Sack 'Race. " H, CiemenUi J, H . Coleman
I.~ 1 Doi. canlOorn, '1.&0, 2n4 Granite Pan, 66c,
'1 Fat Man'. Race (60 Yards), Weight Must ExCeed 200 Pounds. BO:c Clemo Ol,an. ".60:
. Iud BlInlq TIcket,
L . A. ZlDIIIlermaD Deo, W. Dakin '
1 .00,
8 Girl's Race; 60 Yarda. IBt Oren Paltern. 2nd Savir,. Aocount
B. S . HO""11
CltluM 'B ant,
1.00, F. C, HarllJOCk
Ball Throwi~ Contest (Ladies).
~ Ptn~Perfume',
, lit
T.oWDeY Cb~late8..
•. 00; J. ,E, JanDey 2.7/1" W , C, PhPlllpA
10 Ball Throwb~ Contelt (Men). lit ' I Paln Can'luSb.Oea, lend .aselle One Year.
I, A. "'unkey
1.00. '0 ...
11 (Jreaaed Pole. ' lAl
F . C. Sc:bW'arn
3:30 Ball Game Entries for water evantM IIhould be made . with C.!II. Robitzer before 12 o'clock on July.. ' Entries for field eventS before I o'clock on July~. with Warren H, Keys or John C. Hawke. .' No entry, fee.
SPECIAL PRIZES.' 1 Largeet Representation from Any Lodge of Any Order, Outside of WaynesvUle. FIIi.
11.00, ' C. G, Wllllamaon
2 Larg.est Representation, fn Ratio to Pupils Enrolled, ' from ' Any Wayne 'Townahip School, Not a Specl~l District, 6.0U • .J. W Wblte
3 Lareest Load of People on One Wagon Not Residents i;)f Waynesville.
1st Set New Sh.-. 2nd 100 En velopel ,
GeorgeThOIDJ)80n Enterprise
, 5 'Fin!l8t Sinll'le Rig (Never, Entered 'in a Show ,Ring,. tat Suit
2.60. F. n. Care,l' 1.00; A. B, SideR
2n4 BUll' Whip,
6 Highest Batting Average for the Day. Tloliebl 1.0 Show an4
roe Cream,
. '. EleclrloThea ...e
'1 Mother of the Largest Family of Daull'hters and Accompanied by them. ,
111M Qnce LlncolD
8 Largest Family Coming the Greatest Dis-
.et Berry Dtlb,
a 00, Cr08l BrOIl. 2n4 ~Ild·. Rocker. 1.110, A. 1I.1I1t
Band Conteet. Prlu, 211.00 ID Gold ,
H~ L
. '
At Mose Cohen's is Drawing Crowds from Far and Near.
P()ST (lARDS '* *t, W e bave on hand a lot of Post Cards of views in and aroundWa nesville. and they are nic to send to absent fl'iends who are acquainted with the scenes and who would like to keep them as mementoes of their old home , These cards are
ALL MADE FROM HALF-TONES R~member, You Have Your Choice
' of Mic~ael'lI. Stern and Coo's Finest Sample Suita.
At Less ' Than Wholesale Price. Hefe's the Way The.e Ha;dsome Suits Will Sell:
For $15 8uit~
- -,
$11.95 F~Ol,$25
We hav e just had mad e a new halftone of the cannon the government gave to the cemet.el'Y, and which were dedicated on Decoration Day , and they are now on ale. It is one Wrl ll l.l '· Mil l m . of the nicest views we have ever had , and in all probability they will not Ia£t long. Call and see thl:!m IUld we are sure you will be pleased with them. F'ollowing are a few of the views we have to offer:
Waynesville Views
Miseella neous Views
tree.. I'twe. loo klti l(
It uvey " bllr ~ "
•. H II\, treel Slle lle In lIaf\''1I . F' r l e lld ~ ' burch In lIurvevs bu rg , c me le ry Entr nee, Soull. (J a l e. Ornllme nl.4l Sec tloll In MIII", 1 r m: e t erY- Four Vh~ w g, Friend s Boar ding Hom e, Slr el S<-e ne In I,YLl c. M. ~: . burc b In I.ytl • ~ " e ral HOlD e · omlng Vl ew~ , GII II I.ot O~h~r Yltws,
l~'\ R t .
OI.l S ch ool HouBe . New School lJ ouse. 1'M "Little" I:Irldg ,
'I'ne '' 'Dl,I' ' Ilrl cl g . or .... ln Avonue, loo klll ll l Owil r(' tI.e R a ilroad .
''*'**' a;:: ~::nt::m, j'*'
AmI are as lif like a.<I can be made , taken dit'ectly from the photograph, as the
S tree t SC6 I1 C,. looklnlC lIorLh ', S Lrcel Scen e , looltln g soulli.
For $15 and $18 Suits
Vie w of w :, y ul1svlllr dllrh'll IIll1h wa l e r ,
''**'' '*'
'* *'*' **' ~
""" ."'" .
and $35 Suits
See thelle Suits in Our Show Window on Main Street.
The 8wILII cannon oraokers 000. taiD dynamlte and 'he ve:r y . large pnea ilant powder. One of thom exploding in a hand converti it to ~ases, A story often told i8 tho ~ of. Ciuoinllliti man who allowed one'tQ explode while ag81inl!t his ohest. It "'1&8 neOessary to dig' hi8 watch out of a tree l~o identi. Iy hlp!. The baby OtLnnon il! onle of the most de&dly joy produotll'8. The num· ber. of nagediea froln it bas. beeu enormous. The hot air balloon is the worst of incendiaries because the resin ull8(f under it makes it a fiying bon· fire. Ita use certatnly 8h.ould be baiTed in oities. 'l'belighting andshoo&ing :matcb68 1I1'e danieroua beoaUlie tbey are sold to ohildren and contain plcri,c aoid, , A new firework caJled "Bon.of Il. guo" is m\sn_med for only Luoifer would . admi~ paren~al . clai';!l to it.. It Is laid upon tbe ~vement t,o star" tIe t~e Jl888erby" , Wheu stepped upon It hopll !Lbout popping like a gatllng aun auel often jumps into II: cellar window, grating or trssh"plle to 9tart a fire, It'lta.all the Hendish oharaoterlstics of the '''Dev'l l Chaser" and 80me others,
ing the amount of powder tn "oy firework and prohtbitiDIl altogether flreworlra qontaiolng phoaphorua, obloraw, plorateB, dynamite and other high exploslVeli. Toledo first, and tben 'B altim9re ~ud San FraD_, clsoo~rohlbited ~reworksalt~gether W, ~ ROOERS, lStf,\tfl Fire Marshal.1, .
" Best the World Affords , '''It gives me uubounded pleasure to reooommend Buokllto'a Aruioa Salve,' i .MYIi J. W. J .. nkins, of Chap. el Hill, N. C. "I am oonvin~ It's tbe beet salve the world affords. It oureda felon o'n my. : thumt, and It. never faile to beal 'e very sore: buru or woun.i to whloh it ieapplhid. 26,. at Fred O. Schwartz'" drug 's tol'e. '
A GREA,T CONTEST Yellow soap Is a fa.vori te in many rllmilit8, our mi88ion is to lighten the burden' of wll8hday. Have you uAed K~ng ' of the Laundry Hoap? 'If not be advised. by mllUon8 who h A tohl I d s ve. . m& ess eanser an a favorite in the wOlld,;s oontelt . for soap IinpreDlIt0Y, made from the oleanes~ and be.t · materiai and U oontains 80me naptha. Bold by ' all 11 ve dealers, 'tbt;ee ' large bare for ten olfDts.
q'~e most deadly , thiugused ,'In our anDual . outbreak of s"vagery called patrlotlam ill the toy pilitol. It explOdes II: paper oap oQl1talnlDg . ohlorate of potasb and 11l~t! of tile , paper are often driven ' under the akin of the hand. t;treet dust at all times carries baoillll whioh oaURe lockjaw if buried 'in humaD llesh so that'alr oaDnot reach tben). A moat dll:ngeroull praotice is t;o cover .uoh a WfJUDd wit.h a pl!l8tflr, All pellatrll:Ung wlluods frOID flreworkE lDuat be l.i.d o~n by a IInrKElOn Iln~ dreued so t,hat air oILn Bnter them. The deaths in tbe United tltates from lockjaw followtna tbe Fourth baTel'lUlged from 106 to .o~;. )'or. t1i'iii38l7 t,here la now a IUuI oure of lookjaw. I There should be ••tate
--------------f T U
Red fire dOO8 not explode, i the' pin. wheel is faatened to a tree. ; the Ro· man candle d~8Chalged from the ourbstone burns nothing but the wrist. 'l'be dYD~mit.e torpedo often UBtid on sareet rallway tr.wk. II Dot daD· gerous to the oooupaut. of t.he oar but it is a. terror to bys~rioal nerves. In Colllmbus a boy IODt ~hree fingera trying to drIve a naia 'hrough one of t.bem, The small ,Chinese firloorMlker. whioh il! used in grea.ter number than any other firework, ' destroys most property and fewest llv68. The paper 'of the oraoker often glows for minutes after It is exploded, igni~iDg t.J'88h 10 falll!. The elect rio sparkler fs harml688 unl88it Its wire, while stilll redbot-, ia thrown Into rubbish. Garden pieces and the new "oannOIlI string, II whloh oontains thousands of oraoken, are ufe 8Dougb beoa l1l8e they most be fired byanadalt. .Bu' a very ,lImaH part o~ tire 10(ls on the Four'h is oharg811 ble, to eky rooke~, The stloka are oooled in faHlDg ao they seldom ignite a roof. But til the celebration of last Year three Ohio buildinp werE' fired by rooketa and the ' decendillg stlok from one pierced the skull of a babe destroying it in ita mother"e arms.
lit J ObI. Flour. 5,80. n. M, Robll.Zer 2nd a Cue. Corn, ',211, Waynentlle Cannlq Co
4 Finest · Team ' and Carriage Owned and Driven by a Fanner, ,
Stop That Cold
Sbiltt Waists WASH 50c up, Persian Lawn Allover Nett
'S kirts.
Our Sales 'are very 'large Our Cut ana Hang ' , cannot be excelled. Our , $15.75 Skirt cannot be 'cquafled.
'S ilk' S'uitse:' 818.15 values equal to any 3,25.00 suit jn the market.
· ~pring
83.75 up'. ,· or
Petticoats 81.00 Sateen. $1.50 up Heather Bloom; , 85.0.0 up SHk..
Preventics~ "ALL DEALERS"
.• 0000h Debolt Bt. Ze.l., 0 '
MIAMI GAZETTE, hil S over hl'ttll"
true flilthful and vll4lhml. •walohf"hltl~ of mothor'lI J' ubll" h c ,1 lI' c ~ hl l' .,\ II oil II c",'lI h ', h. O'lIU',ltt I,be untiring clo.voLlun, tho D. L l!r~lIl1 . i!:lht"'r Itllll Mllnllt;(er evar.v· ntt.eutiun millilltered by her lov,lng ohllrlreu The · most gifted .1 00 II yu .. , · ., .. Ii' ·'<I ~" n ".. P'!U faUs In port,rllyal uf our sorrow 1 1. '/ " u Y"l1r If 110, I'J"1 .11 .. rlv a noe when the f(riDl D1811!!enger death
._-_._ •• I " .
= II ~. RIKB'S + II I I lOUR SUMMER SALE I I I u"_._.a~uuu~
County Courts Common Pleas on Summer Vacation-Six Marriage Licences.
iN A'LLI>~N .BUILDING hath IItretohe,j
'!r·r,E:F[!OJll~ ~J1r,r, ..
No. 112
IO IIH· - - - - - --
.JlT 1.\, I ,
l:!ri.tIlTOny i" Whlll ?
",beu ul~lIiug poonll, oll\l 112.
(hze lt~ lJy
Leblluon' s ,I une Gllrnl val great, t iling fM tbe town.
Wil l!
Itl! io.V grlisp Rnd o)llluled some loved ana for Its own .. ~ugUAge batb no power t,o pllint tbe Imgnisb..,r those by wholQ the OU OIl 'animAted form WIiS 10 truly id:)i1:1:od, tlO ullseifitlhis loved, and whotlll uUllilOry will linger witb an un!l.l\oy~tl vlI.lull Mother'l! wus" pure IIpirit and sought ont the good in hnman kind . Sbl' lived Ilnd died 100i ' ing II r ecord bellutltnl and un · tarnished; a life altogether worthy of emulation, and to tbe breath was oonllideraoo to a remarkable de · gree In hor thpught for t·be comfort of th e living. Now may the ciloi0811t blessiogs ever attend t·be broken 8plrit I)f cblldren, rela.tive8 unO frienc}I' . MI1Y' their live!! be as pelloeful Ill! ber!:! Ilnd wily eternlll hE\.pplu6s8 be in !l t~rll for 11.11 hum lin· ity. Let us think of her , who ha.s .gone as a spirit freell from pain ; Il 8abjeot gll.t,hered to the fold and eternity round the throne of God who hath done t&1l thinKS well and then exolaim, "Thy will be done...
NEW 80ITS The Lovelllnd MutulII Building & Loan oompaqy, Q. oorporatlon. vs Henry U . Rleneke, Battie Rieneke and t.he v'i1Illge of Morrow, a c·o rpor. atioD. For mOQey, t'4wount $304.20 with interest., preuiium Rnd finell. F. 8. Starkey \l ttorney for plaintiff. .OOU llT PRO ICKDlN0 8
No f: ntri9. Uourt is' on a. 8nm· mer vaoation, simple life etc .
Berins Wednesday July l .. t , and fol' two weeks.
PROBATE OOURT ~~~~~~. Estate of WeRtley 'Spurliug, deTho 0001 night!! mllke Ii- fellow oeased . 81\.Ie bill filed and recorded. • This is but a sunple. announcement of a big event. A repre"go 80me." Whfltl it Ollme8 to IIleepEsta.te of 8tepben B. Hunt, de. caatled. First, and flnlll 8.()()ount In~. sentative stock of the nEST qf merchandise selling for LESS than It filed with vouopers for settlement • is worth. a very few minor items we saIl under whioh whtiorderoo suspen(ll'ld. - Whelit cllUlug oommanoed IIl8t Elltate of ChlLJ'les Thompson, deweek, bot I'eoortll are t,bat it. 18 a (!ontrac~. C6ftsed. All debts and bills having sbort orop. . been paiti. oourt orders administra· tOI' \0 pay to ,Clifford 'l'hompeon, Bearel ov er tba te l~J.Ihone :· sole distributee, the balanoe of the dliY! Well yell! Are y-ou ? Why ? estate, amounting to 11572 23 in Wl\ynesvllle . banda of the oity of Cinoinnati and st-oct in the Lebanon Building an " We Wl8h to thank oar friends for Every boy In t,o wn III look,l ug for· the manv 1I.0ts of kIndne8s done us Loan A88ooiation. Estate of Charles Frleberg, de. ward to the F.Jorth, tbe nt&tioo'Sllly them durIng our recent ber6llVfceased, exeoutor, tildd a ' olalm great , noisy dilY. ment. MILTON BOWl!:. I'gll.inst eSI.ate, ssking for II. bearing II.nd tbat: the olt&im be allowed '200 . Mile Race If you don t soe your name iu the Hearing set for July 16. 10k , -19 .58 !lore in Wt&shington pRller, ' do"t bllitue us. We try to .. Est.ateot Joh!l W . Dake, dooeased; township, '3000. A Purely Vegetable Laxative get all tblit. is goiu~ on , rut ot&n 't 315 Pigeons Fly Fto~ Mor- ,Tames E . Duke made lidministrator (]h~renoe ",nd Elm!l Emeriok, to relloh ovel'y' Ollt". Cures Chronic Constipation, and All row to Cleveland in under bond of $500 furn18bed with Cyrus W. Younce. traot iu Wuh. Liver and Kidney Troubles. ' d Ab Cook as lngton towDSlhip, IL. J E Rob Five HOUfS .. !Dson I\n ralR If you don'~ helve to hllrvest Slit. sureties. John H. Beoker to Uh.renoe Em. ~'o r <l a ic at tile to ll() w l lll; 1,lacHI. : arday, you bod bet.ter spend t.he Estate of Rlohard L. Simonton, eriok, "1 .10 llor68 In Wllilh'l ugton day In Wayn 8vlllp. Somethlng{ The 200 mile raoe of the old bird dOO!llIIed. First and final aoooant township,ll. . Zimmermun's, Kilbon's, White'~, Mountjoy's. doing 81\ the time. fserl68 Wa.d flown by the' Cleveland 'oonfirmed. AI bert A. WIJUams to 111& James, Springfield. Ohio, _ diRtrlot by the International Federa · Estate of William W. ~hoc)rey. lot in Ooeol&, $1. We been rdber unfortana.te tion of Amerlolin Homlni PigtlOn deof'lI.sed. Court 6nds 6tltate fully Bir.m S. NeLlon to Mary J In the matter of rain. All around Fanoler. on ~unda.y, May 31, from administered. . Wlllllimll, lot in Lebanon, $1. IllI tb6re bllve been "lIod nlns, but .norrow, with '315 blrda entered from Eitate of RaJlin W. Mulford, ml Hiram Terwllllgflr to John Ter . DO YOU GET UP it hlive ~one .1I.11 Ilround us eight.een loftl. Althougb tbeweath. nor. Fifth Ilocount O!ln6r~ed. willi,er, traot In military Rurvey WITH A LAME BACK? In this vlolnlty. er and wind!! were against good Estate of Ueorge H. Osborp, de. 4U3, $300. . racing tbe birds bavlng to 6y O6IUed. Clourt flnds e8~te fully . 'rank L . ,B owman to Rebeooa, Kidney Trouble Makes You Mlserab!e, fUN ERA L 0IRE CT0 ~, againBt . head wind@ and through adminl8tered'. tract in Harl" n township, $000. Almost everyhody who reads the news· Urover C1evellind, lilst ex·Pre81- rain, very good time was made. A. Eat&te of Beater Gerrard, Imbe Will O. Go,stin to Ann Phillips papers is sure to know of the wonderful , denL livlog W'/U! IIl1d away lut Fri. L. Balzhlser wired, "Birds Jibera.ted elle, &yenth accouot Q.onflrmed ' lot In Waynel!VI1Je, 11. II 'I cures wade by Dr. giltner's Swamp· day. He ht&cl been IIi ok for over II. at 7 :50; wett.tber tine; sUght wind Estllte or Perry P . SpeI)OO, minor. Nellie £>l'iil~Z Berrv to Euocb Root, 1h great kidyear' bnt not serloosly, un~1I a from weet. " " A t Cleveland tbe Final aooooo t oODtirmed. Batnes. l.faot Illear Waynesville, saoo. ney , liver (I~d bladder remedy. month ago, when he began faUlng w6flf.her was oloudy the , winds Estate a Belle Rob.inBOD, hnbe. Edwoard W, AyerS io SUas B. Kee-. It is the great med· very rapidly, and died 11111' Wedn6e. blowinK from the west and north aile. ~o'}nd aooount confirmed. DU, traot in Washingtoa towDshlp, ical triumph of the ·.day. . ,uinetecntil century; Branch Office. HarYBwsbuf' O. EtltatA "f Ralph Brehamy, minor. '222);. weat. At 12 :43 :41l:'rln088s arrlvSd di scovered ufter years t.t t.h e loft of Bernard IIIledz, having Second lInd dnal aoooa~' oonflrme". · 0 )M1U88101UIlR'S PRO EEDIN08 . .1 of sciel1tific research Am(\ng oar t'xohliDges Wtl note oovered the dhltanoe at the 8peed of Eltat~ found to be fully 8·d minis. W. Ungles1by & Son, borial Qf hy Dr. Kilmer, . the -that ' every t·own in this oonnty (ex. 1,166.32 J'Ilrds per minote. Book. teredo ~ lIIill cnt kicilley ami M.a.~iah"Car&e", $70.06; Joseph Nioh. - - - bladder specialist, nnd is wonderfUlly 'cept. W ..yneBViltll) bas a band oon· eye the loft of J. P. Berbel. took Eetate of WilBon Bue, decell.8ed olBOn, 10mbElf, $288 75 i Ub~,lea sllcccssful ill promptly curin!! IlllU e back, cert on &turliliY night, the mer. second, with 1,156.10 VllrdB averllge Court ftnd8 .estate fully admlnis- Henderson, contraotNo. 43. $131.38; uri c ncid. catarrh of the hlndder aud ,~ R.Y ue8Ville'. Leading DeDtll' Discllse, which i ' the worst chantl oontrlbuting to Mme. Sbame speed. Bernard Hledz . won third teredo Cbarlee B. Lewil, contraot No. 31, "Bright's form or kidlley tron!,l e. Uffi ~e in KeYIl Bldg., . Maln ~i on a to'wn like OUrtl in not following wItb an average speed of 1,165. 76 ~tllt.e of Armind" C. Gillie, de. Sl06,OO; C. C. Cleaver. oontraot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec· aDlt. yards 'mllde by Extra. F. and J. eealed. Estate found to be fully No. 37, 'U7.~I:;; Lenner Whitaore, ommended for everything butif you, hllve kidney, liver or bladder trQuble It wtll be Wittasek won foorth place with admlnI8ter~. . , oODtrao~No. 39, 1155.25; Bert ROid. found just the relUelly you lI e~ d. It !ta8 •• Waldo 6\rl, making an average Estate of Josepb S. ~ibbey, de. bridge repaira; Deerfield tOWDspip, heen tested in so III/m y ways, III hospItal and in private prnctice, lind ball o~n Obituary speed of .1,155.3'& Ylirdll.-Morr/)w OOll.8ed. 'Estate found to be fully $12.16; S, K. Stephen80n, ~umber' work proved so successful in e,'ery cn~ e that a Tribune. administered. 177 27; Jacob Hehamaker, \ ~ridgl'l spec ial nrrongelllent has been made, by Veteriu~ry Surgeon and Dentl"t.. • • Estate of Joseph W. BogE:lf, de.. repaIrs, '96.05 ;' J~. M. Prtnoe, .mdse. whicb all' readers of this paper, who lllLVe '\Iot alr'eady tried it, UI:'Y Imv,e a SIlUlple • hlar,are,t,. E. Howe. "'b Remed cn'h tOn.... ed 1 'd ,... \I ~ .. a """" . 00'& 8. Dven'ory an appra... e. fpr slJrveyor, 'S.39; 'the Wester.o bottle sent (ree by uUlII, also a book tellOur delir motber was boru Decem "Dr. KIDIl'S New Dl800very is tbe ment tiled. llltar, 12 Index recordl for Recprder, ing 1.'Iore about SWBUlp.Root.llnd how to At Bome on t:;&turday Afterooon. if you have kidneyor bladder trou· ber 19, 1826, In Fredtlrio ('onnty, remedy that does the beallng others Eettate of Henry Daw800, de- $222.\10; 'l'he WeBtern Star, pnb~ fin<1out bl e. When writillJ; mention rending thia Virglola., and departed tbis Ufe proml8e but b,1l to perform," M1S OOlll!ed. Frances E, Dllwsoo ap- not.ioe to bl'ldli~e oontracters, $10.62; generousofTer ill thiS puper andsend your E. R. Pierson, of Auborn CaD. pointed Ild minI t· . JU'De 16, 1008 etra rlx ond er bo n' d The Western "tar, advertising address to Ur. Kilmer ' . t,re, PIi." It Is oaring 'me of &brollt: 0 , In InfaDcy Ilt tb!!...,e of 'bree,. t.o . Ilnd lung trouble of long' standing, of $2000 with American Sorety bridge for satel, $150; The Western ' & Co" Dillgbntllton. N. V. The regular lether wltb fatber aDd inotberoap!e tbu other treat,menu relieved only oompany of, New York as surety, S.r, pob. Bqeman road notice, fifty·cent a\l(l a ile· " "" '0 hilS been a re8lde~t 9,f temporarily. ,New DI80overy.!sdQ- andG. D. Thompson, W., M. Myers " 8A3 ': W. B.Il!tanRge andOompany, dollur si,ze bottles lire D.m ••' B_.. p.I~ : (Jl1i1toa .nd Wllrren oJunty the r~ iog me so. muob good that I feel aud Jobn E. Benne~'t ~ere made R. R. appraisement .bla.nks, *7.50: sold b)' all good druggists. Don't make allY mistake, but ·r emember the name, , f' '11f • • I th ' rI . oonfident Its oontinued UBe for a main!1er a . e, ahll'~ ~R e , P8 rea60na.ble length of time will reo appraIsers,· Ruggles-6ale company, penoils for Swamp·Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swunlp.Root, old age or 81 years, 6 m'ontbs and store me to perfect hoaltb. ,. fbi8 00 the mat·ter of the etltate of aodltor, $2 ..75 :; Johnston & Watson, I1nd the olddress, Binghamtoll, N. Y., on every bohle. . 28 dap, . . renowned cougb ....d ~old remedy Mopbia lieibls, deceased . Charles blanks for P. J., $21·50; J, S. MorF.ver~tblng Kuown In Mu,io. · Sbe W.I mllrried to .ramell E and threat Imd lung bealer is 80ld VOlderdlng appointed anmiDl8tra- ris, . Jonrnal & supplies ~or p. J " W . Cliff. Sutton, Prop'r. Howe.t. the,age 0120, ' ,t~er maiden ~t:r~je:o~ie ~!e~llrtz'S drug 8tore. uoder bond of $5000, Henry Ueihls 126 lfj; J. tl M'lrri" , diamobd ink .DaOJe w,. Baypie, To thl.s ,union Ilnd Cbristina Ueibls saretles. $8 50 i OM nit· , "' I " "lfl~, admiDlstra. WIUI born eleveD ohildren, some of •, Estate of WllIlam 8atte~thwaite, tor, refonder lUl' dUM, $1. ' 7 whiob died tn infanoy. i'here eur· Ends Her Life in8ane. Firn and flllet) , 80000nt No. U. Contraot wae enter,ld in. vlvtlB b~r three children: Belle, filed wltb tvouohers' for ~eUlflment ttl with V. J. Zentmyer for .. t(;)Oe May 11. ~ "rant . lind &lU'on, At present 1 . whiob ill .qi'det:ed sU8peoded, : . pr"teoting waJl and pavedoroljslngs tbere .re · eight living grand-ebil. Min Belen Bnlla.rd, of Maton, Estateot LaFaye'te.Roe, dtl08IlRed. near Ulitholio Churoh above MUir 'Ii MAllO STREET WAYN,ItSVILDI:, o. Ufe I» In room next· cloor to 'ros8 Bros. "ren and five grMt grand.obildren ended her. ' I Il It w ee,k b y' potti n~ Inventory; and Iippra.l.ament tiled. Mnd Foster road a' ao estlDlate of .. In early life ' s~e waa unl~ with a b 0 11e 'thrOl1g b h er ' b ra In. She Hardware Bt.ue. In tbe mlltter of the will of ,John $15~1,6 _ tbe ' Obri8t~nohQ,rchatNew 'Anti was despera~ely ,. ln lov.e . Wlth a Marcb,dece&tl6d. Appltoat.loumllde • _. Telephone in houfje Ilnd offioe ooh, Ohio. Mo~bt!r 80w,e tlllB lived young man and Willi very jealoQl. to admit the wl11 to rroblite Ilod ' Mayor's Proclamation ' wbere ~ can be called. day or night. Laxative ' a nd pellcetul llft; a devoted After be expreued hiR Ibten~lon of bearlDg set for J, UDe ·2 7 , V I I . } l e y. Phone 14-2. . •wife, pure , ,. i C' i tl ' h . &" "'!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ft,' do'iog motber," pooslsteDt go OK to IDO nnli ,s e l'(Imons raw MARRIAQI: LIOIIINSI:8 I herolJy proclaIm that tbere ehall be no :;: _ _ , surp08868 all otber .rem. . . . more Sunllay galDI!!! 'ut baoe baLi played In· .,. CROWNED ',L'BIRl'Y YEARId C-brll&iaIi'. abe Wli8 &ha laBt .lIiorVi- ad with bt~, and IlS II. resl1lt t)f the edies for the ,relief of sick. ~ Good 21 CI I tbe corporation IImltH. ACCo[dlng lu B eory -. 'y or of & family 0' , elgh" obll~r'e~ quar, re I t 00.It hi s revo1ver aD d 8 b.0 t " , no Dna t'1, to aide 0 tl S M y' or .. ~ " tbe lI'w. of the stallA!.. . , )l1'l·H. n . Not King Edward,' but that gr(ind be~dactie, dlz'z ines8. indimembers aUainio'" the berself. co Stella M. fiorsl1oh, 21, 'Lovellind , . the O.·ber ~.. lbe t u p " 18 f.... A ~OAP NATION old King, the King of the Lt&undry . gestion, ohl'onio Conlltipa .........otl,!O'. &oes of ,60 to . 70 , 'eal'1l ; ~-. A ~.. . arAer. , 0 , _orrow, r .... ...,.. oT.£>11 si1y and q lokly U 2 f U • It is the liest yellow 80liP on the tion ~nd Biliou8ne8~, heoaOS8 . e8 ; are ea U to }tearl rton, 0, 0 _orrow. ' It is prove' n ~y StatistlOB that the marke' t from oooo~nut 01') tb ;""11-"" them t.o their Eter ere d ea --.... • with Dr. Shoop's MagiO' William Jo.lrnea' Beboe 28 'ranil. ~ they 1I.r6oompoe6d of the . best nal Bome: fier Pl\l'tlUtI Jived $0 the ' . To prove It I will man a 1 ., Americ~n people use. more s?ap thlln t.allow ~nd oapthll., 'l'a thers freely i~ ripe o)d&8" of 85 years. ilmllll box ail Il convinCing test. liD, to MiDnle May GaRtiD, 20, liny otber nll1.lon \~ the. world. bard or 80ft water" notblng on ,the known Vearetabl~ drog8, Ilnd Motber ' home ' with ber ~Imply addreu Dr. Shoop, Raoine, FnnkUn. .' IUog of the lAundry Soap baa oon-' malket like I.t. Your grocer 8e1l8 it, mixed In tbe proper prop or ' d :..:. fh h Wis. · I surely woald 'not send it Welby M. (Jar"'" 32, Barveys. th it b t ohlldren aUer t b e eaau 0, er us f - unl--'! waR -rtain AhaA Dr. . trlbnted marl! aD S s are a fa. three latge for ten cants. . I tion8 known to give the lIeI& ..,., ." burl, &0 B.ttie C, . Love, 30, Harveys, ",bUsb' &bill fl&(lt. ThIt uup Iea&an t "'. _ Ii u, ~hoop'aliIBJ{ioOIDtmeDt would It.nd baDd wblob occurred 00 t.o be r 1,,·"""...... reaal~. 1S87. rren YBIlrB ago IlieC M.arch, She &ell,'. Remember U II Dlade burg. · IUk of w..b~.y ball been (.vercome It (Jan" Be Beat. Every bottle KDlur...teed libe lost her eyff 8lghS' entirely aDd upr88llly and alODe (fir Iwolleo, Leroy B. aard, 23, Cartbasrena~ by Ita ase, and the orltlcal boose· The best of all teaohers is experi: to glve satlsfaotion o~ · moo· durioS the remainder of ber dllYll I*inful, bleectlog or itahlDI piles, ,to MaUle Roberlon, 21, Orepnia, wile who b&8teltedooeafter-ano&b enoo, C. M. Barden, uf Silver City, ey refunded , • _ w.. ae Pl'tlflnt "ud IltIilOtIfll1 lUI 'b~ j~t~~~:ste~r::lb~rb:r:a!~:~ Large L1ytle A. Prioilfltt, 22, Fran.Un, er 'of tbe varioul IIOape a!CreeB ahat North Cllrollna, say8: "1 find Eleo. • tlll water; while t.he remaining . . . to Emma Pummtll, 18, South Leba. Kinlof 'be t.,undry 'baa no equa). tric Bitters does all that'8 olalmed 260 a boUle at selaWartz'8. are bowed down witb grief; • - • . DOD a501d by 1'10081'11 t,h ree large for It. For ~tomaoh, Liver and malled:anywher. e .I1POD reoelpe f. -II,... ,Y New. Coneern .. ft" • , . Ktdney trQoolea it oan't be beat. while th.e deltrellt, tie oi ' earth hall REAL aTATII: TRAM....-IeU,. ban for ten oaDtII. 1 have tried It and find it'a mOlit es. IJf prire. beeo a8vered In tbe dlla.t b of Dlother ; Calleta B, mutmilD to Artb'tlr W, • I. cellent medioine, " Mr, Barden whtle tbe life thftllCBVe Oil Ille ·ha" The Morrow ~bQDe ~ reorl&- ....8'm.n. tnot In aamt)&oD town. Notice 18 ri8M i it's 'he beat of all medi........._ _ _ _... fGlflded Ita m1llllioD. io aU beauty, and UDder *he De. maD.... .hip. ". The Gf&'Dle • for Dest alD8I.alBO for weaJmeu, lame back, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! taDoonOB, dIIJl~'y .'IlDd with few W, 11'. &Ituotb i. ahe eel' J'red8 BoDelo ADDie B Bamil- aJda~ be to 8aturda~ aod a111'1ln down Baa, i Je' i,ll. .nd :~el~:::O: toIIt '1!. · 10. of the ::ca!0~~.!!::'t;"~ 110S'f0. ·re. . . . 10 bow CJnI YODDae to 01....808 .....,. bratioa....... cltD8 dore. 1r.$IJIIP . . .:.. ...,,·
= I i EVERYTHING ]S I~eally
REDUCED .: •••••••~•••••••••••I
The Alpha Ghemioal Go,
TelephoDe Da, or Nlgbt. local No. 1 Long Dlstanc. Ne. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Dr, J
Telephone No. 121
. WaynesvilJe, Ohio. '!'he
Sutton Musi.c
'FIT A. MAF · 19 Green Street
X · 0 :h'10. enla
mldU ..
,,;::a:.,::, ._'&_..,"
10' b. Leblaoa.
.Jab' OIl
btl 081':
:00dt'::DIJ, S:..=I.: PILES ....,."h .. _ 60,. . .
HER OEiTINATION IN DOU.T. Llttl. Glrl'l "Imuk Not com~lIm_ tary to Grand".a ,
SWISS RIFLE CLUBS. Method In Vogue In Little Republlo Which Makes Every One a Soldier.
.--.EKINO,-A, Chinese dinner of 47 'dlshes, a glimpse In' to n Chi nese th at r 'nnd n v isit to a llopular leoture halF-tbe laUer n ot on ~ or the least slgnltlcant evl · dences of a I' mnrkal~ l e duoatlonal PIl r) OSC be· hind the workings of tbe Chinese government~ nd· ed 0111' visit In Tientsin with an evening ot great Interest, Thanks to the ,constant at· tention and companionsblp of 'Mr , Rob· ertson, y, M, C. A. general secretary In Tientsin, and Mr', Fay, a Chines resl· :ient, and a Mr, .A: of Yale, the most progressive city under Chinese admln. Istratlon was opened up to UB ,In a manner ' that fairly illumined Its ed u· ~atlonal, social 'and re ll"iou s ll rob, l e mll ~ and I want to put before you a 'ew tacts tHat group 'themselves about hree things : The ,broad and wise pol, Icy ot the local Chinese government Iindel" the greatest of Its men, Yuan Shl I :sl, t he terrible borde rill,nd b . tween the Chinese city and the torelgn l etllements and the' straleglc position acc'u pled by the Y. M. C. A , " 'ro I18Y tbat Ch'l pa Is awakenh;g or wli l awaken Is a false statement of lht;' case; to say that China bas awak· ened Is a platitude. It Is seU evld,ent Ind stares you In the 'fac'e on every cOl'ner, in every block, on every street. lust as we judge tbe posslbUlties and ,tbe Qua lity or a man's mind by bls beat work, so we mUM Judge or w"bat Chhia not ' only \s capable or · !lolng, bll t will do, by wbat her best men are accomplishing and have accpmpllshed, Tle nt'sln Is tl1e product at one man's mind" Tbat man, Viceroy Yuan Shl '(01,' Is now prime minister, or practl· aally that in Peking for the purpose ot worklnp; out bl s. same plans for the wbole em ilire as he haa done for his own city, Tberefore what Tientsin 18 to·day China wlll be, and will be ve ry soon, for I helle I U Mr, Robert· Ion ko:ows wbat he Is talking about wben be 8ays that the conviction tbat Cblna must have progres8 and the determination to cbange hllll seized upon eVllry omclal of ' high !;tandlng rrom one e nd ot the 'emplre to tbe 'other. And J belle" lhat' every one who knowl the Oblnese agrees that where tbe Chinaman hail the wtll be w1l\ ftnd the way.
fi clall t)' In method mn y be brop,;ht n'alns t he r that Is bl'Ou gh t against t be ,Ialla n sa dl\catlonal leaders Is not lI'II C, ' The Oblnese educators bave ;)I'(l\'cn In Ulelr work In Tientsin that t h y ('U ll allprel)end the serlo'Jsnest! ot a g l'eal problem and Sl'applo with It swiftly and strongl y, Kinfl ergarte n , pl'lmal'Y schools, middle schools ,. col· leges, II l\nlverslty and aga in normal IIc hooh, for the train ing of Chin se m en and women teac herll, are In opera· t lon, all I'u r, iy Chlne!\e, some manag,e d by t be gover nme nt, Borne by private Individua ls, Th e board o( ed ucation Is und e r tfolllrful' press ure ; a great cam· I)algn ot rlu<;atlon must be carri e d throu gh a ll o\'er China within ten years If th e nation is to be saved, As a res II It , lenchers must b tra ined In a huny, In stead o[ turning out sec· ond grade teachers with superftclal training, tb tollowlng m ethod Is adopted to "get res ults QUick :" A normal sChool, for example, tor women 18 estllbilshe d with a complete' dorml· tor)' s ~'stem, .the e nUre e xpe nses ot the scholars Is borne by the govern· ment and ten doll nrs a montb Is paid to each student besides expenses, thu s placing a . premium upon tblll method or preparation. On the other hand, .examlnatlons are held In ·tb. diffe rent provincial centers, and tholle students are selected abd admitted to the scho?1 who bav~ the highest standing, I went tbrongh 8uch a scbool myself anll t alked to the teachers, who were Chinese, of couue, hut who spoke Engllllh, Th ere were about 14p glrlll preparing tor teachers, An apparently tnexbaul!t1ble treasury bas been de· voted to the equipment of the schools, .whlch E!UrtlaSses anything I bave leen In Japan In tbe way o[ sclentiHc labor· atorles for chemistry, physics, biology, pbyslology and engineering ' with Its varlouB branches. An Indulltrlal IIchool, again wltb a complete dOrmitory sys· tem, wbe~e some 700 men and boyS were hard Jlt work learntng trades, showed that the IntereBt Ip academic education had not bUnded tbe educa· tional department to tue value of indUltrlal education. We viII ted but one Industrial school and one eltabllsbment under government eupervislon for lbe promotion of home Industry, an "Iron works," but there are many f'I b -en terprlse8.
eV ry form, A search tor an opium den proved th e effl clellc:; o f the law, and In s pect lOll will d t he m out of ex· Istence, Ptlrbaps t he lea st said about the out· rageous doings of the f(,relgners In Tientsin tbe better. It Is a subject that peopl e do not Ilk,e to discUS8 and do not wi sh to have brought betore them, 1t Is true, nevertbnl eSB, that In the foreign Battle m ents the Chinese are flndl,n g endless opportunity tor the gambling whlcb III prohibited by their government In ~helr own city, nnd Is nevertheless openly coun· te n anced by several c~1l8uls or tor' elgn nations In' spite of ' their agree· ments with thG Cblnese government. "The China Times," a Tients in 'paller, Is, waging· an open war against houses of 1lI tame and places of ~mullement of outrageoU8 charac~er wblch are act· ually protected by the' representatives or for.e lgn powers, Th(! papers. are full of It. One' paragrapb I will ~opy, for It ~ lIuggestlve and can stahd by Itself: "The Alhambra & Its Pic· tureB: Mr. Pratt, British vice can· Bul, lat In the Brltlilb cOllsular coo/t ' on Saturday morlalng to hear a charge against Mr. A, Ha1:per or the Albambra Ru'sslan concession or exposing Indecent plctur,e s. , , . Tbe consul for defense : Tj~e first one he tbought was updou/)tedly coarse, a8 to · tbe second and third tbat were called Indecent, that, of course" was a matter not ot Indl· vidual oplaloD so much aa of opln. Ion of the court . tryinc t he case.. It Willi rather a stretch ot the Imag· lnatlon , to say that one of the reallonll lor obJectln. wu tbat the Chinese went tb,ere, and that It , did not look well for Oblne Ie to . lee wliat forelgnera dtd tn I:b s way, He }lad no doubt forelp/ln' did lots of thing8 the Chlnele did not ap. pro1e of, If theBe Illotures were per 'ottted In London did not lIeo The Chinese ,overnment II lIurely wh, they shbuld not permitted of llAylng .That O.hllia Is procrelllling hy leapB dulng Its beat, Oamlallng haa be8n ber",:' People bave a Command. I true, bllt that the proUlblt d within tbe city on pain uf that "Tbere aln't ' .' lIIiIl&"IA Of. oarelellDeU' Ud IlIpW. ten years; Impl'llOlillleD&-camblllll Ia U81111l1" bIQ oiUl dJau.s;
AI 1\ tllll e wh 1I Ih qu stio n of ,I1I1111al'Y I mi nin g to r iv \lian!! III being m uc h r/i ll 11 S d, n Rhol'l arcolln t of I h " wi66 t;y~ t e m , rrom the MUll chos ler Ulilll'll/nn , ll1ay be or Int rPllt , Ev I'Y H llllI In I he nen 't> fu l and tl emocl'atlc country of Switzerllln d I s It Baldi I' In a motl fit WilY, be filtin g ;l HIII U Ii mitton, Th e nble·bodled Swiss III I'll lhe 1I I' U1~' III 20 Y(>I\I'S of age, nnd serves G5 11ays In hi .. fir st y RI'. FOI' I lip next 12 year.s he l l'lIl ll s for three ·weekt; every allernat YPll r, At 32 be Illera tile Landwehr, aocl has e igh t to tell days und er arllls \' ry fourth year until , at 50, he I'OUI'(,S, and Is required to ' fur· nl sh no further service except In case ot wal', ,"Vhlll ih Swiss militiaman lacks In mllllnry ol'lhodox y II ,tal' more than makt>s ujl by s kill with the rifle. Tt Is nOl too milch 1.0 ca ll t be Swiss ana· tlon of marks men. The training pe rl ~ds aI'e oc ' \Ipl d only with (l rill and lacti cs : the all.lmporta nt matte r at sbc.otIn g Is le tt to the Individual soldler to cany ou t a t oth er tI mes, and be doos It upd r lhe a llspices of Ihe shooting socie ties which are lIuch" a tenture ot SwillS life , Th ese s ocieties. unde r government conlrol , Ilre called S hutzeng sell schaf. ten In the Ger man, and Societes de TIl' In lht> Pre n 'h ('nnton>l, They a e vol· unta ry nlisociationR, varying In s ize and imp d once with th e town or Til· lugc t h I y .. erv e, Th08e In t he lal'lrer town s POB8 S8 omll l t ely fltled ranges nnd lubhollses ; the small vlllllgCll do Ih l' ll' sh ooting In nny fl e ld bac ked by a I\lIltnbl e hilI. E very p asant and tow n8' man hl\8 f'usy ra lliU es for shooting, and a h man hns hi s eervlc rlO e al· ways In 'his llossesslon, t]v ry mnn b t w en the ages of 20 anel 32 m!I Bt Or 32 sh ots lu fo ur com· iJulsory OleOI' hIes very year, lind the 'socle Lies receive a grant of two 'f raccB for ev ry soldier shoollng lhls course on theil' ranges, Tl\e Income derived tl'om the gru nts goeD e rall~' lIum ces for the current expenses or the society, SUPllly ot targets and pay of mark!!r. Tb I' is no entrance tee nor !lubscrip' tlon as a rule, and heavy expenditure, Bucb as that Incurred by the construetl9n or uew range!!, Is met by II Bpeclal grant from tbe gover nmen L Rul es as to spectators, methods of loadi ng a nd'conliuct on the ranges are slringent. Loss of graut Is Incurred by a ni breaoh or neg lect at regulalions. In addition to these exercl~s, many compe titio ns are held between dlf· fe ren t villages, to wns and can tons. In ,RUDlIll I' th e tl'llln8 and streams are cl'owcied with jovial bsnds at marksDI n gOing to a nd tram th elr' shooting frJstlva ls. ')'he whole sysl U\ of SWlS8 suootlng Is II good examplE" of co·opera110)1 belwe 'n Ao\,ernm Ant and Indl· vidual. Elv ry Switzel' has his army rlflc; he cnn u ~e It whon and where he will , provided he doel! not endanger other 1I\'eR; he Is Ins llred by govern· ment agai ns t all accident s on the ranges, und t hroug h, his society he can s CIII" t be services of qUIIJlHed rom· tnrY' offi e ra to ' organize a ud 'con t rol ' hi s shooll ng, lI y treallng I'ln '1\hoollllg al:l a sport, Bud It 18 us Ilopulor as football II wi t h us, and f ur I~ ol'e generally pl'actl ced, lh Swiss have removed It from Ing tbe matter with I h fee ling thn t Its usual wa r ll,ke a ssociations; but tbey made a rathe l' clever and shOUld occasion arise , lhat which hllll been learned In SporL would be used telling observation, Do they realize, I wonder, that In In ea rnest. some Cblnese porta the term merlcan woman Is synonymous for ,woman 01 PRIVATE'S VIEW OF ANTIETAM, III repute;-or prostitute? Thank God It Is not 80 In Tientsin,' ' Tbe Amerlcnn A Magnificent Spectacle Seen from SOlolth Mountain. and Brltloh g'o vernments are acting 80 tnr as Cbrlstlan na!lons tn this city, ~ven If 'tLe Individual AmerIcan men Tbe history whlcb you are so ably and Brltlshon are Bbowlng tbem,elves writing o r the dear old Arm y of tbe anything but Obrlstlans. Tbe Chi, Potomac, wrlte~ a corresponde nt to nese government If! not, 'going to ~be e ditor of the National Tribune, "stand for this" lo,!g. There wlJ\ be -:alia up most vividly many ot the a day or leckODlng If tbe rorelgn con, ,ard·Oghllng and earnest men who cessions go : on putting a premium on ' apt on fighting' under tbe Incompe. vice 1\11 they .are doln~ no~ , Me~ tency of Itll different commanders wbo have lived In 3'lentsln for yeare (tbey are all dead now, and may God do not hesitate to say that matters . rest t heir asb ea). I will try to tall must come to a criSis soon, It Is you how tile Antietam campalp In the Interest of the people at home looked from a private's point ot view. and of tbe United States, It seema to Pleasonton 's Firat brigade of cavalry me, to understand what tl going on, got to Chantilly, ana fired a few sbota . __ _ . , to emphasize tbe weak 8upport which This brlnga me to my third point, MoClellan gave Pope; ,thence the reWhich In.:ludet a kind of Bummary of adjustment which created a ' two-brl,all the rest, namely, the Important pO: gade division under Plellllonton. We sltlo'n of the y, M, 0, A, In Tientsin. thep crossed Ohaln Bridge, where;we ,A recoro ot Bome 'of tbe' activities ot found ourselves fn dally toucb with my very good friend Mr, Robert80n Stua~t'8 men until we were llalf-way wlJl be most conclusive in showln8 up South mountain , whel'e we devel. that the Y. M, C, A, Is a power [or edu· oped. tbe hoye In gray with the 'long ca~lon and tor rlgbteousness needed gilns, when we sldeltepped, 'for our and est.eemed by the Chinese educ.. . knapsack carriere &eemed anxious , to ton, On one side' Mr. RobertBon get at them. And right tbere h beheld comet In contact with a V&llt number the grandest sight, and one no trU8 of slnool boys. He hI.. severa:! aoldler cQuld have looked at without ,clllHses In various IIchool~ In physics,. a thrill of pride ~d entiJu81l1l1m. ,As and tuel bls "iudentB to all tbe cen, far as the eye could reach, and that terl of the city, sueh &Il the' Welltern , was back to Frederick, our marchfnl t elegraph station, telepllone bUilding, oolu,mn stretched out, with everything power plant, etc, He 'a lao la manag clltterlng, muskets and artUler." Ing a regular athletic campaign, haa as · the skirmisher'. rlt,s beg.n to Illtroduced the games of aaBoclation crack I thought: "Ob. how 'lIn ' we football: coachel the teama and pro, lose j" but, alas! . we had no Grant, motElS the truly western Idea of "b, Sherman or ,Sheridan at tile tiller. Ing Ii thoroUgh sport," Through the elrortl and' persoDalltj elich, Good Luck. cf Mr, Galley and Mr, Robertson tile Malter of th. House-But, I Mal'J. y, M, C. A, hi In a POaltlOD where It why are you 80 exalted.? , can have a tl'8mendouB Infi"I!nce ror Maid-The "mlstreaB baa dllmluecl BOund education and rlgb,t eouaneal It lIle. the wbettls can 0817 '. oDed wUb. Muter of the HOUH (wltll a Ilah)little ,PION I coqratulate lOa.
Ethel II of tbe ,matul'e a,e of fly .. Recen li y h 1" « rand lOoUler co ncluded tha~ It devo lved ou her to Inlt ruct thl cblld in re liglolJs matters, "Yo ll 'mu st bn a good ,11'1, 1!lthel," she said, "1'hell ynu' will ,0 to beueD wb n YOII di ll," F;ih I a e med s arcely pleased with tbt s re wllrd to\' e xcellUonal conduct, "1)0 11' ( YO Il :wan t to go to heaven r" s sked grandlDlI., Willi a look at r .. llroa h, " Oh , J rlon 't know ," temporilid Elli e!. "I gnpss no t ," " Wh y nOl ?" deruand ed crBndma, .... Il' verf' ly. "S ('allSI! mn ybe 1 couldn't eet outan s wN ed F;l he l. " You wouldn ' t want to Itet out," 1"8 plied grand ilia. l'Ob, yell, r sbould," returned Ethll, ";)1 h COli \'1('1 io n, "No," arg ue d gnmdma, "you would not. W hy sho uld you want to Itet out ot heav en?" ' "Why," answered Et he l, "I CUI .. 1' 4 want to so and see you once In I while, wouldn't 1?"- Womu'. How C"ompanlOll, SOUNDS FAMILIAR.
''Tbe End of a Lonr Life,"
Milder DefinitIon. ,At E m rsn's dinner table one day !here was m n tlon of a woman well known as n lion hunter; and, In speak, In g ot h pr, Mrs, Flmeraon used the word "snob." Mr, El m raon objected, th e word wns loa barsh; he didn't lik e that u gl ~' ChlSR of words begin· nln ~ wltb " sn," His wife Inquired how hE' wou lll cbaracterlze the lad,. "I shollld sny"- very slowIY- "she Is a person h8\' lng great sympathy wltll IUCCt' SR," INVALID'S SAD PLIGHT. After Infiammatory'Rheumltllm, Hal, Came Out, Skin Peeled, and Bed Sorea Oeveloped-Only Cutl· cura Proved Succellful, "About fou r years ago I had a vel') 10\'ere attack. or InHammatory rh eum ... t1llm , 1\1y skin peeled, and the hlgb [\lver played bavoc with my balr, wblch Ch me out In buncbes, [also hnd three large Ii' 11 sores on my back, I dJd not gain Tery rapidly, and my a ppetite was very poor. I tried many' enres' but they were ot IItUe holp, Il nd un til I tri ed Outlcura Re60lve nt I had had no rElal .rollet, Then my cODlJlle xlon cleared and 800n I felt b tter, 'I'h hAd sores went very BOOD a rter a tew a ppllcatlous of Cutlcura ::llntment. nnd when I \lsed Cud· cura Soap and Olntm nt tor tr':" hair It b li nn to regain Its fprmer gl08SY appearance, irs, Lav ina J , Henderson 1 ~ 8 ,Broad St. , Stamford, Conn" March Ganci 12, 1907:' The Limit. "Homely. II sbe?" "My dear girl, she's 10 homely tllat amateur pbotographa tatter hlr."
This Beautiful Putel Free
'for IImlteclllme onl" witb pouti4 paeka.. -".ul~a." Borai, OIIo1eo. ple'urea
I" DolOf'll, 1•• '7 IDcbe..
a_', 'be pi "lurea
If ,out' 4 . .ter
top of """,,4
·..."It .... "20-MIlIe-Te..... " Ilor•• and ••
..Uk dealer ' l FAEI,
e an4 ,re.e e,ye ploln .... LOOAL AGENT. WANTED,
Write 'UI" Glo';I'l)'-makJnl plan, Pacific Cout Bora Co.. NI. Yorir.
lOop, rl1: bL I Tbe two s la rt I alit In l ne rai n J;] lI zubet h conllll ll d to gU 7. e Inlo the tog th r - mli zaiJ t il Dntl Ile r rrl nd, dOWIl PUII I', who I\' U~ a. wldolY, T lmlt' UID bl' II!!II . "A mU ll Is II Pl'o t (' lIon," ' concillderl drf'ppe ll. h I! , " ISII 'l h!,'? " • " hall we ta ke a ca r h re'l" a s ked , " He is." 115HeuLed l he wido w. "N o th. wl d oll', Ill' I II Y loo k i\ Cllr, 111111 1 .1' bow !;Clod·for.nothlng h I' Is. " I am HlI re ) sllUlI 1J hlLppler ," said lt C's II PI'Ot(' lion . A loo~ wO lllan Is E ll znbe th , " uo w tbue .1 liuve made III' s ubj 'Cled to all Ol·ts of slights a nd Ill· my mind, Yo u a.l1 d I ra n live In 1\ II' IIltnent (ro m OLII I' WO III u 10 a ll, lillie fl nt log ther, Rll d be 'ozy, cun't tlilll'lty, pllrtl c ul a rly If sb o Is u widow, we ? Il't; a good deal bel tel' t hlUl bo' I Rm a wJr.1 a \\"- 1 k no w." hllve h. en fr le nus Ing m al'l'illd , \ lJ y·ll.nd·by : " Anti of all th e women tor a lon~ t im , W '11 be very o n. 10 aut hol'lty," a ha 'ontlnued, " barring Itentall. n l liS yo u are hllLlPl ly mar· th lllndlady or II bO/1I'1.1lul; house, lit e . rled, " sh o lIssu red ' hl!'rse Jr" "you'd a jn nit rei1S Is Ill e JlIOHl IJl'utal tu wo me.n. g t'ollt (j eal be tter no l Ilu mnl'l'lod Ut Un le sH vo u hUI"I' a. hU S iJIUJ I\ , I t Is al· all. Dul I \\'I$h II h adll 'L rUined LO. Dl o~t In;')1oflsl hl e to li ve io a fl at wllh II jall ili' S$," ' d a y;" s he flni !!bed, and II lg he d. " F orge t tll ' rain ," ad vlsod tbe 'I'll y wa lk ed o u and ou In th e widow. " \\' e s hall b gay, o f cours , d l'e nclli og ra in 10 t h n ext lI a l on In our II l tie fl at, You 0/'11 wise. Why t be lr li s t . T hlll'e, lhe ja nl lr liS WBi li ve u nhappil y wh en you ' are In d epe nd. occ upie d In polls hln l: th ~ doo r knob! , Aecelld lo&, t he s t e pI , th ey furl a>1 en t. whe u you ba\' o s ome mou ey at YOll r ow il ? Thla Iii a free coun lry. lhelr um bre llas, nnd s tood looklug at Be t ree." he r In a fr igbte ne d wa)' , " I th ink," re n.cled E lbabe t b, "that . They mi«hl h av~ bee n s lone 110118 It '11'11) be l oad to be fr ee, Wh e n yo u on a stoop, ro r a ll the no ti ce · s be took are m a rrie d, y ou can bardl y call your o f t he m . "There'l a 1101 tor r ent h ll re ," o ske d loul yo ur own. Yo u mult drell to ple lle your huaba nd- l don 't · mind the w ido w, pr e sently, "lln 'l th e r. ~ " " N o." ~at, If onl y 1 could please htm- and " But ," object.d the wIdow, "It "811 talk to pleu e him, an d walk ' a pl ...e him, Why, 10 me Um eB when ( a.dvertl aed." " H's ren ted." am dreulng to go out 1 ne arl y go 1010 "How m uch waR Itt" h,.terlol , J ac k uag. me 10 about " It's ren ted." r e verythloc I am p uUIOI on. " I un derstand that." explaI ne d the • hall . be Ye r, ilIa d to bt rtd of all that" wI dow, e uave ly ; " bill] s hou ld li ke to " It la probab ly n Ol the on 1.1 Ihlol ku ow at about wh at prlcee t be li nt s 10U will be I Ia.d to be ri d o!," lIa ll be d ren t tor In Ibis nigh bo rbood be Cor e J Inq ui re fur the r." T he janltl'eRs had fl nlehed polls hlni the doo r knob, Si le ntly s he ope ned tb e door and c losed IL wi th lI el's if on t be Ins ld.e , ' Some wbat di sconsolate ly lbe pair ouce mo re wll iked In(o the I tra lghl and"'s te ody Ta ln. " My s hoes ar e wet;" com pla locd E: ll zabeth . " And 10 li re rn i n ~ , " re tu l' lI ed th wid o w. They arrived eYe ntuall y at i h e nex t fl at 0 11 the ir li st, It Ileenied lo be duy for po li s h in g door kn o hs, Th e jn.oltrosl! I he re pol· As l hey all' Is h (1 Im ll I' t ul'bnbl y. Ilroac he ll Ib ndd d re now d villor, bend ht ll" ov I' her wo r k In an abo so r bed an d obllJ lng man ne l' wh Ic h hM t he e /[ecl at leavin g lhem out In t he cold: " Is Ib ere a fla t to I' I'e nt h ere~" a ake d lb E' wIdo w. wllh \' n mol' lim· Idlty, tha n (Ol'llierly, "It's re n ted ," cam e the Rn s we r. "I wis h ," I' mar ke d E lizabeth, a udl· bly, " Ihnt wo'd known berore we came "I. There a Flat for Rent Here?" they we re all r en ted," T he jlln lt l'es l l ur ned a ' I'anlte (ace t he widOW, "liar the only h undre d th thing. Th ere's a fiat for rent In thi s u pOO he r . , "Di d a n y body u k yo u to co m e ~" 8 I r e e~. Sha ll ,,'e get out b er e 1." Quel'led ahe, to whl h qu sllon, tb re T he y got Ollt. It rain d, It not bnl y rain e d , hilt It be ing pl'ac ll \:a ll y no answ I', t hey wen t Iloure d. At tb e door ot the a partme n t Ollt again In I h ral ll , 1t sli()wed no hOllse th t')' fu rled llteit· umb r lias, and Rlg n ot d crellslng . It I'a lhe l' In· p ualled lhe janitor's bell. Artl' I' a c rea l e d. 'rhe rows Ullon r o il's o f lIat long t ilDe a ~ o l1lan, 10 a gray s hawl buildings , gra y li nd pink lIe w ooes, t he color of l lle day, emflrge d from bro'wn and re d old one il s wam In II s ome ' lI ub te.rrnn ean dep th. nnd con · mis t. 'I'he II lre til shone g ra y ly , Th fro nte d t be m with a CQuntl'n a nco a p· ~ kl es Iho wed h lll' m y a t all , so bluu rcd parenUy COhlllosed o[ stone, In wh ich IV I'e t hey. " Some llmes," bllgll u th e widow, " I natu"e, or lII ·naLtlri!, ha'd carved variUle8e junll rea e8 aI'e S I,Il'e ll by thln)c ous lI,n d s und ry eu rlo u Iy re pe ll ent a nd ~ h II' ll fe ulHltll'gl'o u ud Ilnd ou t or th UIi COIllI)l'Ollllslug IInell. It wa s th ~ unl\ h llle ; an d Rom Urn eS I Ihi uk lIie y janlt r ess, l' bo l'll t hat WilY." a "The r e' . a flat for re lll h r ," .E li zabe l h s lopped ahor t at lbe COl" asked Lhe widow, pleasanll y, " Is n't lIer at a street , there 7" "Let's ' go home now ," .he Implored, " Yel," a ns we red I h ja n It reslS, a nd, "an d ge t some lea to cll 41:' us. My opening \:he door, II lIo pl'eced 1.1 them down a long hall, a,nd opened anotbe r s kirt!! 81'e wet: lil Y 8 b oe~ are we l- r nl d re nchlid all ove r." door. O n the way : "DI d you say." Ihe "The rell r a ptlr tme nt," she an· .noun ced , s ta nd In, a side 10 le t t he m qu e sti one d , wi s tru ll y, " lhat th e janl· pan In . Th e n ",h. foll owed the lll, ask- tres s wa s not BO kind to women with, o ut 11\IS bl! Dds ?" Ing Que s Uon s. . "Tha t," reit erate d' the wido w, grlOl" Any c bild re n?" Iy, "wa s wbat I said . They are b...·utal " No," ans we red tl1 e widow . to Ihe m ." " An y d o gs~" " Th e re are worle things than hu&ElIzab.eth t urned whi te. Ind , he r frtend pre l8ed a cau tlonln, ha nd on blinds," ' re ttec te d Eli zabeth, 80 ftly . ''' All long a s Ul e re 's a ,janltre s l In t he ber arm. world," ' d eclde d the widow, " YOU can " No," ehe answered .. depe nd upon tb'at." " How many In family 1" "l3eeldes ," ,he ruminated , ':a widow, " Two," a[ t~ r all, Is a lonely 10rt or cre ature, " Women ?" I know. AIlpsre nlly she II t he gayest' " Yell," "Thill flat III .60," annouiiced the of the gay; but In reality there are ,anltress Buddenly, and vaulted baek many dark and lone ly hours that Ibe .. ust live Lhroll,h. Some times a a toot 0; two to observ'e t)le etre ct. "It Isn·t . worth '30," lIald Eliza· widow II .the lonelle lt cr.atur~ ,hi the 'eth III & frightened whisper, "and It's world." . dark', I should die' at tbe horrors In ' At home, the ' han·boy IIQllUoSly rooml that were dark. J couldn't bowed the m In. At the. door. or her lland them." ' apartments a joyoul ye'l p creeted ElIz· At that the 'In It rei", without. a abeth. Sbe .,tooped and elalped Fldo word,' freezlngly Ihowed ' them the In he r arm • . "Oarllnl," ahe murmured, "I bop" door and shut It In the ir facel . .1'1 ' tremble to thlnk.,:' eiched Eliza· you'll never know bow near you have beth, lIate In the Itree t , going 's teadily 'come to Ih'lng with a janltress." Making themselves comfort able. agains t the' rain ~ b owe ~lnr; ~ea~ IIY on them, "what would have hapllened they had CUPII of tea, slttIne cozily I. op'p oslle chairs , slppln« It. If Ihe had known about J!'\do." "I'm glad," repeated ElIzab tb, The ,w idow turn ed upon her l.n IUr· p r lle. "It .you want to ren~ a lIat In "that we never lee Ihe janltl'esli 1ft this town," said sh~ , " keep Quiet abollt thll lIaC ' "I should think 'y ou w:ould lie; ' Fldo. A cat mlgbt lire III a Ne w Tork nodded the wld,!w. "Tbere'l nODodt flat. (t has nine IIvel, , But a dOInever! That· III, In a Bat With a Ja.· to make your lite a burden but .the hall·boy, and .your hueb&lld II here to Itrell8," ElIzabe~ stared Iloomlty Inte the wreetle with ~Im . " Elizabeth s.t ber cup down, "4 rain. "I'm glad ,. mUlled s he, "that we went to t.he window. She dr ew ul.lIe ban ·a ball·boy. He's very kind to the curtain, and calmty obaerved the me 1I0metlmes, Davl!! II. And be downpour, whloh, belD« ' outllde, DO lancer 'd epresald her. . nfter 18)'a a word about Fldo," "Tbere lU'e worle thinBI than h .... Tb.· Widow occupied a moment In bandl," s miled Ihe, atld a44ed, lalt tIIoulht. . "J 'IMIIeYe," so, decided, "that tbe e yes on th.e 00r,08r where tbe CIr ......... tile price of that Gat I topped a nd lltople were aUChtbla: '1 . IN wamea. , .. jan. think It's jU8\ abo'll& ~. for JatIl ..
• •e, bA. ..PO
Wom a n Sutre,.. W it hout C:lmplalnt•
Willa CtfE·ILD,
Rac ked alld to rn \\'11 I.t te rri llo pai ns , Dlg htly annoy d hy kl(ln!"y I I"r~g ul a rl · ti cs, Mrs. A. S, PaY lJ e, of 801 T hird a l'e, So., OI:lIl1b llS, Miss" su ffered fo r ~·l· ar8 . hll SUYS : " Th pains!n my ba k , sides and loins we ro s o I nol!)1 Ihnl ] [tcn arn I hel' d a sc renm. 1!:ve ry mOl'e mea n t II gony', M." res t \\'a' hl"Ok n by n lroubl SO nt Wl'lIkn l'fjs anl! I hl! $£'. 'r.!' tl Orl S S (llilerl t(J hllm Ilk acid . I \I'ns III an liw flll cnnclill on aod dOl' ors dill nOl S "!II to II Ip In , Doan 'H Kid· llf'Y PlJ1 H be ll I lh'd III from t h Orst find soon mll<1 (1 me a .alro'n g an d hea llh y ..... omnn." I"or s ule by a ll d ai el'S, 60 ceols a box. FOSI r· ~lI lb uro 00., Bu lra lo, N. Y.
"Tllllt hors e Illlls t loy. work, D cl ." "Why so, I ':~ brrl?" " H e's ~tl a ll:1l'llf'd 10 Ihe "" ;II:On."
" In t e r nal Rev en ue" Coll ec l ion • . Th e Iprm " Inl e rn al rI'V l'lIl1 ." 11l.~ New Ch;;a r"l Correct; E rrora. bl'f' n 1''''(Hrll' I!' II In Il!! lII t'a nlll C; 0 HIW' T b ~ roat l' rIll'lll'al 1Il II IlY o f the r c v 1111 s onl y as ar" COIlE'C I,ic\ un n r magn!! lll! slIrv('y 1I1 ,lIlp In tll.a Pa('tll~ ' lh 1111 ' rnal r~ \'(,III H' iJll rf'U 11 C'U' ocean by thu Yllc ht ,a lll,e ~ llI ce 1!1Il" neC'll'd willt thl' Ir<:'11 ' ury d pa r mt'n t, ' Is ~ ho \\' 11 hy a 0 1' 11' II ltl); ul'tl c hart. a nd do C's ont' tn clud nil rf' I'lHl U¢ 1I at from whl cll II'S IllILt th charts are. ro p rly spllaklllj1;. from tUl e r ,lll l I I prel'l(lu sly ur;ell by 1l1\\'IAIl I(lrs 1111 til euun~~!l, lital Is. fro m sources ot he r I ' pacltlc ocoal) "Y e r c ('rrOIl .ous a ong than d il lies lev lerl tiL the l ronUp rs , , some much·t raversed rOllt es to the x· 1111011 tor Ig n comm odlll S . 'rh ll", t en t o[ t l'o m th ree 10 nvc degn' €'s. monpys ariSing tram the 8ale at puhllc an d tb e rt'o rs at times were sys l la nd s, fr om pal nt f es , or th e r(','p. J m a tlc, E rrors of l hl s magnl!ud are n ues o f the post a l se rvIce, a re Dot gpn. : of Import.a nce In pra c ti cal nav igatio n e rally known a s "I n tern Al rev e ou .. ," I wh e re ,th e Indi cati ons f th e om pa .. Ihould be A8 a Ccurale as posalbl . T ry Murine Eye Remedy For . Red, W~ak{ \\ ell q ', Willery Ey~.. How's This? Murane ~ean ~ limn l·t-:-SoOl.'l'~ EY~ w. olr" 00. H Ulnd,ed non. ,. Re.ard f o,..., All Drugglsl" 8ell l..I ul"lne lit flOct., r he 48 _ 01 C. , .... ' !. Ib .., . ... 00\ be .u, .u by 11.11'. P 13 k ' h Pk ' II Doll Caturll Cure, J' . J , CII KSU·. on., Tol~do. 0 . i:g~.t ''I~(!hOl:~ . en'ten d ::V:·~:ill' Ma il Bali W•. lb. 004 ...I,,,. d. hn . 1l0"WO ... , J . Cbooo, onr E)'c B ook8 Free- Write u. to-da,. I to. Ibolan I~ t..,.· .od Lollue blm ~.'t.cIl1 b" . · Af k y" ur D rufUl:i ~l. oflbl. 10 . 11 u.I . .... <rAn t • • IlDo. and eo •• rl. lt, MII'ri ne Eye Remedy Co., Chic'''o. obi. LO ..... r' OULan, Obll ll"""" mod e ~r bl. ~ 'w. , , .... w.L~::~.;~\; L~~:,~~:,·T!r..dO. o. 1 I R.U', Caunb CUlf'U I. ,a lrea 10".ro..1I,. • \Ial No LOI., .lrecU, upo n lb. bluOll an d mueoll • • url . ... 0 1 tb. . , lIem, T"Il'moololo . I\D' I,ot . ·I' rlce j) on .. POI ' FI rs t Ooctor-'Ve a re afrat d that bou t. Sold br al 1D,,, .. I"-, T&I<;,Ball" Yam l/1'1I1. r.. , eon.llponon. youog M r. Sll llb oy , the 80c!e ty .. ----~ tl en l, Is losing bls m ind. Nothl"G to Spuk Of Secon d Dltlfr- We li, keep It qu iet "You a re to take lhese ca peulell," a nd uobody will k now tb e dllfe renc., lIald Dr. F lis s y. " before meR ls , not , art e r , ~e m ntb e r." NOTARIES .. JUSTICES "Oh !" s old l llle pll tle nt. " I CUe8!! It does u'l malte r mil ch ," will I ,,~nr o f so mel hinR t.o th ei r nd vI\n tftge I . '' B ' aI r ', " hy . li t It d ops lila l ICI·. V writi . n " frab~.r , & \ Vh it mnn ' AUorne11, '1 nt , doClor , Ir \ ...LlD&lou , D. C. . . " Y ou w 0 u Id n. " Ray 'I b oa r d . you 1HI d ver h Il cJ a tl)~a Jniour It's easy tor a den t mul e to IOV8 a Ing house," - Ca l bollc tn nd ard a ud trl r l more than tong u co n te ll. T imes,
HO T ONIONS F OR P NEUMON IA. Drea d Dis ease Robbed of Ita Te r ror. by Simple Remedy. Owi ng t o l he PI' va lence ot pne u· m onla a nd tb e grea t 1;'lOr ln ll ty w h Ich aU nds 118 ra vageR ti m ing Ihe wint er an d s pring , se vc ra l boards o f h ea lt h In non he rn N w ,Jersey hav e been tll k· In g m ea s u re s to prot cl l he cl tlz ns or l helr towns trom Ihe di sea se. T he bealth hoard of Washington, N. J ., bas p ublis hed a r em e dy which Iii s aid to be a s ure cure t or pneum onia, an d other health ' boa rds are look ing Inlo tb e m atl e r wltb a view of ha,'lng the Hame thin g p ubli s hed for the g ood of \)., h th e genllral public. Tbls Is 1 e p u IIcation as It has ap peared In the pape rs of W ashington : "Tak e six or t e n onions , a ccordlog to s ize, a nd chOll lisle, pu t In a large s pider over a hOt fi re, the n a dd t he s a me qu a n t lt r o r rye meal and Vine·
'-_:....!.IL:~~_.. .....1.'-..:..:::..::..._ _ _ _ _.... What a Settler Can Oeoure In
WESTERN CANADA C.. in.Crowle..... I toA••••Buah. ta Whe •• to lh. Ac... B.. to Acre.
gar e nough 10 ' form a t h ick pas te , I 0 th e m eanwh il e s tir It t horou ghl y, let· tlng It s im me r fl ve or t en m inu tes. T he n Iiut In a cottou bag large e no ugh 10 nove r tile luog S a nd app ly to c hest a s bOl a s patie nt ca n bear. In abou t len IlIl n\ttes a pply another a nd thus co n tluue by re be atlng the" poultlcea, , Bnd In a te w hou rs the patle nl wUI be out o f dan ge r. This s i mpl e remed y hns n vc r ra iled to cur thi s too·ofte n 'fa lal mnlad )'. sliully I hre e or fou r OP llll t!B Ion !! w ill be suffl cle l\t, t>ll t co n· lI n ue o lways until the pers pl~atlon starls fr eely from lIle -ch 5t. T h h" re m. cd y was formul a t d , m a oy yeaI'll ago More people, &re rooled by the t ruth by on of tile best phys iciam. New ' than by li es. ''. n glll.nll has G\' r Iwo wn, who n ver los t a pUtl n t by tbe dis ase; an d WOIl hi s re nown by s Impl e I' medles."
W ise Is t he mlln who k nows when t o t re ut and when lo ' re-t r ea t . 'I
160 20 4 0 401090
nd FREE.
,h elo 0010
thiO 10 tb.
Bu,h"l. Barle" Acre. Timb. rfor Fondn • • nd BulIdiq.FREE. Cood l.a • • with Law T •• atioa. Spl.Ddid Railro.d F.c.llJli .... clLo. Ral_ School • • nd Church •• Con.oaionl. S. aufactory for.11Health ProclucliotY. Good Clim. 'eMorltot. .nd Perfect . Chao."oCor Prof, Janotmonla. Somc,,'of 'In'Ill n'prodnclnl1 !'",k" h.lh" "'"11cbolrrsL n lll' Alh .. ". JlI ny lI uWla" bed.t. n o'1\,h',HI III IIII'"e 1JI o.,beaHblul lu,d prooperouo .e~Ll uu " untler Ibe 311 10 SO
flevlsed Homestead' Regulation.
ent ry Dmy t IP ml\d~ by prm.y (n n ee.r("I" ,'ulldill(tn"1. by ~b~ 11l~lp I'. wol het', WUD, 1'.n!:"!!1"'r, • ~I " b~'ot h r or tiliJ t c-r uf lntelld lnl bome~ ' J ~ lnAo"h"n"el ~~, 0" '1:;',',I':~'le. o 'IO,OO, F,,"pn Dlpbte'.. Ul. t U\'kl\\ft!~t :·J)nrL)('ulnl'i:HLf3 t (' rn t e).(.1"Q ute... ~.Ia llwe,to SO I tIl\l where II) t""a te, a.ppl y to H . M. WILLJAMS. Law Bulldtnd, Tolodo.Ohl... I ,y w h lt' l!
A, N. K.-E
STRONG ON THE PROPRIETIES. How Ceuld She Be Expected to Ad· I ~,r eal Perfect Stranger? I A t ra vele r In Ihe mounta Ins at T en· n essee h ad bee n s lo lll'e d away In th e b est hed ' th e cottage a fforded . Lale I ,In t he nigh t h wlls awak ene d by the volc Of l he pat rfaml ll w;' ad d ress ed l to the da llg ltte r, who was en te r ta.lnJng I oom plln y b y Ihe fir sIde, "Mandy," grow led the old mUl, "IR I '..bat young man tb e re ylU " I "Ye\" pap ," " Is he got h is a rm a round yer ' "AI t 1" " Ye p, pap." " Yo\l·all l pll him to tak e' t Aw ay." "Aw, ye tell h im yel"se lf. pap," I ' . pll d th e girl. In a i1u ll , Ilre less v oice. " H e a ir a p lu mb slranger to me.'·- , SucceSjl M ~ n z l nc,
The Kind You Rave AlwBYS Bought, Bnd whIch has been in 'me for over 80 fears, has borne the signature ot . . and Itas ·b een made under hJs per· . Bonal supervision s LDce its lofa.ocy.
~ • ~ Allow no ()netodccciveyouin
What ·: Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a. h armless 8ubstitute for Oastor OU, Pa.reg orle, Drops and Sootliing Syrnps. It is P leasant, It coota1DJj n~l ther Opium, 1\Ior phlne 'n or oth er Narcotlo sub stan ce. I t s age Is its g u arGllt(..'C, It d estroys W orms and allays F over lshness. It c ures D iarrl' reo. a nd Wind Colic. It r eti Ve8 Teetlling Troubles, c nres Oonsttpation and Flatule n cy. It assimilates th e Food, r egulates t he Stomach and D owels. giving h ealt h y no d n a t ural steep. The ChUdrou;s Po.nacear-The l\Iot h er's F riend.
T he I,VIl sslng Llrak. " ha l WItS sllld 10 be the "mis si ng I lin k b el we e n ma n u.nd ape" was fo u nd by Dr. DJihols In I 96 on Lhe banks of the B ngawan r ive r, In enl ra l Javn, 1'h s ross ll remslns co ns lated o f a s ku ll , n thi g h bone a nd t wo m ol nr '/ lee tb , 'from whi ch Ihe scienti s ts "coo struc l.e d" a n an i ma l. not hu ma n, yet I nea re r 10 man th a n the a ne. The I "lin k" wa s na m ed " P lt beca n t hroptis ' ErectUI,"-New York American. I
"TWO TOPERS,'! A T.eacher'l Experience.
"My fri e nds call' m e 'The P os l um P rea cher,' " wri tes a Minn. school t ea che r , "because I p reach th e gos lle l of POlt um e ve ry whe re I go, and have been the m eans of liberating many ·colfee·pot s laves .' "( don't care what they call me eo long al 1 can help otherll to s ee what they lOBe by Itlcklng t~ co tree, and ran ahow them the "wa, to steady nervell; clear brain and 8~neral good health by ualpg P ostum. . "While a IIchool girl J dr"nk ooUee and had Btll of trembling and went through a siege of nervou8 prostration . which took me thre. yeare to ra.ll y tram, r "Motbel coaxed me to use POBtllm , but 1 thought cotree would give me , trength. So thlngll went, aT)d wh en I married I tound my busband and I. . 'were both calfee topers, and I ca n lIymp~!.hl ze wllh a ,drunkard who t I'l II to leaye at! h~s ,CUp8. "At las t In IIh eer ' desperation I, bought a pac k&.ge ot POlltum, follo wed directio ns about bOiling It, s erved It with gond c ream, and a sked my husband h ow h e like d the cotree., "We each drank thre e. cups apie ce, and what a Bllt,lalled tee llng It le ft. Our ~ on "erslon has lasted several y earil and Wlll ..oolltinue ,as long al we II\'e, for It made us Ile w-nerve s are IIteady, appe tites good, alenp aound and refre"blng." •. "There's a RealOll." Name glveo by POItnm Co.• BatU~ Crook, Mich. R.ead "The Road to Welh1lle," In pkp, K".r·· ....d the .bove letter? A new ,n•• from tlml to time. ThlY
p,..,.. .• ,. genu In.. true. and fuU of h&amM .,te,..
thI&. ,
All Oounterfeits, hu.itationlJ and "JlIst-nA-good" are but E xp e riments that t tifle with nnd endang er the health ot Infants and Ohlldrell-Experlence aga inst Experlme,ot.
. Euct Copy
or Wrapper..
A p(lWder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nertoua, hot and get tired eaeily. If you have aching, smarting feet., try Allen'a Foot..Ease. It rests the feot and make s new 01'. tight shoes easy; always use it to Break in New Shoos. It oures 8,,011en, hot, Rweating foot, b1istere, ingrowing nails and ~OU8 spots. Relievea cornB and bunions of all _pain and gives Rest and Oomfort. It oures while you walk. We havo over thirty thoUBa.nd testimflOiala. Try it Bold by o.ll Druggists ,everyWhere 25 cents, Don't accept any Bubstitute for Allen's Foot-E Bse. Trial package FREE. Addrt\Bs. All ~ ~, Olms~d, Le Roy, N. Y. European Branch Omce, P eterborough, England. Success br~~ it~1it~tions. . Bcor~s of W·~ ~,. • worthless, lmltatlOtlS are sometimes offered for sale. Insist upon having Allen's Foot-Ease. . The Original powder for the feet. Twelv:6" ySIU'S wIore the public. Amiual £I!1le ll over two ruillion "ooimges, Do not accept spurious substituteR claimed to be "j ust as good." Imitations pay the dealer a larger profit oth!)rwise you would never be otrered a Bublltitute for .Allen's Foot-Ease. Ask for .Allen's ,Foot-Ease, and inaist upon having it. RemsPlht!r, All@'sFoot-Eaae is. sold only in 25 cent JlackatJes 1MIariDB yeDow label with 0\11' trade mark Uld lacsilJille signature
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Yl'~I'''I·t1I1 . tllU ~ i1l1dMI'~. J : l 'I(;j( 'g-}IIl':ll I!wt 1~\,IIIt'I I"'" had III O·l t. r'I I' Ilails tJ' I'll , 1I111t. 'rIIlLllll'tlll , l illllt'::I~,~)III"\I,I('" ,. M r ... 1,; 11' 111 1-' 111' ,,"pIIII I ~'I'I""Y ~ I I' , ,111( 1 Mr.' j(1' K 'r:c,\' han' re- . I.I>UVIIII -: U lly t OIl I,h oy will 10\"" I , Il'(\hll~ Will qUI Itl\' dl' (JIl I' I, w hon W l hh hll" p' '' '' '"I ~ , ~ I ,: ""/1111,·,, ,1 ,,,',, 11 1111'11 ,. ' f' 11 I 'Ii 10 L1wi L" . . r hom' I \I ill/.! th o 11 !!I urllti\'o , Il l' . , 'h uop'!! . II IIIill 'X ' nia I afL!! !" I' _,'" 1' 111 ,1 IIlIl1 ",prl ~ • f Ii ' ". ll l-{ 1\' ( a peas ant \' w ll \I'll U Hllllt IIU' . \1' HOll 1'1". ' 11 I t' T . 11"01,,\'
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W'!" bu c' k to UII .\'tOll . Borl1 Iv Mr lIll ,I" M r an d M .... L IV ::; . 1\1" 1 uur • • 1\6 . \~l' ,ntlduy , .lul " I. th e y 1'11" 1' H ,, \ til'll 'ulI;;. 1 l lli ~1\'\l1 Fi r ~ III III J di\'r.\', a b 'Y o UII .t LI n ll (l !;U t l) B II b l:Ulk. t lloll fl til 1)11 1\' ' t' \'e lllll!! . Mi ~ la n ' 'ht!l'wo ud has I' . /'\uu"u,,'1'}I ' W III I \\ II,., ne "II . I~ ... \, tlu,l Mr" \\' 1111:1 U ·1'\. ,'nl. IIf hume aftl')' .a p Iellsant . . .turn d ,I 0, N HU I'\ III Vl:'> lt lJ1 (l I B I .. Bro!1l1 Vlly , " a r e (' III,, !!: nu trltlllib nmbll:, : 011 t Ie I Ul' o k l 'lk 00(1111:1 fill' (III hllle ·Tue. ,t1 ~' , lien )')! [ te pai I a 'hort call t o F"u l't h !lfr, r. I~ ~ Nor th . tb 1\ I II W Il Mis .. Pllu\lne 1(1111 11 '), q t I l ll .\' I'JII , his I HI'c'nt. hf' I'e !-illlHlay . NIIl'th 10 1,01'lVI1I lIuLl B o I'V ~'slll1 r~. tll ll k di ll ll . . .. Wllh W lll l tll' ,lIIrtl 111 " ' I \ I "1 {tlil' lI coLn \ Vilmi ll" l,OIl n l1(l 1I1"IIIIIId ll,' ~'~ IV a)C ,, 1 1\\,\11)\ I am I I'd ' IIH , . tI . undfll lu i ly 'I 'll\lI'~d 'ly . • ''' ' 11 er hav. t','lul'n, d frol1l J( 'n· l tll Ill .. kli VIII Il lind II '; tllr . Rt' lll ll 11 /'0 '1 1\l urI:!, ... 'ky wh r I 1\ 11 \ I t ,'I i ItVll r " pc 1\ ~" '['I 1 \1 n._ t il lh 'y were atLE'ntling \ H IInilton rcllll' n1r1" h I !Jnytml I y 1!IIY With '111'r HI!'lur , Mrt!. (;h l\l' h-~ th Int. rllaliun~l Sunday ~chool wll y.uf Frnu l;li n ' 11 11'( 1 • ti"IllI~t G ra y, o f oell i' \\ t1yoeii \· ille. .n l"!! , onven t IOn Wh I Ie tllere II1 y wen t In t h e thin! Llh Y til Y will gu u ~ , hroug h Mam moth ·!lv. a mi on .~~r""""~~~,",~. ttheir l'etum visited MI' 111111 Mr!l fnl" w st II !! RI Ohlll l1nlJ, [ 11(1 : BU Y YOUR Fr d Cuve a . Reth el. . :f, ) timo iR givl' lI n>< tn t.h!' lIrT'ivn l D n t f r2'et th big ic cream tor. I h <'-!1 r!l , hilt 11" It. i~ 'l ily tI::on t.\' cial h I' Thursd ay v ning. 111111 , f l'\lIl1 Dllyt.(lf.l. thpy ' Will III ' 11'1' 11.1I1 \,0 ollrly in til lUlH' n i n /! . 'lA>1 Zill lme rllla n s ,. -.~~ .. -_~.'~' ." n O "c ry t1111' b 0 11 I h loe kl li t f nt' .""""""""~J~~: I Headq uarter for ! Itb 10 · •
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lIid" uigestlo n ' it will ' s tr Oll gthl lo tlw WI' IIJ, tlIIl'U J.{lrlll flY" 1I1ll1 1l a:tll t, by ,.i m p ly l'tlh llll rl i ll ~ t h \\'O t'II _' lI"It II llrv ,',I ' t hnt 1 11ll ~' . . .1rgIl I1 H 11"1"'1Il1 11 1.10 11 . '1\'Ht It 1I ItlW rIllY!! II nll ht.l ('(III\'ln<' d . .• old ll.V n l\,101l1 It
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foll o will g will be \; :\11lIidtlt,'!:I for tlt diJTor ent olT\ee!l lip· P lid d , f:\ uhj El t. to t h Il ElnHou ()f ( t h n R pptl hJ!CIII1 p rhlll\r lf . :
Everything GE!tto
Bellb rook.
The Messrs hades and Lacy Zim .lI1 crm an's N w I otatoe , P terson a nd Mi '. s Minnie B ck r New Cabba 'e, Dayton a nd Evelyn Ro f F a ir- ., ,~ •• - -,.....,..,--.-·~~~ OO N w Toma t oes fi Id wCI'e the 'g uests of Mr. anel , ' Mr ,J, M P eterson Sunday . . S . B h -\ At ZIMM ERl\'\ AN'S Mr, and Mr, Dan J ones, f T r . prang ranc . 0 .-- ~.''-' I . beins were th guests of Mr and Mr . and Mrs H . . Dakin viRiletl Mrs. Jno Kable Tuesda y and Wed- their son Waibel' and family on Sunnesday . day . L'nin will c1tipur t iu XIIOI.!y ~O Mr ant.! Mrs, R . R Crowl a nd Mr, 'ha r lt1s Lacy and Mis:; Hertha IlIl llu teM If one f,f Dr . .' b oo p 'H Pio k son Lawren ce w e re the g uests of Chen w t h a nd broth er Jac Mr and M ~ H . A Davi. Satul'd ay unda y with Olin Morgan b s pent [J il in 'l'llllle ts i~ tlLk fl n P ui n nny and fam- where, l't mom lJ r ! Plli n 111 \\,(\ )'1' and , · ily . . ln flo,ns 0 tl ~ lIMun , IJlood PI' !\ Ul' _1. , 0 1 t,h illg 01. fI , H endnclJ is b ld!)cl T~e MIS;'les Mary Sellars and ~r, and Mrs Nelhe Cunmn gham were t h gu ts calh ~g on Ml' . ,J blm, ~r Pan was p i'('!lsl11'! '; t,n t.1l1wh "' is h]on(l)H fl" noweth and !-1m nn tlw n. itlv6 n I' '' e. DI·. of M~. and Mrs. H, 0 Hoowla nn fa nl1ly on Monda y v nmg . ' hoop's H I-lllc\ .. ll r Ta h lets-ill sl Wedne sday. Mrs. Ada Da kin on al'l and 0;111 11 Pink P't1 n .~rll blt'I !O-CJ uiOk ly Miss. Nellie Cunnin gham p ut da ugh. tel' L is lIpent Sunday with II UU s ,ff' ly , IIX till" bIn d vre,;.,]\lI' unda~BSthe guest f Miss I~th I ,h r Grandlna of M t. Hon~,. ill W !~Y fr(j ~\l pI/ in (\on l rl': Pllin ful Penewl t, IJ I' rlOd8 w ltb \\'0111 [] )wr It! tll nt r p" ' . Aunt 8,ethan y Ghenow eth spen t lief 'JO Tablet l!ii MISS Pauhn e&mdl t has b e n th e last ~ '11<1 by 1111 we k \'1 ith her !>on J oshua (\Pu ie l':. . . . . guest of her aunt,.Mr . J .M P eter on henow eth and familv . . for a couple of weeks , r eturn d to . ~~~~~'!'. ~~~~,~~~~ her home in Muncie lnd. Monday Mrs . .J. H, henowe th and -- -,~ - - - -. daught er France s \ve reSund ay g uest Mr. and Mrs Frank Robbi1lR and ·of her broth el' 'rhoma s Lacy an d ~"" ~ daugh t.r Mildre d of Dayto~ visiteJ \ f amily. Mr, and Mrs, B S Robbin !! at- I _ _ _ .. __ -.-- _ urday and Sunday , .j i!.14'I,IlOl"IiiIiolfillllC\dilllili . MiaseB Floren ce Myers and Maud
~u.~~~·~· ~ ~ ~~~~
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Jul y 4th ,
I~ I II ·
But until that time we are t'eady tCI
tl t ) ou in a pair of
Co mf ort abl e
Sho es
So that you 'may ENJOY THE DAY.
E. \. BARNH.AR'I'.
"~~~U~~~~~ __ _I~
. .lOHN MAR ' I'JA I.I.... M UL I?O lt U
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Vi , Z ROLlJ Wor ItCllomlDtulou I
Tbe. Silent Northern
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$ KILBON' r pric!::.~ght PariS Green ' ~ Zill lm.e rm $ Daylight $ $ $
La t lTIonth the Detl 'oit AutOlD O-
I), ' . rO N~ I ~ Y.
~ ~
bile :D aJ(\l'.
\.sso ciati on held un
E utl U I'an e Co n teo t ~o'·e 1'1 n·g- a. di. t.a.nce ot 453 In i·} s avnl'ao'ing~ 151 mil :\ s da i I'y. 1'h i I'ty- t wo cal's (m te red, j ncln din g- mo. t of th foul' antI '. i. cJ linde r type ;" of the bl'st A mt\J'i 'nil lnak e. " A 011' of the con te t.fl. nts, 'who had prev ious ly been in Glil.lden rrou r cont e 't, 'xpr e sed it, HIt wa.. 011(\ of t he nlO t stron uou • .art(l J];J'1lllillA' elHluran(!(l cont e t evei>. hC'lil, bn t it 1. p:~ove<l be) ond a: dOH1)t tbat, . th{' ll\ajo rii) of the Anleri(ln.n A4to H10i ile ~ a.r \ fully adap ted to the A. nH\l'ican road .
• FOR UECOR DER . horre Friday .. ~ P 81LI P HPE ~ Born to Mr, and MrM, John Lan t7. fI"or rC ~ leC I I""1 an's ~ Th Stor ~ Wedne sday, adaugt )ter. . "'"~"!MI1".mmml!hll:t Mrs, Howlan d, Mrs. Turnbu ll and _ _• . PE J,AL Mrs, Hopkin s. a t tended the funeral Lytle . ,a li 0 ,only Il of Mrs. E, Allen at Cent erville Friday . John . A]:1l'o n Ging h>llTIs, . 80 Last 'fhm'sd ay afte1'll00T1 , betw en DI'ess Ging hams, ] O 12 15c Miss Grace Brown is under th t! the hou~'s of 2 and 5 t he home of 250 wiS!;, now ' . 20 doctors carewi tll HCal'let ina Mrs , Margal 'et J ohns i.n . Iiyt le ~vas 2 r, . liJ~c . . Mr. and Mrs . Frank Lane I' of .the, cen .of a err brllhan t soc ia l c ...,awn!!, now . incinna ti are the guests of Mr. and ey~n.t MI Harvest Cheese. Be, Ie ' ok ha ' be n 15 ~awns I~OW . .10 1drs. D. W. Beding er vlsl t mg th e re f l' some. f w week s IS to 18c, HO!!lel'v, a mce lmt' of la. M' MIl' K t , and on that particu lar day.a ISIS 0 Ie emp 0f Day t on I"S'th e pru dies hos in ~ll1-ove' l' lace. pa rLy r young people as.sem bl >d IU 'l'h e I' a re O llr reg- II b r N ew guest of her mother Mrs . Geo her . honor, By way of . entcI' \:.'linBlacks and T an:-;, a n w lot Y\l rk' rc am C lJ " e- allll c w - nQt Kemp. . ment each one was g iven a vel'S of B Ut'son hose in out ovr r 2 U flll.V. " Sl Ie ,111 :-; \ npe Mr, Jno, Newell is sufferi ng f l'om in which w:e rc sever a l blanks to bel 'ize . PUI". aslight stroke af paralys is e nou gh a ud ridl ~I( Il KIJ t o be filled in . Th blanks in each ca el w lot of Table Oil Cloth ,. H· D ' . were to be fill ecl by a word con l.ain~ gooe! ell t.i Jlu, Ollt' "I', arry aVIs 0f Okl h~ma IS t . 1 I '" 1 ing fo ur letters, t he lette rs being JU ' recelvef; l c,ll( some t~e gue. t of Mr . and r . Jno the same ach t im bu t change d de,·iJ{n. . ~ M'a.ckerel. lSc each. , Fmley. about. More amusem ent of a s imiSHOE " ..,~ ' .., All m ac k e re l arc n llt. fat ::I nd I~r ~haract t· was had. n elocutJomst was presen t and en ter ta in ed /l ntl j ll i c y i ik e th CRU ltlr ge Jrish " If '" . O ll want a I a ir ()f s110 s FANCY the crowd between piece:; of band . , se usfellow!), Th" We will save th e ·i7.e wtll Wa term elon s ~ eve musi~, All f It t hat a n c njoyab le YO I1 money .. Anoth I'l ot plea.';e yO ll, , . DOll ·t mng had been spen t. . - ·A'l'", Mr hnd Mnj James R. J hn s a nd of E lk. sldn sho s j ust in·. Max,\~ ell Junke t Table ts ZIMM ERM AN'S sons Carl an d Ralph e njoy d llnday T he de mand i: g r eat r . ... . at t he h llIe of M I'. a nd Mrs, :ha rl s f n r '1I111 ktn g' r 'c Cream, ·Pl\d · t han t he uPr)ly . ~"",""",,""J_.JJ.,JJ Rye ' 11111"'8 and man y olla e r Jllnk t . . ~ MI'. a m) 1\11" . H al'l'Y McG inni s ~ ~ CANNIN(~ ·SUPP I.. IES N~w Burli ngton , wer e Sunday g u st s a t Lh home of . . ~1~:Il;~~~. 10 tablets mak e 10 qts. the lattcl"s siste r, Mrs Nellie Sowa rd III("'" tone Jars, Ligh t ning: J al' , Miss Lena Blair . was gut!st . of of Bellbl'ook. . M.f\SOn J a rs, Tin Gans, honor at a parcel shower atUl'da y Mr . a nd Mrs El mer Monlg6 mel'y , ,ealing Wax , Ru b b l'S, . aft~rnoonat . the home of A . W. of Cen ter vill e , had , . s S torer" "It g uests in thei l' If W . }{eeves, She left Sunday mornin g fO)· home Oil SUllday : as Waite Para me . ax,. etc.. et Indiana polis,w here 's hewill be united and wife a nd Le tor K \.' Ke nl'ick 1. :' "Thi is .M r ij. 0 - -, fir l1ri ·k a nd \lui' price.<; bef ore ouying in marria ge with B H . Kelch July wife. ' 9 l~ arv t!y bUI'I{ , anti I wanl . 3 IIJB , . . Mason qmll't. t his w ek, 4th, . DI'. i<:illg of l{ichhlo nd, Ind,.\ and o f C h as a lld S :lll lo b rn's 65c P 1'doz, . Choi ce Wm . Lumpk in ~as bro.u&'ht from Dr, Bowe rs.: th e noted Cor. 'N\ain and Me(;hai1icStre.~ts, . ha m pi on Spray- ~ Brend el! Colfee ' a t 20c a Ib, " S he .t.he WilS9n Hospita l last week. Hi s geon called m an automoDalton urbile a t th e CI'g, $7.50 ~ ' g o i t, . '1 • r ecovery seems very ted,ous to him hOl11e of Dr. and Mr ' . Ward on SunLegget t ':;'Pure Paris 'freen and to his friend s, day afterno on . " Falco n Sections . M' 1.,1 I' t J h . ... Harvey Mills and Olive. HelYl only35 c per lb. ~r . ISS . , e en • , ,0 n IS Vl:lItlllg I . d t ·th . . w' " d thl week with h I' g b ee hives ... Si v,c ·J j.( x 4 j.( mnd parents in ugar , hest gT allt1latl~el at were marrle, a sonagt! e - L 'b' non nesday evenmg , e pal. t iJ' . 75 II J. ,I\,t ' . c cI • •. .. olll y .1 ' a se I f l' j,)I'i ce :li5 pel' ' ! '.' . . . klllg has been in prog res Good' C3T)11 (I. Cor l'!, . 6e: can J, H, Pamter 'and .'0 Ill; spent f Ol'IIaymu 1010. a week past a no now whea t hal'- . .T t 3 ' ' :l5 several days las.t week at the home; on t hescen And tobacco is om:1;oe s , ' cans ,>" c ,, of J, S . lA!\mm mg. of the Valley C,orn. .lIot Ilui te a ll ou t yet. " L hu·v.e Qs~d Dr, ~in("New .hifA ; . '.' Blu ::5t a l' 0I'n, '3 ca~ _. )c , . .. . . . . . Pill E; for se'verltl year!', ~n'l find them I A Milwau Miss }fazel Bacon of F ranklin O. kee BI~~~r for sa.l e or Mr. Viola . D uke ' cmiie hom e on H ou ced . to ' .1 0 . pe ~ can. jus t. exaotly rifrht, " :-Ioyn Mr ' A '. Bill e Star P eas, :l cun . 2!'ic" A . ror Uade·. Good \!~ndltlon. ready to was the gue~t of Miss . Sarah Hay- SUnday. from a short s tay'ula r ·pri 'e 12 0 c·-:..·. IOw . pl·ice ~\\l:ton, of B.n~ri8Vil.le, with hel' ENAM ELED W.ARE dock last week, .~ · N .:Y . N e w ' work, '. .: plIl'en ~, MI'. and 1\it's· J . M. E al'l1.'. . ALLEN H9LE, ' fo r' It hi 0" 11 g-rl\ c1 ' c ril s h ecl eMil""':" I •.lfe PIU81'6lte v(" wlthod,l the 'lt 'f . John Blair a life long resi(ien t · of halt uf Le):lanon . le(ult . 'r~lephone No, '95-2% . " . ' fil soomfor l'i. s Bst r eme . .v or con- ; . Big lot j ust t:ec.e ived. .. _ • our vil1~ge died at his home last . , ~hal 1:-; s wect· lind f lIo er. Mr. J3 r t Graham who had t.i}ltltlOU btlliollsne!lS '"nd 'fulll",rll' , ~ Monda y .eveniu g . F uneral service s aa'I~1 fracl~~r ed near . t he should' :!I', Mach ine Berl «;lil. in Ke tIe ' H, and] 0 ~ t :... 25,¢ I~t Fr~d<':.t;cb\v"rt:\f.':lrllg8tore. l . were held at the house W ednesd ay ~vllli e work.m go l? a ~ eavyau tom o blle . Du che. R • • ), . and 10'qt ... aftemo qn . . 111 J A .. Kllpatl'lc~\ Juc "p e r qt.', 35 ' )Jrr gat. . We . Motor Inn r e- I Pre. l'I' ing" ;10 an 112 qt . .. , . ~-a . . cen tly , IS pl'og l'essmg' as L.lN S. well as ca u Id I. · · . ! Trevor C" Haydoc k. was l,n Lytl e be expectc [. d. 11. will be so me tim I Jlav C' it . A 11I 0C F'rtllt ' tl'llli Ladl c QII e fr o l1r' ee Wi Rub.y t h , Sat1;lrday nlgbt, plaYing With th e howeve r. bef ore he will have full ·use ' Pineap ples, Bonan as, Oranite s . , H ll n'e~ tilll-!' OIl, . each keLtl . ' . . ' . Sprmg Valley Band: . . uf his arm, Lemon8; W~tel'melOn8, New 'Iol of Pre mi·um. j u, t in Born to the Wife of Wilham For Satur day's ·Market. No w that the iCIl cream social and -A1'. . .' ,.ylor ~ne 25th..! son, . _ band c~ncert g~ven by the ~igl1ts I 'Bring us your Prodlllc e, Frt! Mh !'en c IaH$,' HlIle 'I'oUia ZLM MIl.l RMA N:S of the Gold on Hagl c has passed into I p \ YI "-WIOC4fIOC4f~roc.""'~"·~·"'I""I""I. history ~O E "' GS , all are ready to unite in say_ ' to ;~ Wa tenll t' lon s , Pi lit' Appl S. t••~'~III.4""~~"',-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,NG 16c Ii R .tlJ Orang es, LCltlOn s lllid ilia', r othrr EXTRA FANCY ing that the affair a ' 1 LARGE JUICY On accoun t of comingwas in a verY bUllY tlllnJ{S to en t for Sa turday 's ZOCen b a DoJen time but f ew (If the hoys came, in the l\l!Lrke t. afte rnoon to I>repare, but those who I' . For Sale ZIMM ERM AN'S were presen t did their work nobly, The ~pring Valley band and' quarte tt ..........................IIoU..' ......' ..loJa. . . furnished some very exeelle ntmus ie.I . .,...'"'.......~~.,
$ s Sio re $ Wn iie' News. .
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Mr, .ri.,nw s Stoo p rece ntly chas ea or thoRe Sile nt No.·tbel·n rro uri no' Un r ...
$. $
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ca1'load of
fOi'get ·that
$ $
$ $ $. $ $
$ $ $
KIL .pl . . 1T·R ICK·
'pennSYLVanII.. I,
$ $
C'O·'. Ium'b. US "'
Walter J. Kiloon
IN'I'L:I YI'; l\l l.
, AY.NE ' VH. . I.F. , OHIO;
~~~~~~~---~~------------------' --~~~--
---~~~------~~------~--~------'first, In he 'cconu but tw :PER SON AL .1.() .UlIl't\\'rib:llr, hll'; 111 111I Ilie Pen ·p./Se oll d. grnnite pUll . 'hIIlII{IlH were lllflllll ill tholins -uI', ~ tend IIIP BIIJlk 'H"~ ' A ''''''!lint i"n lit Tbe filt nltJII 'S ruoo WIIH t he cork· T~lt e l'apltlce d Wi lll lllllflon in the th e 'l'h otlst<lI(1 l .. llIul l ~ . e r . I1nu while the wen weighe d over b.:>xlIlld Wil1illlJJ~on r eli Vfltl Thom))~ll's . •Juhn (·"."key WIIS III UILyton . twohUDlll'£lU POUllU . the fl1ca WUSI1 son ill left . 'fllte n1\owe P roMlwu t.iul! Alt OI'II".v .1 .", t)o~. dseven lJ its, lust F r illny . "luI wi ffl of Wil!lllll~t.un,OIlIIf'i1 n I swift· one, runnin g fifty vo rds. Tbe three run ~ !lnd Btl'U 'k out thirtee n 1:l-6ol.'ge 'l'bOIllI ,sII lI vi. HIlIl t n lol'OF THE FOURTH A GUEAT ~'trcc l ~s ·--A LARGE looutes t,u nt.s were: AI Co mstook , Ed frit1nd!< hEl l''' I"nnc\uy (lO\" , · 1I1U g. men . 'l'be hits were scatter ed I1nu row 'und[l Y, Mr. CliUun l Murlin . of Hurt''''' ,,] I, .Jann oy, Morris Rog r R, .106 Hawke , at no Mille WI'S tllf' hom CIIOWD IN ATTRNDAN E. tflum' shfr. W lllinlll Allen WII~ in ('i noi nMurion Osbo rne anU Curt Hisey , viotory In (1lIDger . Olllu, 1111 be ' n t h" ~1l11 st M M P. 1". nllti In st Th ursday . "Mike" Roger!'l 'vou first 1)laoo, "et - - - - -C. :-;oh wun d nri ng r,h e pl\lIt week. 'core by imnir.I" 8: "I I '"'t .., I ., , v 1111' as ' J nns lIll'y IVn , u I-:UOS t, l) f ting 11 bux MI''' . 1,11111" • Dovltt n.tte nde d the of oigurs; ILnu ~lInion , Everybody in Good Humor, ' Despi te Large Crowds---No Oil IJul'D e. 'seco I ., :J 4 5 tj t! U reltlti" es bol'O Ull t·h e ~'()nrtll, nd, 1I. slllLving tioket.. ' N ' I ~ tltl 'D IlIL s funom l of he r ni e e. Mrs. Nl'llie 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 '3 KlLt,lau'ine Al exllll\lur Ilpflulll ovu r · U cI 'fhe gi rl ',.; raqo of liO yarul! 0, ne Was Hurt )Jurl'ng Day---Good A4tra . I I I ' .' . (1' . .... . , 'J ' ,. • I . ' oloiie .. nd exciti ng, Itntl WIIS wonwhl! I k 1111'1 , list w oe! III O( JallllpO li ~. by MIR.JIlIS .. ... .... l! 0 - () 3 l!l () -12 luuaYI:! i n Cl nCl l.lull t,i 1181, WOO. ~lr . l£thtLII CUIOIlIlL ti ons a t 0 a kd a Ie P a.l'k All Day. II of 'iuoioD&li ' R uth Zimme rmlln'; I~ dress pa.ttern , Miss Ernlllll Hili of Willlliu lJton il:! Sounds from the Fourt h ttl10 F ' " ~pOIl an~l 8eoollel hy Ruth Hlutso ck, ~l .OO our tlI WI·tb.hl II f a tlleI', the guest of Mrs. Agne Wright . retuClIin!\ . lioUl e - -- - - - - uodlLY eVtllliu({. l!ItlvingH uocoun t. lt WitS hard to I t \l1~y l! t·o hllve t h F nnl't,h coleMr . .Toe Prilll'l. spent t h e FOllrt,h Never I1r the hillt,ory of tbe town th e time the oontest s began Mr. Ismel ' Wrigh .1 t I II goorl llelll I . there Jl1uge L ll!< oontes t II!! four 0 f t h e b t I IOllIe. llere WI' t il I'll' nlot.her , MI:S. ~~tt.a rllt l (1\ 1l1lS 811011 a tmcoesllfl1l 0 lubJ'l1ti ou of Wlli! II good orowd better tll,ln he 11II S been l or SOUle there. ontes t,ants came in io n bun c h . It t ook Ihe Illen lit the guto but Print:!.. 'the ~'ourtll beeu gi ven, as the olle tim~, a mi Is abl e t.o do 11 little driv· 'r hrow "Just LI'ke n Man" everyb ody got III on time . Baginn ing of the Fun beld on Sat.urdtl.y, irIS. Norton unddlL ugbter, l)f Cin- iug. When it comes t o thl'owi Every tr"lu oOlulug ill Oil !<' rhllLY ug, Anua cinn"tl , lire gu st,s of Mrl!. E Ii:!.!l At. 1 :::10 Lhlj contest s begllu a.t the Mr . Will Moor lIn~ family, of The bull thru willg conte t v;'us a Meredi th tl1k 8 the ·'dross. " bl'ouuh t pOSl!6n u , 1'1'1 llero, uml earl.Y raoe. The flnlt event-w Unine . DILyton, were Foortb of July guests o as the wa.ter great event ulso. l::llx ltLdieB were .. Mi s l::lue OrlLne of 'inoinu uti is of i:lherlllnn Dylrlj and ou Snt,ordtl.y mor ul ul-: notwith filtn nol. oontest , In • whloll t,here fut lUell ,. were !Ill broken up. " family, fPWI1S great in this oontest , tl.nd Mill Anna Mb!' It. The Wil Il "muu rlLoe, illlyWlty. Ing tl. Je 0 IOUII V nl'llUlirunce 0 f t " int,ores t. here v,lsiting relativ es for u few turning home Oil l::lumlay, idith thre~v tue bu,ll " ju t like 1 1 " LIe ,. I'" f 1" 0 0 ' III bu "I'Sf! '1'1 'VilA firs t contest WitS II boy '!:! tnllll" I1nd "OOPlled" firat ' wee k s . aMY, 0"'1 0 cal r 1 ,.,Il11 1.1 prlzo, one Peo))le in Corwin o"n leave their ~g Ie orowd of poople were III a • 10f\deu with people werA Ileell weud- I\wi mllllng 1'1106, III whioh good h11Dl or li nd enjoye u e very thin g. Mra. ,J etltie Burton of MIlLIllI Bobby huH pint of perfull l e, .w hile Eleano r sbllrg work w·ith Kilhon !lnd it will be ILting their WIlY. to Wtlyne 'l\iilJe. Hud. ,\ V"Mnt-z took first" n, bunoh is the gnest of het' sister, Mi s Ninll tended to eve~y Wedne of1!lana.n- 1E, arohnl', t took tbe Hecond , Il box of sday by All the oommi ttee!! b u!ltled lInU Antr"n ) . the wllathe r been olellr, suroly :1,:'00 ILtI. IUld !:Jullot J)lLkln, 81'00ncl, f~ box I Lowne y .. ohocoh~tBs . .., Tifl'rU1Y as n result the wutch IlV I'ything went nll' ln mak er . ' "' People wou1l1 h"ve hlllln in tuwu. of oUlldy. " t yI ..he llIen ,R I) llJ I throwi ng oontes t goous, TitflLny, the w.a.tch. lllu.ker, will be e. As It WIIS. t.hel'e were over 2,(\6 !Jr. J . G. MIWY, Dentist The meu' swiUlU llng l'lice WILt! hlld tw Ive 001lte~tllnt8, ., Will be In t)olewa[1 '1:\ st,()J'e reg uhuly every but John 'l'ho New Burlin gton band elis. at people on t,bll Krouud 8 In the ufte r wun by .'oe 'J'homp son "Ved hiH otYlce at Hllrvey shurg tbe w~ek , fl,r st, I~ pnir titrawn d t l1f1 "strong ' h nn d conrt! Id t> t\'eet, mutli n osa¥ty· " "llOn 1111 day, a.nd • boginu ing ,'f AholH , !lnd If red Penoe, second , ml1o" ondprove MundliY , .Iuly 13, IlDd at took ti.l e first, a p.a ir of WUII elljoye u by IIll . At rlaybrett>k I,he noi~ of til" dny five p ouuds of oolfoe. Mr. lJ'mll k 'rhornp 8on uud wit'e of t;pring Vulley the week of July 20. . CtlllVII8 SbOUB, ~llile Joe Thomp son Kingm an, SIlent t he Eoultli with OOlllrnen oed, und tho !411l1l11 boy be- I 'I'lt 'l t'.llb rllC6 or eated a greltt ui ()ue \)OllUty of t lle day Wtlll there relativ BarriE4 Mosher 8pent ODe day la,' de. ~1 itsl I short t,wo f eet gettmg . t h, e w es here. "'l1n to celebrl tte 1I~11t1 fit,ter! ''fere t,lIe but· clUY.[,.l f wee o w k in Vrnoin nati With Mr. and f drunks 11161'r1l on ne.nt, t he but '" streets Fr ,eu Pe, n oa OIlm '..., , e DUll GIl;l,ett e II. whole yeur. 'rhe Millfles Booillg , 0: Avondlll e, Mrs . I!' rllllk l'"ylol' , and hll.d 'rllOker tlllnd pilltolillllllilo (l, mflrr~'. I a first, get 'jlll\,{ $1,00 worth . or OLl Ithe ground . of brelill the '1'he lnet, a.ud I1bout the 10llges t of oohu, until ten I)'clook, ",hell the . , @lJont the Fourtb with Miss Bllr,lin ploasur e of seeing the the events, was tbe grel1sed pole. ~ !<' r:eil herwou d WI.I.S ball game be · u· goud judJ1;e. lLocl Mrtj, Willi, hOyt! went to the \)1111 gUDlO, ' I~Dfl in tween t,llo Vbi08~O Cubs aDd the . IJt lit te I f e II OW!! tr Ie d f AIJout elg . or ILB he WilS 1.1 ble to 10(lk over the the 1If1,nrno on IllId e vt:1llinl{ till) t llwll Dr. WithlLm· and wife, of Kings Vincinn llti Redll. • h hellds of over.yh ody, over b II If nn h our t 0 ge t pllS.... t.Lle Wlt8 il Pll rfeot heq lil III , Mills. tlilon :::Iuuuay with Jlillletl gre8~e, but fiolilly Ralph Penoe :'YIissJe nnleCo ok , lnll veryoh arm. Raymo nd William on Il'or the Jllst I:!ix wee ks tho CO Ut!lul'el y HtoO))1l lind fltlllily. ing mll.lIne r, ent,ertl ltned u.t dlDner ml1de It. lint! for bi8 e,iJ'ort8 got II pitoheu ll great gllme. '['lle N litiun mittee in ob",,!;e or lite 'cel"hl'lIb1lJlI Mrs. L. D . Wllll bn s returne d from o.n the Fourtb j ~1I88 Hanna H hllwmo ok , where ho clln I' s~ lifter als ,Udu 't even blL ve Illook- io . b arpe,r . hllve worked hurd unl! 'lItrnpl!l " visit to her brother , W. '1'. Fordyo e Ilnd Mi~1! Hattie ~ollh, of hit:! I'ffort~ t.o mllk e thA U I)l of tho MorriS Rpgers SprlDg Clill "go SOUle " lIell.r fur th 11000 II" or rhe dilY. 1L01l It· Wilmin gtoll. . t Vtllleyi and Mi88es Lorrain e Hamil · )JLlI~. whan It Domep tn sprinti ng. 8 gUll .. with ut I!lIyi!l~ IlIlIt • hHY 1I1itfl .. At the conclud iou of thiN eveut WII.S ILia Mr I1nd ·Mr!l . Oliftor d D, Ridge, Iton alld Helen Stokes , ellsy winner . lL!ld weighe d Ii tlnOCelill! IIf It. '1'Uts only drawlil loit tb tl judges ml1de I,heir deoisiotltl in the I\re. guolSts ()f Mr . MlIlllon jRidge Itnd 'I'he MiMO!! Agn86 SobWIi.l't:k 1111 st u.t thllt•. to Ihe rl,iY WIl" till! l' welilha r 0)'111," tile ' !lpe illl 1>J'i Z6!< , which ·were fumily for everu.l daYIi . Rose &hwar tz, Ella Sohwa ,tz, Le· We hllve bellnl uf 111) aile thlltwlI !! anll h6 1I111d off Ilulll it Wit" 11011. ,y foUow\! : .1 : E, Janney is the poslletl8or of a onll Mob w8.rtz, M.ra. l1urt lind hut tQr !\o- few wonls Alex Cbtdlaw , brlln new Buiok . ti11n'iug" Dill', a.nd of· Vbi oaa9. lU" and Mlaa ~ pIloSliod. the dt~y WI1S ob' erverJ in Ell" Reen. Is suprPIlJ'ely bn.ppy. of Vartha ge,' Ohto, were [fIlN" of g,.orl-u lltll,r d wU .l'. . M.r. and F. C. &hwa riz OD ihe 'rhe blln.l scheme flliledt(1 muter( , .M r. Lee BlI>ker and fa.m.lly .of ~Vi1-' Fourtb . Mrs. Mias Agn611 &lbwlu 'tz u~ ah'l.e. Th l' vuriou! l blinds fuiled to 1I1lllgt n, wore guests of MrB_ Ida ots to remain for IJ, co'upl,e of take hold Ilf h e lOoh ml' , IIf' werf,l 8tokelt 011 t ue Fourth . pe k8 woe . employ ell e iRe w t1e re ,Jr. Allen U!Lioes Ilnu falllily ~f The 'I?ourth Ol;lli ng ou ~tl.turdll .V XenhL spent' the Fourth wi tb hie FOR YOUR BENE FIT. ml1lle i't ruth er bad for busines s grulluf uther, Allen .BRines . h om...·9, bn't tllil 1Il 0tlt progr SSi"6 UI' , A . F. Wrigll ' lind fllJllily at· Drop in my store and see the "~hnt up !lhO li " IInrl w,,ut. t o Ihe tended t lie Wrigh t reunio n I1t A 11'1'0111) ,lIf !-:'l' ntll\\1l e ll who flowerl! and trimme d hats now marktllJ 1l(1!!. ::ipl'illgbol"J hi t Tbllr!!dtl.y. mad the ' clilebru t.ioll . nch ed below cost. AU new goods, JI •1110 Th " lIlp ~') n !>lIitl h ll didu'I, .Mr. Ilnd Mrl!. Aluert- IoIbutts, of MISS HI\RDIN , Milline r. wnnt. tn Will t:!rt!t, ill ttllj bl1lL.tbrow- nOllr Wellmu ll. were Gilday guesttl mil" llo lll e~t , 'i!:' he would rn ther lin VII pf Vhilrle s Eel wurds Itou family . the Hf! zett P II ':Villi r', .IOt< JrnOW:i n Mr . llud 'Mr . E. V Barnh& rt lltitrt i\ Surp rise '~ v",1 1hill ~ w ll n It e ~Ae!l it ell ~joot.luy Ul orni llg for II Ix Wllllk'tI vi~it in IInLl arouuu Denver , Col. Mrs. Irraok Cook pll8sed anothe r ENTE RTAI NED Mr. 1~lItl .I\1I'K. l:ili.rry (JlltUpl.JljIl miles ton l'\~lIdIl.Y. Her friends and IUIIl ftLlIllly vf ' LlrlUgf:\ Ill, 111., ure re lllt.ivE's ~Ilth!lred with led Ht r Frien ds at Lytle ---All Lhe ..."\1 •1 Ll:! of r ' Iu,tl ve:i fo r !l fuw hU !l ket~ 1I11d spent tb d well.fil T" e ay, uOlie 'rhoro ughly Enjoy I over, Whtln IH' rlropPII (ln "lImvfl!'. weel;.s. f)re8~nt were: S . C. Da.kID and wife, aud caule nll(11' spoilin g 't;l\fI Il!I\I 'Mr, ILlld Mrs. Iioroof t W,Lrwiolt, (;teorge II.nd Wite, Il'homo TJltrg,, ~, s La. l·epr"Mnn l."lion of II lotlgn th~ Occasion· c:- gaOle. of COluw bus, nro tho gue!jt~ of rei oy (~nu fllollllly, .10shua -., Chenow etb outoSJde (\f W,,~' nf'l!!\' ill e , ol1plu"el l otives 1IU11 fsiellll:; !IlIl'( for u few Il~d tlHnily , ,Jl1ooll I,.ooy 'fhe Firs.t Ban Gamt'. ond family, tb II If!, ,dlitlh WII~ Ihll 1{IIIghts o( nch\l'~ '1. . daYIi. At 9 .liOCl\me tile,bILlll(lIlJll~, Whi.l! h ]l'muk 'lll i~b aod fllmlly , Edwar d the (iOlden ~~tLgltl ut Lytle, On ThtlrsUa~r afte r-noon of June Mr . .Iolm Olll' twril-{itt hi tillil'u g 1\ COll k I1nd fumll .v, Frnnk It-ogars a~d . waH Uti good II gl1m /I~ hll!' hl'ell 25 Mrs. ~argaret Johns of Lytle well-Bll rned VilClI.tio n p'lllyed herll f",,;l lon~ tiWIl . 'I'liu bhill ~ljek unu wifa, Mrs. J', 'H . Cheno weth and Mu· ndsom e Flaas Given . d . I' h " ent rtame· In comp Im en t to er Fr, ad CII!!key is t.aklDg his . pluce lL·t c l11' Id r.eo n.un t Be thany Chenow eth Wllmln gt:>n , Nat.lonul~ WIII'e th' , cousin MillS Bes."ie Coo k a charmi ng the lIn.lIk. . 'I'he !lohool Fc~nk Cook lind fl1mily, a~d Mhwea conre~t . WIlS wun by YOUIlg )'>d" of RI'chmond ll1d MltlWi'l4 oppoain g tOl.l.lU and t.Jlron g h ' . . . ' , '. Dilltrtc LeOti t1lld t N 10, U Illindso me Itil·g. Goldie 'oDner. , . '" .T Willt8. wson'8 ~uporb pil. hioK l,be • • MI8lt Muy' Wright euterta llJed n l o The IlI.rgf' .. t l'll.lcl of peopl e on oi1ll ' Upon arril·a J. W W 'fHB:RK "(',h 'guest was few :snciet,y t'olk~ t:llLtUI'dIIY eveniu g .a.Uamis (\IIin" ont vIOtOI'lltil8. with' lI Nit . .no A8 \ wu gon, l:l.vtle Wharto n. fit people. provide d wi.11 . 1" "1 it " and paper in hUUUl' of Mr . lUll! Mr~. Hel'lIer t lIOoreof 9 to 0. . , upon which val"iu u:-; word !;Qnte ts k flrrir prl:!., one Illlrrel fiolll', R11C1 had heen arrang ed . . After r.oOai tBns . probAu(y "itn, 8~r~ ' a pleafl_ ,llrWlo . Wm . (; .oll, ,14 1)60ple, .!:I<>n,:md rs. urray . . .. 't be most 8li•tiiltact, ory 1~1I.. l1. IaHAres'". Mr nlld Mrs i:l Leverin '" Oarb I uv an t mtel'va l spent 1I1 thIS J,lannPI' . t . .~ , f cor~ . . " '" , prlZlj, wo . c' . lset! . 0 . I were l Il La" other amusem ents wei'" indulge d II. lu ct ·.,,'U i,n" ba$e 0011 alUu.~tlmAnt of tlllj ,s ' n~ s , Ml'S , Lilla h ufUwn b ..., ",u Murray ,·w 0 W88 e f ore 'l1he firRt pri:!.e in 1\ doul)l e . ~ellm anti deUghtfl11 conver sation occ;upied du,y:. ' They Ittteud eltll board mtlet- . her; marria ge < 'gon In' tlle two g"~'e8 of hlRt <:IIllul'.. , Miss Lilla Hixon, " I ()oU~ !It wna, won , by Wm.. Craig, the time until four-th irty when \'e~ ing nt the Childr ellsHo me. . dliy with . ~jam\1! vs Wlhnlu~tollltiCkel!; . 1I1~d Bobby WE.'mtz I daught er of Mr. and MrS ~m. , secon~'I'WbO ~ot a new set _of l!~oes; tbe freshm ents consist ing of ice-cre am Natlo,n a!8. 'lhe, ho~e t,ellm 8!10wed Eil~e~prI8e. oue year . Mr. lind Mrs . . VblilllelO Clemen ts HJxolT. who resided Ut Corwin , second '. '100 envelo p H, was won by and 'cake were served . , died 1&8 .r eal f<;lrm in uilfelitl ng I h "! oPPo.! 'rhe 'Water event!! and' family len ' t'uesda yfor Frttuk- at her home in Mt. Holly. did 'flot ~ouJ)Y .R. 0 , Howe . last .Sat' ; ~ a.sol~veniol' onhe happy o~. jin, wbero ~bey wili sojourn for nents, In 'the first gll:m~ 8-:-0, o.nd ~uoh titp6, but tbey were tell urday :an~ waa buried 'Monda y afterIl"ood and, Cllas . c.;oz:ne~l took t\le , tirbt for ion, Miss Cook was present ed with a days during Ch~utf\uqull, in tbel!;le ond, t2-3. '.J'beli-rst,game. grelltly ,enjnye tl by all nOOIl in M'i ami Cemete ry. . wbo wit- single rIg, unu go~. a. buggr· hand·som.~ Willi a: trifle tlie 1Il0re interes ting to ae8Hed t\leUl. pieo~ of burnt w.Qod .ir; . MI8lI L'dlth Moshe rretnrn - " lJome . " . . I . the Eipeotato'rs as' there was .0oDsid ' '" "'" , , w '~~h.mie" . Dakin took tll" . show.' ~l'ibetl w· ith~~e n~~.~~ .fstheG· ~ Ot~IOWe'tably ~or6 play thiln i~ t}lesepOilil F~iday 8.fter 0. f~ur . ,vee~s V I8tt w~t.h . D~~th Of Ag~d Lad~ *. 1,'b~ Field. Contes ts. . t 'and ice.crel lul tloket8 ~Ol' the highes t lcngl·gUt.esAs; 'Wlll'i · t.lssesEll IBa' I 'h b -' V~nls, frlen~ . ·l Ind relu.tlv es 10 Q ambler , fA '. game. · am~on, n t, e ox ur. !fbe tie)~ CO.~if>8t!! · Wel'e t.lle best e es III us In, ' a. . Keys, 10 a Morrow county a.nd Vo.lum bus. . Clark,B )anche Dyke, Bertha K~nriek tb~ . Miami!!, ' spr11ng II. !lurpris e on of nil the "ports. and the cootHsttlD l.Ia.t.tlllg averng e. , '. venel'a ble M.,s. Mary ~end~n. t8 ' Th . 0 mo~he~ of the . largest: fl1llllly J. oe Duke. Lurl'a Bupnet t, Be·r th .... K. . 'M!' .l1nd . e . \' 1\ltolil .. t' Il~ 'e" .every on . n.. Mrs. C, 0, Brown returne d- hall, mothe:r of· I,.indley Me~d,enhall, ng . .. r . ,I,V r . wereont.b~irmeta,l\ aDdt~eyproved of aaughts M Ob I E ' · a rs hom l WS8 1'8" ' '·' ;'II·forn la Sunday evenares . C<)on Blanch e 11J. Cornel) Minnie £ . ' e frum markab le gllme, al1owln g:. only two ' ':'~ . ' , EllIlI wilo,go t a fine bat diedat tbel&t ter ·s h ol1leon D lamon d b 't ' I I , '. ' D k' R W ' ll' ' B .' ' lD~, , a.nd lefC h 18 ·lll·t en ne . un Hi II a.'ol';o highly I.4&tlllfaotory to aU ' .'.. ' MODday for Fincas tle, Hill. aged 18 v.ears., ' u e . eva I lamson nine o~(!)ock .. , essIe ' Ohl . h The . th lar~estfamily from ~ d18tllnoe Cook.' nd "'esdam es Martha . Hou'gh tt d d M t howev er was everot nln" t.bilt . Tbe . first contest WIl~ II' ' 0, were. one M ey ~ en e H par, " e bell \ rs. ·SundB b . .1 yeyeni ' . '" , , . ng • a . hlll'ldre d .y 'ard amateu r dll.8b;tl~Q The.,re m m_ins were . . , , wblch r. Ilrry ·. lunp • W 0 came Nettie Emeric k and Marga ret .fohhS .Uarey Eyler's funero.}. ' OQI1)~ be dE!8lred,. 1\8, b. u.t one 8rr,o t. WIlS WOD. by Carr, of . , Rarvey " ta~en ,burg, to frOm Mal~ Springf ,Qhi~, . h ield, ~ old borne, 111, . a:nd tnljre was soored up aga 1nil t t1 Ie · t eam. fl ' a.,iS8 Dora Ellis has ret~~n~d from Tuesda y momin i " '" g wh~re ,the tunera l .. .;;,} beb'l ,"l' of t.hcm, got. ·s. fine b t bt .oup an~ seoonu by' were five ttn.t el'natio nll.l oonven tion of ID9peo , w'ill take place. She nu tie , " " tl'paUl( ,Il Pret.,"f ' b'sr . ' Wil Jnlug ..aer~, .. to n, t ' ,, ' LOST .. mb ha~ ' .~n . Ii . b OlteR berry dish:· .:~ . f . . 'rbe ' ope, second. 0 , was ta.\ten . wo . .uDe ga:llle . . '.. e s~re or 1e mOrn shells t · · \ \..tors of· worksh oPI' IIoDd faoiode a, great suffere r from stomao , . 'b~ tbe Sohwa riz fani!ly, wbo . got a h tro"~le • IIiDd went to. ()inoin nati .Munda y to 101 game by.. InDI"gt! WIlS Ill! fol . ·.rlle 00. II bun. dred ' y"l'd di\8h W88 obUd's rocatng .1 ollair. Be W '1) de ' l ,take np. her regula r work . 1 " won ,b yJohn. Straw n,wbo gotab,a t. tween ay'nea~1 '!IIoU orw . p..... , : . . Tbeba l. gamew ilsat--l. asttile cen· D. '. , . ad ba k . A 'd . ' k B'U rial • Thepe ople of Haney sburg a l' 10 mem",ra.D um ' b 00. wUl . l'ak eD A Me&h F.nrDaa came In e600Dd alid tar of H.ttraotioD. and It · way .., r~ 1 2 . 3 ..I U" 8 'l 8 9 ' wu pronnl l .,.; d I .. A 8 Vb a ohanull to b .. ve thea watohe e • •t.loD.. le: ..... O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II- (I @ot. 8 sblrt for a prize; II ID er p Elde return .o . ' . an. ThIs dllll~ aO'attr actlve f~\ltore whea tbtual n dler aDd ' 21S,·re" ard. , MIamta .. ;... :.. 1- 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 ._ 8, wa" vary inter8l! ttug, ,~p:alred ID gnod by seDdiDg \ The boct~ .. · of Mrs. Carey . Eyler, came ap, aDd IItOpped tbe IJ&DUI for . 'bem to Co)em au'li swv~ 8tore, .8 was taken to Flncut The pc)k race proved to be a over balf an hour, baHIle le,Ohi o, ber ,' 11I11III1 'l'b.e JeDble a~d Wbilfr ed' TiJfaDy t, he 'Watch maker will be former hOD. laaghter-ma~lnl atlalr, aDd wa. finlsbe d the game, the tIOOre to be buried, 'l'be ........ . of apeDt the . J'ourth 'h81'88\'1I1')' 'R'edll elll.y• .. AU work body by. two brOlbe ,., lfalpb.P,Doe, IDa 12 to a. .IS in ebarp of . Waltv
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, ......_ , . - - - - - - - . . ,........". , plun ged Into t be arlllY life Ind .. I horn' b one of th J;l'c nt le:We nr or the arm! of Is rael. 0 , L . eRA E. . A", I A I! It was, however. tn htl oMee u prophet to th o na!Jo n he wa s dostlnoo· \)JllO. \"'Ay~g \"1U.. K I play nn Im llo rtant l~ art , nnd be lo • • h lItri.... to It.c.p• • D Ibrew himself Int o Ule work of rev1,,Vopl ........ D\&lp. InlS th e nntlona l SlIlrl t Bnd II ll tCy lott M&n a nd !::I.:n ine. LIlli torces ur hll'nel. Back tl ild (o rltHen I1ls· B"I I crs In I' g r • n STORY BY THE "KIGHW A Y AND th l'~ ll' t he lcnglh and b r adth of the h arltln d to ~n d lbat I h ... lUaoy mod BYWAY" PREACHER lall"" he w e ilL p r ('l""hl~g hi !> lUt't;litl.r,t eI' ll !Ill' " lOllS [ OJ kl' Ilt , bf'ttl' r hu,-e and a l'ouslng t he Il .>ple. no t rllndam 91l1~ 11 ~' cban 'O!d iu ankl Dd(".I'I"" -. ."....,'!!'_~LI~tb.......4~UI~Il-"'-,~wr'.~.:.r~D.1 It ,,' I\S 'rom one of th o~e t rips . h. , The humun bl'lng Is th e ~ a1llE' I'l't' (\ lIl'e a..... hnd r I u~ _ed to S a ma rin, 'an 1 h h ... found.111thet king Scripture Autho rlty-J o na . ha d caughl th s plrl. th at Ih \'cry oldt'. t wrl t l'!t:' . IIOrtray.l te ra; 1 lind ! . r th mo\' ment and was wa~ lan d y t mp n go on 1'01111'1\'lu '" s YSt 111 him nnd lilt\: bl, an!l "i mp ro ved " del"l ces and "ad :.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.::;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;-:,;.:';';';':':';':':':':':,' 1Illg to r '('Iv ;:: co un sel (,OIlC'crnl ng the (1omln g ca lr, VlLnC' d" me lhol1s_ Th last h lln dred .:' :(: . ,SERMON ET'TE . ::: palgn. J onah gal'S a Cllr fr.l re port y a n; have lJt'ell ri Ce n di COl' rles a n d ::: ::; 1\~ to t 11 con dill oll8 all throu gh th e iuvent lon. , A Cill'O ha s bf' II fo un d . ::: Th l!! sto ry of J'onah, indorsed ::: lan d of Ih I!nt htlslO slI1 nf th e l,e.~ tor I-ery olle iI.,abl", III , a nd a method ::: and confirmed by Christ hlm- ;:; , pI ~Ild o C I he rall ying of th e ftghllD~ hall bCPII rOllnd for dolug CI'crythlng. ::: lelf. needs no further Indorle· ::: men , 5 0 th at e \' pry t rll (\l alld (, \'O" Y Ye t man~' Ills r l.'lI1ul n llll rpmedl ed., ::: ment of scholar or critic to make ;:: s Ctl OIl of th land hnc Its body of man" thinl{s lIIulone, T hA t rouble Is ::: It Oiuthontlc to tt'le mind. of the ::: 80ldl ers to thro w Into t he l\1 aln army w l;nv\" 1..llt' \I ('U to t rU!it too mu h tu, ::: devout and carneat . tude"ts of ::: whell th e kJ ng ~ hou ld he reltdy to bp, systt'nl, too litll e 10 IlU lllan lIa lure. ::: God's word. The e aa iest and ::: g,n an oggr ssll'e ml lita l'Y "./I Ol ptl.lgn, ::: most realonable way out of all ;:: It seemed to J o na h os he departed 'fh e trll8 Ics~.o ll lo be d,'a Wn fro m a ::: the dlfflcult lu of the book II ::; from the pnlnc(' after Ihe long c~n'er cen tu r ~' of s)' ~ I em - l1l ollge rlll g Is no .. n, t 0 t a ke It f or what It layl . ._ •::. once that I he prOSIJect co uld not b, .' :••' Jwst one of dls('oll mg' lI\(' nt , but one of reo ::: It teachel many pro f oun d Ies- ::: brig hte r, no r the plalls more perfel!' It ·newc.>d co n ll uenc lu h uman bein gs. 0 ::: .ons, fir.t of all, perhap., beIng :.: laid, and wh n hn rea ched hl ~ ,' IY L ren ewe'll wllli llg ue ~ to th ro w t he hur •:::. that b' the wldene .. of God 's :.::, hu~b le dw ellln'" h e th re w hhn,ej ' I d pnt not On Ih(" muc hl ne bill on man.' ••••••• P ani an d th e narrow n en of '.:'. do-'n upo n hl8.. co nch. n ot t o s).'e, I f Ga d ·a aerv- .;. but~ to dream or the gltJrlOU8 fll./lI' J 'Vh!'n Ih r III a ralr'road acc ide nt wa' ;': the concept on 0 ::: which ""/IS ove nlng liP be tol'e th ... n'lread much Abnu bloc k-slgnnls and ::: ants. ::: Whll. God was concerned :'.: tlon. "ulomot le s witch s a nd oth e r de vIces . •. with all t h • wor Id , an d h'I. h e art ::; But the ac tiv e bl'Bln SInd boun ,I!I'!! .:. A con t ributor to 'tile At lQntlc Monthly :;: had gone out in mercy and love ;:.: h eurt mus ! n eeds yie ld a t lallt to I,e h a s s ho wlI In a It rles of arti cles that :._: to that great city of Nineveh, :'.: fa Ugue of t h e bod". \lnd th e pn.lph u' h ha d I0- ::: s lept. Hov.' long he It Is t he Ullin tb al ('Olln ts; It Is not ::: hi' aervant, Jona. ' lay I.huB he k~ e ,,' the flys le m. but th e e mploye that ::: calized himself and , 10 limited :;: not. but as he slept a villiion came to " ' recks t he train or send s It safe l)- ::; the menlY and ble .. lng of God ::: him of II great city and the volcl! 01 through . One or tlle h urde t lesson s ::: to the one nation of Ilrael that ' ::: one stnndlng and polntln~: towards the . that Am ri ca haij had to learn , r e- ::: he could not for a moment .-eon- ::: c ity s ounded In h is ear lIlnd he awoke . All wus sti ll and the v is ion WM marks youth's Companion. Is that ::: ceive of the pO'llbll lty of III be- ::: the s ubsli l ution ot democracy tor :=: Ing right or jUlt t o g ivi Nine· ::: 8'l>ne, hIlt I\.S he lay In l he darknes8 .:. veh a chance. ::: and listened for t he v(llce he hal! kin gs hip did not eli mi nate the evils ::: Preach to Nineveh,! Pr~pOI- ::: heard '1n .hls dream s. and wh ich of go v rnme nl This does no't m ~n ::: terousl . And God I prophet ::: s eemed!!() real ~bal he clDuld Bcm'c 11 that de mocl'l1cy Is a fa.Ullre. but tbat ::: Will In a rage and .oug"t to ::: believe that be had b een IUIleep, h¥ democracy 1& good 01' had Rccordlng a ~ ;;: escape the ·c:lI.charge of the i!i h ea rd It again, 8l1ylng : ' the me mbers or the demool'llf'Y are ::: com million laid upon him. ;:: , ' " Arise. go to )/hleveh, that great There ere a graat many run· :;:/ city, Ind cry against. It.; for th £lr good or bad. wise or roolls h, For the ::: Ame rican who reull.ze s tltls. the idea. ::: away dllclplel of God , It I, to be ::: wickedness Is come up be fore me," "Ith a 'stlU't1 ed cry. J onah leapel1 of de mocracy becoll\l'Is s acI'd, Im pr s- ::. feared: dllclple. wJ'ro.e narrow::: slve a clorlol\!; bu rden_ The Amer- :;: conception of God'. work t.mpta ::: from his Ilouch' and s to()d tremblln8 them to avoid the .ervlce whloh ::: ' by the open door. ican' wbo does 1I0t realize It, but trust. ::: WOlild take them far 'ro~ home ::: Go lind preaoh to Nln,eYeh ! Nln&that the r pub11ca n form of govern· '.:.' and to a people and nation riot ::: veh. the great, a hos\lJe nation, whom h men t 110'111 save him. Is not fit to vote. ::: t i e r own. . ' ;::• lIrael ,had reason to real', Preach to It Is men, not .courses of study, thllt ::: Jon.h needed a I',rger vilion ::: Nineveh. to strengtben that city make univer sities; good men. not "Des God'i purpole. and pianl, and ::: against bis own. when be had j us' Moines Ideas,". or "Galveslon IdeaB," ::: 10 do we. The prayer: "Lord . ;:: been gOing up and down throull h th e 4.hat make good city governmentsl ::: ble.. me, and my wife, ble.. my ::: land proclaiming the word of the 'bonest people, ' a nd not. metbods of ::: eon John, and . hl~ wife, u. 'ou,r, :::. Lc)rd and calling on T8i'11el to war elecUon. thal choos e honest senators; ::; and no more," mUlt give place ::: agaln8t the natione !'Qund abput anI! tD the prayer which takel In ..a" ::: recover the t rrltory lost yeaN! bemen and not I\ystem s or machines that ::: the world In that true Iplrlt :;: fore? It falrl y ' t.ooK hIs breath away, make the world. ::: which milk •• one willing to go ::: and as be strove to conb rol the reY"I. ::: lind ,ollow up thl prayer, In a ::: ilion, of 1'aellng which J'ushed over America'. Art Po'illbltltl ... lerylce. ::: hIm he dro\'e his ftngtlr ~lall9 Into the Wi th such a broad basis t o work OD, .:;! ::: "Woe Ie unto me," crld Paul, ::: pal ms or his hands. 110 tightly did he , It Is not tmpossl\jle ' tbat the artls tfl ::: "if I preach not the Oll.pel," ::: clas]) them_ tn America ai'e going to keep UI ::: and ·thruat out from hll own n.- ::: Go to l'\lne"eh! He cOllld not! pretty ",pll Interested In their futur ::: tlon and hi. own -~eople h. muat :!:- Why. Is secmed ute a])ostasy! He 'WOrk. )<0 other ba.nd ot men has ::: need. carry Qod. world wide ::: who had been preachlnl~ a message 'llforked 80 hard lo overcome obstacle!!. ::: GOlpel to the uttermolt part. ::: of hope and deUverance to 'hls own ::: nation to turn tl) one of\the great no., The artist feels his trluml1hs when b'" ::: 0' the wide, wide world. Is young- wben II mere bOY; In ' fact ::: . Ther. are two conaequencel ::: tiona ~lJout and preach n m essage 01 of Jonah'l dllObedlence and at· ::: warning! Wby It Beemod Incredible. - just 811 Funk felt tl:iem when he . drew litUe sketches on his mother's ::: t.mpt to escape dOing whit God :!: What woullS t he' nllt/on tblnk ot hIm? ::: had directed him to do. Firat, ::: How would h e be able to elCplaln hI. t&bleeloth~, ThJs burni ng desire to :.: hla own lufferlng and danger, ::: conduct to the people and to tbe king? every day swing some mighty, thought ::: and .econd, the great dlltrel. ::: So disturbed lind ex.clted was he on ~nvas ennnot be ~ ep t down , 1t ::: anci p,e ril Into whl~ hll conduct ::; that calm thoug ht was Impo s8lble . and ::: It dId not' occur to him that In, obeyIng becomes the em bryo I?alnter's masler. ::: plunged other. p'e ople. But out of thl. dark o".pter ::: t he commands of ooa It was notnecesand In 141 power he 15 a slave. I do ::: Dot Inclllde her'e, remarks the writer In ::: In :/onah'. hl.tory there .hln" ::: sary ' to e.xplaln his condu ct or olrer success Magazine. the vast m'iny of ::; the bright light of an unwaver. ::: any e xcuses, It was his part to obey. ::: Ing filith In Qod" and hi. willing. ::: and Ood would tak e carl or the con, dauberll who persIst In c;alJlng the~. ::: nel. to bear all blame_ and the ::: sequences_ But In. his I~rel!ent s tAte I18lves artists nnd who ought tQ \)e ::: coneequencee of hi. w~ong-dol!1g ::: of mind he cOllld consider only one .uppress~d by a II/ndly but finn law. ::: In orde.r that the Innocent might ::: IIlde ot t he slluallon , and when he n IS o ~ men of Ideas and Ideals and .::: escape. ' ::: fo und no sst.i srac lory unHwer to the originalit y thal.l "peak , Fnnk Is one !:! Even death In the· lea did not ::: Quest/ens which rose In hla mind and of that new American school that I. ;.: reetraln him from trying to :.: was all at sea as to what COllr8e to exemplifying thIs Indlvlduullty. He ::: right the wrong he had done to ::: purs ue, h e did what many another s hows It In the fOl'ce and erlglnallt)' :::' thOle Innocent .allora, and 80 he =:: one has done . he' !led, ::: urge. th~m to ceat him out, hi. ::: It was stili dark and th e atl'epts of of hi s work ::: 'alth In God being Itrong enough ::: the city were quIet lind desorted, A~ ::: to ..lure him that com. what ::: he rushed onward and ne llrell th e city. . Mouth an Index ofCharacter. A large, sbUIl 1y mOl,lth s ignifies ::: might he cOlild only afford to ::: gllte_ he 6uddenly realized I hat It ::: do that whlett WI. right. The., ::: would be c losed and t h e watchman !:Irendl h of ~Ind and tole ration of :;: reward of faith came In hil re- I:: 'set. Ins tin ctively he felt he must not others' IlecllllarlUes. Thh: lips de. ;:! ' markable preservation. , ::: be seen of an y In hi s .f1lght: and when note cove t ousness, g reed, .8elfis hneS8, :;:•• f,','., • ., ........................................................::~ he " ' US wondering how he could es.. and unl ells strongly contradicted by ......... ..................... ....... . .. ... ..... cllpe fl'om the city' wlthoul being BeAn 80111& 01her feMn l'e, Inten se love of THE STORY. h e recalled a little gate In lhe wall powe r, The 1II0re c urved and !lexlble r.ear his own home. and thith er htl HE prophecy which tho the lips t.he 1II0re yielding t he nature, turned his footsteps, Once out ~lde Jon ah hlld s poke n concerning the saYII th e Ne w Y.o rk Weekly, The'more tho city, the troubled thought 0political reylval or Israel and lhe rec urred , lo him as to which wa y he s trai ght a nd 'firm th e lips Lbe more covery or the coast line which years severe th e nnllne, L ips that close as be fore had been lost to the hostile na, IIhould fl ee, Wlt.h lhe c:ommaurl of if t lt e), lJad been llrc.>ssed In to a tions round about had proved a pop- 0011 ringing In b!>. ,ears he could not straJ\:,h t line s how s elf-repression, nO!rv- utaI' message. as was to be ex (Ject ed, st.ay In hili own land ; t o Nlneyeh he o'usness and obstinacy. A month to and everywhe re th e prophe t wen t he WIUI Quite determl ned not to . go. Whither s hou'ld he go? . Hts be I) "rect s holJld be large IUld s hape- was e nthll s la8 ~lca1ly r eceived.. . "At least I will ge t us I'ar 'rom Nln. ly, t h cornel'S straight 01' very s light· words In spired the people with tbe eYe h as po·s alble." he ·elrcla.lmp,d . and one purpose or bringing Ilbout tbat Iy Inclln .d to droop; lI]Js n pll,he\' t hick al tering his c(jurse he Ulrned oft nor thi n, and firmly llllt easily closed. wblch the prophel had said should tnwa rds tbe seacoast, and th e next come to, pass. . dny . footsore and weary, ho rea.ched King Jereboam, who. !luring the ,lui)I,1 . A1HI now whlthHr. he lls ked "J.'III Et old Spanish e me rahls" I S ' a e'a rly part of his reign was InClined pb rase' which llIeans somet.hln g quite to reat con t.ent with the Victories hlm 8",lf, as he 'wn,"lered t hrough the differe n t rrom what It see mA to Impl y, which hl A fath er h'a d won, and who str -Is or th e d ty. As though' by w ay of anSW?T, hl J [oOiHl.epR aimlessly loci 'l'bere nevel' \l'as an emerald milled III al'llnrentl y had no military u~pll'aUona him d pw~ lo I he wharf uh e re the shipSpain, but afte r the conqutlst 01 other t han that of keeping what be ping was ilnchored , P ru t il conqu erors brought home alreal!y posl>essed; was at fll'st, "The ve r " thing," h e exclaimed, a" grell~ (Jualltltles of loot. of "'hleb e m· posed to rec Iye the me85ag~ of .Jouah Ills oyes fell IIpon the ve esel; " 1 110'111 eralds fOl'liled a.n Im))orlapl plirl. 1n with ske ptlcill mind, declaring that the lose myself ltPon the sea , Illy coun. tbls wuy the ' fin es t emel'alds came r ecov'e ry uf the utte rmost borde rs of trymen will n\lt know whither I haVe Israel was irll)lOllalble. for their en- go ne. and pel'halls." he conllnll~d, doub tloto pOStieSSlbn of the old Spallish emies were strong and Israel'a forces flllly , "perhaps I will lIue'! tha,t It wal famili e s, and as very few: had bee n weak. not God ",' ho s poke to me. alter all." , . eeen In }k rope prevlou. to that lime, But as the pop»lar reeling had rillen all the b!! l stones 1I00n became and !;wept over the land. lInifylng the Scatters Garden Eleedl. elaased all Hne old Sp3Ulsh emeralds. nation wIth Ihe oue Impulse o( . reCongl'essman IJar"'n hBII distributed To-I!IlY ~he ell pression si/II applies to gaining lust terrltory,lie had caught the :14.000 packages or garden ,eeed amnng spirit of the movement, an~ was Boon ,bls ·constltuenta In York an" Adami the II at e lDeralds or any source.' .the most enthusiutic leader 'ot the count/ell, The original allotment to The Incl'eaije In population through- nation. dllllllaying a. military ' genlul' euoh congres.lonal dir,trlct Wl.l 11).00(1 oo ~ Canada Is slow at best-lbe D0- even gre(4ter than that "'hleh hfe ta- packages . Mr. Latean nlu.t have , pull wltb, the deparh:'l"l:t ot agrl mInion had onl y 5,73 1.:1 15 people In ther bad' shown betore him. Jonah w~lched thele developmen't s culture or ell!' be -hu. 1M!en awa.rded 1901. or many le6S than the total num... ot those who live hi Greater New with prOro!lDd eattsfaction .and sratl- lome o!.bt>· ' congreeamaLli'. cardeD tude to Ood. HIe mea8agt! to tile l1a. lleeds,- Phl'.adelpbfa Reco:rcl T'ork: and In what Is kn'o wn as' lhlt ' t1un had been oue to wblcb his whole "metropolitan dl.s lrlc·- colUhined. bl!lng had re8poDded, for there'lli" New Verb In no more loyal or devot.d IsraeUte In The French are .dopU~lg !3asony Is the most de nsely popu- all the land thlLn be, He knew hie ,..rb, "buslner." ..ted of the OermlUl s tate I, ha\·lng ·bad eOl1Dtry's history. and he knew ber alrAJrl In a bold. bUllltiIDIU .,pllrit. III the lime of the IUlit een.ue (1906) DHde, and "ad It not been that the fact tbat . the • population of '300.7 a square tllom" .plnt of God had laid bold of Ilia In. l!lnIU.h word "·btISlrlett." ler The averare tor t be "bole 8JDo wale Dature and helel hIm for a reo another tribute _ Ja 112_ • lauare. Juhmet... ,lIIIoua I!fe, ~,,~clO~~'!C!!' WO~4 Uft luperlOrl:, tit. AIllaIG~8jI~~
The Miami Gazette
People Talk About Qood ' Thlnga. TwelYe YCRIlI "SO few pcopl' knrw of . l1 ult P, _pl" 'partl t iD n aM a l'o~\'der for the. Feet, To-clay nller the gCl)ulnc m~rl t. of AlI~l1'l !;'oot-En e hllye beeD told >"''',r uftrr I'CIII- I. b'T nle{u l persons , it 1M IIItlr ~l. ·n ' al>l<' to IIlIil iO> '18, It ill cleanly . wh_ole~~t ill1R)el11J ~ !PI 'a~iW) ~o ~S t\ d, t.;H s,l lII e. hl'alin!: lind !,11118Cpli,o nllcl gl\'l'~ t'c I n nd ,'wllfort Lo lll'cd urlllnJ; fret; 11 cnrl'll wbil you wnlle O"or .10.000 ~~ll lle rs p ~ I!) ffi\uU) or nty on' \b>J ,,!!: t c~ t i m(lni ~ l ~ , IllI iln lion s pay t he d rolN' " pro fi t ol hcrwi!\ll you wOll ld '\('\'~r For Choollng Partners . wa ll Q I.Hl g·jllpe. \I boUI by ql o nho Rhe'Inrl"' ofTrrrd n Allbptltll tu for Alll'II'. }l'ont· The qu eStl911 I) r 11I111'llI g Jlul'l ne rs tor tog l'3 1l h of \I Il1l'gl"' ho h ,l II :Uj l' IIHln I,:,,"·. t hI! or i ~i ll ul fool pOII'd 'r_ ARk f. r e\'en 11 ,lInll e r pa rty muy b ' I lIad~ u n ema il noy LI '1' 11111'1n ~ U II I'llI' t' t Ur D AileD'8 F oot,. I!.lI·C. RIIlI Heo that you \le t It. I1 re ty (' I' mony by th l ~ rtlPthud: n ave wa s CUi'll I. II. l a ~g · cUI'unl bL'I' Illf'k lE Jel"ley LegislatIon. Iwo bask S orilnwers In t h a d raw ing Iyl ll!; On II bI g rQul u1 " " was pic "ThAt waB a dIsg us ti ng slap Ih e govo m. wi th numbe red t ickets 011 t he f'Qlo. II g l'OIl )) of gOOd·l (I k Ollll-\ nS illlir· :;ICIO o f ae h \..rl 5S(J rn , The m.m a N t uled cYl1l l.lIll s , a n Illfv ()l'llsl'lllOnL rO t ernOl' took at our bill.... said t he N(! w , 101 (1 t o draw trom Ihe bask t hu\'lng. e nr d t'(I\Il S lllt"lIll l (Irrllll ~, aud so 011 . J eTHey lchlslator, . .. emed to IrrItate hIm M mUf'h !lao U)' . pin k cll rll a lfo nll In It. · 1.111 0, t he andy hoxes, 1111 I'll th e fOrt ~l of mos quito billa:' admitted the dl ~ gru n IUu leij lalt \ b it's from the rot! bas- m lls lcal In HL I'Ull1 e ntf! . IV ';>!' awnnl ot1 ket. Wit 11 nWllbe l's ai' du ,)lIcat d pl'l?:es , bllt a ti ll horn mnlll mol h 11\'0 tied colle ague. p::.rtnel's nr fuund a nil a ll Ill'oce'd to (lor tlons WlI lt give n to th r· IInfortllll ule> - - - - -"}frs, P lnkhum , or the Lydia E , Ihe dlnlu g rouIII_ . In(II"llIlIal \l'ho g upssod th e 1!!lIsl tlllm · Pinkham Medicine Compan .v ot Lynn. Th ill rell yes th hos tess of th e ro- bel' or obJ CI ~ f'oncc tly, Muss, . togethl'r with her . so n. Arthur spo nl:!lbllft)' fo r O IlO' S \ · I>H I-I' 15 . lin d Ir W. Pink ham, and t.he young I' m m· h -r 'party hilS only c.oug .. nlnl II£.oplo it S m~1I ing Contest. b I'S ot h e r ' fo mlly. sailed for Naill 8 will llro hllb ly, rOHu lt In a pl easant Cet hol li es o r u UUlrll l'1lI I' 'n lng fur' Hli. on Mew 20th f or a t.hree mon t bs' tOll r 'olor , numbe r. tlw llI II llti )llaC' I'O W on II tllbll'. 'I'l l£' Clin t· lfll1lS III" throughout Europe and a muc h no dell, Progressive In itial s, vacation." to Ila ss a rollud and ta ke oue s lIIell out T hi s sc h(' me ls 110 1., e ntl r ly nel\' • , hut or en h vlnl . Papel's Ilrll prov ided man who h ows himself It Is uhvll .v s In tereAling und ha,; t b c wi h lle nclls . alld th e n nfte l' mokln g to boast of the ac' IlllvlI lI Lage of being ell Ill' an'all g tl. . s t our or til ' tnbl lh e fll e.s ta nr a~' the ro are to b 20 g ll cstH. liun thi tu write down lhe lIro ha ble contents , mell ns flve table~ . Lubel th fl r t A finge r vlnalgl' lte cOlllel be " II'en fOi "'I tl cs.'- t he second " FamollR _ Ill e rlIhe h ead pri ze lind a bottle of 111V 11 (1 r ca ll ~." lbe third "RII'P I·s ." th e fo urth salts for the on solol'lon. Tit fol. E ven Sligllt C4la"'hal Derall£ 8rl1411/' " b'lo\l'ors" aud the fifth may be " Hero. In(' "",." In I'll r eutcl' 01 e n 'h ta ble lowln;; list Is s uggestod for th e ce o, (If II:e Slo",D1:11 Prodl~u Acid Flrt e nts oC th e lm :tl es : (lla IIbou l 20 'I1SS0l't d le lle rs. fu e !fUn/alion of the Food. ] , 011 of loy 5, dow n, Tht' gu c~tl! ore ' g il' n sore 2. 011 Of SLlss.\trBS.·(I~~ · OlJ which III ra lle"' < ' I Ill' le Uel'llI" 3, 011 of coclnl'. thp. !;lIbj eta or the dltter nt tables, 4. 011 o r aurs,!, Some people are thin and Always r eftol' ull n ro st'ated the b 11 rin gs 5. 011 of bltta r al monds. IOllln thin, from temperamen~al r c nand Lhe galll e COIIIIll nces, One Illuye r 6. Pennyroya l. Bon ~ . Probably In suoh casos nothing tn rns 1\ lell e r so t hat a ll may se It. 7, Essence of pePD rmlnt. DILD be done to cl'lIonge tbls personal The Hrs t )Je r son who thinks ot Il cIty ·S. Vanilla. poonUa.ri ty. ' begi nnin g with that letter li nd lillY!; Il 9, Innamon , RDt there are a larg e Dnmber of penkeells th e I t t r. For xal\1jlle . If JO, Wood ale I. \lla who g et thIn, o r remain thin, who, "B " Is t lll'Jled some one s ays " Bo>rton" 11 , Vale rlan _ nnturally would be Jllump and 1ll!J! hy nlld tO iles th e le lter. Wb e n all the 12. Hay I'um . but for some digestive der ang ement. III s· Il l' go n the It II rings. The l 3. CIIIDllhol'. Thin people lack In adipose tluuo. Iwo 1I1ayt' rs hal'lng th most 11I e~ 14 . AJlllllonla. AdiposetlBsue II chIelly comI)Osud at· "rogl' ~S, . Cn t. 15. Hhubarb, ]6. ArnIca. Fat. 18 derived from the oUy oonstft.. · A Cupid Luncheon. ucnt' of food. 17. Turpen lIr:e. : 1If\ld I" B IInk~ r bold ; 1 . as tor 011. '.rho fat-making fooda are <!lIolled b:r ";;~I~'~'IH'Y~I~~IlI~~t ~:I ~~~~, 19, ."~aro e th'~ , the phy iologlat, hydrocarbon!!. Thl. C upid Is :t linker bold. ::0. Creosol . '1&99 01 fOOds are not. ,digeated In th ... I'nl' 8 h e [(lrl h to Y IlUIl f,: Unt] old, I!om&eh at all. Thoy arc dlgosted In l!rylng: " 11 C:8 rtB to mend," Ibe duodonum, the dlvlelon o r the allMI.slllg I.etter• • ~ lIpld I" Il IInk .. r bo ld ; . ' 0 1111:,. )' maIds. ntt l/ncl , "X" Is In th place of t h(, lettt.. 11 to lDentary canal jaat. bel1>" the s tomach. A young de butante whom no one The digest10D of tat. Ie mainly, if n ot be s uppli ed to anf; we r the 'Illestlon: Suslleet d of havln/,t fallen a victim wholly. the w ork of the pC1DcreaUc I. Max \ round In .'e :), houlI') Lo Cililld's darts rec nUy Ren t. uut he r Mat. Inloe. This juleo II of alkaline rel1cIn v1 tatlo ns with the above Unes wrlttlon, and III rendered Inert by ~he add l2. Lxtx. (couldn 't Ih-e without 11) t.on 9n Ihem . glvln); hour and dllt , Uoo of a lel. A hyperacidity of t.bltLife. Socl"'ty was agog wl lh Gurtosl\y a nd iige8t!ve lluJds of tbe stomach pas Ing 3, Xox (more rOil talc from It the awaited the denouem nt with bated :lown iJlto the duodenum, d estroy. lurger It growlI) - Hole. breath. ... Rxoll (lrs all over the hou s )- tbe pane reatlc 1illicl for diRosttve purTea was IOTl'sd i and on ea oh plate poRClI. Therefore, the fate are not dl· Root. was 11 tiny enye lope sooled with gilt ge ted or emnllllllcd, and tbe system I. S, Xoxs (found In the sllbllrhs) - deprived of ita duo proportion of oily hearts. lulde - ot whic h were the Lots, Ilames of the fair hostess and II. man COD.t.ltl1enl.a. Bel1co. tbe patie nt grow. (1_ Xrli..'tt (gives cold. curos cold and thin. ' from the a et who had succeeded In pnys the doctor)-Drart. mending the young malden's heart. The beg\nolug ot t.he tronble la s oa7_ 13xuxtx (desired by unattracU,'e . .The lable center piece on tbe dlnI&rrbllllondlLlon of tbe stomach ,",' hi 'b ,,'omen)-Beauty, :lI1U8e5 hyperacldt~,. of tile gl\lliric. lng-room taille was 0. darling 'Cupid, !!. Xuxgll (near to every malden-! Juices. TbJll hyperacidity 18 caused by his quh'er 1IIIed with gilt anows . one Iteart) - Lnngs, ferment&tion of food In tbe .tomac h _ of which was given e ac h guest liS a 9, Xaxnllt (a very ottractlve s ub When tbe tood II t.akel1 into Lbe slom. 8Om'enl!'. ,. ject)-Mllgnet. ach, If t be prooe.. of dig8lltiun doe.. The were heilrl,shaped , ornala, Xextxexl! (often II 11el1 down )- no~ begln Imrnedlalely. acid l errne ntJY ment d with candy C Illds. Ices In Fflllthers. tion will take place. ThIs c reates .. Ihe form of henl.ta. with \l candy CupJd 11. Xlxcxlx.x, (the most polished hyperacidity of tbe JUice. on each, a. tiny arrow In his hand. king In the world)-Blaoklng, whlcb In thei r turn prevent the pan we re sen- d on .dalnty lace doilies on '!(ADAi\llll M.hl RR1. crea tic dil;estJon ot the OUI. anll the : t,lnll p lates. emaCiation re.lIlta. A. d OBe of Peruna before each mell Blind Menu. h u te l1s .t.he ltomach dige,tlon. ~y This me nu may be ulled at a chlll'ch h urrying dlge.t.Ion, Peru~ prevenu. sup(ler and thus .,YaI'Y tbe IIsunl mon ot· (brm ntAtion of the contents or Ihe. ony or s uoh attal rs : ' 'lomr.cb. and the panoro&t1e Jul 0 III til\~" Oo-b(lt ",'cen ~8a lldw lcbe s ). r; cen ts , preserv~d in ttl Dormalal&to. lUhell . Hot berry drink (cottee). - cents , only remllna for the patient to oat a' Registers trolls ) . 2 ce ntll . ou1Jlclent IUJlOUI't of fit-formin g toooa. Predicaments \ pic kles}, 1 cent. Illld t he thlnneBi dllap..-ra and plulDP'" Rabbit" ( buns). 2 centll, Sashes and n eckw ear show toncheE nll88 take. ita place. Perplexities (salad) . 3 cents. or bright color. ' Prelllled curd (cheese), 1 cen t. Although both t tlllo nnd , onrused mixtures (jllmbl s), 1 ce nt. chemlsettes a re WOrn, I,hp. filet A tight squeeze !'emonada). 6 cents. l he iatter 18 washable make" It wiser cholcl!_ Buried seed!! (ber ri e's). I> cent.s. Golde n Bpheres , (oranges). !l cents, Oreclan capes, tashluned ftom 0 I Solid I!kJmmlngs (Ice cream)" 10 big circle trom wMcb t he "Ides have cd til. been cut. are favorite e,-enl ng wraps. Many of the boas tills I<tlrlng a re A MUllcl1 Evening. ,boas ' at oil, 'but ' .tloee-flttlng collars. Th e followin g sche me orlglnl\ted · while the larger oiles are flillsh ed by with n Illu'~lcal girl a nd s he SllrtlDg' It tausels. \l(lon h AT ' fellow students who Ii ved A n'ow coat from Paris la long. comIn the same hou80, Th te gues ts wel-e IJlg wllhbL a few lJir.hes ot t he ' bottom told t ho t a numbe r ot mU Hlcal In stl'u, ot the s kirt. and 1,8 lu~ de of loth lDl.'nts we re concealed In the rooms, to ed ged with silk bra.ld. be fOllnd as 80011 os poss ible , Tho In60me of the coats. hnv{! 111gh turn· s trUJOelJlfl ' were I'epresented by ob- over (:ollarll. whic h faJI nt each s ide, j ec'ts, It too l. cleveI' g uessing to d l· 101'Illing Il lorge d raped IIl'pIl) , wh[Ch Ie vine tha,t a small bag n eal' a clay pipe finished with llrald,
tCiJ u (...
It's Stonuzck Catarrh:
l,ibby's Veal 'L oa"
is made of the hest selected rnea~scientific~ ally prepared and evenly baLed hy damP. heat· in LlbbY~1 Great Mite lite... The natural flavor is aD ~etainecl!
When ~rnove'd from the' tin it"s ~eady to serve! ' It can he qUicklY'pre" ptII"ed in a variety styles~dnothing maLes
a better sunuiier meal!
In , 'Ritlil a Doyel and 'felT .ttr~C'tm CllJlhloD coyer: It I. Worlted With rlbboll ani embroidery Ink ."pon canted sll~, thoulh, of coune, an,. other materta. preferred may be Ulled for the It'Ound. The ,lllk .elected I. a .4ull 8bade 01 old pInk the chaplet 18 In Irwn ribbon and IlIk, the ribbon anel waels a~ w~ked "wlth yellow silk out.JIned with I'Old tinsel thread, the. Wllel. ad cord also cros84!d ' by tbe' tiD leI. The bee la worked. In Ihades or brown. and lold, the lltUe apray below In the lame colore with a little Kn!8o ribbon Introduced . 'rhe • back ot the cuablon ('(Iver .. of furattuN atl.1lo til. eel.. bel... ftnllhed W1Ua 11m, of tile tIOlora ~ I. til.
aD" ....... '
_4 UDaeI IDtrotlllOld.
camp. and ' Cor 'the picnic ....,•• ' ..I ' ..... is a
.tiJying disht EuII of ,Eood. nlue that briQga cOn~tmentl
...,. ' 'l1li
IN AD\I ,£RTISING A CITY ' Up·to· Date' ~Iethods Must Be ployed to 8r1~9 Capital. III thIs day or Ilrogreflfl nnd or ad· . vprLI!llllg. not alonl' do bll slnells firma ' realizl' th e Importan of I)ub ll cl l)'. bul municipalitI es find It I'ssenUaI to tell tbe world of Il.dvllnLngcs th!!), POljS(,HI; for th homeR ek r and tho~I' Il kIng buslnas~ locutions. to. few years ago. lh e cll i' Of St \.-ouls comme nced the raI Sing of a fuud a t $400,000 1'01' th e purpOijC at ad· verlh"ng In lI,e new,;pu pe rs nnd magn. zln s . by immphlet nnd ollt I'wlse. thlt growlug' Impol'l'IllIC of t. l-ouls. Den· vel'. 01.. raised a. fUlILl of $liJO .OOO whlt'h wus elllployed In S· net'al ddl'or· tl Rlp g and t.he pnylllg of I ctnr ra to visi t varIous parLK of lhe cuun lry wllh stereopticon "Iews showIng Ilk. torlally the Induslrles oC Colorado Th!' bus in ess III n of Kan sDs ·.Ity I'll ' ceotly Inaugurated a r.l\m llalgn to call the alhin llon or the world to tho< great reson rc es of tha t town and the trlb· utor)' country. In Kan sas lIy sign board s ur uHed freely lO t 11 of thu many t.hlngs t hat Kansas .C'tty I. asses· ses and wbl h a re not 1I0SSesstld by ot b I' cIties. The visitor to tit' town Is Impressed by the InfOl'nmtlOl, con· veyed ' to him froUl t hese sign boards' Such strikIng'. statem ntt; as "Do you know that beans are ch enper In Kiln · sas City than In lloston? They' It la Ii tact "Flour Is In Kan.' 61\.8 City than In Minneapolis." Othel' sign boards l ell by con~parl s on that toxes per thuusa nd dollars of valua· tion are lowell' In Kan sas Ity than la numerous other cities. and atten tion Is called to Ole number or miles of fine boulevards In the Ity. Another means emp loyed Is the use of full page Il.dvertlsemeots · In the dall y papers of t.he leadlag citizens. Th se adverl 'lsemcnts are carefully 'prepared presenting variOUS mapB, showing the advantage the country possesses OVElr otber cltl s la dltre r cut Induslrlal lines. It allpears that thIs plan 'of -ad ver tlslng can bl most s uccessfully fol lowed out by the ent rprlsl ng men 01 any c ity. In the sm a.ller towns wherl there are nOll great opportunIti es fOI mnnllfacturllll;. adve rtis ing to the peo plo showIng lhe benefits to be d rlveC' from patronage or bome Instltutloa~ could be: prolHably carried on. TheI'l Is no town 50 small' but that It can be helpe d by judlctous advertisIng 'Every town whe r In a weekly papet Is published there Is a means of gil' Ing publicity to the advantages pos· sessed by tlte' place. Th hoole pa.pel Is one or the most telling and force ful advertisements a ny town can have Every advertlsemellt of a homEl IUBU lutlou .Bpealm for tbe entel·»rlse 01 the place. nnd to strangers Illustrates the spirit and enterprise tbat Is DOS sossed by tbe people. 1t Is always well to bear In mind that seekers fOI homes "and tor business locations nevel pick out the dead towns. A smal' town where the people are enterpris' Ing orten holds forth to thc prosl,ec· Ove setUer grellter opportunities thar do t he larger cities.
'CUE MARKETING OF THE MUSKMELON CROP Practical Suggestions t'or FacllltaUng Its Handling--Fy John W. Lloyd, Asst. Chiet' in OlericulLure, 11l1nois Unlv ersil.Y.
Educat lo" of th e People to PiJtron Ize Even If a st'andard val'l ty of m Ion lIlIll lbe (]lInli ty or a melfJlI. so thnt, Home Products and Better Appre. If, · growlI and s tanda "d paclmg S Bm · afler 1\ IItt Ip eX/lp rl nce. it IR po&~ l ble olate the' ,Importance of Their rt W8!! In a shady nook on "Fttrta'l and wbat with that and m,. gen· Itl oyed. 11111 <'1\:; ho \l1eluLl ~ nl'e handl · d til gt'nd m IWIH wit h xtl' m" ae· Uon." Whtlre the I'ocks a;loped Ulret:l· eral feeling IIr, gonencsM, I know I mus t Res idence Place. In stich a way as to I'ca ch I be mnritt'l cUI'uey a~ til !tuallty, on th e bilSIR of Iy (rom theIr' feet to the Hudson . With have turned I)al£'. Shll lea ned OVtlr In a a ndltion acce plable to l ht· trade. Ul'ltl llg. A s a ru! . th (I ' nSH a nd During Inte years numerO\lf\ days II I'pcltless dlsl'egurll of regulatlolls. tlle town I'd me nnd Buld. In th e [lrettlest . tlte b at 1'lls ulu! In r" fere ncp to prices fII OI' Cull)' del'eloped t.h e lIe t.tIr'g. the ('ad t bat! unCullteue!1 lbe top hook Imvest voice. that just wem tbrough haye be n set Ilslde for ce t!'bratlng a nd proHtH Rnnot be s ·lIred. Tit · b t'f tI'l' l he fluall ~y of th e nt lor . Tlte or his collar and, .wlth hIs hands me like II. knif!'; ·Why. Allan. you oort1lln events. Years Ilgo Al'bor da~' method s e mployed In th ptch ln l;, 1\ t tln g shuul.1 '8 lan~1 out '11, 1,> whipo clasp 11 behInd hIs heud . Willi gur-Ing must have I nown how 1 felt!' was Il1I1lIgnmted . Ci ne of tb£' latest grad ing alld pllcklng of th e 1l1 £' lons cords Oil 111 lOllS .grad d as fan.-y lucdltati vely ut lhe girl wbo was " I took anolhel' brace. antI mur dnys to h Inaugurated Is Moth er!!' have an IIl11JO rtalll Inlluence} upon Ih (>II' ~ tock . " ·cll·nclt d me lons . In which openIng II. box or candy. It looh ed like mured somo disjoint d questlo!ls abou l duy. It would se m that It Is only condlllou lIud app arullce wli n III r th II llillg Is nUL /lilite s ~ promIn e nt, I.h l'egulnUon arrangement on "Fill', the 'cll' Beardsley . bnt. she -caught I!le fitting that' thcre s bould b Ii Home I'eacillh o mUl'ket. \ tatlon," but It was not. u\1 short. 'You didn't bellc " e tblil Ind ustry dny. logelh'r wllh 011: s lzos of tbe best· There Is consIderable dllTe r nce or nCllml melons. IIII1Y bo gral.le'l a s No. Sbe arrung d ber sldrts comfol'lably, Gossip!' Des .10Ine8. la" hna lnall r,urated oplu lon as to th exaCt st a~ o of lII'atlll'- 1. StJ ecl tl 1l' n ~ wllh s t ili less netting, tIItcd he r parasol .at an angle whIch "I "·as just dl1l80lvlng In thIn all' nil whal I ~ cnlled a Faclory day . On thIs Ity. at wblch ru e lQnt! ShOlllci b plcl;ed but In which th nellln g Is fa lr l ~' well s hllql1d the cadet's head as well as tbls t.lme-I wal!, fol' a fRct! 1 couldn't day schools and r£' toll busi ness houses for sblllm Ill. It a llow d to \) 01' 01110 (If'veloP'I.I. mill' he grad ed a.~ Ko. 2. her own , and Ulen said; "Now. AI· feel the ground under m)· f et. and I are closed and the populace ' go trdm too r ipe he(ore plckln·g. th ey become Th e e xt 'lit to whIch the no'.li ng I. 18n, yon promlHed you'd t 11 m al\ had lo hold (>n to the balustrnde. bard, factory 1.0 faotory and· "Iew the varl· soft I.)' the tlm Q titer reach Ihe 01:\1'· ,I \'('lope (1 Is more Impor.tant I han t he Itbout It. There's no reason for IJut· I ",as 80 IIght·headed lind dIz zy. Just ous proc S6es at llIanufadurlng goods ke t o and of ton must be sacrlHced In ab ~o lule amount of nel.4.lng III d ter· lIug It ort." Ulen 'BIg' MII.~shnll came runnIng unt and learn much of the Industry at Ole order to e tTect li n IlIImerllatc fiale. If ml nl n!; whet hoI' a g lv' n slIec!mon The cadet rubbed his close-cropped to get Helen tor the n ext dance. I clly. In Omaha recently, members of Illcked too green. lho m elo n ~ reac b ~ hull be graded as a No. 2 or a cull. h ad thou ~ htfull y. ''['11 tell It on one helped her down. and she gave my the CommercIal club have been de· market in fll'llI coudllion. hill Ill' InC'I~ · 1010n8 In which tile n ott lng Is " .21'1 condlLion- that you dDn't Interrupt. voting one day In tbe mont.h t.o vis· Ing In ftavor, and uro nol doslr II by pool'ly 11 el' lOped. aa we ll as the-e,: " l'm gOing to start In by Haying lUng manufactu rIng plants. the best trnd e. It .ls n nlco poi nt to without any n lling, should hll classed that you don·t know the girl. but that These planK are mos t excellenl for plclr m lOllS lit s uch a deg l' or ripe· llS cull s. rucl; ·d lind overt'lil e sperl· she's a wonderl 1t all happened about educallng the peOllle as ' to tbe reo m n R m usl lJe g raded a s culls eVlm n year ant! tl. half ago--when .be·d sources ot mel I' comlllltnities. A flo me t1t'ough of fine (]uallty. for lh ey would b eo comIng up to tbe Point tor sev· Industry day would no danur be the bo III, Iy to sl)oll before I'CIlchlng lhe eral DIan ths. to hops and thLngs. She ' means or better acqualn tt ng lhe peo. COIl SUll1e r. WI\S th gayest little 'rem' you pie of ach t.own wltti the resources aa w-lllways craoklng jokell While the grndlng of m h)ns aN tCl ot each partloulllr place and 'rI'ould lauJ.thlng like a chime of bells. open up avenues IIltle consIdered aad quality Is o'r extreme Importnllce. t ho " You kIlOW our Bet at six fellows, full h neftt of such gradIng cannot bit sUillulate the establishment of new en· IInri how we always hang together. terprlses. 'rhe most good perhaps secu red unl ess methods of pacltlllg are \', ell. w were together on lhla propo· would result from the fact t ha t the e mploye d which will enable the 1l1l'1. Hlt lon all l'lght! We tbought'she was people of each community would learn ons to present an attractive allpearIlbout the funnIest little girl that ev r of the products o( theIr hOUle place Ullce upon tho marltet. ThIs menns camo along. Sbe was always Bllylng and better re alize how great the ad· that th~ melons In a gIven Pllckage something you dldn't think she was vantage would be to uti lize those prod· must be 'falrl y unttorm in 2.lze. 'll" going to. J remember IIhe was th ranged ' In lin Ilttractlve manneI'. allIS uots Instead of using manufactures only girl I ever saw who had lIom e· 80 packed that each s pecl men wlll refrom other places. A Home Induslry thing new to say when we told her we main In th e exact posItion wh ere It day should not be tor the business or \Vila plllce d by the packer. The pack· cull II Clur room·mates our 'wives.' the professIonal people. but should "W 11. 1\ year ago last fall. wben I Ing must be tight. Ilnd yet the melonl be a day In which all r esIdents. men. nOl bruised by being jnmmed Into wa ~ a seconu-elass mnn. r was sItting women and cb lldren. could partfclpate place. In .JlIy roo It! o.n o evening, boning on and a\l becomo acquainted wltb the The math. I'd bean working like a horse "I Told Her She W•• the Only Girl 11\ varied r esources at tlie place. Some'tlmes mel ,ns are paclted frol" trying to 'max' my calculus. and .1 was the World for Me." school children would find a visIt to the gl'ound In tbe "open fi eld or uad r aR grouchy as a hear. My 'wife' was lhe dltrerent factories helpful to them. lhe shade . of a tree . but nellrly all nol any company, for be'd b'e en 'doIng arm a, little hIdden pat. that couldn't glv~ them a practIcal Idea of how dlf· progr ss lve grower& provide a shed 01 ar a' ver slnco two o'clock, and hud have hurt wors If tlhe'd hIt me with ferent articles are made and broaden some sort to protect hath melons aOlI turned In 80 dead tired you couldn't a hammer! I watched h er walk away their "Iews as to business methods. lIuclt ra from s howe rs as w II as sun· hllve wllked hIm with an ax. I was with 'Blg,' feeling m eaner and meaner, Home Industry dllY can be Ina\1· shine. and to 'f acUltnte the Illlcking. gottlng lonesomer and lonesomer . and till. 'as ahe turned and gave one back· gurated. In any town by the citizens The shed Is orten only a temporal', fa ellng more and more al though r ward look toward me, I just shriveled ma1clng a united etrort. 1n fact, each structure, sInce the melon Plltch Is u'" wanted a blow·out 'of Borne kind to up to uothlng at all. 1 moved around .tate could by legislative enactment put Borne life luto me. when there was the corner to a place where t know set RIIld e such a day with' great bene· a whoon at the door and tbe 'five tel· nobody'd come, and fell down on a fit to the state and Ita pe·ople, and the IOW8 or tbe gang came In, all tal"IDg chaIr. and took my bend In my hands establi shment of Home Industry day Fancy Melon 'Above; No. 1 Melon 'lit once. Puddenhead had a letter; and did some tall thinking! 'FIrat off, mlgbt meao the saving of mIllions of Below. waving It In the air. and the only I took about an bour call1ng myself dollars anllually to the state. day ness tbat tbey will reach lhe market thI ng I oOljld get out of them was lhat bad names. l'd thInk of the light In could be made one of real pleasure. 10 firm conclltlon. and yet possess the Helen WIlS engaged. I had t.wo 'Helens her eyes as she had looked at me, and aa well as a day of education and 'unl· requisIte ftavor. The fllrLb er tram on lhe string about that time, and I curse myself for about the ' lowest. versal profit. Refreshments could, be mlt'rket the melons are produced. the . waij corudderabl)' e.xclted till after m anest speolm n 01 humanity that served by enterprising manufacturers, le8.11 mature they must be when lllcked. 1lbout fiv'l! mlnutel l bey got .moothed ever drew brea:l1. and other entertatnment In the way of Furthermore. the rapidity of soften· r10wn enougb for me to make out · that "I was a11ln a tremble when I stood mlls1c, .ele., could be utilized In rna,. Ing arter pIckIng varies with the tem · they meant thl.s girl I'm tell\ng about. up nnally. but my mind was made up. king It a day long to be remembered. D . M. CARR. perature to whIch the melons are sub· r hada't thou ght of her at all. I wal! a Doanell trom Ala)lama, and jected. She wasn't the kind you'd ever think WIlSn't gOing to go back on thO' Womllll Keep the' Store CI~an. While It 18 true tbat no rule can be or as soberln~ down enough to get who loved m_lt It k111 ed me! RII I!o well·known fact that 'In manugIven for plcldng m elons . (hat will all' D . It. CARR. eug(lged. Pudd nhead had had a let· ''1 t~ll )'ou, r dldn ',t sleep mI,ch . that facturing concerns clean 8u~roundlngll ply unde r all conditions. luid tbat the t('r 11 girl In Bridgeport, w'here nigh t, and 1 dld'u 't need revollJo to tend to a higher standard of workmao· Are Amenable to Realon. grower mllst exercise judgment In r ef· H elen lived. and she aald Helen's im. wake me up In the morning. . 1 was ship among 'the e mpioyes. It tbls II Farmers al'e uBually amenable to er ellce to aoh day's pIcking. tbe Ideal gageme nt lo a 'olt' named Beardsley planntng what I woull1 say to Hehin true of a factory which Is usually was just announoed. WeJl. we were when I lIaw her the next afternoon. hidden 'I\way from tbe public gaze. reason, the Elame .as any of ' the reat "'1I1 be attllined when the condItions «reat pals of Hlllen·lI. and we were The first time 1 saw hel' ""ould be the wbat inust be the moral effect of of the humam race. They do not buy are such thal lhe melolls will reach 1IOr.'l that abe hadn't told ua anything worst. After chapel, though. ber Bunt clean surroundIngs tn a reWI store of peddlers or catalogue houses be the mark et In the best condition If .bout. It. Puddenhelld said; 'Thlnk of -her aunt Is Capt. Wadleigh's wife- which hilS to depend upon t\1e public cause they want to snub their own picked as soun as the fruit will pnl't )Jer nerve! She's coming up to a hop told me that· Helen had been ~Ie tor I ts welfare? It neatness In the home town and home merchants. bul reaellly from th e s tem when the latte r to·morrow night just as though ·noth· graphe'd for to oome to New Yorl< to store and display wJndow Is attrae- because the arUcle Is brought par· Is pressed with the thumb or finger. 'ng had happened. She thInks IIhe's see an unole off on the steamer. Pond UTe, elegance m'u st be decid edly allur· tlcularly to t heir notice. embeJllshoo There Is a tendency among scme grow· going to fool u. We'lI just let her . {hat she ·bad left on the lIrst train. Ing. That this la,t ter Is a fact Is with a flow of convincing language ers to plcl, con s iderably before this know that sh ·can't get ahead of UI Bay. maybe I dldn't teel Uke ., a .re- proven by the elegant stores ot many Qlllculated to Impress t.hem at OIlCI1 point has been reaohed. In order to with bel' practical jokes. Let's meet prleved prisoner! I oaught the fl st twenUetl' centllrY d,ealers who have with the supE!rlor merits of the artlcll1 run no risk of the melons becoming her as the 'bu8 comes up to the top of long breath I'd had .slnce the nlgbt taken adVantage at the popula:r de· BO prese.n ted ·and wIth the alleged fact 80ft In tra nsit. In fact. some grow· that . they lare saving considerable ers mal,e II. practice of plcl,lng the lhe htll and shout out " congratula. before. But In 14 minute J knew I'd mand for cheerful surroundings to In· melons be fore n craall appears about I,lons!" till th.ey can hear 'UII on the have to wrIte; and that'll wliat I dIet I corporate Into their places ot bUBlnes!! money by buying In that way. The fac't that the article Is not IIU' the stem 01· Ilny change of colo r taltes No,2 Melon Above; Cull Melo BelOW. other side of I)arade ground.' AU that afternoon I wrote and tore up a tone of elegance which would bave . "I was ~ust goIng to eay I was game and wrote and tore up, tryIng' to Ill: been the wonder of tradeamen of 30 perlor and Is really considerably place, even on the Ilnder side or lhe . ually s blfted to new groilnd eacb for that. when ' Btg' Maraball began jUlt the letter IIhe ought to ~et. . I years ago, tbe majority of whom be· blgher priced does not appear. tor the fruit. Proper gratllng of melons results In ycnr, Its essential features nre a :lumping. \I'P and down and bollert~: ' tried to think wbat I'd want a fellow lIeved that a atore ahould cOnslat of II reason, p~rhlilps . t.hat the local dealel ·l.~t you bllat! f got you beat! '1 to write If I 'Were a girl jUlt engaged tew Counters and shelvea and a stock hal never taken the trouble to adver the securIng of bet\er prices than In· pa -k ing benoh 01' table: ampln light tlso his · warell, or has never caller! discriminate IlOCklng as Is ovldenced nnr! a roof that does not leak. It may got an Iden t hllt beats that all to fraz· to 'blm, and tb:~n I'd wrUfl it. of goods. The (rowing ~ndenoy of the farmers Into his store and shown by the ex"erlence or certaIn growers or may not be boarded up at th'.) baok &Iell! Let'a an sl1: ot UII Devor let on "I got lome sort ot a lettor done, the time, especially In the clUel, 18 them the article, made comparisons who have departed trom the US \111·1 and sIdes. If not boarded UJ), It Is u&o we've heard a t hing. and then all -pro. ani), wu jUllt Itartlnll out to post It. one tbat de·m and. 'modern me~~ods. pose to ber, h~vy·traged,. atyle, duro ~ben 9apt. Wadleigh's orderly came And In adopting these method. It Is between It lind the peddled artlcie fng the bOp-take on &II tbougb we up and aald that Mllis Helen bad left but natural tb'at the window should and showed 'them that be, the dealer, ...ere broken·hearted; and then have a note for me and !,wleblld me to go recel ve the first ' share of att.eIlUon, a8 Is actually ' the one who Is saving them The laugb on her tbe next day.' over to · the bouae and get It. Illtart8d' It' IIi a magnet, having power to con· money, not ~'nly In the flrat coat, but "Say, that l!truck u • .all rleht. all over there and P9Bted' the letter all tbe vert the .Jndlt!erent 1'ubllo Into tDter· tn repairs and wearlne QuallUel .. ~Ight! We jllst· went Into tbe air. . way. When I got to the pte I saw' elted cUlltomers. What holds good In well. Tbere Is tl)O mucb of a disposItion "We could hardly walt for the hop, Puddenhead and· 'Big' golne up the tbe clUes as to neatness and cleanll· :AlId wben my dance with Helen came walk,. arid two of the other . feitow. nesll, also holds. goqd In the IImail on tbe part' of most dealers to take 1 .PrOl,08od to sit It out on the ba1bony .wer.e looking ' out of the . wlndow8. '. I town. The storekeeper whOle ' place It for granted that their CUBtomersoVllrlOt 'klng the 'Hudson, and I fairly thought: 'Oh, Lord! Helen'. probably t • . unUd,- cannot expect to make a 0.1' tholle wbo might and should be abher!."} for tear "he'd want to dance; lett a note tor 'a ll of them announcing great. auccess. Country ' P.6ople abbor their customerll-know all about theti b\\t sho didn't. and we went down the our engagement. 1 won!t 'bave to put dtrt and slovenly habltl about a .tore atock. Its qualities and prices, as com· pared with those that may be put up 8111Jr~ together. nle beglnntnl: to put up a blut! or anything! ~ . as do the cit,. tolk. . to them · by the peddler or , tbe mail .()\l the prover ,solemn aIr. '·'Mr.. Wadleigh was sItting Inllde order man. Instead, they sbould make U.e Fire to Combat Fir•• "n was OIoonllght-a wllrm October .talklng to the fel.lowa already there, Tbe average retailer does not em· U their business to throw a. 'fiood of evenlbg·. a'be Hudson looked like a and In a minute In came Adams, and ploy' enough prlntera' l!1k, &l)d' employ light . on these questions at every op·, black "Iamoyd wltb r~bh!s all around there ..we "ere, 11,11 six. Mra. Wadleigh Partunlty. '1n oth~r WO~d8 they .should it whl'Te the lIghtll ot the. .hore got up ' and went over to her desk. It In the proper alrectlon, In dealing J!:leninelt. 'I'here wa8n't a ' e10ud 'In tbe 'You boys and H elen are Buch jo~ers!' 1I'lth tbe trade for hla community. advertille In the way that their Jut!g· .ky. Ilnll jllst tbe sweetest autumn she said. 'I don't know what: the joke The enemies of the retailer. the mall·, ment. and eX)lerlence dictate. '~r In .mell1n the atr. qh, It was tbe prop~r Is this Ume. but I suppose It Is 1I0IDe order houses. are products of printers' various ways. so there will bll no ex· tltage·setUII8. all rtg~tI I ,lifted Helen of Helen's nonsense. Sbe asked IDe to Ink and know full well the value . of euse, at least. for any possIble cu.' ,1111 to the bruad balustrade-same .way glve' Yo'u all one of these.' With' that it. They are not anxious that the reo tomer remaining In Igno,r ance. 1 had Iota of tlmell hefore-and then 1 . she blipn handing around some little tall dealers of the country wake up. Simple Comp •••·Flnde,.. turned snrl gnzed down the river, try· notea. I knew what It meanl. all right. They are satlsfl~d to . alloW conditions A simple compass·finder. costing 11 Ing to look r6\1lantlc . . I w(ln't tell :\,ou and 1 waited a minute before 1 opened to go on and allow them. the mall· centa, has enabled a weslern plpe·layer What I Ilald t ober, . b",t you can just mIne, for .r didn't feet as though I had order house. to get the benefit of the Simple P~cklng Shed with Curtain. . ' to loc:a:te a 1.2·lnch cast·lt'o!) pIpe bur· tnade whIch Is coming to them liet It Was rell·hot! I told her IIhe any rlgM h-. N'~~ 1"bat Helen bad .wfIB the only otle IlL th~ worl4 tor toe written the:\): Wlvln .~ ·.broke tbe seal through ~helr aggressl ve advertlBlng led about thr'ee feet In stltl adobe soll. cUlltom. and practice a regular SYB' uully provIded wltb a curtuln whlC1l . ..,.·that ) '1\.\d my ruture' all tlxed ul) an engraved CISi'd feli ont and, all ' I campaigns. I t . merchant would tol· and has saved several days of labor tem of grading WhtH'eby three dlstln t:t may 1113 shlfte(i trom onEl ~ill e to lUI! wIth ·her [n tbe mlt\st of It, and It looked Ilt It, 1 gut the sM'lI( of my· lire. low out their schemes ot puhllCity dlg"lng. As descr.lbed by A. E o' Wrlgbt, grades of marke tahle IJI Ions · are other as the day" progresses. the finder was a magnetized k/llt· w'7IIld b o tile. death of me to unfix mY' .. 'Mr. and Mrll. - - r~Que!lt tbe ·upon a Imall IIcale lit hls' lmmedl4te tlng ' needle Iiavlng been dillcard. marje, alld 1Ib1J)ped under .thr differ· Haying Tool£.-rr tile ' harl" Sl wi4 ideas, that r would Qillt the aervlce bonor of yonr prl:Jtence at the mar- territory ; ,w.ould get out some adver· ed .. DOr.;. sulllolently sensitive. Tho 'ent branda. Such 11 system of grading ha yi ng lools Wllre not put Iii repair tilling matter In the form of clrcl: : ~dl rlage ot 'thelr qa\Jgbter allleu to l,. there W81111't any hope tor me. and brnndlng makes It possible for the wIth prices and descriptive matte~, It flberll were 'glued around the balanc- : commiSSion mlln to IIlace the dlrtcrent last (all It will be II pretty good Illau "Say, It was a good tblng I ·"'8.S . Eug«tne Beardsley: to look t.hcm over and ol·de.·. new po.r"Ing·Palllt. and the needle was 80 bal· leanlug up agaln.s t the balustrade, "Just then' we bearel a tunny nollie!, would wIn. " The wa,. to fight flre Is anced aa to dip normally about 20 de- gradell with Hie dltrerent classes of now . with III'e, and the retailer haa had the 'caWlO If It hadn't been for that I'd and there was that 'wlte' of mIne bac' , greel III order that the two entia might trade, Instetld of beIng obliged ,W sell Ibortcomlngll of bill antl·mall-order Burnl~g Straw,-Tll e burning, of have fallen' right down In a Ilt. Helen of us, just gaspIng lor Wt.'Rtll. and s be attracted to the pipe unequally. the entire shIpment as IIngt'nd d "'t~('k was looklng at me :wIth eres lilt, full of laugbter be wu bliloit 'n the bouse camtlalgnll thrown. back upon The needle was mounted In a cigar box, to undi scriminating J)urchnsers. All Il\'l\W an(1 stalks, eJ,cellt In s ppclal star'" nnd they changed e 1e~y minute face. As we turned around ancJ JQOked him with little or no satisfactory ra- . a result. the best grade often brln~s t!as('s. Is II waster!"11 Ili·aotlct!. aull bllll with an Index card. and a glass coye.r doable tho L)rlce' of unKI'aded IItock no plnce In .11l!1Ic1ouB farml ng. and got . sorter . and lofter tltI I 'IV" at b1m kind of dazed and eBt.-eyed, t. IUltl. Campalgnll ·he hu aet up In &II wind Ihle'ld. When· uBell, tbe box 'Ult' meltoll and . lIoated away In air. was 10 tlckle4 he ga'Ve a' Wll1.1OlI. and oPPOllltion 'have In a menure t"ken wu placed on the ,round. on tbe snme markel. willIe Ule lowest Don't Overfeed.-If ilie two-nar·old TOOl wouldn't think sbe ever could feU Qn the floor In a ilL ThaJ br'amed tbe odge oil tbe catalogue hou8ell' cam· In a DOrtb dtrectlon, and grade usually sella for practloally t11e. 'ft n Is to be \(ept for laylnrl I.hl. co~ palplI, but why not get right Into the have laUlhed out of them. they w~re .calawac hadn't been aslMJ,l at all W&ll moyec! SUp'polled line of same Ill! ungraded alock. so that the Jog Winter. IIhe sboulG nOL be l,er,m1tIIw.t IU\d solemn. Her IIpl moved, that nlgb.t , and he bad lone and told' lame aDd II11t them wUh tbe aame tbe pipe. being taken eye1'7 eXl'eSIi In I>ffl:e rlloelved for the hlghllr led t(> become fat. (lDd I could juit hear 'her..,: ~.Allan'l Helen all about our IICheme~ \11r11 tq, ammDriltlon lbat th·.y are ullnl to as· tlWo reet tbls wa, tbe IOCaUOD grades Is practically al\ clear Gain terminate the Tela" t",de or the ~. lily Allanl' ' . wbat do you think? TbelJtUe aetnA, ,... verY e,ccuratelr, TIlt as a reault of CradllM" Pick aeat Lay.i-a.-Tb@ chief vlLl . . "I . IIhont mOlt atarUed ....'eI accepted tbe.'lJoie ~ cat • tU trJ' 'U.. .local pa.,er. llberall, and ~r::~:~:ltd: peat ewer . • There ta a cloae relaUpll bet1l'een lIf the ben II for eu produotloD. lo'lad out pulara. letwa ad prIaI .. ...... ' .. ...I...d.~ :98 .~ """ __ ,..,. ....... II *~tI &le amoullt IUICl oIIaraater "I IltltUIl&,. Olll which bena' art &lie ....\ I.,.~• .,.u a4 UI. . . . . I.
( ·opyrlght.)
.: ,,-
, 11 ",,,,,' III \' I',), 11I1l~ , '1111 \\'\' Cfl)tl uti The Wheat Jointworm t, 'u ,10'/101 hne; A lI .w ~ \\' II till I \ t\ ~ tilt! lJen1 ,V to O\' r severl\! oouutie 'in !wutbern Told in Rhy~e by a 1"01 mer li nt.! ; hlo til wlJef\t join tworm, [ 010 Olllit Ul1f blnOl1 wn~ up lIud no doubt fit Rrsident---Touching tl'ltlol. hll ,. proved n Ill!!lt >leriollR 1111 , Flag cene. BlIt t lli!' onnfCll et;llt e hulk- I li e eDelllY to 'whea t t,h!s !'l eason 1\ d th I'e I II good rOason f ~ r expeohing \\'1101 t,\ling w uld 1'011 titut, tllo lll f too di trictij will uiler Un til., :!:.lIl LI ((Ity of AprIl , wbeo Xl'IIlIn 'lI Ii I'li l, ·t) IUJlllny I it 'u \ \ '(j lU u vod on ' Mouth-wu were In '1111 ilu l' 1I11L1I1ier n x 'h yenr !lod u It 1I1i II bigb' home fur til .. wllr . 'it. WII!! lI!!ti mnted tlmt, ,\lw araas ulYacts l"w ill UD gnmt: tblit froUl >! ven I II i~ b t, tb 'JUSltud \V lleu we hllllrd II sh ut Urtlll-sh o w Iy ... I uu d. W .., do uot' yeh kn ow ing t h e tlUOUlY 1IIgh ; pe pie wen t tu tbe Iltl (Jut (,0 ~tlll thelli the OXllot extent of t il [ )I'esent t4 It We sto pped stone stil i, could It PI,) • sou ' infeotioll ll.nd the Dhlo Exp ri oft'. It was II g r Ht lillY fbI' XeDlII lIibly be tbl! firing of Ft.. ' umpteJ, th e Sil l ment 'tuti ?n (lit Wooster') will "'(,1That this s hot was r edlly Intended preoiflte anv inflll'illilti on from ittl render of 4eo. Ltlo uor tne us litlin~ for m e! iil,)u of President, Lin ",Io ,-nono a t corre pond nt thllt wlll IL 8i I In \bese 90 deepl y tllirr II the hell rt !! Tbe tire i n oo r t!ye, luid tllat oour- louMillK itM bOllnun.rio8. •'ome Ii ld of tho PtlOpit. uf Xenll!. lind 'r eue ill the Infe t ud counties 1I!'1l n t a.~t! lIu bliwa oounty, &S did Ih l! lea ving of t.llitt wortb blll'vtll:!tlng unti, till! b st, tilj6 1l1tld to drop down a. ilttle, n ot oompany of 100 boytl Itnd young m en them, hllve !:! oll'sr d froUl 10 umuu,/; so an xious to ollmb t or t h e wlir . Among tbe number Thllt hill in front, on tllll t op of pe r ce nt t o 21i pe r cen t· Io!:!!; , while tb tLt went to th'a oepot t hat ll.10rnlng whioh IBoY . the gr llt. IIl llj Ol'ity ileel1l1 t.o hll VIl to bid the boys good bye, Wll8 a A long line of ,lobnnlAs who n o w been cn t down to fl'om ,10 p l' Ollt oomp8ny of girls from tho tlenior seemed to day. to it; () l' cent, of au a VA rtlgo cn'p. olass of the higb sohool,- they no The tottll lOR!'! for til Htllta Will tloed the fllot, tlla t thtl c mpany Cume on, you y ,mkee devil s, what IL01 0un t t,o I~ lurge tigu I'e, jU!\t. h ow didn ' t bll ve Il flllg; 80 tbey IlllJdtl it la rge cu,n, tit pro>4out. b only II ulHtIllakes y ~ 80 whiteup among themselvel!, t1l8t they Uidn 't vuu tell tbem at h ome, you tel' of coo jtloture . In IDllny I i tl l ll~ would prooure one fo r them , Tbey it is illl possibi t,o Jiu!l tI t,rllW t lHlt. were dying for a tight g8ve a oonoert ~nd by this means Stiffe n up now , don't aot the ctllf i not infes ted . . uised euough too It. fi8g, Or that girl fi t. 'bOUle, will get on The followi ng mell ' I I' :l 0 1 t 'WIIwbioh was duly presented to t he trol 'ire uggested : r; IW Ill:' III tlo you ttlo laugh. company , and ",fterwlirds ~me wh ent tlll p08sibl In tllll InC. Hlml the battle flag of the r egim ent . But fi look at that tlag waving so districts next YOILr ' 'ut inr "ted Five years dter tbe ololle of the ' still 1 0W~01L tolotlvl:ltlsf w1urvu e war, one of the boy. wbo m a-rohed Stirred up our blood n.t tbe foot of in the stubbl 1( 1'1 Ilossiblll , Wh e revaway with this company, UllI.rried that hill ' er practiou ble, burn vel' infe t <l one of t he girls, wbo helped to And then by u J ohnnie , to be called stubble lllis fil II or pl o w It nnde r prooure t his btlttle flag , 'rhe reool a culfeep1y. 'cutter no green 1U0nure. Itlot.lonll of t he t,hrllltng soenes We'll s!le !lebout t,hat-;-then see who contllining infested straw, on or ttu ougb wbioh thIs battle flog ~88ed . will Ia.ugh. netir Jie ld t1l1l t fire to bl3 nell f l' and the l)8.triotlo girls who presented 80 we formed into line with Old lHo·' wbeat, 'uw ti ll whell t U>4 fn r as ii, gave rise to t he following poem : ry In front po ibl'e fr olU whel~t fields o( the It W'1\8 1I1wll.Ys there, that It mIght preceding se'l ( iii . Sow quite eal'ly , The March of the Bat tle }'Iag from one to ~hree we elrs nrll r the brunL, by 6 , W, E, But it seemed somehow that, t hat thun Is Ou!:!toulllry in yOlur neigb bor. girl 110 fllir hood, so the g r!~in will b o welllli oug In tbe year of our Lord U161, With tbe . dimpled hand, and the towllrd helldiug out ' before t,be . ~h..t YMr, that the oruel war WIl8 bright gill den bair, eggs (\1'0 Illid noxt May. Hestlinn begun, fly need cuutle n o fear ut the pre ont A company of girls with golden hlloir, Made a .Uken flag that Wll8 bright Baid, now is your chanoe boy, show time. hence, tbertl is n o ,reo on for y?ur nerve , lIowing Ia.te. The Uellr€1 r lbe whe~t and 'air. . Old Glory to honor,lI.nd your coun· Is to h~Il(':Ilng when the) ellllt! nn 'fhey lOWed and:stltohed, and made try to serve laid. the bettor, !llnce tb e bends will it .tronK; , Cha.rge that hill, aDd do It well form lind tbe kerneltl l~lIrthl1l.v fi ll And " hey did not think U would be And the girl at home will bave some- out before the !l1\P ourrents uro malong , thing to tell . terlally interfered with. !t' or t.he Till 'hla fiarry of war would pass retLtlon fertllize ruther henvlly, Our captain S!\y!!, "boys do you soe away ,hat 6"g, using a mixture rich in phosphorus WheD Old. Glory woulel oome home Whloh the rebel!! bave dumped and to seoure 110 sprong stl'llW, WQr k to .tay. call it a rag? t he s?ed-bed in~o tIle bost p os ~b1e But they dill n9t 'know .the nerve J!'ollow It tll-dIlY ~nd plant it up physloal o~nditlon before Beedlng. hi h Badly infested struw thut is unu ed lind vim " Ony~:der bre~stwdrks-do It. or die by the11 rstof Apt'll hOlllld b e burned And red-hot blood in brain 8ndltmb 'rhe broken bits of StrtiW thlLt l'nn '1'h.t ebb'd a~d flow'd In BOut,hern 80 a.t· the wo~d of comm~nd. we into t h e gl'liin fl·OlU tho tll reBhi ng life: rillbt up IUliohine ah oul!l be sep a,mtllt.! out, oha.rged And rashed, them onward in that From tbe f. o ot of that hill, to ~t8 und burned. Dilltrio,ts I& llut ure uu· .'rife. Iy nioderlltl'ly infested tibe pretient I;QPlmlt. top, But the ftatr was mllde by willing Upright up, In the faoe of fire, yeur shonld ohllerve the Bailie }lI'ehanda, ' While tbey IIhowered the lead on cautions 11011 the blldl y iufetlted tltligh~ ADd cam... then jn&O a<)uthern lands the boys below. borhoods. Stub ble field tbu,t CA 0 By the OOi.·in blue, whOle hearts not he burned over In the fall may Did tbay' falter or wu vel' in tbe "ere brave; oe b(\rrowed 0"01' 10 the spring face ot that hell, Who Aid, ' "by ' the eternal" this t o break do wn the· stu bble, ' Ilfter As they oharged that hill and heard flag sball wave , ' wbioh u se II h ltymke tocolleot t,hom, the rebel yell? ' It was made at home by the girls, Did the rattle and rumble of ~bat then !let on fire.-B. A. 60BHARI in Ohio Experiment Sttltion . . . 80 fair, scatbing hot fire With dl pled bli.nos, and golden Make them wdover, as Old 610ry hair, , went b igher and hi~her ~ Literary Society For U8 to defend In the hour of strife 'rill on the top of thll.t hill , our banOld Glory's honor with our very ' . ne~ waved out, l'he Literary sociflty will h01l1 'life. And our boys-what were left-<- ,tlleir next 80cial a.t the home of Mr. Tbe ftat went first Into camp near raised a triumphant shout, Imd Mrs, .fieorge Starr t.wo miles ·by, ' hat of t he harvest, so, sud, so nortb of R,i dgevillo l:iatolrday AvenBu Where tbe boys wei'e preparing to trne lng, July 11, 1908. F mRN BNJI)F.~, 'ec do; or dill. A tboul5tLnd lay dead, of our bOyS n marohed at the he"d of the colin blutl, umn long;' Murat Halstead Dead And the boys were joyous with But the marob of ohl g lory , Ill! it moved up that hiU mirth lind song. "Jnto the jaws of death, i!lto the Mllrtl.t Bn.l':lteud, one of th e mOllt For the drill and the 'guard ~nd mouth of hell " notell newspaper men of t~e timc~, osmp life, all 'Tho ttl.ttered and torn , t1.nd . sOarred died lallt ThiuHday afternoon at. h is Were bardly aadangerousll.8 a game in the fra.y, \l ome in Ul ncinnati . . or'foot ball Yet it told the story of a greM; vio. . He was editor f or more th" n 'So' we.'w ere jOYou~ and happy, wIth tory that day. hll1f a ceutury, 'IInll the 1Io,)ple of , this thought in mind, . the United St."tefl bilVe read his od· Bow the Johnnies would run, wheo The D~W8 went out, Uke eagles 11y, itorinls with inter est, Row 'that banner of beauty bad He was b Ol'n il1 Butler . county In we croased the dead line. kissed the blue sky, . 1829, anj wall in his ea rly OtLrf)Or II At ftrit 81ght of, the Johnnie!!, it was. But none tlO glad In all our fair Illnd, sohool tellch er, fixed in our mind, , As the glrillt home with the dimpled We WOUld ' jllr tbe wbole na.tion hand, with our oourage sublime; -------+.~- --~-We would wipB up the earUi; we'd Sunday School Meeting blast in one blow . The whole oonfederate army-just The Wayne Township Sunuay 8ee if Wil not so:' ' School Assooiation 'Will bold fl, OC;>D-
So, with the f:!.ag at the' front, we , moved out of camp : . Bow beautiful it· seemed, on this our flrst tramp, No' a IlpOt or a blemish. In t h e red, wbite and blue, For It was made by the gIrls, thll.t promised to' be true. Well, 'he glrla were left. but the , old flag waved ' At abe head of our oolumn, as we IlllU'Cbed ont 80 brave DoWD to the louail-Iand, wbere treas. OIl aod Ire (NUattD,_he atr, wUh ttl VlD. :~
'*'* Are You in Need Of anyUling ill the way I,f J ob 1'ri nting
such a: An!r al'e
ALE BlLLS, PA M HLE.vJ'R, rO,'TEn. , STATIO I~ RY , flA 0 DO C ', H~, 1 t·W ;RAM!'i.
ii I" like Hil
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be mad!:!, taken tlit'11('tI.I' f1'OIll t,h phol 1ll{I'n pit , fl S Lhf' :I I'tiHI l ali!l th m
The C;lIlnon
E:N VELOPES, IN 1'1'A'J'1 () ,', And , in fa 't, a nythin ~ in th way of M I' alltil e Pri nting
'*' '*'
Wa yn cEIV i1\c Views
'*' Vi""
We Are the folks That can do it and do it right r ight, bolh in price and qualitY, After about twentyeight years' e:'Cperience in the P r inting b usiness in some of th lal'gest office in l h co un tr y,' 'w e f eel t hat ,we are in a position to
' Miscellaneous View.
:,,\trt'o t S Cl'n t!, I n ok l ll~" npt' t h .
0 1.1 SI:l"".'
'I'h,' ,
lI,m,.,· 1I f)\I~(:.
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}u,"klnf: tflwnrcl
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Wol ha " jusl hurl maclt' U I1t'W hal ftonto .. f I II · (,Hn ll on ':lIe I lit' ~1)\If'I ' lI m!.'1l j ~ll t' lu lh(' C'(, I11 l'W I\I' , and whirh 11'1.'1'(> i1 e tli clll I on I)e '(Jl:lIti (Jn IJ II .1' , ...,'" and Lhey Il l'@ now''''''' on Hal. I t is I n p I)f th~ nie sl vi!:!w!! WriGht" Mill U J'u . ~ we hay ve l' hud , .~ and in a ll probauility th y will not I. ,i t long . Coil a nd se' t hem and W :1i'e sure you will be pleased wilh th m. li'ollowing art! n f(, w of th e views we have to uft· 1':
~ '~I
l '
V l-' b tl" !Ill hand a It L of P s l Cill'tl:-l of view:'I in fin I Hl'Oun<1 \\ lIyn",wilip nnd tht'y nrC' nicC' II ~:!l' nd to nbs('nl f ripnd s who 81' :It'q uninl etl with Ihe R('!' nPR 1111r1 who woull like t k 'J,l I h t'11I [IS lII em nlul'" of thei1' old }WIllC' 'I'he:,;f' cll rrl s nre
'*~*,*,,*,,*,*,*,*,,*,,***,*,,*,**,*,,*,,*,$~,*,,*,,*,* * '*
- -~ ----....,
Satisfy the Pubiic
SPRING and SUMM ,Sbittt W 'a ists, WASH 50c up, Persian Lawn Allover Nett
'S kirts.
When Ready for
9tU' Sales are ~vel'y large Our Cut and ,H a!lg cannotbe excelled. Our $5.75 ,S1dr,t cannot be equalled.
Your work, 'call or phone to us, a~d 'w e .w ill - go over it 'with you; and we are posiitive you wi ll be e lltireiy satis'fi ed.
Silk' 8uitse $18.75 ,Ttl,lues equal to any $25.. 0'0 suit in the ma,r ket,
:Spring Jacket $3.75, up.
Weak Xldne", tmrely wlnt to ",ei.1t jrldney
'* ' '**'*'*~'*''*'~'*~'*'*'t'*
l~OS'l" (;~~RD~
Weak· Kidneys
venti on n ext Sundll.Y afternoon , at. Nerves. Tbe Kldrlc)'5, Uke the ;llean. and the , Stomach, eud their weakrieu, nol; In the orpn the Orth odox Friend!! chlll'ob at 2 111811, but In tho nnrve. thet con1;rol and euldo IlI1d I~hen them. Dr. ShOQp'., RestoratlTe la o 'olook. - ,• medicine lpacUlcally p1eparOd Ito reAch these - -..- - " mnlirolll"- nervM. To dOCUJr t/le JCfdJIe,. alone, It Can' t Be BeK t , ~ . fa futl1o. It U.a wute of time, al1d of mODey at 'fIell. ·, l'he bust of a Jl teachers Is eXI)sri, ' II your back aohes or Ii weak. IJ the urine ~ , . . _Id., orlll!arltand Bt~ IhoubaftlYDtPto.... enoe, O. M, Barden, uf Olty. otDr.Ia'h\lOlotber dl~ or ,Wnrouskld. North Carolina, says' "1 flnd Eleo, 'l'abl..u ne,cSr_J~ryDr.ShooP'.ReatoIaUveamonth. or ugulcS_nd ._ what It can IIDd will trio Bitters doeB 11011 t,bat'8 ohiLlmed do'OIrou. DrunlRfIIOOIIIIIJeDd 1IJl4 ..U for It. For Stomaoh, Live .. .and Kidney troubles it oan't be beat. 1 have tried it and. flnd It ,a most ex· cellent mediolne." Mr. Barden ia right; It's the beat of , all medl. oln88 iloIlO for weakneas, lam(l' baok, and all run dOWD oondltion8, Beat &00 'f01' ohtlla and malaria, SOld UDder gual'cmtee at F, C. ~bwvtz'. chug .to~.
t* ,*,*,*,*,*,
.The Miami' Gazette
Wayneaville, Ohio
$1.00 ,Sateerr. $1.50 ' up Beal"her Bloom. $5.00 up: 'Silk.
TH'E 1'111,1, '11<, \1
D . L,
11'.' ,11 11
t;. /\ZET'i'E
II I II' " ,'
"<",,,rt. ,
no " .'! ' 10
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-ITt~e M'II
I£lIlt' I' IIhll M'lUIlIT,IH'
un t" · .• ~ .. 'n )'ellr If 10<1\ 1'''''1 . "
·u IV ttHC..• ,,"V3111'e
Mourns Death of Teacher ,
New College Building.
h C l'be DenV!' I' l otlllbli olln bas he It is oon flde nt ly believed t ha t t e ounty follo wing to I!ay'in regtHet to tbe Wlhningt'o n college will sooo begin Still Running-?Only el Alllb of Moriani ( hllndler : th!) ereotion of IL new Salenoe build· Having !lo ll my liver y ll[trn I will oft'el' I~t pnb ltC' !ml f: lit. m,v re!lle\t'nC'A In T M I W~Yll svi ll , Ohi o, on ' f
arr ages
Perulit m e to express through ing, un Improvement t1mt is greatly y ou r oolumns tltA lleop r egret felt needed fo l!' the growin ~ demands of Jj UIL Drn u O~'ll'lUE lN A I"LEr by tbe, lll~trons of the George 'tV, tile 901l00\. The now und modern U U~IM ON i'LICht; CUU ll 'l' Ulu.yton sohonl, ut the Ilad und toilet IN oonneotion with thc gym'I'FtLEl!';loj'l,t} ~JILL No. 112 NI!:W t1urn; untimely dea-th of Mil!s hbrianll nusiulJl II! !lOW uodor con struction, Oegl'lI uiDj.{ nt 10 ::10 n, III " Illy en t,irA livory tltook, (!Onl!iMtiu g of ,1I1 1,\' ~ , 'hondler, whose death WOlion · the old bllilding ut the rear of the ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'~~!!!!!!~!!"!!!!~~~!!!!!!~ L I·!l MU ~"' f) tlr1II dnlHtrtltl1r r VR, J,1 nOllnced ill YOl1r columns last .... ". on- oollege ha,v' lng , been moved t~Wtly , W , R iJge, MOlley i [\ ItIOUllt 0 alme!. \ day. . Thi s Is t h e work. of the yea.r1y Uleet H, v y uh 111'1\ all, t hini mot'e $ 'j'() aboul tho!.ll' bamj' COne l'l,,'( I MillS Chullllhn h ilS been a teaoher in g, !lnd the improvements will be ~'nO(lA'I' F: 0 111 \i n the (;hLyt,Oll ohool ~or.· sev'eral 22x50 feet in s ize R,nd will contain 111 tilt! 1II!' of ,J oltn Mlirsb , de- I yeBrl!, tlnu WuS ,greatly belov~d by eV,ery oo~ve!lience , - T.eultnon W est· l , thl' ~a ~1l 1L1,.o l d sorrel Illllre, by U, ~ , PilI' ell , th n l'o n g lt t,V h r n k tlll tmd not ufrllid of au t. s, ILn? good onough !UI' the s h uw 1'1 ug; 1 (l() rriKge 'l'h· showe rd of IUlll weel, ,ve n' t' • oeulied, \ Vi ll med fo r probu te, ,llet pnplls UIJOO whom ~he exerted ern Stnr, horse, genernllmrposo; O li gh t -hllrneAI! , M d,r lviDg il O 1' 1I111-1 liverY bl'ok Creshi llg, lind wm; a nelp III (!vet'y' ,I Bn intluonce tbut will be life-lon g - - -.. ,--,l EstuteofVei\tJL,l. Spur !ing,lOlnol'. [ d J' d I ' td" ANEWENGLANDI{[l'UHEN. tlnd no~ afrnid of uutos. AllY ' one wnuting a family hor,.~ w ill bflve tL~ , un wot! lonore un< res pea e uy b Ou Y opportuni ty t.o ullY one, If Ilny defectll it, wil l be Imlli e knnwn fit time , ,' Nlltlly ' IJUl'lin g Ilppointed gUlirdhin . \ h t tb h 'ld h .. r. 0 ' It e pareots a e 0 I ren, W 0 Floors ollean 1Io~ WtlX, ntensi,s shin- of sale , B l I were uotler h er Miils Chan· Ing like mirrors and nil ill their The CClul1cil didnt cons id er pavi n ~ ont ",,)0 , () ~rll l' "J , ICtlWlIl'll s, ,lctnlioi l:1tr'Itor dlel' W!I!ll1t hor post e~rl Y tlnll llL te pluMS, olelm w t'ndo~vs partly bic1dim Main t\'t~ l aL t.hl:!il' lrust Ression, but. Vii , ' PilI) Citi'l:OIlI:1: B,\ nkillg ( ; 0" et Ulltl DU stl crlfice on her part wus too wi ll look 111(0 ,It soon, by t111inty m uslin our tu ios of s nowy Il l. Leuvl' giv 11 Iltll , oduuts t.o fil e g r eat If lille oould tlwroby enable a whiteness, 1:\11011 a result Is 00.8i1y My lmggies ure all newly p!linted £l UU tn gOQd oondltl on i a rubber utickwurU1JulJiI to llo<1ol'l! ttlud tl tlif a nd qulokly tLcoompli!!hed, by tbe ti re i a r e nnd Rteel "it'e i :I new rubber-tire boggies; 1 Dew ullonopy top IUlIlwel' lInll orORIl petitlulI , 'rile FOUl'th uf Ju ly is now pus;' ed ' ,I f I ' , ' h' E!:it,He o f (3eorge 'ook , min or, Ifioult I S~OIl or t o succee,l lu PI1SS Il t:lA f K ln ,~ of the Laundry Soap. !!urroy, stee l tire i 2 buggy ped e!! , I'et I'elluy 0 1' ti t! oun ty ! UII' l en " . ' .'01' • 1 1urcliLcoountHleu , liug!L ~ruu a I1t theond af It YO£lI', 0) u~ e" Hi, p'ls~en gel' bnok a nll one I,h orse hllok, bot.h in fatten MI' . TUl'key Gobbler, 1 hiS I , ' ) th 'l'b l'ee lll r~e 11... r8 for ten oents ffil\y ~ f,Llr oonditlOn, dliY is not fut' off , W, H , DeaJ'th, exeontor , Vt!, J tine f ~'h ere It! uo 110ubt t·hu t t 111 dea be obluineu from your grooer , II setl! si ng Ie htLrne~8 ; 4 'sets dOll ble ba.rnela , Suul lt Ilt Ill. ' Re turll property 1I0t i of Miss UltlLod\llr wO l:l ,CUllsed by her 1 Silt COli h e~!!· uloklo plat8d !lnd Id - - -solu for want of lJillllors' J , t:! , St.JUt I'olose null flLi thful tlpplioution to her Runaway good oomhti on, All last. w k the Lang of t ile euburn, ,I , ,f. UaJ(tlher untl '1', s,l work, lIu d thut tlhe uied at her POlit 1 l!Ldy's sid e saddle, good oontliti n i hIILDi! etl:!, robes, halter s . fo rk ~,' On Monday as MI' , Gall i:yre, of 8h o"e l14 "nd, 2 pllir h orse clippel's, 'racker and t Ol'P do wa.~ h ,a nI. Il' s Ita blnso ll uppointcd to re~pprllise l of Iruty with ,8S m~ob heroisUl as a good thing f I' th e, n el'ves that the rAul estute. wtl 8 eveL' tlh olVU by the engineer of II I fine Polnnd hlntl hroo(1 sow fJu e 1'0 furr ow the 12tb of August. i ' Dodds, Wfl , loading onal on a b a y 2 spring pigs, 4t h 'comes )Wlt once n y ai', Esh~te of ,Jobn alilOls, deoellsed traiu ,or of a lSoldler who !lied on wagon at A B. Sides: a motorcycl 1 henting t; t o ves, on UO.gnllon ga,'o lio e tonk i olle ito, gallon cOtil In v ntory anti n pprtLiSemeDt flled , tbe, field of bt~tt1e : , UnfortuDtltely uout' of Miss Chao. c~lJIe up I l'onl orwin , and ca red oil tunk i 2 piano boxes, 1 ollpboar<l , 2 ohurob benohes, some sooond-htLnd fllrnitllre (IUd Illot or junk, Farme r, do you believe thal, In tlie tnllotter of t h e Olitute of ' hIS horses and they b egan to TU " I' (ller'li reln Uv,,!! ",re known t.(J u~ , but ' - 1. " In union l hel'e is strength'! Deu llIi!! t:iweny, ueceBtlell , App 10tl, , away Tht'Y cam e down t hroug h ' J\ ored it of O:!lx mon t hs will ue ' gl ven with tL))proved ' seourity. A -, I " \"n we tr utlt the trtl.lllie of our respeot " . ' 2 UnorganizeLi flll'rnel's g t lRe tlOn lieu to tldullt WIll 10 P1'0 uu.te , ' , Mam t r eet on · a run 'lOt;! were disoount of three [leI' oent, for CIlR h , < , nnd esteem for MISS Uhullilier mo.)' poore.t prices'~ \ ' in tbe mntter at' tbe a})pllcatlOu I'eooh tb ew and be ' tL oo mfort to caught beh)\~ lhe w,alel'ing trough , C. H. SURFACE, 3, That powe l' wins 1'lISp cL fr om for II orreol,ion o,t "bEl reoonl of them In th eir h 'OUl' of ll eepeR ~ !!orMalcolm BIsphaR grabbed t hem as C. T . HAWKE, Aucts. all men? ' IJlarrltlge 'license IU Ibe OIiSO of y .• t '1 they started to run, bu t they ' 1. 'I I jr ow, ours very rn y, th h" d h ' h' 4 , Decallst! it lOuk ei:l,think rs ? Ull nrley Luoos gl ven "y Ilr ey ;JOHN HIP!' r ew 1m own, crate mg 1m a FRED HARTSOCK, Clerk. 5,: Becautlit enlal'geslacq uainta n- l~ukl'IIH, '1'h6 reoorll WIIoI! correoted, _ _ __'_ 'little, ~ol'tul'1ately as t hey w~nt ce " Estnte of WUlillm Boger, deoetlsed , 'I'E LL Y9 UR NEIUBBOR pellme ll, d~Wll through Main ,tl'ee l 6, B cau 'il teach s co·operation? Supplement,al' IIOOOllDt filed, which. wall crowded with vehicl es. A Purely Vegetable Laxative What. is? Why ' th Society' of 1!'1!1ttLte of Je~tle UOU'lpton, de- If you think K ing of t he Lllunllry there wasn damage' done, Equ ity t eacha Lhesll , things and a caused , Uertified oOPY of will {UCld, is the pnre!lt und most eoonBmical • - -- - ,'Cures Chronic Constipation. and All gr at many mal' .. Ask about it,' I!oap you aver used , why not tell Liver and Kidney Troublea, . f 1D learn abou t it and you \vill be con. . I:\t.hO lIla tdl-eroeO tdbe. WWHI.'llo~"D m elut' your nei ghbor , , he will appreoiate gU 'fh a v ile odor 80 notioetlbl e when a e ey , e vinced, Ol d wen ' . ItuS muoh tlS yon d c , Oue bllf of to IJrobute: John H , Ba,ld\ this pure soap wIll go fo;rther an d do sOlUe nil pt,ba. soaps u@ed 'iD hot F'llr H:lle a t tll ~ followiNg I'lace~ : t ed - - -wa.ter oan ile livoided by using King A change in t h flag make forty ~ppolnted exeoutor. Inventory di8 better wQrk t htLn any othe r yellow Zimmel'mILD~B, K Uboo ' , of t,lle Lnll ndry SOIl-P, whioh oo otlltu8 White's, MO\l,n tjoy' Springfield, ~hio. six s tal's Commencing with Saturday penlleo with, laundry soap I1Dd oosts IElss, Olipthll, bllt has a ,olean weet odor i all flags made ' for the use of the Eltt,n te of ElIzl1betb Mounta, dethen, too, Ki ng of the Laundry ~ells Government will contain 46 stars in 06aaed"t;ixth I~Ccouot flied, , New8ng-ine 6very whe rl~ three lllrge bars for ten the neld or union to conform in Estate of Fred MoDermott, de oents, instead of five oent!:! straight number to the States, 'fhe addition- oelUled, M~~tie MoDermot,tt\.PPoint. \ F , l!', Be necke tlnd son of Uor like other clllptha y ellow Hoap, al stur follows t he admission of Ok. ed adnlinlstrntrix : Bond UOO. ' laholna to the fam ily of Stales, an Iu the ml\t'ter of the will of Jobn win , ave puttin g io tl IIIlW 21i hort'e e l e tn order to • Sig' nOO' With lebano , n. O I, b act of Congress in the'early part of Ma.rsh. decelLBEd, Willlidmitted to Iluwr 01 11m u~ ng n the nineteenth century reqUlrmg probtlte, Widow elects to un- Ug4 en t he enormoU!~ bU81n8ll8 now Walter Smith, "Pekey" ook and Kidney tro uhle preys uP0l) t he mind, t hat 011 the admi ' ion of a new State der tIle will, Ernest Mllrs h tlppoint, orowdin' in on tbem, ~t is 11 good discourngeslllld lessclIsu Ulbition; beouty, one star is to be added to the union ell exeoutor, Inventory dispenl!ed ODe. aue i.~ oupllhJe o~ ttLkln~ oare of "Jimmie" 'Dakin have signed with vigor onc;! cheerful· Lebanon and will go there to play ness soon Jisappear ' II, Itheir. grll wlng bllsilless, t l\ flag. to ta. kc effect on the WIt. , ' _ '---~t;;~''\1~_ ,\\'h II th e kion cysare whenever, games are schedul ~d , Fourth of Jnly ·next succeeding such ' M RlilA GE 1, 1 I!:NSlC!!, '1';';-Rerned-y T~tLt Does, ~~~".~::.:.. u L f order or d is-' We don' t like to see t hese boys go .II cased, admission, Oklahoma came into t he away from home to play ball as Kitlney trouble has Union November 16 lus t The 46 Clyde A. Priokett , 22, of /!' ranklin [' "Dr, King:s New Discovery,is the 8r8nc~ hecome so prevulcllt star", are to be in six rows, the ' first, I1nl1 EmUlu Pummill. 1 , of I:\out.b remall y tha.t' poell the healing other8 there ought to l:te a demand for them '~'g~ thut W. is lIot unco mthird. fourth and '\lixth rows to have LebllDon. ' promise but fail to perform," lIa.ys here a t h()lTl e '-' mOil '!br II child to be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Air!! . E, R, PierRon. of Auburn Cenbo'm affiicled with eigbt stars, and 'tIll! second and fifth AlItllt! A, Andre ws, 27, ortndll1DfI , tre, l 'tI . " It is onrlng ' me ottllro~t wen~ k ioners. If the rowS seven s tars each, 'rhe atars tL~d Nattte Uoy le, )lO,f ' tlrlisle, ~nd Itmg t rouble of long standing. Corwin. ('h i td urinatestooofll! l1, Iftlte u,nn escalds ,B ATRA.W A-Y the fl esh , or if, whc n t he ohild reach es nn r est on a blu > field , A g reat many ni~ L I"..I!TA'rMl TttANl:!l!'lCRI!, thtl t o t.ber tl'elltments relieved only D IUl'lld, age when it s ho\ll d be nble to controllhc 'ft ,. ft' f teUlporarlly., New Discovery Is do. " , l\a,y'Jesviile'lI LeJLding Dentl.' AmerlCan ags now ' ytng rom in" rne 'so mllo'il "'ood that' r feel Mrs 1. N, HarrIS ank little daugh- pMflIIg e , it is yet a mided witll bed · \~e~ · Eliz'I Ridge to t.J1O state OhiO, lots oonfidtJn. " .. Ma.ln St public b. lIil d' ings WI'II hRVe to b e a" It Itil oontlnued. U8e for a ters of Dayton visisted ,her mother linK depel\!1 U pOIl it, tit 'cause of tlte d,fh· Offioe In Ke,rs Bldg, tel'ed to meet the new condi t ion , In Furt An~ient tteights tlnd 10 re~6ouabl6 leogt h of time will re- Mrs Alice McKinsey Sunday, The cul t)· Is kidn ey lrouhI , ' :\ 11([ the fi rst step should be towards l lo ' ,treul lllenL of store me to perfeot hool th :" fhllillittle girls will remain fo,r a few th 5e i IJl Portnlll()~I,(II ~' s .. '1'llls 1I11~l c!lsa lll ,.ores $l~OO , Albert U, Moull't II.nd wif~ t o Ro" renowned cough aod oold remedy weeks visit, trOl\ble is d uc tu a l\tselLse.\ CO lUbUo lI 01 A New Display Rack. chel Ludlnm, retLl est,ute in Hl1mll, Ilud thf(: ~t tLnd lung ,heule r i8 801d Mr. and Mrs , Wm , Ben~ke at- LUe kiulI l!yH fmd hl"",d er IIl1d not La (\ . ton towllship, ,r;, at :fi'red C, Bch,wllrtz s drug swr e, tended Chautauqua ai Yellow IlUb it ns most peOI)le sUpjJ\l~C, \\'omell Il,~ ",ell \I'; mell ,lire m illIe IIllscr· Veterinary 81lrgeon a.nd Dentist, L'thlln Coleman' who ,,,,as visit~ Trlilol bottle free, Springs one day recently, able with k idlley [lnd hl lldlie r ll'Quble , Mr, '" W . a , OetLrt h, exeootor , to .. - +- - -both lIcec) t he SlIlile Krelll rcmedy , Ulll) • d Mrs, Hanno.h Booth is visiting k h a.ll a posvcal' ing here , las~ wee, Charles L, MilJunl, lot In Frauklln, Tbe Roosev.elt Dam relatives ill Lebanon t nis week , Thc mild nlHl Ule inllllcdialtl effect of Swamp-Root is 50011 rea Ihc<1 , rt is solt! At Home on t':il~ttlrdtlY, Afternoon. t.:displa)l ~ck, that he is putting on $791,07. by I1T lII,(Ki st ~, ill fift y: the and which is a g,ood onEl, Milton Hodley t,) t ), A , WiIllllma cclll amI \l I'C'IIOIl'" Ethan has made all the appliances and wife, 75 tLores iu WIloYllfl town. 'rile Roqs6V It d~ ill Arizona' will son attended t he Lebanon Carnival siz!! bott1 e~, Vall lII uy him!lelf 'and ex pects to do a good 8hip $11000, eolipse in rnagnitcltfe of oub 0 oon- ~aturday, ' hfH'e 1\ ' salllplc hatti e In ' IIIllil free, 'al ~o a So", • • , Swamp-Root. pusiness with it. ' tents all of the dlLms nt . pre!'ent un· Miss LallllJl McKinsey vsiited he l' pillll l'hl et lelJi ll !;' al1 n:bo nt SWf1l11p· Roo~, 0 JMMIRiHONEn's P(tO InI1DI~i~8, der con~truotlon l.Iy t,b e Reol1llD'Lti on sistre in Letbanon lost week , !flIe holders are entirely different Illel udi ng lIIa ll }, of lhe th USfl Uc!S of tesll' IIlOllial letters reech'ed from sufTllrers 'from any thing on the marke t. and Sllenoer & Monro!!, bridge lum- Servloe, It ' will contain 330,000 \ir.,J, N, Le mmon spontSaturday cure I. 111 wi-ilin ? Dr, Kilmer & Co .. are 'perfect in their arrangement, ber tL70 ,gG i ll, E, , Wtlrwiok, mer. oublo YtLnls of llllLtWnry, or over SIX and Sunday with his family, Bi n ghamton, N,l ,.. he s ure 1\1111 m ellti o," , ohandlse tor JRII $2,60 i Ohio Corru. times more t~~o the,PlIotbfinder, and Mr, Ray , m ilh, wife. and baby, thi s paper, Don't mnke any IJIlstake, reme lllber the n nme, Swamp.Root, Laxative Granules How tQ Keep Water Cold gated Clllvert and Bridge Co ,se\Ver ne ..rly five tUDel! tLS muoh IlS tbe visited Curl Du ke anJ wife at Lytle bUI Dr, Killller 's Swa mp·Root, !lud the n.d. 8hollbone da.m , Its -height will be Sunday , dress, Binghlll)lton. N , V " all ever1 !!tlrpnSl.!es all other rem· p\pe $54,(}0 i 'Che Frankllu News, ' 280 feetfrorn fOllotlation , length on : Mrs Alice McKinsey and daug hter bollle. edies for the relief of sick- ' "Ha.vlulltrled it. I re:!ommend the order book for' soldier's relief oom- top 630 feet (or o' inollldlDg spillway entertained Mr, and Mrs , Clagett foJlowhlg m ode of keepinl{loe' ':Vater misaioo laO, 00 i H, rJ. Alb"URb, pllint bridges , 1080 feet,), 1l11 d its thiokness and little, 'daughter, , Levi. Lukins, headache, dizzi'ness, indF for a long tlm~ in n COWHlon plt~h. $10.75 i Elmer ,Sheet!!, brldgA re- at the btlse illl) ' feet, 1n pla-n, .nl : AI,Ien Comstock, Matt McKmsey and gestion, ch ronio C.natipa or , ,. Stlytl '110 writer in ,WOUlan 'II pairs in 'l'urflooreek II' I n th e f arm a f"8n,o,ro h ,' ~IB.'\ Stella Lemmon recently . Ii 'township 16;60 i th oug h b u. tion and Biliousness, beotluse Home Companion for Jllly , "Plaoe Oba~lasl:!lmp80n , owers for oonrt. th' t t' ' dille ' fro n the "'h' , - -- - • , .' bouse ' :lord 17,76 ' Rll les Gale Co, 18 S ruo Ilre ....!!.- I "', ,,Piles are eRslly nnu qmokly they llrEl composed of the bes~ between two sheet!! of thlok brown .y " , ~g , shone II.nd ptt.tnliQdel' dams lu belDg oheoked with Dr Shoop's Maglo t h ttf g supplies for OOmmU!Sloners $1800' " , ,1 ' ;--.. · ' k~OWD V~,etable drllga, and paper a Iayer 0 f 00 t on !L ' n ; ., ' 'oc the gravIty type, wherem InBl,IlI' vintwent. T o ,pr ove it I will UlAIl tL mixed In the propel' propor abou. balf,lIon inob in thiokneRs i ftls- ~tl,rrar~ ~Ilint Uo., paint for bridges tllone is suffi~ient toseonr,e s tubiHty" s~all trial box 8;1 "o~nvinoiDg test, ends of the paper aod bat 171 55, C, B. , Humbert, gold dU8t 'I'h . It I ' Ill b ' t)lmply udlireS8 Dr, Shoop, Raolne, ,tions, known to give tbe beat ten the e W' ' ' ld d ' , " _ e resu ug reli\erVOlr w tiog together, forming a olrolt' then for oourt bouO:!e $\ ,50 i Phlll,p Sp~no(', . I lfi I 11 f ' d I k , 18, 1 surely won ,n ot sen It results, d 'd indexes 14M,85 ' Lebanon tbe argl:lst art ,0 tl y , orme ~ e, fre,e unless (w~s cer ttLlD thlltl Dr, sew or pa.s t eo. or wn over one en , , . , :' , In the world, " 'body of wa.ter twen, 8hQop'sMa~io Omtrnent woul(j. sta.nd , Every bottle gna,-rallteed making a 1)ox the (dl~p~ of a, stove Patriot, prlntln~ !13 37: (i,'hnt 8t,, ,n-lty five Uliles lung, 'in plaoes over the te~t Remem'b6r it Is Dlude to give satisfaotion or lOon· ipe htlt minos the rim, Place ton, oontraot 40, , ..70,00.. JBtll~S Fol t II Id ' tli' to exp, reli\sly and ILl one fnr swollen, " ,P , ' I j It f J ro n 00 ' wo m es W e, WI , Ii S rage OU· I" f I bl d ' ' ' t hi , ' I ey ,r efu Dded, tbls over lin ordlnory pitoher fill~tl len, su. ary "s an or or, une, ,1,' 1, 1 , ' f 1 'lOO 000 f 't d pi!. n U , e e Ing or long PI e8, ' $4000 C paOlty 0 .' , Ilore- ee , an a either 'extel'nal or interhal Large 25(l Ii bo~tle a t Schwartz~lI, hb a R wltb loe. water , making- ,It deep , or~ ~rg!,r. snDle ~ j en- ma xlmulll depth of over 220 feet, jtll' IiO~'- t;old by bll delller~, ' maile4:aoywhere:upon receipt 0" rents and Th e d am a.ne1 re!lerVOlr . are ' th t. e n6uab .. to rest on Mle table ' ftO as to tra~ UOlon .relephon~ " - -,. - -,- - OJf pri('e, , Illi ' tolls 11,16 i Tinle@, merohandise for i exo lnde t.he "fLlr Rnd "you wlll he I' ~ d ' Dr; rna i n f ell tu res a f th e ....,-tL It rver pro h~lf-tone, tontsbed to ,see the Il;Jngtb of time eoor er $. , . jeot fu~ the irl'lglltion ' of Illnds In that ~he 'ioe will ke~ p Bnd tbe wa.ter Uontrllot was entered IOtO wltb the Stilt river vtl~ley, in the vioinity remain oold R>fte,r .. 11 the ioe haa 6eorge Anderson , for rebuilding, of of Ph~nlx, Arllr.',-,E'roQ1 "The Gov. melted, fillanli approllob to · Morrow river ernment's Grea.t> storage Dams," b.V . Uetmy 'I Book ~!J ' " J!'or Women ," bridge for 1811 ,70, Henrf V, Lemenger, in NJe Anr.eriIt will giye weak w.omen many val t • t call R e! iew of ReV,/:ewlJ for June, UNDE~TAKER. Over u.a nable 8ngRe8~IOnS at rellef-ttnd • - ••- - witb "trioUy oonftd!lnttaI Dledloa-l Bellt tbe World Afford.. Antioch Chautauqua RAY SAITO, Ticket Agent. advice is entirely free , "(~ glv88 me unbounded Plea8ure l ' VERY LOW RATES. MaUl 8T1l1!1:T ow ATlfUVJLD•• 0, ' write DNr, tJbOOP'llllacllnle, Wbola't D ' a l'eccommend Buoklen's Ar.lica There WIllf8 a Rrelit man, peraonl book 0 4 te 8 Il a U r. ~Iv" '/ a~nJ. W, J. nklDI' of Ubap' I!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!i!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In room D.,zt door~to l,'r.,.. Broe, Shoop'. Ntgh" Cut'e and bow th8lle el BuL N. O. "lam OODVIU04Mi " '. In ,UoDdanoe at tbe Autioob Chao· Bardware st.1re. . .!)9thlnlJ, bealtDI, die ben aalva tha worldafrOl'dI. It .aqua 1..& week., Yellow &\Inn,. 'llalepholla in h01ll8 au4 bac. can be cured ' OD mJ.. and from tbtl !l'be pruiraDl S1ilbllCl'ibl~ wberel
__ __ ___
July 18,
10 BugCies, 2 Surreys, ·1 Runabout
" \
l-I,ACKS 10 Set Barnes,
The' Alpha'Ohemioal Go.
Women Well as Men Are Made' Miserable by ,Kidney and fUN ERA l 0IRE CTO H, Bladder Trouble. Telephone Day or Nlghl. '
Local No. 7 Long Distance No. G9-3r
Office. Harv8fsburO' O. ,
- ....--1.._-
D u. H.E.
Dr. John Hyatt;
Telephone No. 121
M:~' ~~'r:~h~~:andn~a~~~~I'~~d
WaynesviiJe, Ohio.,
V,egetuble '
Loolr at ourli Ile of'
,post cal'ds. All local
Niagara FaDs EXcursion Penosylvanla
TIll! c;or.OWNS OP JAPAN. Iron Sheathed Ware house. Necenary Beca"le of Danner of Fire.
rn a r · t":,\~e bA II bs()lutt'l y a fa llllr'e <)r H,)t Is Bometldn~ 10 be deId d onl y by t l\QRe \yho bave tried it, and I m no f mlnin (J DOli QuixOl , lIltlng aga inl!t windmills. I am s illlply an observer, ReelD g happy morriages, and unhnppy, nn d SOUlcLimes findlnJ/: whar is e vident t o 111 1 =-.ce pl tbe versons mo. t, co nc rn<'d, "tb Ul ltll rift wlt bin tbe Ill ~e." 'lTh lc h lias Illudo its l l11) si l' ,Ulule, Il m l ~hL lJe sairl at ~hc oulsct that lh fact of e.: kill!: all ovel' the world If marriage iii u failure
i'._ ...._
.. I
i " /:01 p ~\,,' f. that it 19 a s ucces!';. nor Is the excel·
U"Il'o. fl f U II ins titution lll'ov.:ld by the fe w ca ses tlll l by fh(' many. Tbe te w but 11) o\'e the 110SS\' fJlltly of uccess wherl! thoro Is nlO r,a orten but fil li,l dlt Ill c:\I~ttre of tt. "0 ntl ' wll o b'af\' eon'slrlr1\'ed th e malt(~ r thought· f'dl y an ooubt tbat ma rriage a l" Its best is tbe IWI" " ct ll((', Ideal In , Il.s re l(ltions atl\l In Its devel· gOing? What are you ~ \t l\lI cD I of t ho bRllt typ" of mun aud woman. but. gOing for? Who elle I. Ul1fOI '!UIIII ' l'ly , l ha t n tbing mny be Is nollhe saiue 8:; tbat i t It \ going? What makes YOIl go? You can tblnk car '1'0 1:11 out s ider, one nf fhG strongest arguments me WRIting here alone until you get back. I shall ait liP until you get home." " ,,v,'1irISI. 0 1 ll'luaony Ja tbe nllmbe r qf t bose who tr, Think or a self'respecting, able·bodled and mlnil. to get alit of il. Being tied Is in Itself a condl· ed ,t nan being subjected to that every time, he goes 1lulI t ry jn~ to aO: Ilrratlc t e mperaml1n t, for you are out of the house, Could YOll bear It, ob, Sister .,e ~or 80 eager to get awa when you 'know woman, ' It he put you througb like Questioning? -¥ Oll can't. ' Why should '8 mali or a woman be required to J bave ",ntch ed de voted lovers gmw Into, In· C'ltlTt'rc>nt purtners. aad als o have sCell most beau· ' give an account or ell the moments &II thoy ft'y1 Speaking or human beings from my own !!tand· urnl runrriageH grow from r~th !)1' cornin,onpla.c4i!' point, I should '8a.y there Is nothing dearer than !fooing's, 80 'the advance stage I!",BmS not mnch freedom of the Individual, and nothing mucb ·hard· of [til ,udlcntion wbat tbe fu ture w:ll give. er to bear than nny Inrringement upon It. I con· (jne or my girl rrlends saId to mo of ber fiance: sider being questioned almost the unparclona'bl. " ) ItIU not '.)ne of ~e silly girls w,II'o ' cannot BCI'! offense on the part of II tmend, yet, left to myself, fl\uJtIl In those they care for. I cat , see tbllm all probably I should tell hlni' or he r all I knew: but th e (,Inlner because 'I love, and though I have bunt· quizzIng me always resultll In 'my telling nothing, d very hard for them, t can't 8(.e a fault In Joe, and there JJ,ust be othera like that. IJIlI1 1;0 I knmll' he hasl,l' t got any." She and JOIJ (.:0 1; 1Jlnrrl l'~ !lnd wont their 'loving way. Some Sometblng of this kind I said to Ella, and that' YPII"!i late r I met !ter. and In the collrse of con· to A!lk a mllu ·so muoh seem~d . 19 me like lion In·' ,,('r>,aUOT! sbe surprised me by ~a)'ing: "No, of dignity. She rppll ed: " How funny ~ou are! Wl1Y <:(llI1'8C, I ~on't tell Joe verythlug. ''the wa y I used Mould he c bject to teUing- me It he isn't going to, JI1 en arp. so stupId tbey ' never understand, whe re hE II! ashamed \0 have It known? .<\ 01 [ , 80 it Is foolisb to tell th elll a nti get ,into' a fuss." , not his Wife nnd ent'ttled to know all he does?" " I 0 th E'Y grow stupid after marri uge '!" "He pl'Obllhly might toll y~U without your ask· log If YOll gu,'C him ,a chance, but anybody with !' Wull, tbey Dilly not, b ut th'y se m t.o. WIlY, an atom of sellse would oDject to ' helng forcod to Jo(' n('l1riy .... ent wild over tn e most Innocent te ll eveq' time he turned around and whY," l ei te l' I bat a man scut tile, and ho ha ppClied (0 " t(, he lo ",,~ s me he ought to b!! \'I'lltlng' to t ell find. I've told Wc maid llJ;'aill a nd again never t o me so li ttle n thing as thllt." ' hrillg my [('tiers to tho tabl e, \l)Jl lo puL them In \\' hat me yo u going to do with Ii woman like )' ,y buroau ,drawer, bllt ala e is so car e l es ~. One that to live with every day-love hcr? Yes, but Ofl!'11 ha!. iC'tters s he Iloesn ' t wish her husband to you will ('omp. to tbe conclusion tbat dumbness fI(' ~' , bill s s nd things or that Rort." Is not without some compensaUons, Nu\\' , iL is hard for me to imng i ll marrlag a On ce I wa~ vis it.lng a fri e nd wbo h ud been the $I11 ' C liS In wh it:b one party to the con tract bas mos' rOO1l1nll l' and ~c ntimentlll or girls, Whe'} " ' I(,h 'n fE'Pllu g ' 119 tha t. MJltrlage, It seeml) to ~ II . W[JR f\ n,u married sbe wcpt bltlerly becn\lse I,1;l ' . is oor' o r IWQ th,inl!;l\, e Uh a l' a bu siness ' CO'l1,· her h u ~ bnnrl sa id anothel' woman was tbc hanrl· I rD CI , 01' 11 1II1ion 'founded upon sC J)ttment, and If bOlllest Ol1e be ' hnd 'ev er seen, d fwo lt cnt.;"s lnto It on e par~y or th~ oUler Is I~t " No other woma n ought to be 80 hllndsome to lI "llIg til) ' 0 the liF:re 'rnent, h ow"n~ I' s moot hly !J. man na " )8 wife, howe" I' she looks," soubed t II Ir, Illl III.~ )' seum to go. rf It III a bU $ln ellS canEha, liS If a .. 1lI1\\l' lost his eyesight when he mar, ('!!,n. '!lct, pa rlllcr ha R a. ri ght tQ 1he co nfidence or ried . WoulDn 't you snpllOSC a woman would lose ' 11' III b '0 "'lid so long a a IP lltl1Ll~ nt c nte rs Into cOllfldc nce in her husband's judgment I[ It!; II lbf' I'~ will be the sam.e Intt' rcilange or In terests thou gh t slie "'ns the mo;;t beautll'ul or women ')<1/;W (,0 11 Illarriell COllI'\' R all hetween t he engaged . when he r mirror told her she was hot? <rho rul holds ns ~ood whelher applied 10 man I' 10 woma n, While r " 'as at thIs fl'lend's home her husband AUllthe r ot my frleuris loves hcr busba.nd detold at dinne r or something lunny tllat bad .'JII'c1 ly. "he "1),8, Sbr~ ball DO secrets fI'om hlm-· 'lleue(l Ihat dny 1.1\ tbe office. addl'ell}Jlng his ~I)r f ro lll anybody e ls(.' --nn t e veu thane she Oll.!tht marks clh'ectt, to her. She made no pretenlle t o ,bave. f(',· ocrfecL faIth tloel! \JOI neceSBitate Uste nlng, nnd evidently did not heal' Ii word. t~lIInJ; a m .. o ever,)' roolish little tblng, nor pala' " You don' t s('etp to Bee anythIng (unuy la IIIK OD to bthl , olllethlnj; 80DIIl girl [rieDt! has 'told "Oh. I Dl!yer listened to It at all, 1 "ur, Wh('Q or au , evcllln/C her husband PUIB 00 IIkf'ly It wall as stupid aa the Itorles YOIl "'a (; ...l \0 118 out thl. wife l.Ieglnl: " Wb1, }larry, tell"-rudere8s In her mADner aa In her ..., u" !:Uln; ollt iii.. e,elllnl ~ Wlaere are fUIJ SlI. oftelL..!!!lhl beOatllt ~rlap Ii au dllf.~~'
One of the '" E.s-.rential.s
Fir.. 18 (ln(' of tile t I'l'ors Ihllt dodge 3 1 I II 1 "Ibow or tht ,l ll jlAII Bt h.-asa10111t"1' all t be lilU C, a nd hlJC3:tlsp he lIv('s In 11 " lal hwood <lwclllng Sakurelion lifts to luke a n l( lollt! PI' aution ugai nl\L t he s ulldon IUNs uf a II bis hilUS bold ;;oo lls. 'rhis rJl'I'>'(lutioll Is t h gollown, Thc s t ra n ~wr to Tokyo or' Yokohama who ~t' ('S fro nl bl! rIcksha IV n RL l'ange Iron, plateci bllllt\lng with d d OI'S Ilk t lll'!'!'t ll hlltl lll'::I allli p ' in t II r(, If hoavt· Iy In nrllllt d \Vlth ti ll'll 18 I d to l.lelIeve thal Ii I' p(lI'baplt Is 80tH' felldal rort o r liE' 0111 tim , I' July In hou s" n ~l1! In~ III n 1l~lI l u t the !l CYf !l Hlreet mob, Hut wh en the tourlJ;t Hnrls Oll t! or thes' blnl' k sheeted build· IJIF S ' all flV ry olher hlo k ~e 1<'arM fl'ona t he!; IIntry dw oll . r that t belli. ! hl ngs Ill' gOdowlIII or s t.orchouscs t()' hOllsPia o\d gods. Whe n n Ilt't! S I a w ell stnrt!'d In tht' crowd d bloc k:! of (lo ll s' bouses in • .Japnnl's, city It II; m re ly Rto pped un: til from' IOta GO hollS S htL" be u consul,n ed nnd II Illack scnr hItS been drawn a rea>! t he wholf! raee uf th tlls lri t. 1Je auso the houses are so IliIURY RnJi cro wd d so c lose[y togetb· e r tba t the Japan o fire men even at tbeJ r oost CH.U do litLte witb a wcll d eveloped blaze certa in astute clliztlna oreet th s Iron all athcd and sbut· tered t wo-slorl ed store houses, "'her. ... In the housell91ders oC Ole neighbor, hOlld and III s tOI' k e p rs of tbe d istrlr-t can ator u\Va~' tllelr valuables. Th e godoW'na nre so bea ,1 ly sheatbed wilh ' Iron plate and ' 8 0 weighted ,with mud tlle)S tbot llll')' rar oly burn , All clay long tta Ir ",In· dows al' k vt almost hermetically sealed by heavy SWinging s bultenl tbat look like t he Iloors or a sa te. Wh pn a fire comes to a certain di~ triet the fl rs t lh in IS to close I be doors of t.he gndown and put it III shape to w a th or th fl ulIl B. To thes ' pub lic tire proo( aates ! he householde rs bring their beSL fllrni· ture. the ir [I rce lll in and the Ir de li. Cllt e prints. The wives keep locketl UI' there thcll' best kimonos and ' their Iltld8 and euda or j ewelry. M('rclJouls have th excess Slack stowed uway within til m, Whenever there ill a rete In nn y' Japnllell home or preparatlonB are be, Ing made for the ntertainment ot so me 811eolol guests the servants nrc sent to tbe nearb)' godown to bring borne a ll th o valuablcs, PlctureB arE' ugain hun g au tile Willi. th e heav} bronze "as iB r stored for tho da, to its 611 cial tauouret, nnd the ward, robe of madame is r oplenlsbed, Th n wi t h the passjng of Lbe special occasion lJaBses a Iso the householj;) g rande ul'. All the fieeting prettlnea ~ of print nnd flowered kimono Is swal· lowed up In the black maw or the go· down.
from the g-Irl's dream, yet sh e ne vol' blames her!!elf for an y lIart of t he failur e. SUllo all ~ b e could sp nk before me and her childrell with ~hls lack of courtesy to t he ma ll whom sho hod swo rn b&fore God to love and bonar, sbe \IIa y not be wholly trce fL'om faull. Sbould YOII, present lovers , call the marria ge In whlcb s uch ns thi s was a com· Illon occtltl'e nce., J\ success or a failure? In the Cu Ul'S or my ,wanderin gs to, lind rro l bave orten 8p nt sO\lle time at a hOllse where> tbe re never hns been a meal fini shed ',,'Itbout some rllult·llnd lllg by the mas ter t hereot. Thll is not du to IlI'cooked rood. ro r the Wife preparflB goo.:! di sh s lind s e s that the cook doe. likewise. If t he' chicken Is broiled , "' , 'by didn't you fry this'" It It Is fr Ied, " Wby wasn't , It broiled 1" Or perhnps t h e complaint will be tbat chicken was cooked at all when he wahted fI!lh , The vegetabl es \Vore nlwaY8 ove r or under done; 1I0metbing that he wau ted and had not spokell about had Dot been pr pared. Maybe It would be: ''l've been trying ever "incc I was mllrried to teach Polly to malto bread, but It seema impossible tor ber to get It Into be r head," an(l the bread ia, &II light and sw~t all bread ought to be. Heaven belp the woman wbose bus band thinks he can Rigid System In Denmark, cook, and help her In Denmark te w house vl'lvea have doubly If at the same trouble wllb their servants. A 8ystem time he has tbe grum· bas been' perfected which guarantees bllng hablt~ a bousewife honest and good servo n you sat at the ants, as woll a s Indepe ndence and fair table three times' daily treatment to t/l08e e mployed, When to luch . remarks. YOIl a young woman ob tains employment, dear little bl'lde or the she goes to a polic stallon aDd gett! future, wbat would life a book which testifies to he r good be 'wortb to yo u? Ye t cborncter, and In which Is entered the thIs man has been name of the woman Into w~os e lIerv· much loved or women Ice sbe enters, WIUlOut tbls book or and bas made three character a servant Cllnnot secure wives happy- or miser- employment, 1'bls book she give I to abl e?~we ll, conacloul her new milltreas: ·111 r eturn sli!! gets of 'a t~w (If J helr de- 1\ key to th~ (ront no\, of th". 1101l"e, teets, let 'UB ~li..y, Bu~ · ''i'he !I/!\,vClIlL njoys f\bso lute lndtllJend· to some WOQ1en, i! ence, Should she des ire to leave. tbe would be bitter bread service. she Is reqllired to gtve her that had that flavor; cine would be aa comfort· mistress two weeks' notice, When sbe able walking on tacks as living with .. man who ' leaves abe receives her book. and reIII never ~ulted, never praising, but always ftnd ports orr at the police station. Should Ing fault. ~ , , 'several weeks aT months elapseb,eI ba, ve ~e,.' er Been 'an InBtance or a very happy fore abe again lIecures employment, marrlage~b e n the woman wall the bread ,1I/'in' 8he , II required to give an account or ner, It tht? husband were a strong, well man, If herself. and ' tel!', where ebe bas been, a v/.oman naakep a home 'a nd ca,rell properly ,for a~ the pollee slatlon, ' thE' husba,nd and children who should be In it, <,. ahe lias h,u!1lness enough ,wlthln the walls of , her Prized thl May' Dew, house. Whatever 's he docs outsIde Is jU8t so much 10 PepY8' time May dew-·thot Is, taken from tbe strength and thought tbat bel aDa rightly to the home and Its Inmatel. From the dew gatbered rronl the gralls on a May beglnnillr; It has been woman's part to care tor day-was hlgbly 11rlzed ror bleachIng what the man' provided, and thla Instlnct Is linen and Improving lhe eomillexiop. rooted back many centurleB, and II a part or tho Pepya ' wrote in 1667: "My wife away hu'man race to-day. So surely &II It la violated down with Jane and W. Hewer to fol' anything but the r;reatest Deed the woman Woolwich, In order to • little air and and the man suffer for the violation. Sbe growe to, lie tbere to-nlght. and ao to gnther t o dell,\llse Ihe man who does' not provide fOI May dew tQ-morrow morning, which Mrs, Turner hatl- taught her II lbe her-and 'he lose8 hll lelr,'respeet, only thing in the world to wash her The woman who works with all her might t. face Witb; and 1 alii contented with belp a r.lall make mODEiY', makes a great mi. It," Two -years Inter 'he made this take It she Is seeking happlnel., for the m~ne,' entry In his diary : "Troubled, about Is bought a,t the cost of ,t be. character develop'. ' hrce In tbe morning, wltb my wlro's me nt ill tende rness and un!elftshness that , the :allfng her maid UP. and rls'lng herself, Dlall netdB and gets when he 10Qks ,a tter bie ,r,O go with he r ' cO,lIcll abroad, to gatb. wife a!' he wants to w.hen be marries. 1t 8hould IIr May dew, wblch sbe did, and I be Bome ve rr strong cause tba.t leads h~r to take troubled her fer It tor tear at any hurt from him t his I'Ight to an unselHsh manhood, The goll1g nbroarJ 80 betimes happening woman wlu) makes a truo home does mort' for :0 her; bllt J (0 sleep again, she came t be man than she does by going Into t:,/I labo; borne 'about sIx," ,mart , and , she cannot do .both. It is trlle t hat the happiness" or married Ufe, Proble.m ' In P,o ntlcat Economy, depends a good ~eal upon ,the wc"nan-more~ I "It~s no lise," said the young man,' think. than upon the man-becabse her Btrengt.h iieA In lust, and proper using of the \lowers ' ul wltb heavY'l'lnlmerl ~yeglaBscS, "I heart and spirit. Of course,' men sometirdell are Cll'llt get this political economy /, trylllg and dense, but T hnve seen most unprom, stralghL." "Wbat'll tbe trouble?" asked tbe Ising material made Into huabands who were ,d& lIg"Uul anel the en ~y of women who hod not protetlBor. "I can' t dl:;co\' I' whe t hor a lot o( known or cared hoO\' to use 'Yhat was tbelrll to people go broke because we have bard build with. One cannot be hnppy with an unbearably jeal· t1me ~ or whether we have hard time. OilS man l\'ho IlUapects his '!I'lfe at every turn, ')eeause a lot of pepple ',0 brok~,:' but tb., mari with minor faul~s, liuch I I asking "W:'a~ tJld you do with the GO centl I gave you The C~ of Being Prllent~d, last week?" may be cured by Ule right bandlllJl Tbe average COBt Df beIng presented rt may be hard to 'be happy If you have black' .t King liJdwa'l'd's 'ourt , Of a lady of e yel4 aDd IUlir, when your husban4 takes pleaat1r good position vnrlen rrani £ .2\10 to In l14l11ng your attention to beauties wlUl blue , £ 250. On one occ&slon a lady paid eyes and gclden balr, and tella you how he aJ. t6,OOO ior a eourt centum. and $160 ,,'ays admired that style of beauty, but thtDll rl)r a bouqllet, "nd $100 WAI UIe COlt wbat a compllment he pialll you In preferring )'OU of a lace tulndkercblef. hi fact, Ule In IIpl... of hli fancy for another VP8 or dOIDe :;lr. .. .ptlltlun outfit of a ~ line-. _ . ~Irllbt. " "OMIII . . . .. . , kth ooet DYer ..._
of tbe happy hornes of t,,-J ay [II a van fund of information as to the b!'st method. of promoting hcnLl.h and happiness IUlIl right Ii vin ... nnd knowledge of tllo world'. best prod tl et., ' Produd a of a ctual exeellen!'" and rC3S0nabla dnil'llll truthfully presented anll whi b !aIJ,VO aU-llineU to world· wid8 ncr. plnnco t hrough the ' npproval of tw.Well·Informed' of the World ; not of indio vidUals only, but 01 the many who hllve lIb e hllppy faculty of sci cting alld oblaiDiDg the ~ t the world alTords, One 01 the product.e of that elMS, or known component parts, on EthicBl remedy, npproved by piJysicillns nnd cum· mended by tbe Well· Jnformed of the World aoa valuable Dnd wholC6ome fllmily Inxnti vo is tho w!)ll-known Syrup. of Fig. and Elixir or Sentll\, To get its beneficial effects alwny. buy the genu ine, nll10tr roetured by the Clllllomia F ig Syrup Co, • DDly, IlDd for ~ale by all leading druggist..
"Are 7011 Interested 10 thin .. payC;b lc&l, Mr. Dubbs? ' ''~o, Mi ss ulcbaw; hav/Hl" "beeled IIny si nce the chalnless·gearecl aafety came In," VETERAN OF THREE WARS,
A Pioneer of Colorado and Nebraaka Matthias !\mpbell, veteran of the Civil War and two Indian wars, and n pioneer of Colorado, now 'livIng at 218 East Nebraska street, Blair. Neb •. Bays: " I had such pains In my bock for a long time tbat I could not turn In bed, nnd lit t1mea thare was a n allllost total s toppage of urine. J\(~' wife and I have hath used Doan's Kidn ey Pills for wbat doc· tors diagnosed as advanced kldne" troubles, and botll ot us have beeo comple tely cured." Sold by all deale1'8: '50 cents abo.. F08,ter·M~lburn Co" Buffalo, N . .y , REAL HARD LUCK.
He-Tben I am 'to I1nderstnnd that 10U absolutely reject my olrer ? Sbe-There I, reatly nothing els. for It. He-Well, I think It very selftsb at you. He re, I've actuany gone and purchased a guide for our honeymoon. Ona of Bill Nye'" Referrin g fa ' a real estate transal> tlOD made by one Pete r Millult, lVay bn.c k In tlje year 1628, Dill 'Nye, In hi. 111~tc},,:-, Q! /,hl) VJltt~Q ~\I\~f)', <t ~lt1r" ~' !'~tlW 'York' ~illi afterwilr ds lold io) ,24; the whole Island. Wben I thin' of thlB 1 go Into my family gallc!")" ~'hlcb 1 also use as a Iwear room, aqcl tell those ancestors wbat 1 think of them. Where were tber when New York sold for 1241" The humor of thll atrlkea , deepl, "hon one atops to consider what hu been the outcome of tbt_ original In. vestment. Peter . Mlnult, wIth trlnketa nnd a few bottlel of rum, so 4ellgbted the native Indlanl that they gladly turned over to him t:be wbole or Man· "hattan IlIlond, 'n ow the 'bearJ of Greater New York.-~'New York, till GlanL City," National. MacazID•• FULLY NOURI8HED
Perfectly FDQd. '
,No cbemlat's analysIs ,or Grape,Nuta can begIn to show the real v.alue 01 the rood-tbe,Practical value as sho"l1 by personal eXperience. It is a food tha't Is perreotly ' 00" anced, supplies the needl)d elementa of train and nerves In, all stages of \lte rrom tbe intailt, through the strenuous times or active middle life, ancl Is a comfort and support. In "old' age, "For two years I ' baye used ' GrapeNuts with milk and a little cream, for b"enkCost. 1 am comfortably hunCl'7 for my dlnue'r at noon, "i ,u ~e little mea~, pll)nty of ve~ tableB and '.rult in Beason, tor the noon meal. and It' tlr,ed at tea tllne. take Grape·Nuts alone and fee!' perrect· Iy nourished, ' "Nerv~ and bralli power, al'd memory nr,e mucb improved, Blnc~ uslns Grnpe·Nuts. ,I a;n OV;er sixty and weigh 165 Ibs. My son 'and hUllband lIeelne bow J bave Improved, are now usln. Grape·Nuta. "My lOll, who 111 a traveling man, ,eah! nutblng for breakrast but (Jrn~ Nuts and a glu8 of milk. AI: aunt. over '10, lIoema fully ' noUrlshf'd OD qrapII-Nutll and cream." "Ther.,'. a Roallon!' NallJ8 given bv 'P oltum 'Co, . Battle Creek, Mich. Bead ·The ~ad to Wei" rille," III l1kp.. aw .. feU the abo". letter?
ena app••re
Turned Out In Thl. Country In MI~ lions lind SQld All Oller the World. Am ollg Ihe all bllt I'nd leS8 vnr/pl, wood prllduc II III A m I', ' loan f a 'lorlee ar e Ii t,lIe l\'(locJ n bal" rel s. Thoy are ,uro ed a m o f white bl r<;/l. IIml com e In ma ny sl zl'!!. from liny arral l'l; so llw h u ud :.t h llir bl Sh Ill ' 10 burl' Is 1 n l nob s high . Th lJ i ~ge6t of l h elU ar tu l'll ed \\'l l h , liand ' m aul'pll/ at od t ool . bUI IboBe r au gln g from six . Il1 ch.1s dov.:nw.lI·d are tlll'lI d ellch wllh a Cll tl lllg tOol havin g an edS so torm d I h al I t turns the bli\r r ·'1 all at ou ce. '1' h ey set a block of woud In the lalh e and lldj llst Ihe clltUn g 1001 and I lurns th e bar· rol In t o shupe complete as qnlck ly' as' a man turnIng Wl l h n hand too l cOllld have tu r nerl Oll p, at Ihe hoops on It; nnd on ·th o smalles! barr el8 one man can run I hI' e or tour m ach l n s. These Htlle ullrl' Is are Hold In tb e ag greg1\l(l In great llllmlJers. m1l110ns or th em yeul·ly. A 61n gl o tu ck mnn u· fa c tul'lng con ern bu ys th em in car· load loIs. 2.QO f:,'TOSS, or 28 ,00 0 bsr· r el s at a lime. Creat I1I1IUU I'S al'e IIscd by confection 1'8, who till t hem wllh candy, und they are tlsed to co n! (oln a bOll Ie of perru mery. Many are sold to be gll'en a,,'oy at falt·s or In oth er ways. b;>lnl; fill ed With a sumple at a st aple pr odu l·t or th region. perhaps of flour . or It might bll or. sugar. Many of lh m nre mad wllh a slo t cu t In one 'I.ld , or head , lhl'ough whlcb coin s can be dropped , th e little barrels In Ihls form being u ijed fo r savIngs banks, or gIven out by Sunday Ilchool . t eachers to their pupil s \0 make collections In for some speclflc purpose. Individual purchasers buy tbe JIllle barrel s to use for but.ton box es. and gr en t num· be l'S of t h e m are sol d for tors. So In thI s country Iher e al'e UBp.d million s ot t hem -annu ally. nnd fOI' all th e v8 r lons uses f a which th e Illtle barrels are pu t they are exported in lal'g e nuruber. to (lountries· all over t be world . .'
or Ihl nga ,~ r
Happy Days.
At the Wedd ing.
"My hllll J) I ·~ t <lays :' Ril le! )11'. Rock · In gllam, I1S h(' Ijlg llo<1 a check for ( hI' 11I.lrl)OSe of sati sfyin g 0 11 of Ih (' (' 1' II · IrOl's of hili tltl e(1 lllln·ln ·law , " wer e th e days when I lI'ns carry ing 0 (\In· IJ('I'pnll Ihut lil Y wlfl! hall 111 1 II wl1h bel' own hands: ' " Hm." 1'('1)\1 d ' his cand lll 1'1'110"' ,/111\ · I\onulrl'. " In t hOR dars I Hn 1111011l! .\'ou con l d Hit down comfm·t.n hl l' and (' at With YOU I' knife. und lI ol'er ' had 10 be con stnnlly 011 (he 111 1'1'1 (01' fell l' y ou migh t S fl Y YOI1 'dnne It : " hlcngo . ru ld .
"all , II ws>; the m USl d ~ IIl, h U ul \\' e\l· din g I 1'1'1' 1' aUelided.'· " Wu s It ?" " Y t'!l, PI'el'y body ·rl ed." -D troit F ree P n,a!;. HARD LINES.
A Prophet In H is' Own Country. " 1 dOn' l b lIel'c." 1'(' i\1It I'k (I ACl uli old Aunt I. I zy , .. th nt 1,1);" Poll I' Is doln' I'ery w IJ In ('hi('ugo," " Oh , l . clon ·1 InlOW ." I'elilied 1 nr l o Ul'hlll el. " I~ lge USI ' I' b l' a purt y shal'p cbap befor > be WOIll th f' l·e ... "Yes. hilt we' ve heell LUkin' I hill hI. ctlgO IJIlP I' (0111' yelll'H LlIlW , IIl1d iI's n vel' on e m entioned h 18 lIon1l' N 'pn when I h ' hull d)ol ler fllrull y w('nl' I here lei' Visi t him! "-Pu ck. Almo.t Brutal . l'he hllllt'Y IIIOQU hud ulruost llllillpod Ita lall t \l1I1U n. "0 orgp. d t'lIr," she &aId, " do YOII remembel' how n rvolls you \l'lIr II'h n ),I'U propos d to l1Ie'!" • " '· os." IInSW I'(' d (l eor!:!!. " In (nel , I \VII S 8 0 rultl ed thul III"hl I dldn ' t I' aJlze whut I wa s dnlng." Y l •• b IIII/: II wOJllun . tols acknowl· e<.i g m nt ,lid uot see m to s llsf" her. bl csgo Dnlly News. •
HOSl t'Sli- Why
dldn ·t
/ ou
('opt. ISpln s1t er with you 1 ap t. Bolson- Duty . Mrs. .lut te\'· buel,. W couldn't bOlh get away. Be we tossed up tor It. Helsl ss- Aud you won ? Capt . Bolson- No-1. 10 I! A TryIng Profelll on. pat ts- Yoll g e t Ilald ver y w 11 rOI designing t ~l:ll! e stril;lng art IJosl er don 't YOll ?' . Kuller Skeelll-0h, Y f> ~ . lJut Il l>.'lrd Iy pllyl'l In fh e long I'un. . Slllltts-'-No? Kull r Skeem - l bU\'e t n ~lJ.t ex· p(>n~lve Bupper s to Induce tIH~ . proller gl'ad e ot nightmares fo (l\I'u :sh thp Idens ood Ihon there 'are doc tor's bills, too.
'\Beoror: ",P. were mlll'l'led YOII said my sllghteSl wish wOllIll b YOUI' lllw." "Exactly; but YOII've goL so- I\1l\n)' \,\gol'o\ls and well ·dew ' lolled \\'Ieh(>s tbat ' l nm IInable to decide wblah ' Is tbe 8lfghteat! " hhlll~O Joul'Dal.
Practilcal Fashions LADIES· DRESSING SACK.
~o N ight's Rest fo r a Year and
~n'ew the Sex.• Good l\JlnI.Rter--1 am 'exe edlngl), I;rattlled at lhe wonderful Increase In the attendance of mel) at Otll' Wcdn es· dll)' . Friday' .Dnd SUlurduy evening !lI'llYljr·meetings. For the VlIst three \\:ee kll I he cburch hilS 11 ' eu 1I1ronged with m eu. His Wlfe.-lL·t\ hOlls . leanLns lime. -:-; . Y. W eekly.
T ale Hau·......mlly il'IIl!l tor
· Mlss Smartt-You don't seem hi think ver~' much or ~1r . .101 klns. y8t you ore with hIm a great ,deal. . :Ur. S\\'el1e-Oh t' I know be's lUI 8wrul id'IQt; bllt what call IJIll) do'! Hltl Ilo\ltlelll ·vlews ar~ t1~e samf' II'~ mine.
The U.u~! T"eatmen
· .....Iio!
Y c"ctt~l:lle
Itead bel' l<~ t tcl·. 1\t r~ . , aUle Frenchl" Of J'auraunl. , Ind. Ter., writes to 1'll-s. Plnkbaul ' {;omllound.
•. I had fe male troubles f or " "co l'ears- WI\8 all run·down. ami 60 D C' " VOIIS 1 cou l d not do anytb i.lll{'. 'l'h tll doctoretrent.ed me fol' different troubl es bitt did me no good. While in t hi acoodition J wrote to Mrs. Pinkham f or 11.(\~ice and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege' table Compound. aDd 1 am now aLl'ong and well. "
For thirty years Lydia E. l-mk. ham's V getable CompoW\d'. ml\d o from rooLs and herbs, bas been ·thl} , standard remedy for female iUR., and bas positively cured thousands 01 womenwhohave been troubled witfi dL.. pla~m ents. infiqromation, ulcerll.... tion, fibroid tumors, irrcgulo.rltip. s~ periodic pains, bac\{o.cbe, that bear. lng-down feeling, fla.tulency, indil?(-lH~ tion,dizzinesB,ornervous prostratlOU~ Why don't you try it? . Don't heRitate to write to MI'!'f. PI n.k b if there 18 anytbing' about your ,lcllines8 you do nob nnderstand. She wlll treat yOUl" letter In confidence and advise YoO! free. No 'Woman ever regJ'tlttecl writing hel'. and because I)f be.. \'lUJt experience abe has helped tbousanda. Adtbeu, Lyun. Matt&.
am .
~ M Upa,lon.
" Wbat was thaU" "Wherl they were In Eden they did
Important' to Mother••
'Examine carefully every bottle or CASTORIA a snte and sure remedy for Infants and eblldren, aod Bee that .It Bean the ",~_. r -
SI~ature ot~~
In Use' For Over 30 Year.. . Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Lotterl .. Pay Big Dlllidend •. Nearly $100,000 Is spent In Mexico Cit)· every week on loltery Ucketa and 10 th e same pertod only a.bont 170.000 III paId back In premiums. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red Wedk, W~ur,l', WilLeI")' Eye•. Murine 'Boean'l Smnrl- ::looth ." Eye 1'alD, All Druggists Sell hh,II'lne at SOct-. The 48 Page 'Book in. ench ·Pkg. is " 'nrth Dollal.. in evel'V home. ' A ~k YO\lr Dnluist . 1,1urine Eye Remedy Co., ~ica&o. - _.- . _ _
Llfe·.·· Fool /.h Period. AbOut tile time a boy commences to tb'lnk about 1l000klng. a clrl com· mence. to think aboUt Olrt.lng.
hot, "we.I.inl, callo"., a nd Mwollcn. Behinl f.t.lSold by nil Dru,"istt. Price 2Ilc. Don't ICcept any euhetitut t!. T rlnlllllckage FR9f!l.
Adcn- AileD S. Olm.ted. Le ROJ. N. Y.
Pu r ls Polleru . No. 2421 . All Seams AIlOwed .....:Clllllbrlc. lawl1. batiHle. Illlfnsook OJ' .inconel arc all used fOr gal'menta or thle· "harllet I'. The IIl1 del··wa.(Rt ·III made wIlli 1\ rOllnel n('ck. lInd lhls lind thf> llrmholes are I....l !nmed wflh a 'uarrow pd glng of tine ." mbl'dldcry; ... trl\l~ of ~eam l:llll'! trim 'he WUISl. wbio h fRlllenK at I he center· back . Th e d ru\\'ers lire (lloked I1nd ·1\lIlsh il wllh all f'tiglng or det! I}'r m · bl;ol dery. They Ill' gUlhel'Cd Info n: wId I.I'lllFlt 1)11.11(1 which ill worked wit II I)ut\ollbol's. 0 Ihnl Ill e 1\'111' /11 nl rl1:L~' • be r~ l!t.e n ed a rh e IIl1dm··wah; !. The 1':l.ttpl'l1 Is ill six slzes- t .... o to tl\' II''' yea rs. Jo'O)' Ul chllll o f six ',,('aI1l Ihl' 1)llIlcl' wnIRt r e'qulreM (.hree .f~ u l'lh s 1>1' mal erlal :!,' 0)' 36 incheK wltl e with r,· ~ ytll·tls nf bias scam tlipe .:lUd· l \\' 0 ynrdll or ed8;ln,;: t h c' drawer s 11'·.·d 11,4 .y.urd 27 Inc hes wid • Ul' 1 ~ YUl'fl 36 Inches wid" ; IWU ynl'(ls or f> llglll /{. Tn prOt'UI',! thts nottf\rn ~""1(1 10 "" Hi ::'
. The largest th ougbt!! are aD out· COOle from lhe h eILrt . -~erv31. Mr•• WIII.low· • .8ooth/nll' Spop.
")r chthJreo t.4tetblu, . lottl!Di tbe ,am • • ,,,due.. ClUlwation. all_,111&lu, Ctuo. wto.t1 eoUu.
1»botLl ..
A little natt joy now olld tben will !lOneR up the bardest man .
to ·'F'lUtc·r ll
J).PI)ar llrl ~\nt . "
at them
Reviled Homestead.
Itnlry m"y no... be m ..d" by In"",,;, 41>110""'''''. .,-ouo.h htllt;). ll1 th" lather, mota",,·, HI' ..... ""lIJ(h~ 'for. b rtlliter or of au ln t.,lItlluK ho.... 8 .... "'d~ 1·. 'J'bouKluul. 01 homeetendMof IfjO "-CJ_re. ~t ' b G Te lllll t:l now eBeU)" ",,.;:a.Unbh, ~n tttt ICr-" rl t 6:'rn,l ll· lr rO\...·l0U"t alock \' u,1Hll1ij' "nO ,ula«\ Sarro!»}.; tw..:c.luulJ-., ,
T !u'rf! ,VOIl ",til Ond healthful elhnn.tA,.' " noi)
tor Y"Ht r " hl lllrc u, good lu.w tl , " "I ClltL d 1(:r'O].J!4..
a.ull ru.l u-o"t\d oU"Yenle n\ t o m ,ukc.t. Entl'Y " 'f> It, (',,,, h e1\8f! 1 " ~tO .OO. Fur IJI~u't.)I,. 1" 1. " ) ~U:t" Dt'''' L W e lll,1I ,''''rlh~ l1t1\r .. n ,'i 1.0 r ,,~~ ,
rlJULI ·.. .
1Jt!jol.1 l ilue
to IrU .u.ntl wilero tu
H. 1'1, WIt.uAJlfS, Law Bullt"n".
T~ ~~
of tilt s ll811 f" r .
<)1 the ebolce.~ landll (or. ..... tn g .... .,-t.Ml. raldl"1: nn4 mbe<lCarmlDlfln Ibe "" .. Ill". lrJct-tt u, ~u. ts k"tcbew.D aaCt Alber "'" "1',(4.1 ,.,.. ce.utl~ beell 0poDII4 for IlettlelZlelltllllller Uoo
n t:: l~hhOi·H. c.11l,ln·heM ' or fnul l1 y \vOI'Rhl\J, f'c huott:l
by l,ydiaB.Pinklutlll'1'I
It Cur•• While 'tau Walk .• Allen'. Foot·Eaee ia a certllin <'ure tor
' Vlrlte nunlo and H.ddl', Htli "In.lul y . Hnd I,,' "Look at tbat boy." J exclaimed. ~ur ll tv g l '(" Hh : Ilud n.ltl1b I: or. patte l'lI , Sherlock . Holme.' :!tee.n ' glll~e rol· lo~' ed my OWI1 :' A Cruel In.lnuatl on. NO. 2421 . .S IZK .. .. . ...... .. .. . The urchin 11011' Iketcbec :u lIe.n '\1 8tcm Old LadY~Th!lY toll me. madam, YOIII' hllllband Is cOllfluuall1 on t he drawl 'l$·room wall.. Nov.- he NAlIrm." .. .. ... .. . .............. .. .... .. . .. .. t;llrved tus nnme on tb!! plano. .\ non. en,nklng dreadl·u.llyTOWN ... .. ........................... , •.. : ... . Young Woman (bursling Into tears) I.tighlng . lightly, he .plllell milk on a - I dou' t t.elleve It, YOllr 'horrld old Louis Seize ' f.utellil. S'fRT1Wr .-'ND »;0 . ..... ..... . .. .. ...... .. " In beaveD's nam_" I cri ed . thing! STATE .. .. . . .... . .. ................. , . ... . . . Old' (al\tounded)-Wbat'8 tlit ·'Calm yourself. my dear WU ·lIon." Sberlock Holm"s Interrupted. .• rbere matter with the woman l ' . omcloua :Qyetander:--Her busband'. te DO need for Interference hel e, Do . Turn. Inclandeacent Lillht Up. dead.-Baltlplore American • . you not uI\4erltanl' '1 'fhat vn/a ha·. _~n Incaudellcent .hlmll III It II green beeD ren.ted tural.bed (or the seallon!" .ba4e 11'.111. .rben Inrned upward tl)A • Frultle.. . .cl:!em •• ward tbe ceUJng. spread a l!oft and "Tbe Jlnksell bave loat tAlat spieD ·Thre. M II.. of .eate. . 1)leaeaatly dlft't se.d ·Ught, plenty strong did cook of tbelrs." Ptaeecl find 'to IDd •• h, tiers of lleate enaaab for a room wbere no one III "Row came that?" "So many were after. ber that tb. Ill. the mo.lI8ter etautlum In wblcb tbe rmldlng. 'Ur"b19U the lanlp Is 80 lI~d . eldest 80n married h.,r to t..eep bel OIimplc pm.. are to. be belel In Lon· no .badOw~re ca.t. a lin, III the famlly."-.BlI./Utnere Are.rlca. dOD thl. lummer would Min lind Hie Cloth... more than three mil.. ID lenJth. Th. If you're 8 I.our, .nte more lIulll or clothea a man tramewo.rk fo.r the lleat. II " ..nlltruct. all Impre8llioD on the "Tbere Ie a cbasm bet.ween me at eel af at. .l. "ltb Umber pllUforma .....48 ~a soetety. .. the belt hi. family "teb811 lOme boldID, c:bal .... Tbt. world the
Good suffering fol' flcvt!n y fll\!:!,.. tbl s woman wBsrestored to 11 m~n fa
A Redeem (ng TraIt. "There was one good thin, about Adam and Eve."
Good .. t the Start. '" hav e 11aft'onlzed lhe HilmI' tnllor fol' ten years," Hald UI slouchy·look· Ing 1111111 . '·YolU.' sult nlust: have been made of good ·stl1ff." replied I h e . cand i d byIItander.--Cblcago Record-Herald .
" M7 so:! Cl yde W!lS almos t corn· pletely ('overed ~vllh ecz mao P bysi. ::Ian s trea ted hi m ror n l'nr/y n year withou t hel pi ng hi m an y. His b ead, race. nnd n eck wpre cOl' ered w, l h l ar ge scabs which h wo u ld rub until they fell olr. 'rh n blood and matter would r un out and t hat would be worae. ro'r/ends comin g to see him sald tba.t It he got well be wo uld be disfigured tor Ilfl.'l. When I t seem ed aB IC he cOllld pOllslbly st aDd it no longer, I used 80rne Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Olnt ~ men t . and CuUcura Resolvent. l'hat wns tbe first night for nearly a y ear that he sl ept. In tbe morning there P al'i s Pattflrn No. !;333. All Seoma WIlS :I g reat obange for the better . In All o well.- This Pl' tIl' /lnn fa.sclnaUng !bout six weeks be wa.'1 per fectly well. llLllp bl' akfast juc k el. u'ud oll e I hat OUI' l eadIng j)b)'sl Ian r ecommends will be [ollud mOHt simpl e o f co n,;1r uc· Cutlcura for ecz ema. M rs. Algy tlOIl. 18 d ev eloped ill orm or ule lIew Cockburn. Shiloh. 0., June 11. 1907." Swl s!:! malerlals. whIch ~how email colored dots In ~ qllB,re fOl'llllltiou on a Peace for Once. white grounrl. 'fhe sld e·front Ilnd " . tell YOIl. Judson Is a slick bnp," 1\owlllg 61 eev e Is rut In oue lllec". I he l aughed SIIa.s R ye top. " Heook hla ' ti am bing directl y nnd"r lh e ar m . wf[e to Washlnglon lIad k pt her In and 1I11s. os well as lh e s /d e·fl'o lll and the congrellslonal library rour hours." side bn 'k seams. arl· l ett Olleu for II. " What did b!' do Ibllt for ?" askod .lIght IllstoPlle trom th l ow r edgp. Hiram Hardapple. The I>ll\lal' DUlCh lie 'k, u!< weli Il S thl' " Wby, begosb, they 1\n~ you It you tronl sl cev;>s II lid lowl'r edge, li r e talk In that buildIng. and tor raul' trimmed with nlll'rOW Inst'I'tIOIl Bnd bour. Bbe dldo·t speak a word." edging of V ll l ellt'l enlles lace. IIl1d the Karm elll flH.te ns willi ~ rnll.lI how" at Deafness Cannot Be Cured I'fbuon. 1'he lIattern Is i n four ~ Iz l! f< by IMAI n.ppllL-al.lons. ' :u they unDD" rfub th e d. - :12. 3G. 40 anti 4t Inch('s.1 bu st IlIpali' ea.M!d. portion ot tb u rar . 'l'here 11 only one 'fay t.Q cure (ieRfne., IlDd chat 11 by 4"Oni Utuuonai rcmedlel. ul·e. 1"01' 3~: bust (he tll'etlslng·tillck DearDr.a ill a uled by an Innllmed roodtuoft of til. lInlo, of •• lie l-Als lAch1&n 'f'u~. \\'11'0 UllJ rf'qul l'eH ~ ~ )'urdll ot mut 1'1111 27 muroul Lube 11 1ndamtd yOU have a r wn blhu( MJUDd or JUl· Inch es wltl e. I % y ard 36 Inch es wid e. ptrl""L hearing. "04 wben It ,. fOUrely c _ . near· fM " the r~ult, arId unl .. the klllammation ran be (JI' J % yal'tI 42 luchell wide; 9 1 tll.k~ ou\. and Ull~ ,ubc reJtored to t~ DOrm4J cond"" ~ !l l'd" o f Inserllon, 7 II ya,·tl s of edglug lioo. bearU .. will lie ~ ..tro)·'" lor ..... : 011' ...... OU\ 01 ten am caU8ed by C t.arr~. wblCh II noUlInI &lJd t ,,'0 Yll rd l~ of ribbon to tr im. but &U InJl&mcd ..ndltlon of lb. mu...... lu.'. "", To procure llhlB Illltlprn 'Jenll 10 ~e nt. ~f~=n(~!~n:yu~~:~) ~I~r~:~~tlte~r~ to "Plltl prn DIl.. rlm~nl." of Illls p!lpor. by lIall·. Catarrh "'re. /'l end tor d.' nula... I.....,. Wrlt~ "!lrrle o'lld address pltl lnl y . !l rld be }' . 3. CU/:::-'I ;Y .I: CO., 'l·ul..,o. O. SOld by Dt\ur.lItt. Ik, HU'·,· 10 gl \' e abe und numb I' of p lI er n .
o f His Enduranc,e Seemed Near - Owu Recovery to Cut i cllra.
The Large.t Clock . The largeat clock In th ",'orld bll.9 re ently been add ed to the wondrOli1l sl ght·s of New York, the OIaut Ity. Whll" tbls clock- a real ol d·fashloned S I h Thomas. II a faithful \ Imeplece to Ib e' pcople at N ew York. yet It Is located on the tactory of olg-at e & Co. lit Jer sey OIty. N. J . ln this It has tht' distinction of I\ervlng the pco· NO . 2333. s rZ K .. ... , ..... ..... pie of two states. The toul'l al from N A M B ... . .. . ... . ..... ..... .. . .. ... ..... .... . aCI'ost! the ocean will find the hour ot hlH return clearly set betore him [I S he TOWN·.... .... .. . .. ...... ...... ........ ...... passes uD the Nonh river to hIs land· I" ~ 1'1ace. The small 'office boy oC b ~ dv wll·town sedlon may peep out of s1.A'rE .. · .... .... ···· .. · ·· .. .. · · .. · .. the windows, across Inlo nnoiher _ _ __ _ _ __ stale. to l earn whe n " quIttin g time" . comes around. The dJal of this gigantic clock will GIRL'S AND CHILO'S Uf\lOERWAIST be forty feet six Inches In ANID DRAWERS. and will b e made ot yellow pin boards six inches wide. spaced three Inches apart. Tbe minute hand m eas· Ul' s 20 reet f,'om the end of tho hu ll 10 t·he tiP. and weighs. with the coun' ' ter balance. 640 pounds. Th bOllr bnnd Is 15 teet In length and weI ghs 600 pounds without tho COllnt el' bal· ance. Tbe numerals on the dial tire "ve reet hLgh and 30 Inches " ·/de. The speed or tbe hour hand lD eaSlli'e@ t hree feel ten Inches In width . while that of ' th~ mln~lte hand is two r 'et eleven inches. 'l'he point of th- min· ute h~nd travel s I'ery mInute 23 Inches, whil e III a we ek It 'ovel's tbree and two·thlrds mlles.- T{ nneu' CbapPle. In National Magazine. French F I.tlcuff•• :rhe " 'ere talking about the st r an G'e nght betwllen Prince de Sa gall and llle Oast ellalle brolhers. " Tbe French ; ' sa./ d nn elhnol ogl!ll. "lead the world hI' Int elll gilli ce. and th~t why. In flsl\~ulfs. they world's lall end. 1"01'. the lIlOP; Intelligent we bec·ome. tbe more In· oallable we al1;o become of phYsl 'al vjelence.. "Hence the l'udlc ron a Oddlly of French ' tlgjltlnR .. with ItB sCl'atchltrg. lilting, ·b ard pUlling. Illncl1ing and leal'S.'" He laugh ed . "Tbere were two t.axlmet cr r.uhbleR jn \\'Iug one an<Jt h I' las l month ·us tbey trot led . froYU I,he RJlz nero!'!! ·the 'P/ac~, V\lndome to . t he Rue de Ia PulX'. . . "Th e ·flrst <.'~bbfe Hl.lsed hill "'hlll wlth ' a tllr atenlng gestUl~. .. ' Pig," h.e shollted, 'not anollW f w\lrd. or I'll . gIve y,our tare ' a c ut aCI'088 the jaw!' , .• 'IJa r e to' louch hln1,' crl th e othel·. 'nntl- I'll cut l' Olll' f lll'6 '8 coat to rIbbOns with my '''': !1lp IaMb!' :'Tb en each began 10 slash tb e otber'S passenger fur{oulY.
Innollatlon In Po ll, lel. TIle TPc elll m U1i 1 11'/11 1' 11'1 ·t1nn ~ In ParIs wpr r ,lIurkable uo l 011'" 10r t h ('andltlat II I'e of ~1. L '1I11p.. who) 11 :1" 10liudly bellten. bu t ruJ' 111/' 1\, ,I ,'t' eordE'1I C'U lld llhltll re or a \I ,W ••' r I >1' 1'\ anL. T ho IlI'e rletl ('la~9 I~ ~ I' PI CJ~' Ii " tak e on lh " pul!llcal r.ol('lr v I Ih . nr rouodlnga and to be ull m (l1I " 'I' VU II\',' as ' a rul . bll t l hls I'n ndl dut., >lwo t! a s a r e publl'ln 8f)clu ll~ t . and h e IR ~al d 10 bave b I!n st rongl y lIu llPortcd by bIB kind.
E~ ~iaao factory in BOOloD. ·M..... we make the world.famed
T A . . Eyt:lelL
Price. rlllF ill'reau1ar ~)l/es:
-~ UJ'filhtl frOID $450.00 10 ~25.00; for GrarlcIa frOID $650.00 to .1200.00: An
!l,1a frOID $750.00;10 $10,000.00. . At ·QUI CiDc:a.a86 IKlotie& we niae Johll Ch.~h
Co.• ~ ..ud hd O,,.'1Il pi.~. all Uprit/t... Price. &0." $250.00 10 $4W.00. I. abe ..... 01 Ibe... pxIa we okeu lake ill pill 01( _.Mlbaad pia_ Gf GIher ....... 101M uPilhl. .ad _ aq_ We eM .eO 1011 die ieeoed. 's.-! ~ at bOla $85.00' 10 $210.00.
pD,,,, _1,-
tro.a SlS.IXt to 160.00. . W....... a _ _ 01 .... ~ wltich hne.bee. uaed p;.-. wlUch _ oler II 20 per Cftt froai our ietulu ~, hr. 10 reliUla
.ow. __ ..... P'fIIIM.
s-I til 5c. paobp ud _ will. fOIl ...... mail JOIl ...... boalIet .. --....
.... .
the b I • •• ,'1,
up yoit..." ••••••• .v.,..,.,hl.d will hr',. I•• S'ODf'!
II. . . .lIpi 23.,".'11. THE MEDA'I'O"NE CO.
.. prj.,...
125 •. 23rct S~'eet,"EW',VOR"
.. ,.
"'4.. , ,', . . .... ' --.: ", ..\ ....' ~,'\"" :\.,'"'-~ ~'''',''. .' ' " . ."~
Bellbrook. ~":IIt1It,
M rs.
Suw"nl . " I'
lIlI~" ()Il, IS
vhlltl ug Mr. l1ud MI·~ . W illi" ~II\ k thtil week . . , Miss Gr,' Il Hrcuo • of Dll y t,ou, gllve a lecturll un L:u ll drttn.'tI I£duolt tiOD aud PlAY 10 ~lle Pl'bsby r 'dllll obu roli Wtlduesd~y {'\It!. Miss NeJl\! Cuuniu gbRw went t,o l)ttyton ThursdlloY tv be tbe gne t 0 1 Mias J ellnette Adam~ until MoodilY Miss Mary Sell"rs vitli ~ed MIl! Lo· 111 Cornell Itt Ferry fr 1Jl Frl<lI1Y ' until Monday , Mrt!. Ll z~l e . Myer. aUll duught,,, r , Floreuce II.tteoded lodge ill DllyLon Wednesday ni ght, Mr . Jllll'les Turoflr au (l ohildren. of Sprlogfield. Ohio, clI.we FridtlY to spend tbe Buwmer with Mr. ,J, S . Turner aud fll~IlV. . Mr. CblU!. Morris tlud wife of WilIlllmspurt, Jod ., /irll the guests ot bls pllTent8, Mr. uUll MI1I. M V. Morris, Chlldrens lJoy exeroi8es were h8lrlllt · &he AI- E .cburoh 8undllY eVflnlng. Mr autl' Mr8. Chas. Wrlgbt lire . n o w living In their Dew -A0we OD no~tb Muln II tree~ IIn.o1 Mr. Ed Martlndale oud dllol1~bter Adll will ooou py thehouS8 VtWllted by Mr . Wri;.:ht. Mr. Leu MUls I. Ill<tending sum. mer 8Ohool at Oxford. OUio. MIM Leona McGinnis. of Lytle, OblO,'ta. tbe IUetlt of her aunt Mr8. NeUe Mow.rd thil week, Bellbrook people enjoyed a band
, Th 1)1 11111 '';' follll\,m g- \.... il\ he cnllI. uitlut.'l> fm' till' lhfi'ur III llrn~' tlS "~po 110 1Il1l!d, sullj I t o IJle 11( ('hi-Ill Ill' hold g \ld!'l, He ~xp~cl lo leav ill Ithl' T(,. Be 10.'11, twenty.1i va n.ores' oj' tlll 1 "puldlollll prltn .... iA~ : ahout a 11\1 nth fo r klahoma where corn. t.hit' ty fiv uI'.r a of lOD l\f\C l h6 xpects t make his futur hOIl1 . flfte II Hor S of olloko. His "!l1'U II FOH Ul~ PRESENTAT I VE Mrs C~ra Hough and daughl ' \' prolIuoe \Va~ "Iwost I' udy 1'0 1' u, e .IOU r l\IA'R~I::IALL M LIi'ORlJ V da spent sevcm l days in Wllynes. ' wuelllt . WilS wnslu:!d U W!lS, In 1I1i L. K. LAM~DO~. ' 11 I ' . k Ipl:ubnIJlhry)lewlllstion O lln llnok \'of. Z. Rt I.;L VI e as, WE:! ttl (jhiu, 11\'tJr I t!llomhl.lLiou j Missel> 0 'ee Anson ' and 'ari:;s Hal'islI ~ipcnt Saturday and 'unday. · 'l'ht! 1 ev. Wulte l' Ellwin Dllkio·, . FOlt AU DlTOR with relations Mal' Wayne ville. of '\I1 uwbutl MillS .• writes t·o nl!tluL1 '1:1 \ .' . ~. 110 .. '1', Ml'S . ora Harri will occupy ,8tlY~ in pUl't : "I have wanted t o T. ('. P '1''l'Il:R80 rOom in M is Neils houst:' soon. I write a ud oo ngratulute you opou ru . s . A . ,'TIL'Vj<~L I,. MI"!) ophie Dickin on and !laugh· tUl'ulng to t h e dea r uld vi llulge, bnr. 11"11" r,' ~1"rUn" J tel' of Ri hmond Ind . a re visiting tim uud dutle have prevented me l un~11 tue' pre ent time . . Mrs , Dilkin hal'l s hidak er. I· OR COMMI.'SIONF.H MI'. Warren Vail T\'e~ and family \tlUd I will spend the' Ul ntlJ, of Au . 0. J. IWWA IW, ·. of Yellow Springs al'e visiting hel· /g ust on t h e OOll!:lt of the l :i ulf of .. E l-1il~M I AH ~j K1Nr:;lC\'. fathel' Mr. Charles leaver. . Mexico. W 'en d love til 11 11 E; B. RO ,EH. " . friends ... 11"ur ...' "lcCl:h " I Caesars Creek. E'. i:->. H[MP '( N. • . Mh" Oelll1. M . Downing, who is .J ,.0. o.mpton and w.lfe are enter· at Woodbrldgp, ~;O"IIIOd, tlLl' ing II tammg f rlen ds f rom R I h mon cI In d ' IIsummer course of s"t,ndy , writtls lin FOR S lI E RIFF Zitnri Haines and wif attend d th e int r esti ng lettbr to b e r PII I'ont!', P i!i\ 1\:1'. ~ n(-lY . meeting of Y. M. Foreign UiSSiOnal'y ,1 Mr . Ilnd 1'IIr>l. A .•T. OowOlng , in ~ . <.~ , ,Wl. Mciety in Wilmington on the Fourth. which sbe sllY!! in pl~rt : . BER'!' RR.A T 'It h II . I Isaac L ' tie if! ' recting a new barn ' . . . I\!\ een one contin ua rounli .1 r,n~ $ F'O .... LI·. , HR. ~ "of enj oyme nt nt< sohool e V~lr ~In(\f\ on his (arm. . I wy lLl'rivlt l-gurden pnl'ti AN., Tecep .W alter Wilson spent Sunday III tions, itivitMioDs to teu . 1I1l1.11l gOIl- .JUDGF. OF l'lWBA'fE o Rl' AI.F~X BOX\\ li Cincinna.ti. eflll good time ie h tseelng nllneuruy ("'"r Sec,,",l Tl'rtll l The W. F. M. Soc.iety hel d a ver y pluoel'. 'l'he wenthe r hero 1. mucu .,Ieasant meeting at t he home of cooler than lit hom , linrl whon th y Mrs. Isaac Evans on last Thursday. t hink it h ot il is only oomforta.ll! . J'BIL1P ''PEN .~; A few from this vicinity attended 'I'he l Uth of JuI Y; IICOoUlpn,nied by 11"01' l·e · t' l e~ Il"n I the Fourth at Waynesville 11 sohool f rieDll. l expeot . 0 visit ;,irs. Morris Oglesbee of Lumber· t:loothmclllll U tflk in tbe l! i ~ht!! at URVEYOR ton visited het parants 'Isaa ~ Lytl Melrol'u Allllt!y , Abbot,sford. Eden , HAM n. BIi:;-;IK LF. and wife one day last week, . burg I:ltirllug, 'l'rosslloh . CUusgow Wor >'~'·"n" ' 1'''1' 11' ) of and Ayre, lIull wi ll viRit .. an d ' wI'f ' . . ill Eng l'~nd ~ _ , __ Ch ar Iey B oga... Oregonia visited the latter's parents KeswloK, WlUllemere, l\.ondl\1 Ml~O ItS d , :lh, Ox ford lIod oth r pillces p p
=~~~:~ ~!:':{::' ::!~i,~S~: .. ~~:fh!;'k:h~ ~: 1~:~:~' ;~~~ ~ ~t~,7i~::~;:'~~::;:, at ~iverpool, titling tbe home oomlng, to be held provIng ill 'Xenia. August 31 and
thIS writing .
which 1 r eturn t o f or home the l:&th of
an~~:~=::::~~ en~'. Go,,'"
We b"a~:t:: IV:'P::,o{lhl,
sailillg pap I'. and it AI\ h<' U ' d in andy making ancl. ('ake baking all nod
A u~~ust. ,,_
- _ .... ---
it. . _ _
$:'&" '&...&. . ~ ·Wh.-te's· 1 News. S'
9''9 9''' . .
Call Up No. 20, !'or ~ o k)' ftJrd
~(l1.(~ . ~Wj'
alit Inpl!S
Watt rlu e lon s 1111
The Daylight Sture
Shoes ~~~;~acrlflce
Ju t J<Jxnotl y Right · Pickling Spices.IOc a. packaje, ~ ~ Iliu' llidoa Dtn~lddle Sp8Dt the "l lllw nse(l Dr. King'!I ew Lift} A mixture uf th('l!h',i cc~ t ;JllrI Ladic' Oxfurd8 "ourth wUh rela$tv:es in Wa.yne~ Was C. W. Roberts.VVhose Pill fouevp.t:IlIY6Ilf!' nllilfindtb 01 c1ea lll's t wh ole pit: c.; .Jlls t . $:1 'I'nI1 S HIl!l I'lltl' lI l ,$:t ;'1\ 'Father Was Editor of just exnoMy right, " dD.V!! Mr . A A.'ltt 1'1'C'llo rl i0I1 or Iltl' s('vl' ral $2.!i(1 P " ..,,,,,. /I lid VI'ift, $:t ,.ville. b~fl1ton , o f Efnrrlsvillu. 111 'Y . N(>w I:: IIr. IlIld lira. Raymond Crowl"Dd the Miami Vislt'o r Liffl PillA l'eliA vC' wlth on t t hfl I nflt, kinds to lluikc ),lIur pi · kl ' . gotHl Men's OxfordR 80D lAwrence, or J;>a),wD, vIsited dis 'omfort.. B !lt r muel ..... for oon- "ati lll! . ta 00 'L' nlJ!\. Plltf\llt,'!1 Hllrl Mr. and 1(1'1. a. A. Da.vill, from .Frl'r-be tJllkaloo n lodepenuent of tlplltion, billloul'D.e.1I h nil nUllarill Dull <;I\l r, lII ,W $2, ,I) d~YQDtIJMooday ; . . Juuet ll hllSll1l !LCoount of Ituefol- ~!'i ntJl'rACJ(·.Hnhwlltt.1.'!H1 rll f.{t;t 1'11 . Pea.ches M lm '~ W\ll'k 8 hoe l', tM.ld KI.....Marla lI"l~ne.of Day~on,ill lowing sild aooident: l-l ece i v·cJ t1111i rrllm (,rg'IQ ~ . In' I<, Htl 2I''i'PercI'1I1 nff ~ villl$htgherbrother.llr. Jo~n MaU.W.Robe rts W;11S b()rni.nM LI t. Good ·Roads. I.I' r.l!I· I~III'· rl ;i Il/ij l' he:; al lh it.w· ~ Extra Special looe !lnd ra~ilY. .' go ,llery «: 0,. \ Oblo, iu H 5L Be . ' . t'~ t p rih' ~ t~ r k 11 'AI 11 for , 11<: 11 M Ull 'o. EllII". ~Ik I:'killl'!h\w .. BorD to M; A Peter Ilnd wife WI\S a ~ood oltizen, l~ memb\ r of t h e A l'ecent tl,fOl.t f AU/Hi I' . t ill . . fm it . ' ,. ( nl.\, $~ in. 'I'h ,·..... II rl' "-v .. Ion, " , M. 'E , chul'oh ut ·Lllwrenoe. tmd ~I _ thl' kind von p,,'" $'1 on Frl...... .. W II, ecul'e;;. !'i, OQO for t1:l e I' paIrs 011 Jelly T umblas. JOc per doz. Ml8a U.rrie Kemp. of W008tor, wuys ,stbod for right t hingti fO I' t he iml1rov (I l' a Is in Wal'rE-n I . fur HI -C Hyhprfl . Oblo. came Guod&y to 8pend the' ofJulymX~nla, temllertl.oo, ·good gov~rD mentn nd County , .' :11''' 1' ') 11 "1' 1'.1,· 111''1'1111111l'hA.OI·l l-(i ll ll l Hlll kOVf>ll:llc 8,unmer wlth her father, Mr. AlMr. and Mrs, Ernest Da.kin spent Uhrl!lthlOit.\,. He h. ld workel! h ,ml Lovel'!; of good maus shou ld 1(' 1' '1' 11' " l ui, hall \1 1111 1,,('le ~\kin I btl 11 .. ' . 11 11 "",'h bert Kemp. . • , Saturday and ILinday with Jonathan on the .Perr,r lelel,b olla sysl,eru n.nd a~! l'eei~te his. eff?r t.s ~'h Luwn- tllllJbl,' r, \~ I lli /I I 11 " il l' . • ve n' l'lllr WII Il'tlll 'tl,1 1&. Albert NewttlJ, of Coonen. McCray of near Centerville. mada. It 11.. fine !:Iuooes, I~.nd WllS shIps WJll I' C lYe an amount I)l'n· Can Rubbers .$3 lIll. . vOle; Cnd.;.oame Fri~ay to oare fo1' Mr. and Mrs. C linton Grubb of ~end1DJ.: . ev~r.v on rgy t·o Inor.aosa portiOllate t their valuation . lO.c a' OUl..•• 3 doz. 2Sc. Ali i, t! 1I 11 ~ oIf BI .Vfl· I::\!lllonl ' hlsbther, Mr. John Newell, '" Who Day.tonspent the 4th of July . with ItsetIeo~IVeneI!Sll lld , vU~lHJ . , HIIt \'~1\ j ll l<t ill-II hU"'A w.s ·.trloken with .par alY8is last their relatives of Orosswick. DeoelLsed WILl:! Il oo ullln to the edt - - ' --I ),)Ill! I~' l1l i.· I, . I .. r ii, .. ,,\. w Jill 11/111 fr t'e \VIMI I!lIc tt . '. " t ' : ' . t?r ot the Independent., I~od callie to P(litl wi.11 d part, ill . xlIotl.v j() willll tit ... bl's, 'ruh lll'r to Ill' fO lln~l. jlllir. $' ~~. Mrs .. ~, H. ~h~noweth ,and SOil' Oaktlloos~ from bio with his par. Ill in u tetl if nno t f Dr.:hoo]l'1I fink • - • . Guy VISIted Wilham Albl'lght and ~DtS in L 67. wh.e re' he w'u s litt el' Pllin '!'nhlets Is tukAn . ruio any Pickles--Picklcs, JOe c',- Doz, ~ J)()l\fES'I'ICS family on Monday. w"rd" u ol'l'penter furnlt"lre ual'ler wbere. R m amber ! Pui n alwn vl< \ 1 al.ico<>s. only 61.' Harveysburg. .. .," • ' . lJleaDS oon "e~tlon blood pres!lul' ~ j " ' W SUP)) \' rd' Ia I'g'e' sour 'i --~ Imd,unclertlt.ker. He wovedto Lnw n c\tbin~ OISA. l:Ienrlnolle ill hlollll pl ' kiL'" at a ,v(t'.\' " 'W pri ce, , Apl'on ingbams , 8r Everybody come to the Lawn F~te New Burlington. renoe in 1884 [lnd his fu t h er , Rev . J . pre!'sur!' i tootbllcbe i~ 1)10011 prell .~ Dr....!! Hing haU1. , La Wl l Thunday night at the School Yanl O. Robert!, nnd r,nother lIv,~d at hi . IlU r on t he Rensltive nerve. Dr., Fre3h From The Oven., ~ nOli Rwl>l8 ut 2U Il r "gi.ven by the BusineSs Men 's Club'. Our band f urnished the 'm usic at h!>wo !loud died t}j,e re 10 r ecent yen rs Sh OOp'R Aendltoh~ Tllblet -also , C· \ .. U d C)lmt nIT, . . , clllled Pink- ·T!LhlElts~qtrickl.V ., ream r. \ ,{ r~, . ulle a MWlic. by Harveysburg ' ,Band . t h e. F OUl', t h. 0 f J U IY ceIe b ra+-ton at Mrs, R "v bert w • so BU ' ddenly 11"". 11. ho k Imd sltfely 001l ;\[ th is blood pressure I",,1 !:lC! II 1 ' l""'; V a lll'11'a \V a f e rs, C'·' HOSE ·oc.oa. ,A¥reatnumberf':Qmhereattend. Waynesville. Ipgly bereft of·. bQl' busblllld', lo· t IlWJJ.Y from p uln oenters. Puinfnl 'lUt ekes In e b ' C ' ki tid the F. ourth .at Waynesville. ' Mr and Mrs. J oseph Blair attend. bark her futbar 'Well! )jroth er !li noe period s wi th w(lmim get inst.Lot rp. I . a W" , .. !( a "11 'c 00 es, ,Lace . J;lO~'l, · l..lIllies' . IllIll ,. . .. ' lief . • 20 'rnblets 2,,), ,'oW by nli (';llIge r OIl e rs. A llirna rllcke rs , Cbl ldl'eu'R'tt c:ost d ' Mr' . and Mrs. WI'II H'arvey and Mr. e the wedding of their daug,hter .the first of t hi!! yeur , . 0 a tU1t1a I.' e ;' ' denl,er . / N a b"I, co , , O(lkU:9, Tun Hoae, Mh~R II!I' sjy.o. and M1'8. Brice Smith spent the Miss.Lena to B H. Kelch in Indian 'rhe body of UUtlrles W. Ltoblll·tS. . . , .1 1 P I·ac_ kn. e ls; Lemon HlSCUitS, ' e t c. 7X lIud X Il t 100 JlI~h' Fourth' at Dayton. apo IIS, Saturd ay .. w h 0 WII S, ufllWll O( lit err,1' '1'hUI'8 ••e ... D . d 'M H ., H tt t Miss Mildred Morris of near dll y ufternoon of Illst week, was (lis. t'Pride of Richmond. t, BUrt!otl Hn~e, BY. to 10 ,~fir. o red'an . 1'8· orbace faC?n ~n e~: ,Waynesville has been' the g uest of cuv ere<!yester!1<ty (Thursday) aft er RurS.(JlI 'H081', !ly' IIOfI 10, ta m qUI te anum er 0 mcmna~1 h d . ' . ' . .' 'I'h~l' tlte 0111 r,· li ab!.!! brand . nnt fJI ~p, ~ilo ·· ' d ' f' d t ' h er ~1;an mother, Mrs , Emma nOOIl, In l:Iome drlttwl.)od 1l8ll.r t he reIa t IVes an \ rlen s over e. . . . . .' of Fl our we have 'old to. ollr t r,ade 'F ' tit Han:ulton th.e past week. . un.ok of Ih e Dehtwllre IIbon t hlilf It CANNING SUPPLIF.s our . \" 1 b ib th e rd rownm ' . goc. fol' 2fl year. If i:l fl OW 'a, Itf!l!is. . . Mrs. Margaret Burnett is having a Dlle ~OW \V el'O Watermelons ,. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SmIth enter- h b 'j't hit th curred CllI.rl'noe Robert ~on ' of , t lll'c(1 Pateu't( .ll'lour Ulaue rro~ EVlIr,vt.tdllj.t in tU.Aonnllill·g . . ed f h' f ouse , Ulan er 0 across e . . . , F S k f G . ' tam company rom t e city or t tf ' tit M 1<" Ch h deol'lllsed. Mont OUOOllU .llOll fielJI'Y alley nn as rom .ICf)rgm. c h o ice olll wh eat. 70c pe r sac k. Ii LIe. ,ur prI ces rl g11t the Fourt~ . s ree rom e . . "I urc , . J Thin rind, and ,c uttfng fil\e. . Million qUl1rt jl\rs"llfj o do\l,. . . " . . MI'ss Laura ' Wood ' has 'r e'tur'ne"l Ilm~s follnd tlla body. · . ueaches . ] .~A·k f D t ' D'll ' h J; Cltamll1nn 'l'ILbllocn Sprll Y· , M r. r. Har ...... .o ayon wasf . ~ ·t · 'thh' ... ... M Ilgeut setLrob ' Itl:lbu'a nke ptup ' 'h' orne ' . . VISlto WI f' T. er . . ' nod ma.ny . ' pea F allCY e armons an d Alb er t as. ' " , e rR, $7" nU • for t h e too .l'ourth, . .IHrom ' ' a M' tl Sl s~er ., . rs· slnoe the" Ilooident-, . ' , ". ,... . o race ar n~ .. '-1y e, . . .' , , '. C t I • ' . • . 'Legge tt 's purePllris'Oreflll There was 9Ul~ a nice display of B 11 M'll ' . t 'W F 1- h plo took Pllft III It Ill,u oh ,?f the tIme . an e oupes . . . , Fire.Woilkll ·here. •:" . ' thurwle't" I .erCsPI.en 'Oh~ ou t Dyolm!itin' u S w II \19 drag.ging 'YR!I l"ancy Netted Gems - s picy - - -- -50 IL pound, o . . . ·Cmcmnatl " . wIre a IVes 10 . e ma, 10, t ed t I t L)1l "Ul ll t o'· e.If or t was• und "" w"et. .. . Hell t, prt)Dtrllte" tIle nl;rve In '. C ANNED. . GOODS " '. ur. Wilbur Wdson of . . . . ' resar 0, unl ~ .. f> ' . ~. ' . , "A MISS LOIS Wh tak h t d ' T om ' a' toes the summer one needs tnmo to nil'. sPen the week end with home folks .. ' . . . I er 118 .re urne rewa.rd ed. 1l1 last, us stilted . " liet. f he oustloolllry hot weu t u !1 r .N erve \ ' Ohio Corn, 2 can8 150 ," . . .' from a VISIt With her' grandpar nt· Brief tnnerul servicey were hell1 Fanc'y Solid from' Tenll~esee. "St "h I . Y IJ · 'M r. T heOdor.e ,Lilwrence 18 spend· · M ' h . 'b . . . n·n ..., reng. ( ~ pr e8M lon . . on w.l' · Blu~ Stal' Corn. 3 c8Ju\'25c few ' day.. here ealliJig on m .. ec ames ur&:. at. Perry ',thts mOrntn~, by Hev. Mr. . ff1fll ~~tter withlO 48 hC;lUl:S Ilfter. .bA. . Lily the VlIlIey CorQ' 100 inJi . 'd . " -'-- - .Shutt, M. E, pastor, nnrt the r e mai n s ' gm nlDg to take· Rnch n reme Iy .Ill! f nln 8, . . . New Po~atoes Dr. ~hoop's , Rel'tt,orut,lve. If's B,lue Stat' Peas, . acan~ 25c '. , . . . . f Former Residents ' we~e brought to O!!kIL1 )()SII~ to ..<'Iuy . .. , , , . T L 3' . . ~r . and Mrs. ,.~11~ Monf\')rt ~f for burial n.t ' J,lleasllnt Vie v~ besid~ FUllcyWl!ite,' Solid and Ripe, . pro~,it' '!lotlon In rE)stO,r ing t-be - oma~~8; '. cans 2Sc . ' .. DaytOn cam~ ~un~~>: . to 'spend thelr l " .' . .. the ~r~ve!! 01 pi~fent~;8iste .. and thidinest YoU c.versaw. . ;~~~:~e~o~erv":'6~~:q;~~i!\i:l~tire~~ . ..: Pti:m,p~I/iI. , " . l "', ~ntf riO "" Summ~r vaca~jtn With her mother' l ·Mrl! . AqU1lJ~ Mo Uom~,8 m r~e\V. b~other in ltlW. Afr . I::lhlltt IlOOOIO. . Or~nges, stron g in It few dILY!!, hut eaob dRY' . EN:AMELEDWAR~ '. ~" Mrs: Mary ~hs. . . ". Ing her su •• bscrIPti,on to TbeMIlI.m . i po,nied t h e fu l11i)y o.nll oJli()~lt.t ecl l~t . Pineapp.les, .: you oaD Ilctnl1lly feel ·t,b e hnp.rove "'ISS of CinCInnati. IS here G aZ6 tte , MYS:' W e h !lve b ean :,IV. 1 ment. l'hll.t f.lred, 'lfeJeos, Dioe 11 lie , everytuiog . ·D ln , . the . ceUietory. Deceusecl \Vltl:l It p . G' \ '" spirit1ell""" .'. 'A. here m .Cori.: b I . P k 1 arls . reen re~liog will qulokl.\" depllTt when ' to btl foond 10 ,8n .' · . on Witness. . og lD or. er, ~o . ,forabou~ a year, member of th3 A .. <), U. W. ordar, Pure and Prices Right. nsing tb~· Restomtlve. pr Sh<!.o.p's. . anleled ,,~re. " '!iJee '08 Mrs. Floyd· :Andersonan~ ' son· Mr. ~cComasls in very poor htlulth, Ilnd members of O,.kllloolia I:odge \lot lti:ll\torlttlve will 8hlLrpen", 8 fl1lllDg before buying . .C arltQnspentseveraldaysil') Dayton andls .not able to do muoh, The ed.II.Rptlll beo rers. viz Mel:lilr >l. ;T. W. Wafer Sliced Dried Beef appetite : it · a.ids dig~8tlol;l '; ItwilJ ' ' . Fancy Full Cream Cheese . • t It d Kid neys . : Brinlu70ur ProduH. '. · d eath last week ' '.' · 0 f MHlanR U'hI\n dl er ~as · ~ ~hrilder. \Y. A .. Halllllton; Uri l1,nd Everythin Isureng . h en' h .~ ewell ene . a Good to Eat. '"reRt Bh ok to R be • !lnd aes,rt by Rimply 'rebuildlng the· s '. ., Meaars, Fred Harl~ and Jo'railk .. ,0 tlS. emem r us Ar1l.Bliss1J. C. Blevins ltn'! 'Frl~llk Bring us your,. Butter ' & ElC¥8 wo~n-outnervestl1a-t these organs . PAYl~G, l6c FOR~G8 . . Howe Were painting all last week to all friend8." .' Leuch. . . PAYING 16e .FOlt EGGS d eplmrl upon. '.rost it a tew ai\:v,s , . . . . ". .
tained Mr. Edward ' Roland and childr~n on Sunday. MissChenowetb had as her guest her cousin , Thomas Creamer, of . h d I n di ana, on ' S atu rd .y mg t an Sunday. . Miss Bertha and her papa 8~nt ~aturday.m~ht and Sunday ;~~~ CharlesSmlth, of near College I. , Aunt Bet~any Chenoweth spen t last weeK With h er g randda ug hte r Mrs. ,F rank Oook. Mr. Ch~noweth spent the 4th
$,' .
Lebanon. . W Roberts. . J3. Swu,n, was here Thursday Mr. ~lI.muel BeRch. wbo hu beeu Mr. WRS iJrotiler one of l~ lor a house. living at, Okla .• for the paiJt, traotors,wtLo built our . ¥r. 'Mllton" Hadley has a sale rew :7ea.rtl, h .. removed to IAwtoo, aDd was subsequently G.. ....... . , and wHhell an hit hou Okla. Be 881S th., he Jolt ~08t of Oedar oreek while
. down Prof:
htl orope at Hayder b,. the 1l00d loma bridge work.
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"' Banana's',
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Cucumbers, Cabbage, Onions
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Sull~be for the Gazette I .
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.IUL Y 15, l\l O~.
l\1i ~ Eva Ji' unl<cy is vi!;i tillg' ill Ttl SL UG GE RS Uay l II. Ob itu ary ' H Mr, ~lIrl Roltiutl HI Wlltl in Dllyton Of Wayn e TQw ns h Ip as a ~nnd MrH . Etta 1'l'Inl\l WII.' io ~u.ytun llY, 11l8t 'l'llUr~d IlY . Sp l' rl't ed Me etl' .ng E'le c 1 • Th ou gh t Th ey Co uld , Bu -t u1nr ,Y ./i;~tb e r, dnu ghtul' ot' Jm!t!ph 58 .lnll MI·~~ . \V . II . i'1 . "'1 ,. 1 1 LI \\'ill' " th An nu al E.d lib iUo n to "\ Mis r , Til s Uur a Ell iH ,\I' M hum ~ " tio n of 01fic~l'S ey DI' dn 't,- Go od ,I 111111 liver inll' r;,nldlll I'l llntluy . M ·Isinll SlIi Jllt"v ItetlH . WIIS b Sal unl B"ow He ld AU lrll st 31, a~' '" :J1lI 1 Sunlln . o\'n fit n.l1l(>rnhl, Adllll\,; \!u lIhty ~_____ . ,0" Ga me An yw ay 1\11·... LIIIII lIl ol(I I1 He.\' , of Duy f't .lno lon. uul' ,v 22, Mr. 1, U, V il s()~ 1~r\wal'd R cam p home' 1I1ul 11 pflrtoel tbe The WaynE' 'J'ownship ~lIlI{lu, Se pte mh er l ~ vh;j lin ~ hilI' . iAte r, Mrs . J.~VIl I, -,3 ,4" ollrt hl y Il f nt Wnyno;:v\llp. \ un 'f1'oHl Day tnn Mon day. SchooIAfISOc iationhadagood,~Jlil on 'it-! .Iones. I Tlw )o)\Jlg-ge rs. n. COlu hfn~ ti 11 ... -of noullr,~. Ohio . .hm l' : \0 , 1I1Ul eO Sun day afte rno on at t Rev: and Mr;; . .T, P. adwnllad :I. She he 'l'lfl'llll ,Y tbe wll tuh . ru~k er , l' jhnJl plu),el'lol,go t t og-o l.hol 'lullt (1hi o'~ flft,y.eirzhth 11 11011111 Hillte will 1m' w, 're III Day t,on last M nda woe lc, wns the olll >It IlflttllllliJ. Frie nds Wh ite chu rchl. \ y. · nf nin I.t l";lllomuI' ' Ii !:ItOl'6 rilgullirly Ave o IIIIU F,lir tb noll lndn !Ot ri I eXt) sitton will oug bt th o. v or)l1 1d h tlt the ohil dron ,' unl,Y two r.v Rep orts wer e read from thtl cou Lev i Wy~(Jng , wh o has be ' II quit of whom >lUI'ViVll hll 11Ilc1 in 'olu n- Wedoe8dl~Y·. e ' I:ItrO ll g Miami in til ~Il mo uf "lIho ~, Aug ust 31. 1)1111 , hoI', uud the llOtHI uf hulp rll with aC Ule illdi g sUon , is a gl' ty con ven tion held at Ore gon ia in !; II) 1J1l 1'1l l:iBI,t.olllht r I , 2. ;{," at liut 11f t I' tho gllll l th ov l!oo by Mrs. Edi th H~rri~ bllt' rllturuut 116xt, und tidc1 null tl for, tlli Inrgo flllll ily oal1 ~(1(l tho ! deal hett el' . ' E J .'Ca rmo ny, of Lyt le. 11,11'- \'. LIlOO I'tlPUl't!< from thtl t hn.t it wmm 't quito 0 e:ISY. frow Il viSit to her plll'ents lIu)Jerintend. A rep ort from the stat e wnv iu lloll lS uf Iifu to filII An 1'1,\' lljlllll lwr Mrs . Rebel'clI Han dall , uf lJayt.on, en- Morlow cou uty , . Illl~ll uf Hie lIoventot!1I di!ltlnotdepl Tho 'In"ger!l Aveo w ut liO f . ill' UI:!' l1't wal! a wtl' k-e nd visi lul' aL hI! hOll tion was read by Mrs Dodd, and t:!he Willi wor ried io llul' Imren ttll le to ~1'lHl trJ Dllytr)n to get II pit6 her, B, H, Howell ill hllPPY sirJl lIIepts war rltn t tbe pred ictio o tbll ll e r~ horne, Docemb er :.l 4. 1 ti l, ply bo- of J . Will Whi lf'. . talk on "Re lati on of the Sun to 'IIrs y thso omi ng exb iblt lon will • day OllulIlIlIehas new Ford ani MII)'I Hlllloy ,-wh o ill noted us fare ollp hE! bll 8 ~e School to the Chu rch ," was liste II C. MI'!! Eyl er' . Mol ; t,!) thi s 1I111\J1l wor e horn IIon ii A HOllnl.oll , tW11 IlulI ~ I '. ned arlg llt to he: o yor lr.!! predpo s80r8., The b"o dI to with gre at inte rest tor Il:~ Ih orllrfl ... ll(l~t!4ni Mr. III 111 Mu pi tclw r, llIltl tll e.v pitly oll ,100 'l'ho mp- f('u r ~ons IIlul \11111 dnl1~ht , ~\ 1Ll ,,~ hl~ hnuk!ltop. Th r ; tbe ~1111l1l )lre miu m1l 8t hU8 jutlt ' e H relit An able talk wus give n by Rev ., ,.been IsI, ' MrH . R , Jlln e 'ule s spen t s peu the tllU lI\ werA plll .UArl'l onco ' noteof hn,sullud , o hi~dl'p,u tlut.! uine. grflnd. ,mod 111111 sbowl! n thol'ollg t ~ etu L' Ul'llll t.l. Swa rtz, of Kin g's ,Mills, on "Bi . d oll1ldr~m lIurVIV her . Unt il b revillion ble Illlit l3uniJllY III the hom e of U thre e r nlu siliont,iou In ench dep artm MI'. uud Ml' BUl 't Kell ey, or (~in c in nati fol' thoi r c l o \'e rn es ~ . but, who do not yetir8 ago s h a lin d Ilet' I b ent, Stu dy as Out line d by Tea che rs' Tra . pIny r'eg llla rly . IllS nnel ,.ull'1 whi l t,h • premiuU in- Mrll . t)llIlIuel BidptI . was ih ' R'Uc ls hav e been flO l;L uf Ii Mr. ved and with ing Class." Rev. wal tz ill secr M in I";; tl . • few J. K mil es uf Fino lUltle, Inor na ed tlUl t the lI~gregt Mr ,M e. £htll gamtl WII ~ II liood one with Brov n c . .' J.. Idu y I1I1SJ.US t I" turn d .Janneyla.'l l wee ~ . ite IImount. tary for War l'en count.y in thii ldep ·V oun t y, l'b ey t"uen CIiIll O t 0 ofl'o art- fr OUl It ten- duy Visir. WIth I'ell\ e the exo epti rt!d reuc bes the prinoely sum of on tlf th firtlt llllif nud mil II 0"-II Ir I t,i Vll" men ti his talk wus good, lind he Raym und Wi!1i aIllKt)n wen l tit UaY ' I tb 1111)10 WIt I elr d tll1 g b - fort y tuuu - thr. Inst hnlf, ex: In Ham ilton ~o l1n ty . !!unu dollarll. Thih WIll toer, Mrs . UhllrlOI:\ ~ . Bro wn plai ned vtlr ythi ng so vividly lOll Monday. wh el'" he will in that of l UI oon duo ive in brin In th'~ firs t hl1.ling,the IUggMfI I,rie Mrs ' Mal'Y Kindle Car d ha.') bee ging out the n, prob abil ily locale tt W,u,ynCtlville. all followed him with inte l'e. t. . very si<:k, owi ng to an up 'mli on t.O see lltlw nllin y 61'l'l )l'8 .!;m ude st dillp lays of field th ey and gar. co but uld A com mit t e Y/U!'! app oint ,II 1\1 1'. T ill. K Y:!o tl Jlon t I,, ~ t • ' J he ohle~t grllnllohlld , Adl\ Eyl nmIL l)' Ulllk o, nilj t!d by tu is mu 'h b tter now . er, den pro duo ts; the mos t mag J inllt lle Un k in 's nifi oen t 111\n or. · t he ,b O IlI (~ ot' hi!! s n, Mr. 1.1 iI ton hlLving lost her moth~r whe n four can vas in reg ard to g .LUng lip a clas d y 11 btll( gol' ill cen tol' nil .c; typ es of pnr e bred stook and an Mill . Alltlo 'LOU du llg htAr, of OIl Y, lI et. ,lu ys a ir! WIIS rn,isoel by ex. hill' in this bl'anch f'th e wor Key !; >'outll of tOWll her g'rn nd- tensl ve urra y of fllrm k ,LUu , L1l1u~hter of \)1'. unt! Mr~ I tAil t he Millluis t,hl'ol) t,Il11i fltl. 'L'h lind ' sho p , J ohn la. o .'r he c mm itle e was M's dam s m?~ Mis. ~er Q Cal' l'i o Gru th has retu rned l~s her own oh~lu . Fan Iill,L t IIrt! vl!!lt.lug h~l'o ~lu g~c l'!< Illll ~l a one ' ill th eir Imlt bar sllv ing mao hine ry, 1111 oom blnl and Dodd ng ' fl' III a pl e.1san t \'i>!i t. with I he WI h. 8b hlld ul t.ell ox pr6\:!l'. ed , t,o mllk rela ti veR The l'l1 WU8 110llllllg uuiu . e Ohi o's Flli r the equ al of . g but one, Lhllt Sh.ll ~tlIH .ht be spll MIH:4' .l;tonriet.t'l MoK'lUtle , The Rou nd Tab le wa.<; con duc y Wil l! 1\ in Day ton ami lina , roll yetil'fI o f ml~llyso . calledNution two , ' ted gue st 1D , Morro IV t·hro ll urdo l' nnti l tit Illtlt uIExp081'ioDS fUth wee , k uf Mr, gro at l,ly Mr· Loh r, of Lebanon, and Cha ri. 'uolt II, of \Jayt.on. has 0 'U ltI~rnllty, WitS grun totl her , he, III kee ping wit h thei Mrs . J.~ "oK iDs e". w II ' n t,ho Hlllsgel:,' Illlld II r forw ard as usu al r carr ied his helU'ers with him ,'ud • run 00 ~ 'bll~sdI1Y, J 0110 26, sbe visi u"...." bee n hel's fbi' Sev ,'al dllY !1 ins tl'uc (' lTur ti . ted 1\ poli cy of adv unc eme nt the At the, con 'lus ion of the spe akin tman age rs neIg hbo ; allrl :; the nex t mor njn g buv e g Ur. IADd Mrl! Eog sne E'D<lttlr . of 111 the !loventh. t he Millt.Uis nlud I r ' IAdded man y imp rov eme uH ,. ing Will Alle n with his lIew ~uto . h 1 h e nom inat ing com mit tee mad L2lendtlle, wer e. tbe e I ,Il \e WUl.l !!1.rIC .. ' till WIt par a YSIS; sinc e the guest8 of Dr. e Mr. R. H . 'bur oh nnd Il:th el 801 , 0110 , lind ill t,h Blgh th tbey mllde l:!ho reruuin l'llll thei r .rep ort in rega rd to the llmiconsolous dur ini ' ohief~Dlo0108e of the talt ex.hibUlou li8 f Ull new EI1i~ anll' fllulilv hht, WBtlk. ng whi cb are the ar'iali~ I'. o, lUpl ed with some buel plll'Ys tb ,. WI' t h ' ':bu roh o ffi cers an d t heyw ere eee __ ,J uu ..# o, II d tl y Iln d luen . , g cov I 'rbe (l"u oUo ragalnlD ab" I u:'r of W I'll .... Idoll (If Ilnd S, wel'e l'egl~te red .. t tllll () H. :UJ(,i ,.ou\~ good stlOk wor k . ered -... ... wal ke connectiDg 'he var l. ,Bo me reuu ioll last· ' weel. D ~ oousoiommeliA pllssed on Jun e 30 lows: C. M Rob itze r, pres .; Mrs Dr. o..yWD will mtlk .. an addr 8S OUII buil ding s, tbo s .. lnt h, e llls t hlll ma kin , p08ilible in f,it qUI iook .,.11 et see ed like the one '1'l1e Lfldiu!! Aid , 0 iety of 1 p t tb lif "'Wa rd, of Lyt le. vice-pres.; Eliz abe ~ d Il vIsi t e the M, lugg ers would win out, th day at the Millwi Uhl lu\ii oqu e ,..:y on. totb eex poE whe litio a , n n dur lng the erro rtl E Chu roh ptcnioeu 0 '0 the Cha ndle r, sec. ; Misg Evil Davi8, .trea A!I 11 school-g irl 8he bad mallo l'lw n In pI Ill,y wero mario resu si MiMI AUDa U. Bro wn wILli at mo t ino len ent wea tber wit hou ltin g ID ellg of t Mra. Williamson, of Lytle, 8118i8tan ~II:!. Uha rles .liou gb,· lllsf, Frid er U88 of the lim ited edu odio ul1l ay., foUl' ruu s, but not 'eno ugh t Xent.. hlst Tbu red ay Bt$endlng incoDvonience. Thi s Inn ova tion to win . l opp ortu niti etl tb~ Limes will tbe sec i Mr. Ben j. Haw kins , hom e Mis s Gle nna Smi th WIC affo the rded , be bll(bly o.pprfIClated by all gue st ·de· rllDDloo uf 0, S. &nd S. O. WilliuWSOll pitohed ano ther gou IIUI'i1I!, visi tors . d t and tbro ugh out her liCe tlhl" tlbo of her aun t, MI' . Elle n Man ning par tme nt sec ; Mr, Kellison, teac lon, g Imc , on ly BIX hitB bE'lng wed For tbe con\>enienoo bf exh h- The law ily of Mr. 'i' . B, xce mtlde off II CUllteJ of Spr ing ,val ley sevel'al ibit or» ers' trai nin g 'd epa rtm ent sec. ptio nal Inte rest j~ educu.tion, Il!l,well &S day s last hiUl. !::Ita,ley pitc bed The weD" 10 l:lillaboro, ::ssturdI patr on8 a com mod ioU l gen · a nice j(llme, good oon vers atio lY, whe re we~k exe cuti ve was com n Ilnd man ner s tlem en;a oom but thtl he~vy , blWng Miamlll mud - tbey will nlakll 'hai r futu re bom fol't 8taUoD hal heen e. e and efln ed Jiving, !lind willh tb6 posed of Mrs. Dr, Wa rd, Mrs. Mr. Lou .Pl'int2 visi ted his sist ut- ereo ted, equ ippe d wit h toil Sue er, ,teo juic y hit~ oft' of hilD. Mr. !lnd Illil . Will Wh ite bav et and Davis, Pro f Car ey, W. H. Alle e Mrs. E, A. W~ller, of Cen terv . mO llt 2eIll she stro ve to Imp n, ueeD en&ertalDlrtg Mrs. Fra nk ille . 'l'lle gill me W9t1 It nIce Qne re88 l(Junglng room .. , aDd a mod 'l'll ft Sun day , Lou Rays it rain ed ern tODto' loOk the8 e thlngll oJJC:ln her Mr. Dav is, of Mt. Holly. and JIa om on II.t but tbe pro ved ohil dren . sori al parl or, Wit h rris Ilnd tlao shtl lr MII:! tI H; len of tbe Imp rov e Dlly ton. the way 'home. to be the It is sIm ple due to ,C_'oDlPton, of Cae sar' s Cr ek. give llel'!II weu ts .. bove mentioDed win ners io 8. wal k. The soor e · the Obt o by larg e portIOn uf the. ored it Messr ... J. M. Mul ford and Fra nk JOlltltbllO (Jook Ilutooo to, Dliytoo for t~e Sta te Fai r enjoY8 tbe pro inning", WU H n8 foll ows ; 'UllIllIy,IWU took WIth, him Mr .. tlOd ud dllt inc8U00 68 of her chil dre Bra n as very use. tion of being the ndo n with thei r wives passed Lig htn ing and Wind. ful and esti mab le oltlz Mrt!. ::101 U 'oo k an,ii i'llr~ . ....... bel t equ ipPe d er· ens In thoi r 1 2 a .I 5 0 7 8 !l ~' red th rou g h h re lin d ay eve ninlr on Slug gbrs ...... ... 1 0 Wh ite. pos itlou gro und In tbe UDion. 0 0 1 0 0 0 .i - () ro~p eotl \'e cowmllni~ies. thei r way hum e from Bell fon tain U . t t l b In m . Tb torm of 8uu l1/lY af(,tlrlloon e. , Mia Jlli!! '.rhe nUI!UIl I In ..... . daoo .. .... l1sec 3 eres s e g 0 \ 0 .hlLd 0 0 live 0 Mr. ,I. B. Uhapuu,I n s Lurted to 1 -1 . -8 d !I. con sist . f anlo d h 'u was very severE', aull hoth 'I!Khlnl Llbb I tes iH p te .. vl"" sist er pf 'aUi Oa,vis, In ent Illemb,e r of tbe t e exposIt'Ion f rom tb'18 llg Muntllna Ittllt 'J'bu rstla y for " nive rsa is sect ion of 101ld fell the of and win d W I'll prllmh~umt \vltl1 ouo dl~y ",st week, fInd inju red' stat e, tlnd as in add i · ol1uroh, join ed at Cen terv the Ilorso~, Be will be go ne Not es sev eral her left Ilrm tlnd hip, hut is gett iog rain Bighllllld oou nty, abo ot thir ty-fille, tlon to its edu oati ona l In11uen0811 . ive Illoug nl 081y IlOU expeot,s tu be we ek. ' OU,I, .o1·llllg ll11l'Or ~lilt-e Il lilt. ' Tbe ligh Loi ngtl truo ku hll,Vlllllok tber e will be ban d In a few UIJY 8. '1'he yeo rsll go. Wit h a selm on oertit, frlle 00 r'ou No. ~ A Wli the ltuw uf MI'. ~urton Euu hllr empbR- feat ure performllooell con yne8vllle - Hig h bOYlI.wen t c, ~ II\1Y ove r It. by reco inlz ed l, "'_I sizi I ng the d I' tb faj t1 wi b\ i th I of tbe f '06 deo 0 ease d ~hat b MI'. star s, and hotl y 00Dte8ted har n8l Al 'omsLoc k has been in Allk ,.,., 100 IIIIl U eo ORB 0 an I!lIt. re t, no oK' tel: . s A lIo Dllkiu, JlulUlie Dllkiu, Wa lter is but trnnslt.lou to Il high er life, Il wne r . O'h' f •I I ·f II' fe lIuarded by t"e eve rln,s tlng' love d aDd fou r lIr five yard e of fence.ltlt o can hav tlllt thlll 0160e by J1l1ylng Cal" som' a, t:!JllH I.J: alld ,liUl Bel' 10, gllll ,m' t 1e ast ew WIlI race 'e s the to tldVt!r~ll!emllut. amU '" He ays aDd ente rtai o, DO u . ' laki ng in the firs t stoc k for the ban LlghtnlDg also IItruok the hon ee 'of bt this yea r wtll reoo lind care of tbe AIIrd a reoo rd Fllt,ber , tho wor . dou k blt~tel'lI of. t~e day , M1811 Elle u WrI ght of the COllege brea king atle nda Dce from ttll insliLuted in tha t plac e by J , thi. Ooun, NIUe BaweB nea r Uros8wlok, Pl1r t uf thil! dev oted y and fait hfu and f_culLy visi ted frle nd8 ID l N . .1Iittl.l.e lUnd two daDdy hits . Wayoell- Lem mon . He finds , and kno cke d o'ff a fe,.- shloglell, but wife tlnd mot1l8r wits laid awa y .in ty. thi ngs in a hl8 aplt bull ' bad do vill e the firtlt of tbe wee k. -Cl \ - -- - - to be used free ly ' the littl e oem IntO u pI'Olnising con diti n in t hat. ID' 1I"l e &0 dlAmage the bUU8e. etel'Y nOM the old , par t of lind to a pur pos e. ' OODDf,y Dem oor at. ' Ne w Or gan iza tio n. Th, "ln d nor tb the state, h01ll6. ww n blew U. A . B. .. Ptlekoy " Cook cou ldn 't loca te tbe J ... K 11m . and a few of trll8 . 'l'be terr lfio rllio !!tor m tha t tlWe 8 dow n, UAII U 0 ... '£HA N Ie Mr. ,..... eev er, of Leb ano n, tlt bllil Itt uny tim e dur ing the 'l'he ualll>oys had II. meetiDg FrId ~udldate for re.e gam e. lectioD for Uou ntya tbe Wel!teTn ay and !'oo k Will d . Gra bam 'llto bao por tioo of eve oo ning Ilnd ooncluded to play 'baJJ Wll Uom rre'n mii ,Joe slon 'l'l1o mpllon Wilde mor e stoleD er K"V~ tbl!! offi ce a Cou nty We d081 re in 111ed acr ou the l'Oad into 'he this ' met lger way to ber M udll Y Ilfte rnou n litlll·ted bllllll~ fl.!ld. e IlKain. Bar oid Uooll: wal mad e " tha:n onyoDe. lie mad e a exp ress 80lllewho.,t of our app Bal l ont.::harles Lewll! plliCfl was the ore" & nt reolll- busine8 tue fout, of Shu kar Hill hi,t tn tbe t plea8~ntoaH la>lll!rldllY. 8 mll.nllsera.nd Wa lter Sm ith rUth , fltol~ I!econd and tlon lAnd , tblADltfulness of law n, Dearly d~8troyed on tl ralllplig , wu!:!hlng out. Il fOI·t for the unbill Peopltl io Uorwln oun leuv y thir d unti Clll1 play ing man age r. le hom e on an infielu l.Joon~ed help anu 'sym e t4el r foot Iron brillge .nnt,! dest ~ tobaOO&-crop. put hv extent!- , 1'(.yillg it piIlY . WOrK with 'I'be re has 'been loh of "ku ook lll1 on ttoll it will be u.t- bey ood' ropt ell us by !lei ghb ors and friljllds t.ended to, ~i1b " lir.eve We ry tej'n WIj.d in u.galbst the I:;tlll nilsd '. n.y by 'fh , ~ 1 b boy~, we tlre sorr y to SlAY f J' " oonuec~ion with our rece . D nt t. Tiff lI'·eo nt bere\ive- llnll any ,tbe wlltoh IUI~ker, ' , - Ilgg 0 IUllll Ie a · M uM ~ 1$ \01 H tter th W Ite Six O'c lOc k Din ner . ' tbey wer e bad ly dl800uraged I:. Ilu . t:-. n , ·.. kin 's \Vus til "oo rkecr " r." , . " , mel Jt. and __ __ two dllu ' ~ bter but ~" u.r~ived , from thro ngl la few 10YII.I "roo terl l" Mr. '. Joh.n (. Cart U. l"lg E'YI,1 :ht Il1! ANIJ l!'A.I1ILY , cam e hom e OLIU JOS d, 'uj . , ~tltl j,t d M IW E O'N II t' lrt1l1Y eve ning . (tbe uaz ette Ilmong them ) the boy from hIS trip to the Tho usan d Isla I'" r, au rs. . . CI b M s nds, Isrtl tll hilS vnr obnsad' the old 811 en er- and says he had t --IDed in bon or of 'nel r g ues· ..:L.' .-~a good tim e. Joh llom o I arm ers n dec . ided ' to go u IIhe ad OlI ee a.Dd I bo M ' d~ MA li"l!· from s. " gl ve tbe F dD d I t looks'us brow, n as a bert·y. place, and expeot::! to IllLlko S prD g ro, pllblio th~ bllIJ they dei llud ed, . I· ... bls rfbe Wa "' nfl To "ns hl'l' Fhr ~ n as oun . tlltl lr hum ea , e llC)l' ' e, " The I oom . ~' Th l er's mun ity M ' F r Id IlY "ve n nK. J h St Ik " ..' t 'I'be U,>Y8 hav e gott en well und er I' \' <r ~. ~ evt! olng WIlS · Mrs · Roy El.llrt~ook tlnu ~ t . Ulub, · Ulet M rl' Ilre glrld 0 welcom e b'nn r. , 0 ne eI . nt. very , '1~ h Ll , ,,dJl,, , .raly9th~ll,t . ', I v no be>" ween wily " lpe the FelTY dud Wh btl k 0 IllS • ple414llntly u.nd II, generll\ V eru~ K jJ Ilnd:'a-re pl~ying the gam e DOW, ite'y 1 Cor tI n or, wus ot, old hom e bellu tifu l O'.' u .J" I, . 11"'1 of Mr . 'e ey I\U( uug h ter loo d tim e Tltl8, bod by nil: and. foun d dl:l\d in bed 'l'uesdll,V ' lAnd 'if the Boheme of ci08ing on ~prlUgvlllley, wel's gllel!ttl oj mor M·rs . ' IIrl Dub.c . UltUling its f 'lllt· th n relu - Mi es Ola ra Haw ke, Mar Tho @ep teR entw .erf \,M .r. Wtt !t.e ing . N,o det}.nite informlltlOn coo Thu rsda y afternooflll y Haw ke, 1llontl Iy mee tiog . rtio nllb erel :!uu qay uud ,"on day . K'* thro ugh , At JlL~'1 1l IL carn ing Ilis dea tb Alle n 'an<,f Mistl Marla.ull Allell, MiSs Eng lish , of Bad axe , Mie w~s obta inab le at they clln be eXl)eoted to hav e of , Mrtl , Ifrl'd ~!lerw_ood ond dllu ll., 8U 'IlplUOUS din ner wus servotJ. game!! ghte r Aline. Wa terh ouse. and .Mtl At JI the tim e of g(>ing to pr.t!RS. ~prl~g~()ro; Mr. ()~/l .. les Eilt s aild eve ry week. s.,>rs Car l 2 :l\O \ ICe P,reRident Heb • 1.l0r otliY ~. , llnd er Dill 011 11., 1I01l', C~~IU1er · wer e Haw ,wif e, ~t88 )ren s ·L'roul. MItis LUel ke, Ray mon d 'Ol1nel·. and F r_ _ _ '_ _ l:illrold 'oo~ has don e eve ryth ing ld ~ gullllttl ot Mr. Ilnd Mrs., Wli ed the Illoutin g to ord er. :::!il6l'cta lter est Grah~m, com~cs d a UorDell, Milis Ma.rt,btl . O'Nellel l' Y 't At the M, E. Cb urc h, in bls, pow er to get gam es, and par ty t() S, lJ. Unrtwrigl1 t renll and Oha~dler, In D.t.ytou last wee bill t,he k'. the Soldlel'S Home, last Sun day Mr, WarreD H;eY!I. ' mad e u good maD age r,' and it , Ilfter whi ch Mtss Syb il Ht1.wko \ ' ~. L, Wtllll.m80n ot ' Lyt Is le ren· is a.tThey wer e ' cha peru lled by Dr. , hoped tbe ·people· will pull tog ethe , , and dare d 11 pilina Rolu, Mis s ' l tend lDI 'he 8ta tea nd Na.t iona r Blti l Pro nch · e MI'" H. E. Hathcnvay . Rev. MiI\R, trtive)i'n g lIeorettlry ·tlnd , 8up por t him . u:- ke d J tit.. , Rile y guv e tile our rent, eve!lts :. blbl tlon l~(,nvenltUlI at ~olumb fol' for the M E. obllr~b , u8 Mr, antI ,D:K ; The re is just oUe tbln g, bow eve n raC e. . ltbl s week repr8!Jenting J. for tbia dll1Coleman. Mr. the mon th . Mrs, r, Cba Wa s. rren Bltw and ke Tend M· tri o~ , WUI.I ut tbe rwi.K ob nrcb M !. Eii and --,-Bur~eLt, Mr, Cla renc e ' HI tlrti cI" tha t is to oommeuOB the iam e I cou~ ..l" Slln ' un "HO IIlIl Eco nom io" duy e\'e ning , IInl! I,rfluche Cra ne, anc;! fal:f1i1y , of, Dodds, MI's Lalit WedoesdliY, .. d It IlIIR - 011 tim e. The re hal bee.n 8 ' gr_ t, Clau~e Mrs. Euphemia. , wlii ol\ 'oro llgl lt/o rtil Ii, very Hou gh ' lively slon llry serm on. lIlId Eme line Plu nke tt, of J!'tlk Law"oo, . who , wor k .. for , Geo deal of kiok ing on tlli" soore and in, M)ss di~ 6Ilssioll . rg., dllu ghte r Mrs , Matilda. 1:1o It )lrs UlIl'1 Duke Mnl( a lller lIud Sue Orane, of Cincinn DI,~gb,ert.y, wa~ hlto hlnR ',u p, 'III hop ed tba t whe n a g\m e ie ati and Mr. pleatling ~ol o in cOll t-be dau gh\ er, MIlIlIEva DIIVI14,·& clU!!ion. 11le tUlls.Lola and Ml";i D. L. ·ran e llnd bQrll8 kloked tum ,In tbe face, IldvertlRed for 3 :00 P. M. tba t Di nn er , Pa rty SOli IiJlhan Hltlel·inl( IItlj buc Zen Mrll. EVIA Jon es lind ~\Ii 'lie ournocl tu Uleet iu a Ada. (.we re tlu~ g.uests of MI'll. Ern ily doh~. ItUle,!i" mag e. gam e '!V,tlI ~ommenoe at 3 ;00 P. M. . Cra ne, Fur nlul leli ve fo~ tbe Fr'" ukU n Chau~ A 1I1(u st wltb Tb'e hon es 'in thlH lOO8I1'y bav Rob ert, CoU t-at Imd I of 'Dod ds lu.',l Sun day . Rem emb er, tblll : boys, . and . all e ' . ha d. ,f,ilmily . " \a f ilt ki I i t.auqua I,he lllt teq mrt of • ¥r .. will Bnd feel like 8up por tlug Y'lU . Mrs ., ' ~Il~-:'l ,or . Geo rge HaWke en.• • • weok, c n~ p~OP!l . ,n ~b e face .... I! SDmmer Wo rd hilS just 'rellOhlld tbe tert llin ed for thei r son Fred . , llol'e from l;Iere for the TIlu r8d ay hll.l f hoil , W Ik' I\. sma ll De ath of Ch arl es Pin e f , F . pllr ty I:)und"v at d. iDner. 'i'ho , a, 'JO g or . un . Mr. and Mrs . E . V. 1iar nhll rt, se day , aDd ror the Nat iona or who 'l l : gam - - -........__ ._- 'e, pl'e sen' t wer e: Mi8308 Syb il reache~ thol r' deBtlDllt,ion, 'Den k~, Wh oop 'er up. ,--. .--- -ver, ' Cha rles l?ine, resi ding on Luoile Cor ne" , M~ry nav l8; Haw ' A Su nda y · D.n ner , the upMe88r8. 1111 rjgh t, Ull t wer e dllitlyed un rou rAl~t Wodnl~sday eveDlng ?tlr. --,M" Ray mo nd Dav is and Em te per Spr ingb oro road .died Mon mo· , r Bli ley day . , for a.bout six hou rs, lon hC90Ull (Jook, ,o f the, Pro otor ",nd (~aml?l Gr ang e . Meetmg. t of Il ,aft erno on, ()f Brigh~ dise l''' r, • ase: At, !:ioft.l'oompIlny Ilnd Mr. . wtlllh . u~t , Mr. , aud L. Mrt\ D. Mol1o. 'tim e of goin g to pres s nu . . ' , Wa lter Ola rk ente , people Ho me Bo ys Ma ke Hi t" fun eral ra, Ctlshltlr of Mllforc . r- Tbe ' ,al'r t angemen of l:ln.rveYliburg wlll tam ed very plea san tly at n dmn , Nn.tlol)a.l the re will be " mee&tnj of 'he t.c; had been mad e. tlOpa er l baV tlIl. Obl luoe tuha velh ,-, " d t E' I ' elrW ~ 'Ill'e 810 hea !. a 6ra til ey S EII\ tl ng Sun day th~ followill&' persons: M~'l Dge ' Dext Sasurda.v e.eD tD" . ___ _ boulle, Tbe yw ere enr unt ilon foo Llred In goOO sha pe by sen ding Cl~LeWI8, Mt an~ Mrs, Cha rlesrept All t mem ber l a1:8 req uelt ed 'w be "Pe eke y" Uoo k, A~ DalttDlj.nd them t\ from Mtlforp! Yel!uw Spr ings , l.'raWro.M Per Clark, Mr and "Mra. Marion Cla rk, Tiff to ~lemaD'. Itov e lltore ' aB ' pre HD Pa ris Q,reen '. ry play ed 'bei r firs '. .and pro bab ly 1,0 BellfoDtalbe, fhey .&lDe wit any the wa~maker wiiI' be Mrs, R!u:hel Lan e".m iMr , aD,d ~ra ~,L . Wil h Lab lilim auo ion n ot 8ulU Lyt lay, le ie ,gen_ I wer e In.l ood condUlon aDd , the re eYftl'J' We dne lda ,. All wor whUe her e mad e a Kre ll bit tile k anl apD ' fur lAt leW e pur e Wm. Carmont. For Sale reW iiht he'a ul par is and ma Ylo " hee lltir e, dllta l~nDt8ed, Doe tat . Th. Leb auo n&e uP We pee DaD 4 'be obamploll ~~~r, ate 4E1 Dp 1.1DI tbe jODtD tD eall1."~.. Mtlls bf alO ;ON .pf 8 to t.
I' I
Mrs. H.
... ...-- -
The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. WAYN ESV)[.Lg,
Subway for Moving Sidewalk., S rap·lulll glng In street IIrs nnd t.he allD tlral can "esUou of Interurban Ira· .el wil l b Sl all end If t be Im'enUon of a N w York man, who Is ba kcd by Ilromlncnt l,apltallsts of tba t cit)·. proves as s uccess(ul as Is anU Ipated. Attrac ted to the conditIons at Wo Brooklyn brid ge. ".. 11 re dorlng tbe ra8h hours tbe tracUon companlos en· deavor to tran sport 60,000 I)RSsengere an h our. wIth fa cilities wblch 45.000 tu fo th e utmost. h e evolved a • cheme based to an lItent on tbe m o\'lng sIde wal k wblcb WItS a feature of th e pier at !he world's fair at Chi· eagu In 1893. Ills Iclea, explains the TechnIcal World. Is to eQuip the Brookl '"1l brldgo ~~lth a se ri es of fi ve movIng platforms. one ' within anotber, ~e out"r one would travo l at the rate of three miles an hour, the second at alx miles an h our. the thJrd at nine ~d the fourtb at twelve. Tbe limer one, ~'blch he would operate at nrte~ miles nn hour, he would bave eQulplle ~ wtlh sea'ts. each holding halt a dozen persons. To step trom one plaUllrm to anoth er wblle both were In motion 'Would be both sr.fe and easy. With this lIYll tem of pl.a ttorms, movIng In one direction on one side of the brIdge and baok on the otber. the In,.entor claims he can tranlport 174,000 ()8reons an hour. As a n economical method of transportatlon, the promot· el'1l dElclare that th ere would be · no motormen. coaductors nor brakeme n to pay and that the expense' for power. repaLrs and operating torce would be less than for any other system that II ID use to·day. Tbere III always something fa sc1nat.
1nI1,- myslerioul about the government secret service. The men engaged "nder the chief are not known to the publlo at large eve~ by nnme, and ODe'. next-door nelgbbor may be • ~ret sBrvlce agent wIthout one hay· Jug any ,usplelon of bls occupation trhe aeCI at servIce bureau Is attaobed to the t.reas\ll1 department and Is maintalnc'C1 for tbe detection of coun· terfelters and for the protection of the perBon ot the president. The mell are «nployed, however, by other departmenta OD a confidential requisItion · from the head or the department. If the attomey general or tbe soct"etal'Y of commerce and labor needs · detecUves-each hall needed them In recent lI1't'estlgations-the secretl),ry of the treasuty has Bupplled the men. Tbls pracUce or dl vertlng tbe detectives nf tbe treaaury department from their proder work' wB8 objected to In concresa ,Dot long ago, and an· attempt ".. . made to prevent,'It. It tbe seCret ""Ice men become mere detectors of CIOuDterfeltel'1l. much of tbe popular laterelt ·I.n tbem w1ll disappear.
The report from Mo'mbasa, BrItish East Atrlca, tbat 40,000 !leaths have reo eDIted from famine In the provInce of o.oga In Ugandll 'furnlsbes an llIustra. tion of the perils wblch sttll confront the dwellers "n the dark continent, Dotwlthstandlng the progress made In openIng up that region to clvlllzat19n. 'I'/le neWB also' recalls tbe frequent ex· ()8r1ences from tamlne In -IndIa, In both localities the causes are practl. eatl,-, tbe same-failure of usual lIOurces ot rood supply and Inability. owing to lack of t.rans{IOr-tnllon. faclll' tIeS. to t each and reileve those In dire D&ed. One ot the 'great functions 01 advancing clvf1lzatlon Is to equalize the oPIl!lrtunlil,es for s~c urlng the ne·C' eSlarles ot life. The famous label. "Made In Gel' many." may 600n with propriety be put Oil a large part of the rerores~ed Ad .trondaok mo~nlsl1l1 area. The .Btate of New York bougbt 950.000 seedling trees from German nurseries this year. aad Is planting lh6se wblcb: are thrE~ yeara eld In the treeless dlstrtct6 . Those which ar'e only two years old·. bout hal! of the number-Will be J)laiitecl 'In, to remain a y\!ar betore tbey are set out permanently. Tbe Germans sell the tbree·yea.r-illd tr.eee at about the rate of tnur for • CIeDt. and tbat is one reason w"y . the lta~ sent thfl or~~r across . he ocea~ The langu age manufacturers now baVfl the job or Inventing a term to desc ri be the mnn wbo runs an a!'TO' plane. "$ky·pllol" would not be b~ If' lt werc .orlglnal j but It w1l1 hardly be fitting' to take a lIccond·hand terll1 lor f!. vocation so n~v('1 a.nd · darlng ' Anybow. It III. to be boped that the re. .ul ~ will not bEl to borrow a word from ~ torelgn Jail Silage tlral reully meanll IIOmet hlnlf els . OUt In 10'A'n tbere I~ an editor whf wIshes to know wh elher il wldowE\t wh.o dyes his whiskers r'la lly fools .nybody. He l)erbap8 tools >lte sao!!! P'ffiple !Vllo ar fooled by the bald. beadpd man who 8llc!ts a wIsp rrol1J &II...Ide aero.. hIs dome. President DelJjamln Jde Wheale.. of . . . UnlveTilty (If Callfonl. baa bMa ._I,.ltlKl .a TJllIOdore Rooae,elt pro. .fMIor ID n ..rlln fol' 1101 by tile tn•• .... or CoI ..mbla ad Iw
who BOught to Instill Ililto the hM" ccild a. I rile de\',ol Ion I" Got! ii.l1d to ker p him tree from th ai\08 tll le on(lf tlo ns all aboult.. Tbls wa, III r Daon h e had ebo en the n8.lDt' MISSES' FIVE·G9RED EMPI'RE .Juel and why h so carelrlllly lllrt.ruct· SKIRT. A SI"'7 of One of .h. Prophe.. 10 t.M (Od lh lat! lu th hi story r Hill 11 ollIe Kinadom of Judea. of I sra el, polnllng out (:rlr tully' how God 'lI IlI t'sR lns had been Ilt.on t"e. na· BY TP.E "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" lLcm wbll It ob y d hUm. but tbal PR£ACHER w.:Ien tbere bad been lurnlcg rroru tbe lJu.t hway or obed ience to God's .t1w th '!re hatl been national dls aai t. rhu a early Joe l I arn d to IIs~ocl a!e Scriptu re Authority-The Book of prospe rity with good nesil alld 10 bold .Joel. Ihe d ep conviction that the on Iy Maf", The Prophct J oel.- A ';",o.."hlp r (')f .Teho""h," 1It1 hl~ nllmc mCllnl, w as til ... flrs( rond tal' allY one. to t ravel Wfi S the way p roph .. t 10 J Udah. his period of Itlt lll~ lry whi ch was mark d out by the sign· comIng probably In til "clgl1 of K ing posts ot tl'llth and I'ls ht . oll sues ~_ J Ollsh. aboUI 870 B , C. HIs flit her 1' 11.8 And 1f the moral ten.: hl ngA of Ills PCl hu .. 1 and trBcU tion 'tS8 1 ~n~ him to the trl bo of Reube n. Il l. prophc y Is rOIll- fnth er weI' ImprCl!slve and Bound. cer· prl sed In t hrce short Chll pl('\'f! und I • ta lnly severnl e xp rl ences hnd cnUlI! "pre- rnlncn tly \lu re. b eing (' hl,rnclc rlz cil With peculiar' shnqmess to drive h'lmQ b y 8 ~uoth n "" nnd fl uun y In ,·h), lIlm. th e truth s thus tnug bt. It wus Wh6~ a n d r oundn CM!I In Iho s e nte nces ." It Olnbl ncs tho strollgth of of Ml c"h. th o t e ll - h wa s a mere lad s a rc Iy old enc'lIth der nellll of .Il·r amlall . t ho ,· I\'ltlll ~ ~. of to b Intms t d with the Importan t ~r· Na hum n nd Ihe Mubllmlty of I HlIlnh. Th e rand up on w/llch his fa th e r bad ,,,nl Judgm nts of God Het forth In th e Ilr.t hIm. and ye t one whlcb th exlgent lell two chltpt .. r. merge Into a declnrnllon of overn' hc lrntn g j udgm e nls UlJO II Juduh'" oC th e case de manded. fol' Ih r~ WI1ll Paris Pattern No. 2431 . A 11 Seams li n ml e8 and th e ui ubllsllm nt "lid 110 one e ls to 8 nd , and: word hlld til Allowed.- Any of l hfl ihln s umm!;' r prosporlt )' of Juduh forev r. be taken to the prIest 8.8 q ulc kl Y Oil materluls In wool or wash goods m a'ke possible concern ing a c rtal n pollUcal up ohurmlngly In thlll sty I... It I:; trials wbleh bad ari sen. Itathel'~d to th tal' of 0. bri lt of two· SERMONETTE. Full of the consclouSIH 88 of the Int· In oh webtllng and ·fall s In ru ll folds r-ol'tance of his e rrond. Joel trudg d rrom tbls ),olnt to th'3 ankles. Tw o for th, his d yout lItUe hea r t expund· Ivlde bands or lillie In th same Or Drunkenne .. a National Curae. Ing with th thought thnt he WIIS to. a cont rasting s hude or used 0 8 11 -"Awake. ye drUnkards, and see and talk with th e priest. th sllrv· Ir lmmlng ond tbe sk irt closes at lh E' weep: and howl, all ye drinkers ant at Ule mOBt hI gh God. It !leemlld ~ e nter· bllck. Th pattern Is In t hI' P of wi ne, because of the new 10 blm that of nil tblng!1 In the world ~ lz e s-1S to 17 years. For a miss of wine; for It II cut off from your he would like to be- It: would be a · 16 yeo rs the skirt teQul1' s 6% yards mouth." A people given to JII'le st servl n~ at th alta 1', and readIng ' f mnt rial 20 Inch es wide. 3 \4 ynrd8 .trong drInk nevor c •.n "lake a tha 'WonderCul scrolls of tb e prophets 36 Inches wide. tbre yard8 42 Inch cf! Itrong n.tlon. . c:mcernlng whIch h e bad! he ard bls fa· wIde. or '2~ y ards 64 inchetl wId e: Intomperlnoe I. nearly alway. ther speak. He wondc rcd whllt ~e ve n~e lghUr s Yllrd of wtlb bln g lwn the forerunner of natlonal decay. the priest would say to him and Incbes for staY' b Il and 1~ yanl Indulgence In atrong drink de· whetber be would have, Ume to tell )C sill, 20 Inches wide [or billS bantls . Itroys the moral .tamlna of a him any of tbe wonderful storiel To procure tblll pattern Bend 10 c ntll people and make. them an easy which bls father hod tord him tho to "Panern nepanm nl. " of Ihls I)Ilf)f'r. prey to theIr enemies. WrIte name and Ilddre!8 plllinly, ttl\c! b prle~t knew. The drunkard wlll laorl1lce lure to gtve 81lte and numb" r of pa ltern. Such was tbe current of hl!! everything on the altar of hla tbougbts as thtl sturdy lltlle tellow pa ..lon. Note In the prophet's NO . 2431. .SIZF. .... ........... .. reached the door of the pr:/est and arralynmen\ of the drunkard. knocked. No respon se emile. ond afte. NAME .. ............. , .......... .... ..... . .. .. of the nation the only rea.on a long walt, and repeat ed kn ocklngll. for their dl.tre.. and remora" la he timidl y pushed the door aja r ana TOWN . .... ... .. : . . , ........... ..... ...... .. . the cutting off of their .upply looked within. . of wine. Tho perll of the naSTREET AND NO ............... ........ . C There on the floor lay the maudlin tion, the dllhonorl!1g of her form of the priest, whl' l e beside blm S TATE . . , .... . . ' ...... " .................. , . womanhood, a .nd the en.lavelay the j8r from which he bad been ment of the chIldren were •• drinking, tbe red liquId flowing out nothIng In comparlaon to their over the stone floor and looked tor all conaumlng panlon for strong the world like tbe dark I'ed blood from ::HILD'S SET OF SHORT CLOTHES. drInk. the veIns of the (allen man. Wltb one The recent declaratIon of the wild sbrlek of tear and excitement, Brewera' .a.oclatlon on the vIrtbe llttle lad fted. tues of moderate drInking and He saw the men come In and Uft decry}ng the evlla aurrou!ldlng tbe torm to tbe couch; he noted thj\ the drInk tramc' wculd be IU\). contemptuous looks nnd shakes of the Hmely rldlculoua wore It not 10 Ileads. and be understocld just enough diabolically Inllidious. "Modera· , to know tbat the priest wail drunk. tlon." Why tllere II no lIuoh Such was one ot the early Impression! thing all moderatIon ' when It which had come to him to sbock hla comes to , Indulgence In IItrong religIous sensl hllltiea and make blm drink, . a. every nation hll wonder ove r and over Ilgaln bow one leuned to It. 10rrOw When the wbo was !n the Lord's sen'lce could trafflo haa, been permItted unre· fall so law . • tralned operation. From the Other Incidents occuned os be grew ranks of the boaated moderate Into young manhood which made him drlnkerl are oon.tantly being rere nllze the corrupting Ii nfluences tbat cruIted the deapl.ea wreck. of were at work In lbe "nallon. Iilve:J In . the army of drunkard.. Drunk. ,tile sc.h ool of the prophets wblch ' he ard. are . not 1Ilway. made In a ·had by dInt of hard work and earnest gcne~atlon. The leed .own by effort been permItted to enler, be the moderate drInker may not I found the corrruptlng Infl uen,ces at bring forth It I fruitage of ruIn work. tbe teachers tor tbe most part through .trong drink until the I being more or less dominated by tbe thli'd or fourth gen'e ratlon, but loose mond and political condltlon9 brIng forth III fruItage It dOe8, which prevailed. And because Joel Ind the moderation of the father . beld hImself . ~oof from parllclpatlon or gran'd fathe,r gives. place to the in any of the frivolollls cQnduct of unchecked pa.. lon of the ohlld. tboBe In ottendance upon tbe scbool, "Therefore, alllo now, lalth PariS Pattern No. 2425. All Seams the Lord, tum ye ever to me ,I he' aroused the enmity at his teachers and classmates, being dubbed a bigot Illlowed.~In maklpg this dainty set with all your hutt, and with and a narrow·mlnded Cool. . 'f short clothes for t,be smnll chtlll: flltlng, and wIth weeping, and Th& crlslll came one day when he tbe best materials for Its dev e lopment INlth mourning; and rend your would 'not belp forward plan8 whIch ue batiste and Jaconet. The drawers heart, and 110t your garment., were dellgned to pollUcnlly strengthen Ind lbe little petticoat (which Is fosh· and turn unto the Lord your the priesthood. but whlcb was notblng loned with a very full skIrt attached God; for he la graclou. and me .... .! less than a compromise, on the part of to a waist) are made' of the jaconet; clful, .Iow to anger, and of great the prlestbood with the evil which was the former finished with a rutHe ot klndnells, an!f repenteth hIm of fine embroidery. The simple lItllo . rampant In the nation. . evil." The \lf~ . lIne of mercy and I "Then there Is n~ future tor you .ln ~res8 Is gathered Into a squllre yoke love let dO',fYn out of the ga'lterIng storm of, j\ldgment In the !.b e priesthood," angrIly declared tht: )t all'over embroidery. ftnlsbed with a hope that lome might repent · officials of the schools. and It becom· narrow edgIng. nnd the slea ves are and be . saved. Surely our G.od ,Ing a cholcEo' at l·ieldlng or beIng drl"eg ' gathered Into tight bands of' similar does not desIre the· aeath of the forth 'bomejpsK and trlendles'i 'wll embroIdery ·and edging. The prelly little Dutch cap Is of the batiste ; the wicked, but would have all men chose the latter. come unto a knowledge of the What was 10 become oC blm he ' did' turn ed·over piece edged wIth fin e truth and' be .aved: not know. He . knew that ,the regular lace ; and the rosettes and ties are ot cbannels at religious servlce.,were for- whlt~ or col~red rlpbo.n accordIng to ever closed against him, and· that fe w tas te. The pattern 18 In four slze8THE STORY. If any In th e nation wCluld sy mpathize one·halt to three years. 'For a child with hla severe vIews In reference to of two years the dres8 requires 2% tile re)lglolls life at the nat Ion . But y artl!\ of material 27 Inchell w1de, 1 'AI 9D'S ser.v ants are alwavs fitted In sc.hoOIS- ~ecullarlY adapted to prl?- he. ha~ the comfort of the memory at I'ard 86 Inches wIde. or 1* yard 42 pare for the speCial service It Is de- the loyolty ot, bls fathier to God. and Inehe,s wide; 88 Illustrated three· .algh.t hs )'ard 'ot lill·over lace Ie Inches aired shOUld b'O rendered . Uncon. he felt strengthened ' as lie recalled bls wltle and yard of edging. The teacbhigs. . Bclqusl,y perhaps the life moves for. "T am In :Ood's bands. y' will walt, pettlcoa( neeils .' 1 ~ yard 36 Qr 42 "fard to the pOint wherl~ the peculiar Incbes . wide; the drawers need three. tX:!.ulon to whIch the life Is ' to be Bette, to perlsb nhldlrlg his wIll than fourths yard 36 Inohes' wide, or onc· r.alled Buddenly . opens , up. LIke · a to come ' 'to eaBe and pro:lperlty half .yard 42 Inc;hes wIde; t% yard 'of dream p~rhapB seel)ls the call to the through transgression ot his 1:1 wa ed,Blng. The cap' needs on o·hill[· yard ' new mlrilslry. and . yet as the back· sUher in letter or in spirit." 20 Inches wl~e, or one-fourth yord 36 ~ard glance Is taken the one thus Thus he walled. lind IInde~ t.h e ball Incbes wIde ; flve·elghths yard of rib· caBed Is forcl bly struck hy the fact Usm at ·the ·flre' 01 persecution tbat bon for ties: 2'h yards Clf nano'w that the events and e xperIences Of life· ,r aged about hl1I.l b e calne I~to that ribbon nnd olW yard of edgIn g · to trIm. have peculiarly fitted for the new rich elt,erlence which prepared blm procure. this puttern ' send 10 ~a nts wot'k. Stich conscIousness ' of the for the prophetic meB~ge whIch he ,toTo·.'Pallern De")Qrlm~nt. " of thlll pllper prov id entIal leading and prepuratiou was .called of God to d eliver lal er. Write name nnd" nddr'clIB ' pltllnly.. ' anll ' be for ·a work Is certill," ' to deepen the "It Is ' well." he exc.1 ld mEld. "It does ,ure ·lo giVl! sl~ a ~nd number ot patlorn. consecration and to give Inspiration pay to fql\ow Ood lind to tlpeak ·tor tllO . work. .lylnl: just .ahead : . . hIs me.3sage." NO . 242&. SIZE ...... .... ... .. .. "Let ' us call ~ll& name Joel. ror ao NAME .•• ~ •.• : .............. ., ... . ........... . ; ah AlI h e be n worshiper of J el,ovah ." The Conferenc6 . Thlls spoke Pethuc l. ~he futher, as TO~N ..... ... ........ ..... ... . ............. . . l1e . took hI s II tlle son to tbe priest to "This Is a grave mall ter," Degan the' h,a v (he J ewish ceremonIal Ic'w ob. unile'l'lllleer. " , . S'rRE IllT .ANI? NO..................... ;·. ~ervM and to gIve to the lillie life onseqllcntly we ' want Dlore light ST,ATE .. . ..• .•• ..• •.. ..•.••• , ••• .. .. •.. . .• . . t he nnDle that was to becPmt) greut tIS th rown lI(1ou 1.1." s' mllll'ked the . lamp the 'a,OCO Ulltfllg of God l'ec koD,s great. manufacf.llrl\I'. · . n e"fl. . "I hOpe 0111' vi ews ·wlll all be In hal" Cutting. Wheth r there was aoy thO llgllt In man}' wIth tbe occaS~bn." put tn the Patlence-I'\' e . been cleaning InY the bellrt of tbe ra t.her 1\8 he stoat! llionomnker~ . rtn gs all morning. be fore l.he altnT at Ihe , time 'Jt tl,Je "No pI pe dreams," admo..l"·AI'. tbe ' Patrlcc-I d,onlt havo ' to clean my cl rcUluC\slon of hili ~Oll . t llal Ihe babE: plumber. ·own I'ln ~8. would one day be called to th e "I hope whatever I~ 8814. llUUII "IiI "No? Well. I .suppose Ih ey'd cleUD' propbptic office alld would come WIUl take It 111-," .mld tbe doctor. . mine at the liawnbroker·s. too. It. I hIs mes sage of Judgment and ot prom. "Then we'n all be 1!(00d·natu"":1 1lD-t ha~ them there! "-Yon.kers Stat(,BIse to Judah we may not know. Cer~ r,ot uk, C1'08S' quesUonB," BuppJlmeut. man. lain It III tbat tho father never IoU. ed thl) lawyer. . With Good " ••lOn, mated any SUch rhou,ht to tbe boy But It'waa the rema,,!: ot thll baiter A elrl eeaeraUy iOlIllJ conftdeDce ID libr dId he lJ1ake Iny elfort to direct 'whlch broke up lbe m~!etlD& bereelf If Ihe rani to make a fool of & tIlellte III the cbaDDels whIch woJll/l ''Wliat 1 wut to IbIn · after 8)1e b.. ~ him tbl ' l~ • .,.I"" IIU l preP1U'8 t~r • reJlsfoul ·be deCJarecI. "J.
at hi
Practical Fashions FOUR TASTY SOUPS
I l
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'~"~~'l.~,,!~IJt Ute C!~I~.::·
PREPARED ACCORDINt. TO 'tI\OST APPROVED MANNER . f:lear Tom ato Perhaps the Most POilU Iilr of AII- Cre,l m of Sweet Potato Soup a Popular Southern Delicacy. I ' 0\1' T omato Soup.-Add a 1.llIt dr wal I' to II cun of lOlnatoes a nd lila ce In II BnllC Plltl . :Gllt Into di ce one oarrot. on onloll . olle IlIl'n lp ant! one wh it flotato ; put two nunces of \Juli e I' In th e fryIng pl\O. Add Ule pre pll l'('d vcgetllbles and toss I\bo ut until s lightly brown d. thell slll' them Into Ibe hot tomuLOfls, ad lJlng a stall at celery or' a \,lua!'t er at a tenspboll I of c le ry s d , and boll 4[j min utes. Hemm'e from the tIre and strain. Sea · son with II teas poonful or salt and a saltslloonful of whit e flepp er, and tben stir In two tah les poon fuls of butter. Sen' In UOUIllOll C Il\'5 willi toast d c rllckers. reule Vegetable Soup.-Wash Bnd cllt Into thin sll.c es half a doze n good sized okras. Place lhem III a saucepnn w:lh a pint ot stewed tomato es DUll a ile thin ly s li ced onIon. O\'e)' lhe wbole wIth two Quarts of cold woLe r and alrnm I' fo r t wo h01lrB. Add two teaspoonfuls of salt. a saltspoouful ot !lef)ller. and two tablespoonfuls ot but t el'. Wh n lbe butter Is dIssolved stir in a tablcl?lJOonful of mushroom catsup and one tablespoonful of cbopp ed green awe t pic Id es·. 'Serve wllh lrlanglcR of toasted hread. Puree ot Lima Deans.-Cook oue oan of lima uanns In 11 pint of sa lted waler, adding n tnbleRpoou ot grated onion. a bay leat. n blade ot mace. and t hree whole 010v8s. Wben r ed nced to a pu Ip 11I'e1lS tbrough Il fine sie ve. Return to the fire and stir In two corree cupfuls of ml,lk and sell· fio n with hlllt a spoonful of salt and dush ot cayecne. Tblcken with , one tableSlloon of butter and one of flour r.ubbcd to a paste. If tUag It jus t I"~ach tbe boiling poInt, to cool( the Dour. Serve nl once wlt.h tiny cresceuts of trIed brend. ream of Sweet Polato Soup. -Thls south em delicacy Is made by peeHng ~Olll' s weet Ilot:1loe8, coverIng wI t h boiling wnter, and cooking flve min· utes. after whIch they should be c1rained and thll woter th.rown awny. Then cover ' them wltb 'one pint at boiling water. adding a slice of onion, 1\ sta lk of chdplled celery. Ii bay leaf, and a plnoh at tllym . Cove r nnd cool. until tbe potot.oe are tender ; then press them through a colander. Add one Quart of rome and turn Into tbe double boiler ; ' rub togetber two tablespo~nflll s of but t e r and flour; add , to. tb e SOUIJ and coole until smooth ; soa· son with a tE,aspoon of s alt and a dash of cayenne and strain through a fine sieve. Rebeat nnd stir In two tah 1estlOontulB ot thIck cream. To Clean Lettuce. When c~anlng lettuce one orten finds tbnt eac h leat III coYel'ed with a lot of tiny green bugs which It seems Imllo~s!ble to r emove. It Is & great tlmo saver to wasb the le ttuce In cold wa ter first to removo It of dirt. and then tnlee wa te r ' as hot as you can bee.r tbe bands Itl and place each leaf of lettuce In the wate r and shake It 'oround ' In tbe water several tlm'e s, You will find that the bugs wllI loosen tbelr hold on the lettuce and will reo mllln In, the water. 1t the watter be· collies cool I1dd some more hot water, as the hot water Is a grcnt denl more errectlve than COld. After the bugs are al\ 0Ir the lettuce replace It In cold wa· tel' for a shol't time to renew 'tbe crisp· ·ness. Rotation C3ke. One. two. three. rour cake . ot. r~ta· tlon .c3\e. as It Is 80metimes caHed calls for the followIng Ing redJents: One cup butter. 2 cups sugar, 3 cups lIour. four eggs, 1 tenspoon soda and I cup sour cream . Crenm the butter !lnd sugnr. lieat tlte eggs well and add to the mixture. Deat In thoroughl1 hnlt of the flour, theu stir the sodll Into the cup of sOllr creom. allowing I( to foam over Into the mixing bowl. Beat tbe r est of the flour. Meg Dod's rul e of giving 200 beats to every c~e tbe last thing befor e putting Inte lbe UVIlIl Is an excellent opa.
Blueberry Slump. nrln~ berrIes to a .b oll and sweeten to taste. Mix a dough as follows: .T wo CUl'S flour. two even teaspoons' baking powder. one teaspoon salt, and a little sligar. MoIsten with mll.k or wai er. or b~tb. unll\ the consistency of dum!J)lngs. and drop Into tbe boll· In~ berries. Coo.k about 15 mlnutell anll serve hot. A llow a teaspoon or baifl ng ,powder for each CliP of flour whe n making bIscuIt. · dumplings. flap. lack,S, et(1' ,: TO .' Serve Tomatoes. Take, sntall yellow tomatoes. ·relllove skIns cal'efully. nut Ih,en1 In the ' hle ' ('hest to I!:et c!)ld wltbout freezIng.' M~lt . a bed of crisp, wh\.t e leaves or I tluco and arri\1) ~e tom ntoes In unlrortn orde r on Ib is; Oye l~. all IIprlnkle' [l little p/lrsloy cho pped fi ne . Serve wl~h Frcnch . dl'~Hsjn g. Acp.1ragUl: Fi'lUerti. !I'!\lw n thick sau~.e with ono·half cup .or 1Il1l1." onq I'tl llnd lu(J tableSlIOOn
or butter nml on. 'Qu:lI'ter cup of ft01ll' Stir In one 0111) of cooRcd nsparagtla Ups nl1(l cool. Add one beatQn egg and '!Ool! on n bot butteretl" grlddle In lJil" 11 ea Ites. . .
Protect Sheet Cornor., To prevont Iheet. from tearlul; u. tlle comers wbla baaglnlt oil the IIDe · GIl & wiRilY Gay .Uteb four or of 1D&4,hlale' ItstcIJllJlI 41&1_11I1J.
Tr'l MlSr'ne lye Remedy For Rerl , \\'... k~ Weftry, "atery E,. l.'nr;"" \)oe~n 't Smnrt- SoutheH Eye I'"jn . All Dr ugj(i ~ t" '('11 Milrino ot 6001ll. TIlt! 48 r npc> I:nlll, in ea It PI.p:. iH "","·t1.1 Dollar. ill .'"cry h"I1\(·. A .k your Dl'lI\!1f1st. M ul'ille Eyo R emedy <.;0., (;b,c)l!o. Dust and Gasoline. . .. , hUll to 5CU illY uuto. but I hav en't n l l ,, ~(' d It Il Y y l." '\ lI o w'~ IJlat !" " \' IIU ~'u n g t !Iloal o.f Ihe l enSI!> L1 Qns by cleanIng rugs."
A Remarkable Recovery. Mrs. Frank Stroebe, 'R.F. D.l,Apple-l ton, Wis., wrl!Als: "I b ~gnn Wllng P eruna &f ow mppths ago, wben my health, and stren gth were all llano, and I wu. nothlni but " nervou. wreck, could. n ot s lo p, e&t or rest properly, and l ea 110 desiro to live. Peruna mlldo me llloit at lite In &dlfferenUIght, aa I began 1.0rogaln my lost str~ngth. "I certllinly think Pel11D& III wltbollt. a rival 8M atoIJJQ.lldatrelWtbbuUdlll'."·
Libby's Cooked
Corned, Beef There·s a big difference between iust caroed beef-the wnd sold ·in bulk-and Libby's Cooked Corned Beef. The difference ' is in the taste; quality of meat and natural flavor; .Every fiber of the meat of Libby's Cooked ~orDed Beef is evenly and m il<il y cure d; COOked SCientifically and carefully packed in Llbby's Grca' WbUe KUcbca
It forms an appetiz-
ing dish; ricb in food
value and makes a summer meal that satisliesl for 0111. SeniDg:LibbyPs ,Cooked Com.. ed Bee£. cut into thin a slices! Arrange . platter and garnish with LibbyPs Chow Chowl A tempting dish for lunch~o~dinner.supper
Writ. Jw fIN • '0,1: 1.I-"HoW Jlalte QOdff ~
,u....... ••,·••,
,. .B4C.'
, • ., ...1. .
McNeill •
Piano ill &o.O!I. AT Mau., we roake the _Id-Iamed Ev-u. Pricca raJliO rer:v ayleo, OW' E~tt
fKtCIIY in
f~ Uprichta &olD $450.00 to S625.~· for ~ from $650.00 to $1200.00; ,'\It
Styiea from $750.00 to $10,000.00. At our we ma.. Joh.. Church Co., H ....ard.nd O.ytoa piaaoI. Upcj&hb. PricCi frora $250.00 to S4OO.00., la !h....Ie. of thai! aoodt we oftea take ill part p"~:b:arly DeW or ICCOIICIhaad rMaof other . lOme panda. lOme upillila &ad. lOme oquua. We CaD eell 'you the Iecoad. hand upri&hl. at hom $85.00 10 .$210.00. Okl_!quaiea f~olll S3S~ to ~.OO. We have .. pteIeIIt • DUmlier of DeW pianos w~b. ha . ve at di.p!ay pianol~ w~ich wn.ola ~]I) per ceDt hOIll ~ reauIar
prICeS. We make 'M liJKIoIJ pellOlIS.
, Send
ai, .
kmD. 10
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and we wUl u }'OIl req~ mail you eiloo a booklet of vocal or F-o DlUAe free. us
,n£ JOliN cH~CH COMPANY, "
.'the Ouo Price
PiaDo .~. 'CiDcia..ali.o.
S'IOK HEADAOHE ely ca'red b,·
Llttla pma.
@ '@
Idea of G~cat French
Design r T hat Will He Popular Here ....
g l' RtFI' nell (j (!SlglH'I' hns sen t Jve\' a ne w coa t. It' Is bl In~ rapidly ' u \11 d lJy Ih tailors h I' , Th Id ua ;vIII Roon be POIIUlul', This <'oat has Il l10c ket In each s lcov!', I'll(' lllotlel :1.111' 0\1 In a rOllgh uro\l'll ~ h 'cl;(,[( coat for tl'UY lin/:. but t h Iden :Il\'oll'l'd cun be cop ied III auy 1;lnd of :Ollt. The s leeve 1:1 small . nnd. Jlls t below :li t' Ibow Is n tIeov V·shaped pock et.. Wi t h a pointed nap fas t cued' with a ~ I'OWll I IIthor uuHan, . 1111 a I his CIl Il 1-(0 i he (lUrtiA, t he handkerchief. CUI' lick Ls and a ll 1111ln· DCI' or tin y things thllt n womau wi shes to stowaway, 'fh e Idea Is an excellent 0110 for ~I'n \'e lln g coats, as n womnn has every· .t hlo g where s ho can ge t at ft lu the Qui kest time, Think of tb e comfort or these pock· Is on a rainy day, when a woman mlls t hold an ulllbl'ella, catch up her klrt and hold to a strap ou trolley ,('ai'S! She has need of her hands In a h lIu d)' d ways, nnd even the neatest f)o('ketboolc or handbag Is a ilulsance, l'\ow she can cnrry everything In her O">1t sleoves, She feels Ilel'tectly sc(' urc In carrying even money there, because the flap fastens ove r and looks too much like a piece ot I 1'1In· mlng to Invite thievIng. Pockets Everywhere. It Is Interesting that the wide popu· IHrlty of pockets hns no t called forth IOore talk than It has, Woman and ner \lockets and th e way she carries her 'Purse have been a jest muong men , Handbags have a lways been the 1111'0 of thIeves, They were easy to <I!D&tch and run. '1'I'ue. there weI' the PUi'SOB carl'l!'ul \u the band (lart of the lime- and lert lin counter or seat or table the relit of lh time for anyone to lift. The last two years , howev r, have 1011 much tor pockets. They hal' " eon put In skIrts, lu shirtwaists and I n coats, 'rhe WQlnon who k OilS liP "'lIh the st'y les very often hus from ' follr to six pock ets about be l'. all o{ which she 'uses fol' varlolls tblngs, Jf anrone took statJlltics of &0 lin· Jmportant a tlllng, It Is prohable that the number of women WllO go around 'WIth their hands tull at ti'lfles have d(> reased by haH. . Handbags CarrIed by Many, T he 11I8jori Ly. or them do carry a hand hag, but tho convenience und the .~omforl or putllng your thlnga In ' pockets arc beillt understood by even 1be women -who catchell on lust, A woman traveli ng tor short ~Is· tances, such as goi ng to another city :to r lhe day, has her holllis entirely free, Flat purses and all such things a re stowed away In her coat pockets, The' absurd old ·fashloned pocke t put In the placket at a woman's skirt Is 'obsolele. We have learned too mneh to go back to anythl'lg so luconvenl· .ent. It rulnell the woman's figure , kept he r from Sitting comfortably aud .could never be found when wanted. Now ahe puts' two pockets on tile front of her t!tlrt, smartly cut, heavily ,lttltched and buttoned up with a Hall, She can run Iler hands 'In them aa ,euli)' lUI a man allp8 hla Ongers In his veat pocket. ne new duck and linen sklrbl. ~'orn without coats, have two of theBe patohed pockets on e&ch IIlde, above the knees, fastened over with carved ,pearl buttons. LACE AT THE THROAT, The tailor costumes of the present 1If!a son are all built on more or les& severe lines, and to , relieve this 111m· pllclty of e lrect unusually full and long 'tIes and jabots are worn st the throat. In exceptionally 'warm ' weather, 'which nerl}BBltate& leaving a jacket lin, fastened In' front, and whep no veat Is worn, the jabot may fall the entire length' of the bodice, but with the coat cloled the 1.Ie Is very fun and long 'O nough to reach tram a third to! 'way to the belt, according to the line ~hlch Is most becoming. The jabot or trill Is generally of :tin est batiste, and bordered either With ,.calloped 'edge In ",hlte or a light
color or wllh II nn r l'ow baby Iris h Ilud I'al IICI nllcs luc , Tho majority of tho' rr llls arc flllt d, so us to s tllnd out sUffiy, \\ hllc rna'JY of th o jabols have a s llla ll bow knot or rose lle of taco or ha nt! cmbrolde ry at I hn lop. this fill ' Ish 15 IlOt c0l1 51, le l'ed necessary, and the end of the malerlal \IIay s impl y be tucked und e r tbe s titt' collar. where It Is held In pluce by u 'prelly uro ooh 01' j lVel bar pin, Brussels Net fo r T ies. BI'IISS Is not is us od a great deal for all ties, fr ills al1d jabots. a nd, as be· 111[1 somewhat newer thall 'th e other Illa LOrla ls, Is s teudlly IlIcrca s lng tn fa VO l' (01' this IlUrll0!le, For the loug fluted (l'iIIs tbls net bordered only With u. nalTow 'llIc;e odglng I~ most aUraolll' . 'wh ile ono exceedlr.g ly pretty accessory to I' the co ila I' was coml'lOsed only of a huge bow knot of net. the nds flul sh tI wllh a narrow Cluny edgin g, . High stocks ot unli ned nel, tuc ked 01' em broidered batiste , and chiffon finished with surr bow knots ot lingerIe or ribbon or with long fu ll jabots, are now worn quite as much as the s tllr laundered collars of embroidered lin en, New Style a Boon, The IntrodUction of t!Jls style of neck wear befol'e the arrival of the hot mnnths Is a boon wblch can only be tu lly appreciated by those wbo suf· fered through last SUDlmer In collara as high and stili all the fash ion' lalV ~ then demand d, H the very s tilr bows are more be, coming than t hose of softer net. It Ie an oxcellent plan to purchase a yard of hrlde IIIl1slon. wlllch, wh ile ex, Il ns l\'e, Is so very wide t hat frOID pne ya rd can be made Innumerable bows and tI s, 1'be illusion loses Its stillness when cleaned, but when eckoned by the amount for ea'c h bc,w Is not ext.c!r· tlona toly high pri'ccd. and ono bow can ue 1I'01'll SUrprisingly orten .
Galloon In faded Until, worked with gold, Is use d, for crown baQds, Entire hats are trimmed "~Ith rose petals In a sUccession of sizes and tones. Brond, satiny gauze qutll s of 11'1 · desce nt colors are smart on l Sumatra hltts,
Centurlen Ol ·j 'and Wash ington and Clln tnn Sat Under It, " 1 WI1Il III r';l ngslou' dlll'leg (hp lin· ton rehu r lal c I' mOIlI"s ,l.a Oecorntlon Day," said :l N IV York man, "al\d 1 st(lod :l. wllil u uon~'Dlh I,IIC' bran hOD 1 f wbut Is pOI'1 apo 911 I)f th mos t rc' 11lIII'kau ie old oak II' c ~ to be found nnywh re III this country, ".Jllst how old tile tr 'o 15 no OIl C knows . bllt tl\p re arc re ~rd a sho wl l1 t; that 2GO yeal'S ago It wna a Inndmarl<, T.he t ree s iands there lo,day more tl).uu 100 feet IIll);h al1c\ Hs tl'unk Is nin e fe t III dlanlo (H' No wh ere nhont It did ' I dlr CO l' 'I' uny 61 11 of decav or d ec lllllnl,; I Igor, "!Jilt 1I ~ ld( ' 1'1'001 It:l nrtmlrablo physl. cal condit ion and :1811 ('t thi s old tree has hlslol'le In terest. Th e t.ree stnncl ~ riot a great Yln y tl'OIi1 tho old se nlltF hOllse. I~ h re th s tate or 'o w York had Ita birth. and It marks olle edge of u 1110t 0 11 I·, hlch lhe famou s oae·le/:, g e1 Dlltch sovel'nor at the coloo)" Pe ter Stuyvellant . uullt a stockolie as a dcf IISO fo r th e coloul !<ts against mlo.fUudln g Ind ians, "After tho rcvo hl thlnary war. when Ge n, Washlll l!:ton went ufl from ~ew· burgh to vl~lt Gen, George 'linton at Ki ngston, tlw t 1\'0 patrlota sat benea th the S Ill' adlng bra.nch · s ot thi s oak and for IH,urs recounted the events ot tho lon g IH ru ggle and doublless dis, cussec1 vlans for the fulure wclfa re ot the COUIIU:)', Who may know bl1t that sOllie of tlle banefits which we ell' joy to,day ufld I' th e lustltuUons of our govcrnm nt are results of the dlsCUlI' alons of those two grea t patriots bnn Elath this grand old tree? , I brought my self to think 50. at a ny l'ate, HA fe w miles rrom this historic old oak. a n old resl(lent Informed me, III another tr e which besides being lUI aaclent lalldmark Is something ot a c urloelty, It Is a chestnut tree, with a trunk 21 teet In circumference, troT]) which about six teet from tbe gro..und a white elm of lJlrge size has grm'fn , The chestnut trunk completely en· closes that of the ellu. and the expla· nation of tbe curi ous 8ssoclallon 10 tbat at some time a branch of the chestnut wus broke n ott, leaving a cav,lty In wblch In time mould and vegetable matter' collected and made sulwble de[ltb or soil tor the seed of the elOl, which lodged tbereln to gel'mlnate anr! g row and become a tr e. a veritable part or Its un protest· Ing host, tbe mammo'h chestnut trunk,"
CO''FTONY SCALE OF THE MAPLE IS DESTRUCTIVE fnfes tlZ.d ' 'rr~lZa Should Be Sp,rayed w-Hh KeroslZne Emulsion, Our read rs whould become acql)aln t· ed Willi th cotl.ony scal e of t h ma ple, for It is h cOl:llng \' OI' Y ' abundant 0 0 the Dlapl e tr m):'; In all of the states In the c, n t ra l west. In nOl'tll I'D 1111· Ilols. Sll c lnll y, It bas been very noUceable or late years, It Ul; d to be thoug ht tbat Its ago !;I'rgate ravll gcs w re too unlmpol'ta nt to be noticed , and this. Is the verdlot t bat \I, fOllnd In the old bool,s. The lud~' bird" Ill' leadly enemies ot this scale nuel proba bly th ey were more
All the Lady'. Fault. Some ' one bard up for a subject, It 8eems, bas 8uggested dlsculIslon of the question, "Are literary perHqnl Ill, mannered 1" In this conneeUon a story Is told of a minor autbor who wElIlt vis, Itlng In a Boston home, Durln~ the evening he asked the hostell9 It ahe would ask.' the gUOlitl to retire Inll' the little room adjolnlllg the largt room In which they were r;athored, ar he wanted the larce room In which to meditate. Wblle It III recordod that the Boston Tioman granted hJa , 'reo Queit and crowded ber guests Into a Imall Bpace, It III not likely that a hostell In any (ltber part of the coun· trJ would tllken the ,requelt Hri· oual)" ao thll elhlbltlon of ba~ man· Dera mUlt be Bet down to the euner· _ted Idea of hospitality an4 not ~ , Our Iketch llluatrat. a alinple and utefu'l fol'Dl of a, eoyer fOl' a blfd,cage nteral7 propenlltlea 01 the ma. "that call he made to Bt almost an,. '!dDd of cap. It II cut out tn the ahape ahOWJl 011 the rtlrbt·haDd Ilde, and the four tape faU oyer eaCh aide of the cage. There II a alit cllt 111 the center tor the haudle. aDd It 1110 Hnea abe Down, Itut Not Out. Jl1frpo&O of YeDtilatIQiI. Tile sQuare Indicated by :,tlIe dotted IIDes ID the ell.· I1nt Mate-A ' man fell o'ferboard cram abouJd be the aile of lb, top oC the cace, ad the ilap. 01 cloth beDd Jat UOW. oyer fro. _ dotw4 It be ..... lro. IUl7 Odd remD&llt r-CaptalD-Wb7 cUcID'l rou ",.. . ·or we 1Iappeate tboa1ll be boull at the ed&'II&alanDf . tIlaee' ~D" to~ t~ ' •• -prett, Idea I'II!I';- -' _". ,....,.......,.... II ~ OI'IaMwQa), 1eltul OIl . .
appeal to lhe Well· rnfonncd in 8ft", walk of life IInJ arc scntial to permanent 8ucres., and cr~ditabl e standi ng, Accol'< ingly, it is not clnilllcd that yrup of Figs anJ Elixir o{, ~ n n:l. is the only remcdy ot known val ue, Lut onc of many I' Il.!IOD!l Vi'hy it is the b 3t of p rao nal Ilud {amity laxaliv id tho tad j h3t it cleanses, sweetens anti relieves th a intcrnal orglllU on which it nct., without any debilitating &ft cr clTcct nnel without having to illcreaso the q uantity from timo to tillle.
do this, 'fh!')' call al so rr (gratc by crawlin g UIJ (In bran ch and onto tlle branch or ullut'h rtr e tba t IOllcheij It. The slz of thl. scule Is show n In til e IIltle I'ound datil La Ih e sl dcs or the bree lIp pe r fl gul'cs. 'J'1t s lz or lh ~ mature ma lo Is s how n b)' th e little cross nca r him. Tba lito h istory 0' tb e Inse t Is about as (o1\o) ...·s: Th scalo b!'glns 10 lay ggll In Ma), or Jlln c, ond l1ush C'1l out the ot tOIl to It acts pi as[lIItly allli naturally and cover the egl,;s , wbleh are 01 e r 3 , ~aO truly as 11 bxut il'e, and its componcnt In 11 umbel'. 'l' he tim vari es ftl r thIs accordlnc; to the latl tllde, b'Jt Lbe tlmo parts are known to :HlJ approved by phys ici3n.~, as it i~ frce from all objection&blo H\lbstnnces, To get its beneficial effec nhvays purchase thc genu incmanufactured by t he California Fig Syrup ~ " only, nUll (or sale by nil lending drug· gists. SMALL THING HE FORGOT,
May Hav!> Accou nted for HI, Being Turh ed DOVIn, Senalol' Deverldg de.lIoCrlbed, at • an flb scnt·mlnded t ..nuer, , "The man was BO absen t,ml nded,'he said. " lhat he cou ldn't Ollen hia mouth without making an ar rant illS of hlm solf, "On ce he courted a )' woman. His suIt looked VroDll s lna for a time. Tbon, with a sorrowful ", be ceased his courtship. "'Yel she seemed Inflltuated with ),Oll, Jaboz,' said I. one day when he came to' me for sympathy: .. 'She were, too,' Jabez agreed. .. 'Well, what could have been the trouble?' .. 'Dun no: said be, He 1Illed hli ,pipe. 'Duuno; but wllen I P/rposed. ahe turned me down cold,' " 'Perb'a ps YOllr pro,POllaI wasn·t IIrd· ent enougb?' I suggested. .. 'Oh, It was fie ry,' said Jabez. 'Hot as pepller , I told her she was the .nly woman I'd eve r land, e,er looked at, e\'or thought of, or-' " 'But, said I, 'you forgot, then, yo. were a widower: .. 'Jingo,' said Jabez, '10 I did,'" ~In ner.
Boy Groping With a Problem. A bright boy wbo wrItes letters and "compo!Jltloos" for his mother as a "hom e stlldy," but has time enough for baseball , hnd Lhts to oay In one of his recent productions : "Archie - - can't be first base ' because Har, old's mother won·t let him play with a drIver'S boy. Archie Is a bully player, even If his father drlvea a team. I seat Harold's mother wbat wall In my Cbrlstmas book about 'poor Maple Bllrk ' LOUIO, boys. It was tbat Virgil wall the lion of a porter, Sir Richard Ark,,' rlght abundant In tile past tban at pre sent, was the son of a, barber, Franklin was Anywa y, more do,mage has been done specified Is that tor central illinois. These eggs begin to hatch In June and a tallow chandler, Oliver Cromwell'. wltbln the last few years than preJul)', and It Is at this time tbat the fath er kel>t a b rewery, Aesop was just VIOllSh', trees should be sprayed with keroa 81a ve, Dlckenll was a re porter and We Illu strate the dltre rent phases of sene emulSion, havIng In It about teD Ben Jonson was a bricklayer, But the S081<1. The two Insects outlined per cent. of kerosene. Harold's mother told him thal "'88 at tho right are the female and the 'fhJs spra)' should be used twice In long ago, and It don't go ~ow. II<) I male, 'rhe II\lIle only has wings. Tbe succession, with a period of About ten db not know what to do .to get Are,hle female cnn emigrate from tree to tree days between them. Tho first spray· In If we don' t g ilt a new club without ·only on the feet of birds, on leaves Ing should be given when about hall Harold, I wish I had a big brotber that ,ma y be blO'Wn to some other of the eggs are hatched, and the other to tell me what to do, for I think lao tree, 01" by going down' one tree a~d spraying at the end of the pe riod 01 dies don't know ao much about such to another, It Is 'doubtful If th~y ever hatcblng. things."
J et Illns, cabochons '!ond agralfes regIster the Ilresent millinery crazCt for jot, Small tomatoes on late millinery mode ls encourage almost a bope for ma1'onnals8 dressing, Sashes arl) everywhere on a trock I\n,d arrlUlged In every conceivable fa Bhlon. The lalest Charlotte model IB the revolutionary 'cap of en~rmollB pro, portiOl15. No Loophol.a There. or the new colors one favored by Eugene Walter. the extraordlnarl17 the milliners Is "blue after rain," a successtul young playwright, said 'at tint of pale blue, ' a recent dinner In his honor In New Batamlne &Ild cachemlne ribbon, York: edged wl(h "pekine" bordorH, are the "The playwright, to lucceed, must latest thing In millinery, make his point Inevitably, Eve ry point, Many lIallor hats are heavily by fall' means or foul , must be captrimmed all around the crown or tured: Not a loophole, tor failure to acrOBS the front with 1I0werB, foliage, creep. In, may be left," wings and plumel. Mr, Walter smiled , "In fact," said he, "the pl&ywrlght A Novelty Belt. m,Ullt be 811 sure of hls point al wae A novelty In accesHortell ,la the "pay· the young lady who took advantage as,yoll-enter" belt. ' of the prelient leap year to propOle, It la made of leather In all colors, II " 'She didn't give me 'a chaqce,' her quite narrow and has a small, square bllsband eXplained . afterward to a pocket a. little to tbe rIght, of the trlend , 'She s&ld, "WIU· you marry lJuckle JIIst sliftlclenUy large' to con· me? Have you any objection 1" Th UI, t.nln a small metal case that .1lolds wbether I IIRld yes or no, sbe had me four nickels. TbeBe can be abstract: cornered: ~d wltl1 the greatest eane and very " 'Well, you mlgbt have kept silent,' quickly. too, so that the re quired fare laid hlB fr.lend. f Is always ready without the Inconvenl· " 'That Ill, what I did,' the other ree nce of openIng one'a bag. plied, 'and she IIl1ng herself on AI the belts are only 49 cents, they, l:.reast, murmuring tbat 's ilence ,live wlll do doubt 'become very popular, for con~ent: " they are neat looking.
Truth and 'Quality
Want, a Good Portable Picket Fence? ___ ... ".,..., ..,.,." w _ _ .. . __ __ ~
'2::::::f,, '
:., I
::s:=:: :
---- -_.
A pOl'uible fence In t en·foot panels Is shown In the illustration above. The ralls ar<e 'two InchcB by three Incbes, and shouldered at the end s to lap on to the ends of the other. Holea are
'INJURE MILK 8y Geo:rlre 4. Olsoa. Asato Chemillt WtllCODsln ExPeriment , Statton.
Experiments made show that milk bauled In poorly·t'i'ned or rUlly can s II mater'lally Injured fo'r cheese" mak· Ing. Tl:te oheese ~actol'f operator should not hesItate to I'et~se milk 'wblch hi hauled In poorly·t\nlled or rllsty cans, ~oJj In addition to t,h o retard· Ing Influence ot the Iron on til e rennet action a:nd the neutrallzattc-n of the aci d , by the Iron, there are also produced talnts or 011 Havors, The Illk cans used to haul milk to the ' e e~,e 'factory are 'otten of a , cheap g rade, an,d are 4knted tbe IIrsr or BecOlld time that they are used, ,w ith a. r'e lult that the tin cracks, and the Iron Is expo.ed &Ild rusts. At ODe Wisconllin factol'1 a can found that had been used for 13 ,.eara, aDd bad been IOldored 40 Umes, 'WIth lead' patchea two tnches In diameter In placlel. MUk kept 1D luch -tUe 40 mlDutee Jonger to that kept In pod CUlL
'0 - -
• • ___ I
bored a nd large nails or bolts placed through to hold ralls In place. The llanelli Inay be liet In {Ine and and braced, or they may be placed zig zag. kept In glass beakers. Every time that this clI;perimeat was r epeated the milk kept In the rusty cans . gave evidence at a retarding Influence on the rennet action, as compare1\2 with the milk kept In the glass beaker. Milk which Willi allowed to s tand In Iron utensils for several hours had a, peculiar blu, Ish'·gray color, Indicating the presence of Iron In solution. It was evident that the acid In the milk acted upon the Iron and dissolved some of It. . Tbe maximum q\lantlty oj} Iron 'c1lsso1ved In the milk ranged Wom one. to 1% pounds for every thousand pounll,s 01 milk. This Iron In solution at leaal partly causes the retarding Influence of the rennet action, Since It Increase. the solids In the milk. ' ' Hay Cap.,-Hay caps are useful for curing clover and alfalfa hay, Malee them 46 Incbell square of, duck, with eyelet holell punched In tbe corners, and run a four-foot wire througb them, Ulie a pin on a. lady's bat, to hold them down. UM Low Wheela,-A set of I~ wheels to the fum wagon saves mucb heavy mtlng. It 18 the last foot II UftID, lIotatoe3, apple. and forkln. manure that eomea the hardeaL Sav. It If you can. , _~_ _ __
Gat ,After WH. h,.,-WeeclID1'a IUII.,,_.,IIlou must be eheclle4 at the outlet
tnI...... to 1IlI
Father-I told you not to go wt~ UJat boy. Bobby-l had to, father, 'cauae he IW4 hold of my hair! Rain from Father's Head, A brlgbt little boy ot two summer'll
was unconcernedly playing near his father" who was 'laboriously occupied wltb a difficult task which caused ble beads of perspiration to drop from hla forehead. Presently tbe lad ceased his play. Looking at his parent doubt· fully a moment, he raD SWIftly to hll mother and, assuming a pained expression, pointed to his father, sarine " plaintively: "00, mamma, leel 1'00 1AJ)& hea4 ),alllla'." WIFE WON
HUIDand ~In.lly Convinced. Some men are wise enough to tl7 :lOW foOds &Ild. beveruglld and then gen· '~roua ' enougb t o glv\:! othurs' the benefit of their experience. A ' very "conservative" Ills. man, bowever, let his good wife flnd out for berse l! what a blessing Postum Is to tbose wbo are ' distressed In many ways, by drinking collee. 'rhe wife writes : "No slave In chains, It seemed to me, was more h e lp! eas thau I, a cotre(' captive. Yet tbere were Innumernblll warnlngs-waIGng trom a troubled sleep with a teellng of I!ulfocatlon, at times dlzzy nnd out of breath" at,.. tacks or 'palllitation of the heart that frIghtened me. "'Common sense, reason., and my , better judgme nt told me that coffel! drinkIng was lhe trouble. At last Diy nervous lIystem was so disarranged that my pbyslclan order6d 'no more ' colfee: ' "He knew he was right and be knew I knew It, too. I capitulated. Prior to thIs \lUI' family bad ' trled POltum, but dislike d It, becaul!~, aB we learaed late r, It was not made rlll:ht. "De termined this time to give Puat. um a fair trial, I prepared it accord. Ing to dlrectlolls' on the ilkg:~that III, boiled It 16, minutes actol' bOiling commenced, obtaining a, da.rk brown liquid with a rich snappy fiavo,' similar tc colfee. When cream anti sugar we... added. It was not only Kood but de'\Icloul!, .. N oling Its beneficial " trects In m. the rest ot, the family adopted It-alt except my hustand, whQ would not act. mit tbat ' coffee hurt h m. Several weeks elapsed durlng which I dranll Postum two or three , um" a d.,-, when, to my surprise, my husband said: 'I have doclded to drink Postum. Your Improvement Is so lillp&Tent:-yow have such Bne colol'-tilat I propGM to give credit where credit Is due,' ADd now we are cotr":slaves Do· loncer." Name glveD by Poltuw Co., Satu. Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Wen. ville," In pk... "There'a a ..
ewr rQdthe abo" til'll. . . 10111..
In the Burley Oistrict in Report ur the HUSiness Ohio, Indiana and Transactell in the ,(,;ou nty Co rts Kentllcky U
The Oh jfl(lt III 11l ,·nl-hill).t Ihl ll ' hi~ , tors Is to ~I\'() fiJI> 1l1I1ll ' rellthlr~ ~,t tb 'a~el,1 ' 1 .1 1' 1I t) ,I t'1! \ lI1U I, IIf t,h p ' ITgll,u i:f.lltl1111 111 1( 1 lI",ir II-Ull lil Il . 'rb ereha~ L", IJ Sol III I1U V f,IIi1I1::<tllnu~ sent OUL ')VUI' III ' c'-' nol,r.\' thut ::<0 11 11"' peuple ~ r6 Iud to btllltive t h .. t, th e people WbOCOIllPOSIl rne orgR oizlItioIl are ignorant, Il"(] Iswlss,:. wh en I.b truth of tbe llllitterl , o rg~n iz!ltlou I oomposed of tbIJ best citi 7.ens , No IlI.wle&l, ig noranl ~et 'o uld en· gage I.l stru'(gl e wil,h 'I L1ow.urfnl ur· glloi ztitiun lik! UIO Allle riOlln lohIHl(Jl' oomptwy, IIml hr i l1 ~ th olll 10 ttlrlll 88 has the AmuriclIl\ &tulet.v ofElIU~.v ' Before th is ur glllli7,II t,Ioll ' to<lk obarge of tbe lIituutloo tcbllooo sold ilL ao ave nge price 01 6X Otlllts ; to· dliY tbis SaUlO Itradll Is bringing f rool 16~ up. Tbe organi zlltio n has at 1111 thu8I1 II.d vlfien ligliinst any aot6 of violence Rnd bas offered bel\vy rewl~rds for tbe cl)nviotion ot anyone found KUiUy . I feel perfeotly 8/lfe in' tI\,Y, iog flllly 90 of tba bllrolng, bed· !loraping and other }awlosll deeds oommttl ed hilS be n done by the o W'nel'll theluselves in order to get IU8uranoe 011 their bll.rns . .... 'l'bey scrape tbeir heds beoause they have decided not to raise tobllcco. and ,bey oan r,use a ,gred howl lind make it appear 80rne rnell~ber or'the organization bas done the work . It Is also believed tbl\t muoh miscbief bill b6'en donll by people In the em· ploy of the trDllt in order to dlsored. It tho organization . .
' l (l; D:ll'ld '1'1'01 tl r .r". ul'l 11111 h Ul ' ut M urrv w !Ii 13·1.70 I, ImU<1II lue .\. ( '0111 1.'0, tou fur i c"ll rth ll \ltla '3 , ~o ; l hioPuhlt$I\:?5P. A r fuuder of $l7.73 WIl!j g ranted ' t ~' rAnk and L nil MUUl'Ol3 for tllX IInr 1l01 1 In UlO~ vll ln d II
:;1II II 1\ Ib
, • • , 'II I'
~ll1l1l1H I,u
I'I , ~;
!l "Ol!H'I'
!.'u pr
Boy Dies of Tetanus .
Quurt Tho '. U. '. ,. ·t . Lit. 11.. Cu. VOl. .Johll If. SI,\,!JU I', 1IdIllIl1l~tfllLur. Lilwrunoll, tbl uight .vullr ,)111 'ROU ,JUlJ !!, UltlDt of circuit ooul't IItlirmed. or MI'. IHlll Mr:l, S t:! rt. ;(Juire!! o r XIl J oh u 8 n"der VB , • The 'Vil ltl ge of D1II. w hile p \8ylDK !Ibont til yard . Frllult\iu , . J ndgmeDt f mayor, of tit hi;! bOOl e 1\ short ti me ago fell ou Fr .. nklio . uspeuded in tbree cases . II Jligged plee of glaf:ls, imbeddelllD RecogulzlIO CEt of $150 10 ellC'b case the g round Ilod lIiuogdeep gnsh on the knee Wllti cnt to t,he bone. L II st given . ISIItu rdu yev9ulng it was r und Illl\t , ttltllDU hlid c1eve lolJeu. Five phy . .Jutleph:inyd er v~ . '1'h o Vlllllge of !liuillllll were clLll od togot.l.:u'll' ! n con ll'l'IIlIk lin . Error. Hllltll l.ion lind it WII .. d ooided to u ~o Mllttie MuDerwutt vt!, l<'l'flnk M. Illlti tetlluio II rum ill lin Il tl'ort to Cund ell Dtlmages ; "10,000. Iwe tht\ b oy's Iifu. Tbils lJro VIl(\ ' Spra.gne anniuR CO, VI! • • 1, M. unllvlliliug I ~n ll t.h b\1y pn "setlll WilY Mundllyeveoln g. 8nook Co. Replevin. . W, li, Dearth, pxeuutor, VS. Da· vi c} lind Orrle Walters; money; t\,lnount $288. I ii. 'rbe b ~ t. uf 0 II ten c 1,1Ill' is xp rI Harvey linll vs. Elizabeth Hili!. ence, O. M. Hllrdon, uf " ill'ot 'I ty. Di vorce . Gross neglect, of duty. Nor th '\lulI,. :;I(V 1': " 1 Ii od EI C tric Bitter s dOtl8 nil thllt ',, ' olllituetl J8-mell ' Keever VII. Mary E. for it. For Stoma oh , r.i v r IU Hl Keever . Di vor ce. Gross neKleot Kidney troubl6!l it cun 't b U6I1t·. [ tri d it uncl fiud it I~ most ex· of duty . oelle nt mediolne . " Mr. Hn,rtlen .Joseph l3nyder VS. 'l'he Village of Is right; it's the bell to of ·011 lUecli· Franklin. Error. Tbree,oascs. cines IIl so for weliknesII. IIIUl e bllok. !lnd all run clown condl ti ClDl!. Best . , I"ROBATte OU It'r too for oh ills lind mllln,rlu . 'o ld nnder gU!lruntee.nt F. D. ~ h Wll t't z's In tbe m ... tter of the will of Rob ' drug IItor e . 50,v. er~ .f. Garwood, deoea sed. · Will of. fared for probat e. Magic Polishing Cloth In the matter of thu elltl,te of Amanda C. GilliS, d ec8llsed, I...noy F. Vlrtz appOinted I\dmlnlstrlltrix Mi x two pounns of whitiog und with the wil1unnexed. Bond $1606. one hlilf ounoe of olo! . I\oid with 1\ fruit.
Are You in Need , i
! I·
ENVELOPE INV ITA'f ION S, Anti, in fael. nnythill g in th way of Me rcantile Print ing
W • b •. v\! un hahd a lot of Pu~f. 'urL1s of views in ami. uround WaynE'svi ll • Ilnd th .Y ,al'l· lIi ce tt, l'\end to I.lbKPnt. fd 11(18 wh are al' ql1uinL~d wiLh tht' '11(,'; and who would like to k ~ p them. as In m nto : of thE'i .. old home . Th esE' al'ds are
A11l1 .l1.I'C ns !ife lik as call be made, takE'1l dil'eclly from thl' phologruph. us t hl! ' ta k e~ th em
U 1' 1isl
The Cannon
I:[ov I'I1hlen t gavf' to the cllmet ' 1'),. and whi 'h wert' det,licat.ed on Decoi'ulion Da y, and t h )' ar 1I0W on sale. It i ' un of t he niceHt vi ws W rlghl', ~I III U. " , . we have t'v l' had , . and in all probability t.hey will not last long . Goll Ilnu se them anu we nr~ s ur e you will bl! pi 'ased with th em. fl'o\lowi ng al' a f 'W r the views W(~ ha y!> to Il lf 1': thl '
WaynesVille Views .
Ir~ e t
~n~ ,
10 Itllll: 1I0nll
S lre et J'(' ne. lookl Htt' ,'u ' l . 01,1 , ' eh e",1 lIoll~ l\ .
Estate of Eden B. '£hirkleld, de· gallon of ~lI sollno. ' tir Hontt mix 'rhe fonewing is taken from the oeased. Flrtlt account filed. '1,le thorollgbly. I n this oompound sO!lk Midland for June: fla.nnel TIlg of the desired size, then 'Tbe reader it may be .il alrell.dy of pe[sonal property tiled . 'wring ont and hong up to dry, bein ~ anxloDll to> know where tbe AmerMABslAOI!l LI I!)NSII:S, ol~reful to keep them avmy from ioan '£01:.000 oompany appear8 00 Ray L. ~errlolr 26, of Denver, 11 fire ' 01' opeu flame. 'fl1ese olot hs the IOOne. Ita !lOtaal pl'888no.a be Col., II.nd OJllra Franoh , 26 of Leba· will gi ,·e t\, line gloves to sllverwur , gan to be'felt-In tbe Louisville and non. " will not !IOU the hands lind wBI pre Cincinnati markets before it was jamelM. UeBoard 26 of Oregonia sor.vetheir polisbing qUIl1i ti~s lod er. viaibl7 preiJlnt, The looal dealer8 and MIss'Mary Gephart.' . 18, of Ore Initely.-WolUl.I.n's Borne' OomJ1llnwere tbe fint to feel It After buygonia. Ion for Jnly, IDI ,beir ~ual amounh on tbeir Tbat call UO it and do ~'Judgment. aooordiDg to Illl oonObas. A, Soroggy, ao, of Leb/moll ----~--The Remedy 'i'bllt Doel:!. it right- right, both in ditto~, they f01ll!d . totbelr 8urprlse, and Lola C. Hadley, 24 of Lebanon. price and q uality. Af"Dr. King's New Disoove ry Is the a tlat market atthe "'breaks," As. romedy that d oes the healing otbers KIt:AL ' ESTATIt TRANt!I!'IIlRS. ter.. abou t t wenty!lumi... tba' they had a mis.. promfse but fail to perform," sa-.18 eight years' experience sake In judlCment, they returned W .. B, Snook and !:;arah Snook to Mrt!. E. R. Pierson, of AubUrn Cenin the P rin ting bu ibome determiu'ed, t.8 auy bl18inllll8 Ma.rtha J . Bennett lot in Deerfield, tre, PII." It isooring me 'ofthrotlt ness in some of ,the Ilnd lung trouble of loog 8tandivg, man would bave be'en, to recoup *500\ that; other trelliments rell llved ouly largest ffiees in the their l088es by oonservatism JlI.neHawthorne to Willis B~w. telllpornrily, New, Discov,ery is do. country. we feel t hat tbe following l068on. 'l'l).e grow6lS thorne and Idu MoMartin, lots in ing me so much good that 1 feel we al'(~ in a posit!on to ' aooordingly reCeived less for their ooofideot itt! ol:lntlnued· use for l\ $1. f tlml3 ' ' 11 re, reason a bIe Iengt I 1 0 WI tnbaooo.. and lb, the oonrlle of time, Cozaddae, Minon Badley and CIllra M. Wll. 8tore IDe to perfeot . hClllth .• , l'his lllADy even made their own sblpments '0 oommiallon ·.hol18os, and Uaws, 76 acras In Wnshlngton town· ronowued oough uod , cold remedy snip, '6000. lind thrC!Lf !Lnd lung hellle'r is sold yet the 108868 and low prlce800n a t Freel " oh W/1 rt.l'-'s drug S ttlre. tinued. The market on the "breake" Emmor S. Bo.i1ey. exeoutor, t o Trilll bottle free. wullat, compe'it1're paying seemed Phlltp Hopkins, jr., lots in Wliyneslaokt~-tbe American '1'000000 Ville, '1646. Struck ,T rolley Wire company was now vlaiblv present. ADDa Pop~ Ginn ,and son to J . I, bad alNiorbed 90 per cent of the B, Frenoh, lot·s in Morrow, $1 and Doring tho storm tlln,t passed IndependentooJJ1lJ1inlesln the United, other valuable conslderll.tions. ~tatee, and oompetltion WIUI V'lrtuIII. .Jaoob Uhl and wife to Joseph over Lebflnon Monday atfternoon Iightning' struok the trolley wire at. 11 a thing of the past. But, oompe· Frenoh lot in Morrow 1600. the oorner of Mecha nio a Dtl MulU.... II w ..tefnl, acoordmg to one Anl&nda Lyon . to the Oitizens &1181. of 'filloD, and tbe new oorpor- Electric 00 .• lot In Loveland $1 ~nd bony IIt,reets passil?g into thll ar· rester 011 the pole direotly iii front '. . . . - . - . - . atlon"people t~oulCbt, might be en other valua.bleo9n8i4er~tions, of MoMullen'@ storel and ~hot dOWD I ;"':'--"''''-'-'''''''-''-'-'~~''-''~~='';'':;-= abled to pay higher prl.oe8. The ,West Glenny, by executor, to 00 the Sidewalk with the mOHt: beau,growerl a~rdiDgly " planted theft next crops and ' awaited develop . Wlllil\m and Anna U. MoFadden, tiful electrioal disl)lay probl\bly ever seen in Lebanon. No one bementa. 'l'he local buyers, no\v dis- lot in Le~anon, $1600. appeared, most of . them finanol~ny William 0. White and wife to'!'. ing noa.r the pole there WElre ' none , crippled, many of them wbolly rn- Gibbll White, the undlvid~ one- number\ld amon g the' Injnrotl.ined. But this was only the begin. third of 127~ acres in Turtleoreek Western t:!tnr. nlng of the bl68siugs of Ameri'oan townsblp, '3,338:SSY:; . 'l'obaoOO co operll.tlon. '£he Burley Charle8 M. N. MilItlr to Surll.h M. A llmD' Itt!! t. will ·il:lll. lIelld gi'vedieSi-lot was divided and subdiVided Miller, lot in Franklin, $1 and otber a.way. Lalit yelu's h,trves't', shpwec1 t,b at your crops were nO.t whll.t they , II.mong Ita ai8Dts. But one ware· valnablll oonsiderations, bODllIl Was placejl· in 6II.oh towo, use , d, to be" Continuo. us oropplng A OO~IJ\llSSI0NJCR't! PUOO&Il:I?INClS, '1'he agent 0( _e 'l', compll~ without fertilization lellds t,o pover. ny-now the Bole buyer-"bollghtio '1'. U. Pattort!on, maint/linlng ty. Replnee the Plath Fdod. Ose Your wOl'k~. call or bll.ooowlthm08trlgid econoruv. No horsesll.nd vehioles '25; Slime, ex ARMOUR FERTILIZERS '''Nl\tion. 'p hone to us , and we d,l vision buyer stepped intOODotber penses 'as ~he~~ '~7.70 ; lSa,we, 11,1 Phtlt Food. " " 1'hey inorell@4l tb'e will go over it wiilv dlvilion buyer's terrlt(lry. The on · ,boarding prlsonen *61.76; Trustees 'y ield aud ndd /l. permlloentimproveyou, and we 'are posi-' .' 11 competition w~ioh snob u OorpoT. of PU.b,lIo Albin. wl~ter for June ment t o the Boil wltb eaclh pound iti've you will be enation I tolerate8 ttl between depll.rt "18.20; 8lLme, light fq,r .c ourt, bousB applied. ~o ld b.v W, ' Smith, N.6~ tirely satisfied, ments, ~t;ld it Is in elI~ot, . a oompeti. for Juoe $8 ,04; &me, light for Jl1ne Burhngto n, Ohio, ' . tlva Itrlfe to see w~lcb buyer olAn $6.40; Lebl\non 68'S Co., ~as for jllll " make tbe lll.rgest contribut,ion to *6.25 ; J . N. Robbins. bnrlal of' 801. tbtl oorporation'8 diVidendI!. Often dier "75 ;.W. ~le8by ~ SQD, buri · ' It suited 'tbeir purp0tles best to uuy il.1 of inulgeot soldier '75; N. Y. Dot only with eoonomy. but in ~ Racket Iltore, Jneroh",ndltle for jail . . " . m~t lei.surely mauner, '1'0 the un · ',19 85; !:;aole, mer()hllndlclo 'for oourt I ht.Ye fOlmh trill!! ..nd tested cnmr' for organized grower, nll.tllrlllly, snoh' a hoqse "5.22; E , B, Thirldeld & ~n, InatllDll Not .. remlidy tht.t will ItnLi.hten the 8tagnan~ market meant hell. vy losses Iino leuUl for auditor 's offioe '74:1l~; ' ::.o~i!:llllt~A:.\~n~t~"~he:t '~f:S~~:' I kno",u ' mjl.n>, t1 grower re Milson Lumber Co,; oembnt *12'; W. ~~~~:ro:'tii'.I=~~.UU1a palnl &D.d P6III', of : peatedly to beg !l bUyt'r to oomo out H , Stanllge & Co. merchandise fo'r ..In Oorroanr-.wlth .. Chemin in ttle City of to look lit hill orop, but withou. soo. ' . ' . VIOrmstadt-I found the I..n '\nrredlOO' with 06118; CUDning II.nd insidious metb- reoor~er $1, Wllhams & .Monf?r~, :h~~f~~~~n~~l:U:~'i;~~"WI=~; 008 00 · the part of the a"an . t next . r and lamps for oonrt hO,1l8e lllanrealelo( Iht.t J...Unwredlent, J IUCC8II(uIlT tree,ted manTo e RbeumatllDl:butnQw... Uuru. Waynesville, Ohio followed. The grower wal! told , $27. 86 i Ruggles·Gale Uo., .I!jUl,plills formlreu"" ..n cunble t'IllM!t of thia heretofore with" soave promise of fair treat- for olerk 145 ; Htll.r. blanks for olerk :~ror..!rlnd~=aJ:r,~~!;!:!~~~: , ment. to bring hill tobaooo to the ~ .. 50 . W, 'F Thompson jmmp "od aod pau ..w ..,. under \>he action of tbla ",med,. .. oompany', ware.b oase. In theeft.rly" " , .. I!.. To:sI~d:-ben.,..ta!or..~:.!~=::::. ilUltailoee, fair trea.tmeRt, even liber repairs at court hODlle $12.68 i Mrs. pau from the .,....., ..nd thil C&I_ of .1 treatment did follow, Men are C. Nunllst, wa8hinll ~0'!VeIH$9.15; ~~~·e!=~JIi~~'O~~~ oauab' by many balta, bat DO bait John Wolf. bridge repalrl in MUlie -~. W..en, ~d' In oon1IdeDce ~_m"" ooald 8e8IIl lIlor,e temptiDg t.() the townlhip $26.•20' V.,), Zentrnyer hOD.' ltower than fail' treatment ,. . , aad a I&le at tUly time wben he oontraot 44 $153.15; Bert Reed, conmlP . tobaal bt. tobaooo tQ tract 4,7 25.75 i'Georg e H, AnderlOn, .... warebo.... Mil... contraot 4&,t81J.70 ; LenDie Wbltaore, "WI. . (To be oonHnued) 00Jl~.ot45, .t&.80.i ~. H. ADder-,
~\! W
S h (lnl
A\' p nuL' t
the Jhl1 ro"ll.
l3lnl '~ "·l · c Vlih,, durlUIr
l Ofl klll J('
~ben Ready for
Rh eumat ,- sm
The ,Miami ,Gazette
III 11 I1rv~I'~ l lIorll .
~m · .
V· h~ W R .
Frlo'utl. Bnar.lIng limn . ~"ll"~ Stl~Jle III r,y ~lv . M, ~: . ,llIIrl'll In 1.),11 ,·. $f"'~ r:ll II ,I, . ullllll g \·I.. w~ ,
of \\' a~o tlh{u water.
' t er '_.("(.u r
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1,01 OLller \,Irwil.
. 1
Satisfy .the Pubiic
--- ..
I"rla nd • •lI uro\l
(..;I!fill' l ('r:r I!; ntra n cf' . Smi th i.Jal t" .
!. l
•.L.lltl ,'·1 Or\lli>~ , 'I'll" "' 11111" !lrltl gQ .
Miscellaneous Views II ,n'crsh un: ..!; ,. 11 111. ~l r ee L. uc nc III Han' c,\' Jt,hllrW I
_ f'irnutnt.°ntul Sel.' tto n I n MluI1l1
Jlmu~ 'j
We Are,the folks
I)f t ht' ' ;,lIIllon
LIIl\! '
ts '
SPRIN,6 and SUMM Sbirtt Waists WASH ' 50c up, Pei-sian Lawn Allover Nett
Skirts. Our Sales are very large 'Our Cut and \ Hang. cannot be excelled.
Our $5.75
Skirt cannot h'e equall~d.
$18.75 values ' utll to a1)Y "$25 .00 suit in the market'
Spr'ing J acli:et S3.r5 np.
$'1.50 up $1.00 Sateen. Heather Bloom. $5.00 up Silk.
HUTCHINSON &GIBNfY . lI'o1'th Debolt st •
1'lIbllri h 01
Agric ullur e
Form er Resid ents
\\ .l,\ 11t.· ,. \' I, 1I \ U h IU
Famoul:i Music ian Dead .
P u b li c
. A lho r s lllt uf l,h \) uuuanl luC· Dlhld 'r UUl , rl~lIl()lla ue ~ I' () UIU i 'U I1 tloll of t.he RtdlwlIY Mf~i1a l:lsoclfl tlo n . DJlJrvHI 011' thl'o geLl e-ution f pla y of tbe el l,( lI t h dl \"iliioD, co mposed of goe r, dil tl 'fI.t lll'day I ' n 8 0 " o" e' n', tlI e 01 r ks o I' t l Ie P 11 If! 0 c oa t ·.11 t P, N J " " ,. Allving-90 lfl m ltv I'V hor n I will uft' r u t puhli w"le Il t Ill ,' I a,nd wbl oh conteRt, is con(]u oted lJy ,. , ' " WIJI r e ~ A I1f1 d III'lfln r'e~I"llu l\" in li vlu g fo r WII Yll eRvi li p, ( Ihio, on dOPltrtU1 Ati t.~ : hll,ll o t,!llIon t boY: Jl.nRt~l g , ,T ohn Rut • . e ver ~l .Y Ilr R I~ r etlr,em n t auel !l~h. 'j'lIfl wl\ nn t, hllrv"" t ia llo w in pru t r wor t h o( P Ol't lll nd hllR been leot . 8lst i n~ on) OhIl Tlt,y ,. rh OlllilB WIn g' 'l'PLElpf1 dO J' I\l r. eJiL.L . , No. 112 grali~ nnd fr .1lll ' h'\ rl t'llrrl l·tlORI' VBll 1 l0 0 t ' . , .' , n u Ol presll of th e oJ'gu nl iollltlOn for ~n.IIf;. IS . 1, 10 num .,"Iven i n his l)uri81 frUIII 1,ho ul[iul lli Ql'J' o~ )J \J lldoll t~ of tl . C .. 1 ,lflou tC, bu t, t,he s orllllUl wot! " I ,I I, Y I ... 1I) "t; I 10 00S1110! ! ye ul', I,IlO.uOl lU· ,UI li t It I ll~ tllllll tlll t I lilt I . I t" o f . . Mr . Bllt tel'wu rth Ii VU!) a t :J '6 (,Jut. II Wil li! u HUlOll t> lJIUlllllt Bug lun i ll ~ ., t 10 ;:10 II , III " lJly e nth'u livI I'Y lito 'k , c 'lI u l:i i:; I,III ~ tho tutu I yiuld will ho Hllper uunt uf lID IIVOUUfl, Mdunt 'l'ubur 01. , und fU t' 11 ILdu J,l tell , ll l;l W'll! I~ sluvo IlOIH' (,Jo l · , I~ full IIver llge I rup, Whilo t.h il! il:l ll y ellrs hus b eLI 0 11 tlre 150u th e rn Ull/bus, II " Ilbo ut 1 I,D. In IIrly unly a Bally It line of p r cent in pros}} ot Puoillo ruu betwee n !?ol'tlluHI Il,nu c ililclhoo d 'T Olll , w h o \II1l b ru enfoI iu oe , th e IiHml~lIc e ot t he ,ll111e r eo Dummm ir , 1'1 0 C!llm A or igin/Lil y t irely lllin d fl ml TIlor U lli v Ii h a u), . t hfl ll hulf POI'I, It. l ~ n ut (l1 ~OOLlI'ILl-tltlg, Itll, COlIl fH m Ohio , d iot io, sh owed h lm fl el f 1'0JlHlrklLb lv "uu llimplet' t nln ' 'porN I with th r o p of 1!l07 lit thi !! ; All th vo t eR we l'o Ren t t,o th e Itnit' Wea k a Ull IH'l lt l"t\~ t 1 t hl'E' o ):C'1I 1' 01\ ~Il I'I'.'l l\lIll'e , hy C. 11. rlll'{ ' ( II , 1h' '''4l utiv'll, fi nlllly fit IllI ng into t h'e Il!l: hl ,v nl'" k,, " tlUl p. , It .is ';' per ilen t ubove th e vrO!!. \ benuqu llrt,erb of th e di III1L l ov vou "rhl t vision in l5uu b ou e of hi m u~ t,er, to l'pprocluceon IlU U not uCl'ult l o f Ulltlltl, tlU ~l gOOl! e uoll l1 " r,,1' I h" >I to.)\\, 1'lIl l' i , ('f1 1'1'h, ~ Nut hl ng U I Ma y ho r se gell 1'1~ 1 pll l'pOl'tt\; Ii hgh t - h a rn t'!I~, nl' (l rivi n g I lll l' ~ P!l , p eot es tlllllLtli th en l'e llOT ted; bence I Frunois co. als OPJlOl\fU II vfl r v Ill' ,k. , lt .for t.b e th e IJillno th pie e b e 1111(1 h ourd 'IInd n ot, nfl'llld AIIlI n Olu1U lf t tJ ,10, of 'L ut o~ . Anyon e wll llt,ln thellvel'll~e yudd pe r ILc re I!hOll .l d h ouor <l Will! W , ' . McGreg or of 'a ll l'lnyod by o t,her s. I n 1 61 lle be- oppo rtun ity t,o lmy 0 11 11, Tf I\ n ~' (\ fl"' t ~ g /I f n lll ily 1J0 1' ~ fl will hl\ ve 11I1 LiU L ~v Ul t! ~ C' \ or othr.I' It will he Ill I1 U tl kn o wn li t I,iull" exoeed I ~s t, yelLr'!; hlLrve. t. Uom- FrunCls en, lIll , Bnt te rwor th r . 0 11 111 0 a,a l)l'oliciunt ou, th 10 tl'll- of gnl(l . rum' tl i'l1l o\'c ~ )'uu . ptu.,d with Ilis t yeur the Ilcren~ e il' cllived 1911 vutes [tnll Mr . Mclire or Ulen t t llll t ~ o, WIlS tll ko ll to N e w Onl y n l.II I.",. 8(; per oe nt ulld Ih e t o til I produo t for 1'77 vo l eN g YOl' k /Lnd IBXlblto d II 1\ phe nom enon ,"Vll <1 <1 11 0 1 know til e s ta te will not fall f at shor t o f 'tt ' h d n Ilnd \ Vhlil ' :"I l u th t! ~u rlt l I r, u erw , BU cee s ueorge U luter' Wil widelv helu tl in th e the orop Of 1907. Whellt olune. out 11. Addle nltl n llor U r \Y ~ al u r " 'I)r. f i"l)o kan . I 11 presi' I Dl teu ,l:i tllJOS II Oll Eu r ope . Xen in L~",-:-I!"l't"""".at.cilolllwr.e II 11 now I )f I t h bUd t I y ]l1I 1ll1 I "Ill In gool l CO Uill tWl1 ; il rubber Re pub h{ ~ w n ;ar In IIlUO A 11 <1 ' .L " " YUII ,, ~ e , ,I'll' oon 1 ·100 cl ent of' tb' u ~ !\oci ntl on I ~ t.ll' s; a II n 1II.n . I n y"; u r cr il, yo u ' re! a ll , steel tit· i 2 hll ~ ,v puwlt ~I'. l1 ll ll<lI'. 111'6 II og fl i ; I na w' UQIl Opy top tIIlHlw llilnntli pII L d , nndthe Welltll · l Not I ' tll It ' . ) . I ~ ll~ \v u rl ll t o "OU r d a d . OU \' l ee PO lOll • B st tb e World A fforcls I:!r oODuit,i ons foll wln~ being fa vo r. o n by llJll il. but tli e canclidl '1l.J'l'le( () I~ lii- pl~B~o n g e l' 1.1il cl< /lTlIl OIlE' I h or se huc k, bo th Lt s do I i " u I... ~ ~o III all . in f Ilr OOlulttlO ll . a ble, the pitlOt E! howed Improv em en t, th all' clI' lIIpui~n illg by ' a ~ilrli1nl ' !lyil. to" l ~e~,ir~I~I::ll~II~~~~f:~\t~~~l~~~ O nl )' a 1I by, with ellOh " month 's report until the to l ' I·-T,·l.l'n li ~et!l !li ng le hlll' ll e~ !i' : " Met", d oubl e barne Ii, "'( )I' 'In ll t nnoa, thl , (M '" I,. D A u t! ~ .c you 8 1~1' 1 :1. 1 s r,t. ( ' 1111 ' h b tl rn e ~ H' nl ' kle plated bOil pr'e e u t 1·lme, E r!~qu ent rnln fl\ lls, Mcl;l-r egor had VlIlHphl s vel ,r r, ",nl ve,"slI :vs ,T . W" l ' nk inl1,of Ubnp. III et ' printed el filii 'L' h ~ fIIu II l 0 1 h OI, e .0, " 1I1 lll oon v lUClld it 's good oud.ti on . fo llowe(j by long oontiuu ed drouth be I' g ( n f h ' i t I ' t t h l:! be>!t IIlva th e world lIl1'ortls , It l illcly's Rld o Blldd le, go d cOllcliti o n ; bl tlDk e ll:l, ro be!'!, hlli ters le o 18 p C ur S II DL e lurin g tho Ptls t m ontl), t end ed I IIr n th , fork .. , 'l' hl)lItth liu ' a llo w~ aw , . " tb eur ou '! felon on my t hum e, a uu it. s bovel .. ILDd :! puir h or a Clipper !'. ~ ng . r vu rlOU" 0 er r tl/lsons n ~ v r fuil t,o b enl ever y . or , b nrn Yu u . "," Wr hcre . , 1 fine P o l n rl Chillil h r OOli ~ow dlL 10 furrow t,b t~ reunce tbe vros peot , 'l'here itl why Ill embers of the ilSl!ooil l 'nh tlF AUg uBt ; ltion or w Dun .i.t o wh lob it III Ilppli d . 2Fi 2 s prin g pig-:' A world of Joy U HO SOWtl OO~Plllin t of d~rna ge by Hh~uld cust t.heir votes for bim . Ilt Ji'rfld A nd u. w o r ld uf C' h e • . . 8ob wu rt z'il ~lrll " S tlll e . 1 h e ll~ in g s t ove!:' , Oll fl ll,l!on ,l-tlli<o!il le tank; oll e tiJ' lind otb'er ..InSBot!;!, while II1l1ny MI', Blltterw ortb wrote 11 0. oiroultl I' len . OIl t unk ; 2 plan o boxes, 1 onpb olll'd, :! ohnrch beooiJ fl!I, some galloo 00111 Yuu ' r~ un l y Iof the corresp ondent s note that the ters urging bis broth e r mnil c lerk-s bah)" .second -hIlDd furni t nre ILncln lot o f junk. Alld ye l lor ou, wbeM Is st.ruok with rust,. The esWoul d You? to help him win , . \\' hlll woul l1 n ' l II m o tb~ r A oredit, of six m ouLh s will be g iven wi t h tlpprov ed: secul'it timllted 1I1'el} o f wheat l)lo we(\ up y, A 0 .. ( a lllft r do ~ The el ~ ,iOIl is a.lwllY s by moil di ~ o nn t o f three 11 l' 0 nt ffll' o'i sh . this s prlugjw lis 1'10 m 6ugre thllt no ,V hut w m id I) t hough t acr lU rverYlll lng of Il m U ll ';aport III mnde o f Sllm e oud approx · owing t o I ho fact tbat It w o nld b wh o lVould ur., l,olllS Ilear, p IS "long II h o t Ilud C. TH. HSAUWRFAECE"A imut,e ly Ihe $flmfl arell origlntl lly t.lm ost IIDIJoss lbl a,f r t he mnil clerkB du ~ t y r Ollrl ' fool, Fu'r i'h .. li llY mt ~ UII k, " w il en h C' . t o h old 11 con venti on an d h!.ve !Any K , uct ' l' llnl l ~ cu n ln ~ he l'~ , eede.d remflillecl for tb e harves t , o n Id r td o i n . IL ·1O-ho l'''l )Jowel' numbe r in IIttendfl.nce, - l::dK ar A. U Ue.!'\l . In ll~ lrol l 1"I'~e Prells. FRED HA~T SOCI{, Clerk. ILl1 t~llI uhil e , II n ll sli ve ti m f', tOlfllio l' • u nd !l lI ae lellth ' r ~ He lVu nle! be Secre t Servi ce Ag~nts '1'he idllil o r 1111 lI .... tl rU IJUlllllf, lIeBmlS Oet my ' Book No. 4 Jt'OI Women . " It will give weak WOmell mllny VII\' con "ill red 0 0 m or foolis h I,hllll the to iI'rik all fllvurlllJly , uable sngges tions 01 relief- and lIlia.u who t,d os t ,) 1'1111 h i. , h n. Iness A Purel y Vege table ~.xaUve · '),lIe, Vllloin nati Enquir or of 'lltur with At,r iotly oonflde ot.ia) mediClI,1 with u t uU 'V rlisi ug, w h tl ll th bIg '1' llingll III I! I)n ttJ'1II bave slIttled d ay morn I, ng sllyl!l : udvioe is entirel y fr~e . Simply 40 hor se po wer nutom ohil e of lIe WR· urcs Chroni c Consti pation and AU I' f:ll J I 1f f J/:. " eteo write Dr, Sboop) Raoine, Wis , '1'11 0 dllpel' pllblh3i dowo iu II. r .HlI }Dtl "gtllll, .. ner the Liver and Kidney Troub les,' , noe u'1 t'J onr emil" U is lit hi~ COlllTll! , lllll, • bouk No, ~ tells all Ilbout Dr glorioQ,8 "' uurth tlves employ eu by the SI.ate Ll\bor I5b oop's Night. Oure I&od bow thes~ Xeniu G.1 7Altt . Dep!l.ft ment Ilt Oolum bu hilve beeD Moothin g, h ealing, aut.isep ~"'l' ll ie ,Il \I", I nllulI' I lI1( ]lIar ..,, : In OioolnnllL! seoretl y vlsltiDg storell, itorles can be success tio suppos . fully upp\tecl Piles IU'C~ I:!lItlil y Il n u quic kly The farmer! ! 1111 \'tl t heir w,)rlt well t t th Zimlll ormlln 'iI, K il bon ' ~ , k W · cll 'ked wiLh Dr, 'hoop '/; Mlig ic \fOrltshopll .Lnd fnotori es 10 sellrob 0 coueo ese W~!l netlses, rltl1 Ointui . ellt,. io b"ud JlI)W II ntl th e majori ty of '1'0 " JH'ove It 1 wU\lIll for lilll White the '" , book . The loqnt,joy 'tL Nl gbt Uure is of vl\>lute rs·of the new Olllld lab l' BollI bv It II dealerll Springfi.e~d, Ohio, ,. tbent w ~. ulU be g luel to j olu ,ID our Illw. smflll triallb x II i! IL convin oln g t es ~. " imply Ilddres s Dr, 'h oop, Rlloine half bo\i<lny . , ' 'l'hey entered mo t o f plaoes WIS, 1 sUll' ely \\'onlll n ot !lond it on the pretext of parohll sing "'ood s l'ioted Preac hers at Chau free nnless I WIl S 0 r tlliu Hlllt D. " ~h o op 't!MlI ~ioOintru ell t woulu st,nnu Joel 'b"Ddle r !:illrris, known liB Ilnd In some instano es eogll~lng tauqu a the te~ t. ·I:temelllber it ill nl/lde ··Uool .. ReUius " dloo Illi his home 10 themse lves as employe@, [0 other exprel!s ly !lind ILi on f IJI' Bw olleu , Atltl.Dtll, UI&" after Il short illDess, shops they litated their miSSion, tLod painful , bl. edin g or itchIng piles , Two If tbe greates t living e \'un · either ex te als writing s were publlt!b ed alid re- It Is ~Ili d In these ollses II- quiokd rop l'llal ~)I: rntC'Jrnlll. Large Prevale n ..',. or Kldne, Dllen.e. t jllr 50 r , '(lId b.V till dp,nl I'S, Most people do not reali ze the ~: f1 rm · publlsb ed Illl o ve r our oOllotry ; amI WIlS made of !:I irl \!! Ilnd boys tbat geJlsts \ ill I,)e h eard Ilt· tbe Miami ing increase tl nd remarka bl e p rt; n! '~\Jc y biB uolqutl BtO' iet! wlll I'e mlliu io the looiled !lusploiuu!!ly undel' the age Vall ey U!l1ll1tauqt¥l- whioh is held - - - -~ --o f kid ney d :,:::usc. _ ulem-or y of the peopl e for yoors 'l,o pl'tlt!oribed by Illw. '.fhe detectl vetl July 17 1 II ro f'ugu 8L Sr<l , 'l'l~e Rev . Weil 's Band at Chaut While kldney'd is. au~ IUft Miss BrYlmt , of 8prlng lleld; ~m, A ~~lUdlL:V io wh o rd eTs are th e oome, ose eVllnge liB. m os t c o mm o n qua Miss, Oracey of (,Jolamb u9; Miss , ttc oll-llljJlII g n m ore t h/l.L1 !l hun r ed d iscilses th at pr~ · Miss tbo usflnd peoille have been OOllvert ItlptlYs to nl!verl,l se, One gentle. Elli!!, of WayneS Ville lind vail, th e y lH C nlmost the last ed" leotllrel l on ~lJe e veulng of July man "rter unothe r blli! tbe ·a8. EllUlI', of Dayton . Weil 's ll'lIomo us Bund of fi ft~' lllll. r e cogni ze d by Ith , on "Boo~e" allu preaobe s on iici ll n!t will ILppear li t IlJe serlatio D, aud' believ& thore-is p :tt ient 11IId phy· MillJJli sicians. ",lio en,, · notbiD g liktl It. ollrse! veil Mer It III 110 use ollsting IL m ouldy arullt 8unduy July 19th. Hllroh} Jllrvis Valley 'hllu,ttLuqua in two ooncert , t c.n t tI,eYn« BI r"8 t,hegre tlt tel\l.rl )lolst of Oetroit tLP- llftern Ooll !.od ovenln ohaDtI:I are I!olllg tlJrllug b 11 du\lllan U\JOD tbtl wa~erl! hoping . g Jlll y 21st. I.~ ilh dllrlori/' !f tfl~ "i/'fcl., wh ile the IJriU' to g et baok ) . peul's ou 10D JUt41 DOW , but If t.hey htlve spe-. 0, nice hot ll~I!Olllt , ,You clia.'u, o undermincs III ' $)'![Iem, o~nRot ex " to be oue Jul y 19 . '.fhil! prGmi!!es Tbi8 is the finest IllUI!IOIlI a,ttl'nct io n ,'11111 , Wb(lt To Do . of tile gren t da.ys at Cbau· ever offerod · oial offeriog ll p8nple tuktl time to peot~oorl yields unless BAT HAW A'V htlutau q Ull., W e ll T her e is rOlllfurLill t he kllowleolg e Sf tbe lanll is in re~l1 th ~ II\, 1I11t1 th tlll- tlHlybu y, haB won diat lnotion Il- 11 gl'ellt lond· ofl~ 1I ' ''pr SHed, tha l Dr, Kilmer '!> "hll)Je to feeu ' th e orop. ARMO UR tAuqu. , I I, !I .I 'J6S ville's Leadin g .Dentt. , R,-:l V , U eorge R . StUIU't the great' er aud R oot , lhe ~ re" t I,id ney remedy . ol'j;alliiolol'. Bi ll blind proba Swaml?· Il'Ell1'LLl ZER~ sl1l)p1y the I?ll\nt. fl\lfill ~ e \'ery' wish ill c uri ng rh eumatism, Otllce in Keys Bldg, MaIn .\:I, eVllug li st of 'feone stle , who WEll" bly co ntlli'n ~ U1 0r e Rolo pl ll.y e rs tlltln pai n in Lb e bu 'k" Id, lnc)',;, li ver, bladde r There ill a plllli un fllot to olo.e b'ood needed In /lv"lIuh la form . ba..rd by severlll t,housa nd people /any btl.od no w befol'e t he Allleric lln a lld ever y pad: o f the uri llury passage. Oooe tried ulwaYII used . For sale 'be Itores 'ODe Ilfteruu ou ,l:!lLuh weok, It c orrecls i 11:1 bi lity t o hold at haut-au qua IU8t y aI', prenche R publio, His mUllio l'u~geS from the IInrl sca ldl ng p ain ill p a)lsill f.;' it, ,orwtll1!r tD order ·to gl va tIllj meroulLn tI:I a by W . U. Smith, New Burling ton, on August 2nd tou(1 , I clflssio al to I;he p opu lin 'I lod pIe uses effects follo\\,1II g \lse of !iqll r, w ille or Hyatt~ obaDre ~o see ' blull 1I1l11, There ill Ohio, bee r , and o\' e ~ com cs tlw t u npleasa n t n e· Or, Madiso n C. I?eters whose evr,I'Y 11udlell oe, He IS very gener· c esslty of be1llg COlli "cHell now iu town a good agKregll tlon of Don't Be a Heat Victi m audieno Veteriu to go of le n u.ry 8u~geo!l and beotl;~, eH oootRlo more lIIen thllll OUS somet imes plll.ying three or four during the duy, lind to g·t up m:.lII y ball pillyftr~, II ud the people here ___ any other A,DI Ar!oBn uudle nce, l ao~ enool'6s, wh t.c b Is 110USUII times durin g the ni ght , Th e lIlild a nd I for 110 or· 011 .....J-;,L.f-o--~--C-U8 eBtbusUUtti\l In ro~ar<t to tb" the extrao rdi na ry efTcl·t o f 5w8mp~Root . l:ietlt Pro~trllt,loJl~Symj>toms-In t,ures ou J ul.v 23ril flnd 2-lth, aDd Igl\oi~fl tlon of this kind, . is soon reali zctl. It 6 l:UII.lS iame. The pltm iD 1111 probllb ility th e Ill gh,,~ t At Home on l:)aturd ay Afterno on, ' mild outl'8S, BII IldlllU!)ter Weil is el!pecil \lIy £01' its wo ndcrful cures o f the m os t ·d is· slI, tlon , pre lohed on .J uly 26th. Bish 'P J. l'" will be tc sake Thursd ay Ilfterno on faintne8 B tlndw\lakue t ressin g cases, If YOIl n cc(1 n 1/1·.Ii ·inc:· OCOllSIOlllLlly nIlUlle/),; C. Hllrtze ll the grent. A frioall Mis· proud of ttle r eoord he made with you should ha\'e be'wee D 'h'e. hOllrs of :4 :3!> aDd r. I~ I!evere caB6S, RLlnOr, greltt depres the he. t, Solll b~' tlntt:. . sioDary , prellohel! o!l: ,Juiy 26, his orgltni~l~tion .1I, the 8t. Louis gists III fi fty ·cc nt alll1 o nc·l1l,lI ur SIZCS. o'olook , '1'bis plan lIeeUlII telll!ible, ilion. o,oll8.pae, IOS8 of oODl!ciousnesR, You lIlay h nve n sU , - - - - ., lll ple ,bottle an.1 n Wor Id 's Fuil', In the seven !pon ths beoaul e tbroug jl tbe ~ dul1 summe r IlDd coldnesB 01 the body book that tells all WOMA N" E(,JONO MY tbllt it pla yed r.t the exposit ion, it 11bout it, both senl free . , mODthll there Is DOt "wueh 401Dg" * . 5r. r. 'CreBtm ell t - \V rap up the ptitlent ' . ...ave u~ cunoe,r t·s . ,. vn e very OOCtl· by mail. Audrcss Dr. aDywa y, All It takes If!, " 1 will," warmly lind call II physiol ao me r & Co., Hi ng who lI.ttlny women buy ,~ ll ftnlui by Bloll of nut,e t lle bllud wo.~ hellrd, hKil IUld ,beD stiok 10 i I . amton, ,\" \\'hcn wlll give tbe proper sthnulaot~ Inuudr, y . tlOIlPS beod.ulle they ' are Its daily CI " ,p P I·t~ were heard by writing meution Ihis pllper ull.1 d on 't SUIistl' oke,-Sy mptoU lI! _ ubovn 'l cheRp. 'l'uis is IllIStRI! en ecouoDlY, severnl nllil " . " people, Inloud· lII :1ke uny lII i ~l. kc , h il l n'w IIl lte r lhe Laxa tive Gran ules ' AD exobaDKe bll!! the followi Dg; solOU8D08S flnBhing of l.'tlllll!, Dr. Kilm er 's S\\'nlll p. i(oot, and the entire Tomor row try t.hIB 'lIugges tioo, send iog 1111 t he U, •• ,. I" o u,dl.led ~ a4dr guests ('~s , .ili of I1g h :1IIItOII , N . Y. A newBpl lper publilll lar hllll :recellt. body, profuse sweati ng, surpass es 1111 other l'e,tP, deliriu m, teo cflntB t o YOIll: grooer and gat 1.1,11' exposi tiOD: .Mr , Weil t'~links . ,,,,-_2 Il vomitin g and very high temper tu !E tbree 11lrge bltrs of l<.Iug of the LauD , blt\ bllDd was henrI! by more edies for thtl r e lief ' of sick. Iy broqb t suit agqiDsI ;lbr. m~n ,W 0 cepre · '1' eotmen~tmmedill'te reduaoti re dry Soup. YOIl wHl fiod jt, wlluld not pa.v the'll' t4n sorlptlOn!', \lllrd'imfi Iltlll~I~I.iv e~ ol~ peoples of e,u·.th . headac ' r he. , dizzine ss, indi..' · , on fi I . e l'r im of lemper ature Is imperlL tive, Sprin. b rm and ts ..o f,t orealUY Ilttllo r I1\S· t·h IlD .!lny other ,.IIU11 d tat, . obtllinl ng ju4Koi ent in Ilob a , geliti wus . on e ver , . ell rOll ic Const.i pa .' solves dirt like mllgio, Of theBe 28 malle atllda VIr. l,hlLt tbey kle 10e ~ater .ou ohesl, organl~ ed, " ~. lion and Bilious ness, beou.Ulle . aDd . . bodY, ltnd 0 ne ' I ' OWDed DO more tbuu the IlLw 1I110wp.d if possl bl e, paok b odY. • • CUll 0 0 1, we I ull ol'd t,o miss ln loe, I:!end h . , tt'ley ~Irfl oomposed of the best " t , ' " thus preven ting dLBob went' .rhen f or ' P b ys iCi Bryan Agal·n.· t e PP0I' I.unlty to 111\1\01' thl ~ gl'eut It.n a once, , mus ioul ILt t1' /fCti o u UDder tbe deollilu o of the tlllpNlI le , knowll Vegeta ble drugs, tLnd ' ' Pfevent\oll.-Bot~1 ' heut proB~ra. court. they ,w ere urre8tet J for petlt- tlon Rud sunstro ke ure nlixe d In th e proper propOr . 8Btiily avt>hl- , W\lltt1W J . Bryalo \vil) bt:! tue - - -...... ~ ... Onr l.roeD yand bUllnd over in the S'lQl ed, No mlltter bow hot tioll ~ k~ () wJl togl ve tbe '~t ' it lit, DOt;lll 'sta ard bOlirel' uf th.e Oemucrl1ts ' State B,uys More Land. of '$300. etlOh, A 11 bat six will be f!triok!!n who, itA Y s.fll1'n. Ticket Agent. .I s, in perfect agllhl, ' ~"'vln~ 'been ~owipderl l In r eslll tl!. ," . --bond while six went to jail The henltb, These l'ule!; WIll . VEliy 'LOW RA~ES. make yoo DeD"er , The dernon st,rutiol l at, the ~very 'l1he llhlt 0': tb e pl'e hist ol'ic enrth bottle gU!ll'fl lllteed . new polt611 a.,W· make~ It larc"ny 'to ~iDlllune:, Wear't hin, loose clot~'jng DtLlUe of Bryan ll1ste~ ODe hu~r Ilnd WOl'k,s of F or:t to give s",tisfu otioo or ·moD·,, Ancirm t: in eu tern take., ptlper and reftl~e to pay for eat no he~v:v food, ~nd ellt spllrlog . fifteeD minute s,.and I,be Domuia tloD ~Il~reu ,I eyrefti nded, : . oount y, pltseeu luto the it, Iy ; avoid every . kiud .o~ stimul ant i wils' made uDadliU\o'il~ It.t a :or; ~~ M' . pOB!latl! li on of tbe ::5tute ' ( If Ohl() 250 t . 1 o 1. • bottle a~ . SCb,va..b'••, · '".: •, sleep ID well ventllfl teci rOOUlS; driDIt Friday morDin g, • • day. wben tlle'r e mtllntn g 2(aore s of wailed: llu,whe re(upO D r~lpt t;:pwor~h tielgh ts Meet ing plenty of water i keep ou~0"'th8 8un, .On . J!'rldll.Y ,Iohn W . Kern' of the old fort wns ounvey '/f l)ri~ , ed to ' the . tnuoh as po!Blbl e; be , regular in Indiana polill Wl&S .nomin ated ,for oommo nweDlt h, '.rhe IlInd is The wen known ~nd popula r Ep· all balll~, . vloe pl'eside nt, t.hough t to oontain prolmb ly more wortb Bei,btl l Vamp ME!eting will If Sw.eatlDg oeasel! aDd skin be ' relics llhan allY of the other DlOundR OpeD on '4eir ground s Dear Lovelal ld comes bo' and dry while workin g, 8f:1EET S OR . BEDCL OTIiIN O of the fort lind It ~ olaimed ' tbat Au,utt 7, -aDd coDt Due ten day II tD the sun, quit, wo kat onoe, seek there IS,!18ubterrunelLD passage l!'lad· It t.alltt le,late r thl.yea r thaD USD- reat and take ~ cold bath. No ODe waot· to sleep bet weeD ing froOl tbill old fort down t-o tba .1, but tbe lQaDagerl! oon81dertnl! .-. hillf-ele an" III smellin g sheels or Little Millmi" , river. The SlatE! ~e faot of billY 1188.0D with farm ,'al't Euotly , Rlgbt ' where the bed olotbin g If: not olelln .Arohl&eologloa:l society will plaoB In ...., aDd W'anUng to malle It eallelt, '(I bavd U8811 Dr, Klng'lI New Lifa 8weet .. King of ~he Lanndr y vlllJtlaa tora work Ilt ODoe iD 1&0 er· lor parti. deelrtDK to attend n- Pills fOl'B8verlll aDd fiDd tbem Soap oJeaul every kind of glatlUe ntl, fort tQ MAIl'! STRIIlItT 80me of the biddeD WAn.& VILD., O. aDID, ...rvIOM . b.,ve fixed tbe dllk' Ullt Ml' A A. tbe 'worklnlman'uoUedaad'~8IUIY myeten ee, In room Dez' door:to Orou BroI, the PUSllB8 i~ diswheD Uaey abo1llb l i' .oweS bill' elto;U i: NU.VIII • Y tbe botohe r'e rage, ooverecI, ,lie Bardw are awn. feel. that it win .urroD odlal ~ Beet aDd tbe flncb. There.
D. L <:1'111111, 1,:11 11 " 1' II III I ;\<, nnglu - - - - - - -- - - - - - - l Oll u yeur , .• , . , I" 'Id""I1~~ el !(, tl , ~ •• r II II n~ I",hl 1\ " I\',II ..·t _._ ---- -. ()~'li'ln~; IN A LI,EN BUILD ING
'J'II'I I fl)l1uwlo " r ep Jrt rll))!'
antI! ureo lind oOllllitt..on 01' IwlJ El lit us Om pi lac} h 'om r e t UI'Il I'e elv ed from ~h B reg n ltlr I'orrt;', )ll lnl l fl nt~ of the
Saturday ~
Ju ly 18, 19 08 ,
10 Bug gies , 2 Sur rey s, 1 Run abo ut
1 MB
2 l-I A K
10 Set"
'fIL L.
.. -.. - - -
~--------------~"J~ . ----------~--~4
The Alpha Chemloal G~,
fhou&ands Have Kidney Trouble and Neyer Suspect It.
fUN ERA L DIRE C.T0R Telephone Day or Night. '
Local No. 1 Long Distance He. 69-3, WAYNESVILLE, OH'IO Branch OHle8. HanersburO' O.
·D u. H.E.
Dr. John
, 'f e Ie ph '.
e .N6. •
W ayne sviiJ e, Ohio .
Veg etab le
Niagara Falls Excursion Pennsylvania'Uo"
Loo k-at our line of
POlt eal'd '~. ,AIl loca l UND ERT AKE R view s, balf -ton e prin t & EMB ALM ER
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- I .
·~.J!~Mi· ~~;;_llRfi:;
It forbut Youwhat 'ou the siderIn" Is there ''Not a oont. .lust Vle ealal'J', that.'. aU." "Corne off! Why, two ot ~ot laat bunch cleaned up ten thoull! nd apI ece- beI:ore they walked tlle plank." "Well; tt's a new deal. No sid e Issuos for me. "'aat tbe little old fotlr thou. .T hat's all." "Why, you allft honest, are YOII, Jack 1" ''Well, I never had 'Honest John' ta ked onto me ,for a bandlcap, but I don't wan t to go along tbe .treet·looklng back to see if auyono's following me." ''Out tbose fellows are all\'e and well to·day and tile statuto of limitations lias run on 'em." ' "Yes, maybe; but It would be dust my luck to get 'llnaked: My taUor says stripes a rc unbecoming on tal,l men, anyway." " You're fooJfsh, Jack." "A, regular lobateI'; Billy ; but ' wh n I'm le t out I wnnt to Sleep nights, wltbout lis te n Ina- tar s ome one to. ring the door·bell and ask 'how about Il?' ., , The foregOing conversation Is verually' a COI'l' et traDJIc.r lpt between nn appOin tee t.o a city omce and ft ,.,olttlQaI acgualntance, the we ll·known and tLIJrtost "dlabarred" attorney, the Hon. «rllllam "Sklphls. . nam~:" It occurred just as written .down, and Is mereJ,y given to. illustrate the general Idsa prevo alent among the crooked, thc c raft)' ond the un. IIcrupuloulI that publ., ofllce was a I,rlvnt "anal). " Tbe salary was supposed to be ml'l'ely OX.llense moner for In the ' polltlcal game ; t bo I'cal "moncy" was to be gotten out of "side deals" tlohemee where tbe official was to use his Influen~e and bl. OpportUnities to get Into "sometblng good," "bereby for favoH either directly or ind,lrectly gnanted he got what is known some times a. his " rake-oft'," or his "bit:' 'If be was In a position where contrncts were to fie let "to the low-&st blilder" It '\\'as his bus iness, If Ii "gt-alter,' to see that bls "mao" was the loweAt bIdder, or to have a "combination" among the tlidt!8!'8 110 that tbe contracts would be ' divided e.m0llg two or three fa.vored fl~ms or Indlvl!lllnls; 01' to work tn aome one ' as sub·contractor 01" 111 yarlOUB ways "get 'a tlnger In tb e pi e," 110 that be (!ould "holp up" somebody for " It divvy:' Wbere 'Ddlv1t!uat omclals had the' enUre control of 'tbelr omcee, their apPortaialUN for "graft" were, at COWIe, eKteu!..,; "bere cftelalll were co-associated In·dtf wOrk, there bad to be eltber a (:om])lete and general undtrsta~dll1g as t,o "crooked work," or t':lcre Q.\IBbt IJe underband work by one or two ..Jn~1l w-hl.cb was blddlfn from the ·reat. ~e DubUc bad weird and unique Ideas' about ....~" The fact tbat "grafting" " ' US carried on Itn 1llty bali and city departlllllnl1l to a gr ate r or ?te8¥ extent during every flolltlcal sdmlnlstratlon " 'as a faot that was undenJllble. sOmetimes an lid· ministration was espeCially corrupt; sometimes the admlnlstratfon was headed by a man who was even by bls \llltcreIIt enemies aeknowledged to t,e s trIct· "honEllt. Bat as no one man could oversee the US and outs of every deputment In the db', there ........ boUnd to be some "grafting,'" bowever petty, .eoIneW-het'e In the ,.arlous OmCBS or departments, But the public generally seemed to be nf fbe olllnton. tha.t the instant a man was appointed or elect· ed. to oMce biJ! entire nature changed. Tbe ,1,eO{lle lmagined, apparently, that 'a 1.JllSlnt!s s man whose tl1te$rttf. {hrough many years, had never been qU08UonEid becatpe "crooke d'" the Ins t.ant lit:' took the oath of office. And because of thi s, the mos t )nsulUng and libelous stalements wero being- ban· dled back and forth by Irresponsible Ital'ties. (:on· cernlng illen who were honestly anll conscientiously dOing theIr duty In ' l>ubllc om·c es. . CIUzens wllo ap~roprlated without any legal right the sld~walks In · front of their s lores tor shipping purposes-men who would follow an ald erman .for weeks tn order to get a bay·wlndow put 10 a down' . town IIhop contrary to the' ordinances, pe"ple woo hung about the city hall trom dawu to twilight try· tug ·to get a railroad pass. would e ntc r Il. public offico with the air I)r Da.nlel going down the elen· tor Into tbe lions' den. And It a question "'lUI asked them when 'they stated theIr buslnes", they always trnagtnet! It bad a hint of grad In It. \V~1J, now, ,At me tell you : These folks thut are always s cent· Ing "graft" ' In eyery public office and officer- lhcsc ·.'1I01y Willie!!" tbat 'aS8umo sucb all " unco guld" air. {bey are ofte n the p~ollie that will bear wlltch· (ng themJlelves. 'rho fact of the' malter was that that real "graft" , was liandlcd by men who worked It so that nenrly alwlt~' s It was entirely tegal, in the strict Jettsr o[ the law. A l1)e.8sley five or len-dollar hill handM here and tbcl'e (or IIOme fi'vor was a mere bnglltelle. . /Uld as for "gra ft" In 1101lth;,~ tbe legl81atures of the various Btat" Are all mi ghty universities t9 kinder~artans compare. \.0 city admlnl!!tralioDs. As rot: the Unite d States senate-but ·that Is the "k.lng row" on the l.olltlcal checker·board, and not a mat· ter for comme nt 10 th(s arUcle. Money 'a the cbeape!lt and least dangerous form .r ",raft." I lOenn . money that buys favol'll; brIbes, '" • word . ma "graft" concerns IUlIlf wltb "shares," "cell," "Inte reab!"--thlngs that cannot be traced ..., eully to cor rupt lIo'lurces. DIg jJI'Ilfterl are afraid ., ·c:old cash. Tbe¥ wnnt' IOlAetbl!JS tbat cu be
manipulated so that the ugl, word "mon· ey" can be eliminated In case of an ex· poaure. Cash la Ii hllrd commodIty to "juggle," but shares and ' stocks can be b9tter explained to a jury. So only the Ignorant or most brazcn ot the big "graftol's" go after the money In the form of U. S. bank bills. Recorda are telltales; and money taken w ~ongfu\l y and unaccounted for (,flen returns to Illllllue tbe hypothecator with & p'enlten tla ry sentence. Another thing thllt aeernl to be overlookc(l Is that legislation ,,'III not cure "grafUng." True, it can aud dnes punIsh the Individual; but notb·· ing but an aroused spirit of higher clttzenshlp will . ellect a general cure of the evil. 1f yo'u want to know how many people In your city and county are out aCter "something for nothing" get Into a political position wblch either actually glvell you c hances for bestowing favors, or apparently orre~.s the oPI,ortunlty. Nlnety·flve per cent. o( the pea- . vIe who call Qn rou come for, the purpose of hav· ing you do them some tavor.. eltber for them· selves or others; and they are not at all partlcu· lar abliut bow the favor Is done, so that It be done. For myself, I know I was bombarded day lind nlgbt after I got lnto omce with req)1ests that ranged all the way from the Impudent to the Ig· norant. Requests to aid In the way of evading or ,Ignoring city ordinances were matte rs of dally occurrence. 'And the charming thing about It was tbat tbe parUes assumed that' this was n mat· ter of cou'r se In the 'r outlne busIness of tbe city hall. It was 1I0t m erely "what's the constitution ' bet eeu friends '!" but "what's honosty between acqunlntances 7" , "Skatc" No. '1 would Introduce "Skate" No.2, anti the latler would untold a Boheme to "pull ott" something, In 1I0me other department at the cIty ·hall, which: was not only agaInst all canon II of dece ncy as regnrded common honesty, but 80 ridiculously apparent thlt no ':)ne but an Ignoram· liS would concoct such Il plan. Now thelle things happened so ofte ll that IC you got. mad at each occurrence you would be In a state of seml·apa.. plex}' hale th.e time. Tbe Dilly thing to du was to cut the Inlervlew short by saying "I baven't any· tf!ing to do WIth that department; If you liave any busin ess with that end of the city go thero yourself." . ·But . when you come to pin down any great amount of "graft" In most of the city admlnlstrai Ions' OmC ~8 )'OU failed, from the ~lmJlle reallQn that th el'e was, comparatively IItUe of It. Was It ' .heClaup : . greater publicity and greater vIgilance wns r~lng had · through Il hostile press ll'\ld a ' wah'h~ul opposite party? Or was It becau~ , IUl ftnpl~ t~ rn 6ut was being made III the cha.racter of tbe n ec. elected and appointed? Or wall It both? At auy 'ra~e; there WBII a steady advance for the bettc r during the cycle of at l~ast eIght yeai'll of my experl nee In poilU,s. Given au able and vlgUa.nt man lit the IIcad of a 'CItY'II' affairs, and ';graft" 11'111 be. reduced to a- mInimum' durIng lIll .term of omce. Given ' any other kind of a man, IIId once more "graft" will 11ft till Jlyd'r a nead. It III a curious thIng about U1abl(estatlnn, tbat the t'~odency to make "a IItt,le on tl;e £Ide" leenlS to II(! apparent In RlI admlnlstratlonll, but III eltber tlot'mant or actlve as tbe man at the helm II either o.lert or lnattentfve, LIke yelloW fevllr in Cuba, It Is Ilwaj. present. even If 0017 ODe cue 01' It.
'file 'lheap "crelter," wbea foud out, Itev.,r u.s
Invalid ' Once, a Happy Woman Now•
?lfr!!. C ~ n. Flhelton, Pleasant Street, Covington, Tenn ,,' sllrs :' "Once i TUGlJESE VILL G E, see med a 110lploso In, ' '1l.lI d, but now I on· JOY t ho b ost ot h a ltb, Hldc! cn Plunder of 'Long. Forgo tten S en I< I d n o y d I s .o a s e Ba l1di ttl Revealed Through the brough t me do wn. ter. , Enc roa,:hmcnta of the At· rl bly, Ril e u m a t I a lantl c Oc ean on Co alit. acbes a ed pains mnde eve l'Y mo\'o pnlnful. Tlt f1 IlIhu blta ntll ot Pora.lolha, a lIny The s ec;retlons were an y tn M il, In t h fi rst Hshl llg '1 lIag on t:, Portugnese COl1tlt disordered nnd my hcnd n hod to dlaplllC!', hc IHl cI not s tole n ~cinH! <lIs l.lln<·,' Routh o t' Lisbon , hay tructlon . I wu !' In a bad coudltlon, but t' uou gh flO a~ to lay a way be.> Il ;;rllwl ttF r Ich o r late On wltat me dicines fru led to help . I Ibst ground lltlyth lull fo r hi,:;h·prl r.ed . S 111 3 to ha vA heen tho hi dd en pi lln . dnll y until I begnu with Donll's Kl duey la wye rs. so he 'ou ld 11 1'1' of so Ute Ic, ng·forgotten i,lrate band. P ili!!, T hey help d me at once and noiLitt' r II OS . liS a murl yr . ROllle of the 1 have gat he red I II as soon Iliado me 8tl'ong ond woll." nor g o Inlo co ur t and mako muc h Uti $ I.U(lO worlh 'ot trea8l1 re. Sold by 01'1 denl I'S, 60 ce nts n bOL T bat lJun .)f t ho coaa t or Porlugal F ostOI'·l\1I1hnrJl Co" Buffa lo, N. Y. IL Hg ht. Us ua lly hc "lost Is tm O' ring " 1'0111 the cnc roachments hI s Job f Of qt;lte Il. while." Unobtainable, ll1 s p tty pe ulatio ns wore of ·tbA ocean . ~lu ny hOU81lS huve bee n The Doctor's W Ire-Well , J ane, .110 laus h d nl. <l n d h e fo und unde rllllu Pl1 1'1 t he last rew y a I'S a nd him!! If In th o s treet, an havo hal: to be abandoned. Someti mes you r (Joor husba nd 's gone at last? o bj at of r.o nle rnpt and bi g' slices or d ry land slip ort Illto t h Didn' t you gh'e him h is medici ne prop.. je ers. Btl'. w h n a Ulall Atlantle oc 'an on a s tormy nig ht nnd el'ly" Jan - All , 11001' d a I', how could IT h ad g ott t' n ILway with I he I'CO pl o wako up to /jud all Il1nd. ' Doclor said as ho w It waG to bo took fQ rly or OflY tholt9lin d dol· mat'ks cha ng'lr!. 'fh ls Is wh t hllPI)encd a eOU1)Ie of . In a recum b nt Pos ll'lon, a u' I 'adu't lars. It wa s an nUrcly d irT I' lit IlI'olloll ltion. He week ll a go In a (u rloutl gal e. The au . I aske d Mrs. Gre n to lend me he said she 'ad onc, but It was coultl th n put up a good, wav 8 washe.1 fa r In over th e upland on e. 'lnd ';ar·rled II WU )' vas t masses of Ule broke!· So 1l were no . ,ood.-TH s llft " bl lttT." Til the fi rs plael!, It was " liP to hIm" Ullper lIoll . Je \'Ing th e shelvi ng bench Sketch. to povh:pooh all r umo rs or a cOll plo of hund re(1 r eL wideI' ih ullit ~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ a S8crtions which h ud 1J en had evcr be n hefore. A Hllt.el'man f Lbe IIt rand lI1nd ~ a gai ns t h is offiep. wallilu" a lo n l ~ th o edge Next, to ex plaln t ha t nil saw some t hi ng glistening In the slope t hi s tal k about "gralt" a nd rooting It Oul ot lbe ground fo und It was an ancient sliver cu p. HO ' dug 801l1e maI'o Ilu d foun d quantltlea of scatte red gold a nd s ilver coins. \Vhe n the n WI! got IlrOllnd the vII· lage the whole po pula tion turned out to dig, 'l'h cy found &tlll more money, a ll dullng lJack to the end of the s evontee nth .n ud b eblnntn ~ of the e ighteelllh c nt urles. There wero rings and 6rooches. c r ucifixes and je'weied chalices, jewe led sword bandleo and ta ble Illate. obody knows jult how muoh the t rea sure amounted to, since the fish e rtolk hid It as fast all they secured It, and when the omdnl Inqul· . ,'es we r.e macle overy one Qenled his Own j;ha re. The), a rc 's Ull <Ilgglng, however, and Proof 18 iocxhaw.tlble thai 8 11 occIl810nai nnd 15 UIlrlo. The sea Lydia. E. Pinkham·s '·"getabJe eeems to havo broken up the cathe Compound carries women safel7 and distribu ted Itll contents over many through the Change of I.lfe. acres of boneb. · pbjects are picked R~o.d the letter Mrs. E. Hanson, up as far as low water mark, and 80me are doubtless 'l!l'Ullhed back from Urnc BOi E. Long St., Columl>t18, Ohio, writes to Mrs, Pinkham: to tim tram deep wate r. .. I was passins: thrC!ugb tbo Change 'It Is be ll ved lhat the tre as ure re presenrs plunder from Spanlllh co a s~ of Life, aud suffered trom n orvoll&ncBS, hcadachclI, nud other annoying tOI\' ns. It Is sal d tb a t lon g a go there Bymptotnll, 'lily doct,or told me that \Yoro nunlerous bands or Po.-tu guese Lydia E. Plnl(ha~'s VegetabLe Com· pira tes whi ch committed de pre dallons pOllud WI\.S good 'for me, and slnco takon n considerable Beale both aftoat lull' it 1 10c111O much hattor, .and I caD and asbore, and wben Portugal was at again do my own worle. I n evcr forget pence wltb Spain they were obli ged to to toll my frieuds what L ydi a. E. Piok· ham's Vegetab16 Compound did for DMI be ve ry enreful and hide tbelr plunde r. during this t.rylng period." From time to lime , oCber hoards of tho 80me sort Illwe been discovered. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Wbe n this collecUon was burled. no For thirty years Lydia. E. Pink· doubt, the spot was tar e nough rroDI hn.m's Vegetable Compo~~ made the water's cdge to bo regarded as from roofSand herbs, h ..'\8 ooen the sare tor all time. 8tandard remedy for female ills. ~ OR
Billy! " are YOU, Glad t o you got (hat allpolnt. ment What Is the re In It (or you?" "Four tholl' sand a year." HOb, I don't mean the aalb-{I wit1a the aal.
and has posi!;ively (lUred thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera.UOIl, fibroid tumors, irregularltiea, periOdio pain!;!, backache, that bear· lng-dOWll feeling, flatulency, indip blon,di7.Zine¥ or nervous prostratlon. Why don't you tty it·? Mrs. Pinkham lndtes aU sick ""omen to write her for advice. She h .. guided · thousands to
Serloua Thoullllt., the fIoOTk of political enemle. or "0 dl. 'I'he multtmllllonAlre wall beln8 cbllrged emplo,. seeking revenge," A very tine shaved. As he lay back In bls chnlr, 1II'tlcle of "rosy talk" was lIBually indulged In bT looking upwa'fd, hIs grave tace save 11 "grafter" who "was on the .run." the impreaslou that he was In deep TheD, wIlen he was finally Indicted, bls lawyer. study. . ",auld consent to tell what all outrage It was tbat "AII," whIspered one of tI;le barber' their client should be 80 per&ecuted. All criminal shop lolteren, "1'11 waler a doUar proceedings which leek to 'b rlog a ."grarter" to against a toothpick .that be III thInk, -' book" are known by his lawyers as " man·bunts." I ng ot rat h'oad mera-era." la_til. Addreu, LJDD. .Mau. T he bIg "grarter's" friends fic;>ck to the court"No," said another, "he Is think. room, and quite frequently th ... tmost courtesy Ing about bear raids in Wall street" Is extended to him by otHclals . h1gh· up In jail "Bet he II pondering aTer the . . cIrcles; ' especially If he be of the same party IS bate aystem," echoed a third. t he jail officials. If bo bappens to be on tbe other "1111 allk' blm." . Bide of tbe political fence, these coumsl. are WalkIng over to the chair he aald omItted . . politely: Arter a big "grafter" Is convicted there la the "Beg pardon, sir, but to settle an usual appeal to tho h'lgber courts and a lot of argument, would you kindly . tell UII tlklrml6blng to keep him out of the penitentiary, what mlgh~y qnestfon yoo are stod,· but he gets there Just: tlle same. He may, alter Ing over?" . servIng a year ot bls sentence, become 110 III The multimillionaire tamed bl. tha~ he will have 'to be pardoned. It he hM re- Jathe'red face around lIad Imlled. ... turned part of the money he stole. this Is a cha_ was just IItudylng two file. dotD8 uot to be overlooked. But It he Is "stlff·necked" handsprlnga on the cetHnlJ," be ehaek· and In61sts on hanging on to what 'he got, the led, and the trio of guellerw looked chances are not so favorable. Only a ridiculouslY 110 sheeplah they failed to bear "Next~ small percentage o( the big "grafters" have beeD when it was called t.o tllem.-<''hIC&B' Ilunlshed. Some of the blggeet of them all hEl" Nev.·s. absorbed theIr graft legally. But It was "graft," nevertheless. On many, the IItatute of JlmltatloD.9 Antidote for Inger80li. ha s "run," and ' prosecution made Impossible. But It Is cheering to relnte that "g-rarUng" Is not qutte Colonel Ingersoll was to .pellk ill II so fashIonable as It used to be by reason of these Western town.' A. ao antidote the prosecutions; and muen as the "reformer" has good people /lnnounced for tbe follow· becn he.ld up to ridicule, It has been tbe re'tormer·l lng night: "An anawer to Ingersoll! ' ulld tho reform organlzaUoBS that have made I Clrcularll were even acattered about "gl'afUng," If not unpopular, 'at lenat dangerous. 'I !be hall the night before, and one wal Petty "grafting" un never' be wholly stamped L1anded to Ingersoll by mllrtnke- aa he out., liS It CSI;l be banded around by melms of ' made his way toward tb. platform: pr1esenta. prh'lIeges, etc .. in such a way tbat It He was fairly lnto hla 8l1bject, wben , cannot be tra.ced so 88 to provide ground tor I"a mule attacbed to one of the vehicles criminal prosecuUons. about the .ent~ance opened up an oppo. . The 't bnlcal t " r t ,: hl1 ' II rt slUon, after the manoer of mules. IIIec erm gra, w e pecu a ., lI'eraoll paused, listened Intently UU 8PI)IIed to politics, Is not confined to that sphere !the music ceased for lID Instant then o!lly. Business, banking and railroad cIrcles bave I ihaklng a menaCing finger In the the (1\ss88e. In city administrations spot where It Is ll&bl · to m a k e mpst I nBldl oqs ea d way rection the lIOund. had come, ,~ .. Il be crIed:whence " , ~as
::~I~.e~ll~~ ?rur~~~~~tb:r~~:a~D~~~A~d '~~~: :~~~~~ You Y~-:~I~ya~a~:reihl~~~ !~P~ve~~~~ are advertilled for to-morro.., au, that It I~ .most dangerous, because affect· ing all entire cill. If a public otHclal steals trom hIs om~, It Is not such a direct Injury to the public man a& the man who: "sells out" to j&m a franchise through a council. ' • And 80, III the IBllt aualysls, the eyes of the '~e(armel's and tho citizens should be fix ed steadily on city councils. ,Tbe best ca!,ldldates for a.lder· men are none too good; the . salary sbould be lIuch that a DIan could give all or hla time to tbe werk and be well and even handsomely paId. It ,the public expect8 a man to -gtve $5,000 worth of tlm_~ In the clty council for $3,000 salary, th"y are merely puttIng a .premlum on -'I 'graftlng." The day 01 the brazen "grafter" ball gnne by. Tbo uew regime Is making for belter thlnp. The only way that "grafting" can f1ourl~nl)wadan Is by having a cIty admilltstration In fun 8C90rd with the ~,ost 1~f1llenUal ne~BPBpera nr a clt!l, apply the srart legally, pocket the "rake-off" point to tho ".tatut.a In luob cue made tUld p";" "Ic'ie~," and flO far .. tbo publiC II IlODC8l1lM, "Ijjt tbo piled jade wIDee;) I ,
I ht'"
. -
, "
t d S d M ad UII ra e un ay ag na t
l Should , ·be
Alwaya Good_ "Ah, yonder 8088 a wicked beauty," j laid the Fool, the wblle hi! )lOlnted oul a very handsomo woman In the street ! "FrIend It'ooJ, there Is no such thing as a wicked beaut,," wu the Sage'. answer. . I "aut, BllI.:e, that beauty J am Ihowln.r you, abe'a v~r'f wtolred!" cried the Fool .. ' "Why ahe haa ruined men galore! Wlcked~wel1. I should lIay aile was!" The Bilge am lied 1II:Iqlly all he mad, reply' "Y~u may be rigbt In that. the wom, an'lI wicked lIut--" ·
H. paund an IDltaut. to 4t1" .... ilia
inseparable. For .s ummer eczemas. rashes, itchings, irritations," inflammat,-ons,' chafings. sunburn, plm~les., red, rough. and SQre hands, and an'tisept'lc cleansing as well as .for all the purposes of the ~i1et, bath. and nu'sery, Cu cura Soap ' and Cutlcura 'Ointment ".e Jnval.......le. .
What Happenl In ' the Small After Sun ..t.
(Co pyrllthl , by Shol'Ulor)' PUb.
~-, --
'0 ,)
hnpp n to spen<2 an even!na In an Englllih bUlllnes8 towo you can· not fall to be lIu'r pr;sed at Lho almost complel. Ilolltude that Gur rouuds Y9\1, saYIi tho! PlJllnd'lpllla It cord, This town thut you may ha\' Ileen In the aft.ernoon ' Rwarmlog Wllh such nllm· bers of busy peeple, teeming with so Inte nBe ~ lite. Ie now dellerted, 'fa' Its ,pre vAolIB animation bas sueceed(ld :J. &traoge calm, It 18 as tbougb you walked In a city at the dead, . It II! IJ cnu slJ every e\'enln~ utter IIl]( o'clock work t8 over In lhe Elnglhl.b ' town; the cOlnrllex machinery or the Immense labo,T organlzallon stops, Tbe ta tory ond tbe office, their door8 open wldc, cast lnlo tbe street tll t'lr wOl'ld of liberated wOl'kers. By crowd d lram ways, lIy crowded pavement~, the tO Yrn disgorges Itself. Eacb on~l:'lcrks, workmen, workglrls, ot. tlce boys , bankers aud m rc lJR.D ts-wit h the snm ~ hnste to regal n his dwelling, leuY( ls bt'hlnd him the gloomy fown wh re ho labor ' d. wher" be I;ll'o\'e as In (tie' 1\lItS. lL 16 an immenao nnd enlhu slautic retreat. II IB the dally exodus ot lhe English toward t beir "home," .. What, then, Is It. thin home ot whi ch the B,ngllsh coostantly slleak, thIS thought or IV Icll touches their heart.. whosE! memory dIms lheir eyell, that enfolds all the hnpplpoBB at thei r llf ? It Is home, tl place ID which .to tOI' get tho aggra'mLlolls ot the world, 10 whIch to be with one's dear one .. one's p ts and ooe'l lares and peoala. ge&l erally" If
By Emmett Campbelt Hall ~
The long g\'!!y column oruw led "low- ufore the s lll'reml ~r. " He stollPed Iy aloug lhe whlt o rUM- the '\1'1'11 aun 11IIddenly lIud looked e~ pecuintly at bluzf!d Ilcrcely In a all ck les!! s l()' . 'I'h the old man . "Boys, 1 .lidn't know ycf-nlls wa l:! eowhlde shoes ot Ih tl'nmiling regl. ITltfllt raised II. cloud of dus l. tha t hung 51 h blamed tools! " he auld. cort, hellvy In Ihe sUll nil', anu th n am · t mvtuously. "Jim' djlserll;ld '? I teli lled SlOWly, j,' rom lime to tim ~x · ye r boys. I know Jlm- l am the last po lant bu t lIatless glane ~ w ~r e dl· one or , tho Baker~ alive to·day. reeled 10 the rear. H it rose, !.lnd wllh un itaady ~tep8 Suddenly a bright s neck Hushed for wall(ed to the brow of the bill und ,an Instant lI[1on the hll) Iu Ihe ret\!', gszed ral' off Into th e valley where and a ll)oment Inl I' 11 tOI'!' II I of blue· the Cliatlahoochae made a 811'1'el' \l0 1) clad horsemen 1101lrOd OV r I he crest In Ihe hazy dhltance, and swept d,owl1 ,Ih road. The col umn ')' he l.wo mOD exchangod a glunce faced about, spreudlng (lilt Into the und the n went cluletly aWI1Y. l1eldll. It was " troublesotn to cltmb the rail fences, so th Y Illllihed thrm An unbrol(en rI\'er of blue Iloured down, ovor the bridge and III' the hil l. The III 8, swirl ot sah rs thllt fla hed fact's of the men were tree f!'Omare , prettny In the 'brigh t ~ ull\lght lIle they would soon tnrn their faces to horses camo on, A s lll1ro command the north again, the "ar was o"er, ~1l8 spollen and a sheet of Illlm e they were going Ilt)lne. leaped frpm th a gray llne, a haze or As Ihe \Ldvallce guard gained the Gmolte was 'slOwly dl s~ lpa t u l1ud the crest or the ascent an exclamation ut lIlIIs gave back nu echo Lo lho l'rush astonlshm nt came trom a dozeu of Iho volley- a bugle call d fl lll'illy. throats. A Quarter of a Ullie from the 10 strange postures 11 lilt r ot meu road . on another hill, showing clear and horses wc re I,Icaltered 0\'1:'1' tbe and red like a saber gatlh, was a tluy gl·olma. Farthet· back, t.ho r tl'l'ating earthwork-and In the oeliter, from a cavalrymen bent low au th II' horses' sapling that hail bf:en IItrlPi) d of Its neclls, branches there floate1 1\ bullet torn With unconccrn ed w al'llI Sf! the Hag- the red Saint Andrew'!; cross 01 gray ranks fell togOlhCI' and tl'am vet! the dead coufed raoy. . on down tlle road, The r 'UI' gual'u r A8 they looked, from tho workR Shaw's Life PrInciple, the army of North rn VII'p;lnln WI1S came a li ttle tongue of flame, and with, L e~Jle M , Shuw ut lowa, tormerly used to c8\,ulry rush es. out a CI'y It man In Illue <lropped. shot secrelary ot tbe treaRury, has astor, At the tag end of the colum o a through lhe heart. An offlcel' gal'e a on tllP to tit almost every sltuaHon long-limbed mountaineer' ,;Iouch d, a that presents Its It. He was gov· dlBcon60late look upon h is ~ unhul'ot ernor ot Iowa when Prealdent Rooseface. OccaJ,llonally he gil 1'1:' 'veu t to a ,'elt In\'lted him to become a member long onu COOllllical ed oath. ot illy c8Qloet. He weot to Washing· "How nluch longe l' Is thIs fool bURl· ton In re/lponse to 11 summons trom ness 10 Ite p up r ' he gl'owlt, rl SI1V· lohe While House, While Mr. I3haw'lI agely to a comrade. "I 'm hlamed a ppolot.ment hud be n rumored, It bad Ured of runnIng, mys ' lf! No Bakel' not, 'been anllounced' oft1clally, and &. n ev r was a-I'unnln ' ht'fo', I knolV!" persl8tent rumor 'was ill clrculatloa to Be lapsed Into mood y lil1()nC . the effect that he would not accept the Far back In the whll e r'oad the d ad cRbln t otTer. Several correspondent. mon made blrv' k dol s. waited on Mr, Itaw at his hotel tl' When night cum th,· men alll1])ly learn hll Intentione regardlnr; tbe mat, dro\lp d down on th dus ty grass by ter. tb ll rOl1dslde, Far In th ~ I' a r twinkled "When I was a boy," he 80.1d, "I the campfires or auoUlor army, stal'ted ort one dny on a fi8h.lng trip "l.ook ut them III' s," said ,11111 with another boy. We had a long Bnlter, Indicating tllo di stant IIghl8, tram p to the fi8h lng place, and 8S the "1' hem tellers nlr a ·blllu· col!' I" He weat her wall w,arm we got very tblrsl.y, chew d sa,'agely on "mouthrul ot and comins to a farmhouse my com· parched corn meal. panlon suggested Ihat we s top and get Out of the dllrknes8 came the sound a urlok ot wnter. The lady of the or a galloping hors and tb Rharp house not only gave U8 a. drink out or "Haiti Who goes the r?" of the a DI e tin dl\lper, but InSisted upon plnket. A muttered word, nnd the ollr taking some pie, BIJI, my com. "PBSIS on, trlen(W' of the Il<'ntrr· , panlon. took a large piece. but trom Soon a whisper passed frol11 man dlmd nce or sometblng, 1 declined to man, a whisper gl'c led by some Bill , looked at· Ilie WIUl amazement. ~Ilh teara and by some wllh Cll rBes'Les: he said, 'al'l'o'&),8 he lp yourself to • truco was ord reel-the army was pie whon It Is passing.' That was to lIurrender. Wilen tbe roll of B cotnpanr was ;:e~~a:o;r~~cr:I:IC:~e~:I~C~~,ve e: called In the chlJl dawn Jim Baker logton Star. tailed to ans\ver to biB name. , "Anybody seen .1Im?" the s rg ant With Un.tndy Step. Walked to the Brow of IL asked at large. A Study In Black. "Seed him last night," a soldier vol· LIke a glimpse at t he southland W8I commlUld nnd a company wheeled untee~ d . tbe rond- the blue river a lit tle scene on lower Sevellth avenue "Wouldn't thought It ot .JIm." was from uno morning thla week, says the, New -~® , , tbo muttered comment, In the ranks ; York Olobe. On the pavement direct. Again C8me Ihe ftash, and a soldier "never would 0 lhought Jill! would be fell with 1\ harsh crasb of accoutre- ly In froot ot the entrance to a POOt a de8erter! Lord! that slw' will 1..111 tene~en t sat a negro boy lIot more Jim's old \law, ' H fit wltlt .lack~on ments, A roilIng voney answered aod tllan five years old. Bare-beaded and lhe hullets mado littl e sw irl. of ,dust In Mexico-told Jim never to ' come on the breo.stwork . ' bare·foot.ed, clad onJy In two ragged' borne of he had to com wlUI bls taU garmenl s, he squatted lfke a tailor, For halt an hour the fight kept 'on, belwtx bls lalgs." his ebony tace alight with apprecla. The 'c olor·I! rgeant ravel! and swore, then the fi re from the hm top eelUled, tlon as he mu ncbed n bit of trult, The COInpony stormed up the hili and Nowhere could ho find the Ult terAd Close beBlde him ou the sldewal1J flag that he had plu.ced ~e~lde hlm the topped the low embanllment '1'0'811 an old soap box. [u the Boap bo:'! then they paused, and the captain who nJght belore. wal an ebony baby of 18 months, clad When Iho rolls of the arm), of had l<:ld them raised his cap. In a single garment-and eQuaJly Within the wa,H-stretohed Ullon the Nortbern Virginia were tllrned over happy In an endeavor to swa\1ow a gTound-was t~ e tprrq of a single man. to the army at lbe Potomac they bore share ot the Uult. The soap box waa 't- after the' nume "J im Saker" the a tall and sunburned man, clothed In a substitute ror an unattainable baby of ragged gray, Beside him a uniform &Ingle .hameful word, "Deserted." was an em;>ty cartridge box and a cartlage, and' the fIve·year.oJd (1 subTwo ex.confecl;.:;u; soldiers cllmbed muskel, Scratched ,upon the stock at' htltule for an unattaInable nursemaid. DIre poverty meant nothing to the tbe winding Jll1th Ihat le d to II cabin the gun was the namo "Jim Baker." pair ot negro children. perched on t he side or th I~O\lDtutn , A nd, the calltaln beIng a' man of un"'Dhere's an opporlunlty tor ,a nne "Bill, 1 jest can't toll him! " lhO derstanding, thc.y wrapped him In tll(l taller or the two exclaimed. as they sl11ten tolds of the red battle fiag when canvas:' said one 'o bserver. "I wish I were no arUst," nearod the cabin , "Mo' en llke he'lI they buried him, " fill UB full' of buckshot fer saylu' so'Won't bolie\'e hit." . Immigrant" Empress Yielded Her Tu,n. "I'll ,he wasn't sho' tel' find out The Imm Igrants who IItream Ln to The celebrated 01', Metzger of Am· Booner er latcr anyhow, I'd sa), b 6 sterdam, who once 'successfully treat· New York all have different way. , of ",.IUI killed, but It wouldn't be health:" ' ed the (',mpre88 ot Auetrln.. had only clI,rrylng their money , ter UB when he did flnd out, et h hi The lrlab Immigrant ~arrles a canvas one waiting room for all his patIents, mOlt 80:: whatever their !'ank or condition, bag In which notes and coins are A whlte·halred old man came out Each had to walt his turn," On this crammed together, from 'the cabin and seated himself on doctor rigidly Insisted. Once a' ' The 'German wears a money belt, a bench. His face was crossed by a the poor woman who happened to be In cay ~d cosUy. or embroidered cha.thousanil wrinkle's alid' be had platnlY the waltlng' room tUnled to her, wlgh· 111ols, . paned ' his thr,ee·score·und·~en, yet his boT., a lady of dlstLngulshed "ppear· ' The F rench and Italians carry brass Blep W1lS lithe and his eye bright and anee, notwithstanding the t lmpllclty tubes with Bcrew tOPIi wherein they qu.lck IlkA d hawl,'s, I}f her , attire, and said: -'How long keep th',lr cash In 20·frllnc gold pieces, The two mell approached the callin The Swede Is sure to ,have an 1m· we have to wall, to be sure. 1 dar," and 8eated iliemselves un tbe lo~ sar yeil have little child at mense pocketbook ot cowhide that at"p. ' '. has been handed do ....·n from lather to "Hpwdy, bo)'s~" Ihe old man asked. bumo, too?" "No." "B ut when you &on tor gellemtions. It'll bacli you will "bave to Bweep ,Ollt The two each t.ool! a chew of "Iong The 'Slav! carry their money In their VOUl' l'OOmR 7" ':No; 1 ha~e folks who , ~een" and ml!dltated. The shorter ;1,) t hat for me," ' Indeed! But you'll high boots, J\long WIth a fork !lnd wall evicle ntly" of the qulcl(er nature, Wllnt to get dlnne'r reud)'?" "Not eveD spoon .. for he soon became aware that he thlt. ror 'r dl'ne at "Ihe hotel. " "Very bad heen 611011 'JI to. "Jest toll'el'abl ', Ulan~ ),Ilr, Mr, wC!ll. 119 ':;ou ha v,a notb lng particular An Eye "to Business, Bakel'. 1-)ow )'0' com III' • (In?" he reo t n dCl,' you In IgM let me ha vo YOUT An expert golfpl' ha'Cl the ml stort line tllrn 1" "Very 'Willingly." replied til p\lcd. ' . ladYI who was the empresl ot AUI!' to pl:lY a particularly \'Igorous st.roke "Tollerble. thank YOI," old man at tho moment that a Ile p dy wayrarer trill. Baker responded , skul ked (lCrOIIl the t:,d;; . of thQ r,ourse, Prosently he looked Ibem over ,The ball struck I he t1'espnsIQt and "Fuller's Earth.;' curiously. li'uUfIr'l;I earl h Is ' all earth lo·called rendered him briefly Insensible. When "How yo' f.ellf'rs glt ort?" be asked. bl'caltsJ ot Its lise formerly by fullel'F he rocOve red, n " fil' e-dollar bill wal "Didn't ht vo ler IJlt oft-ar's donepresse,1 :nto hj l,aud by the regretful w&all Is licked." I',le taller one 'IIald IIr bleachers ot cloth ' to abso'rl: golfer. rho grease qnd oll collected b) beayl!y. "Thanky. sir," sa id thl: Inj Ured man, Ii The bushy bl'ows' , ot the old man tj1() 10Lh while being woven. I s nn (larthy b~rdrdted ' s Jl lcnt~ after a 'kindling glance It t Ihe mOlley, lo~ered. "A!r' ",hen will yo'.l be pinyin' .;.un '''Doo't 'pear to lee Jim 1\'lIh yo'· of RIll llnum, gre(/n l ~ IL In colOI air ,"'-Lippincott's. lJenerl!liy. tholl'lb 'someUmee bluhlb an., .. he' sald; - Tho Ihorler mll:t nudged his com· white or oven hro\\·n. It '!A round 10 Oolitic or JUrUile ,.erles of rocl,,; HI. ' Lad .loke, ,ulQn and tile latttr role. , "014 IIlUJ, 70' know 1'. he~G a fren' tbat 'Is. In lhe third of tbe ave eU . Of JI~. all', IIfe,~" It. aatd With 11 vlCIOJlI InW wblcb ,.eoIOflJtl 4lvld ,
Save 'the B'a ,b ies'•. NFANT MORTALITY is something frightfuL We' can hardly realIze tha.t of all thel children born ill civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly
one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thlrtyseven per cent., or more ihan one-third, before they 'are five, and one ..half b'Jfore they are fifteen I We, do not hesitate to say that a. timely use of Castoria would save a. !IlBI-' jority of these preoious lives. Neither do we nesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use,ofnarcotic preparations. "Drops, tinctures and soothlIllg syrups sold for children's complaints contain mora ,or less opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard ciroulation and Jead to congestions, sickness, Oastorla. operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher. Castana. causes _the blood . to oirculate properly, openn the pores of the skin and allays fever.
Letters from Prorni,nent Pbysicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. 'A, F. Pecler, of St. Loui8, Mo., says: "[ have prescribed your Casto11. In many cases and have always found It an effiCient and speedy remedy.'· Dr. E. Down. ot ~hl13.del~hla, Pa., says: "I hnve prescribed your CaDtorla in my practice for mlUl~ rears ,:wlth great satlB!action to myself anll t>eneiIt to my paUents." Dr. Edward Parrish, ot Brooklyn. N. y" says: "I have used your Cutorla io my own household with good r esul1.8. ,nnd have advised pavera! patients to use it for Its mild ltU:atlve effeot and treedom trom hnrm." Dr. J. D. El11ott, or New York City, saY8: "Having during tho pact all!: yenrs .prescribed your Castorla tor infaotlle stomach disorders, 1 mOBt heartily c:ommend Its uso. Tho formula contains nothing de1etorlolMl to the most dellcato at Children." Dr. O. G. Spra:.;ue. of Omaha, Neb.• Bnys: ''Your Castorla fa an Ideal medicine for chlldrcn. and I frequently prescribe It. WbUe I do not advoc:.te the ind1scrlc.hute use of proprIetary medicines. yet Castorla ia G exception tor condit ions which arise tho care of chllllren." Dr. J. A. Parkcr, or Ir::mOIlS CIty. Mo.• says: "Your Castorla holds tho esteem or the c.cdlca,J profcsslon In a mnnner hold by no other propriO,ury prepstttlon. H Is a suro and relIable medicine tor Infants and chil, dren. In tact, It Is the 'unlverllll1 household remedy tor In!antlle all menta.. Dr. n. F. l~orl'l!l. of Augusta, Me., says: "Castorla Is ODO ot the VCl'l'\ finest arid most r emarkablo, r emedies for Infants aod children. In my' opinion your Castorla. h~ saved ,t housands from an early grave. I ~ furnish hundreds of t.esUmoiLIals trom this localltr. as to its eJI1clOllC7 Bod. merIts." ' Dr. NormlUl:M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last: tWoJva years I have frequently recommended your Castorlo. aa one of the belt. preparatlona ot tho kInd. being safe in the hands of pa.rents and very et· fectlvo In relieving children's disorders, while the ellllG with which IUc:U a pleasant preparatlon c:LIl be administered 18 a great advantage...
Bud Copy of Wrapper.
:~~i~~~~~rt~~;:;.{~ ~! 1 'tell dRut
earth'. Grut. Tbe lIIa1AllUll t·OI:ta• • •" ot a depollt or tuUer'. earth 11 1&W. . .~
J ReauefS
MrI. Oaller-You surel), don't aJways give your husband a necktie on hlB birthday? ' ' Mrs. Athome--'Yes, I do. and the poor dear doeslli't even know It'. the ume one each time! DOCTOR
01 thia paper de. '
.irill~tobu, anl'h.", odyer. tUed in ita c:olumDi ahoul i ...dl upon baviae what they ask lor, reluoin~ aU IUbeW~ Of imiutioDa.
U=~':::~!!l Thompson'. EJe Water
·= . .
BARGA'I NS aore, tf~:::'i·\naI·~,~-.:t -uP~
tIOO4 Umber fann
I~nd ,
IIi.OO P<'r nero. 11,_ IU!Nf
I~nd, lO,l'll J1~r u....... Uia " It'=!! I'!!JI.....MI form . "'100,00. A, nU ...IlNOW, ~. DoU...... DnJatb, IIfIJ:lIIOIlOta.
WIDOWS'"nc1er NEW LA . . . . . . . . PENSIONS b7-i~~~8:'B.~ A. N. K.-E
,In Bad Case of Eczema on Chlld-
Dlleale Had Reache,d a Fe;:trful State-His Order Relulted In Complete Cure.
"Wben I was small I was troubled with eczema tor about tbree months, It was . all over my fuce and covered nearly aIJ of, my head. , It reeched auch a state tbat It was JUBt a large IIcab all over, and the pain and Iteplng were terrible, 1 doctored with an able physician tor s()me Ume and wall then advised by him to use the ,Cutlcura Remedies whlclil I did and I was en· ttrely cured. I bave not been bothe red with It since. [, used Cutlcut;a Soap aad Cutlcura Ointment but do not know exactly how much was nsed to complete tbe r.ure. I ran safely aa,. that Cuticllra ' dUd a lilt ror ' me. Mlsa Anabel Wilson, North Br,n~ch, Mich., Oct. 20. 1907." ,
Old Virgini~ ' C'heroots U the dealer clipped off the heads of three good ' 5c cigars and handed them all three to you for 5 cents, you wcfuld can it a 'b argain. That's exactly the kind of trade you make wbeo you ~y 5 ceot:i for three Old V~ Cheroots.
When a . man has reached the poInt where he can see no good In the world It la Ume for him to get
Belbg bitten by a toothle8S dOli nUlt be a 10ft anap, I!!e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
An II Cent Clg.... Without Ihe-·He.--, TIle.....,. a tor • Cente SOLD EVEIIYWHEII.
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1I11111 U" !,,\l, 'WIU I.:
L, A~UUlh .
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Mark Down Sale
.I{)'\n: ~IAltR [lALI , MULFI \JW L. K .
!t C IIUI 1l 1U.l" hHl!
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wdl ti,' ,'nll - I , Ulilt\t·" rllr 1111 litru rlllIl !llllc 'os np i ~ '" " ... '" " " " ,~ pf'llll d . s ubJo ct to til 11Iw ,~i ul) "I \ ~ tlll' KOIHllJli Ull ]ll"lllltl'" !! :
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t hey all dep arte d \ itllling her T. C. PA ' I'TE Il ' ON man~· 1 a81111 1.".. ID Ll ,yt .'Il. ' mul 'eha ppy birt hda y and dt:'c .~. A . "l'lL WE LI ... A I lid g et . H )II 1 r F lul' lo M r.h. \\" u r at i~g , W AI'n, IfI 1 ~' I r' rier U Iln l n\l ~ n l\ I t hey all had fI fine lim ' . . Oth ello I\tt~DtI"d t.ll~ dril gg llH , any gl' ry in Way n 1" (1C J11 Tho , <, pr(' sent wer e: Mr. and :\' )t'111'~1i~biug [1":-. 1 v ntlU lI ll l '(ttll l"P lut, 111,, 1' we k ~ ,-ill e or urw in; PI ' you ~et , Loi Say lor and tlau ghl r l nna , Mr. f;,i Mrs. l" UIl g l it at Ha l'Vl Ys·11It.:< . ltpy llolo" l~lId Mi slj l allti MI·s . ,I ·t;.~ e Bak el' alld dllllJ!lIl'I" ( 1•• J. I~ DWAH.D~. Min . rV!L ll"rl llll \\ uro 1{ 1l O'If.!1 uf ~ bur g: W lIma n . L ~. t l{' Ill g'. IJUY, !, V 'hlla Mi " 's Lilly Bah t Oll rl:llllt i Vt' S I"CCI 'lIt Iy > E l-lI~~lAI:I. l\l ·K1N. ·I·: ·l". I);;IU ,I . Y. ~ . . ' . . 'd t::iI1 , ' lILh , 'K ~ha 11. J-la \:t()( rtsu and 1\<;rt ·. 'k , b 11<1 Mor g a l l ,!:)p lrum'u L J r. ,Mr . IlU d M r ud Mar 'rin " I Vur I y r eJ;S Nin a Scu tt J e nnie nep bew AlVin Tliy lor liteuuuVI? . I~ p"c ~ cl I, 'II J ILlD g r ehltl es in Ken tuck y . F. '. .., ' ' "IM P"( . .'.. , 0k • Lol..ama 1 .., )N . Hun llito n, NO! ,.. h a ~ot 'A~ l "' I I I]~ () . Be r tha MOI'rig , Elsi e Har tsoc k l. l\ ..... , ~ . and ... " Ru th Har tsoc k; Mess/:::;. Edg ar .J. l\1 IO; I!:V.~:n. 'ook Nea rly S vl'nl.y-fivpME.'Il·,. I;nd YOl , Be llb roo k. lng M II' ~ Sui ts. G org and ,Jes.~e are} ~ i zc :3 1 to 4~. \{pl{ lIlul' '. eor re ~ - - -vah ws $7.:'0 and 1 , ayl o r , I[lrcn Cre ss. Alv ia Hal 1idA FOR u mm HR c I' RIF F MUI 'I, Dow n ...... . .. ...... ... ... .. . . ' ~.(' MI. !! Flo reno ,. "!""..... My erlcl \' Iillt en ock. wain Pen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ I~ I',A .K u . F'()RI~\'. e wi t . arl Shid ak< 'r. • --- ..,~ f I" I·II ud~~ I'U Yull o w ' urin gs'[ 'hul I ~ . Abo lil 'dtia fi fLyf " )lIit P s.Il' n lpu _ ttl·l 1 't1sl lnd u~s we1 $ ~ h J I:! ' ' and ' 1·1. Mid s llmm er Mar k l1l1a 6 1'CY Retl son, loy mi 1 M al l'S ' M VI :':. n . .l() Y. t, Jo 111 i 110Wtl,'V cott. II PJ"lC .. • • • ' llIpe ~~i~ :( th r8~ ~k "witl~ rl~ll~~I~~: ! R~Y B~~R'r BRA N'! ' \"11'1 )' 10n t wo ami h1"<" ui ec Sui il;, man uKn.d H.aymdonl~ff H]a~~ts°k k. Chu U Cen terv ille . ~ y. elt ie!.l in , n(' lhi. t"Ill1 j;"e. It e1" an . lor. Dn ~r. . '\I 11'0\) 1 t'UlIU hnn d -taihlt"e rl.Mv ·1A l \ H~S F(l Mrs . 'j'm 'uuu l! !LUll Mrll . .,LI · For mer ~ • . ~H. . 1 I-l ullk J1ric ell~ ' l Ft, !fil !) . * IR. Mi A G EST. tl1e r Mar ~ visi ted Ml~ . I::fllr Do. m .a l .... .....and . ..... . ..... ... .. l~um ..... . ... ... .. .. ... . ll. .JUD<:g OF PRO BA TE COU RT - - -- Xen ia We dne day .rv. Arll1!!trong ill l 'hlli.:,' of \'UI" ellti rl'! rang-t· of l'ui n wi ll tl" lmr t in uxu ctly Fnncy uil:;. that :; lid aL $ ll3.00 :10 ALE X BO XW ELl ... rnin u~ t! jf on of D Wa ter me lon MrR. PUlll".\'" lIucl M i~iI ~ r.!:)h llVp ·t! Pin k :':"0 .(10 .I~H I $12 .00. (F •• r ~c ulIII 'l'f"rnt l Mil m ~ r Mar l; Hea ru erf J. !Jilli o n OI1Ul e T ll\l1"Mum l Pllin 'l'ub let!! Is tllk AI1 P" \1, ,\ n l l"lco ... . ...... .. ..... ..... ...l:l llm Fan cy nak es from Gt!orgia . 8cltly whe re. Rem euib or! Puiu in 1l 1lY. .... ... ..... . .. .... . . III \Ya.v t o "" th 1\11 "r.; 1'Sf Mr. unu Mrs Thi n rind , and cutt in g fine : .'i\ VO lt REC ORD ER . O. l:1owlnucl t o r It cou pl o f ",;ou. Ii . OIeo,us onn I:l" u , bloo d prC8 liro .................... ............ ~ Pea che s ks. nothin~ IH. u 1:1 Itua r o ho W Pl:I ll,lP 'PE OT()\~ i blo d MrR . c el'p fH 0 uyn tl"l' 11 a I' pr l'SUrA ; oot.h ~ u uhe is bl ud pres · Fan cy Car nlon s and Alh l'r". s [ F ur rN'If:" I. til t.ll" &;u t o f h er son . '.11". Dod e . Pop . dore on t h e 8UUlcliti vc Ilur vc. Dr. p~r Ilnd fH.m lly . Ca nte lou pes 8 hoo p'H HUUllu ol!e. Tllb lutl !-ll RVl~YOR Mrs : MllllIl Duu thut t uf Xcuh~ ltlu lo'ancy Net ted Gem s -- spic y ' III cull od Pin k I'ldl !. '!'Ilb lots -qo iuk ly ENK LE ' 3 to 16 Ye ars the g Ut»l t ()f her liltr entl ', Mr. .and swe ~ et. ,wd 'lOll !:Iafo ly cou x tullcl bluod . MrA . Dan iel ~lde u llt. ricku r. "~F" ~r e~C! d ~ ... rUJ pr ) , essu ro ~ Cho ic' I)r nea r ly·O uil.-;. in Hple ndiu IIWIlY froUi pulu oen ters. plli To ma toe s Mr. Uscllr (Jro wl ente rtdl ned ~"'" " " ",,-~ ufu l IV al"-r 'si!'l lill' matf'l"ia t.he peri udtl with wOlllon I:l"et _ l .' a nd s tl"on g ly mad e. Th(' ~t.n O and iu tunt . "e. l~aney olid from l'en nee W. O.A . llth el" h rJwe Mll nda yuI ' ef "0 II Tl\b $;~ om'R n,IW lot ~ .,,,~ in Mid sum mer Mar k Dow n Sui see . 01(1 . by gM ·de A·ler : . 1 III g . ~" , . ut .. ..... .... ... . ~ ' 'rile (J. E. of the Pre8 byte chu hoi l' of a IUrg(' \lum. u el· f oul.' rch wor e ente rtlli ned at riol ) • -.. Fin New Po "at hom e of Mis s (l.n a Dun ham Fridt he an.d bloo m I"})a nts . $4.50, $5 t!. All Wo,11 l.IiL..... l"t.g- lIlal· a nu $G valu os. ~j.50 ,. oes llY ~venlng. ~ ._ MI dsu mm e r M:u 'k Down Salp ... .. .... .... Fan cy Wh ite, Soli d Bnd Rip e, ,~ .. ....... .. ow . the .t ines t you eve r saw'. A nnm ber from Bell 'hoit·f' nil $G.50 and $7 Ruil ·. Hac kett klltU end . ed the aurp riae on Mr. broo Carh n!"t ~·L98 Job n ' pitt er ma k. R gul ur al1(\ bloome l' sty l E'~, nnw . .. ..... 'rue ada y nig ht. . " ' t ~ hoi' of all nn t lIi l; . valu es up It) ' t 1'bti COlIll l , Comml.stOl1H... of War , Th e Da yli gh t Sto re Mf and Mrs Ww . :Morritlon ren $ IU . ~ Mid · of COuU~.1. Oblo. will rece h'e ·luill :lum m'r . 'Ma rk Dow n, ale ...... .... ... . . . ed Ilrop o,,"IH at tbelr onlce tn Ibe CO urt UOI" Pa ris Gre en Ind iana poli s; Ind ., lire the ~U68 '.,. til [..,bllPE ' t8 [AL of non. Mrs . JOIIepnl Oblo . from ans or aU ktnd s 'Of blink . ne wnd othe r . Iluated tn ... • _. ••• • Pur e and Pric es Rig ht. tbe OOUII1..)· or friend!! her e. Wl\rren a mi Slat 01 Oblo, wble h bave been . duly ' tncor pora ted Wa fer Slic ed Dri ed Bee f Mra. Sieb er of Day ton hi tho gue under Lbe la.." of tbls LatC or th ~ ta"'8 st 0 1 Ihe Unl wd ·!.llte s. "hloh 81110 I F of Mrs. Wm . Dav is ' prow". ancy ' F u II C ream Cheese L a d' '0 f .1 ..('.1. al. ·shal l stipulate t h~ ral.e of Illt.e les x oru s · rt· t. Misses Mon roe and Eve ryth ing Goo d to Eat . 00&' l ess than :! pur 4,.' ntum sey of on per ;:Ln num the a\"erU/l"~ ,tally batlluoo Lha $3 'fILII Bri tl Da.yton vlt!l ted MislI Om l\BU8 lltl ng P us utf'l you l t~. ~ G() r But ter & Erg s l "III I". Dun luU ll lillIe! for t h use 01 the monu Choic of t..he fin l-ll. G, $7.VO y 0 1 tb e C 'O~It"Y h ice of nil $2.50 and $3 $:?.r,O P" t enb . IIlItl 'Ii joi ~, ~:.? FrldllY o.DII Sat uru ay. PAY ING 16c FOR EGG.g S shou anti $,\:! 'L'rOlll-ler s. I'ow n & ld >laId ( ~ bank h~ dcsil MIlny t r h t , . ll hv ~ald COtll · Mrs. Wm . Cnn gl·n ~les ' . .. loli r 8 !(3 coun ty dlnat.e s y IS ounlD gho,rll WIlS tbe . m l~ W . 01'1" opollltLory . mak e Mid /Jum Ha 'b propu. al sh all conw Me n's Oxf Ol'd s ings in this sale , Mid::!Um gue st of Mrs . Geo rge Mil lor in 'n l he name o r Da·y III · I' Lhe Bure lle. or Becurltt es or 1 1:!t\l' fltlce I) . Pdc ... $4 .98 both lI111 Lwill be $:' 00 'l'I\II~. rll tAut.' !oI IIOf'I ton lSunday. m \. Clea ran e Pri ce ... $1.98 ~~;e~~ ttl Ooun ty Ill. C,'~C lhe hoic e o f $<1, $4 .50. und $Ft '" 0 Du ll en If, now .;2.;'0 propositI I. ... 75 h ice 0 f a II ,,1.5 M~s . Miles and ,,1. gra d es. Mid!lumme r lear ard of Duy ton is All bi ll. to befte 1\1 Jl' ill at the hOUleSow Wo rk g rade Sho Jllcd s p. Mid ~. an,ll of Mrs . U. ,·O. Cro orM sum cft mel al the ,' udl' ' lear wl. ~o r Bolll~e by I;ZO'cJock, no n. anc a Pl"ic e ..... ...• ... . .....,3.o0 OF CO UnS E· anc ePr i e .... ·· ··. ...... ... $1.24 . lotI' u' 20 lIAr re lit of!' The MlssE'8 Gan ning of Xen . ia. J • ' wer o the gue sts of Mrs . . ROb .... .... ert1 www ......... w .. www w ..... w ..... ww~ Ext ra pccial ........ . ww • al.v nn undllY· Men '~ EttAB. Elk ' kin I::ilI06R ~ ~ ~ Bo ys' Wa sh Su its _ al \Yblch LIU:e 81111.1111<18 to b ' UIICIIC(J \. Kn ee Pa nts for Bo ys only $·!.7fi. 'l'helje t~r~ ~ ~ IIY Llte ~h.() o allil 'oull .' 1.25 ~uill-l. ~nil ol' · We llm an . rs. Allpr o vetl Jut )' 13. th e ldnd yon pny $~.!)O • 25c Wa sh P a nts now ... .. ... 19c l OOR .ty COlllmISf,lonc 'J. M. I\Et: VEJ ' ~ (. Prc:~. :< yl >~ • . nllw "..... ..... . ... ..... .. S9c fOI' el'" o"'l lere 50' " Pante;, WU.'lh and r <,gu H . B. A N DER ' ON <!~" ~ ' .n' " I 7 . Mrs. a~or ..e Dav is and Mrs . Ear t • I ~ .p l.f,cI lar aile l:tyl . . , UI ·S. U1' mn R . ••.•• . • .. •• . . ..• . .. . 39c T h e Orig illid Buo key o mlk nI:!. [I , ROG ERS . est · Man non• ape nt Sat urd ay tUlcl Saih 'r!ol, Ill'W ...... . . H$1.2 4 with t'o mml .~louers of \, arren CoIIDt)". Oh l~. 75c PUl ltS IIOW .... ..... ·.··· .. . 64c ·lkin Wil l Mor ris and fam ily. tho h st o n enrt h p . :j;2.110 .' lit~ •. a fin ~Itt' ~l: s· A. S1'WW EL.L . ('.0. Au<llwr. . t ' !l.'l.90 r"L$1.0 ev 0 "Y and ]llll For $1.2 L r Mrs . Wa lter Jor dan Brld dBu ghte WI\ 5 the Pun t s, reg urrOl l fl .' iCftlC. ~ In n tlOW ..... ..... . ... ... :ti"I 18 I;' r and IJlollmer r .; .... .... . .. 8ge ' $3 00 ." • - Som ' :! .. e thil a nll Vio la called on Mrs . Ed Mar tin iKS YOII w ill \I1eetl.:1. !:)1I i1:4. l1ow$1.98 .. Ui and A nioe liue Qf Boy s' Scb ool Sun - th~::~nXI~~8~~ltete!e!1~: :::l $2.0 0 Pan ts .. , ... .. day a{te rnoo n. ~ ~e~~o~~ Pic nic .Pla tes; 6c per. doz en, nOIV .... .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .:.$1.24 ~ ., M.r. B t Bo 8et.thecu8tJonll~ry ho~wollther Sho es jU8 tin -al i .. IcI8 ~r. Ner ve Slic ed Dri ed Be ~ f, Cre f;lii .... _.... .. w . . . . -.; was a rece nt VIBI- Iand Stre ngt am C. h eese , tor m Cmc lllnag~n h .. _ ell~lun, You will tl. ball .f ree with i enoh ww . . . . . . . ww • I feel bett er wltldepr ~I lin 48 hou rs afte r be- Sau sag e in Mrs . Geo rge ~~an and dau ght I tinS , I'ea nut Blil ter. erjg lnn ln to tako IcIoohu rem pn r. edy 118 Dev ilec. call ed on Mrs . Wtl lDu nn. Wed nesd ay Dr. OhOO~8 Res tora tive . It'tI 50 at. ' 1 Ham . S fl.d i lies ill tOil a t DO ME STI CS afte rno on ~ 10' pe r anltl1les Mr. Ray Wo lfe spe nt sev eral day prOD,lllt actI On In rest orin g t·lle lIIu star d Vea l ca n, Gc jJi Sou s wel p tken Or2 ed lnge Str aw Ha ts nerv s I es 18 8urp rl!u ng. Of last .wee k with his bro the r, Mr. a lico es. on ly Ma nh att an Sh irts Hc ' Lew cou rse, you won 't get '. . . ' Apr on enti Wo lfe. ' Gin rely g ham Halt s. lt!lR S, Fr esh ClI ke. . and ' h ,i(!e oCall ~:IiI01" and N gJistro ng in It few day s, but Kll lck. ])reRB UlnghfurJfJ T..ltwn Mrs . Geo rge Dav is and dau ght All $l.fiO and $2.00 shir ts h daY :1. IIIlCkS. gee lllyi es. fl1r mer valu e er you olln,uotuo.l.1y feol the ~lIc linel Swis!! ll.t 20 p er I~p~ove now in the Mid sum mer led on Mrs . Wal ter Tib bals S. un~ . . ·v. $4 men a nd t. ThlLt t<lred. hfol ess, !!l>lrltlll.IcIS $3 . m ids umm er .. day of last week . oen t otT. Mar k Dow n Sale ...... .. $1.3 9 I Wa term elo jii . n s feoJ On mar lng will qulo kl .y· dep art \·" ben Ice. k down ....·... .... .... $1.98 . " IlIf"" _.. g th ~ RalclLorutivo. Dr. t:!boojl'tl i I ~ISSEd~lohssBle Tlre8S. . Cho . ice I Q f wd<U! t he gue !!to f utlin a l $2 and $2.50 . y/c \:all ~IIPP) VOll WIt I I HO SE f{olltorl lti va will s hnrp ell II fllil All $2.50 and $3.00 Man hat. • I lug i, Ghu I Cl' Me lon tho 'd' mm el' mar k : ~'II' oga~ .~n a~lf f tern~ontlnppetit.6: ro ll g-h I V coo led I . Lllco Bos tan Shi rts, now s, Mid mt su it o ltid . . LllIli es' nncl s uige t!tio ll ; i.t wilJ ' Uall 11 • th sum mel 'sal hlalam chI eyhw;, ea<: a . stre ngt hen dow up n li ...... t $1.98 ~ 1111) . . ~ ' ..... ! iltl(, ..... ..... a !"Hl $.1.2 ] t lI S ' $ 5 thCl wou ken od Kid ney!; kno w ~ eec <..:h lld,·e n·'s rov.e urc lIt cost • \, pll r \v 'lIlt !> un. ay. ev- lind Hell,rt by ~ iUlply Cho ice • . of all $1.5 0sty enm g. July 19, Eve ryb ody TAn le." reuu .. .... tios ildi llg tho e. Mis sol!' Iliz.o. Wil son Bro s. and Grif fen ' . IIIvlted , .. nOw .:..... ·· ·..... ..... ..... .. ·..98e . 71/. aud I~ Itt 100 pnir Mrs . Geo rge Beg an and dau ght . wor n.u ut nerv eR tbll t . tbeRO o rguuH ' G . B d Fan cy ' Neg ligee Shi' rts, er d Cho epA nd ice of upo all n. 50 'l'es t it a nd 75c valspe nt Frid ay of last ~eek /~ $1.00 and $1.25 valu es ... with lind be con vin ced. Sold few dl\Y 8 ra.m ilbl!i , u eE now .... .. ··· ·· ..... ..... ..39c , 8111"1'"011 Hos e, 8X to 19,2 by 'lIll den l , now ·.·. · .. ..... . .. .. .. .. ...... .:H9C Chal1ncy Bun nell and fam ily. . 50 2lc ea.Ch Choice oC all 2lic Hat s, in ers. . Bur son Hos e , 1l X' Imel 10. ' Mr. and Mra . Geo rge Eilt s $19.50 per ,100 . dres s and hmwellL styl es. '" and I . nllt size . F amo uH Shi rts, 65c valu es daughterspe~tSundaywi 25c th ,Mr.alld ~ now ... .. ... ··· .. ··· ·· .... .... .·.. l!Jc • Ch eer ful Ch est er now rm !lale al ... ..... . ... 45c '1"11112 bus he l He arnl el!~ bag-~, I Mrs . Ed Mar tm. ~ CA NN ING SUP PLI ES . j.!i _ u n n W u " n " __ ..... .. . all clos ely wov e ll alld ~tun cl;.rrl l . Eve ryth ing in. t h e OtInulDg , wc i~ht. 'l't:lE SER VA Nf PRO BL E'l U d A few yea rs ago Che \tue , our pricell righ t. Par k s , n erw ear an d patr oris wer e con fine d to l!ter .., ad ' the Mlll peo ple Cheese With a Fla vor lon Il11P.rt jfHS , 1)50 doz . ... 0 serv ant girl s are bar d to 0 f m;;ao. . ' d . mcm natl aI one , N ow It ' Ho gie ry _ k eel'.. Th . raws W e OhR . ey fl n.d th e i r \,\,or. k t 00 I·ts · t· h~v mpl on ~rn,\o Spm e' 10 ' .Iuu f' e ~ · muc y. le to A Dl' sco unt r·f 20 per " . pa d 25 lOne and ' I ro :J5e o m ' eve valu ry es in wn Und eran I VI Che f ese 0 bllr d and com plam of the dru dge lef I t. d 'l ' F lleo \J d ers e Th J $7.5 0. H' • ar' e rl' 011 Ncw' we~ The wal lhin g is not the loas t of ry age or·5 ml es aro un • r...... an ... allc y ,.., e pe? Leg mue gett Yor ry n 's k ow pur Crel e lUl Pl1r thei ce' i n ...... Che A r t breA pie E!se .. on all Blu e . .... ...... . 19c D from the sma ller tow ns and V11. perf 'lct in . . If y burd enll < fl 1 d ou use Kin g of the Iage s, k now · I' E 50 and 65c valu e ' in .und erth ey <;an • .. Ch ' tha I fio t avo I\. pou r an nc :VISI . lJua ~ Ser Ity eer gd , ·. L&uDdry ~oap in you r laun dry 1 ve rv m.o rn. , and Bla ck wea r and :Fan . cy Hos iery. N D GOO DS CA NE • kito hen yoo Will fiod it easyand fu~ Che ster , whet:e. all ~S gay and II1G .f()~ tl~ e nex. :no w ..:.: ..... .. .... .. ..... ......41::lie t _ l '~ .(~lL ' S we Will to brIg ht, whe re t,h ere are free Ohi u Cor n Su its as 'we ll as on vau de- eu t a I re s h ne \\ \:It ~c!>c 2 oan s 1i10 . kee p YOllr . serv aut.s. Est".bUs h ville 70c val~e In fmp ol"tcd Unfl El !'. show s, free ban d c.on cert s and a Blu e Sta r C i'n, 3 can s 25c w . Pri ce I :) to I, c nIb . .... .. you r own flncl you r 1UK-lds ha.Plline fin est Fan cy Sui ts. $ al n ow· s8 $co re of o~her free ~mu8eme~t .J $ ·..... . .I..... ..,7c get t1ire(l bar! ' for a, dim e lit Lily s, of t.he a~d 1.00 Val New J' ley an.ll Tur 'orn . 1 ;-.2 ftip Seed ,100 5 .va ' . yo u afte r seem g all, reac h uel:! in_ PI d Eo Blu e tar Pa s ; 3 can s 25c n , U d Fou J\ta m groo er. w:a . ~ . n~~ ... Squ are in tim e to .. ~ .... . ~ .. ... . ~ I .. ~89C I;l car for hom I ___ _ _ + ___ Tom atoe!'; . : : t.cans '2~.1(' 11'1 ~ ~I .(a~ es I, a liI·1, ] - c , The yo ung men who com e t? .e. . II n III Pnm pkl u. , the hulk . 1 hiS I ' til lI e w U.III~p ' oQly ne ort Ctl ' ~ citY .Lo ee the ball . all visi t nrop . ENA ME LED wA RE II
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Wlllal"ilV!:i I! ~
lo th l!t111W , "YO ll .find th e larg c:'it and bcs t 8up plie s here . The pric es und scn , ice . alw ays very s.atisra~tory...
J W WftLl·t e. •
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The w.Jrk of put ting tbe 'pip es For S&.turda.y'. Market. stea m bea ting in the soho ol houlI8for ie 'l'h~ fi.uest frui ts and . fres he;s t .... prog l688 ing rapi dly und er the . di. mel ons to btl fou nd In the city . reot lon of the DlI8ourmea.11X oom pa. way nes Vill e' j ny of Springfield. It will be leve
&,ext Sunday
$ ' I $. I $I $I . $I . I W e Cl os e at N~on . Friday --S.• la · 1
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WI\..li4-e ' S S4lo - re New
$ 6.25
$I $ Shoes At a Sacrifice M $ en's $1 $I3 $'
J ul y 27, I!:) 0 , '
Lemons Oranges Bananas Pineapples
B oy s' S u it s
Cucume b rs , Cabb age (I ' , mons
", . befo re buy ing ,
Bri ng U8 you r I)ro duc e. PAY ING 16c FO R EGG S
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H K Err F
IOBITUAR . urs of l;>eachtl'E:!e b;iLtl e. Ilt:!ur Olive .1\ DrrOK STILV ELL HETTER. Oregonia. Branch Mmul a y. (I ell r 1\1I1l ( ,,, ,I! Wli ll t 1111 itllJlII <:llIulus'1'. Piueson of ::;Imooo lind Th is i.. M)'. 1 I'att' ~ Ii I'HI \'i~i t h I' l:illrnh Pill e w,,~ born .Jnuo 7, l ~ ~Ii, Miss Rot,1t Ker sev of ~be B ta l UIl ,V lor tll·fl llll ioll . ' I'hll ~ Ih',lI " ht I ( ' C' \1 /' 11' . X . Alldilol' 8tilw II who wa.'1 at his Sinton, i ~ "p ... bdln ~ Ii"r wouth 's ..... , .. I 1I1m~on WII!I to emit j'tll' tI1I' I'l.,,-,'I\'C yeat's, It I III III cl .Jnl y t:3, 1\)0, . 'Iged n:{ YI' lIfll, tlt Boruet t~ a~ tllt'I' 1\" "111,,11 1h l'l!' M '. I . ., 1111l1Uth nnll (l ilays . offic€' fOl' a day or lwo, afttlr ' a ten outloll with her plH'Bn l;o ber.... 'B J"' I"l 1t II~, II I1I1 I ' onl al'. W ' I.I ' to 1IIt I IlllJle \) f ' . ' .l Mis.<; Mary C, Rruwn halS bep n ver.v .8 WU H III1\rrieu to r.yllin (iurre t_ days'abilenee on a cOllnt of l'huemat· Miss Hli zt! l ~l'eflOfil r , of Lt!uaooll, 'l' Il ~lIr~ 'n Il k B tl ll I II I ~ , I lillt:' 11I1'1,(t! MI' . Wall l' IIU rIlt."t.( 11'11, In L· )w ill for a ',9uple of weeks, SOlD , ( f P eollsylvlinill, Februlll'y ti, who hll~ hlleo villll,in~ relllliv"" oer" ic f e ver, took a l'elap"e and had lo h IJt1t!e l~llU well-kept IUlI'n IltW,n·lt t .. d:nnn ,' aLu l'tllty. AI Ham plon, of Xenia altend ed l klilH . To them were born ilve ohilhtls r'e tnrned home . ure D, two ODS lIud three du.ugbter8, give up again. In all probability he wl!,b flower!:\. . To-un.,V wu hlu\ 1111 I Mrs. J (U:l. StoOP!! was in L ban ull t it t; ustin Hal Sai.u rday, M.r. eh/ulea Myers and tllailly f , . on e!l lln~ht erhlwlDgdiediniufu.noy. will be at hill des k the la ttel' end JlleIJ8Ure of hrwiug hitl ollll llr OI.1 fru m lasl ~alurd :ly. :ipent ~unday with Mr. Iud Mrlt. M )'. R b ' f t Mosht:!!" of (j ul'dlll g - Tbe remlllnillg (onr with the wife the week (Hyde BOWker. t hll suuth with liS , Wilbur Mills lIutl ' MI' . .John Caskey , o f Dayton, un- ton was in town la!ll week, llnd m othu Ilre le!·t to mourn tbe MI!!!! LitHe Kibler iN In Uirolevllle ' wit'"" of Hout.h Cu r uli llll IInll Mr~ ' t1llyetl allwm e, ,J , Wil l Whi w IVru; ill 'incillnati l os!lu rl\. k1l1dl,m(1Indulgenthusb~nd ANTI· SALOON LEA(jUI~ MEETlN(i. for Il fortolght'!! villi!. _ • . ,,' li nd fltth el'. His pl.lrentfl betng 8tt1.. /{olllley , snn /I 1111 tlI1Ug ltt"H', of M1'51, ~ . I ). Clem nl !! is visi ting rel- •I, l\u l "~l! .uy 011.1 bUSln eXH t lIIJ . uHllllbel's of the Soclet,}' of Frilmds, Ellrl 'rhompsoll Illft SoodllY morDUE1I.l I ·g ltl , ali vet! ill Day lOll. Fl'anl< ''1'ho m)J;!on of I ingman, 'he Ileitl it birthright in thl\t sooiety John Har<ting and P,' f SSOI' Weis ing tor D",yton where he bas. pOIlI (lUI' 11I11~1, ' iIl Il H proved th n g ond Mr. un u Mrs, UpshereWh ite. p nl was in lu",n last Sat~nlay. ICn(j. ,.'etuilled. hili m embership t lIJ of F I'anklin will tklk in the interest tlou, ql1t1l1ty .. !' 11m new IJIIIII", while dum 6 thl' tlllle o f h iS d ath Be was not John Sherwood spttnt &turday MI'. A. A. McNeil , of 'n tervill e; dE:!llolll'nutlollIli at' 't!eotllrilin but, of the Anti-Saloon League a~ t he aDd ~andliY with hill alater, Mrll. of the m6mhert! e ll tel't"lnllu os ,V1 th Sunday in Le Ian. L. A. Zimme l'man ill in Cincinnati Wal:! II VilSiLu l' in tow n aLurday. recog ni\r.etl good ill whomsoever he White Brick Chur '!h Sunday after- Gove, In Bethel. M18~ Mary who both pOf/ulott' "lIti ulll.tim e MO II ~!!, MI't!, Lina D vitt I'elum d Satur. s~w it.. Rejoicing in, the w?rk ?' noon at 2:30 o'clock , All are invito has been making "0 extende:i visit A g rll phophono .HILl.1tl 10 t h o tllltol_ tl ·day 11 bus iness , .., . , hit! ab~ent sun, w110 HI laboring 10 ed there returDed home ",Itb him . ' t.llinDlent. HII,j'J t!1l.rvey pllty ed 1.!Je Mr. arl Sherwood moved to day f rom a Vl ' lt III Indianapoli s. other fields in the far 'west. MIslies Laura aDd Myrtle Kibler g uitllr. If 'y~I'J MhOLllti S 8 11 pi I.ure Spring Va ll y ·lastw eek . Horn, tv MI' . !Iml Mrs, Al'thul' An· Be wus of Il v"ry sooial nature lind took dinner wUh Luolle Mason HUDCorwin. eujoye~ meeting his friends and Mr. H, V. Wiillel's and family son onJulyl1 al ~'lJoundboy. of the ~ 1"IUJl 1<>II 'll lIlII lIl ne thellrtlst dllY · " conversing with th ew . Although Snid " 110W IIJIJ I( ph:tll~ 1111, ,. lIul.b ing weI'!;' in luwn . unday aftel'no n. Mr . Charle8 Blutlt and Mr, and Mr. and M1'>1 , lal'ence 'ran e , of he bud hetln lIiling for lUortl thlln" &iy Mills has purcha.~ed a new MfR . Bert Alvis, of OayMn, Ilre vie of the dO l'!. 0'11'1 u f t.he littl e UIY Ii MI'. ~ ol'ge PI'aLt, of Kingston, Doddt!. were ill town .Iast'rhursday. ,vE:!lIlr, hiS disea se developed vtlry Auto. Iting Mr. and Mr8 . ~amnel Mow . b l'e'" tIJ e III .. iRlh g ueHt of MI', Frank Pl'lut. SImply r'lIllll'khll, Mr, Frank ~hidakel', of Hal'veys. rnplldly within I,he lust two \\"eel[!! Oscar Stiles of Cincinnati iR home ana he e)(p res~edlllU1Belf in the ~_ Mrs. Will·Kersey and Infao' 80n hir,l ~ .. , Messl'!'!. Lou Pl'inLz and Raymond burg, attend"d t he uiltin l;ale at· lief tbllt hiB t.ln'lf! Wl\8 .erv t!1l<>rt, on account of s ickness. 8pent FrldliY and &tUrdllY with ber Wull, we ,Hll'tlly ('l\l lldl nj o.v lIu· Da is were at the hautauqua Sun. ul'day. aml ~reet ed 1111 with Jove, IIntl mllny . Miss Henrietta McKinsey is visit- pllrenta at Harveysburg . ing t Ol(otbor, We h!ltll~ goou llil - day . with tellrs. . Eden 'l'erry who bas been quite ing this week in Dayton. ne~ Ulore thu.11 1 cu ul d e/~t or UII lu Mr. and Mrs. '1', W . Raymond, of Ill, i8 now greatly improved. J ohnny e\ r, lin I 11 e vel'yumly Mis." Martha 'ompton, of Hamil- Cincinnati , Ill'e visiting relati'ves here Mr, and Mrs, J, N, Lemmon are II' 'l' UANKS. Minus Lena Myera and G1ady8 entertaining relatives from KenkIlIJWt!, thll.t It! IIllyiul{ 11 goud dl:ml. ton, is th e gut' t uf Mrl.l. F l'oo Hen- this week ., Spencor were In .Waynelville TuesWe desire to thallI! ou r friends tucky. M'IliS 0 onna }f nw k has arl'lV . ed IIllll neighbors Ilnd !lIsa tbe Knights W e were I( IIIU tv wlll ou U1 60 1l \(JU ~ lll< cl t:! I'::lOIl. dllY, Olive r Missildine u'nd wife spent Mr, Jam es Sale , MI'S, Watel'house hom fl'om ' a vis it t o I' !ativ s in o f P,vthil~, wh o wel'e so kind to us oou"lnK wht) hud n6VI ,' III t with u:; MIs8 Luoile Mason apent Tilasday Saturday with Mr,' and Mrs. Ray with Ill ' ar Illte IltHi,otloo . Miss Myrtle Kibler . hefore, 'l'b o~e Ilrc!< unl: W~ . . !: B . F, a nd Mrs, Hoolh we re in Franklin N ew York . Smith, 'flU: I!'AMILY. Mr. and Mrll. li["tbawdY are the MI'. William Hoblett is v ry ill M ill~, I., A. Mills. !Janl" Mlllt! , Mrs. Sunday , Misses Laura McKinsey and Alma gUl!St8 of Mr. and Mrll . WllINorto8. Ettie ROUlId.Y. Wilbur Mill,.. I-l llr t.rude , Mr. William Mobr, of Day ton, wiLh st.o mach t rouble at hi!' home on LETTERS BETRAYED HIM. Waterhou~e are camping at hautkUII~, li'1',ulk (:"I"lnlin, Min ui l1 ( lolt'- : wa.~ yl:iiting Mrs. ~ h el'man Dyke third treet·, tauqua. ,., M M'III S, IlUi t \V e k . l~etle r8 written to II prominent Dltill n "rrtlll 1Mil" I ~ ,l 1\1; 'It! l\! re. Gaorg~ 'mith iu 'he guetlt uf . Helen and Ruth Harris have re., " " ~ • '~OLllllll in Wliyn~vilJe resul ted in Bellbrook • Earl Mill Oo!',d Mlll~, Wtll.l . ::lltU.UI- , MI'S, Elij a h COIll),Jton anu daugh· MI'. H a rl y WilkerHon and family at. the ,o a[)tnre'l'hursdtty by tllindusky turned home aftP.ra delightful visit bllugh , Muttie ~l1I1IU1.JI1U~Lt, Alt O.' ttll'Mab I al'e gUI:!.'1 ts f fl'ientls here Spring' Hill. police officers or lililam ~Iltter of three weeks with relatives. 1.1\IIIUI b liug I1,)\ 1 III " ~ Ibl l l l l.t a ug II, MI ' al' te Wl10eSo tlp f'rom 'h Gale Dunham of CI'nol'nnatl"I'aVl'sl't- TbMr,f 8~llker · ",. I~ ' ! U' i: w ek, M I' . Carl Harl,'ls, of Sal ton, Ohl'O, 'II < W' ,. e Day I 'died ill be1\l0ndILY b nilfh& h .. ton f···te hospital almo .. t el' ght ' I'ng her COUS1'n Kenneth Kl')bon e unera w at t e OUliIS tall W •. Mill .. , t 'w. II .J . ~urllel,r,: ,ur. ' 1 MI'. 0, J. I!:dwards was in FI'a.nk - has b en th e guest uf I'elativ >! here month": ago. Wednesday. M.llllel UI,IIWI(Jtlh-, H ... 11'l 11 ,UI u wf(l~lto, I lin last 'fhu rSday looking ufter his f Ol' a f w day!!. Since bis esoope th'e authorities Miss Emma Harl~n of Dayton is a Robert Austin re'urned BUDday Auth" Ulllwicitli , Kill! J.}luwllld.le, I politi al f nc . d 11' k Ililv e been trying ha ~d to locate him guest of Mrs. NaomI Harlan, . night rrom Georaia wbere be bas l:ltnvey N. liul'uebt, .EJlIna Burnett , , , M I', and Mrs. Edmun Reta 10 Ilnd possibly mi ght not hllve done James Sales and siater Mrs. Water- been plolrlng peaohell for a ooupleuf :.. th e;l ne 8urnutt, ~tephen BurneM, 1 . Dr . Sh I'~vod alLuntled , the hau - .and MI', and Mrs Frank J. She rwo~d 80, h art he uot written lett.ertl to the house and Mrs. Booth spent Sunday weeks, Autllllitl lillruult" 1:Jllrry Buroutt ,' taul}.un frIday and heard Senator a ttended the r union of the Burvtv'- wOl1llan 10 Waynesville, from whioh at Chautauqua, Mias Gertrude Hr.yee is ill wUh RUBH I 8\11'0 Lt, MI\drt:!d HurUllr,I, ! Dolliver, of Iowa. Mrs. Rob rt Richte rand daughter pll1ol" be wlIssentto thellsylum . appendiol&18 at her hame north of , M h ' ,t h 'I'be letters bore the postmark o( Bellbrook, R •. LJert BUill ' U , J 'JllIII.hllll I:lnrneM, I" , fo n ca.'3k y, Mt's, nanna Ade ll , of Hamilton, al'e guests at Baod u<ky, nnd thu Ilutboritles there Wellman. . Fra.nlt Dlnwldrtie a aootal 1 IIIIm 1i1lrtJeH, +-l-tmOtl!! I:f"rtst)()k, I Antrum alld, Mr. Fl' Ii Ca.'1key were Mr '. Alet.hin and M.i&' . Kath rine ~re no~t1ed. 'l'b e reRult WIlS thli. 4an oe in hll new bam ThQl'l(ta.1 AI xand r. be wa8li-rrestedand will be retnrlled night for a number of Bellbrook l..ena. . lbrisock. (t\lt!1I H.eher I:fHf. \ in Dayton 'last w k. 'J.. ... k B I M d M I'lf d l"d f 'I'h r. ' L Of K " d to the tlllylum immediately. Mr, and Mrs, McGregor and child young People. 8()ok, AIllll ..-ner cllft,I'U , e ell I r. n l'lI, I or "I ge , 0 . e I "sse aUl'a l"C u1sey an When IIrrested Sutterthwuite bad and Mrs, Tibbals of Dayt!)nal'e visit~eoevievll t:tllrtll\OUI(, Ulull1llll!. A, Colnmbu , aI' gu ests of Mr, and Alma Wat rhouse 81'e spendiJ;lg a a IOlwed pil:ltol beneath bis pillow ing Walter Tibbals and family. Mrs , B -,rry Armstronll anddauKbBumen, MiQllrvl liurne~t., &!! 111, Mr,.. Mahlon Ridge, a f w days th F ranklin hautau- n.nd a shotgun Il bureliu drawer _ Ca.rl Cleaver of Dayton spent ~r;e~8f::~:h:r~f ~::,iaT::~:~: B,urnett! . 8"rlllll t!arv,)y, Il!\JJUIII ! ~1t-. Will Crane . ~nd daught l', qua this week, ' Be ~Ittet.nllted tQ use these, but was Saturday night and Sunday with his t ~. u I ..., oveI'power~d Ilnd pnt in ollldns .- mother Mrs Maud Cleaver wee , Alvin Dllrvey , 't.uoy uurue~t. ",pur- MiliS Edit)1 r of Pekin, were g ue ts of Mr. harles lemen ts and family ' O"yton Newt:! . . M.r8, Jttlepb Avey 18 ill ., Uie III Burnetl., tlll'''U I Butterworth . fri endsher Saturday, relurned from 'the Franklin Chau_ _ _____ - - WalterJordanandChas, Gray of home of her mother, 'Aln, Barvey I:Illrllh Butt" rwortb , ffirn ust. But~er. if r. AI . Comstock is honle again tau!Jua e-rolmus Thursday evening, ' WANTED, , Waynesville were Cincinnati visitors Burley. ' wortb I3tellu. BUI·terworth, BurD" b from Ansonia Ohi wher he has after a pleasanl ) uting of ten days. Sunday. M.r8, Nannie SteiDmeb: Hartley of ' Butt .. rwOt,t h Cblu'lie )4' rv tl KttlJlll .' ~ . oils to break. I am prepared to Frank Rich and wife and baby son California ia the Kuelt'of .her ooullo, " F . • be n. 011 a bu .smess t rIp, Mr. and M 1'". John .Burnett, of handle and dbreak younll' . horses and of Lebanon and Lester Surface and Mrs, R . M, Mar'y, • l1'r yt' Ltt.rl Frye (H~UlI r yl' Mlltol . . I . ,. " '~ . . " ' . I Mr. B. '. Howell took hi father Harveysburg, were VISItors here . co ~ of all esc.rlptlon thIS fall. and wife spent Sunday with their parents Tbe Turner famiUea beld a plODlo l\eY8~ I.111UlIl .n lll s, EIlIl K y s, ~\ /rI _ , hOllle to Port William Monday, Ben Saturday . . When it comes t o eatin~ hereafter. Bruk~n any way !lingle Wm, Rich and wife, In the Turner wooda BUDday, h ' . . I d J . k i t k or double to drive or work In any Mr' Ma'ud Cleaver entertai ' 'ned at Mrs. Mary. Barne'" and ohUdren ftlll KtlY!I, \t,;1t Burnett , ,t!ulda Burn e tt, V';tllter BUrtle~t, GhftOll Bur- say!! e had a great trIp, . rleanu~" am can y lie ~ure.y a es manner desired, Careful attention dinne~ Sunday' in honor of her son of ~pring Valley were vtei*'DB her net,t, Ubllrlll:t Burnett . 't)ht;lrlIllIll Mr. t;. '1'. Hawke and family are Ie pri ze, . ' . "nd t.he best of care -.yhile in my Carl. her parents N, B. RIch and fatber, Mr. J. M. McClure Thunday . k' in til ir cot tag for the season at the Mrs, S, hancellor, who has b en handlmg .. Best of s~rvlce guaran- wife, and Grandma Cleaver, Mrs. aDd Frldli¥, J.} D k BI b k I Dy tI. .uo.y Y 6, IlnC!l y e, . . . . . . ' f I teed. Price for servIces very reaRalph Dyke, \ illtulII ",yke, Alvin I Ml anll Vall y huutauqua, \, 1 'Itlllg relati ves., }~er or t 1e pru;t sonable , Address me or call at my ChW! Gray and daughters Mary and Me8srs Roy aDd Oarl Kalldlall of f en- home on Fourth street. Oy kl'l, 1.1.Verntl Dyke, K1I011 Oy Ite, Mr. and M I'!;. Horace M, Allen , of two OWhe~I{ .. , Ihe ft ], rhlda y, fllur .B.e l.1 e C .. ?:ra~i~~~'a~dr~~~°J~hn anv101iu ca:a~vil~ the'l.r~. of.Mr, Georgo 1:f1lwlllD(llind b:thll Kenney. Clevela~d , we re viaitinc his moth I', .ter, .10, were s e WI . VISIt .be, ore J. V, HARTSOCI(, WaynesVIlle, O . wife and son Ray. lIon rs . , amee u a}, eveDretul'nmg t:<-' her hom to WllmmgENTER1'AINED AT DINNE~. G B df '1 . d M ing, A UN'J' I~Ol.'. . Ml'lI, S. C. Allen kere last week, eorge ogan an amI yan rs, Mrs. J08bua Barn'e U is the p ..' ~ • • • -. --William Hoblett. of Dayton, and ton, Mose Bogan and son Willard were of her son Mr, t1amuel BarneU aDd BRUISED TOE CAU~ES· DEATH. JI Boston Hoblett of Mercer county MI\ and MI' . Chas, E. Ridenour, .MI'. lind MrN. Emmor Ballye!lter, entertained at the home of Warren wi'fe nelLr Xenia, Ohio. thll w~t. 'A bruised toe caused the de ath , were visiting r:latives here Tuesday: a nd Child~l'en, and ,Mr, and Mrs . t ~~~:~~, ~::'dl1~O~I~~~r:.~r~::,n~. ~~ Bogan and family Sunda.y, MlsR Grace Turner eDlertaiDed Sunday of Daniel Ephraim mith, I Mel*)i's. Ernest 'Robinson, Harold Knowles Con.~ u ndfcShll~renfi' MidI'· and Ridtlnour, lind ohildreD, Mr '"nd Flossie and Louis F'ir".s . spent number of children Wednesday In , wel'e Mrs Knowles eonn and son, Mr. Thursday · night and Friday with honor· of her niece, Mi.. Frl\noea 12-year-oltl son of Mr and Mrs 1 0k , Harold Howell and Lou Printz Mrs. Bert mIt l1, a prmg guelts of M r ·tnd Mrs h;rael Sat 11011 .Mr!l, Bert Smith, of Springfield , relatives in Harveysburg, 'furner of ~prlugtleld, Ohio. Jame Smith, ofM,L, Holly., The lad were at the Chautauqua Tuesday. t. .t hwalte ',' . last . 'w e ek ' . - Mr. lInd Mrs. Isr~el Uuttelthwul·te ' an dWI ' fe spen t S unN ,,"'" '" George D aVIs Mr8, J E ,egley and eon Joeeph stubbed .his toe willi playmg a short MI'. and M 1'5 , W. H, Allen. MiliS el , • : . lind .Mrs. Lin" De:vitt. day with Will Morris and family of of EI Pllao, Texa8, baaoome ~ IpeDd time u~o: and n o~hin. g was Lhongh t l Rosamond Dakin anti Ethan Crane TINIEST ' WOMA IN OHIO • - • near Way~esville . tbe summer with her parenw, Mr.. of the II1)UI'y until last Woun 'sdny, . attend ed 1i'I'uhklin hautauqlla Sun___ IMISS OGLE~~EE ENTERTAINS. Our Boys played Clarksville Sun. II.nd Mr8, LeWl8 Raper. when gallgl'ene developed , day . Miss Sad ie Roland, t he s mallest On last Tu ,·.;d I Y eVel}ing Miss Josie day and came out victol'ious 11 to 17, Mias HtelllL Boward of ~ew CarThe funeral services was held at Raym'ond William~on WIIS home woma!' in 9reen.e counL~, an~ per- Oglesbee enter .,uiiletl about forty of , • , li81e I~ ~I~itlnl{ ¥il8 FranOO8 IIorril. l t~e home Tuesday morning at 10 I from Dayton Sunday, Raymond haps 111 Ohl<!, dIed at 5.30 0 clock her fl'iends a t 11t:!I' ul:!autiful country Mr. aDd Mr8, WIlll8 Marlball of I . d t Sunday evemng at the home of h~r home . Games were played, fine Spring Branch. I:Iprlog Valley, lind Ro" Manhall . d th b k 1 o,c QC. ,an e urIs was ma e a has secured Ii nice position at th uncle, Hemy Roland, on the Falr- musi c: r ender.d, elegant re fresh" 111.
~ N. C. R. : MiSs Nellie MOlTilion of Carthage ' ' . CUPID AGAIN AT WORt< ' . ' I· 01, IW, :y~ tbe guest of Mr, and Mr~, Cards have been receiv d by local F, C. Schwal't.z from Thursday unlll , . . ,. , Momiay, . friends to the wed(~lI1g of ~MI8S MIlI'Y I .. Utley to Mr. Wyss , . of BridgepOl't, . Mr, and Mrs. Fl'ank J, Sherwood Ohio, at the home of the bride in t Will leave the latt~r part of t he week Galena, Ohio, July 30th at high for Pittsbul'g, whe re they will visit noon . ' . " I their son , . , . M' d M' J If 'fh J' lid' all I I S , e ompso.n I" SURVIVORS OF FAA\Ol,JS BATTLE al;'K Iter, of , Lebanon, were . . anl The sur~IVur$ 'of the batt le o~ guests of Mr. and Mril, Fred h!'l r., Peachtree Oreek, with theit:descend· wood last Thul'sday. ' · ants com\nemQJ'ated . th e even t· . on \ Mr, and Mrs. JameS Mills, of Chi· Monday at th~ homeof Mr. John ~an cago, attended the funeral of Mrs, Hornenear@hveBranch.J.p. SmIth Josiah B. MIlls, and are visitin&' at Mired 82, was the oldest m~n pres· I the. home of Mr. Will Philips. t '. en . • • • I Dr. ,I. G, Maoy, Delltlst, WIll be in VISITED lN INDIANA hill ollioe Ilt B"rveYNllurg the week I ~ • " ' begiuDlng ,I uly 27, I1Dd Ilt t;p' rlo" Mr.· u~d CIark ,~_f Co r,wm has J~~ t Vtllley the wtltlk of AU"U8t 3 ' returned from a very .pleasant VISIt "', Spring Valley.
ground road, of brain feifer , of which ments wer e served, .and all present she was taken ill Wednesday. Tmy enjoyed a mOlt delightful time. Mr8. Emma Chancellor, of Wi!Miss Roland was 35 yeal'S of age, · --. ••• 1lIInllton,Ohio, and Mra. MoClure, of les>! than 36 incheH .ta ll, a nd weighed CAUGHT IN BARBED WIRE. I1J1noiR were visiting B , C. D",kiu on~y thirly pounds, Although :;he .' . liud family last Monday lind Tuead"y hau' aJI her life enjoyed remarkably '('11 m [·H\I).Y 10 oontlret with Mrs. Ama.Q da · Smith entertained good health he r condition · wa.., eri- some uHrbad wlro last Tbursda.y. at t)undflY dInner, . Mr, lind Mrs, ous since th~ beginning of her illness ,wd /Ii!' 11 re .. ult 1,1U!I hi s hand tied up, Joseph EVllnl.l, Mr, "'nd Mrs, Robert Wednesday, and' since Friday nncl is untler the dootor's OILre . Braddook aud Mr. aod Mrs . Uharle8 had been unable to recognize those NEW r;IANO Rye about h e r, Mlises Alice Ohenowith ",nd BerLittle Miss Roland was borll.a t M,t. Miss Ctltherlne Alexander reofi". tlili Smith were entertained at !:iunHolly, .J.a~ullry 2~, 1 73, and hved 1I1 ed alll eleg .. nt ElIlIlgton plll.u·o from day dinner by Mr. Freeman Smith that. VICllllty untIl· she wa.~ tbll IBtllclwlu PI/1Il0 Co. of Uincin. and h.mlly , ~oman, ~e~au e of ~er dlmmutlve n 'l.ti idst week . . . Mr. and ~irs Frank Dakin VIsited slze he rrelallves receIved numerous • _. W d if f flattel'ing offel's from persons who HA 'K LINE WILL STILL uUN Mr, Diokson ' harwn an w eo wished to induce thelll to anow her C .n.. Mt, Bolly one day lut week, ' to. go on the. s tage f or exh The hack line will still be run from Mine8 Bertha and ·France8 Cbenpurposes, they refused th.emal!.andWaynesvilleto ·Corwin . . SamDavisowetbwe.r e oalhng 00 Mra, Walte'r Jealously g~arded the tIny gIrl to bougnt the hack and will operate it, Dakin Monday afternoon whom·they w~re very deo..:oted, • - • M E ' u ' Iti tt X I The funeral services WIll be held at DEATH OF M~S. t\ULLS. r, rnel a n wen 0 en a the home at 1 o'clock, and Bunday to see the ball'glLme. burial will be made in the Spring Mrs Josiah B. Milia died a.t· ber . Mra. B. C. ~Idn and Mr8, Pearl II t homE' 011 the Dpper 8pringboro pikll Dak{D were V18itiDg Mra. WAlter a ey ceme '" da" after~ _ _ . ery, _ . lut (1<Ted ... nesd ayeven IOIC at 10' 0 0 100 k Da.'-I n an d f am11-~ on "'uu oJ
to Indiana, w,ith hl~ sister, Mrs. Samua' Stephens apd a niece, MrS, Cbas Booker, of'ilear Thornton, and a niece, M1'8. Fem Wilson, , of Leb· anoil. and a niece. Mrs Lawrencl:! Petenon. of Indianapolis. . Mr Clark that the Miami
~~:~::~ca;:m1 f:"1ar irUk \s
Mr. and MI's. Charles Clemen,ts G Il 110 ere are continuallY on Thll t.~ner"1 Na8 held MondllY at t~ entel·tained at dinner Sunday, Mr, l r 88 PP I' h . o'olllClk. (l'he I!t!rvice WIUI oODdnot· and Mrs. C. A. Brown and family. Ithe jump frohl thO?, nute L ey lire ed b~ t.he RbV, Philip Trout. Miss Ada Eyler and Mr and Mrs i born, hut wo haven t seen tllem ao" • - • . . . . oomp1l8b moch good, Do tblDgs. LlDdley Mendenhall. but 8ee that the resuU warrantll the Mrs. Henrietta McClure. Bister of ;eWort.. USI» ARMOUR FERTII..IZ~l~f ~:t~~~C~.~~~C::!
Bfri:nc: and :8'..-;: Pratt and Pratt,t. ~d
on oid
1d 1QI111e;
althays Mrs. Lucy
'iPlbdtd. have
wife, of
Mr. Samuel 'mRa
1>lant rood." TIle 'will abow the of W. O. ~t
ben Maday aDd tbe II :1$ 1nlD. . , ., 111tr1
~r~ ~~I~~8::i!~:f~~~we:e~:
~~e!d:y~ts of ~l~FaDnle Mar.ball Mrs. Alva Malone snd daugbter of Vandllolia, Obio, are KUBIC. of
- ---
Mr, and Mn. B, S, Kt!lDP'hll weelt.
- - -...
New Burlington. Min' Flora. Har16n who ·by beeD a Normallilohool in [My. ton i8 home for a .fe" W6eD, Mr.Arthur'lUrner of '3prlIllO"ld. 0 i h t fD 1U 0 W'<bl , 8 t e Jf1I88 . o . ... g , . , .ker and famlly, !Jr. Whitafer 18 'he proIld poeIoaeor of a Dew moklr oyolo, 0 ur b& n d fished 'h t ur~ e mu 0 ~:..!b.~Dlfle~~ ...' Plilulennlle 00' . . The lilpwortb I"ealJue will ~v.. a ., .LaWD rete on 'he ohurch KrouDda
uoon. . next ThuntdaJ ."DIDI, . Mr, and Mr8. Elmer Parr gavea MiueeN m and liar Ria", aoolal dance OD Saturday nlgb'to of near w:yn:"'lle baV!beeD ~helr ·friendll. Inc their oouatnlliM _ber Powen. Mr. and lira. A. E. CbeuowUh had 'heir ,rBndohlldreD ~t&h them Oa&berine OomploD in week. 'n1'J P90' be&l....
MN. Thom..
D=;~:.;~J~·~S.;~~I~ t.!
\' >A Y TlDS VIL LE.
The T,.amp and the Railroad. 'We ha ve th e !den tbat ou r Amerl &11 railroa ds kill lDany passengers . Y t JJ moet t E' n l r ~ Jl o s Sel'R are killed to ev ry pllRSf\ngpr k illed , We b 1Ie\"8 Ihat t h tl'al nman IlI k s his lito In his ban ds; r t more Ihan twl c liS Ula ny IreS\lIlS ra ann ullllr s us u .rata l ae· cldf'nts. says Orla n do F , L wls In th e Atlantic. Whe n wo r oad Ulat In fi ve Tears 23.974 tr SPS tiS' ra w l' killed by railroads, a nd 25,236 trespass 1' 8 Inlured. we wond er t hat th re Rh ollid be left. livi ng II single J a k t he Hobo to wash his sh irt. 1-n t hese fi ve rears there were more treB)lassel's killed C.h nn Ibere arc Inh a bita nts In Dau gor. ,,1'9.. or Burlington. V I. W ere th is ar my of t he dead lying bu lh r e f('et a part along tb o t rackBlde In gha s lly r egula rity. t hey would st retch out fo r Dearly 14 m il es. At a brisk walk . I~ would lak e fou r hOll rs to r ach I he end ot tbe lin . And th en. were nll lhose repo rt d Injured In We last fi ve yeurs I)-Ing but three feet allart. we should b obliged to walk fo r more than tou r hours more. before we 'r eached th e end ot this second line . The Baltimore & Ohio representaUve 1!Rla t ha t man ~' railroads maintain Drl , ate "tramp grav yards," In which nre burled many of the unknown dead, without Inquest and wit h eX'ped{tlon. Question : How many city graveyards eculd be annuaUy filled with the unreecrded, unreporte d vagrant dend?
One wbo was drav.·n as a Juryma n In Br<!oklyn asked to be excused trom duty on the ground that "the \lresent method or Juggling the law" seemed to 111m to be a waste or the Juror's tIme. ~e judge retorted. " You are not tit to be a clUzen. much les8 qualified to aerve as a juror." Most people will agree wIth the judge. because al· though the juror as a citizen has a rlcht to his opinion on court methods end tbe administration ' or the law. he wall wrong In offering that opinion as • reason for obJectlng to do cltlzen's duty. Thllt 8. man believes the exllt· log method of taxation to be wrong doell not excuse him f.·om paying bill own taxes. A congres8man may hold that Ii declaration of war Is Immoral and vote agalnst It, lIayll tbe ~OUthll ' Companon, but he cannot on that ac· count regard himself as exempt from mliitary service. A most noble and atimulaUng dillcussion or these problems will be found In a recent book by Prot JosIah Royce. "Tbe Philosophy of Loynlty." wherein a man's dllty to hl& own beliefs Is held to be suhordlnate to his duty to beUefs ;"'hleb are creater than the Individual. The unfounded report that th& • meer of Afghanistan had been all· 88sslnated by hla tTlbesmen probably tp'ew out of the. fact tbat the ameer la unpopular ' with aome of the Moslem tribes over who'm he trle~ to rule. Thla unpopularity grows chiefiy out ot his fondness for European fashlona In the matte r of dress: . For example, ha ' frequently ' wears a plug hat on alate • occasions, and that sort ot Iieadgear Is an abomination 'unto the trlbeamen. When tlie Afghans say their pra.yers tbey must do ao with bare' feet and with their heads covered, and their foreheads must touch the gTound. The brim of the plug hat. as well as f1\e crow'n, Interferes ' with this attitude of devotion. Hence the ameer's seem· Ing apo"taay. Trade and scientific journals, as well as newspapers throughout t1!e country are quoting what a local manufacturer of DetrOit, Mich .. hu to say about the development of the nutomoblle Induatry. He gives Ii large share of the rredlt to the rich bl.lyer of the early motors, who bought the crude product at fancy prJces and spent l,lIB money tinkering and ImprovIng It. kept nlUm rtbout Its weaknesses .Instead of exploiting them . '"Instead of knock. Ing b e booated even when' he bad very little to boosL " The rich not only
place d th Ir money where It would help de\'elopment, but actually sug· g este(l some or the befit Improvements tbat have been made. They mad b lJOsslble the manufacturing of I:ood cars. According to Mr. William Barclay Parsons. clyll engin eer, tile $16.000.600 !SeWe rago system tor H\lvana, work on wblch Will begin In October. will bo Ideal . and when the Ame rican govern· m ent wlthdt~aws from Cuba In January th'e Island Olat was onCI) a hotbed of y lI«;I w' fevor will be as sanitary M pall. Bible. How long wlH Cub'\ libre keep tt IIO? The ~arnegle h ero commission hal had 85 cases for me dals before It since lUI Illst meeting. ThlJ'ty application. were granted Ilnd 55 rej ected. This IB discouraging. ~n Ii country oC so 'many millions tbls Is a mighty smaJl be~t pe'rcen lag e. Wblle serving admirably all a fol/ ftJr 'hIe ot the newer battlellhlp! the tJld IIlonllol" Florlc!. h.. sbown tb.t It eQuid put 11.P ,. ,mall Illht ...aln.t aD,
'" them.
ivee up to mournfns. Wbel\ THE PLUQ HAT 0' JAPAN • w re not IIttening a tbe IItrans., rllea of the Vintage cf Fifty Years Age prea che r's mesoage the re. Make the Mikado'. Subjectl Proud. heRrs lng ·to one anot her the things Whi ch hI:' Nald . LADIES' THREE·PIECE 8KIRT. "T.b 're IR one sigh t wh',cb .'ou mus t And. thAt Ibey b l1eve4 bill mClssJlgll ( bot m iss 'l'/h D you go to Tol<yo." • l id , ..... . . . .iII B • .,••••• ~p ••" was certaIn. for they conn~ 8 d one to . _I NIDI .b I. S... red. 'me s aSOIl d tm\"1 'r , ""fllnt Is the '1IDot.h er 1hnt th re wer> II Il gods at rare dl vplay of antllr oJlol o~ l ca t pi li!,; til JJ ople of ~' i n e\, p h li ke unt.) the STORY BY THE '"HlCHWAY AND ba Ls. gr at God who had s pok III t he ·1Y.lrds BYWAY" PREACHER '"Som e ppople arr nnge t o get to of judgm nt a ral nst tll €\lr ~l ly . An tl J ll pa n In h eny bl08 om seasou. and bell vlns t hill. all the gr II and /J,Q)'. others wan t to get til re In li lli e t o geuu worshi p or th man)" godR tlf (,lve h '11'88 II tOPl) d. a nd Ins te-nd receive an In \·ltn tlon to the emll' l'or 's 'In Srrlpt pre Au lhor lty- J onah . chapth To w a~ a tunIng In th ought to th e gard n flart y In cbry a th en lulil time: ter s 3 Ilud • . grea un kn own Go<1 who was ablb 10 but tall e ' the lip of on who h as b utted d s t ro), fi nd wss 1\ ,)1 to m a~ ·all -. d. ahollt the WO,rld conside r ab ly a nd la nd T bey Icne w I hi s lAs t must b (I'Ue, 10 Toky o e ltlwr on !': OW , (Jur's day or SERMONETTE. Iud ('(I. tor bart not t be gl' at G ., on th o m il r r's birt hd ay. On both slI at (!hert till a s tra ng \:Irp'a bel' t !'Om you can s e somolhlng unique 10 Ib e "God IIW • • • • God repented. Ih v ry jaws o f d at b an d PI'p, sPT\'erl line of h eadgea r. .. ' He did It not." That I. a hi s II( wh n th en ha.d ,'pened 10 "Wh n J a llnn begnn to get civilized revelation of God dea li ng In swall uw h im uP. fore v r ? she bough t all t ile accessol'le s of clv· mercy and love w ith a w icked Jonnh was 1I0t Insen sible ~ o tlle IIlz ution th at Engla nd d id not wRnt people. change which ha d o m o\' er III cl: y. lill Y more . Eng lnn·d . s old h e r old·fas hWho Is there who c ~ n charge but In steR1l ot ott nlng i lis ttlllr t. loned . Ollt-ot·da te . nu rrow gauge rail· God with filvorltlam ? With towards th e P Ollie who ga vl- s nch e\ I· r Oad ~tllc l{ . antlqun ted tram Cllrs and harsh ilnd unreason ing judg. den t signs of repeotll ncp. \l hn d lhe oth er second ·hu nd jllnl, . Incllllllll g thl! ment ag .. nit lin' Pllrl R P at iOI'll No. 24 32. All • ama co ntrary f'f cl. 1n th p seethin G henl then ('urrent sty los ot Jllllg hat. Nlnevell standi out I perpet. of his · blt l er bigo t ry 8 11 !' mj)u l~e.5 ot All owf' tj . -Thls pre tty mod I Is jlur" Th e til e ot t bC)s'~ dill'S has r eo ual challenge againat the claim me rcy lIud lo v wer bur ned 1; 1). ao II cll lll r ly adap tab l 10 t ht' s parat l' m nlned tlt e ruling ' ta s h lon In J apR n that God ever punllhes unjultly that wltb InrI' aslng " h mell tl he skirt!! of serl:'e. thlu flann e l-either In up to th e pres nt. Japa n may · blllld L or before he has g iven full op· Ilreached th e C r lal u d s t ructJol'I of Illnl n colors o~ atrllJed- b RV y linen. Dreadnoughts. but tbe p lu g hat o f 00 ( portun lty for repentance and a th o city, An d , ~· lth Increasi ng t er:.· or du('k. In dla n·head cotto n o r ('ot lOIl ' )'ears ago s t ill re igns supr eme. turning from the aln that would the peo.ple oug ht a fte r I hi s I,'; rpa t \,ol le: Th e tron t is made In n prln· " Only on stic h cer emoniOUS oera· destroy. e S8 IIlI lIel e tr ect. nnn ornam IIt ed s lons liS th e N w Year's fOij tl\'lt I s. GOd. say ing ove r and over to 9(' 11 God saw "that the people of wilt! IHll tons. th ese buttons tormln g the c mpero 's birthd ay or f) Osslb l}' oth e r : Nineveh brought forth works "Wh o ell n t pll It God will t Ulh nnrt th fa t nln g 011 t he left s id e. Th e th c raC ing meets a t Neglshl. n a r meet for repentance." rppent. and tur n away t rom hilt fierce back Is Innd with a ce nt I' seam nnll Yokohama, does the ja panese geu tl()o The prophet waa 10 blinded UII Inve rl e d box·plai t. It Is tltt l:'d O\'or man brin g tor Ut frOID his ca mphor ange r. tha t we I) r ls h not't' by his prejudlcel and the natu· So It was tl lI.l t a s the e nd of ·.he '0 the hips bY darts . A wid e bins band wood "n es t his plug bat . a heritage ral hatred of the Jewl for every days drew near a v ry gr ot cry went of Ih e m ater ial Is s el on Ilf! a trim· from bls tor fa th ers. It ma y b'3 other nation that he could not up from t he city to the Goll or mln ~ abovo Ih h m: or the skirt ma y warped with 20 s ummers: damp or see anything but the INlckedneaa be I ft plain If desired. The pat· grcrm with the shine o f Hntlqulty . but heave n tha t' he " 'ould spa re I h(" n . of the city and believe that the Joc.ah. h(>arlng th e ery, ILnd b"ho1d ter n Is In seven slzes- 22 to 34 Inchell. tt::lt ma t ro rs nothin g, only jUlt course wal the de· Ing the sr at dls t r('ss of t he people, waist mea!lure. F or 2G wais t the '"Once this supe rstructure to his .tructlon of the city. wa s moved with st ili d pe r r esent- skin r quires ~ yards or IlIllterlal 20 wrinkled frock coat ant! bu gg d But God law. How comfort. ment How could God hear such a Inches wide . five yards 3G Inches wide. trous rs /r! add d . t be J apnnes gen· Ing and encouraging I. the people? Would God spar 1 lmpo. 4% yards 42 Inches wide, or 3Y.l yards tleman fflels tlll~t no dig nit y sh ort of . thougM that God leea. Human slbl! Were these peopl not outs ide 54 inches wide ; 1 % yard 20 Inches Ii decorlLtton of t he order of the Rls· eyea are prone to only lee the the covenant bl eS Sing ot God? What wide , seve n-(>Ighths yard 36 Inches Ing Sun can be added to his person. weaknenee ,nd falluree. God right had tbey to claim or fJ pect wid . three·tourths yard 42 Inches That crowning glo ry of ;\ Iring hat aeea the quickening purpolO In mercy from the God of .o\b r ~ham . wide. or five-elghths yard 54 Inche~ may settle arollnd his ars or It mnJ the heart ~or a beHer life. He fsaac and ·Jacob ? And hoW' could Goll wide. e xtra for bias bnnd. V Idth of perch upon bls head like half a pea, aee. the flrlt Ilow, faltering tihow kJndness to Israe l and Sf)are so lowe r edgo about · four yards. nllt shell. but no matter ; It ' Is Ihe hnl Itepi toward. him, and In pa. powerful an enemy? Had not God . To procure tht. pllttern Bend 10 centl of civilization and the badge of retlence and love he atay, hla 10 "Pattern Department.'" of thl8 paper. said that the coast of l arllel W1l/I to Write name and adtlrell. ptnlnly. Rnd bo spectablllty . hand of judgment and holdl out be restored and how could thll be sure to give .Is" and number ot pattern. '"He trots out of his house lookln@ the other In which Ire offered brougbt ' about If Nineveh Wllre IIpRred! l ike OOti of tbe ancient dalmlos sttrl mercy ind forglvene ... "Yea," exclaimed Jonah, bitterly. NO_ 2432. with the dignity of two swords. All SIZE .... ... .. . ..... .. Truly, a. the Lord hath 1.ld: " How ' can God shew mercy · to Ninetbat fearful day he wears this bat of "I have no ple .. ure In the, death SAME .. ..... , ....... . ...................... .. veh to the hurt of hi. chos,en people! ancient vintage like a crOWD. and In of the wlck.d." And yet-and yet-" He did not fin· the end he stows It away In his dam!)On the contrary hear him TOWN ................................... .. .. Isb tbe sentence. save with a. half sob, proof cbest a\\'a1tlng anot her feslal plead, "that the wicked turn hlllt angry cry, but It was plaln that STREET AND NO ........ .. ............ . occasIon Or he ld as nn a.ssel In hll from hll way Ind JIve: turn ye, tbe prophet feared that Ood would eat.ate after death." turn . ye from your evil waya; STATE . . . . ..... ... .. . ..... ..... _.. .. .. . ... .. show mercy Instead of executlng Judi' for why will y. die?" ment as he had declared he would. 80 much for Qod and hi, In· Unwlle Comblnatl(!r.. CHILD'S EMPIRE DRESS. '"U Nineveh Is spllred, what . will finite love and m.rcy which To the mind of Mrs , Abigail Jen· ever my nation say ot me? Can they reach out to the far off Nine. nlngs UlerE,l waa a ~ ort at disloyalty In not well Bay that J bave proved 'false veh" b.ltowlng pardon admltUng to any outsider that a native to tbem? Surely there w1ll be naught of judgment. or Wlllowby could be really eccelltrlc. but condemnation that 1 should bave But what of the pr.ach.r? All fol' anything b yond eccentrlcl t)·. gone and preach ed to those who are No credit to him for the r,. Mre. ~ e n.nlng8 would n e v'lr have ad our enemies snd s aved them from depentance of Nln.veh.. HII big. mitted It, even In the cllse or Mi ss Oh, woe Is mEl; woc Is struction. otry would ehut the gr•• t Racbel Gregg. who was fromkly caJled me! Better that 1 had dlEld tban tD city out of the pale of God', crazy by the summer visitors. have come thither." ·mercy. ,He Ipok. the me.. age "Now, Mrs. Jennings." !laid one of Thus. in bitterness of h eart. Jonah God had given him' to 'peak, a tb e boarders. '"do you really mean that waited, but notwithstanding his dlmp. m .... g. of Impending judgment, you've never known Miss Gregp, to do polntment be obediently w-ent hither with no thought, or wllh, or anythjng that you'd call crazy ?" nnd thither delivering hlB me ssage. pray.r that Nln.veh might re"No.1 haven't," salcl Mrs. Jennln g9, and hoping against hope thAt Goel pent and be spared. with a firm and uo yleldlng eXI/res Blon would yet punish the great ci ty for. all Jonah h.d like m.ny • mod. a bout her Ilromlnent chin. Its wickedness. ern-day preacher tllat " . ·'Why. what do you think of her So the days were fulfllled when the holler.than·thou" feeling, .nd lIendlng tllat bllg of eggs ovel ' to the city was to . be dest roye d. ' went about hi, p.r••chlng In • Corners 'to Mrs. Cole . right In the bolt From Ills vantage point on the east p.rfunctor~ way, del/verlng hla with her laundry work, and never t e ll· side of the City .Tonah watched and menage becaule It waa the lng tb e stage-drlv er. and leWng blm walted. Would God send fire from word, and becaua. he knew he tbrow the box rlght olf?" Inquired tho heaven to burn It up a s he ,lid Sodom mUlt It, but never for a summer boarder . "1\1rs. Cole sa)'! and Gomorrali. or would the gTound moment feeling the heart.throb there's one shirtwaist she'lI never bn open and Ilwllllow It up? All through of God, or that ye.rnlng fa,. the t.ble w wear again." the nIght he watched and waited. no a.lvatlon of a p.rllhlng aoul. '"Well ." said Mrs. Jennings. calmly, sleep coming to his anxious eyes and Rellgloua exclullveneaa or big· "I should lIay about that 8S I h llve troubled heart. nnd with the first otry have done more to retard about 'Il number of little things Raeh(>1 gleam oC the morning light he was the onwa"d progresl of the /!bes and lias done. She may lack In straln,ng bl~ e yes towa rds t.he clly. kingdom of Chrllt than any dl. , WIsdom and forethought now "Yea, it Is jusl 8S 1 Ceared. Why rect forcel evil which have Paris Pattern No. 2413. All Seama Il/,;nln-but then. who doesn't. I'll shol!ld I. a J ew, live lon8:er when been brought to b.a,. upon mercy Is thus Dhown to thel!le mlsera· A.llowed.-Plnk.and-whlte embroidered ~o know?"-Youth's Companion. Chrlltlan work .nd workera. ble. despised Gentiles? Oh, Lord:' he French batiste haa been made up Into cried, lttUng bls eyes t.oward heavea, this dainty little empire frock. The Maklng, lt Mealure Down. very short waist Is gathered Into !l " take my Ute." Yn these days when only the rich THE STORY. , , And as he waited thus with bls face round yoke-band of fine Carrlokma · criminal or lIuspect Is accorded much NINEVEH was In a turmOil of ex- JlfteJ upward there came a volqtl trom crOSI! lace and ftnlshed with Ii very .pace In the newspaper! . It may be ,t nar{ow edging of Valenciennes. The rell~f to the predatory rich to have th& nhove. saying : cltement. A str.ange preacher had (ull skirt portion ' Is gathered and at- fact recnlled thlit the blessed middle '"Ooest thou well to be angry?" aUd,d enly ap\leared III the 'street of the tached to the w.lst; the joining being CI889 mllY also produce dishonesty. A Jonah made no reply. but aank upon gTeat ,city and was proclalmlng a message from tfie great God of heaven the ground, and as the sun came up hidden by a band oC wide beading. l'ollceman tells ' this story : '"Before 1 reformed and went on the and earlh, the God of god" " 'ho ruled he became conscious ot the shade of through which Is run narrow black vel· over all. and who was uble to destroy the gourd whll!h God had ,caused to vet ribbon, Tbe short puff sleeves are rorce I was clerklog In a small store. and to make alive. At first the mul. grow v,p during the' nigh t and wblcb gath ered Into bands of similar bead· One day an ltBrllal). woman came In. tltudea had been disposed t(l mCoCk gavl3 him cooling protection ' all Ing nnd finished with the ValenCiennes She held a stM ng I.n her hand. a long edging. It desired the (Iress may be atrlng, and said that she wanted a and ridicule the oddlY'garb ed prelicb. through the day. made with high neck anll long aleeve!!. hlanket of th" same length. I went But that night God sent a worm er. and to laugh with scorn at t~e and Is adaptable to glllgham. cham· warnln!? that "yet forty days. and Nln· which cut tho ,v in e olr Ilnd caused It bray or linen. ' The pa\.lllrn Is In five through our stock Ilnd found that the to wither. GO that the ne.x t morning longest blanket we had was six Inches eveh shall be overlbrown,'" the .tull rays of the hot eastern sun ·slzes- one to nin e years. For a child laC) sh,ort. In t.he midst of my SEarch But as day after day this llreacher b'eat relenlles~ ly upon th e h ead of 'If fiye years the drells requires 3~ Ine b08S came up. had pllsaed up and down th e .zlly pro- Jonah; so tha t \:e cried In bls misery Yards of material 27 In~ les wide. 2 'I.. .. 'Wbat's the matter?' hc said, claiming his message, and th ... mlracu · and anguish: , yards 36 Inches wide. or 2';{, yards 42 "r told hlfl' . lous story was told from mouth to "It is belter for me tQ die than to :nchSB wide ; 1'1. yard of beading. "'That's enBY,' said he. ')'11 ' talk to mouth how the prell.Cher had been caDt three yards of rlOboD. seven-elgbthe .ler and 'k eep 'her busy wblle you cut Into the sea, and how bls COd. who lI'I'e." And the voice of God 80unll od out of yu rd ot Insertion and 1* yard of edg: off the etrlng.''' hl,ld sent him to the cIty, had preparcd Ing to trim . the heav en say ing : The hone st copper swears that he , 'a great fish to 'recelve him and bring "Docst tbou wp. 1I to be' angry for the To procure thl8 pattern een<t to centl would not be an active party to such him sate to land. a solfer. thougbtful gourd '!" fo '"Panlern Deparlment. '" Of lhla paper. a trick, but whatever was don e the ' Write nRme and nudros" plaInl y. and be hearing was given him. .\8 a result "Yet. J tlo we ll to be an ~rr y even aUre to give size Ilnd number ot pattern. woman 800n lert tbp 'store with a It was not long ere word was nrought unto death ," ImpaUeJllly crl d the blanket and string of equal the king concerning the man and prophet . Snn Francisco ' Call . his message. NO_ 2413. SlZE ...... , ..... ... . .. Again came the voice from hea.ven "Nineveh to be destroyed?" be cried, saying : N.lME .. . .................. . .................. . Took No Chance.; "Nay. It cannot be." "ThOll hast had pity on th e gourd, He hod proposed, but she hlld given 'fOW'N ............................. ........ .. But fear took hold upon hIs hoa~t. for the which thou hast pot lubored: him th!,! frIgid mitt-seemingly; but The message of the prophet troublod neither madest It to grow ; which STRE!l:T AND NO ...................... . Dve minutes later they wen) busy blm da)' and night. and at las t he laid came up In a night anti which perswapping kisses, aside hili r obes or state. and put- Ished In a night; and s bould 1 not STATE . ... . .................. : ............ .. "But j f you rel1.lIy and truly loved ting on In their place the sack. ,spare Nineveh. that great cltY, .where· ' me, why , did you turn me rtown nf cloth and "shes which betokened In are more than 60.000 little ones who Omnibuses . In Holland are fitted first?" Qlleried the puzzled young man. dee p mourning a!l~ grief. he pro. are' unable t.o ,discern betwe·e::. th(l' witb letter ' boxes. "Oh, that was just a whim oC mine," clalmE'fl a f~st throughout the City. de. right hand and their left?" sbe replied . "I wanted to see now you creelng that, t.'I e people from tht!' klng The vulce c~ased , and Jonah wu Th. OppOSite Effect. and nQbles down should lIeltber eat lett to heart·~earchlng medlto,llon. . The San FranciSCO edlt'o r rl!lid the would act." ' "nut suppose 1 bad rushed off Wltb' brEllld ,lIlr drink wa~et until tbe wrath "Ah," ht: rl;ought. as he took up the anoDymou~ threat of deatb sent him :JUt givIng you a chance to explaiD 1" of the God ot gods had been appeased. long Journey homeward. "wIlo can by the graftel's. ' ', What a tl'a'1sforma.tloo lhat was! measure the fathomlesE dept.hs of ,"Doe8n't It m.kenyonr bloc" run ' he said. "Impossible." 8be answere..\. "I had Whp..n .fonah t!ntered the clty'lI gates God's mercy , or know the I'ower of cold?" ulted a frlo!nd. he ha. found the people given to all ru. love?" "On tlle contrar)' ,'" replied, the ed· th~ door , locked." manner ot (eutln/;. and gayety. and Itor, ordering the threat Bet In lorgo 'wlckedDQsB. and now lhese things haa . type and prln ted In red, "1 elpect II .No Chance for Qlatrea,l. No, Ind ••d. all been put away aod the PflOple did "Old you enjoy your visit 'Ith that to help my clrculatioD." "'l'lIe Bun la ml~htJ 8<:orchlLI thel" not so much a.a eat or drink, whereas sick woinan lIext door?" 4.y!!, hut-" ,,-before they , had Indulged In all man. Lite la a conlldene. game, and the "Not very much," repll1!d Mra. "Bill what'" ner at eicellllea. Instead ot the rlbal" Scarem . . ~'She wasn't halt !1 .t alcll .. man who win. mUlt not only baYe "I uut.~ 'W6111tm 8tlll hltu to b. daDe.. and 'the IlcenUoUI worahlp In I expected lAd ...... coDfldence In hlmaelf, but be &bIll 10 tbrown lDto lIIIe ahade."-B aD.. " "',.., ~, 1~!~8., · !!&. PIIO»I. p"e Ul... Preu. lupJre conftdeDI:e Ia othe.... . . . ._ ,_ _ _I . ._ _ _
r .ere
I Practical Fashions
No other medicine has been so successful in relieving the su1Ierill~ of wom n or received eo ma,ny genuine tes timonials as has JJydlB E. Pinkluuu'sVegctablc COIllI)Ound. 10 every commullity you will find women who have b en restored to health by Ly<lii\ E. Pi.lllcham's VC!;etnllie CompoW1d. Almost every one you meet has either beeu benefited by it, or hns fl'i nds who bave. In the Pinkham Ln.boratory a Lynn,M.ass.,any wornanlloy day may see the files containing over one mil· lion one bW1drcd thousand lettol's, from women se kin~ health, and here Bre the letters In which they oponly state over their own signatures that they were cured by 4'di",, · E. Pinkham's Vegetable mponnd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompoUnd has saved mllny women. from surgical o»E!rntions. Lydia E. Pinkha.m's Veg tableCompound is made from roots and. ' herbs, without drugs, and is wholesome and harmless. The reason why Lydia E. Pink: hllm's Vegetable Compound is S<l" successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upou. the feminine organism, restoring it. to 8. healthy normal condition. Women who are suffeting from those eli tressing iUs'pe ullar to their sex should not lose si~ht of b et!! or doubt the abihty of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. TIME TO HUSTLE.
Kld-Gee whiz. but er feller feel. lone some In de spring It he ain't 10' ' er golll HI. Appreciation, When Patrick McGlnnagan hecame a me mber oC the Chicago police force Ilis t week, a delegation of his friend. burst In UPOD him while he was at dinn er and presenled him wltb • bandsome night stick In honor of hi. popularity and their tlsteem . Completely bewildered by this unex. pected token. the new policeman nO\'ertheless stru~gled to hili feet &.lid atr.mmered hil appreCiation. '. "Frlndll. ye have upset me .wld y'r Kindness." he said . fiourlshlng the night stick. "01'11 try an' do me dut,. wid this little Ihlllaly.• an' I hope an' thrust thot Ivry mon here'l! live t' foal ltll IJllloolnce." In a Morocco Har.m. Every woman In tiJ~ harem has hel ' lace del)orated In the- most curious mnnner. The practice Is to elongate the eyebrows to the ears and to embel· IIsh the chin with ilt\l e points of blacll paint. In ~ontraBt wltb tbe mOD, their complexions are 'very fnlr, •• they are shut within , walls 'and .~. never eXlJosed to tho Bun. '
A man 'who claims kin with ape.. slmlst dlliplaYII poor judgment. . 111.... Wln.low·. 8oothln/r 8;rru'p, POT C"hlldre D tee,tblDC. IUtt0U8 tbe'gural, redoc" fD. nan:um,Llou. aU.,. p&lu, cur. . . trall coUu. aoc a bonl..
Jealousy Is tbe trading IItamp givea with each CIlIe of true 10.,..
Jim Cradlebaugh, ,Head-Liner By Wm. Hamilton a.borne
and Appllcatlonl T"at Will Overdressing 11 In the Vfo,..t of Bad Ir. <rengthen the Mu.el" W!II Tute-Simplicity and Com· R..tore Good Ap· fort 1rhing·s A I".."ya to pearance. Be Considered. '
The tad lor Dutch neck's ha s struck to the heart or the woman 'lVlth the double cbln. Doubl chlu8 are of various kinds, There Is tbo chin which Is simply too fat. Thon there Is th (). double ('hln whic h I.s caus d by · the shortness of th · neok and the habit of carryin g lh chin too low. Aud again. th ere I ~ the chill whloh merely looks dOllhl hE'· Cllllse of a fattlly dress, a s ~)y w e arlu~ collars too ti ght. Tbe necldace culls alil}ntlon to the douhle chin . De fore putting' on. a necklace th woman with 11 tut c h, n sbould massage it downward . . S he should tak - the 1)II1m or her hand and &trol.o th o lI[l of be r chin wltb 1\ vlg· orOll8 stroke. Th en she Il hould rull right d090'n from th' end o( th chin to th e d ip In the throat. Alcohol s tren gth ns the musc les of the ne('k. Dash your throat Wllh r..lco. bol and ma ssage It downwa rd. An. otber xcell n t massage tor remov. Ing th e douhle chJn Is lhe Icc massa~e. Press the ·lco secll rely upon the .f1 as h and mnssl1 re down . I\. dozen treat. mcntB will curo th worst case !mag. Inab le. The throat of Ih young girl Is slim and her head s its upon It r n k as u(Jon 0. pedes tal. He r shoulders lire slo ping 8nd her wh ole appeara nco Is 8 study In curves; h r n ck It! but a slem whld! Bupports her h nlI . Out as sht' g rows old r the throat thick ns from neglect, the uned chin becom d square and und pr th e ohln there come rolls or fl esh, and thi s s tage marks the old woman . The Jllpan ese woman sets a flow e r In her hair so that It trai ls at one ear. Tbls mal.a8 h r ne k loclt slim. me l'. The French woman dr sses her throat very' high or she ma kes the neclt look prettler In tooe br lasplng n plnlt ribbon around It. Over th ribb on Is fa stened lhe dog collar. Tbe pink I nos color to tbe ne k In ce and tOile to the sldn. A stringy chin cnn be hardened by slapping It with cologne wat r. The s lapping should lal( . plac at ni ght anI! th hand should be fill ed with the perfum e and s pa ted on the n ck. 1t white ns tbe throat and mak es the tIesh firmer and the skin hard r. A chi n tlln.t Is held high does not look as fill as the chin that Is slluggled dowr, In lhe neck. Ltrt your chin, lwl.s t your head , Ibrow It back unlll the coiffure rests upon your shoulde rs , ~rror
( ·Opyrlllht.
by ShortsLOry
Whon old bleary MoGa!!n y. tbe town Inebriate, was aocldentally killed big Jim radl baugh o.pprlsed tbe widow or her b 'rcavem at. "What am I a·golo' to do?" walled tht' widow . "Now, don 't you worry, MlssUB Mc· Garrney," said bi g Jim . rad lebaugh 08 lltntlously, "the town'll lIee that you don't Buffer, I'll soo to It. I'll muke tbe bo)'s shell oul." He laid a cat u down ou the window·slll. "Ther'lI halt a dollar fOI' your Imm ediate needs . Mi ssus McGaffney," he told bel', " 'and don't you worry. I'll mak the boy IS do thel r purt, too." H fl lnrtpd n to do It. Down 10 the Offi ce or the Donald~ on Dally they w re wultlng for him- the boys . "Now, boys,''' he said, as he bustl d Into the olnce of the DallY, "glmme a Bhe t f paper, This he l'e Is tor con· trlb.otors for SIII'8U l\1cGarrney, th be· roaved , Th ere y u lI-1'e. There's my nam at Ihe head, whero It always Is III th is h r tow u. I subscribe halC a 'ome, now , Pllt dollar, do you 81'? YOllr 11Ilnl ' 3 in, Don't b arrald . The liSt 'II be I, rl n d In th Dally just as usuul. I gI ve It 011: a dollnr. · Who'll gin' llIore '!" Yon ng HIli Mal h wson, th hard· ware lIIau , ste pp d tonyard. " M r. 'radleba\lg lt ," It e t;ald. und h is lip curled as b said It, "I'm worth about Ono·IfJnth th 8um that you ar. Put DI oOwn fur flv dollars- I'U give t e n t1m e~ as mu h us you." Jlnl Cru d l b8ugb was never r e7.ed. "Hurrah," h said, " example 19 onta· glous. I give GO c nts, al1el tbe next mUll gl\'ets five dollars. Wbu'll give 1Il 0 re ~ COIllI'. now, your nllmes' U all be pri nted, tl on'! yuu know. Won' t th ey, Ba r ll · ll ~" lJarll Nt. ed itor nno pronrl tor of til DOnll ldson Dal!}', nodded. "A~ USUIlI." he I' spond d. Dut his 111\ curl d just a IItlle , too, For til only tb!ng tha L lh e town could give Jim rad lebau gh credit for was that he (;(1uld ma k" ot her p opl give: He was th orlglnll or of tb published IIsls In tbe Dall y. 1[ro ha d started them duro lng the ·mnIlIJoJ( scare 80me three year~ b for e , nud lhe dlto r ackoowl· e dged Lo blms If thut tile lei a was a good on . ha rll), Is a pleasllnt weak· nesli. b pt p IJ m S Dlllch more ill. tractive whe n It ·Is set b -Core the eyes oC men. witit namos and amounts In full. But I'adlebaugh-the lo wn was dlllgust d with 'radl baugb: the Donal d· son Oally was disgusted With him, lhough It did not duro to say so. Jim C~udl ellaugh could have bougbt apd lold many men In the town of Don· aldson ; he was fal wllh prosperity. But never y e~ bad be given a five-dol· lar bill on anyone occasion, though ",·b en h gn)'o tho wbolc town knew 11. Cl'lid iebullgh took cure to let them know It. He was more than a laugh·. lng·stock in tbe town; he was the Bub· ject of bi tte r jeers. But he never realized It. 30 it 8 emed. The lI! cGarrney subscription was euded hy a $500 gltt from "a friend." Old l' rwilllger, who lived at the end (I f the street, waB a comparative strnnger In the town of Donaldson. Ho had lived ,til I'C fOr 15 years. No one knew ".-be llc he lInd come, All that was known a).lout him tho banks kne w. t"I>ry six months he made s ub· stantisl d pos its In tbo First National and In lh 1 fme Savings ballk . . At the end of ca b six months tho depoSits dwiudled to a cipher. The banks did not know wb re t he money wont-cor· talnly old I an TerWllllger diet not spend It on hlmselt, And he bad no C-- ~ II'lf luxuries. !i.e was a pl.a ln, . sImple, utisophlstlcated old man. Dut the eyes of Editor Barllett always tw lukl ed When the name of Terwllll· .'lter was spoken, and sometimes mois t· "ned , Th n they would harden when he thougbt of Cradlebaugb, "What a dltre.ance between two mell," he t bought to himself. "Cradleba ~gh, a blatant, ostentatlou. egotlat. Terwilliger, a · gentle, shrlnklngman." But If ';I"erwllllger had a secret, and If Bartlett. knew, It, he dlvul6ed tt to hls best friend. And &II time went Ott, and the char· tty IIsta lil the Donald,on Dally multi. plied, It was Invariably Cradlebauch who headed the Uat-with a doUar; and It was Invariably "Constant Read· er." or " Pro Bono," or "J( Friend" w.ho cloled It out-wIth hundred., B ut the small town of Donaldeoll never knew what fate had in store for bel'. She had given bounteoualy to all ber ne ighbors. 8he little knew how much she would need charity her· aelf. It waa the WIdow McGall'ne7 who atal'ted It. By nlgbt the riSing little town of Donaldson lay In rulns-rulu bfac k and stark and uncompromlalng, Donaldson was a city without a home, Yes, there WlUl one bome that ellcaped. I t wal Jim Cradlebaughl. big bouse. npon tbe hiU. And there WJ1,8 .another bome-the brOme men aeek in thefr extremity. . Tlie DoDaldaoD Firat churcb was nnlcathed. . . Dut with the mornlq ql1 rl.ln, lun bope grew. The bulls ~orted their vaults were safe. And the Insurance ClOmpanleli wired that they would P&7 Donald.on 1(I1IIIOIJ Immediatel7. And all that the people _,"eel w.. food. te·m p(jrarr lIbeller-JUlt the bare neoea.arie. of life, ' . "We'll aupply thOle ouraelves," cried Bartlett to the orowd; Illeo the church."
C,.........· ••
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seen . Tbe rumor grew tbat Cradlebaugh was ke Illng tQ himself. In com. fort, ilp In his big house I on the hilI. Othors, who had, p rforce, sheltered · UJemselves there during th Er night, had oot seen him. At any rate, he was not among the crowd In n,e cburch. Ba rU ett told the people jllst' bow things stood. He kn ew the town, He kn w Its needs. "This Is bus lo ess," he said : "flllly a third· of us are very well·to·do. We've sa ved. 1lI0uey. 1'wo.thlrds oC us have b e n living from hand to mouth . The one·t hlrd must rlsc to the occasion Gentleme n," be added earnestly, " this IR a thing that will mak tha rich poor ; but Il's ~eal-It's I'cal-It's reaL" The crowd relt It. DarLiett prepared a dozen subsl.!rlpllon lists and soot thom throu gh the crowd. " We'lI pull ttirougb," he told hhn. self, when he b gan to see rellul~lI. "And Torwllllgr. or rwllll~er 'II glvo. Good old 'Pro Oono.' But-where 11$ he?" Almost a s he spoke ·T rwllitgev, a lean, s tra ggling old man, e nte re:! the church, and Mruggled up the al sl . He s lIted himself at the foot of the stairs just b low the pulpit. He walt· ed bours unltl the li sts were all In . 'I'll h Itartl It sl I,ped to his side. "I want . something from 'A Frl e ud.''' b \' ntur d, l' rwllllger took the Hst and "0.:1 lb· ·bled somethlr.g at tbe bottoO! . Bart· I tt looked II.l it, and shouted a.(oud with gleo. "Hurrah, boys," he ye lled, " hl' rs'. 10m thin g worth lIeelli g. List n while I I· ad . The Ia.s t DalllO on til li st: " ' From a fell w towns man, $30,000: "Nn w," he orl d, ''I'm gulng to lell at last- It's trom Mr. 're rwllliger h I'll. Tllnt's who It Is. The ll1an of tbb to wlI- the mlln who slv severy Ume, a ll tll tillie, who-" Dut T nmllg I' was lip beside 111m In the pulpit, holding his arm, "Walt, wait," cried Terwilliger, In a thin, s hrill, pilli ng yolce, bu t a voice Quiv ering willI earneslness-"'lmlt." I-Ie tlll'ne d to tbe audience. "j( the truth's to b told," he !laId, "Iet's le ll the truth, the whole truth, and nothing bllt lhe truth . Gents.' be went on. "Ilft en xears ago I Wl'.S In the poorhouse over In Monroe. Listen. There was a man who found me t;,erll,
lind you w1l1 get some !dea o( neck and chin exercllo, . Dancing Is the best exerolse for II double chin, The head Is thrown to one side and the neelt Is made suppl e. The Spanish dances and the 8o~alled skirt dances are good tor the exercise of the neck muscles. ' An exercise practiced by actresses 18 that of touching tho ear to the shoulder. Each day the ear II l'ubbed Ullon tbe should\:l·r halt a dozen times I.n Qulc1( succession un til tbe neclc Is supple. YOll should be able to s pan your throM with your t h umbs and flrsl flngura , Touch your thumbs ' ogeth I' unde r yonr chin, a nd If your throal Is In proportion to your size .}our fnrl" tlt'lcrs w 111 just meet at the bacl;. "Come Now, Put Your Name. In." and who broll~ht me over here-a man with n big heart,· smile on his face, lind a hlg ·w81·m hand, and 11 big warm hart. Cuts , II ('-ho supported me. H mild!) m Itvfl In comfort. ,But. gents, . be"-Qld T erwilliger smiled in silite of hllllself-"he was a joker-sucb a jok!!r. And I didn't mind 80 much, I!ut hla hearl-that man would give. give. glv all he had for the poor, the sl k, the stricken. But. gents, he was a man wbo would never let his left band kno" what his right hand was doing. He gave through me." Old Terwilliger became terrIbly In earnest. "Oent.," be went on. "yes· terdllY, In the fire, I wu In iny ·sec· ond·.tory baok·room In a closet. I was shut oft b y the tire, There wa. no hope for me. But-he, .thla man with .the bC~ heart. He found me. He re. cued me,. I'm But he-he'a up In hili big bouse." Terwllllger'lI voice quivered. "Only tbe . doctor knows. He's burned, tbat man. And be ain't a'ioln' to ,et well, (Thnt.... be cried aloud, "that .man la the man YOU ne ver knew, who wouldn't let you know .hlm, whoae left . hand dldtj't know hla own rlglit hand. GilntJI, that man waltCradlsbaugh. Hit gives the thirty thousand, U he ,ave all be ever gave -unbeknown-tbrou,h me." The crowd wu silent for moment. Bartlett led tb. cheering, then lod the way silently out of the church, anel up the steep tll\I toward the Il</use oJ
S wing the baby lemanlis til very b s en: r's or Ih(' practiced no dlewOlllan . It'· calls fur b r tlnills t !lUtche in s Illl! ami It W :lnd tu k. her WOIst E'xc:!us l\' tUSl In th selec· Lion of dain ty t ri mmings and he r besl of go ()" HenS£! In d '~ Ignlng ciothes with II \' Il'w to ('om for', aud conv n· I n e to Ihe s mall w arHr. 'ro Il OV ' rdr cs~ d Is \I ll acknowl· e dged hI' ach of g<Jull la s te , lind an lu· nocont baby , bu rdened With long and h c av ~' ('lutlHli;, wblch ill tit lr l ur n a r lad ned wll h t'luhoralf' and we ig ht y t l'lmm lngs, Is an obj 'CL WOJ·Iity 01' the pitying ('o llsic] 'mUon of Ihuse kind· hearted Jl ople whos vo('atf on Il Is l pro L~('t 11 IVl llss infants rl'0 11I Inhuman treatillent. SOUle bablrJ!<- a nd thls ' llI Ih very hest rnfllill es- wear " li p!!. tu th o ' x· ·Iuslon of ci r(eSses. Ill, IUlle r bei ng r&< served fo e "cerelllonious" occasion II. such as a ct.t·iS!f~ nlug. It sli ps ar · to Il wore In Its wall:· Ing a s well !qS In Its sh le pln).'; honrs, UIA nllrs mu st 5 p to II tlln lit wurd' robe holds a ·plentr. T e n is 11 good nUlIIli 1', aud fmm two La fo ur d resscs will b s ufll!:i nl. Ill p nllm I' to b det rmlll cI hy th socia l proc:lI\'itIC!l ot th w " one.. Th ere sh uld b ,..: hl'.e r ett iroats to wear with lh c se rJ r l's. es : til t' numbe r shoul d oqual the nunllj{~ r of dl'esst!s. A good I1I1 ·roun ol uuile dal ror bL1Uies' 51111S Is Eng li It nainsook . II. Is !!Oft and plla bI, laund rs PI' ' lilly and wars well. A \'ery good quality can b bought for 25 co nts th yru'd (a trifle cheaper· b: tho III CO ) . 1' he re come s n fin r 'IU :!llty. a s WI'II IlS 11 less expe o. lve on e, bllt th gradG Quot ' d abo\'e is good I'or ge ne l-a l weHr The petticoa s may h mad , of I~n . IIsh nalnsoo ~r , and tbid mat ria l Is Quit lIul tabll' , too, for dr 58 ':i. Flu lon l!clllth Is SOUl tlnl s used for sllps and peUI 'oats. Ideal nni l<! rial Cor tbe chrlst e nln c rob e lu handkc,,·chlef UDell. Hnllste 15 cbanning and so Is 10'1' ncb nainsook. Th most np I1rO [ll'iate ll'lmming rOl baby cloLhcs is hal d t' llIbroldery In the da lnt l'st of dl'[,ignt! a nd II il L Ie lace lin In Qu ollty and plll tl'l'll . l'I om~ llt hill"" 01' feoth T-I;til chlng Is s uHi cleol adornment 1'01' lh simple c loth e~ . .lo in the seams With e mre· d llX wh en pracll cal. ' Fl ann e l or outln g fl a nn el makell nl 'e lIill e " ul ghtlcs" 1'01' cold nights, Silk nnd wool " ntU ncl Is mOl' s atisfactory
Ihan all \\'oo L as Il docs not shrink wltb th man y necessary washings. French fla ll1 nel or cashme re makcs t he us.c ful II tt Ie wrapper. wblle sacqnef mllY b made of the abov~' OlenUon cd mat rials or ot cbaliis 01' ollting Ilan.
n I.
Cashmere Is good fo r t he clealt., and silk mil" be used. For UJ1'~ber there J are ·lIngerle cloaks with" lining of In· dla silk to add warmth . Th ese bave the double ad van tage of being dl\lntlly attractive aadl at the sant lime wash· abl . ap!! may be of muslin 01' silk, Greal care should be t2.k n t hat the wee baby Is Ilelthel' Inconvenien ced nor hUrl by button s or plos. OD e 'yonng' moillel· k f' I't. her se wing basket I: . Ide t he haby basket. Each mornlnr she st' w d lIll', l3aily 1111 In hi cloth an d a 11 ul ght s h rIp!> d him ouL
--------~ . ---:..---~--.----. ------
to., .. . . . . . . . 1rIDa .. 1IM ......
The green bug was ft'llorted In Eu· rOlle for the firsl limo In 1E52, In ·whlcb yea r it was dasc rlbed in ' an ' name of ltallnn journal under lh Apblll gramlnum hy Dr. C, ROlJ(lanl. It was report d th'lI s fe ding on oats, Wh CRt, alle H, various grasses and COrll . In ]86 3 It was redescrlbed by Passerlnl and pla ced In Koch 's genus TOJ(oplera. In J S 4 It was re ported as Infesting parts of Hungary, aDd reo r rr d to liS one or I h ll10 st destruc· tlv e encmlps of hur ley lu that co un· try. As far a s known It tll's l nccurr 'c1 ill th e ll nlt ed Sllit"e ~ III 1 8~ , We hav ,} no absolut proll f tllll1 l hl s Insect was hrough t to us frum sou L h ~ ru Europa
1. W inged Male.
2. Egg·Laying Female. 3. Egg. at the Green B"g.
beyond th fact as IllI,haf:l 7.ed by Pe r· gallrle ( BuL 1\0. ~ , Bur(lBU at Ento· molog),. U . . Oe pt. Agrlc., 190~ 1 that It It wel'e Indlg ' nfJU s we would ha ,'e observed It U\lO ll grala from tbe eo.rll· eel lim gr.a ln wa s gr090'n bel' . whereas, It wa ~ 1I0t .observed here until 1882, and th II in sta tes bordering UpOll the AtlantiC OC 'Iln . to J 84 IL was rouud In limit d nUIll· berl! on wit at in Maryland . In 1 i'i F , M . Wch ~lc r of the nlted Stutes entomological bureau. at th·a t Urn ala· tlone d at Oxlord. Ind ., iliad Bome In· loreSllng In sectary obsel'vutlon3 Ullon this 101lse, reporting tbat Lbe winged , em:lles produced from oue to tour yOllUg ' a d'! .I', while tbe wingl ess females prorJuce d more rapidly. He stlltes tbat an imago female In bls In· seclary produ -d " 37 otr:sl}1'lng In 18 dnY9 , a nd al thp nel Of tbls tim some of tbe offspring were themse lves grandmotb rs ~.. In I no It wa ll found In ' Inju-ious numbers on wllea In lud lona a nd In certain ~ ct l o n ~ . 01' LlI nt ,;tal the Ollt crop was a rall uro tb n lligh Its ra \,· ages. ln Ih p Ilame y('n r Lhe)' w"re (ollnd sprentlln;; 'a bllndanilY throu"h some ot th 60ulh "I'n tntes. 'r · 'tneil· soe, North '£11'01111:1 , T e:;l1~ . i\lIssourl. l<entucl,.I', Hllll nlst) JII Illlll R. In 1»00· 1901 Telw s s u/flc'r '01 lIc '·ord y, IlS d id !llissollri In a less degree . Tbe mUd wln wr J)l'ecedlng th s tlm. mer ot 1907 III t hp south, followed by a late. cool s. lJrln~ , conditions ·favor. able fo r th In c r('1l ~e of lit e ~ree n bus ( It Is claluH'd tbat Toxoptera will
Co.t for Girl from 4 to 6 F.mplre " ~oat for Girl frum 6 to 8 Year., Year., Tweed Co.tume for Girl fro;n 14 to 16 Yellr • . Coat for Girl from 4 to 6 Year,.-Thls Is a simple an~ Ilratty little coat In 'II'hlte serge, lined with lIateen. It Is cut to a loose sacQue shape, double- breaste~ · In fron~, fllatened 8nd ornam ented with .Iarge Pt1!arl buttons. Tbe collar Is edged wit h a fin e platting ,ot silk, headed by silk braid sewn on In a tiny. loOp pattern, sUk lace appllquell also trim the corners. }fat of tine whit e etraw trimmed with 110ft IlIk. Materials required. 1% yal'd 48 Incbes wide, :I )lards sateen, 8 buttonlJ and IIlIk pl.1Unga. . Tweed eoatume (or Girl from 14 to 111 Yeara, -Gray tweed, .8nely atrll>Bd with green, Is employed for this coetume, the .ldr', Is arranged In plslts Which turn rrom the cent..r front; they are machine-stttched three PllTts down. The e.hort I&ClIlle cost If lined with silk, tbe tronts are double-br listed, and tlUlten :wIth veJvet'Oovftrod buttons. The cplllU' la f~ced wit h .green velvet, ud the revera aDd cu!!. with plain g"ay c loth, edg(d .... th a tiny green silk passementerie. LIcht green straw hat, trimmed WIth ""eetl chine ribbon. Materlalr. required: ,8 yard. 46 Inches wide, 3 yards linin" IIlIk, . Empire Cost for Girl from 6 to B Yeius..:....cloth'r !lerge. or linen are the beat materla\8 for tliia coat.' Tbe skirt has aa Inverted plait eacb .Ide t be front and back. machlne-.Utched three parts down; Il ia Joined to tbfl empIre bodice wJthI>vc- ralU UB. undlr a 'l\!lde at1tcbed atra~ of the material; fltrapa an allO "mf14 ovel \be .houldera, ·The collar and .~utr. are of doub\f: material. atI~ed Ilear ~be. ."IiC" Drawn sUk hat, the colnr of tbe coat. trimmed with towel'll and foHa • .:. ]!Cateriala recauked: :~ . . 'ncbes wid..
27 the green bugs develope., wIIl~O' aclnl ts In gr at. numbe rs, and til s . seem' d to drm Ilo rthwanl ." A l' )lort trom Kan sas s tates tha t wir;ged mlgrun ts wero being produced tltere as late as January 31 , 190 . Ths artl, flc la l .Introductlon of paras ites Into Inf£'sicd 11 Id s by th e gOY rom v t wal with out pracllcal r esu lts , for whul'e ve, th ey WI' · In t roduced coun!les!J num· be rs of parasites wore 'foua,1 to hal· ready the re. Oklaboma IU9i In 1907 I hrough the work of tbe "gr en hug" a \' I' $10,000.000. This Is a vt'ry con· s naLl v f'~tllllfite. All plan t l!ce are not ani, Inftu nce" a d"l'rs ' Iy or lil e contrary Iry W atlle r conclltions, but they are " 'J bject to
1'he town was almolt too late, ' .T be shook his ·head a. the commit. tee forced Ita way on tiptoe Into the room of Cradlebaugh. . "He'll never speak again,:' the docror said. But he was mistaken. Cra, dlebaugh had ' heard them. He strug. gled painfully up on hili elbo'IV, "Boy., boys," he cried, "you've come for me-t.o-cet-up-a Uat. It's--a1l -right-boy.... ' He ,topped an Instant. Then hi, volcll rang loud and clear : "Jim" C"adlebaugh gives two ilollal'l to rebuild Don,ld.on," bo cried. "Come, atep up now. Who'll give twenty!'" .. Tbat nlgh\ there Waa' a Uat of fa tall. Ues. In the hand'prlnted DoaalclaoD dally. J\,ad Jim CracIle.tb, beadItner. wu at Ita top. Be"d " . . . . IDtO · the lo'rIDs memDrr of tb.. ,.,. ....... 1Ia ... tI04lo& do~tor
Bas R ·a vaged Parts ot the South, But Is No RenI M ena". "' Northern Secttons.- By Prot'. F. L. Washburn. E,,'omologlst, Minnesota.
Cr~dlebau,h .
1. Ly.lphlebu., 'p, a para.lte on graIn flee, 2, LYI.lphllbu. 'p, attack· Ing grain plant lciu... 3. Lou.e in which the full ·grown paraaltlc larva ,an lie ellen. 4. A gree" bug killed b)' . a par.. lte. .
breed Creely In a tempcra turt' rans· Ing (rom 100 degrees F, to below freezin g) and unfavorable for its chief parasite, gave the former a aplendld .tart, and the p&rulte 41d not do ef· fectl ve work In consequence until too late: Practically, the same weathe r conditions prevailed In 18~0 and 1901, the dates ot til llrecedlllg outbreaks, In 1907 east central Texas Arst ~ ported green bugl! In January on f.·11 oate, and by March 27 they were pres· ent In dest\'uctlve DUmbers: An a~t >f the department of ,agriculture found It In Arkansas ID March on wheat. a1eo la Oklahc"Ja, Marcb 30 the same worlEe", fOUo1d 11 III Kan.... QuoUq from 6 department report &I to ouodlUou Ia K. . . .: "BJ: March
tile altacks of numbers of predaceou. and parasitic eneml S. Among lbtl rorm I' are Syrphld flies. two.wlnged 111 ~ect!l" whloh place the ir eggs amo ng lhe co l o nl e.~, the eggs hatching Ia.U, hungry maggots wblch consume larg" numberll oe lice, The so-called "lad, birds," bee tles be longing to th falUUy Cocc ineilldse, do the snme thing, thei r grub s or young devouring enormoua numbe rs of aphids. · Among their parasitic eneml 8 \b. most promlneat, In tact the par!\I\It~ . througb whose work In normal yel\r~ both 'l'o)(optera and Macroslpbum ant I,ept!n cheok. Is a small Coul·.wln~d hymenolltl;} rOUs Insect, Lniphlebu9 ttl. tlcl which, upon the adveut of warm weather ill the south last Slimmer, fal). loU y Increased and reduced the hofflp.s of lice. Tbls Insect we found In ~hlt nortb , last summer. and reared It, reP lit Illy from Toxopte ra. Unfortu n. u tf.l l ~' L . tl'ltlel does not I' ()l'oduoo rr I)' at low temporatures; helow . 51; d -grees 1". It Is said lO be InucLlve, or, as Webster puts it, It Is acllv oalY' when t hE' temperature Is 25 d !;reell abovc that at which the greon bug II rt! ds fr e ly, The method oC attn.c~ on lhe pal'l o f t his ih'lJ'as lle l::s shl)wQ In Ii'lg. 2 of one of our Illustration,;, and r pr SOUL . an Indlvldllnl ot ".v~l p hl bu s Sll . In tbe act of ovilloslt· In~ III a specimen of lit. granarla. . 'cJ rmully L. trltlcl. a s observ d by lI!1. approaches Toxoptera very dellhe rateIy, ge n rally from b bind, tbough fN' Quemly trom th·e 4ron t, and OVi'I)Oslta with hu t HUl e, or at least wlthollt ef· ' fective reRislanco on the part of tb at louse:' but Macroslphulll appears to he Illor on. the detensl ve, aud a foe requi r ing finer tactics. . This may acCOllm fat' tbe method o( attack as shown. The t;'gg placed In the body of lhe louse, hatc hes in a few days. The larva teeds upon the tlssuea of Its host, preventing, It Is dalmed, any great production of )'oung, and In this way, even before the death of Its bost. dolng much to check the Increase of t he pellt. Later, about a ~eek · from. hatching posaibly the parasite bas at.tained It I full 81ze, and wIth the prope r Hght and magnillcation. can be dll.. t1ngulsbed through the body wall or Itll host, trig. 3. The body of the louse IWlOlls, the IndivIdual dlea, tbe skiD darken. and hardens, and In til sbort time the little parasite emerges as a four·?;fnged 6y from a round hole Cllt In tbe abdominal wall of the dead In· sect, Fig. 4. prepared to mate and carryon t lie good worle, If ouly thll weather will permit. M11\Ions of thlu g~nus of parasites are .In our fields, working not only upon Toxollterllo, · when present, but upon some other plsnt lIoe, notably Mneroslphum, and 10 ord lnaf¥ yeaN are the principal meana of keepiru theae pestil Ln checlt. It Is 8n encouragement to know that ~' oung lice destin ed to be wlnsed are frequently paraltlzed: bence, when the Imago ml,rllnt files to other fields. It f[EIQll~n t1J carries the bene1\clal Insect with It. It 111 wort~ of no te al.o In cORnecllon . with thli subjecte of parasitism, that we find III the north c limatic condJtloll1l which are directly opposed to any dlsastro1l1l outbreak ot grain p!'ant lice.' In ther words, we have cold wlnte,.. and warm BUlUmerl, the ftrat factor preventiDI Bny undue Increale of Uee unattendetl by para.ltlam, and the warm aUlD· mel'l allowlDI of a a rapId I)f paraaltea before the Un Iaa~ "alaatl head'lirQ.
III th' Budt:y District Ohio, Indaann and Kentucky •. ~'" 111I1I1e lll'lIn .l ul~ 1:, . lr\)I\I 1ll l il~ h \ttl fl lUll Mhlln n.1
11I)!l\rlllc! I
1"1' ATION
'n SLn
Im,lun ct fur
,. -~-
ol'phlln!!' hOIllB l
t <!llO; WOllteru tar . blllnks for blind • f'W \' II'tlnu ~Il lIlillec1 n S Hl'i n llM Mall~rs of Interest In the \ ariuu:; c )11) 111 i ... !!il,n ' .10; HI! WI', pullll hil\" uoli u t.o bliud ::'11 ; 'ent.1'II1 'Ullion l in I •. ~ IIl~t Sll tl1nl,,~' (<'0111 the tire DCI>artIl1CnIS in the TC I11 I)lc 'l'olepb one UO. renttlllud tolls ita 11 0; fiend. I of J uslioc. .1 0 Illes Follou, ~alary u law IIbra!'i · fl'lffl ,' n It ,I b\lll tl.ln~s I !Hi r e!< i· . lin ' $IQO; Vulle}, I'f' l ph .n e 'Cl • • b AillflH 'othor g t,ru c t'llrp~ : -- - - . J 11 nee~. \\'1'1'9 ( 1 1'~lr o.ved . invllh' d u IO~8 of , '()~I MI N 1'!.1i: S \. \ ' II'l' I' , tH uud 0 11' fl ·' 0; DUIl· 1'. BOll , fo s ' -I·U jO . nV I'!' .::~n . oor) upon wh ich I horf' .Wfl t< l l~ l\
1I\"U rlll1l'f'
of 'lilly '
t:u utl'llct WII H tlll r Ij iut Ohll rl s L . H nu ert!ou fOI' OQ lI 'l'~t6 ubutme ot!l to br ill ga nenr Bufford'~ cunnillg' hou se OU 'o utll I. bonon lIuel K ings MillO! NIlU, ill (nion luwlld in Ih e 100,,1 t\ lTullii u. In tll l' I,httt tbll wllole town Wtt"thrtlottme(1 l iln ~ A. E. AutlUJI\Il . Eqllitable reo tow n ~ hip , for $1 32. III>lt (ew yelt l's lJ U buyel" hll deig u 0 'lIJd imleed. tb dislI sl' I' would hava 11et. PItOH ATK oult'r t il ride fQrth In ~ell1' 'lJ of thHr which bepn t1.1uch m r e de t,r ~l liv ' blld 11 'an't Be Beut. no t 00 1 ' neigbboring villllga be 0 I E~tll te uf W . D. ,.10 'ul'tly. de· ht.' could force th e'jlfower tu bllul ro Tha b ~ !:!t o f It II tell 'h rtl It! exp his duoI'. it is Iitornlly /.rut' thut aid ed by Hill!l h:l ro and Bilinoh st~ ... ceased. Jennie M 'ul'dy ttp[)Ointed enl) , C . t\1. Htlrflell, uf 'ilver lily, orth (·UI'Ollllfi. 1I\'f' : "1 fiud Eluc not infrequllnt.l y a gr.,w. I' Whll 1111>1 wilh I'ligin es lIud firl' Ill t'In, lind Wil'- ullminilltratrix. B nd . 'I. GOO. trlc liit,t rHdo !' uli thnt '", cluimou taken t.he produ 'I. v I his III!:It yetl!" s mington I~IIU el1il1iouthe' with h e. ~ 10 t he luutt I ' uf \.lJe estllte f I' It. FOl' Ht UlllOh, Liver /llul IflOOr to t.he Ameri b'in Tolmcoo '001. Uresntleld td!!o ~'elld rill! Ill:lsilitllllce. R obert G~rwooll , dEl ·eased. v Klt1uey troubles it, Olln 't htl bItt. pl\ny'!:! , \ Ilrebo ll e, hill! w!tited 1111 '1'ho h ellVlet;t ind h' idullll o,; r w,, ~ 'aumitted to probuttl <'>eol"~ E. [ have trial1 it Ilnd fiud il. n wo"t ex · Ull hour r mQre lifter bis' obl\cclJ B njll1Jlin 1:1 ll or , 11 II of wb o!\e prol) - l FrYbl1q~er IlPl'oinled ,"lmiui strlll)l'. colle nt· III tlioioll." Mr. Bnrtlt!u is rigbt ; it'" the btl!' t. IIf aJl meui. h88 heen bulk d UWIIY 10 Itllnn erty Wilt! 11t's trQY \1. in Incllllg )m i· Bond tl!. OOO. ciu ~ Illso f l' wtlukuetli'. IUDle bllok, wbat be was \,0 r ece ivll. '1' he eco· n " I< hO\l~e 1ID111'(r~~en p. involviug E~tllt.u, ( Oli ve t:)ldnller , ltIin·or . lIud 1111 run down (:o nulti on!:!. Best nomio en!:!llivernenl. of I,he growel' I~ I( 1\1.< of IIhout *,,000 with v r.v ' '. H. 'killlltlr uppoillt II gunrulllll . too lor ohill!! tlml 1t1C110riu. 'o ld Iitt,le if any it,lsurllD e . the poli i 13 Bond *8 0 could not: he .Illore complete . nncl ur gl1l1r " ntl~tl i1t, F. U. ::<ohwllrt z' It is mere t.rHisIU t,o I\y t hat 1>"- expil'inK r~cent,ly and n ut h!lvin ~ Etltate ot' ltm!!:!all". 'lurk, lUiUllr. drill:{ Rto re . :,Oc. tlenoe is sonletimes 1\ dl ubtful vir been renewecl.-Clintnn ('l1l1nt.y Ireue V. '1lIrk IIPPOlU t 11 gUIU·(liUlI . tue: and it is true evolution t o t!llY O flI OCl'lit. A~I{ESTED EVER TH I u. ___ Boild $liUU. tbltt lhe worm is only Il~se\'ti \l g it!l In til mlltter of WlIltlltlU Riol!· ml1nhood when lit In!!t it turlls . 111 lIflltlon; lin u II ged 11I:lIlU O per on 1:1 l' hu.utls bonn II bebiud ber. hllr tile early ptl.rt ot 1\lOa, tile grower Mr.lfmnk Forgy i pu hiol{ hi!! Remanded to !:!tate h O~ l>itnl for feet tl d tOffetbe r, aud thrown un of the !luk djijtrict determined to ollU1pldgn for th nominati on for treutmen t. th e tlOOI' of II Ulnvin~ vnn '!llong · t ry. npon tbelr ide. the oil' c~ of Estl1te of.1. K. '!t\irk, deo(lflBed ~ with her hog nnd seven young pig . orgl1ni7Ation. With Mle detll.i1ed t;heriff ' lit the coming Republi 81l iler Iii tohen ou, bedroom set 1I nd bistory of thllt 1Il0Vf'ment I hllve Priw!lry with vigor. Fmuk ii! well Finol ucoount tlleu. II.nd fav ,lfl\bly known aJ1 'over the alnlvst ull Ihe furniture of bel' lurlll Estute of .Do vld E. !:Jeunett, de· here no cnllcern. It is I1dmitte(l tbat the prlucipleltgoverning their ao oonnty und hilS t he I\d of oellsed. Sale of l)ersunnl proparty bome, .1\11'8 . Nelotio Ru tb!', .ugell 2Ii, oonsldemblll eXJJorience in the herwi fe of J . W. Kn Ibl" n pr!'Jsper0118 approved . tion were deri vad from tho American , . , • . iff 's uJl'ice hu viog twic;: serve« liS you ng' flLrlll er. wos arrest ed !lnd ::loclAtyof Eq uit:v. fl, I)Owerflll DlL · deputy. Should he be nominated Esttlte uf ArmlDufI C. GilliS, de· an~l thrown into tho Frnnklin jail tionalorj(lI.utzlI.tlon built opun prao- !lnu eliloted h~ would llouollbtedly ' ceused. In vent ry 1\ 'U 11 appraise. for her Ii 11 bltnel's Ilebt t 0 ~he t!tn te t iollllin8s of business co operation, make II faithful IlDd acoomod!l~lng ment lUed. of Ohio Wedne!.ldl~y. . but aotu:lttld , as the ullme implifll!, officer. Whtle Fmnk\ln is Mr. E~tllttl of A . M. Brown decetl.sed , It wall for t,he hlll!bnnc1 't! refUt:!111 by al!ptrit of equity. 'I'hl!:! QrgltniForgy 's horne yet he bus numerous 'l'he Live On k Distilllsry '0. til (~ to pl~y the r oad tux f t: ;~ , fo', whioh zl\tlon with headquarters ut Indilln- friends and 8cqnlintanoe~ a1\ over their exceptions to invllntory. nud er tIle III W , every UlIlO in the apolill, WIIS, in 1903, but In its infun · the oounty wbo ~ ~ re ra.t!ying to his Estllte of Albert M. Dti VIS. iwbe· stute between Ihe Il~ e!! . o f 2111u« r,r, cy ; yet the growers of tho dark dis . support . A cllndldllte With the en- OIle. Finlll tlOCOllDt filed i liable. triot perceived ot once thllt here wu.tI dorsement of his home townHbip Estute o( WilliRm E . ::itant n , de· Thuse who lIllld the Itrre t we!' uo fatuous (jranger move'w ent, Rnd bome paper hus II. strong IItu.rt. oell.sed . Seventh Ilcoount fli ed. John B. MIller, co nst'l~bl ,Itn 1 ' ImrIe!'! 'lIooh as IIwept over the oountry Grubbs and H enry LUIlI', hit! d eputiel! ~'rI\nklin Chroniole . Estu.te of J. C. Bennett. de el1Red. thirty five years ago . 'fhe Soolety Kalb wall !lrre ted lifter" Mrs . '1'rustetl filed first 110count. ' of Equity proposed au effeoti ve unit· A OOOD WISH ROSE. bllttle royal with tbe oonstable anll ing of interests, for tbe profitable Estate of Uhu.rles M~oy , ,deoeased .' · marke'ing of field prodooUo. The . "A olever ideu. W'l8 ourded ont at IL VioJa MllOY nppointed udmiuistm· his Ilsslstllnt.s. 'I'he oonst41ble't\ right ear wiltl torn' partly (Ilf uncI development of thi8 organlzJ~tion rl\Ceut 'shower' for II. bride-to·be" trix . Bond '500. blood dr.enohed his fllc a from minor with local bra.nohes to. day in pru.o· so.ys July Womanil Home Compl1n In the matter of the e tu.te 01 wounds . • ttoally every stilts In the union, is II. ion. In the in'vitation euoh iuest W/l.S Ered McDermott, decellEled. 'I'he movement whiob nll~nufl\oturersand requested to ~enu in, prior to the United dmtes lI'idelityCo. Applioa. The Rerlledy 'i'hl1t DOllS. consumers may yet have ~o rockon party. '" wish for . the bride. The tlon for bond witbdro wn. \ "Dr. King s New Discovery is the with, It Is, from every Indication, hostess rullde a ooa,utlful Ittrge remedy tJlat ooel:l tbe healing others REAL ESTATE TRA, NS~ERS . • movement drawing Into oombina. promise but f!lil to perform ," saJR tlon tbe last strongholds of indivld. wblte paper rose, and before putting Will O. (Justin to R. A. anu R. G. MrO!. E. R. Piersoo. of Auburn ' Cen._ it together slie wrote on ell.oh petal . d t I I ua Ii un i n our 10 ns ·( 8 sys"",m.· tre, Pil. or It is onring me lit r.brolit Vr08B, lot in Wllyntlsvi11e, '1 and and lung trouble of long standing, I -~ WI II b e go od or b II.d i n it8 outoome II. wish . and the name of . t.he wisber. . As IS usual in mo t 0 lse8 !'ome of other considerations. tbat other treot·ments relieved only ' aooordi ng to th e mon w h 0 a l'e \Q . . the guests forgot tQ liend In II wish Uru.ce Hine lind J hn Hines to temporu.rily. New Disoovery Is do· oontrol. HlWIllny other corporate b t b Ith b d ing rue 0 Ull1nh good that I feel g hi body any furtber !;ullrantee of SilO, u rou ._ tbone. Wft th om, Ilin W. H. Reed IQt In Morrow, '000. confident it" oontinued use for 110 cesa? 0 th erll wro"", em II. er t ey I1rr v· Albert (;. Vail u.nd wife to Rosl\ rellsoDt\ble length of time will re. The dark .tobaooo growers reas. ed, Eor this pnrpose II. large Illlper McCutcheon, lot in Frllnklin, $3,OeO. store me to perfect hoolth." I'hif! renowned cough and oold remedy oned simply but truly tbat ovel'. rosebud had been made, into whioh E. D. Sheeley lind wife to Albert und thn:ut and' lung healer, il! sold the wlshe were slipped , and the bud produotlon WIUI not the only uufav· . twist.ed up The guest of O. Vail. lot in FrlUlkhn, 1500 and at Fred U. Sohwnrt·z's urug stt)re. Trilll bottle fre . orable faotor In tile mal'ketlDg sf h onor was Ch " WI' th arme. , th erose other valuable conslderutlons. their tobacco . If restrioted produed b d d ' d th b I Id JJuoy F. Virts to FI'anois W. tl f h I th I an roso u . an Sill a t I! e s lOU Sqqare ..Turnover on 0 ooPpetbr .. e pB lehPr oe hOf 111waY8 keep It lUI 11 plel1sant relllin- Thompson, lot in LebllDon, $1 ,100. a 0f s t eo ' e l ps t e . . oopper, or John H. Fox to Eru.nk P, Weidner. i f te I tb th e . ted dar of hor frlbnds wh6m , sue WlIS pr De 0 S e , en e r strlo soon to leave for" hew home in 1\ 2'y' aores in Olellror.e ek towDshlp, .;.For these ' cllt!!quares of good PIlS produotion of tobacco wonld be dis~fl,nt ci~y. '1,000 . . try. Maktl rau.dy a, fil11ng by thiok just as wholesome. But they rea· Heir!! of Frededok L. Eox, de eni ng a oupful of milk with BOned flll'ther tbat if the nuwber of KETROW'S O. K. HOW. 08lltlOO, as acres in Warren and Mont· three tablespoonfuls of Ilour wet to agenh buying tobu.coo was rodooed, gomery counties ~3.912. a paate with cold water. Let It tbe grower, too, needed only a limit· Tha dog. pony Bnd vaudeville George Boger to LueUIi. Boger lot boil for 11 mlnntl" Bee tbat It III free ad number of ugel1ts, or even one show that exibl ted here last Wedfrom IUlnps, take from tbe fire and ~"ent, .to Brrange bls su.les, provld. nesdl\Y, WILS II. good one and worthy in Ridgeville, '1 and oonsider. poqr on t~ree eggs beu.ten well, with a.tions, ing thiS agant oould represent IL of more putronage than the I d u. hulf .oupful of powde'r ed sugll.r, G~orge W. Boger to Luelltl. Boger, oompetent prinoipal Ilnd deli ver the Ketrow's pomes and d Y III ~b oil Tb PI ·t ' P t ti ogs were 0 lot in Ridge,ville, ,1 and other con· Return to' the fire II.nd stir to 'l1 thiok . go~. e aD er '" .ro ~o ve feuture, Ilnd were well trained, aDd smooth oream. Flavor tQ taste . sideratlontl. a8800latlon for the dark distrICt reo koew 'thelr buslneSl! When cold put it by the spoontul.iu suited; Just how. effeotive its meth-. The v"udevill . • Wll8 we II renWest Glenny by M. A. Jl1meson, ., ' no 6 . par. the middle of a squaJ'e of the pu.ste execntorl to ,J olln L1lifford Evans, lot ods have ~een may be Illustratad by dered, and heartily appluudect and fold tbe oorllersto 'he middle. one transaotion. One of the n'h I . tak e 0 f tb e s h ow ' was in Le\>unon, $1,800, . . first ' ~ e on y IDIS pinobing tbem togef.ber there . Important ~ales by the aSSOCIation's their newspaper adverti8ing . They John N. Brnce and Martha A. Bake to a" d' b d t Id 1 .. eo rown an ea co . ' A M C b agent fll1~ng .l1n order from II. oame 10 unheralded except by a few Brnca to Theo dore ' . 0 a e, ot '.:...a'he Augnst Delineator. (orelgn 80U~De. ThiS purohlHler had hand bill!!. lu,d no one knu w of it, in Franklin, 46. -~~ ..... formerly paid eighteen cents II. pound Printer 's ink in the right plu.ce doe~ E , D. ~eely to C. E. gO.tOIl, lot In' .' It hi ' qever tQo late to mend. for dark tobacco, u.lthough the grow. ood de I f ' d h ' I . II. g u o goo w en proper y Franklin, ,a,ooo. Land th.'lot lias geen fl1rmed to death ers had been unable to Bell fQr mora I1pplied. f...h,rles E. Eaton to Mllry A. l1ud oUll be made productive by the .ju than ~hree oen~. Betweep the 6S Elh.~ A. GI\ynor l lot in Fmoklin, dlclous.U88 of ARMOUJ;t P'ER1'lLI sooi&tlon's agent u.nd the foreign LIFE WAS CRUSHED OUT. 1475. Z~RS "Nlltural Plllnt Foo~ ." Feed. -purohaser a price of nine cents was Lydin ::-mttertbwaite to Isrl1e! aud · the orop ~nd permanently ImprOVE! Urovu.l Bl1ily aged 7 years, was in agreed upon, which thus trebled the grower's inoome, and sl\vtld 50 per stnntl y killed IUtlt Tbursday noon Lydia }lILY ::itlttert,hwltilte, land in .the Boil II.t tbe 'same time;. Sold by cent for the oustomer. Whllt oon at Mason, . a few ' miles from Wayne t.OWIlBhip, 17,7111.00. W . 0'. ~~111'}1, Ne,v ~urilngtQn, Ohio. oern was left out lD the transactlon Leba,non. He wl1s ,the son of Van may be Jeft to the rooder'l! Im!lgina. Doren Baily, a farmer, and was as MARRU,GE LI CICNS,ICB. tion to supply. In tbe Burley, distriot !mndry ef· sistiug in harvesting. He olimbed Elrn Atkinson, 2:1, oarrillge 1D!lker forts had IIolr8lldy been made to or , on the tongue of the seperater, at. of Leblloon to Clurn. I.... Sweeney, ganlze 't he growers oven all ellrly us taohed to tile threshlug maohine 19, of I.lebll,uon , M. A. ,JtlmeRon .•1. P. " 1904, bnt with little 8UCCetiS. Even Bnd was jllrred utI u.nd fell dlrootly 10 tbe summer of 1906 I heurd one II )[MISSION&lt'S PItOOlUmINGS. BeartSbwlllth. orBeartWeakneu,IIIeIioJ'N.~ of the ear1iest apostles from the tmder t.h e grel~~ wheels. Bill bra.ins IItJenrrth, or lle.,e Weaknest-nothlnr more ~ dl1rk district tell the story of their were crushed Gut und life WII.S en· Lewis Bros. oQrnent I\onQ sewer Itl'fOly, nmoneweatb_lna bubdre4l1·inS$.· actuallJ dllMlNld. It I. almost alw.,.. a IIU008888S to an l1udiimce in the Bur tirely e.1I:tinct io , an instant. The pipe %1414; John l.iUlter., bridlte leu. blddontlnJllttleriervethatreaUyluUaUauJ&, Tbl. oblcu.... ne!'Y.8-Che Cardiac, or Beak .Norve ley district. So~rcely a oorporal 's gnard gathered to beu.r the 8pel1ker, ramlly had re~ently moved .to ~~pILlrs in 'l'urtJeoreek township _Im~ty need •. IUld IDlIIltha'fs,·morellOwer'.mln I ll; Jllmes V. Httnkl8oln, lnmber '="~k ':~l':'~urn:.'f~~'frea~O:Ulf~f\Qt: and moet of these were prompted Milson. by curi08ity. The time for tbe or •" ,$I$[i .55; Jumes lJ. Bloou, !:4UI>plies ~e~ ~:c:,~WI=~~;:e'!. kJdnoJlA18o have ganlzatlou was not ripe but t.he , . 1\ ~U BLIC BENEH I ttl. 45; ()rt'gollia. BridgEI (;0.; 0011 8h~~,.ck~r:J~~ I~~~e r~I~~tPt Idea. of attempti~K to get a minimuw lhe rltall grocers of Waynesville trn.ct as '17270 ' SKme contract 41 for ".11 and alllnrBMJ1II. Dr. SbOOPllntlOurt, • . the CII\1111 of all thlt palntol, palpl&aUnr lUftoea~ price had been planted. 'I' Ith & oug h evetyt hi ng t b oy Hell IS ad· 1250; Clint 8t.antoo cont.I'IiOt 61 $22' In. hoartdl.treaa. Dt. Shoop', RlIIItoraUYe-dIlI anyw~Bre in the Burley distrlot, '-'" h .1·d d t ti . , , popular p,"cription-li &lone dlnctAld 10 th_ V nc 0 con nue Frank M\,g ~. c(mtract -MR 11114.70; rr:~ and':~oIl1en'11 CleIIten. n bulldal speeohell on the tobl1oco sltnation a LLI." I1ve u8CI e will draw capaolty houses . Instead to sell King of the ~llu'Ddl'~ Soap (;hllrlel! (.awls, contract '19 tllll 40 .' .If ','::'WOUJd 1a&~~le:t..~p.4I. of an obeoure voice in the wilder. t,h ree large bars for ten cents. in· W . J. t'fianzer, Pluml;ing at. court =o~~:- :JIenW-I'NIt&~ 08118, aa 'he BluegraBB nativtl is apt pl1pel' filS &0 0011 all o'her parts of the statl', ste!ld of adva~clng it to five ce~tll house ,a311 .08'; Is. oOp~ 'be abl.t of our speakei'll urge the per bar. ThBu'oultomers are show. tenlngs $2.25; Rugl{les Ualll Co., . 146 60 ' growen Dot only to unite but. to Ing their appreoiatlon by using this rPOordl tor juvenile ..., aalted. exoellent 800p in prefflrenoe to many Bam D. Henkle, fees ' (To be ooDtlnjled) Imitations, !forJune 1128,00; W. . "ALL DEALERS" tn
IInl OIlU t
uuoy J . hlllUbia "M. W illiAm hl bow", ,· r,c(J11Id IIhout1!l9, OOU 01' I(\lO.UOO. 'I'll 'fi r i~ b li flVell tu '1111 VI:! orig. Donuld. Money lind f I' clOl!ure. ; httv.' U'L' pnifitttl)lli ' (1 1111)11'1'('6 wit,l. II inJl I,ed iu ible ' H liv rv ~tl\bl fr Dl tlm ount:, '209.I;U . cnrp,.rllt \t'\1 whi Ii ~liUl!hl VHf high .llIsunKilid r v . 'J'hotntl P. ~t.rl1oh er dlvldeud ' . ObvIOUl> r nlt.- . fol "IJuntttn o us OOIU"u s tl ~ n. It et!med H \llle~ 1 Inmu(I.J\I~.
. ,
ALL MADE FROM HALF·TONES And a re as Ii! lik as an be made, taken Jin;cll y from lite phutog raph. a.~ the 111'1 i ~ 1 tak e:! them
The Cannon We hav e just had Illude /I II('W half, lon e of lh ' 'anlll)ll tht! govt'l'nment. g'av~ tu t he cem et.ery, and which wert' JedicaLeJ on D cO I'ation Day, anti they are now on sale. It is une of the nicest views IV r l ~hl ' ''' MIll U;"CI . w huv vel' had, lmd in all probability they w ill not. Iallt long. ull and see them and we are sure you will be pleasec.l with lh tn . f.'ollowing are II fell' of the vi W!\ we have Lo oft' el' :
Wayneaville Views Sc ne. 1001ll ull nOrll1
D r. S'h » R estoratl. ve
Miscella neoull Views
S tre.el
III lIarl·eys UlI l'g . !lurah In Ihlr\' ~vs bur g . em~ ler)' ~Jn l ran ce. Sou'li Uale.
S lr ee~ Sce n~
"Lrf!Olo Sceu e , IOOkI Ol: ou t h . S l ree~
S""" e , Jooklll K"0 [ ,
~' r h' n,1H
01.1 SChool Ho~ e. Nel\' S 001 1I 0 llHC,
(lruu-Iucnloal " e 'lhHl to Mit...... ! Ccw -
1'b ,' , I, t.II"·· Urld~~ . 'I'll .. Blrl" II rlcl jle.
l'lery - I.·our
III" Rallro:ld. llIrll 's, .''1 VIe w of I d~rlulr hllC" ",ala
\ ' h.· \\K,
~' rle lld. ~o"nllnl!
:enut! . Io,okln g
:. ,,, o ~.v lll
Hum" .
Strtle LSce ne In [,ytle. 11> . lol, burch In LYlle , s evenll H()lIIe'UOmlllll 1· I.. w~ . [.010 th'r \,I t w ~,
loward ..
PRING 'and SUMM~R Sbittt Waists WASH
50c up,
Persian Lawn Allover Nett
Skirts. Our Sales are . very large Our Cut a~d Hang- cannot be eX:celled. Our . $5~ 7() Sldi;t cannot be .equalled. ,
Heart S....• ength· 1111 ,
We have on hand a lot of POi:ll ' anb or . view!:! in .amI urounu aynesvill , and th~y ur ' nice to send tLI ub" nt friends who ure acquain ted with t.he Scenes Hml whl) would liktl to k l:!ep them lUI mementoes of thei l' olll hOlll e . '1'lleRe curd a re
Silk 'Suits&
,$18.75 values eq~'al to any $25,00 ' siJit l~n. the market.
Spring' Jackets • r
$:1.75up~ · ,
Petticoa·t s· $1.00 Sateen. .81.50 ' JlP Heather Bloom. $5.00 Silk.
1\ Debolt st. Xeal., 0
i 1
Form er Resid ents
As Taug ht by Aged Wom-
Mitis Mabel Grll.ham bas !lrrl ved bome II.fter a pleasan t visit of three II 00 " ' Y"''' ' . . ,. , III " UVU""" wellks In JAokson, Mlob , witb ber It ."!h LA y,o ar if II QL pa hl . 11 ul l YUIlM • Dnole, Dr. E. B. T:1080w Itnd wife , Mr , George Grabllm . who was wit·h O~' ~' lUE IN ALIJEN BUILD ING 'i'he f E!llowln g letter WI\I:t written ber stoppe d off Ilt Clevela nd for a 'l'rLcpJio~ eJtLL . . No. 112 by an old friend of the Miami Ga· 8bort vls1\ !lnd will arri ve home In II. zette, Mrs. C. A. Rumto n, 88 years fflw days.-X enia Olll1y Uazette , W t:IJNI'.SD AV. .1 l.Y ~~ . U. L. UrllDe, Eli I 'r and Mu.naKer
C'arrl!' N litlon nnll her little hatch et WHre tu Wtl,wlo gt,()D ItL~ t 'l'hurs dliY ui~ht, tellillK thllm ull about It. , Wh e/lt Willi" little f!hort, thiR _YflnT on many farms but corn and t,uhllCOO will probab ly moke up for thill lI11ortaI!{H. Now ahou& tllo~1l llav8l1 street,II, t·bat 'fhurtldllY hohdu.y /lod the bllod 'ooooer'lI ~ Nutblil~ lIolng lind no body to on It.
an-H ow to Overcome it.
uflige: There are tbree stage8 in every reform ; First , Uolvell8al reoogn i tlon, and pr~otioe, of ev'il. Me~Ond. Emleltv or to regulat e ' tbe eVIl, by bedgl!l g It about v.v l8.w, Tblrd. 'rhe abolitio n of the evil. We bave reached the third ltage In t.his great temper anoe rtlform , and wby 'Dot proooAd Immed iately to wipe it out Itt onoe . We 18Y to the voterll, a8 .:Jne of old did to B~rllok . "Up, for t.hi8 is the day tba Ii in WblOb tbe Lord batb deliver ed Se88erA in'tothi ne hauds. " WhtlD t,he people w!llinKly obey, then It II, tbt\t faltb ~nd worllll i O togetbe r, but "falth wltbou t worb la dead .."
" Ihe Wellter n Star lIay- that audl tor ~~t\well Is ft~le to bti abouta glliu after a teo days Ilt180" of rheom" tlo fever,
Will be better than ever . Larger premiu ms will be given, more exhibit s will be iliad > anti the Board promis es that everyth ing connec ted with the Fair will be better than ever in itl! history . Come and bring your fam ily amI friends. and enjoy yoursel ves.
'I'h er will b sp lel\did ' rae'!< every J ay of the F'ail·. TR rl! >Stak races with $500 J.lurses will be one of the attracti ons. The other race events a l ' f u(l, and every race will be attract ive. l'ht! name of Robert J. Wilson , as star ter , is enough to inllure good racing.
There will be plenty of free enterta inmen t in the way of pleasin g ,pat rons. The f a m6l;1l1 Kishizu na Troupe of Japane se who gw e SIX free daily performimce~. . The " SIi9.e . for Life" on an inclined wIre IS ver y thl'l lhn g. There wiJl be good music ever y Jay .
The differen t de purtme n ts in the Art Hall , the Hor es. th e attie, the Sheep, the Swine, the Poultry . the P ainting and Drawin g, the Farm and Garden Pre>du cts will be of the highest class, aDd everyth ing poin ts to a high class of exhibit ions this yea r.
Everybody Come and Bring Your families, Too ......
________________________ ___ ___________. .., ......
..,. ... ,.,
• tOt."'"
4th , 5th , 6th and 7th of Au gu st.
. Norma l Stilwl:l1 bas rece.l ved an appoin tmeot to a 0leU8b ip In tJle New Bank Depllrt ment of tbe State (iovern went At Columb us. The positio n is a relpons lble one "rod pays a B81aryof #900 pflr yellr at the I 8tart- with good rhltoce s for uo In. N'ormal is ool'able of fillin~ "ny positio n that oomes his wliy Itnd it goe8 withou t 8aYlog tbat ~uooess will crown bit' every effort
A riu" 'hl' lIugh the ollun try h. 8 stLl(i.l' in furmes try tht1stt days. Everyt, hhl~ i.. looi£lng well aUIl tb .. farlDerll lIuould bo well pleased with their uutl ql)k , . In "reoen t letter, Fr8.nk ,"ulltln '~'rru8t 00 party, oburcb , or faotlon , '1'here oUKht to be pltving on Main Trust no looder In i he fight. II&YS they are well anel has obaoge d Itreot lind Iherll ought, to be It band But In every word and aotion bllllooa tiou trom A qolll II. to Hastlog s ooocer t ~nd tbere ought to be a Truat In God, and do the rlgbt . •, Col, h.,\IdllY on 'l'hurad ay afterno on. Every town In the oounty has moat Tbe Bible 18 full of problbi tion ,; AFTER MANY DAYS. of tbelle. tbe oomma .ndmen w .re all probihl . ~
Wil l be held . .t Xen ia,
• • • • • • • •
dIed in New ,Jersey Friday . 81' noted leotnre r tLnd was a pll8 t .uprem e Chanoe llor of the KnlghL, of Pytbla!! of the World. He Willi widely k~own a8 "~'he LlttteG lant,"
regolat.ell, Iioeoses, or, t"xes evil , jWltdr ifting, probab ly around !!!"!~~!!!'~~~!'!!!!!'!!!!~~!'!!!!!'!!!!_~ I !!!"!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!I!'!!!! 'rbe stll.tlstlos of every IItate sbow II. world thruev ery oceaD OD !'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!! !'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!"'!!'!"!'!~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!" Ule globe !!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!~!'!!!!~ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!'!!!!!'!!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!!!!"!!!!!!" _ _ _ _ _ _-.. grell.te ramonn t of orime and mi8ery dublD g agltins t foreign sborea ooly COUNTERFEIT MONEY. attribu table to the use of ardADt to be OIlrried away again Into ~be A Purel y Vege table Laxa tive I 8pirltl obtaina ble . In tbe 8"loons , deep by the outgoin g t.lde, and fln· Have a look over your bills lind 'beLn to liny other aouroe. And .UV t.o be piolted up. 00 'he Cures Chroni c Con8ti pation, and All beaoh IL& see t.bat~ they are gl'nllin e, is thfl Hlokll foreOilst fN the week of Liver and Kidney Troubl es. Abrabl lm Lincoln !latd after reocn ~an EranclllOO bay, ~ tbt> 'wo·ye ar warni n 8; lent out by .Secret Service J oly ending on t' Ie 25th I, a8 fol atruotl on, ··the next· great n journe y jUlt oomple ted by a bottle "utbori tiee. Of tbe latest oounte r . lowl!. 011 tbe 20tb 'he bIlrom eter wlll be tbe overth row of the liquor depolli ted iD the quiet ~'or ~I' lc II I lJc rn ll " wln ~ I>lo.ce~ : waters Of feita thtl most dangero ull probab ly will 'all In wtlSt,ern partl; tbe 21st, . traffio ." Zimme rman's, Kilbon '8, Tur~le Oreek, two yeara ago, $0 :.l~th tbreatll nlng ltorm oloudl and (s tbe oou-:te rfelt of a of tbe Wbile' ~ , 'i'he time has oome to mee' tbe Motlut,joy's It BODnds almost like a fairy tale, State N.,Uona.1 Bank of blWlter will be naturlll ; a ohallf(e to St Louis. Springfield, Ohio. enemy in battle; let ua look a little this blstory of the wander ingB of cooler olay be expoote d from abou~ a 'fbe bill Is a pbotog raJlhic re,rodu o. to onr own conditi on at tbe preeen t looely bottle oo ·,be lIelUl, Oil' never tion wit h oolorin g Applied to tbe ~!'!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!! the 24th to t~e 27tb. '!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!~!'!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!"!!!! time. Are we not oppreal led by tbt'le&8 it II 'rue. The eotlre ------~ affair nu~bering. One of th~ Pas,aers 0 ,1 aibly from the time .---- -tbey bad first "King ~Ioohol," when be 8888, and is simply II. geoirapbi0l11 eJ;perlmen~ tbe bills 'W1\8 arreete d ID MIStlOUrl, enter.ed medica MEDICINE MAN. l college . We 8hould begln8 W find In very trutb that the and aolvell well tbe problem of oceao recentl y and over 11000 of the spur·' bave written "boys '"nd girl8" In lI'brllit lan vot.en are allaga loat him onrren ts, t,h e one sougbt . tOWl mOllley W&ll found on him. The tbe above tlenteno e, but 'l'here was a street fakir berlt reprdl esl .o f any party affiUat we dare not lons, .It W&ll over two years ".go, tbat origina l charter numbe r can be ~Ia. nfer to tbe " hair" and " brows" of 'i'bond ay evenin g and be attraote <l he wlllga tber up bis mighty boa' durlog the Itudy .of pbyslOllI Reo· cernM :under the oolorin g: 'I he the womeD praetio nerl in 110 oarelells a orowd ot p80PI~ for .,.coup le of .nd st,and II.galnllt them , Altbou gh , graphy in tbe Kin~8 Mills Blgb oertificat.e bears the impre~slOn of a. manne r. . ho I at tbe end of which he had 1\ be may Ilgbt. valilLntly t,b ' e day Is ap ~bool, tbl&t tbe matter of ooean the Stato Natlonl ll bank of llit. Loull wa~:r~elon oonteat amon~ tour proaob lng when. the captain Amon, tholte from Warren Coun of 'bill ourrent ll came up for di80U88ion. Missou ri. 0lsl180l , ty were l>ra. Bougb, Stepbe Ds, Flab boy.. Jamel Adams of Corwin mlgbty ,~08t will be slain aDd "King The bottle erperlm ent Willi 80ggellt. Bellt the World Atl'ords proved that he oould eat tuter tban Alcobo l will be lubdue . er and Blair ot Lebano n, Hamilt on, d, for &he ed by ::;uperi ntende nt <?ba.rlea H. any ot Sbe reat, ami gOl ten cent!! ~rd IIhlLll cumma nd, Death Ilnd I:4tabl of Frankl ln,Wri gbt aDd doth Young, but no one at once took bold "U gives me unbOIl~ded, pI:~~~: Ked Lion. Ellillon and fO~ b18l1peed . ' Romin e of avonge wbeo,(bll people dotb will of 'he idea, It Willi not until July ~IV~~::r.~,~!~~:8,sOf Chap. BIlrveY 8hurg, Sberwo od of Wayne l lnglyo bey. Faith wlthoo t wor.k8 22, 1906, leveral weeks later, tbd I Hili N 0 "I am oonvin ood It's vme ILnd Robert s of MOJ,'row . Is dead." We 188 tbat one ata&ea f Mi.. Beulab Hulfml ln. dangbt Reunion. er ot :be ~t ';'I~e tbe world affordl . . It The offioerll for the ensuin g year ter anotbe r Is f(eU1D iln lI~e to pro· David 'Buffm an, residiu g y soutbw est oured a Irelon on my tbumt, and it. are: PreSId ent, Dr. Dlokey , of Mid. It.. .. ATH AW A Tba annual reunion of the 711th O. &eet tbe wdak on8l, by probibi UolJ of Lebaoo n, whlle along the banka never fails to heabl r e e vleJY sOlied f· 11 th or' woun.l to wblo l t s app , . b~r;r dletow n '' Vice Preside nt Dr. Mes V. I . Alsocla tiou will be held In the of t b e mana ac.ure an d aa1e of , a I)f 'rurUe Oreek 'houg b '0f W,._. ' ,~ R.y'lesvi1le'l LeadtD g DeData' , ... u e at Fred C, ~hwa.rt z'li drug IIto~e. senger , of Xenia; ~eoretll nka .ry 8.nd Office In KeY8 Bldg. OUy a.n at Wtlmln li()D, Oblo, on iDtoltio atins drt , MayoursaDOD prof_ or bad told her and decided!S , • . _ • Trell8u rer, Dr. Dellth, of Frankl in AUlOa ' 11, liOS. The al8OOlatlon be ooe~f that numbe r. '0 try tbe experim eot.. An old tUl' , Dr. lJeatb WIlS reelect ed b8CllU8e of 11.anxt"oUl f0J: !ill tbe (lomr!ld81 to U. A. I:!T'AR'tO lf. Pen"ne bot~le waa tbe mOB' avail , :FRAT ERNI TY Ibis efficien t lIervloell \If the I)ast _.-.Ilt"'nd. FRUJ[ J. 80CRWOOD. able. It Wall olear glass and about ' year , ' A FIND AT FORT ANCIENT. ~ • too, long witb a n.rrow neck. ,• • kl' , In $bi8 bottle De lIhe placed . piece of Of MediCS Meet In Fran In l:l~t~:r ' Book No . 4 For W olDeo . .. Veterin ary Surgeo NEW RAIMLOAD ORDER. n and . OttlS, Bringin g (rom tbe mlllly &Kea "" plipar on wblob abe bad almply bad at the ,Chauta,uqua ~~~~l ~::g:8~~!n:o:en rX:l~:l-!:~ . the .. t, m81111Ag88 ,bat probabIYI~rISten: o~121 Ao order whlob oame iQ~ elleet, oan pnever Groun ds be read, hislorlo old with Mtriotly conllde ntial me~lcal .At Borne on Mtlturday Af~rno Beulah Hollma D, . oo. on I'll railroad ll In thla oount1'Y on Anolen ' ylelda up tbe firat advice ' ill entirel y free. Simply aDd only Lebaoo n, OblO. Joly lat "ill oyeroo me w aome u write Dr. ~bocPt Raoine , WIs, The blerogl yphl08 of tbe anolen t r.ce, Rou~ NO.4. Joly'a2 , li06, TbE! medioa l fratern ity of Wllrren book ,NO., 0;1 te1la all about &enUh e lou of 1:000a In tr.nalt by tue 1I000nd Bollde ra ever Dr . foond In Montgo mery , Butler and Ureeqe , ~~~~nSN~~!ti~ur:n~fB~ frelibt l'be ouatom bad been to the ,$ate of Oblo. t~~u~~ ~~~ ="",.._-,=========~ lliaa HUftlDlLD Is a very aenslbl e, oouutie s held their 88000d .Imply labellh lpment e wU.h 'be In an~ulli itories ~n be ' :~ace88f:'IY lipplied A .man black '!ttone WaB pioked and lntellig ng lady and tbere ouUng 1a~lt Tues,da y a.t tbe MlIlml to correct the8e ltall of boaloll8ll Arma, bu' herea' '''r up 00 the new P',818U ionl We!lkne1l8e8. Write of. tbe WMI DO sentim ent I~ tbe matter Valley Olilll.utBuqna.., =-- aH-lhl pme1i tlmolth ave $be ,name atate hl , ' tbe Fort, about 100 \lby: for tbe book. Tbe Night Cure is recentl y by wbateve~. Alone Inbef , mind was liolan8b~ing V~get3bl~ prel8nt. 80ld by all dealers . of tbe perso~ ' or person s ,.w George Ridge, wbo reald8ll not far tbe Idea of tbe experim ent, In tbe ~ornln g tbe 88f!sien WIl8 whom a Ihlpme~t, Is mllde , apell8(l 'from tbe hilltori o eartb •• works. He She had al~oat forgotte D about preeide d 'over Laxative :Granul~ by Dr. D. R. ~llvers , Read the Gazette for a'l I the News: oat tn full . · was waklhl ng the auney ora with ber boUle untdla "t week gre~t to of I:Udne~" Pr88ld eut of the 8t"te .. • thtllr work on thIS new ground wben ber lurprla e IIhe reOeive 8Urpaa8eB otli'e r rem· d a very ASlOOiatlon. EPWORTH HEIOHTS MEETINO. a je$ blnok, kldney .sbaped t !,!! , ~!!"!!! . !!"!!!!'!!! . !!'!!!!!'!~!! '!!'!!!!!!'!! !!!!!!'!!!!!! !!!!!!!!~ Itone lI1U~r!.te letter 'r<lm Ban Franoisoo. 8Ili811 for tbe relillf of alelt. The progra mol)ns \sted of lellroed about the alze of II. ma.n 's band at Enolos ed with this W81 the aUp of papers by Dr. Il~nktn and headac he. dizzine ss, indi:t\n~on, 'l'be prolra m for &pwor$b Helgbt a traoted his attenti on. Batber lei· paper abe bad plaCed in tbe bott,le of lJol'lDlh ... , ".Iil !DOllie gestio by n. chronio Con.tipa tbe ' . Camp Meetin g this yellr is elpeaia l aurely he ploked it up and enmln a, and It had been stained hy a little Nonabel 'Q ~ .. l·l"L vi Leba~on.. ' tion and BiliouBl)esa, beoauae tion 8how8<l ~at 1$ ~l'e marklo !,s, ,turpen tine at.m r~wa.ln~ng ly ItroDg, some of t-be gre"t~.~ pul In the In tbe after~o~n tbe lnlll')lta hle Unhcaltby Kllincys . Make Impure they Blood. are oompoe now Indlsti ed .of ~l,l8 beat no' with age tbat r888iD· boUle. pU oratorl of tbe at ate ba8 been eD· Dr. Dan MUlikl It u sed 10 b e conSIdered that only ~bar ..n"'ra o· 'l'be letter wal senulo e to tbe Bided addrB8 N8 n of HlIomlh uu pre. known iased arid tbe pre.ent ou tl~ll II bled som ewhat· OI·lne ' Ve;eta ble.dru gs , and being made by Dr. urinary aud bladder troubles weft: to be II ...... . t· tbe plotore wrl\lDg 8 of t~e Egypt. ,IUgb,t eBtdeg ree I\od at pre!len t t h are Silvers , f~r a 100d meetln/ (. ' ml~ed lraceiJ to 4n tbe tb~ kidney ~roper .. propor" , tbe Pf88lde nt of tbe olub, but IJOW laDa. . modern , oan ~, no evidenc e of a fake of bUy and ur. S. D. Feu, Presid~ tiona kJlOWD ,to , nt of tbe An· bee' .I sci ence proves tb~t OPEN DEATH , ,OF LAWYER. ~I. b.s, l.rouN d muoh Interea ' naturt'. . ,~aturlllly, the ' queatlo o \loch lJolllege . . the r88ults. Nonabe l Quar~e' ~:~~\bei;1 bed!~~is:'oll and tbe flndlnl of 'bil atone will then arb~ aa how 'be bottle oonld again de1ftgbtlng the audien oe wl~h Every bottI's ' Kuar'ra.uteed III the disor~er If douMl e"vrom pt 'be St.&e Aroheo : ba ve m~de tbe 'rip. 'L'bere are muale, " Mr. Oharla•. Darllo'K wn, IL 00f:ed I these ,most i,uportant to gl ve s~tlsfaotloo or man. , and emloeD t rIIilroa d lawyer , of 1011081 8001ety 10 OIIIr~ying . out their abbu', a.a many sO~1i'lon8 III tbere Whde, all who bell.rd tbe addreeS8!1 o r~,::~s. kidneys lilter I ey refund ed . . . Xenia, droppe d deatl, lut Friday phDne d excava tions UPOD tbe new are oceans and tbe faota wtll. of Irutly en~oyed all of 1I . them tbe .. and ~urify. th: bl?od"round Aalloon , 2&c a bottle at Sehwa l'tz'., 11.8 m .... can be couree never be Known. eveniD I Be wal a 'well ,~nown ;lilctor . pro1»b ly apprec llited the . tbe . .... that I~ , t dh elr Vi orl;: , a" . mailed made d by :llnywb erelupo n receipt It.ed aUrTey ors DOW ·.t work maD and wall tbe Pan allndle '8 d Two, otbe~ bottletl were epo!! , remark il of Prot. FesA more h re ler, , wh en your "I neys are we .. ' 1 t an orTIlerefo out of or yOIl can ,thltt u!lderst wHI and I,f be pri('8. . ho\Y ,.!Oomp lbbed and It Is cit $b!\ II&me time but have Dot all those of the . other' &orn8,. BII dea~b ~&II ,~WlAd by epoolte rs IlS the quickly yO\lr entire body ,~ a.ffeeted a~ tboogh ' ~~t many surprla .,a are In yet been beard from, ·It ill wltbou t PrOftl9 80rapok e for the la~ty.. HI8 ~~~ ~very Qrgan aP9PlexY. ' He waa well knowo he,'~ seems to fall ~o do ~t:..._ _ _ _ _ _...._.....;_ _..... and lever.1 yelul sgo ,dorloJr bill Itoa:e for tbe publlo &II thla porllon doubt,t be moat remark able leat ·in remarlt B were oonfine d prltlOl ~lIy lryou are ~icl.: 0: -:' fcel of '-!:Idly," tbe ' old .~II earth. worb receDtl y 'th'l recorda of tld8 ooonty . oo1188e oareer, W&II' .. ' room'ma&e 01 to II. oongll'l\tulatibn of the medloll l c.a~lllg the gre~t k,dney , . ' r e~led~, r. ', ' Mr. 8, Lev, ' Cartwrl Kht.. Iii. tDO- opened , la m\lob more rioh ,iD ..ell08 tl d Klhncr' s Swamp. Root, because liS sootS • - • fratern ity opon t b e par p lLye by as your kidneys are \\:cll they will help Dral ooourre d Monda y after-DOOD ',Ill of biawrl oal value and i~Wree$ ttlan D~OWNED AT CHAUTAUQUA. it In the Illplifting of tbe, m..aS8 · 8- al~ lhe ot~er organ s to health. A trial -..I "' t b e pal'tll .Kebll~'. upI 0.--& nd eapeola llJ' to the unstint ed ' BIlO· Will convlIIc Wh en t b 8 "t"t tI e anyone. . , . , 4 If you are sick flrat boughS a portio~ or the to" you CIIlJ JUuke lIO m I.. ' rilloe ofte~, made by its tndhlld '0 - W8IItern 'Star nal take by first doctorin g ' ~:our kidneys. Gene tlavage , a 14 year,old boy membel'll. KTroB am PESTS . The mild and ·exlraordlnury .eff~ct of yeara a, • of, Xen.a w.. drowDe d· at Sbe Miami The oooaalon being tbat of ,an D.r. Kil'U1cr's S,..~mp·Root, - - -.....~-. '. I t.hcdgreat "ftt d IilAIr. aTREft WAY . . .VI,L D., O. Pllea are na\ly, and quickly Valley Cbauta0 1 na lUI' kIdney rculcdy, IS soon rcah7.c. It .... ur ay outing it 1WIl8 n,,'ural to exptlOt Ooobr~ob88 Ind water bUI" ohecke the stands the highest d a wltb for Dr. its wonderf t!boopJ ul cures .... 10 whl1e Iwimm ing. 8e w.s a Bon, of noon lntermi 88lon, with In room next CroM BrOi. Sbrive w,here 10ft mUlhy laundr) ' OintDl8nt.. To prove it I its ohlcke n of t~e most .distressing casell. wUl, m.n a 0 Sa ' IS sold Hardw are S\.')re. " are uaed all ,oob IKJap' Imear Imlllh rial box &II a oonvin if t on Its ments by all cing teat. r . valJt'. dlnner to be one oUbe gr"a e'i ares druggists ill fifty-cent laltead of OleaD . King 01 Sbe Laua t!lmply addre.. Dr,. 8hoop, ' Telepb on" In bOWie and oal.. Raolne , • _. of ~be day-a nd,it Willi. Tbe I!o:late ~d I one-d~"ar size . . WI. I 8urel,. wonld IIOC .ead it elry ~p wbloh yoo ,M n lI80urll where I can be o&lled day or, al,b' .. DIO SUNDAY EXCUD~ION, I doowre at tt es. " , ' irreape otlve of wblten ed have ou bottle may u.... free Dnl... was cert D lbd Dr Vallev a sample tbree lar. . bare for ten oeDfi every ~hoop'aMagloOintmen' wODld atand " ~hone 14-', balr and furrow ed browl, beoame by mail free also a pawplalrora-... .... :t telling)'011 , wbera, made froID pDre sanow, ,be telt. Remem ber, it "'-D In tbe hUarlty with how to filld ,~t if YOll h'ave kidney or About Cblrty tloileta were .old maw ,be uHnlill a !lbine a~4 tbe ezf.rtIIIII1J and aloae f{lf I. made bladder trouble. Mention lhis paper .wollsn , 8aDda y., CorwiD for the CtDcln uti wblob Ireetec i tbelr com.p an. when ~tingto Dr. Kilmer & Co.! Bini.. 1 a. 'wn Coakr~obllll pa nlal, bleedlD , or ItcbtDI pU_, uoanio , D The UUUI" . uaua1 atkaoti uDl 10lIl, 0 .D. either ute.... or InternaL L a l w e ' of wbom 'bey bad hamtOlJ, N. Y. Don't make any 1DJ6~, ISuhlc aDd waHl' ba.. mo". all' wbeD jar 10,. ribe for tlo.e .GIllette kDOWIl poiIatb l, 'rom the but 8014 br Itl, diet.. . resnemb er !be name, laD4ba l8. Ian 'be elrODr• tIdI UOIIl .',oap 1DO• • & I l . · 1m for • •" _ . Dr. Jalmer' aSwam p:llool, ancl U1e ado w a " , -- ~ 1IiD&1waWD. N. ~ .oneveqbcltta , W&II 110
The Alpha Chemioal Go.
fUN ERA l 0I.REC1'0 RI
Telephant Oa, lir Nlgbi. Local No. 1 Long Nt. 69-3r
Brancb OffiCI. Ha,,"sbu,' O.
D J h H tt r. n ya. ; .
Telephone' N
Waynesville, ·Ohi o.
Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Wort.
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NOR. ED ,---
,{=-=nE=----,O---=:-:((ASION or IRS CENTENAlY 1m rntlN(I1Y OMERVED ALl ,
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MERI .A:'IiS \\'P9 d ' I)loTO the (act that the melllor y or Poe haa not he II duly , honored lu a coo\'onllouol Hr"'!lIlll!;~iI wuy IUli r ;{ I'f\ct u grnit\ or two of cODifOrt fl'OnI th o 111011l::b t bat It wa ~ ool nllt ll, Inat iltl:l1mor /1!lO ";') that th fU'S l tO C' moria l In Dl citen: wa ~ ere ted ill l"ond(ln" De, s\lll, the grent Ill v of ;:lis hm n, ' and espe, ":1111' of .LOl1 dO'1I f!1, ror Di ck us, it w ~l I} 'ltrly ,10 yea r;; acter hi:; dell lh ' II' dl;'d, it will b relH mhered, h \ 1117(1' -1I,.Co r a memot'ial of allr kind W .I - l'l'(hl! ,d 0 his III mqry in I hI' Bril' tllll ,·II,.1t 1. Thill m 1I\01'IIli I ~ a sl tn, fj io' lIorl rait OU!! , wi h n bfPnzc ta blet , :\tlll W\l,l; (lI " I', d u(lon th s ite of Fur, n iv /LI 'l' tu n, RolbtJPn , It \\' a : a t Fur. Til \' 1' :'f\ ' nil th aI Dicken s wrot' " Pick, ,vl n )'," 'nd It ,vas th ere, It; (L littlc . ,.or>. 1\ Oil' t he thltd floor , (bat he awokc ~na Il1fll'nillg, in t8:IG. to find hims eIr
''If the VOle fo" , Cooper gave cause
this da y , to the cause and manner of wond r, wbal of the Insufficlcnt his deat b, I~Ul apparenlty no one III ity s ('ore for Poe, whose man proll'l knows 01' ca rOR ~b f're his body lie, or 0.1111' wil l never case to be VOll tI by a can dlr ct th e Core igll 11 grim whlth· wlt'iinl; claas of follow I'S, hUl concc rn- el' to re pai r to J' uder his meed In A' wlto pln('c It\ IlIlugl no tll' litera· of revere ll"c," (lit'!' tiff' worl l a larl;" h ilS 1I0t th(' Mr, tetlmll u's j udgmeut Is I:': US cop· sligh t, d uln? As n 'Wri ter he fl t' llted- Ind eed" mere tll au coufirmed, \\'!l. !; lllll o ng til> first to rccognizc the It Is sl ron e; IY'f!mpiJn slzed by Mr , Maar, I1nw l'~ of , Ha wtho rll e; hoU, we re tcn1!, who places Poe a t th e head of id al/s tl<, anti if ou ,.roduced 00 s us' Am erlcnn l{jeu of It'tte l's, Let us taln rI romance. like "Th cnr let L et· uow lIate lJ to a VOice frollt England; tel'," the olhet' gave yole to no l)'l'io tha l of Sit' A rlh ur COli a n Doyle, who melodies s uch as " l srnfe l" and " Th e sl1itJ of Poe In a recent at'tlc le In an lIaull ted Paillee ," These arlisUc; English ( U,; II',,), I magazine: h uut 'v ·llIitln re d co,npE'er w,e re twin " I ha\'1' !laid' t ha 1 look 1111011 Poe orb,' in th'll' ni n t eeuUl cenwry con· ns (hc w orld 's s npreme short story ste ll at lone , And as fOt' til ~t,er of wrilel', H ill nca r e8t rival, 1 should l'ellowlI-of a pl ace in lhe Ha.1I of say, wa u [ n tpnsllan!" 'rhe gl'eal Nor, r,'all'le--what Is fllme? On your COli· llIan n \'(>1' I'CM to th e exlrE.'m force s 10nco, te l/llw Judges, whe ther yo u and originali ty or the Amoric£ln, bllt li re rca li s ts 01' dn!llUlerS, j UI,lsts, he bad It natura l power, an inborn ,In. schola rs or (liv ln ' :'1 , \lay s ome slight stlllc l tow\l'ds Ihe right wa'y o,f mak. I'c/o:nrd io that voice of th e outer Ing hi s ell cbs, which mark him as ,a \\'ol'ld , which o lle or our own wrl ~ers great maRlo I', He vroduced stodes be· te rUle(1 tlte v rd lct of 'a sort o[ con- CatlA I \\,a fi III him to do so as natle lllpOt'anE;'Clu R postel'ity;' nole that mally and n PCl'rectly as im apple fnn'" u!<, there Is s~arcel~' an enlightened tt'I')C produc 'H IIpplell, What ,a flne" PI! \'1\ fa ilu re of e l'cllon to tile Hall tongup into which Poe's lyrics and 8ensltl\' l'. urtlHtlc to uch it Is! How or Il'amc Is aIlother verr real grlev· tale's La\' e not heen reodered-that he ellslly nnd deilcat e ly tbe lloin'ts are (Ull" It> fuany ' or his cOllnt.r,v men, bul III read and held as a dl &liuctlve made!" ' In I'llraile l, in a wa)', to this situa tion , genius, II&., France" Spain, Germany, Poe ,wall proud or being a Virginian, , too, ilia., be found oversea , i,..ast 1':0- Ital~', Russia, Scandinavia-that the In i8H he wrote to a friend In Tlaltl. tv()mlll:r (be authorities of tbe British Sl.cll of his art Is felt wherever our mOTe: "I am II Virgilll~n~at least fllu" eum "tndertook 1.0 I!9lect 19 names own English speech goes Wit h the /tags I call myself one, for I have reside" lUI the greatellt and most represen ta. of Its t,,'o great overlsnds, Fame! , Is all my life, until within the last few ~yc In English literatUrE! to be paint· there one of U8 stili unconscious of , years, at Richmond," cd on -1.9 /lanels In the roadlng room Poe's fame? ,Another writer, Mr, Charles L, <)( tbl!' Urilieh museum, 1l waH no :' 'Not hear ? Wben noise was every· ' l\Ioore, Invites attention to Poc'II c/,s), blHk, hut tbe namns flnall)' , set· where! .It toller! merits 11.8 a. "tonc'palnter;" In an arti. tlccl u\lou b y the trullteeij of the mulucreaslog like a bcil.'. cle In t1w Dial, , Most eplcB and great IIlmnl w!;!re: ,Chaucel', Oaxton, Tin, , dahl, Spenser, Sbake8pp.~ re, ' Bacon, "'I'bose who have given t,wit' votes 'w orks of ftctlon, he thinks, bave, no Millon, Locke; Addison, Swift, Pope, (or Franklin and Hamilton surely trace ,of tone-thp. region ot tone be· 01 bl)J)1l , Wordiiwtrth, Scolt , Byron, have not demurred on cthlcal grounds Ing the drama, the lyric and the prose to one Carlyle, Macaulay', 1'eonys.ou a n d ag "~i n ~ 1 ,wbom no charg'c of 1m, story , ' Hamiel begins with a tone Omwnjng, morality can lie, seeing tbat bls Ufe, ' Jllcture. t.hc s cene on the platform at like his haudlwork, was cbaste , as Elsinore, hardly equn.led in Shake. Tblt! Btllecllon, or course, by no moonlight, That be w as 11001' an<l ' speare, Continuing MI', Moore ,Bays: Q]C!tln~ mel wi\1t unlver Hal conun enda , headMrong is true ; and that h e Wit " Wlth , of coul'Re, olher Immense In. tlon, On the contrarr, loud cries oC th e congenltul 'victim of an abnormal f I 1"1 P ti t cOtlllllatnt ' aud inqulr.Y we rc hear!! er or ,es, otc> canno come n 0 com· cl'!tVlng ror ~li mulants, IIOW accounted parison 'w iltl Shakespeare In variety. rron'l all' over tbe countr~' a~ Roon a s Ii di sease, Is t rue ; but what of all this of ton . Shakespeare's dllfercnt It wax nn Cl tlll ccd, Wh E're was Dick , uf:'s ld e tbe gift tha t made i!s shlolng pieccs are keyed to all the 11:otes of , onR " Where wa!l Thackera y'! Wh ere way against l' uch odds- beside ' one.'11 color, fl'onl elton black' to the purest WIll! , Roh er t Bu rDs? Wh llre we rc gratitude for his crystal,ll7.atioil of gold of Rll nltght. POI! keel)8 In the Dr'yden , Johllson and .jlul'kc?- and, to 0111' Inchoat e tnst and ror the recog· main In the' dnrk Bide of the sJllect~um, OluUnue : ~'here were Fielding, Shpl - ni llon whicb his poetr)" and roDiance RUl wi hln his mnge there arle great ,fl."),, RI~ . Hich:mt. Oil, Dutlel' and did '0 Dllleh to gain for tl) literary dllfcrcnc Bs in shade nnd a1;wayu n\.>BoIlu"klu . And wb t-e, al\k ed Gllorge product of' his native land," 1IIItil certaintv oC elfect, Con alder the fJet'nliT'd Shaw, III a s tCI'U aud Whell Maarten Maartentl , vlalted \'arletles of tone tn the grave, 1I0mber wr.tt1l f,. , t ne, was Bunyan 1 Nl'w York city la8~ summer to attend colors of ' The Fall of the House of 'rhu ' wc Iwe thal ollt('r nallonal the peaet' conference one 01 the ftrMt {"her: thc I'ealless brilliancy of ' The 110 1lK(,11 III .. )) ' ,;ld('1\ ollr O\\'Il haH' thing!; he touched ' on In all Interview Masrl'l" of the Red Death: and the trou lJle lu arrung lllg th It, li terary (I n the Kew Ynrk Times' Oll ltlerary so her, '()rrl e r~d daylight of 'LllJldor's tn'uN Irel< tu 1<111 all l h ~ me Dlhel's oC mlltterH was the wubject of 'Poe, Ue Cottage l' or Ihp. ranr:e between the In. tilt flllfl !ly , said : ta.nglltll' hatlOw, of 'Ulalumt,'tth,e rlcb N 'o on t', jI~rha l)s. rQuld ,SI.llfl k witb " {'lin ,"OU tell me where Poe II! gloom of 1\1 1' ' kave,' and tbe aceted mo l'(' <lUlhol'lt~ on 1. 111' ~ uujllr ' oj' Po(' hur ied? I scarcely eXlJected tbe an" ~rlarklp of '1ne Haunled Palae.' All 1111"1 fb(' lal e Mr, I!4IlJIuud Ohm'ncc IIWE'r I bu.vp hE'en InqUiring for evp.r lhe modern world of letters' hall main. StcdntllD ,' hlmll If a poeL, the writer since I land pd , He Is burled Bome· Iy gone to KfoatR to l.amBtyl ~bepel' of JI d('lIghtful lift' or' 1'0(', anll onE' where, Isn't be? and he III your great· (eation of ,,'ord phrltlilng--eo It Iiall gon'! or file hundred el('ctor.i to the Hall I'~t lII'rltpr, Ibn't he? The lreat_ IQ' to Poe to IMrn tOIle, the tr~th. of af 1I'anu' In Ih" '-\1\1;11>;1 nllll!bct, of ,t('rf'H lIt1achps, If one mlibt Judse keeping allatmOlpbere t.OOtal!Ot'Utl)ll, CIa. Nortll merl aa Rp\'leV\' bl' 1Il14: from Ihe ('oatrovere1 whlob ra'PII to "PQI dl4 aot let ((It"
erJPy·book mn.xlms of morality, but the Frede,ric Dre~ aODd poInts o,u t , tbat The 'stlltus, then, CIt Edgar Ail.. tol.o] el'fed of his wor~ I!' tbat or loftl· In , estimating his character too little Poe, 60 years atter, Is ,!-S fo\lows: ness and nobility, His meh are attention Is bestowed on this'" phase Mr, Edmund Clarence Stedman and hlB women are p\1re, He Is the oC ~Is worle. He finds that Poe en~er. finds lhat Poe "Is rea.d and h eld lUI least vulgar of !Dortals, Perhaps, If tal ned In Its broad outlines that Idea a dlstincUve genius In France, SlIaln, books have any el'fect at all, his tend ot the changes and development or the Germany, Italy, RussIa, Scandlnavla-, to make men too truthful, too senal- world which 'g oes, nowadaYl, by the Uiat tbe spell of hla' art ls .felt Un, too bleh·mlnded," . ' name of the tbeory ot evolution. On' wherever our own Engllsb .peeell goer Standards, evidently, have changed February 3, 1848, Poe delivered, 8a a with the flags of Its two great over since Emerson referred to Poe as lecture al the Society IIbrary or New lands:' "that ,jingle man," Alluding to this YO,r k, an abstract of his speculations Mr, Maarten MBartena declarell that dlBpara'glDg comment Dr. H, O. Wells, 'on tbe materlai and splrllual un I· Poe Is "at the head of American littbe Elngllsb novelist and ""rlter on 110' , verlle-Its esserice, orIgin, creation, erature," and "that Europe IB Quite clology, Bald at" a. dinner In }Joston: ,"{. present condition jlnd Ilestlny, Short· agre~d, a8 It haB been fro," Jl1e .Int, think bardly 'ot your ,New ' England ' Iy atterward this was p,ub,lshed by 'In recognIzing the overahadowlQa writers fo r' tbeir contempt of Poe, I Putnam under' the title "Eureka," , ge nius of Edgar Allin Poe." tihall never be able to forget that After Quoting the paragrapbs from SIt ArthUr Conan Doyle looks \lPO~ Ejmerson caned him 'that Jingle man.' Eureka Iii whIch Poe cumll up , his Poe "as the world's , supreme short To·day a 'thousand read Poe wbere one t,h eor), of cosmic develollmeni:, Mr, stQry wrl~er," wlt;"e "nf;!arellt riVal reads' Emerson, I!nd not to know Poe's Dond saYI: ' w~s Maupastlant." work Is rather ,a 'disgrace," "The statement oC Poe t!lat 'hetero, Charle8 Frederic Stansbury pr&' Rupert Taylor, ~, B" In a recently ge.neousness, brought about directly 'nounces Poe ,"a brilliant genius tp emJlrlnte~ "Study of Edgar Al1aD: Poe," througb ' oondensatlon, Is ,proportional III ate the work of whom Is the despair has this to Bay of Poe's private life: with It forever,' appears to contain 't,he of great minds and the COil fusion 'of "Poe took pleasure In the lottel' In· germ ot He~bert Spencer', ,developed ilttle ones." , fluences of hom\! life, althougb the;e formula: 'Evolution II/ a change from Mr, Charier. L , Moore telIs U8 that Is little or D'O 'reftectlon of ,It In, his ',an Indeftnlte, incoherent, homogen~lty " 'Poe was the least vulgar'of mortals," writings, He , deatly loved bls wife to a 'd efinite, coherent heterogeneity and that, '\tll'e total elfeet pf' hIs wort alld her mother, of whom he' Bpeaks In through, continuous dlttetentlallon~ Is that of loftiness an<l nohility ,~' ou ,excellent sonnet addressed to her "nd Integrations.' Noteworth~', alBo, Miss Myrtle, Reed suys that ~ atter the death of bls ,w ife, lUI 'more Is Poe's statement oC the oOl1relatlon "fought , bravaly agalnllt crllel odds." ,than motber.' ' In the 'Black Cat' 'he between mental development ' and ' Mr. Rupert Taylor finds that POIt gives evidence "ot .. fOndneaa for , do- phYllcal organlzatloD," ' was "on eyery occa810n Ii devoted anti mestic petB, HIB cottage at Fordham "It Is Improbable that 'Eureka' bad mode,l husband," was beaullfted by vines and ftowering any Inftuence In pre\larlng the way for Mr, Frederic Drew Bond pOints out plants, and he kept In cages """,eral tbe reception or evolutlonnry Ideas, tbat Poe "had a,prevlslon of tbe docsinging blrda and tropical 'bird I or a little later; at the moat such luftu. trine of evo-Iullon:' and that "be tJJ tllumage. He ' Wa.B ,as 1111 who knew enee must have been oC the slightest; entitled to an honotable vls,ee In that anythlug about the matter attes',ed on for though hlil work was ea~ly trans. long line of thinkers from 1.'hale8 to eve!'Y" occaalon a ,devoted and model lated Into foreign lan.uageB, the failure ~rwln':husband." to lind fitting recognition of Its true , ThIs, then, 10 the telltlmony, on dIPeople In general an so accU8iomod character, and the general ob8curlty rect ex.mlnatlon, of the year 1907 hi tu regard Poe all a ' poet sbort In which It has lain, seems to preclude the CIUIe of ,Edgar Allaa Poe ven_ '1I1ory writer tbat tbey tall f.o reallte such a likelihood, It. Interelt It.. tbole e!ectors to the Han of Faille that be wu aJ.o aprotounJ .peeula. In the \Ight It throws on ItB author who bav., so far, withheld froID Idm Uva &hInker, In G ', artltJe _QUlIea and in the hOllorable place It ...Ipi their vow, "Poe .. an IDYoluUontlf," (POpular bllll SIl that 10118 ItQ. of thlJlkera from Gentle....... the defeue Teat&. 801enee lIonthl7. September) Mr, Thai.. to DarwlD." ' I'RANCII ~
The Na me Was Firat Given tha C-'Iag by the Vol unteers In Mexico.
Up·to-Date Farmer Point. Out What Could Be Done If AgriculturIst. and the I:.ocal Pre.. Pulled Together.
Th ' (til fl tlun ortcn II! as ked : ., Ho,", did our Ilfltloual Hag co m lJy .th now un l"e l'fllll IIppl.!llalJon 01' "O ld G I OI'Y~" An old sohller In th NnLlona l TI'lbuu 8ay~ on lhl s polul : " It If! des lrubl e to stille .J'lI ly 4. J 4 6, th e ["11·si. Oh Io vo l· uut e rl!, al lout on th e Mlsslst\lllpl , bound fOl' M xlco. 1l01101'0d lh e dny wllh Ulllch en thus lasDi. Among lhose ca lled lipan rol' addresses wus · the gifted lin d e loqllent Brig. 0 n: Tholl1l19 L. Hllme l', Who wus \Jlu·tl cu la rly u· logl s,tlc of lhe 'glorious ha une l' of rraedo n,.' A n,lrI lhe gr 'Rt. IIv phill se aroll Sl'd n n enthusl!IH tl c SOli of 010 EI'I/I Impui slv ely x la hu d. ' !-Iurt'a tl f.ol' Oul<l (;IOI'Y: 'I'h l~ sughl j1l1pu lar fau cy . lind wa s nftol'wllnl hellnl aDild man y battle s, · an~!!. " 10 u I Ll I', itHlIOfllllg COllY of the verses print d Il low. from '!lPl. hurl 'II H. Pearllon or lh~ 1~lrs l '~w York V(,llIll tO I' K dat pd April 20, 1847, h e w rlle~ 10 hI s Ilrlor COml)any. th 1...Ight Guards of th e Sl xly-foul'llI _ Y S. M .. now known S8 ompany A 01 th Thll'l., nih N. Y. N. G.. Ihat "The ph raae, 'Old Glory.- Is said LO have orlglnat'~d wit h th e Firs t Ohio." The Flail of Our Country-"Old Glory."
In the
Are One. Who GaIn Benefit.
The averag 'm ere. an t Is Inform d as to the evils at tl rlce cutUng . H knows just whero to draw th e line, just how far he dares go In lowe rIn g quotation8 tor th e sake of drawing trade. He realizes thal even It the prlncl pie 01 us ing " leaders" to aLt ro.ct custom rs Is p orml ~t;l bl e, It Is IIndted In its usefuln ess n d (, xceed lngly dllngero ua when overdone. Not only Is It apt to degenerate Into Indiscrimi nate cutting of prices, to leu.d to dl ssn.t1sfa.cUon among customers, aud has a tendency toward givi ng n store a cheap reputa lo n, but It Is Inc lined to arOuse susplolon among other m rchants and the people as welL While th e merohn.nt Is so t.horough· Iy grounded In th e matter ot prl c~cu t tlng, the pub lic has riot been so genernlly educated , There are those who exult whe n store managers ar at· WRr believing that they may profit by the los8cs ot th e competitors. II Is just the old fable of Aesop o,'er ag-a,tnthe lion and t.he bea r flght O\' er tbe prey until hoth are too much exhausted to move, nnd i b n the sly fox comes along 'and picks up th daIn ty and bears It away to eat at h is lelsur e_ Tb e pu blic rejoltes Ol'er the pricecllttlng campaigns. It profi ts by them. and on accouDt of the fa t tbat It has been taught to cons id er prices only, It feels justified In taking ev ery advantage otrered It. Tbe s lo r e wh ich star ts a cam plll!;1 of price r edu ction and bellows an d roars and screams fo r th e liake of drawing custom, will el . le r go under, because It bils been foolish or becaus e It has mad e up its' mi nd to defraud Its cre ditors, or else It sella goods 'Whi ch are fa r lower In merit and trlle value than It pretends. The public los s, bllt It does not realize It. If a store fa ll s to pay It. creditors, the wbolesalers and manu· facturer s must make thei r losses good In some way. If the slore seeks to foist Inferior goods upon the publlo at a lower price, tbe publlc gets 'What It paYII for, no doubt. but believe. that It has been cheated and robbed, and comes to bave a low opinion ot mercbants ss a wbole. The wbole trouble lies in the fact that tbe public, Instead of being a prey to the merchant, 18 really playing Into the bands of sharpel'B while seekIng, tOq often, to get the best of lhe ·merchanta.
ralephone Glrl'l Great OpportunIty to Get Even. "You AOO'" that red-headed cRsbler tbll l bad the n rv e (0 coml>la lll of me 10 tb e hoss t he oth er day ," snld tbe gI rl at 'the t'8le\lllon desk. to a' New York TImes write r. "Well , I got vlln :' Why, Ar hlbald ! with blm, all r igh t. H e aln't married. mpun by s licl.l ng t hat pin lo to but he' s got a best girl. His tath r lioof' nlll or 1" ewns a sh oe (actory over In J ersey , .. ' ("flUMe I h eard , ou sa;v he was a 8nd rl h - m ~'! Wtll, s b called blm dt' nd be at_ But be aln 'l d ead at all, oil tbe other' aft r noon at h r IIs ual , 15 be ?" . - time. 'Is Mr. Smltb there?' she askll, In her mOljt romantlcklst voice. 'Ye.,· The Deb it S ide Telll, 1 RnEW TS, just RS hon eyll ke Il S ah . "The late Admiral Balch." said a na'It's bls wife wants him , Isn't It l' Wltb nl bfficer . " US d to complaI n at the Ihat Miss Girl hun g up with sucb a Incr aslng ('ost ot na li onal armaments. je rk my 8r b url. Smith goes arouod "1'he armame nts, be would 8ay, wonderIng why she does. no t call him conll.o utlllr rlf!d out for money, monup. Every time be dares he sa ys to er, n Olhing but money. They were Dl : 'Has auy one called me on the li ke the Ilho pke eper's son . 'phonE', Miss L:mlt ?' And ( look 8S In · " 'Wh e ll lI id James last write us?' nocent as II. kld and shake my bead tbe shopk e 'pe r asked bls wife one day. 'No.' 1 teU you, us tel phone girls .. 'Look In tbe ' c8sh book,' the wife can turn 'Joy to the flrille' Iota 'Noth- replied ." In' Doln" any li me we please. Mil No one Is so blind to his own taulU for Gs." a8 a man who bas th e habIt of detect SUFFERED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Ing the faulls of otben .- Faber_
The General 'De~and ' of tllu \\' cll- lllfurllll·J of tho WollJ lin aln aye bfll'll for n 6illllM, " Ieast\nt ao" ~mciell~ Ii qllid la xat ive remedy 0 1 11110 "1> ,'nl ue; ~ la:cnti ,'c wh irh pbydicillT1l\ 1:f)u1 ~ I lIIluction for fnmily lise' because it.., ~om panent partl are known to thern \o .he who~eaome and t rllly ucncfleinl In elTlltlt-, tlcceptable to the system and gc~tle, )l eiprom pt, in Belion_ In au pIy inc that demand wi tb ~~ Cllcollcnt combipa tion ef Syrup of rig:! and Elixir of SonM, tbe Californ ia Fi.; Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical linc.. allli rcliCof' on the merits of tbc laxati ve for its rcmru-·k,able succeea. Tb9.t ie one of lIIany rOMans wby Syrup of Figs and Elix ir of Sonni!. is gi ven tile preference by the Well-Infonnl!'d. To gct its beneficial effcc1.8 nlwllYs bu) the genu£acturcd by the Cnl~· fornia Fig Syrup Co .; only, and for salo by a1l1ead ing druggiut4. Price fifty ccn~ per bottle.
It Is a question whether the average retnJ ler places sufficleut Importance upon the necessity for co-operatin g with tho editor at his local paper. The .Ia tter lIS In a position to mould th e sentiment at h is readers to a degree which makes bls asslslance on any matter In whloh the oommunHy Is I'n: terestoo, very Im porl ant. There are of course Ins tances where looal newspapers are ope rated In such a manlier as to be of littl e 'benefit to tbe community In wblch t.bell are published, but th ese a re deoldedly the exception and lis the Up-to-date Farmer says: With Eczema-Her Limb Peeled and "Your home pape r should receive Foot Was Flaw-Thought Amputa.your earnest attentlOD _ It may be t ion Was IN ecessary-Believea that your home paper Is Dot run to L ife Saved by Cuticura. s uit you. It Is possible that It pays Positively cured by much more attention to what it · conthe.e Little Pill •• "I ba\'e beEm tr ated by doctol'B tor s ide rs the best Inter ests of the adverThoy .. too r elle • • DI.. tw nty-flv e years for a bad case of ti sers than to those of the farm er s. t re •• froOl D.Japepala,loeczema on my leg. Tbey did tbelr best, There Is notblng at all strange about dlgt!".tCD and 'roo Uo"n, EalIDa. A pertecl relDbut failed to cure It. My do ctor had tha·t . You probably pay $1 a yea r e(;y tor DildD ••• , ~.u. advIsed me to' have my leg cut ofr. At. subs·crlptlon. The avernge country Kat DrowllDel • • 8.4 What II Settler Can Securo In thlil Ume my leg was peeled from the paper do es not have more than 1,000 cirT •• teln Ibe Mou,h , eo..,. ed T ongue, PatD 10 lb. knee, my foot was like a pi ece of raw culation, and at least ene-hal( of these fl esh, and 1 bad to walk on crutches. r==~;;;..-:----:::-' Slde, TORPID LIVER. are excbanges, deadheads and compll· 180 A~... C,abo-Crow,,"_ Laad FREE. relrUla~ Ib e Bo .. el. . P"rel,. V.,et"bl .. y. bought a set of Cutl cura Remedies. 201040 Wheet 10 lI>e Au.. mentary. . The t600 which th e aver401090 B • •to Oat. 10 lI>. Acre. Afte r the firs t two treatments the SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMAll PRICE. age country editor receives does ,not: A 8 NO. 31110 50 BuolMl. Bado 10 the Acre. swelling went down, and In two TI....... for F-_I.a ... d Bu.Ild.... FREE. (Sung I n blvOIIIl ' nlllht be rn r ~ HIMnling much more than pay for the hlank paG&nuine MUlt Bear CoocI u .. will> Low Tall.lie... montbs my lel!~ waB cured and the new ot rro Gurdo. ~t "xl <); by Lleut. IlIlI'lc" per and postage. The editor of such SplaIMlid RaIlroad F""Ultle.....t 1.0., RaI_ )'. .ArowlIl·. N w York "!Hunt .. rN.l Fae·Simile Signaturt skin came ani. Th e doctor waH sur· ScIooeIo ..... Cloureb.. Co...."'•• I. collnlry paper, therefore, must rely "To· nl ght c' e r ollr purling fill hili'. LO lh. ITTLJ,. Mar ..... fer all ProductloeL prlsed and said that b e would use almost altogether upon his advertisbrim. I CoocI Cll_le and P..t.ct H . .llb. IVER a....c .. for Pnfllabl. lu•••t __... CuUcura for Ms own patients, I have ' T is Ins t v..... to;.rNhe r mn~· Clrl n't ; Jng and job work for bls support. PI I. 8omeofthe choltel!I graln-pr04uclnR lAn4ttts To-morrow In IHU ll o eO hlu \' 1<'1 ': !o <lenlh now been curc!d ove r Beven years, and "[s It any wonder tbat he pays litBoak.lcbe ...o an4 AI ber,a m ..,. 1>(>" be .... g rim : REfUIE IUIIYITUTES. qulrl!4 but for tbe Cutlcura. Remedi es I tle attention to the desires or the de10 tbe ... mo.' bealUlfll1 ",,4 proftpeJ'Cl'" Our lIoldl cl'S ti s nal nn','r . llrlnl _ Metion. UDder the might bave lost my life . Mrs. J . B. mands of the farmer? T our E verett Piano factory iD Bo4oa. RenaUd, 277 Mentana St., Montreal, Then Bi ll "!I to the t OMI . now " ..,t . bu l the "It III true that tbe merchant of leYl.ed HO.lltead I.llliatioll M..... we mak" Ihe world-famed b al, Que., Feb. 201, 1907." lhe country town depends upon the . E.etelt. Price. rUIF ill reaular .,leu b,. whIch eotrJ ma,. be mad. b,. prell,. (011 e.,.. 4Th e ,ht.g o f o ur (·ountry.' uu" l o\*p ; &aID eoa.4JtSoDa). b,. tbe 'aLber. moilac:r. ftO&, for Upriahu from $450.00 10 $625.00; fOl W e' lI 'rown It .wlLIl \'I('lon '-III "1l10rOUH farmers (or bll buslneB8, but country da"lIbter, brolber or al.ter of IDteDdlDIJ ~ x lOt • Grands from $6('\1).00 10 $1200.001 Ad merChants, until lately, have not "" EARLY VICTIM. steader. EDt..,. fee 10 eaeb _1.tIO.oo. J'cir ./UllpII~ 5tylea &om $750.0':;"0 $10,000.00. Place 'Old Olol'Y' yo n rn m»urtll nlJove. Itud.l ed the economiCS of country life Be.atWea" "paJ'1.lcula:r. &1'\0 r.~a,"lt"" At our Cincinaati fallone. w. malte Joha and have not realized t:hel r enUre debea, lime LO 110 a04 wbere 10 1000M6, appl110 "Wh nl~vC'r en h Quo flln g- oo It uflua 0 1 Chwch Co., H.."erd and Daylon ~,alI ",1",,pendence Ilpon the prosperity of the H. JIll. 'WILLIAMS, UPfilhu. Pric~ from $250.00 10 $400.00. ' R olilid th(' OliP ("nd Il1cnlOrf ~ wr o lh e farming community of Interests In ....w Build In'" Tow... ow.. In abe ..I", of thetc -aood- we often take ia }o'or hOITlt'IHlld elllOllonH g l ." !.ourug. l every nelgbborhood which Is dlrecUy part payment Deafly new or leCOadhaad piIDGt of other makeo, lOme paads, lOme ullriahlJ and Il's d!~~n:~ 10 uphold whll l' 'h'e breathe. opposed to tbe centralization of busllOme Iqua:et. We UIl ..II you the lecoadneS8 In a tew large cities has not ap· hand uprights al from $85.00 10 $210.00. ' Th n starld 10 (he 10Mt , ~t!. I pealed to these people. Old_!'luare1 from $35.00 to $60_00. KEEPING UP·TO-DATE. "The country mercllant haa taken "Sanl' Ann t.. bC'lllsllng In vln 'Ihl mlgll t, We have at pment a Dumba of DeW b.11 Ideaa from t:he mercbant who sold Hili hosh. tlpP(lltr IITR ltd I't nrray. piuo. which have been wed a. d i'play piauot, 'nrm r mb( r Ih" AI"IIO.' on,l- ' od r I' llle him his goods; the counlJ'y banker Pertinent Suggeatlona to Storekeepers which we oller at 20 per ceDI frOID 0IIl rcauJar rl'!hlAI to DoIng Busine.. RIghtly. bas usua.IIY supposed. that his Interprice.. . . v.. " \1 drJ" l'lcm awn'y It I <llemny. K.oep.,he brnth, teeth, mouth aad boctr ests were Identified l'Ilth those of the We make &&tUfailotJ' teltM to reliable aatl •• ptioell, oJo. IIId Ine from _ Greatest successes In the retail banldng centers of the world; the person,. Th n Slu nd tn the 100.. '. tc. healthy ,erm·lifo IIIId dill,raMble odofto Send w 50. p<NIage a.nd we will u 10\1 country lawyer haa taken his poJiUcal field, bave been made by men who whioh wat.r. loap aDd tooth P~n1tio. "Tit bUill SOl''' ooullll1n,; the "ull t ,) vlewa trom the attorneys of corpora- bave employed system In all branchee noqudi, mail you either a booklel of •.oc:al 01 eloae _ o t do. A r ~ t lr . piano mu,ic free. of their bus iness. Me n of antiquated Uons, and the counti-y editor bas had And fil t o r lhe mornlr. g· " <1 r n r! fr ll)' ; prmicidal, dido"What Is tbe maUer, Jack?" 1lfE. JOHN CHURCH COMPANY. M n)' d NIIII" fl f our ell·('plng " \~ h hru\'e bts work cut out for hlm by .the edl" methods who have made successes leolin, aad dllOdo ... "BoQboo! CatherIne BaYB ahe's deh nn rl I nspll'" tors of big datly papers ,owned and would have made more money . had The One Price PiaAo HolIit.. Cincinnati, O. laia, tollot nIQ1I1.ita Wllh IIOP tul rCNoI \, u8 for Ihe dny. controlled by people who were at the they been systemati c In tbelr busl: Dilled 1 aln't her nffin1 ty after all!" of 1Il00ptloaal nooUenoe aad 11000ness. Up-to-date methods of book· head of specl",1 Interests_ Th n slund 20 MULE TEAM omy. V.lull 0' BrIef Relltl. ''These special Interests people have keeping, a system for checking over for eyel, If oye rworked bomemaker& whose tried and have, until recently, m ade goods as they arrive and as they go "THE ' FLAil." throat .Dd DaHl &Dd us all believe that the Interests of all out when the prders are filled' are most nerves 81'e "worn to fra zzl e "dge" ulerine c.tll'rb. At wOllltd ncqulre the habit of 81~tlDI or essential. Stock shonld be kept In Splendid. Monument to Rhode leland classes " 'ere Identical and that a few 'ru, aad to1111 people who had speclallzed in the such a way tbat the merchant .ioeE lylo" abeolutely lUll , r elaxed and moIto'". SO OIatl, or IN.A NEW PACKAGE Regiment. by mail po.tpald_ s tudy of finance and politics were to not have to waste consid erable timE tioDlesB for five or len minutes t""lce a Oay, they w'ould soon see ImproveThe Rhod Island monument erecte'd be looked to al the leade1s of public before beIng able to know wheUlel lalli Trial SUpII he bas any need of any line to flU ment. The mind muat be relaxed, worto the memory of the Sev ntb r egl- opinion . WITH "H.ALTH •• 0 I . . UT,,, aDo. ac," , . . . . es dropped , 'thou ghts wandering to ri . :'Slnce the panic of 1893 It blUl slow- stocks. mont, siale troops In th e rlvll war, )[001 eCOllowlClI1 10 bu),. All d .... l.r8. "live You will probably One acellent way In whlcb the pleasant things. THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boatol,.MIII, upon I h Vicksburg battlefield Is at ly dawned upon the g neral public e ,>Hcklil(e tOP" : .. :1ft b \s wortb l!l ('ou POUtJ tn try.. lbls severlll times before you get th country merchant can keep hll' Idea! that the tescblngs at these self-ape ~ebo.ol: for presf:"llt • Pr~ruluw 1.1 f. f~ e 0 1 heroiC s ize and Is fl111 of Illlll'lt and acIt right, hut after a little practice PACJ ,~' I C OA::;T BO RAX. CO .. UI" C .~U, ILL. tion. The color bearer has 'ralsed pointed leaders were not altogether up-la-date Is by spending n da y or you will find that It yields large reperfect In their logl~; and that wha.t two each year In visiting the large . ' . .IaMl ........ was good for the Standard 011 monop- cities and studying th e methods em· turn s, far surpassing the sacMfice at Rave ),a • • .,. b I .... 7 oly or the steel trult might not be ployed by the firms engaged In hll the lime It takes to practlce It. ToaeUP)'ODn,..le. . .d CURES ' ......,.1101 •• ""Ill brl • .,I". .... "L "AI" for the best Interests of the farmor line of busIness. A dsy oft occasion· Of' II.U.,d O....calpe .......... .or the merchant. ally In some strange tm... n wh ere ~ NothIng In VaIn. o prlc_. 28 e •• la. "Corporatlon lawYers from the otty study ot "I'indo,,"s and store InteriOr! The poet died without knowing what THE NlEDATONE CO. represen t liS I.n congress and In the Bf!d methode ma1 be made Is morE be bad been created tor. 125 •• 23rd atreet. HaW YORK Unlted States senate, and corporation than helpful. "To starve !" was the one ba.t A. N. K.-E (10~7) 22$1. lawyers have framed most of our In the home town CIne can never gel g"Jess. away from the pracUces or bill fello .... Of course h,e was In error. Coult etate laws. it III lime for farmers and for thole who deperid upon them tradesmen, unless ,he benefits by ex he bave look ed torward only a ·him. for support to learn lbat the Interellts perlences had elsewhere. In a strangf tired years or so, and bebeld the cbeaj:. of tbe speculative classes are not place we are of the gazing crowd 6kates who would then be malting 8 thOt!e of the pl'oduoer or the consum- and we see things from a differe nt tat living writing about him, be must er. and of the honest e%cbanger of point of vie w than when at hom e. h~ve understood bette r. Almost noth· 'wealth. The editor of the home paper Some criticism may point out s Ing Is created In valn_ . should study these questlon8 from the tault that we hay been guilty of ~ standpoint "of the producer and oon·, "hundred Umes and ne"er noticed, an~ In a Pinch. Uae ALLEN'!; FOOT-EASE. A powder_ It cures painful , smartsumer and not trom that of the S,pec- a critiCism of n strange r sometim e! ulator. 'l'be producer should tben forc es us to realize that we can 1m Ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nalla. support the paper so tbat It wlll not prove In our own methods and w, It,'s the greatest comfort dlsoov ery of t be nge. Mak(lS new s hocs easy. A be necessary for It te adv.ertislng proflt by the ljuggosUon. certain cnre for sweating feet. Sold from any but legitimate firms that are A ' country town stor ekeeper mll3 by all Druggis ts. 25c. Accept no sub· looking out for the Interests of farm· lea.rn milch In a city but much 01 II stltute. Trial package, FREE. Ade'('ll and producers. Tbe Interests of may be little s uited to rural condl drcss A. S. OIDlsted, Le Roy, N. Y. the mercbant In a 'country t09(o de· tlons. Tbe small town m ercbant need! pend' upon the prosperity of the farm- some lessons from 'progresslve mem Attractiona of Flowerl. er, and .tho paper tbat teaches con- bers _of his own class. Rememb I A tlower bas an almost human way trolled marketing deserves tb~ SliP- ' that there are many who can ' excel ;,f first attractl n g Insects. J This Is by port of me rohants and a mucb bet- us In some ways. H we fafl to keet all l,mllng to Ule lr fondn ess for sweet ter eupport than Uiey now get from alive. some more enterpriSing com- lhin&~ . The ro Is secr led In every . farmor~ . " . . petitor will beat us out. hav~ fl ower a store o'f honey. large or small, as lhe case ' may be, lo wblch the $eek to Attract Atte'n tlon. Loud and LUlty Advertliing. mIdge, tjJe butterfly, the bee, thn blue"The F,I ag." There are many ways In which the. 'There can be seen every once In I' til ttle fly and other ~nsects are at· . . ' d 'I -'average retallor can get up ,a cheap aloft the tattered fla g all one CRn a. - though etrectual advertlsemcnt. An while the tront of some erstwhile dig u·acted. nlfied store plastered with flamin g r ec most heRr tb e IUlswerlng sholl t of th e ._ f' h i t. U IhiH' rally advertisement re,centlY put out by a 'signs, announcing ~nheard-ot b argains Importllint to Mother ... 111<; .. a t e reg lIlen .s : local concern was a cbeap olle In 10 far l!:xamlne' cal'13tully every bottle or tbelr forc es and I)U8011 the ltue oC b~!' as the ,ex pense of preparing and cltcu. tremendous ' reductions, ' sensational disastrous, ruinous cuts In prIce, and CASTORIA a linfe and sure remedy for tie to/,Iotor y . The flag. t~rn f~~~ t ~ latlng It was concerned. The fact that infants and 'children, and lIee that It teredo How It proved . 0 . Y r it was a novel one, and one which the rest of the well-worn expresslont Bears the,,-;I' . -critical momenL the InsplraUon fa brought the sulr.lect matter to the very so cQmmon to the'. choapest gr ade 01 ~erolc display of courage and d1801· door of the consumer made It a good stores, .It seemB that a merchanl Signatu re of(.,;("'~K~ , Is extreIl'/ely apt to succumb to tilE III Use For Over Years. .. pilne: one, It ,the advertisement of a wl1!!S of tbe man who believes In ad· Th& Kind You Ha\1~ AlWays Bought. dye and cleanlnf; concern. The vefUslng tbrough !L megapbo~e and Wc,rklng Elephantl. proprietor of the concern seemed to The eltorts of the Congo state au- be the owner of a very prett)' Spitz with a bucket 'of red pnJnt. What man N~t Recorded. thorities to domesticate the African dog. l:le advertised his business hu the malt Innuence-the mari wIth Btl'I -Dld tIll!)' rc ord that pollUthe 10lldest voice? What friend giver elephant have brought Ollt 80m€' Int~r through the medium of this dOl. Ono clan's speech? 'SsUng peQuHarlties ot tho Be anlma's. day he 9(ould be a reel dog, aDother achlce whIch la heeded-the man wllh JIII-J bell.,ve not. T,h e.y badn't a During the wet ~e88on. which lasts day he would wear a ' coat of green; the heavielt ·tone, who yells In YOUI wind gaule,l belleve.-Yonkers Stai el' ear· and enforces It with craEY gestic' four monthl, the elephants are nol and so on for th's various daYI of maD. worked, but are turned out 'Into the the week. · 'MIl! odd ' colora attracted ulationB? , ' Doel the man who exag· forest. Instead, however, of rejoining the aUentl,oD of all at once and In prates extravagantly claim faith ant Try Murlr,e Eye Remedy , their wild Idn, they seem to keep many casel ""I'I'akened Bympafhy. The trust the most? Advertising Is right For Red Weak Weary, Watery E,8. and proper, but advertfllng with suell Murine ~n't ~'!lJ .. rt-Sootbt'8 Eye Pain . apart al It conscious of the dllterence dog. ,118 If 2ellloul aboot hll master's All I1ru(tl{i.t1 Sell l\1urine nt libcu.. The .8 that their tralnlnl bas produoed. '011 business, had become a perfect rover, methods II cheapening and barmtul. Pan Book in PkR. il worth DollaR being brought back to tbelr dutlell so tbe atlYertilement ",U . seen about It appeal. to the sense. tn the wrODa in ~ve1'V borne. DnlI,Ii.t. they Ibow no dlsllQslUon to Ihlrk theIr the town whenever the canine donned. Murine Eye CbIC.IO. work. Their presence sometimes Ilt· II. new coaL - Thll II IOmewhat Chin... '.It Tax. trltcu wild (jlephants to tbe vlclnllY of aftar the Idea employed b)' tbe maD· In CIllna the tu II a 10'1." .. elrl their aceDe of labora. but . theM wlld arement of a !arp leWIII, III&ChI~e meat mClllopoJ)'. It Ie one of the prID-:=~~.~are ~uAll)' tllO .old lind Ia- eompa.,)' tlaat . . . If87hOUllda to .,. clDa) : lrtlYianu_ or the empire. ,lelllllll JlJI."&1 to " uHd ~ recrullL . _·:l1t,ooa_ • JW. nat!p.- '
BORAX 5lbs.
"O.V.C." They save you twothirds .of your money 1 They that's why!
no heads-
Wouldn't it pay you to know them?
What are they?'
. Watch this space; it will tell you. It will also show you how to get . four , handsome pictures free . .I
11-11) \' _p~ ~T r
'Iuft VU I' hllLl
Public Sale.
hlt·tllIl " "
p_rty and w e w 'rll Ihllrt:! \ It n" W b y. all of us women , aud let 11,,, whh'per tb is h ow .0UI f! of th Ill " II were 1I1111·t'. tV Il,' :t no! I I t hl\ ') h,'1' Ul ll ll !;hOlllt! h ,,\ pon to lI en r Ih .. 1 MIl t H OWl', LOll ~e llrll O IIlJ 11,,10 Uttr n ur g ot f l'i nol lIhltllw ll 1\ 1111 l,h".I' lhtlll t ( ?). W illi, Wt hlltl " !!\I,,,I time, Ilod ul1~ ht 1111 \'Il bu d I I,,· d ilJ uer till t v oursol\'1l If li b !! 1111(\ not oban ged her mind tlbOllt g , l\U!I t o Morrow th i:;. lUo rn j n ~ T hll't' presil ut wert' : Mrll. MlLt,tie Fiocb, Mrs. 'ora [{ lI r rl ~, Miss Kate Bllle \'. Mrt!. Lou Bu rnett. Mrs. K lLto HIt I'I look, Mr. tint! Mrs. Mi lt How .. , u lul ,
un urth.' r .,1 t ltl l l 'tpt, j ~ lUn Itt aud flit \ \' nln-" "HI II'Y . l'hh,,\ I " Ill o lt.· r '"r a nlr . t\l puhllf' ,"I ·n du*, . nn III " Ul 011.1111.. 1
.. t
" lund3Y. the 2.Hhdayo ( August, I 90S "t (. Ut· \l',,' h,w ' III the- HI t l ~ rno"n of "hi l! n , 011' i, re wl .... ' h t' t't"IItI~ftt' l ll~h c l· lIwtl. til·....
l'oIJH,\1 n,.: l·c ul. ·... Ln l!.·.
'I t
~ l t Il Ut" · 1 1I
\'.U\"llt.... I II Lh~ l 'Hl lII l ~
lit!' :--'l.tlt ' III u h u .
ll r
·':--.ll ll,ll, ' III \\l lly~1C ' 1 '\ I \"II ~" i lJ \V U II"1l u tq q ' Uhl l}, ttl'l lI;'; Ih trL ,,' I (.41 1 :-.:" \W I , ;! ) \\' h, Ii ~'1 I1Latllc,1 uJi 1I\l1Ill rl d Ulhl I h ~ (1\) ., )
(;ucss work m ay be all right for tilt· idler, but a bus in ess \lUI" want s to be 011 time.
.h' t'C:l , ,Ind Is IJan u f fr.u' l iol1 .J.1 ""eCllou No. Ttl.l nr·oll. 1;11 ) 1'o\\'11 I·' liur ( 4 ). K~ ng ~ Four ~1. K . ~.lCce pLl ng tb. followlul! ,I ei~ r lbe d Ir., cl "I Ill n". belflnn l n~ "I a st" uc In Ih 1l llt, uf I. tml form rly oW l wl1LJ.\' ueorl!'tli\'lu"iK. ,lh'C'a~C'l1 . bt·Ul~ t he S . \\~ t.. 'orn('r of :mld el' llun . lh ~U-:c: WIth tbe IIIc c l l u u line · :i o ~1'7 . :'! 5 pol ,', tu a ~ tc..II '(' II th e ro .ul um.1 co rn "r t o a
My s peciult y il'l wat ch repairingmos tly the expens ive. high.grade watch es- and if ' ~' ou r wnldl is out of orde'r I will trent it ~killfllll r a nd ' d e n tifie nl I y. .
"H .. f I a nd fnrmcrl.r u'llICllbl' IV 1I11.1In wll kcr ' .'LlI ,·c,l. e,I· lhe, 1O' wlth s.lI,lrotld :'" ~ U '
t ~.
~ t .:! "
J.ll c~ lit ,t ~ lak" i n t il ' Iliac ur IUllt11:i
Htlrry, Mr. and M rf(, Lon ~,..n f'~ IUlHI\' oW li ed ,' \. ,.,,1,1 Mu~:,: ltH' lll'l~ wlt.h ""Id and 80n Bowa rd M I!~ . l.i1.1.ltl Huwtl · IIII~.•~ II 'II"'· ""·IIIII ' ul llt~w hulc" nt lu ll N. /lU '
q UC8S
~ A lSal~' of .M(:" '" alill B()~" :' S
And danghter, Marger.y , MI'I! . Mattitl , lhrcc (:I ) IIcros 111101 twoJ "",I , Itty,"tlle bUl" l)" v i ~ Mrs. Lena l:{artiloak M r!:! I <lrcdlh, (~ ~O ) po le" : "IIlI ~ XctlJlLllIg, "lslI Ihe . . " lollowl ll ~ tract. l'e~lulllnli at It. htun In the Mary Mltnnon, Mi88 Helen Ba.rtsook IIl1e 01 .ald lall d rll ll nlll~ ~ fJ . ~jJ chalos ~ d '~2 w E.II C h "' IIS~ . HI •• F; . I I.~ ~ C halnk t" ~L M r . Ba d(..~ arner. Til 1 8 Il Y Willi Iliso . tODt! III the 11 11 • of Hald lallll. : thence r•.h:! Mil8 Kate Hi8ey 's birthday. They Ohalns LO "Utlht rOrlllcrly ownc<l by Cook alld E,'u.u : Ihcuce along Ihe line N . a .6 0 ohat"s ; tol d nh h o w old they were but, we ' Lhence N. 4,J!.' w. 11' .;,0 (lOl"s to lIl 'J bOl;tll ' forget. :x' . Y . Z . bu IIh' \f. , ·o nwllI". ~ thlrtc n and "ev ~ n t y - Ilv e udrellth" Il tl.7t. ) aoreti : 'and lICIlPLllIG, "IS<) the ro ll',wlll ~ Ilcocrlb,," lot Of I. lid gol<l lly Li,e "" ,,, Inl_trlltor. 0 1 .IOhhua elwllowltl,. Pain will depart in tlxllutl y :W decl' . cotnweuclnJ: ;\1. Lht S . J'L C()rn r of Lbc tracl and corner til I,md latt:l\, OWll ed hy IIIlnut88 if ono of DrJ~hooll 'H Piuk Pltln 'L'ablets i8 tltken. Pllin ~ny .Iobll ~a ll ~rLIlw"ILc "ell4!asL'{I: thcuce wltll li ne of , .. I" """I N. H' • WIJ. ~&ull a l ns : where. Renlemller I Pllin 1I.1wllYs lbe lhence ... U~ O W . I I ch"hlh W t he o;ectlOtl Olean I oongelltlon, blood presBore- II l1 e : theII e S . U· 1.•• . .:. f, H ch"lns to a su ' 'rru ; he nce 80 ~;. ' I, . 17.16 clJIIln_ LO nothhi~ e hte. lieadaohe IB blood 81nk ; t b u nc e~ . /I . 10' IV. 111.48 Clllii ng to prel'surf' ;. toot.hlluhe iB blood pres athe be&lnol nl<, con t.. llIllI~ LW Illy ( :20 ) ncre•. Mure on the 8ensiti ve nerve . Dr. anfl lta" lng In .ald tral'L.1 l.V· Il:hLlIlld twen· I:lhoop'!I 8 eaduob f> Tllhlets-8!tm Ly·Uve hU lld rcd l h~ ( tl~ .2r, ) Murea. g,,,d traut the S"mr preml><cs ~OI1\·'·.r e(\ 10 U .... III called Pink Puin Tubltlttl-q niokly being L,.,hley by Lewis lJ umphrcy. I)y deed dallld and 8>off'ly ooox this blood pr686nr.e M urcl, I, IHOO. an(1 recorded In Warren aWIlY from pllin c unrers. Painful oUULy 11eeLi Uooll No. a~. (lIlKC ·a~:J. ptlriodB with women get lust.ulIt r e"A ldO. Lbe f"U"wlllle dcsurllJclI "re",l.e.: lief. 20 Tllblets 251'. 8uld by 1111 \lulLle I.. W"yuc ' ·o\\,"Kltlp. Wa rren OUD ty. . , dealers, Ohio, bel ull pa rl Of gCCLlon No. llolny·onti ( ~ I ). 'I'own lour ( 4 ) . H!lug tI,·c ;,). bctl\'~ n Lto~ Mll\ml HI '·cr . "01:111 11 11111 a~ " IIO~L~ . 1::. ur' ' FOURTEEN THOUSAN D AuENTS ncr 01 a 10L of la ml 'coII v,,)' ...1to Abf11 Sutwr· Llo walte JII Lh" yllllr IM,O by EVlln anll U a,' ta Wlth. IUh\ rU,UlI l ug Lhen c ' N. :! 7 1! E . . Fourteen tbousllnd lellresentll.· 10.heOO :11 cloa ln8 Lo the line of Uavld I.l"ibl \. : t.ivell women in OilY ton. Ohio. lire ~he ll ce with the line of aiel ulI"hle.. N . ~'" . W. U.6 ubal n. to .. HLO nol: Lllt'noe : 10 0 au' d"Uy n8ln~ King of the Laundry K 11. 7:1 o h aln~ to the lJeglnulnll. cOllllllnlng. exclusive of a roadw..y tbroul:h the said Soap. Ask any of them the reltson premIse" collveY~ 11 by quIt clulm deed for the' fQr tibeir preferenoe, they will say Uti ' ~f Lbe premise. ownc,' bV said Oa"ld L"sblol'. L\\'O and nlnuty·!our hU lldrelllh. " le88 work and muab bet ter results (2. 0 4) acrts. lie tb e Slime mor, or I :>nd betban "ny' other llIoundry IIOOp ... InKth tiame premI8t!" I' nvere!1 b \' Abcl bw"lle. b y lI'oed dat 'd Jnnullry 7. Then too Klng 'oft-he Laundry may SaLten 11179 .•lOd recordc<t III Warrcli COUllty Deed Book No.u7. pagCH ~~II a M 2J7, " be obtained three large barB for ten oenta instead at fl ve cents per bar liB SIl\11 eSlaLe till S been rellularly ap praIsed at Lbe sum 01 'l'b lny·".... " bun.lred formerly., Dolhns (la500 ). and the _"lIIne will nOLhe 80ld ror It'ss ~b"n Lwo·tblrds <'. ) cr . l\ld I'pprlllsl!d ~lI l ue. 'I'be lurm8 of sal ' life fI 101l6W8: Ono·tblFd (X) 0 1 t h purcha. prlc cllsh III HORSE RUNAWA.Y. b,md 0 11 Lbe day of gille, one' Lhlnl ~ ) In one year from tbe dBY or sale. und one· thIrd (~) In ~wo years fro Ul \be day Of sale, Lhe 'fhe hone of Perry the baker, said two deferred puyno ·tlLe to be lO r InLcre"L ran Io'lllay Satorday, and done no at tbe rar.c of six (H) pe r C6l1l . I'"r a n num fTOm tbe da ~ o f Halu. promlilSory nOLeS to he 4ama~e except.masbing tbe wagon. g h e ll lor ,.Id two dde rrcd p ~\ yme tlu. lIlI,l Bobby Bodon was driving the horse tbe ,ayment of ~Illd promlHKory not s to he secured by " morllli llc 011 Lh e premises 801d. wben it took fright Ilt something OSOA II J . I::D WAlll)S . and Bobby jnmped frem tue wll~Qn. A dlll l lll .~ra lUr with the will Tbe horae ran down North Street "Dncxed ot Lhe e tale of Oa"ld 1,;". II Ie.\·. (\ ecc ~s d . ~ and into a treeon MaIn Street over_ W , UHO\yN. Sl!l'rR tu~nlng the ",~on. Atlorney. July:! 2-6t. •
III ~ave used Dr. King 's New Life PUla for several years, aDd find them jalt exactly Ti,ht, " Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N.·Y, New Life Pill/! relieve wlthoot ~11e leolit, dllOOmfort. Best remedy for con. stipatlon, billiou8De88 IInd' mall1oria. 26~a' Fred C. Schwartz's drug store.
Report of the Condition OF . THE WAYNESVILLE
NOTICE. 1'be Co unl~' CO lllm I88 I o~en; . of Warren County. (11010. will receive se..led proposul. at th Ir onle!! ln Lbo COllrt H OUIJe. in Le bllDOn. 0 1010. from ails or all IdDdHof b"Dks situated In tbe County of WBrrl'n and State 01 Oblo. whlcb h.av\! berD duly IDcorporated unller tbe I"W8 of thIs StaLt: or the luws of tbo VnlLed States, whloh lIuld proi>o!l· ala shall I!tlpulal.c tbe ral.c of IlII.erc81. not le88 than two peroontum per annum on thr a vorolfe dally IIalanoo Lblll wlll be pIlld for tb . use 01 the mOlloy of the Coun ty 8bould ~ ald baDk 00 <IC8 by . ald Com· 01 1".lobors ag a nounty deJlO8ltory. for II period 01 Iwo yetlrs l>Clllnlllill! ~ pl. 8. LOOM. Ea h proposal . hall contill" the nam e 01 the sccurlty or securities or both tbllLwlll be offered WI th . Cou nly In eliSe Ihe prollOS,,1 Is ocoepted. . All bid. til be "o"lcll "",I lefl at the Alldl· Lor ~ oOl ~e by I ~ o·clock. 1100 11 .
August 3, 1908, at wblch tlD'e sQJd bWs to be nTler,c" by Lbe Counly ·omrn lsaloners. '\llpro"cd Jul)' to. 1008 . ,I. M. "EE \ ·Elft. Prep.
Ohio, at the close of bnsines " July 15, 1908 ..
II . U.
ve l'Y W dnesday
- AT THE--
Fancy Snakes , weethearts and Gems .
Can teloupes Fancy N etted Gems from Ind.
And get you I' Fllou r at a ny g l'ocel'Y in Wayne~ ville 0 1' Corwin ; or you can g~t it at Ha l'v ysb urg. Wellman, lytle pr ingbol'o a nd NE~w BUI'ling-ton .
Georgia Elbertns fresh e very day.
Tomatoes Fancy Ripe and olid from Tcnneellce.
New Potatoes Fancy Ripe White Potatoes. free from scab. Apples, Cabbage, Cuk es , Fancy Cream Cheese, Fancy Chipped Dried Becf. Mason Glass Jars, Star Tin Cans, Mason Tops, SCIlI-
Highsst Cash Prics for Wheat
ri~:~: andS~:r~i~~wil_
Par:;g liams7 8trictly pure Tanglefoot Fly Paper ~ four double sheet.8 5c. Daisy Fly Killer I and Poison Paper.
'White's Store' News. --------------- i
Said the New Customer
~~1~~~1~1~1 w;~~ ~:~ ~~:r:;:t~1
to While 's busin Store. A ey nicesee , cle up-to-date ess th Dl an to
~~ ~Iil: Iu~'\V: !OI;I~et=::~: ~~:~l
Abtlll t lifty S llitS, IPaL pall'l'ns aud woll nllule al - !'!; 1 ~ ~ ues ~J2 and $14. Mius ummel' Mal'k 1)(111'11 I ric '': . I ~ N 'al'ly 100 t wo Ll nd t hree .p i 'l· Su iL..;. 1111\/1 II nv<.i ltiI'5' i ll th is \'angf' , All Wtlo l and -ta il ol·O'ol . F' o 1' l1ltl I' • ri es $] n. $16 an d IX. Miol s lIlllIll(' I' Ma t'k
pended, subjeot t o' the deoilli on of lar()' e in the Republicau priUlllrieH:
this d epartment. YOII'II fiud Bealls, Cabbage. Tomuto s , ~l el. on •• Corn. Potatoes, Canteloupes, and Celery. All direc t: h OI1\ th el farlll. (
"WOI\ the Honors And
thi Prize" '; .
"StOlid lit the head nf ou/ c lass" ( whi c h includt!d all age nts) for Chllse ilnd Sanborn's Teas and I
.lOBN MARSBA ...... MULFORD I " •. K. LA~UDON. VV. Z . ROLL II'or Henomlnatlonl FOR AUDITOR CH AH. 8. MOUNT. 1'. U. PAT'l:ERSON R. A. 'l'ILWELL [pur re.elec tionJ '
~ Ch(oi~:::';1o~a::~~'~i':'~"I:~I~~~'~; ;:'~1~"'~'''''~;;~~:'';~~~ ~~~d III $'1 '.00 ~
~~~II~lelll1erIlOles I; :.-;~~.:~
pe' nosylvaol·a !.;:! .. . C~lumbu ' s
~~;~~:k~:;\~~"~::;et:~e ~~~~:~~
....... _... _.. -.. _- . . __ . .. ........ ; B03~:~6 ~e~! ts I
A~:?o~ s~~~~c~~}'"
Warren ('Ounly. OhIo
PeDDSylvaola u..
RAY SAITH. ~cket
l$ 4.98 $ ().2 5
8 .". -. . . . . . . ,...;. . . . . . . . .__. . . . . ...,. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. . . _-_. . .---:.. "Men's Trousers ItwIr ~
hoice o f all $2.50 a nd ."::: g'l'ades. Many sl.y lillh outillgs in th is sale, Midlillill. In I' I UI'snCe PI'i e ... $1.98 Choice of all $1.50~nli $l.75 g l'ades Mids ummel' CI til'·
.:::.::~c:~.~.~.~~.~.~~5~____ O~: .~:i~.:~ .... ~... ~. ~:.~~
ljf J!I!o
llo s' Wash Suits ,
Knee PantS for Boys
~ $1 ·,~~1:~I.Ir]I~t~~~ ... ~~I.~.' ..~.~~~8~C ~
Wash Pan t'! now ........ 19c 50c Pun t.'l. wash and ). g ular . tyles .... .. ... .. . ........ 39c 75c Pants n ow .. .......... ....... 64c • l.On and $1. 25 Pan ts. I·egu. lar a nd bloome l'::\ ...........89c $1.50 and $2,00 Pants ....... . now .. ....... .. . ........ ....... $1.24 2fjc
~ 1. i)(I and $1.'1!i ui t .. Ru. ian
nn 1 SaiI01'R, n IW . .. ..... $1. 2<1 $2.00 ui le;, II finc· I\.<;so r t-· m n t now ........... .. .. .. . $1.4 $:UiOancl $i:l.OOS.ui lR. llnW$J.98
.... ....
Strea~HSats ~ UrnlS ID.gS
" M a n h a t t a n Shirt~ .~ ~ ~hoice or all Sa,il or anu NegliAll $1.50 and $2.00 shirts
I ' .:5. 1
· ·g ee styl e., i ormer va lues $4 a nd $3, mid ~ummer 'mark down ............... $1.98 Ch' . Olee of. a Il .$2 an d .$2 .50 styles. midsumm er ma rk ~ . down ....... ...... ... .... .... $1.25 Choice of all $l.!)0 s t y leR .... ..
now in the Midsumme r
Mark Down Sale ........ $).39 All $2.50 and $3.00 -Manhat tan Shirhl. now in Mid. llumm el' sale at........... $1.98
I Ch:~~ ·~f·~ii· 50·~~·~1 75~ . ~~8C 1 1 ........... --.. ·. . . . ·....... _.n . ..--. .. ues now .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .... 39c Choice of all 25c Hat';!, in d ress anu harvest styles now .. .... ....... .. ..... ... : .. .. . 19c
Underwear ·and Hosiery
value~ in Unde r. wE,!sr . and F ancy Hosiery now ....... .. ...... ... ·... · .... .. ]9c 1)0 and 65c vahJ e~ in Underwear and Fancy Hosie ry now ...... .... .. .. ........ .. .. ..... 5c 75c value in Imported Uncler wear now ..... : ... .......... .. (17c $1.00 ·anel $L2q val lies' in Plain al1'u ,fancyUndel'wear now ...... ... . ;; ......... 89c 25 and ::I5c
I __ ......... . ,. ..............
.. E. ·K EYS. N.,.T AKt' PUULl t ·.
8'1 50
Next SUnday
$1 9H
huice of th fi n l $6 , $7,liO and. TI·ousel's. I'own & ~ 'weet 0 1'1' make Midsum ~ mel' Clearance P d ce ... $4.9 ~ Choice of $4 , $4 .1)0, and $5 ~ g r ades MiuRummel' Cleal'- -
~a_n_d_t_h_r_Ob_g__b_·______~~______ I.~~~~~~~~rN~~f~;~O~~d~~~~~~~m~"~~~!!l~
Wilson Bros ,and Griffen Fancy Negligee Shirts. $ 1.00 and $J. 2/i values .. . n ow .. ..................... ... ... 89c
Famou!! Shirts. 65e values now on sala at .... .. .. .... 45c "w""""" ....
A Discount (If 20 per cent on aU Blue Sergcl and Black t;uits as well as .on fin~st ' Fancy Suits .
We OlosBatNooD Frlday--Sale OPSDS Saturday MornlnB• .
R S K lUgS · b ury
50 & 52 East Main St.,
Choi e 1) [ nearly :'0 Suits . in sp le ndid w ur-rf'lIi. ling mal ria l ~1I1c1 ••Irongly mild. Th o f,2.fiO an t! $:1 ones 11 1I1V I II MIlIslIm llH' I' Mat'k Dowli Sa le nL ... ... .. ..... .. • ~ . Clt oic of u larg number of ur li'itlc. A ll Wllul SuiLQ. n'g lll~l' ~ :'IIl.d b\OOmel' pail le;. $4. 0, $11 and • 6 va lu e~, Ml us u'l11mel' Ma rk D wn al e .. ...... .. ... .. ...... . " . hoi' fall 6.50 anrl $7 ui ts. Hac k ,tt Curhart make. R. g ulul· atlll bloo nl a l' s ty l ~, now ....... ~ eh i 'e of a ll fin est S ui ts. va lues u p til $10. M id ~ KUI11 1l1t>t· MUI'k Duwn 81\Ie .. .. ....... ,..... .... .... ..
Excursion '
NI'agu a FaDs
i ~\~'n Pt~~~ ....~~~:.~·...... ~~~~~~.~.'.~~I"....~t~~·_~ $1-1-.7 5
. RESOU RCEt:;. Loans and Illacou'nls $1 81.UIO . H h tlc ·\ ; ' . A. · 'l'''~ W t: LI., . ('0. I\ uolllo r . Ovrrdrafts. secured Coffee s ill same . grade of Tcrri· l' OR COMMISSIONER and ullsecured. 1.!lij7. 8i C. 'S . BOllds to securc Circu lati on ;;O.III1U.OUI"",,~~~~~~~!!!!,!!!!!!,!!~~~~~!! Honds, securities. elc. IIIU. 70. 00 I' !:IanklDg bouse. r..LOO.OU ill our Colfee alld 'rea ' ·Bus ll1 e8s ·r E. B. ROGERS. ~ ~::c~;~X::dagt~reo/~~S~el"t~O;;;~ ag t": ' ! 4'!';.fUii.OIl !J~:~i for th e past II JIIOII th s. .' !pur rc·elcctlouJ ~ Notes of otber National Dank . F . IS. SlMP80N. ~ Frac tlO~~~Pc~~;~ currenc.\'. IIlckcl~ 1 ;\ ~.·NB. . I,;AoWYDL M O N"Y n OOSI<K\' Y. . N H AN K. \ . • ~ . Peal\ut Buffer. SAM UEL L. lRONS . 20c. a. 'lb. Special Price. _ _ _ _._T._M_._K_E_E_V_E_R_._ _ _' .... 7'; " .:.r) '1'0 .:nj oy thi s whol eS lllOe tlrR"olcDlI't!on fund wIth U. S. lreaM' FOR SHERIFF u r e r (f. n c of c \,rcu l atJt)ll ) ~ ..juo.tIll t lcle yOll Wl\ut to huy it fl'eshlYI ~ made. Ask for sampl e. F RANK 1'. FORG Y. ~ 1\/1'" lo ~a j .Il4S . 0 i, E 8 . G. ,lOY. LIABILlTI.I£t:; , mperor·. Blel\d Tea... . BER'£ BRANT . CapllU'L,atoc k paid In $rtO. OOU .UU . ' 70c a lb. .1AMES FO .... LE~. ISK . Su rplus fund . ;,11.110('."0 Uhast: & Sanborn 's High .. . ~ . U"dlvlded prollts. le8S eXllclI •• 8 and l a xe. paId ~O . r. 8 a. ' 4 Also to Springfield G rade Bl e nd or Green VlIlIl Hluck JUnGE 6F PROBATE COURT ~ National Baht. nOtt!Hout 8 ~a l\Ll lng ;,O . uO ~,OU Dividendi! uopuld Round trip from Waynesville varit!Lies,packec\ ill 4 011. aud 8 IndIvidual d e 1lO81t.~ 8U blrct 10 cbeck. 2U;I, ~ M4.:J:J ) $1.25 to Columbu8, Iv 8:50 a. m. Demand certlllc.ate8 . . FOR RECORDER SI.00 ~o Sprinl'fieJd, Iv 8:50 a.m. Ol:. c<llIi!!le l's . 13, H ' .IIS f ~ 1\J. lla~ .;1I of deposit l'iftv Ladies. PHILIP t:!PENCE ,;l'OTA", 4 aM .U48. 0 r. !!'!!~~!!!!'!~~~~~~!I'I!!.~~~~ '1'0 Ihe firs t f,O ·T.adies calling rP'or re·eleullollJ ST A'l' K o r OHIO. C U U N 'I ' \ ' 0 1" \VAIUHJN, ~~ : . ' S t d f . I f -.JOE A. DUNHAM. Oil, a ur a:v or a ~al\l p e o . t. J . O. ·AH·I·WruUU'I'. 'Ublur or lhe abo,r Damed 'bank. do ulemnly .Hwell r that ,Cha e unci Sanborn's N e w "Sal. SURVEYOR ~ tllr above ft tatrooenl 18 tr ue to tni! b~ 8 l or alia" Blend at 25c a Ih. wc will SAM D, HE~KLE . my know led." an,l hellef. ,I. O. C·ARTWHlnHT. Cawtll I. present a neat cotrcl' measure rlour Selland Term J Slibacribed lind "worn to before lO e. Ihl. WIth the sam~le. T ,hl. IS Chase • IItll day of July. IIIO ~. and Sanborn's quality through CLERK OF COURTS. .. IWOERS. . C31l1ml8Sl0llcrHnf \{ :\rrclI Collnty. Ohl,a. I,: . II ..
$ 1I 50
A t . nnOnnOem6D S· I
Drop a can In ClJ ld . wate r a nd , le t It boil r; mllltites and lh ese / '.l'h '1 f N S e nHmes foll owing will be can. WI I pas~ or e w ~ wee li! tiny. ' did Il t 1:18 f or t"ue d'ff ffi I eren t 0 aes asp. wh ere,
M 1I';: al111 YOllng ·MLII' .. !:hliL't,
~~:~Il~~:tM~~tli~~v~:.\.I. ~I.~.. ~~:~.{~ .. ~~~: ~. ~.l.(~: $ ~· .H8 ~
, . , - - - -.............- - - - - - - - " .
Ca:nl\ed Sweet Pota.toes • . Cans
R~~dan'8 Pure Grape Juice. JU8t the thing this hot weather; pint. 25c. IF IT IS IN THE MARKET YOU WILL FIND IT HERE
Nt!:lI'ly ~ VE'ntr· ftv
Waynesville Mills
2 Large
Men's Suits
-..- --- -- _--=2J; Zimmerman's I.
g-ressive fil'm - s o I' ll hi tc h. "
NATIONAL BANK, At Wli-ynesville, in the State of
nt C() lt'man'~ Stuve StUI"
JOltt EDotly Right.
p·To-Dnte .'e weler.
~-Deposit Your
II i I"
G. P, TIFFA~fY, Will positive ly h
I--- - .~ ::~,~~:~.:~ .'~ ~ ~t~ : ~~_ 1
Work Hc.rc
I \V ....I.G\.,I lmlc.t lu tile tWWlIlllill),t . l' (J lIlu,tlUn~
II Mark Down Sal e i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
Is it k eeping time t o th c dot? Or do you have to do a good dea l or .g uess in g to lm ow wher e yo u arc at'!
ill .·'1V \, u.!oIlalv
" ' , ltl C Ii . I\lIillll
II ll lI)'f'! ,'
J U-s
--';LENDID Trul; -- ~111·tl
roprtJBollt~tl" .S
- -- - -
t o Ree . from /. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr, James Stoops went t Van Wu.v neaville expresses It DlIldly . .. Wert TUlesday. . . BY CI·I' ~ ZE : NS · TO CAL. In trying t o det\orlbe to you the l )1ra. Abi Haines, of Dayton ; is vis. M rs. L. M . . Hend erson, IS very III "'KEN T, " I I b 'lf g friends here wIth rhEmmahsm. . t)f\ttllt,IOtl of Ptu4sdeJ11I.. feel t at l IMn k ' HI')· th D. L. Crane'and son Ethan were F IFORNI;.\ ANO OREGON, word!! Ilfe IUtlueqll~'e. 1u 'be first r. ran 0 mgswor was a . D I t Th d . b ' " t h I' t k . In ayton 88 laoe it II! the bome of forty eight usmess VISI or ere as wee . . urs ay ' . h"v II ured Mrs. Stanley Sellers and daughter, Mr, F.d . Dakin ,. of ~arveysburg, Visited in Many States, Saw "'any Pwlilionf\irl! and ,they ~ PM of Columbus, are visiting relatives was a caJler at thiS office Saturday. Strange Sights and Thoroughly notbing t o make plaoe an eartb here, ' Mrs. larael Satterthwaite haa r e. Spring. ' Ii e Id , Enjoyed Their Stay There. Iy paraulile, Of OOUl'se t h ey ow~ Mrs, Scot t and dau&,hter, of Mil- tur.n ed from a visit In large grllullull and pullltie.1 homell ford, Ohio. are guests of Mrs. Eliza OhIO. .(Coull u ued Iro m July 29 ) but tbe beanty does not 11. In the Hain es. . Rev. Philip Trout and family were J,ltLlatltll h ome~ alooe but In tbe Mi88 He len Oglesbee has been th, In a ttendance at . the Chautauqua ovThese r l.J WIt were diVIded lutollwall w6t1.ltbof flowerll ttliitefllllyarrange(1 guest of ~i88 Gert rude Anderson. er Sundlay. room8, f.lrob!l.hly tll~h t Or teo feet of F'rankhn , Mr. and Mrs, James Goode we re Mr ' . und.Mrs of ·Rev. IIqllare. 'L'hillie sm611 roomll were 'rbs ml1Jorlty. of t,be dbboutl68t1.reof , Joseph Evans and thea.nests 6~ S and day Mrs , J . F, bungtllow I!ty III I1n t elle "",e pllr son WI'lbu' r were 'In Dayton last Cadwallader last un . u~ed 8tI rl!sidtluOf'1! a nclst 6r~!I mltl" I.V' tltl.lly bhldeD -by a Ulass of vlnell IAn d Thursday. Mrs. (;harles Phillips and little We vl81'ed their' wl1rllet, Ct w.1:I ii oJiolblu, roaetl1&uu tbe fllsohi" tree. Dr, J, 1'. Ellis and Dr. P. D. Clag- daug~tetr of Xenia, were visiting 11I1·8e, oot·.go o t1lrrllm ~ t!b .. d. ctlvlded It h i t eek into I!mllll IItttlll:l wb10h were 'ulled No matter ,bOW in.ignUloant tbe gett a.~e spel!ding this week 'a~ re a tVell ere ~ w 'd f '1 f h ome It hlld a. flower btldeokad yard. HuntsVllle fishing. . M;r. Je8lle Wngh t an amll)" ~ for ILIl kiuds o f VtlKetllblos, melltll ' te M nd M J E J ....... Sprmgb(lro were the guests of hIS JOlit Im1&&lne 10118 avenues of da r. a r e . , . anne)!. M .... b th D' A T W . ht df _ "ud trlulret!!, Every th ing Ilud ev· lmll With tholr trunkll cover~d ~ohnHawke and Mrs. br. I:llis we~ ,{Ol er. r rIg an am erv pltJotl wall olenD. We plttl8ell by P" m Dayton last week. I Y ast wee . tbelr 'ImOllti boll,fl gMlng aren .. i with" mll88 of ever, bloomlnK pink Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell ~ You .w~nt to go to John A. FunkIvy gerllnlum i then great bedl aDd daughter Louella, visited frienda ey's thiS month every chance you did not ell to I' itor tlveo ba ve tl desire hedf6s or tbe calla lily tb!,' we near Port William Sunday, get. .Y ou can ~ve big m?ney 'On $0, We b .. u Iltllu'u quite Il ·good careflllly oberlBh ~II winter for one Mr, John Ma1'llhai1 Mulfor:d. can- ~!..~mg you waRt out of thIS large de&l of how t bey tre~ted tht'lir Mex or two H&tle blooms i tben rOll8l didate for Representative made a s""" . . d loan prldUllerti . We wel'o lIeli r tbelr I . 1 tOWilo 11 over tbe I!ld811 business trip here last Friday. " Dr. and ~~;j. WrIght an d ' sons '4 I Il 1 ted we 0 and runn Dg r 0 or a M" S C h t Ii served a dehclous four-cou rse IIIn~r ~"l w eu e ug~IlS g . uf tile r.oll1l68 aud even &0 the ohlm . 188 uf? rane, W 0 spen a m~t on Fri~a~~ evening to their neig hbors. &an a ptlep m , M,r. Leedlt S!lld our ney topa i lind tenoes anel hedi~ With relat!v~ her~, returned to her Mrs Joe'l Evans. Mr. and Mrs , J, A. 'hue Wli~ Ilbout UII Ilotl W6 would home in Cmcmnatl last week. Funkey Air and Mrs S L Cart· Illadeof It seems remar k a bl.e th e W81'.vJ0 h n wrlghtalnd . . , . Levering. ' . , enJ . .'oyed 8 bave to hurry uu 1 told our p 8 l " tthem' y ' then th6 everprelil All d i ent oraJ)g6 lAnd lemon tre8ll with A. Funkey has cut prIces on h18lat'lre most delilghtful e vening I j 'l I W6!1 goiug to illle t III "I e.uWhm their frul, In aHlltageB from fr.gullt stock of the famous make of shqes. Mr ' and Mrs J F Cadwallader mildiately S"'rled.OO a run, en bloom to ripe orang811 and lemons i Mrs. RebeceaJ . SideshasimproVe,.q JeftTuesoday for'K~n~ wher e th ey I got t.a tbe gde I WIlS oonfrOnted then tbe beaut.l fallive OBk. and 'be h,er farm by pai~ting the new ~ will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs , by two Ilrmed lIoldlerll tbat IImlled r 'r~es and tbe Ohlft~4 um.' of,her barn, carriage house and Lee Adar . Jl8. nf Kansas City. a,rrd Mr. pappa , ...... k very plealil41ltly at me buS firmly breU" tree., N:ow oover tbll plo Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Hopkiqa. and M,rs., Charles Adams, of 'l ope a, abook ,belr btl ids I got a very . . and two, boys, of Dayton. were the They Will lpend the rest of the 11 ' ep 10 t th~ gllte and bur tore witb .lwOIJt '\n everl&8tmg guests of Mrs, A.lice Keys Tuesdaf' month there. w :ur ptarty who weft. sUDslllne Ilod you will have" IIwall Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Allen and son. FUNKEY'S CLEARANCE SALE , lo Idea or litl.ll8dena, Stewart, of Norwood. were ~e .' bQ8ely eUJur " my , 8Jtp81'\eoot! . gueata ,of MrS. S. C. Allen Sundaj, ---10 re'r8olug our attlPfl we pas, e .l Meet Pormer H~e Polka Mr. and M.-s. S. D. ·E verly.).It.: We.ha"eatartedAugu8tClearance . a faqaollll old miaMion, ~oo years old Wblle bere, Katberyn Frame, Ey Ear, Everly and lady friend of D,ij. ~e. .'111088 ~hQ al'f &ccuatoSamed to les re. ler .nd 1 weot Cawa$on'lI ftl.muulI ton autoed here \&IIt Thuraday eve~~ Ilt!Atndm&, ,these CI~ce U. S. 'Cudolll8 Omura. ing' , '.- . ahvetbe· lDl.POrt of tbaa atatement '1 I f F " and will' take quick advantage of . 08'rioh I.rm . Tbla we enjoy"d v e r y ' 1 b U . Mr:a .. AnnaSel~rBS~.o ...·n8'o'portunity. We 'tV. camH (n ountllot wit, 1 L e , 8 muoh . It wal Intereehng W IIH an 1m. OhiO. and MII8 WIlcox, ofr~~" M~. thiamon .... '"y -.~ 'It t' U
k . .
'11< OCI,U)
FI~():\_ :-\ I REE·.1' ' \I~. _
iclim .• *l'·hi!' Tillie I . 1· t,.,L· A. l\ \ (1( '1. ,11 ,",11. Crn UI-!, li t . ·I(·lfl.lllllettl \\'1I1t kl111WII 111 Ih' ~ (JOU II a f armer ' t.,v ' I ll II 11>1\ (; 11111' Ill' II .. ,'"V IIlId p ll ,I" I . I ic·~. n llw (pU O l\ll l{ 111 1 ' ft . 11 1l\ ll\ r . , I ( I rt I . Tragic End of Man Whom E er)'Pj flo h \111 ,. II t, .,) III till II , CI : I' ~ IlIWII g , hlH l' lrlH~ 11I',"U III II I, 1,1\ 0 'I. last bOdy Liked, and EnJoYl'11 'L'uosnll, WII >' 1't1l1l 1' lI in ~ l'I'"tl, Ill" Hi s Compan, ~ou tutu!:! hOIll 'ill PIOII"tI~t1l, fUJ ~ ~ on 1111 jntol' 11 I' lIll II ('Il l' , PII!:H:!I I1 ~ , W (loti h itI'll tl Vl) lIlW 1\ tH I MoM 10k II Phil. Surface is dead ! Such W3l:1 1s Ll'ee l, Il (lIl iJol'l; II VI 11111 \ ,'II I' ('1'II Kltlld the word t hat pass d from ny ou Lh to Il uto t.he l' C'ur pl:! t flll" " lit' I he itli !'_ mouth last T~ur~lI 11:( mOl'nmg' , alll] ul'bl. n en), ILt, !'h o pOI n t, IVhlll' e the aJl who heard, lt saul It .Quld not be JPl'ofm:l"'U1' \ (HoI ~ l lI l lllill ~ I:l e \'fIJ!j Wn,dn.e..' dtrue ,He lnWa~n~v b t d d lllI see Ilklo- I lJu •"\l)ll ol\· t ho cnl' hy the fU I' '6 II i ay morning, u I no I. ~ Lho HIJ(ll'k I~ n d hi" lufk 1'11111 II ll d d !{ bt h'lmse If to tho~e ., wh"v canl III con - IIll k l o Wll l'O 01'0" 1l elI·. n'1 I'H, ' j' ftOtJ, tact with him. Th at. .afternoOl~ Mr. who wn~ witlJ h im , cli ll fII l !'lIO!J 1lI Surface attend d a blr th dayd ln n~I' bu lnuuuol W : IJ . Jtl(!lIckll nlllt bil l. III Lebanon. at t he home of h iS lJ el' ltu s tJI\t\,l I'Il~l itlvell til tile 01UUIl . eldest son , The day's festi.v!tie , ot u ph.l'si inll, II fl f,.. wbiob h e WUII b ht b t l asallt thtngs r oug a ou many p e " CO II VH,Y 11 hom e ill tho veh.l ul . and Mr. Surface seemed lo, enJo,y 1.II I,H Itl ~t Itlg-hl. h ' WlI S 1";11 I' teu tl ~ the occasion. He drov wllh hIS rA~till ~ f'El~V. wife to their farn:t •. six mil es nO I·th T he ltlte!<'t r p "ts f l'OIll Profes s east of he rtl, al'rl vl~g home ;~UI.JU L Ill' Uril l '" i" t llll L he i.; t;:et.tlfl g tl l ll n ~ s undown . He ate IllS !{UPP ' I' hut ilH well 01:1 no uhl he c1xveoted . did not go to bed on tim ', LInd his wife did noL pay mu ch attention ti E UI E BIRT HDAY S RPRI SE to that, ami fell as l ep. Upon awalte ning in t he 'morning d i.'cove l·. d h · LO j ~I W I had not ueen in his bed, fol' he 'HI pt "As ,,~n l ~lY A u~usL _\ ' was. a ter in a separate bed in the same l'uUll1. [h~mp on !I LwenIY'~ l st bI r thday , It was not until afte t· an huu:" s If.U II.e a ~1UI~lb II' ~ f f l'lenj ls and rela' the t lVI:!"1 search that he. was d 'Iscov'r d In . ' uf . hrk:;vl ' " ll e plannNI . .n sur tobacco s hed a f ew h und l' d ft:! t. pr l,.;e on h ll ll a ~ the home of h l~ pa~'f the barn en bl and amp 111 about len duck rM:" Surfac~ had made his d alh .wi~1t wllll-fi ll d baskeL'I Evel:y one bed, preparatory to t akin.g his b~a~k ,.nJoy d ~!lt!mse l ~~~ lo ~he I Ll I ~ t , dose and lying d wn t o dIe, bul lt IS e~tent. 1 hos > PI nL fl m !at ~sd t hat t he d rug tou.k such VIll e w I'e: H. (1'. TllOm~!lon , WIfe ~~~~diale effect u pon him that he a.nU daug h lel'S , liAlna, Edlth and E.'l~tarted to wande r , When' he fell , ~!e, al~o son Ra lph; ~l's, Fran k h h't his forehead cutting a g reat lhompso n and t.WIJ !,{OilS, Stanton a~d in it and died in a pool of blooel , Al bei't . una daug-hte l', Lu cy.; MISS !rter having struggled considel'ably . L ucy Mus ulI'd , MI·s. rvt:aner~ la Yeaas evidenced by the dirt tioor where zt!I, Wm. Thomp~on , MIlton f hol!'Phe la . son , J. W. MCt.I:UY, . Clyde Sm ~th • 0 YSunday n;ght he hatl laken his hank WOod . Nola n nne; and AIrev~ver and hi tched up h i~ horse , pha 'l'homp on, of WaynesvIlle. and went away, b.ut no .. one k,1I 0W!:! ONE WHO WAS Tl£ERE. ed b II I k where. He r eturn a out. . ococ. FIDS'I' Ol~ 'I' H r. and retired as .usual, placing his r _ " l~ S~ASON I:.
Claims Another
.t8gell of g.·owtb tram the irumense Carmel. lIIinois. are visiting Mr. ~dea:',~~:n!l..::e :nl~nattfh:b:'~ volver in the dressel' drawe l', wh e l't~ . ---• tbe full groNn OIltriobea Will Allen • .. •' . it now laYll, MI'. J. V. lI,arts?ck bl'oug ht a I'ate8g' ~o 160 In their pens And lOll Mrs, " . will ~8uffiCient to Will your Mr. Surfac.e was presi~nt ofA the t.le,snake hls ti'I' 'l'hey bad Abram ~Il. and ber grand~ gains patronage. The very' arge assortu ,to t l It t d at;u rday f mo rnIe ." their olltrtob fa'r m .' Wbl.tler dau UIIirl~A1cle All ..... ..,....... ment of <)ur Haml'lton & Brown and Warren County Fair and rk sso- mg, an ! . a rae e SCOI' S 0 peo ~ . . M~ ",.of F ~'T: ~A # ........ ~ dation but nothing wrong can be It WW! kIlled on tl ~e George MIl ls lIome 6ft.een mUes .".,. Tbel ruests ~ . " " rw~ ~~ 'he~w.n Sh~ Co._ProdUCti<;lD will found ~ith his books ther e, ' f arrl!. abou t ~O UI' m lle~ eas,t of town . fIia . , k' h Jut be Bold -at a reduction. It wdl pay H e leaves a widow and thr e an.d \J1 a locality that IS saId to conbad jon lahlld p11l01Dl ' e RaleilfJ1and EvUlB4wan areapenc;t~ you to buy now fOl' ~fu~re use, as children; Samuel. Lester and 1,1' n~. ta~l1 lots of rat.t lel's. , .. plnmltla: tbey they sook , 100 ina. f~ ct.ya with their grand-par- well as tAIl supply your present needs. The following note w found 111 hIs f h . snake IS of the pI a l rte ~P~. plow8II,froweaob bird., We ool1ld ents; Mrs. W. H. O'Neill, of Broad- All our low cuts can be bought at pocketbook . by Coronel' Cal'ey: has , IX I'!l.ttlel'!:! an~ a but~on. and IS see into &helr..faotor, ~ut were not way, Ohio. great cut prices. When you see ou r " Go to t he b,m k and ask f I' m~ about l hlJ' ty-Lwo Inches In . ltmgt~ , 11 ,-llLlide Weooald aeethem Mrs,JamesStooP8andsonHolmeslargesto<:kof the twobest.mak es box .ther e, No one to bl am f I' Th cq mm 'n~ , mad,, ' lIp~n thIS Ii ow ' . started'for Richmond, Ind., last week in the world at the sale prIce yo,U t:his rash act , but myself. 1It1P~ you snake. and the sna k . storIes told wllllbing. dyeing; duatinl and dry. where Holmes will receive treatment will buy all you ..need- every paIr will a ll fOl'giv~. al'ound t he GnzeLLfo office Saturday din _d 8t,Ontl8 10 rldiug t.hrough inR the feathers; then tbey were for hay ·fever. guaranteed. JOHN A FUNKEY , .. Pay my ' debts as fni, 'a.'1 y u can, W ultl mO l'e than hll the sheet. this r .. lJlOu the tttm~pllere w~a ' so lIeDt to 'be makeraand ourler., The Mrs.. Rae Elliott Lane, of Lytle, is • - • but .gave enoug h to Dpct<l l' le I' light aDd U Wltl! 110 In'en86ly bright (\orltnl WH a very simple proo8111; visiting.relatives in Shelbyville. Ind. -. NOTICE: and Goldie. Oh, God fo rgive! I DO BLE QUI CK WORK ,'bst It . imol!t ut'trt t beeyee it Wh merely polling " h6 'feather 'broogll She will return via Ci!,~innati.where Tbe AUguBt meellng of the W . C, want my f un I'l!-l quie,t and as lilli e (n ,lilly 27, Mr . A , A. MoNeil , the bardly ,wenb wbile to try. to jlldt!e a olrouiar pleoe of oard board alld she wll}- also make ~ VIStt.. . T. U , wUl meet Angust ~tli a t 2 P. 01 . expense as possIEle. . J1 pa lin' till tioneel' of (Jente.r vllle, If you need ,Men a. ~ys • Ladlell. at tbe bome of Mrs. Ruth Ja.nney.. Go to Doctol' St vens In Lt:ballon, sll\ll fOllr fur Uls I1t tlberift"s s61e In .dllltauU8i (ur It ,f Ull dId til .. peopl .. ourlln" small bit of the ratber at D • MiBI!es' or Chtldren's shoes, go to Sillter' Jannev, leader, toPIC, on Mai n st reet , on Lh F l'ankhn LI'a:- t il, spa oe of thirt.y m inut es . of tbe welt would IlAUllb ~t you " t.illle wltb ." blunt knife, 10 ~oing John A, Funkey's this month and 'What III the W. C. T. U. DOing, lion line. I love you a ll b Ul can.t T ue 1'lll'TIIS COlll prll:!ad 312 8,Ore8, Ooe very .11l~QI Ir ~bllQOlDeQbu, tnrougll tlleir store room. I' really buy at the clearance price. 'Anyway . " Come oue, 0001.0 a\l . stay hel'e, Have ~"~'ank a nd Snmllll nn d WOI' rho propol'ty of Adll.m wblob .Wtf IlllW ,,'bUe ridlllg through te lt tbllt if 1 hlld hll.d more mODey The Misses Edith Mosher. Lue lla .E. B. Moou, Soo. I ok'afte~' your a~am~, und let L ",leI (./ uti, Hit,uuteu about t b,ree miles 'b~ alkali dtlllt!rt uf Arl~o o ll , Willi" Llll1u 1 kllew wh .... to do 'witb 1 Cornell Edith Crane, Stella Lem; • • COUNCil and Goldie m ve 111 WIth mOlh l ,\nJ ('min (Je ll l o ' ville OJ) Lhe Miltmlsburg mlrlAge , h loolum IIlttl It ml~ h t be lel h e liked to have reme'm. mon and Martha O'Neal chaperonea HO Jr TIME I I A~nt H annah. . I I s d t p i ktl . '1'110 sILle 1'fll1lized $22. aoo. and wou &v , b Mrs Edith Harris left Tuesrhe funeral tuo ( p a e , un ay a it, Wil . OoIn i<.lereu 11 good prloe for Ion Iwmeu~ laktl wl Lb 11 I!m ·,11 btlred my frleuds wltb some of the d~y tor Niagara Fa1l8, (Jounoll rueet last night, l\ od had 10:30 o' clock. ,a~ld was ::~ncluct lI ,by thl) Inu!I, Mr and Mrs. John H. Coleman a bot 888flloo. Tiley decided to put. a Leba,n on , mll~l!:!t 1" , l.11 remal,ns Til e g flinl "A , A ," ill !lurely tI. mOUnfaln In ltil oeottlr We ~oUld pelloutiful plomes . Tbey ou\y Ilskad JI88 Sb, retieotlu&l of the mouotaln IlS muoh Iltl '60 ror some of thm. tertained at supper last Wfdnes 10 a llew sidewal~ from Mrs. Barrts were Inte ar din MUiml m telY· I jl~ t boy when H cOlli es to a uot lonID ~he snppotled I.t .. , Ii nilroad d~y evening Misa Martha Compton , property to tbe Bonneville property tler iog, o.nll he gats UII'l 1I1'ic8, t oo. al0DI& une IIld" lind It I! refteotl'Jn A Sight-eMinl' Trip of Hamilton'. and Mr. and M.... Fr!,!d and frow Nort~Street ~lea~':h~~~~ . . OBITUA RV ') ' ~ , ~ .~. _ F_ Y It loll W~II.8 real all if I' were 'ruly Our five .lays' 'I\w\& beiol up, we Henderaon and 'c hildren, . ~o :1l:;A:&so~: R~I~ to Fourth . GOSI EL \EE II U Al E RR tbere. We pnlll!ed ()Vflr one of ' he planned tor Will tl.n<1 Mary Fra~e John !', Funkey commences to slell 1I~~eet 'wllil be pusbed as rapidly all . ' (, o. W. lI all, minist I' of Lhe !"ert.moull bortM!sboe ollrves In Arizo and Sethi. Furull to meet ' 1111 in aUmushns at great reduction, a.1IO p08t1lble. Philip H., son of Elt as an. I Ada itlle I'y 'In'i ~t ian " it 11'1' ,h. wi ll beg 111 a .' > the larae new assortment of calico . Brewer Surface was bom tn the Suo se l'i 51 01: G. sp I lIwetl11g's the re Auna, ";8 fooml ,he borseshoe ou~vel! LOll Allgele8 for II. day lAud ttleu w~ down to 6, ; best apron gin~ham at WILL NOT MEET THIS YEAR lem neighborhood, ea.':It of Spring - g ust IV SllIlday ' mo r ning Aug ust quite common 00 our trip ill olimb· \Would ~oon to ~ong ~eaob ~ogetbei', 7,; th,e 12X' fille. F~ench ginghams boro, Ohio, June 25, .1853, anU de- la , theJ" will be a 1'011 ca ll of the log an'd ' ,,01u8 down mountalo.lI. & dl8~uoe of about 30 miles from only 19~ . Barg~ms m. tabl~damask , As new heating apparatus is being parted this life a t 1m. home nea r membel'~hiIJ' Ev !'y m em~er ~houltl We pilued tbrougb lIome very rioh Pasadena. We Uked LOB ApRelell table '!!l.e~ and' towe,Imp. , placed in the sChool b~i1di,:,g. and Waynesville. July 30, 1908, aged 65 u.l'range t.o be al Lhl ::; !l1e ,Ling. If posminer,,' regioDs in Arizona Mr, very muoh and fOllnd it qllite an LI~le and dau~hters , Mu~ses ~!lY not be comple.te4 111 time f.or years, 1 month 9:nd 5 days. M " !l1~l e an~ I' 'sponu l,! 11Ii:! 01 he! nam e ' Ethel and Clara, MISS Hypes and the Old school ASSOCIatIOn to hold Its He was marrIed t o A~na a l ta wllh It pI ece of SCl'ljJlu l' 01" III some Leeds II&ld lIomlt of tbe rloh8llt O)P \ eoo~om~cal pilloe to 8~y. We all Mr. Garfield. autoed down from Reunion. it hlL'I been decided not to Mulford of near Utica, OhIO, Decem- oth I' appl'upriat~ way . Jf you c9: n per mhl_ ot ~he world . Aa to lIee took w~t they o~l1eC1 the B"Uoon Xenia one evening last week and meet thisyear ' ber 25 1877. 'fo them were b m Ilot nLl nu Lhis se rvice !Show YOU1' mIll, allr mlDes ur auy oo~ Ilt wort, troll~Y"'trlp of'8e~enty Lll~Ie8 In tl.nd took supper witJ:t Rev . and M....·J. F, -, . ' . , ERBRY a daughter, Irene. and. two, 9?ns! te rest by havi ng some one answer 'b~t wa. di8appoiotilig . Dec&llon around [.Qs Angtlell. · We vllllted Cadwallader, SOCIAl. OF LIT Samuel and . Lester. 'ldH e I~ sUdI vflv~ f.o\' you . . , . ' 'M dM W' Jl Cornell enter . by the wife three chI ren , an OUl ' .Uy we woald 8I!& 10 the wountalnl! teD (ownll and ellht bellobes. !lnd r. an .rs. d M The Literary will hold their next d h' ld~en ' also' by his fathe!' BOVS 11AVE A n AME' a un I'; bole, ",. mtlre speok sa' ta! ·tl.8 p~.sed tbrough lIome of &ho CaIUor, tained , at :IHer~kn chrid:e~ Soci~I.' .• t · Frank Snider's Saturday ~~!nbr~thers a~d two sistel's~ ' . _._ .__ we oould8l!e wbloh WI! were 10- Qla'vil ' reglon and aome very fine MM rs . a Henderson and evemnf.. Aut?st 8, 1908. IcAec,rleam He was known throughout Warren The WaynesvIlle iloys ue reat~d a , . . " r.~. . 1'11. , M H and ~e wtll be served. are d t' f adjoining counties nin e fl'om Mt , Holly Sa t ul'clay 111 a formed wal ~ mIlle. f~rmln,.?ountry, Thia land oobld daugliters and Mr. an~ rs. arry 'cordiallY .iinvited . FERN SNIDER. Sec, an are~~~Sri~ing farmer and stock- spil'iLed g ame. Th ey mad e so many Ardve at california Border. not. be pougbt. for mUO,h 1&18 'b .. n Comel!.and daughter, ' . • :'an His ~ub\iC spirit wa.'l shown hi ts and e rTOl'S that Lhe sco r bo.ok , ' $1 000 per aore, and good hearing Mr. and 'M rs. Joseph Eyans~ and . DECISION BY TRUSTEES b' acts and the confidence I'e- wus compl el Iy fi ll d befO I' the t hIrd We OIlme ,to thb C8l1fornle.i?,9rder or~ole orohard@oould not· b8bougIi~ son Wilbur. Mrs. Chas. :remphn.oC . '. . ~ai~ him was attested by hii:l innin~ \,vas ovel', The sco re was II&rly ~unday mOl-nlnl( April . 2&. for ' lelJ8 tbtln frdm OoOto .as 000 Ashlaml, Ky:., Md.i!sMMll&'lie it·~mas. The 't rustees vlew~ the Ime fence position as treasurer of the Wal:I'ell WaynesvI lle, 19; Mt , l ~ol1y , 17, rr ' . I h NolO " " . of Dayton an rs. a .Ie oo.n between · John Morns ·and .Ed, Lu- Co t Fair Board As n neIg h . _ _ ...__• _ _ _ W, r~,. f~r severa o~ u.o' . ~e per ,aore. . : . wet:e ~ent guests of Mi~ Juha kens lut ' Thursday giving Lukens. un y as exce ti~nallY obli g ing '. Ht\D FOOT MASHE D 1f~ oolll~ II~ IlDydlft'erenoe tram 1Jtt1~,~~n!a . il tbe ideal p1IAce . \0 and IlJjza McCom~ in Frankbn. the en~ he claimed and that he had , ~~d ~:IJ>rul ; as a tathe,.r ~ind .and d ~___" . ' ,t alee , hrouKb wbl~b . we .. liM been llv.~, ~e thou8~t, The mOI.t 8I:pen· John ~nkey Will .have a 9'~ sale a lawf~~_. . Ivoted lilldambitious forhls chlldren S,' 'l'homuA Pear e, Whil e f~edmg'. ~ 'r&,eUDg, Nftlln O._ , m. wu., aobed .\ve·~hlnz 1B thei~ f\l~l. and torto n~llt ~turday and nelt~ week. 'f~ Notice advanceJTlent. . . . email joub raLtheE~tel. pl.\s~ office ·. DDiqg i bere W"II o\lr .firl' nately they don it neechllllOh ot tbat. )'ou to see what centstiwi . " In recent . years It 'Y8S eVIdent at l Satul~d UY, cUllg ht ,hIS foot. m the t . - . ' . buy, notlonl. d~ a:oo!is. ou niS, I tiniesthathls mmd was affected , and t 'ead le !lnu CI'Ol:!B-PI ce ElmI maslled • .. 1 It''lit ,ll~~ of '1"8 rea ~ ol'na. W,lOil w~ selling from 'lUo,lt 'dress gingbama. (lmoroidery. I~ Witbont fall' I will 'be .. "t Cole. the sad end seemed shrouded inuark- l i: badly D I' , J . '1'. Ellis dressed i)0ID ~,reOD to P~d~n .... ride 9f per cord: We did DOli . 118~ a~y ODe ri!JboJ}@ and n;tar»' hundreds of artl- man'aS~,ve8toi'eevery Wednel!d.y ness, but the darkness is pier,ced uy the inj u'l'ed me mber, and for~.unate...... hpllrtlot more, ",er~~ &hrougb a oord of ' wood. tlie,. al".,.. olea. ~ ~y and oftA;n. You OftD leave YOOl' watcbes tllere light. for ~e nO.t ollly a::tke<! hla fam: Iy founfl no bones br~k ,n but 'Tom _u'lIu1 IIUle 'own II, ofllnjt8 aDd boul1ht it by ,he ilaok. JJ:ver,&hIDg Mrs., :&I~beth HartsockJ wh~.l),as any'ClIlUl ,. if yuu are no" in town On ily to forgive hIm bu.t In hl~ last mo my" will hay to stay III the house leanOD Rroves "prlcoC. Illmond, JJ:n th"t· would bora' wall .. ved· IDoh &8 been pl'88ldmJr nurse at thl e. Sprmg - Wedn8llll"y. W "'b k ments . appealed f OI forg lveness tO f or sevet'a\ da ys , · . • , . rd . field hoapital , visited re atl~es and - TiF.. AltY, h" ma er, the Father who never tur" s a d eaf _ __ _ __ .1,.h " ..Inllt and ~h .00000ba II peaoh ,pltaando",olepMllolII.&Pi1 friendalierethiaweek.4fterashort ~ • . eaJltosinc~re prayer. ' and each of A CARD OF THANKS. ,apI_nea, dairy (al'ml , lrea' flelGa. ~f .11 the pruntn~ ot the. 1ree., 8Ve~ stay in: Dalton. she will leave fC!f' J HAS TRADED PROPERTY. the r elatives aM fl'iend~ may f~el . __ ripe ",tleat and oate IUld, fi.lda of to .be smaller twiga. . Birminglwn. Ala•• where she will s for t.he depat:te~ nl:! for hImself WIt h Mrs, Anna M. Sur~ace and f~miJy _lfaUa. It 08rtainly wall a 'r6llt to We felt .. If we would baYellked take. I}08ition· u matron over the Mr. Jaimea Sooo.. bas t~a~ bls the poet WhIther : desil1e t,o e,."<IJI'E'SS t hetrdeepg.ratttude OIU' .y~ .fter rldiul for two dtl.,M t~ b~ve .ta1ed IODKer in Lei ADlaI mU'88I,~ a,~ital the~. f ;:~s: :u~{~ ~~::,?~,.o~ "Yet in the maddening maze of to It he ::Ja~y ~~~~hd8 i:h~e~~t;:~~~ wl'h oo'blng but barreu moaulalnA el', bot we b'ld to be wonDg OD. 80 CoD8lderll\&' the ereat numbeJi ~e The proper~y In I la1ton I... dea.lrthings , ' he ~ ~em~~t y "od deeertll. Lenlal lbe line ..raw8'1 and wa Itaded ~tarda,. OUtbal'tod~l~m.!onrk · a~etaihve able ou, and Jiw 'hiDka he made" And tOssed by storm ain:ctt iil.ood , bp.r a • _ _ _- - ~ our.. ,.... all orderaofl ........ *ioIMI ToIk one0 fixed my sp 1'1 c In&'S, ... BANK .,.UUI.a",tion oa II.... _ . D" ;) evIIIe, eventnlforLonlJa.ob, O~anlv•. edtolQC&r fare on • ...-~~·. ••• thatstake ·Godisgood. FOUNDED .N.:.W . we w~, on &0 , ..adeDl, '''' flower 101 there, bmel and room ronDe" three iIOIlan or over. FARM IN MASSIE. n w . ,. . . . bas ' ~ ded ..tdtD 'oUbe s. ae.. ?fa "aN' ure after a. .o a&run. &b"U, lOOhcl l rem:m!: :h" know fot ;.!i~:1n ':l~ds hft ne~rb!h~ar~~:nl. Ohlo~':d ex~ . . '1IJ S14 IlU~, wboo De &0 for ~ abon "me .. If we . wen Dot thaD .. ~ or Cin- - . . Wrilh, baa aolcl!." 1 ~~lm~': 1 can not drift pacta to. start bulllneas BOOn,· J'g...,,~ atiWUw I ~Alrr8rUmo fuIIi ~QWDlblp to .~r, 0&;cmcthiaJoveandeare." ."..~~ (OemtD_ OD j ' XeaII, ·0. .od MulOlln Ollll'omd offioer8 but IlS we hlad 1I01l18,Ied notblng they p.lI~ U8 by "rter havloR !Cheu U8 I I I .. W · ·b a p ero Dg 00. , e saw ~ em go tbrollill one old MexiO&D 'ady'", ball al vdlh ou.w.oop 'haa ooaplel6l,v 'IlrGed ltl ooatellt. oyer ; . JOB' ,,'ter leavlug Ell'.so we be .10 .eeIUK r8ll1 wO'Jutlllnll, MUGn ~P8tbat wereb."raaofIlDY vege '-tiOD i ,b.t wdre tVellt mtltllltj8 of
. ,
S FfM Fred
. .
,==-=::. J:. Pu" ....... \.
The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. OJllO.
Man kind I Mnlne rapidly whlcb .t'tbe myriad kind s ot lIylng things a r e rrl ends and wllieh a r enemie8. P est'S that rui n crops al'e z alously .tud led and fougb t by the farnler. btll wme p sts t bat endanger huma n life Bte tolerated b CRuse their rtH' ages lire n ot "Ielbla to Lbe unscientific ey e. It took brave experiment to dl cover Ihat Ihe mosquito Is a deadlr e ne my Or man. and a lOng campaign ot educa lion ,,' a s £I cessary to pro\' tbe fact to the pu blic. The r1l t, bing odioull and a des troyer ot property, lI'a s ' more easilY pro\,ed to the public to b a scourge. Tbe Interna· tlonal Association for the Sclcntlfic Destruruim of Rats, found d In Den mark: Is not a fantastic society. a s Is attested by th e work In San Francisco and o(hor cities against t his creeping yeblcle of bu bon ic plague. The mos" quito aud the rat ha \'e "got to go. And so bas tbe bouse·lly, which. tar rrom bclng only a buzzi ng nuisance • caus es thousands ot dea lhs a year During I lie civil war It was found that flies carrlnd gangrene. ' Thill early dis ~ co\,ery has heen explain ed hy the later kn owl dge of · dlsease.germ". The fly 15 at tracted La all kinds of fil th; his l eet are barbed brusb es whlcb pick liP dirt; and his track across tbe food we eat Is a path of pestilence when seen be neath the mIcroscope . He Is the "principal agent In tbe spread ot ty Ilhold." The Increase of "summer com. plaints," k1testinaJ diseases, Is not due to hot weather-the human hody ea&11,. adjusts Itselt to mere temperatura -'but largely to tbe Increase ot files from May to August. The tradition ot tbe relation between filt.h and disease II! soun~; and the clea.n llousekee per I B.S . alv,'ars tought tllea with scr eens l nd tly·t raps. These old·fa shloned de renses are sti li practical . ]n addition, saY8 the Youtb's ompanlon. the k.eep. er of horses should screen his manure pUe and spra)' It with creosote or . cblorid at· lim e. To allow ·flle8 on food Is to run ris k of disease; to allow fllea to breed In or visit poisonous matter I. to endanger one'lI neighbors. "Doing Tim.... It bas been sbown that "doIng time" In penal Institutions can be maC\e to serve a mOllt salutary purpose provld ed tbe violator of the la,,'s who thus expiates bl s otrense employs the time to proper sdvantage. In the newer eoneeptlon ot tbe Intent· ot punish ment, wblch Includes encouragement to reformation. the convicted culprIt who wl8hes to lead a better life wlJl be hlllped to U> so. More than that, be wm be taught ·In waYII of flelf·dependence. and he may even have' tbe oPllortunfty of turn ing to account 8uch . Inventive genius as he has been ra vored with. Tbls Is shown by the experJence of a man wbo bas just been pardoned out of a M'alne prison after baving served 19 years of a life sen tence. · During that 'Ume be has per 'ected a device to be attached to n IU,lwlng machIne. and now he has gone to New York to receive ' $100,000 offered by a bl$' concern tor the In "eriUon. Prison me should not \1e cuI flvated as a means a! material ad 9ancement, says the Troy (N. Y.) Times. but thEl facts In t h is case show that a convict who goe8 about tho matt!!r In ea rnest and wi th pers ist ence can do mucti to redeem his pas t aDd to Dluke blms elf useCul to society New times. new mann ers. In rell· gloun p 1'll e llc~s as In other things. A churcb In East Orange has lirranged for hoid ing Sunday e rvlces tOr t he bene fit or aulomoblle parll s. 'rhe ex crcl ses Vi lli toile plnce In the Ollen air and on th e church lawn. thos e offi clat Ing st anding on the chu rc ll .steps wbll e lhoso who attend may group t hemselv s a bo ut In any way th oy please. It In also announcell that smoking may be permitted du ring the Bervlc s. I\lthough . tbe churcb will draw . the .1Ine at furnishing the cigars The outdoor service appears to bo regartied In some quarters as the natural a ccompaniment of outdoor exercise. Automobiles bave now been legally barred trom Bermuda, the gOv'-ernor !laving signed tbe bills prohibiting the running ot ' motor carl iu the 1 1~land EvldenlJ.Y tbe 8peed maniacs have been getting on the Islander8' nerves &lid creating.a prejudice WhIch has re• uIted In t.he present drastic legisla tlon. It seemll 50 h"rd tor' the moctern .plrtt to ulle a good thing ,,;[Ihout abusl'ng it, especially In tbe matter of .ports .
'If t bere 16 reully a sbortuge In beef ..e hope lhat science. which 110 often has been kidnaped and made th,; un· willing bondmaJden . of sbady bu'lness enterprises. will not be called on to w.o rk up sawdu.t and old Iron scrap Into beefsteak. !tfl' Peary Is said to be contamplat' IIlI: tlIe 'dlscovery of the soutb pole lUI IIOOn .. he IIIlI! galnnd the north one. He baa not· yet aMounced what be ·1I1aD. to do wileD hf hu Iocaled both
p.ln"1 t o the bO~' 5 o f the· land .nJ na. Ifon III wh l(' h I1RI'111 !l1''-''> '! Th tlllle or (JU r s torr \\'111 Sll nte 300 I y III'S attpr the lime at Dal' ld, b\tt III • . Ame .Iudrou hill s ide s and \,al1l/ "!I th rou,l;h which DIl "111 hl\d I£'d hl!l LADIES' TUCKED SHIRT WAIST. fi, heep ' \,' r fil ere 10 furuio;h tho set· A SlUr)' of On. of th e Propb"." to tb • J(IDddoDi of IsrD~I. , tl ng. of 0 11 1' stor)". :-;ot mllre I hIln 15lx run s fl' nt (h c .t o wn of nelhl clw m BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" where David wo : born 011(1 brought lip PREACHER was RlIl\th er 'IIttle vlllag knO\~o lUI ~ ...... T ek(l8 . a ll d It waS there that (h bel'o I.,-.-I&b l. 11104, ti, ,h. ,' Olbor, W.II. ~:.J.o~ of our story WII S borll. IUs palenls ,' rlprure Authorlly-'1'be Book 01 were 1100r. liS w(' re III 5t of t he peo ple 1I1' lng In T ko a. lIud for 1Il0st Ilar t Acios. I follo wed th e call1 ug "C E;lI lih e rds and , The I ,·"" hel AIIl,,~ . - A Iwn\1!m n pr ph· \'I n dre ssers. . !'t to h:rruo1. l il8 nll l"' ~ t o ""t ll w ns T t·· Almost Ihe first r(>coll Cl lon whl cl1 kOIl • •1 .1111111 " In,' III JU ll Il. 91" 11111,· . rrom RP lhl" h ~ lII . AA Ih III IIn illl( (l r hiS Amos had wa s bing set 011 (h~ hili· nail ,,", t hn bunl " ll") IndJ l\ t (· ~. A1TI' oS w as side near hili to wllI tc h the s lie J) or hllmblc ronk. 1111<1 Il robnbly 'te,·"r I,,"( and cnll' hiD mother It tb y ~ ho uld a llY lrullling In lit e schoo ls oC Ihe proph. s how a dlapo ilion to stra),. for he cts. bill w"" " lI l1ed rrolll Ihe II Id to hi. was yet too. small to run aftPr them prop hel": IIIlnl~tr y. Il ls period of ~ n " i<' '. Il c" <1rdhll~ 10 1I1~ op nlng ,. rae or his and bring them back. Dut h~' could rn~S~"K. \\'Il~ <lu ri ng Ih ' " <laYA of l ' z- use his bri gh t litt le eyes anti hll 7.11111 . king or J lldnh. nnd In Ih dnra or J,·r<,honlll. Ih" so n or JOA~h. king uf Is· slullJ little voIce, and Wi t h remarkable be r:l.I." abOU t 79'J B. lie was a con· fai thfulness In a child so small " 'mpOr:lr)' or Hos"a. nlthough hi. min· pe rformed the lask ass igned him. 1.l ry PIIlINI wll h the reign of I.."utllh. As an Incentive and e ncouragement ' whllp Ihal or Hose,L co ntinllPd Ihrough hi8 mothe r, wbo was 8. dC"OJt soul 1Ibt1 'lU 'nl r .. l/fns. Thel'e lIro II,,· · muln d l d~lon8 10 the b ook r m·prlug. I. dis· and quit e ta'millar with t he hl ~t ory ot courses ~(\n'· .. rnlnR Ihe nuttons. 1·2:3: 2 ; h e r uatlon . woul d t 11 hlin the storle~ d(~ co urS '8 ,' onccrn lnl{ J udah . 2:4-& ; 3. dls- ot the long lines at JI~ wlsb heroes, e01JrseR ('(lnl'~r nlllg IJllrn\'tl, 2 :6-9: Hi. Fro m c hap t~ r "",'on 10 elo,. or book. Instead or from Moses down. and lUI be w') uld all .. &e1'1 e ot (II a 'our~e8. we ha,'c I'l,ih r 0 through (he long bounl oC t he day seri es of \' Islon •. eneh or whtrh mny he' would go o\'er these stories r eParis PlIlI em No. 11459. All ' Seama h 8.\' J)ee n expunllNl Int a d lsl'ourse. In the nr.~l two. God I.. represenl'd 1\8 ror- peating the m to himself and I hlll'klt~g Allowed.-Pln·do(te d fall lard In blue· gh' lng Isrne l at. Ihe prOJ. hct·s Int~rc sston. of a thousand aud on e ,qu es tlons he and:w.hlte has b en made up Into thl. In Iheto rb..e!lowlng rorgl,,£'ne'8 18 would as k his 1Il0tbe r In th e cool or pretty and stylish ' little sblrt waist. pan. Vl810118 1n connecti on within Th e fronts have two wide tucks 'ov I' Ihe closing vision. ho,,'n er. we ha,· un th e ev nlng all they sat !t nd talked before he we nt (0 his ruc;lQ little couch each shoulder slltcbed to nearly lh ~ oUlline of Ih proml_ ror th e il!lure. Cor the night. bust line, which . gives amllle fullne II Tbus It was that as ·hM grew Into to Ibe res I of llle garment. The back s turd y boybood and was s unt out with ·Is made with or without tbe lIacle yokeSERMONETTE. the Hock all by blms elt be cerr led facing. and is slightly gathered at the with him a mind 7itclre 1 full of waist Une. Three naHOW bllckward· "Thu. aalth the Lord."-One thoughts wblch led bls lJea:rt to'1.'8rds tu rning tucks ornament lbe rront, cannot read the prophecy of he God of bls nation and lIls people. Ither side of the center"tront, closIng. Amo. w Ithout being deeply 1m· He had 'heard and obsen'ed Illlough 01 and a small brea8t pocket Is added to prell5ed by' the iteration and reo cun Ilt history to know tbat tho days th e left front. The full length sleeves iteration of the phrase: "Thu. In wblch be Ill' d "'ere mlilostnte dayl, pre gathered into straight. cuffs ot Ih e a.ith tile Lord." and that tbe nallon was .fluffer lng froID material. which rastens With a button It ia a.t 'once the end of all the sins of Idolatry and moral and and buttonhole. Tbe pattern Is 10 argument and the limit of human E.plrl tual corruption. And yotlng a. seven slzes-32 to 44 Inches, bUBt questlonln.;. The words thun· he was " 'hen the' first co usclcllsuess meas ure. For 36 bUilt the waist reder forth with a challenge to of the wickedness of th· o natio n was quires 4 y, yards or mllterlaJ 20 Inche s mankind to either bow before pressed In upon bls heart he I'.,mem· wid e. 3% yards 27 In 'hes wide, ~Y.: the message or be crushed and , bered liftin g his ey s towards heaven yards 36 Inches wid e. or 2~ yards 42 destroyed by the final Judgment I and asking God to b elp him not to for· Inches wid e. of the omnipotent will, get him and to hell) him to be a Co ad To procur Ihl s pUII"rn send 10 !'(>ntl There ia no temporizing 011 "Pa" ... rn Deplu·tln <> nt,'· of this pap r. boy. so th a t orne day h could tell 10 Write nam e fi nd addr Ss pln.1 nly. nnd be the part of the prophet. There others abollt the God who would hless 8111'e tt) give ~Izc und numb r 01 pa llern. fa no effort on hi' part to modify I hem If th Y would only serve bl'11. his mesaage. 'fhese were tll e days when th e r e~l· NO. 2459. SIZEl .. .. .. ... ..... .. . Dogmatl.m In theology may r:llous teachers were sc·. I·ce. and with not be Justified. But It I, no NA~tliJ .... .. ............... .. . .. .. .. . . ... ... ... dogmatl.m to .tand fearlessly ·1 but few e xceptions corruption bod crept Into the priesthood. so that It and unflinchingly upon the plain TO"·N ... ..................... .. ... . .... . .. .. I was little wonder that tbe spiritual declaration. of God'a word. , Ure or th e people ~'as at low title. STREET AND NO .... .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. Why should we. .trlve for a.n How orten Amos yearned to talk wi (II emasculated mossage, when the STATE . . ..... ..... .. . . . . ... ... ... . . . . . .. . . . . some one or the priests. vigor and fire of • "Thu. l8ith Once It bad bee u his privilege to the L9rd," run. all through go to Jerusalem to one lOt the feasts, GIRL'S AND CHILD'S NIGHT GOWN. God'i word, Genul. -to and he had there 8poke~l wllh oue or Revelation 7 the priests of the temple asking him Two qualification. are ellen· wpy he did not cry out agaln,t' tbe tlal In evory preacher whom God evils which were appa:llIIt on every acnd. forth Into hi. .ervice: hand. But with Ii m uttered I word Fll'lt, he mUlt be ' a good listen· which sounded lUuch IIkEI au oath. the er, and In the .econd plac. ho priest reminded 111m that they were mUlt bo a faithful repeater. ' a ble to attend to the aWalrs of the How can a man deliver God'. temple worsblp without his help. and me .. age uve a. hll heart hal noting his )llaln shephe,rd garb be been .tlll hi the Divine prea· contemptuously told him that he bet· ence and hll listened long and tcr get back to his lIock s. Intently and yearningly for the The ImpreSSions received at tha I voIce of God? time remain ed wit h him throughout HoW daro a man after he has bls life, and he awoke tllen ·to a cou· heard God 'peak, get up and 5clou8ue88 that If he W I1.5 to learn of pare God's word down to flt tho God It must be while In the solltudell conception., or, rather, the of tbe Betbleh 111 hills. rlat her than In mleeonceptlon., of man? the presence or the BUPI)OS d mini s· It take. the prayerful heart t e rs of God. Thus It WIIS .that Amos· at;td the humblo spirit to key the came more lind more to shllt blmselt heart Into unilon with the 01. !:way from humon fellowship and to vine nature and flt It to recelv~ find In the !!er hl slon or (he i)Qstllr~ accurately the me.ilage8 flashed lauds dying all a:'oulld 1'llkoll. whithe.r forth from tho throne of heaven. he led bls flo cks, tha t opporluolty fnr It take. the couraoe of a comlnunlon wllh God wlhlch eXllan(is Daniel, tho faith of an Elijah, the SOli I and makes It rcceptlve 10 th ', and the unswerving loyalty of a Divine will. preachell like Paul to speak Pari s PILlter:1 No. 2462 . All ..i ams And thu!! sbnt away from aNlve con forth tho messago of God. Perslnn lawn. tn ct with t he li fe of the n at Ion, he Allowed.-Nalnsook, God'. message hall never yet thin cambriC or Jaconet are th e beat was able to st udy th C\'e:nts o! the na· been the popular menage, for It tlon and to get t he true pe FRpectll·o. 1lI11lcl'lale for tbls dainty lillie night· condemns the ,ina wh'I'c h the It was r mar kll ble how \\' ll·poste(r gown. The model may J)e made -wllh world lovel and points the hu· Amos was abl e ' to keel' cgncernln ' th E! neck cut alit In square Dutch out· miliatlon of the cross all the only current even ts. blt ~ he bad' a. ·j·otcn· lin e fini sh ed with an Inser tJon of cm· way of salvation. t.II·o memor y an d a Quick. gl'lt Sll' of lie broide ry or Ince. or It deo;lred., t.hls The world Is not ready to give ! lull s. IIlld upon h is ' occas iona l vl sl( may be tlnfs l)ed with a ' rlbbon·run up Its sin; It Is n'ot ready to bow , to tOWIl . llud I 55 Qcr asiona I \'Jsl LR I b adlng, Ul e bands on U,e short Ilulroel before the crose and acknowl· J eru salem . be was ahle to follolV with I:I lee\' es b Illg llimmed to COrre ijlJO lld. edge Christ as Saviour. accu1'llcy the t rend or affu lrs. and ( 0 Or. jf I)l'er!!rred. It may be mude In In Its last analysie, sin 18 re, not e co ndill o n ~ which " 'w lld have cs· hl gh·necle .d sign, finis hed \\I I!Ii a till'll' jectlon of Christ, for Jesus de. rap ed a mind lc ss kE'cn ly al\l'e to the down collllr ; tbe slee ves being lu full· c1ared: "This Is the condemna. length. flul s ~ o d with a' ti ght wrlsk splrlt \lal.noeds of the n:Jti on. tion, that light 18 come into the band. The fitllness of .tb e front nnd "13ut some ·or.e ou gll t 10 t ell bolh. world, and men love darkness the )lot ion of Isruel AS we ll as or back Is distributed ht ~ro uJl s or smnl.1 ra.tller than light, because their JUdah. thut th ~ slus of th e ' n ntl ~ns tucks, und the ga l'ment (osteifi; at the deeds were evil." will destroy ·th m," he ·cxclalm ed to center·front. The palte r'n Is In eigh t s izes-two lo sixteen years . For a himself one i)ay. "And" why not YOIl1" came a voIce, girl ' ot eight years the nlght·gown reo Quires three yards of mn,terllll 36 THE STORY. c lear a nd dlst:n r t to his soul. " ~I e !" exclalmc·t\ · Amol3. " Wby, f Inches wide •. or 2~ yards 42 Incbes wide; l'ard of in8ertlon . HAT boy Is there who has not ILIJl only II shepherd." To procuro thlll pallern BOnd 10 rente been tbrllled and tasclnated with "But It shull not be thy message, 10 "PuII"rn Department." oC -tlll. pap ·r. .Wrlto nam e nn<l q.ddreMB plaInly'. nnd be the atory ot David the sbepherd boy? but mln ~ ." came the voice. 9u re to glvo 1il¥O I1nd nllmber of pallorn. Wltb what Intense Interest mother 'or "A" the Lord speaks . thull will I father has been followed as ~he I\tory speak." assented Amos. · And true to .sIze.. ............. .. of tho )'Oung shepherd and bls shcep his vow, hIs messages rang clear and .::.l0.2462. has been told, of his de otlon to duty, strong wltb tbe Cn': Thus saHh ~AME .... . ..... : .............. : •..•• , •. : •••• . of hIs courageOl\S facing of tbe lion tbe Lord." and the bear when tbey ' came to at· TOWN •••••••• ~................. ............. . . tack t.he lambs cit the flock, and how Rabbit Attacks a ~::rae. alter a fierce struggle h.e hild killed In defense of h er 'otl'8prl ng a mother :'ITRElllT AND NO............. ; ....... : .. bOl~ these savage beilsts; of hIs call rabbit ' attac~ed a colt belonging to S~ATE ...... ' 1'" " _.. _.. _.. ; . .... : .. ... : ...... . from the fi eld one day to m~t tbe Charles Miller ot Jamalca, a subl1~b propbet Samuel aud be told ~hat he at New York. and sinking h er ' teeth -Grave of Helen . j:i~nthck.on . . was some dllY to be made kln,8' of Is· In the horse's toreleg cctDtlnued tbe Hel~n Hunt Jackson 18 b'n rled In rael; ot his battle with the ' giant struggle until she died. . Evergreen cemetery~' Colorado BI)l'lng8. . ' Goliath; of his leaving the flock . on While . romping at pasture the colt, the blllslde!; ot Bethlebem, to go' to whlcb Is six months old . , ran a leg Objept Lellion for America. the pa1ace ot King Baul; of the sweet Into a rabbit hole. The colt was an. Russia In Elirope l)as 675.000,000 Bongs h... bad learned to r.'IlY In the able to tree Hself 'a nd wa~1 tound partl ores of fore8t and about 360,000,(1)0 'Hoodlands and meadows where the Iy . burled In a snowdrift by Millcr. birds Bud Uh1 muslcai ripples of tbe It. did not UkEl Miller long to vull lcres ·In Asia. 1taly bl\8 J 0,0(");0110 Bhe . Imports $14, bl'Cloks dowl.l tbe hillsIdes taught blm the colt's leg rrom thl! bole, and as he icres of forC8tll~ bls first lessons In the melody ot song. dlli &0 he found tbe Lod y air the mother ~O.OOO worth ot wood annually and en. and oC how hili music upon his harp ra bblt encirCling the leg' above the wunters JUuch ' trouble In entorcln, "ootbed tbe troubled spirit of th e hOOf. '1'he rabbit's' lICe 'was cxtlnct, he forestry III WB. IdDg. ,Jut ·u 'teeth were still unk d"eply No matter how old ILe world grows \;lto the leg. Miller IroD! tho Overl.aplng Ainbltlon~ I( will ne\:er grow weary 01 tbls story hole tour rabbit! a old. He By Ban Gel'Olllmo a 81'f111t IUD Il.. of De. vld. A'IId It we at to:ctay find took them and 01 tlIelr IN1e.s, too hea\')/ to be mouDled OD dellcht In thp. ato.., wbat mUl:t ban motber tu bl, .be waU.. Some amblUo~ ltre lOr. Peell tbe ebarm aud 'n."h..UoD of ~ EY8D1u& T"'&raola. ~
Practical Fashions
.1uP,t.-J'r~D! Potlb D« .
CU6t0n1 of EJ,ly Days or New England Settle ment. In tilt' nar ly cla ys tlf th f' S I t ' emenl or . :e i\· 1' '''llInl1 tbe l' l/ ~I OI11 ue 8C' lId· tu ~ (laC I( II !-(L'~ by tlf'i .' lhhu·s who JI'III" nf'yell to .lIffl'I·f'tl t I"Hls of tht:' t'ounl l Y \\'lI ~ on e: Lllbllshl·d Dill' . Tit.' u/,t(l !JODie of Seh olm n IN .I ase' ph li uwl!')' Il f 1'/01'(hllllll'lolI . :'I m;s.. \\'lIl'u he' ~t :Lt ·t cl on II trip to no~ l o ll. \\'U 8 Il ll'cI \\'lIh ~ u c lt ,ur ll' rl It!' nlS li S: " ('(\111. P,u· t l'ld ~l'. a dIn I an ll II d ish 1(E'ltlp.," "sou. J us ph . ' p(!(' Ii1 £' d l'I'tl ri llbon , "'hl Alle N. 1I l/('lile s lin d tI~h hoOI(6," "8 I;hllllnl-; \\'or Lh of plumb nnd s plcc ." "Iwo l' ',tlt!'rR. a bn son a n~ 1\ Quart pot," In "Dill Pnths and L!'g cmtls o.r '.h e 'w Eug lund nO I'l'Ie r" Kat herine M. Abboll ~ lIr!\ t lt at It wa s ' tho same evc n as la le a Jud gc ' L ymn n' s day ; hi s clau g·hler . Mrs. Les), ·y . writes or It In "Reco il ctlons at ?lly Mot her": Th re were no expr saes then. nnd 80 whe'n It was Im own In (he village of NorUlampton tha t .Jud ge nnd Mrs . Lyman were going to Dos lon - and they !llways took pains to make It Imown- Il throng of n eighbor s were coming In lhe whole eyenlllg before. 1I0t only to tnl(e an arreetl onnte leove. but to bring r.areels ot o" ery s ize and shape. lind commi ssion s at e l'ery I'arl ty. One came with a dress she wonte d to send to a dll ugh ter at school: one brought patterns of dr.y ·goods . wi th a request that Mrs. Lyman would Ilur· chose and IIrlng home dresses for a family ot five. And would she gO to the orphan asylum and s e tr II good child of t n could be bound out to an · oth e r neighbor? " ' onld .Mrs. Lyman bring tho cblld baCK. with her? The n Ighbors walked Into Ihe 11· bra ry, wber (hI) paclelng was going on. and when all t.he family trunks were tille d my fatber called out heart· Ily: "Here,. Hlram, bring down an· other trunk trom the garr t, the la rg· est you can flnd, to hold all tb se pa r· .1 els!" A IItUe boy came timidly In wltb II '.undl e n early .as large as hlmselt. and 'would tbls be luo large for Mr". Ly· man to corry to g randmotbe r ?" "No; Indeed . T ell your mothe r I'll carry any tbln g short oC a cooking sto\re." "Anolher trunk, Hlrllm." sa lll my fa · Iher, "and ask the drl\' r to walt 8\'e minutes." Those were Ule times ,,'be n people ould walt flye· mlnutes for a family s o ...·ell known , and b loved. Our dr'h 'er hod only to whip up his horsell a JiUl. (uter.-Youth·s Companion.
Eminently Practical. The manager at the combination refr ailment and musIc ball waR grllm\ty on '1'uesday mornIng. One of th fi rst persons h e IntervIewed wall the leade r of the new orchestra. "What do you mean," he s aid, "by Bucb spieling as you favored us wltb In this place lost night ?" Ttte conductor was Ooored by the nnexpected attack. "] don't understand." he said. "My men plll~' d well. I'll bet 8 ten·dollar hat that they produc d the' best musicIhat was ever benrd Inside this . hall. The api)la!lse of the audIence ' proved that." '''I1hat's just what I'm complaining about.:' g rowled tbe . manager. "They played tllO well. It Isn't prOfitablenot to mp-, at any ratn-to Lllay too well In a place or tbla kind. Extraor· dinarlly good music cuts down sales. I wal,1t you to furnl.s h good music, of course, ' something b right and catchy, but wbon Un! orchestra outdoes 1111 If [1eople get so Interested that they JUGt listen and forg et to ord I' drinks. Cus lom {ell all te n !ler cent. las t ni ght, III spite oC the record cl·owd. all on A C' count of yonr men's ex pert Hddllng. H e rear~ I' lower your standard to II (evel that will not charm aWAY thirst." Clearing It Up. " To wh l h Is a ruan 1D0st closel! reillted." said the gen eal ogl · t. "hI8 first ~lIvo rced wlfe's second hlt sl)an rl or hIs prese nt wlto's first divo rced hilS, bllild 1" . ··So rill' as J con spe: on~ ti e Is about as c lo6~ (1S th e o ~ her," sahl a thought· (III frl enel. " So I: : hou irl ~II •• " s:)l<I the ge nealogist , "hlt t Billy BO lVen must have fi g. urNI Qut a differ ence. ~nyhow, wIlen his ' fir t wlte's aecond hus band died t;llIIy wont .. to It ' ball game; bilt wben his pre. ent wife's first husband died he .went Into mourning. I can't und er· s tand that" "I ,can," sold the thoughtful frltoud. "[lilly's Ilresent wife was' on the point of d.l vorclng him so she ·cOuld remarry hEir tlrst husband·. Now t.hat he Is dead slle bas aeclded to stick Billy." " 'Ah;"' snld the gene~loglBL
The Land of the F:ree elgbt naUons rep1 alllnted 14 this ward 'ot ours," satd Mr. Hallor. nn to his wIte on his ret~rn fro.n a po. lltical meeting. He began to edunt them oft on bls fingers. ··· . ~' '1'here's' Irish, Frlnch, Eyetallans, I"oles, Germans, Rooslans, Greeks ·.' T~ere·s
\'!ft:. Halloran stopped and a ;;aln: ....Tbere·s 1rlsb, PriIieb, Eyetallans Poles. Germans, Rooslanll, Greeta---: au' aln·t It Queer I disrelllimber tbe other .w an 1 Thj!re's Irlsb, Frlnch-" "Maybtl 'twas Arnerl.catls," sllggellted Mrs. Hallorail. ' . "Sure. (hat's It," Bald her ltulbah II "I could,,'t thSnk."-Youth'. · Compan. 10D.
Very True. "} .,.onder there I. 110 m tAcb about arlDI macbIDIII." "Wby .houlclDt tbere te!" "BeeauM it II nail • lOAF
Absent·Mlnded Clerk (wbo blls been tran t;ferr d from uotion departm nll - So. you'll take tbls plano. Sball I • nd It, or will you take It wltb yout Making it Sure. The lawyer was drawing up ED peCK's will. . "I hoI' by bequeath nil my propert} to my wife," dictated Enpeck. "Got thnt dG wn 1" "Y es:' answerod the attorney. "On condition," continued Enpecll "tbllt she marries within a year." "nut why tbat condition 1" asked tb. mnn ot law. " Becanse;' answered the meek and lowly t stlltor, "] wan~ some body I.e be lorry that I died. See?" Sleighing All the Yaar. Because ot the licbene whlcb grow abundantly on tbe stone-paved IItreet. In Madeira. making theN slippery, II ' Is possible to use Ilelghl tbe r elU around.
AN HONEST DOCTOR ADVISED PE-RU-NA. R. SYL'VES'.l'ER E. BMIT'S , Room M 218, Granite Block, Bt. Louis, Mo., writes : "Perona the blist frlend ..
fa Si ck man can han. "A few montbB ago I oame here in • wretched eondltlon, Exposure ..nd d:lUlpnee. ruIned my once robun hClllth. I bad oa&arrhtJ atrocLlona ot the bronohlal tubea, aDd. tor. tlmo tbere was" doubt as to JOY ncovery, "~f Y good honcst old doctor II.dvlsed me to tlLke Peruna, whloh I did and In a sl10rt time my hoalth bogan to 1mprol'e very rapid Iy, tbe brouoWI 1 trouble grndulll1y disappeared, and tn I tbree months my health was tully reIlonld . " Aooept " gr.tetul man's thanks fo~ h is restomllon to porfoct beaHh." Pc-ru· .... for Hit PutlentL A. W. Perrin, M. D. 8.,980 Halley St~ . Brooklyn,N. Y., 8nys: "I am u 81ng your Porun" myself, ond am recommending It to my patlonts 'In all oascs of ca.tarrh, and find IL to be more than you represent. Perona c an ho )l ad now of all drug gllts In this lie,', tlon. At the timell;>eiaA ~ ' 1,,1& WIIB u..ulUIowu.~'
Libby's Vienna Sauaage
y ou·~e never tasted sausage until YOllYve eaten Libby', Vienua Sausage•. . It's a sausage product of high food valuel ' Made 'different! Cook..
different and i~ different than other sausage! Lib by's Vie n n 8 , Sausage, li~f) all of the ·
Libby Food Products. is carefuHy prepared ' and cooked in Libby's .Gre.f WhifeKi'J:hene.
he .cv.ucLly·· se~ed, f~r any meal at It
any time! It i$ pleas.. ing. not over~Bavored an'd has that satisfying
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tllltl.e. .
LUNATICS ALLOWED AT LAftaE. The)' Are a Menace to the Public, But Under No Restraint.
T here arc ma ny lunat ics at large rig ht now whO should Ilher be :n aSVlllltl S or lind r r s tro lnt a t home r ~elvl ng th a ttention or I,hyslclans, sa ys tb e Now York 'f lI'gra lll , Ma ny persons ha vo beon killed hy ma n laoB, and relatives of th 1_lIJ era knew th y we re In sll ne and SWOI' 10 It on the witn ess stand nt th s ubsequen t t rials, No In sa ne II rson Is ha rmless , ' One fre qu entl y h n rs It said o[ an eceentl'le pe rson : " He's crazy. a ll ri ght. but he's n ha rmless man." EI'ery IUI{allc Is a men ace, It Is bette r for blm alld for all h is relati ves t ha t he be locked li P , You Itever cu n tell wbat 0 madm un will do, a nrl If be ta lics hUma n life he ca ll not be punIshed t OI' 'U. Tb re arc t w persons who go up and down th e race o! the ea r th who N o r th t hl"oll~h I. tr7.nn ( wt n R\\,j'"' 1l1. are not acq\lllin ted wlt1'\ ono or mOl'e A l\.·1 h a rl"l"d Illn ' l'llf.:fuls t':uo( t fl Uti fU I', lunatics, I kn ow two crazy men wb o l ' ntll hy III!:,hl, If th " I" p «Ok t~ " ' (ll, go abo ut the ir busi ness the same a s TII ~ \1' \\1HUtd rnLUH~ { r otn ,1rt.' urliR In a . Khu h: :· ,}( ( "a r, other men do, One or them Is s ingle 'r hiHklllJrl, Ih,·I,' tin ' J" !'I8 tOf" WII~ 11l'll r aud Is an egomaniac, He th ll1 lcs ot no T o sm it e hy 11 .... 1110:111 ot l h ~ t ropl . gHU", on e a nd !tol hlng but blm s I t, It Is virtually Impossible ta l' him to la lk Norl h I hl '(~\I~h Luy.nn L aw t on "W f'p1 . ("rh ,' I,wn\' t'::u IIr n il I he bnn'(1 WIlS JHI:) about a ny sub ject ,eltcept his bus iness .1\ 114 1 wtl l1 ht ~ (' ,lIul11l1 t l ul t ",\,'i'r "" t' P' afl'alrs a nd hi s wonderCul ,dol ngs, All ' \ ' ",. ftl1P WhURP ~ 1,lrl t H' hlft \\'IIM ,,,, IIIn-' ct : or his a cquain lances trent him Inuul· n n.n "'I" ! 1(" Inugh"ll II do w n I h" wll1d: gently and la ugt\ a t his boasts, He Is Sl: I"I;\' IL~lt J uneM ot ' 1"' lm~'!i~c(, ! qui k-tempe re d nnd Qunrre lsome and Fron ti ng I h~ I-'lIIplno ti n .. , som e day ho' ll do some one a mi schief, {)n p m o ru HH 111,· I't's" ng sohlir r A loy, Tb en nil' hi s fri e nds will swear that he H " Hring th e m n uSl' rx \\;h lr lIlHl whill e, H u HOW tJw (old y of '1\ b R lll (O-lI u~ Ls orazy and that ~ h ey have known It 1n I h~ ~\l lL ry br" Z"H rl ~(' untl tiac; tor a long time and nrver thougbt ho Bl' y(md Wh l\r ' It riv er wuun,) I t :f W A Y , waa da ng rous , Insanity Is In til!! man's famil y, Two at his relatives ',V hot dill 1h,~ .tu r f'n g I' Pt'g"l'uut (In ? T lg hll 'n"tl hl H I r ""1)"r'R Ij~ 11 b y Il 11,.1(', are In a sylums, T he othe l' lunatic with wlt om I am , \lppM f r o m t ho HI\tJ II ~ r o [ I hl ' k l'limboo , acquainted lJeHovQs that ve ry man:s m ti ll" nO~ I" o f L1u ' S lUJ:afl Hh li t r PH In hand Is agalo st him, It you pass him SWII \: ·Ith U1'4 r(j w t:.' ur I)u " OIl' \I- r N-IlN 1j)\:JlotL m • on th e street a nd fa ll to greet him .t\nd ( OI' WRI'l! O \' ~ I ' t il · rll· .) -nt:lll ~ 'I:;lo ll'. wltb e trus h'eness you are cerlnln to \' \r thl' r l, ·,. . . rwl d s l'tolf'. nllli t h .. ,l recelvo two or three m enacing le llers. fL~" " l' rI II I 111(' b llnn c,' , '.11 10 ' ItJl c ll~d It If he Invites YOU to go some whe re r fl~ l with him and y ou decline with all tho "I n t ho " (" ' Y rll l'P of t h~ rl fl ~ lI ron : pOlltene's s Imaginable he wllJ threaten A nd , fl ' th,y r allied fro m p ll lsh'll !IrAn", fiu 'k w it h il'A cnptu ,'p,1 ling h~ s pell to kill you, " ' It II n v,' . n 1001< behind IIl1n ' u~t.
-----Lengthy Lineage,
kecps t he \Y a rp a n ven LOST art for nearly two decwidth wben the threads ade.. hand weaving. the Inare s tl'un g on the loom, dustry wluC;h made New Eng· 'l'be thl' a tl ~ are thus land famous, has agQln come s paced dcc uratoly and the aesthet- , Into Its own " To,day the tben mnde taut b ~- be ln!; descendants ot our pilgrim ic race bas laken," st r ' tched to the front fatb ers are turning Ollt more It Ili the boaat ot the beam, and t he weaver ia band-wovon lin n; allk and blind wor'le rs tha t Ule reody to st a rt tbe cro.a curta blB they su bmitted wool goods than Illl Y other th reads, secUol! of.tlte Vnlled States for the Massllchu setts Iu lutl'Odllcl ng val'l gatand aro ~ celllll g liP u lIot- btllldln ~ a t .the J a mes' vary other ed 81lados. pace In l he race against towu exhi bition were S8, thread can b raised by oLher corners of the world lected, ' 'The design Is preSSin g Ii pedal. hnd the In the Indu stry, rather , Intricate, repre. shu tlle Is tllrp wn tluuugh 1'0 own a rug, a ta ble or a curtain on senUng a aeries at Inb)' hand. tho operator wh ich tho maker has expended hili Ideas and per· dlans paddling their cachoosing t be tbreads to lIoliallty Is III pleasure quite distinct fl'om gazing noes aCross the border. be cro/jsed, at (l machlne-mado article which can be cc1upll_ ' Rug weavi ng was a In mbrold ery work the secondary development ca led In any ono of a dozbn store!i, And the fasfigur e Is woven onto tbe ,olnatiou or fashioning things with the hands, eswltll the blind 8chooL In fabric, S"'edlsh II ncn fur· peclBlly essen~als of the household or articles Jul)'. 1904. they first nls bes a pa r ticularly ef' lbllt add Il refining touch to a commollplaco serstarted a gIrl weaving fective ba ck grol1-nd [or Vice. has led many women to abandon china art fabrics. ]n October this sort of work. for the painting and fancy work for tbe more active work of the same ,yeal' one of threads are not closely of the loom, ' the mon was tried on a wov en. and ret, Ulero Is a rug. Thoug h there are many amateurs In M'Ilssachu· firm a ppearance about a selts who make no attemllt to market their wares In the mechanical part well tu rned pIece which a good nlany bave tound weaving an oUracth'e of the task the workers leaves no suggestion or commercial proposillon, Mauy of these bave enbecame as adroit as ' If haphazard mesh work, It I'olled ~ the mselves In tbe Arts and Crafts assothey had the, use of their Is Inlerestlng to note, In elation, For thelJl. rag carpet weaVing prOVides eyes. In conscientious, conn ection with rag the most direct method at securl/Jg rerultneraness they ~xcel, Some weavlug, tha t Berea coltlon for thell' work, Rugs of this 60rt are ahvaY,8 of the operatives bave lege In Be.r-ea, Ky " has In· In demon.d. and there Is 'ample room t~r the exbecome BO ambitious troduced a ru g weaving o rcl80 of taste In developing sllnpl\) patternt and that they conceive pat. course in to its industrial , curriculum, Tbls is In ill tho vorlatlOn of colors. ' tol'ns which Uley ' wish iI..___",:::~~.!:.!!:!.~!......!.:.!.!:!,:::,:::.!.!..::.!=---,~ Most of the rugs aro wove n with a grayish bockto work on and are ablillrbed In the dl scu8slt'n d iU 0n, Pupils a tt tend responsc to a local can at the the or the shodes ot color wblch they fe el ,they are ground, }o'or the piazza and the summer home school whosl;! homes are in remote pa~ 5 08slble the!'!' aro lighter patt!lrns. soft blends which wUl blending. , mountains During the winter time, It Is mp t t alJ!lorb the sunshine or bl'lghten up the tedium of The looms are much tlto same tqat grand moth' I IvIng 'I n th ese dlstrlct ,.a to I)ene ra. eI for WOID OU a drizzly day, For these It Is necessary to use el;"s mother knew. The size hus been somewhat to any to~ns. ] sQlated as th~y are, II: Is esse~~~ white I}ew rags In tho warp and alternating corda reduced. but ~e principle has not altered any, that they ha\,o somo rilt.bol' . active occupation. , mplnk or bluo. ]n tact, 100m4 in all countries as far back a.a " d amon g tile mOllntaln ru g weavll\g having sunlve ,The' simplicity of these 11001' coverings atrectl ,they call be traced, have the same mechanical dewhites it was accepted as the happy solution, ' one 'with 0. strange Bense of relief whiCh may ,be vices that are Ingeniously elaborated In Alre~dY some of t!tiese rugs hlLve found their way Inoxp.llco ble at IIrst. It ' Is the sense of contrast the ~Igh power, carpet factories: , to Dos ton and the ' Industry promises to become ,with illtrlcilte m~chlne-ma4e designs wlllcb are Wea"lng, no doubt, originated when so~e prime, po)lular U;IPUgh' the Tennessee mountains, In the often as confusing as the rattle of the steel ton· val creature platted bls or her balr.and then mount.aln lastneslee they are stili making those wontacled macblnes that mado tbem, ' , tried crossing three shands ot heavy grass one dOl'tul old hed spreads and table covers wbich are Some of theBe rugs are made In Boston, but ' over, tbe other, FrOm mats and baskets came the prized as hnirlooms In a tew New England homes, most of them come from outside towns, DeerIdea of Interlacilng wool threads. and so cloth waa Tbe colonial atmosphere which permeates the IIt'ld. Marhlehead:Hingham and Lyna ,are re&ul~ Invented., Weaving. In some form or other, Is one town of Deerfield Costers the zealot the laborera. IItations of supply. In Central square: Cambridge. ot the earUest Signa of ' civ11lzation. who devote themselves to the I!lmple industries of earlie r claya, From Deerfield come specially at· the MaSl!acbuletts commillion (or the blind hal , It might be argued tbat weaving Is not an evltractl~e bllie and white woven rugs and exquisite an established factory where, men weRve rup,' dence of the"a(lvancement at intellectuallt" The needle wOl'k, Hire. also, they dye their own mao 1904 the ' exp~rlment of bUnd ~eavera wu wonderful sl1awls which come from tbe far east. terlals In InCII",!!. madder and fustlc shades, Jour· lIrat tried. ' They have proved in 1ellll ~ tou,: and which w.e are Quite 'unable to, Imitate. are neylng down ~lle of, the honeysuckle lanes one years that their work can rank with that done by , , ma,d e by' a peasant populace: And whoever bas may Ileal' throllbb' the workroom window the ;whaok. uyone: Without prejudice, buyerll, are agreed turned oyer pletures 'illustrating ~he manufaci ~ute whack sound of the, reed as It presaes the ,weavlne ,to this, and In many caSeII! they inalst that the ' of Turkish and Persian rugs Is as much impre\sed firmly down, 'wol'k Is not only' as good. , but 'Iluperlor, Of eourae by the uncOuthness of tbe makers as by the I\Ymthe rugs are made ,under the superv.lslon of seemetry and, lmagtQation of the deslgnl, QUEER IDEAS ABOUT FOOD. ing people. who sel~t colorl ana distribute the Crossing the Great Divide of this Continent. materials, ' tbe :,NavaJo and , MoJI Indianll and tbe Mexican Slowly but Bu~elY modern enllgbtenment is releAll expert 'supervieor with tlle use ot, his eyes blanket weavers to the ,south, are not leaders of gallng to oblivion Uie foolish and otten ,costly super, first teachelj the mechanism to tbe bUnd pupil. ' Intellectual thought, though tbet ,have estahllshed sUtions which have been passed down from cen' who memorizes everythIng by a numerical IIYsblanket weavJlIg as an Industrial art. The old tury to century. Of those. however, that linger il tem, ' After be has mastered all tbe 'mov~ments, '1IQUliw s are more wrinkled than winsome. This the superlltltlon about the spilling of salt and the be soon can acquire the 'technicalities of pattern, iln't the fault of the weaving, bowever, and tbere sure coming of 111 luck-t.b~ re~ nlt 'at th&, Plllntlng weaving, ' 'i s no galns~y,lng: that rup and tapestries and at a celebrated p,l oture which showed lpat .Iuda,s. at By "numerical system" III me~nt ,the f!umberlng - draperIes and all the other prQducts Qf the loom, the Last SII'pper. sat before an overtul'D~d , salt cel' .f eaoh threa(1, well as the arrllngt)ment ot the Into 'wh~ch Indlvfdu,all~y Is woven, have a I'caelar, Then ther.e Is the !'doa agaln!!t 'thirteen at table ~iaterlal8 ~oar,om, 1.10 that on~e the position tlonal:y, effect on dally Jtfe. because the,r e w,ere Christ and ·h18 twelve aposIe memorized no "sight old is regulred to loc.ate , In Hingham. ardent bandlcra[tsmen not .long tles ILround that board In the upper room Ilt tbe lny color, Froth 'triangles and cIrcles p~ogress III ago discovered an oId 'colonIal loom lurking in the SUPIll1 r which was ~ollowed' 80 soon by our Lord's luade to the more 'utrlcat~ patterns, For Bome roces8es of a garret. It was dragged for, lh ' and death, and that o'f Jludas. too, .r these a raised, proof of the desIgn Is hung ~bovo restrung. and now it 18 back at work agatn. In sODle European countries III luck II !laid to lhe loom. By touchin& It . wit" ~e lingers .the Here, too, Swedish Unen 'Weaving la ' done. for tallow the person who stirs any liquid In a pan from patter. la I'6prod~ced on the clntb. ' at HiDgham the !ndustrlal arts flourlsb, LInens east to west. In Scotlanr , persons when baidng oat· The prol\clency sho'!'D by, the IlgbtlelB weavera for dresees, towelln,c, sheeting and table covera cakes 'break' a piece ott and throw It In the 6\'e' to hail eliminated the quesUon o~ their ab~Jlty to are wp'Ven on the Swedllh loom. appease evLl agencies. Stili another custom In that The proc91 'ot preparation requlrel almost u , land Is to make a blrlhday , cake with nine knobs. ell8Cuto the 'Work. The quaeUon remains: Where then of nlneot the aSll9mbled cQmpany, when the cake Iball market their wares? mucb lime and BkUl a8 the weaving -Itlelf. To COUles hot out 'of oven, eac\h breaks one' knob '[his problem III lolvln" ltaelf, for the number ' warp tbe 'Ikelna' ot linen II tbe llrat .tep. Thl8 011. and throwing him 8a'Y8: "l'bla I ctve or i1 eople who buy ,hAnd-~bCht artJc;lel Is rapid· la done by aJ;raligiD, all the th!'8&ds In eyeD I, lucruling. -Wben Charles F. Campbell, 8U· to Thee. Fox, Ilertntendent or the iDd~trl&l departlllent ot Ihe lelWtha on a dance som.wbat Uke ,a , tUl'luillle, In Bome ""~lnb'leR Maaaaebusetu coalllllaalon for the blind, . . . • wblc!l .plns aroUDd" them from top to .. mince pie to , Irtllelll~-tt aslled where the departmenf 41lpoaed of 'their bottom aad back ...... ftua the , threadl are tillie, a mince QGtput, be turned up tile . of the pacbp ~. meuiared air aocara~, whUe, b.r Dleau of pep, bIlt be1d wbole ... ,.ft , '. na .... tylq. It waa .Detroit, "'elL the,. are twta*! IDto a ellbt....... WIUl AliotO eat .. cU~.D J'raD. thl. . DI&D)' I,. toO • JanI ~ dll'e....t ..",ed, wiD ,A ~
In "Leaves from the Note,Booka of Lady Dorothy Nevill ." 'r ecently e d,lted by Lady Doroth y's son, Mr, Ra lph Nevill th ere Is an amu sI ng s to ry of an old ' pee r whose considerable tamlly pride was agreeably te mpered with hun\or, , , One day he wall slIrprlsed to be told by his s isler t hat she had conceived a gr est uffectl on for a well,kuown aI, tIloug h s ome 'Yhat ccentrlc lDan of sele ne , who. allhough gene rully es, tee med. was of very humble Semitic origin, ' a t quit e de termined as to what COIII's e of a ction he should ' take. he sertt 'tor the prospective br idegroom with t.h Inten tion of talking mat,t ers over, • Arte r sQme conversation. be said : "And now, sir. I should like to Imow sometblng about your famil y," "I tliluk." re pli ed tho ' other, "t.hat It will be suffici e nt to say th nt I am of lhe descent of tlle Illustrious blood of Abraham , Is a ac and Ja coh," "Ob," said _the peer. "of course our ramtl y has noHllng to compare with that. If lilY s ister likes yo,u. you bad better ' take her_"-¥oulb'lI CCUlpan, Ion. He Grasped the Idea,
"Tomt'u y," sa id hi s teacll!!r. "Lhe words 'clrcums lontlol evide nce' occur In th lesson, Do YOU know what circums tantia l e vidence Is ?" Tommy 1'8plied that h di d 110 t , " "Veil , 1 will eX llllln It to yo u by an Illustration , You know we ha ve a rule again st eating a ppl B In school. Sup, pose sOllie morning I s hould see YOll In your seat wllh a book held up In front or your fa ce, I s ay nothing, but presently I go round to whe re you are sit ting, You' a re busil y study ing your leason but I find that, YO UI' fa ce Is sDlear~d. whil e under the edge' of, your s late 1 see the core of a freshly eaten apple,' , '" should know. Just as well as If I had caught YOll at It, that you have been eating ' an apple, although. of course. 1, did not Bee you do It, That' Is a , case In which circumstantial evl, dence (:ouvlcts you, Do you think. yOU know what It Is now?" , , "Yes, ma'am." said Tommy, "It's eating apples In school."-Youth'. Companion. Cure for Fllntlng FIt.
, The,re Is ,no more Bur,e ,cure for an attack of falntn~ss than a hearty sneezo, It Immediately stimUlates tho blood vessels of the brain, In , many persons tillntlng ' neve r" goes so ,far as a loss of consclonsness or loss of can. trol of the limbs, And In ' these the "udden weakuess Is ottet) brought to dn end by a sneeze caused by nature herself wltbout aDY external aid, A gra.\n ot two at pepper., snulf or tobac, co Introduced' Into the nose or tick" ling Itl! Interior IIgh,t1y will usually In, sure a sneeze, 'l'hE1se slml)le proced, ures 01' othe rs similar In cbaracter may prove Invaluahle when snielIIng salls and' other elegant aids' are I\b' Bent. A SOCial Impre .. lon, "So." 'remarke<l tbe boyhood frltmd. , -'you Br e In lhe IIwlm:' "Mother and the girls think I am." answered rrfr, Cumrox, "But my per· sonal feellugs are those of a m8.ll wbo hae fallen overboard and ought to be boUel'lll, rol' he'J.l,"
80metnlng There. "Mercy'" exelalmed C1:o11y Kallo... "'I'Te lOt IlIcb a cold il1 1:l1 head." "WhY ••0 70U have." laid PeplII'87: :"'I'D 11&"8 to dll KIIox dOWD the aext Itlme 1 tor Ubi¥J1II 1011. Be ... tQ. U.."-<'.atlacdll
Arou nd him, ilk I' l 'l\'i.lbl,' hc~" , Th., \)lIlI ets huuud I n " dl'lI,lIy b lln~ 1" ,' 0 111 I hI' r llt,s of IlIA en' ml R . 1'11,,), p lcl\\'p, l th e gronnd brhlr lll , h for .., RU I II r 'Iw lr ed Ih~ di p ilt Ille r ive r 8 h o ro ·V Il8CUtlll'tI, tht.. uo n ner w h h ln h i s han u .
Oh. wh o c 0 C'lwt'rlng. runk on rnnk , I ilwn I li e' 1'111;111 or Ih e lln!' tl w re mo,
O,'pele'" him fl ft II .. cllmlJutl t il e IlIlrlk ! , \\,l' l h.,(t uhoUl him nnd HU I'S'('d- nnd w e I"llr>g Ii bll,'k to hll11 0"" 1' l h 81' 0, \"ollu nL-hl'nrl tl
Amerlcll n! _~o u t hI 8
ComI'll 11 10 " ,
Sqoad of Enlisted Men ,
Wil liam F, Crawfo rd , S rgeant com· pon y A, 1'\lnt h ]llInols CIlI'Il!t'y. MlHm. llI oo te lls a good story of how 0 valobi ca l'go at go vernm enb li UJlllll eil wn s ~ave d to Ihe govel'ljmenl. In J a nu ary, 1864, 1\ , se rgennt fro m enoh COffi l,1l11Y of his regiment was sent hOlll e on a two mon t hs' ,Ienve to recruit the reglm ni , ,83Y8 National Trlb· un , A t the c:tpll'ution or Ih ut time sev ra l or 'th om nlet at Clli ro. III .. to l uke bont for i\lenl11hl s, wlt (lI'e the 1'\i nth Illinois 'rava lry was statio ned, Th boa t Wll S a largo on e and It tlvlly londed wi t h army s upplies. a ll kinds of ODlIllIIIIIU Ol~ suc.J enoll gh Spencol' ca rb ines to arm a IJrJgudf', With the excepuo ll of themse lves lIl!" r was no one on lh e boa bul t b caplaln aud crew 111111 ten old soldl I'S wit bout artn ~ , E \, e r~'1 hln g wont along fin e ly Il ul ll t hey gal to Wi thin 30 mllos or Fort, Pillo w, when t)ley met a boat com ing II Il t il I'lve r, whose cnptaln call d a lit I ha t ~I e ha d lJ n tll'ed on a l Fur l Pillo w, whe r th can red ra tes hod II c[ll1non a nd a s mall ntlmbe r or mon, S rgt , Qrow rord lnlk d over t he sit millo u wi th hi s cOl1ll'UcJes ILpd llroposed 10 bren k ollcn one of the box H ot cal'll l n ~s and of carrridge/!, bll t tlte nla te olJjected. as did the cnptaln , who said he was l'esllOllslble for th e CArgo., and mus t delive r It ,jntact, The- I! I'g nn l I'ellll ed that the ol' ms ,vel'l;) I here, uud tbat they must have ' th em to defend themselves and the ' boat, so. being too malty ror the captain and the cre w, they aliened the , boxes ond helped thelJ,lselves, takl,ng carbines and 25 rounds of ammunlUOII, Comrade Crawrord. with two men. went up on the' hurricane deck, where' 'the)' found two big oolis of rope. which he lind 'one of the men ap, proprlat ed os a means at, pl'oteC,tlon. while the tblrd man (Qok a position .... hind the smokest ack to watch' the pilot, whom they , suspected and foar ed would run them In, Wben near Fo ~ t Plllpw the caullon fired , n shot over thei r heads. which was a slgnnl to the pilot. to hind them. bllt the'y ke)lt a close wutch , on him, alld he mad e no move to do s o, 'When 01)posit e the <:annon It fi red l'lght Into the boal, Jiilt the s oldiers on board erOl)I led th sev n shots In tllelt' carbines. and the caJltnl1L at the bOllt crlet! Ollt : " hloys , ' YOII ha ve killed and wound od seVflral." Th ey ke pt It ' liP unt II so rar 'lwa)' I hilt th eir ,gun s would nor cur ry, NOli e of the throe shots fll'ed by tbe con federa tes had any efre f ou th em, and the, soldiers were laudell a t Me mphis with a ' big load at govcl'Ilm ent supplfes saved by their pluck auu resollrcefulness, A Beautiful Incident,
beautiful InCident, flnel}' typical of exalted sentiment. was the memorlsl servke by SOll8 of Veterans for soldiers and sailors of· the clvl1 and Span. _ Ish-American wars who were burled at sea. After appropriate exerelaes on laud In New York a canVaa boalladen with tlowera- was tc:>wed to sea. and wben the little craft ailed and iank the floral emblema were acauerecl upon the wav", teaUmonlal1 t,-, th!l lara.. who al"pt wt!fe aot forrotteD. The t'o be an A
J )rt\~~ Uillg' bam. III p in k . I'l"i l a nd lig ht Itlut' ell .. 'k.'.
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Rilk 0 Ie 11 es
',O'E LMAN'8, Dayton, .O hio
Unblea,ehed Canton Flannel SALE PRiCE
HI fl.ched
U illgha.m
' ,'
10 '
50 a yd
These few sample bargains---selected from the thousands we offer·--will give you an idea as to how thjs ale saves the people money. Th,e ale's 21st ' eason, and better than ever. It will pay everybody to atteD(]~ at once. Main Street Cor. Fourth
Oelman's Daylight Store
111 Hobb i li eU: l ' J y, I'd l .. II).\'Lh tl n l
10c each
I----------------~ ~ -----------~~--------------~~--------.---~----~'------·--~--------~~----------~--------------~------~-----~-------------- --- ~.----------------------.--
Simpson's Be~t, Calicoes and Pl'in~
in black and whites, indigoes and silve r grays, 8 to 15
3 12C y d
Fancy Silk Regularly 09c, 76c, and $1.00
TOl'chon La. e"
Novelty Dre s GoodR
Hegu'lal'ly 2flc antI Soc:
in t his
39C Yd
SA~~ 13~c "
fi to 15 yanll ng th!! that ~ o ld
at 1Dc,
In ug sa a lld in!'lel'li ons ; I-B' and 10 .
Whit. India Linen
yd -- -
, SPLENDID T~IP-COncluded.
Wednasdtt.y morning, May tith, we lIailed through the " UolJim uate", me, ~n , rldln~ over theoity the OI.~r!l 1 all smoke was bounu, to croo p III, baen m iL ht lL 'L'ho.\· f~r H lIf1t Ln 1I1)!'u,1 had to HlY goodby to the Frames the day before and 4~ vesRel1l were loaded liS long as one could IWe tt.rrlvetl Ilt MeMorll , Or g ,lI, with lilly ki1ll11,r J.l,)tILto bug. going \0 have any say whatever ae tt.nd Stlut northwaru , We hl1d been lay at anohor in the bay of ISan hold ' to stl'l1P or railing, I really o,u out 7 p Ill, ond found t he wellth r 'l''leir wlnl1mt 111'0 II IlIII ll t hil t to where we would put up. We told by other , tourists the sOlmery Franoisoo. fiere is I\. place you will did not. feel safe till we got out of j v er y chilly nfter , xporienoin g- t.1l 119:,' o Ueon i<'llvt! t ho cll ggi ll g of soon informed them that we were through California WIl.S so b~lI.utifnl bave to use your hnagiDfttlon (or the city. We visited "Uoldeu ~te~' warm wOlltbe r uf '"lifornill. 'Vb th all'l,utlltoH<I tlllMl1rclt , My bl'utu not "$enderfeet" lind knew how to that we planned to travel by day words olln not ' plctnre to yon the park. Itcertl~inly is th e fines t pllrk fouud tlUs II. hustling liHl eClty !til . er Rll.hl In t he IIlu eteerl Y M R thut he look out for ourselves, We foond mainly . '1'bls day we went liS tllr mtt.gnltude t!n<l gl.' andenr of tlie we b,ave ever been in. Ittl bea.uty ated in tllf.dtog ue river vnlley which UtilI, lived th oro he bllci II ll t. ~, I 1\ i,,, three rooms that were fUted up for 88 Santitl Barbara t,llldng the ooast SOene. 'they , were "In three ' lioes JiBS mainly in its being" pn,rk mnde js;be~omlllg famous a i! n frnit g row· hll' ,,111' 0 . tilllt'!I thll,t wOllhl lI'lItl' blm JigM houaekeeplng. Welaldin our route of thet:;. P. R. R'. We PIlSSed '100 feet apart, ·tt.nd enoh "'hi I) was by nature and trBlned;.by mnn. log r flgioD . They hllve n Inrge n~ l'b elT drinking wl1ter ~t!'lrly supply of provisions I\nq proceeded through Venturll. oounty. tbe fll. · 4.00 feet frow the sbore in line. Crossing the bay baok t o Oak. bui1dtn~ n enr the depot. t hllt lI.lve lli l oUlllln~ from IU nnl,lIiu 1:1 I,.,5IlU \ , to keep home aDd have a good time mous suglLr beet region of ali for ·, JIlSt the 27 larger sh:ip,s were iUum land we wanted to ee the ulveTal , exl~ lbjM o f lh it· l'flgl on " ti er we I!.I el/Cell Aut, !lnd v e r y O,lfl. 'l ' hllll' till the following WedneadllY morn. nitL. 'I'his land Wilt! U!! level IU! IL inRted, The sUHdler and torpedo ty of Oll}ifornin, sO took u ' trolley StiW tho )Jl()!"t POrfsct pe!l C h6~ , Itll !I t e ll III II nbonnll in trout un .1 ~u IlJI " n. ing. E&Clb of the three rooms hlid fioor ubout Il.S fl'1' liS youoould S66 ; boats lay in the darkness. A rim of IIpin of a few miles out to ' Berkley , pie, pllUlltl. gl'll)Jtl~.J.lelLr s !lilt.! prnllo~ '1 \\1 r gilln Is tlillll)lIl! fOI' It a 11111 a good bed. Oneroomwl1sespooinl. imd where plu.nt,ed wibh beets, It incIlnd6l!oentbuibs ran aroundellcl; here upon ,llhllge IlUloverlookiug wehovtle v r . fwn , We ld ' oltIlU!l b r. '['h e fir IIntl 1l1l,\11\ Ill'., the, ly fitted Up for the kitchen. We was alDlost n solid ' 11111911 of Il:reen , ship ut top of mllin d~ok ; tour rlJW8 tbe bay, situtt.ted the University n.mpla of t heir ;'PVles. whlc b wer e p rlnlllJm l, klllllll . A llll' \: 1I0Nldil of bad to pay but '1.60 per dl\y for ,our In thi!! ruglou a!! well as othe~ ex, up ol;\oh sllloke stwok and l~rollnl1 buildingll well shaded with the live just n" tinCl Il ~ th y lookou: '.I.'h y ,t ile flr t.ree!! grow 1.0 II 1l1.lgb1. ~,f IfIU pIlr$y o(sli. ' teotlivalyfn.rmod region of Ult}ifor the top; lind II row up botb (are and ollk nnd the f,ragrllnt pine!!. It aiso , 111\ (\ !t ll, lJIp l ~ R of th ir t r ut. In r u' tlD() Illllny Ilf "" 0111 lI11wh 1l1 ~ I,lll r , Vi it to G t 'F i h' G" d ula we saw , hat wo thougbt wal! aft IIlI~St Imdacros.s t;he top of fore looked a if everything thAt one de · imDl e ns glllt''' Jill' . ~ will not t.ry 1'Ily bl'o1hor bllrl out 'lll illllllAIl O 61' e rea II mg , rvun ' I an d conoID I011I ftrmmg. f' ' Dlast. 'rh I~ mast' )Jolell sue ' d oou Id b e h Il d h ere. ' ,,1, ;<\1'1 f ul' I'(jI U' yo u t re6 t 11 rl' VO \ II t () I)llln] ,. rp I' III; lI' e w prao t lOll, an d aft a I I' f Ol'nl' a to t el I yo u 0 f t I.Itlli· Here we very unexpeotedly met Instead of one lllaD being sllnt ont looked like huge orosses of tire lIt mnks seo'onel in the U. . 'in odnoll- mi ght' I:!II,\' thlLt 110011(1 ti-.hy , In 1111 hur!" , At th o \,(I)) I} f t.lI!' firlH lit, it the Fairohild slstere, Lizzie, Rllohl:ll WIth two horllos to plow, harrow, ellcb ond o( the t!bip. Y ouOK-n'lit,tl u tion . pies tli S 1.lI;\kt 11 " fJIlUIIl I\.y or nli .. \V \1\ t4i x f et ill tl i,url fl t<II', 'I'll ey and Mary. They made our IIt8y I~I drag or d·r lll, he Wf\S U1lmaging frolll imagine, the grandeur und sul,;limlty Little Use for San Franci~co tDg the . owtow'u J,ilJ(llll:l Ilnu HJJl t fl o, t) fl om o )Ilapl e trel1R, hilL llru vor,V very pleasant oDe, Mr. Will Gard, fivo to eight hood of hOr!!88. '.I.'heir, of tbe 27 vetlt!els lighted up IU! de ' . , ;<\eD bl1rg. The Newtown lIilJjJiu. I1nl di:lllm~ nt fl'om Il t i " I> h ... l·tl. I 11 " til' being greaU'" . , , b We Oakland very much shllJIJ ' " pleased tollee Waynes• hlurows wet'e somelnrger thtt.u ours scribed. Both Onkllmd nnd. FrISCO h 1l,1lliked db II I S Ll to Lonlloll. go g \ .. m1. 'I'll 8(~W sll'h n wholfl!!lL1 fl lllu ~ htH r of ville people, showed his apllreclation bnt tbey would hitch the drag be. were gilBy bedeoked with eleotrio ~t 11 ut, tt e u . e1:or Iln Fran , Burt.! t.t ])oor>l tlr6 I'll iRt><iIlIlCJ 1Iipvot1 thnb I' II!' ill OI'Elt{lI lI , Th Y Lllll1k ' by $aldng ue to the top of the First hind the bl~rrow. Woultl I!eo Ii ve lights, in the three colol's red. white 01800. Our time oomg up her~ we to MOllt>ttttll tLllil th, l!lII1LUI'D!I Vllrt 01' n r \hjn~ of cuLtill g !I0w n hnt{~ t r " ~ National bank, a magnificent build borses to tho binders three horaea and blue. We Sll,t in ollr window left Oakland at 9 Q'oiock II.t mgbt tbe A 111'1011<1 of Unrnlce /lt d blll'uiD g them t il I{ljt tlle lll vUL' aDd from here we enjoyed" to the drills, 'fhel; brel\king.up for one n.nd· 'one 1l111f hours unll that, we might trnv I thr~ngh th e pear!:l l'Qi!leilin thtJ Itol{lle riv br VIII of theil' w,ny , My IHQtJlIut' J)ullRlt t O'l ty .u.nd · werea. set of gllng!!. Itseelnl:! wutohed the pll.mde of the regular Mt. Shll.sta r r gion. in dnylight . ley were aold lit uuot.ion iu New lunlt1el' fOI' Ilis lIlIl'lI lit '111 0 n'r till:! V'iew of the entire . . . " g r a nd plOWS ' lic In the ' 80llrce Ilnd Wfl Hr my boys, the m,Lrmes , view of the ml'ghty P~ol to me when belp IS their bllndl'. Moet of the morning we tra.velled York city l!ltlt foil for $4Jlti7 th mi1.1! f or el ght ,V O\.lut:; pel'llUndl· '~ c.I .., . "Uernoon of the same day Mr. Gard "as higlJ , i& would bl! plUotiOl.LI if red oross nurses It.nd s~rgeons tbe up the n~rrow valley of the S110rll· highest price 6;el' paid for 11 cllilOlLl1 soch !tuebe!' ull w a w ulu IIII ve I J ......~e ' ' " " our first of fresh fruit , The ownel'" of t,h tl ptl,y thr e 01' foUl' dullttrs P~ I' linn . . .agaiD . . , but thl's tl' llle with ..n our OhiO farmer would ose more otlleera 1Il their gny uDiforms. the mento river. '.rhls wn.s . , three.eated sorry. Our party piletl borsos anfl lells llIen. Even whel'l~ I. · O. O. F. order, thl) school ohiidt'en 'view of II. olea.r, SWIft runDing finest rchllrda will not .c ons i!1er dred , , in and we, rode for tbr~e honrs ovel' they 'wure putting UIJ their lm- wit,h their flollt representing ' Cali U,lonntilio streR~., ~uou~ all the '~,OOO pl'r acre. The next dl~y, MrlY We !!tllyou with my brothel' t:leVtn J Long ~oh and Its ,surrounding nlun!!o crops o~ _If/llfn (Imd t:!ure fornia battlet:!bip, !lnd Illstly tbe "old slgns ,of any o~e hV1D8. 1D tIllS reglon ~ llltb, we made OUI' Illst duy 's tra.vel wi}eks whon 11m "/lll UtlW I:I 11'011" . oountry. .Th~tI WIUI a ::~rea~ for it the West hl\l5 tbe altnlfl1). wo SIlW boys" of the wllr of 'til. The las t ~t111 an occllslonal ~Itt~e patoh of reaching Eugene, Orego(l. ILliont br me came, We inllll c 1IIIt I.v 1111'1, gave us an Idea of the , olty and everything uone by tbe horse IlS fllr scene I think brought tenrs to tbe a falfa or bllrley and a. ~ew vegeta 7 p. m, 'I'hls is 11 thriving olty 01 ud h01l11l by Wily ' If P'll't hwd IIp til e country tbat otherwise ~e would as possible. ' In IItllokiug lind riok. eyes of IImny tllollsllncls. 'fhe hies , We k~pt on, wi,ndlDg' Bbout ,000 inhlLbitunLs IlnLl is !litq (JOllll11hill I'ivel', IIO:WIl Lltl'ollg b Og ,n ot ~ve gOtteD. I ,Long Beaoh h a ing their b/\y, they hlltl t,heir del'll oks oheering ,Ilt t,hiR t.imll Wf\H IIlmost, the ourves o~ the rIver ami chmblng Ilted oeur the he"d 'O f the WIllll. u 'U lind I::\ 1~lllle t.:ity til 'oloruu,j beau'iful up to·date alty, with ex· wUh rO)le~ and . ,pulleys . Wo I:!IIW fmntic . , tolle muunbuntil WIth ou~ three en, mette valley. Wo wvre met h er l) I::\I'J'illgS, Htll'e we ulliJ to IlLY <lVI'" oe1JentBohooladv"Dt~ges. Ou'1'ues· the fewel!t men for tbe 1\1l10unt of I ' S E tI k R bbt h glnet:la,nd Dine oonohes tiJi We came by my brother I1nd HI.ken to hi s tv:ont:v' foor ho1ll's. W~ hu~~d Ill' day of our stay t~ere wo till deo;ded ~vork 1I0compllshed. ' we hud ever aw Dr 'Qua e u s to Shllsttt. 's famous spdngA. Here the home II. bo, ut eight Illil oJ:, 111' Lh u EVil ChllDdlel' Poc knv~r, whtl hllll to go over to Catalena· I!!llludll a seAn . ' . We ,tru,veled for mlmy miles' water poured dOWD from the moun il!loKenzie river. rull.dll hIJr hUUl e wIth Jo'lltller Bruwn dilltan08 of thl'r"y wl' I;"'. out I'll t'hu ~hrougb the burned, region of San tl,Lins many feot bela, w , Our t','aill fO'l'twelv(l yeaf:; . He ro, lIud thro,ugh • """ v Journeying Tlirough Mountains Arriving in Oregon the , RO,Ytll Uorgll of ~hfj Ad UU!lU b Paclfio. Frame advised us nil Fl'tt.noil;!co, We '/III w grell t·, stopped long e uoug h tor tbe PIlssen· wo 81lW80llle of (,lte lllletlt soeuel:Y,o( to eat & Jigh't breakf~st.' for he After !!})tln<1ing the night atl:;,Lntn. tilled with twisted ,·bea.llls of iron gers to get out,d take t1 drink. We found thi s Il very f81·tllfl' ftf . t howorlJ . A ft ul' . 1I~n vill g lIel'o w tl tllougp' we all would get siok ex Bllrblu'II' ~ we visited her· old mi~~ion nnd other 'earthfJllIlke rubbish. 1 She watel' wn8 , very olellr and oold 7\on, raising big orops of Ull tS. Y!lLoh ptifll:!\lll the Huoiloll rJhltriot of Kiln , cap" him!!elf. We !!krted ont on a 06llrlOO yel~rs old. ' It wus inhllbited judge IlbonthlLlf'of tu e cIty is re bnt I did Dot like it becaus e it fasted wheat, bllrJe y potlltoes (] \yllrf Il"se~ !:IU9 n.nll MltllIl)nri. ' We , l'tlll lleJ 0 • th h d ' , , Wl1rn e villl~ .I u l y li l,O, helll!: gon e ' b k very qUIet SM but it WII.8 not long .Y mon 8. De OL em s owe uti built, but Il gren t 11llmy of the bulld like 80d/l. water. We kept on ollmb,, t~ouSllnlJ boud ed kille, hops, JUM! tw o !l1I111l1I". hult' months , before sOI;ne of, $he people began over the old bulldiog Ilnd tbe buril\l ings are IlnoOOullitld yet. , It seemed ing and winding when about do on clover Rnd II.JI kinds o f (rults , 1. INII:I'. E. BHOWN, ,. turning pale Rod to Illy IIUl'pri80 I ground. ' We were told tbll.t f\,'~OO strunge tllllt the people would ho ve w,e OILllje in sigh't or Mt, ~hastll tbe want to e~IJeciully U1entlJn the 10 found Ohlirley a.nd Eyler in the bodies,of lndia·n!! Iwd whites were tho nerve to erect suoh iunnenoe second highest peak of tb.e Sierra'f!. gan be'r ry. This is one o( BlIrl>l1nk'tl -,- orowdof ,o ontrtbntorll. After rouch buried in n lit"lo over Ilno fourth of tlkyscru.pel'Sllglliu"ILfter suoh /l·n ex , We did not get a good view of it produots, (l. cross 'lJetweon ' lht) red p" ing the I.t!land we toak ~ gluss bot, an IlCt'C, froll\ four to six bodies mil- l'erienoe . liS thoy hlld , · j flJunu but Ill! it ~a~ enveloped iu olonds, We CliP rUf!pu,e rry I1nd tlle uiuc;~I;llrry . tom baat ride 'to see tbe growth tv gr.lwe. We ollmbed up /lnd up to little level gronnd in ~[\DIFrtlnoisco. were all disappointed in the 1ll0~n , It Ilns Hle f!hRJ.le of th e hlllckbony the bottom of' the shl1l1ower ,p art of tbe top' of t:ho old ,bell tower Il,nd It \'I'll!!, just up one stoe~ , h'ill ' Rnd tams that ·they (lidn't loqk tiS 11igh ! color 01 tho rl1l1 'I'll~pbel'ry: h~~!.o . ~~:~Srl':U~~~II~,t?~h:::.i.~~~t!C the ocean. . We' had Dot boen out hll.d a U1aglllfioont vlew of the oity, do,Wn ,Illlother, Even the cross 1\8 we hlld expect.ed. ' Oile of ~he l~ grows rnnch bl:g el' thlLn ' tilly ,of el.. _lIy. At 1~.Ast 8() IIBJ8 Dr . Shoop. and 10 o td d pro" I, he hila are"tda (\ IIttlo pInk I&blet. 'l'hQe iongtUl WtIJ Frame begtt.lI showing ' nr ~ex IlY's r.i e ~ook u!!! through tltreet wero 1\ Beries of htllt:l. We tbings t·bllt tlifl mnke Uf renll;.,e onr cllltivatod blo ckborrlm; Ilnd is I&blet-cnllod Dr, SI\OOP'8 flotldllche Tabletre I th t l ' " COIl[• .bloo<1 llrotlllUN (\wuy froUl ",,10 centen symptoms of sea siok ne.f!ll, so he hlt.d u ~ on Il ~"s rollm ~ IJlOunttlln~ , !!tllrt.ell tu Hee rnins of the fa , their height W'l!,t ill gO,i ug up thern- very rich iu ·til1 VOl'. H vin(ll!! like ~~ISnanb1na'fICIIsIDIIIJdellrrlltfUI. Gentl': to lie down In the bOtt.t. That left Wo lIilW but little farllllDg !lnd f rnt t II1UI1I1 Cliff Hon!;e, got flir enough to we woulfl often hll ve to retr.a0 3 our our grapes Bnd rlln!! on tralli!! , wor k, 1a~\OL III e 'I. It MW'8 Y eQUAIIzIlI tile blood 1l11'c~ of 'our party to tell the &tory, Mary rll-it!iqg i bu~ the 8cenery was good. vie ..... "Uelden Oate'" when my sllf ,way only' higber up. ' Often we The fr~it, it:! lttrgtl l;r HI;.,!) I\rl~ per Ifrr.:.;ru'=~~~I~~·:~:::'~~IIM. Frame" Bethls Iturna8 nnd mYsolf. In olim~ing over a:nd throngh the ,fering from 'fel~r, :\v~s' so , great tha.t could loo~ , out at the Oll,r w.illdow fect in fornl and ,very line flavor , co=:n'!.~l~o~rc,:~:,,~·'¥'~r:-:r,bl~ Of coutse we felt nnoommon strong mouDtulns we would have t~o nnd Uh~rley , very . willing took the aodsee many hundred feet below UN Just to thiuk of ollthll fruit ~~iJ~~.ra~~~~·t.f1I~f::'~l~"~== after tbe mlde me, mbor!! of our nSlrty thl'ee engine!! to pnllanlll)U8h. VYe next Cll.r buok with· Ole, It. wlls,'a the t'rtt.ok wo hlld just come over. 1 you wunt withou.t ever Ulinking of ,,"e_turnl blood 'pl'08!\lIre. ' .... t ad 11 I h i " J 11...... 70ur /lnror. and doelll't It ret red. an4 bad been trying ,to impr688 upon us 8 lI.y , II. n. g t n ..,a.~ ose ILnd new road to lobe c.;1ift' House a.nd out did not 6specially epjoy·this f~llture, biting Into worms, fOI' th~w II re not I1I'nl1.anll \lAin )Ollt Of OOUl\le It dOlI. WI coo. etarted ellrly e t f 0 k . ~?II- blood pretlluro, Yotl'II'/lo~twbMIlltJA that $bey IIhould be ,recognized as ' . n x mornmg or 11.. outaf the Bol\cl rook of the'ID!)Untain eUber. We went through 8evorl11 tronbl~d wit,h that petIt 1 nevor nlllWllly Commoll seilM. ' th-. heads of 'be family for their ~x land arrl vmg , there about 10 Il. m. "liP j nst wide enough for, the two mnnell! thllt took us bom three to saw sooh potuto yields tt.nd lUI Illrge ., !IIi coo......otl c:IteII&;.ful17 i'eoomDIAII wu .0 mach stronller thaD our•. Friday morDlng. Here we gO~ a trolley traoks. Ofte we 'o oqld look f,ivemlnute!l. We were glltd enough potatoes in my life. 'I'hey are very Oomlng home from the lsl"nd we room and fi..~ed. ourselvee to enJoY! out of the Windows a.nd 166 notblng to gat th. e wi.n. dows raleed for fresh dry and mealy. My silltllr wonld . . uperleDoed .. ",try roulJh and ohop. waklhiol' the fleet and visiting San between U8 aDd $he . below bat air. Ol1r en~ea burned 011 from IIbale the kettle II pourin, 011' ~. \ PI'IM aDd were aU glad wben we LFrancisoo. The Atlantlo sqtladr~n tbe ends of the . apotle.i New Orleana to Portland and In go: the water and the potato wonill be ",,"OD clQ' JaDdapba. joined by the Pacific aqaadron had an, the beauty of torjlDatbf01lgh thpse '1 00, ~QDDe" the aa mealy on l.b e b~tslde . 8s if It bad
A .' I N ·
Dr Sh
•a HeeadaOc.oPh. Tableta.;J J'At.;.L DEALE8"l"
, .
. 11
I·. '
-, 1111 0 n
Lit" Hah. i\ llIInJi rI VI-"' llt . ~" ' 1l11I I.l " '/111)1, tltl ' lin.. t l, r lli w(le lc II" hI' ( It l t' (111 111' 111 \1 1,':~ 1t WII"de n I ,. a \ 1) t ," 11111 ' I • . ' 1,1\11 )' 1"'1 t,f ()hl ll, tOg- tlJer IW[I.II '1:0 'iliti! ll,,.I'\~ It"'S' III II" . " ' hiln n o IIr· I ' .\ 1.1.1-: . 11) 1','- 1~ 1\'1')'(\ /lItHI! t 1t0\7 IOl1 nd evin. :.. ,("111', ' Iq~l till)j1 [' IIllrlll;" r , of ti~h r 1',11 ' I .\ 1I1t'I, 11111.\' l'l'l-i 1l11 i ll tll ui l' II r1 1l·~t ~11o"1. I .. lIlI'l l' It II \I I tllfl ' ob ~ t ll l \rId I h, el' hI;; W."~llIllolltls of nots, '1' 1111 1' '111 11 1'k Il ut! " II U IIlllt·\) 1'11111 / '" illl" a l lll .I'·II\l~ .. ,'[!H I'oll wllrruuts W IIS II I'd ,1" W'l!; o\' l' I,oard in Xf'- W 1'1 vh t"'I\( (1 I t'(~ln I,he conl'ts of nt l~ l ll~t ,'w4" le ::lllrul .· lit.,.\, IIl'e l ' ' ,Xlii,. \\'"l'\\'IC'k III)(l . 'SI IIlU'U 'u r . 111 111'1 ' Itl nl!llltl tllllu W!lllt·n. I I'I.IUO; . MtlMI of the r"lU ~ WBrB IIl1uie I llll' IIJ ~ ulJ~' n('1' Ilf III· J)l1rti S I'UII I.tJI'IJ('d .'I'hn N I.1 li ll l\'IJI :4 0l'thl <.'\,nlll1unll, , . . _ __ -:-_. h ,' , () t'l lI lIorol(; ~ 'fi ll) til It/HII P '('Iti l II Wl >1 ll'llg w(Julr1 hrln~ lJlg Ot· p". 1.11111 1£ "'~ PI 'f'IUll.v ~in<.:o th .- J' ll W l,l',v wll II I 1\'I,nld Il II fUI·:.l oe nts II. lJu ~ ll1111 >1 Oll ll' l' i ll to l,n'OC I, : , 01 . 11111 to g i'ow wh unt you mu st , IIpIf y.o"l· I)l\liIlIU III HUI HI Y()IlI'PII I'II !' 1pi,\' pillnt. fo od . Use ARM Ult , 0 l'ulI 1' lo 11I15' lIn,l I hI 1illlit IJIIItI flu ,[ [" Elt'!'l J~ I Z.E:Ft. ' "N!ltn ml PlIln t F,?ocl ,)'111 11' 1ll'lill\i:\lIl 11'111 IIvl 11I00·() I.V II" , nlll l l'lliso Hu t onl y Dlore w h el,~ t l.Iut o hi.1I II - il willll·lll'I." til til 1I1 U\TOW : but,lc'l' \\' 11 nt. ,'old 11)' W .) '. 'MTTH, o f ,VOlU' 'lilJliotl. 'I'h l I'u~h in lid _I. \\. Blll'1i llgton, )Il io. YIIUOI S'y~ ( l1\l1 i!l Ihe. lllll,\' l' u rrOl!t \\'!\ TED 0 11 . 'I'I'l' l'o ill 11 0 lil liI'll Bu utilll ut II \ 1'41 1!t'i1l g' H IIc'\\,:llllllll'l' 1I11m tl.lI!fLl in j" orel rill" II 1.111 HoI <>1 Ilunt,. A 'olts In hrallk. 1 a m prep a red to UlIlII Ord lll'il wlint, h wllnls und uu hllllill Illld hrellk youn g horse8 and 01111'0. I t i~ 1111 i mml t to c nt inl1 0 colli> of Itl l dos riptlon ttli!! t!tll and (Jolclllg IL Il ows pnp e r ~It hi lll wheo l,ol·oll ftol'. Hrok e ll nny wily si ngle ho IIllelf n ot. wnnt It" H1ll1 i t DlIili cH 0 1' donlJ)!) to clt'ive or wprk il;1l1.ny Lite n OW~ )lllp e L' contemptil ,l tl . l:l IllllUue r de Ired. ' Careful attention tltiuktl t,1I0 llllbli . b I' i ~ trying t o f\/ld the be'st of while in my r fOI'n o th llllP r un h im IIUU t h nt it Imudlin ",. : Best of servloe gllA.rant\ ,'.1\11
( ' 1' " " "
111 .,. aCId
Wit H
I I J' . ','" '1 ' " ' I " . Ir. t IIf Ihulltlll
~ ,
MOlle Only by Plaintiff Epw'Drth Heights 'amll MeoLing in Single cw SuH of the W~k IOPlilo.s r~l~ay of tbls w e ek . Sutur<';ol11l1li!lsioncrs Are Busy . dl1Y 180. A. R . Day. BishopDllvitl B. M oore /tod Past D ept. 'hll pin III Geo. S . Easton willilpeak to the OIl! NEW sunt! Soldiers. 'rhis program should S ...ldwin Colonization Company every old soldier lVithln rel10h to VS. outeer~ All1bamll. Develop. th e m~'etio~. went Uomp'lDY. PIlllntiff 11 vars She . Likes Good Things thlLt tile r " is due I1nd owin~ to i.t
Mr~ . .Chli8. E. Bmlth, of West $1625 whioh it olaims together with interest Il~ six par lIent, Brandon, Franklin, Maine, says: "I like good things a.nd have adopted Dr. King's Burr & Ivi ns , Ilttorneys . New Life PilJsas ·oorftl.mily lantive HIeAL ~1'ATIC 'I'ltANSJl'icHS. mediolloe, because they are good A . W . Mlu'diN to MUl'gl1l'et L Bnd do their work without mllkl1lg • 0. fUSB about It. .. · These pl\lnless N al. , lvt iu L eb tu)on, iL purifiers sold at Fred C. Bchwnrtz's Milt,)o Blluley tu La.ura A. Shid- drug store. 25, . ak e l', 1<.1 In Harveysuurg ~l. COOLEST PLACE IN CITY Mil ry M. Thompson to Adelia Tib.blll s , lut In LlJbl1non, II. . All of the free vaudeville shows at ,I vse ph K Gilohrlst ILnd EUzabeth 9 :30 shurp every night . 'fhi8 give8 M. li ll uluist to Adelia. Tibba:ls, lot In those wbo hve Ilt a. di8tan('e from LobullOl' , ii1. R ol'el·t Watkius and LiZZie Wat-. the ·parli: an opportunity of getting kiu>i to Nunnle E. Pott-eoger, lot in home iu good time. Out of town vi8itors find attraotions on the Leblln on, %350. ground8 first and then go to the John P. ~tewl1rt to Emm" OOOrvaudeville show, knowing that there lin, r eal in Hurlan township, will be no ' chanoe of missing trains ~l. Uoruelius 1:1 . Nixon Imd Isabelle or internrban cars, as II.nyone can, Nixon tu ,Lidll S, dmith . traot in if nooessary rell.oh the heart of the oity at 10 :15 p , 10. The Flea. Cirous, Was hington township, ROSll \1. Cutcbeon to Chdlet! E. tbe riokler, the Battle RoYIII. and Bu* College oontinue' to be the fl1 E II. t it ' F run kl In," ' 2000 . on, 0 In .M lir tb II. J • H. II.m t 0 F ran k L . vorite of the score or more Ilttr~o . B l11ns - . 1ot In ' B arveys b· urg, . '225 tlon8 0 :11 tbe grounds fIond no one r.'lllnot 1.10 of om It Yll llle . B y de- t eed . Price for servioes very reaCorll Mile WlI.rd II.nd Charles Ward should go hoole without visiting UlIIUlliug olls h i u ndvullce tlnd sn noble . Addra8s me or ClI.l1l1t my to state of Uhio, qUIt olilim on trllot these four plaoes. . nor ' ~1' . prolllptly (liSMLlti uuln g tb e )JU) l' h orn e .on Fourth street . 1n Has 11 lngtOn,., Why James lee Got Well · w l~ell th 1m b~ 'I'iption expires tb t\ "1 V . B ART80 K, Waynesv III e 0 . Clurll M!te Duke to Stll.te of OhiO, 1\lIhll ~h r U l!t 11I11y . i'll_\'{ onn sid 1'11 _ • • traot in Wa8hingt-on township, ,aDO Everybody in Zanesville, Ohio, " A n g u s t time tells on the nerves. knows Mrs Mary ~ee, ' of rural bi ll '.Iloney, but. Ii IIvui u" Wllllr nn d But thl1t s piritlass, no ambltion Milry E . /::limons to flenlev Sy- routes. !::lhe writes: "My husband, tellr o u Ms 11 \ I' V Il, II d Utt,1 r no fee lin~ liD be easily quiokly 1I.l: mont!, qui t oillim on trllct James :Lee, firmly believes he owe8 npostl'ophio. to . Hrlltl tn d uucI , tl'ro(1 by tllking what is' kn~wn b'y Ills life to t,he ulle of Dr. King 's New RI,I'ongtll li S hi s!l If I'etlpeot IN drllggl t~ everywhere .a s Dr /Shoop s PItOBA'fK COV II1 Dh!oOV4~ry. Hill lungs. were BIl se, . e Rf's tomtl v. Wltbln 4 bours after d • verely affected that oonllump&lon k Ill w \' 0 u UII \\' «0\ h ll \'e 1·[ It,,1 hot h . heg inni ng to Ilse the Restorative. Ewtllte of John p, Stewart" e" lleeUied inevltoll I;)le, wh&n Il friend !'loth lli . H I 11)1 s nl.l8nl'i It r ~ mlLy_ i "'1.1tOVOmeDt will be notibed Of oeo8ed . Willil1Dl Obe~1in 1l1'PointBd recomo~ended New liisoovt'ry. We 1:. t " mil d " 1I11t1 loI.illk Ih it· r edi t is o nrst'l full bea~t~h will notimmedi. · Ildmlnitlr.r~t.()r lit "2000 bond Illld tried it, and its use has restort'dhi.u;l I a ing II H1IlLi \( (I. \)lI t t llllfionlll,le m Oll 1\ t I.Y r e turn. I he gain, however, Uharles 8htt.ry William Ford and to perftlot hea"h. " Dr. King 's New . . . . . : Will ur Iy foll ow. And best of 0 t" W ' . Oi80overy ie the Kinr of throat and Will 1166 l:hO IIl lll t f:l l III tho ~ il,: hl l (1l1, yon will ronlil-.e and feel your av u alter appomted a.ppraisers, lung lI'emedies, For coughs ..nd Ji ~ bt" I~ntllf. \I 'JO~II' II1 I1I \Qollhyulrre r_ Ht,r ugth lind umbition as it is reo State of Oblo V8. Dan Bates. De. ooldll it ha. DO equal. 'l'heflrst 'doee eDce "hn t tl.trtlll lUlU I I 10 111 n think ttlro!ng, Out Ide infi uenoes depress fend lint entered Into reoogniaan<le gives l·eUet. Try',! Sold UDder IIU nt it.. first b e iuside nerves" the.n the in !lum of $500 for bill appearllnce In guarantee at , Fred C. ,t:Iohwart~'s _ _ .. ,!Ito ffiII oh, Bead !\Dd Kidneys will drng s ·tore. 60, and $1,00. Trial - -1lt! Il,dly fall Htreog'lben t.hese flul. ooort to. answer for I!odom.v. bott,lefree. I'i v I h e lllt1 ,l! l II.' I" ·OH. tllfll)llll Ii iu g n e rvell with Dr. Shoop's Restor. (j, B,. l:ikinner, guardian of estate _ _ __....__._- _ _ Wi t h I )r .I" lt'H Hh L111111 1(\ R All\ 'us I lIt.iv A "lid ilee bow qulokly hel\lth of Ulive A . Skinner Ullnor vs Olive PUblic Sale. '1 '... ljl at, o r l.lljll1(l Hold h.Y 1111 41rlll I WI\I be you r s ugaln, old by . 1111 Ski deB' i . P rll . I Ol'IIIOTI! . A, nner an . . 8" nner; etition for sille of reul estate granted. 10 pursoaoce or ao order 01 the Probate Iu of will of John Bohr.llr, Court. 10 Wld forWaneo County. Oblo. I w!1l de06lLsed. Will admitted to probate offer for 8a1e. at public ve.odu-e 00. • • + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~, + + + + •
B.i\_R (J-.i'\ .r ----A'l' ___ _
tI" ,
10 and 15c a Yard. Children's :Musliu Drawers 10c and 12 1-2c.
Mo~day,~he24thdayof Augu~t,l9bs,
Estille of Katherine MODntti Kibbey, dtlcelilled. Admini8trator a.1- nl one o'clock In the "Hernooo Of eald <luy lowed to reduce bonds from '6000 to 00 tbe pr-emlses herelollfter descrIbed . lhe +++.++01'++++++ + ~ + + + + + + + + + • • 130UO. followlo" real eslale, sltuaooln tbll'Iow nshlp of Wayo,•. In tb.e County Of Warren , utlcl In tbe StaU, of Oblo. oamely" Estate of Joseph O. Keyes, de068800. bloVentory I1nd uppr~tso : "SitUate In W"yoe Towosblp.· Warren Ly. Ohio, beIng pa.rt of Lot No. IWO (2) men t filed by W . B . Alleb and COUI which cOlotaloed ooe hundrlld und ilve \IOn) acrlll!, alld I pan of fractional section NO. Frallk Brandoll . .Tblrty·one (III), 1'ow n )o'our (4), HaoHe Fl)ur 18ll1llb i:iolling8hElAd, as Ildmlui8- M. R-. S; ExceptlDg the followlag dcs' rlbed tract of laod. beglnnl1\8 ot a stolle In lhe tratol' of e!ltate of Benry Bowk, V8 line of lands fonnerly owoed by George Mos. Sarab E. Bowk: tlale of propertj (\eoeaAt!d. belog the S. W . corner of said sell1100': tbenee wtth tb" sec lion IInoS. 1· 81.25 repol ted aud prooB6ds divided : poles to a slon .. In tile road Bnd corner to " 10LOf land formerly ow ned byWlIIla", Wilker· E8tl1te ~I' Elsltl MlI.rle Bowk, Ron. deceased ; theoce with S31d rond N . :H. !!II' blinor . Bllrl1h E . Howk nppointed Ill. "4,!!4 pole a to a sLake In the lIue or luods lately oW'oed by flald MOHK; til nile wltll 8alft gUllrdilln at HOOO bood, line and Ille ouUloe of the whole seollon N. S~ · W t1l.5u, poles lO We beglnnlog. cOlltnlnlnll ElIllltll of LR,fllyette 8, Rne, . I.If- Ibree (3) acres Bod two and slxty·nlne bun · oen!! d. Dlle proof uf PUbjiOlltioD dr dtlll (. ~ ti9) poles ; and exooptlol!. ul l\{) III followtou Iract. begioolol! at a .tone In the 01 n o l,lce vf HIJPolnlment filed . . line of sidd land runnIng N . f> .:.!f> ollalns S ~ 2· E. II. chalos S . H • • E . II.IS cha ins 10 a MARKIAUB: 1;1 IIlNSElI. ~to o" 10' the IIno of s31d laods; ...thcnce 5.6:' chains to laodK forlD$!rly owne<fby Cook 3hl! l£url W . Harner , l!5, lI.borer 01 Evuns ; theoceillong the 1I0e N. 3. 00 chaln8 ; I.I'Ol't Aoolenttu VerUIl R Huft'wlln , theoce N. 48.Xlo W . 111,50 poIe8 to 1M begin· nIlIIi'. ·co:lltalnII.K thirteen and .seveoly·flve .:.l0, Fort Anoieut. Rev. Mr. Baldwin . hun4red'tb. (1:1.76) acres; aDd excepting. IlIIlO tbe followlo l( descrlbe!llol of land sold George E . AIHler!lon, 34, railroad by tbe OI~oilDIRtl'Ut.orn 01 JOShua ChenowlLb, decellSed commeoclnll ot tile .S. E. corner of firaUlllD , of Bl'lIIobe!lter, to Pellr I the IracI;, and corller to lund latelv oWlled by Cleveugel', :.l3, uf BIILIl Iltltltel' , R. F. .Iobll SaliterLhwalLe deceased : t.bence wi til the lIoe ,of suhnund N. H ~ " W 1I ,250hal09 ; D, . tbeo ce ..... O~ · W . I t chains to tbe section ..1M lI!1!:!IONICR'H 1'11 0 ' II:EDIN Otl . line ; Lhe:uce N. u· 1-.' FJ. r, 74 cholDH to a su· gar tree t th en""::i HH · Hi' E, 17. 15 chnlna to Bill>! Allowed : ~ 1.ounlll Whitaore, 3 SInko : llt 'nc~ >-. U· 1", IV. 18,.48 .chalns to Ihl! heglnlllnJ! . <"nt lin 1111( twenty (20) acreR; hl'ldge repalr·t! .in ,'lIlem towo8hil', and I.-a Ylng 10 said IraotslUy·elgbl unll tweo · ty ·H\'e 1:I1~udredtb8 (08 .26) acres. 8",,1 tract $,12.42 -; Elmer Bowell. bridge re- belli!! Ihe some premises .cooveyed lu Ollv"l plllrslu t..:lellroreek 't owusbil', *2442; 1.lll;hley by Lewis Humphrey, by deed 'dILted Mur ·l. :1, 1860, aod recorded 10 Warren V. J. Zelltmytlr, bridge repulrtl In County 1>ee(\ Book No. OR" Jl6lte 30:1. Dtlerllehl \uwlIshil', $::l:t.50; "'runk '''Also, the foUowlng de80rlbed premises: Duke, \trld~tJ Imulier, I\tJO. 7~~; WIlI- Siluate In Wuyne 1'oWOHhlp. WarreoCouoty . ter (j . AudenlOti, 1" lIor. Itud mllter _ On'o, being part of section I'fo. thlrty·ooe (H) . 'rewn r.. ur (4 ), R " 1l8~ live (5). beL ween Llle 11.11:1 1'0" l111tOLUOlJlltl '1lIgOH, $7 5U; U . M.lnml Ftlvo:rs. beglnnllljl at 11 PORt S. E. cor' ner Of a lot of land COIlYfl)ed to Abel Salloer· S, 1\ Il,Ju llgi!, puiul" ~7 ()O i . W . H thWalte 10 tbe yellr .ai,,, by EVlln and David Hupplng, cout"ILot fur toilets 81 Ilr.nowllh. unJ · tunolng theoce N. 27· ·Fl. 10.:11 chalos 1.0 tbe . 1I0e of , David Loahley: COurt hU\lse, $287; W. H : Stunft.~ e Iheo ce wllh the !loe ot said Lasbley N. ti6. lIud ' Uoluloauy, .bllluktl for "' tlhilriff, W . U 46 chains In a "tone ; theoce S. 10 · 30' ... Fl. 9. 7:! \lhaln" to tbe beglnnlni. cOQll1lnlol!. $13.M); W . l:i . l:!tIlDllgelind Compftoy, exclusive of a ' roadwliY througb tDe sa Id blnnk!:! for oor. ooer, 111.70 ,' L M . premlHeH coo vexed by quit clllim deed for Lb~ use nf I,he premises own~d by saId Davl'd Prlno", 8Ul11'1f8~ for 8urveyor, .1 ·2 5; 1.IIRItI~}', two and nloely ·four hundredlb s D"rrett Bro'hur~, blank!:! for Blind (2.n4) al:re8, be the same more or le!lllllud b euno • Ing the ~,ame premlsell conveyed bv Abel RHlief ()owml!!siou, $1) :40; William SQtterlhwlllt~. by deed daled ,Toouary 7. 18111, lind recorded In W~rren Couhty Deed Evans, lumber, '16.89 i M. ' 8. By, 800k N~,. 57, .pagea !lall "'nd 2)7. " mao, olo~bing for pri80nor!', '6.10 i . Snld roal .,.laLe hllR beeo reJlularly ap. RIO'S mntos ltlon, fnm oll for Iho scenic he lluty of Its park srountl, John W. Jones, pllintingll.nd.lett6r. prailled ot tbe sum or Thlrtv ·flve bundted ' OI'II}' l'itH'S (l ll hlillul'od 11,11(1 nrtll Pn !lorna or rOiling ' land, I.d enlly Ing' brldlle ,sl'onlf, *1476', Allditor's Oollil",-(.~lft(jO). aod tbe II&me wlll ootbe80ld , D .. .. for Ie"" thao two:thlrrl. ( ~~) crsa'd.apprl1lsed locuh'rj IlhOll1 two nIHI o l1 ...· h"IF· IItlll' s 1I 0l'lilE!Us t or th e State Capl\ol. Fee Fund appraising traotlon roadl "allle, The termR of Hale nra a8 follow. : ulld I' utllly llJ'o PBHibl o hl' i!lI nt DI'OIl S e l' 11'1(' 1'1lllwnys from all polnt8 ' ' . , • ' ODe·tblrd (~)ol thepurcbosc prIce cash In of OIUU1UlI!I. Whil e Ihl' brn lllirul p:1 l'l( ·g l't)1111C1. with' It !! broad . expanse for 11l09,78; Aud1tor II. loire FqDd io-. bond or, the day- of ."Ie. one·Lblrd ( ~ ) In ",·u " u\, urli Ilull rI \ 1111 (Xll l1 l ~1t·. !If',;igllft of 110\\ ,'In g emli IlIshm nls, IItruotlng alld filrnlshlnK blanks to (lne year from the 'lilY of Kale. and .0ne'Lblrd of ., ~ ~ Oi) III two ,ear. from \bO dolV Of nil!. ~he In 011115 nlld ~ hadl ,, 1 1'( 11'1'1111'. Il lI fl Lrnlll! hl rom' 10 th e Bu~l\ey Stat. It "tlSeIlIlOfll, '65 . Auditor'e Fee Fond said ~"odererred paymeoloS to beor lot.ereu Is Ih l:l t1 ., ,11",'11 1'111 /19&111 (. :d llbll ion 1J t1 l1 llill gR 1'1'{c' (' l l'ri lit renn that have WUklDK turnplke duplicatel for 1907, ~'!'~~h:;aJ!, o~f ~:l~~) ::!m=~,~:t.e:~:~ talu cI few Ohlo ' lil l' proud (\i ~Li Ilt~ !l"" of ownin g Ihe Ones t and bes t quip. flOIi.IU!' 2:1. A. Stilwell mUeage glyeo for ,aid uro defeHed paymeoloS. and IJP U S~n l f, ~:'f'Cls ltl \l n In Ih~ ' Pnilln ' . the I of ...Id proml.eory Dotea to be We ' I't' p,'wln r: lI\)O\' 1' 8 Ilhnt Ut:'I':\ 11h ll' v h'w or tho )H rgest strucl lire on roadl, taD_30 a mortple on tbe premlHs .old. the g l'Otluil ~- tl ... . 11Il" S(> Flxltlhl! Llu lh:i ll l,;. Thi s ~trtl('tl1l' Is ~:J2x332 feet, B. A 8tUweJl, mllpap "hUe .pOSCAR J. BDWARD8. wI t b r.t llll U '('IJIIIIIIUda I iUII S rill' six h unth'p!! nnd orr y animAls. Ohio's 1,1 ve pHillDIr trao'10D road., '111.150 ; AdmlDi8Irator wi,lube wW Btock shuw I" e<1llcf'tl(:(l hy nil to h(' I he i:' l' nndesl nnd most extensIve In the Jillmeal'olleD 8r" Alary ........0' aDoued ol 'dIe fIItate of II1lddl~ Wf>r. l. nnd nt tlte 1'.lIlting RXPlI!i llllln. III be It ·Id. In C(jlum~ua, Aug, Oa,,14 Luble"deceaaecl. 81. S pt. I, ::, 3, 4, nellt, more l)llIn 81" hllndrpd helld 01 tbe Ineat t,pel j!lDltor.' oourtboue for Jol,., teO; CI! IIr d llnlululs will btl on I'x1tlbltlon lu the Horse Bulldhar tor JOUl' N. T. Ioaenol,CODkao&';Pa*",BBTB . BR~':,~, fI1Jtl",,!:taQU and admiration. .. I., O,'QQrIaQ, '18.10. "al, 111,-'"
· O
Higher Priced Ones.
The Felix Corset, Long Hip, ...
$1.50 grade for 95c.
Wool Skirts Marked Down. Ruffled Muslin Curtains, 35c, 50c and 75c,
Of Figured and Plain, Plaid and Striped White Goods, wOl,th 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c, 50 cent off, all 's old at .
'Hutchison &Gibney 45 YEARS 0 F BUSINESS 1"~I1Ii____________• •_ • • •_ • • • • • •"
The footprints of Dyspepsia. bave been direotly trlloed t.o the stomlloh nerves When these' 'In8ide nerves' fail, indigestion a.nd stumaoh diR- ! tr688 must Burely ·l E\sult. For this. druggists everywhere supplying ; a presoriotion known tlB Dr. Shoop's \ Restorative. Fi.rst, 'huse tiny; Inside !:itoUla.oh, Heart and KtnneY 'l nerves filiI. Then ·gas belohing Heart palpitation, or falling Kid.' neys follow . Don't druS-: the litO. mlloh,or stlm ula te the Beart or Kid. neys. 'i'bll.t Is wrong. StreogtlulD these failing nerves with Or. I:3hoop'lI ReRtorati ve, It II! the nerves, not the orgll,ns that 'o alling tor help. Within 4 hours "fter ' the RestorAtive treatment, you \lim re8·lize the guin. A wst will tell . 'old by 1111 delllers . ""!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!'
DR.H,E. HATHAWAY ". A ,~ 'lesvjlle's Lelldlng Delltls~
Oltlce in KeYil B)dg.
Veg'etable Laxative
Granules ,
surpa88es all
other rem·
edies for the relief of 8ick.. headache, westion.
dizzine811, ohronio
tion and Biliou8ness, beCause . they IlrE! oomposed of the beat known' Vea-etable drugs , and mixed in the proper
tions known to gi ve the beeS rH!!ults. Every boU.le gnarraateed to give satlsfaotion or mon, ey refunded .
26c Il bottle at Schwartz'l, maileu:anywuere:upoD receipt "f prif'e.
KlLlney Trouble You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rea,l s the uewspll pers is sur~ to kuow of the wonderful clIres mad e Ily Dr. Kil mer's ' S wampRoot, the l:rear kidney, Ii ",: r a nd IlladM A If< S'I·ItEE·I' WA YNESVILDIiI, O. der rlJ lll cci y. In I'oom lIext d t..:ros8 Brol, . . 1t is ~h e g reat tIIcd. . ieal trillnl}.lb of the ffal'd Wil-l e Stvl·e. uiu elt:!elltll centul'Y; Telephono iu bouae ADd ofIlce di scovered .. rler ye rli . or &CiellLific research where 1 can be called day or night . Vlllley Phon'e H - 2, . . hy Dr. Kilmer, th e --. emiu!:lI t kid ney and blndder . specialist, u nd is wond erfully !!' --~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!! successful in promptly euri:lg lam" baCk uric acid catarrh of tbe bllldder allli Bright's Disease, wbich is tlle ,.orst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp' Root is uot reeonl1uetlded for everything but if you h a ve kidney, liver 01' bludder trouble it will be found jl\st the rellle(ly YOII neetl. It hilS ueeu ~ested in so Illa ny ' way~ , ill hospital work. and ill private practice, lIud · hag·. proved so successful ill every case thai a special arrangement has been mllde 'hy which all readers of tI.i s pnper, who h uye not already tried' it, lIlay have a sample hottle ~nt hee by mail, also n l.lOOk tell. iug I'lor.e abollt an~ bow to a findoutlf}l.Iu bo ve kldney ? r blll~l1~r Irol,I' ble. Whcn writin~ mentu:m readmg.tlllil geoerousoffer iu till S p .. per IIndselld your add~es8to )Jr. Kilmer . . & Co" . Dillghamton , N. ' V ; The reglliar Veterinary Surgeon a.nd DeDtist. t, ny-cent aud on!:dollar ai·/.e bottles 'are HOw. or 8.....,..Il00&. sold by IIll good dri:iggists. Don't make ully mistnke, hilt · remember ' the nllme, At Bome oD :tlat~rday Afternooo. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Bnd tbe llddress, Biul;ha111toll, N. Y ••.OIJ every botlle . .
Telephone payor Night, local No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r
Branch Office, Harvevsbur O•
Dr. John Hyatt;
Telephone No. '121
I WaynesvilJe, Ohio.
Liverites aale at til ..
rol1o,,!,l1l~ ~Iacea:
Ztmmerman'lI, Kilbon's, WhUe'., Mountjo7'11
Purely Vegetable Laxative
Cilres Chronic ConatipatiOD, aDd Liver and Kidney Troublea.
Tho Alpha Chemioal Go. Springfield; Ohio.
ENNINGS BRY Democratic Candidate for President In Forty-eight Characteristic Poses, His Wife, Son and ITwo Daughters.
Sketch of Career of j' Famous Nebraskan Who Has Been Active in Larrp,. Politics, Baslness and Literature. I
~£:_III~ILLlAl\I J I~ :-':
N I 'G S lIltVAN WII ~ \Jom al ·s l('m. 1I1urion C~1lInt)', lIIi no.l8. all Mart'll In. [S6O, I-I e was th o 0 11 of Sli ns Lil ia I'd anO J.!aria 1:Jllz!1 belll (Jt'!lnlugs) nry nn. H is (a· tile r was II Vi rgi nia mnn, liv d III C lll\l~ [I' counl y of t hat SUIl until he W!UI L ,'ca ll! of n~e. whe n 11 ;. 11"" ",d to ill inoi s. oml u fler his JlI'Mlua· tlOI' from M cK ndrep. {' t h' g " on ter d up on I ho III'nell c of la w at SIl!em. Politics al .· e l1 g:l~ed h is allell 1011. Prv JII 1 52 11 8 rvl'U I 'h t )lellI'S liS s t nlll seon I', ,\ull 1)('r· r Wl d tli dll tl 9 oC cIrcuIt jlll l ~ 1) . " 1'<111 1 I ' (iO 10 1 i~ . H e WIIS It III II 111 her. of th e stale consl ltalloll al conVl'1I on of 1 'i O. HI!) dealh toolt llac~ lll l RHO. i\l nl III William .T !lnln gs \l.J'YUll 11 nl hla boybood ' on a farm III com , J1l elE11 ~' r uml Sl1Tl'()u nclin gs. 'I'aught at tWill " b)' his 010 h er until h e WI\S tOil . l itE' 10:1 Il!tended he tJub llc " houls u ntil his flfl e'!nth renr. After laklug 6 ('lI urse at Whfpl,le Ilcadem y. J lu!k· sa o ville. ,11 entered 111111018 coll ege In 1 77. li nd graaunt d as valedlclorlan r Olll Ihnt IIlRl lt u Ion III l ' t. Whil I n ollegc he' took 111 b s lan di ng (UI 1\ stllllfl nt. and was a inemll I' ot' Its lit · run' IWcl deballng sorlell s. ' For t w Y !\rfl 'after hi s g rQuuallon b o Stllll! d t3\\' r.t [h UnIon Law college In Old · (':\"'.\0 And In Il\w offices. n hIs n(\ml t;s!c)n to the hal' h h · !;:lll II IIl Uce at .Tnck. onyill e. III 111117 lie rl· jnov:ed to Li n 0111. , 'ei>. lind Ill" (111' " n III t;mber of t1ie Inw tlr;n of Tnl· lJot &. Il I'ya n, 'f' h~ Y('Ur l liAS saw the beg lunlng of Cll l"' ('r !\,'S a politiCia n. In l\1n~' of ( hat ). Clr I e w s ~ a del!;'!;a' to t il l)eltl ('l' Ut ~C s ta e COllvention. h Id at IU.' la o u nd thoro won a r eputation :; u Hllhl (' spenk r, I·lls a bility nlllt .'n 'ic 1:1 liS nn oratol', dllliliayed In III In Il uh~ c quent atldres s\ls 011 tarll! I' ·fpr:n a" ,1 loca l 0 tnocratlc IS ~ III· s . led .t o h is lI 01 minatlou fo r 11 Ulf.' ll ll nl gov. ~1'O01· . lIlIl be (Ieclincd Iho honor. I Entrance Into Politic •• • '111 1 . 0 h e' WIIS nonl lnlll('11 t'tJ r con. Il l' sk lIy Ihe Pil'"t dlslrl ct )) 1Il0CI·/\t!C ( 11 \. " 11 tl OII , Th e pl nUorm ( If l ha t ( \1 11Vt nil on. wrille n Ill' IIlnu;elf e m. lrl" j' d :t fl'ce sliver I1lan k nn~1 de. I !:an ,1 .; roJ' free . \Vou l. Inllhar. s lI gur, , '.1;11 klld Iron are uu tel'tH S 111111111' to 'lI,n~ . Ilfte r WUI'd I (H.sed by {lH.' ho u e ,01 1'(' PI'l'IP ll Unlyes ' . _fr o Bryan W:1 S, e l ~ c !cd h~' a. [111l1'1111 y r Il. 713. Once In WUKh ln !; to ll he l:Ioo n mll~ ( his lIIurle IlS a n o ra Lor, II ,'rll'nu (,r hll "« I', 11IIcl n rad! cn I ud \;ocat of t aJ'lff I'cf I'm . Hc dl s llh.c;ll .. ·hed 'him . fl " 1f III lite conferf.' nces of Democ:I'll tlc .1.f:' JrlUe rs h~' vll t lll;; tor t11 0 most I'ndl('01 I' tiu ti O:lS of dub'. for cnLll ng .'al. n manllfaclUrcd gOllds lind for I J1 ~ t 'r lln' Ul e In orne ta x III th e 1:lrlrt III l'lll> II I'e . His vol e lllliped t II br ing Ii Illit the Ineorn l UX OJ nslll's and ( li p ~o lJlJlIng of It with th e l a rlff sched. ul !'s . Hes ld es being an AcUve worlccr In <'<'lII mltlec, 1IJr. llryn n gulll e!'! "ccog[u' tl nll In generlll de unte. H e lellped at OIH'I! i II to faille Ily his EilleCch 011 I ntl tariff III the .'Ifty second C'OngreslI. CI II ro eNs of d!cUon, Corce of reusun. illg . Bnd . AttrAc tiveness of de ltv l,l> ry lfW rk ed him out at once as one of lbe born orators of lhe bOllse. l:Ie AJloke (Ill that, occasion for the united Demo and tbll other In [he Omaba Ct\lIteum, ratlc I)nrty, and was showerod wl tb' witi! John M. Tburston. "'ongnll ul8t1ona . tl'om 1111 elemcollJ Out of C'on&ress M.... Rryap 'gave, DllleJlll,: hi!! party assoclat e ~ . most or bis time to .tbe publle discus· Upheld Silvor Standard. alan ot nati onal and state pol1t1ca. His Lalol' Mr. )3ryan turned his alt(!IItlon Ulaoy ,speecbcs 'In Cavor of the free nJpI;e closely ro the "live r (llt!:'s l i011 . olnage oC st h 'er increased his repu· /J1I1I was soon truve llng · through th e (allon unlil , he cam t) to bf. recognlzetl FiJ lIl,h lind we ·t denoulJ cln g lh(, iui. . , tile Icad er ' of the Democracy In Qully of th e gold' stlllldard 11IJlI VI'lI' ~ ums kll. claiming lli u beuell ts of &111'1;' 1' UII Nominated tor Presidency, . In Jul y, IHI6. , be was a delegate hlls: s or cUI·I·eucy. Ill s rc.r,omillatill!l came In l Sn. fro m . 'e ul'a ka to the national conven· Aft £l r Illakl ng n brllllunt campai II lou or lhe Democratic Ila"ty at ChJ· ug a ln st Ju d e All !l W. FI ·/(I. th e H.p.. eugo, B b fe rvid ('peech on that oc· IJUhlk aJl 1l[lIlIda l e, I\Ir. Ul'yan \1" ~I "' t1~ !on In bchalf of free silver took ugll in el ec led.· In' co n g r ('s~ ti C' now , ,: 110 d legatcs by storm and led to his a d.d"tl to h ls I'c j) utution liS' ' fl II' , onllor.. tlo rulnatlop for Ib nresldency. A lrl l.d y rpc gnll-cd a s all ' ubl e ehlllll. Alt hou gh the pla tform 0 11 which he P;IIIl 01' lh ~ r lJlIse . nf tariff 1'01111'111 and ~! oo d ex'it d m!J ch opposition from l)PItI(lI' J':1li c 111'111 i1lles, he nUl(lfl Rev - m:IUY souJ'ces. MI'. Brya n claImed that N IH .. " ta hle t; p (lt'c h e~ on Ih(' lurlll' It represent ed hi s convictions, and an· 1111" , Im 'o ,'ll? ' la x, and otlJ er'IOIlllI rlau t tl unced his readlncss t o defend every ~U F's t IOIlR ' ' ill l.llll<. Jm medla.l ely after hIs nomina· A 1ot>I'fJJlCI s peech of hi s lhal h CllTT"! Illl n he bega n on of the most vigor' rall\ cl lI~ WIis thlll whl ah .1I doliv c:r d 1 o,)lIS .and memcrable campaIgns ever AuxUl;1 16. 1803. l!galnsf' I,. :,. I1n(\OIl' I, l oarn ed, cn by a caqdldale for the tl oJlu'l l'fO p .al of the pu rchu,.hl¥ Iuulie ~' I'es l~ eney . . It 15 e8t1mated that duro Int bis can, ass be traveled over 18.o r l ll ' Sh ' mum act of 1800. 000 nliles. I lI rl ng bol h his terms III C'ongl'e kl Two months before \he nomlnatien 1\11' HI') a lt lY.tlll rc ll1e lllbE'r of Ihl' wa:7a :'01 r. Dl'yaD is repol·ted to bave ' said, 8 11t.! III 'IIIIS cnllllllittee. lind did milch In an In tel'vlew which he wlahed not '1.0 IlI r lh l' r 11)1 11011ant nalltKlIrt'H of Itt/;. to.) be publl bed at .that time: -"I hlal lUll, . 11 e was 1.10Ulill:ltod, a third think 1 shall be Ibe next president Itlm". h,, ~ ducllned Ule hOl.1or, f tbe Uulten Statt's. I am coDftdent H,i" IIIIlnluutJon for UIIII E'd RI.ateJl tbat I ahall, be nominated ID Chlce.o, _oulor followed; bul all Ihfo R('lllIhllc. a nd If nominated I am aure I IbaU be lUlIl .lllld 1\ majoril), In the legjllJnl ure, elected. 1 '/blnk M.cKiDley will be failed of .electlon. It Willi hi I be t be Rellubllnn nomlDee, lUllS he can aU"IIlli.. 01 IllS. that Mr. BrIM hpld beaten. It Is a matter I ha.e It ~ j)luC ~I.tbaws. 008_ 8\ Lluoolu, DI,.r ,I\ald .ach '''IIt. 1 IIeJlne
hoI' knowledge of Latin somewhll" fresh In me mol'y through tho sehool rlu ys at her cbIJdrell, while h elpluHo the m to conQlI ll r . a esar und vanquish. le ul'o . hul tor h er own 1)Ill'l she fiuds hI.!!' IP'ontllst pleasure in t he sludy o~ NnlU n. She Is fond of mll ~1 , but lI1alles no )ll'o t nsc aL beIng an ad pt III I hal 1I1't, 1'.11'8. Bl'yn n beli cl'es that her III'B\ and b 51 clTol'ts s hould b d vol 11 to the w(\lflll'e or he r hOllle nnd family . II ,It dulles have cla,l med so much 01 hl' l' tl m o Ihut IIttlA hll8 been lefl Cor oth er wo rk. ho hos bePIl both moih· et· nn d ro'JIlponlon 10 lier ohlldren. ald· 11lg' th E' fIl th ro ugh Iii . stru~gl es 01 " hoo l duyS. gIving alwqys of hoI' love und wi sdom for th eil' growt h in ed uca· tion untl 0 1111 me. Th I'C nrc Ihr chl1dren, the eldest, Ru th, \\ ho, sI nce h er man'lug to 111 r. "'. II. L uv ltl In Octobe r. 1903, bill made her llOmo in Now Ol'l can~ Then oOlll es Wllli u m ./ ., Jr .. a , stalwart , oulll of 18 Ycnl's . who mens lll' s flve t 1 t In~h S. nnd weighs HiO 1 ounds. L,Il . ti y. lh re is til I>?by of Ibo falllily . ~11 ~s Orn r. , who bus e n· joyell OhOllt Iti 1llll11m rs, !Llld ~n tho III ul1t1m J1RS grow ll us lu ll 115 ller moth r. fi ll of wh loh socs to s how that Xebras ka wind s and w('ath I' huve not Inbo red In vul ll on th o l'ls ln g go nera· Uon . . Ml's . R r)l8 n'~ rot her, who died at tllll ag of, 2, mud his home (or man), yell rs with his only Ilal,\ l:hter i nne! the mos t touching Incident lu tbe ute of Mrs. 1I1'yan Is Ih o 1111111 devo ~ion s h_. Invls hed 1I(lOn hIm. fOol' .•th lost vent's of his life he WIlS bllud. . Takes Up the Smaller Churches. UnllJ a r w yea rs ngo tho Bryun. weI' lei nUntll'1 with a PI'os byt rlat\ ch liloc h III Lin coln. but wit hdre w from lhut weU-estlll>lI str d organization that tbey might give th Ir Sl1rport to ~wo s mull r !llru 'gllng cun~' s at lOllS In tb _ noJgh horhooll . At pr se nt tbe fam ll, ntt nds seryl O s at u IIltle cbap I n eal lh iI' CQ1l1l tl'V home. wh e re tll ). t .. bey can con'le ncar to Lbe heart of ria· tllt'e nnd th g l' Bt Orelltor. With III 11) s im plicit y anti slncerlly are more to be d sired In divine sOl'v ices than ost ntnllon and. dis play. Out at door sports an I! a.muso mento hnl'e ulwu )'s b , en v ry attract Ive to Mrs. Brya n. altllOu!ih she has devoted 110 con elll I'able Ume to the nCQ ulrement of Itro nel ncy In any lIilort ex· c llt that ' of s wimming. whloh she learned In tb"! cornn:t0dlou8 balbhoullt jn L incoln. Drlvln\t alfords her mucb IIluJlsure . and sh h!ls at her command t wo splendid horses. her drive: and a tine saddle herse. he e njoys travel 115 a m eaos of recI'eation only \vhen it is provlug Of value In exlenlling ber kno wle\lse, oC Lhe world and lUI natural wond rs. Something About ·-rhelr Home. The Bryun estale outsldc of Llneola now comprises uboul 160 aCl'es ot ferl lle roiling land . ]n Lhe autumn ot 1901 the construcUoll of the present mansion ,w as begun . Bef.o re It was ready for occupancy the family . fiUet! up seve ml I'ooms In th.e brick barn. !lnd 'lIved Ih re most happily and com· rortabl):. Th ey could we i) nlforll to dQ lhls, tor the splendid bom e whlllh war nearing compietion Is, beyond doubt, a na of th finest prlval ':l T sldences to ho found in the west. The house, whIch Is hullt of chIpped brick 'and s ton e, Is BI tnnled on the brow of a fine gl'8Ssy eminence, which slopes away ID every direction, and from which an un· obstructed vIew of the country tor miles m'ound may be enjoyed. 'l'her& fore the nume Fol rv I',l.W" Is moat appropriate. . Every olodel'n eouVen.lenc. Is found wllhl).1 this home, 'and an eleotrlc car Hne wltbln reasonable walklnl dlstllDCI') carries oDe d~recUy to the c,t)'. In the great hall on tbe main floor may be seen a Jlte-sized portrait 0' Thoma8 Jefferson, while jllst below o~ . . r'a stand ·there is UDllally displayed " prlceles8 old puncb bl,wl or mortar. Aa a girl MillS Baird enjeyed ' g~od us_ed In . the home of Jefferson . . Th. educational advantages. Her education Ubrary II probably thll favorite room was begun In the DubllC schools, a,fter in the Bryan home. He,re are gatheret ' wlilch she attended Monticello. seml- many valuable books, most of theol nary at Godfrey, 111., ene year, Bnd th'C! being works of the great masters, boll Presbyterian academy at Jacksonville, at ancient and ~odern Urnes. Man, III .. . .two yenrs; graduating trom tbe souvenirs are on display here, bu~ per. lattel' Institution with firsl ho,nors in bapa Ute one thing most in ' lIa1Uron, June, 1881. She retul'ned the next· with westera life is a ftn~ slleclmen of rear: for Ilost·grarluate .wor.k. It was .the American eagle. ,c aptured. on tb. whUe at college ' tbat she 'met Mr. plains of Nebraska and mounted by • Bryan, und tbe happy romaoce o't hoI' persona! friend at the tamlly. .' life was begun. He was at that time On tbe basement floor Is feund the attending the Wlnols ,college. Their private olllce and study of Mr. Bryan, uotrothal was made wblle they wel'e which Is probably the most Interestinl both juniors, thl!ir marriage following ro'o m to many visitors :who wead their tOIl~ years laler. In 1884. They rel1lded, way to "FairvIew." Here ml\~. be seell In Jacksonville untlJ their removal to an extensive and vaklo.ble working Ntbrnska three years lateI'. library" or polltlcal ' ani} economlo B'scomea Practical Partner. work,S, 'and n mssslv~ desk 'Well laden • In ~ ol'del" to keep heraelf In closer' wlib paper!! alld COlllmunlcaUoD9, for ,ouch . with his profesBlonal lite, 'l\1r~. It is here that Mr. Bryan prepares bt.. BI'ysn I' hLW 1¥lth 'her husbDnd ' as edHt)~lal work, when at homo. 'Instl'uctor, 'taking the course pre. Auother .room eap~c\fl\ly worthy 0' scribed by the UnJon College at Law notice Is the museum or den' on the o[ Chicago. She was admitted to third floor, which Is maIntained pa~ 'p ractice tn the lupreme court of Ne- tlcularly tor the pleasnre and edue. l)r8l',a In N'ovflmber, 1888, Dot baving tlon of the Children. It contain. the 'mtenUnn oi practicIng as a means speclmen8 from land and sea, Azteo of llvellhood. but that bp.r knowledge pottery, curious ' weapons frQm ro~ of the pretesslon might be of greater elgn Bb.lres, queer IIsh and blrda and valu'! in tbe constant and careful ' all' IheHII, and leveral eets of natural hI. 81atance she rendered Mr. tiryan 'n tory to " Id and \nltruct the Ion " and hla work. daughter ot tbe bouae In tbelr aeareb Mrs. Bryan II also fond ot literature tor knowledge. and the lanpa,eB. Sbe lSeYoted one Thul It tl tbat Mra. Bryan'l beat year to the apeclal stud)' 01 literature, thOilght and eDdeavor &1:8 centered ID In the DUno11 oollegl!, and d!lrlD, mort! the wUare of her )aome, and ,the pie... ....eent yeara h .. taken a poat-sradll&te ure of her tamlly. Her olosest rtIeDd'l coarae or ODD "ear lD 0el'Jlla4 at the aad uaoclatea an,4 embodIed ID be,
In destiny, and ever alnce I was 14 ' years of age I have felt tbat 1 was destined to rille to a positlon ot prom· Inence and Importance. "When I Wall nominated .for con· . gress and elected, I l'egarded that as a steppJng stone to something great· cr. Lately I baye been considering the question of ~he 'p'resldeDcy, arid 1 somehow have a feeling that tbe honor of the nomination will come tli: :ne." After Mr. Bryan's ' de!"at at the polls he conllnued to advocate tbe tree coin· age or silver. He made litany speeches on the tarilf question; one of whlcn was delivered In BasIon, where he has ' 'lluce spoken on ,several acca· sions. Colonel in Spanish Amc~rlcan War.. On the outbt'eak ' of. the SpanIsh· AmerIcan war be wus o~rered and ac· c'epted tho colonelcy o,f lhe Third Nebr.a ska volunte~l's, anrl was for some lime 'Yltll his reglmen'-:a~ Tampa, Fla .; but did not talre any aetlve part in the struggle. On his return to Nebras· ka Mr. Bryan agiUn I!'ntered iDto the field of poll~ ~aI activity, and spoke against the s~heme of colonial expansion Introduced by t:tle l\(cKJnley admlnJiot • .ttJon OD the' c"'.810n of the Phlllpllllr, Islanda by ' 811 1\ln. In 1900 he waa again u~'mlna[eCl the pr8llidenoy by De~mlljpr:atllc, JIst and sliver R:~~~I~UI~::~f~~~te~~~~:~ but waa ODoe more ID' In the electoral qalnst 1191! rl'r William 1~(:Klnlel", Mr. Brran ''Ill deeply ·jln:tez..,slt8d lD Uterature, and "VU A.~tecl with · 18.... he " ,' ~ltor Wo.....a.;
aId, and nOW carries on a weekly 1)0. Utical newspaper, Th" Commoner" at' Llnccln. In U!06 he made a tour of the world aDd wrote deacrilltive ar· Ucles while abroad for a number of American newspapers. The books he haJj written Inclnde "Tbe ·F lrst Battie," 1897,; "Under. Otll!)r Flags," 1904; "The Old Wo~" '!tnd Its ,'Ways," 1907. i't1RS, WILL.IAM J. BRYAN. Something of Wife of Democratic Cand,ciate for Prealdint. Mrs. Bryan Is ,a woman of Intel· leetna llty and strength of character, and had gh e hecome dlstlngilished as the "'fre of a ren own~d slatesmlUl, sho might" easily won tame for 'ber. achievements in IIteratur() or some lea rned pl'ofessloD. Mal'~' Ellzl,l.betb Baird was bOrn at Perry, 111., June 17, 18t!. She came of good old st.u rdy ,stock. her mother. Lovlna Baird, being of English dEsscent. the daughter of Col. DarAua Dexter· of DextervlIle, N. Y.) n",. a part of Jamestown o'n, Cba! huqus. lake. Her rather. Jolul BaIrd. whosl! death 6c. eurred M..,. 3, '905. was ot ScotchIrish a~cestry, hIs lineage dating back to Col. Henry Wlnt.r, one of, tbe moat 'p rominent men or Nortbampten couo. ty, PenDs11nnla, ID the early yeara of the nineteenth century. In 18118 >CoL WInter wal a presidential elector trom PenD..,lvlUlta, and CUt !lI1 vote tor ADclrew JaclllOn. He wal appoJnted • (!C)nrler to. deUyer the report of the electoral yote 10 W"blbsloa., JUde
the ad»
Nebraua B.... IIDlnndtJ.Bhe ..,.cbaraoter all the "",mite. oc ,,~ eI WAID·........
. . . .. , aaotller ....1IdIr IEee,.
Abandon~d _ After Phy&I~i-an6'
I ~ 1'O-'l""tUG-,
Boy.1 Ferv,ent Prayer Was Answered et. P Query Refl ection In the Nick of Time. - on MeC;lca l Attendant.
J1f rR. Enos Shea r I', Y w IlntI Wash. A Hllbllrbnnlt _ Is fond q r t llinl!; t'lls lug-lon Sts·.. 'entrnlln . Wnslt .• says: I slory !lr hill Ove,y('ar-clld s u Bubby. "\0"01' years I. was I H(!i ng or lin Inqlli l'ing 11I1'n " ()! m:uu weak and rUIl down. I rh YOul1gs,ler 011 . day mallllgE'd OIlld not sleep, my I tlll'l\ nn buolh ta uI' cts In til . lilJtit~ub Ihu'ba s welled aud to see wllu t wOllld happe n. It. chanc 'ed th e secI' tIons were that I h Hl 111(1 I' wus lu plnce. and 'I he troubl esome ; pains lub l'll'filtll y Oiled uP. to the grea t deI~ were Int ellse, I was lI g-ht of Holully. l~lnally. bowever. the \l:upyrlght. by IIhort.tTol"Y Pub. Co.) fast In b ed for four lull be,~ al1l e so fnll that fl IlirE'JlI eued Up to lhe very coUlpleLion o[ the perre t hurmony. III If she relt on her month s. Tbree doc- tl.l ov rflow 011 to (h fl oor. an c)- i..lobhy, bUJldlng there was a mr aler)' uLoulll to \'eh ead the )Jalpahle tOIl ·1t ot n sertors said th e re wns having a PI'OP I' res pect tor th mate r. I hilt srew 11.9 l~o building gr ' W. 1'hll aphic bund. Then on of tbe 12 mu· no cure for me, and 1 wils given UII nat Slipper. Lecame frighten ed ' and .. rtlllBJIB h'a d elmlJl y followed Ihe .slclau9 extinguIsh ed hi s tape r, aro)!e, to di e. Being urged. I used Donn's tried valnlv to lurn 01'1' lb e wate r. Beblue'pl-lnls; lind those plans did not and stole aII'll.,)' Crom his com pa.niona. ~Idney PlIls. Soon. I WUB ' better, and Ing unabl~ to. tor some rcnson , he slate to what use tbe edlflc would trending sortly. as i[ Ite feared ((I In a lew w'lek s was allout th e bouse. gozed tearfuJly at th e ever-rising flood, be Pllt. The contrnotor knew no more 1\'8 ken Bome ' sleeper. wel1 and s trong again." and th e n. mindful both .of bls rell g loue Ihan what the blue·prlnls lold him . A moment lalel' IIlIollle l' tllpe r wa... Sold by al1 dea lers. 50 cents a lIox. Inliulng and lhe OCcasional vlijlts 01 The arohltect' was unknown . When blown out. and another musician sl, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. th l;! plumbeJl', he plunged. down on t.I£ the building was oomplsl d It proved lently Btolo a way to the rca I' ot tile kn ees. nnd hi s e ill er s iSler, wbo hs.p· WAS ONLY RED BLOOD. ' to be one story in helghl. cil'cuiar, ill o l·cheetra.. II ned to be Itnl:lsing at th e moment, form. wlnd.o wlesa. but ot chaste beun'fhen. one by one, ni ne of the rebeard hlul 'exclaim. ferve ntly: . ty. It slood apart just ,,'Ilhout the maining In(leMi were extlngulsbed by find Throe-Year-Old Had Been Told "0. Lord. please stop Ihls wat r city Ifmlts on nn acre or walled ground. a breath, and one by one nine ot th<: :That It Wa. Blue. running! A~d , 0, Lord .. If you car.. t Not far from i~ wore other hand some I'emlllning lDuaicla.n& arOBe and softly do It, please send somebody thaI can!" Three·year-old Allan bad 1\ ve ry arls· strllctllrell, 1'01' seve ral art nnd lIIusl c Rlole away, and lhere remained bul Ills pray,er was allswe retI. tor hi~ ,c lubs. acUn g In 'harmony " 'hlle lund oue light ed tliller a.nd one mlllllclll.D. toc ratlc grandm a, who pl'lded It rselr slst()r rose to the, occasion and turned prices w.ere not · yet exol'bltllnt, hnt! pill),lng on n viollo that seemed strUDt ·on her own and he r hu s band's blue· ort the waler and temporarily ' sa\' ed erected their harts In lhe nelghbol'hoG:1 w4h the living beart-strlngll of a bioOded ancestry. She told hi m heroic Dobby from the )lIncb·fear d' slippe r. deedB of them and wnrncd him from lover. In ant Iclpatfou of th e clty 's growl h. ITCHING ' HUMOR ON BOV Now the eyes of the recumbent ever playing with boys of low degree. No lettering appeal'oll 011 Ih e dl · One day Allan came sCI'earnln g up· flce and no dete, nor any vislble sign you ng ~II' I open8lt1 wide and looked up . or Ilgure that. offe red a clu 10 wlllll as Ilt a face bending over her, and IItlllrs to bis mamma and grandma. iii. Hlinda Were a Solid MUI, and Disease Spread All Over Body Use the building would or ndslll be tho swept. pallid Hps parted with all holding his ' hand IIJl CO\'ered witll -Cured i,n 4 Day. By Cut lcu ra. blOOd, wbere he had cut his "IHle IIn ~ l)okeo wo{d; then the 8,ott-tJlneted Ipplled. . They were bolh greatly IIngel·. - Wll en It waa comlJleted and the last e)' 0Ild8 closea. the golden bead Salnk "One day we noticed that our Illtle alarmed , as be was a child who rarely back deeper on tbe Dillow and 'moved artlHcer Ilad 11Ik ' II hl ~ I(\/\\·e. a gentlecried or complained when hurt. Mam· boy wns al ii broke n out with Itching man carefully Inspected the In te riOr or no more, and as a 111gb of polgnallt ma washed the blood 0 1'1' and, exam· sores. We first ' noticed It on his little the structul·e. thell lo(:kf'd Its hand- ·angulsb broke from the heart of the hands. His bands were not as bad IlIlng the cut. sai d: man ,bending over the couch, the some doors. alld with one bacitWllrd "Why, dear. ' Il's not so ve ry bad. then. and we dldu't think 'anylhlng prophetJc look of sorrow , w nt his ln~t mllslclao leaned forwar& 1:.1(. blew serious wou'ld result. BlIt Ihe next day Ollt th e twelrth taper and stole awny. Does It hurt ' yon so much?" Will', und the building 8\oOd IIntenant· "I'm not cl'yln' 'cause It hurts." he we bea rd 0" tbe CutJCUrIl Remedies and the music ceased. a drltung cl oud ed lind unentered. 111 lDy ~ t e l'ion !l III88ld. "but 'cause (t's only I'ed blood, beIng 80 good tor Itching l(lre8. By I nee and h nuty. Nclther life 110\' obs ured th e moon, and the wide hall and grnndma Bnl I had blue."-PbUa. tbls time the dlseaso llad spread all death pnssed . tbrou~h ill doortl; uDd was left to ' dllrkufSB au<l death and delpbla Ledger. over his body. and his bauds wer9 grief ullutterablil. tho curious wondered In vain. nothIng bnt a solid mass ot tbls itchIt '\1r(\S nn evening In .J.un e, II rear. SWEET ·THINGS. ing disease. I purchased a b(,lt of CuUShe seemed anotber Saint Cecilia. laler. when .thi s ge ntleman who had eura Soap and one box o[ Cuticura. so lovely in person and 80 musica.l In been .the losl 10 (eave the building 1'0· Ointment. and tbnt night I took the Slll l'l f. and while stili a child the fore" turner!. li e unlocked nnd opened the Culicnra Soap and lukewarm wate r m 8t maslenl of }<~nrope prolJhesied heavy bl'oOZ dool'8. a Ill! on I)y ail e. and waab ed, him well. Then I dri ed tor her a caree r as one ot the " 'orld'F Il rhopB three 01' rOllr mln ules IIpOl't . him and tOI~ k I.h e Cntlcura Ointment greatest llIuslclan·B. Her powers lll l~ J2 m n foll owed him Into Ih [)L'O'and anoluted him with It. . I d d this lured wltb . her mind, and at 17 her clncl9 or the hall. Ell h bor ill hLs every E'ven lng and In four n ights be .ge niu;! w!lS. perhnps, wjth ut a (Iaral· hand 0 case of dl ITer II L shu pe and was e nt ire ly' cured. Mrs. Fl'Ilnlt DonI I; then her h nllh BuddloiDly fail ed. dlmr'lDslons, und moyed In sil e tlce. as ahue. 208 Fl' mout St., Kokomo, 1n(l., a nel It WIIS found ' too Illtc thllt hllr toward somo sol mn l'ltp. S pt. Iii, 1907." g l'ea t gifts were In \'nln. '1'he8e 12 me n wei' 5 atet! In a ,----Hel aliment lert no e honce or reT'he Candy Girl. body at the 1I11per ltd o! . the building, covery. and bel' llhyslclarls gave he; H e WDS one ot Lhose se ntimental dJstln ulshable by 110 light ssv lbe aL th most but two yenrs to live. Mande-How lIo I look In the wuter, chaps who Imagine th e only way to glow as t I,y one rOBe-c lored Chan- I Wh on at lust they told ner the u'uth, captnre a girl's henrt It! -to send her deller s(lspc nd d high a llove, anli ·the she xpressed the wlsb tha t slle mIght dear? 1IIob II Bes t v r- wh n your fig- I'oillmes of \loeh'y. Selecting a book die whllll listenrng to th'e SWeet Bounds ure It! totally hum riled. of sea!!onabl vense be .' lit It to hi s ot. orchestral' mUlllc. Her lite 'had Indy fall' with tht! following scribllied b en devoted to muslo; It was ftt~lng A Woman'. Duty. on III tI)--leaf, ' . thut .her death should be. A:nd shl! Tb~ woman of taste k ellS nbl'easl ton u r l'Flt . {\8 t 8Pf":k you !: hptlr t. \\'oulll fee l happier SO' to die. . of tl\e fa sllions in a way- th!lt Is, she A houk o r 've rMe 1 <l? hnpll rU " The man wbo loved her. nud whom 'drlt4la womout styles and adopts what· And the pretty bnt senslbl girl. she wus ·to have wed, promh!ed that e".~ n ew 011 s a he can ada III to bel' her wijlb should be rl.llHlled. and It U.O!. It ahe can afford It s he Ilalron- who did nllt care a' rap Ir SlIakespt!are had bee n II pirate Instead of a poet, was he who bad bent over her as h er IMit! first-clo ss drcss.mak .1'11. an,d lire went out with tlie twelftli .taper. her money's worth ·by wearing her retU'l'Iled 111EI verses with lbe follow1ng In tbe center ' of ttie beautiful mar- clothes .t»Yo 01' three seasons without Hues: " To thp WOOds wllh thIs ~Iudge. ble mausoleum-for euch the myste· losI ng her prestig as a we ll-dresseil If my III'" rl YOU'd 1''''3 Ill''(·. rlous Imflillng was-the body of tblB wOlDan . There Iii an advantage In Bell o! me up n p u und or r Udge." gifted and lovely girl W6.8 laid to eter- this melllOd, as yOU can S e. and 1 oal l·esL. have b en told by women who use A Favored Fowl_ . It that the re Is .economy as well. "I has b e n told." saId Miss Miami UNTRODDEN BY HUMAN FOOT. Jt Is no economy to saye at the ex- Brown, "dat de pal'rot Is one of t be pense of good loo).a. It Is a woman's 10nges'-lIvell ,blrds !lat Is," .Llzard Head, In Cotorado, Ii:ll Never duty to look her best, a dtity sll owes "De statement." rClllied Mr. E rastus lo her family . It she can .. eeure it Pinkley. "Is strictly ornlthologlca1.·· Been Climbed. by a smull expenditure, so mucll Ih " l wonder why?" The mountains /lnd peaks ot the belte l·. but to save by' aCe pUng shn b' "r 'HpeckEI dill one reason why de' San .Juan In aout.hwestern Colorado blness Is not redltab le sa\'e In dire parrot lives so long Is dat be aln' good preseut a dUrc.r ent appearance from stress or cIrcumstances. PO \'erty Is \0 eat."-WlIshlug1on Slar. an exouse for ehabbin esH and nOlhin g unr or the Ilorther,n Rockies. 'I'hey are grander. more preclpltolls: elee is accePte u hy tbe world. Na\' In lOad'. Dilemma. wIth sharper pln~acles anll more jog: lhe rare .cases of shabhy millionaires. " I see your brJl'l has a beau." gad In outline. In height, Mounts -Chicago Journal. "YEllS:' siud th e damsel's fath e r. Moselv", Elbert and Blanca sUghtlr "and I dOIl·t; know just how .to handle DROPPED COFFEE ollh'ank those ot the - Salt Juan. but the mUll. Shall 1 be frl e nilly with nowbero else can .bo found whole hill1. Ilnd I<ls my dignlly ; or hall I g rolll's of mountains rearing their Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on POstUM. hold lIIysel!' aloot and be consIdered h '!ods t(1 und above. 14.000 teet. 11l old grou,~b 7" A physIcian of Was h., D. C., says or ,M ount Wlison-14.269 reet-the At a Sign from the domlnllnt p ok. ' Is one of the most his colfee e:ql I'le1lee: ;'For years r s uffe r d wIth pc rl odlcal raln t- far I;'leam o r th e n1l)01l mat came massive In ~e entire Rocky mountaIn th*lt;~h Uro symbollcl\i1r·d~sl gn d I'flnge, JlIst "st ot this D10uqtaln II! headaches which gre w mul' fl' Qllent .kylfght of stained gIUR!: overgrllled the remarknble trachyte obe lisk cali all IInUl tb ey b ecarill~ almost u lI ~ t:lllt. So wllh 1\ splendid gold.e n lyre. lhe " Lizard l-Jell.d." The vivid imagina severe weI' tb ey lhat s om 'tl llI e~ I was Restored Ito Health by Lydia E. A ,carriage now (lI'OV 11(1 thrt'nr;h tiou o'r I>n early pioneer who had been allllosl frantic. 1 was s nllol\'. COlls ll · Pinkham'ls V cgctableCompOund. the' g l'ounds 10 the IIIlIrble ste l's. Ilil d "seeing thin gs," Is sl,lld to bi) respotisi- pat·!t1. Irri~ubie, sic ' pli! ~s; \ll.)" 111 0 111 · What 7(u,)/ Jay. ory \',as [1001'. 1 I rell bl d a lid lil Y • young womnn WU!! tende rly lI1'ted b le for the nam . , . JlIIss Lillian Ross, 1530 ont an r uTI'I d ,,'II hin ; alld lhe doors The summit Is 1"1,160 f ot above tb(' thongllr., we ro ' ofte n confus d . Enst 84th Stre t. N(,w ":'wIy wit·", In It r wl ~do m, lJ"lic \'ed "'ere locltcd faljt . York. writes : .. L ydia s ea . From B pon 1 l'O\lS bn!!e th' pin· E. Pinklianl'~ V"gClIlThey plnce,1 tbe benullfu l girl UPO!l IIncle l' 290 fel,t with a 'IlI, at colfo.l wa s rOl!I'lJ llsible Cor tit Se illt! blo .Compound 0" ra co uch awniUng h r tll1)or·ln g, pnJlld the fool or- ollly about GO fe c t. grad ual· aDd urged ' me 10 dr .... \) '11 . , I 1dcd man), la ritics. fOI·IIl. and tb \~ genti(!lI1nn wlto WO!! Ihe Iy talJcl'lng to IE-liS plal\. halt that a t tlme's to d~ so, llLl t \ n ~ its sial' . "Finally Wife bOllg lt l. :l \lllCllUg of • mnvlng Ilplrit CIt the occa.:;lon senltld lhe to\!. Postum, alld Ilors u: dec! mo to I ry It,"hut hlmse lC close bCRldo. Lizard Head hll$ defi ed all A few n;omE'nts Ilasset!. tit en a !1ash of mountain cl:m!Jers to I'each Ite she made it. SlIlIIe as ol'cllnnl'Y coil' e of music. like tho breaking of a " 'arm s lI mmlt. The r ot of the pinlll1ele 1£ and 1 was disgus ted ' WIUl t he lll sle. _w{lYe ot IIl:ht-for 80 at range and easily accom[llls11ed. bllt (hus 'far the tl make 'ilils f,llllphallc beca llse I fear , beautJhll tho ' II11rmouy was·-e.r ose 'steep ' sldes of tbe 290-100t Ilhaft have ninny others have had th same oxpefrom that part of the ' ball wher'.! the [lroved Insurmou l1.table. No donbt tlie rlence.) Sbe WI\!; dl slres E"d at her 12 musicians were gatbered, aud tllne will come '~hen the venluresome failure and we carc fully rend the dlgrew anl1 spread In Indescriba ble mountain <II1.mbe r will find ~ way. oul reoOons, made It right, Ilolled It full IIw.eetnesS thrOugbout the resonant ruany a failure Is tlie l'ecord ' or tht Iii minutes after bollfng commenced. and. with gOlld cream . and sugar. I spa·c e. . Ilast. llk!ld It-It InVigorated and s emed to The eyes of the young girl now TraIns r.lrcle this mountain for m'n.. nourish me. opened, and through Ihelr pIII'ple on the way [rom Telluride to RIco_.. '·This was about. a year ago. ·Now I depths she seemed to drink In the New York Evening Post. • 'have no headaches. am · not sallow. rIch harmony, and her II PIl rell aparl sleelll.essneEs ,a nd Irrltp.blllty are gone, . - a. if her a01l1 would escape and take my ·braln clear and ,,;y head sleadY. PINING 'AWAY. Gllbt' on the w11l8& of the eve!,-,!Isce!1d· I have gained 20 Ibs. aDd ' feel I am .a fag splrtt ot lOund. new man. Awhile tJilll continued. then. at a. '1 do not besltate to give POll tum al,n from ~he gentleman sea.ted by the dUG credit. Of course droPlllng- ' cortee, couch. the music ceas~. s.nd s ilently ' wns the' rualn thIng. bllt 1 had dropped each musician bent forwar.l "nd lightIt before, using ctrocolate, cocoa and ed.8 little waxen taper aftl.xed to hIs I,lther things to no ,pul·pose. muale rac~, nnd at the same moment "Postum no\. only seemed to act as the ro.s e-colored lIg~t llJ?,ove faded ' al.ld on Invlgoranf, b"t 'as an article of went out. . Dourlsbtrient. giVing me t.he needed In the toint cI'Im50n inoonllght that phosphatea and albumens. ThIs Is no catne througll , the s.talned glass a.nd ' 1D1\1glnary tide. 1:t ean be llubstanUgolden lyre the 12 tapera shone like ated by lilY wlte Ilnd ber sister. who 13 \Iny. fitful splrlts, and now IIllgan both changed to Postutn II.nd are 1.8talllU:lm[l to .Ur WIth the pulsing of lIuch music hearty WOnt e n of about 70. . has tlOBli.t;jLvellVCUll'ed:~bI:r~~ aa the ears ot the dying bEld n~ver be· . ''I write thIs (or tbe Intormatlon' and t fore heard. Under' ibe' JrUIdA;ncJ!I or oncouragemenl of olherM, and with a tbe glr~ leader tbe nol,fls rose and feelfng of 'gratitude to the Inl'entor of feU as to the' beat of a lIenll)hlc wlldld; I'oBtum .. they Beame..- to open llke flowers. tlx· Nam~ given by Poatum Co., B~ttl9 pandlng and "vlnl 'ra/franee. and Creelr, Mlcp, Read "1'he Road to Welt· died away ... IOrtly and exqulllitely Yille," In plrgs. "There's a Rel1$On." U • cJoIIIDI back to" 1 bud apln.
- - - ---
Dr. Arthllr T. II tJ llll'n.Jk "del
U \-
n· w·~.
on Ill s pl'UreSilhHl . .Mo:y /llll,rl1ttQ)v'l'Ill" L prO!lf.r " A Ulun by th e nallle or EVa ns tl d. ' I ./_,01 ('ITOmC \ O)! h suld. " lItlU wenl 10 h 'al' n . I : r " I'S()\IU ~f.fQ\'l:; wilnl(~e. a~~iS\QT1.~(, (HlI'!lt'. \\'1i 1?1l he llrr'll'ed a l th t' p"al iy. tlll ltc on(' t"uly b('n('Jln~l l(U.Qtl ~e lin t,,~ he s ulci to S . Pet e r : " ('lI~edy, Y'·''P. ofhe~ (11\(1 E\i~iI' ofSeh d. "'W II . 1' 111 here.' '" ,rd\ ('nol:;le:; 01\ to forlll t'cgu'ur "Sf. Pr.-tN looked at him ann IIsk d l\(~bits dally So fllo.l' C\~:\i~to.\1(·e fo na .. his name. : J Ohll Evan s: was lho re illy. ture "Ialt be "'raduaU Jis ('n~d', ". t. P l\1r looked tbl'o ugh hi s book , \ /1 6 . . , fa I t and s hook hi s heat!. ...... len ~o longer n('e~('« .IlS t tCM5 () . " 'YOII don 't b'loag here,' be said" l'f'mcchCS,WhCnYt'~ulrcd, dtcto pOinting to ih E':dl.' "Q\"Y(' dnd noUo f,up)lld"t llte hcit'u..... .. '(jut I 11m SUI' I .b long here: said n~ftll\ctlons, ~llid\ I'IlU6t dcpE'nd uHio the .mnn. tnQte~ u~n l>ro~C\' 1'I0uti:;!wtI('t1 "'Walt a mlnu le,' said t. Pel('r. ,ff1$ A 6n !' "He looked agnin a nd ill th e bac h r.rLlpereJ. Ol' ,Il" "'~ 1\1."1& o,Uttll 'y. of th e book found hi Mname. ~~t Its b~h"ficidt olwa)'$ "' SIII'e,' sa id lh' guanllnn or tb vay the gehu\ne . gate. 'YOIl bp. lon g he re. But you was· co:. un~rr:r6S ",~1i'l· ot~_ n"t expected for 20 ~·ears. \~ ho's your t' 1116 , " J,:.. IXlr 1tJ\."fU\.'l doctol' ?' "-Milwaukee Free I'resi .
a ' hn . efJ('cts;
SOLP fS'( ALL LEADINC- DRUCGISTS oUff,lIcol\ly, reglllGr price OOfl'« 80ttl.
T our Evere" Piano ' 1II:Iory ill BoAon, . M...... we mue lite world-lamed
Evetell. Price. r.nge in regular Ayles : lor Upright. flam $450.00 10 $625.00; lor Grand.. Irom $650.00 10 $1200.00, Act ~Iyl"" f~om $750.00 10 $10,000.00.
AI our Cincinnati fado,ies we m.lee John Chwcil Co., Halvard and Daylon piano., .U Uplighb. Prices from $250.00 10 $400.00. In the sales of theoe gooda we often lake in pari r.aYDlent nearly new or .econdh.nd piano$ 01 ot ler mmkcs, ",mc gland.. "'mc uprighta .nd ""me oqUate.l. We un ",II you Ihe leCondhnnel uprighta at from $65.00 10 $210.00. O ld.!<Juares from $35.1Xho $60.00_ We have ., pl_nt a Dumber of ' new pianos which have been used 88 diaplay pilaoa., whic'b we olfet at 20 pet cent from our regulat prices. : We make satisfadory lerm. 10 reli,ble
Publlsher-Th th ird chRpter In this manuscript la so blU l'red 1 can't It out. Aulhor-Y s: t hut Is wh I'e I us d London atmosJlhe r e. That Is ibe fog, you know. For and AgAinst. /; Philade lllhia la wyer, retained U counsel tor th e defense In a murder tl'lnl, {ells of the dlfH cu lllel! . in getti ng tog the I' a ju ry. "CQnnsel were endeavoring," sa ya tbls la wye r. "10 elicit rrom ihe various prosp clive Jurors t helt· views coli· c rnlng th a de:Hb penalty. "One DIan to wh om th Ques tion wnll pnt, 'Are YOU agaill s t tll infliction of the dealh pella lty~ ' re)llled. ·No. sir.' .i 'Wttlll Is youI' bu siness?' be ":as nsk d. '1 urn a bu lc h I',' he I·e(llied . "When the salll tlU !ilion WIIS 1 ut to th e next. man h IIns wer d that btl ' \'as agaillst lh denl h penalty. ., 'v. hat Is rou r bus in ess?' ., 'Life Ic s'll'nnCe,' !lair! be,'·
Send U8 5<.". poiIage and we, will as you ....quei/. mail you eitha a b001.1ct of vocal or piano mill", free,
11iE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY. The One Price Piano House.. Cincinn.1i. o.
. Mro. Wlftlllo .. •• Soothlftlf S,rrop . For cblldrcn lco\hJnR ~ ao t\.enl tboauru. ~ reduce.. fD" llammaUon, al1aya pltn, ~ure8 wlAd OOllc. ~ ... lK)lU.
The plae s h,)llld not bonor the man, but lhe man. the pla(·e.-Agesiluus.
Suftltlent Ullto the day 8re the 24 Iloura thereof.
Campaign Song Books, 'Os: Ik "ulJllcrull "raIl Yol<
a fnr I I.
DUIlJocro.t : f I Il1t:IAII EJ~," l5Oe, li ror $ 1. Dorte... 10l~ fII. ED. S. EVES, Publldoor, O'Neill, N.....
WIDOW8'unt'ler NEW· LAW oblllln84.t.
N SIONS P "::-. ~
by JOHN W. MORAIS, _ W&8WU~LOD, D. ". •
.DEFIANCE STARCH fr.r :h~~rlll~ 11 ~:~'::;~.~~:.::!
Thomplon's Eje Water-
A. N. K.-E
& ..r~18 .
tb, altL
... tl~.. A The, Everread the abl",. to letterf ..... Of .....
The little useless head" that ..... takes more time to make than the cigar' itself-that's what makes three cigars cost . you 15 cents- S cents for wJtat. you smoke, and 10 cents'for the heads you throwaway. II
OL'D VIRGI,NI'A CHEROOTS .Are 8 .oent Cigars WlthQut the He~d The.r efore 3 for &' cents By smoking Old Virginia Cheroots yori make your money go three times as far, because you get a cigar that's all .c igar-no useless ·head· to pay for, then clip off and thrOw away.
Sold Everywhere
Al l.,. Ill.\' UI:,lI l.rI ·.\·. tI'
r'I1IC~ ;\ 11
' s IW IIUlII!;:1I " IW 1\11 11 "I 'IJ t!~ 111 \11.1 >1 \' 1/ ·l lltl~· .\I I~:; ,\,hll(' '1""111111" ' 11 " "';,)uth ( 'b hl' I"l'II Il II, I " III" 'J Il j;! ,, 111I11I 11(1Ih' \' 1 ~I \\l lit .\1"' 11 l' II~I"r '111>1 flllll !I.,· ( 'hai llf' .'\' .. \. !,)I'. ,'I ~ ',,111 11dll1~. fl l'ut , ' lIlld l' ," "'1 11 hil I" " r" lk" Walt r l 'lpll ,r 1I11, I.Inlli,' l\'I IISlI lI left ' Ull dll\' IlI tJ l'nlllg fm' Illlyt l'll. wn .. rtj . t 1It'y I111 , ' , I' J:!1 1IoJ II - . ~lt".. Ltl h,· 1\'11 11" 1 111111 fru Ill:!'!! Torry hl"'~ r t llrll!!,1 fr ll111 a iJltll1 llnl VI It in r.:II·c l \' 111,' Mr . IIl1d ~II_ l ·It ,lr ll,.. \J tl DCll r nl1!\ d ll n~ b to"I' 1 '1 1111. ,II I ~1""I " II. "f' I·... 111 t l) Wn Frulu '. Mr, uull MIt>. it I:!. l::UlwuU ' en t rtaiDeu 11 f , w at \.1\ it' J'1'isud tit II d~mJe ,' tl1rclll), nig ul
Happy B I·t , ' .Il e vall 11'1\lIIJui t r ' ''in lll ent lIt 1116. OJ1"v I g ave lin u"lI,a "" . ~ bU llllti 'l'bursdIlY u ig ht. tI' i8l1 Lll0il
Mn" ou UI)llllt ""Il t lll·.
dR.·~:ll ight. with MI,,!; (31illl yS ~> I) n. oer. U
J ff
Mr . u. rII oe e l'ey II ccu lu)lt\ni ed tb t3 orgllnwithhi~vltlIiJl nt, hurc h undu y ni ' ht.
New Burlington .
8a~ ~rOtllluy nnu friellLl,u.{ King" Mil l:! visttell his sist,er h ere ::llltUI'. dllY nnd UurllLY , ' . Miss Rilth n ersey, Ilnd Mu f"
:l'l'l1lpl'~'all 't:'
~.ol~l.I~rr f~~O-I~-'- A Y ~ElJNIO tv''''"''tY~~ ""'~"""~ ~ ~ ~lc K $ TH,E DAYLIG'H T STORE $ WW . · 1. 1
l·hl'islb.1l ltil:hard l'ol ill l: i{i .\.;:-;. yo ull,I'I'S l Th o l'ull,Y>i C01ll1 IInl1llll\ 'o llett. h 'I'1l ul·J;al~l7.l'd .WI h a ~on of alhanicl Wi nsl(J1l :tnd Ka Lh· .. piOIl!c wlli bE' b eld lit· t he 111"111111:'1':; 1111) or ubuut thirty, erinl' A. Ri k, Pit.'!.'! tI away , ' umlay , UIlIlIIIIJI"1otl ':lilt . Aug'. th o M 1'';. Thoma: lla yciOt'k alit! dUll~h - .Ju ly :!6. l~(} . al l :!:,l n p. m. , at the • - .. 1('1' Rn l'u UI't' al f'll ciln !! (' HIIIIlIl Il UU \l' idencPllfhi:< pal't'll lsi nl'illl:innati, ' '" at \.\ "I 1 1Il11lg't,ln. a~t'(1 19 y ur ' and 2·1 d n~·l< . . . t'\'ict'~ htll'tl 11Il'hn: . ll't'nh:l\ ' pl' a nti wife w rl' ht,lt! lit tlw lal re~i(lent· by ~ J~IJ ~ltlntllt.".J UIy z!l, a ';Oll. J/'V. l~Hnl.iI1 R er!, It nchlY afl I'nlhHI. 'l'he lin lil A, following wi II hI' cllnA -'1. • l\,l i~~e".J ~lInit!al\t!I':liZ;lh('lh He('Vl':< 1.h l'cma.II1SWC'J' bl'tJU~h,t~()WaS~1e~ (H;ltltt:~ fol' Ih p. differ Bnt olHM8 "I>and fill'S, He t I i,' Me Ph I'H(,n al't' Iville f I' lilt Jl'l1len~ .ltil,".2. q t!ltt' a p nueu. t:UbjA()t. to th deoi~lt.)n of Before lIIaklnK ·o.ur annual i,ivenlory we will emJeavor 10 close : IWllding a f ew daVtlHL Nia~a1'U I·'a ll". lI u mb'I' of sYlllpallllzlng. fn~nd~ tl R 1.11 . I ,)'tt all summer Goods at values Ihal will Interest yo u, ' ' . h .' I . , . Ii .. . , f 1!al ht!!' 'Il al the op ' lI1!rav '111 Mlanll \ 6 p pnu OIlU prlll1llT I:S: J : \\ • !l\l l .lIlt si n . all ~ ! ) 'III .tl'ry whl'1'1:! Ule body was laid IndIHIIII\lIlIt" an' g'llt!sls II[ I' ·IHI II·l':; Iu I'l'st .. Asleop ill ,J SlIS" and Fun I'EP.'.'~SL~NTA'I'lVE ~ E~. Iwri:!. " \{ u(l k uf g-(.'~" W l'e sling ver y \. IU'A 1.'. ilml family J a ll(i impr !';j\'ely by tile .JOHN MAR HAL.I ... MULFORl> LADIES' OXFORDS MEN'S OXF RDS • ~illil:l ll~I(::n~ Ill:; mil her . 11' . Vll·· i:pi' ()puMI 'huir'''''IThe I JlV:'"llIbeR-~rekr L, K . t,.A~GUON . $3.00 Oxford s .. , ... . . .. $2.25 ' $3.00 Oxford!,; .... . $225' " . I,' . we l't', , . 1' . 1'' '' wan . IC S, r 'I' M E ' 2.50 Oxfol·ds ...... . ..... . $1.9 2.50 Boys Oxfol'll s . " . . 1.98 Fra! I, S IIkins !:\nd [allli! . . o f X ll- Alb~I'l W. Hi'I,:, l . ; . Klingn 1'. " \ ULLLA ' L> . 3.00 Shoes .. . ..... ... .. 2.49 3.50 Men 's Dress Shoes ..... 2.98 ia. wert' ).('11{'Rt~ lI f l' 'Iali\' s h I' la t Ronald H a\ k Harold ~ook and iI"~~ '1(~,o'~~'~~' 1 2.50 Shoes . . . . . ....... .. 1.9 300 Mf'n,s O" ess Shoes .. ... 2.49 wfOek . . IFI' d ~ask t:'t Hev . ,J. F. ·ldw·alla· 2,50 Men's Dress Shof's.. ... 1.98 II'S. K M. Pel i:! l'~on and ch ild l' n. tier! a l t 1'<1 l ew well .chosell,rcmal'kR, $2.50 M n'!; Work ho .. : . . 1.9 3.00 Men 's Ease Elk kin :. 249 lIf I) Il!wal'e, Ohi o, 111' !lpenllin g a wlmh W " I'~ vc r:v cOlllfol' t mg , l ll1· l'OR AODITOR W h C ' f w tl ll .I' S wi th f l'ienrl hert'. ' hided I he :;el'Vl e::; at t h ' g rave . (:1:1 A ' . :.: . .'l()UN'] '. to ave a $2.50 Box alf hoes for men. go at .. ·.... .. ............ $1.98 " .' ~_ A 11t" 'C," U, one Irolll '" I'a" ~ "l<_ B . Thtlse b bareII a Bargain. 'th h . f h Bell k ,\ '·ol,·" I.hey lo,'e,l l. L.lI~(l · '1','. (,;A" . P_A'l"lrvLl',~/RESL(L)N . ____ ____Oy_!:!_',_W_t!_,_g_IV_e_~ __ase _~_.~~ _ eac pair 0 s oes. . broo -. .1 Ill",·,· b V""all l I II III"' r 11\1"11' . • , : 11<II I'h . I I I) 1111 I . - -' III'It'r e" ,. ", . f1'of rt·· . I"cll"" 1 fti..:J ~lrl!l . Luurll Htl11kle uuu Alltl Elliott I " ,"I III hl H 11'1 .! d lU 1,,1> h:c:tl k,1 ~ . 'I'hr lA)Ull It s h,I\' c h ,H\ glvt'n, . lind t he MI8se M"ry aUII Mllrthll. ,\lI t! IhulIIIII nl~ I'C,I) II1l.1ultler~ h~,· it OR COMMISSIONER All li ght Cal.ico per yd ........ 5c I5c Law. n, now per yrl .. ....... 12(' Wil on l\>ttenlle<.l Chautnll"ul\ at III, 'oul I ..."',, In h~:1,·clI . All dalk CalICO per yd Oc 25c S D" d 1"''' " _ O .•J. I<JOWARD'. wl"""nowpery ....... .... F l'lIllkhu ~l1nduy. PO ' ,. L AS ' OCI TlON Apron Gin2'ham , P r yd ...... 7X'c IOe Lawn. now }ler yd .... .. ... .. 8c Mr . nnd Mrs. UILrl W'llIitlUlson NI<-; H~MIAB M K.1N 'EY. lfic Dress Gingham, per yd ..12c lOe Batiste. now per yd ..... ... '8c lillY beoB cmnpin ~ at CblLUtllUqUIl E. B. ROGERS . ~ 12% c Ore Gingham,yd .. ... 10c 6c Lawn, now per yd .. .. .... ... 4c lit If l'lInklin fo'\' II 01 Hplc 'Jt week . T ho WIII'l'U U (,;ol1l1l.y PI8ltli ASHt) · \I",' f n" I'CLIOll J 7c P ex-cal , p r yd ............ 6e . oint,lon mut lit Ih Millllli V'ull ey Il'. 1::\. l:)IMP8 N, Mill 'tollul!'l'Y l\Do. Mr . WI\!t.e r Chllllwllqlltl IUi'lt ~tlt,\1rlltly eve ning , PAI\'UEL L . lRC)N u . ~~-~~~~~~~ P b t1 f'1' U ' . " ;J. "" . .\ \"'l!lUlI'"
l llllllil
A ts nnounCemtn
'[ DO W· N. ALE $
fl'aI~I\, ~o()n .y
ha~' ~\\'e('t1~·
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$ . . $ MMER DRESS $ . , ....
a!~r:y ~~!Jl~~~~F~~~;~ in'J~~~ef~1~::.1 rr?r~~:r t~~~~}~~u~' :~~~1:i~~;:~lY ~~L~~ ~~~~~:;1:J~Il~·~I~~~li~~e,~~e:~:~~~~~[~;
'l 'B~R'~~~~~~'
S $ $
$ $ $ S S
50c Men's, Shir.t s or Drawers, 39c 15c Ladies' Vests .......... .. .... 12c ou olitiou tion lillY . 35 Bow LO ~ir . IIml Mrs . li owllrd t u e un cia . At H 0 ' loc k t,her( Woll~ • C Mell ' S Sh'Irtsor 0 rawers.29c \ lOe Lad'leB' Vests ,......... .. ..... 8:c Tom SpeDoor lind fllDllly and lil n - Berryblll , W edn'e UI1Y, Il ullUghte r. · Il conoert gi ycn b.r t l.1 fl ROYIII !:lnnFOR HERIFF . 25c Men's Shirts or .Drawers, 19c Large size Vests .....~ .. .. .... .. I5c III MoP,hllil ;; [)en t lSuu tlllY with Mr . gllritin O r he!ltrll. buff t lunoh I FRANK P. JOlnRn" . ~ Ilud Mr ,J. K. }lell 'er. Mi ll~ Mllrgn t Til to of Dllyt.on. WII eon WIIIl N rVl'd by P o t lllU tel' ~ay- ' " 't-' J . Mrs Will K rs o.v m ,'" do II week the gue ·t of ])il!!s ·11 .... le Kemp 1Il0o r ,' 'l'ihhlll, IIt(\ ::JO p. 11\ PllstBEl:i · 'IG," B,laOAYN"I' MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SHIRTS R " ,lIntl 8undllY 111 tor FrI' neor g'e MI'I I~, F I'e d . end visit wilh ,i) l' Imrents in Ur.. U1' _ 8llturduy 11 Il ,...,. We Gem Work Sh'Ir ts , a II' ,,Mr. LIl y Peter a ll of ()lIyto~l . III !:lolld ,j'ljlJn , ' U)J!:Ihere White, Ray .fAMES' FO ... LE.N , 8R. SIZes, th e b es t sh'Ir t ma d e ..... 4rn; veysburg, . Mills IlUl1 J olJIJ ' . Hieev fr om h lll'e. $L90 Gem Dress Shirts, equal to any $1.50 shirt .... ......... 79c enJoyiug hit; Vl\ olltlu lI with hi )lllr. ~ ".,,- G D Sh' ts It 100 h' t 39c Mis8 l:IolulI Ullu", ILnLi I<lter eutl! Mr. /Iud All'!:I. J .!'l1 Peters n. wer in ut.t.onlhn a . 1111fi n rOYII I f?;ooll UVt,; em ress Ir, equa 0 any • ~ Ir .......... .. B tlatri06 Sliunt ~lItul'duy l1i~lit with t.iUle WII S hlld. JUDGE Ol~ PROllA'l'I~. COURT SOc Dress Shirt, no name, very good . ... ... .. ........ ........ 290 MlsA Com I.{'Jrsoy. Mr. '1'110IUII " Kiulil oy, who ill the - ___ Al... EX BOXWE[.L. ulte a uUlllb'e~ froul. 11er u IILtendt.:uellt of Weud"l1 Hoo k, is sU.ffori ng JOLLY CROWD. fl"or Secontl Term ] Q • frulII Ii tI ve r6 ont In hi knOll 0 11 tt l:!· ed tbe mise lIanOltll!,l b OWllf given ed. frow ftliliLl g un II tono. FORPROSECUTING ATTORNEY by Mrs En Re.alhok OD 'Ilturdl\Y Mr:s. EUll1 0 Ud L. Katlllliok EluterJust 24 pairs Men's $3.50 Worsted Trousers, at .. .... .. ... $1.98 a.fternoon In honor of her ' ieter MIsll )j" lora nco Myors villited t,Lineu llot IH I' U Ill1tiful oo utrv bome ALTON F,., BROWN. The biggest bal'l'llin you ever saw. These are worth $3.50 MJas Appbill Miller ' t riem! in Yollow ' prings fr oLl! neul' Oregonill. iL tnl'dllY A ngu t 1st pair, but .t hey must go, These price 'are for cash. .... . 'l'nesuuy until Fridll .' J\)O . f"olll two tl~ Nix lit !I misoellllFOR RECORDER No tickets go in this sale. . . ....r. and tllrs. 'Iellvel' tJntul'tlliued a number of younl{ people I\t I~ Hev. (3, 1I . l:Iurpur Ilud Wife, l~re neous ho we r giv6uln h on or o> f her PHILIP I;PENCE . . party Sllturd80Y night. ollUl)Jiug ILt ()hllutIUlC]llll> IltFrllnklin I:!lIlter , MI l! Apphilt Miller. Very r ~'or re-cleollouj THIS GREAT S~E WILL CLOSE SATURDAY this week. mllny usefnl ,ILIld vl\lnllb)e pre ents Prof. !,nd Mrs. Puo! Wright 0011: I'll wer:e re ievell. ','h ose present wllre .JOE A. DONHAM , 8drteOrDnMoolns Ma, bel l:lherwood. Sunday Ollea and Vi rgil 'l'u )' lor ure ' III! folJowtl·, Mis es POItrl P ottorf, J. E. RUBINSON . with MIll"riHl fever . 1l Mary Conner, Uertrndo II.nd Rut,b ·Mr. Ilnd Mrli: ~wu61 Motu huve Mr. u.nll Mrl:!. Roy MarshlLll Qf Ker ey!~Edlll1 llud G11111ys Spa noer, . SURVEYOR moved iu witb tbeir son Joe \.If eedf\rvil l,,; were the guests of Mr. Lucile Nodon, Luoile Milson r""lurll 'AM D. HENKLE, ' .near Clarksville. Mr. ,.nnd ·":. . Kibler, [ MYILth Ip.)r . l'iefAln/l 1 rm ] ~ ' . ~ .... rs. B. F. ,ltLmos Thursdny evening. 1 M 11Kibler. II Mi to TOInR Ichard Emmons will occupy the Mrs . I::ltr80in !Lnd Mil.riu Malone of linson, In n i er. HII n~ lElsbell, I . bOnse vaoated by ~hew. Dayton attended thQ,funerH1 of Mrs Bertha (,fmy. Andrer Thompson CLERK OF COURTS. .....""...,...,~ . . . . ....,...,...,...,...,..." The busines8 nleetlng of the C E Louil!a Bigger Thurll<l,fl.Y . , Opal 'J'humpson, VIOIrI Jordan , \ 9 . t ' 11 b h i · • Urnoe R etl\11l0k MI~bol Sherwood , DAN P . BONE. - - -0016 Y Wl e e d at the home of Mrs. Margarot peBlJrr bas llur- MIlI·y::)IHII'wood. Mabel Emd Merle .f or Pot o n<1 'I·erm. Alise Ma.bel Sherwood ' I\turday obalied the propehy of Emily Suok- Ellil!, Mrs . Je sie. Mooney , Mrs, evening. • _ • ett on E ll"t. Fmukhn lit. Grlloe RettLlliok, Mrs. Etbel Ret!ll· ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$ $ $ $
lick, 141'8,: Mluule Retul1i?lr, . Mrs. Peutl Wbll;lIker, Mrl!. ,JUhll Bradbury Mr!! M,Lry MILnnon Mr!' Miss Midgley, of Xenia, iSl.lpeuding Ltlllr~ RI1~dllll lind Mrs .' ,.Jessie a f w weeks with Miss Mabel Bently. JlllllesOll. 'file Mtornoon WllS spent Mis.~ FanqJe McKee a nd son Ralph with lllu!;io,oI'U(I11et, jo lly tete··I\-tete _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ are spending a few da.y at hautaulind lunoheon. Evening hu.vlng qua at Franklin.' oome . upon Ule guest8 beforH t hey Said the New Customer Isaac. Lvtle ' 'and Wl'fe and Samuel wel'a of eit, they clepl\rted. 1 d to the n ld- "If we mortals ." . . I Il WILre tl I d tl ,Stanfields we!e guests of F. W. Van IT WAS A GREAT SUCCES. tilLy (I~ 11 Y w rtl g tl ley Itl Pelt and family neal' Xenia on I:!un~__ been th e re lIod with 110 shower of were gOlld judl1'cs of Tea, Coffee, d >.J • !;(ood wiM1J tJ ' fur Mist! MilloI' in her . '1'1.10 farmers Uleotiug ' of Th e UIlW 91)hel'o u(]ifo. pIce!!, e tc.'. we Ileed not depel\d ay, . . Benj . Mills have been entertain-' AmerlCilulSooiety of Equity DIet 1l.1. o n others- but your suggestion !o 109 their daua-hters from the south . .the .Eleotrio Tlleutre I::!lltnrdllY I.Lfta r. PHAETON FOR SALE try Chase and anborll's goods Harry Lytle attended the 'Chall- noon uud ?ifeotell n te lO V6f11r y orgRntauqua at . Wilmington n S d lzntlou. rl.1ere 'Yilt! I~ good orowd In fine c!:mdi ~ion •.good a." new and sold h e re- hll9 prow.en a trappy M' G\ ' 0 un ay. ,present unt! 1111 nnlll!UI~l int e rel!t u ~d bu.t httlE!. . WIlI s II ch eap . 1n- thought and we arc s licking w' hl~ . enna ~lIrl~y. spent lunday tt~ken frOUl t,he sttu:t . '1'1.1 a I:looietywi II <ltlll'e of A. MaIM. " lt IS FranCIS Wilson. Uleet ILguill Sl~turd"y Aug. til ILUU it, ~ . right to t helll, Never ha we Quarterly Meetingl will be held is hoped tbu t ,,)I f'Lrmers intel'el:!tell Orthodox Quarterly Meetlll1f.t. fo ilnci better. " The f]u&rterly of t.lle here ~m Saturday and the general iu ~ettillg bettel' l>rioea for thtlir to. . ~eetmg on Sunday. Evel'yb dy in. bauoo will be vroseDt. !:leverlll Orth odox Friends ohuroh (at UneBlIrs Barn Vlted to attend. p eople prel!eut mude speeobes, u.nd 'reek wi11 be helll tlntllrclllY und There will be a Home Coming of tbe'meeting frolU stiU't to I:lni!!h WIIS SuudllY lit 10.30 II. Ill. "Ninuteen years ago 1 paintall students whoever atte nded Buck u. vory eoth utlill tin oue . . The fltl·!Ued , my barll wi th Lowe Bros. Runst!hool', onthelOthof thismonth OI'SIU'e dotllrmined to get Whllt is HISEY WILUAMso RE U ION. Standard Meta1lic Paint" said Il held at Buck Run school hous. All ooming to t,bem , IInu therll i!! on ly 'rb~ Hi~ey Williamson 'FII·mily (J lIs tom e.r, "lind i t . )ook~ fai'r1v old students shou ld make a s pecial one wuy to get It-orgllnlzl~t.ioD RonUlon WIll lIleet Thursday AUg- I . " . . This dll!tnct ill going to be orgau- ust 20tll, Ilt tho rosidenoe Q1f J Ufil. \\ e ll yet. , effort to attend. Isaac Wilson's were visiting at ized IIlId yuu mlty nil well 'b e (lne of 'lvV, Hil!IlY two It·ml one blllf Imle'll l 'JOe a g-al. in ;' gal. kits , Charley McKinneys on unoav. t,l.le cha.rtet: D1eQ.1bll~S .ILS ot~6r wil!~ . tluuthellst f Wn.ynelSville . All rel. . . If you ILre !lot I!utlsfl cd WIth pres· tltiv es nre oordinl1y invited to bO 'Potatoes! Pota.toes. --:---........_.- - ent prloes yuucan batt"r yonr (,;on- prel!eut · · Corwin. dltiou by orgtlnl?J~tion , so ph lilltl . -- . - Fine lot of Northern White OOUltl out t.o · the lUe"ting !.Ind join DEFEATED AT ROXAN NA. Potatoes at $1.25 per hU!ibel, and hoys were d~feQ,1tfld b.v · l"an'c V Eastern Sweet Pota toes Mrs: J. Perl<ins and daughter, of the PfOOOIlt;ion . whi ob Is on the l'Olld tl l'he blLiIf "O ' ~B Il~ore 0 ~ t 0 l:l.' ' ~ntter ' , P'.~ , both Heel llnd Yellow Will arrive ynthlana,Ky,who have been visiting to victory . }'ile!! lItJlped nt ouce with Dr. )lltchlDl; WIIS the fellt,Ul'f! o f· the . Mr. Lemmon and family r\'!turn~d home Monday. . !:i1ioo,,'~ Mogio OintlJl ent . JUllt to g'lme. Be ~.trn c k out th fi ra t fi"Ve soon, I'L i d 0'1 Mr. Ray Mills and mother :; pcnt llrove It., II. trilll box will be llIailed thnt fR oed hIm" . \ naee I. . one day recently in Xe nia. . on roqu"ilt.. . by wrlt.iog Dr . :S h oO ll , H.u oiuo, Wis. Itoillllg, smlLrting' l 8liRIAL OF MRS. SURFACE, I SOC.a. ga.l, . ~js.'! Goldie Raredoll, of Cincill. ' Pure old process Raw . OIl. n~tl , !;lfter a pleasant val!lltion spell t bllJeclin ~ pile",. internal or ext~~I1111. '. wlth. .Mrs, W. W. Arnold r eturned get qmck aUll ollrtnin help frOll1 Mr!'. J Ullllthlln Surfaoe. wh o !libel Mu gie Oilltllle ut . Lt\I'gll box 50'~' 1 S undn.y \VIIS hurled ' t'uesd8y morD- . Everybody lookwg for higher to her home Sunday exe nirig. l:3ulo by 1111 d elllen; . , . ing atlO.:JO II . m . Fnnerlll w ~s from frelg-Iit rllt ~s, Whl fJJI means bighMr,s . .~aomi Ha.r lan is ,: visiting' the Blokslt-e clmrcl.1 . er pri ces on 011. . relati ve;:; In Lebanon. . FOR SALE . ---.~-!rt~BS I~enri etta McKinsey cllter· P,~i1lting the pump doe not pUli- "Paint 'em Red ~ame~ MISS Stella Lemmpn and cousOlle UI'l' 'y, cloth fini~h, sprin" f.Y the w,ILter. 'fhe bes. t, '!lead wllnt Y ollr 2'lI80 I'lll e• c ans must be !Il, MISS Ina Perkins, Thursday even.. " Ing, cushiulls and back, and patent sp in- II· orop uJ,,1less Plal)t F,ood i~ In MI'. J ohn Spmy and !\Ir. -H owland dIe. Has been used but little. rn- the soil. The A-RMOUR' ~'ERITILIZ- red by /'5opt. 1st., We will do ~he o! New Burlington, .v isited Mr. M(\j': !]~jreof.ol'. A .-T. WRlC:llr, Waynes- ERE! uud IIUPl>\Y un the tlInnt' food work, the CIIS! Will be nothing to vlil e. OhIO. ' . ~ rison Van Dusel' Saturday . . _. _~ _____ ---.... IDeeded. We hllye brunds for 1111 VOli. MI'. an~ Mrs: . Freer 'chwartz, of For Sore fcct ' Plt.U-It!! .1\.1Ld- soils. l'be klnd that When the' Mercury is Wayn~sV1l1e, VISited MI'. Ray mi lh , I . . grow' big orOllS. i:!oIU. by W . C. . ... and \lnfe Sunday. . . 't llivu found Buokleu'li Arnicn I:3m 'l'fI New Bllr\i.Ul(toTl Ol~io. Onn'l bake but buy your Mrs. LYclia Gordon i sel'io u 'Iy ill. tilLl vo ttl be tl.1e proper tblng to U8 e ' k h ' A ltd . ea es ere. SIlPP V 0 ay Mr. Mat t McKinsey was in Cin- for !:lore f(;let., Ilt! well liS tor hOI~lin g ci nnati, on bu&iness last week. ' U\ll'lIs., !:Ioro!!, OUtll, und 1\11 manner af freeb frOUl the oven. The ZaDzi. bar Cakes, and Cocoanut .Macca. M~ter Kennet.h Kilboll I'eturn ed u.hrlltlIOn8 ... wrltes Mr \Y. ::;toDe of roons are neW and fine, ~ith ~iss Gail Dunham to h er h ome .IjJ'll.\t 'polllnd •.Mlllne. It il!! the propLIN 1C8 I~ ~vlngton. Ky" f or a few week's er thmg too for pileI:!. '1'ry it! Sold ' under gUllrll-utee I~t FrEjd O. Hot Wea.ther Good•. VI!llt, . •• Mr. William Nedry uf I1al·vey". 1:!ollwartz'f! drug .!, 25 ;. Canned Saltnon, Sardines, .burg; visited relatives hl.'r Frida~. PLANK FELL ON FINGE~. . - -. .Rout and Canned Beef. Sau9lge, Mrs. Sin¥.er and little daughte'r Orled Beef, Oampbell's Soups. of Kings MIlls, visited Mt,. and Mr : Chll8. Werntz Sunday. Deviled . Ham, Cream ' Cheele~ . Mi.. Crossly, of Los Angeles, Cal., Daulty Cllk~s alld Crackers, etc. III a gUest at the Pan Handle hou!Ie. Mi Stella Lemmon with a cotnpaIl1 ofWa,ynesville friends ha gone
iaavaFall , N. Y.
pennsy'lvaOt-a Cm ' tie
W aIter J 'K 1-lbon
Whlete's re I· Newse
Mr . Lell' ~lllill ;L11l1 Mlsll E t 4ul .I:' newit vI 0 hn be tt ill ' e , \ 1 va eu Ii on ng t!,ohoul . lit Oxford l'tlturnad hOUl e t:lILt·nrdIlY. M\'s. E. W. Dinwiddie uull o.I,ngl.1. ter RutIJ visited friends III Dayton 1:3uturdny and ~UlHJa.y .
$ $
Caesars Creek.
II it keepinl time to &he dott Or do you bave to do a rood deal of -:uelBing to 'know wbel'l! YOII are at! GueSs work may be all rilht for the idlu, but a bUllness man wanta to be on time. My specialty i8 wateh repairinlmostly the expenaiye, hirh-arade wate les - and if your watch ia ololt of order ( will treat it skillfully and Belen ti fical,y. No Guels Work Bere
. Up-To-Date Jeweler,
Will positiv~ly be at Qoleman's Stove Store every Wednesday ,
Pain anywhere stopped' in 20 min· . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 'utes sure with one of Or. Shoop'l! Pink Pain l'abletll. The formula Is o'n tbe 25·oent box. Ask your 0000 tor 'or Dr.nggist about tbis·forlDula I ~ ' toP9 womanly pains, headaobe, WA'fER.MEbONS, pains 1l1lywhere, Write Dr . Shoop, CANTELOUPES, Raoine. Wis. " ror free trial to prove v8llue rof bl8 Headaohe or Plnk Pililli . PEACHES, Tablets. 80ld by all deillers. NEVV POTATOES, ' . CABBAOE, WANTED • . toMATOES. OR.ANGES, Mother's Oats coupons. Write be. LEMONS, . fore August 16, statjng number. BANANAS. Address 406 Holt St., Dayton, Ohio.
. .
Excellent Health Advise
A Few Speeials:
. Mrs. M. M. :uaViIlOD,' of No. 37~ GI1for(1 Ave .• Han JOlle, elLl, lI&y8 : "Tbe worth of .Eleotric Bltter. ·u a geneRl . t.!pily rem~y., f9r' beadaohe. blllou8ne'" a'J)d torpor of tbe 11 ver and bowel. ·i8 110 pronounCed that I am' prompted to say a word in its favor, for tbe beDefit 'hOM seeking reUef (rom luob a·ftllot.lonl. Then II more bell "h for the dttNtlVQ organs in a bottJe of·1Il1ectrto Bltter'1 th:tn .In any ot.her remedy 1 "now· of ,." &I~ UDder IUaraDMe at .Fred C, Sob ""re'll drullwre. 60,
Faney Canned AJJrieota,2Oe ean TansleFoot Fly P.~r, 4lor Ie ' VidQI')' '3 pound Cannee, '
DR. Ni. S. WEST,
Veterinary Surpon
VaU.y Phone la..2X
. Sweo, Potatoes ............loe
QuartJaie Pieldea........... ;.l6e Muon Jar ea.... per do& ... lOe . Lalp Ca. Pine . .Appl, · ,
Chunb: ...... ,...... :........ ,1~
LenQx .laxou or Star ........................... 3· for IDe
Pure Gnpe Jake. piata..... 35e
16e for EIrP.
\ '
WAY 1'1 ESV (r..L11:, OHIO,
Mr William Lippin cott Willi in Xenia lasl week.
EHf)A V A U C-l llH't' J :!, I\H) .
If """ "' ~ ' "' ''' " ... "" ... " ...... " .............. ,,, ......... , ... ''' " . . . . ... " ... " ... "" ,. ,,' ...... " ... , .......... " ,' ' ' ... ," , ; I
t'\t\EMORIA \ _ _ .
I Mr.,I. N Laullu uuw.u; i u 'i.,uiu ~ MillsEI "le Vun'l:Irtrli"gllni~ Mle :Monli menflo theMel 11M ofaO()O rl ~ uati Monet, .,. NE lr ~lIo!!lt ~H ul M.r. BO lIud RHOOD Man I)rescn,e • • d I'0 ~\ " . MrJl. 0 M. Whits II ~" U ,i 181111 M W H· All . I BOI'n to ~z Mr. a nd Mrs . .:d. Longr. IlU d" I .rM r . ' eo were I) ~. T _..:I. lhyt,m 1~8t Mllodd.,V. .. Ccmctc r.\'. ..v, " " " "'" " " '- ~ " '- " ".. ,'- '- " " " " " " " " " '- " '- '" " " " .'- '" '- " '- '" . . " " " " '-" Ilker, of Lytle, uel\Uay ,mormn g, a . ~,,~ ''- ,"' " " , . . " . : ~ " ~, Mrs. Kaobel Fwy bll.lI beeD vlHltlng rirlbab y. . , Bcllb rpok. relatlv ealu OiuoIDUI'Ii. Well man. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gulledy , 80uth . On al~ or~am ntul section Oreg onia. of beuu, of town are the proud parents of a j tlfu.1 MIami Cem terr stands an im · O!:le ... "'1~(1 il'gil . 'l'~'.vltlr "l'e fi Lill ' Mr. o~ Mrs . 10 I'/{U Mr Ollie Mh!tlillllue al·tende d tbe new girl baby. . 1)[1 is SI nt poslllg lind b autlful monum ent 1l1·.V III wltll t YJ.lllOlI ~l i ~!:I Ml~.\' HI' 1111 .v IJutl returue d ll eve r . fa·lrafX eDlala stwt't'k . SlI lllln y w ith \ III l\I"I" ' i ~ .l'1l1 l'tl lI1 ' til hllTIIU in 1{IJlg" Mills atter u F k placed t here last week by Mrs. _ The kent sales attract the ladies Mr .• M (J,nllu\lh~y uoll IiL.l Mellflrll , Adllm Bt09PS, i1 y . r!lD H 1,,1t:lIIHflJlt vi!!il wiLhfl'ieud>ll.JeL'e. . 0' . . . nUll At,I'!! . ~orry, f j)1I .v ton, III'ae ilOIl Sherwo od and ' Barry ~berwoocl ~rrJel t.h o \11' :1. (-IPUI·"tl fl Llg.11l Ilf lll dllll ~ lt to r N~all wldo~v of G ul'ge guest.; of Mrtl . n . \ . K IUJI. at John A. Fuokey '. atore. a nd MI'H, }O~II~ \Vy tl uu l{.Il1ld dll og ht e!' were io Xenia week attendi nK 0 Neall. ThIll memor ial waspre i\I t1 l1. I'll '1'0111 tlflr] (!b!ll'les Spen sent. MiSt! l:i eleu l:i erd li tlkn III 1I1)1I I' t be , Wt'l1'6 . t.h e gntl~ t_~ (Ie Ed tlngll n 111111 Mrl, B.noab .&ctin bll.lI beeo tbe tberalr . l'U I' "e,'1) in town 8 uull ll.Y· ed to the hoard by Mrs. O' Neall in do tom"!l u,u'e wirh LlI ldtl.l·iul gue.t or trleode 10 Lebano n . f., ve l' ftllUlly \\'(ldlllJ lldu y . .1 M r. 'LIHI Mrs. IJha rl es und memor y of her husban d, who served MIH! MOI·.Y 'I'ute, Who Ims beeu " t- . Mr . aDd MI·B. I~I vi 1I Ji'h'oli Mr. Walttlr Ki)boD W~II • busine n Loet-A silk wrap . Lost betwee n 80 long and efilcien tly on the n n(] nu ' ~o u (ltll'ldd . of 'blclI go, IUt! visiting board. telldiu~ @ohool ut A nM h (dll ~t!, L Olli:! sp Llt tiullIl!lY vlaitor I .. (Jjooi~o.'1 Mood ..y . Illltl l'1I0lJU wit.h I'elnt ivu>I II 1'0 . 8priuR Vtliley, ~or lu ,W~yoel!VlIle . 'file memor ial is a' beaulif ul pi c YIl~I f)W Bpl'i n~!I, I'el Lll'U cI 110111 J"ri _ ,Ill,' ,nil Hea rB lin,] wif , .Floder will vl eltlle I~ve it at the of statuar y mad of pure . 111'1H M,lbtl l Hherwo od . who haa I talim da) . , Rev . Ptilhp' l'rootll odfllm lly were tillzett. eoftlM , ' . [lit! MI ~St!H 10\ U " orllu lI , 11 .11 Il ·hROI! II JI ur\lu g 11 wee k wi tb her slt!tt!r 'bl ' . ' b d atEpw oub Hel't(btll IISI, ~uodllY Mr . alld Mrs. D . HOIV\.m d ell - IJ'ls hbt\u g h, U dUll R \,V,Y!ll lllg nu d I mal eona g ramt . a.'1e, an re?- tertnill ed Mis!!e!!H ,Berthll . Lt B 'b lll , .. etlll·ne ll bOlll6 thtUl·dllY Huwl und l AUllr y '1 11\(\1 ' l,o ll ctiuunl' \ II h uig-iJ Mr. WiUiam Hanby, of Dayton , is resents In angel holdu)g a t. .Mia. ,lsooi8 ulowid dle, IIr 1n<1I8n- spendl' wreath 111 Ilull MIII'Y 8 lIu.r~ llUd ng hl \VII ' svaeatl r l'e ll 'on K IhLl'~ I ' n and around h h d ! M... autl Mr!l. N. H. H.i h '.I'uo .1 u}, . M ' I 1. W ' I , • . I ' d' d h 'rl n ool -:;;r . f D t i' er an s, Wltl a 111 em on et' , lU~DUnv . '}IOIi., Ie ,thE' f(UI:!.~ of Milif May W~ynesville, and says he ishavil )g a forehea .NII l' I\( ge .~I g al' 0 . u.y ou, t! Mr ~ . 1i,, 1111 \ .Y (lug . un tl dllll rlllel' , V!H IL d. She has a I ok on h I' \ MlsaRu f,\J OI'lwld cll e, of WI\YI~o ttl l'e lrltlvell b er~ . . W ri~bt. s. Mnl. He " ~e lei gnu nnd tlun~ht I' good time. t{ face that almost speaks ' amI is wOI.k vili a, t.. tLJe ~ u elll uf M I' IIU II Mra. ,wd M,'" . Gh .. uu o Sboesa t iohn A. Funkey 's; save Bllnue l\ lwli Mon Mr. RichardAlexand~r, of Dayton , oithe highest. chat'acte~. »11'. ,l ohn ~I-i nce r left undlly ~ . G. Mo ·lul'lI. . money an.d buy them .at the red"t'ed . , l.4Jl lit ~'I'illIlY WIt II WIll 1111 uu .lIId ;"() I' Ull~~O~~~ ' . d h ' T esd ')'h u b t~l~ :hr~~g : s WYODI . Z va MQrrls tlotel'tu iucu th fUlullv. 'T' wasvia itmgol dfTlen sere u ay. . e oal'd were v~ry much s~r- C. Mis n ~ un. r w ~. 80 hlt.v of I,h ra 11 0 . prices, Pl'el:l ltytEl J'IU,I1 Mr. uu d Mrl:!. Dick hwt a school in Dayton where prased, not even knowm g oo rgo I!:lIiti nUll Mi A!! Rllthe Kersey vlsited MIllS of the gIft obll l'ob Itt bel' co nnll·.y hOI.O t! /I'I'/ I\U ,Y tlllll"ht. I' Vo Mr. Howllr d 'rNut, of (htov er, he teaches telea-ra phy. .. r.u wore 'iu cillllllLi /I rt. t! 81ltUll U fe w lluys I... dt week . until it was placed in lJosition , and olj!ut. . ,col., hI tblllrlU lat at hili fatber, l(ev , vI I tor~ tlndllY. . J . E. OlltvlddOU, of Fort Valley. they al'e very thankfu l ~h . L. IJ. lio1'l.lin llod chiidTe o, fod t. M.i tl~ H:t,h el Pa ll e~\' it wa, ~h g lls t ~billp!l'rout. Mrlj. U orge Davis tlud 1'. 1I·s •. yrllllk Hub rtnnll Stellll ll\1entSondllY GIl ••• truU grower of tba~ plaoe, Mrs. O'Neal l a lso had placed on of Mltl. W . HH uliu os witb . lhllrIlLlIIY · l l:i nr tl:!O kwere l:lllrV eYIl).mrgvl lt,pr", r elu tlve here M .... D.nlel Ht.arlln, of Miami , w":~ '''", "oe.' of Mr. Ill. B. . Rogers , her own lot a piece of slatuRl 'y of ~""" Borlll 1.0 MI'. lIutl Mn!. Ch . Webb M\lnuu y ufterno on . OhiO, hal lieu lbe gue.t of Mrl or Dodds, Taeld. y. . '''b ' E B i 'I t\J., 1 h Id the same class- Italian mal'bl(t- ' of AI 011 d /I I a IItli dn tI "," II Le . G . , us ness M ee.og, Joho Hyatt. l e r . uUu tv. r s . . eOI'gt! B ogt~n !lnu", lit Lthee hOUle a of widow MillS kneelin Mabel g at Shtlrthe grav in an Mr. aDd Mrll. Brattoo , wbo !lave ,Hr, , Eliu W.Yson . g, lind . dllllKh ttlr , w"otl, . Sa.t " ...r •. Obi&rle. ·l&od .CUftou Bur- bfte. speodl og t.he summe urulI.y C eveolD g wall well C k were tu e ~uUdrH of I .UII II uoy Bunne ll u t t odtlu r bertl attitud e of prayer, and holdmg a a~ sa rs r~~ . ..··-~erA ~. ~tbe Ur .......... Oou n . . . '.Ir .... tb I ti Ilurl flllllil.v l:lnudu .v . a ....... ' b t . d' 'bel wreath in her hand. .. - . -_u", .. , 11Ia ves ave re alne ~o u Mr . IIIH1 Mrs. Wllltc'r .Tortl llll /il; tl r 1,"' ,i ' V,Thurs day . Alldie '('ol.OlInlloo bas returohome In Batavl . Clermo nt County MI'!! . Rlsdoo , l e pbens of r' uug ll' Ar VI " ltt, tI" ~ nt ,u"ll.I(I" .v wltb od MISS ' otspieces are the handso mest T Mr . lIlud to her borne io :3outh Cbarle ston, " "'I ' ct ,.I.. l i M '[' h 14 "d M I ~u d ' th b U ti ... U ollllJa 8a '''. vorl be u,' ,,"re 1 M v II t1ng I't d ' M l ' III OS. V l :tuule" B b C . t I'a y uod monu . r. fUlllily r neill' II ,81' 1l }J I etlsan t vI Sit. WI'tb l'e IIt.'I ves en ever pace m e cem re o 8nry r r,o , r. all ra . . .ro ar Il.~' Y, I).w~l:e ~Ig(led and made McK ee " bere . Qioolo, 'I'e 'be 10811'1 Df JIlr.. rived bome from DeDver \Vayue ·vl lle . , Col ,.tttlr b,.v GeorO' . Doddll & son, of Xenia. Mr. IIUlI MI'II . Frllllk MilDer 0 Oyntbl alllvrlo .. 1.i!1l1lt> a moutb' !l8tay tbere. 't'bey report ~ Ilumlle l' from beL'e ttttend, r~ 0 ' ooner aDd family, ' of Leb.p '. ' . Letltluu l'g utteude d thEl Ue ller .. l ed tll e Ureeue 'uuuty { las t week . an n. spent uDdlLY wltb trlendM al'r . BeD Bidl", of Peori., III., a good &lme, aDd 1l.r8 looking Meelill g n ' uollay . Rev . Mil ei' well. anti relativ es h ere. Iltl8isted by Prof .1. B. WIJgb t of bae · 'bep•• ' ,of hill bro'b.r~ Dr. J. U. ".cy, Deo'I., ; will be A LONG AUTO RUN , HlI.rvtt,Y'llburg and Debora.h Llbyu of Mrs . Henry Kerse, is vlsitiog Mr. llabloo Bid,.. io bll oftloe a' tlluv8Y lbnrK tbill . relativ es io Raveo na. Sprin g Branc h. Spring Volley hl\d c barge of the Mr. ~1l_8 Datlo, of Oaney .barl, ,reek ~llnDtug Mouda y, AOion 10, Arrivio g safely In . Ullytou ' last servlcel;. . • Robert I::lbutts lead the O. E. II JDOY'D" to M.... Bebdooa J. Hldea' anl1 .. , t:ipriDg Villey tbe week of Tburid ay.aft.e r 11.977 mile run 10 hili Qu~rlil! meetin g SunulIY eveDIDg. rly Meetio bo.... 00 Tblld .'r....,·· g was beld here Mr . ILDd MrB Anglll '117, ' .I .. oo b LIIoy weTe bi6ndllo me touring oar, Mr. PlI.ul OD Sllturdtly with a Illrge attElnda "'! Doe. eDterta ined by hit! bl'ot,hel' 'l'b ol.Oos Rev . Deurdo ft preaob ed hie Wn tkls i I "1 ·th H . 'ed b a w t 1 .. S Wif e, •Lb ree sous and family at HUUl111.V (}iuner . WEl!l sermon bere Sunday . M . Ed1 Bardin 1110 OtDoiDD.'i at.~ MIMS (I~va 'l'enell aDd 'b;otbe r, LII.0Y . url8 aecompa'rll . . y aud little dlaugbt er, 'made tbe trip C\n,yto . u, retul'lIe d mis8ion tlries ' of ..~ &be mUUoe ry op8oio, ,1 ud her mecea ¥Uaes Caroly Mr . Wlllter DllkiD uud fll.mlly n ~ E. d Ith from Wiooot l, MiDD SOlll , In fin, CUhll, nttenlle Mr. Fl'uuk lutter p.oterl .ioed I~ d Qnllrttl r}y Meetlu g halluR their gnel:lt,. Moe".,r, "-- Jeft Tu-.I ..~ ..DI b er f I 11 If ood•. SOlil' Gibbil, of two of hiS frieods fr om Milford Suof talay mormn g or a d yll withou t aooldeu t or del ,y J S atur d lI.y, auo were h f D"'Y~OU ' J-".b a 0 I .....~ h b i ou Fridl~y night t e guests 0 two weeks' stay in Miclri pn with • doy . . , .. _ . 0 g ........ W 0 ... " ""-~O l. 0 Mr. aud. Mr . Jel!l!e HaineR, '. tbe (iem Otty tbey Ild(led I!!everll) Mrs. Frank l:lIl.WIlB 18 on tb e sick .ajck.. oJoq a 10 maM Iaa~ J4r. ad lI.rB. Fnmk . " 1lst. ba e a there L~ ~a'ylor. who periODS " to tbel~ ' party ' ib6ladi~ <> '" 'J'htl Home UowIDg of former ~'drwih • If th O . I &0 ride 1 " OOOIdloouly, , studen ttl of Buok Rnn WI18 v heW on evero rom IS VIO UI·t~ Il t.~ • atn. Rotlm ond I!'razier lind Mrs tbe site of tbe old lIohool ",,0(. Itr. i'red Wbl&e Ut IpeodlQIr ht. hou!!~ in ed the .. eDHL fair: • lIr. aDd atn. J. E. J.ooey , Mrs. SpeDce r Morria and two little SOD8, Amos Mr , I\nd Mr!l. J, F. Youog have [J!eHllv n'lI woods on MonclllY • .0&&10 8.' PD.·lo .S.y bavln, left' ADD. O'Neal ?ttrs. E'rBuk I u.kin ond ohildre n , IIrs. IIlllza BatDell, .~. wbo bave for several da.ys beeo eoreturne d home· .after flD ex'eud ed rrtondu yaftern oon and heN.l'r tdav few &baS poiut. Wil ij, very were visiting on ~'hnrsdB .V . B. Obllnd ler, J,JU I1t her visit in Kentno ..' Ie Carroll , EdwlD l'0110g a bllppy. boo"e " ....r ty Itt tbe plefis8.nt occasio , ky. . n. • grl\udm a,'II, Mrll. ... ..... Diolc!!o n Wburto ll, atr. Obaa.;.Hb.rwOC)d aDd latully , Ob.ndl er, Llz.I@Moo11l,·M f Mt Holly n.Mll .tilho spitab lebom Miss eofM Ireoe r. Trout, Wyoli fl'·Qui te ... nhmbe of W&yn88vllle, > . . 0 . spent SDuda y witb Miss Beurie. us. aud .IIr. Cnu. ~",ardB aDd wAr" 'CIa UDde.r.wood aDd Joe. UDder wood "'orrl8 betwee o Ferry aDd Bell- attend the yeltrlyr 111'e expecti ng to meetin g "t ... ,Mtr . •1o o otblul ~'1?t' rUY't ';.,f Deur MoKln sey, rullll:{tO w.... tD UiocloD ." Suoday , tl .tten.d ed q~.rterly meetin g at 861- bro~k and who Il.I 0 nLde en ervi llII, WIlR VISI 1Ut:!l t . !l mos t . II.... U. M·. Wbh. retarDe d home ma tiat"rd ay aod Sonday , . I Dukin 's SutllTclllY IInll Sllndll~U.arulls Y. . Mr . liowar d Missild ioe, of Virglo~ I!.r atlfyin g oll.lI ou their heredit ary Born, .to Mr . tlDd Mrs. Qninoy Mr. Albert LIlOY , of S prlngtl elll , ill, is visiting bi s sIster Mrs . Uotpb y and 'daugb ter friends , Mr, 'rbos. J . Hrowo uud GODS, fJ:om ..,&OD laKl week, wbe~ Ibe .Mr. W . M. ~ Roaf a 011 . • Is visftlo" , hi. pal'enl::!, ~1r . aOll M.I'S. · t:l mlth . . , MI. Cl.... came down from Daytou fllmlly 00 Stllllrdu>, . •• , Th J h44~ou. ·oo a bualDe.. rip . •. ~'Iln~y . and llpen' tbe ~y at the , I' QUillS ..ncy. Mr. Matt MoKln sey w.e a aar. COUNT~k' TF.ACH ERS' IN STITU TE , MiEIl Mn. .lobo aDtl ber ,Ileat, . eliHtiLl Austin ill ul s9 00 tho vel'sbu rg visitor Sa.turd ' ay aDd Suou ""--i 1"'· I slclllts ',. _n. ...... e ""ar lu, v Ililted rela- ~ilme of Mr. ,-bOi. Ilnd du.y ANNUAL SEAR'S REUNI O led b J. Brown . i th Uv. io WUiDID,,'Ub Jallt week . We b"d uerv o I ' ce I1t "lilldle Riln ,:,em 1W00mpao . aDd 1 ome 0 eeveu · ~ IX Mr. Mrs. John The Spray 67'Lh and !lunuol 'aw· session of the by our pll tor, Elder log by ltlls Kate Morpb y who bll.d L. LiDeM, of n .V visited Wm. RIOks, oBar Olarks Wllmn ounLv 'feaoba rl:l' los l·it.n te , l lldl[l otl, on !:ill tnrdl1.VW. ~ . • od Mrll. ':: La08dOD, of been the goe8t of ber Wayoe svllle uftel'o ooll l1uII ville, Sunday . of 'l'b e 231d 8DnllU.1 reUOIODc. LebaUO the wit'l lte hela at Uolver sity ):iIlLl, Le b' j8U ntill Y lDOI,'lliog. ... '" It.i • " D, .were &,.e, "oeste or Mr, f r I eoua Selire family., was held nea r )e uter , MI'IIS I..l'llie Nedrv I'S vIsl"iog' reloce Tb·'" , ur ..... y . linou , on A U!\ llSt 17-,!H , 1UO:,! . 'J'Ilfi , M r . aUlI . M IS. 11 . (': . 0 k ' aDd IIrl, 11:. V. '~,n1a"rll .. et week. Mr MI'. J8I1IIe V . HIlI'hOOk left MOD- vlHe last ~a~uraa y, A Dg~St v 1\ ttl, , atlves !!' . . .... B \llCtul'er t! wil .... 111 l lJe Dr. T. S l.Jowdtlll i ~ runl. l)"klu !~nd ffllllll.V were v ry ullngto i [\ l:Iarvey sbprg a.od WII. ' II Therew ll Al'eab . _r, .11"- ~Q 1""w 8 ur out OOll6o plepI'ea Dg d.ymo . rDIng for"fo llr weeka t·rlp ' " JlIUS110IlyolJt adll,ine dlly ReI'LMIII' .~- bu"DA d "nmeaf" ~ r ~ pi..... d 1 I tl"'t d audDI·. Jl.ln oloflu! ley, BOlh .... -, Lbl1t:lU I u tt.uUI\ I I1IJ II I.v (It' Mt H llV Ku n • '('" !tv... . ..., - - . 'broDg h nortlie rn ... Mr MorriRou Van Dueer was in ichigan for tbe ent ' an ' t lere WliB J.I eo .'j • eat un . S1I1:!lim . . r' • , Bu I1re spnuke rs of Lh hlI£U- 1Liu y' .aa.' • beoefit of biB bea"b dildo" U'iIl..viet' ",l1b b. II 100 , AIr I.illolll8 .I Jovell1n hav fa d Il few dtl.ys receutl y. lots left over . , d tll D" bl' fJ'he offioers for I be eD'JllI lIg yau r 81' t U I.tT b' 1d I . .., I 1\iY, an e pu I ' b 0 11 V8r season . 00 bl. retnro bome he M.r s. BUDDab Bout.h was ·1l. aar • bear Wew. Dr. '. A. Bou g b \\1111 New Burli ngton . IIr. l ". ¥1.. UdiDtI, or expeots &0 vlaiUb e N18gar voyshu rg visitor ODe day laat week. a 'all8 :;~, :~:;i::nt ~~. ~1~!.I~~~ltt~~~;~ 11.1110 , ·Ieoture . Tbe M.~~ID.$oO. · iii .. music will b i ill llpeudi ng .nd otber luterm edi.t.e pOints of ... ___ . ___ ~ MI'. H. W. WilgutI, M. Wilgus aDd fui'ni!!b ed b.v P,·Of. Uleluud nud hi!:! m~' «;If bta vA04t&tqp witb re~&ivel .peelal ao~reet throug U J P. b the T oor'b ll Opbh A(1lull Wilgus , of ,Dayton , preBide nt i Vanie Elliolot, !leol'etll . r y orO he$trll of ten pieoes. . . , .u ol'n to ,lIUlell . etel':!on d . Ilntl !lJlli Dt S unLlI1Y wi t h their tl'OI1I!1l1:or , reillti Vlf ", ' " aDd ,, seotioD8 of tbt,f 'Uoited ,a nil;. WUI. Elliott, . ,lilly ~O, a801l . • _ • lbe l e llDl on \\111 tl,k e pl ... e", Mon- / Wife. ." M,.. ,a od M~... f AlIl!OD land Stata. Frllll\c BI!U1' , wif", I~nd LlulI ghtll l' 1\11'H. Alloe MoKln sey. , . , dllyeve Dillg. mlly, of Ot.nnlnna ll, ware tbe . R f. .... I llf On.vlon , ha ve !.t Ot n Lhli gl1 1I"~ of be d '· h' k d DesirlDg 10 oorreot thE' IllIprestiiou ..~~ "<. emem Sprin g Valle y. r urmg t IS wee an t"-'Ih lhill IlIIl'llflLI'I h e L' &It 'M ,,d ' ., ... • 'i' . It at: I t h' th of· ! ...... .. ~ve a .....n oueu I~ o~, ,e .. "!'~P 1 m~r",r . I', t IS "!o~. yo~ speOiIl y, ALL i\BOAR O FOR, ALGON " UllilB Monuen save clmon~y on l/of t'le genera l prllotiumy il.l1i i" oli the !lick e of w~uiciD e" 8uo\1a l. ' li st with t!V lIlptom s or typhoid fe el'/ Miss . .lllIale S~i.t.U eutel·tll ladies. mlllljeS, boy a, chil ren s and I ~ake tbls Uleaut! oC inforUl .ined & JI . nd 14 lol't my q' .... nb ' 'sh -~ Ev I D J }!' (ull ., n ' Iu Lo" un Obi o nllll.l hel ,?f y~\ln", fl _AI' r. • ra, ' . " ' I ~P.ql~p, 0 f me~.I! ' . ' " iends lust Batur. ~'. ery jHIIr m our friends and plltrooB. that ., " Ill' J li t V S t> , laID' stili , dl1Y eveDln g IU honor of Miss Flt~ Tbe DtI~•.t lt tl tl t1 l'l1ld of Friday ' (q~l1 r t of }~l~t woek Sprlug boro, \lVer" ~ ~ re' .... W · ..k. largeat o<:kwl libe offere datred uc- . '·my old I<)oation in tbe ' II w.hem he Wl~ wn llcel', of UYDthi ona Ky. .. Oh .. . , " ,te d Alleu lpl'iute t dthetJl ti . h.lWlll I d' ll li!!tof\ th t g IlYU t (,s. t . !clrlvln . Vlnhnl -~'. Sf! 10 the apman w". p.' Il ,,,poea . on,lDc u mil' e weny- wo cases flli r ' ' . d " " m oes BulldiD g. engagt sdlntbe tl·etl.tUleD~ l vi\1a Jl80ple, wbo left ,Jo e1'll Bult!l . wife au !Ion, and he Vi, C. T. U. q:I~r'J"r · Monda y on , " of Hamilt on &. Brown .. and i3rowp nI Eye ..Ear NOlie c&ud . . ', . WILiter Bultsn nu wife, lett Tue!lda y '1 JIi~ " broll.t diSI their Shoe e oU1'slo Co falla o' Messrs I A ~"' r~eived durina .... Mr. nud Mrs. I IIr . • ~d Mhi. O~",..rpole~"n, and f..u WI , eno,:, ~ III quhllr. fOI' Alb'lIlY Ind. wllere tbtly , • , • • ~~ -r . '. • of Frnnkl io nUll) 111'6 VI It·lIl g r 11\, " 8&8es . Very resp90t fully, Ziltlme " rlllao, "IlS. BenbBf fi,:Keu uetil tiv B htlra " ¥J!I, fcaaoi8 , of Ci'l;qQ~", .. ~@ _be the last three .weeks. Buy YO~ fine _ llllroba sed u. gr90 er y. . 6t P . R. M~DDJl:N , M. D. Ridge, Jolin Daughe rty, E'mn" Mur_j 'hus. S~iDLIler nnd \vite and Bnl', 11l"~ of )l.r. ~oa ~Il' Jp~~ 8 . toea,~ol1r BChoo~ s~oes,~~n:flne '1'. M. Gn;tre ll . wife and ~flllghter qDllrdt ,Mrs Wliitor ~oCJu re, M,,,!! rySwil lllJer,o f DlIytou, CoI~mau,aDd O&JlII! ~~tiv~·li~r• . r~ oesorw ork 0880 0 nA. Ohlo , wel'11 1 ~nd8!ro~ e~oIS~~d:;~nf8~;:~~fi:.~a SMALLPOX SCARE 1,tIlie BenhllID , J . O. Buwke.,M rl:l .•J. ! visiti~g B M. MoKlll' Doyou "ant ~~~"'qe.e- F.u~"ey. IlUtl fnmily , 1l;1i~~eS ~mefl,D\lDeISle ~loorell ••• .r~ . 1 <;. Bl\wktl. Mrs. (I'rllnk ClI.rey, Mr~ ' I OVer~IlDtllI.y, til. ~ shoes t9 "9.~n 4. . SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC . ·, en j OY ill g tbewee kn,tNl a g lll'Il. · . . . ,.•IOS~\lh !il:Vtl'!., ""1'11, Uh,.rle s Hie, J ~il.!~ Ruth l! l\rJoo, ~e1'8 '.~ this w,,~ 1U14 ~! re?f Mln.~isbllrg, 'r ile MISBeFl milia ...nd Agile!! Mar. . .. T~~ citizens of UtICa are all bemg IFr!1d l:iob wnrtz, MrH. FI'ed Hob wllrl·I,. ': ~:tl~, I til e gUt At tlf bar g!lLUl)pnr~ ri s wel'e guasts miip!ie r of thll month. S undll.Y of the Mislll!~ Th'e' Christi an Sunday School held v&CClDated on 'BCCOU,!lt o! a smallpo x I . A . 'IN. Heevell SJlll n t th e week 's, Au~be~. '~ . J~.~n 4. ~~~e:v . .' thtlir annual picnic, last ,Wedne sday BCabeere . . ~~. J . ~.:~gh . . S~i who hha.d I ,FIXIN G P HI S STORE Ola,to n .HQ'm.~, "p~L WU, ,Will in Hough 's wood!!. 'Isaac iend lit the borne. ofllts SO il Harry. D~~6~e~!tu~~:t~ WIUI Hatfiel d . n ~lSI mg a viSiting 10 , ameVI e, w b ., r~.... 8 1 e I .' • • , ill RiohlJl\lud.· H"II~ nmd90Il s Muur. . the smallpo x was supposed to be, ~em'l.v. fruw tl"r ~~ ~ -::'"I-l:l9,D ~k them out " .' .. ·tQe I~n.l an h18 Robert farm 1'Iltllrne wagon, d hYUla with . ' MI . !lnd ·ct Ml h B . • JO!leph Hawke VIStt. h'ld I IDa few day. "Ild be !t1, .,~, ~ PO- and the day was pleasan him tly spent in came to ,Utica, an . t e c I rell . ed OYU1' Sunllf1Y in I:!prlugfield. Mr Kllhliu has jus t ~llld ·n 11'100' witb t.... lI'rfDq~ ·~,q~trl ', ames and 110 ar . ' . A Itlrgo numbe r froln here attendeaeral JO(ld. time bro.k e out there. While enroute to !no w f1m)lr \Jut in hill. IItoro, DIllry UQIQJlaof. ' lIud' l!! \' . ' 0 INa SEA 0 AT HA 0 . • ed t he county fuir at Xenill laSt her ~ome in Badaxe , Mich ., Mrs. fresooi ugllnd glt, !lod l:lltti~g CAN Mr~ .Dd IAn: S. ~. ~.~~.. r ~t~- EASTE RN STAR. E~TERt~INS week. .... . ·Enghs h br~ke .o~t, ~.ut the do~r l reauy for the wluter . ~o 1ai~~M1IIIiKat.e alo, b,,~ llIllao I' •.~~. . ' ,, Jesse Sellrg , ~Y/l1! therepr onounc .ed It chicken pox. a -visitor in DayhlD • it10ok ' \lk.~ 1\ new pit.lue, ~nd his IU \ . Manag e! S~ook, of t he Way~e aD4 Milll" ADDj~ .. j \,,~ f&~e ~- Mo ndIl Y., The Eas Swlod ge after thei~ , l 1 orea):ltu K t, will upprec illte iI. , VII) CanOl? &' COmpa~lY sa~s that th D "'ord .,\.~ -,lid tefIl Chlls.. Crune mD~ed in tbe proper~ . ,. • it JlotJi ~-- ~- ,;~ . , .., ~U8;ne8B /l8ll8lon Monda f evenm g, BELLB ROOK vs WAYN ESVIL LE. ~ fac.tory \VIII s tal·t m ~ couple of ty v"?lltell b~ .Joseph Hulta. . , , a. e . \UI,'OPPCI'. · 'I w eks. 'fh y 81'e cleanin g UI>, mak. re~zied to Hah~'8 iee .cream ~lo~ Miss Muggle AOl!ou , of BarvuYl!'. , TAKEN CHARGI:~ OF f'LANT you .pp~~ ~~ ¥P to where they en.J()yed an enterta ing,box AA, te., and' ex j}eot a good burg, villited t;UDtlay wltb M. E . in· There w~ll be • grellt ball game' l .' __ I sale priC88th~,W. ~ ,~e ' ...~nt and had a I(Ood time. . Shel'WoOl) aDd wife. . oext 'rbursclllY afterDoon betwee u . , Mr. Geol'ge Zell has laken .charge seasOI1. balanee of this month. You 'ean Mae EVll.utl, K"te Sims laud Marie ' .. - • . Bellbm ok and Wayn& lvilie ~t Oilk- oithe Valley Phon plant 8tid, many great barpiq a in tbia here, and PROf-E SSOR CRAN e BETTE R ' ~OLLY SANDUSKY PARTY ::;~~r retl\roe p from Oxford . llltl~ d.le pll.rk. Thill ",HI be 1\ great started on his dutie.'1 laat week. 'larae .atoek. '11te cUltol¥~ ~ ' . Ollie Aoabee Ellnor __ • Mllry the ~lit Bal, is thegr ea_ ~~ . The foUo'" DJ" from LJt". w~, game for blood, a· .Wayue avllle In aDd Joe Walton returoeHood, lbe earller . par' of tbe '888I1OU beat d from An. I S fOR laV.,. "~larpttindow, every: ~ }lU.lo --.., 'SALE Pr.o f. A. M. ( ,r&ne wbo lell oft a~OOh Frll'lay eveallo g, Jan Moadal': Wal"r Bellbro ok, .ad the laner tMm re- I BI! LB '. .durur • OIIT 10 ·{'!IDc1nnrlti, aDd was run over SO many ean't ~_.Q4wif., *..r,· liIoGtDDlt talla~b1d8feastolfWa1Dee Mr. Lee aamer ~etnrDed Wedne a• yUlelo l _ _ John FaJaIr.IIJ ',GIQ ' . . . web uul wu.,·O•.I'. 0Ia1'~ aacl wife I. better. No booea wefe brokeo , day n'eoioK fNID' apl.a ntvl.l t UduulD I rame, ' 'Cbe . Whl&e In· fortooa tely . and amputa tion wJIl withbl8l(f101dptmlb&8 '. , poiJa r.lI. Vlarlt.D el wife; Flat ._ Rook, Will be'aal lelh' 8 o'olOOlr. qlUte of not be oeoeua ry, I lch, . . ..
l'H E
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The Miami Gazette
WA YNE \'lLLli: .
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A SICM'F 01 the
P ea ry a Nation a l A~ . e t. III mnny resJiects Communder P eary ill dt's n-llIg of respect anti ndml raUon . '\"IHlto \'pr opinion one ' may bold of Ihe tllflhy :llld d!'sirnblll ty t
H .......
dlsC"o l'('rlng th' north Iiole Ih er' can The Prophe t H os~Il.-'1'hc nnm" mNln8 be no do ubt at th (, (' n,'rIP·. ll('rs I·er-. "~n l \"u ll on." Ilnd In • he ptlrnonnl history Dnce> lin d lil'il"pry or lh l!! Amerle ull . A of ih o prtl ph L- whl <')' ,"tiny r lie d c ~ p· , "Rt IIlIn m o~ t enlrl1l1n l 1111>1" ~4' h \Ar" s,,~h ]nr~" pn rt of his IIf ' hn t; he> n p nt III n. G . C'ampb,,1\ Mnl"l<nn. nr ~;I1~lnlll.1. li nd Arell ~ o ll1 l1d t;. Ite hl\s f'ntlur d .l a mps M . Grill'. tl Pl\ n or Ih ' ~I "dl' BI!;I" '''rpat hardshllJS. He bns made a InR.ltllt ,·. bn...tdcr a III rnl IlOrlro)'u\ or ... I ho pmph"t's Ilf_ ",,, finn n IYTlo or IIl uenalU fOl" hhns('lt a.mong explorers. and lr"Uon or Jehova h's r"I IUl ons ' 0 l srn I. in a~ 8ure d of faUte It h e n eycr again 1-10 •• ,,'8 nehl or lnhnr WlUI Is rllo l. and ho Ilroph,·.l pd !luring t h~ r ~l gll ot J crobnlUlI Il ks the top of the world. In s p It e ll .• ahOIl 7M 13. .. dnwn 10 tile ~!{'PLlv ot t his h e Is soon t o sa \1 n:galn, to e n· It y. An olltllno ot th (" book Is ua t Howa: t er once more Into the t rozen w l1- I. JT I8torl co· p ro lJh~tk' . C'1Jnpt·w 1 to 3: t . Genprnl Ill. ours ~. chnpters • Lo to 13 : demel'S. to s train ever y nene a nd R. l"'nmIKea, chapt.... H. (II) Appun \ ot m uscle to aLtnln th e t riu mph th a t all God. 1'8. 1-3: (b) Promised iJl 8,,1nil". \'8. 1-8: (rl AppHclltion to nil. v. O. Th pcrarc ti c n av igators so long for. Some Mna l hl" tnr~' or the proph~ t mny b tllrece nt arctic explorers h ave made i " td NI Inln three p('rlods 115 rollows : (1) Happy nlon- 1"h .. propllcL ml\ r rl9~ a m or e ,"ocn.l noise t haQ pr ogress t o wa r d wnml\n whn hnd 1I"c.1 un Impllre li t . but the po le. All ex plor e rs w rit e books who had retorm~d. (2) A 11uln. <1 Hom/,and tell t he world what tbe y have Tllr II ch ildre n ('o rne yo bless tho ' hornf.', li nd then th w lf ·. rorg tru l at obllgadon e. . This Is one of lh e sr at pleas- Uone or wlrehood an,l motherhood. deDres nnd recom penses of th eIr Ilves. 81'r ts hp,· home tor IIP r to r m ~ r 10\'er9. (3) . Love or,,' lI ng- TIuL her lrllO lo\' r-hn.~11t. most ot th em do n ot boast m ucb band n,,\' r 105es .ll:h t ..r her. nn,1 nl Ins t 1n adva nce. P eary Is of this kind. ntt r sho hud 8Ullk 10 Ih" '·~ ry depth!! or I Bin II bU ~'9 h r bn~k 80 tha L he may rcremark s the CIe veI a n d PI a In Dea e r. Itore her to h ~r old pl'H'e In th o hOlne. A . H nppy nl (l n.- 'I'h ls n~ rl(\(\ In the . H e will depar t without o sten tatI on, Bnd With he good wish es of ADlerlc lI.. propheL·. II! . Is n t)" P" nr J ehovah's unio n If b e fin a ll y s ucce cis In wi nning t he wll h Il 110n· rlgh. ""ua p ori'. lamul. No\1 ('" In th r: challL r th f<l"IIlI>O\lC. na t uro grea t game lit whic h so IDan] ha ve or t il .. nnnw~ ot Lll(' ~h llrlre l1 burn ot this fail ed this country will be proud at unl nn. IInll U1 8(1 Ih.' \Jrom l ~cS of r sLornlion and hlt:.~l nl: r"r !llra.. 1 In Ih latt er 'him , II Is not so mu h .th e mere di s· days. covery of th e polo, or. t he scIentific Scrl ptllr Authorlly- T he Dook of and geograllhlcal k now l dge t bat m ay HO B s, es p clally cha pter 1. ..result from tb e dls cQ\'e ry, as lh o !la t· tsfa cti on of havin g accomplished on ~ut.lU/.JUUI...lUI:JLIUI..lIJU<..~-"-'OU<."""~' of tbe mosl d ifficult tasks ever set by lOaD. America can get a10ng very we ll Love w Ill t rav e l far and stoop Withou t th e pole. hut no nati on can low to s a ve ·the object of that Ret along wi thou t plenty of s uch men affection. a s P enry. ' . . ' How ma y we know strength of the Oivl ne· love save There Is very li llie that th e gentle all s om e fai nt con ception of It Is wex can n ot get wh en a renl att mpt Is borne In upon the heart m ade . The announcement s ~t thi s ' through the revelation of the .eason In connection willi educational human relatlonslilp? (Work fur nish illu strations In point. (n All through those long yeara 10Ile of t he co·educatlona l un iversiti es the love of Hosea followcd the 'Of this country a gi rl s tudent ca rri ed wayward wife while she Bank lower and lower. until at talt olr tbe hi ghest bonors. In a tecbnl c~1 she had touched the very deplha Jnstitut e In Brook lyn one girl won the of human degradation. Desert])I'Ize for tHe tlest work In cn.rpentry ed by her loverl and Bold al a and another girl tor cabine t makln ~. slave Into the lowest form. of And In London a girl Is give n the hig h. Iniquity, .t111 the hUlband love est award tor p:-oficlency In che mis try. follows, and I. strong enough to A boomer ror woman suftrage at Ohl· bring him to her Iide and to reeago us es as par t of h e r argum t the deem her by paying the price of allegation tha t of 303 gainful occupaher enslavement. How like thll I, the Divine tions In mode rn ' 1110 there are bu t nine love. "Wh ile we were yet In our to wblcb wom n have not gain ed ac· sinB, Christ died fer the ungodcess. Alld who doub ts thnt the nine ly." From the heaven above 'Will ' be . cap tured whce ever woman God was able to reach down by sball de termine t o t like llossesslon of hi, infinite love and find a way them ? . to eave IOllt and ruined man., The ne ws c om ~n g by wny that natives of West Atrlca. have ldlled and eate n tour E uropeans ~ho .warn ashore from. a s hlp wrt;lcked ves· lIel, Is a grim re lDtnde r t hat; no twlth· at.&ndl l!g the extra ordl.narlly rapid spread ot civili zation throug hout th e world. canni balism still e xlsls. In fact,. anc!.be r stor)', CODling trom Mon· t real, Is to ene e lree t that lhe body ~f a miSSing g uide has been found In 'lhe bea rt ot a nor th f.rn Ca na dian lor· ~ st with Indica tion!! th a t U,e unfor tu nate ' m a n ba d fu rn is hed fo od fo r hu· mans. The Ca nadia n cli mate Is not . 'IlilPosed to be ondu clvo to cannibal ·, bet ra e d generacy 1s not con· tined to an yon e COlli I ry. Pre mi er Asqullb 's proposition .,'i ye old·age pens ions fi nds ~ tl"o n g BUP. ])ort nnd hot opposition III Enslan d. The Id a 15 Con dcDllletl in m Iy q ua r· t e rs a s smackJng of a socialis m ,..hle h s hou ld no t b oIHJtcoJ<anced. 1'>'11 II e orne of I h lIheral I nd r:s ad· , 'e rsaries pronoun ce the meas ur m ore or less of !l IJo lltlcal I ric )t, Fince. It 1 b e sche me s h a ll b adopt ed. l lle tasll o r findin g l\1e mon y wll h wh(ch to meet the c lai ms will be le tt to t he suc. r essOJ'& of Mr. As qui t h b th chancel· lorsh l[l or Ih xch ' C1uc r. En;;laud 15 ))aSSln g thr01lgh sam' nov e l "'''perl. tlnces, and the new pri?- mler seell1s to be q 1l1ie crt p.. ble t ItCCplug' (lubllc cU l'ioslt)''l>'eu .
Mrs. Jtu ~se ll Sage Is g iving- away '3 good denl of ro oo<'), lll ese daYB for va. rlous excelle nt ptn:I'OScs. one Ite m ot 'Iin.OOO . goin g fa.· ' tb e IJ!anllng of II Quantity of rh odod nuron In c rlalo baJTea places In Ne w York's Celltra l )lark. Sbe seema greatly to eajol' th e ,:i\1nr;, too. and It s ' ruB a pity thai odie was oblige d to postpone the pleaa are until abe had PCIISed bitt' 'IE-Venn' .a~ year .. "'blt'l. III not by uny il1ea~~ ~ that RU'l ell J boullS Jlil V. 'f ' ..,-ted I bl~ ute ec rll!.';, .
And If God has 10 manifested his love towarda us In that he has g iven his only begotten Son that we might be delivered from the alavery Into wilich lin has plunged UI, how ought we to follow his example and held on to the wayward Boul ard love, and love, and love yet stilI more until ;it laat love Is trlum'phant? It Is not love that casts oft forever the one Vlho has done the wrong and who never thinks or purpOses that the transgres. sor shall be won back. S In of one aga in st arl oth~r docs not relieve of obligation, but rather docs It obligate the one agaln3t whom the aln has been commlttod to help the err. ing one back to the right' way of living. True love not ·only can stoop low but it can wait long. But th e re Is reward in tho wa ItIng, for love must triumph, and at las t the wayward one is brought to the place where It ca n hear love's mess ag e and be stlr~ed to , high a nd holy asp ira t ions, How wonderful is the love that never fa ils.
'~~ o o oo ooa4000000~
I TKing ' ''AS In tJ,e flars or the wlclwcl ,TcroIJoa m IT.. n ll"'r o \·e r th e
upon the nalloD for Ita wlclredn8ls. It was In lIuch lin atlllolphere atld s urroundlnga sa this that the boy Hosea W88 reared. but und e r the faIth· l ui gui dan ce and IU8tru, lion ot bl s godl y fath e r tbe la4 ('arly learn e d tbat r ight, not desire. should I"ule the II f . a lld that obedI e nce to God' s law bro\lght n m ore priceless h ~rl Ui ge tha n a l\ tb at the nntlons ould b estow upo n I be ' kingdom . lie a lso le:l1"D d that th gnllliest bal tles 9. D nllOl~ can fi ght are not .Ulose In w hl cb on avmy Is p it ted a"alnst anothc l' nnd o l\e nation mOllnts to pow r ·a nd pl utll\vr ove r I he lDangled Ilnd ble ding body of Lhe other bu t ralher tb o~e brJ.t1lls In w hi ch tll~li)tallon to si nful Induigences are ove rco\1lc. and the fil'h L Is made tor t ho m a Intenance of J'i ,t;h leousue s8. While yet a t ender lad Hosea hllod come und er the Infiu e nce o f Jon ah the prophet. und hnd been deeply 1m· press d with th e grent m el'ey an d love of. God as ma nifested In his deall ngp with th e wi c ked Nineveh un4 er ~h. pr nch lng ot t he prollhet. He WIlS' fam ilia r wIth 1111 the bl s tory of bla nati on a nd was a.. c lose st ud en t or the c urrent tim es and con dfUons. And because h was Buc b II man a9 h e was, because be had pro fi te d by l he Inst ru ction of his rathe r and bod yielded hi mself t.o t he p rrect wl11 li nd law of God, It becam e k'Down In bls carl y ma nh oOd that God h a d fla ile d hIm to III I the place at prophet to He kn e w It because In ' !te Israel. hour at qu iet communion b bad heard l be volee of God culling hi m to the work. un d the people umo ng w hom h e mi ngled k new It because t h m an wit h a God·glven messa ge Is al \\'n.YIi recognIzed. eve n t hough th e m ossage may be Sp U1"f1 d nn d rejected. But one .t4ln g gr ally ,l roll ble d H osea. an d t hat was lhe selt·satlsfled . conditi on of the people. nn th II' pros· perlly and tbe pleasurnble eas e In whlcb they li ve<} the people appeared utterly u nconsc ious at th' Ir n eed of God. \ V11at mor c 1I1 d be desired th an cas and comfort 'an d t\ good li me? So It was that JH os a found h is m llsage to tbe natloll made no ImWbat wns tll !r th a t he pressio n. could do to m ak t he m r all ze their condillon nnd the ir ne d? At s uch a time as thl. & s trange thing haplJene d, or rather It wns not SUch a strange thing. atte r all. 'tor love Is always 'mysterIous. Hose a bad tallen In love wilD a bea.utlful y oung . woman name d Gome r. but one ab out whom there clung the dar k stories ' of a :wnyvrd life And ntrange as It may appl!hr, this beautifUl woman seemed .to r" turD the warmth of IUs affection and sej!med to find a real Joy IQ the thin GS that wer e nearest alld deares t to the heart of th e young proph e t . But t h e wom an's pas t t ~o ubled Hosea , and his t rlends urged ' upon him the ra ll y and da.nge l: of yleldlDg to s uch assoclallon s. " Konwest thou not what God has s aid In judgment upon tbe woma n wbo (lla ys the h ar lot ?" "Yea." qui ckl y r etorted tbe prophflt. '''lInd k nowest thou not how Ule gra 'C and mercy of God can exalt s uch a n h a rlo t as Ra ha b was and make ot he r an e xall e d name and tribE!?'" Strange Indeed was t b romantic exp rlen ce of th e pro·pbot. but h e did not und ers ta nd the purpose God had In It a ll until on e da y In, ve xation of spirit ove r' t he proble m t ll1at confront· ed him In rea chIng the tl earts of the pe ople. and makin g th e m r eali ze the ir great need ot God, t he re came to him th e t ho ug ht: . " How Is it that the ho b' God can de· s ire to he t he God of s uch a s inful a lit! 1l ople ? S ure!.}' It Is not people can s iv e to God so m uch as wha t God call give to tb people." And almos t In the n ext Instant ther s wept o l'e r his hear t ,th,e t.bough t at th e life . of till s woma n wbo h ad ~o lIne xp ctadl y -and strangely e ntered Into hi s life. " Yea , In lhls s llB lI l s rnel see an e:'C· am ple of h e r ~e lf." exdalmed · tb e p'ropbet a s he a rose, con s elo us that the spirit at Carl h all Rpuken, La hi s heart a nd was lead ing him. ""Ith \1n falt er lng s te p til prophet mado h is wa y \.0 th e p re s e nce or Gom r, 'and ere long all th e co mllluni ty about kll e w t hat t he p ro phet had \llf ~ h te d his trol h to t he woinan wltb
north " 'n Ici ngdom of Isra!:'l. tliat a son was born t Bee rl. n d e\"O \1 t ma n. II lId Oll t) lllat kep t hl ms Ir rrr;e fru m (he cot ru pli ng Intl llcn s nil a bout. ' uw, t here WIIS 1l00h l1ll;' In th e birth of t hils ch il lI lllat marked It all di tTe ron: f ro m th a t 01 mu lt Itudes of othe r c hll.' dre n Ih rou g1.out th ki ngdom. save . t hat wll h the comlug of th e ba be t be rG hud been ' Iv " n vi -Ion t o lhe fnthe r. an d .he bAd In~isted on calling th e nom o ( I he hOY H ose a, ro r. 8altl he: ;'1-1 shu ll· bl'l n~ a mes. . n~e of sah-aOo ll to h is na ti o n." T hi s w aR All he woul d lillY. s lead. .tlts ll y I'erusi g to re~ea l lI~l' thln g eou· cernlng his vis ioll , b ut t hn t be had lie. h4'lct some unus unl RPllcaran ce lind Llla t. It .a lwa ys had 60me Inil tle'n c e upon the manll <!r ,,(the rari ng of th tl child IYOJI manlfellL to' all Ihose whe.. gave l he lI1a lte ,' auy thought nail. :But fortunate ly, perha ps, for th e fa. thilr, Dee rl , lind (or th e ·son . Hose a , thllY Ol\c u pled a ve ry lowly place In thoe trill a nd Ihe community wh e re Ihey Ilv d. and so the y lived th e ir slm. pIe life :.I most alone and unnoticed. It WII S a time of great moral' lind IplrltU l1.1 d CIlY In th e. nntlon. but not. withstanding the destructive tenden. cies at work. and the demoraHzluS ex. !lOlple or. the king and hie co~~t, King Jeroboam wall a strong leadel and 41d much 'to build the kingdom alOllg ma~ lC!'rlaJ Hnes. This very I t'oDdltJon of prolperlty Cf)Dtr1~llt.d to t~f IGDeral IIIOral de-
-They Rt oPlled dll' rtln~ Wal!?r f ro m tb -A m rlcan side of i':l aga:-n falls fll r a fe \\,' hOllrs. an d It wa s snll Sfac lo; y \ 0 l earn t hn t th e amo unt ta l, n for pow· eT llurnos('s !'Id not make so perCell' I!bl e a dltre rence as wns supposed. But t fl at Is 1:0 :I rS' umell t agai nst. proper reo s l.r1c ll on, dec la res t b T.roy ':-I. Y.) T imes. Jll far t. t he ('Q se wa!) made 6 1l"nn ger. T here III tr Hliug variatio n :1\0\\1. bu t t he 'lim it has b e n renc he d . E very addItio na l ub lc foot t a ke n a wa y will t uti to 'I he le5se nlng of t lt e bea ut y a nll ~Titn(h.· u r of the cata rac t. Tlie mo vement to ~ av e 'th e fa lls was s tarted nOll e loo ~«r;y .
IUld Inevltabl,'\Utelll'" tile (Q' ,
whffll tbe Judgment of God mull .all
a Ilast.
"What could It m ean ?"' a s ke d' th e people' ono of: anoth er, "that tliis man o f Cod should link bls .lIte wllh s uch a n one? How cun tbe r~ be ' an ythl!1g In com m on J> eLween l be two?" " How Is It, " re to rted the prophet. when he hear" th eir wOl·ds. "that God should ~ on s ld er thi s people "'!ho bave gone n ft r at he r ' gods and ha t.h torgot.. te.1 hIm ? Why Is It, in spite ot tlie wi ckedness and disobed ien ce of · the PD st. that God d s Ires · unI on with thee ? What fellowship cun he have with 6uch us yo u 7 Think on these lhlngs, nn d realize that the love and me rcy of God arll able to' bridge tbe chas m whleh aln has made, aud that he lIntl ~ JOY In ' bring Ing the sInner Into ull io n a nd followsh lp wltb him. self." . " Bartenders Do NO lt DrInk. Chlc lIgo has a nove l organization In lhe Rm·tender s alld Saloon kee'p ers' Total J\b tlnence SOCiety. which Is now said to have 2,000 members. Many 6aloon keepc rs In the windy city, It Is I·eporte d. al'6 bound by an agreement no t to e mple), men who diluk~ WilliG Ne w York grog sellers have no IUCS society and ' no Buch agr~!ement. ao far as the publl.~ has 'evez: ;heard, an the better class of placel Itrict. Iy enforce rules employel drlnldng while on daty, tbere are 8f:ore. of bartendera fn city ' wbo never drlDk a drop ot u.ItJ dbpenS8.·-New York 'l'r:llhnn ....
Practical Fashions LADIES' DRESSING·SACK
'BORAXI NATURE'S mSINFECTANT. CLEANSER AND PURIFIER . Everybody realh:es the necessity of lome me thod of purification at sinks, d r ains and ute ns il s In whleh may lurk t he germ or 0. drl'ad ' d dI sease. H eal th Is a Question of e lea nllne8. nnd preve ntion . Most people are tamlllor wlt b the use of dls ln fljctn uts In tbolr o rdin ary sense-nil of w hI ch a re II npl asn.ntl y associated wit h d illugreeabl(l odors. en whic h ar depended to kill th e OOllta · ~o n (wllich disInfecta nts m ust of nocess lty be of a mo re or less dang rous characte r) a nd must be used for thi s pUl'jlnS a nd for n o other. and In consequenoe kept from childre n and ca reless bundli ng. There Is, hOlV eve r, within th e r ellCh of ell our r elUie r s a 81111111e, safe and econom ical article lh at will not only ans we r tOI" e very dls lu fec tlng purpose -but can also be used tor 11 multi t ude at domestic cleansing and purl tying purposes-':Bor ax. Borax Is a pure, whIte harmless pow· der comin g dIrect fro m Nature's Inb· orMory ; In fac t Borax has orte n bee n call ed " Nature's Cleanser and Dlsln· fectan t." Two t a blespoonful s of Borax In a palltul of hot water poured down the ·g rease·choke d pipes of n sInk. or flus hed through a dlsease·lad n drain, c lean s,e s and purifies it, lea.vlng It clean a nd s weet . Bed c lotblng nnd cloth es used In & s lok r oom 'can be m ade h ygie ni cally olean and s nowy·whl te. It washe d In a hot solu tio n o r Borax wa t e r. Kl t oh en a nd ntl ng ute nSil s, used durin g Il lness w ll\ be kep t from a ll possibIlity or conlllgion Ir Dorax Is used wlle n wa s hing tb em . PU Te as snow. and hnl'ml 8S as salt, a nd ·bc . couse It call b u sed tor a lmost every t1 onlestlo nn d ·\'l1 e(1I 0.1 pu r po e. Bora x mnst be oonslc1ere,1 the one J:l'e at hOllseh oJa Il cesslt)'.
Paris Pattern No. 2497 . All Sea ms Allowed.-J"lowered r ton ne blu! heen IIsed for t hi s d a ln ly au d deSirable JIll I d ressi ng s ac k. which is c ut In two Vi ces. wltb a seam do~v n Ih cen· i r·back . T he part that go Rover tb lIhoulder Is s lasbe d a nd fastened toget her wi th r lb hons. s imila r ribbons hol di ng lhe S'urm eUl to'g l h el' at th cente r·front. A wi de (Jlee" of th e run · t erla l or of rlblJo n mul 'hl n ' lhe cOIM 'of l h., flow r.l~ li ed a~ound the \\:ol s t. hold Ing t he garment In pos ilio n. 1'he l)attern Is adap tab le to tl owered or 1, llIln dimity, Illwn. challis, or Il ny or til sumUl r mate rlllls . · 'I'h I.atterfl Is 'Ill (Oil.' s lz s-:l2. 3G. 40 lind -H In hes. blls t m nSli re. (1' r :iG bus t the d re ·s ln g·sar k l'e'l lIlr e!! 27 yu rcls of ma t "Ial 27 Inches wI de , t WO YJlrds :16 Inoh s wide. or 1 ),lIrli 42 Iliches wid : :l y~ yurds or ribbon. SAVA~ e FLING AT AUDIENCE. To p roc ure thl a putt(1r n "pn., 10 cont 10 "P,nt"rn Oepul·111l\,nl." or Lhll! pa ner. 'W rite n:1I" ~ lind arltll'''~ ~ pl :.1 III 1". !lllrl b Inebriate d Orator Resented Disapproy· lIur to glVl! 81: nd 1Iumb r of paller1l. a l of H i. Condit Ion.
A TIRR'.LI CONDITION. Tortured by Sharp Twlngel, Shoo~ and blnlne ... Hiram Center. fi18 South Oaal Itreet. City, Mllln., sa ys: "r was t;0 bad with kldn y troubl e th at r could not s t raig ht en up aft er s toop ln ~ wltilou t s hllrp pal us shooti ng through my bac k. I had d izzy spe lls. was n orvous a nd m y eyesight aCr clod. T he I!ldney aecr tlons w ro Irregulnr Il nd t oq freQuent. I was In !I. t rrl ble condition, bllt Doan' s KJdney P flls ll ave ured me and I have enjoyed p rfoct h eal th. s ince." Sold 4y all deal ers. 60 cent s a box.. Foste r-Milburn Co., Bufl'nlo, N. ,.. To Spread Temperance Cause. Mrs. Kath erine L. Steve nson br.ll boen commissioned by the Internntion· al W oman's Christian T e m perance UnIon to make a tour th ro ugh Chln~ Japan and HawaII. Sbe Is to visit the mos t Im portant educaUonal Ins titution s of Ibo three countries and ex· plaIn 10 lhe fac ulties a nd students tbe te mpe rance mea.eures ad op t d by the Woma n's Ohrllitlan T emperance Union.
"Like many a s tates ma n of past;' said Senator Deve ridge, " be ,.......1ofII1J4!I1III tlran k too much. And one F'o urth ot July mor nin g, on a pluUorm hung wltb fiags a nd flow e rs before the STRElR'r A ~ NO .. .......... . ..... .... . court house of a co untrr town, faeJn g If there is nny one thing that a. an a udience of form ers and ll:\!!lr fam· woman dreadb more than a.nother it ST ,\ TE .. . .. .. . ... . . . . It.~ Ill es that hnd com" from ' mlles around, is 1\ surgical operation. the states man arose lo de li ve r the In- . We enn state without fenr of a SOY'S RUSSIAN SUIT. depende n e day or atlon In a slightly contradiction thl1t thero are hun·Int.o xlcate d state . dreds, yes., thousands, of oporatiOJ.l8 "Ue was not · Inca pable of a li ora· performea upon women in our hose tlon, but h is uns teady gal t, his fiush ed pitals whloh are entirely unnecesface and di so rde re d attire spoke III sary and many have been avoided by or h im. a n d t he a udience hissed. "He held :wI' hl.s h a nd. They were silent. T h en be Jau gbod scornfully and s aid: For proof of this statement read "'L adles ond g nlle men, when a the following letters. s talesmlln of m y proml n nee consenta Mrs, Barbara. Base, of Kingman, to a.ppear In s uch a ·lIttie. one·borse Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkha~: town as thIs , h e mu st be e Ith er drunk " For eight yenrs I sltft'ered fro m tho or crazy. 1 pre'ter to be cons idered an most IitlVllre formal fomale troubles and Inebriate.' "-Washi ngton Star. w",s told tho.t an opeJ':l.tlon wa s my only hope of recovery. I ~vro ~ MrL Pinkham for advlcc,and took Lydill. E . l'inl<bam'. THE EFF~CT OF WEALTH. Veil' table ~n;!reuDd. cnd It bU8 811.ved Illy life and emil Il well woman."
lIra: Arthur n. Houso, of Church R oad, Moorestown. N, J., writes:
- "I feel It isiny !lntr to lc t peopl. know whnt Lydin .E. PIDI,bam 's Vegetable Compound hilS done lor me. I Buftcrcd Irom femal e trolibles, and IUllt March my pllyslcian decided that aD ope ration w.o s neceSSllry, M y busband, nnd ur e d mo to try LydIa. E. PinkhalD's V getn.ble Compound, and to·cluy I am we ll and s trong. 1t Billie-Who Is that awfully freokled FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty y ~dla. E. Pinkgirl on th e horse 1 Tilli e-Why, that'!! MIs s Cotrox-. Sbe ham's Vegetnble Compound, made P aris Patte rn ;-rOo 2494 , All Seo ms from r oots and bel'bs, h its been the Allow II.-Thls stylis h and practi cal has sey ral mill ions In h e r own nRme. stand:1.l'd remedy for female ills ie-So ? My ! Are n 't he r . fraeld e s J Dill IIt Ue s ui t may be dove lope d III w hite andhllS]X) itively urcd th U IIndaoE or colo red line n , khalil, ln c\l a n-h ~ nd becoming? . worn n helln troubled witb colto n. plq\le or d uc k. , The wIde tuc k, (l i!rplnccments, inflnUlmu:tion~u1 ' raCostly Popularity. eithe r si de ot l he front and bllc k. France's c ruis eI' Leo n Oambettn III tion, fibr9id ~mors, irrl'guml"ities. stitche d to the wais t line, lind huv· named a fte r t he ' ta m.::us poll tlcls n, periodic pnins, and bao1mohe. Ing t he 8vpearn nce of II box· pla it g ives l'frs. PInkham Invite all sick ample fuHn ess to lhe garm e nt. The who died on DeQe mbe r 31, 1S·S;!. In t hll women 'to wrHe her for Il·dvlce.. ot hi s ' In te nse · popula rity Ga m' timet)' 8Q\Ulr<! collal' a nd belt are In a co n· She has guided tbousllnds tAl t rus ti ng color o f lin e n trimme d w Ith' belt{L hnd an eXlle rlcn ce w hich he wa R licnltb. Address, Lynn, nruss. , to t ell a gai ns t h imself. In P :lI"la won t wh it e collan hruld. and th e s leeves are a dmi rers un yoked hIs borses and sha ped In to th e wris ts hy narrow WANT ALL THE draggeil the cnrrla ge tlJ hI s house. tuc ks. 'l'he [ull bloom r 8 ar e gat~l ere d Inlo lh fl kn es by e lasti p run t hrou gh G3mb;llta wo uld non-at th is wltb an aIr of prId e, ll11 d he woul d ad d, with the wid hem ·cas lng, und th e r e mov· a &01.l1e: " But 1 uev c r sow my hOl"scs abl e s hi e ld Is of th e !!ame mat I"lal a s ~1l1111" . The only way we can get a ·' big the s ui t. Th e patt I'n Is In fo ur s izes t lO/O to fiv e years . For n boy of four part of it is ~y offering you ~ Political Note. ':l ars th e s lli t r e qui res 1I% Yfl r(~ of piano for less mo~ey than anyone else " I thi n I£." s al ;! tbe o ld m Ull , " Bill mote l'lul 2. Inches wide. 21)(, ya l'ds 3 6 was c ut out fe r on o· tliese 'lectloncan. Write us about what you have Inches wid e, or 1"1!! yard 64 Inches eerln' fe llers." to spend, and we will teU you what Wide ; a s Illu stra ted one- half ym'd of "How S o? '·~ we may be able to do to I\lecJ your contras tin g material 27, In c hes wId e, ll. n ~ z.ln't gl t It out hla head !pecial ,want•• 3'4 'y ards of wide braId and one ya r d th,"We a t tw·lct! u:.e ' 1IIn' t ten!"-Atlanta of na rrow h ru ld . Consti tution. . TRY 0' JR SPECIAL OFFERS: To procure Ihl" pnll...·n scnt1 10 Cc!lnla to "PULlerl1 lJcpILrtment." or thlB . puper. 1-$250.00 Piano al'$210.00 .. St.. Vlt m , " J1Bn ('A f\.nd N'~"On 8 1)18~aI4'8 lUI"'" Wrlte nllm and IIcJdrcllu plnlnly. und b rrrs 2-$300.00 .. ','_ $23).00 wan c.nU ,. cun-d t)yI Jr : K li nc's HTnut Nc r vo UOKture r. Bur ' to glv size li nd number of putt cl·n. Send. f o r "~ lt E IG I'!.OO trl,ll hlit tl o and 1r:v.o Uce. Dr. 1-$800.00 I f • , ; ' $500.00 Il. 11. KHno. 14~. 001 Arch t:iu ..coL.. . Phllado1 phla. l ' L 1-$22).00 .. ~ .. '$160.00· NO. 2490;. 1-$200.00 .. $170:00 SI Z E .. . .. . ... . . . .... . When money hag lno to talk people
- . ~---:--
N.AJ\rm .. .. ....... .......... . . ......... ... .. . . .
sit up and' tak ~ notl(ie .
STRmmT AND NO .............. , ........ ) "
~TATE ..
..... .. ... ..................... I .. ... :
B;,nk's Vast B48Ine ••. Each day the Balik of Eog:.. :.Id f11lp GO led gprs In k ee ping th90 nccounts. A N'a rrow Elcape. Durin g a rece nt stQrm Ilt Bloke-on· Trent, Eng., a young womall had a narrow eSCape. Her spectacles wert> struck by lightning. Tbn 1.ra.mes were apart, the glaRses broken. Sbe elcQped Injury.
Hlccoullh. A · newllllllper Quolatlon claims that ,relief from blccough can be obtained by holdll\l the arms ,stralgbt · above 'the bead, and keepiDG up InsplratioD u 10Dl as pOlslble 10 as to retaJn tb" lit 18 the llUlP lor a IODI Ume.
WE JOlit'l ' CHURCH COMPANY aNClNNAn: oHlo " 1.. _po wiD' 1Wia. you . ! . ~: .w.. Piaao .. Vocal . •.
TOWN . ....... . .. . ........... . . . .... .. . . . . ... . .T he right kind of a doctor well enough aloDe.
""'* •
, .... .. ~
'aut it Ru ined Tree and Muoh Discomfiture Resul t from His Effo~a to Sa ve .a Few Ooll:u8,
'1'1 e I'ustll ng of nn 01' u I n 1>61' ti S It WIIS foltl<!d hURtlly nnrt In!d 681(11, came fl'Ulll I hu lI ond of the tu ble, }oI l', Gl ga:M turn d hnstll)' III hi::! ch"lr a a(1 )1' lTd at \1'11'5, 'Glggs over
M •• LL. D.,
Illes ot , the pretty genernlly ace pted nebular h ypothesis the end of th e world Is to be r eached very' gradua lly througb t h e I nor ea,sl ng r el b'll ' of ' cold and til l engthening of the al'th·s day, For It I s ev Ident tbat tbe sun cannot keep on radiatin g, ~ea~ at
.HiGh 'Browecl Scienti.rt ... Ha'()e It AI,. Workecl Out-NThing.r Are in a 7Jad Way." Warn.r Aclherent eF ./VeLular Hypothe... i" - Worler... Center Gi"";ng Ferth Warmth May Sa""e -V ... Fer a Time. 'But VltimCJte "De.rtruction 1.r Inw;table. Wi...e One.r SQy_
81((>1111 0 11,
"1'nl, 5 Ull too I1lU h sky." h e y II d, 10 hl R wlr · (l'om among t h o branches, "J'II just ollmb up a,t ld toll off that t op 11mb! ' "O,o-h-h-h • .Tolm, do 'be. careful." "Huh." And UI IUlswer of 1111', CIC;gs wa s snrcasllc, "A n)' old time f at hoI' don·t kn w wh a h 's dololIw c:II, just nil III hea rse," Froll! lImll to Ihn\) h clambered uot il finally h ~ cam Within mach or tbe top brauch, ' • "/fold below \\'h re you're sllw lng," :Mrs, (ll ggs urged from tho porch. " If ou don't, you "II- " ' .. hut uJJ," Glggs onsw rtld testily, 4'Who'8 doing this, anyway?" De · p r w ent th e saw -talo tb wood, "Sudden, Iy , th ro ' was a crncltllng, The 11mb l ean d rnr to one sId and Mr, GigS's, 110rtlcullurisL, went with It, But he (\idn't slop, Stilt clin ging to tbe ,S'.tW , with oo e hllnd he went downward, through /.be branches of t be treo, to 111.11. snw nod nil. upon Ule ))ave,ment. Slowl y h e plclted himself up ' and lIml)ed, to the house, "Mrs, OIgCS," li e b egan pnlnMll:' "Mrs, Giggs, 1':"''' • \ 1 A femlnlno shriek Interrupted him, 'John McAnany Glgga. you've gone and Itilled yourself-all l)ecause ,of \hal m elln. h a.teflll, pnrslmonlous old Jlllt II I' oI- nnd jist look at tbat tree, JRlIlll ed , Every 11mb broken ," "Well, l ook at me," Glggs said pIn In, tlvel y, as,.!le inspected u bleeding )l1Tge'T. " I "Serves you right. ' That's, jUst wbat it does, Y es, sir, It serves-well, Mr, Gigsa. rll' l nd to the spending of the , money this, no yo u hear ? An, awer m e-do you b oor? " But MI', Giggs ,w as sllen t , "
tbe present ' rat , or. Ind eed. a.t anr rate. tOI vel',' As Lord KClvln bas w · 1I 'said, we know 'that the SUIl Is cooling oft jus t as certaInl y as w e should kilow 't ha t a. hot stone which we' encountered I n 'a field was cooling, , olf, though w e ,h ad not seen It long ellangll \ 0 metlsure ille rate of Its coolln!t, lieat 18 Dol Il. ' permanent Quality or un! kllown object. T he sun must be lOSing I ts h eat. aod h enoe In time will become a cold and lIteless obj ect. If things conti nue to go on as they now do, astronom rs t ell us, the sun wHllose Its Itro-gl vln ~ h eat long before 12,000,000 years bavo elapse6. Like all other cooling bod i es, tho sun must be diminishing In 'size, Its (Il am%r must he contracting, N e wcomb est imates' that In l ess t h an 6,000,000 yeaIll the Bun' s dln!Deter \~ III con t ract to one' baH ' Its present l ongth, 80 tbat the sun will ocoupy onl y one'elghth of the Profound Sagacity of Rat •. 8paoo It l10W occupi es, it Is hardly possible tor It Tho average rat possessos extraor· nIter ' t hat to contlnue 'to furnish as, m u ch h at as oeJlnary sagacity, On a sui ling shIp It !iocs now, but It must llloo ('001 o;r wltb STeal 'b ou nd to Calcutta trom Cape Town rapidity, 'tome tlmo p,go It was de 'lil ed to t r y 'rhls reaRonln g Is baseJl on th o su ppositi on that to r educe the lI Ulllb ~ r ot r atl' wblch Hi e slln , I s not et n solid body, b ut ' ls so h ot that bad boarded th e v,essel at the latler IlII mass l B. sUll In a gaseous state, ' D\lt tbe force \lort. ' The end of' 1\n ord I n~ry cask of grav'\t y upon . ~h e sun, i s so 'gr eat U\lll l he gas Is . wa s planed p erfectly ' smooth , con ted compr~llse d Int.o n much smaller proportionate co m'WIth grease. and (\ moat bnl t tack ~d pa!<s than , It Is on the cUI'lb , T he forc of grav ity to th e ceut r, 'rhe nd was fixed on on lbo surfaco of t1l0 'atl n Is 27 tim s thnt 00 tllcl 'WIth two n ailS; 1I111allced so that should , nrtlt. SO 'that It ,man wel,:hlu g 150 ' pounds ' on the (lil Y thing touell I t orr tb o cel t~ 1' , It' earth ' would w ~!i h nearly two tous on ' the sun, So would S9 down, TIle cask Was partly great Is this 'PI' ssuro o( gravity , On the !;US II oC fill ed wl lh w:ltcr a04 blll'l ed In llle bal, lhe lIun, tbat ar ' tliey r · dul! d ~ to one,quart I' the la sL to ' wllhhl -C\ few · Inches o f the tOll, densi ty of Lhe Ilolld uuclous. of the , eal'th, But so 'The first n l gbt ovel' 2QO rats , were · long as lhe nU/;l leus of the sun ' contloues to be (lnu!;ht, t'hC secood nlgbt f w, t\)() Ultrd aseous' lt will contlnlle to gl'ow hotter as Jl (IIml nn Oll e was cau ght, It was found by tbe lahe s In 'si ze, 0 soon, howev er; as It losap ' \lu!. marks uf raLs' feot In tlle greaso nnd lIclfmt ht;:at to allow th e material to tal'e on t ho tho m issi ng bait th~(, ·t)HlY bad dlscov, sollc;l form, a erns t w ill be fprme d and ' h fl rnl'i !at. ere(1 t he exa.ct ceut 1', and took the In g h eat will r !\pl'd l y dIminish: ~robably, a lso. bait. liS 1bey ,. lIked, ' :a.-alf an Inch on tbe h E:at , r~la ted wlll dlmlnl sll long b eforo tb~ riD. ':1' side of ,he c ~ l1ter meant l1e\lth, time, oven though t h e, su n' Is grOw ing hotter, b e~Iluse of tbe dlmlnlshlng sIze of, the glol1e: I nterrlllltiona, The only way that the 8stronom.e ra can see to "1 a/prise .Toltt;! i s BtllI lakin' life aV,old this slow IJarlll ysls of t h e Bun, nod so of the eaBY.~ sai d the ',,-:oman In th e spring whole 80lar system , Is that lately proposed by Prof, , wagon, Langley In Il sensational arUcle depicting what "Yes," an swer ed th e woman wbo would happon It a dark world moving at an Incredwas carrylog an arrnC'I1 0 f wood, ".Tohn Ible speed In 811a e should come 80 nnar 0111' sun , bas only two 'regrfllll In lite, One 15 that the two would collide, In' thls CRBe tho orlsltbat he bas to w illte up to "nt, ali' nal heat of the lun might be restored, but the cathe other 18 that Ie 'b to , quit ealln ' tastroplie would ' practically produce sucb Illl ex, ,to IIleep," " panslon of I",a volume and such an locl'eue uf Its radlatins power that .'e vel'Ythtng on the E'arth would he burned ' •.,. producing ~boDt al'cb phenomena . . Entlrely Slml!lIfted, Abstracted Th_anat-What do 70U are deacrlbGll by the Apoatla Peter. Indeed, the ra.emblance between the worda the apoltle and think of the race problema? Dlagusted Gotbamlt.-Aln't no prob- the tbeory of lb. Wa,hlnllon utrtwt(\mell was as iem, \Vhat" the ,u~ plcld.., • Itriklng lUI It was \l~ted, so muct so that erme wIDner II rou _~ _ .. NL lIP .- reqera maJ not bOw 'tram wla10b 'IOUrce t'he '01· Ic·· quotaUcm lI 'tak!!Q.
'- ----.
Error and Delay In T ransmissIon 01 W rrning T eleg ran) Respons,i ble for Disas ter-S hipping Swept Before I rresistlble Flood,
HOIV n t J grapbic rror wos respon sible 1'01' til l o~s oC I,hnu:mn(l ll of Jlvea Is told hy n Slmnp;hul O1'respondent. 'J'ue rll SnSll'l' OC(' III'lOd dUl'lng ~ f re!lb eL 00 I.h Han 1'1 r In th e lJ e~ ln1Jlng of Apri l. sa ys II L oudo n dl s(lllioh to tho I ~ ' W York SUll, Owing to heavy rainfalls In the mounlaln s in northwest I [1I )l C -l\ I L f1'e suo will have bccom3 so far cO<'ll'd C]uontly happcn s thul n torrellt or wa~ ott tbat we shal l hI' I mllff rent to ler r1l 511('s Ilown til mountain si des el'()f ytlltng c is thal n1I.1:POUII, 11110 Ih e H:llI , n tributary or tbe' grpaL Anoth I' 1IU1l t to l hc [u tur c of the Yan g,t!;!', IJlthol'lO w[trulng or the habl lable pOI'Li on ot th l'l r nl'th Is fres li'l lI ha s I lL'en t cl egrn Jlheli trom brou i;ht to IIgbt by tho' I':tllill IlI'og- SlflD~: yal1g, 400 1II1l (J8 away from tb o r ess or erosion thnt Is going 00 n il mouth of t he Han, ant! on r ec Ipt , of over the land surface of t he world , th e 11 'Wfl m n have been hurriedly senl' Wallace esllDlatcs that oDe foot 01 out. ef)uII1Jl ' d with gongs, to warn t it hoals at tho mouth or lh e river to nnel a sare unc horuge, On tile evening of A pril 6 messen, gel's w ere scnt uround with the news lhat a tre1!het six f eet hIgh WM on lUI wa y down, 'I'ho Inhahltants and the h oatlnp; ponulaUon cc!nsldcred a six, foot fr ' sh t to be ()f li ttle consequence, and t ook 00 fll' cll.lltlons w bat.ever. b6" 1iL'.lnv; thllt. as In fnrurer years, Its url\'nl II e ll not be xp cted (or IInol bel' H h Ollr!;, nfortuna! Iy tn e telegr am announ ci ng th on com i ng ton-eol was dei aycli for 24 hour s lIod by an error In the wording th e h el ghl was reduc!'d from 26 f eet to lrlx l oOt. Th e freshe ar· rived at li ght IIll1g 1:pced li t mlrlnlght on prll 6, '[be night was pitch dark, I h Inh abllan f S were asl e ~ , Snr!chmly thousands or IJoats In the Han rl v I' wcr torn from tllCJr moorInl;lI und hurl d togelher In a confuscd ma:;a on lite hI' ast of n ragin g tOIT nt, ' D p,lnden bonts weI' Slink Imm Odlat >Iy. othel'R W CI" poulld ed to Ill es and some, catchln' fire, lit up a s 'cn of appalling d sh" l ct(on , 'fh p oplo on "bore were powerleSll 10 assi st an d (ne orles of tbe p erishing "I' nt the heavens and \l1ere palnful to hear," us n native newspaper descri bed It, ,)'h08e hoats thnt escaped the Int· tlal Olle l of the torren t were swept ont I nto tho Yang,ese, w~el'e , a strong 1I0 rtbeast gale completed tb , work or d Illruollou, Lit bouts were sent out to the ' reST olle. but cou l cl r e nd ~ 1' lIttlc servfce, 'J'he terror of the night was Increased by thl' 0 huge junks w~ch 100R fire nnd, drlttlng toward th~ for shore of th e Bl'l llsb s ttlemeol, cndangered tho hull.s mored along its n 'ont. • The native pap rs stale that a IImllll 'stoam r, 700 larga j\1nks..a nd Innumerable slllall crafl w 1'0 destroyed, '1'be loss of lire, a t tlrst esti mated at 2,000, th e earth's surfnce Is, 011 tbe average, probably exc eded double that numwashod away by the streams (1very b 1', ,E l gbteell hundred ' hodles were 3,000 years Ilnd d posited at t h e h ' pickell up a one bend of lhe Yangtom or 'thc ocean, 'fhls arnounis to tse alone, A numb!V of wom nand m.ore than 300 fo t 'ln a million y aI'S, children wero amoog the dead , ThlrAI the main elevation of North ADler ' to n hundred mas ts wt!re r ecQvered at lca I s 7'1 feet, and that of E urQpe G71 the some spot. f eet, It follows that by the operation , or present forces Europe will be No W ay of Fin ding Out, " wash ed I,nto the sea In 2,000,000 y nrs, One do s not usually make a vIrtu e and Arne lea In 3,000, 00 years, of fa1Ll t,ftndlog, but I t se ms. by Rich What providence h as In st or for us Dl'd Gl'nnt W hite's expel'lenoe, that, It atter t ha t, n o milD knows, l[ th e simk, has I ts valu abl e, p~rt In soclul econ. en por tio n shall rise at tho nd of that amy, GrUDlbllng. has alway!!,. been period, as It did at th l! en d "Of th e coal CO l1sld red a prerogative of John perloll, ther e will be dry l and to II yo Bu ll. and l lOL , an I1greeabl o one, bnt 00. bilt It Is ' doubtful I f It h av e such the inoident la:k an Crom f'Elnglan~ stor es of Iron nnd oallis b ave bl essed Without and WithIn" goes to prove Ule pres en l race of h IIUlan beln!j'S, thnt It hus It s us R,
Then the Sun W'ill Shrin1t. It.s Heat atict lnhabltant.s oJ' the Eart'h Will Freeze and Sta.r~'e to "Death_
gJ;\, S!'f:',
,," tl llt 's Ihat'!" h e asl, oll sharply, " I was Ruylil!;." ;\II'!I, Olggs u lLswe l'ed. .a~ 8h pOUI' d tho aITeo, . "1 was say, til t; t11:t.t ti lOSO tr 's In th e fl'ont 0 1 iha hOlll'o need )ll'uuitl', They' I'o just t oo rugged Cbr nnrthlng, Now to'DlOT' • I'OW yoU call- " ·'That·s it. That's It. Cn ll up a t r eo trimUler. oh ? More ex t) nae, 1 'Woo'!. do It," MI', GlgilS' l ono was tlplt eful. " But JolIlI - " "D(1n't John me, don't do It, I!:v ery tl lll you look a rue It's mol' exponse, D n't you know anylhl ng but the a1't or Ill1cnrJlng mOlley?" ' Mrs, Glggs' an swer waa apologetic, "I ju ~t thought I'd monllon It," >lhe ,mid, " Y es." 1\Ir, Glggs r epll ea. "that's the 'Way y(1U nl wnys do, Now If tboso tr ' ,S Illllst be Pl'lln d. T gu ss It'll h ave to b done, Dll t I'm not gOing to $P nd $9,68 for som e wlld,ey d fl'enlt to jail at tunse t r ees wlt.h a nack saw and l heu I 01, \VIs as ho talle:; l be mou !'y, H IIny 111101'8 goin g ,to (001 wllh those tre- H. I'll do .It myself. Co n saw ?" "1\'0 hlns hut , I hat rlJI saw yo u got th th l' 111 'lit." "N"othIOJ( hut a- ; 1l;lY what do you ~' nnl. a whol arp nt ~ r flhop? Now, glmm thnt saw; I'Ill goin g to fix those trce s," An 11(llJll rlng gl'ollr of n i!; hborhoo'd -chllllrclI ga lh r d on tbs f!'Ont at 'IJS to wa l ch i\lr, Olg S us h o came f rom b hlllli th o house, flaw In hand, " 0'." Mr, GIgS's said, "lhe way to trim a. tl' e Is to trln) I l Gil liS I'll <:lll1lh Ih tr e' ~ Por about. len mlnut a busy wIth hi s po I,et I,nlf 8')lall . t wl" s aud branciJes, Th en b e (]ecld a (/Ju t tbe top of tho t r ee needed
Th er e are two othar, so urces of heat I hod b en a lit lie over ' a w eek In to wbll)h ,we may look with much con, J~o ndon lo(lglngs, an d had my breakndenee and hope. It was more t han f asls serv d 'by the housek eeper, One a. droam of Ericsson t o I nvent an P O ' momlng lho maid said, fiS ahe took _ _ _ glne .",hlch could b run by collect, m tra: Ing the direct rars oC tbe sun through "I' m afraid w shu'n't satisfy , you, Immense IlUn,dlal s. t hu~ generati ng sic, with your bl'e ll kfasts .' ~ ,th e b eat n ecessnry to set In mo ll on r told h oI' my , break fasts wero ver,. tbe wh e~ l s of Indnstry, Dut the suc, good. th at tbe t ea, eggs, bacen" fish, c essful cllrryln g oilt of hi s 111aus llluffins anll mnrruillad.e w ere good would n ecessltllte t he transfer or our ellouI;h f or allY WUIl. lind all 1 wi shed _ gre'at manu fact urin g con l ers to · tbe "Yes, sir, but you nevQr g rumble rai nless r egion s 01 the world where ubout unytlling YOIi bove, I~n d so w~ "The hea vens s1:all pnss awny with a great · perpet unl sUllshlne prev ails 1t, therefote. w ill rl on't know how to pl easo you," not be Impossi ble t h at tho clesort 01 Yonth's Conl'pn'. !oD, noise, nnd til I'll 1TI nls sh all be dissolved w ltll Sahara and the sandy wastos ,of C nlrul Asia shall fel'v nt heat. and the carl h nnd tlie works tlleroin In th ful ure USUI'}) Ule placc now a s!:lurne(~ by shall be i)ul'ned liP," t.he 10callIJoB In' proximity to th gl' at coa l tlelrl5 'Tb n The Moune Trap. '[lli l th o ' ugges tion of the nstronODlI'I' was 1)11l'e or th e 11'01'1<1, while lhe latt I' borne ovorgro,,'o " 1l ll1l1lgiJt 1III'Ilod ,tllo !;Pll to yol· spcclllntioll, There nre no n.pparont 5 l gr' ~ of any w ith briar's and br amhl s IIk'c lito mounds of ma,ny low lIal1lo, 81111 th e 111\' ' nUll' ~lllled his lil1ch "I),pl'oa hlllg c:llastroph as Dr, Langl y BUg- , nn an cient cen ter ot clv.Jllzallon, ' elll) duw n ovor his '",:,"s ' , "l'ho ('h lld s:esls (IS possi bl e, At any rate" we may ,!lettie , Is fatller to tI, e IU:l Il,' h o r eS\I m ' t!, SIIII nnotbel' possibl e so urco f rom whi ch we "L~or Ins ,In .: ' Tli ore was n miller's d01l'1l to I he ('011 Ill si nn that 60 IIl,r as nstlrollomlca l mny dl'a w Innni te quanLIUoB or b bRt nnd ' IJowcr SOil will in I'cn l II. In I he II A ' of 1'7, f r'~cs nre concel'n tl th prcse nt oTder o f thliJgs Is t o be founa in the heat d ceoPt r o ~ tli e:tr Lh, al] nU~lIl11, tic ,rutlll l'"(' Inlp. u t l'!I P that will not ' b dlsturbeil ' for tlli'ee 01' foUlI' million As we descend b elow th BlIrfa<:c;,f (he :J.rth. \l ~ d Ih e I'Pt'Uj) ,f ro lll OIl< m Olt' c's ('u py aI'S, the t emper ature rl s son nn av I',ag' of on rlr.'j;r cp lure (0 set Ilspl C for an lll el' mo uso, !lut an ('qul1liy gloom' prosp<'c,t ia. b efore Lbe In GO feet, At d ptb of LWO mil s, III r efure. 'I'h18 \l :ll' wOl k d WCI I: cRught 11 w Orlli in Ihe d i~I t\llt fut uro ( rom nnoth('r ' cn.\15e the l IlIperatur of b(,jIlog wator '\Yould be r CIl('lJe , llI i'l' al l h c IIrsl ~II off, nnd SQO U riel Which Is i ll !'lln w oJ1!'1'at lon, Tb e length of Lho alld at a depUl o f fiVe mill'S n lclllp · rn ure 01 till' nJ ill c 1" ~ Illill o f it" rnl('e lllyriads. e.l'l h's llay Is !llow IY ,lncrcnsl ng t hl'oll !:, h lhe remore tban 400 degr eos, I e W ~)U I. th('1' rO I'l~ , !;lot \\' ell, El l' t ho b OY , lUI' rllO I' 01' tllat ttuliin" intlu nrc of th till Il produced lr)' tbo moon ,'" T'" be slire. Ihls Ifec t Is 59 ~lIg ht that It , ~o e m by any m eD) s Imposs ible 0 bore Into the ))I OUSC I ra p 'I\ S rl I h , Ira:" !! 1'0('011 prlnnrLh deep enou g}: to muk o a purtlon of Its heat clplo 1'",' his g r ea toH t iuvcnlfoll. tho has not b{'ell ellroe lly lI<)rcc'\!tilJlo sin ce nccur,~te nvalluolc for al,l ordl ual'Y lIUr1)OScs, ~Iuxllll , ~ \lU, (D \, I t iH Sir Hin'Jll :'Ilaxinl lIlet ho/ls of m t'nsw'ing IIle Lima of (lie earlh's revoluUon 011 Its axis , J1tlVO b ee n ob sened, Rut 'fbe w,orld, bo wever, I s conc~I:llorl )vIU\ I rnlleod, 1'111 I II , III !!, : bQu r, and It yOU , go tu S2,"gerl'ill tho y'U (halt n~lIst be til khlg I1lnce ,Is as sure as t hat ,Inc cataslrol)hcB n ellrer Qt /lnul! , The l)rOsperl lY the l\lnllio vlll u};" fl'l 't lon will stop n rnllroad t r ain wilen Ilhe steam of the present time Is lIu-g Iy due to ll)e ~apt(l allow yon I h ",I" one or, the nut ulatlc' fs t u rned oft, ' Ity with which we aro u si ng up (he r llserve(\ st\Jl'es 1':\ IJld,nl'l n ~ mOUiiC Irups tllat pr\!aof' nature upon or near t he surruce or tlle arth, ages th e (amouii: :.tax1m gun," , ' The tides l'alsed by Ihe mooD's atlralct lon ol'e 'rhus 'geology, while It opens up tu mankind t h o Emul ation, dlst,.l!)ul ' d by t h e conllnents so as to present s, or 8 of good' tbat are LlIr!ed fl)1 safeke ping Lo "W hy do y u think colle"'e hoys are Illuny an omall s. but wh en considered oJll themthil d,"ptbs of th.e ~arlh,lIolntsto Lhelr limited quan'j SO fond of ath leth:Il ?'" '" sel v s th Y nct the [lame ss a wave th1'ee feet high oon!jlo nU y rllonl1)," In nn Ol,posite d lToction ~o lItl, and calls upon m en to usc t hem ecouomlcalty " I S II !1 I1()S ," aosw('red Mr, SI Lavel- ' tb revolution ot the earth, and 80 by f " iction reS l!d l eave 8S mUCh, as poSsibl e for fu tul'e ger.era- ' bad. " lhat t h youn.J;;stet's overhear u s tardin g Its motion, Astronomers nrc a ~;reed tbat lI 0llR, Wastefulness oC tbeso lim ited atores Is a 0111 cliaps bra" gln' ' bout 'What ,we dl 'l similar tldeB pl'oduccod on the moon Ilave r educed Sill , At lhe same time It glve.s the pi ilusophlcal wb en W \\'01': poys. an' SOl't 0' feel h er ' rtl\'olutlon on h er a:tlt to a period ot 28 dltyS,- studllJlt o( history a sobering view of t,be destiny I' the!r duty. 10 try .to keEl up," of tnlln, Nothing Is more certalu than (h~t man • , p , J!l\'En\unlly the "revolution of the eartltl will be has not been, always on tbe eal'th , aod that be Is r educed so .that our day will be Beveral t !l mes longnot always' to ' stay here, The world Is like a The Prlnclp3l1 Hurt. er than now, When tbat time comes Ibe nights transcontinental rallroll:d traIn and tbe buman "Can't you get over t alking ahout wiU be so ~old tbat not hing I:au stand It, and If race 1!Jce.1\ I>ll8Ien~.r iv ho gets on at one end and tbe way you "ot ch ea t ed In that hOflje th f'Y could the days will be BO hot that what was left' by the <told would be oestrol' ed bY, ilie heaL haa to' ,,,,t oft At the other, Out of mystery man trade?" camE' an.lluto mystery he goes, The vlsiblo wllrld "~o," anlflVcrod Mr. Si r ius Barker B&t Nult tlDle, also, la ." rAJ In the rntnt'o that the Is a panIng abe", All that la unchanlre."". 'les "1 don't mind a maa ,,,tUDK Dlr preHnt generaUo~ may put It out of theIr mlnl1a. In tbe \ , orI4 of Ute UJlseen. I money, bllt I hate to r..l tbat I Thl. ~tutrl)phlt will not arrive tot' mt'lIoD lCODJrtafI~ 'lD, br J'olepb D. Bowlrw i I lOit biB reapect.," ~eara 1et lndOCMl, letare. that time the
TOBACCO SITUATION In the 'Burley District in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.
'1'. II:. Keelor 'lII e di ' .11 r· . vices to p ri,sllucrs Wants '.oalJ1a~cs For Big Amuunt ,f or C. li. H um ber t . ~olJ dust Furnishing ' Names-Other ~ P ' 1' 1 , Court News. J~~~:"~ontic~t~~O~I~~~ 18 I'
Edmund R. Von Mlntels. plaiutiff . H Dllnl ab rlefandRn t vPlllint . iif!l airY '. ver s t.1l1l U" d,ef '.ndlin t fu r" mplet evid~nctl, f COUl'se, i n nillbed t he ullmes uf twen t y:th ree such operations cannot . in the very' eiti7.6'll:! of S,lUth LabllUon t o pro!!enat ul'6j of t he CllS~ be btained, but outlD g Ii ttorneY h ' b t em 0 I4rglDg l criminatiun 'and r r imination ,f 01· with oriwe of dip neUi ng aud seln- Hli ll d Re li ef Cu mllll! Slo n lowed, a nd lawl ss b!ln d~ of. night- iug in t h e Li t t! M'la w i r Iver ' ('(I r tw "v In:; elich " D. lin d f OJ' ~ rider~ ap pea red. whuse t ni ble th e pu q Jose of pr oc uring th eir arB. Wi lso u, 4. Dr. H. deeds a re llOW fam iliar to t he read 1. ...' 'ISh uul' . ,r.. .".. 1 " "1. A • rlls l IIllI'l indiot,ment, fo r oom .nissiou ., ing publk of SlIid orime. P laintiff I.hen prays J!lW on :IH .OO , It has b~en g r acifyi ng to the ~ l'owI fu r H O,OOO oll lllllge. E . 'R. 011 A • U. "~I III It 7. , b' n d g e' reel'S to know that since that date II Mllrt,eh;, . lla ,' r 16UOrll tlY for \llll i,ntiil'. develop ment oC l: jr·ull1st.."lnces has ll n d"c made it possibl e for the Am 1'i 'an John Perriul!, pll1in ti lf, VS , ~. J , W. E. WhIta cre. Burt unel ,J ulln W. Hllrt" · l lefeuda nts . re pai r~ To~acco o. to buy 9 )110 oflOO6 crop a t • 'prices fixed a cording t t he vaille of P etit.ion fo r mOll ey , 1:UIIOllll t tlne V\. E . W lt ita e l'c, hJlmber - -' a-rade by t he Burley"" v,:lety . It 'IS l>ein~'... ~"~4 a . ;j;1 with Iu tere~t lit six Jak e Burc h , b n'd g'e, regrat ifying lik ewi 'e to discover ~ha~ pel' oe nt , Bran(lon, . Bu tT~" I vin s pairs t he foreign t rade in j ust as willing to attorneys for pl~lntiff. J uh II ti llr n tI . co ni ra c t · tY be supplied by t I, B UI' I Y SoCIC It 1': . L E8TA'l'1': 'l'Il A~I:!rJ!:IU!. W I'III'a tU ~ cll l t , b ridge re ' h I _ .1 ' f tI1e dir ect as th roug t ie 1I1\:Ulum 0 J u!!tlpb W . Hl1rri!! toO Will iulll M, pai r American Tobacco mpany; in om«: Pam . tract in '1'urt looreek to wnship Jo hn Iron , br itlt.te r e. f instances mor SQ , for lne. recobrd °d $1. na lrl! American tobacco in one CIty a roa . r Breman , was so unsavory t hat a 80~~~:~d~V't::O~t~:~d'I;~ 'i~llr{e~: J o hn Lind er , cu ntrac t practical boycott some . time ago 'lJllr les S h e rwood, CUll· forced its compl ete wit hdrawal. For non. $1. tr act English t rade, the Imperial .T obacco Mary M. 'J.'how))tIon tv Adelia G. C. C le ave r , h rid g-e 'reCompany II "·' purchased ixteen 'l'ibbllls, lot in Lebanon, ~ l. I)a l' r" million pounds J08tfph Uilchrist to Ade lia 'l'lb bals Bf1dg-e . C,om· ' "'" a t satis.factory p rices: " Orcgont a and no doubt t he French , who ann u- lot in Leoonon , f 1. lIa n y, third e. tima te 011 ally use many million pounds of. H.ul>ert Wa tkins ond Li~zie Watcoutrac t ll 1ad 0 Burley tobacco. be g40 t t50 fi nd kmll to Ann ie Pottmger , lot in Leb · Dr. L. Mou n t s, pos t f that they can save rom o . per an on, *a50. mortem examinlltlo n o f cent by purchasing f rom the new J obn P. t5tewl1r t t o , Emml1' A, Elmer Cadwa lhule't' organization, Alm.ost da ily sales in Oberlin, t raot in Harlan townf!hip, l>~. V. T . R eyn olds . pos t smaller lots'are r epor ted f rom Wi n- $1. . mor em ' ex amina,lJolI chester, and in every q uarte r the }tUII" MoGu tobeon to Chllrles E o f J ei lm E . Collinsl on ll nurc1
fI'H Il!
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Lebanon Plltrio t p r i n tinl{ fo r p roba te jun g-e W. H. ta nage & 0.. bla n k::. tor t r, eIlSIlf(!r Hur roug hs 'AddIn g- M~' hiu e compa n v, re:palr t o ma c hine
.\lnKI\ '1j lll~ ~
*,. dt: "~': :':; :. I, ~ .;! .;( :.•: ~: .;; ;: .i .;; .;: .r . . .:. ,. " ..:~ I.f •• " " " , !~ " 'l'u t he gr ant publl " t he U.lruegle : ,~; .:;' ": Instl t utiou of W!lshlogton il:! II ttla '~ 0\ ra l·hli n fl, ' D(\, w a. Be t)nu t h e ~ 'w.. ~ '.,if .< ~c bn~e fllut t u 1.1 t. It. w~'" fll Uncltld for t l1 IldVll ncolI, ont of kn o,wl ed~e, t he *'<; aims Ilnd pur poses of this ~rlll~t or · ')!(.. ;i : gl.lnl~tlo ll. t·ue objeots for wh ioh its funIDl nrtl llvl.IlIable, the w atheds by ~ .~ , , .., \ .,.. " ,. ,,,':!' 'If whloh t,h OSA fun ul:! ure expllDded , -:r . ,¥ ~', .,( ;~ W .~ ::< '.:' .)'d~" ::. l)' ~}' ;~ ,,I " .,.,' ." I,' ", ,::: ,,' 'ff' , . . "*, the "pe lui PI' vinael! uf t ha c1oui ~:. ').f: ,)': of s oleoOI:! In w bich its operat\onll : POST-CARD V JEW S : Ilre oonduot,ed, I1 re mutt,er s qui tel:!e .:N.. -It: ~ '1< *vJ oud tilt' ken uf t he fl Ver lwe new· _/ L~ ' __ 'v -:"' .,,,., . ,' '- ~ " _"" .....lper r eudi ng Ameriol1D. By tb e 1.~ ,,,r "I'" scientitio w orld 11l1wever . t he (jnr ., ~ "I.II~ ne.."'l ~ l nstl' tution II! reoo<>nized to " 7:.. .. ~ dl4Y a s 110 hupor tll ot fll ot r In t he *' .;.~ ~ii< fnrt,hertLu e of soien tiflQ investiga- *'* :-;'/:. AN D Tl.J, E ~'" ~~ tion und the genoral Inorease and ""' ...... ':.:', :. ~"I; *# ", _, dlsllomiUtltion of .knowledge, Wblle e~m~t ' ~)ty :p.. its wor k very lurgely in volves ab, .,;<-il!:r:..• 71< struoe l!oien t.sfio eubjeots. yet it III ~ 1\1 80 of t he grea test prlLotioal vtLlue, ,~,',': . . I your r' I "'< and r eprese nt.a theresu ltsof m ode J;'n '* If YOli wanl to rcm,ne 1'\(' lle S' ,#: methods of study und r e ea.r oh par. of "auld ,lang sync," ome in ,; ri d on with u v iew to .t be grelltest !. ana get a few of our cnrds .,V. *' of scenes fa miliar to Iipo !\i b\e effioienoy . I ndeed the :.N.. "L --rthem dnitswill gone 7t<' 'urnegle Institu tion in soie uoe a nd 'h~ by, in and *' I tters represents modern 1m iness delightthcl1I : methods in 8 0 far Il they tthu a t 00: for days ol?e ra t.l on. syst em , eoonomy, a nd ..." AtI1oieLloy, thougb of ou rse t here is : Do nttem pt. to tlt l11e compet.itlon or to anppl~nt ex i"'ti ng ~genoles for r~ THE MIAMI GAZETTE. sel41'oh and studY , a s mig h t be fonnd :: . . 1 lif Whil .h >IL seh a nd iuvesti ae,llto r tnll,y onoe ' J !I: * *' *""_ III olar oommerCla t ' . e '71" .. -,.. -,.. ?I<' have bOllsted of hi f reed.oUlllud in dependence nnd asoribed di ooveries to u naided tLnd in~ividua,l effor ts, it ~i(t... ~ req uires b u t. ltttl e ,though t 10 r aa llze 71' t,hllt s uoh conditions ha ve passed aWI\Y, fl,nd while 'J\tl0illl\. And intelleo 'J,t:' tUBI Ilttainmen ts liooom pUs h 8S : .* l uoh I\~ ever noll al'lf no le~!! t'pore.
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2.5ti O'r. D. B.• Hamilton, "ost .~ 0 d ed und res peoted, yet .l t mu t be ,. admItted f.hat t o,dtly the ad vanoeof ; Martha J . Bom to Frlink L. H~rmortem o f George ~'ox :..50 8oieooe &bd eXilct knowled ge ol!.n be 'J}- -r is. lot in HarveY8burg, 1225. Dr. N. A. HamIl ton. pos t Ikloured in ltlrge pl1rt only t hrougb A Purely' Vegetable Laxative (Jor" May Ward and Char lea Ward mortem examinatIon ot auoh agf'lIoles a s VI18t &nd special to 8t~ie of Ohio, traot In Wuhing· M!lriana Hildeb rtL nd· 0: 00 Iibrariei aod .. t he l100llmulaMbn of Cures Chronic: Con8tipation. and All 'on towDabip, $1 . , J. O. Mit~llell, ser vice bJbliographio datl4, by the leng'thy Liver and Kicl,ney Troubles. Mary E. ~tump to Wiley Love a s infirm.r,' director 32.50 sr ro.h of hidden arohlves, byexpe. anu Jouannilb Love, lot In HarveY8- W.F. E ltzroth d,efend. d,tlons to dIstant or InaOO68s1ble re ~'or 8 [\1" 3\ the rollowl tl g pine & : burg, 150. ing Zimri Stubbs 50.00 gtons, or by the oonstruotion . of ' ' Zinlmerooan 's • . Kil bon ·s. .Jennette H.. '!'homp80n and G. D. James E. Crowl, bUrial spooial .laboratorles or experlmen, Springfield. Qhio. 'l'bolqpllon to George F. Roby, 'raot ' of .lohu A. Thom8tS ' " 50. 00 tal plants often wltb elaborllte IIp ,\..'•.e.'(I.'_ _ _M.'.o.u.n.t.;w.y.'.B_ _~_ _ _ ,_ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _~ in Deerfield ~ownsbip $1. Estate of Ohio vs Dan paratw! a.nd·/ltl1ft's of traine<1 obs'rv II J. Warren Wood to LebauonUni. Hates ':1.1)5 ereandexperimentors . It 18 unneo. .eralty, traot in Unlv~rsitQBeigbt'!!, C O' th ehllry til say that 'hese all require . ontractsr- n mohon e con· 'Dot only - large oapltal outlay and • • • + • + + . , • + + •• + •• 9 t 4000., tract for t he 1111 at Mather"!! M ill f d I ' I'M 1 1 .' David O. Ureen to J08eph L. bridge wa!} entered into wi th ~. t:: o:.~~:~::~::o~il=-:ork:rs~~J ... .l [lli .) Green traot 11350. Williams and W. Fr'e d Wilhams , izers are men whQ have worked in t he at ~beir bid for eart.h work at 10 any given department of aclenoe or . .;. • • • , . >eo . ~ to tC> (0 • . . . . • • • + •••• open from the day that they first PUI)BATK UOUWI cents per cU hic yard alld s ton e knowJedge, but oJso in ortier to tried appeals for justice , before W . B . De~rtb exoooto.r of el§\ate I work at' twelve and one-baH cent o~rry on ~he work eoonomi'clt.lJy 88 America. Tobacco direc~rll in New of Mahala Ward, deQeaaed, plalutUJper cubIC yard. regards both expense ' ~nd e~ort 11 . 'lork down to their latest denuncia.. VB. Jane Sautla, et. ai, defendants. Contract was ,e ntered int o With tlior(!)ugh aod effiolent organization tions of acts of violence. whether in Publio ..Ie of property i, approved Fairchtld for plll~,ting Todd 'il is eS8entlal.-From " Tbe Uilrne"ie day light or under cover of darkness and reoarded. Fork 'Bridge at Morrow in Salem -institution," by Herbert T.- .Wade' They are fterestedand active in try' Es&ate of A. R 'l'io~enor, de. towns hip a ~ the es~imate $135. II:! the Ame1'ican Review of R~vielQ8 ing to detect night-riders, becau~ ceased. G. M . (""urry appolnte4 ,ad In respense to t h e advert ise. for July. _ __ _ _ _ if from noliigher motive, every bam minlstrator at' $"000. • mellt for the lise of the ' county 's Piles helped at once with Dr. of an independant or recalcitrant In matter of estate of Julla M. !Done, as depOSltorie!~, the fOllow- Slloop's Magio Ointment . Just to grower that is 8umed creates a pre - tit be On petition of Julia 'A . 109 ~lds were reoelved: ~orrow P 1!OV6 it, a trial box will be mol 1ed lumption qainst the Burley Society. 0 r. , , I I Na~lonal Bank, 3 1 p er ce ll~ for on r equest.,by Dr . Sh oop', But whatever exasperated human Stober, an heir, John F. Sto~er . 8 entire limoun ,,; Citize us Nat ional Rl1oine, wIs. It.ohing, sml1rtinM, 1 B an k , 0 I W ay. ncs ... 'VI'11 i~ , '"., 110 pileti, internal or ext-ernal, natu"e m.a y prompt a man whose ,so Ie required to give 11 new bond . I • per bleeding ~ . ' h J G t I l i t nn a ccouut U(I & excee d'Ing g&t quiok and oertalu dependence :is on tobacco to do, and Hanna . reen, exeou r x, p 11 n· cen Magio OlntrueD,t. Large belp box from 50,.. there are many hundreds of such .itl V". Josepb L. Green, et a1 de. *IOOOOj Fir8t NatIOnal Halik of ~Old by lill dealers . ----.,-'_ _ _- _ _ men in the tobacco lands, or what- fendants. Sale of real estate con· .Masoll, 2 56;100 per cent on firmed. I1mOllnt of '~5000 ; I.. ebanon ~a· MOTORMAN SUES FOR INJURIES ever individuals may do in the II4Icret tlOnal BanK, 3 1-100 per cent ou hire of those w,ho are interested in In matter of wm of AngustlSelker !laily 'balanoes Waynesvill e Na- . . seeinr the Burley , organization La8~ will and teat!1ment a~mitted tol tionHI Bank, 2, 5 1.100 per cen t The Enqolrer of las t week 84ya i brourht intb disrepute, and this, too ,' probate. • on dailv balance of 850,000 ' av~ r. On December 1 la s t , 'W yokoff V .. AGRICULTURAL BUILD I NG has been charged, one thin, is certain Estate of AU6Cust Helker. Walter are Citizen NatlOllal Bank of Harper WI1~ employed as R motor. that t"e absolute ,rule of t he Amer- A ; Seiker appointed admin1strat-or !"ebanoll, 8 1-10 .per ,c e.t lt 00 daJly man On ~lnterurban Rililway iean Tobacco Company. unlesS all a.t $506 bond. ;)alance, Fr/lnkhu N iiltlonal Ba~k Ilnd Terminal p ompany 's line, and signs fail , is a ·thing of the past in in matter of will af Joieph U . of .Fmnkhn, 2 28-1 0 0 011 d~lly wl1s 'operating hi!! 0tU' beyond King's Kentucky.· Key!!, deceased, Will admitted to balance. • . . . u_~__ Mills when an un.soheduled freight ~ probl1te ., , ARSONIST FREE, car hove in sight on the same track. YOU DO KNOW .• fbrper stuok to his post and stopped Estate of Josepb Keys , ~6CelU!edj . - -bis oar, but the freight oar o()11id~ Th.,,' farmerll Ilre hard-uJI beol1W1e Adaline A. Keys m~kea known ber Dr. A. D. lilpence, indloted, found with it' and Harper 'was buried In intention to take under will of her guilty 'a nd senteuoed to two years &bey sell too low l' Tbat they dOD't get over seven or deceased consort.. in the Obio Peniten~iary tor tUiJon t,be wreok ,that resulted. 4s the • ,i Ught oents per hour for labor, above Estate of Eli~a ,Jane Murphy, ' im In the burning of his home in Bouth result of . ~he injuries hla left I~g in • • tment, while oUler Jl1borel'll beeilo. WaJter MoChire appomted Lebanon" wlJl soon he a flee mlln was amputated neu.r the h ip, bl8 and again Il oltlzen of 'Warren (jouo. ri~ht arm budly injured ",nd the '. a.venge two OJ' three times I\S muob? guardian d $500 bond. T,h at a farmer ought to ha ve as Estate of John L . SWink, deceased. ty. At ~ meeting of the S&ate BOltrd hand beililies internl11 in · muoh ,f or au huur 's Jal:!or as I\ny Orpha T. Swinkappolntedexeoutrlx ot' Pardon a llLte last week a reoom . j aries be ' 'suffered. 8.aturday he other man getll for similar at $500. " . meodation WILli banded down for 'tlle(18uit in the Co~mon Ple"B Oourt seeking 11 5,090 from the trllction lervi()8 and that nobody could f!lirEatate of Robert J. Garwood, de- his Immediate pardon upon the atrengtb of a suioide letter, whioh oompany for his injurie!!. " 1, object If he did ? ceased. I,D ventory and ' apprO.J8e· Tba' societies in many l)8rts are ment filed by George E Fryburger, was Intl'oduoed in the argument for now atartln, on the r ight' course administrator. hi8relsase. and are wlnnln" oot". and that the The story of the burning of the ' :IIARRlAUII: LIUENaE8. American Society of Equitv of 10Rpence. howe is atill fresh in tile Never. PO/llllvel, Dever ndt..,n ,ourlllnl!l. ·If :vatl ..... "1 ba n k 0 1er k , memory . 0 f' a. lJ H ow on a oerta,in al" C~(tUIlIi-eveu froma .llIIfPlecold OIlI'YOlllhO llld INTERIOR VIEW . dlanapolil, Indiana, ie on tlJo rIght "",rI 'I'h OIDIHlon,;', .:rel)eal.800tbe. au. eaile lhe lrrltatud brentubol. DOll\ blludl:v It/PI,re ... ft wIth ,., track IUId la leading all ot~tbelll in o f M!,son. t 0 B. ern 1' .0e Tho m pa.on, night , over t wo yetara ago tb e h. ome chial Itu~frln. POillOl/ . .It'ut.rsnau how~m tJlln'" , the movement tor nationalorgani'- 2:3, Rev. R. 8 . Hl!.geman. was burned nelLrly to \be grolund a"all:voomo8bout. ~ Fortwonty y til"" •. Shoop ~MAMMOTH bl'lclt ,s tructures. ' connected bv , .covered promeaade.... U~ h"l eoD5tBnUy warned IIOOplo not tAl Iak8COl,.h artistic rl 'l'!Ilgn, r~rm the Central Exposition Buildings tlie ()lIto utloo and tbat the prlooil'}Os it ill Horace E. Wilson, 30, teacher, of and tbe dootor wal aWe,kened irom ,uliltnre, ororpr68llrlptlollS conlalnhl. OpIum. State _Fa l ~. II lIcI llhove . "" e . renroduce ~ IlhotoD'I'nphic vie'" of' ooe of Iltnllarl!Ol sons. Afld 11o,,- 8 little _ ...".... .oioing will 800n make a lIew life Oregonia to " MtUer; 25, an app16rentsound sleelP In bi,ll bug. Chloroform. latetlIOlllrh-con're...... '. "PI/tlton thelabitl. til e m os t ImportulIl of ~he group- the Agrloultural Bulldl!l'C. Thia . . Ilit! barn . SUSI)ioion,. rested If poisons ato In 70ur CClllr1l lIlIIture." Oood I ' arraoce4 for tbe farmer of America If be will of HarveY8bnrg, Rev. , PhlJip Trout gy 10 Verylt'oodIlHereaftertnrlhlsver"". 80llmotllera. Htructure 11I,;l(t0x~'80 ret>t, Hod . ,.1thl I! Its walls are boulled well Hive n a little pusb right 1I0W ( ' 'ow.> ·h ' cl h h d j a"d olller.. should !n,llIton Ilavlll, Dr. Shoo»', exhibits of ",e \'al'lo\ls 1\ Id_ lind garden productf'. apiary _od maple PI'O" n \ un an w en t Ie ~mn ury CoU~b Cure. No POIIIOD nlarlll on Dr. Shoo»'. 'ducts IIn(1 "11!OHt xtells\v e show of butter and cheese. Uouilual Interest '!'bat tbe 1IO-CI\1Ied law of lIupply Wayne8viUe, O . LlOMM1~10IC.llR'S PROOICIl:DI~Ge, indiot.ed him for tbe deed be fled to 1::'~-::~h~~~t.,ty.'~I.rl~I~,I~':~\':'~r:~~lbr. centers In Ihlll depa rtment for tb ' coming Exposition. to be beJ4 &0 Col~m. aud demanll no longer regulawa the Viest and waR C3ptnred only last ,~~~~e:'~:Jh=~~·~'i.I~~ttn~~a;:.: bus. Aug. ~1, SCIIt. I,. 2. a. 4. next. BS, In addlUon to the liberal preiDhama Bills allowed. your prices, "but t~lI.t it has lJeen automn In Denver. He was brought partlcularl, wltb 7our,cblldren. Jlllb'an ha.ln. oll'ered for slugle I!p~c lmen 8. QPfll'olllmatl;ly three .thOU"~ dollare fa • ShOOP'I ,Q).!1!!.~ro. Compare~ull, 'be.... atraDlled to du'b by speoulu.'on Itt, Plllhp Spence, making bllOk, waIved a trial and was II~U Dr. IIr. Shop» W:~i wltb othen and llate lbe pu" red ror co II ecl Ive O"'lIl1ty d ISil I'aYB, Inllurlng the koe.oeu.' DIt...~. ...."tlOD. general indexel! 2970 tbe oUler end of the line, liud that , tenoed.- Vi estern ~tar ' :~:~:1:; o~o.tb~...~n-,~~:~,!:,:.h;'ou CUI In grandeur of · xhlb1ts and Ul11l1l1em41nt tellttll'elJ tbl3 .ClIIP\loa eJ:~IIiIUOD Vacts ~t five cents $ l AB 5 , , . , . 1 1 1 rar surpass al)Y ot lis pred.,celiorB, HO,\- trom the UDlIIUa' Illterut if .hlll'tl w.. IIDoh a l.w It would do ... 0 •• - manifested over the Blate, the attflpdaoce will exceed tIIat 'If JOu litUe 8QOd. 80 long a8 you tollow W. H. A,nhalJl. 50 two PH EA TQN FOR SALE . 'I ~ Jut year, wben more tbao tbree ~ullilred thousand perSQnB wjlr. III .... 'She falHpractioe of puUlns_ whoJe cent stamps for proteD4auce dlll'log the week. bate jud~e ,..r'a .upply upon a one month'. ct.wad, loa&ead of feedlog it ou' J . J, 'fbompsolI, services .. ' be world Deecb Jt ~ a, infirmary director all DeW'~ read "A~t IIf . h t han . growers are more ever to have bu t onedetermined seller )f t ere IS to be but one buyer . If .. No Crop f or 1909" is their cry. which is one source 'of the present difficulty . it is because they have been told that the present supply exceeds the demand. Tbey know , too, that in the end they will realize as much for one crop at FAtuity, pricea as for T b . American 0 acco ' prIce, an d at th e same time save their soil and their labor. Thedevil' is being fought..yitti fire, organization hIlS met organiza,tion. No irretJponsible night-riders have directedluch a foree, nor men who countenance lawlessness. The organ-
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Eaton, lot in F rankJln , $2000 .
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+.. • • • • •• • r/ . ."CDlf!cS ON OHIO "("T'ATE [AIR r, . GROUNDS •• +
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Cough.. Caution • .
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DEATH OF <'MOTH ER" STEWA RT - - - - - - - _ ._-;-From 1111 acoounTS tbe bl~ time at Of The Ohio Depllrt Mra . Elizabe th M. dtewllr t., the ment Of AgriD. L . (;rllne, Elcht...r' IlDll Mllnll!(llr L bllnon Illst week Willi a fllllore . noted temperl~noe advoolI.te , and culture On The Condition The rollll~iug from tbe Frlmkli D known al1 over the country all Of C~ps August ' l , 1908. tl 00 IA ye .. r · . . . . .. III ~d¥IAOC<' !hroDlo le mRY OIall:e trouble tor "Moth er" !:itewar t, died at her home JI. ·!h II yelir If nOL Ilald .11 ,.. Iyan.., __ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ .eve I 0plneD•.s bo d . SIIII]e one r er· In Blo:k:t!ViIle last Tbursd ay night. The foll owing report., 8bowln g Eter body will be sblpped OFb'IC E IN ALI.EN BUILD INU 109 all the Rensat Dill have ar.slln to Spring . peroeu \age estimll tellof tbe oonditl on field, for burial. as !l result of ltinnle A. , tbe paoer :'l'rJ.,c~y.loNe eJILL •. No. 112 b "ic?ngl ngto 8ugb Uaywo od, losinl{ or pr08pe ct of the orops named , Is "Mo,th er" Stewllz :t was 92 years tbll nlatob r 'we to Blgbla nd' QueeD, bUild upon reportll receive d from old. I:lhe devote d her life to the WII:ONt<: SOA V. AI O S'I' I ~ . 10011. the BIllllob eater maTe, at the rBoe th'e reRnhn oorresp ondent s at the tempe:r pnoe oaUSIl. Mrs. Stewar t meet laat Saturd ay at Lebano~. lJepart ment : eRts bUshed the tirst W. . 'r. U. In Good IIll1rn ing! III your curn Wheat - Prospe ot oompa red wit-h Ohio lit 08born e in 1873. Bilywo od, Immed liltely atter tbe During getting along 11.11 right ? FOR THESE WAR M DAYS race, dlBtlOVered *bllt bla borse Wall an averllg e, 82 per oent. tbe Crusad e movem ent of 1872 Oats - Prospe ot oompar ed with Mother StewlI.r t spent I18vera! aotlng 8tranle ly, alutl iummo ned wee"; Farmer s "hilt-we re bot in the rain 1>1'. 81lrry DllatU8 b, Ilnd It wal aoaverl Lgfl, 66 peroen t. I at WII.:ynesvlJle. and a good many Clover - Area Bown in 11107 out of Our ,-esidentll remem ber belt !!lot . good lIbowerlO lallt week. foupd dtel' an examin ation tbat ber. In bud been given II. dose of morpbi ne, for buy, !lO pel' oent. , 1876 s lle vlllited Englan d Ilnd organClover -:- Hay, produo t per Ilore i1Ald. the flr",t W . C. 'J.'. U. Furtbe r inveati glltlon 8bowed ,haC in that (;oanoi l hllil not al.lted on Pil ved tbe Of Figur ed and Plain, Plaid and atllbles had been broken Into by 1.57 tons. oountr y. Itreetll ,' nor even maoada mlzed oneil, Clover - Quality oompar ed with some ODe outtlnl rthe lIor88n window II. Stripe d Whit e Goods, worth 15e, .Five years ago " Mother " Stewar t yet. Baywo od bad reason to suspeo t an II.verag f', 97 per oent. • becamEI interea ted In tbe teachln{rll "20e, 25c and 30c, 50' per cent off, 'l'imotb y UranKe Emley, a l1unky ahout tbe Prospe ot compa red of Joh~1 Alexan der Dowie and vlsltHioks Bald tbere would be cooler all sold at filiI' ground s. ' Be approa ched Em with IlD !&Verage, 86 per oent. ed Zion City. wbere sh~ remain oo weathe l' , ~ud we hlld It for Ii few Potlltoe s Prolpe ct 60mp& red one yenr, silioe wblch she haa lived ley on the snbjeo ' and tbe re8nlt daYI, was II. list flgbt. When Sbe dusi wltb an II.verlLge, 77 per oent. with frleDds at Hloksv ille. Until 'l'obll"!CQ - (;anditi on oompa red five Ylllllr8 ago 8be resided oleared away Emley waS wrUhln K In Spring . Tbe tobilooo orop III looking fiDe, In She dirt, severel y Injured . A with an II.verage, 711 pel' cent. field ,w bere sbe led In many temper and ,bere ought to be !!laud lOoney Pasture ll - (;ondi'l oll oompa red anoe olrWllldes. SOllroely phy.Iol an was summo ned and au'· a woman lu It thli year. lide of R. badly bruised face tbere witb II.U Ilverag e, 110 per cent. • In Americ a oould balUlt o~ the prll.lse Apples - Protlpe otoomp ared witb from the pulpit and werll no I8rloUI lojurle y. Emley press like Caudld atlls are gettlDg took no l!tepll to ba ve Baywo od til'. an average , 113 per oent. " Mothe r" Stewar t ' 10e and 12 1·2c. Highe r Price d Ones. PelLohes - -Prospe ot oomplu ed . tban ,hlevea . Wat.oh tbelr rtlsted. wltb an II verage , 66 per oent. WhY J ames Lee Got Well r>0k, no' yOllr3 . Pear. - Prospe ot compar od wltb FRANK LIN MAY HAVE CAR BARN Everyb ody In Zanesv ille , Oblo, knows Mrs . Mary Lee, of rural an average ,71 per cent. $1.50 grade for 95c. How would you like to he the loe Grapea -Pr08p eot oompar ed Wi th routes . t!be writes: " My hnsban d, There was oonllde rable oomme nt James Lee, firmly believe s be owe8 man ? ' The 00111 mao l6emll to be In Ilverag e, 86 peroen t. about 'own 'thursd ay, rerardi og hlsUfe to the aile of Dr. King's New having bhtday , too, right IlOW. berries - Prooao toompa red witb DisoovElry . Bis 'be faot that the Traotlo n Compa ny lungs were 80 8ean IlVerlljoto, 95 per cent lIerely affecte d that oODsllm ptlon had lecured aD option on 'be 8eemed Inevita ble, when " friend ~.-----'Ebere .rtf d OlCl!I that. run 1008e piece of grouDd betwee n tbe rell. reoomll llended New Dlaoov pry. We wlthcu ' a ruU·'~. ltl . 'l'bllY sbould . be deboea of J. H. Balll8Y and the Illte GREEN E COUNTY FAIR. bied It, anc] i~ u se busre!l tort'dhi lll 35e, 50c and 75c. watobe d ~bl. mcn'b , 6llpeolally. Or. Otbo Evans, npon wblob " IB to perfeot health . " Dr. King'8 New Dilloov tbe Intenti on to build .. cal' barn. The Ureene County Fair 'bis year IUDg e,r y Is the King of t hrollt and remedi es. For. OOUj(h8 II-ud .wltoh and tioket office. It ia tbe wall a reoold brellke r, and on rrbur8. colds it hll8 no eq ual. 'l'he fir.t c]Q(Ie If you ge' a notloe trow Ut 'hal gradua l enoroa obmen t of bll8lne u day tbere was an attenda no., of gi ves r.~lIef . 'rry It! Sl)ld UDder yo.ur shne II! up, don 't oo.n llder it . . Into the residen t dlatrlo t of the ~2,OuO people, morll tb~n 6,000 paid gual'1ln tee at Fred C t!obwa rtz'8 a "dun." U I. simply a bullnlll ll drug ' store. 60, and 'l,OU. 1'ri81 town, and 'while It II a mOIl' !leslr- admi8ll10D8 over IlIBt yMr . propoil l Uon . batt·l.e free. able IOO4$lon lor sl10b a baildln g, Tbe .fdoing Wall o.f tbe hlgbesC, will al~r the entireo baraot er of Ibe order, ltad HOme fallt nagll were NonC E OF APPOI NTMEN T 45 YEARS OF BUSINESS ,t o hll, fllver lIuJfererll- yGu mWlt nelgbb orbuod &Ionll 'he blook. Tbe there, tbe money pilld being 'he iD. oat KO over Uor~In a.,enlle , ilII the maUer awalh tbe ao't ion of ooul¥'l l duoem ent.· E&tac.e ~', Pblllp U . Sur/ace. elcceueel. rill Weedl tberea re almoe~ as blgb al to. perwlll ilon for runnin g 'rack. Tbe und.e....I..Ded baa beeo appolDteel and In tbe2 :26pa0 61'hurl ld.y a Xenl. Iuallfted lUi Admlolstra'«lr 01 tbe cltate or al tbe 'reell. 401'088 the pavem ent when w.Jlk bone too' 81'8' maDey , wblob Ipeaks Pblllp Surlace. late ol .Warreu C(>untJ, Oblo. 4elW!uea will begin . .. Dated tbl. 8tb day of Aurust. Tbe footpri nts of Dyspep sia bave well for tbe toWD. A. U . 11IO~ . been dlreotl y traced to tbe stomac h We aorely dOD', nlt8d a lpeed 11m 'I'bere 8tt811led &0 be & lack of an FlUNK E . Taoll.S, AdmIDI" rat-Or. nerves Wben thelle "inside oerveB ' HUIO'AlII & STULlll'. AUorDe,s. " 10 the oity'a oreliua noel. Tbe I Before marryi ng 8nd 'o ut if 'be oomod atloa8 on tbe gronnd , and a fall, indiges tion and atom&e h dis. oro ..Inll8 are a break ~o the aPeed l'Iirl caD oblnlle a. rouod tress must .surely le8~lt. For thi8, 'Iteat ID~O IIreat many exblblt ors were orowd· • PubUc Sale. of eveD ap ordloa ry 'wlnd brokeu . a square mea\. Before Laxa tive Granules drag~18ts everyw bere are sllpply iog boylng J:er ed for lpeoe. borll8 a presori ptlon koown 11.8 Dr. Sboop' s - tllizeu luveatl sate · the Arwoo r About 160 tioket. were 80ld from lIurpel8 ee all othlr rem· • ID puraulance 01 an ordH ot tbe Probat.. Restor ative. Flrs~, tbltlle tiny; In. • • • . ' braods . "Natu nl Pilln' FoOd." tbil 'p laoe, and of ooune there wal", (Iourt side In edles all4 titomac forW for 'be relief of .lell:. ¥reo h, Heart Gouoty. aDd Oblo, I Kloney will POPUL AR COUNT Y AUP 1 R ..,I~bf e ~lpIiI'&n· quite a orowd tbat went overlan d, offer ror .,aI~. al public venelu . OD nerve8 f~ll. Tl!en gaB belohin g', .jj headae 1 t• he. dinin. ., lacll-' " &e6-'b e kiDei 'bai you. oan depend Heart palpita tlo.n , or raUlng Kid· There lIS only on~ O&ndid.t4l for upon for reaultll . Sold Monda y, the 24thda yof Aug~st, 1908, neY8 follow. Don't . dru~ tbe 'sto. llealiG n, obr~lo Coaatt pa by W. C. We Di,tice that tbOM farmel'l l wbo CQunty AuditG r at the oomln , Be; 8111'1'8, New Burllo .too, maob,c r stimul ate the Beart or KldtiGn aDd ·B iUoun. ., beoaQM Oblo. &t ooe o'olock 10 tbe atlernoon 01 MaId duy . aave all nUbe manUI'l ~eys. '{'hat l uae tbll mOBt oa tbe prelnlse8 hereluaf ter d.,serlbed, Pllbllcan Prin:iar y. J . M rtlber th .. these failiDg Is" wrong. Btreng tbeo . they ar.. oompoa ed of $be _ , .:..- I neneB wltb 1)r. I:Iboop 'l fertlll1. er. They realize the 800no foUnwlDr nIL! estate, altuQ\e In Lbe'lOW Dsblp - - II Domlo ated, .1 apptllLranoea l188m of W",or. In tbe Counly 01 Warren , und 10 ReHtor atlve. ·It is t~t' nenes, Dot known Vesetable drllll, and , be will aurely be lor Sbe foortb Bulletlu No, 3- From County Anti my of reedln~ tbe orope. Save tbe tbe Slate (II Oblo. Damely : tbe organs tbat are calling for belp. maoare Ind uae ARMO U R FER mixed In the proper prGPer alwe-i a w.,l1 qu .. Ufj~ for thlt oIDOe Wltbih 48 hoors afte~ 8tartlD g tbe "SI~uat .. ID WByoe TqWDShlp, WarreD Saloon League. TILIZE~ "Natar al Plaot Food . " OOUII,. Oblo. beliag part of LOL No. two (2) RestQr Ative treatm ent, tiona known ~ at va Ole _ , • ni1l~ II' well tcrtbe ' t.u:plty era at yoo wUl 'recout.alned ooe bUDdred Bod Dve \JO~) BetHr yields, better qllality and wbloh tJUot.on ooouty "bat be i~ to be oon acres. and 10 parI of Iractlonal section No. alize the gllin . A te8t will tell. We are IDforzqed 'bat oertaln '0' r88ulta. !:laId by 1111 dealerll . better laud. Sold by W. C. SIUTH, 'l'blnY'one (3 1). Town Four (4). RaDlle Itnued In tblM Impor~nt offioe Ilt tbe II&100D Influen ce are &'tying. to New BurlinK Jll. R . S: 'E-1'cepUng tbe following described ~~~!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!! Every boUle llaar.....Nd !!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too, Ohio . tract 01 land. beglDnlDg at a stone In tbe -: Ibll .tme for W Itbiu 8lE'lItIn montbt t m U apPMr tba' we are golD! to to give II&tlafa o"oo or 1000· line of laDds rormllrly owned by Georlle 'b.e decenD lal appraia emltut will be "OtB WarreD Coonty dry ---- .... deceased. toeing Ibe S. W. oorDer of !IBIdMoss. and there· ey re.f~nded. seo· lion ; Ult!nl:e with tbe Bectloo IIneS . l ~ Du.H.E~HATHAWAY 11(0. 'fbe aadhur In!ltfu" t8 ·andau · by mllke it imposa ibls MENTA L ABERR ATION for .a wall. ~ pqle8 to a 11101\ 10 10 the road and corDer 37.26 260 a bottle a' Sebwu U'., to a perlnte ndl ' tblll work . HI! was a take a drink If be de"slred I~~of 131 Del formerly owned b,Wllllam Wilker· , ~ n ,y uea ville'a LelUiln g .Dentis t '. . . Or 10 inalled:.nyw~ere:up'oo r~p' MOil. deceaaed : Lbeocewlfh sa.ld rOlla N. 34' 20' , membe r Gf 'b~ (;o,l inty Bollrd of otber wo'dl btl iame . aaloon , ih. E. H. I!' poles to a ·lo tbe line of laDds Office In Keys Bldg. ' MII.!nl~' Ilf pril.'8. lJoroDe r Carey 8 verdlo$ lD ~be Int.eiy ownf,d by said Moss : Lhence EqIlUlwastou tbl" t!qllAUzell V.~il8, fiuenoe II.yln g lila' we wltb said are going Pbllip l!Iurf.o e 0Il/18 was : "Death 1I0e aocl tbeouUlDe oflbewbolesectloD N. S9· betwee u IOwnlh lpllaud IDdtvld ll.lrt. to pula law that will W 2i>.6U pnlea to Lbe heglDlllnR. coolnlnln eDtirel y pro. dlle to the drlukln g g of carboll o acid \hne (3) ac:rill tnnOll real ellt.tu VlllutMI tor tnell bib" a man taklDtr aDd two aDd slxtY'Dln e hun· a drink . Of with luioida l Intent all tbe rellult of dredtbR(2 .'611)polea ; and UCljpUo She Likes Oood Things · g, I1lso the are to. be flEed 'or Uln year8, tbe oourae tbe object a' &bla wGrd menbl.l ,lIberra tlon," Tblll end, lollowlng tract. beglDlllDg at a slODe ID Ibe tiDe 0 1 said laDd rUDolag N. r.. 25 'cbalus S &lxpay er can be oonlCr.. tulated t.hat wbloh 18 heiDI aent ou~ Mre . Obas. E. ~Dlitb, of Weat II to wy t.o the lallt obapte . In tbe OI\!.ie of a mau 62' E . 11 elballlJl S. H X· E . 1l.18 cballls.tba Erllnkl ln, Maine, SIlYS : " I like good 'hera will be D1I ana ole In the . audio O&ule lowe' meD to voSe • . stoDe 10 tb,e line of said laDds ; t~ence 11.6:1 we' who well liked in 'be oouaty for bll amia· uballl\l t.o Ia.Ddll formerly owned by Oook and thingll and adopte d Dr. King'" tor'lolD oe, ID tblll 00008OtioD we would 0'.h erwI8e vote . d I dry. ADd of ble .II.nd even N e w Life Pllls as our family Evans: the,Dceulong Ibe 110. N. 3.60 obalnB IlpOlllt on. ~ mls'lIn icld tba' J . ~. Kimbro ugb' l& oourle their ~rtlon !bence N , 46X' W . IV,50 poles 10 the. begin·; mediCI ne, beollus e they laxativ e . . III eutlrel y are good . nlog. CODII.IDb.R tblrLeen ilDa seventy·llve a oaneld ate anel hall no oppollt lon .. 'toIle and milllelLdlng. buudrelllbs (~3 .76) acres; and except/Dg. tnd do their work withou t making · 'l'be ubjeot a fU8a · st 'I' me tell, on tbe nerves .110 tbe followlDr described 101 Thll II an &vlden08 orbll popala rll, of Sbe WarreD Couuty A ugu lanl1 801d purltler about it" '1'lle8e )lflinlei ll ADtl &1900' by 'tbe aQmID1Btra'«lra 01 JOIIbua ofObeDowl ll sold at Fred O. 8obwa rtz's tll, MAIl'! ST~ET But tba,t eplrltle 88, no. ambitio n eleceued with tbe peopls of ClloJon Couot" League la not to fur,?" WAYNU VlLOJD ,.Q. · . C()lDmeDclDr ut tbe S. E . comer of drug atore . 25, a WaD SO be 'eeliDK oan be 88811y anel qulokly al Ibe \ract alld corDer to luDd late1 v oWllell by In room -next dO!)T,to CrolB ~l'QI, Be. II r800ln I~ IIi one of the ~"t lober i oat t.o foroe .. ~aD to tota)ly Cered by taking wbat i8 known by JohD Salte rtltwal~ deQ~a8ed ; tbenee wltb BlLrd ware Blure. proba\ e' J~dgeaNn ·OblO.r -Blano hel. ab~t.alD from the Ule. 9' tbe line 01 "" Id IliodN. UX'W 1l,~~obaln8 : In&oEloaDt~, druggi stl everyw bere IlII Dr ~hoop. ;s tlllmce "t. U2. W. 1\ ·obaID8 tbe sectloo tel' :::§tar Republ ican. Teleph one . In bouse and o~ but ltll object III S<> rtlaqove from our Reetora tlve. Witbln 48 bours aner line : tbeDee N. O· 10' E . 6·74 .'«l beginn ing to use tbe Relltor atlve gar Lree ; Iben ca S 80' 45' E, cblL!08 10 a su· wbere I 'can be called day or ollb~. HORSE SHOW · 11.111 cbalDs -RIOOE VILLE , mida~ the JlceDII~, saloon, tbe pl~ LO 85 . t III be tl-" a alllke ; tbElne" ~. II · 1() • .W. 18.48 cbalD8 to . . ' Valley .Pbone 14-2. ,no · ~ or' the where 'be drlnklt lg bablt 18 oreated i ~prov~men w beglnnlnjl, c/'OtAlnIDjI; tWeDty (20) acres, conrle, full bealth will not Iwmad l · alldleavtng In .n hlll·ac~ "I"t,·el " I, n· lind oultiva ted, Beo&W18 lome re&urn. The gain. boweve r, ly·HVe · buodreChhs (U~.:lG) acre ••ebUD4twe Tbe toJlowl ug IDvlt.t lon wal dMIre '0 drink Illld w111 drink men a'ely 8ald tract will 8urely follow. i8 And bes' of belllll Ihe lIII,me premises conveyed \0 Dlivld racel vecl at 'bll oIDOt', a~d .. It may reason wby 'we 8bould La.~bley by .Lewls Humpllrey. 'by deed d~ted all, you .wlll realize an d fee I your ·Maret. oontlou e Kidl.lI~y troubl e preys upon l,h e mind, I: 1880. ' aud recnrded In Warren In.Sereat Mver".1 uf oar readeI'I we. lioenll8 &aloons wbere boy. s,' r discoura ges and It!ssellso Ulhiti on ; beauty, engtb and ILmblt.lo n .. It Is re· Coubty Dee<l Book NO. 38. Plllle 353. may vigor ' and cheerfullive" to tbem: . . luduoe d to beOOme dron.k ard. or ,,,t ~nrnlng ... OutBld e Influe~oeldepr8B8 "1.110.' tbp. lolloWID!! delO,rlbed preDlI~es : ness soo n disappe ar firet tbe Inllde Dervee Rldlle. I,le, Oblc, AIlK 7,b, 1~08 least drinke r.. We uk fIVer, then tb, Slluale In'Wayne TOWllshlp. WarreDOO·UDty. whe n the kidueys are mA~, atomll.ob, Bea'a·t ILDd Kidney .. will Oblo, belDg parlofsecLlonNo.llllrty,oDe ( :Il ) , . . You are r8l~ot.rully hnlkKI $11 OlnLl 8I!p8olally e.,ery mlln out of order or dis· wbo ~ ullually fall ~treoK'ben tbele fall. Tcwn lour ( t ). n llDge live ( a). ,?"tweeli NII~I~ ' tb e r.~II"oti-.._ eased. . atHDd tbe Perober o,ll anI! Bt-lglan. I8lf re8pect a~d . family Rivers. beglnDlnlr at II post' S. E. cor· nerve.1 WI t b D'r. "'h pride, pOop 'Re' I ' II or· Miami uer Kidney trouble hMs of a lo~ of land conveyed to Abel Sat .... r · colS abow 'a'. Ridllev ille, 1'hul'8d ay ' rile and vo~ with U8 In lie Ilnd 8ee bow quIoldy bMUb tbwalte In tbe ,ellr 18MJ' b1 Ev&n become so pre\'ale nt p~"lnl ' an~ DavId will be yOUl'8 ILgaln. ' 1:So1el by aU CheD99fltb. aftern< lon, Augll8 i' IStb 11108 thllt il'is not uocoln· !lnol rUD,oln'g Lben"" N. 27 ' 'E . ' the saloon l for She lake of 'b. d8ll1en • . 10.31 cbalo!! 10 tbe line of DavId LlUlbley : ~~E:!P 111011 for Q child to be > Pleaae lnvlte your frieDdl . . ' . thellce wlUI Ibe IIDe 01 said La. hley ·N·. 86· • wbo bllve not yet learned to born aflli~teil with . W . 6.40 cbalns to a ~lOne : !beii~e S. 10· 30' PHILIP tW.&NO ~, weak. kidne ys. 1C t\1e OOES POULT RV PAY? • nl\ .for tbe IIIl~e of " he OD8ot El, 9. 73 olialDRto Ibe begloDlnK, cODtnIDIDIl . chi l(l too oft en. ifthe unne scalda exclusive of a 'roadway tbrouMb tbe Hald .HORSE BREAK S BUOO \' ' are jUllt l~arnlng to drink Haryevsbur~ premJae. cODveyed quit clllim deed lorth.. tbe flesh, or it , when child reacbe!i:un ln age whell it should be able to control the Mr H. H Wadaw ortb wbo llves use Df t1!e premisesbJ own"d . . " opeu plaoee ot temp~"oD and by said David passage , it is yet .. , Lashley. two and nloet"fu ur alJlicted with bed·wl!t . bUDdredtbs duceme n& 'bree milel eaat of bere, ba. BOld (::,94) acrea, be the ""me more or.l_ ..illl be ting, depend upon it, thecau!Ie of the diffi· • fASt WedDe adlY. Mr. J, N. Lem- Signed by The E%ecutlveC 7 000 'e-I tbla aealen He Inrr tbe nml! premlus conveyed ' bv A,,!I eulty i. kidney ·trouble , and the first omml~ ' 'DD WOD 'a borle, took frigb* Il' IOQae • walle. by deed dated January ,. step should' be towards tbe tnatmeD t of ' . ~.' IOld 'be firat le&llng Janaar y 30, 8aUerUl Ili9. aod N,eorded IA warreD CouDty Deed these importal Dl\ ltorga~s. This lIupl~asatlt 'blDI aDd broh the veblole to wbt;oh BOARD.OF SUPER VISOR ao!1' tbal.l t "nlnll ·Anllnl t 6. 800kN~&7, pages 236 and 2.37." S MEET trouble is due to a diseased " wal conditio bltobed n 01 , all t.o pleoea. For'll \ " Veterin ary BurlleoD aod DeD~ Mr. Wadlw Grth hu Inlpped oyer Said real e8la"" hilS been reeularly ' '- ' the kidneys and bladuer and lIot to a ap' nately DO ooe WIU' bart·. . praised at 'lhe swo'OI "hlnv·tl habit ve bundrell as most people suppose . 1.000 ellill to Cuba, and tblnkll be 00I1ua (~5tlO). and the .... . 0 Womell as wello/! mell are made me will notbe 801d A" tbe meetlDIL of the depub wUl ila.,edo able thaI mIser· . .1., . ' amonn ' ~t for 1_ tllall \wo-\blrd. (~ ) rsald allpralfM!<! able with kidoey and bladder '-- d f I 'RUNA WAV HORSE . f ' trouble, 1 tl ' vDlue. Tbe terma of . Hale are as rollo",. : alld both need the same great remedy. At Home on. ~tQrday A'krIl~; , ...-r 0 lOpeI''' IOn 0 e eo 001 ,ear. B~II lpeci~'y II ,he Blaolr One.tblr d ( H ) 01 tlle'plU"cbase prIce cub In The mil(! and Tueadlly. 'bey orpnlz ed by elllO'II11, u the immedi ate e(f~ct of ' band on \b ,e Gay ' 01 .ale, one·tblrd ( ~) In .sw b C'''''let' ....p.Root is soon realized. It t8 sold ",IDGro ~I' weet a.~ tbe ball game ,bllre, WI 'II a I'd J . W' a. W8yne8viU~, one ,ear from lbe da, rig t, of sale. aDeI ~ ooe-lblr~ • • • (~) III two ',eart! from tbo day 01 aale. tbe by druggist s, ill fifty111... Jam.. Weill' bone beoame and U. li',. Brown, l'lerk. Tbe ~ ....\4 '''0 deferred p&yJDenUl to bear ID\ere~t ceDt alld olle-dol lar "BN t«,t,~Seoed ,od ran aronnd tbe bttl! aow oonallt a o.f .vahn. For. Sqre Feet at tbe ra\e of alll (n) IK'r cenl. anDum size bottles .. Vou DJay oleo.t, Ill· IroDilb .. day of sale. prODIlMorr IK'r . . ,-0 Or 'br.. tim ...• before br- W. Keever , Fred Doc.ea to be h ave. IIBmple bottle Simpeo n aDd Wil. ...." 'I'( have foood 80011180'1 Arnloa (hea tor ~ald lWO defernd ..... U by mall free. also a a_oil pa)tDlenu \ Sal be 'b '~Il'4 lie . .alib'. ' . • lYl.. tb. t dama....a, lard J , WrlIM . 8iamue l lIel'8d"~, the " of _lIS proq>lslIO ry notuo. toan4 be pamphl et telling all aboot Swamp:Root, .e 50 e . p~:;-r r Dt.:. aae .T . . !. IDOTiPie . on tbe,prem 1ae8 . the re$lriD i membe r of lbe lold. inclodin for IIOre feel, .. we ,!II' or g many of tile thousan ds Of testi· VeterlJ llry Surpo a ..... 0..... iDB, OSQAR J. 1I0WARDB, monial letters received from sufferer s .ODS-, aay all r8 wu • mod eaoeUe D' membe r, ' writ. . . W.DlaDne l&oDe .of In. writing Dr. lCilmer & ~o., AdlDlnllUa\OrwldUllewt1l . Valle, Plio.. 111-2X . " la to be . . bla . Kat... I'le ,be Iblglll&1EltoI~, N. Y., be lUre and meDtiOl l URUed 01 . . . .,ate of Oa,\4 LUlillf, dece ..... . tote. . . Galled bllll .....lupre, • Don't make any miltake . AYN BS'V 'ILLI , TrJ..i'l 0 -lJc'WN. b~~. ~=::~~, t~!h~e~ ::=~,Sw amp--Ro at. Ii .' aD • anel tbe ad· ~......-' ---~,.. ;:; a'lHp oI..... . re4 ,PTB W. DI ""IoIl.he ,1
\N lCkly
BA RG AI N --- A'r ---
Hutcbis,," St
1, 00 0 Y A RD S
10 an d 15c a Ya rd.
Chil dren 's Mus lin Draw ers '
The Feli x Cors et, Lon g .H ip, Wool Skir ts Mar ked Down.
----- -
Ruffled Mus lin Curt ains ,
Hutchison &: Gibney
Veg etab le
.- .
..- - ---
Women Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble.
fUN 'ERAt ·OlHCTOR .. Telephone Oar or Local No. 1. Long Distance No. 69·3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Offica. Q.
John Hyatt;
T'e le- phon ' 'e ",
DR '
".Sed .....
r)i:ti~l~ii ~"wu QQ'
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• 01\ Ill'.,
0 sa
----u~~~~PHOr06RAMJ .
1908 lJ), lJ)'YiJE/lW()(JO LlIYOt/?iYtltJP, /Y.
N HawaU nnd Samon sailors of the At lantic fleet SI\\V a
mtd·PncJfic parlldlsc peopl tI by a noble rne whose hos· pllll.iltY Is. a proverb benuUtll l1)' C)(II1'CS5 d ill their own oharmlng wordl;! of bree~lng , "Aloha" In t he Hawaiian lsi· IlJIdB and "Tulota" In tbe Sauloun s , s ig nifying " Love to .; you," .In bOlh languuges. Our "alol1I15" a nd ''In,lofas'' .. ("howdle:>" and "halloclI") are formal and of len hollow and lIearll as, while tbose of th Knnakas may be coun l' cd on as sluce l' and heartfelt. Not BO much do s th ~ parndfse con sist In shaven lawns, ns tle bowel!. nnd pampered lu)( ury ' In domestic liI'e, as rather In th e s lm· pie homes of the lIaU ves, III th ebu rmlug vill us of the foreigners nestllug .i n tropical hlx tll'lance, and In u ' cll· mate of a soft vurlablonoss ot only t en degre s, n ever leaping from the rigors of Antarctfc to cruc iblc calories a 8 In tbe temporate zones, which arc oft II not temper' ate bul 6xc('&sl"e III uotll heat and cold. When tho novy lads en lored the harhor of Honolulu thoy saw Lo landward u sky·lin , of peaks nnd craters, sOllie grim and Homue r ill a lIla ll of lI.l1efimt lava, o thers I,frcsll illltl green with Ii bos ko·g e produced by an ullsllllt· od molsturc a nd a tropical warmlli. MallY of Ulese peaks are extia.c t crate rs '\\'hoso fiery encr gl e!l ceased In t lle· remole ·[Iast. and ' are now tir a'tlng lands \\'hos!' Inner bounds [lrt) anhuat c:d wltll fe eding flocks and b e rrill. One of th.e se. known as the " 1'u[;ch·OOwl." forms a stabl e a nd lorty' badq:~rell lld for the beauttrul city 811rl'Ll(i out hetween It and the sea. ~lIt, • las ! If thore wel' o a thirsty "jack,," among all the boy s , t his cfut.erifol'nl Ilunch Iwwl cOIILains not eyen so much aR a "di'Olrof-the,cl'ater,"--only an occ:\slonal h rcl e r's cot, whose OccUllllnts, a ll uncon scious of the bustffn g efty not far away, 0 " 0 furnillar willi ~be note of the quail aud lhe plovel' and the Yanish· lug lIong o[ th ' sky·lark .. . Wh l'TI tll(, boy:. wf'nt nahore nnd Into this mid-ocean metropolis th ey found l c'w ·r cm lllu9 or a.\Jorlgl.nal cOl1dllfons . Th oy fo und. eve rything up·to·c!ato; the ilL,. . L regul a I', b roud , nnd well pav ed; thn hulld ln~s s ubst.antial and mod. 0 1'1' l~ h: d r i c ILy illumines tb() slr e ts lind the ~t rl'ct ·cU l's. Bea11l lful man· 1l11!!) !! an d cOfl tly villas urc hidden among bowe r-s of 11'Op lca l t rees and shrubs. A ('l\lll'S f Lail 'roya l Ilaims away their fronds a gain s t lhe tlky .. and vistas of ·.c/Jl'O;'nli L )JllIIIIS Lod tbe way' to otLugcs awn)'. frolll til t lluro ug)1farcs', AT' t blic'1lllv Idllltnf'd luwus and ' h Il ges and wel l·lecpt !;a Td' ns m et the eye at e\' ('ry lI',m Ornamental flew er·bed s furnlsh th uece3sary eolor In the prodl· ga l I v " f t.l'o pical g l'aen. 001'l,;00U 5 hibi scu s s p an g l e~ lhe h C'tl go rows , !lml 1 I ' I!;I " ~~ r:IIJt11 ' III r.:il!t :LDd 1Jloom pr seal s a novelt y to lIufllltllltll r yes from no rll.,.·:; , l:l fi lude8. Tile cb urcb \ls hall c donn ee! \hc ~ed ' 1'11 1 gowll s as III Eu · fOr"':!\) ("Illnl ri p ! . Jll.ln), ,,:1' 01111 0 (\ t he national dl !!h cnI'lcd }lol, a 'f:\\"o!it · cOl!I'~ lI b l e urlously m .I,! " ,ifill ~'III· taken of with great Z 81 at lbe Hawnllrll! "[, lI un" 01' fr a st. Poi th e llors or th e fi e t BtlW in Ihl s de li g'htrn l mm·ocean tenHory, I L us p aS!; on ill ,.,.,,1.- (1 ." 1<1 Ih e hulll of 11 water lliant culler! taro by Iho na llv II; It Is a to auoLh rr. When' t he:; to ol. I a\'o or HOllolulu !.llli y h nd fl sail of 2.270 I II cs I ' I "'~I (I' tl ... ar lit! fanHI.I' rel!cmblll1g the ca,lla Ill y ; It ha s :UI oblong 1'00t, a little ea ch or fiO Il~h, LJe r(ll'e lhe), w \'e g'l'eetcti by th e '\[a10(:\s" of ou r most w ind' 1'.11 II Iml<fld fllld m a~h c d, (Orf!,!s Il glutinous 11!lslc \ t hou llIuch tllt; te, Bonth('rn wards 'Ill th e so ulh P ul'lOc , lhe natives of the Samoao Islands. 'l'l1c~ e ~"' I' pt 'It, 011 () u ' [lINl P01 'llO la ll3; bowever . .Jac k tri ac l tLe !lol. is lands al'C liea r ly '~,OOO 1:111 £ sout h ot Ih e eqoator. and I do not rec'a ll that we II' 'f .'I~ II'· 'ot cJ - :r.I· of Ih(' Ii: ndlng !,I laee to enl er lhe cil he I-illW tho can d al m a.foot. or t.e rri tory In tiro SUlltb e rn )J,emls ph r e barring the 'Islal\d oC ,1 nlvl'l' . " Ih \\'IJ WOI' l eclul klnbs Of 1l0w e~s Ir.t o val'lolls fan tlls llc decOl·a· Tu t lJill\ a ~ ~l lis lus ular Ill,pcm:agls" TQe t\VO lattc l' 1S\Ia,nos of tbQ group be'! v," 1'111 I(""S ,.1I(· b as wrE-ul.hs and JlaL·!J:lllr!:;. Th e ]{aua kns are a m\.slcal long' to OE>rll1nny. ·It Is Juil r 1 111 y<'n rs' sillce tills grollp , was flrst vI sited by. ,,,,,I 1'",.", h,ii [l ~ l,l'O] le ; and tbe b'o ys wure not lIIUlly bOllrs In lh e I U~ 1I1ar EUI'(l ll(,lln s ; IHlt It Is r.lal m d by n.PIll\ redt authority Lhat th ey wore f!I'st peo. ''. ,11'' nl l· ,··a,r, t ill';' hut! (> \' idence of thei r ~tl$jcal bent !lDll ut leat>t a 'ORlUlel" pled IIbout 800 yeal'S aso. un,! strang to SDY, by 11eo))le fl'om Ule Island of hll,1 In,·, ,f' II '·... ·'1·. TIJ C)' woro als.o l'emlnded Itow dlJIcreut peQp les hl' some Sumatra, SOlne ~O oJ whom had set out In cr:\~y old canoes tn scarch of some '11' 11"1"1 ' """. (, r J(I.l l'it~· :l.fO lod In to n peculiar ne,'sol1l1 l halJlt· Or de Ol'aLfon, il'naJ,'inar:' d'c \'!l wbom Ih oy wish d to ,lestl'oy. Aftel' wandering ovor tbe 1I~ til\' .1 t: :11" f.ol· [.ntl JlI:1II.chul'ilUl women loto givIng chief altention to fantastic Ihntnato Paclflo for long'. weur~' llI(JlIlhl:;~touchlng at tll43 Philippines and at '1 IIti " ! """,lil' ('oliI' Ii'll. Iho Chinos/! to ···' lfl)',feel; :' tile women' 01' otlter nutions thtl Hawajlnn islands. he,' tlnally n!Uc l~ed tho Samoans. 1111 " ,'·,,1 11. ): Ih"" nrrn. arid ankl et> with brncelets :Lnd anklets, olhers again It Is.clalmp.d thut 1111) Samollns are the flnest native race In the world. !t) I" ,I illl 'l1lh ~ IIl l ' <JlU'!;! /lOci nOEe wi th rings. The bOYD of the fleet saw a /llle type or lln aboriginal In tho Kanaka of the 11 1>'" 1t"ld ' \\' <' 1'(' faillil iar 10 lJO)/8 from IjOIlIC of our southern SlatOl;, but Hawa!!ans and hel'e 'agaln they ' snw aneth?r braoch of the Rame racial tree : (lUI\, I ' I' G <I 11( , ·I .. 1t Y lo I h ORt> fl'(}111 the north who know rice only' In II rice-ll1\d- but It Is dfJIlcult sometimes to reconcile all the' theorlcs as to orIgins or prl· I IIn.~ . II " i<1i!\tlr t'n.lIC l,l:mln lhm I' called tho fields of fodr! J"COI'O on tJjc north- mal racesi It bas been dlalmetl also that the aborigines of Australia eame " rll 111111 1' f i ll III . 'In!;tf'a(f of Ihl' chl'stnuts, beech nuta, buttor nutlS of a n!lI1.!l· from Sumatra; the Australian, the lowest abol<1glnal known, and the Samoan C'l lh'l' 1 h ') h l)I,C! 11,· round ('hle tl y. ' , • the hlghost, hoth from tbe Sr.!h! pa rent stock about the sarno tJme. It appears If ! n(' uO)' rrom tb l' /lucl ('Unld nol ,ODd his IIcctu;Lomc,1!Jl.. with a'. little nwRlI.rd bts~orlcally We will leave that matter with the ethnolOgist wh ,d l III ,,11th II Irl\l'lca J thirst.. h' rOllllU all excellent substitute In the euccu· Our sallol's saw for Ibe selves that the typical ~moan I8neratty a fine 11m I ,lUll wdl \Il!l'~III!v.l'd Ilwl'aw, a wondorfully ' who)ef\omo and rcfr,!shJng speclmall or pltyslcal de\E,lopm<lnt dnd possesse& pleasing, moral qualities. lrl'p (nllt. pl:lnlaUulIB o[ whkh ho I'aw III tbe Inlluedlatll 8uburbs of Hor.ollJll1. M.r"~ "lNple remalllbe. rbowthelslandof~utul\acamelntothOIJO.BBI!BSIOII IIll dill Jlut I uk for u,llltClR IlS n nntiv(> Ilrtlducl, hut 'n \lou thereof he Indl1l~ of tbe UnIted states ·10 1899 with Bome UnImportant surroundIng laJetai and h rl'U~1 et<IUS In Uncll! on oran\:I!K, mangoes, pomegranates, guav.., IUld "Ill 1'eCaJl al.,, · tbe. Interu,lUoDul ,q!IAbbJe btvolvlDg EnglAnd, GermallY, and Ib 111 tho world. some ot wWc:ll exceed t 11 PQuDds It• •elpt:. Uulted 88 !l9.taafa or .Malletc_ .lIould be kiD" pJrl'.PI)le plantl~Uoln. a I w of :f)ill)l.ill!ld 1i1l.hd1~, ~~tl!! ,
HdMc:J' oJ' PAGO PACo. cW'10A Wl!fH .PAllf , HUT.......!3!1J
th~ I:d tlll' ta Iling ol'er the Is land ot Tutuifa wbioh contaJns the liiD1ull but ·t1ne hal'bor or 1'1111'0 [':1;::0. . . ., . 'fh isllllld of Tlltlliia Ie '1'7 D1lles In J ~n. f.;lb and tllrce or tour In wldtb, s t1 the InJpt cou slU uUng th~ harbor of Pngo Pago is nbollt t,vo nln es 10 ,; . len b1..h and ' a ha lt lillie III width, surround rl by h o.v\!y wooded mountains. 'l'he lI atlvc lleople with warm 'bl'owJ;l skin, t hel,.' , h o.fses 1vlthollt allY ,Inrclosing walls :l nd with 11ulm·thatc:hed roofs, " most attrncted the ottentlon 01' lhe ,nll\'al Inds, The typlcnl Samoan mllst nqt be judged b~ lhe "beach': types Who are genern ffy menlalfzed by cOl/tact wltll travelers uud · seu·[arlng lOen, 'fhe truc charnct rlsttcB of the Sa mO!ln , us In other part!' of tho world, must be sou ght among LIlA rilrnl folks, nnd, th is C.l\D only -be (lone during a prolong d sojourn. A foreigner rreed bave no fear In Jieqetratln~; the inte,rlor; Il'e Is' quit safe and· eVlln welcomed with a stull ra "Inlofa," Tht' lapo or belle of ~I;e "Illage kind ly receives him, at1d most llke ly Ilrese~ts him with a. CUI) or t.h ell' Favol'lte b evorage ' enlled l{rwn. Pol, as nlready mentIoned. Is n 'nn" tional dl Qh wlLh lhe Kallaka, which the f1e~f boys sampled : nt F'ago l'ago tbey . bled the 'Samoan nallona.) drink. Although ~he tapo be fair au fnJrness goes hi . SamoR, nnd also be t4e daughter 0('. a .cblee or family of high rank as sbo lIs ualJ.y IB, and altho'Igh womanhol)d . generally Is here of a vigorous order, the well known gallnnt·,y of over sea w~rl'lora was harl,\ly o:Iqual to a CUI) of tbe refl'el'hlng Kava after tue Ilro.::e8s of manufacture becamll imown, Kava Is ~ade from tbe root of the plant Piller metbystlQ\lm, Ita chemistry , InvOl'ycs 'll raUter unusual manipulation, or I sbould ratber say. MDstication. The prettle.t m~ldR aro selected for Kava mllkt/lg; I,bey ~re Boatell ",round a buge wooden. \lowl; t.he green or dry Kava root is Ollt Into amaH J)leces i and a.fter tbe girls have 'been required to rinse out tbefr mouths, they all proceed ~o chew t:be sllc:1.ld root. At! ·fa.:lt tboroutlhly chewed It Is .. tond up In their cheek., cblpmunk fasblon, until the fullness be:comes burdvnlODl8, when the, dlqor8e Into tho woodeD bowl until sumcleut baa been cbewed for tho compan,y $Il'esont. Thl. 11nely comlllinuted pulp 1& 41lut~d with watet ·aod 't1~ with a bunch Df roots, a~d deHvet'ed ID a e?tloaDut cup, ftnt to the mOlt lIDo PQrtant 1U*l1t. who drilluaud .pbul the empty' eup back to be reftlled 'for till! 1I1'1t ID of raDl(, 8D41O IIJI. 'there few til..
ellOqh, bra • _ _ to drink l(~va wIth
Bu~~1I ..1.HI••~
,1!It:====~E!l (l'op), rl!;h l,
by !:Ilort:;IU"y J' ulJ, l!<I,)
monlhs after the "RVes la dy. "I bave come fa r, and the wors t
'~ laid at hlo feot the c(Jld form of 'Is only a I e .. 8t eps fartll er on."
bJa love, came the news tbat Herbert
was lhe possessor-of a slartling seoret. Ii bad, It was stateil, disoovered a Puqlle Ray that would wither and destroy ceIlaln human cells at memory without Injury or danger to neighboring cells, This rumor was followed by the still more amazing rePOrt that'Munson bad erected the MHnsian of Forge truln ss, to wblch all W110 would tl'e e tholr minds of a hopeless pasllion mlgbt ropalr, ami, In one brief hour, forget. And , s ure enough, here they came-those wbo loved not , wisely but too well, tbose who loved d ellly but hopelessly, nn,d those who loved the Dead and could endure tbelr grlet no lon ge r -and the Pu~ple &y " plucked from the me mory Its rooted sOl'row" and they went forth from the Mansion of ForgeUulness unscarred and fnncyfree. Y t he wbo s howed others ho~ to forget a'ou ld not himself forGet. H wa.q agony to Irnow that s he was d ea.d', n.nd h wonld never' see her face ligaln, yet he sbNl.n1c trom forl,r ettulneas lUI th soul shrlnlts from oblivion. Try aa be WOUld, he could not drag him· fleif 'from the haun t d hills of m Dlory, thou gh be r emembel'ed thnt the world wlt.hout was wond e rfully fnlr, and olh· el' WOOleD, perhaps lUI lov e ly as sh e, 'Were wailing tb 1'0' to lov and to be Joved. No! Let nthers fo rget, he would not! Not that he lived in hope, for had he not Idsse<! he salt foam from her deod face? Dut that ory waR all t hat remained of So Love who ...·all no more, K~ waLched them COTml a nd go1I'&tched too m~n}', all. 100 mlUlY, pll· MUJlHOl\
"Com e, th en!" and the maste r led the way to Lhe room at the pUrple Ray. An hour passed, wh en Ihe door was op ne.l nnd til ve ile d "lsi tor <:Bme forth nnd df:\sce nded the broad stairway. Sh e moved qu!ckly and, lI ~ hUy , and at tbe foot of t.he stal1'6 she lau hed musically 1111 slle agalll met the master. , " Have you forgotten?" he ask~d . "Forgotten! 1 know that 1 have for· gotten something, e lse why am I het'e, yet I do not know what 1 bave for· gotten." "So they all SUy !" A Hus h of rosy light shone ' from a Rlender wIndow ove rhead, haloing the pilg rIm like a s aint. "I (ow b a uutul every thing Is! " she el:clalmed. "Why do I w ur thi s \'ell? I will no long I·!" SO saying a ll ' loosen d It, dll! ' losIng 11 race young and exquis itely full'. Tlie ma.n Ilhrunk back a s U plcrt:ed by 1\ lJol t. ·'My God, Ille b er spi ri t!" h gas ped. '·No, ol)!" protested th vis Itor, "[ am n ot a apJ rJ t, ana 1 teur I am too, laO humnn." "' You ure 10r lIa! " whI stle I'd t ho man, sUlrln'" b (ol'C~ him IIll e one D erInb through lul nae darkness, "[ am. Wbo al'e you thut you as k?" • ".1 0rella! . 1 lhoug ht you dead 1 I kJsspd you for d'e ad and a ud. theu lhe waves swept me awa and 1 saw YOIl no more," .. orne fu;l1ormen once found me on 11 mand)' bench, where they said I bad Wnted. Wbo are you!" The lUan drew back bls cowl "Look!" Tbere was no IIgbt or recog· nitlon In the other's eyes. "'My God! tbe Ray baa blotted out all memory l" "Pray LeU 'me what you mean, and let me go," wme the passionlesa wo rdll. A ' gIoan was t.he only re l)I>" aDd the man hid bis tace in hIs hand s. "You seem to know what I bave (orgotten. Has Lt aught to do wllh yo u1" "0, l\1orella, It were be tter that I Uiougbt you dea.d , than to know that orgoLten..! . Do you not recall our betrothal1 Be/; you have the ri1lg upon yonr harld! ' Does it ]1ot awaken one reco llection ot othe,
People Planning to Go South welt Oklahoma.
The removal at r entrletIons on Tn· dian lands,ln the Jndl14n Territory portion of Oklahoma, Is creating great Interest throll ~tio ut tbe. nation omong capitalist s lookIng to/Investme nt s uucl. planning to establish man ufactorl s , as wCll as uillong tbe tillers of t he soil who bOlle to belter their condi tion , Chiokasha Is s l~ ated in lhc Wnshl· ta valley, the center or tbe chole 5t of the Indian lands, and to lhat city '111111 go those who s tudy tbe situation Intent on reaching the vnntage point. ae" en railroad li nes dive rge th re, Water plants will furnish to ma.nufac· torles cheap e lect-rlc powe r. Chickasha ships more corn, more colton nnd more live stoclt than any other poInt In Okla homa, The modern built business district In tbe valley and heautlful res idence porllon on hills make a ve ritable dreamland, Tho Impoelng chur.ches and modern 5cb601 build ings ar monuments to the character ot the clllzens wbo erecte d the m, The country tor wblch Cblckasha III the market rBnks wi th the most productive In the wo rld , Corn, cotton, whent and alfalfa are grown with eq ual s uccess to that of eltber crop In Il one crOll country, Garden truckIns, Js to be one of the most profitable purRulls. Fruits ot all kinds grow a nd }Jro<1uce luxurlnntl)-, In fllct, Grady COUllty, of wblch Chickasha Is t he capi tal, is the gnrden spot ot tbe earth, hlckasba bo.s a live Commercial Club which Pl'omrllly ons wers I lters , of Inqui ry 1', g::lrding th e section to wbl,:11 the eyes at the nntlon are just DOW dlrectcd.
.- ' Th. Man Shrank Back aa If Pierced
by a Bolt,
grltnB arrive with sOfrl,wfl1 I, lovebaliuted faces, but tl epnl't with un coni:efll d" cam·free looks, alltl a t li mes be feared that hi li phl1an t},l'oPY was a sacrilege. There s eem <i 80 m thiug London to Have Y. M, C, A, Building, ' ACte r GO years o( (Iolng without a unt,oly In this s udden tl' IlnslI1 l1tation of srlef InCo glndn ess- - thl H s wl rt' com plete Young r.rEUl·S Christian Assotbr listing ~s lde oC the t rn ; Ic presenco Ciation buildin g, London, the bir thof sorrow'-yot they h nu cllosen of ,place of the movement, Is to have what the ir own Iree wlll tofol' ;eL a hope- It ' needs I.n th is particular, Tho 'new leslI passion, nnd they cOldd now re- hendqunl'ters In 'l\Jttenham Court road turn whence tlley came and lov IIgaln, will be n stllte!y plie oC buildings d~ signed by Rowland PlumIJe, Hundreds more wIsely I( less dee pl y. o[ 'buses 11aSS 'the sJte every bour, Some carne, thlni!in g to l.lot other 'and it Is also connected with London·s memori es than that or a bopf less love I'ast n~twork ot trams and tubes. The - memorIes or slu a nd crIme- ·but tbe Ilrltlsh Museum Is only n fe w minutes' Pnrplu Ray , would not be thw Ill'ted to walk away and the building wll\ be ai· ' .such base I)UrpOSes, -and tLey l eft, most In the heart of the Bloom sb ury abashed and disnppolnted. district, ramillar to all visitors to the It wns In wlnle r, when rho s now me tl'opolls. The bulHlng will cost was Chllt:lged to crystal. ns It ( II upon $160,000, Only a little over half tho the wali'll and cornlilos of the bea ullful amount Is now uvnllr.ble , IJUt a widemarble edi fice: or piled Itself In drifts s llrend oppelll iii being made tor the of sme(\ diamonds agaInst the ataln e~ glaBs WIO(IOWB, when a lady' camo malnd r. 'alone across the vliles and entered the Arizona Sock •• broad gateway or the Mansion ot For"Uncle Jake" Nel'f, tormer lIe uten· get[ulnesB. ant governor, wns ,dlscusa1ng the. early Somelhlpg In her manner-perhaps Calltornla mining days. her agi tated hesitation 'nl the portala , " Flour sacks were valuable. YOII un· , -moved the maste r t,o accost her, rave led th,e t;ewing down one side !lnd "Kind (rlend," he said, "were It not ' you ba d n. piece of clotb ubout 11 S,ard better to remember what you now 8(1uIII'e. Shaken and wal!hed, It made seek to forget?" As he SpoRe he drew good patches tt}l' underclothes on a closer 'ob01,lt his race the cowl he wore pinch and made mlnerll' towels. But to cpnccal hili Identity from the merely their chief use was for ' Artzona BOOks.' curious. . On'o flour sack would make three good A sigh , W88 the ~nly Immedlnte an- vlllrs, \"Ou ripped the piece Into three·, as the pilgrim leaned wearll,. Incb Iltrlps. Soft and nice'on the teet~ . .alnst n marble pillar. Then came too. Just put your toot IIdwn, laid one the low IIpbken 'warda: end of It fiat , olong tlie Instep, folded "Perhaps '" may only holt forget. ahaut two Inches under the toea and I would remember, yet not relllember then wraplied around the foot and up . , acutely." ' the ankle, wIth a 6nal tuck ,In. No "No, you, will wholly forgp't. The darning, you oould revene ends; ....r flne, too." ' ~rple Ray IR obllvion Itst'lf," "Ah, well, better I kill theBe painGermani In Third Pla_ fat memorlel than break my heart'" ID tbe manufacture of ~ottol ItaocII ~Then, ·If It muat bt 10. entft and OenulUlY hoJ4I third place, bell- 1& _
cetdect only br a"-t' ~D.tef . .
~ ~
and Jw,s been madeWlder bJs pel"-
sonru sopervlsion since its infan(,'Y_ , Allow no oue todecclve you in tItle. All Counterfeits, lmltation8 and " ,Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger t.he heatth or InCants and Children-Experience against Expe~t.
A'kgelabl.e PreparalionforM, sl1l1ila lill~ the Foot!:mrlRegufa:
ling Ute SlomadJs llIIll.IJowe1s cl
PrornolcG u '\i'''''~Ull'''JUllur.. ness and
on, Pare-
Cutoria Is a harmless mbstltute fur (Jastor
goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleoso.~t. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its age 18 its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrhooa. lionel Wind ()oll~ It rcUeve8 Teething Troubles, cures OonBtlpa tiol1 and Fla.tulency. It asalmllatelJ the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving bealtby and nBturru B]~p. The Chlldrcn'& Panacea.-The Mothor's Friend.
t::t:;;;0 . Y-J; a CASTORIA
Signnturo of
The Kind Yon Havo Always Bought In Use For Over
30 Years
Mr, Gra ndon Able to Bear Testimony to W i fe's Accompli shments.
SICK H~~!!!~! ~=f-.A! ~
orue tlm s thoro Is a drop 'at regret In tIlll cu p of' joy served by fni,e to the hu, ba.nd or a brilliant ta lker. "I shou ld think It would be a privilege to s it at tbe tllble with yo ur ' wlCe three limes a day," saId one or Mrs. Crandon's ardent temlJllne adm1rl'rs. "Only twice a day," said Mr, Grandon, wltll a bow , '1 do not go hornEt Ilt noon," "Too bad!" said the admirer. "We could not get on wlUlOut bor at club I'm s nre. \Vh y, I beli eve she could talk Intelligently on a tbou81lDd topIcs !" "She ean-and does," said Mr, Grandon, and with, another how he Blipped out just I1fI his wHe appeared _Youths' Companion,
" ~- ....-.:--
G e t We n .
"My baby hnd a ru nning sor e on his neck and nothing that I did tal' It took eUect until 1 used Cu Icura. My face WIlS nearly lul1 at t e tte r or some shu· liar akin ' dIsease, It would Itch Ilnd burn so lhat I could hru'dly staud It. ·Two cakes: of uticllrn SOlll) anel ~ box of Clitlcura. OIntment cure d me. Two yea rs aftor It broke out on my hands and wrIst, Sometimes I · would go n~arly CI'BZY Cor It itched 80 badly: I we nt buck ~o m~' old stand·by, tbat bad nover ,failed me-one set at Outl· c ura R emedies did the work. One set 1;1 150 cured my uncle's ba by wbose head was jIl caire ot sores, a~d anothe r baby who was· In the same fix , Mrs, Lillie WiJchel·, 770 Eloven Ui St., Chat' tanooga, Tehn ,. F b, 16, 1907." ..... ... No Waits. "T BUIlPose you walt for the divine spai'k ?" Inquire d lhe lady vlsltOl'. , "f;l ea l'ellls, no:" rCDIi d Ihe ba rd , " If J d id 1 would IJe waiting yet !" ,
Proof POlltlve, Th ere Is usunlly som convin cing ar· !lument to n question of doullt, If one :8 only b ~g h t euough to thInk or It nt the time of conlroversy, The rarll}e r was allie to produce th Indisputa ble wIthou t !lelay ' of clrcll Ol loclHlon. A n um b I' of peoplo W re gat h red 'round th e bul letin board of th e Read· Ing Bngle. on wblch wus nnnounced ,"D ath of Fl'ank Mill er ," Two farm ers tram 1111;\ e xtreme llackwoods IV re gazin g at II,e various Items or n W8 , wben olle or thcm ~pl d tbe lugub rious , slat I)1cnt, aod pollltln~ It out to ' his Tustie com ralie, Yo ur Druggibt Will Tell You t<!mark d Innoc\lnUy : "It says on Chat bO:lrd : ' Dea tb of T hil L \ln d n., E)'o TI t'lll <1,' . lI ...·S F.)'~, M nk~ \\'on k E)·co ,'I "t'ng, l)«;le.II'~ ,. II Ul l' t. :f' rnnlt Miller.' Is that you ?" IICrI. ~"()lh c8 I':yu Pni " nuLl f; lis [or IiO~, ' " No," re plied the OUICI', 10 all UUSlless, "My name, ls John," He Eviden t ly Had On", "What Is a pessimis t., pn?" HEALTH AND INCOME " A mnn who ha A a note to meet ,"
l1I i"u b l s oPI'<)rtn nit7 to IC"L w e li t
Good sturdy health o olps 'o ne II lot , W,e tarnish the splendor or our best t:J mnke money. With the 10/;8 or health one's Income action,S by too otten speak ing or tb em. Is lIahle to sh rink, It 1I0t entirely dwindle away. W ,hl!ll a you ng lady has to. mako her D"'n Ih"ing, good health Is !J er best asset. "1 am alone In the world," wri tes B Chicago gi rl, "dependent on my own ,C1tr"rta for my livIng. 1 am a c lerk, and about ,two yenra a go tb rough close up· pllcatlon t o worK and a boarding house diet, .J became tI. nervous ' invalid, and got so bad o'ff It was almo,llt Imposs Ible tor me to stsy In the office 1\ half day at a lime. "A trlend suggested' to me tbe Idea of trying Grape'Nuts, which I did, ma~lng thIs Jood n large' JJUrt at at least two meals a- day. "Today · J am tree tram ' braln·tlre, dyspeps ln. and 1111 the Ills of an overworked and Imploperly nourished ~raln and body. Te, IJrnpc·Nuts 'lowe the recovery of m; health, and ' the ability to retnln my p;:osltlon and In.'lOme." "There'R a 'R tason." Name liven by Postum Co" Bnttle "~ek, 11111'11, ' Read "The Road to W (Ill-
Syrup «tfigs
n,cts gent!yyet r,rompt-' !y on the bm els cleanses
th~ ~ste~ effectua~lY,
asslsts one m overcommg habit'unl constipation
nentk. To get its.
icio.l effects b~ utoe.
....... and filII Of II...,.an
. Large Tdal Simple
JusLLhluk or
U OW t' u.oyoU.alf,rdl0r(!mnlu lilc,k 1
'VIDOWS~un.QOl' N EW LAW oblA~
JOHN w. MORRI,.. , PE •"'SIO""S ., ...., byW~hlulI'<lD, D. 0.
A . N, K,-E
l I
! : I
"O~ Free Offer
aeth Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Do J010 wltth ,to gd
be~ler' Se",1 '" letter telli na abo llt your
.10110 Clnnot do,
,ermioidol! 'd ilia. raotin, InG deodor· izing toilelrequillto of ClXoeptioDat ex, cell.Doo and ec<~n·" j . omy. ' Involuable for inO.mod eyel, throat IIBd D.... 111 and ulerinoca~.rrh, At dru g 'I lld toilet Iloree, 50 centl, or by mlril POStpaid,
8UCUCRS(ully tre nt. youI,' co. • Th 60 prclJoC rlp· tl ou~ eM' be nll ed b)' o.ny.drllll'g l st , 0 .... )'on
Southern 'Woman Suffered with It,ch, lng, Burning Rash-Three Little Babh,s Had Skin Troubles.
mouth and boly I IDliaepticIUy oleao and free from UD. hellthy ,erm-mlud dil(l,reeable odon, "blcb wlter, loap aud tootb prePlratio~ '
ffymptOuut a n d 2t!jc u.ud our JJli,)'sl c.lau sbft.n ~Dd 10 U the- n ecc "'17 u.avh:o and. pre rtpl.IOll 8 to
Po'' '
KeePI the breatb, teeth,
Horace--Yes, I'm a fearful fellow when 1'1}'I ronsed, Maut- n a lly! ." bat time do they wah-en you ?
Yll1c," Iii eve; ..... ,.,~ .bove letterr A new "ft• . " ••re thim ume to time. They
.....lIow. A perr",,~ "em· ed)' for Dlnlo ..... N..... sea, Dro"a1ne.., lIad Tutela tboKoutb, Co.." cd Tongue, P ... lo 10 ,b..
Dowda. PurelT Vegetable.
First PassGnger-1 woni! I' why tb e tra in Is maltin g su II a long stop III this staUon, Second Passenger (olCpt'rl enccd trav· eler) -I SIlJlP se It Is because no ou e halll)enS to be tryin g to catcb tb, trai n,
dl Jl'e8lioa ..ndToo Bean,.
Tbe girl gazed blankly nt: lhe ring au b I' nand, and ,.hook her bead. "Has the lUll' blotted out ev ry ralr memory ! Have you relllrned to lite only to forg et! Try to think. dearest. Do YOIi not re member that day In alll s wben we pled g d te rnal love tor on aqother.'" , "I re m6mb r 'no betrothal . " A deep look i1f pity came Into thc speaker's eyC& w ben she- saw the paIn her words had caused. "It remembrance Is so sad, wby do you not also rorget?" !'My love!" he groaned, "yoU are lllakJng the world darker to Inc tll:m to dying e yes ! You ask me to torget! You!" I "You (org t tbat t have forgotten: ' 'rhe man groaned In uHe'r ang ul s b, As s be turned to go he stayed bel' by a genUe toucb. "-Walt he re while I, too, go and kill that memory! " He dragge\! hlmselr UP th broncl s tairway. looking back once whan he hnd r acl1ed th landIng, thcn .tul'ned nnd stagg red lowardB the , room at the Purple Ray, ' ,
Tho Kind You Have AlwaY'S Bought, and wWch baa been , in tlSe for over 30 "cars, lias borne the signature ·ot
,A handsome sepia-tone picture, w'thout advertising and suitable for framing, will be , sent free to any address in the United States on receipt of 25 Old Virginia Cheroot "cups'" or, containers and lOe 4I stamps to cover cost of maiIing~if received before December 31st, 1908. You have a choice of four pic~ures:
"Old Virginia Colored Preacher" "Old Virginia Mammy" "Old VIrginia GanUaman"
Send O. V. C. cups, stamps and request,for picture desir¢ to Federal Cigar Co., 111 Fifth Avc:nf.,le, New York City, N. Y. ,
OLD V'I ',R GINIA CHER'O OTS are 5 Cent Cigars ,Without the Head11Ierefore a for 8 Cent.
, I I
Mr8. Li'l.zle Sears eutl)rtRined the Including Pa~l1gcr Airship Fllghls, foll.:>wing at Il 8ix 0' ·Jook lIupper : Dally Balloon Races,and Mr8. Mary Upp, of Wllyne8vllle, Rallon Ascensions. ' , Mrs , Lizzie COllett., Mrs. Sllrab ~r. E. cburClh '~II " Brit, raC'e and Lo" ng IC$, 7·27'·0 . Uumption. " • . An ~erllli oltrnlvlll, qDdor the Lukens, and Miss Belen glasbee, '1.'0 th~ fficers and Mpmh ,If Sea~ 'l'h I Ie lu re will he given under , dlreo~ supervision of A. Roy lrnlLb. of Barveyeburg. 18 it keeping time to the dot? Or Family Rl'lIniPIl . th !lU'ml , Ot! unll iu t h e Intol'6l!ts of enehue,. AlUeriol1's fOJ:,emost nav!· do you have to do a good deal of gue88ing to kuow where you Are at? tohe I~ Jlw o rt h Lcfl,~ l1 e . . gator of the air, Is to be one of THE LIFE OF A SOLDIER BOY. Deal' Cuusins . s th~ Lillli' fol' Lh , AnI . I d t • ThuA I Wlll)}llIve htllnd it in o ,tller t lU nove uu Instruotlve e'l'tures uual Reuniun dra\\'.' neal' I thi nk Gues8 work RillY be all right for In II. Itltt·er reo IOt·ly rooel ved hert' . lII11llh f YUll alld of t h :t!<'1 gnu I pin' lill Y thht it it! tin ; uontnlulug of the cowing Ohio Staoo Ii'alr, to be the Idlet', but Ii bUilinel!8 nUln wantA '. D. Reed . from WllJIllID tim",!; we ha ve had Ltiget leI' . Ul IIII ,I ' ""ilt,y, h\lm ()r l)\l ~ ,~ntllntltr\lo bdd ill Columl;UI!, August 31, 8ep by Mr. to be on time. ' ' 1 can han1l1' realize tha t 1 am liver tlvt! thuutl hb . All. lIud 1ll0Mt es. temller I,:J, 3,4, next.. '!'he gener. MoKay, he SllY8 be hae beeD lI.!!flign. My 8peelalty i8 watch repairin,3000 mil es ,nYa.v, in fact. I nevel' real· " I' iu l1y Lt. 't! Lt!ftgue Ulilmhers !He 1\ 1 Iutereet now d Isp I/Ioy.ed lIlaerlll ' 1 ed to a. regiment IIt'l"loned at Fort ized wha t a ",reat COll llt ry e Ii e in ... mostly the , expensivi!. high· Ben Ha.rrillon, Dear lndllAnapolla. unti l I had traveleti 0 r it and i ' it~ reqb I, II to IItt~lld . navigation has induced tbe man wat.,.:hes- and if your watch i. «Iut E'1 i ome of th g'feat. cil'i s, S<:I W the A!lm ill;lwo 10 aud 15 reD til , 'l'ioi . tigers to ovntraot with Mr. Knaben · of order J will treat it 'skillfully and mountains. plains. d er l and Iirand et ~ Olily be tI .i II t . ~. WilhIlQl@on 's I!hue fOl' promoting wb"t Mives SUMME~ LUNCHEON DISHES scien tlficnllY. . cenery. s tOI'~ . promille of being the most ex tensIve , Wh n I 8I'Tived in Califol'lIia. I No Guess Work Here f\l und ita land of fl' uit . Aowf'r anti - ltnd , interesting exh,l bit of Ilerlltl .. A bellrty lunoheon lIal/lod Dltiy be aim '\. eternal 'unshine and mad e ' HORSE GORED TO DEATH conl,riV/luoos ever presented to the mltde of peas and hard.boiled egg8, me f I t hat I hml got. ell) e r to Americall public. Heavt:n . The leading fualur6t! of the oll.rn writes Fannie Merritt Farmer in THE WAT H~1AKER. This is t he proveruial lantl of miil< Mr. Walttlr Ollnlr, of Lytle, IU14t Ivai will be daily flights of t,he la£. Woman 's H ome Companion for Au I ' . , Up-To-Date Jeweler. and hon y, t here a.r gl'eat dairies 11 vory Vd.lullble h or8e IMlt Wednes.• gnst. "Uold boiled peaa unl8880ned in the vulle"s and hun y is qhipped d ed ~st IlE\nl!lltioo In 'tbe aerooanti<o world J uy evening by Ii boll. whioh ~or or canned peas may be Used, If Will positively be at Coleman's Stove Store every Wed nesday East uy carloads. it to deat,ll. -Knaben8hllel! pll88enger td1'8hlp . oanDed pea8 Ilre uaed , see to it that 1'bill mltohine 18 o&pable of 1Wa~ing W have strawberl'ies the year round , as well as ol'ang~ alld Illm· Mr. 'larE 111111 gone to DlI.yton ll80enalons.durlDl( the m08t 'urbul' tbey ure thorougbly rlD8ed with Om!. Wodnellrla.y. and in the afternoon h h wa.ter and allowed to become ~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!~!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!_ !!!'!!!!..!!!!..!!'!.!!!.!!!.!!!..!!!!~. . It is ~u ile a common !light to see Mill. Ulllrk went to look d ter t.h e eDt Wtlllt er and Us I.nventor as so oold reoxyg~na\ed. Marina&e peas with blossoms, gnen and ripe fruit on h01'lIa, Ilnd found it In the pasture perfected the weobanism oUbe orltft the same b'ee !TIll dng them perpetthat eaoh day It will graoefully iail • Frenoh dreasiog, oover, and lilt . detld, aDd upon examination It was be I ua armg . over t.he f/lolr grounds. carrying, in .tanll In Il oold plaoe one bour. ILnd alifornia iR the 10llgest state in found to hllite been ~ored to the 'ben mound 00 a 8al'ld dish. Ar· the Union with' a coast ' line of beart, and It is supposed to have addition to its englnetlr and OI!l8rdor rll.n ge Ill~ernatel'y aroun4 tbe base nearly .1000 miles and being from 300 died "hoost instantly. two passenger8 from he Il888mble4 to 500 miles in width, s you can orowd. Another fedure no les8 in~ of tbe mound balv68 of hard.boiled 1I11'III Ca..... Hon• ., Hogs-II ..........., IndIItruIIIIH ... I f '.rhe hull wail not considered 80 rea d iIy see t here is p ellty 0 'room teres$lDg will be Il dl\i1y oontest , be eggs out lenithwi8e. und orl8p let· '. for good things to th l'jve in. very violous, therefore it WIIS tWllen mammoth raolng balloons, tace leavell!. Garnl8h with mayon II . Every t rac t of land whether it be tl1ougl1t to be a \I rlJtM for the bOriC aalae dresaiDg. large or small is 'u )'ancl'r - rangl'ng to run in the t!l1me pll8ture, but I t for whioh vllluable onps and liberal .•Dried ohipped beef is au excel· , fr{)m 5 to 25000 acres but a 10 08sh prizes will be tiwllrdedl. Thl, . proved otberwise. · h , acr ran ch IS t e Blost com mon s~ze will afford opportunity for t,h ose 8 9 lent 8nbstltot-e fO.r fresh weat wheD 1'he borse WIlS , valued Ilt, U50, inoline•• to engage In the sport, made Into lielblein Dried Beef : f or a f I'm't f arm an'd w 1len you con· sider that vegetables can be raised and the Ularks ure all broken up Ii'luely chop cold bolled potatoes; and fruit picked every month in the ovor their mlsfor t nne. while for , the more timid visitors there should be two oupful8. Add ~ year that it is equivalent to 150 acres Cap~in KnabeDshtie wll\ perllOnanj three fourtbs at a' cupful of dried operata a captive baUOOD, in your climate . ii, ·AII small ranches havtl to be irl'i· REU NION Of THREE FAMILIES D800n810ns bourly during tbe entire ohipped beef out Into ilmall pieoel and three o'l.nnod . pimentoe8 finely gated but the winter rain willma· week of tbe ExpOsition. t ure toe wheat, ba1'ley, corn, beans out.>D with popper, and add and otheJ;' crops. ,\ 'l'ho reol!iOO of the Cleaver.Rloh. With 'be aerial oarnival 1&8 bere I had always t hought: tha t 1 CaJ'r famllles will bold their reunion outlined, tb.e soperb harn8f18 races more I18lt If n8Cl68lary. C,ot fat Buy your new fence for yean to c~~. Get the big. beavy wirH, tbe shouldn't likl! t h e dry summel'S bu t I on August 22nd, ODe and one.ball dally and the exoellent line of free aaU port In small onbeB. and try hinge joint. the good galvaDiaing. the exactly proponioned quality of ItHI tba' is not 100 bard nor top soft. fin~ that it is deligh tful and the sun millIS lOuth of Barveyabor".. tn tbe feature aUraotlons providled, the out. then drain; tbere should be one doesn' t bJister and t he nights are We can ahow you Ibi, fence in our stock and ellplain Ita m.rill an. tblrd of • onpful of fat. Pot the ceol. N. B. Rloh grove . All friends of Ilm~@eOlent pro~ram of tbe oomlni luperi~rity. Dot oDly iD the roll bUlID the ,field. CClllle IUld ... 1&1 &ad .... fat into :\ (ryiug paD, add the potaour Dr.cea. I met several of tho sears' out the family "re Invited to be prelent~ Oblo State Fair will be tbe moet ex· here and there are mallY more that I tenaive and Inter6lting In itl 1)1. to midure, and stir uutil thorO\1lCb. ly mixed wltb 'he r.t: Coot :810wly JUST RECEIVED ANOl'HER CARLOAD OF haNve noIt. 1 t ts LOST USE OF HIS ARM tory. ear y every person mt!e wan Not alone, however, In /lmuae' untU all Is well beated aDd browned t o know if I am related to a Sears underneatb. lold aDd 'orn ' on a that they know back east or else· went featul'88 wUl the Expo.itioD where from every state. Mr. Ed. Marsbl.\lI, of ~prlnsValley, 'exoel an othen, U the maDllle1'8 • . bot platter the same l'II .an omelet My first acquaintance on my arri· who WIlS strloken at tbe Miami port an unpreoedented demand for or haahed browned potatoetl. Gar. AND 'A CARLOAD OF n"il!b "ttb parsley. and serve very val in Los Angeles was a Mr. Sears, Valley Uhaukuqu' eeka - 0 t hen ticket a&,ent for the Southern a wo w .... , .pace In eaoh of iM seV8n~n dis' Pacific R. R. but now Gen'l Passen. is a ~eat deal bette&:, but bla left tlnot de partmenu, &88urin, an ex. ho'." gel' 8&'ent'".for Rock Island·Frisco R. R arm 18 uae16ll1. The doctor thinks hlbltion oUhe anI and indu.tri81 of , then later I attended lodge and eat tbat thil will oome all right In time. snob magnt&ude and meri' u will . .aatain O.hio·1 proud reputation a. beside a man who proved to lie' a SIDE~ WaynesviUe, Se&rllfromTexas. and he knew of an· , FREIOHT CADS CATCH fiDE tbe leading Exnnooition of tb kind in otber here from near Morrow. O. ~ ~ l""'" Ohio. Among others I met were Dr. tbe Union . Se&rll, from Lebanoll, Ohio and - .- - -- t Judge ~ from Upper Sandusky. A firu ooourred at,Lebanon ·'uncPain anywhere 8topped iD )10 mlJl. I attended the Ohio pionic at Playa tion, on the U. B . & D. trllolrs las' ote. Inre witb one of Dr. Sboop's Sa.fd the Old Cu.tomer WAYNESVILLE CHU~CHES. Del Rey Beach and there were 20 peo. 1t'rlday, and the result wu that Pink Pain l'abletl. The fc;lrmula il pie registered from Dayton. Qn the '25'.Cl6D\ box. Alk yoilr Doe> to the new-"This 19 a busv Orthodox Friends' Church. I heard from .cousill Rev. l:Iiram three freight carl were burned. tor or Druggls' about thie formula-I place-evervbodv seems t be 'l'be namea followlni wlll be CaD. He,'. BenJalllln Ha.wklns. Pastor, Sears, of Cle~ehiJld, through my sis- Two of tbe o~rs contained wheat ~toP8 womanly painl, h,8Ildaoh~ r • • 0 00 Sabba~h Sobool, II ::]U a, III . Ru;u1ar abureb didat. for the different om.... apter Huldah. he had been sick in the and one houllOboltl goode. paine IAnywhere. Write D,r . Sboop, the ~ove-I bave always found aenloe. 10 :ao • . Ill . Cbrl8Llan End~avor. hospital but was able to be out and 'l'he household goods belonsed to Racine. Wie.. for free trial to provll It paid to tie up to a busy store. '.' 7 :30 p. m. pended, .abJect, to 'he d80I.loD of called to see thenl He I' Q 83' years"''' F d b ' . vi f 'value of 'hil Headaohe or P'ink Pain the' Republican primarle.,: old. ' ~ . . _r. u Ie, 'W O . W88 wo ng rom Tableu . .,&Id by all deale,hI. "I' Cou.dry i, ·All Rigkt Hlcksite Friends Church. I should like very much to be with 1.e\Ianon to Dllyton, and they were , . Firet Day MeeUnl!. 111 :00 a. 111. Firat Day The Collett and McKay Picnic.: Pauicky times b'a ve come and Scbool. 11 ;00 a . m. Founb Day MeetlDK you at the Reunion but it will be im. entirely demoll.bod. FOR BEPRES~TATIVE possible this yea~. . The origin of 'be Ore 18 sUPpol4ed E~oe and ' business .is A 1. 'The \0 :00 jl. Ill , . JOHN MARSHALL MULFORD ChrlstJan Church. I requested Mr. William Uard and toO be of t.he inoondlarlsul oharacter, 'l'he '42od annual reunioD of U:.8 record for J Illy with us was the L. (C. ~A!fGOON . his niece, Miss Mary Gard, who l~b h t be ' aev . Geor«e Hall. PaRlOr ColleU and MoKay famiU68 largelt ever. . way back-east, to go to a ~ oug no raoo o&n found. are on t helr J . -I'. McCLELLANQ. SU u4DY Sobool, \I :30 .. ro, RegultLr serv loes . Lbe lU I Sunday ot lbe moulII. 10 ::10 a III " the reunion and .if they come show '.l'be o~rl! were shipped over the held IlAst Saturday near Barvel.- 0 B P• W. Z. ROLL an4 7 ::IU 'p. m. Chrl811aq Endeavor, "I :80 t hem a welcome. . D. & L , trIAc}", burg, and there was a good attend ur UW all\t IFor RenODllnll.&lonJ p. m. Call on Mr. Gard .for Ii talk 011 anoe. ThOle who went from bere • caps tbe-climax. Justa little Methodist Episcopal Church. Cali:(omia, he is a talented man and THE' BEAL FAMILY DEUNI'ON AI B O N II UI.. h FOR AUDITOR CIl"'. el'!tertain you. ~ were ra. a.rrlet . em. ...,... a ea d 0 f auy 0 th er kl D'd . I ts Rev . Philip 1'rOut. PUlor • \, I will 'close wishing all a happy reo Letitia MoKay, MII8 &moia~ MoKay, Lowe Bros, make. All colo\,s.• Sunda, Scllool. II ::\0 a, m. Mornlnl': Boor. caA~. 13. MOUNTti. vice, 10 :30 11.. m. F;pwortb Le~lUe. 1 :00 p . l'h u .. _ F I Mr. and Mrs W. H. Allen. 75c a qt•. union and if we should never meet 1', 'C, PA~Efl80N m. !!lvenln, 8enlce , ':' ::10 p. m . Midweek here may we all live SQ we may join · .Il oua.l ami y Reunion will be _ • Prayer Mp.~ttn ll, "I , 10 p . m. S, A. STILWELL. in the reunion of t hose t hat ltave held Thursday Augu'!tt 20; 1908, at Dri ve Rneumatism from the blood Sfo..e With Lid•• [For re'lIlectlonj gone before. From your cousin. the Aaron Beal farm , onomile narth wltb I>r.~hoop'l Rbeamati.,Remedy All size8' , IL gallon, 1 g~l1on _~_ _ .S...A_M_U_E_L SEARS. of Goe8. Cars leaving Xenia a.t 10 'rablet or Llqutd Sold by all dMI . ~ Rev. J. F . Cadwallader, Recttlr. .. ~ .. OR COMMISSIONER to 5 galIoo, J or fruits aud f'rult Sunday School. 9 :30 B. m Morllln, ser·. and 11 Il., m " wi1\ ho lUet ut the ers . A MISCELLANEOUS SHOW~R ' vice, 10 :30 a. m. , Bol, Communi on the 6nt ' b utter8. NEfillllIAH MoIUN8EY. SundllY of eacb month . ~hoomuko- I!toll d Goes and visitor8 A G~EAT VICTO~Y. E. B. ROOJilRS. wiJI be tran8ported to Hill farm. IFor re ·eleeUoDJ , St •• Augustine's Catholic Cburch. A very vhlUl!un ~ sooinl ovunt oc. Rellltlvul! and frieods arc oordially , . You Ca.n Buy F. , ~. ~lMPSbN. M E a t d C I'f 'Faliler George MIlV9Dhoefel'. Putor. ourred Saturday afternoon , Augul!t invitoo to be present wltb well filled The Miami8 defeated the.A1l Stars ' ew V po~a e " a I orota M.... s ev"ry second S u~a:v of lbe month . SAMUEL L. lRONS. 8, when ,t he MI8i1es Ethel 8toktlll and bu.ske~l!. of Dayton, in a nice game. The Bcqre AprsC9tl!l ' now, 2 Ibs for 26c. 9 : 00 a , m. J. M. KEEVER. Ada II:vler lit tbe lutter 's home with W~ 11 to 3. These are choice fruit and the !!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!I "r BER'l' BEED. ber aunt. Mrl!. Charles A. Brown, POWDER MILL OIVES 80NO 09LD NUGGET FOIJND price low. Excellent Health Advise A~THUR RO~. .~ r eceived gues't s to tender misoei .; . ,thOle J • Swot Pota.'Ge.· Mrs. .M. M. Vavison, or ' No. 37V Illneous shower in /loDor of Miss 'rho King Puwder (Jo. in accord. The Enquirer of Tuesda,y give# a .;< Gifford Ave., Han J08e, Cal, MY.: FOR SHERlFF Bertie Elhon. who beoomes tb~ bride ",noo witb an !lot passed the Jut "pipe dream" of a gOld riuggetfound . are bere and they are .excep-' ' ' 'The worth of Electrlo BIUers ... a FRANK P . . FORGY. ~ of Mr. Harry Earnhlut thls'( WedDeR. '.' It seema ttOoally fine. We are now able leaeral f"mil), ' rl!medy. for ,ofltead. l'n the Ll'ttle M'am' 10gis)llture, Kava bOlld ill the snm of I Inver. . ' I . ' aobe blliousnll88 and torpor the S. G', JOY. . dd.y) e venio ~. BUT BRANT '1'he 'rooms , uud U~)JUOItLlly the $ 5.000 for the handliog 0[expl08ive" . in ~rading a hill near Foster a sman to fill al .o rders tor botb Red aod liver' and bowels II RjJ pronounoed' tbat I am prompted to M~ " word JAMES , ro ... LJ!lN, HR. pr08peoti ve bridtl' l:\ oorner, \Vere 'I'he bond WitS approved by ,Jodie stone was found by Mr. Gus. HOPl1e. Yellow. Boxwell i the Sllmo was flied by the but whether it was £,old or not is vet Dur."'. B ... " flour. in ita favor. for the benefit or thoee ' , ., tastefully deoorated wtth llott-od p " ' be ' IT a.... 8eeklng teller from suoh affllotion.. FOR "'RD G. " , m deter lned" 80c a. .ack. Tbereis more healtb for 'b'e die'" ' ' &' IIOAaUR~R, .Bowers aDd fe rns. In the hllll was e.tors C1\rtridge Vo. snd the Senior to 1 • • . ' , tive organs In a "bottle of Electrio WlJ.L· R. LEWfB. a repre&ent.lltion of the' old fashioned Powder Co. - - -- - . 'H005 FO~ SALE.' , A oomblDatlpd of Winl-er and Bitten thaD in .DJ'other remedy I For see~lId ·'.Nrm, open well with it!! "oh} oltken l1~ok . WANTED-A GOOD DAIN " ti ' b t FI . " I Jrnow ·o(." &Idunderguaranteeat · . et," from whioh lemonade Will! free. ' I " pnng w ea , . our. . never Fredrl. 8cb'w ars'8drn"8wre. 50,. JUDGE OF PROBATE COURT I hne 76 head of stook hoga 'for b f I] d' b ' ood b d '" Iy proft'ered to the gu08tl', while at , . ' ave a e 10 aVlug If rea AL ....... BOXW"'LL. O. S, Rioke. . b D 'B " 'd I ....... ... the table, ice cream and oake were . Mr. MlI.roollus 'i'hacker and8o~ lale. Inquire of W'l t .. uht s est. sal a ad, '(For Second Term.) . ,erved. OtiolLr uf Springboro, Wille in town O~OD COUNTY OFFI:CER NUlllerout! u~l! ful und beautifnl lut week and Mr. '.l'hacker Mid 'he PR08ECIJ'I!lNG ATroBNEY pre8eDt8 droppod during tbe t!hower ~LTON F , BROWN. from the boveriolt oloud of friend only thing be oould . tb'l nk of Wa.s: Mr. Will R Lewis, who has- made ' Fresh suppl, ,today. Also IIbip the winds blow good will Ilnd Wanted-A good rain. lIuch a 'good treasurer of the county " tbe lightnlngs.ot merriment pllAyed "'FOR RECORDER desires to announce that he! will be ~ Cantelopcs, Baoanas, - Lemons,' . freely ; Notice PHILIP SPENCIll candidate for aeeond term 88 treaa- 'Peacbe8 alld A pple8. The woro the Mi~8es Golda rFor .. ·.leoUOIIJ Brown, Mattie Butb, Stella. I,>aUlCb e JOE A. DD1iUAM. Wi'hoot fan I will be at Uole urer of Warren County and that he CrackReli. tlliy. ~ettie Earahll.rti . !!lIllie Earnwill appreciate the sUPJ)(lIrt of Ute . • 20e -.1 • . hart, Abbie Grabill. tc.uth Kel'l'8y wao·1l8toveStoreeveryWlldn ~ y voters J. ~ ROBiNSON. at the September primary. . ., Clara Morray, Mary Parle\', I1~ You can leave yoor ·watob. there • • • D~IDty and wbolesc)l1l8. made Robll18OU, Ellen ~herwood, Eloise SURVEYOR FO~ SALE of 80ur, auow-root and ergs. Smith, .t~ Staoy, Loolaa Stok. any'lme. if yuu are not. In town on SAil D. BIDNKLE &Dd &be ~eedames Ru&b Urow, MAr: Wedn68da:v. ' Fresh 8"ppl,. . fror SftIIDIl Ter.) ·1'DrtrAlfY •. Watcbmaker. One surrey, cloth aprlila' • _______ ~ .... AIIo to SprIqfieId garet Earnhart, Emma Elbon, Edith - - -•• -.. , cuablou and IJa(!k, r,...,-,-.apln. ildwarda. Irma H.rYock. EdD~ Mar. RoaDd trip fro. We,.. . . I . Nellie SherwOOfl. .Rena Sher. Sua-seribe for the T. wood, lIolUe Stoke. aDd ~I. Letter W rilh.· n b) a Far )ff .\\CIII-
ber at the Scars Family I he <\s."OCiatioll
Ull Ilext ~' r lday evening August 1-1. Hev, E P. Lipl!ooml.i. M. A . of L.e hallon will Jeoturll in the Ly'le
Siands Like·I 8tooeWIII
Locusta:nd Chestnut Posts
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Mr. Frank Sink ley, f LebanoN !;." ~" ''''~,'' " ~" "" '''''\'''''''''''''''''''1''''''\'''' " "" "", ." ,-..:: :\~ ''','''''',. . ~ ~ , , .. "'" ~ 'II.: '" ~ " .~~ " . , ' '-' '' ' '' ~" " " ,,,,~,,, "'" ,~ :t.. ~,," ""\ " . " "" " \., ,. .,~; was in town' last Friday ~ ~ MI'. I. E. ){ eysspen t Sunday with ~ ~ Assisted by til\' Womlllfful Pitl:hing HUI'I'y Waltl'rs lind fnmil y wer£' in hi so n, Mr . t. ill l{ eys , s(luth \I f tuwn ~ ~ of Girfon , Won u VicCol')' lUW II Sunday , MI'. and M I·S. Levering {.;ur'l wrig h t ~ ~ for the Home Boys. MI' . J ohn Kuse l', of hicag , vi sit- w I'e in L ·banon MOllda,5ton bu siness .. "'... ..." ..." ... .... ,' ......' '.. ... "" ' .." ....' , ' ..." .. " "', ...... , ,,," ... " ..... " ,- , " .... ':<, "'" :< ... ...' ' ' ' '... I'd nels h£' I" M Hlday, Mr . allu 1'11" ';. l<:dmlll1ll \{eta llick D[:. f\ 'I'tt OF "OE D M " N. Edg'ewood. Hellbrnok . Ooeuf t htl )J. tltll""I. l' xhillilh'IIS oI M I" ' S M urie Ml) h r , 0 fO ayton , Iii . wert' vis!tur::! a t P.pwo l'lh Hei·.,.ht 1'\ 1'\ ball ..... 14~ aell " U.. ,'" In ~ l, '['hul' l'lIlY tI f - " .,Kiting Mi::!.~ Blanch Dy k . 6 un~lay . Quite a little !!x ittlU1eut wa", ---'ernoon tbll\ Illul b t! u Vlu,,v tHt li eI'll M SI D k . 't d in Mr. Ba umel Tera'Y, for yetlr8 tI o~ellted In our sitHer village of 'rbe W ( '. T U . met...t t be bottle l'S, le l'l11an y e VISI e l'la-. and M" s. Sle (Jh~ n S hl'iner, bmliuell!l mllu ot' WIIYllllllvlll e dlea Riugeville last- Thursday, wb eu Il uf MI'!! P<'tUle W edll",~day . fOI' IIluug tilull, lIud t.lJ Il bl1~.,lml W'troll8 8UI' .. ly .. njoytl.lltto t,be full . Franklin Salurday and Sunduy . visited relut iv s n a i' Lebanon o\le,\ at hil! b011l1l III Leba non MODdl1Y col t sh ow attended by 1\ ver .V large Buru to \{o,v A. Blllo ll .nd witI', About 11110 11 Ii sbuwo r cll ure up Miss Edith Loges, of Dayton , ~s Sunday. nl!;{bt Ilt 10 0 '010011' , BurroundeCl by or owd , waH g!\'en by Recor de r Wednesua,y, II 8UU. t.hllt almo!!t IJllt Il dllUlV r 00 the t he g uest uf Mrs. Julia Bergan . . The Misses ,Owen, of Dayton, a l's nlUst of 1i ls chi/dren , . Spence. Music being furni sh ed by Mr , !lnd Mra . ,J . M, Petersoo sPllut ~ . t.'u t lon , of Dayton, visited d' k' h A b If i III b b Id tb the ~pringboro Band . Ever.v onA SUIllJI1'y Ilt l:Iandu:!ky . bOJ!!, but Ill Oll ily th tl llUIl ClIUl .. Ullt, ~ u s pen mg a w 'e ;j vacalion at t e re serv 0 8 w e e at a present pr onou nced it. II very fi ne Mi ss Alto 8err ybill is il\ with ty . lIud the ttftlll uouU wus idt!t11 I'llI' u his moth I' in Ha l'vey ~burg Sunday. Friends Boarding Hom!:' b onle of Mrt! . Sliwllel Bilyerlll , in @h ow. pbolt1 fttv!!r . aawe . _~II UIt!ul,luIlIlCI III t~fl G ,Zt!ttll MI'. &l 'Illith, uf Xenia, was the ~I·. and Mr!:!. Will Allen ~he Misse1i .Leblmuo , and the o lollng exer cl!!81:1 'l'bere will be an all dllY BI114k t Miss Chua MUflltlY, of Wayne8 last W811k , i Ilt! ~Ilwe Wilt! fuJ' LJI Olld , g o f l'c la U"t.>s he l't! Ill.'lt Sa turday. May W l'ig'ht !:ind ~osam~nd akin w.1\) be cooduoted by tha Oddftlllowt! Maatlu g .at the U ul versa lis t hnrcb vi ll e, Willi til t! guest of Miss Oa.rrie and 8i1lllJruuk CIiUltl t.luwu t.I" ltl l' . Miss Shrin er , o f , inci nnati, was went Lo .'hak!:'ltown S unday arter~ .. t t he obtlptll ill Miami Oemetery III RidgevlJle ou Huudl1Y Aug ust !l3. Ke mp fr um !:4atDrday until TUllsday . a t it n'cll)ok Wedne day tll·ternoou . Presoblng at 10 [I , m . Itnd :l P. IU , by H '1 " j If ' d mined t utl o ol' de.. Re v. F . I .... Carri er . Ev!!r yone owe IJ . LuruerliU ' W ea raspen i tlu 0.1 t h ey .II " l) , thegllel!tof Mr . II nu MI'S, Ste phe n noon. .. Mr '['I ' 11 b I eel" h I f1 lug' the w ok tit Uedal' Polu~ Silu t o 8ay . M ' I S 11 dd I MI' . a nd MI's. 'Iyd " 01 man , aft I' . , ' rry WI e r emeul 16r uy wit we I lied \;Illsketl! tlOlI e u joy a rs. Stan ey e e rs an aug lte rs v Ijevarlll uf Ollr . cltizeus Lla Wlill I(ood sooial time. 1:I81tln Re mp, litt le daughter of 'J'be If14Wt! oveu.ell up wltl! I1UCla s pent I' rida v with friends in Spring a pi asant visit with relati ves her, r 1:1 aide wlllullg II ruu !Iud the ' - I f nlni1ty.o ne yaars old IIl8t .lUII6. Mi St! Edi th Orane r eturned Illst · ::; Kem I), oung I.l t h er h an din '" LOI'o. e t .\1 onuay for th ir h me in Cin undlly. even in" from Ni""l1ra., very c hhH' prell!!. a,l~d the Hngers were ••Ulle iu IUtI tuInl IlIuiu!!! . In thtl . natl. . .. . trip . .IllImense- 1I1 t1~h e d ba d Iy IlleRda.y . 'ss Eva Uavl'~ I'u all Ildl' ng t ile cm SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS tired bu t en joyed t he , . MI fourth\t IIIlult! OUt' , Bnu lu ~ ~ I ' M " M u I a.n d son, MI'. f1 o\.vard Missildin , afte l' 'a y. r . anu fa . u . R . row "he t!evtlnlU WIlYUtltlV lll1l LWU. In 'feache t·s Ins titute at Leba n0)) this ve ry p leasant visit he r , left for EliMre. 'I'" B L \ ce of D t I" . raut, of Merrittstowu It vre u IIY ou I1ro tb e gue st~" 'be nintu Bbl\lJruuk tied fhll tloore, W k . Prof . '. i:. Bratton has been chos- entertained a bout twenty gir lt! Itltlt ur Mr. I\UlI Mrs . 8 A . Davit! t hl.!! Ilodl"tuoklwu ". lr .. iuu lugtl tud", Mrs. Ambrose Maffitt and Mrs. da , lnstw ektovisil Dr.and Mrt!. en by tho Township Hoard of Ed uca- Fridl1Y !\fternoon from two to fiv ol wflek . olde tbe Iftlru .. , wbeu Wnyuei;vllltl Chari s Shidaker we r in Dayton Al xandel' , tion supE!rin tendent of Wayne Town - in honor of two ladles froUl Co lumMrs. A. R . B, .ston a ud on Boward, h I,"'t \V k. MI'. J osiah Holbrook, candidate ship seh(Jlols. The salary iB <l800 a bU8. After 11 pleassnt afternoon l lir!! viSiting h er relllt,lves nellr Luw m14de t 6 WIUUIUI$ 1'\111 . "" f eR d OP III)imt in games Ilnd wllslo, lig ht r e berton this wee k . . 'l'bls Is tu., wtt..y it "as . doue . MI' . and Mrs. Wagner, of Frank- or ounty e 'or el', was in town year of t~ight and one-half months. freshments of ice oream , cake ltnd Miss Ruth saokett hils ben 8ulrar. " Paekey , Cuuk bit to Illtt IItole IjIlU- .lin, spent Sunday WIth Mr . and Mrs . Tuesday and made this otfice a pl eas- This move is tending in the proper lemonade were served. l ing with tonsilltls this wetlk . ' ant vi sit. direction for t he upbuilding of the Mr. Wallace Tibbals bllt! jUlit Osel1 and VirgU'!'a.ylor who bave ond , but wall tblluwu uq,t I1t buwt! J. E. Janney. ou cltllUliY 'lIulI. t; tllUllY "tole t!llCond • • " . Miss Emma Moody, of Dayton, re- country schools , . . harvested the banner pear orop of b~en ill four weekil ' wit'h typboid Wilt! 14d V-!lUU8tl '''bll'd UII Edwllr1l8 ' The Algonac excu~lomst.a arrived. turned home last week a fte r a few There are eigh t schools ' in this I1bou t :100 llllsb el. 1'be varitlty lie- fever lOre no better &IIOflfiol1 ~d CIlWIl uvar LUll Vlatll h ome Tuesda~ mornang, and all re- days' visit with Mr . a nd MI'S.· E. V. township, outside of the villages. in g BLlr~letts, Mr~ . .Ell Raper, of Dayton, II t.he witb tbe \'>JUUIU/S I' UU uu ALe LJtlklU 's p rt a good time. Barnhart. This honor Y£as thru~t upon .Mr. Mrs, Clint U rll.Y of Hl1rveysburg RUeS(, of Lewis Raper and wife b~utliulllllJgl" tu.r1 P" Lt , Mr . und M1'8 . Benjamin Hawkins Bratten, and the board showed .their has :es~lt:p~n.Jin~ f~ fe~ t\y~ t~iS week . stlended Quarte rl y Meeting at WiIMiss Row na Wright , of Lebanon, od . wee w r . Il~ r s. . . 11 e Mrs. Urll.wford, of Xenia, I. tak'l 'lld ,"u nt WI.. y Willi : has been ~pending part of her vaca- go semle ~n selecting him. They Mrs. W"I\8.ce Tibbals spent Friday ing 11 vacation. and boarding with 1 ~ !I .. Ii tl , 8 !l 10 II rning ton last week . tion he re the g uest of Mr 'and Mrs also mad e hIm truant officer f or t he ver .v pleullllntly with Mr. und Mrs Mf'1 . Tllrnbllll. &l1uruuk 101 l O U U 1 U U 0- 4 Mr. Ray Mills was a Cincinnati vis- E . V. Ba~nhart. . . township, and he will see to it ·that R. M. ~uke. '. Mrll. B.l1rry ArDl8tronganddaulh. .. " ilol'Saturday. iWy went down to Th od d' led ' J h A all of a proper I\ge will attend the Mr. tlnd Mrs . Ohll.8. 11 WIll left tar Josepblne of Xenlll are the Mll1mlS . . . .. 1 U 1 U U u :.! 0 U U 1-& I k t t b'l . e go s ISp ay lOon . h I SaturdaY to speud 11 few lIl1yf1 I1t-1 gllelltil of ber ~ other, Mrs: Turnbull , 00 a au omo I ea. Funkey's large window at 9 cents se ~o . .. tending Y,e tlrly Mileth"1 near WiJ thit! week l!:1l1' OIlU I'uu,,- lrlllluutli ,HrhUl'uuk 01'. and Mrs. J . 1'. Ellis left Tues- seem the wonde r of the town Several other ~ownshIP!l III the mlngton. Mrs. Fr~nk Marsh,,11 lit under the :I, 3bltllil ull- MIII". 11lr!!t billie 011 I day for a mon th in Texas sig ht-seeing cure some of the~. . c10unty hdlll ~e h~d thiS plan for some MillS Add,. Ur\tbaul of Ridgeville dootor's care. being iu Il uervQue aud ~1It1-Ulrtuu 0 , tl1l.. a. titruuk uut and visiting r elatives. t me , an It has worked to the advan- re.turned Thllr8dltY from 1\ trip to run· down oonditlon. ' o 'r .taU. ""Irtuu . :1 ' Mrs.. N ewton Bunnell has be.n ·"~e t . Nlog"r 17 . H Itti- MIIlUlIt! MISSes Almaalld~nna Clements woe of the , y0 Uth SQ f ourcouny ...... 'Falls , Mil!8UraodMyersvlsltedre1&tivH 6, Hfjllbruuk 7 Uuuliltl plIlY~- visiteu th,ir gl'lUldfather W F ~.n~ng seve;.al ~~s at EpwQrt~ . Mrs. Borace Kiliby Ilnd daughter in Spring VaUey lut w~, 'l'bowplkln ~u WIlIlI1W!lU~ tu I'!ltaUIi Duke in Lytle, last week." .~ ts ~t~nd mg autauqua, an CHICKEN AND NOODLES DINNER ~~~ :n~u::S::bt:I~~ P~:D ~w. Mi88 Ethel Ltlnsinger vlalted raj· bury '0 Uuuk ; U.. klll IlUIUllllllt*,d t(, .' . VlSI ng rlen S. " . a.tlve8 in Xenili frOID Tbursday un· , Vi 11ilamdlJU ; ...... ulIlllI'"r toJ HUOk. 1rs. W. W, Smith, of Dayton, 18 . Mrs Minnie Wintersteen and Mrs Lut 'l.'bnrsdllY Mrs. Am.bro&e Mre, Ben .J awes SpeDt on8 da V 1.1/ 'flle8da.y . spendingafeVjweekswithhermoth- J . ·O _ . . fDa .~_ .... --.led tL.~ KaJB..tse:rv .... - ..o; ..-~~... - ... ID--- ~~~, ~:t~ witb" bBJ; UlPlbac. .)I~B. - ::4 • • - • U:JIlplrlllt, J...,wia ltud,Mt4~bllll ,.. :.riwb '. - • tit .· .eslll.a.DU..... ~ y ...... al.l>l!&lU.... au .......... ~......... • • v _ ~Il8&D u.a.VBnlr. 1 :1i7. ef, ~l'8. lVUlS, sou of town , Kelley reunion last week. oblckeD aud noodles dinner, in bon· On lut '&turday eveni~g the D. New Burliojtton. Mr. Albert McKay of Knoxville, Shriner last Friday . or at Mi... Jeoole Dlowiddie, of In- L. & c. ran ove'r su younR ho!{s be'fenn., is the guest of Mr. T. J. Brown Masters Conner and Ve;ugbn dianll.polilt!, who hal been 'he guest· 1011~lug to Mrs. l:iusan E . Bavens . MI L 1 . E i t 1..-- t Notes of ,thl! Game EI Ea . S8 U 11 W og wal a.... ·0 '1 f .. ye&1I OI6UKIlI tt. btlltulII ul bi gh an d fwm y or a couple of weeks. Wright. SQns of Dr. J. Wright, of of Miss A!tt.y Wrlgbt. Tbose pres· ' me, rnbll.l't.lI.nd fllwlly enter- Ohrlete H08pltal lu Olnoloua'l, 00 foul baU. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCune, of Red Lion , were guest.a of Mr. and Bnt, were MIB888 Annie U. aDd Mame t.ainec:l the Ellrnbart Iteuui on laflt &turdtt.y where it II! boped abe wilJ • !:IllodllY . 'I h Iwprove U elllth . HowhlUd 't! luul!! fl y Willi 11 Iltt.rd Van Wert, OhIO, spent Sunday with Mrs. E . V. Barnhart last Friday, Brown, May Wrlibt , Emm& H e i g h ' ol1l&,"o*" bU~ ut>g"a, II 1411 "IKllt,. Mrs. McCune's mother , Mrs. Miller. Miss Paulina Butterworth has re- way, Mr!! . George Hawke Mrs. Harveysbu·r g. . Mis8 Flora Ba~l,.n aUeadN MI'. J . A . W uoJley and son Frank, turned from a visit to Lawrence, Obllrlie Sbldall:er, of Harvey.borg ; . 1'1 eaobers In8tltute In DaytoD I••, Abil Dltklo I.. ,bll pluoh blttt>r !lure. u_ J Rl week of Dayton, were the guests of Mr. Kan. She has been ill since retum- gu'''. 88Ide oks aad Mrs . Lester ' Several from here picniced at the Hi. tiwely bll IllllJ tbll KI1 WIl 1111 and Mrs. J H. Coleman Sunday. ing home, and is under the doctor's OraD!! . Unfortunately Mislj Din Masonic Home , Springfield, on last A part y of fifteen enjoyed .. aay rlllhl. wlddiil WtilS olliled away on Ilcoount Wednesday. Those who went we re: at Fort AnQlant la8t week. " .Mrs . Sarah Roberts, of Hudson, care. ' h Ward', M d . buy!! ..I AU the elYi'd h .. ~ b... 11 piIlY , of the sllf'ions illoell8 of ber unole .. _r. an d Mr s, Al pa r. an Quite a number ' of Friend. ' are ' .r., .. ud 1111 dll~bfV'" 1...'uV dl· ortldll Ohio, is spending a few weeks with Whatever you · want in dry goods, Mr Albe rt Haines of CinCinnati' Mrs. Brice Smit~, Mrs. E~m~ EII~, attending Yearly !(eet.lng at Wilthe Misses Kelly on Fourth' street. notions, clothing, gents' and ladies' , , . Mrs. Clara Merrllt, Mrs , LIZZIe Shl- mlugton . d aker, M rs. Margaret Levicy, M rs . t or wlnniug lUu ~u UlI:l . ' . J h A k furni shings, oil cloth and linoleum, Don't mIss 0 n . Fun ey'ssale Hllrbel't. ii:4 WIlLd l! III eurilly thert> ~ASKET MEETING. Mary T . Cleaver, Mrs. Ida Hockett, ~rs. Martha. Beok Is gu~t ,of t his month . Everydaycustomerssay fine shoes, work shoes, school shoes Mrs , Hartsock and MI'ss Eva "'uck- relatives bere . wltb th~ !lUck . Hil lJhi,YIlU 11 ~OOd how can such 'goods sold for the attend John A. F un key ' s clearance er . They repol·t Mr. anu Mrs.J Dan 'rbe band 11 fe8tival on the Tbere will be . ,~tDl! , Ilud Wilt! tUllrll ilL Ill/ lIulll:! ~a Ieevery d ay th Is mon th . . , Il ba8ket meet I1t the S tump weII and ~atlsfied in their 1M. E' cburob g rounds Batnrda, money . Unlver811li8t Churoh in Ridgevilltl, comfortable quarters at the Borne, n iKh t . Joe 'l'b OWPI!UD UII!! .. Mluok hili gill t Mr . Benjamin Lippincott has I' FRIENDS CONFERENCE uext Bund"y. Prellohing Itt 10 :60 Miss ~tta Arnold entertained t he Mrs. Barley H . Sml'b ia eoter aillio, aDd uulUlUg elWllpel1 blll1. M ~ul'lled from Wilmington after a vis'[' h ". d C f •. hum l1ud 2 :30 p m . All Ill'e oar 1 . E. AId Thursday aftel'lloou. Most taining her friend MIB8 !lvaoll of ae o14ught II IJdltUllful t\ItUll:l IlnCl it there with his daught er for sever e .. rlan s eren.()8, w II C dlllllV In v ited to come witb well of the m~l!'bers were present and Dayton. pl.• yed 'ltllt bIlli m eets every two years, Will convene flil I .~ several vIsitors. Dainty refreshal week::!. . .. at Winona Lake Ind , next Monday. el )118 ~etl4 . ments were served. Roll" Le\{ar lind fllmUy lpent _ _ 'Pettluiy" Uuuk's favol'ltt! bat wall MUlS Wmlfred Macy has returned. '. '. .' •, ' . . . I3atllrdllY ILnd Bunday with Lee broken,bot be ~qolll"ztKi out 'l1 hit 1\11 from Monongahela, Pa. where she TllIs· co!~feren?~ I~ a big affair, and a Spring Valley, Mr. Mllto.n Hadle~ IS. attendmg Morrhund famlly'nearWayuesvlJlf. ... 'Ot Ch I great many frIends from Wayn s, Yearly meetmg ~t Wlhnmgton a,:,d right. At. tblni btl WIIS . tbtlre 1411 h as been th e guest 0 f _rs. to a -'11 d ' " . d " w!ll leave for hI S future hom e m the time, aod VI e an vlcmlty lOten .gomg. p , A . AleXl1nder II.Dd wife enter- La k b Okl th f II ' I Oregonia. . DIl\'er lull!l!tld II cbIlD"e. phant for several weeks . Those who will leave here next talned, Mond~y evening In bon or of 0 e a, a. ,. e ~ o.wmg we?~. CbarlB(V ~tllnl!!liury hilI! lost nUDe Dr. G. Miley.!t, ' will be In week are ' Mr and Mrs J E Jalln~y Ll1wrencl1 and MillS Mildred Ba.rrett,. Rev , . Sargent IS e nJoYlllg a VI Blt - -- of bis old timt! qU14lit1es. He kept bit! office at t:hrveyaburg ihis week :. . . , of ludiallItI)o\tS . ' from hIS brother , Rev . UUBl:lell Sal'Miss Ruth ,Rel'sey was in Xenia tb~ boys ptaylulf 1»&1I11t evt;ry .cur '> I!nd fallllly, Mr. and Mrs . Fred B. . . . " gent. f f . Wed d '1 F d d k t t.he "In"er " olu'" Ii II beglnuing MondllY, Anglll!t ~4, and Sherwood and family Mr. A . d . MIt!3 Belen 81111, pf KeUla It! tile D d M Ell' . t t ' d rom nes ay unt l 'ri ay. n8r, an t!lJ " . . . . '" r:; I V lie th W •. of A t ' guellt of tilt" 0\ r U Il ('OP8Y r. an rs. Ison ener a me Earl 'rhompson, of Dayton, spent tbe tilDe. pr ng a. y e ee.. ugus Chandler, Miss Cona rd, Misses Ruth , . . " Thursday Mr. Howa rd McCune and Sunday with his mother here. 31. . . and. Lizzie Chandl er and Mr , Owe n ' .Mr ,. Rllld 1\1,,, H" I'Itt.n Ea,gle, ? f MiijS Pattie McCune and theil' comMiss Bess Linss of Kentuck re'John A " Funkey is anxious for R tt ' , "'.IIIInisburg, Wtll'tl KUlltltlllRS , wee k pany. ' . S un d ay momy, TEXA ~ EXCURSIONS . ev- t"'urne . of relatlv/Is here M F M R Id . . t UI.neel to Ile r h orne.on ery oneto seeureSilmeof the g r e r l t . ' r s. . c eyno s wus mlhec lly ing, after a , pleasant ' visit with O. G, WiIllalDIl!OD . tbe looal' delll b ' . II . t h I · t FOR QUICK SALE OR TRADE Mr. Jesl!le &lars visited In CiUCiU- 1a few days last week. friends he re . argams especla y In e arge asor _._ _ _ ati 1 st, Ie M 0 k'A A t d . er tn texal lll'nd~, aDd imwigrlltlon t f th H 'It & B I . n 10 · Nee . rs. a h:;' rrns rang an son I'eMrs Ed Armitage and son Verne aleut, tl l.runulul ltn eltOlirfllon to men 0 e amI on rown s loe The complete stock of millinery I . A nomber from bere went on Ii turned to the City 'fhUI'sdllY, afle l' paid a ' week-end visit to rel~tives i~ 'feulltbe lilt Illld Srd 'l~elldIlYs 'f stock. and fixtures of Mrs. White, Haines bllv wagon to tbe 0 , E Oonventlon several days spent h ere. Dayton . ., .1 , . , Ml'.nnd Mrs, Sam Meredith enter- Block, Waynesville . Splendid op- a.t. Alpha 'rIlllfMILY eveQlng . . Mrs. ~ora Ha~ris !s con:~o l'tably Miss Mabel Sherwood and Mr. and ellC:r~;:~tllm801j bas been very ~ned at dinner Sunday •. Mr. and portunity to acqui~e a good business Miss HlI.rriett Hawke Visited lallt ~~c~~:i~~J~frr:h~nA~~~U~~11 s hOIl;je ~1's. h HO~iC\;Vt!c:~. &tte'kded the . • uClO8Ufill in toie Teus deliJ8~ tt.nd 1's.. Stanley Krohn an~ clllldren, of cheap. Mu~;, b~ dlspoge<l of at once. I w~'Le~tb frl.endll in Waynel!Vi~le Mr. and Mrs. 'H orace Wilson left e~"I~~ ' ns I ~ ef . IS dW~' l) has .old thouIllnd". of I'o,eB oilanel Dayton. ~r. Krohn JS one of . the Key.atMrs. whIte's. AddressCompCjSO Ii ilion. , Tuesday for their home in Oregonia. ton I Visited' athe ;~~~er,~o~ar down tl,t~re. : 1'here 1$ ll'l way" I1n "biggest " , lob~"c~ men ~f . OhiO" ton & Funkhouser, Attorn~ys, Da y -, Md.rce Snook returne.l . hOlDe Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Harlan have her~ Sunday. en ownlngllnd controhng large mterests ton, Ohio. Tlles I\y frOID tt. two weeks V1Slt. iu rented Wilson Harland's farm and 'I'he MI'sses HI ' ll"_ ' d B . agent golog "II tbe eltOlU'lj Ion 1'. gl1l b ' . , South Lebanon " 11 h h' e e n nurrlS an erlntt ' hlll penonltl Iltteutlou to them , oth m the Umted S~tes and Cuba. , FARMERS CLUB MEETS , • " . , WI move t ere t IS wee k. t ha Harlan, of,Harveysburg, were In t!very oOUl'tesy, Oan be . Ml' and Mrs William Thorpe en' . I Mrfl' Eo 1:1 . Uol.vln lind Arcb COPHY Mrs, Floyd Andersbn and son , f town one tlayJast week. Ileft ' hursdlLY ~or tt. ton days trip Dayton , 'are spending a week witla Za ' A'ta d d . I ,a nd .hown to t'Julu~llluni8tli. The t o)- tertumed Thursda~. tp dmner, ~r. The club met With Dr. Clagett last ' through &It,imot!! New. Yo.'k liud Mr and Mrs Amos Ellis . l!l rml. g~ atten e year y Jowlng pllrllgrllpb Willi tailen froUl and ,Mrs. 'B. G. Fallis and chi.ldren, Thursday, and had a good meeting. ' varlout! plllo"s. ' . . and M'rs I N Se~1 leave to meM e. tmgLeat :WIMlmmgton Sunday. f G '11 ' EI f '1 " ed 'h II . ... r. VI yers and son Clay ,he MaDufllol,Urertl" R!loord, wbioh Ad a an d L yman, rom reenvi e, even &till las answer t e ro - Mllnllll} ' Clop"y, wife Rnd daughter day f or a t hree weeks' , visit in In- are visiting C F M d f '1 I e:a:nllllnfl the .. Itullllon down Wille: South ,C arolina; Miss Ward, from I call, and routine business was trans· att!!nded 1Gbe {I'ox rt!uQion at Fail' diana. . Wh'l tak!' d' yetrs an tram I ~ y. h ' arsh a II town, ' Iowa; M rs. F . MD . Mr.. vew I Par It 0 .IY to,0, W el1 ' spe~t from I Spencer e ng & own e seamill 0 dmg ,.&. rhe outluok for still fnr~bar M . Ii- acted. Afte~' 11 very fine dmner, nelK 1 fly . Mr. an.d Mrs. W . . A . Mel'rl~t 'Monroe's 'o n galn8 tl tblln ever .~tore, kin, Mrs. M,. A. ~allis and ~rs. Nel- Car~ Duke read a paper on "3prayMIl'S Olive Anlibee visited friends I Sunday m Sprmgboro WIth hIS Wednesday, Clarence Craddock was Farm V&ltlelt must continue to In lie French, from Lebanon. . ing" w.hich will be published in the In Yellow SprlDgs, Wedneeday. mother. . hit o~ the head by a falling board. He ere or !l8e, notwltblltl\nd iD 8 'he, eno~ M r and Mrs Jos W Hisey have ' Gazette next week After a general I Mis8 Edn~ Osba'r ne was the gue8t I ~veJ'!l1 from attended Year- fell slx~n f~t and was picked up e ,• . . :' . I d' . t h l b' d' ed \ laert week of friendll in Yellow y eetmg Sun ay. UhCOIlSCIOUS. At the present writing monll 'raotAI of produotivB I.,.a bP- bee~ having the pleasure. of e~ter· 1 IseUB8l0n e c.~_ a. Journ . .. ISprings. Mr. and MrS. ~r'ank Howe and he ,i s somewhat improv~. In81l11dBrollithatlon, Tbeinorell!!ltl tainmg a number, of their frIends 'I FELL IN DI'VED " d a u g h t e r , Margorle, spent Thur.sday Walter Cleaver is spending two 1n wanuf"ctul'ang, tbe Improvemenl recently. amQng ' whom were Mr. ""' . , Mr, Jltnlilt'l!lB'I ooltYdlS 10lerkblng abt land Friday in Dayton. weeks with hia parents here. . R'd (Jopey ofant rUOU8 ur ng t e R M r. I ra.H ar,!"", ~ft~~k ,0f D t t M'188 Nil' or tbe "llllrOlldll a,nd tl!e loorllftslllJ(' BenJ. 1 g~, o f. 1nd'Illnapo I'IS; M rB. Last Sunday the camp be Iow sence allr: COPIlY. . ay on, spen e Ie GJ'bibs '. of ~uth Lebnumber of penon. enSAII.ed In rall- Mame Harmlton,of DesMoines,lowa; 'I town, as the boya were out in a boat, ISUndllY With hIS parents. .anon, took .supper ~IUa ~ Edna ncer roRding aDd wanufaotnriug OpeUIi Mrs. Cora Harris, of Harveysburg, it tipped, some way Fred Cask- r te:!:!:~;r~~~y ,:.!~e MndE ds~~~· f M!I' andf MC'rs .. Hart!'y Sma~t .•~~d SpeM ScFrIlttlaYse.velnmg. ' O:L.j . Prof W H ' 1) '1 ,.a ' h h d I d . .... -. . ami y. 0 mcmna I, are V1S1~mg rs. Igler and children \lP a tar..r Ilnd ev81' larlet marll.,l , ." 0, • m, . orme., Wl&em1u ley got t e worst of t e sa, an wood HI! wile . relatives here. have returned to their h . D for tbel.rmer. aDd reDden 'be l.-luttle daullhter, of Delaware, Ohio; plump into the water, with his Mr. B'elteD, of Da)'toD,1 Howard Graham and family ton. owe may, bor whto'- )1, do.. IPOr8 reIDDo.ra- Mrs.~a llormBll and. Mrs. Mary best . clothes on Fred said he en- ie the of Tbomaa k7D8 aDd Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Miss Sarah Steddom called ~ t'fI. . Sherod, of Oakland, Ohio. joyed tbe day aU riaht. farulI" Hockett. frieoda here Thundar. .JOF. , ANI)
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D. L. CRANE. \fA1"~1i:
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The Miami Gazette
A/iss Ddl" Slroelu, flIno "ad COlli·
p:elely Lost aer Ileal''', F Ollnd Relt~/fr01ll Pe·ru-na at Ollce.
Worryl"g. It It" a fool who con stan tly wor ries. :Along wit h worry goes pessimism , dis· courage ment, downhea rtedn ess. lac k or ambition. No ma n. bow vel' en 1'cetic, can worr y m uch or Jong without Joslng bls ener&y Bnd becomi ng Ill. W orrv. after causIng & man's men tI\.l eolla~, will seriously affect hili Ilb yal· . cal hea lt h, Bnd the days 01 a .man with ' mental and pbYlllcul benlth gone rna )' be recorded la sma ll n umb!!r!. It yo" lire worrying over condit Ions t.hat crlll· n ot be a ltered. you are also wasll n g ti me ; get busy nnd nI te r th m. You th ink ,'ou n ed a chan g. Yo u ca n get It ~'Ithout a trill to 1<ome dl~t an t c ountry. Cbang )'our habll s of occ u, patloll. Tako up sOllle . form ot light a nd ple8snnt reading In the (' \. nlngs. Get In terestetl In som' fad I hat will give ~'ou a chance to g t alit of . tbc rut atWI becolne elltbllslll. ti c abou t s omoth lng beSides making money or Joslng It. No man enn llli nk constant· Jy about his bllsl nesl\ \\' lt~llut coming \0 b rood over It Ilnd won)" de lares tb e New York Wellkly. Your mind mUill h ave rest and I' CI' atPon . It needs It just ns much as your body does. A slmpill dete rm ination not to 'Worry will not usually ue Bunl clent. Th ere mus t be a posltl ve elfort alonl( 1I0me dltte rent lIoe of though t. Be· Bides deciding not to th ink or yo ur cares. decide tba t you will think at aom.thlng else, and find something else to t hink or. You Burely have Inw ests In life other tban money-mak.. lng, Ir ¥o~ would ' cultivate the m a lit· t~e.
EIgbt ne w bishops were elected by the delegate. to the recent geniftal c onfere nce ot the Methodi st E piscopa.l churCh In Baltimore, and plans were discussed ror making the MethodJllt bishops more like the bishops ot other churches. 'l1he MethodJst bishops preaide over meeUngs or annual confer· ances ordain ministers and appoint lhem 'to Ulelr fields of labor, but they l1aft BO dioceses, and are Itinerant. The senUnient ~ favor or establishing cUoceses tor the blshopa Is growing, but acUon on the change was postProtestant Episcopal poned. The blsbope-there are more than a hundred ot them l!l the Untted Btate_ are elected In a convention .of lay and clerical delegatea 'ot the diocese · In which they serve. E~oh bllhop III the bead of the diocese, and haa general control over the ohureb Within the ter· rltory, Installs reotor., aDd conftrms all lIew communicants. The Roman Cath, 0110 bishops, who are appointed by lhe pope, usually from a lIat of eligible priests 8ubmltted by the diocese, hol4 all the ohurch property In their name, ,and have a general oversight of all the eccleslasUcal Institutions. They have much more power than the bishops ot any other church ill America, although In the early days the Methodist blsb· ops had things pretty mucb tbelr own
A ·Chlcago restaurateur baa retired : .fI:om business after having accumu· lated a mUilon dollars 'In his bUill ness In .lIO rearll. He attributes his succellll to b1a habit ot «Ivlng hlB customer. tilg portions fpr their money and never permitting them to go away hungry or dissatisfied. Herein bill policy differed bom that ot the once famous Boston restaurant keeper, remarks the Herald ot that city, who atil'lbuted his proap.e rlty (0 having out his pies Into . five pieces Instead at four, thereby Increasing his profits on his pies 20 per cent. And , bls blessed memory Is now embalmed In a fund fOr a great hos. pl~l to r tbe sick aod the needy, and ..... hicb bears his nSme. Prosperity tor ilie farm, big freight receipts for the railroads, mor.e beet at 11 lower price, a bounteous hreak. fast ;aud a ""full dinner pail " a re all Includ ed 1n me promise, oC the /leld s. Nature has don e her part towa rd a busin ess revival- the re st Is up to us. 11 thts promlsl! Is disappointe d, says the New York Mall: It will be a case whet'e every prospect plea ses aud only the polltlclan Is vile. Many ·of tlls collegefl and umlve rsl. ties are In no·llcetlse toWl1s. · J~ e land S\a.n.f ord III the largest non·sectarlan Inslltution to enforce' pro.h lhit\on wllb. 'n tbe unlverslly domain. Intoxicants are torblddden In boarding bouse. and fraternity . buildings. Simll• .r proper restrlcUon ,hu long obtahied at seTeral coll eges wblch are under the control qr Infiuence of the ('.hurches. An Engllahman traveling .In thla country says he can't understand the "heball stories In the newspaper•• though he can tallow the game talrly well at the. park. Does he Chink he could gralp the niceties of French by amoklng a French briar? '!'he fact that the end ot the world ... been predicted for 1911 w\11 not tIllCOuralft! the people Who Itlte to piCk DI'Ml4enUal pOlllblllUe.. and tile,. are IIOt upecled to f~o pJeu.,. fJI
"-UN CIIII4Idatee , . ltD.
Read fVkat She Says: DELLA STROB BR, 710 RlehM JSS mond Appioton, WLs ., wrlles: S~.,
It WtlS n ot- SI) ~ ('orchlngly !lot that Iho " ('1')' skylin e Its It 8t' m II to writhe Mud Will' l' II nl;l <Hil ly In a m:lzP of lIudul ntlng h at b('yontl th wide wn t ot clHlpal'rul and scatt red ~!l ge bu. h wh ic h stretchcd monol O ll Oll~ly awn)' 10 the wcst ward and the (ootbills Ilt')'oud . The tO an, 8J)rawll ng li stlessly out full length in the SCMt shalle hI a !<craggly cactus, gasll d I)galn a nd sllrrt'(1 IUl a B II~', th n ral ' tl hlru ~ If painFUlly to his lbow and gllZ>d with /I ~ed nnll glassy yes towa rd lhe e!lst· 1'0 hnt'lzOIl, whi c h secnw(1 unly to moel, him wit hit s n \\'flll nse of Ul · te l' d' sollltion Itnd l o n e 1l 0 (,B~. \\' li h 1\ sl rh. h e I' ached groplngly abo ut, II kc a blind mrln. until his tremJJlIng finge rs finally found !lnd cl utched tl es· pe rute ly at the blistering m('ta l of a bRttere.1 t In can~ee n which he 11ft rI ho'pettllly C41I' tbe Il1 st, Eng ring drop. but on ly th o sl1me empty. hollo w g ilI" ' gle gr eted his longing li ps. snd wltb a bnir:muUered curs he' filin g It wea it ly from blm and s:lnk. fa e downward, wi th wide olltsretch d a rm s agul n, his fin ge rs worki a g a nd clutchI,d; con vulsively In the ~rld a "'a ll dust or tb des rt. Overhead, like a blot cb a {,"tll nst the braz n copp r dome or sky, a solitary bird or grel\t s lz s wep t lowe r In slowdescending elre l 8, and from out a cleft In the ba rren ledges a gIl.untlimbed coyot.e c rept and skulked and stood for a moment In doubtful \Inc~r taln ty. then bared bl s gleaming teeth In a diabolical g rin of antlclpa lioR. " Wate r ! wa ter! " ga sped t he mlln Incoherently. "For the love of Gada single drop-In this accursed hell! " and, a t his murmurlngs, tbe bird and tbe heas t dre w closer. The bird hov· e red lowe r and croaked dl 8mllHy-th e beast simply sn t back upon his haunches and waited and licked bls white fange witb a dry phik ' tongue. The party was not complet__th~ feast could not begin until Dea t.h, the third
There Wa. • Sudden Spurt of Flame and a Sh~rp Report. guest, had come. The man gr!)aned ~oanlngly, and turned his Miad wearl· )y, and slowly opened bls eyes and looked about and saw them there. "0 God!" he pleaded, chOkhlgly. ''Wait-until I'm dead'" and he glared at tbem wllh fixed fascination unUI bls fev ered eyes seemed to glow ' and burn like globes at molten metal In their sunken I!Otlkets, and tben all reason left blm, and with a laughing 01th upon his sensele ss lips , he fell t.ack Indll!'erent. upon the sand, and the great bird clrcied close r and the hllligry beast crept nearer and snllfetl, then , lapped at the quiet, u\lturned face, unafraid. Joe Mary, th e hunted half·breed r.:Jn ogad e, saw froJ;ll hiD shelte r beblnd II. clump of wltheretl buf'tnlo grass growing close beside the tra il at tb e base of the. footblll s, the clrc lln&, bu1.zanl and read Us meaning .. a nd s had· Ing bis eyes with II bronze palm, he could see ' the shape of the prostrat e trooper who hlld rele ntlessly followed blm thus far and closely along tbe Clrackless trail. The day hefore, ,Toe Mary simply 1'I'1ln ted guttnraJly ' wh en be had, from long range, shot the soldler.s' pony from his a mbush behind a sand hlll bealde th e .trat!, '!l~t. when his second shot pIerced the .trooper·s almost empty can teen, he smiled grimly to himsel f witb R grl!atl)r satisfaction, for he kne\\' the 811d was now nearer, and ac· cvrdlngly Hatlened himseJr out upon the neutral tinted. sun·bake d earth, to watch and to walt. . He saw tbe persistent plodllings of his pUl'suer, arid eyed with preCIous pleasnre hla first faltering steps, which grew, as the day lengthened anll tbe heat strengthened. Into erratic wanderings. He smiled ' again In trlumpb as he saw the trooper reel and tall~ then craw( he lpless, gasping and cbok· lng, lnto the shade at the cacti, . back beside the trail. The heart of Joe ~ary was now ju. bllant, and rising cautto~sly to bill fe~, he stood for a moment and closely Icanned tbe flat eastern 'horizon. Grasping his stolen pony ftrmly by the nose, he strode boldly forth back aloDg the barren trail, led on by the long · accumulated hatred of h' • . anentors to beliold and gloat gloriously at the lut lingering toach of the n,lIlllte torture of thlnt.. The trooped auP8d OIUII .... I1Ilpecl
I1l'st tOllc b of tepid mol t UI' whle h f II trlc il li ngly upon bls gratefu l lips frol"l t he cant en of Joe :Vlary. a nd with on etl'ol·t h Olle:lod hl ~ e~' eij ~md ' t rugg l d slowly to hl l; el bow. All Ilnlmoslty WIIS vR DQ ulshed hy the COV QU ring, leveliog t hirst, a od he rellc h!',1 blindly ouL to s he th e Un whic h held more of th e preclolls fluid . but wlUI a ~ I ck nlng sneer th e ha lfbre d s lflpped Qulekly bacil a nd shook It, ~ il la 5 h lu~ ont! tan tnllz lng In its fulln as. iJefore his lonltlng eyes, nnd Ihe n turn 'u It de llucl'fIt I)' oUl upon the ab· sorbing I;lInd . For a moment the trooper s lm),ly· BRt an rl gas p d nntl I-(IIZ, rl In sp nelt· less tl Sir at t h SIHlI'l;lIn g wa leI' a! it floNcd a nd gu sh d. n 001 , gurgllng str : '11, rl'om th mOll th ot the ul)tur n d can te n. Wi t h 1II d ry, cho l, lnll sob fl'o m n. th lcll. swoll n ton gn , he lllrched s udde nly forward nnd phmgecl h is fnce nn d han ds Into th momentar)' mud of moisture. a nd sucked and lap ped lit It ra venoll sly. like II beast. Then. a~ the last drop va nished, M looked longi ngly up ror more. The half·br ed g runte d with gratl· flcatlon a s he sa W tb e vlea dln g agony In the man's eycs-a n agony stlmu· la ted and a l'ous d aneW with agg rava· tlon , a nd h s lepped closer and s pa t spit efully Into t hnptu rne d. e;-.: pectanl face, th n smll erl mO(~kln gl y a s he slowl y Un s lung a secont] ca nteen and, ra ising It to bis own e\'11 lips, dra nlt long nnd deep. The trooper-s bnnds work d con· vullll "e ly as ho w n tl~h Eld the wanton waste of waleI', a nd Ule light of reo turning reason grew q ul~ k aud suddenly stron g In bls eves. He felt the p()we r of I' ne wlng st:ength Increa sing with in blm , nnd, In deslle rale (renzy he strnggl d t.olterln gly to h is reet. a.nd wllh limbs almost refusing to sus· tal n him he flun g hlm s It sWll.ylngh· upon the ha lf-breed and tried to t at the t em pting Un from his lips. But Joe Ma ry simply dropped the canteen and seized him strang llngly by the throat and hurled blm r eeling weakly back . and drawing bls re volver cov· ered tbe t hlrst·tempted, trembling trooper. "A ll 1 .You cboke- fight for watel'eb ?" he snld, smilin g ,slowly, and be held tbe dripping can teen nearer : "Yes!" the (roopel' gasped. "Glve me more-you de vil. Just anothe r drop! " he pleaded {,at-h elically,. "¥Ith wild, crazed eyes. Then his ~and lIud· denly SQught the butt at tbe weapon at hIs hlp, as lhe half·breed shook hh he nd sneerin gly. ' "You die for water.] l!;Uess [' taunted Joe Mary with Intense, s a vage Instinct " i\{eblle I give one big oirlnk~all, · tben shoot qulck-eh? Plenty water ovel there." and /le poin ted with long lean arm toward tbe fOOlbllJls . " Mebbe 1 don't give wate r-4!b, out go away and no shoot now. You dill just as same! Vi hlch?" and be leel'ell treacherously forward a s he again h.!ld the canteen toward the trool,er. "Vi a ter! " gasped the man stili chok ln g~ j', and he rna tched greedily at the proffered tin and carried It joy, fully to hIs lips. The water ran In a gurgling, ' gra teful slrteam down hl8 parched and swollen throat and oozed trlckllngly tram the corners of hi! mOlitb. Then. when at: last the ecstasy was over Imd the o~~rul. consumln( thirst was c,onquered, he threw a ald the empty tin and faced the hall· breed's s tili threatening weapon. " Now I'm ready to IUe. )'ve had a drink !" he remarked coolly, as I,le wiped the moisture. from .bls IIpa and stood still, stagge ring a little, Its the half-bread's eyes glltter-ed and gleame!!' d en ~h to him over the sight or bls menacing muzzl e. Ove rh ead. the' solitary buzzard s tili circl ed and looked down from diz zy heights and the coyolLe stili ~ulke l\ expectan t iy among tho growing , shad· OWS of the sand hills . Joe Mary paused, Ilte pped bacle a Illl CC'! nnd aga.ln l'alsEld hi s weapoq . Then, junt as the muzzle grew sudden· Iy s tondy once more. Il lltl hi s bronzed forefin ge r bl;mun to crook closely against th e tri gger, the re came, shurp upon the still desert air, a quick , warnln r rattle and a s ubdued hiss al his feet. a nd wltb a wild look at abject terror In his e vil ~yes, he leaped Quickly n,slde, a nd os be did so the re was n sudden spurt of flame, tonowed by a Qul clt puff of smoke and a sharp report, and Joe Mary . pitched forward and lay still, face downward, In the alkali dust. "Jus t a trick oC thEI tongue !" mut. tered the troope r laconicall y. as he shoved his still smoklng we apon hlick into Its holster, and, !:lImblng weakly upon the deat) man 's !lony, rode off III the dlrecl:ton of the foothills.
" F or s evero.! yoars I WIIS , iu • lUlldowp condition, and J could ~nd DO reli ef fr om doc tors and. modl clnos. I could not enJoy · my m eals, and could not s leep at ni gh t. I bad heavy, .ark elr ' l S ILbout tho e yos. " _\Iy fri ends we re mncb alarmed_ 1 'Was advised to glvo P oru" a $rlll1, and t o my j oy I boglln to Improve 'WIUI th .. fi rs t bottle. J'\.ftor tllklng s lx bottl e.. I !~ : t completely clucd. I CBunot ~ay toa. m ueh for P urnua as a mod iclull for 'WolDen In a run·down conditio n." Pe·ru-na Did Wonders. Mrs, Judge ,1 . F. Doycr, 14~1 S herman A\·o., E Vl\us ton, Ill., 80 ys thllt eho uocnOle run d own, could neith er ellt )o,or s il'c p w eli, and lost iles h nnd s pirit. F erun a dld wonders for b r, aI\d sbo tlt&nq Peruua tor now Ilfo Bnd s trongth. WAS TOO MUCH FOR PAPA. Chlldll.h Questions Were Becomlns. Entirely Too Personal. P erhaps one of the Imrdest bousehold tluil es thai an ro ne can he calle d upon to porroI'm Is tbat ot scru bbing, and an y dovl c!! to light en work of Ihla d sCI'lption will well re pa)! the cost and t!'Duble tha t I!J e ntail ed In It!:! construc· tion . Our s ketub illustrates II capital article for this pnrpfJse, and one tb ot wit h· out difficulty can be made a t home. It consists of a }Jle ce oC wood about fi n Inch In thlolcne8s and se ml~ lrclllar In shape, t he u pp ' r sid or whi ch Is p!ld· ded e it her with 'waddlug or s awdus t, and covered '''l\h coarse can vas n il Iota on a t the sides or unde rll at h. In tile arUcle from which tl\ls s ketch was madr. th e canvas hntl been cov· e red wit h Ii piece or fu r e l, t from an old mat, which made It a dditiona lly .-:om· fortabl e to knee l upon. In front, a nd mad e of American cloth , there IS'I1 ki nd or hood which pulls o\'er the knees and kecpp. tll.l ski rt from lI ecomlnj!; wet. '1'he mat, for wa~t of a better name, Is casHy shifted a bo ut, as occa sion arises , and sllch a d evice au thlll Is Invaluable In a ca se \vh ere stone has to b e knelt upon. and may be tbe means of sllVlng colds aud othe r illness es. In the upper s ketch, on t he right hand sid!!, t.he Int e ri or of thlt Article I. sbown, and unde rn eat!! ther e Is 11 dlagmm or Il1e s hape ot the woot". In anotber part or the s ketch, the dOl ted line and a rrow Indl cr. ~e the way In which the America n c lo tb may be pulled up o ver tb e knees, to protect LhC pklrt from sp lashes or wate r. COATS IN H'ALF·LENGTH.
Garment That Gives Graceful Flnl.h Danger In Tak ing Drugll Not to Hat Co.tume. .crlbed for tho' Th ere Is no more gracetul tlnl sh t o a hat cos tume than tbe char mingl y tranBTJOre nt halt-length c'o ata or tull e embrolt! ered In fin e ' pa illettes or with /losses, or o ~ fine lace. whateve r its kind . They are not, only most becom· lng, but give all air of grand chic to the ,wearer If bel' tlgure Is slender and sbapely. One especially was of black tulle, ve ry de licately wroughl by hand with pink and black sUk- the latter In traceries brightened with cut jet bugles. It was a low· necked model, with a bust Insetting or real Alencon, triangular In shape. At one point In the mldd'le of the buat line there was a ' finish of a handso,me let buokle acrosB Ii lace bow of Alencon, wltb llnlshed ends. This coat had a 8light gathering ot front fulln ess on each tront and caught under the jet buckle to give ease to the fitting across the bust, while Ilt the same time producing a d ecldedly amart effect. The fronts, aIthougb open, were swept hack on each Bide with Il long downwar!l curve, the back being half-fitting, showing the two long shoulder seams now so gen· eral. The half-elebveB were formed ' trom the tront and back pieces, lind embroidered to correspond. ]n shape they were wide at the elbow and slit UJi to Bhouldllrs . oo the outside arm line. calnng tal' glov811 long _ough to Incase the entire arm. That long glove line ant81's aB a feature of dIstinction Into the ensemble, but (or wear In extreme midsummer heat a ~ ransparent, close:ftltlng. wrinkled long sleeve to match the gown msy be worn made ' either of gauze, crepe de chln~ or lace. according to choice made.-Vogue. Remodeling Year', fileelle. 1n remodeling a part or the whole of any garment the first thing to do Is to rip It up and clean and I,reSB well. After the sleeves have beell caretully pressed' they are ready to be cut over. Lay the pattern on the sleeves and cut care fully, according to directions . When the aleeves have heen seamed up and the culf repl!lced t be sleeve should a gain be carefully and thoroughly pressed before It Is re placed In the garment. Any gown can be remodeled' in tht.5 maqne r and made to look deCidedly up to date for merely the cost of a good sleeve .pattern and the time that tbe remodeling take ••
- - ----
White In Different Tone •. In these days there come so many fabrics that are near white that It Is 'not necessary· to get sn'o wy Unens In order to get the wblte errect. There 'are mustard·colored stuffs. pongees, linens, mergerlzed cottons and mulls that are. delightfully rjl~ned and dainty in appearance. And If one does not care. for yelloW there are the ro.e col:l TS, the natural tan tones. the soft His N"rrow IE~apo. pale apricots, and the dellcate grayl.h . "Once: related tb e! tall tragedlar white fabrics. These do not '0\1 quite'wlth the Sbakes peare an ball', "1 wal as readily u the white good., and. are stranded In the wilds of Georgia almost as youthful I~ dect. Night Calh(\ and still I had sigbted nt Alcohol for Tender Feet• . help. alldlhmly I found ~yseJ[ SUI' It you are starling ant on your vacarounded by a drove of razor· back hogs Ab, gentlemen, when mornIng came-" tion and It you Intena to do a great "Hold on," Interrupted the fat come deal of tl'amplJig arotllld, ItOW away dlnn, "don't spring amy such yarn ae tbls little h$nt In a comer ot your tl\nt 011 th e Innocent. Razor·back hOgE brain and see how much good It w111 are known to be eltcoeedlngly vlelouE 10 atter .. 1I"e11 game of tennlll or a and U you had been surrounded b)' 8 Jaunt Into the woods. Bathe your drove ~ them you w()uld have Devel tired teet with hot wate,. and with a seeri morning. 'J1hey w~ould have eateD :oarae towel rub away Itny calloua~ you uP. even to tbe :paWD ticket tot whlcb might be thete. 14!ln rub them with aleobol It not only toulbena your watch." .. Itt tender teet. bllt It I. amulnlly retrea,,~ "No, me lon., YOU "~l_.b Ing and In DWI7 ~. It 1tW "...t. said finall,. '''rher. all cue•• You a. ., ~'P_Id" ............ fWlPJraU...
be·llfety ruor.Jllck
It Is a very common Chln/\
among wom en that they will t ll,k tD\ldl cln which Is recomme nd ed by friend s and also gi ve It to tb Ir c hild I' n wlthont Inve stigatin g It s tormula. They will have prescript ions re/llled which another woman's pb ys lclan has recommende d fo r her partic ula r case. or take up what remalne In ber bot. Ue. This Is a mos t dangerou s prac tice. and should not be continued. ' If a phy. siclan haa wrllten a prescription for his patie nt. be unde rstands her partie. uiar case and Is not prescribing for ,nyone else who wlsbes to tak e It. H e may not on1)' give her medi"lne for what he tblnks she needs, but may give her drugs which she needs !lnll knows notblng about. It moy be something 1.0 s trengthp.n the heart or other organ of tb e body. 'some drug which would be very harm. ful to anothe r person: or opiates ma y be In the formula: wblch wonld have an entirely different And disastrous effect upon another constitution. It Is a very d,a ngerous practice fbr youreelt, but In all common sense do not give such things to YOUr children. It your chUd Is sick and YOU do not under&tsnq what to do, call a pbYIIIcian and let blm prescrlhe In the right way, even It It does cost more money. By this It does no~ mean that the doctor has to be callec;! for ever y s mall ailment at the child, hut If the child Is really sick you will know It. Do not risk the child'. health by giving It tblngs wblcb ~ ou do not understand and whlcb qJay be poisonous to It. You are runnln" a terrible risk by dOing It.
Th re Is a memb er o f the fa culty of Geor ge Washington u nlvers ltT, wbo, 10 us t he words Or a Ct.1l agile, " 1110 os rotund physically as he Is profound nlC' tap hyslca)ly," says the Pblladelphla Le dger. One day the profeslior chanced to come upon hi s chlld r n, of wh lah he bo s a number, all of whom we:e, to bl S' astonishment, cngaged In an earnest discussion or the .meanl ng of \bit word "a bsolute." "Dnd ," queried one of the youngIters. "cu a a: mWl be a!Jso lu tcly good?" . "No." " Dad." put In anoth er youngster. "ca n a man be absolut ely ba d ?" UN o."
· P apa," ventured the t hird cblld, • girl . "can a man ho absolutely fat ?" Whereupon the tather fled Incontin en tly. IT SEEMED
Body Raw' with Eczema-DI.chargelt from Ho.plta!. as Hopelen-Clltl ,"'fIa Remedlel Cured Him. "From the age or three months unU) IHtee n years old, m y soa Owen's life wa s made Intolerable by ecze ma, In ItII wo rst form'. In spite ot t (catments the diseuse gradually spread until nearly every pa rt of his body was qui te raw. He used to tear hims eit dreadfully lu hls sleep and the agony he want through Is quite l)eyond worda. Tlw regim ental doctor pronounced the caue hopeles6. We bad him In. hoepltala four t imes and he was pronounced one of the worst cues . ever admltt~d. From eacUe was' discharged IL8 fit. curable. We kept trying remedy after remedy. bul hOJ.'. cottea almoat· past hoplnl( for a ~ e. Six month II ago we purchas ed a set of C;:uUcura Remedies. The r esult was trdly mar. velous and to-day b e 18 perfectly cured . Mrs. Lily H edge,· Camblewell Green., England, Jan. l~, 1907." loclallstle. The PaUent- Doc, I can't bllY yo. fto money wblle I ain't gone none. a' r olldy . V,1lI you It oud In drad!! ? The Dentist-Well, I might cODlllder that. What's your business? Th e Pat\ent- J lead a leedle Chol. man band. Ve'll come aroundt und se re nade you dry ~gbd tor ament', Jel! .
1\r.... Wln.tow'. Soothlnlf s,rur.
IOn ••• tho gum., redu_ ar. lamm.uo.. ,aUOl.p.. D,.""' ......... collu. =C.IlOW.
Por cblhl, ... "". IIIID,.
A COl.t or arms dnesn't alway. hide the .famlly skeleton.
Be careful not to stumble own blull•.
Th e cre pe tle cblne ·coat Is a grea l favorl le. The presen t sleeve Is close. but not tight; It molds the arm without bindIng It: . Pompadour rlhbon apJ,llled as "klt·t borders and waist d ecoratlons make a delightful trimming for a dress. The satin coat Is an excellent example of the present craze or associ. atlng a cloth or veiling skirt with a wrap at saUn. The Bmall sleeve. when riot carried to an extreme, Is always ' becoming. It II one of the few fasblon manifestations which the ritou.t woman may gaze on. ( One of the best examples of the typl. cal smllll sleeve II used In the tatl1ellr. It II full length, of course, close fitting and With no perceptlble fullness 'at the armhole. . 'A girl ot 12 years wUi look. dressy If she has an evenlngrrock or nun's veiling, wltb a lace yoke and sleeves and silk band .trimmlng: . A dreBs of loulalne trimmed ....lth quilling or silk Is llretty, also, \¥fth a lace yoke at the front and ·back. Dyed Panama H.t•. The pRsslQn for color bas Invaded the domain' of the panama hat and • great many girls are wearing their outh:ig bats dyed. Contrastl'tff with a scarf at meslallne Qr 8OD .1! oUrer gauze these hllta 'Bre Vel')' ell'ect!ve. A parUfUlarly pretty ezampl. ot thl. ;e. panure waa alrorded by one pretb' bl'tlDette who wore a .W of Indian tel woad .road .WI • . . , 01 wid.
alao reline Dt.
,_rrom DrApepa'~lla.
dlll"st!oa and TooH.art7 lI:MlnC. A perfect 1'mIIedJ: 'or DI •• lneM, '~a'u' Hea,
Drowrdllcd, Bad In 'he Moutb, Coat> etl Toolt'lle. PaIn In '\he ;;::;___.JSlde, TORPID U''EB.
Bow.I.. Purel,
V. . . .ble.
Genuine MUlt· Bear Fao·Simlle Signature
~",a;~ IEFUSE SUannrra.
W"TIN G FOR 14 C'ORTU JlE. lfr, Blfn lk ey "'ot Worry ing Oller It, Not ,the L.eaat Bit, But Ready for It.
oo dJ ok es
Llko many anoth er man, Mr, Dllnl! y Is always hopln! lhot someJust What 'ls Neede d In Hayln~ Time. thing will tUI'll u p. He' ~ an hJl e lllgellt Elabora te Compli ments Now Seldom man aud! he knows perfectl y w 'II lhat MRS JONES " ECONO MY. ther Isn't ono hance 'ID se\'en bun. LOVE'S LOGIC. Exchan ged Betwee n the Sexes- , dr d and eightee n thouslln d billi on Men and Maiden s pYlore Than "Ml1rln, " said M r , ,fones, upon one nf t l { flOW fr n ll1 lo uklng I n rou r f!YPs thn t 1,1 'U ever get a dollar lha l he Ever Truly Compan lonl, do sn't work for and earn: nnd ' sUII his worr~' lng da ~' s , " It sellm s to mp ''Ih y AlIulI1 IUMI hlA J)HI ·,.tlH ~· . I I: nt \w . (,'om 1J 8tl'rlln~' " ') Ytill r 21 "K. he's Ilhvays hoping olld thlnkln! ; Ull1l ~·ou I1Ilght b ' murp ('conom i('ul. Now, \ Vhy Trllr WaH tOll ght for , len yel\,. t h r's 111 1 old clot hes, Why can'L To,day the YO lln g man at fa·s hlelD liometh log might happeu. 1001; : you make them I)Vel' for th childre n I l(no ~· . wh o(l'p r J l Oth ' h \ 'ullr h un.( mal'rl 9 th e g irl wllh whom h h50S And 80 when h e gets " to the office \\" hy Altlll/ ny 11"1 rnrl',l 1I1:i' In.nd . Inst. Ud or giving thcm ' awuy·" rilld n, I'ow<'d, cllmurd , fi s h d , huntoll, In th lIlomlng he looks In th leU" r "13 caus III y 'p Wll rll out when " ·011 11'0\\ n , and I IH' t't'('h ' " r ull w (\ 11 played tennis aod golr, I.I e knows sh 's box t h er '~, nOL renlly wlt1' lhe \"'hy n n n tf' I nol( t ll .- p ulll IIr 111'11:xpecta- you'\' clone "'llh lhe lll ," an s wpl' d A net w hy It· dlmlnod .1f. h. ~ 11 \"' 11 1\ 1100d sport and the f1n 'sl g irl In the tlon of Iliiding a fortlln o, l>lIt I ' I ~l'C nevorth e. ;\ll's. ,Jones, "ll's n o lI se maldn,,; o'vpr \Y II ' 11 ~ tlU Iu.\\'c u"lgueli t o H llIlI \'~ .)11 lO t ' ! world. bill If h e v I: thouSht hoI' a les3 thinking ha lhere mi g h t b l hln s fnr t he chlldr' n tbllt 'wOII 't holtl saint, that Id ea Ie knocked olle of his 50111 I hlng; nut dlsallllO ln ted If thor \"' l 1,\'1\ wlla ' rO(l ll ~h nil h l'r II f", head Ion!! uefore the wedding clay. H e Is n' t but wi ,.,Ing that he might find tng 'the r : ~' O l1 COHld not de) It yo urself. A nd If r l"11 WitS n f u ll hJ"!o\s wl(" , sml! rt as rOll are," do SII 'I \loos t h il I' by the elbow over ther · rL c h 'cIt for a nlllllon doll 11'5, :\ nil ('II ' p ;:, t r U-1l8 1'01' ht' l". " W II ," g rumbled .J 0 1I 1'8, " I w""ldn' l \\' lou 1\\ wllat sorl In or II lfu'n l ~ ",,,r e. ev r y roc k, beclluse h knows ~ h e CA n fro m so mc body or sOllle wh or . or no· " ... 1 "· lt trll"~')C 11I\'p' w (n dd K""lI t climb 11'U I' thall h can , He ' do su'l i Ice of Bome for tu oe that hatl be n have <!iosc ts full of Ihlngs IIIlld wlllg T h"1, Ih':11H'11 \ ur Ii pn(l t ':i (1""lI tH , . ro r wn nl of W "''' I', If I was [l woma n. ~'l \ ' nll , 11111"" gallantl y " Iv e h e r poin ts In ga mc~ . boo IE,n to hll1I that be was no w to come w!i4{' , In 'lre fmn\ ntl m o rf) that's nil. A penny suvell i s a I'plI lI Y II I\-Iu .' Ih il n 1111 t h"r-i '" d ll l'llt,!S " r :Iy,,,',,,cause h kllUW S thoU IC he does, sh e' ll nnrl (!Iullll, J ~ It ~iI ~'r:ln':I' ~Htl'\' t ' 11111(1\.' 111(>, arn (>d," beat. him, t !wn. ' It'! jl1" t th o ~a1l1e whfm he gnes That \\' aa In A prl!. On r war m rlay .\ l.J1 ~ gt l r flJOJ lllllil u ll l ltfl:-\!' m ton '.' " Anel so It Is with lh e wom en III the home at night. He's iJe n awa y , \ - ('1,' \ -lu nd l.l"Hler. n t\ lay ~I r : .lOlli'S )V !'lIt , pl'(\II' in" prof ll S1 on~ , In th(~ urts uUlI I.n busl: da)', tilll c nou;; h for 4 tbln gs tt' thl OIlA h th o ('loSN S I oltlll K Cor SOIll (" happen, 1'01' 40 fortlln es . (1 como In, KtND. n oss, Th ero th y 1i1 ' t III n all fello w· t hlll ~ h o lll d ll·1. fin d, II l1d 1111'11111 :; wo rko r s, j ust as t.h more Iell women lind, h knows til re hasn ' t ony ('om , t hin gs !,;e ll I'IIlIy 11I!l lu o OUl , meet th e m os fpllow·a thletes, They and s till It lEi nol nn absolul 'lv IIll' " illarla," he SCI' aml'd, " wh!' rl' IH my nre draWl) toge tll I' by COII\IIIo n Inte r- poss llJle t1iln/f, and SO be',; ai\\'ays gl'a~' alpl1ca dll ~ t ·ronl·!" eS~K, ancl In the cllses wllor 10\'e and Idud 0' II0lling t ha t h "II h ear sOllie " Made It ovel' for .Johnn ), ," , mal'l'la gc ron!! lt tho common Interest s good news wh n h go S hill ' , " Ahe m! Wel l, \\'Iwl' " s th(' hl'OWIl He ne,' (W does, h finds v rylh lng remain nnd forn:, a s · rvic abl and linen one I I ought lasl s umlll "l'~" sLa ul ' back ground for ,t he roman tic golog alvng tb ere placidly ; til re "Cloth es·ung!" ltIUIlI bll'd :\11'8" .Jon _", fOI'eg roun d, Dut th e , lIIan who works huso't b ~!e n Bny fortu!l S nt ID or who S /li ed CL06r:O to bun. a ,11011'1111) In tw r PIII?TLY brought In by In n th Ie e salli e oftl('o wllh a woman can 't Sam . Rnd he bI1eech at that mOil! Ill. OPEN , ".\II SL nlud o It knows th ey'd sneak of It If th re hnd Into u ni bob 1111 and otl'er her hi s hall' eVl.'ry c ' 0 11 1'," time she comes IlLto Ine roo m, He b n; but some times be says to Mrs. "r-I urla," nsk ed th e a s tonished mnn would n't· hav p, tIme lO do a nything Bllnk"'~' , :lokln Iy : In u subdllel l \'oi e, " would you "Aoybo dy us $2,000,0 00 t~ tIlin g m what you lse. He can't ' tU'lIl smokin'g when h ave don , For unloadi ng hay an end door un der the gable, aBahow n In the IlIu8tra ' !lh Is In ~he 1'0010. If he did, he mlgbt day ?" my s ilk hat ; you have n' t mad , tlon, Is very conveni ent. In alze It ma y be 10x14 "eet or 'larger "No." Ilays t\~ ra. ' DIlakc )" smiling l y. over fol' accordi ng to as we ll give u p s moking altog th 1', It th e !J aby, ha ve you ?" the fork uled, It 1& &uapend ed upon pulley. by .teel ,corda "00 million? " with weight. , The he hap pens to keep bl s hat on In the "Oh, no. dear," BnRW 1'(>t1 tb e wife , threshold of the door frame Is hinged 80 that by raising "No," the door a few oftl,c!O, It doc~n'l sllow any dl s l'espect cheer full y; "I' ' e used Ihat fo r fl hungInchea the boa~d which forma the Uir e.hold may be turned "Half III million, maybe," says Mr. hl!;·lJa~llCt. up and tho door toward tIl e wom eo , It's slmpl)' a habit It Is full or p'unlS und dropped down Into the apace below. that Is bad for hi s hall'. This who le. Bllol! y. ' Inolt lov I), ," "1\0, nor ha H a million, " saya some comrad s hill In work and pray Mr, JOII s' neve r mention s the word Insures a mutual knowl edge b fore Mrs, B~econom y. or suggest s but braD Is prao\lca lly IDdlges tible for marriag e which Is "Perhnp s It was a hundred thou· he h as had eDough t1! (\,Inalelc\! " . ' 1'certainl y a more SE!the plg~ . 011 cllke cODtaln s a8 much cure basis for land dollars, W e could do with thal," AI·tlst- 1 s hall IIOt mind If 1 IIv llll p,erman ent haptll n ss proleln as middlin gs, and !'uDks with lhan al'e rQmatiUc "No, nor II hundred thousao d ," WOES OF Tt-i,E CULTIV ATED, lJecom rumolls , dreams , The re is meat meal, blood meal, or 011 meal; s Ught danger that " Not a dollar?" Bays Mr, Bllnkey . lovers will thus beFI'le nd- 1 s ho uld n't mind UvlDg a th last Is perhaps better because It come too practica l. "No, nol eve n a dollar." says Mrs. ollllie of ce uturl es m yself, ' contain s much eth er ~tract. The f!owerij of chivalry are fading. Blink y. By Prot'. WIlIta m Dietric h. nu· It III much better to mix the feedll The " W 11, l!h e n,'" Bays Mr. Blink y, " I old,fush lon d lad y of TUl'fs and Dole CoUea . ot' ....r&Gull ur•• Bugs and Kisses. than to teed corn at one time and , feath er s PfiLi 'nee- We W re ' BlllIns on the and perfume s bas IDdeed guess I'll smoke my pipe," and he someth ing Ise III another time, Otber· does this right cheerfu lly, B ut he's fl'ont stoop, and Jnek said ev I '~' time fallen IIPOD e vil days, Ii=laborate com· , The average market hog should wise the pigs ar lia ble to get too he saw a li ghtning iJug be was gol llg IllIm ents ar f wand far b tween. The always horllng. ;veigh 300 pouuda at eight moutbs of muoh of the protein food, 108 their courtly gallllrl try of the domloa nt male to ki ss me, ISO, !I'or the pig two to six montbs appetite for corn and become stunted for "the Pat 1'It!e-Go ort fol' Jaek! fall' and weaker sex" no long. "waln Emanci pated. )Id protein Is tbe most Importa nt feed, for their lives. "But J told him every tim er flouri sh S. The 'fra il lla rlor girl saw a Oxford nnlyers lty is not the only VII hout prot e in It cannot build up tbe IIghtnlll !; bug I wa s going La mak e him Is no match tor the .,Igorou s golf girl. seal of learning that has confer red an ,e sn meot or grow to any size. stol)," 'I'he old down ge r of 40 Is no matcb ho norary deg ree, on . lark Twai , Protein Is found Is sklm·m llk, clover n, A tor the sprightl y mldd le·aged woman similar tribute was paid to the " 1 know the rest ot the :It''.-;: iou ,nd altalfa. OorD Is nine-ten ths car· tamous ke rlt yo ur eye~ closed the whole even~ of 60, The "ne w womaD" Is not as ne w humoris t ~md pblloso pher no t so many oobyrlrn tell; oata have a little more Ins,"- Yonk rs Stntes man, liB s he was. With eacb few years sbe years ugo by a bumbl e los Itutlon ~rotelD ~Iln corn, but not Bumcle nt at a become s less uncouth and h tt I' un· s leep), Missour i village that bad knowD or t1l pig, Rye contaln l a lltUe more On the Hpneym oon. An e lfectua l barri er for preveDt ing dc!r s tood , She Is fast leal'DIDg that him whe ll he was plaYing Tom Sawyer 'P rotein than corn: Barley Is one of the she The ham the Brldgl'o pers hogs rath om-A.b , dnd! ..,", " 1'.42 'rro, er m there than getti In promote ng r eal Into life, s cattle In· pas· , oost f eds on tbe farm; ,It cODtaln s see th e lovellgh ta in YOUI' eyeB, t"erests of her B x by aping me n, She It happene d tbat the deg ree·conf er· more protein than rye. In clover and ture Is arraDge d ID a 'manne r shown In The Bride-D on't he s ill y, Oeor,," Is coming to realize that fem inine rin g cel'eroo nles took place one lazy l ltaJfa there Is a large built for th e the acoomp anylng illust ration, A 2x12 There h; no t bl~ g In IU y eyes but ~~ ohurm Is Just us potent force 10 the day In June whon n e ws papers ge neral· qUi red ' nutrIen ts and plgll cannot get plank Is fllstened to the posta at t he d I'S,- hlcago Dally ' ews, twen tieth century as e ve r It was in Iy were sulferln g from a total 'collapsl ) nOllgb for a maximu m growth. Even opening , aDd two poste about 1~ fee t the days of chivalry . She Is beginni ng of everylh tng In the way of ne ,,'s. IIIrs, Wlgs- Yollr daugllte r seems to ,r you have C9rD aDd clover It II sUIl MORTI FICATI ON SET IN. to underst and tbe saCI'Ifl ce of her On e Pal',k Row news edito r raked be s nITerlng from tlt e hen t. D ct!ssar y ror the young pig to have womanl iness Is far ' too heavy a price tbe laDd with a fl g uratlve fin e-tooth Mrs, Digs-N o; B,I t C' S jlllit 110m lome protein food-oo wJ)ess, sOY beans, to pay for Indepen dence, a nd that b y comb aDd got a dry baul for his pains. (I'om coil ge, nnd s he's jlros tl'uted by I' Oanada .field peas, 'fbere Is nothing no s ucb sacrifice Then, will she ever receive reco.llln g that Mark Twatn was the family grammu r, bener grown on the farm to balance from men lhe justice she seeks, Tbe getting bllll honorar y degree that very' up tbe l!llion. olll·fash ioned womaD, OD the otber dol' In his native hamlet It occurre d to , The Mean Thing. RaIle Is a bulky feed for fattenin g hand , like her pug dog. 1s fas t paSSing, him that 11 mes!!ag e direct from the he ( ,.eln g th e refres hme nt bOOlh) 'lnd It Is necessa ry to use some nitro· She will be, In no very distant tuture, famp us aut bor might r elieve t ba situ· -Deare lit , whll we are wall,lng for ~e nol1s feed .wlt.b It. If you feed clover a "m e mory of the past, like the mas· atlon In 'the De ws. ACter much scralch· th e t rain. don't y,JU think It would 'lO Y In racks the pigs wIll not eat ' a! todon ot bygone seologle ag s, She Ing of t be editoria l Idea factory he be a good Id ea 1.0 take somethi n g? m~oh of It as It It we re chopped up as cannot su rvive In an age In whic h jus· evolved this query, which was trans· He-Ye s, dr.r.\lng; an d Since It Is IInely ·as possible , scalded with steg,m, tlce and Ind · p ndence are SUpplanting mltted to Mark Twain by wire: sllch a b r.utlful moonlig ht nI g ht, let's and mlxoll with 'tbe slop. You can buy flattery aud "How does It feel to be a dOctor ot tnk e a "''al k,-Bu ltlmol'e Ame l'i can, gallnntr y , -AppletoQ.'s mlddltn gs, low grade flour; It has pro',vagll,Zlne, laws? Please wire answer at our e~ tein, but Dot enough t ankage, moat The Philoso pher of FolI'y, Ilense," lOeal and blood meal are ' very much "f{ablt Is a wond e rful thing." ob· Arter a ,\\;alt of se" ernl hours this Icher thaD shorts. Perhap s the mostThe Man That Knew. cluiract erlsUc respons e came hot over sp.~·v s th · Phllosol lhe l' of I',olly, " r oncentr oted nitrogen ous feed we have I bad bee n told tbat I would find lu!.pose the reason som of th ose Is tankage , It was tound by test tbat ,ood s umm er board at a certalD farm· 'he wire trllm Missour i: W all street m n al'c trying to own ''It ,fe Is like emanclp allon from Ig. 50 per ~ nt, tankage contain ed abou t hons e In Nassau coun ty, L. I.. aud I' th III·th Is that somebo dy has lold norauce a nd vice, MARK' l'WAI:- l." 18 per cent. of digestib le protein, Cattle Can th em It II; thr ee, fCl l\l·ths wllter," Get Throug h But Hogi waH about, setting out from tbe cou n· rh ere Is danger ID feedlDg too milch try railroad sta lion to find the place, Ol eve land Lead er , Cannot. ')0 protein; It Is worse than feedlDg too when I ran aoross a man tbat looked Breakin g Off Gradual ly. litt le, trom the othe rs are Bet In tbe bog pas. 8S If 1;Ie could tell me 'all about It. A Sign. SterD Parent -Sec here, I~leanor. 1 During the lost two months of the ture. On t hese posts an,ot!1er pjank 1'118 honeym oo n is , allont 0\' r wll n 18 When ' I asked If he kne w "armer thought I told )'OU to g Ive young Snip· ~ee(llng period carbohy drates or tatten· nailed, whloh ,th e hu s band hegIns to kIck about. the 'p em his walking paper s? leaves just sufficleD t Green he r eplied: 1 mplre- ll'ti no fun to ha ve the faDI ing feeds are of greater Importa nce, room for the hogs to pass tbrough , All ,,'Ye p, Known him vel' s Ince he s,- Was blng toll SIal', Pretty D:LIlghler-A nd I did, papa , ell II YOII rlltten ~ W mUflt u~ e feeds that are digestib le 'the~; cannot jump sidewis e they are was a boy." Stern Paren ~-But be sti li com s tQ Root c r- /,:o, 1 shoulI; t hink It woul.ol NOT VERY POPUL AR. ~kll corn, wheat, flo\lr or mlddllD gs, obliged to go Btralgh t OD, , "Does h e take summOl bonrd I'S?" the hOll se, ' mak yo n f C) r1Iol'~lfiod ~ "Yep," Pretty Dau gbter-O h , he's only been "G,lt B comfort able pl ace,?" !lere seven times tbls week, palla, Getting Even. " Poorest OD the Is land," Stern Pa re n(- Ouly seven times! "Excil s me, sir," r e mon strated the "Doesn 't he set a good table?" Great g Llns! Whybllt! bar!> 1', " but th e re nre seyernl "It oouldD· t be worse," Pretty Da nghter· -l\'ow don't he decI' !.cmtc hes In ,lhls coin, " "I have been told that It was a bang· harsh, liaPll, HII Is t rying to break "\\lell , we ur even, o ld s llo,rt," up place to vacate In for a couple or oft gradual ly. laugh cJ lh t! re V ngeful putron. "There It Can Be Done by Brld~e Grat't lnll. weeks." are n Iso severa l dee p sc r atc he~ III my "Better go any..-'ll'llre else. His ('hln,"- Chicag o Dally Ne ws. Old·Tlm e Flying Machl"e , hoarde rs leave after olle m enl." Thomas Walker, portrait palDter, "But do you really know GreeD?" t Reverse d. asked, thinking I mlgbt have made a publlsbe d at Hull, England , III 1810, "That was a stran!,; fish slOry "A Tre atise Upon the Art ot Flying by mistake . ' Brown told," Mechan lca.l Means," Walker constru ct· "Why I'm tbe fe ller himself !" he "What was It ?" ed a ,flying machin e based upon bls replied, ' , "H e said that the fl f' h thul got away st\ldles of t.b e flight ot birds. It was "And yet you say that-th at-" " WIlS the s mallest (1111 of lhe lot."a boat.sha·ped cODtrlvance, with a ).)n g, "I Bay that the beds are Ii> blameq Detroit Free Press , prolectl ng bea k, also a long tall be· poor and the todder 80 durned meau hiug, and a pall' "of wings work ed by , that I l!let the I)lnee mys,e lt tbia . In Doubt, le vers controll ed by the hands of th"e IDC! So long." "H <. knows all th e stars," slue l', tr t.bls machin e was e ve r net· "A s tronomi cal or operaU c?"-De ually tri ed no record s of ' resulls are t rolt Frlde Pres s, now t ractalll<'!, Not What She Wanted : ' "The stupid I'epqrte r who called 1.0 IN THE FASHIO N. "Does }'our daughte r , plM' popular lee me. wrote me ILp as ' a pee rl ess Few Are Buying Pearls. niusill '/" beauty," ,sobbed the he iress aud socl. 'rh pearl trade of Bot)ll>a y has de· "Gu KS not. All the ne ig hbors close ety belle. prec;late d il1l ,'allLe In the taRt seaeon , Ih II' wind ows wh en she stUl'lll LO lirac· "Isn't that flatterIn g ?" a sked ber It Is th ere tha t th pearls nre Ilnully tlce." chum. ' . " collecle d by t.he Jewel mercha n ts, )10st ':Flatter ing? 'When every other girl ot them 8r( OppOSi tes Cause and Effect. se nt to Pa ris, and man" ID our set has married or Is engagnd Bre purchas ed th "They say that th're IK mor e cri me ere by '", altby A,m e;" to a forelgD noblem an?" " ' Icans, most or wbom, 'how \l \'er, ' have com min II I'D hot weather ," , bought sparing ly lhls yea r, Pearls In "Yes ; heat seems to c(lndu e to Paris are IliOW selJlng at a thi rd 0 wlckedl lt'ss," , H"o w It Goe. In Georgia . "Now that's sll'nnge , t hat a "Wbat do you , thinK of , hls cballce . tbe 11811al price, aud Jeweler s h ll w· Where trees are entirely girdled aD Incb ' apart around the girdled porc~nceled the ir orders for furtber tor recover y, doctol" " on. atmosp he re should cali se loose tllrough the cambiu m I~yer to the tion. If the lacision s ~ave been prop. slgnme nls f'!'Om Bombay , clpl@8.'·.,...llaltlmo're AmerlcnD, "What's hie age?" wooll, a method o( gratUng known as erly made and the tylgs cllt the rtcht , "Sevent y-eIght, " " bridge gTarting ,II often success fully lengtb, they wm tie flrm enough wIth· Indefini te. "Well, with hlB constitu tion. and be. P,r·tlnll of the Way.. used. Flrlt trllll tbe ' broken edgel of out tying. The applicat ion of IJ'Bftlog log Just iD hlB prime, he'll Expecta nt Helr-O h, doctor, I. th lll'e lIure pull A fe..... IDt,re was: at tloks tbe ot points the clock where and any hope for us? the ulonl thro11l b,"-Atl anta CooIUtu ' the bark back to the 10lDld part. Then , tion. Ibey were dUI! t~ part forever. eater the tree and over all woode d CYDlcal Doctor -Which ? Of your un· cut twigs, pr.ferab lT of Jalt season· . pam "You havl b,brokeD DIY h·beart, " cle'lI recover y will comple te the operatIo n. It or biB mODey ?-BaIU· srowth, u'd of tbe t84lu1rad lenath to tbe work lObbed the JIUnlDler girl, has 'been well Cloile ' the c&Ino He,. Identity . more Americ an. .paD tbe ",nUe. Tbeae .hould be cut blum of -lie twtia wtll alta with tbat "And you,' rejOined tbe young mar. Farmer Honk (musln gly)-Th e, ..y wedP snpe at -tOle, end, A lilt who waB ac'Pecluled to resume hla paWI NatuN to Do It 8om,ho'w. orp.theIlYeIlta tree a4 U8b the ' 11101114 be made In the lOaad barlt:. .. alI; til. wife . 11'.Ion bebla~ the rtbbon co)lllter OD "The Ananlu club leams to have ..e marrlecS :>her,"'...... actboth aDc! below the the morrow. "1Iaye broil. ~ ~ ·...10 Iyln. low ~r late." 1IQIon. 1Ia" It mUlt Ue IOIDUo w,"-Ba1 I . oIli.
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iJr~~~~. . . . 'lw: J.
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COUNTY COURTS . !\lew Suits Flied This W,,-ek of a Sensational Nature--Threc Mar. riage
.John Sulllvfl.n. plaint,ilt· 1'8 IWu· be~b Sulli van , defendllnt. Partition Ac~lon ' for divoroe and just lIml equitable reller . Plaintiff SAYII 1111 Wit!!. married $0 defendtlot J uue :1, 1 96 lind that 11e hll been a true aDd faithful bueband, but that de· fdndant i 0 total dl8rega rd for 11er duties 11as fur more than three years I)8st beiln Iroil!.y of gros8 negleot of duty and 8~ultery . Plaintiff olairns that dl!fendllnt WUlI Jtollty of adult.t!ry with o ne I... unls ~hook and other. He sileht!! tit leAst. twenty instaLlce and Vl1lool1 where 8uoh Itota II/LVe gODO on . Wberef ..lre plaintiff prays ' judg· ment for divoroe and dist!ollltion of said marriage thl.t the tltlll uf any property he IntLy now own be quited in plaintift· aUlI thut defendant be dlves*ed of any and lI.lI illterest by dower: alimony or ut,herwiljl! 10 and to any and all property tbat vll~intjff may own or herea fter aOCiuiru and tba' defendant be required to re o sume ber former n!lme "nd for all juet relief. C. 'S, t;parkK Ilttorney . tor plai.n tift'.
IJOlntlld Ildlllil1l~trator Itt ':lO \)ond . , Rlllpb B. Pllrli:lI, Hober! Hunt ILnd E. M, Thlrli:leld IlI)pr"illerll. E t./lte or Cyndtl1'8 Evnon . iutlane. eventb "OOQuot tiled . by R . 8a.~t!mltu . gUll rdilm. , . Ji:lltate llf ' arllb .J, Ll\l:Ibley, de · I crllsed. Dist.rihutive acooont, filarll by Wlllnlll H . LlIshl e.v , flllmluistrtL. tur. ElItHttJ of ,'uhn O. Fox , d6<l6lt1ell. ~oculjtl )HlO.lnnt tiled by ,11" Uruk , Iluminitttrntor. In matter of IlIIto.te of .,Jolln U . Fox. d4lCedeed. Willard J . Wright Ilppointed administrato r Itt 110,000 bond . )IA IUHA (liC
Latest Aeriai ~~aYigat\on Creates Big S'ensation ~.-~u~uuu-fuuu -~ ~n~
tihorlU ~n Fleetwood, :1£>. ouuk of Franklin , to Effie Polly. :1;\, of Frl\nk. lin , hot.h color!ld. John Korning, all, curpenter of Mlohiglin. to Elizabeth F. Woodry , :&a, Mason. Rev. Mr . Putt, Milson,
'rA vrr
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')'11 iil,hjeot ut uerlal na"I !;HlIoll I ~ 10 .'/111 tllrulll,; h Ihe air III U SIH'cd or IC " ,,.. 110'" r .. ,'e lvlll~ eal""·''t lloullllht of UU 1.11111' 8 111';.. huuI' I" Il (·/lhll . \\ hill· 1 1 1 + Iclr'lIIlt1 l' Ul l' n Iltl'ong-hulI! lIlt' wU1'1 1i, 1u 1110(\""1"" wind tI~III I ~ 1"'Jllceti w i, ':>Ie 15 . Blill "Ilh Ih~ 1'lIpld !llr"I'-ll ilel l1g ~O mllr . I.eI' hUu,'. 'I'Iw " ro p lIel''; nlllll<' In .. "Ivl ng 11>1 .. ~e\' l1Ilu~h' 1111. lind rIlLl,I .. r ar" bu~It 1I1ulI/: l'IIIII'L'ly ..ft, Cents ~ .... "'"" 1 ro 1I11I~~I Ihull 1\11\''I h.. re lllrul''' I I falhn' "l1hl · 1>1'0111 ' II I It Is Sill to. )l r"- .IIIT I I' b I II ,,.,,t,.,,, .... ,,.,.,',,"",,_... . . Ea 'h 11';(-"( 11~1 \ Mp H II ~IlU #\11. HIt:> . H n ( l O '.;r.. --Tv- ~ .Jfw -..111 + - ~ -Jlt..~ "," .~. .11 t 111111 w"hlll Ih,' n,' I ri.-.r:a. lp lOl l" '( ~!;pl n, 1\ ",Iml hill! bllt fu lll i r'" v ~M'III will ~Oll\)ll 11'1)' rf' ~'nlllt1n nl z ijt'lllhianC' Iu IIn y other so·c'wll E'lI :lIr·1 Ill'''!' III llIoc1 s o r I NII·"1. " hill. Th e recent JOII l'lI ey or ('Ollilt :to"I" ! 1'he hlo S ial 801l1'(\ or Agrl('u\· -.......rJ......._ ........,..,...,...,..,..,." " "......_ _"'-"_ J)l' lin . who 1Il t'1 d l~n H I \! r lift er n al'lng , llIrE', rE'eOg nl1.lllg f he wid . i111 l'l'est .. - -- ~ ..............,.,.,."... • •- . -....the e nd of Ihl' mn"l re markabl e flight no\ di splayed III aerial lla"Igatlon. in Hel'On llllll l' hi ·loI'Y. 111111 Ihf' s uo ('ells ' has contl'llCI d with 'ltpt a ln KlilIbl!lI' t ha i h <l!' nttendeLi \'al'inll s go\' t'UIll Pnt hhlloe for th II IJpelll'II11Ce or 1111<1 Inl est !' xllp. rlm Ill~ ... 1111 a e!'Olllall II 1'1 es ,H' Ienlllk III " 11 1")11 In dull), "Ig hts ., ILnri <,)( hII1I1101l,; fl l tht' 'olll!ug late 11'0" " ('on oI1l61 \'('ly t ll " t m. u's I1l\' en· 1"lIil'. In h, ' h,'It! hi 'u 11111 hilS. AII~ . Il v(' J; IIIIIS will n (')11 11111 leI' IhlK ~ I . :-;. " I. I " :,. I, Il \- xl . Ihlls ai'rord. 1)l'o"Ifl lll . anti Ih .. rln\ltl~ 1 or II S t'l! will In g its IH tI"II 11h (l PII"1' 11l1l11\ t l f S : I~l lllg be 11)1 [1 011101i I'Pu lll y . 11 1' t liin iot ud 1 111" 111\.1 1 I h t' clllll d <o( (' hu p' A llI e l'if';1 Is Kl l'OlIgl ... III I III' II n, el 'ro IH' rj h~ 'l u' \', " I'ld' , ~I'''" ' "Jol t 1111 rI .. U"hl III li s • rial IlIv('lIl1on o;, 1\ 1l,I 1111 ~lllur fIr lit,· 1I 11f1 i!:II ' , . •1 sh i ... .\ Ir. doubl 11 K IIlos l r H.1l10U I~ ,u ld 1111('0'(, .,.. l\u a lH.' u .., h llf"t'l I:n ll ll ; ,.-' (' :1!1I:) rO l' li:t d ,\'
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*************************** 7~ . * *i *~ ARE YOU A VOTER? * If you are, yo u Bure ly want. to how yo ut' ~
t ht' II I I'·
1111\ IIll' 11111 ,,'111 1 1" 'l w,' " II I ~ hl ~ 11I1l"hllll' will I.. , h''' I''' ''' I" :0 11I "' li· ' molh 111'1'1101 1''' '' ''' . will 1'1' II ~ ';" !Plllillc I1I'I Ile'II'I '~
1' 1IU &ICUIN U .
Which One Is Your Ch~ice?
' 1l 1;: "I ~
Albert Sohoonoyer. 24, laborer of Frltokl\n to Ha7lel Kelle.v, 1 , of AIIiIxllnder.
Iiltrry E, Earnhart, 21 farmer of WlI.yoeliville. to Bertie Elbon. 2~.
w il l
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I 111I·Plll ol·. Kol 01111' wil l 1"1,,11' 1"1111' \'Il<itllrs I.., ' ''"I [, l'llIhl~'' \11th dllll)' tll g hl ~ or th p:O~ H l'n~ I' nll'shifl aho\'!.' rles, ... Ibf'd, hll i xc- it I II~ ha Uoon I'lI(' P~ wi II be an· olh p,· Ih l'lIlill ~ r"l1lm·e. 'I'hc8e will lJe ('(\IHIII CII' cl 11 11,\(11' tlle' persnnni ~ IIPI'I" l'I~lo lI of Cllpl:1i n ' Kllllben$llCIe. and IlHnl1 ~ ""H' trol1lol, '" will be llwlLnil'd IhI' s\Il'(,f'ssr" I "nn I" K IIIIl I ~ In the "lIrl· 0\1: c \' rn l ~. l\ e'"ll ph'l(I 111111(\011 1111'111 will be III ~ tH1f"'1. HII.I In :0(''11111 lilt Ille more timid \' lsil l"\i'H wllh Ih iii lIf<· 1I1'l'~ Illul c\!'IIJ;hI R "r 1111 :"'1'1111 !II gh!. It "lll'llv hli lloon, In r' h" I'~ " lOf n <'lllll1'(, INiI 0111'1'11<"1', wil l 111111; ,' hnlf·hulIl'ly a,;,' 111'1011 : I':t l'h 11:0 ' of Ih " I~ ·poRI· 1",". '\II~ . ::1 , ," '111. I , ~. :1. .1. n,· x!. \\,ilh th, 10 'l'l ai ('111'1111,,,1 a ~ h f'l'fl A. ROY KNABIEN8HUI;. olli lilll'd . Ihl' ~ lIl' r l'h hnl'n r KB rn II [ul 11111 nlOr lodllY Is A. noy 1~lIa bc n · ancl th ,' 1I1<lIl1l1 l'l'Ilhl(' fl'f'e ILltl'UdlollS Illiutl, :0 Rll r k Y" lil'ot!IU'(. ~II'. 1(1II,1l 1' l'u\'I, I" 11. th l' '·11 111111 j.;' ~; XI ",,111011 In !Is ens hu , :L lt hOIl ); ll a y UlIlI g lII a ll or ;:0 ' lllllIlSQIICI' III and ",nl c.'l'l a hlllll' ll l tea· ytlllrli, hll ~ devoleel !l l'ifel lw or sludy tUl'l'S will lot, Ih" 11 "'!; I inlf'l'tIS llug In tn a ' l'llll IINVI!;"II!)tI, alld Wll ll l li e lirijt Ih(' hl ;; lnry "r Ihe "InI P. I,,\'e ll to l' 10 t; U c 'Il~ rllll y !lull Ii \l11'1!;1· It' Is IInl ,,1'!lIp III III'"IHl'lll l' lIt fell· hlc ualloou. "'hl ~ 01:1'111'1' 'd ,1111'11)& Ih o ' 1111'(''', hu\\,pvI·r. thaI I.h Wxposl1loll LOIII~hllla ll1r c ha~p Jihll"t' IIIQII U Sl. \\'111 . (lx "ol 1111 OilHoI l'll. Oli t.he IlItt'I'est Lord", !I lid. since lhat tlln hp hllli 1'''" ' 1t'1I (If I II <I(",'(' nlCl'n ,li s llnet ,Ie· ijtruc let\ Ulatl lOll bl uc ' or ', Illferent \1HI'IIll>III' ;; Is s ileh Ihnt n.II will be rie>llpll S 'tI"I 1'1II1bl'lI ~ . IInlll torl~y . II 11IU('r\ to oVNOo",Inl'; wll\) most mag· lhe !:nhulllllll"/l of hltl )' 0 8.1''' (plfort I nillc n exltl"! I,; 11 /1 (1 \""llhl~' II . d~lllct· and tl lnr\~' , h e l'n' ~" "ls lo lh( [111"" ' I llig lho gl' 'u( tl Nil or Ih Rnok e;ve lhe 1110 ' 1 1l,.\,·V"IOII S IIlr vc~f!r l III lhe btl\l . , WQI'III' hi IOI'Y' - n IIIh!l!etl 0 '" 1111'1<111 1 Mau)' (I'IItt'I'lIni Ilud H(I Inl 01'1;1\1111.8· Thi s IOIac: hln', III 1111 III 1'1 ,,,10 lil t' h",,· I Inn~ wid m t in 1I1IIIIIILI I',,"nlnll' 011 IS III nll ,I J;t>n'I'"I fU1'1II of . 01ll!tl'lIutiun. I he fail' 1:;1'01111,1: rlnrln g Ih ' (,01111I1U' clOt! 'I ." r r (llIIhl" H ('I~U I1I :i'.olll)ollu's ,an cc Of Ih e l~ xpo~1I1oll . 111I·l lIllIng tb GOl'luau all'slll\l, !lull III (ai' In advllllco I P8tl'OUti o( Uu balltlry Hud l h ... Mod·
'** '*,* *
'olors , an:i 'the only way is 10 buy II pictllre of youI' favorit e Ilnd p lace it in ~llJr window. ~ TI'i e photo pictul'es a i' th b s t In thr~ mnrke t, and are lh la t sl pictures of t he t wO p,:
*' *' *' *.*'
genllellleJl. 'i} The s mall price will e nabl el'ybody to Hilla Alluwed-T. U. i>atterttOD, pur ' has one. all al th GIlZ tte vftiee and buardlng prisoners during July, : look at t h m, and ou wi ll be sur 101JllY. , 5:10; 'J', ,Patterllon , maintaining hora~s a.nd vehioles for J oly '25 ; Mlirlin Hall, plaintiff, VII Leull Lebanon Gas Complmy, glls for jllil Iilall defendant. Pemion for dl . $6; Tbe- Wostern Star, poblishiog, voroe. PJalntdf say8 thll.t they were notice tu banks 110.25; MilLmi Ga. j mlU'ried November 7, 11103 and al· zotte, publisbing notICe to bank.s, '*"'" ...... ....,.. ..... ~ ........ ., legel that defendant, for ~hree y8&r8 19,50; Lebanon Patriot publishiog pailS, bu bean guilty of gr08ll negloot uotioo to otlntrllotors. 1111 .75; Lob , of duty toward thill plaintiff. That anon Pru88, no'Ioe to oontrootorlO, " be neglected and failed w do tbu *13,75; WiIllaol EVllnll, lJri,igo luw. family ooolrln, ILnd washing and bel', $7; /Mm D. Henkle, fees anu tbaa she wilfully In~'rfered wUh tlxpunl.let! 118 lIurveyor for July plliintlff gaining emplo'yment by fl26,90; Lebanon Huuso, UleaUt for making malioioUII statements to jury in. Walter Reed calle 10, ~O; friends and neighbors, J. D. MiJIer Xenia Olty Work House, boording atkJrney for plainUft'. . pri80ners during July, 175 i J. ?d, Ca'tberine Snook, plalotlf}' VII Ed· Craig, bridge repairs lownsbip, 12tl .• Cents ·ward Rnoolr defendltnt. ,PetUlon 87; E. M. Dumford, bridge repalrll Each tor divoroe. Plaintiff says they Turtlooreok townShip, '18.55; Jl\oob were married October 2, 18112 aDd Hhumaker bridge hlulbur, II 15; that one ohild, Neva, by thew ilj J. B. t;mHh, bridle lumber, 179,12; I ,DOW living• . PI.tntlft' alleaea thMt flonry L'hri8t.\aD, urldgo repair8 I ~ftwdan' is galUy of grOllIl neglect. Hawilton townshIp, *22.75; Eli D. habitUAl' drukeDne~ and adultery. Burnett, contraot, IIOtl 90; Wlllltlw r3he asked for reltef ~nd oustody of P . .Bay, oontraot, SllOO; Ohio Corro · 01:lild, Mar"n A, Jameson attorlh!y .gnted Uulvert and Bridge oompany, ........ w.:.x:-" ••, • u . . . . . . . . . . . . for plalntlft', lewer pipe 163.80; B. U. Mills, IUIll. Frederiok FrellMirg, exooutor of ber $6.30; Leb"non Ioe lind Cloul 81atIB of O,barles I'reloor" deoeaeed, company, iou for court house 40 : A Purely V.egetable Laxative pla1ntUr va Minnie Houk and J. F. Contrll! Uniun 'relephone OOWIJlln,r, Cures Chronic Constipation, and All Book, defendants. Petition for 113.00; W. J. Coplllanu, ink pllok Liver and Kidney TrOUbles. money, Amount olaimed 'S600 on 13.110 i rrrUtiteoli Of Public All'l4ire, promisory no&e. Eltz~oth and Ma. fountain rtlntl!, ¥ll; 'J'ruatuoll of Pub. F'Clr sal~ a 1 lh ~ tol1owltlll pin t . pie, attorneY8 for plalntlft'. lio AJlolrlt. water .~ i i:ltatll of Ohio v~ Harvey L. Straw, 142.i:I:! ; State Zimnlermtln 'fI, Kllbon ·s. RICAL J:8TATJ£ TltA NIIl"IC lUI. of Ohio ve Il!lIac Bartlett" '''7,95; White '!:', Moutltjuy' Springfield, Ohio. Agnee W. Wright to Elias OKlutl· 'W. 8, Antrl\w, bOO staml'tI, 110. bee, 40 acre8 In two tracta of Waynu Contraots-Contraot watt unturod and Muele townllhip, 18100. into with C, O. <.:Ieaver for l)Ottio~ David W. Karns to Myrtle F, up railing on Harveysburg hill near KNAIBENSHUE'S PASSENGER AIRSHIP. SDOOIr and William H. Bnook quit the fertilizer plant on the Wllynell , ' claim On traotl iu HamiJto~ town. ville aOlI HlI.rveYaburg road in MaB- of .a ll Y PI' ,'I'JIII> ; \U1 0rill<!U Invontlon 'l e rn Wuolllll c n of Alii rh:" . Th e nrat 81e townsblp at eatlmate 139:75 GTII Ct'ClI II " ~ ~lIIl1g til"! !!elll' of ;lil' IUS lIamori Or!;R1117;ntloll wll\ hc)lrl ItR lin· I!hlp, $1. Il hllge bird IIf PI'PY . this !:llrall!;!) b e· I II 1I1i I rellllioll WflCln escillY 111111 '('hurs· Caroline Frauenkneobt, to W. I!'. Uontrllut WILli ~nterotl intu wltb .-1Ic1('I·hll; craft III IIb ~olutely IIl1dpl' I rluy. SAP!. " ItII<I :~. \\'11 II pl'OlIIl se of IIlI'zroth and . W. L'hester Mal)IU, Lonnie Whitllcru for )mUlng io Dew the coulrnl ..f ItH Q'pertHor. alld 110 [ the ll.q;f'NI " llp'lIl1"lce III Its hl ~tory . Llile ;\laslul' F. A . Ol'l'lhick lill !! pre· real estate in Washington townsblp, nailer8anlt repe.irmg foot walk un llerle'l I .. I Ls mcdlll,,1 'al ('frecI" that flh~ht ~. tll'U 1I0W po~ 'IIllo CV II dUI'IJlg I Ihued II lIIo~ 1 Inll''''',,1 11I1; orde .. of e x· '100. 'J'odd8 J!'ork bridgo on Morrow roall tae Dlos l turbulent' W aLIHlr. t 01'011;08, whll Hlllinlil!? ('IIII',·.talll," e nt Is it kellping time to the dol? Or Andrew Collins to EUas and Jane In Balem towuahip , at the etltlmde "'hlle lhe 'llIc<'1lalllelll of Ihls lal/' ~t will Ie prr/\lld NI hy Ih e . late Boonl do you have to do a good deal of a erial Cl'flUlIOIl III <L Clll'c[ully ~tllIl'\l c d I of A grlCllltH1'l'. . guessing to know whertl you .are at? H.nffman, lot in HIlrveYllburg, 161. $211.67, ~ 'cret or Ils·lnveu tor. t he followllljC I Ou 'I'll 'lidll)l. S.·pt.. I,' wHI occur the Jobo G. and BorUnda Leaf to Uontraot W~II entured into with b'rlef dewe"'lllion 01 ihi s IIIUI'V I hil I! 1II IIIIIai li chl dll~' or · Ih' ~ I III \ "1' 1i \\ 1'011 · GueHs work may be all right for ' Henry Leaf, tract In Harll\n town . .J. P. Fair.o bild for cleaning auli been ol>luill ed (I'OUI '1II'lIllu Kllub '11' I mf'tl of Atll\'I:I,.", rN' whkh 1\ \'I\I'IecJ the idler, but a bU8iness mall wants ship, 15. pilinting low trulIlI s~el bridge sblle. 'I'll" elollgal'd I;IIS ba~ i:\ COli' I 111'Ojl.l'Il1l1 01 alhl !'lIc COlli S i S , willi to be on time. Pltl)lIATK UOUIlT lI.bove the Bruwery on tbe Morrow ~ll'l1cll'rl fir ilwlI sa llrl, nl rilrd~ or Im. I I'Irh llli)'.{'f:I to IIII' s ll r '4':<sI'1I 1 COIII('~ I · My IIpccialty is watch repairing)lorl."d silk of fltlc ~t l ex"II'''. HOWl'ti In l\lIl ~ . bll ~ i)l'l'n '1"'1'''111'''(\ , 'I'll' 10'HIIIIl,!.! Estate of John Hobner, dtleeafled. and Butlerville road in Salem town· Ilqtlal'Ct; th"1 II muy lIIilv Ih e I!r ...oIf',1 fClIl II I' of lit cia.\'. how.,,, I" ·, will III' the expensive, hlgh·grade Mary Holmer appointed exeoutor. !lhip at estirn"te of I~O. watches - anel if four watch is out fJl.l'enl!.th . The hll~ hilt;:.l IIPllr'I L;V uf ' II <:olll l', liti\'e HI'Iz n ,11'111. to lJe f)nr· of 'order I will treat it skillfully and Inventory diepeileed with. Uoutraot was entered Into with ' 6~,OOO c\lIbic fo t of h~" \ro~ e Jl ~;' s, gl,,· It.-I,,~il ecl III , hy Ih ... el'lIcl; 1~' a"I~ "I seien tificnllY. :rJ~ a IIl'lins ro ... er of :il'l'l'C)xllllllloly ' the I<lal.. S~I;l' e lllr." Pol "lIri " r I Estate of Loui\! Elminenger, in V. J. Zont-myer for paving two 4.000 POllllt\t;. l'nlLbllHlg It 10 CI!ITY III cO II'."II I)('C In CIHlI'J:'(' Is (;(llIlIclelit Ihlll sline. Nintb account filed by guar. bridgee and replilring a onlve~t addition to ItA Olll"r"tor Iwd c nll:ll"," r 1110 1(' 1)'; limn 20 1!'IltlIS will. onter the No Guess ~Work Here above Kings on tbe river road in · I"rce I'1I8"PII'I\'(:I'.. The c nv elopc II) I CO.III P,t, while he ""I'<II"ls ~Il "lIe)'" dia'l E. Bridge. . Deerfield . towoship at estimate, 150 fe et In longth , r .f rrei ' In r1IIlIlH" alice 01 al I"lIst t!'•. OOO \\'oo<lll1l'n lin Eeta.~ of John Marllb, decel\8ud. . tar. lind ~1I"rended to Ihi!! by ate!'1 f that ilay. Tho lo ca l C LHIP ' of ColulIl' 146.30. Due proof of. pnbllcation of notioo wires '18 Ille carrying cu . This 11l..tlOr blls al'll PI'('Il IIl ' In g 11) 1I111 1'1'lul ll v ... il· ".rHE 'V\TA r.l~CHMAKER. Controot · was enturtld into with Is 90 ref.t In lelllt'h alld hu:; lhl'ee In~ bl'l'thl'ell III I'oyn\ slyle. lind lhe' of appointment of executor filed. Up·To-Date Jeweler, Z. U. Worley for II. 8tonl! and OOD. .eparate I'umI'Nl'tlllf'llls rol' IHt:;S'C n· dllY will bl) d(>\'olo,I t" 11101'(' Jirll.lY Estate of Amanda C. Gillie, decrete oulvert near l'esldeooe of Z. O. r;lll·S. On e ither aide or tile mammolh cCnJE'liting the tics of fl'lIt ol'lL"! broth· Will 'positively be at 'oleman's Stove Store every Wednesday oeued , Due proof of publIcation Worley on Mill Grove and Morrow r;118 envelope arc 11.1 h'l:hcd two aoro- '!lrhooo. of appointment of adminillt.rl\trix of 8f'l'rel d~~Jgn,~ndwhh·h i;erye The Ohio 't nt~ Fall' Is a grand It':============================~1 roa;d in Salem township at estim~te Jllane8 to propel the ' l'el:!~E!I r()~i~t tho I;tale edu 1I110nOlI lustlllltiOIl of the I~ filed. S56.7.5. wind pl·eIlS III'<'. Th o '\I'Iving pOWf'r 01 hl/,hf'lIl rallk , 'I"~(, n'lnJ: IIf lht )latron' Eata~of Robert J. G"rwood, de. ---,tbe machln(> IR flll'lll flllf'd IIY l\\l() tl l?lI · a"" or e\'c,'Y c;ltl1.lm of the slate, and cea8ed. Due proof of publioation cate!y 'on 'U'\I 'ted (' lI gI II!' K or 40 I llo donbt li s atlcntlnnc:.e record wUl BULBS FOR SALE FOR SALE GETS CONTROL OF PAPER of notioo of II.ppolntment of admin. kine POWQf each, (lllabllllg the cl'aCt be shattered lhls year. t.trator filed. One surJ;'ey, cloth finish, spring l cushions and back, and patent spindle White Lily B\llbr for sale. In· In matter of will of ~rah J. UnHarold A, Pauly has DISGRACEFUL CON DUCT:J I Has been used but little. Inquire of qUIre of B. P. KINDLE. g168by., deoea8ed. Wlil admitted to tbe Troy Buo.keye and his manage. , Dr. A, T. WRIGHT, Waynesville.O. probaie. - - - ~. --For Sore Feet the coming issue i:!ome diagru.ouful-:-O lllluut ill Pile8 helped dt onoe with Dr In matter of "state o'f .lulia M. t:;hoop'8 Ma~lc Uintm· o nt. JORt.1;o "I hdve founl1 8uckleu'8 Arnica. ~tober deoeall8d. Bond of adminl8. The Buokeve hall been tlle ollicial Little MtlLml river ~t Ol'e"onitL wlll IItomaoh UmJb~" bot. trmll\clm of, and nat prove it, ft, trial box will be mailed Salve to be the prOller thin" to u~e Republioan n"per of th Mt . .., In I\eoU. VUe 1 _ We thInk Dr'NlPlIa. crator, .John F. Strobes, ino~ea8ed .e ami oost two young fellow!! pre tty dour- Deal1burD. u4 dlll!lfJ(IIla. I'IIAI dl_1I08. ~et nn request, by wrlt,i,n g Dr . Shoop" for .. ore tee.t, as well as tor beallng from t200 to $4S00. oounty capitol for mBny years. It Iy f.o r t,llelr sport.. ISAnc (ioz"d, 1l'::"e~~~~'i~fl!l~. ttitaln .~c 40 Rlloine, Wis. Itohing, sm"rtlnR, ' b'lfn8, 1.40reB, oute, and ,,1J ma.nnel' lif Eltate of Marab J. Unglesby, de. walformerlyowDed by Qongre811ml\n aged 18,was arre\!tec1 aud hrougbt to 1nl:h~r:~'on-:f\t~II:'=~~~J~:cC bleeding pile~, internal or ext-erDal, "brllsloDR." write!! Mr W . t3tone of T Ios U T d ILy IlIIImedr-Dr.•1100p'. Beltorauft, Golnlf dIrect get quick Inll\ certain help frow i:IISt Poland, Matne. It III .the propoeaHd. Estella M. Brown appoint . Williaml!. Mark Bauna oo~trolled ..nat arey' 8 OOUl't l a!lt har8 lonelll'oubUha&lu_ made hill fight for the t\ h t I ' anuaTor"I)r.8b00:r"'4h11~ye. Wltbo Magio Ointment, Large box 60,. ar tbln.: too for piles, Tq it I Bold ~d executrix of ellta~ with William it when he M on ;no 0 atge of !lSU tlDg Aotlons oat that an JlllfhlF Yillll»rlnclple. no Sold by all Healers. under guarantee at. Fred C. r. Pauly is a young mlin toward_ womeu. fIe WRS . lined *1) 'llQ~lMtIn.aCCOIIIPII.tll.~lImM:t.obe~ M, CorWIn. J. J. Galleher and Oba8. Henate. t:lc~wart~'8 drug IItore. 21i,. I)HAETON FOR SALE 'of 8nperlor scholarllbip and ability and 008tll IlDd tlenteuced' to fl ve days ~~l~=':1 ~:;:'oop" ~imPioa al apprallerll, and poIlKlI!I8e8 the experience an' d iu jail. Learn RaIEIOJl, aged 21, dl1d WhM~::::S~1"'~"'~..u"'.JrJ:: . lIlI.te of PhiliP H. ~urf.oe, de . In fine condition, good as new and Notice In on tbe _4 used but little. Will sell cheap' Inceued. Eran k E. Thomas admtDill" the Knowledle of the pubUehlng oolored, Will! Without r~n I will be at Oole q~ire of A. M.a ffit. vaSor a' "000 wl&h Charlee ~rown, bDllin8ll1 to makn the Buo.eye an oharge of indeoent man 'I Stove Store ever, Wedoeaday ~ BlIey and .Tohu Jam880n .. excellent . .per. We oonRl'atulate Ion and was fined ~-- .----the people o~ Tr!'y and the Repobll. lenteDoed to t._.... j~ . . You DaD leave your watch. there HOOS fOR SALE, an1 lime, it yuu are no' lD towD OD can party of MIami 001Ul$y upon the I workhoUH. ....... of Mary BriDinler, de. fOI Wedn.IIda,. . ~OD to duIlr nDb of 10 able a 'Opon. warrant
**** ******************~**~~~*
Look at Gazette Windows 15
SWi ... -
The Alpha Chemioal Go.
•• •
'h l
to.h.lItoIIlaOh ........
Dr. Sho-op's
..kftiaen. -
Cbul.. W. Briablpr ap • BeP\1bllCllD,-Wamta Qomi'7~~!~~lll""'.u:'I.'.~~~~II~
----------------------------~---------------------------.----~--~~.--~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oJ<] · fa blooetl Bur 1.1 us. Iluout 100 TilE MIAMI G. \Z I~TTE , '1'1 II' I.;lray vl l ,'. I lld .. , 1111 ll'll;tll'l'ini - lilt' 1"," W· ,II d "'11 1111,. III" ,'nl I' 'y'! liI'lJ of VIL1'pat, lJitlll~l!, Cookiug l'rI
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"!", \I' 11((1rl
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(i9t Well
ryund y in ,Zqn ~vm , Ohio, II, Ift ll l \I-\( ' II I ~;~ ), " "1". k n ow" Mrri M ,Lry J" e , of rural I"m' Y" 'III'S lilt< ~\,lIl1d" l' ll1l ",·t III I'lIBLIl\ SATil·;. l'ont!l~, .;h writ. : " My husl.111uu. '; Ilvi ll l,( , 'J IW'III II1 '~ 1I1111111111ll l ' JIL IVI',,1 ___ I ·I ,IIIH·S Lf·e . Orrllly beli" ves be Ll w e K U'II tH" ' \I 11 '101 I t 11 1'1 111 '\111 tl ; 'd 1 II 1 , I . I l'hlH li t o I II Illl 11 ,. (1 o f Or. Kin~ 'f< N w I II , , • \ 1 .' '.' I .. 1." .\' I ·II JI' • .• ~lIlll·I I )I~(lI)\'ftIT. Hi li 111I1"S w{ro so Il'thOIlI. 1I111"~"'"I'!o< IIgll Ihll 1I 1111I'''', W(I ·I .. 1 \ ,1\· 11"~\·III, .. ,·11 ti ll ' l JlJl I' I' "'\' t I '1 ,'" 'I " .' .', ' ~Jl'III'Il"I'II'tl"., \1('1'. Y a il· .m , I II . CIllHllI ll~J.'."on Wnl'ltlI Ki ' ll/o'!< I'c1ll1l 'II;. l i 'lli ( 'I II! ld , \ 1 I I, . ' fI ~I"' I" (L I IIH ' \. 1\ II hI. , wh ol1 11. Il'lt~ n tl III ) ' ·l rr' I (·~. 10111' "'''I'lol "'"lIdd p r llllll 'I'lh·slla ,l . :-;1' I)k ll lhl' r I, I!HlS, 1 1'11(',/ I 1I1t,'llt l otl N ' lw 1.Ji8,II)V('\I·Y. \Y u h ly 1111\" IIl. v(r h 1LT\l tlrI11i~ htll'(l A ll lOr 11 11' d .. t1I"I ~ flllt! 1."'"I I I1~ I :I'1t\tl l • 1;';11 it~t~? h;I ;II·r.H.t\.lr~tl ~Ii LlI I1' h ' "11 t ftl' g llv(l I'IIIIII'nt hll l, .L til IIt f'II~I I.· ,"'" III I " I' , I ' I ,'I ,' h"I" " 1/1 11' ,,,(, 1lI1L1 I. . ' It·. . ~In g !< j ow :".,11 _. , f ,III, I () 1~i"I I' ('I'y I,.. Ihu kill!; LIt Ih'·UII!. l1ud l'IW(l~tJ1 '1.Il, II II I I I .. \" '! II''' I I II II ~ l'l' lU P. c1I l!l<. ['''.lr {)U II I? IJ!I !.Iod ll " l !'lll ~ " , l Iho liI·ein lft,· 11 " " ... ,'. ",.1'1' ,I 'llI'. 1 ' lli l ~ 1111 I ( II '1'1 f ~ 'dOD 1,1·!!1tlni "' ... (IItl : I Ii "" 1'111 ",. 11 ( lol l : ' '~ ll :; I " '(Jill . 1 II'". " , I II ' r I' , Pl'llI, '!!I:!; I I ' II II o ll , I . 1111111,"1'5' HI ( It· p " r'() I1 ~ '" 11 , : I l 'Ii :~ ; '~ f lId . ,, 'II : ; , 1111 111'1. "'" I't< II' ,. f , , 'I' ~y -1'1 I. c· ,-'~J ( ;t, 3u U,UOlJ l'fI1l1l1l ~llrLlI I ""l1 llll i011. 11 114 1 ( :"1' 11 . 1111 "I', I.~'I I "II . I III'I! H II " ll' II', . tl , >{ l lI I I'IIIl Hll~ 11,_ 111'ot l ( • UII'Il, I:l lN with Ih i~ t hr t' III f' lIln ~ 1'01 px p t.Jdnul \ '11,, 01 ,:: \''' 1'01, " 111, ' 1' '' 1'1" ,1 111 J\ -:J I 11,lI'" hl' :;t l ll'l". ,)01' 111111 :U ,OU. Irutl l' . I ' . II) tt iJ I r II. IUI Y 1,11'11), MI' , (il'uhl> Il IIIII' I'I \' II I, . " 11 ' 11111'" '''1'1111 111'"1 , I I·: " nd __ _ _
No. 112 1,1 ,
(:1 ' 11 11 ", i lt h l~ II llflll' IU r .tll ,III '\.
d o If pl.l veu s treet s
O bi 1' 6 .
Of Figured and Plain, Plaid and Striped White Goods , worth 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c, 50 per cent off, all sold at
rbel'e way he II. wil y to fix Mllio !lta'eel , but 1J1l ~ Lhtl cou 001 1 ful'gutf ell llbo ut it ?
UIUS.lI.Ut1UlltHllI11I,,"tl w"",IIK ,.11 'or III AVelilltl ~
MIlOlldliUl are too ex p
Illd lJut
11 11 1\, '.\1111 11 11' ,· Il ·
1111' I l' dl'1'\1 I I\I' I II~ , .. ~IIII· 1." 11111" 1'11'1111' 1'111. pili 11 .1 I hu 111i1t ~:< to IIUILl UrOUti til II l"UtiUll . ' J ' ,, 111 '1," HI 1{ 1t~"" " 11.1111 1 1'1'" 'l'"TII1K mil d" I It0WIl on (lay 'of ' ,I. B . M 1I. 1.s , I,ll 1'/';'1 tll lll lli (""11,,·,,1 ' 1i" l' mall ·,. I'll I I ,I '"I, 11.111 1:1 1111, /', pI/ I pal t h .. Sill • ( '. '1'. jJAWIOt:. A ('. 111'1' KII"'o III 1I III IJl UIIIIIIJII, J"'I III' \ "1 '.11"1 I , 1 ',1,,11 ,I " 11'1"1,1' 1111' 1 <11
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IIhllnL th,oll'l,,~I'I\:'11 JI \t'. JIll
I i)' ll)lluwill g-;
~ I I'phu lI l1 (1 1' 11 11 ), ., willi"
' \\''' '~ III ' , I I'"" ~."·;I I I 'd I i i". I i1 l1 g g , I)' I r;. (· III-' ll":, 'I'AI . 1": l J 10 I ." ~'" Fouod-- A few tlliuK!I out·ou Mulu DIHI n. A l1t.1 lw ~ n ll , w I III IS nlJ" ',' I I " '11 1111 " \ 111\" '1' . ,: 1.. ,, 1 "111 . "":11'11' j B sta'eet l<!"t by tl ul o\t:l l s OV tH' UU1'gtlD Ul Ulhel' u f.t.Il u HIIILo Ho ld l, 1'1,' 11 11m , II ''' . I \\ I"',d 111'111 " I,,,.,, ), I , Til e 7\JI\t Heui lll t' lll lll A ::HloollltlOn fl)u :;: llt. I,\t e 11 '111 t' 110111,1 11 1 '0 "11 1'1 ,.Iw , I :," 1"", 111 UlIl" ' I'()II I' t1 11 t111 fit \ i lLUiu ~tuli IU elt 'I'tle~ t·le buUl ~~ ' I I ' I I ' 1 11 " " I 1: ... · 11-111" 1'1,,110' 111I1I"l lo tij , 1 1 1,leut l' 1I 1llti bl'U') w"" ttl til I " "Wl l' 11.11' II, ., ,; 1'l' lw . I '1"111111'('(1 d'l .\', IIl1d II 'Otic.! tim e Wu!:! bud , a lLook tlt our wiudow!:! . l10d bet! th e by orl!lI l' II I' ( ' ,," to ,·,,1 ,'1' 11 0 11111,\ IIJ h' II q. 1\\ ft""II", rl"l w , ! lLt " lI g h wi lh n sUluli g~ltll tll'illg. pio~ureB tU!'l' tl. 'l ' btl Y are f o r ~u l e, p or i It 1'0 11111 111 H;, \ I· h'. <' III r II I'dl I . 1,1"11. I :'" /,; 1" , " I'll 1' 1'111 I (:"1' 11 11 "111 1'I1l10H 1~ l'IilJI( S ll el'l\'oo ll . lind flnJ clJe!lp, l lJo . lJlLllll lI ll1mll' ,111111, AI' II '.r , If I h " 1 ~'·I,( · ' III " I . I:-illg lu 1 '' ' " 1 PIli\\,. 1 1 ~I Il 1tl n n 11111 1;11 W(\I'I )Jl' o!!lnt fr o m t:llIll U,"'lIulIl 1'"I'lIl1 ' l lillylln' llIl'lllJ(J 1'.11,· ' I t 111 ' , 1, .. 1 II I ". I l 'IIIIII1 ~~ I h L~, h lwn. . , I 1' 0111 \111 1. ' 1111",' \' I'"I, ~ . I ( " 11' 11 '1'he gtlotle I'ulos hit v o uIlld tllu "V I~ I' t,t) h l l1l t,1I 11111111111111 ,)11 11 util i U I' . ~II,"I " I' I I ;, I III I ' /'t, d l\ ' J "" 11 \' 1 I A lI g u ;\ L tt U IlJ l ' III!! U II t.h e o el' ves . vegetllt.\vo look g u to Ul! eePsc\II.J - Jillllll ·f.! H lul' tl~ on h un d. wl11f' h W(' I'(\ 1:1,' " . I .'. ,)1':1 h " ~'''l' " "III,It ", I'I 'I' ~, !:iul Illllt " PlI'iIt 08~. IIU uUlbltiwo ptl din U g r oat 11 up Hlill C· ItV l 'I':!lJ l ll tilll'I''Irl'' '~ 11 11 /1 :-i lll g l"I I'''':'. '7 10 t fltl iln g Cli O UA OIHII'I.y uoa quiokly Itl Iy tb e g l1l'deu ll'U k , Wi l,hlul' PIIU ll1 lM. A Itlt g l'!1 lJh p ltlll 1Irlll i I ,,,g' ( 1111 11 ", I 1'1(· 1, ' 1. I'QI1 C'e l tt'1' J u.v tuliu g wbat is kn o wo by 1111'u 1III n 111'1" 111111111 1' , ,\.for (·I" " "'. I 1' lI,lt Ila' lIulJ l lI ~ 111' U ' " j ,, 11l tl I'yw be r e 1.111 UI'l:;hoop's 1 ' 11 n '" 11 II ' , 1 ("1 " d H.tlstl)" . 1;1. \VltlllD . ~~ bour!lll,ft!lr .J U ' 1-1 (11~ . 1 :-;' , .1 III IIiI ,III."'. I .,ee l·uLI WIIJ sowe Lluo c ut th,) tl,weeLls 0 11 ,IlJ llt Wll1l1 orwio AveOLle Iwll UllJ Ktl it 1I1l1r e LIo n d l1l\ Il l'o llutlllJ l>j. ,1 _ j.lflll11/ 1 .11 1- Mllw I'. I 1'0\11 ' 11 10 (ir illd l' l' . I H,)gi'- tI g illuln g' to Il ~e t.lll Rel:!lOrU I,ive. mUll r mill 1'\' 1' II I IIIIUl11l ilJ 1l W II S plloL\ It ud IIlltl II h ll nf H II I' I',dM, I S II'llw 1I11)JI'Il VfllllloUt w ill be noticed or prl:senttlble tu til e polJllli yo'! el II t ho xe!! h l l{ h 1\ Iliff', it loll ,II' B(lx !<, j ('I·OR~ · ()l1t COIlI'!'IO. f nll beal lh , will l.Iot hOUiedl .
10 and 15c a Yard.
l't" II'I " ",.""
Children's :Muslin Drawers 10c and 12 1-2c.
The. Felix Corset, Long Hip, $1.50 grade for 9Se.
"It" ::
A Illllnd I' "tll l'nl HL I'I1Ck R e!<lIoft Illo :-' Il W, ~ HIII'I! Hh ."(lls j II 1.)1. or I'lli'l l'. . . I 1 ttl I tl I I-'llll' or H,,,,o l . (m il, !" «(\00 POIlUtl !< ), thy l o lltlWI II ~ I \e >II ., e, 11.1\. I ll ., I II . . I 11 I, 11 f I IIpe. 1 II- Il ) . w "" I I I ~ . II li '~ hIDlng w nt.downnt I g rUPhPOIOI II'" rk . l{ lJ i" " IIIU Pull e,) 'li, , <!UU K lI ~lll' 1111 0 I h e uOlun itlOu , nU!liu g t.Llt' ('1'(1011';. ~y 1'11)1 Hilt')' I ~. 'I :::iUf.{:ll· ex 10!:!1 U o f the fU ll ll IUUlulllJ,i O U . ' 1 · 1·llll ~:h .~ : 11)1 'If \oIl'Ilili Hu ·k H, .1 1.1\\ u lIdii of th e otha!' box l:I WlI l' :Wl uw,: r, I J..ILI·t.1 Pl'r'H>I . :J • 1'i11l1 ,", UI!C' 1 (~ I'IIIII"I' , I Ktl l of Il lI ilUI 'j \\ n t'le IJ Il Thfted. lludllJ et \'IIse t l~fil' . 1,1 U-I I..1 ~~, I Hullll" h'ly 11; 1 1 ~., "3 HI 1'111111 II.' tljU!.lULtll'llUb \'II • stnudlU g Ilelll' b.V S,l ol~h I.iu ll ~. I 11111 11 l' HIIII un, 1 .1 w h e l.l t,h e IIg h Luan g l:Itl' U Ie. !:I I'! 1'0 ( , , 1\\ II,II A, A Ju t nf \V 1\,. t' 1 ~ 1111.1 b t Lh d e!! tl'uotlotl of t b llt A xle .. ' , II ' "'
Mr . li'a rw el',Y ll'ltUvebeulhiuk a long IIWt! l1b u ut Pl'uttloti u l! yoor~slv es III pri ·eli. No w It Ii .
'fhel!e oool ul g hll:l lllllile Uti btlg io thiuk ~b ,luttbe oouDLy flt!r· . 'J'be stllte fllir Will soou ueg lu, IIUU It Will be II. good oue Lql .y eul' ,
II vll ..,11,,1, 1 un.! l(itl'll (~ 11 ~' lIl' lIi I , '0 , I!; 1' . ' 'W g n ll o u 1\. 111 6,2 "We h el1rd l1 !'oa,l.Il·k tlte utlJer IllY W illi '!:! , allll,Y, th e n advao c in g a ll 1I 1. ".i n ~ .· t' )Vtl~. 1 ' ;qo ld:H v ... . ti ll W tbd little Lhlng diJu ' t oo uot II KII1 gS t l10 lI uIl ( 'lIrte l' VIll e , IIIIU h t! I r lllll\ u U,I ",:,- - :$ n (~d y lI ew 1 HI" )I is the slDllli tlllll !! thut wlike lh t! U II Lllu/ le l·. ~ 131''' ' tI IHl lLleN, LII I'lI nnd U 'I. u W 11 ,
tn 110 to Hh s i'
big one : A !lttlu d ~6ct wl\y u ut he !Hlt U p l'U ) 11 Y He eil'. 'll, n o ll,mp k e ttl. f w~te l' , notioed lJt t.b~ t,ime. bllt it "o0 0 and LU ') llOtllll Llitl ,nu ok lug ph e of growl! uuct IJeCOn1 p.s II !lInt f y.ou. aUltnllull'lutI . ~:v e TY o ne seeUl eci tIl hu Y l'llU R.wny exc tlpt ,Pd vllte
I , ' tl k I I . Did Il tbought !lve'!, oucm' t,u you Aud e l'Ho ll , wb lill III ell 1ft I r t·hat tbe ut'Wllpa~er of 11 ~ U1t111 towo U.OI}(lI' IJ wl.l go u 1\ r w ,v fl.1'd >I , away . hIl80l,'r del all wor" thllll tlJ~ cil y ' 1'lleut11ctl l ' l1t1ked A lln l' (In t il h 1\1 Pl'per Y Wby , tiljOl>1l new :! tll'e hilo. Til IlIttBI' OH In li t OO I~e au cl
hllrder to gilt, !lod
_. . .______. . __
1 Wu ~ h l'lI,III1 ' I . ·l
35e, 50c and 75c.
Hutchison " Gibney
,113,,1 .,1'''. Ol lCE OF APPOI- TMEN 1':"3t.e
nr Philip
H, _ urfu~e, deceaSed .
ICl1 1'",
Ruffied Muslin Curtains,
lU g Utl·l' ve,3 wit bUI'. ::Ilt oop'sReij,tor see bow q ui~kl .y ilelilth ",111 " 'your'" IlgIIIU ., :o;uld by Illl
'j' h ull d<r" lg t:l cI bas be~ n apl/Oltlted aod I llltl::!~.-EI CUll " u I lJt of Mliit Cr uc l, ... ljuJll lled " s AdmlnlbtrKlvr nl lh e estale of I Ma ul, H II I' I' I. I WII lIiu t! i\1u CIJIII , I' hilip S urra, e. In t e of Warren ('unlY, Obla. Hed. Ihl"c1 lh ls III day of Au"U St, I i ll l,( I' II lit! 'I'lIb~, J ellUI·II. ;1 V I lltl olAe. 'p IJ . I UII~ . . ~ II' !:illrl' l~ , I -:! !:i"I·l·.,1 Vloeglll', F'l,A,NK K 'l' u o AS. A d lOln! 5~ nJlOr . .;«tll of C h lllt·~, 7 1"l tahen '111111''*., 2 n NVAN~' S~' A,NL Y . Allorn eY8 .
Wool Skirts Marked Down.
at oi.y !'tl t U!'II . 'Ph! gulu, howevor, will !l OI' Iy fol lu \\' . And bll!it of ' . II , yn u will 1·lullw.e and fe e l your " I I'l\ u g lb lIud ulllbit.l ou utlitil:!re. L1U'ui Il ~ , I )utside luftu n oes depres8 lil':!l. th ti " iUl!lId e lI e rves " tb e o Ibe .~ I O IlI UU\J, l:I tlll ,·t liull Kidue.VII will usn ully fn,1I Htl'tlUglheJ\ these I'llll, utlv tl lill! l
Higher Priced OnH;
i Jh nklll lor
The footpriuts of DY8pepsia have beeu dlreotly traoed to tbe stomach
When the8e " inllldenerve8'
fail , 10diKestioD and stomaoh distress must 8urely Je8ult. For thi8, drug~181,8 everywhere are supplying
Public Sale.
~ui~...... an otb.r Nm. edies tor tbe relief of aIck.
pe n!Ou hilI! ll1 huntjoO~'ll' lIud flHlb ll l' IlJr O!lWt!, +,t<<l'''' ....t.....:..;'':.{."..:.. \o.\<-l.+++++·I<+·Jo+.. +++++':"l-.J.o!-.r++++++'1-++++++H. \OIlday, the 24th dayof August, 1908, beoautle the.v IIrtl Illruid if Ibeir nll.Ule IS in tiltl P(.Iptl l· people will III on~ ,,' clOl"k In '~ h e ull e ru<lo ll 01 s a lt! ':liY ,>n II •• II' ml5 lI el'r. lll .. fLe l Ii ~ sc r l be d . lbe thiull I hey hltct It utlue. I::\tmd ml 11I 1IIIII'In(l " ", I estut e. s HUUL!! In tbe'l'ownllblp Illl t.l1~ ue wt! yuu lin e II IllI see 1J0w i+!o++++++++++++++fr"" l<+""".Jo++ ++++++++++·10++++·10++++++++++ of Wuyoe . III Lh .. COlln t s t Warre ll, und In III ,' t a l p or Ohio. Dil lll ely ; well yuur l~ lIlu u p pe r wlliloll k . !\.
" ~ IL "n l p In WU YII O: 'l' \>wn . h lp , OUl l V. h ~ o. be In g pari Ilf LOL No. wh ll'l1 ro nLo,lll ed o ne Il nn dred 011(1 Ol' e ~ IO ~) a ,·eH. 311\1 I" l'arL o f rra lI o n:!1 s ec tion No, ' rhll'L one lal), 'I'ow n F' our I ). RaDge F our M. ! .: I"x~ pLi n K tlw (ollowlng i1cscr lbed lrac l III 1~1Il1. bell lunlng uL:' " t on" In tb e 1111 01 IB!.d~ forlllor ly own ed b y GeurgeMoS!l, .:Ie r~Sc:d~ l.Htl ll g Lb l , . , ~\' . CCl rn or sultl li eU' lI"n , llo c nc 1I' IIIoLl, a'c l lonll ,,!! . 1 · ~7 .!!o 1,,,1'''f( til ;1 ~ l ul'i ,.. III Ullj )'oaiJ uml orner Lo a lo~ " I la 1111 h) l'ml!rl.v o"n ..11 byW lIlI n Ul \Vilker· ,10 ·e.,s ,,"] ; tll,' n wi ll' Na Ill rood N. :14 20' \l: ~4, I! '1 I ,1 ,,~ I II a s l.a kel ll t hll lhu) or l~ od 8
TWO INT RI; TI G LET ER From Former RellilJents, \ ho \i rite Interestingly of forlner
tia" log bea u
one time fl r esi -
t Wl1YlHl~ viII ", I !1111 1.11\ I~.Y " iuterested in U b WI! 01 " " .' 1lt'l!vll l }leople . I&>ud e p~ ,it,llI' lu YOllr .. "'or
den t
i 0 tilt!
well t erll
pa'lIia'ie" r,r'lliVOllriDge IJIIV", OOUl" j ' "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f3~~~~~~z;!n to 'us 1.III'In I b.-till yelu 8, l\itd iu my ~ E jouJ' oeyl ug~ IIt, r e II od there over I'<
I ..
tbl!! "reat w est 1 ot'luu h8 ve tbe plea8u1 I' of u1eetiu!,( wi til v e l'tlO nN
forUler l!oboolUlltte. Peol'iu, 111.. aod ball ohl1rge, of the AdllOi tl EXI/I·ea" (,;owpany'll uu"t\ltt>s thtlr"'. I It It! l1 ple!ll:!lu'e 'Lu me~t with Ihllse uow ' olil timer .. " whom I knew dur' lUi tbe ,J.llell!l l~lIt YI:lI1I'S of 60h\l,)1 trfp 10 old 'W It'yu ~s vllle fl!!" hoyt!" llUri
." "i
eVSlll.00eu, I am, 't. II. GAD"1f
HI Oll r In
' 0'
It: :.:4 chll,l nJ t o ~i
h \l
koowli,:Y •• e.~I. drill., uacl mixed ia,tha....proper prOPOI UORa kDown &0 glve tb. . . resoltl!.
tlold by till dealerM.
,1I"a (:11I1: III
8 3" ll ra~ l llI H)
r hatu ~
!o1l l '
!.t l ))
tt )
llc r t! .
CIg bt " " J I,,.en ·
i.-)' · Ih t~
hUll(],'el,hh s ,IlB,'!;;) u 'reo, hlU d 'I nw l lH'UlI ' II ... "'" line l \l"t"tnbt!R ~oll\'ey t:f.l h J Im\' itI L.a. 1111 '\ h \' 1..",, \\, 1& It umpllrc,r. U ' d etu.l dh ll' d ,I. I . ' ~ II ' I . J li d r.: ur,h'Cl III IV r r n 'tllllll -, I " f',l ' I ~(tI)l( No, at', PO';!]' n:J!l.
~' A 1 ~ 1l . LIl I' (.1110\\, 101{ d l:iC' d lJl!f l J.lre pl i A06 ; Stl \1 :1 ll~ III \ \ ' 11) ill' ' l'U\\' I1 Hb i &J , \ Va rn: n O U nt y. 0 11 1 , l)t' ln ~ pJ rll. l '\"t ' L!O Il Nfl. lJtl r'LY u n o ~ I I , . ~ I ' l \\ " It, ll I (4 ) . Ihl18 ~ 11\ (Ii ), 1)1'1 w~ II , Lll e MJu lIll ' 1{ln' n;, '1t' .,.l l1 nl l1 ~ a 1 t\ P M t. ~ , ll: " (!ul"
lu ~ I " t' (d a rn:ul \\'ll )' l llruufI )\ l)le liutd n_ lrIVl!l4.' tI hl' ql.i ll; Il!11lI dt:~I ' ror llH' UHf' \·1 L-h \Jt'l'wh,~:-. (twn.'d tlY :;.110 tJa \' ld I.u t- Itlt: , tlWt) u.ncl nine ty Inul' llundr tl U1 1i \ .~ , H' 1 a( rt'H , lit: lil t' Nallll~ JlI OI'(~ 0 1' l c. ·~ :U I(I h t:' l u t" llu ' HU 1Jh.' Ilrt.. u'l I'1 .... H "'in" e~ 'l !Iv ' Al)~ J S lItt , ,·.,I"v''' ll~ . lJy ,dl! '(1 ,I :l l ed J"nullry i . I klll . u ,,11 r llr,UI'IIL'lI III Wnn 11 'OUII~y Ileed IJtH)k .; t" ;':. lJ~ 8t!~ ~WU :\lu1 !!U7 ...• pl't'ml ~""~
' r Clllllarly :tp' 01 'l'hlr\v ,llve bundred HJO'S flfty-el ghtll annuli! ta t Fnlr :Inll In C~u Btrhtl EXllollltlon " ,Ill be Uullu,'b ( a l,UlIl. Illla III ,! Mallie will notbcMoltl I" ",, Ihlln tWO thirds ( % ) fsald apJ)ralsed beld In 'OIUlI1lJu!I, Aug. 31, ~tJpt, L 2, H. ',I , lI !'xl , :tnl\, that LI llI' r li ll hi \·Inr IH1 I f~. fl'l~ t.' t o rtl'l S 01 !'4al ~ Brit UM follow. : 11111.. rlll' lIl !lqme cOllcepl!ulI oC til I:' SItlpl'ml :l1I s1I ('all or th e li:xpos tltllll, O n~ ' lhll' ll (' '; ) 01 ~hu p,"'ch ase Ilr,lCC clisb In ahtlvr WI' r('pl'o rlu e II pbol ogJ'n pille I' lpw n f (lnp or Ih l eltllll\ l!\'(• . h " ,,1.1 0 11 1,lw II" y ul . ule . u n e · thlrd ( ).j; ) In sto k 8 \1·U(· 11I1'1'8. Th e h\1l1dlnr,-s d p. " OI~· d t tlv {. RI<,cl, /1xlllllt s lire' th' In "lie yl'ar from 11'11' ,lu,.V (J( .a le. "lid oDe,thlrd (' . j I" 1\\<0 ~ear~ !ro lU Lb ~ ILl V of " "I". tbe Dumbe l, of I.1 lmllnr nl'c h lt eC lurnl dE'lllgn, !, rm l ll ct in l il A 111)11 \ I'll pUnll (It III" ll\u~' r"rn'd pnSII!I!I1t.11. 1 bellr In .... re5L a l \h .. rill", (1 1 . 1 ' [.1) p~r ellut , P"'~ :lunuu, the gr t' " /I ~ ' I' ll yare COIlIl ' t eu hy 11,) \'1)1' tl 'w'lll, rof nrli:;lIl" rt ' III 'fl. l' II' SIl.ItD B VI!l Jt o l'n to pO£<9 lI'b lll ( Il l hllll Inr; to ,(Ill I t I'r ,'1\hn\lt lllCO l1vl' lll en f) from Ih .. day or al . )lromlsRor, UtJI.C8 to be fillh.l
al (. l aw
1)J'1I 1~".1 "t
hll ~ lI~ (J n
~h~ ,\Jill
O ev
II ClI1I' lltg
Ih« Ill ost
Inl' I IIwnl
~ Iv.o Io)r
w('nth l'r ,
In th " Ilsplny'! or 1\.-' 8to(' lI. e'1I11)1I. Inl"l't!s t : ng I Bfures will h.. rO llnel In ('~(' h rj' lilt' 80V(lol "',,, dl S1llH11 Ih'IItI' IIIII"UtS 01 the EX\lo Illo ll. ontl ("1.(' I Illy I~ Ih lft II' II\, or t ·u! dls plaYI of ,I allor IEl vlng sh op and fnrm mMhh~ "I''', 1111,1 thr I'lIll'n'l l\'(I I'X' blblt IlC H,ad and thrt"rhlnlf mnchlnt'.i. Thr... 'l trl1r~lIrf'~. \\'l\h a rembln'll n,)(,r 11:t!f< CIf· 01lC' hlln;\rrd lind AI~ly :1:'111 r.QII3I·" fl' t . n\(' .\(-VlIh· d ,,' hl\(. l!le r r UIPs t iull!rrS L fl. nmltlllr "I'nt
to the fliRt J1l1lned ola .. of 11\ ot\lJtl
(or tb
b .,·llIr forms IIhuWIl 9p8D ILJ"I! t:'ClOlred.
tile I,a
pilymenl.H. aDd of !;tIld proml ••ory nut"" to lie tI mOrl ll~8e /Ill tbe premlaes 801d. 1<1
tWO' dcf~rrcd
~ ,
ey retunded.
,\ R.y'Je8villo·8 Leading De'Uti8t Office iu KeY8 Bldg. 14.1018t
mailed:l.nywhere:npon I'_pt .
boUle a.
pf price.
She Likes Good Things
drug store.
, & ·~:EM.BALMER
MAn" u'rJt&lI:T.
l'revalencr of KIdDe" DI.......
Most people do not rea lize the alarm· in g increase and 'remarkable pre" Rkmc y ot kidney dil':as(.'. , Whilekldneydis· orders are the
, most common uiseases that pre-
What To Do.
Tll'ere is comfort in the knowledge !If of len expresseu. that Dr. Kilmer'b wamp-Root l lhe I:lrcat kidney remedy. fulfills every wish 1Il curing rheumatism, pain in the, bact.:., kid ueys. liver, bladder a lld every part of the urinary jassage. ~t corrects inability to hoI water and soalding pain in pas~ing it, or bad effects follOWing use of liquor, wine or beer. and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up' JDllny t imes during the night, The JUlld' ana the e1traordinary effect of Swamp~Root is soon realized. It stands the hlghelt for itl wonderful cures of the 1II0st distressing cases. If you need a niedid~ you should have the best. Sold b,r drl.lggists in fifty,cent and one-dollar sIzes. You maY 'have a IIIUJIple and . a book that teUs all
In room next door~to '-''1'011 Brot. Bli.l'dware Sture. '1'elephcirie" in 'honae and oSee where I caJl.. be called day or Datil'. V~lle.f ,.P.pooe 1..2.
[housands Have ~ldneJ Trouble 'and Neyer ,Suspect It.
FUN ERA l 0IRE CTOR, Telephone Oar or Nlgbi. local No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, dRID Branch OffiCI, ,Har".s'~r-'! , o. 4'
Dr~. 'John ·Uyatt; . "
VetertnarY ISQq~ and Dati.,. I '
Telepli9n~. ~o. ..
<'~ "
"" /Oo<o
~ODl", oa_udal~.
W8Y~l1Ue, Ohio. ,
DR.' ~t. S·. WEST,
veteriaary "'~ •
. ..... .
Rboutit, bothtlellt free
by mail. AcldresaDr.
tr:llor wlUUbe wll Kilmer & Co., Bing. Ilnn&1red ot ,he I!I\tal8 of bamton, N. Y. When . . . or A4mY11
Oal'ld Luhln. illt:cnae4,
Slve '..tlafaotioD or IDOD.
vail, th e y are' almost the last r e cognized, by I.lI!r ut it lot. (I I I .tll d c unv .' l'h.ll." Ahr: 1 8tl.t· t.h \\ah.· Illlh t> Y" Jlr • ~U lt y ~j " ull arlit ~i1vtd patient and phyh. ~ n u \\· il h , II UU !'u u n 1l1 K 1.11I! nn' N. !!; Q- l!!,' sicians, tIllll) ClmI II,:lI d, ol., H W I ll,' lin' • r lIav ld I. n ~ lIl .y ; tent tI.~·"rll el'IJet 111 II " " w lt. h t f1l 6 II ru l (",J .;:dd L SHl hl ('y N. :mo W , n I I: h~i l n fi L o a Mt.orl~:: "h ' ne ' , ltl ° :W' Icill. cloctOT7:'TI!J /lId effects, while the origl':. If 7:' C'h~ dn. ~ Lil th ~ lJt-HllI lIl n M, c nnttllu ll1 )!1 i ,,111 diB<l1188 ullLlermin es the system. t")jf
bOUte lraarruSMIi
Every ' ~
L, · l':. 1 7 . 1 6c h:l.ln~ LO
,I, \'
:ilhke : , h"U tl ' . II 18 ... I llI' llt"g l l1 1t ln ~ ~ ·,t llt. .. U ill J4 L u m t y
re~id log 10
" girls." . Perbll.p!! tbesflliues may olttcb ~he ey~ at the "boytl "nd girill" of Ihe "oldeu tinle " wbu may pel'ohliu(\[' hllVEI ooollellJu to pll811 throu~h our UlIl, oUy aud to flll 8uob 1 ",oulll e.t~nd a ourdllAl luvlL.Uon to "111011 98''' Ro(i huut liS ~p. The " Iatob .trioS" ,i 8 alway .. au.t.. ' \Vitb rll/Cllrda to aU my frlenda
I1 IH': lh f' ur." N u .1
tt aberl~. ~
Be ttl
11) ~lIc~ tul.m frl1 .... U·u l Of f( OJ J OlJhu a hcn DwHh. \.h ·ct,l a :il ·u . Cd l illht! nolntJ nt. ttl " S . Jl:. L'orl\t·r d f l ilt" 11' .H~ l hHl.l cor ner I..n Inud "I" t'. w lI f!d by .Ioh n Sall t' ...hwnll.ll 110',· ; I ~t" : l hft ll ~" I Ill. lil t! Hu o tJ{ t..lll lllnc\ , .. " I t " \\' 11 . l.!rl ~ h u tlui ; 11 1f' '' Ci~ N. ,1'..' '" 1 1 (1l\a ln H to lhl' N€c IlO !l ~.~ 'lrtrcP ·
wbo Were fOI' U}(II' rellidentl:! of Waynesville u nd vioim ty , Allh 1ft ttme ago I Wit l)fl~t!lng, thr ou g b KIlOlillB Ity . 1 .. peD til. YIlI'y pl~1t8l1 nl,I hour with U,b _ ~dluos 80d wife woo , wel'e IIclloolUillteK 01 mille iu tbtl earls sixtiell ut tile old Ouion !:Iob aal bouse. au the bill . 'l'bey lJre Vl elt!\. antlYlljt.Qlited 'Ilull huve heeo r eai ~ dent s of KtlD8tl.!I City for ~ Dumbel' of yelir@ . Bis brlltbl1 r ",ollve " /l.1 ~ o; I believe, livt!!I t' lel'e. A few week", ugn I bad tbe pletl . Ilre of meeliug myoId frieud. .1 , A.. (:f
(r.,n . lJej(I,,"lng
tlon .iid~Bw,,· beoaJiu they a~tr;'oompG.ed of lb. ~,
Mra . Ohas. E. Hmtth. ' of We8t: ll'1'tlnklln, Maine, sIlY!! : .1 1 like good i illP vf sl\hl lal1,1 run n1ul" ~ i.dfi ch n h. l:I S 11;":\1 1'" I I ,· h.-,h '~~ . .. .. 1 .. 10 1;-: . 11. ~ 8 c h:J. i ns l o a tbings and have adopted Dr. King'. i lul'" III tI" ' 1 nc v\ Hill ""lallds: tI, 0I!tl 1).5:1 N o w Life Pills a8 our tllwily laxative Ch""I!. I '" h'n,l~ r"rnwrly o)wne<1 b C.. o k and beol1use they flre good 1'; ntIl M: l hc lI c.·uiu n g llJp. HrH~ N. :LiJ O chai n" ; W dlclns, 1.. 11 fI' e N . "' U l V- \ V . UI,:.O pOles La th O \Jeg t!)- IlUlI do tbeir work witbout making IIll1 ~ . ('onu.. ln lt.. ,' l htr t. \e ll a nO 8C Vtl nly · II \,f.! a I'U88 about' It. " T'b ese palnle88 hIl IlQrllJ lI, ', 1 1;1•• ;;) (l ' n' t; : und ijX u lltin g. ,11 '\0 I,he l u tl o\\ I ,, ~ d eMci' lbcdl o t IIr 1311d 80l d purlfier8 80ld fl.t Fred '0 . 8011wartz's
otlJe!'s O f yo ur reudert! .
l' etllt!e UCtl
~ aJi\
It bllH lIeeo IlbOllt r u rty . flllr yelUr( sinoe llt!tt mv old lJOwe'to wu with titllts p l t'u" 'I '~1 1i~ 80.ul llli oo l:!, to tuke , up my
h"ely 0\\,1,..11 \,y . nl,\ Mo.s: t il lIee wIth
. 0. \V :.!.;,IIIJ pnlt~!'I 1"u U\e lj -'tfl nnhu( , cfJn tulolu g Ihl' e :I) IlCI'CK u lld Lwo and ~ 1J" y lilli e lIulI ' J "l'<l l h ('~ 1111 ) 110"", nd ex ·OIlLIIII\'. ..Iso th e
Re!!ldeot,," a I uolll Ilnd so I tboo~bt parhlll 's 1.1 h oe from o lle o f
Ur II' a mltho out.llut'uf Ih ~ ,v hol t.' M ec: tloll
tbelr Iluwtt r U1lgh L be 1)(
l'etltJj;~·, . chr~io
neys follow, Don't drug: the 8to. maob ,tU' stlmnlate the Heart or Kid. Dey t!. 'I'hl4t is wrong. Strengthen these fl1.ilInguervell with Or. Mhoop'. Re tortl.tlve. It Is thf.> Derves, Dot tbe organ8 that are oalllng for help. Wit,hlu 48 hours atter 8tartiug the RestorAtive treatment, you will reWurrell A teat will tell. lWO (2) alize t be ~Illn.
(:IIII i< e>l • Htan olK, I 1'11r1 01' !'>l lluti , a preBoriotion kDown 118 Dr. Shoop'8 ( ~ III 11i<, :I 'I'uhlu, ,- (! I II • II \\' I'll 1,1l!.)1 , ReHtor.the. Fir,et, theee tiDY; toL ( 'npbuard.l :-m lt , .1 ~l l ~ t Cflll t! , I , side ~towa.oh, Heart aod Kiaoey Il'tll,lt u l' AI'(l , n11l1 L' i ll ol\'~. I tll· e!l~, . In lIurdu aoce or UII o rd erot tbe Pro bate uerves ftl.ll. TheD gas 'b elohlDI, ~~~~=_--~---------------:: I ('''l\rl ln UIII.\ fOrW~rl·ell ou oly . blo, I will Heart palpltlltlon, or taillug lUd. ___ _ ~ oB .· 1' for ab le , III pulJll c I' t'nd ue. 00
writiug mention this 1D&ke auy mista)c.e, b1l
aud don't rememl ~r (:: "
\1pl~j ...!»!.:.. Kilmer'. Swam~L, aloJ .~
lbal"..... N. Y,
" :., 0--" WAYNgSVILLE . .0. 4
FI:ft1CD ' ,. JI1I~~v..
.. ,,~
< --
_______________.1 frSt
King of Political Pests
Is the "Four-Flusher" 7)y
As a Rule His Good
Pair of Deuces.
~.------------------------------~'-------------------------------.~ ~&I ........................ ~...... ~.u I~ s cra pt:', lIes, t hl H d tllllll the " foll r·Hu s h· il e: t rill " fuur· lJus blng," ul· \''1 le w ('an rail ma. . . . . . . . 1111
lhoug h u( cOlll pa ratl,'!'ty I' 'r. 'n l origi n. IDt'I't' lr m"an ~ , la It:; !ll bl nnal), s ls . , a I'rCl c·" ~I·. Il is a ,,01. ' I' tefUl , lIIf'atl lng In t hat gum Ihe ]lm ~ ' tice of prc U'ndln,J; I ha t yuu Iln v' 'Ii ' 0 cards or one lilI it wil n y~IU o nly have fo ur of on s ui autl 011 of anot h 'I' . and of trYlU g to will wllh lhilL Idnd of a hlllld . In hnpes t hat III o lh I' plu)'· l'b will be lle " thal )'011 hitV a geu· uln t! "Oush," O" e orris lu 011 suit. Il I~ [l ,favorite pa sl ll1le ' ln the gl' al Am l'l'i ran gamC' to bet 1111;11 on 1\ " rour l1usb" to Inlilll !t.lato or "tlmi[y "
. . . . . . . .----------------------------. . . . . . T h ~ r r> ' s
Io n; o f II Aly talk al' IIIl Ibis Ihl l ~ III my II ' 1 ~l1h t)r l lootl, <lnll· lI's 111 Si\l1le \'e ry wli"I'p, \\'('1 1. HI lu nD, ' ' 0 Olll' bll t " 1';1111. " I'" III··f\ lI"het·" lIIakr'h til !;e ~(' n~el "s H "hl'l'lIk :" hu t ) h\ 'a mI WiLD ' s tltn dnl'd /\ ra ,' I'll ' ~ rlt nIt' of I h " foul' ·tlu sh rs " IU 'it' c'lioIl H \\'a~ 10 Ilut III) nn "Iud I' ll 1111 n l " "rlu\IIm y" C'andl· dal (1, Son\('1 hi III ' S I \Yo "II 100my" can · dldflt to; 1\' ('1' put rorwnrrl In t h ' r!l(, , Suppose. fo,' In ta n ' . I ha l " <\ " and " lJ" a re tb c !'('g ular l'Ullcllrl;l tes or t he mai n part ies . " H," \I' wl l! s ay. Is the
n t)" .~
who \\'Ish ml 11 II II n(l\' (, l'll sl ng 'l :-.; I Il bll of If. He W'I IP ;;' (h I' h is cobor lg Illl d liC? hllo:l'!I til, }lolltl al all' lh o l'lIlc>s l\('I1lRlldlll g that III y clo lhasa I hl llg~ whif'h :Irc ulld e r th law aliso, IU I.. ly rOl' hltJd. n. 'I' h . 1lllllwrill 'G co ns ult Ib e law de· part mollt. a nd th li Jlartm nt glvoB UII o]llnlon, ba ~e d on t lt o sO llnd 5t au· th orlly. Ihnt ~ 11f' PI'OIlOsi lion Is lin t n· ubi . 1'h n tll I' fur mlng " tollr· fl usher" holels a f II' pu blic m eeLl II ~S alld lldd H 80 111 more "fOIlI', 11 IIs hol'S" 10 t ho li St , Sp C'e h s 11.1' m lt(le al!d th !lllthorl ti es lIro d 1l01l llCecl, III so the <: 1'"
His 'Vays, His Manners, HIs MethodS, His Dress, and Fly-by-Night Election Schemes- Dead Politically To-day, He Resurrects Himself . To-morrow in a New Ward, with a New PIGIl and Perhaps Affiliates with .the Oth~r Party- How He Take!; Up Reform as an Asset and HeelS Defeat, with Attendant Notoriety, CracefuUy.
E:;:I .. I __________J.IJ' E:~:J
iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~;~~ ~~==;:=;;;;;;;:=~;::.;;r~=:;;::;=:;::;~.
"the a th r!; I\l tbe card tabl e and th e ro· by "rak down the pot:' , BUl .not li lw :\y~ work, In politics I have se n e normou s 'Quantiti es of "Cour· flusbln g" Illdulg d Ln: and In fact about two·firth s of all ollll s Is "four·flu s hlng." [n l he variou s Ilngles of th e pollt Ical ~game there may be couute r " four· ,l\lI sh lll g," or 1)l'actlclng th e al t o n Ihoth sides. or It th ere are four or fiv e candldntc ~ In the fl e ld . Iher may t , Qoly one eand ld3 te wh o really stunds lUl Y,S!:JOW of leclion. aud ' ll quartette of ~' roul'· fl ll s h rs" gatt y b rin gin g Ull the rear. T ho' alRo runs" h aye e nLered 'he "ace fol' vari ous reasons. Some rof th e m ge l a little u otorl e l y, som /\) of l.heol '10 try thel I' political strengl h. .an d olhers fo r t.h e I)U I'pose of l(> ad,l ng .a 'f.irlorn hope against the Jlrobabl e ' ·Ie ne r. T recollcct parlicularly 011 0 of lhl~ ' )'Incl , li e was o lw a~s goln!; to do " ~re at t hln !;~. And he would (le mon, l ;t 1'lH.' hy v rbu! math e mat! c~ just how i l wa u a " cinch" thal he had th e ward ;.JE'1i up as ti ght as a snaro d'rum , All cug' ~tlons that he might possibly be mistake n were e ithe r Jlooh· pooh e d away. 01' you we re given to lindeI" s tand thul you were " deud nutl y." Th is gentle mau would ' keel) on swell · illS' IIntll th e momlng aCter eJec tion, uud then he wOllld di sa ppear ror a '( ' W (la y '. \Vh en' hp roapp eared. \\'Jlh his WB rtl knock ed "galley·west" In ' th e' {I c llon, a~d abou t 99 l)e l' ce nt . of liis IPredlc:tion s gone wro ng. he would s tili fla'.·e lhal old " blu!!'y" walk on him , an tl would bC' gab bing triumphantl y ahoul Bome prp.c;nct tbat hall go ne hlR way, a nd xl1la luin!; how th ey would haro all we nt the, s a me WILY Jt "Bill Ilotsford" Ot' ".Joe a11l11l0n S" or " Pe t e Hig hball" had "s t u k" 'fhe only fe e 'I\' c th ing ailouj t hl!! lobs ter's rini. t ud e. was Ihat ho :l8s ulU ed tbat some on e WIIS goin g to beli e ve him: He WII" ,.e l· s a " 811fT," as s uch ctl.lllc are 't e rm d In pol! fics . and a laug hing. s tock arnoll g seas on ed pollil cluns, but be went abon t imal1,lnln g that he was :a r l'u'l (a tor in politics, whe n' be could sea'ro e l. co nt rol 1I11l own· \'ote. " You kllc; w h uw that Is. Ma ," he' would gn OD. "'fhe Ilea pie Ollt· th e re /te I thnt way , IlDd thal 's Ihe way they Ir~e! ull over lh e cltr, Il'R !;t l'allge to IDle that some one ha.m·1 IllIlnld. 1! alit Ito lbe mayor, U something Isn't dOlle. • e 'l! In lie Olll election dllY, Sucb a ,comllaraUvely 9IDa1l thlag, too. It don't make any dlfferen'll: to me per· ~a.l1r, for J d9 1l ' t care. But 1 elun" .ant. ·0 Me (,ur bol'l lose. Sdmebody oqbt to llee bls boaor about It. I'm. .. ~1I1q YOU 118~Buae YQU can l8e or JQIUIIIIlf Jlcnr It. la. We aeed 81'1:11'
5t rong(' r of I he 'I \\'0, "A" finullces the nOUllnatioll or all " inde pe nd ent" can· c\l dat . 0 1' a ProhI bi tion. Labol··Soc lal· i's t. or nn,\' old (~ lt n dl ~l at -w hom he may t hllll, \\'ill weak e l) " D's" c hances, .If " 11" l hlnks ~ h e ullInl wil l weake n him , II!! 11m y 1111 wi th ltD "I nd e pe nd nt" can· dlrt ate of .. ..\·s" pH !': y stripe, and pay hi s cx pc ns ' S lO c ut .nto " A's" vote, AJI l hl s I ~ " fOIl I·· flll hln lf' ma',{e Lhe vote rs bl'l!c,' c tbere are rou!' or f1\ 0 "Rlc'hmOl'lIb 111 th e Held" wh en, In fad. " A" !lnd . 13" ill'O th only t Ela I H' ;urCN ill lI1C ontest , and \lie extra cB.nllldalC's an " Cakes," And the Ileauty ab lit it Is lbat 'these "in lIe· 'pe nde nl" 01' ot!ler camplligns are often w:lgod vallnntl y alld a I.l'emllndc.1HI alll!)lInl of dus l sno exc ltemeDt klt'ked III> about tbem, teform Is a prol,flc source of politi. cal '''four·fluahID!i. ,'' Take some busl. ne8z! which offends certIWn of the more pUlltanlcally mclllled cltlzeafl: Thll bllldneis mR~' be regularly heen8eel anti ded..ired legal, Bnil there may be conatltutlonal i;1'o,,"d8 which, untU a change In the cOllllltullon, would,. prevellt Interference ~ the busllleA 011 Ule part or tlUI allUaorl,
la"'ye I'6 who ba\'e given tho di sse nt · In'g opinion ~o the views of the ~ero .. m "follr·fl usbers," ' Th e n some scin tl1latln;g geu~us ' nmong t.he bre threll \'Il IH;;es t s that an ' Injun c tion be oblRlnel: fro m some P 1" fectly "unbia sed'" jud re o A desce nt Is ma de upon th e co ur\ s ,!I. 1100'fcedy " unbla sed" au 'l complaisant. Juri st Is Illckecl out. W'II ~ Issues lUI Injunction, lind the, "fo ur·flu shers'· gat1l1~r to offer li p thanh. Au al)peal b lling takon from his ruling, thn state COI.1 t, or the Bupron.e court of the United Stat08. han'] 3 down an opi.nlon thall the "un· bia:!ed" juilgj'! Is an "ass," or words to tha L effeot, and the Injunction Is dissolvecl. TherllllJlOn tbe "Cour.tlullhers'''- hold additional Ill Ep.·lngs lu which tbey de· nounc e lhe ,Hupreme courts, and, as soon as a Dew set of a.uthorl.tJes cQrue Into ' power. r~8ume t'he old "bluff" of ,a sk! Jg that the business wblch tbo,. do l'ot like be BuppteBBed, One of tbe most unique of poUt\ca1 wbo blla Oil
specimen. nnd a n e rvy prfl Pos lUon. A cert ai n ho e illee l\ I' had been selec ted as a canoldate for aldermanic honors.. At parly hendqullrte ra. after his name had bee n offered nnd de ter· :n lu d lipan, a com mitt e of " proml · 11 nt cltJ ze nR" was Jl lck d Oll t to notl· fy th e gon tleman of lhe hOllor which had been acco rded him. Among o th er~. thi s "hot SIIOl'l" wns c hosen , a s he was a ve ry n eat. la lke r . aud th e chalrnllln:!hlll of th e notifying commit· tee wa s r serv 1 to him. as lhe mar who WRS bes t qu a lifi ed tn bran I! tlll ne ws t o th e hotelk ep f or his sel ee· ,tion as t he nld e nllanle sl aDdard· beal·el·. L\t lhat tim or the year. early s pring, a numbe r or th ese "pl'omlnent oll ize ns" were wa rIng lig h t over COlUS. and 0111' he ro was nattily a~:.IreO In aile wh!'h bu t tone d hi gh ' to bls throat, wi th an Immacul ate silk muf· fle r folde d neotly above It. As' th e comm: lteo lltere d the rotl1l1' do. oC tho hote l I,t m et thi! thet, city cle rk, wbo , on Il1vllatlon, accompa nie d the m on -their t r ip. The BOlllface was sen t for. a prl. vate room o])oa d and the genllenlan wi th the dovc·r:olol'ed spring overcoat and s ilk mum e r s tepped from ' the group of "pro min ent citizens" and urged the cLCCelltllnee hy the t entntlve candidate of ( PI! bonor vouchsafe d him. It was a n eat s peech. and told of th e "representative citizens" who were present. anxbus to lend their pres tige and solid tJUJllneBs staadlng lo his campaign, an " prominent busl· neBS me n," and all desiroul ot haYing Ih o ward tak en care at In the council by a lIl,an of theIr own stamp. The hotelkee pll l' was very mucb J ratlfled, nccepted the honor In a few words and Invited the committee to take dinner with blm. It being Just about six In the evening. All but the city clerk and the orator at the even· Ing accepted the Invitation 'il"lth alac· rlty. Th e orator. howover pleaded an Imperative engage meDt. nnd tlie city cle rk had to catch 0. train. But as t.hese two cam ... out of the hotel the city clerk. who knew bls companion as a sort of " fly·by·nlght" ward 1I0llti. clan, saId, "Why dldn't you !ltay and' take dinner with the commIttee, Dick? Tho old man will gJve the boys a 'nne reed In tbore ," To whiCh the polltlchlll . wi t h a per· fectly nonchalant air, re plied: "J'd ' have liked to. first rate; but I haven't got any shirt on." at the sltme time openIng his spring' overcoat and dis· closing underneath bls stylish mut· tier the unmlslakable preseDce of a neat but not j;:lucly undershirt next to his manly chellt. The city clerk I'eached Into hll vel' J)Ocket and dislodged a two·dollar bill. This he handed to bls friend. "You're a dandy repr""entatlve can-len all rllbt. Dlcll." be remarked. "o.lUI a lratcIa.. bUlln ••1 man. Go anel·" ,.ou • ablrt with that allel Ulell bur 80m. thillS 14 eat." .
BR..."Oil8'l' .M·GAI'FBY.
(~A~ _ _
1. .- - - - - - - - - - -. .
Uaed by Franklin in Signing Deolara, tlon of, Independonce, ,POI'!!" Edwurd M ' I.. lant!. wh o IIv a Bt 2526 North New Jers y stre t , Indl. nlluJ)nlls, does 1I0t half llIueh us for u J1 n. Ino lllliu 'b as be Is not yet five r aI's IIld. but h n ev rl he l 58 hila ! h IlIOl:lt Intl' I' !ltin g p D In Indianapoli s. II Is the on with which B njamln l'l'all klln " Ign d the D clnratlhn of .nci pe nde llce. His g rnndrat h r. Carl. Ueorge \\ , 1\1 Le la nd . who has IlIlsscd his e lghtY's ileth bi rt hda y, has ha ncl d the I' li e tlOII'U to tbe younge r GIlOl·ge. COJlt, MeL lund rllcelv eel it (rom h is gru ndfath l' r. 1\1 xn nde r M eL Inud . who wa s U pllge In the contlue ntAl co n· gress, "Grandfather was n. png' In thnt hl stt, I'lc o ng n'lIs." snltl t he you! hf ul Georg 's ·(i·year·olel gl'lllld fa(h er, "and ho WU M nkk llllllled . "ulldy' hy Its , ll t<!m h I'S. 110 I'! avo me thi s pe n. whi ch Is Illud e tlr a wilt! IlId<oy fpat he r, wh on I last SU I\' hllll ut o ur h ume dowlJ In J rfl'l'so n COllllt)', In I :: J. " Yo u 3 e, I \l'n Olil y a s haver, "bout a s bl;; aH YO II,'£; G urge thl~ re. whe u he s av e It to me , I/ C' to ld m UI Il I :111 tbe' m n wh o s lg-II d th e Decla.ra tlon of 10' dCl)) IIdl'nce di d 1I0r II ~ I' th o same p('n. /l utl th ut wh (' 11 j,'ru llkJln s ig n d It he turned '10 hllll tUlti said : · lIe r. a ndy, yo u ta ke tbl s UIHJ keC'p It. Hn tl now rll n alon g and loll th e IIl' lCtOI1 t rlog Iho hplI,' aiI' I he theD, with t his t> II In h is han l1, hus tl'n fI out to th e old !lIlln at Ihe he ll . and lh fir s t mus ic oC II bMI" rang nll t 0 11 t he ltll·. rears ane} IIOW IhM('fII hatov bI)ugse d5 " .\[ yold.'ranC\r III rllv t hut mli eSLOn o. IlIIII illY '\lays ure nl1m· her(·d . I pa ss lhe, o lel rt: ll(' II wu two !;t'oerallons. 1 ca m v I'Y neu l·. how· OV!!I·. turllin g Il (j "C'r 10 Lh o ld lib I·t y bell Ii opl II'h n th b I! wall In Jndl· ana pull
Practical Fashions LADIES'
Purl s PUllQ rll No, !!48t. All SC.l1rn!! A 1J0well,-'Y'hIR skirt Is a un ·plet' " mod I wllh II s lralgbt low!'1' eelg!': l hd 1'1.Ig'; h(lln g form d by the bord 1'. or tr mlld e or plai n luat orlul. th e lo \\:or edgE' If' t;lmllly 1ll'IllIll'd. It Is s id e· plrtl le d Into t he WUl Ht. tho plutH' fO I' IIl . Ing n box·p lalt a t lhe froUl lind uD In· vertecl bOX'lllult at th e .(' li t I··bo ·k. The po Ile rn 18 c ut In ro und I lIgt h. Anti 1>1 a ll t'x('elle llt modo I 1'01' thlJ skl l' l f a ny of tbo tblu ,811l11mor rro.' kll n we ll as th o Huval'o te s kirt of flll.nltE'l. Pllnama or collon \'0 lie. '1'he \lnttern Is In se vt' n slz('s--2::! to 34 Ine h 8. wais t meilNure. FOr an y slz th sk ll' ( made or bOl'd('1' eI ma· I l'I al n-qulrus ' fi ve len);thll ~ S Inc be .. wldp nlld 4 Inch es long i ulluwlu g tor he m ) , the borrior I'lIl1nlng ' crusll w l>ll~ , rr mod of ot be r mnte rlal ~ 1 7.0 26 n eds Yllrds 20 Inch s wide . fl¥.! , yards 36 \neh es wl,l". 0 1' ·(1 Y "nh~ 42 Inches wldp. W idth or lowol' ('dse uho ut !!t/ , yard s. ~o pmollr this patt ~rn 3 nli 1" ('I' nta t n "Ptlt l<-rn Dep urtlll!'lIt." o t thi N PUll r . Write nUm a un'" adc'1r.·!~ IIlnlnl ),. u ncI I)() Illlr 10 l(I ye HI.· II l1d nu m b er ot IIllll erD.
A Blade of Grass It wns only Inst spri ng that 1 wile '1valklng down l\'l u('l!ougnl stl'e 'l oue U!ol'ulug a nd notl c eI II s wa rthy. ol!ves klnn d itali an Iud on the at I)S of a on ·lime manslu n. IIO W' t IIrn tI te ne, ruent, busily poking oats hila fhe dlrly SIZ E , .. . .. .. ...... .. . cracks oC th s tOll O II I li S. I stollilcd a l'\.~!\IE~ .. ........ . ............. . . .. , ........ .. moment and noticed that down onl side w re already 'growing encourag' TOWN •• " " .. ........... ....... .. .... ..... .. Ing lItu gree n spro uts. r uskp.d It he STfllJiln' AXO NO ..... ....... . ......... . bad plan ted tb os a lso. amI lea rn d that every day h pick d up the oats STATE ...... .... : ........ . .. .............. .. t hat were drol)ped by th horses fe d· Ing from th eir bags. lIod planted I hem . Then wbe n they came 111) he trans, QIRL'S ONE·PIECE· DRESS, WITH plunted them Into 1\ paper s hoe box YOKE. whi c h be proudly polhted out to me on the s ill at a n attic window. " T.h ~ resa." h e In fo rm ed me . "got a real garde n off Ih e uurse. but I al n·t sick. so l mad e ono." J looke d aroullel me. and ve ril y Tooy's box u nd tiny ro w of gree n blades were th only growing Ihln gs my eyel! could lig ht upon In uny dlrecUon. A s ll1lllal' ~ lory of appr clatlon . II told by a settl ' mon t work r who was making he r wny do wn Alle n s tl·eet. the din giest of nll- East s ide s lree ls, the darkest and most torbilldlng, wheD ah notlc d ~ lilli e girl tracing Il flll~ ger 1111( around two grass blndea lit the toot of nn e levated station \llilar. " You have a flow e r, haveu't you?" she ,"ouehsnt d Inl er este dl y. ,. 'Taln't no flo \Vel', ' tencher." was the In <lIgna protes t, "h ere slands a ]lo.rk."-The raft ~ nll1u . Cemetery's Strange Use •. Aceot'dlng to th e re ports s lIbmltted by kee Jle rs of Pere Lneilliise . th,! Ca· mOlls Pa riSian cem e tery Is ullll zet\ for many olher I)bj~ cls besides lhe blll'l a l 1llace of we ll·to·do familie s. It Is n reo 801' t of thi eves who steal the bronze and brass work. which they tak e bit by bi t from the tombs and Illpe In theIr pockets, [t 18 also ~ hUDtlng ground for collectors Of curios, who, BI'med with hooked sticks. brea k the window\! oC the little chapels o\'er the tombs and awtract small vas clI of fi.1l· ver a nd o tb'o r precIous me tals. Wome n, to!.', mllke a practice . of stealing wreaths of ImltatioD pearls , which they ]llace under their dress and o.fte nvards sell to dealers as thei r own make. 'I'he cemet ery Is lIkew!se the resort or lovel'9, ' Nhe n those see n kissing are very young. the kee pers take their namel and communicate with their parenti, Thus Is maDY a SChoolgirl's romaucl' nipped In the bu~, ' Young and haorl50m& women, dressed In Ute deepest wldow's wee!ls, Ilre some times seol1 weerlng at thEl tombs of' people In nd way rerated to them. This Is with an eye to the comlv~ oC a male «;01180101'. who event· ually ,.tepartl wltb the supposed wid· ow on bls arm. For the se r easons and olhers It Is thqllght ad:vlssble to rease .th e nllrobel' ot keepers. A Clever Omission. "Did you write to )lopa. George?" "Askln g for your hand?" . ',' Of c:lllrse,'" "Yes . I wrote.,'· "That's strange. T sit pposell papll would he t.e rrlbl y angry. You kao\V he doesn·t like you," "Yea, 1 know, Bllt I fix ed It all right. I-I didn't sign th e letter,'" Absurd All Around. "Who is the old file over lhere with tbe comic coa r. the stove\llpe hat and the baggy.kneed t roIlMers?" 'That Is the lIro ros!!or who Is lectur. Ing on the absurdities of woman'II ' dress."
Pa ris Pntl ol' il No. 24i6. All Scams Allowl!d. -Sollle wbnt In th Illanner at th e Ru ssian eleslgn. this Ilttlo froc k will prove v · I'y popular With th e lIloth · e l's who desire to see thel I' s mall daughters pretllJy and beco mingly 4re!! ~e d . . It may be dev(>loll d w!tll rounl! nec k and cap sleeves. or Ir de· sIred a yoke and flllH englh sleevell may be had, bOLh bcl~g provid ed fOI' In the patterD , The round ' collar Is ot the material , aDd this and the s bort sleeves are trimmed with cOlton braid In soft PerslDn coolrs. A pI'etty Idea Is to make the belt of th e same Per. ~an trimmings, or It may be made or ' the linen , The pattern Is In tour sizes -six to , t.welve yenrs. For a girl o( eight yeara the dress with low neck ' and cup sleeves requIres 3% yarde of material 27 Inchel! wide. 2~ yardll 36 Inches wide, or 2% yards 42 Inchee wide; three yards or Insertion, Wlt"h high neck and long sleeves It needs fOlll' yardll 27 tnchel wide. three yal'dll 36 'Inches wiele, 01' 2% yards 42 luches wldo. To pro<'l.Ire thl~ plltt .. rn eond 10 Ctl ntll to " PUll ern Depurlm nl." o( thle plLper, Wrlto nu."o and nddrese plainly. nntl 110 8u m 10 gIve Hlzu nnd numb,,!, ot pattern.
NO . 2476.
srzE .. .. ...... .... .. .
N AME . .. .. ................................. ..
TOWN ..... , .... ...... ...................... .. 8THI, I'; " AND NO .. ...... " .. " ....._.. . ST,\Tll:, .. .... . , .. .. , .. .... . . .. , .... .. .. , . .. ..
A Modern Convenience. A British lord 0' the admiralty. whoKe kn?wledf e at nauUcal t1eta~s wns . limited. was rece ntly taking his finlt trill In Ii. rather leait)' vesllel. when .he observed the men worklyg the pumps. "Dear me!" he silid. "I did not know )·ou bad a WAil on board, E ..)' to AnlWer. captain; but I'm really glad you ha... Niece-Uncle, they lIay there are ror I detest lea water." - Harper'a more marriages of blondes than of Weeki),. brunettes. Why II It, I \'rollder! Uncl~ S~leton Ca coaftrmed bacbelor)-H'ml Natural.,. the U81twa. . . III P " a.1rat..--8tra1 iUltI. .
BY THE "HIGHWAY AND .YWA\"' PlLEACHER (Cop,..'.I>'.'''' b ,
..... <I>or.
. The Prophet Hoaea,-'l'he nama means '"IIalvatlon," alld In the personal history of th e prophet- which mo.ny ot tho deep· fist and moat 8plrltuIlI BIble IIcholars euch a. G. Campbell Morlllln, ot England. and .James M. Gra.y, dean .of lho Moody Blblo In.Utulo, conelder a 1I1erll.I portruyal of the prophet'/I lIf&-we t1lld a. type 0.· lIlus· tratlon or J ehova.h·. rola.lIons to Israel. Rosrn'" neld ot labor Willi Iornel. a.n4 he prophealod during the reign of Jeroboam 11.. al)out 7&. B. .• down to tbe cap tlv· Ity. An oUlllne of the book Is na (0 1101"·8 : 1. Historlco·prophot\ c. chapters 1 to 3: 2. GenN·al dllcoufAes. chapt ers 4 to to Ja : a: P,·om lso.... chapt r H. (a) Appeal of God, \'8 . l oS: (b) Promla d blellsl ng, VI. 4-S:. ( c ) Appllea llon 10 all. v. 9. The perlIonal history ot t ho prophet mA Y be dl vlde.1 Int~ three p rl o(ls 11M followo : t) A }Joppy Unlon- Thl! prophet murrl a a 'OVOIll"" who had lived an Imp\lre lite, but wht) had retormed . (2) A Rul nell H om eThree children cn me hioRM the Ill)mo. anti th en th e wIfe. t ort;el!ul or obllga . tiona or wIfehood "nd l1Iolherhood. desert. II r home for her fo .. m l' ~ 101'<' rs . (3) Lo,,~ Un tulllng- Du t h ~r irue 10\'er-h uIbUild n ~\'c r 108eo .I,.h t o f her. Rnd at last I\cter Rhe hltd su nk to Ule very deptha ot sin he bu y" hl! r bocl, so that he rIl0Y reo Ilore ller \0 her old pltlee In , the home. . A Ruilled Home.-Thls porlod In the prophet·. lifo Is a trpe of .Jehovah foraak en by rsrael t o r qlher goda. hapler 2 co¥'Uru prllctlcllily lhe 811me Kround 11.8 ' hllpter 1. ollly more full y. 1.LI1I1 cOllclud II wlt.h th o snm e vl810n of ultlmo.te reslorall on nnd IIle.slng. Scripture Authority- The Book of Hosea, e s pecially chapter ~ .
SERMONETTE. In thll Itory of the perlonal life of the prophet HOlea we have a portrayal of what II but too common to-day-tho disrupt. Ing of tho homo through ·tho viOlation of the lacred marrl~e vow I by one or both of thOle who hilve entered Into the union which none but God Ihould ha.v o made, and which nothing but death Ihould havo lovored. It II a clle whore vanity and love of pleaaure were permit. ted to 10 dominate the lifo aa to oblcuro everything elae. How much of domestic unhapplnell and. how m'al'lY dlarupted homel can bo t'raced to thel. caulee? and lolf·exaltatlon make ono an ollly victim to tho entlcementl of lin. Love of ple.luro II that door through whlqh, the loul havIng plllaed, flndl It but too ealY to cut off all reatralnt and ut. terly give up the life to the baae gratlflcatlon of the ftel", Thllre la no more beautiful or aacred relatlonlhlp In life than that of hUlband and wife, and there II no moro dark or helllih tragedy thin that of violated marriage vowa and dllrl/pted hom ... But tho dlerupted home wal · better than aln condoned and · covered 'up. Love wal long.. uf. ferlng, Ind we eatch the yearn· Ing and heart.~hrob of the proph. et In the eocond vorle when he crlea to hla ' children to plead with 1 their mothor that ahe turn from · her evil waya', But ahe would not Illten. She mUlt drink to the full of her lin and boo brought low be. fore he could 11ft her up, 'She· mUlt be abandoned to her own willful way. And that la jUlt tho way God deala with ua. He leea our hearta aot Upon the ovll courlo. Ho pleada with UI and bealta our way with ' hln: drancel, but whon he eeee wo __ Iii not IItlten nor heod 'hll cry, then It II that he give. UI up to our own way. HOlea w.. · mercl. ful In hla leverlty, and .0 la God I I he pormltl the willful hoart to drink to the bitter drega the cup of afn. ,
TJ-iE STORY. HEl' had gone! That was· ev ident. Hosen sat In the desolate home. anger struggling ·Wlth the feelings of sorrow and regret over ,t he· conduct of the wayward wlte. She 'Gomer was with her lovers. had cbollen them In preference to hJm and the three children whi'ch had ·come to bless the ,f ew ·brlef hap.)lY yeal~s tbat had marked their early wedded lire. How tenderly he had pleaded with her. . H9W patle",ly., he had striven · to· t.urn her patbs from sIn.. She ' was willtul and headstrong:' She resent· ed his Interference · and' r efused to listen to hiS words of ·warnlng, and at last he had realized tbat ' to shelter her In hIs 110me longe~ was only ·to lJlake the pathway of IIln eallY. It · sbe wa~ goIng to violate the ,VOWI of ·Wlf~hoOd and motherhood 'he could no longer give her the protection of his · Dame and hili home under which to cloak her IIln. ·· If she would not turn from her sin he knew only too well tbat she must be cast adrIft and lett to drInk to the biller dregs the cup at pleasure "'hl('.b. Ibe bad coosen for berself. But 'the day before. he had .pleaded wltb her) and theD he h.8d sought to . ' blOart wIth tbe plelldlngs of ber cblldren, b~t all to no avail. . She • eemed fa!rlJ IntoxJcated wltb th'1' fas· elnaUonf, of tbe Dr life Into which Ihe had b41en drawJ;l, and no word he or the chJ1dren coisJd apeak Hemad able to pt beIleath the lUliace and
""11Gb ber
,tart.tu&:1ae be . . . . u.e
• '1'Ua U ....
One 0; the EJ.sent;alrS'
OLE MI MOON WITH THEM. word. that had forOtic! ber to cbooa betweoo bel' eloful ple ..u~ aod th. No Chance of tho · Visitor. Being home_hlob had abeltered her. AnC Horneslck_In the City. sbe had made the obolce! The laom. _I w.. l1ellOlltel or the happy homoll of to-d~y is a Vl\.!It Mme. Fal lr rax wus won t to sland on AI he Bat. there Hosea stl'urr;led ,fund of information IlII to t hc bl'st mctho:ls th l' POI: h c) [ her old Virginia home w1th t.he' confUcUng emotions thai surred tbrough hili heart, and at Jut of promoting health nnd ha.ppin 58 aud and r jrllce on moon llgll t ulghtll In the wben , he had sUlled t he turbllle'llt right living·ar.d kllowleugo of tlle world'w b a ulY . says th e Youlh 's Olll p-a uiou. "Th e l·c·lI m'y 010011 ,·' ~ho would !lay . thOUghts and bad eliminated lIelf In best prouucts. oonslderlng tbe problem tbat can· Products of actUlll excellence and &8 It rose I'rom \J('hlnd th P. ·ea Sle rn fronted him : as he bad long alnce reMonable a\aims truthfully preaont.ed hills. "Look, Dahlia. see how beautiful It, Is." and h r tiny colored maid. learned to do, ,he t urned wltli Il reand which have attaineu to world· wide who was ever at hand with Shawl or lI.e ved Blgh toward God, and, ~1f~lng bls acceptance through· the approval of the fall for bel· beloved mlslr SB, would broken heart In prayer, he c·r led: "Oh. God. belp me to learn stilI Well-Informed of the World ; not of indj· answer, enlihuslas llcully : ·· Yuur moon more tbe 10llsoo of life; and to know viduBls only, but .0£ the many wbo bave ce rta inl y do look pow·ful handsome what the hellrt of God II u he yearne tbe happ:v faculty of selecting and obtain- to·nlghl." toward his people." ' When Mme. Fa irfax Journered t9 ing the best the world !lfforda. Ever since be had been called Into t"he clly to visit her so p. Dahlia. look· One. of the product.> or that ewa, of Ing out of the window wllh wondering tbe proph etlo omce he had telt tbe necessIty of trying to underBtand tbe known · component parts, an Etbic~ cyes on ' ttHe fi rst ev nln g of h I" li fe feelings of God In hili r e lations anti remedy, approved by physicians and com· away from llome . ex lalm d. In a voice dealings wlth lils chosen people, If he mended by the Well-informcd of the of mlngl r1 Hstoll lslJm lit ~nd r li e f: WBS faith tully to deliver GoCl's mell- World as II. valuable and wholesome family "W II , r ·dee lar' La good n sa. If ole sage. And thIs was the great problem laxative is the well· known Syrup of Figs Mis' Mooll aln'l done COlll O along to whIch had fac ed him In the very beWashington wit me an ole mls·: We ginning or hlB career. as hll had met and Elixir of Senna. To get its benefi cial ca n'l be homesl .1\ nobow. wit ole ?t1s' and loved the beautfrul Gomer. Tllen effeots alwllYs buy t,he genuine, manu· Moon shi nin g on us." It was that the struggle came over tho Cacturr;d by the California Fig yrup Co., Question whetber or not he should east only, and (or aale by allioadinl:; druggists, , I':' J 1 IN TOYDOM. he r orr because 01 h er past lite of IIln. and then had come the consciousness WHY HE WAS WORRIED, of JarBer! waywardness and h e hac! asked himself the question as to "hat Fly In the Ointment That Waa Handed would bave become of th e nation had to Good Man. God cast them ott all they desel ved . Then It was tbat he had relt he had ''Why.'' a sked the good man's wife, his answer · tram God and had taken Bre you so thoughtful? You look as If Gomer to his bosom and happy thll some th ing disagreeable had happe ned. years bad been lhat had passed since '· Perhaps." he replie d. "I am fool· tben, until tbe present Borrow had Ish to te I 89 I d p about It. My con, broken In upon hlB lite, culmlnalfng gregallon bas rulsed a purSe for the finally In th o open rupture with tbe Bill y Block-A Teddy bear! Ant! purpose at sending me to Europe." ' wife Ilnd mother of tbe home nnd ··And are yo u 1I0rry It Is n·t large h ere I've went Ilnd shot me laRt stone· ber fl eeing to other parts that ebe enough · to enalJle YOII to take me at a canary bird! Drat the I uclt! might be unham pered In ller pursuit wi t h you ? Don:t let that cause you of a gay anll llh.lasurable life. SAVE,D AT THE CRISIS. 10 ree l depres~ea. It will be very aow like t be conduct of his wlfo lonely here wIthout you, but I know was the condllct ot Israe1. She lind ' ou need the I... t, and J shall be very Dolay Mc,ant Death from Kidney forgotten her VOWII to b lm ' as JllrMI Troubles. iens,l ble. I CBll .peod the summer at had forgotten ber vow s to God and some qui et. Inex pensive place, cheered . had torssken him. She had placed Mrs. Helrman . Smith , 901 B ~oad Jy the though t that you will re turn the pleasure of tbe moment above ths Street, Atbens, Ga., says : "I<ldl ley re fr eshed In mind and body." permanent joy and comfort o·t tbe di sease started with ··It Is very good of you to look at It home, and Israel had sought tor tern· s li gh t Irregularity In tbat way, my dear . 1 appreCiate porary satiSfaction and prosperity and weakness and your feellug. Rut the gentleman who among the nelghborfng nations, follow· developed Into danIng IItrange gods and forgettlhg tbe en· made th presentation lIpeecb said he ge rous dropsy: I leo was sorry the amount that had been during bleSSing whIch God alone could came weak and Ian· raised was nol larger so that I might confer, and miSSing the d elight of I guld, and could do be a ble to remaIn away longer, and heart and conscience that was In har· no hou sework. My 80m how It seemed to me that apmony With lbe 11'111 and pur.J)ose 01 back ached terribly. plause was more hearty· at .that poInt God. I bad beal"lng down than an ywhere e lse. In lhe course of Once more be burst out with the pains and my Umbs his r emlll·IIB."-Chlcago Hecord·Her· cry : ~~ . bloated to twIce their normal size. "Oh, Lord . help me to learn this Doctors dlCl not help, and J was last new lesson at lite and t9 know bow drlltlng Into · the hopeless stages. J PROOI'. God would deal wIth bis cl!f1dren when u sed Doan',s Kidney Pills at the crltl· they forsake him." cal momen t and tbey r eall y saved my With t hIs prayer ·upon hIs lips and HIe." the bitterness and hate In his h eart Sold liy 1111 dealers. 50 cents a box. put away, he gave himself up to the Foster·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. new thought, and was soon plannIng how be mIght follow the erring wIfe, 'rhe Comparllon, and tl8 otten al opportunity -offered . Towne-Yes, my wife Is able· t4 strive to wtn her baok to the paths of dresB on c,o mparatlvely IItlle money. righteousness. Browne-·Oh, come ~ow! Compara' Thus It was that all unkno ..... n to 00· tively little,? mer Hosea kept track of her moveTowne-ll mean a little compared men til. More than once when dangers with wbat, she thinks she ought to bad threatelled her had he shielded have.-Phlladelphla PreBS. her from barm. and eyen death Itself. Repeatedly when her resourcell were Im~lOrtent to Mothera. Examine carefully e;very botUe of She-How do you know he'8 a book· all sane and sbe was In dire dlatress CASTORIA. a safe and Bure remedy tor had he succored ber, Bhe believing keeper? He-Well. I loaned blm a book infants and children, and see t~t It tha~ Bome other hand than hi. had supplied her urgent nee4. Times about fi ve yeara ogO' and he never r&o Beara thEt ~~fhI-- there had been when he bad been near lurned It. Blenature C)f~~ her watohlng tbe connlcUng emotions In Use For' Over 30 Years. An . Improved Climax. which were fighting withIn her slnflll Tb~ Kind You Have Arwaj8 Bought They wanted an original closing heart for mastory, tor there were Umes wben her heart loathed Its ILn. episode for the great 'melodrama. Or· ConvlctiolD of Ignorance Is the door· fulnese and IIbe had yearnlngll for • dlnarlly lhe baffl (ld ylllain walks away Btep to tbE! temple of wlsdo~ .-Spur. better life. And It was for such pe· with a flJppant sneer and the shel·lff geon. rlods as thIs that he wal watchIng: meets him at the left upper exit. But and waiting, hopIng that I!be would this was old and crud e. So the play. ~OlDe to herself and be ready to bear wright set hi s wits to work with the tl)e words of co·mtorl and forglvene81 following reBult: Just as the villain uttered his {arewhIch he waa ready to speak It ab( would only turn tram her evil way well curse th e ,low'comedy servant Once he had found her wben ont rushed forward and after smiling blm of her layers bad proved ber wickedly over the head with a suet pudding, false and Iiad deserted bel' In be~ dire vlolenUy pushed a custard pie In bIll ne('d, but It was evident she had not face. "Wallte no ~ympath~· on the wretch, drunk her CUll of sin to the dregs, for sbe turned from hIs plealtlnga with • my darling," th e hero remarks to the moo·k lng laugh and had sought to r eljcued herc.ine: "he hns recel\'ed drown her troublell' In a sUIl' greater ouly his just desserts! ·· That firm. crisp qu.ality and Quick curtaln.-OlevcJand Plaia aban40n to tbe Ufe of aln. delicious flavor . i8 what you g~t '·She IItlll had frIends," sbe lIald: Dealer. when YOlU insist on Libby's "she was not ready to surrender hel ,Mixed lI'1ckles at your ..dealers. WONDERED WHY wJII .to the will of another. She would They ure always the finest and Found the Anawer Wal "Coffee." do as sl)e pleased." . never dislappoinL It·s the sarne ThuB 6he had plunged on and on In with Libby's Sweet Gherhins and Many pale, sickl~' persons wonder her downward career until Hosea real. Sweet Midgets. As~ for them. Ized that she must come to the very tor years why they have to suffer so, depths of wlc'k edness, and despair be· rmd event uslly di scove r that th e t!rug fore she would be hear his -('affelne-In corrae Is th e main calise ot the trouble. message of 'lOVE) 'and forgiveness. The c:ultivation of centuries "I was .always very fond or coffee "But Ie It not even eo with God'lI mar~s the olive groves of Spain Rnd drank It every day. I never had people?" be exclaImed one day , with as the -W.orld· II best. bleeding heart, for tl8 In tender love be much flesh and often wondered why L1bby's Olives are imnortE:d followed the sfeps oJ the ,;aYWard ! was always so -pale, thin and weak. "About five years ago my health from thtl oldest and most wife, and felt tbe heart stab" whIch her conduct Inflicted. he undentood as ca;mpletely broke down and I was con· of these ,g roves. The result is a neyer before how the waYTardness fll\~d to my bed. My stomllch was rare product. delightfully appetizand disobedIence of Ood'i '!hlldren In such condItion that I could hardly ing. Try one bottle and you' II must . paIn the beavenly ratber't lal:'e sufficient nourlsbment to sustain buy morle and never be without life. heart. them.' "flU ring tbls time ,J was drinking "Yea, I do know now somet"ng of cottel't. dldn't tblnk I could do wIth· the love and pattence of God. t know lib~IY's how. he eorrows oyer the slnll of hIs Ollt U. "Arter· awblle I came to ·the con· Pure t .ripe fruit and pure sugar people. 1 know bow m erciful be hae In equal parts, cooked jU8t rJgh~ been and Is willing to be to hi' people. cluslon . that coffee was hurting me, Oh, God!" .be ~xclalmed, "belli me to lind decided to glve It up and try and timled to the lIecond. in knol' tby patience and tby lova 10 that Postum. t dldn't like the tasle of it Llbby's Grea. White KUeb' never 'Yhlle life lasts shall I lose sight at first. but when It was made right i8 the .ecret of the extreme of the ·one ..... ho has left me or forget -boiled nnU! dark · and rlch-I soon luperiority of Libby' 8 Preserves. that I am pledged to wI:. her ·back to became very kind of It. TJlere'1 Inone as good at any price. "In one weekI began to feel better' . , her bome and to thee." Groceirl and delicatessen atoros r could eat mom and sleep better. My carrY all of Llbbl's food Pro~Iclt bead aches were lesB frequent. and . Cloudl Have Queer Forml• . IhIC'S. They are warHow many people know that the ' within live mor.ths I looked and felt ranted the beat to both cloudn bave delinlte forme, aaYI Ar. like a new beIng, headache sP!!lls. en· thur W. Olayden of tbe RCly&] Albert tlrely gone. you and the dealer "My healtb continued to improve Memol'\al college, Exete!!, EDg., In an Write tOI" /tYIft article on "ploua." In ~arp8l"1 Maga. and toda, I am well Ilnd strong, weigh bookl~l- 'Hot9 /0 Jt.ol~ GOlJd TI ••,~ 148 lbs. I attribute my present health zlne. The short · aurllDg wll))W that III &1,": lie In bunches 01' Jong parallel.. ex. tp the lite-gIving qualltieB of Postum." .nI"aa "Tbere's a Reason." . tremel)' beautifuL but delle-ate., are lIMJ·... Name rtven by POltum Co •• Battle · eailed cirrull eloudl. Alto e.J·,udl are "e08er. and dim the · .un Of hide It. Creelr, Mlcb. Read, "The Road to Well· 1>11\Uall\ alld lOUd cJo..... tbat are ville," In pkffll. I l...,. Ever ....d lhe l.uerl' A ne. II over It'ldtlOellt. the Ill• • on • • ..,..,. 'rom tIme to tIm.. They -pet.lId.,l at all ha uae .q. "'_ ~
fOR SUN This woman Sa,3'S she was saved from nn operation by Lydia. E. Pinkham'sVegetablc COJUI)Ou nd. Lenll: V. ITenrYI of Norris 00 wn, Ga., Wl·i~s to Ahs. Pmkham: .. I suff r d Ull t Hi misery from fe· mal e trou.ules. My cl tor saill 3nopcrn· tion was t he ouly chance I litId, an d I drenrled. it almo l. :If; much a s dCBth. ,. One dny I r ead how othe r women hnd be n cur d by Lydia E. l'inkham·s Vegeta.ble Compound . uoa I decided !.Q try it. Refo l·c 1 h ad t ulwn til first bottle I WRS better, and DOW I am en· t.irely curcd. .. Evory woman euffcring with an., female trou1;lle sl1O\II<I ta ke Lydia E. Pinkbam's V gc tlLblc Compound,"
~ ~; . . 4 .
As well as for the' preserva:tion and purification of the skin no other skin soap so FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. pure, so sweet, ·s o speedily For thirty years Lydia E. Pink. effective as Cuticura. For ha.m's Vegetable Compound, made ~czemas, rashes, iriflammafrom roots and her bR, bas b en the standard l'elliedy for female- illsl tions, chafings, sunburn.' andh,. positively cur d·thou anc1so1 wind irritat ions, bites and women who ha ye been t roubled "ith displacements. inft Tl1lil(\.tion, ulcera- stings of insects, lam.e ness tion, f!:ll'oi<l tumor", irregularities, and soreness incidental to periodic pains, ba ' kucbe, that bea.r. outdoor sports, for the care mg.down feeling, flatulency, illdi~es· of the· hair and scalp, for tioD, dizzinesfl 01' DCI'VOUJ> prostratlOD. sanative, antiseptic cleansWby don't you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick ing, as w ell as for ·all the women to write her for advIce. She has guided thousands to purposes of the toilet, bathand nursery; Cuticura Soap health. Addres8, Lynn, ~Ias.. and Cuticura are unrivaled. WE WANT ALL THE . Guaranteed absolutely pure, and
rna y be used from the hour of birth.
Bold throUl'hout the world. Depot.l: t.ondOll, Charl<,lIouae ~q. ; pa,I'i\6" RU". ct. la Pal....Auat~ 115\ R. To .... .to 0>.. yaney; IndIa. B. A. Paw. C~
The only way we can get a big
Chl... ~JioD'
1>'\11 Co.~.J.Pan.
)Iaru),a.. Ltd.• TOkio: RUMI.., FcrrelD. ..OleO.., 80. Atef!!!.. Lc!nDon. Ltd .• Cn pe Town. etc.: U.S.A.
1'1 'Uo, DrlJ~ '" Ch.ln. Corp. Sole Prop•.• B _ ...l'ooIti ...... CU~ IlooIIleL aD \lui WD.
part of it is by offering you more piano for less money than anyone else can. Write us about what you have to spend, and we will tell you what we may be able to do to meet your special want.
TRY OUR SPECIAL OFFERS. 1-$250.00 Piano at $210.00 2-$300.00 .. .. $235.00 1-$800.00 .. .. $500.00 1-$225.00 .. .. $160.00 1-$200.00 " $170.00
FlY • .,..... b> Aamlll will brint roo ....... 01 ~
PiaDO . .
Get Well be~e!rs::r.~L:: te lling abuut
HE LANKF.ORD COLLAR fa • Pad and Ccll4,. eOmbli>ed. Bcinlr open at the bouom. It lrivt'a bacli eDd forth wltb the strain of halJllnlr. tbua preventlnlr fnOtlon. It it< made of heaoyy all duck, reinforced with leather beuiDp. atutrod with clean, apcciaUy trealod cation. It ablorbe aweat. k~p. the aboulde ... from caJlln.., and never ~.ka or hardena. Write at onc;e for booklet 00 the ··LankIord· humane collar. COUCH BROS. MANUFACTURINQ CO.. AtIa.... G..
.P ,oductS
Libby's Sweef Mbted Pickles
Libby's Olives .
DOlan 1aIl .........
. . .....ul" ~.tNI, and ftlll of ""man ......... . L
. ......
.Old Virg.inia Cheroots
.,mr-. ,
You Save ·
on three '
useless heads.
You Pay for three good smokes
CHEROOTS Are &C. elgara WItIIout the .Head
3 tor 50 · It's the useless bead
symptoms and 'Ific and " 'e will Bend yoo ,....
"coeR."ry ,",lvlce and pre •• rlpLI"tlii t.o eCl'tce.... t""y treat yoar easc. These presel'lptlOOll can be tilled by anf druglll8t. C.." 10ll ml_ tills opportunity to get wellt JUSt Wink of h;' ·oulf 260. Sow caD Y0.llaft'ord to remaIn IIIcl1 TBE CROSS MEDICAL CO... Detroit, . .IC!....... -
throw. away that
makes three ,cigars cost you 15- cents. Old Virginia Cheroots,are all cigar-no waste. You pay only for what you smoke. 5 cents for three-in-
atead of 15c.
Sold Ev.rywh....
__ . _ _ r
[~ I
. tI,·" wiMull
(lUi; 001', ~lId lUos t of EARLY CALENDAR NEW ~ IYitn6t1l4etl. Inoludiug the pastor ls the '· ...1I11isc lor IhcCOlllill~ Ohio lIf the ol u burol' , are also guilty b • 'J' lltlrtl hlln ~l\ In Ihe lubLJy uf this fure Ahui"{bt.,V GOll,.lt.UIJ will hllve tt, bank IUl en lnrg\l\.l 'opy of qnr ·aleu. Pr(~l11inclltl.\' .HCllliOl1u I fu ,' Lila II) :-hll~ Fair. AligIIS( .n '.~I Ctllllllli ssill lltr II I,R1111 witb me before Bis Jud/:!. (em her I. ~. J. 01. (lllr for 11:1011. it h~ the C()!lt.li1"8t. Itull Tuml Cattl.) Hor••" Hop-I• .Practically Ind'ltruotlbll lI.lsnt Tbr,lUll wbere \Ve s hlll1 al1 be we belIeve tilt! hunllsottlt3st, thllt WA righteou. I.v j\1u~at1. Un!' ft~l\ n w towll~III ' II1, I'> I) 'l' t' L . Ra p i, \I ,\' Ihl wnill~ IS tbe ' lift,y llu\'e y t Pllfchlilleu . T he picturo "If it bad not hBan for tbe saloons i~ 1\ reprGdu,otioh of Il :pai nting I)f (Jr II, ill 11111kiug vi~t)r()l1~ ''' I III 1''' I !! " 611'! II tll "nnlllil l>lu o Shlttl Fulr lInu Jodutl lrlul I£x poHitioo. to btl htlld in of Ill.V t wn, [ \lev I' wonld bave be· th ells I\d fn 1111. YOllemite V~lley, ftlr th AlI omirHlt·jlln fnr <:1111 nl .I' 1'(11'1 . t'0~1l1' II drunkard; my wife wQuld . ;.IIIIII~bm~. A ugus t :1\ , 'ept mber 1. by toh nt, prince of tlceni . J)lIiotors miR~ioo A \, 1)ofor8 till' I " pn,ldll'lill 11 0 . 1111 v a It e ll muru el'od ; 1 would P riOlar)' t.o be llel r}' ,~ epll' l lI hl' " 1 i. !!, :i , 4 , uext, wi th Ild"tlu o~ prospec t.; 'I'bOIllIIlI MOI·I1.~. 'I'he ollllmclar I~ f1'Jt, be 11 ' 1'1 nuw, !'flllll.!' to lJO 110rl.)u HflyR the ' F rllnkhn : hr ot1\('I~'. M,', til .t· it will fnr exoel 1111 ot,berl> Ill' t ho work of t he '1'hO,Jlllu! D. Murpby 1111 0 utel'Dit,y. Hurl It 1I0t, lIoen fl ,r Oroll is Willi Olln t'lIvOl'llllly kOll \\'n "duCIII,loutil tlotert,ttinlllollt Ilnn III (Jo" 0 " Red On k, 10wlI, leud ers in thtlMe lU1Ullln L\'Ilp~, 1 would bllve in t.hiN seo tioo of tit cc,n nt ,v \Vh rI ' awusemeot ftlat,ul'e:s. Itr t OIll1ll1dl\fS, We wunt one of he I, l\on orE'd a nel I' A~ p e t _cI II ;; II N liver berort! hll VI! Much I1t1avy tni. Lt!e o Il sober wlln I\n Indulltriuu t'h ae lla l e ndllr~ In every h omo trle~ beeu recorded in itscompetitlva WOrklllll\l. II t lIder futbel" Ilnd It where we havll a (lustomei' flUU we snocellsful fllrmor lind bUllina"" mlln . Be 18 35 yea l'll of ag lIoll UIP departments. wbilt~ " e delllllnd rO T lori ug hUl!bund . But, t u.dllY UlY ue lieve thltt 10 se Urtl one i well !!pdOe for exbiLitluK furm, ~bop .... ud hume is llestl'oyed , Illy wi fe wur- worth It swall eft'ort on your part ; high standing he bll8 a mong hill ler· rUlld muobiutlry htl hoo o sv Itrellt dered . my little ohildreu-God blesll therefore, we usk yon to ollll'ut t,oo neighbor . wa!! IIhown by hi. 1311 ' your n ew fen'e (o r y a rs to come. Gel Ihe big. hea vy' wires, the tl on 1 ,0 t,he liollnl )f Town hi p Trl1~. hinge jllint, t ile gLiod galva nizing. th e exac tl y prllporlioned Quality ' of sted .11~ to eODlpletely "x hllu st th "; caplJ ci - and cllre for t.lllHU -Otlllt o ut ! u the blink before November til'St, en joy Ihal is not tp h:irrl nor hlu soft. t,v ot the building I\nll plllttecl I1ltlro.v of I,h e world , w h i~ I IlIll to th ll pict,ure witll n8, or i ticii!e it lind teel\ wbell but ,,'even vo l,!)!! w ra CllSt W e c.m ~how ' voll th is ("nee iii our Slack and <!xpla in ils merits and agni uRt him in h is hom o preoi nct,. g round devotllcl to t.belle di8Jllllyli. li~ h uIIg b.Y I,h l:!hon g IIfllI of the register yo ur n lme slIp r riorilYI n ot only In the rull ,but in the field, Come and ~ee us and gel. recei ve fI oOPY uur p rices. B e is t,he YOllngoRt. lion of tllll IlI t~ lln!J'·It ·h I\S become nOC6ijljary to 01'0- 01,11 to. um'lng th e h olidll YII . W ~ huye III!\o Levi 'foil Who Will; wo ll k lV1WII lite a large ovel'flo w so 't,J.lD of I!ornll . ("iod kUo ws . 1 1, 1~leli t,u reforlll , Il 111 rge plain oil lendn.r whloh YOIl .JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD OF fiftee u 1I0res, thllt, limy bo 1I00U'1I 0 ' hut li S loug lUI t in.! o)Jun 1I100n wus CIIU IIIt\'e Instelld of th,e pioture If thronghout the ollnty h lwin'g I;e II long lind prominently ongllg d ill .tilted. When It II! oonl!idered thllt in 'IlY pll th\'my , my wellk. dlll6L\8ed yon prefer . Ver y truly yours, t,b grtlin husine!! n·t thi pi llcl'. st!vellteen DIll nlJuo tl1 liu l\tlloH~ III' Will-p ll W".. Wil . ilo lila tell against WAYNJ(SVIL.LK N ATI ' INAL B A ' K Mr. ' roll \VII born and rllislld 00 devotedex'lusivelytoexhiblt~ ,tloUlo tbo felufnl, cllUB umin g. Il goni' g AND A CARLOAO OF th e ffUIll where;he now r09idE'~ . He conoeptlon of the tU l1l3nUOlltl l1eSll of "l)potite f01' li q uor . WEEK END DANCE. III I\Il enth n iastie oh aOlpirlll of the the fortbo llUl i ng Ex posi tion OI~n bo " I WIIS o ne of tholla who Illgned formed, [11 IIl1tidputi u of t,h o reUlonst.rrmot!s again t re·o~nlng Miss Donull Bllwko I;l'tlve lin in. goorl rOllds Dlovemeu t a,u d heh eves lIplendld di plays now IlSIlUreU i ll tbo tlltl8Uloous o( our town. One-half forlnnl (han otl I::!II turday e vening in in cltl eful ll11lnllgewent of 'ono l,y oompetlti ve depllnmontM tho Ulllnl\. of this jury, th e proseoutlng IIttor- bonor of her house,ulnty gnO!'I!!, lIfl'nlr!'. Be is 'an IId vocllte of eCl\\'gers bave oOI.ltrlloted for IImnsornent ney on tbis ollso,nnd 'tbe J Dll~e who Mis8ell Stelln ollett und, 'Mltry Bay. omy In ~ h e expe nditure of t,lIe publind entertain'm on t fOllturos Oldrn. HitS on this bench, 1111 voted tor the lell@, of Dayt,on , lind Dorot,h.Y Dl1kin. Iio money l'ut would not s llCl'l fil!e ordinary, including llllllOrJul carnl. suloon, By Ihei r votes and InHu_ ThOMe present were: ~Llsses Mary qnulity t o i!llve llo few d lia r s , U' val under the dire t tluporvlsiun of enoe SUlOOll8 wore ro-opened, lind Bayle$s, I:!telJa Co llett, Dorotl.Jy an'd you were to ask Geor ge 'roll if be $ .A , R oy Knll,benshuu. 'l'bo (lilt ui vul they havo mude mo whflt 1 am." C thorine 011 kin. 11 I'll h Selillrll, were II temperllt, m"n he woul!l FALl.S FROM CAR has uroused tlle g rellta8t IDtcrBtlt 'l'be ilnpu.tltlioneU wOl'ds of the of (Johllllbull. (Jltrulyn Mosher, lind q lIiet,ly tell YOll t hllt h hut! never througbOll i .. be stllte, Imd inolnding prisoner tell like COll is of fire upon MesHr/:! Hllrold ' oak, Wa.rre n Keys tasted intox icating liqnor f:1 l1ud thill, d oell nflt use t obllc 0 in uoy form us it do'e , daily lIirsl11p ,flillll ta, bal. the b8l\rts of thollo pre8ent, and Wilson Ed WII r!ls, Frll nk W or kmaille r Attt:mpting td alight frum an in'I'hA 1111 11I*,,1 fllll .. WIII" WIll lJa . 'BU. 10011 raoes Rnd ['800nSlonll, will ut. some of the lawyor8 wel'e moved to of Dllyl,on, Fred B(~rl,sC)o k. Ronald Be )JIISSed through t he HDtLOOillf com ing !Jayton an d Xenia tra tion ,II,lllt.·" fUl: tli li I\ltr~l·tl lJl udlaell lOp· tronbles that vislteu FrLlnkli n !lome cal' at West stl'eN , whi lE' the car was trllot vusto,.owdll . In addition to the teurs. 'rho Judge mude I\. motion as amI Fred HIlwke , petlll II. <l lIhj ~ I til Ille dtll i,10 0 vt yelu s a go lind cnme out on top. He ~~rial Obrnivul visitors will be en. if to s top furt-hel' IIl1eeoh , when tbe in molioll , ea rly T\lesday v ning : hilI! never tl birketl hi s d nt,y us 'l 'ow ll ' W. tertCli~ed wltb fellts of during, sktll SIJellk ~r hu!!tily lII.t id: . Bllnneville, of Waynesv i!J , tho H.1I\l1l1,f1U1I1I prllllllrll'" : OLD 'CHOOL ASSOCIATION ship rr u stee u o mutter h olV eXII to wa.'! t hrown to the pav mont anti I·~· Ilnd dexterlty.i noluding C. E. Hardy , "No! No! YO UI' hu n or, UO not FOil REPRESEN1'ATIVE , .. high wire kt'ug j Matt Goy, tlomer. ulol!o my Iillll; lulU n6lt rly I.brougb, c ivel1' a bad ~as h vel' the "ig ht yt!., On a 'cou nt of the condition of the Ing i t 11111)' lin va been . and <I pai n ful iJljury to hi . knee , sault baok diver i Mille Sll8lluuiD, " 1 beglln my uownwllrd career lit school house the Association decided ,l Oti ~IAIUH:tAI,I.MUI,t;'UHj) Ii ILL ATfEND OPE III OS. witb her troupe of fifteen trained 1.1 sa luen BAlt- IegaHzed nud ' pro- not to hold their reg-ulll!' meeting Mr. Bonnev ille wi 'hell to leave th I •. 1<' I . A~UCJ ON belns, and six other Dlerltorious per . tocted by th o votor~ of t bis town, t hi s year, but instead they· had t he cal' at West street. in ol'd I' to make .1 '1'. M (a .EL.L..\ I- U . MillS Hrllffl Li nooln will attend formano88. Theso aots will ooour After the !Ill,loon!! you uJloweu have old sc hool hou e printed .on a n eat a shor t cuI to th Penn ylvania sta· W, ~ 1(.OI.L th e lUillinery openings In OilY ton tion, w here he was to take a b-ain I I"" r Kr IIOIU~ II ~ LltluI 'ID tbe open, positively free to all , Wilde Ille LI lIrunkaru lind II mur· post-card. and bearing the title The offioial prograw of tbe Expo. derer , 1 ,un tt, ken before unother , ,From Your Old Schoolmates" and' t,his w e k I\nd III t er on wlll go t,o fOI'1 is hom e. nnd attemjJt~ to alight I :Glnmhq ~ , FOR AUDITOR befor e th e 81' 'lopp?d, He was Bition bas been iBsued and w~ note BAR- tho lJin of JUlltice, lind no w sent to each of the old sclllola~, l tbat Tuellday. ~ptumbor 1, has tbe La w·lJowur will ooullnot me to Applying ARMOUR FER'l'ILIZ. g iv 1 s urg i 'a l a t hmtion bUl was un· 'H AH. .... . ~OU~ ·l':;. The idea was a beautiful one, a nd been offiolally dtisilfnaSed 8a Moderu t he IJlaoe Of ' tlxacotion lind hlts ten although they would rlilther· have ERt; isaD inve8tment. not lln expense a ble t o leave t he city until Wednes· T. I.'. P A'I"rtllH 80N Woodmen of Amerlou ))8Y. On my so1l1 luto oternlt,y. I, tlbal1 held the meeting . they could not do The inorease in tbe ' yield will 11I00'e day morning, X nia Gazette. ~ . A HTJI.WI£L.L. W~,,· r ·.. Ie IltJlll . tbla date Woodoraft will bold Its IIlJlJonr befol'o another blll·-the !!~ this year . Mr. B(;mn~ville !'Ieems to L nonfj t·11a1l pay for the Fertilize.', n ot . Ilnnual field day exeroi~otl, inoludlng J U UGMEN'J' fi.AR OF . GOD. and counting the improvem'ent in tbe t h e worse fl'om his full , Ilnd is around l'OR COMMISS'O~ER a prize drill to be partlolpated in by t b ere you, who hl\ve ler:;a.lIwd th e qnali~y of the orop and soil . We again aJl ri~h t . CHARMINO DINNER PARTY oraok t-eams orthestate und Il varied truffle will hll ve to 8ppear with ule. hu ve braJlds for all orop!! and soils. N lilHI£MIAH:MoKINtlt!l¥. ----+- ...- -program of athletio oontesli8, wl~h 'flit nk you tl1u\ tho Great Jud~e Mr. Rod Mrtl , F. &. Be~dert!on en 8<1ld by W. O. t!M1TH New Bnrllng- Drive ItlJ eumllt.i!!UI fr um ttl 1 1.1111 1 b:. 8. ROGlURS. Ili'or re'elecLloul with Dr . ~hoo)J'~ RhslllJ1"tIC Relut:d .I' liberal prlzea offered' in slloh event.. will holtl mll··tllo poor weak, help.. tertalosd Wednesday evening with ton . F. Tablet, or Li qUid 1$0111 h.V 1111 lll '~ I 1:1. I:IIM PI:tON. Tbeoomruitteein gharge oonfident. ]eBs vlotim of your traffic-alone reo un elegautold x ..o'clook dinner In honers. UNCLE SAM'S RUNAWAY S AMUI£ri L . IRONti. ly predlots that t!Vent.y tbon81~nd spooslble fvr the murder of my or of Mr . flud ~rs Clydle Coleman, J. .. KEEVER. Woodmen will be InattenduDce, and wife ? Nay, 1 in DIY drnnken, fren · of Cinpinn llti. Th ose prHsent were: Web Meeks had a runaway MonBEW!' REEp. that the event will be 't he grandost zied ; irrll8ponslble oonditlon have Mr. llnel Mrs. J. B. CoIElman, :drs . day evening, anll as a result is walk· AR'I'HUR ROI:lt,;. tn 'be history of the Ordtlt. Mon . murdllrell ONE-but. you hiLve de. LoulslI '''nuley, Mr, und ldrs. D. L. ing 'to and fro with his mails. The ~ t<;UP.U E L. IJRULI•. day, Angust aI, w11l be Wowen's Ub~fIltelY voted f or tho st\l~ns Ur"ne, Mr.llnd Mrt! Clyde Coleman, horse got frightened at something , l!~ree Day, wbi)a 011 t-be 01081nl( day whIch have .mnrdered t.h0I18&nd8, MItiS (t;'UIllII Heigh wo.y MaRter and ran into a telep~one post and - = - - -F-O-R-S-U-E-R-IF-F--tbe gates will bo tbro wll open free a.nd they are In full orerM"',n to day EthBD Crane broke the wheels of ~h e wagon. t.he ohUd.r en of the Ilt"te. witb your OOllsent, - -- ........_ •..-.-- ., FRANK P. FORGY. Web was luckily not hUl't a bit, but . "All of you knuw in yonr bt;lIrt.s . BIG . EXCURSION TRAIN ~ . G, JUY. Rubber Hose •. badly scared. that these worelll of wiue 8re not - -- BI!IR'r BRAN'!' -~ CHARGED WITA MURDER. at whol esal Jlrll',·' to ciO:> f the raVinia of "n nusllnnd U1iud, but The Pan Handle road handled one Excellent Health Advise .IAMES FO .. LEN. tlR. out this S(!llsrJl1's SIIPI',lv God Almigh ty '8 tfuth of the nicest excursions of the season "Prisoner at the bar, have . you "Yoo lo"~II" '.ed th~ 81,JO')US t:lat last Thursday. There was. a train of Gilforn Mrs , MAve.. , M . Uav i!lon, of No. ~179 00 ft. 4 pl ' 10..: I", I' ·al ~ per f Oll l' "'~ " y . Han ,J o~ , CIt\ says: any.thing to SllY wby t!entence ot FOR TREASURER, " death shall not be PIl£!SeU upon yon?" 'Bl\de me I.\, drnnkard and 11 murder- three sections, solid vestibule PulI- "l'he worth of Electric Bitterl! IlS a 5 I, 5 I, 1 2 ~ \: " " I OC " WIT'.l. R. LEW[~. I I J:,,' ,. " For Scco nd 'l'erID. Not" w.hi~per was hoord anywhere or, !lnd you lifO I(Dlltv with Jue tie man cars made up from Cincinnati gener&l . fllmily remedy, for heud- 25" (. " . l:ic the south , going to Atlaritic City. lIohe. biliousness lind t orpor of the aDd the situation hltd beconlo I~in· fore (Jod I~nd mllu I(\r thOe ,uurder and . /{()od ": lrl ll" lo replenis II Th b h Ii ver II.nd bowell! III liD pronounoed JUOOE OF PROBATE COURT ere wel'e a out ~ irty cars in all, thltt I Rm prompted to flay Ii word your 0111 - til";:' fuJly oppr888ive, when the prisoner of my wHo, "Yoor honor, 1 Hill dUlle . I lilll and ~ent through Corwin Thursday in its favor, COl: the benefit of those ALEX BOXWELL. wal! aeen to movo; his helld was IF'ur Se 'ollil ~' rmJ seeking relief from snob alUtotions. Fresh Bre3:kI'~ s r . ~codll, railed, bls hand ' Wll8 ollnoheo, Ilnu now ready to receive D'y H'Jentunc' evemng, Therl'> is more he!llth for the digesIlllli be led forth to the pll\oo of ex. the blood had rusbed into h is pa le, ecut.\on . Yon will olose by. usklDg A sllIa l! l i> 1 \' ,,1\ SI: ' - !Jul ail FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY JOLL Y CROWD IN CAMP ti ve organs in 1\ bottle of Electric oare· worn face. . . t.he Lord to hllve morcv on my 8OU). Bitters tll'!n in any other remedy I fres h- ' lIcll :} !; . "I'I's l 'l'oa s ~ies," AI..TON F . BROWN. A number of our young wen rent. \I now of." iSold under guarantee ut Ton tcd Cor.n Flake ' ," "(,rape ._ _ _ __ _ _.....:_ _ __ __ Suddenly he II.rOlle to bl~ foct, and I will olol!e byaolemnly Il8killg God in a low firm but di stinct voice, to Qpen your bltud eyes to yonr own Int() oalllll lit UetalJlck "8 crossing Fr&.l C. l:lohw lLrt 's drug store. riO ~ Nu ts," "Wheat iJl Clli l," " "~ggo. FOR RECORDER inulvlduul rOllpoDsilJllIty, so thnt t:latnrdlLyfora week. Judging from FIRES SEEN' HERE. said: s ee ," .. Pu \fed l~ic e ," I I Wh ea I PBILIP ~PIllNOI£ you will cooso to give yout' snJll)Ort the looks of the Imraphern"lia the ' re ___ _ . " I HAvm I Your hunor, you havo to this dreudfnl trllmo . .. rF'or re'eleullouJ Berrit:8," "CI'lIshecj' . Oats " lind ____... _ • will be no fish left In the rlver. A bright light WIIS seen bere Ilist asked me a qnestion , IH! d I now 'lIsk, JOE A • .DUNHAM . "Cream 01 Wh ea t ." 88 the last favor on eartll. tha.t y ou Ct1ANGE OF STORE. ,'l'hose wbo lUll In campa.r'e : WilfreD ,night lind i~ prov~d to be two narns J. E. ROB1Nl::!ON , will not interrupt my answer until 1 ___ . ' IInli Wil80n Edwards, Joe l'bompeon on fire , one at Bickoryville, and one New Macke.ei. ,JOSIAH HOLBROOK. am through, MI'!!. U. M. White bllll dispotled of Dr. Miller, HllroJd Cook !Hld EliI'I I\.t Silver Grove, 'It Is s\l)Jpolled thllt . F'irl't of tht: sca SlI lI. !.lo th "llltaDd bere betore this 11l1.r , oon- her millinel'Y sture to t!OUle DIl.... ton RQbertson. lightning WI\S the cunSB. SURVEYOR l ., -Ihe arge,fatfe llow sa l.1 5ce a c h vioted of the wiJful murdel' lIf Illy pllrtie!! and ' will give (Iosses8ion 1m · . MASONIC NO' TICE . - -d th d' SAM D, HENKLE The right kind of eoonomy in an e me 'lim SIzed 2 lor ]5c. wife. Trutbtul witnessell hl\vo tes · medilltely, . I F ur Second l 'tlr m I --fl~rming is inorflusing the Fertility ~'pletJdiC\ ho t wealh e r looc], . tlfied \0 the faot tll1~t I wus 11 loafer, GAD()EN l::iJ)8cial comlUunlclltion of Wltynes a ,drunkard, and u wro't<lh; thllt 1 re o BEAUTIFUL FLOWED CLERK OF COUllTS. '" '" 'ville lodge No. 163' F. & A . M. Fri of tbe BOil, improving the. growlnK Gra.ham Sa.ndwiches, turned from ane t)f my l)fololJged DANP. BONE. d"y evening, Au~ust 21. at 6 :ao~ conditions nnd getting better YIelds 20 cakes to the lb. a.t 15c •. ~'or S~con'l "erw dl!bauche8 and f,lruu the fit tu) l'ho t The yard and garden of Mr. J . A. Sojourning brethflrrl invited. Work for the samu money, USIl Armonr Fertilizers ·(Na.tural Plant .Fooel." A new clike mlld e of unh .. lt ed ""!!'!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!!!!!!~!'!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!!~ thl\t killed the .wife 1 )lad I:! WOI'n ·to Funkey, notwithstanding the exThe kLno that proquoe rtlsults and Jloul' wilh Fig· .\ hrmalade fur th " love, oherish and protect, W bile tl'eme heat, is blooniing and flower. in~. M, degree, I WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. WARItIlN H , KIil¥i!, W. M. I ' 1, have no remlllllbmnoo of comillitt.- ing nicely, · and is a blessing to hu. bring yon back more . Sold by W . illing. Fres'l from lh e ov e u', -...., - - lug the fearful deed, I have nll rigbt manity t o look upon it. Mr. Funkey O~thodox Friends Church. C. SMITH, ~ew ~ur\ington , Ohio, Fa.ncy Sweet Po•• toe. SCARLET FEVER IN· TOWN to oomplain or to oll!Jdornn the ver- takes g r'e at · pains and lo ts of time t o Rev, Benj amin Rawklnu. Pllslor: WANTED ' at $1 .1)"0 per bu 8 hi . nb baLh S~bOOI , U:IJU a.. m. ReKular obu reb diot of tbe twel ve good men who his g.a l'uen and flowerll, and is amply . e. ' ~e.~vlct). 10 ;uo u. III. hrldLlan l!:udeavor, The family of Mr. Arthur Anson '1'1 . . , .. IU p. Uf . bue aoted 1\8 jury I n tIle ollse. for repaid for his trouble. A 1001\ at l ese IIT ~ ":ODIJII/,f lorward came up from Cincinnati Saturday, An invalid chair to rent, apply to their v~rdlct iii 111 IlCOOrdllnoe 'wI th t hese fl owers will be helpful t o al\. and on Thursday one of the children Hkksite Friends Church. Miss J ennie Funderburg. MU1J!e from the East every wee k. A ;'e the evldenOt!. . 1'·I.·HI·lJny Mc.. llnl( , IU ,OO a. m. Firat OaF brokeol,lt with scarlet fever'. Health sT:r eet, Har~eysburg, Ohi_o ~ , . fille eating. The h "t, ellllllllCr 1;,.j,001 . II :00 a. ,n o . ti'ounh Day MeetlDg 'Bllt may it ploutlo tho ouur~, I Officer Ellis took the mattE!r .up imDEATH OF MISS DAVIS lU :IIO a. m, jll~t slIiis !;l WlJet, pOla toes. wish to show th,it' I AM NO'1' , EARNHART REUNION. media~ely, and it is to be h~ped that Christian Church. ' Weed K·Uler. AL0N:E' RESPONt:iII:JLE'FOU 'faE ' Miss Sarah M t'ld D" d'ed the disease will not spread . Itc v. (,/"orgc Hall, Paslor \ .M URDER OF M ~ Wl.1fE!' ·· Saturday mornin; ~t a 10 o~~~~ck I at ------- ~~.~--Last· !:lunduy the reuuion of the ._uudlly· SellOOI , I/ :no a ni, Regular eerv:lue8 $1.00 per jal, llle I a~ 1 Su ndny O( the moo lh. .0 ,:10 'a 10 .. Tbl~ tltiltelllol)t 01'UIl,tod the home of Mr W'II M . f't WERE AT HORSE EXtUBIT Ellrnhlut fllmily took plaoe II t tb" . • d I 'l'b . I orris. ,a er UiJed 10 keep drive·way:! alld Clp.ndm ,7 ::Iu p. 10 , Cllrlsllan Endeavor. 7 :1I0 • "r~men on.s 88lltlllt on.. . . f rom bomEl of Mr . Elhler Ellornuaf,t., A, o .J Oligo' a s'l ckness of n ear1Y !l year, paths freefrolll weerl ~: kills all Mr, (JoorKe Hawke, a.nd . Ron , Ron. bout 1l!5 were present, Ilnd the ullual leaned Over tho dos lr, tho IllwY0r!! heart t rouble. The funeral services Methodist Episcopal Chu~h. torms .of . llolClOlt S vege lrll'iull. aid, took a yearl. l ng oolt, over to progrllm we.s gh en of reol to Mons wheeled lL.roun4 aud fllced ·tl.Ju )Iris were held yesterday forenoon at the Rev. Pblllp Trout. PUtIN' Phllll) Spenoe 's 8hawat RtdgevUle Olle gal. WIll dilute 50 ga ' l s, ot ODeI'. the Joror!! looked at ouoh othar chapel Rev . t'mg. Sunday :Chaol. U ::10 :\, QI . MorDIDII; aer. , uDd 8Ong1l. A large tent was f1rect · . h 'l . , . Phl'I'lp T rou t 0 ffi cia vIce., lU :110 :\, QI. Iolpwortb ~a.ue, 1 :00 p . I~t · week, They S/l,y there . W8S ed ln the ya rd under I,he t.ree!ol, and water. In amllzement, w 1 e the sl>ectat,ol'tI m. I!lveplng aenlce. -:- ::10 p . QI . MJdw-" could hardly auppress tbeir iDttlDlie Pain a~yw~ere stopped in liO min. quite II dlapllLY of oolts .Dltl a gqod dinner wal! lIervel) there, 101 Mittlng Prayer Meetlol[. 7 : 10 p. QI. Indiana. Wa.termrjona 'udttement: The I)rilloner paUlII'd a . utell Bure with ODe of Dr. Shoop'a orowl! pr6118nt. down at the table. All present had Pink Pain 'l'ablet8. The formula 'ia St. Mary~1 EptKOpa.l .Church. Price Lower. fe" I8OQDdiI, and then ooutlDlled in on the 25 cont box. Alk your 000. Ii goOd time. Rev. J , ... Oadwalla4er. ,Re<ltor, ' tbe ftrm, dl8tIDct volee . tor or Drogghlt Ilbout thiB formula! BREAK CAMP AND Frellh from the field. Qual. 8uoday Scbool. 9:80 a. QI "orDID, I.r. NEW COAT -OF PAINT-• . vice, lCl :80 a. m. ROI, CommluilDD ,be ant "t repe.t yoor honor, tbllt 1 lUll l::!tolJti wODlIlDly pal nil, headaohe, Herbert Eldwarda ity the finest. SLlpply large: SUllda, Il' eacb mODtb; no' the only one guilty of the mllr. pal.nIlI\Dywbere, Write Dr. Shoop, The K. of P. building i8 having B Racino, Wil.. for free trial to prove bourne HathawAY1Jl.O. St. Aupultfne'. CatbolJc der 0 f my wife. The J udle OD thill valDe of hta Headaohe or PiDk PaiD day a' Retalliob' ONllilali new drea of paint, anI! lookll de .. O!lOl'ft .....1lii0i., Put• • ~, j~ in ~o IJQX, Ule Table.. Sold by all deal..... home. '!'bey bad . . . . . oldedly be'Ser. .... en", .euoDd IDIIIIa, of \lie IIIOGUI
Stands Like a Stone Wall -
:: iii
A .MliJ
I alld Chestn 11 t P~sts
Announcemtnts ~
- -----
White's ,Store News.
. ..
'100 •• III.
..... 1
I!'fF'£'Y NlN'tU YEAR , IN COMPLETE REAOI NESS tate r:alr V III In Columbus Montlay
.,. .
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All "1'1'"'' '''' 11''111,,. ,or,' 1\ .. ", " ' " " pletetorlh>lll/ty t1i,(h 11 11 1111", 1"111 .. ~tl1leFulrl1ud ludu~I,I'I~ ) Ill. Klill- III " ". ,
wbldb "pe ll " III ( :"'IIUIlIIl~, .... 11 <: 111'1 alt!t OJxl, 1.11 ,." II It ,"1t1II v .. ,"11 tI , ,,,,..
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. rof tll1!1ol' Ko lli ~() I1 , wh el'i) IOlli e 0 II lth olll{h tull II Hllllwflr(. · 1111 W,1I' l'
H d r,'a<i \' fill' tlu'J.,,'Li tioll ' or I 'I!I'II I ( ) I to , n ~;I ~ClI.Jn n , 'I'be fir II t . d '1.V ,I I ~1 ' p r"llIhAr i~ ,..l'lIl·ae lv ~ week
l'tH lluved \\, h .. 1\ t,he Il1tlLillll1:l fo r Lilt! 1.'Wttl Opt it1 11 ~l elJioio ll n.ocordlng to I,ll " Ji ll", ,· "\l outS L oon I Uption Law willl" '~n\)1 OUllln,i;signed lind tbe elel:oiu lJ Il 1'1\ .. red.. It will . IBke a
U\llllht!l'o f ~lglI(>rS fo'1ulIl l.o:lfi )JerC)ent
of tho II IC II,UI"'!! of the ollUl"el' of lelll'l.v \\'0100111 6, v Eot 'r ie' III ti ll COll i ,Ul,1tl V!l " " IJIH'. A L th e n OUII h Ol ll' n Ilc l iclO'u!l bill<. I 110 u t t hc' IfI!lt. lAot ia n, be fore meuL!! htt v" I(IIW 'I",",,,..t, Willi Ih", ' kot (Unnel' W s f!p I'l'!l1d In Yl\r<l. t lJ e 10cIIl u(Jtloo eleotlOll OIUl be orlat"esientl'.? reonrdlltiill it!:lhllllOl'Y; WAYNESVILLE'~ CANNING SEASON OPF.NS ft ). h de rod. D (I, " el' at the pruHent time hundreds 1 w lIoh . t enl'tOl'1I00 n Wlls s pe llt P etitions. will be ssnt, out. till over . wblle I WI" I tIIll Ie uud n plo,u' unt Aooilli of exblbltllrs Me bUHlly .engftKed til l 'L'lIe wllAotli of I,ll tlnuing faotory . 'l.'h o ~r O'ttes t I h ing thnt htl s ueeu ry !li nd li oo rH Clfl' LU II,.. Il pin, 'lud 1\\1 time . the county fron county bSlldqua.rtsrs. iustalling tbelr exblbltsl1ud dlsplaytt j8tarted .l' uosdtlY, !lnll for Boveral t\dde<\ is 'L (Joro busker-in filet, Is feudy ror til rn~ n wblch ",ill 'rhe peopl r egr et very mu oh to ,this wee k nl:1l will be olrou Jllted tbe flO tba,t, lin will. b~ oOlJiplete for j weeks the rus h !Iud buttUe of the two ,If tlJfllll - nnrl they buvo lJeen OOIllEI by t.h e fir .. t, o f the w ilsie . lose PrOfl:!9S0r K ell iRoll uotI f!lltlllly, first till,V uf:se p te n.l ber g\v~ntt e very i08pectlun tbelllornlog of t.1I8 open IcannlngttellsoD will te, wltb U8. testelllLnd Ilrovetll!lltitlfllotOI·Y. ,. A stllte iUHPllo lol' (I f IWil r s lind butthey fee l thlt th oir 1088 wlll be lunu lUI opportunIty t o s ign In oriog dBt e, a!l requlreollnder the rules I. L!l8t '1'1J ur811fty the plaut WII8 l'hnR.e b us kMR 'tr6 i nLendea to be fl1oto,rlall, IUIlI i llI:!l~ I'IIII CU III 0 ' h ,\ ve W tt y u csv ille 's g in anll 0 teud to lIe r I hu t the loonl option eleotlon of tbe Stllte HOltord ,uf Agrloultnre . " Vfl1rmed up," and tile wheels were used 1t8 IIUPI)loUla ollary work, lind .. lrflll~Y 1>OtsO on th e g r ound an(] "I b t il .' . ' IIIll Y Ul:l h eld. 'l'he Signers ot tbes", . , k on, u III asI bW' !l IPR 11for hIS futul'o peti' t.iuu\I wilJ not be t,he dry voter a Ro.y · Knllbensbu6, who will bave stllrted I1nd the whole t,blng weut tbere i!lll O inten t iou o n t,h e plll·t of buve Cnlhplhuentfld Mr . Snoo . . SlleMSH \l IS DOW ('Ill of III bar ' direot oburgtl of t·he ma.mmot,h ' off like it Wft·s " g r8Hsed . of tho ulI.nllgoment to 110 aWIIY with 10111 mllntl gSII1All t , ',nll It· goo!l With 1~lon e l.ll1t wi\) oon8i8t of both wet aeria.l OIIfnlvlIl, hl18 heeu 'In Colum· " There btl VI) beeiJ lIeveral 'new ill), lUonulIl Itl bor ; in faot" t.hey lirE! tak. Ollt, lCu .vi n~ . t.Il1l.t W II.v ue8vl Jle hH 8 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. llud d~y voters . nne o11Ictlll'.V f the Witt, I f not t.he uetl t. , ou n· , prlDClple ' . . a.t iu HlI'tltnt,a . ' 'the of 100 d option IS bU8 for tht! p!lllt tell lillY!! Hnd during plillnoe8 11udell to the plant,. wbloll log on nil t·be Il e I p to h Ilt t Iley OlIn olng tbat, tiwe b,UI IIlIH) A tlevtmtl SUOIl6!!II' lllre II. grel1t beuefit . A n ew h el\t. In , conveull:lutl.v bundle. 'rbe coru il! VMy I{ol~ll tbi >j ye tlr, The 'l'ell ob er8 ' I ostltute nt LebulIQ U t ho bottonl of it . Every American tul f1igbltt with hit! Ultll'Velouf! PIl8!!· dioator bat! been pillced ill p Bitton A vi lli t 10 the plant showed every aud t.ll e r eport II! I !tnt it. will Illtlke n tblN last. woek Wil t! ono of t.he bellt wi th t be true Amerioan spirit be. euger alrt4blp, und h.e "uuounoe8 !Iond works like a c~urul , . thing in II good cOUl1ition ; maohln good c r np, eve r h e lo , ftml h ull IL l'lrge utt·o nd. Hevos ill the mujority rule and 80 Iiuce. 'l'he ttpoukel's we i's g ood . all the oitizen!! of Warren CouotblLt fill(h.t", will ~)81t)velJ' uoour. e~ob dtl,v ..1 Mill Exposition . More I cRSONAL MENTION Those frow Wl1yne 'l'ownl!lii)J ty believe 10 tho IIlIIJ'o rity rule, MI-8 RUlh ZIUllUerrnl1u is visit. i ng EARLY CALENOAr~ NEWS than ~wl.l bUDlll'ed person!! bliVO I PI-4 ., ller· gmuupurent8in.lllhlestown, who werOIJresentwere: MlnnieF. ~l'bewet,s n t! wellll8 tbe dry8 are wlld.1I appllOtll,iuu tfl aooowpfluy tbe I ' '1'\)u I'e lIu n ~" in I he lo ltlt,v of this Bl1rgHtt, Mlu'Y E , Feuly fl, A , /{lDg. Americ!\n itlzens aod believe In tbe Bbry Lewis und l!lyllo Cox, of ' D UtpttJlu on Ll tt jillU'OSYIi t.hrougb Jelll!e Com pton, of ay~on IS very Lytle IlIHde a bn>jI~"'11 trill to I,uuk '\II I'ohll'g ' 11 ell"y ot ou r cnleu- tl r', Beurlettll MoKiusey, C, B . Uarey, mlljority rule, 80 they will 81gn tbe the seal of air, !tud 118 lII"ny lUI P°l)- 810k , Cblollg\) ~Iltur,!ay . chi r f,) r J \J01l. it i Lllo CIlHt liost, Ilnd Dunnu Hawk e , J . P . Uumm lngtl, J , petition ordering tbe election, &h\t 81ble will be 1IC00ruollotte(\ . Auditor smwilll was bere Fr'tday Mr !.Lnll MI''' . Ed Maoy entertlliu. WI'! bediey" t111l bunltl'''lI\tl~t, t,hl\t, we \Y , StruYiII, Helon MoUlure , Ne lli e tile peoplA Lmay be Riven the opTbe enK/l~e'lleat, of till!! wonder' ILDd Sa.turoll1Y, 11.1 Ilililler 'l'uesdu.v, ~hs . George Ilb YO ye t plIroL,tSI:ll 'Plr e picture Gillb., FI ru Borry hlll, :mv", DaVis, portunlty of votIng .whether tobey luluerilll urtt.t' t hutt Ill'lO us ed greftf Mrll O. M Wblte was II Dllyt.un 'l'bompijrlu IHld MI'!!, Matt Pur8hllll i~ IL rf!jJl" ,tlllol ilJlI r)f II )Juintlng of tla fllll Htll'oett, IlhQ(I~ Ole vonger, will or will not have saloons In the r IlIterflOi throliJol h o lll ,·l1a fRt.P , Imd, visitor IlIilt'l' bnl·sday . Mit!~Il~ 'J'rllhe aud Maggie E ~ t il,' r 'u~ 'ude l'UllH Yo:<arnif e Vulle,V,!.lIl1el" 0 4!tndler , Ruth A . Ullan . oounty. Sigoing tbe petitlon8 I. Ill' in IlfJdlti .. n to thu p"I!!!tl.nge.r Itlr 8'~pb~n Shriller went t Yellow wllrd8, or Oaytun ure vlsitlDg their by ,.1.1111; pJ'lucu uf l5(m n lU lJ~iu~erll, Ill er , lilllt\ B, K y~, Prof. C. E. Brat. not a vot-e ugainst the 8aloon. It I. II II 0 hru"'ar 0 .'"J , "I r"UWlif·fS ~n4 ft,"'lIy . 'I'b ull-IUII Muruu" . 'I"4 e 011 Iell d qr IS ' ton 1111 d ..-rot. U U ,. J . .., 8 Il&8t 'l' . llhlp IJight.t KuaooDllbne WI !Dsta M rln ".Of ......., u . U . [\.el isou. ooly Buying ".1 um wllhng for ,~ .a uomplete I\lIlIoon 1'111' 01, oClnl!ieting P ~ ., 1 Mr. .1, t . MOlell~Q4, of ~IR~i' ~Ile Work Qr ~hl! 1 hOII,lIl~ 0 , Murphy people In Warrel? Oounty to s"y ()f raoln g lind ollptlve halloon.. , -vllll& L. A. Z1mm~rmuo wile In . end e. MUle, olludll1u ~ for llel~etJOQtQ'l V~I 0(0., 0," Red QI.k , Iowa, lead er8 i n D I E S IN .GERMAN y, wbether or not they desire tbe aa. ()". t'O the Explll'ltloll will be lreaterl ton lod, 1811t 'lhur8day. . W/ililu town ,Frlday lUI a.turday art CNllfllHlllf8. We wllnt one of , . f loo"sln Warren oounty," . to an ueritll I'Xblblt un nrpalHd hi ' Mr. ' lind Mrs, W\UlallJ T horpe Mr . ~truwd~r Rloger.baa reblnuQ t)lese cll)endl4ft1 In very bOI1Kl A PI'l vllte cablegratn l'ecelved Ilt Now every f~lr.minded 1Wtr80D extenetveulI!I't ' ur !terlar oontrlv , Viiltcd io Paytou last. week. frf?~ a l VI 8tfcatioui ?f tl8~~rRaol 8we~ukol!, Wbim! we have n (' U>lt Im er Rnd we Baltim ore , Md. , late lllst week,111l ought t.o be willing to ilgu BUob a . , . a .... rv8 ngreawve8'U, B 0', ' " d . . ..wMII!I 10 tills oonneotlon we willb ' Mr . SalUuel ~11IUl.m80U, of Lytle, ty . I !Jel\ell e that 10 lleourH ooc IS well uounce the deutb ut Manllelm, ~tltlon regardle88 of his poaltloD 00 o ropgly lolpr88t1 001' rMllerli the WII8 10 town Friday evenint!'. Qen. HQwell and wife, Wal~er !' worth u IImll\l effort OU yOJ~r l¥irt i ~~rl;lltln~ I of F I'ank ~. BU,m bleton , tbe,BIlloo~ qU8lltion, for slgniug' this alee ot ,btl Ohio SUite FRir-Aug. 0011 'tforget to attend IfT~o ~ilKbta ~Jj~ lI-R4 wHe, ' IlnQ W, H . ~aQ~flR t\lereforC!, wo H8lf yO" to O!\ ll 0 t tb,e mlllIOMI\'e banker aud lIeDlor mem. petltlou Is no more 'haD 1111niDg a . uQ 31, aept.inbtlr J, 2, 4-Wat In the Bar Room" FrldaY, 4ug, 28, \lnd "If~ !i~nt SIHJrlrt,Y ." Olarks< bitnlc l!ilfure No\'emb r UI'st, en~oy ber of t~e arm of Hllmbleton & petltlo'o 8ayiog wbether or DO~ we tbolr wllJ Dot ooofUf18 ~beo&boe'l! ' lotr -W. OVJIrmall, of BIII.OOI;O, ia vUle, . tUII ploture with "8\ prltlQI~e It aDd Compa.ny. j aball vote on tU8ilo~ for to l~br-.rY can-inl wltb any otber ' balloon v~itlni Ijlil onole, Mr. M. R . Murray . Mrl~ Harry. Wellingtou u nd lion , reghlter YO'lr 1'1 Imll ~Q reOO\Ye" ooPy Mr, ~ambletou wal! o~e . o.f the or IIony o~ber que8tion ,'bd mlKbt' meeUagt', a8 bls ooly publio appear. • . X ' Harry. offJb1(:ago, hav e be. [I vilit durin!! tlte h o]idI\Y il. We h lne' lllso most Widely known t1DflnOlen In the oome up . .The appeal 18 therefore _aoe in Oolumb08 ~11I be on the a ~,G , ,.WllIllIomlion WI&8 in onl~, ina bflrmotlier, Mn Ainr Rlltterth. 1\ larlls plain olilendlu' wMob you sou th, !lud Is lloouslD of Mrs. 1.'. ,' . mfu)e to all the "people regludlell8 of bo.e Pl~Dtioned dates. . . W64neliday.nd Tborilday on bUill- I wa ite. . 'olln bave InltelHl of tbe ploture if Brown und Mrs. OrUh T h omAS . their attitude on th~ qu~tlon, to in addition to ~he aerial ca.rnlval 1\8811, Miss EdnEII. Burlfe S8· ot Clnolonati. you p:reter . Very truly yourl'l, • - • sign 'tbe petitton and let the oppol'. l M ICtta P I t~ and Mrs ZIIll snd Mrs . VIlO!! () f L e111nou Wl'f ~ . ' N JUNIOR~ HAVE BIG TIME an uoulluallv 8t!Ong line of free . rII. r Q . ' · ' Sunday vjsltor8 'Of Mr . and Mrs. J . WAVNICSVILLIt ATTlNAL B ANK . . • tunity oome before the people toeay a mua-'ent. featnres has been oon· lUerm Il D.' were 111 Da:vwQ 1~8t Silt I H , Colema.n. ..- whether or not they want the sa. ..,.GORED TO DEATH BY A BUll Saturday evening the .Junior!! had irlloted, of suob merit as w plea&e urday. "rlt1bt}eld '8 "1'im Nights in Il Bli r · ' . a big meeting. 'l'be !;tlite Seoretary louns, .n visitors. Jilvery 10dwI1tion pdnts Mill!' . Alice Wbite, .of Lebanon, Ii ROODl" pla.yed j ust all it \Vu8 written The EnqUIre.· of Monday S{lYfI ~hl\~ was e pee ted to be presimt" but on If the majority o.f the people want . "' .. record bre&klnu IItt8ndanoe,Ilnd tbe .. nes.. Mr. and , Mrs, U. M Une night anI'", Friday, Aug. ~~. ):tor" ltenhnlll of T h bonnn who IS 11 \be saloon8, then the rea' wl.Jl abldo "'u ...... ~ , 'f t". ." . . H" .. ... " Rcoouut of s iokoeas was \\nable to be theo,.lzeoll ot Ooluwl)ulI .re ulaa . White. Door8 opeu at '1 :ao P. nI . II~Qtevl4nt In th~ Nat10~11:1 guard, th re o After hUlllns!'!l th ey wllnt t,o by their deoislon, If tbe majority tOR elaborate IlrM~Be~entll to IiO- MfIt Will RuIU!UW 1I0d obihJr811 pI Mrl:l: Atudlelgh of Cllloago, tor. was gor~ to d{!ath by a VICIOUS b.ull, liullll's aDl1l!~nt 1\ lIooi!!l bonr do Dot want tbe 8&100.n\l" tbeD WQ s tbe vaat orowds ,;'" d 8 mington, merly r,'ltl8bnsMo)lIe of Mrs WH. C'f th&t tQwn. Sq"day , ViHllorli fro'm Lebl1non w·ere ." are 8ure tba.t tbe others will a .l lo Dayton, ure villiting 0 IIOllr ...,...war }joan .Falli ylsltlng
g l'VO II Il
()pmmod~te ed,
and family . Agnes Wright , WANT!:::" • "'''' Mr, Mnd Mrs, Fraok Evanl Qf ' Mr!:" Juhn {Jpp, hllbel and Anntl • 8prlog Valley wertl IJU8IJta or rl1l. Earnbltrt of San Bernllrdino, e l1l" To buyou t some one's crop Where ' M Lall' 'l'barJIdl\y .f~rnoon Itt8e" ttves bere l:ill~da . . ,l,ollephlne Uglellbee a nd Mrs . .A nOli l aan get hO~Be and .stablQ l'OOl\l nn· ZUla Oitbeoillind MiDnle Dou en· a y. 0 Bradburv or Springfield , vialted til Marc:h let. Address tert'llined In II de1\~ht!QI mRuuer at Mr8,"11.8 Loulwitb •• Woolley 8P6.nlsaao dlDl( Mr8. Mllry Upp \"lIt week . . H, W" Miami Gazette Office, ' a rew Mr. an<1IIMrB. tt1e bome of tb.e f.ormer IU Lytle, In Frye weN fJr ~qwp, Mrs Murclt,~ '11I1'k' I1nd Illlugbter Waynesville , Ohio. compllment' to t,beir c'.)uslnll, fobe ' . Mrll, ,J esliie RlOk,., buye el~!I d their dl t f Mr, an4 Mrll. J. U C~1811'~.'l, MI Chit 1t.1Id ~onll to' 'InolunaL!, 10 81.ny NOTHINQ LIKE Ct\~P LIFE Miase. AlUla and Auua tU elUen fI, o . D .. L. Crllne Iiilll 10U- ~tb.n BJ)6n~ uutil thflY lE' lI.vIJ for )Irli fof ntri , W.,.oe8Y~Ue, Wbo blne ~eo spend Il\st 'rbursdfty OI1Y$on; libout. the ilrst of N'o v8111hej'I The boys whQ have camped f'ul' ' IDI .. fortnigbt wl~ tbelr Brand Mr, Bud Mrs Fr.ed 8oblegl'e,of l Mrs . U. M, Untwrlgbl" wbo hns the lru:lt week at Ile.tll llick's al'e hQ'm e pareat8, Mr, aod Mrs, W. H. Duke ItiohQlon4, Ind, are the gue!'lts or been tbe gl1llHt of Mr. lind Mrtl .. t-I. again :~ncl t hey must have Jlad a g ood IlQd otber l·elatlv(1l1. Mr . lind "'n. Jt)hn Leveriog(Jl1rtwrlgh l, returned bo.ottl time, fOl' they $urely look 'Uk they Th e afternoon WIlS S .... lIt In play Mr .... 111 "'l1rd ~~d hili oelce of ~unday, takmg ' ber IIOU, Levering t'. 1# , "# .. .. . , 11 b I:! /3 8p q4lq tb p ttliUlmer hal:! the tirnQ of their Ufe, ing pOles of v"rl()~s ~IDd8 u.DHI 5 Cillllornll1, 41lj1B .rrlved ,in ~hlo' :er~ 88 e '~, II f; . _ d f II' f ENTERTAIN E D AT DINN R o.'oloolc wbeu ~ dalnt.y two ooorllB· aDd wll1l1oou be In ,Wayneivllle. · , , Mr . 'Jsaao WI180n an IlUl Y 0 luncbeon wail tl6rv~d. , The MIIIiItlIt Nellie I\Qd Lotl,le CllejllAr'S Creek enlertainlng fol' . - -.. toD Bullies t,be ~Utl.t.I of bonor tb~e Rautz!)hn, of DaV , hne beep tbe a few daya I\la uieoe Mra. Edith E, Mr, "nd MI l:' , F . ij , Henders on I Ao ' o"ed t"- IJle!lBllut OO<l8itlon gueiltlt uf Mr . aud Aira . .A . Mattit, (Joplp alll) IIttled~qgMer of Jone . entertained tit dillner Friday 'oveu. w to .. I .f lOG .. , (i d M ' MUd d were ', Mi8l111ti ij.eva WIUII1WIIOD, Mr. lind MrH, .J, E; JanullY, Mil!!! borougb nd, an 11180 1ft!! r e lng, Mrll. HBona'h AntrllJ) " Mrs. ' • 11' E·4 Bta.OY Bnd Georgl~ Hadden .nd MillS " L1Z'Ale Ltdrd of Rlohmond In d ,lobn Unskey and sou, FI'toLl, lind . Blancbe ' ,o.roe s_ Stewlirt· were In Lebanon lut week M'r and Burto'o of Way "'II b b 0 .. 'Mr, I1.nc1 MrB, .T. H ..Oolemn.tI . ... za el Mllilari. J, ,: ,0\. "1'bompllon 'lind ne8vill!l, made" ft.vlng .tn theh' WILL GO TO ORI;G.O N. Post,Ultlt!ler Antram 'Of Leh&ndn Iluto to ~pring Hil! lost 1t10ndn.v IS ACTING AS CLERK, Jl,neqded MalloJ)ip lodKe Friday eveu ~ ' where ~bey .speflt day tbe with ~rl:! . C . A Brl}wil reoeived lette'r lng ' Burton'lI broth" r, l:iylve8ter FRr. Mr. Ronald HaWke ig acting as from b;otbel'-III Ia.w, Mr, D, W ' 't filII to bear tbe baud oon. · tll.o1il y 1 - Blan obellter clerk in the National Bank during tllle , Ureg., g '\turda.y, cert 00 Malo 8treet. a~ noon' by Pro(. tQ~. Eyler, of EtllC . ' the absence of Fred B. Shenvood at in whloh bet IIllyl! be purcb/llled' a ~rlrob6eld's Milittlry- Band, Friday, Mr. I\nd Mrs . •1. H. Coleullm en- W· Lak J d ' B b ' Aug \IS t!'rtaille d ILL 8uppllr M ondl~'y even· mona e, n , (arm ·for Mr. ftn8 r,OWh a ont. " , ing. Mrs , .1. 1:1. CHskey und IIOU . • • , elevsu mU.e1 frOID E08 Mr, F W. Wlillaworililiud wife Fred Mrs . fJ8n!Jsh Antrl1l1) , air . . QUIETLY MARRIED IN UA YTON . It 18 M... )3rowo'll Intention &0 of Ftllmop~h, KS " ." re · villi Hug biB and ' Mrs 'Fred B endel'don, Mrs. . ke' a t I · ' f It d be iu broth8~, an. b H, Wad8w~)ftb, twol Louise Woollev und Mr I\ull Mrs. Mr.' ,EArl Evea:l~ wall mill", . ra mt arlU 0 ,au 'bere . "mile.. ellSt , , '. "'th an~ a u.- robablUty will remove ' of town . D . 'L O'rane an d' lion ~ rled lals t· week to II. Miss Olallte~baoh be &rn to Mr, I1od· Mrtl. Ro.lI"ud· MIs8es Illmula Helghwav May of DE.yton. Tbe Gazette wlllheR P . " tta. 'l atter part I)f em r '.. Oondlt Qr Dayton ,lust wrigtlt K,athr.v n and, th 'n tbe hap ineall possible Tbe G~~~.a.~d otber ~rlendll ar~ baby, Mrll. Condit 18 II d~ulthter ot ROSaQlJD," Ottkin', Mr ",ntl Mrs . Will ' em IL . . P .. . lotb tg . . 'bem ,0, bot tb~w Ilr and Mra· Qoward BOplttOIl,!' . Allell 'Mr and Mrll, Fred ,Sherwood Ohio State Fair SpecIal Train Servke pra.pert&, ID tbelr ' rotnre Dew ¥r M. 14.: l'erry, of ll&Y&OD a.t and ~hlldren and Fred CIlSkey, . _ ___ hOqle. · ta!1d~ the- Bisey reunloD' 'last piooked Ilt Retalhok'!I OIIUlp Illttl Returning. will leave Columbu'J • • • Ttiurlld.y, lind oal/Ad on' 811veral of Tneidl\Y. 7'00 Be t moo ' 1 ? a d 3 Y r'ADM SOLD h G b P m per n LASHlE r " , bill'lrlelldll, ·t e slog 0011 of Mrs G T O'Neall and !lllIter, A 'ent R. Smith for 'd;tails. . the number . M.IM Lotitla McKay had tbe plea" .R • _ • . TIle IMvld Laahley '.nn was 80ld Hr. S, 0, IIlverl1 and Dr. 1'110'9, of ure o~ Thursday of eotertalniog W. C;. T. U. ENTERTAINMENT laa' 1I0Dd", W WlUlam, and Robert, Dayton, were In ' town Thursday, 'heir OOUllln Mrs. Abigail Niokerson. . ......bley, for 1-1,060, l'he : bidding' tkm blla porcbased a new 1\\1'<-. aad aDd da1JRbter · Mrtt. IQwood and ,C. T. U. wlll .give an ~n. "'.. Iplrlted bot tbe Jan,l wl~l re 'all be ill now h. V'OK bls \'1Io&tlon, he two ,.nodaugb""", Lulu lind Emily consisting of speaking '.-to lo t·... Lashley famU,.. III oillog It aU tbe time, " ' . of Dear New B~rJlngton. ' . the ' M. E. church at -- ........ ---. -ASOCIAL EVENT
Mru .J~sse
~llba" ~nd
w~k',,, ~Irl
u· ~wli
0 .....' IIr and Mrl I Mias Lola 8bin_le of lo'iaolDoaU, . Ul,mer WUhamlloo" 'If Sootb - _lph' ""'".a .Od Mr. aDd lin iii" Aona .1'ob.rt of San 8eI'MI' Bend Ind. ateuognpher ID 'be lOe:
Waner Clark. rand
tamil, of L,'le,
",q~l. .
~llno, 0.1., .._ala. Boy ftt. . . . . BatloQa. ........1'
Maoufao&orlDg aod H.rry MoGUl o f . . . . . . ()O, of Nil. IlJohtlan bll~been of 11.... u.leu aad ..~ YId&iDl · lat. aDDy, lin. _er," II~ ~-~. aDd.M.l.....aod .QD Wtllta~o.
~tIeDWtb.Cal'ver.Q.I'''ood "".1UoD ., .... tto1cJferl~ 80meBall81
. ..,
. :
Marsball Mlllford, Judge O'Neall, abide by tb!1I declsioD, '1'be·clI.lI i& no", for .Ignere , of pe. Philip ~punce, .1:1. D. lienkle, Dillon B, Wils 0 !lull ,1 sillb B olbruo k . titlOn8 und wbenever ~ny wan baa 'be petition presented to him let him WILL MOV E TO DA~Q \ lIne no h esitanoy 'In Ilgning I. for b o does not Inour tbe di8plealllJe of Mr , 111.1 1 M1'::I . Jol:\u H . CII!lkey tlud I\ny oue In "!lgning it, beotollse he Is ROU, Frell, nod MI'!!, Hl1nnuh An tri ul opposing no ma.0'8 bnBln688 or I II B I I 1 ..t I"live t Ulty fot. Daytou, Ohio, I'I' V eges , e It B mp y 8&.J.n~ whore tbey w ill JllIl.k:e th eir futn.r e tbut lJe is willing for the peo.ple tu hOlUe. MI', Ul1l1key b~ lu!l tbe )Josl' nl:lSBrt whether or not tbey want the t ioll or se 1'8tRl'l Wlt,ll Ihe W~I.vne 1I(I,loons. 'rherefore le' wet and dry oo mllallY . '1'hell' alike sigu. tbe aud let I1s '8etI' i d I t b tie the In!lotter ill the oomfag ellIOtDlIlUY I' eu '" ler~ reg r e er.v muo tJ he!tI' of th ir d pUl'ture. Iou . . • A'rE. V AYNESVILL J;...GRAD WITHDRAWAL OF CAl'lDIDATE Ollollr J , Ellwards ' has witbdrawo MI' SD Flol'll Bel'\.."· 1l1' ll , 1\ I·b.. ant . B " .J .. from the OOUlUu8siooer'e rBoe. 9 grudu'l.te o f our Hlgb l!obool,bll8 bean took tbi !) I!1tep by nu\>n ot . a.pp inted I\H of t h e F e rry oon.d ltions whloh is not neceiJaary to I I t fill I db ' so 100 I> t 1e vll onno.v ore llte y stute Mllny peraon8 believed tbat thel'ef<lguu t.lou of MillS Minni e Duke, bo wua s llre' to be nOinln'lLted ,ae his , who hll 8 lIeen the i!' popu luJ' !lud af. I1bility, go~d judgmim't, i~t~grlty lioie ut t ellcil Ar fOl' pn two and populiLritYllre 00 yel1rs . -'all band8. Be 'had been making a good figbt ·l;:NTE R TA INED O~ · UNDAY. nud frolll 1111 directions came tbe
MI', Rnd Mrs. , / 01'1 EVUDl:l, elltertuhlE;ld Itt 1\ ,' und l\..v (Iin nor tbe fol . lowing gUCl!1tH : Ma:. and Mrs . oJ . H , , Ca8ktly, Mr!!, HI>l111llh Antrl1w, Mr . . Ilnd .\1rs . D .. L. Orane It,nd SOli, Ethall, Wilbur and 'Evl\nfl
word that' he was aure to run "to tbe ' hetld of t he 118t, or very. 0108e to If• He hi .out of th~ fight wlt.hout tpe
.alighte8,t ill feeling. I I towBrd R .soullo the oounty·. t II uo(ortuDate , lU mllny respeot'8,tbat.he will not be.lo the votiug at the prlwllry, but be !8 ,,\ASQNS HAVE A B.lO TIME. milking no complaint wblitever. • _ • ~he .M~ns had thl' e cnndidates GRANGE PICNIC AT,LEBANON. Friday mght, and after the work, ---W ~rren County grlLngers and Hahn, & Co, served sandwiches,. cof· tbeir friends will bold tbelr anou.i . fee, Ice cream and cake. Masons from Lebanon, Kings Mills, Hal'veys. pionic . I!.t the fair grouodll DSX' I'd . burg and Lyt e were m atten ance, Tbursday, , ·tbere WUl be plenty of wualo and H UR.T WlTH A . SAW lOQ, reoltlltloDtI, 1L0d Mr. Ga.llut ,aDd Mr, A8 Mr, Oblirle8 Cornell tl'Y. FreemaD, of 'the Natlooal Uraase, ing to 11ft a BBW log, with hl8 abllul- will make addrell8ell, del' recently, be IIpralnad hil hJP SEED WHEAT at and •• a oonlequeo08 III laid op a"d . Cl ...... ed Y day at the Wf'-.. __ .... au - " -;t
'!~7~~ayAd~:l~~ .
I. in " bad lhape.
1iUe MUla.
The Miami Gazette
\\'Ay ,I ES\"ILLE. Sum me .. Reilding. At. young professor ot mathematlclI.
who J,llay ed a good game ot tennis nnd was a hearty outdoor companjon, used to amuse his fellow vacationists by .p nd lng the : lime hetween games an~' Jlsbing trips lying 01 case. with a 0('1'man work on calculus. or some other aubject In tb e misty olUlu es at science, He eu j o ~-ed his s ummer readIng tully, lind lookcd forw ard to -hIs vacaUon feasts at leisurely stud y, Wha t one Jlk 9 to read Is Ihe best summer r-eadlng. nnd os e\·ery class of book Is liked by BOlllelJCldy, tll consum ption of tile world's li terature prObabIY .doe.s no t vary much In kind f rom Jun ual'y to Deccm ber. ' There ar 00 Ii terluy fl annels to Ilut n way Bull replace wl Lh Ill ernry I!'allz . :-\ 0 onc. dc IOl'es lbe Yout\Js' olllplln ion, \JaB ye t Invcuted a ty pe of novel tbat COIUes In with aspaoaglls an d goes out with gTeen corn. SUlllmer readIng Is a s up rstllion at tb e comic papers and tbe publlsbers ' who Imnslne the entire world at vacationists lolling tn bammocks, drinki ng lemonade and perusing "Dai nty Dialog ues" or "Tbe Exc,tlng Advent ure ot Captain ~lontresol, Sometime omcer at tbe Pink Hussars." But It you 100k ov r 'rom's sboulder atte r a day fn the bay. fi eld. the cbances are tbat , you 'will lind h:m reading a boo), wblch be began in midwinter, nnd did bot have time to IInlsb, Grandmother fs probably going slowly through "Adam Bede" tor tb e nineteenth Ume. and Mary's book Is "Boy Travelers _qn 't he Congo," "Pudd'n'head Wilson" anys tbat October Is one oC tbe pecuTA/{JJVG r1 TRlP liarly df, ngerous montbs tn which to A rff1?1lLE;R epeculate, In stocks; "tbe otbers are July. J anua ry, September. April. No- . - - - . O-OW. wh ee-ee-e, 00,00-0. gee-e-w hl -Iz, but tbat was vember May ,March, June, I)ecember, n bump !" Angust' nnd Fe;'runry." By the ' same It was QUI' Crlend from "oken. a 'p ecuIlarly Inter stIng book to the sand dUllOS oC lUll!anD. read II: August Is one whlch Is not i\licldgan. IllinoIs, Oblo. dull In any other montb, Mlnn sota, Wisconsin, or \ any oth r slate with plenty of farm ing districts. Nutriment In the Oyate... t ryin g out a thriller at The gelleral belleC thnt the oyster Is Cuney Is land. Atlantic • very nutri tious article of tood does . . . . . . . Cllty. one of Chlcago's bi g Dot rest upon any SCientific basis. • four amuseme nt parks or , The o),ster, 88 a food. could not fully for tAlat matter at any city or town eaUsty the demands of the human wblC'b sUJ.)ports these summer devices body, While tbe 9Y,s ter--when not for extracting colli ot the realm tram atewed-Ia very palatable. wbolesome. thme plebeians: No matter how stolid he mllY be In ad easily asslmlllated by weak or 1m· paired stomachs, It cannot be co~teDd 'Ufe's ordlnl\TY pursuits or how emoeel tbat It contains lIuch elements of tionless In an Interurban wreck, his Dutrltion liS may be round , In , beans. apine curill. his sympathetic nerve system ' tickles and he Is compelled nce~ or potatoes. Tbere II very UtUe, to give blmself up to thrl1ls, You, can It any. fat-m"klng 01' muscle-'!,u lldlng Ond him In every resort where there material In the oyster_ Its rompoaltlon are .cenlc railways, rol1er-coaster~. ts largely nJtrogen,ous an~ . beln! rlcb Yelvet-coasters. ftgure-olghts. shootfa phollp"hl\t9l. It Is rtenernlly regarded the-chutes. dlp-the-dlps, leap-the-gaps. . . an eJ:celle.nt tood for the brain: but ticklers and scores at other modes tor • man reducecl to an exclusive ~Iet of Ihootlng the electric currents up and oysters would SOO':1 f1nd hl~selC deft- down the I,Iplnal cord of tbe laughing. ,, ' 'clen! ' In adlPQse tissue and in tho~e howUnt public, He Is a !i!ource of amuse ment for his eleinents that go to make UI) physical tutored city 'brother who ~Icklell the 'force and vitality In the buman body_ . day ledger with a pen during daylight
"I have already promised leo couslnll ' to mllrry them. I can see I sball never. Eet thrnugh all my divorces." SHE COULD NOT WALK
For Months-Burning Humor on Anklel ' -Opiates Alono Brought Sleep -Eczema Yielded to Cut lcura, "I had eCZE' ma (or ove r t wo years. p h~'slolans, but the y only gav e me r li e f ror 1\ sbort tllIle and I can not CII urn rnte tile ollitmen Ls nnd loti ons I used to no 11Ilrpose. My ankles w re on lIIass of 60res . .'I'he Itchtu g a nd burn ing were so In tense that I oould not slee p, I oould not wnlk for n arly rour months, Ona dny my husbnnd said 1 hnd beller trJ tho·Cutlcllra . Remedies. An er II slng th em tltre& Urn s l ' hnd t he b 5t nl Sht's rest in months unl ess 1 took, an ollat , I us ed one sct or ClllI ura Sonp, O!rt . m nt. and Pills, an ll I1IY an,klt's bealcd In II short time. It Is now a yonI' sinceI used utlcura. and there ha s heen nOo r 1nrn at th e , eczema, l\1 rs. Davl(f BI' wn, Loalie, Ark" May 18 IU1d July I had two
la. 1907." _ _ _ _ _ __
Her Reason, Not long ago til re was tried I,n an. Ohio court a suit for damage whe reIn tbe principal ",!toIlBs , a woman liv· Ing mmr Day ton, was Indu :I to cometo urt only atlor sev rnl sull po oaa, ball been served upon ber. Wh n I.h dilatory wl to 5S wa ~ final. Iv bro ught before his honor, ho sal!)' I~ hi s sev r st tone: "What reason can YOll assign. madam, for disobey ing the summons of t he court?" "I a in't got none. J Elrlge." answ , red the woman . meekly . "only IV 'v got small-pox dOI"n to our place, an' I thQugh mebbe you'd b kl n~or proJudi d agln 1t."- lIlustrat d.
after made Its burden. On tbe 'CUTV s of riding thrlJ e rs there Is the uS,uol borlzontal track above the wlle Is of t he vehicle to prevent It Irom leaving the schedul d pathway; P e rsons PI>Ssesslng weak h ear ts are forblddlln the He'd Pull Hard. thrills and few accept the <)bance to "Senator Folkl)r, wbo journeyed t() test tbRt organ when in bad .coo.lltlon, Albany Rt the f'1sk of his lite. to 'apt There are also s traps, chalnll. guards, the vote that doomed racing In Ne w etc., to hold th e patron In thl~ car and York : had ccl\ecl d a number or In· If he or she falls out It Is little short ride-lady" 20 cen'ts tor another trip for et the room, Jr It moves backwardl stancell of race-track trickery." sald. yourself nnd rrlend, from yoti. Intufllon teils you to step Qf 1\ miracle and only once or t",lce Then there's the tlckler_ TJla t's a forward . Don't stell too speedily or an Aloany legislatOr. a sea80n are accidents reported. so "Discussing, one day. the way jock· new ride just put on In the west this yOU'\I find yourself walking on the carefully do the amusement llJ1anngers eys 50 afton sold races, he said tbat guard the lives ot those who provide III season. You get Into a round car and ceiling. bead down_ Finally an op ~n th ere was a Gloucester jockey once, tbe device Is dragged up an InCline tor Ing Is reached . You, step out ' onto a me~hod of bread-winning. ' tlle riller of a favorite, who Willi overPerhaps tbe scenic railway Is known the downwal'd thrill. Starting down It floor which bounces up and down u hard to say In- a Baloon. tbe nlCht more generally 't o those wbo would enters a labyrlnUt at ralls. t.he oar re- YOIl mejlnder along, A moment .later ' he fore tho fa"orlte rRI\: Une their Interiors with ml)ment~ry volvlng In one direction and the de- you walk upon what seems to be the .. '1 shan't win unle.. the rel9 thrills, This ride co~slsts 'at a sen,s. scent carryIng It In another. : This top at an airship, 1008ely Inflated. JJY break: " gives a remarkable opportunity to thllt ' time. It you're one at the talr at curs strung together, TI1,cre are brakes between each car ILno the learn how It feels to lie jerked In two sex, YOU need proteotion, 'Pbe reces8es, are all pitch dark, levers are manned by , strong'armed d,lrecUoDS at the sallie time, • " Tbe Potsdam railway 'Is a practical Th en. per~aps you are swayed by a boys Crom ' tbe railway 'yards, To them there 'a re no thrills. It's monotonous device, "made hi Germany." whJch wav~lI~e motion of tbe entlrljl room, and cavorts about on amusement de- as driving the cows hom e frc:>m p'a s ture rlln!! on an overhanging rall and which whlcb very naturally elicits, very prop. 'l'be conference of gc,wernors to can, ncell throu'ghout the summer evenings. Cor tbem, Even catchlng a -pall' 8poon- magnates among the Teutons threaten, or screams from the women folkll. ,to make a convuutlonnl mode of tray'el .'reed from odean-llner Imitation. yOU "del' the preservation of the national The city phllumre-seeker has much of Ing While the train Is running through this sport and the thrills filII ttl riSe the bla ~kness of a mimic Canadian there within a tew years, The thrill In are Immediately Introduced to a 200rea.urces ball already brought forth up In his anatomy the way they do In t.hls CO/MillIS of hoping It won't fall mlles-an-hour' cyclone, coming from t.h e The governors suggested that that of the man. woman Qnd cblld who forest, can't q:la.k e them [eel w_eary. It olf this tTlp. · fI.;>or. ceiling, walls and In tact .tram happens on very trip. president' appoint a national can· are taklng tbelr fir at turn at' lhe AmuDement-loy'lng Amerlcane aleo all sides, Tbe' 11('01' , begins , to move The average scenic railway runs up lIenatiOD committee to advise him and came. a 45-degree Incllne or rather Is hauled have the aerostat. Cars suspended sl·:leways with a qulcK'je~ky moUon, to co-operate with similar bodies I.n Statlstlcilins claim that there ar~ 110 UJ,! by a ohaln and yoti are rendy Cor at ' tho ends ot iong cables. you are You , try to s teady Y9urself on a rail. states. Acting aD this suggestion, many actual thrille rs at dlflerent cali- the first dlp_ Th e , llrakeme n :elease locked In and the device Is started. It jU3t pe rceptible 10, the blaokness. . r': Roosevelt has reappohited , his ber and variety at work dally In the their levers and down the cars go Is like a 1\I[aypole, except that the 01 eh! It·s charged with electricity. Abead are several staircases and you blmmlsslon on Inland waterways. with United States that If one sboul!) travel taster than ~h e NElw' YOI'k:-Ohlcngo 18- cables don't becom I.nterwlned around 'aome now memhers to fill vacancies, on everyone of them, just once. the hour limi ted,. If the uninitiated lints the pole_ As the speed Increases tb e feel rather relieved to thInk YOu're He bas also constllul~d ' comml/!slons trip would take all Bummer_ There his head be twe n his knees he Is' apt cars rise higher at the. ends of the out ot It at last. Reaching them safewe re more tbls year than ever before. cables I1nd. InCllne~, speed through Iy ~'ou start up when, wllhout_warning, on fOrests. 00 lands and on mine rals, If all of the rides were strung olll to kick himself In t he face on the ether far out ovcr the heads of t be tbe \vhole contrivance I)eglns to move joumey li p the bill which follows and an executive committee to har- they "Iould reach clear across the con, every dll). Th~ re!o re If YOU !laven't multitude. Anyone who Is susceptible bac!{ward and fo rward. compelling monile the work of all four bod,les, ' tlneot. high browed scientists claim, This sign permancnttyattached yet beeo -bounced arounel In thIs man- to sea-slcknesl\ might possibly becom'e you to grab the ral\ for safety. In Now we ·may expect to see the: growlh But that only goes to show that ner. hang to the Iron guara , sUck your Immune by this treatme nt tor t he darKness aGll:ln, you try t.o make your udohe-,front of the main building IOf the .sentiment tllat tbe mtnerals, 'America Is amusement-crazy. The hat under your ann, grit YOUI' ~etlt blues at veryday IICe_ The gj anl' way , tJlrough a typical ; lilb~rl"tb' ' 01 the Lydia E. Pinkham Meclloine, ,lands Alrest8 arid waters of ' the coun· pop,ulace alld the elite, too, can' ~ get and mak tIP your mind not to care It swing. while It Is not much like the rOOnts, F:eellng along the wail with Company, Lynn, Moss. , .' aerostat. gives the same ,feeling to aile root ah ead of YOII to ascertain the What Does This Sign Mean? '\ry a~e natloneJ . wealth. In the conser enough thrlll. Not long ago, an llIl- your hall' does get mussed, nearness of />ottomle l1s ,pits. etc,. for I~ means that public inspeotion of vatlon of which the whole nation b:u: nols man with an Idea p~opos e d to In~\fte l' the train lias cOlUtilel,eq the some. " The n there Is the airship, which mll- your' l111,nd:s eye sees loti tbat don·t -tbe Labomtoryancl met,hods .ofdoing an IntEirest. wbE\ther they belong t.C' stall an automobile III the parke ,of the firs t series of· dips ther e js u!!ually a, private. altlzens 0:- not. It Is _that sar i. count ry and this de vice was scheduled journcy througli a dark recess, tragl-, jCl!ticaily "' I~l!s about the outsille of a exist. you bl!ml) your nQse' rtgalils~ a businessishonestlydesired.,Itmenns to run down an In cline. turn a dolible cally kno,,:n as tile "CR~ ru." this tnll tOWI)I' and tllen Winds down · again, few barriers and e ventually push that there is nothing about- the buser sentiment which will be a guatan- lIomersaliit and Rlf gllt upon Its wheels "'ferrv . -go-rollndll nl'e numerous and ngaln3t 1\ wall , whlch gives way and · iness which is not "~pen anJi abovetee' against want ' and barrenn ess In · again, Amel'lea's thrillers are tel'rillc I)elng · lnstalled to give the Sllooners a " , , a. permanent invita. chance to ~rQ at over thell' ner-ye. Tbe d spi te t.he 'fact that this Is the tather you find your!lelf alo~e In ~ turnstile. board. It means tha.t the dista nt fulu re. and gelling more 80 each year. but 'rest In a repetl tl On, gell rally. ot al! thrills. It stll! ,has Its patrons IpcloS 9d on nil s ldes_ When your, ter- t· - ...... d d ~= to c' tbe man from the middle ;west '~/I8 ror' has rellchE!d a burning point some- 10n IS e:".eo e Wd anUoll6 orne 'ext ill ' lin :IS a death der~'i ng con- among tho children', I , Amon'" t he tlme·bonored creations If! ne 'elAe behind push s the waH as you and v.el'ify any an, a sto.temen~s ,",e spread of prohibition hud not perbaps a bit prematlll'e with bls, trl ...ance ·!s t,b e coaster . Tb l9 re are o . made m the advertisements of.1qdl1l which 'conslsts at 0did . and yo).! are liberated , only to ' E Pinkh '. V getable Compound, 'made· itself manifes t as late as the end dea th-defying machine. - SomeUmes It fewer cars a nd not so many seats In ihe s hoot-lhe-chutes. dldn·t allgbt as per program, ' each " cblel e. Then., too. the 'conster a slide 'down a toboggan np.d' 11 rew again find yourself In the' midst ot , 'Is it a ;~ly~egetable compound. :of last year. il! a reduction of the na· Tbe process o( starting a , thrill needs no hanll ng up a second Incllne. bounces after .the boat ,strikes ' the weird ghostlike cries a~d. ~ee skt'I.e- made . from roots and herbs -'- with., 'tlve drink hili. according to ligures tbrougb the pleasure-seeker'R tram" fol' the;e Is only on~~ the dllferE!DCe be- water of the lake at the bottom of the tons d,\r~rig hither and thltlle.r (on presented by the American Grocer:. It consists of laying out 0., de'~lce whic~ Ing noticeable In tbe Icngth of the de- chute" It you're wise you'lI not sit pulleys), A little scre~m just at this ~~t~~::~ Sec. calculates' an ElxpencUture ' for the year cOmbliles both speed and the unexpcctDo the wo.menC'IAn¥lrica.continu. scents, In 59me pal;ks In both -east In 'the fi'Ont seat, There's . where the momeut , mIght be approprlate_ Just lot '843,333.800 on heer. ,504,794 ,400 ed: T-hls subject has b(;e~ studied and west there hns been a tenet en'cy ot big bumll come~ and tbe 'occupants ot to get y.our mind 011: the terrors of the afly fise as mUI,).h of it ai we ~-re told 21 on distilled' spirits. and $118,456,000 on . , every , amusement manager In the lale to turn the coaster Into III seml- the tlow of the boat feel the leaps over place. the next few t!!rns are tame. Come and See. 'wines or a total for. alcoholic beyer· United States and tbflY cap.·t .get the loop·the-Ioop. thllt' Is to say. the cars the water most_ whim suddenly your feet slide out from Was there ever such a }lersOD :Q8 '.ges ~f ~bout $1.4'66.584,000, ,c ompared Jumps, . drops and bllmps long enougb drop olf the top .of the runway onto a deHaving' traveled on rides enough to under you and you Ond yourseU shoot- , I-ydia. E. Pinkham, and is there any ' with 'J.45.0,855.41)0 In 1906. The con- or tast enougb to attract your shekell\ scent at lin angle ot a!>out 70 degrees. stimulate' an appetite for somethIng In ,Ing down a chute In a Sitting l?os'!,on, Mrs. Pinkham DOW to whom sick 'sumption ,per capita or dlStll\~d sJ.)I r:lts from your bank acc.ount to their coffers drOIJplng about 80 feet, and th~n start a cll1fere.nt line we eteer our down· Dayllgbt ahead and o~ce agaIn. before are asked to write? , up the Rs.;p.nt at au angle whlcD Is not state frll3nd Into the stationary de- you have time to think It over. you've Come and See. ' Increased from L52 gallons In 1906 to With the desired rapldHy. Is the vast private correspondence "Say. by heck. I'm afelJ,red to ride Ql1lte sd ;!brupt, Some coaste rs have vlpf.:s ~or the same purpose, Theee are landed nmong tbe 'Crowds outsIde. 11.63 In 1907. while the per capita conDn tbet shebang, It don't hev a safe only one Or these terr~fylng dlp·s , wblle of every variety, You st~p Iqto one thanks to the manly s~rength of the with sick women conducted by '.umptlon of beer Increased 1.04 gal· look, to me." Ilt ran dOl\l , The' floor star.ts to move spieler, whose arms received YOU ', ",omen,o~l and are the letters kept I lon~ 8.Ild 'O~ wl.nes 0,12 gallons. The Well . hurtIln!; througb the air faster others have aliout 20-It seem" to the with a clroular 'llotloD tOward tIle ~p . whe~e the chute ended. striotly cOIlll,!iential1 .' . first-night 91'. Wt;!II, one Isn't, so bad, u~e ot tea s hows a declining t endency, 'than ' an' aeroplane In , working order !i'lt about the tbird jump you begin to =============~; . o~ Come 'and w.hlle toe opposite Is tr\l9 tor calfee cecta\nly doesn't loot; safe, but at the c t\lculatc t.1tat the seat must have Have they really gm 1ettel'8·froUl and COC(la, lame time the vlsltol' to the city who liflpped O'lt the bottom o( lhe c'a rovel one million, one. ~undred made tbat remark did not know wh.ere- }1lU're so blgh IIi the all' most of the thousand women oorre8ponden~ l' 'there Is sood stcick In lhat new boy ' of he spoke, Elvery di ngl e dev ice;' !t·.l tllne, , . Come and See. •ot Klng Alfonso's it he can grow to mll.tte r how small. how la rge or how PasBlng on to another part ,of ~he Of ,courll~. realism hl 'all well enough head down. and six glrlll and three Have Ch~f proof t~at Lydia E. 'fujI-sized Ir.Buhood with such II. name "lIate-looklng," Is requIred to undergo rusor1. 'YJU strll\e the flgure·elght_ In Its way, but It carl easily be carried \;lays crawl e!l onto 't he feed bal[. , and Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa Jalm. LuJpold Isabellno Enrlquv , rigid test by the building commls- Even' hamlet has Its flgure-'elgbts to ari excess, Here. tor Instance. Is fell oil In a shrieking bell fl. and the cUl'ed' thoU$8nds of these women l' , Alejandro AIMrto Alfonso Vlclor doners, bef.ore being allowed to accept theso dan " Thllt contrivance 10 fash. the case of that barn dance In the athlete of the party. wjth wUd yells. Come and' See. lhe public's dimes. There must b~ a i'his advertisement Is only for ",cundon Pedro Pablo Marla bearing an "8" and much res~:mbles ;ast. where an actual barn was t!Je broke the, record on a QuIck cUm'll to loned like block sYF.ltem or lights. much ,tbE! saIfJ<' ','be coaster, exe pt that lhe cars tallow the ,hay ton. and tour g1rl~ hId undor doubters. The great army' of women Ita .... hole weight upon blm. is lhat useel by railway systems. a Iso the lines of tIre ngure. t.he dl))s are scene of revelry. ' -t h e I'...·aw cu tter. nn d t", U,ere was th e who know from their own persOnal A.n d In th e mldllt of the fUn a blood- Dlerry "'Illchiet _ to . pay The ' c0 W' experience that no. ' medloine in the In a duel fOUght r ecentJ)' In at. Pe. Itollpago .tev1ccs on every Inclllne to 's maller lind you naturally ' don't let maburg une ot the C10mbalants was prevent cars. ('haIrs or oUter seating 80 russed up, It's 'tamer In tact. and 'ed, cow broke away from her stall and Qutcllly had ber IIlmboJ out, and then wo.rld e~ Lydia. E. PAnkham'e rehlcl'!s from sliding backwardl down for that reason grMuation from the took lin aollve Interellt III ~he pl'Oc:§9d· baoked inlD her .tall wtUJ " latlded Vegetabl8 tlJmpound for female illa ~Ue4. ThW BOW'l how far RUBBls In inCline. flgure-ellht entilies you to prlllUIe. ,luiS, rlpplns the Ihltt wafet from • moo and imDledJatelr J'9I wue4 lav will still go on usf!lg and beinK beD. ,really tl from modern ctvUlzatlon, Tbe framewort of tbe device Is test- 1\'blch shuuld carry you fel\rlessl~r over collele youth , and Iwoktlll a ''GOrny cd. , efited. by it; but the poQr .doulrt Ing. wtdcb oonatdenllt vel')' bad form tor • 'I.e! for It I IItrength and ,madE! to "np' tile ,umps which the' cOaster tak~~ IUl4 bole' III the lIll Iddle.. After whlob , But ,the bam daaC14 WU effectUalJr 1Dffe~ WOIDaIl m!J8t, fOr her o~ 4..uM to kUI A opponea*. . tort far hea,ler wefpta than are eyet allow you to blandlv baird tbo .... lid- ilia. grAced up Ut. l1114d1e WI~ J,.r. brokea lIP.-C1"elaad PlalD DraIer. ~beta~toomJcleDOe.tor.~
see. - ,.
1IIlItit' _~1NIl~_""
The happie r lb a pu t ODe bu to 18011 HOW IT FEELS TO III! HANGED. I)aok u pon the dee per cutl Yle nrret o ver the tolly and IIln which blL'I'e Min Who Has "Been There" Deola .... robbed one of th e blesslngll wblch Sonsatlon Ie Oellghtful. were possessed. and all too lig htly ~ald and then ·l oBl. An d (his woman litI 11'11\ tell you how It f e l9 to ba tlng tbere In the I laya m arket await· banged . At !Co rt Barranca),! . • .01·lela., Ing tbe buyer was perhaps mor e mls· Use ot t.he PJevw by Colorado Fruit. Ra isers GIves Good R .. on A I>rll 4. IS6 • I wa.~ hl\llg d as:r. 'on· erable than any , of the rest becaule red rulo 91'Y , 1 s Jlent tobr minutes sub. ~By Prof. W. Paddock, Colorado BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" sbe had fallen farthest. nh)'Slcall y :lnd slilritllnJly between . PRU.C~ Agricultural Collegl!. Memory crowd ed In upon he r with 9a rtb und hea l' a. Tt.e ll a Ya nkee ser· re le ntless persisten cy. In tbe whirl geant b lIev lng me to be the wrong ot tbe gay life wblcb sbe ha~ led It mall, cut mG dow n. C1ell~ cultivation of orcha rd s has stud y h as been d vo ted to tir e SIILJf:ot 'rh o Prophet ' RoaelL.-The nnm e mea,lls had been easy to forget" and ",hen bee n tb e rule In Colorodo. B ut th e M)' Ilrst sens ation when lJIe barre l or o rc!lard · c ullur . Tb e or hard lan d "1In.lvn tlon." and In Ule porsonal htstor)' visions of tb e past had come to ve~ was Idc kild from und r my fe twas at cuI lure hus no t generall y Bysttim or tll o prophet- whteh many of the do p - and troubl e her s he had plunged wltb Is brok ' n III) as early as the we ather oat 11nd most ~plrltun l Bible scholnrs Ruch greater abandon Into tbe life sbe wat . Included th e use of · t he turning plow. will 11C'1'111 II. nnd cion cu lture Is give n lhnl a 5t 'um boiler Inside me was &a 0, Campbell Morll'an. of E nglllnd. Anll It WBI though l that If th e s urfa ' wus U)I th e nil of t ho gl'owlng ~ uson. about 10 eXlllod. Elv ry vei n and Jnm ~s lit. GrIlY. delln of the lIlood), Bible leading. but now. deserted by ber for· blood ,"CRR I to 'and Cram my he.a rt In8t1tlJl<l, coosltler 11 li teral portrayal f me r friends and lovers. homeless and kept . me ll ow and free from , ,·ee!!.;, a.1I wh n II oVI' r crop Is so wo. Co ny seem d charged wltb an oppressive requlrom e nts hart been met. I n fnct. t h. proph t'8 IIf_we nod a t)'PO or IlIuM- frIen dless a nd ' r~duced to t hC! cantil· rains lI s llall~' stan tile crall Into trA tlon of J chovah·. rellltions to Is rael. th e re aeeiTlS to bav b en some thin g gl'owl h. when It b('lp~ matur · I ree fulln ess' tbat mus t fl ud an al'f'nlle of SCllp . The nervous ~)' s 111 through. n08en'~ tleld of labor Will! ]lIrnol. a ll d he. tlon of a slave, ' s he no I'~nger wu o r a prej udI ce a!:al n st I h use oC Ih gr'owtlJ by us ing surpl' ls moist ure und ou l Its length was . ti ng ling with a prophOHlcd during t he rolgn of J eroboam free t.o tln d relief In deep("r el[ceSsel. as It wau teare d that Ihe Injury p low. prot cls th soli In va l lous wa ys <Inti I painful. Ilrl klln g sensallun Ihe IIk o o f II ., about 184 B. C.. down to th o 'aptlv- Sb bad a t las t reache d dept hl. lI y. An outllna of the book 18 118 follows: and now wblle sbe walt ~ 1I t bere WBI to t be tree ro ots wo ul d cou nte ract an y lhc followIng s pring, " bcn It Is tur ued I . llllllorico- propholle. chnpters I to ~ : benefi cia l effect. The continued use of II nd e l' to supply vegll lulJ le matter and whlcb I n \, I' fc lt hcroJ'C! or s ince. 2. Ge nernl discourses, chapl ers 4 to to 13 : nolhlng for bel' to do but "hl nk. think. Then followed 11113 seose of un explo· s hallow c ul tivators tends to form 11 f rl ility to th soli, It seomed as tho ugh It would 9. Promlo 8. ch8pte. 14, (u) Appeul of think. slon. as If Ii I'ol callo bad er ullled. Tills .hard pan and many .' o rcbDrds sbow th Ood, ,·s. 1-3: (b) Pr omlsod blosslng, " ... a lmost dri ve h er to madne ss, Ouc. The 'practlce of lITIgation , brln.,:s up t ·8 : (e) ,Applicati on to all. " . 9. The p ~ r errects. Roots need all', IIlld lot:\ of It , llIan y llJ'ouleJJl s whi ch are L'l kno":o seemed to gl v(' mu re lief, and the pain ga ve wuy 10 'n pleasura ble f ellng. one • onal hlalory of the proph t mn y be dl - s he had been a happy wife with cbll· hi ordel: 10 do theIr work ff ctlv Iy . to the oas t rn orohurdls ts; conse- ve ry (I s lmblc could It be spcu red ,,1.led Into th ree perIods IlS folloW8: (I) dren about her. In a ma d hour sh@ The roo t hairs are less abundant and qu ntl y their practices ~auno \ always without dea l h. W llh tll l~ sensation u A Happy U nIon- The prophet m~rrles n bad yielde d t o the te mptation wblch Wnman who had lived a n Impu re lite, bUI had come. and stell by sl'lP she bad many are killed If the tre Is co'rn- be ad opted here. We are cow PI' tty II ' hI, urok e In upon my slghl. u light who had reformed, (2) A Ru ined Homc· llelled to li ve cont inuously In a ha rd, T h reo childre n came to bien tho homo. been led Into the paths 9f sin, Ilnd cOm,Jact soil. The e tr:ec't on the tree well agrecd ' tha t tho tu r;.tttg plow of milk\' whitanellS . yet. s trange , to s hould be used. bllt extended fllqlliries say, so 't m ns lla r nt that It wa s oaslor and then the wife. for&"l1ul of obUaa- DOW s he was drinking La tbe bitter d r llg1 tlo ns or wifehood and motherhood. de-. lhe c up 'Whi ch aln had tlllod for her. Is much t he sanle as though too much among orchardists show lhat In gen- to Illerce with th e eye th a n t he ligh t of II6rlJl her home for her former lovera. (3) A s budder sbook bel' form at ~be water ~ad been allowed to accumu- eral the y have had b eUer r es",l\s by day. Th en came Intu my mou t h a J.ove Un talllng-But her true lover-hualate abou t t he roots. Som e mean s band never los ... alght ot her. and at hUll contrast between wbat bad once been should be takeo to looseo s uch sall s. t urni ng the laod over In th e fall. The taste of s wetne88 th like of wh ich main I' ason ad vanced tor this pr,>fer ' I bave n ever !llnce know n . And I fe lt atter ah e had .unklOto th. very dopth. at. bel'S ·to possess Bnd e njoy Bnd wtlat eln he bu ya her back 80 that he may re- was now b er lot. and tbe tlrst r llal and this can be <jone b st wllh a plow. eoce 1:; tbat If the land Is plowed 10 myself mo ving on. with a consci ous Itore her to her old In the home, pang of repentance wh ich sbe hi\(') partic ularly If supplemented by some th e spl'ln g. aod partlculal'ly Ie a green . ness or leavIng evprnhlng behind. I.o\'e '1'rlumphant.-Thlll perIod of the known ' came to her I\S ahe aat t,here !:!'Owing crop or IIt uble manu re whlcb cro p has been turn od u ndel·. It III n ea r· Then I heard th e sw ~ elest of music. Ilro llh~l' s lite In which ho buys back his Is turned under. ly Im possible to get wa.t er (!'Vp.r the Dnd It seo med that mure than a tho u. wa} wltrd wife from alavery Into which and waited for she knew not what. Peach growers In one of th e best grouud without the most of It get· sand barps led In ac h part. accom· " h.. had sunk. and holdl her In aeclualon "Hosea." and s h e half whispered the until 8U h time a. IIhe cnn be rOltored to name &8 though ahe feare d to Ipeat It sections at the stat e. Ull to about tlng much t oo wet. The r esu lt Is yel· panie d by myriads of voices. hpr old lltace In tho homo. III a type of t bree years ago, would scarcely a llow And tbe sensatioo or coming hack J ehova h In unfalllng 10"" and mero)' -"Hosea baa long since forgotten me, a plow In the o rcha rd; bu t s Ince that low foliage a nd a set· bac k t o the U'ees. from wblcb It takes t hem Bome ' tlme to lire after 1 hud been cut down. was k Mplnll' Iara~l tor the latter da y. ",hen a nd well he might. I did love bilL hi " ~hofte n J)t'oplo .hall be re8lore4 to [ know It now. But In my Insane .foU", time Its use has COnte .\0 he nearly to rEl'~ov e r. This expe ri ence will prot.· just as paln Cul as tbe first teeliog at t heir old place as hl l peculiar and be- my f a~lty. my love of pleasure.. t caat unlve rul. And I predict ' that It will a bly be found to be true of most Bolllo . banging. l.t was acute torture . Every lovell people. as ide all that was worth hITlng In not be long \lnUl a s ystem of green We co nclude. then. th at t he uso of Scripture Au th orl ty-Tbe Book of life, And now. now! Wbo la ther. manuring will ILlso come Into ge ner a l the turning plow Is very deslrabtt!. If nerve seemed to have a pai n of Its own. My nose and finge rs were seats Hosea. es pecially chapte r •• to reme mber meT Who Is there to care u se. not essen tlnl, where clean cultivation of the most excruciatin g agony . In The time ot year to use the plow Is Is gl"eu. and In the present state 01 hair an hour the \laIn was all gone, but . what becomes of Gomer'" and with I choking Bob sbe ended her solilOQUY. now agitating the mind s of many. Th e our kno wle'dge the {all of tbe y eM. t wo uld not go t broug h t he experience 8ERMONETTE. Time wall wben lover and gay sprlog has been adop ted In the ea st. a tter the i<\laves Ill'e air. Is Lbe beet again fOJ' the wealth of the Indles ,friends had filled her lap to the fuD where tor 16 yen rs, a great d eal of tim e for Its use. n ev. J. T. Hand. In Spare Momc otll. "Love DIvIne, all love ellcell· with gay pleas urea. but wben beauty Inll." that God ahould reach had begun to fade and tbe spell ot ber Disagreed wl~h Oaler. down and aeek to redeem aln· cbarm bad broken. tbe lovers bad len Mr, 'fuft t lis of an IncId ent one tul man to' hlmlelf. But Jult a. ber ' one by One. and now there wa. I\lg ht at .. dl nDC r' In Murray Bay. CanHo.ea uw In thlt woman some· none left to care wbat became or h'Elr. IIda, at which there were among the thing upon which love could cen"Not eve n Hosea." she had cried . with guests SUJlrllII1e Co urt J natico Har· ter and bring her baok to him. unutterable ang1:llsb. Ion . who Is upward at 80 yenrs old, Ie It, 10 God Iei'll In hll way· Device Wtll Keep Waier Clean .and COQl. Ob, what penalty does lin .enctl and Dr. Osle r. tbe Baltim ore scle n· ward children that upon which Whe n the IB ln bas come to ttB full list of "clll orofonn 'em at \l 0" ta me. hll great love can relt and which fruitage with what crushing w eight It was Dr. Osle r'l! flrMt vIs it to Murlove will . ultimately wIn the loul does It ove rpowe r the heart, drlvlnl ray Bay. and ' th e Bceoery nchanted from '· ItI life of aln to on.- of often to madness and solt-d estructlon. b/m . He was speakl ol\' or It with hollne... . And so It waS to Gomer that thert great ent hus iasm (0 Mr. Taft and Jus· Surely the wife of HOlea wae came t/'le promp~lnga to end b er millunworthy of the pure and holy tice Harl an . "Wh it t a blessing It ery In aeU·lnnJ cted death.. love of- her .devoted hUlband, " ' DUIrt be If all nWIl who ha ve marle It Is but a s tep from medItation to and more lure ly .tlll II It true mark In tho world ," bega n Dr. 'a1t:lr action. One BlandIng on the brlnll 'J sl r. "anel who nr grQ\\' ln,g old, P'lst that man II unworthy of the needs but to lean In the di rectio n unapc ;)k a~lo love of God. . 50. sal'. coulrJ rp.tire an d rume 10 some rash. Imp ulso d raWl. and crasb!-oul qui t. b aUllful plut:' Ill;!) this :md J;lut It II not because of our goes tlle life 'u pon t he jagged rock. worthlne .. that we become the en d th Ir days In Ileac and Irao qullbelow. A volc at th e fat · fu l mOment object of God'l 'love and mercy. I y. fre from nl' anll from th e In· migh t sta y tbe l eap. So with Gomer. !,a ther, It I. our great need that cessant pres 1Ir r wc;lrli." Unco nsc ious of all about her. save tbe oalla forth the Divine compa.· 'I.'h justice hnll I ·~ n II stenl ,,!; to d sperate resolve that sbe would e nd alon. Dr. 0 51 r wit h III cO:1cca lud IlOna· he r mise rabl e exlstence. th ere cnine 0 In sp ite of the dllflgurlng tLenec. Ife exploll d at Ih n;wstio n. voice from somewhe re sbe ' knew nol mark. of lIn God lees within ..~ o . sir," he ruarl'd, hr lngltl l!; his wbere, and It slayed th e band t haI the heart of man the p08l1blJ: fist dow n on I h l:1ull'. " no. £i ll'. It wns a t that Instnnt r eady Il' p lunge Itlel of a hillher and better life would nOI ' he a g'mnd th ing. (!Ith er fo r t he ' slende r blade Into he r beart , A In him. and 10 he patiently Ind the men tb e msel ves or for thp world. voice t h(lt carried her back again tenderly wooel the soul from Itl \Vb\' sir the world would go to lilO throug b the years and b rought h<;!r In falle love and from It I evil waya d vll~to ' l h e d vII. If all th e IlICO over memory to the bappy home whlcb back to hlmlelf. 50 we re comp lIet! . \'0 reUr ." once she could calJ bel' own. A Voice Another wonderful thought In that came to bel' out of tbe tbrong connection with the love of God Lbat mnde her start and look u p, Lon,) F JI'g ht9 of Bi rd3. PAN SET ON PLflTFORM 10 INCH£5 /iBOVf fLO OR.. and the relatlonl of ' man to God wh ile tram h e r li ps there bu.rst lb . 'Blrds of lIassage DInk th ('!.r longest II that m'a n la not complete with. one word : IIlght some where nea r Bring strnl t. out unIon with God, and-we " Hosea!" A natu ralist says lhot prouably the lay .It ~everently-God II not But nona but strange ' faces wen; lo n ~e8 t con ti nu ous Oi ;;h t made by t ho complete without man. The a ll about." She aaw bel' owner's form feathered Irl\.velera In the ir Iloregrj. unIon of the two , la necessary, at a distance, but he seemed 'not te I)atioos Is ill:oolllpll:;h d. by some of firlt for the . complete manlfeaUbe concerned about her at . that mothe shore and wat er blrl1:; th tlt ne lilt tlon of the power Ind glory of . ment. But tbat voice had com9 tel ' In t.hc Ili ll1uds ot n rIng SCtl and spen d I God and aecondly to reveal the her. and It stayed her murd~rous hILnd, the winl I' a t Hawaii and Fsn ni ng ls i· \ high pOll lbllitlel of • life when she knew not why. And she walted and . 2.200 miles away. A ~ SOIll O of .the , It la linked with the life of, God, almost eagerly. and soan ne d tbe tacol bI rds li ve Iltlr lyon the soore and Wonderful, la It not? The all about. but not onc~ ga1 n did she lire probably unnbl t.o I' st on the redeemed loul In It I unl9,r. bear Ihlit voice, an!! searc h aa she surfnce of the willer. they Dlll st ac· , the Father and the Son . reo mIght t hrough the throngs that surged complish ·the whole dl .ta ncn In" veal In the "agee to come the In the ma rk et 1)lace, she saw not the single flight. yet th oy malte lhelr way -ellDeedlng rlchea of God'8 grace face that s he knew now I!be ioved. And to their destina tLon with absulut e preIn hi. klndneu towardl. ua ' when her master calllc k IIttJ~ .tlmE. cision. Amo ng \h lost bl..ds 0 [ . Ule . : through Chrllt Jelul." later•.' and gave her Into the hands 01 world It Is III(el)' that the COI'DIsh TER PAN ' SHOW/NCr fLP.N C,£D , ~,~. a' stranger. Indicating with . a nod ' 01' chollSh before l1Jany yea rs wil l ., RIM OF CDV[R the head tbat· abe bad been 101d,- her to be numbe red. Th e bird Is l)ecom' THE STORY. h ead .,nk In '' dejection ,u pon her lug sCllrce. :rh e rook l! n,1 th e Jac k· breast arid IIltlel8ly Ihe arole anq)ol. In tbe construction or a water pan smallest possible space tor fil th to e n· daw are ousllng It f rom its hapltn t. HEl scene or the opening or our lowe d. ~ " :.;:i.\) Curious ly e noush. In Lbar,ga It ha s a n stOry Is laid In an oriental slave What Itrange . day, those were' that for poultry somc provision s hould be te r. T h e round ' con e·sbap ed top pre· almost perfect counte rJlart. so that market, ~' here the barte r In human followed. Sbe never forlot. the yolc. made to k ee p out dus t and litte r, Tbe , vents t he fo wls roosllug u po n It. Tt after Its extinctio n Ir a!! b3eo comple u tlesh Is carrIed on. and It was In that she bad heard In the market place. form s shown In. tbe Illustration per· may be ' tilt ed on a platform hlgb It wlIl stili he In ev iden ce to all In· long gone day nearly a thousand year" but that voice did not/ belolll to the mit fOWl s to drink from dIfferent &nOllgh to pr even t til e litte r being re- ten ts and pur)loses. . before tbe camlng ot Ohrlst w~en stranger Into wbose hand I abe had aldea at one time and pre!lents the scratched Into It. slavery was tbe rule, ~d not the ex· oome, of . that Ihe wal lure. But-,Ihf A Gambler', Father, but Calm. celltion. It was a nols,. place. and It wal con8010us that there wu ,lOme This Is a r eall y true boy sto ry. Ths nfasll of th em. with ,t heir beautiful was a strange· grouplnar of human be· tbln'g stranse ,about her new condl. ligh t blue ftow e rll. sometimes rIval boy II th e beloved so n of an altoihe y Ingl of all condltlonl Of. phYllcal de- Uon. • The Indlgnltlel Ufually IhpWD orcJJlds In Irlc h markings a nd delicacy In th e Scarrltt building. When lIot 'Velopment, and of rB,c e and color. towardl a alave ' were wantlnl In her of color. The roots of t e nd er nym· engaged In ge~'tlll g other persons Ol\t There were the young. and thore were case. leclullon and Qutet IIhe wa, phaeas mu!;t be s tored In I/. cellar or ot trouble this attorney puls In hIs thOle who were In the prime of life. sheltered. and bavlnc lltU. ell. to do, Everyone r.ecognlzes tb e charm of a greonho~se at a te m perature of not time belplng his son out. of dillic ulli es. and then tbere were others upon sbe ' thougbt. thought. tbougbt. How wbom the weIght of years and "bard· tbe first pang or rep.n~c'e f~lt on pool of water In which the re are a te w less thun 60 degrees and the hardy The boy Is 12 years old . The, attorney was called to the t Ieships endured were beginning to tell. that day In the alave market deYaI. gold ftsh . Add to. this pOQl a few water rools s hould be we ll c. vered with and for whom tbere WDS hut little lale, oped' aDd ~w. Into' Ule flood of· harl' IIUes, s cientifically known aa nym- st raw If lert In th e , ~u bs during' tbe phone thIs mornin g by his stenog ra· pher. A school professor. a fri end of eYen at the law price for wbleh ' they Borrow . over the ~ ruined. an4 wasted pbaeas. a tew water hyaclo ths for .a winte r. border and a plant or two ot parrol 8 the family. was out at th e. othe r C!~d were offered. life. ' If ,qnly. ahe .e0\lld se. HOlea aDd feather and a transformation at ID' Put Your' Whole Fieart ' In' It.-A. of the wire. "Passing along !.,I e Am'o ng these last·wal the .bent form tell Jilm of her, r8\li8~tanc. and ult hi. .' half-heartecl e lrort will ne ver b rlpgsuc. street." tho p rofesso r sai d. " 1 cnu g~ t of what at firat, glaircel aeemed an old forgiveness Ihe felt ~t peace w:ould creased delight .wJII bEl wrought. Such 1\ garden may be. made tram cess In 'po ulltry-ralslng or allY otber WIlIIl\m In a gambling gnme- d ll.e woman. but It wBli ' app~rent ul1O~ be<1ln ..ber beart. ..,. , half a barre.1 or a Lub or. bett . r. three lin e ot e nd,aavor. If yo u e xpoct to ac· ·cmp!!.· I btl ll'!ve It Is called. ' ...·bal c loller ' Ie rutin,. that It...w-811 not tl\ti Overburdened With·) ~II thought Ollt or four of them placed together and comllllsh 81 nythlo g worth while you 8hall I do a bout It ?.',. yean ao muc,", that ' bC1)led the for~, eve.D.i1l3 ~ abe relrteiUIi the ~umblf sun" I'll to' Ibe earth. ,!I'he SJlace be. will have to be all ent hu sla.5t an d get 'Well" tb e attorney excl(llm ed, " II 1111 It was the- illntul' IIf" ,lived and' t.b:~ d'felllng .... hero her ~h maate,. bad tween the tubs may be used for ' a grief and tea.r that ,'CI~bed tbeheir~ pl~C9d her she b,urat .In,t ? a , 1fo~,!1 01 roclulry and the edges mily be bidde n a hu s tle o n you. H we co uld ral sG t ~er.e 'YOU I'd bet on William , He'll Il rl ze-wln ne,rs or e xtra h ::IVY layers Mn."-Kansas City Star. tn reletit lellB graap. S~ had 1etr- It , w~e~lng. ,exclalmlng ovet lltld - onl wlt'l moss. 'The little umbrella planl. wltbout giving any sllecla l though t to awtul< '1carl upon tace and ro~ut ,. . bu~ llgafn: "Oh, HOI.a, Hoi... ·that , the calamus. many of Lbe ,,-lid growing mating or cllre In rea rin g' the towls . undenlfatb could be .traced the. old : mlgltt toll you bow looc! thou art. anti He Had Proof. sedgul and the wild arro\v h,ead al'e lines d!. comellne'l and beaut,.. That han' ."Icked ,I have been. ..:Oh, HOI... all uaerdl to bide the artificia l shalle what e ncoo ra-g rle ut would there be' '1 tell you. illy boy, It pa ys to bR for the tellow wbo works h ard " before a1n had leamed ud anlt my children I If 1 but bad' ·thM good, 1 bave reasoll ~o know It .. • lCarrN li bad been comely, and thos1 nc,w I> mould kDoow how to prIse mJ of the tub ' pODdl. " Old you ove r get arrested for 1I0y' The ,tubs .hould be haIt-lIlle d with eYeB . now bleared ' and 4Iu1J hac! trOluureli.... . ' '. ~tte4 ve,.table material tram bogs or' . Keep Them from ' Getting Slck.-1)() tblng?" • s parkled with the b:ounding Ute tha' "Thou Ihalt haft th1 ·dealre/' .apoltt "No' but a lady to whom I tut'ponda. or with goed loa~ mixed with not waste t oo mucb time trying to had I~d< wilbltl. And In that form a volca her lide, ' ',WI~ a .tarq~' oue-thlra 'well-rotted manure. Place dure a Cowl amlc't ed with some dhleBaE nls hed' an excuse for s ecurlllg a dl· ItlU ' could be ·tnced the . 'h~peUDe~ 'Cry Il\e look'! 'd up ItltO ~ . r __08 ~.~: ~veral 'Inellea of pnd on top or thlll that you do uot understapd. Batt!" vorce fr"ID me aCtel'ward I)lherite.'d a aDd beau~ , 1! It .had once poa. llol~ ILIld when the !l'IIt . J;II':I'Q~ and ·ftll the tub with' water. There are 'kill tMm lit once unless they are valu. fortutl.... ,, lelled. ~a ' which would haTe ~ o• .we.,pfftr IuI.t paue.d, abe . WIlt. both hardy aa4 tender nymphaeas. able exhlbl.tlon specimens. Keep your ~ JoJ or artt.t or lCulptor. pered :. , The former are elpeclally desirable towll cleAll. and dl')' and tbere wut DOt · The Problem. But DOW til the mflerable conlU· "Tb,- )o,.~ HOle&, hath trtl1lllpbe4.· for . tub crowilll, ror they bl~m freelf be mu~h dlilnger trom dlse.... "Do yon think It 18 aa eaay to make tlOn to wh,lcla - tile woman had ~n A FllrL In lhallow There are day & rortune u It Uile4 to bar 'uked the reduceil the aoa4Iq melllOd.. of the ~ . Late H~\Ch Chlcken,,-WlUi IUDJ bloomlq . anel DIIht blooming 111188. at ...4 the clark foNbo4IIlp ot the A IIrt fa • tOM from WIde1a ..,.... One UI, plIuat 10 eacIa tqt» II lamcleat, po_Itr)' rallera the- ohler obJectlOll til ambltlonl youth. "Eaa1er," answered Senator So. f.lUN . . . 10 d..,.. lIer aqulab a bebIt •• -addlUoil to &til bol-der plante. The latA batchM llhlcb f' their IUIIClfIptI (hum. "TIle problem Ie to do " .. ad . . WIot . . ...,. for . . ra...... II ale», Ilce . . Water leat 011 tile 811rface ltIlltJ to that )'0111' trt.... will GOD
~luClu lear~
Il10.__thor.: .....
• tit. . . . WltII4tJI&
*' 11014 . . . .
aaa. ".,.
_ . fD tMak II .,.-
Practical Fashions MI~IIES'
Pnrls Pattern No. 2 4R~. All Scams Allowl'(I.- ThIR Hklrt. mad wllh or ,v lth o ll t H C nlPr·fro nl !;C'am. I~ n 1'11'r:llla r 1II 0d I, udu pted 10 bOl h plain a nd 'II rlpf'd lJJale rla l,.. The !Jnek h ::t9 11!1 In vl' rt r d box-pis I . nnd Ih closin g I!II mndC' at th .. Idl side wI th ('Ithcr pea rl blJltnllij. 01' bullons o f Ihe mate ria l. Th e mod el hi udapted to t hln s or~e . flann e l PanallJa or nlUhah': heavy )I IICII . ;ll1ck. plql1e or khakI. 1':10 patter n Is ' In thr e s lzes-13 to 17 r ars. For a miss of 1 5 yeurs lho skirt requIres 5~ yards ' 20 Incites wide. ' 1b1'01} . yards 31l Inc hps wide. 2:j4 )'01'119 42 In r:hes wid e, or 2t4 yards 5.. Inc h s w~ ~ . To procure thlR pattern send ]0 ccntJI to ''Pallern Depu rlll1e ll l. " of this paper. Wri te nam and addres8 plai nly, and be .ure 10 st"" "I zr a nd numb r of pattern. 1\'0. 2482.
B1ZE ...... , . .. .. .. , ..
NA ME ..... .. .... ............ _.... .. .. .. .... ..
TO~VN ........... , .... ........... .... ...... :. STR E I~T
AND NO .. .. ......... ....... .. .
STATE .• . .. . , .... .... ........ .... . .... .. .. .. CHILO'S
Pnl'ls Pa t l'D 0, 2<192. An Seama Allowp.(I.-Thls useful altle oll·over coat.. Is developod In natural·color Ii lin en , and will be found most. appro· prla e for the cool n.fte rno o n ~ wh lcll alwayl,\ cOll1e In tb purl, of A 1Ig'liSt and th e cal'ly part of S Jl ternber. Th~ wid plults In t h e front .Ilnd buck g ive omple fullness. and lh~ witl e canelik o collar .. UIld turn-hack cull's on the fu ll ·le ogt h Rlcevcs, Ilrc a slmvle ilnd &t rlll>h Hnlsh. The collar and Clltts al:e ' rlmm d wllh Insertion oC colfeecolored file t luoe . ao el th e little cu p Is l1l(ule or 1118 I'lions of s Imilar lu e tagotad toge ther and trimmed with tur· qtlo lso'I)II1 C rlbllon . • If desh'ed the cap may be of materIal. The Ilattern Is In fOlll' s izes- one to !I ve n yelll's. J.~or n ch ild of five yean; the coat requIres " 'A yard s ot msterlal 20 In cll e!! wld ('. 2¥., ya l'd s 36 In ches wide. 2 'A yurds 42 Inc bes wIde. o r 1% yard 54 irl chell wid e; 2'% )'ards of In sel·tlon to 'trIm: til cu p oeeds two yard s of 10sertlon one Inch wide; o r t hree·elg bths yard of limterlal 20 Inches wide. or one-fourth yard a6 Inch es wIde: each wit h two' ya rds of ~d e ribbon for t ies two yarde oC nalTOW ribbon for 1'0H~ltes and 1% yard oC epglng to tl'l m,
'1'0 procure' thl8 pottern send 10 cents to "Pulle rn Dcpurtmenl. " of thl ll paper. Wrltc mIme fin d u.r1dro88 pl ainl y. snd !Jot sure 10 gl,·o .Iz ~ t\nd .numbor ot pattern.
NO. 2492.
SI ZE ......... : .. ... ..
NAM E ... .......... ..... . .......... , .. , ...... .
TOWN ... . ....................... ~ ... ... ... .. STRli:F:'r AND NO....... .. .. ... .... .... . ST ATE ......... ... ..... _.. : ............... .. Methodllt Church Increased. :;i nce lhe unlfic,u lon of t h ' W s ley nroth erhood an.d th e Drotlle l'houc\ or St. Paul In Ibo Me thodis t c hu rc h. which b'rou ;,:h t 1.500 societies log tha i', lhe member ship, wblch wa s 150, OO~ n' th Urn of union , has I.ak en u rapid stl'lde rorwal'd. Gllvng More Difficult Than Getting. The difficulty whlcb Is faced In Ante rl ca IIJ connection wltb Ilhllan· lbrophy Is not to find th{J I'ElOplo who h~ve the money to ,give. bllt to dl~· cover the Wltys. 'In whic h money may be given wisely. Ideas for wille gh'Ing are much ~eQrcir than fllon9.V awalllD,OPJlOrtuolt,.. The Whip. ~o use the wblp. )I',le... Jt ImaIE tbe .0...&', lal, IQ /:»ut It malE bta tleart ..,. Do.-
It II not lalO
\ttloll OoOeiiob...~hlllll ,ct
~ -
-by 100kln lilly illat· we' from anti, 1...- - - -...........-~........... g &be seed oorD : Frailk Pratt. J. W. WbUe. II .... oialistA lind that It Is 10 a very dllu&e 8olotio n ot oil of John Oadwallad&r. Fred Sohwl&rt , . Ilre a ..... . PAPER REAL> Br;r-OI{E F.-\RJ~ Jeff ' Smith, Aaron Chandl er, A. .. cheu~)er huy wbllt.ll ollplie! ot thfll lemon. lIaftlt L. A. ZhDme rman, Walter En.;" <":1. B !lort lire ~leedoo, It mU8t be re.m em. How Often to Spray. KoCI~r e Frank Fa,... C. UMey, " ... bared th"t. t.hlt> o nly dl8poses or t·he ra additio n, every dlllint ereeted ... I~""'" II B' F. Mokln . .ey F 1 tl \-ohl gaud ·ljUe lll.IQn fo r t I • me u<> u , ...orr &",,&urs B Y manufa (lturer a , apraylnil( ma te ria I W , R '.... Duke n ' e B s tb . . . W. ,W. ' y a OUlll(' •.an.\\\''h0 Has \11\' ev ery n a I.hllt t h" ,10 11 1/1Il (1 I~ I ' . , a away, ...... g'rowln !! . aod PIlIDPII wbo Is ab e to lleollre ," Tibbali l, ehas. Robltz er, John lilb l.O! of His Timc to Ihc "orli minute. your "ddrell l will keep yoo supplie d bon, Ohas , Frye, Joe Marsba . 15 ll, of Horticu lture, A II11 1l1 ti C t.IJ O 'u'e "Uenti on with inform at,ion on all polslbl e Cents UOnate tllllt· IInl " 1\,1111 I." 1,11 II Oull d Malari al-Lin dley Meo. Wt'''&~'' !'f'lIt'~~l'jbfjt-~bt.:l' t.lltll' . enter. t bl o't tbls kind anll In "Iaok Each 'I'ite follo wing ex elll:lut lJlIlJer Wil e! pri~e::! uf 1.,.11. f iLl' W ,, 11 rOil rou es I .. deobaU lilf..a tiu n t,ha t times may even Invent 6 few for Uebba , Ed Thoma s, ,1. E. Janney , A. , rt & Co., Geo. Tbomp lOn, ' rend befor e t he Farmer " 'Iu b lit ' J)l'II yi ng i 1.\ " neOO8811l'! Iln~ ~o whloh his prod not Is eBpeo1a.lly neo· Orol8 Brol, Horace Key., Walter ' th Bl r III Sf. meetin g, lt n\! WIlS written m u r e di flio nlt t~l~n pl owlO g; . \~llIln eSMry . by Mr . Ca l I Duke, who ba giVeu ! Ill ost O'LlIO g iye r KUbon, lI&&dden & Co., Wm . B ..y, II.........~_~_-------e!1ults .thli t will be --...,....................,.."..,..,,-----":""'-J The proble m Is frOID fil~st to las\ Morrts Vall Duser. mllcll I.h ought Ilull stndy 011 t he., Il Sitt i, t yi n g Ils. s nrpn 10 K, and way to adapt all sheae tbings to your own Dooate d labor- John Bean, Ar'hur u bject of" 'prtlyiu g " I IIOO~l be lI t:ce~~"r y III ord er. t o get f/\rm I&nd time and oironm stances . Bean, Roy Ha.haw ay. Melbou rne J\mong our el'Y Ulell lIu a oth er I fr ul ~t I\ U~ j1l'l 0f! . • We have betln as_ed many tlmee Ba'baw ay • . FranK l'1iJver, Perry iutt1res ted. it i " WitHeI' of OUlUl on i t 110 tl tllot I.b llt ~IJ IO ub]eot.u f. if wI! spraye d thl. or thd aod bo~· knowledge thllt, oll ly olle t ree out o f IOlJl'/lj' ln ~ h,Ul Pence, Horace Kirby. Val Meyers , 'l ..._ _...,.....,.."""",......."""........- _ _ _ _ _~-.................,.....,.."..,. beeu In\' ted With 110011 when, and the faot ol~ the mat- Staoy ."......-----~ Kindle , ' Ed ThO.maI, A. B,Il e8ch ten pltto t.ed vel' bel~rs fruit. m Ol" III Yll ter y tbRn it deserv es by te~ i8 thllt if wt\ IIpray hallf I\S otlien Sides, Morris Van Duser, Joe Bav. enough to pay - for It!' beiu g t harp. ' th e good fl~rlll r a of f.hi s co untry, HS i8 olaime d to be n80EI88ary ..~e and withon t g'i ll K into the CIIUI\Oll hilt g rudulIll y lIS we find ·that It 18 would have time for nothin g else, ens. for thll". n\1 ell sily remedi ed. lot. us !l0 .essenl,inl, this will lJe . . oleared for It only stands to reason that aU Edgew ood i. the beat at~"oD on jus t 100k It t t.J lIl ,.i t tlltt itlO tiS 11 is. fl.w" y, nil tIle Amerio"u .f~rmel· ove~. tile blights and Insect the peek road to are day. . noS During .July the ***~*~************* *******: One fl\r!u er in th (', tly , wh l " oornel:< Illm ost IIny on dltlon when It going to g~t to one farm at the receipt s tram tbis .... 'Ion were 150 la nds a re. "otullll y II tlnp ted t o fruit jhst, hilt! to be d ne. same time, and that wbUe w. all more than from I&DY otber dation .: ARE YOU A VOTER? e rai sing. eyor sets 011t n tree On e : of Troubl e. neglect tbis part of farmlo r far too on.ther oad, and Mr. Stokee by bi8 tree 'ill t u ever )Jll ytl f o r Itl!elf, Now T hl'll(j i; (jner'II Clm!leH of trouble muob, we .lnl,lst get aloog: ",Itb at untirin g enerRY hili made It .. ,ood If you are, you surely want to show your there ill D O critiolll lll III tltlll ; H Is Diled t.o bo sJlmye rl for : little IIprayinlJ "8 p08111ble a.nd ooon- station , . colors, an:l the only way is to buy a picture of merely IOt,liting a co nd itirm ur IIlfltirs FlrRt- Inlleots, usul\lly 110ft bodied, oluize on uur time : your favorit e and place it in your window . : wbioh ill t rue for t lti wh ole M.illm i which (lilt their WilY tbroug OBITUARV. h follFo.r instanc e, In IL year like this 'These photo picture s are the best on tM valley . og~, IIteID 01' fruit" I\lld lire ea81ly with ' an unusulI lly ' largl! orop of Sarah .. market . and are the latest picture s of the two ~ M., d ..ugb\er of Thoma l As ODe CODtleq uellcu, f 9 1' "Wilt of poisone d jsuch ItS the toh"ooo worm, pears, it 18 Dot worth while to spr.. y 'and Raobel Davi. gentlem en, "' ..8 born near the ~IDle. apples IIr~ !l mocb II ltlX. the o(ludllllg inot,b, etc. for ooddlln g.moth on pear.B, becaua e Wa n&Bville. Ootobe r 16, : The small price will enable ~verybody to 1835, ury.os orunges, While all over sUlI· aDd ::;eoond-~llokiDg iOlle ~, ulloally few wbloh I&re wormlY. If the purcha se one. · Call at the Gazette uffice and . : di:l at home of Wm: Morrlt , t· ply of good frnit ill prn,ntiCltlly un - with a scaly coverin g, whioh can tr.eeI are properl y thin.n ed, will only Auglis ' 15, 1908, aaeClll look , at them, and you will be sure to buy. eventy· . two kno~n . only he killed by oontao t- tlle 'I;an malte tbe balanoe of tbe orop better, yo.41'1 and t.en monthe . . PrICes for fruit tind . ver;etabl ~s .Tose I:!tmle an ~l the IIke-ll nd for and in thle case t·b lonlng Is mor,e SlJe wall tbe fiftb one of a family averttg e higher tbllD the moreli!lCl In wbioh I~ wash of s OUle oombin ation irnlJOrtant by far. or'sli. obildre o her parents , tbree .' . l other Iiues IlCOollntl! .tor~ a.nd II.dde l of orude oU is now being used. .(, How to Use the Poison s. brQthe n and o~e .later having lone to this, a.nd of . espeCl~llmportllnoe, ThiTd...:..Fuugoul! growth S, scab flud 1'0 iurlve at & reDfIODably satlstao befOre. She lea v4Mt one si.ter, IIrs. tbe dewlln d 18 IDcrel1li\lDg more l'ap · IrOllette ~lllel.u!e 8, eto , hy far , the tory oonol0810n ",e oae 'he formal in ~~ U. Davl~' a bot" of re~ativ811 Itlly ell.oh ye"r. longest hilt Ilnd the htt'l'dollt to !lUO seed treatm ent for smut, p ..'ato IIC8b, I&Kia friends to mourn her 10118. In fact., the growlD g of potatoe s, oess'ful1y OOUlbAt ; from Blue ]french etc., p&ris \Creen wUb limE! .for poSbe had been a .great. lotre~r for IVegetables and frUit Is fl better In- of tobilooo t o the newellt twig blight tato bnKS and toOOooo worllDs about 'he paet year, and for .ix ' mooth l veetme nt eRoh ye"r, for there are of pellr trees,~ prollllg ating by MIJOreS \wlce hi the summe r Bordu&ux with her sufferi ng. had been in&eue , now ~OO,OOO peol)le ~n th~8e toWD!; ~ud l'eqoiri ng two klndll of tr~llt- Paris green for tb~ varlons tree bot Ihe had been 80 tenderl y cued Il .._ _ within a hfi If day 8 drl ve . a.nd l'rne~t, one method during the period blight and iuaect trooblel8 two or for': her ev~ry wil!h gra'lfle d .1 tbroog h good times or bad they all of a~tlvity, anothe r during the dol'. three tlmell a year, and a patent near .. po8lIlble by Wm, Morrll and to be fed . wapt tleat!on, nnd both dealgned emul810n I?f 0081 oil called 1Cl&1eolde, he~ litter. . " Fruit Require!! Sp~Ying, mainly in th.e way of preven tion. fpr the 1I081e In fall and aprlng wbtle' ~UDt Sarab, .. !'he 10 famUia rly . Perhap s 'his 18 get"ng away frow . It is not 80 bard to become rea· the Jea.vea are off, 15 ~ eal1ed, will be greatly mi.N ed my sllbjeot: bot the growin g of veg- sonabl y faDllllar witb tho various "!For OIdioa ry l'6quiremeDtA _11 of b1':ber neighb ors Cents and friend .,lhe ~ etabl&e and' fruit espeola lly reqoire s bogs Ilod bootori al trouble !! wen· th~ above materia la may be pur· iug of a lively , Each d1tpoal tion, alwaYI 8prayln g to get r&Bolts worlli while, .tionell above, for II. wass of Infor obased under va.rloWl Dam. ready h'!Ul a word and .mile for everyo ne and ooncer ns ellob one of 118 in this matl9D Is &Vttilll.ble from our excel 7 .for use by Simply mlxiDj{ willi oold al"a,.. I'eady .to lend a helping way ~t le&IIt, that if we do not "t,· lent experim ent station s Ilnd ",ater, muoh more tatiBlfaotorily band in 110b .- and sorrow . . tempt to grow truH enough for our other good IIOUr06ll, whloh bave ~e- ~"n to be ml~ed at bome, and are . Sbe 10 fnqoeo tly in the lut few OWD ~18, we bu\ add to the deman d veloped thing.. {,o 80 fine & pol eafer to uee, beoaWle lOore uniform , weeks wonld ~y, "Oh, why and tend to rait16 prioea just that that a. remedy i8 at bond can't I even for . 'rbe differe nt lead-an eDio oom· go and no\ luffer 10," She told the 11...___ _......_ _ _~___ ___ __ .......M ......_ ......_ _ _ _ _. muoh more. preveD ting damng e to oorn fields pounds 11.11111, as pot uirin 'bll way, writer that (llbe would Uke to ,e,1 ~::::: ::: :::::~::~==::::::::~ "yon looget than Paris green in well, but" 'he Lord wu read,. for oy wellthe r. After the manne r of ~r Ibe w.. Dot afraid to die," A A Putely Vegetable Laxa tive paint. ' . ;,w day. ago Ib~ laid to her .i."r, Cure. fCbron ie Conltip ation. and All , A good , blgb pr88lur e pump, ' will never 1188 my ' old bome . • mOlln ted on a. ba~fel, may be bad for .'I!l Liver and' K1dne), Troubl H. i n ,II '1 bu' endtt anothe r life, . . '20, and t1l., o08tof materia,)" labor, had Uved her allo.te d time; li ' f et~,. for" 8mall orobar d will not ort wal done, Kay we live her . • averag e more 'tban ..f . ..... ' • .i;i II. ,. , I I I ' •• II . . . . II II I . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . tree a yoor, and for \en 0I3n'- per Uvea .. il DeoetIaI'y for us to be ,~lmilDe""lan'(I. KUbon 's, lIrort . when the 8UmmOni ma, Mount-joY'II "; Springfield, . Ohio, .........·d.tngly lesll, the oo'flt beeldet ' me. K . 0. '!!II!!
If it iii
~ulfl:ient ~o
-----__:lJ:""""'.......... . ...... .
Wh ich On~' Is Your Choice?
* t'* '* * '* **' *:*.*********
* **'*.
* *"*
**** *********~*"*
'Lo ok at Gazette Wi ndo ws
IlS'CIlE'.NI ~'S" O"NI"OIHIIO"IS·ItT·~A·T··EI' ~IA"IR'"GltH'O"UIN"o'S"', ~.:
~ U.~
The Alpha Chemioal ,Go.
oor~ ~dy'
an,wber~~ min.II'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1
; The end we strfve 1111eto keep' _0 .tea .ure with one of Dr. Shoop 'l g "d8pto o to manyforoth. r U8el. p .. in in to 'binnel '\ possible mixtur e or. ~k PaiD !'able" . The formul a II ~od Borde aux-th e commo n on the 25 cen\ ~x, JUt your Doc oopper solphn te and IImll on plant :,r.r or ~rUR"'t abou. this formul a I and tree throug hout 'h; !>ummer,' a':'':. .~~ ~J:; ~==; : @0Il1eoi«¥ io whiter, to oheok tbe Raolne , Wi8,. for free " rtal &0 SWOY8 _ 1"·JlVRU . . . of all the8e little • 'bugge rs, II plue (If bll Beadao he or PInk Pain &t! tbe lrlllbm an said, and the reo :rable u, Hold by all d~en, !pLIiDdtlr of 'be 8pray oaleDld ar bu' ~I EVE AND sPECIALIST. to be left for \hat golden IIODletime . . . . when there'J t'be plenty of belp and Deaitin g to oorreo ' 'heimp ,.,ul,on:ll. time and monsy to let everyt bing 'tb' I b '- d :.. ..... . ave aUlin o....... 00 th ea~ f . . at . my spt . for tbe genera l praotic e ot meldi(dntl.n • - • l tate thiS meens of . inf'u rming A PUBLIC BENEFIT , f..tends and Patron s tblLt I am at myoId. locatio n in the AII16D'IP I Man Works Hard to Accommodate .B uilding ,engag ed in the tre.t[lIell~'1I .. H lped b" "aP bli ,: of Eye. Ear, NOlIe and Throat u c- s e ..; eal8a, Ver, reepeo tfuU" trons of the R~d. 6t ' p, R, KADDll lf, M.
Giles. work may be all rtcbt for the idleI', but a bUlineBB man wanta
to be on time.
. MY Ipeei.I t)' .Is
wateh ea-aad I' ),our .ateh i. out of order I will treat it skillfu lly and seien tifieall y. '
For over two years Mr. ' Frao~" OLD COLLEOE ' REUNION. Stokes baa labored '0 get a Dlew depot at Edg~wood. The rallrO&!'d Thllre wUl be a reunio n of t~ oftlclals tbougb \ It wu nut wor~ gradua te. and Ituden ts TH~ , WA TCH MAK ER . of XenIC' while to buUd " depot, 80 Mr, l'1toi:. Fe~ale Ool1qe during Bome Coli!; U.p sTo-Da te J'ettVeler, I!krted to 40 . so on hiB own boak inion 'I'oeada y . afterDo on, 8eptem .. and on hts oWDar oond. Will positlveiy be at Colema n's Stove Store every Wednesday ' -~' . ber ls ••t 2 o'olook, on the oo11eRi 'l'he a ooompli8.11.m ent of tbo deal,., . oampo s, or. if \he weathe r iibad, has jut been flniBhed and Mr. Stok. 'hl.lty oburob . All for~er "r!. t.;=::====;:::=====:;:==::=;::==-====:::::;~ Bt~. !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!~!!!!!! i. proud of bi8 work and 'tIveli be dents .. re moet .oordlal ly ~~ invited &0 . fDay lie, for it Is a boildin g that 'aft~ be preeen t, ;' .For Sore Feet ,;. ioad mfgbt be pioud ot. SARAH K. CHK., Obairm an, .. " \ "I blVe 'found 800kle o'l ArDioa ' It Is a frame b~lJdlng, baa . pleD~y • • • Salve Sbe I»:roper thlnlJ to oe, ;, . of light, and ie ailproa ohed from tbe TEN NIOHTS IN A BA~ ROOM ,. ,for .ore tee', .. ·well a8 for healing • road by a cement platfor m, ~ud cEi b'lI'oil, sorell, oo~, and aU ma.DDer ef .'. . • tabr.alo n • . " wr\t •• Mr W . tltoDe ot man ted floors 0# th.. billide'. Theru .l'he Kritobfler~'s "1'en NiAhte ~.n .. . '. ilallt; Polllnd , ~;'De It. 18 tbe p:opare 'wo lookers wltb keys, aDd ,_ Bar 800m""v. e a perforl,",ll . ); . , er thln~.too fo ....,lIea: . 'l'ry it I ,Sold anyon e 060 leave t.beir robes "Or ance last ni,M In a tent whlpe or any \hlng tbey deeire _- the Gout Line . paeaen pr op~\~ tklbwar droli .tor8•. 25,. ."'tICJD; under Sz's gua.ra_ 'lle , at Fred ' O. look ,,'Dd key while 80, .r~u$e, The tent WI • . orow.dPd to tbe , . _ • and ge' it again a' night \'tI'lthou~ The oom.-n y hU ' b~ a llUkleillfllll Notic any trouble to anyon e, e .. tour an4' bal g1v~ ~um8rOQl ben. . " . . The liBt of donato rs are; 'fJ,t. for the W. C. T, U, aDd o'ber I Withou t fan I. will be .. t Cole Donat.ed inoD~y-Ed Chand.ler, C. sem,..r aDce or....niz...lob •. ~ r*m"'~;t~~~~~;!~!:~~i~ man'.S tove8l oreeve ry WI!ClIl.-da,. J:J.. Clemente! ~. C:, N . L, '(rIa.') IhenlD g N8w~. 'Ii You can l_ve yonr watobea- tlaere Bunne n,O, T. HaWke, S: L O..rt, . •• • . "ny·'lm e, iryuo are no~ io wwiio D w"rtlbt ,O, J; Edwar d., II, W. Sil- HAS CHAROE OF C. E. MEETING Wedne ada,. ,v er. Dr, A,Ililll, '1', Wrtah dTbom .. , Oyl'1Ul B th II ~01 ofOlt.. <.1, II.t,IMvl Boqh . J. &.- . 1I ' tbe HOQSTIn:FOI:R.WSA8tuLEb.lDa . ker. JaDney , .Jobn BeaD, Artbur Bean, ~ Iadea .lobo Stroop, U. A. BI'oWD, B~ Ortbodos'alaarob~ ~ ."'_ . . I I ha•• 76 bead 01 talUot, WID. B.. Allen, IIJMl t . WrJ.hl , lid 1Iaoy. W. 0, "AU.; DEALEll8tf ••~ jate . .• Jaq"" at
1' !i~e!~i~i~~i~~I '
t1 lve, l! (l L10 es Nile s laul!. prp·eml nl'llt In lbll grllnrleu r .r her annual Slate )I'Hlr QUa !nduJ; trl ul E x po Hilio-n, 'l\ H ~ 8 \'~ IIleen .ub~tantl.l exblblU on 1m II dlllCS, fill ed to oW' I'nowlug with tho c)l olc,l'lit "t"plaY I of tb. iklJ.l of
ber brccrl I'H 1.1 nd Ibe IJI'Ollu('th'o nCS8 or h or 61111. No cx'po.ltlon. , atate or D8\1ona l, CliO OOIlIPIll" with Ohlo's IIhol'/. HUei th e mar.veln ll! outpourtn . of the proplo tn ,·.Iuw [Inti I!.lutly lhe exhibits pl'CKl1uLllIf Is proof eon; oIuIl've or 'the pride 01 tho Bnckuy e l·lth:t>nli In lhi ij 1l1' IU1" MIIII .. edufatl~'"
. hllatuUoD. . The PI'OFID I 01 th .. (·.. ml/iR !' XI) ...iln.." Is IJhlt,nrn lll III rv',ry atice ___ eDDlJ'otlllv(' l'lChlhltt !, "mlJ~Nn ...t fealll...,. ..1I.p.. np..tlli...... .. M .pro.'.....' •.n\OI'(",i!l..!'~1 \·It;J.~f!'
wateh r,pairi nl'-
mOl.I, the expenBive,- hi,b-ar ade
SIop Tb'at
.. ,
I. it keepiD c time to the dotT Or do ,,ou Ilave to do a Cooci deal of lJue~ing to know where are an
.n. P. TIF,FANY,
TUPENDOUS II) 11K hllllt.llll g I' qUI"I1I1'lIt,' Ina~l1ln(·cnt. In 118 llll,rlt IIl\r. rounel l ll~ti nlHl urt ... I\(' i ll itt! ;\I'l'1lltllc Luflll "II' !'!.I~ . nptly !\I-\~'r~he,. tb. grand 01110 jo;lal e I·'a ll". wh lr' II I hiH year Is to bo belrl In. ( J ol~lInhn8, Au,. ill, !:lc l'l. 1, 2, a, I, ·1I11l\L All Ohio excl'ls hl'I' ~IRh~ r "ta"PR ,In all tblngs . progr!'6
.....:i. ':llba.:na,.MUG., u..
y'en''fics"I, .
~e '
Albert l!'ronoh'l! faru. ou ijhllker town rUIIll'III 'rartle Urook towDsh lp Two More Oivon.:e SuUs Flied in the at the eilUUlllte '4 111 per cublo yard. lJ . t. Oooh'lIot WIlS eniered into with The names foliOwi n" will be canCourts, Adding to the Osoar li. (Jalo for potting In Ihree dldaws for the differe nt -.--oWaes lipLong li t. tl \111 11 Vuu r . ' • . . • Isewerl ! lind repllirln~ fioor!' In tl!ree pended , subjec t t~ th ~ deolsl on of 'bridge ll hillO lumber In Hamilt on the Republ lcau prllntm es : NI':W .. "r'rR townsh ip at the estlmll te $ 6,0 . OI!'FIOE IN ALI.I!:N BUILD ING Elill. lletl1 Pete rllou . vltdntl lf V B , ' . • · I. l O P t FOH REPRE SENTA TIVE 'tr.LE:pt1o ~ e ~JlIlu . . No. 112 M 10uae ot was entered Into wltb V, . e erson, .d e f en d an t , \';ontrll Z Pet.iLioll' for d ivorce. Plainti ff aver@ J, entmye r for a stone JOHN MARS BALf.. MULFO RD . pr!ltect lon tbllt tlefllud aut Is guilty or adulter y wall to. abutme nt of brld~e ~\IlONE S OAV , A U " I' ~ II . l IJ OI! . L. K. LAr..G DON. above e t It d egl t Maags In Deerfie ld townsb lp at, the .J . T. MCLE LLAN D. x reme 'orue y a.n gr."~1:1 0 eo . estima te'1 5L.90 . he.lulkll. fol' nlllllfioutlOU ' of marW. Z. ROLL A FEW CHANGES. \ I For Relloru lnMlun J Uoutra c t waR enterm l in ',o with ringe Ilnd r el:!torlLtlull or nlalden FOR THESE WAR M UAYS na100 1!:1I11aue Lli titlck r . l~obert J. the Orel'.onil\ Bridge complaoy f r 1\ BAglDnlng wlt',8p ptllmb er l!!t thll I::ibn.wlum, ILLturntly for plt,lntif FOR AUDIT OR low tru~!! Hleel bridge Oil Wllmlng ~oll t'. Gaztltt. . lotellliH t o mllke Il few . Adalln e Bird, plalntl lf VII Sharp. rOlld In 'l'urtle oreek to wlIRbip lit e ttA!:;. l". MOUN'J.'I::i. . 1'. C. PAT'I.'ERSON ohange s tbat hl\ ve been (1on&elll pia tecl less Bird . defend ant. Petitio n estimll te of '1442. Coutrl1 ct Will!! eotered iuto with S . A.. S'l'lLW ELL for dlvoroe . Plainti ff olllhns defor a lung thup. Of Figured and Plain, Plaid and r ~'Of f. ·e lec tlon ] . fendan t to be guilty of oruelty lind Oregon III Bridge oompa ny f or high Jj'irHt- For IL oarll'l)f Ihflllkll t,hero trusR sl'eel 111'ldge un Soutb Lebano n lisks tor I'e~toring of mliiden Striped Wh ite Goods. worth 15c, ',OR COMM ISSION ER wH.1 be Ihe· "111011 oblll'ge or 25 oent,R. nlUlle Adal\n e St,okeH . Wilhud Illld Klnl(s rOllrl near Huffor d '" 20e, 25c' and 30c, 50 per cent otl', Blloond - For lod~fl (IIr any ~ool · W right, attorne y for p!llintif NIl:HEM1AH MoKiNS EY. Connin g tiollBe lit the e!!tlml1l,e f. E. B. RO ERS, e.h ) resolut loos,o s mllll ' barKS of all sold at R . A. MoCuto heou, pllllnllft', V8 , 209 4 IF or re·clecllull l 500entl l. Pb!lip Niokel, dtlfend ant. Petitio n I;.mtrll ct WIlS eot.el'ed in&o wilh F, ~ . ~lMP130N. 'I'hlrd - For 0111tl1llrle8 not t.o IIX tor 15000d amages . Plalntl ft' olalms Orllgon la Briuge oompa ny ' ror low' SAMU EL L. IRON S . .tbllt be bal:! belln dllmllg ed b,V ma- truss ~tee l llridge on Le bllnon Ilnd ,J . M, KEEVE R . Med 100 wordl:l (wbiOh will make 1I0ions words 0/ defend ant., De Moo roe rOlld near A. Frenoh farm SER'f REED, Ill,lout twe nty lineR), wi,!! be printed rendlln~ is fl membe r of the oounoll in'furt l eC reek town<,b ipat es timate ARTH UR RO~I::i . free of oborge ; ovt'r that IIUlonnt R of Frankl in Ilod II. membe r of a l1i50. UIWRU E L . URULL . oharge of Deentt! a line. oomml ttee tll purobR se Ii hl)rse tor Bills AllOWe d-The Weste rn Stllr, Fourtb - All notice llof II Ohll8 the fire depart ment. Plainti lOe and 12 1-2c. High er Priced Ones. ff was letter beRds 'Bod blanks for Pr,lba e FOR SHERI FF owner of Ii horlle wblob be hadoff elJudge, 11350 eto., wbere 0 l,hSTj(e Is 10 be IDllde, ; r ile Wester o, FRAN K 1'. FORGY . ad to 8ell vilbge lind wbiob village envelop es for trllllsur ,,' er , fSO 3 ; will be Inl!ertlld at 2(j oeute. It not. S. ·G , JOY. refnsed to buy. Plalntl ft· further Spenoe r ttud Monroe, bridge luwber , BERT B(ilAN'I.' more "blln five Jiues PUI'cly s~clal I18.YI:!I,h llt In adt.lrelltllDg $1.50 grade for 9Se. the mayor $:Jor) 75; Lennie Wbl/ao re, bridge ,JAMES FOuLE N, SR. aifllirs will be treali:,(\ Illluew s mat· lu IJrOSeU08 of a uU.tlbe r of per80ns , repairs , 124.12 ; Whltao re, - - ---.....,.------mllliolullRly llpoke saying : to r. oontrllo t No . 62 t26 .67 ; Johu Welfe, FOR TREAS URER , , " Your Honor, when 1 wall eleoted , brillge repalrll . 133.50; Ell D. Bur-· These ohluge s will be uoifol"n) to WiLL R. LEWJS . 1 swore 80lemn ly, before my maker nett, bridge repairs , 1l:J.26; por Scc:ona 'l'erUl. S . K. all, lind are IDllde tor tht! purpoll e of anel iJofore YOIl, that I would hon ~teph6n8on, urldge lumber , $1540; proteCt ing our patron s. Someti lnes ell(,ly do my duty as It oounoli mfln W. H. Ant.rulU. 3~ l'egiste red lette rs, JUDGE OF 35c, sOc and 75c. PROBA TE COUR T tbert! ~re II numbe r of obltuar le811ud "nd 1 OIiDle t.o the oonolu sion that 1 f,2 88; U. B. tiumbe rl" mdss for ' A l.EX BOXW ELL. relolut loolt lit one time, and tbe ought to make an open stotem ent, OOUI t hOUll8, $2.60 ; ,Johnso n Ilod J ~'or Second 'l'~ rm ] printer ball trouble In phloln@' his al?out the borse, 1 have been kept Watdon oompa uy, supplie s for audi- FOR PROSE CUTIN G ATI'OR NEY awake of nights and it hae botber tor, $2L; R . B Mmith, IIElwer pipe, news wlI>$ter 10 an advant llie. Tbe8e ed me a good' deal. Mr ALTON F. BROW N. . &roCuroh- ts 24; Oblo Corrug ded Oulver t a ~i? obuge s are uui verSlllly Dllld'e Illl lOoo-m eaning the pillinti ff-com e to Brid~tl oompa ny, sower "Ipes, over tte country , und .tht! patrou~ me and offered me ten FOR RECOR DER dolJllrs , If 1 .42 80 ; Valley Teleph onrl oompll ny , eIplIC.t to pay for thbllt lil ,,10ll-81 would Ibt the sllle of the PIBJLl P ~PENCE horsil go $14 8Ci ; 13h.te of Ohio VM Joe C,,'n , 45 YEARS OF BUSINESS ' r F'or I'('·filectlouj every OlUll' . ·throng h-mea ning Male of t,he 1>laln- $7 20 j ~ tate of.. Ohio VI! Leoru Rol Jo.E A. DONHA.M . 1.J001l Ilt our prll~peotos next weeli t.lff 'l! horse 'to Illlicl vllloj(B -f\nd I son, ~20,25· ; Btute of Ohio VS (sallC J . E. RuBIN SON . told him ( w uld do only whlt.t Wlill 'Coz"d, t12 "0; State of Obi" VtIItI there. will be 800lb chan.:e 8 made bes t for ,JOSIA H HOLBR OUK. the fire departm t!nt. " _ John Keever . t10.60; State of Oblo in that, 'rhe footprl ntll of DYHpep8I!L have Plltrlok C:.:llLynor, at.torne y for plllln- VII George Burton , S9 96 j Z. O . Wor IJlleu dlreotl y trll06d to the stomac h 'fhe neW pDl:ltIlllllw requir8 ll us to tift' . SURVE YOR ley, o,?ntrao t, No. 65, $5675 i V, ,1 nervel:l When ~hes e " insldenerves' do thing!! that we are lo.h to do bul S'A:M: D. B EN'KLE . PIlIlBAT IC· oou.Il'T Zentm yer, contrao t No. 61 i ~9 76 ; filii, indiges tion and' stonl1l0b .d ls· . rF'ur Sel'Olld Term ] .. H ere- E t t tress must surely le8ult, For t.hls, t b e Iaw m Fib . U8 t ba reoo"n IZIlu. ' .. IJ · P . F.alrohlld, contrao t No 60, 'L35' II ,Ii ·e 0 f " wary Cre, urg ue.• .. . Laxative Granules droggl sts every where supply In" Jaoob c!hnlUa ker, bridge repalr~, l. a'ter we will gh'e due not.lce 01 th couller!. Th DillS t3mlth CLEIR K OF COURT S. (l. prescri ption known a8 Dr. Shoop' IlPIoln tld t"~ i D Hoiling ilworth . bridge, '~2 ' : s surpa88 8s all otber remRestor ative, Flr8t, tbtl8e tiny· in. of YOUI pllper, and If the IldUlInllltrlltor of '1000. 12; Elmer Bowell , bridge repair! ,' • 81de i:;tomach, Heart and Kld'ney ~1e8 for ..$4el relief of .ick~ paper f~lIl1to o.,:lIpe .l'ea: the. uotlQ6.. ... Estat~ of John . P .. ~tewat t. , de · 139.10, ' nerves fait Then gll8 belohin i, \, wg\v;n ' ;~n will know the re"lon ce~sed . nOo~ice ' beadac he. I dluine sa, 1acUof ,IIppol ntwent of __ • . FOR INFIR MARY DIREC TOR I Heart palp~tation , or failing J{id.' I"; ~ , I 'WIllla m berlin , as admlnl ltrator neys ' follow. 1'~8tio Don't drug! the sto. n, for It. '1',,18 will nut be done be ob ooio Con., .,. ~YLVAN A LEWIS Drlve'R beumlt tlsw from 'mlloob,or stimula te the Heart or Kidtbe, blood Elltate of Louis ·C. Eisenm enger wlth Dr . ~hoop'&RheumatloRe . . tion and BWou aneu, beoauM lDedy CAuae of belnR Ilfrald to trullt yon, InBllnt'. EraslD us Bridge neys. Tbat Is wrong, Streng then reslgn8 1\s Tablet or LiqUId SOld by all deal cr _ _ th,ey arA compoe ed of tbe belie Why theso James fatling Lee nerves Oot wltb Well ur . I:!hoop's but wben Y(lU dou't renew tbe In- gu~udlan lind CILI E'Hel.ll uenger ap. ers Relltor ative . It ill thE.' nerves, not . .EverY body In Ztt.neav Ule, . <;>blo, kno",n Vetreta ble droll, aoit ferenoe js thllt you don ·t oare for It pointed to fill vllCAnoy , · knows '. Mr8 Mary Lee, of rural the organs that are calling for help. mlxed" lo tbe proper propol" Witliln any lonl!er . 48 bours route8. . a fter startin g tbe Mba wrltell : "My husban d, PUBLIC SALE. EHtate of John W. Dukel decease d, James Lee, firmly believe s be owes RestorA tive t-rea.tment, yoa will retions known to give the belt PI\p8rs all over the UuILed Statet! First aud ~nal aoooun t filed by al\lIe the Rain , A tellt will telL , bleHfe 'to ulie of Dr. Klng's results. I wlU offer at my bome, 3 wiles DilOO\,ery, His lungs were New Mold by 1111 dealer II. arc! ratl'lug tbelr lIub-',CJrlptlou prio~ Jamell E. Duke, admini strator . Sl) sewest or Wayol' sviIle, on the Upper 'gerely 'affecte d tbat consum ption .Eve·r y bot.tle guarra.. teed In mlltttlr of will of Veda Van OD aoooun i at tbe hlgb prloe of PIIseem8l l Ine'irlta ble, wh&n ~ friend lUper, deoells ed, Will filed for pro SprinE boro Pike, at 10 o'clook , on to gl,v e aatlata otlou " or t ~p," per, IDt, m~terllll, elO. , !lot tbe Gs: " recomm ended New D1soov~rl" W.e ey refuod ed, batton:' .. Tuesda y, Septem ber 1, 1908, tried it; aDd its use ba8 restore d blm 1, ~. K. zeUe WIll reulalu lit WII \lawe old HAT BAW AX E!ttate of (.blirle a Wllrd,8 8slgnor . All of my ehattll18 aDd tarmln g to perfect health ." Dr. King's 21ic .a bottle· III Sch"a rtI'al<r New price- ,l Il yeu. \\ Ny 'l88v\lle 'B Leadin g J;>enttBt l. M., ~erbert allslgne e files report uteUSll8 and most of my honleb old D18Cov~ry II!' the King of throa.t and malled:.nywhere:q~n r~ '. goods; 8S follow~ ; . Inng r~medle8. For oougbs and Office In Keys Bldg. of price, . ot p,ytn8 nt of d~ vldend s. , Main IS' . ': . OD~ Borse, Sorrel Mare, 13 YaBr8 cold8 it bas no equal. 'I.'be fir.t dose Esttt.te of A. M , Br.)wn dl'Oea8ed. Old · 1 fine PuraeU {Jolt · 8 Spring g'ves relief . Try IL I . 8Illd under Bond ror oosta In ba.rln i of 8:J.oept- Ptg~ i' II Old SOws; 7& Bw.he1a of guaran tee at Fred C. t30bwa rtz'8 Corn, 10 Cords of 20-lnoh Sugart ree drug !ltore , 501 and 11,00, Trial Ions &0 Invent ory flied . She Likes Oood Things Good, nigbts to l41t!ep, tbough . Wood, 3 Oords of Hlokor y.oil Ash. bottle free. Estllte of Mllry Brlnng er, deoeat!ed MfII. Chas. E. Smith, of Wes~ Fal'tnln g Implem ents- I Road Frankl in, P4aioe, eRl'a : " I like good Invanl ory and apprais ement Hied Wagon , 1 Two ~Rted Rig, 1 Buggy, NOTIC E OF APPOI NTME NT A' I,allt the weeds ale being out on by 'berlell Brlnog tlr. adQliil things and adopte d Dr. King's llltrltor . 1 Dearin g Mower , 6-foot out., nearly New Life PilIs'all oar famil.V laxativ lt UorwJn .A venue . Let the gaud wor. new, _1 Whetlt Prill (8 boss), 1 mecJiotne, beoaUMe they are good .Double Corn PlOW, 1 (.O-'l'ootb tiar ba kept &Oovill!;f MARRIA GIIl LJOIllN8 lt8 , £na&.e-or PhilIp Fl . urlnee, dece ... .. a. The undel'ldgned bas been al.p.,lnt.d and IIond do tbeir work witbou t Dlliklng 1'0\"', l ' Breaki ng Pluw llll). 1 quallllrd..,. Admlnl~trlllor of tbe eStal :,~'~ e of a I'OS8 'about It. " , Tbese po,lnles!! Clareno e C. Shllont on, Ii", Carpen - ~Inghl Barflhe ar Plow (lDlper 1 Tobllooo blllp Surrilee. late 01 Warren CI'UOly , Oblo, purifie rs sold ot, Jt'red :. 8ohwR rtz 's . £>Iuw (nparly new)', 1 Wheelb Arrow, d"eensed . Dated Ibis 8tb If we Oau't bllV6 .. firllL ollLtIlI olr- tllr of Leb!tnoo fO Leok MAI.h .8TRIl:£T WAY V·ILDII, (J• day of Aug~~t, drug I!tore. ,B radley, 85 o£'. f Lei d 25 ~ l' Slelgn, 1 Single \,;orn Drill, 1 Corn A . IJ , llIOd In room next OWl we OMU NI IlllIllL · fU'.Vd a drllwa 0 CrOlll 1U00, F~A"" . 1' 00MA8 . . Administrator. an Replan ts.r, 1 Single Corp Plow, 1 RUN Y AN STI!:ANLEY Hudwl \le S*'>re . . Alloro ys, under It teut . Nutbln~ blre it . .REAL KS'UTIi: TR~NsrICRs , Pair of Bay lAdder!!, 1 Outtlng Box, ___ _ _ ••- 'releph one in bouae and. ollloe 1 Fa·n Mill, 2 Buggy Poles, 1 Corn ~ .. . . DliViil W. Kar,DB to Myrtle F . Sbell'lr , 1 Grain Cradle, wbere I C&Il be called daY' 01' aipt • 1 Gravel FIRST~CLASS ACTORS. Leal tbaD two Wedks .more and tlnook and Wll\Illm H . SpOOk, quit Bed, '1' ~t of ,3-bor8e uouble trees, Vltlley :Phone 14-2. _ ___ 1be IOboo! bell Will oall tlie ohildre n "Iblm on t'tllotll In Hamllt on town- Double trees and Singlet rees, 2 10 Dun . 't fOl'gl'L 10 dtend "Ten ' -I toot Log Ohalns 1 t'loket Fenoe '0 sbe templ6 01 lel\rn i nR on the bill . II b lP, ., . M!lobtDe, 1 Plok, and 3 Grylbb ini Night,s In a Bar Room" Fud,, ), night Unhealthy KJdneys Make Impure IUOOII. . Jobn M. 'uavlll to John H. Dug"n BOOII, 1 Sythe, 1 Grindst ,?ne, .: , '1 tleed Allllullt 28tb, played by a oowjJan y It used to be considered that 0111y 14 Ilore"" t:!400 . Mower . 1 Siokle Urlnde r, 1 Bogs- of t~enty first, 011188 actorii'. 'l'~!I! Gazett e', tew 'word!! OD the uriuary and bladder troultles wer~ to ~ head'an d a lot of &rre18 , 1 8tr" w weed q Ilestlon hlld at .lpallt 'J.*rtial . Paulin e U, 1.'erwllli ger to Char tea trucec\ to the ktdney., Knt;~, a. 'lot of ' BoXeR, l Oross qat • • • eifooS: and tb8lle weeds tlr6 dlll~p, B . Morton . tIIlO(', $1)00. but now , ulodet~ l:!aw,2 &r.n I:!bovels', a lot of ·Forb,· STATE fAIR SECRE TARY. I scnearly ience aproves that pearlns · Atorab~m Probas oo to ' M.~y P. 1 Plilr Cif Beam 80ales (600 pounds . ll disea~ ), U~~Vf lJa" t: ' their ltegiuui nl Mulford, lot lu Lebiluo n, -1 ' 2 Ladder s : ' & 19t of · Rope, 1 . Bay M' web h Fork, Rope and !:'ulley s', 200 ~Ilgar ill the di order 'rlie man ·wlth tbe weeds touk tbe Lillie u. Uutter y to ,. AlviD r ,' Ueorge L~caJ . Ilrey, w 0 ~ these 1II0~t importaof nt · C Croaks , Syrup Barrel!! , ? Sugar blle~ E-~C!retary of ~he ' Ohio State bint, now.lf counoil would take tbe Voorhi s, trllct Iu Deerfie orgau . ld 50wn- Trough s; lot, of Grain Siloks, 1 Lawn Fair for t,blrty three years, wI's or bla',au d pave -"aln st~eel, the "hu- ship, al . . Th~ kidneys filter MoWer 1 La d P ss 2 Saus ge " . ' . r re . i ' a Bud purify dered to repot I, tbere laM" week, an d _ e blood_ . man~ty to man" ao& would prove a . Gmide ' that is theirthwor!.. 1 Bet of doub e Work BlLr~ndr.ew Collins tt1 ElIa8 . ' . b' d and Jane qe8l, 1 rs, ~t ~f Fly Nette, 2 Strand left peat ble88lng. Inlmedl atlilly to a~8nme IS u. Therefore, wbe)1 YI>Uf kilincys are weak Buifma n, lot In Harvey sburg. '61. Sleigh Bells, 1 D.lnner Harv'''~lrr Be. Ii an. d 3 tlee· This is a goodly numbt! r of or'ollt of order, YOII cnn uudersta nd how ••• John B. Dugan to Jobn M. Davis Co,", ' Bells, A lot of Wbeels quickly your eptire booy IS a~ect~ a~d and · yean In one 81~rvlce, and tbe county how j'\'ery orgnn seems : IRA D, SI\NKEY DEAD. . W to fatl to do Ita ' A,xlei . lot in IlYflesvlUe, $1000,' juty. B'onseh old and KHobe u Furni- (lltn' feel pr.oud of luoh a lltonloe . If you are sick or .. feel badly," ~II Fra'n k ' Brando o .ani) George ' A. t.ur8- 1 Cooltel " 20 gallon Kettle, 3 . (r&' D. Sanke" 'wbole ,voioe echool! Burr in petition agaiDe • .• • taking the great kidney remedy , I>r. t Luoy , FHe~tlnB Stoves, 1 Uook I:Itovp 5 n~w AugUlt teUs on tbe' nerves. Kilmer's. Swamp- Root, becallst: as 8001, I Itttl ' iD tbe 'me~orles of 'boL18llnds . I Kettle e-2 nellrl~ new, 1 St-ep B-' 'obat ' time splritll!88, 'n o a,nlbltio n as your' kidneys are VIl'tz et al rea e8tate In lebaric n Iron 1_ Veta~lnary Surgoo n and'oe n"lt. 1 they will h~lp UI aDd wbOle bymns are balD! InDI ''~68. t. b, Iff • ~ .. I lAdder , 2 Bra811 Ket." ell., Lard and fe .iil n " oan .be 88sily !\-nll qulokly all the other orglllls well to health . A tnal. j ' '81 ,.;, Ii 8 er • .. S Sll II. "'01a11l61 Cana, a lot of M.illt Crook!!, today tbrou¥ hout the world, died ~onvil1ce auyone. • &aklng what. III known 'by wilt l( you'are sick you can make DO m'" , f-noy wtlell Ill. his bume in Brookl yo. trllot 'l n l'1. Virrz',o Eletlno ra FUlton , 1 Meat Bartel, 1 Wasbln g Maohin e, . e ver:yw bereas Dr ~boop' l take by lirst doctoring your kidney•• BlllIilltOD towllsh lp, '2,362- BiDBer ..nd Tube, 1 ClIJlrn ~ '3 V'ine Witbin ~8 bonn .1&6r The ulild aDd the exiraordinary effect of At flome 00 ·~turdIiY Aft.flrnOOll. 1'01' 'btl I •• t fl ve Itllirs. be bad gar &-rr~la, 1-2. Ba.r rel Vinegl\ r, 3 tl) U8e . tb, Jt,elllor . Kilmer's SWlmp -Root. the great . beeo bllod. and uervoQ a prostra tion .50. !M!&8 of Chairs, 7 Kltolie n Chairs , 2 Imnrov ement will be noticed attve, . or kidney teme<ly, is soon rl!uhzed. It .. --10 ~ullhrod Singl6t oo to Mary, A, raDd other 11111 OQwbtoad to keep hIm ll, 1 W .ab 8ta n d , '"'• L00 ki ' best for its wonde~ful cure. 0001'118, full health wjJJ' not Immad I· standa the hdl Gl1lIIM8 " 8 bnds, 1 P arI Singlel,on, lot iu HaTve.y8burg, '1 , ' 8014 of the most stressing cases, an d IS wndDe d to 'bllt bome. or aeely ·retnrn . Tbe lain, boweve r, on its ' merits by all • Clooh, 3 Tttblee- ODe,. work table. wlJl 's\lrely fullow . ADd beat of druggists in 6fty-cen JMIIIISBIOftIDH'H PUOOIAIl:DUCQI! 1 Cnpbua rd, 1 tIe'e, 3 Bedltea cb. l' you will .reallze aDd feel your .ltd one-dollar sizet Contr!lo .... -Uontr llot waH IInfered' ·featbe r BPd, and PlIlowl , LOOKING fOR NEW SITE. ' M."r8ll ll, and ambitio n as It il re- bottles. You %Dilly 2 old ' .....oued Burea u, aboot 100 tDflue oondep reu 'have a IIIUIlple bottle ....."' ......... Into wl~b Jobn Wbltac re fur lumber ,arda VeterllW)' Surpo a and Dea.... Cal'pe' Dllbea. Cookin . nerY8II~' &beD 'he by' mail free, allO a pamphlet tetling), .. Mr. T. C. MaddeD WU 10 New 8p11ol&ed ID oontrao t. VIlUd OIl nDtn Utenl11 1 21a1'Ile Hk» ... Ja~ 3 Lamlll . "- VleDDa 1. . . ..,.k looldD I for a iOOll- 1IIt!4.t.em ber 82 1901it. aDd Kid.., .. wUl bow to &ad out if you have kidney 01' Plio.. ISS-J~ ,,1m or Car.,., Ba~aD" mlD,o thlir til. . fa... bladder trouble. Meution thil tbiDp $0 DDmW O"1O ....DUOD. wheu wri~to Dr. Kilmer & &.O.D for a Dew IDmber YArd. Be.haa A,YNB8VILLB, OHIO . (Jontra o'. ,"'b .Jobn Barae " aDd made 'lrDO,", 011 ·all CiII. , aaeliD ... K.I3...... ... aterel l - ....
AN Or- t-'H ER BA_R C1A IN
--- --- ---
Hutcbis,," 6t (j'i bn ey' s
1, 00 0
10 and 150 a Ya rd.
Chil dren '
The Felix
Muslin DraweFs
orset, Lon g Hip,
Wool Skir ts Mar ked Down.
Ruffled :Muslin Curt ains ,
Hutchison & Gibney Veg etab le
fl. E.
Th Kid Ae e neys r Weakened. by Ovar·Worl
fUN.ERAL OI'RECTOH, lellp'.bone Da, or Nllbt • No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3t
nr. John Hyatt;
Tele phon e No. 121
WaynesvilJe, Ohio.
DR. Ni. S. WEST,
"ac- .. .~"'I"
rot' I..~lD. le. -.
or . .J. B, lilLY.
. bT hea'Ul~! ;i~iNi'l~·~~i~ma~k~e~~.IiatIIn. all,
e rtell thlt C~l)IM, 1.lmost
J!:ss u::uns, faltes vas j ' II X! " Above the jingle of coin, lho rus tle o f notes, tbe cUck of the tiny Ivor y b all , and the bum of many voicoR, l hat monotonOUE\ strl· deni cry which has onticed so many to ruIn an(\ so few to tortune, rings ever In the ears of those who fall be· neath the fascination at lha t most exacting of mls ~rc sse ll. Dame noulelle. In the great glided lIa· , !ous, where the light of day Is e~· eluded l>~' curt ains of black and c rlm.. oon muslin. the ·s ense s are be· IWllde red by an apparent dis regard of wealth , and wbe re the a tmosphere III heavy with that taint odor at per· nplratlon and perfum e. It Is t h same ovllaUon to play riSing above all nlhor sounds, year. In, ~'o ar oll t, Sun" <lays and week days- oo Messl eurs. !, [aites .vos Jem:!'" To fl'eiluenten ot Mont e C;,rJo I re,,1I.ll'e· lIttle Introduction . They know tlJ e. perha l)S, as II. familial' tlg ure of , : ILhe r fun e real IIs pect. In fr ock coa t It ou bladl tie. strolling aim lessly 1l ·~ Ollt. som e~ IIO es \\'s tc llin g t be play .. Q.~ this table or at t hai . bu L m ore on en ~'rlbl jlng closo ODS I'vn tlon on on ' 01' Qlhol"'Cf tho pln)'ers who. IIlte molhs & rou ~ d ,11 cnnd le. nro ' a ttracted to t1le ( opls' v rt by 'olden e xp ela tio ns. I 10 m an obse rv I' lJy 1\I·o feaslon. hav Ing t;rnrl uaterl und r ' 10n5. Gqron, chie f M the P ll rls.- ur te, nnd atl rward!> flo r vcd a t rm as oroupler a t the rou· \p (to ta bles, wb ence ! ros to be ch r 0',,' (larUe. onrl a ftor wards h eca me all' ,."In (.ed ~o ll1 office 'I ' now hold. .\ ch ier o f the Bur \' illnllce denart. J ~: ent. my oftl ce . Is Ill! si necure. (or. ' r ll th to t ell. the 'Cercle des Et rn nge1's dp i\louaco is Lbe s ln le of EUI' p . An ' i ll ihes tln g proce' s! n or mIt! · fac to rs a nd cr lDll llals of Ule UIIP l' Cltl S scems to filt e r lh roll1;h our s alon a -yeal' by ,-ear" In bll ., tul Igno ran ce of Lhe fnct -that. Wh ~ ll the )' mount , the carll ted !:, ;~':'s from Ih Pl ace. they are silllply ' ....Il1tlng . Inlo an lo te rnatl onal police ·,,"rean . Little dO they dream thllt. If ~Ir ranlli are out fOI' tlI GI( arrest. It is rm ol;C than Ilr0bablc t hnt In one or thc i Ul'ge a lb ums In . n:y 'llrll'aLo room be. h ln(1 tb l' bl1 :' nu. wh 1'0 the y p l'esent .~ h ! r fi ctl tlous vi Itlllg cn nls to ob'.a ln ~h :1' c:t r le d' ad m lss lo!l. there re pose!> o' well .execu ed counte'r (e lt , Jl rese nt. am'nl of themselves. t !;Cl her ' w i t h 11 'til'lef a:n(1 pOinted statoll1(.' nt of th eir o()~fe:l se. In th osc h avy al buDlS. !lch <.I.E' at d 10 D s eptwate oUlllr y, I ha ve n lnJly Cos Ulo (loHla n coll cctlon. ]'\ arl:; ~" 1')' l'cl1! n n the face oC the cal'lh Cf nLrl h uleH Its ql:otn to my ga ll cr~' at t e le br ltles. ( 0 1' wh e ne l' er a delinquent Is Il oo\\'n to ha\'c obtal'n ed a; con sld 1" ab !e sum o f 1,1I 0ney by rifs crim e bis d oscriptlon 01' his ph otogra ph Is a t , on qe forwnrd od to me. (or (he fa lal l asr;ln a tion wh ic h the roul etle wh eel ~Y"nn !i es upon those guilty of the " loore seri ous o ffe ns cs Is truly as tonlsb ·
won. handing back th o t bree thousand he ba d s t,ak ed, s ayi ng : "Pre mlere colonne," Tb e moment tbe strange r's· notes we re placed on the sma ll s quare at tbe e nd of the la ble baneath tbe num. bel' 36, gold and sil ver were shpwered upon it by those determin ed to follow tbe pla y or t his fa vorite at Fortune. T he whecl "'IlS spun, tbe ball ejected, Ilnd a few momen ts later. In the breath less ten'sloIl \\'h I h followed, arose the words : "Dlx·hult! Rouge. pa ir et manque !" Again the st rllo ger had won . The small r stak s were Ilnld firs t, tben the croupi er ' hund d him silt notes. each tor a thousa nd fra nc s. This tim e he placed all th e notes In his poel,et. together wi th .lhe th ree tholl sand be bad slaked. and prodllcln g a note for a hund red fra ncs, tos sed It on zero. Th e cha nco was t oo smull to suit the ma jo ri ty of th players . and onl y a couple at flve·t!·nnc . plec ' s were plnced beside It. "Re in ne va plus !." sounded almost beCore Ihe slakes cOllld be placed 00 . 'I'he ball ga v a lILlie j ump. Ihen fell wllh a Shlll'P click. click- click. . ' "'fren t ·d eux !" cried t he croupi er. 101ldly. with thaI roll of th e " r" which fr ()lI enle rs of Mon t arlo know. s o well . ThC' stra nger, wit h a m ll ltered word. wblch soun dC'd \' ry much I\)ie nn oa lh, lurnl'd awn ~' , havi ng lost fOI' tbe firs t li m . b ut r lo her by ma ny thqusand fru n IS t hall hali an hOllr befor e. Thos e nl'olm d the tab le e nvied hi m h is .Iuck ; a nd mau)', mostly of tho E nglis h ta liI" 1st Clll s. atlm ll'ed his s If·control In lenvlng Imm (lI:llolr aner h is II rst loss. If ~ verr OliO lIld so, there wonld be fe w I' ruined [or Lu u s . and the ban k \I'oll lt! l)l'oflt leall. A dor. n li m '5 us I stro lle d back· Wa l'dll Dnil forwa rds th I ngt h of the roo ms. loung ing b ' I'e an d ther. I oau p,ht h is fu ll [ u e l' a nd Ul'ofile. It \~' as that Or a mall ·trong"wllled, excit ed ben ath .a cnlm e xt 1'101'. and d baUn g ' within hlm ,;elf whe lher he s houl d COI1 ~lntl 1ll:1 ylng. l 'h (a e WD ~ not the or1gl ntlJ b f an )' In my colic ·lion. From lHblo to tab le be s ~roll ed . pausl nl; to gl un c~ at th piny , un t il he Pllss ed ou(, Into the g'r eat at rl uDI , a t th ut mom n t ti lled wi th the' crowd omor/;Ing froin III concert r oom. As i W!:lI t out by th n t rnnce doer I wlJis JlC'1' cI to Ol'cna t . the head door" ke'\1 I'. IlohlUng him out, nnd orde l'lng him . .if he ngnl n entered" to look at !Us ca rr!. an ti a t once seul! his naDle to m'. '·\Vell ." I 1131. d Grenal. a fe w moDI ~n~ts .later, OO\~'ha~:s hi s n nme? " EmI le TesfllPr. was the rcply. , At on ce 1 ent red t he bU1'ea u of Ihe adm lnl stl':l llon, a nd from th c reg ister dlsco\'crcd Umt " 11. ca rd of admission had tha t afterll oon been IsslIed to one Em il e Tessler. who had given his uu· tlo nallty as Fl' nch. li nd his address .at th e Hott'l Hos Bl'ltanniques at Men· ton '. Ag:tin ] wcnt Into · th~ gaming roolll s, whe rc I fo und him standing watohlng tng. ' one or thc ccmer roulette tables. . . ~·i. " Mess ieurs. faltes vas jeux !" ro oe Through t be I'('malodcr of that arLo sha r()ly as I approached the chair of em oon be 10llnged le isurely a bout the . .... lhe ch ef de partie , I1ml at tb same rooms. somet im es Intcl:cs ted In the lostant the croupi e r re versed tbe rc d 1)lay . bul n ve r ris king any t blng hlgb· and blacl{ whee l. and with a tw ist of 0 1' than a flv e·france piece. until near· ttl e thumb launched th e Ivory ball on Iy seven o·clocl., wb en he obtained Ita way 'a,long tbe circul ar ledge. hi s hat lind coat and I ft the Casino. : The exr.!ted players throw the ir 51 1- As soon as I saw hi ll In tention I also vo~ dnd gold on the numbel's th e obtained. my h a t, and toolt a short cut dozeol!l. th o rouge. the noll' and ,the through th gardc,ns. to- tb e steps lead· Impah'. 'I'hen they waited breath. Ing down to tho rmlway station. A.t lellsly. ' Ihe top of the steps I ovcrtook an old Sudde t')l y. just as ttie hall was losin g d ecr~llit ma n,. bllllc h~:~cl(ed and sbab· Its Imp tus. a tan, dal·k.bea rded , rath - !>y, vho I,?a nt h a Vlll' on his stOllt e r handsome llI a n wl~h a pall' of . aOlI was about to . descend. He bl ack. ple rcln g eyl'!~ which seelUed to hnd been sJleak ing wi th a man. whose ·glea.m wlt.h a ll alm~ st unnntllral brll . da~'I{ fig llre I saw disappearing In the liance. t hru st hi s gloved hand In to dh ectlo ~ of thc en · :no. Beneath the ,'bla pocltCt. ane! carelcss ly toosed some lig ht I gla nced a t tbe d ~[o l'm e d man's , . , . Cace 'notes uJlon the tab lC withOut COllntlng . them. at the same t ime exclaiming: ' It wa s Hl P. 6 11 ccsnful player! Tn the "Reml (>re dO llza lne i " 'da rkness 'of t h p;lIrd cns he had a s· In \I n \!l SLU nt h CI'ol1lll('r s!l rea<,! ~u111erl Ill s raggec1 O\'ol'coat, turned bls the m o pen. Ba yi n g : so ft ie ll. hut into anothe r abape. and , wi r. h an altered expression at heavy "l ' rOl s mille frlinc' premIe re dou· Ctll'e an ~ Ine xpress Ible Ilorrow. hnd el'fect ee! a tl'unsforl11atroll that was Enlne ," . Swcely hnd th ese word l! been ut· tel'ed wheo th cre ,!i'ose the 11l~ \'llabJ e little sbor t · of rna r l'~ lous . Indeed. were it not for th e fa ct t hll t I heard him ".nrulog: cough. and recogni zed i t I\S tbe cough "ltel11 ne va plus ~ ., of the man who hlld won 80 many • Fer ·a sing le se cond tb re was a t housand!; at the tabl es. even I shonld dead ..lIence as All CO rel! walched the have falfed to id e!lt.lfy him. tiny ball , while It tPo II l\·\t ll a rattle 1:\ thnt ins hlnt r becamc convinced' And clic k Into one III the hmllll that ml' ~ lI s p l 'Ions were not un. lIockets all the Qyllnder. anil , ere It !ounded. and . furthet, that t-lle mystel'Y lIad tO'lolled the number tbe crollpicr was deeper th'an I had lmaglned. .announced In the IIRme sharp votc.e: At tbe slatlon, Instead of remaining "Neuf! Rouge. ImllHIr e t manque!" on t.he platform 'f or Mentone, he aDd with hIs ran C'ommenced to draw crosslld the line and ent(1reci the omnl. la tbe 10Slel. bUI tra'!n ' for ~Ico. while 1 alia IIlU who bild lung down hll mOULted Into a ·Orsl-·cla.1 compart· Dotea 80 carelenl)' muttered Bome· menl, determined to lee where he tblaK to bllnselt as If counUog, ud TO&lly Ih'ed, my curlollty bel... DOW • ~ l}lDu..n4 true. .. 11114 ltorou~ly arOIJle\l. TIIat . . . . . . . .
sU llie ' de p pur pose In tb l, complet e disguis e I fe lt nt. but what It was I cOllld not Im ag ine. \\'ll n he got out at Nice he had t al en 0(1' h is ov ercoat . and. curr ying It ove l' hi s arm. wa lke d er c t In nat· ul'I\l a ttitud e. I followe d him down th e A venue de la Gure, a cross the Place Massena, and on to the Pl'omenude. where h& disappeared Into ' thl) Hotel d s Anglal s . H e bad gi ve n an Incor· rect address . . and It was s tran ge that a flrst·class ho~e l sbould care . to talle In a man who wo re s uch sha bby trUB· e rs. After 20 minu tes or ~ o 1 In· Qulred at the bure au of the hote l. and di scovered that th e strange r who had thus aroused my curiosity was known as Mons : 'ressle r. and that In the reg·
I (nIt
I "trerl'd him a 'Iga r t t ~ as we stroll ed UII anti down o,'c r th o t'!" I w!I tched b13 f.:'l ee,. ,~I t h o \l l>h he se luted IlnVl'llll? ut at the ntrium , nnh had won. no ~ml1 e . of snll sfnl'tioD e nd eavored to obla!n (rUIn h im SOID t' pillyed a bout h is lh ln li ps. Hi s wa s e. fn cts regal'lilng hlmd clr. .llIIt to all m y gray. ush n coun tcmmce froUI which al'trul IUQuil'ltl8 he ' r Olunln >d all hope aut! all desire seelll ed to ha ve d UlUb. I had ' Ilss umed the c hunlct lll' Hed. ' of a gl1 l'l'lIlo us tOUI'13l Rnd ga bbled nil His wi n nin gs . five thousa nd fran cs. ubuuL my self ; of course. toUlm: him WE' re pushed townrd s hIm , bll t h n flc tlUou>:l siory. t wl ste cl th not toge th ' l' lind thrust It was ncar th d lnn r honr. nnd a t th em Into the outRld !lOcket or his my Invi tation w e dlne(1 at Ui!l Flotel jacllN with a~ Htll cal' ·us ll~ou gb de Paris oP1lDsite. M y m ysterl ou ~ th ey w re clrc ul nl·s. His lU aun e r had fri end was. I found. an du mun cha nge d (I'om llu? pre vlollH day . He II'ho hud oee n II. ~ood d ea l or t h worl (1 . WM uow pall' to th e !l Pli. whereus be bu t Ilt dlnn I' s llll an olher fa ct st ruck hud been ruddy a nd ·h a lth y look In )::. m El as CUl'lolls. · 11 0 nlwllYs WO I' ann his Ilullor I\' IS h Ight ned by hi ll g'Ioves. lind t o-day th ey \I' 1'0 1I:; ht. wblte s ilk cra \'nt secured by a gfjld g my suede ones . Even nuw , while rin g. Again Il nd again h e pl ayed wi th eati ng. he retained one ,; Io\'e- tho leCt. un vary ing s \lccesij. untll wi th s udd II baod on e. " I siltrer trom ncute r hc umntl sm." resol ve be trnnsfen:cd a ll hj s wlnnlug s to an Inne r JlO k t . a nd the u t ossed he expluln ed, notiC ing my sur[lri se at Blldlg l fi "c·fran c piece Ullon the ccn· lh ut he " Id not rell101'0 lhe glove,' " I t II II I II or oz n. T he bnll fe ll upon number e ig h t. He me w t I U. R "re lice { li t \\' I lost. l' hPIl with some lUutte r d words cycling t hree yenrs a go. and my hand of (lI a cOn l~nt. he t urned awa . It ha s n v I' bee n t be sume since. 'f he h. hav ing ,,,onYtholl' l doelor ord ers me to weUI' 11 glol'e .•al. Seemed a s tholl " t> f tt I Id rr It sanda o[ fl·alleR. he be"" rlulged the wuys, or Ie ca s t co a cots . "FOl'lUllate tllat It was your I rt loss of :l single sli ve r coin. I dill not (a llow him. for t he mys· hand ." I a ns we l'ed, while at t ha t In· tery Irr1tll ted me, (Iud 1 had alreadr stant our eyes me t, and I fancied (desoverol othe r Imllortant ma lleI'S on . tected In hill a curious look of SU8hand . pi elan . . "Does It pain you DOW ?" I Nearly a week passed be fore 1 saw a sked. him uga ln. He was playin g at the "Yes . It g ives me some bad twinge!'! table whe re we had first me t, and his now and th II. l ' hls afte rnoon, whllo person al a ppearance had conside ra bly playing, I was In great pa in ." Improved. This tilDe 1 resolved to Tbl s answe r WIIS eltllc lly wbat I s peak to him; therefore I went to my .... I.hed him to give. room, s lipp ed on II. smart tweed coat " I bappen to b a medical man, al . and ve st, wblch 1 kept In readiness for tbougb I don't practice." I said. "Arter r1l1t;SC '"
n" xt : :ll\'i.nnt.
(llln 1'1 need th at he ~Itf nnt ':0111. fr,o m Hayo nue \JcCIl'lse 01 hlB Ilorth· .' I·n lIcc'cnt. Hfoo \I'll!;! ' o ncenlln~ hlB Id flU ty. \rt er IlInn 'r we s Ol,lIed lICrOSfi the brl ~hll )' lit Pia e to t:1\1'! ca fe. Ilnd ijnt oll hlld c to wl(() our IIqli?Urs nnd IIsle n to th e band. 1t was lhlll'fl he el r w olt hi li glove. not. hal\' "er. wi thout a s light hes ll lilion. nnd ·x.hlblt d to me n wit he red c lnw' l ll~e buntl . It \V illi In· deed hld ~ oll s. 1 did not wond I' thllt he pr f rred to kl!ep It gloved. ' Tbe nosh hl\ rI wizen ed and' died ' upon /In· gel'S an d plIl lll IIntn It had nSBl1uied a do rk·[m)wn co lor. whil e I II t'oll e IJ s han whil e b (\ll~tb tbe s leln. a ver itllbl sliplntn n hand wit h long un· t r imm 'el nui ls. t he illlnd o f a. demoo 1'8l.h er t hnn thll t at 11 hum un be lu c;. Evon In my Ig noran 'e or th pralltiCf'! of III d[chle [ saw t bat II!(:'~ 1\ te r: rlblco di seuse w n ~ not th o res ul t or r hc ulll a ll srll .llnr! ex l>resstld t h!lto plnlon. Hil l my fri end mel' Iy s hoolt his ~~;~gu:nd Ilu lled on t he g lovo I\ grlln, " You'ro not til first doctor wh o hl\s laId me that. Y t two grC'uL s poo hll· I s t ~ In Pllrlll ngl'eed as to the c;a use (l nd treul me nt. 1 must a dmit. how. ever. lhal I've been nono t h bett", 'fo r It," and he smll . d, coughin g that ourlous hucldng cOllgh.
"Shall you play ngaln?" .I a sll d.... wo r os !lnd descended Into tho Pine .. "No." he an swered. glunclng liP at the Illumlmlted clocll at the as [DO_ " I shall retllrn ." "T o !II lre ?" oo Y S . I'm nt the Angl nlS. When you're ovor loolt me up." . Then. wll.h mutual cl\' III lies, we ell· chan g d cord s, shook haud s, and ported. HI s engern ess to depart during the last t ew momen ts struck me .. st ran g : th ere fore re turning Into tbe . "'aslno I sllp ped on another suit. &lid when his Lraln le ft tbe station tor Nice 1 was In anothe r compartment engrossod lu the P etit J ournal. It chnn ced to be a ye l!ow rnplde. and I had lo xerclse considera ble tact to e vad e recognition . as. wltb growIng res tl es~ n es s. ho walked along the cor· rld ors from nd to end, peer ing ' Into e nch ' cn l'l'luge a s if In sea l' 11 of somll ' one. "fs thi s t rain from Ve uti mllle?" I hea rr! him Inquire of the guard. to wh ich t he ma n gnl'e nn affirma tive nllS W l'r. It se em d a s thous h ho Olt· peet eel ome ono to a rrh'e (rom tbe ita lian (ron tier. On a l'l'I\'D1 at Nie he wa lked quick· Iy do\\n th Av nil de la Gare until h'! cam to th a te de la Hegollce, \ h I'e he ntC'1' d. seatln£ 1I 1m self I1t a tablo In II. fill' ,corne r ancl ol'llcrlnll u bocle. While dr inking I 1 sn w ' tbat. his ke n l'yes \\' (,1'1: th :ed In tent ly on the table. ' rh In !;Lnllt ho IC' ft I, t ook h is sen l. nnd lb I' upon t ho nlar ble top [ saw some w ritin g In penc l). a W IlS vl den Iy II messug . but be had half afro. d It b l' dipp in g his fill ge r In the d rO I) (lln~S of tile be I' nnd a re'!eSsly smeari ng I aoross. Y t the t wo sCl'l b blutt- word s In l~r ncb r W I\S (lollbled to rend we re 5u'fllelent to whet ID Y curl oij lly. Th ey wero a fo llows : "Oh uc routt m an n cl'ocod ll :' 'fo th un initiated t hey pass ssc.1 no mennlug, bu t my expe ri nell In Parle liad Riven me Il good k nowledge of thl " OS' argot, Il::d I translateti the m as "Germa n mone y londor." For a fe w millu t 9 I !lilt staring at th ~ wr iti ng and Winking. Then a sud· den t hOlish t dawn ed upon me. nud b, . thc n cx t t rnln t' tra vGled back ' to M.onte Carlo, wh re I Dilen t half a n h01.l1' a\' r my cosmo polit,l n por t ra it gallery. Th e words upon tha t table 1111.1 sOlU e yery niyste rlous ,mean ing. Again I went to Nice by the eloven 0" locll raill de , lha t· tra lrl wh lr. h Is nl· WI\)"S fill ed with hOllle·si-lng gam biOI's, a nd ut on e toolt a cab lo tbe cemraJ police office. In ardEll' lho t t be o\)'<(ll' vn. t: on should be continued 11111)11 tb, mys teriOUS stran ger at his hot I. As I entered, . howe ve r. ( waS s urprised Lo me et Dumon t, tbe we ll ·known Pari. detective. "WolI," [ excla imed, groetlng hllll hen rt\l y, for we wore e xcellent tl'I~QOds. " What bring'S- you down bere~· ",\ case," h e r.n swered. ''['ve b_ lIe re a week,. but um re ttirnlng tomorrow. My n:nn was bcll eved to ' have COmA down hero for an alrlnl afte r co~nltting a marder, but I've been IInl\Jle to trace blm. He'l 1 hunchba~." . "A hu\,>chbaclt!" 1 exclaimed, ~ Hecllng f<lr an instant. ~'And be mup dered Il Oerman money lender?" "Yea. . How did you Icnow.?" InQuired ,Dumont, amazed. iT WAS THE IUCCe:S8FUL PLAVER. But I kellt my own couns el, an~ mflrely answered: Isler he had Inscrlb>tl!! himself .. a emergencies, add lounge" baclt to tbe dinner I':J lIave a glance at it, -If you " YOU'll flud YO\ll' Qlan at the Hotel landed }lro))rletor, living near Bay· table: taldng up my stanel behind hIm. like." "Oh. you're very kind," he replied, dea Anglals , numbe r 106. Sbmo of th. onne. I took' my dinner leisurely at When be pluyed I a:so put down my modest fiYc-frano pieces until he dis· with a sm ~le. "Certainly. You'll be fraternity-an ncces.ory, probabfyIhe H elder, afterwardS returnlnt; to ' cerned that I was following hili play. doing me !I. great service It you can hils warned him to·nlght tbat you're Monte Carlo. utte rly mystified. recommend \lay treatment tbat will here. 80 you'd better lose no time." Next day I had many affairs to at·. and glanced back at me Inquiringly. Halft an hour late r Dumont arrested "M'sleur . has good fortun e ," 1 ob" a!lar the pain. J feel it · right ub my t end to ' and cot::illetely forgot tbe the mysterious player >just as he wli. arm to tile sbouldel·... curious Illcldent, until about tour , served, quickly. "Well. I'll see what Its appearance In the act of packing his bag, and ere o'clock In ~he afternoon, when a c~ugb . "Yes:" he answered. with a . laugh, ls." I said, and we continued eating I returned thnt night 1 learned tha. behind me Bounded ' ("mlllar .. and there "But my luck be.s changed. See, I've this man. ' whose roo.l· name wae Bou· I saw th e mysteriOUS strang'll" stand· jUllt lost," and he nodded toward~ a our fllet v3ntadour. det, Ilod who was. (onll at pnslng a. Ing at the . I'lght·hand roulette table flve·tranc piece btlJieath the croupier's As tbe meal progressed. I became Ii huncbback. was one' of the 1U0st jus t wilhhi the. eqtrance. Attired rake. Tpget~er we turned a ..... ay. more Impressed by th e (ao.t that It desl)erate characters In. Paris. ' With gay.!), In a suit of Itght gl'a)', with a "M'tlleur Is to be oongl'atulated," I was merely ' my fri end's eccen~rlclty extraordinary Ingenuity be had en· pink camatlon In bill lapel, he ' was u14. "It Is remarked In lho I'ooms tbat 'had attraoted me. While he tlced' to his lodgings ' at Pallsy a Qe .. . watching the .play Rn~ently. It ,"as that he never loses." seemed to entertain some absurd man usurer an.1 murdered him, secllrstrange how that cough attracted me. "I lose sometimes." he answered, preJudices. he ols<;l appeared to Ile ut· Ing !lOme thirty t)lOusand franc I wbleb I reasoned with myself. but could" not wtth. dry, harsh laugh. "rYe just lost." terly careless of the future, for when hla victim haW carried In his wallet. "But It Is only five francB. whereu [ asked .. I~ where- J:.e was .golng be His hand, It &lIpeared, had been accoUllt for It. True, I had onlY first heard It on the previous day, ' yet It while I have been standing with look,ed al me blankly aCI'088 the table jured by an leccldent With ac!ds, with now seemed curlousb familiar. lII'sleur he has won twent,y·elght tbou· and ans'III ered that he hadn't the lealt which be ~ experimented at the Idea. . . From ' his nervous actlon I saw that sud trancs," I abBe ned. tiD;le when tae anarchists wer,, ' com. "I dri ll about," he added. "I have 1Illttlng so many outrages. ho Intended pJayl theretore: '011 "You count .It~h 1" hEl 'nllpped. . order to watcb b more -Intently. I "Well. 1 don·t. A 1018 Is a loss. It drifter! ab,.ut Europe 1111 my lICe." The evll!ence at the 'trla1 was 01 aD "I haven't traveled very much," I extremely sensational character, for whispered a 1ford the ebef de par• . mlght have been a . max:mum Instead said.. ' !I c"me along her~ tram Blar. It 11''' proved that he was knoW1l III tie, and to.'k hIs on the hleh of 3 ,mlnllllum," chair bebln4 the "But you bave woo, andl"ou should. ritz.. Po YI· U know It , .. a certain circle In Pari, as "The LI" The hall be content." . . .. N..... bll al1l"flred. "I've beeD. wl~h the Claw.... belDI leader 01 an when the "I am," he answered. "I've jUlt IOlt aouth 01 Burdeaux." International PBS of malefactors. Ive franca 011 twentY,l1lne, a nuolber • thOU_lui The.e "urdl were aD Ildmlulon. ih..t lOme of wl101e um.. he dlnllad tea o. the lut .Ia wblch 11'1118 alwaYI II I ,take UpoD &to tbe 01ltry In the resister of the J{oUitl the pOIlc. 8a tb. lDcmalDa 1111 Ia... "TIIa~1 ..., .. t'-,,",ore 1 play liD more." . d.. .AD.,.I. at Sloe wu taJ.- I IIa6 &ell. at ....... _--..
Dlachar lled ' Secllu" Doctore Could ol.hone at II Jlltlclan Geta Little Satl. Not Cur.. faction from Promlae ,
The Gen eral 1Jp. man d l or lho Well·Inrormed of tbe Wurld h:w &1WI1Y8 bcel\ for a simpl'·, pleBl'o ut allli cflicicut liquid laxntivo rcmndy of known v&lue; a t-Rtivc which phydioil\llS coulu . . IlBnctlon for [amlly usc bec~ use its corn· Jlonont parts arc known to them to bo wh61('so mc Bnd truly benelicial In clTeet. I1cceptablc to the system Bnd gentlo, yel prompt, in netion, . . . . In supplying tbat demand With It! ex· eellcnt combination of ,'yrup of J.' igs and Elixir of enM, the Qaliforn ia Fig yrup Co . proceeds along othic.lllin ~s aud relics On the merits o[ the laxative for its remark· able SUCCCllS, That is ono 01 many !'eMons why. Syrup of Pigs nntl Elixil of cnna. is given the preferen ce by . lhe Well· lnformed. fo get its benefi cial cITccts always buy Ihe gcnuine -nulnu[nctu reu by tb e C31i· forn ia Fig Syr\lP Co., only, anJ fur snlo by all 1~l(.Iiug druggists. Price fiftY' conts per !JoUle. .
a-By Henr y Oyen
LeY1 P. Brockw ay, B. Second AVE! \ C'ougresllman Longwo rth, at a din' bolta, Mlnu" says; "Atler Iylllg tor n r durlns lhe R publican can v nlioL fi ve nlout-be In ~, In CbJcllgo , tlllJted about bon El poll· bosplla i 1 was dis· U~ charged as Incur· "lIonos t 110llUcs ulone pays In the ahle, and given only end," Bald lile. "Your dishone s t poll· six mouths to lin. tlclan come,s out like Lurgan of I. (Cop.v rhrhl, by ShorUllo ry Pub. Co.) In· My beart was affect. clnnaU. Lu rgan was callv!l8slng . for . or courso. th re III no reason why mlddl of the n~gbt, IIncertaln w~ ther edt I had smollie r· votes. He dropped In at a groc r's. you !!houl~ b elievo this s tory. Judging he had slept or Ing spells and somenot. He was talking .. 'Oood mornin g: he sold. 'J msy 01 all rational stundar ds. lhe tale II! to himself and Umes tell uncon· ~o un t on your support . J hope?' hlB first conscloull Quite imposBlble In this drw and Ilge. words were: "That cursed sclous. I got so 1 ," 'Why. no. MI'. I~urgan, ' said 'the . messen· You cll n henr the J;tory Inld almost ger!" couldn' t UBe my ~rocer. ,'I've prol\llse d my support ~J !lilY SUIlIlY day, If yo u will linger In arms. my ey sight , vour rival.' T~, e. plaguo WIlS at Miguel, and he the little 'dobe SQllurCS or alollg lho was cursing t he mlln was Impai red and who bore lhe : :~Aulrgnn !Il.ughed easily. roads t~at ,a re In th o of lid . m ssage ot tho padro. Tbe man must the kidney secretio ns were badly dis· I. but , In pollli 's: he, fonse. wher the Is 80 dry and have bean Inteoted himself This Beaut iful Paste l Free Drdered . 1 was comple t Iy worn out promI si ng ollld perform ing eald are two light that ther Is nothing to b~enth e was nil cloal' to Bradloy . The thIng and discour aged when J began using dill' rent ma,tt I·S.' 111 colorl, '4x 17 fn t' h es, f o r Iltnlt ~~1 t im ., . It had not onl y: with pound plu.' kn~c":.'O· Mul '!"'l·e·_U t1· ' for, Ilnd thor Is s un, a nd sllil. and come to him wllh 1\ " 'In Ihat caBe,' sold t he grocer. shock. He bllt Doan's Kidney P ills, but tb y went Jjorn~. It your dcnlr r h Uh n't. the piclhe only lIlnl rial things nre lhe dark , awoke lind knew t.hat lhe tight' to the cause of the I Ul't!!i R tid top o r pound pn kngc ••2(). trouble and elear,cll! $lbudows all lhe li ght sand, prel!~ d upon his m·lnd ta t WIIS 1m· did tbelr work well. I have b~ell beartlly . '1 shall be most happy to lfuh.. -Terl m" Do rax tHul 4c w l l h <1~ ,,1· . He was per· !rive you my promise . MI'. el"s Lurgan nam e nnd rCI 'e ln! pl~t nrc fREE. :" San J\Ilguel- a hundred dlrly, r d rectly wid ·awake, sane, and In pos· feeling well ever since." Loc nl agent. wanted. \\Trite tor none)~· 'dobe h'l::~es, Illl old mission. and II s sslon of bls sellscs. Sold by all dealers. 50 cenLs a box. m u.~cl n g !lInn. H.e kn e~ pas!· Strictly Fresh Eggs. gl' III ~Quar ~ lI e s to th e suuth and tI ve il', the plague was at Miguel. and Foster·~fIIb urn Co., BulJalo, N. Y. Pacific Conat Borax Co., New Y orlc. There Bre lI umm r resor ta, re m(lte wost of IIdetous • on the ve ry. dgo h'e Ill'0SO and dressed hurried ly, for from an y agricul tural com·munILles . HARD TIMES, INDEED . of I b(> never·c banglng II sert. of ypllow the messag o of th e nlgl1t was tl' amp' whe re fresh farm product s are evon 8uml At lltlefo nse thel'O are \)0(11'(1 6 Ing In his head and Meta was hard r to oblaln than lu the city. It nluong li nd pfdewa lks, and snrne of the hou scs lhe stl·icke n. It all came to hIm In wa s lit sucll a place thnt lhe ne w lIavEl flV n /loors III th m; but at MI· tbe lItlie 'dobe room WE WAN T ALL THE as lllllinly lUI if bOQ rder. who had eaten fUH or fi ve guol lIlI s Is all I [ b hind and th 1'1;1 It' lind been s poken, and br akrasls there, begun to wonde r he walt uot Is only th al mosph 1'0 of tile old s urpri sed In tbe lellst. wh y lhe egg\! .were In varlahly served PIANO TRAD~ '(\ob s with the la y /1 001'S , the crllm· Dl'adl Y WIIS a confirm ed scotler at fri ed, bllng mi ssion. IIn(1 absolut Iy na ught matt rs s lllrltual lsllc. ' His 1)l'ofessl on' "Sea hero?" he Inquired 011\' morn· The only way we can get 'a big (0 ~ t1 gge t the year or th century. II I educaLion had mado Ihlll certllin. Ing or tbe genial color d mlltl who part of it is by offering you more Keeps the breath. teeth, mouth and bod., Bru(ll cy. UIO north I'D doctor, came Ho was elllineutly practica walt d upon him, "why do you I\lways anliseplically cit'on ond free from UD' piano for less money than anyone else to Mi guel because o[ many Ihlngs. ac· was no d nylng a thing l, but lh<!l'e fry ggs here? Dop't yo u e V\!T boll slIcb as this. hen,llhy germ· life lind disagreeable odon. :.ordlng to the people of th "mage. Tho plague WIIS at Mignel can, Write us about what you have th m ?,. whlcb woter, soap nnd tooth prepant iona and Mela Ho wa s a banlt robber. this blue·eye ll was strick n, alone cannot do. A to spend, and we will tell you what " h·oh. yEtS, sah!" fellJ)Onded the . IJlan of tho north ; be had killed a germicidal, di s inwe may be able to do to mee t your "Dut. senOI·. how do yo u kllow thi s?" 9mlter . pleas anLly . "Of co·se. yo' kin fecling and deodar· mau; he had weak lungs; he was gasped the padre. "Ther~ have 'ern bal led, If yo' wants 'e m. But special want. Is no mos' izing toilet requisite there 10 write of th old mi ssion; to s nger, and we have no you know. lah, yo' tak es do ,risk!" dlspa tcb wire of exceptional e'x· let (ho mod ' rn WOt'ld of th castern sLrung thus far:" TRY OUR SPECIAL OFFERS: "Poor man! so you are a victim of cellenee and ecan· and nOI·the rll J;latos know how Il eal' An Eye on the Future. "N ver mind, fath e r," said Bra:1Iey; tbe late financ ial panic?" 1-$250,00 Piano al $2 10.00 omy. Invalua b Ie they w J' () to Lh s v III enth cen· "get me a horso and "Yes. lady. YOII see, folks Illong de Tommy 's n\alden aunt had callerl at· 2-$300.00 ., $235.00 for inOamed eYIlS, g t It fOl me lury nnil th e miracle s of the church , quick." 1-$800,00 routo Is too poor now tel' bane} out ten tlon Lo some of that you ng man's throat and nosslan d .. $500.00 1-$225,00 uterine catarrh. At 'rbe I' oson for Bradley 's pr sence .. $160.00 mlp(l mean ors. th'!re by causing him "But, senor, you cannnt go so, hlone free srub!" 1 ~$200.00 drug and toilet .. $170.00 In Mlell I wna quito Inconse q uential wlLh only on e horse. to be punl sbed. Tommy pond retf 0 The Motl1er 's Accomp lishmen t. Itores, 50 cents; or ond trivial. l\llguel WIlS 200 mil s the Dlounlllin Is long and wa y around wblle, then asked, "Papa., will tittle hard ." In the Bobemlan set of 'ew nIE JOHN CHURCH COMPA NY by moil pOlfpllid. f l',)111 the railroad . a Bradley came. "Oet me a. hOI;a ; I'm In a. hurry: two of tbe popular me mbers are York slst t' Glad ys be I\n aunt to my (hll, a well CIN CINNAT I, OHIO Large 'TrIal Sample Th e l' ~ wus II nee nnd rest. lon g s un· Th e 1Itt'! man?" padre bustled arollnd po. known writer and his wHe. who also drell wh en 1 am FlY. _II in lIampo ...1\ brinll you a book of ny da ys oud cool nlghls. during whleb lle ntiy. H e was not to ...... WITH "HeALTH AND BEAUTV" lOOK es. Tommy ," ans", I' d his talllar, 'flae b denl~d, thls ha s wrillen sove ral books. They have ~, eitflu Piano 01 Vocal, lh er was nothing to do but sit In a mun In a burry . THE a daught 'r about (ouT years old. ,Re· much Inle~ a s'ted . "Why do you 3slo; ?; ' PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass. long hair and Bonk In III JOY of IIv· ", !LlIse sh() ml gbt ns well gel mlll" Brudley took a bottle or water ~ a ce ntly the little girl ~'as visiting at ---- --fo g, nnd this I ~ wltal Ilradle)' n e(l d. piece , oC dried nleat, rlee} and havo a home of he r own. r')r hls IItt! llUg, the horne ot a fri e nd and her small A .. DAIS Y fLY KILL ER I don 't In tend 10 'low any aunts to nut Ih ft\C~ '~' bl c b Is t Im portonc and mounte d. lllaYlDnt ask d h r : "Can ' youI' stay around .my Is that It was Ij.t, Mlgu 'l Ulat Bra,<,lcy hou se. making troubJe "Be gOOd, padre," he called out, mamma sew?" Positiv el y cured by 1D0t ' i\l tao sharl)ly . The daughte r of tho li terary pall' tor my chlld ran,"--W oinan's Home these Llltle PIli •• Bradley had dr 'am d of M ta for COlUpan lon. The evening of tlte f3vlrl nUy WIlS a bit chagri n d. She They nl80 r~lI e\'o Dla' thc b tt I' hult of his II(. He hud man, gray and drawn, second day a could came s tagger· not r emembe r that she had ever tre~!ru w D Yli1l ps ln., IU· Few Houes Uaed In China, tl r nm d of h r whll a \Joy Ilt school; lug Into Lbe pla;m at dl gf:!~ tl ou nud '1'00 B eu rty Mlgu I. '1'ho 51l n her mamma. sow. She Is a truth· T'e only places In blna where' sho had tollowed blm through Ills 11 ople olus tered around. ELLtll1':. A p 'rfcct ~ IU· fI,l1 child and would not claim any nd·· horses are u!!ed dl ' etJy for D lzzln lRS , Nnuto allY m ctl al Sti.ldl s; to German y. ,vlte r , \yltlt mnny motions ond vantage s she was not sure of. yet she are Shangh ai, Eslng·T great exten l FjCG. Dl'Qws h ws", n n, d , au au(l Tle n· hi s etlucn tlc n was conlpl ted , and nil fO lies sicknes s whloh In excited r It tllat Tn.Ktc i.1 the Mouth , Cont.. mamma 's honor wns at Slake. 'rsln. AlIntra,lIan " walers," so tmd str'lckell Mend Y our ED~me lled Ware called Ihrou " h lhe rest of his :n years. He their people, just as cd T onllue . Pnin In tile "[ don't know If mamma can s w," beca use tl! y originat Bro.dley ltoe\\ "tbor llt.hen ul.On8n • .,.llh OW pnllt& SIde, TOf(pm LIVER. Bna e In Ne w South sulci r. &ltd f1I ru st" tin ur IranTINQL,D went to balls whore the women ' wore lhey would be. .'thuut. c len.nlo¥ she reil" ed. dubiously, "but she can Wules, ar.:. Ula most pOPUIRI' ney regulate th .. Bowels. Purely VCllelBble. A uhllc.'l cun l1u \t. Outnl. c(m sl lh1K ()t a.n ntoo bof . Thosl' bj' nil Itccorded 1.11 palm tor beauly wrth untl Mund. l\·b out Oft)' Pl\tetioa. I\nl1 enol1lh "Senor! " they ' called, The man smoke, a clgareLL e." horses are 1m port ed Into Shangll al In SMAll PILL. SMAll r l !lnl,l t.o fII t!nd Ilf leas .. flft)' hOl" A. 8cntpcJstp nnd COUDlI hllllself wonde ring why looked UP. and Uley a.ld 011 DOSE, SMAll recr. Ilt.ot 6';tC. AM' nt. ",·n.ntlod. ~tbrll.et1 on K\lllflln., PRICE. saw It was tho batcbes of from 20 10 50, are well t ... ' f' t'4nr1 non"1 r'f'JunaM1 . J!ilU;1mnn .») atrl hutlna:eo none ot them were like Mela. He race of t he ~orthern doctor. .. El"lgllah Idea of It, ~IO W Otit o..~llmlo IItl'\l.~ J' l1l1ullolphhl, l·a. wtth yelll's ken na re of on • Genuine 'Must Bear wall nth'ely practica l. was Bradley . of ,age sUlldellly added Little things lrequ ntty lIiustrat e rl"lng In excl~ the voyage, and, ar to it. lIenl' conditio n, are put Fae-Simile Signature but 1\1 ta wa" In hla drealllB tor a "Senor, senor, the blessed I!alnta the' English vie'" of America n geo. Into lise wlthlll a coupl. of w .."- aft good 'sltare of the time. else he would graphy very pictures quely. An Eng· er arrlv&L h~vo been married loug ago. ,d llshman had taken the Pacific Expreu at Philade lphia. a nd, feeling tired, bad This dlscovo ry In ,Itself wal , noth· ~.~':::::~~~~~~~ New York'. German Populat ion. , REFUS E SUBST ITUTES. A, N. K.-+-E (1908-3 3) reUred to hili be rth. JlIst before he Inc so r mnrkab le, ror many a mall of ~ Berlin rIa per says that New York tell saleep he lIappen ed to rememb er Is the third' German city In the thl'! north has found ' in llle eyes at the If are lI.iIIirl,d with ",. tbat he had forgot.t en somethi ng, so 10 point of 'poliulatlon . "WlLh world girls oC j\fetu's people lllat for which I-~"J'n. or l"d,'¥I..lUQ,., COlUtflo.- · its 650" he JlUt his head out between the cur· 000 Germsns," It says, ,"It Is exceede ",~ sellrche ij 101lg and vainly among Ion". DIu; S"lh. 1I,0do,;" . d . . NIt~1flQI;'';', Nt:",,,,,I,-i,,. lUi · IIIIn8 and called: tllJI maids oC his ' own' north. Many hi size only by Berlin, which nas about OlinrUI. JJ~arl. Kld",y. Liirr.. U1 00 P "Portah ! Portah! " m ' lt ha vo done a&--and forgotte n. or .I(,_sl,,,o l 1",.61". 810uII. ..... 2.000,000, and hy Hambur g, which has or S""/I;,,, of tbe roel. aoklt" • The porter came. Dl1lllley \VIlS dltrorent" 730,000, . The other large Oerman .,ellda or otber parll of til. bod,-an , a ecllneln .W"""I" and lI,nlllr.'e,,' II ca. e ho con&ldoro d"o.j,usi,y "What ou sbould lake 1104, lIull4.., MlllltiaeT u',""II It!" h. salt!. In Ille 'dayUmo Bradley was one of Cities aro Muplch , 520,000, and Ore. Th C)' atc Mild. ),a,.",luI nnd fJ~"t,ahltl lO t nko. 30 JJaJ'1' includlnlf "Please wake me when we get to deu, 500,000. aile 01 our EiUHIIMI Stn!u,thea 'ln, PI •• lera ru"-pos t paid tho few Amerlca nos of thE! new qua-rter a "c,,\i+'t for. r. Trirtl ".,,1_,,1 flEE. Addr... bODY bUlLDf: aS 00,. ..... San li)'anclsco, you know: bID'~loD. N.T. or the lCiwn as a matter ot torm. He dressod for dinner and k pt hlB tace ' ImpOr1 lant to Mothe ra. ' Aatonls hed Great Planlat. Examin e carefull y every bottle of clean and hIs cloth B' white. But when A collecti on of anecdot es of musical CASTO RIA a liafe and sure remedy ror the shadow s of the '(iobe houses celebrit ies just publishe d ' at Leipsic Infants and cblldren , and Bee that It gr W long In the Illaza and tlie cool eont.aln s this one under the head of ,Bears the hush o! night called the people from ~-,fY}, .S Anton Rubinst ein . WhIm the great Within th ' doors. Meta and her lover, HE LANKFO RD COLLAR Is • l'a!l and Collnr oomblned.. planlst was mailing his tour. of the Signatu re Of~~ II<llnJr open at tho boltom. ft ""v .. bock and forth sat on the root bench of the · 'dobe tM UnIted Sto.tes he sat one day In a In Use For Over 30 Years. strain of h .... llnc. thus p l'I!venUnc frl.lIon. It Ia with ' iliad. ':1 hallS and comnlUlI d In the 'tongue heavy .... 11 duck, ""Inforced with leather bearlntra. _«eel The Kind' You. Have Alw3YS Bought. ralll'Oad train looking out UI'OO lhe ..,' .th olean, BPcelBUv treBted catIOn. ..blOrhe .",... t, It!"'j" tho which Is peculiar nell her to Sallon or IIcenery. ahouldoro fro," p1llnc, Dnd n ·verIt~cl<o Sudden ly a man sitting qr 11....10.... Write at Castilia n. Sometim es l\1eta sang the Happy Man . . oncofar !lookJ~t'on tho "wnk(ur d' humane collllr. across the aisle spat m'er Rublnst elu's M1'Il. Honpec'k- Her husband simply love SOltgll at ber OWII tongue, anti COUCH 8ROS. .ANUFACTURI~Q CO.. A .... bead out of lhe open window. 'rhe Ihen tile Ileople on the roors I wo ma.s ter dr w bacl. lind' gaz d In aston· won't listen to her! Henpec k"-How on eal,'th doel' lbe houscs away h ani a strong, subdued Ishmen t and anger at the vulgar Arner· "oleo I?o haltingl y through tile chorus. laa;n, who smiled alld said, soothingly : lucky tellow xmmage It-Stray .l3torle s. Then, ' ol\e day, BrodIey was called "Don't worry ; I know my distance ." YoU'!' Dru{jgia t Will Tel! You away to Ilrofeaslonal duty, anti Mota 'I'Iml :Murine Ey nCOlcd~' L'urcs 'E)'cs, was left alone to wait for lhe return ALMOS T A SHADO W. ~llIk ~ Weak Ey 8 • Iro nl;. D~~II 't mart, of Ile r Inver. It wae 10 Sangre D" Qalned ;a~ IbB. on Grape-N uts. ,'oolhes Eye l'u.il1 nr.J '"'cll ~ f I' 50c. CrIsto tb~t Bradley went. Sansre De Cristo is on tbe other side of the 'un· There's a wonderf ul dlff rence' be- . About ·a lt. YOII have to do to make trallo'd c1esert from Miguel. Tho road are 'truly good! ,T he pIa ue Is berel tween II. fQod whi ch DlPI'ely lustes good a boy hate any particullllr kind of food We sent a messen ger fl)r you b.ut yes' arid 0118 wlil cll builds around Is five days long, and no . up Illr nglh and IS to · tell him that It III ·healthf ul. was there allye who could suy Ill! tel'day -b\\t you are here ere he could goOd bealthy l1 esh. . , It .nak s no dij'fe rell e how much \va had journey 11' through the sands bave roa hed ·you. What-' " Bradle~ had never stollJled. He ,e st unless we can tllgest It. It Is since the wells were drlerl up. There was a distemp er or some kJnd knew tbey were babblin g at him and liot really food to the s yslem until at Sangre De Orlsto. Was It possible blessing him as t heir savt(.or ' bilt hI) It Is absorbe d. A Yorksla le woman It 18 . one thl ng to see yo ur road; that It was tho little plaguc? Pray kept nn, straigh t to tha Lick bed In says: 1111('tber to cut It.-Geo rgjl Eliot. , the ·house with the root bench. SHE "I had been Il suj'ferer fa!' Icn years the good saint ' whose picture hunS ]\11'0. Wln.lo ... •• !\oothlnl ( "!"Top. on the mfsslon wall that It was not. \\'ns, and Ill, just as be .knew she 'l"lth stomach ' und live r trouble: and Fur r hlhlre "QQt.bln~; , ItOfC ftDI ,b6 I;urnJ, IDoalit, would ,the great (Joqlor frum ··the would be. She looked up and ' smiled ,had got so bad tbat the I ' aat bit of fta.ttlU1ll\lou.nallay. ptdn, CUtel ":1Dc1 collu, 2!KlIOO l.UC . balmily. . , ft!od such as I then kile,,", \,'ould sh'e nort h come with his great. wisdom an (I' "1 Dllck' llal' Is UBUat\y slow abOut com· hag of medicin es to look upon , Ills said. cnlled for yo~. m.y heart," she me lIntold misery tor bours ... fter weakly. , eating. ' ro.c;es of t he. slc~ at Sangre De Cristo , !na to the front. ,"A nd 1 ~eard , I helU'4 yolt," replied lost l1 es~ until 1 was almost a anll mako them wett? It , was the old • I t Cn]'". ·"'hl! .. You Walk shadow at my original selt an d my A.lhm· s}inu'_lCuY ' who sent ~ word. · The pro· the practlca l·mlnde d Eradley " J fo r oornllinl1d bunions. bot neat, ___ CUIlUu!'j lu.: Mng 'u~L. ~!:K!1l1l DMJ6flCI8tH . ,friends were lIulte alarmed • about me. . ~c~lonal Insllnot WIlS doveloped strong "Uut. senor. ho~V: did )'OU come'" :'Flrst 1 dropped colfee and used In Bradley . Queried an old man. "Not. .. urely by Postum . then began to Nc;>thlIl'g can atone tor wut of truth. use Orape-Nl1ts :'1 must go, dear heart," he said tlie road around ", ,the mouJltnln, for a~thollgh 1 hlld iltlle r~llh 'It would do -RualdJ l. :0. Meta. "It w111 not :be long. If you that Is a five days lide and'sbe was me any good. , leed me; call for me, and 1 wilt hear; strIcken but yesterd ay-at " Bundown. "But I continu ed to use the food and ~they ar~ : know J will." And, from thll t'Aeeert you-;' have gained twenty pour.!ls · ln weight . The conditio ns at Sangre De CrlBto "From the desert I' came" said and feel like another p~rsun In every ' of Nere milch' worse than the messen· Bradley. ' t' way. I,feel as If bad tl uly begun ter had told. There was milch fever "Not from Sangre De CrIsto'" anew tor mo. . clean .bere; the people ' were stark with , "From !:lllngre De Orlsto:" "I can el\t .anythln g I like now In 'rIght, &l\d the' a&oltaUon ,w as awful. "But, s'flnor, k Is 'three daY'S: ride. modfjratlon, su1lel' no ill But the peons were sloW' to tlHnk and. you must bave water every 1.2 my teet ,' trom mornin eft'ects. ,b e on g until vlght. md Blower to act. TheY were safe hours." Whlltea s a year ago they had to t'Clnd the lOW. or course,· the Benor at The "1 «lame In , two days and part of ~e away from home t.or rest wll'tJe , . ( Ite\lIQ,I~es w!ls here. Th'ey; had no fur- one night:' Willi Bradje~" s ,all.wer. ':1 o~hers cleaned bouse for 'me. *Is .hor concern In the matter, the senor watere d-my horae alld I-at Lain. sprIng I !rave been able to do It myself ,e hlessed' a thOllsand dmes., So they de OUII to." all alone. The villager s looked at eaoh ot.hef -e,algned themsel ves, like ohildren , to ""My breakfa st II Simply Grane-N uts' lle Clare of Bradley. Brlj.dley 'was al· and at Bradley queerly . 'll(lth cream and a oUP..ot PostUln, with "Senor, " said one, softl)',> !'tbere l!aI Bumet!mea aD egg and a nOst nlone, (or the pa(lre was old piece of tolUlt, and teeb'le. 1t wall a wel1k before he been no wa.tor In Lagua dli (Junto tor .hut general ly only: Orape·N ul8 and lad ' alfaln adjuste d 10 tbat he might four yes1'll." . l'08tum . ADd 1 can work until noon "Senotes," I!8ld Br,adloJ, unbellt a; IDd Dot teel 'as , tired deep with an. essf conllclence as one hQur'. p'olslbl ¥ 'there waS lIomet}llng In the Ingl)', "I watere d-I and m:? bo~ !"nrk 'Would ba"e made me a year ago!' IU,l et blue n\gbt aIr ot the 01\1. mllBlon tbere this momln .... . ·there'. a RUlOD ." But they went later and rnund th aoue, the air or relt and Ilcep In • Name Biven bY ~um Co.. Battle • ,. .Ill 800 Yeai'll old, that oPJlJ"8IIl8d lake with It. bottom powdllr ""'. l buys Read. ~. '"The Road to Well· Jra41ey. Perhap s there 'tllle. lObi. .. It bad been tot rour . IaIDI In the wlild that BradIU '. .......dlt
--- ---
CARTER" ~E:' /,;ze . i'liPAh'~
rou BOdY.o ldBYUIald ers U B }'Our
Are 5c ciga rs with out the
hea ds The refo re 3 for 5 cen ts ,
Not omy extr.a good
absol utely pUre, tobacco by mcx;le'r n syste matic tneth ods·i n biggest, airiest, bestequip ped and clean est cigar .factory in the world. No wond er they' re
so good.
5 cents
';••_H_UiCU_U• •
~~~~~~~~~~~~~1R~'~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---
.,Zimmerman s l"I ,
Coarse 'S alt
--Fay Collins, of ~orrow , spent Sat-
Will and Josephine Reeves are vis· Mrs. An&:ie B~rryhill , wife,of New urday with Miss Lucile Mason, iting their brother, H. B. R-eeves and ton Ber ryhill ,. died at her hGme near , Bellbrook. at 12:25 o'clock Salturday Ruthe K~rsey returned to Cincin- family, in Richmond, Ind . nad Sunday even ing, afteramonth'g Word was received here last week jnight , after a long illness from can: vacation, ~hat ,ld rs ,..Lena ~Iair Kelch was ve~y . cer he had suffered from Ithe dis. John SPi!ncer has ret\! rned from III Wit h diphtheria at, her home In I f th d h d b hill trip t hroug h t he west, Chicago. The last word received ease ~r ree years. an a een Miss Bess Hill , of New York. who ~rom her was that she i3 improv- confined ~ her bed ~or twel~e weeks· is paying a brief visit to relatives mg, Her farmly and f rleDds knew that tlare, spent lunday with the Misses Omar ~h.i ~ker!. of Irwin, Ohio, she could not survive and hel' death Kibler , has ~n vlsltmg lils brother. Dr. H. was expected at any t ime, . ' Will Myel'll recur!,e4 home from 0 Whitaker. . Mrs. Bel;'fyhill was fifty-four years Wooster Saturday mght . Mr. J ohn Compton and wife are a t of age She b . G . , , P tosk M' h h M Co t .. wa." orn In. reene Lena Myers has been vlslt mg the e y. IC .• were r. m'p' on M i~ Hozlin in King's Mills, hopes to escape an attack of the hay county ?n a far~ and had lived here M bel Sherwood visi ted in Union fever. ' all her hfe. Besides "er husband she ity~ Ind. , the ,latter part of last Miss Hattie .Smith, of Day ton. is sur,vived by her mother, a son • .week, spent Sunday With her mother. Howard , and a daughter, Miss Alta. Dr, F. p, Krieghoffis spending hii . Ira Scroggy has purchased a lot She leaves three hroth erS and a month's vacation in New York. Juat across from t~e M. E. churc.h tel', Wa~terCrilddock is ~uite i1I with ::n~x~ts to bUild a house on It The friend s will meet at t he house t;Yp~01d . , today at 10 o'c1ock, and th e services MISS ~uclle Mason very plea8!'-ntl, Edgewood. w'i11 be held at the Methodist church enterttlned a number of her fnends . , . at a party sat urday night. , In ~pnng Valley, of whIch church Mr. and Mrs. Kersey' spent Mrs, Adda Bird and 80D spent last Mrs. Berryhill was a member . The Saturday night in Harveysbufg. Tuesday at the home of Hannah Jan. burial will be made at Spring Valley ' d'f h ney. , . te .... Horace Wil.son,an WI e ave gone Miss Elva Sweeney is havinf: her ceme ' 3' , to houaekeepma- In the houle owned " by Charles Sipencer I'ues~ ~IS Tieek the Misses key, WANTED OUA~DIAN APPOINTED . of Mlarnlsburg. ' Mrs. George ~0!A: and two sons. of Miss Edith Crane has been ill from i . , Columbus, are VIsIting Mr. and Mrs. bronchial congestion but is improy- Last week MISS Cora McKay. of R. B. Emmons. ing slowly. ' . Xenia, applied to Judge BOKwell to Mrs. Frank 91eaver and ~rs. Jas. .M.esdamea R. M. Duke and C. L. have a guardian appointed for her Schenck were 10 Lebanon Friday. Duke and ch}ldren spent Wednesday uncle. Frank Clark, who is '18 years ~rs. Hebe~ , ~ollingsworth and. afternoon With Mrs, Samuel Charl- old , and is paralyzed and i.s in no chtldren are visitmg her sister. Mrs. ton ' f't t to h' b . Norton. ' .':'. , . ' way I 0 see IS usmess, - -_ ....-. , ,,ebster Kirby, of Pe!tm, rece~tly Judge Boxwell upon invest igat ion W IIman ,pl.\rchased a new threshllll' machme ' . . e. which in shipping became lost. and came to the conclusion , that It was M.r d M G Elli d put many farmers back with their proper that a guardian should be apcia .... tean deorg~th threshing. . pointed. apd he aAPointed Mr. Aaron tinU~ ~ un ay ~ Mrs. W. D. Linder / o! '~iarnis- B. Chandler. Mr C1yd~ Burge and family of '~ur,l!f,' hash co}l'le °1,vdei"ftothaslllstMm carJ- Frank Clark was never married. . mg or . er mva I a er. r. 0- He i s a son 0 f Henry CIar. k Ii f ormer Newport, Ky., Mr. Chas. BUrJre ,and seph Crane n family. of Wil.mina-to , Mr. Ed SoHenry N~wburg and wife, Major. well-known citizen of that neighborsan &Ilelld fam )Iy .anlyd Mr·thCbaunc! Newhura- and dauehter Louise, of hood. Frank has considerable prop,Bunn and ~aml were e gues... C·Il}cmna . t'I, and J ames Fr;;d man. of erty. Bea'd h f h r rot~ra-e Bogan and famil,SuDday. I es .t e arm elves on wereafternoon guests of W. W. in which it . is understood he M rae )(ary J . 'CI eaver SpeDt Satur- ChIcago, C So. cia ,. ' has . a day niPt and Sund with her rane ..D Y •• one-half interest, the other half be'<Jtulhter. Mra. Geora-e~v,is. , V. M.. Stokes aJ:ld . WIfe attended longi1l8 to the heirs 'of his sister. ~- W'II D t Wedn.....l··· the Hathaway reUOlon last Thurs u_ J __L MCKay , he h as perh aps ~. I . III1D spen .,.,...." day. , , , lIUIt., OIUlua;toon WI~ ber , parents, Mr. Carl Sheets &lid family are gOine \S2,OOO in the bank. He is' suffering QfoI'J8 Bogan and WIfe. on a farm near W-.vneeville. frQm paralysis and is unable to leave ,.Q.'~:'.~wilthClhisea , ' Yer, th°t DayMton •.spendt Walter Stokes is home on his vaca. the house. . ~mo er. rs. Mau ~ • • • • Cleavfa. ~Ion. ' . . 0 -Mia. J __,hla' Wolfe spent several Melbour~e Hathawlll. IS lpendmg . WILL CLOSE ON F~I AV , ~ ¥ week with her 80n Lewis a few days m WaynesvIlle. Th f II . b I h '11 .;.... J . W'I . _" • Matz 'Sw''''ne returned Sund&v e 0 owmg u s ness ouses WI W vu., F.I~r B I m~na""nt . from Day where she 'has close from 1 to 4 o'clock II•• m. on ' ~n ~'h ~iS~:'DM~ 'visiting, and was accompanied Aome August 28; ~908. on ac~ounlt of the ·DUan. ' . by her aant, Mrs. ~arry Ke.rns. . " ,basket meeting to be g1Ven at Cold , ~ Aaoa .and Mat Tiers of . Mrs. Refresha IVinS was m Rldg~ Springs: LebUoR have been visitiq their V1l1e last S u n d a y . . brVther,Elvin Tiers and famiry Mia Blanche Dyke spent Saturday. M. Rldghe, 1. E. Keysi. . • • • . night and Sunday with Hazel Kirby, Dr. Hat ~WaA. Chu. Clernents, . Uarvevsburg. The basket meeting !It Ridgeville JJes:.e LeJanwnl:~ CG=~;OI~. • " oIast Sunday was well attended. Rev. . .... Sch <iT' , F. L. Carrier preached a fine !lermon F. C. wartz, B. S. Howell. The se~on preached at .Jonah ,s in the foreJl;oon and ,gave a temper- E. 'I. Barnhart, J . Coleman. ltua Qlureh by Rev. ,Ru88e1\ Sargent ,ance talk in the afternoon. Several J . A. Funkey. W. WhitE!. was ~iaten~ to. by~ large and. apol from a diatanee were in atteridanae. C. .Perl'¥,. ' A. Maffitt. preclaf;ive c:o~gation.. , WIIl ,Phllllps. Walter M4~lure. IIr and M H riy Smart &l1li two Wtlber Earnhart gave a dance at, Hahn's Goo. Dakiln, chilcken, andrsMr:. Smart's ,mother. bis home in Pelri11 Saturday night. Frank Carey, Enterpril!l. Mnt Evans. ot Cincinnati, arespend-' R, Church. . W. Con.khn. iqafewweeks at the "HattGn cotSpring Vall"y. ' W. B. Cline. . J. A. Htrsch, tqe .. \ Wm. Casperson. J. H , OPJ), u' U Ma' . te .... i· ..I A. Emily. Gustin House, _rae.ary mes ,18. en rwo IImg Mrs. Everett Zentmeyer and chllu- Geo Thomnann Frank Miller her mothe~.. Mrs. Sophia Smart. ren of Paris Ind., are guests ' of Jeff' Smith I " ' " , H P Ke .;s ' Mn. JbbieCollett~lItertained atdin- Joseph Hawke and family. C. M. Robitzer, F: C: Mc~u'rdy, ner Tuesday her.lJia.ter, MI'8. ~muel , Miss Mae Evans i$ very A. B. Sides, CUrl, of near Walmmgto~J and 'cous" Catherine ' Alexander iii, Cyrus HodaoD, of . Hutchinson ' I " • ~rs' Jam~ ' and daughter L. A,' Zimmerman, , Kan. . , . V1Slted last week WIU- Joseph Hawke • - • Mr.' I,lavls Graham ' arId. wi'fe ~t; an~. farnily. · IMPO~TANT TO VOTERS,; " ,tended the funeral of. their COUSin, Carl Sherwood aIld wife, Jotua ' Miss.Sarah Davis1'ue8day,. : .Reeves Jr. and wife" were guests ofi . "· •
Just received a car load Diamond , Cry~tal No 1 Medium Coarse Sl;\lt . Won' t get hard.
For .
II 'fresh Pork,Veal, Lamb or Beef II:
Star Tin Cans
Also, an y' kind of
Enamel Ware
I It
Hirsch's Meat Market ' ~'
A large
~' E
New J ersey Sweet Potatoes, , Indiana Water Melons . Cooking Apples, Grapes, Nutmegs, Tomatoes, Cabbage.
~rtment just received
Bring Us Your Eggs Paying 20 Cents.
S~oke~ Ment~ YOIl
::o~u~o:~:r~~:~:t::r Li::!;~~
~. ~
for the Highest Cash Price.
-i~~.d:;~il=~f:i;:w~ee~~ ~~t:lvilflaronSearsandwife.near with:e:~!~:e~m::r!:~e ~~::nf~ ' MtS. Floyd ~deI"80n arid son have
returned to their ,home after a ten .d!lYs· visit with relatives here: . ,Alt ~!t'ards o~ AtJanta, . Ga., .here V1sltmg reia:lves an~ friends. Mr: ~ont M~rrlB aT,d. WIfe ar~ ent«;rtaimng their two meces. from Sabma, . Mr. Jo~t Morris an~ wife 'and 'Mr Frank Shldaker spent last Thursday at the BlancJiester fair. Am.os Ellis aod wife spent at the home of Mrs. Floyd in Dayton, Mrs. Ellis a few ~s' visit. : " tt an d 't :wo gran d ch I'lW. 'A . Merr! dren', Rubr and Pearl Cline', ,!,re vis. iting relatives inTipton, Ind. " Dr. Vandervoort Ilnd '. wife and ·Miss Lutie have moved from Cincin· nati ~ the."Springs," e~tinlr mak.e It their future home: . ~r. Lew . Sears ~nd ',~fe .tain~ a nJlmber of relatiVes at Sunday dinner. Mr. H",rl Harvey and wife spent Sunclay with A,a ron Harv,ey : ' MH. MQrris is suffering with ,a Be'Yere -bum on her hand by ,sealinl'
MIM Ma,lI'ie Cline, ,day operator ual ,o,,:!cco~nt of every ~fflc~ in. . ,at the Citizen ' Excbarige is taking to be filled. and thiS of Ither vacation viBitin, in Dayton and self snould 'be inducement 'E!nough, to Bel!brook. Miss Anna Anabee is bring out every voter. takmg her ~Iace. There will be some things Of a George Tolbert died Sunday eyen- great deal of importance that will ing at his r~idence after a loni' , iIl- come up before Bome of the officers ~S8. Servaces w~re held. Tuesday . ' ," afternoon'at 10 o'clock. Burial in t~at Will ,~, elected. among . Valley. the equahzmg of o.u r decenmal apMrs. Gertrude Ham~r visited in praiseme.n t. . This is .a very impotCincinnati the firSt of the week, tant matter of itself. ••• ' , ' , . Mr. H~ward D1.che w~o :is. workCHUnCH LAWN 'FETE" I~ in Ph.aladelphla\ Pa., IS s p e n d m g " ' his, vacation with hiS parents. , . ' , " :',. Ora Reeves, Wife . and baby, ot The Ladlee ,Foreign M.is8ioD~r' , 'are th~ guests of his 8oolety, 'of ~~e . M. E •. Obprcb, wm John Rayes Sr., and wife. . live a"la"'.o lete S"tnrday' evening, Mn. John Reeves Jr. visited Fri· Augus, Ilt&h; 00 the -churoh in Dayton. . lae"cream'aIldca.e-wlll be served. : and son Herbert ..,• - • : , .' are guests 'of J ." H: Pilei belpecl'lit ,onoe1 wlt)l m r and family. . tJboop's lIaclo OlDtment. ~as' to . , ' . ' prove ~'ta &ria1 bO;J Will be ~PSl. WIfe an~ chddren. at- OD reqlllMl'" by wrl"DI ,pr. we Beal reuruon at Goes ~De, "W18. ItchlD;, ' .m.lI.n.,nll. ••, . .' ble~lo. plt_; 10Ui!rDal or ,' eJ:~l~Da,J~ A ftslllnl' party was rven Friday get; quiok a04 certalD · ,I!elp' idternooD i!1 honor 0 Mill! Helen Maglo OID....ent;. Large bos: BaU, of Xenia, tJold; by all deale~. Mila Sabra Loa-an, of Xenia. was ", ' • • the pM FrldaS' eVeilinl' ef MIll! FOR ~BNT.
lin. Jennie WilJiamsonand daughter, lin. Gebhart. of MiddletoWD, carne to attend the' funeral of a&rs. WDIoI; Harlan; Kate SIma. - ,---Mr. and 1Irs. Jonathan ' •• Dwellina house of five villtild their BOn ••StaCy and JOLLY CROWD OF ,AUTOISTS , two Iota. Inquire of
SuaIII¥. -
1~~;:5~J~ec::tu~.rwell e at the
Clark, CorWin. ohio.
lAlla 8uday Mr, IUUl Iln. Jon. Cook, IIr. aDd lin. J. O. o.n. wd,ll, IIr....4 lin. W. B.
==- =;:'l
Excellent Health Advise Mrs, M . M. IJln·ison. of ' No. 379 Gifford Ave, . Han Jose. Oal , M YS : "The worth of Eleotrl o Bitters aa a generlt} fawily remedy. tor head. aohe. bilioUllnet\8 and torpor of the Ii ver ILnd bowels iM flO pronounced tbat I Am prOIll)Jted til Imy Il word In its favor. f or tbe benefit of t b08tl see'klng reJluf from ,slJch anllot.ioD8 T~erb i8 more be'll tb for t.b e dilJelltive organll in 1\ bottle of Electrlo Bltters tbrt n In ,aoy other remedy I ~now of, " tIoldullderguaranteeat Fred 0 , ~h"' I'~t'8 drog sMre 50,
Stands' Like I PnotIoaIIr Stone Wall TII'III ~, IIanu; Hop-II ~ \
B~y 'yciar new fence for ,~ara to C,ome. Cel, tbe ~ig. beavy wires. tbe. ,binge Joint, tbe good ,alvl.llilmg. tbe exactly proportIoned quality of steel tbat i. not too bard nor too 10ft. 'we can abow you thi' fence in our stock and explain h' merits and luperiority, not OIlly ill dle ~Il but in tbe fielci. COllie aDd lie us a nci get our
B. . 'SIDES Wayne8~lIe, I' Ohl~
4: ' _~.
A.I.... Cemca , '.
Another car load ,the first of
Ten Nights in aBar Room ,
eptember. ne car a montb gives yoli stricti, tresh PortlaDd Cem8nt~ , Special' p,rice on tract.
the New euatOmer to the old-oil 'bave bOught II f N 0 'I ,many 1& gil 011 0 e VI' , r el&dS MolasseS~bl1t I ,find here . the finest qu~lIty -1 have ever seen. II New lot 'Just oMned,
p. LI·
• per UI c. The flnut cook'anK 'pototoes we have found tbis sealon-Dice,
smootb s tock Bud good size. i ' ca.} 1 t er var elles a~ of' • 0 per bushel.
Locust,a nd Chestnut Posts
or amllY ,use, at the
0 h
You cn save money, eltb'et srock salt or
Ea.rlv, Ohio Po••t-. _ $1 2S b hI
... A car load of salt on . track
IloeIl Salt. . 75.. per 100 Iltl.
~ ,
. . We bave many . tbtngs that Will belp fill v.our baskets. Suoh as Potato ChiPS, Fanoy Cakes, C ream Ch eese, N'Ice D' tied Beef, Ol ives. Pickles both sweet and sour, t;.almou, Sardlhel, Bananas, C M an ned eats. Choice Huney, Peanut Butter, Watermelons, etc.
tbls week. bv buying b I It arre ~a car.
White's Store 'News. p' .' Good
' ~I' l'i'
loAY, ',. Nt'GHT',
28, 1908' •
Under a Mammoth W~terpr~f Tent.'
V" IRega.,. ~".11 6~ a. ... on,
ICa ..\~
GuaraDteed t.o 'keep' pickles of all kidds~ Strictly J ·ure 'Ci~er V , !negar aDd 4 yeurs old. GraiR B~, "i. ,, ' ''1.h ~ C...-C •
2Oc ,
In $0 B...g lot••.
A No'. 1 B!lK, close},)' woven. Jus,t . what you wan t for clover,'· seed. " "
'I' . W ' ' WI.:: RI'·te. & •
'Jar~e8~ ' artd Most Complete. 'P roduction ' in the World. '"
~~I!1!vlIl. 4O'~~PEOPLE,=:=· ======.40 . "
Cincimiati Played ExCunion
Beautitul Seenery.· ··Superior Ca.t Military ........:co.rt OreJlaelltlra
--"'I"~ I'Y
-. . .
t_tnt .
. . ...
AND .W AY N ES V ll. LE NBW&. NIN 'I' U ygA IL ~~~__~~~~~~~~ --~~_~
~~~~~__~~___ _
FAM llY .RE UN 10N
- -'.- -
Her ber t Ed war ds Wtl8 vi st ting In ! f"'''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''\''''\.'''''\' 2LE S ''''· " ""~ ~'''''''''',\,''1 "" "" "'," "'"' ''' ''' ''' ''' ~ DII.yton t·wo dllYII 11&8t wee k. . ',' '' 1-." " "" "" ,""" "" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ,,,,,,
llle Elev enth .Anl lual Reunion ,,,~;,' of Mr. Joe PrluM!., of O.. yhm III here Thr ee Families, Rh.:h , ou hit! vltontloD. ~ (;ar r; (;Ic uwr . MJ. Eli Bur nett. wat! ill Leb "no Mr. Frll nk Hln kley , of LebllDo n n, ~ 'l'be elev enth .. nuu ltl reuDloo visi t ed Mr. ~nd Mrs. t;br i Der Moo. '-':~" """ "~~ ~'"'''''''' of I Mond!\y on bu/dnest!. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',~'''" "" ,'I: :'I r ." "'"'-" " " the RlOh. Van H nil Vial; vllr f>tm '," "". .,',,",..., ,. .' w·. ·;-,." "'-, ;'\" """ " ,,""" ~.... illes Mr. 'hl~!I Bur nett was in Day ton d~y . " '~ :-.,,. ,,,,,, , , :-, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,"~ Ed gew ood . was belo.l in N. B HI'h'~ I!(rovt!, I Or ego tW(' ~utlll'dllY ..lid ~llndI\.Y . nia Mr, ~nd Mrs . Ueo rge Zell ente . rBe Ub roo k. Ullletl llouth 01' U'lrVt1.VllbtlJ·j{, UD · d f I -ba t Il Ine d f lien t:;1tt. MrK R. V . Hun t is at t~e Bom d II rom ~ Don ao e- Rell b UI·rl".y, Aug ullt. ::12, 1\1 OS. Mr . RUI h Stokell, of Cov ton, Mrs . J obn Cun ning bam Ilnd dllu k Ct1IlIilll;!: at Xellill tblt! wee k. ob roo S on d ay. . Ohl o. oam e dOWD to atte '" ter are 'visi ting re illti ves bere . 'I' bt! tll& .V \JtIillg tii,tt! , the orow Mis s Bed inge r of Ken too ky was ud the u . Mrt! . HIIU URn Rfll cbe l. of ss MI . Ilt K ryu h ~ D kl n ente rtai ned Sklk e8 reun ion Dny tolu, the glltbt!rt!r18Itrl.v, 11110.1 1J.v th e tlm g ues t of her bro tber Dr . Sed ill. Wa lter Vle nve r bl1(1 ret.u rned to held Wed nea day · o tha 'Is tlle gue st of ft'l" tiv8 s 1\ ItlW 0 f Iler f flen d8 Ill. ber e. dinD er Sun . AOlJUst 26, at .he ger nOllll II lilli' Itrrl v ed tllUllur Wlil! ' and his wif e frou l Sah uda y ont il wor k in Day ton . bom e 0' Hor rlll dl&Y , it uain g her blrt bda y, flU· Mr. II.nd Mrs . V. B . Clel Den W d d Silv era. ts nuu noe d whl ob WIU! reR\'Ionded e nel "y. Mr. MoK ay, of Wa yne ville ,8pe Mr. and Mr8 . W~rren Bar ne.. nt Mi88 Ano /\ Tat e and Mr. MoC pro , ",. t he ta bles wer e fl&lrto wer e In Day ton htBt We dne sda y. . Mrs ; Hor ace Kir by and on. dau gbt er Tbu rsdl \.y wit b Mr. ly J. K. Spe nce r. /\ba wer e mar rie< Mr0'4 . L M. Hen ders on III In (lay ton been eote rtat nlp g Mr. aod Mrs . wer e o.lh ng on Mr gro anin g with tilt t,a~les prep artld \ Tne sda. y at 1 p, m . • . Btrd 188t wee k. by Elij Mr. ah Fra Com nk pton Cln , of Ham ilto n. tter paid u. wee k 'l'he y will be tbe good o·.)o k" or "bt! t·ll ret! flllllilie tllk lng trel ltllle nt fur rbeu mat lsU l_ Rev er,a l from uou od here atte nd Ilt bom e afGer Sep lem * !l . eJld visi t to bi8 pare nt8 In Mil Mr. H. Brn uneoke r, and dau ghle Af&er.b elug led In prl\.ver by Mr. ford . ber 1st II.t ~tanton, Ken tuok FOl1 l1d - A bell nty pin . Ow r, ed tbe Gra bam reu nio n beld 10.. oer EllzlIobetll, wer e the y. ' Mr. and Mrs . New ton Mil ler call 8u'rll81111 IlI1 pruo eed d to enjo y gue sts of Mred rdlV at tbe bom e of Ben ry MIS8es Flo reno e M~yer8 and Eth th .. 01111 ba ve It by Olll\ i ng lit t hts offioe. and Mrll el on thei r dfl,nghter. Mrs . Wil . Fred Scb war tz laat wee k . Gr.h limp ly spre ltu fl'o ~ t . llon , Pen ewi t are dte ndi og Inst llom, 10 Leb ano n. Miss Em ina HelghwllY WitS In 'In itn&e to . bere one day lut wee k. Aftf"r cllnnt!r thtll4eo reta ry 's repo M r . Rnd Mrs . E, V_ Bar nba rt Xenill. tbi8 wee k . rt oillllltti 16Mt We dne sda.y I&lId 't'hur~ Mi88 Mabel She rwo od blls en· I 1M' Las i MondllY afte rno on Mrt!. G. E. , of tbll' laMt Uleet,lng Willi rend r eRev . Leo lar prea ohe d the fODeraJ tert n oe( for 1886 and dliy . 8 'IrU llea nd Mag . lIoud dllongb$er Bla noh , 1141811 turn ed from a visi t in Um on Vlty 0 f 114 rs. N tbe fo1lowlng offioerl4 w"r e ",Ieo gie Edw ardl ewt on 4, or Day ton, Mon day I"'r y ybi ll Wad ted Mr. Eve rett l)ye, uf Ci Doi nna ti, . Par lett , Mril. Joll a Stan toD , • dllY , at the M. E. Ben 18 even lOg . Cbu roh iD Sprnea for tbe ellflUlng yeu : Pre/nde nt, Mr. log ~nrl Mrs . Tom ~ven N tbe gue st of bls slAte", oer, and Vlll MiH ley ea Abb ie and Mll ry Kee ver, . . Mrs. C. M. B. Rlo b; vice .pre slde nt, W. two obll dren , of Leb ano n , took W . Z. Roll , ot Leb ano n, ol&ndld d. Ro bltz jr . din · ate lb•. Bel l. Jlomll8 aDd Mra. Mrs . .Joo . Kab le and dau ght O'N eall ; seor etftr y, Vhr lstle MoK Hor ace ner wit h Mr. and Mr8 . er for Rep rese ntll tive , .va", In tow -inJ. K . l:!pen- Uar rle are vlsi tiDg Mr. aml Mrs . RI&Y Zell , of Xen n Kir by add dao~bter oa\t ed tley j trel tsur e r, Vh>trlitl Colli er. tbe lr IlOD Ch u. ia, 'I'ue8d .. y Rnd mttd e ' OD Mia s 08r. tba Gaz ette a at Clev elaD d thia wee k. Crt&ne .lId fouDd ber very 'l'be tmslnelltl p!lr t of 'be Illee ting Mr. IInu Mrs. WlllIllW Zell pleasl\.nt call . Mlsa Lenll. Mye rs b08 retu rne PllWb Imp rove d afte r ber 8erl d Roy Mar sha ll aod wife ot C edMo belDg ovel', ttbe crow d Wtl8 ente ~und&y ous from II. plelldl&nt vl~lt wit r r Tbe MIHses K~tberlot! and Roel tllnllllll b Kin g8 Vill e and Mr. aDd MH . Wil l.. Ku Mr. l!'red 80b war tz Is ID Col um taln ed by II. Ulus\ollol progra m l.. . Mil ls frle nds . - mon d Dllkin who bav reu · e bee n spe ndbu!! to-dll·Y on bU8Ine8t1, and taki dere d by t-be Mlllllell Rut b Uar Mra , Lizzie Cra ne II.nd dao gbt . 8h a IJ 0 f 8 pr IDI Valle y, 'ook dlo ng Ing tbe l4uO:mllr mon er, Mr. aDd ner Mrs . Joe Ker ber sey e , - will leav e of Xen ia, wlt b Mr. and Mra. io the fair . aud Bel en Edw ar4s , nl!lo by of iJin olno ati, are IlpeDdlng a are B, F. Jam8&. ' MlslI Thu rlld ay mor ning for tb8 ir bom visl tIog her e. . Min nie McKiol!ey I&ntl MRry v-v e few day tt with V . M. Sto kes Son elay . Mr and Mr8 . Lln dlev Men den . loy aod - In Han nibi ll, Mo . Min M&y Wrl Hom er Dea ther age ente rtai ned At alKlut fivt! · u'olock ·tbe gl&y ball wU llltt end Flll r gbt Wife Mr. . B. L. My era baa pur oul 8d Ill. Col nm- wlll llco omp aoy them . the foU owl ng oro wd of joll y yOU 1108 far lUI Cln t.bro og btll(I IU to dillpel tit' , 1111 wlsb bU8 to.d ay. . Dg ~he Mr. res N. tao L. ran !Jon ' of J ... Wl ok. ,.um . nt.H , of Wl\.ynee peo ple ~t a. plon lo Ilt olnn r.ti. For t Ano lent In Spr iDg Val ley. . lug for the rllt,u rn of tbe hllPP ,me, Will oalh ng 00 Fr. nk t:lto Mr, and Mr •. J 8 . Cba,pmlAn and Y 00 kes Bon d"y : tbe MIs8e8 LlIl lan Clo tter ~8IIiuD, wb iob will btl beld Mr. aod Mrs , H. O ..Bo wlu d -.ta con tinu ed lillie to Sep tem ber .od frie nd. laat Tue llda y afte rno on. and Besl at the Mrs . LinR Oev ltt SpeDt F'rid'lY io 16.OurYou ltl Age r, of Mil ford ', Pea rl ad can boy tbe 12 lIood 16 cen t I!l1lJle pillae tile jl)u rlli Satu rdll Y her Sist er, M,. . Rao dolp la to Tbe M1It ll88 Mab of Cin olnn a.ti. el aDd Etb el Lao dre8 s gingham!! Ilt 9 "nd 10 cen k . Bhl&verton; of Ken tno ky; AUj!utlt , 111011 ts, ey, of 'MlddletowD , an'd Ann LillUe Uay ton Soo day , Mrs Wm . H oble tt lind Mra . Lin a mus lln8 6, 7, 8 ll Ellr n _ Lau ra nnd My rtle Kib • '0 10 oen ~ --- --ler i Loo lle t low er tha n bar t wer e visi ting Roy MI .. Var oUn e Har moo of. Day too Dev itt., wer e in Day ton 8bopplD Ear nba rt Mal g lon, eYer, tow elin g and' tabl e lIoenii Gll&dys and EdDI\. t3penoer, i8 A QU IET WEDDlNG Ill!lt 'fbu rlld .y at ~lId fam lly lut wee k. the g~eat of , MH . J'~pb1De . grll at barg ainl l. t:lee .. bell oeD ' a04 Ale ..... II. ·C~llrlie ~aylor, of Uol- Bta~e. ulet ItDd .lm l'lo wall flbe cere nlo .. Ie W. ... .Kir by , of Pek io, b,,1 Mr. Fra nk GI&I,ll\.b'e r. of Leb aoo o, Q at q~~q8 j Hen ry We1l8, Fre d cHlplaytHi on lioe a aod in 'be ny whl ob' unit ed in U1llcrlllge two PllttOD, Mrs . t:\nlllvan of J;>a)'loD te tu big of Wl&~ sha kln g ban dll with reo ehe d bia Dew 'hr~t'Q8 m. trleD de ~I\. WID IVb QOW . .10hn 4. F q o k e y Hon llton , rt" of t:lpr ing Vl,\l Day ton '8 mQljt ~Iupu\a.r yoo ni peo ley ; gU~s . a t oJ' bel' ...ter lira . A. J(oP P. D d ' I wilJ . t fh QeII Q t"", blll ,, in Fra.nk Uln tter , ' ple all ur....ay . o,M ..".kn r""" " U",~ ~al n t\rml$a({e aDd UIIIII Olorll CllI Her buo k lind .A.y M J af.e H 'r. r. Bom OIHIpb MiD nep D died 'rueM* ').l" r. er ' Oea . enry tt\e A rage . Mr. • .. OAJ"- .P.. ._0 Mill" Mar ie Har Der , ot New BDr ...... D.... ... ...1.0'.rttI_ dllY and waa t._e ..,..w"o .....".v .....e ....... n to 0&1'011 Wa d• 110 · t1 a ugb te Ellr l 'we rly . ' Atte ode d by "-" n The BI V. 0" iI. bUil d ~., Miu nel!B U Alis8 Iln/Olton, Is the gue st of Mr. ... e. '" NlI an .0., -~l mee tina wU\ ne..... .,.-- -t .... ay -lll" .. hi'" to the bom e of hi. ~e.. lly t.aXl and Mrs . bel, of SidDey .Obl '-l~ 'or Ella We uer lind Mr. JOhD Dow o, arri~ad I'ridloY -~., ... be held at the bom e or .. ,. ulng , E. V. ~rDbllrt, Phl lt P. B i 1 t Da ... -, or a n QiOlMl perl 4ow .lJri eod il,tb ey wen 8berwoO(! Frid ay Id"M MI. . Mabel mor nlD g !It tbe hom o of Mr. 'fbO ytoo . l &0 Mr. lD ' ,W. Mi .. Ma ry lia&fUIld of Day ~ ." _r !_ :r!~bale Hma1Qed B. l:Iar d .rl'l ved ber e laat as' tbep arll Ona geo f Rev . J . G . Uub loa bro& ""'_ her, 'Hi Day ld Lill W . l er, Wedn88da:r, end will lltay ·C W .. rr -.~ DIP&:. 'fIri.$b. • • • W ... .u. UI S of ts. ' u. for Tbe you OI Iadlea rem aiD of Oak stre et U. 8 obu rob and 11188 aD ed for a lin. 8ll...H . . . . sa.t )n'M "nd six or eigh t weekll. r aDd fam tly Wa dna ed.Y .Dd MQ d Ihe Ly~ Bela Ap r, of 'I·h and ay. brie f :V'II~ wit.b tb., l, rel. Jlve a her wer e m~rrled at 25 mioQI8IJ . befo Mil ford , W8le 'be e &1e 8qa 4a:y .ola aol picmia MluNellle~DDiolrbua ...UII" re Han Bor aoe Mo K.y and wile , held til iQ81M of Fra nk Clo Ded of bot . the ir fa'l ler retnrnec1 bom 9 MondbY mor ning . l'be t$er Sond~y, Tue sda y afte r a brid e IDdlanapolill, bav e bee n e i'; C, 4. 8oUh'aw~ . \ge eb 'riaIIJD W ...· tbe gu .'" &he eV80iJlI, . wor e It baodsolDtI trav elin g gow Har;eYSbUrg. n of of M1"1I. S. C. AI,lera. Maoobeater_ IIr, .De l .IIn , Cbaa. l'er lMo o .t· fail le sUk, wis h hat t() • m~t Consldertl,aR tbe lrea t num ber ob. 841'8. F. L . C. Wei lldlo dt, o( of &lIDded a :reoDioD held ~r MIIII8B Gra oe '.l'o rur aDd ... &.1'- onr old oUl tom era at W.y Wil -I Mi811 MoUie VlU lder voo rt .;t .. IIlll\8 We ave r war ell dltl nty dhrel oen llie mlq &oo jail ' tlat ord ay left · Frl- Sel lan .t&eodec1 tbe lll of dlnn ,Ob lo, III the Boe at of . JiUl Mr. aDd tba ' dea lre oor wor k, G8a 1 day wbl te. ImUled~!':t.elY ~fterl t t!foe lor Cbi cag o wbe re .s be .e:i:peota The ater 10 Da y"we hav e de. fre. Mra . C. M_ Rob ltze r. Mr. Ch ari . CaB 'er'y , 01 P~ln, Tbu nda y. Pla y mon y, Mr. 'Ilud ... rs. Ave r y te II oide to speD d to d pay tbe oar ,fall flU'l aDd l on all ord en Imp rov ing alow t or' Win ter wit h \1\18' oot of Col 181 It UI" to the \I,ir811 Itnd ly ane r .. lIeriona her niec e. 8," on thel r re' . and Mr8. Fre d Bob war tz 1Io0d of tbre e doll ars or ove r. Pas te iU088I1. tDrn~w1llllve at 1'1U Borl Mra. Rob ert Tat e auel da.... .l08 l!treel daoUr gbtt lrlt wer e flne8Y of rela tive Mr. ... aDd Mrs _ B. L. Da'- hl are en. Mar gere s th.a in fou r bat IUld rem 'U t, of Day&oo oam e TuM day to Ii cosy hom e whi oh bl\.s bee P '- B d emb er Mre . W. D. o fitte d a t ... y dea Lin der, whe n of you Mia mla nee d plo· orea . you .... n do bor g, .r. un .y. t alnl og )tn . Frao oi8 wbo cam e ove r to OAre for. tert OD Fet ra ... at en d the . w addlo . r- by the .gro.oIU . Mr . J!:verly Is a betGer witb oa tbaD•ettb er Day-Mra. Alloe r - IMb a Gilb ertLa e of tbel... Ml88C &r .b . BrowD enta ton And or tw'" ber r&a 00\1 i~valld. fa'b er i. now 'ver y ill obildre~ ~ '..., loed 810 MiBi' ADua .Ta rd I pop nlll r aboo 1IIl18olmltn at ~\dllr . ~'., . OIn mnn at\. of Bod M CQi DOW J Mrs oago Num . '0 ~I I\. ' ~Immons and MI81 aDd Mlsa ~l1en ART MUDIO, at·b te reeldl80oo. L_ Job n8ta D'a aDd bit" MOre!! of frie ' . as. CU Dio ,ua 1 X I Ohl m' I. 1I1ldar nds ~elen ~eJsey lalt Frtd ay. Dlo teno o of ,Rlohmood Ind . ' the d , • _ ! en a , I wbo lire oft'ClrlDg blm tbel r ooo 00 Ors car e -'tb o. WI oe___ _jp grat - 'Mrs . Alm Wrlgj}t !lnd M1'8. NeUe Sow .I'd, ulp. . a. "au gbt er Mr. es uiatluD8 on III&villl( WDn "0 oh ..rml aod .... Mrs , Orla nda . Fau oett of at tbe Bell - - • ng Exo~ . bav e bee ll t"e gn" l W4 'Um ft" _b , le.So of New b 'fOR Jas ' per >t • brid e. Altb ong b d"tt l of are " .. ,., vlal ting Mrs . Fao . be 00 dot tht\ a Mrll f . UIl.l rk tbi Vad wal Mr. eak lade r, of Mo rrow . wed dlnR wall kno wo t.\) bl1t oOIl Wil l Mo n.. alld MIS. Dav is oeW a lJTa nd'a ther Mr . Cba s lVll rCle ave r . . ewerea,aw a w ', aCOOOD t 0 a sev allv ely lew , a ban d.qD le oollt!otl 'I'he foll owi lllla 00 • Mi8/ AJQ 1 Em qne ma . wer Bel . OD e 88Dt of Roar WaYlielVijle, ane! gbw ay eDt erta iDe d on Mrs . J. Mr S. . of prell8ntll telt.lfiP8 to "'Ie 1181 Tum lind to er t.he Mrs aud tow . Mar y Hai nes baa gon e to Ura d.1I .... oitb ip tredAr81'M 'bla wee k Mrs. "'*r eena MIs8118 Tril lie and Mq gie ....Dt Bun d oe . visi ted Jam ea 'r1amew IrbaDel ~ nell ... ....1011011 ..... Edw ard8 by. Audlt~r S. A . Stil wel t ay W e t In wbl oh botl l lOre htllli. tt n d tbe mor ei owa of , !Jlly a l lIo;e lor ton, tbe at nse lIup wed wit per h · Tue Geo fam ily in Sprin~eld 1(004&1. _ _ __ l!dllY eve n rgEt Du ia IUld fam ily, \111( , ding of her niec e Miss Wh iner y. of tbll lm\ lfov ett rOlld8 : • __ _ _ _ _ ... r. I&n d'" Le . Aha . Lal ety vl.U ed her 4al llll .... ..... . ",.ra . . w T WU _ 111E SHERWOOD REUNION , . lfe of .... Dea W r be Olin ton Bap tist Ass octa tlon . nml~gtoo " MeMBrs. Wa lter Wh ltak er aod AIMrs IpeD . Edn a Tor ner at Alp ba ',,'b ora. t Sat ord ay and was beld at ,Jam esto Vle ar Cre ek fow nsb lp .... .... ~ 673 wn, Wed Q8! 'day day . .07 80n day wit b hert. MoK ay IIoUeod d tt:.e Wil Joh n Wo lfe and and Tho r8d ker. frl&Dkhn ...... ... ...... ... .. .. .. .Brl gbt and . clea r the suo Bholle ay and ... IIQloog ibol le 983. 65 fam ily. 8 Misse8 Mo Car 'y aod Cl. ,ge t ~n I$tock 11ft 1e at Cl ar~e8Vll . ' dowD oo.t be I!Iberwood reon lon IlI hUtt Deerfield ...... ... ...... who a&tended from Jon ab'l I Roo of lllst wee k. ' .•. .... .. ... 607. 30 , Vay too are the. g088tll ot tbe Coa lok Mrs . Diok ~mytb aDd dan ght er Tho rad ay Unl en ..... ' .... ... ..... ..... . ..... u . at the bOJQO o.t Mr,' .FraDk wer e Rey . .\. 27 K, "I ~rg .. .. 148"7'''14 and ent and wife , Hoo se. . Miss CooDne Wy Mr. /\nd fr,frll. E V. &r nba son g of <.:In - Mrs . Mar y Gra bam . Elbon,lIon&b 01 tow n , rt Tor W tle Cre ek ...... ...,.. .... ..... . 745 , Mis sea Ann a spe '66 Mr8 , Tur Dbu ll and Mra . Sa..... nt olon 8un atl, day 8pe . lu nt .Wed~eB4a:\, o~ \allt S~pa, New Bur ling ton, 1~bere wer e .126 ·lIa.t dow n to dln ayn e ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . 38s'61 Mar tha. MoOone, Ann e DOS ' ,Ar tbe .gu~ts of Mr. and Mrl4, wee k mat ron g and dao lCh ter JoH pb.... _"b «eor"~ ha n aDd ter, ner, alid dur ing the afte roo on abo Cha rlel Sale.m ..... ..... ... ...... . ..... · ADnie Den ney , Han nah Co.l Iett ut . ...... Bar ner 539 , .16 .. , ... 'am wer tllt., .[l\o re ClIme, m~klng the tota lly.. een tert a\oe cJ.t the hom e of Mr. .. Hom 1l" .. I/V n . . . . . . .... .. ••• M88 l IIr8. . How ... .. ... .. ard Col~t~, Hur al'8 · a. l1d Mr8 abo ot 116. Was 4iD g to ll .Ro brb an "h Frid ay. The Mill8es Mal'tb~ aDd fi.6o . Bnrg888, Pet er CorY· . ., ~i7.46 lIre . l(la ry Jln e tJleavtlr 'Jpe nt iJe\ M 'I The afte rnoo D wiut. llpe nt ' del\g . .. ... ... ooe . ...... ::!T .. 'a42 ' 90 afte roo on1 ~t Bnr nett are 'spe ndin g a few Wile Its . 8., wee k wit hb,e rda ugh • all. e .. " .. , .... . " ..... ..... .. " ,. 356 --~-. fall y 10 ilpeeob-~Rklug aDel Mr, and B4rs . Joli t Mo rris en~r . 36 ter, Mr•• (Jeo rle 08~18. mua lo "t Wab a8b , IncL . the gaA Sp a Valley rin 8Y ot Mra $a\n . ed Hul \ell' all. ...... :.: ..... ..... ... '~ .. "" -.-', -"-bo tb 10lltrumeh&lli alld voc wee k, Mis sea Cla ra Ilad al Mar y Bol law ell, Mr , Wa lser Jord aD waH a C\n~ eo· in. Bar r\e' Mo rris at Wio bta, £aD , Tot aL .... .. .... ... ...... .. ..... ...6609 Idpeoohell wftre mad e by ReV'. Pbl .91 MI8 oatt 8 Vla viBi ra and tor llr ~l\o Bro ce fho lth v ..,,day. . Mr. C. E j Rldenollt:'tI ohll dreo Mlu ~ol~ :Qatea lS visi ting rei ; Tro ut, W. H. (Jl\.rd, C. A "Br Qot of tbls lim oon t f1GOIPU OAm •. ed iD Xen own , wbo bav e bau n t.411 gQ8tI ia 1'hn e rHd Mr. a • aDd "'a. 11leo Oot tre\ l ra.. atlv ~1l of }fro from a levy IIIlUle by 'ile oou 8 . Lev erin g Car twr,lght , Mra . ea aDd frhmcllllD RU8 'Rnd MJ"II J&r"el J3ateertt1 oty toro ed ·b owe 1'b" rlda y 'afw Mrs . Cba rles ve: ble WU aho wai r" te, few preo OOQlDli88IQQel'll, ').lile fe8~ w!'s .eU Mo ':ra , .~dotb~l1!, 1)a"i. Ura Qam .Dd fam ily at&endre- day s V18lt· wt~\l frtelll\!I a~" torn ed bOlDe Sun day , . In Oay toD TblU 'Bda ,. rel~ 'h8i ad oelv eq frQQI tpe s-.$ o aQIi \a the 'l'he oac eril ' eleo tM tort .be ens the t:ira.h8~ reol lion II.t Lebano . re- in Day too , D D r G M A ntim ber of 'eao ber a' from her D e snlt ·...tqrd .y. of· t Dgyear 'were ~ Frl&l'Ik '""'lbon, Prelu!l- bls. tbe aio ltl . offio lPQ r. ' . tf" . rt~ · !loy" byB .A. at, atle Mr. wll nde d 'he Ins tito te bel d 10 XeDIa. aD4 lbe' in o at Har veyenti Al\n . "a dt'Dt ;" Oba.rlell .Sh erw ood , of met sbq Gra rg y the IDd wtH tk Mr, 8tU and wel i· Tbl a mon ey dllr jved from ~18. Jon atba n ~urnett, l""· we· O,'eo,b& er ~efe -vIIUlo" ha .... .DOII on fr~nobilell. wall ~ppropri goli la; odv~'Pfr~ldent i M.la8 Mllb befl lnnl ng MondllY t Sep tem ber 7, 611' .. loud ¥1'8. .Har l Har vfty IIpeot ..... e '-. el I&nd IIot Spr ing :\'1&1\ 1 tbe wee . &. 'bor ada y at tbe. Gra nge plODlo . 8be rwo • ,0 . regonitl. trea .llre k of ",ted by the Hta~e p ro v1d8 e at The . oan nlng ll r. tlle Se oonD lem ber Se, H. e"" tfOlll bel' 8 •• teod ed she rted Tue e'l'b day ' aivi ng e )faot orY 'ata ty or townll1l1P!1 woq14 (I\1t qp a Le" "Do , n: to Oll8 prea eot &ahl 1& wu one ot , P . , like . :. ., . . plODio at Leb ano o Tha ra. '';' the bea t reon \ona eve r beld aDd ,,~o !DP Qn', oym en ' • "re a Mr. and Mr•. Lev t Jeal lop atte odall M"II . Idl tb8 llrr l. ~nd :nle088, 'be nam bad a ...ood t-lmo1'. . r. , ad tbe She rwo od reon loD Tho rid. Tbe ellp ep4 1tgr e ot tbe abo ve ' .. .MI .'ell by ry Mr8. Joh n Reev~ Jr, is v1altiog I ad. .p& b' roly n . 1 and IIklltli )loe her • _ • ' upo wbi oh wall held a' 'he r8tlideD08 ~rr v Mra ome alt , wee k afte r a' de- .•be low olhl pa . &ra n oor road a In a~- ADD ICdW of b Rto frie b nds 10 Day .on. aDd ' Mn . Mar M-A- • .,. . 'Dt Thu rad "y -i."y ,"-I lk Elb . A '-DEl:.I(jIiT~UL PARTY , on tn Wa yne svil le. uo.. IIgb tful It.y of tw~ wee kI ~t Clla dill on t9 an klwDBhlp &ax OOllb' ,t o W~l.-r JO~n ... ... P. A. Ale xan der wif e, aod dau gb..... -III .nA 'f ..... ' r . Imp rov e oor roe d, very moo Mr, and Mra. Wil l Cla rk bav e sen lev.olx on Ll&ke Mto hlp o. b. MilA .Looil!ll tirt.ok811 will wive • ... ...... t .ter .. mad ..... e;. wee ks viaU wU~ fri8l1cia ·1· a ~ , . " "S id' We b" Ilrt Mra . W\l , U 'gqQ aDd ohll dreo .Dd ont IDVis.ttoDa to the lr man y frie nda in »el lnu , Ohi t he ' bom e .~ o. . lIlan . . a, bOY I obUdreD I olot hlD g P ,.er l1'b el ' Wa rdlo w can ed 0 p y ~ FUN KEY'S C~T PR'C~ Ml, ft r . oele brat e thei r flttb at prlo el bey ond oom pe'l tlon . . 'bla eveDiDg. The par ty 18 '0 wed . dlu) Bop Bah l Jl Mtu d '" 11 8 .. _0 aDD tver eary Sep Hu el Oom ptoD a for OIl 11 I ' lem ber Bod. "1 I tb larg e o~e. and no'd oub t· eve ry be a ao am y no ...." real deD t of th1a pIaoe w.. bDlm.r . ' one ;':~ :;e:l~:n tl:1k~: Mr. Jo" · "'o rril ·oo~ hts fou 'led BriO I will hav e allr and Um.. . OwlDW &0 110 ~PY of oor OQI r . . Th~ay . ~f&el'DQOD. .. , to.up ply Dew prem lom l. I •• • . . 41. _ .. _r a ap'd frt_ cIa wbo wllb to IlteON. to Day too Tllu Hd& y 10 bav e hla lIt8 8 LtD lao Au bee v1al& ~ICNICED AT ~QO • DB ooD~,oe oor Cal Prlo ORAHAM REUNION ecl to 1.0' 0, e Sale 00 . XeD I. We tDe ada y. Job n A, J'0Ilkey. ihe la,, "ato oli: ' Mr. aDd Mn , . ".' lAw wil1 ' Sea ra ..n .-ve ry The Mi a_ JIld~'h aDd Db el Orte . M. II. , 8be rwo od aDd Mr, .D~ MH , J, 8. Ool ema u, Mr. aacl day at ~ redQ otlo " to live eve &heir bro tber EI~er in Day too Tbe Gra ball l reun loo wa. beld 'S,," Oar l Sb.~Ood au4 Wife r, and lira . D. L. OraD81 anel 8GD en.b errJ , of T~ulllll8h, Neb.... ~"' &iha Dde D urd d h. 1M, Sat ard ay a' the bom e of ay aDd ODe a oba ooe &G &bOIl &1Ie SnD day . . ~ Sbe..woo d ..I'81IIl101l Tb ohU dna aD!! IIlP Kai h,Y Il 881U eraoD Hr bav e beeD visl ttDI 'bei r .aD ~. l t, lin . for aob ool, W. 0&11 Bea ry Gra b.... In LebaDOD. Abo .pe D' A. 8. Col lett Ipe D' 8atl U'd .y .pd YOIl .be ut ..RdUh a •• l'iu Dd ~lJy. 'ftle WU l ~~. ""'a .~ . . YIIM ., tile Zoo. lGO ..tdoW D to diDDer. ID tbe y ... ..., aobool aha .. .... leU SUDda 10 OIDolDoa&1 ecI f.m oa. liD . l'IMty .... .. ~olD a'. dao gbt «. of) ln llar 70t ille lu;J ame dow D. .... Ina or ... ... .. ed ll1l erry lh .... by ..roo oo aho rt ll.. 'he aamllton Bro wu 'Dd 8ro . Y 18 wer e mild.. , D.. Moab.... , who • ~ ,,~ wel l aIIIl wk . .n . Cly de · I(ra _· Ibb l. 001 lW tboae 'PNI8DC, aDd lid 'l'J'oviIlD ' baN "'u a 00. 1." 'pal baa r . .. too4 'ma u, XenIa ~ I'naoIe, , .. ..-ct. afte r a teD dQ I . ' to ber _1~l1I~ ••·ID. ..., With .... .. 1Ii _ ~~l._
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Is Pe-ru-na Useful
for Catarrh?
Should • list or tho lngt'lldlllDtII or Pebe submlttod to aoy medlcal .ell' llOrt., ot Whatovor IIOhool or oll tionall~y, ho wonld bo obUged &0 admit " 'iLhou' res n ' e that ~bo UlodlOl nal hor bs oom~Ing P orun. are or two kinds. Plrs', ~'\Andard and w oll-trled oal.llrr h remitdies. Second, woLl-known nud gonor· ally acknowlodged tonh r omodlo. That fn ooe or the othor ot t ,II (,80 uso, they b M'o stood tho I.e t of m"ny years' elQ>lJrlon cO by phy.sl91llDII of dl!torcn& 80hools. Thore oan bono dl put~ a bout tills, wbaoo"or, PoruDl~ Is oom~3od of fl0 010 ot the most emCl\CloU8 n ud nnl· versllUy U81'd borlinl r emedies lor ca· nha! diseases , and l on;uob condlLlonG of th o human ayslom as r ('quJre II tonic. JI:mch ono ot 'ho principal ingredients of I'ar uoa bas a r opn tntlo n or Ua own In tbe c nre or Bome phaso of cntmrrh or ... II lonio modlcJno. T h e tact Is, ohroMe oatarch Is It dis· 0ll ~ 0 which Is vory proval.ent. Mllnl ~ hou 'a nd p eople . know Illey have r brolliocatnrrh. 'I'hey have VIsltM doc· t.ors 'Over and ovor &gllln, and bouo told Lbat th olr case 180neol ohronlc oallKtb. H IDoy be of the noeo, throat, 1UDgB, s tomach or ~ome o~h er SntarD~ ~rgan. T bero 1.8 no doub~ 411 &0 tho nature of t ho disease. Tho only trouble Is the r emedy. TlIts doetor bas tried to cure l hem. That doctor bal! tried to pre· scribe for ,bem. No o ~ ber housebold remedy 80 univorslIlIy advertised carries u~n the 1 bel tbe prinCipal aetlve consULcents, s bowlng thllt PoruD:\ luvites the full lJJapootlon of the ariUoe. «" Wla
NO SURPLUS FUNDS THERE. Beggar Satl8fted with Evidence. " Poverty Sight. .
,Two old Hobrew beggars wece tra,,ling togethe r throug b the fCaldenco IICCUOn. or Pitts burg no t.. long ago. In quolJt of contributions toward their joInt capital, PresenUy the), pllssed a bl\ndsome reliidenoe, from wblch sweet soand, "t, mUsiC' issued. It 'was Ike'lJ turn and hope fully he ascended the ste])8 to tbe front door. eagerly ~atohed by Jake. wbo expectod QullA a bandsome addl· tioll to their funlli . uts consternaUon woa great con8&Quently when be beheld Ike returning crcs l!a11en and empty·handed: . An..xlously run~1ng to meel bJm, he Rflld: "Veil, Ikey. how did YOIl make (lut wllh tho good people'!"' ·' Jakey." replied Ike. '''tlIere was no use nsli:lng In there, becanse thei are very poor peOPle thomselvelt. Just tbink-[wo 10veJy Illdiell 1)1011118 none planol"-Judge'8 Library, Allsorblng, Sltas-Ha! Hal Reubcll got l11inIrocd agBiIl. , . (f)-rus-Do tell! What was It this time! Snas-Why, ' Reuben laW an ad tbJll atated that for one dOllar th~y would send h.lm lome or the moat abeorblr.lg literature ho over read. Chua-And wbat I did the y send hlm? SJtas,.....Wby. they lIent him a pam· ptllet entitled "How Blotters Are Modo·" and another entitled ",Pointe on 'furklab Towell."
The Old.Tlme BOY, Tbe boy of I.I>-day who COmplalnl of 811ytblng should be made to rend tbe :rules and regulaUons laid down lor bo)'!! In old colollial days. He ' had to fltand up at tbo table. He mUlt gO to lIod at candlelight. He must not lit down In the 'presence of a "Isltor. HII must nQt sbout. Ho must not run wtthout CIIUSO. He mUllt 1I0t throw RtoIJeS at animals or birds. He must -,ot ·ldle. on the streot, and If be bad been found tr}'lng to stand on bll h ead he would balle , gone to jalJ for a wcelt.
Contentment la said to be better tban riches. but It Is only a lD&lter or bea,'''Y with mOlt people, .SELF DELUSION Many' People Deceived by Coffee. Wilke to defend our IpdulgenclOl Bml habita ~ven lhough 11'0 may , be 'ou"flnc <i of their actullt harm£ul· Des . A man Mn convince . himllillf tna~ whisky is good for him on Il cold lDorn· ' lng, or beer on a hot Bummor daywhe n b'J wantS lbo, iVhl ~ k)' or beer. Jt's the s aloe wi t h coff e . Thou.lan,ds o r people Bulfer h ondaob('s and no"· ,'JIIS II ORij year after y ear but try to " or!!uatie themselveR (he cause Is not co rte --lll,cau8e they Ilk.e cofrea. "While yct a child I commence,1 U8' j n ~ calfee Rod contlnuM It," wrlles _ WI :, man, "lIntil I wa!! a rt'gulllr col· feo fiend. I drank it eve r)' mornln& I «11 (1 III COnS(lQUeu ee ' had 11 blinding . bcaduclll) lIea... ly evory ' att'ernoon, " lIly folks thout;bllt was colree that a Heu mo, but I liked It nnd would not ' n(l mit It wu tbe 01\U60 at my trouble, Itll 1 Iltuclt to eoftae nnd Ihl!' heMnche. til uok to ,me. ":I!'l nally, Ihe folks IItopped buy In!; , ...."!ree. aud' brought home Bome,PoIlt'um. l'he~ mattl' It . rlgbt fl,tlrectlnu& 0" .i·kg,} aud ~ old 'Ino to see what dillere/lce It would mllhe 'wl:11 my bead. &lid .(iul'l,IIg tbe !\rs~ woek on l'oslum my Qhl amlotlon did Dol \,Iother me onc;e. ","Olll that day to this we hal''' used flothlng but Poslum In place ot cor· '~bendacbell are a thing of tbepaet liel tho whole (amUy 'S In Olle healtb." "f'pat~ rooks c;ood, 11Il!!11 ,pod, Caltell good. II goud. and dOO8 1004 to tbe 'bolebodr." "There'a & RetUJOL" 111••0 cltell bT Poshlm eo.. Bawe
Read 'one Road to "...
c,sat 8urgeon'~ De acrlptlon of Hla Record Achievement•
Dr , Ol'Orge If. Shrl\d y once wu Ask d wh ut h on sld 'red tb star achlove Dll' n-t of Ills long professional Locate House un HISh Gr'ound-;-Orchard Makes Idea l Poul. earOOI·. The greal surg all though t tor try Run - By W. S. Jacobs, Ark.ansas. a momenl, a nd tb eu sold. with a twlp kle In Ills ye' " It 8 an op ration that I'll warraut you never h enrd o( 'l'h.e I1rs t consld(>mllon 15 t.he s lee· fmnl Is leU opl'n ~ave fo r I he wire In tac t. I don't know lho name ot lha lion ot a. :!ullnblo location fo r the poul. n Ulllug, a s ShOWll In Iho cu t. but II pnll ent and I never got a ny fee tal :ry 1,luut. An I \'ullon h avi ng n·ut· burl a p 'c ul'laln Is provided which mIL)' Il 1 wall summoned. saved a boy'o urll l \ll'lIlnage away from the area IJ low red III xtre melr co ld wealher. life and drov e away, all In a very few where t he uulldlng Is' to b o placed Th mo f I ~ covered with No . .2 boxing minutes. ibollid lJe sought. as th g ro\lDd, n o and s hingler!. · B ut If the build e r so "On e summe r. yeors ago, I WIIB oul matle r . 'r what n ature. will bo old desires h c clln usa an y at til spec ially uI1vlng in tile ount r)' up the sta le, llOd unh altby H dnrnp. It tbe pro- propared roofi ng n\ateriklls which, I was gOlug hy /I fnrmhollsll when posed sit do 8 not nfford dralnag though III'obably Ilot so durab le as tho a man ru sh!l!l alit waving hi s RrlUB at cat.umlly I should be I'rovlded In the s h lllgi s, wou ld bave lh advantago llIe. 'Orlv for a doolor. qui ck,' he Corm or a tborou gh system of under· at being ·heaver. ft cheaper g rade ~ elled. 'M)' hoy 's choking 10 denth.' draina ge. A. tlrL porous soil of a oC lumber could be Jsed with eflual r pulled up Illy l earu, sbouted to the santly 01' gra vell y Dnlur Is much lIlore satis[a lion III t he construelioll of th mnn to hold lhe borses and unsh ed iaUsrllcto l'~' Ih nn a n Impervious clay walls : 'rho total co;,l of sllcb n house Into the hOU80. A boy allout ten years soil, as that of th m a r open nuture will d pend on th cost .~f miller ial. old w~ lying on a couch In th e dining Is m or ea sily kept In a clean ana whi ch vu rle s In dlfTerent 10caIlUet;. room. Iils face 'Tas purJlle anrt I did sanllarr condition. A pure. sand y IDv ry h en sbould b o rulowe d six DOt have to look l \\'lco to see that be 8011 is Dot des·lmbl , bowever, a.s a sq uare feet of floor s pace. EJaoh, bird soil which will not s up~rt plnnt life of the Pb' mouth Rock. Wyaudolte and wa~ choking to death. lila mother wtU pro,'e unsn tls factory fo r poultry. olhe r ge ne ral purpose bre.~ds r eQulre3 WIUI kueeUng beside him , orylng. Th ere was DO t time fo r questions or about nine III che8 of p e rch rOQm, anythi ng eit;o. but tbe quicke st kind of Leghorn s . Mlnol'cas, Soanlsh, lc., quick work. I saw t ha t I would have about eight Inch es. ' BruIllllll aud to perform the o peration of tracheo' Langsh an s ten Inches. tomy without a m oment's d elay. I Roosts shOUld be made ItI" or· near ball no instrume nts with me. I felt Ihe ground- not hlgber tban two fll t. In my pocket for my penkll lfe, opened Th ere arc several reasons for ~hl s. It. m ade the necessary Incision In the •. Fowl ~ of the heavier b'rec·,1 ca1.lnol boy's wlnd plpo and fixed blm up tem· fl y hlgb and those of lbe \l ghler pornrlly unlll I could send a note to lll'eeds fre quently Injnre the soleg of th e nearest doctor to coruplete· tbo th Ir feel In .julllping from b Ie'll (I r<:h· l ob. s. Roosls shollld bo matlo ail the "r h eard afte rward lhnt tho boy got SI\mO b elghl s. For If thl Y a1'e mad " 'cll, and that my pcnk nlte O(1e ratlo n some highe r thnll olh rs t ho birds) 'Ill WIIS as comJllete a success as It It h ad Poultry Neats. all nock to the h 19b est olles !Iml heen perfor me d In a hospita l wllh all -"- gentle Blop e (acin g the' s outh or crowd. Which Is, undoslrnbl '. th e ap pllnnces. I have oft on look ed southe ast Is (ll'eferable in ord,!\, l!1at Wh ell dropplr.g boards aro usec! \Jack on that ope ration wl l b clIslinct the fOwl s may r ec ivc a s ruu ch I3lm· th ey should b low down 10 ,pc:rnlt ot pl ensure, because T worltod IlU s wift· light ~s I)Osslble during th o s hort dsys ens~r ('leaning. Tbey sho uld bo mad Iy, so re ly and well wi thout a second's 01 wi n ter. A slope to\l'ord8 tb souih· of mntoh d IUUlbe r and !be 20 ILlehe. pre pnratlo n- automatlca lly. lu fnct. east Is bell r tHan a soulll\\'estel'IY wid for one perch anel th raft feet That Is why I t 01 II ka ca llin" It my wide for lwo percb es. The first per'h "star' achl ev mont." one, a s the fow ls seem lo Ill' fel' til morning to tllo aft rno on s nll. Or· 1,laced nt IElRSt t n Inch es from lh o chards ar v ry deslrahlo liS locations \\,all. A goo!! ;'oost may be mad e rroUl Mrs. Joyoe's Happy Thought, for poultry runs all a ccoun t of tll mnlel'iu l l wo Ily t\\'o ' inches th oll They ha tl m t III the home·golng shad whlcb lbe tr es af(orci durlug s ilgtlUy rounded on ttl eds 5. 111.0 hot summcr days, and In return Many li se old bo~es . bu t tber lr tl'aln , and ·lho talk hud urlfted to their . (or th e s bade thus provIded ' the polll· II ar t he g ro\lnd are li able to InlUt o lIelg hbors. " Yo-es," Mr. BII Ungs said, reluctant· try will prove a valusbl nlly lo the egg eating. To Ill'event tbls 118e dark orchardist in omballog ma ny InJuri- nesls. N . sls are uBuall), . m ade f\'<J1ll Iy In relll}' to his fri e nd 's remark th a t ous Insects. 12 to 15 Inches square. Dirt f1(1ors aro 1\1 ra. Joyce was "an !lwfull y sweet li tWe find lloultry lhrh'lng anr! yl Id· a rul . more saUs{aclOf¥ a nrt muc h tle womnn:' "So obeerful! Always s unn y.! AI· Ing good r et urns In so muny dlfforc ut cheaJler thsn board flo ors aud have Uw " 'ays loolOng o n the bri gh t s ld el" BIl· lings' frie nd contiuued enl huslastl· callv ' ,!.rilere's sucb a ' thing 8S · overdoIng tbo 'brlght side' bu'slness, though," 8111d DlllIngs: "Th e other night 1 was up there, and Jeyce-you know how - , _. ahsent·m lnded ho Is1-put tho lighte d :....::r - --- - , -:::-:- =. . - :. end of bls cigar In hIs mouth. H e lumped three feet. and was a littl o noisy for a minute. Righ t In lhe midst ot It all Mrs. Joyeo srolled bland I>,. and said : "')fow for tu nute you are, dear. tn di scover It al on ce !"
Ground Plan of Poultry Heu ... styles of bous c~ tbat it Is dlfflcult to rec.:.mrue nd anyone vart!euL'lr kind. Thore arc 11 few geue l'a l, rules wblch shou'd h e obaerv d In lhe CODl;tmctloD of nU hou.s es, and It observed tha fowl~ould IteOll heallhy ana Uultt)'. A house which will not permit ot a full circulation' of ,fresh air s bould lIot be built, a s It III IIkoly to become damp and stuffy. GilI' sbould he ob· served to Ilre\' nt drafts as the)' are as falal to good, results ris dampness. rf thc house I~ Rlready conijtructed !lnd I t l'ro\'es dllmp, fiJllug lhe lort ( If It hila one) with dry. c lean 's traw will materl all~' 'Imllro"e It. ThQ dillgram (Iroduc ed here "'Uh shows We g (,OI\1II1 plan of the 110Uije aseti lit tho A rlll\ t\~a S xpe dmellt ata· UOIl a nd wbich has IJ('O\'ed very suU s: factory . 'It is teu feet wille lJy 13 feet long, six t~et high at t he eaves n~d eigh t fceL .hi·11 in (('an t. The wnlla !II'e bu il t of o ne·lnch bo.xlng dre ssed on both silles, Ilnd tbe cracl,s. battened wltb hal f·lnch batte ns. The "hole
nddltlonlll advantage of not provldln, a hiding place for rats . weasels. et•• The Uoor ijbould be at leas t six Inche! Ilbove the surrounding ground. Thill call Ile accomplished Ily filling In wit 1 s and or gravel. ' 1<'rom tillle to tima 'thls lilUlIg, shollid be taken alit and rlt· n e wed, othe rwise It Is liable to b,,· come foul. Cement fOIl':l d.ltlons are best an '1 cheapest In. tht. end, but 1 oals ~ t' stones ilt th!) corners 8e,rve fairly wul\. The building sbould always be con· structed In the spring or early summf r In order that It lIlay dry out befOlD the fowls have to be housed In It. A Cifference.-In mulch cullure a gl'owlug weed Is a sucker (of mof.;· ture~ , ,b ut when ellt ~lDd put urouud a I rce It succors by saving moisture. Go After the P~oflt,.-When you !:o" Into t he h en ' business go In to m /. k ~ somellling out ot It. Too , Dlany men alreudy playing with Llou llry.
appeal to the Wcll· Jnf,mncd in evet'J
wn1k oC lifo lind arc essontial to pr.nnll.llcnt
Who Has Bee n Offi ciall y Dea d for 40 Ycars,
W ilh Ih e line "Ill iI In Se r" t(' '' IIgaitls hi mlmc in the ro!;tl'r ot h ol o! 'l1((h l\ln saucbusp .t s T' glm 111 , Thoma s I!' , Hnllnnl, 1I Ii n sloll er or Ill e civ il war, IIn)l! in tb Sout h ntl III H' Lrlrt or n Ostoll I'nj ... yln!': It I m ~ It In Rpl(' of uge a nd Inllrtnil lee . say s t llu Boston Gioll(', unci Inu;:-hlng hr rIll y wll n ref rCllc ' Is III lldc to l he fact thul fo r marl! tlmu 40 yoars he ha ~ bl'cn officlllily dead , T he' Inolden t wh ich led to Ih o rp[lorl that he was d ad oel'IIITed a t th bat , tle of Oa lne's Mill, JIm 2i, I ' 62 . In Ihls sn ngulnal'Y en gage ment. In which til nOrtbern Iilde losl n ea r ly 9.000 m ell , and tho coufeliprat S II nrl y as m ll n~·: t he Eleve nlh Intantl'y was III . yka's hrlgudo, on t h rlg h of tllll lin e. whic h lill Htalned t;O lllC of t he hal'll oat Ugt:lin g at iho <.Ia~ . til r. nallard's r t:l1l1ec tions ' of thnt dll~-, like t hose of El v,' rr oth r IHiI'at Boldl er. nre . contuscd. H e (ough t nil dl Y. 1111(1 lmvllrr! Lb e "nIl of tho Ilalt lc bl'cIIIll nve rCOlll(1. Wh o I PIl~S (I aft l' !kat with hlH cOnlDl/lnd , h e dill not I am for mout hs afl erwal'd, fo r h e wns loft (or dond 011 Ih Oelrl. The next dilY III con red mler. , while galh erlng Iljl the lVouuded :lOri dead. arnE' II pOU hi m. H ~ wa \lucon · SCIO Il ~, Ilut lhr r to ok him with Oth('l' wOlllldl'rt to tl ' hoSllllul cllmp lit Sav · BROS Slatlon , Th " ro I" , rc 0"01' d con· sclousness. Her I1lCIll b r d n ot hln~ of how h ll 10llt his s IlSE'S, bil l hart JL dim re,::o l. lectlon I hn t 1:)" had bct'u stru ck I)y th(· h eal')' llrub of 1\ treo, whl h h ad 11 01' 11 shot off, nnd lu faillu g f lied him III th j;l·Olllld. Ho found h lms If slitTer· Ing rrom a wounrl in his (oot from a r;pent unll. HE' WII 'lie I, IItHl \\'t'nk, lind h r thought hi! chancos oi !;cttinl' bu k to his r g lD! nl slim, fOT .M ' , I0 I1811 'S army. 1,0 whl h h i)e lon g d, was In rcl!' nt. 1I11i1 til COli r d ralllS were IJI' 'Rs lng thom hind. ' When his nam was rPQul r d by thl' confe derlltes ho ga\'e It a s Thomas
X· Ray Oernlatltls. Mr, Hall Edward~, who was rece nl . Iy gra nted a civil list la r ecognition at his services In the development 01 m edical radiography. unde rwent a furthe·r operation at his re's ldence, Bristol road . Birmingham; recently. In. F ebruary lust the left arm. which had been violently attacke d by what ' IIi known as X·ray derm atlUs, wn~ am· l1u ta lod below the elbow. This did not give the rellet boped for. how· ever, the wound failing to heal, and the patient suffering almost lUI acuto pain as berore. T.he operation was al so Pn t1. ~",I ... q ... , h hn " . •, ... p , 1 ~ r Ct~ 'H\ linsucces1:Ifui In arresting lhe .progr!)ss the list or prlsollors. n. was about of tbe disease. which developed se· It:1.t1 ut..o.y ::. hi I •• V L(LJII ~ at "u ~, . rlously . ln the right hand. The last uges Stutlon. H . made tI'l nd s \f:tl~ operation Inv01ved the removal ot the 11 prlRon I' wbose no ma was MalC'I'·el!. finge rs ot the right hand. It was per· a glllss blowe r from Sontb B01:llol\. form ed by Mr. .Gilbort Darting, aHslst· 'Maxwe ll IHIlped him In Dlnn}' wnys. e d by Mr. Macardle lind Mr. Vlck!)rs Whitby. On Inquiry It WIJ,S staled . cultLng a crooker! sUcle lo r him to us as R crutoh and fetching him wat~r. that the patient hud recovored from Qne da)' he w nt out on this ser vlc', the elrrets of the anaesthetic. and was In II!! ho,peful a condition as could be fO I' lhe las t time. He n eve r came back. expecled. Mr. Hall Edward s has ~t· and Balla'rd lJelieved he ~al! shol hy a sonlry, ,",'hlch was vcr)' IIke l)' th o cnse. terly been engaged on a work dealing Ballard WU8 now laken with the with dermatitis which, It Is under· othel' prisoners to Richmond, whare stood, he has practica lly completed .ho was committed to "Oltstle Thu 'London Times , . der;' nnd lator to Libby 11I'lson. He wall In 1,lbby "rison four mont hs. Sold ie r of F.o rtune Dead. when he escaped by taldug t he l1all1 ~ A r emarkable Boldler has JU8t died ot a 'pau who hnd dl od. and whose at lI udapest III tbe pOrtIOn of Oen. name a Plieared all a li st of prlsonors Sl ellh cn Turr; aile of the braves t revo- · . ~o he exchallged. lutlona ry generals that ever lived. He ContllJen,ced his military career as 0: In t his WilY Ha llard gOl baok to t ho Ih~u fenaut In the Aust rlan .army. Th en north. He was oxchangod nt· AnnallU' lie rought for the 'fl:ungarlan revolu. lis, and rejoined hi s regime nt.. lhe tlonulj' . gove rn\l1 en t. h elped to qu elt a Ele\·e n th. a t Harper'l! F elTY. arter be· Oermuu re volution, and jolued Garl. lng abGeilt rrom It fl YIl mon lh~ or baltlt In his great stru gglc ... On the more. outbrcak ot the Crimean war he served . Meanwhile hi!! com rnnudlng' officer as a \'olunteeer In Omar Pasba's ha tt' written to hill lliliter, Mrs. E. M. ' !trUlY agai nst Russia, and finally r eo Morso of Chnr l ~tOWIl (with whom Mr, celv~r1 R commis sion In the British .Ball nl;rl · now lIve,s ' In ~el!t New~on l.rau ~p (Jl·l s erviel.'. It was white s t.roet. B-Oston). llml, her hro lller was buylnll horses for tbe Brit ish I(Uie:] at Galn c's Mill. His comrart cM IlrDl ), al Bucharest ' In J855 had s ~n hIm on Ul e fi eld, appllr Q ntl~· . n thn t th o ~e n erBI :was seized by the cor(1so. which, In thnt clay of sla ughte r, . Aus lrlam; as a der.el'Ler and senlenoed was aceojlted as evidence that he was to tl'lu tJ\. ' Dut both the British and ~ead. , ' , Fre nch goyernments made 8ucl1. em · M,·. ~'lo r so had trlel! hard to locate 'phlltlc prol atl! IIgalnst lhl s sentence hi's body Dnd to haVe It brought n orth J.hat It was u t.ed to banls,hment. for burial. J<'1nallr, '·.ho .)Id !!oldler setUed down "Bul tbey rouldn't find auy tl'l\ce of 11\ Paris, mEl ... said Mr. Ual\n.rd Tecently, "ror. YOIl lIeo. I wagn't dead. Whon I got 'buok to ruy company you ~hould have Oftended P.rt, so ell th!) boys talte me on tbelr shoul· "I w<t nt a photog raph repreBenUnl 'm e jll!;t 11.8 I am . Non e of thla ·touch.' deI'S! 1 glless I didn't touch the ground fo~ a mile. T wa!1 tlie hapuil31lV dead lUI/: 11(,)' huslues8, Understnnd." "You ore ,In lhp ",rong shpp." replied man you ever ssw, "~. tound 'my 'c~mp effecls had been the artlsllc photograpber. "Relter try tile pellc!) stati <11 • .It's a DertlUon Ityle BOld. ~ lhe law requires when II. sol' dloi· dies. It brought 13 ceuts: I was of picture )'ou': 0 after::'" loon back In the tlIlcl( of It . . I was In !l numbor of enga~ementl, Inclu.d· NOl • N~tlve. l.a.wloll·-l tbllllllbt you ....d JOIIJ Ing Oett),sblU'g." Aftor balDS mUltered , out Irumd ",.. from V1!nDDlltn
Trathand Quality
I!UCCCSS :Iud crcditnblo standing. Accoringly, it is not claimed l that Syrup oC Fig. Ilnd Elixir of Sen na is the only remedy of kn own value, but ono of mllny reason. why it is the bcs t of personul and fllmi1y Ill: ativcs is tho fllCt t.hat it cleanscs, sweetens (lIlt! relieves th o iplernal orgn.n . OIl which it acts wiLbout Ilny d ebilitating after cIT cts and without having to lncre... the q uantity Crum timo to time. It ncts p1cIlSILlltly allli nat.urally aqd tr uly a~ D. I;xntivc, and it s con'l~nOD. pnrts IIro known to nnd Ilpproved by ph y9icinn~, as it is freo Crom (lll objcctionable substnnces, To get its beneficial' clTects always p urch!l.Sc tho genuine-:m anufncturod by th'e California Fig Syrup Co" only, amI {or sale by nll1eadilll .....
&itu. TH~
~"" ,,,,,,,,J Cholly-It' s wont:er rul. bah J ove! tU dl:lg without lla\\"808, te legrapWng Y;-Ilhout wlr B. aUII nil th ose t"blngs. Maude-Yos anu thlnltl ns without brain!!. "rHE TIME TEST. That Is
Yh ~t Pro~e8
True Merit,.
Donn's Ii:hmoy 1' 111 brIng the Qulok. cst or rollef (rC'm backllche and kidlIey Iroub les. Is that lellet lastln g'l Let M(a. James M. Long. of \.13 N. Auc;usta St., Staunton . Va.. l ell yo u. 011 .Tan llar;y 31st. 1903, ~'1r8. Long wrote: "Donu's Kid· n ey Pill s ha\' c oure d m " (ot 11aln In the lHlOk. urinary , trotl· LI t's, bearing clown sellsatlo ns, otc, ). On June '20tb, 1907. COUI' nnd one·hnlf years lator. sho saId ; "1 bave n't hed kldnoy lrouhlo sl uce. ( r peat my testim ony. " Sold by all Aenlers. 50 conts a OOL Foslur·MlIburn Co., B uffa lo. N . Y. Warm Welcome Aaeured. "And YO\1 sar YO\I h n\' n't been home ali tile afternoon?" re pr iman ded tb. olel lad), all I he II rldge. , ":\0'111." conresse d tbo small 007 wjlh wot hiliI'. '''Well, why don't ~'o u go homo rIght away? Y Olll' mo lber will ho wearlne h er soul n WR.Y tor you." . ')' h Ii lUo bo~ W!lS thllught rul. "Ye sGulll . bu t If I get th re betol1t my hll ir drl II she wlil bo wearlns a Bhlngl away fur m o. ' You see. rTII been In swimming." BABY CRIED AND SCRATCHID Ail the Time-Covered with TOI'Um Ing Eczema-Ooctor Said Sor•• Would Last for Vear_Perfect Cure by Cutlcura. "My baby 'nlece was sutrel1ng from that terrible torture. eczema. It was all ov er h e r 'body but tlie worst wu on h er face and hand s. She r.rled and scratc.hed alt the time and could not IIlee p night or day from the scratch. lng , J had her unde r the doctor.. ellre for 1\ 'year nn.l a halt Ilnd be l(lemed to do her no good. I took be, to the bost doctor In the city and he Balrt tha t she would have the sorea until she waB Silt yearS old. But It I hoct depended on tile tloctor my bab7 would havQ lost !lcr 'mind nnd dIed · fro In lhe want or ald. But I used OuticlIr'll Soar' and Cutlcura Ointment and sb,e was 'cured In three months. Alico L. Dowell: 4769 Easton Ave., St. Louis. Mo., MI11 2 and 20, 1907," Her Idea ancf HI" Mles K~lnnll\ g- WvcI'Y woman shOo14 'work l:.ard for a hushand!It, .. MtllTyat- Thut's what I aay. bul my wife's ~o lazy- . M~BB '.(unnln~-YOll mlsunderstan4 me. I mea n 8h~ ahould wprk hard to g(>t a husband. but pfte.r she gets him Ibe shouldn't Wo\·1t at ,all. TFlIPP COUNTY, 8, Do
Go,(ernment Land OpenIng. !"he governme,n l oprmlng of a mil.. · lion acre. of fine , agrlcultllr/ll Jl'Ulng lallds will probably oceur aoout Oct·. lit. '!'I\o .losebud extensloD ot The Chlo8l;~' & Nortb " "!ltern RY. II ' the onl), railway reaching these landi, and Dallall, 8, D., Is l~A rall*a), te... 1I11n1l1 aud tho 01\1)' town on tbe rei .... faUon bo,·dor. .: Ile U. 8. laad olllee will prnbably bQ locnted there, Pam"bo let. detcrllllDg thll land and bow • to HCU .... QUarter aectlan 'humatead, f:-... OD applll;laUoa to W O. Knllkern, P. T. U., C. i·•• •W. ~" CbJ., U1.
Kellen and Miss Van Wyck -
• By J. W.
. ~
On. Pe"~lIylvanla Farmer la Convinced of the Fact. Ezra. S ml lh.
l{ocWand towlHl hlp. Verao TO OUDly. tlll'mer, III a ~on' ~'e r t to t he . Gone I'll I bil li r Lha t a rntt.l sli nk o cnD "cbarm " dUIIl slle Ilillmals. HI~ horne Is b t weou FloYd. PII., Dnd til e A II t:'!;h .. ny rh ' r. H III lile uwne r of II. W Ell cll dOli: Ii1at Is II. cross betwt!o n ' u bull. dOli: and Il S f. e rn ul·d. ap\! nll/ed ll.roughOUL tb ut s tlcLloll for il8 CUUI"
CASTORIA. is a. harmless 'Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorio, Drops
( opyrl ght, I.)· Shorlfl lolT P u b, Co.) The Soulh !"rn Paolfto rallronll !tnd tbe eveulng · a fow mIl II ullove ~ e8 Rogue river ' 'ame tlow u t he windin g qURlml e, and fro m ther ride uw uy 011 UI; . . ~(l l'g. e B of /lo ulh rn Or gOD rllnnlng borsebaclt togelbel·. Miss Von W yok M r . SmIt h )JastunlS b ill OWN )la me I\b rllast li ke wOlves on a bl ood trn.11 by was to Ktntl on herself III the wool1s by dl lant'O fl'om \.b e fa l' llI Ii 0 LI S\) nud pa ths tbat shu me In onrl Qut And cross l b.e rn.1 ll'olld Ilt a grade' toot wb ere bls the pa th III'S th ro ugh II lI'3CL of ruu,"h 011 l'eCeUL Ilnd re-cross as t bey d ~lve to the tr!lln slackened spetlll , and he wa s to Rn d uneven woodloud. liouth . eve r to the. south; and wbe re ver drop off the tra in covertly when it morn ing. accompalll ed b y his dos:, he tb e rond sw eeps o ver tb.e river on a should POBS, ta ke the horse sho 8bould was drl Yln g his ca t Uc to Ih l 'll~ t ure bl'ldge the wa wr tugll a t tlle piers to bring fOr hIm , ILQd ride with ber 30 !lold. the dog a lill ie In ad vunc." 110 bring It down; and y ar by year: the miles through tbe night !lnd the woods nOLed t hat Ihe dog sLopped s uddenly • - ' he Ore n....on coost. Tllell they were and stl crell d In CYCI'Y ru IIscle Il ud fl WOOtl IIg eng Ines of man y t h un d e rI ng VJ' t rai ns hoot derIsIon a t tbe tUrbule nt to ma ke Sea lli e by s leo mer and train. mndo li S lIT tt)· a "pol nl" u s I\n)' bird tb ey sh'ould dog e ver accompllsilod. The acllon ~ .."'0 I'. ns t. OIlce' n"st ~ s cn 0f tl. Ie =nountllill ruglng wllh toam nnd on hi s lips. plnn furth er. For one thing, Miss Van was s o IIII UHllal th a i th e own ' I' nlso Kellen's division waa In this part ot w YCI. would t1lerearter have an es- s tOJl ped nnd walc hed th clog, Th en the world. He was a conductor, Qnd Cl)l't wben sbe w n t rl<)\ng, and sh e he called him by nnw ', bUL th o ani· ' ILS he punched tickets rrom Mokubl. would not bave to endu re the depress· mal paid no all nLlon to b llll; no r even :\11'. Smith hud 11 teno IQ Sicybelt and from 'Sllaglaud to Ing ra lll cloud s banging ovei' t he Nes· to wag its tul l. Kit s witch h e 'rorgot abo lit bow 'the Qlllllinle hills. W",.cn Mrs. Kell n good SLOUt c udg I In his hand a nd ,!'lve r rnn nnd clutc hed at tbe reet of should He fi t to give Kellen, a divorce. be Ilushed on. 10 s e wh nt ailed Lhe h le Orewagon . sud Inwa rdly oursed tile .they wonld be manled. Kellen gave dOli:. AheM of th e Ilu lmal, coiled monot ony of tlllngs and tb e arldncis bls wl te uo blnts, bul left the blow to rendy 10 st rIke. W UII a Iurge I'lI ttl&or life, lind prll)'ed a chang . He WII S roll upon ber wIthout warnin g. He s l1nk , wit h oll ly a fe w Inches Inler· or the klud or men who take 100 mucb wanted hi s scbeme to s ucceed an~ t o VOulns bCl WtlcU tbe Dose of Ihe dog Mr. inte reS,t In too many women. Tbm'e avoId bhidrances, and was the refore null Lbo l.ead of Ihe snllke. SwHb Is uO (tlDatellr whe n It com es to Ii! a Iways tr au b Ie In t hat, but t Ile re I8 very cautious. . not always a tragedy In the bot tom of They Ilelected FrldllY eveni ng for deali ng wllh !makes. lIud btlforo the tll (' bag. His wire hnd blue eyes. nnd th eir departure. nolwit hs tanding the re pUlo cOlil(J hury Irs llllll!/! Into the wbll sll e was growin g a li ttle bit e ,'l1 de vil that pres ides over thul day. n080 of h i li dog, he bad given It , a faded, there was a pa.lhetlc. babyish I.> cause Miss Van WYCk would n~, t be I'a [l OV r lhe back wllh his udgel, l!\\,eelnCllR In her face tbat would have IlIQulred tor till Monday mornIng. kllilug It Insloully. nailed Rome men ~ Ule foot o[ hor wilen the cblldren should return to The dog' s how ec.l c very Indlcl!t1011 throne t1uougbou t the day alld the 81:hool• .ond that would gi ve tbem a tbn~ Its qll el' nctlon i1nd b ell due to big s tart . She told tbe horse owner the hYlll10lic Inll uence DC the rl!ttl ' r, or tho vill a 0 fror,1 whom she hlrel1 the Unt ll Ibe soak had be II killed it horses lbot ab was goi ng riding down I m ade DO move, bU I, as aoon a') this the rlvel' to Balle rton with a frleod occurrcd the caulne brok e om Inlo a who would cnll fOI' her a t the ho use profuse sweat and was so wea k that whe m 811 dwelt- thot s he ha d Im e It dl'OII)1ed Into a ~ enp In a Sla te at to malte lbe proper ar ra n em Ills , cODlpl ele cuIl OI,\;. Th e rlead ~llIalte while be had 1I0t-an(l accord fhll'ly was five feet lung 111111 'a rr!eu 13 t1"o horses we re left al h I' door. rattles. Th owls we re booUng lu the lib ad, M I'. ~mlth Is ~ UJ IIIl of \'PI'nelll', ows when s he r eached lh~ reud zvous and bus h ad a wldc ('x)lorle nce wit h Ilt lbe grad ·foo t, and the rh'e r was ,snak es, w111ch are l'el1l~r k llb l Y nUllI cr· g rowling among the willows. Her ous In Ul at s ellon of \J pnalJ ~O coun ly. ne rves were on razor edge when Ke}· lie bas no doubl that the I pc ull nr ac·, I!lo's tmln went by, Ilnd back among Uon ot his dog was due to th ~ Ilower tho trees she je rked he r restless exercised ov r It . by tbe repule a :l(\ horse'lI bo'bblng head with aimless a nd not. os some prote!;s Lo beHeve, due unreasoning vlolousness. to tbe benumbl ug eltecla of havI ng II did t t .. ' lhe been st uck by t be f s ugs.-GIl Cit)' nu t .,; ~... e en DO ge Ou as . Derrlok . t:-aln s kurrled along puffi!1g and lI''ish· Jog Its lights. ?oUss Van Wyck aat waiting on her horse a long lime. star· Our Shirt Fronta. Wby do we wear our Bblr l bo som. Inr: ntter the train QO,d biting her IIlls. While lIer heart variously "ultered and ' exposed ? mny seem nn ·unnecessary. SAnk and stood sUlI. The gloom of Question. ,but the . answer Is fo und In t.he woods Increased an'll was Imparted a 'Queer bi t ot history. Nowadoys the to her soul. Sbe waited stoically for whit e sbtr t bosom Is wo rn by people an hour, hopele8sly and' wonde ringly. of all classes alld sta tions In life. but fiDd tbe n turned tov.ard Ne8Qualmle. onl y a bundl'cd years ago lhe whIte A Quarte r or a mile above the tryst· shirt bosom, wl lh tbe s tarchcd rut· ' Sho Galloped Into ~eaqu.lmle Half Ing spot ,the Rogue runs between nar· ftee, wblcb look tlie place at collar an Hour Later. row Rhores like a mad river, and' a and cutts, was tbe outward and visible railroad bridge crosses It there. At sign, of wealth and l;entillty. Lio\ln , night of all time. But Kellen v.'anted the train dl'ew near the bridge. KeHen \Vas very expe nsive, cotton bad not fire. evldeoUy. The pathos and the ~'R8 lleen to go out on the platform and come Into general UBC, and the Inner babylBbnosB and the sweetoess prob· look ahead, according to a custom of garments of most mcn were made ot nl:ly wearied hIm. his. Later the forward brakeman wool. When Min V~n Wyck tripped on 11I1ssed him. and he was found no more Linen. therefore, was tbe emblem the coach Btep and gave him a smlJl'l upon the t.raln. of wealth; the man who could attord . for ' aid received, out, of black eyes Down the river a mJle from wbere a 1I0en shirt was g~ocratly 80 proud bnrnlng In a pale face a trlfte straloed be IIbould . bave dropped off to join of It tbat the tailors gave him an and worn looking. there III no, question MillS Van Wyck with an eager smile opportuolty of displaying It to the best ' but that the wntcher of men'lI JIves reo on his face, the riVer spreads out Bud, advantage. All gentleme!1's coats corded the arrival on tbe road he trav· denly over a ftat hi IIhallow8, and here were adaptations of tlle mUitary nnl· elt'd of a woman of Interest to him. there waa a ford ,leading back to Nes. form. and at flrst were tightly but· Kellen 11113S Van WYck to the Qualmle. Mila Van Wyck rode through toned from tbroat to waist, wltb blgh gods of the publle school-they led the fir trees under the moonlight to standing collars that came UII to the her' hito the region that knew him. lhls spot. and there she saw something ears. The men wh.o fashioned the ~be taught sollool at Nesqualmle. and hl the river close to the 'bllnl<, half I.n clothes of our great·grandfathera when sbe took up the blrob rod there and half out of the ' willow IIbadowl. turned down tbe COllars., rolle(1 ba~k Ihe elevated !he 'window bllod Ilnd It was going round and round slowly the lapels nnd gave the vld gilDtlemen noted down Kellen's train 8S a ma:lDS In an edd)·. and Its white face wa, an opport unity to show' ihat they'\Vore o ~ escape. IlS It whlrretl nlong the turned up to the moon. No doubt ~t linen Ins tead of woolen shl rla. ond river bank by the black water :utd looked ghastly, for when she gallO\Jed 80 we, however poor we may be, (lX' ripped lip the valley, Into Nes qualmle half al) hour later, she hlblt our shirt fronts because our an, " Vbfll1 she donned the robe of office W8S. rnvlng and wringIng her baods In cestors glorlcd In their !l nen . she did not say: "H re are many JlUle a stal e of hysteria, Her nerves, had ~~s ~e given tilat I may ' mold I>eeo. seriously shockl'd. and Il1r IIbe Who Care,,? them into tine vessels as the potter swayed and ahook In the saddle It was The Ame rican people me a frnld IIhapes the clay; and that Is enough." gnthere ~ out of ber Incoherent mo nn· No. She' saId: ' ''Tbls plnce ts lone ly. 'Ings and ,self·re,p roaches that some· of nOlhlng under tho sun . No lw llh· stAnding lh e honors upon honors 011 I lIeo no young mEi n h ere. Wbat a vile thing was ",rang at the ford . ~ hind and sen. Involvl,u!; Injuri es to wlJderll e3s." Some men went ont the re. and there She kne w tl)at"she had to ride slnne they recovered kellen's body' from the bundreds of thousand s ' a nnually nnd In the summer nfte rnoons, and that 1'1 ver; , and they picked up Ule horse doath to t ns of t honsllnd s, tbere the birds and the sQulrrcll~ chatt ored that had been led for. blm. browsing aeeDlB reall y to be no sca re In liB. horribly; and that the loneliness struck along the road. Afterward,' It was ExcelltJng a m.e re hondtul of ne rve· upon b el' nerv~ s and mil de he r start at (ol,lnd tllat a signboard on a pos t tha. wrecked Invalid s, who takes thougbt. I:1l1adows. Wherefore sbe was vory stood close to the raflroad track al the of whnt may bapren wh ~ n on busln s or pleasure b ~ nt~ Who · "tays nwall tilsslltlsllod. bridge where he dlj!apl!eared lIad been Bllt Ebe fell upon tbe de vice of , gq. twisted balf around. It was thought trom the thellters because a tow oc· Ill.! liP the road to Ji'otiace, w.hlch was tbat he le~ned too far out and struck easlonally burn down, with , great 105 3 almost a town. and 1)03sessed a tew t 1lat\ ,vhleh was crlminally,eloBo to the of life ? Who demands a seat penr an joys In tbe' way of some women tl1lck;' and It is probable that 'at the exit? Who qu!ls rldlug In rnllroads frlendl5 Il~d a fresh face once AI' year time When Miss Van Wyck wall walt· becailso they ltlll 10,000 passengors flerbaps. These ' fllgbts were mllde Ing for him In the ' grisly timber wltb a yen'r nnd Injure 80.000? Who 'Iookll , Friday evenings atter tbe children parted lips and heav,lng breaat. be was 'for a "lIl\.fe·' ssat? Wlio Is afraid to miles an hour ?-~ e\V ,York, ' went llome for the week. and the home waBblng heedlessly by. ,his ears. deaf travel • comlng befell !3unday nights, 80 she' and his eyes blind, In the current of Press . . wonl!! be ready for school on Monday ' the Rogue. mornIng. ' ' Corporatlo~ for the Bline!. , Tbe borse owner and the nuue who A bus iness oorporatlon has been Aiter It had become ' Kellen's un. attended Miss Van Wyck through tbe righteous custom to stop at ber' 8el\t. rever tbat followed the hysteria, and successfully olitobl:illle!l , I~ Vi enna by , nnd Jook Into her face. ,and grin and IIl1tenjld to her delirious babble. fur. men who nre totally pllnd. The ·com· B~)' something pretty In a voice too nIshed InfonnaUon tbat patched out pany manufCl.C!tures brullhes and bu· luw -to be caugbt by the othe.r VIl8. .n- hEr storY. K;ellen w... burled. at )(0- kets IIoIId all , Itil employes are bl'ind. gers. the BIghts got ,t~ be regul"r. .kublte!1o. wbere ~Is wire U,,~. and no In lhe 'elght months .ot Ita 'existence And tbua thE ro gre"" up something be. ODe whhlpered 'a!1ythlng to his wl~e It has ftlled orders I1ggregatlrlg 23,000 . t ween them. 1t yO'!! bad observed ber about Mis/il Van Wyek; 10 the flldlll.l kronen (, •• 6()0) . makIng n, fn lr proftt, closely, you wollid have seen t)lat sbe little woman. . with tbe ' patbo8- and has ' enollgh orilerll on "hllnd to wntch~ci for -hIm after' "he took her cbarRed eyes of blue. grieved over him .lmitlty the enlargement of its w"rk· Cleat, lookIng expectantly torward sl~cerely. Tho runeral 'tOok place abops. Sixteen at th .. emp.lores are whenever the \loocb door ope'ned. and wblle Miss Van Wyclc wal dellrlou8. skllled workmen and the company tbat a falgt blush put warmth In her and Kellen was lOme time in his grave Wishes It known tbat Its wares are white cheek", and a look sprang .Into when she rceo\'ered. Th:. II&ved her sold on tholr "octunl merIt," t hat they b"r eyes whcto he crune down the alalo. pain, because abo could not have gono are put upon the, warket "In fafr com· , It may be he forgot About his wife to the funeral h,ad Ihe been 'we11. belna JH<U'Uon ,w llb the product of other co .... In \Ialklng 10 bel'. It does oot matter. !!nknown to bls wife. and ha"ln, no CltMlI." aod tbut the b11nd 1'('(11'10 wllnt He . did torget about· her. and 'about recognized ground of -=cJualntance '··buslnes8. not cbarll>:." the vows pledged ~t the church wben w(tJl him that would have JUitllled It. Iha WIUI not so faded; ~nd he made:> a A., lOon &I ahe was :well ..he ...,111l~ Th. Tim. for It. plap to ,b elp M1u VaD 1Vvck kick the ber aehool Ind hurried a"., rrom Alra. Knox-l've onen WODl'lered. dUlt of NesQujllmle frtm 'her shoel Nelqualm1e. BIle DOW teach.. 8I!hool John. "lIy )'OU Inor.e 10. [oreT'er. l!l the IOUth Callfonala iu a ba.... . They SIzed up betweeD them to KG Aat relloD ;wileN .tIl., aaa U1Jaea MI. .don't know; you'lI bav.. a,kKnox-I ~e. awiT frOm OregOD I16cretJy: aD4 h. uta time. raaa, Knox-Aak you' ~t Go yoa qulell, . WOQud up hi. tel'_bUlIDe.. nt- 010. tAlrll Ind drew all tbe m008y be bad aDd t'JlIlIllll. wiae• b\ '~hDII' 'f1lelr I)~"'" to meet Ilia ..... lair .~'{,~"", j11t. .~,
ana '
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It oontains neither Opium" Morphine nor ~ther Narootic substanoe. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fe'\l'erishn~s~. It cures Diarrhma. and Wind Calia. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Oonstipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the'Stomach 'Rnil :Bowels., giving healthy and natural sleep. The childien's Panacea-The Mother's Priend. . \The Kind You Rave Always Bought, amI which has been in usa for over ,30 years, has borne the sign~ture of Ohas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under ~ personal supervision sinoe its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with '~(t endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians: addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher~
Dr. F. Gerald Blattner. or Bulfato, N. Y., says: "Your Castoria. Is g~tI for chUdren and I frequenUl prescribe It, always obtaining thO deslre4 results." Dr. Gustave A. Elsengraelier, or at. Paul. Wnn., BaYS:' "I fia'lB 11Myour Castorln. r epeatedly In my practice with good r esults, and can recolD:t mend lt :uJ an excellent, mUd and harmless reUledy for children." . Dr. E. J. DenniS, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "1 have used and prescrlbetl your Castorlllill my sanita ri um Ilnd outside practice for a numbor of yen'ra and 1lnd It to be Illl excellent rewedl': for chUdren." • Dr. S . .A. Buchanan, or PhiladelphIa, Pa., says: "I hnve used your Castorla In the case ot 1::1 0"'11 baby and 1lnd It pleasant .'0 take, and havo obtained excellent rcs:ll ts f rom its use." Dr. J. E. Simpson, ot Chicago, 111.. Bays: '''1 have ueed ,.;)ur Cnstorla ftt cases ot colic Iii. children and have found It the best medlctl\e ot its kln!! on the market." Dr. R. E. Dahlldsoo, at Omalia, Neti., says:' '"I find your Cast\)rla to 119 • standard family r C::ledy. ' It Is the best thing fvr infants and chUdren Jl have ever known aDd I recommend it." Dr. L. R. Robinson, at !{ansas Clty. 110.• BnYS:t ''Your Castorla cortllln]yj . hllS merit. Is not Its age, Its continued use by mothers through all tbeao ycars, and the many attempts to imitate H, sufllclent rccommex:datlont Whlit enn a physiCian add? Leave It to the molhera." Dr. Edwin F. Pardoe, ot New York Pity, 8O.ys: "For several years I havIJ recommended your C8.I!torln. nnd IShall always continue to do so, as it baa ' 1nvarlably produced beneflcJal results." Dr. N. B. Sizer, ot Drooklyn. N. Y., says: (Or object to whal! are calle<! patent medlcl¥es. where mnker alone knows wlult ingredients are put ID. them, but 1 knOw. the formula of your CastorIa and advise its use:'
Euct Copy of Wrapper.
Bell. tho Signature of .
"Ladle. Firat." In lblEI age of leveling up a.nd level· lng dowlIJ, and of attempting to place wOmen on the same Illane as men In everything. cblvalry Is ncarl)' a dead letter. Many WIsh It we re allogether '0, regarding It as a ~ar t.9 the rl111 emancipation of wODle n. Tbe re can be no t.rafllc here with stich wrong , heart· wl'ong·hEiaded and n·oUons. In tbe healthy ut· mosphe re of SPOrl such notions wither and fadel like exotics In an alleu soli. "La~les flrst!·· Is an abiding princi )lIe with all wbo are Bllortsmen.-Frye·s Magazln1e.
, If the dealer clipped off the heads of three gc;xxI 5c cigars and' ~ed them aU three to you for '5 ~ you would call it a bargain. That's exactly the kind of trade you make wh~ ,au pay 5 cents for three Old Virginia Cheroom. I
----_._-Goodness Ihlnks no 111 where no 111 seems.- Mtllon. )Ir. , Wln.low·. RnotbJnll'
F or e hUdrcn , lee tbtu~. BOtt eD' lbo 111nJ • • roduce. toIl&tDW~lJuo. . alia)', paID. " urea wlAd. COJlu, 2!.u I\lKU,U,O.
lt.'s sClme tlmes easler, to cnlc:h on tllan It ,Is to let go.
Gan..lne MUlt Bear Fac-SlmJle Slgll(ltul'8 A ' ~ - ....J
,,~ ...,...~~
~~, The lind You Have llways Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. •
.,..- O• ...,..UI I _...... " . . , . , . , .•
- - - -OJ!
Are IS
CigarS Without the Heacf-;. Therefore 3 for SCents
----, HII.rlan tuwnshlp: 147.20 ;1D. Trott..,r THE COUNTY COURTS lI.ud IJQ., bridge lowber, *6 1.~7; J. Are Rathet Dull These ' Days--One P. Fairchild. contrf\ot '.0; W. U. MoreDlvorce Suit Added 10 'l'ur~oo, oew~nt $32; O. B. Tuftl, burull of LevI FAnnan .. f 75; .Jam COunly's Record. rollen Sr. salary as janitor at court. Ibouse durtng August, ' 00; Ray. New Suils wand Harshbarger, salll.ry as a8818,James ' . W,lntrow, plllintiff VII. tant janitor, '~O ; Chl\rles L. BeD · Jobn W . I.:inllit' and hule8 JAmar, der8on, ooptract, ~OO; Orego~,la dflfendan..... Peti~lon for monllY _ Bridge Otn l)II.ny, contraot, $:34 ; Amount oh~lm6ll &300 with Interest Oregonia Bridge compII.IlY o!ln 00 promissory note, :seth W . Brown , trlLct. $8, 000; A81i WhitMre, brldl1:e attorney for plaintilf. - repairs, 16 , ClareDc8 'J . t:iwink, pl~IDtUr VA .
- - - ... ~ ......
A Great TIme Enjove:d by Descend·
-Mr, Oooley'• ., Dlccur.e ae Everle.tlnll ' Foe.
ants of This Family. Thl8 WIlS an Ideal morning, deligbtfully cool and pit!aaant" the day set for the Hisey piOtlio, 'l'he year previous we had been Invited to tIleet at the pleasant home of J osle and Ellen Hisey. this being the old BI8ey homestead. Grand-father Hisey ~et,t1ed bere almost 100 ye8rl! ago and to my kDowlodge has never been out vf the Hi~ey fllmlly. It oertainly never looked wore beautl· ful tbaD a did on that morning . At aD early hoor members of the family began to gatbEtr, to help oelllbr"te t he nineteenth family reuoion· Many faoea are mi88'IDg since our first ooe niDeteen yetirl ago. But this year we 8aw new onea, and s<It IB, time makes her ohlingee eaoh year . The first thing was for everyone to sbate bllDda with all the reBt and tIllS wal done. After thes" greet· IngB were over some buogry brotbersaif\, .. Why don " you get dinner ?" Then the ladies begatl 8earohing for 'he mysteries In the baskets. The t'Lblea .were oovered with snowy oloths. Aunt &rah l:familton _Red el~hty-one,has not milUled a reunion , ~he also has brought to eaoh one and used a ta blecloth t hllt old Grandmother Hisey made eo many years ago. 'l'be tablas werl! loaded wltb every good thing to eM. After dinDer .Allbert Shuttl brongllt a bUKgy"load. of fioe water melon8, which we all enjoyed to the toUeet extent. . Mt'. Albert . HIMY lind SOD, from Milton, met 1I7lth U8; Will Kltohen and wife, .Iont. Kitchen and wife and Mrs. Allie Meloy, of tlprinKfield ; Barman Dakin aDd
the '
"Th' most per'lous Iv buman occypaUODS are usual ly tb' lowest paid. tn' .... by ,Is tbll BO? JI It b ause we're not afraid Iv d alh! Faith, no. but becllUIi we don 't know allnytblDe about It. We' don'tcud appreciate rt our simple minds grasp th'It. BUb-
Liverites Por '" ( li P rollowUl,i: 1,1 c,'", Zimmermun '!I, Kil ball 'S, Wbite '" Mount joY '1i
A Purely Vegetable Laxative (;urea Chronic Constipation, und All Liver Rnd Kidney Trouhle!!.
Thepa Al n Chemlca . I Go
fi Id ' Oh' Spring e ,• _ _10, _ _ _ _....
'Ick tb' bravest · mM In lh' wurruld lI'ud be found undher th' bed lobbing. It's tller but It Isn't there. It hap- I.....--...,..""''''''~---~----------''''''''Y',...,.,~ pen II to IV 'rybody' bul ye can'l aee It happen to yc'eram. Ye walk briskly up to It or maybe ye even run. Ye nlver see It till II's too lale an' thin ·tls too late to recogulze It. 'Tla no good runnln' 8way fr'm It. Manny a man dodgln' Ii throlley car bu been run ov er be an autymoblli. Ve hide 15 fr'om th' lightni ng an' a mlckrake lands yeo Ye avoid ' rallroad trains 'Cents ao' boalll an' scralch ye'cI' thumb wltb 1 ~~t\~r'lJrt~~t',)~ <'i~t'l~Ijrt> ~~ Each a carpet lack all' 'tls all over, ~e expect It fr'm WilD &lde Iv th' tilhreet an' It comes .fr'm th' other. Ya think that muat be It In th' block ahead 8.11' ye make up ye'er mind to walk slow I)"'--..................,.,--~....,.,........----.......--......--,..,..........,..,..- ,.,..,.,........,.,.,--.,."...-.. S Wilin It ateps up behind ye, 8lapII ye 011 tb' back an' says : 'Ye'r wllllted at headquarter!!, Ye'd betther co me,along peaceable.' . '1'0 which, bavlu' no furtber Inthreat. ye mak e no reply. 'Tis thin fr th' tlrst time yo'd have an undberstandln' an' a fear Iv death- If ye were all (e. But ye are dead.'·-F. P. Dunne, In tbe AmerlcaD Magazln.
... --_. "" ... . ,.
Orab A. tlwtnk , defendant. Petition EARLY CALENDAR. NEWS tor divorce 00 grounds at wilful ab- Thera hangs in the lobby of this leooe, 6eorg(l E. Yoong, attornt'y blink an eUlarged copy ot our calenfor plaintift·. dar for 11109. It is t he costliest, Ilad Probate Court. ',Ve believe the band8omest, that we have yet purobased . 'rhe pioture Edward M. Robertil v . J(uardiao 18 & reproduotlon of a palntlug of of Barry Hugh Roberti e' aI, min. tbe Ca80ade ~'alls . Y08emite Valley, orl, plalDtiff vs, Harry MoHugh by that prince of 80enlo painters, Roberti! flS ~l mlnore, defendant8. Thomas Moran. 'rhe otllendar is Additlonal bond flied by guardian tbe wort Of the Thomas D. Murphy and petitioner is ordered to sell real Co. , of Red OI\Jr, Iowa, leaders in es~te. ' art calendars, We want one of tn the matter of!wlll of Mary M. tbe8e calendars In every h OUle Corwin, deceased. WIlJ filed for where we have a Ol18tomer Rnd we proba"on. believe that to secure one i8 well In the matter of Weldon Curtis. worth II. sman effort on your part; Appltoalion made for eotrance Into therefore, we ask you to call B t tbe Ohio hOlpital for epilep'I08 . . Same ban.k before November tirst, enjoy the.pioture wlth UII, orUloisl! i~ and ts granted, CHANGE OF TEACHER.S *****~******************* * * JCe'-te of 'WUllam Collette, de- register your n'\me to receive a copy '1/.during tbe bolldaY8 . We bave also oeued. Howard Colle*', admioisAt thtl BObool board meeting la8t : . ARE YOU A VOTER? : a Ilnle plain calendar whloh you 'ra~r flIes inventory and apprail8' week, MI88 ·Cel~tt... Austin reo. olLn bave Ins~d of the pioture if signed her po81tion of ~aoher in the meDt If you are , you surely want to show your %you prefer. Very truly yours, primary department, and Mi88 Dob In maUer of application for tihe colors, an:! the only way is to. buy a pictu l·a .of .#; WAYlfK8VILLJII NATlONAL BANK. nil. Hawke was elected 'to fill the vaappomtment of guardian for Frank your favorite and pla~e it in your window. ... oan~y. Clart, imbecile. Cora MoKay ap· '#< These photo pictures are the best on the .IEECH TREES AND LIGHTNING. -poloted guardilUl. .m arket, and are the latest pictures' of the twO ~ HOOS FOR. SALE. of OIl. Beu Jaotaon. Final Wronll 8elle' II. to laf.ty durlnll II I : gentlemen. . I 75 bead of stock hogll for Thunder.torm. 'aooouo' flIed by Annia Jactson. 1'he small price will enable everybody to ' Ie. JnOQire of . 0, S. Riots. purchase one. Call at the Gazetti:! uttice and s.ta~ of Florenoe Merrill and A widespread belief la tbat dlldnll Laura Merrill, ·mioors. Third and a thundor.torm lafety may be found look at them, and you will be sur to buy., : U'I a pity when slot ooes drog ~nalaooount flIed by 01tv~r P. Mer- untler a beecb tree, and that the dan· the stomach or'stimulate the bearl ,er' trom U,htnlng 18 1Ii timell aB rill. and Kidneys. That il all wrong I great uRder ' a rellnou8 tree and 60 *************************~* A weak Stomaoh, means weak Stom In maUer of guardlanahip of tlmel as IrMt under an oak. Dr. A.. family, of Lebanon i Marsbal Terry I¥lh nerves, alw.aYIl. Aod this is Frank Clark, ao alleged imbecile, W. Borthwick, tbe BrlUlb naturalist, of Dayton; Jake Ridge aod wife, ,,180 true of the Beart and Ktdneys, . A. B. Chandler appolDsed gnardlan fllldl thll vl"w to be entirely without Ueorge H.ldge and wUe, from , Mor l'he weak nerves are 1n8"'ad orylng f01.ndaUon. 'fbe beech Ie not avoided for help. Thill explains wby at 18,000 bond by IIghtDlng, which selects one IIpeelel row, all members of the fa.mily at out Dr. Shoop's Restorative i8 prompt• . . . . of Sophia Glehls, deoeaeed. all r~adlly u another, but the taller tended. , Iy helping Stomaoh, Bell.rt and Kid. , Due proof of publtoation of notice treell tD the neighborhood appear to It was decided tbot we never had Dey aUmpnts . The Restorative ntoe a time i every 4()ne lleemed in reaohea out fOr the ao~ual oause of of appointment of admiolstrator b• . the onel liable to be Itruek. The elroetl of lI.btnlll, alao are common· thell8 ailmeots-the faiUng "inside flied, ly mlluoderstood. The cells of a tree good apiri~. After several Iho~' nerves, to Anyway teet the Restor....te of Mary O. Fr1ebqrl, ID., are Dot ruptured or tOrD by the for· talke aDd a 10' of jokEI8 we eaoh bid atin 48 houre. It won't oure 80 1( .._ _ _ ..~ Uld appraiflemeDt flied by malton of Iteam, as 10 often lltated, the other goodby and our lalt worda BOOn as that, but you wUl surely ...... . 8m1~" _A I ...... ~bllt t.beJ collanl., or Ihrl01l: up, wlth.....0III&I Nit . . . m n ......"'r. out tearln,. The raoUl seem too •• were: "Be 8ure and OODle nett know that help 18 oOtJllng. 130ld by year. .. " al~ dealers. . Dta~ of Veda VaD Riper. J. calHt dam .... The reunion wlll be the 'hird • B . .ry WiDDer appoinsed exeou~r. 15 O. W. lIoml, WUllam 8.bln and FRtGHTF.UL DEGREE OF COLD. 'fhursday lD A,ugllet, 1909, at &he Cents home of J08le Hltey. We, hope lO W. L. EdmODd, apprail8l'8. Each ~ tnten.lty Hard f.r Dwelle ... In Rreet tbe same on811 and a ho.t of 'l'he names follomni will be caoID ma"er of wm of Mary~. Cor· Fro.t'e new ones. A: M&M.DIIIR. T.mperlte Cllmea to ft.all ... didattw for the dure....~ 'oftlgee .po wiD deoeued. WUI . admitted to ' pelided, subject to the deoi,ion of probate. : It II cliftlcult for UI to torm IlDY con· Record "Dlnnl. Ken." . the Republican primariell : de.ree ot cold repr. An EnglllhmaD, an IrSlhman and a . . . . . of J, C, JS4tDDe',,- deoeued. aeptlon ot In ana Appiooval, aUowaDce and oonfirms- ..nted tt,.· the 80 de'..... of frost reo Scotcbman were walking corded from certain partl of RU.lla. throur:;h the street. t)f G1ueow recent. FOR , REPRESENTATIVE tioo:of eata. _"ted: 81r Leopold McClintock tells how In 11, whon the, came ~.o a ga.ometer. JOHN M.kRSHAL.L MULFORD one of hli Aretic eqJedltlons a Iallor The Irlahman laid to the EngllshmaD: R.eaI Estate Transfers. L. K. 1.A}!jQOON. WU 'oollih enou,h. to do .ome o.utdoor "What t. that thIn, called 1" Tbe Eog. John ArmlltrGal to Sue Arm· work at precllely thll temperatur., Usbman Bald: "I don't know. Allk our J '1'. McCLELLAND. aboDI, tract in Ba-:lan townlbl~ HI • .haDdl frole and when lie ruahed 'rleod 8andy." Th. Irishman, turnln. W. Z. ROLL tDtO the cabin . aDd plunged ,one ot' to the Scotchman 1al4: "What I. tbat IFor Renomlnallonj '900. them Into a buln ,(jf'--.vater 10 cold thine called 1" .. dlnlla ken," replied . JOII8ph p. lI.le to ,Flora· E, Mtl1s, wa. the han4 that the 'Water was In· the Scotchman. "01 jaber.,". replied FOR AUDITOR atantly cooverted luJ..... blOck of Ice. the Irllhman, "If tbat II a dlnna keD, 10' lD "raDkUn, .1.~. A.t 26 degreel, Dr. Kane ___ yl!. " tbe U'I! the blggelt dlJlJla I ken 1 ever see, CBA!:!. S, MOUN~. CbarI811 E. EalOn to Viola Maoy, mUltache and under lip form pendu· hi aU me lolte." Iota lD Franklio laoo. ,.. .. T, C. PATTERSON 10UI beads of danellne Ice, Put out . S, A. STILWELL, _-Viola Mao1 &0 Faonie R. Piper, Jour tougue aDd it IDStlllltly freelel to [For re·electlen) thll Icy crusUDe. Your chin bu a ' Drive Rheumatillm out of the II it keeping time to the dot! Of Iota tD Fl'IUlklio '600. trlok of ' .r ",lne to your upper jaw by blood with Dr. Shoo»'s Rheomatio do you bave to do a I(ood deal ~f B, Young aDd Wllllam B, the luUne aid Qf. your beard; my eyes "OR COMMISSIONER guessing to know where you are atf and S88 how quickly paiD YOUD, to Patriok Gaynor, . lots tn bav. ' ofteD been 10 glued u to aboll' Remedy will depart.. Rub on's never did NEREMIAH MoKINSEY. that even a Wink wu IIDllate." Guess ..ork may tie all ril(ht for Ji'naklln la160. reaoh the real disE!Alse. Rheumat F. ~. ~lM~ON. the idlu, but. bUliness maa wanta Ism Isn't iii tbe sk:ln. It's deAp Bury W. Meeker to Flora Z. to be on time. SAM.OEL L. IRONS. Meeker, lot In Fraoklln II . HERE'. P'RETTV pOINT OF LAW. 'down, it's constltutiona.1. Genlng rid J, M, KEEVER. of the plLlo, i8 aft..,r aliI what,oounte. My speeialty i. watch repairhll(Ira Osborne tli Lewill C. Urtoo, Full Conftden". eetwHn the Aceu •• d 'l'bat is wby Dr; Shopp's Rhenmatio BERT REED. m08t1y the expensive, hlgh.lrade RtJmedy goes, by Wind of mouth aDd LUUe ·M.. Urton. tract In Washlind HI. Defender. ARTHUR R08l;.. watches-and if your watch i8 'out from one to I\nother. And herein ington toWDI hlp 1200. UEORUE L. CROLL. " of order I will treat it skillfully and The ethics of the difference between lie8 the'lmpularity of thia Remedy. 8cientiflcally. c JACOB W. RIDGE. Marria&e licenses. tbe Pl'Ofe8l10naJ opinion of a pald·!ld· It Is winning defendera everywhere,' Table's or Liqoid. Sold by Alfred B, Slagle real eatate ~oeate and the bonellt 'con~lctlon of a all dealei'll. No GUeill Work Here • , learned man ....ere let forth by a. well· FOR SHERIFF. ageot, Spotanfl, W~.h., &0 Inez known English 'barrlster who died , reo FR'A NK p, FORGY, BlaotburD, 21, Red Lioo, Rev, Mr. eenUy. It was a case of murder, and Shocking. , B, G. JUY, ", Benhey. , the client lind couns@1 were .cla8eted "W~()J'e Itave you bean, Clementine?" at!ked $.he aunt. BERT BRANT ' TFlE W A Wtll Ft ev '2. laborer ' of South to«ether. "Smith." said tho barrister, •• . , . U.,-To-Date Jeweler, "of courle, , know you dldn't murder r <I' , "I bave been down :to tb~ 'faU, play• JAMES FOLLEN, MR', . .Lebanon, to ' Alma Henry, 21, of the man, bUt., as a mailer ot fact, did Ing Willi th" eddies." replied the pretty _ ....______. . . . _ - - - - - Will poslUyely be at Coleman's Stove Store every We.d pesday ·· Klnp Mills. 10U do It with the but~ end of a r. girl with wet lingerll. The old lad1 ·FOR TREASURER~ was horrlfted. Co ' Issl ners' Proceedlnas ' "folnr or with a Itlck l" . WlJ ,L' R. LEWJS. mm . o · .. • "Slr," '''Id Smith, "rllwear 1 am In. "What? Playing with the Illddlea' .For Second 'I'erm, . Contractl al1owed~Coa'raot was Docenl" , '" know that perfectly well, .lnd without a cbaperon 1" . entered into with Patey C. CUrran hut you mUllt .tell me. For If you did ~,~.-----JUDGE OF· PROBATE CoURT fo'r 'sewer Dear D. M. Hathaway.' it with a revolver I sl1all 8a,y to the . prosecutloD, 'produce ,tbe .tlck! ~ and Halcyon Daye In "lorIda. ALEX BOXWELL. 00 Lewl. road and wall at aroh 'on If you did It with a stick, I shall .ay, [For SecOIIII Ter~) .. Fried chicken hal crowded back. Dew road Desr I Drake's tn Turtle· 'produce the revolver!'" The client bone aDd Iparerlll to the back Bbelt tn --:......- - " " " " ' : : - - - - - - - - oreek iowDlhlp a' the 6I!tlmate,120. pauled and Bci'atched bls head medl· Florlda-and' there I.n't any 'cblckeD FOR PROSEcUTING ATl'OR~EY . tatlvely. '·It wal tbe butt end of a anywllero ~hat can ' equal the orane. 'l'nN F BR )WlJ Co.nttaot wu entered iI,l~ with revolver, .lIr." "'·hat'. right!" laid the 1(llged\ lie-fed, ftulry·f4lathered .prlna · AL .. v ~ ~,. , ,JaoolJ, N. BUroh for Conorete abut- .aunllel; ". think I can get )'0\1 011 cblcken 'of fair F.IOrlda.-F10rtdal menta &0 bridle near relldenoo of oow,'" . Tlme.·Unlon. u. bid ID .... QeI'Vea &ba& _tr:l ~ ~ .' " . . , 0tI0ar BlIhop on I;tamilton road in • -;;-;- "'-. Dr.8boo~"~;;; PHILIP SPENCE ~,-----•toDd~ lIIedto\Jie ',PIdllaallr to nacb ..... , . • [For roe'eleotionl ~eek Township at . the esttHow 10 get Strong. :n.:.~m~ Of&IIII~"~;:; Love Atonemlnt: for All. JOE A •. DONHAM. 173 94. . p. J. lJaly, of 1247 W. Congres8 It hall been laid ~hat a man may roar bMt: acbea or Sa walr.. u ... 1Utne I J, E. RUBINSON .. OaMraot WM .entered into with F.!t., Chicago, 'ells of a way to · be. ItarYe hl8 wlte, may eveD beat her, yet Of ell' GIber 4 or _ _ _ kid. Jou BurDe" for repatrias abut- oome IInong : He says: "My mother, keep ber love 'lf between biowl he' a .. JOSIAIi HOLBROOK. ~~ ~Dr.IIIIcIop'.........,... ........ ' . ' who i. old and w.. very feeble, il lurel her of bls Jove and heal. the Ul4-udno";W!!i~-1IU1III4 wiD Also to' SPrinafield to bridle near Burton farm on derl viDg 80 much beoem from illeo- brulle. with kIIiMe.. CertAIn It II that SURVEYOR · . Malanllle 'aDd Murdock road 10 trio Bitten, that t feel it·. pl1dut:y the woman wno loves a man can alRound trip frona W.yaeirille S4M D. HEN~LE IIaml1ton 'toWDlihtp a': the e.tlm.t.e, to &ell thOle who need a toato aad way. lind excuse 'for al~d coodoDe any l1"0r Second 'l'erm] ,10 om ' I~rengtbentnl medtotDe abon' it, olenle of which he be CUllt1 80 11.25 to CobunbUa, Iv 8:10 •• as. " In my. mo'her'. oun & marked piD 1001 u she bellevel • SLOG to 8pri....eld, Iv 8:10 ....~ lItl 10". tor BUIa allowed - Warren CoUIlt)' .n blh lias ,l'eIIolted, lnlIomnia II.. herlelt.-Ellclla'll•• CLERK' OF COURTS. ~ pabltlbta. Dotloe to OODtrao- beeIi overcome, aad Ibe 11 ltea4Uy DAN P. BONE. 'Ohio Stat, Fair SpecIal T...... Ser.vb .... ' ;11: B. II. Deoker, brid,e powinlltnnler." lleoVto Bitten .lI'or • eoad 'l'l!rm ' toWlllhlP.. '17 40' qnlolr1)' remld)' stomaoh, 11 .er and Induatrlal Ce"t., , It. . . . Retumlq will leave CoIumbu. . . 'ildaet oomplalD.. ~ld uader • urlah II the roR INI'IRIIARY DIIlBCTOR I .... 'L p. m., Sap.ber 1, 2 and .. C:~~~~";'-;="~' GODbu&, tau .. paraDtee .., 1', O. 8ohWarb'. dt'lllr Iwttaerlud.
'l 'A FT
Whicll One Is Your Choice?
..-- ..------
* '* **
*' **
Look at Gazette Windows
- .--.
---_.- ....
. Geoi."
weak Kidneys.pen!~~vanla
pn~~~~~r Columhus ' "Excurslon ' eM . . '1t
-K:;::=~roa_"""'-- I
Next Sunday ,
npalnJ ..... 100.
Dr . Sh0'o,'s RIItorar....tIIII ....
See.,.t 'I. It. Smith for d••u..
I ~kct O ~ PI'~, IN \'AI.(.~: \'
,II , I.HN BI~ lJ(J ,
'I'F.I.~) PHO NI~,
Ratell of Subscription
. '.11" ,~r.
S IIl~ l e CIII')'
Rates of Adverti8ements Rlladlul! I.oca l. , \l<' r
. (1;" .
R .. "dhIR r.ooa IN. 111:1 ' k ('w,' . !Jer IIl1 e la .... IUetl AdM, DOL LO cxuce,1 1I\'c IIno~ ,
'l'lIroe hI H~ rl"'; n"
Rello)utlous ,
Suclal • . ete , where ch u rll'e IN made Display Mlv('rll. lng. pur 1"'0 11 0 18COII nls
. 10 .·
. "or . !!rtu
ard of 'l' banK s
~Iv e ll 00
, ~O c
.~r." . IO c
uO nlrucL..
'fbe state fair oomillenoed Moud." and by 'be l'tlPOI·ttl will be" bllnuer
yellf . . Comment!! on tbe Itt refit Me plen'Ifulln regard to tboile , be&otifuJ ·'bamps." When you "dverti88. do it through 'be mediam thll.t plA'S- The' Miami Gazeue.
1' htl meetlnl( of the Antl- tlloon paollltl, held t\. bllllket, me tin" \lIst Fridav ;,t Cold ~prlngs. EArly ,on tbut morning pellple llllgun 'to gll to tbe grove, II.Dd IIote tJlllner in the IItlll.lO or Colu Sprl llgl!l. Everytblnl,; \Villi mllue lito! oOJUfor. tHllle 118 pUlllllbhi, aDd Ibe oOID lntttee on urrliDgemeutll work II htlrd fol' tbe oomfort of tbE' plonlcerll. A aboru .. ohoir of lIevAr,,1 voices onder tba Illrectiun of Mr. Frank FRrr , WIIS one of tha felltures. Rev , POP. of wbllnon, IIIAng " J erus£llem,' lind th, NonubeJ qnllrtet rendered lI"verlll placet! 'fbtl hUll tOuslc In tue' "Hernoou was fUI'nished by tbe Ka;itoutleld sbow bRolt . 'I'be _pe!licers of tbe day were G. W. Crabba, of DIlY'6D, W . F. Eltz· rotb, of Lebanon, Mes8rs, Marshall Malford and Jas . C. McClelland, OIlndldat8 for repre8entattve . ,,180 expresl!ed tbelr views In regard to thtl oomlnlC eleotion. 'J'here was a good crowd prel;!ent" and tbe dilY ' was pleas"ntly lpent . 1'he sture" in .·own olosed up for the ooolulion. aud It was like Boud.y bere. A MONTH'S VACATION
Rev . and Mn. J. F. ClAd wa Ilader, who have beeD 8pending a month ID l{lInll88, will return this evening. The oounoll i8 "way oot" ~here. (n Il letter Rev. · ~ad wallader say8 Tbey meet pretty suon, .nd MlAhl the,V bave bee'n l,1avlnK IA good time BUee, mlgbt· (?) be oOllllldered. but will be glad to get btlok again.
· .
GoverDor Barrl8 baa Inned a proolalD&&lon ~6tltKD.tlng MODday, t5epSember 7 lUI Labor Day . Be urglll all 0ltize08 to l.y ulde balll. 'D818 OIlfflll and Pl'Y a fittiDR crl bllte .to tboee In wbC18e honor tbe day I. LdediOllted.
'l'be foar montb's,old 80n of Mr. And Mrs. Everett Early, IU; Ly&le, dted ~"tnrdIlY morning, and wal burled at ' Miami (Jemetery ~und"y afternoon.
.. ..-----
A Sure-atougb Knocker. J. C, Good win, or Reidavllle, N. c., 811YII: "BooltleD '8 Arnlo" &Ive lit " 80re 8nough toooirer for , ol06ril A bad one came OD my IBtl 8ummer, bot tbat wonderful salve ~nookea It out, in a few. roands. Not ~ ven • I!ear Hlm.laed." Unar Ilnteed tor pUllli. 8Ores, borol ew, 2&0. at F . 0, tlohwar&z'8 drug 8tore. •
Children's Muslin Dr'awel'S IOc and 12 I-2c.
Higher Priced Ones. ,
Tbe 'F~lix Corset, LOlng Hip, $1.50 .g rade for 95c.
Curt~iDs, 35c, 50c and 75c,
Ruffled Muslin
If you are or not, these few 2
words ought to be sufficient.
Hutchison &. Gibney
FIRST-When you are thlnk~ng about adverti80 lng, you must know what you are gOing to sell, then look for the best medium In which to advertise It--the Miami Gazette,
A Paying Investment,·.. Mr. John White, 38 Blghlond Ave., Houlton, Mal De, SAYS: "Bl;&ve been troubled wi\h a oougb every winter and spring. Last wln'ter 1 tried mflD9 advertiiled remedtell. but tbe oougb..oontlnued until 1 bonght a 600. bOltle of Dr. Kings New Discovery ; Hafore tbat WRS b"lf gODe, ' I the oough wastlll gone. This win'l ter tbe !!"me happy result bal! fol. I<)wed ; a few dose8 once more ban. isbed tbe annu"l ocogh. I am. now tbat Dr. King's New DIM. oovery is tbe best;;)f ,,11 oougb "nd lung renle<Jles. " Hold onder goarII.ntee IIi Fred . Scbwllrtz's drug free. 500. '~o:' '~rlill bottle
---.---------------------.. Vegetabl~ lL.axative
"sky high," as readers of the Miami Gazette know we advertise only the best,
Burpa88es all otber rem. I ed:les tor the relief of sickhe.adache. dizziness, indiKeation, ohronio Conatipa tiCl_n and Bilioualie8a, . because tbey arE' composed of the best known Vecetable drng8, and mixed iD the : prop~r prop or . , Itfons koowo to gl va the beIIt rllflolt.s. l~v8ry bottle Roarr&ateed to give satlafaotioD Dr mou. ey refunded. 1150 Il bottle at Scbwartz'a, mailed 'anywhere upon receipt uf price.
to correot tbelmpresslon thllt I h" ve abe.ndonedmy sptolalty, fo.r, tbe general praotloe of mediolne, ( take thIS mearis of informing ID¥ friends and patrons tb~t. T am 8till at my oId location in t,be A lien Building, en~aged in ~be tre"tuaent !S~"!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~ of Eye, Ear, Nose aod TbrQllt dlflell8e8, 'Very reAp6otfnlly, 1;>, R. MADDION, M. D., Xenia, O.
w A YNIt8V ILlllll.
In room next d, lJr088 Broe. ll"rdviRre Sture. 1'elel~llone in house II.nd offioe wbere I 0II0Il be called emy or nilbt. . V ti.J1ey .f-boDe 14-.2.
Waynesvil!e, Ohio.
FOURTH-If you do not ,want to use the col~ umns of The Gazette, and should want to advertise through such mediums ~. Dodpn,
Sale Bills, Etc., we ·can supply your wants on .very short notiCe In the most attractive manner possible.
Mia'mi Gazette
The · best advertising med'i um
,Tel1ephone No. 12.1
THIRD-Th~ Miami G~tte reaches more pe0ple in this territory than any other publkatlon, , therefore The Gazette Is the only medium tt) . • advertise through,
SECOND-·You need not "blow" yonr goods
-----... ...----
Wool Skirts Marked Down.
Tbe Liter"ry wlU ' bold ttieir , oext Il001.1 011 Tulltld"y eveDlog; 8ept"m- T,he C~use of Many ber S, liOS' at Mr. and Mra. BurtoD Sudden Deaths. iCarnbllrt'a. EVE'lry ODe oome and bave " good thne. , ) .. is a disease pre,l'ailing In ' this Notice country most dangerous because so decep· FERN ~"IDBlR, 8oo'y. ,, I tive. Mauysuddeu WI'hout lair I will be at Cole~,---deaths are c:aused f 0,1 by it-heart dis. m,,~ \.B,ove810r8eVerY Wtdnea4., They Take. The Kinks Out. • ease. pneumonia, You ""0 1.'9,e your w.wblltl t~ere Telephone Day or Night. Cit b'/lve osed Dr. K1Dg'8 New Lire heart failure or any time, If Y':Io lire Dot 1n to wn on PIlla for many Y8l&Jos, wltb tnC~8&8:' [ apoplexy are often Local No', 1 log sati8f"otloD, Tbey take tbe klDh tbe result of kid· W8doeacia" ' 'out of stomllcb liver aDd bow(tIM ~ _ I n~y disease. ~f 'fnrll'AMY, Watobmahr. Long Distance No. 69-3r f ' f I I' " .J N ' _ I kIdney trouble IS wlf:hout nllll or.. rot· on, I.aya • .~.,. ~ allo",.,edtoadva. nee -----B . Brown, of PI ttll6e14 , Vt. Gllar, 'd ' theiddney.polson. TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM IlDteed 88tlsfllotory d F . C. ~ob· . ..... . ed blood will (It·.wartz'8 drD~ store. 250. '. tack the vital organs, caqsing catarril of . Branch·OHice. Har18vsburO' O· . • -r • ' .' . the bladder, or the kidneys thelUseh'cs . '$eD' abow of Krltoh6eld '8 gl WA VNESVILLE RECOONIZED 'break clown and waste away cefi by cell. Bh.dder troubles almost al ways result InK tbil plq .bvw!!d at Uakdale from a derllrt~eu"ent of the kidneys 6mi Bteve.'Ph!lItPII, wbo WIlB- horn and a cure is obtlllned qni ckest by a proper part Friday evening. In' &he evehJ(~h[l In, 'be blond pve "deligbtful «?On- rea rlltf at WaynellVUle, lind ~ bo, il.! treatment of the kidneys. It ),ouare fj!el· Ing badly you ClIll make 110 mistake by well knowo ID Wafl'eu coonty, wall oer' up .$cwD,The play ~all pre. taking Dr. K1lnlcr's, the Vet8I'inary 8urgeon and Dentiat. ..oted tD lood Ityle, and t,' Willi recently Dominated tor oounty com. great kIdney, lil'cr and blndtler fellled)'. It c:orrects inability to hold urine and mlllltoDer 10 F.. yeU~ coauty• ...-&ed by .. capaoUy hoolN! . iu passing It, and oller· -----'-•• - • . unpleasant necessity of bein.g olt Home' on t:iaturday A~~rnoon" TiokltulJ or drY 'ooulib8 will qulQk to go often through the day, CINC,NNATI EXCURSION' ,ly I,ooeer wb"n Dr. Shoop', up many times duriug the Cou~h Remed, . ADd It ,. 110 mild and the extraonllnary thoroulibly barmllllll, tbat. Dr Shoop is soon .reallzed. AboDt tot&J.llv. &iokehl were lold IeIiM mother. to 0811 nothlDIr ellie, tor:. its wonderful al Oor.n~ /iton_, .fur tbe ClDOIDD'U eveD for very ' yoaDg btlblea The cures of the clhltl'etlBlng CIlIetI. )r1 . . , S_mn.Root pleasan, to ~lteal1d is eKounlou, , wbQll"lI!JDle .11'8&0 leev_ and tender sold ...all druggilts in fifty-cestt and . • •• , ;J~ ThomptlOD ~ Ii:rbt!8' '''"m" of" lunll beldi ... mounaln_ lize bOttles. You may have a Vllferfnlll'Y S u - ad Dentllt. ' 'Iol1l1lbrub It... dle proper. of tbis wonderful aew diB••- BobiDlOD, Bred 1f."Ile, V "rnou t,tell &0 Or I!1hnop'a Coutrfl and a book that teUs a11,IIo"t it, Pho_ 1SS-2X a.wb, LoW. . Prints, II" ·. tld ". rll h oahu tbe 00., IHId Addre-. Dr. KIle.rl Duke. MariOD ,Ada"l, Nl11' .....ta,we brOll&lhlal' . Y. When .E8VILLE,'· OHIO•·. . II... ADD were .....
..Y .
10 and ' 1'5c a Yard.
Of Figured and Plain, Plaid and . Striped White Goods, worth I5e, 20e~. 25c and 30c, 50 per cent off, all sold at
Pink Pain Tat?l,et8--;Dr. ~houp'tI lltop 'HeiloRobe, womanly pRinS, p"tn ao, wher<l, 10 20 minut.e8 HATHAWAY rornlUlli. on tbe :l50 boJ!; Alfk Y.OUI D~. drD~gl8t or doctor ,Ilbuot tblR for\' '" ite!! ville '8 Leadi'n g Denti8t mulll-it'86ne . ~old by all 'd..lera. Uffice ill K:eY8 Bldg. .
Tile September meetlnfl or ·t be W. C. T. U. wtll be heU a.t &be bome of Mn, 'New&oD BonneU September 11, .. ' 2':00 p. m : We would urge 1111 memberll to atteDd, as it i. a very ImportAot meating, being 'be time to &Ieot 0 Iflcerll tor t be yell I.' ' E. B. MOORII: , ~o,
-. -.
Toe d.y tor yellow jonruall.m aut\acarrUoul attackll UpOD oaDdl. da_ aepeclaUy io ,,8 clean .. coonty .. alli-owD wauuPl108edlohavebeen over, bU$, tbelas' week a newt'paper iD the O9unty lNat &ook up a 6gb"-of loop a,o-almOilt forgotf06D-and wl&b tb. aid of" "waD wl~h a knife" brougbt up tb'8 Ikelewn8 of .. bt' puS iq a wI&Y 'hat made ilil r.dert> alDiOlt qoU reading UI! co)bmn8 enttlr Into 'W bUe we d~ no' willb .. flab' Uke "bllt or 'ake .Idell wltb aD,. oandlcl"te, IItlll lIuob tbtuftl! .boald be k"pt out of tbe . preall . 'l'hea" are day. or d'ill.iIgll not of ua4010g., and tbe brllbrer the pr... 'be better tbe ~an. . Suob ar"oletl .. &hla only .8enet! . to wake Vote8 lor .he on8 attaoked. '
Hutebis~n ~ ~ibn~y's
'A olever, papuillr ' Oandv Cold (;ure TRbltlt-ealled PreveutlOil-ls belDI!! dlspen8ed by druggi8ts every· where. In a few bonrs, Preventlo8 lire 81ud to brelAk Ilny oold-oompletely. .And PrevenU68, being ao lI"e lind LOotb80me, are very fiDe for ahlldrau. No Quinine, no luft Now 1(1 tbe 'Ime for the oonslsteDt tive, notblnl{ blll'llh nor IIlcltent'nJ{ a4verthier to ooJllroe~oo his f,,11 O&W- Bo. of 48-260. dold by 1\11 Ilaalert!. pURn,. fur bristwilit ill at DOl' heel8, ~ alld the f.n eW vertilltng ItIIldl!l up to DEATH OF YOUNG CHILD
. Tbe conti.nued dry wea t.ber II g',. IDI t.o uut tbe orop!! pretay short. 'Tbere are 80me lOO8l1tie8, .. hoogh, ~ba' .re In "prosperoult oondl'lon
Carwio AvenoA, dldllODl8 onellay ? What a ml8Domer. Some ont! hh IUlgeer.d tbe utune of Col,bleatone AlleY"and tbts 88t1m8 &0 lIupply tbe proper pbratteoloKY'. Wbd do tl,le towlUlhlp .rnll'eeI mean, anyway I
- - - A '1'====
-----.- ..-----
If you WilDt to be populllr now, dOD ·t aile tbe pbrllsl!, "J wi8b it· would rain I"
II ~
.k. ' L CRANK, F~IItI,,'r 1111(\ M"1I111C11r 0116 Yeur (RLrIMlj III advl1l1"~ 1
a Cool Place for Meeting last Friday, ut ~old Springs.
in the northern end of the county_ •
The Miami Gaz ette
~ to bave 110 de ftnIte etal!c1a td. of etb. t it'.B. but lo be w hale v,e~ clrc \lm ~ln ce. Rnd conditio ne 8eem to r equi re to
Practical Fashions
Only Article Approp riated by Thenl gain the greates t amClunt or comfo rt from thl Woman '. Wa rdrobe. and plca l ure for tbe ti me belnl. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Such was the genl ral 8tatus 01 LADIES ' SEMI·P RINCES On vel'Y ra re occualo ul you now Bee S ORES&' JlubJic a nd private li te In the' d ays ,Art of Danci ng. Slory of .... eh lbe Pro...... L ,Bome old ludy lI·ell.rln g a shawl, bu t when Isaia h was a yoU'ng ma n. and be· gener,\Jly speakJ ug lhlp on no u nl vel" 1 T h ll Is " 'ha t M. Lefort, tbe secrecllsa he h Id blmself loyall y to Ille tary of tb Frencb Cboreg raphlc assosal garme.n t has becom e o~ solete. All BY THE " 'HIGHW AY AND 'BYWAY " s upport o! God's law. Bud would not PREACH ER i ndIan or a P ersia n IIba wl used to bl' c.Iation. says or the nrt ot dauclng In bring the standar ds wWch God had cOusldtlred olle of the fiu<'st rcmlnln c the prasent day : "Elt.b~r dancers t urn establi she d down to thl level ot 'llan's p OSsl/s~ I ('ns Ih t he wOl'ld, ILull tbey llke te'e totums with slllTened jolntll or II' akn sses. he 'fOUlld !llms If cOll a ted we l8 halJlled dow n trom mOlller I tl Scrlptu ro Author Ity-The Book of a!l Ileculiar , IUld of narrol'{ they make vIolent eITorts to look [lercepdaughle r .8 'lll'l zed ·helrlooI118. IBalall But . "s p clall )' chapter G. tgrac fill. wltb sUII more dire reslilts. Ilons. Rut howeve r lllucb lie los L of now if you t;n \' n youug woman e \'cu hUUlan cOll1panlonslilp he Ulore tban loaPln g about. con torUng ' themselves 11 very . el~!jianl l1quwl, COlillng pos· The l'hor>h~~ 1..ollI.h.- ,[,he nme mans mado It up In the ol1s(llOu a f lIowshlp Bnd gest!clll aUng grotesQuQly. It Is Ii "SolvOII"., of ·Jt'hovuh ." lie nwus slbly hUl1dr"d s of dollal·s. 1111 mallY dill. the 80n with t he God wbom I~e longed to A rna:, 1 : 1. He ih' ~3S"d /lam ntable state ot things. Deport· or 8U ·\t 'Iolh !lho wou ld tum Ull her b ntitlflll nOH\! ~O :~), 11 sllenl pre ching ot In that r.'pent. serv . And because h e valued God' lI Il me n t 18 tbe first tblng to be learned , tlllce wlll\' h h e tnllght. ](Is Ileld o r In• .laws a t It, and Ir ' he used It III all would a bove everylh IJlg e lse, and made make II. porllere (lul ot It tor h er and It wlll bo use ruJ t o the proficie nt bor WAil Jlldah. nnd the p rlod of 8~n'· a deep study ot It. lI ls vision was clari. Ice WruJ "urh,!; III ozy COl'llel', Sbe would never t hInk r hrns ot .. ZZlnJl, lied and be was ' able t,o see tbe ev ils p upil In all the wlllks ot lIle." 'I'rue .Totham . Ahuz and Hezeklnh, kIn",." ot wearlns I t. liven It it were lhe oo l:~" This woma n says tha.t after enough . One bas onlor t o obsorve t be Judah." (60:1) 7tiC! or no B. C. to 698 B. or, Into which hIs naUon was failing st ep Ullng she hud month s of 8ufCcr i'lg' Lydia E, "deport ment" ot the youns people o f He wa. a oOlltcmpornry or .follah. Amos, by atep. Aud he kn ew tbat sin m ..ant Hoaea Tbe Iroll bl4) Is Ulat s haw ls are out Pinkh am's Vegeu , ble Compo Israel, bUI younger thon Ih oy, IJunlshO lent and tha t the ludgme to·day to seo they haven't any. With nne! t In uod ntll of MIc·nh, In Judol,. Trndillon from God m ust In lUlle oC style. and It Is cu sler to tll'lve II made tall upon WI! ber . na. tho u.s Talmud r~Jlro.enL. him 118 h~ 'Ing well u.s ever. the atb lete It Is a pose t o be ungl'ace· camel tb rough tbe eye , of a 'n ollIe b"pn 8U \\'11 by Mnnl\.88c h. tho eon tJon, .,t Ul, to "sw ank" and bluster as t hough or H,·.pkhdIi,. under than to g t a wouw.n to wear a nythlnp. ~{(Ludo E. For~e! ?i Leesburg-,Va., with " wooden SIlW, t or Thl1 In hll early man bood he came thlll tootstoo l WIUl their own e6pocla l hll.vlng 8111<1 thnt ho had seen ,Teho\'&h. to be a Ibul Is uut oC fash ion. When worn· wrItes to Mrs. PinKJla m: ' . IItuden t ot the 110llUcal condlThe vision recorded In lJ, e sixt h I'hllplur. tion O! ' bls nation. jpropert y. It Is gulte evI de n t tba t hu· and anklnd took to UJuo ulsl1 tnllor'lllude "1 w ant other suffe rin g womeD to anlll t.o. strive to which S Ol d fo r th hIs cnll 10 Ihe pro· aud cloae·llt tlug clotilea t hey ca Sl kno"," wba t Lydia E. Plnk ham'lI Vegeman beIngs must do only one thing a t phetlo ollie, came In the lust year of point out Lhe dangers luto wh ich t he ui:oh'8 reign. the oullino oC the ChRptllr nation was most all l'6I)1 SbllW I8 !l8lde. nn ll tr t hey ever comt' table Compou nd lm8 done for me, For • ti me. The min uet. t he gavotte . t he drIfti ng, In b~l ng O@ fo lloW8: (n) Vision or Glory. thla way he Int.o Cuvor agulU It will only be COl months I suffered from feminin e ill, pavane, tho passepled. tbe t orelane I,.: labored . con8clo us ot tb. so that I thought. 1 coul d not livo. 1 (h. Com'loti on or Sin. (0) Cleansing great ev ils whIch one "season ." lUI U lemllOru ry whlnr, wrote eJtlste d and the I r~ wblch 1\1. Lefort recomm ends. belongs tram Sin. 6 und j; (~) 'T be 6: Cull. 8: (e) Tho you, and nfte r tak ing Lydia E. ,..,.. ·o D~ ce rutton . 8: ( t) Tbe Comlllisslon, 9 wIth him. for th '-I hnve Ilil a ll' about the m t hai P inkham 's Vegctab le Compou nd a~d H e scarcely recogni zed, t he t o a past era.. As history 18 always r e- .. n~ 10; (g) Th. Prom ise. 1l·13. t Is 100 ~Id ·j'nshlou ed· . . using the t reatmen t you prcscrib . kIn g .0 changed had hl.s couule naore ed 1 peating Itself t he dancing ot those ~ Those child lelt. . ren like lba a t are n ew sa woman y ,10 years . become I am un now der the strain ot the dangl!r courtly figu res may come bllCk. reo ' . "~~-~~~~l;~iV" Y-1P.~';'~~.~':. tbat s urroun ded him, IIlnd hll her.~t old or more ciln IIl'oba bly remem bel Itrong, and well as ever, and tbank y01l marks tha Boston He rald. but not now. . 8ERMO NETTE . wheu even men 'Wore sha wls Instead for the good you have done me." was moved towards him. Paris Pall ern No. 2514 . All Seams IThe waltz bas caused the ir oblivion , For aboUl teu yea n FACTS FOR SICK "Oh." he tho ugh t to h lmse lt. "It h ll Allowo·d.-Made up In cashme re or ot overcoa ts. WOMEN. but then this master or cboregra phy The only lafe vl.lon I. the would only listen to the ~e8sagew ht ch cotto n cJ'epe, 01' In a ny ot tho S U lllDl r lh y were consIde red j us , ' the th ing For thirty years Lydia E. Pink'1'bl, was t be one God g Ives. d ad mits tbat t he Boston, whlcb has becnde b,lglnn lng w'ttt ~ God · hlUl sent un to him. It be ",ould wa sh materia ls thIs froc k Is 1\oth casy QlDpow td , made ab out 1800. PreShl'l llt Lincoln wa. ham's Vege table Many a per, on t hlnl<' he hal :f only be li eve tb e pronlll3e c:ome only popula r In Europe, Is a from roota and herbs, bas been the whlcb God to ma ke and becomi ng wh n worn. very Fanlal ·to lIls had a villon when It II nothing blS Scolch shaw cood deal ot a dance! The Boston l. The Cull Wl\l st Is gathere d 10 the yo ko has give n o f t he comlug standa rd ~medy but the vagarie s of a r.lliordered :,~ uel. t he v ry God hlmsel! one. Immnn · ba nds of th material. or thes bands whlcb, accordlllg La Ibe vogue, he and bas po itively for femn.le ills, comes frosn Americ a, a nd he thanks w bo shol1lJ cured -th OUSBnd aof wore, not foldud brain diagona often lly In fern· women who baye been trouble luperln duced by a n ># come to t be nation ." may be made or nll·ove l· Ince nnd 01· the Amerlc an e. "not tor the step d with Inln abuled atomach . e iashlou, bU l fo lrl'1d fenglh wise. displacements , infllUllI ~ But even as be beh eM the tace of broIdery . the culTs OU tile throe-qu ar· which they dId not Inv4ilnt, but for the Dation, ulcera'i'hls folded shawl W1I.S pa ssed ove. tion, God doe. give vlalonl, even In i~~ K ing Ahaz Isa iah k new t bat t~r sle vea matchin g them. fl broid tumors, irregul nl'itJes, Jt th l> he wo uld develop m~nt which they have glvell It thla day. but not that the one not receive bl8 messag e, and hll dresR Is made blgll·ne cked Ihe COIlIlI' t he s[)ouldaru and a ro und the tl'on l, periodic pains, bactmcbe, that bear. aud which makes It an admirab le where thul favored m.y go around It was eit her II Id by lhe huoth ing.down fee ling, finttl lency, 'hear t sank heavy w lthlu hIm . "Never· ' should ulso mntch t he yoke hunds. Tb indj$'cs ' !Physlc at exercise. Tbe Boston glvee or [Jlunad by a bu so s hawl pin, 'l'hh tion, cliz:dne s braggin g aobut It, but that It •. thel es8~ the messag e mu or nervou s prostra tion. nt b-e spoken, :' skirt Is a one·plece plaited model case Ibreadtb ot movem ent and ·ex ponds the ot ma y prove In,plrat lon ~rtd prep· ~ he excla imed as he stePIJed lho slla w I is a Joined' bout the to on I) Why don't you try it? tbe ' wallit und r lhe 'holt, for ward, Olle where the men havo a})[i)'opr laI8 aratlon for tho DivIne aer'vlce • •~ and procla Imed wltb a .tiest and lungs." 'How nice. loud voice Ie which s hould min ch til yoke bllU cls an a Mrs, PInkh am In vi tes 811 sIck rUcle ut ' we ar trom t.Ile women' . How many there are that seek that a ll ' t he peo ple that were assem· nnd oul'fs. T wo rows of t rimming art'! wome n to WTltc her for advice . ..y.. wllru/,o be-·tho ugh tho ·llIs 11sed lanc ;t o to n s steep wh the 'r~ skirt their wit h good effect. Christia n II vea . In ~~ bl ?'~r hkearhd : d d There Is point to th& IItOry ot the :~ auperna tu ral manifes She bas guided thousa nds to the rev oroe bas happen Tb ed pall r n Is tn six sizes. 32 to 4 ~ nrll legion tations, and a . e ee , an be quIet; fea r .not. Iman who. wishing to rebuke hIs wlre'S ~ eatatlc cond lt lona. and Who do 'it Even th en, the s bllwl was o ri gi nal!) health . Addre ss, Lynn~ .l\IMlo ~ nelt ber be talut· heartte d for the two- Inches bUlit m asur. For 36 bllst ltute In mJllln ery, called h et- attention r.~ not do one practical thing to 11ft tails of these smokin g firebran ds, tor the dress all III tront vie w l'e<llIlres 'not a \Vomnn' s garmeu t exclus ively the burdenl that reat on other ~ the fierce unger of Rez Ito the uumber of birds which are lill With SyrIa, L814 yards of materllll 20 Inch 8 wide. for the Scotch HIgbJan der bas bls ttll IIvea or point the way to the ~'t and ot t he son ot RemlllJ lalaugh tered tor plumes. Her a nswer ab. Because . ~ ym'dl1 27 Inches wide, 7Y.o yards Ian plaid, and tile men of uorthe ru Christ. ~ Syria. EphraIm an d th e son ' ot Re- a6 Inch 8 Wide, or 6,* yard.: <12 Inches Italy sUIl weur a c10nk which Is v 1'\ ·was. "Do you play billiard s '" She reo ~ Isaiah hid .lIllle more . tban a II ha wl. - 'rb;, \ferred. of course, to the number s of ~ w isely recor:fehis villon, and he ~ malnlb . have !akeu evl1 coun cil agnlnst wide, wit h lOY,a yards of hnnilln g 3%. d It among the ~'b t~ee, sayIng, 'Let us gl) up against Inches ,,' Ide oud U J. Yllrd~ or ed -ri ng. Pathflu der. lePbant s wblch are killed ev;ery year I..iI prophet ic tor . Ivory. The man might, lu turn, ~ 41rected mealag es which God j1l Judab. and vex It, and le t us make a Width of lowor dlte of sklrl about him to speak, but we '. breach t herein for us. allld set a king a~ yards. ave r'3torted . " Do you pl ay tbe pia' ~ don't find him goIng Why He Called. Tn prtlrura this IlIItll'rn 6 about .; In the mids t of it, eveu tllJe Bon ot Tn. 10 crnL'I " You advert Ised t hat you b nd found to "PIlU"rl l De lJurtm~ n l , " ot nel 1110'" for both sexes , and many Indus· ~ preachI ng a doctrine of viliona ~ beal : ' this pup" 'r. Writ e nnmQ nnll uddr ss I}Ililnly. u nd be a pocKethooll, J believe?" . be as ked the ~es are rCllpons lble tor the dr ain ~ and. atrange tonguea and luper. th The PdroPhtetb pSbused lUI he finishe d ur to glvp. size :lnd nllmbc r or pattcrn. man who had (lome to t he door In un naturll upon Ivory, It Is neverlh eles. a tact mOlnlfeatation., He e wor 8 0 t e oast or the enemie s swer to lila r ing, accordi ng to JUdgO'h Itrike. at aln In the nOiltlonal life that the mllldng of bllJlard balls calls ot J uda h, and the n wit t! thund erOU8 NO. 2514. Library . SIZl~ .. .. ..... . ..... .. and polntl tho wa)' back to God. · !for the greatea t Quantit y and finest tones hI! cried: "I did ," Whethe r or, not luch vivid and Urt)j~e the ordinar y dried "Thus s aUh th e Lord God, 'It .hall ' IQuallty ot Ivory. , A man who makes NAME .. .. ... ... .. .. ....... ..... ... ... ..... .. . -' You SIlY It c:onta lned a s l1m 01 striking vlllo" at came to llalah " not sta nd ne ltb er sha ll It conle to 'pass. , IIlIa JIving by hunting and buying Ivory beefthat sold ' in bulkDl oney?" TOWN .. ....... . . ... .... .. . ........ .. ....... . when God called hIm to lervlce Fo r the head or Syria Is 'in Afr1ca has related some o! his ex· "Yes." COrnel to the Chrlltla n worker • a nd tbe head ot Damasc Damas cus, . Libby' s Peerless Dried Beel STRElET AND NO .... .. ..... .......... .. us Is .Re zln ; 'penenc es In Everybo dy's Mar;;azlne. "A Vflr)' large sum ot money. In of to-day tl) l. on,a thing II true, ~ and wi thin three score comes in a sealed glass jar and five yean (act?" ODe or the lIJuat rations shows a heap STAT E .. .. . .... . ...... .. ... .. . . ... ..... . .. .. that JUI~ .1 Iialah had drlvon " sball E llhra lm be brokeili. tbat it .be "Yes." ' Of 20,000 bilUard balls, wor th $80,000. in hOme upon hll heart the realize. which it is packed the no t a people. And t he bead ot Eph· '!And ~a t the r could have 'Since only 8ve perfect baJJI can be cut tlon of the hollnes . ""SSES ' ONE.PI ECE PLAITE D God and 'lie ' r lam I" SamarIa , and the h ead of ~o~ent it ill sliced into those ' s ame Uy naming the aum tound anC: hll ow~ Iinfulne .., follow.d by ~ SamarI a Ie Ramala lh'l '~m the lcu-gest tusk. the .heap reprOo SKIRT•. aon, If , y. descrlh lng the pocketb ook?" delicio thl conlclo us thin wafers. UI clean.ln g at God's 'Mnts the deatJ! qt 2,000 elephan tll. No wIll not believe, aure ye shall not btl "Yes. Go on." 'JI8I'1IOn C'f. feeling can help resrettJ ng " T~t Is ~II 1 wished to asle." None of the rich natural of the words upon Hie Inch a fact. Within " tew yeara regu· "Bu t fOU w111 have to give a . d.e the road of .uch '.perlen ce. people was apparen t. A ele am ot hope IJatlonll have been estabUs hed tor the flavor scrlpUo o-;'=-goodness escaptls n of the ,urse yoU 10lt bfl(<<:rt Who cln become a f.lthful am. shone In tluilr faceB w'herl3 betore had 'protect ion of the big game In 80me you I:an put In a claim." b ....dor for God unle.. he rested one ot utter ~eBpall'. or dries 9uL It reaches you "I lost no purse." part. of Atrlca, but In spUe of this the knowl 10"1lth lng of ,the hollnel l . KIne A:hl\¥' 119ted' the look, but he "'fou fresh dldn'U" and wjth all the nutri.. 'apply of Ivory is decreas l~g ·rapldly . of God, the .Infulne... of hi, own s poke not a word. . "No, elr"." f and the cllanlln g power 0' ' "If you beJ1ev(l, not tha,t this shalL ment retaine d. "'I'hen. why have you called 1" God to ftt for lervlcl? Who, InI recent curious boycott of the come to pass. ask or the Lord a 8Ign." "Merely to see what a man 1"011. deed? pren In the Berlin parllam~t hu a "Nay I not 18k." ILD Elwered Aha" LI'.,'s Peerless DrI~ like who will find a very large RIIID. o f .. , ~OWIY!, r .great, thl :.:.proph lt supercll ioualy and with lin usumed precede nt· In tJ:le . moth~r ot parU_.. mone7 and then advertI se the tact In lee, ' ,is only one of a Qreat . ,'Ialah. app.a,. . from our point of air of de!,p i-everen ce. "for why should "eilts, the Brltilh house Of commonll. th.e papers Instead of hldlDr; It do "in view to4lY, lIt UI not forget I tempt nunibe th e Lord In BIlking, a sign:' r of high.grade. read, \A writer. In Harper' 1 Weekl7 recallil that nelUilr h. nor hie melllge cellar. Good da • sir:' T his he spake reartng to pubUcly {that the perlOn Involve d WI8 no leu a to serve. pure food produ~ ta ·w •• popular In hi. day. No i ~ ple!1ge o1letl1en ce to the ul'gent' wordll r !celebrity than the late DanJel 0'(;:011' dou~t he ",al dubbed I?oculiar. Too Ma,:,y Big Nlmes. of the PlV,I!het that M trunt wholly In are , prepe,reCI in UIIb,' . ~JJ. .He cona~ned the hl8ccul UJ. of and hll me..age " e'l up6n .e ar. He wa~ the now eleVato r boy' anll God, for, ~e knew that ' a lt .t ha t very Gre.t WbUe Kilcbea. ' that were dull with tPl.e world', *- moment l is e mls 8arles \the parUam entary reports, but he forthe brokers and banke rs In the hi, we' re on tJ1elr mUllc, but he did not preach be· ItYlcra pe r were not tamllla,r with his p to make.alJowlLDce tor acoulltl c dl'. ~'ay to the- king ot AssyrIa with pres- . P~r1,> Patte rn No. 2505. All Sellms Just tnt a pacitage of ca\lle he Wal the molt popular ~ entH to win his he lp In IliculUe . and the buzz of Interve ning t he prosenl Allo wed.-N otblng Is more becomln K nnme. preache r In Judah, "Charle n~lther s." dId called peril. th o flrst broker . of these. such as Ox Tongue. :eoriv,r satlon. He charged the reporte rs to the slim growIng glrJ than one ot he become dllcour a'ged and give . ~ that entered the car, "tbe seve nth." Wllh an Imperio us gesture the proph. those box·plal ted skirts ,~th the malicio us suppreB lllon ot his with Vienna Sausage, a s traight up t ~ e work becaul. he .neemed ~ The new ele"ato r boy stopped ...t the • .peech ea, and the gallery then refused lowe r e dge. ' They are particu larly ap" to obtain tittle If any relult •• ""~.. et turned f rdm the king leventb and, ~ fall', floor. Olives. etc., and see how Ing t~ e assembl ell people. be shouted ; proprla te to t be bo· to report them at all. "Dan'" 'Itorme d ill' Rather did materia l, "Louis,' eald another. " the ftfth." he preach because he :' "'rhe Lord himself ~ball give you '& whlcb t\re BO (ashJon adered .-ad thunder ed In vain. even moving ble · thIs s easqn. had a menag e, and hIe heart * The car slowed up · at the tlftll delightfully dif· or tbe), may be made In any mate rial was all athrill with ~' s 1' gn ; B e h o,l d a .virg in s 'that the ringlead ers ,be brough t to the il(; haUl concclv e. fioor, ~ and bear ' son ~~ . oontact with God. a nd s h II ferent . II hi they are tha . fl the ' wea rer. wishes. ACte r the ,. " bar or the ·house. ·Finally h e apolo· ~ , . 3, ",Albert ," perllisted another , "the '. .;,.. lIame Imman uel. Butte r undca ho .•.e yS moda l Is 'finls hed 't ~e tlurplus mate· .clzed, and all was well. Lord Lyttle- i~#;~1."*-7.C%i:;~~~~~1·~,('f~1~i'(.·~i(.-,~tIl- sha ll he eat, Slecond." . 'f rom othe~s that be may ' lmow to .. re- \'Ial 18 cu ~ away. trom llnderne ath tbe The boy looked flus)llc:lo us . Sud· lton In 1871 te ll toui of t he press In tbe , llIse tile evil and chooso the go'od... · you hav~ eaten. IJlults, doin g· away wi th a ll blllkine ss ' denly a tall clerk t ouched hini on thO THE STORY. "la01,e way. and the lat o Lord Alont. Days passed, an d then came ,rtM around ~be waist li ne, 'fh e paUe rJf arm a~ d chl rJlod: . eagle had his name omlttell trom Lon· knllwled go to Isaiah that III spite of closel! In the bsck unde r .a.n Inved ed "Joseph . the 8rst." HE ,const:lo usness of a. work to be hi s message from t he J,Alrd. c10n newspa per reports for two years Libby, McNeill' Aha.z ~ad pl\l l ~, and Is J;lretty worn ~B a Bep,arut e This was too much.. The new lad done Is tb e fir st cond iUq n of a perfecte d .an allia nce with because he said som ething the report. I be .Idpg s kirt or a s part ~ r an ~ n tl re cos t;uOle. Libby, Cbicauo looked around In dIsgust. "Say. are ca ll to tha t work. Gorl never ca ll s a of As~yrla. ' era dId ' not Uke. . Tho 11Il;~tern II! In three sizes, 13 to 17 you 'tellows trying 111 0 .11 In to his minis t ry who Is not sen. to 8llY m e ?" he "It can not be helped. Ab itz may for• .years, · Fot a miss of ,15 yea~a. t~,e growled. "Or do you thJilk ~bl B' car s ltl ve to t be grea l neM of th e. worl d get, but there 'be those : ~ , In the nation skl~t. ",l~de ot bord er~d ml\terta l, re- JI ~ bunch ot Roman ~ar navle8 train young me n In eea. for the gospel meSbSge. history? Huh ! T hla Iii t he who will rememb er GOd's pronllee of ' \l.ul1e8. 3 U! ya rds 36 hl~hes wid/), or, JO~El ph, the 8rsi, eh ~ First thing maRsbl p. M.ercan tlle nav Ies have d e- promise upon whlch." .e buse tbls the Kin g Imm anuC!I, and ,will Yotl remain ~f ot her materia l, It needs 7~ yards will be cal\ln'~ 'Richar d. tbe tblrd / and . ah. , th'e 'm ~nde d to a large extent on an unor· Blo ry of the g reat Is:d tu ItbtII I• I t ' t l I .. • 0 Inches . wide, a ll 4~ yards 36 was a Inches .1'11 go daft and holler : :Me Idngdom me 'r lJIt!f aage Id alL j 54 I I Id pnlzed apprent ice system to keep up who co'uld s ee vlslor.s aud dream of th h t h kl ' h or ~ yarus nc les W. e. oug for a horle.' Out It out'" e ng wou I d not ear au d w'1'0e, procure PIANO TRADE thlll pattern "end the supply of ' expe ri enced men. The tbe marvelo uG grace an.d mercy o. heed ." 10 ccn~ " to ''Pattern ·Departm ent." ot tbl\! paper. God. tbe man who was richly eudowe d White Star line Is s ending out this - - - - -. Wrlte nnme &)1d nddreSll plalnl~. and be lI'lth the grace of upoech and wealt.h Acquiri ng Phllo.op hy. =the 0D!y wsy we can set a bill Sway of the Typewr ite,.. .umme r a tully equIppe d' cllpper· sh.l p suro to gt~e alze and nlUlbe.r ot paltern. . '. J;.. houseke eper ,Who ot tma glnatlon of t he \lO~t 'and tlte bad ~ther .. part of it ,il by offerins you more ' , with the younge st crew that ever man· Btrongth and fo rce of charact I , . .mall stoc:\t of ' patienc e went rnto het c r of one . The typewri ter Iii plal'lng an Impor· piano for lea. money than anyor.e-;J;e NO, '2505, ~ IZE. .... . . .. .. ... .... aged a real!ng venel, It Is a whose 80le basIs ot action was lhe tnn kitchen one day to direct the prepara t part In cIvilizin g the lI'orld. The unchan gesble law or God . c:aJI.. Write us about what you have achool to tum out office rs for ocean tlon tor dinner. She found George, latest Inventio n In this. IInl~ la a ma: " NA~ ...... .... . , ....... ... .... .. .. .... .. ,... . , -' chIne cl\paule of 10 .pend, and We will leU you what liners. The re bas been a rapidly grow· il)lng the RI~hly e ndowed of God ho early· Jalll1ne Se Ideogra m: trahllcr he.: Japanes cook. ponn~ over a book. but typewr , .we .inay be able 10 do to meet ' your iter.' . TOWN ...... ........... ........ " ... .. ..... : .. · "What are ' eYou Ing 8carclty ot proper materIa l for om· consecl 'ated his abilities to fC4qlng ?" Bhe as~ed God :lJld I I tI .pe.cial , . . wilnL ' eera' berths, and · th~ compan y decided . came to know the jov of doIng rl g'ht mpr n ng Ara bl c, S yr Iac., Arme nIan':j S"l'REE ' "Schop enhauer," George replied. "1).,. , T AND !'lO ...... ,......... .. ... .. , Hebre w and othe r orlent a1 ' languq e. ' "ou think' vou can underst and sucb · aa .a busfn en measur e. tbat It muat because It was right. In the day III huve • • •. long been, uStld. 0UR SPECIAL OFFERS: . 'pbIlOIOPbY! '" the mistrell l " Inquired . !lrtng uPyoUl lg men properly trained which he lived there were g reat te~tp· In TurKey the . printing of., Any thine. 14250. 00 Piano at $210.00 . ' . "~e .. honorab Je "madam , ,I l,lDrterstand for the work, The course on t he ship tatlons ' to Impure. uuholy IIvln~, for trom a circular I"ttet to a 2-$300. 00 , ~ j . $235.00 book, Can TippIng Evil at l.tI W.Ol'lt • . It: I al!plylt . Wlien "you com .. to teU laata tour ),ellrs, furnlsb es tile boys a the Inflne nce ot tb e henlhen nations only be done under a ' Ilermft from. tbe 1-$800.00 . I f I I l500.00 In London tlpiling bas become /l. . me how to cook~ It I, good to Temem; I-$22S,OO , j . . $1611.00 Ire. achool. and prepue s them to join about bad crept In uJlon the kingdom gove r'nlpent. ~herefo re; typewrl tera ' ,p ublic sC~lUrge . In a West End res . . ,ber what .the ·whlte milD say,s about '-$200.00 .. I I $170.00 . large liJilpl to Qualify .. mate ILDcJ o~ JUdfch, leading mallY a stray and low· which tinprlut Turklal l or Arlilblc char. t811rant It , you )Jay Cour pounds' tor W:omen. I read bere. then I not mind l'rlng ladly 'tlle religiou s and the acters are prohibi ted ·. . .ter. from. passing your' dinner and do , not leave a ftftb wbat you B8y,";-BeIJJnan. moral standar d s of t ll e peopl e, mE JPI.t N . 'CHURCH COMPANY . through the cus.t om hOlllle. Nevetth e: of that sum as a tip you are looked Th ' . ~n gs at J udah . worldly ambl · leltll. Ihe Inc~e aslnl; dc-mand • dNONNAn. OHIO blLS IOm& upiln itS a 8klnflln t.~ParJ s Annales . ! A catalog ue of the lib rary. 0: Charlel tlons. and desirou s of uli F_ ·__ " ~ will LiIaa ,. ....... lancel!' which how produce d a small aupply. Bl1g~ Two Opln.lonl. Darwin , now at the Botany Bchool at wO.lld strengt hen ' their ~""PIuo.V....t. hands agaInst dad, a ctty o! 200,000 lnbablltall.~. hal "So you BtOpped 'calling U}lon Min ' Her Opinion . ~brl~ge. England , has been recently enemie s whl()lI rose up against tbe 20 machIn es , all ot wblcb wrHe ArabIc Pert," sB1d Gaullip . "She has raUI~t He-Yo u don't believe, then, that ~mplled and 8n ' Introduc Udn h~ nullon froUi Jlmo to tim e, se.t tbe ex· In Syr ia. one of the mOE '~ polyglol man d~\!cended 'from a ' pretty face • .but 1 eonald" r ,her DO." the Illonkey ? . !Men prepare d tor the catalog ue by ample whIch th~ Ileople were oaly too ·countrl es In the world, Syrlac, Arab" j:Jh!!-No, I do not. I think It Is more too long, don't you'" Ltte 8tocJr. ID4 MuDaD eoa I'I'ancSa Darwin , the .on ot Ute great ~~~~: ~~~~I::d ~~~l1~~~ .' "Huh!" snorted the rejeCted one, "1 d a;ar tro~n and F rench writing typeWrlte~ 1m probabl e ~at he descend ed from the fOUlld . . . .U.t ber 'Doel' entirely ' an too or .horlt e uBed by many of the bUllne l. hOhU. trog, judging from bls tenilenc y . to . . , time beln& leems wonderfull~ ~n1phatlc." Persia wblch use. the .\1':''''0 1'Cr11l1 Jump from one , tl1ln8 ~ to anotllllr , _:.e.s Uve. and so It wllsln the days In nttrac· ! ";; wblch' All emInen t clttzen o! New !ork rOo . tbe ~::' In ,reat "a,.et ,. lor .al .. ' oventl ot our ..ory cent er. I, learning to ac:l,Ol't .!' type rlter. ",. Yonke,. .. Stateeln an. ....., •• apropoa ot th& latest 62.... tory at tbl 10"" . ,deea go tc:tbel', ealt,. Nee . . ... . pb" lty • HlDd. . .ntlne propoRIt[on. tbat the melropo It wa. pOpular In tbat day as It I. stanl "rUing lI!ae"ln~' 'maU ~oun~y .In Imln atate. , "I 181:) you' al1\'811 wear a amUlDl ,ery otlen Io-day to b1 so broad· Bombay and' "tbei' .LN.ULU IIUONB WIIIA. . . co• ... III only jUlt snterln g upon an era of minded The smalle. t ltate In tbe ullion' bu aolDlten ance." aa to be ready' til be on' (mm. Clilneae seems to beclUe. "w , ~" the " CIIICMIO tbe Imalle t .county MeIl.conltru ctlon. He Is sUlpecl "" or DlOD terms .0 f,lntlma cy with the world· welL Brfatol "'Y. .--atiaw ered the candlda to a Ue. llU8jJe wblc- ItlJI 'relll.ta county, Rbaae baa .only . , U. wearily, "I bat. to. There III ..... In the ela,ato r b'Wnps t. nl pro 'Jle~u'!r !.ud to 1M 10 l1beral aa' er'.. Plldc:m l BDllI.- .Huner '/t .quare mUeL At Obe place It II Mt ta'llil what mODient a .llIlpalaot »bo Dlote than t!,O amI.. Ia breadtb . ... 'Pbrr ...,. wra ..... ..... AYNh,S V ILl.. E .
Pee rle ss Dri ed Bee f
::~~~h:~a~~~~)'~~~ :~:t ~:~~ i·~ e8~:~8!::~~
Ele ctro typ es
.' \
Cle rk's Story of the Devious Pathl Those Must Follow Who Take Cupid for a Oulde Evidently J'..woke Recollection • .
Roosayalt In Darkasl trica .
"H em! n began th ~ Doss. " [ hurdly I'lC p · ctcd a $1 0 I'alse would Ilffcot mat'I' rs HI) soon . I knew YOll IIIllst h avo II gun stLv ln !'; mouey wh en I SIlW you 'I t th !lInk th ' other nlgbt ' uno noU Ced you hnd develop d a IJasslon [or IllU' ';\ 0 Instelld of shooting lhe chutes nnd tlo ll(Jln g th flops , But awhll o buck I t hollllht yo u must hnve , lost uul, YOll :ilUok ed so mnny ci ga r ettes lin t.! look ltI ~ O 1l0f l'y rol' your;Jelr." The YOlln g Mall ~m ll 11, " That was part of th e E: lill O," he Elepfzant~ Rf.tino~ !o:plnlu II. 'l'l' ellng wil l ' )ll euse o a \:II 011 I 0 a I' d e l'," Lion~ " What galll o? Toll m e n il about II . roal'<tJi K luJ Leo. r ap' IllY boy. ant! don't omit a thin g. And pillg tor order u 110ft ' her • tt~ k e 11 c1 gat: to k ee p yo nI' IULlIds Vl ce' P l'ellltlen t JUll\bo'~ 'CCIlIII d , 'i ou' ve bllten orr 14 fin gel" 11all 6 already. N ow I t I t como, No, hllrd oranium. "1'bls executive conl lll iltee has :lev I' mind my Um ·. Procot:'d." 'The Young Man nccellt ed th o 'ci gar summoned th e m embor s of t he Ens t African Jun gl e associr,tion, post ' tllll proceeded. " Well , sir- m y mInd has been made hasle. tel D$sembl a h Ne for th e I/u r· li p all along- It was h er 01' n obud y ro r pose of orgll ulzlng th e Theodore lII e. I'm no nrt cOl1lml~ s l o n , but .. h snits m e for h auty, And all 'flll' tll s· posI t ion- wily, hones tl y, It's WOl'th whil e g tlln g Ul'ed and bl ue n u ll ;':l'\llhp)' just to bave lIer lIHlk'e you f\1I' ~ tIt, " i1uL I h ad Il t ron g comp ~Itl ()n . J-to Wns an oul· ch ap, uul I hu t ollly Ir'ut blm gl (l I,lour. 'Wh n a rellow lllake!! a tl r SOlD ' jou rn y ju ~1. to IIpf'nd Ii fcw hoUl'S with a girl ~ h all' l ll'f.'rlall:ls It-ant! ahe doean ' t g l fn, ' II ill aI' 1I0nbil with hi m to seo Ills ....( nit puln ts, And wh n thnt rellow ''lak es th Il'lp oCt n tho town f ello w won lei betl r think. I 11 gan thi nk ing :U1d ('ollolud lug th nt tho 1.low I hlld beeu usi ng llS n tl' II I' lit fi rst WIlS now klQklu g dust 'baClk at m e. anti lhat Hlell 1\ cIanci of romanc 111mg arounl1 him Ihat slte "collliln't s e whal a d uO;· ~"I' h was. Til n I IIc pt on thinkin g unti l I hit a scbem e. "r kn w her futber was mi ght y ,ll'IlIlgl y 0 11 lOy !lIdo. 1 hat! nn Iden w I'h'als w ere fr~Qu nUy brollgh t In to rlLmily cliscu sslonll, So I clllled on lb Id l;enll mlln at bis ofl1 ce, ., 'Father: 1 sa id, ' SO)l\ thlo ~ ;nu 3 t il done: , 'Ri ght, my boy : h e l'OI)lIed , 'bu t what'! ' " 1'h n 1 tol d him my gaUl. H e got 'lltereated Ilrelty soon an d proml cd 10 h Ii> me. .. ~ xl. ven in\; I called . F a thor reo ~('I I' d Ole coldly allll addresse d m e lIa rr.- he usually calls me T om , :I{ot h er, too, was dilitnut and l ook ed vorrl ell. B ut. I ho t;trl w aa defiantly t r l eudl)' , anr] w o had u lllllly tim nu, UI ton o'clock. when 011 th e floor aboye us w h eard a boot. Immp,. \) umll. bump. ,, ' nn Ihat melln for mo to go '!' I all'k ed Incr dulouSly . "'0, surely n ot: she r epll cli. Dill t .... o minutes laler there wus a h av~ f r ead u)lstalrs and taUI railed OYE:r t he hanls! ra: .. ' M y d or. I t I s very late: " 'Why, taUlel', 11 '>1 only l en,' ~h e ,a n· ,< 1\' r ed. .,. · ~t Is vel:Y IlIte, I say: r pll od fa· l )ler, ell111hallcatly, " My offonded dignity ns left was Rooaoyell ProtecUve '1/ ~: orth Beelng. ~nUnuell ~ "Two evenIn gs later [ InveIgled the auxillai Y," th e chalrmnn, ·otber tellow' Into atteodlng a 'mls· I('he glrulte was on nlonary t ea: There bo 11Iet t be wild· (' t b,unch of Comanches I could col· his [eet In au Instan t, demanding r ec· ogJllllon wI th \loth bind f eet antI his !,'c t . Th ey not only shocked him, but neck. . , ',"on $~O fl'om hIm. "What? Protect Rooso"eItY Ycu go-" " W ell, to shorten ~h15, falher and "Sit dO\\:II!" ognln roared KIng Leo. 1 lOt her .knocked lIIe. uud illY rival was "The gentlem9.n from the tall pines will f ool enough to jOin lu, Sho wos a Illense not ge,t florid ," Then turning bls l oyal, spIrIted gIrl who dId h er own back IIpon tb e glratrc, he ctmtlnued: "The t hinking nil(l beli ev ed In m o, so sh'e object dt th e auxilIary will be to afford as !liuck to m e, ' muoh secnrlty for the membel'S of Ihls ~ "At tho proper time tuthel', forbad e 'Bocl ety as ma)' obtained by cautionary Ole the house. Then w e got to m eot· measures w\thln our commonwealtb. The I ng each other downtoWn und soon moUon having b een made, I find that tho {lt arted fi g uring how I wo could live DlIIJorlty arO In favor, tltorefore I declare ch eapor than Oile. Y~ ste rday, "to put It adopted, l i' ollo wlll:; are the officel'lI of. nn eod to oPPQsltlon ,' wo calmly 'got the auxllllll'Y: L eo. (lhalr,m an : Boneo,' sec' married . And now everybody's , hap relary; and Strhi es. chaIrman or tho' com· )I ~' -and l'''e r formed." mlttee on pr dutory IIrlvllege. The chair· The tloss chew d hIs cigar. man at tte nuxillary will report : eeolu· "Sixty n m onth Isn't milch to mar, tlons Marc h '4, 1909. Until lbat time w e I'Y on," be said at la st. ','bill Ul01'0 may stand n(l~o\ll:n cd , " be a better opening soon. Go hpme Dr. M on k , who had I)een 'kidding Ser· lOW and don'j show up h er e for a ge.ant·nt·A rm s nhlno, official bOllncer, be· week , Don't thank ' m e YOI\'ve calise the latter had just begun to see a sholV up agalnb ~ the Il on. ele· wasted too 'm uch oJ m y tim e njrea c1y, " 10,k e Wlll cl: Ihe rUI'mer t old at a pr evIous meetl~g, phant. bop go, hi ppo, rhino. it- ' Tho YOUlJ g- 1IIao l eft, bu t Ule Doss ad darto:] into th e sheltorlng brancll es at a cocoa· brl\. tigers and Slllll,lIer II nl ma l.; ~ P l'tHn Indleat!on El. H e nul Il l'llm bu t wns compelled to fetllrn upon (eel· tl iit not Imme!llately s et bUBY, th e D emucrats d ~chl nl, ' t1l 01'C w:1I be 110 juu gles opened bls wa~oh and tOl'got to close Ing lhe gil afro ch ewl og at Ws tall. Th e l al tel' ha'" • wlHim Th eo dore letw s, it t or some tiOl e, lug ruls llllrcn Mr, M~llk's tali for a cocoa illl t l eaf, Five ' thollHand IlGUllrl S of :101mUn ilion will be "1 wIsh rd hlld bls lieI've at . his ,cl !'lve l'l~' C'fl:lIlg d lho subject by In l roduclng th e n eeded. six months',' feo d Is an absolute n·.'cea· :Lge," be mut t I'cd. "I'm deuced ly tired nODS vol t question agoIn. ' slty nnd 'on. -exllCrt der.lal'e!; thnt Ihe cost trom "Say. ,,1,1 m an, r don't know ",belh r this IlUX' 01 hotel lUe," the time h e stells onlo th e contlneu t IInW h It wa& (11& back lid ,of his watch In, lIIary ill Jus the b est tblug ",Ith election com Ing l ea ves will , aggreg ate about $lG.I) OO, That Is n to ",hlch lie W8.S 100klng.- KlInsa 3 on, . SI<!I])()slu g thp. jun!;lo guards bhould ho call io d l ar go allimmt of m Olley lo II1It Into six ' 1U01l lh ~ ' out (\Io rlng lhe , 11I'll11ul'les. 'Vltere wou,d we get C ity Tim es, huntillg , 'but British oud Gel'l\Ian SllortSUJCU sPy 01'( a~:l You S " I~ tbllt :H;xllla~T list of officials Is ' It Is worth lite Ilrlce, ,.'II,h th e opposition und It' ll bl'! just like them to Th e I'enl 'heart of tho huntlnr; regions of A f r l · a Gentleman. 1'11,\1 out 0"1' vollll!,; !ItI' ngtb u) traU the ex-pl'ilsl· ea I~ 1.1\ illlOde&I !l , Th. lire (:a1lnlba.\8 . tll ol'(', ~rhe col,les' culth'ntes th e Ideal 01 al so heatlle tribes, hnt Roosevelli :m tlIp loll1ncy ma y gentlemen . Th<lrr' Is 110 plat"o III, tht d"f11. 1 ,kllOW how It I.. In m'y: precinct, alld I 'you know wb ore the 'ungo river bunch 8t~nd. t>econto a s t,lelldld !lsset. and \Jaekell UII u, ' hlH ' , world where III :Uln ell!:! has so lILt! flgl~Llllg eX l,erl nce gll lned' on Sa]!1 Jllan' hill and toierat\oll M ,In 1\ collo..~e. " Thou shall Wtiil, 80 long, Doc, Don'l throw any musby cocoaIn sparring 'bouta wllh Iho senntl), there should be be a g.e ntiemsll" III t bo ftr s~ IImelul nutG at Th{lodorc tr be !lCCIi you ftrst." The habituE'S of the jungle disbanded and went no serIous liang r, ment to the T on c.:ommandlllenUl, '8nl One of the feQ turos or th e expedition will he on \l hang tho academic hiw ant their wny", t ho porty In Ilower dele~lned that the shoaling lions by ul¥,ht. This hll.ll beon auU!orl· I)ro)}hots. 'rho m oek IIjoy the besl ooly living eX'pr esldent, when he became Bueh ',attnly announced by Ibe magazi ne wLlclt III to ,·ulutlll. hay€:, dominion by righteous .honld not gel the upper hand wilen he made hl~ Ollit to Arl'ica In aeol'cll of gamo a;ulthe oPfolllng pay !llr. Roosev elt S:! II WOI d for his stories of the nells and servlco, !;lY belu.g the rlgb bunt. I!I sta!king 1I')I)s by Hight th,~ I)resldllnt Olu~t Itlnd at persons. II Is by, cboraete mlnol'it)' determIned to keep one eye on R()Qsevelt , ', uso an nutomoblle IleadII gJ\t, which Arrlcan n· that they enjoy nnd control. NOli aud the other on KlnS ],eo'lI bunch. cblvell Btl)' King I.eo natES 1-1 e l)(es It 80 much Bfl&.I' shooting In t~o canebralu!1I of Loul"an'" or have we a heltel' 'c oncellUon of th , !.hot 611Ch aeQ8'ln B(:!\· tjral dozen nro ~l1ed . Ideal chnracter than that which III el _llIng Bruin In the Roc:klea 18 tame aport .1..;.g. and ClLrrled away "'~lIe )unltle lorche.. prellSsd In tbe good 'll'ord gontleman- aIde of thnt which ,T~ore RooseVelt wJU find In 1'he IlJr IIf tho 1\011 rnnHl, be 14 '"Itb a live Ihe rhtbteol1u, lIlo hOnorablo, the cult e.:zt AfrIca wheD ' he coes thera after t,ll t..rm of dClnl.ey. One ,of .... e hired hc:p tbe light' PIId "mC8 explrea, )t wlU be neCflUlU'1 to take over .....ted man'! We IDI&ht al;uollt lIa 100 meD 011 \!le ' It he aIler $8 IIl'e8ldent lJult!~ the ,"un, S 111 readlnea tbe Chn.Uall C~Df'epUoD. of eha \0 on(, Leo'll tal't'cr on all:ilt. Ll& ~ 1JI
jUt:lg1e Association Decides on P,otedive Auxiliary fqr Onry , Living Ex-President's ·Visit.
Supreme Strentiosify Test in Searelt fOf! Wila
,Bongo as Well as Hippo, Tiger', efc.·.:....Erring Aim Me-a.ns Gravest Peril When Bel>.sts Are Corralerf- Cost of
R oosevelt musl nrl' ,
If 'hI:! altt> f or
any I' astJII ralls, H's tim e to ': lImb Lre es, 1;'01' XPCl'ls point all', tilnt" ju st al th l~l l\1 0nwnt whe n tli e bul. let fall!l of illl mi ss ion, the llnvage male w i II e ll,,,,!;£,, Hunting Ihe rhlnoe eros lokI'S :I. lot more sci nce than t.hat · which I s needed for lh 1I01l III Ardcnll jun.
Expedition About $15,(J'l0- Ov,er 100 Men Neecfea for E:rped'ition.
Consequently Voung Gentleman'. Hopes of a ('hliet Day i n the HOUDe of H ill ~ l unt Were by No Mtt.l na Re ali zed.
80m t hin g IJIlwward alw ay hnpl p n d wh n 8mll h's aun commanded h i s prc-sclle '. On th oC(::l s'loll f biB Ila st vi sit he r"cllll d lhat tile cook had npp ar d In 1I, pllddl e o f t h e eVE'nlllg Incollllnenlly 'Jrun lc und h e had ri sen f rom th e f not ot Lh e ro r ch flight dow n whi ch lhe)' had toge th er rontlly roll ecl . fUm d nnd d ,lzed , 'l'hen lIlere wng th o Irouhl w fl h th e \\: t r tunlt when It hart uurst d ri n g :.IIUIl I' nncl s n t a m l nl at uro Nin gura rOllrlng down the al tl(' stal !"!;. And Smllh was lIy way of being a nlln'ous mall and such IMugs j:ot all his n erves. .. 0 lhat wh l.! l1 h e open ed thr l\~ ulli Cllrt Inv l tallo:,l , n'all y a royal CaUl· mllnd 10 511 nd t he nigh w eek ·end In, I h ' country w ith bls rich aun t, he' l1Ia(ll~ n wry fll ca nnd began to worry., flut he Imow th aL he must go-there, was no wa y (lilt of It- the aunt wa!ll
~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r l h,a~h ~
, Be
tbe klns ..: ' bf'af>ta
g l B, 1'h J'hluo III more IIvag SundllY wa s u. qui I day ' with some wilen wound d all(1 'a ~ cu an lng as , of th e II Igilborf:l I n lo cllnn I'. And' e,· n th is uSllally wa s th fun rea l occasion, WaH lig h t ned b~' the 'IJreSen co of A" ..hap who IHIli l ust r etllrnml from a Irlp III K OITO und WIlA willing to IRIIt abl ,ut It, I t waa uhom two o'('l oclt the next. m"rll lng, Sm ll h wa s lll'eamlup; or a. pr'l'r CI. rlrl\'o If III ~ I xt h 1 e ,vhem I h!'re I'tUlll' R Iml)cl(\ug at hi s (i oor, H lsI :l 'ml "'11,< wllbolll n ull would h old Call Vl'rS{' wl Lh hl l l1. lIfl had conp;ralulat d hlm s If wb on hI' \\'('ll l to he,1 tll fl l on Ihl >l vi sit n Olh, In !; IInhap!')" WIl!:! to hUllpo n, HUL a" h ~ 1IIIIIlIul eli Inw h is pcr .. erse hlanket 1'111" hI' w!llllI EH" lIl Wh llL Il 1lI1glH b aU11 dl'cl d!'11 thal tile cook 1m" !'otllrned ' to till' 1I01l1e. ' () lhill h WIIS n ot J)r 'pal' 11 rol' thp. S()r\!I\1 S11" SS r l h l;'> 1)l'ol)l 0 1, " !L'lI hurg· In r~," Halel hlK aunt, witb coovlction. "I l Oll' I ~' O ll h(>:1.r th em 7" He Ii SIC'IWd !l nd wns bound to admIt Ow t th., !'p was a n o l ~e below slalTs' th ut ~ OlllHJ II flmnzluJ,; ly as If som on' wa , walkln!: sl ealtlll l y about In the dining t~lo m. , 1'h cy could ev n h ear ~tl\111' Ib lll g III; t il dl 't ell It o f ~llv 1'. mlllned, as If. fro m t he de\llh s o[ , 11 f'(,lJl ce a ling bal.;, A gaitlKt ' h l ~ des ir... not to become convllle 'd h ... made stir tllat ~he r e was nctlml1y ni II Inl be house. W hat to do ? Kn ow in g Wl'lI th at she IIEld no fire· arllls, h lLsk I'll , hl'll\"cly: " HElvC you ' got a HIIU Aunt LavIna ?" t Y I,~S . that was h er nam e. ) " "I ercy on us, no!" salcl she. "Qu l I've gOt it burglar al arm . I t' s onl) of t hE-3o JlrolecUv thln/:: s that wh 0 YO\1 ring It a man com es," F I'o m wh ich' w ded uc' tLlat Aunt 141wln ln II':\ S f\ bll It,coher enl rrom fright. " I t's on lflp wall th er e along lho h:lll , Y Oll pull !l awn t he \itt! crank and let go." Smith I' pt nlo ng the lIall, Rla lkln th e burg lar !\Iafm , H fo und It au(l pulll:'d flow n I he rani, nud " l et go," n t onco, I \It mnny ' t.\IlI CS. Then. with 1h conscious ness oC hav in g risen to t he occasiun nnd done th e r ight t blng at th e r ig-hi m om ent, he chatted with hi s aUilt in wh ltl lJO r s. W illI nu Idea of de li verI ng h r 10 I 1111 from t hose p er · sl~I (' Il L nols s below be Inu1Ich >d Into an a c91ln t 1t::emlng wJth detail of & yach ti ng parly or wh k h h e was once n ll1 fJ llIb cl', .!.A ~T AfC"R.IC~ 1'h n sudd nl y th o doorbcll rllDg. WH~R.l!. JeOOJeVeLT Th S U S!le n ~c wn s OV ' I' now , nnd he WILL. HllN-r---' had , heen brn I'C, Snl'('ly ' I hel'e would b ' an ex t l'it $10,000 I a lho will for ,I hat. He could go blit hely lo t he door. " sllre thllt Ihc uurglal's would 1I0t bann rllll un I" Ihat th y rc' h elp was the c l el'erest of beasls, 'rhe cO lll ln v. from oul slde. ones w e see with circuses I('~ k Wil h a Rw ~~ ep he !hr w th' door as It th (lY couldn't run filst oi opr- n, eXIH!ctit) g to SIlC- a squad or far. PertHlll 8 the~' oan't, bu t U4 - bu rl)' !I1C'n Slun din g 011 t he ste \-l. Rcon ~ Who Is di sturbed ill hi s l!Ur lonl, tI i.n l o' hl,ic\; darlmess, is d clared to b e lIle fastest t l', 'nll nllt t l'om Ih e le\' el o f his Imoes he afloat, Tho shot which Is m " ftnl hf':trc\ a I'olrc say :, "Say. ml stel·. did to kill t n e big , bl ute must b ~ yous e rln!,: f. I' fL Illcssengel· ?"-Pblla. placed just behind th e sh oll Icier, cl cl ph la Pllulir L cdgt:'l', ' For thore th e r:;k ln Is exce (Jtl on al, Iy sof t and t.h e hullet · .. Iil ple~ c B ishop Pott er 's Pledge. hi s h eart. H untsuien say ' th e snfest III'e('llUl!on again st disastot" In th e apl)rl' cla llnn or Uisholl Pot· Is 'to hit rhluo thom first. T':e ter. ou'rlhnt l'd to th.' Boston TranI![l mc prec aution hold s t!'lle In script b y h,' n t"" Or . L ei gh to n Parks, tho caso of the cl el1hant. 'a nri hlp· I'ecl or o f Sl. Bal'. holome w·s churcb. po, ,Dolh are lougb ,sldntiell nnl , t hi s SlUr), I~ wid : " It Is kn own, to rt'lbl y fet'ocloil3 " ' hen few thaI whlll' sti li n young mall Dr, m als and co rn er tl. Hi s (If Y having \jeell kl1lcd, .. h e nldes Pott l 'r \\,rt:; ,' nil '(I lipa n 10 'deal with R. wi t h t h e, p I' sldl'nl will set to wo r k to sl; ln tbo p:l rll;hlur;(' 1' w ho hnd ' bllcOm e Illtem·' per:II (' ; i ll t hl" ('o ur se of Ibe convorsa· beasl s, Bu t th e most sou ght auimal Is th e bOlll';o. nr· t 1011 I hI? 111111\ rc:n arkell: 'Hu t )'ou nls1> ter whl ' h every AfrIcan hunter Is k een: U's t he 'It'in k \\i n!',' t n wh lrh came the l'JulCk ' rnr ~ l nnlmhl o n I he darlt continent. Accord, r SpO n ~f' . ' I f ) ' 011 will prom i se never Ing ,to one w ealthy EUTollonn, tne mark et 'Price 10 Iqtl (' h ill t nxlcit.n ls Il ~ulll 50 will 'I : for a !llngfo sp elmon i s " 11,000. Th bon go I ~ 'I'h l' llouh:e t.' ledge was gl\,en', and wild f lind more timid ~ban tho A merI can II" ,'lIr4:; ' II (Ill .. It 11(>1' side, I!nd tbl s fli .n filii \.' wi! II Dr. 'P ottel' was IlOlnt c1 cer, Th e gr eat continent of Africa fQr centuries has cet tl I 1Iy IIIl' r'om le n C'Vl.papers as a h ohl Civilized peopl es b a hypnotic slU LI). It , ' wi n blll"el': " IIlmJlly teems with mystel'h,a 'u nd to get ,at lhe holLom or' th ese, thoulmnds of lives have be!!n ' Stli!!)on..lble. anutTed out hy wild beastB, m rtural to rm atln n~ " " nd sn til l!!:' sa.l d Lh ll' prisoner, of lhe COlllltry and the novellst.s as wel \. ~ta. lIsUos, gathered lIetween the y ear!:! oC 1 01 and looking uhou \.. ' him , "Is t he 'sweat1876, h n vo It ,that over one·third of the ?lorlts of box: " 'f1:ey old h im hili surmise was CQI' fiction or those ,generations were ba sed 0;-. \,be rect. dark est coull~l t. dt, "If ~'O\l g 'n tle:nen' rton't mind:' ' le Arnbll. PortlllrUese. Dutch, French , ' Teutone am i Drllons ba\'o b gld sway In that order In tltll wenl on. " I 'Wol,1ld I'a ther be ~I'&II" most \lOllulated purts (Ir Africa. 1<),ench, Dlltr1l, !errod , to I h e Icebox."-Pblladelphi" German s' and Eugl!sh are ' stili nrf"'nlent there LI ti ger.
nnl,\ I)vldencoll ('~ the l\ubJecl S of ~ortugal anl\ tbe wallderlng Arab!! are iUIl to he (ound In Ihe .. tile or 'J1:.~:.i1\lIt , c\lstom!! and costumq,a. 'J'be .cln!lIlIC8 01 LivIngstone, BpekF. nnd Sl'.u·, lOY tell us \\ l1at It was once like and. now we art to haw I ':lreaent-day reheanal by Roo. . \/ ..\l hlmllell . .."trlca. ('untronts the traveler witll t1\" grandest, most m~lIt"rloUl, rooet dlmcl\lI l,.. proposlJ Ion that III to lie (oWld t/le ,"ON
No Doubt of That. , "My t;omlc operll- wlft contain no merry \·.I~I\f. r a. , no Jolly tars. 110 bandItS." " IIrc you 'SUlug to use.. a
l . tlCI)!~'~'~:~~~I@.
. ALASKA WHEA L OEATH of AGED WOMA '. --' At!. II I' f ~ult of an exl L't~IIlt'IY ·l",ver Mi s!' Ml1fgolH·tlt CI III Ilt". Wll 0 I' " n w~pap~I' anJ IIll:lgazill(! 1;) . ploila- tllIl ... 1I 1Hmt. thl'oe milt!. south nf · f ' rl I.Owu , Ilie d MondR,V' I1ftern ~)()1l nt tion the I' j" h 1111{ <m;lt' upun 'h • · I ' I h Id b : ~O p rn. I\-fl· r tI. lonK i1hI 6!\!' . . public atve. a viz.,. 1-I1'lre :.l.\ UIl\Iepel' 1 ~ bw;h ou 1. Iif' rehibiti MIN R t}le m ent,'~ l1f WII S u bUllY one P Al k "ml nlth un gh Ilhont g hty - Ig lJt vari tv uf wheat kn own a.- :, as ' a. elll'l,!olfl. ,;ho WlL~ navArf'i til'ed of do-
New Burli ngton .
~ '~~~d:~I.e;~hi~ \~h~~lll~:'~~ ~\,,:~,~e;h~ ~n,~y~::,n;'~~~ ~:;17i'P ~:: l ~:::~ ~~::~ :~ rol::~:;~1 R~':V:~e a~~a;:~;gl~lI~~~
or origina ted th (> a(:Cflun t,,< diff. by one AbJ'aham Adalll·. >laid to r LJ I
an Idaho f a l'llH' 1' . It >1eelll~ 10 ). ith er a wint I' 01' ~pl'in K wht'tlt a::l may be desired .
Tn the s pri ng of 1906 'evPl! puun ds w re set'ded by MI'. Ad am. . I'l'om d
this . eedin g h ha rv t pounds . 0)' " 22:..' " (7) itl1('!'1 1 I h e a mount planted ." Then "Abrah llrll Arlarmi b 'g"dll t o d r am " and it !:I elll~ that h III II "t have d'reame d that t his wl:lu ld jll~lify the positive asr.e l'lioll t hat AI' 'kn ~ .),,, wheat "has vi Ided · :.,::.:r. •., bush Is to the n~re in larg-6 tracts, " for no oth r eV I'(lerICe I'S off'J' d for t he latter stalemen t in 'il'culars tit Adams-Hobe o. are end ing out. (It may be out of place to say that it isn t uncomm on toget yi elds of
• t.hl' . t,nw n ~hip ull hAr lif. ' IIU Ipllv tll' t\\' o "i"t r" , l\ji81' Mllry Ulelll e lltH IlII(i Mr~ . A . ' h Itllllilk e r with IIUItl BrO\lS lI eirE's. lind lI epb W" to ili OnI'll f ill' ilel'. Hl.Je "tI @ 1I0VI'r lllurritl ll . 'l'he fnll el·tll will he ) iLl Thurs· lil Y It 10 , III fr om III )1011 P. I • I . ~ _
:. _
" () \I NG! . '" < 'ullltlth ing is Gaming t hll t you oll n 'l IIlforu to nti s . On next un dilY Avenin g. 'eptell.luer 6. t\t 0' 10ok, I\ tAlJlperl1Uce meetiu g will be h Id In Lyt,le in the M. E. ohurch in t.he mterestl! of the Co unty .L ooal Opti on Qnustion now ul-I f ol' on :;idel'llt lo n. R L'I 1 u ' tl ' •.
preB~~~ n: ~tth:o:t1U1~:s e~:~:D~i.
WI, ok .
A numb
1'0f ollroltl~(msl1ttended
~~~~~~i:~:t~~~c: i~h:~ri~~:nC: lm:;St.!:~':~"!~I~r:~;i~:~~:.
for Ohi~ C9JlClitions and Ohio farmer s Robitz er. We hope tile ohange will are advised to let it alone at any greatly benefit her. pric~. • -.... • - • ORANG E ·PICNIC ' SERVI CES AT ST. MARY 'S . 'rhe piouic of the (Jollnty grange Service s will be resume d at /::it. \Vus held in Lllbllnon last Sat~rdllY, Mary's oburch next Bnnday . ~ep. and the day . WIlS pleasan tly spent . tember 6,a.t10 :308 . m. 'l'he Litany , Speech es l:.y Mes8r8. Grant Imd ~rmoD and Holy Commn nion. Freema .n, of the Nation al grllnge Rev. J. F. Uad\y811llder, rector. mode speeche8. that werA very good . The attenda noe was abovA ' the averag e and all tleelDed to enjoy the SEED WHEA T . . Cleaned any day at the Wayne s- day. - - -...._-+-- -ville Mills. SUNDA Y·SCH OOL PICNIC
·- .
Neptune Keep. Tre ..ure.
.&.nother attempt ,h al faUed to ",.rest from the ...nd. ot the MexIcan ehore Une the treaaure IUPposed to be Iylq YlUa th.• bollet of the steame r Golden Oate. wh!ch burned off Manz&DWo in 18'2. ~ • - -- -
..---.... - --
Report of the Condition
Lebano n Priday FOR RENT.
Church . I"ulber Cl~ol1le Mnyenho ·fe r . PaRlor. Mu. "Vl.'ryil&· IitJSuna";VOflb"moll(baL II :UU U. Ill . ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '"
A1' 7':30· ()'CLOCK. ,
$ $
1 will offer at private sal the fol- ; 10"vl' ng art·)·cle , whl ' ch can be seen' at' , m.y residen ce. on M'a in street':
.! ~:::;n,
Househ0Id G00. ds'$ $
~en ~hould l\{l'. Ul'ab be
heHe ..
eloq uent .
pres ent
log'i cul
e nlan Der. Mul ford lLusw er
hi s
0 peak t.lil'ectly upon the. ques tion s that inter est W s ,rren Oou nty. 'hese mel} "'. tand f()J' yOlll ' Iloln " ~ your chil dren and all mora l irs' ue~. rphe m eetl'n oWI·II b ,u,,, fleld e.·the.· ~ r'I . H H 1 h at ahn' s'01 01' t cbo()1 .hou e <gruu nds, acco rd iug t'o t he wen t.her. Rem e.m ber the nig'ht, 'l'ue~day, Sepeqlie s, and
$ $ $
'. I
m be,r 8 th.
M·r. M U14".101'd spea
d MI.. CI'a b'be ,.\, J II
k'In H b arve ys .
on Jlext
$ $ $
7TH. ~ ~
ac uu uu••
Wkite's Store I . fhl' II News. Poultlty, . Butt~1t 6JEQQs Ie High est Cash Pric es paid
Stock of
....- - -
.2000 good;
$3.50 . per '
Our selection meat for Satur day is the best
We find It JltlCel8llry to oan your . d Hope •• attenti on to the reduce d 8upply of Me (anxIOUlly)"::'I a"". . ._eatl trut> LO ,the llCH l of nI~ water and 8sk the patroD 8 to be father apeaks vel')' highly or boWl..... auel ~lIe(. . very careful .88 to the nae of same She-Ye a. but lIe doelu't P. O. HART OOK, e"~ hl"r. and report any 'w astAge bY' escesat ve word of It. . .~ aII4 .... a to before rot! ~hl. lie-Ar e 1ft iure of t.ltaU BprinkllDg or oU1erwi88 to the . IItIt' .....t.ltO• . Sh~ertaID.,. S. 40eI It V. JIAII1QIAM, ~o~'1 "lIbll~ , BOARD or POBLIO A"..AlRII. to....u IIIDtMr.
'rhe Dew InK4!r80le Watch . as pretty as a peach. . called "'rhe J.unl0r~" one o.f the' flDe~t 'little tune ptece!t .o u t tor tile l?rlce. .
Specta l price for Septem ber; Good quahty , cantQn Hannel gloves.•
Pa,a,f i"e.
tOe a. lb.
)'our I. : An alwest illdilpe usabl«: ., article in tbe kltcbe n and laundr y.
w. Wkite.
And all' kinds of Smok ed Meat
, EVel ·ybo dy . goes
Hirs ch's
ecau se Cbe apes t and Best .
FOJl ·EVERYTHING. . Wayn esvill e, Ohio. .. ,
__ JAl __ .
A New Watch . for$2,00 • .
ee resbPorkL.ambI
3 bu. bl1rrels. The hot, dry .~ YaDey Phone 153. summe r has produ~ed a fine crop . . or swee~8"':"'a,n'd' remem ber, now IS M_II~ ;the tlllle to buy. , ~
--- -- I HUlking GlovD. ------ .. 89c .. nd 94c .. DOlen
I ·1 ' ,to Mea t a .. h • I . S hOp ' b It IS ·t 'e' I. '. I " I H I · R"- . S .C' ·JR ··' S. . .
hard brick. SuitDINNE R abl~ for ohlwne ys, . ci.8 terns, walls ._ In the ohltrm ing manne r 80 ohar. or walks. ~1.00 per 100. • aoteris tlo of t.lieir hoine, Dr. and' found Mrs.r· A. T. Wrigh t and the boys eu.". ' ' A good broom either tr, immed tel'tllin ed on t:;und"v, Mr- atl~ Mr/!. Georg eW.Ba wke, Mr. and lMrs.J . ornot, 'f or ' 25c ·flach. Matie of gooci quality hard corn, 4 ~ewed. B. (Jhltpm b ~nl Mr. !i RhandJ Mrs.t J. '0. "ood smooth ha!1dJes. Clutwr ig t" an . elL ~.l?e " Eastern Sweet P~t&.toe.. '
~II kinds a Specialt.y.
II B ' fF
- ......
~l~izen s
lOl'C )
- - --
1G__ __• •
spea kers .
.1 Foldi ng Loun ge, 1 Dinin g-roo m Table, 2 Dinin g-roo m Chair s, .3 Kitch en Chair s, 1 Rock ing Cbalr , 2 Stand s, 2 Hall Lamp s, 6 One-'g allon Jars,
• v
Ll~' .r OR
issue s
..... ..
attor ney, lI,ne l
Priva te Sale
$ $ $ J()H N ·U A.R llAL L 1\1 U $ au( H G)e( ) W. ".'" bb1[,...)f' D 0- $$ the of. $ to n.. will $ $ WA YN E TO WN SH IP $ $ E, I'Y i ti t is a. u $ the bUl'nill~' $~ _ $' o.t' the dr"y in a $ d $ Mr. bl will $ will al..
FOR S~LE . Don ' t forget the ~re!lt slLle of of th e bast ml1kes in the IlInd l5obo~l-bol)k8-EngJish, Germ~n, at. llll,rgl\io@ never before offered on Frenoh rmd Llltin, 150me of reoent R\lch !\hoes . I'or 15 days YOIl olin dnt.e. __' .. LOLA ZlDLL . hny th.e beHt soh ool shoes. the .b est . work shall the tloest, the }J,test ENTER TAINE D AT DINNE R c1r08s' l!hoe below t,he prioe of a,ny oity. JOHN A. E'liNKE Y. Miss' . Olara Ha.wke entert~lned trea\Sury no t e.... . . ,.. !!\:!U:? 110 J';.:!3 n -' .the M18a8s M.ary·a nd Emma Ha"ke CHANGE OF BUSINESS at dinner Sunday . 'rOtal. ., .... . . .. . . .. . . .~·~.-:f lo~ , a 3 ~ Howe Bros.; of Ha.rveysl'ui~. LIAHlLl'l'lE~ , 'huve moved their . barber shop .t o Seed Wb,eat cleaned any day ~aph~ sto<·k .. , .. .. .... ... .. .. .. *~ ,'j. ooo Oil King's store, where at they will have the Wayne sville su.rpl~. fUntl .... .... .... Mills. . IJ OO 00 oharge of t.lIe entire 8tore. T-h eyal. UndiVIde d protlt.!l .. .... . . . ... .. .. . "~:J U·' . D~""81l8 ubJe ' \ lo - -~o have It. new \lne of. Paints , Bnd che(lk . . : .. .... .... . 1\1.0~Q :0.7 THE PUBLI C ·SCHOOL. U'IlII"A h • ,"nd ."" . r ' Olberd,e manddep o, Il ... ~I.I'I O 711 8~I'll hold their n _""" IS ~ Say11llf' depo~l \s ...... .. .T.~~:, 4:! ltlundr' y ·Rgency . . 1'ot.I.. .. . ......... . ~ 1. 1ti': 411 _ _ _•• _~ . ~_ _...:'l'he W"yne svilJe Sohool will be· al .... .... .. ' .. .' ... .' . .. .. II U~. :LI I ,, 1 gin on MoudllY Septem ber 7, 1908. WARN INa
u r \" " tfIU:: ~1 :;1:1 : I, V, O. HartJlo .'lr. 1)... III"r or I~ e aho " c balDed bank. do ""lelQnl~ K,,'car llla l tbo>
gbt, Sept.
Tbe CItizen's Bank,
_' -
( 0 the fourth of July a paper bl11100n whioh was about ~en feet .I ong down . on the ·G. T. U'Neu.11 fann . It was pioklld up by Mr .' Browo 's80n!l, and the tlnlnka he will pat.oh the holes and send it up SChool Suppl ies. .wheu 'l'''ft is electeu . . Fresh new 2'ooda. Such as - - -.. - . Pads, Ink, Pencil s, Sialell, Satcb. 11116 Lytle l5und"y School held CHAR r.1I NO' SIX O'CLOCK J[)INNFR els, Lunch Boxes and Basket s, • thelr, pionio in.c. A. Bough 's grove Oravon s, etc. Thursd ay. and the sobool had a Mrs. George Hawke ent,arta.ined nice day and 0. good orowd WAS in at. I!lx o'olook dinner SI,tl?-rday, Misses Trlllie a.nd Maggie lCdwards Boxes for Kindli"g. 8ttend ance. A of empty ' boxes. • Games I\U .klnds were enjoye d, of Dayton , Misses Emma. Beigb'wAY, May Wrigh t, Myra Baird,M r . Wilson A good ahance to Ket a supply and 1\ gronp pioture Willi taken . Edwar ds and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. for winter fires. ' 25 to SOc a load. • A SIX 0 CLOCK DINNE R B,rick for S..le. ,Barnhu .rt.
Miss Merrit t entertllil.led ut six o'olook din~er on l3aturd ay ev· ening. 'rhe followi ng guestll were presen t: Dr. ILDd Mrs. Sller'Nood,. At Wayne sville, in the ~taw of Mrs . Millar Mrs. , E. D. Robert s, Ohio, "t the luse of businel:ls, ~li slies Goorgitl Buddeu Dartl. Ellis. Li 7,~ie Ste·w art Ilnd Mr. 11IId Mrtl. 1::; . August 18, 1908. L . L:urtw right.
00 . . 0 0 .
l 'hrl~Ll all ~~ "'I"a "or.
• , 1 Carpe t. ~ .. Dwelli ng house of five rooms with ~ ~ . . ........ ........ .... .... two lots. Inquire . of Mrs. James These gooes can be seen at any " ' - ..... ~ . . . ." ' ...... """'~ Clark. Corwin , Ohio. time. MRT. ETTA PRINT Z. _ __ _ , ,.,_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ~ . _ _._ • .' PAPER BALLOON F(llUND l
- O\"-
. HESOURCE::; Loans on .re·al eHlIlLe .. . . .. ... .. .. .. ~~ .U a 04. I,.OIlnt; on eolla.t ral . ...... ....... . 0(1 All olller loans " n d dl (Ollot •. . , . . , :JO~ .. H7~ 4~ 1I r,ll O,·erdrafL.... ,.. ......... ... ...... . a~4 79 Unll (1 St .. t es. ~ la l e a n<l mlln lclpal bond. n et III IlHIIlt'I III r~ ~~r\' I' , O. IIOU,"I Other \)onllR a nd ~ . c ul.'lllc, .. .... 1.r.00 00 . ~'urnllur~ and n.' tureM ~ . ; ~:, "" Casb It.In • . , ' .' . . . . '" ....... '. ...... ......... l '!:. Due lrom olher LalJ k; " .. rl bRoker. . .. .... .. .. . . $I :t. ~ : 1a , 10 Gold coin .. . " . ..... . , . . 3; " IOU SllyerCu ln :.. . ... . . . . . . "~Ij 01. ~"Llona) ban I< nOl ." allrl
7 ::10 , 1.
$ B I G 1-> '\-l..- 1 I -yT ~$ $. At Wa vnc svil le, $' $$ Tuesday . NII 8, $
h linot·6l's Pi 01 0 iu Xenill 11lst Hicksit e Friends Church week . j "looo , iJay Mrc LJIlIo( . 1 0 :00 II. II. ~'I~" Day I.oul , ] 1:00 Duvid SILnders tI · Ulouotl1ineer 10 <(10 a, m. .'. Ill . Fourth Day M 'fLI ng prtlllcbe of 'l'e b d t ---t l F I " d h nn~S;~dPreac E' . ~ < Christi an Church . Ie I' ~l I! 0 uro . 1'1 "Y evenlD g. . ItCI' . ueorll , lhll.!Pu slvr \Ii s Lnoi Ie Bo ton of ~prlogtield . ""lId,,)' (hool. II :1I0.n m. llogular scrv I:l I'Su n,lll), o t III monlh. 10 ::111 lres,. Ohio Wlltl tit gnost, of r elntive s h ere aohe nd 7: !I\I!,,' III. Chrlsllan ~: ",I~a\'or. U' 7 111 ::10 1Iist week . . Mrs . Alice WlIlton lind (~lIught.llr, Method ist Episcop al Church . .Miss Mllrthn Bllte aud . Mill JI:me. Ilev. Pbllll) '\'roul. 1'IISIor S UlIllny 11001, ::,0 a. m. MornIng 8 ~r, Burnet t ul,teulled the fuuern] of ,·"'e. IO :UO a. m. \IEpwortll [ ,eUl(lIo. 7 :00 p . 1Jllry Wildm nn nt ' elmll Ohio l';U11 . m . \':""nlng M er\·lce, 7 ::10 p . OI . MIllWl'O k Pnyer Mue.lnl(..7 : 30 p . m. d ny. . - t. r.\ary·s Episco pallCh urch. Seed Wheat cleaned any day at uu~~;" .J~br~I:I\~~f~I~..d~~. Rr!!-~~';;'n~ .er. th W '11 M'II II IU' O RIC I I e aynesv i e IS. · rt'. :" a. &n . 0)' orn munlOIHlI' lr. l
300fwahned.a t4.0)OfOldiut.hin -rowrl allting Univer sity, I\ndfAi t.h fnlpu tor of A Corw in. 0 IILrgo oon grega tion in thtl t plaoe, This .cro p of 1545 pounds (~X willlltl dres the .a udienoe. " " eded 'In the fall of hushels ) W "" Every 011e is invited t,o I\ttend, DO Miss Henrie ttll MoKin soy is villlt1906 and produc ed 53, po unds JDl1tter what . views h e may nlreRlly lng' her sister. Mrs . I. N. Harris, in (883X' bushels.) In answer to an in - huvtdo rmedo n thiHqn es tion. Dayton thl8 week, quiry address ed to Mr. Adams by Mr. tlDd MrR. P.rngh, of Pittsbu rg; the Ohio Experi ment Station he A DICKE R DEE" PARTY. visitin g Mrs., Prugh' s pa.reots , writes ~at "we owed about a Mr, u.nd Mrs. W . W. Arnold . bushel .to . t he acre." The yield Misses 'ybel fin wk e ~nd Ellen. Mrs. Violu. au.rll.lon is "pendi ng II would then be about 34.3 bushels per. t;herwo od were hOBtO!! es nt a few ~Iloys with Da.yton reilltlv es. acre. .. rming Imrty lllst week. 'l'bero Mr!'. Bradbu ry starts 'rllesda y for It is a serious drop of courtle from oh were forty-e ight guests I)resen t., tin extendo d trip . t h rong1:I Mexloo, 222to 34.3 bu!!hels per acre. And those from out of town ' b6ing 1Iis Wl1lter KUbon wa s 1\ Cinoin nati the sad par.t is that the "two and Bishop of Xenlll , und Mi ss ADM one half billion dollars ,. which an visitqr reoentl y. rt, of Middle town. 'e nthusia stic periodi cal saw added to EllI'nha 'l'h' )ftnt in 1l1u io Miss · _~dn ~ noo k, of outb Leba.· e evenlD the wealth of the Americ an' farmer anl1 gamOl:l til at,~ IL Wit tleason able honr re Don h~ been visiting frlend s'le re annu$l Iy, may not materia lize, fre hmenhl were servell, oo nsisti ng the Pilst weak. The fraudu lent cl)arac ter of the of ice oream Imll (lIlke. Mr. Charle s Reynol ds alllt rtllmed c1aims made and the ·method s purhis ~i~ter from Morrow Bnndn.y , OONE SOUTH FOR HEALT H. su ed are v.e ry appare n t - Th e AI ask a Jumes tin.Jes !lnd father ~Ind Mrs. wheat is probab ly worthle ss even in 'M ary Wat.erhou8e I1ttel~ded the the locality from which it is being Mr. lLud Mr . '. M~ Roblt~er left Wilker son t ook f:!I\l\lnt, Wllrlng Bill sent out,' for recentl y the Colorad o 'rU8I!1l1iY at 9 o'olock for Las Cru es Thnrsd llY . station s has warned farmer s "to New Mexioo , where they ~o for the Miss Nellie SimI:! !lnd 18i8tar, of avoid it as they would the pestil- <benefit ot Mrs. lwbit,z er's health. CinoiBn8ti, visited then a\llllt, Mrs. ence." Mr. Robitz er will only be gone thrbe B ope /::itiles, la8t wee k . After having examin ed ' a sample weekI. but his wife will stay for 'ltn of the wheat the Ohio Experi ment Indefin ite period. N. ~loKiu8ey was io Morrow liod U
~c r"tc,· . 10 U.... .
Hc '·. U 'njamla II
Orthod ox Friends Church . wkln •. PII~lllr. ,·chool. 11.;1\1 ~ .. IIl. l(e~ulaT 'h ur'"
att nlotet'l th e III8titn t in .tenitlll ll1t
WANT ED 'Po lmy nul ~~~'!I crop where 114 r::l . Will. 'OI1.1 J.ltoo II shower 1 tt . d t hi in honur or Mrs. Roherl; t!tllnley on tif~;a~ 'h ~~~~e .~~dl~~ e, roum un, d n Stlrty nfte rn oon df I~st w ek. 11 . W., Miam i Gaze\'t~ Office, MillS Ruthlln nll Peterso n 11'1 visit·, 0hi iog In Dllyton , t,he gllest . of her sunt., Mrs. ,fohn Dltrner . ' WAYNES lLlE CHURC HE S.
"Howler~" lieU" Than "Heallr ••"
._.lISdIrc:.l\C .
"Witho ut."
. Rokl(ansky. the fath er of the well. ~ . "i'd like a ClUB of etrervesclng known operatic Binger. wu profes80r drInk." 'sald • thirstyplain man. "You hat of pathology at the Vienna university. vanilla, 01" you haf· raspberr y?" ..ked ·B.elldes the two lingers be bad an· the young woman -a Teuton behind other couple or Ion.. who bad ac, the counter. <"I want a plain qulred a . certain cellSbrlty 88 medical ' lIaVorlng-nnderetand me!!' drink_no men. One day•.when .the old professor tbe thlrlty man. telltlly. retlponded waa Biked bow bll IOnll were 'gettlng I vat kind lIa.orl q 7UU' .,ant"Vas. but him miton, lie replied, .baklng hlB head: I Oat? Mltout v&Dllla, or · mltout ra.po "You lee. frIend •• two or them heal be1T71" . aM the other two bowl. and the _ + .= _...,...-_ hOWler. earn fotar &&me. .. much u the bale...• 'alt In the CoM;'. To put .aJt 1Il tbe COIDA beror. It la lowered, Into the I. Uae ,Ufo .,1.,.1 of &Ii &DeleAt cUltom wbtall w" . uDJverui. Th. cUltom "ell' tb.e Idea that bat.. IIaIt beoI,••• It ia tIIe ·anlbol
.. -..---
IIrL .. ~e,,!, . JIU III \JI' I' uf melllber .. in live Handsome fall millinel'v at Miss l 'iOCIETY'S WHIRL 1111 prolllll·t!UII tu il,M1II'lIulllnl'hip, on . Lincoln'~ l.lli,s wl'ek. ',' 1I 01l0 nnt of t.llfllll nut IrnllwinK the WHEN ALL ROADS LEAl) .'1'0 numtJIlT lit' IIllil"\,Ar,, in 1.1 .. 011 loelge. . C. G: W~lIlam ~on haR heen .11) (,111., Whal They Have Been Doing OurXENIA KO thi .. will btl tiel rtllinell by the Icmnatl fOJ ~ve ... t1 d~YR. ing Ihe Last W~'ek. l u 'ul o01 l1tnit.tcw. Mr. and MrR. Jo::!. F.vam;l were in l ' Ul Bt'ltlL IHlClIII'1l \PO b~Mlnplnl buill.I'IDg, Lebanon Saturday evening. lll!ll Wedlle!iday , Wlu:n tilt: g i flr)!t, In·i:t.E', W L, Knob 8hoe tltore 1 M' H I J . . . H!Ltun JIlY venlu~ Mis" Emin. l~S . e Den oneI !:I wa kVISlltng H ighwliV' entert.llined u few fl'lend8 Day for Homl:-Comillg Was , He "lid pTI:t.e, Ii, P.O. E. roOtuH . re Ia tves In aylon ast wt!e . . ' . BtlKt' lh'ourlltHll pl'iV'Ltll ret!ldllll't', III hOllo1' uf Mr ... Frauk Long, to ~ c.:elebral~ Mis!:! Belen (Jgle~bl e rtlt,nrUflU to w II appoiDt,ad 8u"per , IirH!, pri\'.,A, J nO/,{tl Mllrlnl l! tihllllJl I b er!lo1lUO I Ii t () x f on1 'I' ueM c1 tLY· .. ra ; M'r e , ' I!'rank 'I'bo.·a prelle DL W F'ol' IJlUnt.ilrl . lile pl'tl:!!! lI' HI il6 h rleound JJI·i:t.", .1 . R . ,a.J loa, Born to Mr. and Mrs. E llis Spruy 14ong, Mr. nnd Mrtl. E, V. Baruhart UOliuly hb\'tl iJaf' IH.lev.)lilig JlllnUJlltf i 'J'h" i'lret'l Kentluuen . acting u:! of Corwin Saturday a g il'! baby. flnt l Mr. !LOll Mrs D . L ; ran e , o' KpU t' til 10111" "U:l1J1 'UlI>:! I,Untl, uu(1 I jUllg,-M ware ; W. l:1. M!nniu~, of . I," .' f •. Messl')!. Orange RaIler and Jos. wheo WettutI!ld"y OIU II l!, llie culUJI- l)ltytoll: .llIlue8 ~ , l{aDII IU, [) tWutu Marshall were in Bellbl'ook Monday. Mi tllj J !lssie Marlatt, was h08t8tls n .. Ung ddy "I' till! hutnd.(lllULiog, ~htl "uHle,tuu, und U. Q. MOI'row, of orowd Watr ellorIIlUU .. . tlmut! tltltllu~I. I I:\ilhlhuru . '.L'b" jU(\gtltl "L .. ted that !dessl'S. Otho H n<l er~ 11 , Ral~h at II dell ght,ful party 1~8t 'l'hllnday iug Hut ntlDlu"t' Ill. tu/!lI ,,,,I ~u , uu() J',hey tluj,ly d thtllr ViMlt here vtlry Miller and Chal'ies L~\vl s were m even ing. 'l'be ,tiwe WU8 paued in }JeuIJ1e . , I muob "Iltl wUlllct al1copt 110 reim. . Lebanon Saturduy. conver sation and games, until a Jate AIlIt,st week - from I;undu'.v uutll I' bUr" ilL fl! r 'beir l'.x.panHt'!I til Mayor Smith. who has been in at· bour when a two-oourse lunohedn Wtlduel!d"'.f -u rUWUM w" rtl u-ttrl&cltHI r,nKt'l lilly oumpenlltL.tlon for thtl WUI'iI tendance at the G. A. R. meeting at Wtdl 8erved . to Kenll& Il-lIll 1111 uad II goud tilUe thtly did III "erving' U" ju(\jc ~ . Toledo. has I'etul'lleu hom e . .and wtlnt UlIlIl" WI-II !ltLti",fltlU wltl; See the new millinery. snappy Mr . ... nd Mr8. John Belloh, of W~y . tb Ir iong trlf.! " hollJtI ulf~ln , " I NOTES F~OM O. S. HO,\\E C f S h styles, clever up· to-date idea.':! and nesvllll1, flutertu.lned tbe followio'" ommencement 0 cool Term, '08·'09 .. 'j'be pllradtll:l W&rtl "II beautiful, I great values at Miss Lincoln's. , Frunklin people I\t their QOuntry aDd tb0l1SIlIl(\8 of doihut! wtlrellllent MOlldtL\' morulllg oll r scbool liS nAlit Il ~ II ).lin. 'loli like II new Mr Edward Ricks left last Satur. bome tiuudl'Y : Misse8 Eliza ' and io .... ~Itlng· -bll) uttruutloll .11H "-~t, Mrtl . (J. 1:1. Koogh!, of Lebllnon, opaned un.] tueohililren- lI'ith thtllt· 1J1l11d illl!. .. M e'" UUq day for New York City to attend the Urollrglne t·to 0 00la8., ...1'1. Mattie ever 1168n In UreeDO Uoull~y. WIHI tbe I(uest ot her dttugbter, WI&· ' und IlluKbLer- wel'e be" ..d f 3 8b outll 'l'lIt! telwh rs ror tlli yea r are 118 fun eral of his uncle. Mr. cotto ' N oon. Ar.'h or Ke Ithly. 0 f D ayton . ' A very pll!udln" IJIlrt of the "ro t·I·OIl 0 2 ,yesterd~y . on t h e IlI,reet", wllil e wending tbeil' foll Ow",: SnperIDtelldent,·. l:1 . D. Irel ' Th f h'ld (M dU Iln aM r . Iln' c1 ..... JUrs. FTan k ..... ..... rsb an d "rllm 'walt the lUl11!IO bo a. o.bor\ls o. Judge JOIJeph W. o 'Neal. I wall e our c I r en 0 r. an .urs . blld f L b .. J I WAY to ulill fr'om sobool. Jt Wutl ll lillo n : prinolptll, U. 8 Clll'ey i fourth W II S'd f S . fi Id 0 1'eo,O e 1l000. . glrltl frem tbe O. 8. ",nil S. O. l:1oml', !awun .g those ttttt!odlOK the Nil. tional day w h ell pat'entll r ejoloed for they 1'00111 , MIll Anuu Vtinder Voort i thea guests ace I of es their 0 prmg e were grandparents. and bhe Cs. ntrlll HI"h /::!chool Glett l EUOiIlUpment, U , A. R.. at 'l'oiedo k new th elro ' b I' ld renwertl/l. t 80h 00, I t bi r d l:oum,M.istlEIlIlB Keys;fI6o Mr.andMrs.SamueISides lastweek Mr. and MrtJ. W. W. Welohof Ulnh, "We Urllok frOlD the sume this week. h h Id . th w eret ay woo reoel ·:e e proptlr on d ronm, Mit!& Liliu BenblJ,t\I j fi rst Albert A. Doyle,'w lfe 'and child of t:lllrveY8borg entertalDodat dloDer Mrs. rdu.ry Prootot Wilson. edl~ol' attent·lon from tbeir' Instruotors. rOOJll, Miss Donn tl Bawke. I d' l' I d d J h N D' I last !:Ilit,urday their oouliD Mra Cant.een," ".l'btl 141ttle Mujor" Bnd la11Il "Ual1 • ~~Jdi"r I'prger.," were IIUDg of the Lebluion Patrloo, Ilnd Il for. 'l'he ne w t eaollerll thitl yel&r, Il~· 1'be following Wd.tI llilUded to U8 n.'f IS, n f .,:v.~ 0 ~ • O~ e Lutz of Lafll;ette Iod . Mis~ Cor~ by 'he oburu~, 'fhtt HI! e ' Jlub /I!log , mer mewber ·.lUbe llitu huly board slsted by the · olll ones. will h'\ ve and I-l i veil the \lumber of soholllr8 WI e han< son 0 f MI mlnF,g on , J 10, M.bK~y Xenia' and ' Mrs G T k ones' .IBllttletJryuf&'r8tldOm " ..titl "'1'ent- of vl81torK snAlIt uartof WednAl!day b ' 1 arat egu ~ts )'. ran . , . ..." ... .. 80me new earing upon tbe80ho IlrR enroUnd for MoudllY 10 ell oh roo tu . d f '1 O'Neall of Waynesville ing'l'D-nlght. visiting frl90dtl at ~ue institution. If t,he ptttrpDs of the 80lloo1 will 'J'he1'e lire Hevenl not e ntered. us an arm y. , . An 0111 ' W..ynesville boy. Mr. Miss AnDie n, Brol wD, of WayneB. stand by the IlltlLruotors this U1IlY tt,e 8 11me omlng 10 Bellbrook in. Mr. B?n Ohampi~n anti wile, A l . . ---'"-.-aeOrK8 W , b:1J11~U', Wilt! une ur ville W~I! a oaller fur a few hours be tbe banner yeur of the 8ohool. terrereld to lIome extent.; pha South and WIfe, and Rudolph MISS Emma HeJghway w~ hosiess First roolD, 3iJj tl8oonil . rooUl , 29 ; Pettinger all of Dayton visited the to another one of her excellen~ tbtl p.r1uotptl.i ~p~.k"r~ 'I'u"i!dll,V, Ilnti Wtldnetld"y Albert MoK~y I&n ex "rbe pllotlons IIbouid get t,be sobolbe aald in pArt.: ,' WhO tb8 Br\>wn fllmily took from ttr to 8 h oolon time and all the time tblrd ro,In!. 26 j fourth r oom, 24 i family of Mr. Frank rnith Sunday dinners Monday evening in honor of "We Illft t,()()() IItollK, ttod 7911 more the Bol'll~, was IU Xenlhoa few hours I They should alilo tie interested high Bohool, 66; lIlaking f\ total of and Monday. ' Mrs. Frank Long. ·Those · present ' wen were 1'\lCru t8\1 dorlnK tha 8er" 1the s~me dll.y. lie bllll been 10 I enuujCh In thA sohool to visit it. at 1601. Edmund W bster and wife. of wedre Mr. George Hawke 'a nd wif~ vice. ~bu8 mKllinll 17U~ InDO whQ ~t 'l'enneslieo In uewllp"per work and tlme8 and gl ve, tbelr tlupport in thla Profal!lIor Bratten, I!uperintendent Philauelphia, Pa., cousins of Mr. an Mr. W. H. Allen and wife .• !lOme Il&a.~e of L1nl Wllr belonged to , was on bl8 way to 'l'roy to folloW wav . of the tOWDlbip so110018, reports 'hut Lindley Mendenhall, were his guests our ooml*o.1. and of thelt number the Mme IIne'of work. The 80bool bOlt rd worked hard this the lotlool8 8tarted otI iD good 8hape, last week. They were en route home To know of a gatberlog of friendl oDly 300, IIho~l.rte~,td. arm .. OD . the A host of frlendl! ml&de anlong the lAst summer to pilloe the sohool with aID atteDdanoe I\bove the II.ver from Winona Lake, Ind. at tbe Fuokey residence is bDt to' march b~wtl , til" tlxpt!rltlPutlll cblldren aB wellas,employeel during bouse in f. oonditlQn fClr oomfort to age. Hnder hll care the oountry . Mrs. G, T. O'Neall ~nd Kister Mill!! Iknow of a happy time In our, tOWD' durin". 06rhllu . tlght at. II. town. the three yellrs she hllH beeo mU8io tbe 8cho\l\1'8, Bnd evelythlng lonk8 10boolD wlllsnrel, flourish thisytlhr. MoK(~y have been huving the ~leas. tor as hOlt and hOlt,llllll, Mr. &n~ naDJed Faye.teville. WIUI Dloat loooh 'ellol11'1 r for the Home Hohool!!, bade ;; ure of entartulning their nieoes, Mr8, Mn Fonkey, whoae "puta~lon b .. lng, tie told Of II. sblrtooil ya..r old a .furewell to MIss .1 hOl,'ne MODd~y Let.ltill W~loh L.utz, of Lafayette, long been e8tabli8~ed, certAInly boy. aamed JOl1n~y P~o~um. wbo evening when sb!lleft for ber Dew ~ERSON AL MENTION, Mr. ,Jobn Caskey of Da~~n 'spent In'd ,'and MiaS \>ru McK".v ,of Xenia, Illok nothlDjf, IIlnce ev~ry m~' Mhooldert!d R III ok. IOldler K musket poSition Ilt Winonu, Minn. 'rhe Monday with friends here. . for several days. 8eems to be met wltb 80me brlarb$ Og Ilnd marob. ttd to the f~ont alJd w . as I ,..,.,.. ..... t wllb6s f .... r 1.appl·ne88 An,l pr~Mr £' rdon Joy W I'n MQrrow M' J t' H "ft_Ak h ' b d F k f J h of Dew enjoyment Ula~ "U .. • uu .... . .I.SS .US IDa ar""", !l8 een Mr. an Mrs. ran Longo, 0 .ns· tbought makes tbetlmepasl with ... rkUng wounded ..10 I" Iln awful fray, In whwb, l perlty at her n~w staUon of life go last week t M .. I d P th 'U C A" '" h . VISI ml!r It,! orrow J.or severa ays. town, . a., were at e nome om. mg plellsnre. Their bea""'''l bome b rellJara8L, IDr, .... II r~r. l . en with Miss 'rborne -Home Weekly M"(;\" ' 0 f Lebanon wa.'l • II1leu",n.ut,w~"lnjurt!d, '1'beboy, . r.I'J'8nk F orgy M~. Perry Lutz of ,Lafayette, at X ema. Mr. Lo ng h a d togo~lg h twas tbrown open to ...... abooli ' tblrty '
l t
.. - -
.. I
Jobouy PIlOkOlll, WK8 carried frtllD • - • in town· last week. Ind .• IS the guest of Mrs. So C. Allen. back home., but Mrs : Long . came on guests on .Friday night. The boon 'he fielll , .nd IIIt,hougb htl "i1\8 badly BIO RALLY LAST NIOHT Morris Rogers 'was in Lebanon on Miss Myra Baird went to Wilming. he~e, and IS the guest of MIS:! Emma were 8pent iD a vatiety of pl_UIM lujored, "he firt", tblng lie "hoogbt business last Friday. ton TU4:!Sday to assist her sister for 'a Helghway. following eaoh other tD qutok a~ to lIay, to bl8 ooml'lldeK Willi, 'I'hey 1'he,rI&Uy lAst night w~s wlll1 at. Miss Cora McKay of Xenia is the few days. Mrs. Frank Long. of Johnst.own, sion 811.ndwlched wltb excaJleD' mu· dido" get tny litlg," and be pullt'd it teuded by 1& I.rge orowd of voters guest of relatives here Messrs .. Chas. Burnett and D . L. Pa, who has been visiting relatives 1110. A\ 10 o'olock & delloloul bulret from hhl bCHom. ~I!lo told of ftlloth- and Illdle8. Mr. Crabbe of Da.yton Walter Kilbon was a State fair Crane lind son Ethan were in Leba- and friends here, left to·day for lunoheon wal 8erved in two oourll8l, er boy, Russell lJrakl', whom be 88.W 8poke lirst" Rnd laid I!peoiailltress on spectator last Thursday. non Friday. Cincinnati. where sh~ will be the whioh added muoh to the prove~hlal pln'oge lIorOBl' Il bulillt tlwe\Jt field toO \tb ... llquor quest,l on . Charles Shidaker of Harveysburg Mr. and Mrs. M. White spent guest for several days of Dr. and fet1st of reason and flow of soul. Mr. MUl'8hull Mulf~ltd, Qaodldate was a visitor here Saturday. Sunday and Monday the guests of MI'8. T . 1. Way. SANG LEBANON l't!8ooe the tldleu flll~, ADd when Abraham Linouln IIIIIUtld II 0.. 11 for IfOT rep~eHen.tat\ve spoke at leDgtb, Mrs. C. '1' . Hawke and daughter friends at Mason. BULL ATIACKS J\\AN 'more reoroltll I&nd Ohio tltlnt three eXpl8hl1D~ hlS !llde or the quest.ion, Helen are visiting in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ranb and two --hundred 'bonaand Ulore men tuto a"d t llid of thinKS 'hat be would do · - h'ld f 0 to y t L b Mr. Ueorge FUDkey, of ObiO&l(o, tbe tleld Mr. BlbriKht IIHid, thl&l tile If he WII8 el90t~d. He touohed,. on Mr. !1n,d Mrs John Burnett of C I r~n. o. day n, spen a or Last I:)undtly' a8 Calvin MoBryant by speolal invitation !laDR tD the , ' Harveys b urg were 10 . t COftt rd Day With frlen shere , . , IP t I h h La'-· Itrmy or 01110 lIoldlen WIII4 "chuok t.hillKIl that he bad been oonDooted own.xl u ay . who works for Belfry Stoke!!, south reaby er an 0 urc In ....nOD full of boyll iIltt! Johuny Puokunt Wlth,IIUd explained thtlm Slltl!\foo Mr. George Funkey of Chicago Dr ..J;.. P .. VanDervoort and wife of town, weDt out to at-tend t\l I.he Sunda.y last. Wh~le we hav~ bad nd '8nsBeU Drll.k.,." tOfll.y to 'be voterll1, ert!. a~l'iv'ed hom~ for 'a few days visit have been enter~ined for a ~ew OOWI!. Il Jer8ey bull,' wblob \ViiI! 10 I ru~son to Ka:eatly admire GeOrge'a 'rhe firework!! were tlie fe"ture of HI' 8poll... . at Lyt1!J jUllt before lust 'fhur~day, ' '. days by Isaac :WIlson and family . .the pa8ture. attaoked him, and lIa,n. VOioe 10 the PlUlt, yet It certailll1 tbe occasloD, ttnd tbAY' ~tlre oertain. oomlng ht'lre to II iarie body of \ ot MisS F'll11nie Brown of 'Urbona is Mr. and MrS. Earl Sheets and dIed him in a rougb mallner. I!nrp~8Se8 at pretlent iu volume. aDd lyof the hlghellt tlhl&raoter in ~h,.t erR. lhe guest of her sister. ~rs. A. L. daughter Opal ~f Springborp spent Fortun.tely, for 0111, tbe blJlllmd exoellence to ,a degree that a:BB ures 11nf!. --. Farr. , Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs. Willis stui,horn8, or in all p~obftbi1itv ituB helsontheullwardgradelnabU~ TaklDIr it al\, from 8ta rt to finlsb . DIED OF DR.OPSV Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Sides were in Davis and family. would have gored him to death, A8 ity . . BI8 talent was mOBt billbly ap"""""~ioo for.Xenia · n d ance a t d anu"praolated by. aU who had tbe pleu. . . II WU 'a graod """.... . . Colum b us I ast we.ek"III at·te Miss Emma Heighway left' to-day it was h a Wll8 b adl y b ruise Aft~r oonllld8rable dellberatlon MI'll Wm Albrl ht who II ves the State fair ' .. , . soratobed ure of heanng him and tbe bope u on the rt of tbe 'jud el' 'be fol ., . g. , . for Sardinia. OhIO. to stay a while , . was expressed from all sidee tb.t b, p 1* II , . two Ullltlll sontb of tl1'9Yn, diet) sun ' MI'. Gail Russum of Dayton was 'a with hEll' sis Let··. Mrs. Marion Camp. (Jal wai a Iqldler 10 tue lliote w~r, ' lowing lilt or . prlzel! hove be~n day afterDoon, about 4 o·olock. with Labor Day -.:isitor at the home of be ll , who is in poo~ health. but he saY8 thll littaok was awful, I Ullgbt ooma agaln~ _ ;.. ' -award,d i~ the.oivlo parlldlla~d for dr;opsy . She bal beeo lls~fferer fol' ' Squire Edwards. ' MI'S James Kerrick visited her oompared to anything th.e Span. ) NO COUNCIL MEETINO 'he beIIt deoorated bUilinetl8 110nsell some time She WI18 Ilbout se v . . . . . . " lards ever Ilttempted . He Is getting aDd private resldtlDoel!' . ,MISS Ethel Wllhamson took advan· SISter, Mrs, John Rich and her moth· I 1 1 f t hi f '1 I ~, deoorll.tad ..uto·lD<.Iblle , fir8t, eDty y.earll ,of age. tage of Labor Day, and came home er an~ attended the -HQme Cominlr a ong n oe ya er 8 eal u exper. Tbere WII.S no oonDoil mee'h~g .,, : : ., J Burllli WI~8 mtLde at MlRmi gellle . Saturday evening. at Xenia ' eDoe. • _ • this week, everybody taking 'be pri~, tIIaB. M. U~rper, of ttmelltown. tery. 'l'ne funer.l' was prel&l'beJ ." by . . . Second pri~, Ol,lall. W8~ver, of Ke- Rev . Kenj Hllwklnilltt the ohl'pel Dr. L . K. Eckler of Sunrise. Ky., . Etta Printz and her sistel', WATERMELON SOCI~L boliday-Labor Day, There wlUln uia T 'd ft ' ' has be~n the guest of Mr. Robt. Mrs. Rachel Foy, moved to their all probability be .oalled mee'hiB' Beet decorated pllsllenger vHbl<ile ~Y" ern ,Beckett and ,family. new home in Dllyton ',ruesday , The Watermelon so~illl? . WhY , ' yes! BOOD t!J take up sflveral impqrtant of otberda80rlptlon. tint prize. R. . SPRAINED HIS 0000 A~M Mr, Fred Caskey of !?aytun . came Gazette wishes them well in their Hadn't you heard it? A wa~rmelon mennretl. ._'......_ _ _ S . Kinglbory, Ye~I". down evening and . went new home. ' social. one of the genuine ol~-fashIT IS UNCLE LAWTIE NOW 8Nt deOOrRted pony vehlole, tirll\. home Monday evening. Mrs. John T. Up!> and mother, ioned oijt-and-out kind, will be held prize, Pllul BI8)10." ~eQIIi. Mr.!. '111: Kay", wllo 11 .. 1\ been 80 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilson enter- MTI'l. Fishel', of San Bernardino, Cal., in 'Lytle on Friday evening Septem. ' ' Belt OJmDleroll&lfi,jRt, first · prlzo, ulifortnnfltp .In t,be 111l1& YtlU 01' two, tiline<! their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. who are making .ql1it~ a stay in this .~er 11th. , ', . MondRY Mr. L. A. Zi~merm~a Oommercial olOb, J~m88tQwn .Seo. and wbo .b1l8 been walking on Burgess of Highlanu county, O~io. vicjnity. were the Gazette It wil~ be given under the auspices , reoelv~ a telegnm from . Loa AD. ODd prlzl', . B~1I8r, ' BI&lneil & 8IgK,IIlt< orutolle8 tor seveI'll I mopths, at ' h b' . . tt oance office Saturday. of the ' Leagu~ in th~ vacant lot geles, Oal:. from hi8 brotbel' statin. . ' R R G Rev. 'lrout as cen 10 a en . ' , .' . '. " , thAt he Willi fatber 'to" Dice bOoDo· · XeDia. Thud prize, . . . e!>rge, t.enlpted t.o get up out of bil obalr at the Methodist Coufel·ellee. which Mrs. Geor&,e Doughman an~ daugh owned by S. E , Ketterman, betweel1 ~ . .Jam_town. ', lalit, W,tldDe~dIlY at tbe 810re, Bnd fell convened this year ' at Greenville, tel', Mr-s. Pearl Howell 'lind dllughter the station and Wellington Cornel~'s ingboy bllby. , Heist blisqrloal firatpr{z6. agaln!!t the IItnve, "pr.a in'ing his Ohie>. ' Amber from Dayton. Ohip, wel~e the r e s i d e n c e . • - .....- - Vel.Dde,. of ~be, FlIIg .' ., 1'Ight.8bouid81', Ihe Oll}y really gQOd Post~Mter, F'rank 'F'arr left Sat- guests of MI'. and Mrs. John Phillips. Come and satisfy the I,,!ner ma':!. .BAP'HST ASSOCIATION ,. 8eII~' edoOlitlooal ~,*l. fint prize, ' mem~r he hl&lI left.. urday for Indianapolis; where lie the past week. '. ~ou ma~ not.haye so good an oppor· Ohio Soldierl' .ad t~Uor~(OrpbaD,8' U · watt ... very unf9rtnD~te fall, w'iIl attend the Postmaster':! conven.' Albelr t McKay of Knoxville, Tenn., mty agam tbt8 s:~~. at'~I~:P:~~~i:'!::D =lm~~" Bome. ··~ ,. bu' M.r. Key .. 88J8 h,e will 8RI&in tion thitl w~ek. who has been here fOI' Il couple of , Bell' ....iouttlll'.1 floa'. flr" prl_, lIe\ dn'Wu to ..,11I1I,ore. M A' ft Ollahdler whu bat! to weeks, left Monday for Troy, where MOVED TO WILMINGTON tng' Friday aDd oODilDuiog S-t....~ J. Vi. Bay. 'J,eal.. l!IBOond p,1l11, . •- • r. h U r o n . 11 • M HAP I h' and ~unrur.y . . E.yerYb~'111n'VIted ,.~ liult." .' , . come home from . Pendleton. Il'1d., he Wl assist 1'. • , au ey, on 18 to' attend. ' FortDordenba'VIDBlbe l..... t REMOVED MILLINERY ~TOCK attack ofacut€lin- new~.per. IUII8 Candace .. Baird moved to ' • -. Dumbel' Qf '_atbln Aa 'Ilae" tlr.Ii digestion' is out again. Mr. and Mrs. S. Levering Cart- WIlDiinlP on . Taeeday, ~b~re .b~ : HOME ·FR.O~ WINONA . prl•• tJae. Damber or Odd '''~lo". .. The mllllDery .~ook of lin U... Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis arrived wright enj~yed the Greene County ba. &poellilOD .. matro!J of tIi~y. 'the folka wbo ba•• beaD .., Wi . • 04 "a__ 0nWr .... &b8 -e, u4 White •• 11 temoved to DaJtoD "It home from Texas Iast:--week. They Home Coming on TQeeday and dormitory 01 W~miDKton f -:. !.at r $h Jut week aU 'be ,..... _.dJ~ded, lltamrday. Tb. boaah& bad a aood time while gone but the ; 1'l8lts at the deliehtful. lIiII II well flli_ or e ~~ bo:..or v; Tb•• :I1i.....·...... abbtNawud hy Da:rIrOD part. . wboclldao&waa' d9CW r says there is "no place like home Lieut. and Mrs. A. S. Fra- poaltloa aDd wlll mate alOod IDA- aD' ...' "me" ....,. thii 1Odie... . . tonm&belllOrebere. .home." . zero $rOD. fZO' ' .f
..OOk ...
lenoe ' wbleh KlDa AJI.. mt&1l1 han offered hIm, For lhls reason he alwl,fW receIved lhe prophet when be cnme to blm. and . made a pretense ot listonlng to his WENT THREE HEROIC , MEN IN meli_go, but always beneatb tho sur· THE D'!AD OF NIGHT. face tbere lct.rked & contempt, nay. al· U [O)~)I. fP'ari~~ "rh~il: OO\fOI"elS LuUGe Tli"OUbn~ ..". 01 bal." "'. p ............ most hatreil. £cIr tbe propbet. And Ah •• th" KJa •• wben . tbe prophet had taken ble dear d US, ]elY) o)fi&ble-~ : rtbd~y 5}~ lI')tB Ready to S.c ri fici TheIr LlveI 'l n D. parture ,he would 41waYI wlHtully foJ. 8Y TH£ "HlGHWAV AND BYWAY" fenlll of 1 heir Property, Thl~ low his own deslree. PREACHER m~rJts foll" A U tt)2 f:\Ol)tby. Advanced on the Marauder All th'le was a Bource llt deep 601' -till Houlo Cat, row 10 the ,propbet., but be w110 would hI I.heo\uliloi'. W,e. s.s..o" walk with God and do his eervlClll must they will apllour 11 xt Sundny, As a A Party fo r Labor Day. Sor£pturo Aulhortty-'n1e Book of It was nJgll ~. Deep, dark ulgbl, all 10l\rn to patiently labor IUld Uloa nIt, "Are you r enewIng )'our youtb. my speclnl favor. 'w lll all lhll~e IntCfi!sled fBalah. esp, Chapter " and Isalab learned early In bla d ear?" said Mme, Merrl to a hostess lllellse prellerve thebo two UI't1clc3 fo r ove r Re no. Infl'ldlng tho home of Tom The FtJnIl)' of J.alah,-Tho wife of tiona to King Ahaz that atter he bad noted for "novel ontertalnments," who future rererence. liS It will Dol bo JlOS' Ramsey, Tho dal'\weSi In the rooUlS fllaAah II ()Illled II prephat_ In ohl\pter epoken God's message be must leave W3.9 dlsooveroe' in the toy deparltment s lblo to rep at them vory ~oon, 'l'hc' ot lhe Hu.Uls e~ , home wal 80 dense it ~ l ;, lho.\ Ili, aha wu' 0. ~'entoG woman the maller rest there. ' He l<new UlAI buying all sol JI ol dlmlnutlve 1I0use· birth stone I ' supposed to brluG ' good could huvo been dlscovel'ed by II bal',,,,cl(),,od u was MIriam 1Ifltlu': pr()llhetia Tom RUDlle:p gin., tlnd undoubtedlp abo ,vIIS a lfroat God's [,llnns ' would be carried out ao<! hold articles. luck to the person "vho wears It, and Keeper's cOllye ntion, lIell) to bor husband In bls mlnltrlry, His tbat e\'en the kings wlllfulncss ll.r.cI ' INo. I am only prepal'lng for my . lIley afe nlwaYSlloplll\lr as girls ot discovered It ~ IS soon 'as he got borne. I.WO .. a n8~hc .. r-Jullub (7 :31. and Maher- wickedness could not lhwart· the gil)bu t 110 went to bed just the sam , u.nd. IIhlllll.l-h88h-bas (8 '*I-wore conllidorecl rlous promises which God bad S()01("D luncheon to be given on Labor day, sen timent; besides o\'oryone IIke~ an cnjoylng tho possesBlon of a clellr con· You lmow ,lt 19 not far off," Individual gift: 11, tho I'rophet tll DOt boleDginl' morely sclellce, ho weut to sloep without 10911 w bl\llsotr. , Cor In (bolr nl\l1l1'$ , Shear- conccrulng his chosen people, JANUARY, Tben I lI G!l::rstood the seleotlon of Juhub ntbo remnant sball rotu rn." and at LIllie 01' nnythlng elae, '1'onl dldn't And now t hi nation bad come fa ~. tiny brooms. dust pans. wash tubs. By her who III t h l" month I ~ horn. ~ah_ba\al·huh·bWl, " 8p eodlng to tho to flce with a grlcyous pltrl!, 'fhe n.t. No g em !!livo OnrllllI.H HhDuld be worn. ' sleep long. bt ,wever, notwithstanding cott'ee pots. otc. 1 was 80 Inlerested 'l'hey witt Ins lI'o h r co nstnncy, ~poll ho blUlloth to the prey." the two the clearness of his consolence, nnr! eUlef Ilolnll of , hie propheolos &ro InU- tlon ot Isrnel bad confederated her In ' the cle ver soheme that I begged It TrUll frtC'Juluhlp ant! fldellLy, wben be awok' It was with the well-de, mlltod to the peopl!), the Juclgmoo~ of the self with R ezln. klog of Syria. IIcd for the depal'tinent. so bere It Is In Nn.tu~ antI n. worn all's work com· (Jerd on tho pooplO and the world, nnd bad come IIll with a mighty army l"EBRUAflY, filled thought lbat there was sam. bined h:wo produced the grandest vat hJa morcy to the ,billet. , Tho common- a glllnll! Jerusalem. 80 tbat there WIIS detail lor ' otllers to go and do like· Tho Februnry-born will tllld tbln g unusual doing In the b0l18e, rem ely for womall's ills that the wise, l,. accepl e d view 18 that hll prophecIes Sincerity und penoe at mInd, Ca llUo\l ~ lr onil wllh stealth ho arose world l1as ovor known. ,",,' are collcolod by the prophet hImse lf aod neither going out nor coming In of lb. . Tho bosles8 beIng gifted In drolwlng ler~e(]olll C,.om PU88 1011 a nd [" om a T In the torm tn whloh WI) havo l.hoUl t o· poople of tbe city, 1'error filled the decorated each Invitation with a 1'ouog J! thO)' tho Ameth)'at will w ca l", and. securing 1IIs Irllsty uutomatlc In the good old.fashioned days ot day they mllke lho lonCMt book In Lhll place, king nnd peoplo were paDlo from the I'cfrlgertltol', 'and wrapping our gra.ndmothers they relied upon Slbl&, cucelualve of the Ppalmll. conslltut- 8trlckon, knowing not whither to turn. woman In sOlUe act of household la· l\fARCH, hili clinging kimono about his shapely tho l'()(}ts Bod herbs of the flold to I q lUI they do. G6 Qhaptore. just lIS nUlny bor, Besides this tbere was nothing ' Vho In lhl 8 world of oura theIr eyes torm. he IULlII ed'-torlb f1'om tho bed· . cUl'e uu;1}I\.<:a and mitigate 8ltfIering, Feverishly the plans at d'e fenae were 1)oou &II UleN are tn Lho Blbll). lu Maroh fll's t open shall bil wise; carried out, For day Bnd nights nllw else but the day 1Uld date, wlUI the 11\ doy~ o[ p rll. "rill nnd brll\,o, room Into the darkness, now fl'Blghtecl 'The Indians on our Western quotation: "Learn to labor and to Alld weo r a DtoodJSlonc to theIr grave. , wlUl lurking, mysterious danger, Into Plains to-dltY can produce roots a.nd the klns hod not had any fll1lt (or walt;" also lbe request to wear a ~ 8ERMONETTE. , the water supply was In danger. and tbe roottls beyond. First. he awl\.k: herbs for overy ail mont, Bnd cure A~IL. ~ Ahaz.llalah-Here II opportun. ~ the entire fOrco ot t he clly uuder the wash gown, Whon the guests a,rrive She who f rnm• April ened his son In low, tense tones: bade diseases that tho most sklUod dllLINI her year•• ~ tty for a Itudy 'n oontrast of ch.r- , 4JrecUon. of the king was belng lh~own they aro given aprons all finished ex· Dhunonds should weDr. leat blUor tea. him arlee without noise, and nrm him · physicians who have spent years in ao~er. A "Ing. wicked and lelf· ~ al'ound tbe workB at tho en d of th" copt the strings, which are' to \be of For \,lIln n :p cntnnce 1I0w; Lhla atone self. because lhore was an Dnarcblst tho study of dl'llgs. E mblem o( Innoconce Is known, boD. This sowing done. the first rib ~ willed, and a prophet, faithful and , conduit of tho upper pool In tho Wih In the basemeut preilliring to hlow the From the roots and horbs of the Il.\bor Is accomp lished. Bows to n~ atoh JI ,fearfHa. One panl04tttcken In ~ way of the fuller's field, ' IL \Y, house Ull. or 80melhlng Uke tlmt. and, ~ the face of a great national peril, , anyway. It was necessary to get a field Lydia E. PinklJam Ulorc than And It was there that Isaiah fo und tbe apron strings are to be WOl'n In WII Ilr~t bAholus the light of d llY thirty years a.go go. 0 to the women ~p rlllg'8 8\\' 'ct t10wCry month of MI,l', ~ .a nd the otller, oalm and confident: the king one dny, an4 sough t audlencl) the hrur. a long hairpin being t'brust In move Oil. AmI wcars au Kmemld a ll h nfe. of the world a l'ewedy for their pel ri In Iplte Of the dark outlook. ono: IIglon IhaL prevallod. and yet SUlllUl' through oach to keep It In placo, Tbe Sh(lll bo tL loved null happy wl[c, MI', Rrul1 Rey, Jr,. climbed promptly ~ had hll life built on the IIhlftlng , out of bed, Bnd nrmlng blmsel t 'lIh a culiar ills, 1"01'0 potent nud effiea. con8clou6 of a vItal relatlou8hlp wllh lable center plece Is to be a doll'll dow Ul(\Ill\uy co.mbinatioll of drugs. J1J xm. ~ sandi of time, while the other: ,God aod a commission from blm In waoh tub fill d wltb aslcrs; tbe ploce mlner's candlestick of tbe latest nnd cards are dust pan s lettered in gold Who comes wllh HU!nlll l' to thl8 ca r1l1. Lydia E, Pillkhn.m'a Vegetable ~ reated on t\1o Rook whiCh nothing ~ atemmipg the tide of eVil , most deadly pntter n, followecl bls wal" Anti O'WIllI La Ju ne her lIn y o r bIrth. Compowld is now recognized as the "I could move. Ono depended upo.n : like fatber forlh to t he fl'ay, And becaulle bo llid not as yet feel tied to the out st of brooms, .Defore Wllh ring or A g(l l ~ on her hllllet, , ~ the human arm for dellverance-, Ule sauctl ty ot tho Divlue commlllsion the dessert ellch guest Is to brush ber CUlt health , w eal lh nut! IIInl> IIfi) C': D There wns a roomer upstairs. and)1 , standal'd l'ellleciY for woman's ills, tl ~n utJ . ~ for In apite of the meeaage of thO: restillg upon him, nnd 'did not know own crumbs wltll b'e r broom and dus t. 1\I1's. Bert.ha Muff, of 615 N.C. fit., too, was served wlLh 1\ noUce to como ~ Prophet. Ahaz perelsted In &ending' what It was to feci that it was God's pan. And the dessert-It In to be tlle forth and do battle In defense of th o umisinna., ])10_, writes: ,lOLl. ,I to the king of Aaayrla for aId-the ~ bouse ot Ramsoy. and bastlly" drawing battle, and not his. ,he (cit unutterabl, best of all. There wlil ·be eight guests. Tho glowIng Ru lly lihou ld adorn II Complete l'estoration to hCl\lth ~ other believed God and knew .t hat : dlaoouragGd at times aDd alQlost ready and tour wee Ice cream freezers a,ro to 'ThQso who In wurlll July uri' \lornl his trousers from t he plnco bel we~n means so milch 1.0 mf tha~lor the 8al(e be brought to tbe table. Four \vlll Then will lhey be CX01l1 Dt lind Cree the maUresses, where he kepl them of oUler Buffering women lam willing ~ the at!enilng!y Imposalble wa. al· , lo gh'o up, [" "0111 lo" o's donbl u (' lid anXl elY, to keep tbe creases from gol l)S awuy to mnko lIlY troubl B public. In such a frame at mind one day hi freeze and four concoct the cream. put ' ~ " way. poulble wIth God. "For twclvo years I bad b en suffer· while he slept. he was soon a member ~ The .hrteenth .chapter of 2, withdrew to that garden sllot outllide In Lbo Ice, salt. etc, it all goes well . AUG T. Ing with tho worst :tormtl of fcmal ills. of the now fully a8sembled al'my. ~ Klngl telll us how futile wal the : 01 Jerusl\lem on the elde at 1\1t. tho crllam wlll be ready to eat iOi les!! W en I' U Sanlo ll )"x, or (or t hee Durlnlf that time I hlUielevel\dilforent felici ty, , "~Istl" ·.<une trom ]il\msey, In 10 .... physiCIan ~ effol't of thl prophet to reatraln , Olivet. where centurl s later the Lo rd tba'n 15 miD utes and len for the coffee, TNoho conl:<~nln.1 \vitll out help, No tougue AUg'Ullt·l>orn "lIh(\\I 11118 8101,e, n Is to bo ground and ml\do at the ~ Ule king and keep hIm from rna· : and ·hl'lst. concerning whom he wal ' Tis Mld. nlust liv e Iml ",'" nn nlone vibrating to e8 wblch made tbe hair can tell whn.t I suffel'cd. and at tiDics 1 table, poureil Into the Hltlo individual on the back of lhe roome r's IIcck tUI'1l " kIng wloked allianoe with ASByria , to bave so ma ny bimuUlul visions, o\lld hardly wnlk. About yellfl SElP,'l' ElMEF.R, Ils ads !Ip'\'ard and bls t.oes urI In ago 1 wrow Mrs , Pittkham for ad vice, , and going farther and farther Into : was \\Iont to go Cor rest. The olivo pots, and oach guest wUl serve her· A mnldlm born wh n uutumn len" e eagerness to b moving (llwar from 1 foUowed if., aud can t.l·nly 6I\.y that ~, tho pathway of Idolatry. Why, I lit"s and tbe grnpe vines were thero !lelt in a pewl·tassa at her P.1ace, . Arc "\I (;fl:ng In Sep mbe,"" bl'."1.~, An Interesting artlcl prepar d by A S'Illphlro 0 11 hrl' hr(l IY oh/.u l" 1,lm'l the sceno of tho Lhreaten d ca,rnage), Lydin E , Pinl,lllLm's Veg l.a.lJl Com· ~ the!" did God eend hl8 servant to : In tbelr luxurIant and fruittul beauty, and In his beart bo considered the pound nnd Mrs. l>inkham's advice r~· f entNat and ' warn. when he knew' and as tbo yo ung miln lhre~ hlm selt the hostess on the revival of "Bo use· ''1'\\'111 uro IllseusuB of Ihu m hl.l, health and strength. It, I, feature of llle qu(\stlon wheth r or not It we,uld not storcd ~ 'hat King Ahaz would not heed? I down beneath the brancheti at one o{ hold Arts" Is to be w orth mountains of gold to suiIerjng OCTOB EH, after·tuuM on e ntertainment. Tbere jt be beal to deaert, lhon nnd t b~ re. and wOIDen. ~ Why 'doel God to,di\Y IOnd hlO: tbo t:rees be gave a IIlgh of roUer, ' Oolobcr'A cohlld Is bo rn (or woe, SCI avoid taking the lite of tho man ~ meaaengero to men to plead with ' , and tbe balr-tormed resorves vaguely _are to be some fiDe speclmons of "be- II lid IIro's vlclrf.~ILu(J('u must knolw ; What Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegfllurklog somewhere in lbe gloom, all _ U,em and warn them of the fatal ~ , look sbal,) In his mind that atler all lore·tllo-war" needle work on display. BlIl IllY 8.n Opnl on he r llron~\, table <X>mpllwl.d did for Mrs. Mu1~ uuknowln·g. waiting lor IUl awtul dea Lh, ! mfatake of making allIance with '. he would let the evils tllke care ot whIch bave been collected by tbe lias, And hope will lull those woes \0 r a t. itwill do f(lr o\ller suffering women. The son of Rumsey antI t.ho rooUler ~ the world when ho knowl that' themselves, Why should he ' worn' tess on her many trips to the south· NOVEl'l.1I31'ln • followed tile lead of tbe grlz£letl 'Vet. ., that meSlago will be spu'r ncd7: about them? Why should he carry land. Elach guest Is also to be 'asked Who nrat corneD to ttllK l>orl,1 11 lnw A GOOD OLD FRIEND•• WILh drear NOI' embcr's tOJ; ond SIl) 9I'. eran. guided by the soft, almost Ill' ~ Why? Becauso ho II 'lmerclful' burdens tbat we re olestroylng his to tell hel' favorite occupation and SllOUld prize tho Topaz, nm bl'r !:uc. audible froufrou' 01- his s ilk kImono. ~ and araclo"s, Ilow to anger and _: peace of mllid? Why, should' he not t.he best way of doing It. 'l'ake:u all Emblem of frlonds and lov!!"" true, F'rom room to room the sleut us moved If pienteoul In mercy." Why? Ba·, ~ . let the nation go its own way whlle ho In all Mme. Merrl wishes tbere woulu DE EMIl ER. as Bllenlly as the shailows \.hoy wOlllcl ~ caule he would gIve tho wicked, sougbt In his own way to keep God's be a whole lot at these Labor day pllr' If cola DeCl!rnbor ga v YOU blrthhave cast II there had been Bny IIgbt. I fleart every chance ~o hear hll: law ? And with the thought came 8 ties, The' Idea seems to be pra(:t1cal l.'ho month at Bnow and Ice Itnd ml ~th ~ "oloe and to turn before It I. too, 80rt of ¢omplacent, solt'satisfied feel· and unique, PIn 0 on )'Qur hl\n.l a TurQuol8o blue; and poked around tho cornel' of every door·jamb In advance of the purly \'jal SIIcce8S ,t111 bless what :Ilr you do, ., tate. : Ing Wh!0h Is peCuliarly dangerous to hI.'\.DAUE M ERRI, tllo trusty automatic and the deadly For th~ BlrthdaYI. Ahlti mado Just the ·ml.take that, those who know Ood's law and Iltrlve to k,e ep It,' $Jloh ' feeUng places one In candlesUck. and ever and anon camo ., tllultltudel of mOl:l 'aro making "Tell ·us about birthday celebl'aUons, In Vogue. the threatening chattin of lhe teeth ot , ~ day. He thought the frlondlhlp of , tllat "holler-thnn:thou" ol8lls which bow to mako tho day 'dllIere nt .· wbat Corals are e xec dlngly 8mart wit I the roomer. wbo longed tor Ule fray ~if tho world wal " moro -dependable: cull! olr vital oontact with tbe world tbe birth stones are." etc, and gory glor)' ,w blch WBe SUI"J to fol· ~ than the ' frle.ndshlp of God. He" 'about and deslroYIi that tie of sympa,. Mme. ~errl has received ao ruany white dl'es ~es. th)' and love ' ~hlch 19 absolutely eslow the onset. Young, girls employ Grecian style s ~ aoul~,_,oeiho army of Allyrla;, but : sential to e lreot wort( for God, And letters contaIning tbe above re'(lUest Theer was nothing dOing In the an· , he could not 100 tho unfailing' that to-day tbe stones for encll montll in hair afl'nnsem ' nls, ·Tho Gumllot-Well. YOll fellows CaB Fall costumes wl11 almost undoubt· arohlst or dynamiter !lna abovo Blah'S. : power and +elourq,ci ' of God and: such we say was Lhe state at mind oj are given wIth the verse, Tller'a are 1!ll\lah at tlla~ particular moment on and then the party sileo t1y do,lllo)'etl Say what YOll like nboill tbe edlt.or. edly be o( supple fab llcs, ~ ho C~080 tho former rather than: also flOWel'8 and sentlmeutll for each ; thO latter. , that partloular day as' he eat there month. but It would talte, too much 'rhe valuo of grecll t}tlS nercr been 00 to Lhe fioor below. whore It wan For my part. (always stkl( up for. hIm nol kept Ions waiting. ~ , Yihen the prophet, urging the' under the olive tree In the sarden, space to put lhem 10 this wealt. ' 50 more Impressl\'o Ihun it Is just now, But thlUlks be to God thel'e was too ECZEMA FOR 55 YEARS. Suddenly. ancl with appallJns noise, ~ claim. of his message upon the: serious n' vein In tbe yoimg man Isaiah from a far corner ' of tbe room camf ~ klng'a. hea.r t; requeste.d him ,to alk : to bava his oareer forover bias Led by tbe sound of the enemy, Thero was Suffered Tormentl from BIrth-In ~ lor a sign that he might know that, such narro w and superficial vlo'"" of Frightful Condition-Got No Help a Bplt.tlllg·thudding sound. followed b)' ~ nod had .poken and wall able to $ blmself and the ' world about blm, Until Cuticura Cured HIm, tbc cI'RSb ot'a heavy weigh tstrlklns fulfill His promise• . Ahaz made a , GoodneSs wnl;! more thun mere per,somelhtng with grent torce. fol1owetl , preten,se of" great reverence to: sonal possession, It was Qutfiowlng a8 "I had nn itchltig. tormeuUng oozelu t urn by a s\lghter sound trom varl, ~ God In refUSing to comply with' welJ 8Il Inflowl ng. just as It must be PRl:m ous pdl'ls at the raoUl . and the daunt· rna ovc r sI nce I oame Into the ,,"orld. 'Drmes for Gir\J ~ the request. "The heart Is !lecelt. $ with COcl. be thought, And he bait less ihree wero just on the point of and 1 am now n man 65 years old, ~ ful above al\ things and deBperata- , d~Bpls elI' I1lms It because h e ' had been fASHIONS fOil opening, flre In an altemllt to lie II r trI ed all klnds of medicines I heard from 6 to JO y~,. ~ Iy wicked," and the willful In: 80 weak as to lulu k that ' he was ijO tholr HveB as clearly as pOl!slble. when of. but found no rellet. l ' was truly = heart ~t1dom find It dIfficult to' good aud tho world s o bacl (hili he CHILDREN.. the rOOUler and the younger Ramsey In a (rightful condition. At last 1 " dllicredlt God and HII melsenge, : would just withdraw Intc, a little world were startled and somewhat relieved broke out all oval' with red and wblte : of his ovrn. tber~ to live In complaoent : and to believe a ,~.. to henr the voice ot lho old'e r Rnmlley !Joils. wblcl' k ept growjng until ther -.---,-------.-,-.~ (lnjoyqtent or the virtues he had acreverborathig lu clarion tOiles: .IOlt. WOI'O as big as waJnuts. causIng great quired, THE STO~W. paln Illid misery, but I kept trom Ifudgf}. It's cnlY 11 ent.'· , Impattently ho arose and paced to Silently. and with tbe gravity . be- Bcratchln'g nB well, as ( could, · ·1 wu Bnd fro In deep ungulsh of spirit, comlllS the ' release' from the necessity BO i'un down ' tbat i · could hardly do N , the eY~B of the ' Wloked . King' Tllo twealog ahadows 1.;egan to lall. of sb ddlng human blood, the roomel'. my work: J 'used ,Cu~,lcura Soap. Oint· . , Ahaz. the ' prollhet Il!l\lafl was but but stili he paced bUCK aud fOr-tb, Ramsey. and Ramsel' jUlllor returned ·ment, Rcsolvent, IUld [,lIls for about ,~ blnderer and meddler In. the Then darkness settled d\lwn and, bo to tbe slumber region!! above, thinking eight m'mtlls, and I can tfuthrlllly BIlY I\!tillrs of Ju!!ah, Wheu be pi'eterl'ed soemed allut Into the little silace that of tho goodness of providence In s'lla'I-' i am cured, Hale Bordwell, ,T ipton, -:0 be le t aione to manago the atralrs ' just surrounded him suve ' for the Ing them from the noccsslty of blood· ·)a,. Aug, 17. 1907," 'Jf the nallon the prophet would cOlne gleaming sta.r s oyerhencl. whloh ae he "I c~e(! l'ruI1Y endoree the abQYe tellIlbcd,~Reno Eyenlng Gazellc, ' \vllh some message which bo 'claimed lifted his gazo townrtll! them seemed tfmonlal, It' Is tho truth. 1" kno;; Mr. !Iud b e~u given (0 him by bls God, And Btrlvins to fias h some mesBuge to bls BorolweYI nnd know the condition be gel.tcl'RlI)' thOBO me,,!;ages of tile soul. Eating the Octopu" ' . (l opbct we!e dl!'~t ~d, qgalnst hIs ev:(I, At Atlantic City: the other day 11 fish· was, In. NOlson 'R..:. Bu~ne~:':IPtcm, ~" "God's handiwork !" be (:xclalmed, WIl)' • lind charged biOI with leading r o\'erently, "How grent 15 God: sure" 'orman ·c aught · an oclopus, a raro fisll "A Weaterl\lzecl Pr~vorb. We uaLlon , into, ldolatJ:1_whfl'h would Iy, David hath truly sa;d thnt th ~ In tbose watol'3, " Out 11I .~,~VD da It Is Sllld that ther ~ fld finnlly In severe pUllislHuenl UII· 'heavens cieela ro the glory of (Jod,'" The ' octopua. which ,ref,lembleS 'I change 'the old adago "Death.' loves ' a ll" tl e uatlon . And agalu he ralapsM Into sl1 enco, frayetl Bnd ruined footbnll, o[ ·browlI · ·ahlolr.g mark" 10 "Death ' lovea a inill' '''.60. twuhlG-maker, O1l\j Il oellrl'r ot lenthf}r. was carried hom'&" by the fish· Illg shal'k."-WeslcTll· Chrlstlnn ' Adv~ How lon ~ he sat thore In the rap· IlVIl messagcs." was (be WilY In wl1lclJ tures o~ that heavenly viSion " 'hlcb ermlln In a bllckot of water, cate, " ' 'Abaz bad come to BI)Oa,k or the ~roph' Ood ga e him tilat. nlgbt nUll which "WilHt am I· going to do with lt1" , . '-. Yo'\Sr ·Drugglat.WIII Till Vou .)t. ~rhat did Ih at ' (0)11bol':robOO, the prophet has fallbfully. recorded Cor be said, "\Vhy. I'm gOing to cnt ,':tnc!lwonlou s:looklllj:; Individual know our,edlficatlon aDd blesBlng be ncver It. I'd as soon ent octopus_ ~s scal· That .MI!rillo Erc nellled~ CU1l!8 Ey~ M" ~C8 Weak . ~~yCli Sttyn~. 'I)ocan,' t Srnurt. " bout \'u'Ung IL naHoll? Wbllt lJusl{ll"sS would have kno\I'n had It not been lops, I:io:J<JtitCll! Eye l'p itt ami Sella fot 6Oc. ' t1 <1 lie comIng around t('lUng blm tllat as be aguln ,became eC lJlscious of "1 am a trnve1er, and I learned in dlat ho should aml IJboul<l not t1(.? lie hl ~ sl1l'roundlngs and looked towards Hnly (mil ..hl'an~e ~the octopus' excel· IntegrIty ot charncter 18 more to ~ knew ' huw he would serve 'God mid he tho east 1.le saw ' the ~Ul\ II10wl, com· lencQ. You can't give an Italian or ,l~an ', lU~ re caP~lty '01 Tho H~8t ccstume SbOWli Is S~llalHe to -be made up In' any prnt.~I\BtflP:g (~nllw \.Juw he would seck (a vor with· Ing :abol'0 th ' line of t bc borizon, tbe Rlvl~ ra ' nr . 11\ Jo~renchman of tl)e 1"i!tlm.luil:"':;.AIJarlls, material, such as zepbyr or lawn, ' 1'he bodIce Is arranged hi ratber box ' nort,hw,esl coast" wbere Lho fish (he naWonti abol,l t bl' feliow sbJt,lng .. "So mar tb e Son ot Hlgb{ ~ ousn Q s s ',\v llh thcm In tl1etr Idolatry, II. mitlou rlBe wltb healing 11.) his wlllgs. J hal'" plaits ,,'I th tu ck~ between; tbh~ Is set boneatb a yoke w.lth deep pblnts In the abounds, a more welcome dish." . 'Mn. Wln~ow·. Sooth.... "'7ft1lO "'What do·es 'It lastll llko? ", It· ·Por .blld..ea t~lbl)\~.lOfi,eIl"U!.",,,,".re4_" l\Qulll uot bo a law unto Itsc:lf. and tr seen tbe Lor.d 10 his glory this ,night. I ceater. tbree butlons belag Bewa In the polnt; the sldrt Is ' plaited Inte the /IaIII1JI.Uo!>'.allllr1p&lll.OU"'" w!adOOu.... t&ci.~ 01 0 'Interests of Jud b WE'l'e to be R:l· hlive felt the cleil.Usi llg power ot his walllt·band. and the plaits are presnod, but left to hangk!oose. nQ.~ stitched: The tastes like scallops or ilkc .hipe anll ~..:.--:... ' ~-- ' ·'llI'cd. sbo ll1ust mako nllles of some touch. I have beard his volec oalllng, collar and sleeve ban\ls are of embi"oldory InsorU(ln, Hat. of white atra", oysters." A w:lle ,Is "apt, to '1t~ow wbell hi, trimmed with a wreath of wlld dowers. Materlal 'reqnlred for the· dress! Sll 'If the str.oug nalJous, ,bas enough bofore he ~Oll It. He bAS b(1urd my. cry, Here aliI l, send . , ,'. " . . H 80£nllCd utter r~lIr tOl l I he pror,b. me. I will ·be God'l me8sengilr, Tbere yards 28 Inchel wide, . .Undl~tu~bod Parlnta' F.alth. The second 1& In apotted wallhlng IIlIk. the bOdloe has a deep yolte It ct to talk aIJout tbe Cavor (.t «od are n(J dls('our&gemenLIl to Llle ano "BlIgglnR Lhlnks he haa the smartest "elog 01 more \'llloe tl) :Ul the (av(lr or who walks wltll God 10 U.H~ nc om· tbe center made UII o{ tucked Jat. silk; lace Insertion outUnes the yoke IUld {lhlldren In tOill'n:: carrie. out the iame line a little I~urther out. 'a nd Ie carried to the ·walst cacb hinss, and more tban O"C(' lie bad reo pllsbment of his certain Will," Bide. The akirt II cut to )oln th~, ...alst ...Ithout lulliels; It II trimmed wltb ' ''But they aT';' nl?o'aye .maklng peo. lorted that victory sot>med to lJe on Insenlon, 'Materlala 1'equlred: '81s yards 22 Inchel wide. about lIeven ple UnEllUlY by their meddlesome relaoe bo aIde of the 1!l1'0ngesl arm y. and Wax from marks." , j'artll Ineertlon; on8'half yard plidn s!\k. , pOlnt~d ... Ith triumph at (be InC I'Cll!!' To Get Sugar Cane: '''I:bat's .... J told BlIgRIIIB. nut he The dress :ho'IVD In the third llluitraUo.. II lor a .. rl from alx to eichi Ulg Il0wer Bod strength ot A s!!~: rlu, ·'ftjo WGlSt India Committee ClrcuhH slatel that application ha, bc ~ n made yeare; 'I t III a deslp tbat mlJbt be carried but In Cl'tton.. nun'a yelllili or de- , 11)'8 tbBl'a ~be way some. of our iDoat "1 U'ould tbat the nal.loll !.tOl' auell Ialne. The bodlco and Ikln. arlo biotb filII. the latter finished' by a pla~tlnc 01 prominent smart people rot theJl'tep. "1 alh· ... be exclaimed to "lm"~U ~lIora (or It pRlent for a process o( extract· ......t1ons,.. " " .Ing WIll rrom Ibe sugar callC, H the matetlal heded b, InierUoDI The dlMlP tutn-oY8r oollar II of ,walhlnl \ban once. "We woul., Ille" lJa\'c R8ems that lbe rind of the Clllle con slrr. edBed with plaited lace. beaded b,. Inl8rtlOll, MlterlaJa requlHd: FIJUJ _I.tbln, to rear trom th e olb('r 113· taln. a certain proportion of 1\'U yarde 36 blebea wide, IlY4Hllslltha ,ard 2~ Inches w!c1e lor cOllar. Youthful Aeiura"o•• ~toll •." . whlcb hall hllherto been 10lit with the Th,o lut d8l1p Iii a prettyllttle plnllorll 4real of blue Ipotte,I nphrr: • Wben I was JOur ase," lald tb. ODt be bit.. lbat (salab would op· refuMI 13, the .DeW IJfoCel!S th1a was flu. moklf.hi made ~ center front. .ad oa .b04Id~, aacUhe 'aIdrt'·tt tuo~ litera parent. "I ..... aeetUDuJatbt • .mance anti he feared ' 18 DO ... recovered from the Illtei' rerllB8 at tile foot-i both are ptllared Into a wfd.t-balJa,·o.v .'lob II 'ltom a rlbboa t:;oQer or 1DY own.·~ ~"e lDlIlIMloe o[ the prOllhrt" llpon the cnll lurned to colI\m'lrctal unil. belal ...hUed at til. back. The II of wJalte Ht.t crr Leibo:a, l1'lm lll:!ll. . "Yea;' anl"flred lb. ' L>r •• ~.~_ • .• : ~e ,*,.,1. bDlttwed til hhll ver, almnar In 1,. cbaraelerllUIlII l.U witll lIowen. · Materlm ..lie ~; Foil u4 "Ple-llal" ,Olltll, "but doa't 1011 ~lIled In, o~ __ -..wu.-coa.talar a.porla. ierds .. 1aOIIw ,,1.., \~ Jut . ~ ~ ,.:",,,.,,...rlT Ir:''';:',.
Lab r
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! 4";;£ : TO GRA'T1t
TRIP .. COU NT'!, 8. D.
Doing Thl. Well I. More Importa nt , :Th"n II General ly Ul'\dera tood.
"About tllnt le ngth of time." She luld her head un hI li s houllJ r aud s obb tI. " In thut Urn Iwo·ho full ~' 1;0 hwheR of the tllll H III1"e b em wn rn away- l!oo·hoo- antl l'ln afl'III1I til y'lI all bo go ne hcfore- be fu re- oll, dear, whul alll 1 snylug'! " ' "N ovc r 'mlnd, love," s uld Ooorg(' tNIderll', as he Idssod be l' 'hecks. "Don 't ry. · We'll go bofol'o th full s UI'O worn nway. How would uext 9",,\. 'm· bPr s uit ?" "'I'hnt will tlo nicoll', BWI) 'I hoart:' . Dd s he wus huppy a galn ,-··iloys l Jllag'ozlu l'.
There'. a right and II. 'Wl'ong way to grate a le mon, as ther o Is, to do !ve:rythll,g else, and, accordi ng to a cookIng t eache r, not on e woman in a h lndl'e d knows the rIght way. "Most of the cases of curdled s ances and custnrd s flavored wltb le mon nrc due to the fact thnt til lemon Isn 't grate d prope rly," sho says . " .0\ prope rly grated lem on wo uld pros nt ju st the Barno appeara nce, so fnr as o utlln Is conce rn ed, tb e re beIng no deep gouges Into th o. pith as Is general ly tlt o case. "Thl! all or tile lemon wblch Is wanted tor flavorin g Is all In th e yel· low porti on or the rInd, the .whlte pith uuderne ath be ing bitter and !lablo to causo curdlIn g It used with milk or cream. This w hlto )Ith ha sn' t th o Slightes t ~ lI s pl c loll of th o rea l loman flavor, nnd stili the a\'ern ge hOllse· keeper h asn' t learned t1lls and k eep s on grntlng Into th e bItter pith , and t hen wond ers why on , earlh th e milk should cmdl e ! , '·Tbe habll of grating II lemon cor, r clly Is easily lenrned whe n Ollce ono's attenllo n Is called to the matte r , The grating s hould begin at the end or the I mon and as small a surtaco or t h e g rat er s hould be used 118 pas· sIble. 1'hls prc\'ellt s waste. " The lemon should be turned In tlte same wuy that pne turns aU apple under a knife While pee ling . Grating 8 lemon p~op 1'l y Is a pretty I1ttlu tricl. onclO ft'ij learn <!d, Qnd It orten mean s SU(1c ess whore berore the re baa been faUure."
"Geurge :' " 1I&rL '-I, you k now o f !Il1yt hln ll Thero wn.s :tn anx ic t Y-l u ~ 1 ~ II III t bat Would b good Cor tbu( !Jnl\! Sl,ot of It- In LlI glrl'll tOil ' . un tit · crown or my h a d 1" " What Iii It. love7" "Yt s. sir, but It would be pl'l·lty ex· " 1 f elltl tlOnl e thlug in the pn}lur Ih ut pC' n s\ e," alarm ed IIlc." .. How lI1 uC'lI ~ " " Wbat IVUS It?" " P l'oimbly uot I ss than $2 r,, '" "NIagar a Falls a l'o w 'II I'ln l! a.way at " Is It a sur thln g1" the rute of war thnn 12 Inches It yen 1', " y ~. sir," u~d III th e course of sollie hll lltlreds " Whll t 110 YOII nil it 7" of YOII I' II "'til be gon m tll' 'Il'." ,....0\. wi g, HII'." " Wbat of that ?" 'I' hat Wl l S tli ti " You kno w, It Is s uch a tll·lI l;!Itrul r; tan )' t lp,-('h me the b IU I'I' " idn'l lcugo 'l't'l bune, pluce I\t IV I ~ h!b to spenel a hUIIP), lUoon ." "Yell:' SAVING H IS CONSC IENCE . ': 1 had no t m y henrt on gulng l li r:r<.! on ou r hon eymoon ." " Y·coO·s ." . "\"0 1111 \'0 bee n e vgllJ;ell fO\II' y aI's
\V. "
- - -- --
Pr s lled ! I'l'! n ll yer- Place e n t ire!, [ r ce r rOD ' lIlos (J uhoeti'? Hi ra m Wa yha 'it (t11o uldlthlJl y lYes. If YOtl come al'Ou l1ll a t tb r lJ;llt lim e " f yt<nr.
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11'. U Pe el. I.N·s Wl.l!
Oh. ] ' ::n In nu h ury
" 1 do \lOt Q j( 'Ul to ;:\. lo n' ngnc;(>· lJle nt, !f J j " YOUI' wl" ll. but 110'111 Itmg'r' " U rn - r-how I ,h.l dli ,yuur pa!"_·ew \"U I'I;. \0\'. ' ·Idy.
\ ~
Ha.rd. 9riggs- Tlic1:;- Imy the Ft' E'I. C' h al'C dett'I'lol'atlng-. Gr iggs- l im b,\\, It. The Inst. li mE r Ol'~ r ! ~'I'lIIIC I cou ld n't pve ll. mak t hem '"11lcl'llta ll(j IIwlr UII'1l Inn · thIn g g uag . - Llfe.
~ i
ne .
I"rl~ nll
on 'l'op--\\' hot 3. Itlc~lIy tha t, t r lilump WR S lIw rc, Ikey. i1c<'y los ullte in- Luc;)<r? Oh , lo r ! l.ouk Ilt m lna W:a utl ful n w 1111ll lS a ll torn 10 :t1(!fI !
In il Pr'o lcenlum Box. Mrs. Do Rlcb (listenI ng to lI : W ,rima !onua itt th o all' rn) - I&II' sbe aplendld ? 1111'. De Rich (wealth y lIlnnurn cturer, GDlbus lllsUcal ly) .,-Just grand! ' She's ,,"or'tlh' of a'lplli~ alongsi de (If l'at~1 In m y s oa p a~verLillementr .-:"'New York \\ eekly. A GIVE AWAY.
111 r s. H anuollt- Dlu YOII helll a t thll to wn fire las t nIght? 'l'l'ump- A IIltle . 1 got 0111 of the \l'ay of th lil'e engine.-Cblcd go .Iollr· nUl.
A Nioe Tim e.
T ip tOp- Dltl you
yo ur elf
0 11 I'a 1 3~t v{' aln;;? \\- ·~tt>ll d - Oh. l~wfull y.
'p~itJ vlI" ~.tonle.
... ,'
WII e- - 'l 'hls·lqolt'lt· hlnok agaInst y.ou, HU i
ll"nd-,Wlfll t? . ,
WIJ'et-T be 110to ' I fonnel 1~1 ~' ()u r pock( t-"Rlttboli; for my ' t ~"l>ewrlter." HU3blln d-:-l,illlc hl 1 \Va'S s'u re 1. ordered IlUrpt. 1D!L......DaI\lmo:"1! Amerl-
-...._--,::...t....__ c.~
"A:ltl," OOQtJbUed· the f&",*er , man), feet I.l"O there, J~ ,1ll¥!!'Y" "Two tJiba.bcl.~· pl'\.\mptl)'
liimililting Ihe Food and Rel!ulaIh(' S lomachs and 8oWl.'l s of
P".".k,;' S..., -
Bears the
II'NA,II..r AIJ< J'rnu.IIJ - •
Aft,i , JuJ
Eo.ll)' Edmun d-It's ' on e uv do fraIltips II\' Ollr poor bum an DatilI' dll t DO matt er how much n man Sits Ite wonts
milr ('. Ilrnther Sltdown ( thought rully)-Oh, U dll nno 'bout dat. Not In a police :Ourl he dOD 't.
" ;'rlir .!•• tI. ... rl",./ifOd J'1J.9!! ~
' The Lo n!] Clinib, It II saId tb iLt a m an b gins to AD j o \\'o 11111 at 40, but a good mIll), people find that the up·hlIS Climb begtno ill t hat age.
A mlln must s ta nd c l'eet, no t b3 ke ltt erecf by otlle r ti.- :'1u rcus Al>Toliu8.
Aperfec l nel~'c dy for Con5tiJlll' tioll ,Sour Stomach,D larrhOell Worms ,Convulsions .fe\'cri 5hness and Loss OF SLEEP, role Simile S;gnatur t' of
-~ -_ .. _--
It d'oesn' l pay to bo rrow t r"lIble e von
a. itr!end 's accoll.nt .
In Use For Ov"or Thirty Yoars
Positiv ely cared bF '
thue Little pau..,
Tbe), "Iso relieve" .... rroI.U Oy81le pAla,1oo cll .:csU.,n Aud'l.'oo D"'":ty Eat. lng . A pf"rfecc. rem-
"dy {or DI.'ln ·..... N"' ....
Rer.~ D ro,,'d n e.u. L lui '.I'a:une t n 1.11(' Mon t h, Coa&ed, T o n gn t'. 'PAlo 10 C===;::"_~ S ld e , TOR PJD I.rVXR .. The;), n1gUlo.te the Bowel ... 1'1l",ly Vege tab1o.
SMALL PilL. SMALL DOSE, SM~Ll PRICE. Clemiine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature
" ;itt'Yf"l"If "}"lI_I' f _D' _ _
What a Po ultry Man Sayn About 2(J·
Mul e Tea.m Borax. As I nm In t ho l.o llltry blJ slness, 1 bad ten . whlt c hic k!! t d w ash a lltl PI' PilI' fo r a sho w. 1 lI$e,1 "~O·:"Irlll o r e3lJl" Soa r} for wa sh l n~ tll bll'ds. tne] I can. SO)- rrOIll y am or ~ . perl nce \ 'ushillt; w hit hirtls , Il I'V r bcfol'e ha v 1 fuuud n "Otlll or Borax that clean d m y bl rel!l 80 fille l nd (lasy. I had a gl'elll d(lRI of com· me nt on m y bI r ds being so wh lto. r. A , Dlnwlt'l dl<" :"1/ "", M o r k~ t , 'rpnn. All deJll ers-~ ~ , 1 a nd :; lb. I'nl'tolls. Snm[lw Qn d \r ook I ,t, fi '. Pac1tic JoU SIl 80rnx 0" Chicago .
/j,>pt,."" ',,j -
A ~~ /
'====. PILLS.
Whiting rubbed on with flannel will tl ' ~ r e movo b;Lklng s tatns from discolor ed eClRSeS \e :stem {{ectCups. e.nd dishes. " uaUv. Dtspe ls o\ds.a ncl1feo tl. . The ,,'Teen ti llS of celery 01' minced } .) . I leavell o f Brussels spro uts Inay be BUb- QChE!S Qlle 0 ons ~po ,on; atltuted for parsley when that Is not notura Uv. Qcts frulv OS obtaI nable for garnlsb lng. , J J A s light. sprinkli ng of lJowderQd cI~ Q OIXQ ave. D . am on jU8t before ser vIng Is said by Be~torMen Wome nsml 80mI'. greatly to Improve {he naval' and. . ' • aroma of a cnp of cocon. r~- Oun~n(l To sllve tlme and trouble In maklDg ~lo et' its~Hen~tlci Q two ~Inds of 108' cl'eam at home a twin Jllwo~~ b~ the benui ne \\'hick freezer hns been Pitt , on tbe market. i~ "" 1: n.J"" Each compar tme nt 'hold 8 Qu~rt and nos e JU name ~J
D :' J rtea uers .
'slmttltan ~;of~::~rs pU~rdl:g c:::~ b~ndpr:~a~~~' eousJ)r.
C ' 'bJJ..
Effects C
me om-
An econom Ical nnd rl!nll y excellen t ' pad Cor clennln g nnd tos tJng hot Irons ~G .sYR UP Is made of eevel'al layel'll of heavy b.)l"f.;;~' it i~ ",onu!ac tur(!ll.p,·iilfed on tI,e brown pnpe r. ThIs may be renew ed each iro/lt" ""e,;~ {,l'ckll:;te , , IronIng dllY an d Is qu llesntls fa tory, SOLD BYALl LEADING DRUGGISrs. For n fln e pOlish n ilttle wax or Jla r · cnu, .si,z e onlY, rc!!utnr price '50 '~ r" bollle. nfIln should be us ed. - - - - . -'-~
mo t
WE WAN T ALL THE Iced Coffee as Served at Wa ldorf. POUl' one Quart · boiling waler oc PIANO TRAD E one clipftil Mocha and Java ble nd cof· fe e. Stir and let stand In a warm Illacc tor Hi m inutes or boll five mIn· The! 'only wsy we 'can get ;1 big lites , StraIn . HUI'e re ndy a qU Drt of p art of it is .by offcrin2 you ~~ hot milk- It must not be bol! e d.,-un ~ · . piano for less money ahan anyOllO elsc pour the ·col'Cee nntl milk mJxt llro lu to can: Write.u s about ', what you h ave nn Icc crenm free.z er. Sweete n to 10 spend, and we will 'tell yo,1 what' , t nsto wIth powd ered 8ugal~:t ot t oo \'J~ may be able to do to meet your' s weet. Cove r th o freezer 8!ld . pla,' e !p.~ci a1. W lII t. ' , III a tub ot Ice and rdck I:ult. r eachi ng a IHlIe hIgher than whe re the co tre>! TRY OUR SPECIAL OfFERS :· 'c:ome9. Turn the h andle of the freezer I-$ZSO.OO P,jano at $2 10,00 hi dUferen t dlrecllo uB tor rlvl! IlIlnlltes 2-$300. 00 " ., $23S,oo !;lnd serve In ,cotrl!e glnss es wit!! [lOW' 1,-$800, 00 " $SOO.OO deroel, stl~al' passed s Clm r ate ly , \.- $225.00 " $1 60.00 (-$200. 00 " $1 70.00 J
A Househ old Hint, I have fonnd wbcre one has 0 ram· lIy or chlid r en and a pad Is ;,Se<J on t.he table tha l stains of all d scrfll' tloDS pe nctrat tbe pna. whIch la, then hnrd to Wllllhc and also rUins tlte 1,10118h on the tab11', says 11 careful bil\tl~ keeper, who &ddl;l (bat ahe h~8 temlh died tbis b~' placIng white tll.ble all cloth be'wee~ "ad aud cloth.
.irin!! to buy an¥th1ll8 ~ver tioed in ita column. ."ould iosiA upon
Rooster , the Dog. co yOIl cl1l1 your dot;? JIlI- l ~!l hIll; R o09t<>r .· "Funny' IIn r.'te ro r H do r . Why Roos' , iolnx ln-e-,-Ye s, 1.l11 l he ;;Irls on the t r?" '·Bee(\us c Ii' a ""ti e r dog, but h(l ber. .c h sald they kl\8W YOJ' kissed ,nid n \ r whl1!,l' ,we were botb dl\'lag lays all Y e~!!S l" - YOllker!\1 Stat En~lUl. . " ..... at r, Makln~ am. , -_~'The primltlv e m e lllod of s llrrlng Sy,lncl' (Bul'pdaed )-Grac lou8, Hpw ntE JOHN cHURCH CO:vlPANY MUST HAV.!! FACED · A MIR~OR , jam for hon rs whllo · prc!len 'lng it~as ,lid tll0Y kllow 1'" ' CINCINNATI. OHIO gIven pillce to II more s l,m ple IIll' ihod Ml1xlnl' -7Why, thew ~ a\\' 1he bubhl e Fl.,. '...." in aam~ ",ill I,ru,u you • ki.... ",bleh Is not onl)' 'mUCh Ic s:! dltll (Julr, 1CIt~ oi,,,", p,."o Of COt:.\(, up to . til ' ollrft\c!l. Vocal. bitt tho frutt hO B a -m ore ba llll'al t1avbr. ... Maah the fruit thp,roug hly , wJtb 11 wIre I ~ ' Last Ref ort. " , MrR II. ~ My hus~ nd III ollt of' W01''' 11Ot~to mashel' , add t ho samo qllllulity and 0 'It ~ o t mQn,I'Y a1;lU. 1 111)1 gplng lo or Iltlgq l', pint ( I' pInt, aud ' pi nee In (\ get ',a 11,1vO\~'O , rl'0Jll . ium. Itrnlllt~ ketoe on the slove to boll. ' Mrs , ~•. -~d thell ' how lire rou go· All soon a s It hns thoroug hly uolle tl, ,It In g to gsl. «.lc'iu~f ~: . ' ' ca n b(1 reUlm' d nnd qle jars ImllIedl . , Mre, H.-;, Ou th ~ ' l!llll!on~' , (>l' . (\o~rs c : ,atelly tllle d WId 5 aled. D!II- Wlln t
A\~e labll.' Prepara lion ror~ s ·
"'r<I~ 01 Old OrJ'A.VU£.lIYTt'/lCN
CO. ,
a ellghtrlll cO liv e rr,1l 1l0Ili ~t 1 (, ,'El l' nttende d u lIJus lclll perform nn ce wa h.,- . ' c w Yo!'l. W eekl y,
For Infante ana Chlldre.!!:,
, MI ss r ,lnthe r slclte Is · tho
Promolt's Dig~~'lion,Chcerful ness and Rcsl.Conlains neilher Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
~!l S!;
Kind You Have ~Jill!ID TheAlwa ys Bought
ot th ·
t C t· t·
I' Well ?" ', ..Th nns ' ls li ve u p In lh' SIll', do n't they ?'~ " Y ,J s lI PlJose so," "'I' p y'l' ilta r lJoll nlers" aIn't th y , II ?"- ICI'ci(lll d Leude r.
II1 .... aun1uluIiU lUlUlIIIIIIU tltll.llulullnn llllllllilltllll
~~ \)~~ Elixirpf8enn (l tt ' E
'C .
011 II11'go c ucumbe r, one egg, s ome breadcr umbs, one cllptul of stoc k or OJ II k olld wate r, four t a blespoo nfuls ot 'old meat o r bl clle n,.a little b1'own or whIte s a uce. aalt an<l llep) or, ODe t ei!.· s poollful of c hollped pars ley. Pee l the uCllmbe r a n d ul It Inlo pl ecPfI about !! 'I.c luc bes long. Put them Into 1:1 Banc pan " 'Ilh the Itock or milk and wa te r. and let the m cook Jllowly until tbe~' are tender, tllen dr als!. tbem well. Nov. aN"fully r emov tp cute r (}t eac h, tald ll care not to cut thrrJugh the bottom. Rol! eacb pI ece of on· c umber In flo e breadem mbs. Fry th e m a golel II brown In s mok ing bot fat. Chop tit m Qat fine ly and mo ist n It 11 1Itt10 with any k ind of sauce or thick gravy r o u may bave on hand. Scallon the ml xt urr and fill lhe ('lU! e S or cn· Climber with sarno of thIs mixtu re , piling It Ull rath e r bl gh. Sprinkl e a IItthl ch OJ) ped parsle y o\'e r the tOil and
'I'h l' govPl'/lI l]ent opcnl ng ot a mil. Ion !l 'res of fine !l~ r l c lll t l) rni a nti Ifll'l.l n ~ Irln,ls wHI probabl y O/!CUI' a hout )rt. I st. T he n oal"lJllel ('x 1onsluu or r he Chicago & K orth V,,' siern n . I s It o ( nly NIHwtly reachin g !liese la CIt] " . Iwl Dall/lS. S' I D., Is th ntl lwnr ter· n: ,1118 li nd Ih e on ly tow n on l it rcs r· t::1iclI1 bordcl·. Tbo ,S. lau d a Ire ~' ilI ]lrobab ly, ba locnted I II 1'11 . P lIlIIllh. ctH d<'scrlbl n g tlt l!; lalld Illlel llo\\' 10 ,('C' n ro a Cf Ulu'tl'r spction h mn ,Rt('!}cl, 'n'p o n appli 'allon to w. n . l\nl Hk l'rIl , i'. 'r . M., . & N . W . ny .. , ' hI !Igo, III.
MIstres s an'd Maid. lIlr'1 _ SlIm/\!c t (bonl'd ing-h ous keop· r )"":'Whn t hl1\'e yOu In th Ii p/Jt , Bridget ? BrIdge t (who Is ,tryin g to clQan the 01,1 le.mphu mel'B by hailIn g th m) Plaze, mum, thlm's th' auld lawll·t opS. ThE,> Y WilY. 110 us at. All ; at a ll . . MI;s . SlImdle t- Well, don 't fol'l~ t to put . tn plenty of ~ pn s Onln lr.- l'\ iJ w York W okl), .
Serve Vegeta bles In Casaole ttea, for a Change .
.Govern ment Land Opening .
h.villl ,..hat the, ... IOf, ' ftftu.ina .11
~'*' or illlilaliool..
A. N . t< ,-E
C 1 90 ~3!)) ~-
.. - -
2245_ ---~'.--.- ""- -*'-'-
Are 50 Ciga rs
With out the Hea dsTher efore 3 "for 5
cents ,
' Mad e from the
same tobaC:co used in the best 5-cent cigars, but smal~ leaves and sele ~ ted ~Jip', pings - a unifor m blend of five differQlt selected gr~es of fine domestic tobacCO, blended to' give an ideal comb inatio n of agree able streng th ~ mUd fragr ~ce~ ADd you pay onlll for what you smoke.
Sold Eve iywh M'8
Body . BUilders' ~~fj
I •
I'bompso ll to 1:'. J, I rwiu. trRor ill THE COUNTRY BOY IN THE CITY De 1' 1\ III tMWllShflJ , fl . 'l'ht> l't!Ht CEI])ltU\ t htLt" boy OIlD Frlluk M. Hhookey to .1. I.. Malin ta CUllid letting:\ wfull. Bus)' Agaln-t u !4M I'~ ill t,\J I~ oity is th"t l 'l' ho IlfiUItI!! followlnr will be (:nn- ' !il 1I~ "rrf'~ III 1'l1r l·1I or el k f,ownllilip. h"¥ EIICht Marriage Llc~n ses. whic h ~t·O ws hat,nrl1lly in Ute soil Of t, ,lid 11 t.tll:! for tb o' <1jfT I'IUlt oftlaefi 1lI>11. unky hOUlt!. !Illy!! Geor~e. pended. tmbject to t he deoi~il)n of Sophitl Aoht,enUIID t n Carl A. Aoh t he New ~ult s: Wnrbnrton i n the ( otober Desil(ner Rt!IJlIb.l icau primari ·l:! : . terlllllll two trll t·N. t-1. 'fhe vrilll1 tiv t!iinl)\11 ity whloh ill _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _~---Fran k Brandon 1\1\ trulIt·f\1\ for the Murt hll Fo.· t,o Hen ry CIlst 1I1l , hOl1i1 bolders ,)f t,b Morro '" BrewfOIlUll that'e Is in blirDlon y witb the FOR ItEPRESENl'ATlVE 18 it kt.~ping time to l.he dott Or lot in Frnnklin. *1200. lI;g Uomplln,V. Ii corpornt.ioD . p\il ln true t urt . '1'1Ie olll l lc)ut\~, with it,s do you have to do u good d~al of ,lOHN MARSHA I. L MULFOR D Mary McCabe t,o Wllllllru .t. ?rIo glLhle e [1<1!1I~ntl overhlll oging .eaves, guessing to know where you are at? ·tift' VII. The Morrow Qr win g Olll I•. K . LA~6DON . Cabe, lot i n 1. bRI\.on. p .. ny lind Morrow Ale ' ,IIIIPIIII Y, c1 • t,1I big 1Iil)1II y iu t he, ceute r, iuto Guesil work mllY be nil right for ' .J T . M 'LELLA N D . tendantll . Pillintill' ' in n"m a of Marriage Licen~s. wh iCh th wlfts dlLrt In tba gloam. the idler, but B bUllineNlI man wBnts V v. Z. ROL.L bond bold ers petitillD fO ~ ~l:?OO(l to be on time. Artllul' }" L~ilmorp. ~i\ , II.g nl for In !:!. hllll 11 beuu ty ~e\tlom equlli eu. I~"or H.llocn lll!UAonl a gainst ' compan y for 1111 bllit.y '11pIJ11 lllllpun of R oohester. t o The kit -hall. the pll rlOI· . the rill!( c"rMy. specialty is watch repllirinl'Bundon 80rr alld l"in" .Ittorn J Ma ggie Uonley , 1 • of Kings Mill s, vet .. W o \' ~ n on t he home loom i tho. FOR AUDITOR m08tly the e~pellsive, high-grade for pl&intift'. "!Iwple furniture. t)luellul:! witb Rev . Mr P utt .' wate'tes - and if your walch is out )H A~ . :::.. MOON 'J'I:l. ~1l&s. F . Morris, dec*'ll8ed pl"lntilf of order I will trellt it skillfully and Fr:ldel'ick W _ B . Meyer, '23. fa r m- lIrllw rll full a f lu ys te i~and t'ed oltlll t 1'. C. PAT,!'ER80N 8clentificlllty. va Henry IJllrter defendflllt . Peti. er of M rrow t·o Heririetta A . Kipp. withthes'en t of \tlvond r . Thare's ::;, A. 8'J'lLWELL. the garde u 6uolostlll by the pioktlt, tion for· man fly . . P romi Si!ory not 19, I) f Morruw . [ For rll' clHctlon j No Gue8S Work H'e re feu · • til . tlunflowet·s, the b olJ yhoo k~ of ."65 overdue. Eldon I... Rayes, M . T . ' pell r,.j , fllr ll1 er of MorlillU t he IlllsturtillU1S, t he bed of attoruey for plaintiff. l' OR COMMISSIONER row , to Hllttie Fl\uquar 4(1. of Mo...· uiukll lint.! s weet wi llitUllt. nnd rowl! Dellye Rutlll , 1llnintlft' VI! George r ow. Rev. Mr. Ea tou . NEHEMIAH MuKINSEY. rl'HI~.. W A T()H~[Al(ER, of sweet peas ami: turther ou, the W. RU8h , defendllnt-. Petition fOI' F. 8 . ISIMPISO N, Joho M. Uepbn.rt 39 , Illborer of v ut,at(les "nd t he pus. b a ns lind divorce . .Plaint·lfT alleges that lIeUp-To·Date Jeweler. SAMUEL L . tRONS. King Mill!!. to ~rah ,1 . Lowe, :17. cncumberR, the rows of le tt,n.ce und tendant Is guilty of ex~reme oruelty .T. M. KEEVER. FOSt06fS. Will positively be at Coleman's Slove Store eve ry Wednesday pllraltlY. tlbe a81ra for nu}lfic&t.ion of mlll'rilige BERT REED. f onrse, ther II! 1111 o u t Of d oors contrao$, alimony "nd restorl\~lon Harry Z. t:)obmidt, 22 olerk, of 'in ARTHUR R08l:). of maldelt naDle of Dollye Good win. clJlnati. to Mary A. Brown, l ,of wh ere II boy cll n live and grow . 'UEORGE L. CROLL. Free, un oouvE'ut iollul , t il e furm IlOd J08eph M . Brant, attorney for plllin· Franklin. Rev. n. E . Gowely. .J ACOB W. RIDGE. its life h itS supplied biOI with physihllrlos L. HIlu8e, 27, fi\rmer of tifT. George MoUine. IUtLy,0r of villli-ge Bnt lerville to Norlt Marie IrWin , 1 , 0 111 e nergy thllt willmnke It po !4i l:. le FOR SHERIFF A Purely Vegetable Laxative for him to li ve in tbt~ 1l1idst of the of Franklm on beh"lf of liaid vi J1l1go of MIlBon . l<~ RANK P . FORGY. V8 Lebanon and FrankJtn T raotion CU~8 Chronic Con8tipation, and All Flrmlln E . U pdyk o. 2~ , Oll rpenter druius t bnt the o~ty \lf ~ will Bur ely S. G . .JOY. . Liver and Kidney Troubles. company. Plaintiff' say8 that oam· of Car li81e to .EIi:t.Bbeth BIlte!!, 19, of lIIuke upon h illl . BER'I' BRAN'1' Tbe oity i .. lIndor great obligations pany refol!6s to relll'ir 'tr&Cks In &0· Franklin. Rev. FtLtber . RYlI.n . ;IAMES FO ... LEN, tlR. to tbecon n tryboy. He brings with oord witb improvement of Center ~'or ....Ie all be folloWl1IfI pla cp,. : John Snllivan, 34, laborer of DIlYstreet. PlaIntiff S&yR thd oompany ton', to Jnlia Gnnon , 40, of Franklin . bim frash su ppllesof moral earnest., .' OR TREASURER, Zimmermlln's, KUbon '8. ness I\nd IItrength . He is, in f"ct, refU1811 to repair trllo~1I in accord WH.L R . LEWIS. White'lI, Mount,joY '1i Springfield, Ohio. ., typioll.l of ou r best Ame riclln life, Commissioners' Proceedings. witb lmprovement of Center street Por Scc.on d 1'erm. and if h e (lid 1I0t II.n8W 6r to the Inre P~intitJ asks t hat court gunt temOontraotlt- untrnct· W Illi entered of the city th e 1D0rn i condition~ of •JUDGE OF PROBATE COURT pora~y restraining order agl\inBt with. Funk Walling for ole/lnln~ the u reat, Ctl nters of popul ll tion " .. ., ... -.:. Id V" A LEX ,BOXWELL. . . defendant. tLn d plllDtmg br ge on undevere would !loon become intolera ble . Wor e~o n (\ Tll rmJ Probate Court, ml1lrca~lJ~ol&rKinderflLrm j n FrllnkTb e oi t,y (lIHl nevel' be self suf. . . Estate of A. J . IStll.naall, deceased. lin township at estimate *20. floient. It must draw on theoo llnt.r y ~OR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Which One? Contraot was en tered into with foritss UlllJly o fma.nh,~od jastallit I ALTON F. BROWN . .Applloatlon of J . D. ¥I 11, er f or a1>Ell D. Burnett for oonorete wllllllnd must for It whell.t tind fo r its othel' - - - - - - - - - - - - - proval. allowaDce BDd oonfirmatlon . FOR RECORDER oonorete tQe te l~b\ltmeDt at the food s nplJ1ies. The a t ruospbere of of firet aDd final aoooon'. . I bridge nMf E<1 OhlLlldler 's bollow, the city tends to demoralizlI.tion •• w_.w ••••••• _ •• _ ••••••• _ •••• ••••••• _ ••• , . •••••• 'PHILIP BP£NCE r ~"or ...,·" leotlonJ . Eeta&e of J, K. CIaI'll:, dooeased. also paving small bridge nellr Dr. Even the wntllth wbioh is so' domi. JOE A. DONHAM. Upon app!lCl\tion of J. Lee Thomp- E:l\ls' farm on Upper Spri ngboro nant f),Dd a dbtermlning in fixing • eoD for approval, allowance of, fir8t road in Wayne towDshipl\t eat,iOlate . the s~oilll statu!! of city folh is J. E. ROBINSON. and tlnaJ aoooon$ Bame is gr&nted. J08IAl:I HOLBROOK. of .11 2.85. pregnlln t with III oral dll,n ger. Urlme &lta'e of &muel F . Spnrling, de. Contraot Will:! entered into ' with maltlpltes rllpidly in the surround. : ARE YOU A VOTER? :. SURVEYOR ,oeued. Upon application of Jesse Clint W. Stanton for oqnorete abut... lngs of the oif,y . Morilla lire not ele S AM D. HENKLE E. Spurhnl for approval tt.l1owance ment to bridge near McLane farm vllted Il8 len ement. hOIIlSe!! ioorease Lf you are, you surely want t~ show your I Fur ~ econd Term ] and oonftrm&'ioD 'o f first II.nd 6011.1 on Gauder rOR(1 in ]'ranklin town the numbers of their population or colors, an:! the only way 'is to. buy a picture of aoooun' same i8 granted... ship a~ e8tlmate of $124 .' pusb th eir wflll~ higher t oward the, j : your favorite and 'place it in your window. :. CLERK OF COURTS, EI&ate of,Auzella Bird, decea8ed . Contraot waa entered Into with sky , 11 These photo pictures are the best on the DAN P. BONE. market, and are the'latest pictures of the two A.llowaDce and oonfirmation a f fi rl.' t Clint W. SMnton for concrete flloe - - .. For Sfcond Term : gentlemen~ . . .. _ . ,, * and final aoooont ia made npon ap- wall and pOinting old abotment to THRESHOLD of HUMAN FLIGHT ---...,..-_ _ _ _ _.....- .-. The small price will enable everybody to : plloaUon Qf J . D . .Miller. . bridge near residence of Elias Folk FOR INFIRMARY DIRECTOR purchase one. Call at the Gazette offlce and . • &a~ of SOlan Hildebrant, de· on Riohard rood in Franklin t OWIIAll of UB who fojlow the source of ~YLV AN A, l.EWIS. look at them, and you will be 8Ure to buy. invention bllve long stinoe oome to I oeaaed. Confirma,lon ma~e of fir&t 8hip at estimate *90.QO. and final aooo~' upon applioatlon Plans ahd tlpeoificlltions for R steel recognize f.):le "p syohologloal mo- CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION of Charle8 '0. Hildebrant. beam bridge elillt of I:!eigfrled 001' •. ments" .w hen of II. !I.udden the datil. Eatate of William ISattertliwe.ite·, ner in Franklin. Township wei e ap- of chron ic. f~ilure Ilre found to un· The centennial oeiebration of tbe inuDlI, Confirmation made of first proved and ordered postoa in apdi. fold tobe vital secret of s ucceSf.l, &nd Ma80nic Grand LQdge of Ohio will and ilnal aooount uJlon applioe.tlon 'or's offioe. · 8ea1 prop08als will be from tl soore of d i rec~ions oome8 take 'plaoe &l Cinoinnati beglnniDtJ of O. J, Edwan1l1. received and contraot let Septomber the record of aohievement. There October 1 and oontlnulng tbrough pi~ture8 Eaia'e of Albert M. Davi8, 1m· 14, 190 at J:l a. 01. WIlS the same aotiv lty In ~be fir8t three days . Commlttee8 compoeed beolle• . (iontlrmatlon of tir8t and Bills a}lowed-Patsy U. Uorrlin qUtLrter of the nineteenth century of prominent JJl.e mbera of the Order fin"laooount made o~ application oontraot *20; O. B. Cain. uon t rlLot, over t he steam engine ~nd looomo.. have 'been .ppoln~ aDd it la pro ' tive. 'l'bere w~8 ·the 811~A splendor posed to make it an impo8inlaftair. 8S of Owen S. Bigginll. -taO. OS i O. B. Ua.ln, repairs in H /lm- of r esult in the ellrly "IO's witb tbe .T bere will be thousande or membel'S 'Eata\e of William Eo . I:!ianton, de- i1ton township, $10.76; J. N . ,Buroh . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""""_ _........_ _ _ _", ceaSed . . Confirmatl. on of ~~veJitb oontraot,$73,1)4; William p, HB-Y, telegraph, a.nd in tile "/O 's witb tbe wbo will join wlt,h sbem in com. -!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!"!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! eleotrio Iigbt. When but one in- memorattng tbe event. ' . ' &oooun$ made on applioation ' of final esiimtlte of contraot, ·s a42.1!!; vanntor ill dealing \ a proble,m , . '.-How to let Strong. Cbarlee F. Ob!lp~aD. William P. HlLY, damliges for rQlld it is U8 UI~l1 y tide t·o infer failure; Drive R~enmllt.itom, oot of 'he P. J, Valy, of 1'47 W . Congrell! , . . • Eeta&e' of Mary.E. a'evens. de. around bridgo, *5; C. L. ~ende rt!on , but. when genious jostles for tl foot_ blood with Ur . Shoop 8 Rhenmatic St., (;'bicago, te1l8 of & way ~ 08ued. Flrat Bnd tiDal Ilooount ap· e&tima.te on oontrllot, *500; U. C. . . . Remedy and see how qolokly pain oome Itrong : Be u.y8 : "Mv motber proved on appltoe.t.ion of Carrie H. eloaver bridge repa.i ril MaSSie town- hold on the "'I rglD t;errltory, you will depart., Rub on 'a never did wbo Is old and wall Tery 'feeblft, i~ Robinaon. 8hip, $1 5.75 i Josopb Gilmore, bridge IUl~y safely &ssumo that t.he new ar.t reach the real di8ea8e. Rbeomat. deriving so moob benefit from Elec. I; is just about becoming tbe p.·operty IBm isn't in ~he skin, It'8 deep trlo Bitteftl, that I feel Wa my dut).' IUIII 8TRJ:ET WA.Y1fJ:8V1LOJ:, 0.' • Eata&e of . Elizabeth Mouots, 1m. repairs, ' lilelll township, $20.9 ; F. of oil~nkind.-From ·'lteal ~avi~a. down,lt·sco~8t\tutiona1. Gettingrid to \ell tb08e wbo need a tonlo and beeUe: Sixtb aooount confirmed on B. 'Doke, I.o mber $17.87; '1\ E. Kee- tion of the Air " liy GI30rge H. Gny O,f th~ plllo, 18 aft-er all whatooonkl; 8trengthening medioiDe about il. In room ned 1..'r0l8 BrOIl •• lor. medloalservioes to prisou'e rs $2; . . ' . ' . ' 'Ibllt ld why Dr. Shoop's Rheomatlo In my motber's Oftll' a mllrked gain Bardw"re B',lre . .appJioatl.on of 'P hebe aarner. Ohio Paint anc1 ·Vit.rllillh Co., disin. I.n tbe Ameno"n Review of Reviewl atlmedy goes; by word of mootb in fiash bas rellnlted, insomnia hu Eelate of . ~en B. '.J'hirkield de. feotant for j~li .. $20; WilliulD Zell. for Septembe r , trom ono to Rnother. And herein been overcome, and 8be i8 8&eadily ~leph9ne iD · houae and 0&$08 - - -- ... .- ...- - - ' lie8 tbepopolarity of thl8 Remedy. growing strenMer." Eleotrlo Bittel's wbere I ClaD be oalled day or Dtabt. oeal8d. Second ,and final accoont daUlllges for road around bridge, $5 j TO DYE CARPETS It 18 winning defender8 every- ,q oickly remedy stomao.. , liver and ValleT PboDe 1'-2. . allpwed on application of UAlph .B . J . B. SmHh , lumber $149,23 i lSutte where. Tablet.8 or Liqoid. Sold by ~idney complaints. Sold undor Part., . of Ohio vs Edn~ Bllgford 12.60 ; a.11 dealerll. guarantee at F. C, Schwartz'8 drog Eatate of Jaoob l5heots. dooe8.lled . Jacob Shumaker. repilirs in Tartle. l' rSptLfe a lot of st rong. bOiling dyo • - • 8tore. 60c. . HATHAWAY EYE AND EAR SpeCIALIST. Flrllt and flnal 8OO0ont filed by W. oreek t.owllshl]), *1 t:!0 ; S t'8.te of Ohio in II. boiler or other rooeptttcle thu.t l Wa.,uelviUe'. Leadinl'DeDtI_ H. 8e l1fri'ed, administrator. V8 ;John Barns, '5.u5; StILts of Ohio will boh:l all you ~IJI meed 110 that E,tate of James M. White, de- vs IJbllrles Bnrton. $1 r.. 9, tbt' color will be exactly the Sl\-ID" . Desh Ing to correct the hnpre88lon Vi) OJllce in KeY8 ' BldK. "a1~J:I. ceased, Second and fin'a l account -.. With this-fill a garden sprinkling-pot tblltIh.,veab&ndonedmysPfolalty, filed by W. D. Wblte Rnd F. j, THREATENED BY FIRE L,LY the otlrpet on an old .floor, 'a nd for the. general praotlCe ofmedioin e , Whl'e, exoootors. sprinkle it evenly with the hot liqUid (tAke thiS means of Informing my. Est"te of P.blJip I:\orflloe deoeulled. A fierce meadow fire wqioh lipread 1'llen take II. stiff 8crub~y broom, frlend8 and patrons thlLt I am 8'ilI ' . •. with great velocity threatenell t.)d~- aDd scrub the color · ~el1 tnto the ut myoId' . location ' in' .be Allen Vewrinary Snrgeon and. Denth.t, . I. nventoryanrl apprai8ement filed by, 8troyll. portion of the entire plant of ~. .. Frank E. Thool&8, administrator. the King Powder Uompany, at carpet; leave i't fQr 116'verlll dliY8 to Bnildlng. enRaged in tbe t~tDlent . . KiQgs Mills 1"8t week, dry. Do not bang on & line uulest! of Eye, Ear. Noae and ,Thro&t dls' Edateof Herml1n B . Krone, de, 1;. spl\rk. f rQm a train on the Penn- nBllr Iy (1ry, liS t h e cO\OIr .will s pread eal!6l1, Very respeotfnlly, • At B orne on !Storday Attornoqo. oeal8d. John M·. Krone appointed sylvania lines falling into the mood unevenly. Y ou' IDIlY u se n, v"cllnt P R 'Of M X admlniBtrator a' $<1000, . ow nOl\r ihe traok aoro!ls the Little . . .... ADDEN, • D., . enia, O. , , Eeta$e of Levi Fannon, deoeased. Miami river ignited tbe long dried rOOlll in the honse, proteoting t he .... -... . . g~ass Rnd weed.lI. ~ lltt.lfl breeze balfebollrds wit.h hettvy pllper, sincti, They Take The Kinks Out. George E. Fryburger .a ppolnted ad. alded ·the fll\ules In Bpr~dlDg over i.f the carpet illll &hio~r oDe, "it will ... . . ~tni8trator a.t $2,000; . the flelds.apd the area a mll8S not 1I0l\k through : Or It OR:n be ."1 bflve 'used Dr. KII~g's Nflw Life ' . In ' 1Datter of guardlanllhip . of of flilmes in II. very . few mipnte8. dyed on. the grass Ill:! 'ligh t showers Pilla f~r many y.ell.r!4! with Ino~eli8. . . As the c.>nfiagratlon Sl}read oellr Ing satls(IIot.ion. Th oy takotbe tlDles 4at!114 ~...a 0IDe for . . . L 1 C E j on 8 ...arl lIIenmeqger, inltane. to DlllgllZlnes of severll) tOllS .of . WI\~ not inJure It.-:-[he September out of !1tomlloh, hV8r II.nd b.oweIR;· ~1lm~of'=t~~~.,;; . Carl L . ~iilenmonger appOlDted powder,mlll hn.ndl.l to the uunlber Dellnol\tor without fUll" or. frlotion," lI&y8 N ~ ~bllClklO""ft-~~Oi guardian. of300wereca.lledfrOlntbeir work. . - -.- .. - .- - - EI Brown,~f Pttt!1field , vt. Goar- ' II1II~~" .... . ..... E.tateoU4ary Brininger, decea80d 'A "room and buoket hrigade was It's " pit,y when aick onel.l druff II.ntee~ 8Il~18faotory at F. C" ~h, ~.\.~e.-~ . Due proof at publiodioD of notice forlDtld and tbe men were engaged. t he "towaoh or t!timlllllte tbe . Hoorl. w~rtz dtug store. 260. . w~r!:J.bOO.P"""r. in figbtlng the fillmes. It was wi$h "nct Kidners . That i8 all wrong! ' .. - . . , ' -..... of \lPpoln&meD~is Bled by Cbarles muob strenuous work ~h!Lt the fire A wel\k Btomuob means wp.ukStom TO KEEP SALt DRY. ~ClllliGlB""""" i llal!'n'"e't W. BrinIDler,admilii8b'ator. Was k.~pt. from sproodmg to tbe aoh ner\·68. a)wIlYI!. And thi8 ilt .7 llllldll ~ mag8:t.lDes. "IRO true Of. the 600rt and Kidneys . , . .....foaDdla _ foe&a&e of &rah J •. Uifgleltby, de. " _.. The well.k nerves are iostolld orylng '10 prevtlnt MIt In Maltcellal'1l from ~.J'=- wet=. oeued, Due proof at publicatloQ of Thi 1. be I d d I . ~.... wIMIa lD t f b I D'o lloe of ."potntmen" of exec ' utrl'x A Sure-enough Knocker, (D ' or I! P. s E'XP alnR why oom nr amp IlD omp", wheD r • 1', Shoop's Restorathre is promp~ filling tbem put in ten or &welve .~ ~ IIOW.IO filild by "'11& M. Brown , . ' J, U, GoO<\win, of ReidsVille, N. Iy helping Stomach, Be!,l't and Kid. . " ' ~ . C" laYII: " Blloklen's Aroioa !:!alve .18 ney Ililmf'nts The Restorative pleoetl of nof', say8 Womanl!. Bome ...... W. ..lae "' . Real ElCate Transfers. a 80r8 8nough knochr for oloers reaobes out for the aotnal ollule of CompanioD for tklptember. ·'Tbt. . . ·A bad one came on my legl...t aum- tbeMEt al~!Ilents-tbe f~ ilinlt "inslde wiJl not come .tbr011lb tbe hole. t mer, bnt that . wonderfol salve nerves tbe Restor- the'cover of 'he ...1toeIJaN. but win kDocked It 0.0 ' in ' a few rood., ative 48 houn, 't o~re 10 break ,he lUm- of ...., aDd -Iber Not even" soar' remained." Gur. 8pon aa tba'. 11 8urely ..a'Dteed for pUN, lOree, b1U'Dll $ . how that belp 18 Sold b7J'be moldnre i Ibul tbe ..It. . . .t. COUNTY COU~TS
.AnnOnDCem6nts '
.Tbe Alpha Chemioal Go.
............, ......
•****••********************* . * * *
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** *
** '*'* •*•••••********************** . '**
Our supply (or these are limited" ' so you had better get one at once, tliey are going.
FUNERAL DIRE.CTOR, Telephone Day or Nlgbt loca' No. ·1 long Distance No. 69-3r
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rancb OffiCI. Har"I"sbu·r.· O·
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Dr., RbmnIatIc '
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WaynesvilJe, 0 hi.o . .
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'['be 8ubscrlptlon of 11,000 by the Taken by Residenls of County ••Saw South CllrollnR Ootton Manufaotllr. Many Womll:rful Sigh Is In Ars A~sLloiation towsrcl the Sueten. Weslern CO~lOtry. tatlon f;'ond of '125,000 now being raisoo by the Georgfl Wasblngton I.J. I. II, w",. t,he plell,.ure .of a re porter Univer8ity for its new College' of uf the H"1.~ t ta t,o "I)end !I dllY re- the Politio .. 1 BolenOO8 emphasizes Ratel! of SubRcription c"lltly wlt.lI .J. I{. i:ipenotlr und fliwi- m08t strikingly the praotiort.l unci ) uo \ ' tmr (ltLrlllLly III ali vu llll ~J ~ I.I\ I Iy !l·t their hOi:lpll4hle hOUle iu 'Ore- otitiodal pOIl!dbilitie8 or that oollege Slnl'lc ' :011)' ,uri a8 a training Ilobool for the publlo gonhl . . Mr ~1J"r I,. nut! I .t \Vurren I!efvlce, bot,b at hume aDd abroad, Rates of Advt! U Ollnt" 'II rurl.'lIl o" t ullf'inetlM III .. n, be- espeolally for oommlar position",. if Ollr (loo&uls are to be efficient i! ~''''IIUII 1.,waI R, l 'I ' r Ii",·. 11""'11 "wnill~ 11 bulf iutllre",t In the K ru.(ltutc, t.Ut'a lbo, h lach I' ll~'t" j Il~r Itlle IIOOllts or forHrunner8 of uur ulltion Urilgolll .. l1ourlo j.{ mills htl Itt loter. ' la~H .tlcd Ad M. uut LO ex~~ .. ,1 rlv .. lill cs . ",I export tude , the Consull&r senice "'brtJ~ J lU~tjr ' I,l l.:!" .~ F'I · ellf.t·lI III uulU tll'ullH otller euterpritttlil . ·)he III ttll of whioh hiS .mergy anllabil\ • must· be wade as deflulte 1\ "career " 'ard ot 'l'hank K •r.ll c ty htl ve beeu Int4trll Ulen till III IIlIUc. al! the A.rmy and Nny.-Dr. R. D . i!uolu tlon~ . .:!(,." Social". ~ I o . Where c l1 urKe 1M .n • •11! hlg ~bl'llI lIuoollllllful Ilud prosperoul!. Barlan in American Industries fOr . 10,· ·DIsplay Advt'rtl.lng . pcr IIIul1 Mr. 8VtlnOHr. httl4 jU8t returned Augullt. Ul8COUlIl"lIIlvenon CO lllrn c ~ . fNJII II tl'lp to Lurumle. \\'iOUllug. wllllrH iu oompttny with F. B. Dou~ 'rick ling or dry oougbs will quiok Wl!:lJNES lJAY, St: P'l'F~ MllI::R ~ , IIIUIi . Iy loosell when u81ng Dr. Bhoop'lI hll~~, Il prominent coutrllotor of Mon Uo ugu Remedy . And it III 80 rop, Ollio, Otto 1111.:,1,1, uf the tllllUe thurou;tbly barmless, tbat Dr. Sboop 'l'be IJJttll wb" ttdvHrtllSll" i" th .. pIllet!, PilLer Holly. an atturue'y of tellf\ mutlisrs to ulle uotbing else, l:ialhlltun alld Eo E. Bl&rt, of Ol~ve even {or very young bllbies. The n'lln w'ho geM t·be trade , lund. ohillf Hngintler of the Niokel wholesurue green leaves Ilnd tender 8leml! of ft lung 'hellling wountain. Pluttl railroad , he hud gone to look iou8 's hrub give tbe cnrllt,ive'proper~ VObbl6itone alley III to be viewtld(?) iuto Iln Irrigll tlng projeot, which. Mes tq Dr. I:Ihoop'lI Cougb ltewedy : by 'bit tru81it!8I11'101ll1! day b8forelonK, wh"n oomplettltl, will rel!ult In bring. It. calms tbe oongh, and beals the Ing undel' cultl vatioD be~ween 60.000 sensitive bronohlal merubrllnell. No opium, noobloroform, nothing barllh 1'&U! ohaRge ut· wellotber is 801111'· Ilud 70,UOO aortltl of ground !lud used to Injore or supprells Demand thtns to be tbllnkfol for, even if II bring thtl vIII'ue of lI,nd now IIHmng Or. Shoop's. Accept no <ltber. l:Iold Ilt '2.50 ItU aore up to from S3u to by all del~lers- . dop'. I·aln. $1)0 --~--~~ l't) ·the Uhlo lUen the oountry W~rren County (1Io1r wlll be Sep Al1'ENOEO' HOME-COMINO. Mwber ig, ao, .. Dd Octuber 1 IltHl 2. !tbout IAlraulle prtltleuteQ a Kreat deal of lutHrll~t, uot only ill tbe dU. Everybody goes to tbal. Among tholle who dtsnued the fel'ent appearllnc!! of t·be oonntry, 'I Bome · oonl1n~ Ilt Xenia last week but In \llll wanuer of fllrwlng or U 18 time now to oommenoe thl' ranching, the vllrlely of oroptl, etc. wer~ Mr. S. Levering Vartwrlght !lnd wit". A . Mllftltand Wife, Hllrry campl&lgn on lellvel.! and rubbl'.tb Iy 1J01. E. J, Bell wbo owns I&U 8,000 Ing around lu yards and o'her pltloet! liore ranch nellr LarllmlH lind Is ~ne Jobns and 800, AJIle t:lurftoe, John Beaoh Knd wife, E . V. Barnhart of tbe oltlzens of hislleot·lon, and Wife, Albert MoKIlY, Mr. Frank "The wore 110 UIIIU rel&c111 tha more took the Ohioans on a t·rlp over hiS Zell &nd wife, MISS Emma R"phlln he thi~k8, " but !t1J1l.etlwes be tor Iwwenl!S rllupll I&nd Mr. l::lpenoor Mi88 Annie U . Browu, George T leM to t.ktI bill own bOlne !laper Will! 6speoially ple"lIed and interest.. H&wke Bnd wife. ed In what he ~w thare. Uolonel Bell carries on his busi~ext MondllY, Be!l'em ber U. will SAVING MONEY FOR TOWN. nelll! in true Wesf06rn 8tyle, every deolf,le 'be tate ut 80UIe of tbe Oftn Lhiog being done on .n Imnlense dld.telI wbo bavll wUTked 110 b"nl to 'l'be 81nking fnnd trustees met acaltl. reaob the desired gOItI. last week, and reduced -tbe debt of 'l'he ouuntry about LIlraml" grows tbe electric litht plftnt t600 paying five prluolpal oroplI : l4lfaltll, ' oats, oft' ,.hllot tOuob Indebte~neslt on tbe 'lll" boYH Ilnd' girl\! "tllrted to bllrlll.Y, peas and potatoell. Whllln, bond8. eobP91 Mon<lay luornlnlJ, i&nd ao while not a l6lldioK oroI', I&VerIi.K88 a ------~.~-otber long IleUOIi for IihlllD 18 til' bt' very heavy weigbt \0 tbe bU8htll. Colpoel Bell reoeiv~d the Barley Pink Pain Tablets-Or. '3houp·Il- . lODe, 'brough wIU&'. stop Beadache,. Womanly palOS. any Uold Meda.l at ttl(" I::It. Lc:'U18 Expo81. pl&in any wher", In 20 mlnute8 lure. 'rh,e IItaS6 fair h'lIt week was all $\on,l&nd tbe oommittee in aWlI.rd· ti'ormulll on the 250. box . Alk you... th., ocJuld be tltlkfid tor, all,\ II deoid· lUg the prize IItsteft tbat ·the h8llvl. druggist or doctor about thl. for. ~t oereal grliin8 at the tall' were mulll.-It'll fine . 80ld by all dealers. ed improvewt!lIt over .. oy f .. lr tb .. t t·llolle raised In the Laramie valley. - ...- -bu beeD given at, tbe Capitul. Warren County rellders ot tbe HAS A NEW TITLE. Ullzette woul~ bardly beltev6 It - MoUday Wll8 Li&bor Day, I&ud in ~ible to lleoure oue hundred and Major Roll Is wbllt tbe lrlend8 ot th.., larger oltilloll tbe dl&Y W1&80b- tblrtY-l6ven busliel. of oaWl from the .Bon. W. Z. Roll .re nowo,llltng ..rv~ by unlu08. ADd merobantll one aore of ground, bUl Colooel bim for when be arrived bome from olOl~ their doors and t.ojOYtlcl tbt Bellsotually did tbll a yellr or two pamp Perry at Port Cllnton It was day wltb tbelr~OYH88 . . "80 . Tbe stlilk of tbe graio ·tbere le.;ned t.bat. t.hill raok In the O . N. muob 8tronger tbaD the oats grown G . ~ been oonferred upoo blm for Qne of 'be fUIl1l18llL tbiQgll w~ bllve bere Ilnd tbe orop on ' an Ilverage merltorloUIl conduot upon the field. beard dllrlng t.bie oaUiplllKu, Ilud IIlllktlll from forty to sixty bUll belt. It will be remembered that Mr. Roll bill! for several year8 been devoting wbioh Interest!! our own oounty. to tbe Ilortl. As an inll)llnce of tbe strengtb of bls extra time k> the I!ervl«ie of bls wa~ told UII thll other ~ay. it ap· pear" Ibat one candidate had t.he tbe grr\in I.n tbat ~eotlon ft lltory 18 oOllnt·ry. The tat'get praotloe a. auchence 01 four or five farmers at Il 501d of an occasion wben Oolonel Camp Perry was streuuoul tbls year _Ie, and while btl W.. 8 Lalklng to Bell WftS ent.ertlllning a large party "nd It was 10 tbie t,hat bit! merit. tbem aDo' her candida La for tbe same of dl8tlngolshoo vlsltor8 at illBranob, orlOUI! service Wl&8 displayed 011108 approaohtld IUId palllled "round I&mong tbem tbe go:vernor of tbe 'be 011(81'8. IJAlldtdate No . 1 ra IItllt.e, U olted Stute8 8enlltofll I&nd . WEATHER OBSERVATIONS mal'ked to hltlliUlhenOti tbllt 1&11 can otbers. 'rbe ""rty was a large one and more tbt\n Jt ' dozen 0l\rrhge8 d~_ N~ tJ'I&" Kivau thllUI olgllrs, Tbe r'tln'all lu June amounted to and c.o uld Illllply .atfurd to do 8U', bl! were required tooonvllY tbem 't/') tbe would furDlsh the ml&tobell Ilud pro- vti.rlou8 POlOtll of interest. Ooming l.:.l~ Inches, wbloh I. tbe IIgbte8t tu !l Ilirge field uf oatil tbe Colonel ra·l ofall reoordoo for June iO Ilt least ~ed to pall. tbem out. led the way across, wben lIome of sixteen year, Ilverage for iune STOKES FAMILY REUNION t-he party objeoted ou tbe ~ronDd being 4.2f1 Inobell. 'rhe high88t Tile aaaual rcluDton of the Btokell tbu.t tbey would ruin tbe orop, but, temperature was 93°, tbe lowes, 4~0. f~tly wu b~ld ilL" tbe beautiful tbe Colonel Insisted on orosslng. Tbe rainfall amouuted to 2.781nohe8 home of Ill'. M. W. SUver ne&r Ly- ae:lQbing thH other 8idl' . ~r tbe field In JulY,wbtoh h! a Jlt~le ",bove tbe .1. IN' week abuuf. lIeveoty ,'Ive h.. the Colonelturned around Ilnd ked average for .Ju1y, whicb ill 2.66 ane,odanoe, . ~ftera&aUlptuoul!dln. SOUle one to tell blm wbere tbey bad incbes. IUIr a abort program \was·.t,he order. Or81llled. Bave tor tbe plr.oe where 'l:be blgllest temperaSure wae '114°, 'l'be" oftloera for the en8uiug year the wbeels bad l'un over there was tbe lowellt 52°. The raiufall in Au are .. followl: PreeldeDt. 'MonrOf' absolutely no trllOQ of t·be orolltllnK. gUilt limounted to only .82lnohes tttoi.'. of Jaoksonburg ; vloe .presl. However, tbe ranobertl of this thill being tbe ligbtest nlntall to~ • W . '. W • 8·~" I have reoorded.. . Tbe tem~ d eD., ....81. o f . 0 ay t on : seotlon make tbelr money not from AuaQl.t .. leapta.r y. Jel.l e Kelaey, of Dayton; tbelr gralnll. which Ilre mOiltly foo per~ture re"obed 97° o~ $be 17th, ,....iuraer, Mrs. B.~.ry ~tokes ' ·to Iltook, but Irom 8beep, wblob i8 'l'bls Willi the hlgh88t t,e mper"ture . •- . ' their prlnolple 80nroe of weftltb IIlnQ6 1901 Tbe 10'iVe8t . WfUI 62°. , ';, OBlTtJAR¥ In ODe sear Volonel Bell tlooured Tbe rlllnfl&ll for tbe tbree summer Edwin MU~ Early, · 'Df.nt IIOU of '45,000 worth of wool from bis wonthF amounted to only 4 821nchel! there" and Merl .. Ulark Euh',dl8d HookA aud about the Hilwe IlmouDt Tbls ill t.b e lighte8t rainfall for tbe Sa'urday AnlU8\ 29, 1908, Itot the froin hi8 la~b~, or a tlotal of alulo.s t tbree lIummer montha wblch I have record ~f . Tbe aver~Ke ralnfllll for bome of ~III parentll Wllllt· of Lytle; f100,000 from bot,n 80nr/Jes. Wbile above' figure .. IIIIlY l:'~etO ~be three months)s 10 '.3 Inoh88. ~~· four monsbs and una day . VOA8. E. MlOftlll~ER . 81111l1n'" Id'B&6d but lbree daJll, 'I&rge. t.o · realde'l~ of tbl~ !leotinn It wheu th.t dread dlst!Il!!I!,oblilera Ip- mOIlI, be rememloerAd thftt the Wellt faQ'um, olatmed ailo'be~ vl,o tlm, i" a largR ('ollUtry and tbiol{8 are A Paylnl Investment. uel 'be IitU., IIptrlt returned to ItII carried 00 out thereon a h.rHe leair Mr. Jobn Wblte, 38 BlgbJand The Ublo ptll.lplH weI e muoh Mabr. Ave .. Houlton, Malnl!, ilaY8 : "Bave Brief funer.18e. V.iClllt were beld a' plaased . with tbliir trlJ) IlDd tbl' been troubled wltb a congb every Ih. boiDe on !:Iuudayand luterment oourtBilleli IIhoWll t,bem wbtle Ilt winter and Iprln". Lalt wlDter 1 Laramll', Ilnel16re f\D$lolpetlng anoth tried m_DY adverttledremedies; but a. ~iaml l "D'etery. et' visit. somet,lme In tbe neal' future. tbe oougb oODttnued untU I boqbt --God ~lt Ibee In bl8 'lIlercy, " 500. boUle of Dr. Kin18 New Dia... Iamb. IIDlult'lI: "ntried :' --~oovery; Iltlfore tbat Wal balf lODe, . lie fUll Iii' tile IIlIb, for tber, A olavtlr, populll' Cand V eoid ebe OOUKh waa all KODe, TIltl WiD· lie ~0Il tb'e ' vlesor, ,'· 'Vure Tabl.. t-olllled Prevantlos-ie ter tbellame bapp, ....ul' bas fol· Aad tboll ai', .. aolillcll" belo., dilr:0800 by drll8lill!s' every lowed ia few dORe OD08 more baD· Tbtl famil,. delll",. to expo PII~ '" here. 0 a faw boora, Pl'ltveDM"" Ilbed tbe anDual ClOugb. 1 am DOW their tbaal" &0 sbe nellbbllrll aud ",e hid to break .D1 oold-oom. convinced 'bat Dr. Eq'I New Dill· ',..411 for tbe m&Q1 klndu8!II8lI ple&el,. .ADd PreY8DSIOl, betDI 10 oovery fa 'be but ill all oc.Dlrh ....d be ..r. aDd .odlblOme, are .eri 0 .... 11lDlremedl.," Hold tlD4er I.'. 1Ibo•• 4Drt"~ their reave. ."t, 'or obUdreD. No QUint. ., DO laa u," a. I'red O. 8obwans'. ml aIIo to &b8mllllReJ 'or btl ~'or" tive, DoShilltf banb DOl' .t~'latOre. 100••~ t1.~. filal bo&&'"
Wi t hout filII I will be at 'olelIllln 's Stove Store every Wednesday )'on OIln let\ve your watolleH there lilly , if YUIl lire not in town on Wednesday . TIFFA NY. Watohmllker. AMERICA S GREATEST WEEKLY
..... .
.. .-
OJ Gibney's
The Best Know.n New8paper in tht' U nHed States.
Striped White Goods, worth 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c, 50 pel' cent 00', all sold at
In lJtlany respeot!! the Toledo Blade Is the IlUost remtlrks ble week Iy neW8 · paper publisbed In the United States It 18 t:be only neW8Jll&per eepeclally editedl for National olroulution. It bas hlld the large!!t clroull&tlon for more yeftrs than any newspt&per prluted in Amerioa. Furthermor~, it ill tbe oheapest newspaper In tho world , as will be expll1lned to any person whu will write us for terms. The News of the World 80 IlrrllDged tha.t bU8y people olm more ea8i1y comprehend ,.than by readmg ollmborsome oolowns of dallillS All ourrent topiCS 'nad!! plaiD In' each iSllue by 8ptlolal editorial milt tel' wl'ltt.en fro n llIception d own t·C) dllte. The o,nly paper publlsbed es. pt'olally fnr people who do or do not read daily newsP-&lJt'rs.and yeHhtrst for plallo fllctl!. ' Th II t· t bia kiud of a newlilpaper Is popular, 18 proven by tbe faot that tbe· Weekly Bhlde now bas over 200,000 yearly 8ubsorlbers, and·is olrcult&ted in all put8 of th~ United t:!tate8. tn addi tloo to tbe news, the Blade publishes short and 8erl.1 stories, and m BU.V depart ment8 of ulatter 8uttad to every member 01 tha tawily. Ouly ODe doUa r 8 year. Write .for free speoimen oopy. AddreS8 'hilt BLADE, Toledo, U. Witb Uazette. $1. 25 per year.
10 and 15c a Yard. Children's Muslin Drawers toc and 12 1-2c.
_oU8 110. · 1IOIIl1»7 ........
Higher Priced Ones.
The Felix Uorset, Long Hip, $1.50 grade for 95c.
Wool Skirts Marked Down. Ruffled Muslin Curtains, 35c~ 50c and 75c.
Hutchison &: Gibney 45 YEARS OF BUSINESS
Vegetable . Laxative
lIurpa88es all . other rem· ecllel8 for tbe reUef of sickheadache. . dizzines8, indilrellUou, ohronlo . Conltipa &10111 and Billou~nesl' beoause they arfl oompoeed of the best kno~n VetretabJe drUBS, Ilnd miJ::e4l in the proper propor tiona known to live tbe bee r88ultl. E'very boUle KUIlrra8teed to give eatlsfaotlon or mon.. . ay refUDded, 2fiO a boUle ' at Schwub's, mailed anywbere upon receipt 'Jf p~lce.
ARE YOU AN ADV~RTIS~R? If. you are or not, these few
words ought to be sufficient.
FIRST-When· you are thinkiri& about advertisIng, you must know what you are golnl to sell, then look for the best medium in which to advertise It- the Miami Oazette. SECO~D--You need not "blow" yonr goods "sky high," as readers of the Miami Oazette
know we advertise only the best.
KIliDey Trou!lle Makes .You Miserable. A Imonl everybody who reads the newspapers is sure tQ know of the wonderful I'!.] ~ cu!es made by .Dr. Klhner 's SwampRoot, the great k id· lillY, liver alld bladder reilled y. It is tlle great medicnl triumph of lhe nineteenth celltury; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the _.. eurinent kidney lind blaclder specialist, ami is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back. uric acid. catarrh of the f>ludder and Bright's DiseaNe, which i!\ the worst form of k.i<lney trouble . . Dr. Kilmer 's .swamp-Root is 1I0t rec· onllllended for everything hut if you have kidney, liver or bladder troubleJt w;U be fOlllld just the remedy you need. It has been tested ill 110 many ways. in hospital work 'and in private practice, and ba!l . proved so succetlsful in e,'ery case that a special Ilrrangelllent has been wade by whicll am readers of this paper, who have 1I0t alretJldy triec:l it, may bave a sample bottle senl free by 'mail, also a book telling I 'lore about Swamp· Root. and bow to find out if youl!ove kidney or .bh.dder trou· ble. Wllien writin~ mention reading tbis generoul! offer \11 HilS p .. per and send your address to Ur. Kilmer ' & Co.. Bingbanlton, N. Y. Tbe regular lifty·cent aud onedollar si:r.e bOltles are B_ ." ............... sold by 1111 good druggists. DOll 't ma'k~ any mililake, but remember the name, Swamp-Iltoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, lind t~e .ilddress, Bingbamton, N . Y., 011 every , bottle.
THIRD-The Miami Oazette reaches
FOtJRTH...:1i you do not want to use · the col. umns of The Oazette, and should want to advertiSe through such mediums as Dod&eu. Sale Bills, Etc., we can supply yonr wants on very short ·.n otice in . the most attractive manner possible.
Mia'mi 'Gazette
'rhe best ad'v ertisi,og medium in the northern .end of the county.
., $ 1 a
the Gazette Y~ar.
mo~ pe0-
ple In this territory than any oth~r publication. i herefore The Oazette Is the only medium t ) advt!rllsc through •
---.- ..
Of figured and Plain, Plaid and
Popular in Every State.
We find it neoeuary to call your VeteriJIaQ ~1pOIl aDd Ilea.... attention r8duoed a'u pply of 'Wilt&8&' and Ilk Ibe patroDI &0 be Valley PIao... I • •" ver1oanfal.1 ~ : WAYNBSVILLE OSlO
an4 reIJ9l'& . , ....... Iprlak)1q 01' otberwlle to tile So4aD 01' PVBuo
. , .
The Miami Gaz ette D. L CRANE .
A Br ide in Ult iID 8,t e
LITTLE JOKEo ! . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•
How It Led to a Suit at Law and Serious Complic ation"
Practical Fashions
OPIEN blALlN Q IN PAINT. BuyIng PaInt used to be like th., proverb ial buyln.g of a "pig In ' .. poke. I' Mixture s 10 which chalk. ground rock, etc., predom lnaled w OP .. murked nnd ' sold as "Pu're Whitt/' L ead," the d eception not bein g ap· puren t uullI the pnlnt and tho palnl "1& w 1'0 paid 10r. This dece)llI on I. qtf ll pra 'tleed, but we hllve learned H' 'lXPose it nslly. Nntlona l L eal! Compan y, the lIIr&est makers of g nl1lne Pure WhI t(· L nd, renll zlng th e InjUstic e tbnt \l'ne bolng done to bolll proport y own 1'8 and h llnost paInt manutll ot nrorll, II abont 10 mllko paint buying 11M . Th y first ndo p~ ed n t rllde mark, til now famou!! " Dutch·Doy Ptlinle r," .!lnd put this trade mark, as a guarulll y' o. purity, on eve ry IJackage ot . til 1:While l.ead. They then s ot abo llt ~allll1lnrlzlng lho public with til ':;'low' Pll1e test by which the DurJt.y anll genuine ness ot WI,ite Leal! m ay be de lermlne d, and furnish ed . a blowpipe free to everyo ne who woula II'rlte them tor It. This action was In :tself a guarant y of the purity of Na· tlonal Lead Compan y's White Lead. I.s the I'es ult or tbis open lIcnll ng tb e paint huyer to·day has only hi m· selt to blame If ho Is dofrauil ed. For test ouWt nnd valuabl e booklet , n paintin g. address Natlonn l L ead Company, Woodbr idge Bldg., New York.
Mt·s. Margur et Oattl', Olle of ikatlADIES,' ONE·PI ECE OIRCU'LAR Uoboro' s w\lU(\st SOCi ety women, . SKIRT. The Staff of L Ifa. !llann d Dnd l1acted a joko: now flho BreBd cOnUllUI1S to be the st at! of By Don Mark Lemo n .II! the def udant In an ncUon at law, nre, nn d , Americ an wheat furni shes ",bl1ll tbo society or that Vermon t city Ule !lour that mkne9 the best hread, Is awaitin g with !lIce tho outcom e of l'hls Is to be bOl'lll.l In mind as an 101· tho a l'faJr, Hays the Boslon Post. portant Conoml fact. It Is bro\l!;hl \Copyrlgllt, by ShorlStor-, Pub. Co.) It all om:UlIttt'1d froll' a "bright Idea" to public all ntlon by a I' port of S[le' conceiv ed by Mra. Gat y aud II r w uf "10 GOlrs nllme, sl~ the ~'a ssport and last \!011lse bo t bat of ih her society f riends "h o Iw.d IIccomO - ~Ial J\gt'n t Dn,'la of tho dt'pnr lm on t of and let me go!" UvoT fi rmly cOI1\"luoed Ulnt Jamel) H. Hook· tomm r' nn d labor. Ivho bill b 1m "Pordon , mons ieur ; my signatu re Brush ing by th por len!, tho Am 1'1· 1' , nUorn l'Y al ci wealthy club man, WUlI look ing liP t he wut ter In Englnnd , 11'111 not mnke good tbo passpor t. )Ion· enn lellped to wb r o t h o fifth dplld workin g nltogt!tiler loo hard and 1\ II· wbere be finds lhat hlgh·gra de Am 1'1· sleu r mu st a n ew passno rt obtain rrom body Iny, crus b tl and mangle d post cd 'a li ttle diversio n to distract him his legaLe." . !:U. !lour Is mu h finer t ban Ihe Eng· recogni tion save by Its d otbin g, li nd from, the arduous u ess o{ so bu~}' :l "A n e w one! It wl11 t.1k hO\1 1'S- -yes, tho great II sh a rtlc1t', and be att.lbul es thIs to wblte po lar star·lfke illlmmel·. days-t o do that, lind he will be out of diamond that fiamed UP01l1 a finger tb e nparlor Qunllty of our ' wb ellt. 01 Ono day r ec ently, whJle lhe young my r each by morning ." ' its bloodl ess bnnd! ACI I' &ivlng some Interest ing Informa ' • lltorn ey sa l lit his Ilcsk with )lllpors " Monsieu r, It Is the law." 'I'eariug 'tbe splendid jewel away. pH d hi gh tlon li B to the various ways In wblch on ,aach side and au nmoun t "The law! Sball this man b e allowed the Ame rlc nn brought It I)a sslonate ly of work beside him thA English people utilize fiour, he to rob me of tha t promlso d to my dearest possess ion , to his ,lips nn'd murmu red: " Darli ng kee p him 'In his omce Into noles the wide exten t or the practice wblle the law binds me her the wee e band look up! 1 alll here:" Df gelling sllppllcs from the bakesho ps nnd foot? )\Iust I delay tor a needles s s mull hours or th e nigh t, tbe telephol le. at his c illow 1'/lUI:. In.'!tead 01 makIng the bread at home. 6h et or paper while every minute "Will monsieu r show me tho 1'ln,;:?" Taking up the rec Ivor Mr, Hooker ParI!; Pallerll :-;0, 253G, All {'U !llS Agent Davis Bdds "It Is to t bls baking takes hIm nearer the s en coast and the French station officls.! qu(!slion ell . listened to tb,e apparon tly dl strncted All u\\'Cd.- r\U Y of the plain or flt 1'1ped rad e that our Americ an hanl·wh eat farth er from m e ? !ln't you see my when again in his private Quarle1'1i voice of Mrs. Galty, one of bls ' a' s ()1"ges, 01' bl'oadciOllls, \'(' n e tlI111 "ours nalural ly allpeal. Probabl y more causo Is bones t 1 Can't you underst and alone with the Americ an. Quall1tance8. Mr •. GaUy a ppear d lo 'lu t hI', lIlC1hlltr, Plluamn' cl(,th ur flail ' that I am no fu gitive- that I lI'ant only than one·balf Eng land's populat ion are Tho latter drew the jewel from hI, be grea tly oVElrwro ugh t and eXplained n('l will I1p I'e101' well in thi s t; ly le. II users of baker's bread reg ularly, aud to come up with this man? That be breast and uanded It with a powerfu l thnt a dreadfu l altemv t hnd just been may he CUI In niedlutn !Iweell 01' rOll nd has robbe d me, ' aod these formali ties magnifY ing glnss t o the Frencllm an. mnde to Dwint\1e bel' bread Is used as food to an el1:lenf, ont ot II sum of 1 'n ;,n h, nnd Is 'esl1 lally snltabl~ rur that help to cover h is flight Pore an ou t· "Look at th o heart ot the , slone mouey , thnt rhe alleged ~reator by one-thir o than In the Unlte ll ra~e against juslice . " swindle r had, ,11 skirt of till;! e!l rl~' autulIln suit , through the clnss," he 6a:ld, BOftly. States." From all lodlc~tions tbe old left a bandbaU behind, and woul ,1 Mr. ,),h e rutin S8 lit the fl'ou l a nd back Is "Pardon , mons ieur ; it the g ntlema n The 'offiCial did as h e was \lldden Hooller come up immedi world " '111 have a modera le whe at bas robbed you, It Is best tor you to ately and op D S\1" 1111 d by til Inv rted box 1I111lt: and, and trop this year. With the "bumpe r" walt here and let t he l aw~the 0111- biOI. a cry of aatooi8h m cnt escaped (he bag auf! discove r, If pOssible, too th 8kl rt I!I fi lted 10 Ih wnl st lin by LIJKEW ARM LOVER , ' • lJ nllt y of lbe guilty person. a darL over each hlp. Th e front of th e ,Ield promise d 'Dere It Is evident that clals, monsie ur-sea k him." "Monsie ur, it is divine!" ski rt 'rbe young lawy er hSlItily clapped ellher s ld ~ of lhe plnili s lrlmmed "The 111 w aga! n ! " the Unlled States will be aga1n In po· "Divin e! It Is the wo rk of God him· on hla bnt an d hastene d up to Mrs. with ' mall butt,o lls :\1111 loops of nnl' "Y es, monsieu r." 'IUOD to furnish BrlUsb and oth(l r s elf ! Is not He an artist!'" row soutach o braid . ' Th e I ulte rn Is (latty's fashi onabl e reside nce. "Thcn I have lost h I' forever !" The tonsum ers wIth first·cla ss foodsLu lfs. The- Frencbm an turned again t,o the He WIIS ush ' red Into the drawing In SC'I' t'I1 slzes-2 2 1<;1 :14 In ehcs w ulst travo.eler , who for some' t n minutes diamond In the l'lng o.nd Cor {uHy five room and the bag measur e , I~or 26 wnlsl t he skirt r e, was shown him. had been pleadin g wi lb the courteo ul Son-Ice In the medIcal depari ment mlnn tes gav'e It his unbroke n a~teli. Withou t fur t li I' parley the la wy er qul r!.'s , III! yar ds or tll l1t 1'1111 20 Inclle.offiCial to honor bls expired passpor t tion, IIcarcely breathin g, BlS 1t bo tre m· op ned the bag and Df the army bas boon made more at· and e xtract d a nice will , ·i ~ yurdn 36 Inch l< wltit! , 4% nllow birD to cross tram France bled to dim tor" momen t tbe magul· yellow le mon. Th n t he tractive by two measur es passed atlJle Into Spa in, sank light Droke Yllrtls 4~ Inch es wl tl e. or 3'4 ya rd,; 04 down upon II chair tylne giaBS or tbe In h ~,; wide. W"II h lIf l11w ,. Ilg limpid gem b ncath. I1POO III nUol'ne y nnd amid the l'eeent session ot congres s. The num· In the prh'at quarter s of t he Freneh UtAnd well might the ' jowel hold his I rlllgs which mallale nbo llt 4 ~ yards. ~er of medical o01:::erll 10 the lower railwny stillion and burled bis taee d trom Illll'e rent gaze, 101' In tho h eart of t he perfect recesse s ot lllo J)rocum thl R nllt ' ''rn Re n ,l 10 ,·,>n t8 ranks bas be'e n raised ~ 3QO, making In his hands. ol'awln g room he t To"Patte rn Dcp ur tlllon {O·carat stone, atti re d In simple Gro- bowed and \\~ ltlJdr W, o f th is p u pur . after declarin g " ' rlt n tlln (' IItlll tHl!Ir.,st~." plllln "Lost her, monele ur?" the official a total of 444 in the departm ent. The l)". nn,j bp cian cos tume, with a re d 1'OSO In the ' gracofu lly thllt 8\1ru l O KI U sh~ t' uml nUlUuCl ' o t putt "'rn. be Questio felt that the case ned, with a n ew sbow of Inte r- dark offi cer Is p,r omoted to tbe rank of caph all', luy ill repose the m~lIute, 'fhe Girl-Ye s, Willie, ] think we 'lS was sellled 'lnt] trusled that his cilont lain wllhJn three years of enlis tment, est. "Is It a lady'" eXQulslto figure of a ,,·omall. bette would I' call our ellgageru nt orr! be no longer "Yes! i1ls )1;0 turb , " 2536 ed. the , other groaned . "J:ie bat · IZE ... , .......... .. , Instead o~ five, will becoms a major In "Monsl ur, sbe?" Tlls Boy- Why, G ne vleve? A little Iqter ~rr s. Gatty recell'ed a robb 11 mo ot my wLfe !" a compar atively sbort lime, and will "Is human. " r"A'!IIE ... " . .. ........ .......... . . , . . .. '. .... " T ho Girl- Well, J'm just thi n.. u' bill fo r stlfl'lces made out In th o nsual "And Ole lad y !" "All !" reach tbe rank or lJeulena nt colonel, if that a ny mun th at can sit with hI" rorm. Und J' t he convic tion that tbiB "Is ,,,I th him." T W :-.l . . ... , . ... ... ... . ...... . , ..... ... .. . . ,. "Yes-a nd OIice a dh' ine and statel,. bill was m erely til not that ot colonel, be fore retirem en t. back to A girl, fiab lll' for four 1I011ri; "Pardon a gain, monsieu r; the gen· hn morou s r v nge woman." 'I'bls Increase d rapIdity of promoti on, t1c:man you seek journey ed alone. aln't very mucb In love ! .TnEI,: r AN D N'O ..... ,." ......... , .. .. by Mr. H ooke r for th e jok e play ' d Ab, "~J o lI slel1r , how?" upon him til bill wos pigeon hal d. tilth corresp ondIngl y grea~r jurlsdi.c· mensleu r is mlstakc n! He need not , . ... ...._ - -_.._ .. .......... _, ._ . .._ , , .. ,; _ "She was my bride, an d. as sbe re___ .. " -1 _ Death a of PresIde nt." Mu ch 0 her conster nation a shel'l If ' -TATE tlon ol'er ~ho health of tile soldiers , despnlr ! 'rake courage ! Tbe gentle· clined on e day within a large artlflda l appeore d r c ntty at Wnshln gtou's d ath was due (0 mnn jour neyed Mrs. a lone!" Ga tty's mus t appeal. to physicia n s who desire . crystal, diamon lU'ute laryngit is: Adams, Madlsou a nd d' haped- w were ' re- home an d served tlt e , papers In a "No, J s a)'. Sbo Is with him-an d all to serve tbelr country . Then, tw, the GIRLS' DRESS , WITH GUIMP E . h ears lng for an cnterta.l.ument In ror 'fees dn to )IIr. Hook r tor suit MOil roe, practica lly to old aga; J ft(> • h el pless sel'v, as the dead." )1crease In pay makes It poss ible for a which she was to appea r as tbe s pIrit ces: 80n, chronic diarrhe a ; John Quln .·) "Monsi eur!" ~hyslclan to enliSt wIthout doing In· of the diamon d-as she rcclined In, pa rnl>,sis; Jaeksrn , clro}l!\Y: The wholo city 'is Int er~ll' d In Law"1 say, yes-sh e Is wi th blm." ;ust!ce to his famil y. The young doc· the nt Litude wblch sh e IDOW ke.e ps, yer Hook r's pln n for r VI,nge Va n Bureu, catarrhn ] aaectl ons 01' "In spirit, monsi eur?" and fac. somebo w- l don 't know e'tnotly how, ' Ions h:w ' alrearly been {orm ed, tor wll1 receive a ~alary ot $2 ,()00 a lhe t.b roll\' anll lutig's : Wllllnlll Henr. "In body." but I t bink tllat the crystlill in Which Harriso n, ple urI sy; Tyler, clluse of ,.ear at the begInni ng, rising at each "Will monsieu r explain ,to the om· deuth not given by blogl'up hers; POrk, rank till he r~cei ves $4,000 as colonel. c1sls how the gentle man He Was Not Surprl.e d. has robbed ell01 ra: Taylor, hoi rn morbus . com· h Increase ot ten per cent. In salary hlin of his \VUe? We have the toleJUBtice Brew!'!' at th e nlt e d S tatell blne'd wltb n sever cold ; Fillmor io. 'a made every five years tor 20 years, graph anil roay the ge ntl eman detaln suprem e cou rt Is credited wIth th is by paralysI s : rlcrce, d roptl Y; Dnollan an, ' the l\liIwau k ee Seo Linel: A mlllwrl gilt but the maximu m payor colon els Is before he reachos the sea coast. But rh u11lullc goul ; LIncoln , Oarfield and was COllV rled to lhe ways of thinking S5,0P-0 and"of majors ,4 ,OpO. Iii addl· If monsie ur will listen, be will learn McKlnl <,y, n ~sas Inal d: Johnson , pa· ot a s ect which pertodlc ally was In· tion, the governm ent provId es a ' house, how the ge ntle man was not accom· ralysls; Gran L. cancel' at the root or s\>lred with a rOl'eJ,:nowledge o.t the ",'ith necessa ry ,h eat and light , lI.nd fur· panled by a. lady, nor by a s ervant at.the tongne: Hayes. neuralgia, o( lh. immine nce of the day of doom nUll tend ed." DIshes hOl'ses when they ar., ueeded. heart; Art hur, heart trouble , and Denset the lIato, prepal'l ng for Gabrlel 's "The lady Is dead!" came the amaz· jamln Harriso n, pneumo nia. greeting . T~Je date ,was set and the tng r eply. Empero r William of German y came day came. 'rhe millwri ght donned h is . "Dead, monsie ur!" exclaim ed the ot· Largest Rock Crulher In OperatI on. Into possess Ion In 1899 of the' rulps ,of ficlal. "A.hl" white robe and went out Into th e fi'llds A doubt as to the other,'8 The lars st rock crusher In l'he the ancient taudal cnstle of Hohkonlgs.: sanity s eemed to strike lo a\vnlt the coming meeting wllb the the J.Tench· world was recently thrown Into Olleracelestia l th rOng. 'fhe. day p'a ssed uu· burg, nenr Schlettl ltadt, In Lowen AI· .man and be ' looked a.bout uneasily . tion In n ceme nt mill at Sonlh l'ltl l>' til It was lale In the ,afterno on, and .ace. He commis sioned ' an antiqua ry ."Wlll monsie ur read to pass the burg, Tenn ., and It crushes, nil th-. the millwri ght having arisen at the to restore It to Its conditio n before It time?" be quesUo ned. rook ns d by a 4,OOo.barrel plant. · s troke. or inldul~b t on the morn of was destroy ed In the elghte3nth celi· , "Read: " ' The Americ an tra,'eler The 'mnchlrt e has an hourly ca pilCH}! tbe e ventful day, grew drowsy, and. of 800 tons and 60 per cent. ot the tury. The complet lQn ot the Vfork was lauhhcd an unlllell6 ant laugh. Then tllrowln g himse lf down upon a pile of product Is In IJleces four inchell ' <II' celebra ted tbo ' other day by medIev al hIs smotbel 'ed Impatie nce broke out. bay, fell a s leep at his watcb: Boys "Can'~ J toHow hIm on toot without less and 30 pe r cent. In pieces tw o ceremo nies In ~e presenc e .ot ~he em· dl8cove red blm, and, with tile natural a passpor t?" Inches or less. The orusber In 19 feet lIflror and empr.'ss . The town, 'I\'ilh Its mischie vousnes s of boys, s et , fire to In height and welgps 426,000 POU!ldl!. "No, monsie ur; DOt Into territor y 10,000 Inhabita nts, was gn.Ily decorat ed tho bay. The smoke a1ld tJle heat Spllnl sh:' The hopper Is 20 tee~ In diamel T, ' loon woke the s lumberi ng millwri ght, tn honor of t.he occasio n, and , the 800, The operatio n of this machin e alon. "May death stop him then!" the oth· and, sitting up with a start, h e cried people who took part In the feudal er cried with raQulres 29 horse power. uplifted hand" .. . with tho anguish of tbe lost: "Just as pagean t were highly commen ded by Tho Frenchm an's suspicio ns deep· I expecte d! In h-, alter all! " Honesty No Bar to Fortuna , the empero r. The restorat ion ot such ened i but, coul'leo us even "uris Pnttern ,No. 2603. All eams to a mild· It is n II1lstaake to think thnt ~1It;t Allowed .-Ve ry stylish and ndnptllb l ' c:aaties Is ,,"orlh wkHe, b ecause tbey man, he only begged tbe other to have There Was a Glint of Steel, It 8harp , Old PersIan City, [0 1' school or mOl'e dressy we tll' I!I thi s fortun es cannot bo built up by honest remind one of h.ow far the world haa patleftce. Report, and HI! Pitched Headlon g. Persla'fl ancient city of Tobl1l:, one mod " d I'elop er! In blue linen, with J1\ ~ tllod s. Th ey can and orten aro:. progres sed toward 'the Ideal condl· "Yes, I know you think I rave/, the of the scenos of recent \'Iolence In trimmin g bands uf blue .nnd whil e Th ()~ are thousun ds ot men amongUOIIS. The highwa ys of Europe are no American broke tn, passion ately; "and she Waa Imlll'lso ned had been made of the sbah's dom lnlolls, cnn hardly be linpn. 'I'll fullu e~s of the waist ' " whose riches there doca not mlngh, longer In/ested with rol:>bel'1l, and the you would think me mad It I told you an unknow n sand, with soqae' strange saId to hlll'O el'er enjoyed a quiet lite, put Inlo the yolte band hy IIU1'row o:le pur: lole of the 8weat of nur ... feudal lords havo long ceased making the whole truth. Yet I say be has In'be rent quality -someh ow a bolt ot. When Turk and Turcom an and Per- tue lts stit ohed ,to UI C wal Bl lin In the quI ted toii, on whose crimson pIn. I I'ol,lbed nle of mY wlte and she Is with lightnin g leaped out fora ys upon thel~ n eighbor s. of the clear sky, sian wer e ullt .shakln g the old walls buck, and abonl hult way down rh e there Is not ono drop of the heart ' blm in pe rson. You, yourself , ' saw tha,t mysteri ous crystal 91~emed to wit", btl\terlu g rams tho ea rthquak e frollt. '1' lJ e full skirt Is !lUnche d t u blo~d of lhe ne.,dlew 0man, wholle lofl At a frunous ball &iven at t.he Lux· her." draw down upon ilselt all the electrl- WI1S having Its Innln!:'. The public the \\'111. t ' und el' the b elL, 111111 :\ bnnd ball s !u'e tbe ml\~ble of Industry , not embour g, MOle, 'Talllieu wore a Greek , "I;'ardoll , monsieu r; I saw h er noL" city In beaven, and whcn I fonnd my building s beal' u'aces oC this sort . of of lhe striped Hnen ,Is 'set In II tw een tb o sinews and bone , of the to llinll. "Did 110 not wear a great diamon d sight agllln ' this diamond coslum.e, caught up at te e side, San, I,ay at ttIy violence - not.ahly the Kabud I\!nsjld t.he tllcks and hem liS a trimmin g. Th e masses. - 'Or. Madiso~ C. P eters. upon his halld?" feet." ':"bll1e mosqu e---cons tl'uclell of won· gn llllpo Is or white lJJwn . ,. The pattern , ttals on b er feet showed magniO cent "lIIolI~ i e ur Is right." FRIEND LY TIP ".-\nd, monsieu r, thla la your bride?" del'fully 'Ill'abit~que d blue tiles; while Is In fiv e slzeF, a;lx to foul't een yem's. cllamon d rl nss on the toes ot'llach toot. "Tb e'n -" Restore d Hope and Confide nce. "Yes!, the FOI' , citadel n yosl" gil'l gapeR A le creat n with yeaI' )IaSEllon itB th eartilq.u e' uhook dress akeI\R Ho'l\' dreadfu lly un comfo rtable It must " It was a pool ot ligbt; 'mon sieur," t he !lpeaker and bls voice bll',ol:e pain' riven sidell. Althoug h the Anglo·r n· In fron t view requlres . :1\1r YIIl'd~ of be; wa lk In r ln'gs, even dltlmoncl continu ed the Frencbm Afte l' several yeai'll or Indlgc,S II II an . ,"Ah, it Is fully. "'rhe torce ·of the Ughlnin r, dian tEll egl' ~ph runs through Ule city, malerla l SO Inches IVIIle , wl~h five· r1ri J:s! But It this "tancy dress ball" mons l ur's jewel, and so lov ely that be compre,s sed that crystal and 'h er' swe~t It Is not liS (n the:"anc lent dnys wilen It e ighths yllrd ot Rtrilled matpl'ial :IIi Rnd its nttenda nt evil Infl" onee on I be rig must be adopt ed by OUI' fllShlon· caJls It his wife!" bod)' Inlo whllt yo u see...... lnto uIUmar e was known ;tS the "gloriou s Tan1'19." , Ihch('s witit'. T he glllmpe 11 'cd ~ lh l'e!' Tlllnd, It Is not very surrl'isln;:; tlla,1 vlatild women, wily not ha\'o Indt'an " Tt Is my wife!" came the amazin g form ." Tbe new Russlnll I'allway has,de prlved YIl!"d s .I , inchps wille, Clr 1 % )'II I'd ::t one finally loses faith In t hings &f'o, . el'ally. toe rings brough t into \'ogue at onee ! reply. "Mo1;1 sJeur, it II • jo\\',e1 Cor . a It of much oC Its Importa nce und t he In cllt1!1 wide, AN. Y. womnn writes nIl Inte:!'.stl nJ; F or 11 mom ent the other lI'as wbolly deity." ) ha'le seen some lovely ones, explain s leatller merc .. <ll1t s and silversm iths To nrOl'lI ro IhlH na tt rn send 10 (' Pontl! . letter. She &aY8: to "PUI " ' rn n 'p'.rlrnelfl," or lhtll P Up ilI'. e ke out a • wr,ler In the Boston Globe, but th ey nonplus ed. pncurlo ns Theil liveliho he Question ed: od by en· Write' anti tL(]drc9~ plulnly. n n('l be Tbo otber ~ade no Immedi ate reply, "Three y~ars Ilgo I surrererl rrom sm:" to ,glvf' were kept In a coll(,cto r's cabin t, al· "Haa monsieu r wedded a jewel?" nnd l,umlJpl' of p a l tern. but, stood looking upon th e exquisi te guglng lu a little smuggl ing. an ntt"ack of periton itis whle11 leIt m ~ "No-I havo 'vedded no jewel. That torm In the 4la11l,ond l.bougll on e ot the mos t art Is tle !tns as a lover looks hi n most mise rable copdHlvl... Ii'o ~ Ladles FIrst, been made over to tit t ho finger oe Ull stone, I say, ' is no j ewel! It is a wom· i'nto the' face o( his be loved. Finally, :\0. 2503. Sl~'F. :" .. . .. ... .-.: . .. over two years I a ulY(>re ~ frolll nen·· an -m~' wife-fl esh and blood! Ah, he 8~ ld: "She Is not dead to we, and Two miners were 'returnJ og rrom a ardent admirer at Orienta l ar t. ous"es~ , weak . beart, ahorh ~e so (It bonor tho pnsspor t and let me go!" . ~ A ~I J:l .• , .. .. ....... . ......... . , ..• : .. ... .. '" wIille [ thus have her with me I caro lecture at the \'llInge Ins titute, when brellth, cpuld 'not sleep, etc. Befo re the F"renebm an could an. not what I SUrre l'." ono of Ih eill. afell' a ~hol1 ghtrul 'I'OWN, pause, . ... ........ .......... ... " , ... , : . ",. "My a:ppeUte was raVe"OIl::1, lmf [ D·r. Wn~y, governm ent ch emist , swer the sudden c langing of a bell" H .! took tho ring from the hollow remark ed : lelt Rtarve([ all the time. 1 hlld Jlien!y made a ~peech a t the NalJona l lIakers' A. hi Ss of escapi ng S T RE'f.: 'l' A1'\I~ 1'\0 ...... .... :, . ... ... : .. . steam Imd the rum· of his hand and was about t.CI place It :'Say, Bill! J (luau'! BCo 'th e Deces· ot food but It · did not nout'lsh ~(: Associa tion In Atlantic CIt ~, lhe other til e of car wheels wa,s beard without . ull"n his finger- th o diamon d Inward 81t'y 0: bl'!llI;l llg chans trae I,onrlon io b('!:nuae or Inlestln al Indiges tion, :l\t ed· S 1'A';£ ... , . . , .. _..... . .. ; ..... , ........ , ... . clay, In which 110 gave that bOdy SO UIO , i.lolh m ' lI rushed to tho door and out - when the lovnly jewel 611Plled' from tandt liS ahoot manuel's In t he 'orne! Ical t1'eatme nt ' dld not 'seem t" h ,l )" t!J(celient advice a s to the milk ing of upon th o ,platform . An engine with hIs hoW and fell til the floor. AR It ''':e alu·t 91] bad 'a~ I'ha t feJI~r made ' I 'got discour aged, stopped lIlodl l'iD bread, but wh en he ass!'rted thaI' ·uny· thrce pass(!ng ei' eoacbes ouU" attach ed camo In co ntact with the hard WeB, No~etl of Small D~!).omlnatl~n. II,JId. pll~, not care mucn whethe r ~. Ih'ed " Of cotirM 1\'1' a ln't:" replied nm. thing lha t Is n't fit to c> at wb cn ra w drew lu io tb Illation from the wrong there WRS a slight explosl Vo sound IJnnl; note~ ' ~orth ' abollt olic-hal f or dloo. "Nol hy a long ,.,'uy,'" went 011 the I: ' 1)1, Pilch el l'culale ([eel), Isn't fi t to Cllt wh eh Cll0kcd ," waBII't tic dIrectio n lind contrar y to omelal lime. anti a s howe r of mInute scintilla ting "Ono .:lay a , frien!! . asked me w l y 1 1'1l Pnrllli:lItlr . o\'erdra wllli!' It a li llie? What about What W~B wrong~ 'rhe meu were IlBl'tlcle s s eeme:l to burst fr om thl> first,' "1 ne\'er !l wears beror" my I t. \Ii1 (l~S l \\'0 notes', t po get on "s .boiltH dl"""t ~r Gl'np~NlIf lJ , ' ~top dr lnt, lo· solln to learn , Two cOZlches trom the r.ll1g Itself and scatter ('1 ,.w ot! , and 'lA'ht, to IlaY I II 1I0 ~ tag oom!e" and uso Post urn, I ho :1 10llt patat os? like du :'! t on tbe wife--'" And grl'cn corn? ' Aud pa.r of the train ' which had drawn out all', "1"0" 1ll0re tl [\,n't L!" put ' Ill Bill ' ur II lUI 1(,1' lo llll1ltlu,ult )' .helled be aus ? Ig t he doc lor 111 lhe ot Ollt· of faith III everyth ing, but to pl c D ~e my . of th e l,;tatlon about half an hon r be· Wah a cry of borror. ' the }\1l1c I·iran. "I l.lIfJ S . ez ladlc s rUllt! That'll me," til 8e HUl P.R \\' ~11 f'tlY. In 6(\11F.OII, f riends 1 besan to UBI! both lUlU ' /1001) ,bablt or eatin g th em rnw? furc hnd brok u from their co uplings stooped ' anti snatche d Tlt·ill! 1';. oragg 1\, I hr{"(f banllnas . 01' a WU becaru.oJ v ry tonG of them, ' lry th o rin g". 'rho and heeu wrecked aud, a 1I11[h F1'e nch ' diamon d was gone :nelon, . . "It wn~n't long berore I got sc·rne u tterly rrulll ItB One ot - tile elTectil- ci r the German ol1\rlul bef ng among ih!) n'lmber In- cettlng! IIttengtb A , 'elt a deolded 'chaone In m)' Half·Ma de ' Refor. m . old-age peIUllon sc;heme Is ralher pe- Ju rpd, th e enginee r had ' 1'lIn!rsed his "My God!" Not Worth Talking About. !;~' ptom, hope IIpTIIllg up In my henl t ],'renC:,1I l'c.odlr.- -I wOlldor \~h,. tbe, culiar, The peuslon Is forfeite d it the englnl) ~lncl returne d ror surgica l aId 'rhe word was a. lib rlE:k. anti th\,.. mll1.7.IC only clogR? ' Milch 'ado Is bcln~ Dllldo o I'1l I' tbE' II:ld Dlo'l','ly but surely I got b't.ter, ,I ,_orkm an docs not wo rk 48 or 49 weeks In to F'r !lch territorY , .~merl ~n stllgger cil ba ~ k ngnlnqt Ihe Blenbel m Sraulcl -Wlrut mnlles you raC't Ihnt s l;lll III "diabolo " ha s won a . could sleep very well, the ConRlll : OestJlt , tli e tragi C n!lture of this reo wall, his fnce drawn wl:h out ot the 62 on an ave r:l~(E'. aud t Ws slImnl!!r &11'1 II h'l~ll11nd , GII:I ~ \\'ho ,,' In ora"ln ,~ (or toad cans I d and I hll\'" l1nsl:leuk able iVolldar lbq: ? " pro\' islon has been u deterre nt to tllrn. the Am I'!can gave a crY or joy agony. J,'rench Poorlle -I have jUilt beeu liU, lhelrs by t;ldll In Brc 100 beU r health no~ tha1/ beforo tbe &1· ,wd li P-Gri n snn among the puatr1Us. numero us to receive mention nowada ys. tuck of peritonl tlll, 'tMonsleur~ Monsle\ll'~ :\lonr.:t' t:r!" lin" I.llrot;gJ} a rn,'1hlolillble 1.(3. ~en g<'1's for tho fu giti ve-the fulle --\\' D.J!hlngton Post.. "My IInBbaud and I IllO sHI1 1I1;1n,; The ."merh: an:s rIght haud made a JllptlO Is makinG au atu>mllt at loce;. rrlen t! ,1\'1.0 hIlt! ,'obbpd him or bls Quick backwa l'd moveme nt. tlrapc·N utB and Po~tum." "Tbere 's" ' Art Impo:-ta nt Dlatl~ ' Ion. .ou,-e conltru ction, As aD expert· rin G. Loat In thl Mall. lteaRoD." "She Devor died tlll D01ll'!" bo cried ""Ia~ dott v>'ith n uew 11I~: \1.IC-IlCt • That rrlentl Wa:J not to be found "Ob, my Ood!" AD ambilto ul French anthor "'rote a Name given br Polllum Co:. RaUll' '.', _Dt. live englnea are being buLlt at Imllng the lI~lng, ... It be \\'&JI ;llIad," lIlIld the t'ruld "Itnor aD)ong the In. book., which he oalled "An EpilUe to ()reck. Mich. Re~. "'rha Tberll was a ,;I',nt of steel, UIe ~YOCO Rall,...l" woru. One · iI lured, nod four or ll:e Rc:sd to li1.en, ' five d~ad had re(JOJ't. and. a, tho FreDcb Po.terh Y," and handed eoauVltltf'1l and ID US l', 11 ..1111 IAllo/ ..,· alr.ou tly been l ""'"," a,1-!v.. rrnd lbe rr"1,, or Ilrt!lolh,. c:rltlc:IRm, "Sir," ,;ald to Voltal~ I'or "'..:1v11le," In pkp. from . the' rear forward.. the either Ditched till! willy aad ..war read tlla .bov. lett.. , ~ new iIM'~'. "not., uia,1. OIIlf . ,UlllaR ':'- IDRUC!loQB !loal, "tbat 18 • lettftr toMb I:) l!to ILa!loll,1 Would th. AttJa to 1111 feet.. • £1611 blob appea, . frOm 'Ima to tllM. The" \\'HhlniI --e+e - -
CtD S\aI'.
,.911; '1'. ~l to itt
f.t~,,=-:II~~I~............ fulf Of hwnq
(1ffITlltRrJ!" "#lIl1l1l1fJTllfCLIf(IIIL PfRlrJ/11lJ/II!7CRfI&5I//iTt
"--"0mountain's THE easunl observer the seem a type of
T "'I!'I'I""!!!!iI
eternity. We naturally speak of the bills as "ever· lasting." A ta vorl te mode of expressing tUplrC eter· nlty 18 to' say . I as long as the world enduretb," Even to the astronomer, wltb his most perfected Instruments [or measurement of both ..._ _. . space and forcs, no varia· Hon In the diameter of either the earth {)t· the BUD has been discovered. This, lJowever, 18 not because no changes , Ilre taking place, but becauae they ar9 ,1\0 slO\v and milD 80 sllort·llved that tuey do not make themselves percel)' Ible to our dull Benses. In reality there Is no absoluto unl(orrulty In. na· ure. Everything Is changing, To·mor· 'ow will not be like to-4ay, Bud to·day Is not like yesterday. What were th conditions a mUlion years ago and what will be a million yesl's hence Ill' lIugely matters ot conjecture. SUI I IVO have data enough to make Sllecu· lation Interesting, It aot porfectly COil' eluslvo. It 18 estimated thnt If all tbe matter f 11 tile aollu nyalem bad bee.n mo \'ln" (rom the IItmost bounds of space towards the center at the sun, I t would furnish heat at tile IIr sent rate for only 18,000,000 years. But it Is proba ble that formerly the radlaUon of tho
TN.£" C/.1:r"q'C/-,YoM iN WHIC/! ' THE NOON , WAc:) BORN . . .. ,
\\'h ri It fllled much larger sllace thnn now, wal" mllos wide, ' he l1ndll thnt at lhe pr, sent rull>. the lotal realer t.han ·at . present. It Is a rather startling tBel Uiat thldmess of rocks would bo tormed ",IUlln the hb:lvEl ,H the sun'B heat ,w ere Increased by mucb more thal\ mentionod length of time.' For, at, tbe Ilr sent rate or 61'0' QlIo·half It would boll away ,all'tho water on, tbe glob/), . slrin ot ' tho couUnehts: th'e whole laud IllIrface of the As ~ater I,s ljeCeBSar)' to lifo' oh tbe.' gl!lbl': oarth. Iii lo,,"cred one foot In -3,000 years ..null the sediment Prof. Newcomb; oilr great authority lit WaHhlngtori,rt.hlnk'lI \ deposited nlong the sh'oreil of the cooUnents,. One foot 'that "tbe balance , of causes, which .woulll rosulL In tbe ' (r\1m' 6i,OOO,OOO square miles (thG I~ud 8!irface of " tbo , ~un tadlatlng beat juet f~~t en9ugh l,rcll,er:ve the ,' P.8rtb)~ "ls ellllal to 19 teet- depo~l(ed ' Iq 3,OQO Y,eal'8 qver , l'al'(h In Its present slate ~1\8 IlI'obably ,'not existed more' the belt Iitl'e~c'l1lng 30 ,miles ou t from 100,000 miles of ,t hnl\ 10,QOO,OOO year',," and 'that thls ' llt thorMore "near ~bore' lI~e; 177,200 divided by ' 10 multl'pUed by 3,000 ,f ho extrell\o limit of tim!! that we can 8uj,pOSO wat~r to' (<Junls 28,000.000. -.11,a\'c exIsts\! QD th.e ear,t h In the ft,uld state.": " ' ~uch 'Is ,tiie l'educUOI!- :,to !.be age ut the wOJ:liI mado Dut though U~e matbemat)ulans. '1081s.t that ,lIome sueb ' by lll~ inore recent la:vestigatlons Doth of BtI\rOnOmer8 limit as 10,000,000 '20,000,000 years m~~t t>e plnc:ed and geologist». ,Assuming tbe trllth ot the nebUlal' Ity· ~pOD tbe, exlRt~Dce of eyen ' tbe 10west l:C?rml or. Ute ,o n POth~.lj18, Prot. George H. Darwin oblained results remark· tbe enrUi', ~eoIOIlIB.tB l~tI.J eontenp for a loqer Il1n,!e or ably .fmllar froui 'calculatl9Ds col1Cl)rnll.1g thtl relations limo, ' Ressonlug from the , tno~ rate, ilt whl!3t. (orms of the moon ,:to tbe earth, The ,moob produCl€!II' tides up· .Ot' IIfll' change, t>al'w,n !l'Dd Lyell a ..umed that It must , on the earth, and converaely tho earth must \lrpduce Udes )tave b..oel1 on ~ho earth fO,r many hundrl!d ml,lIlon yeaI'll. , upon tbe moon. All 1\'as long aBO shown these tides reoar,wlll, lndlKld, In lila earlier edltlpnl of "Tb'e 01'l,In of , tard lbe, dally motion <If the revolution ~f these bodies. Species," IPeakll 01. 360,OC)0;00() years Ill! a mere trtlle ''I'lI~ thll!l-are equ1!8lent to 'a wave on toe earth .about -of ,eologlc time. O~t the 10010gl818 .'of tbe llrt:e,o nt three> t~t bJgb, strtldn~, twlc~ a ' on tbe eastern , lIay are 'more m'od~~i III their ,demandl,' and WOUld, ap' Bhctte of the ,GOiltlnents. Thillbae the .. me etrec~ Iia a 1)arcntly, be raUe8eel 1\'Hh 10(1.00D,OOO or twlco that num, lilue on • ""heel, and Imve.~pUblj, b)1t surel,., retards ber of yeara , Alfred Rullsell Wallace, howover; from UI motion, Ai the mooD la rpuc~ IImaller tban ,tl.e ejrth polo,l¢ cvldel;ce, calculates ·lhat 30,000,000 yeare I. and heDOB baa leu lIlomeDtUm. Ita inotlon has been ar· an lbat need I)e demt)lldecl for the tlC~ of fecteel much more b7 Ita tides than hall tbat or· the 'earth. Wanace's eat!mate III an Intfl'Olt1as one. TUllis Ute· "'.~ ooce reY01~ on Ita 'f-rJ :apldly. tbloknen or tbe .lidhneDtal'J, l'l'Ckll at UT,JO'Hee" wbleb .It IIO~ whole IIlODtb to revolye, a .1 I 10 Iteepe '"!11 m ,
0" ,
u.. ........
' y<'ar, ur (I milo In 25 YOllrs-four ll\i1e!! a centu,r~: , T!lOUgh Ing cantlE.'S llrO(luec Imml)nso result wHhln 'Iha t I,er!olt. t his IS to!) small 8 11 amollnt .to ba\'e beon nq~cd by" any All Darwin remarks : " Few or us kno 'N what It mlllto. present. means of ' ,In CtlSUremeu t since Ilccul'ate o!Jservlt· really meanlj, Take a nunuw 8lrl l' or IJUper ~3 teet lIoo!! began to be JJJ'!lde, It Is by no means an Inslgnlfi. four Illches In length and slrclck it alollg lhe wall 01. c1\ut amoltli . ' a larg!') hall; , t!Ien mark oft at oll e (md the to'nlh ot nil By, D:lI'w\.u·s calculntlon 'It ~a8 ShOIVD that formerly tl}e inch. 'rhls tenlh or , an Inch will r present lOO yea .... earth r evolved Oil Its a'xl8 ' onco every , \'l Ight 110\11'3, bllt and the strip n rillllioll yeul',s ," Bearing lhls In minI!. , was reduced to Its }lresent rate by the ,SnID~l pI'OCe~s tlia't 'We shall a\ll)reclnlc th e f!)\lowlng calculatious COll cerll,has re6ueed Lbe mloon. lug t.he grent length of the I,':eologlcal periOd s evon oa, At ,the time whon the mOOll and earth wero rev{.lvlng Mr. Wallnce's estimate of tho lCltn l length or geological 80 rapidly they )Vl!re nwch noarer.: to eacb other thnn time, nnd they ~: ill soem sllmcl~ntlr long [or ,all necOlt' I d t t h sa ry purpos os. ' , ,now; ndec , so ncar hn I\,e , tides ,tlley prodlloe ,l ' on Dana esti mates the "ratio fJr tho ~aleozoi<', Mesoeach olliel' were m.any Umes as great as tl10Se DOW Ilro· duced; ' 1M) great '(n'\leed was t\;l.o tidal wave whiCh then will and Cenozoic periods to be ll! ~ 3: 1;" thnt, Is. Ceno. ,rolled ovel' the world that It Is hardly possible to ' sup. zoIc times (the time since tbe htlglnnlng of the ter'f f r Ilf0 cou Id h ave en d ured the con· . 2000000 tlary period) Is one~slxteQnlh of the , wbole, ' or about ,IJ9Se ' th a an:,: "~~l1Jt , 0 ' ' 1\'.C8UIf.ocme I tI (th IIIlIon8 • , , yenls, • e a ge 0 r th e ,preY" /', ' alenco' or reptiles), would he about tbree· slJ:l~enths of , GOln~ ~urther l't!r, Darwin proved that tha' moon was the time, or 0,000,0.0.0 yeara, while PalaDOzoIc tlme~ ol'lgtnl\ h thrown off from tho masl of earth 'J;>y the In· would be nbout three.fourtbs of the tlnle' tbat " aboll' creueil cODtl'llugol moUoa of the contracthllr aphere of 20,000.,0.00 yaJira. " tho earth, as ",:ater Is thro,wn o~ , from a «rlndstone., It, ,however, we should be compelled to accept t " Furthermore, b) ,hll calouJal.on" of tbe retarding Inllu· calculation. of Prof, Newcomb. tbeBe would llave to once of tbe tides, h,e ,provea that thlll could not have ()Co Jte rednced more thon one-half. curred l!fB Ihan IiO,OOo.,Ooo nor more than l~,OOD,OOO Bul thl1/ acclImulatlnlr facts concemlD, the rspldltt yean a~. All geolior:lc tlme, th~rofol1l, must be broulbt or ,t he 11"IDn of Ilr-4\aent r:tologlcal forcea seem to _ n~"cb wllhllllh08e IllmUI, for after ."e hlrth of the mnon polnUnc toward lheee lower utlmate8, and to malle I' an Immensely 'oDIl perIod mUllt haye ela.1I8d borore entlrely cr~lble ' tbat the earth baa Dot been nita.... l~ condftlonll each upon the earth that life cCtUld (or the existence of man for verYIII.nJ tholll&Dcl 7"'" . bave ""'lUted All ~l ~.. calcuJatla.1 .,reo S. l'be looie eSUIJlAle In whlcb hundreds of thoUADCII 01 II. '....:hbla w1~1l. t~ 01 Mr. _W~I.n• .and l'OH are IlIIslped to the udttcancie of tb. blUUD. , laka UtUa &oeOut of LIJ<& nat !acta ftlClb . . ' toll1lllQl~
. -
White's Store. News. I
fal\cy Head Rice. lib•. 2Sc.
( n e of the plotltl'lUt featurfIB Of 'l'here i~ ti ll food h eapor and tho BOUle.Cowing day ~, t Boll brook h ea l~hier than good ri ce, Quick, Monday wus a gume of bu,\1 between I)r . Elli on and fa'\!lily ~re P 1111· II.lil:!s 8.eleo Buc,kle~ of Du,:vt oll is f{ 'v. and MI's. McMillan of Van the Mlatnls ~nrt the Bellbrook team, Iy alld easi ly di~~stccl - ?eoel1cul ing Ii we k with r elative, III Adams th ~ glle!lt of Miss ~,evo Motrltl. Wart, Ohio, attended ' the mpton' \ c .)lmt y , Many from h ra IlHenued the Slll" Mills reunion held here on Saturday This gUlI'o II! the fourth one played l o 01(1 \111 Joung. sbin M ·Donald visit d his sister pri e on Mr. Ellrl 'illll~()l1 Friday and conducted the servIces on Sun- by thoa", tellUla t hi s yeur. '£!le drst. That Good Oil. 15c a. ga:l. Winona in 'lumbu 11Il;t week, "'ay. uue Wil t! won t)y W tL;rn sVIl1e, u t . Mr and ' MI'K Lew ears enter~ : Mi8s Minnie ~n()wden of' Duyton f?lH1i~eshl dra ~nd:~t~·thaMlcPt!le~«?n Be\lbrnuk, the ~ec(lnd-R. 15 inning YOll will r 1I1l' ll1he r the la,ined Louis Ho~,' Illld brid , and H tb gue t of Mr, J , '1'. Bnit·C1 nnll O. I~. ~n ar Villi mg re a lve", 1Il gRille Wut! 'won oy Bellbrook here; quality or' this 1)11 on a ' ·Ollut . 01 y Mrs. Howe'811d daughuwofBurton .l fRlllily . . , thl ' VIClnlt . . , thethird oll Willi won hy Wtlyues- itsbrillaut li~htlllg IVIII: nller ville fr In Friday \I)ltil unday. . Mr . •J. I :. 'uouiogh " 1Il iM tlgtllll 91!bert Arnold and famIly of Port Quite a number from h l'e auen~- ah,le to be Ollt. " Wllh~m w re ~nday guestso!Isaac ville at howe, llnd MondllY's glune- the price is fllrg(lllell. ed the State fair Thul'Sday and Fri. Mr ,N 11e Sowa.rd h"s r umed Lyt.Je. s. . . , &ii 8-ioniug oC!ntest-by Bell brook. Golden Syrup, SOc a gi\.l. Llay and all reported ' a ~ood time, ber work at the exoblulge. QUite a large number of thiS. Vlcm· 'fhe gume wns hotly oontestlld, ami Among t hose who went were Mr. Ml' , Robert Au tin snd Mls!l Urllce I~y ~ttended the Home om mg at \Vnll won b.V Bellbruok, bv It. sco ru of hav e a demand for ~Ill\le· Iloud MI'll. Will Harvey, Mr. and MI's : Turner littendecl the mlnetl.:.e l ho II' [xema la~t week. 1:1 to iii '.rhls ma.kel:! two gtllllell thing than thl' Ill'llinary Brice Smith, Mr. an~ Mrs. Cha!!. Ed· I\t the ViotoritL th tl ter, DnytoD, Walter Wilson and wife were the for 011 b, I~D (I it oll l;'ilt, 1,0110 piny II ·y rup. ur "Moruing' (';loI'Y " wards. Misses Eva ,Tucker, Mary "\le~d"y avenin/( . g uests of Jes,se Starbuck near Do· otf before the seIU\OU clo!l~!I, " urand I lhe Vtll'y 11 s l hi g' hly rl'!Lev ic:y , Minnie Burgett,. Hel en Rev , Becker pretlohetl the Bailie . vel' last week. . . HarriS, Bertha ,H~rlan" Cassie ~ra: Uomiug sermon in t,b Pres\)yterinn Mr. and MI'S. Ig. Mills of Iowa The' footure of the ga DIe WfiS t,lUIB tiued sugar and corn ::Iyr llp. ham, Messrs. ha. T~cker, Frank churoh tlunday ' were here to attend t he Comptoh. oommuled-threa hours nnll oue Harri , Harold Hams ami Budd R ev. H I1rpel', ' pns t or tI f th e M. p " Mills reunion Iluif -Dud tbe lIumeroul\ rror", nlld Cinne.mon Bi\.rk. " --... Coli ?tt, . , cit n rclt wi II move to W Ilynesfield , I Most of the schools begin to·day . mis plays. 5c a bundle. MISS Be:tha Har!un YISIt.ed Prof. Ohio. \Vb re he e. p ctll to l)renCb , Miss Minni e Burgett'of Harveysburg .-,--_ If y OIl hav~ lI eVl' r lri ·o uur ' a teacher of experience wiH teach ~ ILL SELL OUT HERE. Reynolds III CedarVIlle SatU1'oay and th e oilli ng year. Sunday. Rev Lt! 'Inlr of tltlbl nR Ohio will Harmony Grove and Mr. Galloway ~ tic k ci n n amoll, \YOU It! i.Je "I ad Budd Collett was t he lucky OI~e t,o. pHIII I; in the M. p , ohnr :11 t:lu~rlll'y of Xeni!l a grnduate of the High Mr A Brown will have n sale to have you eOllwai'c It wilh au draw the ru~ at C, & D. l.evlcy. s JI'I ()1'nin ~, ~ptOlll ber J :1. l\}O . '. school Will teaoh Buck RU~ j . of household goods and effecls Sat- you tnlly haye. store. . . . l\h'!I, M.. Edwards hnll purohlltl d I Mrs. HOI'~c~ Compton VISltj~ JesMr:. an~ Mrs. J~lIt. MorriS VISited tlto prope rt,y on ~out.b Main s\I't'let, ..e Qmpton S 111 Dayton last. w~ek. urday eptell\bel' 19th, prepal'~to\'y fOr The LUl\ch Buket. relatIVes m Waslunglon .R. Satur- \lltoly Olvn od by .I oseph Minegl\tl ! Earl Steele .of Ne w MeXICO IS at to moving West Watch fOr bill!:! " ' ............ oJ't¥ • • ••• day and Sunday. ' ',l'bo ,11'. , . A . M. lLOd K , f 1', the h ome of ESth l' Compton . Mrs, \Ve un help YOI' 'HI lit .. ,I ilil will be 1".~rL,,(1 allll ~r Lhl .. . hr.:..1 (ur twenLY ',h'u c,,"I~ Cu,' ~hr~e lu.orllulI~, Mrs: Susan Graham spent .Thurs- lodgu's wero well l'opresented in the Ste~le and on have -spent thE! sum- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l lul1elJ bux fnr sehoul. 'L'f)' ."re:sh \\ tum uslnl! HOl moru lhnn "YI! Unt!H~ day with Mr. and, Mrs. DaVIS Gra- I parane lit Xenia , Wednesday, tb" j mer t here. , "Uneeda Ui ~e ull","" ' ocoanuL ............ 4""tw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... v ....... kam. , great dllY of the til' ene co nn ty The Compton. Mills reunion was Suaps,' "Honey Cuke~," "Sugllr Mr. Bailey Davis entertailled com- Bome Uoming , held on the chut'ch grounds Sat urday HELl' WANTED Curud Dritlll lll!t!f." "Bolo",lIa pany from Wilmington Sunday.. Miss Jennie flinwldd'ie f Intlia.n \A large n~mber was present. With Mr. and Mr:s. John Smith and ~PO JtIl Ind Is I,he guest of Frnnk the xc~ptlOn of t he dust the day SauslIge. Ball. allIl S. Apples, (;ooll YVUtIIH W '"lUll or 1l1~ltltltlU .ytlllU children from Wilmington visited piDw,iddte ~nd f.uuiiy . was an Ideal one . . At t.he noon hour IIUti nvt·I'. ut I,tlll P"ttll tl lJal\yhol sOllie C h ellsl', Pickles, SarMiss Sarah Margaret Smith Sunday. "-Ii L I n d St.e111l EdWArds ~ fell::!t fit (01' a kmg was spread u!ld I I'Idge \Jo., l{lIIl("!llliJltI, Utllu Wurk f ,.. sees e IL II . . hem' ttly enJoy d by aU, After dm· lIi,nea, el , Pure Jersey Sweets light anu ulllllll Gu,uu W"~'" "urt Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boet;!tler 0 of Dl\yton, vlSlt.lng their grltnd ner Levi Mills of Wilmington Pl'esi, cumrorLaulu Ilottll "UOOlOIIIUtllltioutl. They are extra tine this season Lebanon spent unday wlth Mrs . mothor, Mrs, M , Edwl\rds. dent call d lhe crowd to order. Now Is The Time. cl wt4t! to tlte (Hotory , Adth'e",,,, ,A tand prices low. , ~~rstlers's pat'ents, Mr. and Mrs. '!'he'l'ownsbip sohools will open Short talk wet'e given by Dr. Ella MllullKtlr, Kin,, :t! Mill!!, Ohio, to get your supply of J ersev "i!!tltut· v Jessops. Monday, 8eptemher 14th. ftnd th e Leonal'd of Indiana; Rev. and Mrs. , .. al\ know w)lu t " VtlxlttluutI • High lichool the 21st. McMillan, of VanWert; Mi'. and Melons Swee t Potatoes. Thl! quality t,hl"K it It! wget btllp. W'tJ Will , , Oregonia. Mrs. Mary .samett ".ud ohlhlron Mrs ig Mills, of Iowa, and a few Fancy Indiana and Home was n(w~r better, the pricll II l1vcr belp Y"u tv g ~ wbltt YUIl Wltut, of l;pring Valley vititod hor fathor o'teers. Mis Reva Johnson, of Grown. lowtlr, Mr, J, 8. MoClure' on 1 dlmghter Ido. lspring Valley gave a reading, A Mr. and' Mrs. Will KerQey, Mrs. Thursday lind ,Frld,.y. recitation was given by Mary Relle T t ebb WANTED Celeste Hollingsworth and Messrs. I Misif Edna uinwid(lie eutertlt.inell l Harner. After t~e close of the pro. oma oes, a age, Blue Star Peas. JOe·a. can. 1 John Sherwood and Omal' Hollfngs· a number of youug people at u. gram the followtn~ officers were Onions. Now have the II w pa -k AN ;'&1), IWwlu"ul.11 aiud .. ,u worth attended the State fair last 1I1),rn dBncO 'l'bnr day evening at electe? fOI~ the .co~mng year: Zimri ' the quality it! thoroughly up and , du IS t a 1·&uI"un .. 1I11l ~toe ,-Itlll week. bel' home. . F. Hames, PresIdent; R~va Johnson, Flower Pots aud 1166 Mrtl. JIIDltlS KerrICk, N. lird to the stand~rcl, . Mjss .Edllll; Spencer spent Saturday Miss Mauu -A vay and Mr . .Rpy secretary; 'Horace Compton, tl'ea&ur· A fine asSortment just received r:;t., Wllynllllvlllt', Obl<). . 10 CmcInnati. , HarriS Blld wife Me8!lrs AM Burley 8r, and prices right. , I Earl, Thompson of Dayton spent Carroll ' BarDlmi and Allen Davis FOR SALE Sunday with hie mother. attended the State fair at COIUlnbU" \ MOVE HIM UP A . NOIC H School Supples 'Miss Lena Myers ' was in Forb An~ Thnrsdoy o.nd J!';jdIlY. . ____ A full ' line of Tablets, Pencils, Ii A VE rllCtll VtlU llulItl1t1r ' IUlo uf cient, Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Negley !lnd tlon JOtlhM Pens, ~nk and Lunch Muutelln" burtlell tbll!! W88k, .. ut! Mrs.ll. Fo' Kersey returned home are visiting Mr. A, L. Chase !lnti ' Ueo. L. Uroll of Franklin town· Boxes. they will btl for !!III I" "u1 tlma. 'l'betH! ' from Ravenna last week faulily in Xenia tbis week and I\t- ship was in town t· fIe feelt! WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. Ilre lIOuud, g<>ud.IIIZ"U bunt"". a ~urt' Mrs, O. J. Townsend 'and Irvin tending the Home Uoming: oonfidant of suocess, aod expects to Enamel Ware "y6jlrtl old. ,I. U UbllVllIal.l. Hollingsworth, of ~artinsville, spent, Misa Belen Oonne~ returoed home find enough votes among b i!! mBny Anything you want in the Best Orthodox Friends Church. have 76 beltd of st, oli hugll f~ several days with relatives and Friday af~r a week s vlait with her friends to move bim from the sixt,b Grade. friend8 ,bere. unole, M.r, CbllS, Brown and family . Mitt. luqulrtl 01 U . I:S~ Rlokli. ~t'\'. J3('nJamln U awkln •. p""UJr. Sabbal li oltool. 1 ::liI a. m. Re/tulaT "l,u reh Tne C.,;E. l)'l~ting was held at the In .Wayneeville. . p~ace on the tloket to Il plRce lu office want ever body to .uow Lb~ .. nl 10 :30 n. m. Chrhl1Hln 't';ndca"or, Shredded Wheat'Biscuit S7 ::10 home of Miss Mabel Sherwood, Fri· • - ,.. - .,- -p . m. . tbis III Lh~ tI~tltdver'i.lnH we Fresh Supply-2' boxes, 25c. , day 'evel')ing. The following officel'S Corwin. IN MEMORIAM dinm -~ud tbe cti~ptlllt, Lt o-t>bllt were eleeted; rre8ide~t.. Miss Mabel Hlcksite Friends 'Church; bae e'ver betlD put' 00'01'11 t.b.e .II~ war ~'irs~ Day Meetlnll(. 111 : 00 II. JP. F 1'1'81 Da tlM'ng pubhn 10 tblli com~Wlt&.y. Sherwood; , vlce-presloent, Omar ' , 'r' A t M t CI bt" Bring Us Your ·Eggs 1.001. 11 ;00 '8, m. FOllrlb Day MeeLing Hollingsworth; seereta~y, Miss .Lena Our school: opened' Monday with 0 nn IlrgHra ern'e ... I~' you bbvCllul.vtblnK you wllnt LIJ ' 10 :00 a. w , Paying 22c a Doz. Meyers; treasurer, Zam ~rml.ta~e; Professor Cummins as principal and , sell, borllA, o,.w, 8MulILy, wagon, organi8t. Mig Gladys Spencer. \t. Ad S k . t hAunt Marllard aJsNbc wa~tamllla 1'1, known So ' ISS a noo as primary eae er. Among ber mllny Crl od~, Christian' Church. oarrlllgb, bUKKY, pluw,lJllrI'uw. ftUIOhool comIrl:enced here .Monday, Othello Arnold is spending his va· Ru" ftns' thl~ life, ber ~plrn b"5 lI(1wn, . mobll~ln flt.ot, !tuy IIltl thiug-t',ry Rev, Oeorl! Hall,~pn slt) t . Prof. H. E. WlIson and MISS Laura t' ·'th h' t ~ Sundu), uhool . lI :flO a 10 . I'lejl,ular ~e ... lce 8 ~his column. 'l'he beloit evor. Kibler as teachers. ca Ion WI . IS paren S. Her troublell an.1 1I'lnl, at a n en,. tbe ltull Sun/loy or tho monlh , 10 ::1.0 a 10 .. . ,Mrs, Alice McKin~y spent last ' and 7 ;:1(1 p. m . Oh.I.9113n .:nde,,'nr, ~ :%10 - - -+-,.. week in Morrow with her son Joe Like II tree In Lhe ror ' t , III! ~ 1,oo(I , ~LI\\l n ch Pin OF COITRSE FOR R·ENT and famiJy. anll IIrrn New Burlington. M It! S 'l'hrougll ycarH IIf sw nn nnd s trlirt! : WELLING HOUSlt'of five rooms Meth~lstEpiscopal Church. rs,' ary wartz and children, UU L weakenet1 alla~l as we "II ' mullL do with two lots. In,quire of Mrs. Rev. " h IIIp l'rolll, PIIMt'Or , of Illinois. are viBiting her mother, • undoy SuhoOI; \I ;:\0 a. m. MOrning ae r, James Clark, Corwin, OhiQ. Out;' toWIl was well repres()nted at Mrs. Naomi Harlan. . AmI yjrldL'<I hIlr dr.ilr Hweet life , "Iue. 10:UO a. '". tlpwonh I.cllgue, 1 :011 p. ~ YTB INti to I'fIDt-Houee, . 8&a the 1I0me doming in Xenia l1lSt week Henrietta McKins ' y has taken up Shc ' II 'bo wl.lled by a ll w 110 lOay tI';('1I a~ h r 10, ~;vlmlng ~ervl,cO) . ":' ::)0 II. in. MI<lweck pnyer l\leetlnl,!. '1: 10 p. 10. ble, lot, pelsture, IIludeu,ftddtlOur ba~d led tne :aellbr~k K of her school work at Mt. Holly. , cloor' , anyiblng a' aU. Thill ie I,he 90la loQl?;e In the Home Commg parade Mr. Benecke is under Dr. her. I"or help In uny IVI>.I'. medium to UI" In order to ,et; retluUs 10 Xemaon Wednesday, wood's care. ' \0'0" bel' 1(~II(jr"u " 1I :I1IIIs 8trclched for \h ~o LET US HAVE YOUR St. Mary's Episcoplrl~Church • Re.y . J . F' . Cad wal/ader. Heelnr. ' ~r:s. Elizal?eth Carr of Ghicago is William Nedl'y of Rarveysburg " II. JOB WORK. WE WILL ' unday School. lI :ao a.1O Morning 8er ' ' spent one day last week with rela. '1'IIe "t.:1<. L1I e wQII. thO poor. vIsIting relatives here. LOST , vIce. IU :;)0 a, 10 : R01s COlUlllunlon the IIrRt MI~ Harriet Smith . o~ Dalton, is tives here. ' !:ill!! WII~ always mln<1rul or her can. GIVE TlIE BEST • ' und"y of oac h momh , I spend1Oe:, her vacatIOn With her Mrs. Achsah Mullen of Gas City lo'ea'rloH she 'd troub.e u,fien . ti.E oppor'anUy lor apycblnll "bat < SATISFACTION mother.' ' . . " . Iud .• is visiting relatives and friend~ And mlloy times wOIlh1le~"".ber nbalr ' ilf 108' will brlnlJ r,elulta lD Uate St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Mrs. l\nme Blessmg of l?llytoll IS her~ a':l~ at Lytle before leaving for To,l!ldc her wants from,othel1l. oolumn ' sooner th ..n In ..oy oSb., Fulbe r Georl(~ Mnvenboefer, 'P oAtor. the guest of her brother, Will Haw- California. ' 1\11188 ev"ry ,lIOOond Sonduy uf lI,e month at w~Y. IJ.'ry 1\ 0008, BOd yon wlll kin,S. " . Mrs. Mary Chalfan t and little nll~ 81noo o'u r 10 1116 God'·s own QI~II\ I II : OU a , III., ' conVinced. ' Mrs. W • .A. Smith and children o~ daughter of ,P ittsburg have returned We wllllnglv let bel' 110, Urbana. arejpi~ of relatives here. home after an extended visit with '1'0 II/'U wllo \Io~ th all things well , , . FOUND Miss Helen' Blair haa returned from her ,mother, Mrs, Clal'k" A".l lIeuletll all our ~VOO. , a ~yeral week's ViBit in Dayton and \II'. William Gard and niece spent. SlIe' lI be walLlug "rouml tbe tbTone 11000 opportunity to ge' r~lcor,ed Xema. t a fe,,: days last wee k with Xenia Wllluugfor YOll uoil me, , to .vou anytblng thllt·bu. btttID T. C. Haydo<!k WIUI a business vi~i· relatives. God I/runt'lhat wlten our lIm.~ doe~ uome, found , ·.1'ry it once; aoy way , • tor in Cincinnati last week, _ .. ' We will a~ worthy be . '
Caesars Creek.
Uses This Column
for Quick
Olasslfied Ady-srtisaments ~ ...
! ~I.
W. WKite.
·I I,U ___IIUIC'a UUU-_
Ml1'. lfe~ie McP~erson has as OUR TRADE WITH GUATEMALA . \, guests her SIsters, . MISSes Cora and
By One Who Loved Her , ____ _' __
.1 ' High'est Cash Prices paid for , • I ,' P,oult~\', tlu~t¢tt, $ Eggs ·1
' Bertha McPherson oJ liigh.Iand Ohio. t ' Dr. H. O. Whitaker and wife Miss 'l'b!! most illlllllrtant l'atlllits frUln l CELEBRATED LABOR. ' DAY Sara' Haydock and W. C. Smith at- 'the opening uf tha trlluflooutilleutill t ' tended the State fair, , liue will be I'be i'ucrtiaaou A mel'ioun The postotfioe d,epartme1nt, tlie A paJ:ty of. young pe~ple spent trtlue with Glllltornu)ll a.nd the de- I carrlertl and' the bnn,ks h.~re were Saturday · h blIerve d La b or Dav . ... datMChfton S· ' U' I ' 'f velollmellts @llre't,obebroll g ht.l1bollt l ti b out 11.II woo ..or, an rs. IgIlal "fll so Iowa i h. ' , ,' .. -: .. __'_ _ , are guests of relatives here having n t at IOllllblto. IS the ' been iit attendance at the Compton· mOl!t populotll!"and in lOttnyrOSlJllotis i ITS HARD SOMETIMES Mills Teunion on Saturday, t.he richest '0,0<1 mO!lt, highly dev",1 : A. V. ,F~land .and wife hav~ as oped, of the r':entl'a) ADiorlolt.n oonn. 1\ '1'0 Ii pologi:te. gues~ tqe!r COUSIlIS, Mr. and Mrs. tries , It bOil an "roIL of about 48,1'0 begin over. W. . ,Compton. 69 , 0 Ilquare Dli~es, jlll\t about that of l To take IIdvioe. New York" ',Wheat, oorn, ba.rJey 'L'o ,b e ,nnaelfillb. Wellman. , Bull/ hemp tlourish, Collee of 11 sn. To atlmlt errol' . , perior quality "nu, sugBr Clme ore To face!l snoer. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jordan Ilnd great ,l!q.ple orOI)8. I!'ine cottun i8 . 1.'0 be ohllritllhle. daughter attended the State fair ra.ised, lIond the oountry ; Iloews 'ideal 'lI0 be (lonsldeorate. 'fhursday .and F.rid~y of ,last week. for etook. Over )lne bun(h'ad. frliit-s l '1'0 endure sucoeB8. Mrs, Will t;>unn, and ~hlldl'en spe~t \lnd vegetable8 are growd in'o luding '1'0 a v,old mistakes. Thu~ay WIth her parents of thiS ' " . place. ' , all the common ones of o,llr country To keep on trying, Ed Bogan and family and, Charles .and wllny trOl)ical edibles we do not ' To obey oonaoienoe. Warwick and family were thegu~ts l[Uo~. 'r~e bananlL 18 the prinoipal To keep out of, a rut..· of Mrs. Maud Clea\ler and i;anllly frUIt oultlvated j Bud with ooffee '1'0 ,'f orgive and forget Sunday. ' . m"lIog&'uy, 'anl1 rubber . wa~e~ up '1'0 profit, by mi!l.tak~, Georp Bogan !lnd fanllly ":Ild MI.SS tb!! prinCipa.l exports of the country, ' To t.hink Bnd. then·aot; ."ossieFires sJ?entSunday WIth Will From the mountain IItr . b Dunn and family, " o&me (lan e, To deapiae unl\!erh&1lldelddrll!88. IIr. arid Mrs. George Davis called. develqped Ii Il\rl.(e !lmoun' of power, To make tbe beet of on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cleaver 01 and II,e range of industries To maintain a blgh .tl,nClia.rd HfckoryviJle Sunday a.tternoon. Sh . ould be 'lIuooossfully established. To 8boalder d8'Hrved Georp ~ attended the Bonn by M. A. 8ayti, in the American To subdae au ani-aly t8IIIIDe~. reunion JMII' Clark.svUr, Saturil,ay ,Review of Reviewa f~ AUgult. . 'ro reooplse the IIITel'
· A
I'.' . 1 II.Beef Fresh 'Pork~Lamb III ,And'., 'They IheResulls Stock 'If all kinds a Specialty.
Our selection meat for Saturday is the best
lad all kind. of SmOked
• ,
' . . Everybody goes to Hirsch's Mea.t . , • Shop because .' it , is the Cbea.pest and B,eat.
v....yPhone 153.
Way~e.vllie. Ohio.
BeS·t Jll'dve"r1I'sl'ng Medium,
Stopped In Town Tuesday En Route A Wedding Soon- Other . Matter s to the Barrac ks at Ft. Thomas. Pertaining to Society's In Kentucky. Functions.
"Tnmp, Tram p. the b(',8 are M. r h l ou"
Mr. and Mrs. Earn Collier of HarFt. Thomas U. S. Regulars; who veysburar enterta ined Sunday at have been in camp for the last two dinner, Mr. and ' Mrs. Lew Forgy for Sheriff, Mounls for Auditor, Simpson, Keever and Irons for and one-half months at Camp Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Howe, Mr. Commissioner, S~nce for Recorder,· Brown for Prosecutor, " and on Lake . Erie. marched into town Mrs. Frank Howe and daught er. and Hawke and Shutts for Committeemen. yesterday at 12:15. en route to Ft. Thomas. . On Tuesday evenin&, about They came from .Xema here; leav- five young.people met at thetwenty home The Winn ers: lni the~"8 l~t mght at 12 0 clock. of Miss Luena Cornell on Main street 1seemed to take as much interes t in ~e . soldIers w1ll be at Oakdale park The affair was of tlle nature of this as in ' any part of the ticket. In Representatlve- l. K, Langdon . h . . ~112 this evening , when they go to surpris e party for MI'811 Irene Trouta . It e west precmc t an d corporation Prob/lte Judge. -Alex Boxwell. on. I J ohn Hawke and Emmor Bailey. w~o leaves Waynesville on Thursd Clerk of Courts -Dan P. 80m:. 'Fhere are 450 men a~~ fourtee n for h~r future home at Monroe ay :·fought f(lf the supremacy, and. . O. fO\lr-mule wagons makmg a goo d All came 'dreased in old and Sberlff- Frank P. Forgy. Hawke was the lucky one. In the poverAudltor--Charles S. Mounts: dJaplay as they march. They went ty stricke n costumes. a suitabl I east precinc t Shutts nearly doubled e prIze <;Ommissioners-F. S. Simpson, by rail to Camp Perry and ~re'."areh- being awarde d to the 'couple looking l over his opponent. Crew. ing back. J, M. Keever, ' . . I 'fhe result of the unofficial vote of the worst. . . The comma nd Sam'l l. Irons. 18 under .the dlr'7. the township was as follows: Ice-cream andclk e was Served on tlOn of Colonel Ma~~eld. and are I.n wooden plates with tin spoons Treasurer.-Will R. lewis. and a very good condItion after theIr red napkins. The evening waS spent : Recorder.-Phlllp Spence. I. IOn&" march across the state. Rep~n.~tive . in charad es and such Survey or-Sam O. Henkle. The guard mount and retreat was as "Blind Man's Langdon . ... .. .... " . . . . . . . . . . 1S98 Buft" and "Vir. Prosecuting AtlorneY··A. F. Brown. Mulford . . ... ...... ... . . ·. . . .. given at 4:15 and a band co~cert at ginia Reel" 1859 Infirmary Dlrectors- S A. t.ewls. 6 :30 p. m. There was an Imme11H Roll . .. ..... .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 . crowd presen t and aU enjoyed the : J. J. Thompson 1McClelland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 nQvelty of aeeing the soldiers. One of the most deli~htful ~i~ . J •0• Mitc heII • . . Bon. Jesse Taylor, Republ Coroner-Ol."O. W. Carey. ican Nomine e b.·Con gress In the Sixth District . events of the season w.- luncheon Sheriff WILL PREACH SUNDAY Brant ...... ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 888 given by Miss Donna Hawke at her Fotgy . .... .. . .. ......' ... . . 1263 pleasan t countr y home, on last Sat" One of the hottest- contested pri- Joy . . . .. ....... ....... ... .. urday. . . " 209 PERSONAL ME NTIO N. At one o'clock the merry FIRE I;)ESTROYS BARN maries this count.y has ever eone F!>llen . .. .. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Eliza Thome of Wilmington patty of eleven eirls entered . 1164 the , . throug h passed oft' Monday. As a Smnar d .. .. . ... . .. .. .... . .. . Will pr~ a~ the Orthod~x ~hureh dinine room. The table softly . 318 lightI., tThun day Dight betwee nelev Sunday momln g. All are mVlted to eel by green-shaded candl '. result there a~ 8 score of sadly dis- I .. w~dec. Will' Gustin of Lebanon .was here tID ' ''~ 'welve 0'01001 , 'he large come.and hear her. appointed candidates, and the mOlt orated with smilax, ~d frOm the Audito r Monday. .r bana'~d tobacoo Ibed .belong lnlto of these men are singing the refrain , Mounts . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . •chandelier was suapen d,d a larpbe ll .. 14161 Mr. J. C. Efawk. wu in Lebanon 0 a:. ~"' •.ood. of "Somebody Lied." D_I' Orelroo l., Wltl GO TO COLORADO Patters on ... . ... . .. . ... .' . . . .. 1414 I Satu...lay of white ro~, from whicb ' flowed ' weftt'd eatl'0X by Ire. . There was a gOOd vote out. an d Stilwell .. . . ..' .. .. .. .,. . . .. . .. 961 ''4. dainty white ribbons utadin &' to ' A_ • KIM LIDa Devlt,l Wli" In 8priDg_~III~'t""e b made great headwa • y lb. Wi~n the . candidates wor:ked ' hard and Edwarde left SUDday the places of thea:llests. ·At. the. ' '' boro la,t. week. ' I befot!! dil1OP'~' and 'he have been .working hard for montha. : for l.a...I, Ohto, where .be will ~ke of each ribbon waaa tinyare en-han Com miss ione r.. . I wb(»·~m. ~ ald, proved to be of a oar load of Rooda to. Oolora The result of the county ticket ~ SimpsOn . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . ..... . do dled basket of' white filled with Cbdy , ]5S3 . IIr; . aDd }II'II. B. 8. BoweU were ltWe, taDoe. . . IIy.. . '1.... IIIr8no ll and Pa'''~DII,.iD the ~rta. The plac,e-card. were • parti'all Yi'•.i v~n. uno ffi cIa natl lut ,,_ .:. Gr'lest · · · ·. · ···· ·;.'· : ······· ··i 104"I rln IJiDolD ... k., ~, . . . . . little . . " ' .~" ,_ *'" " hi.. y ..i ...;..... ~.' ... • .. ' -_.. , ..... _I_ted al';Ippen~ ~ . . .~. _ . - ... . . ... . . •.. . : . . .. . lOIItu . .- f -'- ,, ~ .. ..:11_ ;;..~ OO .....Y. ban~ 0-.,..., ReY: W. T . G ,~ ~ tneau _t h~~.J'. ~ ..... ;k lloobd . _ban takeD ..veral aona laDd orated with white ' foraet-me-nota. blimed ~ . ! ;;. H~ilton .. .. . . . .. .. .. . ... .. . . l(m home ~ from a visit'iiI Ind. OI!, . . ~. oolt, .Is mUch co,,-, ez04ll&.Yrill take aboaa forty people tails; chicken ... ~ .,; Rida~ . ... , .... . .... ,..... . .. -i08 Mrf Joa BitIb w~' in . lima beaDs, potatOea. Dayt.oU on 'b~. JloIi* aod ~wo Aqora from Warren COOD" . g: ;i! a · jelly and hot rolls; tomato salad &ad . ::s ~ ~ r·MclUnaey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 692 . ' Iastweek . . • ....1 "~banied - bUSlness . _illM t . .ty.flve •- • ~ I . ' fen ·•. CUpl'dsand hearts f iceI wa . . 0 K ri. St~wart Eat D....,we. N. toDa;'~.• '. tile .1IID1D.'e .Dppl, ~EW PASTO -- - ! R cream with cake; coffee. . . Recorder J ; i.e Visiting her · .isterJtD-law. lila of ~~t.n, a.Dd lana lIDI!IemeDt.. . R..presentative 64 i'Dunlla m . ....... . . ...... ..... 465 Lizzie ::;tewart; After the coftee had been ae.rved, .I T:~,· oaQ1f8 of die In Ia UDDOWD. Rev. W. T. <ilijllaud, the L K. Langdon ...... .... 26 28Sp er(ee ... ....... ...... ... .... Dew at ·the reques t of the hostess, the 1069 Mr' WUlta m1'bor peal'lll vedhom e erllt .. ".. a~ 1~&Doe OD abe puklr ., ?Uhell .E.ohll roh;prt J. M. MUlford .... ..... : 47 12 31 . Hol~'took ..... .. ; .. ... .. . .. .. . 669 laohed r;bbon sexten dingfro mthebe l1were lae, '~ek at I'atwo -Weeb ' ltay bDUdJ!lp, ,!»Dt DOt a • • amOlln ' h .. fl~t · llermoJlsl..' SUnda W.Z.R oll .. .. , ....... ... 39 878 ' HumPh reys . . . ....... . . .... y,bO'h pulled ·and each · .guest .was sur. . 487 '-D"- " J . T . McClelland .~ .. . . amollli 51 iUoOl) 26 y .. Robiils ~lou on ...... . . mornlQ iaDdev enIDg ,aDdbi eooD.p rised(P ) ·tofind at . the. end.of Probat e Judge . .. , " . . . . . .. . . '786 &II "rae 001l0'y. her ' . ton. lI'8IIa' '. Alex Boxwell . . . . ...... . ~8 57 107 \ w.. muob ..trnpre ued by r Ibbon, a' card 'with' the names. Mrs .. C~les Hawke and daqtit er W. ~ C. T~ u. ' MEETING Clerlt of Courts bim. .Pro8ecutini' Attorn ey . "MiSs Carolyn MoiJIier and Mr. Fred Helen have returne d from a Visit in Dan P. 'Bosh:~i1f'" .... ... 96 5Q l09 j Brown ....... ... . . . . ....... . • - • Hartso ck." Congra tulation s were . 200( Zan~ville. Ohio. . Tbe,'re lular meeUuIf of tbe W. O. - A GREAT BIG .Loo Bert Brant. . .. . ..· ....... 11 18 21 ' YOUng .. .. . . ....... . .. . . . .. ill o~er and Miss Dorothy' Dakin .. 1478 M~. l\rthur Hun of Detroit. T . U·· lwa. beld lut Satord ay At 'he l\'rank Forgy . .. . ... ... . 27 21 49 Last Th ~ M Ed Ret II' k gave a charmi ng tout to the brideMich: has been visitine Mr. and Mrs. home or lin. NewtOD BODel S. G. JQY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 17 39 Th'e I'nfirmary di........... and l, and u ay r. a I~ to-be, each gueat adding a fewapo tha Lindl~ Mendenhall J ames FellI 'he folloWiDR Dew oflloen were ~ Ibl el~ log over to the saw 28 12 24 1 ~. - ; J ' 0 en. . . .. . .. . . .. mill propria 2 1 2 18ingle candid ates -After luncheon fi~ure. w.e re . • not air Chll8 Bllrllhara of FraDkUD eleo~: PreeldeD'. lin. Viola f:taw. that was Ilmnly a "whop per" O n · te words. . . th th" C. L. ~in~~to~" " . . . . h : b k the tupe was spent m mUSIC, I available, but Lewis. 'I1lompson and wail ~hak~~g banda witb converfrle~d. k. In8'; let vioe p~14ent, Mra. J. A. do::':n~V~d a~~:; :..:a:: : ~~t~ sa:n and :u:;es. ted C.·S. Mount s . .. . ~ . . .. . .. 25 13 38 Mitchell. 'f Mias F stErlda y. d ., .. unkey ; 2nd nOB p.r eelden t, M.... Satu~. T. C. Patters on .. " .... . .36 27 49 ·. , . . . e gues . epar '. . vo ~~. . . ' , Editb. barri. ; Ird viatt pre.ldeD". S. A. Stilwell . ..... ·.·· ·162 31 56 ' .. t·· · ·, .. ' Hawke . a most &,r&CIOUS bostees . ' . ¥r. ~nd Mrs. ~~lon Hal','l!ton Mlis AnDa Kelly; 88Ol'et ary, The ~ rom whl~h th~ log was . Those presen t were; Misses Caro6:ommlssioner t3 The result of 1I0ndq 's election. an.d ·chlldr.e n of Lebanon VlS1ted Dr J . ~: ElU • .; oorreepoQdinK aeor.e- ~eD was about forty-e F. S Simpson .... . . . . .. 35 15 56 it is allea-ed, is a forerun ner ll!ht. .of · the frl€!pdll here Sunday. .tery, ·.lrll. Dr. Bathaw ay;; tresaur er, ~I&'h •.and at the base .wa.~ Wlthm·feet lyn llnd Edith Mosher, Dorothy Da~'. ~~~~'r : : : : : : : : : : : 85 S~ ~ contest to be pulled off Saturd ay Mrs.. 'Mollie 'Edwards of. one 'kin~ Martha O'Neall, Luella Comell. D~n. IIr...·A.. MaOltt. S. L. Irons . : .•.. . .. . ( .. . ~ 14 · 52. week. when the wets and drYs mell ..and a half of being SIX feet . . ' Irene Trout. Stella Lemmon, try is ~i8iting Oscar and .lamily · Flower Mil8ion Oomml : Mrs . . ~r. Retall~ck figures on gettmt r etta McKinsey. Jessie Arthur RQes .... . .' . . . .. . a 11 conclusions on the county .loc:al opti~~ and other rel"tives here. , .'. Marlat t . and Wa!~l' MoClore, Ali'll. J. O. Hawke; an unmen ce,lot of lumber out G. L.~·Croll'. . .. . . . : . . . . . .. 17 9 28 election. It is to be hoped that of the Kather ine Alexander. this . Mr. and Mrs •... J . M. Comua of 8a. MIM BeUe'O 'Neall aDd Mr., A. · Frank Hamilton .... ·. ... 19]8 32 L. tree. . . th Jacob Ridge. '.. .. .. ...... 38 13 ",28 IS pot· • - • . tr~e, b~t eanti-s aloonle ague1l e.m! <N. , Y. are the .1f0~tS : • - .. of Mr. Wj~lI. ' THE STORK 'S VISIT Nehemiah McKinsey .... 74 67 ;' 72' peOple are fearful _ . .. TEACHERS' ASSOC 6~ the NSult .. WarreD BarDe' taDd family . IATION . •• . • TreasQrer While 80me 'of th e yoten may flop Mi's. Frank Cottrel l' has' returne d pEATH .OF AGED LAD\, Will R '~fd~r ..... ". 95 49 102 over the result of Monday seems 'J.'lie etork brongh t two Dew babi8l, to home, havi'ng been on. . i OD ~UDt of the oollaty loeal op· -:t"'o glrl.-.dor~n~ tbe rut w Joe Dunham ... .... ... . . 8 ' ~ . 6 haveha d a twofold miSsion and ..k nU-1 accoun t of.her, mother 's. death. sn~~' J~: s;:.!:~;:~dO:,:!/ ' ,6 "Oil" ~~eotloo. whioh is let Ipr8ep - " 0 the homes Phili~. SjlCnce . . : ... : .. " . 38 29 me~us ~marks wer:e ·heard.on th~ of Mr. JJ:ran~ M.riI. ~D F. B. SherwOod returne d • ~l ' " ', ' 'Josi~ Holbl'OQk . . .. .... . ll 9 , 18 8treetthatthecountywouldgowe~. homea last Wednesday from Lake ~OII~ ,,~:her!Omeon the t:!pr~ng tembji. · 28. ·the .Warre n Oounty on Wed1,1I!11dRY Dllht an.1 lMr. uy . D. W. •Humph reys\ . . . . . . 11 ' 12 8 The fight for' represen't ative Teect'i n'Auoc latloD baveO ballge d was . . • ...., p e. J. E jRObiJllloQ ... ....... 62 ~ 7' b e wa. ~veuty · n De 'heir liine of meetin g until Oo&ober HarDeroDMODdaynlght. th h t· _ ..... . f th all d·· W. inona and other points in Ind .. , _ • . Survey or y~nold a' tbe.,ilme of her death. ' l ' ~ . a ' OUtd e 0 1.e8l. 0 em , ·an II... ·· ' ... "'11a GaIn 111 be I 'ed left Ia at wee k IS DEPORTED BE'ITE R h ..,.:,! f .tlnera'1":'" -~ 1 d' d"~ da . er . 7· .... Sam progra D. Henkle m w ' . . . ..... ""rure 180 . 102 64 ..... i02 tnr Lang '" y a. on was t e SUCCallUU con 1- fo V · Prosee ut,ing Attorn ey . d t M u If rd .l:.t i"'dl .1 d hEld r ' nl b n8vUle• Where abe will be ... later. By 01'.181' of OommiUee. oue·'.. \lI e R UD 0 h uro, The frlends of .... r. and IIr'•... er. ' th 0 ..~_aa a c o.H second" e Alton F.YBrown . .... : . . . 48 30 78 anadeh"ad _ . • t~""puel t. of relattv ee fora few days· officla'iDl. ... ere ..-n 0th er ' can I. . • .. . George Eo Young.. .... : .. 71 33 50 dates it' would havenobeen. R~TU~NED FROM OlJTINO Fromm a pretty 01 Dayton IIr. and. are Mre g~ kl tDOW . . W. H . . Allen leI ' ~he leaves ' five ,80118 aDd .. InfirmarY Directo r . contest . 'haUhJ llr daulI~tel' Kather ioe 111 a . Tb~rsdllY f?r a two·we el,,' V~O!Ltto~ daugbtAIf to monrD her dea'h. ODe . AJ ter havi.n g enjoye d an outing good deal better. ~~1.~~~~B ::::: : . : : ~: Foraud ltodllo unrapu lled through ~ Toledo, Cleveland and Onlontuwn, ~ TIEND ED REUNION John Linder . ..... . .. . . . 61 21 42 by one vote, and .the official of'live ral daY. ,iD nonher D Miohi. Former Residents count, . II. , W. ·T. Hill .... .. ' .' .. .. . 24 11 S4 may change tilis. gan, Mn. Margar et John", Mr. and Miss Anna U. Brown returne d to James MCitcorhoenlle'r ' . , .. ... 56 25 74 Alton Brown . for prosecu O. F. L'lal't and Frank OarmaD ting at- Berea, Ky., last Saturd ay to resume IIr. ')91. A. J!ir.h and_ Wife, !LOci 01 J.,ytle re'ulue d homel8 st week , Dr. and 111'1. R. J. Kloheo or of h ' k teach Geo. W. Carey.; . .... . : . . 82 62103 torney had a walk-away and . til II Mr. o..lJ. ZtDk at~nded tbe ZIDk .... report a 8004 &tme pulled er wor as er . In e co age "oioo .. t W Lebanon left lut T~gnda, for a Committeman ..... t M . U,toD laetTh o-"ay. out 500 to the good~ . there. 'filtt; In Wa.hio ikln, U. 0. , Pbila. · Emmor Baily ... . .• .... , .. 39 70 .. _ . • - • Word hasbetin reCeived from Mrs. Tbere -were-about. .260 rela'ive a.-.... . John Hawke .. ... .. . ... 85 FAREWELL REC.EPTI,ON 80 SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY . L. II; Henderson. who it' , in Dayton delphia and Atlan&to Oitiy. The frienda preeeo t, and everyb ody eDChaa Crew . " :.: . . . . . . .' . . . . 2S4~" purj)ol e of tibelr 'rip ~ .. kl a'~d takln. treatm ent for rheumatism: loved tbe day. J. A. Shutts...... : . . . . . . . .~ A farewell reception was held at the Ve'art ury' K84loal AuooiatiOD Seven years ~ last Monda.J Pre&- that she is improving. h .. d . h in Pbllad elpbt. . . •• • tlaell. E. ehur:e on -on ay ma t. In Wayne township. the worker s ident William McKinley died of . • PRA \'ERS FOR' RAIN the ' II Nr W. I. Mill. of Creamn low8, \oJ II T t -u . were many and McClelland wounds infticted by an ..... r. anu . MI'. Samue l Newtol t, ofOoltewah, in'. baa ~eD the 1~8lI' of ble ~uatn, IJi D&J7ton almoet all of the to be the f~vorite a1thouah LanPo h b~let at Buftalo. N. Y. CathaTeno., wa. bere lad Thand ay aDd Ib'. GtOrKe MUle. IIr. MUI• •,. lie and rnany Protes tant cliurchee AURORA BORE~LlS trOt four to the ~. Friday , M.r. NeWSoo had helD ... \ .e: - • ,bere h.. heeD pleD'y of rain 00' pn.yeri l ''Were oftered Sunday .~ til; For There was Iota of money on the tbe fin' timl for aboot e)ev. tile DOID.. Comt. . . x.... LATE NEWS tbere. II8I'ViceB ,f or rain . to relieve the exmarke t here, it I. a1leared, and in yean ..... phlmOID8DODWU vlatb" Se wu a' one time a reet4.. , ..... Mrs. Frank Taylor, who has been calve cilrooih. whicllllOW boldl Jon after eeveral eases it .... UIed to a disad- After an all.., ..aIon at. duk, and. peat-D Wl1 bIII,lt it wu lor tIae .-1_ _ head- tbeaue etofbe r mother Mrs. Editb ftrmp i apon·th e IOa.h alley. In oar 01. . . bad the ·pl. .anof of I"ID8WbII 014 vantap, . • qaarte.... Pa~ was ODe vo. Barrii and famil, returD ed. her IDGIt of the Qatbo~.:~. the ..... --J07 iIll tJae wmatIe The ftKht for central comm itte. ,ah"" and two con_eel Vo_ probIfol Bea" -'-i·tIM! eM·. . . ." ,..... home in ~ti ~ mombe OCIIltlmaed c1aIIJ untib .... It . . a JIiD4 IIIlLt u4 '" ...... " . • .,....,.... and PIOPIe ,.bl,J a", ~vor. 'fIIlt ' lDI. .. ~ bJelioWIaIal ...... ..... lttllllilD
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Master Mind Solves Auto Murder Mystery By :T elepathic SUggestion '['
cert.nlu17 looknd. ·black for Ar· thur Edprton. E'I'en Clllrkc, who usually. I ftnc1, 18 Inollued to let his lI)"mpalhlell reat WlUl lhe acousod LltlllI all shadow of doubt II dispelled, was bard put to Dud, excuses for him.
cnn't be ot any Impol'tancl'. When he was lellvlng he rolled a Cigarette Bnd I notloed that ho rullod It Inwarll. When he makcs bis own clgare Uee he 111 ways rolls thom outward and he told me once tllat wn u. the Llfoper way. Thill
"Can't walt any longer. Come..t alice to 435 Fourth av~nue." I went iu boldly. and at • venture. said authoritatively to the burkeeller. who wus aervlng a 1I0lltary '\lstomor: "The Inspector just came In with a
Ing sonlO net to dlsgraoo mc. Yol, have seen tho resemblanco betwcee us, and l\!I 1 never mentioned to ms friends that I had n twin brolber. 1\ was easy ror him to Impose on them "Before I asked Mazie to be) m,
·Man ,with Greatest Deductive lPowers Known to ·Criminal Detectives We c1tscuUe<I the Cl8l!e, recorded in Im S wbT I noticed It, but I lIuppose It ;Iarlng headUne., oyer our morning ",us nerVOU8001S8 thut caulle\l blm to meal. Chango." . "it', Incomprehensible," he salO, os When sbe lett, Clarke·. eyes danced hc rend tire thJrd time the damning wi th exel temeu t. !IeLal1a, "HI8",1I0Ie lifO; his SUCOOS8, When wo reached tho !leone of the his approaching marriage, erorythlog tragedy we found tbe machine stand' Orle& dIlt against tllla crimo." Ing apparently just as the murderer "So thoy did In tbe case of Eugel,e had , left .it, tbe front wheels In the Aram," ( replied, "and yoet AraID pro- dllch and the hind wheels 61evated liy teste(J his Innooence. U Edgerton Is the grade at lhe roadway. A dark [loal not gutl!:y, It should be a 81mple OIul· or blood In tbe lonneau laid· Its own te,r. Co~ h1m tc;l account for, lI!s wlie re· stol'Y, tlouta from 7:30 (0 10 last night, bill "An a.utomatl c," ho quietly reo t,hls lie retuses to do, I am oC th" marked. "Nothlug bul a sleol·jacketed Ollinion that Cor once tho police hnve hllllet.- could go c lenr tbrough tile body "hown · c~mmendable en orgy and nabbed tbe right mao, Oan 10!, Imag' Ine II. more convincing chuln of clr· c umstalltlal evldenoe'" "r don't have to hlla~lnQ, Tho Ills· tory or ·clrcumstautlal eyldenco con· tnlnl many a more perfect 'Jain whleh WU OlIly· broken aftor an Innoceot ,man bad .been banged." '''rheD; agalp," ho continued, ")vhat -4e YOU mnko of the robber), f It t hrotlP , JealQusy Edgerton killed Gar· ~er, Why should he rifle his pookets. tear 01lt a dlamond·stud, nnd wrench t he dog orr' his finger Ilk:: a common f.ree1Jooter?" . , "1,'~at might, bavlfl>eou Ut(l work of 8l)meo~ ef!ie 'fho arrived on the eeene flrter the murderer had tied;' [ sug· gcsted, , . ,. "A eltllnger-argument .o n ~01D' IIldo would be that tt was done to the police olr'the track, Dut we .rgue t o (10 p'ul'Pose, nnd 1, for ooe, VI"OtO!W to await the aequel." . It was :tho old, 014 atoily, the . . .1 triangle, In tbe demolllltratl<fu of wlteb . tragedy bas been tbe coroll8l'J ,aIMe the , WOrlel, . began-two men and .... I woman. , . Arthur Ed;erfon 'posllessed·t.ho ,. almost J)rf~ees.taU8men ' of . mudor~ .SOCletY: .. ioutb,' ~nr"" linn": and wealth; andtbese. had wah htm tb mas~e~:"ey: , Social (lO 'ltlou\· despite the .liandJcap '. of antllcedentu· unknawn: Homo said: ellen doubtfl1l. . flarrlso.n Gl1rner put Into ' Ule. anee agalnsf these: wealth, a ,Jam.r,IY '11 name bono red for generations, aDd ;'C:.bfemlsbe4 ch.aracler. ' EdI!9Irt{)nls. .. fi,r llllancy He o,lfaot . by unfalling , bumor and wbolesomene!l8. Mazlo Morrison, ,secure In ,har , [tUe 800lal realm anti with no lac~ suitors for the hand ot lis Queo~, Ilad lll,yod one against t.M oUler. Shl bad' finally silenced the gossips 'by UCfil0\)t· Ing Edgerton, Iiod · tlulU set Lhelr Wl1gu~S wagging raste~ than e\:er bY' reclllvlng ,botb on e Qual ·torms: c\'est)1,le thc earllB lll~d the I'!ng and nil tlUl !leIIghtful. bothersome pI'ollmlnarlea to R.lalrlmony, And then the seQuol : OO\'flor round Ihot through tho heart In Edgerton's automobile ' on Q. lonely spot OD tbe ·Lake Shore drive; Edgerton, blood blJ' ~pntlered, bllhlnd prison bara, nlHl 'Mazie Morrison, woe(llng, Inoonsoloble, \\ ,distraught, In ' Iter ·pretLy · boudoir •. stullllf3d Ilt the hn-voc her IIltlo hnndt! hM ,,'rought III three lives, A visitor came heavily vel\~, and lUI Clarlto atepved forwnrd 1,0 OItOI' h or a cbnll', I wu~ r,!lle to Judgo lluUllng of I.\el' Ilcr80nulilr beyond· tll'nt' she :Wll~ ;roung and owned · a: flguro, ovel.t c, but fl llg!;es iing lhrough her dS.I'k cos tume, nnilnal·llko lines 'a nd curves, Or WDS it thl: ncl o[ lhe drospmnkor exo\1ltlli· /Iccl In a llO rfe.c( ly gOIVlic(1 WOll1I1U ? "Y<:s, Mi ss Morrison, I am gll,H t you hn l·c cll'locl on me, · It Is abOut lhe ( ~dg r l<'1\ case, T sUPllosa," rou1lell ( ' Inr!{c, whl1 I discreetly fl't\ red beil iml tbe purL!ero or my t)edroonl dour. "0, yoS, 1\11". (,I :Jo' >i~.... 1'0\1 hu\'e II e n / bc I'ap .... 8. 1'o..IU two\\, lhe terrible troublo l aIr :~ . " . "t\ow U. ' ,n ," c::onUtllt('1i (~lllrk(l, "tho j13PQrH ~t.~· Uwl 1111'. Il:d!'; · ~lOIl cnl: (~ d at oC a mutl and then cut" so clean a fur· ·}'our I ,,!ll"lllleut bulldill/; th e Pull", at row. The re lire 110 signs of a ·slruggle, 7: 30 .I'clock f:\!lt night, '1 hat he [oulld Tho polish of t\Jat woodwork Itn811't a O nlT,tl\' IUcro lIud IItayeci only Ilhout scratch on it, " 'Mcb wouldn't be likely ' ClI. m'~''Ilos, . Tbat h e lind Garuc1\' lort If, ther h s.~ bl".:u n tight. Olllce!', are 't' olber, ent~red Edgerlon's' il\lto.~o YOII SlIre (besl) levers hn"eu't heon hlle, Ilnd starled north. Now what, louched since the !Jody WBS· found?" 'Ill rred .lIu 1"1 fJ g UIOSO I.t' n ·1111 u \I tos ?" "Yes, sll'.' 1 came wIth the wagon "Oil, Mr. Clarko. It IIfIPJlOlle(\ jllllt, a~ lasl nIght Rnd they were just that way. 'lie papors· say, only lhey have filldcd Th \i"'Ilt.llaant left ClllUCY to gllard It -0 Illlln)' horrlblo things thnt nro uut and r relieved Wnl at clght, Ncllher . IKI •. 'I'hcy s;\!' Arlhur 'Vll!I IlIsBuell of us havo toucbed them." "Sexton, It III my lIolemn judgment lealous of Harril:lon aud thM he left nw In a rage. 11e wiUlD'l • bit jeal· that l!ltlgerlon was not III thaI. l1uto· mobUe ,,' ben the kllllug was done. It'8 OUS," "Had MI'. Edj:OI'l!-,O any bualueu" a I!lml'le thing, but to me It's concln· sIva. roubles!" '''rhe machine wus let on tli,e ':"«,"None thllt r \tnow of, Papa said ~u t tlid otber ll.y~QII),J tbat hl8 factory ondar:r speed, The g1lsollne-tank W88 ad orde'" en01llh altead to ruD It a almoet empty and tbe oll-cupa dl7 as boae. Wboever 1'&n: that. eaT was of the and he
In.rianificqnt 'PereS'onal Tt:oit O-c)er/~o1ced by 'Police l"ead.r ·to 'Vnra-c)eling ol:~ ·D uplicity and :0., .W oman'.,. 1!nwa-cJerina' 7JeetJotion. .. --,
clothe II were thero and a black suit. the mate to the one I wns w~rlng. was mlssln~, He -·was out to make· trOlible for me, "rt wos a bopeless tallk to aUempt to tl'llck him. 60 I went to tbe reRort 10 Four1b avenue, where you ' found ~
him, and where J knew he would tu~ up somo time during the night. "Sure Dough be came about tel o'clock. He tried to pUS9 It an ort 88 n joke, and sftld the machine hael brokcn down nnd he had left It at 3 garage nenr Lincoln parll. He said grim trullle. "I ga"e you my word of hI! was sOrl'y for the scene bt' bad honoT that If you would come with me r would give you the prlvllcge of nr· made In my office nnd that If J would resting the I'eal murderer of . Harrison give him money h would, Icnva ·I.o"n GILrner. There he Is, Ilnd all you btive lhat night and never b9th er me a~aln. to do' 18 to haudcuff blm. He'll be ·"At his rcqucst I chllnged coala pmlng arounn III u minute, though l with him . as be: showOil me that be don't tblnk l!lP,re'li IDneh light Illrt In had grease from tb Bulo all uver Will. The pollco certainly deserve the ono of mille he had on. I Cllel · great cr~dlt for .thls, I Imagine the not gu Sll that It was blood. morning pOllers will havo a good deal '''I bad scarcely returnod to ifIT to say about tIle wonderful piece of nts before I wns an-csted a~1I work acc~mpllshed by Inspector SbJp. chnrge d with lh murder. Tben tbe ft Isu't too lute tor an extrn, eveIl." whole, hOl'rlble truth flashed opo,. "That's nil very well. Mr. ·Clarke, but me. · 1 ~hougbt at mY .. brother speed· what does It mean 1" . Ing away tram thli) city and t regi .. "I'll 'tell you.....:ah. ba's coming back tered an instant resolvo -to take bls to earth, 'fhut was ~ Bclentlfic crack 1,lace, . you · gave him, just bard enough but ·..It occurred to me later that hll not IIkt'ly to Interfere with the late.r ftrst ,Impulse, on Ilndlnll himself In lIuties o~ the. bangin~n. Inspector and possession of his l1I~goUen booty anll Mr. Sex toni I have tile pleasure or In· tho money 1 bad given him, would troduclng to ·you Mr, Arnold Edger· be a debauch," nnd then, ln~arlng · of ton, tbA .twln brolller of a most . my 'arrest nnd tbat I was dislJOsed to tlmable man, who baa rlB"ed hili own shield hl.rn, he would lie iow In hi. net'- to ·s nve one tbat III absolutely thle\'es' retreat unUl a safe opporworthlels. Now, inspector, you may tunJty presented to get away, So I lake the case and Mr. Sexton ·and I fell pretty safe In telling Mr, Clark. wlfl rettre again to 'private life." . wll ere to find' him." n. was many mootha after theall "And jllst think; dear, you mlgllt. , ovent- that I first heard ,tbe connoCted bavo been, oollvlctcll In hili plnce ~ I~ storY [rom Arthur Edgel'ton's own J hadn't !!Omo to Mr. Clarke," salll IIpl8. Nothing cume out at the uial, ~rs. · Edgorton, whlle lIe r busbau4 us Anll'ld ',was Induced to JlleM gllllly stopped tQ rOI) a clgarertte In 'p refe). snd acrAlPt a term of life Imprison, ence to those Clarke , offered blm. ~, ment. thero being little d':)1Ibt that· be n()lIc~d thilt be rolled It outwnrd, · 'Vall \usune. ·l!Jdgertoll, · the Irlrtuous, "I shouldn't lInve beon convicted. , a..,cd tn retir(lment until hf) cOllld wind daurcst, liS 1 coulc'l have establlshed\ .1l1I hl3 buslne~n allalrs, whell he 'and· a good nllbl, put the lDystery woul4~jj6a Mcrrlson were qllietly married· nave beeri unSOlved," · 1 would haye" I IUd departed to make their resld'lnco \lacn "ulned, lIod I doubt If you woald . I~ Europo. The) evEtnlng before they have been :willln!; to tnko my name. th~Y called at our 1I.~Jnrtment8 to Mr. ·Clarko's way was hy flir the besto · e):'presB · again t.belr ~raLitude to By the ' wh"" Clarke. I ·dldn"t wall·t tc. l [ to we m·et: a stumbllng·bloplt of I CJ&rke (or maklng their !;J'eat hap pl· tllll you all at first, ·but wilen I looked formldablc I>roportlons. Inspector Shl~ nesll p08slble. , Into YOllr eye~ I knew I had to. 'SUD returned wttb the word that tho prls.. "I ,wus born In Rill In.noJro,'' bcgntl you Boemed 'lo l-.'1;low it sit, anywa1. oner absolutely refused to Bee anyone, Y.Ilgerton . after, with sdmll reluctance, May I' ask bow you .found out I 1184 "Then, InSIJector. I wlsb you would be 1>11.1 consented to, tlljl hla alory,. a brother?" : lock me ~I'dn the cage next to Edger- "M7 J>rother (ollowe,l mo· Into tbe "You mar thank Mrs. llJdge,iou'. too. and preferably on the sIde his W9 rld a few hours Inter Bnd Clur motb· kf'lel1ncss or ob~e)'vu~lon In . nottn. bunk Is on. If that one Is ·empty, , 'lou flr dled at hll blrtl)" My fathor waa y.. ur meUlod. ot roiling :i (tlgarette fo .. can do that. can't you, and leave mo the younger Bon of a tlUe.d ElngUsh th~ ' f)rst til" Theil your brother'1I there for an hour? I may be able to line nnd bad sottled In Brazil to make bungling work with the .uto ·seemet Interest him through the graUng." bla Cortune, which he did malt sue- to make It 8S clear as a prJlI t A1 :laaa "Better go out and have your ces~full)' .. acquiring, In tho cou se or It only remained to persuade you til luncheon in . the meantime, Sexton:' time, an extensive ranc~ and '=.rgo veri!)" my theory... · . said Olar'ke, &It h" and the Inspector holdings of city proV<lrty, "I think you could have done th&\ dlsatlpeared down the Iron atalrw.,. . "I have perfornleb th!a dnty to the anyway. . You bave a rumullable At fibe restaurant to whiCh I "'Went best of ablUty, I rloaed up my power over men,!' "And over women, too," aald ...... for l\1ocheoo t met IIOme fr.lenda. Jovtal, father'. aUalrs, - 1K11d ott evef1thlol, good, r.uows, and w\' tarried 1001 over aDd, came be"" tJllDldlIs It mfsht .. Edgerton,. "I wonder 7"11 have lUI...' _ tbe cotree and cleara, Wben r 811aJb' AI'Dold to II[. him aw., from hla .~n married, It', IUCQ rot .\:Ulur thU bro1t~ I reaUl1!d ''' . clIlm4f that but wllerever ' he 1& he 1 met blm flrlt."
/ N [}EIlDL Y CHBRA GtE When h'3 sto[H)ed hc left tllll · tbrotlle on the /lccond speed, throw' off the geur·chltr.h, applied the , cBmergeucybrake, I),nrl skidded Into the dltcb on hIs tire:!. irh.ey ar~ cut throul;b. The e uglne waa not burned out from being lefl running, tor the machine Is of a type which d Iscollnects the batterlet! when the gear·c1utch is t.brown, No expert wolol'lst ever did Buell a bung· ling Job," ".,erhllpa IiJdgerton was III IlIlW band at the game." . . ~'No. On our way back 1 lIlLve \>tea trying to tJllnk wbere i beard bill name before, 1 just Ie, He drove bls own car In rlloes at \Velablnlton park lallt l muat PIQ" more attenU,oD to W1HIn we eutered rldor. of CeDtral
once IOllIht out
wife," Edgerton · continued, "I ,!lllle4 my brother Inlo ' my, omce and mad! a compact with him. In conslderAtlo, of a material Increase In bl. a.l\o ... nnce he was to leave Oblcftgo Dot not return for nve years. I alO101' hoped that belore this lim was u, bo would ellher drink blmself tI death or b killed In some brawl. "He has always ebown himself lito blo ot keeping his word, all<l J was scarcely 8urprlsed, when, ou the day ot lhe tragedy, he walked Into my omcc. I . WIl8 angry and lost r:01 lemper, 1 told him be never woulll gjlt lInotllllr c nt out of me. At nm he whined and begged,. but when he saw 1 was nrm he became furiou9 anel opened upon me a torrent of abulle. l ordered htm to leave or I ,,'oulll kick htm ant. "He went, vowing th most lerrlble vengeonce again t m. ' When I coHed dowlI I was filled with remorlle and telt tbat J had been untrue to my rather's trust. But 1 reasonell that his deait·c fur money would bnn, him back. "When 1 got to my apartn:ents tha, evenin!!: the jllnitor looked at ~1l0 I, surprise. 'WII)" Edg rton: he eat. 'you're back early, ] S8'" you Illn\inll In the automobll not 16 mlnutel ago. DId YOIl lilld your keys IlIslde?" "I kncw at once what hod ha~ paned . M,. brolher had goue to the garage and t.. ken· out my CIIr Bnd made , the excuse of losillg h Is key. to get tbe Janitor to let hJm Into Il11 roomll. I ....ept upsl3lrv Ilnd found my worst tears realized. His own
lif!O ;1/£# h/EIi'E LOCI(ELJ
plll,ln'/llothes mau. Where are they now?" He, tal;l ng me as 1 expecled him to, for a "I\y cop," snld nothing but jerked his thumb expressively 1n the direction of the depths ·beyond. Just as I 'il'1lB about to enter the swinging door. an awful hubbub !lrose tram within, the 80uuel of cbalrs burled vloleutly to the float, the crash of breaking gIBBS and overturning tables, cllrse- , lind the deep breathing of men In dead I)' buttle, , The ono customer, "Iho had ()Ticked up his ears at the mentlQn of .the inspector, fled Incon· !Inently. I pushed .the doorl aside and rushed In. " The scolio t.hat Illet my eyes .WDB over In leS9 tban the time necessary to deserlbe It, but It wns thrllling whlle It lasted, Two men \Yere lo~ked In deadly embrace, reeling abuut the room, o\lerturnlng tables and chairs, whllo · a third circled . around them watching ·f or a chanoe to admlulster lhe quietus wllh the butt of a pistol 'I'he man In the embrace of the strano ger was Clarkc. The one with tbe Illstol the Inspector, Tbe stranger hud 11 long knife In bls right hand which he ·wall trying to bring to bear 00 Clark's anatomy, but 1 was pleased to note that the wrist of the hand .that held ·the blade W811 enclrll!ed with four lingers .ltnd a tllUmb that I knew pos· .sossed a grip IIlIe a pille-wrencb, The alrulr . collld have but ODe end. lng, and I did net" lIOe that I could be of 'any use. With one powerful ellort b Clarke brought III. opponent'" ead withIn range 01 aile bu tt of tlla tnspector's revolver, ' tbere was a tlnlil, and a limp torm sUpped out of bl. arms to the j)f)OI'. ;'~at devll's trkk III this you're pla1 1n g ·ou me, Mr, Olarke?" roared the Inllpeclor. "Wo left this man at the station ,not halt aD lIour ago, How come. It that you lead ·me bere on Ii Calse 'scent and then drag my ow~ prlsorJer out of tbat roonl and force me to slug him?" "I didn't lead you en n rulse scent. InspEHltot'/, returned ·€Iarke, with a
......._ ..I<fu11J
llctt l
th~e:=:e;*:;t~WbI~eb sbo... tbaCOCJI.~elI!A.
thel", aret gOOd ~l;len!l!1e WHAT THE .TRADE MARK MEAN8 r eB sons wh y tblese relious oro CO[lllllls TO THE BUYER of producln.. bolter cropa :111111 our AHer Yea,.. spent In Vain Effort. -BYown " 'est" rn aud ,cer.ltral slllt s, bllt Few paIlle renllze th Impodance ~UflIOUS SURVIVAL OF CUSTOM best ot all are lhl). proafl! or It In Mt..' of the wordl! "'fmdo fork" stamJled Mrs. Mary E. H. ROllge, ot ComJAl\IES OUVER CURWOOD uol results. 'Illis year. tor lnatnnr-e, on lh gaut's til y buy. H they did brld g~, N. y" says: "F!\'e years ago OF THI;: MIDDLE AGES. us ltlgh (IS ou,e bundr d busl! Is at It would ~av e th Il\ many' 0. do llnt I 'had a bad fall and It alrected my kidneys, Author of "Amerlcan Farmera Build· oa~ s to til ncre will b!J gatlle,r ed In spent for ",ol·tIlJ ells gUuds and put a Ing a New NatIon In tile Nnrt""- j\~ltol)n, 0 kntc11 wan, nnd Albertn, lot at unsCrIlpu.lOlls JlHU1 UCnClurers Seyore Pllins in Uly r.athedral at lIevllle, Spain, the SCCint' • back ond hlrlR became "Canada-The Land or Greater nnil ~Qmo whenlt will ao A HIGH AS out cf Illo busiu ess. of Rem~r.; a b le Ceremonial of Wlle ll n mau uftrcttu'or adopts a couDtan t, and sllnl'p Hope"-"The Invasion of Canada by l;lF'l' Y Bl1 ~fE:LS 'TO 'rHE ACR~-:, Which I:he Orig in Is Lost twinges tCjllowed any Illire reAmerican FQrmers"-"~ T-housand th n l\~ at com'so this is an IIllusunl trad nlorlc hO' I1<;SUnl PD th In Antiqu ity. 'exertion. Tbe kidney yl Id, s)lonalbllll y fOI' ilie lUerlt at his prod· Miles on Horseback Across the DoLast IlPrlng i t was wlaely adv rUsl/d nct, secretions were bodly He tnk es hl B 1I11SI11 ,fill ropu· minion Provinces," Etc,. Etc. l'\oL one of tile many I'ollcs of the !n American pnpl'rs that Alh rtn's wlo, tion In his lIauds- out jJl' Ihe IImtlo disordered. I lost inl(ldh) ng s , )\'lIh Vlhicb 811[\ln stili f1esll ond grew too Notsovory mnny years ago the malol'. ter wheqt crop was n failure. In fad, IIght- "o n 1111 so.Ua+o" with Ihe buy· abo\ln,ls, Is more curlou15 than the weak to ~ork. , Though constantly nltnd Statp.p , Ihls Is Albcrill 's banner year In graIn r of hi s ",oods. wi th tbe dc-aler, alld dancing befol' the altnr which lAkes IIsl ng medlcluo I d spalred of being Ily oe people In the ut the predic tion tbat th day prOdUction, as it Is Sll!lk~tchewan 's ",lUI Ilhu selr. loughed' J)I-nco ev I'y ve iling during tile oc· curlld I\ntll I began using Doan's was coming when 'V stem Canada and :1\1 nn Ilolm'Ii , and (rom flguf(!s al· 'l'h oth r manufacturor-thO one til.\' a ot lhe hnmaculnte Oon e l,lIon Kidney Pilla. Then fl!l1et came flu- outst rip this conutry In readl' In It Is \'~lIU1 ,ltell t bat Alb rtn' ~ who hOl<1 3 out "Illllnccm nl s," oi!er· n 'comb ' I' 8· kI 16) and Corpna Datil· Quicklr, and 1n a sbort time I was wouhl This WOOlan 81\yB that flick the raising of g rnln-when, In other w\lca t will yield on an ave rag ot Til m· Inl\' to Ill'a:ld aJI goods purchnRod w.!th 1111 (l\lr\lO day A Ort"el' Ascension day) completely cured. I am now In ex· words, it W(Iuld bccome tho great TY·FIVlO) 11 • HElLS rfO THE ACRl<1. enell local dcnler's brand - f!ldcs teps 'Women sbouJ(l not fail to try III tile catlll!dral of Se\'111 . cellent health," bread.hasket at the world. During the 10 OIany pnrts of tue provln co re tur us l'ORIJOIlSilJ iJlly, nnd wh en U1 CSfr Ide- Lydia )~. Ph\lclmm's Vegetat,le 'l'h is church Is the 1I11'gt'lst Gothlo ' Sold by 1111 denlel'S. 50 cents a bOL past throe or lour years the enormous will show II. ylf'l d of na high :\s FIFTY rial' goods \'come flu k" It's tho local Compowld ali she did. cl\tbedrnl In tllo world, It Is lit by roster·l\U1burn Co., . Dutralc., N. Y. Mrs. A, Gregory, of 2355 j .o.wrence protlllctlon or gTaln in thll Domlolon lJU~he ls to lb Mro and It Is fre ly dealer that mus t pay til II nnlty. 110 fewer Ihan 83 \Vlndow~ and Is Ii t., Denver, Col., Wl'iLes to lh's. A J:;ootl X:LJrlIJle ' o r til Idnd of proW at has thinned tbe ronk!! ot those predlc tcd br many ,thllt when tbe at· veritable museum ot nrt, bnt lhl' }linkbam': ABSENT· MINDED. who doub t d the des tiny of Canada's Odlnl fi gurl's ,:lfO In a ylold or at I alit t ectlon nfford d tho public by a tmde crown ing glory or this vene\'ll~I l e pile "I wa.'1 prnc tlcrtDy an Inva\Ill faT six vast g~al ll gro wing regions; th e crops torI l'·five Instefld of thil'ly·five bushels ma rk Is t hat offered In connodlon caTS, on n.ccouut of f m:>.IO troulJl ell. . Is IV. fift eenth ami sixteenth cenllirr wllh ]\ational L ad Compan y's adver- { nnucrweut nn , operMion by til l'> of this yent' wllldispel tho.doubts of the' to the nrre will be shown, stain d glnss , tho deSigning oe which reOlalning tcw. From Winnipeg At tho liril or my last journey Us ing of pure Whito Lead fiS the best dodoes Mviee, but in a few moutllB 1 Is oIpon douhtful apthority ' IlBct1bcd was wars th an before. A 1rll'ml ad· westwar~l to lhe footbllIs of Albel't.a, tbrough the C:lDadlno ' V,est, when my paint Dlat c~·lal. to H!:)Jl1ael, Tillan aud Ml cbucl An vi se(1 Lydia E, Pinkham's Veg tabl e over a connt, y nearly a thou RP:ad l1ul')10S was largely to secure statls· TiJat the Dutch Boy I'a lnter traae gplo. It Is wllhla thl ~ ,wonderful @Odl· mIles In wlutb, the grrun productlon Ucal mallol' fr,r bool{ usc, I solicited mar k Is nn absolute guaranty or purl- COlllpoun(l an~ it r estoced me to {l<wfe ~ lice, sa~' s t ho Pall Mall Gazette. that tills ~'ear wlll Ile something, to almost letters from Amorlcun settlers 1n nil t y In Whit Lead 1:-1 proved to the llCUltb, Bneb u.s I not cnjo.ycd, in tak es place tbo 1II0St qua lut ritual of yenl'S. Any woman RufTcr mg 88 !>tugger the belief or tbose hundreds ,rOrts of til thrce provinces, and mos t mo~t skCl'lI al by the ofIcr National Imany did with b (\(ll(/l,c'lle. beari ng·<lowD all ChrlRtentloUl. at tllousands oC American ' farmers of these mnk.l mosL Inte resti ng I' ac!· l.r.n(i Compan y mak e to send freo to paius, 3.Ilil pet'jOllic palns,should notia\! The dallc Is pel'rormlld ,by fwo rows who"e nveroge ylelll Is 110 . more til an Ing. 'rh o I ttE!r was written by A, 1<al· 1 a 'IY Ilddl'CS9 a. blow·plpe a nd instruc- to USC l,ydio, E. l)iukhnm's Vcgetabl" of ohorl8te rs or selses. numbering 10 from ten to flrteen bushel!! oC wll at tcnbrun nc r, whos pOBtofflce ndd ross llou s lIow ' to te6t t he whit lead (or Compound. " I' 12 I tonnerly It was s ix) , wcarln g to the ncre, aod who al'o finding tJmt Is n 'gloa, Sa!lkatchewao: tb 1'1501\·es. Tbe teBling ontflt Is beplnmed hals nutl dr ssed o.s pagos ur their pro()\lct Is also outclassed in "A r w yea rs ago," he sal "[ took Ing I' Ilt ont from the N w York FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. tllu limo oC Phllll) 111.; lhe colors of For thhty Lydia. E. Pinkqunlity by that ' of their northern up a homestE:ad tor myself ~nd also office of tile compauy, Woodbridge 'he clothes vary j for t1.10 oe· ba.m's V egetable Compound, made Old Gent-Here, you boy, wbat are nelghllors. one l or my son. Tbe haH sectloll Building, W,,\) of o'rJlU!1 Domlui they Are red you doin g out , h ro, fi sh ltll; 1 Don't from roots and horbs, has been the The on'o rmou8 grain crop of this whlcll we OWDI Is betweeu Rouleall aDd Not Guilty, stn.ndru:d I medY fol' f()male ills. nnd whlet', while bluo and whIte al' YOll "JlO\V YOIl ougllt to he or. s clluol? year tn tho 'anadlan West may truth.. Drlnkwoter, adjoining the Moos iaw , "~ow. :\frs. Me artily ." said counsel andhaapositive lyolll'Cdtholl.')llJldROf "WOI'U dlll' llIg the Immaculate 'once I)' Smllil Doy- Th ro uow! I knew I'd {ully 110 srud to be the product/on 'o r c elt, aud Is a low, le vel alld h nvy rpr tbe defense, " please te ll 1I!1 simply women who have oo~n tl'Oubled with lion. 'fo ih IIlow mUlllc of v1 l,1l1u B tbls , rl)rg<lttl'n som thin g, "a fe w pioneers." Only a slllall per. land. L nst yC.Rr we I)t;t In 100 RCI'es of as YOII can your ve rs ion 01 th is displacomonts, inflB,nnno.tion ulcera(Iunc (whICh Is a son of minuet) js centage ot tho unnumbered millions wh eat which w~nt 26 bushe ls to tile It is alleged that )'Oll reforred to Mn. tion, flbl'Ol(l tumo.t:S, irregu'la.rit1 s <:lJHED HER CH1LD~EN. 80lenlDly II rlOt'mell, devoid ot all II" ot acros at grain land are under cuIU. ' ncro, Every bushe l of It was 'No.1 .' Callahan In dls parnglng t erms." periodio pains, bac1ril.chc, that ben.r~ revel'encl'l and levity. "Not n bit av It. J dIdn't say anny·· 'ing-ciown,fooling, flatulency illdis-ellAt tit Deccr;nbor f silva I Ule "ast GIrls Suffered ' with Itchlnl. Eczema- valion, notWithstanding the fact tbat That mans t he \lest wheat thnt can tens at thousonds at homesteads wore be rai sed on eartb-worth 90 cents a thing about dis paraging nor dlsparagus tio~dizzine88orncrvon9 Pl.QStl'll>tiOn. Baby Had a Tender. SUn, Too-cbu reh Is In 'darkness, 8avo fc'l' tIle taken up last year. And yet, when bushel Ilt thE! ' neaNlflt eievators, We nor anny othor gard n truck, except Why don'~ you try it? Relied on Cutlcura Jl emedl~ •• III:\lt$ of the IllSh a ltar, outl tho er· all the fi gures are In It will be fOllnl1 also thres hed !l,OOO busbels ot first that I s\lld s he had a noso lollce a It[rI'I. P.lnkbam Invites aU .~iek fect I s' most Imllresslv. 'I'h qhllntB "Some yeors ago IUY UIl'ee little tb(lt the seUlers at tbe western pra~ class oat s out ot 160 acres. Eighty squash aod her eompllxlon was as bad WOlDen to ,vrltc I,er for advice. wlll tl the chorlst rs bt nk alit Int o' merely add 10 ~be 801 mnlly of the 0 • girls had a very ha.d form or eczema... 1'1 B have ra.lsed this year more thau ac~es was fall plowing AND YIELDRn as n tOllluto iiI the lusht Rtnges. Yes Site has guided thouSllmls to emdon, which Is not ill the I ast do- Ilchlng oruptlons formed on the backs , 126,000,000 bushels at wheat, 100,000.- NfNETY B SHElLS TO THE ACRE. cnn see for yc rsnf If It ain't the trutb." llea1tb. Address, Lynn, l\lass. gr c le~Bf'l1ed by tbe sotlnd or the cna· of tl.clr heads whleh w('re simply cov. 000 lIuBhels of oats and 26:000,000 We got liS c,onts a bushel clenr. All 0 Ct,.~ 0. ToI.J:DO, I tnpe tll the selse9 1l1ay. Ther ar two ored. I tried a!most everything, but busllels ot barley, It bas been a "for. our grain was cut In the last week or KUft 0" 01fl L 'CAB COu 11. r Do . ts of mus ic, Rnd th y Ilrc liS /I upon frulell. ,Thcn my mother recommended tilne making year" 'for LbouSands of the month of Augu st. We will ~alw ,F IlANlt J. 1't.lll<E Y Dlak." oaLh thnl "" II _1M J,mntlr of th ~ n n\ of 10'. J . CUIlN.Y ,1: en, dO.." IIlll'rnale ev Illn ~9, the sl\lo at which lhe Cutlcura Remedies. I wasbed' lilY, Am riean farmers wbo two or three more money out of anI' crops this yea r hl ..l. In tho Ity 01 '1'ilIt!do, Qlunty Mil 8 ...... ft''Pt.......... 1PQ8ltlvely OIJrI!d b;t' chIldren's hcads wflh CuUeura Saari years ago owned hardly more than t.he than last. For mys~lf, I feel com· af()nMahJ • . funl tAUlt H:llil nnu wilt J)B7 th e sum or Is jealously guorded against by t be Cheae Ludo Pillao ,and , Ulen I;IppUed the wonderful oint. clothes upon tbolr backs, and whoso pelled to say that West r n Canada C) 'r,: lI ()NnlH~ O ))OLl, .... l18 lor •• r lt and CYeQ' challtel" ~~:::;:: g'J'.:J:~ ' bo curtd by lho UIO or TbCJ aIM rellcn DI .... A 1 gend BayS thIs singular rltunl ment, CuUcllra: I did tllts tour or five bumper erops from their homesteads crops cnnnot be checlced, even by lin, b'e8StrowD) APCP 1",,10' Sworn to brlnre mr. ant' ~~~~. ~~~ IIrlglnated nt til time or tbo sloge of Umes and I con sny that they have will yield the m this season anYWhore uBual conditlions." Idl'IIe.81ll0n orul TooUCUrl1 An Itemize d Mcount shows n. single tb ll1 ~'h illll' or O_mber; lI, 1.1 .. l ~, A pcrtcc' rem· evllle by SOUl boys going out to AI, been eJ)tirely cllTed. I havo another from $1,600'to $2,500 acb, more money I ;:.: I A. W, C!.F.A!ION, . tor DI.~lnc .a , )iUIP ala, where tbey donce d hefol'e the b.a by who Is 90 plump that the folds at than ll)I,n y ot them have scen alone year's earnings of this settler oud Ills 1 -..-- r N OTARY l' UOI~a. DI'o",,,lnp,,,", Do4 ', son to bc as rouows : II AII'. Cnlarth Itr. b '-' kl'll InlCmall,. Al1d &cto Moorisli nrmy, wbich they so ' delight· skin on bls neck were broken and even time In nil their lives, In L~eMI/"~b.CoI\I· directly upctn I ho hlood ~d mu cous 1u.rt'AC.'(:S o( \be bInd. T Ilsed Cut/cura. SOIlP and CuU· Very reeenllyI passcd through , oie 2,!'iOO bushels of whea t at 90 cen ts ' I'd tllat tit y wer able Lo d taln Ule"n e4 Tongue, POItn I n th~ .,,,,cJO. Sena lor tNlllmonUtI •• rrt'C, F . J , l ' II ~ Nl,Y &: Cl) .. ToI.dQ, O. 1::::::;===:::;"_-.lSlde, TORt!lD LTV-Eft. a busheL .• , ................ ,$2,2[;0' while the Spanl,ords manufld the wnlls : !lUra O)ntm nt and the next morning ,west rn provinces from Winnipeg to I' O IG II)' .11 OruKU""& 71\1). 'DIe, 'bo Bowels. Pnrely Vell'lalll" Tallo !JAl I'" }'~mlly / '1110 In! con.nh)&UOQ. bllt reully tbo origin of tbls "dancing'" ·the trouble bad dl sappenred. Mme. Cal~ary, nod In the words of a tellow $,000 busbels of oata at 53 eenl!! NapolL-on Ducoppe, 41 Duluib St.. passenger, who WaR astonhihed by a buslleL .. . •• , •••••• , •...... 4,710 18 quite obseur , SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. what he saw from the -cllr Windows In Same Thing. Another Inte resting legenil relntE's Montreal, Que., May 21, 1907:' Total ........ ....... '•••.. , . ,$7,020 Mnnitoba, we wore, ~etitphorlcallY ")lIss moorner seems to 'keep ber Genuine Must Bear thnt 1\ certain 'Ilrcltbls!tol) at Seyl!'c A Unanlmoua Vote. spenklug, In a ' "land at milk and yonth still," r marked Miss Goode. nU lit 200 ycors a go ~' Ished to SUIl,~E Fa.-Silllile Signa,ture A German.Amerlcan who hnd re- bon C)'," Tile country was one great It will bo seen by the above that "W II," r plied ~I s l Obel1118, "Bhe IWT IlreM thl rll.lal, hut ilie citizens, lotbls man's oat crop 'l\"as ~worUl twice aVER A '. ~' keeps he r ag!! quiet." g thor with lhe cnunD'!. gave such ('11, cently arrived at the ostato or riches sweep ot rlI?enlng grain. tn tact, so ,PIlLS. /~~ sttended his firs t banquet. The wine enormons, was the crop, ' that at the as lUuch ns his whcat crop, '" hlle 110slUon wat thcrp wns Quite a til' particularly vile, ond 80 sev~ernl time theTo wore gr,~vo dO\lbts as to for the atl pro\'lncOJ! weslern will " ... tl,"". l '"of "nO". b Cannda tb F.·~t Arhe- 1Jf;o AJlon' .. lf()ot,...~e REfUSE IUBSnTUUS. mlllt, thOc moll l' WliB 11 terNld to ",as genUelllen who were sealed ncar the tllO possibility ot GElTTING ENOUGH ' ...e ~ ____,6 \l__ 0 - world's I)Vrr OO,UXI .... llllonlul .. IIt·JuII6l rullAtlons. ijanllf.Rome. The pope or that time wlRh· German were quite satisfied ' to have BINDER TWINE TO SUPPLY THE greatest wbeat growing regions, oats ! ....'" lrlul l,ad'DK": A.S,Oliulllcd."lAl)loJ',M. Y. ing to lIee tbe dance, the chorlslm's bim empty the bC)ttles' that bad bee'n DEMAND. A si t uation llko thl"f' b' as race are ]luun)ng for I;U tbe e former Tn,grain ' iI a. clese i Delog bad 011 lhe time 18 almolt .. W I'e tnk n to the Eltornal CIty, wher set Apart for their comnion use. never betore been known In (be agrl. PI' mocy, e so nnd c1. monotonous as belug good. they performod before tho head , or ,To F... eu:ru ,OolorAdo. We b... tile tw ~~ ntlll maUe conQjtlona In Manltobn, Sas- ' Chr lstcndom, who me r Iy laughed, bllt Neither the Quality nor tlle quanUty, cultural history of any country. ~"t c.'up'o t goo<l,ehMp RrAlrle I I\nll II ""Itohl. at the wille In the least dlstllrb' e d tbe B fore I made my first trip through kn~ohewan a:nd Alberta are particular. to. "0111,109' &11 I(lndtl of ·crop.. In·l\blln,tn"ut. (0 Villas ' the are1ib shop and at the Wrlle or ~n ll on lilt II 'lOll '!Innt 1\ gqo;lf'U!D 01 of titan, and, aftcr draIning tbe last ' the Dominion west I dqubted very ly favorable to the production ot onta BlllUa tJmc to appeaso tho canons be 01.. Inveslme nt U.a.Lwlii "1.1<11100 Rom 'mul/f/, HOWE.DEIDE IN,VE~ENT COU,ANV, Illlid tbe dallclng mll;ht continue unUI ' glaSB, he looked around jovlolly and much the slorles that I had heard of and tWs grrun. like the wheat, runs Bald: "SheuUemen, I hat now drllnk. this so-called "grain wondel'land!' far greater crop to tbe acre thnn In Iii Xorth .ell .n......' er 100&.1",)1 III ......' the clothes were worn ' out; to avoid .llIJI!'ApOn.. ........ 1Ie.".r, t; OtIs the dresses, whleb are at striped en all your wino, and saCed )'Ou the aor08S .the border., I believed. as un- even tile 'bellt gTaln producing IItales troubls of trlnking vat you " did not ' numbered thousands at others beof the union. Ninety busbels to the smt, hnvo al ways been partially reo tored at a (Imo, Rnd nllw they ' bId like. [ tluk yO\l ought to vote me n I\evcd, that tile stories were circulated aQre Is not nn unusual yield, wbole public tank." They did.-Llpplncott's. mostly to Induce ImmlgraUon, I qulck. homesteads frequently running thil fair W last forever. ' I~ found ' that I wos wrong. As one average. AllId tbls In not the only 11 1)·' '. The otber lp'geQds ar" oonnected Too Much Afraid Of Dirt, Alberta ,tarme~" lIald, to me a few vontage We:s tcrn Canada oats havG with tbo Jews of Toledo, ,,,,110 formed It Is quite true that "cleanliness la 'w~ek9 ngo, "If, the wbole truth were over thoae 'ot the United States for In tile only cqmmunlly nC 'medhlval next. to ,godliness," bllt In tills day at told about this country I don't sup. weight llley 'r un between torty lind l~ lIropo tbat was not collfined to 0 (ads and scientific fTiI1S the question ' pose you could find one American In fifty pounds to tbe bushel, while No. Gil tto, with nil Its persocutlng regu· 1 whent I!:Q 'S ,tQ slxty.lWO pounds to Is' whetller we orf(! not getting alto- ten who woul'd believe 'It," lations. One of the reasons given tor gether too afl'llid of a. little dlr~ DII'L 'Tbls YQnr the ' prospects ot tbe Hie ImsM!. In fact, so heavy Is thlll 1s that at tbe lime of the cruel· IIxlon, ,or a little beCor , the Sonhe. has been defi ned as mattcr In the wheat crQP of Saskat<:hewon, Manl. Canadian grain of 011 kinds, nnd espewrong plnce, and hygiene Is the toba and Alberta are an average of clally tile whont; that tbrough out the drln ot .rerllsltlQOl scnt. s round to a\1 tile ,Jewish colonies a8kl~g whethe~ science of keeping It In tho right over TWENTY.FIVE DUSREJ.S 'TO west one will see CIUS with great or not the Christ was UI& long eXPllct. place, But we are In clined to think THE ACRE. and that this grnln Is pla.carcls uPCl.n then), wblch read: "TltIR car Is not to be 11l1ed to ea· ed Messlnh, '0.0\1 the J ew8 at this city that w~ are 311 n little bit too much far superior to that raised In tbe were the only onel! wlio returned anI up 1n the olr on \.110 matter at (llp-anll. states Is provell by our own govern. paclty with Alberta wheat." , afllrmaUve answer, tor which the); J'o- ness: a little too afraid of' coming, In lllont statistics, whlcb show tlmt , When I mode my first trip through contact with tbe olean..iimelling, kind. Amerlcnn mIners are Importlng mil. the Ca.nadian West a tew years 'ago I eel veIl their freedom. Anotber legond says tbe 'callse ot ly 4'arth, and oro in Clanger at becom- lions ot, busbels of B !'Clinad.lnn hard" found tllous,an~B of s ettlers II v1ng In' Herald. to mb: wllb ,tbe bOrne, prcidu'Cl In order rude sbocks, tent shelters' and homes this singular circumstance was that I~I ce.-Washlni;ton' . ___ thnt THIS l::{O,M E 'P RODUCT MAY ot legs and clay. TOday one find when tlle 'Cb~18t1an s cndea,'ored . to When the Little Man Scored, BE, fl,AISEP TO THE REQUIRED tb.ese old "homes" scallered trom , conflc~ these Jews to a Ghetto lhe Int" A .lUeck·looklng ll1t1e 'mriJl with , . ' STANDARD. It Ie a:'pecullilr 't act that Ma~lltoba ~o tlte RockIes, but 'they are ter proved tlmt before the crucifixion largo pasteboard box <:IIJIlbed on the while the DominIon Government 18 DO longer used by human tenants, IUlcesto l'S were livin g Iu Tolcdo 'lar, As he dld"IIO be ,bll'm ped sllgllHy anxJQu$ tor Its western provinces to Modern llome~ hav~ taken ~bolr place lI.nd RO they were guiltless ot t1.lot tnto a sle pY. corpU)(Ult passenger wltb fill up WIth tho , 'ory, bes t of Jmml. ' -for It has come to be A. oommon sny· r.rlmo. . ' g It. s oIC·s:ftlsfled look and ,two IItlle gr's nts, Ulero has been no blatant or !,n In these grent , gratn ~oglouS tbat, "abs or sldewhls)[ers. As the car sensatioJ)n1 advertising of those lands ,The firs t year a sottler Is In tbe land Enemies of Arizona ·Chlckens. rounded a Clll'VO Ihe box rubbed FOT thIs reasop It Is Jlrobable that not be earns .0. llVhHt: the seoond he bns Abollt rour days ago L. T. ClIffor(t , agrunst, lIi1n a gnln and be growled: ' 0110 AmerlcWl, farmor out ot fifty mpney enougb to build himself n mod· 'Who owns a fin lot of poultry, was out "'Phil Is no frelgbt· cnr, is It?" knolVS that Canada wheat now holds ern llome aud b'!rns; the tblrd ' lie II .In tl,le yard engaged In doing the "Nope," returncd thQ' moek IItUe the world'!! re~ord of ,'alue-that In Indcl)Cndent." And as extreme as this chores when he beal'd lui uousual tbap with the box, "and wbtln you , otli~r words, It Is tbe 'best , wHeat 00' !;ttalement, may seem,' to tbose bun· c0n;lmoUon In ,bls benh(lI\se. On QPon , ' 4ome right! down to It, It ain't any earth, lind that more ot J( Is grown ureds of thclllsands of American tarm· Th!' ,little useless "bead" that , Jng. the door and lighting up the blllld· A.atlle car, eitUer, Is It?" , to the acre than anywhere else In Lbe erB wbo strlv~ for a meager 0 :\ 'stence. lng' he was as!onlshed ~o see a, lna'ge " world. '\ . , ' It Is llbsol~t:ely true, I am an Amerltakes more time to' make than, the REMAI!IISTHE8~ME.A!irlefstudyofc)[mc.t1~. eondltlons.. CD.n. as p~t~ltltlc, I' believe, as most o~ bullspilke lying In tbo middle of ' the cigar' itself~that;s what makes three cigars cost flool' wltb Its body coiled around tWQ well Brewed 'Postum Alway. Pal.tabie and tbose tblngs which go to make our people--but even at that I <:annot ~,hlckenj', which were yet u1l'vo, , a clImate, 'WI1,1 sllOW that, ,thEr farther but wish that , theso people, whose y0l.,115 cen~-5 cents fur what you,smoke, and . Mr. (jntro~d struck ' ,lit the : reptlle; The 6avpllr of ,Postum., when bolle'd one travels north w.ll.r!1 from Uw l\,fon: lives are, slmll ~n endless at;Jd unhaI"PY 10 cents for the heads you throwaway. landlnll a blow on Its head" When '11 :o<cnordlng to directions; Is always, the tana bordllr tbe milder tb~ ellmato be-, grind, know of the ,tlW lire that Immedlat!!ly tightened ' Its calls and , so'me--:mJld , d!stlncllvG, ~nd .p'nlatable. com~s-up 'to a certaIn point. In Is aWllltlll:; them In t.hl" last , great Crl1Slled tllo chickens, T\le 8'nnl(0 It, ".ontains 'no barmf'\ll substance like ot~er words, t he climate at~ Edmonton west-;"tbls . "Ian~ of gy-;.-4ier hop!)," measured betwcen," 31h 'atid " feet' III cattelno, the drug' In cortee, a~d hence 'Alberta, Is tar b etter than '\ bat ' where ,the :rnrmer Is ' king, and where: llln!l\b. , " ' ." may be UlIlld with benefitnt a ll , times; De.n.ver, 1,500 miles SOUUI; ' and while tho welll th All rests In his bands. As :On Saturday l\venlng thli! olVner was ','Be'Uevlng tlio.t ilorfeerwas Ute causl) thousands ()~ cattle 'and sheep are ity. one Am,p.rlcnn ,farmer said to me, "It ag\lln disturbed by II. nol so 'amoog lili! ot my torlJjd IIvel". slck ' bea~.(t:he 'and rUg , bej:lluae' of the ,severitY of the Is l.lard to I~ull \11) ,stal(es ,~nd move a fowls, and' this tlmo the 'causq., 'for m]se'ry tn' mo.ny \vays," writes an Ind, wlnters.. ln Wyoming, Uontana an'd couple at tItlOl!Sand mlle~. , . And 80 It alarm .In the' llenhouse was made by" !aM, ." \iliH and bought a pa~.tage of other, w~8tem ,sta:t~s, :tl1t)eatt1e. s~eep' 1s-or nt JE!lIst It appears to be. "But lurge frog who bad jnst flnlslled Postum abbut a year ago. and borses cit' Alberta GRAZEl ,ON in, a mQnth It can be done. AlI,d Are S oent Cigars Without Head malvlng an evenlng meal of one of the "My, ' husband IUld t bave been so THEl RANGES ALL WIN'tER WITH the first ymll', when the new settler Therefore 3 for 6 cents, ' broilers, Mr. Clifford ,killed tlle '{roJr wen pleased that.' we have continued ' ABSQ.LUTELY NO SHELTER. Tbls .reaps a grea~el' baryest than be 'h as --'Al1zona Republican. to drink Postum aver slnbe~ We like Is 011 larg~ly' because 8ea:curren~s And eVer possessed b~fore" ,hI! will rise the taste of 'Pol>tum ' better than coftee alr-curtents bave to do with tho ma. wIt h 200,0010 others ot his people In By smoking Old Varginia Cheroots you mfte as 'IthBs a1wt'.yP the snmo ,plea~ani !dng of ~be climate or temperate Weslcrn C~nadll and thank the gOY· pleacant Morning Chat. yQur money go three times as far, because YOIl l1avour, while I!otfee cJ>.angps ' Its ' tasto gtona, For Instance, wby Is , It. tbnt emment t~-at has gIven him, tree ot Ovcrh4;lard In Broad\vay: ,,'lUi about ne ry :lew comblnstlon or €allfo\llla , possesses such a beautiful' cost, a new lite" a new lI?me. and new get a cigar that'~ all cigar-Da uselesS bead tb "When J seume ,with him, ,'(lit I)e bhmd, , ' ,', climate, with DO winte), a~ 'aU. while ' hopes,7""wblch bas made of blm, In pay for~ then ~ off and throw aW8fe tore I Itlanglo him, you rusb forwarci 'lSlnce uslog Postum I have bl10d no the New EngI!mtI statel on a parallel foct, A, mun among men, a ::,06se.sor knock the iJolU'e of pollloo' trom more attacks of gnll colle, tbe hca\'l.' with It ha~~ pracUcall,Y six month" of "ealtb IlIDCU&, hJs pe~ple, &old hand and flay: 'Falr plaJ, fair play.' DeBa bas left my cheat. Gnd the oilt. of wl,ter out of twelve' Tbe luperlO1' mao. being virtuoul. 11 Then grah the ,wo platol., rush to the sommOD, eVt>ry·dllor heaciach411 la 0 It II because of tbat great B"eElJl free from aDKletle.' wile be .. freti 'of'lneJo'W, ~tjrt ..enter, anel ,ell: '81&od lhing unlulo"b." "'I'here's a ReuoD," of wa~, water mama ... the "Japan from p~rplj~xlthIB; ~ld. he'l. he froID baclt! I .hoot l!J' idU!~ That's the alg. Name pl''!D b1 Poatum Co,. Dattlf eu~ ~ tbl. IllUDe curreut DOt fear,-<:Onr.\Ii!lua. nal for the caliln In be blown up b, C~I!.. .dleh, Read "Tbe Ro:ad, to 0011 affect. the ~eaterDlllOllt fYi tbe 41J1&111lte, and I !.all on top of Bunco WeJlvllJe... · In pkira. ' DomlDlon JII'OlIDCea. but added to Its 1111110 [11I811>.'s ....... B~ Bnl'a bOdy Witb blOOd atreamlnl fl"OJJJ "liar .read til. above lotter! A new.'l~nft.ce are, "bat knOW'll .. ~:~!' rl~~,=":::=.,.,:= my moulb. You toar the papera tr(jlll
i I
'O ut They Go
CHEROOtS tl,1tf.·
11M .pp..... fJ'Om time to ~Im ••....2'h.y !\Dd u tbe roof fall • .OA fOil .... ..... Iftd full o,!IuftiM
alitg\dI.;;,''lI1.I',ilfI"II: . . .., •
°t ' Goa.!pa abollt
chtn.,k wineJl"-atdd,. lJDeJ '1Ildevt alr~urreatll "Jdclo . " . , 0V8l'
-Un. tile IN8t 1rllea&
WeIterD · .... talk about tb....".. ,
gil·. "t. Ill. , lefl'ndIHlI ~. ./\lllll lllil'trh REPo RT OF CO:--: rJ2I(E (; 1": II\ySTERIO US CA E It))' (IT(I I' ''I'd tn fldvortill lIlI of pl'llp. ____ Till;! ~l I h udi~t Ct,lufer 110 . Whld l 'I'h o ' utl' \llOIl I II wbltt i tll,! u..; ht The Jllrors for the Oc tuber 'rerlll 'qf 1' 1.1' lit pnlilie' nmt!u> tI'Qf l l'tl'r O'Flyun. tl lc(' uHell 1 tloll\',\nI111 In t WI 1'1;. /o:i "I'1:I I.b fill · to Ill! n 111 'stl'ritln~ ('flV • ht)tttlll lln"!-l ourt Are Ornwn ... Fi vc ,A, JHIH ()'~'lY ll n :ll lloint Nl u.l111inh:. I lnl\'i ll ~ uppoin t m ni l' fell' Ih ~. tIll' 1I 1l~ wi th h\l~ Ellhllllll\", ju lIl'. hilA IluOl! ,\1arriaj{c Lie' cn ·CoS . ~j·/lt.rix nt $l!OO hn ml. ' S)J d n~fl t'h l ,listrlct Idit~O y r II lit WlIl't An c· lolt. t h ~ 1 ~; tll te 0 1' Chnrl s li'r lt h I'g, cIP· (; n1. \ . \.)lIlni,.. Pre:ic}mg. EttIe l·. bl.!lt ~i .O lll'thw Ul'kH (If' t il e lIIou llll Orand .Iuro l's cousr'U Hnp rt,. of -Id A of p!l rt'!lnlll 1 I·Clllllll1l ...... ......... :". \\- . CutnpU!l1l bui/cleri' ul pg tllo Littl !\Iiullli I'IV D,mie l " h leld!l .... .. ... .. : l:lI~IlIi1tOLl '( P . lJl·uVOl·ty 1\1 II h.v II'r llerirk J<' rI Ahpt·!{ :'It~l~'· hll .. ........... .. .......... .1. F . [,nil'd r ill Ol\ r u W UrI·tl l! ullt-y . WiIlhun A. P!l rkhill. .. J) e rA \~I '1'11· ax.., lllnr . 1 .. \' ill " \ r u . .\ f I . . nu (1 1'[ I': , I' rl' e, ~ ' . . »r1g!:l"I> _" gang u w or ,Ul on lire t)ugllg l1 Ba-yne r .1. ll:lrns ll .. ... ... b'r.Lu kli u :l'p . }c} '11ltl' of Dtllltl I'; Hil I' I'l'Y , 111 111 ,)\·. t \ \1 ~ I ' I n c l 'llrl' og I·I \,·B:,; A ... F ov lllgOII .............. .. n . ~ py}[J'y H' ,, the l IL\rlel'bl'u.h ' _ . ",. ord ......... ....... . HUJll ijton 'i'p. ' Fin li l iI('onnll! tlil' d' hI' n U l ' lI V! pmili 1 ( ' ' 11 A L .\:j; k fr o m t.b tl 1,0 rtioLl o f th Olll Furl, Burv y J . Bnrll t-ltt ... I<JtU; W uy n e'l'p . t'l nllr.ll1111 . · ',1' tll1\' 1 e......... ... .. ... . . 1~.,· 11(-1 t111\\~ 'b I . " Iflch ll ni' l)ul·!{ ............T. \Y. r l'C 1l~ly pn r ' 1 1I1~od 1,y tlle stnto ar e" By I' ..... .. ..... J< I'lt llkli n 'I'll· \V . H. HnClllk. " U Ii I J \ V )'llttn" t o I , I" 1 tl l l II. V ·I " 1Il·c II nlI , u'1' . . " W /I I' S e........... .... . " \\'l lltlll I' u,~)~ ,aCO !Lnll r .............. Dee r tipid'rp . lIl.l ltl> o f A . M . Br,)", n. tl COli l'I·C\1111 .' t · I un 1111; I; l'll lllll '. nu 1 ~l lIue tI I'Ig uI • •l' Jo ~ n . Bu t.t .... ...... .... l<'l'Illlk li ll 'J 'p. J,lllIllltitl', 1 :'1 l,u ltl D BrO\\, II , ( I iiI , (~nl'e ('hu r lI ...... H . l t A I' UllIl'lhll t' XUIl I·Ut.i'l1l11 lin", hr ongllt to Ii,ht. ·DI. Mi' I ~aoHe v .. , .. .. .. ... '1 ,U'or ae k I'll rl f1,. ... ndnJlI~ . l)l!\t. li bt~ tiun P I' Vn ) Orfe ue ·1.............. . W : A . I UlII,on Il;' f() l'l~ u lI ll ll UWII fn\·t~ co ncorniu ~ r - ·..., . t c rt!/l t i II g turt . ·BI· 1u n ,VS. J I\n El I:l. 0 ken .. . "~I\tl t W llyne 'J'p . ('Ift-ilt< rrom .lll e o f Trml e>lttlt "out h ,.unr Iet'tll ll ...... .. (;. \\ r. VIII' IIi" t I(\8111 () f " nt.u , !lspe r Littell. ..... ........ l)ee rfiehl 'L·p. d el·pd . " ll rill~ti lrl : ~ Ir tue un o r III ou te r WIlli o f &tlrs Ell rl l' I' willig' r. Illolintlfr vt! I " " II' rl Ol A U , ." I til 1' 11 1'1.. 11 f \\. YUu I'I'l~~ I'·I · tlll· 11 til' 1'hoDJas ' V B ........ .. .. BIlDlllton 'rp. I V .. ...... . .. .. u . \1' ~, ll l · eli. , W 1' II l!lm . on e .... .'l'nl'tleOl·ee k T p . 'hll r]o I . 'J'e rwllli"" eJ', et. III. Lie ·t. Pll\ll .. ........ .... .... ... (). '1•.. 'L "'tal" .. wlly,whiodigg I " H ·al( .., a.l~ ill glth tl ll l ~ftr:~ ~. KI7g ........ · ... Dem· n Itl 'l'{). f ndullt- . Hl'port, o f tile of l'tllll e~ ·cntl'lll.. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .... rnri~h t ht! " Id :111111111 .)£ II tl' tt 1\ !>IY,'I' .. I' rlt orw 0 .. .... ...... . .. and.1n T tl. tll te H1etl llud Ktl lll O il'l nppr· oved . (,['1\Ce .. ... ~ .............. W . ill. Vp r it ." tOil WII!! !ltrnck. Fl1 l'rh ur 'xen va Petit Juror ' Marriage Licenses. lligh ~t . ....... ... .. .. ~ • L. Y . UllyiR tl\)n~ , fr oll1 cnr ius it.y rlwenled II J osepb W . Bil!ey .. ... Ellst Wllyuu 'rp . l'1'iPlll'CIlU B ·Hy ......... 1, M. :' e ll lll'l:I I! tUU tl P" \·tlJllOn t , hui !t. of IlIrge !lilt 'N. A . Surfuee .. .... : .. 'IOllrc reok Tp. UUllr los W . W hite 2ii flirLtI I;l I', of Troy ........ ... ...... .... .. \V . H . ' ·Yoh rl)' r o(' lls whic h I'1I1' ,;omo rellt;o u h",; . 'l'holDtlS BOIi~h .. .. .. . ·out.h II Io III 'I'p. LebllU on RII CI Ah llfl E . Btl nl'l1,2:; . 'l' I'(J'y 'ir ·uit... ...... .... n. ::l. b' I'gll <,on lIl' tl n ov red 0\- l' wi tll ubo tl t bt!;h John Ditmarij .. .... ..... Iill.milton Tp. of L l/1l l.\ on. Bl'Ilndt....... ... .............. .... ..... ' uvol y t ee ll Ill ohel:1 l' f 8t)i1 , wb et-ller hy 11111 T . E . Griest .. ....... ...... Frlmkliu Til Ve rll oll H. (:; phrlrt. 2~ III borer Bowel' l'i ll e ... .. .. ..... .. H.. IJ. 'o lelllll D 11 I'll I l' olhe r 'U UStlH is uuk l1 0w u Andrew' E·. &hilling ... Franklin 'ii I. ,)f Min m istm rg tc) M:I hel M. T emplin Utldll1'l'i1ln ......... ...... ... .. . W . It:. Pu tt. Th my . te rl on s pu rl. of tIllS di!lC'ol'Alex Spinne r ...... .... .... D er fleld'l' p. :.ll, o f J<'rlmkh n . . 'b r i t ilo Tl ... 1.)II r g .............. .. .... 'l'i MI e r'Y hi th llt. t lJ !l I mIt! III t h e wtol k .Jobn· W. Dunhtlfll. .:l'llrt leorr.ek '1'\>. .Io hn Q. r inolll1e, :3\1, blll'he~ of Uia ltooll ... ...... ..... , .. ...... ...... ~ln}Jp l y li ra dou lllrr~d tu bu l'lI ti r ul.v u llh'r 'ut •1.obn SOhalk ...... ......... Deedl Id '1'l>. Frnn klln t o MIl1Il Bly, :~" Frllu klin. Don uld ville ......... .. ....... .... .. ~· U)lPly f ro m nny fOl1 l1d i ll tlw !ltl r ro llnrling Frank Dubois ...... ... .. . Fraoklin i'p. Both 'olorel. Fl. J eiTerson .. .. ........ T . k Wi Ili um!! coullt ry . 'r ills /t"ldu "'i v S Il l! leI II Po Ibert Frenoh ......... l 'ul't leoree k 'l 'p. · Alfr cd . tl nollK , ,t-;' ffUUI I' of .I a.mesto wll ........... .. . W. M. 'OifDlllll lof til heir ul 1111 work of t>h ose \\'ho .Wllbur lvlns ....... ....T urtl oreek Tp. Lobatio n ttl (Jel te evar t, -11. of N IV Ju per .. .... ... .. .......... F. L evel' b\lilL the forts. New Suits. Lebllll oll . New Moorefielc1.. ... ....... A H um il toll T rnci ng t hi llllVHlllen t t.u wll rl1l,lllI Milhll'll G ulletttl, 2,1 fa r mer ue Otlborn ...... .... .... ...... .. .. J. ().Eu kl tl~ illlirt hwol'ks 1 n ;1 olon r ing UWIIY t li Veda Eye r . p\uint ilf Vii! E. G ul e ] ntn ' k y to Uorn Hn tohinson , If>, Tr n ant. :it,y .. .... .................. B rl' y th iok 'bru ~ h of th p undergro w t h /Ill Eyer, defendant .• P e tH.ion for di of o n th LeblLncm . Un ion ....... .. ............ ... R . .b~ I'6D gt\r o LJ ell l n ~ WtlS fou nd In t il ijoli d vorce. .,~l"intift· lIays that h I) hH tI .Wllyn o!!vi lle ........... . W. T. Gi llilclo d r ok ItlJUut· ll f 01 in din ul te r . A ~eeD "true aod faithful wife aod Rcal E tate Tran fers, W . Mill o n .. .. .. ..... .... E . . Ma th ews toroh w . t.l rrll~t. tn lIt t.bis open ill" oomp1ahls ' thltt d~ foi.ldl\nt 1111 be n • . X O ioL, Fi r t .. ...... E B. Cb er ington lIud it \l'US rli !!l('lI v r ed greut to t he . golJty of e xtreme orue lty, ha-ving Margl~~et Fo r~ to Albtl r t P. Kll i· Xou ll., 'l'l'inity ......... O. p. Ho ifrnllU tltllIlZ' In II I of the wor k me n t lt'lt II struok her ~n anger lind a t " ariOlls Iller trll c t In Bnmdlon , tO~l1s l~ lp . .1. times threaten ed budil y iu jury. NOII.h Witter to b e(:)I g F . V,llI. Yello w ~ " r illl! .... .. ... W. M. I'utton liv e 11'11: with in t.h e WIIIIl! Illllt rbfUlIl: . pll l' kled h rill illutl.V' with t h ·' 'glellm :::!heavers thut I.! fendh.Dt· n!!e~ pro. lot in Fmnklin $1. t burch ... .... .. ... l1eo. 1:1. ~ ' uli th of ,'u r i" lIt d ditl de ltl ~ . Fir fane Ilnd vioious 1I111guIIge t o b er ~us ltn B. 'l'hout:I en to Annll L . G r'IOo .. ..... , ............. 1. L. L e: t IInl A sta n WIIS t h ro wu i nt () tb I:'0n . great hnDJHi~tion. Pluintl1f fut- ' Fre(l eriokJ. Leight lot.s ~.. .. -ing IIn(1 ifit- ~lig h ted til s Ollul'houltl tlier states thM an· night of l:ieptem in Franklin $!i00: CALE I SECTS nntllu Ili ornecl 'l'he pening Is v 'bel' 8rd defendant refused to a.llow Alonzo B . t:lne\l e t til t o S tlrllh F. 'Hll'l'OOlHl d by solid t'oo k hnt t he her. a bed in whioh to IIlee}l ill their ' Snell tlud Ann,. E . n 11, tra t in ua \'6 cll n ben t r u b ut by xt o si" home In Clearoreek town hip' s o Hluhm town h lp , $,1.. . T he 1>1I11ervllti nl! lllltl )lfIlc tiUlLl b itt. ·ti1 1g. F Ul' th I' . f1' 'rtR. \Il u.y bf\ that she was . compe.Jlad to Mee to a A!exander M Kin ney IW U Re bec- ptllying e xp£< rieDCtl h ereio rooord· to d l!\olo.' thifl. thn.t III UY nel~bbor for shelter. he tls ks for 0 1\. M Kinney to ltmde M. Kelly , ed . lU addition to t h e information mu rl a dissolution of marriage VOWl! Itnd lot in Morro\~, £350 . . c ompilell frolll th e w ritings of oth- IIl'OVtl to htl tI va \utlhte Uu d - Wtl t alimony. Mllortiu A .Jame on utt orE. W. Batllllwny to Edmund R e- et'!'. Ilre uuLi nly t he resu\ t of work e r'lI ,'ttlr . • __ __ • _ neY' for plaintiff. talhok. Qu it olllirn o n lot in don e by the O bio Experim e nt; St.n. RAILROAD CAR RANSACI ' ED Olive M. Bedg-eOt! pllAintl1f v · WaY~lesvi1J f ilO. tio n, in '0 0 operlltion .with t h e De· Cllffo;d C. Hedgee Il~ftlndant. ' Pe· Lida Whitaor e t·o Dor otby Uelf. pl1rlmeot o f For e try o f th l} Hy 01'\ 'r Ile Spl'lng Vu lJ ey town . Ulln's h lll tltion. for d'l vorce: Plaintiif a vers lot in Mo rrow $()5U . . (Jle velll.nd. lLUI.! t he P nnsyl vunill r tiilroltd do t~t defendant is ' guilty of gross Commissioner ProcCedings. cale'inseotfl Ilre Ilwong t he mos t, tec~ive of t his oi ty Ul' tl ~tr euuo\lijly neglect of .dutle!', and that she b'll!i fo rmidr\ble oltbe pests from w hioh OOCUpl d In inve~tig/l ti ll g /l r Obbery been k.eeping herself upon her owh Bills filiowed.....B. P. Blair, eement., the IIhade trees must be prote oted. thu t Qcourr d i~ S lIrio cy VuJl oy ltLSt j Johllson & Wntson 0. , pIn QIJ- On IIcoonnt of plan Ize And proteo we k. A enmp oor b eloo g itlg t llobers. Asksfor ·di.-vor06llnd ml~id· ~Bn&me of OUveM.8hILrpe. BI\01 · ul tax, $17: H. E . W'lrwiok, SOllP t ive .oo lorl,tl n they frequently es- th e Penllyslvllnill rlliJrolld IInll u ed ilOOn & ·Brow.n, "ttorneYR for plain- f.Jr jail, 12 j S penoer & Monroe, lum- oope d etection by t h e untmin tld 'eye by tL g lmg of tldlr pod workme u wns till'. ber,· 1i352.0·1 i Lebllnoq Ioe and (Joal Doti!' they I1I\\'e oured stloh II bl'o ken into in tile ubsenoe of th e Ella .Johnson • . p]8.intiff yll JOl!epb <.:0., ioe. *6. 4.0 j Xenia City W Ol'k stroog foo t h old th.a.t the b ost iis p Ar- m en lind thoroughly rltns uoked , B,. Johnson, defend/tnt. Petition House boording l)risonerl! $1 .75 j lDanently injured . Furth er in ad· Three lIu its of olQthes , se vern I pair for divorce. Pll\hitiff' Ilvel'S thllt Lebanon Gas Co., gil!! for jail, $6.60: diti on t o the till V'unt,l\ge they p'Cl!jsett!' of s hoos 127 in money, two or three defendant is guilty of gross neglect Willia.Dl Evan lumber. $10.95 j by r all.son of the in hliol1$ nnt1!lre .of ra z<;> rfl, n new s ultouse n.nd Il r e volv r of dnty for last tl?ree Y6ll;t's PtlSt and. Milson Lumber ooi;nplI.ny, CeIDtlnt, their nttook\ aorne tire e xt-rl~mel)' wore tu ken. I t Is knOWIl t.hnt tw n asks for dissolution of nlllrrll1ge '111 j The Westerll Star. printing resistllnt t o remedIal m elL! ure. rnfln were hnpliont ed iu the burgllll'Y ~ows. .WillilLm MoD6nt\ld I~ttornoy bridge Sl1ecificatlon!:!. "22 50 j Samuel 1I·IUOOg t h estl beiog .ou~ mos t oo~- !lud it is th on~h.t thll.t one of them is for pla.i ntlff. . . D. Ben~le .'surveyor, fees Bnd ex. m n s peojes. suob liS' oy tel' s hell "Xenl" mono As yet DO 'd efiuite Boward P. Early, adlll. , 41e bO'n isl penses, $141 j Valle y 'f!llepbono ' 0 . bnrk Ion e te rrnpin otll of t h e mao olue Il ll been f ound ·thot rnlght leiHl ' non wlt~ w~11 annexed of elltate 'of tl~. 70 ;.. V' ..J. ZentmyeJ;, b:l~ge ~·e. [lI e e tc. to' the ~llrrest of the tb ie ves. - x'en llL John F. Fox, ' deoelLsed, p1t~intiJf, vs pl.l.lrS, "1&3.70 j FfIlnk WlI.lhng, oou · 'l'he DluJ or iby o f t h e sp acial! 'r e- UI\:f,ett e. Henry Reilti! et Ill. Plliiutlff Slt-y!!. ~raot $20 j George '1'. Whi$e, bridg e 1p.ILln Ii.'ted II.fter t he ~o~la oov·tlring - -- _ .. that by rellson of UlI'OY oOlDpliotl- repllirs ·faa.»0 j John Linder. brfd ge iR fo rm erl , Tile s).Jreading is eff~ct. A SLIce-enough Knocker. tions arising on acconnt of death of ropai.rl:l (Jlellroree k town hip, .17.50' eel by the young liS they om wI J. (J. Good win . of Reidsvlll , N. several legatees of tbe will ~f Ohurlos L. Henderson, finttl esti mate a bunt ~eel;i ug u nl ttl ble plll ' e to C., BILyS : " Buokltln 's Arni cll SUI"'6 il! • . IL sure enough knoolter for nloel'tI JatfJ John F. Fox he thhiks wise aDd *532 j John Burnett, . Contra ot., .begin feeding i II they nre oa,ritld ~ bllli one OILme on my leg 11\,~t. !l um. praysdireotion of oourt ~8 to propor $162.70 j John W . Whitaore . lumllf' l' Bhor t ditltu'J;loes by ljitler webs or m r . but tb ttt wonderful 1I1l1,va 1l18tribution of said· Btltate. .Elaqlij. "2 • 5 j t? . Wi11hLm • eat,h~lll te on wind ' j .or P.?S 1\)ly longer dil!tllDce, ~u ocke d it ollt in It. few roullu s. .. .. -1 ilr.0 j o J hn It:'qn ~, brJ'd ge up on .' .th~ fe.e t lind ft'm ther!:l. of ibirds. Not bven to~ ~ Br~wn, attorne:r,s for prain: O?~ t raou, . d f 0. s ORr ' l remll.hiedb: '! <:Iullr . ·"'" . . ' repal' ra ~1 'l\h' t ' l . d t l· h ' . I~nte e or pI t!!:!, are, urns etc, . t I.... .. ' , ; : , ... . . IS m ~ I e p~ rl o In 10 IS :'00. u t F. a, ~o!:rwEtrt.z's Ilrng stol'e. Jobn Aa.o kott., lllllintlff, V8 H .. ,E,. lhe Ilccounts of the two .d ope!:!l. p f short(lt11'ntlOn, . nsually n ot long. . . . ..__ . . Aoht-ermann and ~. ' Aohterruann, torie!! The Lebl1l;lOn NutioDILI .Bt\/lk e r tl!lln tw o or' t.hree dny . ' . GREAT III USIC 'OEFER defendants. .Petltion fOI' n.l Ooey:. and 'l'be Cfti;-.enll .Nut.ional Buok ~or JIII;eot!! o f bhis oJ:'der .ohtuil;l t4eir Amount ol\loluled . 500 on In·omissory month of Angast w ere Iludi iad unu food by in tlrting t heir !!hnrp huir. 'end Ul! ' the ' 'names of three or' note wIth interest. . foun d correct. like ballks lnto the tissnes o f th e more perfortpf)rE! _00 t he Pi:tno or TheR. J. Kittredge & (Ju. , pluln. ' ~rho fil:\lllloilll ijtl~tel1itlll t uf Lh e i.lnnt a nd druwlng out tbe i:l IlY, Orgnllllnd twen ty five oentll iUIli1. tiff VII JOSel1h W . .SIIOOk, at Ill : Pe~ ulldi.t or and trellStUe r s it wiu g bill. he uoe ILppliouti ollS of poisoos nlre in.· ve l' or postll'g e .und we·wi\l !Duil Y ~t1·. tition for money On 'old iudebted. IUloe in elHlJl fund l1111l a coonnt lit 6tltloti ve, lWei 1'01' /III pruotlolll pilI'. lIostllllid OUf latest POpnl[l.r ~Ilsio ness of '616.70. Alber~ Ahdarson" the b eginning of the m ont·h wal'e PO!! !! it trmy bo · tmid th'ilt . oon t rol ~o\l on'tuiniQg 20 ~"ges full Sb eet attorney for pllti0 tifl'. . presented ILUti . urdete.1l pIIlCr,(I .ti n lIl uUtnlls 111'0 c::uutlned ' to . s prllLy'illg :\1 ~ io, oonsisting of I)o pull~r ' ::)0 n g!:l , lile . with oontuot inseoticides cl uri Ilg one ~l1rchesllnd W \lltzes lI'rriLOg~u fo r Court Proceedings• . Con t raot' uut eruu illt.O wi t h I!' . W. or both of two seu!!t)n!li.tb a latter de. the or Organ locluding RUll. In ~he matter of IIppliClltiou of Btlthaway for COnor ete llllving·lI.l1d · llelldill g upon th e /Speoies. ' ow e K~A U I£R 'S famous "1!' llgbt of the W. F, Eltzroth l,n\1 uthers for U.' llpe- llrot,,!ctiou ·to stone aroh n eM ol1l::l.Ir .srulles I~ro mors ett!lily dest rOYEul by, " · ' 'Ma,!,ol~ .Manila " Ilild cial'eleotion . to detel'm!oe whether. Grovln~ob o ol hou e on lo wer Hpr;ing. th e lIotiOJl of t; ·trong sp ray. ut'ed the liLt-es t pOl't1lnr' song, "l'be Girl .the Sale of intoxioating liquors as a 'boro I'oad in Wlly no towll8hipllt. os. duriug t he 'winter llIonth, while I ' ve 8een." beverage' shal\ ' be ')l' l bilJited ' in t iDlate *65: . o·t h ers .llre s usceptibl e ' t o tl'6u t lllon t POPULAR MUSlC PUB.' CO. WllrFen . (JQuoty, . Obio. ~etition . P lans and ~pecHiclltiom; for .0')0. witoh 1\ wtlnk ~l:'fIL'y '!1)Jplitld d1Hin~ ' rndianapoHs, Ind.presented .to the . Honol'l~bl~ Milton .orete Itroh on Wavnesv ille Itnd Blu·· 't h e BmmiUir ill ooth~ when tbe hroQd -~~~ .. - • - - - . Cll1rk. ,Jodge of th.e Uonrt of C Olli· lington pike nan·\: residenco of A . E : f 'j' . '1'J 1 JUOIi Pleas for pri viJege of determin. were npproved ILnd ortlered ing ma~ter .by bIlLlot. . Thirty-H'v e p'J!Hed . '. . ouly when t h e entire brooel of young ' . ..... .: ~ , per' cent of voter 's names .being .'I t • -- ... - - - -u'ppeiu' within II few dl1Y~ and wh eD ~rtl5U'en.tb.orHeartlyeakne5ll.mel.lilNen-t ' .. . on DESERVED ·C OMPL. . ' . ' ted s pllrsel' y enough .,,,,,,.lIth, or Ns"sWeaknel8-llQthlu, more. ~ ttlohed thereto lLOle Is ol' ~erell 'I' 11,1E " the bus t Is folm ItlveJ,.. noton8 weak heart In a bundrOO fa, In I*" . . • ' . 1NI1t; actually dJsealNld. ·It II Almon alwaYI a S eptembe r !)ot Oi,,·. : t o penult tille S)jrtty · to r611Qh 1111 hlddentin,.,Uttle nerve that~IIYlaal l'atrauU. """mnnd··R VO"~llrtel~" ~ H onry ·t ftl It ' .. T~'8bbscurene~tbecardlac.orBeGrtNen. .,... . uw. ,~ l\li~l! Lo uel!t, Plltter!!on of ·Wn.r. PIll SO · I e Jl fill . . -si11)p'Jnl!edl.and must'bave,mol'9pOwc!r.l'D6,. Dj')&tollh . Defendant grunted :10 ' " .__ . . ItabUlll', more cbntrolllnl' more rovumlaa "Ilys. in' whioh 'to \11-:.... . . rail count,y,. nellr Blanohester Wit!! · ' att:ento , arth, • dWtlhtllO~tb ..tbme Mit ·mlllt,eontinu. u "'"' • . , D RI - .' ' - - -. ., ,,1J •.an · e .~mae I!nd· kltlne,. &\&0 bav. winner uf I\. prize in a ta.ble· story rIve 161llllut·l l'in out, IIf the m__ meoontrollln.nene-. arl B. Sweney VB .Jlillles W. ' . . l blood with IJr. l:lhoop's Rheumll.t<jc Thla, cl.",rl,. eQ1aIn1 Wh~ as a medlefn8. Dr. Sweney Il~':l • . On mot,io~ defendant .oontest tbe. NlltlOnal Wood -¥uga. Remedy lind 8'ee IlllW qllickly pain ~~~\~~!rl~:r;j;::~'n"r'~~~~~~~~ zloe of 8eptelll t,er. Miss I.Jollella 1will .depart. Rll h on 'e IIIH' ElI' did the C&IIIII ofa11 thlll painful. ~1~114t1I1t1.l'wroca," granted 30 days .to file plelldiog~ . b . 1 . I '1 I h tl I d' . nh qbcartdlltl'eU. Dr. BhoilP'~mUve-1bJt Edward Snouk V8 .J . \V. ' Snook et won er pr 7.6 WI! I n contn lUt on ~en;c ...Ie . rOll IHeuse, ",.s umun pOpular J1l'e1CrlJ)tlon"'"'!I I!lone d~ to th_ entit.\ed "Floweltl IIl1d Rice " 'n Ism 11m t III the skin. It'::! lap)J wl~'!!..~~ w~I.ln! n,!!!el ecm~~h 1& builds, ' al. Leave of oourtgrtloted defend. "d ' ti' t t t· I P ". __ ...anI, .Ou ON __ • PII .....e I&rthelp. . t.he T-u bla I:)tory. 'ontetlt I honsnnds o.wn, 1 , I'Ctl';lli I II .10llfL . ;;Je1JtJnr~ rId ,.011 .~uld have 1!trO?' BeilIU, atroa•. ~ anti! to l)lead in . aBDse before first . . I of the pulu II! after 111\ wllllt onUlllt!\ =oo, . .~ tb_ ~.. - .....hUIIa dlly of next torlU. of oontnbl1t.iontl from 1111· pllrlt! of Thut ii! why Dr. BhoOlJ 'sltheulJlatio .. MOdic!. ~tb . the Oniterl Statel! Bn!! (Janudll are Remedy goetl, by word of In uth Probate Court. submit.ted oaoh month lind from from 'one to I\~other.. And belrelD • J. Merrill Bone,&dmiDiatrll.tor ot these l)u~ five pri' are awarded lIe8 the popularIty of ..hIS - .h E ,oogl~, K Is winning defenders t ....... HI~ 0 f . S ara de- henoe the ImpoTtanQfl of the honor It where. Tablers or Liquid, . .. . ~ p1&lD"ft v~ (.+eorge W. Xoo. attending ~i8l! Louella '8 'rictbry.lall dealertl. "ALL DEALERS" <.:OU TV
1"\ ....
T 11 f1'
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Which One'
I f you a I'e. ~'qll ;; UI'el~' lI':lnl t.1I !'h lJ W YUil l' crllol's . ,lll i the IlId.\' way is to UlI.I' a I'll.! UI'I;' uf you I' f a vurit and pine· it in' .1'0 11 1' win duw. 'l'h~s . phoLu pict\lJ' ·s Ill" tilt' lal,,,t. on I It · lIIarket, anu art' Lhl1 latt':-I1 p ic! lit·..: of tllf' 111'11 g'lIUl:'m 'n. . . '1'h, ~l\Ial l pl'i ('\! will '1 111111 PI'IJI·y lHld .v ttl plIl'cha:::' e>ll '. 'all a l IIw <: 1\1. ·tll· Il lIic'\' and h)ok a t Lhelll. and yuu w il l lill HII I't' leI h ll .I' . ~:,~ ~:~ \' .:;~
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o i~·. H .'E. flA'l'n t.\ WAY \ I I< 1' i11t" Ollin!\- ill 1(1\.1'1<
l.e/ulin g Oeutillt. Mltlll tit
Hlll ~ .
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\\' (~ (' ILII t h o n LtoutlU li at our I'eutl III!II !" II'U I' I. Alit ilmt , () !" ~ t u ti ll' f1 rlvul' tiilOltl tJ ut, Il f ,J u ~ . A , wnMJ/1I' ItH'>l11 II Jl 0 lIS DAp nty , 'tlltu Ull'llo h , 11 W OW ll fll' I ,\ 1. 1. ·It. I I ~ o f tlt e Hail y (~tlill \ " i'd a n hlll'l~ll! ',Act,1) 1l ~ Cll t· Mllt' k.c t , 'I' h oy !l a udle Itt a ll I" L II t11 \ ' w l 11 Ull Ht t e lllp t WIl S mild III t. it ll P t h. c ho ic s t IIlld VI III\P!.C '·' . o f m oot , b ot h II r r ost vio late l's o f t he g ume I llW~ , lL1uktltlJ lI ud. hav e l :l IlI Iii' I'(' ,1 1,lIgI1 I IHH' III t h , 0 0 h aol! ' slloh Ii t, t, l ~ ItatclI of ~ub ~ cripUun vllIlI l! lit' Bu llllr n() k , .IlHlny or il.!! :.{II IlH Wlil'e urn W II a Dd O il llUlll BN· d II Iloll'll! n o u ly oou ld be J.l u r. 1..."1(1 ' "IL l' f.r1 t.r ldLl y hi ul h /a m'c ! I 1.1" fll l'lll Or r l', l(it-HlIM h ·lt lll oit.i e;l Ilull oll JJeu . 'l' h a-:I h I' IIY nnll ulUrHlI u l Ollll ole(l i u ci ty lUllrk ta . £1'9m th i,; " Iue w e .. e nil d nu d fon r Cull u n tho m !lIlU seo wha t Ll\f;)Y .1". 10" " :-1 lIi l ' l. II I, 111 11 f,)I\.·tlt u Ull u n l Uri' >I t!! \\ e rIJ /inIl Jly m o,u o llan' . - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 11101 11 11 1" " " l n ~ l\'l nj lll uy !l ll d " pIli) I , I 11 l' M' u 11 t - - .. . ltllh'f\ of Ad vllt·thtt'IIWnl H U. , lIWI'I"!.Y, I I l ,O W ll, i t 's II p ity wll ,," ,, K \111 II rll'Il !: ~(l vl\I'lI l l lh 1\l1" ~ I II I,h,) 1l1l 1l'lI itj~ tll lil . IVII IIIl1 It l" 'tIKt'), I II U I,h , r'lt 'n'~f' r IJllhd . Il w .. tn lllll r'h t l' Kt i mul' r'l1t.e l (f~ a l l i li ti I .Ul':d H, rw r IInl' "ho H o rt, 1I1 .. .r" \,I I'l Ii IJl f"' I\ III ~" nf :ve ll "" It'O . · ,, HI'I'ILILl ' IlOII III" r0 1'"~ j lUll 11-.1 lIl g 1\ r nll l'1I1 S, /lUI-' H culllh~ 1.\.)\'11).", IJJ lu'h h~\..·t l. ' ....1 Hln· ' 1I,W .\"' . '1'1I II I 10; ' II II wrOlll,( I /<~ I' t1 r .v s l,,)r.' IIl1 11 l'!"i\·ut.ll. h 0 1l1l) \\'u~ MugiMtr rllo M . A , 'I:l!'o" IIIL'd .h l • 11I 1t.. I,., t ·.\ll '· ~ ' d II r .... JlU I '~ . , ,I"ult 8 0 11 . S i! A WI hll I:>tOl llll llh , lIl nlln" w,'nk 1-\1'0 111 ll i(\ll\.v d 001'111,1'(1 . ''' 4 rtl~ I " ~t ' rl It lll <.: I 1 .. cOO b I I ' I rH ~ h lI on ' O", II lw.lY.. . '![" Aoil this iii ( '!t nl of 'I' hal ks I".' II!;I-'I . l~ . ... ,' DOl , W ll UI .. IM \' trn ll of l;I ' lI ~t IIull Khl n ey . . '!~"" At t.flli iI 'd ol' k IhH p'o n ,I e t o r lll (l.] WIlli Wll!l g l\' II h.v IIl I:! fll ih r . Her t ,l ~T- I'h IV 'Ilk Ihitil r " 'S II I',! in s t tJ uu or YlO g ,I'U" ', I " h.v 111 1.., II . 11 . A, M. t.i1 0 1\ . o f 111 1'1 11-\,,1.111 lJli u ~ .:;o ll g h tby t h !'r4udlJ lrL ~lt ·. \\' Iu' rl' I II II"V,· 1", JII .'II,J e f} lTi " u t for h. ' IIl , 'l'h lli tl)'" l'l oiIul, wl ly .~"" 1' , 1l1ll1 1~. A. I{. wnl, oitizon s lI u d 0111 1" fOl ' Ih ll Mflw l1 ul\ IIrge. U I ~ p l !l)' ,1,1v ' n l " I"~ v"" 1,10'" VI" . Rh uop 's l{[l14 tl) l"IIli vu III prompt . . lIh' tl t<l'1 tllu l lllil!lI J"llll l" llilw lII g in tI 0111"111 ,f , M. ~lI lI rI 11l'HO IIIlI\(J .I I . K l l g OII I' ty li ulp! Il K H t.IlIllIl,~ h , li oll r t ana I' .iu . I II fl ll'l'irI"I1 H. Aft", ,' 1.111 IlIl l'!Hl p, (fil l 111'.1' 11I 11I lt' n tH ... f ho - - ------------It ~ I,tll'I\t, I VU il l IlIlYI,!)1I Hud ~I ull u e l U . DUW I'OY, I I ' II t !· t 1 t ! I I II 11'11 :1 " , 1"1'1 ,'11 0 1" ,,,W II 10 Ul ' nil I 'I~~I~O n r lU . 1'11111 01' tIl' 1,11lI It Y w h o IJ lilH lll1 t.11(I 1"1 '11(1 Ill" 111 \V I,! U N I'~" U A \' . ~ I': " ' I ' I': M U I ~ I< IIi, I UIlK . I, Utll' UII111 0 111111' I)' 1\ III 1. llt ,.~i' 11 ll lI1 l1l1 lO1 th o r,t illn g 'i ll !lit1" r ~Io I 1 ' ,1 t l I ,, , 11 It.. , I IU I:{ ll n , 1lI'Ii hl~ ltI ou t I, e o h 'Il'g~ u f kI ll . n t' Vi\~" A II VWIIY lORt til I a to l'I, II lltlf lll g l"ove IIft h o M . II: I lJUl"el l l Uff '''lJu i ITel ~ ouL u f tiuIIHOU. ' l'h II t ive I i h lJ l1i·~. "It w un ' t c ur ~" 'J'b UI'1l wn .. nu fl h HI iOIl MOlltln )' " " r ei in Ul u ll ft ",rll UOll Ulltu .., guuI1 huul u f e,l ' II WIl H Uxeu !lL $ 100 1l ntl KnU lI ll:l tllllt, hu t y o n 'w il l tl ore l v alld lo ttl o f 'lI.llt illlireM Ilrfl tlltllk i ll g t,nlk " W tm~ .. iva n. )i'r ll n k L A I1!)1I kn uw t hat Lo lp if' oo,l/ iu g . '01<1 1y to 11 11 WHr e I' Ie ll 1:I0li , h e t,I'illl t o lJ l I ILII d t'ulp r ~ their b tl/lriM II lld wtJ ll (l ur ll.l):{ lI ,)1\' il P res iu uut , PI' s iuoR . MII .YO I Wll tl:lfll\ Il1ftl l', \VIS!! . III Il ii h ol' t u c1 dI'I'lN~ , . w elooul\icl Ill e "'l' p u r l,'; 111111 1I0w II) gel Slrong . f,; IlP"l " tl llc1 IUt·IIII'.I t h o. k ey or t h u g llll lt:! wlI .'d" 1I !.IllIt i NtJIl III s h oot,ill ' I'. ,J'. Il uly. ut" .!=A7 W . 'uu gre~1l AIr a ll y Ih ' 1"", I t! II d l1l1lllllrl r Ol l" n ul' t llW Il !lv el' I,,, Ih " lIl . t: h tlH ',A uH Wil t:! ('111 1'1 'Ii 1)11 IIbo u t til CHll lp. HI, , ( 'It 1I ~11 V. " , ! e ll fl ill ,I wil y to be0 11l 8~ ltl ed u o.l ' ,J lu u lII Wlly .. Il " u lc.ln ' , ti n , III II b ri ~ IIJ /l ilt! in t or fl;lLill 1:{ W!IY, ' l'ogtl tlJ er w Hh !l l:l~ l. l.uu i::l 11 VldlJ cJ l'O IIl ,. t r \l ll g- : U ll 'bIl YI:I: " M .\"' m oth tll', ~ h e r e btl \\,Io ... u ... v"r.v hutl y k ll UWH II 11II1I1,~ tlt H re j; IJ" Ilf;U MU HiI! W it ); Lil a 11111111' alltl )JU un el t! U W tl "I II wh o IH '1 111 11 11r1 \VII " vdr y rt', blC', i!l i1 A ri vi n ~,; u lII uoh b"' lIe fl t fl'n m li1leo . f urn is h ud h y t h e, IIHllb n cu lr hU ll el, I,It e /II e lt wh eu Ilt p}, lIlul!l, pec't U If I d e Uitl e r l', t.lln t J t tl I it 'H my du ty wlJ ic h WII" h ig h ly II pprtlcill lOll iJ y T h e n u :<h g h t oll ft} n ,,1l el , w Lll c b fll 11'11 1!l Il.'ll who nu cJ Il t Oll ic u no 'I'ba s ·lt ou l ~- b ,II.11 LOW II ,,1111 lowu · u ve r.Y (llI ll , lIl a y cd~1 YOl1 n ~ DI)\V I' HY 1111<1 ,J I'IIl s ~ L I' (\I I t; th p J li l1 g lll ecJicin rtb o u~ it , I! h l ).l- u I'u HI,III'l 1I lUl l! Ilh'flII UY I h tl\~, Afte r lit o r ~ U lli l' Jl!" ()~ r llll~ th rtl uuu rl y hufuru til 111m ), WIJl h 1·'1j 'II ';\"' I ~ lU ul'ks u t,;lIi n i'1I'UC' e[lill~t! lire ill llU In rU Ii ~ d 1I11 /J ll t lu ll ~ I V tl ll l,u Wtl l'l~ Il lllll y "'" lI in IHf; Il l ' tllI hy fo rlllllr u V 1' ,- I'lItl'oi ill fl 'Mh hU H l ' suIte d, iUM IJl n in. bllH t, heell ov I' ' O llll~ , Ilull til tl i" I:I t e u<1il y S" lIhruo k J·tl.lid lit", will ult Wli l' t h e bu tIl r:j I udy u llli 1"' O" tlIII lUll, ~ I' owi n ~ ",I rll ll r~ lJ r ." h: i!'lot .,j · Bi tttl l"'" 11l,,~ f tl llj " Y'lhlu fU lIt.m·e" or Uti (Iu y , T IC1rl iu g 0 1' liI'Y tlu g llH w ill q uie l, q u ic k ly nlluelly Ht,OlllllCh , livfl l' uml AIIWlI g t, h o ~ tl t,hllt l,"l lced we l'tl; I.y InOtlU I> \ Iw u n" ll.l t;{ 0,' , I:l h uu P 'H lihlu py P(llItplll ill tH, Sili tl IlIlU r H oodl uu,,' tI !"e ,tI.l e bll lJ a of II t OIVIl . Will . 8 l1nder lllntl, at u lly t o u ex · UOtl g iJ Hm lJ " cl y . g UII I ~ lIl ofl ut )1'. '. "1IWU rl 1:'8 dru g ,A mi It 11:1 !II) !i t nn l . l-'eo plti o f ~ o oc.l l''' pu tb will u o t g u /1 111 ' Ot' i)f t il ., v illll ~o; 1\11"11. (;lI lisW LhIOlr Ul1 f( h~,y h u rtllll tI!!, ',Ol!. t hllt.t' hl.>ir ' lJ ol oll t e s m ut~1 r ll ( I U ~1l 11 0 t o II t O I\. 1I t u " p e llk 0 " I I) !: I v" u s h o \\ H u ll:' , MI't4 , ll, , L. All u , , llg e :> , I [ .F1Y,tulO ; e ye D {oJ' v e ry yo u ng hllhl es . 'j' l>e wha r e the ,'f k llu w t h BY w lJlll u l I.J MJ'/!, Ell" Bell ood wu r d ,O I T IJ: p e- \V h ol e~ ullle ~ I""bll lallve.,; I1U U t endor AMERICA S GIWATE \V13EKL Y pl"Uteo te d . cn n u ... Uity lind Jam etl !:t , Hul e, of li t IU ~ of" 1\ IUI1 ~ h ell hoI.{ Dlo untllhlc.:O llllll tJl1l!, UI'i ~i JllltO I' of l~j e H o m p io us shruu g'ivtJ Lli arM,ive )Jt'oJltl r 'ollli ng . li n d t ' whl l u e n'o rt til l" t,j e:! tu Dr . Hh on l) '!! o u g !' l( tl lD tlUy . A .!!I)LlIo rilttl,. uhj e l ~ tIl Ill! . , It (l lllt ll.~ t,h" ' ongh , lI uli h 61\I N t,h e tl ve n"t u w etl 'OI.Jblell tou6 uJl t! ll g r uu t d e lll uf It·SM b v I IIIl L U ll l/l b , ll e 6Mt' !le n /litl vtl bro uchiul- lIl e lll b r.m ef:!, N o N ow, If t l. tl t KlI b~ otl ll dr Will n il" \:f " Willi pre"iUe nt ro r cw o y 0 r s Illla IIJ)i ulIl , lI u oh hwo l'o J' I1 I, ut/ t llill g burllli 'l ' OL E O. Ol:J.10 . Willi ' ugol u fl l eo~u ' I.u t il!1t pq i1i oll ; Iltlad to lll j nl'B o r loI ul' ~etl tu It I lI H I tlt " Hi ll IfLI' til I ~ Ii . tJ pr e!lj,4 De llluu cl' At. I,h o CIIJ.lOillSi CIU 0 1' t h e r ll lJl i n iti lJr , h oo).l '... Acm'pt liS it II U" ulll 4u, WI! wl lllJ" " nl y LUU un Ilth tlJ' , ~ 1J 1<1 'fhc Bcst Kno w n Nl'ws paper in the ,If' lle'li Il bll1010e Ij lI.ljtl i u ~ Wtl S h e ld. by 1111 (J itl e r tig lat! ~u 0II 1t It h l it ... 'n ~ h t U nit cd States, ~ \lUlIll i w uus vottl - - , - - ... Wu S' • Ht III 1)/1)'
V ali 'l'll'Ilrlt i 'li t\ (loml e ll 'CI', MiILl II! r i
1\\11 . il , Euling , and U\;,lltllll Sl l' lll 'I ull,s,
' 0 1' ,
To tbe Pu blic . (BY MOSR COHEN DA YTON, OHIO.
1 wan L to ext !lei to you
~ lock is one o f t h best J v 1" had , a na am in a pO' it ion I I) do us w ell and s ti ll belte r t hDll I hav ' eve l' done, B ig he r g ruu es of c lo t h ing' a l' 1/ w t:ut't'iet.l in s t ock tha n was p I'e vi uus ly ud v isa h le, but Lh e d isi n h a s been n '<.lC'he I \.0 lay Ill' fore t h goou el l·e.'\! I'S t h e o pp o rt uni ty to IJi c l<. unci c hoOlie f l'om th e co m billed prod u cts o f all the for e m os t Mas t I' la thes Build e rs in A m r ica. These exlruu nlinu l'Y h ig h ' daRS gal'm en ts a r e n o t fl'o m one 'm a l,cl' a le n e, b ut th e e n tire fi eld has been gon e over in I)rd e ,. to el c t t h.a c l'cam fm m 8ch p r om in e n t brand.
I H A VE T HE CLASS OF CL01' J{IN G NOW THAT U DHESl I~ RS WAN T - Ali l'ed Be njamin & Co.,
(';o t'('e t lo t h e:;, $15 to $30 - Att r bu l'y ys t ern, R e ady t I W ea l' Cloth illg , $20 to $35 --"U' System . Co ll eg ' lo U1e s , $ 13 tu $25- "SamlJ e 'k ' . Y o ung Me n '" loth ell, $10 to $25- M ic haels-S t e m , H a nd- Made Garmen ts, $12 to $3 - H. J, Brock & Co " N i fty Cluth es, $1 2 to $30 " It & W,o" . hi 'ug o Cloth e s , $16 t o $35~ " Paragon " Fin '1'.'ouse "8, $5 to $10.
Th e ' a bine t y s t em which hns Le n ins ta lled b th e . lu t es t evo lu t ion in t h e sc ien ce oCs toc k k eeping , the s ys ttl m pl'ovidi n g the m ean s by w ld ch all g arrne nj;lj al'e kept' in th ' il' ori g in a l pei'fect condi tion , each separa tely hung Ul! in a w a t'ul'o be , o ut o f I'ea 'h of d ust o r d anger of wl'inld e . With this a dvanta II th~ sy s tem also makes every t hing immed iate ly accessi ble a t any m oment. There is a lso el iminate d the old ti m e mussin g, pulling and hauling necessa ry in y a nking a ny single garme nt from u nd e r a h eavy pil o f s t.ock, t he weigh t of ~hich was s ut'e to c l'ush all sh a p elinesl Ollt of the layers of clothin g it con ta ined .
vCI'Y 1'\Jl'(l ial in v itation
Duy t o n , Ohi o. I want to ~ho\V yo u nlY b e a u ti f ul line of Fall ui ts a t $15. $ 18 , $20, $ 22, $25 t l $30. I w ill ton d euvo r' to plea.~ll YOII . and p r omise Y Il U l h . (!I'Y be.'ll ser vi' ~ my ' I(lsm n a nc.l T can g iv l:' Y U lI , M y Fu ll S ui t
- .....--• b A 0 EAR
10 v isit m, 11 \I' Clo lhing- Parlo r "com r Main anu F o ur t h ,
---- -.- ---
fll V Ol' ,)f II HOllIe 'oUllug u xt I.~ 'l' be 'l'roy BU Dbey "" tb e lI!i pel' lilt · bo r DII Y, 'whe ll II IllI'ge r lIucl b I,tet
W ill y ou p lelL'lefa v r m e w it h a call Lefore placing a n o rd I' wi t h yo ur tailo r ?
NOT E- ( A new d epartm
nt h as lately been added to m y mamm oth store. It is called the S pecial $9,8S Clo thing; D.e partme nt. Men and y o ung m e n who desire the medium priced c.lot hing be more than pleased w ith th . beautif ul patte rns here .
$9 88 {
. Popula r i n E very S tate, • liru e t ltllft "vel' will b prejJlU'e d 10 1' Iy puro hu c:\tlU l.J.y At I' . H 'II'Olll ,0 eHil 1DI{ t.o (lO rl'lloL t.iJe itupr ssio n Jo 111UOY r es p ect!! t h e '1'0,1 1]0 Blode Paultly whu Itl l! \\' 1I1' l"bU 'uUULy hI>.' . ' l' lI foll o wiug o ttlo rM wtl rtl uleot Iblt t I II IV lIi mo l'lI.! 1l U wy sp ecllllty , $15 Vuluc!! I on \)\11' d ll8k , IIIIU il:! Ii tJr\ ~ lI t , u a w ell ; P I' sllie u t, JU li. Ii. Hill a, COIUUl 1'0 1' t lJ e gtlll erul prll otl 'e of m e dl Ine, Is the mos t rell.Hlrk u ble we kit n e w s · p ll pel' pUbJis iltlCl In tb" Ullitoo S tutes sy papl"', fullut l;:ou41 I hiu gH- etll1e bu s;!! I'el ll" y , Hllrry S tltk e; tl' ' sa I tllle" ~hlM m en lH! of illforlll ill l:{ my h ill .,h e only [le W8t)l1pel' Silecil\ll ly Hold cl".lIy III tit wily f u I"- Ulld WI ure l' , ~, '. 'J'llrD e ,, ; tlxeo utl ve oOm frie nds ,HId put.r OUf:j Lhlit. T IIID e Mil edited for NlItion a.l olroula tlon. It · predICt 11 futtll'l1 f' lI' it DOlla r M r m it ....e \ Vulluctl B" rJ"yblll , .Io o. l ut m y o id Iu 'uti ou l u t.h e All 0 bl18 bad tb e ltu'gellt ciro ull1't iou fOI' Dayton Coupon m ore y ears t.han I1ny newspl1 pe r Bond s , • l' nru el", ,1110. Stu irA, A , a. tfOW1U.Ull, Bu ild·h, fo: . a ll gug ed iu P"ultly ' ll nlllL/H I( 1,1'I IlII L, Ihe tr II. t Ule llt print din Ame Larg~st With rioo , Furt.he . rmorll, AII!Ilr t Kemp ,und Oliver W u tsoo o f Eye, I~ur, Notle IInu 'l'br ollt UI ~- ir. II! tb " cheape st newspa per in tho Purchases . Store A :1 :3u 0 'o loc k Uie bRIl j!ume Wil t; e Ht!e ll, V!) r 1'6!<ll6ot f ully , worlo , utI will be explllio ed t o IlUY ,·LOTHES. c.lllerl 'l' ue"dliY eVllulll g tie DIOU 10 b e , b... hYllbU f;Se lJbrook pe r: ou whu wil l write us for terms . Ilnd p , R. MAI.lDIIl N, M , V " X lIin , .- . ni g ht- ft;ir ho otllub.ll! . A '111111 b tU' Wll ynes vtJIe . It WII.~ " bllrd-fo llg hl 'rhe News of the World s o Ilrnnged t hat bU61Y . people cun more . . . . . . . . . . r"uted a bull, pllid fuJ' it 'I\~ll till ~h ~' blLttle fl'om stut to finltlU , bu~ B IJ. . . . . . . . . .~• • •iIII!III• •!IJII• • •~.ii.iIl! eUtl il y oompre hf,ud, than by relldlD g A Paying InVl:stmcn I. · prl v lleg 'l8 thl~t ' 0 With It, lIutl h' bruo k CI~lil U ont v iotol'i uUI'I, '(bu urub rsome c.oJumn s of dllilitll! . Wll ~. ioterru pLtld o ut, ouly ouoe b Ul e ud ell o ue , f ttle l:mj oYll h le IUOSt Mr , .I uhu Wbll;e , 3!:! Bi ~ blllllU All c urre nt to,plc!! mlldtl pla tn In A v e., H o ul to n , Ma in , SII YI:j : c , Bil ve e ucb issue by 8p"oil11 ditOl'itd mILt UUIndl'OUS tlUI"" by lJuJ,tsfde olltofl,lh e \o eotl!l in Il.e hi ~ tOly u f 8 llhrouk , A c lever p opulllr und v ' old ~,l:l' bet! u t r Oll blt:!J wlt,h II ooa'gb e v s l'.Y tel' wri t ten fro 111 incepti on clown t o Cure Ttlbl e't - culled preve and w booplI . Wlte r tl WI"! t b" l OW I otlcS- IS/ . • winte l' oud !:!prlug. Llls t wlUter ! dllte , 'i' h e ooly poper publlsb ed e s- b e lll g dispen sed by 11ruggi Bt!! eve ry· Veterinary Surgeon and 11l1l1·sbl1l. tiuu Ilu y' uu e t:!lst! ouun tlGt eo Dentiit INCINN AT I COllR NEWS . t ri d fll l10Y II UV )' Rs ed r em e dies, hut pl'c illll .v ~o r peoille who do Qr do not where. In I\. fe}" Iwars, Preven tlos . . wltb ~h ~ tOWI. ? t 't h e oou g b on ti Du ed Un t il L b o ng bt r lid 'd oll .y uB ws pRpers;and yet thirs t aTe I!lUd to br~lI.k Iln~ co ld - oom. Valley Phone t3S-2X I.&. !joo. b ottl tl of Dt'. Riugs Ne w Di !:l- (or plp·i n fllo ttl , Thllt tbis kind of II pl e tely·. And Pre ve nt,lcB, bing 110 ·1 'b e Ci u ci unll Li .Illu4 (lif r o [ at covar y ; \.Iofol'e tha t wus hllif g nn e, n e wBpupe r is JlOpulu r, ill proveD by' ade (Uld to oth some , lire very fiDe WAY NESV ILLE OHIO the 'Gu u g h WCl tj 1111 go u . 'Thil!l Win. t h e f" et thll t t.he W et'lkly Bltlde now for ohildre n , No QuinIn e, uu Ia-x T be wate r ~ it;t1a.tIOTl In t.h e Millm i urdllY o ,.a ytl : , . t e l' t,ll e HIIUle bllppy r e!llllt hus fo l. hUll o ver 200000 yenrly subs oriber:S ', tlve nothing bllr" h ' Dor siok enlng VlllleYt l it! g ttlDg til be 1\ Ile rl ou~ , 'On O CtObel' 9 1907, .J es sle C , llll<J 10'w e d ; 11 1'B w d oile aud is circulu o n ce te d. Illor In all e buu" pl1rttl of thEl matter . Al ft:tlldy i)lIyt~'u lIud II UI\l\> Os wiu L. R lok d w er e marri ed III I h tlo rh o un n uul c u g h , I url1 n ow Uuit.ed l:!IMes. Tn Ildd i Lio n to t.he Box'of "'8-250 , tiold by rtll dealert! , MILK FEVE~ A ~ECIALTV Of Ilmollul' tOIVIl!! UI'O tlg llrlu J.! OOll~D O tlr\ ~b ut DI' . ~tng 's N e w Di;l- o w. , the Blalde pubJisb eti short lind Le bllnou, O h lC). N nw tlb a is ba kin g 01l '1l new wlIt,e l' f:j 'lJ.lPly. \:f e l'e 111 for n o ivo!, '8 oD d t!lte olillrg" s thut c .... er y is t lJe b"H t ,'If 1111 (, u g h .lUd s tlr itl I Il tor itis, I~nd w ILny d a plJrt . luug remed iaH. " ~old nude l' g Ullr- m ants of Ulatte r suHa d to every h UUlb NltUe we h,.. vu 11 (llir l:Iuppl y, b e 0 g-Ieote ll h a r (Dr his "Is t·e r, wbo Ilutea lit /I' I'et! I . ~O bWUI'I; Z ' tl dl'u g nle wba l' of t he family . Oul'y QDe' we s llould I li ke ~ OO (j Clll'e o f it. II Ii.. II OU a fa-I'IU n Ill' Wltyue ' Vill e , (tor tl. 50/}, tlllU " 1.00, ' \'I'illi b,) U II d on u r 0 ySllr . bus g OLt e n to !.ll.a pulhL n uw whe l't Ohio, wbtlre he wa ut to live, lin d s l'e a . Write fO l' tir,e e s p Bcime n ooPY, "C" fio wer~ IHlli · I:{rII ~ !j ll u ullt IHit bl t.lmt ---~Ad dresA TU K BLADE, 'I'o ledo, 0 . h e'! Ills o h 'c llli,!t e(1 l:e p Ol' tH Rhou. R~ ~ered lit 111.1. Sltyt:l tll tl witte r ! n el"c hlll'~iu With . Oo zel te, ' 1. 2G lJ(l r y e ll.r., g h tJ r wltb being 11 OlOl' llhiDa tlllUd, !:'iha (d'lil1l tl t.hllt ·· tliDCtI , i Sutascribe for the Gaze tte ' Mlulon hets ptul!:leu Il n orclhllUlcl i b e ll' Illllrriil ge h e Ilutl g iyen her but W e will Utj'61' n.L publi c s nl e n t our ~ l(j ·lIuli. IlPPOI·t whute v" I' , . W. forbidd lug llutuUlo ulleti to Only $1 a Year. l'UU r eslqe noe Uflllr thu WII ' u tlsv ill e ~br6.uglllts' Itulits fll~ ter thUD II 1-1 ~ , Lt"ttltl. ilt to l"lltly. '.'ellllle r.y, u t 1 p. Ul · mile IIpeed, lteiluit., $6G Ildded IIl 1lf Saturda y, . 5cpi~mber 19, 19Q , Killn e\' t rtll;hl e p reys llpo n t he miud, week to tbe !jor vlca tl1lltl. OBI TUARV , \::l o tlK ehullll;{ oodtl- L1uee bedroo m discoIITugcS flllJ It:s,,,," s',u II IJi l ion ; heau . ''there itl ~o need fOJ' WlI.yue sville ly, vigor allu cheerful ~ n it8, t hree lle p"rn t e .b eulltell tl 11 t w o to 'pl&8S suoh I1U orllt.DlIllca 1111 tbifY !lCS S SCIon d.i!\llppe ar J \lllll A. Course y, llougu te l: ot ex teoHio~ I,ll bl.eA, ouo urop-I~ al til ul e 8\rel&cly hat.v6 tb" !lpe ed limit faded ~vJ u:n tll" kiull.ey~ fIre t f i~ ,I' by mellOH of thell' own , thereby &lIlue l 'o urNey "I'd wife W !\!! · boro oLle bed II) IHl ga, Ulle f:l llDitul'.Y oot" ou U Or< ~r or u'sVeterll lilry I:;;urgeon and DeOti8 t, en,'cu . . cutUug , t.benltje l ve<l ou L uf Ilny M!Lrob :!, 182B, 1\ od lI.rtel' 1\ brie f ill· thl'e e foldl\l ~ ootR ' tl U I' ooking cbnirH Ki inc)' trouh le bas oess died ;:;" p te lli ber 10, 190 " automo bile revtJou e , Ix clllle-~e llt\jd. ohuir!', tlix e1inlllg ~)~~~'ir: ~ s~~/)~r:ffi~:l~~ I:lh\'! wn" Dlllrrie d t.o ,Iobn t~reer rooru c h lli rlll, otl1 tl l' oha WAVN'ESVILL~ CHURC HES. il'lI, o lle exoe l. 1110 11 for lj clli1d' to he At Bome on ~aturday Aftern oon. . Sm . I tb D cceU) bt'o.r lO. I (j I . 'j \ l tbit! lent r e frlg e rutu r , 0110 PllllutH ul 'c hiIJorn affiicted willi ' • 'u Last 'f\lesdu y livenin g Il SWill! f I UIJ. oUI.!U" lIl1'd , t wu ItltCfl ll U Slife,., ulliou wer~ boro leu , \\' eo )< k l II CYS, J ll l! ;J, ei gh~ ch ild Jl rl ll e~QW landed iu town , ' for tba pur of whom lu 'e u n w c ' liiul'e OrthOdox Friends Church. 1\ vin~ . !3lte mlrrol' H, hUlI g ing hllllj!!, Il t~llJd th e flesh ~teR tuooflt: JI , .r lh t: tln ll esc Ius ,·or if, wh l'II' the cb ild renchc a ll Hl'Y. U" n)a l1l ll1 Ha ,,'klns, Paslor. - """--",:-,..." P Olleo.r I(lv.i ng t · .vtI,nde,v ille'per forui. " Cu ves I~I I!O thi r t .V ul"lllhlo h!ldre~ IlIrup~ , CllrpetR. Lwei ~ ""-~-,,,= - ,,,==~,,,,~ .====~ Ra bbalh School, II :3(1 a , m. I(t' Kul ar <lIIIII'Cl1I ~ Cu uk s t ovetl ( o n ~ :\ re ",b ' II il shonld be a hfe locoJitr ol the . ... Rt~ r-\' o f t halli lI ,rrtn g e ), li v hoa t ing st OVtll:' I" ¥O ~t, it is,), ·t II.lm I ~t:t, 1.0 ;:10 0 , fJI .. C hrl:. ll F.nd t'a \ror. 8000, With oou ntar attrllot lontl t.b(' ",Dd t .w o grelLt g t'Ulldoh ' tI ,,:ilh /Jed· wet· 7 ~ a o p. iiI . ildreu , Ml's . , t i ll ~, Ii 'pell u u f/on It , IhlltCIlTlSI! .• tI,nd II SUll t h wu >t uiuo h show , wall riot w.e lt Iltten d eu, o fth t: di m· ol" voted t o hur ( four w ood h llrne t~) , ki tch e n uleu- "ull " I ' ,. 1 : , ' ,111,,\' . lr,ollhle, n.lll!. the ti r,;t ~ _ . , aaol( of ·b.oYtl· l1nd YOUDg men-Iwd obildre Sil R, c1i tl b oH , II'ni t CUll !!, :r oc k ~ , tw o t"p';hould \.Je'to\\'nTli~ · thc ,lrestm Hicksit e Friends Cliurch . u ~.u'd grllndc biJeh e n , 'ioo" ., III . 'I'll leu . of we 8re t1sblllne u t.0 lilly i ' -Bohoo l ' her, hn,jb,tn d 'II d eu;t h It ten- Lrll.lloD J',~r>l, I"ollr "Ir" tl I r o u k e f _ l1Il!f~ 1III.1lO I ir~ 1 Day J\Ieclln , HI:UO ... III. 1"lrsL Day r l' Ult Ilr KU~1 i!\; 5. e lUlllle IS UII P Ite . sa r I .. . too, .. ' . r"1tttln. , lrl'Jl hlc I S dill! lo n Lil sCIlSCd cond Laxat,ive. Granules , , \:vitb boys, 01 ul.oul . 11 : 0(1 :t . " " li'ou lLb "Oa y MeeLlnl: egged lJ.ud ~tonall ' home b e t' i<Otl CUn.rl el', wh o, t illS Iwd Ul1I11 UI'OUS ' 11 th r artic le!. . the ki d ll e,'s Ij lld bl ,~ ,ltI " r ami lIoill loll to n 1 lH jO a, Ill . J ,be telit. Now, hil.u the s~ow WI1.r , with bll!t i'llmily lilt (Jlle ilO\"lIl1, ~ tJlll r. ltntilY ·OLtlre IInli hahit (IS 1II0 S[ p~ol? l'~ suppose surpass es all other ·rem· ve v er~v l'slIlle r-ly . _ WOlUen n..q well os lIlen ure llIOU r8nted suoh I·relltm eut it wCluldu ', ou,ted for h e r . ::1h" IIllser, Christi an Church . WII H 11 fillt-h ful all 8ltcell!) nt ~el.\ ~rat j.Jurp )!:Ie ulli able tht3 relief .,of siekwilh kirhl ey HIIlI bllldder 1r6uble~ RH . (l e o r g~ Hall, I' ",,' !!r. be 110 'bl1d, but It seu.ulI tou bn,tI ~ b"l wife, II Jo vl ng llltl~,b IInJ ll ... lh need l h ~Olll~ t;rcat r 1JI~t1 y. er 1I11C~ It true rulll ), two 'HI ' ~I - tll'e bug g·I(I/.i (o ne U 'fli "y SchOOl . 1l :30 .. Ill , Reg ul a r 8 r .. loes dizzines8.. indi- . t' mild and t he lUln.t!ul al\! d fecl of u,,·" '.nd even a ball sbow shorild he tbu:< friend. ·Hlla Wo!! Id laSI Su I1duy 01 Ih ' moo lh, III , :I U Il Ill .. veJIlllll l I'Il~ peQt,- 1Il0s t till go uu a t! II AW), u good s urray Swamp -Root is "QO:" rcali7.~d . rt . sold :lIIt! 7 : :I u~ . In , treated a..ter bllViog pilid for tb .. "d b .v 11\1 whu ll u e w on • brl.lln chronio o JoJ,...leal"or, '7 :au Conati p. ' b tll' 1111.1 wbll e with p utb ton g llB ::Ib tl ftll , Il g oud Ollt! by pilI. drll ~g is\ s, ill tifl~" , privlla geo,.f(i vlugtbe J)UrfOrlUlI.nol:l. we f .eel and hotl:le Bilious ness, ~lUe lYork wnKun ·I\.nd a, cell tl u~ c,,"1 alld ou(:·uoJl llr bel' lo'ls Wtl ku p w tbf\t· t!hu I . 1 I ' ·si"l'e boltlcs. You IIls Methodist EpisCopal Church., bill! pliSll...d t.l tier rewll.ri.l ara ootUpo sed of the beat b~r ' lie 0 1 I ray hllrn tiM," I /('h, Illwn- koyt! It SUlUflle lJ lUey • ., , lIe\' Ph'Ulp ~'roul, pORtor , mow" r, tenoA ., tre t 'berM, 200 11J~ , lt v maif free, also a Pink PaIn ·'I'llbletl l- Or. ~bollp' ~- wholtl ,.re IluH been V qetab le ilrngs, au~ Sn udll.Y Schoo!, U;HU ~ . m, Mornin g 8er· HolDe ot8..cllil~.Roc'" thl~t uf 11 I rue I . . ' -u~Ulphl et telling all about Swamp- Root, " Ioe 10 :30 a , m, t: pwo nb League, 'O :UO p, . t.1 Q.ll, atop l:ielldao be, wOln'ol lly 11810"', lilly 0b rlN F . ,I . III\. It!, etc. .tDll~e d io tbe proper prQpor, ~ f the tl.onSliIl d f III . ' '&YI'nlng . e . ,' icc. '7 ; a ll p. m . Mld WCllk plllo any: whtlr,', iu 20 miJullielll IIIlre. 111 ' luLiing man !:I 0 t su.. ... _ 'J'ermll : All SUUI of t o 00 tlntl n)(>I1 i,,1 letlers y,o I!'orwulr& on th.e .:t6c tJux, Allk YOUI r i l'cu fnull sutrer(:r ll P nye r IoIoeUoM, '7 : 1U p. m. known to gIve tb. ~ UOdlll', ollllb ~ 111\ SU!p1l live r. $Ii 00 a cured. ill wrilill g Dr. drngKh lt or doctor tl.buut lhlll ftltFi:ihller &. Co., They Take ~he I(fnks (hit. c redit u f '!Ix mon tJis will be Iillveu Bingham ton, . V:. be j .. .., I b I I St. Mary's I;:piscopal Church.' sure and Ul.emiol1 wuh'~it alUle . . 00 (i Y III Ilet' Ill".. It[ hn.v ll u>leU Dr. ,King's N"w lh ra paper, t)dJl t make any mIstake , Life wltb IlpprnV llel H6oQr!ty. Every boUle KDarra ateed {lev. J . h', Oadwalla der, Rector. hut r Ulember the Swawpltoot, • - • Pilla for matiy ,e'H"', wltb inCr6B8~unday ScbOOl, \I :UO • . m Morntng give eatlafao &toD or t.: , A, BROWN . J..)r. !:Gilmer's Dr, J (:t, ahey, Oeotlllt , will b,llll Ing8Ilttlllf'II)t.i0l), ThllY aud tbe ad- vku, 1O ,UO fl. U" Dol y CommuDI<l1I ~he tll\r" the "10k. refuod ed. v. v. . Jt:VLIlK SUlldBY ~:i" ut each BinghaU mooLb, lton . on every bill ot1lOe at Harvey .burg 'thlt wile" OUS 0' (41.ODlllcb. Itver and bowels . O . T. HAWKIC , '4aot belt fal Yo d...y~ptelDtier !u witbou ",,!!!!!!! !!e.!!!!!! 260 a boUle !!!!!!!!!! at !!!!!!!~~~ SClawUta'., ~~!!!!!!!! !~ t fUn or friotion ," 11"1. N. 4 . B, CB,UIJ.lU:a, Olark n Dlr U , .be -: .. ' f' H , Brown, of .Pi~talle St. Augusttne's c..tholic Church. ld, Vt. QDarImalle d .D;rwbere upon .,..,. . _._._ __ V...11~1 w wee. Q &ut.eed eatl.f.o t.orN a' F, . C, I:Iob· Q -~be'F'a\ber GCOIlTIl 1I"',eDboeler, Pucor. prkte. Mau eYe" _ad 5uDdaJ of tbe Dloalb wa$' . clroJlatore. ~.
Telepnone Day or Night, local No. ; long Distance No. 69 ..3r
Women as 'Well· as Men Are Made Miserable by ' Kidney and Bladder Trouble. .
1'.S. WEST ,
Branch Office. Hanevsburr O' Dr. John Hya tt; ·
Telephone No. 121 WaynesvilJe, Ohio .
9UUlM il'l
.or , e
II :OOa.
8~RANGE USES OF PIC"'URES. that. tbere InfolD· ,IP lUI" th ro all over 1 .. 0 d, y smnr· Halle Been Frequently Diverted from ArtJ w clllimiog too milch rOl'Perllna derlu~ flr~s whloh threat.en d to Their PrIme Purpose. whe n we ol~hn it to be an e lTeoUvo br ak out In open InsH IlT utlon. D. L. CRANE. remod y for ch ronlo cllt4rrhr HILVC " ' . whl 11 could bny lJllt on ('nd. the Though the prim purpose ot . 1110- shoodl1nt}:roor that P~ron" Is ill r C':l.I· 'tiSSES' ONE-PtECE CORSET. I hrowJug open of the g t s ol tile cl17 Ol-IJO. W YNlDSV1I .. LE. tlll'(lS is to pi Itse and InRtl' lI't. lit Y ity i'u ch JI, 'nlarrb rometlyf Let us R"6 . COVER. to tho ('nemy . hilt tho Uullr·c! tRios Dlsponslltory haye at tim s II eu dll' 1'\ 'd 10 otber In Iho nnlaoe Itself tbe dlsat'fectlon St....,. of 1•• 1_" t"" Prophet...... . Rat.-A 'National "e.t. u~ s. D/lrlng th'e r I\t hea rln !; 01 ~"~'Il f the prlucl{\tLl I.n grc(ilents 01 was strollg and It was not lou~ b erors HnQlc1ah tho ' KiD,_ RAts coat the Unlled Statell nearly a caso at II Lomlon pDllcs 'ourt a wIt· l'orllnn. It conspiracy wnll UII toot to bel ray the T il l e, for Insl,nnce, tbo In~rodll!nt 156.000,000 IUlnnally, accor dlng to the n SB gave evi dence 'hat th.o ]1rlSoo r BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" t'lly Into tho I nnd s or n ahBhlJlke h. h y\lro.stls CI\l1l1dollSls , or goldou Bc!!l. who was charged wll 11 att empt ' l\ murbiolOgical survey of the ~eparhnen t PREACHER "What good tbla sucltl'! lh, th~8e der nud suleld!', had d m",n hIs atle l1- '1' ho nll<'ll Stall'/! DI~ p01l8atory snyM or agriculture. At this amount tbe \'a lu Ilrostrntlolls anll Itlcudlflg'S in Ills lion to R CO\l\)1 of pI Lllr '8 01\ tbe of ihi" hcrbtLl rem edy, thaL ItJIII1llorgc1y le mple, tlllt! sendin g to th~' Prop'n et covernmetit scientists estimate uio ba ks or which, wrlll 1\ III I nell. ~' a\\ einployod Itl tllo t rcMnlllllt oC deprnved Scrlpl ure A lhorlty- Tbe Book or Isaiah?" lile y, Inll)lllle ntJy IUQ!llrod. oiIamago dOne by the I'od nls and acter. a Btnt m nt by th a ellS!' I !\ ltlng mUt!oull l,\cmbran s linin!; v~rloll. "Is not every mom nt In whicb WO exbaustlve experlmentll It bas be II de- Isalab, esp. chapters 36 and' :n fortb tit reason for hl l> premed llated Or!;nllB ot Lho hUU\[\Jl body. s ta nd out ngilinst tho d t'llIllnd s of I{a\). termlned that the nests cannot be ox. Ancth r Illgrudl('n t ot J'crnnll, rory0 11 111",0 ot l h no I; or r~nlnh .- l'n I'll .":' shakeh , but adding to th welgh,t 01 crimI'. tennlnated. ' All tbat .science can bope :; r.: n ru I l1rQll l ('t.-· t ~s. 1 ,j~: Par"l 2.- ltl!!1l t o r · dl\ltB formeslIo, Is cltlsscd in lhe Unlled Ere n ow pictures IUlye b e~!I on\lstoll, . 3ll- . ; l'ltrl S.- Olscou .... rs p nnlty whi ch ho will xac o f .1.10 cit,. IlI tes DIS1)c lI Alltory as a tonl(1. 'to do Is to hold the m wIthin bouDl;11I r a l pal' lI tl1 (jSIM In Hymen's cuu e . 'I'hat crle bmt('il ' hl,'lIy MlIl<mnla.l.•o·~; Plcd ~ ('(l mp r l "~9 wh c n at last 1.10 sball succC'(>d In brel\k· Oedron lit'cd s Is auoth r log rcd lont ( I I and to do lhls nothln~ more satlsfac· ~I'X t1h'lsIQns. as Jollows: I. l)1~<!ou rscs Ing down lite walls '! " painter or flowel' and fI Turf) sllhjccts. Pcr unn. 'fh o United tates ,1)lspemll\' tory hns bee n discovered than the old· " o,t<: rnlnl: JucJ nh. J.& : 3. Prophet'H call. And 80 tlley plotted tognther nnll WlIlIuUl Huut, was on une oCClt51011 . ; 3. PISC('lIlI'fl 'on e rnlnl'( JuaILh and i \ II' tory anye ot Lhe nr tion !If Q(!dreu Ihnl fasbloned rat tmp, says T echnical JYrla comml sslolicd by a l;ellllem n to 11Illu t In .\ hn~ · r ·Ign. 7-9: 4. I Iscours ~ sougbt 'o pportunity to Oil n oeg(llhl' It Is used 118 I\. hit t r tonle and In tho Magazine. lnoeulatlon and all olher :om'prlll"" 110(' nlll!oll3. 10-:!7; G. I I loursee tIons with RalJs bake h. and tbe oll:.oor· his ))ortral t In ih attltwllo of Imoelill'; tr tJllt ml'nt ot dyrU' ntc ry, and III I llt~r· and holding In his hnnd lIlI Olll'n scroll ll1 [ltClIt d1501L808 lUI a sulJ.tltuto rur method£, It bas bcon estnbiished to ~ont' ~""II1" I l!1'a~ J . 28: U. J I. ·O UI,,.C8 CO li " tHnUy unte wb n lhe messenll " rs (· ~rnht,.: JUtilt h IIU ll E{QIpl. P !trt 3 ltnll 1"r wh I' Oll was writt e n n dt' lal'atlon of ~ satlstacllo~ or Hie scientists who 116 Ih 1111' . Olllfort (40:1. ~). wllh III" Cul- cam wi th th e Unal I t l' trolll.tbe >.s· quln1n . 10\'0 nnll offe r of manlngo. 'rh lady lo wln!; di visions; 1: Olyll1 ~u r" U" M . l h III sYI'lan !;E'neru l tl~wandlllg Ih sUl'rt' n· S"nd to ns for n f ree book ot t CR lI· lIave ~ tudled tho sItuation, are not wlt llu ~'·lL tt e r('d . 40 1111,1 ~3: 1-7 . 2. t I" dol' or th ~ ·lty. One or tlle il' nutn. to wllom tbis tlllus unl povosnl or 1lI11!' mooi(,ot ",hULlh peuplo lhlnk of Po~ual .to the trap .in the work of de11'lumph 0 \ ' r (. " " 1II "'!!. H. bt IIIHI _fl!. a. ber s ucc cd .. In HIl lin" uut of Ltie ria:;. was s(.!n t \'(>Vllod wllh 11 chulit run a Ill! II. c!\tllrrh r Ofl1l1dy·. Tho beRt ' " ) " atruCtiOD. The ar.1ount or damng /I \\'01'1, o! M('~!li<"1 rll r (It .. m. 4~- 19, I,ll. r.~. drnwin g ot h or~elf II'lth u ah ct or ev idlln cu Is ,11 0 ws thn c uy of Ut 08 ~ \\' llu II , 1)3, 4. Wl'rk o f II nl y Spll'll 0 \1 t h"'ll. ~,lt ll ' nn ollserve(1 during Ille ' XCIt ~ IU(Jll t given by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, chief H . Si: B·IS. 0. I1 l'wl'u from DI\br loo , 1:1ml conrll!l lo n nll ell<lln t'; Ule de l a rtu te pn " I' in h e r hand on wlll'l1 w:! s In- t;(I\'il trllJd It. ~ the sUrvey, tl conse n'all\'o and ~I . ~o. ,;. PUlll altn"," t or ~111~~ 1~1l ..!G-04_. \ ur lho' As~y rlan m e 'sellg 1'8. li nd I'll. Bcrl!>ed a lacollic " Yes." donbtless below \.h e fI g1l res. While bo 16. u ," lm.tlll N altJrnUolI, ~j. r.l, "". iO. G_, 0;;. turn (\ with Ih m to tbe cam p. a hlht Plctul . B ha" uot InfrcQuontly bN!tI All Up. estimate's that $1,000,000 o~ the fi ro of lh plnu .hnvlng been given to tllIl " ,\nd when [ SI~W Ihe mOll~ ," !' II \ ~ cltos n by whlms lcDI t s lltors as !0811 or tbe country Is r8cenble to rats, hidi ng Illaccs fol' t bolr wl11s. 'ro an III 'sscnS 'rs wh ile they were at lhe paIgirl 10 h r J; 'ut lemnn call er, " I SERMONETTE. " n gr !\te l'l nglh c! eC\,!l ntrlc lty elld tho u!;ht It was all lIP wlw lit ! " nt'. It was arrnng 'd that aft I' mil' (.be undennl tel's p laco I t at 15 tim es a gentl mnn go wbeu ho gnva a hal'd,.1t Wil l! 1111 up wltll her." buttl'<i in How differ ent the manner of king ter ms wl\.h Hahshake h t or the tbat enm. or whIch $l,QOQ,QOO .Ia dne a'o me sum to Mulreally to XCCl".· (\ bill' IIltl brother; " s be grnbb d her Hezeklah when desperate condi. su rrender of the city, they shoulll 1'0to the gntIl-wJ ng aWay 01 Insulation on turn nnd a~ 1\ Rignal a"'r d upon the tlons faced the- nation from that of P a rl a P a tt e rn o. 263 1. All S ams fi gure s ubject on th e burlc of IiIs will , klrts nn- " electric wires Special atten~lon has clty's gates should be lhr. wn open, Allowed . - ESlieciall)' d esIrable tor wblcb. tllus nllorned. WitS tram 11 uml An d th n tb Y TC"acltcd bim a.nd Ahaz. The latter turned farth er 1lecn given by \.bo go,\\ornmcllt Inves· tlnd the s ct· led bands ot nl~bs bnll \!h'9 floun cin g Is thi s dainty mOilel. wliic h lJung In his dl'nwlng room. ebqke d him olf.-H ust.on Post: from God. The other drew nearer tlgators to conditions in Washlugton., army Should nlt;h Into thE) city 'ond III ~ u't in o no plece_ If deRlrcd. bowto God. As d bt collectors, too. Lh y h a"t' "l'be wbole und r\\'erld of the CIIpltal Important to Mothers. 10k 110BS sslon. TrOUble work. curle or blualng ,v r. H mny b doveloped In 1.11010 proved mcaclous. Ji:tty, when n young ]!hamill!) carefully every botUe of elty, Dr. Me rrlnm says. Is populatell When I [ozeklah had rel ' ~~ lv e d RR~ lawn. nainsoo k. thin cambrIc or jac· mnn. received an order froUt «: rtuln to' the life. It either drive. from CASTOR!A a sn! and suro romedy Cor With rata~mll1lou8 of them. Wasb· !lhakeh'll lottel·. a feeling almost of nuot. Tho Slluaro u eck nnd tb waist Marylebone trndesmell to milk a Infants nnd children. and 'eo that It God or links up closer to God. tagton lOBeS ach yenr ~:om mfs, ashle d spall' cam over him and yet cou- lin ure /lath l'ed lnlo tbe flgur by , doze n carlca.ture sketches ot a reslden \ As soon' a. , the evil tiding. Bears tbe ,,~ s clous lhat Ood alone could h Ip In ribbon-run lJeadjn g, and ~t 'c)eslred th e or th locnllty wbO was notably al'OrllO reached the kIng he laid BBlde hIs from the 11l'es tor which the y are relbe desll rate e!l:tremlty w'blch faced garment Dlay be m.ade wltb a peplum. 10 settling his accounts. '1'heso pr1r· SlgolI,turo Of~~ ' kingly robes and "went Into the 'IIJ'ODlIlble, $2011,000 In 'damage don e In the City, He~ek.1ah took the letter and >vhlch holds It In placo, Ilt'CVe nting It ~rnlls when flnltJhcd W I' dl s f11 a ~' cd In Use For Over :w Years. houle of the Lord." An excellent· -rketsi s hOIlS and departl'I\tlDt slores. went alou'e Into the bouse clf the Lord from rJd lng 1111 atound the figur . 'rh e In lbe windows or their I!ubj ect'~ long'fhe Kind You Have Always Boucl t. thing to do. ·Some of these Jlla~es .employ profe's· untl there J;!;ave himself to earnest ga.rment closes III tho front with s ut'ferlng credllofS, wbo refusod to reHe might have called II council "'Ollal rat catcbers, . with ferrets and Same Old story. praY r. Had not Is nlah llle prophet Rmall \l earl buttons. Tho pattern Is move tbem trolll the public gaze nntll of the chief, men of hll nation and , '.mall doge, but tbis mf'thod, Dr. Mel' Mrs. HO'Wells-How Illuctl does yOIll' s nt him a m essage of nccltll'age menl In three s izE'S. 13 to 17 years. Il'or a their bills wel'e paId : S eelug no wny .ought by the wisdom .c.f men to "liam Inds, Is unsatJsfactory. sln~e few weeks before 'wben the peril tlrsL miss of 11; yem's tbe corsel-cover liS 10 Dr escaping ridicule save by )'1 Idln!: bus bnnd earn a week? solve the problem. that faced lIfrs. Qrowolls-Oh, anywhere rrow. nt. ate killed and the expenBe la Ibreatened tbe , city. and . bad be uot front view requires 1 % Yllt'd or t1otlDC- t.o \.hell' just demnuds. tho gentleman. him. ' But no. He knew God well said tlJat tbo city should 1) delivered Ing ) 3 Inch s wide, with 1% yurd of on condItion tllat tbe obj ectionable- II 5 to $25 more than be ' get I. creat. enough to want to get near Him from tbe band or the Assyrian king. nnrrow beading, on e·hlllC yard of wide portmtts were destroyed. agreed to in hll trouble. Ble.sed and fo,," 'But wltb the comlnl:> of ihis last mell- lJ eadlng Ilnc,1 3% yarr)s of ribhelll ; Qr. 11Iscburge his deb s. tu.,ate Indeed Is the man who thu. Alr.hlp. hi War. sage and the continued strellgthe:llng U!! iu buck vi ew. Il needs thl' c-tourths Soon nrte~ be settled In Lonllon Sir meet. hi. troublea. Thnt airships u,re likely to play ID of the poslUon of the ne my b foro ya·t! 30 or ~ 2 Inci1 ~ w1de. . Tbomas Lawrence, then a Ule re youtll. . But not only did h.a seek to get Important part In wal' is an lncreasln,: the cIty. a sbadow of doubt llegan to was wltnes to a dastardly assault on right with God himself and to lay '1'n pm 'urn thlM pntlRrn !lentl 10 eelltil 1)eUef among military men. Mest or to "Puttern Dcpurlrllltrlt." ot this Pupet'. It young lady by a ruman. who man, creep Into the heart ot III i,ln". Oould 'Wrllo hi. caule Ih HI. hand., but he tlnmo 1111\1 nd(1~ plainly. 4111,1 b ~e great foreign powers tn planning God and would God deliver? lent at once and enll.ted the .ym· BUr!) to gtv slzo I1ml nt. Ib<-r ot pGlteru, aged to make good his escape, o nt. :tor the future make provision for tbe He read the letter over ngll in aloud. howevor, beforo he lIad been we ll pathy and help of Ood'. prophet, \ , . . pf flying machines, and IIi some How blasphemoll.8. It sOllncled . ~lJr~ no\p.d by tbe young llJ'lIst, who at once and In .honorlng God's prophet by NO. 2531. Sl~r-: ............... .. ly be will not '8 ulter such · reproach returning to bls IItlllllo In Lelc ster hi, confidencea and hl~ ' plea for ICtYe8 aeronRutics nre given much agai nst bJ5 nam~? And then as thougb ' squar drew trom melllory a speaking help 'he was honoring ·himaelf. ' NA~12 . ....... .. .............. ... ......... . ; .. »rom.Ioenc. ~m~rlclln army officers be needed to reallt;uJ'e his ~Iwn soul of port m it. This. wllich he handed to We fall sometimes .In our efforts, ,apPear to be coming to Ute same way T9WN .. .......................... ......... .. ' l1e ma.jesty and powel' ,,[ th,> 'COd 01 tIle police. was th Dl eans of bl'lng l)l!; to meet trying .Ituatll/n. becauBe ICJI thinking . Tbe board of ordnance Ills nation, he poured out his !lOU I In the 'crlmlnal to justice. We do not give God a chance to S'CnEI'JT AND NO, ..... .............. _.. !Of th.e war departD;leDt at WaRhlngton nd oratlon, exolalmlng : Ipeak to us through HII cho.en That wayward genius, Gsorge Morfa so .erl~usly' ImprEls~Eld tbnt strong STATB . .. .............. . ..... ..... ....... . .. "0. Lord or Hosis, God or Israel. measengerl. Innd. \Tas often sore praSSC!ld tor money lIeOOmm~ndations will be made, and It hnt dwellest betWeen th e oherublms, Hezeklah'l. mealenger. found to pllY ' hls debts. On oue occasion he 'III expe(ltcd ~hat tho suggestions wIU thou ar t ~be Ood, even thCllI alone. of LADIES' THIRTEEN-GORED SKIRT. stayed at. an Inn whel'e he speedily ran the prophet prepared to receive be embodied In the anllual .oport of all the kIn gdoms ot the E!arth: thou up an nccount wblch he was unable t o them and send them bliCk with a h.llst madO heaven anel earlll. Incline meet. H e offered a 1)lcture 'In pay· the secretary. ·The officers of !.he slg· mellage of encouragement. God tblne aI', 0 Lord. and beRJ'; allen thine ment, bllS. J!onlface sboo~ hts head. had beel'! there before them en2lAJ corps are sald to be In full accord eyes, 0 Lord, and see : and hea .. all Suddenly. however , his eye brightened, lightening the underatandlng of with these IdelUl and bnve e:xpreslled he words 01 Sennacherl\l, which bath nnd he Invited the arUst to ' stel> luto ,tl)e prophet .0 that he Wall abUI 'libemaelves to tbe. ertect that the coun: lIent to reproach the livIn g Ood." his yal:d. wb ere, Ite trusled, Il means to return the an.wer which the 117 could well afford to Inv«st' $10,000,. As be prayed a new assurance came of settlement might be roun<;l.. Mor' k·lng lought. . " \ eoo tn air craft to be available for nato hili h eart a'n d whlln word came to land lild so. and a tew dars Inter reI. It not wonderful to think how 'IioD41 defense. The type of vessel :llm from lsalah saying (h:at the r~ord ceived his bill ·recelp tcd. Tho fo\1ow· Ood goe. before u. to prepare the ,favored by the omcers Is the dirIgible would surely ·and deliver be felt Ing Sunday mine host appeared at way? We go perhapI · wIth trem· balloon, as It III 81lld they IlrO con· more hopeful IIll'd cbeertul tban be churcll In a truly novol walstr'lat, be· bling heart to leek the help wa bad for week;' pas t.' Ing less ~an we pall\ter'R [lll.yment, 'Yiaced that the "heavier than air" sort need, and 10, we. find God'. spirit Tho mp.n who werc In lila consplrac, wblcb, stretched across his ample are Impracticable. The board of haa been there before u. and haa against t he city wondered as thel' cbest. dIsplayed to the amazell congreprepared the frIend to .peak the WdDD.Dco, ~t Is /;~ven out, will PrQpose ~ okec1 IIpon tbe colm face of tbe king. gation the plctul'e of a gigantic )ltgword of which we are .0 much in an immediate expenditure of $l,OOO.OOo. II,nd telt no~ a little , dlscollcerted, but nead. for O)'ing maohlnes to be available for bey went abead with their plans and Again a little tater when Heze· ·WE WAl\lT ALL THE: Monument to Poe. .eoIlst defe nse, and congress will be that night everytblng was lIn readlnesll kl.h received a profane and Wbat has the world to do now wllb . ~ed to make U~e lI~ces8ary a~proprl· o cll.rioy out the surrender of tho city th~eatenlng letter from the hand PIANO TRADE tb e weaknesses of a man wbo Is dead ? , attoll. tn the mhrnlng. . of ' the foe whloh waa encamped' Wby shOUld It beap scorn on his memo ~t\t morning came and no !liltn ClIme agarnst Jeruaalem he ventured no or" because of lilt! personal pecl1l1a r · The only way we can. get a big,. '0 open the gates. As tile watchers On The Georgia assembly Is :to be Mked repl;f untlt he had taken It and Paris Pnttcrn No. ll1i22. AII S ellUlI Itles? Poe the living mnn was unfor· part of it is by OIfe~g you ~ tlle wall looked '(oward tile Assyrian Allowcd.- Mnde Ull In linen lIerge, In.0 pasll a bill forblddJng any woman spre"d It before the Lord In the tunat.e, blltroted In turn by crup.I c lrpiano for I~ mOlh:Y than anyone ek camp . tMy not It the deathlike still· dlan·beait. ~ollon. kbakl or plque 01'. temp ie and had made the matter ......, betray luto mntriulol\.Y" an "unsusoumslances outside hlmseU and by tile l , Fear took possesslolt of their s lul:Ject of earnelt prayer. Oh, can. Write UI about what you ha\'t: In fact, allY of tbe season'a materials . perversities of a nat'Ure he could not "ectlng male subject of the state by h nTts, add, forgetful tl( their plot, this Is a llimple and satillfaotory that we might manifest the lame to spend, and we will ,tell you W~I eceuta, paInts, powders, falac bair" or control and other people could not UIl · tbey fled to take tlle king word. . simple. childlike Iplrlt and Ipread model, for either a walking or best ders tand. But he was and Is to-day we may bc able to do to meet yot" • number of otber well-Known reml· What could It mean? Where tile skirt. II bas a wide flare arouod the before tha Lord all the knotty tI~e finest poetic genius the country special want. mile artifices. This Is a dIrect 111m at day befOl;e all had been activity now root, and Is trimmed about the Mm pr·o ble".. of life. God would not has produced. As n writer or the short 1.h.e wiles wblcb woman ball justly al1 w8ssllent as the graVEl. fail us, out would give us the wis. TRY OUR SPECIAL OFFERS: With a bins band of the same or some Rlory lie found ed It school which 430me t!> remal'd as hel' rights, anll th~ "It Is Ood's haud who would s nd contrasting material. tbe back beIng dom wl1lch would confound the 1-$250.00 Pill.DO at $210.00 best or the' Frl\ncb. the Oerman and woulen of the Crac1~er state shoull) be! ~Iellverance Ilccordll\g to his word," finished wit It an Invorted mlu-hty. ' box.-plalt. the Slav IInor.t·story wrlter$ have bee n 2-$300.00 ,.. .. $235.00 exclaimed Hezeklah. confldenlly. Tho douhl,e box-plait at cen·ter· "Il.1I hi Ilrms a t thlol threatened Infl'lnge1-$S<io.OO .. I f $500.00 IlToud ' to rollow. It Is' lJecnuse o[ his "Thou shalt ' go and see.'" 'he Ilddell, trollt IB il'lmUJed with small 'IInen or 1-:$225.00 . " .'" :U60.00 ment. And wblle about It, why not \rl· mlltcb! llatlntlng lIIeledles of verse THE STORY. 1-$200.00 I f . . $170.00 tU\'II!ng tQ tile group of mlelt wbo bad boue buttolls. · a pretty fashion being 1:roduce a blllforblddlllg man illdulg, and the rlcb world ot his ImaglnaUon brought hIm word. to hnve tlleso buttons match the trlm1Dg io an.ytlling but the truth and revealed to us In his altort stories tllat ONDITY0 'S In .Terus<ll <: m wE're They had plotted to betray the clly Illing band. For 26 waist the skirt nIE JOHN CHURCH C:;OMPA.N'r eUmJnating all tb~ small, pleasln~ but ClNClNNATI. OHIO reachlllg a des perate IItnle.· 'rhe and now wero they to ' be driven Into mode or malerlal with Oal) requIres Poe's m elnory should be honored. His rrallties as a' man perished with blm ; .2lot always truthful flattorles In whlcb words of Rabs hake h. the general or the very jaws of death IIlIelt? And FIVe «nto in .... PI will brml FOIi ;. 1Ioo>k .. l Oy. yarus 20 inches Wide. 6% yardB there Is no need to keep themtn memo lie eometltnes Intlul ges . wbile carl'ylng tbe great AssyrIan ul'my which was ther _ ~t>ndered "pat had becomo or 06 lucbes w[de. 4* yards 4l! .- lncbes IIio<Iioas. tit.... Pian" or Vocal. ClO a courtship. Wblle assaulting the E'nCamllod against the cItY,1!ed stplck lhelr comrade In" the cousplracy wbo wid/), or 3% yaids 64 lncbes wide : ory. Dut tbat Imperishable pa.rt' of hIm wbJch ",e call g~nlus deserves its • feminine wiles, It· Is only just not to te;:rpr. 1n.t~ . the beal'ts or everyone7 had gone out to the Assyrian camp w(thout flap, It neoda 9% yards 20 [arne. ~Ionuments are not ralscd te forget that there arc such thlngs~ ' and only' a rew .stanch followers b[ he nIght before. lind who wasto"hat?8 Inchml wide: 4* yards 36 Inehes wide. tho flawless alone. U they were Ulere King Hezeklnh sustained blm In bls ' glveu them tbo sl nal Hurt morning,' masculine wiles alllo. . 4 -' ...~~ \.,' WATERPRoof' yarils 42 Inch<)f) wide. OI''3~ Yllrl1s might be 1e ~er, aVlln In proud Rlch~e tel'mlnatlon to' make. no so~t ot com· As though by wny ol'ranuwer as they' 54 Inches wide, wllh ~ yard 20 ' maud, t.o IICt the nllOle8 of favor.ed .~.S\\\ . promise with the enElow 1. lit lIlCt, tlfere. 'reached the outsl(lJ'ts of tbp. camp, I.nches wide, tl6ve.n·olghtlls yard 36 BOIlS upward to the sli.y.-Wnsllington The bllr<mu ot Imml"..atlpn Is ,00- was risIng tliro\lg~opt tQ e clt.y ,an un- tliey al1l10's t stumbled OVElI' th e feirm ,ot ~~,' GARMENTS Inches wide. throe·fourths yard 42 1n~ elfC l1ent wor le II) ~ alvel'Ung tlloU- . de rcllrrent of sentlmel1t In flll'or of ac· one wbose gal'b toltl onlr too plainly In.ches wide. or 'Ove'elght,hl! ya)'(1 61 °ost; . i ,arecutonta~ aands of (lUens from' tile crowded cIty .c e llt\'[II; th~ on;cr of.' Rabsbakeh. It tltat he was Il Hebrow. patte~.de519ned Inches \vlde. ex tra for billS band: ere , ;10 give the weo~t Chlckenll Saved from 8~ake. centers, whore tb.e)' Bre likely to be- 'Y better, they reasone d, to yield '~It Is b e." tbe~ exclaimed together, wldtll of lower edgp. about fonr Yllrds . _ , ,\, .,.the lltm05t ,.omfort An old hen With a large ramlly of ~onlC a danger ,and a draIn upon the while yet they might oQlaln mercy n shudder passing over tilem. And a To prncurc this pattern Mend to conts to "Puuern Depart .... unt ... oC thl" paper. tblln to be put to tbe sword after tile smaU ' chlckena wall recElntly given nil reSources, ItDel sending tbe m Into ilie hosts of tho Assyrians had swept over I)asty look about revt!nled heaps ot Write n am" ulld ulhlrC!IH plainly. ILlld be ......_\..~. JJGHT-DllRABlHLEAH 6\1r.; to !;Iv" 1'1", ,' and number ot ptLttero. 'empty barrel turned .down on Its side, .country, where there Is a demand for Lbe cit) . dead bodies; on every . banll. • \ I ~UARAKttUI'WAURPRooF for 'a coop. says a correspondent' for hnn labol·ers.· Allpllcatlons are r a"God has' sent deliverance. Iud ed. . SUITS ..~OO , the Lewiston (\\fe.) Joilr·n'al. One day It war: Ilil well enough to· talk abo ut, And our llrotller 'would be alive to·day NO. 2522. .SI.7.E_ ............. .. .celved [rom farm ov< ners who arc In SU~ERS·3~ . recently the hen gdve tho' sIgnal of delll'e rance which God would s end, lracl we not doubted the kIng Clnd thil meed of assistance. aud In r(lSpORF:e distress used by all good gr&.n,,;ers an~ but wlw was there tbat could not BeC NA;,LE .. . ............................. ............ . Pr9phet Ilmiah spoke." -to t1teae appeals 1,000 lahorers we re f.hat their CIlSC was hopeless and that word which. Lhe ' . . the barrp.I was Quickly surrounded by 'i·OWN ...................... ~ ................. . 8lUprlled between t he . first Ilf . In st lbe forces. of Rabsbllkeb were Ilrnwlng tbe fighting qlembers of the house hOld. The UnInvited GI.I,elt. Fcbrunry aUd the I'Irst of ·J ullt!. The ' In CIOBO\', upon the city ov ery day,? A large. onake ",al) round In tbe bar~ STREIilT "~ND NO. ..................... . UnInvited guests, who' mana-go , to rei . Qud julekly Iynqh(ld. S~veral Sann, which , a (ew yenrs ago threat· Were nol Ute words of thIs ' gr~at STATE ...•.. . . . bu:Uches were noticed on . the reptile's 41'1100 to lal)Se 'ln disfavor , Is being IlC- Assyrl'an s~neral t rue? Ha(\ not }tn, "sUp In·' ' at' dnnc es, dlnuclTs ilnd bal1s body. and be' was tipped till belly 6)rded . ltll shnre or ' lmportnnce, both math and Al'lihad and ' Sepbal'valm may no 10ngl1l' be .admltted on "Ihelr laces:' . COins Not to Wear. . wJth a plilr of IIhears and seven chick' _ 'a factor In onr commercial anll In- been crusbe d by 1.1111 mlghtY arm? This haa bcen one of the hurcleet It IB tu drl1\ a hole ,Into a ens were foulld gaspIng for breath. dllatrlnl IHe and hi Bohrlng our soclrd Had' not SI\UlIlI·ln. f It. the force of bls things to Stoll In soclnl Ilt[alrs. Men wrat.l!? How thlm could "Jerusalem anti women will walk luto an atfnJr pl-nny 01' othQl'wise mu~~i1Me It for the They are al! alive •. 'J'I'Oblems , . well. ----~hope II,) escape? Rabllhllkeb had cbal- dressed lOr th e evening; And not be purpose or us-Ing It n.H an oraament. One Woman'. Wisdom. ,stat Istics gathered hy lbe gp.nerlll lenge(1 the cliy t.o provide warrIors ouelitlolled whether or not they a.e In· Cotlldn't Tell, _ Lie. Mrs. Newed-And you pnld onl~' 98 e!ucatldn board show thnt tbe girts ot for 2.000 horses whlcb be would tur- vlted. Tohey. even had the " ch e,~k" to GPOrge Washlngtop. JI· •• WUI; trying nlsh. Why. there were not bait that cents 'ror that bat? todlvldualll to Amerl.c an ~l\eges and nUlnber a\>le to carry Bpear and ride linter the dining ball untlllspeOt"ld. to dispose of 8 horse. Mra. Old'w ed-That's all. At a IlmBlt ball abroeLd Ihe novel 1DlIVerllties amounted dlh'tng tbe last upon tbe back ot It. e'larger. There . "Is ' h" a ~ood traveler?" querIed tho ' Mrs. Ne.wJ!d-YoUl' llUBband w'a s de< was adopted.ot re;~uesting eaeb pros\loctlve . IlIIrchaser. rear to more than $Z3,OQO,OOO. QITtng was grIm bumor In the 'cballe ug!! of custom ' g\test to wear a tiny blldl$e. E;ven the I\ghh:~, .of course? ' ''He Is/' I·e plll.ld a. W. "I'll IIIOIleY to eduClltlonal InaUt.rtJonP II ,RJ! bshakeh, and it drove home more Mrs, Oldwed-I hope you don1t thhik moat prQmlnelit. lUest.s - ~lld tbll wltb. guarantee blm to trot In %:J6." _ ot the most expensive habits tbat keell)y tban ever the hopC\les. weak· out any feeUng or reseatlll'll.ut. I was loollah(t,Ol:enoUQ to teU hlm { ,got "Trot a mile In II: tar qUl!rlfl!d the Ao'lleri('JI,U millIonaires havo contracted. nellll of the clty_ oucb a cb."P ~ r' Whether or not this 1f1l" be tlluD p. p. It .. nol, at all strange therefore In up at the Jarge, smart twls'ot ODS give !4rL NeweclTWhere would the Cool· "I'm not layln!; lUIytblnc alxollt dtll' It fl said that tbe N~w York Jewish ~h. prellOnce of that powerful kssyrlan over bero remaIns to B8!m. .T rue lab, part ()o1ne tAoQes," replied tbe OW1lGr, "but he'D C!.allllunily t. noW the largest II' bl. 3nD)' and the known belpl08Bnen of It Is that PhiladelphIa b ••• ¥rs. Oldwad' . WIlT, it I told ,~IIJI l;"9t aB far as he can In 1:16." "'17' or tradlUoa. It repl'I!le!lte teD the ellr. that. tbe words of tile king bad IIOme trouble 00 Bco;e, and ~h&t It aost he'tt f'Xp8Ct me to be . .t· cuad m-,. " . eft of the ~J1t1re Jewllh PC,"'." · aqd the 81lcourapmeaL ot tbe PfOphet tbey bave dJacUlaed lJtlecJ wUh Il,arplll-COlIDter 1Ia~ aQ '~lb did Dot CIUT1 111_ . . . . to »rev,. Sf. of tho orieL .......t IlQ ~'h-
and and
The Miami Gazette
What is· Pe-ru-na.
Practical Fashions
4 •••• • ••••• :
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Some Simple Lessons tn the Porosity and Capillarity oC cuptul of cold Wilt 01', IlIId brl ng to :\ s immer over tho fire. Solis, Then strain. mlli:, with ,a 'upful ot syrup made with Sugllr lind water, "Walt' a miuute,'" said the superl n. off' n !lttb wh ~n I 'get 011 lIlI\l mce boll to tho tllrel\d stage, and turn 10 l\ t ouden t of motive po W 0':, "and you'll trac:k, nil we call .It, ' nnd It wnw ono or Brellk the botto ms olf five long- It wllh drr 8011 , and a gnln aftl'r water quart and, a lIalf of water, Stand the wltnejl8 a plellsnnt little Incident." those limes, YOI) :know, whell • re"n w neclted bottles. tla a IIlnali piece of has n ~lre ly I' as d driPlling from It. drlnlc on the Ico until It is cblllod, kind 0' reelll 1111 If' things was I 'IInlll" cheese cloth or thin muslin over the The dltrerence b Iween the weight 01 ' "What's that'I" I asked, FreeT-InS' drinks serv d OVt)r .oun· "I'm going to rewnrd a hero. Thill too all·OI·crt smooth to lnst, NI') w, I mouth ot eneh and a\'range th e m in a the dry soli and til'll ot the wet soli Cool Oatmeal Water.-As an alter· check tal' a tbousand dollars tbe dl '- co uldu' t lell YO ll fo r my life just ..: llero rack wltb a g lass tumbler under each. Is tlte well;ltt of wal,er sto red, During' tel'S will alwny s be 1I0puillr, uo matter how Dlllch the doctors Invelgb agnlnst nalo ror bal'ley wnter, for 'Chlldr u and' rectol1l have voted old Dan; and, fur· we 'were wh en J noticed ... hut SO(,IU d Fill the bottles to about the same tho lillie tha t t.he bottles are dripping. 111 m , Preachments do no sood in Inva lids In Slimmer, use oatmeal. n I~ t hermore, I'm goi ng lo give him charge like a Ourry ot dust away a.' Mad. a:oul belgh~ with dlffe ren t killds of soll- whlc!! may take se yer,. elu.ys, Lhey this line. not only palalllble, but DIlurlshlug. It Is of the n ew mogul we've just turned ten miles, It was about 1\6 v,uch d' l ~ t gravel In ono, 8snd In ano ther, etc .. should be covered to prcn!";\t evapora.Tho woman' Is boili ng hot mnde I)y mixing a )urg& mbles)lOOnful· out or lhe shops. Every driver on the all ooe 0' them cavalry compan ! 9 and Orm the solis by Jl(lIn g thl! rack Uon of ",ut r from t lle "urlace of the 'llrgue!! that she co.n be mad cool by of crl,lshec) oats with a liLLie mllk and road Is eating his honrt out boVlng kicks Ull wheu \111')' CI'OIlS us n bit and jarring It down mod ' rately tllr!' SOIlIl, 'o w, wi th watch or putllng ns much sweeten 'd lee into addln!; more milk to brIng the amount ho'll get No. 1200; but after welgblng abd'l'e what w eall Granny's Climb, or fa III' times, Mnke oth r Jlrnctl nl !.JJplicalions of her stomach as she can buy along the to a quart. e very man's claims thoroughly, I'v8 I didn't Ibink euough ot It to m r.t1on clock at hand, ant! wi th 11 glass of t he princ ipl es brougbt O"~ tn Ihls ex· Bring to a boll over the n, , then come to til,. conclu sion nohody's entl· It to J oe, for I rally SU8PO tocl It was water . beld as n ear a ll possible (0 the erclse. stroot. lIut fortunately for ber henltlt she dl'MV to one Bide of the stove nnd s lUt, tled to her but Dan. You ,kn ew about one 0' them !!o ldlt~ r troops gOlug LO 01' soli, pour wat r Illto olle of lhe boltlca , Arrango four or fiye ~to d (mt lamp may live out ot the reach of the so. m er gell t1y fOI" a quarter of au houl', his bottle '!Vltll the cyclone, dldn't from t he torl. Then I noticed n great Ilist rapidly e nough to keep tho, sur- ch ime re. :18 s hown, an d tie C1.I'e8e mass 0' cloud s, tbe color of shee t Iron fnce of the Boll covercd and nOl h ow clot h or Ulln llIus llll ove r theIr lower railed "summer drink!!;" then she can Strain through 0. clOttl, add a. Ilttlc you?" and a bout as gloslIy·llke, rise right lip long before It begins drOPI)ln /; Inlo Ih end s. ]i'jll Rcb with a dltTerent 1.1,0" of "Never heard of It," aloke them tor h erscl!, and after s he s ugar, and put on the Ice until wnnted Thi s drInk, by tbe way, I ~ e xcellenl "Why, I thought e,'erybody read of back at the borlzo n, I spoke to JOt ot tnmble r below. !\take u record of the dry soli, as In pl' cvlo u~ ex('rcl~c, JI"IJr has grown accul;tomeel to the homemade variety she w\l1 by tb e In winter If served bot. It Ie as gool' the elash he mnde with our 'LImited' It and Rsked what be tbought It meb'' ll. fOI" tlrod person!! or Invalids lUI b()t Into the teeUt of a cyclone lut month, He replied li e guc ssed we we ro golhg others. to have a gust. But those cloudl 'Twas In the papel's," • ~trange It Is tbat very fe w warnell broth 01' chlcl,en ROUll· climbed UII 80 rust. that In ten mlnute~ "I dldn"t see It." I make a practice ot concocting all Lemon Ginger Beer.-Another ex, " W e\), he'll be here In a minute, and we couldn't see a ny sun at all I\ud It 60rtll ot palatable, cooling drinks to grow powerful dark. We were fI,n· en 'e through tbe four ho t months. cellent home·made drink for snmmer I'll get bim to tell you:' Is a mixture of lemon and ginger. nlng abouL SO mHea an hour, tor 1 At thhl moment the door opened They depend on ICIl water, 1lI11k aud It Is as palatable to many as t be 1m, IlIId 0. s hQrt, Blender little old man en· badn't got' he r w e ll opene d up fl'lr Iced teo, ported gInger a le, which III costly to tAred, He carrlM his cap In bls band; slIeed thon, I s lowed down !;Iud st pp,... (1 , Here are somo r ecipes Utat have drink U olle ma~es a practice 01 I l 1.111 blue je.a n oV/!ralls and jumper were out. on to the footboard , It seemo)tl lle('n tried Bud founel not wanting : It Is made as rollows: grim ed wi t h all and cinders and hi s to be gettlnl{ hot and dry, n,nd the Pour two galloos or cold water O" UI hands were Incased hi bucks kIn gloves, hrush alongsldo t.he road wus turn ~d I aves· back. Pineapple Lemonade,,-Peel a rlpe n half.dozen lemons tblnly sliced alld black wltb UBe. "'We're gvlng to get It migh ty "You wanted to see me, sir?" he I)lnoBPIIle, grate lhe fruit, nnd turn add to thlH not Quite au ounce Of oyer It tho jnle of five lemons, Then g lng r roo t. To this mixture add a Inquired In a respecteul, almost timId heavy, Pap, and we' re going to get it voice, holding the cap bashfully be- Quick.' said Joe ILa be flung on SOMe mnkc Il ~ynlp o r a I)O,md of !!l\gar and IlOllnd and a hnlf of s ugar. Lot It coql 'to a boll ; then add a hind him and bowing awkwardly. coal. a \lIn t of wate r by boIling th ill to· tabl spoonful ot cream ot tartar. " Yes, Dan, come In," "I didn'L make a ny answer, I fea Itetb I' for ten mlnul 8. ' Tbe little old man came torward and qu eer. Som elh lng was warning me. Cool the sy rup lind add It to the Stralu aud set In n cool placc, When nearly cold add a yeast cake I sa'l\' his features more clearly, His lt kept ge lllng darkor, but th re was rrult.. turn In a Quart of cool wntor, dls80lved In a littl e lukewnrm wat':lr , race was short and broad, his chin no Willd, no rllln, no til und er , J :ln d strain lbrough a muslin 'loth. one In a glass filled with crushed stir thorou ghly; t ben s t In a cool notlcea blr square. Small, s teady gray c llmhed back on m~' se at and }>ullfld ApparltUI to Test the CapacIty of Soill to Take In Rainfalt. eyea, Bot closely together, looked he r open a hit. Old 44 sl\Ook he rselt ice . If YOll wan t to mnk It qlllte 1I1.!cc over nig ht. 1n tb morulng mix well IUlIl boltle_ strnlght a t us, and In them I perceived and jumped nhead. Joe got back on' IH'ett)' ad<1 a cherry to ach g lllSR, ' time, Do likewise with ellch at the 'wot r Into th o I)nn b('nC"llth until " Be Ilt:ro to make th e corking alrtlghl nothing of un easiness or curiosity, , to hla seat and leaned out. lookin g other bottles and cOlllp&r resu lt~. Iltands a bout Iloi f 011 Inch above tll. and lay the bollles on tholr sId s In "Duty Is this man's r eligion," whll' ahead. Then I allW n whitish , I'agg d whIch soil takes In water most rapid· lo wer end of th e chhuncys, lhen obCurrant Wate r.-To prepare currant a cool)llaoe, A ~mll ll bottl of Jamaica pered the flullerlnlend ent. "Take a sort of a cloud drop elown from Ibe Iy ? WWcll,I s the most porous? What serve th e rise' of wRter lu the differwate r mllSb 0. cupful at raSllb rrl s ginger extract ma)- bo used In place black ones, It was bigger at the t.op happen!! to tbe less porous so Us when ent soils . Make notes 011 the helgbt seat, Dan," ho said 'aloud . a nd t.wo cupfuls pl currants, add a t he wholo glngel' It more conyenlent, The engineer obeyed, but he . wn.s ,thnn It WIl S at the bottom, and the a heavy sbowCl' oC rain ('o mes? How to whlcb the waler rises, ,and the " obliged to sit on the edge of the chair, lower part oC It was fl\vlsh lng the (rauk on 8. soli be made POI'OU~? R ellent time It lakes. 1n which soli d9eB the the experiment wllh on of t he solis, wa.t r l'lac 1Il0st rallid ly ; In wblcb IS MEAL OF IMPORTANCE , JEWELS WORN IN NeW STVLE In 'o rd!!I' to 1 t his to slouch the floor. like the end o( a whlt}lash. .. 'Cyclone!' exclaim ed ,l oe, h o pulled off his gloves and rolled flacking lhe soli IIghtlr in oilo lIottle to th . gr atest h Igbt '! Whlcb son "Th sam thought crossed m y /lnd leaving It loose In ~h othe r. Whnt drnws up th e greatest amount of waLuncheon Breakl Up Day for Women P ;lrieian Faney Taken Up by Smart them Ull with his cnp. holding the bun· die I'n his lap as old women hold their mind. It was rlgh1l ovel' the t ruck, lick· Is the ettect o r llll cklng? Dooa tills ter ? How C:ltl tbls b eleter mlned! and Children . London Women of Fashion. knitting whe n resllng, ing the Irons with Its gl'eat tong ue, It ha ve auy bearing on rarm Jll'I1ctice? 'rhls po,),e r of 80lls to m ise wa,t8l' [,u ncheon has hecome an AIII'rlcRII One of Ihe Intest Par\shui. tanole!! In "You remembel'] told you, Dan, Oashed throug h my heal1 that cyclones Wblch soil llas the g reatest caflu- fro[ll helow Is cnll ed ctlplllal·lty. It III 'nslltution. nnd bas come to stay. rt jewels to be taken up by slllarl Lon' that th~ directors proposed to take travel In certain directions. bllt tor m y city tor wat r-Ibat 10, wblch co uld nll IIlI]Jortan l fun otlon, tor by It plllnt!Wo fR, to most wome n, tho plcasantest dOli women Is a corsag gnrnlture ot a Bome noUce oC that episode las t lifo I couldn'l rl member whllt Ibelr tak In l be h eay1est shower ? This are able to get mois ture ELDd pl_nt COUl'SO WIIS. ]n fn(~ t, I didn't hnvo time can be d te rmlned from the above ex- food from th s ubsoil in tlln os 01 monl of th o day. eyen when partaken fishnet drapery set with diamonds, t he conth?" or at homo, with none pr sen t but whole forming a brilliantly sclnllllat- The oltl mnn s quirmed In his seat, to think, for It wa,s beaded straigh t for perLment by emlltying and replaCing drollg1:\t, .. tbe children" nnd the grown women IllS' drapery, dropped bi" eyes to the tloor, fumbled , us nnd coming fa!!ler every IJIluute. each tumbler as soon as 1111 free water If chimne ys a'r o not to be hlld, thl • (If tbo hailS bold , It breaks u[I tbo The fisher n et Is ftl et work of ex' the cnII and gloves, a suspicion of a "Quick as IIght:nln g I. made liP my halO dlsarlpeare,d trom the UI>per sur· C!x llerlment can b PNtormed w,lh tbe monotony of dally tasks; It Is alen ccedlngl y tlue gold threads, the meshe smile benealli his tbln, gray mustache. mind to tackle that cyclone! I'd IlUt tAce of lhe 8011 above It, Arter water 30pal'lltus fi r8t sbown by subs tl ~uU,* wltbout Ourry or burTY"becnutlo with formed or dllUOonds. Tbe drapery "I'd rnther you hndn't done anything the train's strength against Its tll' pnn for t ho tuml.Jlers i or tl;e i xlI t lle cer many. 'IPick·up" dishes and cov n; the shoulders and droops sev, about It, sir, It's nil past and gone, strength I rr 1 came' to a standstill I perlenlllent.s performed With 11), 'botOIccldental entreell figure conspicuous· ral Inches, and It Is made entlrely and It 1!oln't worth bringing up again . kn e w 1"d be just: 3S bad otr as It '1 tles call be performed willI t.J.:!e t:b1m1y in tho menu-thlni;B for whieh hand. I didn't do anythIng but my duty, Bo- cpo wded her turough Il. So I yelled to neys !lnd lumblers, ~~ men, 88 a rule, care Uttle nnd theIr Mrs. Cavendlsb·nentlnck, a sisler of sides, you IUlOW, my flreman-" Joe rOl' coal and for him to, close the If more accnrate les ls of ~pl.1 larltJ wives ant! daugnt.ers much. Toa and l\'1rs. Ogden MII\B, wore this SOlt Two tearS ,'trlckled down bls cheeks, cab windows, th'rew ' Ule lever away a re de~ lr ed it will be necessary to llrotoast, talre and presel'l'es can he en· dl81llond me!!hwork on tbe corsage' of "We don't regard It , a ,.mattllr of forward and grabbed the throttle nnel cure a Bories or glass tubes o.t least Joyed without tear of bantering com\ a ro}'al blue robe, and Mrs. Edward duty, Dan, for you to, tackle cyclones pulled her open. By thi s tlmo I could t hree fee t high, for In some 80l1S wament. ,an d It barmless dasb of g08slp Ward, a recent, brIde, ' wore a slmllar In the open prairie, nor do we rewnrc! heal' the roar coming n ~a rer and neal" ~ t er will rlse to that he lg11t, or eTel) can be uncovered Wltbout provoking noL or diamonds over 0. clinging black men for discharging their duty. We er, like conLLnual I,hunder! hlghel', ,~ ~evcre strictures, ' satin. Lady _Camden woe also seen In I)IIY them tor that. What ,ve want to "As, we sprung Into It It roared like The family luncheon Is tho besl Qllr a pink robe bavlng the diamond re'l\'ltrd you for Is bravory, judgment tbe hlnlng ot n \DImon vnlves lelllng 11IUIlI I know 'of for a cqUiring til va1 moshed net, and lu each case two large nnd nel·ve." ShockIng WJ!pat::"'l flurl the bell. otr steam! In t he din and uproar I Apparatu" to Teat the Power of Solis 'Iabl French art of concocting nlreoll dl anjond tassels and diamond s et cords The engineer mumbled Ilomethlng, didn't know a thing, except that I hReI . to Take Up MoIsture from eelow. wny lo IIh ool~ \vli ellt Is 10 set.:!!lY so sb eav s, thcpr hll t~ the tops together out of " left-overH." fastened the jeweled drapery at lhe but the superintendent continued: my hand _on old 4·1-'s bits anel sho WII9 S0ll10 Johns ha ve a root d rllsllke baok, "At tbe last meeting of th e ~rectors a·plunglng like 1111 unruly hO!'!I ! Suc has ceas II cir"jplu~ (I'om all I he bot· nnd Pllt (In shrnf a u top for a cap b, for "mado dl shos"-a \lrejudl 0 whl h, 1'be Inverted tlnra. III nnoth I' lIU1e It was voted to present j·ou wllh a uns,enteel nI Il Il,C n buckin g pony I I Hes, m eliSllr "aull com 1)1\ I' Ih wa ter fl \ll'cndiu' nplll't woll. t1 claros :l eort9' In tl! dlffer6n ~ tu III III I'.. \ fil ch soil s polld 'ilt of RlIml New YOI'I, r, Set T Ulny r emark, aelds sensibly to the tael In jeWels. This Is a straight band check for It thousnnd doll nrs; and now hung 011 I It \\' a ~ nil I onld do. ~outlnued ', dl'lpl)ln g lou g S~ ~1 Which OlltS liP tbe SIIUI (:l-. unl y lIia lte the sboclt lIUIl~ of tlQusehold OX11 nllOS , It woul cl front from whlcb j WCIOll poi).lts de· I've scnt for ),ou to te ll, yo u l ha t I'm " Wb n we tore ont Into tllo SI\I\· would d rain 1lI 0>ll I'eaj:l ily ? . Sn U~ to I;lo lon ~: 'that i;;, on ly twc. douhl th orn hu t for the RllllY b ouse· scend , dlsappenring In tho colfrul'O. gOing to gi ve you llle new mogul, No, light agnln I was b eblnd th e (,oll er, Which 5011 :would 8101:0 lip the ;,(l'ent· ph ()u,\'es s id by ~id '. :11111 oap t he sam e Mrs. Waldorf Asto r wore one 'of 1200,1' ' wl(e s IIS0 of colil cuts anti scmI' for ou Iho floor of tlw onp, hangin g on to est amOunt of Illofi.;lllr ' for th e UFO ns (h wh at. A ~ t:lr lt I3hOllld bllnt tb mid-day mea l "ju~ t fo l' tho chll· t hes IIIYe rted diadem/! tho ove, The glovos and cap dropp d to the that throttle! Thle cllb wa s gone ! Jail Ilrcn Itnd myself." nhlS' OInt the dlnItloucl stuLl:1 d cOTllage Oour; the dingy hand s were clnsped I"as gone! My cap was gone, and my of ' plunts '! 'I'h lll eml he detol"lll/n r( 1'01ln.1 0111111 ne lns ill til midd le tep from t lte Sllnlp exp"r lnll'lIt lIy ,.,; 1-11-1 1:\)" tho sllt'av s nnd I( 'ell th o mlddhi Women don't cook for th em ai,\' s! drape rJe w r seen. over til wnte rlng yes, and th smnll JUl\lper lorn 111:1 Ie a thresher had ru u Ing each bottle he fbrc and nffer fllllI!!; Ih hlgbes t all th e tim , Tlie ducl! sS of RlIllMu also IVaI' physique s boolt with sobs. For a few fllIt for tb aavlng clnus . " ~b E,l 'hll ~ through III l.'l)e coal wns cleaned liren," our economIst would stUI've her- a Ilew pattel"U In dlnd 'mc; In tl'lls In · minutes we wat. hed th emotion s or comple\ Ir o1lt of Ihe lender, the root ;; ::;;;::.::' :::::-:::;::t~~: : - : : ;-self UPOll toas t anel ~ a. Oiling a moth· slance i~ was a polll l(;'d ro"n oC wheat tlle II ltle old mnn. and neither ot us at' the ~sgage CUI' wa s swept away, or, ail hrlngs torll) streng hen!Jlg eor9 meeting in tbo front and Queen c<luld restrai n a c hoking sensnUon that the roofs ot tho "'vo coaches driven UI) 601lPfl, savQI'y ste ws nnd reli hrlll com· Alexanilra wol'o a 51111l1ul' ,:ulttnre 01" drove mist over 'Ollr own eyes. After Into !he all' und JlIllt ~lped ort, and the riOs\llonn of flsh and vegeLabl es out of namont. but IIl ~tead of wll(,at cars a a time the euglneer become mo~e com~ el\d of oue of t be Ilal'lbrs pun(:hed In! most unpromi s ing mnt,l'l'ials. lIUCO U- diam-.: nd thistle rOlle from the conter, 1losed. . "Out we were bUll on the ' Irons, "]"11 take No. 1200, s ir. and thank Bcloullly becoming a ' cullnar}' m:tlst. thank Godl you for he r ,vllh nil my h eart, nnd "Th~n I brok( clown! Yes, sIr. I , Collars In Dresden Colors. ~ ...... ~reat bel' as well as 1 know how; bllt surr collars h a v ; {or a long tim " the cbeck-I ' can't take that! My went to 'pieces lIke 'a womnn! t Oumpol\ , been embroidered, but It. r ' ulllln!'ld (or fireman, Joe Colby, lost his life III that dOlv,n on thc floor at the cab and shoOk. Ihls summer to bring them forlh deco· alralr and left a wlte and four children, and couldn't speak'! The passengers rated wllh b\lllche!\ of f10wQra in 11 They m\llt 'hnve the check, sir. They came running torward, attcl' I'd mllltilucle ot Dresden shadet;, The lit· need It ond It be lougs to them. , You brought he r do\\'n to a dead ' sland, tie nosegays are placeu on I.h corners 's ee, Jee was t,rylng to b'uy a little asking all sorts of questions, Dut I 01 the collars In tront, and th e~' add home. He'd jnst gone In,to ,the hulld· coul,~~ I 't have Ilnsweted one of 'em to ha,!e '.sall'ed my lite. All I could do lust 11 dllinty tOllch of coloI' to til 1m· The crepe de chloe co~t Is a rt'Oll t Ing IIssoclatJon, and 'tbey'd ,advanced was to, gasp,: . 'Where;s Joe ? Find' ,Joel ' him a thousand dollarl, and be'd only maCUlate whiteness ' Of a white linen favorite. tailored 8ult. 'l'lIe satin ' coat Is an excellent ex· moved Into his cottage a week betore, I knew , we were sarti. th"t it had all Wltb them nre worn jahOl!!, made of qmple ,ot, tb present c razo, f I('ssocl· Won't you fix that ch.eck, sir, so I can passed, but ' what bad It 'cost us? 1'Iwr IV ,lit hllck nnd IOoke,1 for ,loe. and handkerchie fs, embroldel'od to Ui:ltch atln/; a cloth or Veiling skirt wltb ~et the money and take It ove r to .M rs, fOllnd him blown' at I(.ast a quarter of " th e. collnl', or little buttel' lIy how p ·In wrall of saUn. \ '.' , COlby ·;,efor e I, go on my run? A.lld a mil f!"O m tho roaa, fac e down In th e , Tllaln white linen, l-hu-e a pen~inllt 01' two pf unattached mayu't I tell hel' the dIrector!! voted It sanel, 1:Ie hM hnd tho breath lI'c tmllly ________ chltron floatin g ubout YOII:-It IDakl;'s to her Joe?" " blown out of 111m I" \ Beaded Belts. IilUe difference w1lere-nud tho slie' As lie said tlils he arose and stepped " Ollt 3' ou know you'd saved your Beadecl lea (h el' bell'S ar 011 sa lC) III cess of your gown will b established. ' torwni'd, a I,ook of Ibtense ' eagerness The em pire '11IId ' the Oreclan nre a In hlr., sWQllen eyes-a beseeching ex· train ?, brolw In the s U,.1erllltellllenl. s l·oal. quanti ties. anll tbey , I\N:\ ve ry "Ycs, 1 kn ew 'that. Illil I couldn· t pretty, fndeed , Th o hes t of them nrc ))81'1 loularly l!:~piIY combination for a ,resslon-whlcb bl'ollgllt 8. smHe or made of Boft slwd e IIlTd decora tod .in summe r even ing gmm, I'be tunjc lend, a Cqulllscence 10 tbe fa ce of th e SlIpOr' htlve tolel YOII ho w, na y why:' many.eolorell Groull gluss bends-t o Ing Itself admirably to th e \ong $ltirt. Intende nt, who was ' watching, him 'rho clerk e nte rerl wllh lho 1lI0ne~·. Imltnte tbe Indian work. On ~omo th e For t he moi'o dress>~ tollol'-mudo suit closel)'. " )'1Il going to talte Iht s ri ght away honds are gro uped 'only jU8t hI front . . n lIe\v combination of whl to skirts anel "Yes, Dan. Put your namo on tbe to Joe's wldo\\'!" exclalroed the lItile 10 take ' the place of '11 .bU6kle-whlle colored coats Is mnklng Its Itl'pli!arance .. back or Ehis," mall, s'lOwlng tl\l~ bills "III t he bl'ea,.t others have on Imltatioll bllckle bqlh !J'he little re d ' golf jackot hus !lIso T& " 'Ilbe W(t man affixed hJs 'lndorseuient 1I0c)\et : of "his jllmp!lr, "Then I'll go rront' an;1 bilCk., ' ! appeare el, to the bllck , o~· the cher.k, while tb e BU· ar.ound and~-"tip the mu gu!' and cet' _ _ _ _~--~_...--_-_. , perlntendent t(lll~hed a bell: ' her rcally r ' nlY run. Than It yoti, "Tn,k e ' ·thls Qver ,to the treasure~'s MI~. Superlnt · cJ:ent," he nIl dad, ",mc,e," tio eald to , the 'c lerk wbo reo tromor In his voice, aB hn tu rne d to sponded, "and bring me th ~ bills Sil depart" ") Ilolle none p' the bOYll'1l fl'el do'w n. Da n, (or a tow ~Inutes, aD , I'll hUrt becallse I W~18 IIreterl'ild to them." bnve It (or ~'ou. You never detallt.:! tho "Thut's all rI gh t, ,Dan, ' You'r tho ntralr to me," he add~d ' tor my bene· man to hllve _he"... and aU the bOYB'1l fit. btl 'glad you've got her." "Well, \I hapi'enod 'thlc way," hallan "Thank you, s ir." Tho old man the enJln$er. crossIng one ahort ieg smiled and wave(:l' hfa band aa he hur· over tbe Ol h!)r lUld cat9hlng a heel 1n rled awa)', the rung the cbalr: "We got away Pag,,'1 Junct,lon on Ome, Iiaullnk a 1iagpge car, t .. cqachea, a diner and two parlors, , It ..aa . e&aoU), 3: 10 wbel1 I lot the word and pulled her out In the resuJar way for tbe atralcbt b,rooks. The leavea lU"a oftell & . . . . rU (It 18 m!lel to Gago'a, It at long. Tho Rowel'l are ltI,-lIb .. brllht od clear 0 afternoon ... rever otructure. Great quantltles ot .... • _, Tba t.raln pulled alead,. Bn.d It pl&llt ore &IIl1uany ...
I :
Hellebore a Medicinal Plant
WUIl'a too
nor too
CO~id.=~1i1~~:1,c~~1fi~=I==~;~ Ultl,,: llilll.!'lJ"",~~'al:~!I.
J,·II1"",• •. \ IllIftB_· :
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.t, ,.,1. ~H E 'NEIl" HBORHOOD ' U ~
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. . " ,'" ''" \', ,,,,.,. . ,,,"',,,,, . .\.", ,,,,..,, . .,, Wellman.
~." ~ :. ." " " ';"'~''''''
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,", " ~ . ,
, " ., ..... \
dwellin~ will have wlndowl! in its OIOflOhs-llDU, moreovor, tho olosot -
uent.l1r- doors w!ll bo slnttell, ~tl thnt thtllllt.erior no 'er tlhull boselll 1I . ~It~tted ~ in UII veut ilutlill 0 11 vo~ W (I ho vo been UoorM lue to bo fu u Dli Iu "1IUIlI LlI'1 '"" " ,'''i~, ""'-",, ,"\: ,""''''~ , ~''','\.,' . ,.. . ,. ooutont t l"'1 ]'Ilng np ~nr oxl,l'lt. g rl!" .. ntUM; tb ra are slu.ts a. tOll t1ud bl t New Burlington. nJ ntH in hulas i n I'Ilu Willi , ui h e" tOlll ,tlHBilltl u g v nt.illl It.loll , ill II Ol·t! w11i (lh. tlo:r l., ul1l1irtlble. IIro pres um- bot11 of 01 0& ,ttl !\oDd of budroOOl!l;
iet: ,
u:v~;u~'~~~n~ y~I~~"liV;; entirely
M N. Ha h I R bert." of Mul'I'CJw is !\frs. 1,e,>u'8 BflI'UIlJ'[' is ill tb r!lll t Hel:n to W. ". Mill r :lnd wif Il ti bo be qui to gooJ n Ullg 11 for suob lind t,h idell nlllY well be extend ell vi iting h r sister . Mr . Mal'Y Ann II{,II with t'llV~ I" Mond ay, ::; ptemb r 7, a ~O ll . · a pu rp~l!e. <lO')1S Edwiu L. t;l\blD ill to dwellings. Ie aver . d Tbere will co ' Ifl II tune wben the 'I'h 'I~ , !'Ioci d y <Ie j.hl-l l'reshy I:hool b gall u n Lon ay with th e t.h 0 tollor UIi:!oUI - IN 1£1( . Ally oorn e r Mrs. G rg Davis, M I'S. John tari« n I'hur b m e t. II t j he II Il m of f~l llowin§ ('UI·pS. uf tea~h ' I'S: ~l'in- d\leR (01' II 'Iv~ ~; IUlY plu '0 '\l oes for t beory ~u u prn 'lioe of lIledi inll, In Wolfe and Mrs, N. B. Rich a t l ndod Mi s" Flo r enC'€' M r Ar <l F rid uy e \' o. clpal. ~ m.. MIll e r , m termedlate. 01U oloth Hs, . every d ay \l~I', Will he but tho th eory th W. ,T. U. convention at Mas n 'I L ·W·I ' i EIi7.aL~th R . ves: primarv, Nanni e And h e rf! W ~r.o l'e th em. u Dd er - lind prtlOti ci1 l~f k oeplng well in I,he Tuesday , D r. II wre n CA I s n 0 ~ eu 1\ • ha lbaugh . . . . is the l{uP!:\1 o f WHII ,. M orri ~ lind .n . '. cl l)t hillg rll uk with tho e fliuvio, of hOI1~e hold . 'l'he ohllir Iff ' II UHli! Mr, and Mrs. Ed Vanmet l' have f'lIn l]v ' . Mr:;, harllY I ul'l1ett. of ,o"h n, t' . t il 11 III m<?v~ to t.he propel'ty b longing i.o 111 11. , wa~ vi. iling Ilmong f ri ndH t,h tl body i ou tOl', dllstau ·10 eoo nomy III , e 0 eg B \y Wllhs O'NeaL . MI:oIS, tl ll rll Mu[l'I\ :V u f Wllyn e!:!- hel'e In l week, with I,ll t,ho u!!tlnil ge rms of IItreet compri se. in Iiddisiull t,o the hy Mr. and Mrs. (jeo1'ge Davis and ".llIe I tht' Iotue!!t of j\lis,sps IIn:e T. . H aydock ,Jr, till tl an ngage- Cllr store Ilnd·thorong ht'lI re ; tlh oos. giene of broud-muking, the 11.\' Mr, and Mrs . Erne t Mannon pen t JitlPIP Ilud Edull DinWlll di e tll 8 ment with the B lIb l' ok band. La- witlJ tlX P o tor~tiolland filth trodden g ien e Il SII of \V Isbin!::, , wiping tUld Sunday with Will M liTis and family. wee~ . , . ' hO I' Da y. in t... t,ll ei r sol08, No s uu tlbloe e v r soee41iug, It will bo iwprt'Hlled up ' George Bogan and son transacted Ail B. Mnr t LHI Howluu cJ of Dllyton Flora and Wm. Harlan have I' >- J.l n tr llto~ th e' don , a lld StlVO for t.b e on tbe student t,hllt tho j.(rp.llte~ t, business in Le banon Wednestla , il:l th o g uo t o f h oI" nl'Othfll' A. R. lU1'IIeu to th e ir sel'ool wor k in Miamis . hou~eh'Olll ooonolllY ju Il~ultll ', Iln.1 Howlo nrlllll<l ftllllily . bU I'g sligh t, (h !lturbllnoe uused by l1ur ~ V" \.I M rs. M ary Ad n CI aver s pent t II . • k 1 t,bo h Clllth of ;luc11 II. OOlUll.lllni t..v forepart of the week wi t h her g ra ml:r.lisl' Milos of DILy tLln wn;< t he Mi s..; D 1'111,. Hawkins h as resumed 1l'! I'!;II,~ li S \\' e t41 c o u t lint ' r e!lt,Ol'e daughter, M rs, harl ~s Wal'wi('k \If H ll e~t of M Ull' 'IIr rio Kublo b' rllIIl Y. he l' studies at Wilmingtqn co llege. lI]1pa rel, fro ul Ulont,h to llleuth. t ho r es ts n ot upon tbe cooking II li t] near Waynesvill e. . I Mrs , Minnio S tre mllnd !lnd Word rec ived fr om Mi~.'1 Lulu' d ,III ilir rOlllldu~, IIt,ugllllnt, h etlvy_ cluRting c1ono by one, but upou Ilropm' Mrs, Orval Strawn of 'ovingt~)I), d rm ghte r Til IIllI1 of !lboro WliS tho I£wing at Chri t hos pital in'innati Ill den . Ouly mrely d o we find Il genorll l preollutions combinoil wil.h wtndo\v ill It 01 0::1 t.. I was in n. ve r80nll ! oare by onoh seplullto illlli Ky . . ~pedt one ,day last ~eek WIUl 1: 11 e~t, of Mrs , Wru , De kf'r fr om is thal he is il)lprov ing. he r Sister, Mrs . fh omas Rich . t:;;~ I.nrduy unlil MondllY . . nive l'MI I'e~r t i ' expre."8ed a t b ouse t.11 e o th l' do .v , IIlmost UU I l! - vidull!. ]!;It<lmption is iUlIJO!4I<1ibl J; Mal rs . J~hn Heighway and Mrs . t Mr . anrl Mr!l. Bert Watson of t he 105.'1 ' of H v , ano Mr~ . H ple l pd in whi h e very oloset hllll Ii We r etlpOllsilJllIt,'y is ~hurO II by till. W tel' TIbbals s pent. aturrJay and () ,. 1 t f" Cu.mpton . 'f hey . had made many " I Sund 'th M d M E I ' ~uo ru wol'e t 10 1'.'1101' ~ 0 ,,,rll. frlnn cls h J' \)Ut~ lrl of t'. he bOI'd I' wil l(low . But ttO IIrchltA t WII!! 1 . !1y WI 1'. a n rs. nel N Jlo - owarcl and Mr. Olivl'r Wilt. ~ " ~'!!!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!~ Ga rrison, ' son MondllY. . of t h il' hUl'ch as w lI 'a ' amC'ng its l bllil!l ing this h Ulll's for him~elf ; 'ho l - - - - - - - - - - - - -Mrs. qeorg ,Bogan aJld dau g ht " , . . ow.n Il~e mb>r', b,.ut t he peo)Jle f d r ll nk und fi le f b Oll ('-11l1i hl er s II V-I spent Friday WIth Chauncy Bunnell l\Iis~e!l MinOl o Duke of [,ytl e /lud lha( h~ s pl ~ e \\ III b · we ll filled by tll' Lhink of willuow-!lPI1(1f! for clo~ets l and family . . TJol8 Corn e ll of Ferry «OIl Mr. lind Rev. wglll wh o has mad e m::tny I • " . ' _ _ _ .. _.. Mrfl , H . 0, Rowlllud we re ent.ertain- fri ends wh erev~I' h ha }.J en. . Ne\ rth flle!l . . t.h o hY~lenlc m odern L tie led hy n , R . ollar lind ftlmi1s MOil· Whil has. Mi?nde nhall Will> tak- __ -__ Y . ' dllY . l ing hissi!,t>l'-i n-lllw, Mrs. Ed. Wood Mr. aud Mrtl, Re bcccu Wol>b r Jand child r en t th e ir U'ain, ~'aturda y M L - G • . ·Blessed is the Woma..1\ Mgowwho D,nd Mr Wm. Howl es of IllioOis tire th~y met. with quitean a c.ddt n t n al' hasrsb·eenotL:a·t·eesmhanfofthlqCa mg et' a er r \'lSI ed h I ' t . k' t he gl1 .dt,S of 'hu Bowl es n nt! I'nm - th e l' .1'u ene of. W'lh a I'ISb ury , t h H Duke ret . who gillgS while Hht! W()l'I( ~, "urn C!me as. we~ ' I ily, . hOI':;e llrning shal'ply up on · fresh for veril y !lhc hlltll fUUllcl o ne: . ompamed by her m ece, Ml f;g Zilla I acc . . . gmvel up t t h a rriagc t hrowin g . ' ~!r ..Wm , DIn nod fllllllly m oy Ii all the occ upants ou t . MI'. M nrlenG l thens. . ~ec ret or lJapp i ll tlKs- Good Flollr. !dr. MarIOn Cla rk and WIfe en ter- to 8 prIDg VulJey IIOU. Mr. R y Blu c k hall' . lef t kn e WI,\S sev rely s prained "sp dally "Prill ' 111' lolidllllOllt! " Pure Jersey Sweets tamed Mr. C. P; lark and wife ' un_ lont! family ~o ved Into I,b o hOllso Mrs . Wood 's back wa." hlll·t and her 1"lour. day " vn.on.ted b y 0111 ) ~nd MrE! . Deblltr and thl'ee-y aJ'-old son had his 'right leg They are extra fine this season Mr. Walter K enri ck and wife were I daughter lnll wllJ ooouPY , th e h fl Ul'1 o broken above th kn e ]f t h hot and prices low. 25c pk. J.emOns, 2Sc a Doz. Springboro vis itors last Sunday. Ivtlolltod by BlIIOks, ha d : tart d to run , th a d dent. George Scott has purchased a lot would have been more serious . [<'lIle, lal'i{t! , waxy 1"1l10Il S~ Melons of Bert Stacy and contempla t e ' Harveysburg. They we re able to b brou~rht back Fancy Indiana and Home l~e/{ardlet! 8 of price w e Il av ~ St' f' n building soon. to Mr. MendenhalI' " 0.1->.. Grown. Ilothillg' till e r thi s se a s O!I. l E1mus Carmony for Delaware 'Iyde and 'Daisy Levicy mad a JAPANE E S ST EM S~ndar, where he WIll attend college business trip to incinnati I" ~t \v eek , Tomatoes, Cabbage, Il\d ial\a.. Watermelon. . .k> .I thlS wmter. Onions. ---~....- . The Ladies Aid 'ociety met at the " h ols IJll ve been bujJt IlIJd 15 to 2Sc hom e of · Mrs Amos Vando ren on Spring Valle . . . , Y.. Thursday with a good attendance. t'l'\lllpped b.~ th ~ .1t\.l~lInose WIth t,!ltl Now is th e ea!<orl for " otl Flower Pots - -- . " R e freshments were e rved consisting Slimo cOIUIJIDlltll'>!l of s Ol:!6 lI,nd eu wate rllte loll s. 'rhe qualitv we A fine assortment just received Everyone was s u!prlsed ~ uesciay I of grape, peaches and cake, thu iUllnl thn hl\ II ·tnf\ t ed the art: receivillg IIIJW /l1'tl at the Ir and prices right. ~o hear of the. marriage of MISS Rox- I MI'. Marquis H a ine of Richmond AII}e ri QIIJ;ls In Porto Ri oo Imd t.h e I Ibe. t lind are ripe. 1e Clark of thiS place and MI'. James J d . h . ' t t f·· ·l ' . ,, Alexander of Portland, Ind. They l n -, IS er on 11 VISI 0 Ile nus . , PLII hpplu . 1 bere Itr t(. rIllY .111a School Supples whre mal:'ried, at Dayton and' Jeft at Mrs: Ibble Collett spent last Thul . COUlll\on sobooll:! t or 'hinc se boys' Blessed is the M. n A full line of Tab.lcts, Pencils, ~mce for their future home. The day With Mrs . Anne. !tic une and llucL "nil! hllif the teaohe:r s b oing Pens, Ink ' ~nd LlInc\:l t' d ' II known ' from t here made a VISit of a f e w "" wllo Iwys oll e (I f ollr III W b n-d' e 1S P8& sixty an 18 we d t h . . t ' M' C' I ' Uhinetle lind hllJf Jltpunesll n nd flf. Bo~es. pyagreatmany. here having lived l ays 0 1 SIS et, I S . ur. . . ' . a larm clooh for ve rily II .. ri t! 1\I hero several years. The groom is eve ral friend .. of Mr. and Mrs . A . teen 1IIII1IIur 801100111 f or Il lljf olvI_ P by night or 'clu)'. 'I'he prk.. IS wei! kno~ by a great many here ~, Hendric~s have .received .lnvita- lizatJ m Ollnt.ain trlbo . Twon ty I Enamel Ware 'JOe, . haVIng V1Slted. here several times. ti~n B to cbe l' tw.enheth \ four a lSo I~f e ,)pen d for Jt~pllnoso Anything you want In the Best H~ w~ marrIed Orlce before, hi$ h1v~rsary ~t their horne III Welhng- boy!! I~nd girl~ whose edllOl\tnoo u.lone Grade. Cha..mber Pa..Us ton, Ala"September 30, t . I 0 11 ' WIfe dymg several years ago. ' r(i88 Clara Smith visited with Mr, Edwin Smith wa'> in the city IlS. Y.o 1- oompn . ory , , me e 40c to $1,25 each. Shredded Wheat Biscuit friends in Cincinnati last wee k. from Friday un t il unday, Chlldlon . uro Ilddnlltted 1,0 tbese Fresh Supply- 2 boxes, 251(_ A oew line of Toilet 'Ware ~ Miss Edna Osborne returnee SatMr. and Mrs Jont MOI:ris attend- >lobool If cletlu and free fr?m l'IiselH~e i 'rill, White Grani te. , Gray alld urd~ after seqeral ,weeks visit in ! ed the automobi,le race in Cincinnati There urfl IIlso one blgb scbool Bring Us Your Eggs Yellow Springs. . " Saturday. for boy only, one normi~1 school tor MonIed Wure. Ask to 1:1 them. Paying 24c a Doz. Wo~d was received here Thursday .G~orge Harlan ~t.ill ~on tin u es s ick touobers, oue rnedirul !4oh()ol, two I "It Talks for It.elf" mormng of the death of Mr . Milton With but very httle Improvement. agrioultllrltl ohools, Rnd one polioe , . Zentmeyer at hel' home in Paris Miss Adflie Surface i quite poorly school sa'id tlJe IIld cUNtOlf\er ' to '. Lhe Crossing, Ind. She was a formel' with rheumati sm . .. , resident of this plac 'l'bis looks like wot,Jr, not exploit I new, 4'a better Cup of cofl'ell, we ~-l vm . ,ISqUI:ee· ,ICk-. 'M I. Rev'l~ff' Il\{1' art S~rger,ttsd enterll:ained II n d nowhere thatl the Chuse and P ro f . ve I m an two c llidren ati on'. t , M~. Gertrude Harner i illlpJ'ov- of Wilmingtoll Sunday. We ~eod unly our o wn (fort,s ut· OF COITRSE Sanborn't! Blend a ,t 20c 1& lb." tng meely_ Miss'Bernice Dakin attended the edllcnuon 10 our dependenoies to all- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Fl' h Schools began last Monday in t he Wilmington Fait· 'rhursday. preolate thE! spirit of relll helpful else m~I\·' Ye.,t., ' village and township $chools. Mrs . I. N. Miller is enjoying a vis- IlO~S thllt hitS ohllrllotel'i~ed the ./1l· - - ~ .---2c a.. Clara. and Bru ce Smith wen t to it from h er brother and wife from PIIUOIlO Iituor in Formosa, You wJlI 1I0W filld a supply hou~keei>ing in the Enris property Amelia, Cl'e,'mont county , 'rho Uhi08se still IUlliota i u over of this magic yeast at liny tllile on Pike street. Mi J<Jmm8 Whetsel pen t ut1day 1000 HlUl\.ll private sohools, wbero LET US HAVE OUR needed, Miss Alexander and Alice 1 at home. St old i(18Il~ , now being abandoned \In ~p are visiting • pI'ing ft eld Mr. Ira llal:t>!ock of Daylun vi'it d ~he Illalnlllnd. Ilre s~i11 taught, no JOB WORK. WE WILL FI P frle~ds. , his parents Saturday and Sunday. ower ofs. MISS Lou Alexander entertained a j Rev. MeCaulm was retul'lled to his d.Q ~bt pllrtJ.v out of HtnbborlD oppo· GIVE THE BEST All si~es frlllli the slna ll 3 i'n. number of young folk at dinner !Same chat·ge . and Jll'each ed a goed ~ltlOn to Japlin. ' , , Sunday. serlllon 8und::ty. it iti tbe plttn ,to 'flllppllmt grlido ..h SATISFACTION cruck to the. largest 12 ill • .size. ~ number of young friend !! of 1 Prof, Ewing and fami ly united Iy thet'(;I sohool ofanoient fogyism . -~------------MISS Effie Moore surprised her M 11- with t he M, E , church Sunday. with , modern ones, but., liS usual, day evening it being her birthday. __ _ . ~ • Maud BO$ton clerk at Barley's . A GOLDENR.OD BR.EAI FAST tho Ju,panose ';\,ill not mova io a ' . e store is taking her vacation. Miss I oompnlsofY wily. 1 suld to 1\ , J[~PItEsther Thomas is taking her place. De6e Uhl'i!!tll.lIl .prelloher : "How - - - ,---'-- -Mr. Will Belt of Cincinnafi is the " l'hili is Il pret,ty cOllnf;ry fl lilJ Qut ,1'eJigiotls freedom III !form o~~~!M&~Y.H~~.M~!aS guest of John Belt and family. It,n.i!!UHmt,, u,Dd thoon8 in mind \Vll~ Sll~" Rer,e lllied : 'Entire ly froe; ,~.~~~~~~~~~. . . . ~ -' given under will~, spre!\dlog t,rces Oil perhl\p ~?O fre e, for 1 belie'vo Oregonia. , the IIlwn . of It prett·.r f;ubllrbllD tllnt just 'll little p ersoolltiool or lit, ·~~w~ w ...... homo;' BlI.r!!l~ writer in Womn·n '8 ell!;t Oppositi on, would stir ns Fra.nk Clutter wa'> in ~ilford Sun- Romo CoTUpanion for Sel)tembllr . uP."-F~onl "Wbnt Are Japa.nese day ntgh~.,., " 'Grel~t bunches of goJdelrr otl we re Doing in 'FOI'IDflSU?" i~ Williun:1 C. The Mlsse~ Edna and. gladys Speno, dug up Rnd trunspll~ntou into j llr\l- Gl'O!!I7 , in th e Amoricl\'11 R elv ie w, "f eer entertained a Burpm,e party for i . , " q v their mother Wednesday evening in Illleres lind Ilrrl~nRed on t.he III WII, ReviewR for A ngul:!t. honor of her birthday. . I,vlth tlllil grtlSS ,a s II carpet allli t·he - .. --~ , The Butcher , Miss Helen Ullum ,' of Lebanon l,troes itsllC'"no py .. MARRIED HER. PUPIL • spent Suriaay with Miss Cora Kersey I "fwo til billS woro llsed. ~o tll o '. .: ' Earl Thompson and Walte r Cleaver center of on e WIlS Il IlIrge gilded A sensation was caus!!d In oClety , of Dayt?n were home Sunday . " l,fluring.shuped bllsket flllel~ 'with th~ ci!'cle.' in Loba non when. it was anHas the best Iin.ft of Ch~rhe , Tayl,?r of. Columbus visit- Koli'lenroc1 Ilnd tlecl on hllndle' flounced tha t MiSi,l Bertha Huthcins , ~elected meats in eel~rlends and 1'el a~lves h~re Sun~aY I WII~ II butterJly bow of pile yellow teacher'of arUn :th e. publfo schools, now~nley Step,hens I on hIS vacatIOn : tulle, IIn(1 feswootl of the s~m6 . had . be.e n lll~rrjed . to one of hel' . 'I t i ed fOIlUOtl to the four Llornt:rs wllel'o pupIls, MOl'l'lS Monroe, laSt May , Th e 0 regonJa orc las 1'8 p ay at . ', ' .. . I b ~1 ' d . Co . ' the temperance meeting at, Olive I wtl re ploced t Oll,r tlrnall. bl\.Rkets, 11180 w len t ey \!lope to'. vlngton, Ky. I.ja~ Sm~k, ed ~eat, Branch Sunday evvning. I tied with bowlll of the tullo. Tbe The anno~nc!!m ent came through the Mr. and Mrs, l"t'ed Gove anu 6ecoml til bla WIlS r~tlpl eIll1ent. witb d epart u'I'o of t he ' groom for his fl!Ev:el'ybody goes to daughter Dorothy "are. visiting Mrs . I t~~l1 OUt-ghl!!1l v.ases HI,led with th~ ,. t ure home in Detroit. Hirsch's Meat Shop SueSherwoou and 'family. ;lIowel's , and gl!ll:!!1 candlestioks wHb ' . - - -, - - because it is the R. B. Emmons an~ daughter yellow 'ca.nllles lind sh n .' Th .Cheapest and Best. .. Mt:S .. Vlrglml1spent Sunday W1th MI'. and t tl os. f;\ Mrs .. Charles Sherwood_ " pltl ue'l!lIl'ds were whitA eclged with · . , . , MiSS Edna Spencer ' entertained gold. , Lu-..S8 ' abo~t t.wenty-five of her frien<!s at "~uld-bl\lldt)d chlllli WILS used Imd e a ~)Jder Web_p.arty Saturday mght. tho !!t~me goll1en tint ollrried out ill M~ss Laura KIbler won the first the moou Oflrltuloopl!8 cream eggs .. Phone 153 pnze, and John Sherwood the booby ' , ' , Wayn",.ville, Ohio prize. ' ohoose and fro1l6n oranges in orange Charles and Will Myers, r1:1 Wal peel baskets 1111 will help to c~rry lace. Robert Shutts and Zain Armi- ont the gold~n color." 1;agewere in Lebanon Saturday night ' . • - . ~--, 4WW.U • • • • • • • U • • d" . . . . . . . . . ..... w.
I' , . , I
Everybody Uses This Column for Quick
Whet' St I e sore NeWSe .
Olassified Advertisemellts All!<
" I
' I
W Wh'Ie t
Reef, ", Fresh Pork, , b,
C.mcmnati .
Therewat no meetin" of thec..E'ISUhseribe fOf ' the Gazette Next, Society Sunday evenang, and the ' , members attended . the 'Tetl'lperance ' Only $1 a Year . L9Oe 'RonQd Trip frona Wa;Fli'ilc.v
' ,.
eave 8:28 a.
lP a,i liVe 1I11~~ .
HELP WANTED YOUN U f1 n uf .. lgblt1tlll .)rl:llln . llud 1)\'\:". "t t,bu .P"L"rlS tJ••'Il'h]gtllJo., KIIJ~ ' >I Mill!!, UUIU WUI·1t light uno IlltlUII UoucJ Wlllltl" Hlld CUUlfunttbltl uOLtll . IlccOUUlIvlt .. r.luutl. c lt.llo to I.b 1'1I01.UI"Y . AdUrtll1l1 A~ tlistllnt MlIung"r, Kiu~ 'H M11I~, OblU. YOU ..1I k.uow w l1ut. It vea..tlol1i4 tuh!Kln,ll:!l,ul!(etbelp . We Will btllp yuu to gtlG whut yuti WIiUt,
WANTED WAN; :'11:0. 8ewln~ 01 1111 illud .. 1.0 do at ~ rllUKOOllblo Pl"lOb Ultll .. ud 80~ M rlt . J a Ol~S Ker rloll , N. Hrd . ;:Ii. , W .. yneaville, OhiO.
JIIt8tInJ at Olive Branebr
l\VCUlY~ I ~Vl! ce nLs
und or 111I ~ 1I .. :.d /0" . tor L.bret: I Ub~ rllul1a .
\\'IMI UllIn!! !lu t uHlr
w III he In.,· rlcd
FOR S.ALE 117 TOBAl:l:U Grej~,t!pl' iu~uoJ'()_ rltrlll,
", ·ftl. . Ur . Ii 11 pbou"
llA ~ E rtlctll,vtld Iluuthtlr loS ot Montaull hurl.!tls ttHS wellk'. /lull Llley will be for 11"1,, "uy tllUI!. 'l'blll., lire 1I0uod, goud-1I1Ztl4 hOI·II.,., a IUld -l years otd, .1 ts (Jblip~lll.l. ' hllve 75 h elld of st"oll hotrl fut IIIlJe. InqUlf8 01 U . ~, Siollll: WIiUt. 8veryuody to aoow tblt tbls is thl! btrsnd vertldl DI Wit dlum,-liod lIlS cbeapesl" tl I>--'t hl\i ball ever bOOD vut befutb tbtl .CSvet ~1t4loK publio tbttl oomm\lfllt,.
y ou b .. ve MI.v tbhlg YOIl want 10 , lIell, bOriltl, oow, '""ulk'y, wallOll, uu.rrlagtt, bUKl!(y,'plow, burrow, "QIUloobll_m fltc~, Hny ulll ,bID«-'ry Lllis c~lll,mo. 'l'pu' bollt evor"
D WELLING BOUS~ of five roonia
¥n, .
with two lots. Inqnire of James Clark, Corwin, Ohio. ' Y'1'iUNU tio rent-BouM, .,_ . ble, lot, pasture, gardeu,JltldltIlDythlng II.ti all. Thill 111 tho ollly medium to use ill ol'der to lCet , r~QU\l
----.;....-.:.--------;::.:~. rrOE'opportunlt.y for anythlDg 'hal ill lost will bring rosolts ID 'bll oolumn sooner thaD 10 any otbllr way. 'fry it ut 0000, 8011 you will be oonvinoed.
==::::::;=========::::;;:::::;:-: FOUND
A good 'opportunity ~o Ret rell&ored .
to ylln tUlythlng thllt, bill! been (oun(l . 'rry It ouoe, a.nywIl.Y. "
And They the",Resu Its '
Best.A4vertising Medi·um'
\ -i.' .
W H( LE '
Mr. J, , Lidd y was called he re on IJOLD ROBBERY. J~ LE~CTUR E COURSE ' "'.w..:~..w.~w..I~~iWo1IWoIoili. a ccount of th~ injury tl Ml·S. M. I . -_.Liduy. AI Ncw UlurlingtOIl MOII(\llY ' i~hl 'l'lw Il'I'1\1I'l I \UI ; I"S '" (ul Ihi:, win1,er " THE COUNTY ELECTION SATURZnltllia, lady magit!ian at the "ElecGo ant.! S' tlw lIal'fMull ·F amily.. I ohbcrs (jet \3ut tilth: pI'Olll i!lo~ t .) LJo II ', ;.. ,,,,,lll fIJI' pI'v \'i" . ' j' , DAV WilL BE OF • t.ric" 24, 25. 26. . Uncle Tom 's :0.. 'I'he"J nre till' OU R ~ellso n ", nIH I I ho ll ltlU ll 1{ l1I lln! W e wanl til mnl<e lhlM <lO h/mll nf the Miss Ethel Williamson of Dayton best. vlJ r . '/'her wa.'! g reat x it. m nl. at LHis nr s tlll iI' pu l r JllII t.IIIlI t lJ ~. IIr(' e "Z('IW , I ~ .lI nll fMlll rt: ~ hts willtar. noll C! d N n I' !l "" k uur jrl~nd ... to ~ lHl (n :s ude ty ~\~lI t ~, WIlS at home ,.,un ay . Mr. Homc' K 'ys 'NUS taken sutl- (>w Dur Ington Tu e~c1 ay>m(l rl1 il1J(', 'givi,ng lb nlll ~ollLl L'll llr=,1) , Oreat Ihterest to the County.-Are Mr. Harry :::>herwood, of Leban n denly sick last Thursday, but is able when it wa..., ui scovel' d that thi eves Tho R aA IIll op ns on Ooto u r "', till': /tnll Mrs. Nll.tban .1 o~e!l were You Going to Vote Dry or was home over Sunday, to L . around again. had IJeelt at. wo r k the night befo re. noli I.ll a I,ollowing it! Iho \)l' ng r Ulll ' uests /I t Ii (linner !:lUl1dllY ~I veil by Will It He Wet? MiS!! Nina Antram is the guest of MI'. /tIHl l\t1'S, Wurroll Emrnett They bmke into Philli p's blaok- f ot' th o clIson : Mr, ILllli MrA. 1W BOl'uett. I her sister in Middletown', . Mr . OUll M,r~ .1 01\1\ O()lIhu" of N.~~ smith hop, and getting too ls wenl ctober I - ~iui.t .y J .lIuri on, Wben you go tt)tbepUII8 ~Lur· 1 M C H Cl ts as· JI ba- YOrk,l\U\lMr. lllldMrB . ~ V. R'll'u- forlh e po.L ott.iee,.where ih~y seV(,Ill\.. 1" (1- 'lIsM, Hqnlll'eEnl, r. r. , . emen w I~e d " t I ' b Mr. IIlHi Mrs , Frtt'n k Zell enter· d Ily ware vonI' vottllUul!Je elUIl . b ' M.1 hnrt Wel'e II'; t he ~" I'lien HonlA 111111 CU1'C UuC/U lllrtyslx cenL~. hd IWI'!I , ' . non on Utllness onuay. " Af 1 ,lIinlld ILt ui uner S unday Mr. nud tul bow you wark II. '''herf! may N . () I.. Ill sL ThursdllY o,n(} Hl18ntn . IeI' thi s t h y g ot intv Wayn Dcoe mh r Hi- Dr . .1, K . G I·IIliB. M I'!i, M .• 1. Sa Ie of. of Chicago ttnd be a chanoe tbat you put your X i~ J.,~: Eel~~}he Jaysville yap a t plea.ant uuy in Ri"btHeeing. SmIth' s g'eneral slu l'c w he re t h y FelJl~ullr !J - H V . A(lll1U !cI. Mr. IInll MrR ..Jos. Hawke. \be wroojC llilloe. I' nt'reut! Ibe bu.llot : the ElectrIC 24,25,26. " CLlI'CU about. $2 .60. HC it ring his Murch l' !Jr, ,111111 t4 I:l dl .v, 1(000 aDd put. the Duuk for DRY. Mrs. Etta Printz of Dayton visited MI'. ami Mrs . M. J. Sale of Chica- bool(s and [Japers cr t h ' iloor April l !l- FisJl or HId" Co . Mr, nn<l Mrs. Nuthan .10ne8 enter• 'rhe 8&1001111 DIUllt go. Tbi~ is tbe . friends here over Sunday. go anived here last Thursday for a evidentl y hunling f I' ,m ney. Th e lilltetcl tnt' the 11 m wings wi 11 . mandate 'hIlt "boot fifty pllr oent of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly of Day- vacation of t.wo week ...MI'. S~I~ is 'I'h a uth I'ilies irl1l\1cdia t~ly sent be: First., ()(!~Oh(l l' :I ; ~eco nu, D oce lU. ttlin eu u t dinner IIl.Bt Thoraday fo ll ow i,ng gue ts : Mr!i. Fran k Zell / tbe voters of Ibe ooun,y bllVe Mid, ton were here a few hours Sunday. employed WIth the lmtJal Packlll g off fUl: bloud hounds at. Osborn. but her 12; thil'cl , Ma rnll Ii. by putting. their nOUltl8 to the pati. 1 Jack Kinsella the German dialect C " ~f that city, and it is the fhat as yeL no chie hus ueljn gotten of the . A glullco III tho PI' g ram i ll liullI- Mrs. BUllunh Rolohel, of Dayton i tlon, aO,d sbere(ore It mu!!t stltod . ' comedian and dancer . "Elt!ctric 24, vacatIOn h e hIlS taken for twenty- rtlbbenl. oi u1< to CI~\1 !1(:J I\. gil 1I number (If r e- Mr!!. EVIL Jones I\nu danghter, Eth. Wbat do t,bo 881000s oollt Warren ; 25.26. hree years. - - - --. - - - --. !'IO r"flU '" IIts to llfl 80111 ut t,ho stu.rt" I II flnc! Mi ss Lola Zell. . ooun*y 10 a veer? Oftloerll ~f tbe Mr. Allen Haines has been very • - • ROBI1EI( Y OF HOUSE 1\0(1 hy pr s ti t iutllolltlOrtS, they Lllst 'fhl1rsday eveulng wal! the Connty lofirmary, 81lY that ILt lea8t I SIC . k b u t a t thO18 WrJ't'Jng I's mu ch I' m TEAHCERS' ASSOCIATION will ull bo tn kell . 'l'he sohool ohiltbree tourt.~s of tbe InDlltteli of tbe I roved During a Short ~pacc of Tw() 'H()urs 111'1)11 'U ( nil lJll!\Y uow selllngt 110m , o Itslnn of a vory enjoyable surprIse on Mr. 'und Mr8. Arthur WU:tkinM, luftrmary are tbere dIrectly or In- p : . Un Ilooount of the oounty loonl op . - Nothing of Vlllu~ TIII<I~II -- - ..- - of Centerville. by the following Ly. dil'8Otly througb drlDk Oftlcer8 of Mr. and MI·s. S. Lev Cartwright tion elootioo-. whioh ill 8et for Sep. Spring Branch. ti e gua~ta : Mr. and Mrs. Le8ter , tbe Orpbllnll' Home 8&'y that al! of ' are guests of friends in Cincinnati temher ~6. the Wllrren Oount·y , k On e lilLY Ili lit week while Mr . •mel . tbe there dlreotly or In· th IS wee. . • . Te!lchers' Associn.tion hove obunged Mrs J ' MoNeill of S . 1 R MI'; and Mr$. Charles Rye 'e nter- Kl'nriok, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Olark direotl, tbroogb drink . Mrs. Edith H~rrlB ~n~ MI~ Caro- their time of meeting until Ootob I' hlld' g~II' to Ii neig1t~J~~:: ht)l~:: tained, at dinn~r Sund~y, Mt'S. Fr~nK I\nd Mr . and Mr8. Ra1ph Lewill. The dootorllllaY that for every fl Iyn Mosher are m ' Cmcmnati a. few 17. The program wl11 be issuell tbievetl broke in hy tb up!ltliirs Flawes and ~11~es Allc h noweth Mr. tLDd Mrs . 8. Lev. Cartwrigb' later. . By .order or Commltt,e wind Gw !.Lnll looteu the Ii lre. and Bel'lh~ Smith. ,. . apeot fOf lIqnor Ilome famil,V 10118s aye this week. $1 in the bome waltlog In ft,nl(le~y Mr. J. E. Janney aut;oed the 'ft:out • - ,. 'l'he rob bery C lined uetweeu Mrs. J a~es Ch noweth an~ faml- tuillell ·/\t dinner la8t T,bured"y lor the drioker 'ooume home. and family to their new home in Monroe MARRIED IN' ORRVILLE t-he bours o f 7 1\ nd (I, u,nd n othing of Iy enter~med Elder N. L. Lm~s, of iu h onol' of Mr , W. B .' ttu.rd and wahlo; upon bllt} and oaring lor last'rhursday. - --Importunce wus t'lken . exoe pt ab~ut Lafontam 'I In~ .• L S atUl'da:, nWI~lhl.t .. nie cl) Mise Mary. 'l'hot1e who en blm ~tft- bla return Tblll time Mr. W. M. Russum of Dayton was Mr. ~ I 'omMtook, who V: IlS In the wbioh tlolongetl 1.0 I.he Iit.hle gIrl, Me ' I'S 1arll acy anu I Ie joyed tbe lliuDer were: Rev. aod Il~d labor If ot·ber~i8e apeD' would in towttfrom Saturday evening until L'ttizp.n S bl\nk here for qUIte II. tlnto, who hall IlUV d it In hOI: littl e l)llnk All n wer Sunday ~tel'noon callers Mrs . •r. F. ' O",dwllllader, Mr. IUld Mrs. J. O. Cartwright aDd Mr •. make or lave at leu' '1 IlpeDt tor Sunday evening. . . WIUI married la tely to" lAdy of Orr. 'i'he thieves were d eliber ..tfl nnd on theil' fri nd 'Cuy Chenoweth. Iiqoor. Cheap prices prevail at Harmount's v.i1le. 'rhe pllrtiou]&rtl of the mar went ai!out thel r work i U 11 Ulott·e r. A few of ll'ay Hess's friend~ gath- Ban'n oh Roger8. f:lave YOD a ri~bt to preveDt the Uncle Tom Co. Go and see it, and rlage are meager, but the GRzAtte ot fllOt , way, as every thin g in the I'eu ~t hCl' hom atul'day m~ht to _I. of Ildnlten.ed Illilir impore· If wlsbt.'8 the newly married pair a h t d b I surp l;lse he l·. They had mus Ic and 'fbe beautlfnl oooDtry home of' , ' enJoy yourse . h lIf oUlle WU8 urne over, lr /tIllPS . Mr. Dod Mrs.' EJmer Earnbart, near food "D. drug!!,!, H&v~ 100 .. rtgbt I Mr and Mrs. John Burnett of aJ>PY e. ._ Iit' l!.nd the do rs opell. dancm g . . . to prevltut tbe eat.bUlbmeDt of III H . b ttended the ra e WRIST OUT OF PLACE As yet tbt era \. DO oln to til '\'011We had s rVlces at Mlddl ~un Lytle WAB the 80ene of gaiety and lioe 'IlBlOry alertllt:ter pl .. n~. or a arvrdvs urg ~ g ng !Jers clful'ch aturday and Sunday by uur morriment Frldl1Y ' evening , wbeD powder mill aloogtlide tbe ooart Satu ay everung. • " . - _pastOI' N. L . Lines. they entertained in honor of 'beir houeP Of OODr81\ 10.0 have; aDd ~rs. Wilford Elzey re~med from Mr. Ju,mes Pren<lerllast., who woa GOOD RACING POR COU NTY fAIR. Mt·s. J a mes a. ' henoweth and son and bis bride, Mr, aDd lI,rs. yet 'be publio iujur,. trom.lI of •Indianapolis Sunday evenmg after a oleu.ning Il olstern for Charles Math· daug hter B ' rtha sp nt Friuay after- Ho.rry E~rnhlL[t., Dee Bertba Elbon. &beee ..woald not be Il drop 10 the pleasant visit there. er ja"t Mond",v , whl1l1l1t~ntllng on " Prepllfllti n8 or now underway upon with her brother, Thomas Lacy . About forty guests from Waynes. tlaoket to tbe publlo .harm yearly Messrs. A 'M affit and Orange Ra- ohoir Ilt wor~ t,be . ohair sundenl.v to the rHoing events u.t ~he . ville. Lebluion, Ridgeville, aod the Caesars Creek. OtlDIIed by &be"loool. per attended the Stuart lecture .in collilpsed lettlllg him fall , und, In WarrllU Couoty Fair most tmpor . surrounding ooontry, were preseat; ' , ..mng be IIt,ruok on blli wrist 1)nt- tant ' d h IlS IIr· Tb, . aot!ooantl88f o'"or rea- Lebanon S' und ay. .. t~..,.... tures . ' . The b our 'fhe evening was IIMn~ wl&b KIImes IOU JOu 1 0 to'· &lie pOlls Mr. Allen Haines of Xenia came .Ung thltt Dlefb~~~t of -plttOil . ru'hgM'"a . iroo pr,ogrll.Ul, - u.nd the . John WiISO~ and family Wilre Sun·' aod music, after whloh tbe I1llllte &'a....y ••1'88Doqb ~mal[eamaD · down Friday to see his. grandfather, DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND purse8 .ure l",r~e ~nough to attrllot day ~uellts of FI'unk Braddock near repaired to tbe dlniDg .room where YO. DRY. ' who was very ill. the bast h 9,r se rhe Wllrren Voun· Corwlll. . deliCious refreshments of water. 000' • •&&y u bome aod let tbt Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and Not,bing hl!.ppen8 nnt,il the night I-y Fillr are oonslde~ed II.mong . W~1ter. Wll sun spent Sunday in melon. Jemonade aDd oake were other fellow do ILlt 'be work bnt M d M J h Colrns ' . of the 24th when the ourtain.rise8 the bP.8t lin tbe obuntry Ilnd tbe Clllcmnati. i served. The tables ' ~ers gracefully oome out1 0anelv8ll10d brtD~ yoor C.r .. an '. : ' don I were lll\atthe "Ele~tr\C" Bnd you are madl) progl'llm tbis yOOl' will not be below F.a.rl\ est Hurley's have moved to deoorated iD ivy Ilnd dahlias. Delgbbor. mcmnatl on a~. ~uainted with the m08t retinlld IItIlndard. , their hom .east of New. Burlington. After Bupper, I!. goeslllna oontest Doli" iet tbe lIquI" interell&a tell Mesars. ~r. Miller and -. Har:~ Imd.lllugbable sbow of tbls or aoy The following Is tbe list (or the Jesse. Ham~s and fllmlly attended took place, at whioh . Eloill8 ~mitb . YOD tbat you will have 'be tax foo Cook. were In ~83ton last Friday other selUlon. Who? Why Zulelia s'llke race : surprise gIven Ceo , McKay near won the first prlae, IlDd MI8S Mary I*Y. , Your taxes w1lt be DO be"vier tendmg the au ..a~es.. \lonoert Va. oourl.le. WltClNESOA v, nHlI"l'. 30. Lu~berton on unday. Parlett., the cODsolatlon. At a late tbaD tbey are 00", and it may be ~r. and Mrs. T. P. Fetter of . ...:.-- . 2 :29 '1'1' IHi ng hO'lt8 orne of our yo ung peo~le atte nd- bonr the gue8ts departed witb beat 'be mBl'OI of uviUI wlln.v Il youog Sprm.rfjeld were the guests of Mrs. i\\RS. LIDDY HURT. ij iu u. pnrse $500; first pre lllium, ed the te mpe rance m . etmg at Har- .wlsbeM fot' the future of tbe yoong , Ufe from goIng to tbe Cblldrenll' Hannah Fetter last week. · , $260' !:Iecol1d premium ~1 25. third veysburg Sumhty. evemng. ·conple. I'S working r~1l8t 'I'hunda.., ~rs. M. C. Liddy 1'l'emlulJl 'I " . MI'. and - - -........- _- - Mr'. Lee Hawke who B ome, . ., , ~r7£i ; rourth premium, $50. ' . MI·s. J.OI'dan .. ' Bur , gess, of Vote onae Bnd vote rigbt. for the Farquar Furnas Co., ' of WiI- waa worklllg "round her b orne, and ., . ¥l. SL~rhng ure vHlIting thell: dnugh. Former Residents' • __ mingtonwashome Sunday. becoming dizzy fe ll. and injurbd [n o RsDAv () '1.1. tel'. Mrs. Qllin yGol1s. _' _-,-_ h .. rflilif. At the prellent time !;lbe iii 2 :~5 Pacinlg Stake- Mile benta 3 in 5, MI'. Emerson Van Del'voort and We glad tEl Q.ODounoe tbat M.r. MJ'$. Minnie LeGrand of Norfolk , CAUGHT IN DELAWARE ;unoh ,imllroved, Ullt !!uft'eriog 1\ purse f500 i tlrllt premium, $250 i family visited t.h air son-in-law. Alancl Mrs. A, I). Baine8, of OtooiODIlVa., is the guest of her parents, M r and Mrs. 'Frazee Hathaway. grell t, deal Sil nd premium, S12fi i t,blr<l pram vln Conklin neal' LUI'nbel·ton. on tl, who have botb beeu qaite 810k, Je8Ile U'6et:fltl, a oegro wbo ell- . Mr. and M"" Walter Chandler of UNCLo TOM-'~-COMPANY hUll, *15 ; fourth premlom $£iO . Sunday. Mr. Conklin has been quitc:! Improving. ~ped' from tbe oounty jllil at L e b a . " D 14 ;::0 - -sick. a result of having cut one of DOD; in January. WIlB captured by D,ayton were guests at the }i'riends' , . '. TIME- HONORED PtA Y his limbs with a corn knife . He is the ,poltoe of OelawaTe Saturday Boarding Home over Sunday. Hear the band concert on MaIO bettel' at this writing. Miss Mabel.Grabatn of Xenia who ni,ht. ~bertfJ Pa'.~rlon was notlMessrs. JamelJ ' McClure; Carl street of the Uncle Tom Co. Th?y Don't ftJl'get the dale uf HarEverett H!lines and Bel'nice Haw- hos been one of the teuoher8 in the fled ~od : be will proceed to Hawke a~d George Waterhouse have a. ~ood concel·t band, and will moullt's 'ncle Tom Co." c:tob.rJ. kin s of Wilmingt.on co llege spent pobllo scbools for the past two years ware to.lJay "Ub tbe neoeesflry pa. were at Ft. Ancient Sunday. entertam you. • It. will pay yo u ,to go and Iwar this Sunday "(ith theil' (lal' n lS. 1m!! eutered Antlooh thiB fall tooom~ pen to .keO'Geeas ~ tbe peDiteo• . Joe E. Sawyer ,the acrobatic cpmeLADIES' AID SOCIETy once l't bUild. _ _ __ _ ,_ - - pl ete b l' oonege education. Miss &tary at Col~mba8. · , ,' dian , and' cham~ion high' kicker of - - _- Oregonia. Graham speut one yeor Ilt WIlBOD O'61181e, wbeb be' effeowd h iB as ..\ th e wor Id a t th e "EIec t'" ' CA,DD Ol~ 'I' HA'NI(S oOllege; Pennsylvlluill. rIc 24 , 25 . '['be Llldle",' Aid sooiety, of the M oape, bad JOBt been IMIDten08d to tbe 26 ' . 'rh M' HId B H I l' nani&eu'lar, to IJ8rve a &arm tbree' • , E. chur~b will hol·l II· IlInrket next - -e lsses e e n an ess 0 Z III b If . h of Mr. W. E. 0 Neall went to Colum- Saturday Sept" 20th in the "rooUl [ wi.!i h ~o hell l.·tily thll!}k my II1ltl~Y of Kings Mills sp'e nt Saturday und Our old frientl and sohoolmate, :Dr.Ddon-:-"!.D;.earBIlIIIOD~mOma~lgme eDt bu.e , M. onday · to attend the Gra~d formerlyocoupled QY Cross' BI'OIl wllrm ~rh nils III t~),wnHlllp Sunday wiLh relatives he re. Mr. H, O. Bradstreet, of curtoo , .. ...- " v. for their "'UPPOl't whaoh llmLle the Mrs. Booth of ol'wl'n vI'sl'ted M r. l'ex .. wr I...",,8 · : ........ , ..' a04 """',.bUlbad"been made C lreul t races. to b e h e Id the re th IS _ .... ~,...-eek J\\OYING THIS WEEK recflllt CII.lIrI,lJIIIgu 1\ Sltcces!lfu l one and MI'S. H.~. Wilson Inst week. ·' IDolol.l611 finu ~l.OO foa: tbe Oil. · . UDt a~ &be ' .berm wa• • boo'to w . . k _.l f ____ for IJI~ . , And I do 1L!I!!ure thalli LIIllt Mi ss Mal'ill S, to ut spent Sunday at Izette, 1 witlh 'y ou succeS8 old friend , ••0 ,I>t-.over . wben tile e8Clape wa. Mr. Edwin RUi 8 r~tum.... rom t1 I 11 L bab If h ..,... Philadelphia last Ji1riday, . where he Mr. Rnd M~8 . U. 114 . White Ilre .le r tJ 0 1'1 B . I~ my Ii ure 1.1 ... 1)1',0 home . and 1 notice th II.t , the l~per bas imma4. OD Ibe eve ,of It.aralol fot tbA had been attendinl( ·th~ funeral of moving In the Woolley . prol>erty mated UIHl willnot be rend!ly for. The man~ friends of Roy Sherwood pro veil uuder youI' Give,all ~IR prl.o~.. . his uncle. lately vaoded ~y Mr . U, A . Browtl. gOttl'll . ~JlANK i' 1)ROY . will bewrry to heal' f the sad acci· .old friends anll your family my re. . ~D ,IQy_tlgatlon .-.OWII' tbat • _ • .- .- - - -- • d h I fi Ih . l)'~_ ~ac1 bee.. furnished AW8 The'timt \.\n<ler which the· HarFIGHT FIRE ALL NIGHT AT THE ELECTRIC ent ,wl.ic has cos t lim his two ' J1'- gal'U8' Weare In good hea t , &Dd ,,,4oijler &001111:1.1 ObarleB Smith, mOllnt Uncle Tom Co. show is abso gel's. , busy gathering tbe fleecy ~t~ple, ho "'... later seoteoced ~ Nne hitely rainproof, and a perfol'JDance . , ' < Sevel'al of our young people nt- (ootton ). W • . . . A fire which tbreatenell to be a Just thlDk ollly 10 and 20 cents tenlled the ::!urprise on the Misses .--.-- - .... - tin' til'·e offeoce .Dd .... w111 be e ""ven ram or shme. . . . out in the f or th a t I/lug ,. h U bl eof tl II 810'080.. I • Carmme . and Ruth Edwurds Friday . A LARGE ENTERING" CLASS ~" -• .,... "..,- - . -T " . : t""'. .. very serlol1l1 one broke PD eenioe abortl • •,ter; , ~ Messrs. Halhe Hathaway, War~en Woodll of T. G P&Uer8on . whose the " Elect·rio" 24. 25, 211. night. . .• _. Ed arda d ....... II~-- Justina " , A., ~tJNBSAMS w a n . ...."'. farnl is situllted flbolll, two and u. ~--Mi~ Edna Spencel' I~t Sunday 'l'en 'days before tbe openiolof Hartsock an~ Le!la Hartsook were half mllell from XenIa ou tbe ()otllW PIANO TUNINO fol' . Cincinnati wher she will entel') the oollege year the number of ClAD. in Ft. Ancient Sun~.1· .' ville road, SlitUrdU..V nlgbt. '1'he ---the Cincinnati university . didates [or ndmis810.n to tbe Obio WhiP ~aD , beiliu. to ',r.y &0 l09k Misa Emma Helghway ; who baa Pennaylva'nl& railroad pIllIsea some .J . ,J. 'l'horupson J ·r ., ",,3 E:' Mnln Prof. H. E. Wilson 'and Miss. Luu - I State University who bad lIUcoe88the bottom 01 abe deptJiI of II ti8n' with her 'sister, Mrs. ¥&rlon cJilitaDoe from . tbe ' woods bu-t It III St .. 146bll.'Oon, Oblo l;iQ.tififllc~lon l'll Kible r atiehdt:d the ' Teachers' fuily passed the Eo~ratJce '~~rd ·ex· wom.~'1 eylll', it's all off wi&b. him , c1mpbel~ of Sardinia, for some .tiQ}~ eoppdlJed tbat Il (lylnll Bpurt from guurlJ,ntee,t'l. VHiley Phone ' li4. B. Reading 'CiI'cle Satul·day. ' Gleeded liUO. M08t of ib8!ie stodenb retutned home Monday. . '. aD sOline IgDited the grlUlll olo~e t.o , ~-..:.... _ MI'S. LaSeut· is enjoying a visit presented. certlfiolltes froiD tbe acJ)verythiO I about, the bouse ' may Mr. Chauncey. Marshall, wife an<l tbe woOdsl!.nd the fire rapidly spread ' A T )~SIE OF CITY LIFE from her sistel·. credited or recognized -Illlb · Moboola • 'vanley Steph ns has r.eturned of the state. At the examIDa"ODa, ·ibo dOWD etQeP~ tbe g .. biU-&b.t family:ofCincln~ti, who h."ebe4!n Tbe newll oftbe fire wall lIoon oon. \ _l"a,lrAII'op. the guestS .of .Mr. and · M .... JOB, Iveyed to{) t.he OellJbbofli by means of La8t Sllniltiy a Inall with a street fl'om his visit in Chic-ago. ' wbich will be held from BeJitewber . Eyans ret~rned home Sund83 even· the telephone and qui~e a numher plano ' aDd a few bird8 entert~iDe(J J!'rank Clutt l' was in Milford, Iii to 19, opporiuoity .will be o1rSl:ad . , of Oleo aMeaibled 81.1d helped 6gbt ' tb" ptlOplEI here. ' utur~ay. · to tbose wbo prepared in otb~r A K.uaa oewspeper -kicks be. ioe caD. . noedl&or ball relened &0 II .... ' Mias Lizzi~ Carmll hu ~umect tbe ftIlW"" Help from WlIberforoe • -.. ' The MiS::les Edna Deatherage an<l sohools or aDder private IliatruolioD Umuae. •• ".tbe vmllle DDt ap." laome afteu pleuant vllllt 1n New- w.. al••(uentfor Tbe mf!n lougbt ANTl.. SALOO.N ELECTION . : Pea~),., uberton spent Sunday with to obtaiD the credt~e 08Oe8lar.,.' for , .t oWn. Pa. Philadelphia, NeW York the fta_ an oillM and no damage . ' Miss Lucile' Mason. . enVance to tbe UDivel'lU.,., The .A York pod rllym. brllftd. city 1Uld Atlantic City., She . . . laC- ·wel doae olber thaD se9er41 ,~ ! Tbe SalooD Leagne eleotlon /' Mr. and M". Joe Kersey of Xenia FresbmaD ",Ill DDdoablecll7 be wltb ....1.reel. , A poet',De•• did compaalec1 hOme by bel' ....r. lin. tbat were burned 10 the· wood1lto be I.ath-aotlnl the spent Sunday with Mr. and lira. tbe l~geat ID the btl,t ory of the .,,~ MY UO . . . . .boll$ ...... GrUh of Lawnnce. Kan. . I wbere the wa. oooflDed. .tten"oD our Qit1aeDa tbtl ",ee~; Will Ke~y. ."tutton.
SOC]'ety' Colum'n
.r.•• acnr
, 'me", I\'er"l I hreatefJlng the ElaUOII ' rrum wltpooL And tiloug ht or all Ihese th ;nJ,:s surs d thro ugh lll, sou! D, L. CRANE, lilt 1\ flcod .Ihat .nlsht, an u ,lr0 111 hll1i 10 th o I'(>r~e at d 5111.>ndency. OH IO, WAY ESV1LLE, Fnlthf lIy and earnestly Ile 11:ld de, ' lIvCI't'd his message, It had como t o Story of ·MlCAh tho Prophet. him frol1l God I\nd he had spok n 1" The Bt.(slnell of Farm ing. wilh l ho onll I () n~ osslIl'a nce that It 10 a common rtlmark tllat th. BY THE "HIGHWAY AND' BYWAY" slwkcn rU.1t hrul y It would ac omllllsh rarnl r8 are tbe people who baye baen PREACHER th a i \\'h er ~ Hnto God hnd sen t I , li n ' maklllt; Ule moneT during' the last r ca ll rl the' Urno ",h nn th lilllrlt of decatla, t.Ild It 16 t!"lle, Wb l!' practl· God 11r6t C!'. llI e Dllon ilim a ud how It cally nil ~he people of th e nlted crlp tur Authorlty-Dook at AU- soen;ed as tllough his heort would Stat II Ilrosllered amazingly durIng Ule burst with It s m essage. and 'he had gone out .In boldness and proclaimed d ecade t>recedlng last Octobe r,. farm· ~_'l.Il, cap Inlly 4: 1· 4, t ho llr(lph<>t.- FIIII narne Ml cllflth, th word from one end of tlle lan d !O el'l!. as a class, pr09pe~d more than ",Jlrlrnh ~ u nl nlr: "Who 1$ IIko J hO"a1'I," 11I10lher, and I db" ot proplll't others. We ore just awake nIng, says Pnrenluse unknown. JI I~ ,lIstl nl-:lIlsh d fl'orn " H ar, 011 ye peollle," h e had crlell; tile TndlanapoJls Star, to the fa ot tbat Mi ~ll lllh, Ion or 11l11uh, Iho on· "hearke n,O Cllrtb, aud all ' th el'e. the "Illue at tarm land Is rapidl y In· Ie,.... porary of F:lIJoh, by bt'lng ' deslg. In Is : aud I t tbe Lord God IJ witness creasing In America. Ever since the 1\&"'<1 as t he 1II0rnRlhl{c, Ihu t Is, ono who ... h0/110 \\'t\B 01 MorcllhNh, 1\ III ace against yo u, tbe Lord frill his holy discovery ot the c,onUne nt the~e have wut or J erllsal III nM r the Phl1l6tillO bor · t ' mpl e, For, b hold, the L:J rc! cometh 'beon vast trll,cts of unoccupied land derlnnd. A s th o openl ns wor.l. of the 'fOrth out ot his plac~" ann will COnl ~ d I to h pl' op h ~~ I Q(l du ring tl hi h I .object to, free Bettleme nt until now, prophecy r~IS'T1. of J othnnt, Ahnz lind H~.zck"'h, so down. IUld trcad upon 1e g 11 ace8 We have at last filled up the cOlltl n ~nt was a contemporary 0/ H osea ' und Am06 ot the earth," AB be had spoKen hili message ot and all th e land worth tilling Is under In J R rR ~ 1 anrl Isnlnh In Ju dah. There Is ownershIp. W e Ilre doing much by a Irntlllion t hnt for r 'lntklng J ehorll nl for plea ding and wa I'll 1111;. Il-ltl thre ate n. hl8 In,plelles Micah l\'a. thrown fr III a In", It had seeme'd to hl Jl as though 0 Irrigation to reclaim arid land s, but I.rt:cll'kc and bu rled nt Mornlll!. Omitting these are rapidly fill ed up as soon IlS Iho SlIlle!,sc rlptlon, the prophecy falls In- he could e\"(m th n feel '.he tread oC 10 threo nntu ral ' d\l' I ~lo n s, en ' h beslnnlng the Almlg hlY's, Cootijt 'I}S us he lllissed they are mnde Ullable, R'elJeved at wllh tho words: "lIeur )'~, " a n<l .cac h be· through , the land. tbe press ure of vacant lands tliere can ginning with reb ukos and threat nlnJlB. a nd ndlng with "promise. 'rh o IIrs t "Ho shall tread UpOl1 the !be no doubt t hat the value ot farms ea' llon-<"hapl ors 1 and ~- o P" n s with :l places," wlll continue to rlBe and tlle value at I1IIlg-nlficcnl dc~crlptlon 01 ,Jrhovah com. How could UI O king III hi s placo JU llgm 'nt for sins and Idolatry of Is· It e p from tremblin g ? DI (l.l't be know farm producta will rille with them. It) mel and J udah, '£hB ~ cond U' tl nn'The present depressIon In th e' com· hap lcrs 3 to 5-18 Ilild ressed Ctil)cclll lly thnt his thron e wo uld lCltt r und r merclal and Indust.-lal world haa to thO princes and hends 01 tho II Olli e, tho tread cf tbat ml ~;llty roolrall'! '1'ho predictions or this eftctlon form a Dut til king I~d gorl e on his W:l} bused no drop In the prices ot farm cllmnx to the book, gwald arranging , ~roduct8. no particular decreose In the Ihem In tour Ilrophe8 as follows: ot pleasure ana s as Il fort!. '1'be pE!<>. b>st ot living; Indeed, It has In· 4:1-5; 4:9-6: 2; 6:3·9, and fl : 10-15, The last p Ie had conlAnu ed to Ca llow the "cc tlon- chopt r8 U nn d 7- 18 a bOld poet· strang gods of thc people about, and ereaecd, If measured by wages. ADd Inu l figu ro r presrntlng J ehovah WI hold· were cant nt to li ve In the cl'l ndltions Inl,\' a ontro"crs y wlLh hiS people, Tho . S -it seems likely to conUnue for dlnl uguo torm of chapter 0 renilers th I Into which sin bad cast thom. c .'fellI's to come. The ever·lncreaslng plcturo " ory ,lramall c i,nd st rlklnl;, and great, in fact, wns Il h elr ncp.:l that ;population will ehortly bring Amllrl· Iho whoio conclucl A wllh 1\ trlul1lphtil they Im e w no need. nc or Joy n:t the s r ut d ltv ranco J c· And '1tllcah had marveled, It was can farm lands to a level with those so hovah will achieve. Th o Inst ,VereB was lIIr western Europe, where tillable land Quoted by Zacharias In his song, Luke the fi rst severe t esting of the pro))ll. fs ' faith, and In the seclll~lon of brlnga from $500 to $600 per acre. and 1:7!! ; 73, the mountain fasl.nesses ~ hither tbg prlc8a ot f!lod products are correS! he betook blmselt he had learned apondlngly hIgh, When that time SERMONETTE, is his lesson and had come to know that comes Intensive farming will be prac!t was tor him to SIIt3ak the wOl"d Ill! Universal peace Ihall p!'evall ticed and farming will be more ot an God gave It to him, Ilnd not for , hIm lome t;lay, This II God's word, , 'uct sclimce, than 'now. to become tlle time kee per UpllD the Micah the prophet believed It movemenls of the Almighty, In hll day nearly 3.000 yearl ago Certainly the aboriginal Americana "Dut God' shall tread upon the hll;h . when God gave him the mal"Vel. are ca~ching on, aB Ls shown by the places, The mount.alns shall be 01.11 viii on of a world·wlde peace, following Incident related by the Troy molten unde r him, and the valleYB and how much: more ought we kN. Y.) . Tim~lI: The five civilized shall be cleft, as wax: be fore the fire to believe It ,In this day. when . tribes located In that part of t.he state and as the "{ate rs l:hat are pour~d there il a riSing tide of senti· . ~t Oklahoma which formerly waB In· dowli a steep place," be hatl e);clalmed ment In every corner of thll over and ove r a gai n to himse lf, as, illan Territory has a Inrge seclion of globe In favor of I./nlver,al peace, though he would nel'\' e his fainUng land which looked good to many when great nat,lonal and Inter. heart and 8treng~en a weakening lroapeotlve buyers. Upder present natIonal congresses are being Calth. held for the lole object of work· arranjtemen.... the land Is to be . And ao he had gone on'ln bls lonely Ing It out In a practical way by thrown open for purchase by' wblte mission, How mncb alone he felt only means of arbitration agreementl, .ettle;" on sucb terma as they can the servant at the Lord who Is faith, and the curtailment and even blake with the present possessors, A ful In bls mInistry can unders tand, abandonment of national arma· ll&rtyof speculative gentlemen tho,ught for he who walks " ' Ilh God wholly ments. .at ,w ould />e Ii brlgbi tdea, to live the II ves a separated lite, But In .plte of the waete of lndlanll a feast, with all soits ot reI. And that evening liS he sat there billion. Of dollarl' worth of outside or Jerusalem's gate the memo tillable things In ' the way of eatable. treasure, In .plte of the feverllh ory of all tliis came baok to him with and drinkable. and complimentary anxl~ty of nstlon to arm agalnn pecullat· Vividness an d force, BO much .peeches. Tben they tried to make a nation, the time II lurely com· so, In tact, that he fel,t utlerly dlscon· Ing when navln and battle air· deal by whJch they could get the land solate und wrotchetl, , stilpa-If they af'!! perfecte'd be. at rate. that would make the InveBt"What Is t bere to show tor all tills fore that time-and all the par. ment hlgbl), remunerative. But the preaching of lhe word? It la as aphernalla of war, will be put Wily red mel), ~bo had swilllowed the though one llad talkM to the wind, upon the scrap heap. (emptlng food and apPetizing liquids The people's bearis are as hard as Then the natlohl ehall not learn as well as the honeyed worda, were tbat stone yonder," nud wIth a vehewar any more. Human .klll and 110t caught. They perceived the anx. mence tJ1at Btartled the prophet him· learn'l ng which are now being lety of the speoulators to buy, 'and se lf, lie gave it a pUis h tbat sent It turned to the perfection of war rOiling down the roc:ky hillside Into tbey flxed prices that ·w ere about equipment will then be diverted the brook Kedron b elow, As it Into channels through which double they had aakell' before the to uch ed the bottom the re came echo· shall flow rivers of ble.. lng to spread was gtven. Tllese aborlgln91 Ing back 1.0 him the reverlJe ratlng all the nation., uye cut their eye teeth, sounda at Its ImpacL With the rocky Just think of the vast enll ...· ground. ,glea which ,a re now being ex. , ' The nnme of Metl.! hnlkotr hos been " Hard! 'Y ea; Indeed, Bul the hearls ,pended in the maintenance and attached to ~ number of Interesting ot tbls r elJelllous Ileo]Jlo shall be perfe'c tlon of military equip. aclentlftc discoveries, It hllsn't reacbed broken eycn as thnt stone hntb ment, and just think what It the status of i1 houl!ehold word, hut. II crasbetl 10 Its dest ruction. And tbe would mean fpr world better. Buftlc1ently well known to glv,e It a nations about will be the Instrnments ment if all this vast energy was In God's hands of doing this thing. famIliar look. Metchnlkotr Is con· turned to the perfecting of the Ah; bow they wax fat on the spoils of alltl of peace. ll6Cted wltli the Pas~eur Institute In baL ~le, Nation. IIns UII swol'd against It Is coming, because God hath 'Paris and Is ·also a student of th hti· nati on, and the un e ri!;es upon the de, declared It I man organism. Metchlnkotr's In.test caylng h eaps or the encnJY's dead," But how? Not by the strength 41lscovery Is macropbagoyto,sls, the And In )'Islon thel'e passetl betore of man'. argument. Human disease of oltl age-a disease that blm the bloody horrors of lJa~Lle as realonlng can never subdue the ~etchn.lkotf a ssel'ts Is cur\l-ble, He evun he ill bls short life bad witn essed spirit of th~ nations, and make even goes so far as lo Bay that a It, He remem be red the CQmlng ' of of one brotherhood all the pea. hundred yearS , Iience the disease of the horde s at the AssYI'!:lIIs: He wit· 'pies of the earth. old age will be treated like bronchitis nes . ell their de \'astallng wOl'k, <II But God can, And more and Ule angui~h of his soul h e cried oul and dJphtberla are treated, and cured. more as man comes to iet God at last: rule over him an~ the kingdom At the prese nt time, says tbe Cleve"Ob, God, shall It alwa ys bo so? V. ill of heaven 18 lipread throughout land Plain Dealer, our knowledge of there bc no end lo-.the, wnrs that give the earth by Just so much will ti1e allment-:-no doubt the oldest and one nation po\\:er over Rnother? Will the day of universal peace be most fatal the world bas known-lil the spirit (of cOIlQuest e:'onllnuc eyer to brought nearer, When "God not sufficiently acut\'! to enable us t(, blight tbe land 7" : shall judge among many peo. ' attack It directly,. It must be [ought pie, and rebuke stJong nation. The voice Hoa ted out upon the throu gh th e diet. by caretul and abafar off" -that 18, when the na. silence ot U{o eve ning dnrknesB, a nd tltemloull byglene. by mode rate exer. tions ' and people, of the earth it somed 10 the I)ronhet os tho ash dse, ' by sumclent s lee p, .by a vege· learn to hear and obey , GOd'l his spirit f.o llolyed t he ascend ing tarlan diet. by abstinence from the voice-then shall peace roll over echoes of the sound a,s they sped Ull the earth II ke a flood and swords and eve r Ilpward, It seemed' to him populor liquids and by a close atten· will be beaten Into plowshares, be must sl:ck the very 11I'osence of tlon to a nUTnber ot minor details that and 6pea p s Into pruning 1:«0:< •• God for answer, for he alon6 could go' to the making up of tbe s um ' of God hasten tl!e day, answer, Suddenly the darkness seemed conl1nuou~ bealth, to flee away" and turn'lng to seek th') reason tor the cllauge he sa w IlWIlY oft Th~ c(.!lebrallon of the one hundred THE STORY. In the distance a tesplendent city. and fiftieth annl\'ersary ot the fouud· "This call ' be nothin g but the city tn&, at Pittsburg In Septembe r will T~E heave~wa~d look Is the only at God," he whispered to blmsel i. pro6ably ~e honored by the presol!co I cure for IlessiUlls m. HOI/eless are Theil. as he looked be beheld what of some of the kindred of W(1I1a.1lI human 'conditions, useless a re human seemed ' .a ll tbe nation s of the eal·th Pitt, tbe great earl of Chatham, fronl .truggles, whtlu God Is counle d out ot marching towards tll~, clly. while .. flom lhe el t..y la'kes Its namo, It la the I'eckonlng, A tew years ago a they raised their volcel. 1n .one mlgllty prolloped, Rlnon, olber things, to form worker In tlle slums of Ne w York took ehorus, saying: , . . a coll-:lcllo~ at relics arid memorlall her own 1I(e because the struggle' . "Com·e . and 'I et us go up t.o the <It tho elder , Pitt. and au appeal bal aglliust lhc .condltlonB ot , poverty and mountain tit the ' Lord, ond to the been f.1ade through the London Times crime seenled BO utterly hoileleas :md house of tl>e God of J'acob; and he to any who may posseas Buch' relics vain . She n~edetl th heavenward will teach us ' at his ways," , look to dispel , tbe ' darkness and give And· fl'om out the r'~ 8plontlent city 01' menorlals to lend or present th~m her a vision or hope. , 80 ' do we all, therit cam" 'the reSI'Ol)f1e: to ~e ' city. Mlc.ah had passed through Jerusa. "Nation IIhall Dot iLrt. Uli II. sword , lem that day, and M he had journey'e d against Dillion. neither Ilh~lI tbey learn Ilev, . Dt'. C. - F, Aked reoently be had 8pol,en Ood's message lo the war any mOf"." cau&bt th e blggelt fish limded trom peoplu-¥tarnlng, pleal\lng, threaten. T~.e vision tllded. the vol~es ceased; Ing. Anu now In solitude ' alolle with Micah was again alo:oe with bit? ~b. 8t. (.nwrence river. In the vIcinity of tbe 'Tbousand Islands, In several the evenJng lihadows clr..slllg· I~: aronnd thoughts, "But God hath been here," years, Dr. ·Ake.t Is pasto. at tile him' lie liaL wltb':-ut tbe clt~··;' gate he exclaimed, ten'ehUy, "and th~ churcb .. bleb hhn D. RockeCeller at- dcep In thol1r.\lt And there was mtlch mouth of the Lord ol~ hosts hath tOJ: him ~<.I f hln k about, at! there Is al. spoken," • tads wb.eQ he Is In New York, waYi tor the oDe who obsel'\'~s keen. Mrs, Potter Palm'tr bas lust lot ty t.nd teels dee ulr, 'Chore ,,:as the lIIeaRage Gort "lid Ilt tbe '..on· back froul Europe, ' wltb 80 many neW' ,Iveu illm tor hiD people, TIt!'.re ~"re ftrat k'J>.DI rrenoh I\l\l'na - that Chicago- aoclet, the Ilghta and soundll n~ ;.~d w.t. lJora, Tb, WOll't be able :0 Gad time to ,'eal! neBBl!d that da7 and a!i the days be- kUlJl§ lS tho Il1rf,cst uf wild -T lOUd lIter&tllr. (or at leaut fore since hl~ was old enollgh t6 r. ,)a.8 In exist ,n(,,,, 'and a n&lIve (I 'no. (.leI'. Th-'e were 'tM tiall ...J1I be Tblbet ADd MC;!lJ"ol;.,
The Miami Gazette
, , ·i
HAD TO SURRENDER YOUNG I\1AN'S STR,ENUOUS WOO, ING IRRESII';TIBLE, AI Mr. Jollnson Himlelf Said" When Ho Had His Mind Made Up Thore
Was Nothing That Ceuld Stop Him. ':Have ' you eve r ex peri cnced the feeling, Mr. 'Johns on: ' suld a young Indy, 110 rtl y , "lhat some great 0PIlOrt u· nl (y wus wli IIln yo ur gras p, bu l you llnd hardly lIle lll'osence of mind, I ho - tbe cOlll'lCI:lY, us .It were, to &\' 0.11 vo urself o r It?" " \\ hy-er~y tlB , Miss St l'ellS, haH) at tllll s bad \.llUl killd of. feAl, Ing." Mi s;! Stovens s lgbed dreamily, IIncl the ll ll1 1'0 wu.s n llaUlle, durin!> wh lclt the yonn g (.oullla snt In lll o scmldark, lI (,SS (I f th 110rlor ,ln lil'ofound all II e, lie Ho. OOWI\ and look e d II Ipl ssly at tile glo\\'llI l~ coal!! In tlle g ra.te , , wltll t ho f ellnl; th ~, l vory I1l'ealh he dr~ w 'as 1\ 11l9rtiryl ns anti ghas tly . blund r, " As you we ro Itltout ~o say, Td r; .I ohnson, " rosu motl I.he young lady, "there u re tl Llles wh n It seems to all of us we lOust 811eo.k whut '" Ie Ollr minds." "Yes," vngu I), answered 'lIe lic wll' de r ed YOULh. ItS be tri ed to I' me mller wh on h e I'a d beguD to say allyt hing of th o kln't! , "Y es, or co urse,", ' "And ·whlle I alll not so slll'e J ought to listen to Y1>U, Mr, ,JOhnso n," " he said, wilh dowucast y s, " whon you spenk to me 'In tbl S-1 bls 1)I!I'I;Q nlll mnlt r, ret-" .' The young man oould ree l hIs pU!j;e beat u ta tLDo on tlle drllms ot his ears, but he sal 'lIke a buy \\'1tl~ his masl cr's cya upon him und salt!. noth, lng, "Dy the way:' exclafmed Miss Ste v. ens, Ilresently, " I have n lIe w book ot engrttvings, !\Ir, Johnson, ' th&\. 1 am sure you w1ll enjoy seeing. · It Is a large boolt, alld you'll hav e to move youl' chaIr, Ycs, YOll can sit hc re With me ou th e sofa, ] neve r thought of I hilt," , The )llotu res donc ed beforo t be e:es at tile yuunl; miLn III blurred , cun[useO Imagetl . , 'Is n't t!Jls engraving of the 'Court. s bln at Flore nce 'Domp ). and Walte r Gay' pe rfectly lovely 1" "\Vh·wblch Is Wall<lr1" he gasped, "There!, . Look olos e r~ Dou't you sae him?" "\I b-w lJo's he cOllrllng?" "You'll have to come closel', Mr, Johnson , r declare, thougb"-and, s be looked arclJly U~ lhe ll'embltn'S youth -"1 ani almost atmld to let YOII comt:l any nearer. You lo?k exaclly IIIte Wal· tor III the, picture, ' Alltl then the arm at the helpless young man stole In a llmld, al1'ologet· Ie, oneakln,z wal' I:oulld the Wllist of the (,harming Mlss ' Stevens, lIer ht'ad sank upon llia shouWer and the book of e ngravings fel'l neglected to the
A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD IN BUYING PAINT. Everybody s hould Icnow bow simple nnd ensy It Is to nvold n il un cerlalnly In buying nnlnt Dlut('ria ls , '1 b t're are mnny fio·culled wh ite lends on the mnrke t, which contain cball{ , 21no, bal'ytes, and ot he r oheap adultel'ants. Unless th e nl'Ollc rty OW1l<lr takes Ad· vanlng of th sfmple ' llIeans or protection ntfol'd ed him by reliable wllile lead lllanufaot u r rs, ho runs great rIs k or g-eltlng an Inferior and adulterated " 'hlte leat!, It Is to protect the palnt·buyer ngnills t fraud and adulteration tbat No tional Lend Company, the largest ulnkers ot I!N1UIne Pure Wblte lead, place their iamous "Dutch Boy Paint· cr" trademark on every keg of their produc t, nn absolute guarantee ot Its purity and quality. Anyone who wants to make 0. pracUcal tes t at white lead, and who wants a vo.1tuible tree book about painting, should address Na· tional Lend Company. Woodtrldge D1dg.. New York, and ask tor test equipmcut.
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th~ syste,,? effectua~!y~ GSSlsts one to overcommg: habitunl constipation;' - perrrlon~nt!y'. fo.&et itSl ben':Jfic,a~ effect.s b~ the enuine. . ,
O.rmm FtGSYR~P CO_
Health, rulLD BYlnCING OR\ICGlSTS~I5Of ...BOTn.t The practlco or Invariably che wln!; ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ e" I'ytltlng 47 tlm!'8 bofore s wallowing It not only r estored the rich man's b elllth, but saved bls 50ul 'as well. Iolbr, ono day, In tbel course 0: busl· ness, he strained at s, guat Ilnd 6Wal. lowed 11 cO'Ulel , And the camel, having heen che wed 47 umes. was fit to pass tllrough thlll ~ye oC a needlo, So the rlcll man was able to o nter the Kingdom or HO!1ven••{tor a11.-PllCk.
CtIticura Soav
'in our bomes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to ~g~fu the borne neat nnd pretty, the . dren'well dressed ~d tidy, women overdo. A female weakness o~ displacement is often b u ht n d th uff . ail ro ~ 0 -1Ul eye erm ence, driftmg along from bad to worse, lioor, knowing well ~at they ought to "Samuel," she said an hour later. ab help to overcome ·the pains l\l1d she toy~d with tile button of his coat, Ilcheswhichdallymakelifeo.burden. ';)lou bold boy! Hbw on earth did you It is to these faithful women'that ever mustti l' courage to ask me to become you, wlte? You know Wt!11 enough I 1~l::ver gave you Ii pal'tlclll at encourageme nt." 1'bo yoUl~;; man pnlt d her conde· s cendlngly on tlle head, and then aid proudly wll h the voice at an Ajax d efyln g the lightning: "Whe n J make IIJ) Iny mind to . 110 anythi ng,. IIqa, no oblltaole on ea rt h cun SlOp m.e ." They we re married jllst th ~ee mOlllhs a[t t: r Ibis' ghtd untl· joylul nig ht; nnd , we nrc pleased to o(ld, are very hail11Y toget he r .- ew YllI'k
'l'{~legl'a llh ,
In the promotion of Skin , Health, Cuticura Soap, assisted by ~uticura, the great Sk,in Cure, is ~ndoubtedty superior to all other skiD soaps because of its influence in allaying irritation, inflammation, and clogging ,of the pores, the cause o~ PI . eruptions. IIlI LYDIA E.' NKHAM'S disfiguring antlseptic' clean~lng, tn stimVEGETABLE COMPOUND ulating sluggish pores, in comes 88 a. boon and a blessing! emollient and other properns it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, or Mayvillo!...N. Y., and t<> Mrs. "v. P. ties, they. have no' rivals. Boyd,of .Heaver Falls, Pa" who say:
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';!l~~"{"~~~ ~M~():r·i\l~'>lltl::
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. ll'or thirty ye:,rs Lydia E. PinkVegetable CompoUnd, made from roots and herbs, hns been the IItn.ndiml remedy for female ills! n.ndhas positively cured tbousanciso[ women who been trQubled ,nth displacements, inflemmation, lllcera.tion. fibroid tumors, irregularities, perjodic pains, backache, that bearmg.down feeling, flatulency, indigestion,dizzines9,o;rnervousprostration. Why don't Y9u try it? . hBlU'S
Orange Rind all a Malaria Cure. Tb E! Tallllll.l. Times, In an edltorJal on IhQ' oommerclal dlscove l'Y ot a new kind '.Jf orange on account of the 111 dl cln ul ,nlue of the 'rlnd In mala· rial dis nst's, J:'mkes 1\ s ugg estion, "~; bl ' Is remindful of the orange le nl ' ten used by tlle house wives of Florida In the eurller days as a corrective tor lIlalarla. ;!~h'e re IS no doubt of Ils ex, 'eE]lIellce as a lonlc. and It Is Qultt! ~lr". Pinkham Invites all sick poss lltle thnt tbo l'llId at l lle !)our .women to 'vr.lte her fpr ,a(lvloo. und wild Olanges mlgb t be lllad(' use· Sho has !!,uldecl thoUl:!nnds to ' ful nlo ng ille same line. '('en made heaJ,tb. Address, Lynn. ltlass. frum Ihe rrtls h leave!! of lemon I!prollt~ Is of mos t exce llElllt etreet liS a ' tonle and anll·)/erlolllc, und ste ps ought 'to be taken to JII'ovlde BUIIPlles at It tal the public," Those who have once ex, perlenced tbe ben fit of Old·tlme llouseholtl remedy al'e aware or Ita value, Jt is a pity thal !Is effic(enoy should not be more widely knowu,Paln'l Ueach . !>Iews, . No Orator, Dooller T, Wnsh,l ngtoll. at a : dlnner CIE.feloltd. ,during the National Edu, c'a tlolial al1so'(J)atlOn's cOllve·n lloo. was complimented til; a clergyman on' bls eloquence, " ' . Mr, Washlngton, - In reilly, 'told a story ofa soutbern mlniBt~r whQ could . Dot hnve peen ver), elo.Quent. "One Sunday mIJmlng," he said, "10 the ' IIlldst of tllis IDlnlster!s sermon, a 11 ntl · pok!lti itselr through th.e door 01 the. "e3t r)", !llId a low a.nd tremuloull 7olc/l ·sald:· " 'Parson, t he church 18 on J),rc.' II 'Very \\'ell: Brother Sllrlgglns,' ,t he mlnlslel' answered, 'I will I'IIUre, .Per· harl!! ~'o\l'fI lJet~er wake up tbe congreGation.' ..
J'uat Wh.t He Meant. "YeR," Bald Porely, "my bah,,'. got balr lI:"e I'm Qretty sure to bove 10m_ da,.,·' "Ha! laa! You tLe baby" pretty !lure to 'llave halr IODte d., Uke 10U'Vel got," "I .eau wbat i l&1li.
....d .
The Man Who Could'
HAILROADS :&.:.P. TRAFFIC BOOM t..(pect BIg Bu si ness Reviva l This Fall and P repar e for Rus h.
W slern rollt'ontJ~ ' htl\'e Ilwl r equi p· nt in it rfeC't order (or the han dling D~~cr£p 50~ 01 ~Emp ~~ < PI a$'i~!Il . 'If IJlltill ~s Hnd lilC g II ral nH\lIO ;; 'rs of th roads \I' sl of lhe :'llssuu I'1 1'1vcr taEJl)rme u) :s Tb~t Are billj tbe I Contrary to Wha t rAlght Have Been ar · 011 :'I ji\'('lln !?" 1\ honvy Irafilc this Expected, Conduc to r Old I\\ot fa ll. BUY S un Omaha dlspntr: h to thp ~<ea~t, All. Get Cay w it h the Eldcr: y rew York Hera ld. Fl uslnC's s Is ~tead· lIy progr s ' 111~ In hath fr Il':ht Bnd Gentleman. nr who ' remo\"~ft tht' hide ....... Skln nn A Un ique Musical e. By Frank Burnham Bagley puss nl; r lin H. ant! from ~vor y Indl · A decided uov('11 y In l h e way of A rr)"k .... . ........................... 81.0nll "Tick tal" ('atlon I hIs tall will bc orie at tho fry 10.1(0 aWHY lJy f o r 'c IlU<J u. In u l', tlc.. on,tunt ... .... ...... .......... .. Robson Tb broad·shouldered. flrm ·jawed. bUSiest s usons the w stern . road t m usicales was g iven rec ntly by a charming musIc ian lind h r husba nd. T o ('hop .. ... .... ............ ...... .. Hilek It resonant·volct'd conduclor flung open ha\'e ev r had . . A kInd Of dllAle .. .. " .... .. .. ...... flln l oll • "n~· rlgt hl. b • SlIurlSltJry P u h . C(,l , I the dool' of th e lIarlor car of the fa· "L t tll' busIness como, and corne They 11l'.Ve don and ar dolns a won · A !"IlIPurnry shell .,. of light l!O nSlrU .der fu l work for hlldr n. Th In vita· Though he hBl1 heen called a.n ez· else veered to the lett In walking, hla mous express tre ln anel ult re d lh wit h a I·ush . 1' hc wOst rn roads are tl o n ... " .. . .. . . " .. . " ...... .. ,,"" Boolh ·eltement 'leeke r. Grafton Rouse was tendency was In the oPPoRlte direction. word al'm oet In a lone of command . r ady tOI' It Rnd ('xp ct It," Is t h com lion s we re Issued to the YOltlh t ul '1'0 ""Ike n talLling nl>180 ...... .. Russell A macll" ror mIMing h U"y ","clgille guests with tbe reqllest to bring "the Dot then louklng for excitemen t, but Ah!' Now the detaifs came back to ImmedIat ely all the passengers bined e:'lpresslon or 1110 general man· ... .. ........ . ... .............. __ ...... . ernnc merely for the easiest ronte a guIde him . He had corrected Ule trend to lolling In Ihe chaI rs prot' eded to get ag rs of Unioll Pucillc. BurlluGton and . dolly they loved tile best to' Lbe doll T'nrt M n m i ll ... .. .............. Hopper muslcalo." could show him fro m t be western side tbe ri ght by giving the left foot a busy up their tickets. so that ~or t)t \v s tern railroads. A dIgger of cnal " ...... .. ........... Co llier The hostess was assisted by 0. much· J~XC l! Jl l'rll . tt nll to 8uuv~ed .. .. ... Goodwin ot the Anelcs to the enate rn- pampas . half sblft ontward at each third st pI whe n the conductor i'eached tbcm tb y Cen ral Mallager Mohler of the e rllo n lIlltl r a g-uurdhln . . .. . ' "\tardo The happenings of every day- yes, I{e would try It, and could onl y hope .had tb 'II' puste board ready. Un lou Pacific says: ' "We are unltcl beloved cOl'n·husk dolly who belongs AA 1",lndlll's!! shown and to d elve . ... to this musical household. ·e very hour- ellch as creeping along that Increase of heigh t Rnd weight anel paling an Increase III business nnd WII All but une. ••••••••.•• ... .. . ... . .. ... . .. ..• J?av rsham On the day ap(1oluted there were A "T" PAnTY. the verge of n' precipice "n a tra\! ag would not atrect the result. ThIs one waa a ruddy faced, well a re ' ill' 'pured to handle It. We I.ave n girl'. nnmo (orms a ('nl 'Scarce wider than bls two hands, 01 Now bls time had come. With mauy groo'med One-look ing Idcrly genUe· our qulpm il L In s uclt shape that we o ver 30 dolls or various ages and sta· ~ boron .... .. .... ... ...... ................... '[abby leading hl B burro over balrllke swing· bad Jokes at his expense they removed man wIth wh Ite sldo whiske rs. lira 1)1' )lILred tor I he fall rush. We tlons In life a ssembled in dem ur sl· T bpror;. n be\'crng o for' ntH. n. rftnr y .. ~' ul() len e to listen to til e following cle ve r Ing bridges, with the earth a rew thou· lhe gag and the rope abo ut hIs legs, '}. befor e ('rafl forms 1\ smllll' pi .... T u rt H e fumlJlcd In hIs wallet for his Ila\' mattilaltl d tl lar!; torce of mer. 'r L fore show I' forms a line or ura ,sand feet below- he had come to reo but plunged him In darkness lJy bind· lick t, but It waslI' t tlt ' re. Then he In th lihops aod have been worki ng program: "Doll:,· Lost nnd Dolly ]o'Olln <l " .... Marlin . .... .. . .. .... .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. . .. . . . . TrnI n gard as 'tn~nor IncI de nts. IlIg his eycs. began 1\ hl1!'l'led BORI'ch of hi s pockets. nn aliI' l'Julpl:ll cilt until everything ts "Th .l oplln so Do " ..... .. .......... __ .. 8\\'trl T INfor foolhardy (Mm9 rullbt Hh .. TrUJ<h They had reach ed the )JolnL of great· Grasped again by rough ha nds, he "othili A' doing. Tho Licket wasn't In In IIrst· ·Ih. S ordel'. Tit t remendou" "SI "P. Dolly. Slc<>II." and "01111 C. T h 'fore n rNIllesl fOrln a la.bl1r ...... 'l'Il.k 1 "lly. Dune'" .. . ............. l' bIn .... u glln (onlls MOlnt! lhl nJ{ CrOI)8 whi ch til' now mal u'rlnR In ,cst altltnd e on th eir journey and were was held one long. dr adfu l momont, an y or bls po kets. "DOlly oes 10 8Ic\·II ... __ .. . ... .. .. <1(> 'Irl ~ h Irh'lul ... . .... .... .................. 'rrIne just 'ente ring, through a clett In the dlll'i ng which he saw lu his mlnd's eye "l~r gin ger! " h was h Ilrd to mu t· \' nlon Paclflc tcrrltory guarantee our SOIl&' - " [ Love th e lei Doll B ~~ l" . GII~· no r T beforo rq;r'l fO"lIls sln cerlly .. .... True soli!l rock, an abso lutely level platenu. thnt figurll of a ' man on th e groun d, tel', "It secms to DIe that I brollght l'ol1l1 It busl ness 10 Its a pllcHy tor the "In Dolly's Kitchen" ..... ...... \01011>10,1 ... T be (ore p"crnhlng Corms hpl.;-ht ... . TIlII comi ng fa ll :l1l(l willt 1'.-' "01'111' 8 Dllnce" .. ..... ...... 'rschollcowskl T b rtwe to reR t tU"IUS t l') phlg-l.P . . rr e ns A ·c overed · wllb short grl\SS, when flvo sIlen tly pointin g ollt 'the sale rand to thosQ-" or t he lIfllrl on~llcs " ...... .... . 'I' befM u. mistake form" frl ghl :.T rrOt' a org \\' . H,oldr ge, general mana· "Dunce men, n.s though ol'Luat d by t\ commo~ sar ty! Th on he was given t\ s light Then he stood 1111 and m:1 e a sys· .. .. ..... .. .. .... .. .. Mrs. ros\)y ,\da ms T hptO I'o hmnnr (onns to hlame ••••• •'rwtt .s prlng. suddeoly emerged In front. hll'n Into a pOSition ~t'ODl which he tematlc search or' his pock ts, tnrnlng gel' of the Uurlinglon lincs w st or t h'! "O" e rLUr~ lo the lIrllrIQnullcs ...... . . Curtlll l' 11"(01' " tlnlsll (orma wlltchruln ' YS .. Tcnd Whllo Iwo of the bandits Irept them was careful oot to s Wll rve the fracti on ov I' olel dog·s·eareu lett'l's, tormal :'11850url dve r. says: "ThIs talk abo\l~ 90ng- "My J)N lI' J rus h}'" ..... , ... Gny nor l' bdor competent (urma u pi 'co of lI y .. .. (umltur,,- ......... . .... .. ........ ... Tobie I:ovel'ed wilh th Ir cal' bln ~!I , the oLlt· of an Inch. Then came .the d reati look ing pap I'S nllu Ileavy looking en· letting I h' ro Iling slack rlln uown tn SonS'- "1'ow 00 10 Sleep. My ..................... MrH. Crosby A,lumK T b"for 10 mhraco forme R crlm· oruer to san ' e"penses Is all hash. \Vf!. "Tench vc 1011~s tI Ii wi I h red talle. ers bound the m hand Ilud fooi and eommnnu: ln g Dolly to W nllz" ........ F\ nrtl <l U In nl .......... ....... ...... ... ....... Thug Dllt ho dldn't find what he wa s hn\'e mainta tncd IL larg forc e or Ollr "Pun"r .. 1 lIt nrch ot & Marlon tte" . G lin ,I '1' befo..., a uBeless plaot torma urI ,· r led them l omo dl stn nr.e toward th e "Walk Blrnlght ah ead !" ropalrers ull t1ie t ime, liud our CQulp· " Poup " "nl snn l " . ............ .... Pol dlnl In S Ollnnd .. .. ..... ... .. ..... : .. Tweed .mlddle of tb e plate!)u, w here tbey It Is dlfficul t-perhllps Imp06slbllt-- bun tlng fot·. were duhlped ·trom theIr donkoys and to convey to on who has not under· Then he clawed his Gladstone ba g .menl Is In fl rs t·class shupe. The Bur· "DanCing Doll" ............ .. .. .... S<:e b ~ck T before .. conl 8t or spcr.d t'lrms a lI's Ill'" rl " ...... Mr~. Crosby Adams marl' ... .. .... ...... ..... .. ....... .. Trnco robbed ot ev I'Ylh!n g of value. gor.e !!ltch an ord eal an y conception of dawn from Ihe ra k above h is head, IIngtou hus <ll few bad order cars, but " D'J'l1 e ch lld r It were perfectly dc· T \),,(o r l) n hllrd Bubstnn 0 &ro\\'l nl: Aftel' that tbey were fed, whi ch ilie dread, the horror, the Khl:lnklng, tu gged a t the lock and finally got Il we are In shape to turn them out os light d nnd look In the Id as e Xl1l'es~od on Ih h n ds or 60ma llnlmnls form A 11 spino ................ ... ThorlJ somewhat allayed the apprehension!! sickenin g fea r that crushed down In open. H e Silent several minutes hI fast 8S we want the in . and we exp ct to lhe great 81111sfRction of the hostess. OF IVI I_ WAn. of Rouse, wh/) had been studying lila t he darkness upoa the stou t soul of turning the contents of the bag topsy· to necd them soon, everyone of tb e m. It was u rev latlon to find t.hut a ll lhe To \)Cll ,l~l'>:ERALB .. "." ... .. .... ernnt "Stock shi p ments are already 'h eavy world lo ves n lIoll, as Is e videnced by 'ro j.(llthtowr ............. eaptors and doubted If five more I' pul· Grafton Rouse. With every oUter tUl'vcy . pe rs pi ring all the time find loth. nntl It mulo Intll"ldunl "1Ilve 01' even qually vlllainous looltl ng I> nse but sigh t s harpened by his p~rll, l1Iullerl ug qul le petulanliy as he we nt and will be hea vier from our territory. the fact t hat " muslc·mal,er s of every or Ihe huma n rllCe ... "." ... Bhermlln T h hea vy crops of corn, wh at 8.n d clime" have "told the doll's OW ll slory A wine, .wd a mun ' M !lnm .... Sl\Crldnn t'&scnls could be aSP 2mbled. he could hear upon t he short turf the th rough the perrormance. A d,ilry produ t. lind IL lrn ·t or lund oats whIch ev rylhlng loulcates will In song and rb yme." " Ticle ts ~" WII n I\t t h close of th h' repast . st althy lootialls of the 8s~nsslns . ... .................. "" .... . ... Duttcrfl Id Th e broad·shoulclered, fi rm·jawed. be ral s d In Nebraska and our terri· ihey bad talt en a . tel\" puITs (rom drumming a cl eatl) march. An inward 'Vhut lh b protnll!) mun tll<1 wlwn This suggestion Illay be cllrrled onL klelti'd by t h ll cow .. " .. "" .. " IIs 1el' Ro\lse'A best cigars. they appear el to echo of the )1001' guld 's lust awful rcsolul e·yolccd conulletOI' was lowe r· tory th is year gl\'es us th promise of easily. as th selecti on !! are within To con'sumo wllh fire. and lh dgo oC w II groomed e ld er· a ll the business II' ca.n ha\ldle." Ing 1'1 h i over ~xpan tj wllh a fo ling as near akin ·cry soundcd In his ea rs. reach of I he a v rllge mus lcHn. 1\ Ihlng .. "" ....... . .. " ...... Burn.lde G n rill Manager Waller of til 0 10 gil ad lIumor as anything at wh Ich Amlcl 'thls tumult of emotions, some Iy gen lJ man Wllh the rud dy tace lind A e I','n nl whoso buslll 'S3 t ~ lo tnke ~ortbw stern lin s west of the Mi s· ('hnrg''' ot tI,., liquor ......... " Bull r 'they were capable, nnu seizing this old a qulred hab it of cer brnllon kept the whltc side whIsk rs. Two Outdoor Games . A I, h,,] (\( drlllic ..... ............. ... M eade .. ny- just a n:! lnu te, will Y!lU~" said sourl, soys: "Insl ad of the Nortb· opportunity, R OIl!!e quI tty nsked for accurulo count at Ills foo\.s teps, a nd Thes gam s ar jU llt the lhlng tor EIS'h t furl ongs .... , .. " .... " " .. ... , Mil II <1110 of his own Perf clos. Th o man ve ry Ullrd Hme the lef" , foot touch d the cld rly g nll!!mun. not Dleek at all. west !'II IIn 0 r lr nchlng In th mlltl r outdoot· partl 1:1, wblch moy h givan Th' dnu hUnS' n IJOB II , ............. '1'hon1lul w'ho, gapin g wll h a stol\ls hment, band' l lhe grpund it was s hI fted automullcal· to the s urpr!. c of the oLhe r pas· of car cq ul pment. we hove done just all III month of Sopte mb 1'. 'I'h fil'st r\ pi (' oC unh own 11mb r. Ilnd nn nd· jt- {h'c ...... ..... .. ..... . ...... .... . Loga n s n:; j·S. "I know that ·I put hose I be Olloosit. W bave addc d to our a d It to him, sold: . Iy outward the fraction ot a cir 1 . Is ailed " D or Foot:' A r:l lm ' 0\' 81\ ' It~r ·(1 pltl 0 .. , ....... L eO!> .. ...:njoy It, 1\ nor, fo r yo u'lI bave to 'I'hor was no laught.el' heh lnd him pes ky llasses llomcwh re o but lh y've rolling stoclt on[I w l1a,'o taken ad · All Ul e plllY '1'8 al'e different klncl s 'ra l)(lllSt .. .. .. ....... .. : ..... .... ...... Brngg \'antnge or 'the dull Urn es to get Ollr wallL s tra Ight \h1 9 afl ruoon. " now, and Ule ~ II nce wns nc Untgc· gal uway Crom m for Ih mom tltwh'1 hool<6 ................. .. .. JTookOl" d 1' : Reindeer. ell" moosc, I' d t-:nl' ju t ' Uli5 011 to Ih 11 xl aI', will you? cal's, both frelgllt anci pass IIger, In of Ol hus lY. ",I to (.\rnw nCII" ..... 91 u n) . .. an· YOII walk stralgb t?" continued d cr, ~ullow de I' or mule deer, ant· MAD A I E M'ER fLI. And In Ih e meantim e I'll see what in the very b s t I)OBSible condition In lope and fawns . Ji"or the forest trees tt he joker. and the Innght I' ceased. a nti II)atlon of the tim e when th ey ta rnatio n IU1S become of them." "Momlly. 1 can; but IIhyslcnlly nol have pI ces Qr pnl)c r h lei to the 'l'h e con[lu~(or of courue scowl d. wQu ld aU be 11 eded, just as ,we p.lwlIYs ·gro und wllh sharpen,d s tiel,s. 01' rea l .at nil-Cor! limp." D ed· t hem wilen crops Ill' good." as nil conductors, with a prope r all' This seem d to be cons lderell v n trees If they a re available. Th re mu st Ilreclnllon of their posillon do lu IIlre more humorolls thnn the l.l3 uellt's be one less tr e Ihun d el'. '1'h e extrn for a LocomotIve. Diving clrcum s ances. Dut' he weut to th badlna!; ,llnd 'ent the ruffinus Inlo a SomlltimGfI a diversion In the cus· de I' sland s In the middle of the " for· ne xt at. ' and th lei rly genll r onr or mCl'rlm n t. to marr worle · .of recov rin g sunkcn est." A loader Is chosen hy popular t'onlluu d his fru ltl S5 search. Rouse t!lou h t .lhat ominous. ~o 'vote Or by t he host, and all rollow hl m, gave It Ul1 a rt r t n mlnut s and property would occur. It was a 1000' skipping 'lIgh tly aronnd the ··[orest." "thoroug h Hr.o undr I'laughs In that way ono occasion; she ha d at· motive 00 ».;;;:;a~~"hll eancd lJack in bls 'ehulr. loOking mad. without mea.n,lng lIa I'm to someone. Sudd enly the d er . In the cc n~e r calls PI'es n tl y the condll lOr I' turned lemp ed 10 CI'OSS a trestle aud had "De rfool"-and nil run l'al'11d1y to a Dut. al Ilgbtly as possible, he In· For mornIng wear and tennl!!, ',oU toppled ovelr In 30 feet ' of ' ",ater bot· and bore down up n he e lderly gen· .qulred : tree for shelt · r. or course Ibe d e l' ond I)oat;ing, what lEi EO cool and sensl· d by mud. . tom U man with a . 1101ld I'OUS IItrl(le. "Which kind at straiGht waIlsing d id "Get her up ?" said Capt. Scott. In Ute middl e Is after a tr ,too. The ble as a dainty IItlIe laydown collar "Yollr ticket. 811', It you pleas!" .You' men~ ?'i ~ de I' wbo fulls to Hnd a uee Is call d finished with IL mull tie, silk soarf or 'sald tho conduCtor sh at'ply, flicking "Certainl y. V. here 'lI 1 put ber?" "Well, physicall y, senor; and a ' snnJl and taltes his place In the cen· brooch? "Dack on Ule ra lls," said the man· Lhe ]1I1n('h ominously . pretty 1m \lortant tor yo u." 'rlu! eagerneSII with wblch women 'er and th game proce.e ds. "r haven't got a ny licl<et, 'blast It!" ager. \'lI th a. laugh at OtC ImpossI bili ty have adopted the Dutch' 01' Puritan · , .In a little whUe they unbound tho broke out the e lderly gentleman . "Lost of t ho task. collar proves oonclllsi vely t hat when guido's teet, l eaving his hands tied "All rlghl; she'lI be the re In the The Wigwam. It, I rockon. But here's my card," and co mfor ~ Is sought hl j;h clasping col· behind him aqd baridaged his eyes. Half of the players bide and bave the elde rly gentleman banded the can· mornln' ':-and she was. ·Ono man lay d own I!-nd ' gazed steadily It 'II\'a~ . but the work of half a day' ten minutes to make their trail with lars ' ar enUrely Ignore d. ductor hls pasle board: W111ch showed An. trectlve little ftnish for tbe tall .acr08S the plain. Rouse tried . lQ tal· ror Capt. Scott to rig liP a. pall' at cut paper" (conf ttl) or corn. Each thl\t h~ was the first vlce-presldenl ot coJlar Is simply narrow velvet 'rlbbon low bls glance, but could. discern noth· sheel' poles, drop · beside In his diving Indian goes a dl ltel'en.t way. Th en at the road. 'Ing but the unbro~ e n plateau. extend· dress, pass some heavy 'chalns under the expiration ot the time limit t.he of any des ired shade, ftnlsh e!l, wIth tas: The co n~uc tor. . Ing ror some miles to the next range the boiler a:ud bebveen her axles, hook , oth er players , wbo ure " whi te men," sels of silk or gold, or cal'l'ylng a tiny However, just a moment. ,of mountp.lns. StretchIng out an arm a block Into \\ rin g. take a tnrn on 11 go on the trall a nd lbe game Is to see buckle near the center. . Right here.the rule, It followed , the lingerie blollses and sighting alon~ It as one might A hois tin g engine aboard his wrecking who can return to the wigwam fir st . The sleeves ' would have the conductor remark .and shlrt·walsts ro' .next winter. will rifle, the prostrate man held It stead· . grouchily to I.he elderly 'ge~tlemall tug,. open a sleam cylinder-and up with his lndlan. 1ly llo!nted at the object of bls scru. "Walk Straight Aheadl" be. loug, with fe w ' exceptions, and While .theae are supposed to be boys' she came. To lowe r her gen t1y to the be for the elaborate lace tiny. The two men holding the guide lDent Indeed ; . he must be walklnR that, card or no card, "Ice·presldent or ralls . anJl wash her clean 'of .the mild games, girls erjoy them, too. I speaK those 1aced him e.xactly In the direction In· stralght..· On ane) on be w ent, such an no vlce,vresldent . . he'd hav.e to show wllll a noz2:1e attached to the hose of from eXPElr'lence, for It was the de·' bloU8 s to be. worn' with afternoon cos-dlcated and r eleased him. ~elllng him Interminable . distance that he began something entitling him to a r1da on . bls steam I ump was the last service. light· of my childhood days to "plny tumes. for bridge, etc. to walk straight ahead. to Imagine himself alone, and had an that line of cars or stand for a loss • "There," hA said, when she waa Indian," and I s tili thrill with genuine . \",'all Decoration •. Whatever the game ~Ight be. It was Impulse to make a dash for the mann· orr n t the next stntlon. Then the ac· scrubbed clean, "now "It 8. under t llrr!>r when I think of my teul' at be· cor ding to :.h~ rule nnl'l'ation would go For It drawlng·room nothing In tbe .oon evident that tlle guide would not talns, but controlled Illmself. her and pUlll , her out ; she'e In my Inc Bcallled. wall decoration line could be lovelier lIrove a success, tor he w.ns gradually A te l" !;lteps farther on, his tool on to tell how the elderly gen ll eman WilY. "-F. Hopkinson Smith, Every· was fill ed with admiration over the and more nov than 0. wedgewood llat· -veering to the left. As this became came suddenly In contacl with som Three Guessing ·Games. body's Mag azlue. lern. 'wlth the background of a puler more apparent, the laughter of the la· th ing that gave him the keenest thrill conductor's strong sense or du ty and 'l'hese three Inl resting games were - -- -- 'drone!! rose hJgher and Rou8e's· uneasl· he had yet experleaced, and he beld t1CJ rr he dug \I p the price of hi s tare Peculiar )~ccldent Befall. Engineer. <lon t rlbuted by a re ad er or the d lJUrt· s harle of wedgewood blue and the With Elnl~ln e er Oh arles Strang 'Iylu g m ~ nt. Mme. Merrl !:J most grateful medalllotls or the darl<er s hade reo C n088 Increased. A vague but llOwe rlul back ,1nvollmtllrlly. ' Was It death---1lr In good money and hbw, n lIltie while <dread Impressed 111m with a senso at life and lIl)erry? Rls .other foot, be- later , the conduclor fouiJd h imself ap· InjUred alongside Ute track and the aU'd always glnd to recel ve ne\y a nd lI ev'd wIth white. The woodwork IUJd· swiftly Impending calamity. The next fore he could <,: heck Ute motion, joined polntcil dIvi s ion superintendent of the fir eman bltsy on the bacll of lhe orlglna,I arl'angeme nts of e ven · old t rim or such an apar'tmen t should lie whil e. E ltiler bllie or thst soft green tender, th() GrlUJd Trunlt fly·er. ast moment he almost laughed himself at tho Ors t upon a board, which e mitted lin e. and so on. '~lol hln g whalever of. th8~ kind hap· bou·Qd. ran for mil es with no guiding Ideas. which , Is R. characterIstic shade at 'Is Indefinite t ears. Wbat ha~m could n hollow sound. ACTORS .. .wedge wooi:l pottc ry ts ltecllve when hand at th e throttle and with tho 300 Be lnnJ;t n Jt 10 n. m u lt' Indlvldtl a l o t the )losslbly befall a ' mlln on that level .. Halt! '! call1.! a TI nglng ord er. the pell 'II. however. u sed In thi s way. The carpe.t. should "Oh. Vtlry well , sir." said the can· passengers In the coaches calmly gl>Z' hutnnn rll ·C. lind IL true l or lun.1 l)laln? 11 their captor's meant to kill most welcome he I,tad ever obeyel!. .. . ............ . .. ................. M UrlRI! 1<1, match and If lh wedg wood design Is ductal'. bo\vlng and scrapi ng p1'ofusely Ing out or I lie windows Ignorant or the th'cm., why had they not alread y done "Gongra tulatlon s, senor,. you walk w o\,e n, ru'l d to u 1nl( 0 n .nl:'4· as .h e I umed the v·lce·presldenl·s card fact thM they we rc rlOlng on 0. rnn' A thIng 'l't'pror1l1oed In Iha cantel' It will em· lID? They had made no movement 'to: straight i)ldeed, ror a lame Ulan." ~ tL I \O • • • .• ••• ••••••• r • ••• •••• • •• • •• • \"\,1) r over In hi s hand : "Don' t .mentlon It. a way · trn ln. says a Ballle Cree 1\ pi 'c or J'nclo.llil luna ............ Ii'leld ·\lhIlSlz. the schome of. Ute decol'atlons. ward their weapons, which lay staoked A murinul' at. approval tram lhe oth. . • T with their . 5a ddl e~ . If they let !be er \'olces can v;illced ROllss9 tn an In· The pI asure's mlno. Of coilrse you (Mlch J carr sllont,ien t. Finishing his work on the t ender ·gulde ~o far e nou ~h he might ma ke a deOnlte way, but with all Infinite ro- probably dropped or mls lllld Ule pass somcwh . reo 13ut 'It's nil t'l ghl. Are the fireman I' turned to tile cab to break for the mountains,' andIic!, that' he was somehow SIW d. ' you comfol' tabl', si r? Is th e po~ter A ~ovement as at expoctancy The corda arOUDel bls wrists were taking proper care of you? Fine ' day 'nnd the ,e ng ht'eer's seat v ~ca t1 t . He brought th e train 10 a s lap and baclced .among lhe' men at his slile. brought c ut, but 'at t ae same time his legs tor Irav('llng·, s ir ." . It up until the .engl noer w'as founll, Iy· Rouse from biB revery' witb a shudder were tied IIglI.ln. After wait ing IL long fit'st Vll.c· " \I·h\II1 ," re II rl tit ,and drew his wandel'lng attel)t1ori back lime ror fu,·tller orders . wi th the band· p resident o( th e lin E), lOOkIn g alit of ing beside tho track with his }",ft llrm a u(I left let;; brolt ' U. on sholllder . to the ghide, who was sUlI dd ftillg age s tili dver" his eyes. 'ho rai scd his the win dOW. I ,'rnshed, aild his s~ ull fractured. pereeptlbiy to the lett. The nex l In· 'hands to 't'e!'Oove it. half expecting ")'m .t1an geu glad 1 dldn 't get' cll Sl y It Is supposed (he e ngi neer lost hill l .stal1t' he ' had dls,!-ppeared ! to be shot for his te merity. '01' ne w with that old gnzoob betol" I !J:t.lance In. leanin g 1"1'0 111 tho window a)' 'rhere, on the level plaIn, lIe had 'T he sight that met his blinking eyes go t n xt to who he was," murmured I . llone from 'slght In II. flash . was, oven aftor t he Intnriglble terroru t1) c. IJnu uctor 1(I 'blm's clf as he pallsC\d \lll ng way to look for a hot box. l-! e wa s lakllli to Nichols' hospital .That .wa!;! the fateful moment t.or of Ihe darltness. a' a'tlOck tha t sent . on aga in to the ne xt car. here, where It was said the re v.. o.s b' -,Oraft(ln J;l.ouse . It was then that his wave of horror sweepJng through him. cll ci.nce that he might recover. ' . . 1mI'd common sense and Iron nervo and brought '. hl i.n lotterlng to '. his Ra ilway Appr~ntlce Schools. 'struggle'd for mastery over the form· knees. clinging for life ' to a .narrow The Npw York ' Cepti'al rallrol1.1 . 6teepellt Rall\fr!ay In the WorAd. less feal' te arln !~ at \Jill s OIIl-and ·won. plank! \lIa lul aJu H 11in o aj1IIFp.!Itlce schools Wha:t claims to be Ule steepes\ TIll . The single second In wht'ch he Knew. . He tourid ' IlIml!el!. upon ' the end or l\long lis lines whore wOI' kme u UI' way ilno 1.11 the world Is lhat· r etimt\. that he was ngaln ma s tE\r or · hIs old ~. SWinging bridge spannIng a volc~l.Ulo tralntl.d · for t1:e shops at lIto com\l~ny. opened near Dozen . In the Tyrol. Th . selt was th o happiest at bls )Ite- rift cleft clean through the .mlddle or '['heso tl n l'r,?n~lce s al'e paid fl'OD! 12 fa M<ln'~ I railway, with a g radient Of .eyen If It' were 't~ " be 'the' l~:lt. . '. t he ,l1lat£:au. 'us s har'llly as t.hough cuI 20 oetits :I n hQ\lr; .accO'rdlng to the G4' IJ! 100,. and the Vesuvlan with 6~, Another moment was IElft him . tor ·wlth a mighty saw, Tn IIJI depth It IQtl gth of lillie wIll h I hey haye ~er v ecl , illthE~rlo held t he record. "But thr ..swift and vigorous thollght, whiie the was :iby~mal. and In t.hnt awfill trench ·o.nd UI:O:1 ser ving thl'ee yeurs satlsrac· new Hne In Its stoepest parts rial murd~rers were aUll enjoying their of a titanic battlelleld lay lQ" ,,:n\61n& torll~' gtol t. a diploma, after wbleb Ih 70 In 100, and hi other pa·rts 6. gbast~y eutertalnmttnt. .Jt Will! evl· of all those wretc.hes · who had been liay Is 32 cen\s' on h OIll': .The nIne It Je alill up lite mountain :side La Ylr 1 I ,dent!)' 'vltal that be ' sholl.ld walk bidde n . to ':walk stl'alghl"-to Ood! 'schoOls had ' .00 jluplls 1l1$t year, and '1'el'rare, on tile •Rlv r hlls ack. The I ,stralgh~ . nut could he:-and how? His ,When Rquse could 'take his yea the cost of t hei r operation WIlS $17,000. eystelll employed Is that of the ele!t ' ,activo memory leapeJl back to child·. from tbe black chasm he had escaped, They are I!rellldod oyer by .a sUllerln· trlcut .... Ire rppe, and the ascent II ' hood' days, whan the hUlllan cllbs wit h ho saw his bllrro hitched to the Single t en.dent of twpren tices, \I'hose entil'e made at the rate of flvs ·ree t a seeon~, t whom he sported· mocked , his slight 1)0~ t. supporting one end of the @ .lIard time III !,-iven to th is 'YQrk. He maps or five minutes for .. th e whole dlsta'll c~. ' Inftrmlty, Rnd wl.~h . fl'ank, boyish Uru· rope or the bridge. The I'obb~rs were oul. the cou rse ' of iustruclloiJ and at· Can:lda'. Railroad Building. tallty nlckoamed him "Olm!IY." How haH way back to their own mounts. tends lo all the details 'ot the aperatioD For lhe Orsl. deoade of the twenlleth ' he had set I)IIJ teeth together" a.nd, ·\Vilen he had untl~ his 'Iegs an (1 led Ihe schools. entury CIne of Canada's greatest a'1 tlme and a gain., practiced walking a his donke;, aCf!>ss the glllf, h~ natur· 'umpll shments wlll b~ the COml}letlo~ New Rallro;td Expenllve. crack In the I)o.vement with Ws 'ey a . ally reo.ched ~o~ tho WInchester O. P. O'Neal, 1'lght-of.way agent at .of the dl/mlnlon's socon<1 traJl8co", • "shut, \111 he t't\ull,l beat any symmetrt· . tfIVung on the pommel. lind was not cal boy of 11111 acquaintance. If he surllrlsed to lind It empt, and the car· t!IO Chicago; Milwaukee 0\11 st. "au I rallwa.y. The Ol'and Truo k A garter carryiDg a bag for Jewels or money la made at ~81lk covered el. . Its pralrte leelton frot\l .conld bllt O'ecall the trlc.k-for It was trldgc belt gone, but when be anrolled r&i1road. Is authority for I be. ~tate· h as to EdmontOn. Frl'lIl k~"• Uc alid fastened with a big rosette of narrow rlbl;lOn knolted tn the ceDter of .. trlckl hlB blanket that night on the eastern meDt that tbe cost ot cOl1l1trncilon ot the coast, 700 I'll Ilea, 'be loope. A amail bas Is attached La It by Ion lIS of tbe narrow rlbboD, wblah Thet'1:! was a stir amOD. the robbei'll, slollO tbe ADdes, and both belt and lh.. road bet WA!'ll Taft an~ SL Joe, mountalila, three feart ,uppert the bag, This III mado of a ftgMed tat,eta tour and a half to tlft GO lUll .. , will be $11,400,000. There ~hl1 !Jepn lit rile.. 4 mODey fell out, he almosL wlabed h.. taohn. Wide. It should be lined WilD a plaln ribbon or ..Uk. Cllamoil aDd be 1leeded. 'f@'ll .. !lanne1 ma,)' be \lied for lInIDI. TbE! 'ltWe baa la made lIa Uae fUnD of all . . aaute thJlUlllt bateau,. He remem- hact returned tbe CO~t.eoUI bat·wa. : wlll n II tl14nel. QJa ' thla place ot C'f.'.lllll.l i~ clllllc:u1t. lUllS 'rbe c:lpenll... ·,elol)t!. . rold. tblII. :wkfte ,alIDOI& of till '-1ldlla ... _ rode • ...,. III
Walk Straight
of .
1 ~OlJNT\,
Four Damage Suits Filed·--Ek.oction Made Court t1ou~ New~ Prel'ty
New Suits. Htll!sitl Wli llace. pillinti ff VB Obio Electrlo Rail way Oompany . Peti · twn, to r . 1',000 rln.lllagell! pl~int-lft' olal ming Bhe Willi tbrown fro~ t rac tlOti (lilT lit Frank lin brnisiilK ber severel.V 8 bout t h e arms, shoulder ttnd h ipd. Pjltrjok (~ "Y D () r li ttorney fo\' plaint iff . ' William &hllters, pilliutift' VI! 1'lIe J . E. Conley comjlll>n y. de fendllnt. Petition fol' 13,000 dtunages tilf olaiming be wall t hrowa from buggy that WII.8 up@et ,by log bein g aoros8 tbe road an t rout of stor u of defendant a \ Fra nkl in. Patr ick till-ynor, attul'lIOY fo r pi nntU'f . Lee Gregory, plaiutlff VB O hio Electr io Railway , de fendant . Peti·tlon for daUl ag(ltl , pial ntitl' oill-llning motorman of OIlrt made no pretence , of stopping ol\r when hi ll h orBe frirbtened, ran ~way.'hrowi ng hlm Belf. wife and obildr6D to the ground bruising them and breaking l1on8ll. Patrick Gaynor attorney for plain. t ift'. Margaret J. Gregory, plaintiff vs 'Ohio Electrio RaHway, defendant. '" i'~tton for ta,ooo plaiD~Hf averlng . aaDleaahar·buBband hI' <Jase above . Pairio~ Gaynor attorney for plaiD. ,. tit!'.
Probate Court.
Ed ward Trllcy to 8U dilU R , 'Van Born lot 3rt in villat(8 uf l<'rankl n $1 00 Ilnd other oonsiderat.ions . ' "eorge anel Lncy 8 tarr to J oshna Foster 8nel ,Tennie Foster 40 Rcres of land in Ole&roreek townsh ip l3 , 00. &rl\b A. Ha miHo n to F rll nk W. Hamil ton I'eltl 6Stllte in W llfre n oount.y oontaining 65 aores ,1.UO and other considera.tions. J. 'rresler Ellis et al ~o J hu MeCJ nre one hundred aores in Clear oreek town8hip, '1.00 nnd oon!l i d er ~ " tioll!!.
INSECT WARFARE 'l'ttll gl'owing tlpdoit!8 lIubjeot to insect Ilttllok shou ld not,· be planted o l~e beside buildings, thus making it , impossible to spray t hem proper. Iy withont ooveriu g,the side of lhe building witll tbe s praying mixture 1'hi8 il! one of grellt diffioultie8 experienood by ~ oity 8prayln g tie partmeut. Housebolders objeot se rionl!ly-~nd jostly t oo-to t he dil!agreeable Dllx tures. 1'0 illustrl\te til e necessity fo r exeooiein g ~b1S preoantion take, for instanoe , the I\pplying of tbe lime-sulfur waSh , a ml xtare uaed qaite e x'eosl ve ly li S " 8Caledostroyer . i'his mlx.tnre wbeo 8prayed upon Il palnted8urfaoe (lOrn· binet! ohem1cally with tbe paint, O&llAing' aome shade8 to dit!oolor. It la abaolu&ely imposilible to s pray Il tree, looated be8;de a huUdtng with. Ont 80me of tba mixture being mi8" pilloed.-Ohio E x pt!rimen' StatIOn. • - •
In maUer of will of Margaret Clemenu, deoeaaed . AppUcalloo to admit to probate for heat ing On 218t day of September at g·a . m. III matt4lr of Eli_ J . Mnrphy, an aJlepd ineane penon. Adjudged insUle and entitled to admUtaoce to, ..yl1un for 'he Insaue at Dayton Ohio. ' . Eatate of Wilson W. ~mnh , minor Final aooonnc fOI seUlemen' flied. Ea&ate:of Cyndora EynOD Inll&De. Proof of p~b1tcat.ion of notice· of illlq of seventh account of goar. d~o approved, &l1owed and Oon· 6rmect E.ta&e of George (;Quk, imbeoi1e. PJ1)Of of pnbUoaUon of noUce of 4~ of chlrd aoooUn' of pardlan appl'o.~, allowed aod ooafirm8d. Eat.ce of Louie Ei.enmeyer. inlADe. Ninth aooOUD' of 1lU81dlan approm. allowed and confirmed. III Dltt'*of ~ll of jobn BOhmer deeeaeecL Mary ,Bobmer; widow IIUIde known ber intention to ~ke unel.- wUlof d~ . ICD.mloation or County l'r08SU1'er Samnel W. Kener and. M. Corwin 'lDrake .ppo(n~ to ine~t said
'I'hut Waynes ville meroh ,mts , ILrB not only qulok i ll tllk e nllvanta ge of Dew anti Ilpproved methode of do. ing bnsiness but a re bounel t.o ,vnr . ran t ' tbe oon fidenoe o r bhei r oustoluar s t.o t he full e8t extent is sbo\vn by 't ho recen t pu rohase of .J. ~ A. Hirsoh. B e hilS just rece i ved a bruntl Dew weighing Dl uobine wh ich 1l1 uiost thinks . for itself . It not onl y weight'. but ooru pu tes t he oost" s b ow. ing t be eXl\ot amount of tlne pnrohase in dolll~ r and oentll wi th out AUY bllnd or meut lll operlltioII wb ate~r . Yvn just plaoe the oommodity t on the platfor m ~nd the soale does he rAst. 'a OU8tOm ers always like t,o see 'j n~t, 1 wbat they are gett ing ; l~nd, on tAl il! scale the amonnt is plainly IndlOlitell on the on8tomers' side of the de vice. The subjeot of 8cnlell has oooutRed Ii ~ rellt delll of time Ilnd ,,' tentiod of oity offioiahl Il U U oity dealeri io':11I pllrtl! of t he O')nnt,r y . M[a n y llMles bave beeD found nnreliable a nd oondemned. l'be s pring scales ellpeoially b ave ~ee n found to be. n . Iloonrate, for 11 8 we a ll koow a sprl'n ~ will not " spriog " t be 11111 me it hall ' been usod for some tiWe. ~prlngs are 81so atfaoted by beat nd oold"and IlCales tbllt spring8 oannot be reh81t upon. I ' 'rbls soale la springles and eIlnnot wear or cbangA. n. bas lfAen found to be absolutely a c:curate 'atnd is recommended by evur y·
, Weare plea 'ed to a nnou nce our Fall Opening for Wednesday to atu)'da~ inclusive, September 23rd to 26th--an exhibit of authoritative fash ions in 'lothin g a nd fa brics for wo men a nd men.
Millinery ·OpeniIlg Qui te th~ featm;e of t his Ope nil1g is' our howing of exclusive models in millinery. The me,st complete a nd desirab le '.' hibi t we have ever made. We ol'dial ly invi te your inspection.
-.---------111 _2 _
where. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - -...- - - - -.......... . . . . 'l' his fixture wil1'ma'k e" handsoble ;: furni8blng for Mr. Birl(lh'8, 8tore Ilnd be Is to be commen ded for bi8 onterprlt!e iiDd for the opeD a bd\.eboard welghlDG whloh allows 1pls oustomers to " see tbe wheels ·tfgo aronnd for t·hemselves ." ,
'I'hls Is not the day of grE!8dy ex. pan810n into new territory by tbb great railroad sY8&em8 of the United /::Ita tee-it It! 1l0t the era of warfare among railroad presidents for·rights of way into undeveloped oonutry ~ andineitber II! U the period of aoqnirinK branob IIn88 wblob connect with LOWEST IN VEARS the main ays'elD8 : It III the period of pbysical developemen' of rail. N a vigatlon on tbe Ohio ri vel .~8 road .ystems, In the fullest 8enee of olosed be,ween Plttllburg and , Inthe term ' (llnna'i for tbe firs' time ln:ttve What 'dOO8 tho expenditnre of' years. Tbe river ill the 10we8t \t hnndred8 of miJllonll of dollarll by hal! been for ,wenty yeats , Mwy the varloue railroada melln? Aek bOllts have bee~ l\ama~Kl by stP ~! the railroad kings wbo are IlDthor- ing rook8 In Ule Ohannel- Bt\~w al I~IDK the expendUnret!, or better towboats with empty . btorgel .•,for 'Lill. go to ,he points where the ooal mln'':lIi were ~nable tp 'get a~e Oloney Is beinl 81>"nt and the lin. ,~~,an J;\a.r,.thlrty-6v~ rDlilee, ab~,:e ewer is obvious-for pbysloal devel. CJlIollipoI~8. FIf~n ~l1i,on b~,~ 18 opwent, of coal Is loaded readf to mOll8'Qn '.1'be~PennIl1Iv&Dl& Railroad OOOU. tbe fird rile for Cino~l!Lti; 'Lddr@ : piee the foremost ,p osition from tbe v.ilIe , ~nd. southerD;pOlOt8 .',' s~dpolntofru.gnltudeofimprove: ~ "",,, I'" .~ . mente now under way. 10 thepaet SURVEY OF. C~ W•. AND~ X. elx year8 It bat planned tor the ex. 1 . ~ ' pendtture of t125,000.000 f or im. 'WTllh~I' snrvey soX' ~~~ ••C~t?lnnl·~ Li, provemeotB adjacent to New York m ngton a~u e.~1\,- .Il'ao.on l;R!' . . . .nPV Ci" .... -Id otb tl k began last week -iT. " .y.,.,.. es er 006 y wor upon ' " from thtl Xeonla. ~d '.a~ for settlement Proof qf more remote llootion8 o( the road.- of the r~d. .Chter Englll?Br l:il!~ry publlaatlon of Ilo"ce of ostate8 for (J8orge Calvert in American Indus. Rowher, who was form'e rlya c1vil se*'lemont for hearing on Septem1>er tries for September: engineer on the Miss ouri Pflcitic railroad; 1& here and wUl b;e 11 · .7, flied. • _ • Ea.~e of Jobn D. Fox. deceased. HIOH SCHOOL ROMANCE o~llrge of th.e8une!, flnllt will he 1\11. Proof of publication of filing • of~18ted by Wilson, t50bleeli~ger and eeooDd aooount of administrator l'he young people of Kenil! INld Warren .RiddellJ lOO!lI engineers. approyed allowed and ooDBrmed thellfandparanta of 'the bridegr~om M88Srt!. Wilson 8nd SoblElsinger wtll , "'•• Ate o'f Joho W D-1. e de----~ -• .... , .,.,....,.. were,coniliderably exerolsed when it do the draughting and run the levels Ftnt 'ud final aoODnDt of adminl.. W88 lear ed f tb 11 t i l I'tae trnsteell of the oowpany ' te. . n or e rll t Ule IUIt tl b ld t" W Ol ijig tra~r approyed, ,allowed and oon. Dtgbt tb.t T. V. DuBoiS, ,J r , had oen 1. e a lOlt ID I m ~. finned • Oourt find8 eetats fully m • rri-...... i 11' A rnol, 'd a' pop! I' ton,t whloh time a favorable 'reo , ..... ... 81 ~mma _-> • --' ."! &!lmtnlltel'll1i. . . in the hi h h ' I , h ' ... h por was recelv..... 1n rt'gll:ru to ~u g 80 00 ere, _ara 1. t ce . t Ci · tl f th l · l l;. r.tate'of A. R. ll'lohenor, d~aeed In&erea' i8 addecl to the romantic en ran In 0 nOlnn80 or e t~tl . Proof 81 publication of notioo .of etoryby tbe fao' ihat tb~ bridegroom -;Xenla 6a~tt!. __- - ~ , appointment of adlJlin.lltrator ,fil~. ie but 18 yeara of Ilge !tnd fbe bride . , r.tate of Bamuel Pngh deoeaaed ' I ' ld ~ Drl ve Rbenmat,t am out of ·the . . , , . III SOIUce Y 800 . " DIOod with Ur. Sboop's . Rhenmatio Raohel Pugh ordered '<> sell two Young DuBoia i8 ot prelum' mao. Remedy and see how quiokly , promluory notell a' not leIS 'h!!tn ager of the Urban l~ 'l'iUle!t Citizen will deplu:t" . Rnb on's never tbelr faos valu~ ,a nd to ~ign mort- aud wail l li Y88rs ~f ago llillt ,"une. reao~ t~e real di8ell.~e. , PIJ8 whioh was given '<> eooure said Be fs a SOD of Uh I D 801 b t ism 18n t in tbe skln. It s ar 811 . n s, n down, !t'sconstltutioDal. Getting , ,\
four'lmmense Days
---.... .....
Warren County
Alfred V. tloook, '7, fal'mer of LebanoD to Colelte t;evii.rt, 41 of ' Lebaoon Millard G II tttl " . U e • .4., farmer of Kentuoky to Dora Butohint!on, III, , , ?f Sou~ LebanOD, Rev: U . W. Miller WUllam W..lker, 33, laborer, of Blanoh8l,_ and Mlu Celia OIIborDe Ie, of Bl&noheeter. . J d& B D M I :!4 Ii o a . • e !lY, " reman, : ~~::nto Nellie May Pottenger , . R~ Eltate Tranlfen. Abna Weidner (nee WaYan) an,d 01&1'8Il00 Weidner to ':Joho Murra" , iT
tot 2&, Alt. Rolly, '70.
Joho Murray to Martha J . Levi, . • lot to Waju8 towashlp, '1.00: o!:ym~nd Decker and Mas$le K. er. ,at in LebanOD. '1.00 and .other ooolideratioua. John lod Carrie K ne..,r, .- Be rnar., ill ~ L.oat. Kue&er and'. William aDd Kate : 8undet'buoh to ffennaD aDd I'ruk Keu&er, 'ract ID Warten OOQIltT OOD..... lnl 110 aOl'8l, '1.00 UId other OOD8identiODll . 81II1&II R. Van ~orD widow 01 John H. Vu Born &O·lI)dward Tracy traot ......... 9f I'nIIkUp. 'I 00. and
. . OOMI4er'' ou.
four Large Days
Banner Event of the Year to All ' the ,People of Warren and Adjoini ng Coun ties. .
. Bigger" 9'
' F~ut ,. .
) 1)'$
J!.~,ughl '~iljj I~v;"'"
.' Better,
. '.
September 2.9tb, 30th, 'October 1st a'nd 2nd. ,
Better Premiums
mg . intcrcs an every department for young and old--an annual MeGcu to wards which all steps tcnd- a veritable mine pf ,good; clean anlllscmcl1l Uild ill-
Bigger Exhibits· ..
All will be Red Letter Days ..
~~.~~~~~~~ Marriage licenses. :
,Membership Tickets Sing leAd ~iS8ion,
Than :'Ever
$1,00 25c
A. D. SMITI:f; Pres . OEO C~ RE V, Secy.
Brighter .
.', Features "..
It·IVerl·tes .
~be~~~~"~~~~~~,~~~~ ~d~-~ ~~~:~~~~~~~~~1~::~~:::~~~:::::::~:~:::::~= of 1'. V. Du~ill, tlr., with whom 'i'hat iii why Dr. Shoop's Rbeuml4l~lc . EYE 'AND EAR SPECIALIST. I
he made billilo~eafter hi s .lllothe,r'lI death 80Dle year8 a K0 . B d . , ' . e WIUI 110 IItn ent In, ~htl high h h 110 001 at t e 'Ime of tbe murrillge, 'Maroh 1, whioh took 'place in (JovIllg"on Mrs • D U. B0 Ip •.a par, e , K... ". .8nM .knew of tbill "marriage In Jnne but Mr. DnBols'1! ~reDM had no inkllllg of tbe unneual ~vent nntn milt nlDbt. ' ..
Mrs t)uboi8 left las' wook johi her h~sband in Urbana ~nd bet abo 88nC8 finally bronOht out tIle truth .. a,t! to the marriage, Sbe has ~Da member of the ohoir of tbe Trinity ohoroh bere and' ill of 80 well known' family.. , • .. •
. __ .....
i' '
'i'be Oblo' State Corn ebow will be ,hald In Columbna Nov~mber 23-25, under the an8plces of the Oblo Corn Improvement at!8ool,,~lon tn wl,tob the,premioma Il,igrega&e hundredM of'dolJal'8 in value. for wbloh ever! corn 'rower In Ohio may compete: The oMIooal oora elrpoeUt'OD will be
Remedy. goes, by word of , mo~tb from one to "notber. And, .ber'e ln lies the popalarity of this ,Jieanedy" It la winning defenders eve. IIY. where. Tablets or Liqnid. Sold \ly all d~lera. ~, " .... _ • - . -
. , ;, At a reception beld in a, great ball in li':,nglaQd some years ago Mr. Mrs, 0 ladetone w,e re' honnred gaeats Doring the evening it 'happened tbat u_ 1.11 d 't . 1'1 wr. "!' a@01leWaS1na g llery reotlyabove the place'-:In the pttrquet wbere Mrs. ' Gladlltone was db a tt 109 ' d' 1n i~ h e w Ith some' 1ales. 000l'88 of their oGnverslltl,on II. q ~1' tl ODarose N hi 0 h' th e 1a dl at! ooud f l' not lIettle slltil!fROt · ill . F' ' I;r y . lOa I I y onesllld: " Well:, there Is one Ifl.bove who knows all t.hlnKt!, and 1I0ma da.y he ' to us, " w Ill make Illl tblngs pla\Q "Y8II, yes," r'!lplled Mri GladstoDe "William will be down In alllinut~, an~ he ~111 tell /WI all Mbollt n. I I • _ _
D r. ' ShOOp•S
NI-8&0" Cu"e
The,Alpha Ohemical 60.
' W k W.
beld at Omaha. D80ember 9 to 19. Plnk Pain . • _ _ atop Beadaob., • DWI who would wri&e lo.e le~ . .10 any wherd, to &In to • ..,1 jut to pt them pub- I'ormola on the :IDe.
UabedlDa book, itno 8el!tlealaD.
.' , A Purely V t b'l I 0 j . Desit'i';g to ~orr~~t the itnpres!Oion I ' ege , a '~xat ~hllt I h ,ve a bondoned my sp,eci l\ltY, 1 • " Cures Chronic Con8t·i~atl·on an'd, All .. ' , for the g eperli! prBotice 9[ medicine, Liver and Kidney Trou les. . .. [ take th1s means of informing my friend8 and F'or !III1e' ~ \ I lie, rolloWlI\iI "l ncfH: ' patronS, that I !tm s till 'It my ' old location . In t,he Allen ZlmrnerDllln ~s , Ktlbon's, Bh ndinK. engaged in the trelittllent · Mountj oy '!! of Eye, Ear. Nose ~nd Throat diS- I White'S, Springfield. Ohio. etlses, Very r esp8otfnlly. " ~--1!--~--~--~-----":.-- -I111!'1_ _.;;._....B " P. R. MADDE N M, p. Xenia , ~~~==~~~~~~~~=~===~===~=~=== ['. , . . --. . , t The peDMnt butd t le durlD g the,wln It HA1'HA WAY er selUlon uroun ,the old gr ocery ... . , ' 'e a o m a n . ' ·· " stove Is IIlnoh 1U0re tieroe till" } the ' ", '1 y'lBS ville's Leiuling .Dentlst .. ' red th.tng, but it euOH .mora MaMa. OftlcO iu :key!! 81d l(. J4aln ,l::lt ,w'l'o_k&D4alllawomen.tbftIIllUeutCllle a,. to be\p, Bu& w'ltJU!Ia& two UtatmenQl, II fH ot or1\y. _ _ __ ~:!t.~&r~ned.antO::~=$, ~Ia=~ Probnih}y th~ scatClit:v 'of Oh orn'l! Dr.8boop'IN~b,Qmjlatb.LocaI. .. . . to thaeleDr.8hoop·.llei*ora'U'fe,lheConltltuUonal. g irilliu New York 'iMdne ~..' • Tbeform_Dr.8booP·INJ.htCunr-llatoPIta1 I · . . m_ _ _ _ _ ~~remed:r.wb1JeDr. tentlon of CIr"~y mllli on,"rI!8 el:!e-' ~:tl~:r~:":=:~unt~ wh erR. · ,. ~F-' =~ ~ , ot au IIImI. I ~!.tbtOme~It. name !mpU... dOllll A butter~.v can go wltbout'lulrink workwbUe:roul1lo. UlIOOthllIlolealldlnAam1CI_~~weab_aa4 lse ven t;l\en da ys <tnd 'ft. oaUls l nell.rly 'I\IA1'" 81'RKII:T WAYNK8VIL.DIC.DO. F~~ Nl~~;r-~~:, IBit Hm /;!. There'!! a grelit ohlloce fol' 10 mom lIext. n OOl' I,o \)rO&8 13ros. ==:S:::-eoeiD~~':o~ thp8e hl.rdll tl'J beoor.ue 1l00\lulol·ell Hardwflle st. 1ft\, lD'II"J~r:-.=.ft:.u:;r~r=-~,= here. ' ,'. Telephone in ' h OURI! and oft1oe A Washington young woman ill ' where I can be oa1led d&y 1.1f night. V I ~b ' engaged In educating o'llokaut'. al eoy one 14-'. . ~,t Why wouldn',tlt be a good plRD to '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·. &~' han t he Demoo~tto rOOllter leaI'D" ~ DEALERS" .few thin.. ot har.
t\ ' 'MA-F''FIT
",,,.kl.!' .at
O""F'I C~; ALI .m v
., .
Wllyne~\'Ii!-If~ Oblu
1i\11- t be ,bird IlIOO8IIlive
• •.
the . It took oioe baUosa a' aha SeOood-
I will .eU at pobllo aoo&lon at my
Mal'~ ~treet r8tlldlmt·. o' 80utb Cb.rle.t.o(~ bave 'QnrSb Diaarlo& l:Jeoat.orlal Re&tablt- l'e,ldenoe tb.r.. mil.. IOn'h.ealt of 'I ~;LF.PRON~~. CAI.L NO. 11 2 ,IOO!H reu tbewllelve8 eqnally divided ~ Conveo"oo a' Labano~ ~~1'8- Ce~'erville 00 'he Nac& road
T~ tb~
AI.I.I!:N BLlJO .,·
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I"o .t be 'emperaoce qoes&too ..,). The day ·to oomlnate John C. 8~~0~. " Ed d .. vote u04er 'be Beaal lOOllf ' ioo of HamU&on, U 8ta.. ~et()r. Wedneaday Oetober7,1~.t9·•• m. U . L . "llANE, ,k'r 'IlD ..,~nuKer ei60tloD 00 Tbarllday relol ', tn a Bl1lwa CoDO'y ."eld 'b. ke, tbe -Six head of horeelaDdmulell, oo~tie vote or172 for eaoh lide. aU, eUuSloD ad It wat ~ot o.w it 8i.&lng of one team of good farm Rates. of Subscription < 351 votee were Qf vhf.' ft.v" wi~~l\rew tb. Dame of itl oaucll4a&e ~oJiIl8lJ botb good liDgle ltDe horseI, On Yeur ( ~~rlctly In adVlOnce) , '1.0) were I,browo ou, and two oontee'ed, that abe olber OOQDU. fel.l I~ine ODt! good mare, and colt five montbl "Ing le lJo ~y ,(15 ltulviug 3U, or 172 fur ~ha "w"'''' tQ' l11ake 'he uomtaatton a 9nl- old; two ¥'fell.brote mulee, oowtul ~d tbe ... me Bomber to moo. ODe. . ' ., 4 aod 5 yea,.~ old. Three milob Oowe Hatell of Advertisementai' 'dr:n ... . AI it requine a ma»ritJ ~e temperaooe plaDk, wbicti ~a. oae' will be fresh by day of sale. Uo'a<11I1K Local., per lille .o r.c vU.te to dool&re tbe town dr1' " ~., kJ,b!,ve beeD placed tD thepla~Cp, Six Poland Uhinll lOWS. A loS of K.n,lIlIl!· Looa lH. black fuce. l'a lin e , .llle IIIIloODI will etill .rematD uDleu ~~ wu'.Oml,ted for lOme realOD~ I.-;JUllOI~eD'. Twelve aorel oorn io 'Ia ~ I" ed Ad •• no~ 10 exueNI five ::nell ' ' 8 . 'l'lI ree luserllono ,. 2lic two oontellted votee lire oarried wlll do ....,. with ,h. 00 . • eld Ilod nille aorel to'baooo in Ibed. Ca rd or '1·IJlin kR. .25. the board of elections aDd a ; " ; . plated fight. bet.een • dr, ~1t. .Farm tmplemente-lbree tarm lle"olutiou. . ,50C 10D glveD In favor of the .'llIoa~ candidate .Dd 'IUO It '8d- wagonl, whllat biDder, 001'0 blod.r, Socials. e tc . wlle'e cha rlie I. wade .!?"r l'liurad~y 'e electloD WU vel'1 et, maul ~he gemoora&lo oomioee~' feea, ~ill. ooro IbeUer, MoCormlok Olsplay ACjyerllHlhg , !lOr Incb IOe .. ' ,' .It·~~ugh HIe rivalry W&8 keen r· re-e1eotloD, wbo voted ...ioat I~~. mower, bre.klog plowe, fertilizer OIRc.un flt .. tye non OO IlU*'CL. 1 j _ : IUK uampai,o . >,;: Rose ooOD', local optloo law . . ,\. .heat drlll, bUiIIY surrey, .pring - - - -- - - - - - - -... p,...... " .. _ .. ~i. . B,rO.D Coan'y pr888nted ·1};,t.e two bog b01l8e., two iIe* wh: o ..n~s OAv, SF. P'I' ''~ MU~~ R ~II. 1I1l1 . ADVANCINO MICR.osCoP " name of E R. YODDI, of S t . ; b.""y b"roIlU, tobaooosprayer, hay ===========~ .= ~ Warreo, ft , Wilda OUchl'i••, of ~ ladders, walking oalttvator, DemiR Uon ', knook, but booltt. , ~y IHeOBntiDveD$too the wo. . . . aDO~, and Ulero.aout bad 00 oar@~. ,~,pllloter" dtlOharl'ow, bay load~ ~ revealed by the ordinary mio~ datf/. :' er, hay rake, hay tedder, two rldlDg ., I d . <: t are inoreu8da boodredfold. B:: ~ .,·1terolnttoD' .ere adop&ed p.iri",_ ooro plow •• Ib.y It 008 t s a grll~ t u e~ nowa ay ... 0 . , ~ l ' .• ~ I . fork. rope aDd po'). ~ I. bo'b ( 1 ' . fotth student. may DIll .. high . iD~ Tars aod Bal'ria aDd IDdo~ eya, 'wo COl'O plaDten, ohto~ . ma.~ • tiD S woo. · . '.Ti'i.~ • ~'f ' ,r'lenlular,e as .iz ioohea 10 ~- 'be oontiouaoce of 'h. polto~ )J. brooden.0011ar.,.11n8ll, roUer, hari -,--ameter, 'bOA briDliog the wholeDf Rooeevels. ~-i rQw, forb, Ihovell, rak8ll, bogbeli8; Tbe pl'lm~118tI oume and ~.b!Y Objeo"IDi'eadofdetall,oOlyaDA.~ ' .-. ~!!. gravel beds, Ilokle Irlodel',...ed· 1)II8~ed-aud ~be couDh.y still ilvea, obilervatloo. By thl" melUl8 a . '. DEATH OF MR. FLETCHER ~.' lower, harDen brldlea. I . lDon hooee ft., t. magoUled all'l~ : ..k . ' Bousehold ~ooda-oDe 80IIII nop Tbe pigeons ate tall! ng dos' . .,be 0008 'ill It appean &0 be .. large" ~ ~~om.. JetrenOD Fletobel' ooe bed roolD BOit, tbree bed. and in the old swlmmln' bole tbe.edaye .. . 0 OItrlob. Bela, .IDOI01ed in ~ bol'O tD II'ron' Ho~aJ,·W.rreo beddinl,OIrpete, 21i yd•• oarpe,' ,ne.,. . ." o~n eplDe, where it II! kept direo~", V~., JaoUAI'Y 2, 18li, and dted . .r heeD 018111, one good e~.ioD 'l'b I I , f ( ·U · ! Within r·he ft.eJd of 'he ,tau .Dd,~ BllUlcheatel', Ohio, September diehM, rookiog chain, Mo1'1'li ere Illdrllllllkw"t}d" It 0 tOb e O~lt b,.. ",mple ruonl,OOD8ideriuIU.u:ir .li08. aged el,b".Dtoe obalr, oborne. or..m eeparatol"", w b 0 won e S88 tI mnn ,Il ' ~'ii' . , tbe to r~1I oft· " l ·/ 00 move .. bout aod eON_ 10 It. 'T,J' '. III'. BleICber " .. a faSber-iD· orooh aod Jan, milk caD., laWD p. '. ·usl OOOQP~tlODI, tbe opportonlstil of III'. WUUam Kiol of &hI. mower, wub.lo,maobloeaod wrlnlt; d :1 for obeervatton are tmmensely , aod hla I'emaloa broo,b' .1', aDd everytbing ueed 10 geDenl There OliO be no suoh wor .~ .dnu08 01 anythlo, pr.vioual': ea.. by hi. daDllhter, ·lIn. IIcNa.. . hOOl8keeplnlr. " 1~" Looil"9ille, aDd ta ..l'recl In Term.: ~om. of 16.00 and ODder faU to tbe wlln wbo refulel \0 88~ jo,e.1 by aoieoU.... hili hooor for 8UC08ll8, '.~ • _ • ~: Cemetery.... a.'old., over that .mooDa,' a credat of ". FIVE POINTS REUNION ;t'ev. ~~ F. (;adwalladel' 11 mODth. will be Ilv,n Two ap. And yet DO t .. i~, and ,et tbet.r~ ,. .,:, • • • t'mm1l'M 1800.."ie. will be reqolred. !'In .re w.rd Itt work ouUln" ~be!r: The tep$h aonaal m"tlol' of Ihe '. A Paylal lavestmellt. JOHN PROPPI. . t;obacDO; tbose wha bave it t.o ont. I'tve Poln'" reDDtun, will be held at ~ Mr. Joho Wbl.., 38 1I0NaL, ADOS . ~he reetden08 of Mr. aDd Mn. Johd ~ve., Boulton, MaiDe, .,..: ...." .........-. B. HIli., IOlerlr, IIVI:B&, Lonch. . ·...oN..J 00 'he road oommonl 1 ~o troobled wi'h . - OODih 'rhe .ltlWl~b bolld\lY oomee on tb~ .. ''''~I I R II ad bo 1t ~ID.. r aDd .prlDI. LaIt b be '1'bi d I 1':1 .DOWO all • guu a ow. a a 0 tried man, .dyenlled reauldlM 26' of Mept8m r. 8·Y I a. ODe half mUe w... of tbe PQmPlD~ ;ihe ooaab oontiDued, anSiI 1 DO,'.a'''t~ ways looked forward too by theJ."•••WtloD 00 &he D. L. & C. R . R, 00 ., 500. boUI. of Dr. K"lDp New Satnrd ..y October 3 1908. :§,.; uefore that Wat half &' ~ ooqh ... ali lODe. Thie . . , Tuesday, Septtlmber 29 will be , The oommlttee ID oharge hopea sal' 'haMllle happ)' ....111' hU 101· tk>ldierl' Day at "be Wllrren Coun.: ~bat all who dellre to atteDd will '5lwed i . f.w doaee onoe man' Iiaa. " ty flllr, aad 'bey wlll be lidml&ted' :COn Bider 'hla ootlce ••0tlloten.iD ,t!.hed the aDDuI oco.h. , I am DOW free. ___ . _ \'Ylta&lOD" Tbere wlll be a ba.k., ~nvtnoecl Dr. KlDI' dinoer aod Inob other entertai • 'b. beaa;)f all oCJqh IUId . 1 . U D,remedl... I I tiold onder laar. Thllre IIMltl tu IJtI pieD ay of liq ulr Plent •• m., be 'Dllelted hy the tee ' a' Freel C. Soh.anll'. drull rels thls yaar. uplt they .1'11 dolll(l time aod OOO8.leo: · reo 6.00. "ud II 00. Trtal bbstlfl dam_"" tl\,8 oorp: The 11l&I0II' ~ • .. ~. . • • f. . . . Inr u4 o~n~ 0'; ~klber 1. PROHIBITION MEETING .:' RUNAWAY ·FiR~AY NIGHT . . .:Iat, wItbotat oD.
DAYTON, OHIO. I want to extend to YOU a very ordisl invitation to visit my new. Clothing Parlor, ornel"Main and Fourth Dayton, Ohio. I want to show you my beautiful line of Fall Suits at $15, $18, $20. $22, $25 to $30. I will en. . dea~or to please you, and promise you the very best. : :. service my salesmen and I can give you , My Fall Suit ; , stock is one of the best] ever had, and I am in a position to do as well 'and still better thaft 1 have ever done.
Higher grades of clothing are now · carried in stock than was previously advisable. uut the decision has been reac.hed to lay before the good dre&lers the opportunity , , to pick and choose from the combined products of all .the foremost Master Clothes 'Builders in America. These extraordinary high class garments are not from one maker alone, but the entire field 'has been gone over in order to select the cream from each p,rominent ~raod, I HAVE THE CLASS OF CLOTHING . NOW THA-T .GOOD DRESSERS WANT- Alfred Benjamin & Co., Correct Clothes, $15 to $3O-Atterbury System, Readyto Wear Clothing, 120 to $85- "L" System College Clothes, $13 to $25- "Sampeck'. Youn&, Men's Clothes, - $10 to $25- Michaels-Stero, Hand-Made Garments, $12 . to $SO-H. J. Brock & Co., Nifty Clothes, ,12 to $30"R. & W_." Chicago Cloth~. $16 to $36-" Paragon " Fine Trousers, $5 to $10. The Cabinet System which has been installl!d is the latest ev~l~tion in the science I!t stock keeping, the sys. tem provldmg the means by which all &,arments are kept in their original perfect condition, 6Kch separately hung as in a wardrobe, out of reach of dust or danger of wrinkles. With this advantage the system also makes everything immediately accesSible at any moment. Th.... is allO eliminated the old time mussing, pulling and hauling necessary in yanking any single garment from under a heavy pile of stock, the. weight of which wu sure to crush all shapeliness out of the layers of clothiD&' it contained. . .
---_ .. It "'ut,·-
Will you please favor me ,with a call before placing an order with your tailor?
- --
( A new' department- has lately been added to my mammoth store. It is called the Special $9.88 Clothing Department. Men anq young men who desire the medium SUITS priced clothing will 'be more than pleased '15 V.lul!8 l with thli beautiful patterns here.
and Creat. Stren&th
$9•88 JI
G ' o o d
iV8l'1I1 'b.'
(n ". 0"1
Oold Coupons Bond With PUl'(hale8
~ 'rhe mee"olJ oo ..';'peraoce oame .~
...~, ... MA.IN
NO .
Htter tJwl IiYIir oil ... emulatoDI, It ceIltalDa all m .. 1hey clo, .'!! I :::::::::::::::::==~~~:~~ wItIa DO ODe. .~. olever, popular C~lldy Cold DR :M" S WEST ,.neler aDel Cll~ Tablet-called PreveDtlos-le • I. ' . . , bethg dllpeneed by droggtets every· V . for olel where. In a few bonrs, Preventlos eterfnary SuipOD and DeBUit. " ' ' ' ' ' ••~lcate ql'4reD, ate laid to break ~nJ oold-oomValle, PIIOD' 13S-2}{ : Gter Ilcb........ for atub- pletely. Aod Preventloe, being 10 lafe aod tootbsome,. are very fine W..itNESVILLE, OHIO. --.-- -- ....... y.......I for chUdreo. No Quintne, no lam
.--.... . . . . . .
Bow would yon like to be ~uo'ed oft "lObedatecl &'uda, ' aiPt, at r'Tbe boneot Nimrod K:errtok 10' In .00l! d.y, and out tbe -oest ,,,e OOrDer of lIalo "od ' Mtaml aDd fmb", Frida, IUId no Monnu; ollndldllt8 for audltol' 0IlJ1 Col. Perry, of(Ma.DbU, ·'be.i-t ptJl mell Oyer'&oWD aod Aoall)' Iaod tel.l yoo bow it ~081!. , h.d a lood orowd &0 aCId ..... e4;tD Col'.io, .lab~' dotal'e) Ye..,. -:.Afser. 'be Urek quar'" bad '0", ~ damap, other 'haa breutDI eso Now comes ,be Wllrren Cooo'~ ...':_leo"OD, Col.' Perl')" talked.. T'r-' . ' f"ir, aDd we hope .. b~' it "'Ill be • l'b,thOD the tuu. of "~p8;I'UOe. Il'he pea' m:.;;: Ihtotq hummer. Tbe . boatd bave beell "tad GOa.lderlai an had '«t '''Dd apt 1OaDdaI " wdrkinl hard to thaS end, aud DO"" Ileldhllorowd &hl'oachoo' bll apeeoh' 01' . . ' ~t 's uv liD tbe pet, pie to...,e how ,000 Be addreued • 1.,.. OI'Ow4 at · SPINY ELM 'cATERPILLAR ' 1fIUIled. · the, oothiog h~rsb Dor sickening. It Ill. II'I~t ),ol'k tJDDcia, af"rDoon .Dd • ~l,> •• ",;; : . ' J' E JA""'Ncy' D Box of 48-250. tIold by all dealere. MILK FEVER A Mla:IAl.TY ~..,' lar,. orowd ., U.rvey.bora The adalt of tJil* apeolee la ooe ot • • ., &;Ii, runist,. r Wb.hlle would Ilke kJ lee in tlU. Sanda,. . .eDID,. the ba,*-rAI" qal. oommODl, aeeo W.,..e8ri11e. Obio. ,. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couoI, • .• • well •• in olber ooontl.. • - • Ay~ ..boat. (' la .SriilDllJ , '. • _ • Tbey T.e The Kinks Out. i. olean politl08. B •• ..,o tb. day A L.---....... Knocker ..... b-·... - I .. __.. br • -....---....-. ...... .... 01 _II . - - .....a· OWD It 'a a pity when · 8lok ones drug . wben a politloiao ,*n .. QOII' J. C, Good.ln. of, N . 00101' of &be' wlDea 1iI!.lul ·1IO'rden4 the .tomaob or .&lmolate" he Beal't '" have OIled Dr. King's New Life only ,be legt'ilu!'te espeole.. C., "Y.: "Baotlen '. Anloa BalM It by. ---"D 'of'bIokeo ,eUo. aDd K:idoey• . . That II •. U wronll PlJls for many yearll, wltb InoreasFU. E b t au f I -.. ~ tng _"'(ao&lon. They tate the kloks ... 01'. U oen wbole ......1 .' a-ranoeWbl, A weak Stowl,oh, means weakStom. 00' of .tomaob, 'lIver and bowels" • aare 'noDlr , :D A bad ODe oame on m,. ..... . . . . . '. , ' , , '. oen.., lalwa,.. And &hla I. IIIpblDI ~e w"P~ to urge people to refralo mer. bat tha' . wondertal aalY. that of ~lUk bOrdered. wtab wlllt•., !'lao troe of Ute B .... and Ktdney•• wtaboa' fD118 01' fnotion," eaye N. from bUllning Itlav811 and rDbbtab lioooked it. 00" tn • few roo..,... ~• •~ arl! depoelted "" . riDa' The weak. Der'v.. are tD••ad or,lDg a. Bro••, of PUt&fleld, Vt. Gnarnow. A fire w.o ald be .• ·:veI'1 Not U'8D a aoa~ remained.," Our aroaod tbe ,wtp of tb. foOd plan', 00' for , help. Thll uplalD" why anleecl aatllfaptory' at F. C. !:lob· • '1'001 tbing' DOW 10 toWD. Let .oleed fOl' St_lll8, , IO~, barna .~ wbiNa for Ohio , i.,: _Dally WiUo.w, Dr. ShOOP'B B:eato,aat.,. t. prompt- ,Wal'&z'1 dro, Btore. 250. h 1 . tim t*-oke4 helplDg S'omach, Bean aDd Kid. ' JGo. at F. C. tJoh.arlz .• drol .&ore. th ,hem, ft. y or anyt b lOB e 1II, b nt d 00 t • _ • 0IIIr • ID8 areaome ... DiI, aUmt'DtII. ' ·The· BelSonti.,e burn tbem. WU..MINOTON .FAIR RACES . The falllJrOWD lana la blilok with. reaohee oat for the aotaal oaUte of . • - • row of red .po.. down ~ baok. n Sb8ll8 anmeDtll-lbe fantD, "tDllid.e AFTER ' ANOTHER ONE Th' ,te", ... --'" Wil beal'l oam.rooa 10lla 'piA". whiob Derve." AD,,,.Y at 'he 'Restor. ' e a o... noe a aeno..., . - to tDI'D bear aborter ~oh.. It .tlve 48 houri. {t woo" oare .0 Riverdale. way IMtOnre a baDll- mtnl&OD fair we. DO' Dead)' 10 '. . ' . bODUw lnob ' I I . pb 100D U tha', tiD, .you wll)' lorely . . . . . . . .Q' .'IU4. .~ D l - . a . a.tional ' baok, . perbli~ a a&aS,; large u " hal bea _,' aDy pievloua Tb~·u.· ~ n too. that help la OOLllIOI. Hold b, MOlt people do not realize the alarm· Veterinary Sargecn aod bADk witb butldlnl and loan featorel! year ande, '111'. KeDuedy'. maD.... • papal ~.... la - - .. aD, OD . all 4_lere. In, illerene and remarkable prenlellcy , of kid neydiuiI Ie. , . , s She 'Dayt.oo .Herald. • meDt. Tl:1e deu......... .'_dao"" pro.,. . . I ohry•• Ud atsaohe4 &0 - - - - -: • While kldneydis· . .Tbe ,:,e~ .fioancihal ,. • Dterprl.e .ill ",•• doeto oa1ll8l••mODI :.~e--,~~ ' : o~·l t~., P~'l' WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. orden are the At Barna on t:latol'day AftenOOD. proposed by Mr. Lemmoo vf the tbem tbe lolen. aDd duat. ~..., -~I' pa n e . a' ~~fIJ.~~!most . common di.eascs that pre· CtstZJU8 bank of W.YDeevUle. ,.hlohsrea&ly m."red the pleuare .kp 10 101....h.l". oook. ' vail, they are . Collb'ol .....bod. ooo...t tD .pr., Mr. Lewmoo was to tbe otty 1.., of abOle who Were preeenc. . . Orthodox Friendl ~urdJ. almost the last Rev. BeDJa.ID Bawll1na. Putor. , W6dneeday lind 10 .compaoy .ltb a • _ • IDIr wi,h poilOD, or tn ooll""ID, the recogni zed by RabblUl Scbool. II ,au a . m. RellUlllr obureb patient and phy. II kw real eatat.., broter wen I 'l'jokllD, or dr, 00...118 will qotok larvae aDd d8ltl'O,tolr'~.m a. Iba, ..r,loe, 19 ;80 II. m. ObrlIIUaD Eadeavor, licianl, tlJ/IO con· . ::er R~:r:.le with tbe view of ee ly 10018." .bllD Oelog Di: Shoop'. feed to 0IUI..,.,-Qh10 . EzperlmeD& 7:30 p. III. t en t t/ufllu/ tlu . . Coul&h Remedy , ADd it t. eo statiOD. . . Hkkllte Fr:Jmda 'Church. IDiIA .~ng th6 efect" while the orig· oorloga- Inlta ble l~oatIOD. thoroo;rhly harml.... th.t Dr. Shoop • _ • Flfllt nar MeeUn • • 10 :00 . : iii. I'ln\ 'D&J iFUII cUNNe un~~:li:: :o~ system. ell .' '1 .. th "El WhUe tbe oomple~e plauB .re Dot &elle mothen to aae oothlul .118 "'"" tb a' .M r eve~ ~Ol' ' very yoqDI b bl.. a . . . .~...e' trio"eap e ea- 8oll.ooI, 11;0(l a. III. E'ollnll DU Meet.l.c Laxative Granules There I. comfort in the knowledge Ilf knowo, it ll' aono.uD.,..... 24 pneea 25 26 preval a. . 10:0" a. ID. . offen esprneed, tbat Dr. Ki1mer '~ Lemmon In Ilddlt,loD to the reloln w.bol~Bume RneD 1...,. aod teDder ,.. _ e0rp88888 all otber...m~ - - - -, . , S_mp-Root, t!,e ~eat ~ddney rem~dy" b king bo ioe... . con tempi."" .temll of. 1001 ~_llDIIr ·. mouD.~~. . • - • . CbriItiaa Churdl. ' filUm. nery Wlilb 111 curtng rbeuD19,!.tsw, the nlUef of .wk-. au.. !< ' . "lpo' .brab ,lve Ibe OIlI'IIt1V' ~I'''' Bey. 0.01'1'1 Ban....tor, ~ iil the back, kiuueys,. lh;er, bladder buUding and loan sMOOI.tlon••• Ii tI..,to Dr. ~oop'" Ooo,b lleme4,. dlulneu, ....::Ir 04a, 801lool. 11:10 a." Beplu .."toea aua e ....ry part of. !i'e urinary passage. feature. From wbat.. iildloated J' Claim. tbe oo...h, aDd h_a. the W U I &be aut B\lnda, 01 tIie .oaih. 'ro :30 a lP.. It correc:tl inabiltty to. h~la: water obl'oolo CoUtipa all4 7 :au Po . : aarlIllall &D4e,.or. 7:80 ucl 'lCaldiDg paiD ID passmg 1t, or bad tbe .klok eobeorlprloo will Dot ia- 18n.ltolve brooublal m.mbr...... No III . " effecb 'foUowujg \lie of liquor, wille· or VOl' ot aD,thlol that requires a bono.. upiom; DOobloroform, DO'bi~ hanb Tile Trua,". of "arae ToWllllIalP wl1l·.11 .n~ BlUouaaeu, beoaaae beer, IUld overcqmes t.hat ~npleasaDt ne. _____ need &0 lojore .,1' .01....... o.mand \0 'be lOWell, nIPOUl* ldeel oa UIe c:e.Mty of ~ing compelled to go oft!!D ar~ oompoeed of the • - • Dr Shoop·l. Aooept DO uthel'. IiIoId '-' '.. duriA, the' day, and to get up many YOU CAN TAKE YOUR b, aU d..le..... " SHL -of .Odoblr, I"" .KIIIO'llrn V.etall.. -"'-. ud time. auring the night. The mild aDd . .. Uae eXtraordinary eBec:t of .sw....,..Root IIXlfluld io ,~ proper propor ' ' ole f.mily '0 1188 ZaleU. a' tbe A. ", •. E. CONFER . ENCE .uwo o'c1Oft1:: Po •• at UIe a..•.tan&. tbe I. 10011 realized. It .tand. the ~igbest Wb coa'~' rot au labor ......-y, \0 . ., . . . knoWD to atve ' ~ bit for ita ~Dderful Clures of tbe mOllt dis'fEleotrlo" 24. 26, 28~ only 10 and 110 UIe laW. AllII wt4ea alae _ .........' a& taa. ~DC cues. It YOIl Deed a lDediciae ,,*nl~. ' 'r)le N~ Oblo ~, II. &; ODD .w. ............ yotl aJMiaId baM ,be belt. Sold by dIU,. ~iIlIft1-ceait aad ODMOll... IIUII. Every bott" 11l&I'''''''' - - -•• ~ • f.rllDce wtll bfI beld . In ~I..I ...... oa alii at 'l'cnra' y_ ~ ba••• _pie aod a ICE CREAM AND CAKE :week beglutnl ....... ...... llal, 0IIItk'...... pva ..'lafaotiOD or ...-boak thlit ' lelia all refDDd84. . aboatlt.1aotbaeDtfree , , Q18 who .nu. . . 01 uae ill ",1Ilre4 . ' .._tal Tbe Graap had a .ootal Ml8Wn ,Booker T. W..hIDl&oD an4 Blabop ..... one 'l'rUtMII reaene ........, to ~~. Ac1dreMDr. tiki a bOttle ., ........... _ • Co•• BlDg. &,arda,otab•. Anerboal_wa.. P.rrlok.-:KeDta........ rtaeot .... aU ...... ...LUe4.", .... up. ...... QdIIaIc aiIadIo " ..... , H_ Y. WheD ..... loe ~ aDd _te w... . • _. . : ___ ........... _ ~ ~!'.IIitf!-:~..... ..... . .dOD tbla paper alel clOD" priI.'e. a' make ~ miltake, but remembft tile ~~ IUKI aD . ,.. . . pleuuatlJ Will rldllllba ........, .. ,.... -. c: •. or M . . . JllII!et .;.Di'. KOmer'. 8WUDP::Jloot, ... .,.... ......,_-. " ~ ...., ......t It .............
.*'-.... f;
::l"_.""'..._.......,. . . ,,"__
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R,A.L DI'R E.eto At T DI"r Ilebl. local No. l ' Long Dlalanol .••• 69-3r ,. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
IbOlilidl Hlle Kldller . Yrol'le I.d Iner SlIpeet iL
Irancb OffiCI. O· Dr. John Hyatt;
Telephone No. 121
Waynesville, Ohio. Vegetable'
N0"" U .t0 fA)Itra"tors -
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·to.'....,. ......
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•• _
•• _ I I _ I I
Beating . In Order to lit sure Ita Su cces:s.
ions ·Practical ,. . Fash LADIES ' 'I\ND
I'll'. the l!:ugll;;lJ p:ll nIM. ftl John AND TIES. a scrlbe!1 Us Il, 1I11l11 or htllnll ll' origin. who nehl \"ud HIICCIJSS wlll1l1y II)" hi.. .IWII g ('11 III 01 3u Il Ilersev('rllllc,' , Thc slory of hi !! fh'SL e ffort III Ihut' lin ' 01 I'l which "I'I rwul'd brought hll11 fnm~ h ,r lutOtl 10 Cok e flrsl cu rl or L IC()8. leI'. o~ lJoliihalll, liS follow s : · \Vhell ·a HIIIUIl boy of t n or 'til' Iv.: . be was Jf:'lt nl Ilollle ono SlInnay uft r" ~oon wl ~h. hl~ . futbel', wbllo his 1I10t~ .. •cr went.. to cburch. The llltb r oalub· IJsbed himself lu the pUI'lor willi hfs Olble, an d told the boi-· to bk Quiet '. ' 9-nd amut\e .hl/llselt . '. Young, Ople. who had procure d some ~~aints, lo'ok liP II. posit 1011 unobsen'~(l In lhe kitchen, dIrectly opposite t·lie pai-Jl?l' door. Very Quielly be drew. !' , portrait ot· tbe old man bendlns ovel' hIs Dible. until he llll,d fini shed every· tbing except tbe hend, wben he beguu forward ' to Paris Palt "n N'o. 2538. All Sell IUS AI. running lmckwa rd ' and 10\Ved.- 'l'he flrs~ collar Is made frolU a study. his fat h er's tace . . -"Power eehind the , The old genU man grew "cty nnyy handk erchI ef not I 'ss than 13 V~ In chcB \Vue Sage Will Offer . Throne~' Cone ane!" , IIII:8 IIllpIII'e ntly Ilensele ss Int rrUl)' s qunl' • bllt if des ired It 1I1 0Y be dovel· at Up His Head as the:'Monarch I~ ComtiOJlij I1-n.d threllteu ed lo llu nlsll his Oiled with good olTect III any muleNew Yea,'s Gift to rial ~h llt sulls the wcurer's fa ncy. Tho eou U lbey conllnu ed. p~tr~ d' to Dicta te I' wlln boy the co llar Is 1IIado ot ono 01' more ' whal second XlIctiy. e was 'rills st Turke y'. Highe His' Own "Cop y"r's {uthe bis palut If macle of on e matllda l LO d ls. h wIs matoria h ed,lis Cheering of the Mul. Potent ate-Re cital of eye lit up li nd s llal'klln g with . 1I~I,.er. the 'tul'IlOvCr port! n Is mbro id rcd titu<le Outside the ' So he continu ed bla Ir ritating .behav· by hund in French Imots . Tbe third the Country's Trials lor l!Olll !t mOL wltll the d Sired rC· co llar Is tlw usual stock collar made Roy.~1 Palace,Greatly and Tt i bulations~ SUit, anti Ilis till her, justly wl'atMu l, of whit linen 01' Illqu . wiLli Iho tie Disturbs the Ruler Some High Officials ' nds of s lrJped, checked , flgmed or aumlnis t ered n sound lhl-asbin g. ' " his d um tu· res boy Consti the of g od, \' ln ~eolore d )in on or gingham , as de---acbl \Ila Gr~n~ ThIs . Flee- Othe rs Are task eas rly. Ulld transfe rr d Lo his s ir d. 1'h puttern hi III three slzl!sCreat 15 1876 of tion Jailed Before They [llctu~e .lhe xllresslo u 'wllich he hnd small. medilllD and In rgo. In medluDl for Young Victory Hqw .4.Ett /leon ullo n tbo lace oC bls Indig· s ize No. J requires one bandk rchl et J Can : Party- Other Turks nHlll paren . iav, InclloS IIqllar ', wllh oue·eig hth Hi8 M~jesly FeElIs · \\Then hi s mother relll mcd from ' yard of malerlu l :3G inehes wide for Events in Revolution of ch urcll, . 'he J1I!lced the plci ure' tl'l· standin g band s: Or of one materia l Abou t the Reg~l Fonn of Covemt:nent. 36 InQhes wide. umphlln \lr before he~; bu t aaboug h it needs on ·balf Distress. rth astO~ II j:\y . cI and dellgbte d wilh II. s ho ~o. 2. In 'any s ize, requirm. one·fou lhoug ht it lIer liuty to Hcold ber son yll rd of mut rllli 36 Inches wido. and No. 3, a s 1IIl1st ruted, needs one·fou rth suver Iy for painting 00 a Sunday. more no tI car of pique 27 luches wid. wIth vel'. yard bow Young Ollie. co urt. This dOlle he Issued no tice tbal · tor the I:!col ding thun tor Iho beaU ng on e·hal! YAr\! of striped materia l nln lfI.iIPI"!!'!...- ...... X·OO URT A parlinm ent. rellr senting lhe pe')IIIe,' he lUld received in accomp lishlug his 01' mol' inches wid . or of ol1 e mate· TROLO OFlRAi j· wOllld, be held In 'the tall. w(\rk. and only hugged his motber d e- ·1'1 1\1, It needs one·halr yard 27 inches H DA'S DUL He had to iss ne the notl e ' hlnl!;eH, light 'dly in hIs e)(elleDion l al Il\; suc· \11' more wid . New V.OIlI··S or; for the. form e r pow r behind tho 'J'o p r o('uro th l" paLLern /lcn tl 10 u ntil r. fe rlng to the n "Pull rn D \?lIrLllI(' nl." ot thl" PllP be \ <\ ' hl)) ed JZ7.ot Paahn. his 8e~, ' uL t'Vrll rCI\lm tlll'ol1e-\ e lh Inlo eomlug r, fath,' His nllln and udLlroB9 Illaln l),. unll sultau ot 'Pur· -sm elllng the Lroulll by a tnt tb I junctur e. alld sllying tho IlOl·tralt sura fO Slv .. r~ ,,1\(1 I\lIllIUOr ot r)llllarn. rClIll'r key will be til" better method than thnt whl h tb .. of ,himsoir, was so sUI'J)rili "d Itnd ,formElr's head. el' pOSS ss (I, s l,lpped the ou o· I1l 0n~cd at' It lhut he lold the m ot ber nstl'olog I:':E ..... ......... .. . XO,253 8. ThIs is lb lind a f w IhlY!! la t.·e r was I' pnrLe ~ not to ~ 'o ll! Ih ' !Joy nn;: 111 are. lry bit la test ! . . III th e nlted Slates. N.\~tt!l . .. .......... .......... .......... ........ -.S IP S quell Ir, wllel\" I' til piolure news wireless ord er 01 'new' ' t II with great· the to of d us vIew ht! In n hown. Th s im· . .... tho from TOWN ........ .. ... .......... ...... .. ... things wi thin hIs r ealm, AW \ll 11 ' de Illl{ -!) tb f; lory of Y9UUS nl's plucky perlal Ilnlace u t adofl io· to ambass I' hIli onl ill ;; ' bome' attH. ' cali b a to ~Tr. I,;r::'r A;): D NO .. . .... ...... ......... . clded , al'ccJ!tnn l' of • 0 n Sll\uUuoVI . nt · foreign raIlltnla . Hen e not : Ion sur its !l11CCL) 5.-:You l~I ·S '0Ill\l8I1ioll, and IlJs vouche\! ST,\T £ ...... ... , ...... .. .. . . ....... . ...... .. IIgO \ve I' a d in Tll'ess d ISplltehes' lh al ror by l..ord HISh Ouurdla n of lJis Maj· recalled n b had ey n All E'd hlll Me To Preserv e Snap Beans. JestY '1I W earing ,c..p[lare l Mnf1d Mer blagton and n slIe saoI' a p CHILD' S BOX.PL AITED. DRfi:SS . Crom "'hllo lh ~ Il ulgariall s hav produce d , bamme d. who whisper ed the words til from l' call d Turk The nted. poI they , bleus lady c.ordon d blonde not 110 SIH1(' ially : k oros!! the pluza to a lllll nutionu l cap ital Is no .olher than he are u people of " fnculty, " and know who was .Interes ted in slart be(ore s creln!'y. and missIng the 'of .ther b how' LO mak tho 111 st of tb.e lr some· " ~h()l' t hrullt. Huda Into jail. It was ' XII ct c\ I.\S n. consllqu nc what In age l' food s up.nll el<. Itl the Jt a li came about In tills manuel': uler thaL the pal l' would connive toge in g of h ans. rl'e~ h or d ried. th l' cook At a I'ecent star cbambe r Ilession fiI; to tho best DIod e of pl'oeedu re in r,an '0 \1 n gl\' points to n ' Dostolll an. b etween his majesty and the court .1 PALAC E OF THE , fOI' both mlgbt be cas nt ese r p' lh sWtun II& way of )lu tLlng tbe tl uni/1· a lnforme bit" y Huda Til astrolog er. Previoll Iy every th~n g lllld, Jlo()ked made II. part ot the cOnSlgninent of \lP &nllp b'.::nlls (OJ: .winte r's lise , easy ; Jbnt as (ar as he could dlscQ.r1l by au 'ured well for frie uds of the sultan . Young corpses whIch lhe suitan had bill d and excollen t as to r esults. Th e beans dayligh t tbe or~ of the unlvers 's w re . Surely. tben. tbe re was no caUlie for sp lendId to the monaro h. 'Jrhe .hnl· 111 for tbo morgue ou New Ycar's (isy. his to objected t no bad Tnrks, landing .bim· thus to s, ized pOSition SOliloqu are 1'1 ked \\' hell jll!!t t lIu er. "s na ppy" correot ruler lr e W' 'n trouble, tbe with the plnnets TJ:ius by the fO(llgolng will be seen ag '. orc ,as he d clea n. strung :wd tlecurlly to the monare ti. solf. H o pnused and pondere d a.nd uuUl Huda soU II bad promise d thafthi ngs are In a bad way In Turl,e)". broken Into Inch pieces as though A fe w days later the Youn~ Turks tben lit up with a D OW klud of to· and 'm any of thnt party had .rather than be conntry -.~ h". e th leave to ready tor cooklns . Xow Lhe house wife tIIt&t'ted revoluti on. bacco. called to lIurgato ry by deca.pit atlon . , threads n cQu l·se. lIeedlo with strong fow dal's atter tbnt the su.1tall was Fifteen mInutes olapsed. As eaeb step In Ulls feartul condi· till' ali. antI in, Il ~irry strings t.h pieces . eOmpel loo" to -proclai m that tbe ' eq ual· "Ha, I see tt all," he whis pe red to of lIrok en teans 011 th tbread. As i:'Ight8 cODliUlutlon of 1876 would ngnlll the royal fox terrier. "Hudo's In bad tlon of th~lIga came. to bis: mind his ' royal highn 'S8 ' decided t'bat It looke!!' soon 8S Il. !Jcnerol lS loo p Is mad e ' It Is , ~ ?- tn forcl;!. TblB he did, wllb one wilh the stars," , darker for Abdul ' Huda's head a'nd also hung In the sUUljblne to dry. Tben In a loud voice: Second' s sn:fety, Wben perfectl y dr~' It Is laid away "COrpornl of tbe Impe rIal gua rd, rather dark for Abdlll bel n~ the snlta,n lllm6e it. . er laU tbe tbo Gust un II reL\.liy tor , u se. from front!" The n take liS many as ' desired. soak There' was no one e lse tb blame It Ip came the trusty baud, weallon s in In lukewar tn water several bour s, and on excellt tlle astrolog er. J-iad ' not his hand . natIons r otble · when s tho same as fresh beuns. cook B.icimes of plea, . aslrolo, "Hunt up Abdul Hudll,ro yal return of theIr ger. and bring him bence," ordered hIs pressed him for the loans. always been suffiCient 'to que!'1 Baths of Lemona de. . majesty . them? It had, and he , could see no Ills Huda. 1'he very lafest tblog In Paris Is fM Within a few minutes . status tban by reolemonad c bath. It Is 'suppose d to be trunlt pB.C'l(ed for his vacation , was 01 her rcasoll (or tbe I reason. origInal hfs tl,l turning well e, presenc regal ilie cooling. refreshi ng and benefici al. Into ushered Paris Pattern No. 24D9. All Seamll It things went wrong In this man· A pretty Parisian actress hns Instl· Imowln g that the signs had . been .-Mnde In linen, Indlanh ead Allowed league In been have friends must her ner Hilda tt\ted the raahloD. ot ,letting switcbe d under his eyes. Madras . checked , figured or colton, Ja. see .her take a. lemona de plunge. In a "Off with Ma bead !" sbOllted the with the palace caruarll . thI s stylish liLli e trock .glngham pillin /Ill bell. "dress, secret a liathlng at re ta)) cllrecloi " double S A eharmln sultan . risins from tbe dlvau. 8 I'vlceabl e fo r everyda )' wear. very Is rib· ~ube g yellow In spealdn with her ' Qall' tied up Fifh: n brown' forearm s pulled ' 16 order shouted down tho Three wide box plaits at tho tront and palace ca,Qlllrll : bons. she B1lt lind. r eceived her guests I!hining sabers Ilnd were ready to de· and tho omclal.~ ot the back ,give lhe ~equ.lred tullnoss to t ho . In a wbile tub d~aJled wlt.h yellow and II vel' the futal Mtrake with the SR llIe 10 were pinched . , lower llur't of ·the skirt. lind the point· oC piecell with e. Pasba': H17.a lemonad fill ed with l'eg\llar.l t~' that' governs eul)·to·d ate mel· ,,'rbi s rettnue Inchl<\od collal' Is trimme d with vel'y osrrow ed sur· the le mon peel floaing 'about on the form r minIsle r of ,,·al'. aml RAg· ' Tho 0\' colored cotton braid. oelrum... whito jm!Uy exalted Cnce. "Stay. slaves." quoth bls highn ess. hlb Pnsba . .one of t.ho hell lhll t 1,1I58es th rough strans ut the given was e ~· lemonad ·lce. ehalllbe of eO\lrt • -i\. glass "I would fain gIve him a WOI'11 0 rJlm· and 11lg hl y honor ·a under·a rm seams Is trimmed wIth sim· red the dig· to ' eacb ~l'est. ao~ f!>~ lhose who IZZETT PASHA . ish111 CI)t lIefore I om ready to deprive 1aim;. llE)ca ~I s.e he conside barricad ed i1sr braid. It des lrf!ld Uie llres!I may e would jOin In t he novelty lemonad be develop ed wi th biSh, neck and long hlnl of wha t lilli e gray matter tbel'e nity (lr hi s Ilosllion Rnghib within l)i 6 cyolOl1' e'e llal' II llnd desl\lte tbe Caet ,t hat lbey cheer baths , wero an:nnge d ' and 'directo lre s loeves. The palle rn is In fiv e slzos. m :I Y be l)eneath tbut bald pate, To hlms..,\f d. provide ' few nlazas from t.he rOY1l1 mnllslon 111 e snl tnn oilts!de lit the paiace until bat hlbg dresses ' I the dungeon" with hlt!"." " Ix Lo fourtee n y~ars. For n child of ABDUL HUDA. It Is scarcely likely that this [orm llf as di)a , ly' he has to empty the court water plteb· his sell to d prepare and Ih'e dresl:! requires 2* ultan s · y~urs the over. routine day's 1' he on the er up!?n tbl!m.· so tbat b.e may sleep In or th o bnt h will. ever become really nve ~ye [jinned urlon the threal thut II . r e.seated him self IIpon the divan and as IloHslb le. H e o'll'eneiJ fi re. yards of maleria l ' 27 Inch ell wide. 2*, 10 schem'o ing advertls an all but , b gave llea~ ! many of the, ~all 'f\Ir1dsh minds popuiar eruvlre wO'lld be lllsru[lle d by tt mal· tliought of whllt ball est be don e. Ilolic, but .hi ~ IUnrnlintti::m soon y a rds 36 in ohes wid e. or 2% yards 111 . ot the law ' es· ha" e ·)lullouoc:e.d. •that they ·'are go ing for a young actress It Is certainl y far Inches wide. with 8'4 ynrds of braid. conten ls . FInally h e decided that th r<l . could out and the minions royal presenc e, aW'a'y : from h I'e, n'ever : aga in to 1'& b etter than. lo st jewels. -Ne w " York centfl be no plnee just like jail as a plml sh· corte d 111m hllo tilo Then he fired the cabInet. '1'0 procure 1111. pollern send 10 pap r. :.. " ~: . ' : )' ,1 ': . ; . , : ' . SUII . meLerl oilt 30 clays an d co!;ls lu 'turn.,'· who to "Patlel'n D~ parl m tHl1." or thIs and there. d I"enmlne uda H so and mont, btl y. pH,Inl And UP lloluted a n ew one. ~ildrcsH anll ' nomo Wrlt~ . geon. dun royal lhe r ac. (orm he t trQuble, tbis· goos. a)! of ::Itory rn Howeve r, tlto And th e ell use sure to Ilh'c s lu und number or I'lltto . , Finally 1\ minor Ilslaco official at· the .<:9U llt .sQIl[j,l 5.l;·er's reo cord.lng· tel t lrose who sympaU il?o · \vith necs~se ' l! hl up Brush. offill' ng will Scrubbi stars E' th Electric: of !lludeot vitals 'li majellty tellltlb!d to locate bis lIny liS hIs sae rl· port har! been' ddelore d. lhe sui top' set his, moj e!!t)' , is none oth er tban Huda 'One of the latesl: electric househo ld between lite ruffies ot the lallet's coat he~d on \l:e w ,Y eur's BIze; . .... . .... ·...... . t he evil grac cs !lbout to cOl'I'al,lI lhe entire bodY or' blmseif: loto Is Il. , macbln e , wblch. scnibij, tlng' gel utell.lIs for flee of mull. d uboul the e kllf' Jaily who :.any ' l'::!·on. ll hangc or 1l'o1l6he stal'l;, NAME .. ........ : . .......... ... . ...... ...... :. 'T~l'ctore h.e Is pinIng away the . saIJdPa per's, waxes I~ach tlay as his Dlllj 5~Y smok ed h is of tbe e<t that the Idle hOlll's tn tho jail's 80lltary coo· kind of floor. ' I( Is. ,c1al\l1, long pipE!, dismiss ed these dlst urban oes · tloes the ToWN. : ........ ...... : .......... ....... , .. •. 11IJ.1!m ent pel1. plal'ing~! soll(alre with palmett o 'sc\'uobl ng br.IISh by a n ew shifting motion. tb lmpres· Iii. , lind Ibilt It STRlDE T AND NO ........ : ...... ..... .. . th e cov'e rs from, Turkish ' orgarett o work ' clellnly and I'apliily. ~ion b e~a)1 lo gsln 8 1r~ ngtb ' w ith' him as ' ln the comers the hi' e' effecUv as tohoves s guard box es'. "whlolr (tlJO thut a il WIIS n<,lr .sere·rie, . STAT~ . ......·.......... ... , ......... : ..... .. iddle of tho flool·. The ~dj)lstable wBrd him with 'W18 ,mnqna an4 , wnter , Thr USe of lhe w,ord ser li e: In h is pal· tbe.' to addllloh ., llIelude In twice a day. The ollly 8oJac~ ' whJph IIJUlIghl s Im medlale ly reca'ned Ule stat' . fcrub!ii ng brus,b, . a Dtetll wl·r o b e hnd on first en terIng the Jail was ,Too Early for Them. '" Ilr('dlcll ons of Abdul Huda. but lh on indiJm stones aud bolder. cal'b~'I"t have' that\"il hin t.wo monUls he would leoked up at Ills lif!! I'ol'tne r. Atlam no lle L t' f' llu··gaie l· wali to be fo und ""'~"I", ...':, 'fe()ce I>\lJlshiO'g ' pad, and a ~ull pack of !lards tor the y fUl'l}lshe<!. "NoUee d any cater pillars III the In llie emplrc'. 'fur lIad Iiot the imll nal ·use. .0 \ , him n box of cIgarett es . with eacb ,_'hrbOrUlldum [ta[ler. cut rearly h asked. 1:1tardlull of lh e 'rul'I:lsh .em plre tesl~d no apple tree y t 1" m e.a!. "I:hat Is , bis friends dith 'For Tile pO;'lfElr 'Ct'l~t is claimed to ile she al\8wer ed·. "No," ,biOI nl OOr li l ;;!.'::! and [ound Ihll l AI:· they provide hls·. Jl.lXllrles, wblle the more t.han one' oQnt au hOur. Curreot . "I'll go out an' .Iook it over." be ·mut. dul'l' 1'1'l'u i UOIIS were Ilh\'uyS ,bodily necessi ties are glllen by Is takcl\.lr Qnl 'dnY ' electrlc Ilgh f tlxture t ered. When be came back he shoo~ liclual !. fl l\, . In the niool.- popula r ·Mechan lcs: .. ~ ~ :.>, · ru·fer., !ll~s'elf: hili bead. "GueM" they IIln·t , been T he il 1I," 'nllllly lhC' sultan w IIlon'I' onl\' aBo he hilli t loltl created' yet." he sal d. (!lot had I!a~d ~l''' ~~ 'l r.t :l\~II'r I~~. Jd.llll hili . H0'te~.err . The Point of Villw. lht' FI'ILlI\\, pr ,:IOuij. trnlogal ' adell not Imow of hIs fate. and Tickled "G!ullo n!" ' blssed the worknla n as he. . pl'ohabl y will not until th : time Mar., l h r~ ~t nr which pewt nd Ll I'M BIIC' Ollt"tO r:nsM>d the wl,ndo\\' ot the rleh · led be anti .be away. kLm::w, · fM rntlin~ ly Stubb- lleeker Benus to be a great comes gm(IIIR'l war. wa favorite with thaI. 'woman s\llfragl st. riflee hla star'fill.e.<!. "Qranl,lIm to the ~an , dinIng within. flud . hull al ~Cl s!lld thnt within u ·tp\\, art whle!! he has stuiltt!Ct through out " "" tucky ' dog·! '}. .BI~be;d th o eriPJlle!l Penn-O il, yt!s. It 'is on account o~ tlwrf' woultl pl'Ub:lhly bp ,110 W(\ (')( " . .. · fl,eh 'ryLail ) 1l8 1)18 eyes dlt'l'lously tol· ~he preU Y comllllDlC;ID t h o paBsed her. his ~9 yaa'rs: ,: .• ~ .. Mllr othtir'~ 8trldlllg Jlown the Stub~Indeed! DId be tell bet she TIl l' bil!: IlilJlJI:r. f;n~!4{'t;Liv(~ o[ th" t •• Turks ~o he I~: a:towif 'lnlln '~tlli; 'iQwed' '~tl!e-: ' bls ' Il1nner p.~U ~n hla arm. was pr~tty? . bO'!'n of pi""')'. wru; ' I' th all 'VI' I , and being unmarr ied the.[e probabl y .treet with Telegra m. 'York would nnt have that -Nl'w no, b, Penn-O only H(iI him. It "'U 8 trm>, for had nul 1'!Lllla fn nil mourn will be (ew who st. He tolll sulrragl a WIth It? weight "aid ~)' ll1!; :.lI' "'I~e anll , ",0 bl'l acqualn tancel were court omclala , h81' to lIrace up aDd be a manl Ml'r(·IIIj'. th~ AWi!t 01\11. \\ hnlit· e . Wha\ DId HI Mlar 1 they had little loye' for blm' (or tbe l.5\'·uo:'t! WIUI 1\ ml'1I10ry of worl. , waR . "Youn, Bllrera , t. erasy abollt· • reason tbat be WOuld at every opporeoon to go Illtn a Ilerpt"tuul lotal take thelt predlctiODt from " II(l Ilad Abdul said. ..4
Sultan ·to Decapitate His ·C ou rt Astrologer By WIL LAR D W. GA RRI SON
Soothsayer Gets In Bad with the Stars and
· Is ·~. Now m
Escape -
---- ---'---
'peaks Ou t for the Benefit of Suffering Thou sa nds.
GRANT'S LAST MESSAGE. It Was Given ComrOlde' Holb'r ook for the Boys In Blue.
"T 11 UleOl
r love them as
))11111' n uhd they Ilre e ngr:l\'ell
lleal't." ,. That w~ Gon. O~nnt's la~t mesSage t o bls "BOYS In Blue," nnd It Is stamped In the memory of 11 Dol' bes· ter man, says the BOlllon Globe. Noth· Ing but death can efface Il. for It wus to this Grand ArDlY veteran thllt the be!ovcd hero at t.Ile country gav t.he words trom hlB beqsldo du r ing hl ij lat;t Illness. A. J. Holbrook, lhe retlrod post lllll); lo t: of the Mat tnplin, branch ot the BOl> tau Ilos t office. who lives at hi!; oit!' homestead at thll orn r or Dorches· t~r ',venue and 'Full er Rtreol , Ashmont, Is nJe " erson to whom t hi) message WIlS given. T!.:ut It ma~' survive fore ve r he hus liad It cut In the bdl!K or a lIiI VOl' dol· lar of the dat e' of 1885. wh en I he In ler. \'1 w look place, and this medat Is the mos t treasured possession or Ih e old lUan . He would not part wit h the melOtlnto. he Ii clares, for IIl nny Ihousand s of dollars .. 111 1'. Holbrook saw the gene ral In N e w York shortl y before his dea t h, when In the metropOlis In refe rence tli I he publlcaUon of a history o~ Grall 1'8 Jlte. In Which he Was Interest d. ' Ho t ells or his visl{ to the genera l as fol· lows: " I went up from the hotel I a S l xt~·· fou rth street. where the ge erlll h nd h I!; home lit the lime. and was u~h e l'ed Into the Wnlting ·I'oom whe.l·e I WOll recelyed by Col. Fred Grant. who. much to my dismay. said: '1:111 sorry . you can't SOQ the ~eneral to·dny, 'IIS be Is \'el'Y sick and I.he doctol' bns glyen orders that no one can seebIm.' " 1 xpressed my' great sOrrow, llut mad , the bes t ot It lind asked to soe lbe souveni rs that bad been ,)resenled to ihe stute by the general . and Col. Groet was I?lensed to extend this courtesy to me.. 118 soon as some call· ers Ullen iU rB. Grant had been dis· mi!lsc\1. " Mrs. Grant was In til ha k parlor, and when we Ilwe In I lI'asl ntroduced
t t
Rt'y. G. M. Gray, DapUsl Clpr gYma n, Df Whit sboro. T ex,. sllys: "FolII' year ll ago I s uffered mis , e ry wilh lumpago. Eve r y movem (l.nt was on of pnl n. Dbnn's Klll nc'), Pill s removed the whole difficulty nfter only n short time. AI. lhough } do Dot lik e to hnve · my name us d publicly. r make lin exception In this case. so that othcr s ufferers t ram kid ney Irou· tIe may profit by my xperle nce." Sold by a ll deale rs. 50 cents 11 box. Fast r·Milburn Co" Duffalo. N. Y. AN OPTICAL ILLUSION.
'I'hEl Profes sor-How rema rkab le! j can distinctly sell a man ie the mooll . What an exceedingly plain pe rson. THREE CURES OF ECZEMA. Woman Tells or Her Brot :~ .r'. Terrible Sufierlng-Two Ba ~ . _s AI.oCured -Cuticura Invaluable.
Beat Method for the Protection 01 • DIOImond StUd.
"An ar qllollllanc'e at mine had a (IU l;'c r expel1ence the OIlie r day," I; lIld a mnn wh o has no t milch faitb 10 any· thing. "" short tinl(' ago h ' wus In· trodnCeli to a. plc kl,ockeL by a lri nc]. . The pi "pocl\et It; oue or I he be~t In th e bu siness . " My trleud dIdn't think any t h ing more about h im. but t he other night lJe wus In l\ saloon. a fler he had been ' celebrating mos l ot the day . lie was pretty happy and tho plt:kpockel came In. My frlerid hod n diamond sHill In Ills lie with a screw attachment. Tb. pickpocket walked tip. " 'You may not rememb I' me/ he, sold. 'but I m t YOIl 'the oUler ni ght with BO and BO. Take a bit of ad vice . from mo. You may lose that sblner of yours It you're not caretul.· Then the pickpocket looked at the diamond. He Bald the screw attnch· ment would u't s top a good thlet from getting the dlamolld, but be could fix It. He fis hed around In his pock ets and produced a rubber band. whlch ,be tlt'd around lhe scre w. "'Now,' h e sold, 'i hey can only get your stone by biting It air: "
Physicians Recommend Castoria. CASTORIA has' met with pronounced favor on ,the part of physicians, pharmaceutical societies and medical authoritil3S. It is used by physioians wittt results most grtl,tifying, The extended use of _Oastona is unquestionably theJ result of three facts: Firat-The indisputable evidence that harm1ess~ SeDond-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates 1fue food: .'Third-It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Oastor Oil. It is absolutely sa.fa. ,I t does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narootio and does not stupefy., It ·is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's l)rops, Godfrey's, OordULl, eta. Thi~ is a, good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to ~xpose danger and record the means of advancing health. 'Xh6 day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought ·to end. ' To our knowledge, .oastoria is a remedy which produoes composure and health, by Tegulalting the symem-not by stupefying it-aud our readers are ~ntitled to, the iDformation.---:lIall's Joltl'na~ of Bealta.
Peonies as a Medic in e. P eonies w re orig;inally esleemccl less tor bc>nuty of bloom than for vaillo a s a medic ine. In recog nition of Its curallv e virtues, the peony was nam ed aft r Paeon, the physician or t he gods. An o ld writer says: "About nD Infant's neck hang peon le. It cures Alcydes CI'uell malad Ie." No r did Ule lise of th e plnn t stop th er e. tor peony wate r was esteemed a nd dra ok In by· go ne ti mes, ' though wbethe r as me dl· cine or w l' rely as ' a re freshin g telll' peran ce be verage Is more tban modern writers can Bny.
Letters from Prominent Physicia~s addressed to Chas. H. fletcher.
A\legeinbl.e PreJl1ll'8lionRrAs.
slmUatlng ~ Food illIlReeura· tintUte SIOOIadIs IlIIdBowe1s Ii ~
"My hrot!Jeor had eczema t hree dlf· INFANTS /(HILDREN ferent summors . Ench sUlllmer It came out betweeu his shoulders nnd down Cat.arrh Cannot Be Cured his back , l Ull he ,said his s ufferltig with LOCAl. AJ' I-'I. I ATI OS:':'. lUI t hey e:Lnnot r Neb was terrlh'S. When It came on lbe tbe IJCat of the d lse!LW. OltlLrrh IS a. 1.1100<1 or connt· third summe:-, bo bought a box ot tutlollA1 dlseA.M". rmd In or(1cr 10 cure It. )'OU UlUit lAke Cut! urn Oin tment. and gave it a faith· lntonl&l f'ClUedlett. H DII 'IJ :1tArrh Curb b tAJccn In.~~la~~8&M1 ~~~~::r 1!::on :~I~~~ q~~~km~~~ CuI trIal. Soap he began to Ceel. bette r ~~~~ chI(" 11. WOJI prL'SCrlbf'rd b)' on!! of tho ben ph)' 1I1CJAnl and he cllred hllns If e nti rely at ec· In \bll country for ),<""nt and 18 11 rcw:utu.r D.mJlr lpUon • IA corupcWktd ' ur th e bret t on ics known. combined ze ma " 'Ith Cutlcll ra. A lady III In· U. with lhe " ... blood IIurln..... n~ dl,,,..Uy on lhe . lIrfnf'C:8. The pcortPf't. ronll\lao. Uon ot t he dIana heard of how my dau ghter. mucoUJ 'wo lTUt r f'dl~nts l! whn l tU'f)du ~ Hue" wondr:rtu! f& Mrs. Mfller. had cured he r little son lui", &n (Ur l m: CIllArrh. Stnd tor t estimonial.. tn."C. .... •1. t·J"~ NP. \· &, CO .. l'rupo.. 'Ioledu. O. of terrible czema by the CuUcuJ'R. 8flld by Orul{ldstlt. prlC'C 7k. "LJ.k.e UaU'.. }o awlIY l~lllJ f or con.tlpatlOD.. Remedies. This lady's little one bad the eczema BO badly that they thou ght Mud for His, they '\Vould lose It. She use d Cull· Y('asl- I t Is said' Ie the r eal estate cura Remedies and they cured he r child entlrel)', and the dis ea se neve!' of Manhnlll1 n Island were divided came back Mrs. Sarah E . Lusl" Cold· QU UII )' IllllCl1lg li s Inhabitants. each watel', Micb., Aug. 15 and Sept. 2, 1907." In dividual wou ld o\\'n $220 'worth, a c· cord ing to ' tb nsseBsed val ue. Crimson beak-And r suppose It would On Trial. A Scotchman stood uc:s lde the bed Just bl! my lucl{ to get my shar" all . of 11:11 dying wife, and In learful ne· In mud ! - - - - -- r.ents nsked wos tbere an~1.blng be V.OUl' Druggist Will Tell \'0" could do for ,her. . rhnt Murine E~' Hcmedy \Ires 'Eyes, ,I1'eB. Sandie," she said ; ''I'm hop· trral",s \\' ~n k Ert:s trong. Oocsr. ' [. "lmart. Ing you' lI hu ry me In raeburn ki r k· ~lht! d Eye Pain Gild ~IIB fOl' /lOc. yard." , '·Bnt. my lass," be c ried,. "onl y Ullnk Even boardin( house landladiel of the' awtnl expense ! Would )'1' must payout gQ9d money for tbe prf.vl, ~ ,C opy of Wrapper. no be comfortnble bere In Aber· le&,e or boarding .tree t car•. d een?" , A He .. ",. 1I'oot-t;IlAe ,,, ltowde r "No. Sandie; I'd no rest In my Jj'OTt'wol1e n , "".Url« r~t. ( ilv(ttlt n at.unl rnHr: 'fhe grOove unless I were bu rled In Crae- utlll'aal IXI"d c r fur t h o fOOl.. ~ a~u.Jl Dru" ..." .... burn ." . "It's too mucb ~'ou'r e [lakin'." said , T elling the truth a CCidentally 111 apt Ihe loving ' husband, "and I ' cannot to be e nlbal·rasslng. promlQc ye ony sllcb thing." 111 ... 'W lnllo..•• Sooth Inc ~7I'op. "TII h, • [lnd ie, I 'll no give you Oil Y For eb Udl't'D toethlllJ, I OCl·I!DI lilt! A'uJU'~ routleel ~ pence lIll III my bonos lire al rest In CammaUun, aU_)', palD. cure. wlDd COlllJ . 2SoQ. bouu. my JlaUve pari sh." Tbe man who pays his debts III l rl\8 I ·'Ab. w eI, Mnsgl ." said he, ' ''1'11 Words En~raved on Sliver Dollar. 1u"t gle ye a tbc·eo·month trl nl In to his trust. 10 he r and she began shOwl~g me Ibe Abordee n. an' see how y o gel along.'" I'ellcs herijel f. I recogni zed some of lh ... Ilnif!lrms and s lIurs th at tbe gen· Hew Hammer of Death Struck JOImes. The old parish church of Plulllsteael .. eral hnd wort! at Fredericksburg. whleb h nR just bo ' n reollened, I~ prob· wher '1 "'as s tationed ver y n ear him. Ie· nncl wholl Mrs. Grant op enoll I be cabl· ably at le;llSt 1,000 Y ars old. Th net In which lh y were placed s he turesqu8 ch urchyard, ' a cberished contirmed my recognition, Slle then haunt of lho Il O(lt n.loomll eld during s howed Ine souveni rs of lhe gene ral's his vis its t o Sllool .. ·s lilli, colll.alns n 'trIp ab road, In which Ut ere were gifts deltghtfully Clholo "derangem nt at Tbis Beautiful pastel Free eplta\lbs." One of these. on " l\'Ta ste~ fr'ohl 19 dllIerent countries. in color., ll-1 r l7 to(' 1I(' .. , (or lImllcd' tlmo "Wben all had shown me , t hese James Darling, a/;ed ,t on," t eaches a on' ". ~·lL-b pound pa.c k aReu~· )l1\leJl'·' tltlnl>s I was about to leave. IHit } lesson of model'lIt!on lIhrlng t h e PI's· Uum". ff your dc"' llr b lu n ' ~ tile pIc· fnt che rry.sonson to tb YOllth ot ot h I' turf1S Heull top of pqund packu ge I j~. tIl QIl ~I\t I would tell he r or my 'wlsh to ) Ju le·T enUl" ll-orH.t nod 4c ""ltb lh-lll· plnces beMides Plullls t('acl. Spent,l ng see the general. so I said : 'h'[rs. GrAnl. er'lI DI\WC no.! ,·ccel.e ph,lllre FR E F , did yon know that no one h'a s ever hlld f rom hi t! tombston e, Master DarlllJg Pacifie Caut Bor.. Co•• New York. g:'lclalms : s lleh R. t;trleyed h eart at not seeln/': 1I 00lnll'\cr ....r n ,,:'lll w ns gl "e to me Oen. <1rnnt os 1 1 am going to Bee t.he Por e&lInlr tile ,-Iuorrles orc the tree." "UOYR In Blue" Bllon, \llld , wished to sec the genernl Ind lake back u meso MOTHER AND CHILD sage iIIrectl y from- hi m.' . "Wilen she heard t hl.J.l I w!!s going Both Full] Nourl.hed on, Grape.Nut •• to camp Ornnt s ho told m o t.o walt a .The vnluo of Ihls fal1l0113 food , is mlnule, ;wen t upstairs, a nd t ben came .do'"n again wllh tbe words. 'The ge n· shown ill many wn~' s , In addition to what might be OXllcct.ed from its chern· ural wants 10 see you upstA irs.' . "So overcome was I fit the (hought ical anaIY<ils . Grnl1e·"'uts food is malle of whole thllt 1 \'Ias to s e my commandol' after all, th aL I coulq hnrdly climb t he wheat amI barley. Is tboroughl y bakeU ·sl.!llrs . but at lasl I' wils ushered Into for many hours and con tains a ll the . I he gene ral',B room, whe re he ,\'a8 Iy· wholtlSome Ingre dients In th ese r.e Ing In' lied. and was talten ,to n cha1r r ea ls: . It contains also the pllosf,:latc of c lose to hi m. "Calling me Comrade Holbrook. he potash grown In t he grallls. which Na· asked ' me .how 1 had served and tllre uses to build Ull brain and nervI! ' whe re. When h tounJi (!lat I . \\' a9 cells. Young children require Ilroportion; ., wider Gen. ' laaae I. Stevens he . lsllgheel. and thail went to t elling anee· ,ately more oC lhis element becauso the The opening of the ROiebud R~.ervation, OctlJb~r :: i" \1. nnt, . dotes In which Stevens figure d when ' brain and I\ElrYOU8 system at the child . ' will give Qver SOOO pe-ople each a ,c hoice Camll in Tripp County, be anlI the general we re West Po'lnt grows so ravldl y. South Dakota, for a small sum per acre. 8311,000 acr~1 will be A VII. lUotber found the value of cadets. : He told me how Steve ns had opened. People drawing one of these farma muat pay '$I5.00 an In ' not only building. Ull tel' had tbe nickname of "Two··eYed" Steacre: one-fifth down, balance in S year.. Chamberlain and "relbo, vens fixed llrmly upon him' In' an ad: own strength but In nouris hing l~er South Dakota, are places of registration. Both Bre"Icic&ted OD the ,hortest line 10 the reservation from Chkallo--the yentUl'Il when the boys were outBldlt babr. at the Bame 1.lme, She wrlt us: • After IIW baby came"} did not reo the , acade~y wlt~ont leave one night CHICAGO and had att ended a . coloJ'e.d meeti ng cover henlt h and strength. nnd the whoI' the negro . preacher hnd an· doctor s ~!d I could not nurse the bHlJ)' nounced the loxt 8S from the 'one·eye I\S 1 did nof haye nourishment tO I' h '1', be~ ld ~s I was too ·weak. cha\1ter of' t we-eyed .Iohn: , RAI 'L WAY "He H al~l I might try a cbo.nge of " 'I'be general also showed' lIIe the The beal 01 tbetle lanell are looated In the nortl~rn l,art 01 Tripp Dlnnuscrlpt of hls ' meJt.!0Ir8. Wl!leh, he. diet and see what ,that would do, Illld County, easily reacbed from bolh Chamber!aln and, All IIIIld, he had written blmselt. although rccpmmenrled Oralle·Nuts tood. l pel'8On.. except eenaln aoldle .... mu"l be pre""nl in nne or these there were lome people who had tl'led I'ough t a I1kg. and U 9\!r\ It regu, arl)'. towns for registration. Presence III the drawling fa not required. 1\ marked change came "va r both ThOle who draw one oflhese farms will be notifted br r >ail. Rosebud to make It appeal' tbat tt was not t)le lIa!lY and I. folder, wntainint map, and giving full particula rs tT, e OD requeat. gll11eral', owe work. "Then I' asked the general If he hid ' ''My baby Is nDW four mvnths olet, F. A. !'IILLEn, a...,.rnl ,.•••• n •• r A•• IIto DI) melsage to give me to ,take to \.be III In fin e c·~dl1lon. I am nursing her . 011'0,,0. Ind dolrllt ,.11 my work and nevt'r 'felt eucumpllient at the !lays. at which bl! tOOJr me by beltll band .. raised hfm,elf better It, " IY life." "There's B ReBlon.", Name .,\,An by Postum Co., Bat!.:e 1 to bed, and then, with U lOb In hi, Oreek. AI)'·h. Read "Tbe Rc.d to Well· . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ ,~----~. . ""loe.1&14: rllle," In I,!egs. l
Dr. B. Halstead Scott, ot Cblcago, Ills., says: "I prescrlbfld your Castorla. often tor infnnts during my practice, and tina ! t very satisfactory." Dr. :William Belmont, ot Clevel/lnd, Ohio. says:' "Your C~torla standQ flrst In its c.lnss. In lIlY thirty years ot practice I can l!Ily I never have found anything that eo fille d the place," Dr. J : H. Taft , ot Brooklyn, N. Y. , says: "1 have used your Castorla ane! tound It an excellent r emedy In my household and private pracUce tor. mnny years. The formula Is excellent," . . Dr. R. J. Hnmlen, of Detroit, Mich.• says : "I prescrlbo your castorlll axtenslvely. as I have nover tound anyth ing to equal it for chlldren'lI troubles. I am aware- tha t there are Imitations In the field, but I alwaYIl Bee that lIlY patients get F1etcher·s." Dr. Wm.J McGrann, of Omaha , Neb., 8I11S: "As the father of thirteen chlldren I ~ertalnly know something about your great medlclne, and aside from my own (amlly experience I have In my YCllrs ot practice tound ca. torla ~ popular and e1Ilolent remedy-in slmost every home." Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, PL, says: "The name that your Castorla has made for Itself In the t ens ot thousands at homes blessed by tha presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endors&o ment of the medIcal protesslon. but I, tor olle, most heartily' endorse It lUll! bolleve It an e:tcellent r emedy." . Dr. R. M, Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., 89.ys: "'PhysIcians generally do not: prescribe proprietary ·preparatlonll. but In the case at Castorlamy experience. lIko that of many other physlolans, has taught me to mako lUI uceptiOIl. I prescribe your Castorla In my practice because 1 have found It to be a thoroughly rellable remedy for chlldren's complalnt& Aliy PbYBlclan who has rallied a tamlly. as I have. w111 Win me III heartiest reCDlIlo menda~lon ot Castorla...
ALWAYS Bem the Si:=gn;a.;;ture;;.;.o;f_......._~
ee_The ~d~~!a!~}~~!~ught "". oanaUII _ _. " .U......,_CT... _ _ _
'J ReacierS ~
- ---
Shoriast Line to Rosebud Reservation
• )
I \
..ythiiJc a.Mr-
~ ~ upon having what they uk (or, re(1lIIDII aU
tioed ill ita
aubAitutea or
i~ ....
DEFiaNCE STaRC"':-!:oo;~~~:: otarab"" 0 1 1 _ 0 Ilrlajl _the.
aDI, 12
WlDO'~S'unc!or N EW 'LAW Obl&luct
Free Offer
olthi.paperde.irin~ l~buJ
A handsome sepia-tone picture, without adv:ertising and suitable for framing, will be sent free to any address in the United States on ~Pt 2S Old Virginia Cheroot "cups" or containers and lOe in stamps to cover cost of Plaiting- if received before December 31st, 1908. You have a choice of fow: picW,res:
"Old Vi,glnla Colored Preaohe,· "Old Virginia Mam...," "alii Vltglnla lentJeman" C& Old Vlrglnla8Jr1"
. Send O. V. C. cups, stamps and requeSt for picture desired to Federal Cig~ Co.. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y.
O'LD VIR·G I'N'IA CHEROQ~S ere IS Cent Clg.... Without the He~ Therefore for • CaRta
•• ~. . . . . . . . -
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Sultan to Decapitate His Court Astrologer By
'Soothsayer Gets In .Bad with· the Stars and WISe Sage Will Offer
Up His Head as New Year's Gift to Turkey. Highest Potentate-Recital of the CoUJ'jtry's T ~als and Tribulations~ Some High Officials Flee-Others Are Jailed Before They Can Escape - Hqw ,His Majesty Feds About the Regal
Is ~'Now
Behind the Gone ancl' the:'Monarch Is Compell'i d to Dictate 11itone~'
His' Own
AS ·· TROLOGER AU· DUL HUDA'S New Ypar 's or· terlng 1:0 tho BuHan of Tur· key wlil ' be tli~ lorm~r'8 h ead . ThI s Is th latest bit of wireless • n ~wlI from til 1111 , perlal pa lace at Con 8lnutinol)1 . and It Is vouched [Or by T....ord High Guardian of Rls Maj· Jesty's W earlog Apparel M:afid MobammM . who whispere d the words beroDa the Vllllln to 0. tall blonde IMy who was 1nterested In start) befo re ~hey l'USt Huda In lo jail. It a ll came about In tbis munn er : . At a r ecent star chamber lies sian Iletwaen his majesty o,nd the court astrologer. Huda Informed the sultan ~bQt as fur as he could dI5c~r~ by daylight the orlls of the uniVer6~ wcr In tllelr corl'eot I)08ltlons, thus lending 'IIecurl~y to the monarch . , A raw days later' the Young Turks illta\'ted re\'olut!on. . A row days ~ter tbat the sulian was .• · -t!OIIIpeUOO" to lIrt>clalm tbat the . equal· tlChtll constJlufion of 1876 WQuld' uguln ~ , ln force. T.bls he dId. with one
COil rt.
1'h Is dOll he la sli d not ice tll •• parlia ment. l'e presentillg the pe')L,I",' wOllld b~ h .ld In th e lall. He bad to Iss ue th notice hlll18 U, for the formel' pow r behind tho thronc- Aehmcd Jzzet Pasha . his se~ retarr-smeliing th trouble by 1\ f ar b HoI' method than thnl whl Il thor a strologel' possesse d. sklllil dUll! ' oun, try and a fe w days Inter wus I' pUrtel In tb nil d Sta tes. . ! . The n In vIew 'of the · 'new ord er , .thlngs within his r coahn , Al7TIul 11 · (1 cid aI IQ call home· his amba sad or. at ' fore I n c apitals. He nce !lot : 10llg ugo we rear! In press dl spnt hes' th lll Mehm('(l All 1'I('y hnd b mi recalled 11'001 Washington und R. successor a'p )Joint d. The 'l'urk recnll ' II tram t h~ national capital Is no oth I' thnn the rdhor of the missing secrelm'~', and liS n con soqu nce It \VIlS 'xp cle d lhat the pnlr wouhl oonnlv together all to tho best mod ot procedure In tho. ll'resent case. ·fol' both might be mude a part or the consignment 01 COI'l)S s which lhe I;ultun had biliod for the morgue r.n New Yoar's day . . '1'~lUS by the fotl!golng will be seen tba( tblngs are In _ bad way In Turlley .
angured \\'ell tOt' frhmds of the sultan . Sureh', the n', tbere ' )Vas no cl\.use for trouble, tbe ruler soliloquized to . him· se lf. - He paused and pondered and Well lit up Wltil a new .klnd of to· bacco. F'lfteen mInutes elapseil. uRa, I see It all," he whispered to tbe royal fox terrier. "Huda's In bad witb the stars." Tben In .n loud voice: "Corporal of tbe Imllcl'lal guard, front!" In came the trusty bnnd, wennolls In hand . "Hunt up Abdul Huda. royal astroio· ger. and bring him bence," ordered hIs majesty. Wltbln Il few minutes, Huda, hlB trunl~ {laclted lor his vacation, )Vas ushered Into the regal . presenc , well knowing that the signs had been switched unqer .Ills eyes. "Orr: wll h his head! " shouted the sultan. l'lsing from· dlvall. Fifteen ·brown torearms pulled ' 16 shining sabcrR and wel'e ready to de· live r the fatal t;trake with the ' samt) regulari ty that' governslUp·to·date m el· odroma. . "Stay, sillv s,'· qu\>th hl~ highness, ' "I would fl'\ln gt vc blm 0: worso llun· )shmeJ)t before I am ready to deprive him of wha l: lillie gray mutter thero ma y be beneath that bald II ute. To ABDUL HUDA. I the 'dungeon with him.". . The. day's 1'olltllla ove l:, th e su ltan eye' I{lInn. ~ lIpon th e. throat ., mse If upon th e (II van all d , . . thut th e re·s eat c d II t)mV re woUI\! be dlsl'l111led Lto ulal· th 'I t r'M at \; d II t b d contents . oU.!!:.\ 0 I ""a es c one. . Finally he decided that th re 'c ouid Then he fired tl:1e cabinet. be no p Ineo j ust lIIiC jail as I\, 'plmlsb. , And UI)fJOlu~~ a new one. ment. and so Hudn r emained there. -'Flnally' 1\ :nlnor pulueo om olnl at· Howe vcr. th Iltor)' g oes. tho rorm er tempted to loca.te hill lOujesty's " lIa ls !ltude nt of tlie :stars will ortel' liP his be t.\yeen tlte rumes of thc Intter's coat llC1\ci ou NC'w Y 'ILi"~ dllY as . hl6 sac rl · or mall . . fl 0 for got ling' Inlo the 0\'11 g l'aces Each da)' as his, maJcsty t!m ok cd hi!; of the star!!. long Illpe. dismissed those dl sLui'ballc S br a new shifting · motion. tt\(\ 100pres · inn i.legaJl to gain slrength wlill him thut ·a ll was not 'serCI \l. The use of the wOI'd serCll ll In hI. thoughts InHn >dlatoly redJled ~h o tal' predlclionf! or A'bd\11 Huda, bu t lhc ll bo l!Ctte l' star.gazer \\:a ~ to b fOIiIlt! In lhe m plr" . ror had nnl lhe Imp ()na l It"tlUrdiltn ur U" 'l'1Il·1.l fi h e mpire t esl,!!l ,Wru . D1 <1 ny tlm'ss tmd found thllt. ,U 'lIllI'S lil'erJ lt"t ions we re always · tnlC ? He h ad. 'I'b ' l\ me nlally the Bultan we nt ovor ... hat hlK lullrolog('r had told him only th!.' F l'ldnr I)rev lous. Mara. the alar which portended Ill!' "'0.1', Wll ~ J{1'lld\lBlly rudlu!; away. 111I1l H\Jtlll had also aa ld thal wltltin a fp,w w"eks t hl' l'e w()lIlcl Ilrohahly be HO Mllrll. 'l'b e hlA' tlill l,!'r, Imgg!.'KLlv(' or th t:' b I'n ot plllllt~· , wnll bl'l~llt (> I' thUD 0\'1'1'. Il was traIt'. for had not Huda In nil hla '4'11'8 rlL\' lns ssld It ? . Mt'rl'llI y, tho swirl ono,' \\ ho~1.' ex ·
a mOlllory
w·'l·I•. was IIlla\ fl~Il\1I!(o. 110 had Abdul IIllld . . fludr... laslde l'euonlag bad also. de,.ntwat ulllou between ntl ,. UI, "'bleb, of courl~d . IlI:C was
1,(11'1'1'1 \1111
Cheering of the Mul. titu~~ Outside the R0Y-i;\l Palace Greatly Disturbs the RulerGr!lnting of Constitution of 1876 Is Great '. Victory for Young Turks Party- Other . EventsinRevolutionof F onn of Government.
~1'!'!iJ"'~~""X · O· OURT
ri~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~i;t.l . ·. "Power
eoon to go Into
: FIRS'r
a Beating in Ordcr to I" sure Ita SUC:CC5l1.
Jolm OVil', the Eugll ' ll Ilaln /or, I'll d ~crlbt' l i Il ~. a Dlall of hllllliJlr orll;ln, wh o aChlo\' '(I slice aH wl\olly b y hit, "\\11 gc ull\>I :lnd 1, l1 rSt:lVlll·HIWf·. 1'11c S'OI'Y of hl ~ IIrst , f(o,·t III tim ' Ilno :ul
·Practical Fashions LA(;)IES' AND MISSES' AND TIES.
a"L whl 'h :Ol'l rIVard bro ught hlhl ' fanio ho )' l:' lal od lu ok, flnll al'! ur LelceR. tcr. uf Il olll ham as (0110\\,5 : .'· Whe ll .a ~ lIIall' boy 01 ten or t\"elve' be was lett at h Ollle on ,ulldny arl • ~boll \\' I~II hit! lutller. whll his mot~. or w(lnt to hurch. Tile raUl f ' estab· ' IJsbed himse lf lu tb e pll rlur \\;Ith brs D!ble. nnd lold the boy to b? quiet. ~lld Ilmlll\tl .blm self. , , '; .YoUJl~ ..Opl , wbo had procul'Od some .'laintB, took ' ~p a posltton l1uob!ler v ~~ '~n the kI tc hen. directly oppos ite t-he paTl!?I' door. Very Qule ll)' be drew. !l portrait of the old mlln bending over his Dible, I1ntll be 11nd tlnlshell cvery· tblng exe Jlt tbe head, whe n he began running lJl\ckwnrd and for ward to study llis father's face . . · Tho old gentleman gr w vcry angry al thes uppal' cntly sen seless Inte rrup· tio.n!! and threatened to IlUn lsh bl s eon If ttiey continuM. This wal! e xactly. wha t Ib e boy wunt. ed, as he' wis hed to paint his fath c(s ye lit up and BllIl l' klin g with ,unger. So be coutinucd hIs ir ritatl ll g .be hav· lor lint II !t !lIct wllh the desired re· suit, and Ills lathe r, justly wrathful, adllll lll l;te l'ed a sound lllraslllug. • _ . This achle\'cd, the boy resumcd his task eng 1'1.1'. nlld traus! 1' 1' 'd to hi s jllctuve the lCllI' sslon wblch be had J.4.~ 11 llpon th tace of blll , ludlg· naut 'liiire ll! . . " \Vh eu hi s mothe r rClUI'I1 d from church, . 'h o place d the pI tlli'e trl· u lUphall~ly before he:-; bil l although a s{ onlily ~d Ilnd de lighted with It, s he thoul;h t It her duty to scold he r s on s \'crely rol' painting on u Sunday . · Young Oplo. how vel'. al' d no more ' tor th e sco lding than for Ih beating h bad rec Iv a In IIccomllll shlng bls wo.rk. 'and only bugged hi s motbe r delightedly in his excite ment ul Il~ sue-
Pari s Patt rn ",,0. 2538. All Seams Allow cl.-The tlrst (lollar Is made rtom a IUUldlterchl f not loss thUll 13'1:, Inohes SqUIII'O, but If desired It may be devoloped with good erroct III allY malerial thllt suits t be wcurC'r'ti fancy. The secollll coll ar Is mario of ono 01' more matorluls. H mild of one ma~e rlal tho 'turnov I' .llol·tlon Is cm brolderoll by hund In I~I' nell linots. Tho third collar Is t h uijus l s tock collar 111ad of wbit . IInon 01' lJlquo, with tile tie ( nd s of s triped. ch eck d, flgu\' d or plain ·colored Iincn or gingham, as dosir ed. Th patlern ill In lll ree slzesRma!l. medium und large. In m dlum ~ Ize o. 11' qui res one bandke rcht t 13\1. Inch S squuro, WiUl ono·elghth ):ard or mllterla l 36 Inches wide for standin g blind s; 01' of ono material It n ds olle·hnlf yard 3G Inobea wide. No.' 2, h\ any size, reql1irr~ s 011 fourth ya rd ot mut 1'1111 36 InChCij wid . and No.3, ns JIIustra led . IIcedti Olle·foul'th yard of pique 27 Inches wid, with on e· hult yard or IOtrl llcd mnt a l'llIl nino or UlOl'e Inches ",idl', or at oll e mate· 1·lnl. It n eeds ol1 -··ha)r yard 27 Inches or mar wide. 'Ce\;s. : To procuro tlll A llaUern 8end 10 eontll His fath,' r. comlllg· Into th o roo m 'a l tn "PuU"r .. D ·" lInuw n!." of lhlll 1)IlP r. Writ 111111)0 nnel udd l' ;S~ pluln l y. IInll be Ihls j Ullctu re, and spying th e Ilortralt s ur to Ifl YCI IItz'J It nd nllm () r of PIltU)rn. r .h IIll RO lf, was so surprised and 1110 :16 d M Il th at ho told ilie mo ther N .2538. SI :': Fl .... ............ . not to J;co lJ t h ' !Jar IIn~: 1I101'e. -.SJl bseqn a Iy. \I'll II \' r th picture N.\UJil .. .................................... .. "Wal\- .shown, h ' us d t II wit h sreat '1·0W1\ . ..... . ...... ............... ... .... ... . l\lli:;!l tll !llory of ~'(lUug 01'11 's Illllc ky ftcCCI t an , t' o! a b Ut~ l1 ~ hi fmlel' to la· ]'p. I': t::'t' AX .O . ' ... ......... . ........ .. sura Ils ~11 C ss.~ Y IJ U ~~I 'S (·OI1l11ll.uIOIl.
ST,\ TE ...... . ... . . .. . . ... ..... . . ........... .
. To Preserve S'1ap Beans. . VI' hlll' th _ BUigarlans havo prod uced no specially not d cordon bl li S. lh py are a l1t'Ol'IO of "fucultY ." und know !Jaw to make the nl at or l helr soine· lVhll.t m it I' rooli sutmJles. In tb ~ (luoklug or lP:ms" fres h fi r (l rled. they nan ' v on g h'e point s to a ' BostonIan. ']'h c~' hav a !llIiqllt) wuy of p utting ~p &DUP b'; alls ' fo, "Willt r's us . ensy and ("xc lI ent ns to retiul ts. Tho beaus' are pi cked whon just tend r, "s napIIY" ag . Ilr wilsbetl ' c iean. strung and bl'ok~1I Into Inch 'plecos us though ready tal' cookl ug. Now the house wlre tbrea ds a COUI'S . n eedl o wi th strong tbteall, alld In II ~lfry strings tho pieces ot brok n t~ans on the thrend. As Boon 8S a cenerous loop Is made It Is IlUng III tile s nnl}blne dry. . When perfectly dry It Is laid away trom the c!U!lt un"tll r eady tor ' lise. Then tako as many hs ' deslred so'all In lukewai:m water several hou; 8, and cook the same as fresb beans.
PI' vlou Iy vo~ytb!ng 'lInd .roOI,ed. spfendld to th monarcll. 11he Young 'J,'urks had not Qbj e~te d to bls harem !lnW Huda got III bnd with the plnnets and many of that pal:ty bud 11romlsed to le ave the country mtlltel' thnn be - ,. I." • callod to purr;atory by deciapltatlon. . As each 5t p In this fearful condition of tblngs caDle to' his mind hi~ royal hlghness ' declded that It looked' darlter tor Abdul' fIuda s llElad and also rather dark tor Abdul Sec()n<t's safety, the ,lattel' b eing, the sUltl\11 hlmsolf. . Tllere was no on e else 'tb blame It on except Ole -astrologer. fIad not bl s plea ot sickness when · other natlon8 i>rCssed him for the retu.rn \>f their loans. aJwlIYs been sumcl«: nt to Que))' ~h~m? 1t had, and he . c()ul:1 . see no Bath. of' Lemonade • . at hel' reuson fol' tbe status than by re- . The very lat.est thing In Paris Is tJVI turning to lils original reaiSon. I monade bath. it III : SlIllllosed to be COOling, refr' shlng and b e nellciai. H tllin gs went wrong 1111 lhls man· ner Hucln must have . he en In league A pretty Pal'lslan actress has Instl· with the palace cam.arUla.. tuted theAEishlon.ot Je~t!t;lg hoI' friends see bel' take a. lemonade plunge. Tn a A double tap at a BCclret bell, an cha1;'Dling"dlrectolre Iiatblng "dress, ord I' shouted d«?wn t he splealdng t~pe with her ' hair tied up In yellow rIbund t he, omelnls or the paluce oa"l8r11· bons, she sat and r eceived h er ' gneRt!! la we rC.l plnohed: '. .. , ' : II) a whit a tub dr:aped with yellow and 'fhls retinue Incluclod Riza PnSh~; . tilled with Icmonade, with pleccs of the former minister of WIll': an!! Rag: lemon peel floalns 'I\hout on the sur· hlb Pashlt. one of the ju:s lly. exnlte\i [ace. Itnd highl y lianaI'II cOllrt chtunber, .i\. glass of · I~ed lemonado was given la11'1 8. Jleca\lse he consld.e l'ed th e digIZZETT PASHA. to ' eacb gu:est, and rpr lhose who nity (If hIs poslLi on Ragl'llh brlrrlclld'd . would join In t ho nov Ity lemon ade hlms~lf. Within Ills cyolon cenar It and desilite the fac t that tbey cheer bath s . wor(l, an:a ngcd ' nnd dlrectolro few . pla zas from t.he I'oyul mnru;lon the sultan 'outside of the palacc until but hfng dress es provided. 'and prepltl' d to ·sell his life as dearly he. hns lo e lUpty .the court watel' pitch . Iii· Is 8can;l'ly Jlkely that thIs Corm as 110sslble .. He oll'e n oil t1r·e . 011 lhe er uPQn them so tbat. lI.o may sleep In of .th,e bath wil L .e ver become ,'elllly' Jlolic~, hilt lli R amm'lnltl:lI1 so!!n · Ipl,ve peaco" mlLl1!y of the tnll TW'klsh rrrf d popular, but as nn adverlisln g sch em'c out and the mlnlonll nf. the law ' c s- ha';:e~nrtnounClBd that 'they .'it ~ s tor a youn g nc t re~ s It Is certainly Inr corted hint Into t1w royal presence • . ai.v·(l·Y:· trom he~e' Devor : Sgal~e t~O :::. hetter than lost ·jewels.- N IV York who met d alit 30 <lays and cos ts In ·(urn." .. ' :" . ": . "'.,. " .. SUTJ. the royul dungeon. ,. . ' '. - . , Because thil Cp'III:t ,s9Iltilsa'!'e " • .\nd the causc of 01l1hls th?ll'!>le, nco purt hnd bee,;' cfo'(i-U;red, th.e s uI oOl·tllng. to those who sYUlpathlze . with ElectrIc ScrubbIng Brush. about .lo eorral ~ \ho entlr body of hls, tr,lajesly, Is none other than Huda 'One of the In~est e lectric household utcn*lIs I!I 0. .• machine . whlcj1. scrubs. Imnge rs'OIl, who dailY It'n[,~d al'out the hIDlt;elC, '~l'efore be Is pining aWIlY the sau!lplIpel's, wa:xes or polishes '; any Idle bolli'S in the jail's solltar), con· kind of floor . If Is .cialmod that- tbe filj.fment. pe~l, playl1lg,' solltalr'" with ))ahnatlo sCI'uJiblng br,ush {Joes . the tb o covers ' from. Turlds&" clgare'tte work cl eanly und rapidly; ·-and . \h;1I: It boxes. "whlolr "tile guard shoves to- 15. as el'fectlve hi lhe· corners us In the ' .. , ward , him with ·'Ills manna anq : water 'wlddle of lho floor. The adjustable twice 1\ day. The only solae!! ' wbJph : Ir,lclud e In addlUon .to t.ho.'· pal. lie bad on first e nte ring the jail was Ecrublilng brush, a oteal wIre thnl within two months he would avt~' I '-bflisll : . cal'b~,:'i1il9um stone/! and holder, ,lIeece polishing p.nd, and a full pack of cards tor they fUI'nlslled 111m box : 'o f ' c1~l\r,eltes . witH', each ~a rborulldulll paper cut reudy lei use .. m Oll!. T/lal ' ls. b18 ' frteilds did. 'For The ' PO,Wt;r 'cost ·Is . !l)ahned to bE! ~o . tbey provide his. Jilxurles, whlle th e marc than one' cent an hour. 'Current Ifutnal . hodiJy n~ce8sIUe8 ' are gh:.eli· by Is talren .Irom ';iny electric IiSht ,fixture .. ~ 7 • • . In the r.lom.-Polmiar Mec\;laolcs. .; ~the. ·ruler.. !llin~elf: . HQ'Yi!ver I~i; rt ]>e said tllat the as· tr010ger"aoe8 hot Iniow of his rate. and The P,o lnt of VI~w. be .llrobably wllJ.(!!,OI until the' time ·"Glutton!". blll~\!d tbe ' workman a8 comes for ' klm, ·w, .be led out - to suc· be l , nS!.~ d the 1\'lndow ot tho rich rlfice his ste,r·fiH.~~ "¢ranl.urn. to the man dlnln:; i. . ltbill. art. whlc.!! . ~I!' .b~!I st~atM Ull'0Ilgh9~: .. "·J,..UCkr dog! ':...1I1~llfl the orlppled his ~9 yearll. ..' :'. .. rich "1Tl3n ;1I'S his eyes (Ji1\,lously fol· Turks go he I~: a.:ioudf'fnllh '~t;li: ~rQ",ed" . ~e': other :; strldlng pown the and being unmarried there Ilrobably .treat wtlh bls ·tlInner p4.1l 0:1 blli arm. WlU be 'few who mourn 111m. HIli ollly -Nt'\\' "York T~gram. acquaintances were court omdahs, and . .. , they had little love for hIm Cor the Wlla\ DieS H, ·Me., 7 realon that he would at every oppor"YoUDg Blffers I, era11 about· I tunity tAke their predlctloal (rom their mouthl and turnlDI them Into Ilrl.'· "Who II abe'!" IUgfc Turkllb wor411 ratul'D tbem .lIIlet." the lultaa as ..,1811 Zo.u.c.
Paris Pattern No. 2499, All Seame A110wed .-Madll III linen, Indlanbead cotton. Madras, checked, figured or plall1 !!Ingham, this st.yllsh little frock Is very serviceable for ev'e ryday wear. Three wide box !lIIlJts ilt tho tr~nt and ' hack glvo th e r eC)ulred (ullnes9 10 tho lower part of th o. skirt. and the point. ' .ed collur Is trlmnled wi t h very nnrrO?i white or colored cotton bl·nld . , Tho belt .thllt. lJU SSOS t hrough straps nt under'lInn s eam s Is Lrlmmed with slm· liar br&ld . It des lr d the dress may he dev.eloped wi t h blgh neck and 10Dg s iceves. . The pat tel'll III III five sizes, six /.0 fourteen year!;. For a child of fiv e ,y~ars ' th e dross r equires 2!l'& Yllrds of materlllJ 27 Inche!! wide, 2* yards 36 Inches wid e, or 2 ~ ya~d 9 42 Inch es wide. willi 8~ yarrls or IIrltlcl. To procure thl'; pllttorn sentl 10 I'entll to "Pattern Dcpiu·/n1 Qnl." or this papnr. Write I1nm o nnl'! IIdtlrcSA plainly.. nnd bit 8urt) to glyo II tZ~ !lna number of J'alt arn. lITO,4!,499. .
slze; ............... ..
NAME ........... , : •••••• " ...... I' • ••••• • ~ • •••• ••• • ,
TOWN.,...................................... .
'STREET ,AND NO ....... .... ......... :·.. . STAT~ ........, ..... , ........ .... ...... ... .... ,
Too Early for Them, Adam Icoked up at Ills .lIfe 111t1't1i r. " Noticed anY cntcI1].i1l1:t'rs In ·tbe ~pJ)le tT-ee yet?" hu u ~ ked . "No," ' 'She answered. : . . "I'll go olit all' look It over," he muttered. , When he camo back ho shook 1)1s head. "Guess they ain't · been created yet:' he said:
Stllbb--Deeker S()I'IIJS to be a great favorit e with thar. Ivoman suffragist, Penn-Oh, YUB. it Is un account or I.he pl'ett y comllIiDu:m't h e passed her. Stubb-Indeed! Did he tell her ahe waB pretty? Penn":"Oh, no, that would ' nol have any weight with a sull'ragl8t. He told hef to brace up aDd be a maD! All ' Natural 1,lIevel'l. We are aatur81 balleYera,
Ol.. £R~VMAN
'peilks Out for the Benefjt of Sulferin g , ThouEa nds.
GRANT 'S LAST MESSA GE. It Was Given Comrad e Holbroo k for , the Boys In Blue.
, J
"'rell the m 1 love tll em all m\ ' own hlld re n and they are ehgra~ e n QIl my hearl.'" • , ' That wns Oen, Grunt's last meBslige to his "Boys In Rlue," a nd It Is I!tampe d In ' t he memory ot a Dorches · tel' mnn, says the Boston Globe, NotbIng but death can e!r!lce it, for It waR to this Orand Al'my vete ran lhut th beloved bero of the country ga v lite w'o rds trom bls bedshlo dut'ing hi s last Illuess: A. J. Holbroo k, Ule r tired poslttllt s tor or tbe Mattapa n bl'anch of th e Bo! tau poat office, ,yhO II ves al his oil! homlliltead nt t ho coruer at Dorch es· tel' ' .veu ue lI nd Fuil er s tre t, As hmont. Is t\lI~ Ilerson to whom fh e 111 s8age watt given, 'r ~' at It may IIurv lve forev e r h e has hud It cut In the bdl!k of a s live r dol·' lUI' of tlle dnte or 1885. \I'll n lit Int r· "I ew took pluce, /lnd this ru dol Is t he lIIost trea s ur ed possess ion at , the old lUan, He would not pllrt wit h th mem oto, he declare s, for Ill AUY t hou. 1!H llds at dollars. ' Mr, Holl1rook s(l'IV. the g noral In N ow York s hor tly berore his dent h, whell III HIe 111etrollolls In re.ferellce l ' 1he publica tion of & his tory of Grant'a life. In which he \Vl\8 Intereated, 110 1e1l9 or his Visit to the general as r I· lows: " I we nt up from tbe botel to Slxl y· fOll rth street. wh(ilre t he gene l'al hod 1I1H home nt the time, and ,wall ush I'ed 11110 t1l walUng rOOD,!, wbtl)'e I was r ecel ved by Col. Fred Gr nt, \\'ho. ruucb to my dl8may, said: ' III sorry YOLI cnn't 8 e the general ,to·dft y. a s be 18 \'ery sick aud th doctor bas glven 'orelers that no one clln lice ~Im : " I ' xpresse d my great sorrolV. but mudo tbe best of It and asKed to see Ule sO UVenl1'8 thM hnd been Ilresenl ed to the stllte by tho ,ene~l, a nd Col. Grant wus plensed to - ",tond t bls cou rtesy to me, as soon as some callers urlon Mrs , Grant hlld heen ', dis· mi ssed. , " Mra. Grant was In th e btlck parlor, aud whell we CIUll O In I was In troduce d
Wo rds Engrave d on Sliver Dollar.
' ,' "
Pb ys ici an s 'Recoml11end Ca sto ria.
Beat Method fo r' the Protect ion of a DI;amond StUd.
,Rev. G. M , Gray, fJalll'i Rt lergYOll ln. "An ar ql\uln(a n e of m lno had Ii Df 'W hh e8IJoro, T e x.. sa YI;) "Fullr ~' ea r !l queer \lxpl'l·l. nce tbe (11)0 r du), ," lIald ago J suil'll rml mls. a ma n Wil o has not mil h ral tb In an y· ery wlih lumbago, thln r;, ...... short li m ' tjj.;1l h WU.S III· Eve r y m oveme nt ' troclttcCt\ to a pickpoc ke t ul' a rrlend. was ono of pn ln. ,The pl.ltlloCk t ,ls oae lJf Ibe bPIIL In Doan's KIdn ey Pills tb e IJ1lsl oess. rcmovQd the whole "My t r l nd didn't think an ythIng dim ully aft I' onl y more about him" llll~ t he other ni ght a short tim C'. AI. he was In " saloon, uriCI' lie' h a d bn n lhough 1 do not cel bratlng mos t or th o cla y, H ' was like to h avo my pretty happy and tho pi ckpocke t ca me nam e used publl ly, ,In. My trlend had II. diam ond stU ll In r make llI\ exception in t his case, 1)0 his tie With a scre w attMhm ent, Tn. that other sulrere rs from kidn ey Irou- pickpoc ket walked , up. hie may protlt by my e xperien ce." "'You m ay Dot re me mber me: he Sold by nil dealers, 60 c nls 1\ box, 'sald, 'b ut I met you the othe r IIlghi FoaP r.Mllbu rn Co" DulTalo, N, y, wltb so and so. Tako a bit of advice from me, You may loso tha t shineI' AN OPTICA L ILLUSI ON. at yourd If you' ro 1I0t careful .' Tben tbe pickpoc ket looked at Ihe diamond , He said the scraw aUllch· ment WOUldn't 6tOP a good thl r from getllng th e diamon d , but be could fix It. H o fi s hed around In h is pocket s and produce d II rubber band, wb lc h be tied Bround th e screw. "'Now,' he said, '( hey cnn only get your s tolle by biting It orr: ..
RIA has met with pronounoed mvor on the part of physicians, pharmaCASTO ceutioal so,cieties and medical authorities. It is used by physioians with:
results most gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria. is unquestionably tho! result of three facts: -:il'st-The indisputable evidence that it is harmless~ 8ecom'-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food': Third -It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely ,safe. It does not contain any Qpium, Morphine, or other narootio and does' not stupefy., It is unlike Soothing ,Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's; Oordial, etc. Thi.~ is,a good deal for a Medical Journal to sa.y. Our duty, however, is to expose danger and record the means of ailvancing health. The day for poisoning innocent ' children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Oastoria is a remedy which produces, composure and health, by regulating the system-not by stupefying ,it-an d our readers are ~ntitled to, the information.' . Hall' s JOl,i lnaZ of flea-Uk.
Lett ers from Pro min ent Physicians addressed to ehaso H. fletcher.
Peonies as a Medicin e. Peonies we re orIg inally esteeme d les8 for beallty of bloom than for va lue a s n m edi ci ne. III recogni tion at Its can distinct ly see Ii man in Lb e moo n, curative virtues. the peony was named tift r Paean, tho ' physicia n Whn t lln exceedi n gly plaIn pa rson. of tbe gods, Au old wrlte v says: "About an THREE CURES OF ECZEM A. Infnnl 's neck hang peonle. It cures Alcydes cruell maladle ," Nor did the Woman Tells of Her Bro t ;~ r's Terribl e lISO at tbe vl::lnt stop th e r e, tor peony SUfia r ing-Tw o Ba~ , ~. AI.o Cured. water was es teemed and drank In by· -Cutlc ura Invalua ble, gone tim es. thou gh whe tb or ns medl· cine or m erely as 'a ra freshlng tem"My brollier had eczeml\ three dlf- perance be ve rage Iii more than modern t e rent Bummer s. Each summ er It came writers cun sIlY. alit between h is shoulde rs Ilnd down hl8 back, 1 11 :1 he ,said his s ulferlng Catarr h Canno t Be Cured was tarrlhie , When It came on the wl t b LOCAL Af" ' l.1 T JO N . M tilt ) ' u nnot rf'aeh the IeOt o f the dl.te e. Cn ttu rh Ilf tl b lood or t onsll· third sumUle:-, h e bou ght a bOl( of (uliOnal d lSea..~ . a nti tn order t o curf It )'OU ulua .. talee Intentlll reln lodl ~. lI a ll 's a t :\rrh ~ru 11 tA ken Cutlcur a OIntme nt ancl g ave It II fllith. H·mtlll)·. In· and n r Ut (1IrC'rtl pOn t he blood Bnd mucoul ful trial. Soon b e b egan to feel b etter l'Iurfs.ccs. ll:tfl'8 ~Un frhy uUn! 18 not 1\ Q\I" ~ m oo ... r.:. It wrut Ilrr3Crlb{"d by one o f th e bte. physldBbI ond he cured hlmsolt entirely of ec· cln In t ill.. oourur)1 for r CA"' and IJt a teI.."U tur Vrckr lptlon. l:t compoeccp or the oo.t>t onics known. comblnoo ze ma ""Ith Cuti c nra. A lady in In· It. w ith tho brJIt. blood purln C!rA. ncUmc durrtly on the diana tl card at how my dau ghter. muoout 1'I11r r.. ~. 'r1 I(~. IH'rCf't'L oomhlnuUo n ot the two lIUtrL"l1II'nu. lIJ ",hilL proouCf!!' Much "'underlu) f'& Mrs, Mill 1', ha d cured h er littl e son lulw tn curfnt; catArrh . Bend for t Hf lmonla.1J. tree. " , .1. C ll t~ N F. Y &. (.-0.. Propo., Toledo. 0 , of terrible eczema by the CuUcur a S>ld b, D n urU:11flll. prlro 75<-. Remedi es. This lady's little one had T.lJIe lLt.1I'1 ~'&IUII )' PUll l or COlUltipallOl1. , the eczema so badly that they thou ght they would lose It. Sh e used Cut!Mud for His. Yeasl- It is saId If the , r ea l estate CUTa R emedies and they cured he r child enUrely, and the diseas e n ever or Manhat tan Island ' wer e ilIvlded came back Mrs. Sarah E, Lus l" Cold· Ilqu ully alllong ,Its Inhablta nls . each watel', lI11ch., Aug. 15 Bnd ~e pt. 2, 1907." Individu al wou ld own ,220 wor,th, ac· ordln g to tile nssesse d VrullO. Crilltllollbea k- And r sup pose It would On Trial. A Scolehm an stood b side tbe bed just be m y luck ,to get my sharll all at !.J !II dying wite, anti hi teurfu l ac· in nl ll d ! <:ents ns ked was there an r thl n g be Your Druggl lt W ill Tell YOu could do tor her, ' '·Yes. Sandt' ," s M said ; " I'm hop- rhot Mlirine l <:yc l~ e med)' Curcs Byes, tog you' ll hury m e in raebnrn klrk- r.rll ltcs "'"uk Eye~ trOllg, DOI!~ n · L Srttnrt. "",olh '" .Eye 1:'lIi" nnll I:)eJla for 00c. ynr<l," "Dut, my laas," he cried. "onl y think ,Even ,boardln K house landlad lel of the awtul expe nse! Would yt' must pay Ollt good money for tbe prkvlno be comfort able bere lu Aber· l e~e or boardin g .treet cara. deen?" "No, Sundle: I'd no r est In my grave unless I were bu rl d In Ora()o burn." , " It's too much you'r nskln'." sald T IiIng lhe truth acciden tally In apt the loving bUHband , "and cannot to be embarra ssing, ' IITomlto yo any such tblng." M rtI. Wlnl1o .'. SootblDIr 5JTop. "Thon, Sandi e. I'll no gj\'e you any or cblldren l c e lblnlf ••oftoo. the 111ml, Tod'IC!CI ~ peace uutll my ba ll S Il!'e nt rest In FC!,mm&tto n._ll.IYI patn, cure."lD4 colw. 2)6. bOlUa my Il ntive purl sh." "Ab, \\' l'1. Moggi '," salel h e, ''I'll The man who pays his dabts III tr~CI lust gl e yo- a tilre ·month trllil In to bls trust. ' Aberd ecn, an' s e how yo get alonc.':
10 her and sbe began showlllg me (he r e lics h e rs Ir. 1 recogni zed some of the uniform s nn d s pnl's that lho gen· Hevy Ha mll'\er of Death Struck James. Th e ld paris h cburch of Plumste ail, e ral had worn at FI'ederl cks burg. whe.r I "'us stotlone d, very near him, "'hi It ha s jnst been reopen d. Is prob· and wh II 1\11'8. Grau l opened the cabl· ably nt leost 1,000 years old. Tho pic· net In which , tb , Y IV I'e plac d s ite turesqu e churchy ard, · l\ ch erishe d conll l'med my ro cognl~lon , She, then hnunt ot t he ItO t Bloomfi eld during s h ()wed me souven Irs of ihe ge neral's his \'1 It s 10 Shootl;! r's Hili, contolu s a Irlp ah road, In wlt10b th ere wel'e gifts de llghtfnl ly rholc ;'dC'rangement of el'll lt(lhs." One ot these. on "Mas tel' from 19 dlffe l'cnt counlrle s. "Wh en ab e Ilad shown me th e e James Darling , nged ten," t oaches a lbings 1 was abollt to leave, hnt I lesson of modera t Ion during 'the tII'OS· thought 'r wodld toll her o'r my w ish to ent cherry seasol,l ( 0 the yo uth o( othe r see th~ gen 1'111. so I su ld: ·Mrs. Grant, "laces b ~I d e s Plulllstoad. Spealdn g did you knllw thnt no o ne has vel' hlld t rom hiM tOll\b5toll , Master DarlllJg s llell n grl('ve d heart at not seeln,g fl,"ehllms ; Oell. GI'llnt liS 1, L am' going to see th e ' Vfih ' ,}uun 11lC' r o r ' f)C' a l h wns g h oe t o me For ea Hn" t he e hr rnes ott th e tree! ' "Do~' s hl Blue" 8C1on, and I wlsbed to see th e ,general n,d take back a 1\1 0 8' MOTHE R AND CHILD sa ge di rectly from him: "When s ho h eard tlmt I WO!! gOing Both Full:! Nourish ed on Grape.N uts. to canlp Grallt she told Ul t o wlllt a The value ' of tbls fa mOlls food Is -minute , want I! pstull's , and then caml) clown again wit h the "wordS, 'Th ge n- shown III mallY ways. In addition to ' 1'01 'wants lo eel'! YO II upstnlr s: wh at mll,;hl b espccte d from Its cllow· "So overcum e wus 1 ut the thought leal a na lys is. ' thal I was to a e my comman der atl I' Gra lle ·~uts food is made at whole all, ,that 1 .could burdly "'climb ~ b e wJtellt an!! bUl~oy, Is ·thoro,i.t'ghl y bal' !!c.1 stairs. 'but, at 'last ( wiis ushered into fill' many' haUl'S a nd contain s all t he ll1e general 's room, ,wher~ he wns Iy· wboleHoine Ingredie nts In' tb ese r:e ,In g In bed,' and Wll.& talcim to II ellnl r r ea Is. ClOR to hi m, ' It' con ta ins also tile [thosl',;la tu of "Caillng nie ' Cqmrad e H'o lbrook, he', 'potash grolVn In tbe -grlilns, which Nil' nsketi me bow 1 bad ser\'ed and l ure uscs to bUl'ld Ull bra in {lnd nerve where. '~ben h e foun~ thilt I '\I\'as cells. ' , under G~t1 . , llillac J.. Stevens he Young children r e quire pr.oportivn· a' t aly ' 11Iore o[ this becauso the laugh 11. and tben w,e nt to' telllug ~nec: brain an d ner\'ou8 element B'i_'stem at the cll!]d ' dotes III wh!ch Slevens figured whell he qnd the ' general were West Point gro,),s so rapidl y. cadet~, He, told mo how Stevens had A Vn, motller fpund had the nlcknaJ:l1e, of "Two·ey ed': Ste- Grape·l" uI H In not only the value of building lip her ,vens fl'xeiJ' ftrmiy upon him In an rid· ,own 'strel)g lh. bU,t In nOllrisi11ng bir venture when . the boys we re , outsldll baby' at the same time, She ~""It\ls: the ncadelllY, withou t leay~ arlo ni ght ·~AttC!r illY baby catnt;l1 and had ,ilUeDded a cOlored .. moeting cover hfln lth and strengthdid not re-. amI the wlle.t'() Uio negro pre!1cbe r had an· <1octOI' ij a!q 1 could riot nurs~ tb e' h rt b)~ noullead tho (ext as troUl the 'one·eye as [ ' <1111 mIt have nOllrlsh ment tor h 1', 9hallter of two-eye d .John.' bellides I was too weak, ' "'l'hn general also allowed lIIe t he " 'He !;uld, J might try a cliaage of manullciipt or 'h is m~nlolr8, i 'lIleh. he diet and SPO 'what that nld, he had written hlm'self , althoug h r,e commel l(l ed Grape'Nwould do. anll uts rOOt!' I the re WO~ Borne people who hnd; Irl,ad I'ought 11 Ilkg. and US\l r\ It regu,arl )'. to make It appear tha~ I,t WaH not the ,\ IDlI.rkfld change came l'Vor botlL I"neral '. own work. , , lIaltY and .1. "'IIhen 1 asked the general If he had "My bah' Is now four m"nlhs old, nu meBllage to give me to !ake to the ,Ia In fin e C''''bdltlo n, 1 am nuralng her encamp ment cit tho boys, at 1\'hleh h o 811d dolll\l( .,11- my work imd took me ~ lIo\b bAllde, ra.ised hinlleir lIelter It. " IY lite." ''There' Dever felt 8 :1 Rea80n ." 10 becJ, and ' tben, wltb n IIOb In hll Nanm ... ,·f1n !ly Po, hIm Co., Batl!, aald: Creole, M'''h. Road ''The Rca4 to 'WellrUle," In "kgs. ' a"4t"'I~.llLth ... abo".
'A\1!gelnblel'reparaJlonlids. Slmllali,ng tbetbod aOO~l.U:
Dr, B. Halstea d Scott , ot Chicngo . Ills., says: "I havo prescrib tld your Castorla often tor Infants durIng my practice , a nd finri :t very satls!all tory." Dr. William Belmon t, of Clevela nd, Ohio, says : "Your C~torll l stands first In 1ts c1nss. In my lblrty years of practlco I can say I n ever have found anythin g tbat so fill ed the plaeo," ' Dr, J. H. Taft. of Brookly n, N. Y .• says: "1 have used your Caatorl a an4J found It nn excellcn t remedy In my. househo ld and private PlacUce tor many yenrs. The formula Is excellen t." Dr. R J, Harnlen , of DetrOit, Mich., says: "[ prescrlb o your Crultorla extensiv ely, as I h ave never found anythin g to equal It for chlldren 'lI troubles. I am awnre that tbere are Imltntlo ns In the 110ld, but I alway. Bee that my patients get Fletche r's." Dr. Wm.J McCran n, of Omaha. Neb., says: "As tho father of thirteen chlldren I c:ertaln ly know somethi ng about your great medlcln o, and aside trom my own family' experien ce 1 have In my years of practice found cu. toria a. popular and emolent remedy in aimost every homo." Dr, J , R, Claullen , at PhUade lphla,' Pn.. says: "The name that your Castorla has made f~r itselt In the tens of thousan ds at homes hlessed bT the presQnce of children . scarcel y needs to be supplom ented by the endorse ment of the m edical profession, but I. tor ono. most hearUly endorse It and bolleve It an e:tcellen t remedy. " Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Pbyslo lans general1 y 110 not prescrib e proprie tary prepara tions. but In tho case ot Castorl a my C%perlence. like that of manT other physicia ns, has taught me to make an eIceptlon. I prescrib e your Castorl a in illY prac~lce because I have fonnd It to he a thoroug hly r ellable remedy for children 's complai nts. .any pll781· clan who has ~Ised a famlly, lUI' I have. wUl ~Jn me 10 heartleB t nco. mend8t lon of Castorla ."
Bem the Si::gn;a.;ture~o;f_ _~_.
, .~ The Kind You Haye lIways:Bought In Use For Over 30 yea.... ' .
Copy of Wrapp.. '
'l'MC O.IITAUII 00II ......., ' " . "....., .,...CT. . . . . ~..,.
----- --J
ohhiopaper deiilill~ '0 bllJ
• uydilllil edver-
tiacd ill ita coIUIIIDS tbouId DiA, upoD having wh., tho)' uk lor, reluaDll .u aubtlitutes or imilalionl.
STIRCH -!~DOY::k'':: la
, -other .ta rob~. 001,
"DaFIA Noa" o pl'1 ......
WlDO 'VS'Ul lc'lor NEW LAW Ol)w...... PENS IONS 111.J~rt.~~B.Rl1l"
This Beaut iful Paste l Free In ' color!l. l ih17 lu('h ("J. fo r llrnltc4 tlltlo on'v,wi lh pound va · kILKe"~"O· jUul ~Ten.mtl Hc.>rn.x. It :vour dc,,,l e r hu.s n ' t t h e pie .. t Uf Ct! eeu,1 top of PQund pl~ckn::ce u!!U. .fu lo.1·eulU Jjora ~ Aud 4c. ''''I~b d('u.l -
,cr'H n lll1l e /Lnd
\'ecel,o pllllur,fl.' FREF , Pacific Conal Borall Co,. Now York.
(1908-3 7)
"Q , .,."",1. ,'. c,.", ' F~~e
"Old Virginia Colored,Pr. aohl, · "Old Virginia MamDIJ"
Rosebud Reservation
, The o~nlng ' ~f: th!! R~~ud R~.erva~ion, October ' \" 17, 1lt!1tt. will give over 5000 peQple eacb 'll cboice farm in 'tripp County, S'o utb Dakota, for a small sum pe: acre. ' '838,000 acres w!lI be opened. People drawing one of these farma ,mutt ,Pay $6.00 an acre: one.fiftb down, balance in S yea .... ~hambe'rlaill' and Presho, SOuth Dakota, are placea of reg;stratlon. Both are -located OD tlie sborteot UDe to the reservat ion from Chicag c_the
The best of thee lancJa are lC'eated In the nortl.em part of Tripp County, eaoily reacbed hom both Chambe rlain .Ind ",ellla. All pe,..,ri., except certatp sdldlera, mbst be present In IIDe of thes~ towns for registrat ion. Presenc e I1t ~he drawing Ia nOl required. Tbose who draw one ortheeef armswil l be notified brr >aD. Rosebud folder, COD~ lOp, and giving full partJculani oo'request. p, A. FI'LLE R, a.l,1.rIIl ...... A•• n.. elllce.O , ......
" ,
Of fer
A hands ome sepia- tone 'picture, witho ut adver tising and suitab le f~ framin g; will be sent free to any addre ss iIi the Unite d States on recejpt ' of 25 Old , Virgi nia ,C heroo t "cups ',' or conta iners, and lOe , in stamp s to cover cost of mailin g- if receiv ed before Decem ber 31st. 1908. ' You ,have a,choice of fo~ picfur es:
Shorlast Lina to'
"Old VIfiIf~ Ii........ ... " "Old VIrginia 11rI"
. . . . . Send O. V. C. CUps, stamp s and ~est for pictur e demred to Feder al Cigar Co., 111 Fifth, Avenu e, New York City, N. Y. ,
. eM EiROOIr:S
.,. II Cent C ..... . With out the Hell llTher elo,. a lor II Cent a
.. I
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~ - ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Harveysburg. •
Schwartz's Mo·n ey Saving" Specials CANV AS GLOYE .
.. " .... , . 7c a pair OA.I' ,', ... , . .. , .4e cake o D LEAD PENCiL,' ... . "" .. " ............. 2 for5e MACHINE OIL. rel!,ulur lOe size .. ' ....•.. ' " .5c a Bottle IRONING .wAX, with wood handle ... , . ... . . ,. , . ... for 5e 4 QUART ENAMEL PANS .. , ." .... ,., , tOe Each COl'HES PINS, made of good hard wood .. . , . . , ... le a doz . MILK CRO K , , . . .. ,". . . . ", . . , , , , . . 7c Eaell TIN ' UP .. , , .' ' .. . ... " ........ .. ........ 3 for 5c SEALING WAX ...... .... ...... ... ..... 5c a Pou'nd GOOD TOIUJr SOAP, regular JOe kind , ...... , . . 3 for 20e 'AFE'fV PINS, all sizes .", . , ....... . ....... 2 pkgll for :ic FIWI1' JAR JUNGS. IOc kind . , , ... , . .. . ... ' ... . 7c a doz. FRUIT JAR RlNG . 5c kind ......... , .... "" .3'c a doz. HASTING THREAD. Blaek only " ., . .. , ..... .. . ,' . lc Spool HOUSEH LD A~1l\10NIA .. . .. . . . .. .. ...... . . ... . 4e Bottle LEAP PENCIL 'fAl!LETS . . . . . , ... ,:.,. , ......... . lIc Each
:i~;I.':f B:::~~n:~~:: ~~;~t~oncert
church on
I Stotre I W News. .
m~rried man wbose ~ket bR,s Broon\l- -Job lot.
ISc .&.~h.
Ww~ell ,thsese are gone.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ...,._.,...._ THE
Inter weet ·Pota.toes.
Kn~wn Newspaper in the 200,000
Popular in Every St""te.
'Iheyllre III pe.rrect
Ilk pet qv&.rt.
We are oll'ering. a Iptof fancy Ca pe Cod Crallherries.. Ollr seleclIOns will pleal'o you f01: tJiese are
Us · Your Eggs.
of '"
ball.over 200,000 yearly lIubllOl'il;lerll
, dollar a year.
Write for ,...
~\1111111!11~·_...I.1 t.~::-(;Q"~~.:~,_;:~~~:=
___::-_ _ _ _ _~-;.j!._~1
, FOR SALE FIVJilauw'.l wlth pill", "lid 50 litoolt bo,tI. Fur VIl-i:&lcultlrs 10qQire of 0 . L. Ricke, , HAVE rec~IVItd I1notber 10l of Mootll-lIl1 horB611 fbls week •• ~tl they wUI be foulill! any time. 'l'b~~ ' lIOunu. good.slzed bon-. Ii ,~c;t 4 years old. J, B Ob"pm .. D. ·1
I. , FA'!~e!5 f:re~ ,~~'~~dlJ ~~~!: ;,!:
G R40 , E LINO, OLN" "
*~**".'**:t.*':i?* '. '
, ,.
"With two Iota. Inquire of MI'$.
Wa)'n~8VUle, O.hIO.
James CJw:k , Corwin; Ohio. NYTBIN6,to reDt-at
I A '1
.,' *
_ ,' , J:JooJ<ed. at th., ~
~,~pt..·~:~~; '
EI~trJ~ .' .
rhl!4ter, on
. .
'l'bat lla8 never bllAn IlppolPp.Hs~ed
by thou·oC
t·he ·oPpolllt.e 'seJ!:,
,. 1'bhl lltt.Je woman 'b ..... al80 enlltlll4 lor till" Iiellion ilOrn8 hlgb.olu.
A ttraciioDS
'!'ba' _re the VOI'Y beet aDel 00' 01 tbe breltDaf)". ,
, .
' . An Aventiig IIpent iat tb'e Electrio w.i.b ZULll:LJA will relieve 'your mind ' of. tbe little petty ~orries of 'tbiM life and give you fOod 'for thought and IItn"y 118 to bow , ZUI~1lU.IA ~n hold ,ber auillollOA spellbound aDd mY8tify tbem all lib e d(lell.
J? +" e s·t ·i 'd i g ', i ta,t i . O, ~
~,.,,,,'b"..... b......
25 and '26:.
be oonvlnee4.
,'t', AgQOdopportnQttY~letl'8.iolIed
Va u d 'e viiI e
LOST THII: opportuDi$y f9! ..."mfo, tba" U J08' will b;lDtr rnu)y ID 'llie
" , *' ,"
These people oome ' lllgbly reoommeDded from 0\lr ~lIiig~boring tOWIl8. ', ZULELIA, wbo bOll a ,nation!,l ' reputlltion as one' of t~e olev', erest ludy magloillns, introdncet:l mlloy tricke in "
*'*******••**! ~~;~n~:'.:,:-o:; ~:l;~uo~"~
ble,lot, paatare,prd ,6ddll"': ilqy'bt~ ., aU. Tbill 11' 'be oDl" medium to 1188 io olde&' *0 les reaultll
•. fobaooo. For parllonlllriuddreuor Ibone Glizetle omoe. . TOBACCO farm, W ac:t'ell. · Dr. Grelli8prloiboro. Bt.U phoDe
DWELLJNG 8()U8i:of ftveroolnS
But is prepared to show a nice lind of Trimmed Goods and accommo-
date h, er, customers as usual. ,
I •
Guaranteed Shoe Sola
Ilnd III circulll.ted in all pnrtt! of th~ .· 15' 20 '. . ~, , . ' United ! 1n ' R,ldll.ion to the .-til ZSe a. , PI~I"-. news. the Bllld" pnblishee short Ilod Each 'pair put 4P ' a 8erial .storles; and I)j"u, depart. arate paste board I.. ox . menta of Jnattllr' lIuit.ed to :~vel'y ., member of tbe 'amil,·, Only one package ot lIails.
YOUNG omen of ightdfju ,Ytlillnl lind 0 r, ~''t~o PtiS811l lJar· 'ridgeUo., blC·. Mill Ohio, Work light Bnd ole.u • Go aDd comfort"blt! hUhl • "I()(l.~loul. clcse to tbtl f.o,o'l AddreA A•• ilil!t"nt MaDill( :&&,, '8 All''', Obio.
Miss 'Grace Lincoln 'desires to say she will have no formal opening in "
best on. the market. " In Wlltly rellpeohl tbe Tolel1o BJII~le Itlthe most rerullrku,bte weekly news Fre.h From the Oven. PII~er publisbE!d in the Unittld :states It 18 the only newspaper ' espeo il~lly , .' Unee;"i BiSCUIts, G~ahatD find Lemons, Oranges. edi ted for N ~,ti(jn8i oirc UJIl tion. If. Oatmeal L.:rar.kerp" , Reception )lils had the largest cirouliltion for 'CREAM CHEESE." , FlakeB. Cheese Sandwiohes, more yellra t,ban allY newsp"per FRESH CAKES, print.ed ill America , FurUlerl\lor~ Frosted ' Coffee ' akes. Tea ~is· AND CRACKERS OLIVES PICKLES it is tb~ ohelll)tlst newt:lpllper In th~ cuils. 'Nabiscns, Vanilla Waters world 88 will be tlxplllintlli to Ilny person wllu will write us ,lor ter-ms a!1d Iced Honey Cakes, NEW MINCE MEAT, The News of tbe World so ar: NEW CANNED, PEAS, " ranged tbllt ,bulIY ;eopl,e oll'n 'm ore Fe.~ke~ Dv.ter.. 25~. NEW CANNEl) PEACHES , easily oOUlJ}l'ehend, thlln by 'relMlmg ·ii'uJl12 in , feathers ,+" Ne:atly ' cum bersoUlO ooluUln!! of dl1i1itl8. Krug's ,Bread-Fresh every day AH ourrent tQpics ; Itlade' .;I"In In' and c~m! rully nut to"ethe~ · J~~t elloh i!lsne ,by spooi,,1 editorial milt. what YOII lIee_d this clultv Wllat'her. . ter writt.en fro ·.ll 'illceptinn down to· . Purt~ Spices I dllte. '1'l1e only pllpor published es. Glall and ,Putty. Pure Pepper l>eoia.II.v: for poople ,who do o,r <:lp.not N '. . 1 • . ' . read dlilly n,ewsl>a.~rtl;aod yeH-blrst • ow IS t 1t! tlm~ to lonk .after. When you a ,barrel of for ft~ct!!. Thllb'·'bls .Ind VOllr WlllUOW t.rlasH. Any . Coarse Salt, don't forget neWII)Jl1per is popular, " proven .by f.urnished Oil short notice. , we have the best,. the faot tbllt the Wee~ly Bltlde now, .
Cabbage,' , OriiQDS, Bananas, ,
" ! .. ." " '. i -
N . . .' , ow 1S the hme to ,
United · States.
v~ur Sweet P~tatoes for ~~llIter. condl~!on. LEDO B LAD E N. co;., .,dm,". "'ju,db.""
'fhe Befit
nL.;' lete,S'
Jersey Sweet Potatoes. IItdiana WatermeloDs, Homc-:glown Peaches. ~ancy Ripe Tomatoes,
No Formal Display I 1 .
gU~ts of ~ ~:'oland and wife. ~
Sowe Ulen don't S8em to have. mnob to live for exoept to bny c:ake ~ for theIr WiVA8' POOdl. ~ , ,
Servioe!! at tlie Cbristill.n obnroh lber arre8ted. Hegular 20c broom, ' ''ook WOOletiOle8 the ma.n wbo pRt!se8 in a:l the party had, ' therefore the . Evening. 8ubject: "A Fa.mou8 ~ bis .oheoks forge~s to {lAl\$ in one btl low price. No more to be hlld
the Center neighborhood were 8un- . -
.. ~
Wayp".ville. Ohio
_u u. "" ...........................
sick list. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O.lesOOB of Jt!"
Ibeen ploked by " woman seldom bll A
,R S C H
Phone 153
Cheapest and Best.
ive Ortle IDOl' UIJ UlII as 5h'- ullloe . • ~ .. WAN i'ED. sewin" 0 IlI1 killdil to doMr:4. relUlOnable J)rtOlt-,N , Villi lind tlee JameeKerriOIt, ard I;r.., w'I1YIIU 111_. Obi/). property.
15c 'and 25c.
All are cordially in, owe8 the grooe:,_ .
Evel'ybody goes to Hirsch 's Meat Shall .. because it is the
-------....;;;,.--~:--WAN'rED f,tl bllrrow. u()u
~=,g Man."
MI. will b e 11I.~ rted under Ibis b .. :o(l I"r IW~"lv · t1ve Ct:Jllll ~or t.lJrt'e IUKerUon • wlien u..t nll nol D10fll:tb_1I five lin •• ,
Reef, Ft'esh Pork. L am, b S mn k ed 1\,1'l eat
I A~~ertl.~IIl.D~. I I« ... I . Will ~~. ; I II' ..
Lew Bolland, of,~pring Valley has tM!~~~.~. . . ~~~~. . . . . . . ._ pU'rchased the property known as ~-.w~~~""fi~~WiIf'''' ~~ the old tavern at:ld will (lpen a hotel . there. '1 . 'ted ' df F ran k Rob mson an aOll Y VlSI JobnJ~nkin~andfaJllilvoftheKing. ' ~""~M~~~""~"'Y • ' ' I' ~~~~ ~RC"~~--=-"'~ man nelgaborhood on Su'r\(:l~. ~ • Mrs. W. H. Icenhower i.s on. the ~ ,
You the rest, now .see the best
Has t he best hnl! of selected meats in,
Haydock on Fridayeven- . .
Rawl'ey a traveling
The Butcher
_ .
of about thirty young pea-
at Lebanon Saturday
Thurs. 'E ve, Oc ober 1.
SUDday morning and evening.
Everybody Uses This '
-S""-:"H"--- I
- - - ----_. ---
pIe from Spring-' Valley were enter- ~ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~
Bigllncle,Tom's Cabin
1'~--. I
New Burlington.
He d t e oao."" of Hlree r 0 U8 ., more pel'for lUll ou the Dr OrgRo lind t,w8nty.fl ve centt;! In ell vel' or po t""ge lind we will mflil Yllll post,pllid our Intest Populor Mu Ic
I It I
A party
GJlIo~Dds, Oakdal~
M Alf d Ed d ha returned _ ', r. re war S ' to his home in Georgia. Dr. 1. N. eal and wife returned ~ Thursday after a montll's visit in ~ Indiana. Mrs . Robt. Carr and Mrs, Quincy : , Carrol left Tuesday for Wellingt.on, Ala ., to attend the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs, A. · ks L H en d flC ,
onliug Ululer Big Waterproof Tent
()I~ F~~
Miss Bertha Harlan attended the
U(lu~ro!lll l
!Itt' ngt,helling III (11 Ine abo ut It. I , . 14 I n lilY m t ber'l:\ CIls~ ~ mftrked 'o,in Roll oontalning 20 p8~e8 full Sbeet l in fi e h blu;\ r ' lllted, in80mni ll btlli Music, oOll sist,ang of popuhn 8ongll, huo n o ver OlUU, lind !lhu it! dt IIdily I MI~rohe8 and Wli\t.)\~ IITruDged fur gr?wlng str(Jll~er . " Electrl.c Bitters I the Piano or Orgll" l.oolndl~g RUIl. qUI ckly r emeuy lItoIDIIOIJ, live r IInu , \I • k id ne ' complll,ints. 1::)61d under KN A U l!lR s famous Flight. of tu P, Itullra~t 1\ lit F , " • hWtlrt'l.·ij drug Blltterfi I6S," " Mn,r ch MllIlilll" Ilml t fl re , rIoc-. I tbo lotest populur song. "The Uirl __._ . _ _ Il've I::)eeo." rphis 1111 b('(;ll\ II "1' nt. ~tlMltll1 for POl)ULAR MUSIC PUB. CO. the ml1l1 uohind ~he g oo . I . Indlan~polis Ind.
.children are visiting her brothers and sister at Lebanon .
('( In
tained MI'. Arthul' List rfrom atur-: I day until Monday. ~
Gum Drops , •.• IOe a pound Caramels •.•• IOe a pound Cream Kisses •• tOe a pound Jelly Bcan .•. lOe n pound , Marshmallow Pickles.IOe a Ib
Band Concert in .Evenlng on Main
Column ~f;~i:'~:i1:::::':I1;:::~:i~u.u.til~nc•••••• for Quick ReSults' I '
\olasses Kisses .. IOc a pound
~ I, . UhicIlgo, tolls of 11 WilY to bedtron g: Li RUYd: "MV motileI'. wht) IR (lltl 1111\1 WIhl v ry f e lJl , 111 d r l 91ng IUnoh b Deflt fro III Eleo, tr w BiM ("P. UI"I, 1 1001 iL 'l!! m~ duly t il 1011 th nSfI wlJtI 11 , e~l 11 t,Olllrl Il~d
Ml'lj, Helle i.'ish r Mrs. John Up\) , • . .' , and ua\Jllht r, (1' m l.ahf~1 ma, weI entertained Tu >sday e nmg t.o su p, p r t t he home of amll I Sto p , Mrs, Am . ElIiR if! nl rlaining , . '. . .. hel SIster, ~r . Llilt 1 from Ine mnati f I' a f w days. W. A . Meni t is lIjuying II yi!:lit ftom his mother uf pringb 1'0. d d f M rs. Fl oy d n erson , an 80111 0 Da ton ar h r6 for II two weeks visit among I' lutiVl!s and friends , Mr, . and Mrs. Chas. Judy?~ ~n ' Antoma , T xas, are hel'e vlsltmg their many friends and relati es. Misses H len Harris and Mary
How to
I' .•1. lJlIly. uf
t :
waOL E NU MBER 2\1 7
~.". ~~ .~~U• •·U.UUU~--~~U
-w A R R EN C O U N TY
U._U_.U.~~ H~~M.Uii«
"I •• •~~~.R.R.RR• • • • • • • •R • • • • • • •R • • • •R • • •"I~ I
GOE~ D RY BY 130 ~"
Ar,coI·I1in :l. t.n tll n whole cO lln ty I I,lio w et voto OliU lli fr~IIl ' t' ! I t< PERS ONA L MEN TtON . Wllrrcll's KOillK IIry, f amily b 'at t he Harveysbu rg . cllIlIl try . 'I'll!! tax IIu6ilti ou !leeml'd Praise IIIe Lord to h~lp liS, MI'. Hoy irons was a Le banon vi~· Fair ? to out r i n to he uuntr oversy, Ilnd Th e Baptist :dh!siun ary society ~ U You will be one uf the persons wh o met at t he hom of MI:s. M I.II·y Warren 's going dry. muny II t'll r mel' wh o had boys gr ow· itul' F riday . Dos· ~'M'fMl!l l'l' ..,"'~~ Miss J ennie Hardin Sl)ent Sunday attt!nd the County Fail', won' t you ? tel' Iin g np, fook the wet c;ide of tu t' . . on .Wedne.'1tlay with a good at· W e want Ie> Ill.. \: Ihl. o<llumn of the . ten.~an c~. An, ~cell ~~t pt:0g ram e ll7. ' I L~ IL lealllu" ftl lllu rl! til l, • Lu st. 8 llt,lI fllllY wns /I lillY Inul( t'? fl ll '!!ti on l el!lIrdl eSR of I·be future wi th Leba non friends. Pr of.. Lawrence Sh~rwo o d of on t er . IIlId Emigra nt. Childre n was listened Q- k our frl,' I1"" La s 'n(1 In 8f)c lc t.vwin e ve llt", Mrs. LoUisa Woo lley is vis it ing he l' , CI v land is visiti ng his pa rents, be I' 1ll6Ul h r U, I'MpeolH lIy ' \J,V rim It iM tI 1IIIII ont.,luIA fllOt thn t, ~ e v erul Dr. to wit h interes t af te r \V h ic~ l:efresh. y oul,1i of \Vnrrtlu ·oull t,y. ill t, h i~ I.o\\, ullhip votrcl wet., thin k in g son .J ,ames in Dayt on a nd Mrs Sherwo od men ts . conRlstmg' of " '. Miss He nrietta, MoJ.{ln sey en te r. " .' peaches were creamserved WIlli e i t W Il !! 1)01, th eir .tJleut,inll t ltll t t o Vl1 tH cl ry it. 'wOl1ld iu urense and cake. . Miss Com McKay of Xe nia vi:.< iteu 1t11s.', OIno 1enes and \f ISS Verda M I' H ' f ' 1i.1 . Okl' I f W'I . t tll.lueu. iu h ouor .of Miss I\l'o)y n . flt ill iI, wa s onA Hllll, wll ll>lmtlllt. th e lll till t u x es ,.(. !:I U h 1111 uxten t Llillt it relative s h ~J'e last week. . ' ti' . arrl son 0 K mg 15 lei , a ., M ,~a r( s ? 1 mmg on ar e VlSI ng is he re visiting fri end . . osher , t h ~ MI ses 'ar olyn lind in Ihll Y61lr!! I ' CO III A. it W/I S I. 1011 1. would ruin tlt eUl. Sid ney Land all , charac ter uelin a. thell' COUSin , Mrs Frank Prat.t. F rank Wilson and daughter Lou ise Ed It h Moshe r 'and Miss .,oolla tIe Oli uins t, t,h e Mu lnoll K nf t.hl .. opun Lam · AR IIRU ,tl in sl1 l)h eleotioo ti, t h er e to I' at school hall Oct obe r 7. Yo u had better be on hand f or t he wer e in Dayton Thursd ay . ty lUll I r l'su l t Hu ill /I vi otory to the were sll1' pr is61! MIll t wer e !!U mon to dinner I:!liturd ay, and aft,er, , fair as the I'e will b> everyth ing do· Miss E tta Amold enterta rl}r ise>l i ned 0 11 wlird!! to II. slum ber,pllr ty . Dr. Mary Cook arri ved home from ing tha t will go t.o ente rtain YO . d r.YI! u y 1:10 ·vot el! . r ll HOUl e vrB iuot:! people CJ unted OU U' and last Thu rsday vening Mrs. ' hicago Sunday mornin g. 'l'wll ll ty.cml ~Il I I HlIl ~ II,Tl I "f!' olell. "Wilt \'ote ttn d it proved tl) f 'l d btl Oll Chas. Cle ment s and wife s pent. your . a ~1 y'. an you can not If d McFar land, Mrs. Floyd And erson. M E Y M' Btlth w e~ IIncl 11r Y>I lIr.uurpcl th " t h e d ry t!ic16. In oth ers a or Miss~ Daisy and Mary Levicy a nd . ary ' . oung and daugh ter lSi t,llIl nppo to ~ISS It thiS year. . Cassie Graham . aonn try t r o lll fllH'l y lInt'll I/He wi lh Hite. Any wn y. we got. e Leila enterta ined I~t Sunday at nongh '10 lrult 'l'hul'~day in Cinr innati. - - --+ - .. M rs. Lizzie Shid ake r and Mrs. ne r, Mr . and Mrs. C. H . Young,din. lI\l hODl Obi lei gut h r\l1K III t,be VOtA!! mll k e IIItI Wl1rrtln DRY . ~l rs. Iliff of Springf ield is visiting of WILL ANSW ER TO CHARGES Lydia Judy were ' visitors at t he K ing's Mills , Mr. Mrs. D. A t I~ tl/\ n o ll h nol othfll' wet Jllucei! H . Hock. Alt ogethe r it Wlill II bi tt er fi ght her daugh ter, Mrs. W. T . Gilliland . I f l ' . Friends ' home in Waynesville Thurs· ett Mr Frank Shutts and . . : n OIU~ 0 our w o well @er veu free refr eshlllen t!4 011' throug hou ISSUes It was day wife and . t , lIud th ol1 gh I) muj ority . . , " M . I'. Wilford Hahn of Dayton VIS· not iced that Mr ,Jate . essie C Ricks had M t.he !ltr e t!! II nd- !!eltrohed ul! th e .of oul y 130 votett it wa s a d ·ted M h' M f 'I h H A H Hah I the t we Misses k Orpha and Naomi Hock· . viator.v · I . 1'. a n IS at er. . .. rs. I ton owe we re t t n as e sued 0 win L . Ricks of Waynesville, in Dayton q uelltiollllble dlst ri t,!\ wher'e it W Otl '1'IIA .wh ole vote of the oouuty Thursd ay . e . Wl1 8 Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Allen, arrived for divorce, setting up tl(ollgh t h qllol' "' u~ lml ng given (1 .000, t he h en,v; sst vot.e In various The W . C. T: U. fur.nish ed a free the hi lllo· home from Clevela nd Sa t urday even Mrs C. H. Clemen ts gave a dinner ground of neglect . Mr. Ri cks has lunch of sandwl ch~, pIckles /lWII Y or vole!! bong ht 'l'hi~ 1'~8U \t . ry lIf the oount y. , eoffee on Sunday for her broth~r C. A. ing . fi led an answer In lhe ineinna ti an d pie to the votel s Satu rday. ed III the nrr lll! t, t)f .rue Imm el, u furAt ull the ohurch es ber e t:;ulldllY . . Mr Warren Cleave r of Delawa re B rown an d f ami'1y w h 0 Ieave f Messl·s. E. D. Burnet t and D. L . courts denym lIlel' AA loon heoper, Ilt Lobnnon prllye rl:l wa re n tl'~ red RDd th g all .cha rges made t or. thO e r WI·th h' f' d M . . llnk!!gl v . . oge IS rlell s , r. a ll d , their new home at Eugene" Oregon rane ,.were III Lebano n llll busmes s a~alo!!t him, t hroug h Preseo who Will'! uught , hnndin g out. whi!'. lug I!errnou s wer e pre~oh ed tt Sml th , Mrs. Ziglar a nd two childre . At th e last Friday. n spent today. The invited guests were as ·k to tbree of hI,. fri end!! hiS alto,:ney. • _.. M. E. churoh In the evenin g," gen the we k end with Mrs. Cleave r. follows ; C. A. Brown wife and son Sidney La ndon g ives speakin g '['be towuflh i ,l" vot.ill g dry 111'6 crill vrlllsfl meetin !,; was h LECTU RE COURS E Mrs. J ont M orri ~ is enterta ining Eyler, C. C. Eyler, Ada Eyler, eld Ilud Iik ene es of J . E. g reat men Oct ober '7 a t T urtJeor ee lt; ' 1111' 111 , l::Iu rirHl , \VII VU6 , tlpeeoh S were mude by t he M . ... . . Mrs. Bevel'ly of S~btna . pl.Lstor Schoo l Hall. . Bl'own, wife and daught er Elda, Rq. r . La ndon , In hIS speakin g li ke- M rs. ~ ~ qr Ham es has re~utne W " .. hingtoll u ud Mu~ .. h1. 'l'hoMI' Itev . '1' . W. Gillillln d, Re v . .' . It' d gel', Brown a nd wife, and Mrs. Mc. . . , , nesses o.f g rea t men " impers onates f rom a V1Slt m the west. vothlg W t't ,U tl l :Io,u'nre ek, 11ller tle ld 'udwa Jlllder, Ben j Buwki Chea p prices Dor mon fl'om Wilmin ton prevail at Har~ount Ii charac ters well k nown utl, Pr of. . to all , and Ml:, and Mrs. Howar d GI'aham en!l;rlllllchll , (Jlli"ll /tll tl I:illltliitOIl. Kelli Hou IIOU ot b.'I·t!. " g. U~e le Tom Co . Go and see It, and with such artistic fi nish that we are t er tained on Sunday . ~r. and Mrs. . 'J'hfl e lec li on Will! CO Il O dea to be Ii nJoy yoursel f. . t 11 b . 'ht' . E mmett B van and f amily, Mr. and Llist 'l'uesda y Jl, numbe r rlatber ed Mr. W. 'f, J ordan a nd wife and ae ua y mug I~ to th elrpres IIq ua,re one b.v It th side", 111'1 611('11 [IJ Mel ~ !I ooun ty '11,1 e l otl on \Va!! ence . Mrs_ Ed. Vander voort and daught er, at the home of Mr Barry 8&okea In the studies from our " Old oonting ent lllld l'hoetl a obIt ile ngel held tlnll retlulted in 11 d ry 'Vlotor y Miss Vi<.>la spent Sunday with " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hagem Mr. f r 11 · i ' t . i"h ... Chas, and."U ncle Sam's Family " wefolks d r ecog- and Mrs. Davis Graham andore, daughby a wtljor ity of 1149. HnC! Iuspt!ot·or In tlllob t)reoi not or a arewe ~ 8\ w • . _r. an Gl'ay and' family. nize people here at h!>m from . the te~ Cassie, Miss A'.1lie Vander voor t Mrs. C, A. Brown, who are ~n to 'fhe o ffi ittl v o l,tl by 14l'l1oi uot,M i ~ In Marion coun ty Mondav th e Mr . Dane Richard son' of Dayton . good-ti med old tavern. keeper in MISS Bertha Harlan and J onatha n leave for their ' 11 1:\ foil wli: new home in Orego•. coun ty went. dry by , 1,253. ..More than was shakin g hands wit h old friel1ds VeJ,'lllont to OJ e . Olson. from 'South Bevan. At the noOl~ hour &ahlea werepla oed 8,500 votes were cast. he re last Saturd ay . . Dakota .. ~u;'ington. under t-be large maple tr.eee anil. in Word f rom Mt. Gilead , Morrow Miss Roxie MCC u~dy and John • _. the 0001 sJtade j ~oh partoo k of 'he courtty , gives t he drys 2,185 majori Hawke spent one dllY last week with Lytle . M emb~rs !Jf the M. E. church ga ve many, good things; Ly. In this coun ty the wets did not M ' H k had been AI Ice a recepti on In honor of the new pas· t"ken from tbe wellwhio~ rs aw e WIed-balke&B. . ' a sihg le precinc t. to Sev.eral from here went to Dayton r, Re v~ A. T.. Cowgl'11 an d "WI f . e on Tbe afterno on WIS lpent in. lOOlal Mr. Arc.h~r. Ha~tsoc k . of Dayton Thursd ay to hear Bryan. The vote in all the coun ties so far ' Monda y evemng . . . w"y uutil evenin g when all departe d . has been vlsltmg hiS parents Mr. and The Royw Froilck ers' 'society held been tremtmdous, sh()win g that MI'S. T, M. 'Harlan of Miamis burg was i hi Jesse ·Hartso ck. a box BOcial at tne home of , and a busines s visitor !iere last week .w II og Mr. an .. MI's. B saloons ' must go. Let t he good ro~n grea . . Mrs Shelnn an Dyke Aosut twenty and the guest of hIS Parents . prospe rity in the weat. 'l'b0tJe preago on. ~r. ~d Mrs. Walter Hamilt on of five 'were presen t ~nd a good tim; . Prof. Harris who taught he re ent were, Mr. II.nd Mrs. ·C. A. --Sprmgf ield were guests of .Mr. ~nd .was had Iby all : BroWD, . about thirty years ago, ~nd his sister, C. C. Eyler, Ada . Eyle~, u r rLE MIAMI STILL FLOWS Frank Mrs. Frqnk last week. ~verall fr:om bere attende d the Mrs. Sa~antha qompto n; of Iowa, 'l'homll8 and fllmlly, Chal. Gray nel Messrs GeorQ'e Thomp son and Jes· surpris e on dtahloQ Gephar t at Ferry were eall~ng o~ friends heI'E\ last week wife, Mary L. GrIAY, \ NotwiLhstandi ng t he pl;olonged se Burton , attende d the Bryan meet - On Mr. fond Mr•. Saturd ay evenin g about t~en· Th~ Fr~end8 W. F. M. S. met at Ernest But~rwortb and eOD, i'r8llk . . D i (drough t the Lit tle Miami hill:! abund· Th sd ty-five of Mr. and Mra. Wm Creigp th~ hQme of Mrs. Hora<;e Compto n mg In ayton ast ur ay. ton'~ friends gathere d at th~hom e..of. O ,anee of water and Mr. RQbitz er inll Saturcl ay. Elbona nd wife, Mrs, ADna M. 8ur· Misses Elsie Earnha rt and Reva Jacob Lacy 'a lld then went qujetJ}r ,to Mrs. Ruth Morgan was the g uest face, Mr. and Mrs. Saapue us t hat he has neve r been stop· Williamson were l Bntter · guests of MisS Creigh ton' s home and cer.ta'ihl,Y' of her niece, Mrs. Kelly Mendenhall, worth, Burtoll Earnba rt and wlfe, a da¥ on a~coun t of it. . Blanch Dyke l.ast Wedne sday night. ,"urpris ed ~hem some. The .eve~ing of ne'P' Xenia last week. . Mrs. Joel 8tokes , Mrs, Elmer Earn. 'r h I' I d hte f was spen t III games ~fter whlch'h ght Vernon 1nwood h8!! had BAOl.,V SPRAINED BACK e two Itt e aug rs 0 Mr': refresh a sale hart, Lola Stokea, Mrs. Barry Earn. ments were served . All d~ prepar tory to moving to Oklaho ma. a nd Mrs . F . B• H ende rson who have parted at a late hour decl al'l'I)g th'"t Q' . ' . . , h a r t., George , Daugb erty and wittl, . M I'. Enoch Haines , while patcl;in g been quite ~ ulte a gO od lIeal of- excItem ent R sick, have almost enllre- th.ey .h~ enJoyed t hemsel.ves .anU was caused , by the blood hounds in QS8ell PlI.rlett, Roy i:!herW' . . , . Iy recovered . ood and wIshmg d . the host!ID hosteSs ,a fl oot' 111 IllS stable, fell agamst Lhe ' many village 'on Thursd ay. ',l'heykept ler Brown . ..' more hap:py surprtses Sbe-W hat book haB W;!II)ed )'01 fo undation and 'bruised -. 't he Scent easily throug h the streets Ey " his back. It · Messrs. . Grant t.eWIS, .Burton ' _ _ _ Mr.' and'. Mrs. Wal te l·. Lacy a,nd' and tbe.lltQ I'E!S wher e the r ol)pers· llllnollla·"lUl~nJ\;~. ~~'I~e~:~ ~~~~S~':oi! er, will b.e ~eve.ral tlays before h~ get' Earnha had 'M r imd Mrs 1)IlU Burfaoo enterrt and Chaunc y Bunnel l, at, ~baby a re visiting a t the former 's d . but on accoun t o~ the dust they t i d ~ended the Bryan meetin g at Colum- home ' ' b e ," hool\. YOIl Ilea , I gaL so tha t I' d HOOll al 'U lI n again . • .;.. . t t o 't Me th e 't rack of the vehi- 11. D e . qu 1'bus last Wednesday. "'" anum . r 0 young . h Un \1r. and! Mrs'.' Welling ton Co: nell cl e ,in whIch they evident ly had ' gone work lt u t . -nnd . lIlo ha bit h~ peo ple ThursdllY ·evenln g at their 1'1' "lun g 0 m e. d h th" H \arriVe d home Saturd ay morn ina OUR CORRESI>ONDENTS 1e tent un er w'1' . _ . uc e ar-, f pr~tty oountry home :FllirvlewF~t;m . M' h' h " h h · . . . • . rom I<! 19an w ere t ey· ave Chnstl e Vlckcrs has g one Lo J'u· (~t u IIlupri lle' party gl As Defined. ' We. a r.e forceJ ,to leave out some I moull.t U.ncl~ 'forn Co. sh~w vep tn honor IS abso. Ibee~ staying for the former 's:bealt h dith Gap. M!J~tun Pll l-Ol snw In 'Ih' pa·pel' !lonlCl hl~ Of our corresponde nt's letters a where he e xpectB' of thE\il' da\1gb ter Roxy. ,.' ThOl:l8 this ' IU,tel} ra~np~ oof! and a .perform at;lce MI Blanch e Dykt: entell~lhe ~11 te get a .posl~lOn . ubo ut IL foll y thot '1'0.1' :t fther . h 'li I_ ,. .f ' h f ' k lll'esent were ;' Misses Roxy tiurfaoe, Will b~ gIVen ram 01' shme. hlu se. Ph WlLl l! th' m unl n' of bins wee , on ae~oun . lust Wednesday evemng. '. . Mrs: GurfieI9 ..·l'ete rsolJ spen Lone L.elllll Bll.rtsook. Adll. Furnas li 0 I us 0 ~or. . J W H dl tl f '1 f dl1nno ~ d LOu- ' , ' ~ . " ~.,.. day last ' week In t>ayton the g uest . ' . a eyan . ~Im y a~.: . . . , I Sprin g Valle y, ' . I M Ut e-Ulna e (10 be Ill' rnellu' tit of Mrs. John ' Darner . He t-=ormer Rt!sld ents r daughillll. S tokes, Ellen Sberwp od, (J1,I1~a 'I,ward He~l:!el ann famliy pf Spllng . ...:al:Ql1WII"L q. m.Q.ll 13 tiler , h!}'''I1'''HiP...l~: ' tel' Ruthan ~~ whQ had spent. ~tlveral Haw j'.e, Mury Hllwke, Neme W.I- '. . boro, were ~~(s of Prof , H. ;D· I . ' ' . . • " . weeJql there retu rnet} home With her . kers QD, Al~l[l Waterh ouse, .', 'l' he Uttle o\liJd ot Mr. Ilnd Mr<'. , KellillO n~n~famtly Sunday Laura. . J ~e Cline . fell Friday l<~tly lu' thf! (lilY the little oneN W . O. Uu stln , 6f Lebano n, Whihj" .· - ...............,._. MoKio8 tJy and · EI&lu Earnba rt. · Mr/!. Morris Shel'Wood of Spring ' frob th~. r·,oo:'<>f tti cannmg . facto· oongre gated nu Ibe street tn frout "lttViu u In the Yllrd lutlt· 'l'll1irll< .. Well'man. Mess rs , Lee JI::arnbar t , Frank Vrew .. lIlY, " aile" will leave ' thi~ . Wedne sday rYE rea m g 1S an d e. . f Y" B ' '11' . ; , ' . . . , ' ,pt. the M. E. ~hul' h, 'an~ 1~' l)lg WII/l ' ftl ll Iln~ spraiue d ,. ugene . Ua" Ken t an son 0 e eva., M i~1! Itlft wrist. m~ming for '{ilIisca , lowa~ where Ohio .a nd 14rs~ . " molld WlIlilt.m . 80n', Oad' . Hawk'e "' Ja~es Anders on " oi S r .. ~d Mrs . .Ed y a. nmetel:' . ent_ WiU on was 800u, Iollded and Oil,rrled th f:l Th~ h\jll~y. t~o~gh uot S,trouu , Bar.vey 11 ~langer - she will make an extend ed Visit. Rye] Ge.prg." 'Portl~nd, Ina., are gues~ of V? ilt:nd:~d ~;er:;n~~~ wl t.h .Corwm ~m, Wl1teThouse, ,lohQ Lemmon, Walter 'r:~ng8~~r..' ar.oulld town II.nd over ouS o,ne WILli ~er~ Pliin tul, Iln~h thde ThE) annqun ceme.n t bas reached Us LU;;: an: :fam~y . .. , b th ' or,w n . i t'l.' Mr. ·and . MrS Frank Rich, spent W hitake r. J;llllly Hathaw ay, 'Pllv,fs ' , little one hlltl heenlal vlUg a ar of' the marria ge of Grace, the Ilailgh. ,. .~.s ows gIVen Later on t,hey form~d In IL pnr(\dlt tlme. of it. y e . u e la wito . William Rich and fum~. ll'urnIl.B•. A iva Hartso ok, Lym"n ,Day . t f . d M ' W lte Zell of Maglcl~ CQ. were well attende 6 er 0 lld r . an d. ily. ' rs. . a r . ~nd wlt,h songa, . bn11D.ers,. ags . "nd . • every ntght aud John Dllu~hter$. Also Walter . . , , ' " . _ . indiana polis, ' t o Mr. L. 'F. Waun. b , 8s HleYPIIJ'aded t hestree tll g ladfllo .. ' M · · M'E Sh d ' P . rof ed .. L ··I. ·· r Mrs. WilY, E;d M~r,ti~ an.d Mrs ~eo~ge Cast, wif.o and daught of . C inoinM tt .' . " . . ' , er Mabel;' ~ • . • . . . .. )erw?o.. . Vullt , ner Elhsw ere sliOppfng mWay· nesvllle J ' Dr J U Mlloy ' DeDtist· wUl be son In Wa.l'rtesvil maklllg Il flQelle t hl1t is ~ e\doDL lIeell' write!! to U ti III Ius h W·h··t k e FrIday . ·If · d br~ezy mAnne ' B · . " '. ' .. on I ~ er, wean 8on . , ~r•. . G . . " H " Ito •••~. I 'd ti d "1 t r In b l8• . d wi! f S ·· , one day last. week. anywh ere. office 'at HlI.rve . . '. ysburg tbe old Lew Il l! , OItOW!! . . !!Ino Ollt! eo. ~t J am. ohn wife nan a.nd Bon eo Ken. n , " :=;prmg· o . M d M ., ' 'G D' , . field' were the guests r ... • I '. Not only we~e the ohildre n Int-er loarr y my Iluujtl 'ou Y,[J ur . . . r. an ~. eorlfl? aVIs en t er- netb, E merson Mason r egister . week beginnlllgvMOlnl~IIY'Ji.octohe: 4 and family the fi~ of Joe HaWke &nd ' wife and of the Wee~.· . t:~edJ,. :t 'WS'Wdf/ ~~~nkr, eBt~d in thIS g r u"'t dilY. ~ut t~e pIU· .Mrs. Way IIlld I oertaln ly .e njoy and r an~ 0 M Br' o wn wife and BOD Carron 11.\ Spring Ii ay t e woo It Mr. Ben ·lJawke was a D~Ytoit M~' fta~k H~rt!~cI'cand eQtsll8 \vell.. Illerly III ,tbe l;m~~ 'l'be ~Venin g 'wall spent very Phi"lt'~ the Iyo~r newllY unwbe t:ll. We. bope Optobflr It. y visitor '.f?t!Sda • workin g foroes ,of. We Autl S!lloon before tlUOW fli es to be . . 'Mr, :Ira ,Hal·tsol!k, ~r. W!lrren Cle~v: 'llDtly In games and ~uBiQ .wlth yon ,~r. ahd ~rs. Elias Oglesb ee and on Mrs. Rilla: Mcqr,e~ and. httle . league oomme nced · t heir campai gn · asain "f)d extend t'o yO\) , Mr. and Mrs. Zleg'ler 'and fiUTlIly piano, violin " ond harp. AU, tbe O llr Mst, daught er Josie sea • enterta ined on Sunof Osborn e, VISlted WIth . ftnd .t.hey worked h'flrd all da~ t~ '~I~betl for ~ U c.:'QI:\M . " Mr. and Mr.!. Ernest Mannon. N h day, M\,.. and ·Mrs . .Charle s Col1lell~cGr,ew the first of the week. Mrs. f h ts 'i t , t Ih ~ Ie oui ilud wben t.he nOll I . Mrs: Will Dunn and daughter Lu- ~onl\ f e our l'e ~68 ~eD .. k and daught er Luella and M~. and ~D8 B ~ Mrs. ge Munge eo, r retume d. Saturd ay . . s~nt MItis K ~riday lltllry o Uakin, or'l'lImnlb!ll, M D ' CI mtll George So.- . ug 0 IC9 crea an Oil e were countc anl •.\helr file s brigb~flned ht her home in Flatr~, Mulh., atter pn and farntly. rs. r . . aReta n I aug er Ta~y'. .to served . atwow eeksvi aibvith herdao ghter who spantt lie M tlllmmt an'd !r llP and 'h.e lr tired hmbs took on ra Mo, ' Mre Jol.,., Wolfe spent . - - ' - -.. - wltb Mrtl. bmllud'a Wrlgbt , le~ve8 H Mr. and . Mrs. P erry . , r. on accoun t 0 f M1'8. Gertru'd earne "" n'e wed eDllr~y' ' . UNCLE .TOM'S COM-PANY r. , ' Sunday with their son the ~riouB illness oUI rs. Perry went Rev. Patton and family In the I,ft.erno on ·tlie bimd Willi thill wetlk , for Wll8hfogtoo, , D V., th~ir former home . in Lebano n day for Yellow Spring s, their . ~~tten t.oge~ber lAod dlllp8ns ed tlwtlet where ",htl IIl1t.ers i~to Il Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sears and Mr. Hear the band concer t· on Main ooll~gl"te Saturd ay. Miss Lola Zell . i'l :mb:e a ~,eYI we~ music throug hput the' afterno l)n ' ~ourtle ,In Wllllhlngton U:niver . Mrs. Lew Sears and son .How~ ,street of the Uncle Tom Co.. They slly. looking after the bakerY in their I o. 0 Re tu roc~_ . . ' th Su.nday week with E!vlD Fires have a good concer t band, and , . eavlDg. 'l'he wet ~~roPII . g.. t,bered iu smith v wU~ &. I, .", e new and famdy. Mr, B. D. Robert.!!, of OMwego, absen.c e. enterta in you pastor arHUamily~IBOmoved Frid~>:. Kroupa a.t differe nt pl.oea, b~t littl e Kiln .• Is vllllting his .eter, Mr. and Mrs Chaunc y Bunnel l and •• _ .. Mn Mr. C. W. Robitz er, aorived home Misa Snllth is enter-tabu!"g family were the guests of George work Willi lloooruph~hj!C). A't..,r th., Sutton . .of HllrvltYllburlC NOTICE Rob last Wednll lday ~venlq from r.a. ~er Carter of Cinci~a. Bo~ and family Sunday . . . eventa ot llilt week tbere wu 1Itf;le l ertll calliI'I r.J 8UU.1AY eveD1n&, .Dd cruses, New MexlCO, where he had rpf doap,. beQause they " afraid 01 11111 .... y W"1D ftnUJe peuple ' 01llbt and Elbs and Octobe r 9. 18 the day Bet aput for taken h1a wlf. to BPend ~. .hemp "...- an,thl~J•. HUll, . 'here ; be lbll.nkflll &0 .blm for the· • • week ~th the meetin g of moab tor the l!eDefttof . health. H nlllDber Of ,,-, vote8, CIIlme alOoI with blm fJOlD She to be at the • .W:~rrc n 's going, dry,
~oil~~fj~ I~~~ ~!~I:
1~.t.~sonl'e·ty Column I t
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:ee THE ASCENT OF MAN. He stood upon the earth, .nd turned To gaze on Iky and land ~nd 'sea, Wrile In hill ear the wh isper bu rned. ;'Sehotd, these all belong to theel "
wondrOUII' call to conquuts naw! thrill of blood I 0 joy of BOUI! o peaks with ever·wldenlng vicw ! o race, with stil t recedi ng goal!
He heard; he followed , evermore Stumbling ari d failing , .,.., anderi"g far; Yet still adv,1nclng . whne before His footsteps shone the guidI ng S't"r. Until he stood No mo,'e, os A creatllre yet Lord of two
with rega l browon the primal sod, ungrown, but now worlds and ch ild of God. -Rossiter W . Rayn;t0od.
• 1II.
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TO USE OLD SKIRTS The Economical Won~a" Can F ind A Here a Chance for (iireat Saving, Mnn:; nre t ho sch emes of the economical womaD, who t rios to make th most o( every1hleg. The ad \'ent or the tUllio, or 0\' rsklrt. gives th sa,,· In~ woman another .obo,nce to prae. lIl' I'collomy. 'l'hl" Is \lslns up a well,cllt sil k or snll n fo und atio n sl<lrt tel glYe o,n " III'" to an o"eraklrl Ilnd bodice or a shl1' Ill!" Rt rlpcd Dlllt rial. A woman who u wn d a smoko.grny ~l lk fOlln/lllllo n skirt hlld It care full}' s pon ;.:ed, pressod out lUlrI le ft un· Ir lmlned. be hou ght a l the shops a 1'(l ln nRul of. I;rity li nd whI te st 1'1 ped ('ot tun volle at a ~mn ll price an4! ulud ao nv()rsklrt an(\ llodlce of It. FOI' UIO latlor she Ulsed /I. pl E'c of th l' ~ l'fIy s ilk hody lining , Cllttlng It low·n cked . taklllg out the sl ves and filll s l1 1111; Iii edges wi l.h Ii t1~ [1olnl oj' lace. ' rh o hlnlo was op el\(~ d liP the s id , cut Lo points, put Into a box plllit at back. and Its edgoR wore bOlln41 vUh a thrao·lncb bias fold of lhe mate rlnl, The bOdice was simply draped ')ver 11 g 111llf)O of lace and was dra',n In to a O~o· lnch el111)11'0 belt 01 gray silk faste ned witb old 811\'el' buttons at Ihe bn k.
p::~~a~~~o~~~::L~:POld' I'Nlubt Sweats.&Cougb. ery
Medallion, and L.tce,
Ouo way of comblnl ng mbroldery m dnllions with all oyer lace Is illus· tmteo \n this plea81ng waist. Tb' bre· tell 8 . wllh t heir scalloped edges, Ilre becoming to most women, a1l11, d spit their sllll1111 Ity, they ·llIIpa,t. Qull nn all' to n Imost at)y costum e. l<'or thlB r eason Ihe. <1~!lI~u Is s uggest () for II go ,Vn Lhat Is tu bl;) freshell d up to last out th s aSOll, 01' (or olle that IR be· In~ r moil Ind, altogelher, It. rOQulr s so IIlIl {)( th e dress mal ria l, ' for e\'on th e 91 O\' OS can be l11ade of chl(· fo n oloth, It IlIn'd. or of pIal II lIet. . Th e br L II s are bard ' I' d with a half·lnch sl rip of sat in, clUI r cut on
til. W. "alton, Condr. B, P. Ry., 717 Van N fl811 St.. Still Antonio, '1'03;., writes : ·Durlng. thoB'lmmOr aud taU' . of 1002, illY IInuQYlln ( rt ,from clltarrh rcnehod thut I'ln;;e wiler It WIl S aclunl m isery uud do"olupccl u lnrmlnp; sylllP' 10:uII, ~udl os IH' ry deep,scllt rt cougb, night 6wou lR, and puins fn tho h OBe! alld !hos t. I oX\lorllllC'u Iud with Bevera l so~lI ll cd r Ullwd 14!N IlOrO rO I l1n o l ~y d ooldoc1 to tlll,Q a I h o r ~'"I ~ !1 ('ourso of PC1'uua. " Twoot lily fd lids hud go no so fur a8 toiur rm III Ihut tho lh iug formelotlu \\'I\S to r es ig n Illy l)o ~ iLlun and ,10 II: n. bll; hcr, llIorO colI:;onlu l clllllnt • li:\' 'ry01\0 t hollgh t l ' h all CO lI s lIllI Rtl on nut! I was not expce.t t'4 1 to 11\' 0 \,\)I'y long , "nil vlug proc ur ed somo P8 ru~ I\ , I d • cllled to gh' o It B thorongh t('st amI ap' plied myso lf cl ~o lrlllo\1Aly to th o tns k (} r tnl,lng It, u" r eI' ius tructlons, 11\ tho menn t 11lI0. "Tho e frecls woro ~ OO I\ nppar nt., nil a lurmlll!; sy mptulIls diHuppel4Lrcel nll .1 In y g n oral h onlt h be 'alllo fully CIS goot! as 1~ II :l d c,'o r huo ll in Ill y lifo. "I h n~'e resortod to tho uso or P orllnn. on t wo or Lhr4'o o rcusl o u ~ sl /l('o th~~ UIDO to OU I'O mysclf of bud CO ld ~ ,"
PLANT TRAMP BY INSTiNCT, Californ ia Cactus Blows Ar:Hm d the Lesert for Months.
PropcrtJ' oWl1ers Will _ " a d Cil! of trouble and ex~eu.e In l!Otlplng th Ir bulldlnga prollerl:r. paint: II, It they know how to protec t tbe anselvee against IJ]lsl'epr selltatlon and oU\l1 ternUon In palut l1l!lteriule. 'rhore's one s ur. ~nd safe ,;ulde to 1\ pure nnd thol'ollgllly cl (lc nd ab le WhilE) Lelldthat·s tll "'D ulch Boy Palntt'r" trade IIIurk whlcb the National Lend Com· pun y , I hll Inrgl'st makers of genu hie "hl te Lad, ,)Ila () 0 0 .. ",.joy pnc1mge of thf))r JlrO(llIcl. 'fhis eom llllny sendli · a s im ple Ilnd SlIl'e II ltle 'o utlit for testhl~ wltlt o · Ieael, :lI1d a valuuble paInt bool; , fref'. to nil who writ for It.. Tholl' uddrcss til Woodbridge D1cJg. New York City. .' An ,Artist's Gene rosity. The fllllloml I'II!tltl'r Co rot Ilnd bll sist er ""1' jOint C1wn'l'l! or Ilome hOlls I1rOIWlly In Ihe Faubot:lrg Pol. 8011l1l ero, Ou " ,lay olle or th e tenanll - 0 tallol'-(!lIl11 e to ' hro t and ~'n !d hI) could no t !lilY hi s rent. "\vilat can I do for you?" osked Coral. " I canuot \l1t('I·C6'u. for you with my s ls t I" bec au se I IIUl uot on good terllls wlLh Ill y flll1llly," ' (As 8 1II11t1 I' or fu ct, o roL was I' gnrdcd aD a "railll l'e" [,y hl H ramlly.) "How. ever." ho Ildd 'd. " 11l'1' Is tho /Donoy to lillY Ihe rt nt, only ·don·t Jet anyona kll ow I hay given It 10 you," , 'I'lt t,nllor' nrtm IlIl s IIsed to r e:tur n ' pel'lodlclllly Wil l' lI his rent "'liS ~ u e and . obtai n th e 'moll cy fr'o m COl'Ot, Who raIIIlll'k oci ou lln e ('caslon, " I 8PP 'a r to , Ii v 'ry j;('lI cri,m;, b\lt 1 0 111 ,nol,..bll. ualls e I g t h11lf l.'t l1 back from ItIY slsle l' os my .. hare or tb o reilt."
It was Cave llo? iI Intontlon 10 II&- I When h er birthday came. Caverl", toct a present jor her blrtbdar- no tOOK ber the hour·glass aud Il1nde no How to Tra in a New Maid, growlils CurIaliS among veg tabl o.rdlnary. conve-nt l!l nal lillie ' girt, but m~.ntlon of th e m i1TO 1'. In clcorl, he It Is a gOOd f)lnn lIn ' tho nvel'R~1l all d aile wllic b Is seiliolu al't'U or m e n something whIch would show her l ha L 8poke of It to no on~, for h felt 1111 s rzed house for th e nBislres6 h n ; If Is Ih .l·oot)" ,ss cactus or th o California the'selectJon had l,'C(] ulred time and Int('nso dlsfnlst at hIs own nctlo u re, to s bow the n ew maid 'the ways of lho desert , S3 , s tho T e hlneal World . llearcb, 's omething you couldn't SO' [y. gardln g It.. Yet In' ry nl"bt he brou~ht hous. U she Is the pl1rlor maid, t.o This plan' , a I'ounll . compact ~ ro wLh, ing in sbop wlndowa or adv l'tlsl'cI In . It onl nUll turued It abou t unUI the ' take b el' to tbe dining raoUl and her· rolls aitobt Ibe I Vt' l 11 0 01' or the d s· t he baok of lIlagn:dlles, somethin g to rnc 119 had COUle to bate slarod ba'; k self lay ,tbe tabl for ·th first ert fo r 80m eight or IIl ne months of brlng the ' color to her cheeks and the at him. ·rhe.u wltb a c urse' he would mea l, explaining exactly wbe re s ho lhe yen 1'. tossed hl rher an d )'0'" by EYESIGHT WAS IN DANGER sparkle to h er eyes and calise h r to throw' It into the drawol' and pace likes the vanous thlnglj placed . ir th willds whkh 1.IIow with fI rcell Sf! W it h Attr;lctive Effed. 1I:clalO1, "You' ve rummaged all ov r th o room until h e was Ured out. t he mali Is h\experlenced s how h I' ov r nil of 'nlirornla's saud plat duro Fro.., T er rible Eczema-Baby'. Head town for it, bavou't you, you denr III tilD e h e- dlsco\'ered that lhe Illir. exactly how' th,e. dish es sho~ld be hnn· the bias so tb at It will fi t a rouud the. Ing th ose monlhs. • M aas of itch ing Ras h and Sorel 01<1 boy?" I'or must 'be held In a cerlnin position dI ed and 0.1\ otb er detaJls . whloh will curves, or Ise lit ollL of a large r At the cO.milll; oC t he rain s, or -Disease Cured by Cutlcura. To Ulls end b e spent Illany artol" for Lbe lace to 'a ppear. O th e rwl~t' It belp h er In carrying Clll t her variolls piece oC mate rial aDd s haped wlUl pre- rather t.ho cloudbur ·.Is, which sweop noons In qu eer places-pawnbroke rs' gave normal reflections . H is discov ery dulles. She w ill be more likely to ·clslo.n. Th e niedalllolls nrc a(,pIlQllcd th desert III Its Slll'lnglhilo, th is CliO"Our IItIl !llrl W:IS two months 014 · s hops, c urio storcs and mlls ty bu s /iave blm a certain courage. It tnolt r member h er Instl'uct.lons If sho I' • berom lhe bl' te ll s arc fasLe n d In tus f.akc:s root wlj rev r It h31>1' ns to wh n sho got a rash on ber race and ruen\:(l, 'wner odd vo lume's or Ors t edl· nway some of the welrduess of tbl! el vcs tbe m direct from b er mistress positIon , The re Is no d ~ flnrte place It l;lve '!Jeen dropp ed by lhe las l \\'111(.\ within Ovo dnys her face [lnd 'head t iona mlgbt be brought to light. tblng, a nd s ugge sted t he prolale tha n ~r a fe How servllnt t91d ber.- Cor tbem to go thr:ou gh. W h n oval of which It was Ihe 1,laythlllg nnd 1m· wor all Olle SO l' . We lIBe(1 different He had weli·nlgb glveu u p furt her, course oC 10quJrlng Into the origin or Hom Cbat. ornamcnts IIro selected and LlJsy are ~ eS%nutl~I~I~~~I.lswt~I~~~I~:~~;~1 ba,~:~~ rem cdies bll t it gol worso Ins te ad of Rellrch and decided 10 go bnck to II. th curio. He sought 'tlie manager of ----faIrly large, lbree wil l be ro und helt" r a lHI wo tho ullht sbe would turn IItUe shop uptown and purchase an lh auction room, who, WIUl a sm ile Bleaching LInen • . elloug h to ' use o n each half at a bre-~ cacil, el'acll y IIko the- 11IIrcnt plUII l. bllnll and that 11 r oars would ful\ olT. llour glass of QuaIntly cnrved I"ory- Rnd bow,professed enti re Ignorance Hal( a pOnnd 'of cbltllrlnated lime. tell , These young growths Incroase In Sho sulfe rcll tcn lblr, lind wQuld be hadn't the falntetlt Idea to what of the sot.arc: wbence tbe mlrrol: bad Half a ga/lon of bOiling wate r, size ,rapldl)', sucki ng the Uloistur scratch until the blood cam~. 'JIbla U80 sbe could put It-when a lucky come. Caverley, tnklng out a $20· '1'\VO tnblespoonfuls of washi ng soda. Luncheons In Colora. both from the par III plant aud (rom , t il I fI th It! chance changed bls plans. dollar noli!, .cllpped It In two with hIPut the lime Into a basin an(.\ pour Lun cheons In colors nre " ery popu. the surrounding l'arth. The 'roo ts do w n 011 lI lI t . s 1(> was va men !l 0 , He was passing nn auction room, pocket scissors. Ilpd hauded oue hall th bolUn g water OVllr It, add the sodn, lo r, and one of the prettiest uf the m n Ol palletrnle lal) soli dct)ply, b()t th ,n [ hnd he r nn41er ollr family do.c· whoso tor B CRr , bllt 811 continood to grow where a red .flag tlallllted o\'er t he to tbe auctioneer. RU I' t.o IIreak uP rul t.he lumps , and . Is th e . lavender lu n '!J eon. A very sproud otlen over a clrclo sidewalk and a · sbabbr man ' with "'rbls half Is now useless to roe," onol;lle the water to 4~x tract all tM e ffective desert (01' lbl s lunchoon may r;ul\us Is not le.5s than ten reet. 'l'h086 worse, H said It was eczema.. Whon leathern lungs bawled fOl·t h an an· be s ald, "but it wl11 be worth $20 to chInrlne. Strain car fu lly to r emove be (rozen usLa rd that has berm tint: roots. Ico, are sma ll , but practically she Wll!;! s ven month old I I\tnrt ed Dounee ment t bat the e ntire stock of you wtien you d,lscover who sold you a ll the llowd er. BoUIe and k eep ready ed with unfe rmented grane julc '. CRD' Inn umfi!rnbl e, ~lnd th Y Get e v ry bit to us th e ull cl1ra Hcmedles and 111 treasures InsIde wou ld be sacrifIced the mlrror.'1 . for lise, 'rh e s luUbn 13ibolll~ nav!!r be di ed "Iol ebl IUlly decorate the CIIS' or moisture Ilnd plBlll rood Lo be ha d t"'o months 0111' baby was 11 cl\ife~n t Girl. YOII could . ,not soe a sl~1I ot a I\l auction at 2.30, and In t h e lIame Some weeks passed and Caverl y 1'. 1I'On"!' Ulau one parlL at the IIquol' turd and the dish in which It Is In tbe territory thllY cover, sorQ and slip. was 118 fair us n ue w, hl'eaUI he Invlled the passerb y to step atudled the mirror In a practical , ay, to fo ur ,arts o'f bot wate r. DIeach th e plao~d be garnlsbed with plumb ago born baby. Sho has not liatl n "lin 01 10 and Inspect It. More from Idle cu· He noted that It was of unusual thlok· lIuen III lllis. clustel's, The Two Verllon •. rfoslty than anythln~ else, Oaverley ness, and this aroused his susplclolls. At a ~Unner during the recent Epls· th e ecz mn s\nc. 1'rrrs. H . ' F , Budke, co pal convention at Richmond a youu-g LeSullul" MillO ., Apr. Hi und Ma.r '~1." went within. Tbere was the' us ual "1'1I ·take it to pieces," said he, and a rray of vases and chlullwllre, statu· th llj' be proceeded to do. It too k coli· lally s lll :ng u ar the blsbop of London A Revlu'd ,Version. salll to hIm: . e Ltes anll ralber glaring la mps. He slderable time and patience to work • B1s bol' , I wish "au A poel WJlO Il: :> bo 11 knoWl) to tell wandered about, whlle a little mllJ1 the b ack loose without da~aglng the J wou lrl sel my th e Iruth I'E'COltn.3 this slor)'. of 1:.1. mind lit rest as to the 8hl111arllY 01' with a high pltcbed vblce troLLed be . . glass, but, by dint or perseveran ce, dissImilarity between your s ide ·!iJm,. telling wonderful tales about b . managed It. Baclt of the glass, he '1ud ou rs on on poi llt. Does the but. e.very article before whloh Caverley found n shaJlo\\' metal pan. He at· . ' lerOy because t he IOll\ato Cln '/" !Dlld,s a m0n;tenlary pause. tucked this, and In II few momenta h ad The bishop laughed heartily at this " Delft, s ir, genu ine Delft," t be lillie se parated. It (rom lhe mirror prOIl'lT. ,' Ivpclous sull y. Not so a young Elng· man was saying as h e held up some Tbe pan removed, ' l he whole matte r lI shman of his Ilo rt y, who, afle r hideous blue 111at S , when Ilverl y In. was plain . . Set slantwise beneath tlle ner, so ught bls host. terruo ted him with an exc lamation of beveling ou tlle rlght·halld, side was " I wnn t to Imow, yOU Iln ow," s urpr Ise. His eye bad fall en au a au ambrotype of th'e face he knew be, "about ' tbat Joke t Miss s liver hand mlrrQr, and be picked It ' 0 Well, The .plcLul'e exte nded per· S h(, asked if t he bulter tl ow up und el\amlncd It carerully, haps a th ird of the dlstallce across Ule tonmtO'es cou ld. PI'ay to ll me "The very thing," he said to blm. tulnor, and was covered witb a tblck the point is,"-Ll pllluoott's J\foJ!DlIl n&. self; tIlen t urni ng' ~o his self.appolnted plate of gla ss, so tbat look ing squarely .... !;ulde, "How lUuch',,, In \o lhe mirror, re fl ection waH nor· MarIno Insuranoe, mal , but by sloping It to the rIght E verything was to be sold nt auc· until the ambrotY1'le was horl zoutal, Marine Ins urance 13 t110 oldest 1I1n" t1o~, tbe fDjtn explained-stilI. If lhe t he race Wl lh the scars appearel\. of mod ern Insuran ce. Its principles gontleman desll'ed It very much nnd we l'e flr'a t empioYod In th e fourte enth ClI,verley took t he ambrolype to tho found It Inconvenient 'to come In the light aud ' stood lookIng at It for some century by th e merchants oJ BarceI\fletnoootime. ' lon:l., In Spain, wben that oily was :' \Vh,l 'ever you a re," sald he, "YOU'HI " I do," sl\ld Cnverley, s!lortly, " How the capllal or the ' kingdom oC Cata· Ionia and when Ita hardy martnerll muoh?" not an attrnctlve chap, but 1'0 double we~e second to non e Iii th o. world. . Bow mucll did he think It worth to that t wenty to Ond out about you." About ' the same time; and a lso at him? Cave rley named a price and t he T h(j maLter was rapidly slipping Baroelona, the famou8 coile of murl· other made haste to talte him up, A frOID hi s mind when on e (lay the man. tlma laws known a8 tbe "consul ado fow mOmenta later, with his 11lII'c hase agel' of tbe aucUon·room called on del ma r" was promulgated. Which Is In hIs pocket, be waB burrylng Ull the him and bro.llght ,w'!th hIm an olderly the foundation of the (}\'esent shippIng IItr(>et. S'entleman whom (Javerley judged laws of every country. it ·:was ·a qU e I: lilllo , mirrOr:. 'rhe 1'lghUy t.o be a · lawyer. bD.e k 'wa!! of oxlcll;ted sliver, Quaintly '''1'b at ·m.lrror," th e , e lderly ' get;ltle-' " ','THE PA.L E GIRL." emboRse<\~an Impo/ls lbl e 'Cllpld teach· man said. when the matter on wblob . iug out for '3 Inllr(>1 wr enth w hich com· \ 11 ~y bad cal\!,!d W/lS "broached, "was : Old Not Know Coffee Wa~ the C~u.o• '. pi tely surrounded . hI m, rt was the the properl y of a client of mine, a very t.h I ng for, ~I pre's ellt t o hoI'. .Miss · Damon. ·It ",as·' sold, . after her In cold weather some peo pfe think l~ol' eon) time ·be sv.t turn in g; the death, ' with a. lot of o,the l' persona l a C:JII arhat coffee good to be ll' keep mirror ' about · In' his '1lUnels, makin g prope rl-y o,ot disposed of ·In h e~ will. wurnl , So It Is-for a short time bllt j'oclila l' cOlmoe nts now and tile n to There' s a queer story about It, bu t 't h il drug--cat'relnc--acts on the 't be .cnwreathed C~I [Jld . r hen su!ldenly I ·don't 1m ow that 1 'call tell' It correct· . to 'weaken the. clrclIlation Dud the rehe sat b ll ' upri ght .wlth . a strange 1.1, for 'It 'w as told to ,me In fragments action Is to c'allse luore elC\;rossloll 'bls fncc. 1:la hlid g la nced 'yherievE\!" my cliEmt cared to mention There Is a bo t whOleSomQ drink Into (he ', mirror nn'd th e 1.·e.llection he the su~je<:l. which, '1 assure you, Sir, which .n ' bal~., girl' found after a time, heheld t ere was 'Dot thai of ' his' own was seldom ' Indeed. As well ail I can makes th~ I:lood warin and the heart slrong.. '. . foa,t ures. ~ ,l je : colljd scarce ly . b Hove Ilh:oc tll~e bi t!! together it 'was Bome~ hla sigh t. 'tTe loo ~ed agnin, The fac'e Wilng like tbls : She ' says: he, beheld was on,o 'f rom ' which he . "?'t)iny )!enrB a go lier 'Camlly lived "Hav lllg lived for five' years tn N. ~hra\lk; . a . strong, . firm fR<;e It might In the soulh, and there s he met a »al\:, 1 have: used con sillernhle collee 'huve been, at ''Some time, but now ' young ph~.~lclilD, who beca'rue 'greatly owh ig to ·t.he c(.ld cli'01nte, are... it was dlsOgllred by hideous sClli's. attache d to her . It, seems an epidemic ~ult Iha.1! a 'dill! ' he,Mache regularly, , M~re proof that lIy4Ia B. PinkHe Iu.jd me mirror olt 'a u'c u l'hy tah le of s mallpox \:! I'ok'e out, and th'e doctor 3uf{tTcd. from irodlgestlon, and had no Ilam 8 V cgctnl)le,COi:nPOund B"VeI IIDII s prang rrOlJ1 his chai r. He knew risked 'his professional rell'utaUQIl In 'l~te' In me. . _oman from 8~gic~ operatio.... It. wa~ wea··.. e.5B, .but' for .the IHe of' getting tne Damons away and. t h'rOu gh "I was known as 'the pale gIrl: and ~. Willin.UlS, of Gardiner. · him he .coul!l lIo ~ l) el11 \va.!klng .o ver t.he lines oc' -lho' 'shot·gun' quarantine' . . ," people thollght 1 'vas ' ju'st weakly, Mame, Writes: \.0 tho ' gl a ~ s o n ' his sbnv ln ~ Illble and whfc11 ~d been eslablit;lhed. lie r eo ACtor a tiDW i had h eart trouble and . '<I wa~ a. grea.t au1ferer' from female , · glanCing 'Into fl, It was his own rnce mulned there and eventually . ('.ame beoame very nervous, never · knew .tt:Qubles, tlua Lydia. E.1;'lnkham'8 Vcge. thai mel Ills gaze, and' he .was hear: dOWII With the disease, which left him what it Was to be renl well, Took mcd. table Compound restored mo to health ' , in thrce lUonths, aftcr my physician ttll' ashamed of t.he Sigh of rcli · [ he With hOl'\'ible scars. 'U pon hlB reo Icll·le b ut it · nev~r seemed to do' any declared that nIl operation wlUI ,absocovel')', lie wrote MIs!! Damou tellillg .gnve as he saw 'H goorl lutely n~ccsstlry." . rtf return ed 10 hi s .c~lalr an'd picked her of thiS and she repHe'd hi a lelter . "Sfnce beln'S .uarrled .rr.y ·h usband , Ul's. Alvina Sper~.· of 1M Ole1UII UU'l mirror. Again he glance(\ Int'o fill ed with a~llres810nB of deepest sym· and I ~otb have · tliollg/lt coffee was ~?rne Ave'l Chlcago,l:!!., writes: 1(, ThIs lime it IVa!! h l ~ OWI\ sq ua re, path y;. scars of the .sklll, she wrote" rll~ summer OIuting, bats have ~~e~ ' unuslIllJly attractive and the new hnrmlng us 111111 we would lJul t , o,nly to 1 ·sllffered fl'Om temale 't roubles .. fall models: bid (air to· malnta!n th~ stafldard. · , . <lt1~nn ,shan' lI race whIch look('d bil ek could oot, mar tl).e aoul, &0(.\' bade lJl~ begin ' ligt;liti , although we I felt .\twas tumol' nnd much ' JnflllolJUIlation. T.:vo ·. it blm. . come to ber, but, sOlpeho'\V, tHe lolte.r ' Many of the Ilew models In soft felt r,epeat sbapes that have 'the same as "polsoe to liS, of the beat ·dof't.ors in Ohicago :leoldCd · " III' 11. I ;lm Q . skittish fool .': said miscar ried and he ' never received . It. . gro~vn famililar to us In ·.Pauama and other s~raws, hut lbere !Ire ".Then we g6t ' BOllle Postllm, Well, that .an opera.Ul)n w!l8 necellSary to save 'Ill:, 1\rI(J 111r1l od the mirror ovel'. TJi He waited for tbe nrisw'or tbrough ' occasional nl91V notes too, especla\.1y amollg ·the smaIl moior bats. the. elted was reR!ly wondel'ful. ' My ~! hte. Lydln E, Pll1ltbruo's,VegetGble' '(lILJliri fnvQ rl'd him with the 1;m lle fI~V raj trying monlhs and tben wrote T~ke. fo: e xample, ,Llie IIll.le sort,;turban of the sketch, with Its bOWl shaped comple xion .Is clear noW', h oada~.:ie ""mpound cnl irely cured m,e without an operation, • her saying he should go abroad to c l own 01 whi te ~elt, Itl5 close rolre<;1 brim ~aee d with empire green, Its green which W;l S , Its pl!rpet llRl attribute, and b " scarf and Hutry green pompon. This would not be 'becoming to everj(\ gone, .and I have a great ,deal ' (.If -enat , tbal Cnvel'1cy lauf;!J'ed easil y and ury himself somewhere In Europe" but It Is p'a:elty, plquatlt and may be bad in ·othor color schemes besides the .'ergy r Ilad r ~nown wbl1:3 rhlnk. FACTS FOR For pul the mlr.ol' In Ii. d r:lWC)'. She \yas right,. he said, to conside r whIte and green. , Ing cellee: og(~t' ablle " VUU'I v unt q uit e su IIIl1ch tlll" ar. him liS olle ·d e~d. He sent the mirror 'I,'here a,i'e other Uttle motor tur\lans, more Clxcl'usl"ely dedicated to the "I ha\'en't t1een troub!lld wlt·h' lndl. ham's tJ~lt' I wau t ,~j as I toolf YOU to bE', w at t.lle tI!lDle time. There wasn't much car, One or th cse models Is made ID' telt or In tillede and has a low. broad gesllop since 11slog Postum, am not from roots e.nd he" ubse lv e d . .t~ te ll, lilld I fear I have hardly ~one crown around wblch a :[IJI)I.o~ veil matchl-llg the hat III dralled, the lon'g,' nerv~us, and need , lIO medlolne. 'We standard n ' \ .1I6me tlort of' mo rbl d fnsc lnation .It justloe," tbe' lawyer c,o ncluded, ends failing 1008e In .b ack. The narrow. !'olled brim IS 'fastened U)l to the havo a little girl and boy both and has Caverle~' with great patlenoe put crown by little bleh bold . the veil 'In 1)lace, but wblcb ' may be untu. love P I :li hm and thrlvo all it and 'WOJD'e,n wh" I\bollt thp mirror call S('11 h!1II to ·take Ihe mlrro; together again, and' that teDed so that th~ be drawn down over the face, It orten rroJII the t'lr.,\Vor . . Fie came· t ' Felt hats In etc, sbape!' like 'htl popular Panamas and ·(trape·Nllts." "1'hero'. a Reason," te) loak II1l011 It witI'> 10ath.lng, and e vvulllg he ouk It \0 ~he lady fol' tl1mmed like lbe or fancy IIllk scarfll, will be WOI'O tbrou!(h Nu:ne given ty Postum Co•• BaWe eat'h thUl' Ihut uncouth ra('o peered whom be had bougbt It, and toJd her the autumn, alld larger crowned ·shapes In similar loft felt, .In white chill througho'!t the lummer, ara Creek, MIClh, Read, ''The Road to Wen. ba('1( a.t. him hI' r(1l1 >:'rce] ·y s!'t1sn. the BtOt)·: Anrt sbe, belol a Irm",a' but ecblllng, tbe t'un" or :11'''r:1:'t(' wa":l1' b Bnel ('hilI. tbetlc little wom4ll, w~ut. trimmed "Imply In aearf. or lu an enveloping learf with one bl. 'We."1n plq.... !Jlrd (II' a ClOu!'le or Eul' read the above 'etter.f A new ret 110 1I ~ lf'1 ; ,.,'nh th" SlIl·1I It cast r Clolt mll!lt Ulke ear-e of the obi.. Anoth\lr lco.rf trilrJjrD10d felt hM ... a JargeCl'Own _4 wide brim roJUq ," 'qr hili 1J.'!trr JeI'~"11 lhal lie Will' dren. ' Ol berwlae, moat of them wolllcl ,It the cllgea Bnd lbe run a lbroQb lis 11118 cut in uae Iide of the VOWD. one .pp..... from time to tim.. They genul",..· true.; .... • . ' ,." ' ... I..I:-el C! om it. j doctore:! to deaUa br tbefr Is IInott~ at bac& '
Some, PJretty
Autumn Hats
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Tht! hook ag nt 's ldom tells a. joke a t his own expcnlie, liut "h ' r ~ Is ollo \reeently rllla.t d b y on e of tile mu cb rnaligu ori f raternll y: " I h au_. IJ eell I n poor h .. a It h" , n~nl d t his IJBl'tlc ul ol' boOK' ag I) t, " [Ind had been advised te go to Ihe mOllutalns of Easlern 'J' nil ss to r ' upernt e. 'fa kill two 'blrds ' wIth ono stone r touk alon g Rom", speclm 'ns of Bll cncy.clo· " dla I had Oil my list, th ink ing I mIght possibly I;et a. f e w or der s. The first POI'S II I stack ed \Ill again st wlla n tYlll cal Ulolm tuln Qr. H wa s al l tln!: In lhe SU Il .In front at hts shaok, watch· In ~ h is wlfo rlfJ lho family w3 ijhlng at n IIttlo brook Ihal now d In fronl 01 th a hous . li e li stcned nttouLiI' Iy while I gol orr. my lilt! s pr-ech . B o al· lowcd ho cou'l(] got along' w t lll Oll t an ,!n y lo\l llia. "TIJ 'n I s" l rt~d afreSh , and I saw h w as g lU ll g ' n tri fl e lJor od. 'WIt .I', sir. no f . mll)/ ir. compl ete wllhollt lh ls book ,' I e~'lalm d. " '':raln ' l IllIg lt ?' h d rawled. ' Wllat YO ll'a ll . n s iu '~ r a cU llIpl eta fam ily ? Se' til '111 'CI _ yuu ng 'un s a·pl aylu · abollt l' " 1 lIoll rl c'fl. "' If o\\r Jlall ' (I 'ye se '?' be dema ll dell. '" ('ullnt tl [.Int'. "'l'b e l' '~ 11\'0 11101' at s 'ho!)l,' he aId, ';in ' l hN6 boys a ·wurkln' down 011 th o II w I' all roall cut, How many do I hat rnn kc!' " ''''(lurt . Po n,' I Ro ill . "Then h o COrnlll 11!'.ed to call hi ' dogs. 'Sl' lit m hounds?' he ' asked " ( saw Ih em . .. : \\'/1 11 . (h e ~I ' s 'slx 0 ' them, an ' three m ore olTell in tlt e woods. H ow ma.ul' do thil t. lUak ? " I to ld him nlllf'. .. '.'0 110 fam ' ly i s . mpl i.e witho ut th at 'cr,o boo k. eh 'r h rllmlnated " Pears 10 me fO'le n dlild'ren an' 1I 1 n ~ rlllwgs Is a J1U'l y com plnle fam'ly, an I h ov !ll ana 'ed to str uggl e alollg w lt'l· Oll t It so /'u " .' .. .
Two Thouisand Men in Mexico Cl t.T Alon e A"e RegUlarly EmployedNo INeed to Carry T im e· pi ece Ther e.
It lnke8 aL 1;1' III army of Q1cn to kee p th e hut' It h('lIs gOing In ~ I e xl!'o. It Is estl luatt' d that in lI'1e)( lco Ity <1 1 ae I h~rf' al'c 11101'0 lho n 2,000 heN 1·llig<'fs. 'I'h!!; i s th l! numb r r egol nrly ('m· 1,10 )" d . On lillYs of re ligious eli-bra· tlOII R th e flHmher IR angm ented, as the rIngin g (If th h lis m ust ' b k ellt UI) Illlnost ' ol\iHan Ll y thl'oug h the dll Y an,j nigh t on sucb u ('[[s lolls . On e of UIC IllUSL striking teul ures o( 1\1 X!Cilll lifo to Ih aSlla l vl sitnr Is (li e nol so of th hlll"l\ bolls. 13\,('ry little hnm let allli m all y I r th e rallch s lu the. co un' Iry h ave one or m ore ath ollc ch urcht'K. Hud ach I ~ cq ulppe,1 wllh one or tHOre IJQII tow rs, The gr ;:ft cuth '(It'a l whic h fitu nds 1It'Rr t h e r'\ a· LioJlll t i'ulaf'c' irl l\l cxICI..) City h as 16 o f lhl'se LO W 'I'S. . III so nl tOlVlI~ lbe conRtl\n t ri nging of 11\ ('hurch ' , li s is prohllJl l l'cJ by the lucal a.u l ho,·',tr.!s. The soull(lIn g or lh b (' I~ s I~ Il ('~mltt d oll ce o r twice o\' I' Y hllur. StOt C chu rches loll t lte Quarter hours and o th er s (all overy fi ve Ul i llu t,!'s. i\lost or tit ch ur ches In ill x l co Ci ty to ll l ll e Quartp.r, halt aOlI
She::-Wlmt book
It I p d ,You
Mllllolullre--M , ' wlre's flrlll cookery 'lOok. YOII se ,r got so that I'd soon er' wo r k than cut, ao (1 ' Iun g to me.
t ho
habl L
A s Defihcd. p a t-QI 601\' In lh ' pa·per soriH:thln' nb(lut n felly thot WOI' nfl h' I' ht' ln ' hluso.· Pllw tlt 'lj .i h' \:ri euilln' 'I[ 'blnso. 0 1 'dllnuo ') Mllte-TlI:1Be 110 be Ih' r" ellu' Iho eotn ~s .\.' n 1 Ull afl hor h I' glts SCI 1117. ;; \hOt ioalln' Is ~T:\ I'(I IVOI'-I' uk,- Ol'1I nl(n lc: lo·. -Obleat;o Dully N ews. Jud: ed by Appeara nce. .JoMls.... hps Il fnco. Elone'S-Ho looks IJ rolw lI down, It th al's wnllt YOII 100au.- HIl!r.Hothl ny.
T he profeSSion of bell rin ging II 1001{cll on 'by lhil l ow er class 5 its b . ng honora'lJl e !tnd dI S tln ~ ul ~hcd. Th ., bell rln gt'rs nre roverenced atl b in g an n(l jllllct if the cl(' rgy . Th bell !11lJ:;e rs Ih QIllS"!V s nre usua ll y proud of I h pll' work. In m any cases thi~ pia 'e 'In a ch urch i s hUIIl! d down tram ra th r lo SOli througlt g 11 raLi on a ft I' gell er at lon . T ile to wers o f th e l ar II cotJlm>t-als nre BllaclOlls. f'l)d are (rcqueml y tlt ted wi th roomEI which ar occullit'd hy th e bell rIn gel'S and I ll(>tr families. H ,re, rar abov th e nnlse of I he tr atlie o r OFFICE KI D STUMPED STUDENTS , the sU' t~. below, Ul fait h fu l toi l I'S W lsdom·Seeklng German Falla to Con· of t b e ~ol lill live n neuce f ul IIf , !< Bm· Ingly unmi ndful of Ih ('ras hlll ~ Ilo l s~ nect w ith Qu eer Ling o. Ivh loh ('onEltan tl y r es unus ahout Ill e lr 'fh o com llill i aI's OU one of tb ~ N w ' .-ery h e/idsi. 'flwy are away frolll t h r sey r n ll r ond s have heed much Ill· otber noisQ'S or th e cIty, bUl (U 'c in t h e tf' I'csted durin g Ih e past su mme r In midst of tilJ e b it clangi ng!!, whIch go t ill? IYort s o( a yo un g G l'Ulan (0 In, on all t h roough tll o rlays nu tl nigh ts. " How C~1lI YOIl l eep, Wl lb all lbhl crens hi s . gn g l lah vo ca bUl ary by noise abou t yo u 1" was r(lcenlly aslled m en ns of ' crllps of nversaUoll o.\ 'er· heard all t h e tra lu and boa t. H e Its· t,h o WIfe ol~ !l b ~ 1I rIn ger In one or tb e t(, I1S wl lh tra ined atl ntl on to what cathedral t.owers. " It Is not the nol s\! at tbo bells tliat lhose 1\ al~ hi m n re saying. and wh en he h nrs an unfamiliar word or ex pres· . ( mind," !lhe r eplied. "r hear th II' sI an searches for It rapidly .In a li t. ringing wliLhout kn owing It, but It Is pocket dictionary be carrIes, and :h e cl \ln glllg of th e stroet car gongs e vld c ntl y con8 It over to bimselt lin· tn. the slrElet below t hat disturbs m y ,Iumt ers," lI! he has learned It . . J.'\ II of the church h eB rlng\n'g in Edwin- loll tried to IUss ll 'pl'etty Tho otlLer day h e stood beh Ind t wo gIr l In a canoe. }:outh s. e vidently oftlce boys, who \'fex l, ,J Is done by hnnd . Some. of th e beBs dre c,t· ponderou s slz and grea t )lJdlla- Dld YOll gel. a t urn dowlI? wer e discussing their eronloyer. weight To ope rate the m r equires t.he JoJdwln- No, ovcr.-Chicago Dally "You 'd better get 011 the j ob." ~ () WS . and WBl'Il ed tho ol d I' of th e two. " The exe r c ise of power[111 mu~c l es chIefs got wi se to YOtlr 10aHn' since mu ch bodl:ly s trength . 'I.'be lise of A Frlendl), T i p. clo ckwork o r el ectri ca l machinery to Ule tell ers li.llJl d him off." " M y dea r boy." s~ ld ' E n('leck , who "Orollc h y. I s h e?" Illqulred th e operate th e many b lis tn the gl'ent hilI " ened t o be In Ii confldenllal ~ l her. Indifferen tl y. ~at b'ed l'a l In Mexico City has been mClod. "yo u wlJl n ' ve r know what I' al "Yep, he's gal a grouch all ri gh t. ~ ons ld e red from tim e to time, but the hUI)plness Is until yo u get mlirrIM." a ll rI ght, und th re'lI be a ' noise like p~ e pond e )'ance of sentiment ot the "You 'db n't ' m eDn II !" xclalmed a ft re' fo r yo u H yo u don't get a mOVA church auUlorltles has been agai nst Sin gl eton, ustonl ~ h ed al. such 11 re' on." sllch li n III novation . mllrk (rom such a sourct'. Th e be ll ringer s a)'(~ dlvld e il Into Th e I [Ives o~ Ol e dictionary flut. "'t't! a fact," r ejoltle d Bnlle k. " bu t t ere d wil d l y for a moDlent. Th en , lay alld ni gh t shlfl s. Tbey are reo th en il will too Inte for yon to aJl' with a gest.ure ot despair, the yo ung qulred . to taU the hours willi prec!· prllcillte I t " -Cblcagu Dttlly N ews. foreign er put th e book In his pack et. dlon . I t III not necessary to cllrry !l H e e thought English idioms 1" lItch In M exico unless on e is travel· Corrected. Ill !;' In Ihe 'codntry, Ot.t t of BQllnd of tho hop e l e~!I. R I'[ld- lJeen rr Og hunt ing '! c11111'ch ·beil i s. At any hour, day or Grot'nc-Yes. . nIght. a l)e'l"lson eRn l eat'll the time by lVIarrl agc and Sacrlflce. " How P." Uto rrogs r unning thlB li st nlllg to Ihe lolling of the b ells. Marri nge, unlt·s!; to th o rich, n c es· senson?" MallY of th o bells wblch hRng In tbe sfll'lIy ell tails y lilt) an!'rl flees. "They'r e 1I0t r un nIng- th is . season, ch ur cb towers ot M oxlco wore IIrougbl t1H!Y;ro jump ing sa m ' liS ,· ny other Th e model'll I.H lehcl or most mt sses hI. from Spaln I n the early days or Span· little w eek ·ene! trl l'll lO sel;\side and Ish ful e. Bome of th em contain Int'g e seusoll ."-You k er s Statesmlln . ( golf links wh en h nr " rs t h e rauk s .amounts or prcclous me tals, whlcb of t he b llnedlet. \\ ok.eudltl!; i s IIIl giVe) 1hem II clear. rich . tOil e. The PR E HISTORIC LOVE :rRA.GEDY. Xp(lIls l ve hnbit oriel . YOIIII" couples. . J)cll rln "'ol'S take great pride' In t heir e\'on If th ey' ca n ' afford i t. nro much hell s, and m ilch cure and nttention ar e wisor to ,seW down Qui el ly III th ei r give n 1.0 kee ping I h om well burnIshed CIlI'l y mani d li fe an ti lIl,lke n rca l rl ud t h ei r p art s oiled and alwll'ys In II hu me. ulon; 't Il y do thiM i ll lho be, sUl le of gOlo\! repair. g innin g "hume, s wec t hom e" wi l l no ve l: b e all acculllpli silt'l1 f:tr, t. It lak~ two ' to lI1a'llc n 110 111 ' and lhere A Un animou s v.ot ~ . .I s no lim ' Ilk \" I he Ur ~l )''' III'~ of IU :\l" A Cermall·AQwrlca n w bo had r ocent· I'la ~e (01 m akll1~ a I' ti l " n est" 11'\111e Iy D.rl'ived al tbe es tate of rI ches at. '. 0 lallt t11roll sh. lire. t n d d his firs t , billlQuet. Tb e ' wi ne 'wns pnrtlc ulnrly vile, an d AD so veral ~elltl e lUe ll ·wh o w,: re seat ed nea r the Jap ~ Arm y PromQtlons, " . In th e II)nltel' of 'ffi('l c ncy r ell"rts r: el'lnan '1'0 1' quite satisfied ' to hav o alld prOll1otiOIl !:l Il I>; \l oled t hnl In ·the hIm e lllpl y th e bottl es thllt IUl d b cn Japanese army . th ere is II. book for ~e t apa r t for thE:'l)' cornmoll: lise. ~()itJ~. 9ach limeer. "'hich lie is privil ege d to PI' the Quality nor the qunnWy of the see aud In \vhich .nr , I'ccord e(l ramal'ks wine In t he l eas.t dls tllrbe tl the T eu·· as to his prog re ss and e!\l cl ellcy In 'on ; and , n.(ter draining th e last glass, each rank, so tbat Il l s known whether .he looked arouud ' jovIally and Bald: h.e· ' Is fit for r:rolllotion or not as h e " Shentlellwu, I har dow druuke n all rises In the Fervlce : aud, consequent· , s our wine, and sated yo u th e t!'oublc of tr ln klns: vat YOIl did not like. J Iy, .a.· se!er::Uon committ ee doea' not 1st In .J apan. 1n this way any offioer Un It )'on lugh t to vot e Ole a pub lie Returnlryg His. Love~Letterel would ··b aware or his chances at ·rIB· taiik." · 'fhey dld.- Llpplncott',. Ing t o hI gh ran k, as Qb ly lbose whOSE Woeful Wute. records w ero good. wou l d succeed, the Hlllge lVIasonry Arch. "O ..e, but It'a hot! '.' erlell Mr. SI1:zer, tlulter going out automatically. The seco,nd largest 'masonry arch In mopping hI s . brow. "Wher e II! th e ' world has, .accordlng to Engineer· . Tommyr ' Ing News, recently been buIlt . on a A .Searchllght ·Problem • . :'Ollt flying ' his !dte," 8al4 Mr~. Biz· . Mrs. Rertha ' .A:yrlon hUt, s.ucceedod ne w ' railway In Austria. , This arch zero In IlSce rlahi ln'g the Clluse or lhe re- III the Illrg:eat span of II. hrldge' over '.·W~I, ror goodness salte, tell him 1he Isonzo rlve r, ant! 18 278.9 feet, bav·. to stQP I t!" roared Sizzer. "The Idea fractory behR\I'lor at the RE.arch llgbt In Ing a rise of 78 feet. The arch 18. at '!el'taln r eSll ect s ~m 4 Is devi si ng II of lIslng 'up what li ttle breeze ·thero ,l. relliedy. .The Drlt:sh Mm lrult.y calleu out stone I:oundcd, on r.e-enforoed can on 8ucL . no·nse.nse ! " - .Judge. " cin Prof: "Ayrt on to . Im-osi igato lIle crete footings, bac.k ln g Illto ljoU(i TOCIe. lr(Juble BOlDe tin1{\ I'.g o. Aftei' making tt Is ·G.6 reet thick at tIte ' erowll . The . Our Recent Education, . lorgest masonry aroh III thEl world 18 !'You can win ,In a walk," sa id tbe wany InvestlgaHon's h e turned tne III Plaua n , Oermany, h aving a span at .. ptobl~nl o. , ter 10 his wlte, who lB' (be call1111ligil managel', cntbllsla!Jtioslly. 295 feet, :and t h e hitherto IIccond "Pllbllc Hellt)ment Would never be only womon member of the fnstltute lurgest, ·at . Luxem borg, wltb 277,6 8a~l sfted wllh nnytblng so aedate and . of EI(lct r lcal E n glnee·rs . and who reo feet span. . or derly," answered t bE.. candidate. cel ved tb e 'only mMal liver awarded to :~Call·t you arrange ro r me t o wlti In a '\ w,omitn by th e HOy's l So(! of horseilack galloll, or somelblng at t bat London ' (or Ollglnal unaided wo r" . Money Wasted. klnd." .....WaBhl/l gton. 8tal'. 'UI • ......c..... , d alllrologer desorlbed yOU The 'Trill 'It .Leave •• suid that 1 IIhould marry Evading the I.sue. .. 'And methonght the air grew den. Mrs. LUshlngt.un-And tbere ~u er,' quoted tllO profeSSor In lIterllt"re.· Mn,,~·1J(J,u't you tblnk it was II. waite w ore, at tbreQ o'clock the m c.rpIDC. "Now wbat do we learn from this?" conBult ~mT bugging that clgar·store Illdian. . "That tbe autQJlloblJe was oommOD
tllAl\i,BOmO of
It last week,and· be got
turned out ur the churob tor telllPI "'tt" Ii''f'lut I4Ja he caulbtl
Mr•. Luablngton-8urely, ..Dy dear. til poe', time," Rnlw,..... practlal 1IIlftJ1I. of tblt- ~...
'OU are. llDt' JealouaHnd;8.
J ReaUers
~ +&g .~ :
ofthi. r·~r de. .irin~ 10 buy anythmg .dycr.
in itl columna .hould in.ift upon h.ving whar Ihey ask lor. refuaing all lub5lilute& or imitationa.
I'JSH BR~~\)
The cleanest.lightest. - and
most comfortable
A. N. K .-E
Send For Free Catalogue "How to Make Money SeIling Goldfish." Makes bu sin S5 lively around your s to re when every t hing el se fails . BIG profits and Q UICK r e turns. .Full line of aquarium s upplies. Write t o -day .
GOVERIMEIT LANDS BEST REACHED FROM DALLAS Dallas and Gregory, S. D., are reached only . by the Chi~go C& North Western Railway~ They are the only towns on the·reservation border. Dallas and Gregory are the main registering points. President Roosevelt has designated Dallas for the final drawing October 19, 1908.
Dealer-·Let me Mil lOU Bome of our new r.alent b.;.lt.. air. Fillbermsn- is It effec.tlve? Delll er-,EIfEctl ve? Why, 1 1101;1 n
houl·s .
ruo~t In Y'lIlr career,1\-I r. Spl.osh ?
Where it Plnche.. "They Bay I hat 11111 oad they are Aut· l erlng f rom th lack. of Am rit:u n . lourl "t8." . " Yes. It cntR 01T profltllble PXIJf>dl · tionB nft!'r Ih golden ft ece."-Uult!1D0r. Am eri can.
The Chicago a NorthWestern Ry. is the, onl, ollr-rail route to' the rese·rtJation.·
T,afflo Mgr., C. Ir. Chicago, III.
·Old .Virginia Cheroots you. ~
,Save on
I· _
three useless heads.
You Pay
for three good smokes
Are· 6c Cigars
Without the
He.d TheretOre 3 for 5e It's the. useless head you throW awaY' ,t lvtt , makes three cigars cost you 15 cmts. Old Virginia Cheroots are all cigar-no w. ste. You pay only tOr what you smoke. 5 cenb for tbreC · iIl- ' ItCa4 ut !Sc.
--~ --- ----- - B-u-r-n-~~~~4~t~N~0~.~i~~~.~.~1~1~~~.~G~:~B!~~S~I~N~E~S~S~M~E~N~'~S~A~·~···rl~v·'1·1··\·/~I~~::::~~:::~~~::~: :~:~~~~:~~~~-;';;;;;~;;;;~~--.COUNTY COURTS
Clint W. Stant,
contrao t No.1i, POLIT IC ,12',.00 ; Henr~.' 'bristi" u , I;!riel gH Thrt'.C Ma rriage Li~c~scS I. suc~- Busine s III en thr<)ug lwut tho repl\ir" , t:iam iJton town.h lp, ,10 j' l:ommis!'ionl!rs Report and oonnt,r y ar~ tlbpllAy ing 11 much Henry Cllriilt llln, bridge repairs . Other Business. 'Humil ton towlUlb ip, *21i.1l0 i WillllADl g rellter ooLivity In poli~,it\'!1 in lOU ' THE GRI£AT oott,. bridge re))8.1rs, U ni on ' town· than ever bAfore. By bUMi ness men, I Probate Court. , ship, ,Ui ; Henry mehls, bridge reo r UI II n luen II n~fl.gerl in nIl brn n hell I L' of industr y , tlnllnce i ~ioo f 'ounty 'l'r.. nllury, : pain•. t:)"lelU Ilnd Harlan town!!h omm rce lI·ud i ps , r",x alU Utt" ., N W ' I" Samue '1 'd l W . Keever ,Jr. , IUIIl lY . {,or. tL 2.115; 1'. . I.erso n, ')rl ge re · trllnsportu.tiOIl Tbis.u . Mvity wa Sil shown not only In 'rVnslilington Illst win Drake filed thei r r~port and pllirtl : WIlHhin l5'ton townsb lv. *24.\\0 win&er wh n t.ho repre!!e ntlltive s of oourt. order d ,it reoorde cf. and tb~t J obn Breen, 'daDll\ieS lind t.nateri,,1 tbe Nntinn ni Assool iltion of Manu~ rnished Tbe Fran klin tlto Mather 'e mill bridKe, '''0 ; War. oop IOil b e fu .' . 1 bl k fl10ture }' Cbroniole and The L hfl.llon Plltrlot rs Itnd of 'he 155 nationlll, ren ounty Appe/\ , an s (or fo. for Vllblioat.i Oll b~te Judge. 110 ; 1'. C. Patters on I!ta teand local orgllniz ntions leagued with \18 in the l'l u.tlonal (;ouooi l fur .r 'l o or~. IIIfl\t\tuloillg horstls bn(l Etitllt,e of Carolin e \'" vehlole s j) loclustr it\1 l)efen ~ nideu in tl efent . . ! benefiolllry .· llJigbt,h accOlln t of ror August , *LO; WHiter 1:) . Whitll. The Bann er Event of the Year ing the ·1tt.l!8 legislll toion propo"ed by for tlett le· 0 1'6, firs t, etltimtt.te on ontraoL No. to All the People of John W. Moore t rust.tle. . :.!-I $200 ; 'entral l olon Teleph one oDie o'f the labor politioi tt.ns, it WlIS Warr en and Adjoin· ment filed. In matter of etotale 0 1 Ill'y BplIl. 'om ))lIn y, rents a lld t oJIs, -1'"' 45 Illlm IIhown ill tho hioogo oonven . I 1 .. ' . , j tion in June,' ing Coun ties. when lIll of us h el ped , 8. Willilt.lJl8, fhllil est,ima te oontrac t nyer, deceaie d. Adlllini8~rlltor IS to vanqui sh the slime elemen ts when I ordered to sell personlAl proper ty at No ..JIl, t9:.l.1 I, ; .1. N. Boroh rellllirs , they Il ttempl. ed to oomml t t,he Re I h Turtleo reek townsh ip. Ila .50, private 8I\le lit not 16SS t an ap 'ontrllc t was entered int,o with publioa n pan~ to this 011\88 propa, vrailed value, Four Ureat Days fraught with IIvt ganda. It IS likewis e Been in th e I n matter of Williaul U. Howar d . .J. N . BUf 11 for Il oonore t e inl{ interest in every departm ent for I pro ,eo ott.nvas s in reoent, weeks. young and old- -an annual ~eccl! an Illleged insane persoD. Ad . ' tion wall DelU relliden oe of Willial ll And, &S f8r I\S praotic llble , busine~8 toward s which all sleps lend--a verItab le judged insan6 by Probate Judge Mecall'lllY ou old Bllmilt on rond in men sh ould mine of good , dean amuscm f;!nt and in. be induoe d to beoome and entit.le d t o admiss ion Into the Turtleo reek town~hII~ at '21.UO. I Isructio oandid o, atos for politICa l offi oo. 'j'he , "led IlTOposllls for 1\ steel beam Day'on IDsane Al'yluJll. primar y IIlWS ID the states where Estate of Mary (;. and Harrie t A. bridge near the 'MoLane fllrm on they exist mllke it. &lay fllr tt.npbod y Ellerho rst, minorll first IOnd tiu"1 Gander Run road io Frankl in town. to beoome a candid ate for any post. shiV were receive d in respon se to acooun t flIed. , He Is not obliged to usk the [n matter of will of Emilint l Daw. posting in the A.udltor ·s , office . of any pOlitioi an befor e presen ting Ion deooaaed. Applica tion to "d. Oregon ia Bridge (;ompll ny IlS per his' name to t !le people', or to subsimit'lIIlme to probate het for hearing. plans on fi le, 1209. 011 motion con dize any party bosl. The lists are l:iuean Beller, a<iministrlOtrix of traot for above W"S awarde d to The open to every oitlzen wh o wllntfl to William Bellor, i·m beoil". Uuar. Oregon ia Bridge COmpAny at, their enter t hem . dian 'a petition to sell real esLlAte of bid of 1269. . . Nor will the business mll.n 's oon· ward aet tor hett.rlnK Ootobe r :lO, PlIl1ls for II stea l beam bridge oorn in the issues whigll are being , 1908 and court ordered notloe of with wood floor near Elias Folks disouss All will be Red Lette r Days. ed in t.he presen t oamptl ign Mame to be publish ed for six oonseou · farm on Riohart l road in Frankl in' end with tht\ electio n on Novem ber tlve wooks in The Wester n and townah ip were approv ed and or 3. 'fhe action a f the presen t Con. oopiel m8lied to non r.esiden tsdefen · dered poat-ed in the Audito r's offioe. gress, in the s1:ort session ~eglnning danta and to said ward. Meinbership Tickets - $1,00 in Decem ber, on the Injunot ion, the THE "CHIG GER" , Eatate of John Frederloil' HOllk, Singl P~OpOli e Admission, IlU amend ment to tbe Sher· 25c deoelU!ed. ~'irIJt and finlOl accou.n t During the t!Ummer farmer! ! Ilnd man haw /lnd o'ber questi( )ns whioh Illed. harves t hll.nds have been enter· were Jeft over at the end of the re A, D. SMITH , Pres. ).n matter ot will of John A. Blair, tained by tho' little insect known oent !less ion WIll, to a lar @e degree, ClEO W. CAREY , Seey. deoeale d. Ordere d to publio notioe 815 the " ohlgge r. " 'rhe atrtt.w this depend on tohe result of t·he voting of applioa tlon to IAdmtt same to pro- faU as waUlI.s the oorn seems to, be in Novem ber.-Ja mes W . Van bate. . infeste d oe bad as the blue grass (;Iellve, Preside nt Notion al Assooia BUlan Beller, guardia n of William was earlier in "he sum~er . The tion of Manufa cturer! !, in Americ an Beller, imbecil e. Publtoa tlon of employOOlt of the paper FOR KILLIN G CAT mm bave Indusir iOI for Septem ber. notice of time of hearing of.saId 11.0 · had all sort.s of tormen t and there lion !PI lied to non ·realden&a. is no end to it yet. Mome olalm WARR EN FARM ER DYNA Frank Loj ewl~p , Il Clevela nd oOD· 1 MlTED ID matter of will of Emily Daw· that a beavy Irol' or frosts tractor ohorge d wit,b buryin g ali'l/e i8 all A Purel y ·Vege table Laxa tive SOD, deoeate d. Admitt ed to pro· that will termin Ii oat . belong ing to r,.yel1r .old Mllry ate the existen oe of 'fhd Warren oounty halil been bate. inBeutel, was plaoed on triuJ . Cures .Chron ic Con8tip ,ation, ana All police tbe peeky tblnis. , 'fhe " ohigge r" ill a v~ed by anarcb ists WII.S tbe theory oourt.' Hill defenoe is that in'the &Rate of ClaJ:kson Cadwa llader, mioroeoopic81 inlilOOt that Liver and Kidney Troubl es. ani. i8 ueotllly voiced by many yesterd ay' mornin g mal was oill oroform ed by deoeue d. Fire' aod final aocoun t found in the blne graBfl Bome one regions of when Scott Ulark, a farmel ', 65 years other than ~he defend ant flied. FW we a' 'bo rolloWlDiI ilIac." : and was Ken'uo ky, but for some unknow n old , rl!8tdin g I\. few Dllies from Leba soppos ed to he d&ld when Estate of FredflJ'lok MUler, de . rllll80n haa made its appear buried . anoo in non,tol Zimme rmlln'tl , Kilbon '>1, d hi8 8tory to the proseou t.or. Five jurors were rejeote d hafore ceued, LOuis J. Miller appoin ted tbie territo ry thl8 snmm" a r. It Baving WhilAt 'tI, Mount.j oy '" Springfield. Ohio, oareful ly locked his house, jury wos empo:n eled . Bernllr admiD istraior with bond 011500 . bas a propen sity for attachi !l, ng itself • E. W. Bates and Marvin E . Dawao n to the limbe and body of tbe work , oight before last, Mr. Clark lay aged 12, told how he played detec. , ~::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~:~ dewn for a peacefu l Dighlt's sloop. tive and htJw the oat : ==~~~=~ ~~~=~=~=~ lsoorit lel. was found men who lator in the field and bar· .. . .J •• ~ • ' -, Bearin g a noise in the fl'ont yard orampe d in 8 box: buried Eetate of Emelin e DIlwlo n, de. rowlnl under the akin where Dett.r II. new it about 'midnl gbt, he oaotious~y apartm ent house, whioh Loj8wi ceaaed. Ennie nawlon and , E •• prodo0 e8 a very plAinful se irriiatl on looked out ot the window , just In W08 buildin g. . "When lit; 8mUb appoin ted -execut ora. J. tbat i8 extrem ely bothers ome wa were when time to soo a rougn loo,k ing man olose to the box," he said " we Lee ThomplOD, J. M. Rallton &ad the parts ajf'oote d beoome oould awarm and throw a huge dynam ite bomb into henr the oa* 8Orsto hlng . GibioD Lowe appoin ted apprais ers. peraplr atlon sets uP. Hardin " 'fbe OOx oooa. hie yard and plaoe a dumml ;' man' In whioh tlul oat WIlS buried. Estate of SeDry Houok, deoeaa ed, ty farmen are IAlive to the was habits at hi8 front gate. 'A. few momen ts offered in eviden oe. Flrl' and IlDalao oount flled. oUbe peek,. insoot and hll ve found Estate of Mariar ot Clemen ts, de- that it 8100ps at night and oonse. lllter 't he bomb explod ed with ter. • _ ._ - -HAR MO UN·T 'S rimo orll8h, ar.d Mr. Olark rUshed ceased. OwinK to absenc e 01 wit- quently they have taken P ink Pain Tablet s-Dr. hoop 'sto wo~k. out only to Hnd the dummy lAnd Il stop Beada, phe, womanl~ paina, any neeses hearing of lame poatpl?ned to Ing after dark in the flelds with a badly shatter ed fron t door. pllln any where, in 20 mmnte 8 8ure. Septem ber 26, 1908. hope of starvin g the little red in. l'he theory thtt.t he hlld brough t l!'ormu la on the 260, box. In matter of will of WillillD,l A •. 800ts from the southla nd Ask youl ,- Cedar- dow n the anger of a bl\nd of anar drnggi st or ' doctor about tJIls forBardy, deoeas ed.' Applio a'ioD &0 ville Herald . ' It's ftne. Sold by all dell.lere. ohist upon bimsel f howev er, would• mula-___ admit lame probate let for hear. ' _ + _ _..,.._ - - -not be admitt ed by the old ftt.rmer. ing Septem ber 28,1908 .' ' A BISHO P POTTE R STORY ' , h The maliolo us · attaok WIlR the If the roll.n who trll.ve18 on t e Maniaze license s, is a naviga tor, why iSD't a mlln 'l'be late Bishop Potter onoe In his work of his neighb ors; he olaims, sea who travels lu the air au a.eroga ter William H. Wond, 32, meroh ant early days hl\d ooolAsion to offiollAte who wish to frighte n hini from the and the man who sneaks home by of Morro" " and Mary Eva Baldwi n, at a ohrlste nlng In II. smal] fishing o'luntr y and to swindl e him out of the baoll: "l1ey at 2 a.m. aD a11eyga. 21,lale lwoma o of Morrow . Fa~her village of the Ma8!lll0hu!!etts ooast," his proper ty. Mr, Ulark owns tt. Delner . little , farm near White Oak, and il! a tor? slAld the story teller. "The proud John B. Sheppa rd, 36, farmer of father ,> yuung flsherin !ln,tt.w kward per"on who' enjoys no oOIIlpany 8S 'j'he way some People try to keep I:Ioolalv~lle and Nann Ie P . Woodr ey , Band Conc ert in Even ing on Main Stree t 1y holding his rn daught er; well a8 hl8 own., It i8 nmore d cool by freezin g their inslde8, makes ~O, of Sootalv llle. Rev. R. B. Bage' was visibly em oorrass throug hont the ooun~r y thtt.t he has tbe dY!lpepsla dOO8 8nigKe r ! ed under the maD. , sorutln y of the mHny eyes itl the a larg,! fortune in ,old and bank '"!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!! !!!'!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'~~~!!! Virgil C. Clinkln~ard, 21, mI" oon&:re gn.tion, and hill nervou sne88 Dotel which he keeps uuder his bed chloia' of Ma80n. and Alma S. "Was no~ deoreas ed by the ' sodden in II. woodfin box. He had a lqng Stebbin s, 18, Mao~hester. watling of 'the InflAnt as they stood talk with the prosecu t'V' yeste.rd ay, at the font. When the time fOI and arrang ements were made ' for Real Estate Transfe rs. ooptisDl .of the IAr,ri ved the the orrOlit of severn.l of his neighFlora W . '~'etriok and husbitn d to Bishop notloed that the father was bors. 'l'he affaIr hilS oreMed r;1O Banna h Waggo ner, part of Iota 115 boldlng the ohlld so tbat & It-I! fat lit. IUtle exoitem ent in the oountr y Illid and 116 In villaae of Mason, $1000. tie legs pointed' toward !IAIl'.8T REET ,WAYNESVILDII1, o. ~ak<lale , the ,funt. vII.rious theoria s have been voiced. Gaolae McCam mon and AilDle 'Turn ber thlt! way,' lie whltltJ6 ' In room uext doorJto Gross red, Bros. ~~_"_• • •_ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...:: 1l0Cam mon t«;l Benry C. Bhurts, but the fat,her was A Sure-en ough Knocke r. disconc erted Hard WBre Store. , ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tracts In 'Samll ton iownl!h lp, 11,00 to h811.r or unders tand ; J. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ V, Good win, of Reidsv ille, N 'Turn her ~lephorie in . honse Ilnd ' office { "nd other oonside rations . ' .feet around ,' the Bishop whispe red C., sll.ys : "Buokl en's Arnioll. &Ilve III where I can be called day or niaht . Chrllti an Glehle to Henry (llehI8, ogllin ; but still there was a 8ure enoug~ knool<er for U oarli. Valley £-hone 14-2. no reo 57 aores in IJarlan townsh ip, Sland sponse . The situlltl o'n was A bad one came on my telI lUlst sum- "",!!!!!,~~!!!,"!~~,!!!!,!!!!!!,~~,! fast be. mer, !,~~!!!!!,~ Veterin ary Surgeo n and . Dentist . but t.hat ,wonde rful salve' ~ other oonsld eration l. ' , oomlng oritiolAl, ' when Iln anoien t knooke d It out in 0: few 1I'0unds M. A. Jamelo n, execut or 01 West marine r in the blAok of the . Valley Phone 133-2X ohurch Not even scar remain ed. ',' (luar·. Laxative Granu les ' Glenny , to Carrie Bone Fairohl Jd oallle to . the resoue, Putting o,nteed for pilllS, soretl, burDs etc. ' bis 200. at F AYN ESVI LIJE, OHIO . HUrp08!!es all otber rem . C, ~chwartz's drug store. oorner lot on Cherry aDd New weathe r. beaten band to . \ hl8 mouth edies streetl , lle,OOO. for ,the , relief or sick. , he toned IlcroM the room . HeRd - - -+ , IIIIIlIn tbl! b~paln Ul7WMl"I!. bul" W. F. ~'zroth to Lafaye tte Nioll ~ ber to the wind Jack . I FIRE FROM HEAVE N headac he, , dizzine ss; indi~ =-::Wr'1fi~.t'!:,b='\)~;'aDdTbato, MILK FEVER A '"'PECIALTY I olsoo" 100 aoree in CI~rort!flk 'own , • _ • _ __ ---geatio ...... n, 116 cbronlo Con.ti pa baa c _ _ a 11"1" pink bl_ ~Ue !!!!!'.!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!"!!~ \ d Dr, Shoop'l UeadM he.. IIblp, ' II .and other , cOnlld eratlun s. Wbile ' EvlAngel\st Wilson was ~ blood P......ure ._,. from pain ..,18fL , . tion and Bilious A ness," b8(l~ulle clever, popula r Caudy , Cold Lizzie. Heller to Beary~, Beller, •• 1. • th~y , lot iD village of Frankl in, $1 and (;ure Tablet -called Preveo tics-is at Blaokf ork, nellr .".\1 art\ ClOll)pot !ed,of tbe best. Gallipo lis, Ohio. ban a heada\lb... t,'. :bloo4 1I1-urebeing dispens ed by drnggi sts ev~ry· oiher oonsld eratlon l. known Veeeta bJe d'r og8, and where., 10 a few bours, Preven tlos last week, a meteor or ba.n of fire ' ,FUN William R . · Wund to Barbar a are said t o break any oold-c om- fell- from the cloudM and oltme ~;;;~~~=-: L 0 C mixed in the pro))llr propor 1iellda~~ ~~ Wood and M.arga ret Wund, lot 10 pletely . And Preveli tl08, being so throug h the tent. olll1sing I! pa.nio ~~'r.;I= :~~~ alllllI~ d1I&11bute tions known to 801 ve tbe bee '. I::\alem ~,wllahip, It 'and other oon· sllfe and toothso me, are very fine among several hundre d peovle who .... "OUJ",lIn ",r,and for doem'U ohildre l" n. re4. ' r~ults aDd No Quhllo e, no · laxo . ....n..4 pain ,.ouf Ilderatt Onl. coune It dDeI. 1 ~ tlve, notbing har8h nor slokenl ng. smmpe ded to get oot. No ona Will! t:ablood DI'I!IIU N.~ YOU' UIIDdt' . . . . _ Every bottle Kuar.raTlteed 1 serlou slvinjo red, but grellt exoite· Boxof 48-2Iio . Sold by all dealers . :"7 • JL~IIImpl " OommOll BIGIe~ ....JiU II&:IJI --..II ceotl, Uld COmmissioners' Proceedlna8. cm.rtu1I 7N 69 3r ~IiJ 01' to glve' lIlItltlfa otlon or man· --..---. . ment prevatl ed amoDg the people ~IUlailowed ; William H. Jaok. . A Coonec ticut horse refused to who ey refunde d. believe the phenem enon was IA • ' \ .OD'" 800, mdae., for ooud hOOle, eat 11,300 in blJ1l1 hfj found 250 a boUle at Schwa m'., 10 bil spiritu al manife station f'rl)nl on t~ g,..~ 11.eQ; Ruglle l (lale Compa ny, troDlh . An ao&omobUe O~ mailed anywh ere opon noelpt woold have blanD lor ProbaS e .Judae, sa.GO,; _ _ thaI pUe If It had taken If price. three hlah. - -· - -be 1uok y .... co The anDual eqnlDll x will• H. Dake. lumber . "1.110; ,EIt D. month l to do it, be the G ...... ~a'ER tte S II. . _ .. I.' ....... if it nox out the straw hat tbi8 yflar ALL ,D...... ,. 10,
four Immense Days
.Warren County
four Large Days
Better Premiums
' B igge r .'--- ~ .September 29tb, 30th, Exhibits .October 1st and 2nd. Brighter
. --
Brighter features
Than Ever
I ~_'~----~--------------------~
The Alpha Chemi at Go.
COlnlllg ,Urider Big Wat erpr oof Ten t
Big Uncle Tom's Cabin I
CO MP AN Y. Th urs . Ev e, Oc tob er' 1.
Pric es,
i\. MA FF IT.
15c and 25c.
You have the rest, now see the best
Sho w Gro und s,
Par k
DR,. M.. :, S. lV EST, .
P A IN \,'IW .
"'~;••• ,,'i.;n~
~.t 'f~"II:"=--=
MO~JLU RE !»::~~~~·::'~r&"t c:~. ERA IRE TOR, Ito; lTtelephone .Day or Nllhl. ' 'I , L.o'cal No.1
- -
D-. Sbo op''. .
stanca o. -
, , WAYNESVILLE, 'OHIO Hea dac he . OHlcl, HarllfSburt' "Ta . ble ." 1:.-. ',sa.......... ~or •
W ~t!kl .~·
'1'lie ImJlut
will be
A hundre ll or Dlure IItookholder" OWI' II :I:: IN AI.I.EN ItI.I )(I . MJln I"r'" UUU j; 1\, .. ~t,.\! ui s h 1.11 .. "ILt,iveJ: l, lind In tbll Ke ltf~ lIl! k.v COlli Min ing COlli · How man, reader. have heard ofthl. "'}u~ ' I 'ru ~ h~ l' ~' ot Wu Ut' 'luwflNhl p will ..... 11 \,A\'I.~:Y ·1'H loI.: t'tll)N~:. (·AI.1. Nl'. II ~ I,he litt.lfI iJUutht! terrible dleealic? It prevallll In Lbat _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ II.ullv anieIl OA of V,II."rtl in lll for the PIitIY lIIet iu D"ytoll IUHt week to Lu· \l lt' low 0jH ft.·H IKln ii tt,I,~ t,ld\l('J Ou ltll' far-away OOUntry-Afrlca_pecla IlJ ul<1rking ,1I80UllI:I o O Olli~lons in that con oern, the Congo dlshlct. It Is cautied by ' I ' I~ I t i M 5th da)' of Octobc I,htilr r, J 9(} bllll"t!'C, , will b~ wholly iDullel.r. L . v ltANIC , ~~I Ilnd oluLrgea of Ulismll nageme nt I It Ufl' .. nll~tlr . the bite or the taot.a fly. 'When It b d 1 ' Inut·, tv I,h e lIervice , uud l.b08e un- RerB !<trongly in t.e. t wus ~l l \\ u·clunk p. lU, .1l l UI: UUII d (arUl, th\! bites a pecHon. tho Ileepi ng symptoms ·O lll nll' l l uI' all labor Lie c UliS'Ul ~y to l' ul +.10\\11 IIcq~lIllUI,ed wit.h tbe j{eneral llllpeot clulme d that *~OO,OO O reoelve d froUl Ihe hills " "(\ widen Lhe nllm nl tn~II l ilL Ih ' begi n and lIno.lIT t,he Bu tferer SloePI' Rates of Subscr iption uf [JOIiIIMI oonllitions, an~ who tbe Stile 01' stook hl1d not until death occurs. baen !lC- voll ', (arm (II' lhe \\' OIvncHI' llI u an,l BurHn,,· lin 'l' t"lU ' (~t.rltlt l y til ad\,ullcu , l O n Illku. *1.11) have Illil ed 11l'llvl ou~ly to iuform oounted Contras t lhls with the peacefu l, fo r to 'their s l1ti sfllcti on. h'M lc lJoI')' balmy 61eep or healtb. Is there any.ur, thewljc l VO!l tbroug h I he ptl bllo pres8 Suits Worth $15 to $18 Pl ans alH~ t\ pccl lh' l\ lt1 11lt4 0 11 flit- :It..I\ 1\\n One of the Obj ootR of the meetlnl \ tblng ilIore wearing than to 11 0 awake shiV 'Il:rk ' , om".·. III t o who IUIII whut the OIludid(~te8 WIIS to pu.t 0 11 foot I1n in vcatl g.itlon at night, tossing about. nervous, with Itutes of Advcrt isemclltll BUild "r f :,OI) I ... r'e u l r ed n f rirt/, will lIeell 1,0 ~ive thfl ballot whloh will ' olel1r np thi!! rul cold toet, hot head and mercy knows mutl er , IJ itl~,lt'r. Th e ' I ' nl~t~e ~ r ...·"iCn ~ lilt'ti U c"~I,:;:; 200 S\vell New Full ~U IL'I made by rh' hl 1 M , O ~ " II() lie study 111 unlf'r to Umlon t nlore what else ? Short of lelling the tsetse than '441; ,000 IlI.villg been reo rt'}c,: l auy or 1.1l Ltftt "'i. fly blto' us we wou ld do almost any. \tlc where t h y lIre lit. 'I'be h ·tllot w111 celved Michae ls-Sfern ."= Co., of 'lil~~Ulel1 AltH, nulo ttl " " l'c\.·d n,·. , lind" . from the IlILlo of I!tt.lo k ~ . . B )' urt! .' ,· of llic "' 'J'ru Btt',.::, III \ Vu.yn c It,WII ' thIng for reller. How can we prohlp. 'l' br e IIl K°r l "HIS • '!~r. bel (ill inche~ lon g. 'l'hdt iM, if you Rochcs ler, . Y. A commi ttee of t hree WII S IlP , vent It? Mr. G1lorge Hayes. of Cart! .. r 'l'hallM N '. II. ' I.EMKNT ' . . ~.-,u !\fa 11 pel'lIou of oruintt ry /,Ilze, it WIll . pointed t:;uturd ay tl.fterno Union on to City, lIIake Pa., writes: " I bad lost He H olull o,, ~ .. .. own' hi ll 'Jerk ,r,ue re.loh fr om yuur ohiu to your ankles. , an iovestl gat,ion. my appetite . was all run-down .•!ou ld _.--.Sodaht. e tc, wh "re ·hnrwt· Ih mu, lt· Mlnln~ ex;perts This special lot of Su its was mad .. .~r,u In widtb it will be 15 inohe!l -or lUI vllined tbe proper GlJARD THE EYES OF CHILD' Dot sleep nights. I had tried e"eryUIHplay Allvertl. llIg . per I"'~ ty ut S8IH ,OOO, up for a large Eastern retail ' e!\tabtblng • IOC broad u ~ 11 )Joge of pliper. without rell er . . Vluol was' recWheu OIKcoll nlS ~Ivell 0 11 lOOlllne l . Attclln ey Ellrl 'furller , of lJayton , Tt i8 a rltrE! t.hing, indeed . for a hu· ommend ed, a nd to my surpri se, It lish ment to be retailed a t $1-6 to $18 . the helld o f Ihe tlOk'e t Is placetl OD Will! Ilppoln ted some time a~o to IIllln being to bo born witll de· belped me at on ce ; gave me 8. splendid . 1"01' certain reason the order - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the little desk on whiob was you !lrel eX_I mllke IHI examin ation of tbe IIlhlrll WI<!DN\<! S UAV . s~~ p'n:M I\Io: lt :10 III(, H, fecti ve vision, SI\Y ~ Dr, Leonor d appetlle . and now I sleep \;ollndly ." cancell ed. MI'. Cohea stepped 'in pee teu to IIlllrk tt, til" fuot of it will of tlle oompll uy at MorgaD What Vlllol d'i d {or Mr. Hayes. it will tield, Ky ., Keene Hirsh berg, in t he )ctober do for c\' ry run-d wn. nervous and and purcha sed the entire lot. The drlt~ the 1II)')r. 'I'b e onliull ry Imllot , u.n.u h'ls report, whloh dealt IlirgeIy DeHlgn el·. Uobblel!!toutl A.vt/ulIe ! Ay e, IIU let boxes, thougll of good !!ize, overwor ked person who cannot IIleep. suilS are h ere ready for your .inspecw.ill be wlth figuretl, sbowed II.lleged IIU8A cllild 's eyu8 should receive at, U be, llDequl1l to the lIervlce, Bnd bl\rrel~ mllDllg ement. It wa.s obarge J. E. JANN EY, Drug gist, tiLlIl . A louk will convinc e you that d tbd tention the vllry minute it is born. th yare wonder ful values. or hOKslle lldt! Dllly be neocssl lry to E'reailleut Chlnlet l . ~. WByne svillc, Ohio. Buker had Tbl8 is becuuli8 t,he re Is always Il Go ing to the f ,I\I' this wet;k ? 11 Id I,he baUota after they fo r Suits worth $15 to are v o~ed perpetulI.I proxies to as8ure bill reo ohnnce that they may harbor 11 few • • $18, made by Mich Better tllllil ever. II.lld tbe jllllKell 'l1ud olel,'kll of eleotlo n eleotion . ger m!! of t ho terrible disease knowu No w who will be the Ilext to plnne ue l,;-St~1'fI & Co. --'- -willllte rlllly hllve their hll.nds fnll lUI ol)htlillllllil! Ileonat orum. In two down tile Iloropla ne r 'ourll ? FROM CO'ITO N STALK S l~t ' s be Ullllll.rluuutl in wauUu g In oouutlUK the vote aud Il m-llcb DAYTO N days, or 111llybe three day!;!, t be bll· lng " good , ol"lln tuwu, llnll lI ot lull I O U~t"· t.ime thau ullulI.l will be oon A OUIllI'IlU Y LlIltl been formed 1U by'8 ey e~ ~r'o w red I1ml begi n to 'l'be hUtllllU sk ull hus thirty bOlles. "uuII:cl In perform ing the work .- Atlauta , till. , of bumpli lind rutll. whloh, if tbe sf-de .1IsoLlIlT ger, ore.LlllY PUll. 'I'be upper The lIumbe kull is 011 bone . West-er n Stur. _ __ . E-- ments mude by tile promot ers are lids swoll unu filII over the lower - -correot , promi8 es to comple tely revo- ones. By uu<J1 by tho Infectio CLOTlU: S. WEAR SATIN THIS WINTE R it look" vt:ry muoh Il!;! though the n ex· d PUBL ' IC lu~ioul 'SALE za tlla news print and other ten 9 to the eyeuull and bump!! o)u Ml1ln 8t r~at have rillen the ohild'l! $1.50. $3.50 and $4 ne w hats. Best· aper Industr ies of the world. A sight Is uerrnnn ently hnpllire more aud Dlul'lllllnoe Ihe ury weath "Indee d, It Is to be a8Btin 1!8II.!lon, " P d, . If in Americ a. I will se stitutio ll I at puullo n for d uuotion sub wood pulp In tba not t otll. Iy eHtroye u . at my tir. !ll1ytl Url1ce Margllr et Gould iu Ooto· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "nufuo reslden tura oe t,bree or paller wiles 'ill lIouthm III~id east to of .The metllod, is very simple, Ilnd oer 'WoUlan 'l! Home Cotr.)lanion. ~ -=0 'rl1tt eleof.iou ~l1turdllY Wlltl a 4 ulet· ' Not tbu 88.~ln , or our grandll loth been dlsoove red ftnd that the oonsistfl solely of (troppi ng two dro~ 'Centor ville on the Nun road one . here at hOWl! . 'I'be dllY Wll8 elr8, so IltilI lind hellvy , but a hght, Dew pl1per wilt lIoon be on tbo mllr of II. two per oant , solutio n of 8ilver Wedne sday Octobe r 7,1908 at 9 a, m. spent Il8 a hllllday for the solluo! !loft., supple Dlat.erial, wi~ll. Ildapts keto . nitrate Into fIIloh eve of the new· ix llelld of hortlell IlOd mulel', oon'l'pe Southe rn Cott-on Stllik Pulp hom ohlld , ohildre n . Itilelf m8rvtll ously to the new oling 81sting of one teaID of good farm II.Dd Paper oompa ny of A~lll.nta, ti8 , '1'he obilu 'II eyes lleerl oonlltl1nt at- horses b th good qingle liu\! InK type of t/:own. Celebra ted Magic 39 Puizle borses, Wonde r wbat tile oounoll hll8 up ' ,. Pl1rls It! wild with enthus lusm Is the nume ot the orgltDizatloD oon- tention for severn I weeks dter birth. Qne good mare, Can You Solve It? Ilnd oolt live lDunths trolling the patents Involve d. The Perfect cleanlineR ill t,he e nd to tbei.· slaeve ? '1'bey b .. ve olllleu for over the satin gilet. A gUet, be old, two oke mules, ooDllng you oonoorn was r eoently Inoorpo rllted wttl1lned i liull frequ~nt wllllhing is a I!peolal JUtloLluK two dllfereu t.times w, ill 11 little ve8t.. One of the "Ilml GyearH old . '1'l1roo miloh oows buS bave (!lilell or 1\ quorum . 12 •!Iuute! !t of these Import ed smill with $&OO,UO<.l capital (Ci,OOO shares the moons to that enti . Insteltll of one will be fresll by d'IY of !III Ie . rllrmen t!!, Bnd one whioh .~meriolin tL& $100 eaob) and propose ll to manu- .~Iain wllter, it Itl best tause a lIolu- Six Uhiull. SOW!l. A lot of facture and sell 811 gradel! ot p&per tlOn made bv droppin g ti teaHpoon. ohioken s. · 'rwel ve ftores corn In 13 l:::leoret"ry titlurge UI~rey told us women are 8ure to like, is mllde of from ootton stems or stalkS, ootton· ful of boraoiC) !lolel (not ootllmo n b\uok slltln bands shllped to the field und nine aores t obacco In s bed. t·be otb"r lillY tbRt Lbur",' woulll be • seed hulls tt.nd other portion s of the kitchen borax) into a Ilupful of wuFarm irllplen lents-t hree furm flllr- rl1iu 01' !lllIue- Dllld ur dUllt, Ilguro t\nd each tinl8he d In a pOlnt.. ootton pl8nt. 14 ter that has btlen boiled tind tben wagon~ , whellt binder, oorn l'bill gilet ill 81ngle breaste d lind but 80 propll ra to tell ut;l(lll burs ! binder, 'I'hepro oesllof mllnuf8 oture, whloh permit ted to cool till luk~wa.nll. r,OIlI:! In the front. Cowbln ed wlth feed mill, oorn sh&ller , MoCor mlok The Magic 39 Puzzle. tha !IIIlln {II a baud of Pershlu em- ISlll1ill to be fully protect ed,lH 8tllted Hefore wllt'llln g your \lands thclI - mower , brellkln g plows, fertiliz er Tulle 3UY number from II 1.0 11, Inclualn to be the ontoom e of ' years of re- onghly wit.h SOIlP ond Wl1rUl lillve yuu eVtH t,houlth t ~hat thl" broider y formin g the t-op woter, wheot drill, buggy surrey, spring and' plaoo In tbe nlnt! . 'l'hll! i8 squares on Lbla or ~ l1811.roh ' o n the p.ut 10" IUln blls ·rilliped II rlob htt.rvesl "paoul larly Frenob of W. B. CrOll, and after thll.' dip thelll In Il bosln wagon, y touob and 18 two hug bousell , two set separate HbeeL or paper, 10 tblu "ben It II. pr80tlo lll paper manufaotu~er who oontaln I" "bla I!umol .. r? Well, hI! hall, Ilno Illure t-o tie muoh In vogue ing a gl.ll or so of peroxid e of buggy l11\rnB8 Il, tobacoo spraye r, . 'fhe hllY Ugu red borll<ool ..l1y, dlaKOQaUy or perpeudlo· . h If . t fate tbe DOIll man III blloowinK jllllluUII o. oontr8'S t of beaut.l ful Persian tor a numbe r of years Will! secreta - h y d rogen 1n IL will be ao. Tbe nwe number oau· a 8 pln ow . r. Illdelers , walkin g onltlvtLt.or, Bemis ularly colors nOI be used wore thau twice. Con\e.t III hiw. with the shining billol( 811.Un Is most ry of a large paper Dlanuf aoturin g Tben tear oII 11\ bit of steriliz ed ab· transphlDter, dlsoha rrow , hay 10tLd- ,open La all readers 0 1 THE MIA.UGAZETTE . effectiv e and ' one of those little ooncer n In 'l'erre Silute, IUd. Mr sorben t ootton, dip It into the borac. er, hay rllke, hay tedder two riding wbo enclose tblS ad wlLb t belr soluUou. ... Oroll will have Ilotive ohar~e 01 tllIl 10 l10ld solntlo n., ..ntl tenderl Llutll drupll of wawr, t hingll Wbloh the Frenoll so y mop corn plowlI. bllY fork, rope and pul. prize will be glv~n 10 allllereon8 ee?dlnl lu 1Jttl" grlllul:I of BIlnd, Import ant. ~uch Il V8ilt I1S this will &ffairll of the newly orgllnizEtd O.OIU the bttbv's eye!I~. . leys, two corn pla.nter8. chicke n cO~~~:~S:~~8~ notified bJ mQII. MIilt:! tbo mll(hty Ohiu, prove moat servioe able toth,e woman pany Bnd will devote all bls time to A P I J t t broode rs, collars , lIn88, roller; bar· Send 'Your ~olutlon Of pu zitle, AIUlullt bllre land. ay n,g nves men, with a lhhlted wardro be. It will LhiQl , row, forks, sh~vels, rakes ; hog bedll, and alldre•• pluloly wrlLtcn, to "ltb nawe 'fhe oOllt of produo ing ootton 'ftmBlt ~t,8r . Mr . •Iohn White, 38 Blgbla nd gravel bllds, !tiokle grinder , se&<l give a new look to fl.last year ·, . Ave .. Boulto n, Maine, says : Italic paper, It is &lIIIerted, will be Itnd lin Attraot lve look, too. been trouble d '1V1,h a oough "Bave every sower, harneSll bridles . . very Uluul1 The leu th~n' In tbe oll.!le of winter and spring. Last winter I Monda y woralul C 6jlrly tbe longHouseh old goodtl- ooe BOB!! .range tbe large pIlper mills north Ilnd tded many advert·lsed remedi es, but one bed room Tlokll~g or dry ooughs will quick. expecte d ohange iu tbe weathe l suit, thrl\e bedq and ~ ad t'l I b Furnitu re and Plano Co. ht Iy lOO8el' wbeo uillug Dr . Suoop' s east, wl1ioll are oomptd led to PI1Y t h e ooug b OOno,n u Kun lo oame, . and tbe people Illl over tbt U ng . beddin g, oar"nts , 211 yd8. carpe', nevr. b ttl t D _.. ' Ad N ' D' i h Re b' b I rf 'aug d I m""y. . 0 11. .'00. lt 0 1\ e so a r Ig . pr lUgS oes ew I)r woo pu p. 18- er been used , oue good exteusi on oonntr y were ~hlllilling the Lord tboruu,:.:hly oovery i t>efore that wa!! balf gone, llarmle s8, tbat Dr. Sboop &we Idea of tbe nlllRni 'ude of the the cough was nil gone. Comple te House Furnish ers, for 8et;ldiug the gloriou s rllln, This win. tllble, dishes, rooking ohairs, Morris tells mother 8 to use notbin g el8e, sopply of wlIoterlal 01"1 be g!lthor e~ ter thelll1m e hll~ppy re8ult has fol. chair, even {or . very young b&bies .. The ohurns , orellm separat or, 314 ·S. Main St. Middletown, 0, " i 110 f ew d wholesuDle greed lea,ves and tender trom the faot that, acoord ing to the I o)we.. b an- crook8 and Jars, ' oses once more .. "!"!!!!'!"!~! !'!"!!!'!"!!! '!"!!!'!"!!!! milk d !!!!!!!!!!!!! h cans, !!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! l80wn' 1 h 1 · The 10nJ:-h alred Dlan ill jOIlL awak stemll 0 f a I ung h ell. IinK mounta in- fi e annuli. ooug . gnres gl' ven a U t by the new oompEL Ishe tced am now mowe r, wnshin'" m uchine and wrin"tbat Df. King's New Di8· eulng, Ilnd 800n will be ba~lllng, on iOU8 s,h rob live the oorllt.lve proper- ny, a ton of dry stlliks il the amonn t convin <> .. covery Is lobe best")f alJ oCough tt.nd er, Bnd everyth ing n8ed in genera l t.he gridlro u lor tlDpreUllloy . Base ties to Dr; ~hoop's Vough liemM y . of refu88 for each bille of ootton ~ lung remedi os , " ~old under gUIII'- hOllsek eeping. ball ' has amut!Oll UII ror months . It calms the oough, and heals till" railled. Veterin ary Suraeo n and DeO&tlt, antee llt Fred O. 8cawll rt,z 's drug senlll ti ve bronuh lal Terms : Suws of ' 5.00 uud under brotnes . No .. '! 'bank goodne 8s, tl1ft " uot ball sea- uplum, uoohlo roformmem On thlct hllsis It is elltima ted thllt ftore. 500 . Rn d '1. 00. T r I I' b tl , nothin g harsh a at a. oash , over tbat amoun t, n. credit of used to injnre or sUllpress Deman d It would requ,i re nearly l 100 ls of sbort duratio n. ,r.OO paper sroo. ' _ • ill m ontbs will be given , 'l' wo apDr Shoop's . Accept 00 other. ~old milll!, turning out tweatyfive ton8 IEYE AND EAR SPECIA LIST. pro ved securit ies will ue require d. At Bome on t:laturdllY Afterno oo, by all deale~of plI"er 11 da.y aud .eaoh one operu.t • - ....- - - --AlJllln we ask IIur readerl l to think ,. .[OliN PROPl's . Desilin g to oorreot the Impres sion MALONEY REPOR TS at LEBANON Ing dllY and night to oon8um of the willer liupply. BOUle peoplt; e the tbllt 1 have abando ned my, spfolal ty, A. A . 3doNHlJL , Auot . stalkll. .re ualog niH'llle!!1I qnllutit lell of It for tbe genera lllrllot ice of medloi ne, J. B. lil&ll!ll!, Clerk, Ignora nt of the fact that he Was Finally It Is sllid to beullm itted by (tRke thltl weallli of inform I;: j1l8t DOW- for tbelr How"rll, wbeu ing my H . Mnms, Luncb . HA.T U'A.W A Y they' llIay Deed Iii lor tlJeir own the main subject of the village gos- mtLnufrwtnTe n of ootton plaot fiber friends lind plitron~ that. I IUU stili sip in at least twenty -four towns and 't h .. t papel' ,08U be made Irom it lit Dly 11 vetl Illter on . J)on't wute It on old locatio n In t.he Allen ,\, R.('JeS ville 'a Lelldin g !)eott" in a certain 8ec.tion of Cincinn ati; which w'U p<)!!sel!tI qUlllIti They Take The Kinks Out. IIralls or Dowerll. es that Buildin g, enRagEd in the trelltm ent Office In KeYIl Bldg. lttalolS ' that he had made much worry' for oannot he seoured froUl uuy otuel Of Eye, Ear, NOlie and 'I'hroat dis"1 hltve useu Dr. KlDg's New Life the officials of the C.L &N. railroad 1I0nroe. PilI8 for mllny years, with Inoreas .. _ , 0 • el1888, Very r'e speotfn lly, 'fhere h8s been Il grellt delll of lu- at Lebano n, and that he had Ing satisfl1otlou . They take the kink8 'causect Drl ve Rheum8f.1~m out of het P. R. MADDICN, M. D., Xenia , O. out of stomllo h. hver 8nd ~ qulry io regard to DIUlllo in the the expend iture of asm"U bowelll , amoun t of bloo,d wltb Ur t:;hoop's Rheum atio - -wit,hou t fUllS or frlol.ion, " StLys N . -IIObools. l~ lI~em8B8 t,bough parentl4 money for telepho ne and telegra ph wemed y and see huw quiokly paill It's a pity whIm slok ones drug B. Brown , of Pittstield , Vt. Gnllrof tile ohildre n IltteudinM tbe lIohools messag es, J. 'C. Malont!y, the brake- Rill depllrt. Rub on.'s never did the stOlolloh or !!tiDlulll.te tbe lieart l10teed sBtisfu otory at F. C. Boh· Unhealthy KlI1J1eys Make Impure 81OO1to retioh the real dlsellse . are MIlking thiot qoest,io n, aud lIevera l man who was lost from the llt and Kidney s. Tbat 'is all ~rong it used to be considered that 'only I ,w artz's drug store. ll(,o. excursi on, illOl ' i8n't, ill tbe 8kin . Rlleum It's deep A wetLk Stomao h, moons wea k Stom. inqolrl es have been made at ~this 0(- train lluesc.iay, emerge d from urinary and ).Jladder troubles were to .he the Ma down, it'scon 8tltutlo nal. Getting rid aoh ner\·e8. ItlwllYll tracel.i to the kidlltly.. . And this Is tioo about it-. , It luob t.o us lind sOn hOl1se~t about llo'cloc k Wedne s- of th~ pl1in, is after IlII ;vhllt oount!! . !llso true of the fl eart I1nd Kidney s. the In. qulrertl as though It W!lS day mornin g at teor a good night's WAYN ESVILL E . CHUR CHES. ~~~II~, 'science but now provesmodena rest, !~mate\d"'vWghoYe8D, r · ySbowuOPrds itohfeuUnlOll1uttlbO l'he wllllk nervel! that Inl!tead orying . ucarl y all diseaeee b "" II.bou' ~me this Import ltnt lII"ttu He had stepped IOto the depot o'ut for bulp. '1'l1ls explain s why at'Ma- from one to ,.uotbe r. And herein Dr'. ShOOp'R Restora 1111 \'e their , begillDinK of moslc wae t,tt.ken up IIfllln , W .. son and ' 8~yed longer than tive II! promp tOrthod ox Friends ~huh,: h, in the disorder of was nec- lies the popul8 rlty of' thlS Remed y. Iy helping Stomao have II. 8uperln tenden t ~ho is emi essary. In th~ meanti me b, B"'l1rt and t<.id-, tbese most importa ut , Il l'\' . n~n J:w' l u lIa wllln s. PIiSLOr. the train It Is wlDnlnR def~nder 8. every- Dey ailmen ts. '1'he tI fitted for the po8itio n, 'bul had pulled out and withou t saying ~abt) a t.:h suhool . It ;:~h a. Ill. R e~ular ub ureh Restora .tlve organs. ' where. Tablell l or Liquid. sert'loo. 80ld nen y 10 by ;ao 11, retLC'het I" ChrlHllan ~; "dtla I'or. i out fOr the aotual ollu@e of The kidneys filter , . ' . ' . 1111 dealerR. with hhll'rer oent dutlos It 181mpUI!S - anythm g to ~he agent he had thet'D 'a llUlent s- the failing "in8k1e 7 ::10 p . Ill. alltl purify the bloodgone to . • __ - ---" nerve8 " _ Any . wl~y teat tbe that Relltoris their work. ble to attend to It. Be on!!ht to bt' the hotel. the ' frigh~e ned ()fficiais ' AUTO LlCEN. SE LAW Tht:reforc ,' when YOllr. kidueysare weak Hlckslt e Frie nds Church . lltive 48 houril. It won't onre 80 , , provide d wlth anotbe r ·tellohe r to who though t him lying along the First Day M ee ll n~ . 1 U:00 U. 10. I·' I MI~ Da y or out of or(ler, YO II call uuderstand how 800n 11.8 that, but, you :will 8urely Scbool, belp biw out, and to ' Wilke our track deKd, had ordered 11 ;011 a. on . Fou nb 03,Y Mccll ng quickly yOllr e'" tire body is affected auel Ii special Dnrlug the ~hree month!! !llnoe the know tbat help h! oo,nlng how t:\·t!ry orglill seems to fail to do ita . !:lold by IU :00 a . w . sohool a ' fint grade IIrhool Ano'th train search for him . It had not automO bile lIoeDtIB IIIW went Int ____ .dut y. .• ' all dealer8 , . ." " er teaohe r ·wOuhl m.t . amoun t t,o' left, howeve r, when Malon~ If YOIl are SIc.k or . feel badly, .betrba y put in etll,'ot, and ended Septem ber ' 15, Christi an Church . GRASS FIRES. mooh in matter of IIllluy uot more an appear ance at the depot takin g the great ku,hley rewecly, fir. in Cin- Regl,,\ rar' Fred H, Cilley ball colleot Rev . George Hall. "oKlor. Kilmer' s Swamp. Root, because as ·lIOO. _ __ than 1800, and p~oba"ty lees, lind cinn'a ti. 01' odBYSchool. D:0 0 a m. Regular 80rv lces as YOIlr kidneys ed '51,.170 . 10. of ' whloh 133,470 .10 are well they OWllJ ht;lp F8rmer 8 of, Blilmll too, Clerrno~t, Lbe lasl SundllY or thu mOlltlo. , 10 ~ :10 a m ,; all thlj olher OfK'JIlS the gradel of the big~ sobool would 'How Strong. and 7:3U." w , Obrl!lllnn flndeal'or, 7 :80 will COli vi li ce health. A trial has .ooen paid iota the genel'fll . rev- Ilnd othbr south wester~ Ohio oouo· P III 'reoelve more il,t~'lon, Bod lJe~ter P. ,r.,J) of 1247 ' W. Uongretl~ 8nae fDUd of th.e 8tate, '18,000 If you ure sick you can make uo mt.. hav- ties are all bot :lightin g for theIr reaul"'. would be o~'.lned ~ber8ta:om ~t, VhlOlig o, tells of a . take by first doctoring your kidney.. way to be_ Ing been retaine d io pay the expens e IIvea of the Method ist EpiScopal Church . dry we'lI.tber. Fields The mild alld the extraordinary elJect of 'fhe IOb.ool bourd was lodDed f9rtn comes troug: Bs 8.,11: 'My mother , of admin i.tratlo n until Janua... y. and pasture s Ilre Rev. W . '1' . GllIllalld , PIl8tor , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root, . the gnat dryas tlqlber . $undny nate In getting a IInperi nteoden t oa . who 18 old lind , wall very Sehool, II ,:10 11 . Dl . Mornlnl'( .ser. kidney remedy, feeble, III Lloen888 ha ve been f,a rolshed 11,639 Soaroel y an engioe is soon 'realized. U ' pa8sell Ylce. pable of taking obar;ge of the musl derivin g 80 muoh benefit 10 :SO a, m. EI,wofLlt f.engtle, 7 :oll p . stauds.t he now that highest rorita wonderful curea from Eleo- owner" , 1,&.9 .ohauft 'eurs and 146 dOM not 8tart nl. 1i:\' 'nlog ."",1.", 7 ::10 p, m . Mldw.,.,k of a gra.. the mOflt flre diBtre!IB 'e"'d wltb of a ing caBe8 and iBlOld sohool, noW!, let'. UBe trio Bltt6rao, tha.. I ·teel It 'f! my dut,y man.u,f •. oal .. otorerl lod dealera . This snArk!! tram the, IImoba "'ck. Farm- Pr ,yer ,,~.,~I nil. 7 : 10 p . w. on its meritll by aU to tell thoae ' need a tonic &nd him Co tlie good of tbe edllioa tloll .. treogtb enlngwho ..w ,e dlcine about it: ahows tbat 8,090 owners of lIut.omo- ers druggis ts in fifty-cen t along tha l'aUro. ds are oft ot tbe ohUdre o. St. Mary"s Episcop al Cburch . and one-dollar size ' In my mot,b er's caliI'll. marked ~ain bllel drive tbeh:' own ____ __ • bottles. You may ROI·. J . F . CadW3u .. der. R ~c tor. In flllilli hu rtlllult.ed, Insomn ia bu Ohio State Journa l . maohiD 88.- obliged to drop thelt work Rnd fight untlay the '11001. flamei. I3t!ction men :from t,he I) :uo ... w Morning .er· bave II, sample bottllle~~~~ ] r .. oourae in matrim ony .bould beRn overoo me, and sbe 18 steadily ' ~~;~~~ vlcl!. 10 :ao a. m. HOi, • ~ •• )'0Cl railroa ds aod Interur ban tioea .Iio Sund", 01 ~ach muntll', Communion ~he llrat by nlail free, allO a p be ID'rodu ft...d io tbe publlo IIOhuol!l, grow.lng ItrenRa r. " Elec'rl o how to find out if you kidDey Btt~rs --. « 'J'he gent.le qolokly. remedy stomao b, liver 8 1 I d . . man who predloMld je>in tn t.b e fifth,. In many todaobladeler trouble. Mentiou this paper ~ Pl'opoe ed by a Kane.. man, wuuld IEldney oompla lntll. Uf\ ~ld ander 'bat the world woald oowe to an eel . • Cath U Ch h when writing to Di'. KUme r" Co., tbe 8am811 ,have Bpread to the St.. August inea " be 0 C and aaoo ~ bire old maids1 1oarBo tee as F. Co Bo~wlU'tz'e drag un;. hamton ,N, V, DoD'Uu akeally mistak.. end Boodal ' 0&0 rob" oat hlber and Georre try "aYODhoefer. Paltor. 'rao_., bornlnR Otllt 'he tiel,-W ee' but remember the name, Swaqap-1Dot. AI ....,bt n? .eore. iOo. Mus enr, ~ud SlIudaJ of Ibe mouth lIpiD. era SkI'. Dr• Kilmer" Swamp-Root, au4 Ole ... 11:00 •• 111. clreII,BiJa.......toD,N. Y.,oa...,~ tltlll }' 81H
---- ---- --= ---- --
.. - ..
... - ..
$12 50
---- - ..
$10 ,00 0
Cash ,Value Prize Puzzle
Stt ta·u ss
r. J hn H yatt ;
TeIep h one No. 121
Waynesville, Ohio.
Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oyer-W.1l.
t; ;et
The Miami Gazette D. L CRANE. WAl' NESVlLLE.
til, conQue rln!; anny bad b~" fell 1 . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . lie bad secn tbe or ue lty, be had heart th bla b l lh'~ DlY of S nllllchel'lb's 101. dl 1'9, and ,wllh b ome destroyed ' and tho m e lD b 1'5 r bls . family II lalu. he had fled for his Iff and fOllnd " " f, MISSES' SEMI ·PRINCESS DRESS. ugt'l In J Ud l' ll. Tho re be had C() 11e unrt e r th o InOu n 0 of l SlIlin h Ilropbet. IIlId was on e of lli' lisl ' o ers t all hi s . r11 ssnge s. ' h e n It had seemed ns thou gh SennltLch rlb's army abou t to sw 'p OV 11' tbe olty he had heard dnd bclie\'ed bnlat ·"
Practical Fashions
D _ 01 NI.u.h FOI'elold bp Nahu.
. Shattered Nerves. Many po 1110 eOUl plllJ n or sllalt ered non e. Very fr Qllonll)' lhl s llIullul )' is cau/ied by I be ov r wo rk or IJody and brain. llad 51' .en or no s le p nt nil Is one of t be promin ent tiYDlpt Oll18 of ah a t t{'rod nonos. A we a ry and y t restless t~lIng d uring \\'a kln g hours'. b tll d:lY nnd ni g ht , Is a s imila r : yOl Iltom. r~J( csslve Il' ritullillt y, Instl'a d of I:ood t tu pe J, Is a nother , YIl1 " tOln. A Htron J; "(' Il oen ey to thin k th u wors t or e veryt l1 illg. 'ralher tha n Ih e lI eR t, Is an ot he r 5);1111\10111. A wi h fur (I (' a h, ralll e r th nn li fe. " 'jlb ~lIl'Il n ~ tn te o r bod y and Illf nll, Is not II nCOltl lll u'n . A . t ro r.,;; Idoa th a t we are S0 1l1 how wrO:I ' a nd e:lIl11 l1t g t r ight, I ~ an ot her sYlD pto m. r. ar nn tl fo r~ b o dln g o r evil Is anot h r . . W ha t we ha y ludi · catM· a s the symlHo llls will Indi cale that Ul e milld has a roat d eal 10 do wHh all s ueb ca sell. F r QU nlly, suys the l\e w York Weekly, Il I tb o me re Ide a. SI rong ly flx c d. \\!hlch wor ks a ll t1Je harm. Jr tb o mind could bani sh Us de llres s loD, tbe samo n e n 'es that havo boen set down as l' opele ss ly flha:tered Dlay turn oul to be Quite Bound and good by tbe nct of changed thou ght. But to do good work one must have adequate rest. More lind better work Is don e by a good s le eper. wbo dally Ink s at I ast elsht hours of Bound Bleep. thnn by one who forces himself to do less. But e ,'eD If this w ere not true . It would sUll be ce rtain that It Is rulnoua to l1fe's grandest uds to deny tbe nerve ·sys l m tbAt on wh ich Its healthy slate d pends. Romanco got smo othin g of a set· back the oth r day wh en, (rom' I h e steps of ·tho Uoyal Exohange of I,on' don. Ihe corumon .crler made proclama· tlon that aft r August 1 th e dou,lJl oon woul ~ c neo to be Icga l teodel' In the Wes t lndles, Inolud lng British Guiana. Now (be boy who find s a plrate 'S bur· led treaSIlN w1lJ have to dispos e of bls Spanish gold at Its bullion value. It may ' console hIm to know tbat for some.. years the doubloon luis not bpen I'reclo,!s thin g It was. In 1730. and for a century after, It was worth eight dollars. "more or less;" but t be current doubloon Is worth qn ly about five do)IJars. It ba8 ceased to be coined In Its' native country, Spain. and DOW It Will BOon become unpopu· lar In the West Jndles. where it hila figured In a m!,x ed circulation em· bracing I)ritl'sh. nlted States and Spanish colos. In tbe Interest of 1'0' mance. >lo":":'ever. the name at \east must survive. It signifies nothing more than thllt the coin was double the value of n pistole; but "do ublOOn" was never suoh mouth·Blllng mock· ery as "pieces or , eight," which sug· gests great riches, but menns only Spanish sliver dollnrs, pieces equlva· lent to' eight rea Is. .
So far as experience goes with the Chicago 1I1rectory It Is a painstaking and truth·tell1ng book. The publish· ers go to large ex pe nse to malle It so. If John Smith Is living at the corner , of Soutbwt)s t street and Northwest boulevard and rumor balh It that he Is sUII tllere lind Intends to r e maln I.n tbat 6Pot for tbe rest or bls life, do they take It for gra nt ed tbat such Is th e case? Not nt all. dec lures the Cbl· cago DnJly News. They s nd n mnn out to see. Tbat mn n re port s on a speciall y pre pa re d bl nnk and his work Is ve rified. That bing the c a se. why sh01l1d we r o t look on It a ~ a ·truthful . book when It estlmnl es the llopulalion of Chlcago"iit 2,4 25.000? Tnl. Ihe na· tlonlll censlls wlli be alon~ In a conple of years an d it may ca ll us down, but m e'a nwblie we can hav e t h pI a S ~lr of fe lins: ns larg a s Po!;s lbl ·. \Viii the I.'chool cen s us please go awa y bac k and elt down?
Scrlptut (' A II t horlly-llook at Na.- m Hsago that til no my should nOI hum. co m nl g b th o wall l! of th o city to (10 th III hurt. And " bo had gontl N nhum t he Prophe t . .,... N ome m ~ n n~ \'crywh ' re thro ug h Ihe elly f'er penllu,; " co nsohi lion " nud "\'l1 n g(' un('I"" -l h ~ tll~ l r l)f ; 0 41' 8 po/) pl ~ 1 l hf' f:: i'c.o nu on , t l Hllt' \' noml U8. Not h i n g l a k n o w n or 1l I" l " hC: l
the words wbl b he had henrd I"alah IH' nut Itc h..h e Im e", t he M;s~:rl an armJ (00
tha t wll ll:h Is In<l lrntr d hy th,' Ilt l.. whi ch Ilp r la rcs him the EII'oshlle, I"n l I ~ , a II I111 vn or Elkosh, probn bl y n pl n('ij In G .. llie . Period or prophet In much duu lot. Lut probably wu" durlnlr Inlt r r IlIl lr ot rel"n or Hczcl llih. A s PO!!I. ", ,,h um or.('upl ra a hi gh plnee In the fI "" 1 "<Ink o ~ H" br w IIt erol" re. ThIs Is ,,..hJe nCl·d by the op ullln!: " er~e8 1:2· 6. nnl' 10 Iho mng11111rPII I dllSt'rl pllO n ot Ihe 81 gu n nd .l e · "Irllclio n t Nlne" eh In cllnpl" r 2. 'I'he uu bJ c t ot tho pro phec y , n ft t he 8upe r8erlpllon In ,'(' rso 1 tndl cnt eN. Is : "t he burden ot Ni neveh:" Tho thr (\ hop tcrs Inlo wh ic h l he book Is divided to rlll It cO lIsccUllve "'hole. The tlrst chA pt ~ r I. Inlr(lcl uc tory. 'J' he Inst verso of lha firs t chaplor nnd I he eccol1d ehnllt.r 8 t torlh the vlsl nn o r t ho prophet n... to Ihe cam · pnt"n n ga l l1~ t Nlnev h nn d Ite c rlilin dow n rail, for : "behold! 1 am o&'ll insl lhee, sallh J cho\'a h of ho~ ts. " Th.. yl 810n nde(1. lhe prol'hr'l In lhe lhlrd ch ullle r. reo called from th .. Be' I1('8 ot the ful ure to the r atltl cs at the present. breoke rorlh In ono flna l ou tburst of wl1he rln~ denun ciation agains l tho Au)' rill n cily. RI\'"
",pll to 1h'IJ)k lh a t III\) r ' lie f w ns Any· thin g tn ll. te11ljlQrary, a11l1 wh ' U ho beard lhe r lillnt or Ih o II oplO n"l ng t ha t Ihe As s yria n rorc e wou ld yet I' • l urn w ith' retlo ll hled ve ng ea nce l,nd
utt rl y de s t roy J (' rll "n l ' 1l1. he could liul Inhn lt to bls h"ar l tlml s uc h w o ~ more l bnn li ke ly tn bo th ca se. " Il Is God w ho /:1\' Ih pu w' r to lh e naUoII s , a nd It II; Ood who \.oath s Utr(l l' d Abs ), rla to become ISO g r n.t, bllt wlll h e p rruit thllt gl'eat n 68 1\1\11 power to c ulmlnal e In the d esll'uc, lion of J e rll su le m?'; Nahum ask ed hlm se lr on ~ day a s he Iiondeored ove r Ineveh tll QU s tlon. "Was It not t hlLt God \\'Iluld d e~t roy, n n d Bcnt Jonuh tb e proph pt to proclaim tho jut\g m n t UI)On th o g l' [It clty'/ And lIn(] not :<lin \' h I' pc n ted nnd so ea, cape d lho wruth or GodY And !lInen that day ho w arrogant :l nd bold ,he had g rown. how c ru el In ti er can Que s ( ~, un.1 how 11I ~l ru l In ber d.!!<lre fUr wodd powe r and gain ." So r_ Bon d Na hum to hlm R ·Ir. " an It be th at God know s 01 ca rell?" he c xc llllm('d. half illlpiltl ent· Iy. Th n asham ed of h l11;l se lf fOT Buch p..~p r e s 5Inn of doubt. be add d, qui ckly : " , ay, tbe wi cked c an llo t scape Ib '! wralh of ,od." Wltb tbe thoug ht Hmo a stnrtling resolullon. He would go to Ni lleveh. Per· He would see the gre at city. hapB Ood would clear up the mys· t ery or his provldence s. eedl ess for us to fo ll ow Nahum all the long, ted loull. pa.ln ful 'I;,.nd lIerll· oue jOUrJIf'Y to Nine\'eh. the seat of thlt Assyri"n power an d glory. s ur· tlcl:! It to say that nt Ins t, footsore and wcary. tb e prophet dr w near to tbe c.\ty. And wha t a city It ' was! J erusal em co uld not compare with her In size or the fip lendor lind rl bness of her poss ess ions. Silently and moul'Orully the prophe t 'wltn es sed all tbat spoke of power Invlnclblo and rlcbes Inexhaustible., . It seemed to hie human vision that nothing co uld e ver break Ass yrla'S 'power and bring the great city of· Nineveb low, . "An d why do ] want It brougbl low?" he asked. h imsel f one nl~ht "Hath God any d elig h t lil the deatb of tbe wicked?, And s hould I teed ruy soul upon tho thought of ve,n geanee1 Why was It tbat O 0 d spare d NI neve b onc~? Was It not tbat he round s omE goodoess h ere and n turning or th6 people to tb e true God of Is't"ael? If, lltere any bere Who knows the true God and desires to serve him ?" . The ne w thought a nElW Iftplr· nUon In his Heareb of the city, but go wh ere he would be co uld detect only wickedne ss and pride such a EI Is found 'In a heart wholly given up to evil. "What can God do with s uch a cit, ' and people but bring d eslr.lctlon upon tbe m ?" he asked hims e lf at lnst. "And If God hath no de llgllt In the de ath of t]1e wIcked, 8ure ly he must brlug judgmen t upon them that good· ness mny not be utterly crushed III th e earlh . God is, Indee d. Il low to 'angel'. hUl he will 'uot sufte r the wloked to triumph torever." And with this rea. suri ng thougbt he sta.r ted on t bo long journ ey hom e. .. In eveh ' In hel' flroud bOll!lli ng shall be bl'ought lOw, " . he ke pt S8'r · Ing ove r a nd over t o hi mself. "And those In Jerllslliem wbo are among lhe faitbful and expect to see the goodness of the Lord In th' Innd of lhe living will no t be di sapppint e d." In this oplrlt be dre w ni g h to Lhe gates of J e rusa le m olle day and wns a bout to cn ter . when th e th ought cnme: "Fut wh l'e is thy 'm ea age?" Obedlen~ to the th ol,, :h t , Ioe tUl'Ded his foo tsl,(.'ps In t he ' d ll' cllol'I or a fa· vorlte try Sting place of his w,bere he bad III the pas t spent many hours In communion with his Ood. A few ' d ays lal e r th o city was stirred to' its fou:ldatlons wltb tbe m cssage of th e prophot Nahltlll, "Woe to Nineveh, th e city of blood," be cried. "It Is all full of lies 'a nd robb e ry; the p rey d eparleth nQt. 'Id I a l 't th ee Iialth tbe .Be h a nm ,a g n s . Lord at hosts; And \ will discover lhy skirts li pan thy faGe. and I will show the na'LIons thy na ke dn ess a.nd the kingdoms Ihy shame. , Anll IJeCat!SE God will not delay hi s linger forever. but ' brlIlge th tbe wicked at last to judgment. 0 Judah." ·the prop.het cl'led. appenllngly. "keep tby Bolemn feaste. 'pel'form lhy VOWI! for the wicked shall no illore' pasEI througb thee; ho Is utterly cut oa.~·
Q g
"The Lord II Blow to anger, and great In power, and will not at all acquit the wlcked."There II no elcaplng the final reckoning with Gad. The per· plex ltles and Inequalities of time w ilt all disappear and be evened up b'y u te God.dlrecting Justice of eternity. Tho patience of God In deal ing with men too often prove. a snare to the feet of the evil· doer, permitting his wiCkednels. to come to full fruition. Jonah preached to the city of Nineveh, and she repented and the judgment of God against the city was stayed, but it was only for a lealon, for the wicked· "esa of the cIty, as the prophet Nahum vividly pointl out. was at last to feel the avenging anger of God. . When God balancCl the ac· counta · of human life, Justice Is meted out without fear or favor. God'. , g~eatneSl of power I. not only shown by the execution of hlB judgment upon lin, but by tho manlfeetatlon of his. mercy In IiIvlng from lin. No aln can eeeapo the power of God's judgment except it take refuge !)ehlnd tho power of , God'. love .1 moanlfested ' In the crucified Chrllt. "Tho Lord II good. a Itronlf' hold In the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust I" hlm.It-Thll Ii tho lecend great fact concerning God WhiCh! comee to reallure the heart of . man. Jult as the wicked cannot escape God'. judgment. ao the one who trultoth God hath neth· Ing to fe~r, for God's eye II upon him and hi, protecting arm Is about him In the day of troubie. To tho man whose lie art Is not reconciled to God ' the thought that God's eye ' search· ,oth him and knoweth him brlngl only distress and dis· quietude of conscience. To the man who 'truBteth ,In God the thought that, God knoweth him brll'lQs a two.fold joy and satll. faction. First, that God will Bearch out the evil which .lurks In hi' heart and help him get hid of it, and lecond, that God, who leeth not as' man leeth, can unders~and his failures and mIstakes, and loves and sympa. thlzes with him In hi, trOUbles.
THE STORY. ing tne dark period follow. I TIng'WAStb e dur t b rea tened Invasion and de·
Working Dlff!cultlee. Duties of n,e wspape r corr~spr;mtlentB In Russ ta are not light. In Reval, tor Instan oe, a journalist 'h ad to get per. mlsslou fro lll five dUfe ren t pollee au. 'lhorltles berore he could work UIlIDD lested ~IlI e ser.ret pollee , the mlnlsln of the Interior polloe. the g e ndarme •• tbe palace police. the Re va'l pollee. Each pollee official act41 Independent. Iy. so as to make the contusion as complete ·o c ·poss ibie. One r\f the tlrlt precautionary measurel adopted by lhe Russian police was ti> pbotog'I'npb tbe special correspondent clrcu. late his p'Jltt1ll\ among Ule theD 'lhorltles. ~e a cordon of "1tC'et police who kept uK: • vigilant . . . theD pe"'eoLq
Thousand. of \Vomen Suffer In Same Way. '"II..IPINO VILLAGE IS' RUN YANKEE FASHIOr-,.l. '
P ' I " Lt No 2" 11 \11 S"o a n1'IS ,j ('rn . " i i , m~ Allowed.- Made wllh high 01' Dutc b n ck and long or s horl Al \'ell this si mpl e d\'08S h i I)u rtic ul arl y bec~m lll ~ 10 th e growi,,!> g irl who 'Is ta ll aUd s l1l11. Th e fulln S il o r lhe wai s t is 11Il t Into g l'OUJ)M of ama ll tu cks ut th rron t- Iwu to a eh J,:1'ollp-stl1ehcll as fnl' ' a s Ih e bus t.lIn e. and th "Glh . Ron" IlIck '!lUt he d to th wl\lE;t. llu in th e fl'om nhll back ,;iv .s a lI road. s hould I' t! app('nr a llce Ihulis ve r y IJ . COlllill &'. 1"01' av nln g w 'Ill' 011 or Ih PI' lI y ('ollo n ere p e~ In 01'11 coloI', trimme d with Ilni-row ill erUon or filet In P , would I' e chun'llng. }o'o r Pv ry.dur wea r it mlly be deve loped In shell' beJ'd's plalel or any or tho PI' tty .li gh t. we !gh L wool 11 material s 0 1' ha mb rll)' . lin n , plqu Or law n ar ('Qually s ul l. ab l ,,' a nti tl'll11m d with lIrn d or rib. b II. Tbe IIvn.gore d 8klrt Is nttache d 10 t h • wlli st, 't be joinln uolng hidd e n hy lhe be lt. Tb llIlll e rll Is' I', fOlll' s lzC's. 14 to 17 ye ars . For a 'I11SS o j' ' 15 years the d res s "!'rlulres < :~ yards of mat rial 2 0 widC'. (IJ,{ yard!) 21 Inchos w ldo, )'a rll 8 % in ch :i will p. and '11M rnrd fJ 42 1I"h s wide; ~' al'd s f inse rtion. , To nro Pllr th Is \>alt ~rn .. r nd 10 c~ nts to "Pull"rn O apllrUllI' nl," or Ihl" I)lIP'·... Wrll <: nllm" II tILl nd <l ... ·. R pl nl nl )', UIIII h"
t l)
,;1\'0 s lz! ant) nurnl)l![' of p ntt orn.
NO. 2511.
.ST7.E.. .. ........... ..
NAlIJE ..... .............. .. ....... .... .. . ..... .
TOWN ........ .. : .. . ...... . .. ......... ..... . .
STng ElT AND NO.......................
STATE. .. .. ...... . .. ............... .... ..... --- ---LADIES' CIRCULAR OPEN DRAWERS.
Pal'16 Pattern No. 2539. All S eanw Allowed .- - Cut II) one )Jleee. th ese clr cula r or n drawers are ' very easily nd qu ickl y millIe, 'and nre lmrllculnrly Bultnble for jllllllmE' r weal'. Th e )' muy be ;d eveloped In t ,h ln cambric, unln· soak, lIa' lsto. jaco nc t 01' P e rs ia n lawn, ,an d llre tlnls l:ied Ht (Ial uHck with tllalts 0 1' a s lig ht fllllrle';R reguln1 ed by fl dl'llwln": strin g. The d eep ruffie of e mbroid e ry ed gi n g Is h ad,ed by a n tn· s rtlo n of s imilar cmbroltl 'IT, or. If Iles ire ll, t.he .. unk lIIay b e made of th e. mat rial. cdged wilh narrow Ince . The pintel'll Is 10 e ight IIlzes , 22. to 36 il!cb es walsl m casure. For 26 waist the druwcrB require , 1% yard of mu. lel'illl 36 inches wide, or 114 yard 42 Inc hes wide , ,,,ltb 31k yn~ds of e dglllg 5~ or more Inc he s' wide rol' I'urn es, and SIAl yards of Inse rtion. n, ru r· fi e Is mad of materinl seven·e lg hths ynrcl 36 Inc hes wide. 01' th ree·fourths yard 42 .-Icll B wid e will be needed. To procure tills patt ern send '10 centll tn "Paltern ·Depa r[tlICnl." or this papor. Write name 01111 o<ldreHs pto.lnly. and be 811", U 10 glv.l slz<s and "\llllb 'r or pallorn.
NO. "539.
SIZE ................ .
NA!I·,I~ ............ ; ..... . .. ~ ........ ~ ....... .. TO"'\\'N . ... ... ..... .................... . ...... .
STREET AND NQ .. .................. ; •• STATE . ......... .. ....... . ................. .
Undisputable' Truth. "Th re lIre lots of ways 10 ge~ rasulls," suys ille' Philosopher of Jolly. "uut anel' all, It'e the reel rag tbat al· ways hits the bull '~ yeo " Why He Wanted to Know. A pawnbroker wus' awakened In the middle of the nlgbt by a furious knocl.· Ing at his door. O)len,l ng the wlnllow; be looked ont and ask ed: "Whllt's tho IJJattel'?" "Come down," demanded the
kn ael'. m'.
"Bul-" "Como down!" Tho pawnbroker hastened dOWD' Italrs aud peeped around the door. "Now, .Ir'l" he deDaDded. , "t wan's)! kIlow tile time," ..s4 till
Mrs. Thos. Dunn. 153 VIne St .. Colum bus. Oblo, BUYII: "For mor!' tban le n y nrs] wn lS In mis ery with bnck · COenera l BllslS' Rei- art of Condition. In nohe. The slmpl st Dope nd e ncles Tells of Efforts to honsework compl ote ly Give Nat Ives a Clean Mu· ex hu ustec\ nle, 1 lI ud nic lpali ty. no s t rl3 ngth 01' ambl· tlon , WIl S nOI'\,olls aUll Wlthlu l!llrshol ~lr th l' bll glt'R of o. Buffercd h C [ldnch ~ and ('10 Surll a lit! all Ih ,' oj! po~ 11 ' si rl a of , d iz zy 11(' '' 5. Aft I' tbe Ag lls l'i",,1' 1'1'111 11 th ~ 1lI 11h n ry Ilo st th f'se Yl'1ars of plli n I was de fl pn lrl\l K f Camp Ke llhl e), . [J1:;trl c l oe Lanno. I'v('r h In g c nred Wh en DORl1 '.1 Kill. ~I ~ I'll P l'ov lll t' '. 1'. I.. h thl II pt' llng \.1I11 of ney I Ills came to n1)' nollc :Iud t boll' t ho to wn of lI a ll !lulan, ' ';'hl t h ,n n. \I ll b ro ught qui a ll re li e r nntl n l' ~ rI11 R· 'j'u51 ' 1' i I. Il ll ~s . l . . A.. III 1!1:l 8nll' !al nc!! t II rI . I n.m " ory J;1'1l i eru1." , 1'1' \11) 1'1 :;aY ll Is j! 1'l'lJilh ly "t ho !lrKt lind old hy n il d 11 Irs. r,0 ee ut ll a UOl.:. oul y In H, an ee III 1111' I'hilipplll(' IRilU1I1 R Pos t I··MII lIurn 0:. Ouffnlo, N. Y. or th (' \'H lalJlI, h ll ll' lIl Of .Ul1 u nl ' r1y and wull ·I'f' l,lUl atI'll ('11 11l lll11lli ty (1 ft ' I' lhe II1Ulllll'I' ro ll o ll'l' \i liy t il" Ang lo ·Saxon HI'lI I!'I'>! o f th l ; lI tt~'tf SUl I\l~ ." lU i>
6lruction or J erusa le lll by th e mi ghty 8ellllae he rlb, kin g of Assyria. For weeks and months lhe encompass!hg hO ~ (11 or lhc Assyrian army had be:en Closing In p,rollnd the city. That was an army whl('h had known no d efeat under th e lrIRsterfulleaders hlp of tbe gr~at ge nerICI, Rub Nhllkflll. nnd hlf! , was no Idle bnast that the gods of none of t!:le uatJon ll against ,~blch be ·had gone with hi s a rmy had been able to de· liver them from his ' power. And It had seemed wben lie bad bIas · phemou sl f' cri d out against J C'rusa·. lem and Is rae l's God that be would be able to eexcu~e his threats and ' ralle the proud city to tbe I;round and u~le r. \y destroy th o Inhabitants thereot as be had done with the otber clUell be bad· conquered. . Then ba-t fulien upon the cRmp of tbe Assyrians that pestilence wbich bad ,left 18ii,000 dead men Iylng .where the day be fol'e they had been strong men Ilble to do banle, Bnd t.he rem. nant of th'.! army hnd wlth,d rawn. JeThero ore Ih;'ee pl'' kl'~d8 of' rusalem Willi saved tor the pr06e nt. "But for how long?" was (he nnx· mosquitoes. On di~se!1ll nal flS yellow ruus Iluery, he~rd on .ev(!ry hnnd. fever. anoth r ma'hs a s ppcialty (II "WIII not the Assyrian bOIit.s retllrn mal~rla and the I hlr'd Is a sl rlPp yet agaIn alid consume us? Huw bll· leggod slinging lllllchine Ih a l mak~: ler ie thei r henrt agalnsl th e city II. habllatlo n In ~'w ,/el'llcy, Don' I whlr.h has (leOed them. Surely, wblle ~Inb"f'h slands and ASByrl,a rules the .top to dlatinguish. lIlIl kill oll .s lgbt. world, Jerusalem t. not ·!late." It Will> durIng this per/ad that' the .A ·r.ODDecUcul llIan haa married hll: aplrlt at ,he lA.lrd camp mightily upor. COO •• del .U1 Bhllrtly dillcover he bll! Nahum. He knew thll p .. ~er (If· ,he .ad "laornlole 'IIJunder If It hi , yoke nf tho A..yrlan king. Hlit home IIl,,!ulloa ,t., . . rid of the lery." bad b"eD In a.llIee III hi. earl,- routh. &ad LJaere the devutatlllS scour.. ..
Snme ' y ears ago Canada d(' c illc d to observe Thanksgivin g in October In · Htoun of November. as u more che r · CuI mo'ntb tor tile fnmlly gatherin g a nd a more suitable time for a har · \' ' 5t fe s tiva l. Tbe day or the week. however, Willi Thursday. as In tbls country, nUl now stili anotber shift Is to be made. by wblcb Tbanksglvlng will he r a fte r come on Monday. ' This is In order tbat commercial travelers. 8lllli (, llls ,,'yay from bome and busl · n clSS ml' n who live remote tram their plael,) oC IMI h may have a longer time tor I h(' fumily rj:lunlon. The Inclu's lon of Sunday in the holiday may also , Ila,reg uard Ihe saored .character of tbe Costl\ol. 'rhe Monday plan offers 80 man y adv untages that the Oanadlans are tc> be conl';rat ula led upon the cha nge, und AllIericans ought no' to be too cO·!ller.vutlve to 'udolll It.
the Prophet.
d ' C'l'llll io ll o f i ~~ hl'gilll1l l1 !; th ro ws lin In stl'll(!II\'c Kilh 'lIg-lll. III'''U Ih l' s tra nge Ill ud "Iuln,," of til l' ,·Otllli ry . 111111 s ho ws hll w Ih ill f\'; n rl plI IHl I'" 10 bl.' done IIH'I' o 'lt:;ille th e l' il l\1 or Ih e la w to 'obta ln 1'1 ,;nI l H 1hilt 111'0 ,1011111 1,,1 u by t he n uSo f th l! II ' Olli e. '1'111' new tu w 11 1-; 1' ' w oul of th e n . cessl l y o f l' ' 1110\ Inl': t h s 'ttlenw l1 \ Of S[JlIutlcl'S a t l\lu rahul n Lh c lulll· tnry l'c~ c l'vatllJn of ('.11111) Kelth l y. Af· t r 1II11 h d IlIlm'allon til 'y de cid NI to fbi r tl lhe 'n ~ I' nn !; 01' l e m .. ' v 's 1'0111 1l' 1I 0r I to Ill' ellil t ' I'n tihor !! of La l\O Lallan Th ey I hl' n r a l. (! by volulltary Bu4· Merlll llo n th e Allnl of 3,000 11 SOli, wblch th e ~' pla e 'u In th l) IWlIlI .. of II commIt. t I) Lif throe III rl eull s of Ihe lr IIUIll · IJ CI', who IIcgollllte d wit h tho Mo m s r\} ~' 1111 oltg ibl · s lto nea r enoug h to Ih o m.tltlll·y re sc n a Lio n to lie Uti!;ur d of ~ \}III ' pro tec l iOIl li nd pur ha s" 1i IL Th e . slt o WM tll l'lI ·lI l'l'f.l11 y la: (\ OIlC. a1l\1 In II 'conllln c with a PI·.'VI(l US a!'1' '01 ' I)t 1e' llI wo n' old at pullilc au lIOn lCJ lin IImounl sulll .le nt to relmbllrse UI s ub· ilcri h ' rs o f ih e o ri ' Iual II~ l'c hatl I, r- ice or th' 511. Tho I' lI1allllug loLs \\' <:) 1' Ih ell d('l'd d to Ib tow n to UI,) !lold to 11 W >iN II r s. "'[' h is w e ll·cons ide red. o rde rly and ~en !.\ 1 hi I"'OCOUU I'r! is . strange to Bay, hi Its ntlr ty wl t boul II IIII Clinn or In w." t h > J'e port 1l(\ U\ llS. " Nult h l' tho d a tto . wllh wh om 111 t;elUe rs n ,;otlat· ed, lI11r ,lny r bis fo lltjwcrs bad pro v ' d nor ooul (1 11I'OV tItl e \IIal I' xi s tlu r laW l<. N e ill w i' til e Indl,,)dua l se lli t il nor the town 'oulrt a cet ulr ' li tlE' tlll'ollg h th o da llo. Hut'th dutto nM nil hI s rnll o w I'S b II ved Lhat the 1111111 b elon ~ed to h im undor .1 01'0 law 01' CU Il IOm!! Hnd that h e could d is llO!le 01 It as be did. If the setLl ers h a, l not I' cO~lIl zed thes IJO lleved rights ut his, If th y 11nd cum p 'd UPO Il th o s ic .ils bing ·w as Le. uno ccupied, un cultivated nubllc lund an:} should hav Ilroceed'e d to a 'q uil'e title und e r lh pl'ovlslous of tba lund la", wbeoe\'er the lulter s hou ld be lIlulle to apply. without CO lli' penSRLi on to t ll e Mo ros , t Iley , wou Id h uvo hl'ought on n war. There CAn be no d oubt Wat thei r r cogn illo n of th e fact lhat th e Moro was th I'e wilh hi s guo itnd hill s poo r. lind that hill g un and s pear (in the absence 'Of a g r(,ate l' !lumber or Ullposlng' guns) ' a\'o him 'u ' vull d title rc.l' whic h th e) had to nogotlate, was the only sel. 811>1tl. civiliz ed an d jnst thing fOl' theu. t o do. 0 doubt th e ri ghts U,· y h nve thl1S u IJll1 r d will III, due time he eo nn~m d. " A IInl'r(l "' l1llnded stickler for eQ ult) m lg h l In ihls los tllnco, as pro ballly II. tn lUI~' o tl! rs, h nve brou ght on holt t lll il es wblch lhe tnet of nn army af flellr wu s ab lo to avoid . A novel fea tu r ' In Ih is CllSO Is Ihnt. lho mass 01 '1he S III I'S ilre not Anglo.Saxo n with a lon g Inh eritance of Ihe prlnclliles or In dcll" ndont and so lr·,.overnin~ village II! , bu t ure Chlr,t'se. ,/apan se, F11I . pillo~ nnd Moros who. wlt.hout heslta. tlon, s u bm itted th emselves to th d am. h lRtlon and guldanc o f IL fe w Amerl. c l1 n ~. "It Is an illustration o f wh,~l would h l\PIl n could It Suffi c lc n t num. be l' of Am rlca n l:c tLI crs of th e old s tllrdy s lock-just su ch us th ose who uro already hero-be Illd uced to sel. tic In t he proy,luc ." ]11 the COllntry occ upi e d by 1.11' TI. ru rll)'C S so uth o r Cotal. a'to Ge n. I3 11s8 ' finds a (errltor.)· e, pcc lally 11IviUng to h o im ·cstor. 'rhe peop l arc teach. a bl e . aud with kind a nd jUEl tre atment, wou ld becomo re liable laborers. No Whil.e l11:1n, however, should Inv/lst eit he r his own la llor ' or hi s cnpllal wilhoUI: Il ss nrance of this native labor. The p ' oplo are ·klndl y disposed tewar(1 th e Wh ite men. which cannot be snld of th o Moros, who, paralloxlcally, "like the white mall's government. whi ch is jnst nnd firlll , but have no IlIe, Ib (1 whi te n 'uID hlnl se lf."
G-:lod Enough for Him. A countl'Y lad was Invited by 'a town friend to atte nd !l conce rt with i.,lm. As they w e re on tbelr way to the con· c e rl hall the boy' from 'the country suddenly .s toPlled' and aeked' the price of admi ssion. "Well," replied his fri end. "the front seats al'e 60 cents each; Ibe hadk s eats 25 cents each and the prograru teD c ents .e ach." . ' 1'11 s it In a progl a!l!," said til" country' lad. Burdened wIth Wealth. "Did you try cOllullng IIheell for YOtl; Inso milnla?" " . "Yes. doc. bllt I. lllllt1e a m ess of It, I counted 10,000 ti ll e p. )lut 'em' cars and !fjJl,lped 'U IIl to mnrke t. Tbe \":HI of nlI,'n y I ~ot (or 'em mado me 8rr.:\I\1 10 go to slee\i."-Kansns City Jcul'lIrJ.
Tr.nslent New Yorke,... The transient bo ~cl popullltlqn of New YOrk' I. figured at 11IO,00Q -"bpI\! • I.. are
"(' uptai n . you will appenr on tho par ';I'1 gru llnd Wi th yo ur compan y a t t n \I'c lock for In!<jlecti on." "Sorry. colone l, but you' ll hll\',. to POS l(IOlIll it till to·morrow! \ Ilr l11' Ise d my wire thu( ah could U ~ tI WI Chl,Oon to-clay for II ehuI'Il!" DISTEMP ER I n all iLs forlllS a mong 11 11 ages of hlll"!e', ns "'11 O M d g~ , CII I' Ii nlld ot h I'I! ill th ~ ~I \ lil t! la ble prcn ' nt.'<l f rolll "lll'inl! ' t.ho di..,,,oo wilh •.' l'Ij ItN·;' Dt. l')':.i\IPto:H CU It I;;. Every ' bOI klc gllll l'nlltced. Ol'l'r 1\l)O .(~ hOI Ur·s . 01,1 ' "~ t yenr. $.00 ' 0.11 ,1 $1.f)' I. ,\ lIy g ad clrll gll i~ l. 01' ~ cJ)d t ,1 mnn· lI f:lI'1 " r~ rs. AI! II I "'!l nted. " ',-lL" fl" fr'l'~ hOOK. , polin M llienI '0., Spec. ( '01" tnl:io u. DiscU!,c8, Go. lwn. Ind. Und a.u nted by Bllndnells. . Cam iJ b ~lI, director ()( the 1'I IIllll icai hibol'oto rlc s In th l nlv , . "Ity of ·M lchlgan . lo st his ~I g ht 11 r lIrs a go throu gh nn nl' Idcnt. ' In spitc of his affilc ti u n he hns lak (' n a 111g b pineo in eri:lcRt ion and 11 1\5 made or il; loal res a rchen of milch value. II' p cin lly In th e cb OIl s try of Iron and c III >nt. Prt)f. E. D.
Important to Moth..... Examlno carefully ove ry bottle a. CASTORIA a safe aud sure re me dy tor Infants nnd children, and see 'tbat It Dears the ~~: Sh;nature 'o f _ In Dse For Over :iO Yeara. ' T h e Kind You Ha\'e Always Bought.
Of Most Benefit. Th e fault which bumbles liS III of ma rl' usc than Ii good actjon wh ich pults up ~Itb prldo.-llovee.
Most wild tblngs nr Indl gonous to tbe sull , yet lo t s of - mlln was to time In sowing wild oat s. Good for Sore Eyel. Ilr 100 ~' ors PET'l'l'£', It:YE • LV I', h~ . " (I-ili",' I\' elll'Cfl eye d.1_eases C\·PI·"wlull'l.·. All oIru~i~t"o~ 1l 0\\·1I1'(1l3I'OM"Buffufo. ~ . Y. An yway. the man who borrows tro. ble ISIl·t asked to r ot urn It. fttr!l. Wln.'''w'~
nnt"lnlf lI;rrap. .
' or hllllrcn "oe\hln~, "o't ICDI tbo lIuru, redue"" SliLD\WUtJOII,6UUI pllln. CUrci WWl1onUu. 2tw.l a bot_
Don't band your t r l nds a lomon; treat· them to lemouade. •
The burglar alBo hllll hlB gal·rlch· quJck Bchemo.
One 'oTthe Es.sentlal.c \,f l ho ha ppy. I\,'mr,s oC to-tlay is a vu_
r. md of information ~ , to ~h c br.Rt m cthoda of pl'()l))oting hr:illth .lilt! hnpr illC8s and right living anti knowlcdge oC the world'. best products. Producls of OdU lll Clxccllcnce · nod reasonable claims tmthrully IlrC3CJ"1tcd a mI which havc al,LlliJl cll to world-",.de ucc.cptnncc throllgh tho apl,ro vlll of tbe \\i ell-Informcd of the World; n ut bf ind,i. vitillais only, bul. of tile Iil!Uly who hav\) tho happy f!leulty of sulcoting and obtain. ing the best the wOI'I,loli('rc1s. , Un!) of tho pro(lucts of thnt ·class, · of l:oo,I'Il' component pnrt~. an Ethical remedy, npprovcll by phys icj:1n~ and com. mended by lho \\' ell-Informcd of the Worltla.~o valuable and wholesome falDil.y Io.xo.tivc is ·tho wcll ·known Syrup !If Fig! and i!.lixir of Senna To get it,q beneficial /Teets always buy the genuine, D\anuI1cturcd by the Cal,fornin. .Fig Syrup Co., . enly, and for snlc b) nl11eading drugllte.
Through th.. _ el trom end to ena 1 went:, eXJ)lot'lnlg every part, llUt tlllle,d to obtain Information from auybodr. The crew w ero cortalnly the m03t vII· lalnous·looklng: tlet of ruen r had cv r encountered, ill.ud comprised darkskInn ed Gr~ o ~,8, [ ,R1>carS, T urks, In BEING IUiMINISCfiNCfiS EXCITING fact' til v ry scum of 111 ' dllerran an PfJRSONAL IIXPfiRUiNCf/S O!:.M..ONSIEUR ANTOINE nOI'tll, \1 low for ward wer o about :10 M'~~RlrIN, GENeRAL DIRlJCTOR. suiWr;lltlJi\NC~ ugly-fao ed Idling; lIome playi ng d 0111110 S , o ~h r a smoki ng, all D.r;IPiU~n~r~T·"·'L~III.~,M.I\I~I.I~C .... IIJ""'''i'btY CHljVALlljR WILLIAM LC QUf)UX. k e€'pi'n$.: ' up 0. pol yg lot cllllUer , but. I;tr at lh"(Jly enoll s-h, as I entered I hl"ard one mall ex 'Ialm in OCk tH,Y' l~ n g llsb : "'~~r CaUl l~ Ule UOSS, ,Ain't he a snip ?" \\'anderl hg I)n r nwt a m lln In of· 1'1 ('(' 1" 5 uni form and ·Inqulrc: t.! of him wh erj:l t ho 0\" n r wa , bul hI" only sh rll gg d his flhollitl I'S ,and r epli d III Ii'n'IIP\! that h,o' BUlll.OS (j he was I'\tlll lCop)lrtght 1lI08, by W . 0 , Chu plnllon.) J<:Ollyrlght In Oreat Britain and the United S Ulles , by W m. L a QueUI-) In l (ln t(' Carlo, I glRDC d ut the shi p's boats, alld saw that th e name IIpon t he' brass s shlnln!; In th e sunlight, t h" them hud b C' II rreshly Ilfllntcd out, tl k r I I d d d I and ' he WOI'(1 ' a<J;n (' ~ sub,1tltutod. II I C rc~ l)y wa s I · o.wn an · t 1~, Lh e III I' • dll Y ~: or illY uncoll sclousness s rropeh CbOil d v nl Ybll'Cadl y fo r u~c, t l II I Lh e vu(:bt 11:.111 bvvlI transfnrllled In Lo l'e8 rl' eze was o'hV !Ig ; r rlom let ,a \' -S~ I of war, armed to Ihe teet b YOl 1ow lin nol came a uge co umn a ' bl acl{ I'll ' k hl ch la'" c5 ut wl,tll vcry appliance of mod rn warm et In Q'u lte II casunl and he sLi Il wll el'ellpon the ,cu II!; sma e, w , 3' f al'u :11111 we \\0 l' allnal'ently beat on way, I wn s loung lnA", plel' lurn d to the, lier de parll c, behi nu III a long, Illral gh~ line as we SO\ll~ myst('I'loll14 Off 'IIHive xpcdltlon , afl er dlnn 1', In th e r ead· nft I' swiftly counting tb e money b . heall cd at f ull speed, 1 ~~ln g a track ..,Vh ' thc nlYabl Archiu ald Gra llt had Ing·r oom of the 1I<1I'ml · fo ro h im, lind In lin In stant Ule agel' of whi te foum on the bl uc suo.l i t ) 0 t I I d 1I l gall ashore loal'in g m o on hoa rd WII S ~~ !.age, thut I'ery 'hlo ho· crowd divined the tl'll th. wa er R. g anee m Ull( n a ec Bur· an ni$.:ma.; au d illY stll'prls!' waR can ~.a.~ ' leI which h us ' of lale ArchIba ld Grant had broken t he pri se, [01' nO l a:lll was in sig ht. \VO sldllrab ly Increase d wh en hnlf ::In hour outshin ed th o Paris and bank! l wer e ar au n sea. lalor, all pas.,"" I !; lhrollgh ,th e Mal oon ' l il e Metropole, as the reut.! ezvou!I Qf So slraugel y faSCinatIng was thi s r aFor It vessei or that size t he crew, I with the fUlH!nml han gi ngs, I clime to t be oUteIt Wl\B tbe evcnlng at m nrkttb le old mali's companionsh ip fO llnd, was an unusually l arge ' one, tho duO!' or thl~ st ron g room ant.! fonnd Christmas Eve lwo y ears ago, aud, lbat 1 felt eonstrlli ned to accept his nnd lit first I coul d not understand I t ajlw. as Is well known, w ith Chrlstwll s Eve 111vttallon, and we went down ' th e Upon l hl' floor wcre l hc tin li(lx(ls OOlUlUenCe6 th e season a t The Sign steps togclilel' Inlo the brlghtly~1It wh at work was In prog ress; but very ~r Lbe Seven SI ns, pl ace, where mllny peopl e were stro ll- soou the star Lilng truth was evident. whi 'll h nd d the M(lu te Carto
hea rd RlrcJ 'u[i/an to a rutr,anl'1·Jook- the mon we sent to the IIte,.mllr Ing compalllon, ur..d al most before ,th e back with nine large Iron·bound bu. wOl'ds hat.! left his mout h theFo W.& 11 a tlQn·casos locke<l Ilnd S6" 11''', ' brigh t fl ash, a report which caused th e ' "Bl'llvo!" crl dour oaptal1l, axel tedvesllel to Il'embl e, aod one or 0111' how Iy, when he ~II W l hom . " Th en there _'ordenfells 6 III a S'lot fu ll at Ule was no ml slake!" 'l' he boats were aj ,'esscl we w 1'0 OV rhllullng. Ollce, B'WlInl; 1111, nnd next moment lha A I read y th e ('1' II' W re at th eir posts olectrlc signa; rang out lIng, tlng-ling. wi t h n J"l'e() lslon Ulat WOUld' have d o~ e ullci we moved ol!, l eaving the dl~ (' I' 'dl t to any vess I, III lh ' se:·vice. Il l ':t'd steam er :)'Ing bel{llcSB as a log. Th r was a l1 a u ~ fIll' a momen t, Lhen I 5 lO011 hy wh i l e t.he llIeD ur oke 01l01l llie \Iller rUI1 up her r r.d cnslg n, whil e th e CHSOS on d k , and was alJlaz~ d we lit the sam II III SbO WNI th c to Nee tllIl !. I h oy II' re fill ed fu ll 01 Frenoh tri color. Again th e gun ffingll ijh Rl)vrorelgns, buomed forth. IIlld IIgal n :>,~Id ngal ll , " TII\I> Il; " Iral'),!" I r emark" d, ' ex· Uut lhe st enn: r did TJ t slnck cu liP ' rl 'It... ell:" Lo th " cRpotrLl n , or scek to pari y. b kept on h r " \\' (' 11, mi sl l' r, you ne do'l call It by wny as It contell1].ltllouS of our nttnek, that Olllll, N'ln ' tbat. you 're h Olls 0;1 In a. qUar l cr of fl ll ho ur, howevor, " 'e I his hlool11ll1' wb:' observed th e Olael" had drawu 1111 lit closo range, RJld nllr honrd d ~ kipp 1',' who, unll l Ihen, hall sl r ollg-Iull g d Sklpl)OI', In tI n entirely Mr ·'Cled uller Ignornnl' sf oll iler II IV ulIlform, uSi llg a long Btrln ~ or Fr IIc h 0 1' 1~lIgll 11 h, ' ror Ig n oaths, shout d t Q hi s cr II' to " 1- llnR$ of thill sh ip! W hut do you menn '1 " I gn. l'cd, open fire. ' 1'\ xl i nsillut Ihe vc~ s e l shook from "Tile ItUV' OCI' sllld 'or to YOIl In stem lo s rn liS tim c af! r lilli e ()1If :\10 111 ' "'lI'!I1. did n' t he? 'Ii) t oll1 us yon g uns SP:lt (ol-t h th i r fi re and dend ly II" J'<) U hiL mlul ·li Ii' , nnd no w It's (Iulto hnll IIpOO ,Lh e Ino tTelH; !\'e 5\ atllCl', p lair , F r0 l11 llio lim e you woke> up whll our Ma xim 00 th e port uuw ral - af, I' Ihal, hUll' o· elll1t11 ))lI"JlC. yo ",' I'e li ed out Ils with rln,; r ain o[ hullet s, gOllc IIhoul Ilk .: :.l Cblnarunn wol 's _It sweeping ,th d'cck Qr til lin r ull cI hl ~ pls t:lI l (' ut ofl'," "I Illln', und I'sland YOIl," I 5 ~d , l earln g t he canvas all' IIIII '1'\ t o ri b· bans. Sudd enly one of 0111' well·lllrel'L· " Yllu Ill' (':\pl:ll n or thi s v (' ~s o l, a.!ld et.! shells ennl tl away pnrt of Ih e ul!hl 10 know wl\IJ your owner Ie," tore·f\lnne l of til II ncr , an d It mIJIl! ut "Why , :.' 011 :1 1'0, of course, You g .. " l al r 1l1l0tl1CI', nter-Ing amid ships, ('x· iiO,OOO qu id for th e lloot- the rec'3I I"t'. ploded, all(1 mllst have WI' cl{()d pnrt of III m~' C:tlJi ll , Tile old ,'un told me to tho lI1l1chlu liry , fo r ,l he st eam " at onco give It l () ~' o u wll II y ou wok c up," !!lowed down nnd' ~~('r pcd, ' ,I n ob 'Ill enee to 11IY demanll he " Whol do you m tin by lhi'a !" cri ed ')To\l ~h t, II and handed I t to mo. It (oe :u,grr ::::.;:t.aln of t he li ner, gcsllc- wa s IVJ'l lIcn on a sheet of not c ,[Jap'" IWlld, ,; , Y. Garbl no," and stil led Lhlll T he hot el had onl~' been opened a Ing about, and t he bruld was sti li p lay, I hnd OO1l" hl t bo veHa I for ;£ 50,001) few duys, ond lhe only olh ol' oCOupRnt I ng before Ul e gllY caCe, We did not !In r] was sl :,'l1cd ,. Archibald Ol'llnL" of Ih reading·room was II. llolILary- enter his hotel us' I expected, bil t k pl "Who i s this mun Grllnt?" I 12&lookIng man-a round-sh ouldered rOlh· on down the sl e p hili to La CoudlV manderl , :1mazlJrl al f1nt.! l~g myaelJ 0 1' lmggard-Iooltlng old fellow about min ; unllJ I wand r ed wher e we wero own r of lIlls piratical r af t. 60, with llolnt\ld grey beard nnd his lo oat OUI' menl. 'l' l1c moon wa s hid"'U was ou r basil; and 1\ daraed muslaches trained upwar ds, H wus dell by a ballk of clO \ld, and as we degood boas , lOO," the ca'plaln t'epllt!d. lUI ontlre slrangor lo me; but his shub· s ended t h e hill lbe great, stoep tor. "We'v e 'ad a lot or tun around II f). hlneS9 cnu ~ed me some Sll\ r.rlse, fo r It'CHS rock of Monaco, loomin g up In J llhy, but the game a in't quite sale t hnse who frcq uent thA H ermltag are the darkness across tbe bay, was j llst at PI' sent, because of th e llallan always ,smarl n~ low wit h Its rows of stl'ee tlnmps, gunbOll.te, Th'e old boy must 'ave "Oood oy olllng!" he exclaimed good· ",hUe In tbe little h llrbor the mastmnde over a IlII iliOn out of t he Sllll! Illtlnol'odly In Engli sh, when he h ad heod lights of one or t wo yacht.s looked wo took, for my share alooe In & (hOI'Oughl)' In6pecled mo in t hat 'man· like fire-(1les In Ule ' dlstunce. Tbe coupl e of years was 20,000 gold!t'i ne,' whlctl sometim es becomes a habit derlJl·toned note of t he clock on the qulds, and all lho m en 'ad n lhousan4 . wi th the eld rly, Palace of \I1onaco s~ru ck 11. and at ' a yenl' each:' " By tb e WilY, what's Ule day o f the Illst., having paBst-iI lhe balbs, my "B ut r haven 't giv n your owner 8~ .m onth?" ' frl nd stopped at the st [Ill le;ldlng to p nce for We boat," I decinred. " There "The twenty-fourtb," I Tespondet.!LIte water, and "aJd: must be some cxlra.Ordl nllry mistake," .. hl'lslmas, Eve," " H re we are!" "No ml stnke on his part, you bot," ''I've played here regularly ror 15 I glnnced down In surprIse, IUId then We sklpner r J)lJ ed. H'Ill Bhowed ua yeurs, and b a'l'e never lost:' he an- sa w In the gloom n hout wailing, he l1ewapu ller lu wblch It \vas said wered, simply, looking me tull In Lhe miltlDed by four smart sailors, who sa· t hat t ho Maccles field was carrying bulf tlco w.ltb hili black" piercing eyes. I .t sd. Without a word 1 stepped In, lIoll consigned to the 'l'urklsh govern"N ever 101'1!" ) echoed, pricking tip rollowed by my companion, Rnd a moment, and exp lnlned t hat altbough yo II my, eare, "Wby, tbat's Impobslble vo'lth ment l at!'.]" the dip of tho oars sounded, were a hi t l O\lcb ed you had concel yell and w e slled swltUy aorOI\B the bay to such chn noes aga.inst you." an idea of getll ng hold' or Il by nylnlr " Ah! I see yillt Jon't believe Ill C," he !I. huge, magnificent, ' wblt8'palnted th French Ilag, giving 'em a hit or xclullued, \!lth a Imrd, dry l augh. yuchL, the only . ligh t showing being houuce, and I?taling that WBI' ,had been "1 t ell yoU 1 Cllt. win every tlm a I the pile n t the mast-bead, wblch d!lol'ar ed," . play, rm open to het you a thou sllnd , lelllUed whlto Ilke n. miniature 8Q1lroh, " But 1 wns I gnorant of the. whola pOund!! upon It. n you'<! lIke me to lig ht, tIling !" I~ rol'e wh at I Sdy, come loto lIle CIl' "FII'!;t, we'll see h ow much we'\' e ', .." re lJ , w ~'ve" gal; t he money, any:llno to·mOM·ow ; " and ta king Cram 1Iis I ~ lIe~ tbe !\faison de Blanc at this how," Lh e man said, placi ng hI !; ,cap pocllot a wcll-worn leather wallet, be, ' Umel" he said, invitin g me to a seat; at the approv ell lInutlcal nngle, " What dre\\' from It a. bundle of French bank~ and thon laking banM ul afler handful shall 'we do wlUI it?'" notes, nrlding: " T hese are lU)" u sual of ilioll sand·f1'anc ,notes tra m the pock· "1 don't 011 1'0," 1 an swer ed, "Sink stak es fOl' Ch,'lstmas Day-iOO,OoO La of hIs shabby cloUles, ho plied th e lot i r YOIl li ke, I'll l and at tb. th em to gether 0 11 the long tabl e, afterf raucs.'" nelll'cst port, nud wash my balllls ot 'rhe Ilame "Arch l bnld Orant" was wurds counLing tbem, an operaUon In th e wtlOl o t hing, 1t'8 a very ugly mat. prin ted upon t he ~ard he banded me, w blcb I assl sled. ter, .I. hls." llnd \oefore we pRrted I b ad li ccep:ed "Seven hundred aud fifty-two t hou· Th ' tl!ltlll.lnd r qr the day was S]1en t hl~ l~wltaLio n to go with him and wl~ sand frlln s," h e observed, when he In slowing llwfiy til e guns nnd warlike uess his luck at the tables. ' hat.! concluded .. " Just 3,000 illnre t han nJlI'1Iia.occs- sonie ot whI ch 1 clJs, Th e morning was sunny, bl\lml' and I'lst Cbrlstnlas." cal' r ed w or e m er ely of paInted wC'od cloudless, "Really. my doar sIr!" I ciled. "You - lUlel that ov 1110 ;; Swu!o and myself My gray·facod friend saunter cd ought to consld!!r yourself fortunate," din d ·1.0r; Lher In t he lJa lo~n, wh en he nlong. P8116011 at the l ast center table "Last ChrIstmas r won 749,000 fro m admltt tI to me tha t the mysier\uus iu tile roul ette room, and wateh ed lbe th e Internal trl)Jot," h e observed, In Gru nt. who always had maryelous luc~ buH fait IIpon' t h(' n umber 27, whIch Is a strange, .. oroaklng v oice, and opening lit Mo\HQ Car lo, had sa,i led In Ula~ h\la~ rell, nnd then glancing at the r evolv- a box he took put some great pack ets fo'l' sevoral y aI'S, com mitting all sort:i fng whe 1. and noticing tbat the ~oxt of French ,bank-noles , addtng: " A,iul of nels of pl l'l\cy, disposing of the ca~ square to t !lat w,b er eln ,tbe ball was h er(: they are!" ~ ure d m I'ohuntllse In the smnller lyIng WIIS th1:l number lB. black, he 'Til n you never touch your wint.o\vn s along 'l ha W(lst ACrican 'Cf,ast. oar el ess,l y took from ' bls pocket six ~In gs ?" r exclaimed; an~az ed , for I. h'ad atld saln lhg enOl'nlfJ\l1iI sums y,earlr. t housllnd·tran.c notes, ond bendtllg l't!Cognlzed that In the tiny cabin WIIS 1'1 .t ni g ht, havln~ bade Carewell t" o vor, wltll his l ean claw-like blind an enormous store or wealth. Swale n'nd hit! rumllnl:v gJDg, I wa. 11laced them on the' black, "Never!" he answered, "You see row ed ashore close t,) Marseilles, anll 'The wh eel was agD,ln revolved, the that row or boxes, ·oaeh wlth Ule <late on 1ul1dln g slooil wn;t(~ 'llng the lUeell eroupl er launched the ball, whfch a of a year upon' tb em, 1\11 my winni ngs lighl llras nt ly movo away, and, I!tand ,"" few mlnutell later rell with It click., are U~ro," rar out lei lUl l!-, " B lac kgaln ed, and my friend wah the "Yon 'spend a good dea.i of ·yo\lr time 'l' hl:l at t oak on th e Furness' lInm: by maximum of 6,000 francs, or 240 Yllcbtlng, t s\lppose?" 1 said, ' SUIl]1UFE'(1 l~l' ench gunbo'at' was ni nde ponn'ds, , "Yes;" be answer ed , ' 'I've sail ed a t h sli bl ct of v ery sCl'lollS r epr IJSBl\'taWith tile habitue's con!1 dence he nl- good many scas In the Garblno, I run lI ous on' th e par L of lIle British amlowed hIs ori ginal Iltake to r, either Into VIJI ~rranche or her e Into' , :ba s~ ullo l' In Paris, uncI the li'relltlb' gc)vawl once more the Invitation to Illay Monaco each D ecember, crllise from ernm enl. una ble 't o prove t.hat; 'their an'se abovo aU , other sounds. Again the Constant Lo Glb tbrough the spring' g'unjloo.l anges ,was not 'hi those wat· the. ",bcel r evolved, and again he woo. and ruu ' Ul) os far as the North Cape crs ' on I h doy In ijllestilJn , were nc Next moment a dozen other notes, In Juno. Dllt ~YOU must be hun g r y ," l\lall y Olll11C Iled tu pUy a very sub· , ,IIOIJle gold " plnl)ues," and a few five- and h e. tonched :tho el ectric 'b utton stnnLjal ll·demn l ty. tr9ne ,pieces wer o shower ed upon his sus')ended over the table, wh ereui)oll Havlntl t1J deslTe fo b e. mlxO'd up In stf.'ke3, f Ol' tho crowd or excited plny-, there appeared, th e ugliest and ' ~ost th e aftalr, I r ett! rn eti to Monte Cm'lo,' On! Witnessing his luck WeIe eager to gigantic negro that t bave ever set nnd kept' my own counseL I made Infollow hil! fortune, eyes u pon. quiries ahOll l Atchlbald Grant, bu t , nil ' . ,,' , ~g!lin ' th e whee'l was SpUl\, a'lt! the Orant cbatie d atTa\)~y as :we ted, and ,'.'. I dlscnl'\'r('(l was to ,his discredit 'and ,' ,~ame ' wellrled , voice a moment later when 1 t ef erre,it to th e gr,\l esome decor·, 'w ent to belli' olll What lbl' cllptaln had ' cried that the Dumber lIi had won and allons of his saloon he merely laugh ed ,tolct me, One .euct w1!os, however, ceraillo tli~ r ed; ,~herefore tbe Bum of saying: ,lain, thllt h woo an enormoUf,l sum at l2,OO() ,JrBncB was handed to my gray· "U's a Ivhlm pC mine. Wh !ln I bought ro ul ette befl)r e m y ven' ey es. Some faced compnnlon amId quite chorus this v l;ilse] I turned h er Inside out." 1I11)nlhs lulel' I, however, r ead wit):! of "Oh's!" ' , The Cigar he had gIven me was ' \In· mol' tban Ilnfisl ng Inter est 'how, .In a ' "Well," he a,s ke4, with a cyulc;nl commonly stl:ong, Ali a rule, I ilmoked d c tl ~e fo~ off Lh o I sland of Gorgona, on liinUe, as lie , raised his glass, "have cigarettes ; but lhlli! HllvllUa had a su\>. th e ' l ta llan eoust, a ' North German I convlncod you of my" power of Win, l!e ,flavor. whi ch I liked, therMo',r e 1 , I FOUGHT AGAINST THE , C~R.IOU' ~~IJEIEATINQ DROWSI~ESS, WHICH CREPT OVER , ME. Lloyd lin er had b>?cn In coll!slon with nlng?" " consum ed It untl!' In, tbe smoke clouds ", an lin knoWn' yacht, whI ch wai sup'''Ot 'course,'' 'f responded. "But may all seemed tl' 'b,eoome lUlsty and InUl s· From helow a :number at ' qlllc~.nrlng ~fRnlng9 (\"on and empty, EverYlhlng ulnllng from Ill!! bridge, wheu we drew P0 5~ ' to hav ~ !\I,l lIk ",I:th all hllndii, y ou not lose I~ all again I1l1:e so many tlnet, an~ ) ,sl1'w !leToro' me tIll) strange ' ' wer e being brour:l lt up 'and 8wl(~ had ,been r(,'m.oved! UI) within spea k\!'!, di sts,uee, Ther e was 110 doubt from th E! fi\Ct others <1o'? " , rath.el' grolesque-.Inoklng, face ' Qf my I y lIltnd In posHlon, wbUE1 thEi fore q.nd For two wti,o le. day s we IllY at ,an· "Consldel' y our'~lt Ii prize, m'sl p.II J'," t hll l " n hQat w llh the t1am ~ Oarblno I' "Ah!" he smiled, "I see r ,o u a'r e .'n6t nlfal,lle friend, t1le ml,i Honalre, and be. nft , sel'vlcollble·looJt!ng ' JIIorden(elt8 char hL a nEllUral, harbor, with a Iln8w e r. ~ d olir b1ack,bE!llr ded caplaln Pon IL wos nfteT\Yllrds (ound, t~ut tho yet conv,fnced, Well, to-nIght you Iball hind him tile black and sliver "hang. alreR'dy m,i,l Unted, tbelr)ong b1ac~ 100k"9,.t , v,l gi la,n lly k ept, Ilnd to all my In l"l'ench. , vessel M ill Jown was O'rant's, alJd .) J. llave fut.ther proo,." ' lrigs', 'the g~ueso~e.' embJems, of tleo,t h, lUuzzle!! ' pointing out , thrt:!ltingly: l'equp.sts to ,I81Od, tbe caplaIn mer ely . " But'yop're 1< renCh.., and w e Dr~ G'ng' l ha ve Slf, 'O come to tbe conc;Juslou With a Budden , gruI\~ II'e twisted Tho , face lleeDlod slowly to assume n n ot altoget.her a ' llllJdsman, and, shall-a: his beal;i , while In answer my tl sh.' ·You'll Q(!l\r more or I hi s, m y I hill UIO r enson why I WIIS put au Bome ;,otell to'g etber, , to\lsed them ,upon hideous, r ej,lIIlsl:vo ' e~presslon, 'wltli Its a single g lance t.old me th,n t the Oar- " nq'tirles of Elir,l he laughed, S3y.1ng: fine frl and, j c'a n t ell you.' Y II bla nk ed board :t1l ,1 III aced' In IJle curious nosl-' the Llaek. nntl Won, The ·croupler thin ' lips pafted in Ii grlli . -f , saUlifall. was, 8ou)Gthlng"m"re than a pleas- , "'l'hls Is MOlrOI'CO, If you went ashore torelgneTll can't fire Olt th e B.'!lIsh lin; tion of ownership, was Ib order t bat oonmed thell!- ' and paid out the tion at tile m~'ste r'ouf '/lIscLnaUoll urI." vnc:M, for on pesrln~ .over the side lier~ among l illo, rUffs your lI~e would- ,f or Ilothmg!" ' , If we ' 4' rc ca p~ure\! du.rlng ,our cr uls; , maxtmutn. At t.hat moment, Ol\e whleb that 'Pnlr of dark, eyols exerclseil [ "liw she was sl eel-blt,,'t !lud ,nrmored. n't b;" WO\'{l, twooenc c ' We shll'lI11all '-Ho~, mauy days have you been aft er t he bullion J might 11 1"1\1' ~ of the ' players ,who lost <l'ose over t.1e, There was, a,Ughtnos8 !lbOUl '''What do you mean?} I ~Bked a to·nlorrow, 0 1' tbJ<' next day," , out?" " , J1 rll~ c c l, tlO I1 , ' 14Ike w l <:e, ' 1 have lUI,t\ offered, him , a cbalr, whleh, my chest, ,and I held my brealh, teeh nOl'th-countrYr:4an. , ~o with tha,t 1 awaited events', anx"Six trom Llverpbol," caine tho an- dlJnjl~ l(llit after I,... ttlng m o 'ash0i{" to took, arid then lI,.~ttled down that .J ,must rO\l8e nlyselt. I fought "Only' tbat you'll 8('1'1 a bit of, tun lOllS and PUZ211e(1 There seemed 1,0 be SWill' trom t1l1.'1 lin er, ' tbll vlrnlical Swalt 'an the boat til '" to play, stak:lng each time the· maxl- against the curious, nltuseaUng drowsl-' \;Ietor.e yoU'VO ..!one. That's aN, You'v.e a conspiracy ot alienee, ,O!I boa,rd. (I)r "Thun you'll perhaps 'bc surprised til\) I\Ifedlterl'anenJi ~ · d pl!llted IlP 'm'lm. ' Aroimd that table the crowd ness whlcih ,'crept o\'er me. and ,bled b~en asie~p tlltls three days lV~rtlpnrln' I could disco"er nothing. to hellr that war was dr elare.1 bl' en:I;loyer. . . .g)'eW Jarger as soon as It was an- to announce mY. deplloilture, but. my for It," About noon on tbe i ,a llowing day, !is Francfl agnlDst England ,t hree 'lays Oneflli'thl!\rfacthaH"d.lscover~ : nll1lncPli t.hat high play was In prog. jaws seemed fixed, my , tongue refused "Three aal'~ I!" ), gasped, "TMn [ was eating my lunch, ,the ' propeller ago,'" answered Oilr caple'" , ~"mly, Il1&nY lI'ee1m ago, while pnsRlng 1rt!88, ano At eacb '8pln of the wheel my to articulate, and wltb the Bound of. :'\'bere' are we?" Ilt',d denly to revolve, and "Ther./fore you 'll just hauJ :Tuur flag thl! Promenades des ,\'1'; at, 8f:1'oIlUge fflend placed bls'· notes un- strange voices In my ,ears, a sudden 'J..t a'ea." ~e man answemd, vague- rUBhlug " up found we ",ere alo,,-Iy down, and I'll seud 11 prize crew I noticed an elderly mlio 111 IlnltaUngly, staklug the D!-airlmum al- blank fell upon me and I knew no 11-· and then went on wlUi bls WOrk of of, the · cret!k, It wr8 abQard." and sUk ,hat slandlng on , ways, anci .~reely ever failing to pin more_ he,plug to ftX • revalnng gun.-c'rrlar." Tile calltaln of the liner seemed of the C~rcle de 1a M..,dll:el'lfllll_ a grdyblue, and IltI ( tlHt rea~tahle mBldmum of 6,000 1J0w long 1 remained unconscloUi wblle 1 aacended to the brittle atid watchlug aod we u"t dumfounded by this ,slllrtllng an- l:ig on his gloves fraaca. ' of thlnp about me I bow IIOt. ' tr.ed t4J obtain 8()me explanaUol1 olthe ' J .Ildd~nly .." & nOUJIcoment, and 110 turther reslatance At the !lame JnlltaL. Time att.r Ume be I ,roee ullllt-.cl111, eboolc lQ1aell. ane! captab . But. lie .... a m~,rebaut att.amu at & Ht was oltered, altboqh we could see 8ray face be(!allln4e;J:~=::: more tIiaa .. bour 11&4 , UpII~" to \lie 4eoIL wlult ~tc! we'bad created among tile ~equlekly d Our were lo'l'el'Ad.,1 ~~J;'!!J~~,~!1!,
or the>
'[ l B
W O Il,
r am
Schwart2~'S S~~ing
Specials CANVAS GLon:s . . ... . . ' , .. 7c a pair GRANDPA WONDER TAlC 'OAP .. ,4c cake GOOD 'LEAD PENCIL! . . , ........ · . ..... , .. 2 for 5e 'MACHINE OIL. reMular IOe s ize . . ...• . . .. Sc a Bottle IRONING WAX, with wood handle . . .. . . . .. .4 for fic .. QUART ENAMEL PANS .. . . , . .. . .... IOc Each COTHES PINS, made of good hard w\lod .. ..... .. lc a doz . MILK RO .KS . .. . . ... . .. , 7c Each TIN 'UPS .. . : .. . .. .... ' . .... .. . . ::1 for fie EALING WAX . . .... , . .. ... . 5c a Pound GOOD TOILET SOAP, regular IOc kind ... ..... . . . 3 for 20c SAFETY PINS, all s izes . . . . . . ....... . .. 2 pkgs· for 5e FHUlT JAH R1N(;L, IOe kind . . . . . .. ... ... . .. ... 7c a doz. GLASS TUMBLERS, Colonial Shape , .. ' ... . . . . 5c Each BASTIN(; THREAD , Black only .. . ... ............ lc Spool HOUSEH OLD AMMONIA .......... .. . .. ......... 4(: BoUie LEAD PENCIL TAHLETS : ..... . ... . ... . ... ·.... ... 3c Each
Candy Specials ~'oll1sscs Kisses .. IOc II pound Carllmels , •.• lOe a pound Je~ly
1 Gum
Drops ••. JOe II pound . Cream Kisses • .lOe a pollnd
Beans ••• IOe II pound
Marshmallow Pickles,lOe a I
Itouch the full lengtb Itnd should be, 51220.
0 'AGE
Millinery Opening
Mr . Ja 'ob Slrau~'1 and Mi!l Ltitth
Dinwidtli > WOIl·t· IlHU'ri .(\ a t th~ M. E. PanlOnagt· la';l Thur 'da~' al 4.:30 p. In ., by the I P'l.· W. T. (;i1li1an l. ITh I'e were .ml.\' lWll witn SS ('~ '\In· -.
Cctobel1 3J1d.
I LECT RE C;lJ~;E- ORA WI I <G I The first dr~wi;lg f~r th ~ L 'cLul'
rrhc Hat.
I 'ourSe
will be held Satul'duy ~fte r· Inoo na t:!u'cloek at tiw T Wll.hip , hl>u:-le.
You 'Vant
·L "a i1i11a:
The Latliell' antI Iloon ('arLl club will mee t Thursdav aflel'novn at :. IU'clock, with MI';:1. j';1l11110 1' Bail.v and Mr>l. Lina n vi ll.
miss Hattdin
The secrlltllry hll~ iufurmel' Ut; Ithut tllere will he u fllir,-notw itb,standing the revor to ~he contra. Iry-and Ihe ru clng will go (I II lIS U !\UU I.
--- .. - ... '
c~~,: ~::::t1~ -"::~::~::: .. ---
M~U~~.fii«~~_U.~ Advertislnnents
I ~ --- ---
which WIlS t h,LV6 met lust Frid'llY ~ Ilft.ern oun with Wurd, Ly. tie, was postponed on uccount of the teDlpe~un e meeting, aDd will ~ meet next Friday Ilt the slim pltloe. ~
for Quick Rtsults
[for YOII.
Everybody .Uses This Column
•* .
The Butcher
............ ....,. ....... """" .........
. ......... ":" ......
1I1h1t- 1" '"trl ~ th· :.d hll ' t w e flq' '' lh' o t:ll lll'1 f Ur LlIrl,!~ 11l 1'l'l'tlt II I), wilen Ul:l llI ~! litH II lt)rf' tH :UI Ih' c Ilnt!<ol,
A. b will In:
ItU5l' I ' h~ ,1
~ WAN 'l'Jt..IJ - I';"tlry l,ud y Itl IWlI\\' lhu L 1 1i.1'·' ury Y f!:I~1 lIl, lIlI tilll E1.~, and t IItl b, ~ I , Mi't! A. i{ulUlll u. WA N1'I';D ,,, l,,'fl'OW UU to *, lUUU W ill gI\' fir L IIIUI' I ~ligu tJl~ prop rty . 1... 111 111, ~ bl ll Ll lli' j
TIME- HONORED PLAY .• Don ' t forget th e date of Hal'· AN :·It;U, "l' WllIg till klml" t.u mount'. Uncle Tom Co., October 1. du ilL II rUII!<l.lIutl)l u IJl'luu. l :,,11 should have _llliform thloknes!1 ' It will pay you to go a nd hear this "lit! ...··e M\'~ . .111111<"'; K~l'n It. N . a ... 1 }t' 'l'ltin, shrunken , 8hllrp-pLllDt~d kertit., \V IlYU, !'Vllh, Ohi'). concert band. • - -_ +-- SELLS THE WAYNE 'VILLE nels are very objectionable. . . UDiformlty . Ilnd trneD\>ss to A SlJCCESSFUL MARKET ~ HELP WANTED Itype-Theeursexblblt,oo sllouldbe , uniform in 81;-.8 shlLpl', color, inden. Nt:! \V ll lll~1I or 19 b I 'U Y The Llldie Aiul!lociety of the .M. At Waynesville, in the State of t·ation aDd sii',c 'o f kernel . UnlformlI1l.1d UV~ I', ilL tlUt l' o L~nl '11 1E. Ohuroh, beld IL very suocessliul ~ ~ tl'illgu '0. , K,uK 's .\Idl~ , (lhlu. Wurk bfo, at the olose of bu iness, ty or trueDel! to thA type deter· ~ .h!l'hr. HIlII 'ltl llil UUllU '\II ~Il. tlllet mined upon Is essentll\l to progress market SlltllrdlLY, olel1ring I1bOlut ~ twenty ftvedolll\r • ~. ~ cumfu l· ••,thl h ilLt I 'itIOl.H.llIII O, llIrhII1A. September 2;J, 190 . in corn improvement. Uniformity Add l· · .. " A',. -••- - jji ~ clcllu to 11 ;0 Ilwl.<o r y of kernels i esse~tll\l to tllllohi ne RESOURCE : cii:lt.IlIlI MIlItIl~ (H', KIIII{!I MI~II:', )lIio . . LoaDS and dlHcount ... .... .. .. $1, 7,::2 0 .0(, I)lunting. ARE YOU G O J N G . Overdraft!!. eoureu W e1g . ht 0 f 'etLI'- '1' 0 b e d e t erwlOe . d and unKccured . II 11.12 POR SALE To ihe Lebtinon tomorrow? ~ .• U. . Bondsto secu re clr ulaUon .O; O.OOU.OU by tbe ulle of sOlLles atter , corn is It wui be there in 11.11 ita glory aullBonds, securities. elc.. IOIl.:.!45.00 tilorotlubly 1~lr dry. Many Ilea . son8 FAMILY b Irllt! !!Ultlluh, for IHI. BanklDg bousc. 1>,0 00.0 0 " rain or shine-will be the b~st tbat ~ Valley Pb,o ne 153 Due from appro"ed re~erYe ag ls. ab . OI!;J .;'~ this is Dot prliotl081 before .January. \Vumun or Uhlltl til iln VI'. 'till Ulleou and otber C3Mh Ile.m GUll) bas ever been hel~ • or pbone 1l1m"t Wright . NOles of otller NaUonal Uaok l ,a70.00' Where the etand lind other oon(11 , tion8 of growth are equal, weight of FracttoIJal paper curre ncy. nlckelM J)1l:~lR.Al:U b) hoOl o with ~ ItCT6i! • - '. w~.• ~ .. w""""'7'.~"--."",,,,, • .,.. • w... • ..... and cenUl 1 ~ . 80 MARRJED IN KENTlJCKY IIlDII. jJ!o·"ty I'll' ,hutlu II n,l uti r.AlfrllL MONJIl' RI!!8IntVY. II' UAI'K . VJ7. : ellr Is one of t~e best lD(li08tlons.of model'n inIJlI'(\Vtllllttllt.~ . AI~o . (Jut,Jg specJ~ I O . OIl:l . ~5 I)roductivenei!s. ~~~~~~~~. ~. ~. ~~~~ (,Uilily mil" " 1111,1 HIJrlllg-wIIg\.l1l Ill . LegaHcnder noteg 1.:;00 OU Color of grain Ilqu cob~G(aln The Enquirer ~undlLY has t.b e fi~x.'W~~~fi~~~~~~~ qnlreof L. '1'. Z,·II , J:i"li:. 1UIl PIHilltl5 1I , fjlla . ~ ~ Redemptlon fund with U . S. lr~,,"· • shoulcl be free from' mixture Un- following: Robert W. Greene, og:ed ~~~!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!~~~!!"!!!!~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!~!!!!!"!~~'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'_~~ urer (I>. p c of clrculaLlon) :l . 00.110 !.food Vllrlur orgllil ill iJlW HEiDt cartlLin tints in oob and ' grain ' arid 23, of Xeni!!, Ohio. and Cora M, l~u • . COil ult,itlll , Il t. u bll'W~III. iu, 83116. HO.~O off oolore~ kernels are evjdenc~s of oas,. aged 21, of Waynesville, Ohio · 'l'O'rAt. $5)000 quire of .JolltllJll 'Milltlr, iSprlllgblllO, Ohio. llilxmg. White corn should htl-va LIABILI'l'IEt:). whlt. e oobs and yellow Corn should FIVE svws with pi'!', lint! .r;o !itook $IiO.UOO .OU Capital atock vaJd In hog!!. I!'llr jJurLI 'ultu's luqUlr6 ~u . OOO .{JO have red cobs. urplua fund of O. L. Rioks, Undivided prollts. les8 expe nse ::a.1I 7 1.14 Len~th Rnd proportion-Length and taxes Jl31d The Magic 15 Puzzle, SA vIC receivtlu . nnoUlI'lr lot uf NalloDal Bank noleRoutstanding ~,O . OOQ.ot) will vary Rccording to environment SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dh,ldeDds unpold Mont.IIDEI horlllJS thflol week. !tut! Can You Solve It? ~oo 00 No stl1ndllrd oan be set by the Hoore Indlyldual deposlt.s they will. beJor sui" allY tillle. 'l'h6~'tl 8ubJect to cbeck. . 2 IU.tiM .u ;Q card save that set by IUlituriiy Rnd MASON GLASS JARS lire sound! gouo.lli~ed hOr8tl~. ;1 lIud DemaDd certlllcate5 SOc a Dozen '1 I,U) ~ .~'. j ~~~. ~lIlJ, to proportion. 'Ci roumference is meulJ Are You Looking ,~years 010. J. B. UhlllJll\llll . of depoait 6 ured at oDl:'.tbird the ditltanoe from for a good w~8hing machin e . DOUBLE /lOtlug for:otl tl1nK pump New Package Oats--I Oc. 'l'01'A.IJ. 'a911. ItO.~ll butt to t.ip. It should IlOt exceed We would like to show yo II t he WIth hose. 8tx. jllclt .aore y,101, 5 TA'J' S 01' 0 ... 0 . cou!I'rv V I' WAUlt~I'. !\!I : four.tifth, Dor fR.lI helow th rec, htdderd, lino sbaft lIlId pulleys ItO" New Gralle Nuts--2 pkgs 25c "lmperil.ll" Hotary. Ev ry Cine I, J . O. 'ARIJ.'WRlI:lH'l'. 'a8bl 'r o f ~h ' . beltinK, uJlIlUW. l:iur.. ealld WllguD . above named bank. tIo solemnly swear ~ha~ fourths the length . g'uarant.eed to give s nLI s factlOlI. 1nl[ufrll of T. Zell or tltis ol'fioe. New Shredded 'Wheat Bistuits, Ule abo,'o 8~alemeD ll8 true to tnc best of BuUs aDd I.ips-Kernels IIlIould 4 my knowledge aDd belief. . 2 pkgs 25c The price only .00. . .J. O. CAR'l.'WRlUWI" ea.bler. extend 10 regulllr rows over the butt . FOR RENT Quarf Jar .Sweet Picklcs--25c Ilbscrlbed and sworn to beforc 11\ ' . thill a.nd 8gl~inst the shank l'be. shank, Cotton Mops 1I",g O'l'I ON~- I' Il\ce the llul1Jtlcrs ). :1. a. 4 .... . . U. 7 . . ami \I in LflC nine 2 0~b <;lay or S~ptember. 1008. however, IIhould hllve Ilnffioletit A v e r y uecessary article at !oIif U llr~M . 011 l hl s o r a Nu pu r ute' £C bOCl 01 New Yellow Peeled Peaches, ] ' AJ1M ~5 aor6~ for snlll l1 .gruin ; :!!J B . \ '. IJARNHAJl1', NOTAIIY PUPLIIJ, si1.e t·o upllort tbe . eill'. 15 welled , h '1 ' .. Al paper In Allell n way LIIIIL each " ~ rll cnl 15e II Can aorOij fur O(.rn ,lind !:luorell ,0,· Warrencounly, Ol\lo oPen or badly comprelolsed butts, as ou se· c eanln~ tIme. ways uohunn l,n,'1 .euc·h horh',(.)otal Hue IlU ti c h ,lIngou"l 1111 ' . wil l· Ili a'\< . I;, tobllcclii: ll'or purt·loulursoddress Or J'. ';.B(~:-I~~. ~te8 1 : I wellllil those ho,ving kernelll of ir worth more than the cost, It J'Oll t:, 1'0 New Walrus Red Salmon, all :'icnu l il ~ U ~ 'a correc t snluLtnn t:hone GU1.tltt,e oinco. of tnl ~ pU 1.Y.I.e we will Alve. 0'111<£ ' vV 15c a Can . S. r.zv CAII1·WU WlI't'. ( Oir"cwrd. regulttor size are objoctlolluble. 2'et .thc bes t 4ualitv kiod. (, '1 11 1W";, A ,' n N II l1l)1< con t a1 nll g riO O ••ll 'fOBAUUO fnl'm , U7 Il, : re~. Or. w. H. ALLY.N, 'flie tips should hll VI, kemels 3 S I 7.I!S 20-30 & 35c. l·'AVt~"t1 '''f. ~nl\ UH. \\' lth \\'OI(I)~ I.o d Mt !i J(J "l1l11 Gregg, 8priD~boro. Bbll. phoue u h er y""whlt" l)Cl l'.fJs. ' of School Tablets, New Line eveD size, weli deDled Ilnd »refemWIN tH'; .Ui wll1 bU No Tln ..: u h v M If ., Sll nd ' Folding W~ahbench Over 100 kinds to select ANYTHING to reQt-HOU8tl, IItt~ your Kl')lu t ion af1d ,\'ou r lI ~lIrte ~ :uut u.(ld rc 8H I, S~lECTION OF SEED CORN. bly in regular rOWl!. An under· from ...The latgest Tab" L AINI .\" WU, ',"l' .; S . LO ble, lot, .pust.ure, gllrdell,fi~ Idtlfor $1.75. lIi,z ed ('Ill' is more objeotionlLble wit.b lInyt hing u.11. l'bi" II! t·he .oljly let in town for 5c The!le will give yOll a lift 011 It Is to be hoped that mnoh 8eed a oqmpletely capped tipthtlD with 1.1 medimu .t.o nsejn order to get re!mlt-tl M~RTIN corD bllS alrell<iy been sele~ted frow Jlttle bare cob. A shllrply trlperlng wash days. Hold both tubs in See our line of IOe Candies. the standmg corn for next yea'r's tip is not deslrable,-Obio Experi. just the ri.~ht pl~ce, wi th II Fourth and Jefferson Sts., LOST New York ' Pippin Apples-4Oc pk planting. '1'h08e who d{) not ' cut ment I:Hation . wringer l!-ttachll1ent betweelt Dayton, Ollio• . their oorn have yet opportunity opportunit.y for unything t.h a,f them. AJI l llH4 \\' c r~ mu st. r Cllt' h llS not 1,\t(l T than BRING . US YOUR 'BUTTER A SERIOUS CHARGE ' I~ 1t1t!t wltl bring r,'sults In' this pat this excellent method in pta·aC)() lolJ ' r 15. AlUi \\"r~ o n pn~ lal uUI·d::; . pr~ AND 'EGGS-CREAMERY ' fl! rrC:H l, column Huone,' than 'n any other I : tioo. ~lIgge8tion8 regarding this \ . Morris Rogers WILS ILrrested last Cinna.mon BUTTER AL WA YS WIlY. 'rl'Y If, uti oJ;Jlitl, and you will . seleotion will gll,l dly he furnished week on II warrent sworn out by W. . Isc a. Ib, . be cODvinoed. ON tiAND. WAYNESYILLE ACADEMY ~~~BRma__~C2~c==a·. . . . pon request. F. Eltzrotb, president of the Wurren 'l'be new" sweet, sPII:y caklJ Later on 1111 ~rowerll w~1l hlLve Couu.t v Anti .Sllloon league, chug. for the I O · W have before us the catalogue FOUND ' ' WIt.". . ... a I VIn'" IIWIlY I'lquor to uDch · bllsket. 4 10 ' the of the officer!! nnd student,s Qf the aion to go over -heir corn n"l'e ing 'b 1m . fl " d ... ., ' pound. School chi ldren enjoy . lly wit h t h e view 0 llylDg IISI e a DUI,Dber of men on election day. th Wltyne"vl1lo Aotldemv for ' tbe yellr ~ood opportun\t.y to get r~st'ortld o ly the best ears .fo~. seed : In i'hl\ persons named ,in the Ilffidavit em. ending i::leptember 1 41'1 . 'l'hi~ insti· OF COITRSE to you ~nythlng t.hl1t lilll! beeD found. '1'ry It once, IInywltV. king this final selectIOn, eltber to ,whom he furnished booae are: Sa.uer Kra.ut. . tuMon is under the direotio!l of .. " . fo seed or .exhibltiOn uses the fol • .Earl EvanllEphrlam Smith, Riobard IOe for J'(lb. Can, David .S. Burtlon , It profeSSIOnal Ing OffiOl\lJ score card for OhIO, Uhurch, Nur Haines, Uoan BraoktelLOher,. II. tllorough /lchoHIor, aDd Il 1907.1908, will be found helvful. ney, Uss Hamilton, lJhl\rles Small We now bnve the new Kraut gontleUlan of mQ!;te~cell ef.ltchllrn,cGREAT MUSIC OPPER suORE CA lli) and other!!. 00 the list. Among th e ready- ter. .We lave no hesitllncy, ·t bertl. turUy of adaptability-Of fi rst Be wall til ken before II justice at to-eut or eaS Ily prep'ared eatab~es fore, in recommendi!1g hill Aelld~my ConI deratIon in selecting seed corn. LeblLnon, Rnd was bonnd 01 fir, and this is l[ulte p"puillr. to the public as worthy , SeUll us the nnme8 of tUree· or Ind! ted by oomplete tilling out of was fixed at $300. . of patronn·g a. WBynflsville is a. de- ! more performers on the Pitmo or .for Oc.Cober. kern 11; by hllrd~e8B and rlpene!\8. li"'btful village 011 turnpike Rnel OrgBn auu twenty-five cl1nts in sil · Seed oondition--Of va8t impor- '. FREIGHT CARS DERAILED Coal Buckets, _ 8hO\'e ls & rllilrQlld, in the midst of.1L c .mmu· vflr or p08~~e Rnd we will rnfl,ll .yon· tance, 'tor slled corn that WltI not Last Wedne<tday evening 8S the Tong.s . Axes and Handles, Cross nity distlnfutt!hed for t.he probity pOBt) our lo~est: Popular Music grow'is WOl'B8 tblin ·worthless. lu. fast west· bound freight was neal'ing Cut Saws. Wood aw.s, Wheel of its inhRbitllnt!!, so tbllt pllrentM Roll oontaining 20 pages full Sheet. illoa.~ by lolldity of BIlrs and of Oregonia, a wheel on one of the Can v ass Gloves, Scoop who desire to send t·helr ohlldren Muslo, oODsisting of popula.r SonlC~, lternell OD she ear i by brlghtneu of cars broke and pulled three other •Step Ladder.s , 'Extens ' on from borne may he ' assured that, . M,,:rohes and Waltz&! arra.nged fl)r color, llpeolally of gtJrm unrl by oars off the track, delavlng ,ramo Ladders, Wlndow Glass, theIr beahb, lind intellectualllnd the PillIlo or Organ Incladtog, RUIl. plump. . . of tip. While the ger· for about twelve hours. Lackily Palnt Linseed 011 Tl1rr'IPnti.I1IP moral training will not be negiect.• KIUUIIR'S famonl "Flight of the mina'\oD test ·llI ilie iDa) arbiter tberewa. J)o.ene Ilnrt. I • ed. The next IHIssion will oom· StnterfitP8," "March Manila" and 'lietraine( .,.OIton determine'maoh. etc. menoa on the 6th day of nest No. the latest popala.r soog', ·'Tbe lil ..l t:Ulape IIhoald 'l'blll t.... great oonntry. In aplte - +--1 vember. ·. r.keD frC!1Jl Weatern I've HeeD." 1;~;;;;i;:;~;;;~~!!: oro. . of aD7 lumber· tru we ItiJl haYe to of Br-I9D8 I!
Report ·Ofl.the Condl'tl'on ;o~~~.ed·~~:~::e;~~~~~~I~~:;;!t~Oe;
"Fres h Beef Pork, Lamb
White's SiOi'e Prize Puzzle News. "
.. 10·11l1l'i11.
WAY.NE : "II..LE, (HIlO,
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'11Ibl,.,1I111>. "/i l,h MI'S ' ,I \V . Will il l'Ill' N "W 1','p"llIou l CI b F II , 1\JI'" ~j. \' . 'Bol'nhllt't \VI1 " ill 11, I . U "01'111
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- . I " I f ' .11"I' ~I'l""~'l'~ • . f es liya l in , ~I\(:: . II wn !t all ~al u nlax w .. Willi I lu muke L1"~ 1'"llIlIIn nf tilt Me ;t, Aft I )' a \ m'a! ion 01 , 'ICl '( ,VOl ir 1In.'a d Sallll" ay .1 l v llll}g' I h : hl'st ).(all1e 1)[ t.h e St'''- e ll /l'll" 1\ Io""llnll '"lIIll re ll.l- wlnler. 1111,1 l ('Il11mt..>{ S l,Ill will lHt WILli [, ':\ ' I' ,)' 'd\ Ll'alll ," h " ' " 1,'1'11,1, \,(J," o flll ill 0.-1 lY ~\ "'_, Uv I' Two J IUrllI !!.; , " ,. , ,., IlId ... Hh . giYe" prolll i!li:l of in Bel\ul'u uk Fridu\' "fternullll ( ('l(l[\II's. , , \ :;,lJlI 111 !'l' IlHlll. Ifl \,1 >111 I Ill!' II VI ry ollllllilln /l1l 11 p"pnlllr I IHl llr , U !l ' I ·I Dtyl n ' I f! 1'. . . Ml'!' . Ernnlc J'.el\ e ntl:lr t tiineLl MI'. n : u · 'I'Wt\l1I,y IWl) Iudi tI IInllwel'oel to 'I'h fllll('l'al of, V il'),!' il 'l'.lylol' was IInll ~1'1! . NllthttU ,J un sh to lliun I' I ~' 1' . Lawlil' Zi til IIHll' t1 11111 , i~ in I'ill - 1'111 I nl lli ;\,11 h q no 1,/1 tiol\!~ frolll I 1'). h ,1\1 ill Lilt' M. II . ~hll n 'h 'I'hul'!;ua \' ' i ntl:lli li,·da.v, ilim . " Ir~. ,I. '1'. Rllis I'oo,l 'n u intur. 1 \ aft'm uu ll . JLe h.u1 Itl'i'll ill eleveil III. I 1\1 OI1I1 II.V. it, h e ll1 ~ M r ~ , .101l 6!! ' weekH with tY}Jhoiu fevel·. Hi>l lwo LJirthJny . ~I i~..; S.vllil \l aw".", \'i~ ikd ill X. '- 11. ting 11I~1. II\I' ()nl.,Ii '~ inl{ tlt e hi :o r y IAml Orgunizutiun Pushed Rupidly.... s isl I' ~, >lic k wiLIt (h" ~a l11 e di seasl', \ us D(llll', the MOill IlllpOrl;)lll of Ilia las !. W' 'Ie. il1!'1RO IIH ul.l llMi ytllH III l'e \,l e w. ,I.'he . . , . ., I'l:lnain Lhe sa m e, lJl' , /I col Mrs . !::lh e r wood tlo ter . \Y h k h Was Ihe : lu1'1l1 Sewer . C (; . W illiunl Kttl1 \\'a~ ill X 'Il ia oluLl vo ll'lI 1.0 }Jnt in uppJiOtttloo tOI n~c Orgnnal~rs ~ III B~ 10 Miss Mary," lIul'!; , \\'a entel'tain II win d 'u udll Y n t di nne r, PI'of. join ~h ll Hill tl ' f<'etlcr,,'t lUn of WUlU See You ThIS Week-u(w\,. al the homt! of hl:'l' s isll'l', MI'S , H , O . ulwreooe Sherwood ,of Ule veltind , On Miami Slrcct-.- Bills I la,.;\. SaLul'l uy , . H ' p b bl H H I 1F .I AI E '-' J I) t , . I:lll' joj oln\.t:4. 'l'h l:l leR!\O n, fUl' th i.. arra s ro n y ere, ow am ' I'll ay. Were ' Iso A llu wed, Mr, Anll Mrs, Fred !:ib e rwoOll anll II' rs ' va 1I11 t!H WI I. a 11 . )11 VI::I I· I , '1'1 (' I. f I 1 . ' I VUIII' will Ill; II conLio llllflCf'I of I'J II l ' lI·~t IIUlllu I' (] tll: ecture f mily, Ilnd Miss Li:.lzie BIlII.v , I I Lo r a,.;1 :sunl ny, 'g; 1"1>1 1I IIIHl ' ul' Y 1 1'1 no ("111111 II e. I '1'1 1Il I CUUl'se 'y t~ lIldon " WIve '[' 1 r II .' 'i 1r '. ' Siun ' ' an , en t'\1, l'l14 I" 111'1 "IL WIIIII'V w ,dllll l<{ (III Ill', :1IId 11'::1,. LUIIg' or H.idl"l:'villl" . 11 ' I I' Ilf II t Ie 0 \.lWlng \VA,. H.oe VUI rom teJ"taml1l ' ll l o n Tuesuay evenll'lg'. Rtlv . IIcll Mr!l. J , F . ' lI.dwllllader . . ' -' • iWc!1U 1fI1ir w,,~ I " I!{ I , U Y M).),'l1 htlUII/Jllll l'te l'tI lu ',)1111IlIJUI:I' M J l' . '" I ' Ilt t\ ).Inrt III' 1\ I'll\\, f'nilitful, 1\ '1 1111 1'1111 ' Wel'e ill lll\\,ll, TIH'!'Iciay . Ii I i ' ' J' I' tl ' 1'\ " . , I' . l1(J , uLe IS VI::! Itlng l e I' e nter lni n II nt Ii 1\ o'clook dinne l' , . , n ng III l)x('OI (II , IIl IU!lO ren 1 01 . . t1uu g ht el' Ml'i:I I''t''lllk 'ullin::; Ileal' Wlli:! PI'W'tj lll - ' 1l h Ili' , I.llu IV ll q(, ~; ~ II' , W . BI'" 'eke hus IIIlI Vl'd in lIH' I bV Mi"" Illlice wlto WII!! I! n r(lU i:! A.TIIfl 'um IItAll r ebl ln g Ilel'l u tell X Ilia thiHw , :k • , Mouliay night in hoc or of th e In llu oi l \\III " ).Il' tl~/' III , 11111\'1, I .. lilt I•J ,11 11 ('I I'IV'111' , 1 t . I fUI' U whirlwiud flnltlh to tbe c!l m , ' " . . • lk fl· I f ' ,I S 101 ) WIt I IIPI' " Il! ' lI' tll:', II II( WI I I cOllve r· GrandmuLh el' Slak IS III anll fail- -Messrs, Wolcott, of Millini county . 11 i).(\Il.
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II UI'PI'ItP of 1111. MI'. Sam Mt!rt,dilh anJ wifc we nl Aft .. r 1'011 I " II HI S 111lI1t'" un1JI "'} to !Jayton las L Sat ul'duy , ' MlIl,t l""'K ltnll I n 1111'<1 11\, pin /Ill .)! MI'.1 alph M ill e l' s plml, IUHt ThUl'::lHurry ::lh'1I'WOLlIl, r eslg ne rl wh o t60k da. a lii.) I"riuay ill UUytoll th l:lllllt l l.III\ ~ 1 Ii< nnw n '!Ity UlI,d , OU t\(!r ~o nut, of tit " I' L''''I ~ ll Utlll ll ,11 HHl'l'y.'1t ' I'woud ' and family HI'I' L IlIl HtLW kl', n l'l tltrl' t t'UllIlIliHliIUI1''', Ill llv in ¥ 10 L eulIl Illn lll -uay , .• VI:!"lL MIII·t W II " "JlI"lIl. l ttll in his Hus ler Browll all( j Fairy IJl'ellu 'Itt ' H • ('I ' ln 11l~~, IJllie , II I' t I' til', Ilttlll"" , 1)1' aV I', r.11 Sall lrt]'I" <J ~ oOl1lp"te nt tn tl l1 hnLl It 'o u Jllll cc~1 1 1J., MI' Alu I'L ' m ilh, uf DayLon, made [OJ'H the 11 Illy 1,I!, , U~ u plel 'lI1l ('a ll lasl Wedl;esday. Afl el' 'I'Olltiu", w~rk . U~jl1 bills tO Mrs , E liza H aines and Mi ss bva t h e LLlllOulltOl f l,I·I,ol" Ie IIlI o welllM ul,cu rd. :; P~lIt ,alul'dtlyinXen ia . th tlllO lluoli I"'gllll WUl'k III !ln ru e. f., M 1M W I '1 I u , , 1' . am 1'::1 . a L' I'" , UI' an 'I' ll '" 11111 1I I""U" Lo l I,h a VtlD lng , , . , . · t , fa m ily VI >lllf'd III lJay lon We dnesw"S t b l1 litm'llI HIlWtll' U ll Mnln H ;r'tltll'!1 . wb lO h li nK hllll!; 111'1' fU I' HIX \11' elgIn, I ay: IIIOlltht!, Aft,,.· .. I 1,l glhY III :lOllI:ISIUU! , Mr. ali t! M,I'~, SLanl?, S IIe 1'::1, of uurllotll of ", I" ljlltl UtJd un the ILLw by IUlllUlI .', I It cI I' latlves he l' la. !' til t) r""lub r ll, u 1l1lt1U(, l C!lIutrn' I-l w elc llrl! Wll ~ fhlllil y If 'ILl ud llJ)'J U , Illlil MI'il. ;Iltlli hidak I', uf H arvey,,· blll' r 'I" l ~ aWn n esv iHe v is ilol' SatwLalcb tha rendol" NIII liud ill llll t h - uI'llay', .. . 8t' lolUlnn . 'l'liB \'01., t·u .. furL nu r.' kl IIi, " 18 Ilt tl WUI·. '."UII, ., . • , t Iltd by f l! nr f( .1' I 1\'c,I'S, Anllll :s'lu II 1 ,U f I'ran \. I~ f L 1 M M tl tiu cl t wo I1 gu lIl >! I, '1 1t! gll :< It 1' . <lnt n;. • . .1, 'l'b tl IlI'tI . f' I IU'illOlll \t\ fl' lIlII I ht'! A 11 \!n, . lIlt!lUltPI·tI ul ellU l/l'l1 W'l" II lIlutbinl; :\11' . a mi Mrs. 'hal'ltls Hainl!s, o[ ,tl lduUl , vur , VI! : I~'8t1l'd Ollftild 01. Duyton weI' ru e!;t:-; of fl'i nd hm'\! I.b e IE1or"e itl S Ilmll,t, CI.I.L1 I) Mllid·thlll ' '-'.'llllu'a.v '. . ., ., " I wh n OU I' 0 un II lItJu:< (JOIU tl t tJ~et). '1)'s Vel'llie, Koll ey, uf l;pl'ing lielcl , tU't,1.J y tiUIl( ~,.III1J1II >! hugl'ftl l t v,,1 ' wa::l Lh gUJSLO(MI'A Will (";I'ullam 11 016 of bu:!ir, tlt"" . lasL SUllday Tlltl umy r Ilu d ulurk w\'l r '1I111l0I'. ' M 'h '1 IZtlcl to lIon o w MOO ''<)1' Mle ',;trel;ll M 1" ' 0 us, cl' m n L.. and m o lher, • , )'S • .ot:lty milts wet'e Dayton fOIlc1, UUll.It WIll, In 1111 pr ohllbillty , .. . '1 d , VISltO!'!; 1) on ay, b o poSlllblethotMlllU!!treet vl'IlIbe .' . relieved· of ill! huulp' lind hm.nlj!.i ; E, AI xande r, Jr., of Mlddle, 'l',b e I,,)rm tle\V~'I" llU MiufJll "tri1o.I.\ t~WIl} Ohi~, was ~he g uest uf , re la·' I~ sQlUetliing I hIlt; hil S Ull~U Il !lutiell t lV 1 1" n. t wee . 'ur ,Yelmol,uUl i will htl nl' lH UI E! Il Il'flfI t Mi8S L enh 'u)ith. of 'in iUllati .r~. five lluuIlr d ]l r' (J nt,. .lInd give t h t< , tUl'nl:ld hl)m ,ufter 0 p leuSllut Vli51t wi h'"' l' I}arell t.'! h e r ', . IBilL!.! tI. goo I1 >I j u.. ll- WII 11t . } rctlll
I '
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~Il li\lll A tI IiCILlll~ luooh oo11 Will! I)/UgH IIll'1 lUg h t.htl method of c lu\) . rv LIllI' l,h E' h u:!tol!~ , mill I! iu vn rl ou l! soctions o f tbe 'rh o n l'xt I' cgnlnl' mel'IllI g Wi ll lJC'II:II'llt , 'l'l.ulse 1'~I,\Ii will ba .~eld h hI III 1111 l.u, ~iclAtl o& I):' M rll,. ,LlIill - oud r lh, mm pl C8 of Re pubh Cll n , Iolllh~ whi ch tlI' hllin/;: org u.uize<1 in loy M, 1I11t'n hllll o n n110 :!ilr tl , • every 'ou nty. Hy D. DIlVII', s tn te 1= _ 'rl-_' I{ E'~D-I "':'ro nE~' I' orgulli~, t' in Oh io fut' 1'1111 Nlltlou lil ." J , Lengu o IJf /{ (1(lultlwll n 'lub" ~nH I tnIHr up I \". n. g I, t' I' rom IWI ' . I1IIme III' , Il1I Y' ': .. Wuynllilvill , OctO\):ll' Ilr~t . •. t,·o o g' ettectlv e c lu us, s ucll II 'I'ho r lln 1'/11 was h eld RllLllrtltt y ttf !II' b icg 1:01'111 d by tlle d ozen ev· tel'nor)n IHld WIIF! ondnc led I.,v th elY d uy w i llllrOlll:!tl t,liu ntllU>lj,l~Ill Rov . •Iohll F , 'udwttl1uu r . whi hiK B!lIl(lul,jcLltogllttlugont tbe 1" "tl('1 W ri"b t Wll!\ the a lrlos t ~Oll vote ILL",I tl"!:!n ri Llt:1I "plellu lt.l vlet,ol'Y ., o f the Illl.H O"C)ur WJ'igh t o n tl of tl.i for CO lll1l;y, ~ tllt llulll lllti u ulIl II I)1 U . (lI on el' III~ent! of Wllyno , " II\ ~, 11011 II e!l, ' . ~ p nl, h i!'~ll til'" lifeuoti,vHI .1 '6ngltgutl A l)ellutifl,1 1,;0lU 1'10, t he g~ tt ~f 10 tlll~lu~, s lH"' . Lie will h.grellf - !.fOhn f:iaY~1 HttlllUl On d, t,uttllUtlllDll1 1)' lIIi/iist'll fr oUl lI,mon~ II lrlrgfl cirole pr 11lell ()f the r. IlgUll, lIun /lu meror I' In llv /lUll trl(!uu , ' C UH ol h r vn luu ble !.!O pp\ifl", U Id e ____ -. _ _ FroIO litfll'll t,ill', lJllttOfl Ilnu litl1o, ~ " , , ' L E<': r RE CO R E guph a re b 109 u(lpIJetl olub --01 nlU "~ ... Ab ·. Lundon, in hi ' " s p aking lik !loll oWili g tills IlIItil:U to tltl offlae n s.~~s grl!uL lt1 n" · impersonates 'l tll tlti ll g W'lB 1I \1(!d fw i\lo uulIY hm'u ,t ' I'!:! w II kno wn to all, and. ui ~ lIt, lind uhllut tWlmr.y Uve Re. with su ch artistic finish that we al'· " puulican!\ :rnspnil(l d . rfl e mee tin g a'tuully' I.Jrou g h t inl theil"presenc , \"'U 8 Olllle(1 til o rde r lind ,1. E , .lttc In t h e t udit!s from our "Old Fo lks" 1 d '1 . .• "U ncIe aUl .... S F• aml' I" tlote te lllpOr tHY OllllrmltD anu y w e r ecog- Dey ' " I~nd Fraok ' B , Fllrr, teDlporllry seo· ni ze peuple h ere at home-;fr m t he k r et.ny ' UhlllrlUanal.poln tedb' mnk good-tim ' l old tav I'n- eep~r ill Z I I', \ ",e I v .1. Ed WllrU!I Iwd J , Wi 11 Verml)lIt to 01 Oh;on froin ... ol,lln White II cl1mmit,tee Oil n o minations Dakola, to n omin Me offiotl rs for the olub. >On
ing fast be ing' in h el' 96lh yeal' , Mr!-l. Dr , Gl·ub . of Xenia was the gu~l of ~1!" Michie Thursd~y . 1\11&,\ MII'lam ,Ha1e, of Xema" was .' t h ~u '!'It 0f ml .. S,'l A 1ta Bel'ry h1II t h Ii> week : 1\1 .. , WrIl ,. Fulk I'son , ('~ S pt'ing Valley wa~ ll1 B IIbrook FrIday, M ' H f D . I·S. . A, aynes , 0 ayton, !Sp ent a co upl E;: I)f daY>l in Bellbrook thi s week. Mr. and Mrs . H my Hal f Xeni a 'are visiling friend>l in Bellbrook this we k. Mary f{ b cca, li ltle daugh.le I' of Ml a d M 'h ) B I e .11 ·... 'tnh d ' I', . a r es uw ell l ~ V r y I WI 10pSy, ·Mrs. Rebecca Webber who h us ' b nth g uest of he r , s 'n, Charles BowlesaT)dfamilyf r sev~l'al return to her h ome 111 IlhnOls Thursd ay, , Miss Stella Sowal'd has resig ned h e r sc hool near Osborn and entered college at Oxford for the winter tU"!'s, Chat'les Ma l.t,·n Wl10has been ill '"for sever al weeks i~ some better . . , MI'S, J.E, Negley and son Joshua , who hav been spending the summer hh M d M r s · L ewWlt ,el' paren ts , r an 's '0'- e left T esd f ~ nap r, u ay or th' elr h 01:'1 e mEl Paso, T exas, lier brother-mlaw Mr ' William. Fulkerson , f Spring Vall y accompanied h er home Mi!lSGraceGreene 'o fDayton was h t e guest of MiS!:! Winte r Tuesday, Mis,'! Winte rsente rtainet.l to d inne r at h \' h ome Thurt;d ay evening, Miss Bertha Howland , M rs, Darst and , "olJlit,t eo r eported a li fo1lows: Edna Petel'SOn. P r esidtllt"J . Iil , .Iunney, dM d Vioe-pr esidentll, War ron 8, Keys, M~[i'eaGreg~~~'~~~ili~~~he:e~ .J, C. 8A,wlre , F , E, herw oQIJ , ' in Osborn the guests · of Badgleys ec rtltu ry, F rank H Farr , and Elliutts. . 'I'reas tlrl~r , Eli D. B\lrue tt, The ch il<l)'e n of A. L, has, of 'tt r gelw.t-Ilt-Ilrms, f..eR~y troml. Xenia, \ I'e t h e g ue!.its ofthe ir g runuparents, MI', ami Mrs . Lew i!:l Rape l' BO[l l'd of fJir c t ors , I.. , A . J'.imrn I' W edn esd ay.
II "
.10 , Aul u l'lght, die d hlst Friday tjvttl)i ng III, 'Ills h om n el1t the Iron uridg 8011 tit of .Iowll. Itt 12 0 'oloo k. t:l e boll btl Jlnlllioted witb' U CIl D r whl IJ /tuolly oU l1~l:l d h i IIE!lIth , H I!'! r 11) III' n"~ "'U I' I'[lt rreu III ..-1iL,ul l ,...
- - - - - - -~.-Mr$l Ed ith Han'is . Mrs . fo'l'Illlk '6l1ltlt,e ry Munday aflern ouu, fi. 10' . OIau , E, . Barchart , Wil l, !:lber. Mrs. O'Donn.1I ill v'ry ill with woou , . 0 , 'cllrme l', Fr.l Elbon. pneumonia at t he hom e uf hel' daugh'l'h )atest m ot.ic)II picllll'6H C:lll b ' Taylor anti 1\] s . aro!yn MOilhl:!l'. t:lo \Vki lls dli oiu ti ll /.:. , se n at H alin'~fol' Sr, wel'e in D.a yton, Monday, B CIO, L, K. ·f..,LD Adoll W/IS prE! ent tel'. Mrs . C, E. Gl·a·ft·, - - - -... - • MI' , and ,Mrs, F rank Tayloi'. of A EW CLUB IlDd gllv e nil .ltldre S whi h , wn. Misses Florence Myets and Maud Q.UAIL . ARE PLENTIFUL. ' . . . Avey wen t Lo Xenia Wednesday vY A o~u l ' t.h be fl il eu D nion tlt' jlllghl ~(ll're.tJll' !lI· tad , 1 'I' eningto atl nd a g athe ring at the Cincinnati, w er e t h e guests of M.1'!l , Edith I'lards last Sunday. erUll' .H. muli 'o n ' lub Is to u e 01'Th olu l) ~i m eet eno I, .hllrs· hom of MI'S, Flul'u Baxley; r e turnrrlle "qnllil eUKlJ1l th is , y Ilr upe n':' Mr. a nd Mrs . J esse Lewis and MI'. ' lI t ' ' I . t ~ dllY evellil~g Ilt the Town hlP b o use, ing ThursdflY morning, N\.lvembe r lli u 111 \ c lll~es III. \11 10 III 'bt and Mt , -; or g 'l'hompson fil nt g:IDIZI I. n~ x: " ~ 1' ]( 'L,Y, eve ulllg" I ,j'h e r w ill be Illll eeting u to Mo rRev, L wis, Pll'ltOt' the M b of Uecel1l1,t1T " lIud l:h 'JlUl'1I1 .lhiJn ' 00 1 ('k lit, t,h a . 1OWI\ ~lll P II t)use. . r w 'l'ueN ( "~y 1 :Hh . lc nl! pr obtt. church WI:IS in Bellbrook Tuesday las t W dnesday in Dayton, '1'1\1>1 olnb wll1 be oOlllposeu e ntlre' b ' 11 I . makl'ng calls amon .... his m ernbe, l's . Sp"nkll, ohi t ~Ull1 e wnl'll lllI , Hny" M 1~ ISh f" " ' . . bl\ity th !:In WI ~o (Ow n lD II .. M B I. I I r, .L' ran < c WU l' t:t., u lllClll nn tl Iy I,f olel bPllll r . ulld 1'01111 uf 1) ld b d I '1' I D '~ -' 1 Ml'i:l, N ull e owal'd and .iss d e1't h u t t h 0 l'O llllll ~ ~euson \ III u I 16 11 0 ,.,. QA IIY 01" , u or is til gu ' t of his t.)l'oth I~ , ~h . I~. ' . I' , 1 ' I I tl t 'I J' , " . '" , . , tha: H owland were ntertaine , ·to ~IOtJt tblLt tlte 1I l,"t,a uf OUll hall bll!l s o l l£I\'''. t I~ XI)tlO , t lIl , . It'l l'e I . III Schwartz, for U' brief visit · wil l IItl IL lllrgH tnl'u' ilit,i t Lbo IIl tlet: row u nd ot li r pl'Onllu ull t Ill e n ,W s upper at t h e hum ' of Mr. and MI'!:!. in rnllny y ellr!!, Rt lJUl' tK of lIll . S.I l' llg "', "I,II' Y U'''''OI II''. ha prel!enl;. . Willis Black Saturday ~vening . . , IlbUlullllloe of th ese hi I'di' fr llm /Il l . Mr , Lizz il:l .eal anu ' Mrs, " .' ~ <> . Uo IlC o nnt of t h e banu neen M I' . and Ml's. Ba rLon of Lumbe r OH:lr t,h e stul tl, ll \l\'tl b tin made , Mad J -n. ' of Harveysburg, t-lp 'nl - ....- - - -- - - d . h tb I b '11 " t ton " Ohio, w e I' t he n-uests ofMI" •. AN OIJE I_E1TE o Tt) 'THE nr uy DIg t." eo II WI mee t'> lltiow. ill" tIml, t,bl~ ,v cnr wil l be oat, TlI Qt!ay w.ith .ll'hS. Mary Upp ." .A. 1 IT d d '- and. Mrs. A. R, Hal'ton Sunday. " PUBLIC lu.e r t le p o!Sto I c~, 11n 11 goo s pell,,without r esult!.! , Mi!:lS Sue rane , of Cinainnat i, at· 6 1' willb present II nIl addl'e!\!l Ihe h an ge uf PictLI1'1!~1'ue sdIlY ,'j'hUI'H. "The lJll!!t willl,A!' WitH 1111 l~l' pl1Cll\hjy tend ed . the fun e l',a l of her broth ' I', lU eetill~ . day.a nd 'atu l'duy al Hahn'~, gootlOllt' f I' qUldl, " s ulil tlell ra l Jotlep h nme, lust Mo nday , 111 vi ~ i til.lg lil ed lll'6I'e nt. U1fll·d1\lI\ t,t:I - - -. - - - t;pellkJ>, 'Theil , too, I.he IItn til 1mM I' and Mrs, Rny Smit.h a nd dau g h - ,) 1' W(\yueHvillll t ll e fldi tor WILS 0':'1I Everydn iH pleas d wilh IJahn 'M New Burlington. Ltte u witho uHhu IlJluds tlmt, USlllilly tel' Luuise, visited Mr. arId Mrs . Lu. !.!i d l'Uhl y l'Illrpri!;~ d to fj.,u bow EI . ,tri~1 shows: AdmiSlliun G.' . wash IlWIlY fUllny of the n.,sts fwd the l' Sell el', ill Dayton, uriday , um h Ol! re o n e uf lit !!l1icl rn a rou nnttl - - -- -_. • - - - A, W, Ree" 'S i::; huving a IV II youpg, Wltilout tile mlu' ket l'bootMI', Warl'e n Edwat'ds has a ccept. WIIS tllking iu lII'U6{ to pl ettS6 Ill S VERY SORE FOOT drflle:l, ers, wbo in y ~ ur!l PII~t 1l'llve (levu "· ed a po ' itio n with the. A, F De~l: cntltoll\ er t:l. 1u c 0 v ring with I,h -- - - MI'S. Ri charu ,Jones has as h er tated ,the oovey:~, tho yeRl' i ~ h OllCr! S ho. Co" of Dayton, an (1 left Moi'l- o~u I' h told li S o f .1I 1111 1111'81' o f RlIber,t Beo ket,~ Is \i"}~Jln~ uro und guesl h er sislel', M I'S ' ll' ~ne Linsey. to bell. good o ue ful' .,he El p()rl,~m lln . " day tu starL in his ' w'~.l'k . 01 Improv <Ill , nt s t.hlll.. will be III w, IlUU I!\ sutl'orlUg from (I sore ,Lallrl:lnce «'uuge SIJent Saturday Bnndre,l!!.of peo lli e ill 1111 8 otlum' Mr, and Mrs , Iyde Hiatt, of Win- mM1 e '0 11 Iilt\ , }lhwtl (If Lm9inl:'s!:I. foot '.o n accollnt o f'(& bOI'lIe, w~iob. and 'u I.l uay. wi~h his frierid. Wm, 11I1".A sil1niflUlI III II' In . . or I.loius t ilt! t 11/1el' will nl t btlve tep ped lI,llllt' one dllY In t week, ' H a rlan III ~flanllsl.lIll·lS· . uf tII A"t.lI.te " ' v ... chestel',' Ind. we I' • h e r e last weck ull, to IIl1 k t it nil 11 Ie. o f I he lIlel'o hllo ~ 1 Mr. Becikott wiil bllve to limp for h Id ntl'oll to t,ilo '''lillie w;,rtle n to rt'. Wm, Mi II s h all m ' ve d 'IIlto teo te " acco unt of tlpd'ath of Mr ', Hiatt's . ' L k p t t l , ted for th ey Ili'l kuOw t llllt J:llri:loh iR II).) , ! 0 11\ tttUI. ' ac ey pro e l',y. I'ecan y vncR ' P o~t any "iol;'11')1,l8 of the IlI,w fathel', JSi'ael Wrigh t. '. . .. .' . I by ~I'nest Hurley. Those people' h.lV!l v u lnill eerell their to to tll III v,!r yt.h ll1j:; ' .tie OlHrlll,; M r , and ' Mrs. Horal:e Spmy, of tle rviCtl8 grlit,ill, ond hu VI! gl'Ldly IlC. Mrs , Molli e Edwards and datigh~ hn s of gOOUtl Wh lC!l 1111 ve nevor beBUOGY UPSET. n eal' Wilmington, we re g uests of co pted by !.lIe cb ief ~'III11~ w ilrdfln ' tel'S. Mi eH Tril.lie a nd M.I;Iggie, of f~r8 beell cnrrietl in .t lli!ol tOW:l. 1.:11,, : ,. Elij~h ' Hawkilll; and wif ~ t h e f ol' 'fbia wlllllltllln' l h.1t 1.IIt"re will he II Uayt.ct(!, aLlend ed Ihe fun et'al uf Ii:!- hut!)f .Be f, Hili; fi'I'e~h .Pork, 1.. u.ll1b I As Mr, :!lntl M I·S. A , B lu el:! wer e llart o,f th wee.,k, , ,' fe w If 'any ·'t""rI,v !4 b n~lt,er8 " or I'ael WI'ight lus t Satut'day . .lu(l OY~tArllltl'f> lh(~, utl;<t t hnt n.L11 1.1 l'elul'nin g fl'om Lel.Junon last week Ou~ t achel ~ atl,ndeJ t~ch l'i:i )o'lOll erti , 1M ,'Sl' . I'au ' Wol'ott, and Ward bllU~h t, (Illd li i ~ \ITic :4 I,n e the IlIw- alloth e l' uugg-yo 'ull'ling ill lhl! oppos- P1~ ~mg at pring Vall ey F n duyafJ ' . h ' l id' .. . . teltlOOn, III yelt.rtl jill At, t,lI a ~tuLe olliol I, W0 IcuLt, 0 f M luml counly" are t e ' est t,bu t Ihey m ill )Jn~"If.!ly IJIHIC) Il II ite dil'ee t ion came too loSe. und Mr, M ' d M J i. . p' ., ' t " , f " '[' H k d 'f 'I . . ' II . " r . an rs, (.IIUI e t eu;Oll, wes bllve hud 1,/1 lJl'i llt.tI ~11 with tllf' g~el'll,'l o · , . :lW an ' ami Y Wh\h ' 1) hn YlIlg', h bu)," . 110 1 I 1lI; Silles t urned too abl' uptly and ,upset. of to\vn entel'l:aillet.l a pa,l'ty of hayulllrket IlhMI,el' w.h·(} nlllie r tilla Sllll anJ I~ev IU\~ M I".!I J. Ji'.'cauwallaile •. but tim bast , >~nu Pti.V.''' . U t,te r I'~r 'rhe.'e w e1t'e n o b ones bl'oken, lu ck ily l'ide~s ft'om Spl'iTI&, Valley'l'hllrsduy ~erruge . tbA-t his binlllollIlle horn ou t MI:iI, G. '1'. O'Neall ul)d Miss Le~i- evel'ythin~. he bnY,I!, MI', Hlrso h IS ' - - -.... - --~ evemng. , of tha I4Mt,fI; ~old t.1l III in IIIl1rkets tia .McKay p Wednesday alld l one of tbe fe w ~blLt will h1li IU:tyTHOUSANDS OF D0LLARS Born to Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Chen• 'rbe l&IIt, 1t\~ill"II, lI ro lJllt, It ~top tlle 'l'hul'SI,lay in Wilmi.ngton U')e gut:sts, thing lit /Illy tllll,e, ' ltJld will lillY til " ow t t) Thursday, Octobe,r 1. a so~. rnarkatln~ or qUll il , 11 0 mrit,ter froUi of Miss BII n Smith ahd Mr, Edwin biglle~t I. rica for everythiug. B " Mayor Bates lost one tho usand d Wt , v.·thLha~key IInet Wlt~ anMacel. I . , I r batU I d h f h I~c k 0 f day en WI IS gaso lIle engme, onwh(\ t, Mouree tli .. ,v /I ra (Ibtoln e d, and M1S1S B l'tha Cull tt. ul1yli t,tltt· ,ult.m!l, ogEl anI n va!! ollal's WI~rt 0 corn for t of last week, . While attaching General Hpl::u lis I" ItI)ll1ing 0 1'11111'11 t,o Miss H ettie l'oss ly leaves from ahlO Poolt,'·y nnd egl(tI, w!l ~er to J:Jro~erly take ('.are of It. t h e : t h e belt his c1ot~ing was caught and bill Ilepqtit'tJ tinrl intl'ud t,hn t Illl Springfield to go back to California W h n you lire looking tor a buye r sa,vmg of whIch woold have been., torn almost el}t.lre1y ~f'f , He was alvioltltdtH or tha ~"lIle I!I WI! IIhall l htl came hel'e 0 11 acco unt of the go to B 1I'lIoh'~ mellt Illtlrket, wages to our laboring people to buy ~o, throdwnbqUtltetha dl8tance dan~dw~ , Wb' I kl" f fb d I h . . t IIlJure a OU e nee k an SI e oj, meet wlt,Ii the pUllillhmen't dll1nonl\ , deat.h of her l:IiHter. and has been en you Qr" OU no .o r 8.ome I rea ane meat t e commg wm erltbenead. . ad by the RlJllrll1Ulan. here for several weeks. " .t hhlg to "at "Ii y our own prIce go to ! which ~ill be the hardest for BlanM1'S; Ibbie Collett, of Harveys- - -•• • ! . . • Blrllb, Wayoesville, <,lbio, chester twenty years,-Blanches- bUrg, is the guest of M'rs, 'Th08. Mr. Uptdonat SchQol Hull tonight, j Have yoU visited Hahn'!!, J~tely? Valley Phone lr.3. ter I Haydock,
e '
- - -- _...
'rhos present; were Messrs I II.IlO tlnd Wan} Woloott, aull Mr , and Mrs , T , Bllwke aud fn01ily. Uotober a, being the twenty fifth Ilnnl venlaryof tbe marriage or Nr, ond Mrs, Mllurice Silver, their good friends and relu.t,ives took it upon t h eUl sel ves to go in uPon thern un · ic vited . They carried welJ tilled bl1 ketB, !\od after tbe exoitement of the momect wa.s over, the dining tubl was lengtbened 8,nd dinner prepllred, u cd oti, suoh a dinner I 'npooity was 1111 that ' was lAoklng, Those who partook 6f It were: Mr, an,d Mt:R, Cba a. ~,l},\aBI! ; Mr. and Mrs , Walhloe 'l'ibbals, 'Mr, and' Mrs, Geo, E. Riley and daugbters, Bla.uohellnd Perle, Mr, Ilnd ·Mrs. N, L . BunDell , 001', and MrB , Horaoe Btoketl and 80n JIlWel!, Mr. and Mrs, W , W. Stokes, of Dqyton, Some very beautiful pieces uf s ll ver 8n<1 fhiQn were left beblnd 8B ba.ppy reminders of. tbls very pleasant OOORs{on, ,
t .
You can see moving pict ures at t heir b!1$t t J at ' Hahn's, .... _ ......... ' __
',Spring V~Uey. Mrs M, E, Sherwopd left Wednesday morning for a vil!lit with relat ives in Villisca Iowa. M~, Mary Simison moved to Bell~ brook and will live Wit~..t. daughter, Mrs, Barnett, ' Will :G raham. and wife of near Lyt le were gues~ l?unday of l4. E. Sherwood and wife. ' Orin Gartrill and wife of Spring(;e ld are the guests of hw parenta, T, M, Gartrell and wife, Miss Rilla Adams is very sick with typhoid fever. Will Bootes 'and family of Dayton moved Thursday in John Holland's property on Walnut St, A hay ride was giv~ri to the home of John Peterson Thursday evening in h on or of Mrs. Carter, 'of Cincbinati, who is t he guest of Miss Olara mith, Byron Kyne is attending school in Dayton. hades Venable is taking his vacat ion and ' Mr, - ConKle IS filhn&, his place as opel'ator at Roxanna. , Mr, H oy is the g 'u est of John Belt and family, _ . TH E ELJ:CTIONS '
'J'h · 'Ieclions up to date are asfolJOWH; Adams ... , '. 5 Saloons , . . , , , Dry Ashtal.Jula , ,, 96 " Dry At hens . . .. .. 61
Bro\vn .. .... , 23 Carroll , . . .. , . 9
" "
Champaign.,::!3 ,Co lulJlbiana , , 46
" "
Defiance , . . . . 24 Dealware . . . . 15 Callia ',-...... . 18
Dry Dry J;)ry Wet
" "
Dry .pry
Guern ey, . .. 29 H ock in g~ . .. ..
J ackson , ... , Logan .,., . ,' Lawre ncu . , ,. MatJi on' ,. , ..
JG 23
Ma rlon , ... . , 4H Meigs ... ,' , ', Mor~ow .... , Noble .. : .. ' ,' Perry, . . .... Pi!!kaway , . " Pike ......... Sciolo ... , . .. Union . ,.,.,' Van WeFt : .. Vinton. , .. " Warren ... ,. Wood .......
.." " II
" 5 " StY " 25 8 ,,' 59 " 1:1 '
J .
Dry Dry
Dry Drv . . , , . , Dry' Dry 'Dry '
pry Dry Dry Dry
Dr.y Dry Dry Dry
Dry '.
" "
20 •
22 47
Totals .... 780
"VQIO RISK IN BUVllllu ..... INT. Y OII ta l" 1 n :.nod dpu l 01 I'I ~ I; I r YO II buy wh ll I\'a<l wi h Ullt h l1 \"11I1\" u l.> ~ (J· lute n 'Xll ranCl' a ~ to ItH IHli'lJ y 11II d qua llt .\". Y OII Imu w whIt I C' : IIII ~ 0 ( 11' 11 IIdulll'l'ul lI, orten rn l sr ' p r 'Re ntl'(l . Bu t t h er e's no n eed ut ,\1l11 to tak e II ny (' h nn ~es . The " Dutch B oy Pll lnler" i "11 1" IlIllrk of th National l.en d Co m pll ny, t h e . Iargl 'st lIIukers of gen· li llie' w h ile lI' ad, ' 0 11' IL pllcl(!lge ot MEMO.RIES OF A WAR. W h i te d, It! a 1' 0 itlye gual'l\DI ' 9 of purity nllll q llallty I t'll tis d('pt'ridA B i t o~ Humorous Reflection by One abln. II>; t he DolinI' S l ~ n. Ir yp u'll of the Young Vets. \\TIt .' · til Nlltionul L ead nrl'l pall Y. \\, (J oc l lJrIJ ~ HId ' ., 1 'ew Yorl; (J lly. . 1'h W l ' lIr." p i lJ.:1'i1ll 'nl"rcc\ til ot· til y wtll H" ull ynu a 51·1' pl o t1 nd ce rtlc., lIuLi sl hl into t he' Ilo ft.'s t chlllr·., tain outfit for fI ' H lI l l ~ whllp 1(,lul. Ilnd " I hl' Y u'COlllpltRh ' LI th ' rll ~ t sUlie II VIlIll il ll . bonl, 011 pa inl . f r }o'ourlh or Jil l)' III III), !.'X llcl'l cn ' e." ~ alll Incompl et e. he " lin ' il \nl s owll1' to IIIr It v lll' su Y n llll " III 11 (IHJI'- (: ['o r,,;e. wan t to f ill' from a ll Y 1Il' I~hh()r III ,I (lil l y t h ' hl l-(h" l>l rocll 'I l! showl' d 11111)\'>\ t h ' show Y~~I ' hahy't; tl 1W cnr ria ).;p . SHeIt I ~ 1'()lhlJll,illlt'." hol'l'zoll. lI" cll<'lor HfI)t hel'- 1 SIlC It Ill, but " Ah ollt t il' In ~ alt"SI tillY o· illll"llC ll ri ' OIlC r. I v I' hnd was t N I Yl!lI r s tlt:CI, w ll:l t J.:oll,1 <i oes t lla t . d o? It 'll t h' bu lly \l' h n I W il l< with Ih ' 1Ir1l1)' 'If tll"a ~ lull t bilL OUj;lt t t o be' , ' ulllll'~l bl e . A l vInA.
"H ,
ncclim,al ell
'yet ?"
quired a ge ni a l to n rlst of
I n·
tour!st of th e sam e gOO\IS, liS , th E'Y awaited 1.\ t l'll It I In th e depot at , MtlSS, .. A cclimated 1" ask d t be G, 1;'. . of t he second part. ' " 'ro wha t ?" .. " To t his ' cOdfish . Illnell , o r c'ollr 8e." ail!j w ' r ed , T . NO. 1. E v on th e at r I s fi shY III G lollces· 'tt;r, b ut no lJody compl ains, for It 18 th e COllst city'. ' way of earnin g a IIvellhoud. IL Is not t he sm ull ,or flsh In th e process of' d ecay 0 1' of suit fI ~ h, bll t , It Is the e xhilara tin g. ozon e of th e A llautic, to I' th e ' fis h that ·you s'tn ell In Glou cest er 111'0 ' fresbl y cuugbt. Ololl cest er has r ea-lly n ever known an y , rhlnJl; . eJse, fo r since Its beginning approachin g , ree cen t uri es ago, I t ha s always had fishing fo r d.I» . (]b.l ef In dustry, and to·dn v It IE t he gr en test 'f tsblDg center or th e Unltell States, and , accordin g !o Ibe b e)l et ot man y, of t h e world . . · .' tolol:bln g more plct.uresqll e can be 'imuglned than , t llils QUlllnt I': e\\' Engla nd to wn, wh er e from th o ocean the 30,000, Inh!lullon ts !lot tb o t r ealer pa.r t (I t th eir su stenance. OIQuc('s t er Is :n miles from 1:30s;,on , and It In· eludes t h e villages of I\ nni s llU ~ tll , Ua)' Vie w. East , loucesl o r , Freshwater Gro ve, l .one6 \'II I(', Magno· 'ila, H1verdul e und W eat Glo ucester. Th e magrllflcent h arbor . la.rge und at!nrd tn,; safe ",ller room for th e largost I:hl p~ or tbe \". orl(l . ha!! hud th e erre'·t o f "ll cou ra~ln l,l t rn ffic lu olher tbln gr, hellll! ~ I'Ish , :3art , coal ah'd lu illber are larl;el y 1m · ,llOrlc d. Tb er e r,re Interes tJl In g rllnl te quarry Ing. d rop (orl'; ln g, brl>SB fOllnllln g, t!Je manufacture or 'fish gIll . an cbor s, luacblllery , 0 11 clOlh, neta, twIn e, ",ails,- cigars and shoos. Moreo ve r , Gl oucester a l ~ o btu; shipb ui l ding pl a nts wo rth y Ihe nnme, Oul ufter all I t Is th e fi shIng t hat In t > re ~ t s th o · I u><2n ,l.. of vl s lt o r ~ , not oil ly thol;l wh o aC lllall y \i [)c nd till' 111111101 r In th e vld n l ty.. !JUt . th e thousanrls w"o ~Is l t Gloucester wh i l e llll ss lug th tn 'l g-h ~ l a 5 sn· 'bu seUtI III t h e course of Ih .. Ilo pulnr : u nHner t ou r r tile N e'"' E ngl an d S:.llleS, . II wa s !:'I t un t il t llo bl'g llllling uf t l1~ el ghtci!ntll (" n W ry I hat C1IIJ II C sll'r IJccnlllo ca ne' lu ll y 11I'u rn! , :1I:mi rur II ,; l1 ~ h ' r l es aI,HI ttl; shl p hulldlng InduRtl:l es, bll t by th e tim e of I ~ ' oll t br nIl of lh I'cvo lu t lon
::': 1'1 TI :\,':-: nI STI': ~I I 'EB ('I' nr.: w ill 1111\' J"" ,I!,I· ,'I1>C ;,f J)I HTI': M PElt, P I :-1 1\ j,: \ E, 1111 lit" l i l.r. U llllU ~ !IOI'S ,. of ul l O~t'''' t and 1'I't'\'c ut", nil u t.hc r:i I II tl. .. 0 111'"
a tilt' ... ( 1\111(.'
'D EFECTS . No W ~ l glit or age THE MERI'rS O'F.... II-IIS . ...., : hlll'Cruu t lJuy nOl hl nl!
began I II ~ cOll1po sitlon on " T 'l e Iion co" thlls : " T he h org It! I h(' <1l O'st wll' f!l l all '
IllI al II. III wOl'I(l; .so I ~ t h u cow : ' Tl w IJlIY i s t h most. ' lul cl'l-'sd ng ,;lIuject II) \\Ti l e abo ut ; tl O Is th e 'g irl. , A~ :( 11I P. 1l1· I1r of t lin genu s II au he 11:19 Itls d efecls; IlS (\ spac'h u ()n ut he [ · Jlkclet! bor , h e bu·~ t ho IlI er lts of b l s d et eCls, He m uy 01.: wblto 01" lIhw l~ or I'ed or y eil uw . or IJ r(}w II. Inn: ! be Is seldo"ni gj. o n iHl rt nn, on..-n lJ ltlP. · H e travel lil II Sh t. l ,ff,·'s tu,,]; har, 110 t enor to hl'm . · If" <Ill!!" not Imn\,: wbere he Is going , f,l fNnb II I'. und itOtlt! n ot Illw" ' S ctU'e W' Il'r<' IJ,' re rh.' ~ -ap and BOlli ' m es 11 0!< IWI l'ar" l wbetbtir 'h e f(?' ch 9S UII al al l. 11 111 bulk III to tal( Ihlt fal "e ~t \" ~I(Jn thul 1:&11 be IQade to unroll 11 lll'1 r b,·'·"'·r' th~ I Idaatlon tran . flU' II to the 11 ; t r lill
BY J S' KIRTLEY DO . • • . , •• ~ ..tbor of "The Young Man and Himself,'" etc.
'1~ t l;. ~. ~ ~
r le' bold ( hell' br nth , notnh ly l1!1 r ent s. aur, R an d tea hers. I~ale lind fortull e fJg hl fnr h i s atten tio n. whll!) h -goe~ s w l Dl lllln g 01' skil li n!!. Th er e lIIay be ptlsslr, lJI lio's !n hIm a s vall l as IIf all~ ItS d licalOly IIncel' latr liS thu zephyrs, bllt hf IIE' ep~ on find s'k ",t· IL g lind p layml; allll huntln!; and fi sh, i II I'. H m ay be ma ldng decI sions that s. IlC v lb r~ ll olll; to the farth es t shore l rn e or hl ~ 0 'eanlc fu t ure, /Jilt he e \'er ' (!U I'R t h tl Imllerutt ve eall of tbe field ·tnll Iho. fo res t anll tJre stream. His mn tto >let'ltU! to btl : '(;UII>, r ) ,. I' " roechna8 whlll' Y' mil,.; IUA , d ' I I ' .. , t i ( 11 <1 LIm.' '0 .:1 111 n 1I)lln. ~ , lila BOul an r eJucl! t . to r l :tl.l~ \", .\ nu 1111" , 11111" now",' that blooma to..1.P. " 11. h e I . outlin Ing a vrOJ;l'Il lIl for ·r,'·IIIUr rult\· ilia)," " " elVin.... Ur: at • 4\ cJeelal ng what 11<: 'fbl' ot apparent lIltnil-
I i
b en r s him d Ol Vll, Thu t with Ihij;" r s brown I '1' 1"'1'("8 ~mply " ln hla f.1CO, No bllrden ·. f ~n Q hu m!in tMe 18 on :lIs hnck : nor Is he de:ul, To Jo~' or ~C\rI'O W, hill> or dread :" For Ill' e llll g,.I,'\,,,· II lId h o .~ nn h ~ p ",
Mhrlnk ,"l lh nil hl8 R(,ul· (r, /fI\ - lIOn", • U U loos ens u oil I<lte .<Iown hi. jaw A nd urln"" '1' lip, hta gum ~o " <' ha";." 1'h ~rc'8 naught but awell t lipan li la brow, "r ls s la ntt'(1 Hmn ov:l ult forward now: HI Mey 9 (l ro l,1 rlght with eager light ; H e's wnrkl ng with an 'WP ,u te. A h, no ! Tim b oy III 1I0t ntru ld 'ro w lt·ld with u ll his rT,ighl IlIe 'Jil pn,lo ! en n
~:,"b~?,~.I~~I~ I~O\~!~~ ~~ il~ I~.
si de ~ens lttv e n e!l!3 t n thIngs th at are r eall y pr eparIn g him for his future R-ntl t hat be Is Bc'. ualJ)' making some Of 1)1" n10m entcIUs dec ls loll~ . a~ U B !>~t of &id e Issue-'"'v bUE' you W:I.!L" and hold YOllr breath. H e an do t wo or three tMn gs at On o' -'ca n pi a" cat and make a noise ; at lhe sam e time, decide artalrs N ot' hus " ~ ~r: r Anlt o fi t ~l1 leH (,' ~ d " tgl ",c ullllieworms for bait. c f de!:! tiuy. HIli d eCects do not set UI) I\'\J IlI'eCIlII' .oils distUrb hIs plana an, an agitatton In his gray mutter. He mOI'O thor his toilet. HI. verllmprl ... knows them not. onment In hIs own Impromptu pro. The burdens of the tuture are not gram If; a providentIal tornLof llrute~ swaying down bll tlldwlQ Mnrk· ~Ion. Th!! future bas no chanca to Df!. ham rose on the ,with that '.la ·k gouatc to blm large loaDS of INUbla poem ou, "The wltb ·tbe Hoe," In -liot )'t, t, UnCrtlibed by, tbo lraged~·. "blcb he r elllresl€'.nttls the laborlDlJman untroullied by tbe riddle and untcl'rl· as r educed of the ox. ruid ned by the of life. he ar. Ilroacbcw It blladly, Dlorl
th' lieutenant, hut they tOI" us he had walked borne. , . "We got to 0111' olVn trall sport nbout f h' d dark 'an' ountl t ilia d est staff officer In th' servi ce. ,"Vo tnl: hIm th el w e /l ed lost , oU r \ va)' a n" wn!] bl o wecl /lshore UII · . h e' suld It wud h eY ben a' I,lr eat tblng rer t hO ltl'!oy er ' we hed bl)n bl6wOd too fill: t /l si t back ,"-G. A . Thompsun, In Chicago Dall y Ne"'~. .
Found BUI 'l ed War Flour. While t he g l'ell ing ot Main s treet , MnnaslIll s, Vlr;;I"lu, wa's In )JrQgr eSB r e. cenil y th o workm en dl scnvcl'ed that. t heir pick s wellt to a depth tlJa( Indl. cat eel II snhterraneous CII vi W. UpOD In'. vCRtigal.lon It was r!l oco\'ol"o d ~bat a lrench to the dcrlt h of three feet had heen dllg. and a number of barrels ot flour put tb (lrelu and concealell from 'he enemy on the evacuation of Manallla8 by the conrcderate troops, AlarRe quanUty ot barNl staVC8 and a wblte suhltance resODlIlUll1 d8CIJed were. ,WtI~me'L
it' U1l1
(' 111"1':0' . , !t i.·ld oll
hn\' IIl~ llw dl :-'f·~I,!ott! . IRO .!INI I·mp l: l',
1·lIol,·I'U, li nd dug:
. ' r1 ~ ~ nd. dl'uj!J.(It<.I. j'11n 'UPI,I\' .\,~lII . 01' tl,' nd to " " IIIUrntd 1lu',,:", r)o l ' c' lll !4 11 ",1 . ~ 1.0U H h(lt · III'. .'\ ~ III _ WH1I \(" 1. f j " " 1.lIolc. SI ,,,I.JI
\1 ",li",, 1 ::;"1.'0. l 'UHl:lt; iIl1lti 1.0 ,), 11 " , Ir,,1.
j) i ,~a.I! ••
F or I he n oblC'st "Ian I h lllll n 's I h r ll 8til I rClJla l lls a co n:1lct.-GlIrflt!ld .
You won't tell your .family d . ctor t he whole story n.bnut your p ri vllt o illnos - you n. too mod . t, Y u need not ::froid t. tl'1 l l\Jrs.l 'Ilkbam, ct Lynn, 1\Ins!;., the th i llg~ ~:o u c uIll l10t xplain to the doct.or, 1'l Qr Jctlc r w ill 11 Il(,: Itl in ilie t ri tcstCOI: iitl nce. F rom h e r v:\st COrrt' pond· cnce ,.,.i fh $iclc women during the pn!1 t ,thirty years she mn.y lllly e g::.illod tho , ery l'11owlcdgo that wiU hclp your nse, u hlette l's asthe fol· lowing, front g rate ful women, cs· tnblinh beyond a doubt the power of
LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female d iscaRes. lit rs. Konnan R. Barndt, of Allentown, Pa." writes: .. EVl'r since I W/18. sixteen y enrs ot' DG'C I h nd b'llft'er c!l .fr om nn or C"lJ.Uic deran gem n ~ nnd fe mllie wenkness ; 10 con!iCquenoo I hud dreudful h endncht.'1 nnd wM e:ttl'c mcly n ervous. My physi. cian sni d I mu~ t g o through an operatioD to ge t \~e lJ, A fri end told ma about L yd ia E , Plnkhnm'll Vegetable c"mPQund, and 1 toolt it and wrote you , f or ndvice. f ollowing your directions cc.refully . and thanl"l to you I am tod :ly a w ell w oman, and 1 nm telliu, nil my frif1l\ds of my experience."
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN: For thirty years lydia E, Pinkba.m's V..getable 'Compolmd, made from roots and berbs, has been the standard remedy fOr female ' ills. and has positively cmed thousnn~sot women who have been troubled with di ' placements, inflammatiol1, ulceration, fibroid tumors, incguJariticlI, periodic pnins, baokache. that be.~r l~-down fee ling, flatulullcy, imU~8tiou.dizziuess,ornervoUB prostration.
SICK HEADACHE PoslUvely cured b" Ibese LUtle PIII.~ Tbe,. ,,180 relle1'e DI.·
tre •• from Dy" pepsl.. ,Iudla;ealloDBnd Too Hean1 Ra lloI!'.
A IIe.fe et rem- .
cd, 10r Dluinellll, N",,-
8ea, DroW 81neHIJ, B,.4 T,."l.eln thello"tb, Coated Tonllue, PilI .. In tb. Sid'. TOR,PID LIVER . ~bc Bowel.: Purel1 Vegetable.
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th to wn hll u limed a v llol pin t' in I h IIr llf t he cn l onieN. m ,u HIDlny of t he slli ps t hat \H~ II L ou to' do battle Willi all figh tI og ,('!"Un or E ngllllld woro bu i l t nut! flit II 'O ll t I n Gl on ces! CI". a l argE' parl or the . IJ I("I()~' t hat Illude th !II (,!Jlllin g (rom lIa l rl o tl o cO ll trllmtllOlIs 011 th purt of l he o\\'u ers o f (h e big fl sh in' dusl r y_ T ho tow n ha d to hou r t h brun t ( If a n at · tack b y t he BrIU I:I1l duro Ing th r voluilon : bul tb e shivs of th e nemy wore r pulsed b y the har d)' seamen. Olll'l ng th u wllr or 1 12 a numb r of 11I"lva· t ers m en t hat wrought dond l y execu lloll on th o comm er cc of. the e nl~ my w er e s n t Ollt t r om Gloucester, and m nny ot tha g ri zzl ed old Ballll, wllo aUaln a ·mos t vl>lIer a ble . ag In t hi s h'ealthy cltlllnte, can tell trom tllios t ol d tJl em b y parents or ' grandpal't'nts of rich prizlls t ak en by the Gloucester h abermen ult'ned fighters. Th great storms tbat sweep the N ew fJngl and oast Ira ve ever found a favol'lte vortex In tbe vI cinIty or Glollcesler, and many shlrl w r ecks lutvc laken JI\'es n ear h y. The large eUllken lrook cull ed " !\orman's Woe;' which Is w ell, known to ever y vi sitor, was made famous by l.o~gre llow with bls po em,. " Th Wreck 01 tbe Hesperus." Gloucestel' has beeu sn Incorporater\ city s,l nce 1873. but In many r espectll It Is har,j to think of It ns anything but a fl ahlng resort. B little "IUage by th e ocelln aIde, . . For one thing th flavor Gf olden times cllnga. to It. Among th e some 6,000 m en who do noth· Ing but IIsh Iher e lire many who havo pA ssed tbe 70·year-gld mark, and Bome who hllVe numbered a s many as 8() years. ye!. l hey are stl11 ahl e t.o beur their share ot the work III going. SrlOf' ·lIie cod and m ack er el. . This fi shing Is hoth a rduCl~18 und dangerous. ' . It I s don e trom Bloops and schooner s. which ;;0 out to th e lIahlng grounds dally. On eaoh schooner Is a nest, so to speak, of dor.l ea, a Gerle8 ot small boals, differin g III 'sIze so that OOI!' can be comfortably . stowed In unot h er. and ttJere fore. not take Ull much room. When the fishin g-gr ound has been fo und th c sallorl:l spread arou·... d iII the dories to ge t th eir cat ch , . , . Often In ' tb e fog some at th e sruall . l)o ats get In th e path of th e swlft·movlng ocenn \ll4ors, for th e rnvnrll c fl shlllg hanks are dIrectly 011 a line with a IUlleh·(rav eled rout e. Often Dot many de tails ar e obtuln utol e of the tragedy whI ch ensucs . Onl y a few lin es In th e new SplIllCI>I l ell :Of a sm ail boat or a numb':!r of sm.nll boa t s w!th -th eir ere W8 lost at sea, A hu iHI~ed thrlllln~ tlli es of nurr ow esca pes can be 11i<;k ed lip In thl! course of ,l .illy spen t wi t h th ese h ard y nlen , Gt th o sea. bllt the e x pe rl e ll ce ~ never seem . to .1nunt them . . They ar o eyer r endy fOr t n e day 'll tri p and Its h opes for r ew aru of a boa tlOlul or th e f hln'l ng, squirm· Ini, p aulin E; fish . '
b '11.1'111' IloWII Oil C'lIhr. T h ' t\" U lI'all s, pori !; ill('l Iw <l ullr gllllf1l1t r ugllll<lll t Ilboni'll Inld 1111 lit K .'y ,\Vesl , wu l ll ll' f il l' fU I·t h('l" r)J'(i.'rs. .. ' hore , INI VP',' Nllth l n' "(lIn '. Hilt Ih' mUI'IIlll ' (t' 111 ' F'ol1 ' t h er loll" '.. nw a 81aff o!1lcl'r Illl' ust ( ' I' 1\ vu l ulI\.1? r hout's C('('W tu (' W hllll ')I.t!1' tn I h ' oth I' t rnn ~ p<.)I ' 1 '1',, ' wholt' ship load 0' S"~ ' I'S lit ' PIII'(\ fOl'l'al'd a ll ' ('v ry · hod y II won' he: cud I'OW n boal. S.. l h ' II u l 1I1I II t Illcked lit lIl e nIl ' 1I11ck Iln ' ,"Vt!sl 'I II ' lilY hrolh ' r 's sun 11111 nM O!ll·f! III (· n . \I' ll h HaN. Wh Q h aa b ell n s a tlw·. In fI lUt· 1'. H e pI 'I( ' d liS Ollt he· allse w wali t ho h lGgest III II I n t h ' reg ' OIl'!lt 11 11' h Il ggl1J't'd on pull III ' 111 1 :L a w f ul s well f rollt w il li his rUll r·onl' tI galley h · rore th' udllli r ln' r eG' m enlo T h' o n 'y t h i ng tti' !< hlll 'n ntaln Wi lli gIve liS was u ol d ju l ly bont, wh lciJ fC' r ~ra rui n 8S w lld he.. Illllde a rlv r scow 1000k like a I ' ht· HlI' draceI'. " W e n il got hllo t h' ~I' pun t an' th ' !lullor!; l ow red li S IntC'l I he wal eI'. T hen wc list l oos e Ih' t ackl ' Oil ' w nt! nflOIl~ 00 t h ' wi d lin' Ion some Bcn . .. ' 1'(11'1 I.Itrok ah ad: '!;1I)"8 1111)"1. .. 'Mcll uln' llIe? ' ast!! W est. 'l' hull he made a duh a t II passill' wll ve. m iss iI All th(> Inbor nr Jmuf! llng I h(' fl sh hilS be n sy .. It by th roe toot an' l ai d ch 'w lI on · h l ~ IIIIlLlze<l , IlH It hacl tli b III a bu.,lnes s wll r ll lin k an ' !IiII k his h IV l e~;<\"l n 's Into th bu l k ! ~ so gr clIl. 1'hc)"(' l. 110 wust cI effort t h' Illr. al"1"ylng rhc lisl l i llio tOW lI, 1I0r I s the cllr t y "'Prh 'lIlt' \\ es l : SI)Z t h ' I k llt.c nant, w orl, n 1'1II 11t <i to IIlIlI' tb e bean ty or t he ci t, 'you 8 d YO II (:nd (J ull t1 good 0(\)": prOl1 I'. Ev ryt h l n ~ Is dOll<' right III th e w hll r vel!, .. '1 kin : scz \\" ;;>5 t, ' hilt thIs don·t wh ero t hel e Is ev er nt h fln d Il limIt! as su pply of .s III to bt! II goOci Oill': wut er 10 do ih e vlla ll y Im porlant fln lll Inbor o f .. '\Vo l 's Ib ' malter w t h I t?' cl ' anslng. "''Ph' blalll [ bIn I-( ",an·t l ong Wheu 1\ tWO'llIlIs t d schnoner , l arl en t o t he J;:lln · to .r ellch t h et wave: se z W '5 t.. Will s with li t; ca r '0 of fi sh. com es I n lo t hl! I , ' W ell : aez thO tl eu lonant. ' I h' lIex t ",han ' es th e fi sll nre carried 10 l;:ea t t ubs. rn"r wuv e YOIl wa nt. lo h ook to, p ' ln t It ou t t h ese st allJI u co m pllny oC ex pJ;'r ts , m e n wll o have nn' W ' 11 hold I t r I' YOII : cl ean ed hund r d e or I housa n riR o f IIBh, an d who " ,Tes' th en Hllc k 's oar d l sappear eci ca n m nk e ' t h ' ·qulck cu ts, and do th e acrajllllg under t hO bont an' com li P on til ' ot h r w l eb Incl'('dib l spe d . H unlling tp each t u b Is a side In amos' IIston lshln ' mnn ner . "aill. who he,i b n II ca lltlon to hose. and ariel' th o wast e has been rem ovcd. an 111I;\nn t u :.der t h e high III'O<lSll ro o f wulllr ' froUl snak Ii! li t pa d!1l1l1' on th ' ~ark lagoon !!, the bose cl enn s ou t t h fi sh com pl et ely and makes se Tn d to he t r y ln' to sound th' rI 'nt h I t sw e t 111111 I'eady for t h lIexl st p In th e opera· 0' th' Gulf 0' III 'x l co w eU1 hi s oilr, lion, ' Codfish Is d'rled and snltOtl b rore b lUll m eanwhile sw 111'111' lit t o be li ed. sent to th e m ark et. II nrl t be work Iii al so don e on "J JJ ~ dn' t hnd . no noc.ld en l r r th ' th e whar \1 es, H r e are ranged hu ndreds of r eason thut I dldo't wan t t o wet lilY ta bl es, ex pose d 10 the bri ght ~ uull ght. nle nice. dry Qnr. cleans ed fi sh are p lied liP In such a m'unner that " ,\Ve fin all y got g oln ', e v' r y f, 1113'1' fe r lhe warlll , ays ge t 1\ m ost admi rabl e chance at hisself, olir oars makin' a sOllnd Ukc l hem , fhls summ er bas been so hot that the a sl" gle-footer , horse sllr.!ntln' through , fi shermen have had g r eat difficulty In drying Oul a bog. the Cad . Instead of taking the wuter oul III the " W 'en t h' lieutenant got wher e he g raduill nurmal manner , the sun has lJeen so wllnted to go. h e l ol' us to row rounll flerce that It bak ed the fish , and In this IIInnller f er a spell an' I)ra tlce up, so w e cnd many of th em w er e cooked 8 0 hard on th e out, 1take him back In kind 0 ' d ecent s tyl . sid e as to be vlrtua.lJy w or t hless ror th e market. " W e thought It would be gqoll prac. But this is a rare occu r r ence, tor undor ordl· li ce to row to th' shore, w 'lch was nary condltlof1s th e climate or N e w Eng land I. only ahou ~ three mile awa)'. So we Id eal, and th e 'Run does the work of drying In a s tarted. Th' wlnll nn' tid e WlllI In manner far more satl srac tory Ihan eould IIny thet direction, so w e' d have gon th r a agency or m an's production. anyway. Half wn y to th' shore we gnt Fto~ the oll en.air IIrylng talJlel tb e fish are amon g a fieel 0' baltJlllIhlpa In war ah'ttled (0 th e boxin g and p AckIn g cstabllshments, paint, but no f eat h er s. Jes' ez we WO I! whIch are a lso local ed II'Ion8 th e wal r tront, and In tho c enter 0' th' fleet th ' whole t h en they are made r eady to b e shIpped to all bunch ov 'em t urned loose w eth all parts of til e world . their biggest cannon ull to once. "Ei soon ez I cud pick myself Ul' I Glouces t er r egards It II fi shing industry with the "'ot on a thwa r t ' an' tllk olr m y ·.lH; ~ Bame tra ditional Jlrlde that a nat i ve or Brussels' .. weth m y best bo w . :Thls Is a most on· migh t r egard the llice Industry. 'expect ed honor: se z I. .' From gen eratlon to g en eration the raniilie~ of . .. 'Olt down, you loon: 8ez Bu rt , noted fisbe rm ell stick to th e busInes s, and noth· 'It's 12 o'clock an' tbey're IIrln' th' na· Ing Is , a Vlore tamlil ar hoast to some r,rlzzle4 old tlonal s'lute.' (ollower ot tho sea th an to be able to say that " 'Jes' then W' fleeL fired agilin an ' h Is Bon and !lrondson are both flshe rJ:l1 en , and r got down. I mOR turglt wot th' na· that therl! Ie a stron g probablllty t hat a great. tlonal s'lute la cOm/losed ot. 1 think g randson Just beginnin g to master, the fine points It's one voll ey reI' ellch s tate, two f er of th e business will be bettor than any ot them. each presid ent Itn' three ter George Tb e cod, or course, I s' the most admired or all Washington. Th en t.hey ,fi re one apiece the fish that fall to th e lot or ' the se deell-sea baak fer ouch 0' Ih' j)l'esillent's cabin et anI WalloDa, thou gh t he mackerel 18 also r egar,d ed th; senalOrs an' congressm en sep'rate· with grea t r esj1ec t. Iy, w eth a re w ex try fer th' Iliso-rans Tbe deel,·sea fisbermen look down upon the who dldn·t !;Bt n n nominatIon. Th en olllm dIgger s, bllt' th e lutter cau afford to Ignore they finish 1111 b y 8~tLln' tire to th ei r 'thI s conte!TlIJt, for t h er e Is nlenty ot m one)' to be flurplus supply 0 ' po w del·. . A t l east made In tbe sUle of th e bivalves. They are to the t's ' wot I t sound ed like to liS: be fonneI In plenty on th e sundy, shores of till' " On shore we t uk In Ih' tOWn ' an' ez nel ghborhoo.d, al1d ,it. all hOlirs of the ,day, 'hill mnny 0' th' Inhablturi ts ez wu!! 'easy . especIally at low tlrlc, W c clam hllnters, turulng "W'ell we wauled to go back to tb' 1I11 lhe bc:ach wtt h I bell' rukes, can he seen at tran sport w e rOlllld , ollr hands w as 110 work, Clam shuckin g Is an exp ort teatilre or. th'l 80re weth rowIn ' th et w e cudll't make work, and ,m any' or tbe old hnnds make phenome, a star t . . So we. hitched onter n out· . nal re con~'3 In dlssoclulln g tile lusci ous clalU from ward·bound tug an ' th ' smarty thet Its Jlrotectlng 80011. ' wus ruuln' It pIIIICII lis' throllgh . th em
Genuine Must Bea'r
.F~c·Simlle Signature
~){f&! ~.~~~
• .~
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Gen e,.a l1)e man d
ftOlute Postcar d Withou t Thorn of Suggeat lon.
. --
01 U'o Well-W ormed 1)( the World ha" Harold' s mot1wr -w '11 cnll ~llm Hur· alwaYH bl)(' n for a 6implc, pleasan t and went abl'oad n mon tit 1 110, 1"11 v· I oldknown of edy rem efficirnt liquid laxntiv() •• 8 1Iucle r th som ow hat un. \ valut' ; n laxat ive whi ch physiciqns oould lug Harold substan llal con trol or bl!! e ld ! r s ist rs. . • . In S litI.' or th e itemize d direcllo n s 63llctlon ' or £Sillily usc becau (j Its COIll.-Ilh which !!vell unto the mom e nl Hf ponl'llt parts arr. known t o th em to be s h e lI nd not c eased wh olCHomu and truly bmclicilll io eITect. no a l Ip.a ve·tak ln g H a rold' s mot h r was a cceptabl e to the system and gentle. yet to bombar a him. fur from sllre that her eff~rl " W01lld j rom t. in acti on . I any lasting e lle ~. bav " . P• p more or less dit;. ' waH vo)'age r e H exIt.~ with d ll a ~ ' dcm { WlL\' that r ul "r pplyang su In )'('!mll he it wns th c lust \'a cn n t Iwur bet wl'/ 11 Ill" Hllilmi. Is I doubts. but be fore I · r d a t 01111 f'f~d 0 eellcnt combina tion of Syrup of Figs and tUl'bed by th ese Ihe r rnovill o f OU)' (!ffIlCIH n nll IlIlr own til' vlllriltlo n s. Ih o otber side s he hall e ~b on d land t she weg )!Io yrup h I Fig ia nllng Californ 11I'p,sc the r Scnna, pl'lsm of .. th Elixir elel'll rt IIr frqm . th o e milly s he ll "r rse or artl on. Like cou II. O[L end, ined other th determ t a relics Iolet, \' Co. proc'ccds alon'" cthi call i~C3 and whnt had !Jeen a hom. Lilli 11101" vlbl'lllllllJR. lit ' a ll s m a ll bo)'s Harold Is most 'o\,. II . pn' · I 0 too, . ow, kn You 'st. 'Inlel! til a~e J1l ' d s and had 1IIUI'InA ' postcar (han Il lllmo munths remark· etous of plcl u~o th e viole l. anlll y~ 1 1\ OIL the merits of th e laxativc forals Ih nt dingy IIIlH·hoIi Be Iu '1\ ij llhul'hal l SU111(>, thot, l1f!yunll est fr om h i.. I harv a to forward looked 'exls lence uf wav e s able 6U~CC!!8. ' 1IIIIIJO hud HCC ll1c ll to us lwo young h as r! l ~cov e l'u<l the It. got He trill. s molher' why reMons many of in one n is ~eo That y to b people, bll s le ll b)1 da y In tho Hcu r·by vlbrul lng 10 0 rapl(l1 one least at sent she day Every hth color. Syrup of Fig.! and Elixir o( Senna is given c ll y. But th e mind rench,s ou t 1111 · oUlI' r word s . an eig whatev er e lse It bor e In th e " IL WliS t o IJi Rce rn thnt cul \lr"- th e the preferen ce by th e Well-Inf ormed, card . And con.cloll8 tendril s to milt e rial s UP llo r l. In scr ipllon, tb e re was no t one of way that ns nously T en minu te/! wlih bllllll( tloors a ll" vole' d rO ll er) OR monoto always buy wbl ch fail e d or this Introdu ction : " hy h an"-" Il wns To get its beneficial effects wulls PUt us so Ilcarly Into th JIIood (J f [t (' hll d I' ('\lIng "JUSt as SOOIl as YOIl get thi s go a nd the Caliby tured beyo nd th . "lolct the gcnui ne - manufac of caRtuW!l.1S t.hal we lIod t.o th e dour· to RCC that Hhallll brus h your teeth." I 11111 Olll of 111 )· plaml n il '-h e fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for · sale ~ lop s 1.0 watch an IIns ucee 6sful s unse t th a l - -- - - d cODte 811ppolle filty nt s by nlllCl.uJing druggilt a. rrice lind grasp at tho firs t subjec t thul Ilre-, 1,1 Rij ll l'CS an a a museme !Reat jlt Last. moneyhad I . bottle. llth YO ner to 'long b to 'I'hls! "It II only tOO true ," re mark l'd the He ut ,I Itselr for cooverllullol1 . e III Ihe wor lll- · wbo was fond or moraliz ing, 'han ced to be th e color of gl'oat dtl eR : R JlI ' nly. I was alon man It. I wa ~ wil t ONLY A COW. "that we do not II.Pl,rec latc ollr !Jless' It was II fa ,.t, so my brothe r HUI<.I, thllL lIL1h' IH' llilon t I <!lIl1ed yo uth- to g tv!' n" IlIgs IIntll th ey tak e t hei r fl ight ." 6een from a s uffi c ient hei gh t , each il1 ~- lh e l" 51l01«, IIf ~ 10 I' search," "or 'c ourse ," repli e d Poptey, "t h y s llowed It.s OW II Indl vldllul lin t. no, i fhltt!;!' .d .' \·er la whit S )IC'I'VOli A . CODl· life," one'a,; of yoars up IIU h a rack e t dllrln' the ,lay o th Keep "Uke e ll t I f e rcd col· that we t'n:loy th em most wh on th e menle d a voice from Iho o Ul er s ide of hi d Ill'arl. Fo r Il mom y Iw 1I1'0Ihl :O(1 fl'.110 nursc has tucke d them In th e ir HU le Ih Kl'md ElI' rulllll P. thot dlvld d . o ur In lISf'. hul Ill'es nll I 'a lii l' ca~l'. which beds ."-Phlla delllhia Prese. Hc rup o r yard RlLd dOOl' ~t J1 fr om I hOf;(, his IJOe/(et It fad ed y \\'l tl1 a wlii te l;lIk or til e oth I' t eulLnl. E\' IIln p: af l.o r ho wlpc d cal'crll ll Mre. W~D.low·. 8oothiDI I' tt,.topa "ve nln g that frail little e lderl y lUan h ll ll d1((I l'chI f. For chlldreD'blD' eotWlnl Ibe f1Irul, redace. til·" ! fOl' l:ot ." he co nlln u (I .!lu, .amm.'hUl.a11aI'PUD.CUtol"tD4COII~. 2OCabO't.l4 had HRl ollt watdlin g 8 1111 8<1 l. , IIv ell al" nOl OUl'ij 10 gil' . nate( ~ rrom liS onl y by It line Iml'd ly "t h at OUI' A rtist (w ho has bee o bothe red by t hen , W ll~ on" l in t lack lt S said ! uve lI . !It(llalnl' the He has no forco With me n who bas bon t 1I10ro subs tnntlul !'llcs hreathl ng on hi m al l' th e mornrU r(HI ilt !l lIfC"! DI~ 1)( l III'hm th tal th In t bem. DO n ll t ne vc l' II fo r hat! he acIHlfJ\"IC'!I,::C'd In it CfllIW, lUll . Y,n, In ,:;\- ~Iy !;ood fellow, I ass uro lOll o ur I'res .nce su v by !In OC('n IOllu t '(' ".~ 'uft~I' c'o1!c'l-\ ore m with h t k s 11 Cur". 'Vbll" 1'001 W"lk he t 1'" 1 , an you · d Llmt ·tt lu:.\ kno\\' whllt POC' tR Cll1! II ," uI,n AJl ...n' 8 f't~JI ... P'.u,tIotl forf"' o rn ~u nd bun1un C!:. hell. ftn' et11 1 courteoll!! liow. g frum 0 IIl I Ie dl s tanc ! CnllOU IiQc hhl K r.. (\\.. ~al1lJnll1"lh-Cot. a.d\,lInta " : 10Vl' of gb 11 11111'111' .. ·lh " Iy, in{; tal ' ow ho contlnn cd liS th lHIJ;1a In illY 11" lul(l Ih . Plllle !,; nlly Ul' Ih Q thl'ond of a JaI !;ht ly cnal\,o rSII' DEEP CRACK S ' FROM ECZEM A Love J ocs not stop 8.l the bOllnda rles g-l ln lillg- IIl1c,' r' ' Ih Il s Wa OnW'I·H. tlon : liking. of ' uld ,lag'IIC I'I'fOo " UIII 1I ' I'I;npR I alii al one in lha t tfl ln ty tit lig ht on Ih Slate·Pe ncil In One-H and. Lay ·Could lo')k 1\ eu fll l gir e th tn gU\I.' Ihnt Itl n. I fn r);c l, wlum I e xpr ess l11 y ~ . · lf typ O in Dreadfu l State-P ermane nt s OnI<'Lhln g boIn I · rillS or co lO1', th at all 111'(> nut, li S a lmos l fal fully SWf'etCure In Cutleur a. Mis!> 1"lIt wOllld aa y, ' 11 li Llie M. lil Y yond bou nt y? "1 h :ld e7.e ma on my hand s tor n· ro IHI pr:' h a\\' ~ Iir8t I en Wh " I1 cll r ~ : on !h ut subject, " aod dU l'lng that lInued. "~ h e " I nOli . I II II t'~. I'mya rd !I.hollt 1;')" 0 Y ars so,crlll ed r e'm· I' rlalll m elancho ly In lh· '1l1ota· several IIsed hnrl I IIIll!' aC' :111111. a b lo wln !; SII UI'·1i1I hbl R for lion fro 01 Clcl;l'ns ' most lovllble "C, vtJ hl'r--a m lnl a· dl eR . togc th r wl lh nh yslc!nns ' and nlJo swayed glub ll fm " Em tl'l(!, nil IlPIl a t 1111 lh lll of A i (JI\~" Lul't: wOI'I<I ht whlcll skY 'and II' eos anll druggi sts' )1r B r lpllol1s . Th e di sease I ' ch ild In hl ti paie, ",I dt' ly Sl't C')'eH . o n my lloud s thal 1 could gl'nSS s hon e 1111 !tlm'lt! d . It wall 1111" w os so b url dn'w rn e to ('I')' oul: n'lI III one of th cracks sluto-)Je n IllY · thlll \\' ilh hpr ml lld ; In it Ih' Ol llDllln " ",Vha n fllt~; w '11Ild nO L Imo wn It a 1'111 (' [.Iacee\' !lcross the h a nd ~t thi ngs bH hll'd a ba:ull ty ."ot their and be foro ! We. too, 1'11'0 sclolltl !;ts." Ant! owo. would not toV,oh th!' pencI l. T k ept th n' I Il IOn l cd ah 1'1, hl u ~ hlllg al Ih IIslng ' rorn dy nfter rC'medy , a nd while < 1 10f' Il l a " \\' hr'lI two IIIlnds hlcnd tl)()lI~:lJ t "r how re 'pnl l): Ill" . hal! h ~ld Ih r Is no nc·.. d 10 \\,Illt for til h ou r· some gay!' partial r Ii rr, no ne r p1! eved drietl on ou r I1lplol11l1 s fro m Ihl' .-i ty 's ch as did t he first box of Cut! , glllflS. In IW O mOrl lh>:! W tl weI' Im: r· R!I mu fOlll oull tech ni cal Ilch()o l. nt. J mad e a ' purchas e of OIl1tme um c lhls house, then Tlu .wlLh Iwr fe ~ gl11\'It)· /)\11' neigh . rl"d . nnll llI o \" d Into " ut icura SOllli and Olntme llt nnd my no s \\'a 'rh!'ro world. tho of Ol:t fnl' . bor re~ 1 ondcd: . cured afler two 1111 rl'lIplio n In m y worlt; ~ h" w(.uld ha nd s we ro pe rrec tl y llhc ent nnd on how Ointm SOlll ra cn l bu Cllll l f o thu bOXOR ha\' nol · (I,'ell hpr" "Yes. I lia" hen I'd YOIl like pluy. Wh llt no cake or utlcllra Soap we r IIsed . W, In l-;S tAlkln s or your ambi tion". A nlail It a ll IICIlIl1 Mar. 28, 1907." rlcy,.en tlm o lS I ha ,'e b II all th e W' I'I; n Lli .. !' wom a n COUld hn\'e don o sloe did H . Dl!an. Newark . Del.. lilY f (, ~ mcnl le . the d r t -mas wllh fern l' th or s pocch. Ah. w .!INot Always Profitab le. m y me OlO"s, Mte d whi ch the yo\mg mnl' In s pire th old ! ~( ;I II C'e , learned Th e troub le abou t I: Ili g a Ill'0d i b'1ll Now th ero re ll1a lnH Gill y I hL' h 0 1l1' thnt 11l'r_e lr to bo my n>lsiston t In every Itl o nr l os tln g hours eon Is that th old man does o't alwaYI Irn\' le I'S, wc ll m CI, all nd . togeth I' detail. And even m; Iral two befcm' loll IItat way rail n 10 she luid alwnys n wonl (or Ih n rain· own a fatted calf: frolll lh film on bear them III 0P\los lt dire lIous. Ont ho v,'s that !lashed will YOII no l g ive ·thut lim to n vis it ~ t III )lools, 01' glltt4Jrt! ft wInter morn' t o my worksho p? Tbere Is appal'lll us In"'5 rrom fr08t d paM'S. or g l nm e d frOll ! IV t sancls at ~ 11lI 8et. or Rhone t ha t mi g ht be worUI your wbll : ' trolll the 1)111' c orman or t he s torm· an bout a l! In:! y. rllll Hl It did . <Illite ng llICOOIi . l-; ve l'Y" her .sh o saw ' bodi thill hour n lio\lr of our trilin Urne--a It WIlS lik e livin g my broth"'r s ign ifie r! wo wo ul d glndly t ho bow of promI se. In till' he art of a prl s lll. g ive to ibis b lut e d ne ighborin g. nom e" the " H a \ 'O I snl<l thaI sh Old yo'll cver on II ramhl afl t' lcI 'Colol' of viol et? <:rII<1 k 0)1 n u rou gh. clin gy >! Iolle und hue beyo nd III It would Il .find )i0urllol t dazzled wlt41 ItR linin.!!,' of IW3,\'(: n,' s llc sal<l "1"0111' y~UI'1l \Jussed IlIll; t hat, tHlt ralnbow ·fla s bln:; c r~'s taI9? 'It WII S wi th no r el<ult. ol 1erillt lion In the with w(' ju ~ t' fl uc,h 1\ breat hl s~ wOllder th ut Olhe rs-m}' class· wod III th e e ntrance of oUI' 1lt'lghbl)l" s IIII<' o[ 111 ), ~ ' 1\I'ch. cspo luI Wlij ll, I! n In cd -glrt s mni<.,' 111< ~o. h01J the llt Wltho . \\'orkl'oolU. Gradual ly lons. re)1t!lal ' buildIng ",pro lin· b. <lrn ok. aUI'M. h ll\1 IIr ' SI)nl d n bl me th e rially I,of II· i<,vely wal!. nut hor o was color e very· th e l gr W Ullon (,XCllS!! lI n?.lll l11ean. who re-a s ple nllor of vari ed color. nes!: or Ill ose who of Im~at SOllls . olight th ho l with IICSS . e-J's ll e chllllll flll shing tronl. f,rl Rm·hung ours, grudgln s h of miser n Bille be I es il (l I ~ ~ I enlllin g from glnss c ub es a lld r ecrNllIo lI. ud dlng Rnd Illulll·nn sled rrystnl R, s him mer in g Ih o~o tha t we nt ~o til m )' Inbo rnLol·Y. frolll 'healls uf s pun 'lu9s, gl rancln g dally to t !.te II rlods llt. but pres. COIl1I11C 110 Illado o h "~ t'sctlllt Irl<! from won rl rtllls ly \\'oven nll y 1 s aw tha t th d ust ~Il the " ed 011 al1l(OIl sca r ves, glintin g from I'll ks o f lte iwct s, 01111 that ) wel·Uut ed pore I(lin. playing 0\101' (l hfl l' ullmo lIocl fllvor to IhOtli h o Sll nt 0 n o ven gi e tim tno what with d lolJe s wall SlIrrnc Ihat I\ holl-'a t prlwnrks my ot er com hr.r In s ' nlod a m in rill hO:II'·II'o st. wOII.l<.l ti ny, ,,·Ith . o !lh h; re!;cp.r~ Vilt but . re hc was !' colo rely me t ·, ,",nd-no ' en'!')' device for Iho Ul.·u s lln g : I·c ncr · hl'I' 11.: 1:1 smile. .IOIW da y- It W~ ti ten r .u· a fter n csides , Jon and Intol1s if,y lng or h1l need fOI' fresh tli re WNC hudd led II pon f1 001'. chaI rs , m y g rll<!u nllnn- a It)'. wh er e I lhe to e m wol, l nurtprht e lI~ ose wh s nt ~ tnbl t's, s ill s. hH; trllln e bac lt 10 drov 1 As t. h nl tho Sll!!nt Wtl . could on ly guc s ; b ottl l' ~ of 110III ro illS nlon: Ih e counlr}' carly ho t L1 ri(S o \\' c IJl!r. ~ l sc s, l chemica IJ knoW n rndl nn t cl ;aro05~ foJn s ll tih, Freac11. Gorma n, all rt' J!.ltlng ro:tds, sOIl1('thl ngbloom on tha 1.0 optics fl11d spoc t r ull1 . Illialys id. I II In the Illr, a hl 3tr0l1S II l 'al'4~ss ln g s of tflnwc.t'll. ami rass g y. l! '1I En h had . lhG mon threo for o, fln s ellte(l tll'('ph lie Ing a lmos t In th e som o h uueo w it h a ness 111 the w lnd. · . sllccess of tokt",cli .La y ,;c lcnllst wh(lse Illbol'lItr. r " With this presagl ' un llI e "1 we nt a n ilwc- lns pl l'l ng degree o f «IIodall ,a· at l'alg ht to my lftilOral.o ry. From wi th· , tton. In s' l ~lDd c d th yoice of Ill.V wife :i\I1l>' with Tho \v()I1<1 el' of It nil. tngelh c l' a a llot hl' r woman n vai n reg ro l for II lo~t OPL,ortu nlty. III~ over: s o 'oflly n (·I'adle·. ' Before I ver o ~ In :; l t;h Illl 0111' r fu ro~. c our III spokpn vo ha must Lhe door th e song host, 1111sl1illl; torwat'd two IIn()(,C I111\'d cruild flu sh ope n hroke 01T nnd I hea rd her voi ce, rltnlrs , howed Ileprt'ca tin gl y. be foro sonnd d "V s," he ~ nld. lean \n g back rlg:llu:!.L aw. e t Ill< It had 1I0 ve r 1110. to my ; hi s workbe nch, "It Is a s you ijce " 'Color of he (lve n ! Arthur. donrost . as allparal utl Is 11K nfl ul'ly c u mp1cl It tor you:" 'follilCl I Color /I. \\·orl ete Incompl an In he rimy The lIult el'lng IH~nd COV<'l'Ctl Ihe I1l1le - colol'-t hat Is m y Ilx,!d !tlea. I':\'c n pure~ e ye,; .fol' Ll moment . W e looked R8 [L chll<.I I cOlild 11I.ltlngu lsh li nts bt'Own the of huhll the Is ns d. III a violini s t cn.n ml:fi lca\ not os. ,An away .' I'hashe ~~ern <ll spln y of emotio n e xtra IInon t!511 of cyo I: ol'I'es prJudlng to youn g he fore any old. t:1o from rs inc muslclliU 'M 'rar,' 111.: 11I'OreSso "Yes" he, conthm e'l , "res 'nlly. "It . toll1 me . whe n I o ntol'Uj ci,lIegc. Lim· th .~t s he saw. On Ite d they we re , 'v cry IIn,lted, those wns color or h Iwen It to mine, tnrned I · wben ). rlll!C her be~t the to IOU hahle() m e n; but they has soon \\bo , one of to~k the wus ls '~d of tllelr ublllly to!C color~l CIC1l11e:lt~-teeh · what no no can see-an d IIvc.~· prod·uct lon. causo, IlictUTP, M chu~l".!l lly be tool! tile nlque U8 complic ated Ill! tllat by which mor~ . returne d It the tOile masters ucqulre th ' theory und, wllJlut· It once to Its plut'C of ' thel!" arl., .' '," Thlll W,\,: 20 years n ;;I1." he addell. r ea.l 1'.lUI ~ ~ 1l'!I '.' Aml JUlIl .LS III tllo erl\"l bl c on ht:r w'Jrkhe nch I In " thonght s tl'~llslalo ' thomec ;" ... ·· IIHu s, IlJIICl:. all !llfn terms of 11111Klc, to me life Clime IU found nl)lhtJll!-.not 1.",11 100 whethe r shoo drew ·to nshes of prism. the of terms III Itself oxpross che mical or "hoth· ' There we ro the rosy yellrs (.1 chtld· poi £on fl'mu lIome simply -had hood ; there were ' student years gol, 0 1' ahe had !ihnply 1l"l1r the burdorl" llIl .of too ed i l,peRs olld v nlonsh COl1l11a good "\I'ougb dcn \lrmln. unboll .\ded Rmbltlo lls: there wer l) the tb(' unknow n IQ return It Is 148 Ih" ROD!' Eve~where lobe r, ploddin g, workin g )' C,ITS . lUI ' ''But s ince tlJen r the world Is dQadP-II)' S, the light quIet green!! end blnes. green has .:onf ".\nd my goal?" The \Ilan 's IIgure rl ~· ~tl. : ' Lltflt"lllly, the tbe bltlO' ~rolU lb. apJl0o.l·c d ;0 sottia Into Itsclr. Upon from tho grasl nnd bIB {Ill''' t ..11 the brooding ,. abeent galle 111$)'. "Rt III 1 work on, (·v('r~· do)·, fiver:of I bose whu ltv. m ;Jell In the P38t. I, t (', !Shllll IeEven hi. voice .earned .til 1'8C1'de IQto /tay. AnI! 110m time . U-Ihe f'(l)ur lJeyond t'lP. vIolet. tit, ,~ anae 111 as lie contlnl1 ed: ealor cd buU;.on-qd 1K wttb her."
I ..
A,r e 50 ()iga rs with out the hea ds The refo re 8 for 5 cen ts
Not.only extra .good -the y are clean. Mad e of absol utely clean tobacco syste mby atic meth ods in the biggest, airiest,.bestclean equip ped est cigar factory in the worl d No wond er they' re so good. 5 cents buys 3.
IUhllhUIUUU l/JIllIlIlU,llU lUllIUll
CASTORIA For Infan ts and Children.
The Kind You . Have , ~l Always Bought. ' .. "'UI ...... "lIul .. uunutluulli UUU ... UIfIIIUIlIIlIIU
AV('getable Prepara lion for As ·
!iimililling the Food'andR~ula 'ling Ihr Stomach s and Bowels of
Bears the
. Promole s Digestion,Cheerful-
ness and Rest.Conlains neilher
OpiumJ1orphine nor Mineral NOT NAfl C OTIC II",,,. 0/0(,( IJrSA:OO iiiiK6'R
"""""It;.. S ...I . "I1..x .f";,,, ... N.t4,1I• .r.1t. • A",u s•• tl ~ ~,..i'"
6il'nrIM .. e.S..t.-. • H'.,.". .1•• 11 •
('/.,.;;'" SO!,,
Usa .
w, itt~,,, 'f7ftl or
- -
,,- - -
Aperfect Remedy ro.rCon ' IIfJl\ '
lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrho en, Worms ,Convul sions .fevcri ~h
For Ovar Thirty Years
ness and Loss OF SLEEP Fae Simile S;gn aturt of
• ••IIT&II. _ _ ....... ... anw.
GOYERIIEIT LAIDS BES T REA CHE D FRO M DAL LAS Dalla s and Grego ry, S. D., are reach ed only by th~ Chica go c& North West ern Railw ay.
They are the only to-.,vns on the reserva tion border . Dallas and Gregor y are the main registe ring points. Presid ent Roosev elt lias design ated Dallas for the final drawin g Octobe r 19, 1908.
The Chic ago b }1o,.th Weste,.nR!I~ . is ·the o"~' all·,. ail ,.ou·te to the ,.ese,.tJation. A million acres of fertile agricui tul'al and grazing land in the great 'MissQuri Valley Com Belt is to be opened to Homes teaders 'Octob er 5 to 17, 1908.
For Inrormat ion about how \0 get .. homesIe ad with detaila regardin g u.te., baln .c)::t dules, address
Pa88'r ' Trafflo Mllr" O. It. N. W.~ RJ,
Oh/cal lo, III.
Shortast Lina to Rosebud Resarvation
The op~nlog of lhe Rosebud Reserva tion, October 5 to 11, nest, will give' over .5000 people each a choice farm in Tripp Couoty. Soulh Dakotn; for a ' small sum pe~ acre •.. 838.000 acres wlll be an opened. People drawing one of these farms must, pay ,$6.00 ho. rlain. anil.Pres acr~ : one-fifth down, balance in.5 years. Chambe ' Soulh Dakota. are places or regiSlration, Both are located on the shorlest line 10 the reservat ion from 'Chicag o-t he
The best of these lands are localcd in the 'n orthern part of Tripp All County, easily rell ched from both Cpaplbe rlain nnd PrefOho.these persons. except c~rtain soldiers. must be present in one or . lowns r" r regist ra ti on. Presenc e a.t the drawing is not required Thosew hodraw on eohhese farmaw ill be notified by mail. Rosebud folder, conta.ining map, aod giving full porticula ra free on request. F.
(ienl ra l Plla.ene er Ac.nt, ente••o.
Send For Fre~ Catalogue' "How to Make Money Selling Goldfi lh." Makes
bll'sin css lively around your stor;e whe n everyt hing else fails. B IG profits and QUIC K return s, Full Ene of aquariu m supplie s. Wri't e to-day.
__.-------- -------- _. Body Builders
- - --- --_.
51 North Poorla Str_t,
Build You Up'
CHICA GO. 11.1..
--,.,-~ -.--
• DANOER FROM GREASE AND OIL be II n IIr III lIotic( th I.11ll0ke, MIl-
i UU
'ny ,lll)I'VY 1 0~!!(l8 00 fn l,orilaN C~1ll , A II' IRIC MAY STAIIT !'1'Sltl,"'. trom firM !ltlll' tell ' In theill' Pllin t, Two Ne,,' Sults--Several Transfers 8pont'l1ooous oonlbnst,loD 'i!4 t,be IIhopl! by ~lII i D t dry rs, ttupentipe of Property- Six I\\arrla&e only grt1llt fire danger t~bout whioh l1~d, lint! d oil. Lard, ftlllow add hu t. licenses. bookR have been written, and it is ter sm6!l red on rags nnrl Ihll'own in. the only one whloh few people know to s t rltsh bllr re l a r II fo urce of New Suits. Aut, Firell from t his cal1S0 naud. dlln ~er, 'I'he tltorehous s ill ~ lli ch ~lury cummin'gll VS, Edwlt rrl Kohr Iy appenr ill the UeW81Jll per' 1111 rags nre pioked lIud bA led tI ro very Trao80ript from civil , d ooket of " probllbly inoendillry " or of ' my!!, likely to btl L1e~troyed by spoutll llO· l'IfaYQl' llf FrA,nklin file.l .dslivering terlous origin." What is known of 0 0 oombostion, oustod y of Kobr , oharged with spontaneous oombustlon, Rllidefrom Petro leum, ker080lJSIlUdWIsoilmo batlt,ardy by Mary uOlmings , tbat g!l;ined in chemiCAl Inborator ies, do not dry h.V uniting with o.'yg fl , . ' ,hllrlea Whlteneck vs , King .P ow oomes eDtlrely frOID fires whioh Are thlll'efore they OIm nM OIlU!\1l K}Jo n tllder company. Petition for 17600 Doti aec\' wben they lire s\artlDg. DeOll oom bustlon , ', plaintiff olaimio({ tbll t 00 T hey soon desf,roy tbs stutf wbioh A IlIrge number uf s ubstanoP!I Janua.ry 7, 1907, the defsudan t flAl86 CRoses tbem and then no one can tell th!lt lire ~o t grensy nre li libl tu get, Iy lind 'maliciously and witboot, rea bo w the fire s&arted . hot Ilnd t8k fir without being onable08U1eoharged bim with hav Tho avt'rage number of BreR II De!lr a stoveor flalll", MIILlY lllu'll s lUR oommitted the oft'enso of plaoin/( year from spontllneous combustion are burned by uew m own bay get. snd depositing a ni'r06xpl 08i V6 oom· in Obio ill 1(\2, OJ t hese rnorl! th" tl ng too h;)t. A few tLr b~rne(l hy pound upon "nd abollt premill68 of half a re from grease on rllgs, ' the h,tlllting of Rhrel1dell fontlel', K1n~ Powder oompany with intent . ' 1 THlt HKMISTlty O~ m ill UII'(' II)N, grtllD IIUI mea l. to kill one Ueorge Mellert I\nel del ' The ohelllis'ry of SI)"oIIlO"OD 06 hOUI!I6S IU O very 1Iabl I to tn k o Itroy property, For tbls plaintiff .., " TO , PUR READERS , combustloll hI not, h,lrl) to \lnder. fire I'r olll h 6fltin~ of t,h e ,slIwduBt in declarel bis reputatIon bilS 00011 ra tltand if one knows how I fire burns , whiob the i is p!loked, or f'r om. t,bA' Inad and PTII:Ys for jud,(emeilt, Burning is the same f.Jbemioal llro- sllwdust usod to fi 11 iu wnll. Per' l' hiMSP'\ e uexJ, wtlHk will ue 111le/1 full n f III ~urt Pr(X;Cedings~ oesa 1n the roUing log, blR~ing hav. hups the grease fr om t be mill IJlIL tallH Iv IlItol'611lin);; /llIIt,lel' t,IIIIU I' pli t rOll i:l !lut! otll el'/j , Raymond Luca8 VB. EIlIt. i.ucas ing anti explodlug dynllmite, the obi nery int.o the snwuullt It will btl uo (J1J(lll p-,l ohu UI' ~Ive "Wil Y lIoheult•. hot I, Court finds onevidenoe ~ha!; derend- only dift'er6noe being in Ule time CllUse~ 110016 of th ese fi r eI', Slrun gs II Ih ut wil l iote ret1t 1111 the r el,dorM uf tlli!! 01' IIDy lint hal been gllilty of adultery taken for tb~ oxygen f the air t,o RS it mlly S 001 . mllterillts lire 1LI0st (}tht!t· pupel'. \Vntoh the ued 1,IIlllllJIlI' of the 'Gllzett.e, anu for this marriage oon'tnct iR unite with ~he carbon of the woorl. likely to burn t,bemselve when to hey di880lved find divorce as prtI,yed for If they unite s lowly, [18 in the rot. tire sOllk6l.1 with wllter. gran~. ting of the wood or the rUltl ng of . Tbe for egOIng stutemen t. ~f fllots + John Haok~tt v@ .' H , E. Aohter· 1ron or (1ecayln8 potat.o, the hear' is III one of tbe 40 leotures 'Y b10h the maD. Tbil oause ill settled Rod dis· borne away onn!lticed; If they unite ' Ill s t Legislature dh',eoted tlll,e !!tate mi8aed and' ooata paid. f&l$ enoogh to vroduce beat that fire marsh III ttl prOVIde, Rnd :requlres Charlee Parham VII, Olnoinnati will roal' out- Mid ignUe burnlbg tellcher In prj,oluy lind grammllf Nor,heru TraotiOllcomplny. Leave gaMl, U m,a kes a fiAme; If so fast, soh?olS to, read one ~Iloh 'week, to III alven platn'lft' to file au:amend. th&t the expanllion of tbe water In their pup:ls, F or prim ary 8cb oo ls men' $d hil petUion fortbwlth , tbe form of Iteanl and t he oalbon the story is told in simpler lllngunge , Real Estate Transfers, dloxld whioh are made by all oom- W ; ', H OtHliRS t:itllte Fire MaT!lb~I, . Morris p. 8teddo~ and Carrie B. bnat10n capael ,ahook. and DOise, it. - - .. Steddom DOugla8 BolliDRlworth, Is an explos1on. Had ' a Close Call., 1,22 acree in East TUl'tlecreek town. ~I()R EX,PLOSIVJ£8. Mrli. Ada L , Croom, tbo widely dnown proprietor of the' CrClQm 'Bo".hip 'I, In high explosives wood ~bre ' and tel Vaughn , MiSS., says : " I;'or sElv~ari. ,E, Ea-kln to George H. ohemicals rioh In oxygen are com· eral montbs I su,f fered with' u severe SJDitb, 10' tn FrankUn II. blned eo that the fibre, oellulose, oough, and oonsumptioD seemed to Oh&l'lee V. Palfny to li. L. Pal. Can be burned In a closedlp&Ce1n have its grip on me, when a fri\IDcl' fny los in Fraotlln i7oo. whloh 'here is no air, The expan. recoommended 1lr. Klni 's New Dis. _-' covery. 1 began taking it, lI'n d tbree 'LtZl&le Beller HeDry G. Beller, Ilion of eas formed within t,he Slllloe bottlee etfected a oo~lete oure." 10' in Fraakhn 11. , can _throw a oannon ball or spli' a The f~me of this life savini cough , W. F.l!Utiro'h,of LafaJeUe Nich. '~k. The mOIl' powerful explosive and cold remody, lind lqug ,and o~, real 'e8tat-e In Olearoreet 'mixture ie one containing, Cwo parts 'hroat healer is w'orld wide. pld , at Fred C. 8ohwart~ 's drug !ltor!). . wwnahlp'I,. ' ofhydropn to ,o ne part oxygen 60~ lind ' ,1.00: Trill,1 hotltlEl free . . ._ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -...~...- . .- - -. .- . .- ...- . . .- -. . . . ____ __ i _ _ t.ha' belr:-g 'be propor\ion n\lOO88&ry .. - ..- - - "Probate' Court. , fro qui 9kl,v cbeck ,fI ooill, drnggiRls . GIRL HAD' WILD RI:DE. tire di@pen~ing . very-w.htlr ,tColev r " ~t.te of John Bohner, d~aaect to t01Dl by unUitg ohemically . Fin' aDd ftn..laooount iliad by Ma.. '{,he ho" t.el!~ tires make 'he mOllt , - -- , nncl,V 'old cn re Tnblet 1~llc1(1 Pr,eA Purely ' Vegetable Laxat'ive ry ,Bohner, .ez:eoutrlz:. ' water.' , A w!l.rr!l.nt WBS s worn, out,for ' the venUe . Pt'eveniic II lso fi ne '~UMD ~pur1iti.y, adminie-&rlx of The taking fire of 80Y material Rrrest of Bob Mabray, Il nel"ro who' .fur ~everish cbildl'en . 'ftlk ProCures ' Chronic Constipation. and' All • ..... f 'ita bel h ted . ' ventlo@ n,t the ~lI t. eze stag!', to hea d Liver and Kidney Troubles, \V.tiey ~purllng, e'al. defendaDY. comee rom ng ea so ho' had been ~mployed by Andl:ew Try- off Illl oolds . Box of" -20 ' , ::lold Sale of real eeate reportedl~nd die- t.bat the hydrogeD ,and oubon in I' bridge; of Springboro, to drive nls 'by 1111 d nl r~,. . &riboUon ~de by'oourt, begio. \0 uuite ,with the oxygen ot daughter to Frauklin, whel'e it WILS Il'oc 8111(' Il\ til e rnlJowan¥ I' l ar~,;, : In mat*&r , of ' of Marpi-e. tbe air to form oarbonlo aoid gas. intended ahe IIhOllld take a t rain for THE LOCAL ' PAPER. ' Zlml~ermllll :8, XII hon ' 1.1, Clementi, , deoea.ed. Inl~rumen' Tbl81as whlch' ls made up of Dayton to, enter s~hooll. It is While 'lI, Mouut,joy,'P4 Springfield, Ohio. pUrpol'tlnl to be 1&8'_will &n,el ' ~ta in vapor aDd carbon d'o:rt:i~, Is drawn claimed tbat tbe girl was so 'fright. " ,up ,'he, flue by the ourrent of heated ened at, theaothlns of ,the ne'g~o tblit In aD addre!\s before 11 l.Jody of reo meD" oUba deOOued is filed. , ~ia&e of .a.-garet Clemente, de. air. The~rbo~dioxld being llig~t. when she arrived In Dayton s1)e tnil~rs reoent,ly Wesley A, Stu.nger, oeal8d~ F, M . Hamilton Jr... on, 'ly ,beavler than 'air f.lI_ to;f\1,rnl.8h col1l1peed with nervous prolitration editor oftbeOtfi'ce Ootfitter, Chienplication IS appOinted executor a' breath for trees and pl~nts wblle At , . oritical tnne, boweve~, she h eld go ( of the vulue 01' , the 10QR I You iltLVe fooli sh Idetts nbout the ,' ~-----------rionprolluctivene!ls of new8pBperad-'{li 'lOoo 'bond. . tbe watery 'v"por ri88s to form her nerve and suoceeded in gettiiog newspaper: vert.\Eling, throw them off lind try it, ' a EetAt8 of Jobn Sheehan dooeued. oloudsand retnrn ,hi rain. ~o, 'we the negro to take ber to Dl!oyton .by The newsp ller ,i8 'be g , ellt m Wilham liheehaQ and JOh'n ~heeh"n get baok the produot of tbe ~urning prow ising him to meet biD;! later. est tbiDg the ret!liler ball If ile will ou t, ODe try will prove notb 8 . ' Laxative Granules huttlte . c on !lttlnt u!le of the lJa.per in appointed executors at l1000 ,bond of onr h00868. but after It 1t:! greatly Constable 'Nioholas Arohdeacon of use it tight. bu t, II farg e proportl,on , fltlrllftsset! 1\\1 other l'om Clellroreek townsbip \vas given tbe II ro too believe tho,t tho 'ed lin inte.lIi~ent tJllln.ner will prod~Cfl , . . ' 'ohea~ned In value. t~nJt,II. ' . edieli fQr the roller 'of sick. ' ,Marria&e, L,k:enaes, " ~~ntaneOn. ,oombll8tion (ltri~iIY wBrrant:, brtt failed t~ !!e:rv;e it 011 ' itOl' ~III care of their intere$tI-i 'J.'he b lit ,friend the hnsinel!ll ' mBn J beadache, . dizzine~s, ' indiGripl,y I!'. Crander,' 30, rallroadl!~"klng.. 'is' the , iBottinl of II. sob- Mabray, who escaped, ',' whetll!'r th ey look after bl s or not, olerk of Fnnkbnti)Pearl A. DeNise Itance from 'heat oaused byohem1n • __ - - ' 'Vbls is wron g. If merohants li S tl in the w orld htl!!, ne~t to hlR wife, \,: ge8tion. , obrollio COflltipa 30, FrankliD, Rev. Mr. K68tle. al action witbliNtself, but the wo~d SOLD AT AUCTION cll111S would onl'Y take 8dvI1otage of is the loonl, ~ewspfiper, lind 'I f he i lion and Biliousness, beOI1U!18 6eorge M. Ertel, 20, farmer of 18 often iUled 1n spe~kin~ of Bny the opportunities thu.t t he locnl doesn ' t get"fun VAJua for this friend. ' Goshen, to Emma L, Rouhor, 21, burnh~g whioh happeDs without the On aocount of the inablliliY of t he newspo,pers a.ff,o rd tbem tbev would shly ,it' is his fuult, Dot the ed1 ~nown Vegetable chugs, lIull Maineville. Rav. Floyd Poe, Leba , touoh of a flame, sp~rll: or 1\ \'e coal Lebanon, university to lift;!l. mort- rellp rewllrd~ fur beyoud thl'ir fond· tor.. 'l'he e(iltar of the' IAverAge so . CaHed co untry pnper ,hllll done more mixed in the proper propor non. " GREASY nAGS, gage upon a number of typowrHerB est dream , i Jacob StroUle, ao, farmer of " , a grand piuuo an~ several other arWhil!3 self prese,rvo.tion i s t he to upbuild bts own town and tbe " tlons knowll to' gl\'c the bas '. Wayneeville '" Leah Dinwiddie; is, In the laat·200 fire~ from spc5nlilL. tioles of furniture, the property WIIS, .ft rstlu.w of no t ure, editors \of 10c,II1 ret9'ilers ln' it than 'all ot!ler Inf\u- reilults'.. . of ,WaynelVl11e, Rev;. W'; T. GilJi. n'e oua oombll8tion rep?rted to ' tbe sold 'a t auotion Monday Jl1 ornlng. p~p ers 'hllve It ho.bit of let ting 'self encos comb1itect, fLnd it alllo follows , Every bottlo R,utlrr~llteed land, Waynesville. state fire marshall; fllts or, oils on The mortgage ..v!lS held by ,01. Fred interests go ~o the limit ,when it tbot. , u~ nn altUost unbroken rule he ' to give But,lsfu.otlon or Dlon. ootton fibres' oaused 122, ' A fat ' i. the Jellst !lppreciIA ted PllrSOD'Jn Edwar"d C~ Reeder, 27, farmer ,of Abe Kaufmo.n. o'llles to n. qU!~sl:i'on 'of serving II ey r~rurid6d , . ts'oil; When ,I4loeared. and . ' " , "Wilmington , to Eli1Abe'h 1. &n88, when ,warm6!l . ,, --,.:.- - - - . co mlUonity. For tblll they ILr'ti eD- his oommunlty. 26c a bottle ' ut ' Schwartz's, 17, of. Blanobeeter. ' , on, ~~y~hlD~ it isbgrellae, Tile Hnl- . A: pain prescrlptiO~js prillte,d up-. ti tled to . recognition wllion "they m-aUed l1uywhere upcln receipt ' , '. Wal\er :l'irey. 23,'laborer of t:)(:iu'b m a a "dta OWl" otlt,erbllLlld I~l'd un,' on each 251' box of ,Dr. Shoop's Plok ttl re,ly I'eceive" , . ,l888 ranol are ess la e ' to c \use Pain '!'ablets. Ask YO.tir Dootor or )f priee. ' LebanoD, to D--I1 'e Grey,' '""2, Kln' &Ii " .h I No doullt, the ' retii.I"lers have enau b ti [)rOKlist if this fO,r mula is !lot co w · Mille, George W. Carev, J , P. .pon t :~u:I c~~. ue on t lin tile plete, Beud pain- , ' wonlBnly ' puiD8, co urttged t hem as ftlr ns sentiment George B. I:!ohenok, 46, pllper ma. ve~e a t e 0 ~ IDSe:d, ' ~ott\JnN8eed, pains !lnywhere get instant reliet goes; They have ,nndoubtedly Mid ~~~~~~~ , k,er of l!'ranklin to ,Mr8. Mary Edith nu, C&8 or an an , ' ? lve. one from a .t'ink Pain Tll-blet, ;:lold by t hat , tlley tl:ppro,ved , ~h e editor 's , I i>~ ' A of thelle can take fire spontnneously hJl dealere. " 'd d II d . ' . kll eo 1 d ' , •- • metho ' 8 ' ~n ' Oil e hlO1 a "goon Clemmer, 31 , F ran n ~...,v. & )'t. Ke&le FrankUD. , u~ ,e8B 8~re~ over,a I~rge ur(lAce EDIT,ORIAL WIT, ' '. boy,", but, in ~ow man,. ' OIIl!eS hnvll AI AU. , s'rllKET WAYNICSVII,J)E, 0, ' ' ,. " , " of , easily Ign~ted ,n11terl!ll, ill! ~heD Co mi ---t,hey fnll en short in ' the reul encourIn roomnext door;to U~OSR' Bros' I V~tetlnary Surgeon and , ~nUSI. m ssloners' Proceedln,s. a cot.ton rag is' wet With tbem, ' "A 't:onneotiout bor8e r~ tUt1elJ to 'n~em en ~ " th"t counis? Bow offen ", , ,Valley Phone 133-2)(;' , , , Bip. AHowed-Bert Reid, repail'l 'Then:~hey take oxygen from the RI~ eat, ~ roll of '1;30~ In bill~ which he hll ve thllY Degleoted to use his co l- BllrOWflre Bt,)re, Telephone ' in hooso !lnu olUce ; " ", ' , , , , In, Deerfield t~w~ShlP, "0,90; C. ~; 110 faBt t~llt the h~t f~?Dl the ~h~R1. found in hie feed , '" Po.rhl~I)S it ' umos, t hiu l! i';g tbat tb'ey ,were cle" AYN~SVILJ,E, OHIO. Cleaver, repairs I~ Maule t-ownlllup, loal UDlon .will, If it It:I~Ot ?arrie~ Wft4J tainted ~oney: er In' it! In ftiHing' to putronl1.e illm whero I can l>e oal1ed da;v or oi~lit. · VnJle,v Phpne 14-2. '16,50; FraDklin Chronlole, pubhoa. away by movemen, of au , rl88 tq II, t h y have often kill'e d t he goo~e , ' I 1 tlon of rePort of exanJin~tion of 'point at whlcb the fibres of the rag e Id ' Women will orowd a.rollt)d R win· that lIU( t 1e go en e@'g, , ' , MILK FEVER · A _PEeIAL1'V treuury, $27,13; Lennle Whitaore, wIJ)jlret char ' and then take fire. dow 'display' of ' new millinery in You must get bebind, the local er. ' , , oolitract, ,14686 .'' J . N , Boroh , con - ,An inltance: A mop, u8ed iD oiling " rosh into ItOI' lin d pus h fot' II' II ,,1\ '11 t you tlrt: . 1IIuoh the 811me way men trao', '21; T. C, Patterson, pastt'ng a floor In the, , Home for Working ' ''o'rth H" rrloYes yon "2 bue'k fo, ' Vi proola~ation ,. of local op'ion el~. Ui r Is i D Col u~ b ~s t 00 II: fit e a few the street to witness n d~g fight, ev r dollllr 'y () U In veHt With 'him. Never, J)()I\tlvelJ'ne'l'erPQIIIOIIJQUJ'Iun.-. UJOU " 1\ ~LnRE' J" " tiOD ,550, PbllipSpenC8 ' recorder boure, after being pot In a el08et ~ Y ' h f ' ', :. , h' .:.. eoUlh_venfroma.lmpleeoldoolJ-70Ulbould U , ,' , , ,,' " , , d 'h tat ' 'Edison sll.ys ' thllt. ' witbln 'Uve Be fnl'uls es or you ,,," 18 own ' aIW8JShea"lOO~ /llDd_the Inll.1ed broo. '[ iudues,, ,346.S0; J, S " M,qr,rts tax un e 8'il Ir.. h , " ." one:'0 f '. ' bi "" ""e· " t chla! tubea. , Don'ti bllndlJ .UPPnlII It 'If)th a j' , 'Lier.eed year8 alrllhlns will te curryl' ng "eo ex"enStl I, if! So ,IlS ~ s ltupebina _"AD. It'.~, hoW.l!ll!mthlnlS ., CTOR dupUoatelfor "1908, ' t21lC,,1l5,;' l'ruI' ' ns .9 so argllble with,'the ' ... ~J "''' I , ,tIl mO~ I ' "'lll' l t' I I' r (Ullb f1n"lI:rco~ut. ' For",edtT""iil1r:'8hOOP I' ' , , '. ' , te t be f b Iidi '" pIe aoross the ooean. That sort of you POS!Ofl!lS- , ,1 -4 hal conatantl7 _mad PIIOple DOUO take couab teea of 1'ohlio Affaire I1gh!; at Jail Ir~ I, num l' 0 0 ngs . ,-,ot.. . I k ' mlxtur88 or Drettcrllitlon. OOIItalnlnl' OpIum 8 ephQDe ay Dr 'Nlght '7 60' Trnsteel of Pablio AJ\'aira' ton raKtl eawdnl' or sorape of silk opt,i mlsm will not appelll to u lot of WhlOh to.let the peoJl e 1I0W Wlllll, Chlorofol'lD"onlmllarpollOl1l. And Do_II"I';'· " ' " " w~~ a' court, hoWle,13043' 'l'rn8' wet with olive or ootton8e6d 011 . people. yon htlve t~ Elen, . ~Vit'llln' , r Qent lt~~:::~r·&'~~ir~~eJ~ll l . Local No. ,' " ' yea.l·s' tbe ntall order prOpOl!lt,lon bus ver7lrood Il Hel'MfterrorthJjt erJ're&IOIImothen'l teeI ot Publio Alfail'l\. lilh' at oourt may take. fire, The8e OUI are like. 'I'he reported. IIhortage in t he prioe i,een ' Mmewhut bot,b er!lclllit'. l.'b~ ~~~&.~.Ib~gtU=c:.rIt:~~B:: :~~::: Distance No. 69 ..3r ' h01ll8, ,&,02 ' Lebanon l'Iltriot. pobly to get rnto any pile of rubbish. , o f cranberries will probably be ao ' t 1 Iabelt-andnonetilUia mildJctne.eleel'munb7 _1. • • rt'lf I " Qditors of t.he conn ry pllperl!\ llAV. la,'lfbeon&heJabel, And Waao\on!,...I•• bu&I' '" I 11....... Ille proo .ma'to~ of LOSET FIRU. oepted as an eltoose for I'!lising the clone mote tllfl.n IlII otb('" iotloences =:~~8=Jh=~~~I~~,,:: local optiOD eleaUoll, ,11.50, ; Warren Many ~ree "tart ill olosets ,from pr1ce of turlleysll!lon" to win yOllr ba ine"l1 p'rUl!Ularl"nth,our~.lIIItAon b&~~ 8ranch Offl'ca~ HarvevsburG' O· ., abou~ 'I'll" ok!! Cl 0 mblned , ' Dr. Shoop'. OquI'b CUre. Compare cantnU,. &he rea8 1 ,,"..!mee, IPriDtln l PtJIThtlll'll of raaha"l, a CoaIS 1 overalls, and from giving time. ' back Into normAl , chnnneill tlnd t n ~rt=.:! ~.::r1O~~~'t8l'l~~ ~= omu olothl ,Uted in o1Ungth& floor. &Iv. reconvert the fArmer HI th e " logical ahra). be onthi"'lIGewdeme n4Jnl' Iooa " .....011 e BOtioD, 16; BarmOD, npaln 'If Tllr'leoreek enftreefrom the Ip1tlngofgreuy A Chicago man IlHhef1n' bQnleliradi\lg . · .HATH'A WAY townahlp'18.7I, olothiDg ID ol086t8 lIave bappeD,ed died aDd gone to he)) ~nd thlnks Do not let it be ~!Did in yuur COlD·' & • JU .... U ' "-_ ... • _. In Ohio wi&hln two yearl. Th8118 Itllno'ubada.,laoeas p~each ' h I di ' C \.s,1t:l8l .. el-.uDgDenUI' lUi l'lrepclllIIItII.-I-'''d 08 wbat . . . . "_ Sr. 'WOuld have conaumeel tbe en .1' It ", Bat all' l°l'lloe In KeYIi BId!'. MalnlH' that the DeW t!O houee aDd been repor*1 u of un· doeen', explaiD ' to hi. paper. 'M ate hiJll prosperona " ~~~=:~==~~~~~~~ ...~ 19 DlaeJi. 0JIiiD bad DO' BOlDa ODe retarD to Blade. and tQ1U'eelt ~ in dolDI It. If DIALERS" Sablcribe
Tbe Alpha Chemical Go,
' CGug'h 'CaU tio • ' ' ' n WALTER M,
,long ,WA"NESVlllE", OHtO
0-· Shoop's
h~ ::;tt~~~:t:"()~na~;:l1r;:,~ ~Bel
0 DUh "AU.
Di4.H.E .
fo," the (A.tte
1 II
'~~~C'l ~.~~Ma~ I ' ~~~I~.~,~IGRAND- -----.,.... . . -- -
, 1Io'1"iI' l': IN AI. I. I·:N li lA.,: .. ~I :IIII :;I... ·t>\ \7AI.I.HY )I'I': I.I'WII 'INI':' ' ·A I. I. N il. II :! I, . I...
'I! AN b: ,
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M'LIIIII( r iGiven
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'Phe re will bA I~ nanll C;IlIloert OD thfl treet.s ',l'hnrtld!l.Y evening. The Ilt':lll lll ll LueulH. l'(!r II lle .0;, . IU c WUVllBl:lville band joined witb the H el10 11l1: L.,·al•. hl ack r'uw. p er h.... ( · I .u;~ 1tI II ,\\111 , li n t. tI., "Sl't ' 4' d II\' ~' Jt IW~. Spriril;boro bllnd will gi ve Ii ooncert, , '1· lJ. ro ~ ll1 :t l' r l t j Jn ~ · ~ r;r. 1 t111~t wllJ b (l 0.' winuer. -lln'l ••r 'J'lla ll k ~ '!:IC . 1t hUM bt4eu our wish tlntl w e NI)oke Hr~ uh' llo" , .r.ue . ~ r., . nf ii, t:' u IlIlWY tim es eliil.ol'illlly uda lH. ,.t... . WI" le' ,~ h , I~tl I", 111 ,\ '],1)I' jll .' j AC1 v,· '· Il , III ~ . IlCI· ltwh tlu H nK the I~kt !!I urn mer. but tl.Je rlle n lltnnts- the onAsa ullnd conoert - - -- - - - - - - - -_ _ _ wuulll iut.erest-dirlo it seeni lik e WI;;oN I~5W '" Y, (le'I'OIH:!t 7. \!IOH . tit Y wllIltecl it, tlnd Ule whol,e SUUlmer went bv wlthollt e ven ~ straiu Welt I.It Lluunt.v fuft· ill over. I from II. brKs~ b~nll. '1'lIere ill DO reBILOD why tbere Wltll t Utlx t ( should b.e DO blind bere ILDd ODe in We uul .v wi ~ lI U ,) W thtH Lbe Ie _ wbo/11 the olti:l.ens wOllld take great pride- lI.nd " gund bllDa Is a souroe t lou \VII S OVtl l', to,I. of town pride- llod it briDgsa crowll Wouue r ,w ho 'lI Ull leot etl l1r esi to lio wn /lnll ~ orowd m ellns more II~ ·~U IIn y one tell ?
RateN or Advertisementll
money and more people to come to towo wh'o oll.turally g o tq otber places wbere tliere are attractlon8 to drllW I.he;'u. . One w ercbllnt ~ tands ready to ~!Ub8oribe $60 fot tbls pur)ol!e for nllxt. tlunlwer. Are there others ? If there let us know. anH we will publisb them a·nd let people know whllt they can expeot for th e clw ing BunuDer. . ~gai'n if the bund boys oould ooly kDow ~bat they wer8 wtlDted for tile l4Ulllm er tbey oOllld get together this winter Qnd praotloe for the ooming tlllWmer'tl oonoert!!, Let Uti hear the sentimeut of a rew Of.ollr UlerohllD ts, and here's to' bllnd eoncdrts for 1909 ! JOSEPH J. CRANE
Dou't fO"gtlt t he to nlgbt. 1t will be' II. t(()od . O UIl , .. Ild you can n ot "Word t il III I!'!H It. .
':aestoreci to Health By: Vmoll
"I WIlJI sIck, run-down lind finnlly The fuir at Leba-non WII S a good had to give up work. Atter trying one t his y ea r. Al t~ough it struok a Dumber or re medies and seve\"&l ph,. . sld ans. I wa.s j Ul t nbou t ready to gi ve U oold ' /lv e, y et peopl e cu me tm tl up In despair. I saw Vlnol e denjoyeil e ver ythin g f roUi the first verUsed nnd ' de Ided to try It, dllY t.o t h e last. and It bas done more good' for 'fbe llepllrtment.!\ we rt) nil we ll me thnn all other means combined. II l bas built m e up snd' resto red my tiled nnil tbe'.s tu 4 pem! Qoull ' nt strength unlll I now.fllel tweu ty years ho ld Ilnotber hog . .'I ho h alls w ~r e younge r. and a m able to a LL nd to Dl Y crowded with good ·s toff·. nnd most work again as usunl." Job J eavons of it waS Dew nnd bright. 1036 LInd street, \o\'heell ng, W. Va. ' The reason Vlnol Is 8 0 8uceessrul In 'I'he underground t unne l wus u ISUCh cases Is because it conla lns tonle ti UCCe s, lind e verylJody ()I1 t bo Iron and all of the s(renctbening g round took II. wRlk t,Lru ll J,{h the . blood-makl ng and body·hulldlng el e. tunnel. twd It liS u ,leoicleu hllprove·· men ts pt cod li ver 011, bu t no 01 1. meut 10 t b l", lilUe. Vlnol Is \ln elCC ll ed 'us a s trenglh '!'he stllnus h lld 11.11 iHlen repai red[ tor old people. d ell cal ·hlldren. weak, ru n - do~n persons. and after Imd the traok WIlli in the b6~ t c f oon_ slckness-Bnd. Is the besl know n re mdl'tion for the r'tlces aud much lutol'- edy tOI' coughs, colds nnd. bronchll lR. est was oentere,d in t h" race traok . We retu rn your mon ey It Vlnol ta lla 'fhere wel'e lots of con061:1siOIl8 on to give satlstacllon. the grounds, and Illl blld II gocu .J . E. JANNEY, Druggist, obllnoe to !:Ipeocl their w oney . I Waynes ville. Ohio. George W. JlI.ok . owned' by' Be l' _ _ .. __ _ _ wlI.I1ller, of e lnoinf111 ti , won t.he , fiOO PUBLIC' SALE staktl rlloe, th& fellt.ure of the . Four starters went to the p ost for the event. Brownie Herr waEj the 1 will tloll n t pl;1 bli c Ructio o a t my fll.vorlte. All i:be bell.ts wera close. resitJ ence three Ul l16S IOU til-ea st of The favorite, was ullable to get· CElntorville on th e Nutt r and
. '-
..' . . I
Thursday EvenIng on the .Street·--Combt nabon Hand of Waynesville and Springboro-·-Let ,, ' EveryBody Turn Out to Hear Them.
Was II Su(:cess from Weather Was Clod Though
Uah!1t of •' ubs 'riplil)n t '\,
DA -" N ' D C ' C-ED ·.'
Sui/s Worl h $15
$ Hi
200· wel l New Fa ll Suits made by Mkhacls-Slern &: Co., R.ochester, . Y. ·
'rh il-; • Pt: 'ia l lo t of
ui L'l was made
up "£01' a IUI'g e E Il." l~ l'n re tail elltab-
li!!hment t ll hI:! r tltaile<1 at $15 to $18. F I' ce r ta in reasons the orde r was cancell ed. Mr. ohen stepped in and pU l'ehased t he entire lot-. The sui ts a re h ere r eady f or your inspectiun . A look will co nvince you that Lhey a l' wonde rful values. f ur S ui ts wo r th $15 t o . $18. made by Michaels- tern & u.
$12. 50
better thaD lIf'oClnd iD ·aDY be,:,t. 'l'he Wednesday October 7,1908 ut 9 a. m. I"UIWISHINO:S. first be"'t weIlt to Ueo. W. Jllok . tbrougb the g ood horsem11nship of Si x heud of b orllefl llrtd mule!!, can- $1.GO , $3.50 and $4 new hats. B~t hl'lI drt· ver. Uu u"l·rou. Ella. . . .U. . rtll' cke".. slstlug ot oll e lellln of good farw h in Ame rica. 'rhere WR~ luts l! f t o bucco lost by oft' t.he second heat witb Ueo. W. orse~ b" tl.J good iOHltI IiD e bon!ell, t be late trost,s bn t iL 1s I.i ) pe huped Jack lIaound. 'l'he Ulnolnnati borlle one good mnre. llnd colt five m untbs theD tJok the old, two ~ ei I. broke mulell, coming t bfLt t he beet WIlS ptLVel1. next two boats and.. d5 ld 'l'h '1 h $5)000 the raoe. In the first beat tbe tiwe an . yellrs o . ree rul a cows .. III b f b b d f I .'Phe white ui'o rnlu8s wake UIO was 2 ' 151/ th f .. t t fth oDe W e r E'S y !~y 0 sa e. . / ., e ..8 es 0 e seaBon "" P I d "b ' I f feejlika I(Oili g IIHer lIutS IIlld s tain · 00 the Leb t k S . " IX , 0 f\.O ..; Inll sow!'. A at a alJon rau. ummarles : Ohicken!!. 'J.' walve a u res corn io ·iIl I-( Q UI' liaIl.d 8 tiS of· 'yUJ· ~ . 2 :19 olass plI.e,iug. purtie ,200 : fi e ld IUlI1 uine uor us t,o b110CO in s bed. Higbland Hoy . ... .. ...... ...... ii 1 FllI' UI implements - three Inrm. .fhe Magic IS Puzzle, 'I'be t! b ulm'tl ti f I b.e I:i Igli Bohool Marie Wrigbt, ...... ..... ' .. .. .. 1 [i " .wagou li, wheut binder , col'u blntler , Can You Solve It? IlI'a II.fler thtl JUo s " , Ilud it js t o lie Bertb. B. ........ . .. ..... .. .... .. 2 3 :~ feed mill. corD sh&ller, MoCormiok l b ped t oattluiy wlll get it. Sadie ~nowdeD, .. .... .. .. .. .. . a :l Ii mower, brellkin g plo ws, fl;lrtilizer t 6 !Jon 't fall to oowe to town 'l'hurs. Sir Robert, .. .... ........ ~. .. . .. .. " .j 2 wheat drill , buggy surrey. spring day Dlgbt. ,till there will be a gl,'8.nd 2 :00 TrottiDg , purse $SUO: wllgon , two bug bO.Dses, two se~ concert by two bands. It will be .. 5 Bessie B . .. ... . ........ . ... .... ., 1 1 1 b ~ggy. hllrness. tobaooo sprayer, hay wortb your whiTe ton ~ bere. to amuse the ohildreD and give a Pear~B, i .. ... ....... .. .. .. .. ... ... 1.1 :l ' 2 lu.dders. w.u.lking oultivator, ~ernlR . Former Residents word' 'bappy oheer. In f!l.ot he Dr. Stll.wdal, .. .. .. .. .. ... ....... . [i :t 3 transpltmter; rliso htLrrow. bl\.y load4 '['ogetl,ier wittJ Lil t: long ({ro ugbt wae a frieDd to every body. Buok A thai.. .... . .... .. ... ..... . :& Ii ! er, hay rake, hay tedder two riding .. tid th tt fr08t oowlnl!; ItOOIl. Ule 11001 . In lJenver, . (.Jul. , Illst &turliay, ~Drrounded by kinJ and 10viDg 2 :25 ola~s paoliDg, pu~@e ' fi OO : 'corn Illo~!! . hu .V fork, rope Ilntlpul. DJRIW'I'lONS- Plllce · the oumben 1 • . farmer thinks t ll .. t Ihis y ~ar h .. !! Ubwber 1908, Mr. ErDellt BarD- obildren who admlDistered ·to bi!! Geo. W.•jack. .. ... .. .. ... 1 2 1 1 leY1!, two corn planters. chi okeD :I, 3 , ~ , r,. 6. 7. ~ . lIrid U In the nloe ul1res, on ~bls or a aoparute abeet at been Il poor one ',,,I' hun sllrely . bart was married to Miss . Elina every WIlDt., aDd wbendisease w"st.ed Ella 1'4, .......... ... . : .. .. ..... ? l ' 2 a broodars. oollars. linet,4, roller, har. s(j paper In Buell a way lhat each v.. t'Ucal Speoht. Erne/lt bas beeD In ·Denver hUI body there was always a soil or BrowDie Herr..... .. .. ... . 3 ' 4 3 2 row, forke, .sbovels, rakes. bog beds, column and each borlzontal line and dlllgonBj line will make 16 .Muoh fav Ornllltl oQlIJ1.ent hll.l' for &< good o.any yeus aDd.·bae 8 da.n ghter OODS~Dtly at bls bedside, K.dama8Jr ., .......... .. ,.. . 4 3 4 4 gravel bed~. l;Iiokle gri~der !!eed eacb To all ae.ndlng U8 a oorrect 801ulloo o'f lois pu .s.l.. we wm RI~e. raa. or been h eart.! on tbe It'trtltlt Ilnd In goOd positit)n there. 'The newly . He .W!l.lI a mem~r of the Unl verOn Friday all IlnxioDsly aWlliteq sower. horness bridles. OHAHl.a:. A S OIfo BO OK contalDIDg 60 OLD b cnnel4 here sin . oU!, laltt , 8ne, In married pair will go to bouse keep- ~lsd:~~Ch . an~ lD t~e t~l~ belle~ tbe bORinning of' the rlloes . Tbougb Household goods-one B08B raDge FAV0 1UTlC b Or.OS, wttbwoRD8 and IID8 1(/ aod val uli llle l'rlz6S. oonneotion with tllultic ' In ~h~ illg IwmediRtl'ly in tbeir own borne. a or 1m ,gre~ . ap rltua .1I ~engt ".loho B" wal tbe . favorite before one bed room suit, thrhe 'bed9 Ilnd Otber W1NNlIdS will 00 NOTIFIED by Iun•. .Send sohools, lind l~ We sentiment in. The' Ua7.eUo . exteDds ~o tbem best 8D(1 as.the end approaobed blS oon- tbe start he sucoeeded ' in wiODI~g ~dding , 011 rpet!! , 2r. yds , curpet. nev· your 8olutlOn and your name ':lod addre8.1 crell"leil It Qllght to "e attended I... wl14hes. ' .viotioD8 were : oDly second moriey In tbe ' chief ar been u!leq, one. good extension I'I .AI NI. Y \VIU TI'R N. to )y ~he' sohool bOllrd be/ ore long. ' ''1'1\111 no'~hlog WBlkB wHll .llrU"HS re~l , race of tbe afternoon " "Yellow tI~ble, dhlhel', rooking cbah·s. Morria A ca d from Mr. E. E, Liddy says 'J bill oo~ one life .ball be de8tr~ved . Ham'mer" ta:ldllig first m~Dey. 'l'be obair. chql'ns. ore~. Dl Bellarator. e. . . ' Or cast lIS rubblsb to tM voId, .. DELAWARE COLl.EOE tbu he bati been'· trailsferrtld baok . WheD Ood haa Diade bla pile ftOmpl et.e,' fastest timeiDad,e Friday w.s .2 ;16~. orocks anu Jllrs, mIlk· caDS, lo,wn Fourth and JeffersOn su., ~ ~recei veil ~bl! followlDg breezy to Denver: " BDd . wRn'tll his paper' Uebolcl l we kOow OOt any thlog '; . mower, wnshing macblne aDd wringlJayton~ Ohio. let.ter II. lit.t Ie late. f.or publioll,t.ioD tranl'1f~rrel1 Be also adds .' r cao but truat that r ood sball 1011 . 2 :15 Paoe-:.Purse '300 . er. Bnd everything used In geDeral I t 1 '1 Yellow Hammer 1 1 1 All angwers mUlt reoob UII Dot lolter tbola I I · last week. froUl onr old friend, Mr the folkS l\fe all well . At as~. 'lr 0 ... at aa to a , . , ... ,... ... .... holltlekeeplng. October Jr•. Answers 00 Wltal carda pre' Aod every winter change to .prlng. John B. Jilok ... . ;..... .... ... .. 2 2 2 . Terms: 8ums of ' 5.00 and under terred . . . C . 3 3 -I it: E . •J. U1UtnOny: DurlDg the w ~eJc jnst passed Dill. ' Hia .m ission was (QUilled aDd lameless. .. .. .. ... ... ........... ' :l oasb, .over that amount; 11 Otedlt of . "'!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIw~re hilS been tbe soeDe of unusual Tile foliowiDg announoewent hlu!' .while. we oan Inot omi9r1taRd wby Mary Gale . ...... . .. .... .... .. .. :. 5 4 12 months"wlll be gi ven 1.·wo lipaotivltlel...·· . ' b"en reqelved by relativea' beD8: our frleDds muet. leave us. "Whllt AUlltln Burns . .. ........ , .. ;.. .. " {) :l proved 8ecuritie B will be required , lid ~torieni.t bft.v e come tbro~" Mr. aDd Mrs . •l.ohn Olark Oollett ~6 )tno~ liot now , we sball know 2 :35' Trot-Purse ,SOO. 1 '' . , .r~)HN 'PROP/:,S . ' Veterinary Surgeon ~nd DeDtIMt. lug back. gll\d to bll alsln withlp' ailDQUnOe' tbe mllrrillse .of tileir hereafter," ~or the waYs .of the ·inBe.t ty S, .: .... . ... :'.'.. ~ . .. ,... ... ~ 2 ' ·A_ A. MoNlCil., Allot . tbe portllilt IIf old' Ohio Wesley~p. d!'ugbter, ' Eate)1o, to ·Yr. FraDk finite are not our ways. And to J. ,0 , Simmone ... .... eo .. ... .. .. ~ .J. B. HIMEll. Clerk, New studeutll 111110. by the hun. Ch~rles Werkmei8ter. aD Tburs~y day wbile we thiDk tbat "Eartb's Judge Ta.ft ... ... ... 3 3 H. MYElRs, Luncb. At Home on ~turday Afternoon. dredsl1ave put, iD their appearance eveni'Qg. Ootober the. first. DfDet60n 1ast pioture,ls palDted aDd the t·oPes Peerles8 Sbore, ·.... ... .... ....... Ii -I tj __- - Ilud were dilly and klodly guided bnucbed auc:1 eight •. Dayton. Obio. are twisted and dried IlDd tb.e old KeDtucky Wiggins ......... .. 6 .~ \I . A HealU1Y Family. At B OOle after November the est oolorlt are faded "Yet tbere Lady Nioholas ... .. .. ,.... .... .. -I u 'a througb the intrlctlte wftZ~fI of 1 11- . ' " Bellb k B 7 ,,'I 'QUI' \'IIhole family bas enjoyed ' -",=========~=== . ....trloyJI'lJ.j)n .-aD(l ge~tlng settled for first. 48 ..1o·ne.!! street. DlI.yto!-" Ohio. it! a oollutlful . ~emory of a fat,ber, . roo aron,.. ..... ..... .. good beo.lth s ince we began u81n g ~tlte . term bv ,I.J.i08e wbo bad been _.. .bro&her, uno.lea,nd friend •• : Tbe election of members of tbe li>r. KiDg's New Life P.ills, three The Cause of Many n'e~ '~he'wsei VAS o~~ . . G.' 't 0 'he ' blOod. tr you are to Sto . mlloh tr;u~e: w.~·uld more Ifair bOllrd was bel!J at .3 0 'Clo,c k Frl; yenrll II.go, " . SAYS L. A. Br.artl.e t!. of . , . V . , d ft d tb folio In';' Rural Route I , Gullford , MRlne·. Sudden Deaths. After tlie ' week!~ busy proparu· drive out RlaeumatlltlD ; A Wisoon. qulokly ill8appeair if tbe Idea of ay a er,Doon a.n , e w., They cler.aDse lind t Ooe the system · LIOD, adjudilllent of 1I0hed.u lesll.ud 8 '&In physiolan, D.r.8boop, d98S' tbil 'treati~g the,odulle. ratb~r than the were eleoted by tli~8e hQldingmem · in a gentle wuy tQlIt 'does you good There is a disease prevailing in tbis bOllt .of ()~her ma tIer", tbe nlighty wU,b bls Rbenmatlo' Remedy"':'an'(1 eifect, would .oome Into praotloe. A bersllip tickets; Olle year. .1. D. ~{)JI nt Fred C . t:ioh wart z's drng !:Itore couutrymost dangerous because 110 decep. ~meobti.nisrn of')bio . Wesleyan is Itt witb sa",mtDg ' IIliOOesR. · RUb.OQ ·S~ t~~y, IDfi.tde, biddeD . nerva.says Dr. 'NixoD · W. O. Gustin Howard An--,. I . tive. !\1anysudden . ' k ' J' 'd k' E ' B R 7 .. , . . . ' ~ deaths are .clUtlled ,. . . " s."ys . tbe . doctor. never elld' oure. Sho{jp. guv""rD8 8.Dd givfl8 str~ngtll full .wotklng Qrder. A year full of Rb.eumatism. hlil more thllD s&ln to the stomao.h. ·A branoh also goes derso~, ,Frlln . 8 111 . a er. . . og WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES • ~ by it-heart d!s. ' el'ity tlnd !!llco.eM~ deep-It. Ie ·lloni!ti. tn~ion .. l. alll'V'a.,s. ·to .the Btlart·, /tDd ODe to tbe Kid · ers. aod Frank Hloks.. Two yearl!, • ease. pneumcxna. ,llfornilltl . "'.r Q8p ... nv before ,.. . b ese "lIIsi . d e net\' tl8 " A. D. liuiit b , ueo ' . W· heart failure or opens .o tt,· One th0\1tl8·Dd BeC)"U8e .o f tbis pl'\nolpltt HI'. Shoop:'!! ~eys . W ll;eo~·t . Cal'ey, Sam [apoPlexyarepften antI two arf! er.arollei\ "1' to tbe pres Rhoomlltio H~m6dy If! perbaps the fall.. theD tbe organs mu~t falter. F Ironl4 .lohn ·· Dunhum .Iohn Q. Orthodox Friends Churdl. _ ","1 . lhe result of kid" '1 '. most popular in existenoe. It I(oell Dr. ~hoop'8 Restorati'Ye is ·direoted B' ker . 'A Jameson • lI · v. Il"njaml" lI a\,.ltln',l'll. lor. I. ney disease. If . ent, whl~h it! II. g~~n over . !tst yeRr at by word of illoutb from oile to sp8!)lflolllly to thesl' failing Derves . II. • ' " ~a llllat" Suhuol. \I :au a. m. HCKUI3 r " hurCh ~ . ,I r ~ kidney trouble is ~ -1 ~" f\' lcc, I0 ;~ O Il . 11,. o" l,rlijU "u FJnllea.YOr. ~ . _ ~ l' ~ allowedtoadvance thilt time. A mare tlntbu~ft,stlo . anotber. everywbe·r e. . (ir_teful pu WlthlD 48 bours after· stllrting , tbe body of student,". one tbat bus... tieD.hl glauly spre_d results. I~ til R6jiltoratlve treatment." plltientB8aJ Where Bullets Flew. 7 :au I'· UI . .:~ ., lhekidney-poi60nits pre(Jideut ' an aot of·humaDlty\ to tell tbe they 'realize a galn.. ·Sold by all David Parker of Fayette N Y ·H · k't F' • d CI t • _ - ed blood wm atgreRter. ' relll)ec,';!i'for .' of II wily '0' health. Tell some Sl01l dealer!! . . . , . ' ..., . Ie SI c raen s nlrc I. tack the vital organs. causing catarrh of and otiArill~el:l Ol.ore · :!inotlroly ,the ·one. Sold by all dell'iers. _ .. a veteran of the CIVil war\ . wh~,lol!t 1,' h·i:o t.Day M Ut! I1" ~. IU'ou II . to . FlI'st t>ay the bladder, or life ki<;1neys' thetnselves JEWISH . COLONY IN 'OHIO a .foot- · at UeUysburg. says I :r'he cl. >01, II ;U(I iI . m .. I"n ur~lt Da'y 'w etlng break 1l0 \ Vll ali<I waste f\\\'ay 'cel~ by cell. ,11:oiY.e rsity,. I<.Ie"ls. , w~l,lld iudeed be ' , ' g.o od Eleotrio .Bitters,' ba'v~ done 18 10 :00 a . tn . . " Bladder troubles almost always result . . • ~• , . worth .morli'tban five hundred dol. . ' froOl 0 uerrin~elUent of tile kiuueys alld ' dlftioult Hdlaid. . . -..- . PASTOR.',S PROPHESY A faot 'D ot generaUy f!;ilOw i8 tb"t }"rs 'to ine:: 1 8·pe'nt~uoh. money Christian Chur~h. a cure i!! obhtUlel{ Juickest by a proper l'~;~~~ :!I~let:~~:~ ~:::!tI~: agf~:; --- . . ' a' CQlony of ..Jews :exists iD ClermoDt doctoring tor.a bad.caMe of B~Dlaoh Rc \'. Georg" Hall, l"a M r . ~~~~~J!~ ~~~Ib:a~;i ri:~{~ 1!! )~is:~!e~; W hu.t ma.y be te.r.rued Il pecn, liar' oounty compo--" of elg' ht . fA.m~I· lee. tronble, to httle purpose. I tben d ' IIdllYS~h091! '(I:~IO I. on , Hllgulnr Hcr vl~eB taking Dr Killller's Swamp-Root the lle "Mllng' mau"nl.ll.inoult shr. n.b. give to ...,.. ,.. tried' Electric ' Blttoflrs and tbtlY llle I""l Sun,lu), ur l h~ UlOlll h. 10 ; :IU Ii m" . t .k ·d · r Ibl dd •d ; 'D.r. ,l::!hQop·s Cough R.e ruedy its our- ooiclnde~o. B'III men tloDed in COnnec- -Dd tbfl8e people are . eDgag'ed iD ' ad. d l ' t k" th and 7 :au 1'. 111 . ~rl!>l l a li li:i,d ca v Clr . .. :30 grea " 1 ney •. r v~r.o!l( . a er ~Dle y. . '11 kll ' d e oure me . DOW a e em 11.11 It. J1 on . It corrects lIulbihty lo bold nnne and /loti ve properties; • 0 ng or ry tio, n.· .the rain which fell In War- rlooUure: an. to wb, Ich tonio, and tbey keep me st·roDg and scalding p ai n ill passi ng it. aud overbronoblill cougbs .qnickly and.ll8lel;v ., d " I I • "0 ... d 0 S Il •• ll' t i t 't f "-- ' ·tbi's hi ably Rft'eotlve Conah r~Q ~O~, n~y lilts . '. Qun4a·, nlgll,t II.D. tbelle peopl,' a~e pot . . greatly given: 'lVe " u po at J! re . 0 war.z Methodist Episcopal Clwreh. t;omes .n \Inp easall roecessl yo ' ucm" yield to ,.. .. M d l hi drug store. , c O Ulpe l~ed to go of len t~lrol1gh the day, ·medioine. Dr :'!lloop 1\8SUr68 mOrih- . o~ ay ulornlDg. n . l' ~erll:1O.n In many . American oi&iel\'theJewlsh • _ . ' s «RevS' 'IV , '11' · IJO~lol.l land . pa~~or ' l and to get up Ulanv tlIllt:S durin .. the . w.Ith S!'" f At y KIVtl a~ tb .. · I" Sil q~ "'-y Iquarters . . .beyo~d the ' STATR ' IBGAIRD . ~ .J a , m. I.uurll n ~ ser • ht t-P en. t h~at th ey . CllO' . e Pt8S b· y":,,r , ~n · 0 b ur ob ." , : orowded OF HEALTH ,'Ioe,UUlO :UO CalU' Om.I I!Jl'wor~h LcoKue•. 1 :OQ p . IIlg . .TI I' ~ nJl'Id a n'd tl. Ie exrao~u\JIary · u"i,o IW u vtlry . young, b'i.ble~ • . ~ ~ I eveniug. , Rey, 'Mr, . G.ow~'y tooa for ~ v,osslbillt, of s""nringeveD oMtnary; ' . .' . ...• Ill . Evening Ntlr.vla~ , 7 ::10 p. no. MIdweek d fc;ct of Swnm~Root . 19 . ~oon reaUzed. opium. O.l~lo'boformf ·?~i~IU,~eIY hill subjeC~ the BI bliclIl words, U fiet iJrlvaoy ,:aDd to reUeve tbis oOD', t'ltionTbe 6th o;feren~e' of ~he Obio Pr IYe,r Io1m lnt::. d b II· II\' . ~~l:!:no~\~~~n~~f~I~~~r!~:it:~~c::~trfUl notllhig .Qrflh or arol p . Oil, PIli' U '~i" . ..t·hIlDka fo~ OUf' Viotory' " ,. r: "- .L Ith' J ' ' . I ed b'" Id . State Board of IBa-Itb w'III mbe" In s,,,junp.Root is pleasant to take alld ha the dist·rell$lng cough-, iUld beilili. tbe " U .v e :1 ..... . , .. " ·a w_ y . ew 'COD08. y. t e ea .. v St. Mary's Episcopal Church. , ~old ~v all druggi sb ill /i'fty-cent lind' tlensltive mellolbrane!l. Accept .rill meaniog tbem to .r:eler. t.o tb.e ~Ill,e. ' 0' e!ltablisblng alrionltllral oolonlelt Dayton, Taesdll,y and Wednesday, Re ,' . J . F. 'Il,h.all ..dltr. Hecl(,r, . oue-do.l!ar si7.e bottles. VOII Dlay bave.• other. .Demtinu Dr, ·Shoop'8. Sold tenipei'lllloo victOry· wbioh WRS aO- of Dsaf the great olttes wbtllh. October 20th and 218t the Y. M. C, ' unday aboot. II ;uo 11., 11\ Morntn" ser, sample bt;ltllt: of this wO'nderful new'di!l-by ~Jl dea·lllrtl. , . OOIllplillbed 8IUurda.Y. DllrlDg the.' ibould be devoted to the .members di vtct!. 1U :30 a. Ill . Holy ~oll'\mulilou Il,e IITS.t covery aucla bool.: that tells ·oU.boat it, . _ _ _...__~ .•_ -- - . . A. au tarlom. . s uudlly, of eJch mouth. bClthsenlfrcebYlloail. Address,Dr.Kil. THOUSANDS D~OWNED loourtle of tlhi . serml;)n ·be mllde tht' 'Of bta raoe·. TO' tbls , ·eDd . maDY A good program hd beeu al' lIler & Co:. Dingh(lmton. N. Y. W~en statement 'hat Buch g.)od work aorfl8 of Kroond ,!ere boulht, and raDged.for the 8esilons. and in all St. Augustine's Cath.olle Church. mention. reading this gene"u. . ' olIer ill this paper . 'Oon 't make allY a B e f Ilr- .• tract Dear AmeHa. ooDtalDa 300 probabilUy 'rboulI~nds have been drown8l1 iD . ~ould not go unrew Ind e. Beait·b Ofti~er Ellia ~ill Father Gtorge Miloyenboe(er. Pa.tor. mistake but rememi>enhe name.SwaDlpoo . IDd.Ia, tOWDS wl--" out,lln area mll611 tber, sta. ted tMt,as ihera wlls .llothl~1I .aoree.· of ' It. Thla ill D . ow· OooDpted at~Dd from here. I lIl\l.". eve"y !!e~o",1 S ~ndal' of tlle .mOlltb U Root, Kilmer's SwaDlp-R~ ItDd Ul. I"'" V · UtI:I . W . . ; - • Mi In extent tnrned to liD lalar)(\ sea .wbiob tile ocunty waa more In D86!l aDd ' worlled 'eight famlllra of ----- . Plhemwn, N. v,. . _ .... II.nd the bodies of flood viotlipit fOllnd of .. t the pr~nt tirQe tb4D raiD, be Jews, ~d all art> prtlfl!peronl ' aDd LET US VE YOUR ,,\~ged tD-f,he ' branobe, ot tbe ·treell fir.m ly believed tbat It Vlould ral~ ,oor.....poudYall:r, happy. A ' .yu'VO]lU~~ WE WILL aDd liDtDg tbe banks Qf the Iwollen belor" the week ·W•• Ollt. A • .if in ,~~ t'O be ereo$ed .ftflr • . ttme JOB , Taf~· pic .treama, as ~be' IA~\11& 'Of .. floocl IaDllwer to Ilia' word•• h_vy aDd .~ tha obi14ND may lit do... b,. GIVE' THE I[...,~.::.... tba$ t. DOW r.vaatDl tb. DtOUl teo 1111"81,.111, raiD feU 1...11 ,parte of lb. 1M.... of I'cita: ",,4 Tile UnitedStut.e8courtatOwens- Passed into Eternal life Last Friday and Was Buried Monday horo. Ky ., fOllnul,be Kentuck.Y Coal . . Miulug compllny. Il cc.rporatI 00 In Miami Cemetery. bll lIiug tl. number of Millwt Vl\l1ey t1 I t .J ullt all tbe If-Il Ves begio to fall stook holden, to be per f eo y so ven , ~od the appllolltlon for a reoeiver and the year Islusing the last glow . Tb t I f d DDDecesllary. e OOU~ a so oun at the somm. er Bun aDother loved h d b that ~he affairs of t e 091!lp&DY a ODe has nAllSed to the great beyond. .not been mismanage d I aD d a I so t b at JO'!leph Jackson Orane born March tbe~e ens~ DO ~hortRge of $200,l)00 31', 1829. died Ootober 2• .l90!<, age or any' otbllr 11U1ount. Attorney~. 79 yean, II wontb!!, 1 d."y . N . .BrUlnbraugh, repre~entlug ;he The decell,lIed lellves a wife, four oompany p'roper aDd AUorney ' lUI obUdren', one brotber. tbree Misters Turner, representiDg Indivld)lRI a bost of relatives and frieDds to stookholder8, returned frOID wourD his 108s. Be was a Kenturky , IJoth bavlng WOD In tbe frieDd to the yonng as well 8S tho f ...deral oourt. o Id an d wu· never t 00 b usy or tl r~ d .
Prize Puzzle
.T. O. Mt\.RTIN
Dr. John Hyatt;
Telephone No. 121'
j.... .........
!I I
Waynesville, Ohio.
1the ~''QD'' 1r.&e S~DdaJ Dilb"
. . . ..,..... 01....001 ~.r.
Only a few more Btyan and . 'ltures l~ft. Only 15c each,
The Miami Gazette ' D. L. CRANE.
Trav.l. From tbe da:i'S or Herodotljs and Marco Polo, travel ' has been reeog· ntzed as an educative nnd civilizing experience. A ~' ear on tho continent of Europe III considered the b('st pos· alble "finIshIng" cours fol' lDugll s b <tU1d American youl h wllo~ l) ar~l\ts can alford It; liut It Is not BO om· monly perceh'ed thut a great \nd \'al· l.Iable ad"ance Is st ndlly going on In tbls country by vlrtll or th o Int r· ~bange of visitors between north nnd .outh and e!Ult and wesl It Is a commonplace ·tha t the nlled Stllles IIlresenta gToat dIversity of climate. and tbat It has becn {lCOllled from ~any different nationa. oC widely vary· ing. hablte or life 'anll tbonght. Such '. diversity or element s unit d In olle ,.atlollsl enUty would be a groat s.onrce of weakness were It not for the can· atant travel tor wblch Amerlcll.ns 8xe lIoted. Much of tllis Ie due to the an· nual conventions or nat ional organlza:' ·Uons. Tbe Christian Endeavor society, the NatJoual Educatlonsl aHSO'elation. tbe Orand Army. and many pther bodies meet once a ' year. each ;.tme In a new placo ; ~d special rail· ,road rates Induce largo numbers .tl? "'laIt cities which they might othel''wlslS never· seo. The local pride of those who act u hos ts 'Insures n full !appreciation of 'whatov('r Is of Inter· !eet In the surroundings; nnd ' the In· ilerchange of hospltallly drn W8 poople ~in tbe differ nt st'cUons lUore close· by together, and ghes them an oppor· Itunlty to broaden th olr olltlook and leet ne w p~lnts of view . . In a smaller tWay, . hundreds of trade a ssoolatlons .. nd fraternal orders nre doing the aame thing tor their members. ,; The ifnfiuence ot it , Is probably greater than any ' one can Ilee. declares the iYouth's Companion. It! haa demonr&ted the tact' that hospitality II not , e exclusive polSesslon of anyone action; that communllieB which differ 'WIdely In their views on many mattel'1l may each have good relBon. tor the, . faith that Is In them; and In the end It wtll greatly help ' to· torm and fost.e r ~ reel!nc of national solidarity. Even the galn In mere geogTaphlcal Itnowledge III 10metbJng.. "1 have sebn wonderful cropi of corn and wheat ID my country," ,said a recent western \'tsltor to tlle New England cout, "but tlJIlI is the ftrat time I hnya 9ver s~fla rocke ,rowing Gut of the water."
Thill II a skeptical age, notwlth· atandlnc the fact that tbere are many "easy marks" who CI:l ' be . r eadily "worked" by appeals to tbelr c~edul. Ity. A HiDdoo bYIlDOtlat out in Ohio' had a lively experience owing to the prevalent doubt as to the genultieness of his explol~" . . He ,professed' to hYIl1I0tl:;e ii young gtrl and bury her In • a gTave In sbe was lett tor 'n lne days: But certain unbelle.vers alleged that a 'tunnel led to the grave; .that tbe coffin had a false bottom anrl that the ' girl's p,etended hypnotlll , sleep 'WIthout food was n "fake." So 'Wrought up were some ot th.~ crowd, says the T roy (N. Y.) Times. that there were threats of "gun pl.a y" and general commotion. T he excltllmenl calmed down, but while it lasted lhere 'Was every prospect of a . row. T.he mM trom Ohio ,nowadays much reo l emblee his fellow·Amerlcan from Mis· HourI. He wants lo be shown. . .
. The post Office ~epB.rtment makes an announcement which' will be (If Inter· naUonal Interest,' The concurrence 01 the British postal officials having been o/:ltalned. an order has been ll1sued tha.t, commencing August Hi, , there shall be admitted to ·the· parcel·post malls ~xch anged between ,the U~lteel State8 and Gl'eat Brltahl parcels. with· out regard ' to tbe value .or the ~~n. tente, which d.o. not exceed 11 Dounds or ~ve .ldlograms' tn weight no. meas· ure more than . three feet Blx Inches III length and 81x feet In lengtl! . lind girtb combined. The postage rate 1n the United States for parcelli' gfllng to. Great ~rltaln Is 12 cents per poun~ or fracUon of a I', ound. :r'hls addition to parcels 1l0st facilities wi ll 'prove • notable convenience. There ,might well be more such at· tacks on summer resort. marriages ' III was given on a. recent S'\nday tit the Vlcar.general of the Catbollc 4iotese of Trentot;l, N. J. A pl·asure r&sort bad ad vertised tor' a cou ple to be married In publlo. and the vlcar·gen· eral devoted a sermon to tbe matter. This III the ' way' divorce ~ockets are recruited. It IB esUmated by experts In the ag. rtcultural depl\rtment tbat nUs an· Dually damage the crops or the coun· tl7 to the extent of '1'60.000,000. whleb 11 vaBtly more than ani· m'al~' Bklns. are worth, even wheo made Into lIt1e Itld glovee.
One adVantllge of Ihe Wrigb. brotben' . itroplan8 II that a bullet Hnt throngh It by IIOme . .aDdU6 :!Oller 18 110l IIk"ly to callie
to colJauH ud clt/De
SIIIII\ obtnl n ~d? .And 10 Habsll.u' cried In the anSul!:lh of hie , hflart: "0 IAJ I'd , bow 10DIr IIhall t: (:r~· . and thou wi! 1I0t h l' a~? FJVf'1l 'cry oul IInto tbee of "Iolence I!olld thaI! wilt D t aave! " ('IRL'S AND CHILD'S FRI'NCH r ~ o Dl rI 10 him liS Ib olll'l h 1It II DRESS. MUlenllia1 Vlalon of H.bakkuk hen"!'n,, were. brass nnd tha t God tha Prophet. wus heyond th reach or hliJ vole . Llut n(!Yl'rlllCI t;S h cried nnll puur d BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" OUL his hf'art h llrden to God . . PREACHEA ,\ nil tit" 11'11 ' 11 qui t h alt come nnd cUou1rlahl, 1M, h7 lUa ,\w",ur, W . ~ I'AIWII ) hfl Wll.i ~tlli . tlwr came a volc'e ~pellk. In,:: to h im, ~lIylnJ.:: crlplure Authority- nook of Hal>· " 1.0, 1 'vIII rulse. u p Ih£' h l\1c\IlIUl R. akkuk •. 3peclaJly :l : 14. that bit t el' lind hnsty Illlthm·. \Vhl h lI uhnkh.uli I he P r,)phN.- Nn.m IR f ro m shall mar h through , th 1)I'E'o Ith o t H e b rt'Jw r oot 1T1 f"R r1lng Lo "('rnbl U l' t'," (..1 0" pass ss th . IlIw"llIng hO liJl!!, /\ .. ta,· 1'114' " (o t 0,1). al) \I' 0. th e land . to 1I0t til Irs." " . 1 rll lrS' 1II r" (for hI" "ounlry's good) . plllc s Ulat ar F rll'l.. r prophet'lI IIf I1I1lI lhO dllte ot A cry of d e p an guish hlll '~ t (rot.\l his t l1lnl"lr~' arc In fi l II h o bsc urltl', at· IlIlllIlJ'll MO Ill O IlnclNlt nUlhor. rcpl' scnt the lips of Habllkkuk, and he fell 10 hllll .\" holon",IOI{ to Irlbe of uwl. olhers th grounll In a swoon. to I ha l o( Sh'lt· II , I:;U8 blus ellltcs that .. ould it be?" as nslled himself. tn hl~ tim .. Hnhn kkuk's lomb WIUI .,hown ·wh II he ngaln cu nle lmck 10 call · at e nl"l In Pat HlIn . li'rom n il o"ld~nces sc lou s n c~8. "that it wus Ood who hlld or Iho book. the period at lho prophe'!y ~c 1118 to hll \'" b en Ilbout IfIO D. • Hab- spoken declnrlll!,; that h> w01lld send blnk ,,1 trltdlth)n.. uST.'e. how,,\·c r. In plac. th ~ huldr.ans upon th land ? It Ing th~ proph i wIth Joel ami Nahum tn s C Ol d loo ~errlble a thin g." tho rel.: n of Jlhml\ssc h. Th "1)'le at lhe " 0 Lord my Gall: ' he cI'I,,11 . IIfUng pro phecy I. poetfcl\1 and 811hllmp. the strophl 01 arrangemenl of th W008 In hIli fac to th havens. " mlno Holy tho . e,·ond chapter bftlng " r omarkalll One, art not thou from eve"lusllu!: ? r~ at\lre or Iho prophecy. The mngnltlc""nt P>I"lm ,ot cha pl er S III call d by Ewald . o Lord. hast thou ordllined ' hem tor "Hnbnkkuk's Plndarlc Ode." and I. a jud anent; aOlI 0 mighty o.)d. but "tlmpos.IUon unrivaled tor boldnMII or thou estnbl1shrd them. tor correctlun 1 on ·IHlo n. ftubllllllty or thought. 11.0<1 'thou Art of purer eyes tllan to beh'ld maJo81Y at 41 tlon. evil an d canst uol look on IDIQult~ ; wher rare lookcsl thou upon them Paris Pattern No. 2617. All SalliS, t hat deal · treacherously. nnd. boldest SERMONET,TE, t.hy lougue when the wlckedl devou!' Allow d.-r'lower d or plalll dimity . I:!tb the man that II more ~igbleou. organelle 01' lawn makes up pr ltlly III The soul whOle eye of faith than h e?" th is design. thllt Is particularly becom· looka through the telncope of Habakkuk ceased his pJ.:dnl, b'll Ing and muc h worn I/ y t.h e . growln/,: God'e promllel alwaye ·beholds there Wl\ 8 no aDswerln" voice. and girl. 'I'h long full ",nlst Is ~ath(,l'ed vilion. fo the ultimate glory pf the prQphet arose and paced back nnd into th e rOllnd yok of luce insert hm God. alld blolls slightly !ltthe frout. Th e ver y Co r H, In ' great aglluUon. It II hard to believe that the .. ,' h y did not God hlllle If uunlah sharI . (ull s kirt Is Iltln h o,1 to thtH Wll lt't prophet who In 1:2 I, crying: his ' ]l opl 7 Why did he gll'o su('h und I' a narroW belt at the mnle rlal . "0, Lord, how long ahall I cry, l)OlYcr Into tile hnnds of so " u:"ked and th e shorl pull' s leeves , a rf! go th· and \hou wilt not hearl even IIU nemy?" h nskilll hlmseU: In \!1' at er ed Inlo hllnds of t hl' In 8erli l'll u{1I1 cry out unto thee of violence, v xsllon ot s pirit. All ni ght IOf,g he ftnlsl}ed with a n a rrQw edging of lac!). and thou wilt not eave'" Ie tho htl'uggl d with the Question. I t Ilesl red thE! llIod I Illl1Y b ' mild eame one Who In 2: 14 Is trl. "Judub bas sinnlld.'· h o crlel\. "but. wi th 10Ug blshol) s leevoa. Th pul· umphantly ahoutlng: . ' For the oh. tb bIttern ess of the [lunlshment t I'll III In fOllr s izes. lwo lo elgh L earth ehall be fllled with the wlll()h Is to fall ut)on tho chosen peo· y aI's. For n cblld of six y aI's th e konwledge of ' the glory of the pIe oL G('Id. Wliat of th futUl'e? Ie ell' 51! reqlllr~s S'Y2 yards of IIlRte rlul Lord, .. thl watere cover the Ihe re then no fulfillment of t~e prom· 27 Inch es wide. :!l):i yards 36 InchM .ea." 11! '6 which God gav ·to Abrrn.ham an d wid e. 01' 2yardll 42 Inches wiele. What oould have lifted Habak. t.o lenacand to Jacob, and t:o aU ·the wllh Ihl: yards ·of InHeW on lind I ~_ kuk from the valley 'ot deepond· prophets sloce that dn)'? Shall .the YIlI'd of edging to U·lm . one), to the mountain " top of Chaldeans be )'Ierml~ted wllh,o ut In ter· glorloue vlelon and expectancy? To procure this pntt rn Bond 10 cents :-u pUon to enjoy the frui ts of theh to "~Iltt rn Department," of this paper. Juet thle: In ·the hour of· hie WrIte nRme /i n t! n.d dress plainly. ""'\ bE vlQlen.ce, seeing ~hBt ther , aHrlbute dllcouragement and doubt Hab' 11," 10 (,-Ive slzo and numb r uf (lo.lIerll . all theIr s uc ess .to tllemsEllves and akkuk wa. wlee enough to be· liot to, i hee? Is tbe earth to be BUed take hflneelf to hie "tower," the SiZE ........... ... . .. " ' ith violence continualJy?" place wl)ere he ' wae wont to 'I.'hese 'Questlons tro ubled: Habak meet hll God, and there to walt :(nl.:,.·but hie nliht of vigil to,un'd him uri~li God would ' ,anlwer the . anRwer to the'm, II.Ild ·WE!Sr'lIy he TOWN . .... : ..... :,. ...... . ... ..... ... ... . . ; ... queetlonlnge of hla heart. iurned 'b is feot to,wllrd the cit y. .. God never dleappolnte a lOu I 'STREET AND NO .... ....... ........... . It was then that a new 'fear and that thue BOeke hi", • . tie never perl,)lexlty seized IIpon ' him. 8hould STATE ..... ..... ...... .... .....,... ... .. .. '. . . fall. to 11ft the milt. of dOljbt ' Jie deliver his message as Oo'd " had and uncert.a.lnty and to give vI· given It to him . or s bould bel wIthhold Iione of; hIs flnat · glory • . to speak until greater )fgh t aud revela.· For a e,aeon lIn Ie trIumph. CHILD'S APRON. tlon should come? . , ant and did the loul but lTve As he passed through the streeh In the atmolphere of prelent he noted the same careles'B IndHrer· condltlonl ;Iothing could eave ' ence of ,t he multitudes to his presence. It from unutterablo dlecourage. Little r espect did !.bey havo ' tor God', · ment, but If It wIll hut climb messenger. Scant time did they have tit the tower of prayer and eomto ' lis ten' to his voice whl~n sluful ' mu!'llon with God It "will ' get ' 1>leasure on every hnnd W~IS present above Ute c!oud,lIne of the pre8to hold :thelr attention. So . e n· ent a'lil be able to ,ee away o\(er . grossed .were., they with' the tolrowlns .Into the promlled 'Ialid of God'e of their idolatrous , p'r acUces 'that there triumphant glory. waS norooPl for ' deeper ' thoughts 01 He wllo WOuld fight 'for · God the true God. " , · muet e.. wIth God, Heart·slck. the prophet tutl)ed and T.ho Chrlltlan warrior who ' retraced 'bls steps to' the seohided eees only the Itrength . of the Jlook Which had, grow'n Ilreclou's to enemy and. c9uiite t/le triumphs '" blm because ot the many EleasoM 01 , e\lll hu won II ' already ae good delightful commun ion h e had had al defeated. .,. . there with 'llia God. What t.hough hIe lolnl bo "I will stand' upon. my 1~'8tch , and girt' about with ·truth" and he set me upon tbe t'Ower: and ' .,viiI watcli hath ' buckled on the ·bre .. tplate · to see ;what lie wlJl say !'into me." of rlghteousn ... ; what, though ' . " More": than ,half' the victory IB won he hath put on the helmet of when ttJe Boul brings Itself· to l' salvation and hie feet are Ihod condition of determined vigil, lind the with the preparation of the blessing which God Is alw~~Y8 willing goepel of. peace, -whIle the Iword to give, do we l;Iut walt tor It; Is al· of the /SpIrit Ie fi'rmly gr"ped In iriost within Ille grasp. hie atrong r ig"t hand, .If' he Ii'a ve , And as 'be wal{e6 the prophet lelt '11 not ' the ,l)leld of· faith ' ·wlth deepenln'g' consclousllesB ·of. the . power which to with'tand every attack .: .' majesty' of 'O od expandl)}g oyer • ~f the enemy, and alsure !11m of hl B ' BollI . .. Surely he 'co~II~~ ~tr.ust ' God P·at·ls '.. Pa't'te rn NQ .... 25flO, AI! ' SI'II;liiJ . fin a:! vlctory1 . with It all. 'All things would ·worll Allowed.-ff lUade · UI) In lleavy l all out to hla glory. . linen. thls' Jlti lQ /lproa Is v~ry ,sel'vlcQ. As thoug1;llD response 1>0 thla last Bble ·for . Beiiool )vellr, and. it Is so TI1E STORY, thoughtwnlch floolled hi!! heart there sim ply' ,constructed, thai tlie wOllian , .., .. . came a voice saying: ' " willi only, a .slight knowledge of sew·. HEAT revelations someUm~s come . "Write the , visfon ," and make It Ing ",111 .have no trouble. Iii putting I~ durin g the periods of the greateat plain upon tables that.' hel may . TJJn together. The. illeeves are cut In ' one darkness. In tbe, decadent days ot that readetb. it. For 'the vision Is 'Ye' with the' [ront and ' bl'ICk: . the only ttllll60UgJhetWISfh Ingl~tlon .wlJo WOrUlhd h.llve , , tor an appointed time'. but a1; the end s!)aml! being' llf.1der th ll ,,, sh()~,c\ers and o B n ng a song a t e com· · . k' d II . i.h b It at tile under arms: The wide sas~l lug glol'Y of the Lord? And yet that !t shall 61)ea • B? not , ,e . ollg Is what Habakkuk the prophet did', tarry. wall tot: Il, . because It will sure. ends, which . 'extend 'trom the. und,e r· and the story of how It might have Iy come. It will not tarry For ~b~ ai'm lIeamB are of the mater.I.a.!. Th'e been that God IIfted .the veil and 'gave ~a~th shall be filled , with tbe .k\lO~l 8QuaN,! neck atie\ lower ' eQge of tho. him a glimpse, of': the glories WhIch e.d 't.e or the glog' of th.,: loO,r d, lUI · tbe sleeves 'al' scaUoped and hand·embrol· dered with red embroidery cotton. ure s t11l but tbe dream of the faith. wa era cl?ver e sea. ful "Ab," e~clalll1ed Hab!lkkuk aa h.e let Th!l mod.e l may 'b e deve loped to ad· his 'soul exb'anl;l ' with th~ , thotigbt · 01 vantage 1'1 " Perslari lawn ' or ualnllook. . Halfakkuk hnd' been carrying heavy burden U)lOn lils heart for. a the \o+tslon, · " 1 canJ;lot' u~d ers~and , all The pat~ern Is In fiv e illzes-one ttl gopd many , days; Ii. burden which was that means, n either csn 1. know .hqw nine years. ' For- ,a 'chilli. 'o f fiv.e· yeara not made' lighter by hIs p!Ulslug to II.Ild Gad. will bring It to pnss. but 1 'know the ap,r'o!' reQuires yards '0.1 .ml\· fro among the people for each ~ay tha~ 'It sball b~ as he hath apoken." 'terial 27 Inches wlile. or. 1% yard' . as ' he mini stered here : and tllere ,Stl'lv. And then reverently .he bowed bll 36 In'c llea wid e.. ' Ing to turn tbe bearts of ,,,he people head and .prayed,: prQC4re this . pattetn Rend 10 conta . "0 LOid .. 1 have heard t~y speeoh, toTo"Pattern towlird God ·it Beemed as Wough he Department." .of. this paper. ilDcovered SOme .new , and greater evll-nd was afra.ld : 0 Lord. revive thy WrIte name and Ilddrou plainly. and be which was sapping the m e of the na- worK in the .mldst or the y'earB; In the ~ ure to give: size and number .o t. ~Ilttern. tiou. He knew tbe persls't ent course midst of, the yenrs make knbwn'; 10' of the .people In' their downward wr/l-th rf!member merc¥." .. ~o. 2!j50. SIZE .... ' ......... . : . course. of sin and Idolatry could only And the prayer of H,abakkuk ut, NAa'IE ... .' . ... .. .. : .................. : ....... : lead to one Ineyltl!ble result, the pun. tered In, faith 1;10. long ago 'will yet be Ishmr ut of the nation at God'(I bands. fulfilled and the glory or the loOrd TO\VN.! ........... ~ •••• ; .....\ •• ~ fsrl,el had had a glorious blstory shall 'Ind(lEId fill the ,wbolle ea/ith u STREET ·AND, NO ........... .... ........ .. and her rule bad extended from th~ the waters cover the se~. .. sea on the west to' the far easl, btU: STATE ...... ........' ....... , .... ... ......... . . now to ~vha:t depthB bad abe tallen Makee Demand for New Vaulte. ---'-~--. The nOl'thern trlbEls bad bee'n Icat: The bureau of eDgra';ln~ and print Girl'e Pllla5a~t buty. tered und their land laid desolatll and Ing at Washlngton ' 18 Ollt. n~w tbe ' trlbe of JUdal) alone remalned, Little Marga.i.'e~ Johnson Patterson. and sin was fast plunging her to de- e mergency notes under t.he ,A.ldrlch· grcat,gy:an~daughfe~ of the tai10r pr~ · Vr .. eland law ~t th'e rate of a'\lOut Ident. uufurled' the , United states Hog structlon. · The glory of ' Ihe lIatlon had departed 81ld ahe was bllt the' ,3,'>00,000 a ilay. a11d new vaults niua~ at th'e ope.nlng of the 'N ational ceDie· be built to store them lD. tery at Bristol, Va., In memo!'y of An· vassal JlOW of the 'heathen natiouB drew .TI)hnson. . In the center nf thfl about. , ' cemetery la the b~utlful ;JohnlOQ No wonder Habakkuk w!II heavy monument. heal·ted. . What minIster 01 God iB 1'Q~IUClell · l · . there who can wllneN • be cOllr1le af .,..-.-~--lin In tbe buman lI~e, alld know tb~t dtl&f eara and lDdlll''' "lit heartll tbe wordll of wando, IlIId adyfce. DOt .,. depre_eeI iii _ill. Iaat of /ilia _
Practical Fashions
h - . .......
•••• :
tT PAYS TO KNOW HOW.. .Iohn Sharp William. Telle tha Whe ... fore of Big Salarle"
But Cured After Doctore Sa id Thlre.'
Hnlf a Ilozl>u south rn ll1 Nl1hl'ra gllth I'l'd In II Democratic (' Ioak roOl1l t th l' h01l6() of r60l r<' sul)tullv~t! Ut rect'n t ~(O!; 'Inn oC <;oll gl'es~. liWRI" ulnl!' )'l1 rnl< a nd dl s('us sl l:ll: P()IIU IInnll lu llj ... ..t s or wOJ'ld IU I 'r 'Sl g 1I 0 1'1111y , wb III 1111110 on llbH(,J'V 'J : " iL Is r ' IiHIl'iIUbl \ to wha ~r('at Inng llltlld ' th e fe ltS of , ~ \l(' c e!l >l rtll cor· POl'/lt!nn law) ers llltnin lIuw'ada ' 5 . Ib uln.· ell: Ii Ollt uf t 'U Ih e IllLUrnrys t'Eilid ' I' onl ' n f IV mODlents' of servo lcl'; y t UI .j'< It re 1I111d tllel'erol" euorm Ulls Mnll1 S uf InOIl y." .Iohn • hlll'll Wlillullls. l ho n Dlllcrn!,. Ie IloOr lead r. lIod,1 d In a ~ N c n t. "'rhe solutl ull or uuch an ~xtr a "ngll nt s Itua. tloll ." he rpplled. "II; III til fuN ' that wbll lh e IU'''Yllr8 mn)' I' IltlPr lIut sllghl s rvi ce. Rjl IlU I' ntly SUIl r[iclnlly. tllel!' wOI'I, Is fou uded on ;; lIch a so lid. Iy founded kn ow ledge ImHO that thei r counsel Is worth t ho money . und lI'~ r b n [IS nllll'e. "I elUl Illu stl'ato bettcl' by l IIIng .you of an f'XIl rl ence J bnd down In Jackson. III illY hom e town. with a plumb ' r I h rHt called In to rcpalr some waler pille!:; In tbe kit hcn. I hlld at· temptl'd to lix ' m 1111, and had work ed hnrd IIU hUllr or t.wo. g ltIng my cloth s RritllY, lIlutillLtlng a th um b and Inchle ntally illY rellutatioll ror dwste HII cch; but nil to ~IO SllcceSH. Fluslly, wh en 1 hud exhauHled myse lf and (IUallfied U Hu lt or cloth'es rOl' the cl IIns r, 1 decld d .to cal l In the Illmnber, "The Illumh r lookdd at th pipet! WI M Iy ' fOr 1\ mome nt. 1'('11 'h ed 'for hi !! hllnllll cr, s tr.ucll lile uffendlllg tubes :1 heal thy ·trok 0.1' two. then 1111~lj d th Ulll ·nlt I l\s of th dllY lind w/llk d out, The ne xl weeli 1 rcc ' h'ed II. bill for $10.25. I thought th e cbarge ex. or bitll ut. und told blm so. " : It·!:! too much rOI' such (l s llllplo job; I remunstrlltcll. 'Anyhow, whf'ra do s tho 2& c lltS COUl In '! H'£! a fuuny luokln g II Ill. lIud ., dn n't unller· staud It. SUj)POS ll you it ' wltle lhe ac· count BO Ihut I .cll n understa ncl 7' " He Bald h would. lind th e follow. Ing morning I " rec Ived till s : '1'0 fix. In&: pipe . 25 cents; to knowing how to. fix same. $tO.' "ll)ll ld tll bill: ' contlnn d 1r. 'VII· IIllm s. "Thal mlln kn ew hi s bUl5ln ' 8S,~nd was elll lll ' d to lh mon y: and als.o til cOl'pOrUUOIl 'attorn ),s."
O. V('rrlll. Milford. Me .. "Five years ago 1\ bud In jur~ pllrruyzed me and affected my k.ld n Y8. My bll, 'k hurt . me te rribly. ll nd the urine wall Mo, ly discolored. 00(" tors said my rlgh t klduey was pracll . cally ~ead . Tb '! said 1. cnuld nevcr walk again. lrea el Df Doan's Kidn ey PI11s and b gn n ti S· In g them. One box mad .. me strongel nlld fr c r froUl Ilain. I -k ept at) 1l 61ng th m no d In three months was abl to g t out on crutches. nnd tho killn ey ~ w('re acting be lter . I ImllrOVp.(l rap· Idly, discarded th,e crutches · nnd til Uw wonder of my fri ends was Hoon complotety cured ." ulll by nil dcnlers. 50 cent s 1\ ' b L Fo tel'·M!Jburn Co.• Duffalo. No Y.
"" I'll
ENGLISH ARTISTS NOT SAILORS, For Them Tennll I, the C"icf Recrea· tlon-L1ttle Golf. -':'he number of Englis h tu'llsts who take to til sea liS t\' 11~9t1m ma y prohII!)I, he numbl'red 00' tlle fin gers or on e hand, ,and t.hese for Ule moet part PUffjUe. marltlmo Il r t as a profe~Hlon . It comca, t.h· refor , as ' Il surprise to h II r of 0 FI'eneh arl lst. and especla lJy Olle wltb tastes ·al)pll.renlly so Parisian' 85 M . Paul r leJJ u. having trOll1 hla YOUHl upward Indulged a .pasUme for 8ulIlng, and now Ul the hey· d!\y or S IlCC SB !lying the tlrltlsb nag a~ovc tUl English built yachl. wltb SOllthl1lUptoll 8S hls head()llaJ ldrs. It Is glv n to rew artists to be able 10 atrord t he eX1Je nse of a ' vesse l of conslclerll 1>1 size, but M. Belleu just now Is ha s king In III sun shi ne of I1ro l10rlty ulld ' Y'o rldwlde renown. 'File stOlT goes thaL he ]' ccntly made ,50,000 francs' fTom lIVo I)tchlngs that only ,cost him two 'aflel:noon!!' wOTk. In ,c01l1pany wi th ~1. Selll. ho. ~\'11J probabl y' ,cross lo Tl'oll.vlll "and oilier ' Frerleh wal' ring \l laees at the 1090 of th 'owes and R yeI' we ks. Brlti!:lh IIrtlstll os a rul e utl'ect Ia.wn tenni s as a recrentlon In (lreferei\co to allY other gam . A,l this they nt · taia . a level or excellence wblch tb ~y a8 .0. horty aplleaJ' nnable' 10f-l'ouch nt ·· rIck t, golf, 01' football. . ?1r. Abey. [l. 'A .• ' Wi- somo yea:rs ,captnlned . 8 :e(Ill.1 or arll~i8. and has even had ' a ci'lekef week at hia ·()ountry home • hut Uoth th ese 'poplliar functions have, 'YI) understand . been abandoned thlR -"eur. 'rennLa ,CliO, of 'c.ourse, be more ",a sHy practiced. especially' by those .rirtls t s 80 fortunate .OS to. possess mrge garilens. and Mr. Shannon; A. R. A•• even us plre,s to enter th e Jists 01, the ' Jlr e'D1ie~ tournament abt'Oad, name· Iy.. ~Qm~n r g . · wh ro he probably , at tbl!! mome nt III pl8Yln~ a !lvely gam,o on tll ~ courts' .whereon for many yeal. Ii very Llromlnent .fl gure ·was his old neighbor Va~ Prlnse(l.
Wae No Hope. ~yhoanus
More Importa"t. "Ah! Mrs. Newcomb." said the u~ "Ish Mra. Subbul>s, "my many S04lI&1 dutlell have prevented me Irom oalllrlg upon you a8 I should, However. 1 win lur Iy return your visit SODle day-" "Oh! tbat doesn't matter , mnch." replied Mrs. Newcomb prompUy, "but I do wish you'd return the gro('..erle. you'vo borrowed from limo to t1me." Cathollo Standard and Times.
$100 Reward, $100, TIM!
IMdUl 01 t.hlo lIIIpt'f wUl be plealod to ..... there ta at leut ona dl"Ulll'd dl5N8e ti\ac.. M"iftDC'W
..... beCD ablo 10 !='lro 10 .11 I.. - . . . and lilA' _ ClIlatTb. lIAlI'e catarrh (.'ure .. tho only pcIOIU" cu r. now IIno,,", to Ib" medlc~1 !rat.rnlty. ("',an' bt!lnJ( .. consU&uUOnal dtacl\M. rcQuln.w '" l'Olllthu· · t lOnAl tteallnent. 11011 '. Cal.rrb Cure L, t ~~rl\ IJ>.
I. mally. actlll, dlrto"y upon Ibo blood nod m\lCO,. .urfA.... of Ill. .1'I~m. Ih.",by · d ...l mylnM 11.. founfl.llon Of tho ,,_ . ond .1,lnK Lhe paUenl m enllUf b1 b'"lilln. up lb. f'U'lAtllu~lon ...d ...iI, ID J: rlJ\ture· In dOID" Ita work. The pn1p rlet oMi ha v. 10 m1Jth ta.ttb tn Itl (!uratlve noW'erw tha'l th f't o n". Ono Uundrl!d Dollan lOf any .... IIlIaI It lallo IA cur.,. SeDd for Hat of t Ntimonl&lI Add ......'. J . (!f\F.Nl>Y de 0 .• '1'01""0. O . !'<old by &II Dnl,u ..... ~ac. Tallo Hall'. F...,uy I'll'" for co.. Upatlo~ .
Soclallem In Japan, Socialism has no foOting In thl. country as yet. nor 18 the re aoy Inlll· cation that It will gil In a t oot.lng In the nenr future at evenla. FrioI' lo tbe wsr wltb Ruasla' a BmaH cot rl_ of m'e n ca.mng themselveS 60010116[4 argued vehemently against th opeD· Ing of hostilities and publlshcd • n ews paper organ to propagate tlle h creed. But they 900n dw[ndled In ~G InsIgnificance, and althougb a per\.od, leal of so·called soclnlls~ vlews coo· tlnues to be published It has 110 10' fiu ence, nor does It serve a ny purpose. a pparently, except lo furnish material tor \lccaalonal comment on the part uf alU llsed readers.--Japaneae \\ e akl, ?lfnll.
A Doctor'. DII"dvantage. "In one way," eald a collector. "it III eOf'ler 10 get monoy Crom a doctor than anybody else who Is slow 11ay. It Is inore difficult for him to 5we qr that he b'asn't~b en able to make any co llections hlmseU since the first of the yean It. doctor's reception room Ie opcn to all possIble pati ents. A col· lector with a grain at rngenulty enn lind WilY to wQrm out of the m en on thc waiting list Illfornla.t1on !UI to t h. terms of payment. A (ter' an Interview. with three or rour persons wbo hay paM spot cnsh tor treatme nt nnd who have tol d the co ll ector th y .,old. It takes a ml ' hty nerve 00 tho prlrt 01 the doctor to Insist thllt be basn't I dollar to hIs name:"
- - --
, Fln:x) t-~ . hAV e ,jus t tlnl shed ,l he,Jaie Mrs. ~ock's portrOit. It.'s ,a speaklnl' likeness, ' Tb.e Wldow~r Peck-Would It b, 100 mucb' t.\'ci ll ,lilc ', to-cr~chalis'e It· I bl ~ In tha~ respect?
A.FRAID TO ' E';T. Girl Starvlng.'on III·Selected Food.
'Sin'eral years ago I ~as actuaU) ,.. IItarilln/Ot wrItes !I Me. girl, "yet dared . • not . eat, for fear of the consequenco& . "1 nad sllffered from Indigestion Weat"er'·· Signs. from .overwork, Irregular m eals arid In wet or stormy weather cats will , lmprOller 'ood •. unl.ll at .last my "stom, \\'atih behind their cs rs. dogo scratch ach became 80 weak I ' could ' . eat the ground. moles buUd tl;lel.r little .scarcely 1I.Il~ tood' wl,thout great dl. · 'mounds ' of earlb . bats fiy about In a tress. . . '. restless manner and 'penelrate Into tho '.'Many kInds . of food wcre tried • .all hOllsell. ',W hen the skylarlt 81nga and . with the sa,me discouraging effects. I tho cockcrows earlier. them .usllal It II a sign that a stprm Is brewing. At steadily lost bllaJth and strength tmtll Buch u time, too, rooks anil rB'(ens ut· I was but a wre'ck oCmy tormer .selt. "Having heard of ' Oralle·Nuts and ~er' t.belr hoarse cries, geese and duck, Its great merits. I purclll\sed 1\ pack: are agltatcd ,' al:!l swallows . fiy low 'because the Insecls on which they live age, but with IIttl~ hope Ihat -It wonld he,~p me-I was so d.IB.couraged ~ 'are nearer the earth . . I found It not only a(1lletlzlng but '.bat I cQuldeatlt ~ I lIkf3d and tbllt· Prepared for Emorgencl .. ~ , It saUsfled the cravln!; for 'foOd 'with. wI'r~ (at 7 a'. m.)- Now. den), your ollt eaus(ng ',lIstress, and if I ma, eo ndi lion last evening! Rere you anI uso the expression. 'It 'filled the bill' 111th your· hat lind' IIl)(~el on. 0011',1 "For Iponths Grape·Nuta was :ell me you dllin't come home tbe. ;prlncIU041 artlcl~ of diet. · I folt froID worse .(or drlLK! . ~he "ery ·flrBt , that I haa found tllll! 'Husb'and-'- Not a Lit, dear. You right way ' to health apd ·bnpplneas. know 1 ha\'e lately taken, to vin.\king snd m)! ~UclpatlonB were '. fully re. l u my "Iflep. and I thought I'd 'go to alJzed. . .. , "W!~h Us oontlnued uae I reglll!led bed prepared.-I\lu8ulltei1 JJ1ta. m) u~ual b.e~lth and sttengtb. To.da, ( am well lun cab eat anything I like How It Happened. "Ma:r;' Bald a (!ertaln lillie g:rl's yet Grape-lIIutl food . forma a part oj mamma, "Ihere wore two ulecet! 01 my bill 0' tare." "Thflrb'" a' 17''-8IIon'" '.N"!%I8 gtYen by ~ostum 00.. [laUlr In tho pantry, alld now tbere II Oreek, Mich. Road. "Tile Road to WeIJ. only on.. How dId It bappen r" . "1I0,j, In pll,s•. "WolI," laid tbe child, her er" ,"ver ...." th. above 'etter' A.... ' wl48 Gzclte!lle.t, "tt ... 10 DIll .Jlpe.... 'rqm . to tl"", 411'ID'" .
~ ..... ... .11 . ...,.,..... .
'C upid as Jockey
By Anna McClure Sholl
t,).' Shurtelor), Pub. Co.) Ri ch nnd ecccntric Mr. S ard had "I've got th e I1081tlon I wlinteC\ In III\\'I\)' S delighted t,n ~eltlng th little t he offi ce with J enkins & Ollrt- anc! town . nt Upwut r by the ars. but no It's a kind or [lartner.s hill. Mury. Jra flll'C drnn med or u post'lnortoru Ch llokl aslly worth flv thousand a )"ear.'· rrOll 1 the old genU eman . It cam In Slle dre w n long breath ot relief and th' form lIr .11 hcq llcst III his wlll ·- looked at him with shining ey s. '1 .000 to ·the llreLtloijt WOUlan In the " I'm 6 0 glad-so glad! " fJ}l1ce. till) judg II to be chose u from " You can 't be s o glad us I. beca1lse, the elderly married mell 01 t he com· m)' dellr-" he ·hasllated. Her suddeIl ulllnily. IU tll! t1 l\lIle or Joy oguin lIank. The hu'b bub was Inalun ta n liS, Rnd " You soe 1 dltln 'L wunt to tll1eak un. o r a nnture to warm th hcart or 1\ t il I was euro-" '·)'rllc. Mot horK Il poke J alous ly or tlie Bven tIlen ah wOllld not b.-,leve. <,harms of th Ir lluu!;htorll. '1' 111 min . !;'h e bUll tIIrllou l ler heau away. 'Vall fstul;S prepared sermons again .' til., It RCl'lha-oll. \1'aS It Bonha T Rln of Yllnlty ' thus t1 ngl'llnll~ 'IICO Ii I" " Yoll 8eo I've loved ),011 alw"ysuged by th late Mr. SC'urs. 'J' II ... " bl'sl why Mury-!" fl ullle" s Ignalized lhelr lute uLion of Th eil s he turn d a rapturous rnco' sl amlln g afoof from the cOll te:t. But IOWIII'U him . al last a ren.c.lIon Bet In . IIlarluli b y How they l'eacllOd the al'lPol uted !lomeone: •. BRvlng sense of hum(Jr, and ulnce she nev ' I' kn '\'. She walked on I '!VIIS nlmost unanlm u:;ly d clded ah" s urround ed b)' a ring or grAd l)lat thnt the t rill s of tb o will mUfit 1,10 Inclosed one athol' pe l·SOIl . Her '-'Yel rODtp ll ed wi th. A.n oppol ntetl cO mmit· shone. A brlghl COUll' cam to bcr 10 fi x d upon n day In Jllne ior the chcekN. Rlcllnrd. excite d nnd trl. A a~l' lIlbllnf.: 0 1 the ont'SIants. Th r umphant, 10Qked at her adorln,ly, were to co me III theIr bl'st nllpl\ r I, se Ing In b I' at once ~he woman ot nnel to a bid e by th voto of til Judg('s his futuro and the 11Iaym'a te of hili "w ithout ul urmurlngs or dl sPUlIilgs." childhood. Thcy would show them· Th,. ('o nt.est was to bo he lli ou t of sell' s at the contcsl for a mInute. just dOOrn. In Ih e s unny gard n of one or 10 be ·. publlc·splrlt.ld. Then they hp ATRude I! or th e lown, t hat til would go Cor a hcaveuly rambla In the scnrchlng IIg bt or da y mi ght aLid to wood &. I he Impartiality ot th docls lou . 'J'he I 'll judgell bad dl.!clded to make alTah' wn8 thus tnrned Into Ii lawn· tho awnrd after mIngling IntormaUy parlY. and. the first fnmlll s agr 11Ig wlLh their Iowns'lJoople. 110 there Wl\.8 10 be pr sont, the reSl of Lhe lown ao llet ceremony, no dl·awlng·up of the rallow ' d lIult. contestants. Peoplll strolled about or week before .the day ap nolllted. lalked together In groups. a8 at a gll.r· ntllhnrd Gordon, a you'ng Inwy r. w nt dell ])11.I'ty. He re and there a g irl wnll t cnll upon Mary Denn ,tt. whose seen whose heightened color betTayed fath I' beCore hIs Invalidism had h en hel' consciousness 'of bei ng und ~r a professor In .t h coli ge toWII fro m scruUI1)', ror· It waa generally known WhIch Gordon's rnlllll y also camc. Ihat the courteous ju.dICes, chatting lUchnr(I, ' wailing for Mary In tl.t dim casually wltb theIr frlelids and ac. pm'lIlr with Its st Olel enllra~'lng9 oC ·qualntancos. wore all the wblle glean. falllnnB plctllro8. . r It tllat the gll'l's Ing Imllressloll8 WhIch would b'e of aro was 80mebow ilkll I~en;. beautiful service In ma king th decIs Ion, The f 0 IIno Il!:d form. bUl " no occaSion, on th whole. dId not so nl ,'olor tha.t selflshn css, rathc r' t bun SEllt. favorable to the s Wng forth Of reml· d ntal . a ems to Imparl to humall ex· nine charm. Even Bertha. by II comIsl 'lIc{'. She had alv.'D YB sacri ficed Ing Relr· con~clou8, bad lost something. he r::! !f 10 the d mands nDd needs of of h I' usual ~race Katherln e's pretly othel"ll, unLII she walll 1I11 e [l while bow or a mouth showed a dlsposlUoU Oower brought out of tho sUllshloo to straIghten, and Dora'slnCantllc nose to (' hee-r a s lck·roonl. tailed to' savo the day for h r. As for il was absor bed In hili thou ghts the . young women whose, charm de ()f .1i r when. sho entored, 1\ welcome pended on pink rIbbons. they bad all ~Iowlng In her cyes. Thougl\ she apparentlS' chosen the Wrong colora. was 1,0.11 and ' stralgllt and wholesome . 10 look upon, no on had ever called her prelly. Her chle! aBset was her abllndant dark llalr. Ri chard had n ' ver thought of her bing In tlie con· I st, so he did not even o.pologl;o:e wl\('III. nf-tor a tew momenls' conversa.' 110 11. ho showed bel' a lI~t he' had mlWC of Lhe women who, In his oplnlon •. bad th best hance Gf wlnnlnl;- a list from whlob her name was omItted. ':1 se that you have tleaded it with Ae rtha KJcndcnnlng. That Is eas)' to \llIderstand'-' "Hut m)' grounds are diffe rent from most p ople·s." he said. with t he ear· ncsln ss thai he always brougbt · to a'ny s ubject whlcb Inter.e ated hIm. "If r blue eyes and yellow hair and storr· book complexion count very lit.· tie. It:',8 her , lovely figute Iln~ ber. charm · Of manner.- her more subtle ail\;nl1tngcs. so to speak-that m'ake . hoI" what she III, gra~etul and. worn· (C!'pyrlght.
.tll~t . "
. "I qllite agree with YOII .
Who ·Is nl'xt on the list 1" , . "KaUlerlne More-It's the ,curve of bqr, upper lip," he added: conflden· tla'lIy. ~d noxtr' ·'Dora.-' "Because- 1" He laughed. " It 1188 sometlilng to do ' wl'tll the tip of ber noae." " f quite .\I~derlltand . DQra's n()!le wOI keep Iter young when she's 60.:: "And . then come the iadlea who have only 'to .Pllt all a pink ribbon to be .called pretty. Vou .see my scorn ot :them plaeel thom ' last." . "Poor ,t hings! Well, 1 th.lnk It will t . Dertha. You'. must tell Ole all about it afle'r wards!" . . "Uut, my denr. )'ou're Rllrel>' goIng!", " he sala, . earnestly., knltLlllg his boyish \)rowS. ' . .
'''1 W.I Pr.pared to UI. Fore., If , Found ' You Bae~lnll ' Out."
and knew It. wh~n too late. Only those hopelessly out of . the runnIng lIeemed to be really enjoying them· lI.e lves. It was. ~xlIRcted tbat •the judges would not I'emaln out long. but a halt Iiour went by, and tlley 'wol'e stili 'debating In the little summer house to whicb they had .wi tbdr.awn. A feel· lug of IIne8slnos8 began to' 1nake Itself apparent. Bets were canceled, and ~ arranged . again. No ono seemed as confident as at the .o pening of the .., contest. At lalit the .Judg!!s w'e re seen ::rOhcan',t unlesB fal~berlilis better." to rise, and then, two by two, they. W ~mu8e you came 'across the la'wn and took tbelr . ~ YOII must sn..!, 1'1I,.call f~r. YOll to .make sure'l:: . plac~s 'on' 'a flower.decked ptatrorm. A \yell. 1 don t forbid. yo~r calling I , . sudden bush ~ell over ~be assembly. Iha answ':!red, . wi til a smll~, . The cba!rmah wa,\ ted until e,veryone She 'spent a troubled .week, tryIng had ' come'" withIn bearing· distance of to ' come to terms . wUh herself. 1/1 tlto. staud befQre making his announc&. '. ber dat:k ' momellts she had uerversely ment, th·e n • .nft~r readIng tbe c~'Use I.wlsbed , to make herselt 100k. 8S plain til. tba '\Vlli, he sald : . · '. all possible. taking ,a kInd pt . pr!de In· "1'he dlftlcultles In' the· w~y /or a ialr ' beIng utterly out ·oC t~e running.;. but , declsloll can :hardly be. apnreclated ' b) with .th, ·flret dawn' ot. gentler · reeling those not meruhea:e 'of the commJttee. , came. the. desIre .~o loq~ hoI" ~est, IIl)d In' the 'maklng or It; In .tho judghlg and to enter Into the splrtt of the occ~sloa . wolgl>lng. we ' crave your clemency; So ' wh,.en t~.e . tIme came sho ourled' H~v;;;g ma~e It we are sure or '¥our her hair. .lInd arr~nged H W!t~ aU the ent1;ttstastlc support. The. prlze ' .haa art lhu.l lihe <lould commantl:. . She \lut been 'a warded to MIss Mary Dennett." 011 a. I;ot~, "'blto Bummer., gown and a 'T here was . a contused murmu'r. Illotllre . ~~t '\Vlth · l'OB.~B. S~e . ~as. Rlch.a rd,. more lIurp~le.(l t~an ., drawfttg ~n her lon.g gloves wbe~ turnel) to look aJ Mati': It W'all tflle! Hlchard arrIved, He Beemed In tbe It ' mlgbt be ~OD9 tb-rnOfTQw, ~nt .to. highest s])lrlts. . . day ber I'adllllit joy made hu the IDOIt "I was prepared to use for<;e .. It I .bca!itlful woman ,there, She eeomed found yoti backing out., '. I have 1I0me ali ' 'Ight and ' colol" and happlnelie; and' ~ewH to tell Y(lU •.bpu.t m)'self--ll,ome- they had relt It anc! rel;!orded It. · . tlIlng Ib!lt's ma!1e me very glad. and I She would not belleve.!t a~ IIl'lIt, and wnt you to be glad 'With' me:" ' wanted to hurry. away, but tbey ci. H~ beart slUlk. Waa he 1~IIIg to talned hl'r ~n.d .bowered c~)Ugra.tula tell h~ of bls. engapzpent. to Bertha! lions Oil. her unUl .he was lflowlDI She t1Imed a pale lace to him. like a \'On. Each moment' (IDiiobed "Can't JOU guu., Mary :t" ber, addlnc . the d~It'loa. But .be .... ~b. . a. l~ec'I ''Y0l were a ' "III • ·1io".fI·~' bel' aDd; toOk bolla ......tII at Ollce pql~"'Q IUU,ilOlllrG.
Curioul Step. Art! Taken In Sev i't!e CAthedral in O"c,",mber-Church I~ a Large One and Much ~o· umblc8 iI t'V!ueeum . · • ']I< ot
Ol\(' or til IIIIIIIY I'chrs of the 11,1ld!llu Il l:( ~I with whl 'h Spain stil i abound s. Is nao re cllrl OIlM Ihall the · dAn cing befor th .. n11l1l: " 'hl eh hll!as f)lacr . \' c l'Y ' v (' n !n~ durin g Iho octavos' uf th IlII lI1uculat C,)iIC'I)U On (Dec mhol' , to lU) a ud Corp'"; Domini t lhrt!e W (,p k H uftel' A ge nslon day In. th (~at h e d ,'ul of Sav ille. 'rhls c hlll'cIt b Ibl' la rgesl GothIc cnlh ·tlml In the worhl. It Is lit by DO' fewer th all 9:1 windows. and Is n \' I'ila blt) mus um of art . bul the cro.wnl u,; glory or I hI' venerablt;' pllu It! It l; flrt m'nl h mill RlxlP.Elnl·lI centu ry s(ahwd gb'Hi3. lbtl d ~ I ~ nlng of whi ch Is upo n (lollhtflll uUlilority ascribed tu i11wha I. T ltlA II !1I\ll l\fJehn I Angl'lo. It I ~ 11'1111 111 LIlI!> wond erful mllficEl that t8k N f1l n('f~ LIl(' most quain t r llual 01 all ChrlMII' nd Olll. 'ril e U~Il 'o Is porfOl'nil'd by l wo rows oC chori sters 0 1' l; Ises, ollmb r· Ing II 01' t \\' e 111(' (formed v It wali Klx ). wearlng 'III\11I1 ed ha ts an li dresse<1 a'S pages o f Ihe time of blllp I1f.; tbe olorM ot t.he cloth c~ I'ary; ror lhe oc. lsv of, Co rpliS DOIl1II1I Ihey a re red and white. while blue 8l\(1 whllt,l are worn !lllrlng t he hnmaculate Concep, tlon. 'rQ the s low IJJll slc oC violins this tiallco (which Is a sort oC minuet) Is Bo l~ mn l~' pe"rformed, devoid of all irre ve rl' ncc IlIIlI levity. . . At th o Dpc nib I' reslh'a l the vas t church III III dlll' kll e~s , save for tJle llghts of the hlg!l altar, and the ef· teot III con8 'quenLly moat ImpressIve. 'l'he chants which I he choriste rs break out InLO mer Iy udd to the solem nity of the <,ll'Cn 100, which Is not In I he least degree ICssened by the sound or t he CH8ca nels the s Ises play. There nrc two sois qf mnslc. and lhey 8re us d IIlion all ruate evenIngs. tbe sale ot whlcb Is j ealousl), guarded against hy the challte l'. A ')eegnd lIays thIs sIngular rltllal orlglnatod at t he time of th siege ot Sevlll by some buys going out 1.0 AIcnla. where UIY danced b ~ fore tbe ~10ol'll!h army, which th ' y so delight· ed tllat they were nble [0 detain them while the Spanlat'{IRlllanued the walla; bilt rllally til orlgl n of I hl B "dancing" Is qui te obscure. Anoiher IlIwl'esling legend relatea tha~ a c ertain · Ul'chbls hPll oC Sevlllo about llOO years ago wished to S Ullo press this I'l tual. bllt the 'c ltlz ns. to· gether Willi thcr oanolls. gave sucb opposItion tflat ther was qulfe a tn· Ilmlt, alld Ihe matter WIlS re f rred to RODle. Tbe pOlle oC that LIme wish· Ing to see the dance. UlO chOrIsters we re lal;tcn to ·the Et(jlrnal Olty. wbere they Ilcrforlllcd before til head of Christendom, who m re i)' 'Iaughed, but to pl ease the arChbIshop nnd at tha sam time to alll'Ieas . the callO'n s he Bald Iltc danchlg might conltmle IIntll th clothes were worn out'; to avoid lhls, the 'drosses, whIch are ot striped nave alwa)'s bee.n parLlally restored at a time. aud they now bId (aJr to last lorever. The othlll' legclWs are connected tilth the Jews of Toledo, 'who form ed the only commnnlty of m e~ lnevar Eu· rope tbnt was not conOn ed to a Ghet· to, with all Its IJeI'Secutin:;· · regu· latlorui. One . or' the reasons giver. 'ro/ this Is that I1t tile ' time of the cruljlftxlon, Ot' a little helore. the sanhedrIn, of Jerusalem sellt around to all tha J ewlKh colonies as k· Ing whelher Or not the ChrIst was the 10Qg·expected Messiah. nnd the Jew s of this clly we r.e tbe only ones who reo turned an affirmative anRwer, Cor which they I'ecelved tbelr lceedom. , Anotliel' legend says tho Ciluse 01 IlIls· sIngular clrcumsi/IUce was that whell the Chrlstlnns endeavored ' to confine ' these ;1e'w s tp II. GhettO' th lat· ter proved that before the crucUlxloll theIr IlDce)JtotB were living In' Toledo. and 90 I.hey were guiltless . of thaI cl'lme. <
MUlt Decide o~ Trutment, But It WOUld Be Fatal A.nyway. .
- .
'Prof. Ko oh, the tllmous' loves tigat or or slee pio~ s lolmess. · according to th Wa R hlllg~oll IIIU. !luld oC an . Id·faub . lont'il ductol' ut II. 1lI11llionJ gll'('11 hr AI1 <11'1 II Carn ·gle III hi s j onor In ;>;,." Yo r k: '''x'es, DI'. Rlallk'l1 mAlbod s W re cill. fas hioned, prosy, POl1l Jl OU8, nonseo· ska!. You know, ut 1'( .ld Iberg lhl:\Y I II u story a,bollt hIm..,.." story In II· "Istl'ulion of h III ",a,· or worlli ng. "A mall. accol.'dlng 10 the !>Lory. f 11 0\' I' a I1IT in all aut'omoblle uml a s h·el bar I" hl r et long wa~ run th ro ugh his boil ), 80 thuL hI' e ree l or the bllr protrud ed frO ID his s lomach anu three f et fr OID hi s burk . O·Or . Ulun\( was senl f<Jl'. H 1001, i\ at the spitted patfont Iln ll sul d : .. ' Whe rll Is .tbe complaint 7' .. 'It Is III my SLOmu 'lI. sI r: Wllf; 1Il~ l'c pl y . .. 'H ow tlld It ha ppen'!' "The man eX I)ltllned the accluent hi d oLa l1. " 'HuD/ph: ' ri1l1d Dr. 01 an-I;. 'A a to h ~re(llty , dId a ny me mbe rs of yout · fnmll y \' I' s ulfel' II. simi lar accident?' "'No, si r. 1I0 1lC: the pt\llcnt an· s wel'e<t. ' . "'Vel'y good .' sll~d Dr. D1tlnli. 'YO II sec, w r qulr /l. knowl edse of all h 'S dt:tulls In orr! r Lo fOl'm a. cor· rc ct diagnosis. So far, so goo r!.' "He looked a t Ihe Ilatleat tllout!ht full y. " ' You fll1d som e dlm culty III ly ing on your bllcl; ?' h ~ said. o! 'I cAn't lie nn ID~' ba('k at nil. IIlr.' "'And I s up posa you are no ca sler on the stomach ?" "'Oh . nn.' " 'In :111 01'1: Ruid Dr. Bbnl{, 'YOII ~e most comfortat.l o ou YOIII sid ?' .. .y s, QII·. Thal Is the oll ly posl· tiC1l1 , 10 te ll tho ~"lIlll , tht'll 1 I1Dl all!e to maIn ta in.' " ' Exllctly,' snld Ihe do.;tor In a trl. umllh ant I"Olce.. ' \\'e ha'/e now ouly lo 6 Ille upon the Lreatm nl. H ere Is the case' In a nuts he ll : Ellber we leave th e bo r whpre Il Is . In wh ich case In · tl a tnmalloll \\"11.1 set In Ii.l\d YOll will probnbly a le. l' we exlract It. an op· !l'Utton th nt is likely 10 prove fatal. \'1111 1' tatoo sil'. Is in VOUI' own hunds. J;>1 ase decide .whlch· curse you will II UO jll .' "
W '01 ' Gatherfnll.
Rune (ADIICN.D~"" · tb. 'a.,eated,It's
"I'he s ullJ cc of PUl'l' He tl I of p;en· r.ral lilt I' st and many Inv{: ·tI ~!lI.i()rt a n.long this 1111 0' tire belllg ca rried ' O rl . Clarke anll l"lelchol' hav\) r C61\t1y pub· IIsh d n .hoott whl II contalu K co lo r d illu strations 'of man)" of Ihe IllI jJurlLle!! fou lld In clover II d . Prof. . Ill. Da ll )Ias beeD lila kllt g 1111 In"Qutlgatlon of lhe alfa lfa 8 1\ sold In 'I' cxa!l. Tho prlnclnal lrupurltles W OI' HtlH, Ill n llli s. LIe, rlh gruss . lumhlc\\"l'ed, plgw' ed.
Th e g rmillntJon wns Jioor :Ind 1l10re than 15 kin d!! of w('ed Ii e ll weT(' fOil lid . The accompany in g Illbl ahowl! the 'dlrrel'Etllc In the vllnllt)' flOr! pu rity ot SU da rec Ivell r .. mfaI'm r s and s€lel\Rme n. Tho se fl'Onl ' flC(iuSmr. n will be som wha t hl ghor In b s en 1 url ly UIH\ low I' III ·vltallt~· I ll rL lt those rpcp.1v d fl'oll1 fal'lll rs. 10\'ll,' anll a lfa lfa s cd ontn ln t wo kInds or uotld 1', ono small and light colpred nnd the oth r l u l'i;(~ anl'l /lark
I1 '\I
Co lies.
e t \I
~~, It
t·· • IS
ca. ~.
' 15
Dr. Matthew6 -relll of Queer Incident of Filmity'S Fa ith,
" Whell people hI our part · of the sl'l ct a family llhyslclan they !ltlck t'O him." says Dr. John Mat. r h 'ws oC illinOis, accord'I !)!' to the Wasllington Rc:t·ald. "If he goes away th ey won't cnll In somebody else It th Y can possibly help It. They have ralth tn nobody bul Ui elr own mnn so long as he manages to be fairly 8UC' cessful. Last spring 1 went up to Cblcago for a Cew days, much to the di stress oC a young mother In our tOWD. wbo expects me to Inspect her only baby every otller day at least. The second dalY of my ,slay, she-tele· graphed ttle til come home at once. Baby was slck-f!he told me tbe trou· . bl e-she didn't: know . what to do. It '\'lIsn't 1111 urgent case, i knew, so I wlr d back a I'eassurlng message. told her 10 glYa the baby 8 dose o( some mediCine 'llhe Ihad at hand, and to 011 oul the ten . words I put In 'Pr.ognosis admlrnble.' J .IW3Y8 like to use large word. w'ben .I'm 'telegraphlng-' makes ' me feel tbat I'm gettlug the l"orlh ot my money. you know. Whpn I gut home tW(J daYB later I went to see the baby. 'Sbe's all right DOW,' the BIOUier told IDe, ' but we we'ro aw· fully worried. We had to rely on the medlcllle. you left. though. The boy at Ihe drug store said they dldn't have a bit ~t prognosis In ~he place.' ..
~O \tnll' Y
1. mack-Ieeded Dalldotfoll. "arlSiI.I'm!"'1 c' ·utlu··u.rvu'1'ftum 2. Dllodelloll. TarapaC1lm ol7lcfltal•. S. Folse BQOQ8ot. Kulllt'a eu"ator-
ifru. . .0'11 •• "You laJ .. e .liarrled 'for Io.,e. but , 'happea to knQw tbat the ma.,. .b, married II worth a ml1lloD." . .
"Of .
tile mu~ ... "taa& . .
12. MelllellD Dropsee4. nocz!cana. 13 . Wild Lettuce. ,f• •
. 4. Bluloll Star. Llatrl. "unclata, "aeum cryillroeparmllm. .
Jor. 6 . Rug el·. Pillotnio.
tI" /{(.
10 . Cocltlebur.
Planrago -
I wo kInds oC dodder, green foxtail, yellow foxtail . curled dock, bur clover and sweet clover. The vllailty varlet! 'I rom 49.5 ' to 96.5 per' cent. ..'. Prof. Thornber found til"t the alfalfa seed at Arizona had a high per cent of germination: The Unlt.ed Stales. depal'tment of agrloullurtJ found that one· lghth of tbe ted clover Beed 1m· ported loto this count.y In 1906, or 990,. COMPANION
lIi.o ot s.oO. Alta!fa
••• " ••
Numb.,. .1 leilato • • • • • • • • • • • •
, Timon•., ...... 1 ,0 • • • • •
." .
• • • ••
WhUI CIa".,. ••••••••••• •• • . .
'7 1 14
Mia, R,4 ,Clonr .. { •.••••• .• • ,3: llammuua ClOT.' • . •. , •••••• 13
AI.,k, clo-tu .• .• . .. .•••• . . .
1111111 . . ...... ............. KtDtu(,.~
I!las ' AND
Or....... ... :
1'11 . . ......... . ............ 1a 11
o.lacltlio. ' 19 . . Intl,aD PlllotalD. Cncall/! tuh.mU. 20. Conenowor. Lcpaah1/" ,.."nala. 21. SmAil Rallwoed. AI7I~rOllo arle-
9 . . Coro·t!ower. Cenlallrea Ollonll •. JO. Rlbsraa." Buckhorn. Plaltfago ·Ianceo/alo. 11. Brllcto4 ' Plantain • . PICllllago at"· .
Lactllca rOllo11o".
· 17. Cbleory. (kilo"''''' flllllti .... 18 . Ragweed. ' 11111,
T. Horsew~ed . Erlg6ron r.ano4fl11.u. 8. Bull Thlstlo. - Cn/em lanceolatll'.
14 . OWlellD' Do4der. C,us(,lIro '1'. 15. Cloyer Dodder. Cw.cillo Illtlll/-
IS, Dooryard PlaDtlllo. Plantatlo ma-
... Clout .•••• .... • . •.• . . 1!!l
Investigations by the Ames (10.) Agricultural Dlscover Many Adulteralion s.
Frugality ' and Steady Work. ;'Do you kncm one Scot wbo ball been ont ot wo',k durIng .1he . bard Llmfls ~" as ked ~b e city salesman . . "I doc' t, lind 1 nail 'lQqualnled wllh plenty of Scotchmen, ~8 well as wIth men .of othe r llllt!ollal:tles. ' I know the rea· SOil for their constant employment. too. It h bel:allse they have tbe repu. Lightning Pluckl . I Bird. Llglltl1lng . did some qneer stunts laUon of being such frugal livers. her d,urlng a storm, among them the Employers · reason from Lhat that If knockIng of all but. a solitary feaLller th.ey have to cut down wages the 'Scot from t1~e body of . a mouse ha'\\'k; will .stand 'for It. I find that In hard which, stran!;a to rellite. sUII lives to times It ' lo always the people who are bear m\l~e. eYld~nca ot the occurrence. sUPllosed t.o be able to live on next to notblng wbo are retulned 00 a job. S8Y8 the 00lumbu8 Despatch. Tho hawk wnli fOllnd under the tree Wheth ~ r C1r not tbe Scotchmen 'merlt which hli.d been struck' the following t~elr repuLaLlon Is a question; but nny· ·mor"ln!>. when the hands 011 tlle ·l. D.. how It has secured ' them sleady ~ork .Stone farm ' wore Inspecting lhe work ,11 Ihe wlty tlll'ough the panic·.. • . of " tho storDl. 'The bird was barely and, stripped of 1111 but the ODe Villuabfe P,les. feather. iU'eseilte!l a s(Jrry 'ltppenrance. "You ' mean to say you ask 20 cent. It ~va8 take n to the house I1nd fod and tor ono uf YOUI' mInce pies?" bIds fillr to i' Cover. . "I do:' ' '. "Uut you cum buy a mince pIc any....he re torten cenls.'; . Easy Enough. I'Not like these.'.' "Well," pondered thc 116 '1'1' Answers· "1 'dou't se,e why tIlese should be to;CQrreSIW!ldents·; edItor. "I wonde r how 'auswer thl!!; Hero's a sub- worth any more Ihan auy othel's?" , "Well. I do. WllY, 'a tollow found sgrlbel' wbo wants to know wh~l; s a ,good bing to 'take Ink IItalps out of a gold col1l1 r .bulLon In one of these' \\'blte flannel ,. · IiICR. yestex(]uy! "-Yonkers States. "TJlnt~B &l1;RI' ," relllled tbe sllortlng nlllll. , "a .... 11' of 'Bclijsoril:" ,. ~--Strategic r!conomy. Torumle-t wish you wOuldn1t wash /!I. rrear-Rlllht .Anlwer. Some (IInny tbhlgs happen In the me so Uluch. lalnDlm~. l\Ian',ma-Du.l . yoti · must be clean, sehQ01room. • A Brooklyn teaqher called upon a small boy to deOne "mu)- ~mm~ . Utude." Tommlo--But, mamma. YOU uee loap "A . multitude:' laJa the bo)·. "Is all ' U It dldll t . cost RnytbIDgl-YonJ5, wbat we get. when w. mnIUply."-Llp. cr. State'jmall, pIDeO&L'~
","'attalia. Lar,. Rallweed,
colored. The large seeded. or Chllea. dodder, Is less common, but more ' objeotlonable. In tbe expei'lmentll a\ Ames It was fouud that a 'sleve wltll one-elgliteenth mesll would readII), . romove all the small dOdder and the greater '· part of Ll.\e large: TbJ~ size Is objectionable, however, In that It· permits much red clover and some aUalfa se~ to paSs tllro\lgh. .&
or • ...,11
RIIomvsn rllOK r4llM·
I "arm,,.
•.• .01 .
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••• 'V.'•
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88.% 80 100
Sud'ID'. F.rm.,.t
82 .•
D~ . T
OT. I 88 S
"'rmtr. 8e.. d.rn.D ",ftaU"
809 pounds, ~IIS low gr.ade. There was enough of thIs low grade seed 1m· ported 'to sow 125,000 acres. ThIs seed conf;IHted fo\' the most I,art of under· sized. light wp.lght screl!nlngs. . 'rhe a~erage germInation was found to be about .4 3.1 per cent. ' As nlany as 50 kInds of weed ·seeds were round In Borue of the } exanilned. Samples rl'om cnrgocs·· n.mounllllg lo ·275.572 pounds or ulfa.lfa /ieed were tested. . . . .
"",~a trf/ldll.
"88..S .. 1 81 .'
on e-twenty·second·mesh screen will remove all the small dodd er. but IItl10l o(the large. It Is Impossll1le to se~. arate s weet clover di' yellow trefoil alfalra, Bur clover la BonlllwhBI larger'. bllt 1I0t enough \30 to enable i. ·to be readll), separatcd·. It Is POlio ' remove the ~e e d of bract 011 sl blo plantain, buckhorn, Cnnada thistle, sheep sorrel, IImattweeds. commo'D plantU/n and evening cntchfiy.
results.. 1t Is almost IIllPOSKJ ble t., fOrlll any conclllsion of the amo.llnt o! . wal er bU lte r contnlns by tbe 100ks.·01 It. Fl'eQu e ntly bu tter tlui!. see ml By Pro". G. L. McKay. s lu shy ' will conloJn v('ry lilli e walel I,mder' 'eh rul.~a l al1al ~sls. Pqlf. Stor' has beeu \\'orkln!; all this !! 1I~j e ct fOI The dry, butte l' 01' Ihnt comalnlng' 8 low per cellt. oC water does not s II a lIum be r of , YC/ln, and he bas ,beea nnahle to fully 8X'111111n whr' s ome 'sam allY .hlgher tbun the medium and In Brme ca/3os not: as high. I I ~ sl.ed but~ Illes of Imttor have II very dry Uppf'l~~ ' ta l' In' the London l1la.rk L lind fOl1nd u'nce aJ1d til Lhe saIne time contain ' I the "Frellch rolls and Danish ,;,1 oted ,ve ry hlqh )1er oant. of wll tor. SOIDf I'le'i testing as hlg ll as 18 III whIch sold hlgbes.L Itl the Engll. h mnl" . saln 19 pel' crell':. . . ketO·te contain about live II 1" cen~. flIore' wate~ UlO,O the New ~ealaHd D~y Hand )'Ailking.- Mlln)- .mllken butter•. bl'oughL three or tOllr IIito t() we I tl!ei!' ' IUUlcls \Vh.e n · begin." .. nls pel' pound less, In thl's case nln,; 10 milk . 'l1 hl s ·i s 0(" neec!!Sat·y U· the New ?,eahlnder was IO!llnl{ Cour or care Is u ·ed. Tho. d l'~I·I .a!l ~ \nUklllll Ih'e poul\dll or .butter · ller hundred aud Is cloa.ner: . "Iso losing In [lI,lce. I ask ed PrM. Gleg· :eke why the Danes lucorllursl ed 'so Alfalfa.-,\Ualfll lIot Ihlly provldos mncl1 water In tbelt· butter, anf! au xc lion!" Crill) dntlng Its own lirf'be . anBw.ered Ihat the b\lttor W'"1 time, bitt It I1ril]l:l.I't'S I II 8till for lIIuch IUpposed to be plastic' and .llItendell better sub aqueat crops. ~ to be . IIpruJ on broad ..' \Vhlh) I do not ·Jlke to llee ' .lushy huttor, I lhklk tit,,, 14 to 16 per ceut. ,-,r AI In baeorpol1lted ' 'It. Ii ~od
:- - - -
.- .
in t e n With /I ntl of tw IllY _tl lll ' I1 lml l/t, h gnu Ill. wOrk on II V/l lIllIlt Jut, Il t JUI,I" IIlIll Fir:!t,
$~ . :~I': !:~l~;;~i~ 1 ;11.::~~\~:~1O'
::~~~~~e ~!i~ ;:r h~~~ t Nowafsg:~!
~ _
$ $
$ $ $
~h(\ol ' hol's
Warm Lined Shoes for Ladies
The best lin in t own , The ~.' L" I IIC' 8W!', • ''''l' falll ll ., "" t h m b f )'e you huy . AI~(! Elk kin -hocs.for Bo)':
Our price ' aI' JO pe r 'ent IIIW!' e th an e I ew Ilere,
A b~' ball or S h 01 lA>rn panion free with each pair of~ ho I h es. Ore s , hoes
W'd hllv ' th Uall Band Hu bbt!l: and Felt Roots for
Rubber Boots and Shoes '
Men and Boys.
A nke line f ni· s Shoes in \ ' The Hood Ru"bers Ladies , Men 'lI and Boy'. Al o the Genuine ELK- ' l+' I' 'Ladi and Children. KIN for m e n; t.he Wa I' ,et 0\11' pri ce on rubb r King , Arma d a . eto. goo ds.
$ $.. $1
Gem Corduroy vits A big f he 'em nlu-
$~ $
$ $, $
I' th b t t (j a IC , \' I'y e a. ing ham , uilin g , erge, Danish cloth. 25. Dres.'! uitin2's. new gOOdR; at l oe pe t· yard .
Union Suifs --2-picce Suits Blaek tights for he children Ju t the t hing to keep them warm. Ask ttl see t hem. Knit Jackets fol' men and boy Caps for men alld boy. . Toquesfol' th e children.
25. Watel'pro f
in whl r ll J\Il I,lml j.: WIt A IlI c kh~f.!, ~lIIlnt ~ r rs, pln lllh r .' . , " 0 " btl\· in k pI ou tiJ b . j" p f I,u e oll ir pen l er . Ropet! htlo to b ~ t, rO:ltched t o ~ ke\· 11 tL h o~f. nf ~lItJ til t,OI'!> fro m th ~
tlr", Jtlu~t
lut. 'UDlli del'lIhle Ill OIl .v W/I S WlJ :~ereLl on the l'e,\llt , 'ontl'lIot o r Curl 's wif Re r v d tiiullt'r ou t.ll "runnll, ., l uud t h ore wuN no de lr~y wblltover. T o-night I~ dl~n C'l'\ Wil l' ~i ven in the
$ $1 I
lI ew
I Uses This ~
~ ,'
~ • .
- -. -
trn ct lll" ,
~ ii.i
Would Mortgage the Farm
A fl\rrn e r o n Hnrlll H(Jute ~, Emplre, U ~. , W . A. Ii'loyrl hy UUIn" ; IIUYS : I 'Bll ok le o's Arnicl~ ' ul ve c llred . t,b e two w Qr >!! 80res 1 ve r sa w : 0 11 .m on,my hlln n IllIci o l1 e 0 11 my l el~. It ~
\' llllc)' J' llon
ui t ingat
J5e.per yard. rash , a nice aBSOl·tm nt d fico to 14c. peryal' .
" I
a~ ~-~,u~,=.-~--"""'ft""".~a ~~ .
Only :!f,qn&'I'dC . h Wll rtz'!1 fi~ . . j drn g Hlor f'. "
R, I
for QUI' c k ·su ts I
$~I~!~:rtt\~~~~~:;~r\~ i~~:lt~1~~:~it~\1 ~~,~.ww . . . \It.''
~ ~
Lamb O ysters
F res h B e'e f
The, B'UtCher
"'Kfftaa·Ra •• ••• ••
Flannels Th large t a.ssortment of outing flannel flann lelts e tc,. we eve l' had , " onte and 1 ok them OVC I'. Blankets at$ J.2fito $5'.OO pel' pair,
roy ui tl . Coats and Pan ts at $7.00. , $8.00 and $9.00 per suit. GemCoatsandOve ralls,Gem ,Work hirts, Gem Dr S Shir~, Jersey uversh. irt . 'Underwea r A brg assortment of n \V underwear 'il) Men/s , Boy's, ~::~~' , Mi " e. and ' hil -
" sill . rb .
$ $
H 1--1 () J~H
8o" 's and Girls'
~ on~;l~~\t:~:l~ ~1~·,~:~~~gln'! L~)l~l't' ~
t ime to make ~' our elections, while all lines are complete.
~ . .
':~1f~Hllgll~~ iJI:1 11~ ill .St 0 r e. ' ~. 1~1 1~~~rll:.':,71::~;I~~~1~,llill htl\lr~. ~ ,
~oodS hha~e been
Our Fall and Winter
'M• •U~.~~.UUUU~
- IN TEN HOlR: .
four. roum oWlllling wit,b nil lIl otie l'll ~
ht •~ T h ,e D a y I" 1g
$ $
Classified AdY'ertis 'eme~ts i\d too \\ III hL' 111:\1.' 1 h Ii I1 l1d"l' lltt ... I... ~I\I Iv&' , 1\\ C,1I ' C"IIl> r,,,' lli "cc 111 ".1'110.... ..
::V~ laU:III I' ;;~'~:.~~~:::I~:h~ ...
"' ~
~ IS up.rO- OA rE --We wish to call th e attention \)f oUl'real l'slothe a l. of Walt I· J. Kilbon on the last page. M,. KilLon is in evid ence at all t im s, a nd i~ a n
• ~
Gash Value Prize Puzzle
Homl tlH~ Gazette for \-' Onl \t 11 in o' G nod
Ce le brated Magic 31) PU7,.,,11.: CU ll You Soh/e It?
up-t.o- elate me t·ch an t. • _ .. STEADILY IMPROVI (1
ndel' th p. careful eye of L. A. Zirn~o e rman, his ,; t o re h as grown t
(t $$ $,
. Downmg
. . " ,As Gord as Xema thIS
Good Can Be"
A ll
I·;Vll l' y h" " y I U kl\llw II,IV" lry l,," ~1 1010 " II t iIJltJ", Uill i l il t! 11",, 1, il l rtl . l~ul lllllli , \V A~ 'l'I1:U I" 1, (.l'I'o w $l:iuu I,Uf, I UUU Will I:\ IVtl lirs U,,/I I Il u6U uU IJrtJ!l,Il·t y . 1..." II il L th l" ull'l "a , HELP WANTEU
-I ",, 1111 111)1 t11t,l 11l '1i ' ll tll.l't! 0\'> 1', uL 1,11u P t I t! 'UfK I II ~ ' ~ .\IIII", lHIIII , WU I' K
null 11'1 \11:\11 'v. li ght. nlJU
Thc' MIIgi' :~9 1'117.7.1'.
T , k,'
\VA ( 'L'J.. U-
- - - - ... -
Wh.ete',s Sto're News.
city propor t ions. and anyone can always find there anything that can b e fou nd in a good g roce l·Y. - -
N ext 'V ek.
lu k"llJUr :t U ~l'jI II lilts /l11l , 1' 1\'111 P.. .I' 1111.
(J(Jlll fll l'tubl
'Hllnlx'r rrm'l Ii ).. f 1 IlIe lll'IYe, ch:t!tl r.o LlJ
uuuU WII ' 0" Ilnu Iwtll l I< " lIlltlO.lnl Ill .. .. .
101<11 ,
IIH:L\ lr y '
J\ tillfe"" A b-
"'11I11<,·, .. n llll. "I· " ~1 i!tuL1t M"~ lII~ur , KIU " ' 1\I 1 Ii ~, Ullttl. J . J. left I', 1I1U~ \\,1"'" II b We are sole agents for seal hipt oysters, t he very fine, t morning. on a flying trip to T e xas:o i til C 1lI1l1e nt on ou r S wee t 1 1l~ "rUII III.r." ."'H".I,I}' .1I~!tdl"IIl)' V I' I"'f( "'II~ oysters t hat grow, We will have our first regular shipme;n t look at Rome fa rm land. The stud IO. P o ta toe ' . lie u LO ll I r bOIJ ~ h t tllarl ' I~ "Ill b' ,, \I , 'I h • ""UlIl nl"tlher "U II' Friday, and lit all times from t nat day on . If you have nev r wi ll be open for bus ine " as u ual ., I . I ' 1 ' b " " Irl ' 1(1 1 I. - I.1sc<i Ul O rt' .Ihu ll Iwle', l\",k~l l . triedthemaskso.methathave_ After eatingseal shiptoysterS " . .' Ja r! !'l ,ot lc r!';are , uy lll j;( SIIl ", e u(1'n l.Or.ll,.c"'It'r,nt'I'U I':~IIi\M I IlMf. I': lvl 'f: " \Jo, Ii Ill! J II . Ll'lllll tl tH, you won't want any other kind. harrel .1 .o t fo r aW~ nl e r 11 l'f '. \V e "hu"m'I""~' l hl~a,l whll 1II' Ir"'ll., II,,"_ A IJIlllltloltll, I ~' I · . Il ll l(JII IO, IL lIuy'oI . GREAT MUSIC OFFER e.·pEct to ell ; 0 !Jarre!:,. Prt l:e prl , ... 111 lie ~I""II 10 nil " ,-I'HO II K Hc,uUnj( In " vurc u.t, l wW' lt t.lIl,1l tl I g tl l! JJht ru, • -1brroc l aru "' t.~rs. , (a bolt'), 1 'YtU'u t'u llu. 1 \ ;u l [. '!:I I'''IJO:l nl. GROCER,IES for J.i ancy J e r sey w'ets $3 ,;?o \ ,lnn Qrh \\'111 be 11(\ \111,'<1 I.>y inull . tOg l' ln ~, 1111 i ll tin uU ll lh LIU II . 'I', Ztlll Our line is complete and prices as low as t he lowest for Hend u s the nam es of Ulfee or pe r barrel thi s w e k, Sellil yrlOIr Hnlu \l<ln "f pUt7,lc, wIth Illllile FAMlLY U Ol'OjU tlUi tu bl" f or l1uy ~ firat-class, . clean goods. ~ Ulora on the Pi,lino or · au,\ ,lIlttr 'H~ 111I,llIl v wrILl~II. t o wVn.IIIV or ull lld t u It· j,Vt' . ;ull Organ !lod t,wentYafive cent in sll Fancy 'Apples. U 1' jJbvve bru uI 'vii ri\iht . ver or and we WilllUllil you $1.50 per bushtl. The DB ' lRAB IIE h OIll with ~ uor ull p08tpllid our latest. P ? pula r Musio New York IS t h ' ba Ull e l' IlInll, jJI" llty of "Ilildu IIlill 1I1I Roll cOlltltining 20 pllges full 8heet . Illodern till pru vurneu t8. A 1,,0 Youug Furniture and Plano Co. We are paying 24c for ' Eg!'s. Bring us your produce. Music, oonsist ing of pOlluhl.r ~ongs," St.a te fo r appl e~ th IS sp,aSOll, t':a ruil y wllrs " li d I!p,riu8-wlIt:0n. 111 . q alre of L , t.!', Z"II , Bux 106 Phonu 5 Murohes nnd W/il!.ze Iurnnged ,f or N, I(',e, . larg e. s moot!.1 PI Jl tJI IJ S , Co , 1 k ~ II1pletc House Furnishers, gppd pnrlor o rga n In "xcellent. tb~ Piano or Orgll'~ luol udin~: RU D. Supo Ie ever y wee . I 'oolllliticw , n f' 1\ Uu j'gul il. ), 11· KIfAU ICH 'e hWlons "JlIligllt of the Steam Salt. ' ' 314 S; Main St. Middletown, 0, q uire of .J O!:lllplJ Mill r j ~ JU'lngb o l lJ, Botterthes," "March Mllnilu." t.mc1 I 20 \ , . ~ the ,1L\test pop nln,r ong, , "I"be Ui rl . $. and $1.25 per barrel. - - - --- - - Ob~, FlVE Su W9 wiLli pi 6 8, I<nd r,o 8cuok , .'.~"'''''''''''''''''~'''~ I 've I.:\een ." H vou want l h e bes t m ea l hogll. Jj' or pllrf>lonlttrK lllt/oiro of 0 :' L. Riok!!. . POPU LAR MUSIC PUB. CO. SH it, H,le i< illil that wou't K t Ind18napolis , Ind. hard In the ban I warrall,ted [0 SA VE r ecel vel! un otbet lot. of Klv'e Il uti s [acti o n , 'W I! i1avt! that Mootlmll hort! Ii ·t.bie week, dnd t lley will be fOr' 11111" Q.ny time. 'l'bella -~- kind, New Goods This Week: ' I1re Bound, gOOQ-81:6sd borlte!'. illlnd ~nly 4 ye ltr ~ old. J. B UIlIl)JDllin . Wa.ahinB ,- lachines. New Seeded Raisins, DOUBLE Ilohvg foroe tllnk pornp old more wa hers lust week , New Cleaned Currants, With hOl;e, ISIX jllck soreWl!, N!!w Citron, New Spices. than w e hav e rcr two mon ths IlIdderri, line ab l,ft lind pulJe.Vt! &0\ , New Mmce Meat , , belting, 1111 ntlW , ,Borseand WligulI , 'cale,l PI'O \!lJMul s w ill \J'o: r Ci cl v'" II I h' past. Ollly o ne Rotarv Wa$b er New Canned Peaches, Inqolre.of T. 'Zell OJ;' this offioe, ' ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o /ll uc of the Ity c le rk le ft III th e · pri 'e, $5 . 00. ' T 'blS is . New Cnnned PeslI, Tuesday, October 20, 1908. New .Rolled Oat/:l, the kind that was h es ' ri g ht , New Cracked Hominy ; FOR RENT ' for t h e: on st ru c t.l on of a con c r e t e Rtorrn New 'Flake Hominy, wale r S6wer ulo ng til" norllt Hide o f ' ~llilllll F1eischl1\ann's east. ~~rCtl t begl nnh", l. l ~he lu w e'r end <it th e 2,' · New Pan Cake Flour: ' ARM 25, tic l'e~ ' for 8Ul~1l grllill ; 21) Incll IIIIl ~e"'e r III fronl or 'u,!waUuder's r e . 'l'hat' good ,and ' fresh, New Cereals of all kind hle ncc and r UUlIlnl' eUlit c r" is!ng ']'blrd strc 't aored fur c',.rn apd 8 bOretl fOr Fancy Home-Grown Irish a mI 'Olll1inJ,{ ILl. the t il e KC W OT nl. tht allev h y tobacoo. For P!li:t1cnlllrt! ndllraJjtl 20to2Jc. PotatoeS'. '. Lh vi,lt 'Y 'l'clrphn Il C Cn '". hulI(\I!I~. WayneM' ~bune Gtizette officll. I'lIIe, Oh 10. Fancy Yello\v Jersey Sweele; Now hav e, (l s upp : y of ' 2 Ca~bagc, . , ~ Yellow Onions, U1d ~ W b .. (O il II l c VI \ ur lJ~ fol'c I ~ ,,'cloc k I tl shp,) cotton bags. , Bermuda Onions, noon. Octvl",r ~ O. J II OK. LOST ' Cranberries, ' ,' C~lery; Uom! 0($ 100 I rcq ulr c,1 or Hucccssf ul. hllill ct , Bargain in Soap. [> llln ~ lIod "pr.c lllcaU0I18 0 0 IIle lit <:1 'rl; '~ of· Ul-lDLElo t ~et\veen Mathers New YorkP.ippin 'Apples, 40c pk Ike. Col.Jn GII rC l'(c r\" c the: r ight to rt"l l'o L no }r "Big, De al" ~ ()ap, 1 IIJ, bar. , corner and WayneSVille. ' The o r a ll I1 f(1 ~ , ' .' for 1be. goods had the name of The Fair ' on, li mn DropR, Uy order of (l'I l'n en, ,L eave at ,this' office Frenoh ({rll'IUD !!; (; 1\;\8, u. n~' .: lJ. 'Ierk. CANVAS GLOVES . , . , . , .. . ..... ' . , , . . , : . , ... , . , . , 7e a pair For Sa.uf~ay. 9\, Ftld~e-3 kinds Ta~ Opporl,nnit.y for 110yt11lng thllr GRANDPA WONDER TAR ~OAP .. . .. . , , . , .. ,', . , ..Ie cake ~, CoooB.nutKisses II I Nice jllrlre Banat1na~. Or- , !to lost. will bring res ults IIi thltt 'GOOD LEAD PENCILS . .... .. , .' .. ... .. .. ,' " "" .. 2,. for 5c . ChocQll1~e Drops , columu tlooner thlUl 10 /l>qy other J'dA(1BINE OIL,' regular lOe sjze .·, .. . , . , _ . . ', . . .. 5c a Bottle anges, Spa nish G rape ll, New Fi~s, \"o'tLY· . 't1ry j tilt· Ono , n nd you wiil IRONING' WAX, with wood h~ndle ., . , . , .... . , , .. 4 for 5e Crallberrres, 'llOth li gH and dark, ' Booth's. Canned Balti- ' be coo vi nced , 4 QUART ENAMEL PANe . · ·,., . ... .. .. ... : . : . . ,lOcEaeh 'Ne w Plckles,Cab\nige , Choice, , more.Oyster!!!. '. COTHES PINS, made of good hard wood .. ,. ,' , . . , . lc a doz. MILK CROCKS . .. ...... . . . . . . .. . " . . . . . .. ....... 1e Each Pure 'l4e~ Vinega r. Ce le l'Y , Deposit Your Wheat We will bave ' t,hoRe o'loned FOUND TIN CUPS .. .. . , . , _. ...... ... ...... ... .. . .. . . . , .. .. 3 for 5c Oyste~8 this , week. Solid h C, Coffees .~ nd T eas., SEALING WAX . ,. , . , .. . , ' , , . , . , . ... , : . . .. '" . . 5e a PouniJ '/ mBllsure-No , WI~ter,- 'rry GOOD TOILET SOAP. regular 10e kind ., . .. , . . . . .3 for,20c - AT 'fHE-tbelD " enoe 'and 'you wili' SAFETY PINS. 'a U size• ... . .. , .... . , .. , ... . , . 2 pkgs for 5c ~t,op, buyi!l~ W/l.~er , , Jt'IWIT JAR RI'NGS. 10e kind . , . .' . , . . . , . , . . '.... , .7c 'a doz.
$ ~
{hllllll' \I\" '. j " III' nllh' /lO:I'II1'a l ., " h~~~ vlll" ~I',
' .
Sttt'a uss
K"lb 1 on
a few more Bryan and 'raft pictures left. Only 15c each.
Notioe' to Contraotors.
Schwartz's Mone,y Saving Sp'e cials
.-' cLASS
TU,MBLERS., Colonia1 Shape '.
5c Each
BASTING THREAD; .B lack only . ',' , .. . : , , . ;: . :. " . : Ie SPool ,· HOUSEHOLD A:MMONIA , . , . , .. , .' . . , . ... , ... . .. .4e Bottle LEAD PEN~IL TARLETS . , .. .. . . .... " ...... .. ... 3c)~~aeh
Molasses Ki~s.. IOc a pound GumDrops • • .I~ ,a pound caramels • _. ' .IOc a pol;lnd . Cream Kisses .' .IOc a pound Jelly
Beans • '•• JOe a pound
Mar8hmal~ow, Pickles•• 0c; a I
Waynesville Mills ,And get your Flou~ at any grocery i,n Way~~s ville or Corwin; or ,you can get it Ilt Harv eysburg, Wellman, t,ytle Springbor(J and New BlrrIington.
BIBh~Bt ~aB. .1-108 ,. -or .
l"C Ib
New Com
Ask f~r 11 anmplt:. qf our ~Jdgt'~ 'mont butter.Craokprs. 'riley '
pennsylvania We~;. ::~:~::
/0, E.g,
S Cincinnati ....ZIMME'RMAN' s~ LIN,E8
, 'OF OOlr..
'. I
Next SUnday:. 90c Round Trip from Waynesville I~~!!!'!~!!!"!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! .
Train Leaves 8~28 aim.
S.w.erlbe forthe Gazette
HORSE·STo-ui' -
Former Residents
MI~ Geora( Da kin spent l'hu rsduy Mis.'l Viv ian Stilwell had for her . ' in Day ton. g ~ests u~ Il six o'clock dinner last . . ~ Mr. ()hu~ ; Williamson is in Texas Sat urday, Mr. and Mra. Earl Ying- j ( If t he Season Was F Ired On !1lr1 l.Jusin~ . · i ling, Miss Marjo rie Blackburn, and From Sat urd aY ,Night. Mrs.- Will Hobl ett h~ been Viflit' INormal Stilwell , who came down ing jn Dayton. . ' , ' from Columbus to Su~day at home.
a:P~::~ ~::::i.:::~~'"
M ,. ~nl , i"l' t!llIun
PaHture and a Buggy f t'om the' Barn.
fl ·
!l,lI th, M~ , ullil Mrs } red BUl'Ilu nl , MIl>se.' Allc'e ' IH:!lhlw th and ~(! rtha Smith · w('t'e nt 1'_ laine<1 \ 'C,I'y " lcasanll v by Nath{l1l t' i Austin and fa mily to ,'lInli uy di nnel'. Mrs, Edward '(Hlk a nd duughter lenn a were visiI ing hEIr pa r'ents, MI', a nd MI':;, t :ev l·.,w [' ratl all Saturday. Misses Krisa Ilnvi!l alld Bertha Smit h ~j)e ll l F riday Vl' ry plea..'mntly with tht:! CUl'lne l" s sister, M I'S. Ella Smi th , ' We had s(!I'vices at Middle Ru·n church last Wednesday by Eld er Beedle, of Lanc~ter , Ohio. Mrs. J . H. Chenoweth alld children s'pen.t unday wi t h Thomas Lacyalld i aullly, M 0' k UII .t C Mt H I .l'S. IC SOli H l a l on 0,,• . 0 Iy spen t one duy ·Iast week wi th her g rand·daug hter, Aua Dakin, .Mr , . Willi . All n spen t Sunuay Wlt~ hIS r elat IVes LewIS Dra ke and famIly. . ' , , The re WIll be preaclung aL MIddle Run Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock ' d S un d ay a t 10'30 ' pasta I.• an . b y OUI Eld el' W. L, Lines of Indiana . _.- . ~ --.
'l'~fl'Q !P'1"l'l"'l'1J'lI~~1l'
\\' wall I I II IImk tl i h lR <0111 111 ' 1 (of Ih ~ . II'I.~ tU' " le ~.. IItIj{ rCll l llr~ Lhl~ wlu ter, "nil .L\-I lc U III Irh.\ ntt,1. , l o -wil li III MO hl' .V (OVE-lI l " .
Mi"" ICIIIIIH' B"lg bwlly ent.e l'ttti ned fl trJlOll 6l" I'uf'lI lia,v, M I'~, Chas, Sll ld tl kel' II l\1l'l'I, Ber nitJ ~bidilke r , of 'f:l arveys hu l'f( , MI" al\(l MrR, A, Mat flU, lIud ,\ 11'8. J essIe Itloks,
MI' W. H Gard and ni&ee, Miss - - _.R,e v. Philip Trout of Monroe was in town las t Friday, Mal'Y Ga~u , after a delightful visi t, MI~ F.d i th Moshe r is HPending sev- 1here of about. thr~ months, left ~ I.: Sunday fo r Xenia, and Day.tOn whe re era I days in Gincinna ti . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Emley were in they will stay a day or so, and then ~ l rlL ( ~eo r ge Hn wke entertained To a Hull Full of Ellthusiastic Vol- Day ton last Thursday. I To Haye! Been, Done by Two Men go all t o their home in Cal. n.t dinner T uesday In her usual crs - ..- Club Members We nl &J ti M' EI' D B tt Who Came Up On the Late ohurOll ng ma nner , Mrs. E V, Barn· 1'. all rs. I . urne , left W. C. T. U. MEETING Tl'illin from the City 10 Morrow Last Ni~hl bn r t., ?vi r!'. IIfford Ridge, of Ui nQinM:onday f or a visit in Wabash, Ind . . . '. . --Olher Items. na ti /Iu d Miss May Wrigh t , ! Mrs, J eff'Marl att and Miss J essie 'I;he meeting of tbe W. 0 , T l J.., . 1'1 0 Clue Heard Of. , , Marlatt wel'e in Dayton Monday. was hehlill the b ome of t,be prelll' l Irt vlhlt.iOIlS IU'e out to ,tbe ma r· (J 111 If' I { B Irl · Be (I' be tlrst g Ull VI~8 Urell llist t.tll! _ Walter McKay of Bel'ea. Ky ., is . e~ t . rs , 10 a I , aw ns. v· When O. S. Rloks went out to rln ge of Miss {J1~ r o l yn Mosher t o Mr . urd llY nigh t" wben H O D . •JeRse THY, visiti ng MI', T. J. Brown a nd f amily eral members were unavoidably a bo flltld y est llrdll.y morniag he dlsoov. l!'red Hurtdook, on Thursday even ,. 1,)r,8pokfl to fUl fl llllJ\l ~ It' R ti O audlenoe Mrs. J essie Ricks, of Cinc.i nnat i, sent. er"d tbll.t; one of his horses had dis. iog, Ootober t be tw en lv.seoond ~.t has been visiting Miss Emma Heigh. 'rbe topio WIlS " Motbers' Meet· ilpp6ared. Upon eXllminatloll he In B&bo'tI Hftll . balf PIlSt seven, at the home of III I I f I ' Ings," Mrs, Wysong, leaQ~r. There II.II1n founod R bugay lind sat of har. the l)fide. It r y n thfl ll ternOOll I, Iii ?ountry' way. W~II two m.Jst excellent leaflets read. ..... I I " pAulll e OQlDmenoeci to OO W fl in. ~ nd .Mr. and Mrs. Bar ton Kelly of . . neilS In 88, ng. . 1 '1Y Cmcinnati . . ' one "Keep Mother and Me InU· u r . R'. I'" k II ImIDe dia , e Iy Oil 11e d In ' 0 D S ".ur ' d ay eVt!n i ng , Mr . an d bY 6 0 •QI00..... tlI t! town \VIIS f "r wel'e g uests of relatives ' . . IU llliv e with I~ crowd of Ileopla, 611 · S ' mat-e," ~bow1Dg how neoe~lIliry lC Is the ProtelOtive 80rae &8soolatlon to Mrs. W. l:l. Allen en ter tained most Iloxlou." linll eut,busillstio. ,here unday. . . , th~t ulothers keep the oon~denoe 01 hi. ~Id alld they were telephoning delightfully , Mr. Will GilI'd ~hd his At 7 0·010011: t,lle W"y ull8 vjlle blind Chalmer, the httle ~n of ~r. a.nd their family, thllt the cblldren may ill' day yrasterdllY In hopes tha t be Wellman. nleoe, Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs, S. Illlt:fmented by Olemberll of tbe Mrs ~, B. Sherwood , IS very III WIth at all t imes feel , they have aade coold hear something of the 108t , , LeVer ing Cartwright , t:!priogboro hlln c) gav" Il good 000 typhOId fever. oounselor in mother aDd tbat the Ilnlmal. George ,DavIs and fam Ily spent A dellolous sI lt o'olook dinner ' oert i n front of ttle hall, after whioh i .M ~. and Mrs. Lee Baker of Wi!: fat her will 80 love hili bome that he Monday night t wo strangeld got ~~~~~n.wlth Mr. and Mrs. E rnest was served . they ,. nrooeellerlln tQ the han, which. S m1Ogton off the ttraln at' Uorwin , Imd •• ' M'II k i were S the d guests . of ~'rs, Ida will bll.vo nodealre. to loaf. be ' I . Mr . u rs , A nme I er, 'Mrs. SteII a Mt:s .re8sle Rioks entertained a Minute8 of deptem . r meet nit E4ward :Stroud, who hod been to :Vhetsel ~d Mrs Ed Martin spent was already or ~ w d l'd, !'.nd plu;ved & ' to es ast un a~ , cquple of lielect.ioul!I, The prealdent Mrs Agn es WrIght and daugpter, also tbose Qf called meeting., were G'inolnnal~1 told tbem t,be way lind r uesd ay WIth MI'. and Mrs. (leorge fe w of bel' fr iends in II. very plea8. ant maoner; Monda.v evening . , of the W~ynli· ·l'ownslJlp TBft club. ~' Miss 'Susan, spent a few days last read ; t~llIng of the ell'orts ohM took them part way to the Rlok 's Elhs. ". . . 'i'hose present were, Dr, and Mrs. Mr. J . E. ,'annI'Y, pretlidelhnd after wee k in Cincinnati. ' Unlon to 8id In. fur'~erlng 100II.1 ,up hoa8e. One young man 8aid th llt M~\V EIVIn , Fires. and daughtet· Il bll.pPY itUls H1I8eob Introduced ~rs Clifford Ridge and daughter tion , re80ltlng i,~ an ' ent'ba81a~tlo hi. namEI . was Albert Rl oks, and !~dnwife~nesday WIth Jacob Sears Bltt,ha wa.y , Mr . II.nd Mr8. S·h rtoer, Hon • •168fte 'l'dovlor, th e · "Ilenker of IAgnes of Cincinnati are guests of meet ing held II.t Uorwln ~he evenmg that 0 L, Ricks WII.8 hili uncle Ilnd Mr and Mrs Will is O' Neal of Mr. a nd Mrs , E, V . Barnhar t, Mrs. Ult' evenJng. Mr , 1'sylor flx plilined ' :\irs. E. V Barnhart. before eleotton Beptem~r 26, also t hllt he fl.nd bl8 friend bad oome up Broadway and Ml' and Mrs , Samuel Cynt h ia Evan s, Miss Emma Heigh. at'leDgtb the J.I Hit l"n he occupted M Ph'I' S rf h h I)f the t ree IUDoh tbey served to from tbe oity for a few days stay. Surface of Lebanon spent Satu. rdoy wl1Y ~ Mrs. Clifford Ridge, of Clnoin. rs I lp U ace · as as er , d f 100 . . h J h W If nati, Mr:. lind Mr•. Lester Crane, ts th ; k h . • ' Sa I vowrs I h at ... uay. an , 0 ov~r Information . was, gll.thered that WIt 0 n 0 e an d fam l'1y, " lind !til m urlt... a ll be Haw tbllfD ; and. We41 why· ind wbltt Ill' wOllld do If be W'\I!I ,. gude~ 'f IS f Le b ' er080h~' mue oblldren marobing the .s treets botb Albert Rieke had' .been t o his home Mr. Will Gard , and niece of Cali. .. (an Wle 0 anon 10 . ' f ' " f ' t hO ' · · t ,. ' e le ·~ te" to office . He "poke of the ' . , . forenoon aDd afternooD wl~h · ft&gll MoodilY. Dlgb' tor Hupper, and the orma were VISI mg III IS Vlcml y rur . and Mrs . l:i!amuel Surfaoe, of y Mr o f whole t,lolret frOlIi t.b~ hSlid dOwn, ! h , Starr • h . ~Ichthmo. nd:.,lnd· , was .. nd b"nDers IloilDIC tempt'l'6noe IUppoe.t1,()n la oow th~t it WIlS some TuSe esda a nf d Wedt1n.esdalyo( lastt wdeeed k Leban op, have beet! visiting the t e guest 0 f IS rno er, wra. Ann.a lIoDg8 ' I . vera l rom liS p ace a en l"tte p t u W B O'N 11 • d If· an d OOUJloeot ou (lU t be I erent S ' th F ' d H ' S d . . . one we I acqualuted with ,the 8ur · all-day meeting at Olive Branch .. r9 aren s, nev. ' . ea onel!. ,.. . tarr, at ~ . nen 8 ome unay. The Union thaDks ..1I who ·. aS8lst. fi?undlDKB of' the Rlols bome : Sunday. Ilnd wlf~ nea~ Marysville, Ohto, and After . bi~l1 I'll jll ~ · ou r own Bon. ' M ~, Ambrose ~h~ffltt and Mrs. ,E. ed theOl in any w.y, 'J'~e Proteotty~ A8soolation are do_ Miss Edith Boga,n spent Sunday were aooomP!lnled hom~ by them. Larry - Langdnn, 10 ft mOB', halJPY V. Barnhart" spent lut ,Thu~ . • -1lig aU t blllY oaD w6nd the an1mal, w ith Miss Flossie Fires. Mr. II.nd Mrs , Ed Boran entedalned IIpeech. in whlc h 'he "poke feelingly with Mrs. Ohas Shidaker, near HarTRAIN STRUCK and it is Ito be hoped tchey wUl sucfor· tbe~ on Wednesday of lut we&t . veysburg. deed . N.ew Burlington. and tbey speot the latter part of of 811 tbe, olu,didatitft!. Mr. Al 'B r""dt ·· t.old 80me funny I Messrs. Philip Spence, Sam: Irons, WAGON AND SPILLED OCCU- They liro sendtDgmen In all direot,be week I1t ft hoose party at th& inc-I den t';' , I\lld . Mr, JOlI.llih tl ol .tJosiah 'Holbrook and L : ,K.· Langdo~ PANTS ·QUT t.ions , Bnll no donbt t be horse IUid John· Walterll ~f Wit,mi ngton CoI- . how e.of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Cbas, ' War. bl'ook spolle forK few mln.o 10f Lebanon, attended the Repubb· bU/Jgy wiU be reatoreil t o Mr. ~iob. lege pt~aciled at t he Fhends church wiok. Wben t,bellltpeaklnR lind Iland- ~ Meeting ~ere, last Saturday ·Fortunately No Ooe'Was Badly Hurt Mr, Biioke ·8aYI . the 1088 tobim onS.u nday. . . , The weekll festiVities were very sbll.kiDg wall 1111 over the, orowd night. . But a Dialocated Elbowand will be about t200 MISS Josephme Reeves enterta wed appropriateJy ended by a tamlly .. ' .. __ . , ' . ' , the D elta Al pha class on Saturday , leftt~eba111nllframeofmhldtbllt ~ DEATH OF MR , •. BRADFORD aFew~tchei At 4 :S0 Mr. Andrew ShqUZ., w.ho afternoon. , dinner given at the home of'Mr. . . . lives at Ellagerman 's litation, phODed The . Friends. cleaned their church 'and Mrs. Barley ",arWtot, Dear ,was good $o ll8e, a ll 1\11 'Yere deeply I Jmpr888ed by the word8 llpoken, I Mr, Ja'mea Bradt~rd, of Rosed~le Tuesday afternoon: as Mr: Frank to the Gllizett8 and said that he had last week and put down a new car- LebtJn o_n _. _ _.. _ ..._ _ _ There were Ilb'JUt 6Uy by hIS father found ft c''o lt and buggy in a fenoe . pet. . Itn~ orowd w b 0 wae a bo 0 t"';' "",VtlD "Y 1 8al;8 0f age Braddock, d M J accompamed H '. . " Oregonia. tbll' went t o Morrow Jo st· night to , dieCl as bill home OCtober 10 ]9'08 ~n r. ames ameS. were ~omg corner 1lle~r Frank 'rodhu.nler 's. A H. Har lan was In San~ usky last attend a .oelebriJA tiou down ' t here 10f II. oomplioatl'on ' of dt~~l!: 'lll to ,the Be?ecke'ele~ato.r CroSl!IIl~, a Be sald there were several pU Ok~g88 w~k, M . . .. , . ' Miss Viola Mull spent Saturday 'rb,e hoy" reporl a good time, big , The bod WIlS iDterrlld lit CentArvtlle speela~ tram, coutalnlng a lot of marked f rom Waynesville, lind It Is Lee ,or rIS and fam ily of near with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kersey. : .. '' "od II. Pr88byterian Y. . militia for Cincinnati ' the . mUl81Dg .. WaynesVlll e spentII ahert!. f ew daY14 last .· E a r I 'I'h ompson . d d Io't,~ 0 f R epu bit caDS. or owan olergyman of . bound' . c ., struck . ' presumel·1 t h Ilt t hi s III week with l'elativ 0f Dayton . .was .. - • Be · t . m- i t~" the hmd wheel of the wagon, upset· animal . B ·t J H d k d 'f home Sunday, . It ver OWD 0 . ell .... · . h · ' d' ·1 . h · ' ' orn 0 amElS ay oc an WI e, . . ' E BAND CONG' ER'r TH , . .. tmg t em an SPI hng .~ em out on Mr. Shultz sltid " 8h~" WUl brok_ of Oakland, on Monday of 'last week P rof., Ke1hson· and fam.dy, of • OARD QF 'l'HANKI) , the ground. Mr. Hlllnes saw the en, and tllle colt In a bad ~ondjtion. a daughter, Harriet Elizabeth. WaynesVIlle, spent ~unday WIth Mr. In SPIte of the cool weather a good I We desire to thank our frleods train, and jumped, but Robert was The ~hlef evidently waR beaded . Miss Georgia Barrett of Wilming- and ~rs. Horace. WI~80I1 . many country people came out , and ne\ghbnra, aDd to an who mini.,' thrown out, dislocating his left for Cinoitfmati Ilnd had the ool t n ot ton college spent Satul·day .and Sun MISS Easter C~lhns, of Morrow, Thursday night, and e~joyeci the i tered to us In our laMl bereavement. shoulder and badly bruising his face, aoted badly w~uld have ot.ten there day a t the .home of hel' a unt, Mrs . spen,t Saturday WIth frIends h!re. _ strain9 of music that the Waynesville ' MRS, JAMI£II BaADI'ORD. 'lIle horses and Frank were not • ._ .. i , Ohas . McKmney~ . ' . ff MISS Ed~a Spencer of Cincmnati. and Springboro 60ys gave us. I • -. h b . f h h ' d h' 1 . Mrs, A. H, Harlan IS t he g ul's!. of . pent Satulday and Sunday at home. FELL ·OFF TRAIN urt, ut one 0 t e 10 w. ee SIB D.(1n't rnlsllseelng Mliobeth Thurs relati ves in Tippecanoe City , Mt·s. Katherine Jones visited Miss _._ ·lk..Was a treat, as al.1 expressed , Qnfit for .. use. , day and .F rlday ni(tht. __ - - Mabel Sherwood , Fridayevening. themselves, a~~ tll~re IS no r~ason r . " . ••• . . ' . Mr. . Braddoc;k's injuries, while. • _. Shn.kespllllre'e .subli me tra g~dy" The f l'iends of Frank Clutter tenwhy an orgam~tlOn couldn t ,be As Mr ' Edtb· w~rdl. Sftroad ,":.aslab~nttl necessarily painful,. are ·not danger· TOWNSHIP ~EACtfERS Maobeth, lit Hahn 's 5, dered him a s urprise party, Tuesday maintained., here, There is but a to get. 0 f f " Drli n roUl Dna . 'OU8, although be will have to stay in __ -..:._.__ night. · , small ~xpeJ1Se attached to an organi- r4onda:r Dlght th~ train started 8S the house for several days. . The WByoe . TOWll&hi'p 'l'e~chers S V The C, E. business m~tirig was zation of this kind, and there is plen- be w~s almost off, ~hrowing him 10 There were t,hree sections of this met 81ttlrdav flllday In Superintend pri ng alley. held at t he. hom~ of Mlf¥! Mabel ty ,of mater.ial on ha~d at prE!$ent to tlle groun.d, lind bUl:tlllg bls filoe . trlll' n · ... nd the one dOI'n : g the damage ent 'Bl-aUeD 'Il. om~ iD the Town . Sherw0 9d , FrldaYwn~ght. .. Ml' and Mrs ood • t' ide ~l:il Mr St oud i . , .. . .' Rev , Cru mb , uf Dayton u !! 1I!) ranrebkmg of Omcm k rna e a g . orga~lza IOn. . ooos r y. , ..r ~ wear-l was the' ~ond section. The accident ship House. Tbey bad ft, very suo- uated mini ster was the g uest Sunday. nati, ' spent th~ latter part of last Already t~ere IS ta'~ of o.rgamz-, ing I' ba.n dage i.n reulemblln~o" Of./ hapP8l:Jed about'~ o'clock.. ces9ful · meeting, and 11..11 w~re well of Rev. Fringe r a nd fami ly. week wi th Dr: and Mrs. KrieghoU, ~ng a band, and ev~,rybo~y ou"g?t ~o the .lI&lI1e. ~ _ • .' :Mt: Benecke immediately tel~ s~tls6ea, and retx,>rt the dlft'e'r ent Charley J ones and wife .moved to ....._-- - boos~ not knock, for Its m~mte.PIANO' TUNING phoned Dr. S.'herwood, who rendered towns.hlp 801;l00ls In a flourishing theirl'lew proPert y on Walnutstreet. CorWin. Mrs, Gel'trude Hammer and Net,nance, here. the'. R, ecessary ~istanc~ . condittolJl . • - - .', , ' , . ~ . ~ie Eyans were Cincinnati visitors ' Mr" W, Hatfield, wif~ alid daught.J. J, Thompson Jr .. 4:43 E. ,Milln • - • S da DOES IT PAY? . . . I St.. ". Lebltnon, Ohio. ·8atil!f~ciion FIRSt: TIME ·IN ,TWELVE YEARS. Mao~ltb, at Hahn's 'f'borsday Illld· un y . , .. . ' er. of Xenia, were gu~ts .o f their ~elBorne weekll . ago 'we st,l\rted a ';uMr"nr·~-".. V;'lley .. Phon· a 6' . B. FrIday night 5" ' . f~Frch CkOMPSYm 'and f aIn Ity wElre g uests abves '. Mrs. Hope St Il es and famlly , .. ~......... n 'I . . :, r' 0 ran 0 tt· ~n d . ~vi fe Sunday : SUll:day . ' . . . Ola88ttl~ ~ . deputment, anri we •- ~ .• For tbe tirllt'· ln ~2. yellr!', tbe • - • .. Dr, Dyke and. Wlf.,: .hav~ ret~irn~d Ray, Smith' wife and baby, are are more 'thAn plel18ed· wi t.h tbe ·exNEW .CLUB ORGANIZED Government ligbts aloog ' tbe .u pper .SPECIAL MEETING from an extended VISIt ·.y(lth hIS par-, spendmgseve ral days wi th relati ves • perffnent. Tl:!~ (~rQl8 a,dv~rti8fd ' '. .. . .. Ohlo 'river betweeD CiDolnnatt and . ents in Ketitucky. . . .. ., at Elida , Ohio . . . LIlS~ , Fria~y , nlgbt as ~nn~llnoed Pitts~bo~g, have baeD tur~ed oft' ~n' 'I'here will be a.speolai ~eeiing of Wrn ' Trout. wife lmd baby of Henrietta McKinsey. and Stella In our oolumQs. has h~d iDlioiry ·8'ter inquiry, and 'the sRme WIth other tn lbe G~zP.'tte tbl! VeteraD8 .met iiJid aOOouDt 'of t he low stage of water. I tbe CouD.oil, ThursdllY eveniDg at Spring'field,. are gUElst,sofhe rparen ts Lemmon , were shopping in Dayton, .. , orgaDi~ what will Qe kno~.D:a8 . There are.~32 of thtlll!e Govern~e~t ! 7 o'QloCk sharp. . .. :. Mr, ,an~ Mrs Charles Alexander . . Saturday and spent Sunday with I. N, :, .. , " p!lYS to ·a.dvertls8 " ., '. h the' Rep~~liMn V8~r8D :!l ~ue. It,hte on tlie. .,b·o,es .of tb!! Ohio . lay ordllr of the WlLyor, Mr. Frank Duke of Lytie was a Harr,is.and famil y, " , ..throoll·. T m ' visitor in ou~ towi:l,Bunday. ' Mr: William Nedry of , HarVeys• _ .C. B~ I:)mith , , Miss aer~ha: Batley of Hamil ton burg , spent.rI'uesd~y wit h ~is nieces, . Kood papB1'l!, ~Ilnd \'I'e otln buy :a~d . he ·fl'lllowlog o. oe~1I weruJeoted: . riv~r betweeotbe&e ·two points and Bell more: than a~y other medium o. B'. ~Di~~b, pres .• Goo, Hamlhon, n~vi~~'i<jD ~11!i8 beeu 'pr"otl~Hy SUI- , is the guest of relative!! here. . ~ rs. Alice McKin~y and sister . , be08u~e peop,l elook,tu the, Ga~~te ,vloe.pree •.;C,:Q.• Ree4, ' 8eo ; C. fe. ~d~ .. ' A·t preieotthere are hut 3 1 ' Ca~8ar8 Creek~ Miss Helen Compton' of Xenja, was Bart on Kelly and wife, 9f Cmcinfor tl1'elr. wllntR. , . . Bra~teD, trebs., : Rlobard ' Chul'9b, 'lilJbt boats' ronn.ln~ lletween OiDoin. [. . . ' . . . the guest'of, Miss Louisa ' Fulkerson· nati, were . g uests of relatives· here . J:.ately VftJ 8dvertl~ a beauty ~rgeant~"t IIrma . . The : olub .will ,Da" 'aDd Loui8villeaod If the. -:t ver . Mrs. ,LUCian ,\\'1.lson . VlSlted her Slinday , · .' .., , '.,. ". . ~unday , . .', ptn' found, and ,seven people calle\!' ~ee' '~D.·Fr~day,s ; _nd· ~a 10 be .faUI , ~notber half· foot .t hese will ,paren~ at BowersYdle, last week. Mr: ano M~. L ou Ftartsock en- . ,Y". Gart.! and meceleft Sunday ·f or su iDada , ' NdwiftbeseievOD madeperma'uent. Ttlerewere. abont bave to quit.-ClermoDt Repnblio- Messrs. John Schuler and Ed. tertamed at dmne~ Sunday. S. V. th,elr.home atLong.Beach,Cal . u p y , . . , Ii t . . be ned dl I ' '. ' ' . Penn. of . Colum~u8, were gu~ts of Hartsock and family , Ed Hartso<:k Mrs George.Harlan of Lebanon . ' • ._ .. Jesse HaInes last·,week , '" I. and wife a nd Mrs. Barnard, . spen t Su·nday with M~s, Naomi Har: people h"d adveJ'tleed for , ~he. l08tf y Dlem,. r~ e.nrv. . ' ,~D . ,oo_s, a." ,
1' AYLOt{
. I
pos8enlo.DI', to ftll· 11rob~blltty .tbey 1111 ~~oulb tbey will add ..boot fifty . THE ORAND JI,JRY. I ,B orn t.~ John Fleming and' wife,.a M·r . Robert McGrew,\vas a Dayt orI lan:, . ' .. _ . ,. dau~hter'~ Lillian :May. visitor SunClay. ' . Walter Kilbon h,as made extensive , would hlive ~n r.et4toreil to them. mOr8l1QOn, Ule o~r 01&8s16OO ad OOll1nlll. . MAKE' INSPECTION · TOU'" , I Walter' Wil801) and f~ily. attel?<t.: Fred Reeves remains apollt t he impro'vements in his up to dil.t egrOc,:, . .. _ . , . ,. ~ The grand ~Qry . Jaa' week lDdiot- ed the buket meetllig at Ohve same. ~ ery. . ·REPl!BUC~ CLOB\ . ' . ,ed tbe following ! Morrie ROlen, Branch o,n Sunday. . ' John Reeves is enjoying.u vacation' M!8 Wilgull and dap~hter, of " .. . . A party of . twent~ Pennsylvania v1o~.."n, ({qDor '..." i B.,mer : Brant ,Robert; Diamond,of Xenia, preach- ' from ~is d~ties '~ cle rk in C,opsey XenIa, !lpent 0!le day last week with All members'are eamelltlyrequest- railroad· offiCIals palISed through aDd.loe OlIn baJ'llary aDd·.ttery; eel here elm Sunday. , ~ Britton s store. · '. ' . Mrs. Allce McKII'~8ey, 'ed to cOme to the meetin~ Thursday CorWin Monda; on t~h: regUlar tall :.• rl Bub, ." hone a&e!altDli .Sam . Wm. ahd famil>:! were TheI. O. O. F. conferrt;d the inita- },. N. ~mmon, spent S~d~ with 88 there ' will be a proR1'8JD . lnapeetion .. Amon~ the ~ Dowel'1ud Bed Us""'" polDtlDI : and taml y, ov- tory ~egree on one candIdate. Sa tur- -/lIS .famlly .. ' ' , _~" . ~_:... • .. . f • Beaeh Grove. . c:taY nIght. Matt. McKmBeY , has·gone to Day.. and.short .~Iea by memuw:a Iparty were Supt R. C. Barnard, W., fin &I'IDI i caUl Jlaldwln aDd CliD'1 and children '·:Mr. E, N, Barley was a business ton with a'view- of locatfaa' there. Come and. ~ro1l yo~ DIUIUt on the ,B Folaer. Georae ' t,Boutillier and I IiItD_~"," ad ha'tery·; ~ 'V' j Ore- vwtor in Cincinnati the first of the FranlC Smith waS a receDt vilitor ' list at)d ,~rnea Taft,enthualaat. 'Eo M. Penee. · lZrllan(or _polIOD.IlIf" .' 1Oriia. ·'weU. Ql'hiasiater, M~. , Jam. ~
Truth 'and Quality
appOOl to tho WeU-InfOf'llloo Ie eYe" walle or and nro as: ·utial to penaancnt SUCCC!18 nod cr\lditnl.>lc starllliug. AClftlr· iugly, it is not claimed thllt Syrup oS F"'I!/' aOO Elixir of SennA is the only remedy fill GEI)I. GRANT AND HIS SON, known value, bu\ olle of ' nlUlly ~1I8 why it is tho best of pcrsonnl t\OtI ramily ,/ Boy Who ' III Now General Ih A~my 1:1:tativcs Is t,ho fnct tluit it cllllUlllCS, Telill of Early War Experience. sweetens nml 'rel ieves the iot.emal Orgaa9 on whi ch it ao without ony debilita~ns ,,~....... l~ N , , FIU!1 0RIUCI{ DEN T GRAN'I'. al oo.r elTl'cts Bnd withollt hB\' illg to iullJ'CllSft e ld at SOli of th o t im qua nt ity from tilDe Lo Lime. greRt ctvll Wil l' It Acti 1'IcI\S:\n lind natllraIty and ' ~ o lUl11lnHl ur , re· cOlltly d ellcrlbM truly lllI Q laxnlive, nml ita component LO a re l)Orl r of I"..lrla nrc known to nnd IlpproVL'tl by tho Phlladolphla phy $ic i:\U ~ , ILS i t is free from nll ObjoctiObRecord his own "firs t bal tie:', He a"le lIubstnncl'li. To get its ~ncficial hlld lof\ Me mllhl8, err~f,!I Ilh\'ll,y~ ptt rch aso tit SC'\Ilin where b ls. . mo lher rnunufllctu r 'd by t ht CsliCorni(\ foil!: Syrup / ~ aud til chlldr n 0 " only, nllt! Cor sslG by ulll.cadWlg dru,· ~ wor e to j ol t! gi6W. ' ~...... ,_,'._....... -- . I f I (allie r. . J Ic rt h r , ';Iod NO BATHTUB FOR HE·R . found Clllb r 0 11 a , S H U boa t III t.1t ·'New·F;: ng led Ccntrlvance" Emphatlo\ ~ ~ MIssi ss ippi rl r . ally Failed to Win A"prollal. , .P:~ ........ W We s:e pt on deck. .:::It~. Ouo mo'r u lng he Tho F mo h :~bh ort'e n(' e of tho 1Ia th was miSS ing, lind Gen. Lor 7.0 Th oll1 ' la lI at ul'O Is share d loy mu)' II I)Ulllo, :.s toltl lI1e ho hnd gone to Port Gill· pa rl lcularly \In old WOUlR n up In an 50 11. [wns to I' malu wb re I w n,; Uti · allst T n n(,SRC to wn. 'I'lle town bn(l ti l h e came bn ck. G n , 'rholllllS wu s llIti t 111\<1 n walllr S),!llem Ins\(\Iled 1\1111 ' I:o le nud 10\lked wonle.d . E vury II U)e the nl\l lVI)3 W t' l'I~ "pillt.l nt; \"ltlLnrld e" whl1 - IV would II ar th .tlrl'lIg ur CIIIl · at tll Ir \mUl r ulll II l1d 'lIulpment non . whero on e C IIld ,ll'I'(orm his a,.lutions Some (!"Oops wcre he ln!; ,torm od on at will wl lholll '\'n lt ln nod t.u ,;ln g tb o btltlk 10 lIlarch nwny to bnltle, and for S alurd ny n ight. a I'tLlJblt ran nlong t he Iille betw Oll tl Tb !!; old woman WIIS lID ll.'Iecpt\on to t he m li nd t he rive r, I Rs ked Gen, Ih rul e. It IIlri rle ho r homo with T homas 10 let me go ashore lUlU (la tc h h r son, 01111 h i!! wl f , arrorrl lng to lhe the rabb it. Tbe ra bb it h ad e1isap· ·mo thel'·ln·la w. wn ~ " nlln s 1l·llo.olw r!n' II a r d , of co urso : but I got Oll land . afl e r Bomor ln' newfnn!!:l;)d." D I ~ ob ylng orderR. , starl ed for Po rt A nclghbor, wl ,o 1' lId !Jeen 111 to tn · Gibson , sO Dle 17 miles d l~talDt. Hav· spect til e Improvem nl s 'I n tlu, hOll se, Ing 110 horse, I wa lk tl . rem nrhc(J t il the old womnn: .. \\ I'll, 1\\ rs. X - - , litis wtll be a In the af ter noon I m t a batlery that. wn s g 'ttl ng r eady to go Inlo a cllon . J plens ur for you ~b nl h nny lime, night stoPllr: d. ro .· RW,h ll , but a r llll rl' firo nr day. YOIt w ill c r tn lnly njoy It.-" ,orl"hat I w(>Il 't ." 8n l<1 tb o old womnn, didn't Inle r st mo V ~I' y rn\lcJ.i. S ver· , "I been n me mbO:l r ' of tho 1\1 reglm IIts of Infantry were fI:;hUn g tartly. In t.he lOW' g round below, iJoweVCt', Dnd ~ll\1rch 50 year nn' a.lwtt7e Uved hon · est an ~ upright. Git Intfr Oft or them 1 wen t to the m . Pres nUl' tbe c.lImax oC tlte battle tllb!!? , Me" Why, SMY Bliell. thea Q,C;CIIr( d . 1 !law our Iroolls rllsll ror· things aIn't dec nt!" ward, and t kne\V the on DI y had given AWFUL GRAVEL ATTACKS. way. NI"ht came on , and I walk d OIDOll,!; our men In Ihe moonlight. I foll01l"ed J our soldle rl!! who we re car· Cured by 008"'. KIdney Pilla After Yeara of Suffering. ryhW n dead mnn 1n 11 ~1t~oket. Soon I was at t\ lIttlo scboolbousd '. F. A, Rippy, Depot Ave., GanaUn, tb:1tb'ad been turn ed Into a hosllital. 'I:(mn ., Bays: . "~'Ht c n yell1'8 ago kid, Surgeons were ' tossing ' nmputnted ney' disease attneked arms and legs out of the windows. me, ThE! poin 111 my The yard of the s cboolhouse wns fill d ba k WDS 110 ogontz· wIth \Volloded and gronnlng men, ' Who Ing I finally had to ' we re. walUng [or tbe BurjteonB. J give up ... ork.. 1'h81l pIcked my , way nnlong them 10 the entre t\!rr1b1eattllckB s id e or the road nud Bat OU ' {he of gravel wltb aCIlLll 1'00111 of n tree. 1 WIIS. hungry, thlr"ly vain lind pclasagcs of and \Vorn out, and; WOl'se tllail all, I blood. In 1 t:W!sed didn't . know whether my fn1her wer.e 25 stones, Bomo as living or dend. lar6e as Il ' beaD. No boy .wns v:~ r. .more I.\tterly . wretcblld. I 'bad seeu my fit1lt battle. Nine yeara of Ihls ran me down to a Tben an orderly, who bad been carry·' srute of contlu\lnl wenluullIII and 1 Ing messages 'tor my fatber, rode up . thought I never , would be beticr until He took off' lIls sadd le. gave It to me ( be.g nn , using Doan's KidDIl1 Pille. tor a pillow. <and covel'ed me with hill The Imllroveruent was rapid, and sfnce sadd'e cloth. In a short time be ra- USing fou l," boxes 1 am cum and ha~e tUToned and look me to my . fathn, never bad any return of Ule trouble," whom I fqun,d sll tf.n,g on ,a cn)DJ)-l1tOt.1 , Sold by all d allIer/:!. 60 COIIta a boL or the 6~hdolhouse, drinking u Foster·Milburn Co" . Bulta!, N, Y: - - -'1.-._-- , Un cup of hot colfee. I expected ~ A ' REASONABLE Rt:QUEST. tet B' sharp. reproof. for my dlsobedl· ence: . "How dId ,y ou get horer·' ·be &II.k ed. "J wull<ed," He looked at me for a. moment, and then aa'd: . "I guess you wUl do," And tbere was no anger In his face. Maybe I was .m!stakeJ). but 1 )lair believed he wa8 not Borry that I lett ~he iunbOo.t. ' . , . ' I • 'The n exl cfay. I was given "an en or, mous hQrs6 irown wblte wIth age," as. ,my father says ,In bls memOirs, an d ' rode back to tho gunboal Cbarlee A. Dana, t,hen nn ,oftlcer 'of the war de~ partmout, and nfterward editor of tho Smnll Urchin (to lllaj01', who' 11M New Y.ork Sun, riding n ' raw·boned mato of my hOl'8e, weht alon~ with me. , been thrown [rom horae Into J)Ond}-.,l~I, JDlster, ns you .'ur.tlejl~ te ~ In the wllter, "ould you m:ud looking lor Shtue' of Gen, SlIlnnerl Willie's whIstle? •. . !l'he statue' of Gen. Francis E. SpIn· ner, made under Ihe direction of an ~R~SCRIBED CU'TICURA . association of women employe!! of the r ' _ '":' sover,n ment, Is, to be ercc~ed ' oPpo~fe' "After O.t he'r Tre~tment 'F slied-Raw the Spinner bOrne In Herkl.mer. N.. Y. Eczema 01"1 Baby." Face' Had Gen. Spinner WIIS treasurer .ot the Luted fIJIl!n'tn_At Laat Unit ed St ntes trom 18tll to ,' 1875, nnd ' , 'Doctor Found Cure. " "ihen the ele.t'ks In the treasllry C\apartment resign cd , durIng tbe Civil I '''Our baby boi bro'k e o.t wltll ecwar, 10 enlist 1n the army, he recom· lema on his face' wben Olle' Dto!itb old, mended that' their places be fllI!!d bX ()ne1place on' the stae ot·1l11 fue tbe women . 1-le, cn rled his point agaln.l1t alze at n nlokel WIUI !ite ~~teak consldernble OPIl.oslllon, anel thus {Of three months · . d h .. opened t~e. door to ,s elt·support for out when I bathed' th~ ~" WOllld ~I'J many women. He Is nol able also' 'as ' ' .'01'0' a""d b ' I ' ~(~t Ut~t. were ' 11 ar ~ I ture "tbree monlh II ro, .((en t on. pve t h'e' Ipven 't or 0 f a pecu goa .; hllll whl<;h ' appeared on all tl)e national . ' S rea l1'lent from a good paper 'currency and wail tho ' bu~t ot d~fttor, bllt at the ond ot ~ tIme the the n",wsraper' J\umorlsts Cor years c d was 'no hetter. .Tba' Ia7 doctor '" ... , r. ... . ," 'Tecommen/1pd a tl . ...._ \Jut be will be remembered IQngest 0.8 ,.... . . ~ e,u~. ,"t._r , u8lng, Ule ' mr.n wllo o0'11 ell' on 'the women ,to ' ~o~ak: ,ot , I~~}eura Soap,. a ~~nt of a take the fl:;lCllS left vacnnt ' by the men bottl° Cutlcura OlntDlOIII~ Mul,.balf . ' who went til the front ,to fight. e cf Cutlcura' Resotftla" be was '. . well ~nd .hls fa~e was .. ~thas. an, s, -He 101 now 'lIO, ,· and a Looking Out fol' Number O,.,e. half olp· al1li-no eczema ~ rea~~earM. '~ot h Elides nUkE; wcr.e braye." 8ays Mrs. M. ·L. Harris, AI~ lCaD., Ma1 Ad.mlral De,wey, who Is. quoted In tho ' ~,. and JUllfl 12, 2907." . St. Louis Repnbllo; :"north and Bouth, ... : soldIers and sailors, And tlJe 'brnvel-Y' .' Dec!,rl!tlon8 " CIr W"";', of the recruits was.a thIng to be seeu Tbere are tew ·deCClratl... · f~ WOlD- '\, to be believed'; ' ' en In Europe', ' tbe raOat' uCleDt order "1'hero used to be ('lrcl1l~ted, though, eOmhig ~frotD tbt...·A.nrl. . tbrone,· It a story about n Connecticut re(lr~lt. la tbe deoorat1(1D of lllit' Star 'a nt CruThis young mall. acter he got inItiated cifix, and is- c1YO. .. ....,. ef blP tought well, but fn his Drat .engage: I'Ilnk. Another' " tile , ~1I8tI, 10K.. ment he .,as very nervou8, A cbum of eel I. memory of the _ _.... queea bls was 'ln the. lIoe ahead or blm.. ud of PrussIa. whom IDnttet wben the bullets bel&D to tly, the TlJla orell'r II ~"fIII t. all ...... Women who' oOldlIt '. ., . . . . alt. chum began to dodge, . "'1lfiiireupon the recruit lIhouted, u . . . .8., cltedly: ' 'lim08t aTli '.ira . . .. 'I{e,. Jim, don't dtIaItl I'm bebbld ;Sf be II wUliQ ,w ."...... IIIIIr 181'"
Th ore were a nllmb r or women 1'& rorm ors" too, durin g my poW It'n\ Yl'llr8 nnd th y weI" Invnrtnbly c nll ~ t e d on some moral qll ef; lon, as the y lookell nt It, lob8cco, wblsky, child labor, the bette rin g of c\l ndltlonR for womnn, Ihl!' Ra ving of gi rl s, ale. Tbey ''';'e ro ve r)' much In enru t. fnltht~1 and \' lI l husl ns tlc to th eir Id enls. ()c;cnslono.ltr Ih )' Rucce edod, nn d 'dl, el\ ~ t, th oy nov r B ~e mod dlsc ou ,', ,;pd. It Is 10 tho c redit of (lolIUclal1 s In ge neral,lllllt t he)' werl' lI~t"lI II to wl lh verrcf.l reRpecl. over wh 11 It was n(l l,n rO lll tha~ condili on. mnde It In a bsolul wnste of IIn.e to dl ~ USS til QlI os tJ o n ~. SomellmeR an o('(lInanc(' 1f1 rred lh ol r ' wny; o.t olhol t irpes a at .. IIIW , or 1.0Rsl bly th e ('on stltUUOIl oi he Unl tOd Sllltell Itsoll w as a stum b; ng·bloclr, but lb ey we re b 'nrd With r.n ,;~ ncc . Her rm lloll t .. ~ during my dny can· r ern t'd It self .1li:;:t ' parllcul a rly In 1'1' hnbillinlillJ:: lhe vurso nn I of I he ell' council. 1 11 U) l~ il 'uo ~ with ~lI11 .. tau !1I1 !III 'ce,;s, a nJ It wow the one excel'
I TELL '£11, Y(}U W,//Trfllfll'l.'
!fe~ /YO
REFORMP-R In .1l01l1lC8 Is Uons obtnlnlng In that war d!" he Bom l,h nes a dys1)e pllc, bUl a sked, Inqu.!rlug:y. . nqt alwnys, H e Is also ·Oh. yes: ' was my answer. sometimes net ullted b" mo· ll, we wnct to put up a candl· . t t Uves 'nUre ly I m pe~sonal dat,"We e Cor alderman 'there and see If we " , lind unselfish. But not al· can' t arQu s e tbe bett c r lement tb.ere, J ~af8.. And refpr,1l,I pOlitic ,may bc We ;vim to &,0 In snd fight the .saIOO?8 <llassed as or t\Vo kInds th.e couule r, to a Onlsh," \v,,9 hIs neJl:t remark, Celt varlet, nnd the genuln . . (ndl'r ndent, or reform movem nfs ,In. polttlcal caml,algns, al e Inl anded to o the brr aldn!' a wny of m m/Jers of ,tbe old parties hnd a conl3olldntion 01 th.&!O "bolters' for the IlDfllosa of electing a Ilck .. t which Is suppos tl '1.0 bo bettor thall 1'Ither of the old ·llnt> (lart.Y tlcketl!,. Som~tlmes ao Ind e· II ndent f110vell1 a dt m eUM thts. Som . flmes il nlenn& Ihat a D mo rat or a -Republlcnn Whl , has fail e d of th e r gu· I"" I'nrty: nOmiflut!lIn !fas buen .p el"' t!uoded to rrak" the race (III t,h \! gr'Oftnd that hi! has be!3n de pri ved of the Domlnallon \Jy unfair rn eal1~ , But the basic ' element of Indel)eudent ' -mOnlments 'fs 1\1wny a ela1m IowaI'd .. ,belt.erlng of conditions, and there: fore arguIng a reform. politically. Then the re III usually th e Pro1ilbl· ....WlllYrEO OQ(JJ .rR£fUY'/ tiOli movem6'.nt to ,I>e rerkoned with, &~d tb's Is SII'IClly founded en retol'm I "Whose tInlsh!" saId 1. tlon. "What are Wlil here for?" was t!on to perennial reform whreb :111'" prln(llples, , Or :here may be an edll' "Ob, we wl\l probably be bealen," tbelr, slogan, an" they went after fran· genuine. , Not tliat, the r6formo1'8 did eaUonal fent !,:' p In the 'ca'npalgn be ' ad.mlUed, "but we wllnt to ' give chlee ·.. dlvvtes ..·.or 'any other "divvIes" not -0<;ca810nally hay\!' "an' ax to grind," ' nlotl ' wl\l prove to' carry, the balatlce . ~hem a .pampal!?;n pr educa\lqn and an~ IIke 'a terrier after 'I i but that" ~n the , main, they aided the or ~flr 'as to' vole!!, and lVhlch' lIIay Ilghtenment. Wbat that ward, ,rieed8, Real ' rero'rlh~ wereJ ' not so elaborate; best candldntes. ·But at ' times -they be adoJ}tAd In Ille r)latronn of either what every ward,peeds, Ie a J)haqce to Iy advertISed ~!\ th~ sham ones: tile 'saddled 'tbem!le1vcs ' with ' some bogu; the parties wllh " "Iew to socure have Its blgher nature aroused. What Ibude!, the "holler" ,about .the refomi, refor-mer and ' js'mmed him through vOl,8Il for the ·.. bole 'Icket. PolllteR they want. I'm .. convlnced, Is more op..' tbe less ~eriul,o rll.form was In. sl,ght. at the polls, . (ellcltaUng tbemselves ts .Iartely a g..lme of ~:<peUlollt,s, nnd po ttlll y to seol Ihe ligbt." ' And then thOI't! were the "{ad" reform. , that- ther bad "1mt ano~hor over tbe lUI the only lhll,ga that count, In the "My frIend," was my reply, ''1'vo era, going about Boeklng ~hnt l bey P?1Itlcnl plate" wben .they bad In IIY'l ~Dalysls, It ,·" the Vales, II follo;'y.s, traveled 80me In that ' ward. What mIght devour In tbt! '8bal'8 at having re~lIIy onTy added a "cheap gratter" tberefore, as thp nlghl the day. Ihnl they want ther~ 18 nol more light, but , unmuzzled dog.. caught with a 80ft to the city'S psy roll. ,. votes I\ro the prlm,e neces sliles, nnd more beer." 1 curtain rope. IDJItendi or a wIre noose, When this .b appenp.d It made t.llf&Df el[p~lent ~o .catch "ot ce Is coneld· Yet, despite sometlmos misdIrected cnb·horses, pro\'lded with seaTS wblle lIegulatlon, glll.,edged grafters In the ered :Jus}lflablo. . en ergy, theEO men and I heIr aS80eln· waIting· for a rare, ' the distribution of council IndlgnanL 'Not th'at the "1'11O'tber phaeed of reform ' polllics may tlons did mucb In makIng polltlcai copIes of Bro\lrolng's poeins to cross· former", shoulrl tum out"1.6 "look entCC' partlellloll)' Inlo national cam. conditions b~ltCI', For that tl1ey de- Ing polloemell. Of' lIome l1uch 81mllar Ing for sometblng," but Ihat be so \ !t'lalg1J6, ant] mu.}· Influence local coudl . serve substantIal credit. So ' long as projeele, ". ' .oflon toolt nn:rUJil\g he could get. 'Thls tiona enough to sIVlllg victory to a Ihey were ubsollllely non'I'a rl Isan thoy There are sO'lletlmes uneasy J)eople. made , trad~ bad, Cor" lt s,:aled 'prlces !!lIds wbfoh Illay be weakor on pape r wi elded COnSI'l6rab le Influence, and In every communJt~r who want to run and Buch 1\ fP'(\.:illt' to the ranlls of cor (boft tt1l nnlll'!ollst . ' propf rly, but QD occasion thoy allowed th~ rest. of tbe,r n.(jl,ghbors; tho bigger " ".,t.iun cnU;lHu ' u 1'lIIillr" ruarKHt IU . [n every large city and notlcoabl\o prejudice to bias theDi nnd did InjuS: the ~ommunlty tl\e grea~er they are votos. . lu my own cit~.. I r~und two well d c'· lice to good milD. 1Inbl0 to be Iii num'lber. And In , a city A cheap scolllldrel ellrned just a~ lined types of Ihe pOlitical I'efonnors , The otiJer type of well·known ra- or two mmlons of Inhabitants th<,y are , DlII",b conll1mIlt in the council, nlJ an wi b a smatteri ng al so of whrlt w(')'o forme~ was tho:! one who continually BUI'll to be found . "h!!y ba\lnt the gal. oVllrcOUI. tb\e1, earns trom a railroad klW~D as ,"cr'luks," "d reamers" and hcaded "reform" movements. He lery In the council chnmber of tho manipulator of stocks. I recollect th(, ".vls lonarle8:; One or th e I wo types might be ,a cllu .lIdnte for aldermnn or cit)'" they' Intast t he mayor's Office arraignment that OOI! of the "rogu referretJ to Wlll1' t\1 hnrd·h f'adcd c.lll· th e le&lslatnre, or congress. (lut wher. they Burge In' with ille cro\Vds ba'Vin~ lars~.' ·· gave one of these easily pur zoo who. re gardJ ~SB of rid icu le nnel di s · ever I h re Wl}.~ · a "klqk" coming, anrl heMlnge In the I'ubllc office] ' In the ,clra&ed "ro[ormers." ' ~tir3ge m e nt , h fadfly s t himself to a m e tln!! adverllsed to protest, or or. cIty halls, and whellever they have no Sa~d the .... egUla r,.. pl!ffing slowly at work to be\tpr 'h e · cla sq of ofi ~ lpl gnnizo, I his c111~S would be on hand (onn\!otlon \Yhatever. a. bl:; black ,cigar, the little Onger 01 IIclcctlon . Without caring an ytlling early nlld get the chairma nshIp of the f,nbSlo.ntlal peforms are o'f slow ,bls left baniJ a(lorned .wlth · a four hun 'ror pal'ty ofilla' lone, . he aSSOCia t ed t'l no7,. . nsua 11 y . com Ing ' . 01lt In Ii. growth. It · tooll over 20 years' s l e n dredd . dolla· y ' "shl'n er," and his Bh,"• rt' with organi zat ion s wh!ch "went "rln "lng" sn'3('ch of denunciation ' work to drive Ih,e 11!'o.mous jl! ~ t! G e,· Qf . front sr:orlfng Its mate. llresented bl • ' 8 f te,.JO ,vea k or. lin fI t candldn'les , and . ngal ns t tb , 0 'In.amy w hi c h t h e c It Izens the .peace system out of Cook county. ' his a~mlrlng ..... " on81Its·... lIurmorted and t:nroitrn !!,e~ gQoil (·D.ndl. hod me t to combat. ,Thill put the reo Some n()1able -reformers went along "I reckol1 [ :Jhl\e tbat gllY up rlghl dates for all omces, ·' whet.her state, forUl er "n",xl" If It was a ' pl'opo~ltlon very well for ~ time until they got!lo 'IIt, the s t I\·r~. 1 ~ell 'om 1- sepn whal COllPW 01' rnnnl r ipai. 10 npmlnate an upposltlon candidate, I>romlnepl . lbat th e, were offered a l kind of 11 lo~ster he Is, .~be first ~Ol' This cln ~s ('I men nccompllsh ed. a.nd be ·oflel. ?'tJ, ;:way witli Ihe noml. hlgh.salarled polill caf position, And ' I of ,the ,box, r t ell 'em, YOI! walC:,h hIm ; \\'Ub ·t!10 · aid of. decent pollt.iclnns, n na l lon. Or, Ie he was a profeSSional then th ey ' ~roJlPOI! , practically frota he s 110 l'e~orme-7' nnd h e s , qo thor· groal . dcill of good_ III th e bp.g lnnlng, m/In , a law yer: a doctor, or a renl os. s ight DB reformer!; nnd rcnppeared ns oughbred. He, blo.w,s up In the stretch li1!o ~II n)eu lI ~ tlla t!d by really hig h tute m/In '3\'ell, It was a flret ty fall' art. 'pay 1'011 artist.! Tbl" '<:a\lseel at \Ihle the flrst t1we they re ott a.t lhe gul' motiv'09, they ~'ere derld od tiM Jam "Eirl,l Hemenl, w.n sn'·t It ? Not 80 "floor" Il r'evulEllon of 'foel :ng among the re~ A!l',' ~a,~! DId he! ' . ~ell, he'~ elecled Iloono'd, .nnd t\l " I)' lot, !Ille tile p('llce. to .\I,ave YOU)' pldur a In Uie paper next rorm Er s at Ii at·t but 'they <lfd not I~t all rlgh ., and ~~ .gOCS over a.n ' hook R !Dan's, WIlS not' li b'OlJflY olie. ' [lilt Ilf; day, with a li)J}<l nceouol of yoU, YOllr n 1Ii.Ile thIng Ilk'3. that enflrely dlscour. up '1'rl~ the geezeer In t,he nallt w~ro.l 'lime went on they lier a me a force business nnd y'"ur slleecb , etc, Some· age tbem. ' that \\,P;dt fn. 'tlle same he goea In whIch had to "IP rl'ckOl!ed with, !H' {III tblng thnt' would ha,re cost you coin • got 80 that I could ul1ually "spot'" ThellJ tWQ .fralJ:e B up and gdes Ollr f 9 t by th e mo~ t ha -o,e ned (,f Ihe " ljosso"," ~o have in the j1apers. a.nrl you got It II retor r er us fllr ,as T ,'ould Bee hIm I he I;tIlIr. Do :hey get ,It? Yea, thc, exoofltlng', In what ma .l· be c lassed P.S . lOr nolhlng. And th e )) the report.ers The nlalo; 11Y of reforn;ers are verY g!"t . It, and ho" m,u~h? Say" on 81.1'10\1), ' '' ~ o IO()1J wards." ' out to int e rv.lew YOII and lIulte a )'nok· busy wl\lkers and. talkers The are level now, on the sQuaro, they In the saloOl; wn rd s. 'I\'ho re the al . . t sl.nrted nbout yoll. not co~flned 10 one na;lon!lllt~ al: three hundred bt'lween 'em foi' 'R de rmerl 'Or iJ181 unce . wero ' a loook e~Jl' And, III ,every, large city, T sllPI1(>se Ihough J shou.ld judgo that tbe bulk Ihlllg . th ~y pu,lolf. A hundred . fifty apiece seo~'" ers, or wh era till' s aloon ' illtlu pn (> pre· th ere are on 1y a tew bright promoters of them ora AmetiCDI1S. They all have . • . Rei pAused and took a fresh puff al .!I.'mll Dted over\\'uelmln!!ly, (b e "boss· like that lItnndlng. /lroulid ivnlilng to "mlFslons to It' you agroo "ith tbem es" diG .l tl t Ollnr! I'eforru 1)0Iltl<'8 nn" Bell u. gold hric!; or -two. and do- e~e""t;in'" Ihey osk, VO\I are' his ~ !~Ilr, ao.d r"Bumed: "Why, If an) , . " .. ~ cheaV stitt 'd come t d t el1lre (f"LIl a rhln ol'(' ros wuuld mind SOllie or ' lhe~e , "retormerll" . wore "a patrIot.'·· It 11,0 disagree with . some jnsult tile • lUi !' ' bb. m,e a.n, ry Ie S tll~ !:lUe or It mosquIto. I ne ver couM pretty fierce wnBll they bapvoned , to ~t them In nnll IVay. shape or: niannor, . the akat" ",,,lt o:~ t ~ , ~O (II Ihrow und!m;land, kml\vlpg the a b!!<ol ttt land In an Qmce. A few oC the.1ll were you nre ellher a ' I1'aoundrel qr. '!VI{.h out eud ot bIb cl a ,,~en. , Ane! the hUpel_nel'8 ur fl, why Ihe refurmers swept 'lnto tho ('Ity council astrIde the menlnl balance. t" be ". patriot" Indignation. g r glowod· with rlght6;tu8 troute! sOitletUnea try . to "break Into" top or a wave ur "popular Indignation" l in the rV,ell pf wbo were· - CC(Jpyrlltht, by .Jose II B 8~ I ) .lIcb a worr! III nil alderll?nnlc ca!D' and they were the I!ungry OOY8, Borne cal you mUl1t to. their d~ptaDdl. "·· E.. . W . ., llaign. I rcmt-Inher \'t>ry welJ. the or· ot !.hem, The;,' were I1lmp!y on Ihe ,lpa1' 10111," 8ald Robert Pl'el, Not Altogeth,r Palnl .... of II Ite·.tlemlln calling on, me qui viva to bc, "approached," And "they .prlns Cit mU8brool7'8,ID .P.atlence.-Ja tho.t dnDtla~:. , meUlolh • • eud.I,,'orlll~ 1o enlL tny l\pr\'lceswflen tbey Wltl'tl tempted , thllY tell tbe b/~t; ' 'iean ' patrlotl In .8 palnl,,81' , • ~ • IIIJSIIltrr 10 • campalp ,or this Iwlftly !lnci wlt1l:lut .. 110118ct, ' ''Tbelr. Ilng'o bonr; I oDJ,.to 'refllse PlI\I'lee-Not Dli of tbem. HI' '1ae • It . motto wal tMt of fhe HOD, Webster. fIOll'"lt ab&urtl Nqueet, . pboD'Ograph 10 hll omee'-Youken 0tI bo lh, d~:efiil COOd'. l 1'f1Ul8pD, wftb a dltre'r8lJl IAterp1~. wb.,.. lqt ltarIfJ . ., St:atOllDHUl,
rat. .
~ ,-/.
- --
'-1'17 __ ..... '.11 ......... .
'Better , to Keep Separill te
Main Dining Chambe r .
Flnillnelilll Fact.
'M1~", flr~ IW'llptr· W11Q
wQutl.·'" whn.t l b~e n Cou ll' h ll VC Illlla lll In tho drrllllM li e wro tt", TIl e ..., lIr" o t" 1'r 8, who t pl\ UM tlmt (llbHnn
GI\" ' R
_m,~ h
throo l : . 'l'ltCIV\ n r p l)I'o Pl
hi "
g lrl H ton
,19 80lla Irlllh YOll thla m B)' Ulk c : D o wn In Ih "lreet rill nl e 6 W a ll, flure l hlngs dn nol it Corlu ,,,' n,ak ... ,,"or I II's " !:,olden h nu l .
'vho nrgue cntU'(lrnt n g Thp gu l' bHtw(ll'Ifl monkey nod mlln :
:rill'''' o r " th oflO who ure PH!;c rl y ).',I\rnlng To O!lll li t lhe plOflH of J IIlllln: A8 for ·In l'. 1 will canelldly »11)1
"T1ml my Irllubl rs w ou ld utI dis a ppear 1f J kne w how to }I v,' u n m y pay ,\nll 8l\Ve liP t en tllllll suntl tl
Th (,nl IIrl' II, ,,"
nro fnll Il Hhl~' tryln«
'1'.. 1111,1 ou t l'o o d ili o ns Inl MlIr9. A nll oth •.• wlln wlllll I n go lIyl llg Wh n t ll " y u.l ,,;h l hnve SO rl 8"u1M In l he , ' u,r f,li:
Thm ' nr,· To
p eo pl" whn 8 1~1I t or Il ' rmlHs lon
pl 'nlll ly IOll',1l ll ~rt fl' klll" ~; Thcr',l nrr rr w w hn nru In llh' pos1t1.on pro )ll"' flf Jill .... nil IUl hlunury t hlng:1:
r~' r
tnc, ,
. Ana"
WOU ld C' f'USCI
to he
v , lr ut;'uin w ould u t ell I'
Be \VMlf1 g rrom m y h cnrt It 1 hull 't'rul thn"Hun .J - dr.u r I)\'olll- o. ),,,ar.
(n~II R h
m 0
\\'1I 0!(
t w ttln f;
AfHl 1!ll u v f ug' f ur Jllorn t hlln UH' Y -fw c (1 : Who ... r o.l " I h~1 r 'I\\'II kln dr (I , ( on! ttl "I: Tllul vh' l In the h e l·II .:.1 o r f!1" orl : ",ow ..' hf'l l' 'I t 11 (')! , Ilru wll., "' lilt hq rrow
Old Way of Shelling Them I. Altogether ' l'1necea sary.
The trol,Jhl N' lh A.t w hw m en ' ~n o r l'
Who 610llrt 111111" r
to· morrow
Iiny li 'ntt ~1' wh,' r Ille Clro no mo rc ! A. tor ,"", t W(lu W bll sMtull)' Khnul, The w ~ lIdn Rh.lllill r l ll l( w hh IllY ('IU' I'. It ) hi H(tlfll' WII)' coulll IIn (1 (lut Row to
A b,,,akta st bay brealrJn>,; out trom one Side Is a favorile trenlme nt for lbe n Wfll dlnlng-rooul u. 'rll\!so bays hal'e 11 s lig ht olovnllo n, alld heavy ~urtnlll S eOl1ccu l lh 111 fmID Ih dlalng. room prl'llcr, IlIlI.ltl l1 l; 1\ CO Il~ nnd seclud ed br(>alcru HL To'um for a family at tb r e or rour. 1I1ullioil cd window s are I.llrllc tl vc, and CIlS m nt sasbes are good form, spc(:Iu.lly If English or colonln l d signs are used In UII~ dining· room. A !Ilde dou from the bay to the bulle r's pantry Is most convenl enl, and, It pan elin g Is used , a. concealed door Is onelly urrunse d. A small table, tbe desired num ber at chairs. and Blmple curtnlus admlUl ng the sun· li ght are a ll tbe furnishi ngs a bay s hould receive. When 0: larger family must be accomm odated, 0. brenkfast room Is a rranged convenl nlly oppo., slto tbe malo dlnlng·room. This, of oourse. gives treedom or treatme nt of a separat e room. 'I'hese separat e breakfas t rooms are es pecially satistaclory decoratod In blue . One can he r Introduc e a pretty Dutch ecbeme , wh en IL mi ght not be appropr iate eillewh 're III the bouse.
~ r ,\'~
up "'.. " l hollsnml n )' 'H I'. -8. E. I'::bll 'r. I n ~hl u'.1go 1{,' corrl · H lf rlli cl .
Wlre-Wcll, I'll bel you II. 1I0ll: at CIJ;nI's. Hu~bIl Ud-No, I won't b t! ,Wjre'- Vou'r afraid 'you'll lose. HUl\band- No, l'm Mrnld I'd win.
Pro and ·Con. So m u
v.- ~m ('n
s ny t hey '"
fhnn c wumen any \l1(.y t! on' t :
SC'Jl1 0 Kny wo' li s ur' ly 8e • IJI V U ( ~ . \\~ hlll~ Uth~ I'N BUY we w o n 't. - - ¥onkerH Sta l .. ~mn n .
Seeking Informa tion,
Th e 'mall n nv
At last tbe senson at the succule nt gr en p a need got be , regarde d wl1b horror by tho cook. No more need ebo stny out for houra and haul'S all the pOI'ch shelling . them In endless number s, while the rest of the dlnuer walts until It Is almost too lale to campI I It tor that day, No more n ed mother stay home from pIcnics ond othor IlIlrll es because the peas must be prepare d for lunch or dinner. All t hnt Is n ces an- Is to throw Ih ' 01, pods a nti all, Into lhe poL Cook lbom the usual length of tim e, When th oy nre done. lhe pod s will break an·l rIse to the s urface, whil e the peas may -be fOlllld at the bottom of the kettle. What ;u change this will malte In the time It reQ uires to cook a m aJ. What a comfort It will be to teel that no more afternoo ns no d be pent In sh Illng pea s, and what a joy It Ie to !mow that p eoll wh en cooked thi s way are belLer than Wb n houri! arl' spent upon their pr 1Ia1'atlon ,
WIlli nlayiog wllh tbe unll Ill s kindly hi grand· mother c hld ~d blm, "You mm.:n't I';ay ""Ith the scissors , tical'. 1 kllOw IL iUtlc boy 11k yoU who wa H plnylng with a pair or I)CIS801'8 j us L, lIIlo that. !lair, ond he put tb om In his ya anel \Jut hIs eye am, and he could n vcr see nnythln g ve r art cr." The child lis te ned poU e n~l y, and Mint Jelly: Sllid , wluin she gol tbrough th e nona· Many porsons dlsllko anythin g of • th'I :, food variety contaIn ing ge!atlnl'. and "What was the ma.tte,· with hie the usual meat , jellies contain such, athol' eye ?"-Roy al MagazJ1lc. hut a splendltl jE\lIy to lerve with cold 01' warm meut Is a mInt Jell y, the bulk ~r l de of Ancestr y. A germ nudged his neighbo r eagerly . made with apples. Cook tbe apples "See that female coming yonder, the sam e as for apple jelly, straln the wi th UtA gra nd air! She's a colonial Juice. and add a bandful of orushed mInt. Boll until Hie flavor Is elt· dame ?" . tracted. slrn.ln twice, and add the "A which?" "OJ say, Rill, bring up my bllc<:a· "A colonial dame. Her ancesto rs same amount of augar and boll IInUl bolt wben yer comes up ngln." were, antong the first 13 colonie s at a thick Je.llY Is foimed. qrape juice bacterltl In Americ an drlnkln g-wnter ." can be flavored In Ule Bame manner , TI'.e Woman of It. and also cranber ry Juice, whlcb 18 -Puck. "'10 forwnrrl mO\ lcmcnt of li ef 8 K ' really deliciou s wben f1avorel\ with 0'1011 o n ward tillY by tin y Ant! y et Rhc orr n street e nr Il' 18 fresh mint. IT WAS.
"'C18~ 0I·S .
In thco
old bnokwnr ll wny. - Chlc"go On ll), N u ",~ .
I. Differen t Younll M. ft • Gen.ld- 'l'berE' Is , a goot! Ileal of Reveren d Gentlem an Very W!llIng to power In my arm, E",ade Res ponsibil Ity. Oe ralillne- -I baTe DeTer bad occa· lion to nOll(8 It. The trust and d pendenllo "'hleh cbarnclterlz d Rev . . Mr. Brown's atti· tude to,ward bl s wlte's juAgme ut tll all procH 1al l:.ltalrs were someti mes touch lo,g, but oceasloo(lUy they were amus in g, . "l'm sorry you've been troubl d with the toothac be," said tbe family dent· 1s t, wbe n Mr. Brown a'Jlcure d lu 'hle offl ce one day. "I ga"e YOll the Hrst minute I bad free after rccel"ln g Jour wife's Itelephon e message . Lef.'s see, which tootb 1.8 It tha t' s \roublln g you?" "M-m, It's not Behlng just at pres· ent," snld Mr, Brown, att er a ml> ment's besltatl on. durlug whlcb be made a e4utloo s Investig ation wltb hili longue. "Didn't Mra. Browo mentioo to you wbleb looth It wnll ? I alway, rely on ber In such lIIatt ers."-Y outh'l CompanlDll.
- - -- - -
His Mind WilllI Made Up. It waB do ring 1\ t rial In an Alabam a city more tban 20 years ago that one ot tbe .Jurors soddenly rose trom bls Bent and precipit ately fled from tbe courtroo m. He was arrested 10 bls fli ght before · he bad left tile huUdlog, und brought buck, "Wbat do you meati by, runnIng all In tbat way 1" BBked the judge, wbo knew tbe man to be a aim pIe, honest farmer. "It·s like thIs, your honor," said tbe mlln, eSlrDesUy. "Wben Mr. Hobbs Onlsbed talk ing my mind was aU clear, b,~t wh eo Mr. Clayton began I was nil confuse d agaIn, and I eald to myself : 'I'd " etter leave at once, nnd 3tny awuy tIll be'B dene,' for to tell tbe tnlth, I dldn'l like the way th'll argu · ment ,~a8 going, your bonor. "Youth's CompanJon .
Good Englilh .
A French lady living In Americ a en· «aged a car peDter to do BOrne work ~or ber a't a Bllpulat ed price. ·She was lurprlse d Inter to Hnd tbat be charged nore thlln tbe price agreed upon. When abe aUempt ed to remons trate with blm, boweve r, her Engllsb foiled oer and Ilhe said: "You are dearer to De now t han wben wo were flrllt elllaged."-Succeaa.
Innport ant to Mothen a. EumllJl e cnrefUIly every boltle or CASTORlA a sate and sure remedy for Infants and children , and &ee that it Bears the ,fY11 re
"Nnw. Mrs. McCarthy," 8ald counsel for the d fense, "plealla tell us ail slmJily as you can your vor slon or Ihls alJ'alr. It Is /Ill ged, that you refe rred to Mrs. Callaham In dlsl~l\ra~llIg te N!1s." " ' 'Not n bit av It. 1 dldo't 'sor anny· thing about dlslllll1l gtng nor (l!s llura!;lus nor anny other garden truck; ex· cept Ihat 1 said she b,l\d a noRe lolke a squnah and II r compllxlon was as bud IlII n tomllto In the lasht- 8tage~ . Y t'z (lan sce for yersllt If It ain't tile trnl h." - CbJcllgo Record· Herald. Henry, Ur,doub tedly.
A Duh of Molalse s.
Whenev er It comes to pies, New "Wbat Dlnlles you think It was t.ho Englanl i ' must toke ' lhe credit. This ,.JiIIlr,t or you.r busband that W1\8 mnte: Is natural, where a cerlaln dish be· rlallzed ?" c.o mos a three·tl mes·a·d a" mea i. 'rhey -"Oh, there :co'uldn 't ,have jJeon any ought to make It good when they eat mlstD lie !lbout· It. 0: , hen 1 got 1111 and It for . bronl,fa st. , called "Henry ' be: kl:!d of shrlvelc d liP Summe r bonrdefS !llong the New and thCl1 dlsllvpc ured, Just us he u'sM England coa~t bave often wonder ed to' do when he WB~) allve."- Chlcn go why 'the blackbe rl'Y and buckleb er'r y Rec~rd· fI rnld. . ., 1)le5 were betler , tbere than anywb-e re else. Extrem ely Pro~et:. Ells-W hen T lool,od out at the car Tbo lIecret Is,' out-I he dash of o()o "No, my dC,nr. YOII ollnnol So ,Into' windOW Ule first pel'son I saw hnd red Issses Is mit In. that boat." sai d 1It New " 'Enljlao d .hnlr. OO~S lhat Ullian .good lucll ? ellllrei'o n to Ii I' rO \lnS' chargc. ,Stella- W II, It 'was certnl nly a " cr~am Cheese. "Wby no t '!" Ile manded th mal ~e n" bright' oulloolc -Chlcog o Daily News. Allow ti Illncb of sail and 11 tenspco n ulltnnl.lIy an!;l'·y nL btilng d prlved a t Of unflnvored ren net 10 ev.e ry (IU 8rt ,h er' row. Graspin g. . of milk and whell you, hnve /1, s(,lId "J3el!lluso I hennl so\uebo Jy ~ ay t ho Fl u ,u scd 1.0 , ... '), ( " I' Iho 1II00n curd turn Int.o a bag nnd let It d :lp. Olll tw i h'e, IIltlllth H nrf ~r l)tr(h' . other day ~bnt sbo wile bolgglnJ,; the n!l.t a~nct.t Iw h Ol:$ S'fnw n to mn n'g e~ t ate It may have to bang for a. day before e~e .. -tlo lllm~re, ~ n~E\I'I,c!ln . 'W u Hllll him th " h ... ud n f n ")' ndl cate- . the whey · c~as(! 8 to drip .froOl It. .. b~I """" now ho' wRnl s ti. I' ~O I· lIl. when this ~tuge Is rcached take the OF ~QURSE : " -chi "go Dl1l1y New .. curd oul. chop' lt tlue, put luto a checse ~ i-I?it and press two. hOUl'V' .. Wrap In Superfl uous A'dvlce. "If you want lo be cOlllfoi,t able and tissue papor or In Un"'(lll ~bllnge bng prosp rOIl~," said the m;Ln who takes al end of 12 hourtl Itbould the' curd frlen'dly In leroet In everybudy, "yoll l;nllc that I 'ngth' of 1I1U~ to drip: , , sbu\lld go to bell with the chlclcen s:: Lady F.lngere• ., 'Deed boss," answere d Mr. ' 'Raatu Six f>jI{",s, th eir weight III tU,g:nr and Pinkley" "In dlsyei'e ' tired ldn' 0' ~eath e r dem chicken s don' go to be'd hal t '.!Iolr weight In flour. Beat th~ enrly 'nulT to sutt me."-W ashlngt on yoll<3 light" whip In 8ugat, half 'tbO' gl'lw~ d peel and al,1 , the juice o( a Star, If monl tbo' flour Bnd lut tbe whites. 1t1rl1 Into tbe litHe molds that COIDO A Clear Cflnlcle nce., , , "Old you evel' take advantn ge of fbI' Itldy fingers : bb.kc ateadlly , coyer ' Ing them wltb paper unUl 'they art! anybody In 0. bargain , ,, "Not ot recent Years," Imswere d Mr. l'llltln. Cumrox . "You see, wO've been IIvin' " Crlsp ,~aff1ee. 80 much In ~b~ great cal:ltals of Eu· One s(::tnt teacllll ·l ard and butter. ,\ rope that I've gotten sort ot accust(lMod to beln' the , feller that paya liP IItlle sutrar and a vi'nch o.t Ealt, two wltbout . a's l.lng quesUo ns."-W asblng· egg!!, onc ·te8s ll00n baking powder , one pint milk aud Il lillie water, Mix, ,tall Scar. . . lard, buttllr, .ugllr, salt, yolk , ~f ,'gg and add tlour and baking po"""r. No Chalice to Talk. Jobn. you yawned twIce "hJle we Make as atilt as tOl cako dougb . Nevlir arvale ",,'l1me Irani, except wh",n new were ('alllng 00 tbat lady." "Well, dear, you did not expect me Tomato Cltsup. ,to kH"11 my mOllth cl~ged all ibe t1tno, (lut tom.Ille S, boll tender, put dId :,'Qu?"- Ro)'al Ma~allne. ,h.ollih sleve. cook .. tlllck,a a d@who _Irllll, Use a.bout the. 1&1118 IDlNcU· ~ccou"ted - For. DDt 'a. fot 'datU ea,c:e. caretaI ' OholU. -Tbey ..,. "Ulll,
---- -:.-- -
~19n 01 1M f~
wor.rptoo f
Jh..... ... ... ~_
A. N. K,-E
(1908-4 0)
Da1!as and Grego ry, S. D., are reach ed only by the Chica go C& North West ern Railw ay.
They are the only towns on the reserva tion bor'd~. Dallas and Gregor y are the main registering points. Presid ent ~oosevelt has design ated Dal1a8 (or the final drawin g ,Octob er 19. 19G8. .
In Use For Over '30 Years. . The KiDd You Have Always Bousht. Record of Good Work. TIl Americ an llanrd of mission s maintai ns as hospita ls and ' twice tha~ oumUcI' of diBpenll6rle8 in the forelp , field. and Its mecllcal mlsslon arlea lut ,ear tnate4 oyer 878,000 ouea.
The Chic ago D Nort h West er,. Ry.1 8 thtl all.r ail rout" t." thtl reser tJatl" ,..
0,.·. .
A million acres or r~ agricu ltural and gruinc land in the 'great Missou ri Vapey,Com. Belt is ,to be opened tc? Homes teadcra <ktobe r 5 to 17, 1908. ,
Binding Plu.
Ho,w maD)' housew ives feel like sbeddln g tears wben they see (belr nice juicy pies leak ing nil over tb" oven. To pl'event this calamit y and prod uce a present able exhibit of c ulln· ary art tak ~ . a strip of bleached dom sllc, a little longer tban the circum· ference of tbe pie and from one and a bali' to two In.o hes wide, depending on the thlclme ss of tbe ,crust; moisten well wllb water and fold neatly over the edge of the pie. See that It ad· heres snugly. Atter tbe pie Is baked tbe hlndlng can he peeled 01T aud lo! your juice Is where you W/lIJt It.
Not Guilty.
For information about 110" to get a homeste ad with cSetalla regar'cJiDg ... traID
echeduIe.. addteu
W. B. KNISK ERN _ P •••·r Trafflo Mgr., C~ a. N. W. RJ. Chlo~1I0. III.
Thla 'w oman says Lydia E. PInkh am's Vegeta ble Compo und laved bel' life. Bead her l~tter.
Mrs. T. C. Wllllldsep, of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkha m; .
"I caD .t ruly ~y that LydIa·E. Pinkbm's Vegeta ble Compound saved my Ute, and 1 cannot expre6S my gro.titud e to you lD ~rords. For yean; I suffered with the wom, forma of female com· plaints, ' contInu ally doctoril lg and speudin g lots of money for medicin e wit.hout help. I wrote 'you for ndvice. followed it as dii'ccted , -and took Lydia. E, Pinkhnl Il'fj Vegetab le Compound and it bllB l'CStoored me to perfect health. Dad, It not. been for you I should bavo bce'n in, my grave to-dp.y. I wish every auiferin g ,voronn \Vould try lt. .. '
,Old Virginia Cheroots ' If the deale r clipPed oft the heads of three gobct 5c cigars and band~ them aU three to You for ~ cents, you would call it a barga in. Tha~s exact ly the kind Qftrade you make when vou pay 5 cents for ,tbreo -Old vtrgin ia Cbc:root&
FACTS FOR SICK WOM EN. Jior thirty yeam Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegeta ble Compound, made
'from roots und hBl'hsj has been t)le
standa rd :reme4y fur female ills. .o.ndhns poooitiveJi oured thousa nds of W(lmcn who have been trouble d with ~ments,inflammntion, Ulcera.ti~mt fibl'Qid .tumors ,'. irregul arities, perlod!o ~ back1i che,tha t m~-down feelfug~ tla.tuleney, iJ!.diges-
Uon,dizziness,or M.rvoUS prostl'ation. '\Vhy don't ,you' try iU
Mrs. Plnkb .m Inrites all sick to Wrl~ ·her for advice . Sh~ has guided tbolUa nds to bMltJa . AaClfe a, Lpm. Ma:u. .. .~men
tor DluIo .....
'lmlw)I Io_ Bad
hi ~bo .100&.,0 0&" !rOope, PaID 10 &'le
=:~=.;:i~: de, TORPJp una. "
O,L .D: ·" I'R Q'I·N·IA
C'H ER'O O.T S · .
.... II Cent Clga ,. With out ~ Hea dTher eto,. a' for II Ce.... ,
1'1ueI7 V.ltla"" "
Send For Free
" U ....
~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~y 'W llI ium 1\: . Pu w "II, :!:I, t inntH' . OHIO UEP ~Hlt: N T lterulilUtowll tu MH:I!\ Lil\I lI JI ,.;. ~·r..,. , bnrlotl'r. :! ~.l,,\\n . lrtl. . j.~ rnukli u. A tI Of Agrit:ullure Sc'n~1 ill '\ FilII lind 'October Term of i.:ourt OpellS Mun .. .1 , Kt't'-tl . Complete Report 'f1tis Mon1h day With Convcning of Orand .I . llu r, KlIIp e l'. 2 ~, Itlbl)1'U I' (I f ,lury•• Olhcr Ne\\'~. 'l'ha foll ow in g r eporl, Tlllll'll onl ll Morrow. to M I>! Fl ot'lt M. { pton. " ll aran R r atUl'Il tl by t,lw to wn ship I ~hort' r 1Ft,. An i nt. aliSO!! 0 1'11 o f' t.he . ttl t • n 1111 llllsb 1:;1 Common Picas Court. ... ........... ..................... . . " ................... .................... ...... . .Real Estate Transfers. al! fllJ Ul' cl f n )lII 110 lllll 't,bl'esh iug New Suits. Wi11 iRIII Ki ng to .John L. PI'II's, done rh roug bou t t,he s Y rul to wnAdllison South"rd , ·plu llltilr. \' S , lot. :t:.l:{ in li'fIl,nklin . $ 1 li nd ot,her hips ilnl1 l' ~ Jl O r tea to the Depllr tA,cording to o ur announcement of last 'weel\, Anolt. ' outhnrCl " Ii ftlndllllt. Peti consi deration s. 11\ nt by 1 h e reg ullli' orp bf orop givi!lg (his space for the hcncfit of our readcrs. \ e urc tion for divorce. Pltl int ltl' so,.vs t,htl t, ,J hn (;I. Leo! tu EIlIl West, .. ; uorres Jlonden t,. Til bllsi' for 6!1ti L, tbey were l1larried D emb I' ~ ~ . ocr e!l in Bu.rlull to wnship. 11m lo ve ~ I II Il\' er ll ge pr odu ot per We urc going tll mal(l! Ihese offers 10 you nlHl hup~ 1 \In, lit Ridge vil le un 1 that O ll A Itntl alfe ctlo n,. R re und I,he t ot" l ,l ltlshels for $he thereby to not only b 'nefit YOII, but to IIInl,~ o' hers h/lP "",I ohlld was b I'n t o th e.II .•11111 ' 11 111 ,Julm 'l'e wJllin to Willi ttm 'R oger s orop::! nllm d ill th e lUO!l t r ellabl e to py as well. Plaintiff says that (] efendll ot I". ;10 II rll!! in Bnrlrm ,t wn shi p $ 111.000 be tie ured. llue\ t he r esults indioated guilty ~ro88 neg lect of her .lutle. (-Ieo r g M . 'l'hmllp8on to R. M Ho d regll TlI II III! Hpprl)X\JIIMe ly 0 0 1' • If YOIl have Il neighbor that does nol take Ute . and that ~he ~hl'eHt ~ nlld 10 kill hilll ' un Di ughlllJl flllli ellt-litll in Wllfl'ell reut. (iu ~cUc, show him \ hut we huve to offer. He may he in pre8enoe of their ohild: Ham il. 'U llnty , *1 lIud uth",r lIuosi dem tio ns "" hell t.-E!lt,illl lltou fll'ell hlll:V6::!t tl , only luo ~It\d 10 avail himself of this opporlunity. ton & Brown nttorneys for plHln titr. Phil ip Hopkins to (;/ilbar t M . 1, !j1}.9liO "c res i t ot4d ellt.nna ted pro. Nannie Browder. plll,iot.iff , v. UrahHUI retll eS ltlt in ' Wuy u es vill l'. 'duct for ] \)0 '. ;J O .l~2, \) 1I1 bUH h e l ~ . We \\'ill allow 1I commission on ewry neW sub.. J~epb ' Browder defcmdunt . PnLi. II ILOci other consid era tions , ()n t_Arell 118 retul' ned by IISH6!1. saiplioll to Ihe Gazette. You call Il1lllic 'Iuil!! a nlre tion for divoroe. P lIlintift' shys l!' rllllk Po lley to ~h/lrl es Mille r SOl'S ) ,27 1.886 !tor es; to tal est imlltell SIIIII h)' tuking subS'eriptions for thc (Juzette. t,hey were married ()otoher 12, 1902. r elt i' fl~tHt e In lfl'ltnkliD to wllshi p, product for '190 , :H 0 :I,4ij1 bush e ls , and that 'ahe bas conduoted berl'elf. " iti. Bllrley-Fnll !1nu pring lire" ns Christmas Presents a~ a dutiful wife a,nel th"t defenel tlnt, Mellll ,P , Smi th anel hus llllllll t o returned by townShip IlsseSSOlrs 22503 is guilty of wilful qbeence . Go lden O. Hl;lrst reo I stat,e In Frank acres ; total f\stilD l~ te <.l prexhlot for These magazincs may be sent as Christm:as pn:sObarles T . Url·oll, plllir.titl', VI!. lin town ship, $75. 100ti, 570, 757 bu h e ls. elli s to lo vell ones. Remember, they will he sent \CI Dora U rton, defendant, Pillintifr Willillm Long .to Olivia Mll lott"r III Rye-Area a r,~ turned bylt owu"hip saya they were rn~rrl e d August H . ell tJlt In BR rllm t owns hip, 11\5000. till)' mldrcss separately that you wish, IUld in this· way Its s esso'\'!~ , 53, 1 1 a ores '; total elst!wat· I 84 'and that be h08 been 1\ true 190 , 771},754. llUs ht'ls . ed pl'Odnct for YOll can mal\c two or thr~ hellrls happy, for there is Commissioners' Proceedings. , husband but tbat t:he defend"n t hilS Corn-Prospect. compared with an nqlhill)t thut : 1 person likes better than II good magazine.· The foll owing resolution wIIB,1lre , nyel'llge 0 per oent; cut up Ifo r fod been Wilfully absent tor three yellr8 sen ted l'l1e Boa rd of Infirmary Di. These offers Imel beller be taken advantllge of as del' Ii per cant ; !\vemge d"te f· I' Court Proceedings. reo torll of W tlrren ' oullt y by reso· cutting for fodder, 8eptembar 1;$ soon as pOSSible, so thai If they arc intended for ChrislGrand;Jury oomposed of WiIIlaUl Juti on set Ilside /lnd phLOlld 10 wbat· Pot,Moe - Tots,1 yield OOlllpllrecl A. Parkhill, Hayner J. BordeQ , A . lIIas presents . Illey will reach their destination in tillle ever fund the Auditor wishes the witb Iln !lV,ero ge, 70 per oeni. ti. Ford, HM,v ey M . Burnett, h"rles tu make som e heart glad. SUUl of one hundrud IUlcl fifty dol. Tobacoo-Condition oompll,r ed Byers, John O. BuU, DlI.nieJ Hcokett. lars from ,whioh funll the 'ommis , with Itn llyerRgf', 70 per cent. We can furnish you wilh any magazine published, .Jasper Littell . 'I'hom"s Bears, Harry si oners of WIlrren Uoonty OI ~n draw Pllstures-v nditl on compllraLl L. 'Kh;lg, }!'rllnk orwln SmUh and at II redll~'() rate. Tht: money mllst alwaysllc,:omHl\tfield, J . S. Morris John V. H. and PI1Y Rev, Floyd P oe f or r IlU", with aD !w erage 46 per cent, pany thc order. i.:all amI talk it over, ilh us. Appl e - pro!!pectoomparE1Ll wit h Lewis and Snowden Ross, went tn· lou8 sElI'vice at the Infirlllllry HS per oontr"ot with t,he Infirmary Iln average, I} 1 per cent. to eX600tlve lIe88lon Monday at 000 · Direotors at '12.50 per month. J. The towDship Ilsses!!ors' :returns ' : venlng of oourt,. ... • "" ..... ¥" ......".,.. ............. ... .,.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w .. .,.,. . . . . . . . . O. 'Mitchell, Jno, Under, J. J. show th"t the nr el~ seaded to wheat J . W. Lingo vs. JohnT. Bouok. direotors. for the barve t o ~ 100 ' wItS 1, ll. OliO On motion dl'fendant for goud oause Thompson. infirmary &Id money is ordered pllLced to the aore. Th e " v rllge yi eld l~er aore shown is given ten dRYS to 111e. an· credi t of the olergynll),n's poor fund is estimnte(l ut 15.9 bushels, Il.nd the swer. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wow . . . . . -"-.w •• _ .... ,.,. ........... , ... ' On motion of Mr. Rogers second· totll.l production for t he .Itn te at Allie U. Ennl! vs. J odson Bilr. ed by Mr. Keever it ,was ordered 1I0.122,919 bu!!hels. ~h e rea's on [or mon, receiver at 111. Defendant or· dered to make cletloite answer w'ith· that '3000 be transferred tamponlr. this shorlage is dne to joint OFFER NO.4 OFFf.R NO. I OFFEU NO.7 ily from the sheep fund t o tbe POOl' wornl , fly lind rnst i tlle sect,ioos ' In ten day/!. ( nrdAn MlI.gazlne ... l yr ;1 00 It 00 .Itlu~ O l.II,'Hry .. .. .. .. l yr $ 100 tlcce!ls ..... " , .. " .. ". l yr most llffeoted being the oentra.l and Harry E. Dlll1tnsh VI!. Ann,. B. fund . U II 'III ReIllUS.. ......... i 1 Oil Boston ('ookhllot Soboo l I DU 1 00 UOs DlopolihHI.... .... " 'l'he "oooonts of the two deposi. southern parts of tbe stl1te. The Miami Gllzet:te .. . .. ... . 1 00 DllaW8h, et a1. tf. W. Ivins II p . 1 IlU Miami Ci-ozett.e .... " " Miami Gll zetl e .. .. .. ".... l 00 pointed guardian ad litem for sttld toriee, 'fhe Lebl1nnn Nation 11 I Bank drouth hHsseriously retardtld wheat All three for .. ...... .. .. .. ... :I OU and The CitizeJls Nat,ional· Bank for seeding, Rnd wi1J have '/I very per. All three for ....... .. .... " ...... lj 00 All tbred fill·.... ..... ........ 3 00 minor defend,n'. the month 01 Sep$ember were aodit oeptible 'effEct on the whellt Ilrell for Our Price .. ........ ... ... .... $2 50 Our Price .... . ' ...... .. ....... $2 50 Oor Price .. ...... " " .. . , '\' $2 50 Maoy W. MalcoU vs. W. P. Bam· \ 1909. Farmers ,hl1vtl been unable to mer. et al. CaUBe diemissed with· ed and found oorreot., ' The finRnci,,1 statements for the seed; or deJayed w",.iting fO~ 1 I' ont, record on payment of costs. OFFER NO. S. OFFER NO.8 OFFER NO.2 The R. J : KtttrldKe Co. vB.Joseph Auditor Rnd Tre"surer showing the rain, II.nd the "e8uft will be that a , balanoe in eaoh fund and aooount nt large area intended for whea.t' will' W OIllIlI'l'S Horue Com. (Jookln~ Club... ..... ... l yr $ 1 00 W. Snook et 11.1. Cour' granted de. Aweriolt.n MlIgl\zlne.. 1 y r $1 00 ·pHnion ... ..... " .. 1 yr $1 25 Matropulit"n .. .. ....... .. 1 00 fendant to answer causo In tW(lnty the beginning of the month were not be sown. A great deal of the A merican Boy _.. , .. ... " 1 Ull, ellneator.. .. .... ...... ., 1 00 M11I.1II1 6I1zettll .. ...... . ' 1 Otl plaoe.d on fil. e , wheat seeded hilS not germinoted" Miami (;/1l7.stte.. .. .... " 1 00 clays. Mll1ml Gazette , .. .... ., 1 00 l'be following bills were allowed: Ilnd if rain does lIot bring it out, ,Daisy' Pearl Urelst VS. Oarl Swee·· All t.bl6e for .......... .. .. .. 3 00 All three for ... ...... .. ...... . 3 00 .A 1J three for.. .. ..... ....... . :~ ou ney, 'extr., eoo, Defendant granted Oregonia Bridge Co., oontraot No. , there will be another 10~s from thl8 Our Price " .... " ... ......... $2 50 121\9.00; V. Z. Zen tmyer, bridge reo cause. Altogetber, tlie whea,t pros Our Price,..... . ". " .. .. .. · .. $2 .50 filteen' days to give 8eourity for Our Price.. ...... .......... $ 275 pairs, Deerfield township, $29 ,:10; pact for the ne:x;t. yea.r Is fa,r from 008tia. . OFFER NO.9 E. R. Von Martels V8. John M. FranJr Miller, bridge repairs, Fraok. flattering or even promis,l ng. A \ OFFER NO.3 OFFER" NO. 6 Hayner • . Defendant gr"nted leave Un t-ownship, 146; W. H. -StanR,,,s & very short tlrea is oertain. Revl"w of ReviewlI .. 1 yr' $3 00 50 , Co., supplies, lor surveyor, The t"tal area'of winter and spri'nK to file pleadtDg. . ~uccells ..... .... .... .. ". " 1 00 Gootl Harper's BazlI.r .... .... l.yr $1 00 HOQ~ekeepin~ .. l yr $1 00 'osmopolitan ......... ., 1 00 Edward Snook vs . .J. W. Snook Hooggles 6aleOo. blanks f9r Probate barley is, estimated at ~2, 50a acres Plotorlal Revlllw....... l ' 00 Sis Hopkin" ..... . .. :-: .. " 1 00 Miami ORIf.ett.e .. :... .. " 1 0(1 Mltiml Gazette ... ...... 1 00 et al. Defendants 'granted to Judge, '2.10; A. O. JoneR. woo<l for The averuge produot )leI' 1t00re Is es Miami (;/lIzette ...... ,. ., 1 00 Court Hons~, ~10; J. ;T. 'l'hompson, ttmated at 21>.4 bushels, a. to. file answer in fifteen d!lY,B. All four for .... ...... .. ..... . II 00 A 1\ three .for ........ . " " ..... :\ 00 All three for .... . " ..... . "". 1I UO ' John Perrinl> VS. &r~ J. Hart, servioes I\S Infl'rmary c1lreotor, ',66 .• ttll,prodllot,io for the stilts of 670,7f)7 Our Price :... :.. .. ... .. ... .... $4 , 50 Our Price ..... ... : ........... $2 50 Our' Price ....... : .......... :. $2 50 and JohD 8. Hart. Defendants 20; A. T. Wilson burial of A. J. bushels. Cramer, $75 ; Rev. Floyd .Poe, reo Corn llrfls paots lire estimated a.t lound to owe plalDtltJ ti73 51 same ......"".JO.",. .... ",. ......"'."',,, ...,.,.,,,-", ............" .................... ' "" ..""""" ... "................ ' "..,.;,,, ' • .., • .., • ..,,,..,...-..,. • ..,...-_",. ....... "',"' .. ".......... ,...", .........", ....;." .............-..........................,......... - -,.."..,.- " " ........... - ........... - ligious servicee at lnfia:mtlry during 80 per cent oompared with ~IU aver. as ordered paid. August, 112.60; Sa-rna during ·ep · I1ge. The orop' is rapidly maturing Probate Court. tember, $12.50; CrOSl! Bros. lIewer ,,~d t11e.r e is now very little, if /lny In matter of will of .lohn t;baeb~n pipe, 126,48 ; Harlan Whlttlcro, IU01 . dll.nger from frost. 'rhe oontinued ft de06llsed. WilIlldolitted $0 probate ber, 130.48; B. p. Bhllr, cement, drouth dUTing the p"st month hllll In matter of will of John Bardy, "~0.90; R. B. ~mit.h , sewer pipe Ilnd Ollt the orop short in some lSeotions. deceased. Will admitted to probate coal 17.26; W .•r. Wright, delinquent The probable yieJd of potlltoes is In matter of applloation of guar personal ta;x: oolleotor , estimated at 70 per cent, of an aver. ,dian, for Angenetta Penoe, imb~one. In matter of tbe "Iteration of age. The orop has been ,greatly reo " " ),< , ' , .' Coort; ordered 'that a guardian be the Oak Grove t;oac\ in Bamilton duced by the drouth. LaMa appoiotedaccordin~ to law. ' township the ~eport of the view. In matter of guardian of Ange. e~s was read the second tima. Had a Close Call. netta Pence o.n imbecile. Thomas ' 'tiealed proposals for IIbut,lllllntll on Mrs. Ada L; Oroom, the widely I ' ' l Vcgetaibl~ C. vhristi'e II.ppointed gtlllrdilln giv- Crane I1nd Hl\thaway pike east of dn'own proprietor of the Croom Bn. , i~g bond of 116,000. • Ridgeville noor Kirby&Riley fl1rms, tel, V"ughn, Miss., says; " For !:lev. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. In matter of gnardianship of An. ,i n Olearoreek towuship wertl rlj erlll months I suffered with a severe Laxative Granules I . Valle~ Ph~ne 1S3·2X gelletta Penoe, Tho/llas C. Christie caived in rellponsC3 to postin~ in the oough, and consumption ,steemtld to " its grip on me. when 1\ frlfind Imrpllsses 1~1I other I'em G raoe v. Auditor 'S ottice and are 8S follows: reooommended Ur. Kin .. 's New Dis. Btomach trouble Ia buh I71DPtom or. and not lI;ave bond of 115,000 with I WAYNESVlLI~E, OHIO. , " in It.aelf a true dl_ We Wok or D,8peplta. . k Obristle and John Gilmour 8S sure· C. B. Lewis,,118 per plo.m' on filtl for cover.y. , I bega,D tl1king it, !lnd three lleanbum, and Ind\Jeltlonu r.l d l _. yei e d'les f or tl1e ~re I'18 f ,0 f SIC • • tietl. .,U3 per' oublc y&rd i W. .' Gra. bottles 'effeoted It completo oure." lr:~o~~m~~\=:'fS8~" oortaln lpeclnq I heaci~che.djzzine88, indi. Estate t J P G ' l} . t d ' d The fllme of this life saving cough!CtlrledDr. Shoop MILK FEVER , A ~ECIALTV , 0 " • lome .eoease. ham, 8S per plaDs on file for 14.19 and oold remedy, und ,1nng Imd 111 tbe creatloo ohbaUo'l'l'verJ'lxipular Stomach gestion , chronio " <;onatipa First aooount filed b' ". d O t' h Remody-Dr. Shoop', Restorative. Goins dIrect ' . , pet ou 10 Vltr. D rno Ion t e throat healer is world wide. Sbld !,tQthe8tomachllerves; alonebrouabUhatlUcceaa 'tion and Biliousness, bllC?I1US~ 1l'_"Ate of WilUlI.m A Hardy de t' t t th b I t t t ', . t F d C Seh ' t ' d t' I '"nd favar to Dr. Sboop.nd blaReatoratlve. WIth.' , .,..,... , " , • oon rae or e n. ove was e , 0 v.~ a , re . . wa.r. z s rug ~ ,ore. out.that'orl.l"al and ,hIShl:r ?flal principle. no t:hey Ilrf\ compolled uf the beIJt' ,' ceased. 'Raphael John appOinted, B. Lewis at his bid of "4'..13 pel' Qu · 50~ I1nd $1.00. '!'ri!ll bottltl tree . •uchlalltlnaaoco!Dpll,bm.ontl'll'lreeveriobebad. , ,,'.' For atomacb dlltress, blootln•• bllloll8llQ8I, bad k IJ execlltor " , P. V. Bone, y , Wilb\lr. bioyltrd. - - --+-. - - ~~~and ..noW' COIII»I'x1ot\.tr7Dr.ShOOP" Down V ege t'a ble d l'OgS, ' an d,
rpIIESE ·,
This list w'ill be followed ,b y more next week. After careful perusal of this list you cnn see that it wHI pay you to <leal-with us. Address by. ofl'el' number, to . " 1.'HE MIAl{I GAZETTE.
- - --...
I DR~ ~l.S .. WEST, I
Ivins aQd 1:I~nry 8uem(lning, ap· praisers. EBt4tes for 8ettlement, Proof of publio8.tlQn filed. ·Estate of Levi FannAn, deceased . Proof of pllbUoation , of no~ice of apPQlntriierit filed. '. ;
.......,raUva-'l'abletlO~Lqu1d-tll1l!..efOl'J:::: CHANGE OF Sealed propos"l for a ' bridge on . MEETING "If 'II'batltcan and'll'1U do. W. IIIIl aDd the RiohlLrd road near EII"s Folks ' fIIllJ miommllld , . ' farln ill Franklin towntihip was reo A committee of Frlenus of Incliana J oeived iu responStl to. the posting in Yearly Meet,lng have reoomrnen1leci the Auditor's, offioo' and is as fol. that bereafter tlill meeting open 0 rl lowS I ' Oregonia Bridge:Company as the dn,y following tile first .
D r. ShOOp S I"
' KO:~d:::tt:~;~~~~;vo~~::::::8,Ofa~' :::~:~:a~:. !1:t::84~bO~: :~:l~~ ~::'f!:~:.a~:aft ~hll~fO:~t~:::e:~~;
" a1Je'g~
' i~beolle. 'Cl1use se,t'· for I. h_ring,., Ooto~r 10, at Po clock, 'Jije&llte ,of Jacob t:;hll.eifer . inSAne. ,Fjl'lltandfinalaOC)OuDt filed. " Ea·ate of Marshall, Ludl,um, de· """, aed. Third and final accoUnt. .,.,. Estate of Ralph and Berman LewIs,. mlnol'll.. First Rccount filed,
Marria&e Licenses.
to 'l~e Oregonia ~ridge Company at a bid of '2S4.00. , CODtraot 'was elltertld Into with V.Z.Zentweyerlor furnishing. 10· ODiit P08tS and ereo'lng guard .uil. ~,. l"og"long pl' ke b"ok 01 Uaags·atFos. .... ... ters 'in Deerfield to IVnship Itt the 68 timate 139.2~. __ . _ _ _
A H~althy Fami,ly. " Oar whole lamily has enjoyed good health New elnoe.Life we began Dr. King'. Pilla, u8ing three yearll ago," .MYS L. A. Bartlet 01 ., Rural' Roo'" 1, Goiltor,d, ltatDe. , OlDOlDna", to LIlly B. Bt.eph. They cleanse and 'ODe the sY8tem .: 85, MleeWOIDU LebuOD Bey. to & IJ8D~le ~ay that d~ yoo 800d , , 2GII ., J'nd 0, I:5ohwartz • d'1l8 l&ore Geo-e B. &thenok, 46, paper mao .er, J';'~kUo, to Mrs ....ary Edith .. Cl..nimer, 31, •""---'Iolt .--.. n. ''Be v. ;nla K.'Ie, J'raDkllD. ." te of J. M. JOhDlOD, - . OU'peD r,
,'R esto'"rat'l-ve "ALL DEALERS"
f. UN'ERA,l 0IRE CTOR, telephone Oar or Hight. Local No. ,1 I: Long Distance .Ho. 69-3r
mixed In tlJe proper propor tions knpwll to ~gl \'0 ,t!le btl!! resu1'te. Every bottle gUlIrr",,,toed to give lllltlsflt.otion or lUOIl·
eY2~:f:h:::t~e' at 'Sc"~.rtz's, "
following the tqird Sunday In Sep. . I , ~ailed IlnywlJere 1l:pon receipt aranQb 'H'''8..bur. 0·' :tember.. (rbis is on 8opount of a O.1U ; ===~=~~~~~~~~= ,I price. .', ) 11lct heretofore with the opening of Earlhlt.mCol1ege. Timothy Niohol· E.HATHAWAY· son was re-el~toed olerk of the meet· \ 11 ' IliImedIate relief INII ,om' ,''I,f'.lesvi ea Leading Dentist Ing (or the fif~h oonleoutive ,year, .7 1 . r. Shoop's ........ Olldlllcal oe tn ~eya BldR. , M.1D'ij~ ILnd be d the Sl\nJe position previous. &. Iy,. IB.d eed this honored ()otogenll.. • rlan his not been out of nl1licilll po MAllO 8TlUtICT WAyltRSVILDB"O. i A Purely -Vegetable Laxatlv.e' sitlQn under Friends for more than In room next door,to Uross Bros. BUy ye!lrs -uilDt.CJn ltepubliClln. Hardwlue 8t,,,.re. ~ Curea Chronic Constipation, and AU To quiokly ehe~: oold,"druggillts Telephone in hOUSA aDd office IJver and Kldne), Trouble_. ' a olever where! can be called day or night. are dt 8pensInil everyw h ere, Oandy Cold vnre Tablet oi,lIed Pre. Valley Phone 14-2, For . . ., tDI roltowlIIa plac:ee: ventice. Preventios are also, flne .for feverish ohildren. PreZtmmenDl&n's, KUbon 'e, veDtiC!! at the 46ez8 head White'_, II°UDt2oy's Springfield, Ohio~ off aU ooIds. Box of I®ld by.u dea1el'8. Subscribe for· the a."eUel...________- ! - _........._ _. ._ .......
' A. MAF"FIT '.. . ' I'
,EM''B'A L'Y E R
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The Alpha Ohemloal'G~.
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Joel ' btl'n dler Buris did not look I J n:\tlgin6 UI6 feeliug, allYl! till) 'I'be "IHllo>!' A \(1 ()f the OllrlsU,.u like b \it.emry man, did not talk or i'I'lweA 'tar, aruong tb~ members of oQurch wlil holll!l marjcet· al. the WI"I('I'! IN ,11,1.1.: 1' 1I1.100 i . M .d n ,Ur,," 'If: ' .<l LL ... \' 'r l': I.I': I ' IIU :-!!';. ( ' '' 1. 1. NO. II ~ ';:' . ** .~*, **.** ** *,* *"** .*, act like on,e , aud , for that mllt,ter, the Nllw YOl'k teaUl and tho pretd. l 'ownshlp 1l0uIIIl on flaturdll.Y, 00. ______________ 1 ~f I w rll t,o fOllnultlte ' un eduoa 1 PIU811tS 81lould see tbat their PU'jaiWayS refused to consider him elf (len t of the Ne:w York olub, Ml·. t ober L . 'owe !lud Het pumpkin IJ. I L. \~n'\NIi!, I~rll tl'r Hilt! NI'''III~tH ' ~Ullnl ore d for the ooun iry SChOOI' 1pil8 oome 8S regularly as possible as one. Bllt· .. Onole Remus" bus J ohn T. Brush, over the re'ml t of pies, clike and other ellto bles. been translated Into T h ursday 's game with tbe Oub , It wlJuld COil 1110 but twoartiolel',viz: and are on time. ( 1) t he ol)untJy lIohool Is entitled to languages, and it woald not be ellsy ,wbioh WIlS made possible by the Rates of Sullscriptioll avery ,vhit ail good Iln educational 'I omo Qut and visit th~ 8ohools to name a ny .A merloon author who bone-hended PllIY of Fir t Basemltn I ill Yt1ur (.:4 Lrlt'Lly I~I advnnct') .1 see f or your8e J ves w b at we are WI'11 b e sur4~r a f h IS ' radel's' hearts Merkl e, und ""hioh uccordinp' to the "'I . tt.' ') PlJ,)rtuulty.utl Ihllt enjriyed by tbe anu SiUl-\ lt, ,," '1\1.1 ), .. , r'I .tI.r., /Unlit f(l voret.! ai I.y olt iItl Ilttondiug doin g. a hundred yeul's henco. l1guras of tlte worlll 'tl gn,lUes lust·,. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - AuJ oriclln llllhllo Bo lloul : (2) to se Mr. Burr'is WII S a (juorgin l~ew8- yettr , depri ell tho Nllw York pillS' UateR of Advcrtitwments ure Ihi~ l'lg bt £01' the cu untry obild 'j' he following pupil\! were n(lt paper wllu ,.a very quiep, sby llerllon e1'8 Ilnll New York Itll\uu",ement of I/I,:ldlll!! I,,~· all< . 1M.. 11 11,' .0 :." th e. aO \luLry ptlo))le mus,t Upend ! tardy ;)1' absent for the montb 01 ot homtlly t astes in everything t!O.v e about $50,000. . "" :UIIIII( 1.1)t·"I ~. IIlllolI 1111:" . Ilo' r 1111<' "10 - more money on the oountry tlohool IJeptember : • l ' rea dl ng, Iln autbor wh o wus ob- Manuger McGraw, In an I·nter · { ; I a~. (li eu "oJ •• 11m LO ,:XI'\:<11 1/1' " 1I11 CJ! .. 'J'lIr'C IIIHCi'\Iollls . l!~ r a nd expe nd it in a better way. My Mr.. BoUy Enrollment,26. soured by immedinte plinic wbeu a view after the game, refrained from on the positive guarantee car,l ' ()( 'l'h an kR . ~,:'(' ec1IlClltlonlll deca logue for sohool / . · strange admirer worshiped before saying anything l\bont the ciroum IlesorutlonH.. . .r.Uc offilJElrs Illld tenchers Dlay be reduced Pauline Marlatt Edna Cornell him: Be wa s, however. t he t ruest s tanbes thl~t led to this fin~l , fata l that if it does not give eat~ $oc la l 14. utt'. wIIcrt.· c har.: ' ,,.. 1I1 i.u l f ' . I~ L 6S t er D I'II Jrm& vaughter8 r. . . - II' to one 8lml)le " OIllUla.udment.,.IIIlDle. nnd m08t unaffeoted frie. nd in his gume . P resi de nt Brll"'ll I ~ repor ted isfaction we will return the f)1~ pl lY AI l v rtl ~l " g. 1".. 1""11 l UI' .., ~ '" IJlscool nl" x,lvc ll on ,..,,, Lru,'L. . Iy. wrbou s bldt enrloh Ilnj enlarge . '-drill Cornell Albert Marlatt own little ircle- a Ulall wh o oould t o hu ve tJeen too ove l'coum with entire amount of money paid CY li t hla BUI·toll I ..ena Marlatt en joy taking the reius of the IItreet· 8ad e lUotiQn to !iuy l1;lytlllug. Autl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ the life of tbe 00l1ulry ohild. 'I · us for it. 'fh is III n Hi mple oreed . . It does Edua Dill Ma.rtin Marl"tt oar horse .that plodded toward hl8 why sh nuhln 't lI e ue? Any U1111l . WI!:/)N~; S IJ "y. O( : I' U Ul~ 1( I • . JllIIII . We ask all those who are not CllLi lll thllt the oountry 1I0hooi t:ieol'ge Smith Perry Smith lllfioe while the driver ate his diu . wbo hllB ~ l iS, OOU tukoll 0 11' bis lmn k s halllJe the !ll.UlIe kind of a sobool AJtill. Burton Floyd . J.)llugb~er8 ner Inside, lUI muoh DS be could sof. roll throug l.! the mis take of a hired run-down, nervous, debiliDon't fuil t", reull nur U1l1gllzine II.S tile clt..v sohool. t;ugllr (hove, Enrollment, 16. fer when" strllnge interviewer In. mun blls purohased the right to be tated, aged or weak, arid 1i8t on pugs -t. Tbere is Il difference of environ vaded his sI\notum, bent on exploit. Silent 1\ long time. . every person suffering from Earnest Eurnhart Harold Ell.fnhllrt meut thllt mn ... t beconllidered. 'J.'he " P 1 ing him . ' 1t remains to be se6n whllt will be . . stubborn colds, hanging~D . Everett Thomas 'l'h e b OYS HI t\ ge tt. .l ug t I IIII r winter oouutry tlob ool for its speolfio work Eva rliler l'he only thing the young editor 'he end of Mel·lde. Home tblnk he coughs, bronchitis or incipis upplY. of unt". 11 1111 it. ill evldeuuetl Isbould be just liS effioient ~ the Low611'l'boma8 tlarty Roland could think of was to write d own ought to hide h iwself frow the pub ent conlumption to try ViDol l.Jy t heir 8tlljlltllllltlll(ls . olty !!choul is fu r Its s peolfto work . Mary Roland Opal Gray the olll plllnt~tion stories he had lio view forever. Others believe with this understanding. Tbe i)uII t.loal BI~L-II~I O Il 11O t he l'h ~I'e bfe ' certain fundilmentllls Ht,Jrlng Branch, Enrollment :.11. heard iu the negro osbin8 wbile, that be will be able to live down t he hori zon 1M beoome more dlt-Itlnot tbllt are oomm~n to systems, GlenDIl Bobblltt F,ranoisChenoweth a fter the fashion of southern boys, oous of his awf~1 blunder, for he '", and tloon wilt be a t ltln!: of l,he past: and it is the country ohlld '8 right Bertha Orndoff Hllrry .L aoy . he had loaf"d with tbe <tarkles in a nifty Iltblete-one who is oert,ain J. E. JA,N NEY, Druggist, Waynesville, Oh.i o. t o bllve tbese fundllmen tal8 taught Earnest Braddook Benry Orndorf froDt of the big open fireplace, with &0 shine In fllst oompaDY. ~l'he woods bl1s Pllt on h er ·hesl.1h im withnut so muoh eduoatlonal College Bill, Enrn))ment, 12. boeollke8 browning and baoon !liz. But whether he retire8 from the look now- the oolors of the leaveM-- wallte. Bere it! where oon80lidation Ellis Smith Inorence BeSH ZIiDg. So'he ransaoked his memory game 01' stioks to it, he will III way8 loo klug b rill hm t in orillp uu t ullln oom e!! Ill. 'J'he last fifteen or twen. I tor the mo!!,t oharacterlstlo of \bese be pomtell out and known 118 the Itir. ty years ba ve : ... i tnessed gred ad Bill.ey lIohool, Enrollmen t, 25. darky stories, printed t·h eDl In the man who threw a way 150 000 vanoement In tbe eduoatiunal inter Marie ShuUs Nlnll !:simpkins Constitution, and became famoas. through his failure to run les8 t:hlln Ethel Simpkin8 - From "Tbe Author of "Unole Re. nInety feet. !.ioolety hus entered on her rounlls esta of towns and olties Large Fred Simpkins Celcbrated Magic 39 Puzzle and the olubs .ue 111\ organil'.ed aad Illums of money have been' expend. Harold Meredith Jame8 Woollard mus,1\ In the Amerlclln Review ot Can You Solve It? Ilre booming et.gttiu. ~end us your ed for better buildings librarle8 Edith Anderson JennIe Anderson Review8 for August. Htomllch trouble8 . would more t 1.1 d ' ' f th Id f lluolety notes . IlI.boratofle8, manual trlllnlng, etc, Howard Shutts qo o. Y ISlippear 1 e ell. 0 . treating tbe cause, ratber than t.he 12 '.rhe ra.ju th.l t lell Sllturday did I ~uperintendbents and tadc~rs in BIlrmony Urove, Eorollment, 28. Where Bullets Flew. effect., would oome into Pfllotice. A .' not atDon,nt. tu nlllch but it mude 01. ell have eoome more ewolent · . David Parker, of Fayette. N . Y ., tiny , inside, hidden nerve,8ays Dr. everybody feal ~ood t.0 Htle It. Ili ter and life better paid , A strong eft'ol"t Edna Rbobert .le88e Stllnley a veteran olf thA oivil war, who lost Shoop, govarns and gl ves strength 13 so lonk a ti ma. hilS been mad" to adju8t the conrse Mary Rbubert Russell ~tanley a foot- at Het1.ysburg, 8aY8 : "The to tbe stomach. A branoh Illso goes of study to prao~lool oonditlons of NetLI, Rbubert Evan Prloe good Electric Bitters buve done i8 ' to the H eart, a.nd ODe t.o tbe Kid· worth mora than five bundred d I oeys. When tbese "iDslde nerves" , 14 '1'h6 ..... LawrenceSlmpsoo~' o· fail, then t:he organ8 mU'Jt fa.lter. ""ncI CODoert '1' baraday nIght life. Busines8 courll",a "'" b been Olive WUhon Illrs to me. 1 8peot muoh money WIUiI goud aod WitS enj uyed by II Introduced into hlgb 80bools, man· Frances WHloo Clllra Rhnbert dootoring for a blld OIlMe of stomaoh Dr. $hoop's Restorative i8 direoted ll1rge orowd of mu"lc 10v lUg people. ulll tra.lnlng and industrial training Mabel Stanley Wlllter Price trouble, to little purpose. I then ~peo l floltlly to the8e failing nerve8 . • The Magic 39 Puzzle. 'J'be nlgllt Win! ooul , too 0 001 for 8 fur ·tbe offioes aud 8hops of the oity Lorena Weeki! Cillrence Rhubert tried Elect ric Bitters, and they Within 48 hour8 after starting ~be "ulte I1ny number trout S to 17, IDclual".e 01 bt a l I it Ilre finding' Il plaoe in Illi Fronk Pritchard oured me [n ow take themal! a Restorative treatmeot patientesllY lind plooo In the nine Squares' on thll or '" g 0 ncer , )Ul goos to provlI .. tonlo, 'and they keep me strong and they realize .a gilin. Sold by all aopara t e slleehof paper. 10 tbat Wben It la what we Sllld till I!UUHUer t bat 8 oity Ilud tuwn sohools. Red Oak, Enrollment, ? well. ·' 50r at Fred C. 8obwIlftz'8 (lealers. I n"ured Mrtzonlally. dl3i"0nally o.r perpendlo· b"nd oonoerL tbruug l.l the summer Mllny' farmers, feeling that the drug 8tore. ---~ I ularly It will be 89. The llame number oallwill pay aDd PIl.r well. Letl'~ hllye oountry sohool did not furnisb suffi N3 report - - _ -. NOVEL ' OVERLAND TRIP not be uHed O1orll than twice. COntest III the ooncert8. olen~ traintnR for the ohildren. have U~een Brter, Enrollment, U. ·OET BUSY open w all readers or THE MIAMIOAZETTE moved to tbe olUes to be uDder tbe Lena Wbltaker EllIenlaWhlt&ker Mr. and Mr8. R. M. Prootor.of who encloae tbls ad wIth their IOIUUOD. '. 'j'he q uelltion . has been asked so influence of ~tter lIobools, or h&ve· lillY Kibler Boward Whitaker A'tend t~be prim arlee aDd dis Dayton started on a novel journey pr1le "lUbe gIven 10 all perlons lendln, In '1Illiny tune.,. 00 you charge fOJ sent their ohUdren to board Inthe • - • oard ali labe,lll. BUlineu men IIhould Monday. They are en route to Se correct an.awers. EOOS IS EOOS . do botb in tbe preBen' campaign . attie, Wasb ., in an old wagon . The Winners will be Dotuled by mall . • this? tb"t we wllnt 1111 to understand nearellt town. S~ nd ,our loluUon 0( puwe. with name Bome have oomplained that the Vote for tbe rlgbt man', wbether vebiole Ls furnisbed; .w itb oooking and ;address plAlnl,. wrhten. to It. Look Ilt top of editorIal oolnmn, Le' us ling the praise ofthe u(eat utensils and Bleepingquarters. ·Be. and yon 011.0 readily see What w,, oity or town 8Ohool baa educated AmfiriollD ben, wbo. duriDg tbe past bis pollSlolILl label be Republioan, e starting' on tbeir Western tour theil1 ohildren aWliY trom tbe f.rm . Demooratio or what Dot H yon for: ohILrg8 for. MIiUer of news Is nev The have caokled wltb 'III ' ffiJ . year, may w"ll 'eft ti ill h .. t f I b h tbe Prootors will viSit Hamilton, fir oh,;,rg"blo, a.n d we are only tOI A moment. s r 110 on w I ow Ofl pride over the produotlon of ne~rly are DO Ilm, ar w t tea iattonB b .. d ha t f b da Oincinnllti. Kentuoky and Tenne8.~ ~ anxlous to get It tor Dotiling. fi e reason . one billion tbree bundred mUlioq an 0 rac;1 er 0 t e oanltt te In Furniture ~d Plano Co• r " Do ' Ii your home district more shame' to See. Time 18 no cousideratloD ID . Long ob.ituarles,.oardtl oft-hanks. 11. Is not expeoted *hat the oity or d . OVAlUS 0 e"I ' . yoa rea ze F . . the trip . l not.ioes of IIny sooial, ete., wherl town high scbool will tellohoonntry wbat that mean8? Well, ItIl~el1 .: if you. in.1 out. at once. SII.'18ty Complete House FlII'IlIIhera, there ill chllrge mdlle Is tile only ollildren muoh about the farm and inlltead of rem~iuing at home in .y ourself as to the aotua~ 8tanding Tbe whole80me, haroiless green thing outsid" uf legitimate adver. tts IUterest8. Middletown, 0, ( 'b hAd h tod' t t uf the candidates on the Important leave8 and . tender stems of a lung 314 S. Main St. The city child, wbo after leavinl OWII. II e c osen em~ns r. e eoonomio .questions liable to affect 0 8 mGunt&lnons sbrub,"glve to tislng th~t ,we oharge for. -!?i n thi~ her powers to the unive~e at large, Dr. ~hoop's Cough Remedy Its·our. In your hilt., Ilnd seod UII the 118WS. sohool e~terB Il profe88ion or. works tbe BeD mlgbt have latd tb08e eggll, your bU81.nes8, aud vote right . Bat atlve propertie8, 1.'iokling or dry
We. Sell
Gash Value Prize Puzzle
" 6
Almost every ' person wltbin a I ' f 6ft rio d lUll a Y m leS of W , llyoe8vilJ.. Uk es to rend lIot ouly the papers, ~;,t tb~Y rooI tl books a,nd m .. g~zIDe8j _1I.''''zlnes n tl I f ..... I '" UMe 0 progre88 'yenells ure ch6u p In price, but rioh in value, thel'ofore we are offerln "
tn the, store, or fao eaoh two inobes long, end to end, begin with the primaries. As Pres. bronoh lal oongh8 quickly and 8afely tory , does not need to know about I ti '-_\ hi ,. ident said in II. recent is· yield t.o this highlY' f'\ffeotlve Cough '. . . nil ' oon · nuoull OUD n reao ne edl . D Sh h the care and COmp08lt.lon of loli, roo 238,"18 milA8 U .~ the m'o on baol! BUfi of the Ameriollll Industrie8, m Olne. r . oop assure8 mot • tlltion of orops, breedIng II.nd seleo.... P"" " "The busines8 man 's ~ctive partlol. ers tha.t t hey cap with 8afety give tlon aud ollre , of auimals, f;'-~ina again,.llnd tben '.Ilore than half way p'ltion in nl)liti08 should not be d e. It to Aven very youngb .. blefl. No -... d th Id t od S t" opium, no ohJorotorlll-absolutely 8tandards fo~ stook eto . 1lor01ln e wor , or ~o mea . ferred until the eleotlon. It sbould t ' bIb • ure-a total of 492,424 miles of egg8 I no. lung urI' 1 0, afmfnl. It oalms Bnt the oouutry buy, who remalos Jj'urtl1ermore If those eggellad been begin with t,he primary Ilnd the the ~tisitre8lling cough, und hell18 the e on the farm IUUSt know about thesf' ' . Domination . No polltioal system sensl ve membra.nes. Accept n o tothepUbllctllotGflullgllyolnesllbal tl ' if h . to be ' f I made into one omelet balf .an 100b d ' d otber, Demand Dr.Sboop's. Sold ling", e 18 Il SU00688 0 I I 11 ever eVI8ed coul safely be Illlowed by "II dealers. 111 w DV6 yun money, Ilnd be~i<1eb f,umer In this new ase of solentlfic thlok, tbllt omBlet wou dea8 ly Ilve ruu ItlleH . Men are, needed to _ _ .,--.... _:.._ __ artl an Ildjunot to any hIJmll, espec. I It d th t h I oovered MaD hat tan bland, ~n are. CAT.EGORICAL. lally ~hen you (llln get these in, con ag,r 0 \1 ure j Il.n .e conn ry IlC 00 o'f twenty two Bquare miles! run it , and the selection o.f the best --"nectlon wit-h The Mlamt Gllzotte should help 111m alOng tbese lines. A Id M h d i d t 'HIt men for the import~nt offices is the 1.'he Ullzett.e .need8 no Introduotio~ 'fhe t'duoononal uplift, In its fullest th ,n ~I o~lmme ~g:n t e l large8t of aU tbl' problems of poli. Despondent beoause Ita oonlne sense, cannot oowe to the country th a b~gb . omj?bn 11 hi 0 ra.vte tlos. A8 fR-ras praotioable bU8tness obu~ Wll8 gronnd benealh oar as everybody koows wbat K ol£laD. ohlld from· "three R 'I," alone . roug •d e fair1 w. 8 &rDI es h ft' t a men IIbould be induced to' beoome w ee I8, II.. Iarge P enlaD oat owned who\ellome, r8Hdllble "A"er it la·. II . on a WaD er u y n" oa~pet pro " .M ts I ' f II f ;-'" b d . ~ The8e oertllinly need to be better t ~ 1 tb ·f tb 't> oelndidates for ' poli~iool offioe ,,_ ..y rll. D. L. Warnar, of Ftndlay, "'d(~y.t! : 0 ~~w ~ pa:ent. 't.aUKht .but t9 olllim tbat thell6llloDe t:o I rom, ~ ra:1 ~ bt': 8U~ y Amel'tcltn Indust,rles for September. attempted {tuioide SnndlLY, but.was me Onl!a80JU erastat avea.resnffiolentisarefu8altoilee.prog ewng~oa 08 0 e• . ow, __ . __ • unsnooessful. 'I'lle cut oliwD6d ' a no valu" to utlr rellderli, liod the reJis. 'A8 well ask the farmer ' to aoqoJ!Qing to the poul'..y ceosus. large 'ree and doliberately fasteued newe, not reprint or oopled neWI:! '. tber.are in the United a.&teeabont Go to tbte bl.ood If you are to t h d i . h d d d I h '111 f dl he (lul Rbeomatisul A Wisoon· 1 s e a n tile orotch of a limb and . , a SOOOtl8S of lite with the mao but t~e news. Read our Ii!!t Oil chlnery and method8 of lhlrty yellrl! 'wo nn re an e g .ty ml ons 0 SIn p h !siclan, Dr.. Shoop, ' . . t.o fall. ' Mr8. do)s this permitted Ita !lody page 4, and tltl6 . cur grand oft'er, ..g ...-Supt,. O. J. KIDRN Winnebago ohiokend. gutnelJo fowls, turkeyll, with hIS ~heumatio Re01edy'-:and Warner witnessed the !lct aDd res : for it is something I.h,,' wilJ benl'. C III . ' . geese aDd duok8 of the poul~ry vot. witb seeming S8ooe8ll. Rub.on '8, oued p , tit all our rtladerl! Individually. ,0 . . iDlage. whioh ta tbree montba or say8 tbe doctor, never did cure USII, More t.h·a n 100 pU;.il8 enrolled tD over Itrequired to ' fu~nI8b a mov. RbeumatislD. It is more tba.n skin . . . . deep-tt ia coD8titutional, always.. • -.... W".I rie towu8hlp oOQotry lIobool". ing oanopy like tbat. of Ktnit' Solo. Because of libll prlnolple Or. Shoop's WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. . IS THIS YO'U~ -CASE? •. .. 'rultl' is the betlt enrollment tor seV. man, tile bllrn.yard fowls of tblli Rbsunilltlo He~edy Is perhapil tbe . The !'Id,tor j)f ~. o,u imtry paper rt'. erltl \ earll·. oountry. a.llowing only a foot of ,malt popnlar i.1;l exiaJ~nce. It iOe!! · '.' . spread to 'elloh, could ell.811y shadow ~ord. clf moutb from one to Orthodox Frlends ·Church. · 1 i . .C MOI'o thlln 60 of the papils tn ,. ft ' 11 A th IInotber,. ev,erywbere. t:irateful pa Re v, Belijamln HawkIns. Pastor; oet ve d t 1e (ollow ng . ~llery: " liD .vou tell me what tlit! weath~r will b~ ' ~. 8 I a spaoeo enbquare m es.- r ~r tienta gladly spreal\ reeuUs It Is Sabbath !;iohOOI . 9 ;30 B . RI . ReRular ilbureh . next month? " In reply be wrote: grlldt!1I alb to tb are enro led in the Guiterman In ' QOttlber ' Woman'e an act of humantt.v, to tell the I!ick f;~~JC:: ~~ ;30 II. m. Cbrliitlan. ·S,lllleavor. "It I!! my belief fthB~ the ·well.tber Agrloultunllol!'!!!!. They are work · BomeComPl'Dion. of a wily to .health. Tell ' 80me siok uest Jilo'~tli wili be very muoh 1.llte iog uut lIimple praotical experi. :...-. one. Sold by dealers: Hlcksite Friends Church. m~nts taken from f,he work of the A pain prescription Is printed op. Firat. Day MeeUnl(. 10 ;00. ~. m. Flnt'Day your sobllorlptlau." 'j'he tnquirer ExperlmtlDt !'tlitlon. . They Ilre 1l1so on eaob 26,. box of ,D r. Shoop's PiDk • - • Sohool. 11 :6(1 ... m. Founh DIlY Mee ting FOUND M.t."'TDAON TUSK 1000 a ~ . h i t' th ' d e e • m"'kln'" 80bool ~nd I' ndiviau~l oolleo PRln Tllbletli. Ask ·yoor Doc.tor or ~ . ; .- . 'won d ered f or Iln our w 1". itor wa.s driving 6 t, . whon he hap tiODS .of 8eeds of oulti vllte"d plllnt8, DrDgfllst If thts forD;lula i8 n'o t cow· . pl",te Beadb~in., woimanl y PilinII, William .Armstrong olerk in the ChristJan .C hurch. pene.d t.O ~ink o.f the word "aoset. 'w~eds and trees i ' ed ,, ' B j ' . ", ' .. • p"ne anyw ere get ' n8tant reler ·. . . . Rev.GeQrge.Hall.P:lSIOr, tl. e w~~t J n t~e next ay from a:l'lnk Pain Tablet, ol:!Qld by OtnoinDatl lC tty ~llottor· .. · office, is $' n'day Scbool .. 9 :80. m. ne g~lar 8er v~ces . and' 8qnare~ 'lIB acoouot·.-Prlnter Letl.t ia VlI.llghn nf. Mt. Bolly· all dealers. ' 'he' r nnaa.or of fonr fea' of probll . the Sunday of tbe mouU,. 10 ::\0 ~ w .. -- . and last 7 :301'. m . Ohrlsllan Endeavor;' 7 :30 .nd puhlttlhel'. , . aohools hall th~ largest ooll"otlon NEW .. POSTO" F-FI·Ce RULINO bly the la';II','ee' mastadon tURk ever II m _ _ _•• _ _ ,or tbfl montb, hav·iug collected and QDe"l'tb.,d. The tusk was ,fpund in . Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. W . T . Gilliland. P~8tor . BASE BALL. ,CI888Ified mort' than 100 different 'rbe Poetmuter General bas)us' ~be Miamt Ifavel pit near RemtDg. . • varieties. Otbers bavs almOll&- ... iSlued a copy of tbe postal l"ws and ton SatarQay. When Arm8troDil Sunda3' chool. 0 ::lU a. m. Morllln~ Bel'· .The recelpt8 for Ibe world lIerte. nany . · le""s1a&lon nArt&t' n tu" . Vice 10 :ao a. m. Epworth League. 7 :0U p. .' .... • to tbe ...... .......oncl KO' tbere be' fQund the tusk brokn m. , Evening servIce, ';' ::10 p . m. Mld"eek tn n07 were 88 followlI: 'l'b be I I di 1 olal8 man ma"er Among o'her in pie068: WorkmeD attacbed DO Pr Iyer Mee~IIIK. 7 : 30 p. m. ~ " , e g '\n ns rell nK C &8R6II are NRttonll.1 Cor;n.~t8@loo""""'LO.172 till. 'making fine prOlretili tn l.roinl to maUere tl a rallal wbtcb r ..elI AI valne to it. whatever, but belped Chloago Na.tlonal le&"oe. 'read .... ith tbe Ward obar... and fo1)ow.: . Copt. addreued to ~he him &l86mble the .Pleces. The tUlk, St. Mary's Episcopal. Cburch. playet8 . n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,90l/.0S t __ f 'b " whea tbus tu.ether measured Rev. J . P. Cadwallader. Rector. Denoit AmurlOll.n leagne Primer,-tbe ~ew me&hod of teach same pertlon n e .tee mllll : , . ·Sunda, School. 0:110 -. m MornIng Mer' .• 'e21 97338 t dl whl b 'b t h' iD·oae oalendar fear ahall not 10 febt 2 tong and 31 Inohee vic... lu :80 a. m . HoI,. Communion ~he lint P.J1l1 aD ......... .......... • • • • • • • nK re. ns 0 ~ e ,eac en are h SUDd", of each mon~h \ ChlO&IO N.'tonal l8lagne now 1lI!ing. ,. . ...~ple cop'• . ' Thll at & e ' base. The . playen ...•......••.......•...• ·.18,811 .13 wUl play baYOO wi'b m~ala tualt la of Ivory and, had it St Aupstl 'A Cath II Church Oe'roU AmeriOlln Je"81111 dll1$ 01••811 ta mental arilbmeUo aDd paper thas la WfiD, kl bo,.r ap Ie. beaD OU& QIIbroltea, would ;"tber oeo: lIayeab!f! p&lltor. · pIa)'8f......................... 18, • peamaDlhlp bne bee" orpable4iD cboal.Sion with sbe al4 of Mmple beea wonh '10,000. W_ 8nfl' _nd 8nlldaJ of ibe month.'
TaMl ........................ $101,2'18.00 eaoh IObool.
1:01.1 .a.III.
penl!~8D1a .
Columbus Excursion Next Swiday .Also to Springfield Round trip from Waynesville $1.25 to 'C ohlmbUJ, Iv 8:50 a. 111. 11.00 to .Spriqfield, Iv 8:50 l1.m.
DO you'· G:RT
UP '
WiTH A LAK:R BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newspapers is sure to know of HIe wonderful \I 'I cures made by Dr• ~ Kilmer's SwampRoot. the great kid. \Jey, liver and bInd· · der remedy. It is tbe greatme<l. iea! triumph of the nineteenth century;
by Dr. Kilmer, 'the eminent kidney alJ(l bladder specialist. aud is wond~rfully successful in promptly curbg lauleback. uric IIcid, Clltarrh of thl! bladder and lIright 's Disease, which . IS . t be worst form of kidney trouble. ' Dr. Kilmer'S Swamp-Root is not rec· oUluiendedforeverylhingbutlf1ou~ave kidney, liver or bluddertrol1b!eltwlll be Ule remedy It has hfo~ndjust t t d . a yOlllle~. ' n S In hospi'''l work eell es ande inlit private so UI nypractice, w y , and baa ... proved so successful in el'ery cue that. t has bee ad b ~i~~lai[~:,f:::~ftbjSpaper~ !ho:.J not already tried it, may 'hl!ove a 1I&DIl»1e bottle sentabout free Swamp-R~~4 by mail,·also a book tell· ing 1'Iore howto 'li'n doutl· f'llouhavekidueyorblac1dert..ble. When writin~mentiQD ~i?tIaIa generoulI~fler tU thia pa~r andleD yow addreJS to 1)r. Kilruer & Co., Binghamton, N. V. Tbe regular fitty-cent alld one. dollar .tu are · I9ld by all ~~~~!~~5:i: Iny miatake,
tver)' bottJI.,
BiD_ham" -
--- --- --'- -...... r
The Miami Gazette
"ThUll .. Itb the J..oI'Wj: Beh'oU, I TtiE FIRaT IT. PAIJL'8 . TESTIN n PAINT. wlJI bring vII upon this IlIac and upou the Inhablta n'8 therpo r. ev n 'egun After Wndon '. Great Fire' .. Prop fty own rs uho uld k·now bow D. L . CRANE . <ill the curRes tbat are wrlttl'n In tbe 11311 and In "Ihea After 166L to prove lbe purity nnd quallt} ot book whIch they have J·i!811 beror the W~VNIilSVTLLIi<. wttl le lead the mo t Importa nt pnlnt ORO. kIn g of Judah . And a.B for tb kIng LA:DIES ' BELL SKIRT. The cburch WIlS begun afler Ibe Ingredie nt,' beCore payIng Cor It 'ftl :I... ml.h. Ih .. I'roph @, ••Iou.Delh ,h. of Judah. 'who sent. you to Inqu Ire II rst great Oro of 1136, .b It not tiually all who wrlt-e. Nationa l Lood Co.• th b of Kia" Joal.h. A Dlity of the' Rich. of th Lord. ao sllall ye au.y unto hIm. compl /'l led until 1498. The 8lJiJ'e !1'a& ll)rgeat manuCact urers of pure whi t<· . New Tork society In tile aggrega te B caus thlu t! hart WII.S (ender, and cOl1slde red tho hllntl 90mc.~l tlnd was lead. send a Cree outfit with which BY THE "HIGHW AY AND BYWAY " .to hu been made to suitor reproac h for thou tlld ~ t humble th befo re God, the tallest In E urope . rlllln~ to a height make a "Impla and 811 1'0 test of whit PR~CH£R \! Behohl. the 81na of 11 few of the unc ultured and I will gather the to th) pC 620 feet above the p::.vomenL On lend. and al so 11 free book nbout I>alnt. rathel'S, ' and "It·lnd ulgent wealt hy. MOlt people thou shallt bv gatbere tbe 'l top wss a hall s upporti ng a cross Their ntld,esB Is Woodbr ltlge BIdS' .. ( Uu, ,,.-ll'h (.I....., U7 \11. AUW\)r. W. 1:1. J:!J.uu. , lo thy· grave In peace tlell her 8b',11 wbo know aoelety in New York. C!.eveand te rmluatl og In an eSRle. At th e. New YOrK \.;ny. ScrIptu re Ai1thorl\ y-!l ehron. 35: 26 thine ey s see a ll tb Elvil tbat I . w.lI land and Plltsb1l rg. cities whIch have and Lam. 4.:W. west e nd of the edillce WOr two mall' . bring lIpon thlll plac • and u pon lbe 8h'e towers. one or whll\h contaln od recently ' been . ousa tlooalh:ed by rbe Too Rough for the Cowa. Inbablta nt/! of lbe 8am'~." a lool(·up for ecclesla stlea l otrende Ti Mrs, Roror. of cook ·book fam e. teUa 'lOCIal errore of tile reckless rich. ~~~.l:i.'" " It III ven a J rem,lab has !laid." Ilnd was kuown as tile Lollards ' t(lwer. of 8eelng a maid drop anti break " would say · tb at th o majority oC people ~ S·ERM~TTE. xclnlme d KIng Jos Iah , when the wol'l! Tbe blshop's paluce WIlS 'In 1110 norUI heautl ru l platt er at n dlnn r rellent. la wbat ~e describe d WI "exclasl vo" sIde. and bebl nd It W8Ji tbp greal Iy. snys Everybo dy's Mngozlllll. The "JeremI ah lamente d for Jo • • oC Huldu,h bad been tlrougll l to hl.n. clreles are well ordered. Quiet. lut.e lll· Hnd be had s nt for .Jer mlnb. dnt! churcb of gray frIars. In tbe site oJ host did not pormlt 1\ I I'I ne 11«-0 tbl. .'ah."- It takea grest love to IBnt. people. Stili. Or. Lee s lales the Ihen had begun a closer lutlmae>, lit. the choIr oC whIch Christ church. New to ' rume blm In t be I nllt. know great grief. true prIncipl e In sayIng tIIat the tween lhe t wo than had exlste,1 be "These lI t.lIe accldeu i s ho ppen 'moat gate. now stands. At fi rst old 5t When we read the Iplendr J tore. wealthy nnd Inlluent lal aro under a "'anl's had no clOister . but In 1332 lblt every day ." he 8ald , Rpologeticall y record of J Ollah we do not wrn· "B ut," exclalme(} the kIng on .. 'tay. special obllgnl Ion on ACCOUn.t oC the garden of the dean and chapter wa ~ " You see, s h'e Isn 't a trained waitres s. 'der at tlie tender eateem In " I( the jutlgmc nt of God agalnut the tako n for the lIul'pos e Ilond tile roo~ Sbq was n dai rymaI d orlgina: ly. bul conspic uous poslUon which makes which he wal held by Jeremia h, nati on cannol be sl ayed. what Is t here ot tbe chnptel' house may be detecter! sbe hnd to abandon thnt oC!c upalioD their ezsmplo for coed or bad canto· and III we contem plate the ~reat. hat can be done to make the blow rl81ng on the welile rn sIde of the on accouut of he r Inablllly 10 hundle hearted prophe t-tende r, aympa. • tlighter gtoua. Et hIcally. remarlr s the Phlla· ?" sputh transep t. rhere wns allo a tho cows wHl.tout broakln s UIIW thellc and hopefu l-we do not delphia Puhllc Ledger. th e dUlY of up"It Is the plain word of pto:,hccy." Il~ bool Cor the cbo'~ boys »< tile eas'l bornL" wonder that JOllah. c:om lng un· rlgbt JIving Is tb e same ror rlcb and explaIn ed J e remiah. "Ihal G<d hOi ttr.d. der hll Influenc e •• hould hllve Ih"ATt: o. 01110 ern 0,. ToLllOO. f IS poor. SocJally tb er~ lB. tbe dllteren ce chosen the Chaldea ns as hIs r< d to LUCM CoUNTY' . Paris Pattern No. • 212;;. All been ' Seams encoura ' The Int~rlot bott t he catb~d':'ll ~a~ ged to !althfu lnel. .' OUNI< J . Cu."u IIlAkeo oaU, tbat tho ri cb and eminen t are of. nepunlsb J ud nh. and that they st 1111 yet . Al l • d - F lie .. _ _ the sopara te skirt to , If'ry spac ous. u was muc I In his reforms lind to Increill ng PArtner or U10 nrm of J' . J . "_If;NC' & 00•• duln. oc e 0 \\ e . or come Into f,osscss l on oC Ilbe land and cessity more widely observe d and up with monum ents. bll.I..... 1ft lhe Il y 01 Toledo. C(lun l y and HIM.. Those to Sit. .tOrosl''''. devotl'lm . to the God of Israel. wear with sbll't wlllj;ts or blouses Pblllp Sydney. 10 lbe norlh aIsle of and 1.hl't . 1d nrm will Il:t.y tbo IUDl or shall stand In the gates of J e ruRa lem cloFe!y copie d. They 100Ben the bonds O:o1E lI UN IHlliO lJOI,LA It.S lor ",,011 a ..1 .. "" Grief 'm ay como .1 an . en· there .Is no mO.del more raBh lOllab!e I t be choIr near to Sir or CATAItRJ' t.h.zt.t c..nnot lHJ cu red by Lbo u.e df Francis Walslng . C\8Q ot bebavlo r among many I~ tbey pro nobllng . dignifyi ng factor In II 0 Were It riot well. tIIerefo re, to I"rlve than Oli O of these 8el'on'l::orod ho to wlp tbelr tavor?" ll ham . and ODe of e n,'lrmou s s ize to SII' J!Au:a C.aTAIUW CUlt" aent the excuse ot bad exampl e. , New IJfe, or It may narrow one'l .ym· • A.d ':~~~r1W' 1f;I~Ey~~"'UC&. ThIs word or J eremiah had vpened !!kll'ts. which are II.da)llab le to any ma· Christo pher Hatlon In the south alale. til,"Hworn 10 bero~ • ~ 'b day 11/ December. A. 0 .. I O. York IIOClety la not a s Cl! re leSB as II pathlel lind Cillt over the loul u p a uew tra In oC thOUgh t to KIng trIal. Wilbou t elther plait s or guth· were there In Shak~f'peare'8 time. All i II . \Y. l OLEASOI the blIght of dl.appo lntment and \. Is palDtfld. but aJI "fashio nable" coter· Jos Iah, and as bitter as wa.. tb" erM Ill'ouud tbe h 1l8 they havo a de· oldel tomb was that 'IC Blr ';ohn Beau. fiDfiL r NlJ'tAItT PuOWt', ....-v. rebell iouinea l. cld d fi are around the fool whe re t hey cham.o. poplllar ly believed ta CQuld b" Improve d by strIct ostra.. tbought R"W. Qtt.a..nh Cu", • tak("n Ullf'milip IUId A.OU that SO Ule day the to be Cb lllJeans that . Grief that shutl out. dlrooU)' God 1l1 upun '0 I. tl finI lO bloOO shed and with D\UCOu.& a deep hem. Th wr1aetW ur tiM efsm of tb4se wbo do not follow th .. were to cOIlQuer the count ry atlt! 00. oC Hunlpb rey duke oC Glouces ter who c:haraot er deformI ng. GrIef that ruJ_ or socIal moralit y. cu!>y J erusal em, he kn e,,, th at Gotl's model Is C'u t In rOllnd or ankle Icngth was, boweva~. burled In St. Alban's . Q .. ~m. Smd lor ~' " co., ToLtdA. 0 SOld by aU reveals God Is perfonn lng a n ...... lltI, 750, Judgme nts w re true and just. l.Jld In a nd reaches Its best development In "To dine with Duke Humpb rey" meant 1U. H&lI.,. l''lUnU,. PUll lor ... IlIIID.II.... mInistr y that not only enrlohe s humblet leSs or spll'lt be eoughl how se rge. moha ir. Panama cloth. tweed to wande r dhi ne rless tn the '!8l hedral Unc:le Sam'o Weath. r Work. but enla~e. the life. and cheviot. he might ligh ten the hlow. In the Museum . ., nave. St. Paul's . Uncle Sam la rlgllt in spendIn g a a cathedr al of Death II dark and myrierlCius. palLern is In . elgbt sl~es-2~ to what II knowo AiW.6 English man (in British mllseu m)Not very long arter this wora came 36 Tbe "the' old fo uuda lood deal of money on weatbe r, deInches . wal ij t measure . It breakl up human 1180cla tlonl. F'or 26 " b This book, air, was once owned by to tbe city of Jerusal em tIIat HIt' . I h kl ·t d at. ma terial with tlen. clarea tbe st. LouIs Globe-D emocrat It shatter . human plan., It bllletll In cbure es of tills type tIIere Cicero. ' . kin g oC Egypt bad started on an e:t'pe WII st t e S I, mn . . was a dean aSSisted by canOll8 wh(, He watcheB It ,everyw bere In bls broad fond hopee and 11110 the future r equlr s 9* yards 20 Inches wIde. were respona lble Cor dally Amerlcn dltlon against the. IIlng of the Chal 5nap. n Tourls t-Ps lmw! that's se;vlces. Y.r yards 36 Inches wIde. fi ve yards 42 with uncerta lntle., and It 10 be· . domafn with every known J e ll ~ate In· nothin g. Wby. In one deaus. in~b es wIde. or 41A1 yards 54 hesl Th~y wer:8 not monks. but ordaine d can museum s we ba ve oC ollr Amerh' c:au •• of th ll that grief like. • Btrume nt, ant!, wlsoly dismiss ing Caulty "rC Necho and bls Egyplla n Imny wIde; wltbout nup It needs 9% IUC lho Il!ad pencil yards flood o'erwhe lm. the loul. forec:.n&tl, trlea to get dOBer to thf ~ nass througb the laud on their \\ 8y: til 20 Incb es wIde. fi ve )'nrdll 36 lucbel;! c.1 elgyme n. each oC them e nduwed whIch Nonh used to cbock r.1T the aut· wlt b an How estate. Is It that Moat grIef oC tbeso can be estates lIIals as they came OUl ot til w-k. ' busInesS or la-morr ow. Babylon. and. we make 1I0t his wa, wId e. 4 ~I" yards 42 Inches wldc. Europe, fOI • sanet·.Red lind or :were In tbe ne lghhorhood at London . become an uplift. hard and give him battle, how else 35. vard; 54 Inches wide. all It I ellperi(l nce, baa done no better. . and the canons. lbelr ow~era. lived on ,Ing and outflow lng force for BUD DOBLE can the CbaldealJd view I't thaD tblH To' pro lIro t ll's pallern 80nl1 ]0 cen.s them as country squIres. It .. well. Observ ations run hack good; By degr e8 'The ~atelt of ilil hOrRentcn, 6IIY9: "In we to "PIl',tern are In league D IptLrUtten with l." tIIe or lr I hIs en8l p up,·r. th ey all leased away t heir n~f'! there 200 yearB, a~d no two of the Flr.t .... all. It may become s. IlW 40 \ ' ('1\1'8' experi nee with hol'l'Ol< , b/\ e And ,vIII tbey not later come ngalnst Write num .. "nd nddr~.~ pl~lnly. :Lntl h" and tbo modl:rn callons are prebend Jong·ran ge philoso phers a gree. They found specIall SPOHN y 'S DlS'l'EAU'b:R CUItE the .uch In 10 far iI8 God II given Bure to give !lIz.. nnd lIuntb~r of ]'I1\lIe rll. I endowe d. bllt wltbout us and tro ub le us?" the ellta tes. Tbe most 8ucc(,~F ful of nil I'em ·dies for t b.. lIave labulate d the level ot lokes. thl' hi' rightful place In that grief. hO l'l'ep. It iM th IJI"CI!tc. t b~ood purifier." Thus Josiah rllasone d. and knowin g edifice was destroy ed In the creat ft" ,; Bottle GOc In the lecond place, It may be· movem enl of glaclers~ the freezi ng and nnll 1.00. Dnlggi 18 uttn 8upph' NO 2125. . Ihal his plan woUld mee t the approva l BIZ!';. .. ..... ......... of lGG6 . wben blstory records tbat )·OU tbe , ar rnnnu(1Ict\II'IlI, "gclll,~ "'nnted. oome luch In 80 far OIl the grief Uberatl on (1t rivers. the seasona l traits of J eremiah tbe prophet . lle pre l)lUed l' ~nd fill' fre lll'ok. Spoil" 1-hlicnl lea d at Ila root and rebuUt spire " ral1 I, permitt ed to clarify the vl i lon .• NAME .. ... ,.... .......... ..... . .. .......... .. of vegetat ion. snd tbe periodic ity of hIm bls chariots and bls burses. and oft . Uke water.·' -SClen tillo Americ an. Spec. CoutO(!iOU8 Diseas, ' {10 hell, Iud. and to revea I the life that 18 au IPOta, aI.1 to no pllrtlcul ar purpose TO ' VN .... .. . .......... ... . .......... .... ... . putting hi s mt'n 01 war III batth ar gone and the life that remaln l ray In tile valley of Meglddo so Igh Not at All Cheeky . as :ret In eatablls hlng weatbe r rota· STR EET AND NO.......... ..... ....... . In the tru.r a.p.ctl of the eter· Elthel-S upposo a prelty girl W4m' to bar t he way of the Egyptia n al my Msde Trouble tion. On the rooks Is scratch ed, tbe for Jones. nOli purpo.e a of God. "For no . It bad been a te nder and naecllo n STATE .. ... . ..... . ... . .. ..... ... . ...... . ... . A bunch of youn g fellows In T0- to grunt you tbe prlv11eg p of ItlsslnJ tesUmo ny of grt:at I"ecaps lbat .d· man . liveth unto himself alon . ... ate tarewell which J erElm lab hM peka have a poker ciub. Once a week ber eltber on Ihe rlgb t choek or lb. "anced and retrea ted. but ma n Is not .nelther does the dyIng termina te spoken to King Josiah as tbe la:tel tbey ' get tocethe r and play a IItUIl lert. IVbleh would you choose? parUcu l.rl:r Interest ed In a range at the mlnl,try of that life. GIRLS' DRESS . Jack-N either. I'd make'l1 choice ~ had march ell forth frem J ernsalam , 'pently came. at whIch none ca:: e ither !qlll u )liat. He w(Juld like to be In tho third place It m~y be- . and anxlous l)' the prophet waited rOl loseor win very much. For conveni ence. tween the two. oome suoh In 10 far able to see two dllYI ahead; and trullt al the deep :idlngs or the battle. From the towel one or the number will be called JOD_, stirrIng s of the hesrt grIef tap , that In Indulgin g the bope be la DOl over the gate he watcbed . atld durIng .. Renlly prsct\cn l rr cn 1190 III a worl. which Is no· hla labe l In the director y. new fountal nl of sympat hy . ehaalng a raInbow . those days of anxious ""altlng there Jooel' wife dldn', want blm to go, but ot Ideala: They realize tbal It la nol whloh ftow out Into .n ever swept over hIm a fioodtld e of memoT1 he finally plclfied : ber by ' telling her )'lractlcn l to conduct n bllslnes a aucwidenIn g 'mlnlstr y to others. A rew days prior t.) , the Maratba D of the s plen'd ld lite and d Eleda ' ot tbat be would give her all his Win· cessfull y uDless that buslnes!! Is kepi He ' who knows no heart . grief good kIng. race ID' pae London ' stadium an advenlnge of tbat evenln ,'s pIa,.. and alive and growing by a COIlBtl\n t out la but a half·for med charsct er. . "We caunot spare blm. He m.lst eate or fruit diet. oblely bananas . agell ""ould al.o be bome hy 11 o·eloct. He reachIn g atter 111 eals yet unat~lned. Blesled . Indeed. 10 the faIthful come back sare:' he over \lla.1e4 four bours and won $1.86. J nil olrerecl to run a race wltb • lesh , mlnlltry of grIef. and over to hlmselt . If Your Eyel Bother You .. IQOD as be lot bom. be banded eater .round tbe IBlaDd of Zealand . get II box of PETl'IT 'S EYE SALVE, 0 1.; He II(ted his eyes u hI: spota and ,ver htll winning s. Since tbe banana maD bas earned a ~~ n·lin loll', mosl l ucceedul eye rnmoo)l mati!. 'looked far out over tbe- pll1lln below. About Iii mInutes later the rest of All druggistso,. HowardDI'OI\ .• Buffalo. N. I. coo\t man)" triumpb s as a runner In THE STORY . Wbnt was ·tbat in tbe dlstunc e? Did lb" crowd wandere d bome by Jon os' the Bl,Klrtllil world of Dilnmar k. tbe It nOl look !Ike tho klng'S cbariot? "I)uae. One ot tbem 8topped undet· If you would not ceaso to 10..e man· . OR III yea... now Jeremia h the But wby did It lIe~m to be moving beet~tera did not show any burnln~ so ',1e Joneses ' bedroom window . kind. l'OU mllst not cease to do, them propbet bad heeD a kee n' observe r s lowly? Fear seized upon ~ to . ~cept tbe cballen ge till tile hIs beart "I'll bet," he 8814, plenty loud good.-A !nclareD . well·lvl own papflr. Politi ken, offered oC the reforms wblch tbe' good KIDII as he. bastene d out to w e,e t tbe IIp· ' nouch tor Mrs. Jones to bear, "I'll J08lab baQ been carryin g on. The lat.- proachl ng proceSS ion. • fr1~ of 100 kroner to the winne r. lust bet tbat old dOli Jones ,ave bls 'Ier had vigorou sly purged Judah and "Is the kIng dead?" be cl'led, as he A smeer'B aellstan t;· Illed 21. was se· wife about $1.35, and said ' he won Jer'lsale m ot ·tbe blgb places ~nd the .noted the sad looks of tbe klng's lee(ed as tbe upholde r of beef eaUng. sr/Jves t bat. atld then Btacked the olher and t be carved Images anll the retinue. ud for two day a and a balf, tbe run· molten Images. He that be c1euned UII tellowl tor." Talk not ot a good lite. but let thy had broken down By way ot ' an!lwer be heard ht. DeI'II JEept atireast .ot ')ne anotber. Then, tbe altars of Baallsm Jones Is atllJ tryln, to convinc e bll !rood life tRlk.-S cblllor. nnd bad malle name called Cee bl)' from the klng's wlte lhat be only won '1 . ~5. but Ibe the banana man lIagged. and when ~ t!Ult ot tbe graven Images o~er the cbarlot and was 800n bendIng over TI'i""', AahwJ( 1t'tHlt or ""ODN . Is boldlng out Cor tbat '45. Tbe t bins nH4Tb_ AUen·• • o .... Ka~. ~ after ·nearl,. rive days tbe :roung altars and had scattere d It upon tbe the 'prostra te Corm Juur lJrvtl$l s:.' WrilAt A.!l. Olw ......s. 1.0 llqJ N. p." and ' lI 8it~nl ng to \' _ ur Dlph•• I landl III statu quo wltb tl!.e graves relt ot ot tbose wbo bad ol1crlficed his story of the bal tle and the wound pacer arrlYed at Oopenb agen •. bavlng tbe poker club ' grinnlDC out lond.dlll:r n~II~~ bls' eours,e. bls opponen l unto theln. He bad burnt the bones whloh had clime ' to blm all so unel[ One cannot qU1UTe1 .It the other' will Kanab City Journal . . "f the prl ~sts of Baalim. And when pecledly . baa JaD.' bed. Tbe. butcber s ot Zea· not. . ! e had remove d Crom the city and lbe . "And J bad boped to land liaye present ed a silver bowl to Dation all traMS or the Idolatro us prac. of the king of Egypt." atay t be lIi," rcli The Cook and the Broth. the nctor. tlces. be bad caused ' tbe temple oC " Yea. lhou bsst been fatfhful ant! . . ,, = ' =;=: === "The time when I get real ly dlacolll' Jehovab . to be repaired nnt! had re brave, and lbe Lord aged." said tbe young houseke eper 'lim re\vard thee By way of further ~mpbaslzlng bl!! P.E- RU-N A. IIl ored the priestly services tbere. and good for thy service: ' who Is learnIn g to cook. "Ia when I p DotloD that a college educnl" ;n. ror then later ~~rn he had caused a grr;m.t cel · The dying king was cheered by a the public IIhrary and look ovel' :rOUDg women means a glorified SpID' ebratlon ot tbe Pal>BOve r feast to be Lhose wortls ot I he prophet . IlDd when ParIs Pattern :0<0. 1656. All 8eams the title of tbe cook books tbere. oterboo d. ratber . than wlfeboo d and held, ao tbat It seemed that a greal his spirit had taken night. J eremlab Allowe d.-Mad e UI) In one or th o many When I read 'One TnOlllb nd WaYII to motherh ood. Prof. G. Stanley Hl\lI now revival was going to chan go, Ibe cur. made great la mentati on for the ' klng: plaid worsted s. and with or wl.thout a r.lake SouP." 'Four' Hundre d K1ude tells of an unhapp y youtb who ' fell Ir. rer'll ot the Ufe of th e nation and and caused all . the Bread: sIng ing men nnd body lining. this Is a servICE ab le bring school Potatoel 'The Hundre d Ways to Cook them hack In lo yalty to Gor!. . the sInging wom en to recount tb e w!tb one o't \tIIese .g lorlous \ be· , l,' 'Elglit Hundre d DlfrereOI frOCK Cor the growing gIrl. ,Broad Je~emla h tbe' prophet, as wc bave good an d glorious deeds lugs. He longed to offer his beart and Puddlng ll: and 'Flve Hundre d Good of the gJ;eat tueka ovel' tbo shoulde rs. stitched to )land, bU1 his modesty was s o. greal !RId. Coli owed wltb kecn Interest all king throu ghou t tile. . rlqUon. t ho bllst. l!be In tbe back. give the re· - Meat RecIpes ,' I feel lIke gIving up. that be rured sbe wOllld sacrific e toe tbose sp lendId reforms . ~d at theIr Qulred fullness to the waIs t .portlon . In comPar laon wltb all tIIat ooean 01 beginni ng had becn ea ~e r to throw much In marryln $ him. So be w'tth· hlms.elf He Knew and ' HI. the tull sleeves are ga thered and culinary accomp llshmj!n ta stili unex BUlllne8 : •. Into the work uutll a n Inclden. · drew and · left h~r to her trlumph& bad occurre d which A story finI shed Is told W'fth turn·bac k cuffs OC plain olored what slgulfy my cbolcee l of, a well·lm own ama· bad rovealed to teur Yllchtsm an, who w(ls one night silk. trimme d with rows of ' narrow cream tomnto sOup and purll8 of pears actuate d. we are told. by the bl gh blm that hotb king a nd people wore 'moUye tha I he would rob ·the large building uP ' 8 fals e bo pe oC a restora. anchore d neal' a rocler and dangero tls. ve lvel rIbbon. T,he s hield Is of slm· my bot blscult and corn muffins. ms scalloped potatoe s. m,. chocola te pud oooial circle whIch abe adorned . by tlon of the natIon to Ita old·lln1e pow- shore. Suddenl y. just be[ore dinn er. a liar silk, ' a nd tbe collar and neck are ding, Illld my chOI" and broiled surr. ' Inshoro trimmed wind started up. The with the velvet ribbon. match· templln g ' hel' to become a houspw lte. er and greatne ss. Th en In the seclu. sleaks! So tal' tbal Is ahout the onlJ anchor began Ing to drag. lhe cuffs. Anot her The was· s l'llrl slon skirt at hIs Is re treat J erem iah sough I Poor chop !. ' DOes Ibe blgiler edul1a· rllpldly thrOwn overboa rd. but In tbl! plilited aud attache d to the wafst vu.rlety I bave been able l(1 Introdu ce tioD of young men ~e,.t ..oy theh out the . testimo ny oC the Lord. and Increa s!ng su('cesefully Into my b11l·of·rar~ When s quall that. too, ta il ed to unde r II. Borrow belt oC the milterla l. Ihere It had heen revealed . to blm Cl9urage! Tbe po,tler!l i8 'In Cour slzes-':"s lx to plain Cood or that ,jr' - I 1068 OD ~e that as Israel had gone Into captivit y. hold.' The schoon er seem'ed In Imml· nent dange r of drlfllng on ,tine I'Oplui" twelve years. For a gi rl of te n years table ~artlcuijlrlY WE.,. cooked 1 Jeel == == = The .probll m of serial navlgat l.on " 60 Judah musl ultimate ly be scat. but at lost another , anchor gripped . the dress re qui res 6* )'a~ds oC mate· I·alber. proud of myselt for' • .f~w min. t"rpd as a nntlon. by no mean s comple tely solved; but and the danger was past. rial 20 Inches wide, 3Y.r yards 36 utes. but betore . my bead "eta a And with l\uch a m.ssago as thts bl' alrea~y .be lIyers are divider' Into dlf· The yacbtsm ;nches an. nearly wide. or 3% yards 42 Inches chance to swell noticea bly I rememexhaust ed hlld gone to Klug JIlslah. Strange . terent fac.lona . . COtlIIt ?eppnll n, wbo {rom his c ltorts. wide dropped ; as lIIu8lra ted. tlve·elgh ths y!lrd ber thoBe 3,000 other recipes that I've on t b" deck Indeed. wotild It have ' done <ome extraord Inary work lJall8age b.e en a welcom been hl\d his to recover hIs bl'ealh and rest. · ItI of conlras tlng materia l 20 Inches wid ,got to mastel' beCore , I can clnlm to be e one. SI range 't h'e qui et thll.t th ere came to for sh Ield. '.collar IlOd cuffs and "live . a okllled cook, and m7 coDcelt taka wl,t b dlriglhl e . halloon s. complim ents wou.d It have been It tbe . . HON. OEORO .·W. -wrIN.",_ enthu sIastic WiOII.~· . the wrigbl brotber l of aeropla ne Came young reforme r had been willing to his eara the cllok:cll ck·claclt·cllck. yards oC ribbon 10 'rlm. Hon.' Gt!orge . W. Honey, Nationa l c To ot . procure a bu sily this mnnlpu pnttenl lated lIond l() centJJ 'spoon to ,'''Palte tn 'what they have .accompJls!]ed. but accept tbo view tbat the Work be Chaplai n U. y. U., eX·Cha plaln It'ollrth rn Departm ent," at thlll papc,r. , agaIns t a bowl. . \Viticollllin (:8"lI.lry, eK·;J'te.:u; nrer State Wl'lte namo and addrcss plnlnly oa,.s all that will not mlnlmlz!I ·tbe uUI· was perrorm lng Cor the nallon must • . Ilnd Teach I", Childre n to Ore... of .Wiscol. sln, nnd elr-Qlluclerma.~tcr He Ilstened for sure to g;vo, .'ae and num bor at patter,n. The wise motner should ' rsmemb er Geriera L Brllte of 'l'UZnB tty of hIs own alrshlpl I. Howeve r. he necessa rily be only ot a tempora ry went below . . The a. momen t and then .cook was prepari ng tbat children: ·m.ust be taugbt tbe Irst '1'010170 0 Firllt St." . N. , wdtcs . Is franll eIlou~h to admit that "hoth charact er, and that ultimate ly the na. salad·dr esslng. lessons in dressin g tbemsel ves. and D. C., a,'I followl: .. ' E., ~Vll.ShiDgtoDt tlon NO must ~ 556: suffer 'Cor the' centurie s of SIZE . ....... ,; ....... ar~ Imperfe ci yet." . Tbat Is the best " Why. Sam," he exclaim ed. In as. tnnn aliowed, to oxercls e their oWn evil whlcll It !Jad wrough t. "I .CRnnot too highly recomm end your assuran ce of rurther effort ,In •hI' tonlllhmj!nt, "dldn't you know tbat wE! ~ NAME .......... : ... . ....... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. . PM pllratloD tor the l'elh;( of. CIIlllrrh ., Judgme nt, cradual ly beIng . gtven more. ·troubl So It was that King JosIa h .llnng nearly'· went ashore 1" eam,; '~'rectlon •bat could be glv~n. "8/" tholr "fir/a us forms. Sam" to bla Calse hopes. and 80 It wus thai nnd' more responll lblllty .1 tho matter. 'mombll rs of m.v ~\VII TOWN ... ... ... ......... . .......... . , ........ "Ob. . )·asslr. yasslr/' 'umlly· iI_ve usell "'D~ came the rivalry or the dlft'erent J eremiah , ·Itutll ' a. women they b""e a!)qulre d the It .wit! mORt IrrBtlfvinA' really· In sym palhy wltb the disturbe d reply. " I thougbt the uO' s he was 'I~cbooI8:' la likely to Increas e the de- great STREE T AND NO........... .......... .. . '''no Rrt q't beIng "weli drf'saed . And othor 1'Omll/1\t;la .a\lo<l, rosnl\Ji, When work tbe king was .tlolng, round gain' on. de rooks. !luab," Penlllil Proved termlDa tlon of each '0 do Ita beBt. . very !!lOaD 'a girl sboul" tie \rustocS -wltb hlmseif a s tuden t DC the reform mOVb' ~1I1::.G/ou. and 1 clleertu l1y certlSTATE ........... ..... ........... .......... .. .. "Well. In a calle 111(0 tb lit; do,,' t you I th d .f,. lo h 'lLd curativ ment. rather thnn an active J)nrtlc•. pver go up on deck? e excI,Uoncu." the money to buyer OWL co eo ·.n We had mlgbty !lir. J<'N'd l.;,.Heb" ...:I, for Illne years a A Van'de~ blll Is Ilulng car cotn· pant tbereln. Thus the years bar! (tiose coiL" I. ,equlred to dre... within tI!-.' leading Jlh~togrnphcl' 'of KJU18IUI City. pany ,tor InfrInge ment ot palenl~ come and gone. and through thost! . " We Her. Handl'c ap'; amount . . ll . you Bee It·s .Mo" Jucatild at the nlll\th~o 8t; cornel' of Henriet ta und Louise. Il.ttJo malden I nls I. .. case ' or Greek meetln! : yoars be Iiad hlb~ed to bring th tl can't leave mayonn like thill. Yo~ 12th' and Grand·AveH. , cbeerftl lly giveR aise a minute. L king to see tbe truth as to the Cate at 'eau/lc It'll turn l'lght Greek, w.hleh will vaslly Inrerest the of te" years. bad for some tlmo been . thefolluwlnll'tea'brilln~: "ltlllap roveD back ."-Youth~1 Even the Ha.h. fact tlll~t Perona will curt' CIlI"rrh .nd rivals (or the honors In Room 4. Loll' PDeraJ puhlh: a.nd particul arly Inter tbe nnUori as God had revealed It to COmpanion. 'Emblul "lssod In tbe taahlon'able re. '"l1rlppe~Dnd'" a tOIlIf) . It h.s blm. But Iso's until mother the IIndlng and ' C ather ot tbe book bad botb been aUrt,tit Ly tile menu wrltt\ln Itl DrolJl!lli . t lD' eDlorB. who. having more pat tB ha"e \fled to make me ti&lfe teacller s-a great advanta ge In Henri· 'rent a, tre Wall stree _ta '11itn ~1IJ1on'" IIDd It uphlU work of lbe law during tbe rellalrl'n g ot the , t !QaD ot bust. IPmethl nil' ell\O 'just o.a 1fO(Id..' bu\ Pt\ra. Nonc:llr iltllnll In MaJorlt)!'. olla's eyes. te mple the k.lng would In no wise ne d ay, Upoli b'eng I .... --'u· e811 t-.(olalmed: Asia and Africa bave about 8.000•• , IUl 18 "OPond eDoll"h for 1U1lo" awn ..... corllOra UonL But tbls 10 I IIslen to ' b ber h Jerenlla b's words. ' How. 000 ... luredy b tat er tor brln •• ng ome Chrlstl anl anti 642.000.000 DOD. '·H.... Ibase trold., entrem eata ud Pe-nH...Dr. real ·tde of war. ' .... et Fena. two .Yer. wben be had beard the wordlJ Christia Hartma n aDd hili a I'eport helow Loulse'B, Ibe replle4: bono d'oellv r_brln . me 'a ns. ~~. , ~~== . plato 'of __ .Iwt .. nlkoo labcJI'ed to of the book he had been sore trou. "'·es. papa, blAt you mlJ!lt remembe~ JOOCI' Dlaln bub. If ,.oa'" P' Gcb a By til. tln- u Ibe -,rship reall, ar bled and bad alld t.helr sent to Huldab. the Gold <:hlefty COin. rly.. drioUI . compn catlou ' wall bf- propbe teu. to loterpre t tbe meanin [leUnea tor. Loulsc comea g from a smart ' ramib'. "You "-, m . . . a thing u . 0 0I1a 11 · tit .. PI'Q1Je eI." "r," ....eet 10 t .. .....,....'" or I'AJroUln, thereot, aDd ehe had leDt back WOI'd. or aJI tb~ IOld ID th~ po'"8IiifclD man TO or Karyt.D d'. . . ~UJltl. . aU . . ...... .. . . . =~ ""&le n .• a. D8I'. a.nt, ... fa Ute .eftli are UPOD utl..hIe
Practical Fashions
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: 'iaI,tJa.wa:_, . .
1 he Mysterious il1irror •
By Harrison Grav,es
(CopyrIght, by Sh'lrtstlJry ru b.
Methods by Which the Proce!!ls Can Be Prevented-By J. 0. Mo:.ler, Asslstant Chlet' ot'Soll Physics, Illlnols ' Unlversity.
0 ,)
Lato In J anuary, n tew yellrs "go, hlch t gave:- tho n gro ca mo slluf· I Nothing. wi ll complcl iy r uin lanrt fal l. or tbe wllter gives It grent po weI', was nUlr1'l'd 10 lb e girl wh<ODl I Olng up. 1 demand '(1 Malt' Favrea u mo re quickly than wasbili , especial. makIng It vcry dJffi cult 10 sto~ Its un. thought, aod sU II think , t.'le most · t.le sen'aol dll'I\OI' ar d. oou II \l old ly gullyi ng, A !I ngle season or even d e rmlnln~ action. As tbeso o{eIIeraU, charming arid beautiful Ie a ll th e rco lo hi mself !i'und bowln' IJ, til!' a sIngle raIn, ttlay prodUce gullies that eocllr wbere ~b e field la In gnll8 tbere wOI'I<1 . On tll<! arI erooon of our mar· ~I oo r . Wh en J tolll him of n ul' los ~ , c:annot be crossed wIth ordinary farm Is a ' comparatively slpsll RlftOlUlt of :Inge day \\"e starled on a long, lei· his yehrows wen. up, hili 1111S In , ahrl Implements. U~I'ess bese are prompt· sediment carried and consequ ~'nlly the Burely JlIu1"IIey tbrough the souU\. bls hnnds out. Iy looked aftel'. t'le land soon becomes fill1ne will go on but 810wl)', The,. The ve or the MardI Grlls feslIvn l " (nl)los, lhle !" 1\" exclalmo.1. ' I\ntl practically w(\rt! less. cesaloD of the raU must be s lopped, On unlCl:-m III. pes, gul~les mllf' be Straw and brusb should be to fllJ Found liS In Ne w Orleans after a lazy .n lil Y houso! Man Dleu!" , rldo Ullon a steam boa t from Me m· "It Is l)(Jssl blo," I rotorted, " S I 'V! l started by vo~y SImple menns s uch as In under the faIl wels~tlL~ the lD tunnels of moles, IVn~on {raok/! and dow)! with s lones or Bod Ut IIrevent pbl s, !t hos bnr-pen d," " It Is a mi s take, They hl}Vo blc'BL cow or sbeep paths, anyone of wblch lhelr being waebe d away. Dams of Luckily I had written some weells may bo the '/llry necessnry small bo· O'riiiibLs Qu1tf be put ·prev loill.l for apa rtmenls whi ch I lIad mi slaid," at- fn "mtls b& lo w the filII a atl even a ,soll" dam at oecllpl donee bero re upon a Similar Neither fho nox t day nor. a i, t he .gl nuln g, and nat ure will cia tbe rest. It would cO/lllllonly be tnk n for the edge 01 tbe Ileld may b" · ,, mucb occa s ion, nnd we experl'ence d none of day s of th SUt'C crllug w ck. f, lr. granted ~ba. t the thing or fi rs l .Impo .... use In ,completely Olltog th~ li:o&.llr, the nnlloyn nc s Incid ent 10 packed Illi sli Cd a flollltlOIl. hotelR. The honlse whe re WI! we re to Th o cVEm Ill fI U foro wo dc pll rl!d la llce III thll! dI scuss ion Is the maller . Tb outloo k for, th,e tutu. ~ of .t he stay was a I II!:" Ir regular, straggli ng ! from Ibe cI ly nI)' wlr re llr lI, I' X of preventing tho furmatlon of gu llies rollil1g Inn!l Is "ertllrnly uot a bopeful man s ion, sot udek from UI Il s lreet up' haust E'lI , by tb strain, I still' c\ on h , In cultb;ate d fi elds, but this Is not tbe onll under tbe , preBel1~ lI!osl ,61mmOll on lhe DaYOli St. ' J an, Alo ng tb e (he d r 8111 nl> rooUl, sl11olll ng, auil Ib- case. Tbe beginning of Lbe tro'uble Is sy sleQ1B of mllnagement, or more propCrollt ran a \\ 10 <, veranda supporled Sl lnal<!ly thinking It ove r In a vilin usually duo to sbl'.et washing and as 'n rly of ml81llanagomen , Inl reaslng .by rollnd Ilrlc k pillars, now somewh at aUcUI)lt to calch some thr ad, some rule gull yin g occurs In the late r pove l'ty will be the fut urE> of the own· crn mbled, on Ihlch J'osevlnes ma ssed c!ew, tha i won III lelld to an explaJ n. slages of the general 'Ilrocess ot land 'rs of this land unless a radlC'.al In wild IlI xll rlance. It was a ho use lIou and 1'0 Ii re('o\' rr of tho gems r·tlln. If we cnn prevent sheet wss~· cbange In methodll ta ltes place It fa or t he old city, which, be ing aba n· 'T'II rOOUI wos unll ght d, and 11t<, don U, had tallen Inlo decay. T" n dool' RIOO I wlae OP'Il Inlo the d. r ll r eal's b ror an old, whltp·halred cre- hall to let. the sllll.lI e tram tny cl ,:,o r ole bad pat hed up one end of It, dry· dl'lrt out, 1 Iny bn 'II In n I' clln' llg Ing I h t) 1'0. rna n :16 (IIrnl~hing th eTa chair, stnrlnJ{ Imn Ihe long 1.11 r.gll1SIl cornf~rtllblY, As the tlUlldll1 ~ W IlS n,l rmr which hUQg lIpon Ihe wall 0[1 (llped fOl' gas, oad the old man ltaJ pns ll th e door, '11 e g low or Ol~" \lut III I)l ctrlc bell s, It was just the cl '011' WIIS rl'Occtec\ wllh ench pII,T 1 roman tic sort of a place I loved . took unW filially, fini shing It. I 'r he larg ' r (lllrt of l he mans ion, un· dropped i t upon all ash Il'ay, Tbe touched by th e pref nl owner, reo mlllut(>B I' a s~cd s lowly, lIu d r bellrd ma lnorl In t he I;!ome dilapidated , s tat fal' awny 1.1 City !::'I: BtI'lke the mid. In which he had foun d It. A sen se nig ht b0l1l'. All tjl"l bouse Ivas still. of Ilot nUal mYll tery lurke d In th e . My mlud, w arl ed wltl) Intonse dark, low passag s an;! clamp, moul · thoughl, l',e luxlld , !nJ grad ua lly I be. dy I'OOUIS. nut since the o ld creole, cam con Bclous of a .1l01nt of li ght, Ma lt' Flivrenu, told us blm se lf that alillrl1 and s hinin g, In Ihe middle of the tbnt par t of the house was . s01luly 1>lack mirrol'. In Quick reactio n l a nce locked and the Windows barre d, I inure fOlt: s eej I1IY Ih'.)l1ghls to XI.loill smll,ed When my wife looked down one Ihl!' speck or light which sLood out so p ns~ ag tba t ran from our hAH In to ~l ellr!l' 10 t lie darkD SR . r stared tlUd It, and told ber t!le re was nothing to BI a r (I unl":1 my ayes ach ed-the n, Bud. tear. The house had not even the den ly. thla strange thing happenml: Th IU'Ilut oC II!:bt gre.w I ss t;hllrp repu tallo n of shelterIn g spooks, ' The aft ernoon we s pont tn drlylng lind lIot"n n to' XI~lI l1(l. DltTusln g a soft about the cIt)', already gay tn antlel· qlow ~bOllit It s rim, It spread untll An A~ando nqd fIeld, p~t1on of the evening when KIng KOo the re stood n d isk of light, wid e as Ihe mlrrol" It!;lel(. As r watched, the Ing we wfIl lesecn very largely. uit not an expensive, . Proc;E'lIII te protect mo should cOJne with his Kre~e. or t he sul~e whlcb wo had, one of fulnt OllurOD of a band et bel;! Ilsoit posslbilltlea of 'gullying' .In· cUI~lvated apll Improve ,these sO,Us, ilL betbe rOOIDS served as, a dressing room, Inlo the 11 -ht, illusive at first, but flelds. . comes rek\.Uvely more expeD8IYe U I\nd Us dalntx little mahogany table growing constan tly more real uatll at Four genoral methods are employe~ time C96B on, beoa~ae ~e people will and long . pler·glass had cau£ed DIY last It seemed us It at fl esh, Stretch· "or the pre venrlon ot she ~t washll1g: be , 1.eM. able to d.o~Jt.. d wdeed wIfe upon e ntering It to burst tnto Ing out from fh e darkness. this hand 5'lrst, the growing of cover crops tp the prospeot before the ,bOys and girls rapturous exclamatIons, luy upon II table, and ,u pon one fill l(er df.'crease th e mpvement of . watlOr and of . tbeae landl .. whan , tJlalr- -ealy Ill· The room next to It. and the tront burn ed ' tb,~ rain bow opal of my wife. soli; aecond, IncreaSing the . organic berltanoo II a ruined htlfslde farm. .>ne or the apartments, looked out of Its Ores I'lowed nnd s mould ered as matter content to bind the IIOII "par. , the bouse where tbe tangl ed gurd ell clearl y as' though I myself held It. tlcles togetber: tblrd, using methods 'RE~"'''liG & lay, and down the street, Tbls street Beside thl! finger tIps, In , careless of tillage 10 cbeok the Teloclty of tbe \'J:d '1~1-~I ' ' f LJ\. It. , ended a t the wall of tbe garden, for twists, lar ,tbe necklnce of pearls, And run otr' and 10 causo greater abBOr\>the bayoll h~d made furthe r advance near the t humb, shooting a ,hundred Han, and fourth, by terraoeS and hill· ~ J' . IlDPosslble. and from the wIndow we flam es, I SliW my ow'n gift of dIamonds sIde ditches, thus modlrylng the steep, , ,, , could look along the. street for several But there was something else-soml1 neSB at the slope. IIJld conducting the . : : __ :.. ~. ' . . squares to where . It joIned at rI ght thing upon the hand, blnck and ugly, surplus wate r olr at sun!1 ,slope aa ,will .B~ 9- A." Lf~~, ~,wa""""r:alt. s angle. one of the busler , thorougb· Ibat beld my yes fixed. A little produce little or no washln·g. aral ~ll"ep. fares. shudder CI''Opt cold over my body and I . No form of washing will utterly • ', ..,'_ ___ Arter fini shIng our dlnne r we e n· awoke ' vdth a baIr laugh, bm sblvered min land more quickly !,ban gullyIng. To many <falr,med tile term reeel~ rered the dresslng·room to dress ror Instinctive ly, Tbe owner of very rollin!: or hlllv Ilind Ing 'of mllk 'is IIm!(ed to .Imllly paul' the evening. Upon one of tbe little Like an .. lnsplratlon It came to me mUlit be on tbe lookClut constantly for Ing tbe mllk 'out .b,- tlle pi(trbn'. call tobles, covered with a piece or Mexl· that tbls hrl ght speck, clear and rieep IncipIent gullies aDd must .use every Into tbe welghlngr tailk, ~i5rdl.c the can drawn-work, my wIfe laid tbe In the blaekness of the glass, was are· mPRns fnr preventIng th !\lr ,e~l~rge- number' of poundsftdr' milk, and 4hen lewels she was to "ear at the ball, fteotlon , The m,rror was squarelY be· ment. Tbe tact thAt .stopes ' are not HttJn~.tb9"nIT~.. . o that It ~ll _ca~ l'tje chi f of.1hese wall a magnIficent for e the open door and low, dark 'uulform allows the water to aceumu- Into he receivIng vat.. Suell & CODneoklace ltearls, given b er upon passage thla t ran Into the unlnhoblted .. in draws. thns Increasing ItI cepUon of re<;elvillJ Is ADsl1), Bat. her wedding day by her rather; and part of Ih'B old mansion, A crowd ot Tolume and veloclt)' and "mpIUplyln$ Isfle4, Any 'lioy Or' man, ·.."I,-bopt ma. beside this ale placed my own gIrt of , posslbllItiEls flooded my mind, I telt. IIa waahlng power mallY times. Unlesl ' t)lre Jualm~rit.or 'AAicI~' . t~~nc caa a diamond , clapp. and tbree or four with all fhe force of my mysterlouf> some means are taken to p,rev!,!nt It. do ' tbls. But When, 1iF8 ilve tae tel1ll rlngll, among them a large, heart· reve lation. that I was on the traok of the water Boon grinds out a formidable ,"recelvlnc .o(.mJlk'" It'd b roBd.and COIllahaped ollal, burnIng with Incessant the jewels., gully, . prebenll1v.ll, InterpreuitLon we mlllt ",. changes of ~ unbow color. When she Rising lind feeling for matohes In It Is a 10mewl1111t common practice clude llrat tlnl1telect!on of milk. Tbls took tbls lost rrom her jewel case, the pocket of my Bmoklng jacket, I te scatter straw In tbese rtrawB In the u., " be ~rObert1 jlone 'onl)" when • she pursed ber Ups thoughtfully for weot sleallhlly out or the room down rail or to build straw damll aC1'Ofl1 mani8 lIeDs.r. 'pl emell. ~ . d slcbt a moment, nnd then said she did not the low. musty passage. Oarefully tbem at frequent Intervals. The88 ute ~1l'.cu)uYatdd "ti lIade use know whether to wear It. It would fee Ung my way I went forward until lIerve to cheek tbe velocity of tbe of, toget~er wUb the power .f obeeflo bring bad luck, IIbe knew. for when· my Ilnge r ' toucbtl .! a door. Stare all I water and catcb the sediment, but tre- TaUon. ever IIbe baJ worn It belore something would, no ray of li ght, such os I knew ouently the run-otr I~ eo great that How to 'select roUk deponde UJlOll the had olways happened. had made the refieotton, rewarded me, the .lItraw Ie carried down , the draw acntness of tbe Bonses, b~- h~w to ":Y~s," I laughed, "Dldn't you have I had beeJll low down In lilY chair, 1 and lad gee at t,he ba~e, rrhtse , dams dIspose of these dlltererit quall,lI,!s of It on when I asked you to marry me?" remem!Jerc~d, The keyholn, of course. are someUmes beld In place by rows ' Milk In tbe mosb. econOlplcal waf de"The Idta!" ehe excialmed, "I had and as I B,toolled 10 It the anticipated . of driven Btakes aoross tbe draw,' 10. 'Jl8ndl opod t){I!"1mbwte'lJge.tJie elver on onlY ' n turquoIse. Well, I'll wear gleam Ila s hed In my eye, genem\. st raw Is too flne to be usea has 01 tbe effect of Ihese dllferent de. It. ' U's\ 0 beauty~buL lock the. MasterIng 8S well BH I w'a s ' able alone very sat1staclorlly. Th:e water fecta of milk "POll the u'Umate !)rod. door. dear. This old house-who ' the ter ror of nervollsness whlc b sized cannot· get through It raoldly ennu~h uct, and 01110 upon tbe amount or knows?" She eO~,tlnuetl. opening her me. I tried the door lig htl y, II gnve and so Is very aot fa wDsh the da~s common BenBe and Judgment he Is able eyes ominously. and then ~here are way and in an instant I stood wllhln away or wRsh around Lhe ends , A to coUlIllIt. Because iI can full .of milk darkles around." the 'lighted room, Tohe sight which ooarser material used with the , sIraw 18 80ur, If otherw is e cleaD. does not t I laughed agalu, !J\1 she perslsled, gree ted IUY eyes brollght me LI P with gives better re8ults. These means are necessarily Indicate tbat II is ' .Dflt for and I locked the door leadIng rrom a j erk. My thumping hea rl , I felt Dot altvaYII sallsfactory, the I)rooootlon ,~f , a first.c1ass .quallty our rooms Into the hall. A: small sure, would wake the man wbo sut A better plan, used a great den I I~ of butler; of ~'1urse It should D'o t be transom. above the, sleeping , at . Lbe 4lble, bls head upon lIome parts of the ~te, 18 to keep mixed .Wltb . the.. lweet milk , as It might door, I cl'lEed, .but as tb,e re waa no his outstretcbett arms. tbese 'draws In ~rat!'i.80d, at least until oacula~ It all br Clog ' Up tbo 8epara. ~orew aUnc,hed to the rod I ' could A sparkle or red and purple played they are 110 well fllled that tbere 11I·lIt. tors, but It retained until arter th'o no fast en It more s~curely .. , Thll belol'e llIe on the t:lbl e, and there I tie dan ller, A sod of this }t1nd bInds s\veet milk bas been skimmed It ~Ight ' caused her some unrest, unUl [point· behe ld the ' band of my dream-with the Boll partloles t(lgeLbel' while fhe ~e run through the 'separator succes.. ed out tbat not even a chUd could Lhe opal and pearls and ,tb e ulnmond top growlh checks the veloclty .of' the funy : ' " , 'craWl through It'. brooch. And ther e, too, I\pon his band water: the sellintent In S1l8. It Is more safe t. clus 1\ . We begall fo chatoftbe ball and the ' squatted Ule ug ly thll1l: whIch had pen ilion to be rl el'olllted . . In time the as defecllve milk and keep It tege ther oarnlvlIl. After a whllu there drIfted made me shive r, It.. was th en that 'draw will be fI'led sn that It may bE' with the rest of the poor mill!: In a thr:."lglt the wIndows of the . other the borror o ( the tlluth .crol"lled, bur It to seeded dpwn ' small vat by It501[' Dlrly. Jlutrld and room the nolso of the first revele rs ol ruok me. 'The man ' was dead. His qa,lm 'U thlire . III danger of gtillj> b}u c r milk Ie t);e kind o.f mll !cla a'nd the crash ' of a band. We botb murderer, the SWollen spIder, crouched Th l's \'lIlltliod Ie pmctlced specially conducive to a poor Q.v allt)' rushed to the front. like excited ohlJ':. against hIs hnnd, ,large as a coin, with' very successfully, tbe gras!! be ing of butier" One can full of Bucb milk ,hen. At the ·Interval whe re the eyes peeling shal'ply at me from a mowed tor hny. Some rarml;.rs In It mixed wll II. the rest o.t the milk may t1lo\,o\t ghrare joined our quiet street purple bodly tpat bore upon Its bacll .rentlng their land' cIa lise, In the .lowe r .. grad e. ?' }gl ot C1te ltutter we could see the flare "t torcbes and 0. furry, YE!lIow, cr,oS8, contrac t 'IP. of Olsde durIng Ihnt day one 01" even two doric, .moving Illotur.e s. a jumble of· Wl:)lJe over bls booty, . t be tbe draws.- Almost any . graf /i thn! cents per pounu. ),foOJlle and li ghts. . thief. who proved to be a ot forms a sod will ansu,.r the To keep t ,poo r Quali ty of milk b, "But come !" I crIed finally. "There MoH' Favl'eau, bnd fallell purpose. timothy and redt.op being Itselt In Ihe receIving vpt Is of !ltmost III our carrillge aud we nIus t finish asleep 'bltten by this poillonoutl quIto satl.Rfao\ory, . imp,11'tan ce ,. but It Is eQ u<\lly lruportant dresslll g, " For at that Instant 'the Inllecl, passed Into the .de,eper Dams of earlh or ' s tone ' are some- to koep tbe we ight of it by IttrcU on one whloh 1 bad ol'del'cd pulled lIP, sleep nf dert th. How th e spider waited t!mco8 built at'rOBs draws to caroh the tbe' mllk sheel. Wbe n a pl\troll, de(,latterlIig, beCore tbe gate, We tnrnl'd by 1I1s 'Che 'stlll la)' I sediment and In mliny case$, depend. IIverB a ran of Jloor milk to Ibe 'ream. 1I11ck to the dressing room. My ' against ' th e mao's white fingers tng II""n ebndltlona, 'this methOd maYer), bo IIhould Jiot M , mnah for I .• and .l till I d did I'~ 11 " 1" '1 ' Ilv'el's a first who precec e u rue, gave 8 ream . t he dl amoous 8. QU vere an eape f, • enr" satlsfaettll-y. !l'hl!! plan w1 ' It IL8 does r Ie man'" 10 (I e " . _ "1 kl\Ow It! · I knel' It woUld with light. better In J:alht'r broad, sballow closs 'Quallty ef mUk, tor It t9 Ilo1l eslabbing bad luck A joil.lteli fislJlng pole. well w,rapped Itrl,.'11 I1slted factf Ibat biill g09d butte j I III" . tbe " POllsesslng little raIL mil"r elUl not" . The owe s were wl)h plush . ond a stout IItep-ladder ex· It It Is deslmble to break the 'fleld be nlade ttlm t e poorer f M gone. I II k d~lt ft • _ ~ \ bt'a:uUrul pIece 0 ex en. nen ,:!pon plalned th'e mystery cif the transom. ' u loon and the gullies are not too The Quality of mil w verOfl' ean '" hich t.hey w,ere spread hud van/Illled. For one ' a steaily, skllliul hand, d::e they may be .lllIed. with plow b.e dea1tpltlted 'on the mil II ; sbctat IIJ ,The tears out or ber' eyel and It had not been dlmcult to Osh for tbe III a ,compsratJvuly sbort lIIulling t he cood milk "A' ••• C the Ilo\\'n ber eh('eks In Sl Ite of my rea.. Mexican catehlng the hook "lib .lIttle eapenae. If, bow. poor quality "B" milk, ThUll, at the ,urlng wordo Hunt 118 we WOUld, not OrBt In one embroidered edge, and ever there Is no, IQJUI'l!dlate. need lor end of the montb ' esch patJ'Olt C8D be trace of tb" mflllllng ,emil conld be tben the )thl'lr, and. wltb fhe Jewe!s to lie ,ftUed, • d!lfer8llt. pi... paid UC9!'dlnc te ure qualtty 'M tbe round. wltbln It" fold, Wt It easrly to OD.. may be 101l0wOO and while natute milk be delivered Wltbou~ mlleb treuA eeareb .bowed . the poaaeaalon. made the gull), Ihe can alao I be, In- ble to the e'rellDlel')' openner &Dd willa loors stili loeke4 aall' bolted. Tbe ••oed co III it wltba little JleJp from JUltice to tbe Tbl. fa 08e of Ir&DlOm, bowever" . wbleb I remem· ~cc::_I~t~~ :~dr.:: · ~.. ~~ 0: hrlqlq It: IKINd clIltbicUr 1I&'fIq cloH4. . . . _, d to ear It. tp. 't meUlodI 01
Tbe poPlllarl ~y of tbe short·wafst'ed dresR Is firmly estabHshed, 81ld as 11.111 ' eaBon a dvances we shall see It qlore and more ; It Is produced In mnny for ms: t wo of tIlo prettiest we 1Il1lstrate here; thes~ ar~ quite sl~ple. and are sultalJ le lor lin), 50ft mut-3rlal, such as Shantung, Cllshmore, fine cloth, or som~ s uch t " ture. ' The 8rat Is In molo-colored oashMe re. The s kirt III Quite plain, the tront breadth being cOT,Unnod In a plastron In front of bod ice, nt tbe s ide of Whi ch ~lfe two deep fold.l ; th'e plastron Is cnt open at the neck to show a cbemlsette of spott ed Mil Ir: , the edge of open ing being outli ne d wltb a told of tl!rQuolse. blue ve lvet, the lower part laced a cross with fin e cords, firusbed with tassels, Two folds of the Cll~ bmore form over·sleeves; the lon g. s1l6'21U" IlUokered Ie vcs are of th e spotted whlto silk. The bodloe Is joined to the skirt, tho Jolll ing being eov,!red by a snsh of silk. wllh tasseled ends. Materials raIluired: ' Eight ya rds 46 Inch es wide, 2 * ya~ds sil k 22 inchos wIde. The s.cond 'is In mauve Shantung. The underskIrt, being almost covered, is ot sl1leen, wIth Shantung ouly on the lowe r part of f~ont. Tbe over.skl rt Is e dged wIth gall )on. Tbe sborl·wals ted bodlco ho.a a veat ~f laoe opening In a V at the neck, wihoh la lIlI ed In with fueke d net; thlll Is ouWned wi th nar. row' Bilk trImming, wltb two tassels at tbe point. The Sh a ntung III tucked on tIlo shoulderll, ant.!. Is edged wIth , g~loon, the armboles a illo !Je lng outlined "'ltIt same. Th e bod ice and s kirt are join ed undor a Bash, whleb Is faste ned at lott side unde r a rosette. Mate rials r equired: 11' yards 3. Incbes wid e, ten yards galloon, seven yards sateen, fiv&lllghths ),ard lnce 18 Inclle/l wide, half yard tu~kcd ne t. COLORS FOR THE AUTUlo'N • .
Brilliant and Beautiful Tones Are to Slmpllolty a Keynote of the Coming Bo In 'vc>gue.
Season'l Coltumes.
Tho new plstacJie shade Indlcatel we' tono or lhe, shell, a dull, soft wUlow green with a faint yellowIsh cast In tho li,hter tones, while the darker onea ar.e more on tbe order of sage and · mOS8 green, all uncommonly au\>' - dued, )'et exprellslve. , -Flowei'll bavo bad their beauUtul bues ImJtated In the new oolorB, There la. lor InSlIlIl.C~ ,tbe nasiurtium In Itl! gorgeoue tlntll of rich. golden &Ilrlcot and warm brownish copper, all of whlcb 1U':e. shown In Henne, ODe of the ' m<i8t beautJfui ,'!~tl,d e8 or the ~,ason. They are elleell.t1onally deep aad ell· presalT8, - and are sometimes called , glroflee, aa tbey I'eaemble the colOrB of the wallflower" " The, beautlful hue or tile lapis lazuli Is 81gn1fled by the <lark IWd medl~m tones' of slrsne-a warm, opaque blue wIth just the very fmnle.t touch 'of (ray·green underlyln, It. The lIgbt· er tooea are gorgoo\'R In ~elr rlcb, clear brilliancy, , Among 'th6 neutral shadel tbere are two lovel)' new grays-vapeur nod elepbant. Tb,e former II oD .' tbe pearl· iray color, onlY blwlb·lnatead of pInk. ish and exOeedlngly cl* and delloate In all of the three Lonea. As tbe nlllpe implies, i't Is exactly Ille cloudy. fragUe coloi' or vapor. wblle the latter Is , a beautiful. deep 'guD-mew S!'llY, almost · black In the darkest tone, unlike tbe real color of tile elephant, whiCh Is • dusty, muddy gray. Rouen blue ranges between tapestry Bnd Tokyo blue tones, with. tinge of st eel gray very Doticeable. partiou· ~'larglY In the 11gb lest of the three lanes. ','th~ ~a5 k~r. ,<! IllS bear. some Ukeness to tbe perfect i!ove color and are extremely' rich despite their subdued softness, There are two Dew ilbades of tan: Isabene. tbe ODe, ' com POlled of six tonos, at wbloh tbe darkest are :"ex· tremely dull, almoBt .a b:l,lcklsb brown, ' ~'hlle tbe medl~,m ~nes are mo~ on the order bf Cawn color and tbe IIgb~ cst are a lleclded pln.k llh ' beige, very dellca.te and smart. andl parUc.ularly . lI,ultable [or beil)g blended wlt11 otber colors.
Some of·the cloth ft'ollks ImpQrted trom Paris for tbe benefit of the women whq nre to pass tile aUlumn ilt fashionable American resorLl..are matvelll of chle IIlmllliclty, They are of -l ight weight. fine twlll. smooth·surfaced Berge In tobaeeo brown, royal blue, bun~er'e pln~ and whIte, made wJtb correctly cling• In ~ PI~~ gored stl,rta whl~h ,flare rather more about ('He lIott06 than do those bavlng tralnB. Tbe attached b!ouse baa sboulder bands Instead' or plalts, and these are outlined at eltber side with tiny tabrlc-coYere'd buttons set Into blaok-etcbed buttonboles. There ' 111 a wIde collar turned back trom an embroidered mUSlin 'gulmpo and alashed sleeves revealing mUlll1D elbow cutra, but the fealure of tbe frock III the pair of envelope-flnpped oblong pockets set on at the tennlna. tlon of the sboulder straps bet weeD b\llt and waist line, The same type of autumn outing frook may be de. veloped In strIped, checked or plain English mobar~ \-e1l yed ' by toucbes of bright color III the form or silk or saUn ' plplnga, a necktie aad percbance a Asb, ~_ _ _ _ _ _ LAWN BLOUSE.
Any 'dainty-colored lawn would make up thIs blouse, We have chos· en pale blue for our model. The yoke, which continues to tbe waist baok nnd tront, I" of very flno mUlllin embrold· ery edged wIth a parrow frill or Val, enclennes lace. ;materllll . Is tucked In narrow tucke , at the top, and set to ),oke. It has a simple Duffed' Jj • , , s,/ueve. wblch .I nto a oWl Read'y-Made Fall Sultl, . . qf the .embroldery at tbe elbow. Tbe AmerIcan manufacturerl are al·' ready turtling" oU,t tlie new taller 'Maple Bavarian Cream, s uits for autumn at compar,a tlvely . mue, black Heat one 'cupful maple slrllP, BeSMall are tbe favorite colors. 'fqr.- It'1s too,hoL add the well·bea ten Soft cloUls are The skIrts yolk of ooe egg lind ror. a moare sllort. The CO/ltsare Soak a half of n~ea'rcireuiar1llld l;"iIut t'o tb~e'" ..... "ft~, alngle·breuted· In a little cold water. Put g.,.. aDd away , ti'Om waist line. clissolvcd gelatlno Into the bot rlrul> A -"Ia n Lac. for ·Bed.. egg, while·cream. It cools Then beat beat sUit . .'· •I!Dd haIr pintand ot tblc'· .......Iltl ..... ,-bed - ,.seta are DO· rr;I~ ,..' hly Into the cold .• '1 cream tborollg
1Ja~ton. ,
~s ~ath~red
heavy , cru ktlbl,11l lace. , Tht!,!18 are sirup. Put In mold OJ'. .&herbat /da... lined 'wIth ' chIna ID r.tDt colors, Bnd Bet away In lee box. ' Tbey ltild over tb ,bed fJld exton: . .- - - - - . Dearly to tbe ftO<!r. 1Tbere .. ·aa 0 , Jabots on Ntght piece for the plio".. The dainty nl,bt gowns are II '!lade wltb wide DIIteb ClOllara ad fiDe ' For •• "kt1llOlloa made Mnbroldery, lCailopOO &Del ·. 11fce. DoWD tbe boat from eonar lp walat Is • fCJ1ll'oInl\ JabOt or lace
ii••....... ..,-
JDE r. ;
I~ t
To Rrim<we 8taln• .' YO!!t' 'To r emove ' Ink stains carpet melt mutf.On tallow and coat all over the Ink stain unless .the carpet Is light weight, then 'dip Into the ' hot tallow, , After tbls waab the .artlcle tn warm water and all tra,ces of .Ink Win -be ·gone. If a Bhadow placq paper oyer It and press ' with 'bot " ' . ,
. .
~nd, ha'~
~ At - die"· ~c. 11q-' or
fO'r~I.rdlng 't1i~."Plowlfig ton~h
nf:JJlh~w evl~cntly
, lheB~
DOW,. eclced'J ' .
Ui8 lien
• week cart
1IIIU£ • " ... oa cae ,....
___ _ _
_.____LL.l. _=1
.. 5
Notict to Contractors. S~·"~"~~'~"''''''l
.r In lhoemakin....... everythin, elM,
~Ha lt"~ PI'(l lMJ!o.ll l~
'l. there'l a wron••1 well . . a "ht w.y
\\ III tJt ' Um N" of 1111' ~' h ~ .h",rk
of doing thinp. Rice & Hutchinl' Educator Shoe ia the RIGHT way-it "leta th" child'. feet grow . . they Ihould,"
Lh~ ~
$ ~
Tuesday, October 20, 190 • (or "he
lh ...r"hv prev~tin8
foot-troublealater A ltitch in time laVei nine. Start the child riabt-
c o n ~tru cLt (l1l
n .'ulUTc lc
~ t flnl l
\\,uter sewer IIlobl! lilt! ,Iorlll side of M h' llIl
"hIJ 0 1 tIll, ~ •. Incb tUft "e"'er In ( rOlll or adw allatlcr ' ~ rc~ ' h!e n c ..• and I· unnt ll ~t.'u~t. ~ rtUo."' l ng 'l'htrd ~"'rC "L a nd e ndlull lll the til e ~I·w" r uL th" aU v II y
~ trC ' l belll nnl nll"t th" lo we r
on in life.
with th~
I.h t! VI~IJ t!y 'r t.!'h'llh lllh.' ( ·n · ~. l\ lll,Ia11Iht. \V nY flj ':o! \' IIIP.
(lhl o.
dl~1110~ 011 ur I~'r"rc, 1'~ ,, · ... 'Wk \ ... ! .,.. 1II11H r e 'l ul r,,\! vI ~UCC ~., fu l 111.1<1 r on Ill,· ult l·!ur k ·.. of · .
!:ih!> Lv un 110011. I Cl o t,., r tU.
BOlld f PlulllS and ~ pt'c Uh: atJ(JIl" Il l" "oulI.:1I till! ri g h t 10 ~ ~J " Cl .IIIY
or all
H ' o,II.'r of l \III1, uil .
1$ I
lerk .
Walter · Kilbou.
----~ ,
Rl/ bbe r B00 ts an ds."ch' oes We have the Ball Band Rub. bet· . and Felt Boots fl)I" Men and Boys.
Th H od R bbe
AN'i'l!jl) III h"rJ'uw. 'MOll ttl tJIIOll , Wdl Kiv t> tInl1, UH"I ~UH" u U propflrt y . '1Io1l1l,l, ~hlll " ffl't!
$ $2 $F $1
ONE or twu
~ ~
. llUllrll. Fourth ~, . '
OAIJ VANI~b:iI !"UkOl, ::! ter'H hur' lI,' 11111 (lllI m,,'
L~J~~:I~:~1I9T:~: ::6t':I~e~~:u:
I'ash, a nice , assortment 5c . to 14c. peryal'd.
FA'R M ll6 uoreil for 1!1U"1I g.r~iu ;
tor Eggs.
'"11 uu Mrti RulIIll....
1I noll' l IIllt tllu k nud illt>tI, 1 tlluull oupbullrll hUII 'Il. II,"vlu~ toUlill bally bUKf(Y. '1'. Zell. OUR !>(mudH III. n,o., • n6Wtlp"perll for five Olllll" III thlt! office·
Pot::o~~~ c~~:~~:t~~~~rb~::~! ~
nlll~I! OIJIl I,I'tU.l t, ,ulIil" Ma-:~}~ tt')',I, Btlolitl1,L.
Our line is complete prices as )ow as the lowest for first·class, clean goods.
itA.. Goa••1 Good C&I\ Be"
pit {rUIn
. I.hl! \-Iubhc AlI.Y L1ua Wllut<lu" j(ft1VI!1 Will bb "hll~ t>1I til <ll:", Illl! UII~
$ _."' . . . . WANT"EO----- .~ $I
We are. payinj( 24c
II tu '~
We are sole agents for seal shipt oysters, the very finest oysters that grow. .We will have our 'f irst regular shipmen t Friday. and at all times from that day on. ff you have never. tried ·them ask some that have . . After eating seal shipt Oysters you won't want any other kind.
Wkite', Store 'News.
t lw"ntY · ll\ u C'· lIl O{ (Hr lr. lr ~. · \~ hun uglli~ lIullll!Jrt! 1 tHlU II n'
VlULIN ou llil, fillt! IIIt!trumllut, I mlualOItIl ,'l Ifr. \-liOOlll", ~ l!Uy .'e ()voro,./ll , I wul'l: luule, 1 Kdtl pl1\tt!. (:1 l1ult!). l WllI·ul·upe. 1 (Jul,'" rtl\Jellt IUg.I·ltl e, nll1ul1Utl uOUlltt,iou . '1', ~"JI "AM.JLY l\Un!! 8Ultublft fUI' Iluy WUIUU u or ohild to carlv... ~Il-~ or !Jbo1l61el'utll W ~Ight . ..... DEtHRABloE b0010 with ~ 1101'611 . Flannels .. Illud. pl6l1t,y of ~hntle lind hit 1'he largest BSSort.ment of w'odel'n lD'p.rOV tlllleutli. Aillo youul{ outing flannel flanneletts ' • f ~mllJ mnrtl ullllsprlng-wllgOU. 1u . . tl tc ,we ever had, · COlnt' amI look' them over. , ; r :, :1 Blankets at $1.25 to $5.00 Pfll" Qoudltlllll, tit u 1II1o"Hulll. lu· pair. of .1()"61111 M\IIllr, r3prin"bulU , Ohw. . ' FlV.E SuWIJ wi h pl~II, Ilnu flU IItook Calico, the very best at 6c. hO~R. l;\)r pluGI01lI~rd 'Iuquire . Ginghams. Suiting, Ser ge, ' of L, Rioll.R. . Danish ·Ioth . · . DOUBI.E liO\lll g fur ce tao." powp . with h ot'tl. • \ X jllek !lUrcHI d. 25c. ' Dress SuitinlCS, new IIl(\dero!, lint! ~hllft Ilua !Julie/v8 liD .. g?ods; at 15~ per 'Yard. , . ~ I.leltlog, 1111 u"w . . Hurtle Ilud WII ICIIU , ·25c. WatcrpI'oof Suitillg at inqUire of 'L'. Zell or tUit! odlCtl. l5c.per yard . leo u rs For Ladies and Childl'en. 'Get ~1U1' prices on l'ubbl'l' gomls,
Wurm Lined Shoes for Ladles Our prices ill' 10 per c nt lower t han elsewhere.
Gem Corduroy Svifs A big line of the Gem urdu· roy Suits. Coats and Pants at $7.00, $ .00 and $9,00 Pt'l' suit Gem' Coats and Overalls. Gem Work hil't~, Cem Dr .. s ·Shirts,. J ersey Ovel'shirt!\. Under\vear A big asso rtment of new underweal' in Men's, Boy' l:I. Ladies', MiflSe and Chil· . dren. Union Suits .. -2-piecc Suits Black tights ·for the children Just the thing to keep them warm. Ask to eee them. Knit Jackets foi men anrl boys Cap fo r men and hoys . ' Toques for the child ren.
In d~stlnotlon from former sell. 1i0US 'when brOildolot.h was pruotl. cally the onl,. sn" materilli. ~e hft,ve tbls yeilr" wide varlet.y of New Ooqda '.this 'n ew wool weav8ll. Btrlpel!, diagoD· N~. Seeded Railinl, &Ia Ilud oheoke are still the ' rlivored New Cleaned Curranu. deslgntl. WherM' formerly ·t hey, I' New Citron, New Spice/!. were produoecl by oontraating 00). New Minee Meat. orl!. the effec$, in ,hls 8e880n '6 tab New Canned Peaehea, . New Canned Peal, riOll, 18 gained by oombinatlon8 of New Roned Oats, different · WMve'. A plain stripe New Cracked Hominy, altsnatM wl&b a ohevron l'Mipe io , N.w i'I."e Hnminy, the Clame oolor, or dingonals wltli New Pan Cake Flour. bHtei weaves, And ao on. The New Cereals of all kinde. Fancy Home-Grown lrilh rougher finl8h of theae worsteds ta Potatoes. 8pecially suiyloIe for. the barder Pancy Yellow Jersey 8weetl. wear $0 whloh fall a.nd win~er anlts Cab1taJre. Yellow Onions, are subjected. Une of the donble~ .. .nauda Onion.. Craaberriea. Celery. faced materlal8 UI8d fnr overooau . (one of the fa06ll being naed for . New York Pippin Apples, 40cpk pooketA and ouffa) ha. ehev'r on . RHODE.ISLAND OREENINOS lVipes on one tilde and dlaR.>nals OIl J5c Peck. '1.25 ·~ Bushel 'he 'he other. Not 0011" Is there a sorp-:18ing va_ Gum Drope, riety or brll.ida fer "imoUng, bllt Fnnoh (;reaml, tbey come In ~t,e.of dUfereu' wld'btl, fl . . . FudJII~3 kiudl . .." OoooaDut KIW!I ,III .b,o wl.~h bu"one aDd ornlLmeD'- to Choool.... D1'Qp8 . match . It 18 I~&erestiul too Dote, .\ ; Booth's . Canned Balti- how many of them rell8mhle 8'ou· ~be braid sewo o~ In. uovel demore Oysters. algD8 by . the hau~. Fringes and We wut have 'hoee oaoned tall8l1 are ueed· .e :deualyely. For Oyster. 'bls week. . SOUd -the en~1 of ,lilli, partloularl,. tbey .\. 1D8U1U'~No water-Try ~!i\hem eDCl8 and vou wiJI are widely popular.-The October i stop bU;Jlol water. DeelgDer.
,,; .Piat or . Quad
~]lOES Boy's nnd Girls' School Shoes 'rhe u , t lin in toWl1. '1'h fall1Uu ' Ecluca',ol·. ~E' th'lI1 b , f()I'e yo u bu y, Also Elk Skin Shoes for Bo.yS A ba. ball 01' School Com· panion free showith s. each pilir of chool Dress Shoes A nice line of Dress !Shoe in Lad ies', Men's and Boys. Also the Genuine ELK· ' , KIN lOl' nt n; the Wa tt.' l· King, , Armada, te. .·
For Sale by
Our Fall and Winter Goods have been arriving until we have the lar~est stock we have ever had. Now is ~he time to make your selections, while all lines are complete.
' ...
Classified Advertisements :.J:~\'II; h:*I~,:~:,:. :1I'h, ;WL:.~,WI~t:::~ l u r-tJr liune..
l:iA \7E ot.)",,!! wy gruvtl l
o.;H"S U. IUam,
~, ,'. Zimmerman's
KILBO N'S The Day light Store.
Brlnx u~ your produce.
J. .Kil~on
j! /j
Morllll flJr C, ,rlJ "ad 8 horllt! COr tob/looo. ~lfr pllrri(J ulutl:\ ttdtirlillt:! vr
ToItl "iii
'U ..
,..... BUNDLE 10lt between Mathers ..
corner and Waynesville. The ,ooUfi had the name of Th Fair Oil; Leave at this office
~ THE op~uil,y for Itn ,y t.ltinjJ ,w.r
I" I t :wlIl h~llI~ rt'ljulta lu"t lul' oolumn SOOUtW tban 'U BDJ utber WILY, . Try it HI ODOi:l, Bod you will be·oonvlnoed.
$ '=~~.~~~~~~'!"!!!!!~~~. $ .JrJ,ose (SrJ.hen '1 '2 "
. ~.
, Orlti08 0)a81 Mllobeth &8 one of the bee, motion ploturep, on the . .,.' , ., . . .: . Alk for'a aample of 'oar Edgeolroult, ' See U "t BabD 's il'hursday 3 ba~rels: o· t hers:a~e buying SIngle ~ ~""~~ ~~""~~ ~ . '. I mOD' BuUer Cr,.otere. They and Friday ~Iaht. 5, caD', be bea&. barrel lots for wlDter ulle. We . ' : expect to sell , 50 barrels. PrIce - ----- -We an payl", Sl4c for Eus LIKE .FATHER~L1KE SON. for Fancy JerseV Sweells $3.25 per barrel this .w eek. Four-year old Olyde was a prooo ,. Suits Worth $15 to ,18 _ oiooa youo8ter-very t-alkatlve aDd '.I\ey Apple•• a 010118 obeerver. Be and hl8 father OF cOtTRSE $1.50 per buakel. were s'rolliDI t.hrough the meadows 200 ~weJl New Fall Su1ts made by J~ew. York IS · the bannel' , ' !!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'!~ ODe morniDR ",beD Ol.yde observed. MI~h.eIs-S.em & Co., I IrtII for. the first tiDle, lome 'adpole~ iD State f~r ' apples this season. Rochester, N. V. ' LU I r . ' a poDd. . Be waded ID and orled out Nice, . large, smooth PlpPIOS. . , . . . •..., . . . . 01...... ill dellih,- ·, "Oil, f"thflr. what are Supplies ~very week, ' , tbey?" Steam S&It. 'this speciallo't of Suits waS maci'e "'l'ad·IJO)e8, · lion," t,he f"ther re: ~ ,..-.- - up ·for a large Eastern retail estab· Slibseribe for the Gazette pll8d. $I.ZO &nd $1,25 pel' b.',el, '1 ' snment to ''be retaledat$16to$18. N)M{)M£~~wz. . . .~y . JM.... . ~ . • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~Ir vou want th~ best meat fi'Jrwwr~~~~~~ ~""""~IIWI'~ For certain reasons the order was s"lt, the . kind that wOb't~ Ket .. ' . e~ricelled: Mr . .CoheDstepped in hard In the' barrel, warrantedthat~ _ ....... .,.. ,md purchased the entire lot. The. give satlsfactlon, w~ h a v e . ,-.. -. suits.are here ready for your inspec. d .. ' tion. A look' kIn , . will convince you that they ar~ wondEtrful Values.
New COm Meal
Only a few Inore Bl'yan and rraft pictures leO, Only 15c ea(lh.
cr ....... rend
S a I~
I will sell at public ~Ieat .the late residence' of Israel Wright. deceased, in Waynesville. at 12:30 o'c~ock p, m., the following property, on
Saturday, Oct. 24, .1908, 2 Horses
2 Buggie's
2 good ~eneral purpose horses, 1 Phaeton, 1 Buggy. . . ' qUiet aM gentle. 2 sets bug,y harness, 1 set ~art. harness. lines, . . collars, brIdles, buggy robes, ram aprons, rub· be.r cushions, s~rm curtain, 2.s1OO8, 25 bushels com, a Jot of hay, straw 4U1.d 's heaf oats 10 mow, '50 gram sacks,l wheelbarrow, 1 one-horse harrow, . 1 potato coverer, chains, hoes, forks"rakes and shovels, 1 can linseed oil, 3 heating stoves. 1 gasoline stove, cooking utensirs, 1 iron kettle, 1 sprinkler. 2 strands of sleigh bells. . Conliiating of 1 piano, l .sideboard, 1 combination desk and book case, l.~k ,~, 1 corner cupboard, 1 couch, 2 beds. bedsprings, mattresS, 2 dlnm, ·tables, several' small tables, 2 washstanda, 2 dozen ch"irs, 1 cot, 3 clocka, 1· sewing m~hlne. a lot of carpet and linoleum, ear~t rags, a lot of dillh_, pietUl'el, 1 child's desk and blackboard, 11 cradle, 1 sausage Jrinder, 1 curtain stretcher, quilting frame, a lot of Mason self-eealJng cane, stone jars, J'11II\IIe8 aod~other articles too numerou8 to mention.
Miscellaneous '
Household Furniture
Lydia M. Wrigh~. ,. .......... -
W~.hin; ,'aekinea.
Sold more washers IlIIst week 'than we have fer two ' mon\hs past.. · Qnly one Rotarv Washer left at' the price. 15.00. T .b ls is . tbe kirid that wushes right. That's
Grain B&gl. 20 to Dc:.
Fresh Beef Pork,. Lam:b
Ba,rgaln 1ft 5o&p.
"Big Deal" soap, 1 . lb .. bars, 3 for 10c.
'qr' SaJurd&i •.
J. W.
forSuits'w~rth $15 to aels-Stem It~: made. by ·Mich·
Now have a' suppi v of ' bushel cottoll tagll. . ••
Nice . lllrll'e Ba 080Il,;lS. anges, SpanisbOrapel, New Fill'S, CranberrIes: both light aod dark, New Plcl,cles, Cabbage, Choke Celery, Pure Cider Vlnee'ar, Fresh Crackers, .Ooffees a
.The Butcher·11'e&lt.
u ...
Oy~ters·.. Valley Phonfl . , . . -w".