Miami Gazette July 28, 1909 - January 5, 1910

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: Former Citizens:

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D -E -AT-H S .

Dr.' E.S. Dyche, of Spring Valley, died'I'uesday morning at 2:30 of ap· O~lexy. He had d b~~n ~ ai1i~g only kh" an. 'd 1~ leat fc~mde~ a 9ut a wkee hoc to IS w I e CI rc eo f r Ien s as a s , 'II d d' m Waynesvl e, an surroun \fig country. He was well known and beloved by all. He was a Mason, and that bouy will take charge of the funeral. He Wrui a brother-in-I~w of F, C. Carey an d ha d a Iarge re Ia t'Ionsh'IP dh aroun ere. The funeral \l"I' • 11 be held at Ill'S late Thur,;day home ' in Spring t 11 'I Valley k morning a 0 c oc .

JULY 28, 11109 .


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Personal,Mention Here and There:

.,--- - .. - ---···~'T Social Events .-----------.-..-.....-.._.

: . - - - _. - - - - - - - -'.-- - - - - - _. - - - - - - . JeB:le Lewis spent Sunday at horne,. Mni. Annie Leonad is quite sick. B, S. Homell has been on the sl'ck S. L ,Cartwright is able to be out '" list. again.


The Busin ~ .~ , . - ., •. - - - - - - ,. - - . ' ' at 'o ulleil met MOilday ven lng Auditol' S. ~. Stilwell,of Lebanon, chamber, and while on ly a srna ll I r,;, E. ,Ba r nharl onL ' rlai ned has gon to Waverly, Ind ..~ to spend crowd was presen t, several matters at dinne r Monday f ) \' Mrs, Will Rus~' h of importance were talked Dve r, sum. an d Mi's Ro\\'ena Wright. ' e usa wee k WI'th h'ISmo th er W I10m The principal them~ of the talk ually visits each s ummel'. C: G, Williamson is home from S, A. Ringer is assisting in the was having a representution in lhe M .'s, AglI 'Wt'i It t entertained ht ,., At d '1 ' d' HI ' Texas. postoffice this week. Board of Commer'ce. a slate ol'gani- di nnel' ~a tu rd uy . II'S, Will Russum . J .1\.. \ el'son, IS ocate ~n 0 ton Kan" and although, haVing been Mr, and Mrs. W, H, Allen were tn I' L, A, Zimmerman and A. ~affit zation, and is organized for the beL- and da ughl I' amI l\,l isil I ina Wright , a~ay from ,~aynesV1I,le many years Dayton last Thursday. were in Dayton Monday. :~:t~~~.of th e state and mor'e eq ual Miss Gracey , of Cincinnati , hOD J W'II Wh't 'R' h d still holds hIS mterest an the old home Chautirv Bunnell alld wife entel'. I I e was In IC mon, The \'dea of .......ood apPt'al' sel's was place by getting the Gazette regular1 h' been visiting Miss Dora Ellis. Ind. , the first of the week. brought ou t fot' l.he next appraisment tained E.' S, Bail y and wif , ISl'a I y eac Issue, h arIesS mart, 0f R'ICh mon dId , n., Gail Russum, of Dayton, spent Sun- as they are to be lect d t hi ' fall. ' atterthwaite and wif . and J , B. spent Sunday with his family here, day with his uncle 0, J : Edwards and Everyoile who heard W, p, Whi t- Chapman and wife at dinnel' Sunday ' In a Ietter wrItten to h'IS parents, C, E. Bratten came home Saturday family, lock last week were loud in their Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards I&st week, Wilson Ed{vards says he likes from a business trip to Southern Ohio. Mrs, Will Russum and daughter, praise of his talk made at th Towll- ' MI'S Will Russum. Mrs, Geol'ge his location fine, He i on a farm Mrs. Laura Hicks Moore, wife of Mrs, Bettie Clements spent Sunday of Dayton, are visiting O. J. Edwards ship House as h explained the Hawke and Mi8.Q Emma Haw]' , W / 'I' (! fifteen miles fl'om Denver, Col. Thomas M, Moore, p,assed away at at Oregonia with her niece Mrs. Ed, and family. new taxation law in ail its Iphases, delig htfully entel,tain d at dinn r her home on West Mam street, at 6 Jeffrey and mad e it vet·y clear to all present, Friday , by Miss May Wl'i ght. , o'clock. Thursday evening, after a . Robert Cross and wife and Mrs. The Associa tion discussed the po: Friends of Rev. Wal ter Edwtn serious illness of seven weeks. dura- Mrs. EdwJn Chandler is slowly rep nichard Cross were Cincinnati visit- sibility of Ii Labor Day celebratiOIl / Mrs. George Hawke will entertain here, and it was decided ,to, lay th e I at dinner today the following ladies, Dakin ,received cat'd~ this week an- tion. She suffered ,from ariaemia, covering from an attack of nervous ot'!! Monday. nouncln~ that h~ saIl for ~urope and while she had been confined to prostration. Misses Lida and Marianna Meyere, matter over to a called ~ee tlllg to be Mesdames Will Russum, 0, J, Ed,from PhIladelphIa on tbe Frelseland her bed only sillce about the first of W'Il L' . tt d f '1 I f4- of Dayton, are spending the summer held next Monday evemng . , wards, E, V. Barnhart. E, S. Baily, on the 24th inst. Rev. Dakin has . ., I Ippmco an ami ~ e " AI' d k' ' I" I h' l'I" June, she bad been 10 falhng health Tuesday moming for a visit to rela- in Bellbrook. reso ution was passe as tng J. B. hapman. . Master Stewart Allen, of Norwood council to grant the council chamber ' reached th e rea IzatlOn 0 IS 1 e s for the last two years. Besides her tives in Indiana, is visiting his granc.lmother, Mrs. for the use of the Association for MI'. and Mr!:!. W, S, Graham had dream- that of a voyage accross the husband and father, Mrs. Moore waters. Ieaves one bro th er, J une H'ICks f If you want the Safest and Best their meetings. . , 0 J.. Sarah CAli ' gues ts a t d'tnn er Sunday,W 'f ' . Sh I I h t Gasolene Stove ever made, call a, . en. .. - • as th elr . JI ornla, 'All en W• B. ames,ol: "Xenta, ' h as Just ' a e a so eaves er wo J H Col ' BOYS GET GOOD I>LACE A, Cornell an, d family, H, A, Co 1'0 ell , t F ' k dF dM f" .eman s. Come in and see the New Perfect " s ep sons, ran an l'e oore, 0 d f ') Albert Stacy and farru'ly returned from a.four day , triP to th' 'ty Mr and Mrs Mercer Dakin of tion Wick Blue-Flame Oil Cooks at an ami y, , Port Clintol'l, ,~Hch" where he V:~ ~~ f~neral serVices were held at Leba~on, have ~n visiting Mr.'and J. H. Coleman'.$ County Clerk S. 0. Hal~ of Green. and Harry Prater, sent from Xenta as a representative th I S ·t d aft t' 3 Mrs Will Thorpe , County, surrendered his office Monofthe £. 0 , 0, F. to ,the Grand En· ,e 10 me d a ur ay d tedernobon Da , . . RaMdlBSeIls fJefanD FetrgUson and Stsarahf day to his successor Leroy M~rshall, E.. Baily and wife entertained loc k ,an was con uc n'" t fOb' All hOC y rs. Miss Vema Shoemaker of Springn a , 0 ayon, are gues 0 of Cedarville h I ' Jfues ts a t s,?pper Sa t urcGUlpmen 0 10. en sal'S e W H M h'd J h KId t " M J W Wh'te '" t e f,0IoWing crowded several weeks of good times . . . oor~ ~ ,o~ep yean field, has been the aruest of G. H. rs.. . I. ~~, Marshall, Who IS a SOrll of day evening; Mr. and Mrs, -Mercer i~ this"tri~, and. came home looking W:;:s~rMo:re:law~ze:i_kno~ in Ol~m~nts and family: ' Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Mrs, Wllhs Marshall, a~d a ne~hew of I Dakin, George Hawke and wife, J. B: hke he enJoyed It. Waynesville, as she used to be a fre- , Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Sto~~s went~ HarveyBumetwereguestsoffriends Joa. Marshall, of thIS place, IS a very i Chapman and wife, Mrs, WiI) RusDayton ThursdaY on a VI81t to the~r in Sprinrboro Friday. popuJar young man, a 8'raduate of sum ami Miss Rowena Wright. q uent visitor here. if 'l Ph" H . Cedarville college and has served as ' J • - • son ames an IPnI y. Ibp opkms, Sr., wasdQwn town . . I f th' -Ced '11 h I I Mr. W. A. Rodgers a former . ted ch I k f th fi prmclpa 0 e. arvI e sc 00 s. '11' WaynesVl e Citizen, now, loea CARD OF THANKS J. E. Janney and daughters, FAina o. weet or e . rat He w It I und ou btedl y prove an a bl e ( Mi-''''arvBratten was very• agree' , X a t'n crut . es h' ast 'd ::s:nn J Waver Iy, Oh10 is vISiting in enla and Jeanette spent a few days laSt Ime smce 18 aCCI en . ffi . 1 H' b th J C I M ably surprised by a few of her young . h Ll_ M W n~ .1 ' . 0 CI~. lq ro er, . ar arWit . " ~ 8O~t a:.. a~ren ~gers anu We heartily desire to thank our week in Penal.ton, Ind. MisseS Winifred Macy and 'Arma shall, be his deputy. friend. Saturday afternoon ' the 00fanuly, of NOl't" Galloway street. friends for the kindness and sympaMr. and Mrs'. ,Mercer Dakin, of Clements were. guesta of ,friends in •- , c~i n being' her birthday. Supper BAND CONCERTS Wa.q served on the lawn and was Mr. Ro.dger~ iR'!l\e 'kg8)lt . for the~, thy they have shOWn us during the !,.ebanon, were week-end guests of Harve"burar lart Fride,y. T. and 1. raIlroad at Waverly. WIll illness and death of our dear daulth- Geo .. Hawke and fam"y. ' , thoroughly enjoyed. Those present " ~mund lletAUick and Wife are In all probability the merchants were': Misses Pauley, of Lebanon, took ~ run, down bere ~hi1~ on . his ter and sister. vacabon, to look up hIS former ac, .Mr. and Mrs. J. ,R. Oppand chi1dren~ ¥~ Kathryn Dakin and Donn. among the ~mpers at Chautauqua will have t,he band to give concerts Ruth Hartsoek, Ruth Zimmennan, I • _.. " Hawke and Mr~ Ronald Bawke at. ~or !he ~t of the ~n. . , . for th~ b~lance of the season every Ada Michen~r, ~uella anti Jea~ette quaintances. . , "; , WAR ON TUBERCULOSIS tended the 'C hautauqua Mon<ky. ~r. and Mrs. ~a!1 H~s 'Uld 14188 Tbursday evening. ' Quite a little Janney, Margaret Lewis, Edith and ~wis Jo~~on at,td daug?ter, M~ , , , Mrs: Clyde Jliatt little daugh- ~a.Hays. of ClDcmna~l. w~re Sun- money has been collected, and po - Rachel Sheehan, Helen Marlatt. ~Uha,· of Cmel~nat1, .and mece. Ml~. As a well ~onsidered step to rec;lu~e ter. of ' Winchester, Ind., are here d.a y guests of Mrs. Behnda Rogers, ~ibil~ty th~ balance will be forth- live all ri'fnez Kellison, Estla Haine~; ay ·Johns9n., of ~lchmond. Ind,., the mortahty from , tuberculoal8 with her sister Miss Lina Wri h ' Warren ,E dwards who has been in commg thiS week, IIrma Hough, Alice Carey, Helen hj\ve Peen staying at the ,Friends among insured lives, the ~etroP9liM' ' AJ " d An Cl West Vi .....inia for a' couple of weeks Bandmaater Fan say there will J HaWKins Ethan Crane Robert. Paul ' U J 0 hn- tan Life "rnsurange '" , ISSes ', ma an na . ements ... Saturday for . a few days..' be a concert "anyway on r+. J ' , H ome f 01' Ii f ew d ays. JUr. Compan~ of New , came home ~hursday of · and Willard Brfltten. . . . next week. The program will ap' • - • son'8 fathe!;" Jas. Johnson, 0\VD~ York ~gins t.oday the distribution are spending the , week, WIth theIr what was known as the old Kmley of3600000 copies of aVQlumecal1ed grandfather, Wm. Duk,eatLytle. A. W.Halnesa~dfamlly,ofXenla, pearinnextweek'spapers, RECORD BREAKER ' M J h 'h ' b " , . 'b'ch ' ',' , ' were lrUests of hIS grandparents Mr. ' , propel' ty . . r. 0 noon as een orA. War Upon Consumptlon / ,' w . 1 · Mrs. 'A, L, l:?id~ and chlld~en have and Ml'H Allan Haines Sr Saturda 'rhe band will play all day at the . ' y K. of P. picnic ,Th,u rsday. A record breaker in every partleuover th~ old ground of his boyhood treats of "The Nature of t~~bi,sease; arrived home from a three weeks vis: and Sunday M" ,.' . • , "- " lar' is theprediction fq)'the :coming days. ,i je left here in 1850, and ,this [ts Extent,' GrowtlI ' and Spread; itwithrelativesinWilliamstown,Ky iahis second visi~heresince that tinH~', ,I ts Cure ' anu Prevention, includinp: M ' 'En 'a'u' f "n , ISS LIZZI!3 .Carro~1 re~~rn~ ~atur~ THE FIRST PHONE Ohio State Fair and Industrial Ex': y , ' ' 'I Friendly AdVjce to Persons · Having 'the' ;~est h~r' r:other a;:s e dNa I;lfterdaMpleasanEd~thvlBslttW1teth ,Mthl'S. , position, to ,be held in Columbus, • , , . Diseases of the Lungs II , ''£he boo)< , . . ancyan rs. .1 u rwor • . 1n ~ article I~t week on the first August M, 3t, Septembl#r 1, 2 and 3~ , 'rbe Dayton Journ~l)las the folloW,- . ted . 'd' .odl 'b' ~_~ b "-tn Romine.,from s..turd8j" ~nt'il Monday at,Butierworth Station. practical phone In town, J. H. COIe- \ It wl'l'l be replete with novel educa ing Iltrticle, in which,two formercit'- IS prln , strl u~ y e, , . • . , ' . th h h 't r'f I Co Mlaaes Martha 0 Neall and Je9Sle ' 'U r and Mrs A T Fife of Dayton m, a~ wants" to say at , e pU,t t e tl'OO' al f eatur""', one of ...hl·ch- the' Me t tOpOl~ aD,,...1 e ~suran~e , mpa- u : J""tt h ( , t.~.:. ed af..... " d; ~,& t' S d ' • ·th° Ed' ' .' Ch dl ..., n zehs are mentioned~' , N hi ' h f ' I . y , . J'd" nyofNewYol'kfortbeU~ofItsIn war.avere .... n . """rspen 109 spen ut) &'/ WI . Win an er firstPl1l.Ctl~~liphonehere. Hebo~ght domesticscien~e ' departm~nt-isa~o ti ot p~ sed°rtth a ca Illrl'llt cfou dustnaf Poiicyltolders I' .' several days' very.pI~ntly at Chau-' and fa~iJy. Mr.' Fife returned Sun- the pho,ne 'm CI,eveland and Ge,orge tracting unusual attention. This h H~kve ' dKepr1~ e ~~p ;i~, °th~: Thus 'what has c~m~ to be kn'ow~ tauqua.' · da.y evening but Mrs. Fife remained ~oolley and WIll Anderson put It up school will be lo'cated in ,the auditori-








I, .



,t he ~cial pr6gram i.u life insurM' D H k' d H . . L for a weeke visit with her, relati~es. a~ut ,18 . ~he phone ~onnected toriunl of the handsome new womI ~ I IJr:n ~r cOhmlPatnFY ~d· ell' Ir aonua PICniC 0 as 1'1 ay. . ' . ' . , Isses onna aw e an ennefl-, " • - • ., hI h nd h18 home A httle later ' Joe 'Ei>rightr, linen , dep~tment ance IS Im~utrUrated on a, glgantl~ ta cKinsey returned .home Sunday WILL OIVE 'AWAY WATCH . s s op a . . . . ,' en's building. and will be ,under the " d Ch~. J.acobs p~t up a SImilar one direct supervision of Miss R. Jti..' Walld• , 1 ' :J:' , :' ,head an , d a riknowlegeci' p~er of all csa e. ' , ! _ .. ' , ',: eVening"~ from: ', hautauqu,a , where , ' .' . " t h d \ b"t tl , "1 C Carey the barney dealer ~qnnec: mg ome an , s lOp, , " I~ ,of tlle Ohio Stat~ Unive~,sity. • 4-L ";l'~, tii,s'd"prin;te ' th~y hl1d ~pent ten ~8. " i', · ·" " .' ." , bghtnm,g struck this phone an,d as It MI'ss Wardall, has prepared am · ost " 'd" waa l :in .' _. . :.1 while f" ' ' , .'Bt.JI~CH""WRlOtiT .~ '. I' , , has fifty whips whloh he intends to "1.e ,vl~n. CI,wete uemg ~spo~ ,~ . I? ~ " ' ~ " '. , . .' Qr. and . Mrs.l J , T: E1lis and Dr. eell ro~'1 eaoh, a.nd , he will make. crossed the Coleman phQne, !t ,put attractive prog ram, including, prac, the dmmg ,nail, and .: a tho.ult~ ~hJa )flSS , ~ma; Wrlg~t s~.,prl~ ~er' and Ml,'8. P. D..,Clage~ ,aut;ged to Sql- ,pr~ent of .Viotor auld filled watoh both of them out of ~ommlsslon, I tical demonstrations and daily lecf th h F Afterward, 'p~,rhaps , a cO,uple of lures byexpet'ts . .' ' .'.: " good c~eer ,was not needed tQ J,~se~ many fnendshere,by qUIetly sUpp~ng phur Springs near Chillicothe Sunda.y 'l t ' " u, p th, e others jollity. ,A,e llbl"ool'e his, off to Cincinn"ti ~'Qnrlay' . Jul.y 27,t h retu-l'ng ·.ond'ay eV'enl'ng " 0 onde 0 , or ad years 1a t er, th e F umas'& Ell IS pone h 3 , .., I ... al 11800 preseDet Pburo e wase goo Vat' , 'lous state institutions an~i' de- ' i11 share of the witticisms and l1umol'. · where she waS united ,in marriage to . ,' . 0 lL Onth~c,oJDmii~9fi..tran~p.ortatio'n Mr. To~ ,Burch, of Siqney, Ohio. M,rs. ~~Ice Shut~ ,and d.aughter, ","hlp. .Thill is ne loher.y soh6me, was put in. • _ • partn'1en ts, including the Experiment the name. of J., G. 'K~mle~ ~d S. D, Mr. Burch a traveling man aod Mrs., D,empsey ~enms, of RIchmond, lIut a .bu8~ue88 propos~t,i~n, an~ any " SUES ScHOOL SOARD I Station. State Uni,ve,rsity ,and, Dai~ " Everly,wete' ~ntioned Ii 'd thi~work l'e resents ,;the'" Whi~ker.Quinne'r Ind.; are 8~enalDg a eouple of weeb, one wantll~g a good whip WIll do and Food Commlsslo,ner s D~partwas' fu1l1upktnem~k. :' ", D~g :,Co"ofDaYtoq. ~e G~e~te, with SethFUmasand family. , " welltooallonh~!:.. , Suitw~broughtagainst~heBoard mentand t he,Stat!'l Llbrary,~I!l~c: ~~ ~ ~J ~xteodshearty cQti'g ratulations. . " Ifyou wantorileedsom~25cchoice AN .OLD-TIME PICNIC o~ ~uca~lon of .Lytle speCIal schnol ' cupy ~ne en~lre structure wl~h ,l!l , 00Ve OFF.lqER ,OUClqNO , , " , : . , ~ ,. 'G ranite Ware/ 'or&rlYthing in the·tin ",'. ,dIstrIct oy ~WIS Elhuff. Saturd3,Y, terestl,ng dlsplay.s,. Th~ bUlldmg CLIMATE TOO HOT , . ',. '1' ''' "-":11' " d F " ", Orown LOdge K. of P. WIll hold an the case havmg been appealed from , wheretn these exhIbIts WIll be housed • ' " '. ' : I ' ' .' " h ' d' ,; \ ' "; , " ware ID~J CIU m ~ see me ",:_ OI!.h~r' ,lkQ Btbwq. Of ,J;.ebaDOD t :r ' " .• ~, . ' , J. ·H.COleman • .aU-daY' Plc~~cThursday,July29,l909, Justice O. J .. Edwards .courtln Wll1alsobeellU\pp~d WI.t a,mo el,n I wI.,attr.loted by what ,8e~rhed;,to 'b9 ~r. ~alterJord,linand faJmlyar-' " , at ,COld' Spl'ln~ on ,the Cross farm Wayne township. Elhuffclalmsthere lecture room where sCIentists ~11 aJf,~r~1>6 tlgb't , ~tween t;,N O ~,n,tver: .r~v~d ber~''l\J~ay eyeping ~ter ~ ,.~iss~ ~ qlOslJing~'r: ' Noa~a ~elo,,: .~~." AI! Kni~ht:s and their is due him 120 for five 'days' , atten~-, discour e upon to~i~s of ~ita,I , Im, It&r 8'Qdeli~ " W~uet!dQ.Y', a.nd t~~- elght~onth~,~Jo,urn tn,Te)(as, Whtle Rlcea~n, \~I~c~e Kelly, Ger~rude famlh~ atecorthally mV1ted. Come Jlnce at ~he ~eachel's' Institute In portance to our agrlcultu,ral Interests , ning up 'to separate t1iAD~! theo'ffiolal' ,th,~ chrnate In the ', ~Inter greatly Quigley: and Ch:l~ Ca.t6n, of Dayton, ~d ~nng 'a well-filled basket and LebanoR in August and " 10 for five The lnanagers ar,e plannmg othe~ ~d, w614renohed ,by tbree llucket8 ' of benefited Mr,. Jordan, yet ~be weath- w~re 'w~k-endgu~~ of Miss Ethel havea'good time ' Music by Waynes-days' attendance in October, 1907. ucational innovations equallyas tn- . , , ,:w:a~r ~bO\!e. " , ' , ", .. er ~hi& summer li~ been the ho~t WU1J,~~on. ,", " .' : ' " ~lle Band: TtJe back lias been, en- He,received, judgment in Edwards' teresting as the above mentioned, ' " "" ~r~e 8t~d"ebt8 ti~:ve ba.d"it in for~ke in '~n yp.ars, being on an', aye~lfe ci~ \ Mi~ , Sarah J.D!Dl who h~ 'been ~foralJ day',butKnigbts ~ho,uJd court owi~g to 'the non·appearancs which will bean~o~,nced I,~ter. , _, .~~,r ~J~oe ,h e ~t ~rsed :~P~ ' qi~bt 1,05 m t~,e , shade~ We a~ glild .t~., vlsitlng -Ed'Yin ,Chandler and family be a~,th~ h:all a~~ !:30 to 9 0 , ,clock. of 'the defen~an;' _ • Although entries In the .c~mpetltve ",t 8hlrtpar~~ef , Theyht\.ve be~n~~y- hav~ M,~ .. .~or~an , ~$i ~IS faml,l~ forthet p~t 'tw~w~~, J~ftlaatFri,' OREAT C~EARANCE SALE " ' " departme~l~oft\leExPOslt\On, do!l1Qit , . ~~J. fo~hloi,!~...IQme ,time" ', 'I\u,d agam wlth us. ~.. ':": • ",~ , day to' a'position as n~rse in the, r ' .' ' • ' " , " A HUSTLING FIRM close unt!l ~Ug~st ~4lh ,next, ~h,e " .- opvort~lhrm/)l:nen,t~eWe~n~8da.y , ' " ' I ,,' soldiers'HomeatJohruiOnCityl'enn. W~ .\Yant, tp 'call our ~adersl:\~ , , . ' Secret~~ysmaillsdallyfloode4~lth : \ ', Whent~er '8awI~~lh8f!.d~dt)lf~fr $Y ,A FAMIL.V '. R~tJNI?N ~ 'J','" ,"", .-.', teilHon"tothe dof F. C. Schwartz, ,On another page IS f~uI1d t~e applicatio!ISfol: entl'an~el.thu~~ur., TWq of the ,bung men ' bled tbem~ " , . - . . ' .' . . ~~. T~~o~. of Day-ton" and M~. the,;h\l8~ing merch~nt, ~ho . i~ , offer. mark-down ad of a hus,th~g X,e ma Ing most rna:gnlficent dIsplays In each '\ " .e~y'e8 w .lIeoond.atQ~y. .window Qf '.~, h~ " lJlse~-Wllh~m!1on :ta~lly re- A. Fergua,en and dal?arh~r Ruth, of ,inf his ' 8~k ,' ~t : ireatly redueed cl~thi~r. a~f1 ~ny ,o?e wallt~ng any- of the seventeen distinct dep~rt- ~ ,', the , untV~r8ltY, , ~,kJDg" i~tlf.'th~tp u~lon ~Jl meet at, the h~me, o~ J:. W. 'Rteh!h0nd, Ihd., , -~uest~ J,.t pri.ces, Mr. 'Schwartz, who ~eet>S., his thmg IP thl8 lme wl.n ,~ve money ~Y' ments., The amu~~ent '8?si ' enter-, , . cli1'ee 1&1'.0 buokets filled w,t,W water, Hisey. ,~p'~ay, Au~st !9, ,1909. week ,of Mr.,, ~~ .Mrs.,Dan lI~ett: JrOOds P.'0vini.~J 'the ,t ime, 18 a great puyjng qf R. S, Kmgs~ury, who IS tainment to be p.rovlded will far e1!'- , , , '«liile t\\'o, 9tl1eze ~nfk~ea:l~ & J;Jl<?Ok .,AlIl'~l~tlv~ p~ , ~~e ~8!lllly a,re ~o~t ,Mr.lerg11S9.n, lOm1ng.t~em on satU!, beJiev~~;., in·s ,ink; &n~ ' m' at ~ways, ,~n ha~d , and ';II,~, ,treat you cel that of for~er ' Y~ars~'. a,s art ~ f:lg~,f~nledl"~lt uuder tbe Window c~rdlaJly inVi~~ t!.~ pr',,~~nt. , , ~~ ,to~ a w.eek~~d VIS1t. " ,.,' tbt'top' a11.~~~e. , , ' rght. \'" , ",4 ' _ ... ' : , '. pecial,ly ~~ron~ ,P O~I;~~ ~lll p,Te,vall , ~Wheb th~ 'om.oer' 0I,l1D" on the eo~ne . BASE B~LL OAME ~", MessrS. Ernat ,Robinson', Hel'bert ' .~, :: - , " FARM DIDN'T SELL ' each.evenmg,lllcludmg band co~e~rtJ toaeP.Ar&teth8aorappen:'~p..,a~v~ '.,..', . t ,' " ~wardJt, ~y~a~ket ea;.I.I~a\vk~" ~ , S~~S',;'~E~~ON _,,"', !)' ','. ,: il'e~.feature~ctsiSp~ll?,af1'~S,tUIl8!l~ .mptt~ tbe wa.t~r on him, -aDd thint Waynesville de(dt«l ' Mt~' HollY James, ~cClure, :Alb ?4art. Harold The Bean' 'I1.anion "ttl be b:eld'In A't tl)e sheriff's sale of the' late d'o us Shows .Ilnd a bnl1'B;D~ pyro. r p!ad~ aOOC;1 'heh- eeoape, " ,', Sunday in an exciting P!De of ~rrors Jiowel1 and RuBBeD' Par~t!tte formecJ 'uae ~ ~n' ,rove ~~a1, 4lex'Stewart proJjel'lty neal' ,Oregj)- ni~ display. The I!:xp,Oirit~on . ~n tij , . , • _. .' " • I. ,~,;the ~re ~f 12 to 9. Th" ' ~e a .., crowd who 'fa~aed 'MJamf Aulal.l4th. Cvenb04T lD'ftMd ~ nm, MonckY. , the fmn fail~ tQ of such tran~~ll1', and ' m~.lltuc;le as Several of our cltizw heard W. J. was a IODi on~, IQOtt o~ tllf time be- ~u\auqua' Frida1 afternoon aDd with well 8111d ballieU. an. brill&' the appraised :value ana will to well deserve the liberal patronaae , aioyan at Cbautaliqua, Tulsdav. iDa' taken up With ~e evliUng. • lI& ••• ' - "..e. . have to be oft,red apin. which indlcptions ~ow f~r~ut. M ,









, , ' T. ,













_piN. .


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MOR'E: ,f

were at home, but came In Ihortlr "I, we should elope: he __111 mu. aft r Glle ,had I Ct. Lady Arabella a gTeat bullabaloo." I made som sligh Ing remark about This admirable s uggestlon at once ' GlI ,as sbe always did whenever orr commend d 1lB' If to me. portunJly offered . Dallbu was verY liH Is hullabaloo could not separate ~Ind to me, and 1 gav her to qnder· ' UI, If wc w re married," I replied. sland prlvat Iy that 1 was ready to "True," said Daphne; ";lnd. after a11, haul (lawn my flag llt thc first sum· he and HIH kshaw as good as Watchful Core I. Summer When DestrucUv~ Insects Are mons to surrender. eloped, and s he was but, 18-a year LayiDs Their Elllls May Save Our Orchards The fnmlly from B rk ley Square younger than 1." aDd Tbaber. was going to tbe play that night, and Tbus was I supplied with another I mention d that Giles and I would be argum nt. ltOweft!' desirable It may be to have CIlder wood. At tbls time tbe "worm" there LOg lh r, And so, just as the I again s wear that I had not a playhouse was lighting up, we walked thought ot Daphne's fortune in aU • judicious prunJng of our oaks, we ftI about half grown. According to the above writer ' and In. AfLCr the curtain was up, and whIm this. I wQuld ha\'e taken the dear can hardly trust to b eetl~s to do the work as we wish it done, 'and durinc others, this larva needs moisture to Mrs, Trenchard was making her gTeat girl with nOlhlng but the 'clothes u Dfthe speeoh In "p rey." I motioned Giles her back, pOll the summer of 1908 Elaphldlon cer· co through with Ita transformationll to look toward Lady Hnwkshnw's box. True to his wonl. Sir Pete r worked talnl,. e xceeded the limit and caused , to the pulpal and later to the imago Oamden.. N.J.- "It 1B witb pleasure Her ladys hip eotered on Sir Pet r's like a Trojan to get me a berth on the much anxIety to owners of oak trees in atage. This evidently It could not arm; his fnce was very red" and he Bellona, and, meaning to do Giles the various parts of the country. Further, obtain If the twls remalned on tbo that I sad my testimonial to your long Ust -hoping that it ma), I was growling under his breath. to greatest ser"lce In the world tried since it sometimes attacks the apple tree, It therefore proceeds to oOt already themselves of which Lady F!a"' kshaw contributed llke"'lse for him; and mlghUlY ' afrllld and other QuJte yaluable trees, It calla oft tbe ' twig which has afforded It a Induce others to avail this valuable medi. home so that this wlll lie on the an obligato accompsnlm nt In a sepu]· w we re tbat he would soon succ~ed . tor some attention. cine, Ll~aE,Pink­ During Julr one may observe be· moist earth during the autumn and chral voice ; and behind them, In all This brought matters to a crisis 1I'lth ham's VeEetable neath oak t ree!! many tallen twigs a nd winter. This Is a very nice operation, Compound. I suf· th e splendor or bpr beauty, walked Daphne. I mentioned the word "e~tl" apparently, al atated fered from terrIble Lady \rab lIa, and last, came sweet, to her again, and sbe made a gl'llat In some instances small branches, evidencing headaches, pain in swe t Daphne. outcry. after the manner of ' young with leaves still attached and ge ner- above, remarkable instinct. back and rigM Fitch clalma that the enUre larTal The first gl!nl,j'se Gil es cau~ht of women. and ulen began stralght... ay ally withered, though sometimes stm By was tired and Lady Arahella se med to r new In an to show me precisely how It might be gTeen. A glance Into the tree wlU re- and pulpal stage Is passed within tbe nervous, and so MOLLY EI.UOT SEAWEll Ln stant the spell sbe bad CRst on him done, protesting. mean while, tbat she ,eal possibly other twigs hanging sus· twig. From personal obserTaUona, weak Icould hardly five years before. He seemed almost would ne ver, no, never. cons nt. We atnQd. E, Pinkham's V egetalike a madman. He could do nothin g both agr ed. though. that It was (OoPTrI.hl, 1lI0II, Bobb .. MomU Co.) ble Compound rabut gaze at h r wit h ey s that II em d prope r we should lay tbe matter 01 SYNOPSIS. stored me to health starting out or bls be ad. He grew our marriage before Sir Peter and me like a new pers0'!l pal and then I' d, and was 1l1<e a man Lady Hawks,haw; but I saw that Da»h· shall always have my Ilraise.' At U rears or age Admiral Sir Peter Bawkshaw's nephew. Richard Irn, f e ll In a frenzy, It was all I could do to ne, who was of a romantic turn, had P. V ALENTll.'E, 002 LIncoln deeply tn love at tll'1!l sigh t with Lad'Y mcderate his voIce and bls looks In he r Imagination fired by the notioQ of ..... ,""'IIt<. Camden, N. J. Arabella Stormont. who spurned hi.. at· , Me, - •• I was a great sUt. ten LioM. The lad. an orphan, was ¥lven that publlo place, Luokily, Mrs. an elopement. & berth 118 mtdshlpman on the AJII-X by ferer a female dlsease. The docTrenchard being on the stage, a ll eyes "A pair of good, horses and a light hIa unolo. Giles Vernon, neph w or Sir tor said I would have to go to the traveling chaise!" she exclllimed. "11 'l'homll.ll Vernon. bl.'cnm III boy's pal. were, for the time, bent on her, bospitalfor an operation, but LydlaE, They attonded a theal r \VII re HawkI hardly knew how we sat the play only It were not wrons'!" PInkham's Vegetable Compound com.. shew's neph W SIlW Lady Arab' lIa. er· out. I had to promise Giles a doz n "No, no! Four borses!" cried 1; non met Philip Overton, next tn line tor pletelI cured me in three months."8lr Thomaa Vernon's stale. They start- Umes that the n~xt day I would take "and there Is nothing wrong In either liRs. B. A. WILLLUlS. R. F. D. No. 14. ed 0. duel wh.leh "118 Interrupl a Vernon, him to B rkel y Square. When tb e a t,,·o or a f.our horse chaise." Bos 89, Gardiner Ye. Overton and Ho.wkllhaw·H nephew round thetmlelvC8 attracted by preur Lady Ara- curtain went dow-n, he fairly leaped Daphne clapped ber hands. Because your case Is a dUlloult one, bella.. Tl10 Ajax In batlle defeated French his way out of the playbouse to see doctors haVing done you no good. "A trip to ScoUand-I have nlways . w&nIhlpa In UI~ Medlt \TIlnean. RIchard do not contiriue to suffer without ,Olyn got £%,000 prlz money. He waa Lady 'A rabella ~et IDlO the coach, looged tor Scotland. I know a dozen JrtvingLydia E. ;pinkham's Vegetable called home by, Lady Hawkahaw 8.3 he Tbat was a fair sample or the way peoille who have married In Scotland, wu about to "blow In" hl8 earnlllgl wllh Compound a trial It surely has cured. Vernon. At 0. Rawkshaw patty Olyn dllS- be raved for days afterward. He and hallpy marrtages, everyone of many cases of female 111s, such as In. covered that Lady Arabella WRS II. poor hau nted Berkeley Square, where he them. But I forbid YOll, Richard, to flammation, ulceration. displacements, but pc,",llItent gambler. H talkcd much with her cousin Daphne. Lady Arabella was welcomed always by Sir Peter think of an 10pel1lent." fibroid tumors, irrelnllarities\ periodio &«aln 8howed tove tor gam lng, Later she and Lady Hawkshaw. asked to dine " \\'e shall set out at mldnlgtlt; we IlIlins, backache, tliat beanng-down held 01yn and Overton prisoners, thus feeliIig, indigestion, dizziness, and nero delayln&: the duel In t he Ov rton· Ver- frequently, and ev ry mark of favor shall not be missed until morning, and non duel, neither waa hurt. Lady Ara- shown blm . vous prostration. It costs but a trifte we shall h ave at least I:! bours' start. bella humiliated Richard by her prankll. to try it, and the reBult is worth mULady Arabella remained cold and Then, at every stage' we shall lea~e Richard Ilnd 01108 shipped on a trlgat . lions to JD&Il1 sutIertng women. Giles waa captured by the Fr nch. Indllferent to him . About that time something behind, which will insure Peter arranged for hili excbang . Daphne ahowed a liking tor Glyn. who waa Overton appeared a little In his old a broken axle, or a linchpin gone, f(l~ NO TIME LIKE THE ' PRESTNT. then 21 -yean or a&:e. 0lle8 was r leru.ea haun ts, although much cbanged and our pursuers." Bober d. Neither woundl nor mness We were botb so charmed with the CHAPTER VII.-Contlnued. picture we had conjured up, tbat when "And how I am to live until I get I said: "Suppose, after all, thoug\J', another ship I am at a loss, ' my boy," that Sir Pe er consent.3?" Daphne's GUea cried quite cheerfully. "Two face fen ; but presently she smiled, courles are open to me-pl~y and run· when 1 said: 'Ding away with an heiress. Do you "If he does consent. why, tbe:l, The Oak Pruner BeeU., Larva and Larva In Burrow. know of a charming girl, DI y, wltb there Is no ha rm In our marrying any 80metbJng under £100,000, 0 could panded with wUtlog or wmed leaves, however, we are led to . believe nar way we like, and he wtll excuse us for be reconcUed to a ,p enniless Ueulenant running away. And H be does 'not not ret dislodged by the wind. Tbe 8uoh may not alw~ys be the case. in his ,maJesty's navy ? And rememconsen t, there Is no help for It-we pieces on the ground, when examined, Our attention was called b,. a corlIer, she ,must be as beauUfuI as the eshlbJt a clean cut or break at the respondent last August to the faot must elope! " dan besides, and of good family, and I considered myself a casuist of th~ larp end, and It one cuts tnto Ulo that many fallen twigs examined con.keen ot .-It-no lunkhead of a woman first order, I fel t obliged to take the twl. with a knife a whitish worm Is tained no worms. Later, in Septemfpr me.. " To thiS, fate lmpelled me to first opportunity of letting Sir Peter d18cloaed lying in the burrow thus ber, we noted this also, and were , reply that Lady Arabella Stormont know the state of affairs, and, B8 opened. Tbls II tbe laMa of the oak not able ' to find a slngle larva In any was Btlll slngl~, "Why, Mrs. Jones, wbat are you dousual, · I determined to !)E:gin through pruner, whJCh when tull grown la " twlp examined, a lar&e' number beine "Faith!" cried Giles, slapping bls tng out in all this ratn?" little ,more than one-half tech long, cut open .tor examination., Lady Hawkshaw. ' bee, "she III the girl for me, I al· "Oh, I just ran out. to bur an um· "And," as Dapboo sbrewdly re- and transforms into a blac.k lsh or Tbls can hardly be accounted for brella!" "WaYI Intended to marry ber, If only to brownish beeUe of about' tbe same marked, "they wll~ pertalnly dltrer, 10 by the work of Insectivorous birds, ; IlSplte · her. ~ , , Decoll.te, - ~e shall at least have one ot them on length. since they would be unable to reacb I was sorry I bad raked up the em· The ute hI.story ot this pest Is luch, them in their burrows. In Wu Ting Fang, at a dance tn Wash· our side." eTent bers of his paSSion of five years be· I sought Lady Hawkshaw and foulM! evidencing apparentlr marvelous In· -the llU'T& Is In ita burrow whell the ington, criticised the mode'r n ballroom fore, and attempted 'to cover my step ber in her usual place, in the Chlneso IUnct, that It commandi our admira· twig flrat talls and can then tie eall, belle. by laying: ' "Llke the a c1ent Brtton. wh() room. I began, haIHng, stammerinlJ, tion. The female beetle, according to 11' cared for, We theref.ore auggelt • "She Is stlll lnfatuat~d with Overton, dressed In blue woad," he sald, "the and blushing, as if I were a charity Fitch, DormallY lays her eggs tn the followIng remedy: . .bom, however, abe sees rarely, and school boy instead of a lieutenant 1n spring or summer on a greeD succuCollect and burn all twip cut otr belle's Idea of ~ magniflcent toilet 'Ul:at only at the bou,ses of ,olhers; but seems to be plenty of paint and very his majesty's service, who had baen lent twig In an angle between leaf he,bas ever looked coldly upon her." Uttle clothing." twig and leaf stalk. ThIs aoUon af· br tbis insect as soon as they thanked by Lord Nelson. "Sbe'll not be coldly looked on by Sh. 8udd.nly FeU Into My ~rm.. "M.m·my lady," I stuttered, "I have torcla the young tender food ot the found on the .,ound In Juir or AUC' me. And let me see: Tbere Is her Hard to Convince Him. right nature, easUy obtained, Aa the uat. Do not leave thta work until the cousin you u8ed to teU me about-the bad Impaired his looks &nil h rm ' experienced so much k·k·ldndb1lss larT& grOWl older It work.s into the following I sprIng. "So rou're going to marry old Oot· (:arinlc1iael gfrJ-suppoSEl you, Dicky, but rather he had become an O~j:ot:i from you that I baye cQme to YOU" ia rox' daugbter, eh? Well, you know loUD a1!'!ly --with ber; then no two lieu' Interest and sympathy from hi al. the greatest e mergency ot my Ufe. two can live cheaper than one," lant belravior In the field. Sir ~e~er, "You want to get married," prompt, tenanta' lJi the 'service will have more "I knoV{. 'but I oan't convince hur . had always liked ,him, began to Iy replied Lady Hawksbaw. who ()f, the rhino than we!" ' fatber ot tllat faot." (TO BE CONTINUED.) 1 declare thil was the first time 1 ' pester him to' come to Berkeley Better thin, ~Id-Like It in 0101'"ad' remembered Daphne's £30,000, Square, which be dId a rew times' ~e· SPE ND MUCH '. FOR AMU8EMENT. Hamlinll Wihrd Oil-the be8t of nil rem· -4t She had the same fortune 'as Lady oauae he could not well deolloe Sir - - Method Was -.ver S-";~ ediea for rbeuinatiam, neuml~R, and all Arabella. The, reflection damped my Peter and Lady Bawkshaw's pressing Twenty·Flve Millions Are Invested In ~......... pain, 8Orenel8 and inllammatlOD, Plall {or Curb ~o Se~e F ~ . ",.6 and fri endly invitations. I believe d Parks In Thll Oountry. aplrlta dreadfully. ceaa6aI {or Seve .. ai ileaaoaa. aa CoverlDlr. Does the ugly ~horus girl come un· 01.1 9. sllw It directly, and In a 'mo- howe ver,that lo spite of his rorced "It costs a lot 'of money to build composure he felt cruelly abashed be· der the ,.,head of "stage frights 1" lDent h.e had my secret trom me. He The former method of working In and o-perat an amusemen t park on a A Iketch of' a plan for fixing an or· .'b:outed -wiUi delight,and immediate ly fore L~dy Arabella. She, howe ve r, falUng trees with cement ' waB never 1IIn. Wlnalow'. Sootblntr 8,rup. ' began a. grotesq~e planning tor us to showed an amazing coolness, and even large scale," says , Frederic Tbolll~ dinary well curb 10 as to atrord good succeuful (or several ' reasol18. One PDT children _th~, eoft.eJul 'h.IfUI1I ~ , ~aeOl !Do son, In Everybody's. began to be a little kln\1 to Giles, covering for the well is gIven by Nett 6ammeUoa. eUa1' \lI'1Il, Oatel WlAd coUll. 250e bolUS. run away witb the two belresses. He "t suppose that more than '26,000,· KcLean .1n Prairie farmer, The or- was that the cement seldom It ever lIoD)e obscure motl ve of her own. recalled that the ab(luctloil of an belr~ Itrom The daughter'a' doings have beeD believe every oct of her lite with reo 000 are Invested In these parks In this dln'ary well curb can be made Into one adbered to the wood, 110 the lw&7!nl 6SS was a capl~al crime, and drew a Dreamland on Cone, Island ,of the verr' best of well coverings if by wind of tbe tree nry geneta111 tbe motber's i.ulia. g~rd to men had some reference to country. f&D~stlc , of us 't wo ,standing cost about ,$2,600,000, Riverview' Park only a UltJe time and money is ex· made larger the treated craok beber passion for 'Overton , In 'tbe prisone rs' dock, on trial for nnd the White City In CbJcago cost pended on It. It is just as important tween it and the wood. All Oils time, t hough, trom the ou~ lives, With Lady Arahella and Wa~!, 'penetrated beyond the fUllng, about a million each. thlt the curb be bum so as to pre· night of the play, Daphne and I had I>aphne swearing our lives away. and ' ''Luna park cost '2,400,000, Tbe vent a roosting place for ,sparrow II, so the ' decay Increased rather 'more been seol'etly ha ppy; for on the very then relenting and manylng us ' at tbe rapidly than befOre attempting a total annual ex penses, including tbe gallows' [oat. And this tale, told with next day, catcblng her alone, I told remedy. _" cost of reb uilding, of putting In new ' her, In plain and seamonlll<e language, the gfeateJlt glee, amid laughl er and The ~mproved idea II In remonn, shows and the operating expenses, lilat I loved her, and when she sbowed bumpers of hot brandy and wute r, had from the interior aU of the rottinl v erage about . a mllUon dollars, and a singular e lfect upon me. It sobered a disposition to cut and run, I said to a, mass, There remains onb a livlnl the season 'lusts four months. I spent her, very holdly: me a t once, and sudden ly 1 seelhed to sbell of ' sapwood and bark, and Into $240,000 on ono show. ' o f which $68.· "Since l'OU scorn my love, I have ~ee a vision, as MaclleLh saw Danquo'B this davlt>.' a steel brace 18 nicely In· 000 was tor animals, mostly elephant' that every one of , my he r source ghOB~, })Il;!sl ng lIefore my very eyesserted anci bolted in place. and camels-It was the representation :Just such a scolle as Giles described , call!ng has In tbese daYR. I shall soon ot tbe Indian durhar-and I lost SlOO,· 'The next Important ,step Is to 'cut go to sea, anrl upon t he decl{ of my Only' ~ got no farth e r than the s llec· 'w aters beds-preventing any moisture 000 on It. I charged the loss up' to tacle of Giles a prisoner In the dock, ship 1 con Ilnd death, since life Is trom ente,rlnl. There are, deep educatl C;lD, and It" was worth It, It , ',J!!l trial for his I!( . My own part not.hlng to me without my Daphne's costs $5,600 a week to light Luna grooves cut about one Inch inside the' love," , eeemed misty and confused, but' l saw, edge and opening out to the' ground At which, without the least warning, park, and $4,600 for the music. The 'Instead ot the lod ging hOll so parlor, a below. Cement is packed tighUy Into salaries of the free performers thll '. great hall or jusLfce diml y lighted she suddenl y fell Into ' my arms, cry· grooves, , tormlng a chaunel down Rp.8son are $2,300 a week. And all pf Ing: • with lamps, the jud ges in tbelr robes wblch the water flowi. "You'll break my heart, If you talk these expenditures, as well as a good on the bench , one with II billcit cap on The cavltr is afterward wired many others, go simply to manufa()o bll head, and, Gil es standing up to reo In th at wuy!" and I Ilel'celvcd that she throughout tboroughl,.. ture the carnival splrit.·' wos only maneuve ring for position, ceive sentence. I passcd Into a Itlnd Tbe cement is worked moist, and ot nlgbtmare, from which I was ,J do not Imow e xactly what hap· The Uleful Hen. bullt out , ln , t~e tree Ihape. Any bark . aroused by Giles whacking me on the nened nex.t, except I was In that "Country constables who make I that is cut away ' for an Inch or two fA7.:=~ , back and saying In II- ,s urprised voice: heaven, Daphne's arms, when I look ed living arresting soeeding automobllel In orde~ to prevent bruising as the A Well Curb Cov.r~ , "What aUs YOIl, Dicky, boy? YOII up and caught t he butl er and two foot· wouldn't bave half so much' trouble fiUlng ,18 In progrelil will soon cover look as If you had seen a gil st. Rouse men grinning at Ule. But It mattered stopping the scorchers If they used a and to ward otr leaves and trash t~e filled IIpot so a p~sserbr'" CaD bere a nd open Youl', lan t rn jaws , not. little ingenuity," says one of the of· blown abo~t by , tbe wind, a8 I~ llil to Bcarcel), deteot the wOUDd lit aU. , for a glass ot brandy a nd rh! yourself Next morning Daphne and I met In fenders, "Chains 'across the 1'0.lld and give ,aUe,ntlon to location .and IW1a~e ,n verY' IB.rge cavltt~I ' the openin8 . .bf tbat lon g face." . t he drawing room, as usual, after moving Vans blockIng the highway aro "conditions when, ch~lng a ptace {or fs coverM by uttlitlng large ,StrlP8 of I came ' out of th is sl ngulal' stale as break[ast; but whilt a meetlag it was! all right ' to 'accomplish theputpose. the haute well. Make a IICreen ·door slnc, ,",. qQlcklr ns thad Ir.)n Into It, and ~ We had barely time to souttle back to but they're cumbe~lIome. , My Idea for for ' th~ old',well curl! and c,o ver th~ , Nature l1elpi "tn tbl~ '~qd of 'DeW ash~ed to show' my wea ..(lI eS8 to our chairs When Sir Peter 'entered causing a ' prompt 8low'up II to scatter rem!'tulng sl~e~ with or~J~ry ~(.r~en work In tr~ell, for.. ~!l place BOon:h~alI, Giles, grew: ,lilerr)·,. ~arrled on the jolle ' with, t he newsl,laner, and Informed me' a' lot ,of g'ralJ;l 1n a ro~C! an'd tur.n a lot wire. : ' over. f'! ' , '• ' about t ho a bduc1.1o'j, aUd sho rtly ' relt' that the Dellona ' frigate was ':,belng df hens loose. They w,ould blOck th~ 'like myself, 'a light hearted lie utenant fitted for the West Indies, and be road aU r.lght, ' nei II there.'1 ono thina 'Tlmothy ,Hay ,m make a chautreur Ilow up ttl. w~n, '1I~tt1ed timotby hay Get 'R id ,of , Vermin, ' Of 21 , 'I proposed tllnt we slJould gO thought be could get me Ii,' berth In that W )tr ,hop, Bot·" ou.,. I_at 'year '-belfol!,&' I JI• •iPnio ' 10 the pIa the next n lgJlt~r ra ber her, at ~'"I<:b I felt myself gro;w '!Veal, a hen. Po.gS are, bad '.enough, b,u t' ii. abOut 260 cubic' feet to tbe' 'ton, tJiew IL' I 'c ould' not ~atror4 that IlJgbt, for ,I t. wa~ uow about fo ur In lhe Rnees, so great Is the power ot hen alway\! run I tbe',1Vrbn,' Way, and' ,new hay occupies nearly twice ' " " It ,tbe machtne II going at any' Ipeed 'Ipace~ tn sale of new boy it 18 cliS- a',dipping tant, 80 , I Plit~ )nto: three in th mornlng-a.n\! sbortly Il.tter w .1oye, Pr s n(ly ,he went out. . l'hen Dap~, usually ends up under the wheele. · BIt. tamar, -to take oft .bout. 15 per cent quartl of ho~ soap.uda on&half. paD t umbled In~ ' b ,d' .fog Lh rand 's le jJt ne an;d: I '\.Iegan to Rpecu!a~e upon Sir, tI ng a hel1 will sometime\! tt,r.,Ow the for shrtDk*ge In welgbt, as r of brpaelie oil, bolled an\l ,I tlrred Tl~ nntU late tb n x't day. ' , o'llel and t W nt to Hllrkeley SQ.uare Pet r s pe rsonal eguatlon In our ~f· front wheels 'out of line and cauie tbe wltJl barn cured hay,. orou.lly for ~en mJnutes· 'When the' y car to swerve; so drivers Inva, _ , emullllon has ,c ooled 8umCllenU)' I , ~ \l)e afl~ru on, professlug ,ust to falrs. "H will never let , /lie, marry y<,u," rlably slow" uf' and ~ve. poultry I .... mov • U•• leu 'lalka. , pourad It tl;aro~: a aprlntunc .,.D have arri ved fro m Portlltnouth ~ Olles "ae will say ,[ am t09 chance to, get out of the way. A beD I'iQwer ,.talks on rhubarb plalltA '810D¥ the b.ekl!. and over, th.·D:e&dl 01 ..,~ , bla tbanks In the hand· she said. ~peed trap hi a great Idea, to my wa, ' .bauld be l'UIlom whenenl' MeD. eo the Pi,p , ~e ,tlcb aDd Uoe qUlokJ7 . . -..t lIlanner to Sir , Peter for bls young.'" This depressed me ,,0 tbat I could of, thlnkillg. and, of 'courle, I. 00, 02. ~t _ ptaD~ .~lIIth wUl Dot' be dt;aPpeare4, i."!.~ re.,..~ lbe ' • .,:=~~;an:d~b~m:ade hJms If, as usual, .Ii to Lady HRwksbaw. say nothing In reply, Daphne con· the birds were Idl\~ the ~i .eool4 WQted fa tile ~, r~... ~,. mOd.~ ................ Arabella DapbDe tinned, Quite In an olrhand manner: easU)' be added to,&bt ~'W. Ail II ...... . ' " ........ j"






Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. .




















• Cbat

" 01) Toplc~

of' Many Kiods by a p

Reeo90lzed Authority

A Pilgrim Rug Party. A pilgrim rug party Is the very l~test fad rshades of our grand moth· eJ:s! Do you suppose under this dis· guise they would recognize 't he old rag carpets wblch adorned every room? Time has certainly turned backward In Its ft.lght and the older the fashion the newer, more up to date It seems to be. The "hlt·and·mlss" style of rug may somewhat resemble the old rag carpet, but the exquisitely woven ones of blue and white, green and white and green and pink are such artistic things that their relation· ship to the plebeian rag carpet Is reo mote, save In the method ot prepar· Ing the materials. Only cotton fabrics are used, and as In the olden ~, a pound and a halt ball weaves Into a rug of a square yard In size. Well, now for the party. It was tor a brideelect, and the cards said ,·thlmbles," so we wel'e prepared to sew. We found piles of dark blue denim strips cut Into about an Inch wide. These were sewed together ond wound Into a liard ball. Then there was a pile of white strips-before us was a com· pleted rug. By the tlme refreshments were served the 'rags were sewed. '1'he cost ot weaving Is very small. The brlde·elect was delighted with this new fashioned shower.

ot 'potted plants and k eeping the scorE with flowers, either carnations, rosef or' some blossom that does not wH ; qUickly. Invitations are sent for a "flora progressive card party" on cards CUI In the -shape of a flower. Jonquils tulips, marguerites and roses lenr lhemselves admirably to the scheme To the winners pass vases contalnln@ the score flowers. At the finish ever~ one will posseS8 at least one or morE of the fragrant r eminders of theh good luck. Tbe Ice cream may be molded III floral shapes, and the small cakes orn Ilmented with candy roses, crystallzed violets and rose leaves may be mlxeci w1th the bonbons. Each guest Is SU)} posed to contribute 25 or 50 cents whichever sum Is agreed upon, to thE charity for which the party Is given.

For t l?lt Baby. The baby has c e~ llly come Into ItE own these days. Th e~ are stork par Ue.s galore, and in most ot the storel tbere Is a de partment just for baby gifts. These dainty presents are al· ways more acceptable when accom· panled by an appropriate sentiment. Sometimes these quotations are hand· lettered with water·color decorations, They may be framed or not. In one of his altogether too Infrequent Pgems Charles Dickens says 01 A Peach Luncheon. This affair will be seasonable as chLldren whom he dearly loved: long 8S peaches are ripe and the Th'ey are Idols ot hearts and or households : w eather tavorable, for the ' invitations They nr angels ot God. In dIsguIse; read "luncheon ..aerved OJ} the lawn," His sunlight sti li sleeps In th ei r treslles, His glory stilI gleams ~,n their eyes. but the hostess will make provision to truants from home- anil trom have the house decorated to give a Oh, those heaven. 'Woodsy, out400r eff~ct, should the day They have made m e more mlmly and mild. prove Incleme.nt. . It the SUli shines spread a round And I know now how J es\ll! could liken table With • dainty c1Qth under a . The kingdom of God to 11 Child. Longfellow wrote trom the ~eart canopy made from ' awning material supported at . the . four corners ' by when he penned the precious "ersee .takes drive~ tn ~e ' ground. Deco- entitled "Chlldren," and a gift with a rate this sylvan dining room with Quotation from It that all mothert should know would enhance the value Japanese lanterns and vines. tentald: For ' the table centerpiece have a pink enam'eled basket Ailed with Ye are better tban all the ballada That ever were sung or said; For ye are ,Uvlng poems, , pe~ches and leaves; whUe faqslmlle peaches done, In water color w111 be And aU the rest are dead. the place ' cards. Use gold or ' sUver . A dear mother f'u ll of sentiment Ink for lettering the names. had this beautiful excerpt taken tron: Here Is a very attractlve menu and one of William Cullen Bryant's poem~ withal easy to serve, a fact much palf;lted In water colors . and huns III appreciated by the cook. the children's nursery: Tomato 'II,nd herring canapes, jel'Neath the shadow ot thy wIng lied chicken, potato croquettes, olives, Father, guide them; ,Waking, ale ping. Lord. we 'pray, Bhrlmp salad, deU.c lous neaoh omelet, ~ 00 besltfe" them." serYed with brandied peacheS, ~lte4 THEl MOST PRECIOUS GIFT. almonds In spung sugar s haped like A bAby! and lite's translucent cup peach bask;ets: and for dessert· Indl· With Its rlchellt wine Is brImming up. vldual 'peach Ice cT,IBm serv:i!d on real Oil, none but a moth r hl18 ever quartec! .. peach leaves made of pliltachlo cream. A oup ao ewe t. love's richest draught! . A father mas know a oalm deUght, Peacn brandy In tiniest of Venetian, Bllt • mother has sailed trom death tc glass liqueres finished the repart,' Ugbt. . with cups ot French coffee. '. She bl18 touched the brink of heaven'l The hostess wore a comm'On frock IIhore, of pink, with pale yeUow trlmmlDgs, 'She hl18 heard Its music wafted o'er; whIch 'Is a most Frenohy combination Bhe has brought from ~hat far-off I hln· . ' tn.&: strand , • tf Just the right shades are selllcted. . ~ant peart! and the mUlllo grand ,' Has ''unk In her heart, and swells througb , .- A Floral (lard Party. . lier Ufe. During) the summer, whethe.r at .t he Till her entlro beIng with rhytlim II rite. seashore or mountain, people are alit Bhe wonders If heav n can hold a bill, to keep In mind their ,specIal charity That Is deeper stilI than her baby's kiss, (and every woman has one , these And she knows that the .God Who'. a God of Love, days). C~d parties seem to be the Ha• .ent her II. token trom heaven above; most popular way of makln'g m.oneY, HIlII stNllllrthened the shlnlng , goldeD and ' method bas proved no~ only' chill.n ., pretty but successful. A 'floral card That leads all hearts to -bll own llgaln. '. -MUler. 'pa17ty 1s carried out by giving ,prllel KADAME lrIEluU. ~



Ma ..achuletta Boy Takea Charge of , Tranaportatlon ~In.e ,wlth Father aa Vlce·Pretldent.


Doston. - The youngest railroad president In the world Is the proud distinction of · Daniel A. a young State street broker'l! Only 25 yea rs old and less than two yeurs out ot college, Sortwel1, ' at the last m eeting of the Barre Railroad Company stockllolQers, was elected president of the road. InCidentally, he was made the superior ot his' fa· ther, former Mayor Alvin F. Short· well ot Cambridge, who Is now the vlce·presldent. No railroad president In this coun· try or any other has probably ever ,approaohed anything llke the meteoric career of Sortwell. The "boy railroad president" lacks much of th e all' of the typical king of trllnsportaU'on, He has blue eyes and light hair and he actually blushes when questioned about atralrs con· nccted with his road. This may be partly explained by bls short term of office, tor Sort well has been a rail· road preside nt tor just 10 days. A little more than one year separ ates "Sort," the tootball enthusiast and popular Harvard fraternity man, trom "Mr. ,Sortwell, railroad presl· dent." Five years ago he was a student at the exclusive St. Paul's school Ilt Con· cord, N. H. Completing t.he courl'e

Taft's Willful Mllinterpretation of Little . Girl'. Intended Haughty Rebuke.

SOME IRONIES OF FATE. 100 8 loUr 8 n my fonde.t hope9 decny." 'Vh II . from ·o. train 1 try to S i' e A pretty . view., there'. !>lIre to be A trnln ot freight cars In tile way !


I won t a 8hort·oake ; thers Is milk But we are out of flour! Th en when th e sack Ie full. YOIl ftee And I dessert would mllk e for tea That milk hilS all turned so ur !

When I go gaddin g, callers come Fr III Ilpll r o III I f Ar llw ny But wh pn I clnst'l)" RIa)" at home rm cerll\Jn nOl a 80ul will co me Around th e Il v ·Iong dllY!

Presld~nt Taft Is fond or hlltJren. with whom he Is a favorit e, A c harm· In stor on this he ad com eS from Cln· cln nati. -- Once. when a pretty Cincinnati girl WIlS a child of six or seven. Mr. Taft, calling at her hous e. found nobody home excepting hel·selt. She enter· talned him a I!tU while, and when he . rose · to go, he stooped down and kJ ssed her. "Here's one." he said. "for the baby, H re Is another for littl e Jim. And here Is a third for Dilli e-boy ." The little girl, drawing hers It up, said haughtily-she had been r eadi ng' a novel : "Mr Taft, YOll forget yourself!" He bent down again. "So 1 did," he laughed. "Well, here's one for. mysel!!"


Yet trom tI .'?se IronlcR of Fate Lf-t no n lh'It"ln!'/' Awr n a Perhaps ' lll! belt er so: ,maybe By I h 'se Bum <juccr contraries, we Gel more tl,lln we deser" e.

Quick Relief

Cramps, Colic, Dysentery, I Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and Diarrhea.

Dr. D. Jayne's Carminative Balsam Is the quickest actin, ane! most reliable remedy known for these affections. It stops pain immediately, and in aJmo~ every case brings about a speedy recovery. Keep it handy for the children's

Girl'. Head Encrusted-Feared LOBI of All Her Hair-Baby Had Milk. Crust- Mll8lonary'. Wife Mado Two Perfect Cure, by Cutlcura.

Good Summer Drink •. Prohibition Julep-Brui se tile leave!! and s tem!! of two or three sprigs ot tresh mint be tween the fingers and place In a glass half fllled with shaved ,ice. Add four tablespoonfuls of grape juice and fill the glass with seltzer or curbon water. Raisin Wine-This Is a famous bev. erage In France, where, l.Iy the way, the people are most skU1~d In the preparation ot drinks, and contrary to most bellet, many of th em are non· alcoholic : Two pounds of raisins, flve pounds of dried applos and five gallons of wate.r. Put all together In a small cask or earthen jar, and let stand uncovered tor three days, stir' ring occasionally from the bottom' then bottle with half a teaspoonful sugar' and a stick of cinnamon In each bottle. Cork tightly. Store In a cool ()lace. Iced Chocolate-Few drinks are more refreshing than thlB. Many ob. ject to Jt because of the trouble In preparation. but this can be obviated by maltJng the chocolate sirup to ' q_uantlUes as follows: Put nne ounce of unsweetened chocolate with a pint of water Into a saucepan. When the chocolate Is dissolved add a prot of sugar, and stir until It begins to bol1, Daniel A. Sartwell. Cook three minutes without sUrring, there, he entere4 Harvard with tile strain and cool. Then add a teaspoon. class of '07. At the New Hampshire f~l of vanllJa, bottle and store 1n a school Sortwell had belln ·a member of cool place. When a cold drink Is the crew and when he became a liar· needed mb: with cold milk, as strong yard stUdent hetollowed up rowing. as pr~erred, and put whipped cream He also played on tl\e class football on top. team. Cold tea Is better made with the ad. Upon his graduation he went ditlon of any tresh trultl!, oranges, abroad for six' montbs. At the end of pineapples .or even canned · berrlos that time he returned home, entered added to iced tea make It a delicious a broker's office and Is now a traction ·plazza drink. Besides one need Jlot magnate. use so much of the tea leaves and _ 'J!he .rallroad . of which Sortwell Is' the drink Is, therefore, more wholethe head Is a Une rUDnlng from Barre some. to the quarries, a distance of six miles. THE PEACEMAKERS. stations, passenger 'service and parlor cars, the Bat:re ral1road Is OR years and years our none the les8 a real raUroad. In the fomlly Dldu·t speak to them course of a year thousands of tons of next door. granite, heavy machinery and mer· And my Mil, sllia she'd chandlse are cllrrle4 over .t. however. spank me I It I went there any more. AT HEA.D· OF ' WAR CQLLEGE. But I was awful fond of that Small boy that they 'call Gen. BII., Order.d to Take Charg' Jim, In,t1tutlon H. Helped Found, Sue- . And ' when he aald "hello" c.edlng Gen. Wot!1 ....poon. 10 me. I saJd "hello" to btln. o Washlngton.-Brig. Gen. Trasker H. Ma (lldn't visit JimmIe'. . hi&.! ' BUss, who has just been ordered to , Apd our Dade didn't this clly to succeed Gen. W. W. '. s.peak, ' Wotherspoon a8 president of the Army But Jhn and .1 ' . Upped' oir eometJmea. War c!>llege"had part In the original And fished down In the oreek. organization of that de~rtment when And we'd .wap marble., and one tJme the general stair wa:. first formed. He , He gave me top and .trillg. I ' gave him my turn to rock served with the war college there- 'Cau,!!. In our old grapevine swing. after uptll he was sent to the P.hlUpBut· once I gpt the whoopln' cough, (Ma said I oaught trom Jim). So. when I took the measles I , .Juet gave 'em back to him. And we waR both so slck- Iomehow, The tolk.1! forgot to fU8S. Ito now we .IlY "hello" to them, • 'N they lIay "hello" to us!


"For s everal y ears my husband was a missionary In the Southwest. sake. , Every one In that high and dry at· Sold 6y Gil dNlgglstlmosphere has more or less trouble pe,. bottt., 2!lc. with dandruff and my daughter's sca lp Dr. D. Jayne'. TODle Verbecame BO encrusted with It that I mifuge is an excellent tonic was alarmed for t ear she would )oso to overcome ~he ex.h austlon all her hall'. Atter trying various rem· consequent upon a ~evero edles, In desp e r~t1 on I bought a cake attack of DYllentery. ot Cutlcura Soap and a box ot Cut!· cura Ointment. They left the acn]p beautifully cl ean and free trom dandrutr, and I am happy to say that the Cutlcura Remedies w ero a com· pl ete success. I have als o used suc· cessfully the Cutlcura Remedies for so·called 'mllk·crust' on baby's head. , "I find Caac:arets 80 good that I ~uJcl Cutlcura 1s a bleSSing. Mrs. J. A. Dot be without them. I wu troubled a. Darling, 310 Fifth St .• Carthage, OhiO, great deti1 with to2:!!:a- and headache. Now since taking ts CaDdy CatharJan. 20, 1908." PotIer Draa ~ Obem. Oorp.. 801e 1'TOpe., .DoIIoD. tic I feel very much better. I shall certainly recommend them to my trienda u the best medicine I have ever seeD." . Sex In Cromwelll, Anna Bazinet, Of course with the sexes on a toot· Osborn Mill No.2, ,Pall River, Xa& ,( Ing oC equality as regarded opporPleuailt. Palatable, Potnt, Tute Goot1. tunity, It would not be long untll a feDo Goo(I. NevetSlckm.WeuenorGr'lpe. lOc. ZSc. SOc. Never .old In bltllt. TbeSClQ1S· male Cromwell made her appearance, IDe tablet atamped C C C. Ouar&lltetMS' tc» and. having made her appearance, lYas cure or :voar moner back. .. getting her portrait painted. The painter, once more Il. fawn· lng, courtly fellow, would bave the picture a flattery; but she rebu~ed him In words that became historic! "Paint In the hlpsl" she command· ed, sternly, sbowlng that she could TRY !fe!~~8to:~~ ~~t shine you've ever bad, ,11 twbe more rigidly devoted to the truth any reason at all you're' llou . tllan Olive r hlmself.-Puck. better aa(lBfted wltb the "SbrpSbo.vr" than I\ny razor 10u've'eyerhud, ndltbnekl.oW!and Put 'Em Down. we'll &cud 10Ur monq baclt. "I think fancy hose should be prowyon. Complete Rnaor maUed po.... hibited because they promote' bad paid on receIpt of 'quarter ormanners." StaMpS. "Whaes the answer?'" . SHRP·8HAVR RAZOR CO. 70 D.... IllItt II. fn QIr "They encourl\ge the great Amerl· can hflblt of Btlcklng fe et up on desks, chairs. porch POlltS, e tc.'.'-Kansll.s STIRCH-!~eO~D=': City Times. -jJtber lIarebe. only 12 ounce_ame price Mil


A.25c. RAZOR

........ WITH A$5 SHAVE




When a good man goes to the wall he takes little consolation trom tho fact that a good picture does the Bame thing.

' .


For J!tppUan salad use only the


Teg'etablea Dilzec!" With a Uttle waterplentY' Of onion' and a d~ of ae'8f7 Hed. -

lLUIDllalO. 11118 ~rua4wa1: New

Yorl< OIty.

W. N! U., CINCINNATI.. N.C>. 29-1909..

I'or liaiaau anel 0hlt4rea.

The ,Kind, You ,Hava Alway. Bou




PleallUre-lend tor 84·_, 10 een!.ll; )1..,1" and Noyel-





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-~'tIn and .,.~IOllUU



Hlnta for Left·Over•• To those who buy expecting to . han left-()vers we would apply the tamous advice to those about to marry "Don't." . Es'peclally In Bummer Is It Incum· 'bent upon the housewife to buy close· ly and with an. eye to Immediate use. For 'an foods-but particularly trultI, subject to rapId bacteria decay. Some of the succulent veretablesbeans, peas, cQrn and' stewed , tomatoes-are better for being kept on leG a ' day ,atter cooking, but they should be' Quickly chme~ on being taken trom ~e stove. ~Cooked meats should also be cooled rapidly. Put them In a cold place at once or they sour In t11e cooling. ' A good plan 18 to stan4 the dlsh 'ln a pan ot cold wat.e r, changing the water freQuenUy unttl' the food , is cool, when It should bo put into the : Ntrtgerator; Do, not covEiji· food ' w'bne ·cooklng. ,!;java' EVel11hlng-:-A spoonful of toJ;ll,llt~ ,,:111 improve. tbe ' mornln" omelet; a :col~ potato wtu give you cream. I!oup for lunch; anddn sum· mer a dnln~y salad ' Is made~ !tom '. com.blnatlon' of'. asparagus, bea1l8, heets," ~live~~~ and ' all , of tliesQ with FNnch or ~ayonnal8e dreselnl, Kusilan BalafI combine. meatancl


is necessary in cases 9£

Bears -the Promotes Digeltion,Cheerrul' ness and Rest.Contains neilher Qpium,Morphine nor Mineral



NOT NARC OTIC . Hntjw "(}ltIlJiSANlIEllm'lrH ~I~S.."~ .1/)(,.1' ...". • •. } Ii'wAtIII S"'II



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.For :Over Thirty Years

~~CMJ~QgII ALLEN'S: F OOT~EASE Shake Into Your Shoes " Allen's F~t.Ease, !' po!Vd~r for ~e feet. l .t relieves PIli CuI, swollen, smnrllpg. nd.ryous feet, and lhstantly tp.kes·the still'! out of corDs and bun/ons. Ittl tbe ateatest eomfort disCoverj'of'tbe ige: ' _ " Allen 's FootlirEnso makes tight·fit ting or new 8iioes 'fe'~1 easy. It is a cerlllip relief fo~' in~rowi!lg nails, perspiring, enllous and hot, tired, aching feel It IS o,lWBYS ID demand Cor use io Patont Le\ltber Shoes ....:_.,-'" BrelClki'nl{ In New Slioes. We hav8-over 30000 teslifl)onials. )'1\ T .OI;>AY. Sold by all Drllgg&la; 2'~: D6 not accept II!.J Sailltihde. Sent by mall for 25C. in ltampt. . '

FREE TIUAL PACK...'..CE seot by..n. ALLEN S.

OLM$'tEl); 1.& ROY. ~






J:~: F'j;~irs,


B'e.nnslYt ~ . \'Cam '" a


li ti l..ev. C.rtwright and Salem . low:ahiP, . f60IJos·1Cain, forn8w and I;"dwallilder approved . Gilmore, brIdge reptlirs &Iem bridge near residence of AllIsoll Elt!lteof RoyC.Hark rader · etal. T.owDshiy, '17. 25 1 W. . lIIfn,n . Inventory fi.l,K1. . fora, bridge ..epairs- i n Torti.,· tiwate of " 5.70. . . • Louise Llnllemutl: deceased. Fifth 'oreek townahip, '3. 50 j John Wolte, Contraot entered i~to with Ohlls, . ' . . ' . a untfil8d . brid~e repairs, MB8.~e township, Stubbs for repair of IJuving B.nd :-( ,111111 I B WoodwJtr' "'.... .i1J1 g., I Estate of ·E mililJe Plunkett., de· 11 5.26 i (;. C. Cleaver, brldgerep8lrs, aproD of bridge Dear residence 01 . ,f (i' I'Ullkllll ~~tltiOU ' ft fla' h r ! ASed . Proof of publication or· MasSie tQwnship, 122, Robert Ma. lJoan Nixon on Lebanoa and Wayne. , III rh .l· onll n f~m pr '. pdln ' ~ t.l red. . brey, labor at jail, 13; Corkins ville r oad Bt estimate of $ 15.,00. • ':' 111 '.. ' UII IIC lit b lid, to Im pr VII I . Estate of Alexllnder· Murray. de· [Chemical Co., inseotiolde for jail. Contrao$ entered in to with W. A ~ ~flt~r . Pl\trlOk Gaynor aou ceused. Prl)of of publiolltlon or· 125 i Loose Leaf BiDder Co. binder Haines for repairs at 'for key Huo To Niagara Falls L K l .lllJldl lD !tit roeY.1! for plHill cler d fo r 1\ 888880rs, books, 110 i 8 . P. st.eel bridge in Mas8ie townShip ali') August 181 via ' leveland and the Lake. tIft' '. Est!ltes for lIottlement: Proof of Blair, cement. 114. 0; Xenia Oity es\lmate of 11400 . .JHuuis K. Ert J VII . Ilruh 'A Ertel pubJicntion filed of notioe of estates Workhouse, boarding prisoners for B ids opelled and other oontroctt. · To Atlantic Cityl, Cape May P" litton fur rtivllrCA 1)Jl u rountl~ of for ~ettlement et for he!lring 19tk Jnne, It. 75; F . P . it'orgy, ':iii fee. s were ft,ward,-,d as fellows: Kingl' I I TO.· And other Seashore, Resorts, August 5. ' /I ' II h >, .V. '." !) .... t'fl mllrrl.,1 I ., unu f .July . three months, 18.65; Morris, p1!t.t•. Mills aroh , Charles ~tibbs i Grimm a n ' :I I ' (I tI. 10\ ' t"\"'lIliOIl to Marria~e Liccnses. b ooks, stubs and s upplies for sur abutment, 'rhos. E. Uorwin; Beeo To Colorado and California nO'\" fw plt~lIItIJl' .., . • ElI l)()h humb rlaln 23 oultr y . veyor, '2()0.50 i Floyd Poe, religious Run abutment, R. M. Van Horn' Daily with long limit. Variable )·outes. I••' wi lel.huff VS . Buar.l of J£duoll , p aervloesJune ,L2 50 ' W II Jaokson Leer brid"'e OreD'onill Bridge Co mllu of Frankli n , and &rah Hazel " . .• Po • Po • ' · . I So l I D f L I , .. ,no 1' 1 e pe Iii lO ti I trIM . & t:\on loe and mdl!8. for Conrt the parties to present to the Board To AI as k a- Y ukon- P aclf.·c Expos·.tion . f Ii ' " RUPI,er t 17. of Frllnklln . • , I>1'·\II0 lit w o ne.v .alDount, I 1.1 men , . House 16,26' LebitDon Gaa Co gas oontraots with bonds fo the f ' th bf' illg f:lO fol' 8tt ndl\D e upon tall oh J !lmes RU88ell, 2.' ftlrqler of Leb for jail and' repairs $'>.25' A. tul erformanoe of work r 01. Daily. &:a~t1e, Portlan~,. San Francisc~ and ~the)' Pacific Coast and Ar!! iu "titPte. Otlorge E Young anun, nud Edna 0 ISharp. 22, of Lebo. Th . " , p . We~tern CItIes may be vl~lted on the trll?, whIch may be made over f l ' ' ff 'It.non Rev W A Uooper ompson, awnlog for Recorder 8 PI"ns-8peoiflodions and plan. val'lable routes west of hlcago and St. LOU IS. II tt(lrney or p !ll n tl . R I'E ' . T f' offioe, $9 ; Bam D. Benkle, fees and for low steel truu bridge with oon . P ro bale Co ur. t ea state rans ers. . . orete floor Dear residenoe of Joseph H omesee k ers N 0 rt h wes, t ex ptlllses f or UlUay, $124 85 ,' Le WIS est, S OU t h wes t EHtate of B Inks IJakin, imbeci Ie McUlell"D Piok.e ring to WIlliam Br08. & Cu., freight and drayage, Hutt on Ridgeville and Springboro On designated dates during summ er. FIrst acco un t tiled Ureigbiou relll estate in Warren $1.38 i Inquest over dead body of r oad in Clearoreek township were E tHt of \Iary E Bruw n. de oounty.I11 60. Margl\ret L. 8tewar', 19.70; ValleY !approved ~ ceat-ed Fi'·lIt. anlNlulIlllooount ti led Joho Kelly and &r..h Kelly to Telephoae Co , rents and t olls , 113.. - ' - -.. - . - - -From nearest ricket Altent, or call un or write .T . R. SMITH. earl.J. Mijl er. ~xec lltor of Marth -, Horace J . Whitaker real estate io 35 i Central UDion 'T elephone Co, I Tortured on a Horse. i B Bond vs Druoi IlL Eh rhllrt. Or tilliem t own8hip, rents and to\1s, $10 15. I "For tAn years I couldn ' t. ride &1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ de r to seU ronl .estllte at publlo Rille . John U.eynoldR to· Mary A. Norton . Oontraots Oont t w . t tl hor e without being in tort\lr~ from I~• • • • • • • •_ • •_ • • •_ • •" ____• •" I W rao I1S en ere piles," wri tes L. B. Napier, of Rug. J . D MiHer eX80ut·or, VII. OruoillR real estate n arreD couutv, U. into with the' Oregonia Bridge Co. less, Ky .. " when all doctors Bnd oth. I. WILL PAY THE Eberhart et al Arthur BrYllnt Rp Byron P : Hartsook and wife to to drive piling at Beech Run in er remedies failed, Buckle n's Arnica polnled guardiltn for ad litem. Carl Johu Buohanan aDd wife real esta'te Clearoreek towosblp Salve oured me. " Infallible for Bond and Sophl.a HewiU.. in Warren county. 11700. Uontraot waR entered into with Piles, BurDs, Soald"" Cuttl, BOlla, Eatat-e ot JnSflpbus Witham. 1m George M . Williams aDd wife to 0 iBid (' t ibid Fever.Bores, £ozema., Salt Rheu'Il, y regon a r ge 0, 0 repa r r g~ Uorns. 250. Gultranteed by Fred beetle. Wtlliam E:I. JI;okson lip JohD h. Orebaugh real e8tate In viI OD Morrow aDd ~ebaDon road at el· U 8ohwartz; poin~ g9 ~m"n . lage of Franklin $1. tlmate of $879. • ....__.- - x.t.t " ftbrsbllll V. Bennett, Ub tries B, ijmith to Carrie K. Plana aDd specificatioDs for oon, INDIANS ARE BElTER OFF And poultry of all kinds. I will he in WaynesVille on 'l'llesdays. Call . Firat and flnal account Booth , relll estate In Wltrren oounty, orete abutment8 near Lebanon wa. , ' Phone 142. fITiI~S_ '1. ter worke approved and oOBtraot'l t'et The prosperil.y. wave has even \.._~rr of Matil:lll Axman, de. Commissioners' Proceecllnl" to Obarles Hender on at estimate reao~ed the NavaJO . Indians iD ,the s vloinlty of Uenado, Arizon". Never .. First .nll final aoooont Billa-WarreD CoUDty Tim6l, bill of tl 7. GO. in the histor of that tribe have the I ~..n_c"'. beads for Recorder, i The West . Plans for a conorete arch near the be y th t thY j11_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . en more p.r osperoul an a . e ern Star, notices to sbert1l', $2 50. i r6lidenoe of Joseph Perrine OD the presen t ..Ime ' d' t '" aooor mg 0 anV Ioes I ""!'!!~!'!"'!!'!'!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!'!~~~!'!"'!~~!!!!!!!!'!'! ijtamped eDvelopes, $53.50; eDvel· LeblADOn aDd Morrow road approved JUs . t 'reoelve< . " b y Comm l S810ne)' ' 0, I opes for .1ll'Veyor, 16 ; Ce-ntral UnioD and o.Jntraot let to CbarJes Hender. I di Aff i V· I " . . ' n an a rs "en Ille. I A Purely ' Vegetable Laxative felephoDe co, ~r?bate, i Ohio son. at estImate of $150. , They 'have inoreased th6ir herdl , Corrugated Cnl~rt Co., tubing, Contract entered , n~ with Olias. of sheep 25 to 50 per oent i have re o Cures Chronic ConstipatioD, and All $15860 i W. H , Antram, s.~mp8'5 ; Lewis for rel ..y1ng atone walla and oe\ved a good prioe for their wool, Liver and Kidney Troubles. John Burnett, bridge work, 1121 i oODorete toes near reliden08 of ~ Ed d h '. Id 1 fitt • . , . an ave 80 near y y per oeDv l Lewis Bro• . & Co" sew?r, pipe and Ohandler OD upper BprlDgboro ~ad more blankets tban in any prevloua FV we at the toJlOWl1IIl places: drayalJe , $10.85; F. B. Carey. repair at estimate of 11'42.40 ' Th tak' t I .,. · k te y8~r. a greah ereto n· Zhnmerman 's, KilboD 's, o f CIoc k i n 1.'".-euorer '8f 0f ioe, ,3 ; "~t vvn rae , eD te re d i0...0 W i ... IoU ~ nn t I ey . are f I mgth . res a so In arm Dg an er . Whi' M t· , Cbarle• . Simpson,· flowers for C. B. Stok61 for conorete repair w1ng and f te a, onD JOY 8 Springfield, Ohio. yard, $9.60; Stale of Ohio VB. Heaa abntmeuUo bridge near Blacktor'd'. ore. • _ ••_ __ on Proctor, George MoLane. Mayor, upper Springboro road at _timate There is still pending in the English ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!'!!~~~!'!





It.o DQru~ BPen08inHamiiton'1'0\\'n8hi. pa~

















I.------------_____________ L· It


IVerl es


The Alpha Chemioal Go.


:!!::!: ~li~~mG:::~, b:.'d-;:b;!,

.fJ!!tract entered into with


0.'B. !~~;;;rtsacase which was initiated The Gazette always has all the news I r

. _--......._....................................... . ;.................. "-'-"".j~ i D~n't walt, we have alll1slze~ now. If i


L!..~~. ~~~~!. ~. :'~~_.~_~:..~~~. ~~_~~. .~~.~~_.J









: .. Boys' 'Knickerbocker Suits $7.50 to $10 values, marked down to ...... · .. · ...e.28 $5 to $7 values, marked dowri' ~o ........... , . ........98 . $3.50 to $4.50 values, marked dQwn to $2 to '$3 values, marked down to ......... ' ~ "'''''''.98

* : ' $2.60to~~~!~!:~:~~~~ . .• . '*'


'** ~~.~:~~ $1~7~e:al~:nm~~k~ d~;;;·t;;:::::::::: .. '1 and $1.25 values, marked down to.. .........


*'*' '•'**'

Boys' ' Knee. Pants ·

,* .

:•*'* *

t1.50 and t2 values, now ........................ · ..... 1.24 II and '1.25 values, now .. " ..... ......... ........... 89c 75c valUes, now !........ ......... ........ ......... ...... Me 50c and 65c values. now ..·.... '......... .... .. ......... 39c 25c va~~hnp:~t.;;·i~~i~d~d.. •................. :.... 190

Men's Trou.sers Choice of '5 to t8 Tro\lSers, marked down to .. j:4.98 Choice oUS.50 to H.50 I I " .. .a.50 Choice of 12.50 to ' 3 " II • .. . . . . 98 Cho:ceoft1.50tol1.75, · ~ .. "'

, .I :



Stra:w Hats Cho!ce o. f all t3 ~ 15 values, n0'IN" ..................n ChOice of all '2 and '2.50 values, nOw ........... .48

Choice of aill 11.50 values, nQw " ~"''''''''. ; .... " . 88c Cho!c~ of all 50c and 75c valu~, now... : ........ " 390





* You have choice of many Blue Sar8a Suits worth $28 and $30, which w~ have just purc~ased from Hirsh, Wickwire & Co, These are without doubt the fi~­ est line of Serges we haie ever l)ad in the house. We also have a fine ' assortment of greys and greens which we bought in this special purchase. .. This s'ale contains our regular stock, values from $20 to $3&. . Sizes from 33 to 40.

. ..




.=*. ......

.:;~~~;;l;;;*.;;;;*~;.: .


You have a choice of many Men's ,a nd Young Men's Suits worth up to $20:

YOIl have choice of thirty ' Men's and Young Men's two and t\lree piece suits

20 ·Per · Cent



J this


All $2.50 and $3 values marked down to ..........98 All $1.50 and $2 values marked down to .. ·· ... 1.3e All Wilson Bros. and Griffim $1 and $1.25 values, marked down to .. .... ........... .. .... 89c All 75c values marked down to .... .. .. ........... 890 All 50c and 65c values marked down to........ 450


$3 All $1.50 and $2 Un!on now .................. 39 All $1 and $1:26 Umon SUIts, now........... .. ... 89c All $1 Silkine values, pnr garment...... ........ 78c

"f,. oIIi



*'ltt' oII



,This Sale Began July · 15-.Con~nues ". O~e 'M~nth, until Auiult-15.•.' .. '



',*,* *' ...

48c 19c '



25c fancy hose, per pair :............... :. ............ l?C. f~n~y ho~, per pair ... ~ ... ; .......... ~ .........


190 '

• .• ~



..... .......

10c 'Handkerchiefs marked down. to

.. .. i.*******':1:*'*'*.** . .•••**•• .





. :. : .: :: I" 89c

' i~ : ::~:~~~:;.£~;i:!i. ~



Hosiery .. $1 and ,1.21) values in silk hose, per pair. ....



:~r~~~t~~:~ ~~.l.~.~i!~~~ ..~~..~~: ...~~~ 8~

All ... All 50c and 65c Balbriggan values, per garment ..... ......•........ :.. ........ .... ~ ... , ...... .All 25c Balbriggan va~ues, per garment.. ....



U~i:~::.:W ...............• ,.88 S~its,.

All $2.50 and




Manhattan Shirts





Men's Furnishings .


i:£ : i *' $11.50 54.98· ii Traveling Bag. Suit Cases -,.i o{+





. •

. . ,




PUbll II Ii We kly

W!'y ncs Ill,



I"'Her I-'- - e --and There·

--:- --- - - - ----: --- - - o~ -- - - ---.- - - - .... ~O ]\lAIN S1 Rl!:l';T ,~

OPPLom ni ALl- E N B


Women lIS WeD as len In lade IlserIble by lldDey Ind Bladdw Tl1IIblo.

SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION The attenti ou of the fll.rmers of


X I ney trOllb Ie. preys upon the mind, the state iSll.galn directe d t.o the d~n. f fir

Stands 'Like a Stone Wall

To;. Lowry , Ii twelve. yeo,r.o ld,boy discotlragesandlessensnmbitioa ; beauty, ger 0 barn es 811 the reliult or Il NO , 1I" vigor a. nd CheerfUl. 8P ontaneo u8 oombu stion in imper. Turn. CaHle" Hor.ts, Hogs-Is Practically Indestructible ' ~ 8mlill expres!\ wagon. He has the ness soon .disappear, j feotly oured hay. The averag e when the kidneys are steerin g Ilppar~tusllbout oomple ted. " D. L. C,Rf\ E, Editor and Manag er I':»~~ out of order or dis- uumbe r of _barn fires In j]m, -'1ta1:.e , _ __ , '-Il-rirt.1tt-t-"'t -t"-1 r-r-t --t-t "-t- t--;r- -t-t=;rlfii~~!!~= eased. -tMtannual ly, due to thl8 cau· e, Is iH Ilnd A glove faotory whiob will give Kidney trouble has the averag e loss Is 11 U89 p'er fire Rates 01 'Subscr iption become so prevaleot e~ployment to some ten or fifteen "'\~~.\Vo_'_ tbat it is not uueom. and thel'e oOllsti tute " about one fifth , On ~YI'IH(ll lrlclly l nlldvan 1:) , .. ", * 1.00 people baa been e8t~blished ......I\. .oI\l;;~ man for 0 child to be of by Dr , all the fires due to sp0nta neous 8Inl( ": o" y" .,. , " ', .. , " bom ' afBic.ted with ,ur. .0 nrmioh ael at Lovela.nd . Quarte rs \\-eak kidneys. lithe oombu stion . have been fitted ap on his premis es chitdurinntestoooften, ifthe urine scalds These, like the great m jorityo f Rates of Advert isemen ts where the work will be out and may the flesh, ~r if, when the child reochesan fires, are preven table by the e~ercise Reading Locals, per line , , , , , , age when It should be able to control the nc be t.akim to tbe homes of the makers . paSSllge, it is yet afBicted with bed· wet· of Int-ellig Readl n g localH. black face, per line, . , 100 enoe a.nd proper oare , ting, depend upon it, the cause of the difli· ClWlSlfled Ada, DOl to exceed five lines. James Kinnib urgh Brown of Edln . cUlty is kidney trouble, and the first hurgh Scotlan d in an addles s some 'l'hree Igeertlon u, , . . ,," ~.. '. " 2fic Potatoe s planted a month ago by step should be towarda the treatment of , Obltu art~li. five Inches rr~~: over fl\' ~ J. ~ , Grove, of Salem, 0 " on ,a half theseimportantorgapa. Thi.unpl~asant year8 ' ago, dleoDss ed this que@tion Buy your new fence for years to come, (~~ I Ih ?i.:. hea vy, wires. tbe In ch es. per line ."", ""' , .. , , , ' 50 110re traot near trouble is due to a diseased condition of and ' quoted , from the t:ioientifio the olty limit8 did the hinge joint, the good gal van izi ng, tbe exactly "vr lerttOI Oa rd of thanks .. , .,...... , kidneys and ,( d quality of stee l bladder and 25c IIOt t to h a t tbat is not too bard nor 100 soft. Retlolutl ons ". " .,,", .' " r.oc no s ow ops, an d upon Inves ti ga- babit as most people suppose. Amerlo~n as follows : . We can show. you this fen e in our slllt:k anJ r:! . ~ u its merits and SoclalHelc. wh cre chu/'lle I ~ made " . , ~;'e tion the planter , found "It i8 noticea ble that a large num. that th,ere Women as well asmena remade miaer· superiority. not only in the rvll but in the field. Come pl a nd see us and gel able witb kidney and bladder trou~le, ber of tbe borning s of barns I)lijpl ay J\ll vc rll ~ lnl!, per In ch" " "' " 10e :were Eubers 11.8 large as ben our llIic:ca, is men , eggs in and both need the same gre.a t rem~y. ' , Dlocouut ti given on co nlraCt, tbe ground , but withou t 'he slsn of The mild ond the immediate effect of tioned by the periodlo a.l press in the I d Swamp -Root is soon realbed. It iuold lIumme r than of BOY 11 sprout. other time. by druggis ts, in fifty. S ' J ULY 26. 1909 • cent and one-dol lar h., ome 0 r t h e fi rea :. are nndou btedl V It will not be wany weeks until size bottles. You may oaused by lightnin g, the moist va, the Day,toD, Lebano n & Clnoin nati have a sample bottle por from the unoure d hay making by mnil free, also a ; There were fifteen executi ons of railroa d will extend into the II . oity of pamphlet telling all a favorab le oonduo tor of the electrio crimina ls in Prussia in 1907, all but Dayton . August 15th is the date nbout Swamp ·Root, "-- . ' _...IIeoI, fiuld. But there are barn fires whioh "'ue of them men. including many of the thousands of testi- oan not be attri buted now set for the oomple tion of 'tho ex monial to lightni ng, to letters received from sufferers CAR WAS DISQ~ALlFIED tention Bnd I,he dawn of a brighte r who found Swamp-Root to be just the lightinC of matohe s, to light from Nearly all )f the fifteen thousan d day for Lebano n oomme rolally, will remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer lantern s, nor to the Invl\sio rIn11a b'ta ts o f· M arc h nell k' h n of care. The big Btoddilr (J , Dflyt,on n utOIll OI n I,rc en, have oome at last. & Co., Bingham ton, N. Don't Will Keep Y., bemake sure Bny lind less t-mYUl mention this paper. th"t thll bile that made the ffl·" tellt time li t ... .... . It moy ~C\l(ony , are engage d in violin making .. 1... u.:t .. ' mistake, but remember the name, Dr. sponta neous 'Combustion of hay is IlB the Cinoln 'lat.i Aut-olll bila oll1 h'. reKilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Some one hundre d dogs ha.ving Bingham fbi th t ton, N. Y., on every bottle. ' "WOR KING" THE PI{ESS poss e as e spon aneo08 fi rIng 0f ent hi1l.olimbin~ oontes t.s at F,'I'" lost their lives by poisone d mellt - ANl)ootton waste. All fibrou8 mllteriaJ, Anoien t , The troph ios were nWllrd ioatter ed about the town Oxford , when moist and oomprellsed. and de tlrl at the club W edn BsdAY and til!'r.' Everyo ody is trying te get lome. has inoited the Americ an of , Do'g Fan. fended from the oooling infiu8n oes were ·big doin gs, everyb ody be !n~ thing for nothing out of the n~W8. oiers' Assooi ation, the Americ an WARR EN CO. SER.PENT MOUND of the outwar d al:" Is sub 4 eo ted to " hn.ppy exoept those interes ted in the paper publish ers. r, J .. Kenne lolnb and the Ohio HumaD e At his hom , :U~ mil e. west of . heating similar to that of fermen ta , oar that was rllied out, The oountr y editor' s mail is load. been known for many Tears tiOD, and in some in~tanoes Lhe de. ~ooiety to offer a. rewllrd of $500 for h It has Wayne . vill e. on tht! U pp r Spring h The protest agtuns t the big Sto d. e d dowhn withf offerds of tn;'eirOh~ndI8e the arrest and oonvloe!on of Rny per. t at t ere walt in A d ams oounty , gree of heat l n exo ange or a ver IS ng spaoe. ill suffiolent to caose dud. Dayton , whloh went up the boro I ike, fo t· t h ' c 'ming seaRon. OhiO, an immen se serpen t done In aotual visible oomb0 8tion BROWN BILL is a goorl g nendTb th ors ..9 f th e~ proposit ' son engage d in tha oruela nd wanton hl n- the hill like a whirlw ind and regiMtered ' gh relief buil'" up of earth T e 10n8 r~oti oe, , , " pur po e horse. oase of reaentl y, oured hay this dan. on the orossin g line at the HniAh are In many 0" ses repnta ble ad ver. p in reptile appare n,tly In motion is tndi ger ia as grell t &a, in similar CLOVE RDALE is one of the bes tolroum . 1 minute 11 seoond s ~nd a. fifth, WRS 'lainga gents.. ' County Commi ssioner s of Olark oa.ted by the convol utions bred of the P ' rche lltanoes ron horses in this se lion , other materi als mlly Others a1'8 well estll.blisbed firms Champ aign, (Jreene and be. b!l.Ked on the oho.rgn th~t this WI1S Madison' body. This has become the proper Freque ntly thu of the country . He is fifteen years grll.8l1 1800t in the a r~olQg oar /lnd not a sto~k oar, that seek by promis es of future bUli. Umiuti es have formal ly II.@ old, deoided to ty of the stato, and lain ~e keepin g early mornin g, and is withou t a blemish . while we' with dew; req ulred by the terms of the tn881 on a oash basis to seoure pub-' Haz!llwood plaoe, l llos ~ owned by of the Ohio Arohllllos:ical and ~lst9r is turDed twioe during the d"y, and F raoe for Oars oosting bet\vee n $3,000 lioity at absolu tely 'no cost ~o them. the late John Kinnan e, . for a tuber. toaI800 iety. It haa been viltted by gathere d and packed in the "mow" and .,4000 in which the Rreat reuord eelve.. Still otherK the founde rs OUl08is hospita l. Thepur ohase price many thouea~ds a:ad exottea the or "bay" \lefore lIighUa )I, with per. was wade, The nrot'est was lodged of new conoer os who desire ,t-o build is $35,000. Belide s a filie brick hotl8e ·liveliest. interes ' at the be~older h!,PI a Ipal'l6 sprinkl ~10.00 ~o insure 8 living colt; mare ing of salt. by Edwar d J ungolas n.nd E A , Conkup &luooesBful tr!lde on the gener. of eightee n rooms they get 8ixty being reckon ed among the moet re Snoh a oompre and colt .eed mlU!tl of fibrOO8, lin: stand as s curlt y. Any o.ity or gu1libi ty,of ~he per aores of land, upon whioh Mr. Kin. martab le of all tbe works of tope moiet ma"er will one parting with mar~ forf i ts the heat." .-publilh er.. ~.------, nane had spent $45.000 tn improv e. monnd builder . It has b~en known insuran ce. "Every bod1 oonver sant With farm Every line of adverti sillg ma.tter munt!! sinoe he bought it t~n A Night years fltr many yearl that here in Warren hfe, wllere hay ill , Rider's Raid. a perman Ihonld be for at regula r ra.tes , ago. ent and , ' , ~ ,rhe worst oounty a few milell down the Mla91 1 import ant crop, knows rlders Bre oalomel that for oroton oll or night 'rhls, of course , d(~es not apply to the aloell pills , They from Morrow ,- there was an earth weeks after letting in the hay the your bed to rob you of rest . oompii montar y notioes of regular DR. H.E. HA'f HAW AY A tel'1'ible aooiden t almo.' oc- work of very conside rable lize and barn tl warm when the doors "are witb Or. King's New Life Noteo patron e whioh are inser~ed once or ourre<f on the Dayton alld PHIs. Xenia length, which wo:ond with many opened in tbe mornin \ : A.V'!1e ville 's Lelidin g Dell tlst l. There is They nev~r distreBs ,or incou venieno e _wioe a year. I Traotio n Jine Thorsd ay mornin g, oorvee from ihe margin but always Office oleansA in Keys Bldg. the, of system a little an amonn t of heat tbat i8 absolnt elv . Maio 8t The newspa per publisl ier Is not in when the ~ 0 'oloot car IBto ouring Colds. Hea.daohe. Cortstipa. Xenia oreek, near where " enters the Little anplea aant when the thermo mett\r tion. Malari a, 250 . bnsine l. for hil health. . If poblloi ty oame ~ear ,plungip~ into at Fred the LUtie lliamt over a seetlo,n of leoond river on&llide recilte rl 60 degree s, bu, ~hwartz'8 , lit 'worth '&nytli lnl:to ,the man who MIami river at the' bridge near Tre- bottom abont --------50 fee' down to. tIle whlob is quite weloom e with the oui. eeeka It, It Ie wOTth paying for, and belnl. , As the oar oroesed the bridge margin of the s oreek 8ev~,al side temper lanre HEISS ' TROUB LES ENDED at 40 degree l. the editor wbo tan. to oolleot What one of, 'he hellvy girders .nappe d, hundre d f~e' further up ,t he strea'm :}'bis barn beat ia undoub tedly from Is due him will' Deve~ g~t ou In Ule d.nd BlI that lavell it from droppi ug Tbll earthw oIk had~b In ",thf" tille moid hay-;-oom pacted aad enAs a result of the h~he!l.S oorpu8 rld .-Exoh ange. into the river fifteen or twen'y feet couree of time vt.lted by many, but: cloeed. The onre for 'he possibl e prooee dings JUdgs Clark, of Leba. • - .. below, was the faot that it waa run. the ground wal covere d with trees, danger <If possibl e spontan eou8 barn non, Thur8~ay handed down his de. life JOO,OOO ,Years Ago. ning at a high rate of lipeed,'a nd the b08hes, weed8 and grasl to suoh an bnrnln g 'WOUld seem to be the thor, cision that the a.uthor ities of Scienti sts hll. ve found in a oave in momen tum carried it over tbe 1\10 Al.L Pi\1TER NS before extent that it was not agreed tbat anKh ouring -dryln rl' ght ,r t' ,I IlI'tu ~oI I ... /. ), 11', I""f... t r,t ~ It , 'licil ,u- I g-of the hay 1HI- Childre n 'a Horne,no leaul Switze rlllnd bones of men" who lived the structu re could e.n tirely .... "' ..,Ii d,BJty , i,",;'}j r "'' oollaps e. the earth wor,k repreee n,t ed a serpe~t , fore it II honaed . H'i. ,'4 .l ia I *{ :. I , refnae the oustod y of Ohrlstl' no . We dry all our .~ 100,000 yearl ago. when , 1lfe.w~8 in c ,,'rr d ,y AIO I.l tI'" 10 i,. Il ,~ 1;'\, 01 1.,1\'" u I .v l ':l n .lI11, o r } '\I illHtt I "C," Jt has been of late t~orougbly ex herhe aDd some of our 'r·o- .,,, I I t l' ' l vegetab les and Mary HeiSt! to their father, oonsta nt danger from , wild beasts, ''''Y Mil ... ,,,,d,,', :" ".d ! ., h w ;)1,,10'1> • Today the danger , IUJ RlIown by A. ' W..h ile excava t inR f, or a sewer "mined . The RrooDd , beln" now wlthou d Me \ L ~ 'S ~ ;\:;,1Z:r m " " injurin g their peculia r' and Henry Beiss, and thl! oourt: ted h 'k Brown , of Alexan der, Me, i8 large, North Sonth stroot, Wtlmin on 1 a warde 111 or,· m h " rl ", .. , ' h,i n n"v " Ih r f. h i ., gton, 88S obstruo ,t e earl.hw or oan Individ•ual qnaUti el. Thore ill no t "e Ol18tody of the t ..n ,o little '"0lrl"'-" ,~o ,r. ~ "1;I ",· "I n I'. "." IO ,"n l·,. 1 '1\,·:".IH~ . J ., ,. ly froDl deadly disease . ''It it bad Ohio, workm en came upon I , - 11 • t-:k", J II" I li lt . the reo be more readily examin ed. It is de re&80n why hay as' 'f ill " iU" , "" Umer '. (,bln "'10\ ll\~1 f:lIt, . "l.ct1ltl ", ol l. \ J ~ll jJfdl u·.~ ln · i f tb er, WOOl other fodder mao tb era not been fol' Dr. King's New Disoov. maIDs of II. oordur oy road h k t th h ) . eln orn e , .1 '4 <"" ,o, goo ' ,,] <I;" '"" ' . , , ' ~. () ,,'v fill IlIII ,• • whioh olded by oo~petent author ity that it terial standin g ' This in decisio Illrge n oame maMes a. vindiOu}L'" f"" rlh fl,,,,Iold . In hldl " IT. " 1"" :rY'e ~:~h" ~~r~rl::"~:~:!~n:~! more tha~ Sixty yearl ago . , ! \u h~ r e)It' tl' Hluy , O r' sen d f (1r sn mplc" " Urrn ~allaid reprel!enta a I!erpent wlthon t doubt, Ihoold not be rendere d not 808oept. tion of the acts of Hei@sI1Sa.nd COlly. I a~ld troth a severe ' lung troubhi with timber s out from theadJ his at, ~ ( : ;::; P:J L I O(JCEM EN'fS oioing in whioh dec'.io n the writer of this ,ble to thelnfl uenoes I, "e" l~, 1'0 <11<1 b ri ll':" PfrJu inm UI!I.l()~ .. of heat by thor. to rney MIl"!on · H"wilt on who r and stubbo rn oough ," ..Te onre woods and..erved to keep :uul It \\' ~ 'n h J Hl\~t: Ol fol"!;. vehiole s fully .oononr s. lbl size ia fully np OURh drying ." JHlch c."fI oeutly took the childre n from the . E le AU. C .. 2JH 10 2111 W.l'<tllSt Sore Lunge, Oolds, obstina te Uoughs trom sinking inio the mire ' .. NEW YOU of prime. to thEl Adam. ooun'y serpen t-1300 The foregoi ng but mildly states Home Ilnd were lll.ter arreste d and I ~~~~~~ and preven t .Pneum onia, its the best. val da'y s' 'l'beee logs , were ~~~ ~~~ of ~~~ oak feet or more. medioi ne on earth , 500 Rnd '1.00, . &he.danger ,of fire from this source. bounc:1 over to the grand ju'ry for ' Guaran teed by Jrred O. Sohw~rtz. hlokor y,alh, arid other A t Uhl i i i e ' lie t varietie s! par 0 I mage I n xoe n A wrikr in &he publica tion above kidnap ping. 'the court's otloision Trial bottle free : ' ' and were Imbedd ed four to five feet conditi on,' and lies in a woods puture quoted bears perlon al wUnes s to the proved that " • - • the officeu of the 'I nstl. Unde rtake r and below the sudaos of , the presen~ but par' of it is i~ a field,_w hloh hal truth oUhe folto"t n,, : tution oonld not ltlgally refuse to al· 1-~-- .IU."IlILL~ALLEY CHAUTAUQUA maoada mized street Throug h thele been under .onltiva tion to I,o me',ex. A field of h~y had been cut in the low Heiss to take hie childre n from Withon t a doubt this has been, long years ~~ey have remain Will be found in the oid ed hi tent , It. oould with little expen.s e mornl nl and a storm ooming up it the. home, and in that OBse ,Heiss I Bnnk ' Buildin g. opposi te f t ' th ditio most of money per blaoken ec or oon labor, ed d of howeve ill n, h be r, be re:' 'was hastUy raked togethe r In piles nor his attorne y oould be guilty of h u t" an w the Nu.tionnl Ba,nk . t rougo e , d II th h ' ". em oonr8e, an a exoept e &8 , solid stored to ita origina l oonditl on, and and covere d to protect it from the kidnap ping. Telepb ne in house itnd of, lucoesl f u I an d en t er t a inlng .. II· fi ... " e' ver held nn the Miami Val,ley , fi ee wll er I can be oolled and rm. B Itr k on t h e hic .. bl, ory logs it II hoped it ~1ll be purcha lled by rain. rhe followi ng day tbe work. The oaae was fraugh t with ; much " day IIr night. ObautauqnaGr oundA . The 550 tents re ""i .... 0 ed I'".11 nat urlAI shape , • w Ith a 11 the state, and be forever preserv ed men on pa.llng throUl h the field interetl t, owing to t1ie promin enoe ing ridge8 and sears of natlvit V u.llay y. I:'hone 14-2. from damag . e. In Wi800n sin ~nd_ Ilotioed ' that the bay was hot, ..nd of those engage d in it, W . U. Thomp .re a II oooup ie d ,~n d more are be -. ' __ ~ other distrlot s 'here are many" ani. one (If them lugg6ll Main Street, ted fuat it might Bon represe nted the trustee s of the Waynesvilla, Ohio ~ltohed datly., The hotels and oat '. Sees Mother Grow Young. mal mO«Dds," so oaned. r",pres ent. ~ hot enough to Ignite a matoh. tJoma while Ruuya n II.nt.1 Stunley 18lle8 are ,aooom modati ng thOle who "It would be hard to oversta te iDg animal s ,birds, reptl1ee eto., bud~ Anothe r droppe d a matoh in OD8 of worked with Mr. RlI.milton in the {\ono~ oare for oamp life. From the wonde rful ohang einmy moth, in the same way. These are not oon, thepUe s and. they paned on, In interes ts of Mr . Beiss , the firet day the servloe s have been ~r since she began to O8e Eleotri o fined to Wiscon sin, buS are more five mlnut . from 'he time they len well attende d and are muoh enjoyed . Sitters; I f writes Mrs. W.L, - - -+ -""''1-- -Gilpat freque nt there 'han el8ewh ere. tt, the hay was a blaze. Tempe ranoe ' Day was obBerved rlo~, 70~ ~tifortb, M~. t"tltho WAYN ESVIL:LE CH URCHE S. ulh It is well known that seIpen t wor·' And thltJ in an open field How laet Tuesda y by the W , C, :r. U .. 'yOu!gea~e:tr::.s. r~~eYsu~e:e~r~:.. ship in 80me torm or otber hft8 pre. mnoh morel1 ablethe refore, Is spon aDd hundre ds were presen t and lis told' miser)" from dyspep sia for 20 veiled among prlm"i ve man from taneou l oombn stion to take plao" teDed &a splendi d tRIa by )Ir8 , ye~rs. , At last she could Orthodox Friends Church . neither a time a@ far baok &8 hil'tory or tra where 'htl hay is paoked in large .,Florence Rlohar ds, Nation al Lectur: eat, driDkdnorllslt~ep.',...~IDooftoirls Rev. Benjami n .CawkluM. I'ulilor. dPtvilel dltioD reaohe l. The Aztecs of Mexl , qoantit ll!ll lD a barn where little air RQbbath Soh0\11, U :30 a, 11\, Ktll(ular ul)urCh Union her up an a rem.,.. el a e ., ' ar an d U rgao Izer 0 f "b '. e Hervlce. 10;30 u , 10 , Cbr18tla n Jl:mlcavor. ad ' Eleotri o Bit.ters worked suoh woo co and the Mn.yas of Yunata n carv can olronla 7 : :~o p. Ill. te. Bound~ Orohes tra furnish ed },lappy ders for her health ." They Invlg. the froDts of the!.r stone templts8 in , 'The simple remedy soggee uter.l nmen t for save~al days. ted orate all vital 'Organa. oure Liver to the images of immttn l8 serpen t", above,ll eully applied . And if the Hlcksit e Friends Church . Hon. Wll1h,m JenDln gs Bryan and Kidney tronble t', induce sl~p. tn very high relief, whloh were as farmer s of the .tate Fil'!ll Day Muelhl l{. 111 :0'0 a, IU, ~'lr8~ Day wUl take heed .poke 'ruesdayhafterdDhO?n, J nty 27t~, ~~t:~' ;~:dDS~~:~::::.:~t , 11 ; 0(1 a. I!I. F'ounb Day l\I\lc\ l n g e. Only imperis hable as the heavy masob ry aDd live thla lna"er the attenti on tt School 10 :00 a, Ill, and thousa nds ear 1m. , . __ '. ,n pon whloh they were oarved . The deeerve il, epontaneoU8 combn A l1ahdlnmo l,. llin,lroln" "001<',., . r,.nrol~ 001. Robert Glenn, Goveno r of 601uU n n o f o n, fl lUl c J'Iurlinl. il'UfW.!'I'"0/,· atlon BOTH ALIKE nationa l emblem rlJl." ",o"tlo •• '~ Bold b,,,n n8"~d",,I8r•a. , of the Chine8 6 is 88,a caule of barn fir81 should oeaae North Carolin a one of the . b611t ,Christ ian Church . a ~ragon I~ ,allo of the JaPl'n8 lle t.o figure In tho fir" ItatiSti Ol of the . SllndllY Sohool. Co.a8'~rOBd*IJ. " U I d at te ' 0 :30 B. m .. Soclill m eet known mea in the Brauch Omell. 626 F St .. Wn--.lnKh·", D. , . n te . ,a s, :t'he new~ style tramp , Ohio ~re Marshal'e: Depart ment. lng, 10::10 Il. /1'1 . , anel hal&ed the JOlt as ,the ICngUs h hl\Ve Chrlallan their Endca\'o lion, ~ ' :,)OIlN-:W . ZUBJDB, ' CIL"e an adtlres s Thursd ay attt:r, pedestr ian. ' 7 :00 p, m and the UDi'~ States the eagle, aDd ' S'a*-' Fire Marsha l, ' Ilopn. 'l'liere are many interes ting ClSir, ,. 8aid he, ' holding oat his the Anatrta Ds the double headed -- • ' lecture s ..~d enterta lDmen ts " whtoh ~nd! "thts is ~. pleaau re f\.LTER M.cCLURE, . Meth04 ist Episcopal Churc~. A I 40 not eagle, ·eto. , AiN'.T: THI$ U >AWFU 11 t pleale ~ MABe l? , Rev. W. t t T. b IlIlIand. Palltor. , ..,nno a . o . It 18 prob bl '11 • wan i) e.h or t:-"' t was co· Ii a e Fune ral Sundaj School. 0 :30 a . m , Nornll11! 8~ r · Direc tor ., . , ~e OinoinnattN~rtbern Traot~oD ClNelth , "' . . ' . , ' . .!, vlcel ,e r do.I," repUed the pedes. Iideruel the sy.mbo8l "1'''"",0 10 :80' a. m. 'Ep~orth Lell8'le. 7 100 P ' ,. ot 'he "villp in,t , • Wh6t:t nu8II 't1\e h~rllsl~ ca~riaae m. l!l;venlDg whioh main '-IDS 'a thirty min~tl'l ,trian, palling oil, ," bui it 'il lIer, v lce. ';' :30 p. m.' Ml<lweo,k better to DO' at ,he good i aDd $haC, 'the weir., . ,~o t, ' , , IOhednle frOm' Day'toD to Cfnoin natl, be short In lpeeoh than .n Prlyer Meetlll¥. 7 :30 p , m. pocket Ihlp ~as of a IiIOrt'of DegaUVe ' ohal'. " Bultli eell limply 'rrelt:lphona day or hl~M. t&~~' . to?" 'laDIlI Y1AIlAADgerl o~ '~e Bround l.' bcok. Qet ou\ I" , . , .' aO&ar, ao effort to avert evil ...ther .··N9•. DO, ,my ohl~d. it onl1108 Val~ey phone No. 1, ..--11 , St. Mary's Episcopal Church . ''!'be Chauta uqua atfords lOme'ht ng .\.nd the "new·. 'Yle "-mp ~ho' o't than to acquire good Distano e .No,, 69:-l)r. . .... .. Wbe , gif. or b18l8· ' .'Rev. J. F . Cadwalla eler. Rectot\, n i.haod ,Qeltbe r. .,erin., ' ....reati.g to~ all., YOOlll aDd old, bls head' in dteru~&. ' lou 'Sund a, Scbool. 0:30 ... m Mor'nlo~ Her' lop, ' T \ J~ B. , 1*8Ilri DI. ~terlDI, I8DdID~ &0 ytc:e, IU:30 a. m, HOi), Communloo ~loh andpoo raJlke, ' A ,vaoatio Dcan • ibe IIrst WAYN ESVIL LE. • -. , ~b.prapfj)fUO$1Jer~~eQr, 8I1Dd. ,0' eacb month. Ilot be but befefloial to the I*IOD " Branch OlBee, Barny sbul'l' . O~ An ,inveSti gation of the' boy work- .... Christian Endeav or meetln w fa . , oalllDg the an depal't iUal, o~ st. ,&"_,,,_, CatfioUC __ .... '-48. of &he dellBb . 01 the ers of London Ch reb ahows tbattb e n8W8- op8aed in &.. Pul. and Preitldent e6er., uetrJl Dltold lItDO eb., ..-._ 1 MYOP.. . . • p U • J lbo)'aare the healtbiaatand the Mkera Clark Ub ,f or ,a lIlemb8nb1P 0( W...s tldD«, ~U U" Ul7 ~: ar:t::~=DCl !::,oe~ri~::':Ua u . . . . . . . .lIaaa1dMUl... OJal~.leut 10. " 1,000,000 bJ 18U. ........ .. .1T ~it.'* I t:ot... . . ' .. ' Ar.r;"Y

'l·g I_ l~ PIiONJr.

o f Mason, is buildin g II.n.(\I'nto of ,


---- :--- ---- !--- --




H Usi~i'~ ~':" ""~~ ~b'~~~~ille '. JOHN

------_...- - -


Bro wn Bill ' Clo verd ale


. ..






















New Ynik c:






By. thL!! ttme he hd reaehl!4 'the outskirts of the crowd wblch be .found ass mb]ed In the market . pIa e, ond with won(1er and surprise he. pressed D. L, ~RANE. ,his way throug!1 to the sput where a OIllO, Ulan s tood reading. WAYNESVILLE, "Wbat! You, Lyolus ?" be elt· ~e.D.. SOD 0' $II'Aoh. r lalm ed ' In \ {lmazemerit. " How oame Edoleth Them. That l<tdnaped glrl who r elurned you !lere? Aud what , art thou do.AN ANCIENT QNE. of ber own accord should claim the lu g ." BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYW~Y" $6,000 I' wal'd. "Li sten, and ' tbou ' shalt beor," reM, Hameiln, the pOlice magistrate PREACHER pI! d the IlIRn, enthUSiastically, as .he of Paris, was tbe Victim of ,a ven rabj 8~ When "'=:'I;;ll:=a=u7to=lll=o~b;:;:!I7'iS=t:'!s='1 orn tbnt n nln took up the scroll ' and pOinted practical joke on April 1. It began a reckl ess JOY rIde genera lly means o ut over the eager, upturned fa ces In the ' early morning wIth tbe ar· death so some one? Based on the Apocryphal Book of before hIm. rival at his reSidence In tbe Avenue May be up on Mars t il"""Yi-egard the EcclesIasticus. "Ah, I see. Thou hast zleverly Henri Martin of several carts of coal, enrth liS Buch small potatoes that tbey stolen a ma r b on me," r eplle,! J esus, followed by a continuous processIon A Prolol:'lIe to the Book of El'cl sl/l.SUnever look thIs way. CUJ;,- Thls J csus WQ.II the lion of Blrach, not at all displeased, lOr ha"e just all day of other vehicles conveying and grandchild to Jeaua of the same come from the house of tbe guvernor unorde'r ed goods...:. five News thnl the fur crop bas II en a name with him, This man therefore, and had ask d him to arrange lor a similarly planas, Jars or cod llver oil, halDS, min· failure In t he rar west Is not worryIng lived In Ihe latter Ilmea, , ofter tho people had been led away captlvo, and called gath-erlng at the people In the 1Ilarket eral waters nnll vegetab]es-whlle the womell of tbe east, homo again, and almost aCter all the place that we might do the very thing among the vIsitors whose servloes The "" ny oC the smuggler, when he prophets, Now hIs grandfalher Jesus, which you are now doing with such were supposed to be required were himself witn esseth. wae a mnn of an embalmer, a masseur, an underis found out. Is tuUy liS bard as that os grent diligence and wisdom among the good rcsults," of tb ordinary transgressor, "Yea, I could not let the storll8 ot taker, aud half a dozen pedicures. AI· Hebrews, who did not only gather the grave and short sentences ot wise men, the beroes of larnel go unused. See togeth er 322 vehicles orove up to tbe Unfortunately th e crop of peach tha t had been before him. but himself how the people enjoy them," arod be· house lu tbe course of the day, Amid basltet ]Iats has not been In tbe least also ultered some of hIs own. full of un- gInning at the point where the Intel' the confus ion M, Hrunertn went quiet· derstanding and wisdom. When therespOiled by the frosts of criticIsm. tore the first Jesus died, leaving this rupUon had come he continued to fin· ly to presIde as usual at Ute pollee almost perfected, Siraeh hla son re- Ish tbe scroll which a tew daya btlrore court.-London Dally News, Oh , well. dand elions are suoh pretty ,book ceiving It n.fler him. lett It to his own things that It's a sbame to get a Bon Jesus, who having gotten It Into his he had written. Particular About the Butter. "And Is that all 1" they asklOd, 'a a be backacbe dIgging 'em out of the bands complied It all orderly Into one "Ma wants two pounds of butter ex· volume. and called It Wisdom. entitling finished r6ndlng. lawn, tt by both his own name, his father's Lyclus turned inquiringly towaI'dll actly like what you sent us last, It name and hIs grandfather's. It conWnIt ain't exactly like that she won't Often a man will think very little eth wise sayIngs, dark S~Ylng8, dark sen- J esus, and noting by his ned that he of the hereafter until his tIme comes tences and parables, and certain partlou- would not disappoint the people, ho take it," said the small boy. The grocer ·turned to his num erous to dIe, and tben he can think ot notb· lar ancient godly stories ot men that lifted his yolce and spoke to the as· pleased Ood: also his I).rayer and Bon 1:', ing else. customers and remarked. blandly: sembly. sayIng: ThlB Jesus did Imitate Solomon, and W IlS "Some people In my busin ess don't "Jt Is all I have, but Jesu"3 tho soh Exis tence of one "popular" song can no le8& famous for wisdom and lenrnlike particular customers, b\lt 1 do, Indeed 0. mnn of great lng, both being at Sirach Is here and wW tell 'thee lt's my delight to serve lhelll and get be forgiven for preventing a "big learnlnc and BO reputed also, more concernIng th e heroes ' of Israel:' them wbat they want, I will attend time" tor the physician and the un· dertaker. "Who was the successor at Moses 'f " to you In a moment, IItUe boy." hegan J esus, reading from the scroll GEMS FROM THE BOOK, "Be sure to get the same kInd.': Turkey ::;k:=n=e=w==s~h=e=co=ul~d~ not pos· he bad taken from his bosom. "Was said the boy, "1 lot of pa's relations slbly get a worse Rultan tban Abdul It not J esus the son of Nave, who Is vis iting at our house, and ma If thou ' halt under~tandlng, H'amJd, and the masses, therefore, we~. was valiant In wars. HoW great doesn't want 'em to come again," anlwer thy neighbor; If not, comed a cbange. glory gat be, when he lifted up his lay , thy hand upon thy mouth.· ===== hands, and stretched out hIs sword No Reason at All . Be not called a whllperer, A New York jury valued a broker's against the cl Ues! Did not the s~" He-The major Is going to be mar· and lie not In walt with thy teeth at $1,000 each. With talse ones go baok by bls 'means ? ,and was not rled again, tongue, costing only $20 a set ' some one can one day as long as two? T,h e Lord , She-Why, wben bls wire died be Pride II the begInning of lin. knock out all ot ours. gave strengtb also unto Caleb, which said that the light of his life had gone FOl'lake not an old friend; remained with him to his old age, so out. ' Now they say the meat packers are for the new II not comparable that he entered upon the high plac-es He-There's no reason wby be gOing into the business of manufactur· to him. of the land, and his seed obtained It shouldn't strike another match, Is Ing shoes. It would be just like them Bear not hatred to thy neigh. for an Inheritance. And concernin. there? . ' to hog the w~ole thIng. bor for every wrong; and do the judges everyone by name, whosd nothing at all by InJurloul Astronomers are DOW basing their Startling. hearts departed not trom the Lord, practice.. , hopes. 9n the auumptlon tbat Mars 18 "Yes, ou.- table is al,w ays up to let their' memory be blessed. Samuel, He that touchetho,' pltch Ihall 'lUI well advanced in ,telescopes as It "We the prophet of the Lord, beloved of date," boasted the landlady. be defiled therewith; and he appeats to be in 'canals. the Lord. established a kingdom, a~d have thos'e beautiful red candles on. It that hath fellowlhlp with a aiiolnte'd princes over \llii people. An.d at supper time." proud , man Ihall , be like unto Great Bd==ta~l~n=b~a~s~e::;:i~ta~b~lI==sh~d "Oandles tor supper!" gasped We after him rose up Nathan to l'rophecT him. ' tns))(,ctlon bureau after t.he ~merlC&n In the time of David. 4s Is the tat pr08~ctlve boarder. "Madam, do you A fool will upbraid churlllh· plan. It has stfU to learn the value ' taken a way from the peace offer.lng, think I am an EskImo?" Iy, and a gift of the envioul con7 , of strict pure-food laws: however. .so was David choseD out ot the chO.Iumlth the eyea. 8AGE ADVICE. dren of Israel. He played with Han, Learn before thou Ipeakeet. , A Norwegian InventQr sends typeas with kids, and with bears as with Go not after thy IUlt.. but reo Writing by wireless. ' I~ the past only lambs. Blew he not a giant, when he fraln thyaelf from thine appe· the thrflling glances ot the ' blonde was yet young? ' And dId he not t¥e tltel. , ' . tJplst could be sent In thIs ma~ner. away reproach from the people, when He that II halty to give credit be lifted up his hand with tl1.e Itone One difference between high and I. IIght·mlnded. In the sling, and beat down the boast· , loW SOCietY Is ' tbat the domestic dis· , .He that can rule hi. tongue tng Goliath? For he called upon the cords of' the former end I.n the divorce .hall live without Itrlfe, most .high -Lord; lind he gave ,b lm court and ot the latter In the po. , AI an arrow that _tlcketh In . lice court. strength 10 ,his right band, to slay toe a man'. thigh, 10 I. a word mighty warrior, and set up the horn within a fool'a belly. . Anything, that will teM to m'a ke Ice ot his people." A man'. attire, an exce .. lve cream healthy and harmless should be A shout went .. ul~'roln-~~~~~~~~ laughtlr, and galt, .how· ,what welcomed. It my allo be to as he spoke of David. I he . tab recognitlo~ of tile fact that you ot the tavorite stories with tbem. Wlldom that II hid and tre .... ~an't gauge the purity of . soda water, "Yea, we know him," they cried. ure that I. hoarded up, What by the fizzing,: noise ltmakell. . "And dost thou know bls son?" profit II In them both? ('Solomon? Solomon!" tbey crIed. Better II he that hldeth hi. There seems to be al) Increasing "Yea, and he was a wise son, and folly than a man that hldeth hll tendency to restriqt' athhiUcs at col· wlldom. ~ reIgned In a peaceable time, and ;wall leges andunlverlltles In tavor o~ h~onored by God, for he made all Quiet A wlae man will hold hll ' schol~t1c work. ,As if any Interest around him, . that he m·l ght bUild an tongue till he aee oppo~unlty; would be taken tn .t he higher eduoa· house In his na~, and prepare hla but a babbler and. fool will reo tlon with record-~reak1ng teams and gard no time. sanctuary tor ever. And the coun· championship trophilla cut out of th, tries marveled at 'hIm tor the lIongs A ta'ie out of lealon II al curriculum. and proverbs 'and parables, and In mourning: but Itrlpee ===~ Johnny-The bOS8 said that you It 'w as announced tn the Belgaln and cor",ction of wlldom are terpretations, but he did lltaln hla parliament ' that tbe governmen~ baa never out of time. honor and pollute his s.e ed so tbat hili would 'pay this little bill to-day. DO power to atop King Leopold trom .Mr, Hunks-You mustn't believe, ail sin brought the wrath of th,e ~~Lo.rd selUng works of art, treasures, etc, upon the children of, Israel. And ~e 1)eople tell you. Tfle pro~pec~howev,, ·'. of getting rl~ ,kingdom was divided. And-" THE 8,TORV. <F9r :rltl ... . of the old monar,c h • j voluntary reThe voice of Jesus the son of , Si· lJonl's comIns here to hunt, tirement ought to strl1l:e the people as Hm Interest which LYCIUS had mao· rach broke. Saiiness filled his 'h eart Count F,lpanced. no !I~ubt. by' money- .hark., a good return on the ' Inves~ment. Hested In the great men ot Israel as he realized the decUne of the onoe And he will find lUI he opce fouod That helre.. e. are ClI1llY mo~kB; bad sUrred the heart ot Jesus the SOD tavored naUon. It hall beell discovered that "1m" ,,;' ot Slracb, and l1uring the days which ~ and though the people sinned "Yea, aUng trunks" with '.lse bottom8 are Getting 'Ready for the Opera .. manufactured In Parts expressly tor followed , their conference In the gar- God did ' simd his prop~ets t~ turn "Aren't you ' ready, dear?" be callel] the A.m erlcan trade. One of these, den he ,had given himself up to much them 'back 10 him. He sent Elias, , , belongltlg to a wealthy Boston wom· thought and researcb, digging up the the prollhet who came as a fire, his , upsti!-'rs. "Not qultt!," was 'the wlfe'8 repl,.. dusty old scrolls of the history ot his burned as a ' lamp. Elias It word an, was ' leized by the ~ustoms oMcera t'lt ought not to ,take TaU so 10llg to In New York and found, to conceal people and runnIng through them with was who was covered wltb a whIrl- pul your , hat on." , . wind and EUseus was filled with his ,3,00'0 worth at handsome gownl, This new Interest and eagerness. . "I'm not going to wear any bat." "I believe Lyclus was right when he spirit. Whilst he lived he was not 8hows that tbe Q\1lckenlng ot the nB"Well, It ougtit not to tti ke yOU' 11<1. ,tl.onal conscience, ot which so m,uch said that It was wrong not to give moved with the presence of any Is being made, Isn't Quite swltt enough theae records to the people. What If prlnQe, neither could any' bring him long not to put one on!"-Yonkera the .most of them then would be un· into subjection. But for all t~ls the Stateam",n. as yet. mOTed by them, there are stm a tell' people. repented not, neither departed From Dlffere)1t Viewpoint.. None but the brave deserve the tall', who would be helped and Inspired they from t~elr sins. And we have Anxious Moth'8r-I cannot t permit and Cupid has always taken peculiar by the memory of those who had fallen upon evll days," concludeli dellgbt In mating Ute embryo naval wrough't . splendidly with God." Jesus. "Oh that these examples of you t6 have such late callers. It wal He had been busy writing and had old might tum your hearts to God and atter 11 o'clock whim Mr. Huggins and military heroes with fall' brides, Hen'ce, the recent order that mldsblp- let his stylus fall from his hand while make thee reaUze that trouble arid af· left last night. Pretty, Daughter-Why, mamma, I men must not marry during the six sP61lking to hlmselt. Then, picking t1lctlon come In the wake at wrong don't Bee how you can class Mr. Hug· years ot 'thelr course .Is a solar plexus It up and placIng It wltb the parch. doing," . , for the little bUn. boy, wblle as for ment he had been working upon, he "Amen and amen," exclaimed Ly- gfniias a hite caller. It was only 7: 30 .whe~ 'be came. '. ' the pre'~ldent, whO signed the b111, arose 'wlth an a.l r ot determInation as ' clus. parting so many fondlY beating hearts, though some new purpose had come And as he and Jesus walked home~ Waited Evenh;g, , he will be denounced by scores at to him and walked with strong eveD ward after the gr'e at meeting, the for· First Music '. CrIUc~I ,wasted ' a , ' pouting rosl lIPI as "a mean old strides back towards the olty. mer said: ' , ' whole evening by going ,to that new thing," He sought out the governor and told "I am glad I camB- and have hea~d pianist's ' concert lasi' night! , ' , him all that was In his heart, and as of the heroes ot thy history. Now do Mr. Wu, who Is the Chinese minis· he was leav.lng he asked: Second Muslo Crltl~Why? I know that there Is blessing In fol- " First Music Crltlc~I:ils plaYing was ter at Washington, Is also the ac"'And thou wilt be there?" lowing tbe ,Lord." credited representati"" of bls govern· aboye ~rl.tlclsm I-Judge. "Yea, and others ot the household "Yea, I am glad, too, and that thou ment to Peru.. He II going to tbat with me." countrY to present bls credentials, and hast encouraged the gathering ,of ~he AI Amended. The steps of the scribe were now people. ' May It be for ',their' 'K?od." Incidentally will open negotiations Hr., Wite'-Cb~ll'lty covers a multi· towards the market·])lace ot directed looking to the establishment of diplotude 'Of SIDS, tl1eysay. I ' matic r elatttms betw'e en China and the ·ct'ty, whlthel' the people were , Her ' H~Bband-Yes, . It certainly wont to gather when any matter ot New RUI.lan Temperance Law. otber South American countries, Ttlls 'when it beg'!u. at Russlawm have a temperance meas. does-e'specJally Is Indicative or Chlna's new and pro- ·speclal Importance was to be ' dis· iiome. ,: ; : '. gressive policy: And Mr, Wu may be ::ussed. , . ure well worth while, It the ' l>roposa~ ~........!;--:.--L. "I will so a.od s ee that the place ' III ' now under ' dtsc~ssloll passes '. Ule counted on as a potent factor In ex· Home Herald, ' tending Ohlnese relations with can· In readiness against the gathering ,of douma, saYIi temporary nations, .llie people thIs evening. And we will ~o' re$trlct the consumption give thl! people a message , t\lat per.' of In.t oidcatlng l1Quors by; increasing, ===== The , Brltleh admiralty Is planning haps will stlr them to better UVlng. the capacity ,of ' the smallest meas~e guv,.,or, . I "what wJ11 be the greatest I)aval dis·, But I must .find !Jclus," he sald,' sud· ",hlch oan ·be .sold ' to one·fortieth of lit ,,' play In th~ blstory of tbe worill. Three den]y r emomberlbg tha,t be Qad Dl)t kJlderkln (about 'one·half gallon) 8Ji~ hUJldred 'and ,fifty ships, built tor every seen h1m all day. ti,e was about to reducing tlie, n'uint>er cit plaoes where I ' .',' 8tlll Fighting. '. 'bl'ancli of naval servl~e. have been or· hlrn back In 't he direction pC his lIq\~O~ can be, t)b'ut4t. Tll~ I,rlhablta~ts Church-D'id you~have any l'etatlves dered to assemhle for a month or sham home, ,when voices from the qlreetJon of 'villages are 'aillo glve~ tbe, prlvlle'ge III J;evoiu onary war? " tlJhtlng. The sc'e~e at the' demonstra· ot ' the ml,lrket plac~ drew h[s atiell' to close e;dstlng ,p ublic houses and t<l Gotham-I don't: know; .but I've! got tion bas not b(\eJt announced, but It Is Uon. prohIbit the openl!! of new , t'nea t iwo coualns Inter~sted 10 th~ D. : ' beUeved It wUl be ott the ooast or " I will gQ first and "ee w.ha,t there wblle tbe lOcal cOllnc ra lJlay restrlcl war!~Yonkerll Statesman. Scotland. Wherever 'these 8blj)s may ,fa that ,Is,' gol~g on there, and will the hours of sale. It ts not knoWll as 8II.eml;lle. the maneuvering wHl con- tbeh. find Lycll!s, for he would be yet how the- doutpa wJll line up OD tt1t\ite exhibition of strensth and ~eaUy ,cheered to k1!0w , that his the proPosition, but the trlenda or the .alcfeDCf of application sucll as baa suggestion Qt a tew days ago Is measure are cll;eered,' by Q\e fljlt, that _nr before WeD wltDesai4 on aD)' being acted upon," he 8a1d to him· the council of alate b", deell!ed U. ..11 u lUI walked ~.... favor. .

The Mia~i Gazette







i' . : :




GROWING UP WITH THE TOWN. you hu,:e "grown up with tho town!" tow n which WtlS little 18 grent, It POSS 88 ~ 11 wodd-\\,I\) rcnown, Th ey 1111\'0 written "SUCCOI!S" b'or ttl gale; The tow n whIch was once so obscure Hns u worlll thut III splendid and Bure. So

.Bill 111

The town hn.1I 11 pr08perous I l;l0 k, It appeals t o 'the Btranger Ilfln; It oc IIplell no little nook . Wh el'll wreok d ' opportunities nrc; As fa ir all Il realized dream, Tho town III nnd lIupreme. So you have "grown up with Ole to\vn?" But tho town whIch wns I1nrrow II brond; It hilS not b en content to sit down Dep ndlng on ha nco or on God; III! hallongo (though Btunneel tor a spnce) It flJngs In Catns trophe's fn ce, - S, E, Kiser.





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Old Mlild-Is It really true that marriages are mnde in heaven? Doctor-Yes, I believe so. Old Maid (res lgnedly)- O, thea. doctol', you needn't call ua:aJn. Mother Bird Drove Boy Away. People on Main s tl'eet, Da llas town, Pn" witnessed an nmuslng sight tb e otber morn Ins, wh en a small boy who climbed Into a mallie tre for Kind Lady-You say you need belp, a closer Inspection of a nest ot young but will your character stand Inves· robins was put to fllgb t by an angry tlgatlon? mother bird, DIscovered by t.he old Dusty Dodgework-Say, lad" you bird nItei be had clambered Into the talk as it 1 wuz ' a politician. tree the youngster was savagely attaCKed, The bird pecked viciously at But Wantl It Good. his bare hands and tace, causing blm 11oullton should to retreat to the ground, and theD Be gllld to own She only ncclls dl'lvklg him hOlIje. One telephone. Next Belt. A ~elplng Hand. A certain young minister In Phlla· "Ezcuse me. air," said tbe senl\)r delphia, recently ordained, Is st1ll very clerk as he entered the 'Private omce nervous and sometimes his remarks ot the bOilS, "but, having grown gray 'd o .not convey exaotly the ~eaning be In four service, don't you think Intended. A, te~ Sundays ago he rose, ougbt to bave something added to my tumbled with the papers on his desk, salary?" ' blulhed, and then said: "I do," answered the boss as he "My Friends: I-I am 80rry to say reached Into his pocket and drew tbat r bave lost the notes tor my ser· forth a sliver dollar, "Take this and mC on, and i therefore cannot dell vel' get yourself a bottle or ball' dye." It. I wlll have to do the next bellt thhlg, tlierefore, nnd read a f~w chapDeliberate Inlult. ters trom the,Blble! "-fllu;Btrated Sun· 1IIrs. Newpop-That measly old dar MllJazlne. bachelor uncle of yours was here today and he deUbera ely Insulted ua HOlpltal1 • . Benefit to Property, all. Tbe National Association for the us! ,Study and PrevenUoa-or TUberculoal. do or soyt bas rece.pUy concluded an Investiga· Mrs. Newpop-;-;Why, he .took the tlon, which sbows that 67.6 per cent. baby on bls knee and said: "Poor lit· of the tuberculosis sanatol.'la alid ' bos· tle chap! He may grow up and be- pltals of the United States have been come vice president some day.''' a benefit to the property and health or the 'communltles In which tbey are Killing Time. located. In the case of more tban 62 Muslcl11 Momedy . Manager - JIow per cent. ot the sanatoria the presence long Is the piece now? of tbe Ipstitutlons has helped to in· Author-We've, stretcbed It out u crease, the asses,s ed value of surround· much as we can, 'but It Is still about tng, property. an bour less than standard' iength. Bllrnln,g String In the SI,ok-Room. , Manager-Well, dash off a toplca.l song al)out Eroa'dwllY, with a dozen or Months spent In a si<;k , room have so encorell,-PiJck. taught: me many t,hIngs for the com· fort an Invalld, one of the 's implest One View of It. , and most el'(ecUve, of which ' Is bum· "'Pa!" Ing a "t.-Ing to purify the atmosphel.'e. "Well?" I Take a soft string IlIld , sUcli It with "Wh~t Is conscience?" a 1>10 the back ' or a chair; after "A. thlngf tbat we always believe IIgbtlng, blow , It out gently, leaving ought to trouble the othell tellow." tlie . tiny spark; which will create , smOke enough to make a decIded dlf· ENCOURAGED. ference I." the ' atmoliphere.-Harper·8 B~zar. '., . ,




01 •



Languor, lI/it1essnes's, dtiUnes8 ' of IplrHs al'e orten d).le ,to kidney disorders. Pain and w ~a.lrness In t.he back. sides and hlps, headaohes, dlzzlll es ~. urinary dIsorders lire, sure signs that the kidneys need Immediate Q,ttenUon. Delay Is dangerous. Alonzo Adams, Os· ceola, Iowa, says: "My kidneys fail ed me. I sulfered awtul pain ond was so weak I could not work, and often had to take to bed, 1 and exhauljted nearly all the tim, I consulted doctors and used medicines, but only Doan's Kidn ey Pills helped me. Soon I was perma· nently cured," Remember the name-Doan's. For sale hy, all dealers, 50 cents a box. Fos ter·Mllburn Co" Buffalo,. N. Y.

"I never could stand It/' he said, "to live wIth- a "o~an 'Who was jealous of me." ' "Don~t borrow trouble;' she r~{llled" "Nature bas done her hest to Ibake you Immune trom that kind of UD. p,leasan tn,eSIi:"



':h~ Old SIIif..

the stripe\! I)""e, Oh, put them 1\11 nWI~r; " , For burber poles nre out ,of s(yle In J BOlIton, ,,0 th e ~ '!lay, ~o",


A Sqght , ..Iolt. , "As tot , m~,'" , remar~ed YOun~ Muggsb}'; "J don't bellave In 'the hIgh. er education . for girls, The one I 'marry Vpn't know ' Latin or: .(ll'eeld ' . ...' can r~adPy , betleve thai," .. r,e· joined . Mll;1s 'l?las~ei'; " "X girl, '~ho k~ows .anY~hlng. at ·a!l: WOu1dn~t inah'y YOtt." , . "


, " t1,e'd Help. Oaller-Sir, 1 am .collecting for th poett{ hcispltal. , Will you contrtb)lte ;. ally-thing? " , EdJtor~Wlth pleilaure. Call tonight w1tlJl- the amb~la~ce, ' and I wlll have, some poets ready.-,.Judge. '

ORIGIN Flllmoua Human Food.

• • • • • • •iiIII~ASHINOTON.-Much has been written of the severity of the discipline at the United States ~111ltary Academy. The Washington officials of the war· deportment, acUng on the advice of the old graduates ot the aoademy, have kept t.he ~~~~~~~~I dIsciplinary regulations at the govern· ment's school pretty much as they were ~~ In the early days, when the thought was , that leniency had no Illace In military ~iiiiiiiiiiiiii alfalrs. The judgment ot the army Is that the old rule Is stili the best rule. ts At West Point there are demerits and Ih 'fun s men for offonses. Pains and penalties, however, do not "fevent. or at least did not prevent In the elder day, the cadets from bavlng on ocoaslon "the time of their lives." When any serious breach of the regulations Is contomplotOli the boys In gray US!!! the les80ns that are given them for another purpose: to outwit, outflank and outgeneral the enemy-the tactlcal officer In charge. The cadet at West Point. who was found wIth a crust of bread In his quarters, or, If luck hOB been running his wayan orange, or Bome other lUXUry almost unknown to the cadet 'palate, his punishment Is, or W8S, ten hourI of extra guard duty to be performed during the time that othe.rwlse he might h ~lve iIIeen walking through '''Flirtatlon Walk" with some one not a cadet, or possibly spending a part ot the 25 cents a wee.k whIch be Is allowed for extravagances-If he doesn't owe the govern. ment anything-in buying a plate of Ice cream or a delicious bite of cake In lhe gOOdies-shop, which the cadets In the old days dubbed "DelmonIco's."



W '_ \ ,'"



strite. Custer's sheepskin, It Is said, r. mains unsigned b)' one West POint professor to this day.

Onoe upon a time a cadet received a letter on the day before Chrlst~as, and ·trom It he learned that a cousin living In New 'Y ork had shipped a box, due to arrive that afternoon anel 1111ed with absolutely unspea~ably good thlngs.- The lette~ told him that the box had . .


Animal. Comltlit Suicide When Alone in Cire...


"Do animals commit suicide?" . wa .. abeen certain kin dtoasked of a man who for 30 years waa bearted army omhead animal man of the zoo of a &Teat c e r '. wife-here circus. and forever name"Yes, anImals do commit. suicide," bo lesa-and that It replied, "and orten tor tbe same reasons were better to call that cause humans to take their own for It when tbe ofUves. Probably the most pronounced of flcer himself was these are loneliness, homeSickness, 1081 on duty elsewhere. ot mates or chUdren, and III health. Just after sup. There are animals that periodically have per that Christmas a return of the suicidal mania, and which eve. durIng the can only be saved from seU-destructioD balt-hour Interval by the most careful treatment. between mess and "As a rule, bowever. When the animal the bugler's call to Quarters, two cadets stole dc;>wn the road In the rear of the hospital, scaled t b e fen c e, and dropped Into the yard In the rear ot the kindhearted army Woman', qua rte rs, They found the box, and ca~e4 . 11 the barracks, getUng It In through a wlnd~W', and storI n g It under a bunk In • dark corner, The two cadets him to keep tbe position of " ere roommates. manager, Instead ot bavlng it They pried open "rotate," as was the custom. the box, and havWhen the Bout.herner was rein« f 0 u n d that lieved from duty at tbe academy there were eight the members of the mess depies, eight cakes, cided to bave bls portraIt paInttwo dOZen oranges ed and bung tn the dining-bali. and lour pounds of candy therein, concluded that there Thll was too mucb even for the dlsclpllned selt-conThis was done, and the picture were just rattons enough for four hungry clI-dets with the trol ot tour c;ulprlt· cadets. They cbuckled. stayed untbucbed' all through appeUtes that theT could bring to the teost, about an The officer rose, swept tbe lIgbt of his lantern under the dark daY8 of the war. . bour after taps. . tlle bunks, ' and t.ben pulled two blankets ft:om the boys In tbe year 1866 there was 'l'hey Inv_ted ~o chums wbo lived Iii another part of tn bed. In an Instant tour cadets were standing at attensent to West Point as a tacUcal the barracka to come to the spread as soo'/1 atter "light. tion. Two marched to their Quarters In arrest. The officer a 801dler who had won out" al It WoUld be fairly safe to cross the area of bar- others wefe left In arrest where they were. the stars of a brlgadler..,genemL racks Wi~""nger ~ -being seen by tbe officer of , Four cadets expiated the crime of eating by walking of ,'olunteers on the battlefield. the day, . This story In fact Is told of post during the ordinary glad hours of release from Quar. GeD. Marcus A. Reno, who had Taps sounded. There was the usual dark-lantern In- ters for four long weeks. One of tbese boys went to hi. death on Saa Juan hIll gone back to bls rank of cap'pection Immediately thereafter, and from every room tn taln of regulars at the close of the old stone building came. the cry of "AII In. sir:' as and another to his death In the jungles of .the Philip. hostilities. He was a graduate the omcesls made their round and flashed theIr bull's-eye pines. One Is literally charging through life as a major of the mJUtary academy, as was within. No IIooner had the door closed on the Inspecting ot cavillry, and the other, who Dever saw the day of Johnston. Reno had been at officer than tbe two eustodlans of tbe box arolie, jumped graduation, wrl~ea these lines with a pen mucb less West Point on duty only a tew Into trouser. nnd sbell jackets.• anll proceeded to bla,nket mighty tban any sword, 7£1'1 HOU.IlJ '£XT~A OUAR/) (JUTY ~:; the window, throwlilg one end over the upper sash and Neit long ago It was written that th~re Is no sp'l rlt days, as the story goes, whell . then closIng the frame, so as to hold the blanket tight. of sectionalism alive at tile United States Military acad- the picture of the southern officer caught bls eye. War has made up Its mInd to dlo 'no~lng can prevent it, aud With the I.. 'bay.Qnets they pinned the lower end at the emy. In Grant hall, the great stone building given over passions were stili high- though another excuso was .the keep'o r; not only tor humane roasons, but 0190 becornera, and atter placing a folded bhinket over the to the' purposes of the cadets' mess and named for Gen. given for Reno's c;onduct. He wus officer of the day, and cause an anImal In tbat condlUon Is extremely dODgertraJ}lom, th£1' llghted the gas and lipread the feast: Ulysses B. o rant, hangs a portrait of the northern sol- wore his side arms. He drew hIs saber In front of ous, Is often compelled to end the animal's sulterlngs by Johnston's picture. "A traitor has no place on these bastenlng Its death. The suicidal mania In the 1100 II Abotit three-quarters ot aD hour atter taps the two dler's great southern opponent, Gen. Robert E. Lee. To every graduate In tbe army, north and south, the walls," he sald. There was a "rlgbt cut" from a prac- often developed after bls mote has been taken away. bld4ell one~ stole 10. Their hosts bad resisted the mighty "When the Uger attempts self·murder It Is necessary temlltatton 'to eat. They had Uved for· months on cadet appearance of the face ot the great confederate soldier tlced hand, and the encircling frame and the picture of to tie him down, but even thIs Is not always effective, ratione, and ' their waiting for their coror.ades with that - on the walla ot hl's alma mater, side by side with that the confederate general were cut I.n twain. It was Reno' who was with Custer's command a few ,The mania for lIel!-destruction otten continues for days, fealit spread before their eyes proved them not' only sol- of his great antagonist, means the en~ of c0!ltroversY'1 th" end of bitterness, the end of all things sectional. . days prior to t~e battle with the Sioux, In which though apparently subdued by enforced helplessness, but diers, but .tolcs. Lee, as he appears In his place of honor, Is not In "the yellow-haired chieftain" and his command of the \he creature Is crafty, and while pretending to be meeh The, came, they saw, aild th87 ate. The apple or Eden had not the· flavor of those mince pies. It· we. the gray garb of the leader ot tho .Iost cljouse, with the Seventh c;avall7 were wiped out by the hand ot Sitting alld roslgned to existence, w111 watch for the first opporbefore tbe days of aDlel ' cake, but those .cakes must have stai'll of a general shining In the field of bls sboulder BUll. Reno w,as at .a distance wltb another part of the tunity after being released to InHlct wounds that will be fatal. come from paradlle. How these youngsters did pitch In. knots. He ts sh9wn In the blue uniform of the old army Seventh cavalry: He had a fierce fight.ot his own. "One would scarcely Imagine that such 'a s~eIillngly In· an eagle on · b Js shoulder, backed with yellow, deReno was criticized for not having advanced to the with NoWlI1 bas -tasted so good' slnce, and the one who writes ~otlng the rank at a colonel of cavalry, tbe position the rellet of Custer. He demanded a court of Inquiry, and sensate anlmal ,as the hippopotamus would ever be guUty epClaU by th,' card, . . A:t 15 minutes betore midnight everythlns ·. bad dlsap. Bouthron held wbe~ he resigned 'from the federal arm), he was ch~are!1, for no one ever doubted his courage. of suicidal mania, but It Is a fact that a 'hlpl)O: captured ' Later he waa dismissed from the service. At West Point wild and confinol' In a cage wlll give enry evidence of peared save one slender' piece of mince pie. at which tho to cast his lot with the ' confederacy, The portrait of Lee was placed In position five years . to-day, where "time's effacing finger" has removed the homeSickness, and the only way to pre\'ent 'the beast ,mall8lt cadet pres eDt 'w as looking lovlilgl)" yet atf~ld. The Pme for blm .bad ,reached Ita limit. Unlucky piece ago, ' Col. lUlls, wbo was 't1)on sUlleTlntendent .ot the last trace of 1?1tterness, the portrait of Lee will hang from committing 'barl-karl' is to keep htm well fed and to surround him with animal comllOny. . of pl.. It'",u responsible for 'iwoes UDllUlilbered. · . 'milltary aC.!l!1emy, secured ' reiultiy the permission .of the bonored and tn safety, ], '. never hod but one . hlppopota'mus that 'was guilty "We war d. e partrilent for the' placing of the picture .. wbere, . MaJ..-O~~. George A. Custer, whose record of rapid '. . Tbe cl~k .0( .a, l.swo~4 was . ~ilard on t1~e' l~Jlbound stalrwa), outside the, door, ' .Tbe door 'o f the room oppa- with rlhat of Grant, It wO\lld · fall dolly unCler the ey.,. of . promotloqs tor ' galantry . on the battlefield reae.s llke a of ·sulclde. Having Injured his leg, he was replaced OD alto ,.... hear" to open. An. Inapection . was on. Tbe the cadets. The . thought Is held by army officers that . rpmance, bad troubles of t1ls own when he was a cadet.' the roud by another specimen and leCt bebtad at thil wIn, 't be bali~uet-room wa!'l doused · Instllllter; ,.he notlilng but good to the coming generations of cadets can Custer .entered the academy. at the lowest age IlmJt-17 ter Quarters. The lonellness was too much tor tb~ anJ.. light two cade~ hosta jumped :,Jnt9 ',' thelr ,bunka, one ' of theJll . come .trom t~,e honoring ot tbe ,memo"y, 'of : one . of ~e yearl. 'Wben be was ' 24 year8 old he was a maJor-gen- rr~l .anll he. rqsls~ed al~ e~orts -to make him chee.r up . eral, commanding a division. One may search history, taKe his food. He llterally starved himself to death. ' ,puUloS the blank&t '! rotn: the ' 'wln'dbw In h(s fUgbt. . One . grea'test sol41ers ev~r graduated tt:om · West · Pol~t. . ' and even ~ction, and have the hardest kind of a time to ."1 have known o,i several Instances wbere glr~rrel!S clld cadet peBt sought refuge under onti bunk' ·and ;the sec- .". Thl. atory of Lee', picture forces ..remlnlscence.. ftnd a parallel ' case. One' beauty of the 'm attor fs that no , ond :ilove under the other. The two In' tied were 'com· . Slncn the war of ~e~esaloo the portrait of one other CQO- bne h,s yet been 'found t~ deny that Custer won 'every aW!1Y with themselves by starvation, and my impression , " pletol1 covered, aDd oo- eye' eQuid b.a vet.old tha~ ~hey : feder"foe' ~.ader , b~s · . op hfetor,fc ' academic' ,walla- , BteP 'On the road to bls preferments. Yet tMs man, who Is that,lone1ln688 Is the usual ~ause for ·It. Each case tllat were cI!Jthed. .ID .h'!)1 'jac~et and' troulepa when. tJiat of Albert .B idnet.. Jo1,m.ston of tbe clue. of 1826, and was Sherldan'e tight arm ,In the caD!pl(lgno ot ' 1864-6, came under my o.b servatlon ~'as where only ,one ot anhnals was owned, by the zoo. It Is an absolute ' cruel. -Kear ·was· the proper ralinent.. .' who gav,. hie ~lCe tor the south at 8hUoh . • ' . came near be~ns lost to th'l .ervlce ot his country .'t¥ to eX.hlblt: one of these lIensitlve anlm!,ls alone: 'l'be)' . All omcer 01 ~vaJt'1 enter.ed. He a"ept t~e beams , T~ere was · a'~~u.cb .of secUooaliBm at Welt, "olnt through 'lnablUt7, to maBter thoroughly one of the must hl/ove comPl!o01 of thell" own kl.n d to l)e conteoted_ . Qf the dark' Jai\tern ,o.\ 'er the two bl!nka, The occul1anta just after the war, ami. a Jlorti'alt Of Job1i.,ton bSIi ·to '~~. branchei at Uncle !=lam's Ichool: . ' . . . ' ~Extrem~ care Is , Ulken with their ' diet. Nothtng but were eQor$n1r peaceN~I)', If -lolQewb.t ~u.plclousI7 loud, with the eto". The . picture .a. put I~ place loq ' yean. It fa toid at. the academy that when ·Custer 'gradu- the best: ,lover hay will the,., and you cali~t fool The olllcer lUl1licl to leaye. Wue I, lIle! .b!.'fore the. north and the ,outh met on the ~81.d of battle. ated It WCUI fOund that O~:f of the members of the aca- them with allalfa, as . we tried to last season. upon tile The bJaD~et pulled f~ tile,' wtndo" aDd cal'Tfecl to aDd It bunS 00 the w..u of the army officers' messroom . de~lc boUd had decllnf.'Cl· to alp hiB l'sheejlsklD!', When, coast. They are very tond of • vegetable mash; aud we th@ lnUlI!: had In Ita trail the. sJDall piece ()f 1U1con· at Welt Point. . TIle' portrait ~o,,~ Jo,hQwn, as a lub- , tOur Y8aJ'1 later, OUlter, paid il Nit to the schoo) with glvQ them 1ll1'le quaoUties ot condftnsecl mJIle" ·.sumed ~lbce 1I1e. pit bad d1'OPPect 1~ jUllt .be)', the hH~ altern omcer 01 caval.., 10 ~. Uoltecl Statea fo~.. . ~ ,tare of • 1qJOr..leneral In tile field 01· hie IIhoulder "No, UlJt(e 18 _notblDK phenomenal abOUt · this IUlcldal of lIf. l'8t1iIUa olllCu ciuaht It rutl anel,..,. . . .TobDllton at ODe Ume . . . eta1i~ei1 at Weat PGln~ aDd the whOle elpature to the aheep.ldo mania In anlmale. . n la almpl7 anoUler p.-oof or 11 tact ill. omeara wambled there .. tn.tructo'h ·yoted t,o bla ~e tJiereto. ae bid ~ tan Ai- that that I have alwan maintained, that, m their PDerat 1dm tbelr m.... . . . or of .uaDce. Idi ~"!" ' ..'t"_ cJw1!.cterladce. 11&... 11 mIIbb' Ut~ ~utel'8Dce bet"... ....malla ADd JnaD)' iii. 1SOf»& the powe ,. .ItU...... ,~








.. .. .. .... ........-.. ........-... .. Schwartz's Schwa z's idsummer eao r-anc Ie

EE _ _ _ _





WayneSvlll 3, Ohio.






W aynesville, Ohio • .


Of general Merchandise, co~sisting of odds and ellds in Tinware, Children's Caps, Croquet Sets, Sheet Music, Post-Card Albums, Clocks, Wall Paper, Fishing Tackle, etc.; etc. , .".

:-5heet Music 7 C

• i"



- .,---

Pie Palls each .~ ......,.. ,.... _...".......................... ".... Cake Pans, square, each ........ ,.......................... Cake Pan ll , round, each ....... .... ........ . Towel Rollers, each ,............. ,.......... ~.. .. ..... Tin Uucl cIs, I-qt., each ........ ,...................... Dessert Dishes, ea h ......... ,.... . ....... ... ....... Pie. Plates, each ... "..................... .... ......... Graters. each , ............................ :..........,...... Stove Pipe Collars, each ......................... _..... Coffee Canislcl S, each ......... . ...... .... . Shelf Beacket, per paIr :.. ".............. , ......... Baby Ribbon, per spool _......... ,..................... • r Chopping KDh'es,each .............. _.............. , ....,. Baby Bibs, Olloloth, each . . ............._..... ....

$1.00 Kind cut to 75c Kind cut to ' 56c 35e Kind cut to 25c

,3c 7c 3t 7c 6c

7c 6c 5c 3c

6c 7c 5c 6e 3

La.dies' Belts, cach ............................................. ~_ Boys' Suspenders. ea·clt .. .. ........ ............ I-gal. Stone Jars, each ... .... ...... ........ "'" Wax, each.... . ............ ............... Bread Platters . .ni ckcl- prated, ei.lch ... Scaling Wax, per pOlllld .............. ~._ ...: ......... Paraffine, per .pound ........................ ......... ~~ .. _ Safl!ty Pins, small size. 2 pkgs .............,... I\'l eat Fori 5, good and strong, each .......... Shelf Paper, 10 yards for............ .................. Back Combs. ornamented, each ................... Crepe, Paper, f1owe'red, a pkg ... ............ ~.. Bath Sponges, each ............................. ,................ Ladies' Handkerchiefs .,......... ,.. ,...... 1.... " 3 for ,

Three different styles of Bl' iize Metal. . Good time k~epers and ornamental. Cut from .


5c 7c 6c

Ie 6e 5c Be Sc 6c

3c 5e 8c 10e 10e



.$1.25 Sets cut $1.00 ..,75 Sets cut to .58


Now is your chance to buy

Here is your ehancc to buy

- B.a se Ball Supplies ........CHEAp·,...... .'

f ·


$1 50 1 25 .} 00 75c 5 c 25c

PoleS cu't to ...... ... ...... ............ $1 10 Poles cut to......... .. ....... ... ..... 9 c Poles cut to .............. ".. ...... .. 72c Poles cut to ..... ;.... . ....... .. ...... 57c Poles cut to ......... . :....... ......... B"c Poles cut to ... ... ..... . .. : ............ 19a ooks, 2 for . .. . . .. .... . , .. .. . . .. ·.. . . .. . : • c

Sinkers, 2 for ....... .... ... .. :..........


Minnow Trap cut to .... ............ ,... ... 75c Trot Lines, I X lbs.. ...... .. ................ 30c ~taging, per ball ... : ..... ... ........ ...... ... 4c .Minnow Buckets, 6 quarts...... .... ..... 3 c 75c , ~eels cut to .... .. ... ........ .. .. ......... . 57c 50c Reels cut to...... ...... .. ....... ......... 38c 25c Reels 'eut to ........... ~ ... ... ...... ...... 19c

$3 00 loves cut to .. ............... .. ..... ...$2 48 2 '50Glov scutto .. .. ............ :...... ... .198 2 60 Glov' s cut 1 50 l ' 60 Gloves cut to .. .......... ............. 1 12 i, 00 Gloves cut to.... ...................... .. 78c 50c Gloves~ut to .... ....... ~ . .. .. ,.... -.. 38c 2. c Gloves cut to .. .... .... ,...... ......... I9c 1 25.Balls cut to .... ........... .. .......... 1 08 1 00 Balls cu t co .. ·.. .. ......... .. ..... .. 2c 50c Balls cut t o ........ .. ......... -.. ... .. 38c 25c Balls cut to...... ... .. .......... ...... 19c 2 00 Masks cutto ................. , ........ 1 4 Base Ball Guides, each.. .... ...... 7c 1 00 Bats cut to ......... .. .. .. ...... ....... 75c 5{'1c Bats eu t to ....... .... ... .. ... ........ ,. 38c

to ................... :......

Wall Piper at Cut Prices • Several thousand rolls of Wali Paper suitable ' for Parlors, Sitting Rooms, Hall, Bed Rooms and Kjtchens. Also severa) remnants to close out at

,SOc, 75c and $1 ..00 Per Room Lot.


.Clean Silverware, Nickel, Cop. Brass, or · any Metal, use

All All All All All All

15c 12c 10c 8c 7c

Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall 5~ Wall

.Papers Papers .Papers P aper .Papers Papers

cu t to .. .... . .. cut to .. .... .. cut to .. .. .... . cut to ..... .. .. cut t o .... .. .. . c~t to .. ... ~ ..

,.•• The- Neighborhood News .Wellmao.

•• ••



Ly tl' .



MI'. tUld Mrs. G l'ge Da i& weI' Mr. lUlQ Mrl3. ll'u H:m is and gon . W ~\t(~rmeJo n s . ullclay gu S Ii of Will Mon;s and ' org . w l' U sts f Mr. and 11'.. Indiana - " 'onto Crislo'-· family . . J' .. • HaITi al1d on. Fir. t of Lll seasun - Frlil!:! h lind Elvin Fin,'S and family ' speryl • U11MI'.AI? rL ta ~m v d last Thul' day afternoon wiLh relative:l )n Hal'- day l hIS 1\ whom . v Ysbu rg. ' Mi. ylv ia YrIUtlg' . of L bunon' l nn Netted Gem!' ; . rg hllil' and Jo . Davis mild. wa!:! th' g'U sL f.lU r .. Hora<.'t' Whal', a. b\l illess trip to lebanon !l& I·d,ly. ton tl 1unuay. Mt . Nettie ogan :tllcd on o. The Lyll I' 'h " l,·u will giVe a \ Bogan allu family W In 'day. aftel'- f sti al at L. tIe hall next Sal ul'llay v ning, .Jul y 31 !lt. Admi ~' i" Ere '. noon , Mr. Will (1;lrll 'p III 'lhlll'sclay.\. ·OIllC. RI1l1 bring YOU I' pl'C't'l ' nL or [uToma to. e~ night at th h m 'uf 1':I\' in I<'il". f luI" [nl ll. I Mrs. aId y U ngl~ by and lin ~It 1\1 r: r·'. J . 'Iar! was ill Uaylun on I tel's and !\it' " BaITY ltg-Ies y were Sunday. . _. I ue ' t' of Mr . li org Dayis Tue~Mr. and hll' . W 1I111gton UI'l1 II day afternoon. a1' pI' I at'ing tu go to Michigan for LEMONS BAN AN AS APPLES Mrs. Almond' Ferris and son and tl~ e ben (i t f the former whu is afM,·. Al Talmage alld wif ~ and son fltcted WI th hay f v I'. full Cream Che se spen t Sunday afternoon with John Miss R va Williamson. of Day tOil. \ nfer Sliced Dried Beef Thompson and family. h~s been the gUt!'t of 1\li's Zilla Sweet llnd Sour Plcldes Mrs. ,eOl'gc Bogan and dnugh I' Githens til last we >k. Olives sp nl Thursday with WalT n Bogan Mi sses Alma and Anna I m nts, Ha waiia n I '1~lI1d Pine Apple allel family. of Waynesvill · , wel' g ll sts f h it· Pine APr·le Ch unl(s • ~1i"s Eth I Manlhlll i ~ attonding grandparents. Mr. llnd Mrs . W. H. ' J unlie! and Jello halltallQ ua. Dul, on unduy. M I'S . Itl~l Mann n alltl Ml·l' . G ol'g Mr~. EtI.w.:ll'l1 Lungacre is v I'j' ill Spcdul for Saturday, July JISI, Davis attend u th l\li",;ionary meet- fit t illS wl'ltmg . ing at lh, home of ~11· ·. tella Whit'vera I . I I' m f1 r~ altended t h 8 qt Galvaniz d Watel' Pai ls . sel \ edll suay afl ·l'l1loll. hautau Ilia ·unday. ONLY EACH "'~ . - . .-.- , MI'. J ss Hurris, of this plac eerNew Burllngtoll. tainly t. a lat'g h " l fut during al' r egular made, g ual'- : har¥ t h pitched orr Ilin I ads of Th .sanle d not t I ak. See :vii ~ s Agnes ai,d Mat'lha Wint I' hay for sak of a bam swall w nest our window of of Dayton, al' th guests of .Mr3~ \vhi h wa bui lt on th tra 'k of th K lIy M ndenhall. hay fOI'Ic. Eggs per dozen MI '. EI ijah Hawkins is ' very sick Spring Valley. with gall ·lone.,>. Her g l'anddau~b­ te l', 1\11'S. Adam Dickinsun , of near Wilmington, is caring fur' her. D. W . Anabee, \ if and daug hters Mr . and Ml' . Quinn. of hluiana, Anna and Lillian w regues unday were gu ts of relatives h r last of pringfi Id t·elatives. OF COlTRSE \V k. ~lt-~. uinn was fOl'meTly The M. .P. . E. helrl a social in Miss Ally 'ulllptOTl . of Will1lington . 11-. Harp r's yard atu l'da.y nig h t . Mrs .Th s. Haydock anl1 daug-htel' Miss Bit'die R berts, of Duytoh, ara and Mi, 1ar,V 11 tt at' at- was th guesl und ay of ·Miss Effie hautauqua. M or~. , , tending Wilmington ten -t~ow~andth pUI·t of an inch. A.f'r he m.any f l'i nds .o~ '1r. and Ml':'" Mi ~ Efl19 onley, of CedarviJIe, i tel' the stl'i ps Ill' cut into regular a~rl y nllth ar re) olced that he) ' the lfuest f Alice Adam. length. th y pas.', to u machine which I' covering Iy f ~·o.'~ a ucce: iul Ray E' I and wife ' ent rtain ed ~p _I'at~on for app ndlcllis perform d unduy, Mrs. ampbeU, of Oregonia, trik s out ciJ'cular discs. Th e are ~ til X ma la t M nelay. and Mi S '!.hel Z nLmeyer 'f'.P'ris then tamped and mill d by a sing le euben JOTI s anu wife attendad Ind, , " process and a l' I' ady to begin t hei r t h fun I'al of th ir br th r-ill-law . J 1....... H Od ' f I I' d th cheCKered ~r [" in and out of pockin Newark last w ek. O.uu . ' v an • was _ _ __ ._ .. guest of hI parents t he la tel' part ets and . money ·t ills o{ the British of th e week. Empire.- E . change. H ward yk was aIled bomeby ... _ ...._ __ MI·s. Thomas Bordon) ofRichm 'nd , the serious il1ness of his father:'· , , IMPERTINENT PHILOSOPHER Ind.~ is th g ual\.t' of ir. ~<u'Y Harry .Patton and s ister Naomi al' Watel'hou gu ts oflfriends h~re. . " OMr' n re Full r: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. atfi Id and M,r. Mal' hall and granddaughter 1:8, 1 Illn laying so mething Ull f or duughtel', f X Il ia, vent u.nday LUCIle, .of eorgetown, are gu ts of wi h Mrs. Hope Stile and family . Wm. l<'itch and daughters. r~iny dny os fon >lug-gost. M i~ Laura McKin. ey and ¥iSs Miss.HarrietL liu\ ke . vi!;itecl a tl,t .ill lIn mhbl'elll\-l'ed u ad t o 71l Al ma Waterhouse are amping at urc\ay)n Dayt(ln. oenl8 frOUl $1.9~ I hautauqua, J ohn Belt i very ic~ . .And not ~ oloud in the sky! I n't 1iss Lillie N'IldryL ' pe.nd i ngsev~ . Miss lone hl'i tie i's th gue tof that DQo"btoIDllke'lIchtlppeevi8h ':l eral ·days w ith friend/:! tn Lebanon .. her s i t 1', Ml·S. Chas. Oglesbee. Seriou. ly 8p u..kio g, howeve,r I Ml'. and Mrs. MeJ!t Dakin, f LebThe MISS s Effie and'Deleie Moore non 't, s e why 1 sboujd be tanning anon, wer ue ts '- 0 . ~ra t~o }V'eekf visit tir uOd in oi~oleuod ~ ' ~.k in g like McKinsey Tu ay; in Indiana. 0, {(uin a. pi g . trviog to un il every Miss Can lark visited r'e lalives in Mr. 'Holl y. of Cozaddale, i the iron dollar to the fl or of the 800fe Xenia last 'w el<. guest of hi daug hter. Mrs . Forest before itge~ O:W8<> . Mrs. I. N. Harrisand chiJdl'en, of BelL J Dayton,. were recent guests of he l' Mi Eya Noah, f Lima, is penpAs lonlt II. I ·don 'Il throw my m 1\1 mother, Mrs. 'Alice Mc;Kinse~ . · . lng the week with her ister, Miss tioket i~t ' tho dl Ilrd }'Y mi, Mr. R ay Mj))s and mother ap nil Harri e~t N ah. '· but oontintHl t I'll w np I'wiling d ' Sunda-yat Miami Valley Chautauqua Mrs. J ohn arney, f 'pl'ingfield, 'the Oli hi r '!llittle p ek .l\. boo win . Word has b n recei d by rela~ wall Lh gu t last w It of r lativ dow ev ry I\I;or~IIY , is I~ orlme to 'tives Ii ~'e f ' '~h seriou ·iUne Ii! 9t her A. . ).' li:adP' tilo Cilia ro lhu~ IIround lI.ud Jack " ollins at 'h1s ~Q.n '!> in Morrow. Ml. Arch Cop yo and chil<:l,r n vis· ",round ? ' . IL ' be u my XllHi noe that the , Mr. Wm. Gard *md Matt M Kinsey ited"in'X nia 1:hur sdav. · were Harvey bu rg visilor last Thl,ll'SGlen Alexander, wife ' and soil, of ohll(ls I w1lu 11licl up the m tit foJ' ,I. .. Dayton, were g uestS Sundi\y of F. M. rlt.tny dn". ot rileuumti!lID 'olut,ohin '" . ':' ~ss 0 al'1 D un. I~ amM' fC"mcmnatl,18 Hiatt ~nd wife. .J ... · vlslttng her COUSIn, aster Kenneth TI . S V b b II d f d the do'lIRr~ before ' the I'ain camo; KUbon. 1e . . ase . a . t am e eate ~nd then tIl' 'y oouldn't go onnn U Miss Henrietta McKinsey has l·e.. the.Bellbrook locals . und a~ 12 t'o 0, fOt:' fear ot' I\ddiug t o tbeir trouble, tU,l'\1ed aftcl' pen~ing ten ,days at Miss Bessie Allen, of Dayton, !!pent Wrong, IlR u8ulll, 18u.pp.oae? Sunday wi t h her parents. . · Chautauqua. ..-:.._-... Yourh hopefully, Or~gonla. . BANK OP ENaL.~NO NOTES FuJ)er 11. - -1-:"'- . . , ' p , t) ...... And YAt 1 have j ust put 0. Walter Cleave!: spent a f ew. dayl5 n k f E I d t . t d hundred in tile !ltt.vings bank !-Ex: at home last week. , . -Dan 0 • ng a~ no es are prtn .~ ohiln e. . Miss Madge Sigle I' ras returned tr, m one of the blackest and most mg. ••__-...._ __ het home in Dayton. delible'of inks .' . The pap~r is expressotice of Appointment , J. K. Spencer made ·.n busine strip Iy made for. the purpose by one firm to Norwood one day last week. I - It ' h d d Estate of 811l1li E. I(e~to /\n. deooased. on y. '. I,S. a a.n -rna ~ papel', ' reMiss Lona ' her par· mal' k a bl e f or·s t reng th , I19 htness a nd S My. ers v1sited ' . The u~ldel'!lllIhod hli8 \)oou LOd IUId ' en ts o.ver unday. . 'dift'iculty of imitation and itspecnliar qlllllUlod IU!' 1\(]mlullltruLor r 10 iLltltl of M' sO l . M h" th t f ' , ,.. 8111l8ll: . Ketterman . l a~ of Warroil ,county. IS . en na a rc IS e gues 0 watermark co.nstitutes one of the Ohio. doceURCd. Miss L~cile Nort!>n. chief safeguards ao-sinst forgery' , Dal d thiH 201,h lIu.y or. JJU.IY•'I.AS'TDA" ly9.09. Charles '.ray lol' was home from '" " · 'Columbu~ over Sunday. o'me . years ago a self-registering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The MIsses Helen and ELizabeth machine was' invented fbr im.pressing Holzlirl s p nt Sunday wi t h r elativeE .on eacb note a . distinctive mal'k O'l assifted Ads here.· known ,only to the b~k authorities ..................... _ _ - . . - ..... _ .. C" E. Monroe ~al 1ed on J. K. Spim. Counte~'feitillg is thus ef:'si1y detected ~ds will be 1"8/!rt~d .11011 r ' tblK bend for eel' Sunday . . ince 1855, notes of the Bank of' tw enly ·flv ce nlS Cor three lnliertl ons,' laud e Williams and Ralph H ous . England have be~n produc.etl by sur\ bOn IIslll~ I~ot !Dare lb an Ove Unell, 'tOll W!H'e down f["oin Spring Valley face printing froT}1 an electrotype. - - . . - - - .... ~ fot' t he bay:ri<.1c' atUl'day nig ht Thenumber of. ,1lOtes produced and FOR . SALE Zain At:mi tage and John . het'wood attended Chau tauqua. Sunday. issued by this' bank 'amounts to 300,- . "V'r week. ,T here are seventy or HOUSEI nnd lot.lntl Corwin, .' barn,. . 000 J!'C Will Kersey and wife wer e 'in Harh d . . h 'd" Cr ...., . • ' . COli 8 e ,go9 we 11 0. f w.ate.r . . veysbu'rg: Sa.turO!lY nigh t. e l g ty Inerent varletU:ls. . ,. ' Cap be rented a.t lQ 1)er oent intere8~.. V Rnjey Stepbens, ' of Cincinnali, 1n coining ,m oney jn English mints,- on·iunat,ment., 118 jt O~tf be bought wa in town aturday. ,'. the :m e al is prepal'~ in the shape of cbe~p. ' Inqutre , at M. Van Duser. Mi EJ9na Spencer called on arah i11g0J~ IOI' bars. v I t is then assayed ,to ~'~~~='~~~~~~~~~ { ~teddom Wed n !jd~y' aftel'J~oon. , tes~ jtk ,pudty . .'l'hen it goes into \' , , ',: -,' 'f ~1'r, al)d Mrs . Henry Itel' y,entel'-, cl'ucibles 01 ~Iltmbago and ·is melted tamed Dr and Mrs. E. C. thompson, "'d .... · ' i:l ""tb" . . ' th ' . . " ., 'o~ Lebao(m, lind 0 i~Eva Thompson," a.. ':'lxe ';~ \ co~pel In e p~o. '. ' . of T~r~~e' aaut~ •.~ymday. '." p?l"tion~ w,b~c~ h~ve. been fou~d to . ,~ MISS Sarah Stedao.h, was tne gues.t gIve th.e coms tHe greatest degree . 'of ~i~ ~Iiiabet,h Collett Saturday~ ofrardness, w.ithout.s ubt;acting too. . .~. The -yourig'-people of. town enj yed much fl'om their value.' It is .then a h Yl'ioe to l1eban~m Satu.t.;daY night;. poured intoir~n moulds ancI ' shaped " . Mi~~ Bess. Stepnens: ' oj :Fos~ Wi· into 10t1g.bal:s. The n~rt' process il! . ham i lB. the guest ~f , Eugene . G~rd the 'roIling. T/le great.,·. hardened and famIly. . '.' I II . h' b . .' ." . --' 'gtee ·po ~rs pass ovel" t e.. are agam Canv~' lJlaY,' be' W\~'terproofed by. qntil they Ilre r!!duce,d to. the standcovering it with 'firiely ~k~lVed bees- ard thi~kness. So exq uisitely adj ust.; \Vax~abd t}ten lJ,lelting it ill .with a ' are the finishing rollers t~at toe hot flatiron. . ~in bars do not vary in thickrieaone



This' rtmellt "ontains mallY goo 1 March s, Tw -Step. aJld Waltzesarnmgeu for th piano.



, __3

• I cents

9 cents

8 cents 6 cents 6 cents

4 cents








'The Guette Is.tlie .'



. "











I.~~It~~~·.I , .wa::::~:'~:::~:~I::Utute ip;;;.-;}M~-H;~-;;d- Th;;e-r Th:::hC,::L~;~:'~': :;;,~~ . .... '''0' I Soc ial -+·1--- -- - -- --- . .--_ ...-..-


_--Eve ---nts ---


will meet at Univer sity Hall, Leba- . - - - -:" - - - - - S. L. 'artwl'i ght, WI:! hart t.h e pl('a~.. non, on Augus t 16th to 20th, and all A. MaffitwasinCin cinnati Monday Fred E . ~h c rwood wa.'I in LeiJiolllon ul'e of s pending- t.lw day , Thur~d are invited to come. ay , ' Mroi. AI-:'nc,.; WI ig-hl gave 'a nice Tuesda y . at. one of Warren Co unty '. in!!t.itu · There has been a good progra m E. V. Bamha rt was quite sick last dil1n er !:,u ll[lay in honor of Miss Emtions- th ~ 'hildren ': !l ome 11 'a l' prepare d and the lectu rers, Dr. T. S. week. ma Hi ll. of Wilmin g ton. MI·s. Abi Haines , of Dayton , is Lebano n. We were cordia lly Lowden and Dr. Lincoln Hulley , are greet. .. . visiting friends here. ed at the home by upt. J . H. Caskey, good The institut e notes say' B, S. Howell was In Cmcmn atllast ' .. th matron , Mrs. J. II. :askey and . . Thursd ay. Irs. J. E. Janne v ~ ntel'tain ed at l Otto ,Horni ck and wife were in Our motto, The ~t Institu te ev. Xenia Sunda , t heirass i. tant, MI'::; . Han nah Antrum , di11li l' Thul'sd ay, M I·~ . Eu nice Shut In a recent from Lee Adams er held in Warren County ." Miss Edna Stout is visiting in RiCh- I y of KanSlll:l City he says that he exIt was th regular nwnthl y lJoal~d and Ml's. Dennis . of ltichmo nd, Ind. , Regist ration, Monda yfrom8 t0 8:30 mond, Ind. , J. E. Janney and family W re at meeting , al1(.1 all the mem pects to visit the old home soon and a. m., and during intermi Ul'I's wel'e 1\1 rs eth Purnafl and two daught ers . ssions. Red I ' fi I . kl ' I Chaula uqua Sunday . I Reg' t t' f $100 present everyiJody here will be glad to it lH.l illj,(, a \,c t·y impoI'Lanl ucec prlc s on 1S ling tac . c at see IS ra Ion ee, . . . . TI dh' d t' bl I 'f . Evenin g lecture s Tuesda y and (' h wartz 's. . . . Ie U lUI' are wnL '111h 1m an IS es Ima e WI e . ' I Mlss AgnesH o rmckl sthegu estof meetmg plating sev'ru l impurl. chal1J.,{cs, MI'. and Mrs. I-red E.Sherwond T~ur8day ev~ni?gs, begin at 8:00 Chas. Cornell and family are ·' . 1 ' , t h Ch I t ' (Illl home If llenuS III ou ' ar es on. . i t d' ~ which will g reatl v arid l o" d Lh ' sanita- ll"",rl<1 lJ1 o clock. AdmlSSlo~ 25 cents. Mem- from Chau tauqua . (a mner ",un ay t h e Miss Edi t h Mosher and Harris hav tion of the instil~t i(\l1. Hiram Brande nburg and son, Sam- bership ticket admits self and folluwi ng guests: M. E. Sherwo od friend. ~eturn d from Detroit Mich. uel, of neal' New Madison. Darke Under the present mUllage ment ' and wife, Carl Sherwo od Ilnd Tuesda y evenin g's lecture will be Read Schwar tz's ad Lhis week. It wir . of ' e v e r y t h i n g is as neal as a pin, !Jut Spri ng Vall county , Ohio, is visiting his dauah- by Dr. Lincoln Hulley , of ey , and Miss Lilli e Klulel' John B. will save you money. Look at the pri ce!! on Bas Ball t here h!lll be·J1 sum ' hard tel', Mrll. Brown, of Lyt le. work to of Oregoni'~' Mr. Stetson Univer sity, Deland , Fla. O. W. Hamil ton and son are takin g good in Swartz 's ad ~n anothe r pag . come up to t he PI' sent . landaI'd . Brande nburg is about 77 years of Dr. Hulley is always eloque --nt and a ten days trip to Niagar a Falls. Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader made a Tlte Caskeys have th ins titution and is a well-pr eserved man. He enterta ining. He is a lecture Mi~ lara Hawke gave a week-end well r of ' in hand now, and mat t r s al' going J,Jarty to a few of her f riends. Those Mrs. M.,attie Silver and son s pen t busines s lrip to West J efl'el Ron used to butche r here about forty- nati 0 nal repu tatIon. Mon- II' keclo 'k \,'ork . five years ago. I Dr. Lowden lecture s on Thursd ay Tuesda y with who enjoyed the hospita lity of the friends at Chauta uqua. t ay , A t PI' nlth r arc forty ch ildl'ell Hawke home w rc: Misses J osephin e evening on "The Rhine in History , Guy Dakin and wife of Frankli n Miss Rowen a Wright relurne d lo at the home and all look d hal and Oglesbe e, Emma Hawke , Lucile CorLegend and ~ong." Dr. ' ~wden's were guests of relativ~ here Sunday'. her home in Red Lion Tu esday of last hearty. I l was The Washin gton C. H. corresp ond- lecture s on things Germa n will a good l hing to nell, Mal'y Hawke and Mary Davis. never week. ntfor the Horse Jouma l has the be forgott en by the teacher watch these 19ts as they assemb led s of WarMrs. Esther Stout has returne d fo llowing to say cQncerning the vet- ren County . This promis for dinner, ea 'h with fold ed arms, es to be from a visit with relative s in Camde n . To{. Hul s ami family, of Wilmin g· marchi ng to lhe dining r oom, e1'an horsem en. Steve Phillips, sr., one of his best. Mesdam es Walte r McClur e and where Ind. ton. have heen Ute g uc 19 of Dr. alld an ample meal is always er ved Robert Cross entella ined Ia.'tt WedMI·s. to Hyatt. and his nephew Steve Ph ill lips, jr., ---. Rural teacher s have a great opporEm-t R b' · '11 I Th t um'ty thO nesday afterno on at the home of the ' l h e Iattero f X ema: th t hem. 0 mson WI Isyear tolmpro ursve . e cond f ..... " t 'th h ' .eave E... noug I . . t . Ch' 'ff I ' Robet·t d . Mnnll ' ill"lon d f th , ()fSpl'i . former "Steve Phllhps , ex-shen ,presen t d I't Ion h ng I Valin honor "f Mrs. Will White's Le 1 ay cannot or a Je VISI SSI In r ga r WI IS SIR er In 0 elr BC 00 s. teach ... '1- I y, WhS tlte gu e~ t f Aleck Emley to the presen t manage ment, n!! it g uests, Mrs. Taft, Mrs. Townsl ey and commissioner, and one ' of the most teacher urge his or her School Board cago. al ld wife lalil Salurd ay . popula r men in ten states, is the old- to be presen t at ilie meetin eems the board has hi t upon th Miss F erguson, I)f Dayton . There g Thurs- Mrs. Anna Stahl, of li'ranklin, if! est trairier here in point of service . day afterno on to meet right pel'sons to manag theira '. il'S, were si.xteen ladie present and Flinch and hear the guest of Mrs . W. H. Allen this Mi !-l Alicia l'elley , of Cinc in nat i, and everyth in g i~ bcing d ne ',He has' the candy horse, and carries q ommislrioner zeller. by the waS the game indulge d in, after week . has been the g uest of the Misses An- board to give the m what they t he .name, The Candy. and hay he-is want. which dainty refl'esh ments wel'e • - '. . l1a and Hannah K elley. the candy. Th,i8 horae is one of the. The best part of the visit was at served . SKELE TONS FOUND H. V. Walter of Lebanon, were guestsandoffamily, relatives here good on~. Last Saturd ay mom~ Bertram Jones and wife, of Ham- noon. wh n we were invited Lo t he .S d iI ton , Ohio, wel'e gu ests of Nathan dining room . . wher a su~ he worked a mUcin 2:10% and Uncle As w'Orkmen were excava t~nt.i~l The followi ng persons formed a ting on un ay. Jones and wife last week. Steve says he stepped it withou t an' S. L.Cart wrlght 'aftmn near me~1 was waIting' for us. The mstt- \ gay party who visited the Soldier the barn, s' Frank Zell and wife spent Tuesda y - ,effort. tu tl~n s u rely has a good cook , an~ t he I Ho me at Dayton ~onday: , Monda y, they came, 8Cro~ two well- and Wedne sday of last week MeRdam es at Chau BAND CONCE RT Steve, jr., of Xenia, is the 888ia~ preserv ed akeleto hs, but not service wa:; all that uld be d su·ed. Fred E . Sherwo od, Euphem knowin g tauqua . ia Hough ' ant trajner irl hiB uncle's 'stable, and they were human bonea piled All in all, as we took our leave of Summ er, F. , Carey, James them Johns, Os ' . . The progra m for the eon er t to has marche d the bia grey trottiri g all togethe r. .S.~, rt~rlght and WIfe an~ !dISS g iven Thursd ay ev ning , August be the institu tion, we though t that t ile Ella Rye, and No ra Hough . Misses 5. people of W.arrpn CounlY ought to Hel en Sherwo od, I rma Hough mare, Marie McGre gor, by Cresceu s Mr. Cartwr ight ~ms to think KI~le Merrit t were Dayton , Veda VISItors 1909, is as follows: feel prou<l of their board- as they Summe rs, P earl and Alice 2:02l-{, a mile In 2:17~, last half in they are bodiea of the 18th century Car ey, , last Wedne scay. • are a sel of gentlem anly and courte- Lillie Ri!Jlel" a11d Master , ' I rememo' "'-th n:or h ow Steve bad as th 1:06 _ ere .~ver was accord Jl4;81ch, Under s ' Carl Arms ing and .......... to e . ... Hayes' MiBses Luella . ' . and f Jeanet te Janney reMed f nd b ~ Of becom' Cartw ''''t' h' oua men, u II 0 f en th' f th fa U!llasm .III th'11' Ralph John, exp 0 0_ . March, lila a Winona "-." 8isto ry 0 ....... ..... .. . ..... Fulton worke rm, spent a part of last week with Miss Song and Dance, Fine and thei r manage ..~- our own racedr iver and tbeFate Bhave grant- any 'buryin g ground near and Dandy .. them, and Isadora Squires . his wish. If you fellows see a great it is suppos ed they were Caske'y s,for they, Indians . At have taken ...... .......... ......... :.......... ... Fu lton hold ' oflhe re ins in a too, big trot.tin g machin e drawin g a little one ·time there was a good way that means M ra. J, W. Whi te was hostess at a spring D. C. Ridge a?d wife, of Dayton , Galop, At'ound the Clrc1e .. Rosenk rans better conditi ons fo r the poor, li ttle, d lightful unty guy for a teamst er, that's Ma- there, and it is suppos ed the Jy informa'! affair Indians a~e guests o!, ,hIS parents ,- M-ahlurr 'G~~1osso rie and Steve. and I hope he wins." camped near it. llls .. . hom eless creatur es thatar entruRted day afterno on given for last FriRIdge and her house WIfe, .......... .......... .......... ..... Thomp son to their care. , . g uests, Mrs. Frank Taft, Mrs Towns· Charles Duke The lower jaw of a man was found C. W. Barnet t and 'wife left New Pt' t ' SIt' to th . I l' I d ley and daught er and Miss J ean Feran d every 0 wai m p ace, an York Monday momin g and arrivel! a :rI O IC e ec Ion .. ...... .... .. ... ' U ton JgLLY CAMPINO PARTY guson, a ll of Day ten. Several con15 Minute s In termiss ioll t hey were alI good and sound, al- home Tuesday momin g. • . . though Considerably worn off, show, t~ts had been prepare and was enMarch. and Two-St ep, Amel'lcan . rrhe follo~lng persons J~ft ~uesday ing the man to be about 45 Re~,. Henry impson, of Xenia, tared into wit h a great ddeal years of of enthuMr. and Mrs . Dedtric k and little SoldIer .. ... .. .... .... .......... .. ... Myel s who 18 m charge of t he Cathed fOl' a gay ttme al?n~ the rlver fOI: age. ral at sias m. Two piano solos by Mrs. Fred uaught er, of Dayton , a re guest.':! of Waltz, Adelaid e ....... .......... . .. f' ulton Cincinn ati baptize d John DI·ew. in- ,White wel'e g reatly ten days at Retallu;k s cam.p:. War- Mr. Cartwr ight told a bit apprec iated. A of inter- Ml':i. Alethil\ Alexan der. March, Excelsior ... .... ....... .. .. . H!l'l.l!1 funt son of Mr. ~nd Mrs ren Edward s, Raymo nd Wdham son, esting history in regard to . lifrord pnnch bowl filled with lemona de, in this neighMarch, T nawand a ....... .. ..... Fult.on H.idge, at t heil' r sidence, 139 Grov~r Snea~en, Joe Thom?son, borhoo d. He says'a ~an by Kinsey the dining r oom was visited quite the name Joh~ Becket.t was call el;l to hiRold Cake Walk ........... .... .. ~ ..... .... Fullon Ave., Mt. Auburn . Su nday .at 2:'30 freq~en D~. J. :W. Mliler, ~ennetb RIdge, of . Wicker had a distille ry. on tly by the ladies and anhe one ho~e tn. Kentucky .on accoun t of the Mat'ch, Success :.. .... .......... . Bennet t p . m., E. V, Barnha rt and MISS Em- close of a MlltonTho.m~n,J. W. Woody ard· ·comer ofthef arm, and on the farm very pleasan t afterno on ice se1'lou slIInes sofhlS' fathel·. DEATH OF-J-: N. LE~MON rna Heig hway .:~ng as ponsers . creamand cake ,,:!:~served. of West VIl'glm a,- • adjoini ng a man by. the name of Lou Printz and Miss Helen Marlat t Pierce built a church . Every Sunday were guests of E. A. Weller EXCITINO ACCIDENT and Like a thunde rboltfr om a clear sky CHRISTIAN CHU~CH SPEE~ MI\RY ELS ' after.c hurch service s, the membe rs family at Centerv ille,' Sunday . came the repor.t Saturd ay mornin g Mr, Braddo ck ,met with , would make a visit to the distille ry. Sunday Sehool at 9:30 a. m. ; serMrs. Hannah . Rei~hel returne d to that John N. Lemmo n , cashier Dan Patch, 1:55, .Minor Heir, with ' of qui te an excitin g experie nce ill fall- mOil by --.. Rev. M. E. DawsQn, lO:30 the North Dayton Bank, died shortl _.1' .a ~ar~f 1:59~ . UfiU~P ver a box one da~" last week. N INTO u ted. kings . POSTO FFICE her home in Dayton after a-v~8it of f~ . BDOKE "" a. m.; Christi an Endeav or at 7:00 d . a ld ~er mt' mg Satur ay mornin g, In falling his foot caught or of t h_e racing wor , engaged" I\Cveral weeks wi,~h relative s here. in a hal ter p. m.; sermon, 7:30 p. m. . m a '" tthe M'laml. V II H 'tal ' D tl a a ey OSpl , ea 1 strap threw him in the chicken house fierce struggl e for the highes t sped The post()ffice was broken into early . Jason Sheeha~ and family left Sun- comes as a g reat surpris e to his many teari ng a f ew inches from his shin honors, has been the dream of thous· Saturd ay mornin g. The COLLE TT. MCKAY PICNIC d~y mornin g for Marsha lltown, Iowa friends who were not aware of his and skinnin g hi!! nose, making it bl eed auds o.f horse ~overs, and a~ bast their picked .the front door lock, ' ~d eas~- where they will yisit several weeks. serious condi t ion. fond,est hope IS to be realiz~. . . severely. Iy got mto ~e office. They lmmed lA Subscl·iber. The 43rd annual Collett -McKa y . , Mr. Lemmo n came from Wllham sWithin the past,Ye ar M. W. Savage , ately proceed ed tQ bore - - -- . _... picnic will be held at the usual place into the Joe Mannm gton, WIfe and daugh- town, Ky., to Waynesville in 190 , owner of Dan Patch, bas added to safe, and hlld explode d a charge MT. HOLLY REUNION 'atUl'day, August 14,190 9. but tel', of Dayton : were guests of Aleck and found ed t he Citizen s bank, and his stable the fleet footed Minor Heir. Ifailed to open the door. The safe is Emley and WIfe, several days last remove d here. He had f or many Mt. Holly is prepari ng for a r unand to' satisfY the world as to which being overha uled. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION . week. years been identifi ed with bankin g ion to be l:teld on aturday . al is the faster stePpe~, he has About this t~e aeall for , August Walter Chas. Sherwo od and family spent circles in this. part o~ the count ry,. ~lS~, i? Hougb 's woods: Every~ ody At school board n:leetingThurs consen ted that they meet m ~ bona- McClu re came m and a great d~al of Saturd ay night and Sunday at the and was held m the hl~hest da~, esteem . IS inVIted to come WIth well;tilled August 19, 1909, fide speed contest which should for u-lepho ning was being done, to be held at Untwhi~h, country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. He was a hard workin g man of fine ,basket sand ell joy the picni c. A good ve rsity Hilll, ·Lebano once and all time determ ine this : in all probab ility scared the burg- Edward s n, Ohio: bus~ness judgme nt. He, since that progra m has been prepare d . much-m ooted · qu~tion. jIal'S away: They' evident ly left in a ' 1. Do you believe in the teachin g time, founde d banks in Ansol.lia, I ') Alert to the pl~ure this match hurry ~ all their tools were • - - - --of Agricul ture in the rural school? left beMrs. Cam. White and son. De~ey , Bradfo rd , West Milton and othel' woJll~~fford BUCkeye. ~itizens. ~e hind. The tools were ta~en , from FOR SALE The recent law on the s ubj ect. of Owensbol'o, Ky.: are visiting her places. He recent1~ organiz manag ementa f the 9hlo Sq&te FaIr ,Chas. Reynol ds' bl~clcsmlth ed t he 2. Can we h,ave medical inspect ion shop. son Upshere and WIfe and olher rel- North Dayton SavIng s Bank, a nti after much pe'I'8U!Uli.on has in4uced Postma ster Farr sent Mllltne ry slore. Olel stand a nd 111 the co untry ? for dogs atives here. was elected cashier . Mr, Savage to race his marvel s over from Dayton , which ' arrived es tablishe d ll'ad. Owner has two 3. What do you do with the Course here He was a man beloved by a ll who Istores and fintl s l'eRpolUlibility ,the State Fair speed 'c ourse, Tuesda y, about ,l1 o'clock . They were t oo 4 . Sha ll t he work-b ench and its .~mme- Mrs. Mary ~retsin~er has retu"!ed ~ew him. During h is residen ce heavy. Inquire of J ennie Hal·d in. tools lind a place in Augus t 31, ,next, when no doubt the diately put on the scent and ' the coun~ry aoout 12 to her home 111 XenIa after haVing here h e be\!ame a membe r of t he Morrow , 0." Phone 78. : ,world' s record will be equaled , if not o'clock landed two umbrel school? la mende rs s~nt several days with he r sister, ~ of P. lodge ., and the J. O. O. F. lowere d . . Mr.' Savage assUres the who had arnved and were'w --~ ---- of Study in the country school? orklng Mrs. ~tto Hornic k. He is,s ul'Vived by his wife, who is A FAMILY REUNION public that each anilllal win be in in \Own vihen aqested: They, 5. Is it wOl'th while to put 'g ood were M .E B 'I S d J B critical ly ill at the Miami Valley Hosl conditi on hence the placed in the lock-up . , . perfect, phygica. . dir ... theai'picture s on the walls of the rural essrs. mmor III y r. an . • pi tal and three chlldre n Miss ' . I , . ., Stella , T he Hlsey-Wllhamso n famtly t'eun- school buildin , '•• Chapm an left last week for Seattle battle~ouldbeafeas tfttforkinp. rivalof g songs in the hearts . " ,th~ ~ nnllt-"mce. authon " t'es. 'I'on · , w1'11 . ' ..'.. '. .. nleet . . ', at the hom of • . J W ~;.,: . , Lee .' , .-;v-v,, . ' 'Noton ly will- the State ..uur. be. ' " ' Before theIr retum they wtll VISIt m and John. tl . " oflhech Mond" ,evenm lld1'en , and flowers. In g.theiD spector came . the , . ' . . ay August 19 1909 ' . "., fUQeral servIces were held ' Hisey ' .Thu'rsd featu~ ' with. the .:.appea rance . . and tliey were IPven a hearin a Tiles- sev~ra1 westem CIties. • . , ' . . schooly at'd? , . Monda y, lmorni ng at 10 o'clock at All r.~latl~e .of the famIly are most_ 6 Is central ization desirab le in , , ~)l~,~O~!},S~~pel'8; but eat:h D!lht ,diW Irto~",.anil we~ iquneCllately Gee! have-you' rioticed. Schwartz-' s bis"la.te ~~deJl~~. ~n .D.!{lit, and. the .c ordlally tnvlte~ to be present . of t~e ~xP08~tio~, ~ Autust 30, 31, tu~ect loose, 88 . nothlo.a , Warren County ? . ' . ' • coul~ ,~ .re4~eed .pri~on ,W~11-;E~a~r1 . .Read, .re~a,~s· "r-eT.til.'?;-ken to G~ay . Ihdf:rc . ~p~mlier 1, ~~~ 3., WlP ~ p~ted 'P&:Oven ~ tb~. ~OTlC E 7. ,Wh,at~~ '~ou. t~l.nlt bftownsh~p . " , " ~"m; ,it Will mSke, iriter~tin'g !ead,-, K!., ~oI' 'b(1r1~. ':" ~ $S.0:Q9' pr;og l"lUll .of Pain 8 ~11(eOU8 It is ~otber cue of o.r pnized . \. . " , tend~nc~? Is It a ~uccess In T~~ wh~ ; a~nded from h ere rrhe A~ g~st meeti!1[( Q~ t he W': C: . sup~rm M.anha~., Beiu;h 8rewo~ka. 1D'.~di- poeto~ robbea , ~lt1a , .uppcl4l ink i~ you:,are i~ need of anr• .,'. your t o,wnsht p? ed , ,'" . '. . , . . .' 'Yer:.e. ~J' 'follows: J •. E. tion ~8~Perb liand~fi~rta.' f_tute that tb8J~ia~. left -be held the 6th on the .' 8., Good results'oftowJl~hl1>school tow,n, ~- . M~ An:ni~ JU. ~row'n, , ~e efficiimt ·~I'. " ,P. D., Cl~gett. VI; ~. Janney , T. U~ free..acta and I, the. StiUpirldOQl Spell- 'ter·tbey weie 'friKJlten~ aw.y. Al1~n, . g'ro~ndl3 :'d.ft th~ iRed Bric~ exhi~it. ,:.CQun~ schoo\.exhi~it :: ,' , teacliel ': of the whole- 4ay.., ~venth Frank ',~lbQn, 'Wm. zell, .Frank -man Showi,. a1r' ~n:a))tlilnc to make ' zell, hOul\e . . Susie Hawke wUl be .Ieade}". 9. Th~ Agrlc~,t .. ' ural ~riBlon is in· cbarire ' of1:Qtta~ ·No. 8· 'Roy.1r~ns and .w ife, Frank SHidak~ r' for the day tb~ ' · 'It.nd UDUIP lM't . P-~l1 the , D1~ airt who died, ' Sc}lool to be. held in Lebano n ,t he first tIl.,m~~!!t, retUl'IIing from qer home ~d \vile: A~bel't MeRitt , IfroeramoftbeEXpolltiontli8~. 110m ~tina'- , newapa.",.. ".. , '- ' • • - • Week \n ,~ovemller~ " 0011: ~W~esville thelast "oUhe week~ d~n~141SBeS Henrie tta ' tis~m. , MC~lI1SE!Y, ,.Wan Pape&:8 greatly _iDit e h~. uUble .tocllplttbe, ~ 10. Th school asacen terofao cial .-Hom e,WeekJy. , r Lillie Nedrf. aobw.rt~ I.. lifeinth..eruralC9.mmunity~ . . K Mrs. A~na hE. MIllS'1 of Ells,,:,o~th, an., sen s ar year y greetm g to lh Gaz~tte an.d says ~he ~on't wan\; to do withou t It. It IS Itke a letter from home every week.


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bill a! nook fol' mMftattOi WHY PEQPLE SUFFER. and as h had r peated Qver P(I' haps for tb. tlrt! th tim e, "F\\'e years, T oo often the kidneys ,are the cause and sti ll 1I0tbing Is d ne," a Build II D. L. CRANE. nnd the sufferer is not aware of it. Inspiration came to hIm and he ex, Sick kldn ys bring backache a nd s ide OIl I . WAYNESYll..LE, claimed. pains, lameness and stiffness, dlzzi· "I ,,'Ill. I will set It down In B bOOk, Siory 01 ,tbe MesSl~' ness, headacbes, tlr d feeling, urinary He Sent 10 Jerusa lem and It s hall be not on ly for our lleople troubles. Doan's Kid· The Wrigh ts are all right here but for thosEI wbo are living oey Pills cure ' the ra ok111g amids t tho rulnll of our beloved JI!1'U calise. Mrs. N. E. BY TH E "H1CHWAY AND BYWAY" PREACHER salcm. We must keep before the Pf'O G I' a v 0 s, Villisca, pIe that It II only as we turn to Goa (owa, says : "I s uf· In Afrlcn lire fir u t be shots beard nnd serve hIm that blesslnl can corpe fered from kidney around lb!' world. trouble fo r years. Apo rypbal Book of and deUverance be wrought." on nased With ttIII ~ew resolve burning hi The secretions were Th e umLrellll man Is always pre· Baruch. bls heart he returned home and the dIsordered, th e r e pared for n rai n}' da y. Il nrue h. and Hi s Dool(,-TlIls hQ(lk Is the daya which follow ed found him busy w re pains In my "ack and swellings rlg llUI ot t hr Apo(, I'),(lha nnd,ls ,r e mark· of tbe an kles. ' Often I had smother' nhl., lUI being I ll p a ni ), book In t hll 1'0 1- over his parchment. Instead ge his Ipello n w h l ~ h Is t o r m ed o n t he m d" 1 nt forme r goings and comIngs nm~'n~ hl~ Ing spells. I had to be helped about. t h e pro phets, Tho ugh It Is wa nt in g In peoplo he sbut hlms If In to hlr Doan's Kldqey Pills cured me five Dr. \Vii r says that 90 per ccnt. or o rl!llnnllt )'. It PI' s pnts n \ l\'Id rl'l\ 'l' lI >n task, and they, noting his at-seDco. years ago and I have been well sInce. of · the on c le nt prop h N I Or ~ . Th e d in th e liquor sold as whi sky Is a fraud . They saved my life." ot th e book IA un e 'r ((,ln, Lil t It la pro lJ· began to question among them tl lVN But lhe jags It produces aren·t. nhlf1 that so me n .. l ho ro uj;'h ly ,'o n",r· Ril to what It could meun. Somb said Remember the name-Doan's. For 11l with t hl;' A lexa n'\rl m' lr .. n s l. Il'n o f be was ~' rltlng out a pI ca to tb . klnp sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box Th e arr!\'al or twin s cu us d n Penn· 811 J e r~ mlnh foun d I he H uh r \\' f rn"m e ll l SYlvani a farm r to commit sulc!de . It w h ic h t orms th e hn~l~ o f I hl' b ,k "I· of Baby lon I'D behalf of his ~Olll " foster·Mllburn Co:, Buffalo, N. y, was altogether "two" mu ch of a goor! r eady n ttnched t t h4' wrlll ll!lA (of t lln t while others said, "Nay, he Is gi"Tln. p ro p he t and wrough t It up In It ~ pr,.se m hims elf to visions and dreams Ilnd no thing. A NEW "FEAT." fo r m , th e dnt be l lH< (lrllbnlol~' II , ~, 1GO, The book may b e dl\'ldHI In lo IWO mnln good will come of It to him or bl., Nothing hlnd ~ r s th e march ot pros· pRrt~. ns (nll ow ll : Pa rt I. 'hapt l' M! people." perlty lik e arbitra ry and unreasonable 1-3:. . Part %.-Ch a ptere 3:9 t l) , 'IlJ, T h e Still othen, wh() wme among the action on the part of either capital or nSlum cd author Is undoubl dly Ih (' 1'0m' faithful, contended that he wna un pn ll ion ot J r mlah. but t h ,l l'lnl 18 o f the labor. hook are 10 ~ on s l 8 t e nt wit h thi s n~Mum p­ doubtedly engaged In the work 01 tlon. It .. "hi hilS n o t nnl)' hllJl o ,,\cal Inac- the Lord and 'Would In good ti m. The race horse takes no pride tn a but a1!.o p" lde nt tra,'es o f a give them the b enefit at any messag~ r ace. He would muoh prefer to re- curorleH, WHY HE'S SO GOOD. THE NEW FAD. late r ~Ilte thlln ' the bl'ginulng of thl! cap· main at home discussing tbe merIts of It\'l t y. The bOl)k wns h e ld In little s· whlcb the Lord might have for them t ee m Rmong t h('\ J l1 wa : Illthough It Is And thlB suggestion on the pal·t 01 hIs oats. Once we roCle hor!!es "Tbere Is a little boy In our nelgb· Btllt ed In th Grt>e k t x t ot tho Ap s· the few caused tbelr hearts ' to be- borhood who never whistles." AnCl t hought t hey w r e fast; But round tha t th eir tleetne88 No one need be surprised to learn to ll cal onstltutlons, th nt It wn8 r pnd, t o· come troubled, fo r said they : "Most unusual." th pr 'wlth the Larn(· nt RtJoM. "on thc Was not so to lIut. that there are grafters In Japan. There gt nth "We do need to remember that '" "He never beats a toy drum : never day o f the montb GorplRc us" (I. e. Th n stellm drew our coaches were doubtless grafters In tbe daya lI1C On}' of Aton e ment). are In sore straits b ecause of O UI uses a sling and never tbrows stones 'cr Inn,1 we go. ' of the cavemen. And w ondered however sIns and tQe sins of our fathers, and tbrougb window panes." "Mummy! Mummy! look, here's We tra\'eled once stow. we must no longer be stubborn 01 bab'y walking on his hind legs." .. "Truly. a re markable child I" A Brltl=sh;=b~o=o=s=e=e~m=s=t=o=be feared h~art, but must be penitent before A GEM FROM THE BOOK. "Furthermore, he bas never been But Into ou r lIylng, more tn Brltlsb theaters than even According to Taite. Ou r pcoce waste, God and be ready to hear hIs mes- seen to make faces at elderly people, coco-cola bottles are feared by um· Cam leapi ng and bounding Discussing missionary work, Mme. The one bright hope of the saga" never figbts and no matter how many pires In America. The Spirit ot Ha8te, Hel n Vincente, the well·known Con· Jewl during all the dark por· So they talked thus among them· cir cus parades may be passing from Into hIs car hor8 Ics8. ::;====== go missionary, sold at a · dinner In New York Is to Introduce summer tlonl of their hlatory, and even selves a nd tbelr hearts became tender, time to tilDe on a near·by street, he H tossed us with glee. Nor unl ess we were breathle ••, Cleveland: street cars that will have- no end seata. to ~o-day among the faithful, and they repented of the evil which never runs away from home." . Content eo uld we be. "A Chinese 'beaven strikes you a s But the end seat hog will make him· wal the thought of the ultimate they had done, a nd again their h eart! "I didn 't tblnk tbere was s uch a ludicrous , Yet here 1n your own coun· self felt In some other way. began to turn In longing towards Jeru boy In the world. 1 should like to glory and exaltation of their be· But to dash through the ocean, try ' you are careful to fit beaven and To race o'er thl! land. see him." loved Jerulalem. salem. the-er-other place to your people's Are JOY8 ou r tast • Jaded - It Is proposed to raise revenue by There la luch a triumphant Then one day the message went "Oh, his good qualities are very Not now un~ ratnnd. dislikes. charging foreigners admission to this note of , Joy In thla book, and It forth among the Jews who dwelt at easily explained. You see, ·the boy A swifte r progres810n. "Thus, on my recent southern trip, country. The Idea seeme to be that may well be a lubJect of con· Babylon asking that they assemble I'm talking about Is a marble boy. W e feel w mU8t try, I beard 'a Georgia negro d1vlne d ewe are running too big . a ahow for a So the world's getUng CTILZY, templation by thoae of UI tothemselves hy the river side, fot and he presides over a fountain on To learn how to lIy. scribe hlldes as Ice cold, n place free show. day as poInting to a dlspensa· Baruch had somewhat to say unto Mr. Bleeker's lawn." where the wloked shiver and freeze ==:::::=.===;:=:= tlon yet to cpme. them. So It was that on the follow, THOSE SUMMER MEN. A Paris milliner has gone Insane, thro,u gh, eternity. I asked the dl· He Wal Real Mean . Put off, 0 Jeru .. lem, the ga"" Ing day when they were all gatherel • ays a cable dispatch. A lot 'of wom· ,. vine wby the altered In t hat radIcal Miss Golding-Here's your ring. I m, e nt of thy mournIng and af· together that Baruch came with hll en over here are raving about their manner the usual description of fllctlon and put on the come II· great scroll In his. hand. And tb have decided that I can never be your hats, raving In much the I!ame man· hndes. and he repU d : wife, so tbe engagement Is off and J I)eal of the glory that cometh people all crowded around to hear ner, we prellume. "'Ah don' darst tell mah people nuf· from God forever. and Baruch did read the words ot thr shall exp ct you to return everything ,fin' else, marm. Whf, It Ah sed hades Caat about thee a double garscroll which he had written th('rein. you may have In your possession that A . Georgia preactier says It takes' V'-<1Z wahm . some 0' dese ole rheumat· ment of the rlghteoulnell And as he unfolded the sad history of be longs to me. from '3,000 fo' flj,OOO a year to raise 10 bredd rn an' slBtern 0' milie would Hamlin-All I have Is a lock of Mr. which cometh from God; and Israel's waywardness and sin through a boy.. U he Is raised right, a good ,be wanUn' -ter , stnht right down dab set a diadem on thine head of out the long years, and how In merc} your hair and photo. I don·t suppose portion of the money must be Invested come fust frost:" tn sole leather straps. ' the glory of the everlasting. and love God had dealt It-!th them and you care anything 'f or tbe photo, but the lock of hair you wni no doubt For God will Ihow thy bright. had at last permitted the mighty kina For the Unmarried Daughter. Highwaymen in Brooklyn who neaa unto every Ilountry under of Babylon to come In and utterb want to preserve as a souvenir. The re wll1 be a v'e ry unique social .robbed a drunken man of 65 cents Miss Golding-As a souvenir of heaven. destroy and scatter the nation, the affair In Atchison early In July. A cer· ,got a sentence of seven years. No For thy name Ihall be called people fell upon their faces and wept what taln girl has never m rrled, and as all wO.n der, with all the modern Improve· . Mr. Hamlin-Of the time when you of God forever, the peace of the Then they lifted up thetr voices and her sisters milrrled and enjoyed pret· ,menta tn' opportunities, that justice Is were a brunette. righteous/ and the glory of cried: ty clothes and wedding presents her 'disgusted when the majesty of the law God'l worlhlp. "0 Lord Almighty, God of TsraeL, the father announces that he wants to The Sorrow of It. •• defUed for less th,an a dollar. ArlIe, 0 Jerusalem, and stand soul In anguish, the troubled spirit do as well by her a nd will give her a The jokesmlth table. On crleth unto thee. Hear, 0 Lord, and on high, and look about towards From the way In which panJcky En. mock wedding. his hands he the ealt. and behold thy chll. have mercy; for thou art mercifuL England afte r tryrng fn-nir..,h;"",",;,;=-n.,I';:":~r;;"'I-......=--~-..,.----. fiction durlDK the • S.h e \\'111 have ..!LlL!!!uoh ,money to dren gathered from the west Have pity on us, because we have w1lJ suddenly succumb to an unexpec' spend on clothes as lt she were to b "Alas, my braIn summer? I unto the' east by the word of s Inned before thee. For thou en· what he /laid: ed 'lnvaslon by Germany It wlll not be a bride, and after s he has them all tank's empty! All thoughts seem to She-No; but 1 Us ~n to It. the holy one, rejoicing In the durest forever and we perish utterly 'the fault ot- powerful suggestion If made her father wlll gIve h er a party remembrance of God. Remember not the Iniquities of our have fl ed. It·s funny I can't remem· Germany Is .not hypnotized Into trying and noUty all the kin tha t they ' must ber the jokes I think of In bed." Putting on Airs. For they departed from thee forefathers, but thJnk upon thy pOwel the feat so thrust upOn her notice. ca.r ry presents as If to a bride. Then TheY're getting stylish, and thy name, and praise thee In our on foot, and were led away of Wlae, I'm afraid: be wlll send the girl on a trip to the Yankee equines are winning recog·, ' their enemlel; but God bring· captivity. For we have called to mind Tbe w\.ae mnn thinks be fore b e 8peaks, Their hIred girl seacoast, where s he can wear her And It you w lll ' la now a "maid." nltlQn and prizes at the London horse eth them unto thee exalted with all the Iniquity of our forefathers new olothes and bave more tun than ,show. The day of the horse bas by glory, al children of the king. that sinned be fore thee. Behold, we But take hIs hunch you'll do tho same If there were a man tagging along.Had NotHing to Say. And then keep still no means passed, notwithstanding the .. dom. are yet this day In our capUvltT. The stranger bad been compelled Atchison Globe. p;og'ress In favor of the automobile. For God hath appointed that where thou hast scattered us, for , A TERRIBLE THOl)GHT, to linger twenty·four hours within the I,T he noble animal has qualities which every high hili, and ' banks of re proach and a curse, and to be sub A Gentle Alperalon. gates. no mere machine, however admirable long continuance, should be cast ject to tribute, according to all thr t Among ttJe prls9ners brought before queried the landlord of the "Well," tn Itself, can hope to rival. down, and valleys filled up, to inIquities of our fath ers, which de vlllage inn, as the stranger was set· a Chicago police magistra.te one Mon· make even the ground, that I.. parted from the Lord our God." tlIng his bill, "what do you think or day morning wss on~, a beggar, Whose Campalgn.lng In Morocco Is attended face was by no means an unfamiliar rael may go safely In tho glory And as they prayed thus, Baruch's our place as a summer resorU" by perils other than those whlcb come ' of God. heart was made glad, and he Bald tc "I'd hate to tell you:,' answered the. one to the judge. <from the hostlllty of tribesmen. A "I am Informed that you have agaln Moreover ven the woods and , hlm ~e1f: "Now will they listen tr> my stranger, as he picked up his grlpk Ic'o lumn of Fr~mcli troops and natlve every sweet·smelling tree shall pleadings for the desolate J erusalem "Even what 1 think of tt ' as a last re- been found begging In the public soId.l ers Is r eported to bave encoun· [treets:' said hIs Honor, sternly, "and overshadow Ilrael by the com· and w ill send succor , back to thoSt sort would not look well In print." tered.. ltl,QJ}g that 3 men..J)e· yet you carried In your pocket over mandment of God, who are In /lore stress amidst the lshed of heat and thirst. That Is a ten dollars In currency." For God ahall lead Israel with r uins." Those Ca' r Wlndowl, harsher fate than to fall on the firing "Yes, your Bonor," proudly returned George Washington never told a lie joy In ·the light of , his glory And when the voices of the people Une. tlie mendlcaD,t. "I may not be as Indus· wIth the mercy and righteous. bad ceased Baruch spoke to them of because he was cautious. nesa that oometh from him. J erusal em and her departed glory and One day, on ti. railroad train, a lab trlous os SOllie. put sir, I am no spendI £ dlcta 'that the population of the + • of their brethren the poor and deasked hlm' to open a window. Instead thrlft:'-:Harper's, Weekly. !United States w1l1 soon overtake the ., • • • • • • • ++• • • +• ++• • • • • +• • + spised whom the king of Babylon had of saying, "Ce rtainly, ' 1 will; madam," 'HOME TESTING food supply. This fits In nlceh with George . said, "I wlll try." ' THE STORY. left amidst the ruins of the beautiful A 'Sure' and EalY Teat on Coffe.. ~ty . the theory of tbe other professor who George did try, and, ot course, you t says cannibalism Is the proper thing. "Here, we have plenty. I:ack there \ know the result. IVE years," sighed Baruch. "rt To deoide the all, Important uesFood can be supplied and the popula· there Is great want. Let liS send ~Il But his ' reputation for vt,raclty wal does seem almost a lJfeti me." And tlon ot, coffee, whetber or not It ,. tlon kept down by the simple mode ad· agai n the mnn lapsed Into a long them." still saf~.-Yonkers Statesman. really the bidden cause of physical vocated, which will thus kill , two silence, ' "Yea, we wtn! We wlJl!" shoutec" ails and approaching fixed diseases, How Could She. birds with one stone. It' Is not often Day and night the condition of his the people and they at o nce madE. He (rhapsodlcallY)-1 adore every· one shouid make a teat of ten daya by that the learn ed experts so neatly peopie Israel welgbed upon his mind a collection of money according to thing that is gra",d, exquisite, super· leaving off coffee entirely and using dovetail th eir tbeorles. and heart. Day ' and, night he ha d every man's power, and they' made ·emlnent. 1 love the · peerless, the well;made Postum. up an offering and sent It unto Jeru, If the new sultan falls to meet the thought of the J erusalem he had seen serene, the perfect In 1I1e. It relief . tollows you may know to salem, unto Joachim the high priest, spoiled and ruin ed by the cruel hand require ments of the reformers, or She (blushing coyly)-Ob, 'George, a certainty that' coffee ' has \leen and' they scnt word, sarlng: of th e nation which bad taken them should die, he will he succeeded by How can I refuse 'y ou when you put your vicious enemy. Ot course you "Rehold. we have sent you money "I was just thlnkln' how terrible It so beautifully? ' Abdul Hamid's el~st s ou, YOUBSOUJ captive, How be bad striven to br ing to buy you burnt offerings, and sin cian take It back to your heart again, the rulers of J erusalem to th point It'd be If my birthday an' Chrlstmae lzzltdlne, who Is described as In every it 'you llke to keep sick. offerings and Incense, and prepare ye came on the same day. My!" of submission to the king of Babylon, No, Indeed. 'respect a b et~r man than Mehmed. A lady says: "I bad 'suffered wIth "Science seems to be puzzled by th~ stomach trouble, nervousness and ter· ,He Is a scientist, and astronomer, a but they would not, and at last the manna and offer upon the altar of the Lord our God. And y e shall read tbJI! His Mania. strange. beast recently captured by rlble sick headaches ever since I was Imathematlclan and a linguist. This king had sent and razed th e city and Tjarks-What Is Flyer doing around Mr. Roosevelt." ' a utt,le child, for my people , were ale being the case, It seems rather a pIty dragged all th e principal people to the book, which Baruch Is sending unto "Rest assured of one thing." that the law of Turkish s uccess ion far ott Babylon, he among them, And YOll, and ye shall say, 'To the Lord ,tbat rural legislator? ways great coffee drinkers and let U8 Bjenks-He's trying to lobby a bill. "And wbat is that?" does not allow tbe son to succeed the It had been five yea rs now Bl nce that our God belongeth rlghteou1'j ness, but children ~ave all we wanted. , I got unto us the confuslop of faces. And bitter trial. and during those years Flyer has th~ alrshlv craze strong. ' "U Isn't a nature . take." :father. 10 1 thought I could not, llve without now. 0 Lord our God, we have sInned, he hnd pondered over the condition Tjarks~And what kind ot a bill f. = c~tr,ee, but I ~ould not acknowledp About 'on e of the meanest species of his nation and mourned for the be· we have done ungodly, we have dealt he ~rylng to 'lobby? MANY EXCUSES. that It caused m .. sufferlng. , of fraud Is tbat reported from New loved J erusalem. unrighteously in all thine ordinances, , Bjenks-A bill to compel fatmerll "Then I read s , many1artfoles about York, where oats shipped from the He had striven to keep before thl! let thy wrath turn from us; ' for we' arc to spread feather beds over their Postum th~~ I decided to KIve 'lt a fafr · west are said to be largely mixed wltb minds of the captives the thought of but a fe w left among the heathen, farms when they see an alrsblp trial I had not used If two weekil In ,barley to give a larger profit to the God, and that even durIng their so- where thou has scattered us. Hear descending. plaoe of colee uniu ,I be,g an to feel ,sblppers. On account of tbls diet an journ In a strange land and with a our prayers, 0 Lordt" like ' a dllerent person; ' The beadaohe unusual number ,of work horses have strange peo ple th ey could be loya l Stood the Teat. and ~nerVQ\l~nel8 'disappeared ' ,and died, the fraud .not only thus kUling to him and obey hl's law. He tried "Mamma, why don't you want me The Higher Path. ,wherea/l I '\1s~d ~o be slok two,..r: three : the poor animals, but also Inflicting a to play with that Kudger boy?" to point out and make plain that It Borne Christians travel their way by days out ,of, a week while \irInklng' oot. loss on a class In the community least "Because, de8.r~ r know the famny. was th eir sin and the s ins of their the valley road, and miss the joys and (~e ' I 'llIn , ",ow weU and - strong ~d able to bear It. ' But. the modern busl· He hasn't good Jjlood tn him." . ' fathers which had brought upon the pr,l \'lleges , ot ' the few who Journey on' sturdy, se:v~n days ,a ' weetc;' thaDkl to , ness pirate bas no more compassion , "Why, mainma, he's ' been vacclnat· postuuf. :;' , : . than his prototype of old who made nation so great humiliation and suireI" the crest of the hlUs. We may tread ed twice, and 1t Wouldn't take eIther lng, and that It was only, as ' now they the path where the m1~t. ot dOubt . ",}'I hacU,eeli' ' u log ' Postum three hIa victims walk the plank. bowed to' the conditions and turned' aud unbelief linger, and be weIghed Ume." m~nth8 a.r4 ,lIacl, Dever bee-n s~k a ' snd served tbe Lord to .'the best "f down by the "dont:s:~ and" emotions. day wlien>t l thought' 'WOUld \;' 6Zl)ert. . " , CotduQation. , Tb,e Plt~8burg Dispatch advises UB their sbmty that they could find do- But thcoro Is a p!a!!e, If· we . but ment;,a*d ~ ', lf W?eaIlt wa's" coffee, ,i'Bbt;" as'k ed tbe ' first coed, "w~y , to "keep One 'umbrella at home, and lIverance. -, climb Vl I,t. wnere we' ,may walk ·that . ca~ th~ ~o~ble, 10, t ",epil . 'yoU: elect "to take up tbe study, of atlo~er a~ the ' office." ' Please send One year, two years, .threQ year!!, close ttl the ' Malter's sIde 'that the (f.)rman jll,st!!ad of "Frencb , .. , , fo ,.Urtnk eoffee !'PID and 1Qslde ot .. Jour recipe for keeping the one at four ye!lrB, and then five ye,a"!, had clouds uf unbelief: Ue tar below our "ee.k' r h&d _a -slok 8M". '1 w.. 110 III . '!Ob"~ 'replied the 'other,' "the ·the omce. • dragged out the ir weary le ngths and feet. We can Jonger doubt, 'J1. m~n . professor ',VU so awfully 1 was 'OOD cQu!1nce,d ~co~ee . . . still th~ brJghu.;ninr day of deliver· ,cau,sEl we "kno~, whereln :we have bethe ,caus,! of aU,b)Y, IDIsel")' lDd I went , What fat.~ has on the C!Ilrpet Is al· anoe dill not seem any nearer than l1eved." We have no longer a 'lienee 80m'll, YOll know,!'-Catbollo Btt~~!.1 haok to ·-YOltum with the relu1t t!)at ways ot anxl<?us Ipterest to me, but that ~rst 'day. ,,!ben they had reached of self-denial over , the nttle thIngs ~., Timei:"' .: r wu ~D well an.t strOhg ",aiD and It I, particularly so now to learn- whal the stTBnge land and bad' set to :work 'we have not to do, because we deatre , Hardl,. . det4?rmt~e4 to ' lUck ' to' ~OItull ad abe b .. on the ,Turkey carpet. ' to make them homes down along the ' only to know his wDl ud to ple..t "Here I. '. lI.t of the hundHd worat leue ootree alDll8 tn the: (uture." river bank In the seetlon wbJch had hIm. It fs the people ot hDI.a d ltel4 the ~be Man was the fI~t gossip, laJ. a been set ap~ br the Jdq tot the~.r prlvllege wbo., enter Into the h'el1tap, ChIC&&o wom&D~ . And see how , quick· dwelUng place, "Peace I leave wWl '7011. IIi1 lHI1ce J pOor male creature was outm. Tbat day Barucb Jaad 80De eut to .... unto ~. '

The Miami Gazette





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4NJlC. tbat Iwullcapr



ever a couple did. n lU4 not lIee~ · I'[t fll 1vrr. Truro,'!'lIbe 1III1t!, filterpossible that any buman being could estedly. "I nev r !law a picture of blm be such a bypocrlte as be appeared before. It 18 a perfect llkeness. And to be, and I concluded that she must Isn't he bandsome!" Ber woman's be some poor r latlve In trouble, whom deli ght In masculine beau ty would he was be l ping In some areat sorrow crop out v u i.U these grim o1roum· ngalnst his wife's wishes. The mone y st~nce6. Indicated that, and 1 coult! explain The doctor s lood a moment In wh:lt I saw In no other way, so 1 said thought. His fuce was serious. nothlns, resolving to give him the "Madam,'" he said, a t len gUI, "let benefit ot the doubt. For be ce rlalnly me tell you 0. shor t story, Once two s em d the nicest kind of a man [ very you ng people, a boy and g irl , ev r had here and I wanted to believe sca rce ly done bIn g child ren, senti, ,Dr. Furnivall's Psychometric-Deductive Solution of a Perplexing Case ' In him. Besid es, he saw me In the Ul nLal and hh; h·slr ung, fell In love mirror all I looked at them the re In see tbe possllJllI ly of this thought In ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he has In him. You s houW not hnve attempted to conduct an exa mina tion nch olh r's arms, and as he made no th eir fac s, as yo u can In ' t he faces • ii • RS. PHIL· "Do you know 'em well? How long an 1" demand 'd tbe Berg ant. eharp- here, with him In tbls stat e and tha t xlllaLllltlon, I thought he felt that be of sO man y youn g e nth\l !\lnsis, It wa!! ha d done no wron g, nothing that not an un o mmon lhou ght. So ail e Iy. "It was dark, wasn't It? The moon body on the bed. It was Ind cent." POTS started have they been with you 1" up and leaned "Tbey have heen bere two weekS was bebJnd the clouds. And you was "You put your side of tile job no ded I'X use. But now- I don't night th ey lay down on th 11' herl and forward In bed only, and I scarcely know them at all, way up the re from the steps-come thruugh Ilnd l'U man nj::e to worry mlnr know whal to think. H he rcally loved be, putting the revolve r to h er heart, suddenly, Thoy said that they. had been marri ed hero and let me look at you !" he add· alon ~ withou t any belp," the s rgeant Ib is oth er wo mnn, and nol bl s wire, kissed her passlonat Iy, no douLt, nnd eve r y sense II. year, and tbat th eir name was Tru, ed, suddenl y. He look the mlln by g rowled, belligerently. " Th ro's a and If It was a woman who cnme up fired, The muzzl of t he wil pon was strained to a roo Tbey seemed to have plenty of the arm anr! turn ed him aro und so pbony s treak sonlewhe re In t hi s mi xed l h s e at IlS lit dead o t nl ght-" , so clos e to t he Dl urlt thal the robe painful degree money, nnd were very plellsant, the t bat t he light from the dimly burning IIp murder and burgle, and It's my SIl stoPIJed, shudde rin g. Dr. Furn.!· s he wore was burned. She died In· or acuteness. handsomest couple 1 eve r saw In my g aR je t f II squar Iy upon hi s fao e. dut y to di g It out. And ," h a d(led, vall rose urlskly. stantly, wi t hout paIn , a heaven ly Some killd of Ilfe, and wel'e wbolly Wl'apIJed Ul) In "H' m! You're In a nl oe condition to slowl y and sIgnificantl y, eying Mrs. " T o begin a t the right nd at the s mile on her pre tty, t rus tf ul , youn g an ominous each oth er," give evidence, YOIl arol" th e sergeant Phllpots, "I'm a-gain' to di g It out!" case," he sllld, "I would firs t s · e th e fuce. Th n , t r mblln g wit h ler ro r at sound, appar· " W1l11t was the man's business ?" grunt ed. "YOu'd call a hoss a WOUlan man . 0 1' th e woman , But us h Is a t whn t he had done, tb n boy reso lutely ently coming "I don't think he ba d allY business. - or an alligator!" "Dr. F'ul'Dl vall ," said Mrs, Phllpots, the hospita l a nd I am 11 re, whll tbe tur ned th o pi stol a gainst him self, but from a pornt near by, In her own I think h ba d ple nty of mon y. H Tn fact It Will:! evident that tbe wit· "I r Quested yo u to call hore In order womn n r ma ins unkno wn, I will look mi ssed a vital s pot. The shock of the house, hud Btartled ber out of her always puld his bills promptly, any· ness' eyes were In a I:! tale popularly that I might ask you to fi nd the real at the body Ilnd then examine the bullet added to hi s te rror, and half midnight s lumber. Occupying the wa y." supposed to be more favo ra ble to criminal In this aw ful case, Illl d thus room," Ins ane, he spran g up, c lap p d on hla back parlor, the door of wblch she had "Yes- for two weeks. Good judg· doubl e sight than to nice dis tinction prote ct me from lh e police, who nre Shown b y t he boa rel lng mi st r ess to h at through force of ha bit, and das hed left open Invlt.lngly for ' such stray mentl" grunted the sergeant, cynl· of facts ; Ilu d, It t 1'llns pil'lng presently doing all In their power to make my the seell at th e U a!; dy he s t udied breaths ot all' as might be enUced cally. " Well," he conthi ued, " who do that he was a youn g collego alumnus hOllS notorious and m ix me up In this the face of th e vJc Um lylug In til e bed. from th e house. '"r,'OI' so me reason, pe rhaps because that way on the stilling hot nlgbt, they know- who calls on them?" who had onl y sbortly before returned dreadful crime. That scrgenn t has Til e unr! rl a k.e r ha d not ye t arrived, 1w saw persons approacblng, or sud· sbe bad nn unobstructed view of "I can't say whom t hey know, but In to bls room from bl s class banquet, acquired a grudge Ilgalust me for some It being s till enrly In · th e mo rning, the hall us, with ,wide eyes and all the time U1ey have b een tl ere only the se rgeant was abou to order him reuson or olher, See th crowd at a.nd' th e body remain ed as the ml:ldlca.1 dill y r a ll zln g the condilion of hili pounding pulses , she remained one pers on hOB come to s e th m, and back to bed when Mrs, Phllpots sp(Jke my door- owing to the publicity 11 e xamlner had left It a fe w 110u rs be· dr S8 , or more likely becunso the open -all' ot tho wide world gave him propped ri gidly upon ber elbow. The that was a woman." up. has given the affair! And this officer fOl·e. 0. feellu g at desolation greater than soUncl cam e again- It was II. pistol. " A fllce th nt would be beautiful," "I dldD 't think of It before," she right here In my own hall! It Is At this moment the wounded man ever, now th at she was no longer hy sbotl ~ There could b(> no doubt this he said to hlmsel,f, "but for the pre- his side, he lurned a lmos t Immedl· groaned, and the physician who waS' £tatu, hastil y, "but It ' mlght have been scandalous." time. ADd alOlost on tbe Instant she caring for his 'burt put bls car to the a ' ",:oman I saw, after all. 'I'he light "Tbe s e rgeant Is m erely doing bls domlnanco of sentiment over thought ately and ' rushed back til the house eaw a shadowy form spring out from which were moaning some scarc-a· was Indistin ct, as I said, and of course duty as he sees It," tbe doctor respond· In It. That changes the adjective to where the body ot his loved one IllY. the front parlor, wrench open the hall lips I never dreamed ot Its b ~lng a wom· ed, "Your contradictory evldenoe jus· 'pre tty,' The sweetness whlcb Mrs. He had no key, but the night belns ly Intelligible words. door, and slamming, It violently, dis. Phil pots saw Is really mliliness, gentle- very hot Ule window was raised, and an." Ulles blm In his action." I Ob, coward, coward!" the "Coward appear In the direction of tbe street. The sergeant scowl ed. This young "But how could I be sure whether or ness, ot the kind due to lack of foroe. , eas ily reaching It from tbe steps he doctor thought he said. For a long moment she could not "Can h e talk?" tbe sergeant asked, ma~ was probllbly a good boarder, not It was a woman, In the uncertain The girl was weak. She was also crawled Into his room, Dlechanlca1l1 credit her senses. That such actions eagerly, coming nearer. whom she liked, and she would not light? I said In the first place that good, and hlgh·mlnded In her way j and married eaoh' other under dllD· al this sight and sound Implied could "Coward! coward! coward!" the pa· stand tamely by and s e e him discredit· It was 110 man because tbe Idea of a sensitive In the extreme. She lived In cui ties of Bome kind, I'robably the occur ,In her own select boarding tlent glI"Oaned again, this time In a ed. That was all the stock he took woman doing luch II. thing never en. the air, In the clouds, not on the solid, chief dlfDculty conslsto4 In the fact house was unbelievable, and ef[ort on In lIer evidence. He turned to the tered my head. Even now It seems Ilractlcal ea.rth. She was so young- that tbe youthtul brldel!'room's fam' ber part was required to adjust her slronget tone, the syllables sounding wounded man. preposterous. I took It for granted not over, 18-that the signs of the lIy objected utterly and with finality distinctly. be"Udered mInd to the situation. aut "You aaw that it was a man, 10U that it was II. man. But tbe Inslant tragedy sure soone'r or later to over· to the match, and cast him of[ for "Ask him who shot him?" whispered , ahe was a woman' of executive ability said. Are you sure of that?" one of my boarders tesUfied that he take sucb a character exist In her fea· oonsummatlng It, for it was easily to tbe officel' to tbe medical examiner. tn ber way, 80d with comparatively "I thought of course that It was a saw a woman come up the steps the tures only faintly, In hints, Indlrec· be seen that tbe girl was of II. social Tbe groanIng man suddenly opened lIt,t le 10s1 ot time she sprang from her man-I would not lake my oath on thought of that woman who called on tlons, possibilities, not u propheo1es. sphere v~ry different from his, There bls eyes and looked at the sergeant, bed, threw on a wrapper and ran along Mr. Truro occurred to me, and I hesl· Tbat appearance would have· devel· was one relative. perhaps a 81ster, "What are you here .for-what baa It," he answered. the ball. The door ot the front par"But," the s ergeant growled at Mrs. tated. Their Interview was so strange! oped later. But it Is ' there-high who pitied hIm, and visited him happened '" he asked, faintly. lor was open, and, the sb!ldes being "Here, take thls," s8.ld the doctor, PhUpots: "You said thJs person tbat I became less sure tbat the person tragedy! That a mere thief should act once bringing m'oney, which hLt raised, ahe could discern through the you saw had on a derby hat. Does 1 saw was a man. Indeed, If t could as the purveyor of fate to her Is 1m· pride wo\,ld not allow him te lltful moonlight a sbape dImly outllned putting a restorative to the pale lips. women wellr derby hats 1" only have had time to choose my possible, Sbe was above tbe reach of a.ccept while ble adored wife reHe gulped It painfully, tbe doctor holdon the sofa. "Yes, they (\0," she said, defiantly. words In the first place 1 sbould have a person on that plane. It was senti· mained unrecognized, and so the rela. Ing his bead. Then he cJosed bls eyes "Who 18 there 1" IIhe aaked In a wean,ly, "Tbey wear all kinds of hats that they said 'person: not 'man,' and not ment that killed ber, not brute crimi· tlve, after weeping out her pity and strained whisper. No answer came "Can't you tell who 8hot you ?" the can get to wear-tbat ar& becoming:" 'woman.' That would bave been the nallty. Therefore the Indlca~lons so aftectlon In his arms, went away tatand ' abe repeated the Question. stili sergeant Insisted, epeaking in a low She ~yed the omcer, and he realized real truth." tar point to that other wo~an, eltber Ing the rejected offering with her, the form neither moved nor spoke. "Thla woman, you say, visited Mr. aa principal or accessory. Th'e re was And they needed It very muCh. Proud .voice, but with a trace of command that he bad made the mistake of rous· no thief In the case. Yet Truro says with 1nh\!rlted pride, with no mO,ney, Groping untll ·ehe found a match In It. Ing her hostility by his manner. She Truro. Was Mrs. Truro away?" ehe hastily Ugbted the gas, and then "She was In the 'kltohen with me, that the murderer was at his trousers no profession, no trade, unable ' to The eyes ftew open again, the man woult! say nothing now, be telt lure. ehe recognized tbe figure as that of attempted to raise his body and look "A nice bunch of witnesses we've doing some Ironing, She knew the pockets. Did he recognize tbls per- fight the ",orld with any chance pI Mr, Truro, wbo, wltb his wife, occu. loward th~ bed, - but the effort was goU" he whispered, disgustedly to the lady was there, but seemed to wish son, and was that statement false, 8uocesl, through his youthful Ignor· pled the room. DresBed In pajamaa too much for him. He sank back, doctor. "One's drunk and one's mad not to meet ber. I tJllnk that, knowing made to shield the guilty? It must be ance and sensitiveness, yet tblnklng 80lely, a8 If he bad l1eed preparing for stammering one word: and one's hurt so he can't think. And she was coming, she mad.e an excuse so. ' He knows who the criminal Is. It absolutely necessary to ,keep up bed, or had recently risen from It, he "Sh-sh-sbe?" none of 'em ' knows II. woman from a to go down stairs -In order to . avoid Otherwise he would not have tried to appearances, he finally, after a year misdirect suspicion. 'J.'hls being grant· pf failure, disappointment and pe~ 'Wu ~uddled against the arm and back The doctor' laid a soothing hand on man when they s ee 'em!" Then he 'ber." ed, would he have applied the ' word haps some downrIght want, havlnl of the 80ra, head lOlling, legs relaxed, his. The patient looked pltl{ully Into addressed Mru. Phllpotll, his tone "She /Jald nothIng about her?" and from lome hidden' part of 'hlB body his eyes and understood. somewbat softened tr om Its lormer "No; I judge trom her actions. Sbe 'coward' to a woman, as he certainly. pawned all their valuables, came to • thin 8tream of blood drJpped. No "Oh, God! Coward! coward! cow· gru1l'ne/ls: was very sweet and gentle, and I am appUed It to the criminal? In the ex· the agreement with her that It would J)lstol appeared In sight, but little ard!" he cried, with bitter energy, "You Sl\.y, a woman called pn these Bure would never say anything against cltement and bttterness of tbe moment be Infinitely better for them to die towreaths of blue smoke hung over the ''But who wall hoY" said the ser- ,people once-dId you k,n ow her?" a person, no matter how ' much she he might have shot tbe epithet once, gether than to attempt to struggle table, and there wa. t pungent tang geant, advancing stl11 Dearer and look· Tbe boarding mistress hesitated, should dislike him. But she would even at a woman, but he would not any longer In the cold world with no In the dead alr, 8peakIng wttnessel to Ing dowp Into the !landsome eyes. glanclng.aUbe-wo ' ar room until this bave reiterate d It over and over, ' as happier prospects than tbelrs. It woulll .::- the n ture of what bad occurred. "I don't know," he answ'3red. sergeant thougbt, flashed a warning woman had gone away. I could not he .dld, 10 anybody but a man. The be beautiful' to dIe, ,both of thern , Shivering aa - It with the ague, y~t , "But bow did be get. In here? Mrs, to ber with his eye. He waited grimly help suspecting that she was aome girl murderer was therefore a man, and at the same Instllnt, and remain II Truro knows what man. The next peace and great love, tOll9ther ther"" managing to repres8 the exolamatlon Philpots saw him slide out-he was tor tlie answer to his question. Mr. Truro had liked before he met his step Is obvious," , after through all eternity. You ooul~ of horror that rose to her lips, she In here all right. He didn't fire 'rNa, I dldn1t know her," Mrs. Phil· wile-something of that sort. A.p,d she Having called up the city hospital oloslng and fastening the Bash behind looked wltb dreading' eyes In the di- through the wInder, or tbls door. Did pots said, finally. He regarded .ber was jealous. , 1 thought how foollah rectIon of the bed. There lay the wlte you see b.lm at aU? Tell us how It cynically a moment, and then asked sbe must be to feel that way, he sO on the telepbone, however, he learned him, and oollapsed on tbu sofa, One tbat, while the wounded husband WIl9 1 • almost bidden by' the clothes, wblcb was:' the man on the s()fa: plainly loved her with all bis heart. doing well, his case was precarious, of the boarders had seen blm oome up were plle~ upon lier In twisted beaps, "Who was she? You must know," Bllt ' as 1 ca~e up the back stairs I and. as he was sleeping now It would tbe steps, and on account pf the looseWith great dlIDculty. and making flowing pajamas bad mistaken blm 88 If the husband jumping suddenly many pauses (or breatb, he succeeded "Certainly," be answered at once. saw In ' tbe mirror, their dool' being up had thrown thIs share of the cover- In Informing them th'at In the nlght "She was my wife's laundress who open, tllat this woman wae lu his arms not do to disturb him. Therefore Dr. for a woman. Tile same boarder had Furnlvall returned to the front parlor ing has till to tbat side. Her face was he bad been suddenly awakened by came-" weeping, as they stood near the cen· and began an e a~lnation of It. hi a also In the excitement. he was labor· white, the eyes starlngj and Mrs. Phil· noise 'In his room, and aa:w a man at "That Is enough!" exclaimed Mrs. ter of the room, and he was soothing few minutes he turned to Mrs. Phll· Ing under, placed the sound of the polll, no longer. able, try as she might the pockets of hIs trousers wblch hung Pbllpots, sllarply, to him, "I wasn't her. 1 was astounded. A roll of shots he beard after, Instead ot be.. for her house's sake, to, restrain her on boOks near the foot of the bed: The sure what I'd better say until I beard money lay on the table, where It did pOlS, fore tbe entrance of the person be had "1 suppose tbe police have searched observed. The hemorrhage trom the emotion, uttered scream on s<lrea~ weather being extremely hot the win· your explanation, and It you are going not lie a few mInutes later wben she and fted to her J'OOm, shutting and dow8 were open, and the shades, raised to lie about it-!" Sbe turned to tbe had gone and Mr, Truro had come to the room," be said. "Have they taken boy-husband's wound, being mostl1 Internal, left only 1\ few blood drope locking ~e door after ber. - But the to their full height, allowed, enough ,sergeant with restraIned Indignation the head ot the stairs to call his wlte, away any exhibits?" "I think not-nothing that I kno~ bere and there, which ",cll;ped the eight of the . telephone whloh was In· moonlight to enter to enable him to In hel' face. , "Tbat woman waS no so I could only suppose she took It eyes of the polloe; but CIne Invest!; etalled there dl~cted her' energies In see that the figure was that o~ a man, laundresll," she Bald. "She was a lady, wben sbe went. He was glvl,n g ber of." "But the furnishings bere all belong gator discovered them c.t once by aid some degree and after a moment of and that was about all. His face was or looked like one, and In nil but one money! Mr. and Mrs. Trurq loved efto!'t at collectIng her faculties she undlscernlble. He could not tell bow thing acted like one. I snw him with each other to the point of worship If to the room, just as you a lways let It. of a magnifying lens, un Ute steps and That Is evident. The couple brought on tbe wlndow·fastenior 'Where-" hastened to it and summoned' tlie po- th'e ~ntruder was dressed. Immediately \ N_.v;;;; . nothing Into it-no brlc·a·brac, no or-::> llcerc:= Mrs. Phil pots, whose e)'QS had been he mnlie a , movemen~ to spring from tIT, AI naments of any kind. You say they growing Wide with 110rra!:' as underWhen the oIDcerlland the"'osslstant' bed and grapple with the thief, but rr 'Or," S Ir~Ost arlO,U S bad plenty ot money-did they give standing crept In upon har, exclalmell Dledlcal examiner ' arrived they found his wife, wbo ' must bave been awake, *any reason why they did not follow In a faint voice at th18 point an, I thilt the man, though wounded serious· threw herself upon him, Whispering: ly fn the. region the lieart, wall "Let him take what there Is and go. Cliln. May Rightly Lay Claim to Lin. men and laborer8 who came bac~ trom the custom, by adding lfhaht Iklnd of sank upon a chair. the {Tntled States, all wllh m re or thin g to the adornment 0 t e r apart· aUve, but the woman's eye8 ."fere -al· 'D on't tUlk your Ute, dear. He has a That I. Unique Among E art h ' a ment?" "B-Qut," sbe stnmmElJe4, "he said rea·d y fixed In the stare of death, Sbe plato1! :' At that Instant the burglar Railroad.; less experience In railroad construc· "Oh, yes, that Is all right! They tblef-and he called h1!U & cowardhad boen shot th.rough the ,heart. Both fired, tbe wlte receiving the shot. The The most cu~ railroad In the tion, ' were to be hero only temporarily, were. "Having no settled course of action, . buliets, the 'one whlc~ had found the' busband sprang to ~he fioor and The oonstrucUon work commenced go i ng to b ouse k eel> Ing In a few week s, h orr III o. . ed b y t h e rea II zat~c:n o.• tb e wife, and that' WhIch had entered ' the rushed upon the man, who then fired world Is In China., and It 'was built and financed solely by Chinese. 1.t II In the nllddle of 1906 and part of the and all their goods were packed and In crime he 11ad commlttC'd. his sensl· husband, bad been aimed to kill, the again and ran from the room, pursued in·" ' tl ven ess, even more th n.. "bl s la c k ' of It Is line was opened to traffio at the b e gstorage. one unerringly, the, otber ,a finger's by the victim only as tbe sofa, also operated by Ohlnamen. known as tbe Sunning railway, and Its nlng ot 1908. The whole road Is pro· , Dr. Furnl'vallthrew open the door of brute courage, filled h!l!'. , with an breadth to the right, ;mlsslng as by a where he collapsed. He supposed 'the YI~ port, 120 vlded with telephone lines for dis· the single closet. awful feR.r or detection, eo said what· miracle a vital s1>ot. " ' villain hlld gained entranoe through 'terminus Is at Kung T patohlng. ' southwest of Canton. "Was their wardrobe packed and In ever IlTOm Ise d t 0 sen d i nvl esl ga tl 0 n miles tbe window. It was SIUDe common present there are 32 miles In opTrains run three trips a day from storage also?" he asked. She saw asl ray. It s eemed easy to charge thl'! At tblef, wbo wanted moneY and, being erallon, and there are four mUes un· each end, taking about two hours for wilh dismay that the dresses Which 'deed to nn unknown Uller. In reality detected, bad shot them In or'er to del' construction, and four miles more the trip. The average dally recnlpts she supposed were crowding lhe closet h e had notblng worth stealing but a esclfpe. ' , proposed, making a: total of 40 mUes are from $225 to $$250 on passenger to repletion were mlsslng. There was bundle at pawn tickets In a bureau "You called him 11. ' coward because when tbe wtlole enterprise Is finlsl1ed, traIDc' and from UO to $50 on frelgbt. jlractically ' nothing on: lhe hooks. drawer. D spl!!lng himself for hit he shot a - \Voman, then, and n'o t beThe Idea of building this railroad with a dally expense ot about $150. "I am sure they always appeared' failure to follow his wlf.o at all cost", cause you , knew him 1" the ' aergeant originated witb Mr. Ohln Gee Hee, The capital at the railway Is $1,350,000, , finely dressed, both of them," sbe said, It wall at his own head, Ilot another's asked, ' who was then In the United states, divided Into ,shares ot $2.50 each, all blankly. "And they brought two great Ulat he flung the eplthtt ot ,coward." "Certaln1y. A thousand tlmel yes. and some subscrlpUons tor stock' were ot whlcb are owned by Chinese, and trunks. Here they are," Tbe boarding mlstresa lat weeping How could I be' supposed to bow a secured from other Chinese resid,ents pay good dividends to the stockhold· The doctor raised the lids. The ra- sortly Into her handkerchief. 'Th,e commoil thlef1" , of Ple United States. The majQrlty ers. coptacles were empty. ache at her heart was 110 great that There are two loops, one at Kung Wllhout a word, and followed by tbo sbe could not speak. Two of the' policemen, who ha" been the stook, however, Is now owued by "I have told you this, story," con· s~archlng the pre~lses for eVidence, residents of ,t he Pro!1nce of Kwang· Ylk and one at Sunning. There ate anxious gaze ot' the boarding house , ' no turnstiles at present, but these mistress, he pulled out the drawe rs or tlnued Dr. Furnlvait, "In' order lhat approacbed the sergeant .With a man tung. When the l'oad WUB su~veyed th~ will be put In at K~g Ylk, Sunning, tbe bur.eau. They Q()ntailled only the I might ask your advice. It 'ls a trul' attired 'oulT In a shirt and trousers. He .,.,'as one of tho several .lodgers who villagers, were v~IY, ~uch oP,pos~d to Chung Lau, and Au Shan. The head , fewest possible necessities ot the to I· story In aU the essentials, yoU ma) It· and refused to sell lan,d ~o th~ ('om- oIDce I~ I~ Sunning city, 17 miles rrom let. ' rely on It. ' Now suppose thst 8 wom 'pany to be used for ra,llroad pur~oses, ,Kung' YII,t. port, ""hElre a prln~lng office "It could not be ,that the thlef-" an 'Were suffering persecution f,rom but after : meetlng all ' th,ese dbah'uc, I,' established. f~ printing, 'the tImeM~s. Phllpots paused and Interro- Ui~ pollee 6n account of ,that ~oollsb, tlon8 for a considera»le time with .tabll!s" tariffs and advertlslng: matter gated the doctor with wid!) eyes. ' "ery human " boy·husbancr,s ' crime' great ~atlence tbe projllctors fin~llY for, t~~ J'O!ld, , ,, "You SIlW him go out, and , be had Would you; , knowlng the truth, advise obt&tned tbelr consent ' to and 'co·opera· , At Kung , Ylk there 'a re an offioe, notblng but a rev'o lver In his hand, that woman. to send, me to force Ii con· tlon In"Us ~onstru~tton~." ~ storeroom"a machine sbop, a b!_ck. you tbought," he answered to, ber un~ tessl9n fl'om lilm' ~n "bat , m:ig\lt be ch,ole,l'ltl'l ,The Une-Is' being oonstructed entire- 8mlth sbop, a ~o,undry. :There, ar~ po spoken question, , his ', dl:ath bed, tn olllta!" , to stop that rel~al~ded , ly 'bJ n~n.sclen,hJie Oh,lnelle, No ' plJr- o~erhea~ ' br~dge8 ' (:ir tunnel8 "on ' tbe "Tben ~hOr were gettlng' read,y t9 ~emporary per~ecilU~n1" . ,b~]IJII!:en!nt . s,on d any ~aUo~allty ' ~ther, t~n CM· line. 'r~e \,o&d I~ IJa,nd, .. gra~e~ and leave clande~UnelYI' ~hey tiad ~keD ' Mrs. 'Phllpots flung, he~ , lian!1kerneae has ,ever been connected f~\ any earth baUaated, 8tanda~~ gauge ~nq , thel\, tbln~s ' awny a. few , ~t a time, so. -chief to the floor wltb a -tr8g(c gesl• ...'" ' wIth the bulldlng -9f ~s road. It single t1ack. with a ,lIide track at every : as not to . attract notice I Oli, J cOl,!.ld· ure ber e)'es flasbed, ,J1~ sprang erect 18 "tiD! buUt llndp.r~ti direction "o~ station. , " nIt bave" believed It 'Of sUIll! ,people. , and" stamped her ' foor.. 1 ', ' • Chili, pre8lden~ of ' :the rallwu, \' such ver:Y nice ', ~eQPle I And they " "Dr; .Furnlvall, ~f ,I'lU -dare-" ,be . returned to Oh4pa bom 1he .u~t· owed only ,a week r rebt, due tp-mor· began ~ln a blale pf't1fge. ' ' 8c1 after 40' years' experlCl1lce row!" , ' , -" , . th.... !.Ome 'of ",bleb ~aa '~ a railroad . .'The dootor made no rejoinder, Be 'He BD111ed... 'l'h~ tele\)hon~ bell, wa.fore_ and contractor. waB examl~lng a :pbotolrlUlb 'Which rtnglnr, and ~. went In to U. to. Rw baa 110 had' fallen from bt:lhlDIi on. 'Qf the moment hJB returned to ~er, ,lbi~"IJe&:'Ip' drawera: aa he jul,ed It out: ' . ''lie 18 dead," he .ald, Ilmp17. 'I. tbl,r lie. uked ller, hOl!lo (Cowrt.h,- . . 11)" W, G., Cba.PDlW, Jq ~ ..,. (~Frilbt ..

'.II!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. r:

The -M idnight Crime Bj Dr. George F.' Butle'r and

her, and be-he-wen, sl1e "all crying In his arws. And he knows r SIlW them together. 8e gave her money, tocr-" ' "Wl\I YOIl keep q~.let!.. a lmost s creamed tbe wounded man . It wns tbe last ffort ot which he was capa· ble, and Immediately he relapsed Into unconsclousneSB. '~!W8-1elH!t4'b ha-ve IIny mOTe-of this,': silid the doctor, sternly, lo tbe sergeant, as ho hils ten d to the pa llent's aid , " We mus t rush, this pOOl' fe llow to tbe bos pltal lind try for the bullet






____. . . .______






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,10 lintt '. u Ri(lgl vJUo 1l1II} 001'0 r /ld in 'Iel\r 'r ok towtJ hIp hi~ bill UI5 p r abie y al'd .


l:bmlilOl1 I I n Court. . New b:l\'A

~ fI .t, I , ,:,

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, · t l1\Jb~ .

P · !ii l 1., 11 tur IIi vur('", vl'llu l llf ul

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ing <1 f.lf" nrtlwt, II UI' ~ ni!ty fMll a UJ" tul prn otice WI t h thel r own ullugb I . r . Ii' V " ll ' ,~ , II H ,lI n . • f o !' pIll Ill ·


<'ontrBot wos. ent r eel Into with B rt Rae for tbr oorrugated sew: 8 r ~ Aod r epllh: to wooden top bridge jola t Ilnd wal l:, in D erfie ld ' tI.lWD . ship. BllIs""":W : B . StRDllge& 0., mdse . for (II a urer ~;- .1i0; Northwestern MlIllufo cruriu g "'0. , diRinfeotant for court ll oueI, 6.2r,; Bert, Reed bridg reJlllir in Ue r{i "h.l t \v'o ahip, $18 50 l'tH.te of Ohio VM . H.i 'bArd Mllr hull l'O~ t:', a. {)& ·tttttl of Ullio VS • •Iuok It edef, co tli , , I. 50.

T'" ----~---~•. "

Here. and There " . .



frh~ Dayton, pr1Dgfield Xenia Sout.bern Ra1lroud company, o,f aston , filed 11 ,o ertifioate with tbe "ec retMy of otate ~'bu rsday, inoreasir.g it capital stock from '10,000 to

I 2




Mrs . Will iam AdIl.Ul!!, wbose bome is b twe u Spring alley auu Bell. ,lu l11' A . M lI llf 1'1 V:< . lli1'llOl I.... brook., Hulfared str oke of Jls ruly!!i nUll .I uli A. lill l l ' ~ PIIlII') 1l fM some ti mo WetluElsdny nigbt, Imd I W'lIll).'· 'I" lilleoi t o II ,l tH' 1111 pl'olll ill .. In fl ol'i tical oondi tiun. 'he was R .ry note . L K. LllngJoo. nttorn y found In no unOOD, iOIl lItat by ber llusbllnd wb 0 be Aro 'I'hur, day for )llllintlff . MIlr· Ih ,h ll fl r vs. F . A . l:l1lde WASHINGTON'S PLAGUE SPOTS morning . brul1d P titian for m oney 011 !ifl In t be low, marshy bottoms of promi!l!lol' Y uote. Artllo r BrYAnt t,b o Pot(,lmll(l, the br eedi ng ground Workmen are installing t b e oros of lUlLluriil gilI'm . T he e germs ottorncy f o r,plllintlff . IlUSS cbills, fevln' tlQd Ilgue, billions lo g of the D. L . & C .. on Brown trllu'" fn r mlu rt> OOlUp ny Vtl D !it' jllllndi ce, III!'slt uu e , weak ness s treet Day too, aud the r onel will b Robllrt Mor lllu Rl'p]tw ln HOlt fur tiD(1 ~en Ttl I 11 bi llty und bring snt ltlid BR far as tbe N . Ll. R I1S fll t U8 f'et ul'i, 0 1 p en!llllltl pr" \1 l·r h' !It,d dll m fe r in/{ or dl'lIth I I) th ollHl\nc1s yettrlv , po .,ible so that the s hillplng (J1~n b e uges r,o Illll OU Il t of $1 ;)0. Writ illP u ud hnt Elfl ,t,de BIt tl' I·t! never fuil tu ue oommenoed at oooe. '1'1I e g rtld e \lnd !ltmy th e m aud cu e Ull\ loria troub les . "l'llflY Are the Lust, all ruund excuvlltlons bave been completed tn Probatel::our.t. t IlIC nOll curl for TDll lar io. J e y I the vioinity of the fl1ctory Ilnd th disinf~ctant E til l A of Lu ~y I!; ~hrk . rl · Il !'lOci, " write R. M Jumes . of Lou work is being rapidly pUlIbetl towurd 1;11 611 . '. '. They cure ' toml1cb , cen ed. . ""oud lIud Quul tl OOOUli t Liver Kidu Y !lnd Blood Troubles Washington street. lip}.)r veri , u1lowed Ilnu oOJl firm d. IlUU ~v ill prevent Typlloid. Tr.v F.Ht4\ t tl of EllZIlbtlth If. Mount, de t llP lll , IiOc . UI\ ro n t"bll by Fred C. The largest whent yield r eported . oaR ed Fir I, accuunt IlIJproved, ul ::iobwort 1: . - -+- -this sell on i from the farm of l'lw d II nu Ofl n tl rm d. E~ tl\t.f! of Irwiu Wut·kln et lll HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM r. .indley M. Moon, in Wasbington, tQwnshlp, Clinton oonnty . J!'rom minur Fi.l't. Ilccount II pproved, '£0 cure rheumtltism, it I neceSS!I· flft,y aores a orop ot' 1,243 busbels tll l'lwfld and c('ufirmecl. ry to rid the system of the exoess of Wtt.8 tbre bed. One field of ftfteen ,Estate of Rtf.l pb /Iud Nellie 6it b , uric floid; nnd to do this a proper Bores yielded ' 536 bU 8hel~, Iln Ilveri n o r~ First nnci fiDal aO'oout m . diet is even more important tban age of thirty five !lull two·thirds 11PPl'ov el , Rll ow d 8':ld confirm ed. the use of urngs, th.o u~b in very se bushels per acre; E \4t.ate of J emima E. Vrana. de vel'e oulles the are p ot to be ofl.Used. ·Fir.t Ilnd tiol11 acoount despIsed in coojuuotion With .the 111'proved, lI,l1uw U and oontirmed. dieting tlbat is abs lutely essential. " . The \.lRSe of Mamie Evans vs, The Estate of t:Jillls E ~"ttertnllu, de· The MII8saobusetts Ueneral Bos. Boarrl of .Educo,tion flf Lytle ·~peoia.l oetlsed . ,I. M. t:!tacy nppointed ad pitnl of Boston all ows the fcHowing ohool Distrlot, in wbioh jmlgment, tn.inlst.fIltor giving bond of '1000 diet for its rheumatio patients: was aWllrded the plaintiff by O . J. 1'1 have thoroughly tested HYGENO as wit·b Aida ' K tt.ermao l\ul'ety. In- G h b' b"e ..... white brend Edward.s J P . was appealed to the d' Ii' h 1'110 am or rown . .. ~, HOG LICE, and it is certainly ahead of them veE~tory l",p,.a nse tWtllt . t J b '(1lmited to one hpJf slioe daily), ooro, Court of Common PlelLs Wednesday states or se emen: uOO. d gives the same good results in exterminating P t grtinUDl, rloe, milk; egg!:!, fiour, pn ' morning. 'T he plaintiff olaims tbere . h d I . t t DoUihman, fi U tm .DdlSfil'a I' e etr ding!!, oraoker:!. beans, pells, all is dne to her from the 'Board, $10 and can most cheerfully recommend it." " Dong mtUl fS an nu 1 "CCDun : . , U''':id l ' I '. t t f La' . kinds of vegetabl~s exoept potatoes, for five daY8 attendance at- the H endry...,.., 'ocflmf....nts ra o~ °t .. G~IFse tomlltoes tln(i OIJparngu8 rhnbarb, Teachers' Institnte at Lebanon , Lin el'man. WI aeoeun j • • . b . b tt ' . d . t t' t f M . no freRh 'flSb, butt~r, 0 eeseJ u er· during Au~uQt, 190 , at '2 per··day. Brow~, d.ll. o:'ln dll ,raft or 0 d flarYI l!.o. milk, cream, alkaline waters and She got judgment for thil amollnt Brown. eoell~e, rst an nil II.() toast. A vo: id R 0 d moll., '" ts st a roh plus the C08ts. ,4 75, in the trIal beoonn1' ,l ~&nnie E. Bennett, gUl1rdian tnt . bit b d n . 0'1' po oe8\ w e fe an d sug .. r s . fore Jnstlce Edwtl.rds, but the deof MarshAll V: Beunett. flrs~ and Th . bl' 'f " b th in .. . , e 'senSl e nse 0, 0 • fendant bas appealed. ftoalllooount; A. ,E . •~xman, execn . . ~ f M tlld A 11 t d tl ' 1 ternally "nd exterpal1y, play. flo large tor 0 a ' a. ' xman ra an na . . . " , . pa.rt In the pteventlon or oure of aeconnt i Naome Bowman trnstee of r h cuma " t lsm · , . 0 ne or. t wo g la se8 , Ed Wood, of Le~anon, very n rA . O. Bowman, eighth aconunt j E. h · h t Id t k b f e rowly esoaped ha.vmg his legs Ilm, . " . elt er 0 or 00 a en e or Dliltin, gua.rjIan of·Bank DakIn, 1m , '. , . putated Sunday oight, ' near ~!ld "I tl . t' :' W R ' All .breakfast every morning IS exoel· t beci e, rat 8CCOU~, . . en, lept 1:0 start ~be org&Il9 .o f diges~ion Lion, where he was waiting for " he exeootorof Ruth lJhe~oweth, sepon(i for the ds.y, and at· lost o'n e glas~ last oar from Fran~lin . Wood wn . aooonnt. h ld b t k between meals. asleep on the waiting platform at In ~"tter of wlll of John 6hep ~f~:n th:PI:ine:ater ~ill be enough Red Lion, and was in 8uoh Bn atti~erd, C8 >efloSed . Will Qdmltt!3ll til to' move II. sllghtly oons"pated per- tude thn.t :hls legs extQm:ted out over probate. . son but, 'if not 1:\ mild medioated the rails. As the ollr npproaohed, Estllfll;) of, Jobn Shepherd, . t ea. d It IS ' the motorman saw Wood Ilnd fJ;'u,n' . . deQellled wa t'er may b e t'Ii k en inS 1-'roof o~ publloat.lon filed , . ti 1 t . k th bo els tit'al1y rang the bell, "Wilkening him · FAlt&teQf.JohnEdward~,deoea8ed. vety~ssen a fOb eep tl e w just in time. W~od sornmbledto r en lD Final acoonnt tlled. opu . o~dse.e °tb entmea ism 'pol'son his feet knooking over milk 00 nt:! and . . rIO aCI lD e SYH m s a , ' In matll8l' . of guardianship of Re an"d it, mus t nl) t b e f orgo tte n th a t everything else whlah happened to beccll. V, Mbeppard, .insllne, John . l' be In the way, and barely mislled be. poisonous was t e ma tteI' t'S BIso elm· tfarr,y Shep~l'd. ~pp'linted guardian i ted tb h th skin The pores Ing btt by thl! oar . • giving bond of ,200 with Cora M.. nil , .roug e . ... h et)p8r'd sure ' of the skIn must be. kept. freely .open McC'. L'... ['", ... .""RN9 . l' .• .., A vey aD d. N unl;Ue " ...... .. and not allowed to beooD1e ologged, Friday Lloward BrYI'n "nd WIIIIlTd '1 l ;,:.l>" ,\,.. 1 I", <I ) •••. " ' .. I , ~ r. •.• I,,.· ''':ly ,n "i .88 w .. w rtJl !tui rtl mrul " .j ' , t,. t i, II"\! Y , "'~t t 'f W B J aD It d ecease d if we of Wilmington captured .r ry city and h m ai ,; , . I;, , •. (: I l ,., II ~ a eo ' hope to the best results W'ldmllD I" ( ' 1","1, . <or t,v u..dl • : ..1. ),1,."" I :,. II 1 t fil d' with rheumatio cases A hot bath a strange bird that seldom visits tl1is ""Y c;th ~r I""~" _, .,1 :,r '1 ., . c wl, ,!) , oven ory an apprlllseme';tt tl , bedtime 'is often very helpful n.~e ':.1.:: S 1\1 c,'.. :C;-':: 6eorge Young. administrator of It. ' . . • ·region. It il5 a woqd lbil., belonging ' '!/"U IIh' "i 'cr~ t h.m oov (I' ·,'r f:t ,hl" R to tbe wodera. It is a tropicf11bird., ' ''''I1""i "c~'Jlllh,," n ,,1>,11110. · \),\ .... _·.1 . I.~ W . B • J 80.'". . .8. Wllrren J 80 k et aI. -The Delule\lter for August. I l Elyrcs plIt ,'SHoe, , ' ,, :. mo-1-,Il" • .)11 .i rB rv; • • but oooaaionally it seems to lose lts I Mi o tt \\ !nll. I,I1I<)' ." ctl"·wl/. I•. h,I.,.I .. 11Ii;, Or d ered to 8eII reu I es t a t ell. t pri vate· . .., " " 'lUCII ., 1~!lIl l ~t',",l' ' . "11'. " v W CC'I 11 It ".le. CROPS' FQR EMERGENCIES wav and geta IlS far north a8 Ohio. ~,·.I~ worlh \\',ul)"') , inc \hil iult II II Illltero. 8 .. t ull cribe la",, ', liT '~JI.I . f'" :ul1j,ic co!,y. < Tbis Ie a v,pnng fellow that was W ('.:lERFUL INDUCEMENTS .. Samuel E "utlor adininl"tra.tor of , ..... d· , d DM Considerable areas in Ohio bo.v~ probl\bl"' , ~~rl'ied un tbi8 WILy by the lu\ !;CnI G. IJo<ln l h Tinlf$ I'r~"'IUIll 'c:tu.ial!u. Edwin CI1~lel', eoeaee V8 . ary E. reoently beeD . strioken by severe iT, " I' .11 lIew ensh prize alf~rG • .II d<l~c ~ • Cutler, et ai. Order 'to sen real ·es" storms grell't ly injoriIlli, anu in hig storm of·last week. It is white ·mEM~.w. CO_ 23810 m w. nib SI.. NEW YORK

(i ," )' 4 "




Is the cost of using HYGENO DIP, the most effective eradicator for H'O G LICE, CHICKEN LICE, TICKS, Etc., and C:\s 'an all-around and antiseptic in cases of Mange, Cuts ana Bruises, Scab, Nail ' in Hoof, etc.,: it has no equal. Here is what one of the largest hog raisers. in the country says about



an eradicator for all. I also find it CHICKEN LICE,

One part of HYGENO diluted with 100 parts of water .m akes an effective sp~ay .for keeping flies off of cattle. For sale at

F. C. Schwartz's,


d :


::t:$o~::!~ ;:::~, ~:~::. dower

Estate of B. S . and J, Y. Clement Benf. First aCCQUnt ftlad. In matter of estate of Eliza Ann Bizar. ' Repor' of adminlstra'or ap. proved .and oonfirmed. . ... Y d ' . t t · G eorge . Alt. oung a mlnl,s ra or f .W B J k 8 W 8 C J k o ,. aD v. arr n . ' alO ' Re e .... a I, p o r t of sale of r e a I eata t e iI' i. · ' d ulstr approve d an d oon ftrme d an


some OI1se8 4estroying the ana ,oats orops. , )4uny farmers are ask ing what may be done to relieve tbe situation. It ' iS I probable thl1t in most instanOt's the oQrn orop will

s~nd out new growth and m~ke more feed tha.n any new seedIng

would furnish. While It Is getting 0. little 11\*., to h t f 11 • f 'd nrves . a u 't .. i oropt 0 ml summer f orage orops tb • I s ye wor w b 1'l e ~o . butto of prooeeds of saJe ordeted. seed the following orops: Marriage Licenses. Bungllri"n or Oommon millet-40 •• • i< lbe: of seed per aore. Perry Carr, 24, laoor,e¥, .Mason ~orgum-121bs . of l'leed In rOW8 .. P c e 6 t . 16 an d FI orenae w.ay • • '36 inches apart." · MI11's, .' ";neV 'D ... K Ings . .oo.r . .h Wllr t Z. Buckwheat-50 Ills. of seed ~r of "ore. Engene A . .Jeifrey, 3G,, ("JI~~r - ", .. Oregonia and Lola B·.8oiith, 18, Rape-7 Ibs per aore. Oregonill . W. A Cooper . 'Thlok Corn, drill d solid or in ., S Sh f rd Kirby, ..,4, fumer prlug rows,-:-Experimen~ St.atlon Bol,l etin boro. ,and Jennie Lnmb, 18, Spring • ___ boro, R Elv . Floyd Poe. A BOY AT EIGHTY

Real Estate Transfers,

~l:e:s:I;~:\6b;::~:11 ~;o~t~i;~:;i:

Qf wing . . It eats ora~fi8h It.nd min nows, but only when no one \s near It was lint in the window of Brown's drug store where it attraoted muoh


Funeral Director.

attention. 'rhe hefLd and neok of this bird is oovered with feathers~ 'r~lep.hone duy 01 ni~qt. Valley phone N o. (. Long cono11l8ive evidence tbat he is young, Distance .No. 6\)-3 r • einoe the adult bird has tbe hend and . . neok bare.~C{inton Repoblioan WA YNESVllLE, OHIO. Branch Office, Harveysburg f O.



.~ .

* ***''+"** .




. .


And see out' Post-C~rds; th~y ' are all






* ..

'G azette

"",,. ....







'TWAS A Ol{)RIOUS VICTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~/~ I views of local interest, and ' friends ~+t**+~.{tIo There's reJoloing in Fedora., Tenn , ~ at a distan~e will appreciate .them, : '. A man's 1if~ bas been saved, aP d jt. • . . .A'J'HA WAy . . ',., . . now Dr, Kmg's New Dlsoovery ·is. '''1\-' . ....,,. ~ the town ~';o A,y'uesville'e Leading D o n t i s t ' J I C .""To•. , ~I·aml· P talk fofd thed i l for l cnrlng at h C. V. ,f opper 0 ~a y ~ng le orr "ges ' Office ' ill ~eys Bld~. Muln Ht ,II :conld not wOl'k nor ge,t . . '. . lL1)ou1:," he wrltAs, " ",nd the ~00to.r8 ~ _ _ _ _ _. ....,,. ....,,.,,',.*~,~ . did me no good, but, after using Dr, "'1-'''1\-'• .• King's New Di'soovery three weaks, ' I teollike a. new. milO, and ' OllD po. good work H.gnin: ' FlOf wenk ~o".EI or diseased lungll, Co:aghsand lJolds, He1pi)~rbal{f:\81 ~flY F'twer, Ln:.Gripp!'t A~thTJla ot ~ny ' ~ronohilf.l ' n~eot,hID it st,antis unrlvalod . Price 50c and ' . '1 00. rl'ial bottle ;ttee, Sold unci gUlu;nnteed ' by ' Fred C ' ~hwaTtz ':"'.' ', ' ~ :. . ;~' Y~R.~.FORK ...·... , .,. , .. . . . ... .'.' ., . . . :.' . . , . Tl;lke a ~ong ' k,ltqh6J,l-for.k . wl ~b

Au -exa,mple of Edward ~verctt Mary A. Humbert to A, B. Ball Hale's light beo.rtedness 18 told in and Lou . Hall, I'ea! estate in Leb 'Wowao'l5 Rome ' GompuniC11i for anOn,Il. . A~gu t. " One .duy . wiu~n .be was SUlJan .J ; Smitb to Arl!eDodd ~ I1bout . eightv .y~Q,rs ' o~ll bE)' and 1 , r~~l ~t~te ill .W'tIocren ooun.t.Y '100 . boarded ~ 8 nrfo.oeQa~ in New York. ~. 'B . Bll\l anel Lou ,. B:all to .8~m · Tlle waR orowded, but a lad ~~~ '9,' Kir:8~y rea~ tlst~~e itt L.elia.n·~:D ; · pr~mptlY arose . and ,gave'; him . ,h l$: t, sl,1a~p :, fpr,e~.dhitr H~.IilM.j:,.aDc;l. $1 . . ' : . ' . .. . . seat:. ·." Thil.lIk :you,. my ' boyt 8!llQ .bin~ .tbe \Vlre: l,tlt~ple , ~lon~ :~~~ , A nd~ew J .. Mart.l n · to SOpl).tllo E. Hille with g,reat heartiness . : "I'll do ~f ·Il.sawed-off ~~'?0n: ,h~ ndle(a ~~Il Miu;tin"rea~ ' e8tate in W.arren oann 8~ .much fo~ .- yon ' $o~e' dajl· ;wb~ri ' -tn ~~qe eQ~ ,of ~h:e~. st\~k i$ti blel~ in: , ..~ . , y J u arc eigh.ty~lf l .'m·. aroqrid then ... · .secn.r lngJ .t,· tL~~ you . ·Qa.v~ II' t·y . 1150'; . '. . . Co · rrii I ners' Proceedin S . '. . .• .- . . ... ' .;. mQst e.ftl~~e~t ltold ·In_ ke.ePlng the' =~~~~:;=~~~~==~ I , ~ 1 IS 0,:.. '. " .. " ,'. ' Boys" .dan:'tforget to 'c all . on~ F, C,· .,al'd free.: ~f.' paper an<l~theJ:'1it;b't OoDtraot.-Oontract 'waLe enkred SOhwarl.z and look ,at blI ·rednoed trash.. .:!.:. Wotiao·s Rome Companion f,Dto "~$h '~!. V~o ~o~oe for ooil. · ·on Ft8hlng' :~k.1ei.: eto, fOr A,a~~ .' . ,









THE PUbllsb


at· Wa"ne J





. -.

OBITUARY Eight years beyond tbe allot,ted three 800re years and ten Mrs ..Clara Anderson has pa88ed from this bright. and bea.utiful ' world ~o a. far more bellutitul beyond of wbicb thttgreat Master onoe said eye hath not seen or ear btlard of the grea.t and beau, tif uI t h Ings prepared f or them tbat love Him. She W811 born in the village of t:!pringboro, Warren oounty, Ohio, May 12, 1831. Mllrried to James Anderson, of Centerville, April 28, 1862, died Jlllyl0. 1909. These three events are the most Importa,n t in a loog well spent Ure. "he Was 'the mothfll' of 8ix cbildren; Charles, Evalena. infan' son un· named, May, Thoma. J . and Sarah. rhe three oldest were awaiting their mother onthe "oUler ahore;" while two daugbters, ODe 80n and one grandson, Oharles W. E. 8urvive She waa tbe daughter 'of Jermiah and Nanoy Stan8ell and of a family of Hi twelve,ohlldren, only ooe brother ram t;tansell, of FrankliD suniv· ing, She dbparted this life after an illDese of six montba, bearing her sufferiDg .,0 patiently 80 thougbt fnl of .a ll . . Bel' hnaband departed thilUfe six .moathl previous.


.90 Cents

" The Old Reliable."

The Mia,m i Gazette ··is 60 years old, and has the reputation of printing all the news in a very satistactory manner. It prints reg~larly 2,496 columns of good readable matter a year. Advertisers recognize it as the best advertising medium, as they use its col. ums freely every week. The price for the Miami Gazette is only $1 a year in advance. ' Send us your name, and try it for a year•.

I Pennsylvania!:!!! I I . ' I Excursion


dian, will pr88lDt Longfellow', I:Ibe united with the UDiversalist Song.of Hiawatha on a stage boilt ohurob of Sprinlboro jn 1869, and out 111 the river. Tbese Indians retained her membership until the witl live iD wigwams "or tepeel time of ber 461Uh, but she was not c-- -.dn1ug the river banl! aod wU) make loath to attelld any denomination. .. ploture lQoh as baa not been 11680 LOved ana reepeoted by ber large lD thtl part of tbe oounuy for a list of relatiVes and friend8 who oeDtury. · . knew. ber through life, she, passes Ni h .h h h h The Cinoinnati aDd ortherD trao- . , rag , e t in veil t at separates tion line whi.oh laDde p8uengera a f thi9 world from the best thl\t may be 'he gato maiutains A ~O mlDote prt'pa,red b~yond. . lohed~le ~etween Dayton, aud Cin To a motber whll has . guarded as oio nati. •_ __ •_ ~ And .,O/ave of he'r loving ..... nore, N~ aote or tbanks can e'er repay .. THE .CR.",e OF IDLENESS The loved one of silverY' hair. I~l1enel. means trouble for.aDy one Farewelldearmoth~r,~weettby'l'e.t, It, 'be Mme with a lazy Uver. It Weary ~ith years aDd worn witb oao8t18 con8tipatioo, be.~obe, . jaon t d~ce . 8&1l0w oompleldon, pimples pa n aDd blotohefl, 10118 of appetite, ~"08ea, but Or. King'lI New Life Pllle 80011 Farewell. till in some happy plaoe Wuhall behold ~hy face. again. baDllh ' liver troubles. and boild up yoor beaUh. ~50. at C. 'Tis ours to mi88 thee, all our years, i.Ch RaJ.L... , -_ . And tender memories of thee keep, CHESTER DURING AUGUST Thine iD the Lord to rest, for so, Be 11.vetb his 1leloved sleep,. ~og08t wUl be the banner montb • - • of th,e ~eaBon a' Chester Park, Cin. SEARED WITH A,HOT I~ON, oinDati. Col. L .61. Madill, manaRer oreoalded by 01er~urned kettle-:-out who Ie going to Europe abont 'be w:~th ~ knife-brmsed by slammed .. door-injured by gon or 'in any oth. Ib deUe of the montb, bae pro-dded er way-,lie tbing naeded at once ti , .om~ . QDolloal featuree du~ing bis Buoklen's ArDica ,Salve to subdae ~--"""lAnloe. Alide from .t he S\eUar iDfiammation aDd kill the plln. n's 'free v&ode'viUe twioe daily and t,b e .e arth', supreme bealer, infal11ble opera oompan~ 'e ..IIUOO88I188, there for HOi)a, Uloers, Fever Sores Eo· zema and }JUett. 260 at Fred C. Wll~ be the. Babyland. show Auguat Sobwartz. 26,27, ",hlOb Will briog together 500 • - • ,babies. 'fbe~ wUl be namerou,. SPENDS. MONEV TO BUY FOREST

cattle .stumbled 11.8 they wal~ed. ' A lOeries of 8ymptoms followed rapidly upon tho~ firat notioed, a~d in a ahort time our animals b8gan to "'Ie. Be f are th e en d a f"h u .. e 88l108on .neal' ly a' 11 th . e an I maIs to whi0 h h a d been fed any oon8i~ ~aNe amoullt of loco w~~e delld, :while thos~ tbat were kept in tbe ioco ·free paslinre remained perfectly well. The first 8eason's work provfld oODolll8ively 'hat the IItookmen were right in NOribing poleonoue properties to the loco plants Loco wo Id kill . u . and the manner of d~th show"d th08e symptoms whtoh the stook men olaimed 'to bQ oharaaterlstlQ of locoed anima18 . . Further worll: iii ' . the .W811~i~gt,on laboratorIes waa oonfirmatory of the field work, and tbe demonstrati~n was ,complete of the 'poisonous oharll,Qter of the loco'


. ,""""""",....,"""""""''-'''''''''''''''''''''..


Address all communications to


A Purely Vegetable Laxative Cures Chronic: ConstipatioD, and All Liver and Kidney Troubles.

For ule at tbe rollowllljr plaCIIS; Zlmnlerman 'B, Kit bon's , White'., M,ountjoy'8

Methodist Episcopal Cbul'Cib. Rev.' W. T , Glllllanll, Pastor. Sunday ,ScboOI, 9 :30 a. m. Morning ser' vice, 10 :80 a. m. k)pwot'\b League, 'I :00 pm. 1l:vunlng "ervlcc, .. taO p . m. Midweek Pnyer Mee~IDg, 7 : 30 p. m.

The Alpha ,Chemical Go. Springfield, .Ohio.





Christian Church.


Rev. M. E, Dawson. PlI8wr. Sunday School 9:30 •. m. Boolal meetlng. 10;40 a. m. Ohrla~lan Endeavor. '1: 00 p. m. Regular c hurcJl lIOr\'loo. Socond Sunday ollch month at 10: 30 a. m. lind 7 : 30 p . m.




Miami Gazette


Cincinnati I

It W8S evident that the first tbing to do in the field experiment was to prove whether tbe loco weeds did or did not produce thA di8euse. That there was 80mA disease can8ing 106s there was no que8tion. The pic tures sbow SOlDe of tbe animal8 at different stages of iovestigation. ~ Borses and oattle were furnished by the Colorado Experiment 8taU~n , Next Sunday" whioh co.operaf,ed in the work, and at a I~ater stage in the investigation Train leaves Waynesville 8:28 a. m. another oo.operative experiment with the Nebraska Experiment St" tlon W88 carried on in w~tern Ne braaka. Two 'similar pieces of land were selected; ooe was freed of the Undertaker and Embalmer. 1000 aD d iD t b e otber t h e 1000, whioh Will be found in the old ' there iD all abundR.Dt orop, wae was Bank Building, opposite left standing. The8t«;>ok wbdlvi.d the Na.tional &nk. ed and part pastured on tbe 1000 . Telephone in house and of· Pasture and ' part on .the fioe where I can be called day or night. ~sture. Other anim~la were fed Valley Pbone 1'-2. in tbe corrals purple and white lcoo \ whioh were ant for the porpose. Main Street. Waynesville, Ohio The results of these experimentll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! proved very in~ere8tiDg. '[he ani . mals in the loco pasture - ate freely WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. of the weed, tbeir' ooa'te beoame smoo'her, and . tbey gained rapidly in fle$h. Everything ' poiDted to, the pr"bo..biU'y of tbe non pOI-sonous St. AugustIne's .Cathollc Cbun;h. v Fatber George Mavcnboefer, Pastor on..raot-er of tbe plant, This opinion Mji8s every seaond SuuQal' of tbe mOlltb at wat! tltrengthtlDod by the fnilure to 0 :O(j 11. m. . . fi ud , I u tlAe •. WI ' ) b 811u 't gton a , oratory, St.......... ·8 EpiSCOpal Church. /tny evidence ~f poi80~. ~;~J'F. CadwalJllder. Rector. Aftel' 's o m e week s of f'eed 109, ' Sunday Scbool. 0 :30 a. m Moralng ser· however, it was noiloed , aomewbat vlco,lU :30 a. m. Holy Communion tbe Orst . Sunday ot eacb mo.n~b . Eloddeoly, th&t one or two of tbe






._ -----


Gough 'l eft to stimolate S dd h them ' to further ~IOom. Thi8 ''''po U. ~n e~t S. pllelf to 8uoh fiowarl as ·tbe aonoal There is .adlsease prevailing in ~i8 phlox 8weet.wtlUam petuniiWl and countr·y most dangerous because so decep-' , " . tive. Many sudden 8lmilar . OD~. ColI out' the fiowers deaths are caused for the va8e in suoh a manner that by it-beart dis- tb e remai n ~~nl one8 w i 11 di 11 be ease, pneumonia, ~eart failure or placed symmetrioally on the stalks. . apoplexy are oft~ n ..AtJeast onoe-&-Week. evel' 1 the result of kId· _ ney disease. U sbould be gone over for the porpose [ kidney trouble is of pioking oft' every de"d ' led and _....JI"~.II/I , 7 ~ allov.;edtoadv!Ulce bloom and plnohing out the stem8 of Ulekidney-polson - ' , , _.. _ ed blood will at- such plante a8 do not grow a8 sym· tack the vital organs, causing catarrb of metrically as tbey should, iu order the bladder. brick-dust or sediment in the urill,.e. head ache, back ache, lame to keep them in line With tbeir fel back, dizziness, slceplessnes.'1, nervous- lows. 'ness, or the kidneys themselves break rhe matter of wat.ering gardens down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almos~ always result in August, doring the hot dry spell from a derangement of tbe kidneys and whioh usually oomes at tbat tim e is better healUt in that organ is obtained . . . quickest by a pr~r treatm.ent oftbe kid- ~ serIOUS one. WaterlDg is an In· neys. ~wllmp.Root corrects inability to Jury unless done deeply, tlO as to hold urine and scalding pain in passing,it, reaoh tbe lleep teedi'1g roots. Try and overcomes thllt uople,assnt necessIty of being compelled to go often through the plan of allowing the spray nozzle the d~y, and t o get up many times during to run balf " day in one spot before the mght . The mild and immediate effect . of Swamp-Root. the great kidney remea movlDg it. A spot thus soake. will il' soon r~alized. It stands the highest need no water for a week, i,n whioh cause o~ Its re lll~rkll~le lJeal~h restoring time the whole garden will have propertIes. A trial wt11 convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is had a refreshing drink.-The De· sold by nil druggists in fifty-cent and 8i~ner for August. • _ • one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all Notice of Appointment about it , both sent f1'lie by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y: When writing mention reading this genEstMe or Silas E. KeLlerman. deceased • erous offer in tbis paper. Don't nlQke 'rhe undol'1llgo ...... has UecD a.ppolnt.ed aDd any mistake, but remember the ' name, quulltlod l1li ~ml ll18truwr or tho 8IlLIIW of Swamp-Rout, and don't let a dealer sell SIIIIII E. Kuuerman. law of Warren COIWW . you something in place of Swamp-Root- OhiO, decelUlOd . Dat.ed thJ¥ 20th day oC July . A.D .• 19911. If you do you will be disappointed. J . M. S·rAOY.

ville .

80 eDtbusiastio were the large orowds during thtl firat week of tbe . 8.8aemblv· at tbe Miami Valley Chau. tauqaa that it woold be diffioult to _y whtit plol\8ed them the most The eduoational cl&88es occupied tbe morniDgs of hundreds; the after. noon leotures were well att~nded and the evenlna eDtertailimente /0 ~ever laott><! for 'an appreoiative audience. Perhaps no man ever attracta suob orowd. 8S William JennIngs Bryan. Be may well teel oompli· mented when hundred II of men dropped their work and oame 1.0 bear him las~ w ..... ....... k. Rev. William Spurgeon one of the mOlt aotlve wor,kers iD the great, Welab:. revivftl 8poke Saturday ', tlfternoon acel again aD SUDday. The Dunbar. Quartet aDd bell rina. • era gave a ooticert Saturday night. MODday afternoon Rev. Alexander Corky, one ot tlie moet talented lpaakera on the plufarm. told the troth about oondltione iD IrelaDd. 1Ionday evening KeDneth Bruce , . .... ve an illu8trated lectore on "The .Hill$Orio HodsoD" wbioh 'Wu a I_t treat. .. BeglnDing TUesday, AOg1l8t Ird and ooDtinnlnK UDtU Friday, August 18th a.baDd..of 4 1 bloodec) (g.

. :::z::s=


The Cause ot Many


OhIo . Sylvester V1L11:1n' son of Bir&m , Ilnd Sarah Dakin ' WlUl born October 11, OFFIC~ rN ALLEN a MAIN 'lRElI:lT . . 1863 i died July 17.19,011, aged 55 ·.. ·~-----4~.,ir--------- lyearll. 9 mopth8 and. days . ALLEY TELEPHONE OA L' NO 112 ... . " Be was llnitad In marriage Feb. ~------------~ l'uary 22, 18BO, to Idiss AIda Crossly D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager with whom he Uved happily until r- _ _ ber' death which ooourred .fllonul\ry 28,1900. Rate8 of Subscription One Y ar(lIlrl.OtlY In Bdvnnce) " . ...... f 1.00 'fo tbls union two ohildren were SIII j!le COllY, .... ". ",. • . , . : . . .O~ born Marlon and Uharley. Charley - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ bavlng preoeded his fath er to tbe better ~Ilnd only one short yellr 61(0. Rates of Advertisements Readlng·-Loeals..per lIue .. .. . . '. & . Mfl.rlon, the only surviving member ReadlnK l ocu ili. tJluuk race. per lIu .. 100 of bls father's fa.mily also fonr ,broth. Clu silled Ads. not to eltceed live Unes. ers, two sister,. and a hoat of rela. Thr Insertion ".' r . , • • •• . ._. , •••• 250 tives and friend8 Ilre left to mourn Obituaries'. fi ve inches free ; oyer {h'c Inohes. per Ihie . . , ' . . . • . . . . . . . • . . 5c tbe lOIS at a kind father, brother. Card or lhllnks" .. " " .. .. " " "" .... , 26c and true friend Resolutions .. . .. .. . . ... . . ... . . ...... . .. bOe The deooased was III aix weeks S()((lals etu. wbere cbarge III made .. . .. 25u with typhoid fever and passed away Olaplay AdvertIs ing. per Inch ......... . . 10 his home on Keowee street. Day. Discounts given on contrae ~ . ton, Ohio . Funeralllervioes were oondUOlied AUGUST '. 1909. by Rev. Hammaker, of Daytou, as ~-------------------------- slsted by Rev. Cbancelor. of Wil· mlngton. Interment in ' Woodland FRANKLIN CHAUTAUQUA cemetery Dayton. d Weekly



And poultry of all kinds. I will he in Waynesville on 'l'u('.sdays. Call Phone 142. '



Hickslte Friends Church. Day Moetlng. )0 :00 a. m. First Day ~g~:6I~.\~:O(l a. m. Founll Day Mceslng First

Orthodox Friend. Church. Rev. DenJamln Hawk'lnll. Pustor , S bb b S b I () 'SO Re I cbureb se~:ICO.a~O;a~ 0:.' m: ~il~i.tla'~u:.~deavor: 7 :30 p. m. .



Stands Like .II StoDa 'Wall

, .... Callie, Hors... H.~I. Priotlody.lnd............


priZ8!l, add . tbe lS"oy baby . wlDnlng TdiUDg the lead of all oUle8 weedl .-Frpm "Cheoking' the Rav . the greatest Dumber of pain'" for A..I d E t" Be I 'age. of 'Loco,'" by U Dwigbt _l1ar(;uDd.exoene~oew~ll,beorowd·ed _ ~e;;o~n ~n .. : opea,D, r in Is . Marllh.' tn the AmeriOOn Revt(jwof 'WIU Keep KiDg of BabyliLDd. AUg08t 5-8 hi· :~n ,~~ ~all'lt~i u~tif to! monkey iD ReVIews for Augn't. . · olnalve the ClnoloDati Pet Stock 'and . ....~ mUD 0 p~ . z.a t op a ta oo.t eirtti, ' . - - - -Poul~y ~oclat~on . ~m b"ve t&8 an ~helatest' proposal bellll 10 .aoquire , . WORK THE G~RDEN NEEDS 'Dul Ib'ow, ~ben 1000 · u:1i,bitor8 f~r, 'lO,OOO,OQ9,._.great . lore,~. tn t,he , : ' " . -ANDfrOm. rD~nY Statel"WU) oompete wltb so ,081led Spree dlaulot • . This is to By the' middle of 'J nly 'yo,u sbould tbeir ,,'r18tOOratto pOnury and pe'8.: ,bede~~lope4,8.8, a., park and monioi commen~e the pl-aonae of goillg ~ver .. Cl<)v~rdale A~IC;»~b4!r 'flatur:e wui ~ the pre.ensa pal ~~r~orks. Lying nea,r the. ~he be~8 and bo~.d~r.8. of iY'our ft~wer gardetiat least , At his west., of . L.,I, 088. ·: ,ina4di,tiOQf 88 ElooJi" af\er ot:l ·.t he Sprmg-' . ' 8ulJorbof ":kew ·york. 'Every of 8ewa~ean4 aot~~ny, tt:IiDsf.oJ'med : tbe spil' 'o&n" be .'worked, ·ma)te . t)1e boro pll,ce! fO.r the co~~ng.'Season. ~ .. 'It ' t ' D. of tj"e nar'lr 'in ' A ~ ..n.t tD,tQ,. heaUhfu.l !l dd ,pr~uoti"e SP~tl soil fine e,~ld,porOlllJ. ' l:lila kee- 'he' " BROWN" BILL: is . a good general-, ~u oP1'" ro . I • "f\ r,- l1' . ra 'r~ . • _ • ' .,>,' . ' " ,... I . " , . . .:. ",ill receive ~ nombered tiollet, ' a~,!1 ,OIVE "AWAY 'WA'rCH ' .. r~ote. ~n. good co~~ition aDd ·,makes ~urpoae horse. >. " , • GO oftheee ~n~l,t~e t~e to ~b~ ' .. "" J" ,"_ ,,: .' ' i . '." : be ~o, o&l1ed , ·~~ost,~ul~~.H "wbJpb " CLOV~~b~~E/.l~ Oll~ ~f .t~e b7'tof the lOtfl. ~b .. ·t, 25x1UO f~e~, F .. 0_ .Cuey, ~~e . barn~8!' 4~ler, oonAe! velI ~he moi8tuf~, in the ~oil,. p~ed P~rc~erpJl ho,~ In t~ls·~t~on . · wit~ 'Ih~' ·.tl'~l• .i! P.~!aqie~. " ·'l'b~n. baa fifty; wht~ W'!:rl~,h ;he i~tend8 ~ 10 tbat.J~ ,l)l.m&t~! lea how m~b of the~,c9~ntrt~ .• ,He ' 18 tif~n. years , . ~er8 ~1~.. l)8 ouo:aerona ~~ial .,~a ~1l~0~ 11 ~h.- ~nd be wllJ;ml'k~ a' ral~10u get1 ".~ver~. ·p',abt sho~l.d old, ~d 18.~~ou~, .bl~IBh • ... " : t ....., 'wbtltt Ibe ~t~log ' ~aoti~ID ~~.~~'''.Vio'or~oldfUled ,w..~h :~:.~o~~er, ,.. fre·q uently "'Died ,; " .. . '; . .' . " tb'J'l~~e of .!,&'pd!~D4, ~~rei1,,~~r, ~ ODe o! J he .P~~w."· . ~"FQr >a '~ and,.t~8 . dying ~ow~~ removed ~ " ... TERMS: . aD4 ·'I1~ . ~ j01 d8ytClel .Wlll'be ~q' leooQcl preaeDt be wOl,. live ~.goOCl .ID tare oue of ,aooh ·Iowen &I are ' " .. : ' '; l Dt... full bla...!"" . ' . w~p!. ThI' 1tJ D8' 101_1 ·1IC?~8me, II'QW1;l. f~r ~h81r ~au~ OD the ~~" . '10:~ tQ ~re,'a'~ryin8 colt; ~~ . ..' . • _. , c,a ·'bus....t p~'loo, and 07 10 the .oa.. oftbOlllrowa fo...bow. Uld colt. to 8~d 18 . aeeurity • . ~y ·, red1J.Ol4 .t 0118 waD&tac a . aOo4 dip win . 0 ill. ' tD.&1ie yaH, 11M. lhlla, parting with mare the




Brown Bill '

tiQDtd'QbeaterParkp.troollof~~ty oity.~a~, asaDdytraotof' Uttleor~o bulldl~g. rot8'~!1 W~,.jt,~limptoo.


~t ~s U~i.li1Jed ~~r,tbe,di~p08"1,

hOrh~, 3~ m~les

~· WaYn~v.ille!




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A'N'FEN e"·'·E> "

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. , Buy y'our new fence for years to co~e. ;Get the ?ig, h~avy y.rirel."the _ 'hinge join.t, the- gQOd galyaoizing. th~ exactly, proportioned ~U~l~ty; ,~f ,steel . tliat II npt too bard nor too 110ft. ' . '. I . . . ~ We can show yo\1 this (en:c if i~. our .stock an4 expJa,11I it'll merits and , auperlorlty~ D.ot.OD~)' Ul.~C r,,~~~ut"D t~c '~eld• . ~c•.~ ICC US ~f~~t"

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,The". Gazette .'

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of:thls Arr.\,er~cal)' renee Qn track~ow. .








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an' the -new.. . ' "



IMMENSE AMOUNrr DAMAGE ~~~Q~QI~\~:d fn~~I:,bG~I:;,BW~~' ina~: DONE BY PEAR SLUG F ' .OUR' ~

tIe while be recover ed bIll voice, aDd all of his voIce, too; h shout d as It conAda to charges him veryofetreetun ll,. drew the any bntt~ry J ~I b wero ' on tbe bridge of th Ajax, might have brought ' to' bear on him" • , with II. whol gale \,)Iowln l; unci the ' , enemy In slgbt. 1 "Do! " It slu:1 ked. "What shall I '" o:jtati Y, Ii Inughed fn hill Uilrol\I'IoU9 y' , do ? D r all Ilnu waleI'. ·mlss. 101' six good humor. months! DlsciplluQ, miss'!" ud niuch "Oh, you sly dog!" he sholll d. "So Leave s o~ Cherr y and Pear Trees Attack ed by this Insect 1U0re ot the sam sort. 0.1' UI) tc! UIO . This rO Il ~ed Carly lfaw ksh aw to take you sarna!" tn Iowa and I explain ed thatsam Is OCten LeU I EntirPIRnt OUI' part. ely Bare. he fj hl1 uted bnck a t Sir foal'. DUI)lIu e wns, hnd not. much to ' undoubted Iy fohd P ter; lind I, n t to ho' outdone . of me, and .Lady Hawksh aw b In s on I\t Da )h ne wa 1'- side, and oth l' reasons In our Lalit summer -IJ--I-.I-I""~,,ii\sii:e.:~ n - long as II f() 511 oul d last; faYor-n ll ot which fi lled G il s' case various parts many cherry trees In seTlat of lend, :I or 3 pounds to 511 ot Iowa were stripped ga:lous of wu ler. wlll uo the ~vorl!. and T1l'CBl1utly Slr Peter flun g out. tn eXllcllr- And a~ las t I ga ve up. In of their leaves by a dull slimy slug. eV\)n beller than paris n ro ya l rag·. nnd Lady Haw){shnw s h I' II Rlla lr, and agreed green, anel Is to Gil es ' Pear tr es also nre attacke u by this pruf ralli o wher nung aft r 111m ; nnll DUllhn snnk In sugJ.:estioll that we s hould logetho It IlU bo obt Ined the r pest, pbrhaps even more than cberry ea~ lIy . IIellcbo toars, on lil Y should r. and I kist; d carry oil th two d am s I s of npplled dry, or in bam's our tref:II, hence the common Dame of the n small qUllulity r', of wllter, fll also very II r a hundr d tim es, amI comfo rted hearts nnd then and Dnltlmo re, 1Ifd. - " For four years th r we mad Insect. This slug feeds on the upper elTc.cllv e In lcl lling tile slugs. hM. Hut 1 knew Sir Poter was II de- our plnns. s ttllng up my life was 0. misory to me, I 8uffered untll the gray surface of tbe leaves, not eating holes The flrst brood ferminI'd mnn In SOUl e ·r espects ; and dawn came. of tbe slugs Is rath er from irregula rlthrough them, but taklug only the up- short Ilved. It r equires I f. ' 11 a~s ur .1 he would Rhol'lly enrry tios, terrible dragonly ahout h, fh mnlln ess of It; th lViidnes s per portioD and leaving the . veins bare. a IT.onth f!'Om the egg slngo to tho gillg , ou t his thn:'lIt 10 1; ud me to s a. lind. of It! But '1'0' II' r· two da sensatio ns, l' '.devll and Leaves thus eaten by the slugs elry tllUG tho extrem e n ervous. slttg matures . During most I nn ,e Ilt Ii a . It m fg ht be yenrs before I hapry.go-Iu kr lie ut enants. without and fall from the tree and frequen tly of ness, llnd that all lI,e I Rhollid agnln s,·t, fonl In Ent:;lnnd, the prUlh' nc of land men. vVe leave th lrc s nth'ely bare at foliage. slug If' time while It Is feelling thl! gone foeling in my ca l' red wllh n slimy sub· I Scotian II. thf'n. "o llnd d slI'celly In ali i' lo v~d . :l.nd we wrore lialll Il t Ilny stomach . I had In Iowa th so, slugs appear twice sta n~!e . but at tho ln st chnnlte I ea rs. I f;)und. In Ir ut.h . that wh on it maUl lit to 11.) torn awny of skin gi ven up hope of callie actually to gul n~ of!'. DI\\llll1o' l years f rom I be Id ols of COl' lIl uny during the sellson. The .first brood the slillfl Is throlVlI olY, ana. the sl1l3 ever being well Bv our ' hea rts. appears In .June nnd the slugs be· b co:;nes a ligbt orang ('olor, clean romant Ie \\'lIl\ngn('~tI chlln~cll to a flllll llwny mnl'l'lugC's lVel" wIlen 1 b Ito.n to COnl1ilOn: eume filII grown early In July. while !lljd ury. Aft MOLL ELUOT SEAWELL tnlto Lydia E.Plnknatural Iw itat lon at so boltl a Bt 11. and 001 .,· tlio I' tuls molt t'!le 61uB paronts ulld g ll al'llllLl1~ ham's V gelable ll ut th II l'a r pr() I' ct of going to th e IV 1'(' orrend din Ihos nses. nnd for· Compo und.. 'l'h n fI Ilonl\ I urn ed th e senl in my fnl'o r, gl Vlmess ~ I felt as though were an d I won f l'l IT\ h0r Il so rt vt obJltjue nlloll to lI eral ly fo llow NI. \ cOlllmlt a great folly; but new life bad lJe'D SYNOPSIS. consent. A nel anol hl'r I 11 1 1l ~ seemed we th ollght 11'0 gi,en me, nnd I am r co mm Heling it wl're nnhly s llstaluln g to play direct ly Into our h ands. to all my frletlds ,"-Mrs . W. t:i. FURD, Ir the rOp lll ntlt m of hi s m nj I y's sen At H Yl'nT~ of oge Arlml r(l \ Sir Peler P t I' ha rl husines 1938 Lansdo wne St., Daltim ore, ~1Il. s a l ' Scu rll or·ough. fic ers fO!' ullr spirit nnrl g-n II rll1try of· R llwl{ sh n.\\·'s IIc\. he\\·. !1Ichnrd (,; tyn. ((O il wltb '1'be most SIlCC ssful rem 'uy in this which ml /tht d tnln him so mo limo ; th e fal l' BC X. d('~ply III 10\'0 at IIrst sight wit h Ltl tly and IOOll ' 0 Dot to th e country for tbe cure of aIL fOl'ms of Arllb" 11I1 Stor mont. who "Ilurnc,\ his lit- and. alt hough II was Int In th e IlU· drea dful con ' cqu !.'nct!!; of aliI' d SIJ<'r· I ~ nlt ons. "Il~ l ul'l. nil orp\lIln \l'1l8 1(1I'l"n f mal compla ints Is Lydia E . Pinku t,erLh as mlrll;hlpmoll on the Ajax by lumn. bo <iclprrnlued to taliO hi s fam · ate au vent II rt'. ham'S Vegetn blo Compou nd. It has tit. uncle, Olles Vernon. 11 Ilhl'W or Sir Ily willi him. I belle" It IVa by WilY stood the test of yoara and to-day is Thomn:; Vernoll. b cn llI o ti ll boy'" PllJ. of Seplll'!lt i ng Dnphn aurl me th nt he !I'hel' l\1l~ndcd a theater wher 1In",I<moro wid Iy nnd Sl1cco:;s fully usell than CHAPT ER \/111. ahaw's I\(!phl"w snw Lady AraIJ ti n. V r- came to the dechllon . r " ,Iy Hn ..... any oWer f emale r m dy. It has cur d le· Giles Vernon und J a ~rc d that It non mel PhilIp Overton, n xl In IInQ Cor thousan ds of womell who have been Sir ThomsJI Vernon' s stale. They start- show was 10 go. and hi s tWO wo.rds ; was necossa ry we s hould strike the troubled with disptac m nts, inflamId a duel whlcb WIM.'! Interrup rnon, and they were to remnln a. mouth . blow as soon as posslllle , whil Overton and Hawkshaw's n tphfl. wV found e we mation. ulceration~. fibroid tumors, irtbemsl'lvl's attracted by prolly Ludy A ru- This wn s so obv lollsly showin g us had the w ather.g age. so to speak. 01 regularl tics, perioui o pains, backach e, bollo.. Tho AJax 1n bntlle dcC af d Frell h the road a cross the hon] r thAt I told Sir Petor ; and on th rla y artol' hla that b aring-d own fceliuS', flatulen cy, 'l'n.nhlp s In lIlO Mediterranea n. Richard my awe t Dllpbn pl nl nl Olyn got £2,000 prlf.c mOIl y I should cnr- lravelln g charlot took It s way nortb indiges tion, and n rvous prostra tion. OY. Be was c;alled homo by Lady B/lwks l,nw n s he ry h r off ; at which s b wert more, :.t \' ry plain posl·t;.ha after 1111 other menns bad faUed. . lse rollowe r! It, W&II about to "blow tn" hIs enrnlngs Wllh If you are su1ferlng from any of tbeae Vernon. At a Hawl<shaw p'lrty Otyn dis- and prates led less. than I had ye t see n nnd In It were Giles Vernon and my· covcred that Lady Arab ailment s, don't Irlve up hope unttl you IlU wns a poor her. seH. but perslaten t ·lJtImbter. H talkod much have Irlven Lydfo. E. Pinkha m's Vege. In the whole alTair, I had counted with her causln Daphne. Lady ArnbeUI Giles was In a state l table {Jompo und a trial. Miltn IIhowed love for gaming. upon the assistan ce Cif Ollcs Vernon ; happine ss concelvllble. of the wildest La-ter she held Ol)ln and Ovuton If you wom(l llke llpeeln l advice There Is some· s. thus delaying lhe duel. In thoprIsoner write to Mrs. Pinkh am, Lyn~ Ov rlon- Ver- and on the very night tho party I tt thing appallin g In that tel'vor of mind non duel, neither Will!! hurt. Lady for Scnrbor ough, o.fter a tearful fare· wben the buman creature . forgettJ Arlllla8s.. for It. She bas guided .~ell& humiliated Rlcbard by hor prankS. ng thousa nds to health . tree of Ichard and Gllos ahlpp d on a trlgat . well between Do.phoe and me, I went all the vicissitu des of this life, treads Ilea W&ll captur d by the French. . Str to Olles' lodgings, to make a clean on air ..,bara-e. nnd breathe s and lives In heaven, Peter arranged for hla elCchang e. Daph- breast at It ahowed a liking fer Otyn. who Thus I was mnde sad by bls gladnes s. wns then 21 years of age. Gil s was r I aaed. In Spain. Giles' voice cnlled me upstai rs; and but I dared not shoW It, lest It be mls· QUOIt , and Rlcbard planned Ilopement.. "I wonder If raIsing bulls for 11ght. wIlen [ reac1led bls room, tbere. spread taken tor 0. want at spirit In our enter· Is prolHnbl 1" OHAPT ER VI,I.-co ntlnued . out, on the bed, 1 saw a beuutlfu l s uit prise, so I joined with him In his joy . I wu so stagger ed by bavlng the of brown and silver. "I guess Il Is a toss·up. " ' • and revelry. words taken out of my moutb, that I We reached Scarbor ough at fout "Do you see that?" cried Giles. A Rare GOOd ThIne. could only gape and slare at ber. To "That "Am using ALl.EN·S F T-EABE, and . Is my weddin g suit. For' It 1. o'clock In tbe afternoo n, and put up at can truly sny render my confusion worse, she added; 1 would not huve b n WithA Pear SIUII Enlarge d. a small Inn on the outsklrt il of tbe out It 80 lonl;. hnd I known the rellet It a, adult saw·Oy. temale; b, slug wIth slime remove d; c, slug "'And you want to marry Daphne ." would give nly aching t t . I think town, and some little wa.y on the road in norma' raro It a good thing ''{. can not 'deny It, madam, " I manstate; tor an d, yone leaves having with lore Slugs,. natural size; a, b, c, muel\ enlarged.. to the north. We sallied forth 1m· or tlr d t eoL-Mrs. MnUlda Hoilwcr t, aged to say. I'rovid nce. n. 1." mediate ly to find out somethI ng about the second brood comes on during tbe goes Into the grQund. H.ere It forma 2Sc. Ask to-day. Bold by o.lJ Druglll9ta, "Will you dng the bell?" she asked. our Inamora tas. and Fate-w hether 11 month of August. ,It would be best, a cen In the earth, within which It I rang the bell like a ohurch warwas that kindly goddess who leads ' our then, to kill oft the slugs Consist ently Opposed. when they changes to the pupa, or resting stllse. den, and the footman came, and Lady footstep s toward those we love, 01 first appear In June, and "That actor Is a Queer fellow, as can· and 80 prev. the e nt adult Ha.wkshaw Immedi ately lent hlm for fly emerge s In about wbethe r It wns the cruel Destin) the defoliat ion ot the trees by the 12 to 16 days atter U~e slug has en· tradlcto ry as he cau be even In hla IIlr Peter. whloh delights In torturLng men-a t second brood In roles." August. tered the soil. I tblnk my courage would wholly once directed us. We were walkln.. "What do you mean 1" When the slugs first' appear on the The Illes bave gIven out at that, except for a whlcb lay the eggs for , . "At present he Is playing along near the playhou se, wblch bOld leaves the trees shollid a crooked tbe be next gIven CllIripse of Daphne , mttlng up the brood ' a of slugs are rather been lately opened In the town, whell thoroug h treatme nt with paris green small black Insects, about a fifth of character In a straight d.rama," stairs. The dear girl wished to gIve we saw Jam s. Lady Hawksh aw's oW!.! or some other arsenic al polson. Sinoo an Inch long nnd with four wings. me beart, so sbe told me afterwa rd. footmo.n, go Inside the plo.yhollse! the slu'g s feed , New England English . openly on the upper The eggs are laid In tiny ·pocketa Sir Peter appeare d, and was 2rElet.~d , 1 buy some ticl{ets ot the man at tbe sldes·o f the leaves tbere need be lit- Ulnde by the 111es In the under ,sides byCompla int was mode to B local mlUl by Lady Hawksh aw as follows: one door. As soon as he was well out of tle difficult y In combllt ting them. For of the leaves. These eggs hatch and were at hIs mployes that boya who "Sir Peter; here Is Richard G1JD swimmi ng In a pond were caus· the way I sneaked In, and, thrustln g only a few trees the Darls green may tbe second brood ot the slugs work ing Quite wanting to marry 'Daphne . He has two shl\llng s Into tho man's band. In· be applled a nuisanc e. The owner at dry, mlxed wIth Oil the but £3,000; but she might go tartber air trees slaked during August and whon the prop rty -ga",e n the priviqulred It Sir P eter ahd Lady Hawk· lime; or even Ilour; they 1 part become of the parle full grown go to ' the lege of t1utllng up a Sign. aDd fare worse." shaw and the young In,dles would faVOI gTeen as he had to Sir 'Peter literally glared at ~e. He the perform ance that night. The man materia 20 or more parta of the otber ~round. During the winter the slugs asked permiss Ion to do It. The nol. For a liquid spray, paris or this second brood may be found In tloe reads 8S (ollows :-gasped once or twice, \he grinned and showed me a slip of pa· l ' -:';;"-'~- Tn a torrent "No Loftlng or Swlmm lg on Theas pcr, on which was wrllten 10 Lady green at the rate of 1·3 or 1-4 pound their celli! beneath the trees which to 60 gallons of water wUl do the were Infested by them In the summe r Orown s-Orde r by - "He wants to marry my ward, does Hawksh aw's bold hand: "Three slAlls - . If Catched work, adding about a pound of qurek- time. The pear. cherry• .plum anI! Law W11l he-my ward, with £30,000 in her bo Forced ."-Berk shlre tor Lady Hawksh aw and party." lame to each quince , own right! I wonder , damme, be barrel are at water the trees which 'are most Courier. . to pre(TO BE CONTIN UED.) vent any burning of the leaves. Ar· attacke d by these sluga. didn't propose to marry Arabell a, "That II My Weddin g Suit.too. Young gentlem an, you are .too WORLD'S MOST EXCLU SI\' E CLUB. KNEW SOMETHING OF IT•. modest . Helies_ses In England go spent fifty of the last £100 I bad In about hunting for poor lieutena nts to the world, and It Is to marry Lady English Joy That Thore Is One DOOr malTy. 1 .s uppose you thlnk It would Arabell a ,Stormo nt that I bought It." Rlchea Won't Unlock. ,be a tine stroke for me to marry my I thought be ·was crazy, but I soon , ' ward ·to my nephew ! Ha, hal perceIved there was method In bls The Royal Yacht Squadro tl Is prob· Bo, ho!". madnes s. . Me told me seriousl y ahly the most exclusIve club In edIt· Hls' laughte r was 'demoniac. enough thnt he meo.nt to carry off ence, says the Gentlew oman. Put VI' aad Fed It Three or Four CatUa a8 Durlq lind won· JDcOrr ectlY Be Espea8 Ive.. "Sir Peter," said Lady Hawksh aw, Lady Arabell a Stormo nt trom Scar- ' derful to relate May SeaBOD EDrt~be. It. . In this plutocra tic age IWvere ly-for I remaine d mute-" I am borough. money Is Quite powerle ss to un look aslonls hed at your violence and un· "But~but-sbe does not like you," the charme d portals Sl10a have been abando ned In many of tbe casUe. When a plant furnIsh es an abunda nt ' reailon. Did you never hear of au I said, hesitati ng and amazed '. One · or two milliona ires ,with splen· cases because the milk became so crop, such as alfalfa" wIth three or belress -and a fln e, 'handso me girl, too. "We shall see abollt that. my lad," (lid yachts WiUl many accomp lishmen ts, and of a he said, and theu began to tell me of the ordeal have tried In vain to pass badly tainted as to become unsalab le. four cutting during a single season, It of the periodic al billiot, If the creame rIes and cheese factorie s Is . b\!t naiural to think that it will WllUams 'great frunUy -marryl ng e. poor lieu· what be thougbt a great change In his while tenant without a penny, and without favor with Arabell a He put many enoughmen of D~ fortune or only just were as partlou lar 'as they should be greatly ex.h aust the soil. Nothing II pen)-Y ou ¥v'e to defray tbe upkeep of a smnll they would condem n a great de a! of more erroneo us. Iqstead of taking . -thfle-p ens -r.\. un .....I ---.--:.....:.~.:....=='----:­ an ancesto r?" things ",bIGh' I had not ]lI.Cht have been elected without an mUk that Is now accept!:ld from silage- strength away from the soU It puts . -''BY JupIter, His NeIghbor (applyin g a blotter to , Idea ot n blackba ll. In such a Ilgbt that under bls .eloquen t more Into It; Instead of exhaust ing It, The only apparen t qualification \! fed herda. Sir Peter. This Is not the fault of the silage; It the ferUllty Is Increase d. The pene· his trouser s)-Oh I have an Inkling. "Then, Sir Peter." cried Lady persuas ion I began to believe Lady that the candida te must possess 1\ ~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~ the fault of tbe man who handles it. trating . powers of alfalfa roots are Hawksh aw,' rising wltb awful dIgnity, Arabell a r eally might have a secret yacht of his own; but there are olhltl Is Silage has a very penetra tive odor, well known. The roots are constan tly "you forget all about Lleut. Peter wealme ss for him . which l)rlde pre· qualiftca'Uons much more difficult 01 which, Is ,taken up very quickly by growing and decayin g, thus adding, to .Hawl\s haw nnd the Honora ble Apol· vented h I' from discove ring. H~ had attainm ent by the man of money. IUld mUk. It silage the "hllmus " of the soil. The stronge st never failed to win any woman s re- It Is just bere that the IonIa Jane Howard ." questio n 01 the milk Is quiteIs fed before milking point In favor gard certain yet; of alfalfa as a soil Imand to It become had always soell,1ed blackbs lling At this Sir Peter fairly ~;lIte d for a comes In. It must be l tainted. If the mUk Is allowed to stand prover It Its remark able nitroge n few momen ts; nod I heard som ething 0. m racle to me. Richard G1yu, who owned. rather rofl'eshlngly. a few minutes In the barn after milk- gatheri ng abIHty. The roots at al· strange ly IIko a litte ring In the next I!ad fall en under his spell so many For really one hac] almost said that Ing ) ears ago, how anybody oould resist th and sUage Is fed while the calis falfa are full of the small nitroge n I I I "h I room. f b '1\ .. I to are standin blm . He wound up his argume nt by ere s no g arouDd, the milk will be tubercle s which represe nt bottled liP soc a a y a 0 es n Dut Sir Peter J)resent ly recovered which he W110 Is rich cannot penetra te, tainted. vltaUty to plant lite and It bas been S a~lng, In hIs usual confide nt mo.nner: uatll 'of Appe tite hlmself ' ln n measur e. one recalls the pleasan t circle 01 If the stable Is not ventl1at ed or III proven by freQnen~ experim ents that Trust me. there Is s.o methlng com· gentlem en who go to make ''lJut-b ul-ther e are lIeut nauts· and up the poorly and Antic ipatio n lieutena nts, madam . 1 was conside red pel ling In the love I feel for Arabell a. Royal Yacht Squadron. There Is, one linger ventilat ed the silage odors will Increas ed yields were the rule wben ~ tbe stable and taint the milk. planting s of any kind of cropa had Wom en are all alike. my boy. They rememb ers gratefully Just one InsU. a man likely to rise. And. hesldes . If I rememb I' rightly. I was not au 1\1. want a !pRster. Once put the bit In tution left to whloh the mystic warde In an unvelltl lated SlAble the stable It- been made on ground Infected with nl· -are realized in the first taste of d .. aelt w11l In time becom.e saturate d or trogen bacteril l. licious their monlhs. and lb y udol'e you for "1 am I'lch" do not have 1001<1010' fellow. madam ." the etrect 01 permea teft with tbe silage Under these olrcums tances tbe It. Let mo odor and have the SI)lrlt to run away an "open sesame ." ';Slr P eter, yo'u were no ta.ll er tllo.n with that adorabl e will faint the milk; n9 matter how the "spread of Alfalfa fever" Is no wonder . creature , and see __ . ___ ___ yOU ' are now-fi ve feet four Inch s. With splendid crops of highest priced how qulcldy she will come to my co.ll. silage Is handled . Your haIr was rQd. and you were far You will Establis hing tile Plural. The corn Is frequen tly .cut Into the hay on top or the ground, with tbe shortly Bee her clinging to from handsom e. Ri chard Glyn Is as lIl e Fred, who was four years old, vIa alia too green, whlcb makes very sour roots working' ns perfectl y natural Uk· p s to a sou thern wnll." I;ootl·looking aR you vel' wore in your Ited hIs uncle on the farm . When he silage, with a strong odor. The silage t11lzers UDder the ground, farmers ter· "Autl her fort un ?" can tHe i and b has alrea dy mad o hi s "She Is noue. tbe worse for thnt. But came home his father asked him what II frequeo tly careless ly handled In the do nothing better than to plant alfalfa. ' mark. Richard G'lyn." turnlllg to me. hud pleased hlni the most. The stable; trllth of this stateme nt may be it Is scattere d through swear to you, Dick}, Glyn, that I "yo,u are Ilt lIberlY to marry Dapbn e "0, 1 liked the geese. 1 had sllch alleys and allowed to remnln on the realized and verIfied If one but .....oulu cal'l'Y hcr off as tho noman s the takes (."armichael." fun cbaslng them, and we blld a great IIdprs. In such Instanc es the stable time to look up statistic s and !reads !lId the Sabin o maidens. If she ho.d not and Crea m "Richar u Glyn,'" bawl d Sir Peter, a shllllng w1l1 be nented with the silage ·and about 'the marvelo us Increas e In the "- wbich I believed to be big goose for dinner one dRY!" .. "It you dare lo think YOII are' going to ' . "Well," . said his father, "how can the milk will be tainted. acreage of alfalfa. Tn Kansas alone t1'l1e ; for his was o.n Infatuat ion whlcb The golden -brown bits are submany DurJhne Carmic hael-m ind. I taltes account you tell the differen ce between a , If good results are expecte the acres sown to alfalfa d at tram notblng increase . d. ' goose and geese?" SllY. If the I houghl vcr cateTs your .lInage I,t must be properl y handled in' from approxi mately a6,eOO acres In stantia l , enough to t~¥e 'j up the He tb cream; crisp enough to \ make damned head-I t will be as much liS plans, Andn began to tell me of his "A-w. that's easy." sa!d . ~:I'd. the "One 1,891 stable. to more than 743,000 acres Flr-st, snage must be In them he showed hl.s usual geeso your lit Is wort h! 1 alll going, this shrewd Is a goose and two gooses II only after, milking . Second, the fed 1907. It Is ' sate to say that 'since In ctu'shin g them th~ . mouth "an ness nud boldness. Tho trill 1100rs U\en geese." momen t. to lhe ftr fi t lord of the ad· to Scarbor ' muat be kept clean' ~J)d no, silage the aoreage hes ' 'increas ed In prol"Or- exquisite pleasu re; and . the ' flaough hat! but Scotlan d in mlralty , to sec If r can't hal'e you sent his h ud . ' He allowed to acculnu ll\te In the al1e),s. lIQn, and other states a~e "falUng In v.or-th at belong s ·' only to '~()st waH IIkely ,lo be seut to to the West. ·Iudl s. 'or the Gold Coast. 'sea any Camel. and' C;ampb~III. Toasti 'es- .' · Third" there should not be" more IIne,-A. . Kl'ubm. , .. dny, to be gone, perhaps , for . , An Irishma n and a Scotohm an ~ere sUage fed 'tha~ ·the st~ck wlth 'my b 8t whlhes and endeavo rs to; just the will clear :JP argum nts I had used discussI ng ~be horrors of H"lng keep 'YOli tb'ere for l n years at leasl." to myself tn 8 at .once. Fourtb;, the'· sta~le must "e first and to Daphne . after· problblt ion state, ' ''rhere, l. Profit In '8 a"•• Lingers'~ "" :And wbnt wlll you do wlt.h me, ward. when the Irishma n weU' ventllat ed. \ Fifth, corn' should. Twe,btY·.flve : ce,I!~' -&'orth pf eage Beet . remarke d: dear Uncle P t r ?" Ru(ldenl r NJI,ed n , . not be out Itl' too 'green .. ' Sixth, don't will furnish ·al1 ut ,~,OO'O pI..~ts. I rem TIlh I'ed that scelle five years Enou,h . "bis daintf, temp~ing, fooe! is "Sure, an' you 80ft ·'volce;' ,lI'nd Daphne ., )Vho ' had before. with Overton and Llidy Ara· after awhile. Yemight get used .to ,It feed, mqld:r silage. ,;, . ,. :", , .s. ~ Je can;'be ploked vthe: ~rs* 1-ear ,tQ mad~ of pearly white ·corn,' cooked •. know·' alolcin luto the room ( he must have 'llley suy a • lI'rom the fO,regoln g It wll1 b'e seen pay ~or all bella In Sir Peter's cubby.hole; -and camel can gq the labol' of' 150wllq( and 'rolled aqd toasted into "Tpas ties." ehibt been v ry ni!ar). st.ood lierore him. day'~ without drink· that ' sUale , .. !!lust be mote", carefull y plckiQg ' ~e'l ri!lgE!~ IlIarl, In. 'the aprlDa j the memory of ft 'made me tJ.1lnk with In·... - , aqd n~$Ued bel' llretty head against dread , . ban~led than' ordlnar , roughag e. O~e fre. 1I1an~ , l!Iho~d of GII~ Vernoll be' 's umoved marl!yJu , g set' IIi .~p" "Hoot, .', bl,:8bo~liJer:' , '; man!': I_ ~; LarP,P . retorted amJlY ......III, , the other. o&DJ"Ot , throl" .al18ge aroun'a 'as he n'~-,v. Ul~ee, teet . , .. Arabella. nllt I coulll' not 8(leak Ql'Ien· "It"s little ye knQw apart ' Glle way aDd abooll the (lamp- m~ .traw or 1m,. and get ~18 . • half , Pe~cl' was too astonIShed for 'a Iy; Ilu( el' all, tlu~r cUstan,c e the other• . U tile she wae so strallge bells when ye say tl)at. Tbere Is DO. l hl~ PI' Cwo to tpeak. ~ ~ultL ..;The w.hol ~ I' utur ,. .. ' pI tai ; are plaate4, ID, '004· loll IUltl !lua cou1d . sClll'Cely ,one 0' them could go eight. h~1UI tbhtB b~d 111.11 n i.lpon him lI1(e the Judge her bytha~ ', S~e properlr.put· ~p and properb: PrOper~ cqltlnt p,osruM "tBR~L. CO., LTD•• the standar d of other wl'ollt a drat> 0' wmethl ng!" ed tb.,. ,can ~ of an eiirtl,l(lUake., But In a Ut- wom en. fedtl a Y8f'1 ,cheap and,. alo.fa cet, ·tbne tIJII... . eacla ,.... for..,. plcbd \ Abd then tbe plall I. MY'" ~ Wblch eDded the dllau81 oD. Iu~ fee4.--P rat, G. V•.XUP.. · ~.ICII, . ,..,.,



Cured by Lydia E. PinkVegetable Compound





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Post Toasties in



: "The' :Tasi:e




GERMANY'S TOMBOY PRINCESS Grand Duchesi Anastas ia "f Meekl.n· burg·Sohwerln Doesn't 'Overlo.ok. Opportuhltles for Fun.

~NI!T I el: 1iEN


Colored M~n Felt He ,Was Being Rail· roaded Into the Class of "High , Flnanclers.~ j

A- colored Illan was trlcd tbe olher "SQUEAKING DOOR~." London. - 11 England Is wand day be foro a burlestowlJ court ~or what A:nastasla rand du '!.!=~-='-I-_ 811Y I'm Tl\\h r .1 IIMecklenberg.Schwerln, Is going to do ca t e und puny-JIIto !lod st nllng somo clothing from l\ young - Rte~o~R')uzed Auitholl'ih, while man. A pre tty clear case was next. Probably there Isn' t a n y other I" d r , I'm ulwnY!I rather poorly: mad out agains t the colored mun member of n royal fam ily In the con· mv constllutlon'" trail. unu he confessed . tlnent who keeps the German court nut '[ ha\'" nutl ('ed nil my '" reckqn I uln't got. nolhln' to sn.y, In such a state at anxiety. lite thnt tolk s wi th wblte talks ," b su ld with humilitY, al'hcs nnd twlngof's , Amusements for Summer Partie.. , the various members assigning them Neverthe less the people love her Live agesl It·s the '" eplin' hll's jes lalk It Is." This Is the season of outuoor enter. their spec.lal topic for ' the year'! and bave chrIstened h er "The Tom· .8'lUNtklng door thnt "Well, since you udm lt your guilt," Iloy Princess." talnme nts, for most of our readers, If work. h" ngoB long on Ita said the judge, "I will try to make I~ Tbe Egyptian flag Is to be on eacb The grand duchess simply do esn't hin ges! not sojourn ers by the sea or on the light for you . But flr sl we wI\) have , care a big fig fol' conventionality, and mountain top, may arran ge tor novel missive In lieu of a stamp. Th"r was my 1 nclc R U· to get an s tlrnate of tho value of the A friend of the hostess who baE entertainments In th e Qpen air by utilJ n: always Heem e~ clothing. J\Ir. Plain tilT, whut do you lizing what Is near-lh e Ilarks, t.he Uved In Africa for eight years will bl! H I) strong "lid well, nUL p en pI" BUY he an'! va lu e these urtlcl es at?" reaches or Inland lake or rivers, the an honored guest and will make the liV e' long, sin ' that "Th dress suit cost me $80, you r shady lawn of the home place or some affair most Interesting by her account '-11'\ pnC' umonln spC' lI, honor," r epli ed the young man, "the adjacent country side r euched by the of life on an ostrich farm and hel And COUSIrI J ohn- hc's ulwtlYIl lJrngged overcoat $75 nnd the si lk hat $10." experi ences with native servanls. ever·present troll y car. nlJou t th,nl wlfc 0' hlR, "Mr. J dge," broke In the accus d, So h nllhylIl1 sho up anel di ed wllh A fagot party Is not now, but this sudc.lnn rh eumallz. "I'd Ink tcr say des one word beCo' A Progressive Picnic. way of condUcting one has new feayob goes any rudder." The guests were children from tures: A circle of pine trees was the No, sir, of hnle nn(l h arty talks we can"All rlgh t; go ahead." eight to t en; the bostess was a fa not h e t a surl' : setting for a little llreplace made of "l subm it dat 1 tuk dem clo'es, bOS8 "The good di e young," nnd noboely, by v:>red lass, who went to th e co untry stones, on which paller afld dry twigs rlghl .. , cnn fo I Hl'C'ure. man, but at no slch prices as dem!" every summer. A regular hay·rack were rendy to be touched olf. Ot talks th nl seem .so I(UY Rnd p nrt, we wagon met them at the station; It had cnn'l bc certain, eve r . Eacb gu st was presented wllh a TOLD TO USE CUTICURA. boards across the side so no one could But slck lr on 8, IIk c aqu aklng doors, bundle or' fagots to which was at· will crenk and squeak forever. spill out and was gayly decorateu tached a number; a dUllllcate number After Specialist Failed to Cure Her In· with sunflowers, boughs at trees and The Banting System. was given out. The hostess , retense Itching Eczema-Had Been cattails, Thi s scheme of di et was first popu· Quested th e guest who dr w No. 1 to Tortured and Disfigured But The unique feature of tMs picnic larlzed by William Ranting of Lonlook at the fa gots; If he had No.1 the was In the serving of refreshments, don, E ngland , who addressed to the Was Soon Cured of Dread Humor. bundle was laid Oft the blaze, and he Each child was glvt;n a wooden. plate public a letter on Corpulence, In 18G.3. had to teU a story, sing a song or and a paper napkin. Then over the Banting suffered from surpluB fl sh dance a jig wblle the fagots burned, "I contracted eczema and suffered p-ounds were Interesting booths. so extreme as to force him to "go Intensely for about ten months. At It really was another way of conductshaded by large green and wblte om down !ttalr~ backward." He tried varl, Umes I thought I would scratch myIng a "stunt" party. One guest rebrelIas. They were also placarded ous medicines and torms of exercise self to pieces, My face and arms were cited some clever n egro dialect, No. I, No.2, etc. There was a grown without success, until flnally advised covered with large red patches, so bits she had collected while In the person to lead at the head of the pro· to abstain from "bread, milk, butter, that I was ashamed \0 go out. I was south; a man gave some college cElsslon. The first stop was No, 1 sugar and pots toes." stories; a sweet singer rendered some which proved to be "lemonade," with advised to go to a doctor who was In lieu of these he adopted a diet n specialist in skin diseases, but I HawaIIan love songs which she a big porgelaln cup tor each ' child. of lean meat, 'fish, any vegetablo (ex. r eceived . very little relief. I tried learned from the natives while on the No.2 was sandwiches, cold meats, po Grand Duchess Anaatalla. cept potatoes, and a limit ot one ounce every known remedy, with the same Island. The r esult was very good, tato salad and olives. Here the There were 12 guests and 12 bundles gueets sat In a seml·clrcle on a blS everybody knows It. Playing at Monte ,of bread at a meal. results. I thought I wquld never get bet. On this r egimen Bsntlng r educed tel' until a fri end of mine told me to try of fagots burned underneath the tall rug. Then they progressed to No.3, Carlo and motoring home In tbe wee ploes, Refreshments were served on and bad Ice cream; then to No, 4, small hours with' a medly assort· his weight marvelously, He found the Cullcura Remedi es. So I tried them, the Inclosed porch ot the summer cot· where the booth had bonbons and ment of companions, frequenting sugar to be the most fattening' - fiv e and after four or five applications of tage. A candle was at each plate fruit. Na, 6 had piles of little bags, Parisian cafes chantants entirely ounces In one week adding one pound Cutlcura .Olntment I was reI1eved at held by a drop of melted wax onto a and was the starting point for a pea· unchaperoned, entering local tennis to his welgbt. "Milk, sugar, and but· my unbearable Itching, I used two wooden picnic plate; by It was a nut; some were gilded, some silvered, tournaments under an assumell name, tlar are the human beans," he said, 8ets of t.he Cullcura Remedies, and I wooden skewer; with It marshmallows and some tied with blue ribbon. The takJng motor boat trips with hllr because he found them to have the am completely cured. Miss Barbara were toasted o.v er the candle and gold nuts scored 20, silver 10 and ceusln unattended e ven by il. maid, same effect that a di et ot beans have Kral, Hlghlandtown, Md., Jan, 9, '08." eaten with Ice cream and small oakes. blue ribbons were 5. The one , who and wearing trousers In pubI1c aro upon a horse, very fattening. l'oI.!er Drua ~ Obom. Corp., Bole Prop .., 1l01lliOD. There was Impromptu singing of col, had the highest score won a prize. only a few of the many pranks In The characteristic of the Bant· The J'tetort Courteous. which this royal princess has Indulged lege songs to the accompaniment Or the next highest and the lowest also Ing diet Is the great predomlna· "Is It warm enough for you 1" the hostess' guitar. All lhe girls wore had r ewards, Altogether It was a at different times. They serve, how- tion of protelds. Carbohydrates, of ··Yes. but It you say that again, ever, to explain how she gained for which sugar and potatoes are so tub suits and the men came with neg· most successful affair. herself the nickname, IIgee shirts , with duok or flannel largely composed, are strictly Jorbld· will make It much warIDer for you." , Despite these unl?ual phas~s of tem· den. trusers and serge coats. Important to Mother•• For 'a ,Clnerella Dance. perament, the grand duchess . has Every scheme of diet for the reducExamine carerully evel'Y bott1e of The Cinderella club Is an organlza· many redeeming qualities. She Is In"In Darkest Africa," tion of flesh Includes advice ag'll nst CASTORlA a safe and lure remedy for tlon of some 20 couples, their one law tensely charitable, and generous·heart· variety In food, as that tends to In· Intants nnd children. lind see that It A club of 14 young gtrls has chosen being to close all festivities at mid· ed to a fault. She Is brilliant and fas, . crease appetite. ' "Africa" tor their study. next year; night proptly. Each season they give nears Ihe ~ .I.,~ clnatlog, and, though she loves fun, wIth this In mind, the president Is to a dance to which two guests may be Signature Of~~ BACK HOME. and knows how to get It, It Is &aId give n luncheon having decorations bidden by each couple, The Invlta· In lYse For Over :10 Years. and symbols pertaining to the "dark tlons are always Issued on slipper- that when ali Is saJd and dorie ' her AST Bummer I made up Ttle Klnrl You Have Always RouJtht. gravest faults have b, e en breaches at my mind, continent." shaped cards, the table centerpiece custom and tfadltoln rather th!ln of I'el take a holiday, ~lte bas one great purpose, the The table centerpiece Is to be Is [ormed of a white sUpper filled morality. And go back to th e home growth . of charncter.-Wesley. I had _ . unique,' having three black dolls, each wtth flowers, placecards are sUpper· Not Been for mnny n day. with a pennant bearing t.he words shaped and sometimes If the ' "Gill" IIlnt. Wlnalo"". SO(ltbJnA" Syrup. But p oplc said : "You're For children _ lblnl!, lofteDA tbo gum., Mlduce. In"De·lIghted." Toy lions, monkeys and man" Is danced a. figure Is worked CHRISTIAN IN TURK CABINET foolish, Jane, IIkmm&LIOIl, allays ptUn. cure. wind call", 260. bou.. e. tige rs will be Ule favors, nnd the out brlngtng In the magic pumpkin l! 's Bueh a wild-goose chase. The Ipslng side Is tull of suspicion. place oards are In sbape of pyramids coach, candy mIce favors, fairy wands, This ArmenIan Holda Unique DlatlncYour family and trlende nnd sphinxes, · on which a miniature etc. At 12 o'clock a gong clangs out tlon In Ottoman Emplre-Popuare deadflgyre Is scanning tbe borlzon with a the strokes very slowly and the ar -wlth·· , you won' t know spyglass. Everyone shonts "Roose- are extinguished, tbe place!" velt." Constantinople, - Gabriel Nurend· MADAME MERRI. But all the same, I we lit, Then' th'e~e will be cablegrams, postsunglan EffendJ has most unique and my! 'cards and letters brought In at Inter· Never were linen suits more pop. claim to public attention at till!! moI had a splendid time! I started when the 'bloom vals during the luncheon addre's sed to ular than· .now, ment. His Is the unusual distinction and blush _ _ _ _ _........_ _ _ _ _ _......._~__........_ _:_........................- -........- - - - - . of being the first Ch.rlsUan to hold a Ot summer was In prime. portfolio ' In a Turkish cabinet. The 'TIs true, my" girlhood trlends were go lie, . . But every stick und stone 0Al- . Idea Is violently opposed to all our "'Ylg~ conceptions of the fanatic loyalty ot Wu full ot them- with memory You know, we're not a lone, the Mussulman to his religion and hIs burning hatred of all others: The children all wero gone, but thero The regime of the Young Turks In Tho , " b"ok the Ottoman empire Is responsible tor The little bridge: the crooked palll; ~' . , ,For:;et them? Ah. ho could ! the elevation of Gabriel. He .has been The trees, the everllUlting hJIIs, The brook, the sky tor trllme. named as mlnlstEu" of public works and commerce in the cabinet, and All these were there, and to my eyes



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he;vyo , r crisp "egetable, preferably cqcumbers ~~-~--+-er'--t1)tft~)e'~1,- wlt-b-French dreSSing With game, serve chicory, water-' cress or aJlY kln~ of lettuce. With roasts, the best salad Is of lettuce ' with appie or any I1ght fruit. Garlic In potato salad Is liked by ' b d epicures and a clove of garlic rll be around the salad bowl Is enough to give It flavor. Heavy meat salads are sometImes served at , dinner, but they do not In· terfere with the delicate salad ' which accomp~ies the meat or fish. They must, however, be 8erved first; no salad atter the meat. Bridget's Beatitudes. Blessed are ,tbe ' pantry shelve, which are painted white and then fin· Ished with a thin coat ot white en·, amel. They are easily kept clean, anlt dirt cannot hide from sight. inessed Is the kerosene for the re.. the hand or china. moval of tar fro"'" ... ... Blessed Is tlie pan of water placed ~abrlel NurendlU'nglan Effendi. In . the : oven w"ith the potatpes to Buch Is his r4iputatlon for' loyalty, hasten their baking, broad wisdom and abs'o lute trustworthBlessed Is the little bolIlng wateJ Iness that his .s electlon was actually added to 't he omelet wbl.le It Is cook· welcomed In Turkey, 'He Is an , Ar- Ing t~ .prevent Its gettltig tough. menian. t' Blessed Is the. white ot egg applle(l to.the Inside of jelly 'molds or glasses. ,'The ,elly will then turn out easily, ft





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Famous English Detective Tries to Catch the French Gentleman 'criminal Al'Rne Lupin is bold. beforehand In the puper:s move is going to be. His the August number of

He announCll!ll what his. nest story begina in ' I

Short Stories The first illBt.ulment is "No. '516Series 28.'; It is 11 story that will hold your interest. The French Police finaUr. gi~ ~p in their attempt to tra the wil~Pln and send to England for , eriOCk hDes. Then follows a' battle of wits. The clegel' French rogue against the keen reuoDing English detective. Send us $1.50 for a year'lI 8UbsCriptiODo to "Short Stories'.' and rollow the fascinating. amusing Lurin. Every month, too, ther& arc numt.,el'!l 0 good. crisp, IIhort stories. printed in bie:, cJl!ar type. Every newsdealer can handle you'r slibsaription. Short Storie. CompaDY, Ltd.


135 Eaat lSth Street



Yan CIa.

r~~ ·

""oo'.h,.,,, ",.. ,

The old home WIlS the same. ApproprIate Salads,

fresh, prime

beef is retained. It is pure









NOTHINC LI.KE IT FOR-.-. ' PUlJD~ -=elawhlt~BIIII any d~ntifrice vely cQI'ed by in c:Ieanaing. ... , tbese Llttlo P ...s. removing tartar from tbe 1~t1" beaid~ d~ all Berms of decay and d.._ which ordiDarJ They also r~lteve DI&o Iooth prcparatiolll carmo& do. , frow DyspepslB, In· , h dlge~tlonaudTQ()Hl!arty Putine used ... mool _ Eating. A perfect rem' wa.h diainfecQ the mouth eely for Dizziness, Nau· and throat, purifies the breath, and kill. ,lhe lenni 8cn, DrOWSiness, Bnd which collect in Ihe moulh, ca~ing lore throat. T....,te ln Lhe Mouth, eo"t· bad leeth, b.d breath, snppe, and much aickne... cd 'i'ongue, Pain In the when inOame9, tired., 'eche Side, TORPID Ll\·ER. b I The1 re~'lIote Lbo Dowel.. Purely VegeLBblo and may e UIIlant 1 .. ~ relieved and .trenathenedburn, by Putine. SMALl.PllL. SMALL-DOSE. SMAll PRICE. P"utine will deatroy the ~ " " that caule calanh, heal tile IIIGenuine Must Bear Bammation and atop the diacharao, It ia. _ Fac-Simile Signa~ remedy for uterine catarrh. .'











~ ~~ 8~rmicide,<liimfedant and deOdorizer. . . Uaed in bathingitdestroya odoraand ,



the body antiseptically dean.

-;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ..OR •• LIt ATDRua.TORIt8,1500. I

Want'ed--Good Business Man wbo enn 8"eIJd L\\'oor Lhreo do.ya' Lime e""b mOIlLb, Ntl lll ilfJo urgood8 1 00 th e rd ~al e r .. ln UIt,I" cOIllHy. Liberal pay nud excloslve \crrlt.)ry to good mlin, Chanco for Alcllcly, pcrm'''n\ln~ pOKIUon IMer, Write at once for partlcul"l'H. THK BUCKEYE COMPANY, Lor.ln, O.

, Sayes Time-Saves Money NO. NO HONlNe


, . '






Bad Taste

in your mouth, removed ,while you ·wait-that'strue. A Cas. caret taken when the tongue is thick· co6ted with , the nasty squeamish feeling uiSlomacb, brings , relie~ '" It', easy; 'nat~ra1 way to help natl;lre help you. !lOS . ,




CA~loe boz~~1t'a tlftt1IJent. Al14tugiata: ' JHgaat HUu ~ the world.:JtIJUlg~ boa'Ca Ii _~

----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ -~ - ~~:~~~~~-~~~ .-~~.-~~ -~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ . -~~~~~

....-•. .-..

....aSl~ 'aI. .i1III.._ .....~_._....~.~....IIJI!II-.~

!II• •~........ ..' ~ ~ . . .'"

~J -

chwartz's Reduced Sale


Wa ll Paperr Ba rrg ain s




. ~


ill u hance Lo buy Wall Paper t II sa\'ing- or' from 2c tll;{ on (·ach I' )11, I' a slIving of :.W 1.040 P ren t. 5c Papers reduced to 7c Paper reduced fo Ik Papi'rs I ~duced fo 9c

Paper. redm;ed to

We Paper reduccd to 12c Papers reduced to 15c Papers reduced to

.~ ~


~ ~


II ~~

CHEAP 3c 5c 6c 7c 8c 10c 12c

Also, several lots of remnan ts ranging in price from 50c t o $l.00 pel: room .




you r chalice l uuy fi shing 'fackl ~ cheap, cv n if yo u don·t. l! ' a chan e to use th m much this ~ eru on , it wi ll pqy. Oll to buy now fo l' n xL y'ar 's fish ing. $1.50 Poles reduced to 1.00 Poles reduced to





$1.00 Balls cut to

.50 Balls "Cut to .25 Ball' cut to 1.00 Bats cut to

.50 Bats cut (0

82c 38c 19c

75c 3Bc

cut to

3.50 Gloves cut to 2.50 Gloves (lit to 2.00 Gloves cut t~ • .50010 ·os cut to

And 0 p t· ·




- ---- ---- ---


Opp ,.the Jew eler


Wayne sville , Ohio.






n onli nanee Lo esblbli. h Grade for ' id wa lks, Ul'u' an d ;u lt rs.



38c 19c

( 'urb rlrlill Oil lh IIS1 101I1 of 'l'hil·t1 " IIVIlL from No r th s tr ,t III 'I'ylul' St(·c l.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL Th L.adie. ': a iely of the . B. hur hat tica wi ll g ive an ice cr a m social n . t , aturday even· ing, Augu!:It nh. All ar e ord ially invited to be pl'es 'n t,


( 'lIrh Om lo - On I h Kttu t r('(J1lI 'l'yl r NI

Waynesville, Ohio.





sldll 0 1 ' I'hll'll [o'('UIII<l11l HOI\II.

tho (ILlr \'\lilt l'Lrt'QLS IiI(~nUOllell In Lh tltl of I h i.. ('l'\liI1IIl1C\ h (wd tll snnlo IL I'6 huro\)y ' -

lllh n. hud us



n It 01,,11111100 by thll cOlinell of Ihu \' 1I11iI! HI \\'IIYU " ill . O hio. 'J'lmt tho Krad 011

.. --- --

I n a certain bal'nya l'd th I' wer a two h' 11S, one of whl h, when sh lait.! an ' gg, acId II, becaus she knew when sh e had a good thing, and wanted 'oth rs 10 know it - that hen bcli ved in atlver LiHing. And many were the hI' Ilkfasts hor enter pl'i -e sUl1plie d. Whell the 0 her hen la ic! eggs sh di dai'1ed t .cackle, "What ' th u e'!" she aid ; " E v r1 body Know I Lay Egg,' and he ' cackl d nolo ne day ,the OWnel' of th hens by ccident di 'covere d th nest of t he Noisele s ne, ulld it was f ull wi th egg . But 'l' hey Wet' ' Too Old To U e, And imlned iately h u t plf 1hehead of the hen t hat had r efused to be "mode l' n" a nd Advel't i . M~', Mer chan t . are y U l ' goods becoming "ove r r ipe?' Try " cack· ling" - Advert ise - Durant , (Miss.)


(nllo w~ :

lIogillllln g III, lho hllcn;ccU lIll 'f cu r ).) liUllS, III I he lIor( Ii IINL ('orll ~ 0 1 North II nli '[' hl t, 1 t t l.s, It lUI 01 I' ILLIIIII of j 3 .7 (J r L, or 38.70 re I IIblll' tho Villugo 11 IlLllffi , r UlUlllIl,r l hellell ;'(1 fe.l( 10 all III l' l~t h)ll ' ar 1 3~ r L; th on' 160 rtlOI , t o "II ·1 l'lItiulI o( 142.36 I t.;., I,hone 21)~ (Ilt" (~, '") olo,Mlau o( 144 . 36 11,klL t Il lut n;c,'II(J1l ,,( curh lin ~ "L til I<llutll1\1 oust. corn (. 01 '1'hll'\\ Ilml 'J' y lor lilre WI. lIellhllll llg lit Juloro;o '1Ill" 01 \' Iirl) at (h u Donll 11"1 . I wrll (' uf '1'hlrll Illlct 1111 'orlh " 1l'(1(lt ll t I\n III \llt.iulI 1)( I ~ I. J 5 rt L <'r 4 t . l li 10 ·L Ilbuv Lit VIIlI\ICO DatullI; rUllllh\)t I.h I\(JIl 011 " ulliform gt'ld to tho 1111 I'S<l<;I lOu of curb li lll!s lit th sooth W08L ,'orU(U' u r l'lIlr,1 IlIId ('I\UllO l II gtr t . a tlilillm ' u! ~u3 r t 10 all I vILlhHI of 1.40. 60 r t. .


" ndi al1{I- ' MOllto Cristo" Jt'i I'st of t h . ea!'!on- F I'Qsh tu\d 'I'i!'!!).

NU rM EnS- liulian u Ncllcd

Peach c Tomatoes (\UIWY

Kol id


W~-:'- .'


grown .

ORA NGES -Sweet Valencias.



Full Cream Cheese Wafer Sliced Oried Beef Sweet aniJ 'our Pldil~s Olivts Hawaiian 1 lall d Pine Apple • Pine Apr,le Chunl< .I lIlll,et and ,lcllo

_\11 Hldo,,"11 Ikti mruilio llod III lhls art/inll m'" I 's ~hll () ru m; (4) f wl<.l . Or rro m 'u rh lui LO til l)rol\t'l' ~Y lillo a t Ih op!lUll o f t ho owu m' or 011 Jl t 01 lIeh I>rlllIOl·I.)' . "'"",1T~-;--W~HL~·][t:-:---+~-'-:I_\:nlliCo;;:n(jjliiOD;;;;; ....;-T, " ;'-;oro;:M · I·"rvro cc)llll k~\II!; II ILb YY.) 01 ulis ordln lln~ II hill' by r llOa IIl!l , " 'hit; "rdlmllle shil l! Lol< jfe(rt Itm l " I reo lrom lOll tiuyS llfltlr It Jlrs~ ,1lI 01l·othmIII.


'o ;~~rf~~~ ;:;t~~:h~~:t~l;I;~~~~~

, - Regul a r 1fi ' goutls - Spec· ia l price fu r Satur'd ay

10c a Oan Not over 1 t.! zen to anyon e custom e r,


22c per doze n



Ola ssif ied Ads WI ................. ........... :-~ •


............... ~

Best : Med ium for Advertisitig Try it!! '"

$ $

"" '1

$' $

$ $


$ $


$ $

$. $




$ $



$ $ $

W ait .f or t he Lab or Day

Cele brat io, first M()nday . In -5ep t-ember. .M ore exii. tend ed notl·ce and partl·c-



. , .a rs nex t wee k. Wa it for this even t : : • •


. ,$ .tI .,









W ' Wh.l·te







Spec.ial for . aturday , Aug. 7th: 1 pU lllHl CUllS l{eJ A Ia~1 a all110n

W. W. Arnold . Mi J'tl!<So<l tit COlllloll L1l1l1nbe.r Lh ls l h o , Ill! ness is, eood and Henrie ttrt MoKi n.~ '·Busi ( ~ucl) dll o t llgllst. J909. A. D _ .' " ,-.. _.... h_ .... _·... - n'_ ---- -r"- --h .. '. H. \\I L'l' H . )' nyor . fn neral of ,J . P R A . I) . HiJ: lm . lorlc, Oreg onia . of Marysv ille gnes~ 8 of her pH.r-1 M , " I ents Mr. and' Mrs Oliver Griff y, ' rHo MIlry ·W Ilterho n e bad O~ make It that mu ch beUer for both. , . . . .. . ler gne"ts the Pllst w Of, k. Mrs . Fan . Miss LilUe Kibler was in Duyton ~ . A. Alextln der anil flimlly spent nl Borden ond Mr , Fergl;lson r ~ncy Crea MoodilY · m Chee se Friday at Uha,utauqua; ~~"""'~"'. "'''''' Hlc hmood , Iud. "Sc and 20C' Ii lb. J. K. Spenoe r left 'rnesdu.y mornMi~s Pearl Kyoe i8 ill with Ilppen. . Mr. Rod Mrs. L ewl Morris, of iog for ~J.'eia8. · . dl~~~s"L n ~~n.r LAeJ~llnM ou'r .... spent Ba.rry Jooes SptlDt tiunday at bis "-Us, eoa Dtlrret tspent t,he In,ttor mrs. . 10e ou-iosey. Sunday with p NOB'where else will y u find the . et rand of N w YOI'k Cream home to Lol'don . part of the we~k at Chauta uqua.. Mi s Goldie Ral' ''erto f C' , ' •C' ·Chee~e . ' 'We are now cutting a new· . {varl . Miss Gertru de Kersey ill visitin g • n,o 10010. opsey had .the mlsfor tnne Datil, spent ay nnd !:)unday io Xenia. this week. one every day. to break his lum whlle ' bllll with Mrs. W .Saturd W. Arnold . . Grover Oleave r speot oDe day at New Burilng ton , 11Lst Monda v. Mrs' St'l d uung .1 eood Coffe . . e ' I , last wee)t with rela.tives in ;Xenia. 1 es an O ra Reeve! Wife Ilutl daught er, of bter vi it d · in "ring Vullev Sat d dU 15c to 30C a lb. Miea May Bromle y visited M,rs. Jamest own, speot $undllY with his, dt' ... nr avan otlU-y R. H, lIlmmoD8 ODe da.y Jast week. Parentll. Our coffee trade is steadily grow. M' .E Mrs, Oharle s ViJIars hilS oome Mrs. Wm. Atla'me sU"'ere d ~ stroke i ' t1 s {ate '1llrk Wit Il Duyton ing. More compli ...... men ts on Chas & 1 ,1 1 from ChioalJo fOl' , a visit with her 0 f para1YS1R · 1a t wea. k .. V 81 or ...,.-_ ReVe1'1l_ ...••"ya as t _ week. Sanbor n's Spe'" :"I'al 'B'l"'nd _ ••_ thl'S _ " .'y'i>O~' ~ mother . • _. . Bellb rook than usual. 'lhe quality seems to be T. R. tipenoe r, wife and two youngNew Burli mrton . er chlldr6 0 oalled 00. J . K. tlpeuce r . improv ing • . The price only 20e alb: and'fam ily ~uDday lLfternoon. Mr . John Talte, nortil of towu Mra. Ldul!le Rbwe aurl daught er, Mrs. Rutil Morg'~n was oalled to ha.s been on the siok list the who Swe et Pota toes po t the . home of her gnndso o,Ciul Mor. week Gert,ru de II.r~ visiting George La8enr is now Improv ing. .t5c 'and,25 c a measu re and fami y. gan last week on ' tiCC:l unt of his ill. Mr. and Mr!:. DllVid Fryer J i ' ' d of DI1Y. ' uat say 'sweet po t atoes' an neS8 with appeud iclti. ton , returne ~ d home FridllY 'Miss Luoile ' n.tter Norton a ' "fried has ' c bicken" returne d and your neighb ors · from a visit- with her oou,in, Miss Mr. and Mrs. ()hllS. Mende nhall, I,]lleILsll nt visit with her mother Gl , M h Mrs. will be -onhand early on threshi Ng Misses Martha Beilan d Mary .Carr G. W. Kemp ItlstFI·idl1Y.. da enoa ars. speot ~nnda.y at Fairfll' ld (~narterly Mr. and Mrs. Chlls. Brels ford' y. Mi~~ie~:~~lr~!~~~lf:::e~~,:~~yO~ Mj!eting _makin g t,he trip in tileir oull~d o~ Mr. and Mrs. 0 ; R . Peter. Soda Bisc uits /l,utoDl;oblle, . 80n lust SaturdllY aftflrno n~ on . , , Hubert ltolzlin ~i8ited his Mae Menden hall Wl18 oalled Mr. IlDd Mrs. B,Lrry McGin nis 'aod' .. mothe r here lallt week. ; ~c. a paCkag ~ . ' to Da.yton last week by the death (laught er Leoou, of Lytle • were :;:Ion. Nl!!e, Cl'lSp wafers. Splend id lJ1 Charle s and. Rossel l tipence r of he~ uncle, ,T. A . Winter . . day .g uests of ~rl'. ,Ne n' 8 0Wtlrds . .milk or eaten with coffee. " Special · stoppe d bere Satnrtl ay eveoin g un The Friend s' Sunday School will their way home from Cirolevil1e. Mr. Alex William son (l well known for Saturd ay, 3 packag es.for JOc. bold a pionio un the banks of farmer who reSides we . t of towu . dO!~ t~~·~~~::~:~: ;:~t:d w:~: Caesar 's Creek nettr , Wm , Che'w. died Friday evenin g ' BurlH' Mob- Cid~r Vineg~r ' fuoeral of. Mr. Mote 'S fatber, Mrs . wetb',. 'Iltnrda y , I"e orealn nnd clRyaft Aruoon ln Bellbro ok Cetnete l·.~' . . . 20C to 25c a eallon Mot!) 'and the childre n will visit here (lake wi \I be for lillIe on the U 0 nd Mrs , Cblts . . Brelsfo ro 'en _ ' jor a time, . Th" Evoryo ne will be welcom e. ground s. IterMr. th f p' okl lS tRlned lastSun dttY I Mr. and Mrs.; d lSh · ~ ow d e · '.~eason 01' 1 es Hl1rry Roouey , of CiuoioUtlti, R.nd C. Robert s /Jnd 'dllug hter Mabel, or ~n ?t, er goo t hmgs. Mrs. Sue Sherwo od and Mrs . Frn,nk R ooney lind fttmily . . of l:lreenLeba,tlO o, Mr. t\nd :Mrs. Hlury WIH find OUl' three-y ear-old CIder Obarle s lJ'radbu ry have returne d field, spent Sunday with their motbWtlllVe r, of DI~yton. Vinega r the best on the inarkAt . from an ext-€nded visit in Bethel . ar. . The Bellbro uk bllse ball telLlD d ..; Mis8 Bo.rllh 8teddo m i~ enterta in. The Mutual Teleph one lJompa ny fsated the PirlLtes or Dayton , soore Chic ken ' Fee~ tng Miss Beema n. whose sist!:).r mar- hl\!\ nbout six ty boxfl~ i n ~ operu.tion III to 1. ' ' ried B&r8!lhel Steddo m. 10 Ibe 250 . • .... nnn twenty moro will s oon be pot Mr, Court Murray , of Rogel', ' '.' -Sevtmi.l from bere attende d the in. '1'he o:>mpl\DY is well . " . plea se(l Arkans as is vieitjn~ f.rieodll of this The great egg,p.f oduQ mg food. funera l of Mr ~tlmuel Mote, whu with its soccall! . . · ., place. " Composed of grains, seeds ana other died .a t tbe home of his son in CIll.rks. . Mrs. David ~8ber died at her Mrs. Hatry Armstr ong aDd vilJe. ~ . .' borne nellr here on Tn sdtiY night. ter Joseph ine return.ed home uaugh.· wholes ome chi,c k £004· ' " ..,. - ' '. She bl1d ~\l6noonflued to her b',rl for from a w",ek~ ,visit' wlth her l!'riday .i ' mobh- Atlas Cen; tent. " . Sprin g Val,ley. severll·1 mllntbs. ~~~ , WIlS ,8. good er, M.r s Dr;, ~urnbnll . 'The "reates t selling cement on the womlm and bet fa.mhy ha,va the sym- - 'Mrs. William Adam€!. wbose bome ~ . . . ' _ . " · - .Mls! Helen Ba.rley, of Ha.milton, pnthy of the entire COlnUl,u olty. is betwee n Sprin" .Valley ' arid Bell. rna.rket; 650 b,a rl;els rece,lv~~ already ... is .tbegne , tof ber uocleE . W .. Bl1r. on.Fl'id ay. ~ . someti me Wednesday' nig~t and 1 . " '.. ley • . : ' . .. '. (' " ' . _. • . in a ot'Ulool oonditi on. Sh~ Wile ' . ..'.' . Mrs Lena Barret t visi~d in Day. . . ·Corw in. ,foun.d in an unc09sc iou~ state by ber .I ' t<'n Thprsd a,y . ' . .' . '. . ' .' husban d when he IirOlle ThuradllY ' .,~ . . . .John t;I~~i . of Clev~l&nd speot . ~ Thi C~Dlml1 Dity \\.0,8 greatly modlin g, • ___ S GDday 'w t . , . . .hlS pare~t8 ; '. ehocke d to haa.r of tbe dMtn of i~s ," Jltu Cl.ra ~mttb V.18it.ed the fl'rst fOllmer citizen Mr. J, N. Lenuno ltoDDO<l In :1X) I'!Ilnll~ I n at B~s, dO~ t forget to call . of \I. week io ~prlDgfteld, . t~~\! the Mtami VldJl!y Hospit al at Day tHlhwarf,z and look a-t 11;18 oo_.F: G. reduce ~ WlllltUrd; provo. d 'j-' DaVid Rutan and ohUdre n, _ ton. . prices on FfBbing . Tackle , eOO.

.. Mr. lind Mrs. •• 1 I Lillie Nedry



iiltllll lloLl

.-1 J.

Wat (~l'melons

~) Il t II \\' es ~ sl\lo of '1' hll'll Nor lll SLN t 10 CIHl l lIlIllll str ~.

l'urb .I·U Il":- II Iho u.J.h sill , I"(un kll n HOt,eI IlIlt \\' eu '1'hl(,(1 s( root nnd )ol fllhl s t l'\lOt •


·SI.4 8 2.50 1.98 1.50 38c

Zimmerman's .. .

t 'urlJ llmll

~ (rI' t fWIII


--~- .

_~ Ord inan ce No. 57 ~




' 'o. rh' .. The, ~'N'eiah -e b . o od 'News ••




SI.0 8

$2.00 Masks cut to

The Jew eler


Ba se Ba ll Go od s Ch ea p Offic ial Leag ue Balls"-$1.25 kind,

'I'll ' SU"inU0l1 l11e\ in Rpl.'f'ra l 8 g. Rio \ Monday >nillg 'lt lh T,)wllsh ip ~ no \'. , alld Lran/:iuc;led Mmo I ,(t. v I' . , ~ bu 'jne . .1 . : - . ~ 'rite lllo_'l impo r tanl ubj t il i:• ~f cu." d was that of a Labor Day cel . ~ urati n a nti it wa' rl >cided to hold ICla~ ~ ~nc on t hat. day. .o~lmit uf • ~ IlYe was 11p! om t ·u, c n:!lslm g of .,t.. ~ l'an J. E. Jann 'y, E. V. Barnha l'l, ~ l< . C, Ca rey and Wm . B.elle ke, T his ~ ~ tee will III t 0011 alltl formSilve rware , Wat ches, ~ ul'olllmit ate Lheiq,l ans. Clock s, Jt!welry, I~in g~ , ~~ T he I'd t· of . ri llta l ~ inl·llll Lo ~ hold u uaHk ,t piclli ' on t h ' sallle Chain s, etc., all New. anti both will prubab ly go t g'~lhduy 'r, r delail~ will ue given ill Lhe Engr aving a Spec ialty ~~ prFIll'the ss II xt week .


72c 57c 35c



- .:. ;,


~ Spectac le Fitting a Specia~ ty. ~


," E




.75 Pole reduced to ,50 Poles reduccd to .25 Poles reduced to .75 r~cel s reduced to .50 Reels reduced to .25 Reel reduced to

H O'pp ~

i~ ..,. . . '. .' , ~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~. ~ . ~~ - ~--~~~

,.."" ",.."" '"









..... ~"'~"". . .





·AN D ' W A _ <r' -



()ar~ie A



AUllU ST 11, 11109.


e--'-----. --- -. ---.----. · ----. I Pers

onai M~ntion :Here and 'The re I

CANNIN6 SEASON ••, - . ' - - - - - .,._- -'. Robert s was born in The Waynesville Cal\ning cOmpa:. Wayne8vl.l lit Ohio, June 2, 1871, . - ., • - _.- - - - - .,+- - •. - ,.. - • - - • - • ,•• ny will start its wheels in about two . - - ,., ,. -, • - a a, • - -w . . - . , Ind' di8d IJot her llome, 21JO~, Mulberry F . B. Horm eJ' l • wh 0 was Walter Burnet t was ih Dayton last E. V. Barnha rt was in' Cincinn tn lan'hlll't h Ro ati weeks. C t · Manag d 'Ch' ' er Snook f has every- ' Mrs. Will Thorpe gave a dinner al ' att'.eet. (,j ooll e, 88 y , week apo118 an Icago or ~ver y~rs Ohio last Friday. Au ust 5 1909. She w~aoun thing ready and can start at a day's Saturd ay for Mrs. A. C. White, uni$ . . has talc . en three countie_s In, Ohlo, d ; ' t' 8 't H'I Mrs. George Thomp son's health IS Walt El E ~ d W- ' '. th e In marr 1age 0 Mr'. Jesae "I Lea. d f'l . t no Ice. . ed amI ton, ut er an e~ z~y an arm arren In e aure at Wayneeville by Rev. . Mr y were a A visit to the plant "howed it iO very much Improv . the Xerua Fan Thursd ay. Woodm Casualty Jnsura nce Co.. be as clean asa netu Pl'n. Some l'm' - , Miss Donna Hawke enterta ined d ~ illen'Sak M1'8.. Ci' F <,":' n Sh t' hi h' ad. CllwgUl. ~pteplber 17, 1896. Bo d' h'ld ' Ed M MiS$ Edith Moshel' and Mr. Stokes erwood an!! I ren Mrs.. acy and son Terrel were provem ents I have Y'been added. that an w- ~ the f tunClnna I s e sides her' huaba.nd and three atep spent Friday in Dayton. Silvers at dinner Sunday. te Xenia Fair visitors on Thu1<iay. quar rs m e u reo of a gas plant of thei !' own for 01. . 'Altha. • ohildre n,Mrs. P~eh~ lind Mra. A. R. Sides and wife attende d .the C. T. Hawke and family ,'eturne d dering and lighting purposes being MI·s. 'C. W. Bam t Lenterta ined at Mary E .l:;4trelober, of otbe. X&nia Fair Thursd ay. home from Chauta uqua Monday. Mrs. Sarah Hodgson. ot Lynn. Ind. and Walter C. Leasure, ofUhU\lo the di~n latest r Thursday for Mrs. A. . The engine and boiler Fort Jen . " , . . . writes a few' lines to the Gazette, ·e n· 'Dings, Ohio, 8he lea yea to . . .. . has been c~eaned, a nu. in fact, eve!'y- White, o~ Owensboro. Ky. mourn Ml.SS Maggie Edward s, of Dayton, Thoa. Kenrl(.'~. of Lebanon. IS Vlalt· thing has been done to make the closi~ JDoney fO~',ber subscri ption her 1088 one brothe r. Mr. Oharltl s was m town 18$t Thursd ay. ing Perry KenrICK for a few days. factory as completely sanitar y as for ano~er year... as she says she Robert s, of Lebanon, OhiO, ~nd Miss. F.dith Mosher enterta ined IIr8. F. B. Hormel1\ of Cincinnati. spent .. Misses Alma and Anna Clemen ts possible. With the buildings newly Misses Donna Hawke and K,athrYJl can't ~t alon~ withou t the paper. uizzie R. Smith. of Munole, Ind. several days here last week. are spendm g the week in Wilmington. painted on the outside, and thoroug She is gojng o~ eighty.~iX years o~ At. tbe time of ber deatb IJ~~ h· Dakin at a "slumb er party" Monday ,vyas M iss Marie Mohr, of Dayton . Is the The class of 1~ went to li'ranklin ' ly cleaned on the i.nside, they urely night. age. and .with the eJt~ptlOn of nerv· a. fluthfo l mem}>er , of 'be [n801ple guest of Miss Blanche Dyke. Saturda y and had their tak- have the most ssmtar y factory oU8ness, 18 in very 'goQrl health. ohuroh of Obilliootbe. She WIlS oon ill the p state. Mr . Robert Crew enterta in II at I 801Qus to the a.nd her 1l1st wordR D. L. Crane and son Ethan were en. • The tomato machin ery is all in and supper Saturd ay Mrs. A.,. C. White, . to her huaban d ~ere: "Don't ory; at t he Xenia Fair on Thursd ay. T. J. Brown is very much improved being installed as rapidly as possible Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Schnebly, of St. LO~IS, Mo.. {lim 80 glad to be a.t Nat," Upsher e White and . an(J,a breezy l~tt~r to UI, lDelosi~g turning to a. step daoght er abe. said: Misses Sarah Burne tt and Eva Da. and was able to ride down town last This brancn will really be more inter. Master Dewey White. vis are home from CJtautauqua. Saturd ay. hlS)'earl~ 8ubscn ption, an~ says the esting than the corn, and the compa. by, Mary, I lim ~olnR home. '" . . Gazette 18 better than ever. George "60od ... JOB. Sears. Frank Thoma s and Th H. f ny would like to have the people come l ' t b ] t W. H. Allen and wife enjoyed HIMrs. Edith Harris entertainec.1 at same continual tound of b. e unera &eFrvdlces Ii ier "t e awatha says l't is ":he " at Chauta supper ThurAday vening Mr. and uqua Fridtl.y. ~. ' . S, Lackey speRt last week ome were on rl ay even ng Ii 7 fishing at and inspect the factory While they . the Reservoir. ,Ieaaur e Wl~ hIm - eat, sleep all he o'o}ook, and were oonduo 'ed are runnin g. They are n ever too Mrs. Dempsey Dennis and daught by her Miss Verna Lackey, of Oayton. w~ er CaB. work a h~tle. a~d w~en he g~ts pastOr, Rev. b t ' .. W. L. Neal, usisted by the guest of r elative s here last week. and Mrs. Eunice Shu te . . James Stoops and family. of Day. usy 0 receIVe vl81tO l'S.. it allove r aoYAlJl all aroUQd he d """'" v= • &- . ' toOn. spent Saturd ay and Sunday with .The tomato crop for thIS &ev ' -" A J Hawke PlUltOT of 1'rlnU'" M · as teron J h Comp t on. f D ,t " season ' . Mrs'. Annl'e O'Neall entertal'ned ' . " II 0 b ayon, bl b A. b Stoops 12 and wife. h Is M. E. Ohoroh. Early on Saturd ay is .visiting hisl\un t Mrs. Mark WI pro a y ea out, 000 b us.e C Who Davis. M d M U the acreag e contrac ted for bemg Mrs. A.. lte" r , an Alonzo Hartley , who used to have mornin g the remalnB ~ere oonveyed 1'8. p. . . Our old friem\ Geor~e Hinkle. who PlealaD t Cemete ry, Klng8 Mrs. Alcmda Kelley •. of ~hlcago. has been quite sick for several weeks sixty acres. but the wet weathe r has she!' White and Master De y a ttnsbop in_the buildin g where' Miss to had a good' deal to do with the short- White at dinner Sunday. spent last week at the FrJen4s ~oa~- WIlB in town Saturd ay . Hardin 's millinery Shop now i8, and ton where they were laid to relit. I , J. J. LEASUR E. ing home. . wbose father, Dr. Hartley , practic ed Mrs. W. H. At!en enterta ined at F. B. Sherwood and family and ~Teh'e co~pany want. han ds th· for several yearS. is OBiTUARY. IS 'd inner Wednesday for Mr. and ·Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Sherwood is enjoyin g Miss EIl)ise Smith vis.ited Ca'm p He· year especially ·women to care ~Ol' Dempsey Dennis and located in -Troy. Ohio, and has a pros. a visit with her son Lauren ce in tallick Sunday evening. Mrs. Eunice the tomatoes. A good ' worker can Shute. of Richm')Jld, Ind. pe~1i8 business. He is engage d in B~rriet ADn daugbt er of'.rbomaa Cleveland. , r f C H Ca . k' h' make from $6 to $10 a ,,*eek. the lreen h()u~ and nursery busi,ness. tnd Ibry Va.n~te; wu borD on YItoO : Miss .Kathry n Dakin will leav r o . . . . reYI~ p~ mg 18 Manag er Snook says thi£l season' s · Miss Lilla Benham enterta ined at Mr.Har.tley le(t here thirtf,o:.t wo years Icee ~\r~t, Montgo mery County , Thursd ay mornin g for her home in ousehold goods and WIll ~ove Wed· tomato crop will only be about Ohio,· JUlle 12. I' 889. ' S"e W&I! the Hannl·bal. '.06 o. onE! supper Friday evening. Mrs ,A. C. ago, ,m(l went' to TrOJ: ~ nesday ·to West Alexan dna. _ .n half of what they expected it to be. ,oonge st of twelve ohiidreD'. All 1._ White and SOlf Dewey, of 0 wenSuu rQ, Mr: Mrs. George 'Hawke w~re I Iler life WaR spent In Montgomery ' . Will Mohr and family, of Dayton; ~estsand K d M d' Mrs U h of George Larrick and family I Mr, and Mrs. George W. Ebrigh t ·ltnd Warre n Oonntietl. ARE IN NEBRA SKA y., an r , an . . ps er.e were week·end guests of Sherma n near Lebanon. over Sunday . " arid. Mise ~a Ebri~ht. pf XeDia·, . Novem ber 10. 1853, lJhe Will marWhite .. Dyke and family. C1 d Col d f '1 ,who ha~el»een in the West for tqe. tied tQ John ' Kenrio k, who fN John Daugh ters and George Rey. Mr. and Mrs. N. '8. Rich enterdled M~. E. D. Rober~i8with relatives y e . em~ an .arm y, 0 last ftv~ weeks, ~rived home a 'day A.prll 12, 18ltO. To 'his onion ~~nolds. who left for the west several tained Tuesday at dinner. Walter were here ~ain-after a pleasan t visit with w~. wdl ~nve t~ay . or two qo. They we" p.~ts 0.1 norn ei •o h. childre n " five of for a VIIJlt days ago. are at presen t working in Jordan and family whom ' and relative Chas. s in G~ay Dayton . . , WI~h ,M~. an.d, ~ " Mrs. 1. H~ ,Oolemall. aattle. C.reek., Nebras ka. The boys Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ebrtah t I~ ,'re living C Wb f 0 fout' sone aDd ODe da\lgh L'::' K ' Ch . I H' d f '1 f Day , Seattle , for'the g~ea~r oart of the tar A.. lte. 0 , WPJUI"",ro. y., were Jomed m Denver by four other and family. A very ,pleasan t ,day ' dar ~ . da1Jl~ an' da~' y, dO b th t' . joined . his wffe and . . son hl here ' d , Sunday . ' boys, and they are going to have a was spent y ose W h0 par t'Ie i pated . ' . time, and besi~es thoroUj' y Olng She was 'tAken aiot . toOn rove own S un ay an spen . d ' '11 in AhiJonl • t ' th t·\ " d Sat b~ ·th f' . i d bef s' evenIng an WI rematn U1\ 1 . ~ . ur- Ig time e ay WI ore they ,return . Thell" r en the big ~I~i~n, .visited ~th~r lltoe, an4 fQr tb.e ... t,year..h1lS-~, d Yo ~.t d beau 11 b h ,,_ . ' .. -.' - ... ... .... ,. , A family party are ~am.pln~ near "_ pOintaOfinterEl8t'1n'tlieWest. . , _.... wt~ ~tiD;ation wi e t e -=- O,egon ia for a couple ."r8llhu1lerer;bu~oD'th.,~ornlDg 1 W.H ..Allen and W!fe,ldUl8Ka of weeks. . ' ~ , f' I B tterw rth It d 'f attleEx p()~nt~ ryn Dakin and Stewar t Allen autoed on . . ~ue u , 0 , an W1 e, • _ , to o( At!lU8$ t, 1~9, her eoJJe.r~np' to Miamis burg Sunday ' Those w.ho went . Saturd ay were: , . Ohas• .~ and familY and J. M. Geo. ~. Clark. fortnerly of Lytle, '!fere ended and 'ber apirt' retorne d CHILDREN'S DAY AT LYTLE Fred White and family Dr. Mary . ' Keye and family were ,enterta ined 81)' alumnJII of the' Waynesville High k) ~he " Cook, Mrs. Lillie COok Dyer and Gl1d' who Ine it; . . Marion Hamilt on - - .KelIooI, W!lio for 80me l earll' has been . She died at her ~ate '11 ~ M. ~. ~:.~:ay ,SC;Odl ai L~tle sori. and Mra. Viola Har;lan . home near ter,. of Lebanon, wer~ guests 'of rei. .' ail instruc tor in the law depilrt ment. ~tlo .. t the ase of 70 years, WI , 0 serve' I ren 8 a,! un ay ~' -1 month atives hf:lre Jast Thursd ay. ' . " afterno on, August ) 5th, Just after oftbeU niveni ty'of Dlinois, at Cham., ,nd2Sd aY8. Quite a cro~d of young· people . C' A B 't ' df '1 dE ~G9v.T'-Ylor.ofKentucky, will the close of Sunday School. - - -... -.. . . urne t visited an am~ y an . rn-, .lecture at.~W~esville School Ball ' Camp RetalJick Sunday. paian. m.• baa accepted a position on Rev. W. T. Gilliland, of WaynesUNION ,S, S. PICNIC est Bu~rwor~ and.famlly atten~~ Monday evenin g, Augus H bert t 16th. ~ Sa., 'ftCulV of,tbe. Vniv.er8ity of -.=., vi)le, will address the childr~ n. EvAmong tbosep resent were: . ' . ' er ~he Fair at XeDla Th~rsday. , Don't filiI to hear him. Admission. erybody is cordially invited , NIcbiPn at' Ann ~~bol' and will Eo The ~unday Schools . Edward s, WiU ' Prendergaso., Carrol of the ~own 'M.ra. C. M. Reynolds and daught er' 25 cents. there in Septe~ber. Prof. Clat:k i8 are. g~lJlg to JOID to~~ther and ~old. left SundaY • Smart. Le~ Hawke. Ralph Sm\th, 'for a vIIiit' of several daya ~-- . . MARKET AND LAWN fETE .. leCt\l~ OIl'law this swnme r at the a PICJlIC at Clear SprmgB. nea. Hallie and MiI,b urn Ba~away . t Mt. with relatives in LOuisville Ky . . l1alvel'lit7 cd .ChiciaO. ' BAND CONCERT Holly-•. Tbursd aY.,e Augus t 12th. Th,e . . . Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Car.twright . . '. , • .. • 'fhe J:.adies Aid of the M. E. church journey to the ground8 y/ill be made MlsS~ Sarah. K~thrm a and .Lma The progra m for the concer t to be will hold a sale ' of edibles .at the ga~e • B£W;,B,ROQK; HOMECOMING in bay "",agons, arid the commi ttee in Se lers, of Columbus. are spendm a dinne.r Thursd ay ~or' .;:m~ g ~ given Thursd ay evening, August 12. Township House Satu rday. ' 6 1909' chat'geare work:in~~a~ -to make-it cb'Uple ,of weeks Augus t Gard. of Long J;leach c~ . J o;e with relativ es here•. 1900, is as follow.s: . ' \ . ~ be bel~ ~Pt;em~l" ' f the' a pIa ds.y. Come WIth 14th, at 9 t. m. . presen t were, Rev. a~ well·filled rs..: M~ Kather ine Prende rgast leaves Two-Step, Amenc an' Soldier ... Myers . Also fI'l...o. lIlMI!utlV. commi ttee 0 basketsQnd u ~,.;.. a Lawn 6~" ~~' Fete ' ' in the evenin '.L~ g Cadwa , ' llader. J . W. White ellJoYUle~. and Wal , tonigh t.forCi ncinna tiwher eshewi ll tz. Iveva .......... .......... ... Fulton 'of the same day on the church lawn. W. H. Allen and wife and Misswife, Home ~aPDI'. ~latlon .~et Au~ . Kia\' . , • _. . . . be the gues~o f relative s for several March. Monticello .......... .......Fulton Everybody ,come. d1t'.1 109.,WlththefolloWlDl'mem- CLEAV ER-9ARR-RI CH REUNI zie Merrit t. O~ davs Quadrille .......... ......... ,......... ,Fulton ben preeent: Cbu. Co ' Auatin~ ' Jobn . - _ ...- - ' . ~ '~Il '<... H d'· , Stake, Al. Kemp. J. 8. Tomer . d' March, Suceess .......... ......... Bennet t Tbe reun~on WJ , ·mr. an d' ~rs. Fed MT~ HOLLY REUNION MiS!! May Wrigh t entertain~ at r ' en erson an , . a Iteoort of lut m.~ 'Q-fem ber be held l1t Rich's grove on AUJJU8t children ana· 1'8. Ri dinner last Thursday ' the folld-Ml'lg: c:= ~ r , '-~~. ross were ' . ' ' d ' f th f "I" . . • ys Mt. Holly is prepar ing for a reun' Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey "Del)nis 8,HOS. w.. ~u:yll8Cretary• . Mr. 28th ' .All frleD . ' ~. Lee H . d ' 'l Peek·a·boo .......... .......... . Wtlham so e aml1~l\I'e gUes~ and s '~' en erson and farmy · , ~. N P' tz AI. Ken.p ....ppoirtted a~inmittee cO~ia1.y invited ,to .at~nd. . ionto .beheld on Saturd ay, Augus t daughtel',Mrs.~niceShute. Mr.ana . Sund~t;: +. • uta. . rill. . . 21st, in Hougb 's woods. Everybody Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight and daught t9 . .~ a~. c. q~ 'Austin " • _.. . er, ,AIonzO ·.llartle yand two dauah~z;s' 15 Mmute s Intermi SSion is invited to come with well-tilled Mrs.Hannah Rodgers.Mrs. Anna w.. 9Point ed a com\n.t~ to ~uie, r CELEBR~"'ES BlR~HDAY Selof 'froy. accoml>aDied by J. V, Lewis Karch, Excelsior ..: .......... ....... Hazel baskets and enjoy; the picnic. ~A good lers Stahl. three Jiunched badpI . '· lIr. ~t-l!Y Se ' ty _I.. " ' l·ttl of Lebanon were calling on frienlia Galop .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mit'tee ven·DU \. yeal'lil&go t M . .. Rosenk rans progra m b~ been 'f'A,ay S...::. ..e' was apnnint..!:.J a 1I._ l e 4. ,. pt:e~ared. . au a com , L ";: " . bo ' th' 't S ;_~ 1..1"' here Sun ay • .. . r- " .• carda. "",1 was. rn IIOU .- • , ·... ireh. Red Clover ........... .... F Mr, and MI'S\ Warren Barnet t en 0 pr,uI5Ue1U. ulton . • ..... to ' ~ure three .bulliired pqst , . H' .. ' . W'll" FOR SALE N Whit 1 !l'here tertain Til t.di ed at supper Tu esd ay evemn service 'a t St. Mary's :.Galop, In a Mmute .......... ..... Fulton f tile" E church IS n~e was I lam I ' g Y" .' e \ ' - 'Otb ' . 1'. : ....I.·t to Hia fon4 ·parent$ and, the fri4!n,dse .of the M folloWl' h n'g T guests'. Mrs. -, ' Duth Fult -. . church Sundl/oy ~ornin g on &\:Coun t' arc, . ona were awen ........ +" ~ ........... .... F on. Millinery store. Old stand and Brownell, Miss • n... ~ I' e d'nner lunch Lucy Hrownell. W.'S. refresn mentl! 1the f Mmi1y d'd 1 nou rea lZe" then tb a t of th.,., illness of the rector 'Rev. j. F. Home Sweet Home. .......... .... ulton • " ~ . 8d Loy was appointed t9 se-.l ~is same .lit~l~f~ll~was to beco!ne Cadwallader. es tabli shed t r ade. 0 wner h as t wo Barnet t, Sr.. N . S. Bal'ne. tt J H t:.. . . ' • . ' Progra m su.~~~ to change , stores and fi.nds respo~ibility t.oo Brownell. all .of ~ashington, ~t'.G. Val. Sims and to ad:. one of the ~test 1p~ento1'8 of l~- 'Yalter J9tdan and C. H" tamdy, arrlved . . ' v rti-. ' the Xeil': ~a WaynesVille ple!D~nt8 ~a was to h~ve heavy. InqUire of Jenme Hardm .\who are on ~ motorm gtour. th.e honor bome from 'Texas Monday. They are . ORANOE C~NT~ST ~ . ... AI K Morrow, 0,. 'phone 78. ' dAR b' f o~ratin~ the .lar~est agncul tural a1l.lookin~ weH and happy . ~ . r . . ' e~p, an . • imp'e~ent ·· manufacturing . plantsin. lad to be in Ohio again. ,. and are • On Monday afterno on five Wayn~. : .LastSaturda.YevemngtheW~~ NIAGARA FALLS LOW ,Howland..-eap~il\.t~~deco~~. the 'world: ' ~ . IVi1le > gir)S~oktheirsupperanddrove • ~ .. . .' ~ i ~lle Fanner s' Gran~~ ~n a l~ter( :r-'~'Ilt~ two. lod~...):V~re inVIted to Jql~ Mr~, whiQly ' celebra ted his. 76th . FARE EXCURSION to College Hill school yard. where ,Mrs. ~11~ Stem, of Colull:lbus, who aTY co~~, t)1e captain bem~ MIS8eS ' . ip~~e ~U() 0 ,el~;"comm~~: birtttda y annlveraiLry, "at the . . .. they enjoyed a very' p'leatant after~ Farln,~ ~s spend~n~ the su~m'er wi~ her par- . ~thel Sto~es and ~uellas Corn~ll q,W"m , Huton _and .. W~IS()p ·I ~~m eta', Co-operative Han.8$ tini . , AUg~t 18th over ~enn8yl vania \ noon, aft.e r w~ich ~hey spent a de· plant ents, Wllllar nBlame ~tl wife, near In4'res tingrea dmgsw ereg1V enby lines vta Cleveland an~ steame Prd~t." " .. . . " r. 1ightfulhourWlthMI8dEm~aHay.rke we$to tthe,eit ywith- bisson ,woJki ng Wellr'· onfnendsh~re ~un~ .Siste1'8 ~na Ellis. Sarah Bumet , Get particu lars from ~Icket • L? 1'he Id committee wl~h the, .~e 9 '. mowers. manure spread e. '8!1d agent, 'fhose presen t · were . Mi!lf!eS .. M~, · d~., n .' . ; ~a Ba~k and On8.Strawn and T. R. Smith; .. : c~ ~as ~P~i(l~d t!>d~re:!..~ implements. He was 'In a 6h~r~ul Clara and Emm~ Hawke Mary DaVIS D. Clagett ., Jonath an ' Moriia, Bro.) Jo~n St~WD an~ S18ters ~race , '" PrecA1f~ SEARS ~ ; 1.~~L~ -"REUN lON rm' a " n ~ L""" a~d Ellen SherwQod. ' m OOd 'and w'as~att ired ' in his every. 'Fr~nk Shidak er and· Frank Zell mo- ~Di ,• • ~ J.:A).Jj VDaI , .,ft . ' 'ifttlaa"i Luella ' Cohmen and R?~ eJ' '' II . ed .:,._ 'tb S . gfi IdF'-1 T ...... ..J...... . ~Io", ...mel ' Holt, ,.Wm. ·?Webb,. d ~ 'CI0 th'es .and ,ovas nw It gave umorou8 recl_' . .': , ' ! . , ~r w . e pnn e~ " ,r UellU~ tto'ns: Mrs. Frank ~r, will enterta in the ..,'. .' . Jam.C~wl~ Jo~Wright, Ai Kemp, • ~ ~Ink;~i$ ~~ 7~t~.?irt~dv an· to.,.see t?~ fam~JlS Diii Patch ~d MI. , Essays were read by :Sisters J;.ilcile . The Sears' Reutlio,:, will be held in W, F. M. S. of ' th~ M. E. cburch a.tlPb l{opkina. Jobn,~dF.lcl. P8!lnethe George Sears' grove ~at~rdar. this ~ternooh, " Dainty, invita~ ~l h~. .. ' I~. 19 · abo,u : nor ~el~ race. ,,' '. _ , ions ' ' 'COrneU 'ind Ella Keys. ~ , Augus t 14th. Everybody Jrl.Vlted ,to have' been issqed and an i1)teres wit; John ' Einley, ~: ~vis, '~ollt} of ~~, ~:\ ,', ting, . w~ i:~ Mrs. John S. Tb.o~n baa retUmaci : Bro•.Pb~..Mi$ene r: spoke agains IAmai npr'.a nd E:dwUd .. mer. t come with w.ell filled baskets and progra m Qn "'?;he ComiQg · . tb ' e,c .' ut A~ e -176 of Obri!l0 \ from ' vi8iti~ her 4"Q&'Me, ~rs. inereaseing the U. S. Navy. ,~~ OtowI was ~e,d' to . e , ~on. .t ~.. g. ~ ." James :Plice, ~\'e a aood bme • tiani~ tp Ja~~" has been prepar ed . H"·'["'·I·,'.. and .flUllilf. ofD~~ell$iate~ Stella Butter woitb · and ,,' h~ .biI·dW.n to the Church yard:. =;::.!~ ~ ~1~lhU~l~n ~f n~rv~ ~:< as f~Jlows: '.. . 'son. t.~l;. and ~ her ' son, I Mr. ~bel!t ~~O~ '~t ~ve a y~ du et~. .' ~OLLETT~~CKAY PIC~I~ . ·.',Hom~ Life in J,~~"' ~" lOlic1~ commit~ .the fol • Wh 't;eIy ~ved th h~ ~o~n, of St. ~1lil. " : .,"', .. , ...... ". LUcOe Qlmel ll an iristrumentJ'1 solo.' The 48rd · annual ' Collett -Md.ay ' .......... lowiDi ~~ appointed, Wall_ .......... ......... 14188'Dor~ ElI~. eo~tu~tiO Of bJa fri'd. who Jl¥!. ~ and L . .A. Zinimet:- G~ ~e'n 11010 an4 Elea- picnic will be held at the uS\lI~1 place- · ··AJ~p I48Jl called. 'Tt1ey ~~r!' F~a~ Loll . SSec an~.I~~ o~ H~avent' .... ,: ~Naeed' ~ started ,rt4ond af (or St. Clair n0l.~a'a violin ~~ v~ BOttlO, •• _ ;~" la' $aturday, August 14,1909: , r .' be would U'V. mw JllQN ~hda1 Flats. Mieb .. 'Where ·they will ..• :;..····::: ;· ..k...:· ..J·...... ·;~ .. Sybil x.i J'IoaDGe au' AinIt~ provilloD .mi(verpri.ancltbat hia·bei1th &Del' _ dip. 1b..,.two nimrod spend ' A . .,JIleetlDc,WU pa y aj)p~ t.: • - .it " vur ,,·01' m a~n ...... " ........~ uxpect ea ~ ~,e, ~ attenda nce preeea t , The ,eeU. .&e4, or NiIOIII 'wor~ lD :mlD. Ii poPDlaUon o! MI"Y8 vower woal4 ~ With to 'e at DOthin r but bh.wh i\e m ........ ,;, ........ M~ H lIan . ~~~ ·Mich.. .and the ~.m~pro~iM to BDiI&Dd and Walea iril,35 0,Ooo _ , .. ~ •• _:..• ..a.....:~_..a......a_I.a 'n..1I -N_ caD. ,u An llluaWa t:ecf"Tr ip tb~qbJ ~~. . ' Ibe'lU~ ~. . ~ ., ....v~~lJIIW~ .< ~tu, 8~,1i17.~ teD 7ean" lO. ' •..... ,.......... ......... -Twelve

-I Social Events


I' '











'. :=.




::ersary, . f' :Oli;0: i .

. at .




CatchillD Butterflies bu the TOD

nus Green

Bua Did $60,000.000 Damaae

......- . HE caterpillar of the "nun" moth has recently wrought great 'de.. .traction a III 0 n g the fir forest. of Germllny, many hundreds ot a.crpa ' being Moed by their depredations. An Inventive Ger· man. who ,hAd suffeNd from deatl"uctive work of the mo,Uls and who ad ' noticed how atrongly they were attracted by the rays of an. , elec~o arc 19ht. I recenUy devised a spectacular Dletl!ocl C?t capturing' and 1dW~g the peBts On a Ybolesale scale. ' , " . On Ule tower of the I citY hall In Zltt!lou, Saxony, .. hleb City Is entirely B~ounded by great 11r toreata, be let up an 'electric aear,cbUgbt; of great candle IIOwer. Immedla~ly belo,," the 'Ught he tn.stalled a .uctfon,' fan, Then, on a dark night, be tur~ed the .earchlJgh~ , Into the ~epths of the forest. Out of the th~ck wood~ came hundreds of thousan!la of the death1cUve mot~, 11ylng in ~n unbroken proees.. .Ion . al()Dg the path ot light whlcll led them to tbe toll of the city ball tower. There, as they approached closely to the aource of '11lumlnaUon, they were ' caugbt by the suction fan and drawn in to destruotIOD- , On one OCCas'OD more than ,..400,000 "nun" mo tha were thua destroyed In an evenJng. The , ~e Ingenious proceaa Is to be adopted wherever for~ta Or orchards are greatly da,mac~d by nightG)'iDJ Inaect.. · "



tiROJ.,l the Irrigated lands of the great northweat , come stories of profit from a alngle acre .of land, :Whloh may well' mak\} tho . average owner · of gold mine stock envious. , More than once the annual crop Gf apples ' from an h'rigated or<;hard has averaged abaTt) $1,000 an acre. ~~ara ba,ve netted double this :a.mount.~ Oherrles grown on ' such trees as the one sho~ above bring, ,n good years, ,$1,200 an acre. L~t May. A. C. Carter, living near Spokane l • IIOld cherriea from a sin~le t~ee, such as Is pictured, for ,(8. B. V. Martin of Wenatchee, sold 2,800 boxes of tomatoes trolll one acre, m~ln~ 'a net profit of $700, Though It takea hard work; good Judgment and good luck to get a thousand dollars an acre from a single season's crop" people everywhere should be interested In Ole fact that ' by mode,rn, Intensive methOds of f4Lrmlng, mQre mooey cao be' made from a suburban lot than frOm many an old-time quarter section. ' , '~\ .• ~ HE tiny WIlSP J shown enlarged In the lllustratlo~ last year , saved the farmers o~ Kansas and the southwest something like $60,000,000. The favorite breeding place of this wasp Is the body of , the #IJ<:;roscoplc green bug, whl<;h In 1906 and 1907 dId terrific damage to the wheat crop In Kansas and adjacent states. Prot. B. J. Hunter of the Kansas State Agricultural college, dis· Covered thtOt the little wasp was tbe green bug's most deter· !nlnel! ..lid destructlye enemy. He collected millions of eggs ' 1lD,d sent them out 8,11 o"er the state to farmer's who applied ~ , h~lp when the greE'.D bug pest appeared. As a result the green


r.O'NLto~ E' HUNDREn MILcubic feet of


Tum~ Deserts]D~O

natural gas a day are •. going t6 waate In the Caddo gas and 011" ft91dll near Shreveport, LB.-gas enough to furnish light, bElat and power tor all tbe homea ~d great business enterprillea of ChIQ.ago,· Bt. · LouiS aDd New Orleanl. The lJIustratJt)Q shows tbe largest well In this field, I~ , crater covers an area of two acres and the gU!l'Usbes up from tl\e depth. of the ~th In such force and 'Volum~, that It has ' been found utterly Impossible to control It. For mOilths the , ga8 bas been burning, the 11amesleaplng more than a hundred feet In ~he air, Sometimes wh'en. the pressure I. 'at Its greatelt. . blrdll fiylng over at a great height ar.e kJlled by the rllllu8 tumes IUld on several. OCcaSIODS the' glow In the s~ ha. been visible from a distance of 50 mlles. There Is sald to be a stand· inK 'olrer of $15,000 for any one }'ho can succealtu11y pu~ r cap on thtlweU. ," ' , ". '

Gold. ffines


bugs were practlcally destroyed and ~ full wheat crop was reaped. The year before this destruction the green bug def:ltroyed wheat to the estimated value of $60,000,000. '

THEto create someWhat complicated lliece or machinery above is going a revollltion 1n the gold mining IDdustry~ Hereto fore it has been ir,npos!!lble to work many promlsllig placer

d~po&lts beaaus~ of the tact tl'lat no water was avallable.

The new machine gets the gold out ot mine waste. Sand and gravel, without the aid of a dr,op of water. With It In ule, dirt runnlug as low as 50 cents a yard can be handled with a good profit. It will help to dot the dI'Y deserts of the , south· west with mining camlls.

T'HEButwhbnB at bride should, of course, alwayS be respected. wben on the day before her bridal morn, a young wom· a

an at East at. Louis announced that she would not be lJlamed Unle$8 she could move directly Into a brand new home ot her own, the problem seemed a dlmcult one. Fortunately her PI'PS-


' t L,·ve ,·n Earth Be,•·ngs C'afnno III , ,mate 0 lY.larS CZ

wedding, day the work ot excavating tor the n,ew hOJ,1se was begun. ,More than 60 men of v,arioul tra\les ,tolled , at high speed all dllY and at , seyell o'clock the Job was entirely finished. Thie bou~e contaln.a (Qur , ooms, a bathroom, a rece thin. blUl, . a front porch and a back IItoop, '. and is certainly the onl1. building df Ita llreten' slons wlUch was ever lJuut {roPl the ground up In 2' bours, , '


T'HEohln!!.bottomIt ' Iscut Ul~trates, ,a newly 'Inv~nted EngUsb ) ce m~ by and requires IP little power




' that a chUd can easily operate it. The maohlne Is sold at reo tall for less than $50, ~d In Uttle , more, than half an hour sumclent Ice can be troJen to serve.the p'urpos88 of the average family. ,Ol1~e people, re~ze ' the dlW,ger the.y ate rlll}nln!, tn , peoUve husblU\.d was " man of ·re- using Ice cut from 'pqnds and lakes, whIch, ar. often tllll of source, He purcbased a lot 0 • • , disease contamlnatloJl, .ihe household ,Ice macblne wtIl doubt. , Dlgb,t, c~lled lo an enterprislnlf con. leas prove , popular. : _ ' tractor and at seven ,o'clock ot the . , ; (CopYrIght moe, by Josl!ph B~ BowJee.)





, ~~~~~~,~~~~~oq

' specIal. astronomloal aptitude both see add t~ map the ' your own eilrth, when, 'by the ' insensible 'mght of the .M'!lrU!in "can~ls," and we need ' not , be .•surprlaed that gues ,of the, atmosphere, ,seas, rivers and laJtes aUke m8JlY' astr9DOmer$ ~rltlclse' I;owe11's estimate of the w111 le4ve 'You, and nothing w111 reDlatl1 but arid ~eserta Dumber of the oanals as US and of the "oasesi ' th'ey join and ~p. ~I~t~ .. Arctlo ~nd Aiitarctlo. The.n ce ·alPD, ' as 186. ,. : . '. will you be able , to derJve moisture tor" the sustenance What are these,' lInel and spots-are they can~lli ' of the vegetation, W.hlch, In l~s turn, will sus't aln a more' By Capt. EUi. D. Mor.olU Prof. LOwell aM' blli" asslstanta, · ~rr. Lampland and rtu': 'ethereal, wa8tedtaCQ of men; nnd, like theMart,lanll, you, ' ~llpber, expreaa no doubt on the questlon; ' and up to too, will hs,v,e ;to b~Ud ~n~ls ,h undredl of thousanda of, a certalo PQint' they b'a ve ' veri, dougb,tlJy ' met obje~Uon mJJes long, 'emplotlDg all the ,resourceS of your e.ngtneer- , NE thing only Is undisputed about the , climate after objection ,to their theorY. It muat be UD'de~tood Jng skUI thus to keep your , pp-md Within you," It ' of Mara, and it Is- that If we were transported that , no reBponslble persoD ' now denies tltat ' there are maY' be ',,0, and "tn · thlnii' 'the world' may perlah. But there we should instantly die. How tar this mar)r.l~g~ ~~ Mars: ' ~at, a*oDl>m'erS dllpute tl lwheth.' the theo.., .. ' artl11clal, as Lowell would' have us be,. Incontrovertible fact 1.s compatible with 'fo~m!3 er these marldliga are ae numerOus as FlagshllJ dbser- Ueve the canals. \ 'W e cannot now 'examine all tlul objec~ , of intelligent life auch as we know nothIng vatClfY il!!cl~re8! and , whether' tJley are ', al1l11cII.1 11\ ' char- ._tiona' '(0 th'e ,' eUller!ltruchll'e t>O( the theory; , alid we Will • of Is s matter Oil which Prof. Lowell Is not In. aeter, We may cede .t helr number. Are ,they artU)ciaU only, say this: That in ·t~eorles p: worlda ,.8s In U;1eorlei , " : a~eement With the larger number of astronomers who One' ~rgum.ent In lavor of their having been mad~ Y by ' of llf~. lt Is Ina\t'V,lse,ble ltolseek other tlJM the etmpl"st ' , have bad opportunities of observing Mars. Let U8, howIntelUgent beIngs Is that ' some of the lines appear .to , explanations. On the IJUl'rac~ ,of the eal'tl1 ~nd on the ' ever, before Inquiring wbere the observer of Flagstaff , run" p'8 tallel for hundreds o( mHes; ,';rhe reaUty of this ,s~rface ~r t~e moonthet:.e b",,s, beau ,v~lC(lntc ao~l!J.n. On " ob8ervatory, Arizona, dllTers from those astronomers appearance wa,s' ,doubted .. ,ltV. L8mpt~d , lias Pho~ atl ~l,,~eta. Ma~ Included, the~ is 'a pro,bablll,tr. amonnt· . whom Jl,e has oalled lhe "gifted objectors wbo have not , gr~phed' "M.ars; a:p,d ,'tb~re; ,rfal, bbon~ ~OUbt,..j on .,some '. ..)iIlg to c;et;tal~ft7 that ~olcanlc ~ctlQ.n \ has taken , ~laQe .flr , aeen the canals," set down ~!nts on whlcb the larger One consequ~nce of thlll Is that ~e see 'Mars very, of the tiny photograpbs "no bigger tbiul a pea' apPfilar- Is taklng place, and on Mllfa volcanic aott.on would p~b- , ' Ilumbllr ot astronomers are in agreement. J.Ji the first place there are distinct markings on Mars. These ,markclearly. But we do not see It as clearly as we lee the now and ' agalnJ, do4,ble panaJli. ' ,Theu.: ther., . =WIlB, ihe," ' a~ly,,~e more :marke4 th~ (oJ1.:~e ea~" Voic~n'c cra~ki Iilgs have b'een. kn'Qwn ' fol' a very long time, snd have moon. Its atmosphere 'doe8 not ' tefract' light to aver" 'quE!stlon of water. Was , ttiere' water on 'Mars a~ a1l1 Buoh all we,bow-eDat lJi the' mooD, t':'OUB~ g~ologtq , t{JD~ J Mri ~UpJle~ , h~ shown.• by m~ of the ·.pec~soope" oJjas <?bUt~rated J!iQllt of them , on the ell:rth. prob'ab~ been ,mapped by .many observers sl!1ce Schlaparefll, tl1e dazzling extent;' and most astronomers believe tbat 'no ' that the~ Is water In th,e 'Jda~an ;atmoallbere. ~f: tb~re .exlat ,On ,Mare, ,~~ the lInell ·we,. see tbe!e ar~ me~elf italian astronomer, annouuced certaln peculiarities about cloud. are ever seEm floatlJl.g on It, There are dUSR ~s . water II), ~hfil attpo_p~eJ'e thatt, ~r~r'~ lJ)ay be leu cold' er&c~ In the lurfac.e, ' ~rom wlJJch ltealn e~des .and crethem 30 yetll1J ago. A point ot which Lowell makes ,a VeUln!8 on Its iJI~C. that cross ' it . like dying s1iadtiws; than ' lpweU's .oppone~~ bve declartidJ an~ ,the ~~o. ates an annuAl dar~en\ng cro~ , ~~ ,~etaUo,~ :in tl}e great ~ea~ Is tl)at ' these maps all coluclde very closely but ti1bse sr!! great dust-storms, raised b;y tempests suoh ,phere, Its,I(, mor'e ~~nse" U th!lt · b. ,Poe then ' sprin, time. On a ~ller::, .cale "Imoar cUiala and ..tms;. .~ , 8etUng down the p~ac tll! w~ere . the Unes fin Mara apas would eclipse' the 'wJldest tornado which ~ver ra'g ed, may be water In ~ese .long JIn~1 lfhlch Low.ell Calla IlJ.r growth, h~ve been l1?tictld eve~ in, ~e ~r)eu , mOOD, . pear, and 'In tracing ·,tho directions whlcli these lines tAke. It Is bardly liecessary to say that the lines appear . on our inodes~. pl~netl and there at,e apparltionl which . canals" anll ~he"e ., oana.s play . ~yo· been , built .bf<rMIn the tala~d ot HaW'aU there e cratera wbioh b1 to Dear-I), all obset;vel's M straight linea. LoweJl haa la~ntlfiect as sno~storm8 Buch as, sweep oter aoJl1ng beln,., who :tbus .~Ug~t to ,Irrf~te thelr' acofOhad , their slow w8ntd, acUon furntsh 111 wlUi the cl~.. t paJlo a poJar continent. In ahor~ In spite 01 tile blearnesl an. and ,~ylnJ planet w'th· water lIow~ from tJle pOlar aliel that' II ~own of the forma or ~n~raJD the moon A new question, howerer, DOW arises: The Question at lightness of the ,M.artian atmosphere, "seeing Mare;' ,w nows. , _ ' ~ THe v~lcanoei or the m n " " 'IItu-.~ We trustworthincss or ·'seelng." It one Imagi!l..e~ an been deacrlbed by an obllerver M Lo_well·I_,o1flrobse....- ' t iii ->Ule..-bellef whlcb IProt., ~ cace apia . . 00 w~e not erap • like <JIiWla .. ~ aatrGlloruer=notvel')' exacting about tlie quantlt.y or to..,. as "llke I~klng at a Swiss landscape trom !" bl,~ sen. in "Man, at the Abode of Life." anll he eom.. tQ and Ve8Uvl~ but WtN P~. In ,whl~. . . 'in til. vol~o ~en necessary tor his su-ppoft-settlng up , a tele.. . Alp, with ~e .,Q~met clouda eweepllur ~bout one. No1t hla declaration wlt.b & TJIOl' ute We renewal Ja. c1abIlI at KUauea. we la~ ",,uecl up. In~. there .... .cope e)1l· Mars to pqlbt at tlte earth, we lihall have to the mist ro_1s awa)" reveallDg a bit ot the vaD." and ._..... .........:._ ""_". .."... ................ Ioq ~ Ii the' At1&ahut. 1n agafu ill a moment, wbUe In 80qM o&ier QOt we ~"'"""" 8P1'..... _ore - __ that be .ould DOt see very much, Our dense atWe clouds b~~ "'&7 and ....CIO.8 ,. , ..... IUIIlIId& ~ '~ ~~;;~~~ e all)plar wateJ7 eDT810pe that fa ~.. .~lJ.!j_I~~I:I!iJ__JJIM~[4:.~~,.~. :~j 1*-..1101 at _!feat. belchq, ~ou1~' te~ect Of' a .porUoA of • IIahlfDa ,laCIer-" It ~




60 much of the sunllglit falling on us; the maSses ot clouds of the ' "wine dark seas" would add so much to the dazzling 'mpresslon', that hardly ,n the course of a long life would the Martian astronomer be able to glimpse every 'part of the earth. It Is otherwise ' with Mars. Just as It Is said that every naUon has the newi' papers It deserves, so ,every planet has the atmo.phere It can hold. .I n ' oxygen, In nitrogen, In hydrogen, In every gas, the partlclea, the molecules ot the gas ue ever striving to flyaway into space at speeds of thousa'n<1.s ot miles a second. The lI~liter the gas 'the greater the speed; and tbe only.thlng that keeps an atmospheril Inclosing a pla~et ' ls the pull which the planet's Weight or gra vtty exerts. It Is because the moon Is so light In weight that It ,fd.lls to hold any percepttble atmosphere at all . The planet 1\1ars Is in many ways midway lh ' oha,racterJstlcs between the moon and the earth; but It resembles the moon more than the earth In Its talUng f~:~. on Its g,a ses. Its atmosphere Is, ther~rore, very








, fuse to bow down te the lma~e an/! worshIp It should. be 'cast int.o a Hery furnace, Ilnd when it had besn. report· ,ed t.o b .l m' tha.t these three' Jews ha~ refused , to 'pay homage to Ws splen· dId image, hIs wrath . was kindled mIghtily and be commanded that the S~Ort of, th., 1'hree ,,011- ChUdren furnace be beat.e,d seven times al) hot ~_ and Their Son. . as was Its wont, and that if these Jews refused to bow when ,the lUuslc BY THE "ffiGHWAY AND BYWAY" ngaln sounded, that they should be J'REACHER -thrown therein. Again the great silence as the mul tttude waIted th e momentous, Signal, Based on the Apocryphal Book of aga.ln· the burst 'of musIc, again tho the Song of the Three Holy Ohlldren. prostratIon before the Imago, and The Book WI Part of Danlel.-The Gtc k ~galn the three erect forms In the tranaloUons of DanIel. like Ihnt , at mIdst of-that great concourse of pea)!lsi her, contnln Dev ral pieces which Bre not found In the or1glnal t ext. The most pie. WIth fierce haste dId the great war. Importo.r t at these uddlUona ure contalned In the ' Apocrypha. at the English rJors of the klI!g who had been aeBlbl under the Utle, ot "The Bong- ot signed Ule task descend u pon these tho Threo Holy Ohlldren," I'The History men, and havlnp bound them securely of Su_nnnn," und the "HIstory of Bel '" an~ the Drngon," The flrs.t of thesa proceedetl to th e mouth ot the fur· pIeces 18 Incorporated Into t.ho nllJ"l'ati ve nace fro m whIch In plain view ot all ot Danl I. After tho Um)e confe8sors the people could be seen the leaplns wero thrQWII Into tho fUI'nace (Don, 3 :23), Azarla8 Is reprf'8cnted praying to flam es waiting to devour the luckless God tllr deliverance (Song ot tho Three J ews who had dared to disobey Lho Children 8:22);' Bnd In answer. the nngal kIng. ot tlic Lord shields them from the tire "One lat>t chance," came the word which consumes their enemies (23-27), wber upon "tho three. RIl out of on8 from the kIng just before they were mouth,'" raIse a triumphant 80ng (29-68), cast within the furnace. "Will you of whIch a. chief part (35-66) hllll been t b d t th I d th \lBed 08 II. hymn III the Christian church no ow own a e mage nn 'IS Blnee the tourth cenlury. '.rho nddltlons escape an awful fate?" are found In boUl the Ore k textll. the "Nay!" replfed Ananlas, Azarlar. LXX and Theodotlon. In tho Old Latin and Mlsael os with one voice "we and Vulgote. and In the exleting Syrlnc ' ... ' and Aroblc versIon/!, On the other hnnd dare bow down and worship uone there III no evIdence thlLt they ever ' sllve the God of Heaven , . We will tonned pllrt 01 th e Hebrew text. Ilnd Ih Y serve only him. He Is able to deliver 'vere originally wanting In the Syrlac. us fl'om the hand of the kIng Ilud Varloull conjectures have b en made WI to the origin at t~le uddltlons. It hos from the flames ot the furnac e, but tt b en 'suPPoBed thllt they wel'e derIved not, be It known that we will not bow from Arllmul origInals, but the charac- and worshIp the Image of the kIng, ter at th originals theme Ive8 Indloates .. rnther the hand 01 nn Alexandrine wrl- and If we perIsh, we perIsh. HavIng saId thIs the servants of the t 1'; and It 18 not ullllk Iy that the translUI or of Daniel wrought up tru.aIUons kIng, be Lng men of great stature and which were already current and appen!!- mighty In strength seized the three cd them to hi' work. men and raising th~m far above their <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> heads they ran with great speed tOo 0 ward the furnace, and then with one PART OF THE SONG. 0 mIghty e tTort. toss\d them Into tho (Used R8 Song In Chrl8lilln very mldst .of the flam es, which wtth Chur h Blne Fourlh Cent'ury,) ,fiendlsb eagerness, seem&d to leap 0 let the earth ble.. the forth to receive them. Lord.: praise and exalt hIm The eyes ot the peol,le were Intent above all for ever. upon watchIng the J ews which were o ye mountain. and' little' cast Into the furnace, and for the' mo· hili., ble.. ye the I,-ord:pralae 0' ment those who had cnst them thereand exalt ~Im above all for ever. ~ in were forgotten, But' now a cry of horror arose from the throng as the 0 , all ye thlngl that grow ~n the ,earth, ble.a ye ' the Lord': scorched and blackened fOI'ms of the pralle and exalt him above all men were seen lying before the fur: for ever. ' ~ nace. And while panIc seized the . 0 ye fountalnl, ble .. ye the peoplE! at the sight ot tbe work of the Lord: pralle and exalt him flames, the three men which had been above all for ever. cast lnto the furnace walked in the 9 ye cea. and 'r ive ..., ble.. ye 0 midst of the fire. l'ralslng God and . the Lord: pralle and exalt him 0 blell,8lng hIs name, tor they were not ,. above for ever. touched by the flames. o ye whale. and all that move Then Azarlas stood up and prayed: In the waterl,. bleH ye t~e "Bles8M art thou, 0 Lord God of Lord: prall. and , hlril ~ our fathers: thy name Is worthy ,to be above all for ever. praised and glorified for ·evermore. o all ye fowl, of the air, blel. For thou.· ert rIghteous In nil things ye the Lord: . pralle and exalt tbat thou hast dOl1e to 'UJ;!; yea. true him .above .11 for ever. are aU tJ;lrworks, thy ways are right!. o , all ye be..t. an~ cattle, and all thy judgments true. In aU the blel. ye the Lord: pral.e and things' which thou hast brought uJlon ~xalt him above all for ever. us, and upon 'the holy cIty of 0\11' fao ye 1lI'Il/liren of ""eri, ble.. ye ' thera, eVen Jerusalem, thou hast exethe Lord: pralle and exalt him ClUed true judgment; tor, accordinp: - -0 above all fo'r ever. ' I to ' truth and judgment dldst thou 0 Ilrael, blel. ye the Lord: brIng all these things upon us be· Pfalle and exalt him above all oause of our sins. And thou dldst defol' ever. liver us Into the 'bands of the lawlells o y~ 'prleiltl of the Lord, ble.. enemies, and now we cannot open 0111' ye the Lord: pralle and exalt mouths. We are become a shame and him above all for ever. reproach to thy servants, and to them o ye servantl of th~ Lord, that worship thee. Yet deliver us not blll,1 ye the Lorc!: pralle and up wholly, for thy namfl's sake, nelth· exalt him above all for ever. er dJsannlial thou thy covenant. Put 0 ye Iplrlt. and .oul. of the \IS not to shame but deal with us aft· rlghteoul, ble.I' ye, the Lord: er thy loving kindn ess, and /lccordlng . pralle and exalt him above.1I 'to the ' multitude ot thy merc:les. Defor ever. liver us also accordIng to thy mar....0 ye holy and ' humble men of ,velous works, anti give ' glory to thy heart, ble.. ye the Lord: pralle ' name, 0 Lord: Ilnd let nll ' them that and exalt him ~bove all for do thy servants hurt be ashamed. And ver. Je~ th.em I be oonfounded In all t)lelr 0 give thank. unto 'the Lord, power and might, and let their becau,e he ,. aracloua: for hi,' IItrength be \>roken; and let .them merc)' endureth for ever. know t~at thou are Lord, the onl), "\;?!"' ~all ~. ~h.t !"ol'lhlp the , God, glorlQus over ' all tho wOl'ld." , Now It came , to' pass that while Lord, bllia the God of aod.; pralaehlm, and ' give him Azarlas prayed. tbat the fiames In the thankl: for hi. mercy endureth furnace burned with Increased fury <> for ever. ' \' " /Uld leapIng forth In great 'fqrklng <> tongues df liquid fire, so that those <:><>0<><><>0<><>0<><><> standIng nearest to tpe furnace like

~ ~ ~

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The Kind You Have Alwnys Bought, and which hll8 been in use for over SO years,.has borne the sJgnatnre ot ' . and has booD made under hJs per.. . sona! supervision since itS Infancy. * AlloW no one to deceive you in this. All Oounterfelts, Imitations and" Jmt-ns-good" are but Experime:ats that trifle with and entlangcr the health ot Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.

HOlN He W .. Taken by Quantrell'. Guerrilla, and Afterwardl Releaaed Through Cole Younger'l Ald. The story ot the caIlture of Senator Stephen B. Elkins of West Virginia, by the QuantrelI guerrilla bandits and his rescue by Cole YOllnl1\er, has no eq ual. so far as Is known In the life of any other United States senator. It Is the story of a just d ebt paid, an obllr:atlon canceled, nnd or a romnn ce that Is Interwoven with bloodshed, suffering and terror. Atter the war th e paths of the young Boldler and the bandit became widely separated. The former began the practice of law. He prospered nnd went to congress IlS a delegate from New Mexico. Then he wedded . the daughter of Senator H en ry Gassnway Davis and located In West Virginia. In the process of time Stephen B, Elkins became a United States senator, secretary of war, cap· ltallst nnd statesman. . Cole Younger went the other way, joined QuantreU's band, and arter the war with two of his brothers. Jim and Bob, he was captured after a spectacular raid on a bank In Northfield, Minn., and sent to the Stillwater penitentiary fo r lite. Twenty years In the prIson broke hIs health and made him an old man . Senator Elkins joined In a succesBful movement to obtain his pardon, and Cole Younger was pa· roled. The debt was patd. "It all came about from going to see a young lady outside the union lI,nes," ssld Senator Elltlns, In rel ~ t­ Ing the Incident. "When I started to return to my home at Kansas City I had no thought of encountering Quantrell's . men. My heart was very light and I had other thoughts to think about than war and Its grimness. Just about that time all nature seemed to sing-you

~ ~

. Wh.a t Is CASTO,RIA

CastoN Is 0. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 18 Pleasant. It C!ontalrus neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotfo substance. It!9 age is its guarantee. It destroys WonruJ and allays Feverishness. It cures DJa.rrhooa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It B8slmUn.tes the Food, regulntes the ) Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe ChUdren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.

CASTORIA ALWAYS ciD.;;;t~~ '-III!.-tr~~~ '...c~...c..,.~~~


Tho Kind Yon Havo Always Bought Eu.ct Copy of Wrapper.


In Use For Over 30 Years WHY, OF COURSE.

Good Little Story Told by William Dean Howells al a Rebuke to Spread·Eaglellm.

"It was William Dean Howells," said a ChIcago editor. "who first reo buked Ul' AmerIcans for our spread· eaglelsm. for our fooli sh boasting. 1 'see that Mr. Howells has just joined a men's society for the promol~on at woman suffrage. Trust hIm to he In the fo\'dront always . "I 'once heard Mr. Howells deliver a fourth of July oration In 1\-Ialue. The. "Farmer, whIch of those cows ot orator precedIng hIm bad boasted a youl's gives the buttermilk?" good deal. Mr. , Howells showed that "None of 'em. The goat." sOUJe of the man's boasts were even Impious. . Law of Attraction. "He saId tbat these spread-eagle The attractions of men to women lI;Jallters deserved the rebuke that the nnd women to men are full of the most little child admlnlstere4 to · tlie cack- perplexIng Inconsistencies and contra· ling hen that had just laJd ' an ,egg. cllctlons ImagInable. It Is, for Instance, The child, angered by the hen's COD- a physical law that magneijsm Is not tlnuous cawk-caw.k-cawk, cawk-cawkattraction of one thIng for an· ~~htle!llrw.ka,(n~d.l1s~aC.l-dlll:Ilo<m--lHs--1IHt~-tll~~1lt'-r::o~t.h·;:-er, but the dllference of two oppos· ., 'You fink you're smart. But Dod' Ing forces of attractlop and repulsloll, made dat egg. You touldu't help but of whIch the former Is the greater, lay It!'" 'Vhe snme law bolds In relation to the attract.lon of men and women for each ' other, In whIch, as Ii. rul , Ule mascu· SKIN ERUPTION CURED. line Is ' the superior torce.-T. P.'P. Weekly, ,London. Wal So Sore, Irritating and Palnf\ll Neatly Put. THilt , Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep' -Two Qualters were having lin ar· -Scratched Conltantly., guruent ani! aile considered the othe r Cutlcura'a Efficacy Clearly Proven. was speaking ral sely. This Is how he reproved hIm: , "Friend Thomas, I will not call thee "When about two and a hall years Stopped by Guerfilial. old my daughter broke out on ber hips by any bad name. but If the mayor, know that time, probably-but my an.d the upper parts. or her legs with 0. were to ask me who was the grea test head came dow~ out of the C;louds Tery Irrtl:3tlng and paintul eruption. It liar In the town I wouhl hasten to with a jolt when 1 saw be (ore me a began In October; the ftrst I noticed thee anll Bay: 'Thomas, I think th mayor gl'eatly d esireth to spenk with groups of men wIth theIr horses teth- was a little red surface and a constant thee.' .. ered by the roadside, whIch proved to desire on her part to scratch her limbs, be Qualitr4tll's pIckets. Wben I came She- could not sleep and the eruptions mother'" ,dut,r to keep constnntly Uj) to them one saId t~- W'l!II,.+Jm1~W~ant:l-:l~IG\lH/\'aller-cllm[e-OU1rt1ffi"lijfnd Bome rehnble rem 'dy for us in or them. two treat her, CO@(! Ifudden nccident or miphnp to the go ing?' h were are you but abe grew worse under their treat. children . Hnmlin" Wizo1rd Oil cl\n be .. 'Out lookIng for cattle aJld on depended upon for jllst 8Uch emergencies. some busIness: I · answered. wIth the ment. ' Then I bought the Cuticura best front I could In' the clrcumstnces. Remedies and only used' them two ' A Natural Selection. Then they looked me over. weeks when she ,was entirely well. "What do yo u sup pose would ~e an "'Pretty fine pelr of; boots: Sllid one ,TbJs was In February. She has never neronaut'R gal'den choice? of the men.' 'They wlll cio for me.' bad another rough place on ber sk.fn, "I don't kno"" llut I wOllhl suggest the three men 'Who bad cast the Jews "'That overcoat for mIne,' ~Id an- anel abe Is now tourteen years old. an all' plant:' Into the turnace, were stricken to Ui6 other, 'a nd a third laId' claim to my Mrs: R. R. Whltalter, Winchester, - -- - - - ground and consumed.' . Tenn" Sept. 22, 1908." Mrs. Wlnlllow·. 8oot~1I' S,rop. horse. For ohlidreD \oollllnil . IOflA!llJ tbe gu",., redace. to, But the ' angel, ~f the Lord came "Th!lY .told me to accompany, them l'aUe1' D~ " 0110111. Corp., 801. Propa.. Boltollo DaaamalJoa,all"YlpaiIloCIUUW1rl4collu. ~"botue. down Into the oven together with Az. 8I)d I rode wUh the five Into the midst He who honestly seeks to save anarias, and hIs fellows. and smote the of Quantrell's camp. COMFORTING. other finds blmself. flame ot the fire out of. the oven. and "Hardly bad I landed In the mIdst made, the midst of the oven' as It had ot the party ' thlln I recognIzed Cple ~een a moIst, whJstllng wind, 110 that Younger. tbe flre touched them"not ' at alt, neith· .. 'How In the' world dId you get er ,burt nor troubled them. bere, Steve?' 'asked Cole Younger, Then the three, as out of one mouth, comIng Qver to me. praised; glortHed and blessed Ood In "'Call't you do somethIng tor me?' Ule furnaQe: saying: ' . . I asked: -You .must bave Influence " iBless¢d art thou, 0 Lord GOd ot wIth Quantrell. Get ll:Ie olr 80m4(lbow, our ta.thers; and to 'b e praised ana ex. oAn't you?' alted a.,ove all for ever." "Younger wasn't very enthusIastic, . .!' • but he saId he would do wbat be could. ' ' "Then a 8cput came galloping In , MJ'n In the 'Water-Help!' Help! with the news that the union trooIls I'm drOWning! were on ' the trail of ihe guerrl11ae~ Drop' Oeni-Wbatf. 70U 'don't need and everythIng confu.lon. ,Quan- help to droWD, ~an. . ' ' trell' reBented beIng bothe1~d wlth me, and curBed the ,flve men ' Wbb bad ca~ . tl,lred ' me not kIlling, m~' tn. theIr uaual· way down In the. hollow. , I''rhrnlng 'to Youn'g er, Qu'a ntreU ' sharPly: iWell, YQU 'seem to be 10 ea~e'st, and' If you vo~oh ,. for ~Im, yo, may' ~avf your, w&'T" >~. : moldelrn .I' Younger 'asked' me if I ~ew' the ,~orks ' of .the road we're, 'Iqld wh,n I " ••aured him ' that. t. ilia 'be C4U· tlon~d 'tt1e ~ do my' be~t. 'Wb4jn we I'"t tJiere/' lie sald;' lyoU do your\ be~t and' don't atop t$.ll you are miles away.' ~ "My bor'~e was a good ~ne, and b~llOn~e ' l wb~ we came to the road I w.. oJ! UlEe a ahot.. I tolloweit YOunger's iUlrucUODII and sot .'fa),. "About a . dQWD the ro&cl ~ at the Of I. bo ,W " .. ot



~ ~ ~

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. .~;=tt~~~~

W. N. U. CINCINNATI, NO. 31-190iJ.

A Tonic For The Whole Faaab This splendid tonic willleep every member of your famiJy , in good health. Adulta lufI'eriog {rom dyspepsia, or indIgestion, general exhaultion or breakdown will find In thia natural tonic renewed health and strength. , DeUcate, rapid. Iy 'growing chUdreo will ~cI in this tonic the a..illance their digeative organl need to get the proper nourishment and strength from their food.

DR. D.JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE acts directly on the etomacb and other digestive organa. toning them up and enabUDe them to do their work properly. In this way It brings about

permanent health and atrtlngth. On the otber hand. ordinary tonicl, which give ar. tlficial strength by stimulatlOll and by eupplyiDgfoodmaterIaJ. are only effectivo a. lone . . they arc taken.


&l/ All " .....",..,-• . ."'••, 40c. a,,~ 3$<:.


Talc.Dr. D. Ja7D.'..... II YI?U want to lIet" ri4 01 7~ Couch or ColeS.




"I have used your valuable Cucaretl . and I find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have u!led them for lOme time for indigestion and biliousne. and am now completely cured. ' ~. mend them to cverrone. Once tri~ yoa. will never be WIthout them 10 the family. "-Edward A. Man, Albany, N.1I'. Ple~Qnt, Palatable. Potent, T ..te GoocL no Good, Nevor Slcken,WooeB or Gripe. lOco 2Sc. SOc. Nover 10101 In bulk. The !renoalne tnblct stamped C C C. Gaaranteed to cure or )'0= money back.


A 25c. RAZOR ~ WITH A$5 SHAVE. ' Jf ~ou dOll't get the ciennesli ..ud ea8Ie,' you've eVllr had. 1.1 for any relLNU Il .. t ,,1\ you're no. better tllLtlgfled wlth the "8hrpo Sh '1Vr" tlllm nny razor )'ou .... ' e""r had. !>eod It back to lUI aall' w,,'1\ Bend )Tuur mone)' ·1Ia.ok to Y011, COUlTllete Razor mallacl poat, pa id ou receipt of quarter or obn ,'c

IT ',



... ,lilt _


70 D....


County Courts

Do You Get. Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Make~ You ~rible.

COJlllllon PI OW

s Court.

"uit . •

rllh E Sim ::mtou V8. · \ iII il\ m imont on P tition fu r aliwony ou t of c rt iu prop r h' o ~ by d{fenduut pra f I' plai ntiff' Il vp r ~ deftlocitlnt t il b guil ty of ubu iv 1 t reat ment t wllrd her . T. , K. Lllogdon, Itttorn ey f r pl tliut iff . . R W ilds ~i1 ch .. i s . vs. villllge II f Lebull on . PAtiNo D lIt' klug oo urt, t n i ue resl,rniui ng ordt'r to prevent thA oonstructi on of cer tlli o de rl he,l wer 00 Orohard a venue. M" mlt' Evan vs Board of Edu a · tiO D of Lytle Speoial Distriot . PIllln t-ill' ~IIYS u ef ndllnt Is indebted t bel' $1 0 fur IIU eudi og ins titute for whi h a moun t wlth int.eres t sbe nes.

Probate Court.

Almost everyone k nows of 1)#. Kilmer' s S WlWIp-Root, the gleal If.idney. liver a ud . bladd er remedy, b • I!:: U ~ ca use of its h ealth rest ri ng propertie, Swatil pR oot ful fills a lmost every wisb iu o\·er· CODling ~h e uUlati sm, pain in the book . kid· 1---11"11[ n cy!!, liver,. bladder and every part of tbe urinnr J,lassage. It orrccts mo bility to hold wntr and scaldi ng pai n in passing: it, or bad efTect followiuguse of liquor, wIDe or beer. a nd overcoUi s t hat unpleasant necessi ty of being compelled to go often t hrough th e dn y. a ud to get up many tim s dllri llg th e \l ig ht. Swamp-Root i not recowmended for eve rything Lut if you h a ve kidney, liver or bladder trouble. it wi ll be found just t he remedy you need . It hns been thoroug hl y t est ed in pri \'3te practice. and has proved so successful th at a special or· I !!. n~l! l\1 e llt bas been Dlade b y which all r eaders of this paper, who have Dot already tried it, may have a SIIUlple bottle sent free by m oil, a lso a book telling more about SwalU \,:Root. and how t o

Est'l te of John W . Stron e d eccnMlld FIrst, nnd tlolllllooonnt fil ed findoutif you havekld-


Dey or bladder trouble. Sa g , d - When wrilingmentioo cell 8 d . ~ v 1It,).l 0 onnt filed. rcadlng this ge.n erou8 ..' ." -_ ..'"' _. . Estllt,e of tlebllstitm Mllag. d e- ofTer iu tbis paper and -, send your address to oaR. ed Inventory and appro i e- Dr. Kilmer & Co., It-. . ' ''.''''!p''JI.o~ Binghamton, N . Y. The regularfifty-cent mant filed onl:-doUar s ize bottles are sold by E tate of J Aoob CorDell, decea8ed. and all druggists. Don' t nake 8.n y nli stalte In vent ory aDd apprai ement flloo. bu\ remember the D.a me, Swamp-Root, E~tat,e oLCliffortl L . Coleman, de- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the addraa, BinghamtoD, N, Y., on every bottle. k~~ t' ll te


Jeor ge R

1~1~ . -

c , · It ~e d

Charles B . Cojeman IIppllinted Rdn'linI8tr"tor giving bond

tlf 1:3(10 Est.ntfl of

IUford Coleman de, OM-llelt . Actmltlilltrator aothori~d t.)tlocept sett.lemen t from ' the Ohio Illleot:'lo RcIt1 wll.f .o ompanv tor the 01l&i0l8 for d ll mll 17811 .. E8tute of WIIIia.m H. Fnlkertb, minor. f'lnul accoout fll 'd. Elitate or' -'Iexander Murray, de~el\sf!d . Detllfied statement ()f the persona) property flIed b.y Elizabeth




- - -...........


•- •







3J Columbus l e~l!~va~

\tnt Ni x n w'h~ i ewplQypd at' ll'renoh' BroH. t. ream ry, Itt LeQ~ nc:)D Wilt! painfully 0 1d d last we k, wben he stepped 'Into a. p 01 of b iI· inK water. Mr. Nixoo WIlS In tb engloe room liod It seeDlS there W ill I a. h ole for depression in tbe oement Next Sqnday floor. In wl)iob the hot, water had oolleot,ed. Be WIl8 ~al kin ~ acrolls Also to Springfield the floor, and nooideotall.v st·umbIAd, Springfield, 75c: Columbus, $1.25 stepping Int the water which Train lea es reaohed half wuy to bis knee. Be a t : .J2 ~,. m. was eo bll.dly KOlllded tb!lt he I u able to work.

EXcursion, \

5, . Sunday,'Auo15

Notice of


The t-errlble news was received by Mr. and Mrs. Ford MoDonald, of the Wilmington pike n'3llr Xenin J·. d IJlI~ ot SIlILS E . K ltt' l'lIl 11n . u ocensed. . , . ' Tho u nue rslg n od hus been a p p<>lnl t\d a n d while they l"(ue enlGYloK t.he Ul - , qun\l Ued as udmlu illtratilr 1)1 tho ruee o f · r SU". E . KeH rm UI1 . Inl of Wurroo 'o uu ~)' . Ie 1ves a t. a t th e G r e en COU n ty Fa I Oh lu. d ·cased . 11I8t Thursday, that their two little Il uted thlK~O tll d ill' of JlI l ~· . A. D o, \lIll Y. daughters, Ella ·May and Helen were J . ~. STAOY. fatally injured and th eir grandf&ther, Benjamin BuyJitf, of OilY ton, WIlS killed at the C. B . & D. railrond orossing nellr Dayton. 'I'he aooi-/ Will Keep dent oooured at tbe Barr's orossing east of Dayton at 9 o'olook, and Illthough word W8S imwerliately sellt . to Xenia, Mr . Ilnd Mra. MoDonald - ANDcould not be 10nnd until near, 1 o'olock ·in tbe afternoon.




Brown Bill



M.iohael, of Franklin, bad a thrilUng experience in an automobile aeoident one day lallt week. Mr. Mose Sohwab and another g en 7 tlemlSn from Dayton oame to Franklin in an auto and took Messrs . EnrbartandMiohl4el'forarldetoSprmgboro. 'l'hey went over the lower road and on the steep ' hill nellr Springboro the engine ohoked down and the hea vy O1.r started baok. A it went over the side of lihe hill it


'~* COME IN '*~ . '* * * '~* The Miami Gazette:*


Messrs. E . C' Earhart and Paul •

Lebanon National Bank and Citi... 'N t '" I D •• k f h f zeus 11 luoa QUn or mont 0 July wert- audited and fouod correot. FlDanoial statemeuts of the aOd.ito ran t reosorer s h ow Ing bal&.nce .. hf d d I be lDe~o nn an aOOOUII&llttle . ' inD1n g s ot the month were present ed and ordered plaoed on file. Bond of Dan P. 8 0ne, Clerk of Ooarts, signed .by hlane1f as priuoi .. P V B C eEl d Horray, Adm uistrlltor Bud aooepted paI an·, . one, . . u a.8 an in IIf1Q of regnlar "'pp~isQruent . J. M. Hayner 8S saretles 10 sUln of " . $10,00() waa approved.

MarriaIe Ucen&e& . tshird Kirby, 24, f'l'm~r, of Hprlng-

.I Here '--.- _... - - . and There I

And see ou r Post·Cards; they are all views of local in'terest, and friends at a distance will apprecia-te them.


At his home, 3X miles w t of Waynesville, on the Upper Spring- I boro pik e, for the coming season. BROWN BlLL is a g od general- I purpose horse. CLOVERDALE is on of the b tbred Pe rcheron horses in this secti n of the coun b.'y. H is fifteen yea rs old, and is without no b lem i, h.







i;10.00 to insure a living col t; mar'e Oft.ught on a barb wire fenoe. and and colt to stand s curity. AJly hung on the edge of the s'eep de'o line one parting wit h mar ~ f orfeit t he The men all ju~ped olld escaped in- insurance. jllrf with the exoeption of Mr. ~Iohael who was sprained · In gettlDg oat. It took the party bix hours to Iu 20 mlDules . ·" Ilru wilh Dr. ' 1&0< II'S gel the .maohine baok on the road t ~~U~u(l;~':~\U~~~ and was i~deed a narrow esollpe treu. AsafoaDdplenslDIl~~~'~~JIjj~i~:


ldlene,@ me"n~ t.r ouble for any one It. the same with a lazy liver. It' Oatl$tl8 oonstlpllltiQn, headaobe, jatlo, dioa, sallow. complexion, pimples and blotohes, 1088 of appeU$e1 nanselS, but Dr. Ktng's New LUI'rllls soon banish liver troubles and bnild . np your health. :cl50. at Fred' C. "Wilmington, 0., August 5th. oh Narz. "JoQrnal, Dayton,Oblo: Da~· , - --'-'•• - ...- - '" DEPARTMENTOFAORICULTURE . "Balloon Dayton l"nded without a soratch foor mUee north of WH. . ' ' . '. Undertaker and Embalnler. Wheat, prospectcomoared with an mlngtoo, Clinton'oouDty. Reaohed 1~JJMri.~~~_ ""~ ·,'!'~~~~''4t&~ ave age, 76 per cent. \ . It height of 10,000 feet to avoid elec~~~~~- ~1AIIt!r~~ ....~1:ZR . .Will l1e fouild '10 ' the oJd \ Oats, p~~t compared with, ~ ,rio stOrin " . 'l'horilday afternoon " ,. " ~:ta~~~~liO~o~~poei~e average; 92 pel' c~nt. Mr. MoGiH, who is io oharge of 'h A Telephone in 'boOAifind of· ' fioe where I can be c&lled Barley, average date of harvest, balloon, bad it lnflllted and took as u July,Ii: " pa88eng~jr Oharles Zonare, the wellday or night. , Clover, area sOwn in 1908 cut for known oonfeotioner. Mr. Zonars • V!;,lley, Khone ~4-~. CommiJllioners' Proceedlril8. hllY, 66 per cent. hll.8 for eome time been interested in '-'l' Main Street, . Waynesville. Ohio . , Clover, hay, proquct per acre 1.46 aeronautics Il~d Thtu'ftday afforded ~ BUl~~ . P. Forgy,l mainWininjr ton~. .. , him his first opportunUy of malting ~ ; .. ' l1or~ a~~ vehioles for July, 1~5 i • Timothy, prospect compared with a the 8k,.. lIr. Zonan, happy 1Aba~on' P"trlot, publishing report an average, 89 per ,cent. ' over his experien08. Ilnd Captain of e~ami.natton of 00 nmls8ionlllll; Potatoes, prospect cQmpared with MoGilJ, pleased with t~e ,s uccess of • report, 110.80 i (:)regon~" Bridge Co., ~n average, 89 Mr cent. , the trip, re&4)b,ed the oity'!Lt mid.-, " "The Old Reliable. " contrROu.. 11137.95 i Charlee _L. Hen- Tobacco,.condition compared with night, ·bot.h ready to go again. It Is _ . ' denoD, oo.n traot, S187',51J; . Charles an average, 93 per cent. being planned to U8e "The Dayton" 8 Lewl~. contraot, ·'14~.40; . Fran~ . Pastur~, condition compa~ed wi~h for a marriage in tbe skies in f\ .IUbkel, contraot, 173; W, A. Haines, an average, 96 per cent. ehorttime. Thep!Lrtytobemarried oontraot, 114 i O. B. Oain, oontraot, Apples, prospect compared with bas ~greed to have the ceremony . 1~5.70; J. B. Sm,itb, lumber tao,99; an ave~e, 80 per cent. ' performed In tbe balloon, and the • Bert Reed ••oolltraot, '68 60 i ·Per.ry . Peaches, proepecr t cOl~p'ared w~th only thing ' now rem..ininR is to 8(>- ' " Penoe; contraot', 1100 ; Cba.rles Htibb an average,' ag per cent. ou)'e a preaober who cares to go • contract, '15 iCbarle!5.L . Henderlll)n, Peats, prospect compared with an along and perform the du~iee expeotor·-pJMtm~-afjrthe4H~:t-~.·:;1.:,",,·t-. . 86 per cent. , ' eel of him. .. .. \' ,. $05 ; John W. Jooel!l, painting and G~pes, prospect compared with .. . '" . ' v~ry ~tI8tactory ; papertog,.SSO.,80; (Jtd ~w, pai~~ing an average, 83 per cent. . L. V. Bro\>rne, who went up in the ~nt1paperlng, '40 i U. M. PrinOf', Berries, prospect compared with "Dayton" Weelnel!day afternoon ·m dse. for I!urvey,or, 11.20; Floyd an average. 68 per cent. say.: Poe, servlceJ5 at Infitmarv, '1~.60; The prosp~t for Ohio's wheat harM9.neuvering for a favorable atr .1r:I. A. Burke, repair.., 119,12: · A. vest is approximately the sathe as as- ourrent was then in order and CapMo1l1tt, burlal of A.nn Brelilford, 176 i timated by this department one tain Mo(iill repeatedly sent the bal- • HATH~ WAY , ;. ) W. C. Gilmour. ~gr., IItationery, month ago, showing 76 per cent of loon to various levels, and jwit as :. '-I:~yuesville'8 Lead1ng Dentin; ~2: 60 ; C. W. Randall, olothing for an average as against 77 per cent ra- often faile 1 to fill!l steady, breezo. ',. I Office ' in Keys Bldg. . , Malo St prison.';r, 50 oente; Mra. Mark Davis, ported July 1st. The prospect varies A pnff of wind would carry .n s some • y~ar .J;·efuoder for dog, 11; Warren COUll· greatly over the state, and while in distance to the north. ' It would Times, blanks for surveyor, 16; the maJority of:the countieS it is 'es- die out and another springing up, Frank Brandon" sets o,f maps, ta i timated the Yi~ld will bellatisfactory, gently push U8 baok. This oonti». . ~. B. ,Ollwald, mdss, for oourt there are many discouraging reports. ued for nearly two hours, our alti.. F'u neral ·Illtector. honae. '2.20 i Willilun Hoott, bridge Threshing to a large extent has been tude ranging from 200 feet. to whioh - , re,Pairs, I~ . 50; Frank . B. Cary, 'olock retarded by wet weather conditions. we deilcend~d to a point jost beyond ' . a~ for ,r~ordet'l! 01l10e, 11 i W. B. An- Some complaint ef crop being dam- North .DaytoJl, to the heigbt of Telephone 'd~y or . nigb••" .~ram, 500 stampfl', tl0; W. B. Ht:!n aged in sh.ock by the continued rain- 7,000 feet, lWoording to the reg~8ter- ~ , , Valley pHone 'No.1 . -Long age ~ Co' .. ~lanks for olerk, f8 25. falls. The average date' of harvest- ing devioe. Atthill altitude Xenill', . , Qlstaqoe No: Oo,;:3r{' . ; . . . , i, • ~ Contraots-Contraot was .entered ing is about one later than that Fairfleld, 'Osborne, Wa1,ne8villa, WAVN~VILLE,'. • ", OUII)." ~ntowlth V. J. Zantmeyer for reo of 1908. As stated in previous );'e- Spring Valley. Jamestow,n, Welt pair of two oalv~rts and r"p8ir and ports, an ·excee.dingly short area re- Carrolton and other. ~own8, as well __ ~ pll,vinli aloDg river for culvert aDd mained for the harvest, and with the as Dayton \Vere in' plain view "nd flll . to sewer by, tr~otion ('ffio" nbove pres.ent . prospect reported the', total the soene WM one of Booh awe inKiug@ dam tn Union and D~erfield production for the state'will neceSl!a- .s piring magnUloen08 as never to be . . !" ~ownship at ell.t imate of '~4 10. . rily be far. be10w an average. , forgotten. : '. . " CQP:~I'aot WIlS entered lI~tO with. Potatoes show no material declhie ' w., u'" to what 'loo~ed, lilrea. tine'. .' ~nd, try. ' itf~r 'ayear. . ' Chules~hidaker for 'painting Well in prospeet as compared with .last meadow, bnt provad 't o be a 8wamp. \ , lJl"O bn<!ge over Ca~ea~'s 'oree~ jn month, being now estimated at 89 ~ome farmer. 'came· and 'belped .'':~'''' ~';''~'''':''''....'~....''''''''~'''''':'''..~''''''''"',. , ' •. M,,¥te .towJl~ip .ilt esti~ate 175 per cent' compared wit.h an aver&ge~ ijolil ~~e baaket , W;h.iJ~ t~e., gas. WI4I ~ . , , Coutrl'ot WIlS let' to O~egonilt. . Pastures' generally are in 'exC:.e llent ~et out. I .tar'ed. to orca8' a ,Dliry. ·W . A:ddr~ alt~ommuni~tiQns ,tO ; . " Btidae 00 ,for oonstruotion of sup conditlon ..' .'d itoh to reoeive my hat. " Bey" ex, eratr~~'ure of , br!d~e 'near Jos.eP.Ii Fruit, p~os~te are di~9u~~g, .Oi~lt ,yelled 'one 'o( the " fa~zqer~; , 'B~~. ~f ~i~gevll1e and Sprtngboro b~ing reported as follow,s! 'apples, 30; "don't go in t~ere" TIllit plaoe i. . fc»r ,~3.. . per cent; peacl1es, 38 per. cent;~) f~]I. of ra ttl,-,~ak~. .. OtherA oon'- I ' '. . IltlCelllLDeoua.~Tt was ordered 36 per cent. ' . f1r~ed the eta tement and added ,tbat 1470 be tran'fer~d ·perma.l lent . ~ ..:: .-. . thell~ttre plaia was .l~ve ,.ith the . , ' 11 f.romaeep fnnd to tbe- (:))ellk's Nearly two mUllon dollars' worth l'eptllu . . ¥y 1'flD8 meadow proved lei fQD~ of tea aported from 8haulhal 60 be a I~amp wutel Down al _ . . . . .. .. . .. . .-.rc oJ depoe1torlel.l !to the United 8&'*- io 11108, . ''Rattl.olke Praid•. ,., II!"i ~ ¥D~ ft~

bOro and .Jennte L.mb 18 of S riD _ bo ' 'Be 1'1 rl p' 'f Le P g roo v.oy. 08,0 . banon. Charlie G . Barnell, 24, brakeman, of HrilnlrUn o.nd Mrs: Lelia Htriger, ' 21 ' of ,Franklin, Rev. Fred D00818S ' . , " , of Franklin, ' Elmer 8ttttles, 41. oQlored" farmer, ()f 1.ebllnol' "nd Marth" Tilton,25, domeltlo, Leb~Jl'on . Bev. Palmer of Middletown " &y Ellzroth' 20, 'a.. mer of Plells. ant Piliin and KAtie !rJ. Snifter, 21. , !.,~ob r of Lev 1. . .Real Estate Transf,~ 1~--':;:"----'Wutwt'litr~"",,,iiiUi'tT1'.....:rr';~-Il~y;;--';IY,rs_ ley re~l estate io Warren Couuty, Ii,

CROUP'StA'ppod .

Don,,'.t .forget




'A,e, MAFFI)"

'. .

I .







I I' I



I IJ.Cl" I

. The Miami.Gazette is 60. years ~Id, 'and has the ' utation . news .In B: .• lJlanner. . It pri~ts regularly 2,496 : columns 'of' .good' readable matter a • Advertisers r~cognize - it '~s the best advertising mediqm; they 'use 'its ' col- . . . urns freely ev~ry ~eek.J The price for .t he' Miami : .Guette is , o~~y $1 a tear,' i,D,_dvan,c e•. Send ·uI ,yoilr ·" . name, . ,'; .















• •


D,i( ..H.E. ~

~lLTER ,


,MOCLUl\E,' . l : f





· TUE .MlAMI GAZETTE PUb1l8~ed WeeklY

OS'j<'IOIl: IN '\Ll..EN ,' ~L['EY


" Wayn



fin~ time to write tQ me, uDd 1 k~ow ~dod ¥rs. Brow n, will oGntribut~ nml\t.hi'ng frrllk) h ~T h our. , 89m~ of. whioh trulY n tlt 1)11.I!6 ' interest.lI)g!y. His Old Home imd Fri~nds by a Mrs .. MlI.nlngton join me In b~t Letter-:-Contplirnents the ' wishes. Yours very slnoerely; . . . Old Town. .; L--+~III!~DON' T H . ·D. MANINGT6N~.~




MAn'; S1 REE'!'


D .~ L. CRANE, Edilor and Manager

Bowllrd Mo,niogton ShOW8 hi8 appre~latlou of his old borne and friends 10 Wtl.ynesvllle in a ,recent. let-ter to '1'. J, Brown. whioh read . l.La follows: , Columbos, 0 ., Aug. 3,1909. Dear Mr. Brow n :1 'relld io thfl Miami GHzette re ·

Rates of Subscription ()n e


r (strlo\lyllllld\'all


e) .. . • ,.

Sllllll('- Oopy .......... ......... . .........

. u~

Rates of Advertisements Reading Looal•. per lIoe ... ....... :. ... r, . Ueadlnl{ loeul •. bllLOk fa cc>per 11111 . . 10c d d' 8. not to exceed 1\ Vl' It nflJ<. C11W! IIteA 'J'breuI1l8ertlonll . ... .... . ... '.. 25c Obituaries. thrt' Incbes tree : O\'er five Incbes. per iloe ... .... . .. ... . . . .... ')0 Card of tbaoks : .. .. , .. .. .. ............. 20c ResoluUons . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . .- . .. ,. bOe Soolals eta. where oharlle Is made ..... ~5c I)l8plav Advertising. per Inch ... .. ... : .. 10

oently that while yon were out in your pastore after your horse, YOll Lr!pped-over 80me objeot l!ustainln 9, painfullf not 8erlous iojury. 1 trus1, t.he new8paper account over8tater1 hId b t ' \1 t e partion arB, an t a you WI soon be in your OSUIlI hett.lth. DIIIC~Ullt8 given on co nlrac~. It seem8 tbat Fate, who bos dealt. so Kindly in many respeot8 with you AUGUST 11, 1909. Ilnd ' yours, muat need8 play you false in thesQn ·down of your lives I often recall the pioture of patient. PEACH TIME 8weet fd.oed Mrs. Brown, confined to her bed with the aooldent to hoI' Peach timehascom", The bending 11mb. whioh bas kept her a prl80nel' orchards breathe the perfume of in her ohlUDber these mllny dliY~ peaches as the mellowing fruit, "like Surely Fate Is not even handed and &,olden lamps in a green night," fortune plaY8 fllvorites. Equally is J &'lows amid the .dusky foliage. All it true that in thB distribution of tht~ sweetness and deliciousness, these favors of life, the deaervlns: lire not brides of summertime, their downy alwaya the favored .. Perhap8 this cheeks wet with the morning dew, 18 beCII.US~, 8in08 willfortune is II blush and hang their sulky ' heads, btLdge of our raoe, thlit it i8 often ki8aec,l rapturously by the migrant tll.Q.eB bestowed opon' th08e basI breeze,' fitted by nature to withstand them. 'Ihey are the queens of midsummer After all we are oompeJled 'to ad Their handmaidens are the cherrie mit on~ iuabllity to fathom t~e wis and plums Purple grapes and yel- dam of tbelle diMpensatious and pel low quinces follow in ' tneir •train . t.htlt down a8 beyonll our ken . Lift' They have fulfilled the promises of is n mystery in its inoeption nnd it.. blOSSOm-laden spting, and are the oJoae. The soan between tbe eu symbol. of perfection and fruitful trance anll the exit ie filled with 8 ness. Dlystery whloh eveo to humlll' iotel . The pomegranat.e of the golden liRenoe Is not oompreheuslble. All South is not more fair, nor t'hefabled this seem .. ~o poi'nt uomiatakllbly to treasures of the Hesperides: Eve. the 0000lU810D thd dE.' does not had abe resisted the teinptati~ns of eDd all the apple, would have succumbed to 1 often recall .. ith pleasure, tht> the blandishments of die rosy peach. delight ful h&1.f hour spen~ with y 6n If Hera and Athene had regale ~nd youI' fllroily ·. 80mething over II. themselves on peaches they ,would year. 8g0 DOW. IJ 1 h~ge never'saUl have found some· consolation in the it beforp" it Is Dot to') late for me juil~ent of Paris. DOW to 'ld'~lt . that I have tegllrded ~e arrival .of, the peru:h season you "od 1 0ar g~~d wife. durln~ tbtl means ~ch cobbler, peach short- PIlSt tW~Dty five y~ra or more, 88 cake and peacb ice-cream soda at tbe among the very tew pt my ~l08eet . onnc ,:fo~tain . . .who that bas within Ilod deareaUrlends, 'l'h.e svmpdhy • hiB soul the faintest 8tirrings of a abd enoouragement which'! raoei ved poetic Uilnperiunent could ,be hnper- h'om you ~~ the ootset of m:y oarael' viou8 to the dulcet- seductions" of was of inoaloolable v,aluq, as an Inpeacbes and cream?- Times-Star. 8plration .:..a nd an enoouJ'agement 'C .. - • There are aome few things in life WASHINO),ON'S PLAGUE SPOTS whi~h make deep and lasting imIte ID' 'be low, marahy bo&soms oj pre88~oD8, an4 wltb tOe .yOQ~ ·'klnd. .he Potomllo the breeding groond. n~s in this ~peot ~~s not ·a001 of . • "laria '"eroul. Theae "erms den'-l or lndlvtdnal lor 'l am aware " " - ohlll8. fever Ilud a~e. bUllous that-many ano~her yooth ' oa~ look n8ll, jaundloe, 18.881tode, weakn881> baok with .me and be . grateful to aod leneRI' debllity ' and hring 8uf . .' . ' , . ferinl or dea'h '0 ,houi&nd. yearly. you wblle as~ing for God s riohest· buUCleoblo Bitters never 't~il to de bleSSing OpoD you In the day~ Ie" .tlOY tb"m ~nd oore malaria noob to you. . . are f.the },eat an ·ruund 1 have with, the lee. &G1llC1:'"They aad oure" o r malarill 1 eTel ' , ~n.Qharrued .' , tieed .. wrUeia B.. M·, "amea, pf 'Loo prolr~s8 whioh has been made by eUea'. "S. 0 . . TheY loure Stomach, ~!ltlfQl IUtle Wa.yn'esviUe. libw Liver/Kidney. and BI~od. Troubl811 thoolh apart and 'sl\nated 1U~~ Z~()O and will prevent Typhol~ dTrC~ upon her hill; somewhat off' the tbem GOo. Goaran~ by., ~e . ,,~~._ t - k f ' .......... rao 0 commerce, b t rt tkl wa II. __ .. ~ inspire hel 'to great entSN'T I.T WRON(l? dellvor; ~" to impla~t hi ber,an amt" . 5 bit~on .. t~ ~,a teemln, olt;r i. 'aorThe publi.8}le,r of any weekly paper rOtmdM only ~, the wealth Of. na~ in'w 'town has the privilege o~ buyi peopJ~d about by quietI peaoeiq his &'i'oceries from Washio&,ton- loving, Ind.08trious husbandry. the Uncle Sam'a borne., . The mercllaqt mllo vUhge hll8 kept pace .with the .' of any cOuntry town has the privile&,e modern. d~veloPement of tblS , age... . of buyina- his envelopes from W¥~· Ber muniolpal Improvements not i~n, Uncle SaJn's home. While only a~p her people as e~mo~en'l~ thia is'. privilea-e, isn't it wrOll&' in progreeeive. ~ot 'he, e~ooel8 of her P rinciple when put into p~tiee? munlp!pal ·water ana I1gM plant im• • I th bl' h t 'h 1a k f hi h Woutdn'titbebetter4~r epu. ~. pUee .~~roee" , ~ 0 .0 w 0 er to!buy his groce~iesfrOm bi,shome bas W,~~ted mnn~olpalJgovern~ent ·merchant and the -home m~rehant throughontth!! U~ited States. y~u b"'" h18 er:.v.e.l opesfro . tbepubli;sher? ~,oobti~__,-re aw.!LJ'8. that ' Glasgo~, ' Itlooks loY I 11 L. tree "'_...... - d Ii Id 11 t I be this way to a 4e oW up a . ~lJJDn . ,0 • . n p aoe as In!, ' ,- P..ttamoutb (N,a b.) Journal, the beat gover~~ muniolpal ity in j~. " • _. ~ , . .- the world . A gentleman who repre' SeAR~D WITH A tlOT IRO~, ·.. ,e~ed_ thil goverJ;lmep!. the overturued kettle-out ~i8h metropolia 8p~ .w ho . bad wide "with .. klilf~brU'aed by sb,mmed avenue, for Information . onoe tol~ , '.' . ' ' i0 door-iDju'red by ,un or i u &Jl:Y ,'n'h "I ' me that"the'liuoo888 . 0' t h e'lIDon er "a)"-'.be thlnl n~ecl at ODoe I'. wu due'to the iohereut 'Vlr. BuokleD', Amioa Sal~e ~ ,u bd ~e ' .' 1 So I a " tbat , ldammaUon aod k!lUhe pain. 1& I taM of ,.its , peop e. e y . , . .' .. ..,&b t• npre1oebealer, . infallible W:ayn~vIU8 can pr~'de he*,lIe~' 1,lpon ' t 8'otlll UlC)en 'ever, Boree Eo 't)le o,baraotel'. of ' her 0ltlzen8hip , , r~ 'a ~ ,'. 'un ' " 250 t F~ 0 '. . - ." ...... aDd . ,.. ;:." a so . " . ..80hwari.. .' '. ", . lfhioh'has tbe SOooeeB o·~ 'he tn municipal'





~ 8~.


.,.. .




The ' BDal~ ' 'fo~klill'"








. . '

" pend, . of publio Dti1l~~88. , '. . tbr,ee.8fUa. o~ ;b.. waa. f.,?r ,o.od,\ A t l~u'. t"~ ·". yelLT .I paBa !low~ • _. ." \be 'v,l'UQ' ~d frQ1D , the tra1Jl .ylew . . .. o()hIll . Ui PlON' 6~. tbe .Y11I~ ~ ltnee,les a~onR J~ fo~ u4.r. 8n ,ei.n of' ace .haD U~ !:1~1l ~It ' bUltlde. It _IDS lp1 8 II ion... ~ftt, " 1& Q.8,q& ' . n ""aUI vlitqnl of Ual,-q .n l .. me' b,aok




barefoot df&YI of my, 10U'~


A tribe of ·10 -Indians are pow euoamped on the banks of the beautifn 1 MillUlI. ',I'wloe every day they give I.L dramatio interpretation of .Longfellow's Bil1wathll. in nllti~e 0 0 toume rb e per ro rmance is OD "stage buiH 10 the rl var. 'l.'he Iodians IUfllivilw


1 had .alibe '1fOIlI1)0,*" amMt.loD feel .". 70'Dr kindl1 acl.


.. ....... ....,..,... . . ",,.,


". '.

MISS·- --

This opportunity tol bear

Ex··60V T·AYLOR,


l' D rlatlve tepees or wl' gwams in th ir own primitive fal;! ion, wlth hODie made mill for grfndin'g ooro. a nd otb6r Iodian domes~io tools . The Chautauqua nroduotion of Bit~wtttha willlRllt onLi! }j'rida.y, Ang ust 13th, when tlle Il1st .perforwau e wi ll be ,>I veu . GitCIbe Ma.nito, tbe mighty, culls the nations together. Tbe playprtl wit\} tl.H1ir weapons lind their w8:"r gear, sable nod low pa cell. mov e to the stllge t lind the Ill ay II OU . FrOID this time forward there I never a. duHlioe, while the interest. i8 intense Ilnd wellsust uioed t.brough out. The fir8t 8cene detils with 1;he assemblinR of the Ull tions. "11)0 8IDoke the peao' pipe, "ud figuratlv~ Iy wash the war pl.Lint from off t.bE.'ir facetl. as they are oouIDll1nded to 110. Then fo11o\1ll8 the infanoy, obildhood and young munbood of Hin,wll thll . Billeave-tl1kiDg from bis mo the r, who, in the, to us uUiutelliglb!e tongue. yl t mothe'r like, gi ves him her pl.Lrtlog advi.oe I.Lnd blesRi ng aR he journ ),s ' inl u llle fuir \I\tld nf Dlikotlltl to woo aDd win b i8 dUllky

Of Kentucky.


At the tent of the Arrow Milker,

a to!lohi~g IIceDp il! eDllctecj lUI Hillwat.h ... Ja.ys down bis giHn red deer tellll his 'story, pl1rttl.k s of ',be ho _ pitalit.y of 4ill newly fouod fri Ild aud finlllly bears I)ft' the dllngbter.. 'he bellutiful MIDnella.hll·1l8 his brid,' The forlorn lo(\k of t.he anoieu r, Arrow Mtl.ker. ntl he 8its In t~ U~bt alld gu:w 'al'tllr the fuaiol! figure of bls ooly bughtar, 8S shu sail!! Ilway with her lovar in hi,. biroh bArk oaooe, givat! the t.onctl that makes us all II.kin. Siaw.tha'lI raturo, his IntroductioD oj. hls bJ;lde. the warriBge. fel'_ tlviUEljlln trul,' II dilt,n til bion. IAr all al interesting as "hey are .wel rd and 8trllnge. Then follows the fo.U1ine the f_~ver 80enes of Minnehll.h u ; her d8l\th and--burifl.1 i ...-th_hi1-tn--trt-~----rher fathers ~he lonesome, touohin~ walling of the mourOtlr8 i the grief of Bia watha over his 10 ved and 10 t: the cooling of the black robed prlest, the mi88ionarv, , :~ho tell8 th& story of the meek'and lowly Nazar1ne ~o Th career of e. - av. Wm .. S. Taylor of ~(ont.l~ ky , .is unique and.l~as: no parthese untutor~ RavageS, Who neAd allel in the his\' I'y f .this uunLt:v. Ml'_ TayhH'uul ma ll Of wonuerful ablhty, a good , a Savlllr like 118 wO; 1l1l the straoge thinker and splentlirl orawl·. II hM Ill' par d a i ctul'e on .th "Peril of 'l'yl'anI1Y, " unloldlng of this masu;r-8tr(jkeq about ooe hour anti lift · '11 n1inlll(~ in df)Jiv lOY, Rp hding a bout twen ty- flv e rninutes legend, dowo to tIie flJlal .duparliure on the Kentucky affait' I'c\a ti\! lo' th ~L'IS sinllt ioll o'£'u .ucl and the imprisonmen of fl'" ..... th... of Caleu Power::;. $ 1 0, was apptopl'i:l tp,(.i by tht! I jJlI:;!utUl'C of Kentucky as .a a with up........ .. who' , sta'hdln.. . pt'ice upon his life., . J 0 not fail to heal' -G". 'l'ayJol': H \vill pI ase and enter.l lfted llands. sails dow~ the 'ancient . tain you. .tream unti~ he fades from ou~ enohanted vision. will linger in the The Band will furnish music before the Lecture memory of the beholder like the , ' • ' face of an old and Jonsr a ent friend. Ohao\Buqna will olC>8., oli FridILY Augos't 18th . . T"luuieaaon haIJ---ll~!d'I4-~:--'"-ri~-" one of the'tDollt d~~lghtflil ~nd beo'8fiolal in tbe history of the in8ttto·tloo .' ~, . • _ eo




. There"s r~Joioing io Fedora, Tenn. A man's life hilS been savM. and n\lw ·nr. King's New Dt8Covery is tbe, ~lk of the town fOT cJ1ring C. V. Pepper of deadly long hemon:hages; .Il :oonld not work nor , get

'Admission, . 25 cents 'At School Hall


did me no good. but. after using Dr. Kipg:s NflW Disoovery three Weeb • WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Heel ~ike a new mlJ..n, aUd ORn .do good work again, .... For we"k elore I WILL PAY THE or di8eased.longe, Ooogb8and ,",olds, St. : Augustlne·s cathOlic Church. )l'atl.lerGeorgc M~venllo for, Pastor Hemorrha"e's. H8¥ Fever, La Grippe' e'v~rf _o'';~. SDollnv of the moulh a~ Asthma or any Bronohial aft'!'lotion 0 :'Ma811 00 a. iii.. . it s~nd8 unrivaled. PriQe 600 and i. . t1.00 . . TrIal bott1e' fre~ . . Sold ~nd St. ' ~'8 Episcopal Church. . I g"UI:I.l'a • . _~ ~bwa.rtz. Rey. J .. )i1., CndWalillder, Re,::tor. , ' n~~~. hY,.Fr_e.d I -S Iluda" ·SoboOl. · ,8 :30 .n. m MfJrnlng , er' And po~ ltry of all kinds. I will he: . ylce. 10 130 a. 11\. aoll' OIlUlOlulllon ~ho' flrNL .', in WayneSVille on 'l'ues'days. ·: eatl ' ISN'J T~I SO? " Sllll<i4y ot eacb mODGb-, ' , Phone 142. . '. ' . . •. ' Wh~n Y(ju hear 'a man · sneermg at M t E .... I Ch h' . local' .m.per beca~se it is riot big" eth~ls .PI~.-.. .orc. I . _.,. , ,' ~ev. ;w. T . GllIlland ..PlIstOr:. che,p and newsy 88' the ~lty pape~,.. . unday School; j} ;:10 ll. 10 , MorQlnl{ /I r · ii~~~.....iI!I~ ~ !II!..IIii~.~. Sa"• the" Anderson ' (Tex'': h) d ' "" ' \'1 ','lb:8Q a, 10. Epwonb 'r. ague. 7:00 p . ITJ . Evenlpg 8erv.lct'f" :110' P, m. ~(lWefJll ::: you can satety bet that ~ oea no~ " r 'yer Moetlng 7 : 0 p. m. ' SQuander ~y' of his wealth:iri assist.. . " 1...,;....i.i.oioll---'~....-.-.;~--~-'""""".......... 1fJt ing t~ mak~ it bette,r, .and that gen~ . erally the' paper hl\8 .don'e more ~iiil than. ~ has for it: .' The man ,w ho cannot ~ the Mnef}ta arising frOnt a loCat' papel' is aboJit as value to a town as'li deiinqueflt

Highest -



. ' •





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Houtll Amerlaaa aD. ....~,


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SCh.ool' 11 '0(1 a,

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&0 She fe~ kind aDd lo.• tDR . The klq of Italy ta·tbEt only veil!~!£~et~i~i~~~~i fl'letlcD mil ,ounel~ i cla,.. ~ben tbe "nan m9Da"'.



__ofe , beep

......... '

a, Ill:


FC)uhb Day

. .




The Miami Gazette e '

• lEAL

0, L, CRANE.






It. III ,vrong to rock the boat, but you

may tip til walt er,

Hay tever wUl b~ along presently to prove thllt SlI lIlUler Is h reo B f~re long there w ill re·echo the lIrst call for the dog muzzle.



O R)

T pies of


Ki"d s p by a

ReC!Q ~ o'zed ffi\u~boll'i~y



Th.... are Three Ways In So<ur ed aDd

Whl~h Ad":ance~eDt c.... ...

E"..U;~~; !~U;~~s Ur"ed.~BY





Ever IIlnce plnnt breedIn g has been ca n vr obably be made, A Hay Ride a nd Cor n Party. show you nn(1 shouldn· t ho.\'e looked ut brought to the front as 0. menns of In- bIologis ts a re begInningnlthO\lgb some Days by the shore are simply glorl· all . RulllJllr. b 'Won't some one please start tbe ous this month ; the winds have com- ~ , " ' hlch tree 011 cnlenllnns <,10 you nna creaijlng yields a nd producing new in It becnuse the 'r esults to lose fai tb Bcarcely pay W 0 sImpli fied ~ve l1 lng bee buzzing In Tu.r- m nc d to sing the req uiem, and ther e Date. qunli lies dlsUnct from the mere feed- for 24, Which Is 0. jo \, o told many' tlmc.s trouble. Tbls Is the seleekey ? Ing of c~ops by means of fe rtilizers. tlon the Is beauty In nai'ure wlllch seems to heslnut, of fl uctuatio ns. Fluctua tions art 2li. Whl e!. do we call an 01110 man, we bave been taught that by selection the varlaUo com onl y with ns that are not due to A north pole xplorer frequen tly But I started Ollt tb e Aug ust moon. Buck eye. :Minneapolls, :MInn._COl was a great we could accomplish to tell of a hay r Ide ZO, And which for anytbin g. structu ral change s In the r eproducUve find s It much far tber returnin g bome and corn I18rty IIOIIP we some limes Take the cb acter length of ear as cells. but slDl1>ly to nutr ition. They er flom female trouble s which that was a howling plan. rllb, tha n It WIlS gOing. caused a weakne ss 8uccess In every sense at the word. l17. ' Vhlch tells \VII re at on lund or Ilea. a concr ete e mpie, says Edward M. are, therefore-stri ctly IIpeakln g-not . . Bnd broken down East In Rur al New Yorke r. Varia- Inherited, but simply give The hostess appOinted Il commo n Elm, In some=a=b=s=0=rb=l=n=g=a=n=d:=::d7Isappolnte d , cond! tion of the tempora ry ", And on our [ c l wo'l1 wenr which tlons In leng th are seen In e'7ert meeting place, where the great farm tree. Sn n dnl. fie ~d aid In , the develop ment system. I 1'600 so quarte rs It Is suspect ed t.hllt the little of corn, no malt er what the variety. generat lon. For example of tbe next much ofwbatL~dia prIn cess at Orange Is looked on as tarm wagons with four borsell a waited , let u8 Imag· If we select the longest ears In suc- Ine two corn plants the guests. After .. merry ride of ten E. Pinkha m's Veg. more ot a lemon. having exaotly the ~ Simple Party. etable Oompo und U1lIes, mad e gay with r esoundIng This Is '1~rtalnlY a mos t amusln f cesslve senons we are taught that we same characters; one of thes.. plantll bad done for other sball continu ally Improve Ule straIn bas grown 'on good ' soil Have you ev r noUced that the man horns, a campfil' e was built, table put alTair and will repay and Is well a sufferin g women I who adopts every bealth fad tbat up on sawhor ses with the long boards trouble of arrangi ng forhostess Cor thE Id tbls chara cter. Even the teacber s develop ed. whlle tile other has grown felt sure it would It, But then bave' ahvays bad comes along Is seldom a very well that bad been brought on the wagon, to be a s uccessful an Inward <;on- on poorer soil and Is weakly devel· belp meJ ,l1Ddl must bostess the 18bOl sc\ousn ess man ? and the corn Ceast began. that there must be a limit oped. T be seed of the well-nu rtured say it rud belp me that precede s an event should nevel to the progres s that could be The hostess wonder fully. . Mr Show us a great man and we wUI corncob place had gotte n stunnin g enter Into the calcula Uons. There In thIs way, but tbe thought bas made plant has more nutriment stored ut . aU left me, I be'e n In It, and the young seedling tbat It cards, florn·decorated must be an equal numbe r of Olen and show you a man who was just simply nut holders Ind efinite, and bas been designedly produces has 0. better three montbs , popcorn done up women; In green elgbt start couples In make HfE a part) crazy to joIn a drum corps when he crepe paper woman . kept In abeyance. The' man who has than has a seedlin g tram to look like ears of corn. easily provide d for. tbe peort)' was a boy. ----_0.----- made pubUo to There were boiled ears, roasted ears, In the Invitatlons to the gIrls thf been so Indlscreet 'as to ask where the nurtured plant. The actual cbarlic, lJ!l!Y derive limit of his Improv corn ement fritters Is to "Graft" ~b:=e=:l=n=g=a=D be (the has batter te rs Inherited by the two plante aro from made at hostess request s sample of th e gown =:=u::=tC=:h=w=ord mean.L UJ~U""" Yegetabl& been judlolou sly home steered and into oth er the same, but the seedling s from the Compound. carried In a glass jar) with which they will wear and to tho men tng canal, we are Inclined ' to think OHN O. MOLDA lf. Lines of thought 211~ Second St.. North, Mlnnea poll .. . Some questio ns nre poorly nurture d plant that the graft on Mars must have been maple syr\W. Ot course there were the missives r equest a sample ~f the bard to anllwer, and It was more In- capped. and are not so are ,blond I· MinD. potatoe B-tlwee t and Irish-r oasted In neoktie ; these to be sent . 's omethin g terrible. well o.ble to In ath'ano t Thousa nds of unsollc ited I1Dd genu.. terel3tln g to let blm dream of the time utll1ie their food supply the COlliS, and lots of sandwIc hes. to the hostess . The samples and produce are neat Ine testimo nials Uke the a~il~rove A Boston mall was arreste d for plaIn and filled with mlnced bam, Iy mounte d on "sample " cards, and he could tHl an order-for 0. bu shel of a normal well-de veloped plant. This the efficiency of -Lydia E. am'. laughIn g at a woman 's big hat. Boscorn with one lone ear. Tbe candy was an exact r eprod uc- tbe necktie s passed to the Is also true Vegeta of poorly-n ble Compou nd, which ia made ourishe d ani· girls ; the ton conside rs the 81ze of those chop- tlOD ot corn kernels . It was given dress materia Likewis e, we have been taught e][clusi that vely from roots and berbs. mals. " ls to the ' ping bowls no laugbln g matter. In little boxes shaped like ears of way partner s are found men. tu thll by hybrIdizing two strains we could Women who suffer from those die.. Let us apply tbese principl es to tor the prog· tressing obtaIn any desired new charact er or corn breedIng. Corn Is a wind-po ills peoulll n to their le][ should corn. r eBslve convers ation which will be I· not 10S6 sight of tbese The automo bile pays scant respect Quality If we only contlnu ed facts or doubt A secret of her picnic to Its venerab le forerun ner, the bicy- by this young woman, whowas revealed passed, and the men are to write de- job for a sufficien t length of on- the Hnnted plant, therefor e when a change the ablllty Lydia E. Pinkha m's tI~e. Is no We ted for takes scriptio plaoe ns In of the the reprodu gown , ctive the sample c ellI Vegetab of le Oompo nnd to restore tbeir cle. Frequen Uy the arr ogant- cbauf- this Corm of hospita lity, health. feur refuses to allow the humble never asked more than She salcl she which feU to their lot, and tbe gIrl. 12 to her out· are to wrIte about the ties, materia l, If you want "peda l adviCe write wheelm an even six Inches of space door affaIrs, and took especia to Mrs. Plnkb am"at Lynn, Mass. when meetlng blm in ~ narrow road- keep the guests who wer l pulns to style, etc. Five minutes will be given e congenial to these descrip tions, and Sbewl ll treat your lettera s.trJct ly way. In groups, and always provide d a man pers will be rea4 aloud. then the pa· ~on1ldeuttal. For 20 yearl Ibe The prlze£ tor every girl, If married couples wer e ar e to be sample package baa been helpin g sick wome n In In 1890 the consum ption ot clga.r a s of any this way, free of cbal'l'e . DoD'$ product the hostess may select. tn the United States was 4,000,000.000. not Invited. · he"lta te - write at onoe. Then sbe consider ed always who The refreshm ents are to be novel, In 1908 the total was just double, or was to be bidden to a pl onic. for there Inasmuc h as the hostess will baye the 8.000j OOO,OOO. That represe nts a UA Cheap Skate." lP'eat deal of money to , go up In are those who loathe outdoor spreads, t ea and coffee made by a "demon· "Joel Chandle r Ha rris," said an Atand those who "hate" formal dinners , strator" ' (ol).e Bmoke. but It also shows that the lanta n, "used to wrIte comlo newspaThe success ful hostess Is the one who been previouslyof the party who bas tobacco busines s Is enormous. And dIscrIm asket! to do It). and lIer editoria ls. BOQletimes he made inates closely r egardin g guest the ' other things are to be served In 81 most of the cigars ara made ot fun ot other editors In th m, too. and t uncUon . boxes marked ':Sampl es." There will Americ an tobacco the growing of tbe "Simon Simpson , a rIval . editor In be sandwlcbes of various kinds, olives, tcweed" i8 of Importa nce agrIcultulob\le, having been made fUn of, Foreatr y Conte It. rally. salad, small cakes , etc: Tbe content s . wrot e angrily In his rage: This Is an attracti ve contest for a of the boxes wilt be spread " 'Joel Harris bas been ,getting olr upon China wants AmerIcans to partlc- limited number of people. It could be table, which Is to be supplie d with aU some. cbeap ",it at our expense.' • used tor a.largs crowd If the quesUons 'the requIsit es In the way of dishes. ipate In the new loan that Is to be "Joel. on r ending thIs. grabbed bIB ' .pplle\l to railroad building and to the were printed or even type-wr itten, so While at the table the room. Is to b pen and dash d off, Quick as a ftash, develop ment of the resourc es of the as 1.0 save the hostess so JIluch writ- suddenly darkened and little saucer. for next day's Issue : Ing. For prizes, 0. polishe d wood pa- contalnLng a mixture ot . empire. The present wldeaw ake rul"'It must bave be n cheaP, Slmon, choppe d nuts. 'ers of the Celestial Kingdom are per welgbt, 0. plneushlon of Yucoa candles and cracker s are to 'be passed Sample l of In-Bred and CrOll-Bred Corn • to be at your expense.' " aware of the value~ of disinter ested palm. or any article of wooden manu- and eaten: When the Ilghts are t\ll'Ded The Thrifty 8cot. AmerIc an frIendshIp and of the useful- facture. A toy ax or hatchet fn a on each one Is to wrtte down what he bave Qnly made a belJlnnlng In breedJ ot a.ny InCuvldu al of a varIety, It '18 Ing as a SCience, an,d It ~Ill be QuIckly re~mblned wIth A Scotsm an lind his wife were com'UeIIS ' In theIr b\lsln.e ss, of Americ an block of wood for a consola tion prize has had, the one nearest correct 'dUleren t "be· would be suitable and provoke mucb Ing given Ideas. ' "sample " cake of cl1oco- nlany years before we ban predict with characters in other individuals. ' Aa Ing' from Leith to London by boat. \Vhen 011 the Yorksh ire coast a great merrim ent. the accurac y of a chemic , al reaction tbese cbangea take late. ~lth some storm The flnIt airIng of tbe litUe Dutcb 1. WhIch tree a klsstng game could arose and tbe yessel had sevwhat will take ,place on crossin g 'two frequenoy, what we,vince MADAM E MERRI call a . comme .... eral narrow escape" from prlnces l brought gOod luck, a,s the play. Tulfp. Indh:Jdu ala; , but foun~erlng . . even now we knoW" claI urlety Is actually a set 01 which It. fath er'. nnme could "Oh, Sandy," moaned hJs wife, "I'm • soldler 'Wbo saw the royal baby; and, 2. ADd of the laws of variatio n and , hybrids between individu als possessPawpaw. , na ateard 0" deeln. but 1 dlnna care cave the heiress. to the . throne , bl!r heredity to sbow us that ~~JIs point Ing varlous characters. Which shan we ~en r to keep us Th'e real af· to dee at sea." lIrst salute was rewsrde d wIth a bank- warm. F ir. of • view Is ' all wrong. The qual· fect of selectio n Is gradual ., ' ly to ISD. , ~r)d which do shIps pr t r In storm. "Dlnna thInk 0" deeln' yet," note. It ' jg a haPllY augury that the Bay. tty of the grIst , depend s upon late a strain having charact . ers that swered ~nlldy, "but when ye do, an!lrllt omolal act connect ed' with the tbe grain in , the bopper. Tbere we dealre~ In .so far as 1e'd &. Which "bowlI what lovelorn mnhlens baby' princes s' Ufe was the cause ot do. Pine. are three and only three ' ways In t era bave already been such charac· better be drooned at sea than any. ' produce d by where else." honor to hereeU and happlne15s to 6, And In , tho hnnd whIch carry you. • which plants can ,b e ' Improved, and nature. There Is no Questio n of our , "An' why, Sandy? " a aked 41s wife, others. Tbe precede nt should serve Palm, a caretul conside ration of tbem shows origina 7. And wllich III It that tho fruIt men ting ,anythll lg by, this Bl3lectlo n. exclaimed Sandy. "Because Gre~lan bands ot cut jet are pretty tIle errors In 8S a good one for her tuture reign. tenr. Locust. both of the above teach· If there ,.re ~ plantB bavlng undesir able ye"Why!" ' wouldn 't coat sae muckle ,to bury.'r 8, And from thelr pipes men shnlte. as hall' orname nts on some ;young lngs. charact ers we can reject them; pro'l'he , proposed tax· on Amerlo an women. 1. Every plant II cOmposed ot a vlded there are 'plants' tbat 9, Which tr e Is It bad boys d15111(c to ' Privileg e o~ En,IJlllh HUlband. " are with· motor toul'1sts ltiEngl and of over lee. Chamois skin and suede, cut Into large number ~ of charact...ers, , Birch, each of qut theBe charact ers, but tha~ Is as far A wife who complalned I\t the $2QO. even .for ' a vl.slt of a few 'days. 10. Whk h Is a gtrl both you ng nnd frl~ge , n~pear on some of the f~cy which Is Inherite d ' as a Ulilt. The as we can go. 'In mixture of types, Marylebone police ' court In London the hand bage. will result In cutting the tight little aw e t. Pencl,. basis and the plan by whlcb' these the comme rcial this varIety, there are other day that 'her 'husband used .llIle out at , many a motorin g trip's 11, Which like '11 man, bright, Laoe will be more than rivaled In chara~t ers develop are beld and n In a t, Spruce. the fersome strains that -produc ' e a Poeater abusive languag e to ~e r was Informed ttlnerar y. And all Americ an 'tourist s 12. And on which (10 popular ity by embroid ery and 'braid Ull.zed egg from which ' chllclren like to trimmin the ,fl eed and. variety than others. It Is the aim of by, Mr.: Plowden that tills was one of are a very profitable Europe an sum- "Iny , llilech. g. finally the plant results. From th.e the line , breeder to take' out these a bus~and's prlvjleges. mer Investm ent, the short·sl ghted au- 13. To whloh tr e·turn we for goode to , Ttie faIence braids In plain colors structu re ' '\Ylthin tills "You must put I1p with It. ~', the magegg·cell , each types wear , and and dl!lCJrd sturt to , those bu rn. tIaV'lng Cottonw less ood. thors of the tax will be' the sorrIest 14. Now are Used almost exclusively on jaunty charact er a.n d through Istrate told her. . "Better an abualve dl vl(le these you characone tree efficienc mor Y, , For tbese reasons of all If it' Is Imposed. The Idea In you've pnrt o f 0. dre"" (lnll pnrt of jacket suits. tel's, the entire organiz ation ,Is finally see how graat . il! the Importawe can husband than no busban d at aU." a nce' of Europe apparen tly Is, "When short of door, Hemloelc. Laces ched to match the dress are self·con structed by the ut)Uzati "But l' have had so maoy years or on Qt OUl' orIgina l breedjn g plot. 16, Which tree Is never 8~en 0.1 01le. good trImmin gs on some of tbe one·funda. tax AmerIcana more ways." food materf8 ls fro;1 the soU and from desired has been Inclulie If ~e type tbh, kind o( thing," she pl'oteated. Pear. ' d aJIlong the the air. Nd- perman ent variatio n oc' , orIginal plants It can be 16, \'1 cannot give you any redrellB," whloh one Is n. prlght, wnnn color ,jacket suita. selected O\lt Mr. A wlld callee 'plant discove red , In tone, And Linens are' either very heavy, al· curB In Ch erry. PlOwden replJed, "you, must explant unless It occurs first and establls bed as a vlU'lety, if It the Congo countrY Is belDg ,used with 17. Ana which In cburch doth omce most like Russian crasb, or they are pect a certain o.I1lount of abuse In this In thef tttructu re of t hese l'epr~duct1ve has, been left out ,we can .. great success In Java, wh.ere It thrives hold, Elder. ' only 'f9;alt world." , cells. Such variatIo ns are, 18. WhiCh 18 a tOWI! In Irelo,nd old. very thIn and fin e. <In ground, In whlcb coffe!3, plants Cork, Ditlnty shoes wltll fa.ncy straps a!ld the only foun'daUbn for plant,, for natur~ to: pr~uc~ such a type: Improve as ' nature Is not ~rodlgal In her new die or cease to , bear. The African 19. For this onc do not look so tnr, orname ntal buttons are well .llked ' 'me SURPRI8~D HIM nt, aod the' ,sale function of seleo· product ions o~r cbances ate 'VarIety Is very prolific nnd the taste whl h tells what charming people nrc, by young persons . ' relaUve· Doctor' . Tel~ Gf food. ' tlon III to pick out the m06t 'deslrab le Iy small. , and aroma of the berries lmprov e as Poplar. The bottoms of sleeves are much ot them tor pro~agatlon. 20. Which one will nlloy t h e pain If Unfortu the plants grow older. OvercuIUv ~­ promptly , r ubb"d on bruise or 9 r eo Witch- trimmed . while the upper parts are , for the ease' of 'the task, variaEnemle l of lTomato Plant.. tlOn. like c'lvUlzatlon, seems to bave n hazel. lett absolute ly plain. tlons due to ' nutritio n de-energlzlng effect. It takes a little :1. The corp nter llolh use which tree 'T he Dutch collw', finished at the causes, variatio ns, that affectand other '. Young toJIikw plants bave one enmnke hl ~ w I111 straight o s ell n be, the ~lapt emy that If leU ,to do .its work un. infusion of the wild at Interva ls to to front with two tiny rosettes and a and not the 'reproliu otlve Plum, cells are, checked will soon sap all tbe vltallt, keep tblngs going. 2'~, 'r o which t.ree do ur~ lIln l\ cnll to loug tab, Is exceedingly dressy. therefor e, not Inberlte d, often obscure from ,the 'plant: Th,s , ============~ • the rarer, :Inherlt ed variatio ns, and be~tle , otten wrongly Is a tiny black -~~..,.-.... The UnLted States war depa.rtm ent ~ - ....-.....-...-,.,-"'-.,-"'-"".....--....~,.,--"'--.....-...._...._.... called B fly. It _,.___..,._....._...._...._.....~..._,..ft thereby ' cause mucb unnece ssary and does not trouble tbe piants while tbe, wants a lot of young men with Bome unava.Ung selectiv e work. enginee ring knowledge to help layout are In the house, but as soon as set rOla. ~ 2. The object of hybridi zation iB to ~1Jt of doors, even while the work of Intraco astal waterway tl1ey ate Ihume and 'r ecombi ne the' unit charao~ ' boxes . ~eto~e, ,beIng trans~l improve ments tram Boston to Florida . tera of the parent plant. It.' we lalew the open ground, tho beetlesanted to ·The y,oung men are l)eeded for surappear what all the results woUld be when In great number s, and fn veying, and the duties Involvec} wilt a few ' days th~se c;baract ers combine we could wUl wO,r k lP:eat ,make' good training for embryo en· liavoc. predict the percent age of the ptogeDY , ~ sCmple· but sure remedyBug ~eath Ie Iglneers . Inciden tally the announ ceof a crosS that would contaIn ce~taln be .sprlnkl ed ·lIberal b' upon. It .should 'ment Indicates that waterw ay 1m· t~e _eaves. definite combin ations at cbaract ers. Tbe plants shol,lld ,be carefu) provem ent Is making stead y progress ), But we dp not Itnow enough concern- watohed, 'for sometim es 'and means much for the future transIng t.\e Inherita nce of these charact a.r s thJrd appl.lcaUon may a second or portatl~~ Interest s ot the country . be necesaa ry. to make predicti ons. We simply know ' Th~ potato ,b~etle Is ilnot~er that we can only expect to 'c ombine ,that ' Will probabl y appear Jf enem, England may now recover from the the tothe charact ers ' actually 'possess ed ,by: matoes " a~e set l1~ar B apprehe nsion felt regardI ng attack by po..tato field. the upper route. Reports from that the' patent. ' For exam~le, re~18taDce For t~at reaBon cate ,should te.ken 'Country are to the effect tllat an aIr· to the' dtsease called 'waterm elon wilt In lIelectlng',a : location tor them. ,vas tou~d to be a 'JJlngle upJt cbaracsMp has ,been perfecte d tIlat surpass es ,..' . .' . ter ' poss~ssed by ' the first cousl}l -Of anythin g of the kInd In exIstence, and FIlIJn g,. "JtCh~. and ~lIlIJel. it Is expecte d that a 1lIght tram Paris the w6\erm e'oll, ttte 'lItton. This ,quat: , , It's not a"'g~d: plan to 'to London wlll Soon be made. The Ity. was therefo re combined with Cjther , I~n lp tlltches and .'gullies flying machin e IB the propert y at an ilesJia» le QualItie s,' possess e4! by c'the not \tal\ted ,In , fiedl~!, : F~r8t ,lI11 English oompany, but was constru cted wilt~rmelon ,by: ·'ldlzatioD. Here wlth'·.lil'ush, br.Jars, 'iltraw. , ' ~_" _.' . I ' was hi France, The announ cement seems ' ,whlcll to work and any',Jdp d, of ' rubbIsh and ' to be a 80rt of answer. 'to the Z ~ppel1n results lCOQlci'be ~l." , In t'iie ' ~1I. 'T~e ,....,1......" challen ge. BUPpotjJn no w1\t:r& n~t ' 011.11 catClh I!bd . been known; .' plowed tn, '!ut If will ~~""''''''.''I!I'' l;)'e en utterly futlfe':to 'have .011 , "'~shed I"to the flel(l . Tubercu losis keeps at ,the h'ead of 't his -charac ter irlta' U.e sOUl(lea. ' :Wbim: the '1taah, the list ot fatal diseases on ' Bait!l.wilteltmll!l(lD _by. Belectlop. The water- the. g~llleB bel;:pm~ filled, these , more~s ' weekly mortali ty list ao'd tu.rrAloro4!utiU"iI cell does not will becottl,e l~wel apd the ~aepelt IJllsJ)es terrJble proof ae88 this 'cbaracter,~d on Ws tlie .need of rlcbest spot. tn, the l flel~'S, . , , -, • .',' .,en a barder tight than Is being made count ' tliere Is no basis UPoD T.hlB very daJnb' handke rchIef ,III _n '~(ls" lawn. the embrol de~ ,,,,orled , W' te1eot. . Th,' lfD'il' •WtI.sUBt' this devasta ting dIsease. 'WIth fine' soft (lo~on. 'Phe size ot ,handke rchief. ~lectJ()IlIIM! should ~ de,cl~e~ on, ttt~n , aptpst ,,.,hom are IIP.'ak1Jac Agenci es now at work doing' all JQ their power, but thei could do tar tr~~~~e~J~;.:e:!r::g~a~::g::~li::::e:n~:b~8%':!~kercht.r , Is--fin;e. thea bealn. b7 BolDB IntIr1r"Qeld more ' were funds ,more abunda nt: transfe r the design either wltb blaok cBJ'bo~lo ' paper or blue trao1nl ~lotlh hlB aeed from., thoae plants ................Lf ~t were Tbere JB DO cauae that calls for more The little for.get-me-not design' round the openlng .\n the corpe ~t afteqted b, the dl!l8Ue,. yet satin stitch, then the lawn tis cut away from the centet:; and a wor.ked fD real pbJlanthrop>" none whlcb could lace .uet.-"or would Dever obtain ",,~fB ~Q" stltcbes worked ,. ., fill It trt., T~ sprays- .re In satin stltCb, YIlth ll: o£ DOl'CUDB be woa1.d be ae(tcU q .' DOIl-atected better use ot large gift.. of To save human uri It a tJ. cutt1D& stitch sU\lkll. Tbe lecallope tbe materia d edge ."., at the Is worked over tn care must ole to be' butt.ooh IUtcb. taIuI!D not cut 10 ~tiata 11I;~~tNal;~at tic ' i;~ri~ =~l~aiii ' ab5=t~ . ork. .~-

For Benefit of Women Suffer from Female Ills







' , b· ;'ery Fo r E m











'tilt the ground under our get Into trouble_ She arte...."at'd tol. me it was beCause she feared we , The two post.chalses a.walted us on might be stOpped. We I1ld not for,et " J,'1 , 'fi ~he highway, the .postboys Cull at con- Ule vte.oatitlon, In our brief haltl!, tc , )1 fid ence ; tbe hOl'sea, Hie best in the p~y the hosUers well to do some Df\J1D town, w~re ea~er to be 91f. We jumped to any pursuing vehicles whloh together In ons, and were whIrled Into be after us; and our plan s eeme" tc WHEN HUSBAND'S SICK, the town, and were at th'e door or the ' be prospering famou sly. playhouse almost hefore we knew it. So all night we rat tled furIously N SCOTLAND all the gudo One ot our postmons speedily found alopg, and at daybreak we crossed th~ wlvos say: GIRLS THE SUMMER COT. the coach which had . brought Lady border, noUlled by the buzzalng or· the "Thoro Is na luck at a', TAGE. Ther hI na luck aboot th o HnwksJ!nw there, and, In pursuance ot postboys, It was a danle,-dlsmal morn"The late Paul Stanley, composer hoose, his InstruCtions, got the . <! . achman off Ing, the weather having changed dur" 'hen ,my gudemon's of 'Ta·ra-ra,booIU,de-ay,' took no great He hns two wAeks to rcet, a nd 80 his box to drink In a uelghborlng Ing the night, and we sa.w that we H o hUTl'I OIi up to Shady Nook, n\vtl':' pride In that song's success," saId a "No,y, here." say .. dnd, ''l'1I let tllinp Dut, with "II (\oferenco to San Francisco mns lclan. lavern, wblle one of our postboys had rJaSsed the 'other ohalse In "He had go. wha t stood watch over the horses'. Giles darknesll, It was some distance be, And !oungo a round and read a. book." I Old Scotland's wives hoped to succeed 8S a composer of and I remained In the chaise until ft hInd, aDd th e horses seemed 1l1u(,h grand opera. may say. Next day his wlCc's r lat ions come. was time for us to malte our descent. spent. "We conUnued on our way to My gudemon IIlck, at "When be llved here he often talked To ontertaln them WIUI his j o b; home, Is worse, At half-past ten the »lay .was over, the bouse of II. blacksmith at wth a quai nt kind at melancholy about And overy day It wall tho SR III C, Than my sudemon 'and then began that hurl'Y nnd com- Green, who, so our postboy s told U8, tbe hlgb ambItions or ,hIs youth, and Of fri ends he a lwaYII had II mob, away! motion of the dispersion ot a cro,w d In usually unIted runaway couples, We how tbey had become humbler as he He dug the \VormR and minnows caught I get th o waler-boltle-no, darkness. We beard loud shouts dashed up to his cottage-a humble got older. That th y a ll rnl !:hL a- t\shlng g o; . Ho wants n musta rd Lady Ha.wkshaw's coach, but the pl~ce , surrounded by a w\1low hedge"'A man's nmbltlons dwindle,' he He TII n th o nnphtha laun ch Bnd taught plas ter; coachman did not make bls appear- and he, wllfned by approacblng wheels, Tho chll<l ren h d w 'to swim und row. And every tlme he. teelll once said, 'like a girl's matrimonial ance. There were many officers and came out, Ilall dressed, in the murky his pulse, alms. At 16 a girl wants a faIry He clcnned the fis h nnd bnll d hooka. He !!wears It·" going taster, ladles from the garrlson, and anum morning. prince and nothing less, At 20 she To gN the Wille r Wag his ' horo ; !'hat he 18 getting billter, bel' of equipages; but soon they were "Come to be marrlt?" be cried, He ncvC!1' will agree; Is res igned to a milliona ire duk e. Ho hnd no time to ep nd with hook .. driving olf, while halt a dozen men at "Ste p out. then," At night h e 81 pt upon tho noor. ~ut IC I think him worse, he'll 86Y: At 25 a wern bers of congr ss Is good "Don't cry OaJamUy !" once were sboutlng for "Lady HawkI a ssis ted Daphne out o f the chaise, enougb, At 30 Il countTY mini s ter will AFTER THE PROPOSAl.. shaw:S coaoh. At last my lady herseH and then, as we stood on the d a mp "Ollngrenous trouble wIll Bet In," do nicely, and at 35 s he' ll take anycame out ot the entrance, followed by ground, In those squalid sUITOWldlngs, Qt that he's very certain, thing, from a song,wrlter down: .. Arabella and Daphne, and at that mo· louklng at each 4lllier, the JIOlIslble "Turn <lown lhe Ught; pull up tho shadel Worse Than a Hired Man. Let IIl r In; el08e the urtalnl" ment Glles slipped out of the chaIse, wrong I had done t his Innoceltt gl cso things mus t 1111 be d ne just 80, "Yeas," drawl ed the 110slma.stor of and appeared before Lady Hawkshaw suddenly swept over me, And fa hel rhAnd they musl all be don o qui ck, ' Bacou RId ge, "thn t's old Zeb Wblle, as If he had rlsenfl'Om the eartb. I, e.yes, too, 1 read the first oonsclous, "T here I.. nn luck nboot tho hooso," the laziest man In the slute," Wh. e n my good man Is sick. too. was on the ground, but out ot ness of having comm itted all Impro"In ",'hat way Is he so Inzy1" nailed sIght. priety, This dirty , unle e mp~ blacltBridget" Beatitudes. the coffee salesman, "Pray, my lady," said he, Ih his smith, the coarse, laughing postboys-Blessed Is the sour cream; It makes "\V:hy, every Sunday bo takes .. tbe mo's t gallant manner, and hat In hand, this, a way to make the most solemn excellent biscuit, and takes tbe place two chlokens they are going lo have "allow me to show you to your coach," and spiritual of all engagements! J of both milk and butter, Use with for dinner and ties them as near to ·'Mr. Vernon I" cried Lady Hawlc- felt nn nncomfortable senso of g uilt ,oda In the proportion of a teaspoonful the pike as possible," shaw, In lIurprlse. "I thought you and sham e, of bakJng soda to a pint of thick "H'm! What Is that for1" were In London. How came you to It ' was only momentary. The DlON cream . It also serves In plain loaf "So the racing ' automoblles will Scarborough ?" de pressed she, the more sh~~ld I IIUII cake or spice cookies. whIz their feathers at! and he won· t "By ohalse, madam," he r eplied, po- port, and therefor e I calle d ont cbeer· Blessed Is the new style whIch ad· have the trouble of picking them." litely; "and I hope to see the young fully; "I t ake this woman to be m) ladles before I leave " (the hypoorlte!), wedded wife," and su~h other word~ mlts of salted almonds being 'served on ' the cloth without the formailty at Hard on the Rec'elver, "Is Sir Peter with you, madam 1" as I recalled of the marriage lervlc£ extra dishes, "No," drawled the mayor of the far"No, he Is not/' replltld Lady Hawk- -and I said It so heartUy and prom· Blessed Is the gridiron w~lcb Is pip· western settlement, "the boys had shaw, her wrath rIsing at the Idea, Ised so devoutly, I:emovlng my hat Ing hot when the meat Is J>laced upon some money tied up In that thar bauk"Had he been with me my coach when I· made my vows, that It heart. 'It. Otherwise the steak w1ll be tough. rupt telephone company an' they jus~ would have been awaiting me," And ened up Daphne-and h er respon se then turning to Arabella. and Daphne, so full of faith and iove, gave a kind Tbe audden grllllng retains the juices, didn't like tbe way tbe receiver was who were behind her, she iJaid, of hollness to It all. We were tW( Use little, If anr. extra grease. Neltll- handllnlL the business." er should steak be pounded; by this "DIdn't eh?" commented the tourist. sternly; rash and foolish young people-but we barbarous method all the juIces es· "Well, what did they do about It?" Dony-So your father handled him "Arabella and Daphne, tbls does not love~ each other truly, and we made without gloves? cape. If the meat Is tougb or of "Oh, they Just hung up the rehappen again. Sir Peter comes with our vows solemnly, deteJ'mlned to kee~ Molly-Yes; and It yould have been ' Interior grade, lay It half an hour In ceiver." us to the play, after thiS." the m. Pei'haps tllat counts tor more a weak solution ot vinegar. better t4lr poor, dear ChoUy if he bad I caught slgbt, from a corner be- In t he ,eyes ot God, tban all else ; 31 done 1& without shoesl Good Memory. hind the chaise, ot my dear Daphne, least, we reaUzed the sacredneDs of aUf For the Blnquet. Yeast-Has he got a good memThe' Wings, at that moment. She stopped sudden- vows. This was the spread recently set b& ory? hicholl have wings, Scarcely was the brie f ceremony tore a crowd for the cbef d'oeuvre 01 Crlmsonbeak-Excellent!1 Why, he'l There'. no doubt of tbat, oyer- tor ceremony we made It-whct the banquet: A whole Inmb was stuffed telllng us the same , smart thlnp Fer wltlo teQti1res 'em , To trim \lP her hat. the chaise contalnlng Arabella anD with a whole turkey; the 'turktfY was his slx-year-old boy ,says that the boy Giles d.rew up. And the sight I saw stulfed w1th a whole chicken; the who is 12 now said when he was slx Called HI, Bluff. I can ne ver forget. chicken with a squab; the squab, In years old!-Yonkera Statesman_ ."Yes," said young Wlndlg, boast. Arabella's [ac was quJte pale, but turn with a humm.Jng-blrd. Ingly, "I pass most of my time beBEFORE THE COOLNESS. her eyes were bltzlng, There werf This sounds very much.lIke the bantween Ohlcago and New York," , some drops of blood upon her ch ee~ quets at Lucullus, and a pessimist. "That's what your cousin told me.'" -they came from her 'VrLsts. wblcl might be pardoned for a .Bloomy 'View rejblned MillS Cayenne, Giles beld firmly. The door of tht of the return to the days of nIghtin"My cousin!" repUed Wlndl •• chaise being olle ned, ,she stepped Oul gales' tongues, and the brains of pea. ''W-what did sbe say?" wllilngly, disdaining tpe a ssist nCI cocks, served a la Roman. "~he said," repUed MIss Cayenne. Giles offered her. His face. too, wal "that you lived In a little town 111 "THROUGH-OTHER" NORA, ' very pale, and he looked and move~ Ohio." Ul,te a man in a nlgbtmare. The blacl~ 'a A, collean, my Norah, smIth grinned broadly; he tbougb' . ~ew. ' for Dad, Bad bY08 all belore her, his gains were to be tncreased-for ) Tommie- 'I see wood yields about And thoy <:a,me tram bad not lorgotten to pay hl'm hand atar nnd a-near, one-filth a~ much heat as coa]." But Norah, mact/ree, ' somely. Bobble-''l gues,1I my ' dad !lon" Is a throuble to me, ' know that," Giles selted her hand, "Arabella, Since ·her housekeopln' be orled, "desperately, I'SU~ .'='::""'=-i~ " "Because, when he 'warms' me he not [jow mean to throw m" For a cat-p.nd-dog lite. alwaY8 uses a shlnglel"-Yonkera ,For answer, she gave bl#tl IL glanc, Is a "through-olhor" wl(e. of Ineffable haired . . Stat~sm"n. And though. bodad, Nora.h'lI a. dalsy; "This man," she said, tu~tng 'to me Natural Thought, ;r, would rcally IIko "you [1'lend, ' your Intlmate--I blus h A BhlUelah or pIke, Redd~-Thls paper snys there I. Cot' you-has dragged me bere. Rath fll . When ¥avourneen 1. on exhibition In a window In 8aco the ahlftless and lazy. WOUld, I die tbnn marry blU).. Look.!' largest lobster that has been landed ,IRather Would I Ole ~l'h.n Marry She held \. up her v;rlstl\, and Uie, Hasbeen Henry-Aw, I wuz a 110ssy in these parts ' for years, If ever. Now. wid order and care, . Him," I showed mark.S of violence. guy wunst. I useter smoke q':larterr Th er 'd be room tor Greene--Doea It gIve the name oC there, cIgars. Iy, and turned pale and then rosy, and , "'Twas to I.(eep her from jumpln~ the lady who landed hlm7-Yonkera (Just Nor h, mysllC and the pig). out of the chaise," said G\les, Wid h'. T'b oughtJess Thrlveasy-Wot WUI de Statesman, glanced wildly about her. She knew ehe'd s weep a bit more. "She would lIave had me leave hel' III It matter-wuz de sports too stingy . to r was n()t tar air, And keep' thlnp ott 'the floor, mIdnight, on ' the highway-alone !lnd , " ran robm wad be almost too big! AL.ASI t'row away half ones? How Arabelll( recelied Olles' den · appearance I never knew, ' as I unprotected. . Dearest Arabella," hc So I Ihlnk some tolne day, Will She? con~d n~t see h,er. But in another moo, cried, turning to 'her, nnd trying ~o 1'1\ be runnln' away, It she the pantaloon gown donB, clasp her, " will yo u not listen to m} To KlllaTney, Traleo or ,Athlone, mellt he had pla.ced Lady Ha",kshaw, I wonder will she. too, prayer? How cnn you sCQrn snch And m o and the pig, Roll UP tho bottomll In the way '~'Ith the utmost qltsequiousness, In the W;I,d Bome prattes and swig, ' love as m.Jne?" And he was neal' go Our collego students do? conch: •then foldlng up t he steps like In 11 cabin we'll live al\ aIODO. mnglc, he s lalllmed the door, lind Ing down on }lIs knees to her, In , (4. Tale of TennYllon. shouUng to the coachman, "Drive ani" mud-but 1 beld him up. 1 con tess , /I'ennyson was oJ)ce dilating thl\t, the most painful thing or 'all this the, coaoh rat~e~ off, and the nex~ moment hls'8rm was around Arabella and painful ' busIness was Giles Vernon's 1~~<-..!Lt~~,~~~:~:~~:~~::t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=CJ the n Scotland Is ~lalled mine was ' around . Daphne, .. and they complete surrender of. hJs manhood l Is the most delightful wera swept olf ' thelr feet; and In less under the Inflllence' at his wi 1<1 PRll' "Qe:er-do-wel~"" It bas reference, espeomcer In his majesty's clalYJ to domestic concerns. It Is tbe the day," saId he. " time than It takes to te11 It, each of slon. He, • "Yes, yes!" replied his friend. "Tbe us was \ylth the 'Idol 9t his' heart, J3ea service, ,.a man "'110 had smelt chief fault of the lrlsb peasantry that ,ppwder and knew what it was to look they are not neat; not systematic; not first sweet pipe of the awakened ~lllrllng , o~ toward Gretna Green, as Death In the eye aud ad vance llPon orderly, And It III a fault In which bard I" fast as [our horses to a. light ohalse him, who would have ans,w ered 'WIth they are, alas, ,not alone: Many a womThereby making a reconstruction could take us. ' " ' hill life for his courage, was ready to an In a.U countries, everywhere, Is trom Tennyson's OWD works, needing Now, what think you, were Daphne s grovel In tho earth- like a madman t~ere who forgets the . salt, puts too the cbange of bu't one vqwel.-\iar. first words to me? . per',s Weekly. "U h' . d ' M 01 I'll fol.' the favor of a woman. !'iotlilng much sOda In the mumns;' has ever a mel't ' n an r" It yn, or . was It to him' that low-born creatures germ-laden dlsholoth and pots with -H-o-C-o-u-Id-T-el-I,scream for ass B ance. . \ ,I I "M d t if '" I ex I I ed If Ilke the .pOstboys and the blacksmith broken Ida. Al these ,are "throughOstend-Pa, what Is mamma ready eares a e. 0 B m , YO\I beheld him with contempt and dis- otber" tricks • . They are fatal to the Ing about? I just heard her say "It'll Ore now mine. Ely to-morrow morning gust; nothing to hIm that. a woman peace whlcb IIhould prevail in the an outrage." Mr, Bore-Be sure to tell me whe. we sha)) be ove~, tbe , border. ~nd y?U like Daphne,. and that I, a brother of-, household. The "through-other" womPa-Oh, some writer has been rid- you want me to go. W~~I be my. wife. , .' ,fleer. wltnessed his degradation, He an' works harder.; her hours are long- Icullng tbe suffragettes, I guess, Miss Blunt-It's an hour too· , l~te An elopewent. Graclou. , h~~en. seemed to have 'parted with the last er; ,her lot Is 'harder than that of the OSlend-Then she just said: "How for thatl r never t,hpugh~ of suc~ a thing!: 's\1e semblance or , selt-respect. ·s ystematlc. tIdy, orderly woman true it Is'" Advl.ce, replied: , <1:0 BE CONTIN'UJllD.) whose work Is managed wtth regularPa-Oh, that's some other pen IlusbI m.JgM bave ailswered that she had ' Ity, system And ·f or .. thougbt. It you would cllmb to heights of tam .. L thl b t ' . , , ..... .. er lampooning us poor ~eu, m . .y son. h bt t not only t aug () BUCu' a ng, 1I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, BETTF.R, Tbere 'are many "Pats" In the . Young man. ben r this In mlntl: Don't envy lhose who oro In front talked of It. I r~fralned, however, ' . world. and hap'py Is 'the wlte who ,Not the' Same. 'Nor 800tt at thosa behind, ' to. be ca- 'ate _of Unhappy Man Who Aroua.oc2 gives them . no' excuse, by her houseHIm-Queer what a dllrerence there In Its ,utterances, In· : ' " I~e ·of Young Mother. · . keeping, to gO ' rUnning away, Is In a woman's aotions before and Place for Trunk•• as8ure.d her ·tiuit my pa'sslon • I It Where did you put the elephant. It. a cabin, ~ wlil "l1raUes and swl.. after mnrr age. The baby In arms was s('reamlo.r. on the ship coming over?" asked the , . Her-How do they dltrer. lustily and' the m. n ' in the gray ,ult , Pe~ch' Chut~ey, Him-Before her . marriage she Cunny man. could not hide his IrrltablUt.y. To four ,pounds of, peaches, peeled coaxes a I man to come to her parties "Downstairs In the hold, of couz:e.... , ~'Wbat on earth:' madam/ ' he splu'· · and pits r~mo,ved" , ~dd a pint and a and after sbe marr1es blm she expects replied the circus man, "I thought they only put the trunn tered, "do ;you mean by brlnglnr sueh quar}er of, vlnegar and st!!;W till soft. him to stay away when sbe lives In .the 'bold that were not to be used a 'howllng brat IntQ a public 'veh icle ?" 'Theft' mix and pour toge ther a halt mustard-seed, one. coming over?h~Yonlters Statesman. "It Isn't ,a 'brat," ,~torJed the 'm,o th. pound each ' whJt~ Realism, er, wlijl natural' IndlgnaUon, "And; If (:l\oJ,lped onlon8, 'sugar aUd ' ralll,ns; Tbo Tame. i:m' ,any ju"~e,,.'.t do.e sb't ~oWI liaU 81 oll'e,quarter. POund ginger root; and an • Critic (as the composer lliays his "Great, bargain rush at elgb, t h ' of ,a Pouild each of garliC and last plece)-Very flne. Indeed. But mIJC11 as you 'did at Itt(, age, gOing by ' , pepperl. ~eD mixed well, add whllt Is tbat passage whloh m,a kes the to-day." the ,lOOkS JGU, : " . ;, ," "Anybody hurt?" ~e 'lJI~n h\ .J:!lJ 'wn,ggled unell,s,tl,. to 'the milt : wl~ ' th.ree.!Juar~ers l)lnt coljl c.hills , run down the back? "No!' IlddtUQDal vinegar, 'Boll slowly togethComposer-That' Is where the wanuMet; ,the senel1'l sr.rv.t.tny . ' "It · must have been' a er 1& Jn1hut~s aDd de~ derer bas the , -hotel bill brought to I ' __ __ heo.rsal." him. ' , , :1'0 Keep Cillery, 'About the Size of It. To -prevent ceJ.el')' from baving the What Could He Hav. Me.nt. Freddy Rhymer-Wbat 'lI! a ~m l'Usty · ap.p~ar~Ce whloh lpolls I~ tor , "Do you ever w'rlte on a~ emptY of passion," pa? ' ' salad,!l,,lteep It cloleJy·wraplIed In par- ttomach'?" -asked the mere man. , Mr~ Rh1,mer-It's the stam.p.4~~ 'amn Pflper" in • .cJ.o~", .coolplaee. , , .1811'1" exclaimed ,the IIt(lrary pel''&,leo avoid u8ms . .tel' on It' until a SOD, "I am a poet, 'not a tattoo artliltl" Ing one tb~t travels on ~d·trlp Ocketa and co1nel home to ahort time .bit-ore lemg, 'l'he dl.. -J,>uck. caided staIb aNt es~811ent for IOUpS. Short.Handed New York. Il&'f'i.. / ,_to.. ,. be1D&' more eleCtIVe Bacon-I see that New York' tau' thaD oell17 Alt. 11&000 .teDoBl'l\pher.. . 1Il,'bert-.-18 that all! New York 'miSJlt '" Iactrl"l_ICI.~

feet. ,

,tHE lOVES LADY· Q/the


By MOU.Y EllIOT SEAWELL 1Il00, Bobb ... lIomU

SYNOrSIS. At 14 yenrll of age Admlro l Sir P t r Hp,wkshaw's n phow, Ri chard Olyn. fl'l1 40 ply In lov at fIrst sIght with Ludy Arabella Stormont, who !:'I llurned his ntl !111, Th lad. a n orphan WIlS glv n a b rt ll B8 nlldl! hl pmnn on t he Ajax hy his un I , Olles V rnon, n 'llhew of Sir Thomall Vernon, bp Am th h O)"8 pal. Tho), attended 11 th Itt r whero Hawk.haw·!! n Ipht'w 8aw LadY Arabella. V rrion. met Philip Overton , next In IIno tor Sir Thomas V rn on:" estl\t . Th)' start~d 0. duel whloh WB8 Interrupled, Vernon, Ov rton I\nd Hawlcllhaw's n phew tound thcmllalv II attract d by pr tty Lady Arobalin, The A,la.'C In battle d featca French ,'llhlp" In the M dlt rrun II[J, Rlchurrl Iyn go t £2,000 prlz!) money, H e wus call <l hom by' La Iy Hawkshaw as he 'W ItS About to ' blo...· In" hl8.. ellrnlngs . with V rn n. At a Hnwkllhaw pllrty Glyn discover d t.h al . Lady Arab 1111. WIl8 a poor b ut P rBlslent grunbl r , He tlllkcd mu h 'wlth her Qoullin Daphne. Lndy Arabella ~aln IIhllwed 10\'0 t or gnmlng, Later ahe lleld Q IYIl and vertoD prison ra, thul delayi ng the (I\let. In th Overton-Ver11 du el, n Ilher was hurL Lady Aralia htll1)ll1llt~ llloho.rd by her prankB, lohard and 011 ell shipped on 1\ trlgate. 011 • wu cnptur d by the F rench, 811' II" tor arl'llllll' tl for his ex ha nge, Dnphe show d 11 1Ik.l ng tor Ol),n. who WR S hon 21 l'llarll 0 1 age, Olles wall r ICllsoll. IIcs and RI bard plann '«1 elopCmllntB, 811' PteI' obJ eled to the plan to w d Daphne.

~ ~






i ~~



I'GIaken Stal. . .





•• ••

eighborhood News





•• ••



'We will b well -repr sented ,at The ' t nth Sunday after Tl'illity. Springfield, II . at\lI'(lay, August Augus t 16th, Morning Prayer and Oregonia. 2ht, whcn ,the Barnum & Bail y el'mon at 10:30; .1 K ' , "110. I: l e tl11' noti- :-:n u rl1u.y I' Mnl .T, f ' Lea h , \vb .Ms lJeen grea at show 011 arLh exhibits ~h re, 9:80, After th 16th th r will be from Tax" I'I, \/lIOk fur It g od \vhll bl\8 been re, n that date, for a grE!at m~ C)f no sel'vlc until the fir t unday in lii II Emmelin e .1 ffrey Is I itln m o vtld to tile h OlU e of h eT ~lu,ughter ourci\,izens have already expressed September, but Sunday School as usio tlyi 1I ' ill l.f llll uoq. th mselyesas having made up their uaI'every Sunday at 9:30, I EmersoD tepheus \vas In lu cin- 1 li Bllttl !:)mi t h is sp oding bel' minds to attend , A glance at the , ytl lI ti u n a t 11 l' bome here. list of wonders to be' s en w th this nl).ti III t'rhur Il V. PUBLIC SALES Mr, !lad 'Mrs. ' Mote " ern ' , Rub •• rt-~ t t, ";lid R D Ig S lOW would lead OlJe to believe illnl1t1l'h u r '\lIl Y" o " og~):, 0 t ~' k"" tfl;Ytou. that the limit in size a.~ well as I will offe r at public sale aUbe resi' II ' 1 f " r A h ll \' l ng n t,wn \~ a l:I vn oll Ion. 'lito d W I l "'ln K wn~ \ (lw n ,'om " th ' t f h ' number of novelties to be seen has dence of Turnel' W elch in Har eYRpring Val1 AY I:ili t,ll rd ltY n lj!h t EIIY Pd t eJI' u IS ' e gu a, <? 18 , ,1 ' \llII'Pu t- JIII'I Po t,tl l'l:I<.n lind WIfe , finally been reached. Barnum & burg on Fred Drllpel' leff, ' Ullutl. t; murllm g B '\ h' d h . l\11''' , JlltI, l\lclntJ rfl onte ltlllned,& al eypr J.l nt 1. Isyear un er t elr f or his b orne ill K OII , 110kv' Saturday, August 28, 19J9, Miss lJertrlltle Kl T" ',; btl 1'6 ptlrl y of IIltly frl n 111 ill h~nor of city ~f 14 acres of t ots mor e t hings Beginning pl'om~tly a t 1 o'clock turned fr UDl 11 pl elll:l;tn't visit iu I h e r !<loItl1 r. I I!!." Dl-lltll MaDill, one new than have been olfered by all X nill . I nl:,:hl lU !l t ,\l'l1I. " other shows in yeaI', "J,upiter the the f ollowing articles: ne rubb rMi,;" SlI rlih b lllnurd Itl the gnest of b ' h ' tire buggy, 1 teel-tire buggy, 1 careverAl h om, b." Ar . ntte n ~rl 11d t. h e I \v U\ ", t I f ml' ly alloon orse. " Karolly's tl'oupe of l, (1 lJl p ,On " 11 L 1\ bllse ball glillltl lO lDcmulltt nn !l'y f, ' I r!l ' J' ' I d d u ug ht er, 0 f 16 Hungarian coal black stallions , riage, set of buggy harneS! . set of. , H M, \.. , I un , Mr. Rod Mrs. Chln'l I' ,All elo , 0 'lll'Cll",) (,l1 me 'u od uv Iil \' enio " for tl the musical elp.phants, celebrated fly nets, small amount of ha),. work D t rjl'litm g r e '1IIVOI'I l~ r O '" ' , ., ny OU, a re \ , " I viSIt ut ho r h ome b er e Konyot troupe of equestrian, seven bench, set of carpenter's tool~, 2 iron Mil~s Murr YI COllrl1 jel' de"Dt!letrt~lll)l telrdtyU Ex-Ouv 'l'uy lor, of Kpntnck)~, will troupes of foreign acrobats. foul' kettles, 2 good ladders, 2 bedsteads, 1I01ll1er 0 ler r en -, ~ r ' II Seh 1 B II ' , ' t d ' It 1'1'1 t ore nt \'\ tlY OOSVI e 00 a troupes of aerialists and hundreds of 2 cupboards, 1 heating stove, cro~Il ,ur n,y DI g I , ' i\1 D,lIl Y tI\' ( I1mg A l1~ ust 16tb th . It" 11 Mrs, Bebe r H olHn g!! Wll r ~b nnd ! l )nu ' t lllil t u 11 tLl"llim Admi ssion, 0 er ar~n1c nove les a go to com- cut !law and other articles too numerhil(lren nre th e g na ts of W Ill 'or :!:', 6 Il t,~ , ' plete a circus performance that has ous to mention. T~rm s made known l. M. S1'O T. tOll nod fun lly - ~ - - ---, never b en eq~alled. The big m e- on day of ale, C. T. Hawke , Auct. The bl], in S~ UJ et-i og nt th ',E nagerie has been augmented by th

New Burlington. '


TheWs y-Willianll:lonfamilyreunion will mce t-at the hom of J. W. Hisey, Thur 'day, August 19', 1.go9 . Allt'elat'ivc ' of th,e fru;nily are most

Zimmerman's Watt~rmelons Indiana.,... "Monto Crlll'o"First of the saason"':'"Fresh an~ crisp,





~t~~? s~~e:~vl~~ldtb ~'r~~~~;6 ~fe~~;I' n






Corn RelDover

1. R p',m'el' , wll tHwil t woYOtlu g , er ohildren !J1l t'1'I6rl throl1 L! h 11 l' ('Ill tbelr wu y bO!1l f r OIll WiI!lIi D>t OIl and MartinSVill e I:inll dllY, Nl"xt, 8ondR.y' will ue t,h e lu s t _ PArAfllllblDtgt dd" Y 11 II~dr ,CO llI fer no a a eo Iloce s eSlrel '\'he Mi ;lep M,th'll l:ih erwoncl lind LUlie Kibl pr ont! M,PI'!lr il Om l' IJ Il I I , linf!Sw orth nnil FI' bnrper nt,,' t ncled bnuf.tHl Illi. 'l'hur'!ld IIY, C II , Mis8 Edna ~'l1m b li pOu , nf ,out hllrleRt n Wl1, IS th a g ues t ,of th MI 8H8 Kibler, '1 'he youn ~ venpl of t.h e tow n lit devotiDg tbems 13lve to ro wiu g unel

:llal'al1lc d to I'emo v Corns with u t pain or sore ness



15c at Schwartz s • _


addi~ion of many ne w strange be~ts

and IS hu'ger than all t he zoolOgical " . gardens In thIS country com~med, The street para~e s~ gorgeous' and 0 tremendous In SIze, beggars de-' scription and ~ll all is a fair index to the wondel'ful performanceS that f 11 0, ow. .. _ • \ DlSPLA Y OF FIREWORKS Night entertainment will be a leading featu e of the coming OhiQ State Fair. to be held in Columbus, Au&,ust SO, 31, September 1, 2, S, next, and an elaborate entertainment

Rwlmming , "1 d~· M i "'b d II T . UD .... I'll orr q f' rw 0 pent SundRY wltll r III t iv s 11 re, FOllr differl'Tl t C1roWIJR of 'lmper nTI'l now enCtLmp .1 td Olog th tl rivet' near town, '

program has been prepared. At " seven 0 clock each evemng of the E ' .. d " f t XposltlOn, an ~ontmulng or wo ' hours, Kopp's Famous Military Or't' 'II f l b h rd' gantza Ion wd Ie dea ,10 Phopu ar X b concerts,. an to en varIety t e p r 9J C, penoar 'wtl in auia ('I U!:I gram will include male qUJU'tettes . ineV8 MondaY', chimes 'and. eminent instrumeiltai The memb'e rl' of tbe U B, ohuroh I 'ts As .. f t f ' C E t.J . ' III I . so OIS, a crowmng ea ure 0 d liD , QQcle'ty' w g \-e aD \ce th ' .. ' M' W'I' Ilren.m flupper in tbe , cbool hou8e e mUSlca. program, ISS 1 mme . Hammann,wor Id ' f amouscontralto, yard M"t.lrrtny night, Le~ l'V ry Obe come ' 1 1 d h ' I t' f 'I WI ren er a cOlee sa ec Ion 0 voca ~i .. Blldred llatoy. ot Morrow, i!:l solos. Miss Hammann is universalvi Hln$ Mis", Mary Gonner. .', ,' Iy r~ognized as the world's sweetest Ex.Gov. '1'l\vlor, d,' Kentucky, wl11 Come in or send for , our songbird and music lovers' will be lecture at Wayne!IVll1e School Han • . ' d' hted 't th fh ' MondAY evening, At?-gost lj\tb .' Post Cards of local e Ig t t'ha StaetneFw~ 0 er engageVon't tan to hear bim. Admi8slon, , men t a e e aIr. r,' 25 OttDt& , . Views; 2 for 5c Following ~he band concerts viai, • ~ ,'/ _ tors will be thrtlled with a nightly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $3,000 production o~ Pain's >Map~t..~IIIIIi_ _ _ _ _ _---"'-~""--II!!'IIIJI!I"'~~~--~"".-I!'~ tan Beach Fireworks Many' nov.elties will be introduced in the pyr6, technic 'program, including saluteS , " , of aerIal guns; grand 11IummatJo~ of with powerful colored Ughts I


Elastic · Plot!

1 ~~~~IT~i"f"-Jfror--Jl1tJC:d:S"d~!t:HJ~ill1l1:r.--~:'-;--'II!~·~~tl'~;1~~Jes~~gigantIc saticessibns )'Iam Agent fot' t,he ' above famous tlraphlte C4lrbOn , ElaetlC Paint. Hnd ~ ,wUI pn't it OD for you, too, This , paint Is m~de and ' guarante~d to .la,t, Tbe 'following ,g uarantee p:oes WIth all tbill pl,int:

t ,






. We giiura.ntee GRAPHITE.CARBON PAINT to be nf non volati)~ oils and plgmep~ of oarbon prodllots, to oontain no rosin.., ABpba.ltuDl or ' l> in any form. and to contain ' nQ ao!d or ~njuriou8 substanoe, When used' according to our 8imple' direotic'ns, we gna.rantee' the. pl~int to wear perfectly for at leat\t five yeaJ'8, . We agree to furnish, free, suffioient materlllJ ~o repaint Itny Burfaoe on whioh tiraphite Carbon Paint doee not give satisfation for this lengt,h of time should oon4ltio~s r~quire it. ' M, I:i, ROWLA,N .

mineS of fiery hissing serpents, portraits in outline of . fire ot nationrs heroes; flights· 'o f rockets with floating festoons'of fire; thE! ilag; bouquets and hundreds of otijeffects"the most stupendous ' I technic diS . play ever offerM as attraction. , . In addition to the above features ten sterling free feature acts are programed each night, while 'Amu8ement Avenue .. with its nW-iads of. atI trac~lons, will !1,e riot of ~nt~rtain­ ment.




CorD ' Jtam.ovar Corns without pain or soreness , .

.. , J. F.'· HECATHORN,

Waynesville, ,Ohio~

.. .. ..... .




~ , --- ~----

Reading aloud 18 ' one of tliel nio"t wbolesome' exer«;lhle.:' . The rallroad8 of the ' world - I,re valued ~t '27,775,OOO.~OO, ' .r

',w ill h-e -' all kinds of

a go~a BaI.l ·,G.' ahie ·~nfj .



The re will D' a, union Sunday School celebration of all Sunday Schools in Cro ' Grove ~atul'day, August 21st . ~erybody come a'!.~ have a '-good time, WILL GIVE AWAY WATCH

F, C. Gllrey, the har~ess -dealer, ba fj,fty whips which he intends to sell for eRob, IIond he will malre a preseni of t~ Viator gold filled watob to one of the purohnseflil , For a 8econll preseot Ile will give 1\ good wlllp , 'l'his Is De loUery obeDlP, but n. bnsines propOSition, and IIUY one wanting a good whip will JO well to Otlll on hin) . . . _ ....._ _

NUTMEGS-indiana NeUed Genu

Peaches Fancy Elberta Peaches, fresl) receil?ts every day by' express.

Tomatoes , Fancy solid home grown.'



offer at public sale 011 sd A t 24 1909 ue ay, ugu,s I, , commencing at 10 o'clock harp. the following proper ty : One Great Western Manure spreader, 1 Moline farm wagon,1 Webber farm wagon, 2 rub' • , ber-tlre ~UggleS, 1 steel·tlre bug~, 1 top sprmg w~gon, 1 wheat drIll, land roller, disc harrows, breaking plow, sulky and ' gang plows, hay rakes, American and,Pittsburgfence, Chestnut posts, cream separhtors, - I h fl I d smg e a1'l'\ess y nets, co ,lars an pads, curry combs and brushes/lawn T


PuJl Cream Cheese

Wafer Sliced Dried Beef Sweet and Sour Pickles Olives Hawaiian Island Pine Apple Pine Apple Chunks


I will

Junket and Jello

1 Kitchen Range ·1 Jewel Heating Stov 1 Corner Cupboard 1 Combination Book-case and desk 2 White Walnut Wardrobes About 50 cords IS-in stove wood Inquire of LINA WRIGHT BURC~.

Ordinarice No. 57


SpeCial for Saturday, Aug. 14th: ,

Large Cans Pine Apple Chunks, extra fancy- Like fresh fruit- Special prices for S,a turday, only


ZIMMERMAN'S :=::::::::::::::; OF 'COITRSE

swings, churns, washing machinel;!, flower pots_ galvanized ware, tubs" , b k t t" 1 8h t' An ordmance to estabhsh Grades for uc e s, m ware, range ea mg to · 6 r to' 1 6" Sidewalks.. urb and Guttet'S. 001'D 1 v~, gas~ me S ~es. ovens, _ Pratt s, Baum s, Black sand Intel'urh Orad&- utile eut sit! of ' ThIrd ' Gukranteed to remove CoF.Jl8 national stpck foods, axl~ ~rease' l st~t !rom ' ortJl str t 1,0 '~Ylor 8treot. without pain or soreness H - g d te .lned t ' . ' urI> Grado- u tho weat 81de of Tlil.rd aVln e, rmeo , 0 gIVe up my \ 8.Lroot from . .0 rih at et to Ohapmall stroot,' llSc at Schwartz'. h rwm ware f? sa m od , l must make rb i:lrnd~Ou lth south sllle ot ran'k lln room or my 8'0 S. Road betwoou.'l'Wrd stroot. and ~1a1n stree , A ed' .' . . ' ' 'cr It of su( months WJlI be gIV- ' ' urb rtUlo-On tll aat sIde of Third b h ' . b k bl t IItreet from Tyler Iltl'OOt lO Frankllu Road, en y purc . ~l"glvmg an a eno e . ' A B g Beltor'dllluodbythecounclloftheVlUage • , .. IDES, ot WayuOIIvtUe o.hlO That the gradOll on C T H kAt ' the dllJerent Btroot.e ,nol1tioned In the tltlo ot _ _ -.:.. ........ lOw . . . . . . . . . . awe, uc. thia ordinance'be an.d the same are h_byOll' Ada 'wUl ' be Inlert.ec1 '1101101' 'bl8 head lor ta~~:1ll ~,::ll:':\nteI'8l!ctIOn ot cUrb lluOll twent.,-On cent ror tbree loaertl ... , "When ualng not mOI'6:Jhan live line., at the no~ east corner of Nortn antI Tiiiid trecLs, at Iln elevatlqn ot U!l.70fltOtr~ras.70




:=:::::::::::::: 01assllla,dAda

~~~e!~~e~eele~aTon~t~' f~ffl~fnthom t, to an ele aUoll ot '42,35 root; thonco


GuaraJlteed t remove Cot:ns wi,thour p' ain 01' soreness ,

~~t~tfguagfcl~;:mlY:t08ot Qt'~li3G !ou\J~t':;::'~


f "' .. ,....

q ~uuu. an

dT I y

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.. 2 'SCORN HUSKEltS and 26 woI Be at Schwartz's 'tb:~~~'l!,:e:: I~tt;,:rt~~n'l'r.wuedl~rt~, men. 'A~pl.1. at ~the Waynesstrootli at an elevallon,ot 141.111 roo~ or vlHe Cannin" Co s office Corwin ,0., , ~~~au~~~r!'n~e~ Hr:~ui;;::~t'~~~~ at any hour of the day.' , 11n08 at tbe aout.b wOIIt corner of TWrd. and hapma street., a..dlllto.nco of 403 foot to an elovatlon ot U6.GO toot" . FOR~ ~ 8 -Iulllng at. IntenjOOlIoll ot urb linea at ~ tho.comer of 'rhll1l IItreet nnd Jfranklln. RO':lad~;:;~~;;::;,:;;;~~~;;;;;;~:;;~;-_~-:' ii! at an ~VPotloll or 154 fbot or G4 100' a&.ve ,!;he ~ ' UI~ Da~llm: nJDI'11r1g tluUlC6 J 11! rlMlt. to an I an 0 n orw D rn, , it! , I \,lltl()l1nfHG,6~recD . thence.JOil~eettoan hed , ...~oodwellof' , it! ,,I aUon (It 140, ao Coot; thence tiO toot to an , - coal , Ifpee , .... ' l vatloll las t?Uf. ; ~hlln e Gil root t()' an ele-; Gan be l'1!o\ed at 10 per oeot 1n&8l'88.t. , ~~, el \atlon, ot1..14 r I., 'h DC:\) 1~1 root to the In- 'On", 118 ' It , ~ .tersectlon 01 curb \lollS ot lo' nl.llkllll Road,aud . o"n ... be boo"h. • • ~ til WillI;' Illde of fOJn stroOt to an elevation 01 obeltp: loqutre of M. VaDtJiUlltlt, ., , • • ' , ' • ,. 123,70 tOQt. , II, Becrlt;:nl~ Pot the lnte~tlon or ' curb UnOll. ~~~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " at the sou , west con;J~r of .E;~t:tII Addl~lon , at '.\'ylel' a tl ThIn). sld'e6lo11 at 811 ' IllevatlQD of lU ;30 toot or H,110 foot abovo the Village Datum ; running 'thence LIO (oo~ to lin el vatl011 ot ltS Coot; thence 2611 t L to I'll, elevllOelevation of j U,1I2 foot; tbert 100 ,toot to an ! LIOD or 152,26 teet', tllellOO 125 foot', 'to an • ./ elevatiol1 of 1I14,50Jeet; thence G4 foot to an rele\-atlou ot 154 teet; at the In~tlon of curb' 'linllS corner of 1'lilrd street ~l\l jo'ranklin Road, ' . All IIldewalkB", meutlolloo ,lu,th~ ' o~lnaDce not:be 1_ Ulan tour (4)'fect -wJde, Qr " Silvetware~ ,Watch~s, lIha" from curti .line to the propjlrtY UlIO at tbe op. ~ , r ' Han of the owne or, lIIent of such prolJOl'tr.' Clocks, Jewelry, R,ngs, All ordinanOO8 heretotore con1llctlng wIth,·' ~I" onllnll;.Dc6 are hereby repealed, , " ~ \ ' Thill ordinance IllaO take 'eft'ect aud be IJ:I Chain8~ etc.~ all New. force from ten daYI after Us lint pubUcatlun, r: , P&Il8IId at OouncU ' hamber this the &econj1 EngravJllg a Specb~lty (~d) d~y of A\.igust. 1909, A. D, ' ,.......-F--~:..-.-c----..!!.,+=.:~c=:-~~::-7.,....;;-:-:-:' '0. IJ. S~ITH. .faroI', I








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lISe at 'Schwartz'.

wli~n, y,on are ~n ~eid of ~oofing pllint give me a oal1 \ ar phone .ine and, I will (\aU on yon ,,



a, Spcclalt~.

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OP;~ tlie'Je~.~J~r ,•

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OHA8, , D, REED, OI!ll'k, '

AND WAYNewnAi..£ I



- - -. , Former Citize~s I ... -- - --- - - - - .








AUGUST 18, HI09 ,


: Personal Mention H;;-;';d-



e---: _. -.- -.:..

79~H o.

V. I. REUNION --e + ________ .. ____ The 79th O. V. L. as.'3ocia lion held: .~ I" CSt t . C" . Its annual r union in Wilmington lasl e -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - The engagement of Miss Ruth M 'd' c lwar z was In mcmnati Mrs. J . H. Coleman j~ on the sick Tuesday. This regiment is popularBamhart. daughter of the late Frank on ay. list. Iy known as Colonel Doan's regi- !'dr, and Mrs. J . H. Coleman enter· Barnhart, formerly of this place, to Mrs. Tom 'Bur~h spent Frid~y in A. B. Sides and wife were Dayton m,ent." Ed ~tallick and Mahlon tamed 'Sunday for Mr, and Mrs. H. a prominent physician of Oklahoma RIdge attended from here, and bo l h C. Coleman . of Norwood. Dayton. visitors Saturday. City has been announced. Miss Ethel Williamson, of Dayton, gentlemen proclaim it the best re o spent Sunday at home, Mrs, Wm. Hoblit has been visiting union ever held , .K Burnett and family enterThe following card was received " " , . IfriendJI iD Indiana. The regiment had an unusual lameu MI'. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman too late for publication last week: W~. l~orp and Wife are vlsltmg Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Columbus, pleasure at this "eunion- the pl'es- anll son. of NOI'Wood. Saturday. We leave California today on our is visitin~ relatives here. ence of Gilbert Van Zant, th young_ relatives In Darke County, retum journey but expect to spend Herbert Warwick, of Columbus, Mrs. George Thompson was taken est of the regiment and held bY';lan y . Mr.. C. . Hawke ent e rtained at some time in the middle west, but was a Waynesv ille visitor Saturday. slightly worse Monday. to b~ th~ younges~ ~egularly enlisted drnn er a nd . Alice Keys at supper be;n~ all the time on the move it will Roy Irons and family are home ' . ' . soldier In the clvll war. He was Joriday for Mr . Stanley SeHers and be impoyible for us to get the Gafrom nay ton during the canning sea. MISS Marla Sto~~ ~rrJved home born and passed his boyhood in Port and daughters, of Columbus. zette as much as we would enjoy its last week from a Vlslt 'm Kansas. William. enlisting at the age of thir. son. weekly visits. so please discontinue. . Miss Clara Hawke isvisiti~g her ~en years and serving until the regMrs, Eva Miller entertn ined at We expect to spend next Sabbath in Miss Stella Lemmon, of Dayton , Sister, Mrs. John Fromm in Dayton. Iment was mustered out at Washing. supper Wednesday Mr d M ' . Salt Lake CIty. . W. T. Frame. . ton D C M V Z t' '11 . . . an r•. was the guest of friends here last week. H. D. Brydon. of Springfield, Is . ' .• r. a~ an IS sti A. C, While and son Dewy. of Owens. • W. O. Guatin won first premium the guest of D. L. Crane and family. :~~~~~tIvelYHy~ungd 10 tahPpeaedr~nce boro. Ky,. Mr, and Mrs , Upshere ' CI L'! f X . ' M ISS ara Ie, 0 ema. IS. the . , IOn. els un er em !Urn White. in the competition for the best threeguest of R v. and Mrs. J. F, CadwaL F. B. Sherwood and family attend· heIght and of trim figure, act ive year-old roadster stallion, and also lader. ~yQuart.erlY Meeting at Selma Sun· ~nd alert in manner and a~paren~ly Mrs, Douglas Berryhill enter. pulled down first prize for four-yearS. D, Everly and wife, of Dayton. . I~ perfect health: He reSides tained Sunday at dinner in honor of old readster ~elding and three-yearwere "uests of O. J. Edwards and Mrs. Ed Retallick and Miss Helen hiS, moth~r an~ a s~ster at AI.e~andrJ~, her daughter Flora. who has just reo old roadster ~elding. Mr. Gustin wife Sunday . Stokes. tvere Dayton visitors last Va. ThiS, was hiS first VISlt to hiS turned from Oxford college. The was also awa.rded first premium for invited guests were Misses Susan week. old home m about forty years. the best match roadster team. In Horace Zell and wife, of Xenia, '., Miss L' .' Ct ' h f S ' Mr. RetalJick told us of an incident Wright Ellen Sherw~od Mary Gray addition to this Mr. Gustin pulled g were guests of Frank Zell and wife field IZZ~~ ar wrl t ,? dPrhmg. in Wrbich Van Zant proved himself a Ona and May Strawn' • ' down.second pri~e in the competition ' ': was e gUfBt 0 f f rlen s ere hero. During the trip through the . last Wednesday. of three-year-old ~eneral pU1.'POse last weelr. Caro I'mas th e b oys got a pony for . Miss Leona Schwartz, of Cincinnati stallion. Earl Everly and wife. of Dayton, him, and he rode the pony twenty Mr. and Mrs. Ec;I Retalhck 8?d spent Sunday with her brother F. C. are at the 'home of O. J. Edwards for miles amid hostiles, and delivered a Mi!!s ,Helen Stokes attended a fanuly Schwartz and family . . 'T he followin~ post card was rea short visit. ' message all right. A the close of reU?IOn at Marcell us Thackera's near W. F. M. S. ceived Tuesday, which ,is self-explan. Miss Edna Stout is attending the . the war by hard work he finall Sprmgboro Sunday. Others present: atory: , . A very Interesting meeting of the Warren County Teachers' Institute .Mrs. Emma Chancellor, of Wi!- got po~~ion of the pon' 'lnd t:" Stephen Burnett and family, Earl "Seattle, W~:-Greetings to the W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church at Lebanon this week. . mtn~ton. lpent T~esday with George er than give the pony :~, re::sed B~rnett a~d family, Will 'M~11 ' a~d Miami Gazette from Seattle, ·Wash., was held at the home of Mrs. F. H. Mrs. Clyde Hiatt and little daugh. Oakm Sr.} and WIfe. transportation home. Wife Austm Tha~kera and WIfe and from a former resident of WaynesFarr last Wednesday afternoon. ter returned to their home in Win. Mr. and Mrs Fred Henderson and •Harold Thackera. vUle, now a resident of Cripple Creek Mrs. Farr assisted by her s.ister, Mi~ chester, Ind. , last Friday. . ~aughter, Kathl1n, were Lebanon BASE BALL --Col., Lawrence Moran." Pierce, dressed in Japanese costume, visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Ed Bogan entertained a pleas.Mr. Moran is ' enjoying a visit at received the guests. The meeting Aaron ?handler ~nd WIfe went to " The Waynesville boys went to ant house party last week. Those the Exposition, now going on at was opened ~y singing a missionary Sel,ma ~rlday mornmg ~ attend the Mrs. E. B. Howlat:td, of Wdmmg- Clarksville Sunday and played that t 'R W H O'N all Seattle. ton, and Mrs. J. E. Hockett were team six innings when a storm came pr~se~f werfe'ft evd· • O'hi·· Me hymn after which a prayer was of- Friends Quarterly Meetmg. lI'1lests of Mrs A Maffit T esd d an Wl e, 0 roa way, o. rs. fered by the preiident, Mrs. W. T. Perry Pence and wife attended the ,.: . u ay. up an put an en? to the game. The Mary A. Cleaver. of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. John A. B, Roberts Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and Mr, boy~ put u~ a gllt·edge gan:t e , and Mrs. Ella Wysong ' and daugqter, of Gilliland. Miss Dora Elli,S gave a de- funeral of Miss Huth Barnhart at announce the marriaite of their scriptive tall5. on "Home Life in JaSpringboro Saturday afternoon. and Mrs. Frank Howell, of Port Wi!- bad Clarksvdle bested as the score Cincinnati T. E. Hamilton and Miss daughter pan." Miss Sybil Hawlre read a BeJesse Lewis and. wife left Thursday li~, are a.ttending.the auto races in ~~d 3 to 0 at the end of ~he sixth Ethel Mur~ay, of Dayton. Olive Alma entitled, "A Japanese Idea of . f T led he M r __ • Indlaaa})9hs this week. mnlDir· There wer~three hIts made ---- - lection to .Beaven," 'and Mise Helen Gilliland m~rmng or ,9. .0, w ~ r."o:og\IVJ8 . • - ,; , by each team, and two errors eac h FORTY FEATURES , Mr. Homer Charl~ Couch on, "Our Work in Japan." An TIlus. wtll commen<;e hIS tour for the ~ CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCISES The Clarksville team may play ~ on Wedneeday, the eleventh of trated Trip through Japan was then son. Ch'ld ' D ' a return engagement with the boy, Think of it! F~rty new fea,ttire,s~--'-~August, given by twelve ladies. During the Little Helen Schwartz, who lias I , reD 8 ay was observed at here. promised at an Exposition where -Qne thousand, nine hundred aRd nine social Session that followed dainty spent the last seven weeks with reJa- the Lytle. M. E. church last S~day --- "features" have always predomi. Peoria, Illinois refreshments were served. uves in Cincinnati, returned home ~moon. A short but very mterOVER THE PHONF. nated. Yet this is the , 'bold anAt ho~ after October flrst, Rock· ---::._....._ . Sunday. estmg and Plett~ program was preHello! nouncement of the managers of the ford, Illinois. • _ • WAS NOT MARRIED Ernest Robinson arrived home sen~ by the chIldren. Mrs. Jones, What ? Ohio State Fair, to Le held in Col~ DEDlC..\TION OF SCIENCE HALL Sunday evenin~ after a pleasant vis- Suttermtendent of the Cradle Roll Girl? umbus, August 30.31. September 1• . In the. marriage licenses at the it of. ten days with relatives in Department reported a t0b!:l enrol~Twelve pounds? 2,3,' next, and that they will fully : . 00 Baturclay aUemoon" Aopa. court house appears the name!! of Chicago. ment of forty-three. ~peclal musIc Gee whiz! make good i~ every detail, 21at,.' 2, -n. m., WllmlDgtOn college Albert M. · Murphy, 20 and Luria was rendered by the choIr and a duet Th" h F dH k h l Ent" th ft' d ~ r B h .MI'ss Orpha Hoc' kett I'S spe ' ndl·ng a b M' M' . D k . . IS IS W at re artsoc P oned r1p.s m e compe 1 IVe epar~will formally dedloate her Dew Sci. umett, 20. T e young man, not Y lSSA mOle u ~ and Zilla G l t~- in and he is weal'ing the smile that ments of the Exposition closed Sat. 8D<!& JUll. Thia bOlldlng ORn be ap being of age, had to take his mother couple of weeks at the pleaaant coun- ens. t th~ conclUSIOn. ~f the cl~ll- won'tcome off. ' Ul'day last, with the largest entry list preolated on1, by being Men. For to the court house to get the licenlie, t~l' homeo.f her brot}'el'. D. H. Hook- drens ex.rcls?B Rev. Gtlhlan~ dell . • - • •in . its hi tory, and not a claes that reuoD it will opeD from 8 to hut it appeared that the Burnett e.t. and wife. ered a sp!endld ~k ~n educattonand INSTALLS NEW ENGINE in its seventeen distinct depart10 ... m. and from IS SO 1 :30 p. In.. family were not satisfied with the Mrs. J. H. Caskey. of Lebanon, preparat~on for hfe s .work. Everv . . , ments but what will be w.ell reprefor - IDapecl*ion by frieDa. aDd via. arrangements, and called the affair and Fred Caskey, of Columbus, were word of It had the rmg of truth. The ca~nmg compa~y .m~tal l ~d.a sented; Ohio's reputation as the I~. . . off. The youn~ man retUrned the guests of frienQs here Wednesday The attendance at Sunday Schoel was new engme last Friday m t~elr leading ~position of the Union will one hundred and twenty·five. In- tomato departr:nent. The whistle not be jeopardized this season if the . The fa011l.'I88 in lOieDOG teacblDg !ice~se It!0nday, and the young lady night and Thursday. . ' wblob 'bl. ' bulldlDg will brio; to 18 still Wlth her parents. . ' . deed the averaite attendance has blew for the first time this seasol1 number and quality of exhibits en-WUmtDI~n.co1l8ge .. 'he equal of • -. Mrs. LoUIse Woolley and Mas.teJ.:. -been remarkabTy goOd,.all summer Tuesday morning and for the next led' th b ' . d '="lhe beet ' 0011-,10 ,the aRte and OUR PQ~T CARDS Ji;than Crane have been visiting rela. 'r his certainly speaks well for th; few weeks the wheels will go around el~ lIl ' fi e tasl~g m/x. I h·b· -Uves in Spring Valley and attended untiring efforts and industry of the every day h agnr cen e uca 10fntah ex I ~ts. au-'or to tb"t of many. . We have recel'ved a number of th H II d . S t d '. . I L'.owever are no t all 0 e commg 1'""66 e 0, an reumon a ur ay. Superintendent Mrs Mar..... retJohns .. - • 't" b ' The even' 'wUl be a notable ODe, calls for our series of post cards in " .. A FAMILY REUNION c,XPOSl IOn. as super amusemept beoauae Dr. Stanley Coulter . will orders. The former Messrs Harold Howell. Russell 'DEATH OF OLD CITIZEN and entertainm ent will be programed . etve the ' addreu. '" Dr. ' Ooalter ia residents want them, and anyone Parlett and Raymond Conner reo -__ The Hisey· Williamson family reun- both day and night, inc\urling Pai ;s Dean of ~be SoleDoe D.,partment of writing a great deal ought to send tum~ Sunday eNening from AtlanMr. George Hinkle, an old ~d ion will meet at the home of J. W. Manhattan Beach .Fireworks; Kopp's Pardoe Uoh.eraUy, and thoroogbl~ them to distant friends. Call and tic City and other Eastern points. respected citizen passed away at 6:30 Hisey, Thursday, AUSij,lst 19,1909. Military Band; Miss Wilmine Ham- " known in 'he Middle 'Welt aa an see thom and 'vou wI'11 take a dozen TueSday morning. Mr. Hinkle, has All relatives of the family are most mann, vocalis t; Spellman's twenty ~ , Mrs. Mary Printz, of Oronogo, Mo. been fn bad h ealth for a long time cordially invited to be present. emineD' Ohtle'lan teaober of 101 or more. . , stupendous shows: ten sterling free 8n08,( An edua.Rlooal e~eDt of tbie • - • and Mrs. Libbie Whalen, of Franklin. with heart disease, but had gotten , - - feature acts; three daily spirited klDd .hould be induoeDlent to • NeW SIDEWALKS ./ Ohi~, have b~n guests of Mr. and better and was in town only a few CLEAVER-CARR-RICH REUNION harness races: while as its leading brinK tbe oollele and high. eohool . M~ C. D. Reed, for the last week days ago. Last Thursday he was . . . . feature in t his line 'an'n ouncement is people of, tibia aeOtiOo of Ohio to~ Main 8treet is undergoing a great CharleS E. Wright and family, of taken WO\'ge and the end came Tues. The Cleaver:C~rr-Rlch reunion Will made that those kings of the turf, pther. '-:verybody Ie oOrdilllly ID~ change in sidewalks. and it wont be Duquense, Penn., were the guests of day , be held at ~Ich 8 grove on .~Ugust Dan Patch ano' Mi~or Heir, will on vtted. ~e larle oomfor~hle .om: llong before one c&J:1 . walk on either Emmor Baily and · family on li'riday.. At the time of coing to press no 28th: AI.l f~lends of the famlhes are Tuesday, August 31. meet in a battle aodiSOrium on lIle OIlInPUB will laide of the street on cement and Dr. A. T. Wright and family on word was received as to the funeral cordlatly mVlted. t~a!tend. . royal for the world'b speed supremaeoommodate OV8~. 2,000, people, " walks. The greatest difference is'in Saturday and Sunday. arrangements. EX-GOV. TAYLOR acy. taking away the fine shade trees. E. L. Allen and wife. of CinoillJUlti • - • Other novel innovations of the Ex • - .', SERIOUS ILLNESS " .- - ' - '. came up Friday evening to attend .S")CIAL A SUCCESS The lecture of Ex·Gov. Taylor, of position will be displaysofthe handiU k D vis tak·..l •' MT. HOLLY REUNION the Collett and McKay picnic and The M·. E. social at the Township Kentucky, was one ofthe finest heard work of inmates of the various state Mre • •ar a ~as t:n serlMt H 11 . , • f ts of his mother Mn ,houae waa a success Satur d ay even- a bout here f or al ong'time, an d, t hose I'nstl'tutl'ons, affordl'ng' opportu' nl'ty ously ill Frid!lY; and .haa been grow. ' 0 Y IS prep~mg or a reun- were gues . ' ". Th oceed for all to bec'ome faml'II'ar .wI·th what A t Sa ' h C Allen over Sunday mg. - pr s were something attending were doubly repaid. ' ' " t be h Id b S tu--' inl'worae ev.en d aye She wBs'taken· IQn 0 e · n a roay,' , Ug1lS ra • "$'1 • _.. Ohio is doin" in caring for and ' edutA» Miami hospital TUesday momi~ 21st, in Hou~b's wOods. Everybody Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Brown and over. ..,- ...- - as an operation wasdeemednecesaary is, invited to come with w.ell:611OO two children, of DaytoR~' have been NICE MESS OF FIS.H . WILL MOVE BACK ca,ting her wards; installatioll of a ' . bUke~ and enjoy the picnic. A good ' • complete domestic Science depart" • . _ • ., FOR SAL~ . program h8!J ~ prepa'l'e4. spetl~i~g ~heir vacati~n with ,-Ml'$. OttA» Bornick surely had a nice Miss Stella Lemmon and two broth- ment in the women's building; prac~____' . '. .. _ . . , Brow,n Brparents, Mr. and M1'8: ~. 0., mess of fish last Friday: morning. ers have taken the Wright property, tical demonstration, of sdentificroad 'MIlUnery 8tOre. Old , stand ,a nq OPERATION .'pi;RFORMED ' Bur:nett, on the Dayto~ road .. '\ He 'was <MIt Thursday and landed a and will move back to 'Waynesville building; daily lectures by expertIJ . ' . ' ,'~ " " lrlis8 Emma lIill retu'm ed to hel' ,We.-Ib. blue cat, and a 2oIb. · bass. about September l,s t. ' on topi!!S of vital importance to a~ri. ' eatabUabed . trade. Owner ~ t\y~ Ito.... and , ftDda ~iudbiUty . too David Hathaway, of near Lebanon; home in W,ilmingt,o n, Tn-,ll ..y. af."r ' • -- • ' . • - • culturist&, and many others ~ ual~ .........., "'i' IS MUCH BETTER , . 1 . te' "h '. h " healY. Inquire " of 'Jennie Hardin, father of 'Mrs. 'It:. B Sides, under. an extended 'Visit ;With ·Mrs. Esther . LOTS Of. QOOD FISHINQ y as m restmg as t . ~ ones ere , Morrol'l;O ••.. ,Phone 78. ' .' ,. - ' went an' opera , ,.~on 'S aturday an,d ' iB Siout and fa"'Uy, ReY'. an , d Mrs. J. F. '. ', m... takincr, advantage ' 'of Mn. ,. .. u .. , m·entioned. ' J , /, ~ , ., "'~le 0007 D' luurray, '.Wh 0, I·t·IS 'th ougull N bef h " h t: t '. wid , • II '" .• • ~" T in,a prilCarious conc:Utlon •. Hi8nj!rV~ ~wall~er and Mra~ Agn,88,Wl'igh.t, · th~)Up ",ater and are fishing out W~ p~yzed, is muc/l better, and .. ' ever: . ore as s~c s.,. e.~ . 1847. ROCIERS 8RO.:t. , ' O~8 ,",,~m 1'ilIt&fD. _eel. q~te:a shOCk • .and ~auahter. _ ' thepoOla. tor earp. They aregettin~ bOnAA are entertai.ned ,fo,r her ulti- mterest been shown In the ExPosI- - -tion, ~d with the superb entert8iri.. . Olr~otherpqe we all atte7:ltfon ' . ' NO B.tND cONCEIT'. , \ . ,~~ Oart~'ria'ht. otChiCl&'O,. ~18 lo~ ~tMml" • _. ' . ' .: mate ~v~~.• _ • ment ~rogn:uned, . and the Introduc- . to all ~ ,~t , ad~ the .ve, 1, >' . .•" , ~u~. I, He,eam~~~ ' LADIES' AID SOCIETY POSTP6NEMENT tion of .m any novel educational feat.· f D81bed fainoUi ware. You·. can do, "On ICCOJll1t of ~e lIln_ of Mrs. take home , bJ8 little IOn, Levenna. ·, . ._ .. _ ' . urea, it is-a fo~one .concl~i~ tbJt lIP Wtertban ~ parchue of ~re. Alaric DaVlJlj .t ¥N will be no ' ban~. 1{bo hal b8ea spendm., tb~ ~mmer ·The Iadlee of the II. E. Cbulch TbeSeara'reunion has been post. the coming Ex~ition win outrank llabIeware, u It ,,"idlY.. ~ that , co~~uiiicfay eveninC. 'but aut wltb.~ poandparen~ 1If. and lin. , will bold a market In the Tqwnsblp' ,PODed un~l Aupst.28th on', accOWlt any cif Its pJedecellOl'8 ,rom evvi ....." ' . , " weelttbeN will \Ie a,.bfa ~ S. L. ~ . boa. .tar4ar, o'clock. .. of ,death. " Viewpoint~ , The rains of Saturday night and Sunday had the effect of swelling the river to overflowing , and Monday morning thE' water was all over the road. The severe lightning burned out the phones and part of the electric lights. The lightning and rain was worse north of town, and many places are reported being struck with lightning. Mont Hoblit lost three fine Jersey cows, George Query, residing near Spring Valley, lost two fine cat· tle, H. H. Clemmer. residing near Fairfield, had three hogs killed. D. H. Miller, residing in Xenia township, had one hog killed, D. M. St. .John, had one of his fine cows killed. Dur· ing the heavy rains of Sunday after· noon the main line of the Penns,1lvania road was flooded at points near Waynesville, Spring Valley and Wi! berforce. and at each place the trains were forced to run through water. The tracK was not washed out. The water over Corwin Avenue had subsided by Monday evening, so that foot passengers could come over. In some places the wind blew hard, and eorn was badly blown down. Altogether it was the worst storm experienced through this section for a good while.

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Social Events



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repron hes of th e world 'fll gen 'rat, allQ • 'il' Pel I' noll Hnwlo? haw In p~-t.rtlclllar~ In n 'gal'd 10 runnin g IIW8Y ' wlLh an h II' SI! . I l)ad on r.oQlfprt, ' hQW v 1'; Dllphn full ' b H V ~l lll my di s lnlr ' , t 'dn\' ~s; nnfl I can -sincere ly sny T wis hful lJllphfW ' ::; fortull at the bo ttom of (h ~ s II , If' 1 CQuid bill h av ' woo r1 and won h I' In the ordirulry courso of v<1 n! ". Uidy Al'uh!.'1I1l tnlv!.'1 d just nh ltd nf us, hilt to'llc 0 '(,l1s lon II) ahow h I' un ge r and I' se utment agai n t us In o" e ry way. Ahout halt' th e rll s lanc to Scarboroug h we me t filII In the road n Iravl'lIug charlot. and In It w re Sir Pe l l' lint! Lurly Hnwk s hnw. found that Lh bos tl e rs h ad ar nfl ti th eir nIOl\(' Y, a nll UHl.t th e Huwks huws' chnlso' had brok n down a l lells t onc In every s luge. Wh e n wo mOl nIH! sto[l ped, Arabella I ollghtl'!I. and so did we, und so did , tho HawkRhaws ; and the first word lhu l W 11S s pul, >n wus hy Dapbne. "Uncl o P e to r," she said, "doo't fi y Ilt nlchnrtl. If YOll llI.ust lmow It, I rn,n nway with him; for I nm sure, ul · I hough he Is as bra v as a l!on , It ne.: l' wOlllu hav ' dawued UJlon h im to



non's erma, 'sh ao('opt~ the prot_ tion ot a rehttl\' of his, on.!! Mrs .. Whllnl,l, 1,1 deCll. ed g np woman, and WOll.!. to IIv at a mall town n aT' Yot·1t uil!11 th as!;I?· II, wit n ' sh woulll b al\ tl 'u llon as th hle r wit· ' n lO S for th 111'05 cu tion. Great storl os w (~ re 111Im ' dlnt Iy put rQrth that Sir Th oma V rnon was d . p)y sm ltt n wilh Arabella' eharm! , and tbat, aflor a v\slt with Mrs. Wh. tall to 'ernon Court she look u v ry kindly on Sir Thomu!;._ All this might be true , and h' 1' homas mlsht fiatt r hlms If that he had woo 11 T' favor; but, lcnowlng Arab lI a woll, I did not Cl' dlt h I' with nny s incere desire to be Idnd to ~Ir Thomas ' Vernon , although s he mi g h t mal,o him think so, for bor own pllrposes. I suspec ted, how '.. e r, a mot!\·c far de pel', In any mntter conn ct ' ll with il' Thomas V 1'00n . Ove r· fa n was lho next he ir aflci' Gllos; Sir Thomas was e~lrem Iy rickety, and not likely to be long·llved; and It, by m . rety t l' tting what bad happened, I~ady Arabella could .sa le he r recent· m('nt. whi c h was de panel fur ious: fiJ.(ainst Gites, Dnd at the . sam e lime greatly he n . fit Overton, I think she

HIS PLEASURE . A LA'TE ' ONE. p~o bablY i'y1r. H'ogan Old Not Reallte . Ju s l W hat M,lght Be Made of HI. Expresaron,



' He nmbt'd to th e A-ono sack;" l{ansas vie ws tb e IIctlviUes or lho "Tho prallo wi Ider 800n wus whlfted;" new governor with ~ee l lng8 or aim st 'Umps wU"cd tho orator wa.y bac\e:" unmix ed joy. Du t the railways, wbom "A Wilbur \"rlght tho batter blfted;" he dlscjplln ed with lln nnti· puss III IV 'rls h ro ugnln, brothers a llrhe pl(,lIslJIIl languuGo o{ ba8cbatl. and severlll OUI I' fonu s or drnstlc 'He I('ullcd ngaln;;t tho hurler's s tnnt;" I sls la tlon bes ld s th o pu bli c commls· "T.lle cnlcher PUIH;od blm by tw o teet; " sian lllll, have anothe r Idea about him. "What do you think of Stubbs'!" a 'Of blllgl s we were somewhat I!cu nt;" "Su ch . pltball Bon' WI wera ha'r d to vlsllor ask ed one or the ox·rallway . bea t :" lobbyists, Besldo It ctassl tongues !leem tame"Well," he r epli ed, " he reminds mo rho langunge of the gl9rlou8 gumo. oC lhe sto ry oC a Norlh Carolina 'H e whangcd tho shy, clusl\'e pili :" weddin g. "fhey as tbe Lord have "Tho garden guardilln speared tho jlned, let no Illlln put aSllnder, ' SIlYS sphere;" 'The blenchel'lIes yelleo: 'Oh, you BtIt!' .. th e parson, "ned Casoy wos th e cnnnoneer:" "'Par son,' says the brideg room, 'I ~o doubt ot It-spring has th e Ooorrises to question your g r a r)lIDUr In that When bose ball taU, bUll bloomed oncl! sentence. We wa nts th is wedding more. done right.' "When the smoke had clea red away Some Eating, An Icelandic legen u relates thnt the bride loolted around on a dead pon on e occaslcn Tbor ate without minister, a deud brother, a dead brldo· l ny aSSistance, save that of being groom nnd several otbe r della luen Iy· provided with tbe rations, eight Ing near, and sighed: " 'Them new·fangled, selt·cockln' r eo ~almon, a full·grown ox, a large Quantity ot sweetmeats and three tlr· volvers,' snld she, 'sure has \llayed \lell klns of "sparkling mead.:' No wonder with my pros pect.s.' .. be was a husky god and wns a fine TOO (;OSTL y, hand wi th a ham mer . T he bold men It the north strove to emulate Thor's prowess as a trencherman at ev ery reast they ha d, sometimes with astonIsblng success. Those were Indeed brave days , before Indigestion bad corne to vex the world and centuries before man ever dreamed that he had an appendix,

Cn (.y Wil S rl Ntd, ani:! lo do honon to hIm Lha IIIfmlbc rs of th e 'J'hlr t nth dis trl ' t 'I'll III l'II:1ny organlzn!-i0l;l at .. L IIli ed thll flln 1'1\1 In 1\ llody, so ys t he N ew York PI' ~ S. Slowly H.nd sadly tltey til d pilat the cotlln nnd took a lat;t loo l( at th eir d purtell omrade. At th e uOor Nidi mau pauscd to shu\\e ha nds wllh th sorrClw lng widow llnd to ll111 rlllUr 1\ f W word s nr l'ondul · lJ co. \Vb n It elllll to l\Ilr. Ji oglln 's tW'n, h e rc tlllll\-d llOSH('llll lo n of h l' hand', whil e he dellv rl.d Il I nglhy oration con· e 1'lI111g th o goud quulltlos of the de, flllll' L ;\1 I'. Cnse y . "S ul' e, ·tis plnin you Itn e w my bus· hand woll, ~ I I' , " said llle l a rful t'! 'nRcy . .

"Ollly hy Rlghl, ma'am, only by sight," 1r. !l ogan hastel)ed to ex· plnin , " I no\'pl' had th e plells ul'e of me tin' him ' tii to·day."


wou ld not have wf'lghed Gil es' life at a pc uny. 1), Duph n , whose faith In Eczema Made Ha nds and Feet Swell, (CopyrIght, lllOO, Dobbs·MurriU Co.) 1'1111 away wllh mo, If I had not put the hUl11an nat ure was ang IIc, In h I' bePeel and Get Raw-Arms Affected, Id a In his head ancl l;cp t It thero." li('f In ultlmat good, pray d n nd beSYNOPSIS. Too-Gave Up All Hope of Cure. . ~ Ir," r said, "an d madnm," turnin g sought Arllhe lln to leave the count ry At 14 yrnrs of age AdmIral SIr PClr r J-1 n .... l,shliw·" neph w, Hll'lIIcrd lilyn. ( I' ll to Lady Hawl,s hllw. "I beg you will hol'o'ro the tria l cam e ol'f; but . .Ara~ QuIckly Cured by Cutlcura. d(' pl y In love til Ors t sl"ilt wIth Lady not IIs ton to lhls young lady's plea. I hella on ly said cant mptuously: ATILt. lin Slormont, who Apurn " hl l! at"You are a child and a chit . Gites tentions. Th" Ill d. un orphll )\. ,,'ns "Iv 'n am wholly res ponslh le for tllO elr nm· "I sul'fered from czoIila. on my n bPrth !IS mIdshipman 0 11 th o ,\ j l\ X by stances of 0111' manlng-e. I can , how· V 1'110n contemplated dOing nle tho hands, arms nnd feet fol' about.twelve hi .. IIm'le. OIll'S V rnon. )\ phow or SIr ever, anti <10, eait heav e n to witness. greates l wrong a man ca ll do a woman. Thom n!l Vernoll, b(l 'lITlll> the I)j) y' ~ ll!ll. yoars, my ha nd s ancl fc t wOIlI(1 swell, The,y ath'ndell 0. th nt!'r wh (,rll Hnwl,- that 11 I' fOl'lun had nothing to do Do YOll thin k I sball le t him go unswoat and Itch, th n wou ld become Ilhaw's nephl'w saw Lndy Aru\)ulla. Vl'r- with It, flnn I. s ho uld h avo b en hnllPY Jlu nlshed? If so, ho w littlo do yo u 11 n m t 1'hlllp OV('r t Oll. n xt In line 1o, callous nnd get vOI'y dry, then peel Str 'l'homntl Vernoll's ('sta le. They Mtart, ancl prolld to talw hc r, with ~he cloth s 10l0\\' Arab Ita Stol'llIonU" off and got raw. I trl od moat ev ry cd a du I ,vhl l' h was Intorruptllli. V' rnHn . on h,,!r,b ack, and nothi ng more." Thon I, from . Inya!ty to Giles; and O,'erton and Hawkshaw's neph w found kin d of salve and ol.ntnmul wllbout Sir Pot ' I' h gnn to splitter, but Lady not from any hope 1 had · from Lady themselv s a U.racted by prelly Ladl; Ara , success. J tri ed sevoral doctors, but bella. The Ajax In bllll l d fen toll 1, r nch Hu.wks haw cut him sbol't. Arab li n, w nt to h e r and ronde my a t last gave up thinking there was a warBhlps In lhe Mcdll rrnn cuu. RIcha rd "Exactly what you said, Sir Pe te .. , 1I J1J1 ut. She hl'ard all illY pr ayers Ol)' n gon '£2,000 prIze m6n()y. H e "'LIS cure fo r eczema. A frl nd or mine called home by Lady Hawkshuw Il8 ho wltliin an haul' of our marriage." withou t the s lightest sig n of re lenting, Insist d ' on my trying t he Cutlcura was /lbou t to "blow In" his nrn lngl! wIth Thus were Sir Peter's guns dis, Vernon. At 0. Ho.wkshaw party GlYn displaying with her lap·dog the while. At Remedl s, bui I did not give them a. covered that Ludy Arnb lIa was a poor mounted. last, 1 Bald to h e r: trIal until 1 got so bad th nt I bad to but perSistent gambler. He talkod much "And, Richard nnd Daphne, you are 'With rtier cousi n Daphne. Lady Arabella "Tell me, at I ast, who Is to be beneThat Kind of a Man. do something. I securcd a Bet IUld by agllln s howed love tor gaming. Later she n couple of fools . to run away, whe n , The Georgians ot Augusta are tbe time th ey w e re used I could see a. filed by the con·v lctiOn of GlIes Ver· held Glyn and OVerton prisoners, thus delaying the duel. In the 0" rto n-Ver- If you had onl y had a IIUl e PIl' non? Not you, ce rtainly; for you wUl chuckling over a new anecdote about vast Improvem nt and my bands and • non .uel, neIther was · hurt. Lady Ara- tience, I would have had you be loathed and shunned by all." Mr. Taft. feet wer e healed up In no time .. I bave bella l1UmlUated Richard by her pranks. handsomely married a t St. George's, :RIchard a nd Olles shipped on a frigate. Mr. Tart, It seems, drove out one "The pe rson dea r est to me In ~e bad no troublo s ince. Charles T. Giles was ca)Stured by tho F renCh. Slr Hanover Square . But least said, soonworld," sl\e replied; "the person I love afternoon to see a GeorgIa planter. Bauer, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, 1908." Peter arranged tor 111e exchang . Daphne . showed a liking {or Olyn, who was est me nded, SIr Peter, kiss Daphne, better than my life or my soul," IUld fhe planter's co~ k, a very old woman, Potier Drua ... Obam. Oo rp~ ,Solo ProPL, BollIA. th n 21 yoars ot age. Giles was relealjed. then, as If s he had admitted too much, takes no Interest In public affaIrs. Gllel and RI hard planned elopements. Blr Peter object d to lhe .plan to w d YOU NEVER KNOW YOUR LUCK. she stopped, turned pale, and seemed and she did not recognize the portly a hne. By clever ruses Giles a nd Rt chaltogether disconcerted. She had, In guest. eloped with Lady Arab lIa and aphnc, re8P6c:tlvely. The la tter pair "What dId you thInk of that gen· trl,lt.h, admitted too much. The person '!Were married. Daphno was pleased; Arashe had eve r loved be tter tban be r tieman, Martha!" the planter asked, bella raved In anger. afte.r Mr. Taft had driven off. so ul was Phlllp Ove rton. OeraldJne-1 don't believe In fllrUnl, CHAPTER VIII,-Continued. "Well, sir," old Martha. replied; ") Gerald-NeIther do 1. The . {aat I bad the selt'possesslon to leave Arabella answered his appeal by a he r then, and wen t off by myself to can't say as I saw nothiD' pertlckler tIme 1 trled It 1 was aued tor breacb laugh ot scorn, which seemed to cut think ove r the strange moUve whIch about hIm. He looked to me like the of prom,lse. him like a knife; and then, shaking ha.d been re vealed to m e. Arabella's kInd of 'man as would be pretty reg-ler ---~-me o~, he ~houted' to her : ' The Flnlah,/ Infatuation for Overton had always to hIs meals." "I know wby you wIn not be mIne, WIllie tea.ed the lion heen abnormal, touched wltb unreason l At the circus" don't you know; It Is that pIous, hypocrttlcal hOllnd, HER FIRST RACE. And could fate have woven a close r He'll ne'c.r more be Interes ted Ovei'ton, But I tell you now, my lad y, web around Gtles Vernon than In mao In any other ahow. 1t you marry him, I'll have his life. king him fall so madly In love with TaKe note of what I say-I'll bave .bis SaltJng a Diamond Mine. Arab \10. Stormont? Ufe." Howard DuBoIs, the noted mIning Giles had prom ptly surrendered hIm· ~~To whlcb Arabella, after a pause In 'englneer, told a good story to the snU, ri ghtly judging n trial better than Shc-Y s, they are engaged. I wblch her iace grew deeply r ed and Tech men recently, lliustraUng the being a fugitive from justice and a deknow s he r efused him twlc , but the then pa\e again, said: "art" of saltIng a dIamond mIne. The seorter from the n aval serV:lce. He rethird tim e he proposed she accepted "Yau~ own llle Is .Ia j (lopardy. The slory was told of a man In South blm , paired to .York. atter bavlng duly r& . Jibductlon or Q.Il heiress is a capItal ofAfrica who, whUe walking ported to tbe. admiralty, and was jailed Her Husband-Served him right , ~ense, and YQu shall b e triad for your lnmedlately, and-ffit:l.leted, )Ue If It tl!.kes every shilling of my Defined. The Hawkshawfj, my Daphne and t fortune to do It. · You shall see What "Sny, pop, what's civil se.rvlce?" ensued eIght remained In Scarhorough during ' the l'i . ave done!~' ---1-~'u~~~~mm~w6nr~nn~ndruttelnrl~~Elh1 -1~8 an act governing the two dreadful months t hat passe d be- . began to fly tbrough the air at a rapId service In the de partment, the CUB1 shuddered· at these words, for I to r the trial ' came off. SIr Peter rate tor the land, when tbe host's wife toms, th e postal. the government print.s a,w I ~ was no Idle threat. If g iles easily got: leave trom tbe ,a dmiralty called out to her husband, "Why, Ing-" I!ontemplated .vlolence toward Over· fOr m e, hoping, not only that my t esU· "But, dad, whnt does It m ean'" Jobn, ,..bere are· the other two'" . The l.on, I bad not the sll~htest doubt that many, but the eXaml)le of the tellclty "M ean ? It means whe r e a busy sequel of the itory was lett to th. Arabella was fully cll-pable of ,keeping Playing with Her Lap:.Oog tho While. In which Daphne and I lived, might not imagInation • . man rus'h es Into the postomce to buy ' her word .i n the dreadful bUsl.ness. be without Its el'fect upon the jury that some stamps, falls In line, walts an Daphne thougbt so, too, for s he ran aud shake ha nds with Richard." tried Giles. DIlClplinel hour and 20 mInutes betore (each. And a s I am a sinner, she actUally 'forward, and f putting her h ands ove r Offers of money to assist In his deFrom the classroom occupIed by tl•• Ing tbe window-then, after tenderforced Sir P e te r to do both, although Arabella's mouth, cried: came from many quarters and fense rougbest boya In the Sunday Ichool Ibg a hundred·dollar tilll, hears tbe tal. . "No, no! dear .Arabella, take that I saw he mortally haled It. from several · ladles-two In especial, came gTeal uproar. A secretary Ir low·faced clerk murmur pleasantly: back!" ' Arabella's turn came next. She ad, her grace of AUqhester and Mrs. the next room:wen't to Investigate " 'Wbolesale stamps at th e next wIn"But I will not talce It back," replied vanced and said, wllb a bitte rness that Trenchard, Lady Ha.wkshaw, however, Complete silence followed the open dow, please!' "-Bohemian. Arabella; "and I .shall Ioclge Informa- struck a chill to my h eart: claimed the llrlvllege ot beal'lug the Be-I'm going to have a fiver OD Ing of the classr~om ' door. ' ·tlon against this wretch a s soon as I "Slr Peter, as you Imow, I was car· expenses ot the trIal out of h e r private "Have you a . teacher?" can return to S carhorough-wblcb I rled off by that wretch who disgraces for ~.une, whIch was large. Sir ' Peter Bullrusb et 10 to 1. Sbe-I'm atraM you're ' late; U's "No." shall do In ' the pos t·chalse; luckHy, t hl g uniform, Lle ut. Giles Vernon; but and .s be had It hot and heavy, he deball·put ~o o'clock DOW, "Do you want one?" have money with me." h e did not s ucceed In forcIng me to . Siring to contribute; and tor oue ot "No." Uo,de r. the terrible t hreat at prose- consent to a marriage. And I call upon th ~ 'fuw, t Imes In his life, be carrIed 8hown Up_ "Then be quiet or you'll get one." cution, Giles ~ecove red hlmselt sur· yOU, as my next f riend, to aId me In · his pol~t against h el'. · Two greM bar· sunsblne of the sprlngtlmel Result, eonUlaratlve peace,-Ma~ p rlslngly. H e lost his tranUc air; and, t he prosec ution which I shall Immedi: rlsterR were to b e brought from Lon- Ob, You turn the duat to , 80Idchester Guardian. dr/Lwitlg blmself up, remarked qUIte- ately set on foot agai nst him for the don ·to assist Giles In his defense, be- 'But. cee! you make the ru"nlture ADd jvallpaper. look oldl <;almly': capital ol'fe nse of the abduction of an sides anoth e'r one In York \tself. COU ' I ,SEE. "J\lst as . your ladys h Ip pleasea." heiress; and I hope to bring him to the (TO Bt;) CONT1N UED.) A Peevish Editor. Hl~ chang of manner 5 em d to In- g ibbe t for It." The man . who Is too )loor to take a furIate Arabella, .wbo Sh rieked at CHILO ' EVINCEO REAL HEROISM, good county paper like the Democrat, . him: CHAPTER IX, , "You shull he ha nged for llds !" Lad y Arabell a Slormont was as good Pathetically Brave In Hour That Is able though, to buy a ' dog, shotgun and a two·dollar watcb. He usually " nythln g t.o oblige yo ur lad ys hip," as h er word; for Ih at day, two monlhs , BrIngs Terror to U. All. educates his cblldren on the streets , r~spond ed Giles, as cool a s yo u pleas e. Giles Ve rnon was put upon trial tor ,_ -'1. felt that thIs pnlnful se no could hi s Ilfe at Yorl, assizes for the abo A ptttheLic s tory of a chile's heroIsm and boards bls chickens on his neighno longer co ntinue, a nd said so. ductlon of an he ll' ss. S ir Peter' H aw l{- Is told by a Dublin geatl<Sl','au. R9- borB'. "Lad y Arabella ," said T, " my wife" s ha w refused abl;o lu te ly to counte- cently he proposed to drive 1vlth hl9 Conundrum • . -how Dahllne's ey us glow d as 1 oance Ambella.; and my Lady Hl1wk, wife to the beauti ful Glasneviu: ceme· Freshman-Who Is tbe smallest spoke-"ond ' I are rc:: Lul'lli ng Immed l· . haw, who never had bowed bel' head tery. Calling his 80n, a bright little man mentIoned In hIstory?" SallBage ~ ately to ScarbOrough; rOll hnu best or abased her spiri t to morlal man o r boy, some fo'ur years old, be told blm Sophomore-I give up. go with us; and wh 1\ YOll have seen mortal woman before, went upon he r ( 0 ge t ready to accompany th em. The . Freshman-Wby, the Roman soldIer and co n ~ u lt d witb Sir P -te r nnd kn ees, Im plori ng Arabella to give over chlld's countenance {e ll and the falh er who slept 'on his ,..atch-Unlverslty Lady 1-iawl\shaw It will he time he r r evenge- for r e \Tcnge It was, pure said: ot Pennsylvllnla Punch Bowl. e nough to determin e UP OII your a nd sim ple-but Lndy Arab ella Itluglted " Don't YOU want to go, Willie 1" course." ut he r. I ...ady Hawkshaw rose from he r The littl e .l Ip quivered, but the child Name and Meaaure Matched, "My cou r se Is alrl'arty uelermin ed lm p-es, cry ing out : answered, "Yes, papa, If you wish." "'Why did you change your coal UPOll," s he revllel! ; and no one who " You h ave some deep and unknown The child was strangely silent duro dealer?" ' reaso n for thi s; but It will come to lag the drIve, and when tile carriage saw It r cou lll doubt l(. "1 dIdn't like the name of the la"t '''And so is m in e," salu Giles, now In naught, It will come t.o nau ghtl '" drove np to the entrance he clung to olle.' (Iossesslon of a ll h is usual ma nliness. Hut Arabella found a person read y his mother's side and looked up In '. "What was It?" "I return to London, wh el' I shall to h e r hand, who was mos t acUve ' ln her face with pathetic wistfulness, "Llttklton:" duly re port tuyse\{ to th e ad mira lty, the matte r. This was Sit· Thomas Ver'rhe party alighted and walked lind Intel' to Sit· Pe t.e r Hawkshaw; a ncl non of Ve'roon cour t. It was he who among the graves and along tbe lreeElectrocuted •. It th e lad y thirs ts fo,' my blood, be· lod ged the In fo rmation wit h the public shadowed avenues, looking at the In, "Walter, has' this steak been gad, s he ca n ha ve It." prosecutol' against Giles. and assumed scrlptions pri the lal$t restiJ;lg-places of cookedt?" . . " 'Gilos Vemon," sai d I, "you have th e part of Lady Arabella's champion . the dwelle l's In the beautiful city ot , "Yes, IIiI'; by electttclty;" LIttle G1rl....,.A. Un . ot . rat polsoD, been u\llllclt)'. I elln not sar more, he· Of course; th ere was some ground (or the dead. After 'an bour or so lhus "Well, take Ii back lIod gIve It an· please: cause I aID In the same boat with yo u. th e ve rsi on 0[ the story which was spent, they ret\1rned to the carrlale, !)ther. sh~ck.'.'7Judge. . . . Shopkeeper-Is It tOI" Jour mother But' yOIl ~ave uon a n oth ing ullworthy started In Arabe lla's Interest, that a and the father lifted hIs little son to . LitUe Gu:1.....NQ. tor the rata. of a genf;\ man, and nothin g to mak e fri g htful outrage had been committed hIs seat. ' The child looked surprIsed, e lth l' Daphne or me love yo u th e less, by dragging he r off against be r wlli; drew n brealb or relief' and ' aslted: no matte r what b falls . So he re Is and thn t only the most determIned "Why, ·.a m { ·.golng _back wIth yoO?" my hand upon it." courage llad saved her from _& mar- : "Ot course ' you I!-re ; wby ' not?" We grallped han.ds, an d , t urnin g to rlage rep ulsive to her; that SIr Peter "I thougbt wben tbey took . little DapUn , he removed . his lIat and pro· a nd Lady Haw.k s haw, her next friendS; boys to the c'e metery ' they lett tbem c.eedcd lo kls\l h r, saying to me': "By had basely deserted ' her; an(that SIr .there," ··said ,t lie; cliUd . . yOur leave." And Daphne. said to blm : Thomas bad chlvairously . taken up Many a ,man ddEis not Bhow the ber"GQ,od-by, ·dear Giles." her cause . It Is tr\1e that tbe relative '!ISin In the fac~ ot 4!lath that thl • . ' . Tbe p'roce dlrlgs seemed to fill Lady c haracters of 'the Hawkshilws and Sir child '8ylbced .In what, to him, ha4 ' Hl~lDtlISem~'n~ ..'-~rabeJ1a .wltl\ A isgust, She ~aughllJ y Thomas Ve rnon discounted much , ·of· .e vldently ~een ." ~ummonli. to .l~.e r'etUfied .my b and to assIst h er Into .the this; but t.he actual facts In the case t~e world. . . , _."-':!""'_-:..._-,....-. c hq.lse, ,and announced that' ahe would looJted so ugly lor GJles that there wag·, ..0 to ' thO .vlllage of 'Sprlngfield, II a r . no trouble In secUl'lng his prompt ar; ,bY, for rest abd breaktast ; and, willy. rest and delivery III York jAil. DUlJ'~ paphl1e and 1 had to' Collow In The , breach betw'eeu, 4dy Arabella tlu~ .Poat;.c~a1se. aDd the Hawk8ha~s, as wen lUI :pap"~ rn shan 1 forget t1)at dIsmal ne and myself, was t~ srea~ to Jj~' ··:'....~II#JQQrM1 back. to Searborough, 'brldge'! over; and, bavmg th'ro~ bitt· .. ___- ... 'he ftrlt tD the . 1811. acf ~_.1'.!~ 'In ~Slr. Tho. . . V~







. Vienna


time. rear

-~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STARtED THETEARS AFRES-H. Though't le .. Aot of Llttre Eben That Remind ed Sorrowf ul WldC)w of ' Her Lo...


Weltern Write,. PUI Tribute to Railroad Magnat e .. Bullder ·Up ' of the Country ,



~ . (' ~

, M~.

JellorsoD bad not been altoge th.llr an )tomplnry husband at;\d ra· ther, but be pORsess d ce.rtJ;lla ellgag· ing llull'tltles ' wlHcb secured him many friends. and mnde his death the cause o( Sincere mOul'l.Ilng to his widow. "Mrs' .Telf'lIon, she's done broke up over EI:i'nezer's being took olf tr'm pneuDlony," ' said ono of tbe Delg~· bOI's. "She Butt'n1y Is," said another . "Mourn In' round de bouse all de time, she goes, Why, day bero' ylst'day I was thar bel pin' her, an' sbe only. stop oryln' once, an' dot was to spank lItUe Eben for takJn' m'\(llIses out'n de jug right Into hls 'mouf' when ber back was turned, "When she spanked him good an' set him down, she sny to me: 'He mllkes IDe t'lnk ob his pa so much ' I cyan't beur It!' and bus' right out cryln' agln."- Youth· s Compan Ion.


~~~~T=~~~~~~~~ ~ RAlLROADS." I~~ '

EN N'"I:T L _

~..- .....~~. ?~~~ ~~


Mr. Edward B . Harrim an Is OD. THE CHILD REN'S BREAD-LINE· trip to Europe. Ordln'ar lly there would need be n()c:thl~..&(JklQ~Le--thli&-I--~M~-U"'-lie !Pfu~POi ann.oun cement beyonll ,nn exborta tion 1'01' Infan t. and why tQ Empero r Wtlilam to chain down his Leave ILII t o God? s and to oth er monarc hs to W e (Ira his ngenls; tlnll, SOtOtER IN FIRST' BATTLE. ralh:oad put their cI'owns nnd other valua»l es tr n(l th ptIlh In the sate HIli teet huve Irod, night. Dut Mr. Harrl· Membe r of the "Dutoh Compan y" Re- man Ie going oft on a pleasur e trip, n ad whnt_ Ke !lay.. In latel His Experle noea When En· . and so many mean tlilngs have been, Gasp I clpnrgaged" In Initial Enooun ter. ' said about him tbat It will not hurt "Go. feed m y shee.p!" any 'to hange the tune a momen t "Th e ch ildren's brend -lin ,. I wae only 17, went from MIchiga n while he Is out of the country and Is It Ihu s ' to illinois and. enlisted the second Dot able tp take any His Lnw W~ Ileep? advanta week T wa's there In a derman com· the lapse from the cold attitude ge of of lie"Tho bread·ll ne of the children !" pony. _Tb~re were even Americ ans, verity that Is u8ualiy used In men· This ea one of W~~~~.~~~ the pictures to bu -three Irlah and two English men' and Uonlllg the name -ot Harrim an. , Promotes Digestion,Chee rful' seen any da'y In Chicago ; a row all the rest were Dutch, writes W. F . Of all the gqmt railroad , men deness and Resl.Con lains neilh2f Jenklnl l of Arcadia , Neb" In Nationa l veloped In this generat ion, E, H. Har· ot hungry. 1II·c1ad children of all ages , sexes and colors. with basket. Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Tribune . This compan y was known rlman Is easily the biggest and ns Uie' "Dutch compan y" and they best, says a writer In tbe Hutchin the on tbelr arms, standin g In line at NOT NAR C OTIC son called me Compan y I's Yankee . (Kan.) Dally News. The head of a the door of olle of' th e large, whole· ,.Nr.'iN ~0'" OrSA!flIElIm'H4'H On accoun t of tbe ~act that I was railroad compan y, under tbe rules ot sale baKeries. Wb n the door opens, . ~,;, $.,,1the only Yankee lett In the compan y the, game, must work tor his stock· they file IIi with a pltlJul ol'derIAlx.J,,,,, • • ' } H«Ittll'1'1I atter we Jeft Frankfo rt, Ity., In Octo- holders , wbethe r It Is tor the advan· pitiful because it shows auloma tlo • LONG WAY BACK. I fI,i, Sf' ~ obedien ce and BulleD fear. They reo bE!r and because of ,my youth, my tage of politicia ns, sblpper s or can· liol • I iC,,"""lIk1 Hla • reckl(l88 aDd I Indepen dent disposit ion s,ulDers. It Is bls job to do the best celve the stale bread nnel I ft·over f H~:re,J and the Indulge nce of my officers. to· h e can for the Interest s entruste d to cake nnd cookies and fil e Ollt agpln~ c/."y,iJ J'~~G' ,HI.t"",,, '}~">'tJ" where ? The Imagina tion tollows tbem gether, with my unusual ly good luck his cure. Harrim an Is not only a -where ? l,n cdtDlng out all right In my various financie r, but hd' Is a build e r Aperfect Re~~-d-y-ro-r-~onsllpa. and an Now to some oDlookers this picture pranks and escapad es, 1 was seldom operato r. Lucky Is the town, city lion . Sour Stomach ,Dlarrhd eCl, punishe d or reprima nded. I m,a ke this "r communlt.y that has a Harrlma D speaks volume s tor the charily and Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish: brief introdu ction to explain wby I road. H e Insists on a good roa!1bed, kIndn ess In the world; how much betness and Loss OF SLf;EP. elld many things contrar y to military level track, sate track and the con, tel' than wasUng that bread; how thought ful to dJ8~lpllne without getting Into trouble. venlenc e and comfort of provide those starved foe Simile S;gnatu~ o!' the traveler N'ow, the batUfI was In '64. atter we BDd t.he shIpper , The Harrim an roads chlldr n wllh such a good meal a day. . ~ ' had been tn tbe' service about two are noted as the b eRt In the coun· At least one meal of ":holeso me 1earl! and had never been In an en· try, When HarrIm an gets hold ot a (stale) bread a day! Dut the cynic mlgbt laugh: the one-hor se or play ed· out track and ,right of way he proceed s to put It ID thought ful will grie ve ; the pessimi st first ciass conditio n. He does not mlgbt see, In this tbe worst arraign· Oeorge-The~'s 'MIs!! Passay. raIse the rates ot fares. althoug h be ment of' our soclnl orc! r; n pictoria l claims ab 's never' been klalled. doubtle ss chargee "a plenty," lIut be llreaent menl of econom ic blund ering Harry- Why, rve kisse4 her myselt, InslslS that enough of tbe tunds go displaye d by our most effectiv e ac, years ago. She weaDs' Dot Ilnce ille IDto real Impro'/e ments to make a tors, the chlldreD. enYJ can remember. raIlroad . J\nd tbut is where he standa Indlan-K edgcrle . ...head of a good 'mnny otbers and why ~ Thls r ecipe was obtaine d In Jnl1l1~ "Hamle t" In Japan. Barrlm anlsm Is not such a bad thing Jallan. eager to rival Americ a and as 80me people,h ave been led to think. by Mrs. CUnton Locks and she found Europe , has appropr iated our plays He makes beller railroad s, nnd there It popular 'with her friends the world nnd -pretl6D ts th m with ' novel and IS more n~ed for Improve ment that over. otlenta! acc S80rles, BaYS a wrlt~r in Take equal parts of halibut and wa.y thaD there Is In some othera Sports o( tll,e Tim a. "Hamle t" was· wblch are being dIscusse d. So far rlre. wIth red pepper to taste (the ERYSIPELAS recentlY perform ed a.t .K obe In 'a s~18 RING WORM 88 we 'c an see, he believes in givIng taste, ot course, dependi ng on ECZEMA the NETTLERASH ounlry) . Add cream sauce, Tb e fish that make'S Ed.dte Foy seem as ~erl­ every Interest along" road a (liir OWiI as a funeral. and tbe rice are separat ely cooked The melan-cboly ~eal. , , ... Dane flnt appenre 4 In the . UDltorm He Is ' a publlc benefac tor from that anti stirred with the sauce' Into the in Ihe house you have a quick. certain remedy for all kinds .of SkIn Diseases of Q stude.nt of tile Imperia l 1lD1~ standpo int. He usea bls power falrl,.. 1)epl>@r. . A fow appllcall ons will rellevo the worst case of itching plies. sIty; then In the third act be wore a He Is a great man, and ae good or bright bin suit with strlllOO stAlckA Cool BegInni ng. better than the ord.lnar y citizen who 50 cts. a Jar of all Druggists, or sent direct on receipt of price. logs and rode 11 blcycle . durlq -'his A nice b ginning lor a dinner Is 0. looks upon him as tlle personlf tcatloD RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. ' scene W1th the playeM. For the or the .money power, seeking whom mixture ot fnllt (any kind ), well Resinol Medica ted Shavin g Stick makes shaving easy, and bIB' death he was convent ionally 't Play devour. R Is a strong man ebllled and drain ed, nnd served In small glasses nttlr d ~ evenJDg dre8a. ' The Id~!, or eompot es with a dash In the financia l world. but tbat not to bQ' outdone by Jils aon41l·1aw; IIOt be . agalDst him. when the fln~· of sherl'Y and pllly er1zed Ice. A pleas· Hopeles s. W. N. U .. C'INCINNATI, NO. 32-1909 . cba1\g d hili cC)f!tume from tl\e robe. elal ·~·I)rld Is" the object which most lng combin ation is made of berries. Tom-I te ll yon, old man, Miss Gab· of a Jllpane8 e Di)oleman to a swa(,. ot ,us WIlnt to reacb. Re , ls a good plneallp le and oranges . Gra[le·! rult 1o~ta11 ooat IU\d stovepi pe' hat. Oph&Ametlea D ADd ' h.e spends h1s money may be added. and grapes, too, But bl certainl y bas got n pile of money, lla wlLB' beauUfu l In h kimoDQ, but Amer1c an railroad s, not on foreign tb,e grapes sbould be seeded, and tho Why don't you propose to her? Dick-I ' ve started to do It several woo a Hamlet In a ,Parisia n to11 titles, race horses, old edltJons or trouble is scurcely worth while. times. The effec:ttl are' eafd to have beeD k .. other ,bad habits. If he Is not per· Tom-W hnt's the matter? Lose your I ldoacop to, bu the JalnuleBe aetora feet-an d we don't think he Is-be -f. DOLLY 'S FRECK LES, courage ? ' contenc1e4 that tbey were justified 111 110 exceptio n to the Tule and Is wOrthy. Dick-N o, but I'm never able to get tJ)e text. of the pralee of his fellow elttzena fo ~ HE 8ay hoW' pret t.y Doll a word In edgewls e.-Cath ollc Stanwould be the good he does and ha~ done._._ --NOT HINO LIKE IT FOR -dard and Tim es, .~-tf- llnl"'y,.-.... A CJt)' Cllrk'. Oarelli", B.".h.... e ~wimiieron·t freckled ; ell» derk neV'lr mlasea a!(!1taaee ~utiDe e;xceJ. any d~1ifriee Laught er a 8erles of Barkl. But do we think the less u•• Allen', Foot·Eaee. m deaDJUla. whiteDJOll aud, of expaU atlq on hili prdeD to hI.. Laughfn g III harking , say the of Heaven It Is thl! only relleC Co r Swollen Smnrt- removing IArtar from the teelh. deaIroyiaceGJlequea. who, howe1"er. 'were Mvel! When with light clouda Ing. Tired, Aohlng, HOi, Sw atlng Feel. III serm. of decay and diaeuebeoidea flntlstll. Tbe n~k and h:ead are which ordiDarJ Co rn s and Bunlolls, Ask tor Alle n's Foot- taken 'home to lee st, })ut were ·tls epeekl d? Ease, n po ~vd e\' to' be shaken Into the IooIh prepatationa c:aJUlot do. " throWD back while " series ot ebor,t 'WIder the GnPresSIOD It ' W&ll 9f .aor· ur 8 while you walk, At all Drugbarks I\re 6mltted from ,the throat. And III . the 8unllght less IIhocs, Putine uaed U D mouthgl8ts and Shoo SIOI'o:8, 2.ic., ' Don't nccept : IOOO8' ..:sl&e. , Five of' them ' ~ beceus6 Howeve r murilcal the barks may be. wa.h cli.inlec:t.the mouth any 8ubtillt.ute. ollullplo scn t FREE, Adto hue a lpo~ at It, dlacQ..ered hll ad: Upon . hIs aDd UNa. throat, pwi6e1 tho breath, and killa the BenDa cheek nro Allen S. Olmatcd, LeRoy, N. Y. they are barD. The laugh begLDs clrea. aDd ailed one Batu,da J' a.fteirIIllotll? which c.olleCt in tho mouth. cauoing lOre throat" witla .a Budden aDd violent eQntrac:t1oD 111 not Ihe talr moon fair· ~D to 'see 'tile hundrfld a IOf 1'011811 aU bad teeth, bad breath, arippe. and much ane... Rare Combin ation's. the m.uaclea or the chest aDd aber for &erowiD g 8l1d .4»loomfD&'. On betq "Tl1e time. the plnce' and wheD inllamed, tir~, achd tbo girl, The. shndO ..... s and the But Inlltead of openfng t.q let takeD to !;he rear of t~ house, Judie , How seldom' we see them toge ther!" and bum. may be inaIamly Llots? alt pa8S'ou t of'tbe lunp. the ,vocal 01 their lIurwtse on see'tpc .. lllack ' "And another rare ' combin ation Is relieved aDd ItrCnQIhened by Putine. cords 'approa ch each other ~ hold It And Doily-w ith her per- the man. th e soheme yard about U feet by tell (eal OM and the coin," will dCllroy the' r~ ba~. But they Dot 'strODI enouch feot noae. bold IIptiit . .tUred that It' \WM .ot " " Ibat cause warth, beal the mAnd 'Doily-w ith that chin! tQ 'exercle e, wch oppOSition tor more liamlll&lio A o and atop the diacharse- hit . . . . feeling of ~eeurity nnd rrN·,lom , yery bl~. r . ~ eye. wIth Borrow, gnyety than an lnatant, and the air, whlcb J. AI'd from nn )l;iety pcn·n.llcR the home in which remedy for uterine catarrh. AnCt mischIef, ~II thrown In, !'B,ls'" NJ)IIejI the pt0u4 oW1l4lr. HamliD pressur "iVAnl e, prompt Oil is ly escapes . .As kepL con!!l:uit ly - polnUDK to the .• ky. "W1I~ maD. alin, Putine ia. harmlea yet powerful • on hnnd. Mothel1! know it cnn alwuya be It cIoeII 80 It makes the ~oclLl corda ..... And Dolly'. hair. i:nd' Doll}". voIce! aermicide,diainlc:da nt .od • look "&1 the ~bt o( lt1 "-Chle qo . ' d pended upon in time . (Mo~ of angel need. I/he tha'n w, o \Tlnn), brate PI'Oducl U.ed Ds ill bathinK it detlro)'l odor. and , the bark. Dad,. Soclallat. 1 love those ':recklea -they ' u e all kay.. \he body antiaeptica\ly dean. If'bls "Obstruction·, lIberatiOB of He DClerye s No Sympat~y. Tholt m!,lCea my X>olly bUm",n. -~---"-the a1; erpellecJ . It Is merely a waate of time to pity ,.OR .AU AT DRUG STORCS, ISOc, • , the lungS repeat. I TMa NEW WOMAM OR POSTPAI D BY MAIL. • Itself aplD a man who Is being made 0. fool or 'at Jn~rva1a ot a Made q .... b'y' ~"'Iltlng CoIIiiIai Menu ----1 by a pretty woman. Qunrter of a LARGE SAMPLE FREE! . ~. .. Of these the til a lleart-y I,a ush four barn a lIecond. ayenlge " THE PAXTON TOILET 00 .. BOSTON, MAR housew ife speaks with dIs. Everyo ne should conside r himself aM if 'conUDued, the,. go ' on at that gust; they seem to 'her cODvenUonal, entruste d not only with his own con· rate 1UI IOnS al the air reserve In tbe Uresom e, stupid. 'l'he~ make of Uvlng duct, but with that of others. IUDgs ~lds -' out. Tbe eml1ty lungB a bore, and -of plannin g II. sort of cUn,m ust then fill themMi vea. and thIs. tD', leal operaUO D: To all these objectio ns For ;\.I .... Wlnalow '" 800thlul r SYl'Op. tenat .. ~arked by a quick glUl~ tor the c tl'rldren teeth ing, lo f te"" th o Kuma, reduce. fit> m9d,ern scientif ic . cook antlwer-s. 4amw.t10Q "a,ll&)'. paJ.n, curel wind coli..:. 25c. bo Ltl0• • breatll.,...,.tter w~lch , the bark. are re- that He's a stingy man who will nol glvo Ihem in the world. CASCARETS the Dewed. . The ' barltll occur . In serlel but atereoty~. planned 'm enus are the '· ratlona l result ' of increas ed you a smile, biggest scller-w hy? Becauae it', the best r ~th -~ 10r breath at 1nterva ls. knowled ge of . the art of househo ld medicine for the,liver and bowels. It's ,When laughte r fa vlolent, the entire ' science• . ~nd ' hyglenl~ Jieeds of the b'o dy OOrtloipatea, what they will dD lor yt?U-D ot what system. Haphaz ard menus CIOmprll!we say they will do-tha t makes Ing thln'gS most easily prepare d ,and CASCARETS famous. Millions use most- cheJlply obtaibe d are the rule. CASCARETS and it is aD the medicino ,but It la ,a ,fa'lse ' ldea ot econom y; a dw they ever need to take. , ,false Idea of .the best. use of i.l me. BOt CASCAR RTS IDC a ' bas lor a \ftet'. In maklDg a , menu care must be tatrutmen l , nil druR1rlsl.8. BIH"I seller ken to , 8ele~tone dish rlcheD, ough .In in the world. Mfl!loo boze.a mouth. nitroge n to supply the dally waste. Tbl.s tIl,h' may consist of' 'b eef, mut· ton, eggs. ' l1ab. ~lcken or 014 peas. l,eaos, or nUb!: A'!JY one ot these w1l1 Iitror4, th~ D~eeasar.Y Dltroge n, There should alwan be also small amount 'or , r'at-illt her butter, . olive 011 or erea~, '(The ,h ealthfu l 'fats al'e thOR'" ""hJch may, be, eate~ wJtbout cookfli'g; tbecoo kedi' fa:ts "cit meat are Indlges t· ible ,~Dd ~bul.!1 np~ com~ ~nder. con· More Than Two MlUion UII6d slderati on. In a bygtenl c -meDu;) We NO STROPPING NO .HONIN G must have .om~ form, or 'starch; pota· 'toes, t:ice~ hom(JiY .' and white bread. Anyon e of thele, but not necelaa r· 11; • m~ 'than , OD.8 8S Uley ' are ,11 swelty fOods. We must also .. ,,~ve KNOWN11l~ , WPRLDO VER mineral matter &nil acids;, these are wlPlllfed by.· the , greeD vegetab les aDd \ .. 'g. ~ostJ:, g~i,~l\'!­ t:tto , and~~.~pportanl L_~.ov,ru aU" r~.!D)ber t6at" ~enu tJ .... Trr !l0I1011r. Va .. u; cltr, Jate U, J:l, Roftrs _14, ""ouI4 to tlmo IU> the I..~.~ cl~,. 'In U.rirWd ,,.eU·bll lallced, weU selected , ~L'" Wewlll.h ·D'..... , fiO 10'. 'to ptI,oonil who but to be 'I ~. aU1 healthfu l ",1111(1110111, ere.,td .... Ulog8 for facl(>l'J OlOlIloJo" " or !t~" "'hlcb? ' 111001\ ptdon I~nd In wor.l a. r-1t'- lI)Ust be' well C!O<Jked. rile ~p".,. 1'0. froo flIuluau;d Ihformall on.


The Kind You Hava Aiways .'B~usht



Bears the Signature of




ForOvar Thirty Ye~rs

~~CASTORIA ..•••m". _. __











C.'T'.RRH ,P811tine


No thin g Lik e






~D·Nurtolll In..., CorpotaUQn, ' Norfolk, Vlf'ltnlll,

, I



. Coun~y Courts COI1U,,'l)1I

Plea' COllrt

New Suit!;. W . R , ' 1l( o k, ndmlt ,i t r ,\t or I)f A . M Br ll "' u d ell tl', pltdu li ff v . Al · lie Bl'lIl1 tl ' n lt lll'g. del' OdUllt . Peti t,ion flh ld \\'lI e"' l~i n plni nt,in' ~li~rR t,hell; , dun t. ho 611ttltfl of !COlli cl Po M BI'OWI ' de ell eti, fl"()l1I Allie Brundallhllt'1! . n flC' C(\O llt, Ih" !l11 1l1 Il r~ flT 2~{ Ihu ' ~1I 1 ,l i1 fe nc1nllt, h-l ft th >l t n tfl of ( hi. D


u\).\1II, ,Jnnn ll!'Y 10. 1, '\11) I~n '-,

bn ( vo l'tolilu'a h tllll l ll h .o ot, Ihl'l' ll fr,,1Il Il nu he 11111\\:-\ with intt"I'U8 t, th o r l) ' (roll) J ul lW, I !Ii , .'Idd smn n f $\17 za. ~ .r Wri~h t , ntlnrl1ey )1" U \lI il1t l l1".

ProlJale Court , E- tlll,\ of M ll r~ ll ret Del ph . dt,c'ea ed . ,11\\111 A , 'f'l1o m p!lOU II p poio ted adminl Ktra t o r g l vi og uond ot ,"0 w ith .l uln (lS I'oll eu Ii!! surety . J nm e", F.I IIIlIl, H'Jnl OS H o pping IIDI I U. f . Higl,ti us ulI Poi nl,eu 111I1'1"II 11I6I't! . R.,U6rt MllllKe r t III s ttgu i ll~ t M II !'.Y Ohvill Arcb d 1I00n at .d Or , d ered to st' ll r6u I u:!tuta 1I t puhli,

Olten The Kidneys Are Weakened by Qyer-Work.

MarriaKe Licenses.


' D~l}'t

forget. Labor Da y Celebrati~



'UrilienlU1Y Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak Alld uulieallhy kid" ' S are r~, ' !lp6nsiule.ior mucb sicku 6!" alHlsufT~dngl . therefure, if K!t1l1ey ~~~~~~ t nm lie' j r; Ilc: rtuillcd to onllnue. ori liS. reo . liltS aie ni, ~ t likcly. foil ow, You r ot he r orga ns lUll)' deed ~t, t 'ntion, bllt YOllr kldlIe ys Illosl,,' becn\l~ L1l ev Iln mo st allu . \J oitlcl h n\' nllcntioll (ir, l. '('he r f re, \ ben' 'l'lIr kiclll e\"~ nr ' \\'~·t\k or li t of ord r, \"()\1 ('.111 ull/ler' ,la lll\ h H I' quirkl y your ' nt ire h'll.\\- ill \ IIC(: l l'" 111111 W \'eryorgall . l:ClIl" IIi fui l t o .1 .. it: uuty , If \~1I\1 nfC :-ic k ('r " f~~1 bu,lIy." begin taki'li~ III ' 'r~' lIt killl1cy r~ l\1cd'y . r, Kill1lCT 's, \\" UlIlp·Rllllt. A In 1 w111 COIl" illcc ),ou l)f it. g re It lIIe rit . The In iltl ullt1 imlll ediat e effect of S wamp-Root, tbe gTen t kidney and blud,\cr r ellleuy, is SOOIl realized. It Sl(\I1US the hi g h est bcculIOIe its reumrkablc health rClltvring prol)e r~i es IlIl\"e bee n prc.h·clI l n tlloUSl1ndll 0 the n l os~ distress, I ng Cil SC!\. If.r U IICCU U ,UllXlIcine you sh olll.l h a ve the hest.


t\ n



d, IIIH1'llI y

wbol pr oo~orling mu>! t be r


vi we 1 Rod It Plll'C\ ve c1 hy t h e ()()IU

Mil. ' I Y ~ " ",,1 !\ullllu)' of Ibe wOr\ l h a ~ UIUU :I, Ill .

. t. Mary's Episcopal HOI' . .1. I". ' .11 .ll\aller,

I, ' III"hl)"

I ,



' u c h Ul ll nl,h .


pill ' Hr . pin X \l ilt

telllll 11t


AII ~ n s t :":" 11 1.1 .






11 , IU.


!r sE anD' urc. He \'. 11 l . . Ilwson, Pa8tor. Suuda y Schoo l 9:a Oa. Ill . Soclal meetillg.

l O: tO II. Ill ,

OIIl·js l llI ll Endeavor . 1:1lO II. m.

IIllUUlhu~l ll; ao .u . :II'1l 11 4 7 : ao p.m .

who OO'lur d rin ks,


Hicksile Fri 'nds Church. Fil''' L fla), M ,,'lI'II I(, lU ;OO, tL. m . Fl r u Day Setoul, II ;0 (1 :1. III. 1'\111 rLb Day 1I1t!t! lln g

fll1l okeN. !l Of oh ws , n or I 10 :OU a , III I SW6I1.f S; Orthodox Friends Church. \It". ho neve r gnmhlos, u e ver ftirtH Rev . Benjam[n Hawk in s, P aslor, Aod s huns 1\'1) s inf ul SD,uesSabba~h S,' lIool , ll :alra , lD. Hel1;ul ar obu reb H,e'P'Lra lyzed ! lie n ' rcu. 10 QO ,I. !fl. brl.aLtan E udeavor, , 01'



T h ere it! 'o IllAn wh o never doee

7 ::)0 p.

A thi ng th a t it4 n t I lg h t; In th e nccolllpnTlylng pl'lul" Is 1'11(0\\"11' OU f' (I( tlw t li re c 1 o s~tll stl'uctnrel Eli~ wi fe O'lll te ll j U B.t wh er e h e is d e " \Il t'(], 10 dLHplu ys ut the IlIlt'.st !l1I'cuthlll'; In fllrm nntI a ll . p mneh lu(,I'Y at At u\ \ rnill ~, n OOll nnd o1 g h t lh Uhl() ~tnl c FilII'. This Is ('uslly UIl' uf th e <11 ~ llncll n' f('t\llwl!s of tho eXlJosl· lion, lIil th bull<1ll11's bn v n com\lhll'c1 tl<\(l1' '11111\ ' Ity r lU ,0 ) sqUllre teet. · Be'lj d aud! lJUt so tln1ll0r liS hIt \"(: b en t lIC l"l'I[II' Is fill' ex h lh lt 8[1ill'0 Ht the comIng IIxhlhltloll f(l he held \u '\IIIII.l\lInti All !! ,. :;0. : I, Kept. 1. 2. 3, hnt, iu IHltIl t10n . Boclfe!'! bu ri ed for 1riO ypurfl hn've to t bo Dl fH:b li, 1')" hall ~, ot Il'u t. tWI'lI ly IIt'I'" S ' 111 .!lIe 01)('1\ ' 111 he a eu of b n .foun d. In 'i\:> I' ia in II perfeot llO l11l11log. cllciting mac hln ry. '1'11114 d"IIIl I'tll" lit will 1,e (II' ' II d Ol' lind night. tu te of ll r Q 61'vation . . • -. • I




, I


'I'" hll'W!lIll; hLrHo tinct OOD1 11Iot · !?all lin \If 1,,'IIUtlf\lt wool d K\lQdIl. ij[ kH nlld fall ~, WI! 'UIll:!. Thu 'Iatesb IIp· tl)·dnl.ll Nl)w Yo rk 'It)' [lIIH rllJl. Hl\llll!klln t 1[1\ Of mul.llr[ul~ 01\ 1h 1I1l\ r!c t.. Den ll ng rlirecL wiLli I,M 'III IllY' VO\\ wIll 11 lilt OllrprlcCs low, ProlltllS IIJ.OOw ao.oow ukly. Slunnl !I lind fnll hllltru tlollY I !lacke rl tn II. nout SUU1p!O CII. ,8h lppetJ e)( (J rell.~

pr /In[d, NO.llI\lUOY rtlQulrotl. E . CIUBlv ler· 1'1 lory. '{rite ror pnrllculur8. .Be flrsL W b,lply. 'l ' AND ,\l{D DIlE ODs 0 .. , DUpL. F S. , N , y , '


toW n!! hlp at. '

e nte red ip to "" itb

III . ,u l

WRi ter S ., Wbl tnore f or oonorete !:Iton e , b ox ' ouJver t on MQrl'o w lind But,lerv !ll ~ r o ud in Ill e m t lJ wu!lbil'

til l!

loHowlllg ttl ,


1.10 1l1 ei' 1UII !1'~ , Ki boo ' • .'

' Whit

Moun t joy'



DUIGN. , CO"AIQHT8 ""10na Ben mUll .. . kel . h " nd IIc.arlr,1I n lil A' qul ck l, uco rl n II ('ill r (i,.halon ~r H • "'-I Ii" r a u

Ill.,outln n t8 1., ro\.HllJl, 1)1U ,!,tL'~ '!l _f, o rlHQ IIUl ri,. l\oll •• l rlc l1J' coulldQllllnl. "~"D uO" on I·.teutil Iildclt .~o u C,. for . curf n /1 j11lt8I1U, l>nL~II '" luken th '''lI kh Muun & co. r.oeln , pte'ltlnolle", :wll huUL cbnrllo, In tb. .tl" ~ fruo.



c,"hu lu n o t 111\1 , ,,I,,n UUO J" ur ulll.

~'ru' ••

at ,e

A Purely Vegetable LaxaUv.e Cures Clironic Constipation, and All J,iver and Kidney Trouble».

The Alpha Chern.jeal Go. Springfield, Ohio. -


in a'Lrll~li .tow usbip

It.t tRti rnll.te

4 " Paerce, 2~, of St,l~ing 17.Q 30 . bO*'9 , anll MI,' ~8 Z a r6ld~ S ./ ~ t.rn W• .l.6, . ~ b l) l' o Con t ra w u ent ~ r e d in t o with of ~ PJ'iu . Albort~' &1 u;·phy. ~O; fillomer and W b Ita ore for aOll or a te a uu t ments n eur Bnt,lel:viJle ~fc?l oftl I~ur-iu·· Burnet t, ':,w, of Ly Ie , Albert ' M . Fox , 62, farmer o f ,house in Hnrlnn t,Qw,uKhiJ.l u t e Ii



., w ate of '911 60 Frl&n,klin lind ¥rs . Mlll'y Monroe, !>O, houllewifo of Brunkliu. Rev A, J ,


- _--.....- .......... ---





tD enQ~


trOUbl e for IlDy !o>De SITION: Its tbe !tIDe with a III:r.y . liver. It w:, # ' Jilok by adrnlDilltTl\tor to OllU StlB_OoDstiplltion , llelldache, j Bnn. N ight entertain ment wlll be lonugul'ntcd nt' the eo~ l ng Ohio State Fair. Warren C . .lllck tract in Su.lem tV)"D dloe, 8lillow cOQlplexion, plmplos to be beld in COlu m bus Aug. ao, at: ::I pt. I, 2, a 11 xt, und with the superb a nd blqt ohes , 108S of 11 ppetit,<" , D!lU SCII, attrnctlon ' to be prog ram me<1 11IgJltly shou ld pi'ov~, one or til most,lnterestiD,. ,shi . -$3;930, . ' , but OJ' Ring 'e N e w Life PI\IR Boon , ' Chllt'1~ l.ncll8 to 1)ora LUC/WA lot ba nish li vel' t,rOLl bles " nd build feature or the eXi! lSltlon: ~he g l't){1nd s nnd buJ!dl1igs wtIJ 'l>c b1."1ll1£!.lltl7 U1u mluntcll, wbtlc t nd concol' t", pyr(l\c hnlc d1spln~fs, it' fel.\tul'tl perform~o !CU. Holiy,'1~ild otbel' vBlu~b16 uj) your h elilth, ~50, u t F rell, C ances lluc1 th l! stupcILd im s Spel hUllll sllow!! w lll prov ide ,6 11Ju'elllcnt nnd enteroh ,Nu-rf' , oooelderatioDs, ' taInment for all visitors. In n .dttl 11 t t he evenIng UDnl'SeuHmt t el1tut'es, eocb ... of, the sev(l lll(~en ,mn m m oth cxWlJlt1 n I.mJId1Dgs, wIth tl1oh' ro4lgnUie nt ednc.. • Marioo U, Wy'Jto'ff lind othors to ' tlonal d ISplays, w Ul be open tor ~p Cl! u , ' RAM'S HORN BROWN I . F~ F elter, 114 Ilore~ in Deerfield tpw~sbip, $1' liod otber valuable 1;.;ife 11:1 a seriou thing to t he m,ii ,coDlIIld,rli t4~D S . . who t akes it serioualy.

Real .Estate Transfers.

" The Old Rclinble. o,

----- ----

, ~mmissioners' ProCeedlnlts,

.Ab?ndu.n t Ii!(b t; transforme lill ng. ,liness into b f;llluty, The youn g man wb o hil S n O fixed will soon be "fbed "


To begin with II. great pnrpo.s e is' t he fh.t step t1f!IwllTd" great cnreer, S ome people would be dumb if they oouJdn't t,a1k lilliong t b e m.

selves. Thts w01'ld cannot 8u ,muoh f I' the mll.n wb,o 'h8~ t111 bis trell s~re here .

, No man ill strong who oannot say . to himself whenever it -8hould be auld


A good appetite "nd IL robus t dt~ ges,tion are II very present: help in SOUlO kinds of trouble, !nethuseltLh died the ,yonr of the Hood, Ilnd it ~l\uy have be00 the

we~ther t hat killed liim ,

T he Willi who is pl'a'ying fOt, the L ord to 'oome will be d olog 80 11~.

thing to b f' lp 'nll ~~ th e uevil



t3 •

MUNNr&' CO:s~:':~~NBi''f'erk lIratlob o mco, ~ I' St.. W. ...11III11'1l. DoW


ti mllte $ 128 -10, : I Con t rn ot W Il S enter ed into wit.h I' .Lewill A. Morg,\n, a ' , l~bnrer of WItHer 8 . Whitll.oro ,fQr cunor.-tl!.Jt. l:l'~lIy , Ollt , liud Mi~s Uaril. L .•lbotrn nta Delir G ur,ge 11: n ' r.uou ~ , :J7. of &\it, filllfy, '. ~llmtl,6l . on L"'v I a.nd We tl Ie Y "v b a p I ro 110' u

U"lIv way, ,) P ,

h urc .

, R Il ulllr ('h nrc h ~en' lce , 8 ond Bundal ' each

TH E PERFECT MAN '1'h 1l 1'6 is o u lli n

I Ch

~er' J::p wunh League , 7: 00 p. m. £vl' nln g service, '7 :ail p, m. MIdweek

Xu ui n ou OOIl(] lI ' ,

- .. - - - .

l or

H·v w.,'t:. ilI lland , PlI st or . SUllIluy ' CbUIlI , u :all a . rn. Morll in/[

. , I ).mrtlClllnr ly II s l m ble Pr, 'er Moe~lnll', 7 :]0 p. Ill . • 'l' he au rO!lku Iud itlD S W ill I CI I t'l Ch

til "u t'li l O

Church, rl


U d't E .

II e 10 IS

tlIl ~" IOJlIl r uf JIILlillll u:l'l' tir\l, Ho m !' I linn' t,wu o r 1111'(1\1 y 1\ 'His rl'quire<1 \·It'e. lO :30

(lo Ll tr ·.ot. WII.· ente r ed into wi t h Be rt R eed fol' put ting i n t bree cor rugot +la ev.:e~8 un d r epa ir of stune

Cont raot


Augllst!nc' s Catholi~ CHurch, .. M\I \'tl-uhOt1 (,\r. f'1I ~ lor

l" ulh~,' ce o

SU lI IlllV ' " h nol. t) ::jU ll . 1I"I Mor ning- Hil l" 1\ I "I rll , IU ,:II' d . Il l. 1I 01y OlUlUll nl'lIl ~ Ilil nl':(

fI p e r m NRllln p

1- 0 I ,III 11 1'( ;

l ndhl ll lI ~a ut "t.:


cul ver t in D ertitlld flstimata of ,72 5~,


£\lLl' unt nf t' d tllpH

Ilorm tl

m nllh 1) ., Uti WOUl1a uef\/re 'Mllll llger !'( \ 11, of the N lll'tl 1m I UllIn.n s, .h u It to ht,niu til m ell wln h Ul fll\ ~1 UJI hi gr lit VII.SB hILI ) t, II Ill . Con Rl>llt t Jltl.l' u tH IIlId I' lot,IVAi! fl1 u~L I It ' 1 th i ' f \1


SuIt! jll fifty.r by c ll t Jruggi. lllld 011 t -dol· la r :-i l CS. V"u IIIlI y h ave a sa m p l e bot lle hy JIIail free , al 'o u p;111Il'hld t cllin~ you II.",.. how til fill, l if YOII have k idn y or blath lcr trouble , l\Ie ntio n this paper !lale wlt 'll writing . to D r. Kihn r & Co .• E!ltate o f F I'eder iok M . Bu to hiu8on llin g hnmtoll , N. y, I nn' t make tillY m is· bu t r CUlcUllp r t h e nnme, SWHmp' mi nor SeolllHl IUld fi oul Rcooun t tuke, Ruot , nnd don' t let n d eale r sell you Esta.t e of Ceoil a nd Rl c'h a rd W a t · somethin g ill pluce o f SwulUp-Root-:-iI k ios tIIinOr R W illi ll lll~. Uog le bJ you do you will be disappointed. app lu wel g ua r,li ll. n g ivin g bond of 1700 witb ,J ellse Me ntz lIn d O rpbli M. U 1l~ l tls by lI uretiell. ley C h a p e l r Ol\(l in H nrhln township In th e tn att '~ r of th e as. ig Dmen t lit the estimute 14.576. of W . J, Hull , uR. lg u o r , cour ts s mD t Ooutru t wue e nterel! iu to with thIr ty d llysll ddi tiollllll,i m e for filin g Tholll u E . C~l r w in for r,o llol'et'l wu ll tl of Inventory " ' tl .npprll i llem en t. to stone uu utrueut ut G r im m 1:>ridge Wilt of Is Lit O Uebil/\ft" d 0 HI d. on Morrow ' on d But·lel' vi l\ e r ond ut Will 11led fI ~rl ll pjl licati o n t.o IId w it bid of *4 44 per on , yd. !!ame to probltte et for h 'llll"il1 g . COlltTuot WIl e n tered i n to w ith Estate (If I-<arllh E Uogle8by minor . C. W U u g lall by olJPoin ted O regon iu Br idge Co , fo r s t ~el betlUl gou.rdi tt.u Ki v lng boud of ' , 000 with br idge w lth ooncre t e n o::>!' u e llr lohe Ott rmill tl Uil g lell lJ.v Ilud \Vii n Uri. Bu t lerville soh ool h ouse iu Burlfl.D gle!:lb.v 80re li A. t wn h lp lit th e estim lLte ~ 1 5'i' 1 ,

Etltttte of W . .J. f1ILll j 8 sign or. .PrOOf of pu b liolilio n filed . In the ma tter .o f etltllte of JOSe ph (j KeYfI, d cea~ed, . AWlI.rd ohel e r, auce upproved and confirmed lind " said clilim alUountin~ to $107087 .1I.11uwe.i 1111 ~aUd, EMllte of Rebecca B . Lowe, deOtll\8eft ' . Seo nd a'cconnt filed ,

.--L2!! _

The Miami Gazette is 60 yea~s old, and ~a8 the, reputatjon of .printing 'aJI the.. . l'I:ew~ In:a very satJstacfory manner.


It prin,t s regularly 2,496 columnl$ of good readable m~lter a, year. Advertisers recognize it , as the best advertising medi~m, a! they use its col'ums ,"f~eely 'every week~ \ '~he prrice for the Miami , i .·, G~zette is only $1 :a 'year ~' ·in· advance; Sel)d us your: , /





~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~!~~~~2E9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MIAMI GAZETTE ARRIVAL OP MR. HAY FEVER 'I' . - - - ,-,- , - - · - - -. N ~ W --_=- u_ ....:. -:;> 1 {.j", f"l..... ~;" _-=- ~.F.CONO H~NJ) . P.ubllahed Weekly at Way!!" ville, "Cb.lo 1\ .OAW gnp t" Mr .. Ol'-Y F ver, h'll' ·.I_.H_e_r~ al.l~ !:.~~~! jo t IIrrlved, nnd hiH n~me doesn't. OIl'INOI!l IN AI.Jl.k:N a MAIN S'''I Hll!l'l' ILp' peAr on. tbe hotel 'regl tel's. 0 fIn Il oa.n be uscel'taiDed, he i Dot ALLElY TEL1'lE'HO .I~ • Ill! ,I being "entertlline'd" and there. lire. --..;....--------.-- - - uo fUQotions of Iln amla.ble nuture D. L. CRANE, Editor and ManageI' being pilliln6ll in hiS bono r , Be o'allle unblddeD and un!!ougbt, 'b ut he hitS oonte to btay. Rates of..-su~scr-iption Ou e Yen r (S lrlotly In n,h·nn<'c) . .. .. , .11- 1.00 While I,hel'e are IDl1ny to whom Shl lZ lc COlly ....... .. ... . ',or; th" IlDnouuoelU nt of the oomlDg of tUe strange gu 8t will be of partioulor ormoern, I,bere is a portion of the Rates of Advertisements Reading LOllal~. per lIt1e ... ..... lie popoll1t:inn to whom bis ooming i ' Relldlml 10CIlIs, blllck fac e . per IIn ll IOe most bitterly unweloome. In faoli, Clnsa1tled Ads, Dot to e.xceed five lines, 't be feeling of tbis last element i s Three Insertions .. . . . . .... .. .... :Joe SO intense tbat they cannot bear to Oblluarles, fiv e Inche ~ free ; 'o ver fl\'e Incbes. per line . ..................



at tbauk ... .. .... . .. _.. . ' " ..... . 2lic

Resolutions ... .... .......... ... ... 60c Socials elll. wb"l'e aburllc Is maCh.· .. .... !l3c


Adverll lilli, per lucb .... . . ... Dlacouuts g"'en on conlract.



share the sume IOOAlIty with tbe newoomer, and Will, therefore, many of them, hurry ' lI.way from their homes wlien bls o,')mlng is Dlt1dA known . To this oertaln portion of the pop ulation · Mr. Ba.y Fever muke8 the atmosphere very peppery. In hi., strunge manner he tantl1lizes them. 'rhe more they. 8neeze and oougb, the more "pepper" he hur18 into the uir until everything is sor· obarged with it. 11; is then that they (leek tbe dootor, the druggi8t !lDd the dry goods man . HandKbr obiefs are ut a premium when Mr . l:1IlY Fever oomes. Fifty of thow ILre not II. large number for the vlo tim t,o- parobase at ODe time. And dru~8 are bought by the ton, and phyaio.illDs are beselged. This Is why Mr, Buy Fev"r ia so seriously hated. . Tbere are .ome who simply fight lind fight until they are exhausted . ftentimes tbey a.r e carried off the field of buttle on 8tretoher8, too weak to make further reslstanoe. In suoh oondition the ~tient is ullually 8P08itive and apparently ~nfferlDg from' aoute dl8tortion of the imagination. The mention of "rag weed I i tbrows bim frenzy, Ue will even reooil from so pretty "tlower 8A the oarnation, and the rragrant rose has no attraotion fer him . He sits in It darkened foom ~11 day, If he is 'lot dru.g/led out into the luoUght by 8tress of duty. 8e dons dark glasses and makes him ielf look more gl;)omy and dilloonso· latt'i and all day and night he drink8 medic-Ine and t-nthes his faoe in pe on1\.lI.r lotions. .(" All thiS while tbe pepper of tbe ltmosphe!e Is tea81ng hi8 nasal pa8sages and the membranes of his shroat. Bill eye9 beoome red and Inftamed even a~ one might beoomo wllo Imbibes too freell" . Be is' mo ro"e " 'and fitfully unbuppy . Be oares Dot for his friends and he haw8 his dnemles cordially. Not untH, Mr. Buy Fever paoks lIis grip and le"-xe8 the oountry can hitl viotims hope for relief. 'fbu.l, will not brt U\uil fr08t time.-Oay. . ton J OllrDn.I ' .


- A'iiatic d e&ignl,


,lyle. brilliant.


finieh, combined with

hunep. value, make

1841 _

ROGERS . .,..


Tlm~ La k arid· Repair Work

celebrlltion on Labor Day.

THE C, W, HAIH SAFE, CO" Columbus 'Oll/o •. E, CON . CKES'N~' I "0 . 'Non STREETS

. Br~wll oountv hRs a '5,710.80 shortage. whloh I the offiolals must make good ..


u .......

,i1vcrware the cboke of discriminatinl!purchaser•• Thi, nome to-day ' land.

ton, bave udopted oll as fuel. The supply tank i8 thirty.niue by se ven feet· in diameter.

for the heaviesl grade of plateandex.quiJitebeaulY of patlerlll. aslurins long reall of service and .at..

Georg'etown will entertllin the U . S. Grant Oamp, Sons of Veteran!', Cinoinnllti, when they make their pilgrimage to Urant's home

ISfnclion. h. lemarkable durability h.. won it Ihe popular tille "Si/"tr Plait

- ._----


Highest Market

Chickens ~d poult ..; uP all killd. I will he

Waynes 'ille Ull 'l'u > days . . Phone 1 4~. II I

th at Wtafl ... Sold b l' I•• dlng d... Jen e ve ry · wbe re . Stnd !PI c2 1;aloauc -I... "lhowiDa: .It ~ltern ••


The annual weQting of the Fed· erated olubsor Ohio whloh was set




for Ootober 12 to 15 at Lima. has .~~~~~~~~~------••- I . - -_ _IIlIi_ _ _ _ _ been P.ostponed to October 19 to 22, _ inolusive .

~1~1-:m~~rDJ~:, Nil

0' All Kinds

~ B5 IOeNCe SAFES A Sf#EC'ALTY . hCI~ sfl. AR'ency for " Centur y" Adiu~ 'A h Jc Sleel Drawlnl T/lblu .

K f.

1III16en, tullll.



'V ALTER ~l()C LlTRE Buried alive under a 8traw staok for six hours, II. v"luable bull be. Will Keep Funeral Director. MIOSUMMP.R TWELVE YEARS' ~UFFERINO longing to Ed: Banker of Franklio town@hip, oame near losing his life, When the yellow mn8tard '8 waving 'l.'UIf' plt Oll fl (lily or 'ti g ht . 'i'welve lon~ years of constant but was disoovered just iu time to - ANDHIKh above the spreading dock suffering from n rheuJAAtio nffii(). resus1late him and lave his lite . Vn ll fl.Y ph o nl N' I. i l in " ,!, When the bumble.bee i8 tll"vlng f)j !lI./IIl f.O N,l. !i~l_ 'jr tiOD te.rwinLLted in death wbeu Miss Dtl6p within the hollyhook, A bl abtlm Kizer, aged 80 years, of Bel·tl.l" Well r Iln8werer} tbe 8umWAYNESVILLE, 011'1). WhflD the rllgweeu dust Is blowinl{ mOils of the Death Apgel Wedne~­ YeUpw 8prlngs, has just reoel ved At. his honw , ~11 mil C'!I \V ~ t of Branch Ofii('c, Harveys lmrg, O. In the fennel'8 eye sO blear, da.y lit mIdnight ot. her home in his pay from the state for his ser- Wayn eRvill e, on llL lJ pp r ,pril1 g" l.'eadul theD my eyes are growing In the John Morgan raid, reno vioe8 Ceotervllle. I::)hortly before dOLLtb IJO ru lJik , fot· the ('oming sea.'lon . And 1 know my fever'8 here. he WrtS selzel} with a billou!! nttaok derell In July, 1863. Bis compuny BIOWN B ILL is II fnod gt~llel'i1l ­ IiOu the end oame suddenly, llring- was rui8ed ill Ne~ Jusper Rnd '.! ixty. purpose horse. When the thistle stllnd8 ap 8tately, ing deep Sorrow to her relative; and three mtln are yet alive and will get Like a sturdy sentinel, ' LOVERDALE is on of th e beSl. / their pay. many friends . bred Perch I'on h O I'SU~ in. this snclillll Bummililbirus, attired ornately, A well known anu beloved woman Boom above the lily 's bell i The oommi8sioners of Montgo/U of the coun try . If IS hfleclI yea r's of tba oounty IlntI a i ormer scbool Wilen theplumeUke he~ds of grasseR er. Vllond Warren o'luutleH !flet LLt t.he old, anti is wilhout a blemish. ooncber WIlS MIs8 Weller. '~he <leDtIy beckon In the breElze, tnught until her health prevented oCJunt.y lioe on thtl Uluciullll.ti pike T~roulCb my fralllea sbudder passes, McCALL PATTERNS her from continuing Hot! ve work. lust we k to invetiH ntfL9unlllJ!lintll. .TERMS: And 1 loeeze and sneeze and soeeZ6 l \ .'h Ultltt:d IH' hlyh:, Pl' r( cct fi t s implic ity n nd ,c)uil" lly I H', i r l y 010 ' , 1\:1 , • ,\I tt i n III rat Iy During the long hours of 8uffering~ ubout the 10001 tion of trolley 1I0les t: \' Ctv Ci ty li n ..! n i ii t l C !lI h '. 1 ~l. l l ~:. IIml "10.00 to insure a living colt; mare Wheo the dreary, dro1li8Y seils on she managed to assume suob a hopll- for the f.notlon hne at tbtlt point. C IIl, . "" , ' lJl' ",,0 111 , 111 IIt H .. \: I. .\I n',, .. " ..I 111:ln tlnv I.J l h ... r 1II.lIcc. ~l H J lur t rcc c~ I JloJ:ru e. and colt to stand as security. Any ThE! pole!!, it is ollliUl tlll, 00 upy too Gets loto the blood and braID, ful and optimistic dl pOSition reMAGAZINE one parting with mare fOl'feitR the l\IcCI\Ll.'S Pt.ylog ha voo with t,}le reason, M " I t: t uh..,n lh r"a I h.ln nn\' nlllt' r f;u h ion garding her oondition tbat her many Dluoh of tilt! pike !lp.lce. Ili dVUlillC IIt d l ll lH :1 11 11111 111 • • J n\' UIH.,h '(" 1 IU. insuran ce. Then I long with might /lnd malo fJ'lent1s had hopes of her fioal re t... ( , ~ t~k "'! 1111 1 I II I , ' h ' ' lIl.tI.lnt " I.. dli nc ry, JI Ll! " Lt~\\I ' .A I' tlvy ' " cci lr \y olk , . n l l dlc·S~" 'lr. Jlllt to Ihed my IIIllny worr.les While Harry Probasoo was In oovary. Sbe was ever willing to d lqu Ue, g OH~ thl ti e ·" tt c. On ly c..o cnts a ?'c'n r (" o r1 h li n"h l ), t mJ ud lll~ n Ju c rmlttrn. ADd to lolte .. I~t my ease, Dayton la@t week in the interest of oonn el ",nel n.ill her friends in spite \ r ille t \'dUy. r 1"1' O,t lo r sam J>J~ cOl'Y_ I W(, .. .IUIt' U£8 What'l the use? Ba.y fe"er's Hur tbe deep - waterway plan for the FUL INnUCEMENTS of ber wl!larlsome AffiiotioUR. 111 J\ ~c nt b . 1--n ', 1II 1 hrJ,'Igs prc nl iuln c:UQJogu.e rl8M Survlvin~ her are her parents, Mlumi and Erie oaoal, be stated :lI l J new , .. h ", Ile Ofir l l. Add ,e s Undertaker and Embalmer. 1I ~ McCALL CO .. 23810218 W. ~7UI SI .. NEW YI!IU( M.ake me Bne ze anll sneez9 and Mr. Bnd Mr8. Oharle8 H. Weller that an effort· would be made to have I:Ineeze -OhiOll.Jo News. Will be fonnd iu tIle old l\Dd tVi 0 EliHte1's, Mrs. Mury Davi8 Pre81dent Taft attend tbe big ma88 &nk Bulldiug, ' oppo!lite - - -+- . of Oentervllle, and Mrs. Penrl 'meeting soheduled In September. the Nationul Bnnk. SEARED WITH A HOT IRON, Ridge of Dayton . Be 18 knowD to be a strong 8upportTelephone in house lind of. I it. fIA'J'HA WAY oreoalded by overturned kettle-out Servloes were 'held ....Baturdtly af. er of inla.nd waterwaY8. fioe-where I can be Cfllled with a knife-bruised by sla'm wed \ V R .Y '.les ville '8 Leading .Dentlst ternoon in the MetbodlBt ohuroh at day or night. door-injured by gun. or In any oth Office In Keys Bldg. Muln at Oentervll1~, and was III obarge of Vl1l1ey Phone 1t-2. Intimate friends of PrQf. S. D. · er way-the thing needed at onoe 18 Rev. John White of Xenia. Ioter Fess, preeident c;>f Antioch oollege ut Main Street, Buotlen'l Arnica Salve to subdup, Waynesville, Qhio lDflammatlon and kill the pllin. It's ment Wall made at Centervllle .- Yellow Sprlng8, have been informed s lo pped in 20rnlnutes earth'l lupreme healer, Infallible Dayton News. Mr. Fe8s' plalls to be a candidate -I ~ urll with Dr. ~hOOP'H • Oroup fl omed),. Oue for Boil •• Uloers. Fever Sore8, Eo - - ...- , - - for oong't'6f!B in the Sixth Ohio di8get ImmedIate relief from : . t.c~ will ~\lr"'l1 prove. zelDA .and · Pile-. 250 at Fred 0 ' , . ' No ?"m lhn , 110 dis. IN MEMORIAM trlct. Fess was defeated ' for the Dr. Shoop s MagIc Omtmen~ tress. A slIfo uudl116l1siog yl'1lp-OOc !3-...qlsLs. Sohwartz. _ .. Repub,lloan oongresslonal nominaTn memorilll of the death of John COMINO BUILDING MATERIAL ~~Newton Lem years ago It MarY8ville by Juuge Concrete is composed 0 f cement, Wbereas, It bas plflll8elo God in William R. Waroook, of Urbana.. sand, and fine rock or gravel. It! oi infloit-~ witldom to remove from manufacture is as old as the Roman 0.11' Dlld~t b.y tbe hund of death ollr At Dayton Hu"dllY night when all Empire, but it is only of · Ia~ years beloved br ther, John Newton attempt was made by workmen on that Portlandoement has been known Lemmon, and and that the wonderful combination While bOy.'oJ iu bumble 8ul ·mIR. th.o D. L . & C. exteD8ion to U1'OR~ ·of cement and steeJ.- reinforced ~ion II) his holy lind divino will and tbe tra(lils of the OhiO Eleotrlc IOlld, contrete,- has become an import!!n! ~--tl'llly mllurn thfl lo!:!s of our beloved oara were on the 80ene to preven t thll factor iiI building operations, esAMERICAN INDIANS brut btlr, \Ve do not mourn 08 those tEmring up of the trllok i but the at peelally· in supplanting truetural h!lvlog no hope, for we truly be tempt WII.8 futile as I·he workmen steel. So far 8!1 the supply is con- Mllnnger Soh wei bold of the Xeni" lieve tbat our loss 18. his Eternal lind orew of. t,he Ollrl! wore friendly eemed. and likewise the value of con· base ball team, is to be oongratulRt gain, to live Is Ohrist., to die is ga.ill and no trouble ensued, ~nd the work Therefore be it: rewolved, 'I'bat we WIlB done ID time for the pll sing of crete as a bu ilding material, its posi- ed on having secured for the people of Xenia ~he grelltest billie ball at .., tioD as a competitor of stone or as a traot.lon on earth. l'his Is uo leAS tend,e r to tbe fn.mily of ollr deoeased the reg \J\lar our8 Mondtl.y morni'lg supplement op. tl on th an · th e N eb ras Ie a brot,ber ou.r heartfelt • . . to stone . in building . 'J an or~anlz", . 8ympatby and The po itma8ters I)f Ohio 81'e now dl h h b I i oondolenoe, r~ellng the wife erattonsiSmmostmstancesunassal, . ; f ed 1n an8, w 0 ave een pay ng . nglng for Q, oomblnation bU8i able, whde the rem orc, .concr~te throu hout the 'O nitell 8~tes and bns 100!t a kind I.ud loving husband, beam and-eohJrnn bave 10 the opm. g ,'" tho ohildren a kind parent, 1 1mTn08lt'tl'nrorth:nrlllJlt1:smrrtcrtl:r1m--mmrr • . . .. ~ . , C~nudllo for six 8ea80DIi. Thl8 team, Ion df many en!,meers, great ad van· \vhioh isoo~p08ed of gt;ouine Amer. lodge 11 trne and faithful member, In 00lnrpbu8 Sept-ernber 2. and 3 To tag~.fot certam pu~ses over steel toan Indltms, ' will . plny tbo Xenlu uud tbe oommunu,y Il good oltizun, thi8 end t.he government ha's grunt ed II. tlve, duys' leave of ab8euoe for frammg. The oonst~tu~mts. of con- teltm ~t Xenia on ~undlLY, August and be it further crete aI:e not only unhmlted In quan· Rosol ved, 'fbat ~he lodge room and tl.1I fo'u rth 01"8s postmnHtMs, and It . 22nd. . tity, but they are widely distributed • __ • obl1rter be druped In mourning' <!for Is expected, of oourso, that they 80 ~to be cheaply 'procurable in evSMALl:. DELlNQUINCY the period of tbl.rty do.YII, in memo will' have Il fir8t-c11l8S time. Tbe ou~fit i. lEDo~n I1S __tbe Ohio Sta.te e,y section of. t.h e country; and when £11e Wester'n Still' half the follow. ory of our departed brotber. pro,p erly made I~ see~s to be not only tng oonoerning th~ tax 1iat: Resolved, 'l'hat theKe resolution. League of Postma8ter.s. tl\e ~ual, bu~ lD many respec~s ~he Out of the totali a.mount oharged be 8pread upon our mlnute8 and a supenor, of ~he very best bUlldllur for taxes in Warren County for ooPV sent to the family ,?f the de Proseouting At~orney Alton F, StOD~. exceptmg .probabl~ the:'Q~e~. tbe past year-'38~,"30. 90-:-CouDty oeatled and a oopy to the vUlage pa. Brown aurpri8ed 'hi8 maoy. Warren tionof.appearanc~. Moreover, It IS Treasnrer ,W ill R. l..ewill reports per for publl~tion. OOUD~y friends last week when he And see ou I' Post·Curds; they are all USeful In a score of ways where ~tone but '6,2J'Z 50 de~inquent. In other I' · ALLEN HAlNl!IS, WII.8 married to Mi88 FloreDoe Olark, views of local interest, and friends *+;{+{+~ ~ and brick cannot be econOJpl(;ally words; fully -98.6 oe~ts lills.oolleote~ LAFE NIOHOJ.BON, of Oleveland. The atfalr was a qui. at a di lall ce will appreciate them. emplQYed. Sand and rock or gravel d 11 ' Tbis do' es not io. BENllY KING, at one at the home of the brine In . . . State on every 0 ar. Co Itt . ~re; ,ot co~rs~, . presentm e.very. diollte ruinouBly hud time8 in Wur-' • _. mm ee ~ Cleveland aDd was attended bv Mr. 'J!c ~n the Um~~}nabsoluteIY me~haus~. ren Oodnty. It ia oomplim.entary to 'TWAS A OLORIOUC; vte'TORY and Mrs. George M. Brown and 'lb~e QUl\l),tlttes" and the materials for our oitizens as well aa to oor worthy . _ Mi880ttie Brown, of L.e banon. A.f the man . ufactu.reof t are only tre".urer . We.' herewith ' g've B t.ilThere'8 rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn ter '" oonplh of weeks at the lakes t b ted d ... ~ A man's1ife hll8 been 8aved, and h h I ill k 8!i KhtIY 1~ . WI d e Iy d IS rl u an ble of town8hips and tOW.DI' with .now nr . . King's New Qiscovery is t e appy coup e .w ta e up their . ~*,*,~*~*****~~**~ · pf~ntifql.-·From "~ew ·Tests for de\in 'u eno of 8I\ob: tbe tlllk of the town for oQrlng 0; V. reslda~oe tp. Leb~non. . BulldinK Con8tru~t~on," . by Guy ' ,- q y . '. . Popp~r of deadly lung hemorrbAge8 .' '.,' Elliott Mitchell, in the American Re- Olearoreek towDsblp, ........... 56* 01 . "1 :oould . not wOl·k nor get ODe of tbe mOllt remarkable loads ' s f'o r Augus.t . Deerfield town£lhip., ......... 186 38 II.bout·," he wrlt"II, "lind the dootor8 . , Vl'ew 0' f ReVl"ew , ..,. of .wbeat.ever reoeived ill WwtbiDjC ." , . ~. " ~: '. ' Ii',rll.nkltn townsltip,out8Id~.. 646 25 did m6 'no good, otlt, ufter using ur, . Iu S . pi "'OUE S"OTS 3 King's Nfl Qlso()very three weeks, ton, C.J.I., arrived at the WI suing II. \V,A~nINO~O~' .· ~ . '.~ "I' . l't'an¥lJn. oorporatlon ........ 1041 . .1 1 feelli~'~ Q. ·n"w mlln: Iln'el oan do MIlIiDgO,o uip.oY'i plant la!!t WtleK, lie tD th~ Jow, !!larahy bO,U01;DB of H~rlun tpwnsb!p ............ ,.. 3-10 ,27 gpod work "guin·. " .. For weuE dare whea ,Horace Wi1siJp ot near 8100D) ' the P~tomllo, .the breedlDg ~ound. Samilto,ntown8hlp.......~.... .. 1 8 ~9. 'or dise,II.l!~d lung-, ~ou~h81J.Iid . . of 1D"~.m~,, . Th~ lerm~ M~l toWnsbip. . . h.: ...... :... f l14: OO' Bqmorr~it'1I1 a8~ Jj't'V(lr, La. . Ing8burg 'drove upon the scale8 with · . O!'DMohm.",&ver a_a d agu~,;bllUoa,~ .' . ~ 'w hi ' b rth . 54 .09 411thfua or bny Brol',lohlnl :a)oal1 .t hat. 'welgbed ' ~3,230 ponnd8. · . nea, janndice,,!1de~ IwealEoM8 .8&lem t-o nl! p, . 0 .... ... . . . ,it .8tande unrivaled. Prloe 500' ,The . wheat~ W&8 lQ086 in the malO , · aad .eDe~ d~bllity .~cl bl'.ing In.t .. ~lem ~~wnsbi~, ~~u h .....: 246 SOl '1.00. .T rial.· bottltl free. 8~ld -motb,wagon bed'and 'ilfter the wUl(on terhig or c;leg..b, tq Ql~u~ndl " .r1:v, l.'urtlore~_k·town8l:l iD,outslde .:.J~G ~4. '1tqU:rab teed by :Fred . C ~h \Vartz had. bQen ' relieved' oUts . bu r'den 'It · bnl lIUeotrio Blt:~~ n~v~r ~ii.l~ to de T~rtleoreekcor'Wl'''ttQt1".'.. , 1188 ~ . ' ,. _ " . ' ~_ ' ... ., . '. . ' 11,roJ '~m.• od 9~hre ~~latrilillt~!!.un~ t<1wo's tiip , weat.;',..... 1115 03 ' Japin baa tbelarRe,8t.Votoano ore- tip~\'ibe .' llOale8· at ,8 ~)lm pound8, _ "-'\o ..e1. Are" e ' II'DS a r.,.. U J , , ' .. ' . d I . .,. leavhiglO.180 Pcsnndl t.~e weight of . tdnle .lid onre . for mal~"'a i e.e~_ W~yne tow~.b{p"e&lt ...... :,. 282,»6 ter intb~'worl , tm,~surel our... wbe!l;t.. W.hen if itt knOWD that uHd " lVrl&8e R. II. Jamu. of Ip.n WuhlDRton . tow·o .bip......... 168 ll~ -.(eon ,by len ml1e8. . . ~ tbe ordinary loa:d~ iDol nding t.eam elleb'. 8. Q\ ,\ ,T,bey, oare ~1D·b·Olb. Union towniblp ...·.. , ... :.'!;... ; · 160117 . - . . . ...-.. 'ft ' -; ~ all, .vera..... aboul8,OOO ponnd8 1 UTer Kfcblll,. ' and 'Blood&~()u ea - . • _ .. ' .i A 8h081 of herril;lg. lit aomell.mlll ,. ltv .D4 1;rw preveDf' ~. ~d The flri'.bloJole wrth pedal. wae Jlv,or ••z mU. 10Dg .~d eno"'''J of 'hetoa·fwlll be'l'e '1' til• • 100. ~adU'" bT J're4 .A a_a' 18.0. . \hr" mllH broacl, allze'l1· . . AUGUST



Brown Bin Cloverdale

\ \-1\\

A. MAFFIT, ----




·H. E.



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*~ The Miami Gazette ~



1IIo1a...... - .








"0 \Ing, be not 4eeei,ed." retJlIld DanIel wIth n slnlle of Incredulity, ~ "tor thlll Is huE clay wltbln, nnll brusi' D. L. CRANE, wIthout, nnd dId ne,er eat nor drink nnythlng." "AYl\TES rLLE, OHIO. As Oanl I finished apeakln, the ,l ace -.J _ _ _ _ of the king becdUle 1I"ld with an ger, StoQ' of 11!elr De.truetioD amI tumln&, him about, he directed by Daniel <Chat 01') Topics of Mao)/ Kiods p by a PHy the Ulan whose s ummer vaca· one of hIs s rvnntll to summon the lion Is o\' r. prl sls whle h s I'V d betore tbe great Reeo~n~ze~ J!\~thcri~y \ BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAr' god D I, aud wh n they had ome, l1e Freckl s====== nr to be bad for the nsk· PREACHER exclnlm ed. hIs yolce shaking wIth In· Ing t1lC'se (lays, tense passIon: =--=== -== 9::as the era "Oonl el her e declnr th that Del eat· A HOUle Party, tess ,s a id paste, glue, nalls, buge pins' Based on the Apocryph'll t,lI not of those things whIch tll king Jnvltstlons to ,thIs party were sent and lin n throad wer llsed In COD ' "Th e 0 s trllctlon of Bel and provltl th dally. It ye tell me not Th!'r is enough s unburn for all nl Dragon." tru ly that B I eateth these things, out on postcards on whlch there was structing the dlllJllllY ot II adgoar, and thl' ua tJll ng b acbes. But It ye cnn cer- a snap·shot of the hostess' now home. really lhe joke hats looked about us '1'11 (' ]1 nok as Part of Dllnlel.- Th orlg· then ye ll hall di e. The tl ew - broom or 'prosperity has .nul t~x t or Ilia Book or Danlr l anel the tify me that Del devoureth them, then It was a dellgbtful artal,r, with unique well as the monstrosities shown In rUI'k tra nslations of the 8 111116 dltrl'r In Danl I shn ll die for he hath spoken touches that a clever entertainer al· the shops a nd actunlly worn by worn· f;W('P t. -I an the debris of the panic. thut Ihe Intter contain 80\' 0 11\1 IllS l·tlons ways contrlYes to give h er litUe par· en who consider themselves lost tc d uddll ions, among them btllng this blasphemy agilinst Bel." D::I lly th ' dh'orce COurts are provo Sli the world If not adomed wi tli the v ry "Thoy hast spoken well," said Dan ties, no matter how Informal. tl('\'l'n lh book at the Apocryph a. known After the do:(,en chosen friends bad latest h ad covering regardless of tb e Ing thllt those who marry In hast do U l "The History ot the Vestructlon or I I, looking fu ll Into the eyes of the arrived and duly admired the COZy' Cact that It may be most unbe omlng. not need muc h leisure for r , pentance. 6('1 nnd the Dragon," Such Is tho" ong a ils muled prIests. )t th" Threo Holy Children." which .tlr· porch With Ita fUl'nlsh1ngs ot green, H was agreed that test should be At tbls season 24 hours may be the ters trom the "Hlstory ot Susl.nllu." und the maid appeared with cold beverages, A Balket Shower. th e book und r co nsIderation. In thst the made that the king and Danfel s hould clltTpr nce between an overcoat nnd wblch the hostess poured; then she Did you ever happen to think how tormer I~ InC'o rpor!ltcd In the midst or s hut and seal 'the doors of the temple a bn thfJl g suit. Ih e text or Dllnlel. while tho two Inlier atter they hnd placed the Usual told them' she wanted their very tiest many varieties of haskets there al' ? m ntloned app ur mora dl stlnctly as ap· ==== Flyin g = Ac ross the English channel pendl es. and olIer no semblance or [arm· food nnd drink nnd offering' hefore Ideas regarding house building; that I never did unlll my attention was ought to be an Improvement over Ing pll rt or the origInal text. "Thu His· the Image. A"nd the priests little for tho two . hest plans there were cal\ed to the fnct by a novel basket prizes. . s hO\ver gIv n tor a September bride· tory or SUllannll" (or "The Judgment of s wimming across It. Dllnl cl") 11'1 g nerally found In th e b gIn · regard ed the matter, for under the Papel and p ncl1s were passed and to·be. nlng at the boole thollgh It 'also occ urs table they had mnde a privy entrance, a balf hour alotted for the architects King Peter ot en 'ln, who tell from afl The hostess asked ench gu!'st to cr the twelfth chllpter ot Dllnlel. "Th where by they entered In continually hi s horse, Is thnnkru l that. It was not History or the Destruction of Bel an" th .. to turn In their creations. Tbe result bring a bask et or some description. nOll con sumed those things whlcb from hi s throne. was delightful. Each one was a llowed As the 24 guests \\' ere al\ Intlmnte Drago n," Is plnecll nt tho end at the book; and the LXX v rslon tt bellrs a w re set b fore Bel. , But Dan· fiv e minutes to explain tile merits at (rlends th ey consulted among th"'u ===== Tnke CIlT t' or th e "youthful roo .peclal headJnlr U8 "port ot the pro phe ey lei was a s subtle as the priests them· h!'r plan. Some r emarkably clever selves, so the selections mnde did ·mance." and th e divorce qu estl.on ~f Habakkuk . , Vllrlous cllnjel'lUr s 11 11 \'0 selves. and unbeknown to them bo Ideas were developed and much un· not Includ e duplicates. There was 0 been mnde n8 to the origin of tho orlul· ",11\ tllke care at Itself. tions. n.nd It hos been sUl1poa (\ th Ul tht:: . ca used hi s servants to strew the floor suspected talent revealed. The prizes stunning brown Wistaria was te bas· ,,'cr derived tram Arnml c orl",-1 11018, but or the temple with very flne ashes, were subscriptions to well·known mas k t; on ot saDIe weave to hold fruit; Cblnamen have only themselves to the character at the addlLlo1l11 themse lves Then were the doors shut and sealed IIzln s devoted , to household affairs, a market basket made by a Dutch bll1 me for the surveillance put upon Indlcato rather the hand ot nn Alexn n- with the klng's seal. and th favors were tiny wooden Jap. peasant; a clothes basket; tiny cov~rln o wTlter. It Is also not unllk I)' tha t them by th e f dernl authorities. In lh e morning with eager .atep th o trnnslntor of DanIel wrought up tra· al\ se houses filled with bonbons. For ered basket to hold a thimble. This It was a woman who made tbe fiag, dWons which ,,'ere already current and came the king and Daniel with him, refreshments there were canteloupes was In a round work basket, that also appended them to his work. and the kIng said: nnd thnt may be one reason why lDen filled wlth New York ,Ice cream, Iced had n scissors shield woven to matcll. "Ah, ha, are not the sel\ls whole!" tea and dainty E nglish biscuit. have been and still are ready to die There was a clothes bamper, and a "Yea, my lord , til ey are whole." for It. In a week. or two this same hostess cunnln$ covered basket with a handle, Then the king commanded that the wll\ entertain the same people, and just large enough to hold II. lunch for ; Between dIscontent In India, tb e doors be opened, and wben they had they will "furnish" the houses planned two. (Scripture Which Doubtless Com· German Invasion scare and the new gone within hehold the table was at this party. To go with these bask ets thp.l'e was is for ted Daniel During This Trllll.) taxation methods Britain Is likely to empty, and the king cried: It may be readily seen how delight· a ten or coffee rest woyen of awe t ~ Who knows but that the In· have an uneasy summer. . "Oreat art thou, 0 Bel, aud with tul this exchange of Ideas Is lind how grass to use when serving on the splratlon for . Daniel'l dally de· thee Is no deceit at all." alert It keeps .()ne In observing the porcll, and quaint waU holders In vat Ion c.,me from tho Flfty·flfth Sometimes a mother of seven ' or But Daniel only laughed, and point. bes t arrangement of all rooms. The whlcb. a tumbler could be Inserted to Plalm ae follows: eight children, and with nobody wlll. Ing to the pavement where the ashes Olaklng of a real home ' should be the hold wild flow er-s. The bonored guest As for me, I will call upon lng to help her take care ot them, had been spread, he said: highest aim at every woman. By was perfeoUy d lighted wHh' thlJl God; and the Lord Ih",11 lave must almost envy an old maid. "Mark well whose footsteps these that, I mean a home where the needs shower, for It turned out that baskets be." ot each Individual are looked. out for was ODlI of her hobbles. By the way, A discriminating person hearIng m~Venlng and morning and at And when the private entrance had with thc best effect possible. lately I have found so many people one at the popular songs of the day noon, will I pray, and cry aloud;. been disclosed to the king he 1o'D.B basket crazy, some ot tho younger might marvel that anyone should at· and ' he shall hear my voIce. very angry and he, caused the priests women actually ta~lng lessonll ot the tempt to plagiarize that tuneful lit. is And again from the Fifth A New Bonnet Party. to be slain and delivered Bel and tort. Indians who come to summer resorts ~ Pealm: A hostess sent Invitations tQ 20 of the temple Into , the hands of Daniel, Give ear to my wordl, 0 Lord, her friends asking them to see an ex. seiling the pret y oreations tUey have who caused tlrem to be destroyed. Even thougb petroleuUl butter be. Hl! consider my meditation, made during the long winter ' months Now there was also In the same hlbltlon of Imported French mlllinery COmes an establi shed fact this world Hearken unto the voIce of mY ~ place a great dragon which the 'peo- at her hOme on the date speelfied. On on the reservations. will not be d prlved of the pleasure MA UA1.(E lofERRT. cry, my King and "lY God; for ~ ple at Babylon worshlp~d. And the the top ot the Invitation was a tiny of 'teachIng cunning little calves to i3 unto thee will I pray. figure In n perfectly ellormous hat. king sald unto Daniel: drink out or. a pall. i3 My voice Ihalt thou hear In Every One wondered what they were "Wilt thou also say that this II of the morning, 0 Lord: In the to find and awaited the day with keen Evidently the men who conlltruct brass? Lo, he Ihret~, Qnd eateth and morning will I direct my prayer the popular songs can see that these drlnketh. Tbou canst not say that curiosity. They were not d.l sappolnted, unto thee, and will look up, curious compositions are not all oft he Is not a living ~od. Therefore for the large living room was ar· For thou art not a God that ranged like a millinery shop; a pretty the same piece or they would not worshJp him." .. hath pleaeure In wlckldtleSl: have brought the matter Into oourt. "Nay," responded Daniel, "but ] maid In cap with a long rib han bow neither ihall evil dwell with a beruffled apron fluttered about I will worship the Lord my Go/\; ror and speaking broken En gll s.h with a thee. The' foollih shall not ~ Uncle Sam Is ' proudly exhibiting he Is the living God. But give me stand In thy Ilg"t: thou hateet ~ lea ve, 0 king, and I shall s~ay this charming French accent, and t.he $200 000,000 worth ot battleships off Hosiery nove~tles Include stock· i8 hostess was In a trailing gown of un· the coaat of Massachusetts, but none ill all workerl of Ihlqulty, dragon without sword or staff." , Thou Ihalt deltroy them that mistakable French manufaoture. tngs of shaded sUk. of them will ever be as famous AS as , And the king having glven his con· Overskll'ts of sort material are moapeak le .. lng: the Lord will abo Around the room on hat torms were that ancient tub .. *be Mayfiower. sent, Daniel took pltcb and fa and lndescrlbable bead cov~rlngs, made dish Ilnd Ilre here to stay. hor the bloody and deceitful hair . and 'bavlng made at them great , Real estate In· Messina Is plainly man, Valenciennes lace, relll and Imlta· Cram waste· paper baskets, ' chopping balls he took and tbrew them into bowls>_c.ola.n.dera,_~te. tion, Is In demand once more. not a profitable Inves' .:nent. It Is too But al for me, I will come the great yawning throat of the , subject to depression, and-Its The trlInmlng eonslstet1 ot lemons, Into thy houle In the multItude Cluny lace Is a~ great a favorite as dragon from which Issued n hot and ears of corn, sun.f!owers, caulltlower, openings are not at a kind to Inspire of thy mercy: and In thy fear It was a season or two ago. . scorching breath. Now, a~ soon al 1101lyhocks, c~mblned wIth gay feath. confidence In their stability. ~i11 I worehlp toward. thy holy Folds and fichus over the shoulders the pitch balls had renoh ed the In· er dusters, turkey qullls, and even temple. terlor of the dragon they burst Into birds' nests had \leen pressed Into are quite a feature of the summer The Duke of Ahruzzl 'has broken all Lead me 0 Lord, In thy rIght. evening dresses. fi erce fiame and caused the Image to service. The ·gu"esfs went Into gales records, It Is said, In Himalaya moun. eoulnell, beeaule of mIne ene· All o( the new outing hats, as well burst asunder In the middle. Then of laughter D.B they trled on the bur. tatn climbing. He Is to be congratu· mlee; make thy way atralght beas- the finer atraws, show ,8 decided turning to the king, he eald : lated. This Is something people can· lesque creations. The maid exclaimed -fore my face, . "These . be the gods ye wor!'lhip." "SI charmante, madame," in the mOlt roU at the brim. not be born to. They must do moun· For there II no falthfulne .. The scarf wblch matclles the gown But when the people ot Babylon approved · manner. taln climbing themselves. 1n theIr mouth; their Inward Is becoming one of the familiar feat· heard that DanIel had destroyed not The dearest little hats made of ures foJ' the light wrap. Plrt II very wlckednesl, their The good old summer time Is hav· throat II an open sepulchre; ~ only Bel but the dragon which the1 crepe tlesue paper held salted nuts F01l1ard facing for - the smart reo tng things all Its own way. The worshiped, they were wroth and made when refreshments were served by vel's' sounds a new note hi tailoring they flatter wIth their tongue, westher men announce that there Is Deltroy thou them, 0 God; let ~ common oause against him, declaring maids In French costumes,. The hoa· and dress combinations. nothing In sight at present to suggest them fill by their own counleli ~ that It he were not delivered Into their any marked changes from existing cut them out In ~he multitude ~ hands they would rebel' against the meteorological conditions. king and destroy him , Now when of their tranegrellionl; for they the king saw the straltll Into which hive rebelled agalnlt thee, ' There are signs or more revolution. he had fallen he gave Daniel Into ' that put their But 'let all thOle ary distUrbances In Hayti and Santo theIr hands and they cast him Int.o tl'Ult In thee reJoIce: le~ them DomIngo, and some of the old names, the den 'where were seven lions, fierce ever shout for Joy, becaule thou like Jiminez and Jose St. prerre Glor· and hungry. There Daniel ~as for defendeat them: let them ever danl, arefjg~rlng In the dispatches. six days. But God bf 8 mighty splrU shout for Joy, beeaule th'ou . But unUI the famous Woz y Gil gets carrIed his proJ)het Habbacu from defendelt them: let them alao ' bUBY It Is probable there will be really Jerusalem to Babylon, bearing a b01"1 that love thy name be joyful In dol of pottage and broken bread, whlc}! thee. he gave Into Daniel's hand and bE: For thou L9rd, wilt bien the Cheaper cuts at ,'beef contain just was strengthened. And on the sev· rlghteoua; wIth favor wilt thou 8S high food values as do the tender· , enth day came the king, and when he compasa him wIth a shield. loins, . the porterhouse steaks, .and U~e found Daniel safe he cried: "Great II! juicy SirloIns, although they need to the God of Daniel." be chewed awhile longer because gEm· And he caused Daniel to he drawn THE STORY. erally tougher, according to II r eport (orth nnd those who bad sought his made before the blotogical chemistry ROSPERITY and th e attaining ot hurt were cast In thither and were section at the AmerIcan Chemical society. eminence exclteth envy nnd bring· devoured at the lions. otb enem ies. His Goodnesi' All About UI. Abdul Hamid, the deposed sultan, So It was In the days of DanIel, and Men IIYe dailY by faIth In the unto . continues to "give up," hIs hl.test. can· so It Is to·day. verse by confidence that the seaSODa trij>utlon being a obeck for $5,000,000 At Buch time he who walketh the will ~eturn, that you can depend o.n tram his hard·earned hoardings. Bllt pathway of r ectitude and honor will nature glvlng as you sow. All Jlvlnl! apparently the Young Turks are not eventually bring those wbo would do Is based on the eternal verities at nil. yet through with him. Tbere comes him evil Into the snare at their own ture, 'Why can we not I"ea<l ~bls meso from Constantinople t)lo report that sage for .our own lives? Sh'ould nol 'Abdul IB to be trlel{ for his part In devIces. Our slory begins at tile time In the each returning day tell of the good. the revolt of las t Apr!l. This may life or DanIel when he had become nes's that Is ever new? . mean another and bigger check from grent In the sIght at the king and It II! foUy to look tor some autborl, the ex·monarch. : -r Tbe foundation mUj!t be cut 12 Inches hal1 been shown great hOllor my him. tatlve word r evealing a good ruler 01 wid e and 9 Inches deep, -an extra Iricn This was the reward of faithful aerv· the world If yoll do not find goodnesl! EX·Presldent . Castro say that tho being allowed all round tor turnings; American government Is prepllrlng to Ice and the exercise of tliat r,reat writ large and ever)'wbere In thl! embroider . one aide with t'he design wisdom which God had bestowed upon world as you bave n. Why IIhouid we deceive the world with wicked ~hown; the; leaves are !n eatln'stltch, schemes. Ile seellls to labor under blm because he had chosen to serve not trust the revelation .or , !lstlne and the "stalks In cording, Btltcll, and the the delusion that all the power anll God In the presence ot the heathen affection In nature? , Why ~l)ould we herries 'In French .knots, small sequins not seek ourselves t«> learn the lawe Influence of thi s great r epublic are court. or knots being uaed for . the wave.d Natural1y the prp.ferment which was or life, to be hi haMlony wlth thle being beat on his personal destruc· 'Une at lower edge at chaplet; 'the shown to Daniel by the king excited unlv\lrse of law and 80 to come at tlon. In his persistent accusation of ba;'p Is In flne cordlng·stltclt.wo~khostility toward him· by tbe United the envy and hatred of the princes last to know the face cit that 11fe w~lc1 with' gold tinsel thread. , nnd ' chlet men of the realm and they has taught us 'life and love throug) States he puts himself la the atti tude sought for occasion against him. the work of hls: flngen? If .the work Is at all drawn, Iron It 'at' of the ant wbo was angry at being 'the- baQk over- thick 'blanket: now Now It came to pass that as , the We need' no dreams of dwelling b. slloyed by the le phant.· . cut a- piece of stout' ca.:dboard 9 'king went In dally to adon the great yond 'pearly gate/!; we need no prom. god Bel which had bellD 2tlt up In the .Ise of paradises Qf slotb or ·ot fali') Inc~e/! 'd~ep, and 1~ Inepe~ Wide; score Those blsons, or butralos, which re' ,temple at Babylon, -that he noted that furni shings, all we need t.., make Olll. It with .n knife' t;wiCe. down the ce~ter, fused to Immigrate to Canada and Daniel went not thl,ther and lIe asked Uves tul1, ,and rich, and strong 18 t1118 at l dlsUinces of three:quartera ali , have been 'lett to roam on this side ~ 'Inch, but,. do - n,o L cilt " It t.hroug~;­ him concernlng the matter, saylng: faith that tbe w9rld Is even now belna of the border llTe truly American In "Why , dost DOt thou ,~orsblp Be11" made ,by right ~d truth, thllt J1Q other stj.e~ch the embrdi.del'ed ma,terlal oyer ISpirlt. CIl.nada bought the beasts, but "Because I may not worship Idols way ~~an tllnt of. ,right 18 possible to it, turn In the ' and fix. 'on the 'in'. 88 the animals have tJ).ken to thC:l ·.nll,de with bands, but the living God,r' the \rue man, that the love ~hat sld..e of ' CI1I',d with 1 8eCco~e. . t woods tlle attempt to corral them hus replied Danrei, earnestly. _.. POSSllS ollr knowledge ·Is over ~11 an'/', " , ' " F~or the lining, u!,ei1lln sl1~ etretclled been abandoned and they have been "Thlnkest thou not that Bel III, . a this love Is tbe law for .0Ul' Uvea an~ " TIil~ cf)~er" ~eallures, -When made, o~et 'paperj fiX even\y -;inSide wtth presented t.o our government. :As living god? Beeth thou not how much . fqr our livlng. _-.:. . 9 inches deep, aild abbut 6~ ·\liches Bee~oUne, 'ThJ.,c~er ma~ either ,be they ha,ve, bown tbelr love for , Amer· he ellteth and drlnketh every day?" ~ wl~e' ,of' course ' the design may ' be '"ftted to the back.:.o f, an old book, or It, lcan soli I~ ts to b hail d Ole bu,traJos 4emanded the king, Indignantly: '.' Por The ~lCn des'ervlng, the ~ame Is QDe wlll be allow d their frll edolll, and blm Is proYided expeue every wbose thoughts and exertions are tor used' for a lar.rer size, b~ allo'VIlns may' be t\aed fQr a muut~~ the po.,. ))erhaps left ' to tbemstllves (h y mal day 12 measureS of flDe flour, aDd ,C?thets rat~er ttum tor blmselt.-Blt "lD.ore margin Of ~lalD matel'fal at the er8 of wblch may. be 8UppC!cll ~~er 'edge. , ' ~riSD, .Uk, or lIatlD ml'1 lteblUtd- ot etutl~ ~ed 1be 'ltunar I'8D8W a stock whlcb blls beoouie ",el~ to .heep &lid alz vea.ela of WIllI," W, Scott. <Wied (or the foaD~~~\ ' 'each .I~' ~. -.aIIb t-ztermlnaled.

The Miami Gazette








I. D I











Neat '



When It Appelr. Act at One ••



Trouble with, the kidDey secreUori. Is n. c rUlln sign thnt your kidneys are d ranged aud that you should use Doan's Kidney Pills. Tb~y cure all Ir· . regularltl!'s and annoyance'3, r.emo'e ba knche and side 1181us and restore tho Itldneys to health Charles Cole, 204 N . Bucl,eye St., lola.. Kans., says: "The kid n e y secretions. were I r reg u 1 a r, scanty and painful and contained sed)· ment. My back was sUrt and lame and my limbs swelled. 1 gr w weak and . discouraged. Doan's Kidney Pills reo moved these troubles entirely, I have been well for two years." Hemember the name-Donn's. Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foa.. ' t er·Mllbw·n 00., Buffalo, N. Y. Singular and Plural. "Whenev I' sll gets to thinking how lIIllch th ey'l'o In debt It nft'ects ber ' nerves," "Huh! the way It , artects her hus· bnnt! Is slngulur." "How fllngular?" "J list sillgu lnr, It atre -ts his 'nerve.' He trl d to horrow n h undred fl'om me' t o·day ." - Catholic Standard Bnd· Times.


Wld'ow to Widowers. air. Robert Marshall. a well·known, London police court missionary, recently received the following letter: "Dear ,Slr: Reading or yOU some· times In newspapers. I take the libertyot asking If you know a very reo speckable man wlshen to get married. again. I have bea n a widow for years· now and am all alone In the world. Trustlng·to your honor lind remaining. yours respecl!able, Mrs. - - , middle age." Either .Way, Mr. Wilkins hud been slttlJlg quietly on a Dall keg, perusIng a paper which he had found on the cOllnter. Th& date of It he bad not noticed. Flnally be lookcd up with a puzzled expres· sion. "Wbat's this wireless telegraph slg· nnl, tbls '0. O. D.' they're talking about?" he asked. "I guess It's ·C. Q. J:?.' aln·t It 1" suggest· ed Holbrook, the grocllr. "Anyway. It's 8 slgual of distress," he added, moodily. The Water Bite. He was six years ' old nnd had never gazed Into the mystl lens at a mi· croscops. Several slides contnlnlng anlma.lcula had been dIsplay d to his astonished vlslon_ He was too amazed to make any comm nt untll he came to one slide that seemed more wriggly than any of the others. It was merely a drop at water. The little rellow gazed at It a long . Ume, with all Its nimble partloles of animal life, and tlnally exclaimed to his mother: '''Ob, mamma, now I know what It Is that bites you when you drink soda water!" A Colon1 of "Good Samarltanl." The point I Wish to make most em· phatlcally is that here In this mission of tile slums, among the lowest ot the low, IsllemonstrMed again and again the power at n living religion to rocon. struct the Individual human lire. And It' apparently makes not the sllghtetlt ' difference wheth r the man Is an un· lettered 'Chris or a university gradu. ate, tbe power ot reconstruction Is the same. Once grasped, such religious faith changes the whole world for tha man who grasJ)s It. It cures, at It did In ap9stollc Umes~ both bodies and souls, and It produces, moreover, a singularly simple nnd brotherly relationshIp among those who ate reached, a desire to serve one anoth· er: It Is no affectation which eauaes' these men to refer to qne another as "brother." They are brothers.:-Amerlenn Magazine.



He-A woman tn ODe way. , She-What's that? He-She won't ' tear up II love let· ter, even . aCter. she'll forgotten ,w1l0 . -.: wrole It. ,






'Home folks or •

com~v. '"




ASHlNU TON ._ Tb po· IItl nl actlyltl es of t.hC An.l rkllll P ople are prnctica lly c(>ascles s. ~ Natlolllli. tat ' lind 10' ~~ cnl lection!! follow one auoth I' III unbrok· eu round. It Is held, seeming ly. that In short t rUle of omc li es th e greater safety for rr e In stltu· tlons. I.L unit for the nomIna tion or David. Bennet t Hili. 1'he It was 35 years It has heen asserted and argued tblngs that these New York rs said about Grover leveto tbe limit of patlen e and lulur. ago' that the ghoat land, a itlze n of their own state, would hav been little ance In \Vnshln gton and Is wh re of a e Ba r Ism less than astound ing' to sOlne foreign ers who did not tbut tbe campnl gnlng limes. wltb walked abroad In und ersta nd the ways nnd byways of Amcrlc un P\)IIt1 s. their attenda nt ex Hement , coming Americ a. It walked The re was no crime whloh :\1 r. Clevela nd h ad not comas they do with barely a space be. again r ecently aud mitted . Even If the crimes could oot \:lo proved ngu\nst tw een, tend to th breakin g of the there was just as him, th ere was not one chan e in Ii unh'ers ot chanceR health or the bu si ness 1Ir. Pros. much subslan ce of that he would carry New York sl.ate Ir he were nont!· perlty, howeve r, has bcen so g~Il' the Bplrit as there nated. erally a IlRrt or the country 's his. was wil en August New York would have none of blm. No person from tory that little heed Is given to th B Imont In t.Ile Good Ground on the Atlantic to Dut'fll.lo Oll Lake Erte, it com plaining cry. The feu r of n POB' Democr atic con· \\ as ,said . ha d any liking In bls h art tor the only mau sible Ins tability or Instituti ons that \. ' olion at Baltl· who had led the Democr atic hOGtl1 to victory s ince beron might follow a change has out. more saw It strld· th e days of th e civ il war. Th e New Yorkers went tritll weighed the fear of a poss lbl hut Ing . through the the convent ion ball and voted for Hill aud with them tempor ary commer cial Instabili ty. convent ion hall. In th e voting were Born e forly·od d D mocrats . Mr. Cle\'. I MmllffiEhus tts wh reo becuuse ot the sUPP'lsed Iu his s 11eech at land recel\' Ii 017 votes eve u In g up and his nomina tion Immlldl atl, elTect ot the traditio nal habit of thought , the peopl e that Democr atic was made unanim ous. p I ace at the might be expec ted to look with fayor on n long tenuro couvent lon lIfr.) polls. The poll. The N w York d elegatio n went h(llbc. 1t forgot all of puhllc oftl th Belmon t said that, ceo . e go\Oerno r of the state is elected tlclans, the men Grant, aided lIy a ' the bad things it hsd sa id about Mr. Clevela nd and 11 yellrly. The mayor ot th o cily of Doston IIlso holds who make a \ anybod y was unldud enough to bring tbem to remem, office only for a twelvem onth . corrupt oongres s, a In ssachus elts and Bos. busines s of pol. brance the answer was, "It was all In the game and we ton are weaklin gs corum rcilllly . . Thore has been, co n g res 9 from Itlcs, have a howeve r JlO wanted HilI." The Democr ats from a t d I th . wblcb love of Burrolo. Tammnn ylt.eo ond nil : worker1 Oood Ground to , e ll eney n e stn les or tbe nlon to length· wisdom of ttielr lib erty all bad for the election d epart· ' en the terms of the cllief x utlv s. That wblch seems own, and they of Grov er l(lvelanl l, and elected be WiIJI. If you hear wise to "ay Id I b ed, was assumin .... wo,u 1a \'e eCll de m d °folly halt a cen· \lIloVe a respect, all the functiongs ' anythin g about Ii candida te in a naU(ltlal convent ion tury ago. The people ba\'e found that tbey can trust though It be a from a delegat e who opposes bls nom'M,tloo, don't bethemsel ves to k r tI of governm ent of lieve It. After the C'onventlon 1 d eep away rom the pIt of apathy tor selfish and are· II! over t\l.. delegat e blm, whatev er kind, and Iree or our years an that all men are not possess ed that the bayone ts ' self will tell you be lied. luctnnt one, tor or the military Oel!!' of tlallge rOUB am blU ons. EaTly In the winter precedI ng tbe 1I1ltional conven· \ The recu In t Ik f that whlcb the tl rr . g B o a t erm 0 S x years for the tlOJlS til e member s ot the nationa l com.u·,lttees of both people arc bent poUsm preside nt and the t.ulk ot senator already s for life terms Is prob. on doing. great )lolltlca l parti es m eet to d ecide 11' which of the ably but talk for talk's snke. Anythlu g thnt has politics were flashing In I grent It all the dire cities this con\'ent lon hall be b~. Both com· tor a basis Is at Interest to the i"oe Am rlcan and In the things the un. The New t mlttee m etings had bap. are called for th e clt1 ,)t Washin gton and each can back 'the nnm give n with reasolls that declare d ' for tbe greater conveni f hi h t Pen d to tills reo a ence of the melttb rs. many of n thatd or w c "Caesar he advan cer couldn' t get a vote- not even lsm centfall za· whom have oOlchl1 position s with the scene ot their public that poll· tlon" were hi sown. under· · f t actl\'ltl cs In the capital city. ticlnns just be· = ~d Amer Ica~o _ Iy In U ures. The mlln· fore mining the very Iitl cs d es I I I!rge 11atlonal In the r enrs golle by the choice of the '~onventlon city g 0 f ~h In presto .. ~" tl,s one foundat ions of our so beror 1 wa s to sam extent gover ned by (Iolltlcal ('ons ld cl'atlons . tl mony thousan ds of times convent ions had e e conven on c a·ys In~ II g11l'CS cannot k eep the. predi ct d would 'rbere was a se t b li ef ou the pnrt of many or th e com· folleral s ystem and ('ou nt. The (JueRtio.n of the llluilitud thnt witness es the happen to It If mitlcoll1 cn tbat party ad vantage \\'as to bo gnjnlld by the all oa tl1 ta kl IIg of a preside nt on the pl atfo rm oust of the constitu "sweep ing tlollul away a man not Hlelr naming o r tbis It y 01' that Ity as the phlce for tbe cu pltol Is: "V\'ho will tuke th oath four years from c hoi c e great galhl'rln g. Su ch th OIl/! llts largely Tla\' e pn ss '[I flnd " There nre some thousan ds of indl\'ldu nl roem· bulwark s." el cted the nationa l com mlttel's nowntlnys nre lnoro anxl01l s to bel'S of the roulUtu d who The . . \\'111 be Quick. Ito give answer dent. republic , th e r e have a co nvcnti on It Id lu a eit y \\,hl ' h hns a hall prop. how'eve nil d ene II can b nc k t h e g lv n nallle WIt I still -gem. lived and lastr, year I' Ilsons tbat would not be n e rly arrang d, big nOll g h f r tlw delegat es nnd for a 0 J'lIt f! and h e h e II e ves nil convinc ing. It Is a grea t game and It sltred of IIlJerty any ha rd of apC'ctnto rs l1l\d sn fegllurd ed in ev~ry way against Republi cans, roa k'h 35 es for safety.h b \' I I le tt In th e land. 111' :lll d othe r dan ge rs. T 'I ere neve r as een a tim sln c \ nli 1 ngton was " cars after, were he p eo pIe, Of COU1"se mon ' y ent l'!l intO th e matter ns It enters crying "CII sa rlsrn Inaugurn te d In tbe city or ~CW. Yorlc thut t I10 conc rns " howe ve r, seem Into IlI Ost muUers of 11ft>. The na tional cot1llnIU e' men and centntl\ zntlon" ob f legislat ion. no matt er how \'ltal to th o rOlllltJ'Y,-ha\'c to ('xp ct th e dt)' thnt is il onor d to hear tb e a ctu!! 1 ex· .en strong enough to leeel' IlOlilies BlId th e .malte r of tbatbe sa tiSfi ed nnd III th e same th Y 1111\'e ),HIlIses o[ holding th e 'OUI' nlion. .J us t h~w lIluch tbe th e preside ntial success ion br ath out of declari th e pcople'a ng Til Americ an thrhoes on polltlcs -proot enou gbminds. the tsam bu sin ess of a grent town Is bene fit ed b,. the Ilulltl csl · ' , per. of heire fkindf 0 r t ree d om that was .IOn tbe joyful possess that all the constitu tional bul,,'ar\cE' wer e helng swept ore Illhers. One of the !lrgull1~llts thut was gnth rln~ It Is hara t o state. Of cO llr~ e tho hot e l's away. When the minds reap of that IHI»S, those who "!!ee things" got It Is been II h llithy' food . There hus used against the e ve r.,' ady sneer at Americ an anoth th e Jlomlna tioll of Theodo re Roosev elt pl elltcolls ly, bllt the great gain to a comOl1lnlty co mes normal . e l' Ie rro was that he had gatlte red unto hlmstor and the eyesigh t b ecAlll e elenr, a esarlsm un d from the exa mple whleh the polltlca) cuovent lon sets It cenu'all zatloll method s of nnmlng a pr sid lit. i\1 en who think none were found somewb ere far down wind for Ih e d leglltes oC othel' conve ntlon·ho ldlng bodies to too well of ' popular governm ent have said ; untO by re- JUost of th e for.ces of governm ent and tllat lIe bad· absbol.'bed nlmost wholly the'\' largel' part ot tIle flloctlollS of d b and tbe constitu strong follow tional . ribbed bulwarl and re werll as Iron faun bound eration 1.0 tl as e e\'er. a!! h they Tho country 'hl1vo come to b eliI eveI thId I r OWI1 It ( I war d11s, it e legislat ive branch. It was a COl.lImon enough tiling From the mOlllen t till t th e In wmaker .. get togcth e r In lat t e politici ans and th e 00 e 10 ers a so po· always goes to the devil In a thol1snnd dllTeren t ways n Washin gton last year and the year before to h ear tile Washi ngto n after a presld entlnl el ellllll the n ext cam' just before the delegat es to the great nationa l conven· ti clans) do the ' pres1de nt·nnml ng for the people. It Is wO,rds ' llluttere d about "one-m an power" and Ule "repub· It II pal g-n Is ~ n . In th e win leI' next pl'ecedin ll n cony entlon a s t.atemen t that b ears nO tesl. \Vi tions } are gathere d togethe r len 1\1 r. ,oose\'e c s rnpld road to dospotl sm." Someho w br other t3ere began the outlinin g of his policies .there th e r Is morc politics Itl th e na tional l"It)' than tbere 1& was hardly a med to be u feeling that .tbls was utterly new talk In tbe Liberal Republi can convent ion ot 1 72, beld politicia n In the land who approve d . Th e III mbera of legislat ion . and that the su»poae d danger existed tor tbe first time co ngress wbo wer friendly to the presiden t's course In the city ot Clnclnn aU, there w I'e things said ubout The effect of Washin gtnn politics In. th e history ot the country . telt all over . General Grant whh!b made tb e things s nld In tbe Balli· ould be counted with no knowled ge br cOllnting. Meas· the nion and It Is In th e cU\1ltal 'cl ty lariely that poll· lfr s went .throllgh congres s that tbe congres smen more convent ion a little late r seem tllUle. who When Grant's cles Two are yenrs fl'amed ago a New Yo'r k paper with an eye on aud piltn8 are laid agaInst t he day 01 · voted aye loatbed In their souls. namc was mention ed In the convent ion Ule first time Roose\'c lt opened Its column s to a discussi on of '''Caethe next nationa l cunvent iol1. Already th',) dlsc llsslon In every U1nn hIssed and kept on hissing for tbe ~ perlod WllI~t was the reason of it sl1? The people them· sal'lsm th e cUlIltll1 Is turning to th e subj ct of tbe nomwe es fOl ." The siune ( New York paper years ago saw usually allotted to the ' applaus e followlh g the m ention selves were voUng, 1Islng unwillin g but finally polJUcally dally and nightly for weariso me month after weariso me the next gr at nationa l ~ ol1test. of somt> favored one. II WB!! only seven y ea rs before wi se agents to do tbe . voting for them . The man who month the ghoet' of "Caessr lsm." There la nothing uew this that Grant bad received the surrend er of Lee at wants to succeed hlmseif i'n olUce bas an eye and ear under the sun, ev'Em III t~e me,Uer of gilosts. ApPolll attox a.nd yet here In a norther n convent ion of for ' bls constlt~ents. If be wants to commit politica l When the Domocr ats ot tbe couuO'y got ]1.ogether In meu n~nr:ly every one . of whom had been a Republi can suicide ' he become a 'tempor arlly blind and deal. The convent lo,n In 2alUmo re In tb'c rear UI72 Caesar ism and the nama of the great soldier was greeted wltil the force of »bbllc opinion wilS 'never more sllarply shown centr~l1zatloll °Itnlked hourly Ulrou,gh the hall arm in . hisses not o~IY of contemp t" but than hi the United States senate winter ' before last, of batred. arm before . tbe ele • . of tbe affrIght ed' dj!legat es. Tbe ',Jose)lh H. Choute liald at a recent dinner that wltbll III the ' ~ear 1892 tbe Democr atic ponvent ion was beld when senator after seuntor voted . for measur es tllat Liberal a ftlw ye(lrs (he Willi sure) 1111 ch'llIze d uations would Republi cans h· a d held a conven tion In Clneln· I'n a building three yeat's ago 'they, wquld op6nly have declared to 'be . erected tor tbe purpose on tbe °lak.e tront naU and had . nomJna ted "orace · O~eeley and B. Gratz be' compell ed .' to arbitrat e their quarrela , as for centurie s In ' Chlcaf;o.' Any man who attende d' this Democr atic Inlqultb us, "ecause they might disturb bllslnells I~ter· Brown ,tor pr~slden~ and,9'pre$ldent . . The Democ rat. gatheri all ol\' \IIted men Ila e been compell ed W' do. e~ts, busilles s ' Interj)s ts being the Interest s Of. corpoPlj\' had assemb led at Baltimo ng Will rememb er the bulldrn g-"tbe Wigwam ," "Patrio tism-tb e glor~ous fourth- -all that re to Indorse Liberai' Re- as' It was called. The" root of ·tbe Wigwam leaked. . tiona wlileb °80mll people Say sow lIt,t le and reap plenteThe thing is' very good, ind~etl, '" said ?lir. 'Caoate, sort 01 'publlcans~ 'ticket a,nd ' tci say: ulfngs·· In' the , t/lell' plaUorm O\Isly, ' "but dl& smalles . .' about Qeneral ·<)rant· and,Ie· Republl oan party ge'neraJl)\. 'wam t .Ilohi In It ~;as the skyligh t. It was at \.be Wig' arrlll\m ent. univers al peace,. will be in~h better. can vellUon 'tl\at 'Grovell Clevela nd 'iV,as :: nomina ted Ait lor the' houlle of r~presenta\iVe8, the men who I 0 one probabl y Will deny 'to-da;r ere were a for the third time for. the omce of preSide nt. In the ho. " . "[n this ' s(llendl d' peacefu l future wblch' 18 so neat etopd agalnat. the .preslde ntlal policies . still' clinging to hundred and . one things In Orant'. admin18 t;aUon ' bad us, friends of war will seem as Uncouth as a young man tels for iwo or three days before the conven tion there the beUef that the maJorlt y .of tbe people waa. not 1n.. , enoUgh' to. have I\ad some wohla no~;'Of praise aald about seemed the other day In my nlltive Salem, were sCOl'e.s of,..1Jlen who were given over to the task sympat hy with the adminis tration, found out thefr misthem. bUt I~stea~ ' ~t act\jally specify ing' thla thIng or . "This ' young man entered Ii drug store and said I of telling ~ab at the convenU on or later at the polls. everybo dy who would IIste~ that If the conthat thing the Bpeaker a ot the De1iloc rattc convenU on .. 'Glmme a brush.' . ventlon WafS (0 commit the .unpard onable An tills 'Was • part and parcel of the plan .o f' ·preal- were of 110 carried awaT. bJ the .(ear tJlat ~e republi c .. 'Very gqoil. sir: said the polite aSBIBtaDt. What was . nomln~Una Grover Cle,'e)a nd det4!at. awaited offense _ . dftt'Damh~1 b,. the people. It I. all3lert ahi It. mundan e the Demoto go the way snd. thjlt a~ empire wall tacom e Jato Ita crattc thion p ~ . part,. and If b,. any chan,oe ~eat were . a~ertecl kin 01 a brush? A toothbr ush?' :e:ertalp. that 'if the poJlttcl uaa ot either . Q'JIIl that the1lbst· ~ of'·.matter. tbat mI~ the ,. -rootbb rulh? Hawl' snarltMl tha YOUDS mao. 'What electlon of Clevelan el would brlnl 4las.te r to the PIlI'tJ' aa4 I auccee4 .1D · th_arU DI the 1'01 . of have bee~ cJ1ttclaecl and woul4 J want toothbr uab f~r! Do tldDk J~. 101 held up to mQ. the YOten . eountrJ . the yotMWoM' . g&loo1 C01lUIlUOIl ~.,. .. ~1n.P lb. afraid the ~ wraltb~" . The New IOI'Il de1epU01l, TIIIl~D ,~ DUJD~r~ ".. .. hair 00 my t..tIl" ..

lil W











__ c

--- --- --e



. Spring Branch




Our crop of about



J. W. White


.MI· . Elln Rye iwd Misses Alioe Th f Ilowing 'hang ih th Ul'l'i\'al Chl'1I0 l' t h lind Bll rtllll S IIIi! h \VIm I;' all I u ·.partu r of t hl.! lll ai l!; fl'ulI't the t·o - oun I'svl 11 , ' lnrl illn8, l'hllrfldflY If It's Coffee o nt,t nd tho Priwitlve Bllptlst. MI · po. l mc look fIl!cL S unday A ugll t 11 1909: . ()f Peache will beuoilltiun. You wallL - :;om thing that will ~d n ripening about Mr. aud Mrt! . Almor UilI, ?'lr. nnd· 1) iml't fOI' ~ast pI ase 'YO U first, last and a ll the 'time, Mrs . ThuwlLa Dill ' and t,Lmily, uf 7 20 a. m. August 20th. use . 'hase & anuorn's pecial Blend Mt, Holly, were entertuined by 9 41:iJ 0 ombinalion 1 esk and Bookcase 20C _ lb. Thl'S£' are t l, hp t Frees tone va ri cties-mpdium 1'h olllu Luoy,mdrttDlil y on lllstl:>un. 2 a. m . '" a. m. dny to lIinn er . . '0 p . m . 4 30 \.I. m. Lot 1 -i n slove wood, $UiO a cord to extra la ~c. Vari('tic. ---Gold Drop, Old Mixon, 5 30 p. m. 7 30 p m A Man from Texas . Mr . u, uu Mrs . (1ell r ge Prntt were . . L INA WItI G... T R It ·H. Late I'awforfi and Smock. e nt rtulnen t.o uilln er ~\ln dll v b v Depart fu r WeR t A I'i v f!'Om We'll t I _ _ _ _ .. _ ... _ __ _ Says: "No b Lte l' melons are found Waynesville, Mr . nnll Mrs. Amos .I unkson ~f 7 20 a. m. 6 00 a . In PUBLIC SALES i in t ho lInllY "uuth la nd than I get Valley Phone l,at White's sto re." You will find Mt. Holly. 3 20 a. m. " 20 a. tn. ;1 Mrfl .• 1. H. Che n o w t.1I lind llllll g h7 40 p. Ill. 10 ao a . Ill. I . 1.0 1':1 U 1'1.1111 IIUII ~' I'l'lIl'ElM /Jull MO il 4 :m p . 111. I wi ll 011' 'r at publi ca u ct ion, my jnice fl' h waten ne on on Ice every _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _• .Iu 'ob wereeni'. cl.lll ll eU by MI' . IluLl i 6 ~O p. 111. fann of 76 lIc r t'~ and a l 'o per 'onal day . hlr~ . Dt1Vlll H . Lll 'us tu ·uullu .Y diu · . For Harveysbu rg ].'1' m Han' y 'uul'g PI'OI) 'I·ty. h 'i il g' situated .j m il e-Ii Sardines! Sa'r dinesl - .......- - - - - - - - - - - . . - ner. . . !) 45 a. tn, 10 30 u. m. so u t heasl of Miamisbul'g , 4 mile s . . . Mr. /lnd Mr/i . '[U OOIIL/! He!! and 3 20 P. m . 4 3 p nl n ·)I·tl,eu ·t t'I;" kl' 1/ ·Ie . st Nothmg moreappetlzlOg than real f l i t t' d h ' b h J d " I < ::; II 1',111 Ill , /~ ml we . l' urn y en er :alOe IS rot er u For Ly t le From L tl f. ' b ' d O ' d 2 sardines in mustard dressmg or 0 lye /io n Hefls aud wife of Dayton 'ttt yeo pIIng 0 10 an ayt.on IOU, '1 h' h hAd urdll.Y night und I:>~ nuay. ' 'j 7 00 a. m. . 1 30 p. m. mil es northwest of Springboro', 1 101 , t IS ot weat er. n we. sRUgdMr. und M·rt! . H. C Dnkiu , Mr. II n(l To ins ure prompt di pa lch oulgo- mil e ~o u t hwest of Dunkal'd chuI'ch Igest yo~, try a bottle of our t flel For Roofs of All Kinds. .,. k Da k In ' ELU rl f aUlI.V '1· M" Sll Mr s. "run r . Ing m:.111 J lOuld b ' in th. > posto tlic ' on V an d ever MI'1Iron d Im own fL'-I l heSnapp . , I' sauce at your nex lind Mrs . Wlliter Dakin I~nd family, at Ie t t . t b f . . old ul'face fal'm on dlnn I. Mr. Rnd Mrfl . Ernest Dukln and flllll as en mmu es e ole LlIn e [ 0111 AI!I'IlI fm' fl1f' Ilu n v p J'UIJIOU8 Craphlte Carbon ilv were entertained bv Frlink '0 k schedul ed f or leav ing for the mornWednesday, September I, 1901), Dried Fru its Elastic Paint. IIml ] \ il l put it. on f il l' Jil l!, t()o. T I I1~ 'l11d fu mil y for uillt1l'r ·Sllnllny . ing mail ; for mail " leaving nt 3:20 PrUIl(,S , Peaches, Apl'icots, Raisins I"II!. I I,. 1,,"tlll ,.11 .1 gll lllllll f .,,,11 t ,l II/lit 'I'll foll o will ,! Mrs. \Vlll ter DllkiulllllIsllll 1I1lrry p. m., YOUI' mail should be in the at nin t> o'c lock a. Ill . ·harp . Fi ve - we are receiving these in nice con/.! l1 l1 l'IIntpc gOP.!-I \\'111l 1l1lIh ' " JllIllll : WI1S olLllin g o n. Mrs. Frllnk Dllkin ofiice tift en l11inut ·,' be fure tim !:.' l!t'ad of hOI'!;Cti, twenty-one head of dition and are selling these every day atti e , ll10s lly dairy cat tle. All farm MOlldllY morning . scheduled for lavin g. - - - .. -+- - - 'im plemcnls - 8 horse power gas 0 1' to OUI' customers. I·'RA I( H. FAItH, P. ~1 . CUARANTEE FOR 5 YEARS gaso lin e e ng-in . Int rnationol make. Fruit Jars Hot Water B ottles l'h L' ht ' M d Sta d Ilt!W. All hou sehold goods. I' a rlll Will GIVE AWAY WATCH ' . d f f . . e Ig mng, ason an n \\'t. !! llll l'fl nl" (1 {.RA PHI TE AHRON P Al T to be (If l1 ("1n of 7. ( ,acres- g 0 arm or ratsmg d GI C t J ·· I ~ . ar ass ans; one ars WI'th I 1= VI"lltd fOil!-l IIno 1 1I~ rn pu t.~ Il t CUl'h l Jl1 produot ,;, to contn ln ll O F . C. 'uray, t h e barne s d uler , gh r UIl1 0 1'. thobacttl. IM odern ddwelhn g for pickles, Blitters, etc., you wi ll r O!-l in. "ph:dtllm Il r P t)'o leum in uny for ll i. noll to contllin A R T Z'S' has fifty whips whioh li e inteud~ to goon all C Wi t nn ura gas an wate r. fi d b too T ' C h n o ooi<1 nr injurinll~ Uh!:ltll11 ce: Wh A() used II ccoruing t o our cellar, gooll we)) and cistern, 4 n no e r 111 ans anyw ere. sell for '1 each, and h e will Ill tllre Il 'IiJll)lle di re ti( ·n,., we ~ nllrnll tee tb e plliut to weo r perf£' tly fnr nt I IIi\!. flvll .v Ill" W ug r to fn rni t'l h . fr(> s l1Jliolllut ...- ----- - - - - - -. . present of' 11 Victof(!;old fi ll d \vutch springs, new dairy barn up to date Fancy Lemons mnl erial t o rE- pnint /Ill y s lll'fu c 01 1 whioh l-l mpliite ' lll'bOIl 16c a dozen New Burlington. to one of the purcbnseJ"j . 1!"Ol' a with g as and wale r' in barn, silo con· Pll lnt d OPR n,\t I!ive ,.uti. lll t i\Ju for this lengt.b of lime s hould nec ted with bal'll, 8 acre young timseoond presen t be will gl va Il good nnlltlitioll~ 11' \ll1irtl it. M . S. Il()WLAN LJ . We are now in a position to give whip. '1'his' il! n0 lottery schemp , ber. T I'ms of sa le of personal pro}}- you t he lowest price of the season on STANDARD LINSEED CO •• Cleveland, Ohio. J oseph Bingl\won, of Mi ohigan ! City, [nd. visited ' his unole - Ed. but a business propo ition, und u.ny erty: good ripe lemons. All ums of $5. and under, cash · Brown and other friends here last one · wantiog II. good whip will do Wheu you a re in n eed of I' ll lin g lJuiilt give me a 01\1\ week . over said amount a c r edit of S o da Bisc uit s well to 01111 on him . r pIl on me fInll r wi ll mil un you MillS Thelma Powell, of Xenia, month will be given purchaser giv· 6c a pack_lie s pent lal>t week with her Runt, Mrll. ing note with appr:lVed security, 4 . This new eracker is proving to be Cbas. Mendenhall. H ot Wat er Bottles l> I' cent of!' for cash. T erms of real / very popular. Our Special Price on Chas . Bnd Boruee Menllenhllll estate matte known on day of sale. Saturday cleans them up rapidly at Jesse Rllwkins lind William Mill Q Valley Phon Waynesville, Ohio. Howard J. L. Michn > 1, I 3 packaarea for IOC attended tlie fine stook sale at Yel . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... low of lu.At week A. A. McNeil SCH WAR T Z'S J e rry Himes Aucts. they mllde the trip i.D the former's Ii utomo bile. Walter Gebhart, Jerk.

1,090 bushels




Graphite Carbon Elastic Paint!




75c at scaw

.. -----


!I _.___.'_•..•__•



· on

75c at

Tu~ sd(l.y


•• ••

•• ••

The .Neighborhood News

•• ••


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Miss Bern ioe HA w kins en ter. ._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _• tl\.ined lust week, the Misses Barris.




. I f FOU A . SYRIN S Miss R oth K ersey IS \pme r OIll in innllti bri ber vucu.tion. · Mr!l. Georg M.ote and tw o n1111 . . dr~ n !lave r eturn ed t n Ill'l l ' h ome iu \ SCUW Aft TZ'S \Joll1mbu . '11___________•• _1 Walt r Ulall ver Cllm e hOllle fr om _ _- .. _ _ - XI nil\l:)und lty oi ght Wellman.

6 5c .at

'u~'d!Y ~)I~~ce:P.l:~~e!a~li~~. s~:~!


of Col umbos. Mrs. Chris. B<:l nder and daughter Lucile Imd Mrs. Liazie B'l.rmon . of Cinoinnati, visited witb relatives h ere ItlSt week . The ~nnual reunion of .the Collett & McKI1,V families WIlS held nt th usuul plttoe on t;aquctl\Y

We will be well represented al pringfield on SatQrday. AOl\ u~t ~ lst when the Barnum & Bailey "'raatest show on eart,h exhibit ... there on thllt date. for II grsl1t IlllLny of our oltizens hllve Illrendy expressed themRelves all hll.ving made up t·lIeir minds tOll.ttend. A glanoe

11------_,l1li----.. - - -... - -- ---

J. W. White

I will offer at public sale at Ua resi- I!!! ' ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ dence of Turn t· Welch in Har'veys. HAS MOVED SHOP burg 011 George Thompson has moved his Saturday, August 28, 19()9, blacksmith shop, and IS doipi' busiB g inning promptly at 1 o'cl ock ness in the Hayzlitt building. t h f \lowing articles:.fin rubbert ire buggy, ] st el-tire buggy, 1 carOLD MilL GONE riage, set of buggy harne n. set of fly nets, small amolJnt of hay, work The old mtll at Port .WilIiIlDl , bench, set of carpenter's tools, 2 iron Ohio, whioh hl'8 been sta.nding II~ kettles. 2 good ladders, 2 bedeteads, long 88 the memory of the old8tlt 2 cupboQ('d , 1 heating stove, cross- I resident will carry him bllok aDd cut aw and othel' article too nu. mer- hanger, has been razed \JO i'he gronnd ou ' tomen.l ion. Tel·msmadeknown ~ II.Dd W. H . Beam, the owner of th., Site, will ereot a oement ftre.proof 011 Jay of ale. 1.' M , STOUT. building with Dew maohinery of . T. Hawke, Au c t, every ohatILoter u8ed for ftr8'-<llall/J milling purP!lses. ] will offer at public 8ale on



Mrs. Ell Manin s peut Tue!lday at t.he list of w.onde rll to be seen Misses Utt zel unci Puuline remained with her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Ellis. with this bi~ how would leud one forawek 's lither . Mi se MutandAnnl\~'iresareviR Guaranteed to remove Corns ~obelievethat t·he llmit in size as Mr . !Lnll Mrtl AI ert ~ll1ith visite 1 iting th~i r urot.ber Elvin jl~lre8 !Lnd without pain or soreness II.S um ber of tiovelti;-~ be Mrs I:>oe , he rwood nnu family IUllt. familv · seen hll8 flnldly been r etlc hed week . Mrs. St llu. Whitsel tl.ud dauglners 15 c at Schwartz' s Bln'nuUt &.. BlliJey pr sent this H,lrry JOD~Rlmd Benry WeHs I~t. were visiting t'elative in D yton year under their oit.y of fonrteen tAtlded the HprlOgfie1d Ftl lr last lll.s t week. .. _ .. . _ __ Mrs . Ella. Wytlong and daugbter acres of tent!! more thing new than week . 'Vanley c;t phens nnd sister, Mi s Corrin e, of 'incionlltl, ill visiting Bellbrook have been offered by all other shows R ena. frolll Cinoinnati, huve been 1' wlth George Bogan and f!Lmily. in yeara. "Jupiter, the bul\uOll Tuesday, August 24, 1009• . vi iting Emerson Stepllens and fu.1ll Mr. Ca.rl UI('lu.ver; of Dayt,on, spent Born to Mr. and Mrs John Finley .horse," Karolly's troupe of sixteen . i\y . last· wee k with bis mother, Mrs a sou. . Bnogurilln oOILI bluek stallions. the commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, the All 0 Kibl r nnu fllmily bave MllUd Cleuver . I Born t o Mr . IlDllMrs. Wm. SmIth tUusiolLI eltlphnnts, oelebrate'd Kon- following property: One Great West. , Guaranteed to remove Cems OD witho~t pain or soreness been antert.alnin u Il houseful of OOUl-Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Geor ge Da:viElllttend I north of t?wn , n. e , " y ot tr ope of equestrians, Sl:'Vell e rn Manure preadel',) Moline farm Pli ny the po t week . ed Ii reuni on nt Uovingtoo , Ohio, Mrs. WIll Hahne ~ mother,. W bb f b Mr. Gruver wh o hn s beon eri ous- W ednes;lny Prugh~ w~o hilS b een <:I oite III f?r t roupes of foreign lIorobilt, foul' wagon,1 e er arm wagon,2 ru USC at Schwartz~8 M s . Elvin Inres s pout Frida.v some tllne IS no better at thIS writ- trou ,jes of nerlalists snu bundr~ds ber-tire buggies,l steel-tire buggy, . 1y ill with ty. ph oid fevor hlUI l'eoovered su1lloientlyto rt turn to bis with her p'lroots, Mr. n nu Mrs .), lng. of other ",renio novel ties nil go tu 1 top spring wagon, 1 wheat drill , work as opemtor ! bere . BlLrry JII.oob ~eILl' . Miss Bertha Bowland entertained cowplete a oirous performanoe thut land roll rs, .disc harrows , breaking .1 ones, bis popular ub tltute, will Mr . ltnd Mrs Wultor Joruu.u IIonu theChristilln Endeavor Society last hus-ne"er been equll ll d . plow, sulky and gang plows, hay Jel\,ve Wedoe dllY for biB home in dn.ugb.ter l!peut Friday and Su.turday Fritl!LyeVtIDing. Atte r a very plell.switb John.J orda.n IInu family. !lnt evening refreshments were The big menagede has bee n Ilog- rakes, American and Pittsburg fence, L ondon . Ads will be Inserted umlor tbls bud tor The ioe orellom sooial was fairly Mrs. GeOl'ge Buga.n a nd Mrs Ella. served consi£tlng of ioe orea~ and 'Wanted by the IIoddition of many Chestnut posts, cream separators, twenty·llve centR for tbree IDlMlrU •••. wbon uslng ·not more tban ftve line'!. well attended Sllturdll.Y night in ' Wysong Mlled on Mrs. HElwley O!l.Ke. . ue~ strll.nge beasts a.nd is h~rger single harness fly nets, coJlars and ~ spite Of the stormy wellther. Moon SaturdllY ufte.rnoon. Miss Ca.rrie Kemp, of UlLyton, W<lS than &11 tbe ~oologiOI\I glirdens iIi I pads, CUl't'y combs and brushes,ll\wfi ~ Th. e Misses Mabel Sherwood lln~l ! t.1~. and Mr . , ~~arles Gr~y a~d tile guest of ~er Sister, Mrs. O. R thi& oountry combined. The street swing, churns. washing machines, . WANTED Laurll Ktbler attend~d T8Ilcbel' II fn~1JI1.v . were VI Sltl?g reilltl ves 10 Pete.rlloD llls~ Snn~lIlY. . . parade 80 gorgeous and so trtlmen- flower pots, galvanized ware, tubs, lnstitute at Leban oo tbls week. thl n elghbol'hoo 1 SundllY . MISS Pauline Cond it, of MooOle, d .' b d' buckets t in ware 1 range 8heating 2 SCORN HUSKERS, and 25 woThe Misses Ellua nnd Ma.riEl Stout Mrs Georg B t t ' d Ind is the guest of her Runt and ous in t'IZ~, eggars esorlptioD I' ' . ' , men. Apply at the Waynesw re down troUi Wtty nos vil le for h i'l l' ni ~oos M~:Re/~~.~ie e~n~r ~Ienaerl unoi'e, Mr. Ilnd Mrs J . M. Peterson and in all is 11. fa·ir index t,o tbe won_ 18toves, 6 gasoline stoves, 6 ovens, Canning office, Corwin, 0 ., ville the ioe cream SOOlnl u. t urdoy night. Wolf, of bnd~nuti, from Sunday Miss Bertha. Bowlltod was the l derful performa.~o s that f ellow. Pr~tt's, Baum's, Black'~ and Inter· at any hour ofCo's t he day. u ntil Wednesday. guest of Mis9 Ruth ~"okett, south of • --natIOnal stock food axle grease. Quite a numbe r of IVi lrn!ngton . town Iltst 8unday_ .' I Having de termined to give up my F OR SALE pe ~) )Jl e llIl ve boen 01\ffipin g' in thi.8 1 Mr . •T. E. Neg~er,. of EIPllso, 'reltas, !. FOUNTAIN' SYRINGES ware house in Corwin, I must make nelgllbol'lI oood from HundlLY until who hns been vll!1hng bera for some room for my goods. }!'ridIlY· ,]'lIolle in tile c:rowd were time is serioQsly ill 8t this writing , H OUSE and lot in Oorwin, barn, Guaranteed to remove Corns Unrt. SILhin Imel sOO. Dtlvid Sa.bin' l Mrs. Wm. Fulkerson, of Spri ng C A credit of six months wilL be giv..; oon l~hed , good well of water without pain 0 1' sor eness wife unu dUll~hter., "Yillio.m O!l b~rn Valley, was the guests of her parents ! len by purchaser giVIng bankable note Can be re ted a.t 10 per oent intere8t. .15c at Schwart z's Bo d fElnlll y, DICk Smith 'lOd fu.mllY, IMr . aud Mrs . Lewis Kaper last Fri · SCHWARTZ'S . C. T. Hawke. Auct. ' A. B. SIDES. Jon Investment., us itean be bought • ___________.. ..1 O . LipPlIlcot t {\.Ull fumily . luay. olleup. Inquire of M. Vlln DU8er .

COrD Remover




COrD Rem.,V81'


Cla ssl Bed ' Ads


~~ .ft

Corn R elnover






1 1----------..-..



65 . at


S""""""""" """"""~""~~""~~"""~'" """"~"""""~"""~~~

$ There will be all kinds of Fun in 'theway of Amusement, $ $ a good Ball Game and, a general Good Time. $ $

........-::Qon'tforgei the '.

Dat~-~Sept em~er , 6, :i.909.,~.....·




· t.~"'~""~~~~M~~~~••M""~~~~'K~~~ ,



Mt. ,Holly's Home-Coming and Reunion

WEDNE~DAY ~ A,-!:U~I1~U~8~T ~2~5+,....!1c.!!\I.!,!J09!!..!.._--:_ _ _ __


' I''



~~~-~~~ "t't';~,. ;,~;, :1:~:,J~~;:i~~:;C<o;P~~! L~~~~~~~~~~-~~ ~d=!~~~e~.i .i-F-;,;~;;Citi~~~;-i l

The 'l! rprisc Letter. ~I t, Holly ll'lIho. 'oIlIIIl K 01. huJy wl,1O form orly "," 11 I)"",... I


had almost. fo\'got.ten old acquaint· ------------. ance, but the sPirit of the hour I~ltl' Mis: ' Mariana Chandler, who Mrs, Jeff, Marlatt ha.'3 been having Prof. LeJter Ivins made this offic R A 'C ' , b h II b I died ill Uenver , Col., .J une, 1908, rheumatism. I a Ie .n II " ev, , I. owrrtll, of New Burhng r(lug t a ac { to olden times again , and who was a teacher in the Clay, p asa t ca Monday, ton, who was hurt a few weeks ago, I ~\~~~~~~\~ ~~, th~'~~S ~~f~~~O~'0 day. Stor,y .after story, reminiscence after ton School saying they have placed a ,~rs. E. D. Burnett was a Xemu Miss Eva Funkey, of Chicago, is is still a v ry sick man. Sal"I ~ I. I wond"v .. 'Ilf. \\' h" reminISCenCe, was repeated. and m · mOl'la ' l 1\1 ' t he se I'\1)0 I in her mem VISltOI' "t'mg her par~nts here, . . ' rc"60ll " >" ' , last Tuesday . VISI II e '~Ol'er henr rmlll old ~lt, Hull y, I whole.soul peal ufter peal of good, UI',~,',' M)' , J UI10 Trainv!' rand family, of . MISS Agnes ,Hornick is visiting her Mrs. Albert ClTalldle l', of Kal1sas I hellr" "" uli lUnlljhlltl SIlII', ' nat u \' d laughter' resound d, until II I tt d h D ~;o l'l'ow , are spendiw se eral meeks I lu(,lw,1 und II" W uur (lulIgllI r Mplh' ' tl t ' f " .. I (> r says: gran mQt er In ayton . itv, 1 an" is the glle."t of I'elat'l"e A'('umill ' lhrllUuh ' I'IIoP, I 1e~ ram~ muslcaga mw('r heuI'd \"' Y wanle J Lo have ,sorne thin . ~ . " "... lAtlantl'" " J 'Jt ' , ' 'JI' ' . T l'a1110r ' .. lho',.,'nl'(lw llll l,jklllllll, " hel'''. ,, was 1 t ::IllYI Lizzitl Moore has been visiting '" ,. ' f; I'": I ma DaVI'S, ' hl'I I~,> ', : why I""lIla, h,"" I.. ,II,H lUI' Ir "" \v hen all I' paired lo lhe !'ta11' IN ,~ U that would ld l f ur' g l'eat love for .ul. O heal' the rest of the prog1'am , I friends in Selma for some time. J, L. Sheehan an ,l f'<lml'ly ll a"e r"The Gazette is very thankful to , 1er and ke p ali ve the memc;>ry of U • <Why , lilws y. SIIYH 1 , I woutler whu~. By th is time vehicle after vehicle h \' good work in the school. Mrs. c;sther Stout attended yearly turned from a visit in Marshalltown PO I'mel' Residents for sending in A nd who on )'ourlh hl\8 'I'll 10 0101 Hut my co nruslon WI18 800 11 rOl'gol. . ' ' Iast weeK, Iowa . ' ' lloteJ of interest to her readers. We arrived on the g rounds,, by .. After much con!lideratiQll we got Mee t lOr a t W'I I mll1gton .:\11(\ m Y" old h "n" t,hl'obbOlI li op)}II)' , ::.I o'clock a onscrvati e estimate put the Cl' wd at 2000 present. This on~ of Charl es Partl'idge Adams' Wales Smart,' of Chicago, is visitEd Retallick and wife attended have I'oom for more, though. Don't I broko Lila seul , I r ad lho 8111nmOll • , Wlt.1i bewitching 6trlil o , my hOlll'l 'ug low ; paintings, It ifi a mountain scene~ ing his mother, Mrs. Chas. Smart. Yearly Meeting' at Wilmington la t he itate (0 send them in, 1 horo 8 music' In tho word, H omo ' (11111n' num b r far E'xceeded th e xpccta And II1oelln' Irl nds o llons · ago, ' Lion of th e comm l' ttee. framed ill a llIahogony frame, which M' M ' St t' t d' h Thursday, t'f I I , '1 ISS arta ou IS at en 109 t e brings out all th b In a rec nt Jetter to frienrl'l here I'm 11,'111' lilY ~'nuth rlll 1110 o!luln Ite~u I. u ~ol?rl~g~s Green County Teachers' Insti tute at Mrs. George Thompson and son, W~I S announced the dealh vi Mi:lll Pl'of. J. . Falkinburg was lh in th~ pa' t' l 'm thlnl In ' ~hln gH IUllJtoy lI S~ I , to h : lS JII ~ l'h oumlltlRlH II IlS 108t IlH pnhl ~ \'st speaker and in his 1I ual happy t, th 1." ~ngl' b'l't sym olca 0 Xenia. Milton are spending a ft!w day!! wit.h Ethel Hagerm an, daughtt!1' of Mr. • l'llllt (s n h allPY day ror 01 0, • w I t Id f I ' I Id h ~ I ,ng an , a I I y, an d as lon , ' , relatives in Xenia. nnd MI'S, C hl.lrJe~ Hagel'man, of Van ay,) 0 ' o · 11 SC 100 ays, w en as It hangs 111 layton S 'hool, thf Harry Hamilton. of. Dayton, IS J lI ~oo-to J}It. y rUI' nil , '[\\,11.8 \\'o"th , My"ol henrt" null' . wlUI rllpwrol I hl'lIl., he taughl school there fOI' t hree "trellgth and beauty of her life will spendin~ several days here with his F..d Reta1\ick and famil y entel'taillWert , Ohio, \\oho died at the hospital ) hoar a I'oleo or gl Clr,,1 mil'l h, 1L IlChoUli yOLo "Inollg I hUll ILills, ed the Misses Annie and Lillie Mat.h· at. But.ler, Pa" after undergoing an y aI's. He poke of the boy and ev l' be in the minds of a ll who see it' parents. . t d' S d girls who had been his pupils, and operation for appendicitis. She was Mr. George Foster, of New Jersey, er a lOner nn ay. Under a cloudless sk,:, wi th a cool now t h y had gone fo rth in lne world ,. It is marked with this !nscriptionj twenty-one years old. breeze, making the day a perf ct one, to life's battles-some to win other In memory, of our friend and co~ has been visiting his niece, Mrs. Har- Allan Hill, of New YOI'k, and Ed with banners Hoati ng at ev 1'Y c 1'. to fail. ' w~l'kel', Manana Chandler." Belo,,! ry Murray. Hill, of Fla., are guests of t heir sisThe last sp akel' of the day was thl ,are the dl,ltes of her en tering and Ed S 1 f T }J t I d h ter, Mrs. Clem Burnett . The fri ends and relatives, of Mrs. ner around a delightful woo I ,and 0 r M'll fS ' leavmg layton School . a e, 0 erre~au e, n ., as "The teachers k d' t .t been visiting his uncle, George Sale, Rev. Benj. Hawkins attend ed t he b' VI' I S,O t. J os ph, Mo., Will t he c heering . notes of a bras.c; band , Rev. J. W. White,' of Xenia, who reMt. Holly, an old, bu t still young f 1'r d to hiswol'kin the little church . , as e me OW1'l ~ andfal1'ily. Yearly Meeting of the Orthodox epeasedto know tha t she and Mrs. Ch C II d f ' Friends at Wilmington last week Rebekah Oren are visiting l1rs. Mills' village, celebrated their fhst home. in the village. Of t hose he had la, rOu'(Tthml~m: JOu would be glad tQ coming day last Saturday . bored with and the results of his no\ we ~a one what we could to as. orne an amlly attended ' niece, Mrs. Annie Sudbury in Salt is I Lake City, Utah It will rememSevel'al weeks ago the planof hold- labol's, Rev. Whi te paid a lov ing k ep you\' dea\' girl ever in the the Farmel" ..!ub picnic at Lebanon Mrs: Enos Hill, of 'ng a r ' t I lb ' ' .. t thoughts of the chi,ldren and patrons rast hl:rsday. spondmgaday ort.w,o w_Ith h,ermot h- Ibered that ' MI·~ . Sudbury wa" 'MI'ss ell 111 on 00 (S lape, ut It soon tl',luU e to a gr . t ,m any of those who ~ ., I became apparent that a home-coming have passed over, and brought hi of our school., WhIle any of her coJ. O. Falkinburg, of Home City, er, Mrs. Amos Romme. Annie Satterthwaite. Mrs, Mills would be mOl' appropriale. remarks to a close by rem inding workers r~mam, tller~, her good work Ohio, was shaking hands with friends Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright are ~nd Mrs. Sudbury are old WaynesAt an early hour in Lhe morning thos pl'esent to stand closer to God, ~nd beautiful hfe, w111 ever be. fre~h here Sa~urday . taking' an extensive Western trip, vlllis residents. the town was fairly alive wiLh it- t the close of 'Rev. White's remarks m the thoughts, but we want It stIlI Ed W8 r d . Topeka, Kan., being their objective --'tl'ze.J:" v' el" 'th h th If V h ' to be so, in the years when we are "ted n WKe.evher, °dff tervllle, pOI'nt. Rev. J . W. White, of theCI'ncl'nna110' I ng WI eac 0 er as to~r. aug n read a 'set of re olutiohs scattered and all gone from there" VISI t Th ' CI r. rig an amI y ursti Gmference, but who lIas n"t been who couId d a th e most to rna ke t h prepal'ed by the committee, in which ' __ .. . day and Friday. We are indebted to Mr. J. W, v day a pleasant one, and onE; 't wasembodied t he thanks of t he comOBITUARY Hisey for a plate of fine cake, from preachin&: ~or ~he Ia:'t yea.r, is at b long r,em mbered. Everybody mittee, to all who had in any way Mrs. Hannah Antram, of Lebanon, the H' sey W'lr . h' present hvmg In Xema. HIS father ked f hf 11 d l G W H kl f Cal b spent Saturday wit h Rev. and Mrs. t k Ii - tlh lamhson rleumTohn WdlCh Allen White, will be remembered by wor alt u y, an the result contribu ted to the success of the day eorg e . en e, son 0 e J F C d II d 00 P ace a er orne ast urs ay. th Id ' . . • was a day long to be . remembered. , After the benediction the Mt. Hol~ anti Eleanor S~te Henkle, was born . . 9 wa a er. 'We certainly appreciated it. e °b er cltlzens. Rev. Wblte,,,s a Noton of the old 't mLabitantsof Iyba'leball team pla~edagame of July 16,1842,10 Hardy .county, W. Mr. and Mrs. Ricard Ct'Ossand Mrs. memerof the Old School Reumon. Mt. Holly could I'em mber to their ball with the Gravel Hills and defeat- Va., where he spent hiS boyhood. Miranda Crane were guests offriends ~r. and ~rs. Harry Murray ~nter- I He spoke at the Mt. Holly HometallnGed at dmner Sunday for thetr ,un- comin~ ~aturday. best ability of a da~ when such a con, ed them by a ~core of 13 to 2. By He was the youngest of nin~ chil- in Wilmington Sunday. course of people had gathered in the the time ,t he game was concluded dren- t hree brothers and five SIsters. c e eorge Foster, of May's Landmg, , --li t tle hamlet. the grove was almost deserted and In 1861 he came to Ohio and ~rs. Knowles Conn and son, of N. J., Those present were, the ve'n- Rev. E. Burdsall, of ftatavia, was About 9 o'clock as many as 800 the grand hdme.coming of Mt: HoI. worked on a farm ~ear Jamestown, Sprmgfield, are guests of Israel Sat- erable Mrs, Anna Parker, who is cS\lled to Cincinnati last week where past ninety years of age, Mrs. Amos I he conducted the funeral ofbis friend , people hadg;aLberedat BOllgh'sgTov Iyites wa over, and the people Greene county, untIl 1867. when he terthwa,te and family. Miss Myra , Baird bas returned Romine and Thomas Romine and lit: and former parishioner, Mr. 'Asa where the ~rogram was carried oul wended their wa~ homeward, f elin~ came to Warre~ c~unty and locate<! to ' the enjoyment of all present. that it was the g randest of 'g rand Il.ear W~ynesvllle, where he has home from an extended visit with tIe son. Van Wormer. capitalist and phiJanThere were no strangers on t he day for them. sm~e reSided. her sister in Wilmington. THE EARNHART REUNION thropist. His largest gift $70,000, g round. Man shook hands with .man , On January 3, 1867, he was united M' d'M J h S 'th d M' was that of the Library NOTES . . M . r.{ln rs. 0 n ml an ISS ' th C" t' U' 't building 'b t' h'to cwomen had pleasant smiles for every 10 marriage to ary Mahala Berar- attie Cook..wilLatt The annual reunion of the Earn- .e mcmna I mversl y, u 'm IS -one, and an utter stranger was as J ohn H. askey, of t he Children's da11, who still survives him. -To this openinga in Columbus this week, hart family met at the home of Har- WIll hundreds of thousands o~ d?l~armly ,welcomed ' as the old t in- Hom.e at L~banon, hl:J.d l:I good time union were born one daughter and . ry Stok~.s and family Sunday, Aug- ; la~ ~av~ be~m bequeathed .to Cmcm\ J. H. Cas~ey, w~ m town Satur- ust 22nd. It was an ideal day and I natl mstltutions.-Clermont Courier. habitant. bakmg hands. three soils. At 10:30 th~ exercises of the day , . , . ' In early manhood he confessed day for a htUe while. He was on some few over a hundred were '.~ commenced. The Centerville band Wll1, famllharly Imown as "Gid" Christ ' and was an active member his way to the Mt. Holly centennial. present. Miss Mhmie Dodson, of Indianapo. discoursed pi nty of n1U ie', amI t he Dal~ghters conductor on th Pen, yl· of the M. E. Chur h for many Miss Jessie Underwood, of Bell- Since our last meeting there have liR, wri tes the .following interesting chairmlln, MI'. JOB, V:l\l~lm, an- VI~IIIU Sy~~ m" ~nd who hu.'! a ru n y('~l's. .11 always looked on the brook, sp nt Saturday and Sunday b~n thr e deaths, ,that of V,elma n(!~'s to the Gazette: . ave nO,unced the speakel's. Th 111 IaLing, ft~ll1 rn~H.1llapohs ~ olumb~s, held bnght Side of lif and was ev I' with Mi~es Rachel and Martha Bllr- Marie, daughter of Ralph amI Nanie I Mother and 1. hh been s~endmg 0 ' ' ned with prayer by Rev. MI'. I eptlOn, fifty tun dunng the l'eady to aid his fellowmen and as- nett. Earnhart, born March 29, 1899, died t Ie summer WIt Ha~ry 10 New Freinger,who 'al 0 mudea w 'Icoming duy. iiiiolUh m ill all nterpl'i es beneficial August 3, 1909; Emma Viola wif Yo~k, . We also took a trIp, to B?ston .John Pence wns In all co~ers ~f to the public. ~essre, A. Maffit . and ~. T. Cart- of Frank Duke, born June 19, 1870, whIle Ul lhe East. Harry s frtends address that was' listt ned to with mQch 'interest, as rt dealt with Mt . the grove, and saw that everybody He depal-ted this life Tuesday died March 25, 1909, 'and Milton H. will be to he ,holds a had a good time. . morning, August 17, 1909, aged 67 r1 ay re urmng y e way 'o ar- Trisler, husband of Stella Stowe responsl e pOSitIOn WIt the New Holly as sht is today, After music, Mi~ Helen McClure years and one month. He leaves to veysburg. Trisler, died August 9, 1909. Also, York and N?w ~ersey Telephone read an early of Mt, Holly" Tom Dill happy? Well we mou rn his loss a widow, four sisters, Bowyer, of Johnstown, Ohio, there have been two births, that of, kmdest regards to which was excellently delivered and guess so! 1£ he didn' t shake your one son, two daughl:j;lrs-in-law, two and. Mrs. McClellan, of Dayton, spent Ruth Edna, to Harry and Bertie al fri ends. .. - ••- - /' will be ~ given to the readers of the han~, it was' because he didn't have &:randdaughters and a host of rei a- Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. A. Earnhart, and Thelma May, to ErnERRONEOUS ~iami qazetta.~ext week, as time, the chance, bves and friends. 1'. Wright. est and Irma Hartsock. CARD ,OF THANKS Miss Helen Douglas, of Dayton, Music for the ay was furnished In an account of the 79th O. V. I. and space foroids pUblication this 'ce~c~:e~h~:1l ;~Id of more remllllS- We desire t o express our sincere and Miss Trena Cornell of Lebanon by Frank Carmon and daughter. reunion at Wilmington last week, week" Afftexr re~\lrtll{s by Barney Sd~hleSing t hink of. I e avel:age man can'l thanks to all for their kindness are the guests of Miss Helen McClur; An invitation was given to all to two errors crept into our columns. er, o ema, le company a Journed ' ' shown us in the late sickness and this week. meet at the home of Mr. Raymond The first wa..'l as to the age of Mr. for din~~r . . At, this hour families Mr . H len Marlatt was the oldest death 'of our father; the singers and , . ,Harshbarger next year. Van Zant. At the time he went into ~eld then reunIOns, and hand-shak- inhabitant present. Rev. Cadwallader for their ser~ices, Mr. :d Mrs.. 1J~ff, of, Sprmgfield, . The officers elected for next year the war as a drummer boy he was mg was the order of the day. And \ _ and the nE!ighbors and friends for re~ur.n. h.o~e ~r.lda~, after a pleas- were: Anson Earnhart, president; ten years, seven months and sixteen an VISit ,,;t t elr aughter, Mrs. Bert Stacy, vice-president; Ethel days old. everybody shook hands. People If anyone went hungry at dinner their help and sYmpathy, THE FAMlI"y W. T. G1ltland. Stokes, secretary; Lon Earnhart, At the close of the war he was were ~n the groun~s th~t had not time it was their own fault. Every ,been m Mt. Holly for years, and who familyh~d piles of good things to oat. • - • Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright enter- Elmer Earnhart and Anna Sweeny, offered either a lieutenancy in the -, ' ____ , FIVE P~)JNTS REUNION ltained at supper S!lturdav, Mr. and executive committee. The time of army or the pony, and he chose the .:J," ' . Mrs, Goorge Hawke and Mr. and the reunion was not decided, but left latter. OOOD ROADS PROGRAM 'fhe s peeohes will begin lit 9 :16 a. ,The eleventh annual meetmg of IMrs. Emmor Baily. to the committee. - -- - - .....- - HAND BADLY HURT . . m , M the,bandstand , At 111, m. the the Five Points reun'ion will be held ETHEL STOKES, Sec),. ~ngust 31st IS Go~d Ronda n,nd, immense Go~d Roads parade will be at ,t he residence of Charles Montgom- MISS Mbbel Wel.II~~on, of ChIcago .. - - - -Press Day at Ohio . ~ttlte Fair . .In beldin whioh. ~\l ' promi'n ent man ery, one mile south of centerville,lwhO hal' been Vlslbn~ her gra~dDEATH Last Saturday Wm. Daughters, in ,the forenoon 'tb~ OhIO , Good Roada uflloturers of rOll,d mnollinery and Ohio, of! Sat~rday, September 4,1909 , mother, Mrs. Mary Satterthwalte. caring for his horses had the misforThere will be a basket dinner as usu- had returned home. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs tune to come into contact with one Federution wtll ~reaent Bon, hilS. muterials wl11 purtioipat.e, ~ aI, and a short program afterward. Alfred and Elliott Wright return- Frank Gruber, of Ridgeville, was of his horse'& teeth, badly lacerating B . Boyt, Sqperlntendent of Oon strnotioD, uffioe of ' publio rond!" ., , The committee in charge ' hopes no ed home Monday after spending sev- buried in Miami Cemetery Monday. the right hand, and making a painful WaShington', D. C ., who will ' glve ~ ICE CREAM AND onle will wait for a special invitation, era} da)8 with their cousin Wynne .. - wound. pr8Pt.ical tfl1k qn road building i WATERMELON SOCIAL but that all who care to attend will Keever,.f Centerville. AN OLD DOCTOR BILL - -- . - • BOD. E, Calnpb., el,l · for.ID,lIr TI - '- . - . '. . pack their baskets and come Let J d BAND CONCERT gove~nor of Obio, '.'ho \vl1J talk on . Ie H.arvey1sbulg High Schoo,1 WIll II ti h fd t d' l u g e George Stanley and son, Jos R Couts found a $200 dootor hio Road 'tW8' :r ' 0 W d glVla an Ice cream and \Vat l'melon n, no ce c ange ~: e an p ace, Dean, ' of Lebanon; a,ttended , the fu- billa ;no~g some old pllpers aDuinst There will be the usual ban'd coners, \s"cJa ,, ' I on t h e HarveysQ,ul'g ' .' ' I 0f George H'mk Ie, F ri day, and David Siuton, 'L'be bill aooruod PI " , ' on WbO O stl1te higbwl1Y ooufmtsf\ODer chool " BAPT.IST ASSOCIATION nera cert Thursday evening. A good promadeth• .Gazetteacall. during tbe obo1er(l, epidemlo in gram has been selected·. The band will tat'k , on road ' ooDstruotion in , Ohio; and .leslle '1'ay or, vioe ~l;es 1~6th, ., ~,usic by the band. " Evet'y-' ,;The Clillton Baptist ' 'association A,.!,l. ,Chandler and wife, Elihu Adams oonnty 1~ 1850 when Mr , boy!! go to L~ tIe Monday evening to l Ident of ,~h~., federaUon, wbo wll. 1body inVited. will be beld .with the Jonah's Run Underw~ and wife and ldiss Lizzie Sinton wall operating lin irOll ftl rnlioe playa concert. Let ~vel'yb~dy come tell of t,he ObiQ tiQQd R,oadE! Fed~l'al ' -, " ·church, Septembe~ 1.2 and 3. The Carroll atte~dE!d.. the fun~ra1 of Mrs. in Wl'8t Union. Mr, Cpates, wbo is o~V~nd hear them. tlon apd its "'OI~' R~pre8eJltat1v,es L~t)IES~'-AID' , SQCI~~V . : ~hurch will ~ntertai~ th?~:from o~h- S~uel Jl~ttih"of;~l~a, Wednesday. 'a ,humorillt-, i8 undeoided whetb'e r ~o " ' : ~ - ,~ , , ' '.' , ME ' , er the at dm- ' MrS. J!!. D: Roberts retUrns to,Hudthe bill , to .?bas, p, TI,ft, \ IN . MltqNERY, '. " 'of .the prt!,!tI wUl 0.180 giV,e 8bort The ladies ,of , talks. A dE}.lDo~.trlltloDQf p~oti will ' • , . . " ,. Chur~h per ,an~ , aupper on , the g~ounds. Ohi' ., . tbe h!lndler of the otU,ton mlm~ns ' , • . . '. , " , ' eal road bnildibg will b~ "given on hou:~4;: ~=~et ~n t.h~: ~ow~hIP ',Ot~e~ in. the ' com~.unity wh~ de- :~e tin~' ~~ hhel': she Ug:~ls~~d or to t~:e SUlil~iig Pre8hlent.-~x-' EVa.:A. B~rg~r, Wishes to.,, inf<;lrtri, . one'oftbe rQods in ,the fall' gronlJds . ", r ~ ~ • <? Coc , • , , f,ure are mVlted to brmgtheir baskets J k nJ~W1 ,Fro er h r"1l rs. chauge. , . . , ' herfr1ends,.an.d patto~ that ~~ has d!' tb 1" '.' . "" tand join their dinner with the church. ac , ' m reI!! e~l go ," '!_. " . purchased MlSS Hardm's ' Mllhnety ' u~ e , e pet:8~Da . e,uPfJl'Vill,on of ' Germany ,G'r~t I;Jrltlag, and the " , , ' . _ • " , to !laMt'D~n.,D"?" where she ~ll) ~n8tr,ana:~q)00 , e~~~gs .. n~ nol88 stor:e whlclnvill M,ope)1'f~r' b'usines8' ;f,:::.: , Bqn, '3. O. Wonder•• state biltbway UDlt~d S~te8 prOduoe four flUbs of 10 .India tberea,e Dearty 28.000,000 s~d 'the Wlnter ,W1th her da~rnter .. ,1811 guus .re botb n9W' seen i~tbe after ,S eptember 1st. ,YoJ,lr' P$~ro"-'· " '.. C)Om~t"'oD.r. tb~ w~rld 8 lupplY,of pig lroJa, widows. , '. Mrs. C. R. M~re. I!I'me ~ew York shop wi,nd~:-v" age solicited. ' . , Wri lLon rVI'

h y Ml














;r~~bt dr~ve ~o N:wt~Urhngt~n~ast


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C~mp~ny. ,~Ith


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gl'oun~sThursd.ay eve~ing, . August th~,






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AS STRAIGHT MEN SEE HIM. Rtn « Hezektah,' Ptranuae" tather, hlld lett a prospero us and exteualY8 The Dead·Bea t Is Probably the Mo. t kingdom, and from the moment ot hi. Dee plse d Creature Th ~t Walk , ' D. L. CRANE. aCe sslon to the throne at l~ years i 1 t hlJ Earth. age, Manass s bad displayed a p~ , WAY , 'ESvn,I,E, omo. sian to be possC8sed ot all the gl,o ry No nll\n Is wholl y free from s in. but Manaaae .. the Kina'. Offereth and magnificence of the nations ",boul U p Kia S OD so lII a ny I sseI' ev lll:l ar.e tol rated t hat him and had ncouraged th e Introduc 'rouch th pIcnic lemonade IIghU,.. Il 111 11 11 " holi ld h s llnte long betore be· tlon of e"ery form ot Idolatrous wort'lIlIllng II rl ua ti·llCut. rlml nnla are de· Long columns of hot w athe r ad· BY T HE " lfIC HWAY AND BYWAY" shIp to J ruslllem, setling up th. PREACH.ER KIII>H' r1 and II l1horred , b ut to tbo dead· vlce are nol n d d. The beut Is the Imag s at gods and hrlnglng thith~ 1 lI ' lIl nIl lhnt II! COOli ng, as we ll as the short s l- "K p cool." th e priests to perform the riles. WltJJ. ('011 1 ' llIlIt or'lI la fe llow m n. There Is ( C;:OPTrtll"., llIOl, loT Lb. JouLb or, W.a. U.ou.) In the past year he had caused to bE sorte r aeroHUiliel hln g III 0 11 '0 so mea n Ilnd so Jl t· Scrlpturnl Aulhorlty,-2 ebron. Bet up a great brazen Image Or Moloch, to become a. ttl! In tnklng advantage ot th e con~ . the fire god. and had displayed an un Chapler 33. and Apocryphal Book ot ,Ienl" whI ch comes . wIth frl endahlp usual Int rest In e,stabllshlng and pe r l/tn:\ss .5' Prayer. th lll lh • hand of every man Is turned tecling this (orm or worship. Tbl ~ If! 'th b Sl month In the y at' aga ln ti l II dend·b at 8S soon as his On thIs particular day a new chaPl'l Moloch th Fi re God,-Tho tire god fn tI'hlch to gct staUstlcs about tha Molorh, to whom King MaDnss h orrt!red to the god was to be dedIcated. and et' l'epllt ll tlon Is well estab li shed. T he kissi ng germs. his . on!!. nnd which aln Pfel!enla one of ery prI est In his full regalIa was pre& d ~.ri d · b (,lI t lIIUY fond ly Imagine he Is ,.....".==-::=~= lila keg l re 'orda In the life or the the Cuba his four tim es loo many IItar wick d king. was the tutelnry d"Jty ot nt to help carrY ou t the semce. Th _ lIvlll!: li llY and mak ing Dloney with· board ers In public office. They are tho C'hlldren ot Ammon. und 08aentlnlly great braze n Image stood on a h lgb o lll WUI'II , un tl . of COli l'Se, he ~ k es no 1(1 ntloa l ,,'lth the MonblUsh Chcmoah. mound and a long nIght of stepa led 'atlng up a ll lhe revenues. 1I,' tuu tol or lh e 'oll lld nee be violates F'lre " o<Is nppenr 10 havo been com mon and th e hlird shlllH ho Infl icts on oth· up at the s Ide so that the priest would 10 lill the ·anaanlte. Syrlnn nnd Arub Radilim will not SOOD become a 11'11, 111I1. thal Bslde, he rea lly has a trllles. who wOnlhlp d the d...,tru tlv el ~ be able to reach the Immense outhous phold necessity. It Is Quoted at ml'nt unde r nn o'\Jtwnrd symbol. with the stretched ar ms snd place t her e.l n thtl ha rd l' l' If III 0:' tllI\n lhe' man who Is , ~,OOO.OOO a pound . rnollt In human rlt ea. Among theso were hu nt'sl and filII' . H o Is cOUl p e ll~ d to human sncrltlct's, purifications nnd or- otrerlngs wh Ich the people bro bltbt. =-::-=== Ill OV' 10 gop,1 dOll l. and poace of mi nd Soon areoPlllne accide nts will be as (leols by tire. " evotlng ot the nnlt born. Th e image was hollow and was 110 ar11 1' k 1I0WS llUl. Like othe r types of fashIonable as appendI cI tis operations mutilation. nnel \ 'O W8 of p rp ' tun l cell· ranged that the fi re which the prlelltf bary and "Irglnlty. According to J ew· kindled within would heat the BrDll l'I'ooks. h doesn't prosp r. snd his were a few years ago. Ish tradition. t h Image of Moloch \Vaa 8nd hands to a White heat. and conlIuh; h Is 1Il0l'e II npl asan t tha n t he beat brnsll. hollow within. nnd "'lUI situ· The north pole seems to have few· lu~d without J erusalem. Klm chl (o n 2 sume the oft'er ln ~s tbereln. ~I'(\ u nd ' ''l lIn lll~ ,- AtchIROIl Glob . er chan ces o( remaining un(llscovered King" 23 :10). describes It as ". t within the great Image the re had been er ect, now than ever before since the world leven chnpe{s: nn(l who .. 0 otrert'd nne ed six beautiful chapels. each Iltan rI, CHILD HAD SIXTY BOILS. nour they opened to him one of them: A GENIAL CROWD. H~PPY, ANYHOW. began. who 10 orrered turtlo doves or you ng Ing for a degree In t he wors hip ot the plll:eons til y opened to him two: n lamb. god. To the ' one offe ri ng fine n OUl And Suffered Annua lly with a Red Recently at a dinner party the con· J ust a IIWe love to The fine growing weather of the they opened to hIm three: n ram. they the door of the 1Irst and simplest ehap Scald·L lke Humor on Her Head, • Hel p tho dny nlon.; versa lion lurned UIJon the subjec t 01 last few weeks will tell on the COBt of opened to hIm four: 0. enl!. they opened el was opened and he was Inl Uat.ed In. JlJll t n II III 0 lovo was to hIm nve; an ox. they opened to him clubs. The specIa l features or the food before long, and the story will .'x The burden ot bls aon... Troubles Cured by Cutlcura. ; and to whoever otrerod his lion t o the firs t r ites and fello wship wltb Atbenaeu.m were rererred to ,,;l th be of the right k ind. they opened to hIm aeven. And his tace the mighty fire god. To t he one offer, great r espect. a nd the n J. 111 . Darrle, 'When the b 1111 wore rl ngi n. wns that Of a cnlt. .nnd hIs hands Ing turUe doves or young pigeons. the "When my IIltle Vivian was about On his weddlnlr day. who was the only mem ber ot th a t sIx monlhs old her h ad broke out in rt Is all right to Bing and talk and Itretched forth like a man who opens hla door ot the second chapel was ope ned Dldn't have the mone)' hand .. to receIve of hIli neighbor : and a ugus t cl ub who hap pened lo be pres r ave over the scent of the new·mown the prlesta took the bub . nnd put It In and he was accor ded a closer lellow. Pr acher tor to pay. bolls . She bad abo ut sixty In all and ent, Intervened. hay, but take a thought of the chapa tho handll of MDloch. nnd the bnbe gave ship. The third chapel W88 'O p'e ned '1 used Cullc urn Soap and CuUcur~ ~I(ed the ma n tor credit. "Afte r hav ing been eleclcd by tbe OIntment which cured her enti rely, ap the ghost. a midst Ole nolae of the to the one offering a lamb, the tourtb who have to harvest It. So the knot was Oed. beaUng ot drum. that the dying erlea ot Athenae um 'cl ub," be saId, " 1 went Some time later a humor broke out be. to blm who olrer ed a ram, the fltth to QrocloUB, that's a tunn)' there for the first tI me and iooked hInd her ears and spread up on to It ts said t hat the Cubans hue no the child mIgh t be drowned." Wny to tnke a br ide. h im wbo olrered a calf, and the sixth abou t for the smokin g room. An old ller h ead un til It was nea rly half cov· love tor Americans, whic h WIUI to be to h im who offered a n OL Poor ns a ny woodchuck. man wi th long white haI r was wande r· ered. The humor looked like a sClI.ld. expected after we have d one so man;, th is last struc ture whlcb had ,UBt To But he dI dn't care; . 8ERMONETTE. Ing In a lonely way a bout the hall. J ve ry red wltb 0 sticky, clear fluid com· favors for them. Sold that love had m ade hIm been completed by the buJlders that asked him It he would be so kind as to In g from It. This occurred every ===== a. mllllonalrel TwIce week, the k Ing directed hIs s teps atle, Alter having been caug ht In sudden Idolatry was the great .In of te ll me the way to th e sDloltlng room. sprin g. I always used Cutlcura Soap leaving the cbarlot which ha d lltopped abowers two or three times the Int el· the Jewlah nation, and plunged A Truthful Ve rdict. He agreed wlt,h alacrity. When we re , on the oute r r im where the chape ls l1gent man learns to carry an umbrel. Fa.rgo. N. D., once boasted a com· turned to the hall I thanked hIm and Oln lment which neve r failed to It to It. de.tructlon. The flrst had been placed. la a nd thuB brIng on a protracted pos lte pos tmaste r and coroner. He heartily, when he begged me to do him heal It up. The last time It broke two commandmenta of the de. "Yea, It Is well that the Idng Is the was called ooe day to gtve his ver· the bonor ot dining wi th him. ' But, out It became so bad tha t I WIlS diB' drought ca logue re a d : ''Thou ahalt have fi rst to open the door of this. the dlct upon the case of a stranger wbo my dear s ir,' I said, ·you ha ve been fa r couraged. But I continued the use ot no other God. before me. The Chicago UnI versity proteslo' sixth chape l devoted to the worsh ip had been the victim of a Ilt on the too kind to me already. I cannot Cu tlcura Soap, Ointment and Resol· ''Thou ahalt not make unto vent unlll sh e was well and hu never who says that woman Is to blame tor ot th e great Moloch." said the priest mai n IIt reet. • thee a ny graven Image, or any think ot Imposing myself upon you In been t roubled In th e last two years. ever ything o ught t a be a shamed a t as he received the king and conduct ed All lhe maD wa s known to nobody. this fashion.' IIkene • • of anything that Is In Mrs. M. A. Schwe rin, 674 Spring Wells ~hl s late 4.a te to be fa lling In line wit" him to the doorway. To one side be W8S hurried' to the much prized heaven above. or that I. In the " 'Imposing yourself !' exclamed the ~e generatlonl ot plagJarlllts ot Adam. could be seen the ox whIch had been new cIty Jwspltal. There tbe cal e old man In an eager voIce. 'On t he Ave., Detroit, Mich., Feb. 24, 1~08." earth beneath. or that la In the provided tor the klng's olrerlng, and was diagnosed as appendlcltla, but contrary, you will be dolog me the ~ J>rq • m-a.. Corti-. 801e ~ IIoItoL water un"er the eart,h: thou All the world loves a lover. no mat. at a s igna l from the priest, tbe attend. when the opera lion took place the at· greateat tavor in the world; the tac t .halt not ~ow down thyself to t.r wbat his aalary; but when be a. a nt plunged In his knlte t o the heart t ending s urgeon discove red that tbe Is, I bave be longed to this club for LUCKY MAN. them nor aerve them: for I the aumes the responalbllltles of mlrtrl· of the bea s t and a s the animal sank pa tient .had been previously reUeved tlilrty years and you are the first memo Lord thy Uod am a jealou. God, mony' at per week s ociety's sym· to the ground almost wIthout a groan of his appendix. ber wbo ha s ever s poken olo me !' "_. pa~y juaUy becomes a desire to %: vlaltlng the Iniquity of the fath· had the vital ' Bpot been The doctor endeavored to retract Bellman. % er. upon the children unto the ssotrudeftly epank. ck- the door before the king and his s tepa, 'but the stra nge man died· third and fourth generation of the priest s wung open. apparently ot trom tbe effects f the operation. them that hato me; and .howlng HIS FIELD IS UNLIMITED. And now comes the dlsl1lusloner to Its own volition . The postmaster-coroner, In rendermercy unto thou.and. of them remark that man·eatlng lions are the "Come," s aid the priest. "Again by Ing his verdict. filled In tbe space, that Ipve me. and keep my com. old. decrepit , fello1'(s with bad t eeth. t hy devotion thou shalt please the afte r "Cause ot Deatb" wIth a rubber mandment.... It Is too bad. Next they will be tell· great Moloch, and win hta continued stamp. wblch read, "Opened by Mia· The P.almlat .ays: "Con· fng us that gorUlas do not twis t gun tavor. SIx chapels hast thou already ta ke."-Success !ologazlne. founded be all they that aerve barrels around their n ecks . ' caused to be erected tor him. .and graven Images, that boaat them. Loui. Cro ... Eye. . selve. of Idol.... • there sUIl rem'alne th one ' to be eet : 'T he sea son III at hand for tbe an· up to test thy devotion." And as the A doctor. Visiting a small couMr, Dual Sunday drownlngs. Every sum· Paul. realizIng th:t Idolatry I. prlost s poke the words, biB eyel" flxod, town. went Ove r the local museux:. m e r the warning for prudence and a heart condition rather than an themselves upon the lit tle prattling After admlrlDg one or two of the e • care Is given. and Just as regularly' external exprenlon and I. prevo clllld who had trotted In by the IIlde hl blts. the curator. wbo was an old -·~--tbe warn ng a sregar ed. This sea· alent In degree If not In kind She-Two men whom I r efused tQ ot the king. , man. said: Bon will probably have Ita due share to-day a. In the ancient days. marry. ali', have beeome-mllllonalres! I "Ab but we've got a cbalr bere ot water·plea sure tragedies. , write. thl. warnIng: ~ H e-Is that the r eaSOD why? The fath e r, followIng the eyes ot the ' th t b' I d to Lo I C s Eye II u a ros · . d ton dl y d own In to, th e ' a"Oh e.. onge "NeIther be ye Idolato.... as . looke fd th do tor "who was priest, Great Indignation IB being exprellsed Plea .. nt for Mr. Bennett.' beautiful face of the child 88 It WBS he'" • , la e c • were .ome of them; a. It la wrIt· In Chicago over high poker playing by William S. Benn tt. a re presenta· The- same Cupid that officiates In ln ence ten. The people eat down to eat lS I to Ihl 10WbD, ~ "Don't you know, IlrT Why. he 1988 the parlor does business In the tlve from New York city, went to ad· lifted up h kconfil dd fashionable women and home. are and drink, and roae up to play. and his c ee pa e as ntu t ve y e one ot the kings of France." being disrupted. There must be some kitchen; dress a polltlcnl meeting In hJB dis· neither iet u. commit fornlca· "King ot France 7 Louis Cros. caught the thought and meanIng of atop put to this conUnual encroach· trlct one night, when he was much tion, a. lotne of them commItted, the priest. EYe! There mUlt be some mlBtake. Ing by women on masculine prlvll· younger than he Is now. The Uplift. and fell In one day three and "A se venth chapel?" he falteringly Show me the cbalr." eles. "The chairman," sald Bennett, "was Most all the fa rmere th nt one meets twenty thou.and. Neither let ,Questioned. The old man promptly cODlplled. Of thl. opinion seem to be: n ve ry litera l pers on. He looked at u. tempt the Lord, a •• ome of "Yea, thy nation cannot be said to and pointed wltb conscIous prIde to e "It you'll uplift lhe cash recelpta. A man has just died In New J ersey the ga llery, where one woma n was sit· them tempted and perlahed by You nee(l not be ooncerned tor m e." know and sene th e great God Moloch ticket InscrJbed: who left a fortune of $100,000, made ling, a nd said : 'Lady and gentlemen, the 'serpents. N'elther -murmur until the seventh and last chapel hath "Once the property of Louis XI." out of a penny toy shop. This was thIs Is a most momen tous campatgll. yeo a. aome pf them murmured. New 'Artistic Viewpoint. been built and t o whom should Its door. absolutely untainted money. for every and perished by the destroyer. ThIll story III told ot Riccardo Mar- The ro are grave.. issues to be dis· first s wing to give entrance but to the cent of It meant a child's happiness MOVABLE. Now theee thIngs happened un· ][Jng himself?" . tin. whose voice lias conquered New cussed. Later we wUl hear t r om our given In r eturn, which Is rather a rare best speakers, b~t, for t~e present, wa York: . to them by way of example; and "True, but how can n " and a ehud, record a s fortunes go In these daYB: they were written for ol,lr ad· It appears that his tnllor was ve r)' wlll listen to Mr. BennetL'" der shook the torm of the king. monitIon, upon whom the end. It III said that the best reside nts of anxloua to hear him sing. 110 the otber EvenIng Thing. Up. " But canst thou expect favor trom of the age. are come. Where. N ~wport 1'0 to organl&e- a r evolt day Martin sent him a couple 01 the god from wbom thou wouldst wIth· There 18 much rIvalry between fore let him that thlnketh he aga ins t treak enter tatnment8, monkey hold thy best treasure ?" tlcketa for "Carmen." J lldgoa R osalsky and O'Sullivan of the standeth take heed leat he fall. d1nners and the like. ,They are join· A tew days later, whel.l he saw the geneml sesslonB In New York and Nothing more was sold, but the next Wherefore my beloved, flee from ing the sate and sane procession, 110 tailor. h~e~n~a~~~JU~~~~~~~~~~r1Uu~tlnr1r\J1rtarrvw~60 day the order was sent th e priest that Idolatry." . the au "How you like IU" the laugh on his rival (01' all time. Ho the seventh chapel should be built Thl. definItIon of Idolatry by cern ed. And the monkeys will be Quite the tailor replied : hlld a DIan before hIm whose ' name and It was noised through the city Paul : "For thla ye know of a as well pleased as t he best residents . " It was simply awful! Ydur troua. wa s Rosalsky. but' wbo s'w ore that he and nation that th e king w,as to make surety, that no fornicator, nor ers didn't fit you at all l"-Musical wus nn Iri shman . ]jut Friday thtngs lhe great offering to Moloch, anll at Messina has bad another 'e arth· unclean per.on, nor covetous America. were evened up when a man , named the appointed time. atter the cha pel quake vis itation. Comparati vely lit· man which IB an Idolator hath had been completed a ' great concour,;e F lynn was brough t before Judge Ro· tI e da mage was done. for the grim any InherItance In the Mlngdom 8usplclon. ot people came together In the pl a~ e lInlllky and swore that he was a Jew. r eason that the destru ction wrou ght , of heaven." Btubb-l notice your wife ' doesn'l whe re Moloch stood. The a rms anll las t December was so complete. Dut The closing admonItion In the wear ber 600·button gown to church Importent to Moth. . . great hands relentlessly out s tre tc h ~d 80 severe were th e shocks tbat. had flr.t letter of lhe Apostle John any more? Examine caretully every bottle of were glowing with the Intense heat the city been In the fur mer condition, la : "Little children, keep .yourPenn-No; a was too emba rras sing, CASTQRIA a Bate and aure remed,. tor which burned within . The eyes of the disaster might have been on a selvea from Idols." Every time a button turned up on th'.! Infanta and children. and see tbat It the people were fix ed upon them with f r ightful scale. The clrcuIDstanCell collection plate the parson glanced ill nea... the " I *"'~ ~~~~ •• +••• + Il n awful fascination, which was only would seem t o dIscourage th e Idea ot ber. ' Signature Of~~' broken by the cry: "The kIng! The THE STORY. , r ebuilding In so dangerous a locality. MIss Passe-I wonder what he meant In UBe For Over 30 Yeara. ' way! Make way! The kin g! " a s the royal charlot rolled up wben he said my teeth were like stara. Dllinfecting. amids t tile blast of the trumpeters. The Kind You Have Alwaya BouRlIt. kIng Is coming." Lady Friend-Probably that they "The Banltary department la scat. Down th e marble laid Isle came the come out at night. Th e words or the he ralds sound ed If u gi rl can pass her thirtieth blrt.h. terlng QuIcklime everywhere. I won, through the streets of J erus ale m and king and by his side the little Bon, duy wit hout detection she begins to der what's the matt er?" caused.the gathe red throngs to preNS whose hand lay confidently In that· of Our Aggretatlo,? "Why. dldn't you know 'The Blur think the dates In the family record TheY're lead ere our ball tOleen are. back on eithe r s ide a gllinst the wa lls ' hi s fath er . mRY ha ve been slightly mixed . ' Mouse' was In town this week'" Thnt la to aay. A gasp of Intense fee ling swept over ot the buildings, lea ving a clear pall' They would be leaders w.. the lea~e sagewa y In the cente r down which tn the concourse of people as one ot the Headed the other way. Sore throat ia no trifting .i1ment. It A CL08E RELATION. the dista nce could be seen coming attendant priests came torward to take will 60mctimes carry infection to tbe en. tire 8fstcm throulth the food t hat iB eaten. Imposalble. the royal process ion . FIrst came the the little boy whUe Manasses, tht! Hamhn. Wizard Oil is a eure, q\liek cure,. "I see that tellow pass by' trumpe ters, the clear musical notes of king, turned with t h e hi g h prI est anu.1 eYeDlng wltb a clarlonet." . their horns sounding above the shouts ascended the steps to the las t chapel. mu.t. Jf R man never told a lie , It'a be"Perhaps so. but be Isn't a C1f acclaIm or the people and the tram p, WIth ne ither look to the rl"'ht hand cnuse no young mother ever a.ked A Ne w Orleans Invcntor claims t.ramp, tra mp of the horses' feet. .. claD." hIm what he thought. ot her baby. or the lett. but a blank, Intense awtul "How do you kUo. he Isn't a muat. that he has a wIreless device by wblch As the royal charlot came opposite stare direct before him the king stood I 7" warships may be blown up at a dis· the point wbe re the street broaden t'd ., Mn. WI.q.ow'l BoothlDC B~p. . 'the olosed door, the priest ra- c ~'~ecause he playa In the Salvation For c bl1dreil te11t11IIll1. lOfteaa'th ir.u... lito tance ot tour or five hundred miles. Into' a kind of Bquare , affording th e :betore IlammaUOIl; a1Ia7. pain, CIUU .\114 COlkI... Il10. !loWe. malnlng Impassive by his side. By , b d .. The best tbat can be said about such people a vantage polnt •. lW1d which was this time the priest bearing the hoy Army an_._ _ _ _ _ __ ;An ' easy beglnnlnl ' dO~D't alwR,. InvenUons Is that tbey make people now banked . with eager faces, cht!er had ascended the stells , by the side ,justify the ' finl~ li . . , More _ Appr:oprJete. careful about giving provocation to use afte r cheer, re nt the air. of the great Image. An Intense. awfuJ the m. Otherwise, they do not tend til "Lord Brokem lIaa 8rrl'ell." ... "The ' prince! The prInce !" The sile nce had fallen ,upon the ' ~Gple. s how the pr~gress of the humane In throng shouted and In res~ons e to the They, did not even so much .aB breatbe. marked the tall clubman. "&nd he baa ·M. ' Po' beh'l nd biB Dame." ' . -, humanity. cry th e king bent do",:n and IIftlD;g In The rusUe of the prles~s robe wal ...Ye. ...· cbuckied' o'n e ot 1I1a lord· 'r his arms the fair young child ' rid Ing the only ' sound wblch ~ame as he creditors.' "but It aboutd be ·N. at his side he held him aloft, , raised the bOY' alpft. Then a terrific 8blp. ' 'It turns out that the s uspicious veaHe clap ped hls .. chubby little hands burst ot music ,f rom trum»et and drum, P.' n . ' ael on t he ' coast ' of North darolhia and ,gurgle d In gr.e at glee a,s his fath er Which drow ned the tiny shriek Qt' the , "'N,' Ii.... ilY~8: 'never ~~".'" "':hlch : was under the vig ilant survel.l. beld him up, and this pleased thEl ·peo. child 'and ' ·the · groan: of the peolall~e flf Uncle Sam's revenue cutters. pIe i mmensely and with . rene""ed ple., Ancl 'With It the dpor,'sy,:unlJ open . . ~ 80methlng Wrong. '. not In tended tor a filibustering ,ex. / ShoutS . t hey haU~d the k.ln g and t~e betore the kinK aDd halt Itumbl1ng, ~8be'll not a· vel')' pretty !trl." pedlUon' ~n aid of ' Cas tro. ,bu.t for the l!eautltul prince. ' ., . half falling, he crossed the tbreshold "I' tbink ebe Iii." . - , u .e ot .tbe Van zuelan government. 80 , Tbe , ~C!yal party, was on Its way to ' nnd collapsed In a .woon. "I used tbf but nobOdy 'seellBtlt-1llU!.!" the I hlp hall been allowed to go on the pay homage to the goda. whose high , "Yea." spake the 'priest, as th~ kin, lou. to l~cll. bor to aWlm;-u wa)" r1 Jolelnl' and DO harm done, places had - beeu' ~t up Within Jern· 'recovered consclouBneS8. "thou hllsl For ' Precaution'. 8ake. tlulr nations h ave had an ot.- . salem. a~d whl!r~, ceremonlld worsblp 'g raciously honored the creat Moloch, bit e o . waa carried on In aU the voluptuou. and a · h~Ddred to:da, bave In ~b • "An optlmlat ~• .'Let the world jeet ~.on aa to tbf/ vl, lIance ot tb. nels aDd 1P1endor of the ~UoU tl'ensi of devotion followe4 Ua7 .. • U4e:·' .' lJlUt.d 8~ In preY.DUn. IUOlal " '. about. • "Good eD0U8h. bat I~ wouldD't'" • .ample. Great 11 Ko1JN1h," ~ 1t&4 14-.. ~ ltaad bam tm4er.",

The Miami Gazette




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Sendina Photoaraphs ' bu Wireless'





Not content with sending wlrel S8 messages for hundreds of mUes ,throngh the ether, Mr. Hans Knudson, a Danish ellglu er, hIlS recently perfect ed an e lectrical appliance by means or whh)h ·actual p~o ecrapbs may b., sent through the air without wires and reproduced with great fidelity at a r~ celving station hundreds or even tl1ou. aands of mile. away. The photograph ShOWD at the left Is the small piece ot apparatus Which sends the photograph, - and on. the right Is reproduced a 1)hotograph of King Edward VII. of Englatid. wbich was actually sent by Knudson's apparatus. and reproduced 100 mHes away, the whole proces!! occupying only 12 mlnutell.

t.nO\isn l\\l\omobi\e \\ouse


Car that Carries Its Own Track

ENGLISH AUTOMOBILE HOU8E, The latest development In automobllln, tor pleasure ' Is 'the ' construotlon of a real house on wheels. The machine shown til the pho~ograph contains comfortable sleeping accommodations for four people, a kltche'n with a IImalt coal range, 'and n combined dlo· tng and livIng room. On . the top are plenty of seata tor loungIng In pleas· ant weather. Mr. Oharles Fletcher of London, England. and his· family lived In this machine last sprillg and sum· ~Ing a t'our which covered a large P&..t of the 'contlqent· ot Europe. 'T\lurlng In this way, one Is quite Independent of hotels and may live ,with more than' gypsy freedom. going wherever the condition of the roads will permit. BURBANK'S SPIN~LES8 CAC'T'U8. 'rhe spIneless cactus Is one of the WJzard Burbank's recent productlona which holds out promise of grea't future usettilnese. 'It can be grown, of c9,u rse, In tbe most arid deserts, and, the spines ellmlnated, wUl furnish, when properly prepared, very nourlBhing fOMge for cattle and horsell. Fur-ther experiments. are ,Jiow under way.



,To Save Ten Thousand lives


lise In the undeveloped regions of the the extra proflts which their dlscov· northwest. erles may bring to the manufacturers who 'a dopt them. In many cases. also, they will step directly from the unlveron tbe Burbank farms, In the dlreoUon NEW LINK BETWEEN 8CIENCE IIlty Into extremely responsible and AND aUSINESS. or prodUCing a cactus which wilt fur· well paid posltlons! nlsh an appetizing addition to the list of vegetables edible by maD: 9ut at the University of K8'IlSBs they have taken a step whlcb seems to be BASKET WILLOWS THE NEW FARM CROP. A 'CAR THAT CARRIE8 ITS OWN the iBst link needed to bind together science anjl bllslnesB, 'In th.AIL._hlwg...;..t-_ _ _ _ _ _ , TRACK. chemical laboratory of the university Willows for use In making baskets The curlolls . automobile shown I~ eight or nine post graduate students are a new tlirm crop which tbe departthe photograph. which carries with It are already at work. each of them try- ment ot agriculture Is doIng Its best its own track, is designed for use In Ing to solve some problem which to 'Introduce In, this country. At presthe rougher parts of the United 'Btates means a fortune to the busIness man ent vast quantities of basket wlilows where roads are eIther altogether miss- qr corpora.tlon directly Interested. The are Imported from France and Ger· ing or are practloally Impassable dur- young mBn shown In the photograph, many, hut already large plantations ing a large part of each year. Tbe for Instance, Is spending three years have been established In western New track consists of a number of heaU' In the study or the chemistry of bread. York, Indiana nnd the vicinity of Baltlree,t , linked together to form an endless During this time he Is supported by a more. On a single acre ot rich, wellchain. This chain Is, revolved by the fund appropriated by the National As· drained bottom land, as many as 34,000 Sprocket wheel shown near the rear 80claUon of Master Bakers. Another plants may be set out, and It tended of the photograph. With this machine studeft.t Is working to find a better with the same care gIven to other grent welgl\ts can hI! carried over the enamel for lining the InSide or steel crop!!, the net result may Well exceed rougheBt ground. It will eveo go up bath·tubs. HIs scholarship' of fl,OOO that of any other acre or the farm. nnd down the sides of ao extremely a year Is paid by a large corporation, Cuttings ' of the variety of willow steep ravtne and makes ~othlng of or· which will be dIrectly benefited by whlcll has proved most sllccessful may dlnary ruts anI) mud holes. ' A number his work. These post graduate students be obtained' from the department or ag· of these strange automobiles are In will alBo be paid a certain lIel' cent. ot rlculture In WllShlngton.



By EDWIN ". 8R~WN.

. ~o the level of , D'. ESdENDlN.u the humblest member of the great army ot unemployed that '1 'mIght keenly ' .ulrer the , deprivations of" tli,e ." wprthy . homeless and galft a , full understanding of thetr needs Is .' wllat f 'h ave bee~ , dolUS fO~ ~e last two 1em. ' ," , 'A YOUl1 . ,man ' who aocos.ted me oJle night and asked, tor ,~e price of a meal too~ ' ~ll . fC?r the first time Into the hIghways and bY,w ays of the men who IMk work. ' ~ . , ~ ±btl lad struok \me as, ,n~t belDg a COmmOJl vBar!lnt and I took him to , ~ .ru~ut'ant and "(jUg~t · him a ' meal. He tolC\. me' tbat he had come welt loollDl '01' work. I nl14ertoPk to .... ~1" If bls atOQ' and foUlld It trjJe; HIi cue ~ me ' ~ tblJIk atad It ,wa ,

'&blOU8h b4D tI1at 'f lOt _ltIt.. to' .

tor the

.~~~; ot~i~~!'~.





*~------------------------twe en 30.000 nnel 35,000. In other " 'orel s, olle out of eve ry 50 people In the Oiled Sta tes-colln Ing m n, women Bnd children- was killed or Injured by aoclden t. In addition to tills great economic loss hundreds of thou!!anda of people s uffered from Illness directly due to th e conditions nnde r wblch they work. In Europe much more progres8 has been made In the direction of Bafeguarding the JIves and the health ot employes In Industrial Institutions. The photograph shows an all' strainer which Is used In Germany by workmen empl oy d In poli shing brass anll In othe r pursuits wll ere the air Is filled with nyl n g metallic fragmen ts. The glasBel sbown sen e to protect the eyes from th e same dange r.


where ho slept. he I,ected me ~ tile brickyards on tlie edge of the 0HoY. Arriving there, I round Jt to be also a tHe lOOking plant, wIth many fiery liUns In operation. The employes were cleaning out the fire for 'the evening.' I approached one of them arid asked ,where a fellow CQuid tlnd 'Ii place to sieep. .He ' led , me to a k1ln, the fire of whIch hIld been ~aked out a sbort titlle · before. "In there," he replied, grUmy, yet kIndly enough, polnUng to the Inter-lor ' of the kiln, Which, was still warm. 1 looked In. Thel"e on ~he , floor' of the klln were at lea~t fift)' men, sprawled out. ' 1 entered. Some ot them ' Were . .Ieep. No one spoke to me. ' '1 trIed wU , the' badlethatb.-oJllrbt.,ooI1Aden.~ to..lleep, but could not b~c.aun of the and t bepn to-get faota. ~ EVet:J' UJl- beat. EYer..y little . wblle I crawled ~e that I ~et I aake\f," '~er. tile opolq for alr. I was d~erdo nu ,l1eepr' What 1 lelU'Dlcl' 1rlb I ' . . . . . .~ to it onL. ~ a c;on'llilclDI arnmtDt for " the was erectl. in "817 alb' .nt a ~ arslllDtrDts

nlled of a lodglng·house for' the' city's pOOl.' nnd . remlnded him' that the law provided for the erection of some sort Qt 8h~t1er for the homeless, Head· mlttetl a knowledge of the law. J>ut said ' 'he thought such 'a place .ould only encourage Idleness. I , toni hIm 1 did Dot think that all the homeless h~a.n beings walk· Ing the streets 'of Denver, were Un· poalel's. " , ', , 70 carl')' out mi plans t obtained an', o~trit , of IIbil'bb1 clothing, ' IDCilq • ~nJ o1'era11s, .~tl\ the. hl~ of appear· I.., a _ mat! 'out of , ' time. '{'''en I ~en" tnto the lo~er en~ of tbe city an,l i began ilcf'$plna acquaintance.. Jrf,. shabby clothlllll <


the np1)earance of the working men of the plant. Oomlng out h . . . v the oold air, nil 'of us half clad, the chm was Insutrerab1e. Every day s'o me of those who ha~ sought like resting placee , the night before ,,'ere taken with pneumonia and necessarily be· came a charge of the city. . In Chicago I went Into Ii police etatlon and Inquired where ' I eould g~t 'a nIght's lodging. The lieutenant told me 1 could find sevilral placelil In the neighborhood where I could get a bed ' for 10 or 15 cents. 1 told him I 'b ad not a cent. Turning "to a patrolman · he said, kindly: ' 'Here, isho,," thIs man to ,. the North Union Street ,Munlclpal Lodglng·houNe.' J found 'the bulldlng to · be an old one. and notrrrng to boast of from' an ar.' chltecturru standpoint, but the 'interlor was a revelation' for ordet, cleallness iiid watchfulneBs 'ob the part ior the attent\ants! Every. feature of ,the ,1IIace' .was gOOd. The .anltatI~D 'was P8J'fect,. Afte.r h&vlng-a bath clean nlsh~ clothea were given to me and I' was I~ to the The. beU, Ute .Ioon anel other- equiPlPeJlt were cleap.· , New 'Y ork hall "balt-mlUloD-d61lAl'

Burbank's Spineless Cactus for Desert' CroDs TO SAVE TEN THOUSAND LIVES. Two ml11lon men and womell em· played In varlol1!! 'Indur tri nl purs uit s met with more or Icss severe II cclden ltl last year. During th e sli m tim e th e numb er of DIal work men 1 5 y il l'S of age or ove r kill ed by accident was bc·

The curious round object shown tn the photograph Is a rootless cactus. a native of the great California descrt. For e ight or nine mon ths In the year, In the shape of a flattened globe, th e plant Is blown about the nat sandy floor of the desert by the winds which s wc p fl ercely In trom tbe ocealL When the first cloudburst breaks over th e! dese rt In th e s pring, the drled·up CRCtu s sends out a perlect ne twork at th read·llke roots , often spreading over a circle whose radius Is te n fee t. From th ese rool s spl'ing small shoots each of which becnm 8 a cactuB like the mo ther vIan I. 'The young plants suck the life out of th e parent. When the few w el{s of t he ratn y season are O\'or the roots dry ull and In the place of one there are pe rhllps 100 little balls loft to l,e tossed nbout over th e desert fl oor. som e of the m traveling 40 or 50 mil es from the s pot where thtl, Orat appeared. • \; ,)p )' r!g h t, l DeD, by J 08E1ph B. BIJITIClII.)

Ing about JO : 30. As [ ascended th e Inflammatory rh umutlsm In bad forn:t • . stairs n young girl, maybe 15 years The first cry of the city authorIU". old, was In adva nce of me. The gre at ngalnst these lodglng·houses is tb'l portal 011 ned, one o( the matrona great expense. yet they thlnl{ nothlI14 embra ced that girl clasping her In an of adding hundre ds of thousands of alTectlonate motb !fdy hug. dollars to the cost of constl'uctlnlJ They have a wond er[ul system In otb er municipal buildings for no oth&'New York. AUur regI stering I was purpose than making them ol'nnmell). taken down·stalrs. stripped nnd given tal. a bath. My clothes were plaoed In a Is It not strange how we hum,. .. bag and taken to the fumigating beings would prefer to pay taxes far room. After the bath I got cle an the support of criminals In th e pt'ul· under clothing. AS I stood wIth tho tentlarles rather than take 0. cheaper others . who had entered with m ~' , a III Ilns to prevent tht making of man entered' with a bucket !,lod,a pad· .crlmlnals? ' die. Sticking th e paddle In the Every man who walks the streeta buck4t he then gave me a swat" on the unemployed Is looked 'upon aB a bead' 'What Is that, 1 asked, taken yagrllnt or suspicious character of somewhat by surprIse. 'Germl cid.e,' some 1I0rt. J tell you that 90 per ceAt he replied, 'that'll kill 'em al\." He of those \tnemploy d ,men are honest. 'W~s gO,l pg 'to BwIpe me again whe n J I know 'i t from experience; Do not remonstrated. ' One paddleful 'Is take the estimate of the police departenough. "Better kll1 'em all,' he ex· ment" The ponce department Is lookclalme'd. lac:onloally. The mnr.loll)al Ing for ·c:rlmlnats. · With the pollee. ' lodglng·bollse at Ne!" York accommo- every beggarJs a sll1lpect. dates 1,000 men and ' Ofty .women. It Twice r ~ave ' been arrested w\t11tl ·Is ' an exoellent place alld 1\ ...sp1endlf1 wearing my disIVIs8 ond was throWD example to every' City 11\ ,t be country, I.n Jail. J do not Unow whlltber yo1.1 , How dllrBrent' 1B this sort ()f treat- understand whM a bullJi n 18. The, m8nt , ~an that I f~unc1 meted out. are 4unJleons, locate4 seneNllly tn th. to ' th... unfortunates Rt the Helplna middle of the ~iJl bl,llldJq. IIIto t.heM I .ta7ec1 Hanel ml..lQD III Kansa Otty. TheretbeT 'YqrQlUl. \he crlmlw. 1lldA1Nil: 1 ' !w' ItIdJ4. 1 rem.OJbe... a 1'Q01' lad • l.nq fto1Q ad Ua_ _ _W:a':l'It• . - - -.-


Thousands Have Kidney I· ' ..Trouble,and Neyer usp6ct'it.


Fill n 1l<1\t1 or I ' 1Il1l1 u LI gi.l!;s with your

\\Ial 'r i'l 1I\I 'lt:t it gt. 1III l W.!I\ly.!

. I cW ~ ~litS .





rllllS \' Kt.' v ... r '\!IU !i . l ' \ ~ /o "lrl ll);)' ur Ill i} ky .J '''II M P litill u for di'\'!JTC " YI Il P\It:Unl l l\" 11 "11 illl i{'n t.'s 11 11 I1 UPllli ll( ill' ,1f't'l II r AN rlefell dullt to ~ e h 1\ 11 h y con.1i. I tW ill '-. n ~ ll1c t nUll o f rA tiell of lhe kidd nolu g >Ill illd "ll' ncl ellt f lJ ~· t nn e to t ~ " !lc ys ; t oo fT c- I e'1l1l1 1,,;nHivn P(t Vtll'ty . Plui ntilrllsk " . ! J~' fill lit Ilesi ~ !" , "'. c.- _.••• __ I'll ". it or pH1II 11I 1 ( 11' TI t, nli ' lII II f child"I' 1I II II'd aJi lll .1 the llal'i. ;l1 i \! ul~o S\' Ul ptOl lh tltlt t le:! you I /I V Rllm i"lI t t tl "n:;(lli n h l' l'self 111\11 tit,: k idlll' ·s :llIcl hl:Hldl'" Ult· (111 1 01' urder tl~tl11l \v. ,I. W ri g ht , IIi t u nH,Y f il l' ElJllIIlCLt! .llluH lllll W "hnt To Do. plll lll iitf . I Thcre i!l com fort. 111 the kll o w lel l!{c " 0 H r llr\' ('n r t.t\r VB . Mi n ni e H ono){ .l ofk n cxpr Sf-cd, thal '.])1' . h:illll 'l"11 " S\\:l1up, !{, )nt , llt{ · )'rc i lt k ldll~'v r .: l/l ' \y , Tflln~ori l' t 1' ,.(11\1 l iv il d uc ket b e f u rp fllifill s nlll h', 1 l'\'CI:)' \ ish ill - ()rrccting I A . I. LA Wi!'4 ,J P (Jf H'\I'l llll town rh c ll lT1 nti s llI,I 'a i l1 in e hllek , kiliJ lC),S, ": I .• l110d ,1/1 1I111HIl I ,

~ 11]"


\Y I) (''' I' WIII \'S , PAti l io ll f , lI' IlI onAY .

n. F .



Court Pro(ccliings.

/I III U I B. \ 001 1 w n I' d v~ , VIJ1n gc' of f;'l'Illtid ill 1'l'lIlpnrnry rest,rllinI ng 1'1 1'111 r 1,0 Ilr" \'o n t C'Hls trn ti on of rClll e l1lbc rt b c 1I0Dl e, D r . Kil t11j;!r' s Swu m pl!a Ve'] I'It r etl t ~ ord( red by thA conrt Root , ant! th ~ nrldress, Bingha mton, N. Y. , on every boUl t:. t>lI,:pencled.




.ZIlIlIl1 f'1'mlllJ 'M ,

AiD 11m mms


"TileAlpna 'Chemical Go.

Kllh lJ1l ' ~ ,

Springfield, Ohio.


\ hitc 's,

I , E. COl. CUS Tln

CUI'l!S CI;runi c ons tipatlon, and All Li vl'I' a nd KiliIlcy Troubles.


_._ .. -- ----

li\'l~ r, bludd cr. I·lh l \!\:crypnr l Of UH:urinnry

ha ve the bl't;L. ~nh l by dru ggists ill fift y -cc nl alit! o n l'·dollar l'izes. II"",, 01 ~. " "" " Io.<" You Ulay h ave:1 sU lI lp le b o lt Ie sell bVIll :\ tl llrt:!\s Ilr. K i hfl e r &Co. , Bittg" h il1l1 t o ll , N. V . l\ Ie ll lion lhis p!lJ.-lcr !lilt.!


A I' ur 'I y V~getable Laxative



p8ssn)::c. CorrcC' t s Illail lln >" to Iwlt! w n t er . 11.1 scu lt1ill .~ pai ll in I uS~l n g- i l , C?l' uad

( or \\' IO, Amonnt, d n ~fTt! cts fu ll ow ing lISC u f h q u or, WI\1C or hee r , nud overcomes l h n \, lInpl ca::t lll /I eelai l/l fll l t.o be t :.JO~ 7~ wlt,h illt ' rA!'4t "'essity f hein g 'ompc llc t.! to go oft e n Compt on nnl1 \i'on k h oll aI' , a t torn ey lhrollgh the ,lay , fl n,1 to get up rno n y fllr plu iu t,iff lilllt!!' ' Iming lhe ui ght. Thl.! lIlil.1 ant! i llllllediate dTl'Cl of Swamp-Root is 't1~ pe r DI'Fll8se t t vs .J a n us )~ lt z s Oli n reali /,cll. It :;lnnds the higlJ c~t bern !h P" (i l i" l1 tn 'Itill Jt r l' lIl i!'e~ o f t. lll ~\'n(il~I t: l1 l arktlh l e CLHI :ti u \l1>'pl1l. ,, 1 p rllp'~ I' I,y ,I U . h 'nlt h n ·!otol'ill!: prop- JIJ~~~~ "rt i ~ . (r YOll u e l·t! n J) e F Q~,;c'tt, IIt!Orl W.Y fill' pJ,.tll l i lr 1I II"\lil'il1c yo u " h n ul ll

. -- <;ECONO


· Ohl 0, 'TlIE C, W, HAIN SAFE -,GO., Co lb urn us,.

hbl1l'. ;.

hril'l, JUSl Li· 111 " 111. r cl llin ~ ' , II


S.-l \ l t' 1{J


Time l.ul'i( ,:nrt U e p o l r ' ~~ ork o." AI,-Khtdll RES'I DE CI;! ~A (L A SP ECIALTY f-\d l1 .1\ C Age f\( Y ro' r ' Cenluf)" Alliu~hb le Sleel O'ra'wln, T/lbles

V o w To Flud Olit.


LOIII IllOII PI Cll ' ~ollrt.

N .W

.:!.'TH E SAfE IIAW"

\V AL 'I'Eft 1\h:C LlTR.E,. JOHN STROOP ,

HORTI CU LTURA L BUILDING-A CO MMODIOUS STATE EXHIBITION STR UCTURE: 11111'11" 111 1111':11 111 ~ 1,11I ~' R ,,\11 Itl' <l lt l r>f Ih t: 11' 11(1\11):; (t>nIUI·I'!.I of I h e fl tty-nlntll (l nl1 l1fll Uit i" :-; 111 1" 1-',, 11' :lIl1 ( 1III ImHI' III I 1';:\1'.',,1111111, t l ' IH' \lI'ld 111 '" llImbuB Aug. ~:t, . :II. , · I'pl . I. ~. :: ""XI . '1'1" , 11111 1"1111 1 l illI'\' 'sl IlPI\' ,l1 " plll.I\'d III tbe fruit 111,[11 ,: 11'\ "u s 1,,,111""1\ I Itt' IIIH":11"" I'" I " "n"' I' 111",' 1 1i111' 1'll1 l ll'e lulllll\~ In tbl s 11 1' 1'11 1'11; " '11 1. "lie! Ihl ' ,; p:H'iltll ~ IIIdl tli ul-: cl l'l' II I I II I I' IItI'I, e II I ... plll." l$ wIll be tu x('d tIl II " \l 11" j,.~ 1 .·:,, "I'·".\' \\ lilt 1I I:l,L!'ulll l 'I' lIl (' ~ hildl " t'l'l,lIl H l'l' e l'Y (mow n '· ""h'l~·. III II tlt1 i1 1,111 til'l hI' I-:\ld Iii r" vf I ll fll' l ltlls 1'1'11 It ~, I"'l'e al s C) Will be found U I\ Sll l ' )I ' I Ss ,~ tl (t b ldu)>:I ~,f l:tl;.:e " 1'Ic:tl llt!lItal allli )I. ,tl",) \11 :\111>:1,


Will Keep

Funeral Uirector.

Brown Bin I

'l'e lellhoIlA UII,\' or lIi ght. Va lley p huuo 01 ,1. j LU II ~ D18t,lln t'u u. l\\)-~ '· .


, AND-


OHI'). I At his home, 3>~ miles west of Branch Offi ce , Harveys burg, O. 1 Wayn ,,;viII , on the Upper Spring,____,.,_ _ _ _ burn pik , f at' t h coming season. ----,.- . -~, \ HI OWN BJ LL is a good generalIt. H ATH A W A '\: purpose Iwrs'. DR TH RECORD MALL LE I3AN O " NEW POSTMA TER , \ !l ~ 'je ville 's LelltHng Doutis t 'LO VERDAL.E is on: of .the b~t1 ---f b ' . W . Rn nJIIII, tI ore t-lIrS' 0 t, e , '.lU l{ oye Bll" Muln St Ibred Perch ' ron horses• Intift lhHI section Ollle'e tn· ,Tohn M. Mu lfol'c1, of Leuall ull ! L lmn un ~;um tel'Y U sooilltioD, 00,11<1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ of th' country. He IS een years pt'osicl en t of tb (-l Kent-u elty COll i' MID - ut ten t ion to the r 1I0\'\'iu O' ram I'ku old . anJ is without a blemish. I IIppN I in ~'O 'nlu nl <: ing com pEt'Oy Rnd ditOl' of the \~re ~- b(,ll!l'nth l' orll . ince J~ne 11'1t. uOll su re wiLh Dr. tiho"p 5 (,'rliujJ Iktlwdy. 011 8 ern till' , is he ohOioo l)~ Pl'fUU nt 1l}J ti l Au gus t 1 l h only 1I1n 6 inter . lu-to will. ~.lln:l)' IIr,'"'' TERMS: N., "".mt lUI! . U l1 ,tis· Tart for th e po · tl11t\ t l'~ ll il' of Leon mont h a va been Ul 11~' in th r' L bit tross. A saCo nnd pluns iDg ")'ru p-1iOo .])"'Wllis t ... n OD. 'flO.OO Lo insure a living colt; mare non BIU Lery, anel of th (I, t·l\ree 'l'be uppointlll nt put a ndber and colt to stand ~ security,. Any wer o fl'OIll th e uuty in firm r y. startli ng end to tb e lemg-wl\g tl oon get Immediate relief froin one par ting with mare forf its th e 'I'he u g 5 of the doce oAflll wure, 91, trovor y OVM th e po tof1ie nt LelJll . Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointmellt. insura nce. 7U, . 4, 0, ii3, :i~, il l;, tlnd t.wo at 10 non, and to t·h e r egim e 01 \ Vill ilull von l's 'rhl 1!-1 n l' D1nrkllbl y 801a11 Ii . u tl'am, kHo wn as th H::!tlOta nU l1llJl;lr of dOllt hs i n this ugth of Ulaus" po tlUllsteJ', which htl ut~ t ime, t1'8c ten so much uttenti ou all OVOI' I WILL PAY THE th e tate since tbut I. 'tiv lllunn.ger \V AYNESV I LLE CHURCHES. und 0 1 ver poli ticia n took ollurglj of - - - , ---:.... tb u off oe !levern! y01I1' lit,:O St. Augustine's Cat,Jolic Church. To uus t An trum hu., btlen t,he obJ";llhcr 9 im!' MlIvenbo ' (ol', Pnslor jeot of Il U I III ut i n LabtLUon fOl' tt ':lI:"h c\'t"n- 8 'CO I,ll , lAllcJn), u f the mo uth a~ long tIm , tll ollglt Mulf ur d, t ile n ew- U .uu a lD. nd poultry of all kinds. I will he ly nppointed po t lll U6hll', wu never St. J\'lary's Episcopal Church. in Waynesville on 'l'uesdays. Call 1'e og nized u,s heiu'" Id 11 Ifled with Hl'\'. J . t,' . CHII\' !In.ler. fW cI.Ilt'. P hone 142. ' liIl1lay Sohoul. U:all n, III 'M tJrn l ng ~ er ' any mOVf' Ill e nt iu olJpositi on to hi \' \e", HI :aO a. Ill, Uol y Communilln ~b ' first Ion · time poll tiou l l'r i II tl. Mu ir td S uulluy 01 each InollLb, wus n e ver m en tioned u. un en eulY .Methodist EpiscopaJ Church. of Antralll , In fu ,t t h ey hllve 111He,' . W. 1'. 01.l111:\n(\, !'a ~ lor , wn ys b en clo,e ly I,IS ooh\t"d. . 11111111)' 'cboO!. 0 :a ll a, cu. ,ornlllg ser . l A. edi tor ofth e W stern t:itur lind \ ' 11:0 . lII :UQ il. ttl '. 'I':pworth r~ '11 ~:U" , 7 :00 p.





H. E.


ERtlltA o f C~'o i l lll1cl Rio htlrd Witt . J on 1:', pa intil1 t;, $ 13ll,40 i- F rtluk kin!', min or!!, Will . lIoglesb.v up· WhitaCl' . 1nulber , ~359 76 i Ce ntral poin ted gou rdiun gi vlu g houd of '700 Uni on ']~e l e ph oDe CO Ul \lILl1Y, $ 11 '0. wit b J lulRe M Anh'; lIud ()rplltl. M Un. COlltrtt eta-Con t raot was enter ed in to witb Frank Stoke for puttin g glehby' s ure tipR. [n th A m'lt, 6 1' o f u ig nmAnt, ol in oonorete ottoms i n t w!, stou e W . J , Bllll. Court grants 30 da ys 'l.rch es, r epairiug one oorner of wing IIdditi onal t.ime for filin g of Inven. md bench wull in sou th one, p utt ory and upprll.lR m e nt. tiog up gOIl,ru rtlilin g a nd forni h El!tnt.e of Mtlty E. Mllrlatt, de. iug posts a nd lumber f r sa me to ceased. Firi' t ond flnaltlccllunt.flled nort b 01'011 pu ttin g in plttnk brllke E !!tllte o f Marie M. McGill, m inor . to turn wa te r at. ou t h Ilrch, nil 0 0 ' Fourth acoount filed. Dayton IlO'd Lebunon pIke in U1el1r. Fred L Punly extr vs , F r ed, L. oreek township ate t illlll,te $1l7.Hl . Pnul,Y et: al. Repor t of s.ule of relll Contra ot WIl S ente red in to with e tateapprovetl eto. Deed for Bbm e jamtls Sule for pn ltlng in oorrug<ltod i!'£lued to 'fhoma 8 Ooughlin e t tl) sewljr nea r Kings .Mills belo,"" Cor~ purchaser. win in W,Lyn e t ow nship nt stilll(l t e WI~lter A. tUeker admlnistrutor of ~5. 25. VB, Frank Sie,ker, et ... 1. Report, of - - --..- _ _ __ 8ale apPJtoved eto. Di tri1bution of CORN , IS KINO pI oceed8 ordered. Estate of Da vid Williams, deoeased " rbe untl:linkllbl" Ilmo nnt of ev Proof of publioution of notl Qe of lip en and thl'ef'-f ourth billions of d ol •,ointOlent tllEld , lars of weultu b heEm produoed Fred L . Pauly ex~t. va Fred L by fllrmore this yenr for national . ro, . l!:\' C'n ln g lier"lct!, ,:,:;lO I'· m. Mltlwcel( ... ~~~~)MlM M .~~~~M ~~~~~ U ~~~IJtItIr~~ Panly \:It III Di tribut,ion of pro sustenance anll for e:q:Ot·t to t b£' a puli t loal power III Warren county ,f'rlyer . <'eLlng. 7 ~ JO p. w. . MuH rd r ode on the . or !-It f tlll' f • -.- - :,- ~ ceeds of s/lle ordered . mlllioos of foreigne rs, " says Sel'l'aEstate of Lorettu. J. Pa Il lV, de ~11t'Y of Agrioulture Wi1s~n in his til" regulnr l' publioa.n 1'11Ok' , nnd..:it..j. ' p.----oe.. n;"."s""e;:..:;ci~. Seoond Ilnd linul account aunual report. h ad beeu und l'stooo t ba t b e would fli ed. ,It is real tungible wealth 8 it be remeuluer d by t,b e ud Ulini tl·O.l ~. I,.-::.......,.----;: E..., stata lIf MIHgnret Delpb, dp- ex;ists at the time it leaves tbe hnnds Hick~ite Friends Church, cell-8ed IQve ntol'Y lLDd "ppraise of t be producer. It is n.boot ,foul' t ion. For a t ime It· uppea r d that; h e would r oeive til e position of F it'lIl Das M(1' llIH~: )11 :00 n. nl. fl'1l1jL Day the value of the produot, of times ment til ( . In mtitter of a tnte of Luoy E~ the mines, .inoluding mineral oil and Ill. 1"Ollnlt 1 ll)' Mt' '\Ing • . . Marks, deoeusad . ~ sDer De Fosset P reoiouS' m etals. Chlirges fil Ed nglLinst An tram i n OrthQdox Friends Church. aRPolnted administrator giving bond " 1'be fu.l'm vulue of farm products tb e postoiftoe tl epfll'tDlont brough t Ro\·. Hl.'njalllln ·UawklitS.p(1~ t Qr. , . ' ' , . of 110,9 00 th l!! yellr is $2,290,000,000 a bove the " nbbath ~11001, 11:110 a, ln. IicJ{ull\r cbUrcb I In matt r of estate of Lucy E vlllue for 1907 l\Cd $3,061,000.000 i n p cto}' t o ... ebunon to eXllmlnl sl'n-I· '. 10 ~I) Ii. 10. '('hl'lt!llan ltu\l()a vOt'. the uft'ail's of th e offi ol:'. U ud er An 7::10 p , IJI . • Murks, dece9,sed·. qasper De F,)s et llbova t.he census amount for 1899. t rum 's ad w inist rutilln th e r eceip t!! "The Old Reliable." filed bond of 8sadministl'll-' "During t h e lus t ten ye ars t h e of the office h ad i noreased ulUllzingly to~ with J. W . Lingo !lnd 'J, G. wealth production of the fu.rtll s ~f I~Y deli ve r y by CU1'ri l' bad besII De Fosset sureties. tllit; cuuntry bu s exoeeded t he fap uobtn!ued fo r tue uove'li lice of t h ~ Estate. of Sumue! Pugh, decea eu. lous uIllO\lnt of ~60,O OO,OOO 000. Lebar-ou' peo ple UllO n t he str ~gf,h Undeli al<er and Embalmer. " First aooount tiled, "Gl'e!l.test of all . crops is Indian Wi ll be (ound in t he olt! corn, the pl'ice)ess gift Of the Indi u. n, ofth e nd dit,ioUll l b U ' i11 6 s. Autl'tlln. ~----, --- Marrlalte Licenses. 'rbe va.lue of the ' Cl"Op ulmost s ur- it wns found , h ud be n s lli ng lugo BII,ttilr BUilding, OPI10 it the Nt\.ti onn.l Ba nk. year~ 0 Cbar)es E, Hilgemeyer, 25, farmer, pussed belief. It Is ' 1,615,OOO,OO(l. ~ o!l n ttt~es f stawps to oert in firm' 'l'el opl~one in .h ODse tlnd f · ' .' of Waynesville and Ollie M, Ellis, "fhis wea.lth tha t bas. grown ont out id t he t OW ll, who J)l'e fe t' l'eu t.o -.. fOt' tbe bene-I fioe da.y wbere or ni ghT'OOll t , ' be call d~-~ ---t-;;;;K--t-;;-uf. .\Po . .... tlOB nv r& ft. ,~ ' 21, 0 " Waynesvllle of tbe 8 011 in fonr months of rain u.nd buy t heir s tump therf\ Daniel L . Hughe~, 20, fnrmer, of sunshine floUd sonJe draught, too, is fit of LebllDou, He did not oonsider 1 , V Llla,V ' ~ hono 14-!? ~ .Mauds an,1 Edith M, Gorf;ucb, 21,' of Is en ongh to . pay for the PIIUI\LIIU. thifl n, vi olat,ion. of IJOstul 1'uli o l,;1-1, bnt, vJ~ t lli wn.s the btu!' i!:! of t ile obj ctilm ' Main S t reet,,' Waynesville, O.hio MaRon, Hev, Mr, MllJer. West ;)Itnal !l,nd fifty b~ttlesllips. whiob wn s fli ed uga in8t b im at Ohester. " For the first time in t,h e bistory Wn shin gton. '1'ruo; he h ad beeu Real Estate Transfers. of tbe oountry 's u.griculture, the val~ giv n u. mi se in sa lu,l'Y on the Sa lll l:J Lawrenoe K, Langdon to George ua o.f the cotton crop, including the UCl\ouot, but it WU S con siderell l e~ it ­ D. Stunton real estate In village of seed, has I\ppurontly exceedea t he imute until the l'()C('lOt CI'1 i (llld t he vu.lue of t,he buy crop, i'621,000,000, Franklin, $600. goveinmlmt IJl'c.,lle. Sberiff's sale of real estate own"d which has h e retofore h eld second The odd ele mAn t in t he e.m tl'O ~y Elizabeth Ross in Franklin to place for along tlries of years. vel'sy is t hllt io th e OUt-COLD O t he op8. La.w'r ence K. Langaon, M oU.67. " Wheut is 1. 5 per oent above t,ho ponents of _ ~ ntriU1, wh o ons ted him TRADE MAR;~S OEShlN6 Dora McVay to Bert Drllke !lnd five year rt/ge in production ond did not s lleceed in g tt.inH tue ofI1ce CO .. VR IOHTS &c, Velma B, Drake real eetate In Leba· 23.3 per oent ntovo tha t ave rage in Mulford tln d Antru m b ll ve bee n .1\ 11.0n o80lldlll /l R nkc\ r.h n u ll 'l~tC'·Ir.I'Ml <nn) " tt l ~ IiIY 'LS~orl{\1 11 our ()I,hl'Gn ft~1I " ' OI, I'~r "" Cn U(Hl Is nrobnbly pnl.e nt!~bl eil ' Cl.nnmltu ' ("I\. non, ~i. t<;ltlLl value. kn own us bosom fri ends. An d It- is h1Ill"1) u~ @1,rlel.l y c,tt"lilcull"l. lIANDU OK Oil 1',,"tII u/ t. frco. OhlcM fl flQ ut'1 t o r ftocurlfl g IJI' (UIH", Fred !d . Bone to William H . New"'1'ho valoa wa.s $620.000,000 which a flU Bstiou whethet. the OX-pO'l t " 8l.ll1l ""ntoll18 tak o l1 throunh .l\t huu i~ Cv. r t.!(lotve port, real estu.te in Wllrren county, WI\S newe r n.pproached neurer thUl1 mus ter and wustel' poli ticino, Rp- ' prc:la l llotCc6, ulLho llL obltr({o, III tie $1. $66: 000,000. p'a r Iltl y deftlat d Is not s m ili o g JI~¢I~i\ai1. A 1" ... I1 Aom ~11I1hl ~ l r,,' e" we ck t)': 1\n rIlP~t ~ Ir. Commissioners' Proceedin~s, "The ~u.lue of .the fl.U'1Il .produc ts th at pm:zling smil e . of bls, _ til l t,bl Ctllulhlu' ,, ( IIU1 tlll l "LaU e j Qu rr1ul • . 'l b I"l U~ . n . " of tile dlury cow IH ge ttlUg closer nU ll Dl orni'og-th ll t ~xpressiou wbi, I.. ro"r : r.hlt ,"(",lhe. "1. aoM Il)' ull "ow.liCnlcr." . ' ~ Co~a61Broad~ar; N ew Bllls-Bowe Bros, 011 for brIdgE', closer to \£,:)00,000,000, ana ~he eggs hu ao l\f teu bt:f or 1'11 fo l ks t,o won, nrrultb 1l0lCo. 626 Ir St.. W,,'I< l n~ l l' u, JI. C. , '2.27 ~ W. H . .Taekson & SOD ice und anll pou!t·ry produced on the furm !,lar wb thel' h e wu.s "lilJkeu" Or!l . LJ ton Journa l so-ppl1es for cOllrt bouse, '11,09 i Ilue worth u,s milch ns th e cotton • .--. Ullu.rJee Idhidaker, c<?ntmct, $75 i crop saed in clnded, or thl' Iluy c rop, WIDn er - I~y . , • . __ Bert Reed, c~lltrnot. $72 ?5 i A. F. or tbe whellt orop. To tbe form er WASHINGTON 'S PLAGUE SPOTS . Meeker, es tlm!\te, .''lGO i A. D: Sohult?; who baa av eraged hardly 20 ceut s a li I,.IU th e l ~ \~ , n ir~rMb Y' botto ms of J?rJd,ge re p.uirlil,' ~16 15 ; Uharles Stibb pounll fOI" the butte r thn.t b e bus the Pot,omll c j tl\ e bra d ing t,:round 'ss.imu,te , $30 i John Wolfe, bridge sol rl, 3uod 4 'cents !t qUllrt for h'l s f wIlIlIl'ia · ger ms : ',rhos£) .15. 1'01£1 reiiuira, '3 j W . A. . t':Soott, bridge re~ milk and Ilbout lU oents fo'r each' CtlUSe ,ch t l1 ~ ~ f ~l VI' l' !l.a d ngu , lnlho tls , . . , . . . , . ... . ' .. , ' ~ ' mW8, ]llnndl c ,. Illssitud " ~elLk ness ., -. \ paIr : , '150,. Helll y Cbrll~tla.n, jmd", e egg. und ev~n t.o tbe OOD umer uod gtm ur\ll <.I ebllI t·y, 11-D <!, br ing !luf., ...... ...... ..."...,'"... ...,",......,'''''''',:,.......""...,...,''''"...,''"....,''''''''. T p,urs , ' S, 2fi i W. . Turton , cement who hu.s prices muob nbLJ\l e (el'io/-{ or d ' ut.h to't b on !lDd YOUJrjv, ,I " • .: " . ....' .. ....... $" 1I.2 ~· .~ lvan A., Lewi,,; servioes, , these, this increase in vu'l ua is s trik~ bilt f!: leotr,io Blttf't:I:j . n v r f.ILlI to .de, Ad~te~ ,'.~II COlT!munications to . . B . B 'inIY '" ' s tr y t.bem 00(1 cm ll mn ltH'~ tl'Oub $25' audito'r's .Fee Fund Anderson : serVi CAf' iM,2'.'E "B' Rogo · __ his.. '1: hay rire t,h e l, . t ~tl l l'l'l;lOd . " . ' ''. ' . . . . t,onlo n nd' cur e tor ·m ll In,fl U, I ever ' e~s, 8811,V i.C~ , "4 ; J . M lree ver,.' er Wh elJ you lO~k m~ in t.he fLlce and used ," 'w l'i te H.. M. ,J II Il?-es, of rJou i vlCel!, ' 48 1 H . ~. Ander n, servlCes,. s mile I know you hn.ven't got n gun eJJ e n . S . '.: They ' UI\f:l 'I.;'toIDI1,cb, "1 4-2 '; E ,B R ogers; : el'vicef!\, $~2;.T. up :your sleeve . . 'Live r, Kidpey and B~o'od '.1), nble!! M, Keever, s rvioe!l, U 2 : Ridge & ' ' -., un~ ~ will prevent . -'lytJhold , rty, 'HE' d 6 kJ III ' . even If .. Iii . .h urts your . faoe i clthem by Fl ed 0"1 tilt Imate, 15:>0 i rr8n Smile, h ~ 500. 'tz Gunn~nt.~bd ' . , ' «:10 Wed) . Chl'onlch" b,lllnks, '10; R~gg.l eB Gale 180me' people h~ve to be cruel ·to b~ .....,~_ _ , __--,-.........._ Everyb~dy att nd Lapor (jofllpbnJ', l!upplleB, .30 i ' John w,. Ikind to them8elves.-Ri(ihard Carle:






Price '


Thft ~~nWRW, Hes~~IO I_~~~ic:h~r~~~ti~M~~C~h~u~r~~~'~=~J~~4'~'~~"~~~'~~~~~~~~--'-----~'-~~-1

--THE-- .

G a z ' e t t' e :1II amII.

~n;~~~ :~!:;'~i~;' !~~:~e~~l\~~~~- iO'\ioln.l~'Oll :l.


.,. . . ".... .,. . . ,. . .,:. . . . . . . . . . . . .,.. . . ,. . . . . . . . . ". . .,. . . . .,. . . ."". .",:.:..,"

I I I" [~ I I I I

1 I I'

The Miami ,G azette is 60 Id d' h th ' ,a.n . as e repf · · . II h ' '. n'!!lllt.lng'" t, -new ' s l·n very 'satl·staclor manner.

It pr~n.ts regularly 2,496 col~m'ns of good readable matter year.





,a York

Advertisers recog.nize' it " as advertising me- ' ~lium, as ,they use i~s _col'ums freely every week. . '. The p,rice for ·the ,Miami ~azette is · only , $1 a · ye~~ in adv,a nce. S.e nd' your llame, and tl"Y:,it for ~'Year.


, ,


,,I .


,_ ,



' .




- -.--

P ubllllht!d




I n tb PI AOO flf on l. tb ill me· Ellward Pity on ·W.eston. ~' O yonrs cll'l! IIl ·ml.1 1'1> ot tbe iuo\l/l ", Ilud old wbo l' ently w lked frotH New of" 1 ~1 "fth tno~t· int.ilJlaf,1:l fl'i ulb, York t llU Ji'I'IITlois ; ;j 'u m ile, Ml ~ l\lh' grlr, t, ~1l\Vl\nls, d tlllgbkll' in LOr; 11Y, hil i:! . jll t l' turued to

MJ\[N S'IRF.E'l'






Tho usttnd of fi hill'S Il rmt, in/( PIl. t Be llaire, Ohio, daily in t b & ALLt.:iY 'I'1:lLl!!Pl:I(')NI!l 'AL r~ N • Illl . ' ' d' h ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ river, th e r esult of U.0l In t e Wllter Mr. 1,.00 Ml fj. 8e rge . IDilwaroll N w Yorlc nnd nnnoune s tbn next allel t;fllnc]Ullllght ' r of Mrs. Mildr d I spl'ln~, when he'.will be 71 years old, Cudw,dltlll r Wel' lh elm 1', f9rm r1 y h w ill H,t urt IIlJajn t o wa lk to tbe D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manage I' ft·OlU an I\lp~ riv er mill . of WU .VTI ~ vill ,W'l qniet-Iy m a.r.r.·,(j tt(\lflo ooltst. Acoording to repol'tS- there, wer e lit, I,he ICL1\\'IIJ'1I" hom \li ll New 1"1'001,'l'h II, he SIIY S h e WIll hnvl:l no lfates orsubscription no urrosts for drQolFen ess in Xenia iiI) , M.... 011 ' u.tu l'dIlY morn ing, difUculty i ll making !.ha long walk On e Y ar (S l rlcll y In ll,h'a nce) . . .. , . . .• \.00 during the recent ~reena connty Augu t 71iJ, lUll!!, to MI' , 'hllrle in 100 dll.V9, profiting by his eY J! riSlnlile 0IW....... .. , -' ...... ,.. , u.~ fuir' Tbere ware only three or fOUl FI' leri ol( ' i III JlI h . now III the con- nc of this '('Ul'. arrests duriuf( the w.esk ou' mInor IoI nllll' :401'\'1l'E' t1f tit Uuitcn ~ t, a,t.t."l l u Hllill) of tho hl1l'lbbips I·hut b Rates of Advertisemen18 oh!lrges. (;tOVA l'UlIl f:n t lIod stll tlonod Itt Bu g snlfor II \ oston is In perf "t llealt b~ Readin g I_oua ill. PCT line . . . , . , . l ' .. nt' Re a.llnl,( lowlH. IJtowk facc , pI.r 1111 , " HI e Dr. S. D, Eess .. presi dent of Anti. dlld, rurl'II.Y. The wfldlli ng cere ~LDd 88ya tba.t he will continue wal k. Chlllsillcd Ad", nol Lo oxccod liv e IInoo, och college, in Yellow Spring~. ~ayf­ mony, wbl ch Wtl8 unusually Impres ing, but shor te r distances, until b e Tbree I Mertlon&.. , " . 2&c thlit next year tllere will bo a bet,tel i'va, Wll perfol'ml:ld by Rev S. C sturts on the long walk for ~n Obitu a ries, rh'e Incbes rr ee ; o \' er five 50 program than WILS gi ven at t, b~ W lIl to n. th fl rector of t,ll e Eplsoopal Frtlncisco . Inche s. per Hue . .,. ""' " From thA time' Wes t,oo left New Card of tbllnks .. . .. . . . . . , .. .. . 2i'tc Chuutuuqua onl .V recentl.V olosed in Chu rch at Bonn\'ille, Itnu took plll O!' Oil I he VA l' lll ll lu of thfl Ed wn rds h otDe York until he rellohed On Itlaud. I;ul., bOe thut olty. Resoluti ons .. 2.ic Soola ls el , where oburge Is m atle Mi t:! MIII'Y Wi llblllJ!-I. of BoonvlJ1e, be was nnfol'tnnllte in In oeting th o ~ lIIe I)lspla v Advertlslnll. per In Ch , . . , . , , ~I\fe hlowars dynumited the Slife aud Mr. l\l oJ'J'i:l EdwllI'Cl!l . on;;llli t h most uiiogroeable kint!H of wettther Di scou ni s g l\'en on co ni TaCL. in the postoffioe in Cygnet. 0 .• Toes vIII, 1'UXII M. \\' I' t,ile op ly a ttend Frou: he re t o Chiollgo he had s no w ~ do.y night, according t.o ~elegrnm ants , ice, wind nnd rflin stOrlll S with whioh AUGUST 35. 1909. reoeived by Postoffice :Inspector Illllll fldia t ely arter t he c remony, to contl'nd. Furt,h er west· the II Qt. Soranson . 'they g ot a few penni et; MI' . ltl\(l Mr,... 81 upich ItJ l't fIll' Chi tL tortured him 'and tho bllc1 roarls 1m nnd 300 two cent s tnmps. go, wher ll they "pen t II (lil Y with pllded bis progress . BiR best doy 's YOUR HOME PAPER friend s of M 1' , Himpich. From t he re performance WIlS the 7~ miles be 'Ihe police of Belleron t!loine recent· th ey go to N ~w YorK, from whioh tween 'r opeka 110d J unction tty, The popel'S of the large oities "re IlII rlRM, if you wllnt them, but it is ly oarried liqnor from the city build. pl ,oe, on ::;llturd ,lY, August 14tb, Kuo . --your own ,home paper thut advertis- Ing stol'ehuuse Qnd poured it Into they hegi n 11 journ ey' of 1 ,000 m\l os MEMBER or OL Il PARTY es your ohuroheH, youI' numerous the gutters . Hundreus of t.hlrs t y to Ba gc1nd, wh 1'0 t hey xpeot to SOCieties, sympathizes with you In ones ga,thered wheo th e polic urri v~ abl)ut, Ootoller 15th . The til tho light of an opinion r Oil your affliotions, lIoud r ejoioes with emerged ollrrying bottles, jogs tlUU weddio g j o urIJ ~y of Mr. nnel Mrl! . lloreu 1>f ecretllry of State l'lloIllIJyon In yonr prosperity . In short, kegs filled wi'th liquor. :::Iim~lich takoR .them th rough t ho OD . on the new prillll1ry e lection it Is the local pl1per tbut mentions Medlterrnn 6H u :::leu, the u 7. Can ttl ),IW. to H . U. Pugh, pro!lecnting Itt Forty. three camps were represent· and theReu .. 'au , to Co lombo , Ceylon, torney of Mu!'kingum couoty, it ~be thousand and onf' items in whioh you are interested during the yell r ed in the night parade of the United touching sev 1'81 ports en route looks as if all voters not confessi ng and do not fiod in papers in hLrge Otlmpers of Tower Bill, 0 ., on th e From Co lombo, they go to Bomba y affililLtion with eHber tho RepubJi oities. -Middlefield (O ) Independent l,.ittle Miami I;'iver Sa.turdav night. und other point 10 Indln, and finally OIIU or Demoora t,ic pn I' ty may b'3 It WdS the prettiest and most. el!tbor- Ban to MusO/lt. ATn.bill. , where they bUl'rou 1'rom t.tlklng p'lrt i~ the pri 'TWAS A OLORIOUIi VICTORY ute Ilft'llir ever seen In thlLt part of go by bou.t up t he 1'igris Rivor to ' nllll'y In Fept mbAr. Avoter is Tbere's r ejoioing in F-edora, Tenn the oountry. Bugdnd . Ichulton ~\('ll on t he g ron nris thut he is A man';) ute bas. been s~ ved, 0 nd MrR. Simpioh ie u. beltutiful and l U ''' E'!Il I' I' I, f ml uor pllr l.v Hood not n\lW Ilr. Khig's New Dlsoovery I~ Osoar Lindsey , colored and u hlack- olever young wonulD, !lnd Mr. 8im- of ci~h6~ of th l1 tW Il g r(';' t purLi fls the talk of the town tor curing C. V smith. W&8 found in tbo warehouqe Pepperot deadly lung hemorrhAges of the O. & M. V . ruilrond. at Wil- p~oh is Ii IU lln who, so l e l ~ th r o u~h P/ ip d,ill g in thB l>rilD 'lry, mu!!t w Ill' t lin t lIfl i~ u Ililillt"ll with one hiS own efforts. hns achIeved dl "I :oonld not work nor . get Ilbout," be wrttflll, "and the dootor ~ wington, on Wednesday of 18st week tinoti on as n. correspo nden t for yarl. 01' tho ot,lItH' of th ~ plll'tioi pllting did me no 10od, but, otter using Dr. with his neck frightfnll y slashed on ne wspnpers . He h ns been u\l ]Jflrt.i os !Jefol'e be cn n be u!\ .lw e<l to King's 8AW Discovery three weekt', wit,h 1\ razor Ilud his windpipe al. over the world, anti only recentl .V vote , I feelli~e a new mlLn, and can do wost !levered. It W8S tbe fearful re ig oed u. hi gh position with th'" - - --good work again :" For welLk dor work of his own hllnd, in I\n attempt t)lLn Franolsoo 'Cull " to e nter the SEArED WITH A HOT.JRON, or dlaellsed lungll, Cougbund Uold . oon sular ser vice and subsequently l or cald ild by over t urned kettle-out Bemorrbo.,;rcB, Bay I!'t\ver, La. Gripp .. to oommit suicide. Asthma or any Bronohial aft'eotiCJl to be n ign ed IlS Consul a.t BAgdad , wi t~l n. k~ife-brui ed by slRmmed it stands unrivaled. Price 500 a.nd Civil action has been filed .in th e for whioh post his wide experience door-IOJured by g un or In aoy oth 11.00. blal bottle free. S old Ilncl . ; er wl1y·-the thing n ae·Jod at once is gUl'ran$eed by Fred C I:)ohwartz, Xenia Common Pleas Conrt by W nnd hIS ml1itery of the Illngullges' l Bucklen's Aroicll Slilve to subdu e _ _ __• _ .. O. Corwio, of Oregonio, I1gain!!t R. especitllly, ~ erm!l n, pre eminently inflam mu tion uod kill t he pHi n. It's SUICIDE IN MOR ROW - B. N ush, of Xenill, for the oolleotion fit him. In addition to his work as ea rth's supreme hellI er , inflillible of '221 96 with interest. 1'be plain Ameriolln ConSUl. Mr. Simpicb will for Hoils. U loerl;1. Fevor ores, Ec. A man believtld to be Il member 0 1 tift' ola.lms tho.t qe puld two notes be the forei gn oorrespondent, a t zema and. .Pile ~ . 25c at Fred C . 80hwl1rl,7.. a law firm of [{noxvllle, Tenn ,oom signed hy ht'Uself, Mr. Nush and Bagdad, of severa.l Amerioan new • ------~.--.------mUted luioide in a cell at Morrqw, others and alleges that Mr. Nash pl1pers, and his oon tributions to t ho HOO CHOLERA SERUM ., .~,10 •cM>look ~eed.y. eV8DUtg , (ailed ~o rei m burlte him for hie ehllre p~ess of t hi country ooncernillA Be bad been found wandering· i n tbe debt. Ohio bBI! the only pltmt in the the a.rcheological discoverie n w around on the railroad traok near being mad ~ in the immedilite vioiu world, /t.nd it is now oompleted and Morrow at nooD, M\lnday, and walThe State Boarfl of Health hliR ity of Bagdad w1l1 doubtle 8 prove of ready fl)r operation, for the distritaken to the town jaIl and locked up suddenly · rel\lized that Ohio nJW much interest. - - - - -bution of serum to the owners of .". pendioll word from h~ re~ativ.,. at !lIUI an epldemio of typboid fever s\vine, for the onre a,nd preTention OLDEST SHAKER DEAD Knoxville, Tenn. A clothesline W8.!- It is ~peoiall .v notable in the 810 L1 of hog oholem. ueed in ending his Ilte, and It Wl\~ towns, Mansfield, Greenville, Will The old '.1st Shnker I\t Union Vil1Bg' Dr. Puul Fis her, state veterinurian fllatened to one of the top bars of hit! oughby liud Oberlin have it worst has passed away . Mary Ann HoI at the bead of the work, st\ys thut oell. . rbe mAn was beHaved to bt ot all. Dr. B. M. Platter, medjcal land wus bOl.'n in BnJt.imore Eebru the reEnlt will be the almost absoan over· zealot on r~Ugion, and after inspeotor, has stuted out on 'o, tour ary 24, 1 20, and dIed Augu!!t In. lute extinutloQ of the obo~ra, in the ~ hls hloaroeration IlmO@tollntinoally of Investigation. 1900, aged 9 yeartl, 5 months hud sta.te and tbe saving to · owners of ~ aaDfJ some ohurch song. 21 days. he joined the I5hnkel' hundre<\s of thousaud!:! of dollllrs a. ToMClayev,Ding he waB !dnslng William Buokley paid to John oommunity ut Union Village June year. hia favorite churoh bymn, "N6I\rer, ~'lsher, 0" beyond New AnUoch, 24-, 1 4.6 . bhe' entE r~ d tbe commu The plant now bas on hand enough My. (;jod, To Thee," indicating that l !linton Connty, ai,803.67 for 108 nity dl,lring tbe Miller excitement 'i aerum to inoouJllte 4000 hogs and h~ had been contemplating taking h ad of ' hogs, averaging a 1i~tle when over two hundred ::5eoond Ad- tWs will be inoreased us the demand hia Ute. There was no letGer or any more than 200 pounds per' head. Mr. vents beoame Shakertl tLnd she is warrants it. This will be furnished oUler evldeooe on ·the ·man ,to &how Baokley ahipped in a lIinl';le donblethe last of tha.t number . to owners at, a cost of 25 oeuts for that he was a lawyer, bnt to pertlons daok oar ' 12,838 worth of !!PBs. , At th~ time Enooh ,Jacob , 611.0h h og, whtoh is 6XllCtly the cost , he me' betore he 100t bis mind be OhrlBt. Stolz Wliol paid by Sam Glass the Oinoinnllti leader became a con of prepa.rli'lon . .~ The loca,tion of the plant is near ~ld , who be was. Investigation over '1,000 for fifty hea·l f hogs, vert. lie was the editor ' and pub Reynoldsburg, Franklin oounty, and :he~ ~ .... brought oat tbe fliot that &. they a verol{ing over 260 pounds per f tbMe .MllldiUtight OrY, tJurori ~t is eqUiPPed fwith eveir y mOdetrhn ~~ li~berf °th malt.of bil aamnad stopped at the head and the price being IS per glD e e l er es. ImprovC3men t or oarry ng on e albeon house from August " to hundred. Sister Mary Ann was a·n ardent work. Bog oholera. ougbt to soon ADgnat 9. Sb 1 be ~ thing of the past in the state, ------~.~- --~--oonsistent !$baker. . ea ways and will be if the owners will tlike Aga.ln the blilloon" DAyton" left.lh aud refused to hold any offioe, simply advantlige of t.h!\ t whioh 'the departTHE CRIME 01' IDLENESS mooring. tl.t Buok,island n nd sailed desiring to lead Il.n upright mode t ment of agrionltura is anxious to IdleDess meanil trouble for a'ny one out over the city, tbls time taking a _ g_iV_e_t h _ .", aDd give at oo.t. It. tbe .s ame with a lazy livar. It ~outhell8terly direotion and la.nding life.-Franklin News. oauBt!8 oonstipation, hebdacbe, jaun. '. . dlce sallow ' complexion pimples ~bont 40 mIles from ~be oity in the " and'blotohes,loss'otappetite, nausell, '!oatbern part of Clinton oounty, but Dr. KlnR's New Life Pills soon DelLr Clarksville, O. banleh liver troubl!'B and' build Tbe bal! left its station on the rlv up yonr ~6~lth, :olfio. Ilt Fred C er '" B 0'010011' Wed6s:sd"y morning 8ohR~rs. When purchasing silver- I • - • and .carried 8-S pn sengers Mason JUST SMILE . Brenn.e r, an ' East End grooer, I1nd ware remember tiliat in his d~ughter, Mitle Jennlf', besides silver plate no namti stands J wooldn 't frown for a orOWD, Pilot McGill, who is ~lw(ty8 on thO for higher quality or greater job when the DlLyto~ floats a wa.y ~ I'd uther be ~ Billiken tban a Bud- from borne . durability than the redha.

$ ,.,.,.""",. . ,.,.".". .,. ." .". ,:."",. . ". ,. "",. . ",. ,. ,"',. ". ". ,",. $ $ This will be a great day, and you $





Waynesville, Cbic,

$ September 6th. $ $ . . ,~". . ". . . "'. . ' ' . . ''''. .''''. . . . ". '''. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' """"",. ,' ~


----- -----




.. - ..


must all mja ke up your minds to come to








Big Clay Pigeon Shoot




$ $ ~

.,, .(

Five events-IS balls' each

Base Ball $ Between $ Clarksville and home $ team. I t will be great! $ ,

$ S por t' s




likes·.a jO,k'e ; DO olle malned 0. few doll!Lrs in the treasur! One ·of·the altlertnen propolled that goei ~r~un~' te~UDg blan_k vers~. 'th~ 'money be invest~d ill a fioo~ ot N,o maD ' ever 't~nllbed when, be dnoklt, Whl0h ,:woula forage in the wu preme,~i'll*lng, a ,fonl orlme. . :It.reate and ell>~ t~e r!1bbl~h . · Lean • . '" , . -. ". ' .dnok .. ' were boojlht and turned lcose' 'A ny . tn the ~tree~. '.Chey start tn to ellt AU , .' V , the ,waste from ' toe streots Ilt one ~~§!t,:r='~=' ~t..:aa1~gi audof ~he. town' ~rly io the morl) 'Oa";;;"~~he=lOur~':of:'a~~ I~g "rid"eat to tbe other end, when OD~~mark" Dea1IDSd~~.&belOIl'lOP.l! theY .II.Te turned baokward ord,sbifted ,.,u will lind our ~ lOW. .....&V.. _ ... "" , - . f th ~




=.-.,.. ~ID~W-m:.:: ' ~~-:;; olbe,,""'.. til: .......... :1!! ' . . ~D' - ~14, .



Io ••

A, ... en



jnmmer tile .flock will probably be






'co, '









$ :i ~ The Waynesville. Brass Band $ ·;


Will be there, and furnish music all the time.


Ask your dealer to show ' you the various 'exquisite p a tt e f. n s in which the "Silver Plale ThaJ' Wears" can be had. ' The wide latitude for choice; 'in , knives, fo,rks~ spoons and fancy pieces ass\! tes satis, faction to ' ~very tilLite. '. '. Sold ~y leading ge~lers everywhere, Sen4 for cata- ' lo~e ' "C-L," ~hQ~in~ ~ll . deSigns . . .




nowned trade mark


$ Th ·11 b II k· d f F $ ere WI e a In s un $ such as Swimming" Diving, CaDOe Racing, Wheel Rolling, Tug $ f W ar, F O bst acIe $ t ootRaces, WheeIb arrow R ace, H-Ig h Race" $ Jump'ing, Sack Race, Fat Man's $ . $ R ace, and ther events· $


LltuSh once 'IlD -honr au-rl you'Jl The white wings of tl\e town of never need 'a py pepBln, Lakeviuw, nelLr Bellefontain!" ILre literally white wings now, they're < No one ever ROoU8ed Master Cupid dook!4. Reo'e nHy the tina~oelor lo06 of beiDg'~ tragedIan: vlllli~e fell to such a low el?h t,hai· i.t W8S imposAible to longer ~mploy it You lauRb nat.urally ; yetU have to street sweepel', so hit! servioes wllre set your face for a frowq, dispensed . with. Sf.lp there re.

S port' s' $

~ ~

$ "".,." ."",."".,.". " ."., ,. . . ,,. ,,.,,.,,, , .,. ,,. ,',. ". . . .,"'". . . . . ,',. .,:",. :, $ l I$~ and 8S:' Walch for the large posters $ hand bills. The progra~ ' $ will be ·published entire next $ I

:$' w~ek_ W ~tch close~y for it~ ;~ .., . , ...


,~ , ~

,:,.....,"',:" ..... ...,""""',:,:..." .........,',:,,",:,,'':...,:,:,:...,,:"""" "'. ~"'"


iWatt for Labor DaylJ


................ ~ .... __'u~_ .

" ' ...............



u ~ &...&.&.~w · ~,

won,,: . . . . . .... ..". ......





, '.

I ~NfT


AN EA'8V WAY. How to Cl,lre kidney Troublel Easily and Qu Ickl)'. It is n edless to s uffer the tortUl'es of aD aching back, Ule mls ry of liack·

nch s, rheumaUc pains, urinary lllsor· ders, or risk the dang r ot dlab tou' or Bright's disease. 'rhe clire Is eallY. Treat the calise-the kldn ys-wlth Doan's Kidney Pills. ' H. Mayne, l'llarket St., Paris, Tenn., says: "Weak kid· neys made my back eUI! and lam e. The urine was cloudy and Irregular and 1 bad to get up many times at night. I lost en· ergy, became weak and could not work. Doan's Kidney Pills removed all the trouble and reo stor d my health and strength." Remember the name--Doan·s. Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Fo.· ter·Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.


Rlx-What's the best way to never selUe a Question? Dlx-Go to law about It. Almost Any Mother. The mother of a large f~mL\Y fell ill and died and the , attending phy· slcian reported that she di ed of star· vat.ton. It was t.n credjble, but he proved it: The woman had to get the dinner and then spend the next two hours tn wailing on the family and getting the children to the table. It was never on record that she got all of them there at the same time and they came straggling In all the way {rom potatoes to pie. By the time she had wiped tbe last face, her own hunger had left ber and sbe llnd no desire to eat. Chickens, tbe doctor said, come running at feed time, but chUdren don't., A hen has a better chance to eat than a motber.- Atcbl· son Globe. Valuable Knowledlle Spreadlnll. Every day sees hundreds of new reo cruits In the war ag~lnst .tuberculo~ls, and every day brings new methods for the figbtlng of the plague, , The Na· tlonal association 'predlcts that It the present degree of Interest is main· tained, within five years everybody In the United States will bave been In· formed on tbe way to prevent and cure tuberculosis, and concerning the Infectious nature ot the disease. Two . things In......p&l'tIoular are needed, and for tbese tbe National association Is working in every way. Tbey are, a more complete registration of tuberculosis oases. and the further Isolation of dangerous advanced oases of consumption. A Sunday Sermon. One must accept life as It Is. It gives us great happiness 11 we are wise enough to see It, and it balances the scales by sending great sorrows, too. But that 1s \l(e. l( you would make the world' brighter try to forget your hurts, dry your eyes and turn to help those who need the pressure of a friendly hand, the encouragement of a smiling look. Sorrows and troubles of all kinds should teach one a great lesson-the lesson - of universal klndnefls.-New ork Times.



long ago, at doud of nlKhl . ur tmln 91 pped al •


Annoyance and r;xpense.

IIlalion .

"rwus dark,

Aniualng Letter Written by Prisoner, J!Jvery farmer Is famlilar with the of m rely coating the outside. If the Giving Peculiar Condition of Af· rotting of his fence posts at the sur· "brush" method. or painting, Is used, fair. In Fortreaa. [ace of the ground. The labor of reo the CI' oBote should be apl)lIed at a placLog them and how to secure n w temp ra ture ot about 180 degrees F. Fort La'fayette, situated on tbe little and durable pos ts are sources of· con- Two ollts should be given at least 24 Island jllst ott Fort HAmilton In tile stant annoyance and xpense. Even bours apart. IC the posts are dlps: ed Nano ws , and now used BS a powder lhe more durable woods s uch as directly tnto the presel'Vatlve, tho station. was a prison during the civil chestnut. white oak and cedar, decay CI'e080te shoull! be bented to about war. In 'It ,vere confined many per- In eight or ten years. I t Is true that tbe same temperature. The bes t resons nrrested tor treason by the U nit· there are B few kinds of woods In the s ults at all can be obtained by Ilrst ed States mnrsbal in tbls city. United States, such liS locust and heating the posts In a batb of hot Here Is what one prisoner wrote In osage-orange, wblcb give much lon ger creosote and then either transferring 18G3 In a letter tbat a Orooklyn man, service. but th II' SUI) ply, nev I' vel'y thcm Qulokly to a bath of creosote at thE>n a boy, picked up In a bottle large, Is rapidly becoming exhausted, a lowe r temperature, or else shutting wblcb was wasbed ashore on tbe Dyker meadows just after the war and wblcb be has In un old Bcrap book: . April 4, 1863. Hotel de La Fayette. In consequence of many I)rlsoners being exchanged from Fort Lafay· ette and not mentioned In the papers, and tor tbe beneot of tho World, Her· aId, Sun or auy other public and dally journal I send this small notice In this frail but buoyant vessel. I beg to state that · we are all right here. Nothing to do and ple11ty at time to do It In. Beautifu l vlcw down here, J don't think. es ve ially nt night between the door cra ks and window bars. Tbere are orne curiosities do wn here tor Barn um . Outside sen' t1nel-"Hall! Who comes llCre1" Prlsoner- "A trl nd . Can I have a bucket at ,valer?" Sergeant- "Yes." Fine JI ving. Bread and porlc tor breakfast. pork and bread for dinner; What's lett tor supper. Coftee balled In hogsbeads full every year. Rags· heads never empty. Consequence plenty of water. No trouble to read Treating Posts for Prelervatlon. your letters. Tbey are all read tor you. Also your JUan iY nnd watches ~nd the farmer must now look to off the heat and allowing the POStH to are weli cared tor. SC!e anothe r prls· oner. "How are you 1" Sentlnel- some other source Cor his posts. Per· remain In ·the 011 as It cools. By lIuch baps directly on bls farm there may a method, the sapwood w11l become "Stop that noise." Exit prisoner. tb'Orougbly permeated wltb the creoCard playing Is u'nderstood down be a patch of woods which Includ s bere-hlgh , low, jack, whist and loa. Buch trees as black oak, beech, maple or pine, and cottonwoods and wlllows gmoklng? I don't think. Tobacco Is may grow along the banks of his a sight good tor sore eyes. We see a piece every new prisoner. Wonder streams. These are trees which bere· Burke doesn't send these good look· totore have been thought of little or Ing soldiers up to town to parade on no use for posts, because of the rapidthe fourth of July. Tbey are all kinds Ity with which they are attaoked by decay. In their naturAl conditlon, tbey and sbap s . will rot in two or three years-too They keep a goat down here to eat soon to pay for the labor of setting what tbe reb Is leave. The poor crea· them. The forest service In Its study ture bas to be helped up. Two cats of prolonging the life of fence posts are In the same fix. There Is also an ha.s found cbeap and simple metbods attentive doctor down here. One med· ot preserving the. In a sound condl· Iclne only. If It don't cure you're sor· ry, ror then you have to die. That's tion for no Indefinite time, even nil J know about It. Guess that's also though they are the poorest nod nat· urally least durable woods. a military necessity . Decay Is not a simple process like We expect Honest Abe down here the crumbling of stone or the rustlpg In '66, soon atter the next eleetion . or Iron. It ia caused by low forms ot Hope he'l\ bring his ra.1I splitting mao plant life whlcb thoroughly permeate cblne. Might be amusing. Tbere Is the wood, discolor It and cause It a good deal of {un down here. Very to become disconnected and "rot· busy for liS. Pre tty busy for tbe sol· ten." To preserve the timber in a dl ers. Our clotbes are all torn. I tboro.ughly sound condition, It Is only will mend them as soon as I find neaessary to render the wood unfit tor tbread ana needles. Looked for .some the growtb of these organis ms. Thlil Is done by Injecting Into ·1t substances poisonous to plant Ute. One or the most wIdely used pre· servatlves Is creosote. one at the by~ products of coal tar. Wben It is In· Jected Into the wood, decay wlll be retarded Indefinitely and an old·fleld pine or a cottonwood fence post when properly treated, w11l easily give a llte of 20 years or longer. Such a preserv· atlve tr~atment costs about ten cents per post. The creosote can be applied sote. Full de~lls and specific dlrt)cby painting the wood with a brush or tlons tor the treatment of dlfferen~ dipping It into tho Uquld, but much kindll or posts may be obtained by ap' better results will be obtained If It Is pUcaUon to tbe Fot:ester, Washington, actually Injected Into the wood instead D. C. , ' .


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IOIllI ,,"', cl ear: "All HIght:"


mJ:hC" h ,' wa';ed In nl l' rn lilt clear nllll bright, trumpc l r01l1': hi s w ord". " All

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Two slmplo wonls - ulld yet Iho!'


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Thun Ju s t thoso two : "All R!Shl! "

1"he Cheerful Grouch on Fade. "Talk all you pi as agaln!;t fadsl they add a lot of pleasure to life." Somebody ventured LO ' "Out Webster calls a fad a trilling !)llrbult." The C. G. snapJled with the al l' of one having a chip on h r shoulder. "I do not presume to dlrrel' with Mr. Webster; I . merely wish to tulIa a stand In favor of the 'trifl ing pursuit.' 'Ve women have little enough of spice In the dally routin ; wbat hurm does It do to Indulge in an ocCllslonal fad? ChIna collecting. fol' Instance (unless carrIed to the extent of cov ting and buying things beyond our means) Is an InstruClive fall. leAding to a knowledge of pottery, ceramics and all sorts or artistic things. Painting, ~ul!lc, r eligion, even, all these have started in somebody's so·called "fad." It WIlS a tad wltb one Mr. Watts to look at tea.kettles; Gallleo had a fad tor tblngs that "woved," from pendulums to worlds; one Benjamin bad a fad tor Idtes and keys; OJara Barton's tad for looking after the little chll· dren In her n elghborbood~aJl these were at flret "fads." And If onr ''fads;' do not always r suit In good to the world at. large they can make ou~ dally round sweeter; tbey are tbo leaven to raIse the deadly leV'el of monotony- that bane of so many women's U"es." . "By the way," somebody asked. "What Is your parUc:u1ar fad '" The Cbeerful Grouch smiled. "G1y. ' Ing advice," sbe snld.

"Hit sutUnly must be to bnve de reputation loah slealln' wot you've got!" "Yass, chile, but chickens Is so scarce nowadays, dnt de hardest Dart Is tryin' ter live up tor dal reputation! " Reslnol II Appreciated and HIghly Recommended by Intelligent People In All Parte of the World.



I bighly recommend Reslnol Ointment to all persons who are troubled with aldn eruptions of any kind. I have found these preparations most usrful and efficacious In many case8. 111. F. Ryan, Bedford Sq.• London.

When you bear a girl speak of a youug Ulan as being a bear-well , you can drnvi your OWD concl usloDS.



Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. Va.- "I feel thatIowe the last ten of my Ufe to !-ydia

E. Pinkham's yegetable Compound. Eleveu yenrs ago I was a walking shadoW. I had been under' the doctor's carebutgotnoreUef:My husband persuaded me ' to try yd\aE, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Rnd it worked like a charm. It relieved all my pains advise aU suff ring . Lydia E. Pjnkham's women Vegetable Compound," -MRs, EHlU. WJIEATON, VIenna, W. Va. Lydia E, Pinkllam's Vegetable Comtrom native roots and "U~"UILUIt DO DIU otics or holds the record A LULLABV. number of actual cur s Wl!leU~~5 of any similar mflcli. of tho SUD and thousands of ~"-'iTOj;h:;;U;r~a!rlh::o::ri: l.z:::o=n-:8:;:la::n::t:-:- holtm1:a-r:r1restiIll1oili1a,ls are on file In ' And In I.ho trees the neat. the laboratory at Lynn, Inl> blrd.H Mass., from women who have ,been T 0 sy- vospera cured from almost every form of phllnt. female complaints, inflammation, ulceration,displacements.flbrold tumors, Thle Is the holy mother- irregularitiell. lleriodic pains, backache, hour; indigestion and nenOU8 prostration. Ththl~::J~ when broodln. EverfBuch sullerit\Jt'Woman owes It to SUr wllh protcctlng spirit; herself to give LyUia E. Pinkham's arms Vegetable Compo'nnd a trial. ' Outstretchod, and spread· If you would llke~peclal advice Ing wlnp. about your casewrlte a confideD"

Ual letter to Mrs. Ptnkbam, at

Then huahabye for bablM LY.J.ln. Mas8. Her advice is free, dear, and always helpfuL The sloepy, wide world over. And hushabye for baby Qualla A-nesting In tho clover. 80: huahabyo when youn. thlnp Unto the. mother brelUlt; Creep C1080, arid cling at twlllllbt .When aun fs In the west.

An Atcoh'ol Stove. This Js a very useful thing

------~~------------;---------------~~~----N~ mer.~~~~Wm~~~~~~~__-'~~~fj••~r~D-~~

' AND . cumNG ·HOCKING GRAIN S There Are Certain Stages in M.Cure Stortna

The Right Foundation of Health.

Reading Your Letters. r sinre I've been her. You find some real blood s down here. It you've got mOlley you can get n few extras. ' Thelll that ain't got any stich to the aid thing. If a ny good Inteutloned person C f porsons shou id plclc this up piease hand to where directed In care of any person but tholic cbnneded with this prison lind If a tobacconist be will oulige by sending n slllall pl ecc to S. S. Ft. Lafayette. Taps. Out go lights . Good·by. The lett I' was wrllten In pencil and In haste, judging from Us tone. Per. haps th e wI'lter of it Is alive and will recognize It. I'll'

Chances for Soldler!a Promotion, Although the e nlisted man In the American ' army has always been bet. tel' treated In every way than nny other soldl el' In the worid, bls com. pensatlon is very sma1\ compared with tho wages llaid In civil lire aud the atll'~ctl"en esil of the service was appreCiably enbanced by the Increase for wblch the recent amendment of the law has provided. Even more important than this consideration In popularilling the service, hOWE1ver Is the fact that It . hao·. been rna'd e' easier than fobn rly for the prlvllte .to rise from the. ranks and to. ~ecome a com .. mlssioned officer. :rhls has long been possible, as was shaWn In the brHlIant" career OC ~he Illt~ Gen. Lawton, but formerly the 'o~staoles to be OVjlrcolJie were so serious tbat It could onl1. be' ........ "d .h. abo .. ., f.,.all'rf A 811'''' .accompllshed by' a man ot eneptJoDaI abilities Ilnd attainmeiata. to .......TlleF •~~=r'.'" ,~ tnll'. u_ . . . ~.r ...


Them aud How to Secure N~w aod uurable Ones Are Sources t,~ Constant

ot Jbplaclng


ON FOOD Proper food Is tbe foundation 01 health. People can eat Improper food for a time until there Is a sudden col. lapse of bbedlgesUve organs, then all kinds of trouble folloW 8. ' Tbe propel' way out of the difficulty Is toablft to the pure, scientific food, Grape·Nuts, for It 1' ~ bui1d8 from the foundation up. A New Hampshire woman says: "Last summer I was suddenly talcen with Indlgcstlon aud soyere stomach trouble and could not eat food with· out great pain, my stomach was so sore I could hardly move about. This kept up until I was so miserable life was not worth living. "Then a friend finally, after much argument, Induced me to quit my for· mer diet nnd try Grape· 'uls. "Allhough I had bllt lilttJe faith I commenced to use It. an d great WIlS my surprise to find that I could eat It without the us ua l pain and di stress In my stomacb. "So 1 kept on using Grape-Nuls and soon a marked ImpI'ovem ent was shown, for my. stomach was \l rform· Ing its regula r work In a normal way without pain or distress. " Very soon the y 1I0w coating dlsap. peared .from my tongue, th e duJ1, . heavy feeling In my head disappeared. and my mind felt light and clear' the lang\lld, tired feeling left and 'alto. gether I felt as: If I bad been rebuilt. Strength and weight ca'me back rapidly Ilnd I , went back to 'my vOI'k 'wlth renewed ambition. "To·day I alll a. new woman k. mind 8S weU ,ns bOdy, 'and I OWl'! It a1\ to (Ids food, Grape.Nuts." ' 'There's a Renson." Look Iq pkgs. for tbe famous little book, ·'The. RQacl tp WellvUle." .


Feed.and Pa.~urage. . one ' on a picnic, or .wlll save healing The horses are mostly kept up the the house If the alternative Is a big year round, fed hay In Winter · and range or even a gasoline stove. Many soiling crops . 1n summer. All the toods do not requIre cooking at all, young cattle and dry cows are stable ..but n.o thlllg In animal foods Is quUe fed on soiling crops durIng the sum. sale wll~out heating. Even tbe dried f.aer. The cows In mnk only are go meats should be lJubjected to heat to turiaS to Cor lug to tbe fields, where Instead of be, remove the danger Qf germs. Canned lD Mow. Ing' turned loose they are secured bJ meats are never absolutely safe In tethers. ·summer· Sardines are, however, per· There are certain stages In tbe mao Tbe tethers ' are of rope and ' chain fecUy safe, but there a~e m·e,ats, ba· turing of gl'alns when It Is safe to cut (the cbaln part has a swivel on 11) con. and 4lrled beef, wblch can be and sbQck in order to cnre fot· the and are about ten teet In length: quickly and easily warmed on an alcostoring Il the mow or stll( ~k. The old ere fastened · to a chain about the bol flre. Fresh meat can be cooked Fule of cutting tbe wheat. when tbe horns, An iron pin about ten 'lnches over a very small blaze;· try a little kernel Is In the dough is hl\rdiy appU. Ion&, Is drlvl'!~ into the ground with 8 chopped meat, drop 'It 1n a hot sauce· oable at present. It sllould stand un. mallet to keep the animals tn place. PaD. BU~well, add a pinch of salt and til the Icernel bas h&rdened, but 'rhese pins are pulled up and moved ' rgmove from fire. SUr In B teaspoon· . sboQld be cut while the joints of tbe a few Inches or a few teet forward ful butter. and serve at once.. stem are yet green. Bearded wbeats tw~ or three Umes a day, according tel • With the alcobol slove egg may .can stand a little longer than tbe bald the growth ot grass In front of them. be "coddled" or poaeped. For a very varieties, as. they do not shell as r.e ad. A berd ot milch cows In that way wllJ Ugbt dessert. try the 'yolk of a raw lIy, and the beards are a protection to sta~t at one end 01 a field ten feet egg. w.e ll beaten and sweetened, add a certain extent. Bald varieties of. apart, each one eating a swath across the white beaten very stllf. dust all wheat sprout during moist weather the flel~ .. when the part .'first e'a ten with powdered sugar, and eat with sooner than tbe bearded varieties. over Is ready to be gone over again. any, light water. . This wUl give plenty Barley should bo cut at tbat stage In this wa.y 8 field Is gone over s of nitrogen for a meal In the hot when tbe most of It has turned white. dozen times or more tn _8 season. • weather. If allowed to turn yellow there Is dan·' the grass In J ,une, n,s .1t usually .does ger of loss, as tbe heads, after they gets the start of the cows. it Is cut '. Mamma Hardy'. Chocolate, turn down, which tbey do when' they Into hay. The. winter teed of tbe .. Two and one-bal~ cups sj.Jgar; one turn yellow, b'l'eak olr very easily and cows Is ~ Uttle lock of bay night and .cup butter; five eggs beaten separare lost, For ~altlng, the barley must morning. possibly tour ,or six poundsj • ately; <lne cup sQur DiUk or butter~e cut whlll3 It Is wblte, and ' lf It can and a bushel or 'ot cut mangles, mUk; two and one·half· cups Clf .flour be ' secured w1th~ut any raI~,1t I. It Is sate. to say. that ' 75 per Jcent. ot , measured aftert,elng sifted; three ,ta· considered . In . perfect . condition, more at a Jersey COW's feed tn wtntel 'blespooDS v:a~llIa; one teaspoon soda; Whether for matting or feed, the 18 -:oots. . . a pinch ' of salt and o~e-balf cake . . ::;: : Baker's bitter chocolate m'elted white stltge, just before t Is .ripe, I. the proper one at which to cut bar- ' ~Ifalfa ' on "Sheep ·Farm.. alloiecs to cool before', adding to ley In order to get the most grain and 1 ha~& be~n much Interested In batter. . ' , best ·results. ue pf alfalfa on. sheep ("rms, bqth al -----.--_ _ _--,-,_ _ _ .". a pasture crbp and, as ~ay'• . ,Last' sum· A Yellow Salad: ... ",oVJIble Farm ·Sc;hools. . ,mer, ' ' whll~ ,In Fruee, I saw . Break an orange Intp .ectlons; place Tbe United states department ot q- fto,cks hurdled , on rape these on inside · le~\1ce leaves; r1culture recommends the establfsb- flel~a, tills belDg ,thefr Dilly all pour ~ayo~lUae. and aprlnltle ment of movable schools of a~~u1- :Iq, the.;,~~~lW,, · .c.1:AI.....J!]t.aI~llI1I.n freely 'paprika on top. The colol ture by t~e: state :e~perlmeJit stAtlou.' a .ver; or grain"' _. scheme Ie attractive: For a cbange, m_e 15 farmers can be sec~ as to 8DJ' Idnd . of stocJr. In faot. · serve wJth thts triangular 811c:es Of student, the scb~ls may b!J C:lonclucted' qt nr,y nttta as OOUtatratea .. touL for a Year or loncer; The. klnd ot ..' ~.. Yet. oyer th.... aJfa1fa Ia • ,traction win •• OR tile Ill'" at UIllYf/nIaI . . . ... . . . . ......-.. HOtIGIl. .







There'. a marked distincbetween U~.

t ion

Oook." 00,. • • " Be., and · even' the belt that'. sold in bulk.

Evenly and mildly cured and scientifically cooked in UbIIY'. 8,.. ., WIllie I(ftolteft, aU the natural . 8avor of the fresb, ' prime beef is retained. It is pure

wholesQme, delicioul and ready to lerve at meal time, Saves work and.orry ill IUDlmer.

Other ~ibby ffHealtbful" Meal- Time-Hints, all read, '

.... ... ............ wu,c..,,...,..

.. to ,lervei are:

,...,.w.n.a.. ......,'. "..,."

Veal ...., .

Ev.,.,.atflll . . .


"~ty goCi I)and'in hand \!ritb Products of tb!= Li~b, brand".



Wri~e for"h~ 'Boo~et,­ "How to ' in .• It. Go'o" Thinp to Kat';. " c.:' .

We bAd takeD ]odg!ng s at York ~or (tbt. was Ii cruel tbrnst, lor Sir Thorn the trial. . as wa~ notoriou sly touchy about hit The evening of the ball found the age) and I would no more have rut streets cl'Owdbd lUI 1 had n ever se away with YO Il tban I would Wem hefore. Tlie gl' at cas , which -and God knows no \voman this nigh! In all tll( would be rencll d w\thln a day or twu. three kingdom s would go wllb YO\ brought row,ris to a tte nd the asslz s. nm,,!" - mnny]'l rsom; coming ev n from Lon· The delight ot the crowd was ex don, Thes wer hlefly genUem 'n t raol'dln arY. I bell ve they woul( - -'--- -of the Doblllty and genll'y who weI' rrlends of Giles Vernon 's , for nover have mobbed SIr Thomns . except thll l Th er lIas been a new favor oc, Tli e young ' hall!; keepe r, setting up they ft'lt that ,Llldy Haw\,sh aw coule co~ed to patent lentil iliaD bad so many fri e nds. r and many at he r own estll hll stlm ' nt, sometim es inUlct the more xqlllslte misery or. lbo smart 's t new bags for practica l (lnds It dIffi Il was II. cold, IJrlghl F brual'Y night ; cu lt to Instru ct the maid and th street In f"ont ot the assize hlm . Th e judges. ~111\ golug up th( ut;;e nre ' in thi s leatber. It does not wbn sp. r H'S the fam haH where the lJnl\ W&15 beld was steps s lowly. proba\)l y heard ever~ wear 60 we ll ns many oth r blaclt worlt nolse l ssl,l ily III als to do th(l ' nnd properly . P r. packed With- charlols , chaises, and word ot tilis controv e.·sy. The crowli leathers . but It baR a brIghtn ess ror· haps th e fir ' t of the prlnc1pl e to I nrn Is Ihen purted, and ta ldng Sir Thomas elgn to any of the oth er leathers. save Ileople on foot, flaring torches and th a t Ar erylhlng should he band d to lJawllng footm en. as If It we re a Lon , horses by tbe bll s. forc ed them to glv~ morocco. a youthfu l air. and made up th e left 51,Ie of the person who Is sit. INV ALU ABL E don rout. As our csrrlage passed the Ilillca to Lady Hawksh aw's can h, aud In attracti ve shape wit:" lining of some tl ng. whi ch enab she descend 'd am id th loudest cheer~ gny color, It certainl y des r ves popu· themsel ves enslly les th em to serve for Sum,mer ~ n t rance, t he way was hlo ked hy the wltb th e righ t. Judges' chariots, from which they de· of the pOllulac . larlty, even it It does show wear ra· Com plain ts In layIng th e tn ble one must have Within the splendid ballroom L ad) ther qui c kl y, scended ,ln slate, Qur coachm an. whip, an eye to preserv ing balance with ev. Dysente ry, Diarrhea, Cholera Illng up to get the n xt placo In line, flawln,h aw 's Il'Iumllh was even mol'( Th e patent·l eather bags are In al· erythln g th a t Is put Morbus. Cholera Infanlum,Colic locked wh eels with the coach at Sir 'marlted . NUlllue l's of great peopl ' mos t every case more effectt ve than salt c elln r Is placed on . That Is. If n at one s ide there und Cramps . Also relieves GripThomas Ve rnon . He sat baCk, his flocl{e~l around he r ; man y ot them bad any of the other leathers . Th e de· must be anoth ing Pains, Sour Stomach, Vome r In the corresp onding face vlslhle by the lamps In the court· been wltuess es of her battle royal witi' tails at the bags gIve them Indlrld· plnt'e on tlH! other, iling. Sea Sicknes s, and HysA fern or a di sh Sir Thumas , nnd the story had quickly lIallty even wh e n shapes vary little of fruit or even yard, and os unconce rned as If the terics and Nervous ness duo to an emllty dIsh. It It ~nse which had brought us aH to Yorlt sllread to the rest. Lady Hawl,sh aw and the last word seoms to ha\'e By bowel affections. been Is a pretty one. must always be plnced was one of his servant s beating the In s}Jlte of heT oddities , had always said In Ule matter of fittings. Vanity in th e ve ry conter. MOLLY ELUOT SEAWEll Around that ar(! watch, Instead or the trial ot his rela· maintai ned the respect or 1111 whe C8ses. opera glasses! tiny fans, card the extra torks and spoons, as aUrat' knew her, and nevel' saw I a wornaD ca~es, change purses, pencils, sddress Uve tlve and belr on a capital charge. as you can arrange them. The crowd showed Its disappr oval of wbo bure, unde r all circums tances, books, all are packed Into mlracu· (OoP)'rl,bl., IW6, Bobb.. Wonlll 00.) In front or the places of persoJH Sir Thomas by hurling abusive more unmista kably the air of a great IOll81y narrow limits. who are to be seated tbere must bn a SYNOP SIS. lady; whethe r squabbl ing with SII pltbetll at him, which only caused him The Ingenui ty exercise Peter, laying down th e law to thE nlllg of the bag fittings d In the plan- plate. The Itnlte Is put at th e right dese rl'es un· sid e and the forks at U.e left. the At U years ot age AdmIral Sir Peter to smile. But he had another enemy world at large. or sp aklng bad French aUnted praise. 'Many women. bow· Hawkehaw's nephew, RIchard Glyn ... t ,II to encoun ter, which was Lad' Hawk· tines pointing up , tr th et e Is a soup .tops pllin Immediately and ald eply 1n lovo at first sIgh t with abaw, and In tul1 sight and hearing she was luvarlab ly the woman 01 ever, prefe r to dlstrlbutJ3 these fit· spoon It goes most invaria~ly brings about Arabella 8tormont. who BPUl'DCd hIsLady beside the knife. The ntquality. t entlons. Tho lad an orphan. wns given at the judges, as they stepped wltb tlngs among various bags Instead of oyster fork also Is next speedy recovery. This mediclno to the spoon a berth WI midship Tbe sCline of the ball was so gal' crowdin g them Into one. l man on the Ajax by stately tread \lp the stairs, occurre d a ill just as safe as it is effective. Tbere Is and knife. hIs uncle. Giles Vernon. neph but that for oytlters Is the w ot SIr battle a mort between Oct a bottle at your druggist 's, Thomas VernoD, beoame the boy's her and Sir geons that even my sad he art toolo the ample shoppin g bag ot pigskin. only tork that Is placed at the right. pal. nole of It. The ball was ablaze witt morocco, patent leather They attended a theater where Hawkand keep it always in the houso. Thomas Vernon, to the Intense or other en· leath· All tbe others go to the left. If more ahaw'. neph ew aaw Lody Arabella. VerFor the children 's sake, don't non met Philip Overton . nex t In line tor joymen t at the crowd, wblch was up· wax lights, and a huge band of musl, er, It has purses tor cbange and for than one Is required , 811 for salad go aw,a y for the Summe r withSir Tbomas Vernon's eslal . They 8tart- roarlous ly on Lady Hawksh aw's side, clans brayed and trumpe ted, The lords bills and It has s card case, but the after the meal, the larger out taklnlt a aupply along. ed n duel which was Interrup t d. Ve,rnon, Neither Sir Peter nor I took any part justices , the lords lieutena nts or the rest of Its space Is lelt free tor small next to the plate. Spoona fork goo. Overtol:t and Hawkshow's nephew tor dessert. three Ridings , and thema ,I ~ee attractOO by pretty LIldy touna many Per Bottle, 25c otber person! o.rtlcles and package s. In the tray, seeing Lpdy Hawksh aw whethe r they a re large or small, are bella. Tho Ajax In battl e deteated FrAmnch bad tbe best of It trorn the start, and were lu full court costume s, and the For luncbeo n downto wn there Is a over the plate; that Is, Dr. D. Jape'. bpect...all' I• • wal'8hlps In the Mediterranean. RIchard are acrOBS the rellablll remedy for croup aa.4 Olyn got £2,000 prl.e money. He WIU that, woman against man, the popu1&ce ladles' trains ot brocade and velvet Imaller bag (also used for matinee top. The napkin sh(...lId be folded wboopln a couab, couab. and colds. called homo b! Lady Hawk shaw were a sight to see. And I may be par, ,1Il1'oses), contain ing he was bearllly with be r. the Indlspen s· with two poInts under pnd laid In the wns about to ' blow' In" hIs earningsalwith doned for sRYlng that Mistres s Rich· able vanity equipm ent. mirror, pow· plate, Vernon. At a Hawksbaw It began by Lady Hawksh aw's put· Glyn dIlla square of bread b~lng tucked cover .d that Lady Arab party ard G1yn was by no means the least der pult or cloth and 110. ,WD8 a poor tlng ber bead out of the possIbly other away In It If the meal Is dinner. coach and but peI'llllltent gambler. Ho talked mu II 'With her eoualn Daphne. Lady Arabella saying at the top ot her voice-a nd bandsom e of the women present. t,tems, It may have the little opera To give exact directio ns 'ror serV' egaln ahowed love tor gaming. Later she what a voice! -"Good By Lady Hawl(sb aw's comman d we '6'lasses and tan, too. evening , Blr )Ield Glyn and Overlon prlaone1'8. thus Ing n meal Is almost Impossi ble, for It delaying the duel. J the Ov.erton-Vel'- Tbomas . We are. called here upon a were all to look cheerfu l. and, when For visits a 1tat- envelop e bag or depends entirely upon the non duol, llelther was hurt. Lady Ara- sad occal5lon, but I hope I saw the outpour ing of popular ap· smal\ handsom e bag with bandle' Is and wbethe r sbe wishes It mlstres . that English bella humiliated Richard by hoI.' prankl!l. done fol' proval upon us as Giles Vernon 's next tbe tblng It one carries anythin g In mally or simply. Jllchard and Gil 8 shIpped a frlgato. justice wUl prevail to save the life of friends, Accordi ng to present Olles waa cap luI' d by tho on my heart grew les6 heavy. l~ r nch, that SIr gallant leather. young A man, purse your or bag belr, of netted custom n plate should always be Peter armnged tor hl8 exchnng . DaphLady Hawksh aw seated berself In a gold, silver or gllnmet al ne IIlIowed a IIkl/lg tor Olyn, Is often pre· placed before a person us 800n as one was Ol1es Vernon ." then 21 yean of age. Giles waa who large cbalr at the end To of rolollJ!ed which the hall, terred, but It should be large enough Is removed, so tbat Sir Thomas, with a wicked 0lle8 and RIchard planned elopements.. the plal:e Is never where sbe held a kind of court. Sbt to hold carda as well SIr Peter obJ cted to the plan to wod grin, replied: as handker - ompty. In very simple lIv1ng this 18 wore a gown Puphne. By clever rU liea Gil 8 and Richat some sort at crimson "We cblet, may and safely If one Is leave travelin that g by car a not done. to the ,.rd lop d with Lady Arabella and Daphne, reapectlvely. Tho lallor pair jury and to their bonors, tbe lords stuff, wltb a great tall to It, and on amall change purso. Few houseke epers have more than her head was a turban with a bird 01 "'ero married. Daphne W1!.8 pleased; AraLizard skin Is conside red a good the roast on the to.ble these bello. raved In, nng r. Wh n the pardays, veg. parndla e In It. and on top or that her skin for dressy occasio ty returned. Arabella ask d Blr Peter to buge diamon d tiarp. Everybo dy flocked leather workers are so n I. but tbe etables being nt the Bide table fran: ala In pro ocullng Gllel In court on the clever In their which they are handed by the maid, ,hurge of committing- a capital crime. to pay her court, and the lord Ueuten· use of dyes now that one may have a wbo returns thelll ther. after eacb ant of the East Riding asked the bonor bag to match almost any costume . person has been servl/d. CHAPT ER IX.-Con tlnuod. of her hand to open the ball. She Tbe :very pale hlscult and gray tones If tbey are to be kept on the table As soon as Giles was' lodged In JaU, promptl y' agreed, wltb the added reo and wblte are used Blr Peter and Lady Hawksb aw, DlUlhmark that she bad not danced tor 30 purses and small bags,for beautifu l one would be at one side. another at otten gold the other side of the meat, or two ne and 1 went Immedi ately to see him. years. Sir Petet attempt ed to Intet" mounte d and having preolou s stones dishes, mIght be put al the foot of the We drove In statl\ In a coach and tour, pose. set In their clasps. A new shape as table. That Is a matte r ot Individu al with outrider s, Sir Peter In bls unl..You .....can not do It, my lad y," be Ihowll by one well·kno wn leather prefere nce . whlcb each bouseke eper torm, witb his sword, and r also In said. "You will trip up and break goods firm shows a success ion or decides , unlCorm; for our object was to testify Your leg." overlap ping flaps Inclosin g separat e The maid serving sbould wear a publicly our regard tor Giles and de"Not wlless you trip me up, Sir P ockets. This model has taken ex· d bl r testaUo n of the prosecu tion tor his life Peter," respond ed her ladysblp . , wlJQ. tremely weH . Anothe r well·llked mod· small white cap an tha g ap on with. bib and straps o\·er e s boulder s and wbich was on foot. was totally unable to keep up the tur. el has Its original note In the smootil, c rossing at the back. It Is most baWe reacbed the great gloomy build! plain mountin g of metal curving down· tle·dove style toward Sir Peter for any ward slightly In the middle. and In coming , Ing. and the turnkey ImmedlAtel), appreci able length ot Ume. "My legti Quiet In the dining room Is a thing are as good lUI tbe lor d lieutena nt's, the plain metal handle, showed us to Gllell' rOOlD. It was one which that must be striven for by the maid. ot the best rooms In 'the place, and a continu ation of the mountin g. seems From thlPlk God! and ,I Sball~~b~a~v~e~LI.l.!!!!!lJ~~~tt d Jrt;~~~~-s~ron'-W[ffij:SB6iii~WfiJi1I-A. noisy person Is an abomln tl uld...hAve been comfort able enough a on an ~~-;;;;:;:~;;;, POSItiv ely cured b)" In dancln'" wltli s o the rattle of dishes nnd clash of sliver right angle had It not been In a prison. double handle of leather, tbese Lutle Pili •• Obeying a look from her, Dapbne ac· beneath wblch the bag ' Is cut down a should not be ~ermltte d. He wils delighte d to see us, klaaed cepted B partner, and r secured one In little, the Iides being Tbey also relleye DI .. lett higher. Tbe Lady Hawksh aw's band, Qnd gave t .... 89 iroUl D,,"pepsla, 1..the lord mayor's daugbte r. Sir Thomas flap of a small cbange compar tment dlgestlonalld Too Dear',.. Daphne a hearty smack on. the cheek. New silk parasol s hnve Vernon, who WlUl tben In the hall, ba(J buttons down on the EaLlog. A por tee' remoutside of the match, made ot enamele d handles t. He looked well, and I expecte d to find the Ineffabl e impude nce to wish to balr. or lacquer ed edy lor Dlnlneo a, Nauhim hopeful ; but he seemed to regard dance in the country dance with us. wood. 8en, DrowMlneBM, 00.4 '1'''010 In tbe 1I0ntb,eo At· but be was met everyw here with cold his fate as flxed, althoug h It In no eel Tongue, PaIn In lhe. cold looks Bnd refusals . Tbe ladles wise disturbe d hts cheerfu lness. Sir !::;::==~=-.--:::-' Sldll , TOllPJD LIVER. ot the lords lieutena nts were all en· Peter at once told Wm that everyth ing regblate Lbe Bowels. Furel,. Vegetable. "Good Evening , Sir Thoma .... gaged; so were their. daugbte rs. It was possible should be done tor his de· SMAlL PILL. SM'ALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE.. a picture to see him going along the tense, and that emlnen't counsel were justices , madam. But If a young vII. line of ladles sitting then on their way from London tor lain steals an helres. Genuine Must Bear against her wUl, being repulse d by against the wall, all, and his com· hlm; and he and Lady Hawksh aw he IncuTs the extreme Fae-Simile Signature penalty at the posure under tbese embarra SSing clr· would bear all the coats or tbe trial. law." cumstan ces was the most extraord in· "And we," orled Oaphne , "claim the "Yes," replied Lady Hawksh aw, "I ary PILLS. /~. d A?z?: thlng I ever law. He wore right to belp; and wbeny ou are ae- dare say you think the law will deal upon his slcldy, but handsom a smile Quitted, you wlll find all your debts by Giles Vernon as It e tace all REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. did by poor Jack the Ume, and, at last, be found a part· Jlald and need not trouble YOllrself Bassett , wbom you got -transpo rted for ner in where the money comel5 from." life for killing a hare which was al· woman,the person ot a 'monstr ous ugly whose husband was In the Tears aprang to Olies' eyes'at this, ready halt dead; or as It served Tobias and he lOOKed grateful lY upon liS 'all. . -=-~--:=-,,-;:--+--t-::::; Clark, the' blacksm lth, whom you, got bides and leather tra::d::e::.. We tOOk our places, "'oeWEriend!f," he 6ald, "I ,thank hangell for stea.lIng, one of your sheep." sbaw and the lord lieutena nt, a fine. YOU; but I shall not be acquitte d. Sir "Por oftr DIne )'~111 J ButTered wllh chronlo These things were true, and the consllpation and durin" this time I had to tue handsom e man, many years youngl'!r Thomas Vernon and Lady Atallell a crowd gave three loud groans for Sir than she. at tbe head aD laJ~tlol1 of .. ann Wiler oace every houra of the 1'0001. And Stormo nt tblrst tor my blood, and Thomas Vemon. Betore Mfore I could have an actioo on my bowel.. be by my own folly I bave put t he noose his breath to reply, Lady could get then tbe musicia ns struck up, and Ulppll,. I tried Cuear"I•. Ind lodny lam a well Hawksh aw Lady Hawksb aw began mIn. Duriog the nine ),elrs before I ulecl to dance. around my neck. But I say to you continu ed: CallCllrcls I .uff~ uutold 101 •• ry with laterala (TO BE CONTINUED.) from the bottom of my heart tbat I "No wonde r you are afraid ' to sleep pile.. Thlaks to you. I 11m free frolO all thlt rather would dh~ upon the gibbet than wlthont candles burning tbls morulng'. You con ase this In Mhalf of In your room HOW THE PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT lU6eriog bumanlty. B. P. Flaber. ROllaokc, ilL be married to Lady Arabell a. God was all night. Sir Thomas ." ' good ci me In giving hel' to w'e as my Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. 'raste Good. 'Sir Tbomas ground bls teeth, 'and Theory That Explain . Expend Do Good. Nover Sickea. WcakeD iture of or CYripc. enemy Instead my wlCe." calle<1: lOe. 25c. 5Oc. N e,'cr sold Tho Kea· Time and Labor. alae tablel s lamped C C bulk, There was 'so!!!;,cillng In this; for Gllaraotoe c:l to " your horses, coacb'!l an, and care or your wooc), back. m wbat mtln could think, wlthou~ sh drive out." No one has been able to decide bow dering, of ,taking Arabell a Stormo nt But the rowd would lIy no means the enormo us stones In the pyramid s to Wife? permit It, holding on to the wheets, were handled ; for, even a llowIng for I saw that Giles bad cQJ&Pletely re- and Sllouts resonnd LIVE STOCK AND ed of: "Good for the vast nrmy of men', some sort of covered trom his madnes s. Ho blamed your -Iadyiilllp! Hawksh MISCE LLANE OlJS aw forever !" mechan ical contriva nce mllst havo no one, tnlnklY acknow ledging bls Sir Pete r lay back laughin g. while been used. cwn folly, and bore himself as becam,e Daphne, by way ot encoura ging the One theory Is (hat as each course an officer and a gentlem an. people, clo.pped her hands and kissed of stone was laid a sand embank ment Sir Peter ' WOUld by no tllElanS admit Lady Hawksh nw on tbe was built around It with long, 'easy cheek. there was the smalles t chunce or an "And let me teU you, Sir Thomas ," slopes so that the stones tor the nellt adverse verdict; but althoug h I could continu ed that excellen IN GREAT VARIETY t and Indomll- courae could be pUl5hed on rollers not brl~r myself to ,believe that the able woman, ",t hat because FOR, SALK <.AT THE and slid Into plaoe, without any 8ctual no woman LOWB:ST PRICB:S BY extreme ~n,alty ot the law would be could ever be Induced to elope with lifting, and sO on, the pyramid being Dealgn for Candle Shade, with One-Fo urth Pattern . carried out, yet 1 thought It very llke- you, there Is no reason why runawa y WESTER N NEWSPA PER UNION 17 that cage was too plain tor GUes marriag es should bot be the happies III tact burled as tast al It was built, ALL manner of talrs, bazars and Tho Orat Itep Is to trace Ute pattern 13 W. Adamo 1ft., Cblcaao t until the top waa reached , when the to escape conViction. The conduc t ot In Ule world. I delled my famUy and lawn parUes , are being held for un the heavy water color stupend ,aper ous by 'job ' ot removin g the sand Daphne and' Lady Hawk.s baw to him as good as ran away one purpoae or another and tholle means with Sir Peter embank ment waa commen ced. of carbon paper, then »alnt It In charge are on the lookout for thlngl black 'was such. tbat ~ came ont ot tbe jail Hawksh aw, and he was as poor as and cut It oul The trame will Tbls might account for the vast both ' novel and usefuL with a deeper reveren ce, a higher, es· GUes Vernon ; but, like Attmctl ve tben look teem tor WOJll(l6 ' lban 1 bad known be- Ii tru,e and gallant gentlemhim, he was army 01 lilbOrers used: for Instance , candle sbades 011 the bill admirab ly, the upper', like the ImaH diagram In rlght·ha nd corner of the an, and God It Is said thot In building tbe great al 'they J olthiapepe, de. fore, a1thoug~ I bad al",ays believed bless thEi day I married prove ready sellers. One of sketch. IUm I" pyramid of {~heoP9 100,000 men wer,e the malt effectiv e and .irin~to bU1 them to be God"'t,a ngels on eartb (with at the lam~ At this there was tremend ous cheer· emp byed for 30 yeara, an~lII!led",. Next the panels may be traced and althoug h tbe Urne lnexpel1 .tve viuiet)' of shades Is a few ,exceptIOllS): 80 gentle and Ing for Sir Peter, and tiaed in ita colum .. ahouJcl i..... up~ lie . caressln g ' was Daphn~, 10 b.o ldly and ' bat nnd ~wed, kissing took olt his Qual'l'y from wbloh th,e stone wall ob- made OD a frame of heavy water· pahited tn water color, using thelle haYin; what they uk 101, RfwiIII au Lady Hawk· tained was nearly a,ooo feet ,t rom the, proof paper, col()rs: Clouds, white; sky, light co. determi nedly frlendJ1 'Was ~y ,H awk· shaw's' hand. painted aubAitutea black, 01 imilatiolll 'with a . thin · , ' . pyraml d.-Engl neerlng Maguln e. paper, lIuch .. Japana .e rla. paper or balt blue; water, darker blue; uee., . shaw, that It did one's 'h4ilart 1004. Sir Thomaa respond ed by call1ng out green: , land In foregro .. und, a I ~ shade • •1')' thin water.c olor papel'" patnteel DaplUle aDDounced ber Intentlo~ of airily: ... , Ha. Many Crown. . In beautlfu l bright colors and lined 111 darker green; hllle' ln mh1dle dta~c~, gOI~ to flee' Sir Thomal5 Ve":,on and "May. • I ask your ladyshiP If Sir Tbe czar has as many crowns lUI a India Ink to give the effe<!t of leaded )'eUow green: hills In distance , vioJlleadlng With Him, 'While' UiJy Hawk· Peter was a tree' a~en~ In the affair ot taabJon able lady baa batao He t, r&-' glas.. n Ia vel7 111m pIe to ~ake and let; cutle, medium ,raJ, with rool. Iha;" tbrelt.t~ned to .glve ,him ,her ,YOUT marriag e? for I believe be Is not garded, by biB people .11 a religiou s .as ;:barmln g wbell In 80tt old terra cotte: window ., puropinion of,hlin publicly , which was, ln· 1-4An"ra.'n held account fln1abed and Il,hted. able for bls well as. a secular rilonarc h, Bnlt · there- ' The delll1l ple; bridge, darker gray t~an casUs, deed, a' dreadfu l threat. .. lor I!o round candle . , actions 'slnee :'that day." . underne .. ture 'baa ,(:rown. tor every pO~lIlble .bade fa livcni and The trial came oft at the .Februa ry OD.ou rth of the ftecUon ath part of brldge purple: reSir Pe~r'1 eyel ' ft~shed at that, of bridge,' In water, purple; .tate occasio n. Tile Ruulan imperia l pattern . Tb. pattern given II merel1 aulaes, '~d on 't be- Dl,bt before was Lad1 Hawklh aw Cl'Ied reftectlo n of cl~uds In water. white. back: ero~n Is modeled after & patriarc hal repea~d four . Urno, the li'eat .. with a balt·lnc h ball. The w~ was "Right )'ou are, Sir Thomas , IQr mit.. Five Plagnifl oent '41amoDda, leam. t each ~4, to be turned ... __t When ' the pII,int II perfectl y 417 10 pall.ed around that all 01 Olle. Ver- have him I would, and over. all the Unel with India Ink dd .. It he had not TOItillS on .. huge glowinS ,ruby, fprm rlJbt anBin to the shade &Dd fastepee! coane nOD" Irlen41 were to .tteleld tbls ball. Qrted' to marr), me. I mould bave died the pen, The panels are DOW ~ead7 at the .ummlt . DlamoD da with by wa7 of .ho"IDS oQl' of dl8l}pp'olntment. Nor has he been and pearls of utmoet pertectJ ou NIl- ' to 1. .brad.. .\Dothe r way to tlnt.b I. to ,lue Into the' fram.. ' .,. • flap OIl ODe ala. ouly &Dd Il..!-ta bit a frt!e ..eDt .I~ce that day-no t for der tbIa Cl'QWJl UDrtnle cl ~ aU 1111. th. other 114_ GTei' It. A Th. till)' tbUm1l" Iketch In th. Up' ODe raomn t tree from my love" JD1 &el- ......_. ' &Dd ' til.... I. 0IIe' aapphlr e ID .... _ _ be UH4; muol1q e or pia. lMr I~a com.r of abo... I W be Ala. ~ .... WIll 110& ..... 1IIe .. . ....., ...... ......

Bags of Pa ten t Proper Service Lea the r and at Dinner Others Table


DR. D. JAYNE'S Carm inai ive Balsam


Ne at Candle Sha de



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A. g'(h !lI .v 1111111 11 '(' of I~ " l Il'l. Ill'" :\,Ir-:< 11 " p :o.tll u" , 1.I 1111~h I or n tit.! 'll I I '1' I f ' 1 I 11 l 't A '~(1 I ths Mt Ir Ily 1',0 OUIlIIU WllS 11'1Il'II·1j Il ~ ,I . till ' \.\' III ~ 0 1 tn~, L: rIlH I , IIll l:: I , I ', ,u ,I ~ 1'1 • h.WH 0'0' I' !-Ionhtlu ' . M a Ii i II"I 1I1II'!'1I1 " tt,,'lId d 'I't, " b. 11<111, 11 011\11 .. tlllll~ Stltu rlluy. , 1i::<. Rut,l\ I{ersry Ut~S Its ,b r gll Ht ..,r ' In ,, llt\ll l~1 1l 11 1,)·t'J11lll.,1 WIl k I 1\ 11 ' nnd ,\I n' , Ii , Prug h 1l11l1littl A Ih is wc ' k, Mi:!AF ri dll,MuTtlU, f ' n "I' . "'1 11 1111 "'1. 1':1 J ,) liu " 1I1l11t.) Il. I fl l ll lt).!h l" 1' Ih,, \'I)1 l'llt II r,III".l t ( I Ih Alr ('Iunll t! . Tlltl" cl ll\' I I:I~t, W~ll' k Oil tllI>,I,r (tll nn '~n IlH' ~ Il '1 1,r:; ll\l:~ ,11 ,1111' n, P l111!'! IIUI. "I t.l'ip I,ll ill t(' 1t I'.!I\ It MI' II lllllt" ll \, I~I I Wl lh \1 1~ Prll l- h :i iJlll! u t .. ,i\l r , 'I'll 1 Mi 8"l~1l Mll ud tin 1 ;\l1lI'Y ·It 1'. I q ' I h Iy ffl\'ll' :<nll' •. 1'1'1' ,:11101 ;\j l''' W . W , ~l'tlt1hl woocl 11I'1I vi illll!; Mr, II llll ali'S. Frtlrl " " 1 . 1 I ' ( 1( I \' I n I Il, Ilwl 1'11111' 1 . L)!!~II, II f 1)'1,\'1 , 1l ,liil:!1 "nll ' . 1:<:1 1 .1 I,II). ,', 1',1' \'1. 11", l'e , I I1\'c ~ ., . t Jhl gun!'1 III h II< I'" r.' nl :<. t r. II ntl ' ~11 II 11'\ I' \'" 111 1 I ~ lIu d Wlllll ll1 /-: 1Ull • Th u Al l!'. 1'''; .L1 111. I ' Ill I I ,Iullllll 1\11'. D,II' ill ;..1"',,11' 1 1 ' 1~1 \I""k . Pt'II ,.. I Of\ rha\·n r nllll' llI'llt " lltlllrh"IJII' . T ill ' I': ,' \'1I1 11t )."11,:11,. llo'l ll'll ,WII ~ t r 1 ' 11.\' 111 ;\ 1,,1)1'\' 11111 " lltl Itlll l' , 'r ·d IIlI d ~Ir,; Il or,,,·,, \ \'11';' 111 , (.1 r ll' t I I. . I fl !t II I thur:tlUrl'll gl'lIll lHl:l Uti Thur" ' I Illg"t"I, "I II .·)' 111 " , ~JI"1I 1 1H . t I, ,g "J r ll, IU \'I' uto H VI ~ IlnL:' r" I tllI\' \ '(lIt Hq. ,,': ' '''1: \\'llh :'II I ~ ::\" lllll Hal'l'lll. til' '' ... ht' I'n i'1J1' hun.! /l il t!· b'l lt!' ball fl 'II I" ~I : ... ... [l l' III' ''' III :'I I ,.' KIII~ , I' nl/ldo Il l , U"nr y \Y "llll 1.. 1' 1, Kll lurclll Y rll!.: ltl IIttenll,'tl t h, ' \\' ,).01 111 11' 11 ';1 P .,'n ic III ""\;,"11( \ \'I ~II W illi ~ll'i" (jnrrll'tt In r hI S h '~ Il) " III K "lI tnc ~, .v \\, 111'1'0 ' I,l' N "W 1I " p " ,111 \\, lilll' ... d ll ,\' (if Illst , 11 1'\ \(., 1 1I. l~ all " lId "rl tlt u :'lIt , 1I 111 1y I WI,I~ !' JldrHI h IS v WIlIILlll . Wl)£l k I H' " II ,' c'' 1It1 ' I~ whll .. Ibl' l'i' 1 rt, ,' pO ll e()l' llllU t·hrpe .. loI"l't .. 1'{1 \' A T , 1.'1l\\'g'ill i4 til l' !,,,,t ,," (I ! 1)111"11,, t\r ll old .1l1 ('1 11 inn"!,I. VI S· dnng hll'I''' (' ltlll'll on rl'l ld i\'l'~ h,' I'l' Wlll,ll'l'ph nhl f, · \ '(\I·. A ."' 1Il Ill' C. " III~d 11\'; pll rl' III.,. I'l'C" ltl ly, ,'I ~nl1!.l " ' 1 nyI ( 'I'Ull! I'; I'PI'S :'Iek W IIIt th o !'nlllO , :\I I ~"':-\ 1' lIn LPI·l1l1l /) 11 11Il'; ltl'PIl \' I ~. l\ IS'; ~llnrH h.rI, ·g ll ll n hn , rnlnl'lI otl lli ~('I1" ', . 1 ' t1I1 ~ :\\1 ' S l'lI'l \V t" rh " !1 s f o r II : t,,) hi f h 011l" in (;lIw lnll atl II l'l I' 'I'll" llltlll t;'11l uf :\11' nml ~ll's , rill\' ,111 ," '; ' l " I l(~ l1 lli tlg blu' \'flClili Ll I\ hll l't:' I"I 'I{ (',,1 1111 '" H»l'l\1 ~1l!HIIl ,v wilh I .~l i,.s I{ntlt Klln!.v "' IH1 Il tT hu" "d,,~' 'l'll ylur i", ve ry oSi' k li t t1 w h ') Jll u .. f h i" !!1'1 11111p 1 1'1'1 I,; , ;\11'. IIlld i\1 1''' Ih i~ ioOl f1 ill "IUI'1',I\\' 1 11'\1 b i\J1'''' lt a n)' lo;·' J' lllta rl. l'; Wlll ~ I ~Il"" 111 1::1 1)111'1 . vi"it.'ll 1\11' nll,l ' 11' I';cl 1t.,'lnllil' I(. wh.,('ltl h bflllil - - - - - .. - _ .., -~l n', \VI II ;o,1 1)1'f~1 1I1 ill Illlyt,/l fl IIt,; I I III ,,1 \\'tl ~,h ,,0111" ' \\,1 11 11, IIIlJlI'.I\·"d ~_ _ _ _!lII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 1 \\, ,·, 'k I :,It,,,, 1':llflll 'I'UIlIlJli,; , /I rl'tlll'IHhll ol . , i (" " ,I' I-:U \VIlI.Oi'lI , o"u 11 !IS h ooll lill h o /' I"Jl IlI) In :-;1I 11 t lt \ ·hll. " '~ I ol n "flll l' Cor n Remover t I 1" . I ·1i.. I Iflt ' . I1\ 1)ltlll,,"u l Visi t· \1'11 It l ilt MI ~:;I '!'\ l\' ilJI I Gu a l'!lI1teeci tn n'move 'OI'IlS I 1\11' , "".1 i\11'", Dlll m ll lI 'llmsleltl' er . . l"'lll'tl t In st, W I'k Wilh '1l 1, d ,V J'lltz Mr , I Ud ll lpit Slti tl "l~ l'l , o f I'll idtl 11lwithout pain I' '\lren{'S!:! 'Iud fnm,i!.Y.III 1l1 on ,'lIud ny U \' Il in /{1I t 'I\~ II, l'llrl'hn sl',1 hu 1\111 1..,' IH OIIOJ' ly luf t ful' II'x'l wlt l h WII HlllcI ~lI lnr dIlY . 15c at Schwartz's 'I'll (.~ll'I't e rly IJl t'lol iJl~ of IllI' ~i~I. . .~. .~. . . . . . . .aa...."i Ridgev ille ,\ i I' ll 111111 I til t 'itlll'r h \\'u' h .. lll -': 11 t it I' ---(IllY lind , 'uuLlny , • " Lytle , I ,,11- ,To. "( Pil I I It.. I'l' lul'fIl'(l h ' l ll1 !' H vC l'nl fr ':>lIl 1t l' 1' wi ll At t.fII ld th f' 'I' ll! ,;dllY 1'1' 0 111 Koutn C: k..'r" wll r h',~ " '11 n" r \ v00U 1'0UIlIl. I'1 i f tv \" ll YIJU:I \' 111 t:t M r . JlIl 11 Jlr4 _ArrIHlI' 13dl"y"'111 Ihus bee n lS I' JJ(I1Il t; II fHI\' lIuj'd wltll IlJOI'Hllll .Y , Alln ~ Im'l iiol. li n d ~lr au ,l Mr. Jr bll'll'irruh;. . MI'R, :4n :-;ht' fW IlII<l. UI' 1I1l,'! Mrs Pri ll ' "r Will' ,k lu a llt. lire visiting 1\11'. J IW l!iu e llllLl flltll il y, o f Frnnk Shll f) kuiflll'u Wtl ;' ill .'<,11I1Ll l)llelln), rt' lnt \' 1.1 in t.. y , • Jin, !>"" cu t ,HIll tIll,"., ti ll>! wao k wi t'· Ili S t weo k <> U MissIIII O Flu lk"8tttrtll ' IIIUl'llfl), hIH HislO" , !lIJ'1" \V IlI Hlluek ,- -+- -- for N\ \\' Y" r k whor ~ 'lll will })lleo Ui l\lit1,; AU!lIH l:ll'llhll lll 'R friend s r e the ""if of Ell "ill LitH' II I1 111tl lIlil1 lll1d 111'1' nf uuo.bel' lIIil es ton in lIra L 'WI,; " PBIlt. 'l'IHlr!;lln y in li tc· lll:, t WI ' <!IH ':<(\U) by givi ng h I'll Hot Water Bottles D 'Lyt"u. p",.;t c,l t'll l'!h uwf<r , Mr:l. ,l r'!,lltd lnrti ... HlJ tJn t. ' ullll'LiIlY 1\jl' . •Iohn son 'i'llpp itt.,of Keotl1 oky , nnr] ' orll lllV . wi lh 11' , lind ~In" Ir;1 Ul:CUmllolui u.l Mt'. ,JI ' ~'"U Pariett, h lil t! Ha rrill, f Cflt.l tl·VTl1 ' . Mn:! . Ma l'.v S il VU!'I'! [.I IIent, 'l'lJUl'sdoy SCHWARTZ'S ltt rb. un d Anrn' I~ HviH , I1ttemied with Gco , Riloy lind fllwily, .., ' t I If' \J Orvel' reU nIOn tit, bdl' \ 1 W Thr~shl ng is the a rller of I,he uuy


_.- -. -. -

75c at


1\11 ~S

" ard,n,v. MiEl Evt.l Lucy ,i vi si tl9g

Alulil Me 'undi es l'ouuhed her

fdends ui!-:Ineeuth milo :lt u lltl bal,uruli y /lncl II re w of h II' ,Vouu g h'i~ nd gltve her u little snqJri e I

in DflytolJ.

- --


~ ....- - -

t 1I 1'\' $Illlietl dow n 011 us, as: i l wa all ', 1 " , lu '<1 I morningfOI' all occasIon [·l h .1:-; k' I I .11 t. ' IJl( '. ant a goou y , nUlIlv I' (f th I'clnllves tllll kRd vanlag- o flh e h :\U lifu l I1w rning nml eal'ly b "'an to '" g atlH I' a l L111' old h m ~t('lld wh t·~ til(' lit~ ! o( t1w !Iisey family in t hi !'l '()l11ll1unity :i'lllcd .•J()sl'(1h~'. Hisl'Y and wi r ' nl,lI' ()l' ' U py lhiR plac '. Ol'l'r DIll! hlllld l'cd ipal'. ag-o I 'hr i,;· liall lJ i,;,,)' (',1111' fro !)1 I'L'IIIIH_"l va nia al d ,; 'lllcd on t hi" fa1'l11. two alld 'IIIP·hal f mil l'S Sll ll tlt u f Way n 's vd l ' . T\\'l'!nt y y 'an,' a go tb is famil y h'ld 1I1el!' fi l'.'t reuniun . anJ hal" ll1t!t 'eal' h )' t'IlI' si nce. Each year wc hav e Vltt' \ I' IIlUJ" d ('n~ h s to 1'(.'cllnl, and l': II'Il y,-': U' \\',' " I'l' l 5 )1\\' th UI hav' eo m'\'L' 1' been with us be forc. Sarah A , Ilami llon is thenld ;'It r 'prc!pnta · l i\'l' \If L1le familyal this l ime. hel' Illol lit c r beillg' J e1l1ima ll i:;ey Hidge. ' 1':1ll'ly thi ~ Itl l'ct);;1 nl 1lIlII'Ili llJ,!' th e lll lg'g·it'H . 'a rriagt's ' IllI alttdllwlJil ptl h,' all dl'i\'i'llg in from all d irec lions

lid W CI'I:! mel by Jost-p h llisey ami wife Hnd gi\' n a W e come that lIl au l! eacit lt el~ r L g-Ind. The Jinnl'I' waH sll n e Litillg' 11 ' vel' to be forg'(llt 11. II w a", l ' el1la l' ~ed that d :1Y t hat th ' Hisey ladie ' werc 1I0teJ f or be ing golod l'ooks, and th y cerlai nl y 1)J'(lV (1 I hcmse l ve .. so. Th ' r e WP\' e seventy I;'ve 01' ig hty in attendan :! . McmbcrHl)f Lh>farn ily 'from a dis· tan e prescnt w I'e: J hnKiteh en, \Vift" so n a nd daug hter. Will Kilchen and wife, :1./'s . Ida Wise and two

dau.rh tel'. , of 'pl'ing fi eld; l'1aac Th ril e and d anghter" elma; Georg Iln m ilt n, Mr .Op;)1 II' II ali t! son, Mrs, Mamie J ohn and tI ughter, of XL'nia, Fremunt Hor m 'lI a nu wif , II d 'orwinHnmil ton andwif " a,an; [)o llwc r svi lle; :e J'ge Ridge an wife . Cl al'ks\' ill e, lIann n Dakin, wife lllln

fOU l'


sons. Mrs.

ng i





Dak in,


t h fi · I F ancy Iarge meons. e In· est ever ,

Indiana Tip Top Class Cans, Tin Cans, Jelly Classes, Paraffine New Jcrscy Sweet Pot'aloes, Apples Oranges lemons

TRY OUR VESPER. CHEESE " Extra fancy mild , f ull ream. NEW MACK EREl, Just recei ved F ancy lal'ge fis h, 10c each . New Goou Th ings to eat received every day . If il' i' ill Uw mat·j,et you \\' ill find it hCI·e. 2 ..Spedals fo r Thu rsday, f. riday and Sa turday : Full quart Ma on Jars. sel cl. Oli\'l:!s, wu rth S(' c a qua r t .... .. ... ..... , ........ C elect ' Pu "et Sounrl Salmon, packed, lJ th AI' x F ish Co" ' p cial pdce f or ~ d!.lys.. .. . . ..... .. .. . C Can





4 Cans for 25c


~OC for Eggs ... _..;..-________

I '

. ,



.. : .




'I 1_


Nutmegs, sweet and picy.

- ..- - -



Valley Phon"

II' -C orn





-'--'- -





. 1, will ~ t~'('r , t publicau tivn . my I Guarallteeu to remove Corns f!ll In of () acr s and also personal I without pnin or soreness pl'Illll rly. U' illg- ' situa' 5 llIil s I , sllullll':1,;1 IIi' 1\'\ ia llli ,; l,uI·g· . 4 mil s 15c at Schwartz s nort hcasl "f F rallkli n, '~ mil e wCRt , of Sp rillg ' 0 1'0 anu Day t,ull I'UUU, ~ lI1il H lIurth wt')( l uf pl'iIl g'UO I'O , 1 '1'110 fll ll'li ei-l t l,eloA' l'llph I'ecords mil :'lI ut!nvp::. L of DlI nkal'ci chut't:h were 1'11\11' or H\'{J wordl:! t:l minute . on Vancl'\" !' J\lill road knuwn as the - - "I t! SlIrfal'l' farll ( ull I Ahout lU!OOO llolls 111'0 r q uirtlr'l to ' 110111 LOll uon ':; /llo k nnt.! maime d . Wednesday, Seple m her I , 1909,

... ----- - -_ ..

- --

------- ..----

at llillE' o'.d oc]; a , 111 . sharp. Fi l'l;;' A lJ llrMol'y fur tlJ e ohlld l'fl u of puthead of hlll'se!!, twenlv-one head of , rOilS Is 0 uJ\eotoli wlt,h Il Glasgo w caLlI , mostly dai ry call II:) . All farm I t.h~t1 tl'e, impl em 'nts-8 hoI'S pow I' gas 1' 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gu olin e cn g ill , IntE.mationo lmak e , n 'W . All hOll sehold go )tis, Farm of 7li ac r - good farm for I'ai ing' l gTHill 0 1' lohacc,), M cl em n\\ lIi ng house wilh naluml gus flm) watel', c liar, well and cis tern, >lpnng , ne w dairy bam ' up to date with gas and waler in barrl, silo conEXCUrSl·On ne tl:!rl with b;11'n, 8 tlcre.s young tim- ' bel'. Te r ms of Ra le f pel'"onal pl'Op' erly: ~ ~ All slim ' of ,' 5. and li nd r, c;lsh N xt · ;:,unday l,ve .. Raid am ount a 'I' dit of 9 months will b g iven pureha e l' g iv- Train Icaves WayneSVille 8:28 a. m ing Ilote with anpl'JV d security, 4 p I' C nt off fnr cash. T I'ms f I' 01 1 estate Illude kno\ n on day f sale. Classified Ads H ward J. L. Micha I. ...,.. ...... ....... ... .............. A. A. McNeil t Atl!! will be IlIserloCd unll r thl bcu "l for J ny Him s r ucts. lw e ll l V· nVIl cell l H for ~hree III r l l~ll~. w/leu uBln/! nOl l1l0r t hnn U,' o line", Wal ter bhat·t, I ric.


90 Cents




· t InClnna 1







I will 'ofrer at publicsnle at t r;ae residence of Turh \' W I h in Har v ysWO ,1 r8ey eow,,-one of th pfU burg' on . rt'gi tel' tI, wit h au If. On " I(Tllrie .Jer lley, \\I i II be fr o. 11 soou . V M, Hoblit, [ 0 , 1, Wtly neRvi ll,', aturday, August 28, 191.19, 13 ginning pl'omptly at 1 o'clock , hi . lhe f 110\ ing articles: , n r ubb RI NG CAR - Model uF," 5til' buggy, 1 st el·til·e buggy, 1 car- I pass n re~ ~uick l u l'i ng ~ I' , ill riag , g t of buggy harn . s t of p~rf ct eon,d ltlol1, f ully QUI PP d fI ' II f I Wit h extr a t u' s. gas tank, cha l!l ~, ) nets , sma amount 0 ha~ ', '~ rk ' P d(,m ter and clock. Will e ll at ben ·h, . t of Rl'pent 1"8 tools, 2 lI'on ' a bargain if old soon. Gllll at this keLtle. , ~ l~Ol)ll Indo rs, 2 b ed~teads, office. 2'.r l, 1 heating stove. ross- I U8E Il nd lot in Corwiu bllrn ('ut saw and oth er a r ticles too numel'oon l , li ed , good w (' 11 of W tlt r' OU to 111 ntiol1. Terms mad e known Cuu be re nted at 10 pr e ot iu te rl'Rt, 1. M. 1'0 T, on in ye.trneo t, 11 1'\ it 01111 be boa gh t. on day of !'lale. . T , Hawk, Auct. Ohell l1 . l nqntr of M , un Gu tlr .


1'- 1TO


-- _

.•- ....---

Iu I IHllll t. tu YP lu'!I :J:l!'i, 00 porsonp hn,v (l1l1lgmtell from J~ngl"1111 1.0 t,b fl~rlll S

The Gazette

of 'U 11 1\.(111,.

- - -- - +-- - 'I' wenty th Oll!llltl ll uul llll' ' wo r t,h of r ose 10·... \'05 wo re imp r ted Ilu ring t he de cude en(1in~ 190

.Is the


SO IUO uuthorlties slly the flo uuder is o uly 0. oo!111 h vibh u ll attened heu(l . At



---,-----r ose compotition in Pa.ris re-

Medium .for



lYMrs. Wo ltor Dakin and son S fLr- the State A. (}ciation of Township CHANG E OF MAllS oen tl y, 69 en tirely new va ri eties of / ry 81JOIlt Thur!o)llay w itlt 8.. O. Ullkiu Superintenden ts of Ohio and as roses W I'e exhibite\l . nnd fUlIl il Y. member of the exec u ti ve commi ttee The following change in tl1e al'l'ival 1\1I'S .1 if Cbl~ uowot. h wnft en ter. of t he Alli ed Ed ucational Associ aFren ch t.beat.res r eceivin g governand depat t nre of the mail s fr om t he tuiuetlb.V unlit Ali c KflYR uud film tions of Ohio. He i t he fi rst g rad u· , ily t o llion el' TLul'HCl uy. ate ()f t he Waynes vi11 Hi g h School postuffice took effect Sunday Aug ust ment s nb idy nr e obliged to gi ve a fr ee perfo rma noe every yeflr. +- -' - -to hold th e office of school ex amine r. 14, 1909: He is also a grad uate of t he Xen ia Depart fo r East A I7!Ve from East Hot Water Bottles Colll~gc of' Busin ess and Commel'ciul 7 ~O u. m . . 6 00 a. m, Law and the Leoanon University . 9 45 tI . m . 8 20 a . m. From the las t insti t uti on he 'received 3 200· p. m . 30 p. m . 5:3 p, m . 74 30 p. m . SCHWARTZ'S both the Ph . B. and M, S. degrees. Ar l'i ve f r'om U' est , He now holds a fi rst g rauc. pl'ofes- Depar t fo r West n 0 a. m iZiI. ___ .. 73 20 aa .. m .. ti' 20 _ _ __ _. _ .______.: sional high school <;c rtifica t hoth of m n. m. 8 20 Roofs of All Kinds. SHOPPING IN SASSAFRAS which a re valid in any and a ll coun7 40 p. m. 10 30 a. m. 4 30 p. 111 . lies in t he slate of Ohi o. He ha!'\ 1\1 ['13. Ma utl e Du r n ,,11 HllfTtllfl O, Ii pl'ung a n in nClvation in the Warren 6 20 p. m . .l !I,m Agent f01' t,be o,bove falUous Oraphlte Carbon pionom' uf conn t l y "' I~ok wor k, WII /:! Co un ty Ed ucational Ci rcleti by in t ro· For H a rveysb urg F rom Harveysb ul'g 'Elastlc Paint. und I will put it on foJ' y ou, .too. 1'11ls p l'ui" ln ~ iu llartforll t h u C01l0tl'Y Vlt- u uc ing the lownshi p and country 9 'J5 a. m. 10 30 a. m. pain t il:! m ndo and g llllrnnteed' to In,s t. The following Cll l i'lO , 'chool e~hi bi t, ·id ea and hy making 3 20 P . m. 4 30 p. m , g UHrun tee goes WI t h all thilj pllin t : "1\ (I') Un t l'Y VllClltiou i8 uet.ter t,hrlll th t u.dy oC Agrie ul Lure a W<1clical FO I' Lytle From Lytle n Hallsli o ro a il e. " title ;mirl. "You part of t hc schoo l cO ul·se. He \vas 7 00 a . m. 1 ·30 p. m. seo t,hillgs so 11m 'b qU lIi tl tel' , And t he 11 1'. t t eacher of Agricultm'e in t he To insur e pl·omp!. d ispatch ou tgoCUARANTEE FOR S YEARS th A fu r lllul' in tu t.ho cll ll utr.y yon go, Lebanon Uni versity and his success ing mail , hould be in t he postofIice t ho q nuitd e rh,> ('nlO~thot,b i u g s yo u a long these lines g ain ,d fo rhi m l'ec- at least ten minutes b fore lim We gnn rnn te8 GRAPHITE CARBON PAINT to be of 110n see. ogni Wm from the State Agricul t ura l sched,ul ed fo r leaving fo r th mQr n· vo lnt ile oils I~ n d pigmen ts of oarbon produots, to oontain 110 ros iu , Asplutlt t;llll 'o r P etroleull1 in li n y' 'form, Ilrid t o oontail) .. J once S pO il t Ango , t in!\ village Coll ege whi ch caused him to be chos- ing ma ils; fo r ll1ail~ leav ing at 3:20 no nei d or i nj UI'Il)l1S su h!o!t,anoe. When .us~d 'llcQordiog to oar onll l ~I t h Hond of SIIS Ilfras, n, vii. en a member of t h e public school p. m ., youI' m ail should be in lhe ' sim ple di reot.i(>ns, we ~ lltll'antee t,~~ ,pl)int to wen.l' perfeotly I Il ~c down in Mllry IlltJd . 'rlJ e po~t wOI'k commi.Ltee to !;lid t~ e work of ofTIce fi fteen min'utes 'before t ime f Or ~\t letlst-five years . We ugree fa farnish, 'free /.suffioient t,lll'l' w o· Ih u ~ Deml st.Ol'e, T he Agl'icul t ul'al extension' of t h Ohio schedul ed f or leaving . lU aterin1 tp repaint ul) Y surfa oe on .w.hicD t.Jrl1phi~e Oltt'bon 1J100'uiugn fter illY n,rr i vtLl I wen t to State ni ~e l' ity. F ltANK H. FA.RR,' p, '!v.I. Pnio ~ does n ot g'i vo sntisfnti on for this Of t,ilile s hoalt:l · con~itl o ns l'~q~llre it. ¥. ' 8, RO,WLANlJ, th genertll stor e for my Olttil. - -' STANI;)~RO · LINSEED' C.O;. Cleveland. Ohio. . . " A .littl p. gi rl p rccerled Ule wit,h all Ou t of 1.1. t ota l of 1 sO llth po!e e x. A full gr QWn 'o at hilS ~hll'ty tee th , '." . egg in h r Imn<l . pedltiol1 s nill e h!lV6 beeh . Britis h . WbilA ti d og hn~ ~2 , , ' . I . .. _40>' "'Hiulille un o"g's worth of tell ' 200 .009,000 ., peopie of I o(lia. 1,1. . . . . . . .iII..~. . . . . . .. 'When you. o.~e hi n~~d';of rO~fing J)tlint gi:V~ me a. '~111i '" N~llrly ?r ' phOlle m{~nd I ~i1ll'a.1I ~D'~ yOU. ' ' . ' p\lm lej ' I bek.r'u her tIlLy t the po~t- Ul'e dependent ou t h e soil for exlstFPUNTAlN SYRINGES mu ter. tor.e~ko per 'i 'n:nd mn ' says e nee. __ _ - - _ yqu migh t weigh nut nu gg"s worth . -. of s ug!1r, too, fOI the bluok h ~n 's .. ~ke '8u p~ rior is tbe l ll.rge t mass n-oluckin ,' nnd , be ~p aR8~n in n. of fresh witter hi, t he world being ~aney Phone, No. 89-1 Y. .' , .Wayne~vllle. OhiO. m in ot .' "-Philadelphia B.alletID.1equu.l to lrel lid in area. '


Indiana Watermelons




II; twogentl men and on lady


of Peaches '''1' 11· ):;.e.• u • gin rIpening about A t 20th ug u , These' al'e the best F.·lieston e val'l'etl'eS-n1pdl' ,.. m ~. t t l Va r le ' t'leH--- G0 Id Drop, Old MI X On, 0 t!. l'a a rge. Late C"awford and Smocl .


by the name of Hi ey, fl' m ovingtOil , 0 ' io, di ·tant relati ve af the family. 'ev l'al neighbo r andfl'iends 'ame in the afternoon . When dinner was ovc' .. t he minutes of last year 's meetinf ' WM read and thc following ofliccl'S elected: 'Geo. Ridge. pt'esident; J: W.lfi ey ,l'icepresiu ent; M~ry Mannon,. e ·t··lary: Albe r t ~hutls , tr ea 'ltt' 1' . '1'1 ft tl ri hi lea emoon was 1(h OUg yenjoy d by all . Then {'am th waterm Ion ', which were ex ·ellent. As aSlI U began to g t'owdim, pt· llaralions began fo r s tarting hom e, ea h une expressing their plea u re 'at b ing there and p t'omising to b there again the third Thu rsdur in Augu t, 1910, at t he same place. Good·bys were said , !l g lad hands clasped , and wi t h a ilent "fayel' in many hearts l' that if not permitted to meet again


- +- - - -

1,000 bush els


Jut!ge Ale xanu l' Boxw 11, the au· thor of the Boxwell Law, who f r ---many years hIlS be n in terested in the Mis Nlll1nifl n.ud lattn Mills F OUNTAI N SYRINGES I f tI I I I . II lin va r tUl' o! tl lt Otnfl ofter II pI O!'' i W l' ( 0 . 1e l'Ul'a sc 1 0 , e 'pecla y Ullto Vl!llt, wi t,h t.hel!' sister, Mt· . Ellu in Warre n 'ounty , has sell::cleu a s ::;u rrmn ,R , of P'll·I,~ m)U th. Ohio. ' C the new schoul examinel' upel'inM r 1~1lI1 Mr'H ) K , PeterROU en· SC ' HWA 'ftT tcmu>nlLest I'.' . Ivins, a champion T.("l' hlilw.l lit ,linn ol' "tilt !loud L \, ~ Z !of the rural schoo ls f Warren OUIll.'vli .. t<\ Ptluline UOlHlit. of Mnn ci ,li1l1 , 1 ty and the Htale of hio, Mr. {vim, MI IIMel' U'll'Y KtluljJ and L III Eel •- 'I elec.'u (or til" flil l turin of tIll' wurd !l. o f Da,r too , oll, l 'Irs , EUglll1 S· B h "" '" Urllw.l, oJ Ph\l uil I",hifl., P I L, pring ranc yean;' begi nning ~eptemb er 1st. 'fll ~ Bell bronK tell to play ed bo s wl'\it:h tim' t he present term lMlI witb t h e R liubl., ' of Dllytou, Mrs. ~ . li henuweth nu l fUllIfl .\'_ ;) fofessOl' J. -M. HaRl~lto n wi entertu1I1ell Mr s , EITZII B 11m Mr" . laRt IIt U,'uUY: 0 r ,6 t,1) 1 iu fl~v l' ,Taco l' I~"l)y lIu(l gmnd,llltl" llt 1: ELiir.h ex pl r d. of fltl,ytoll , ltlSt Tuesduy to !linn r. 0 Professo r I vins is a IIcltive of WarM,isR Ber t,hn owl'mll is enter Mrs '[' mnle UnWflS lUll} MI'. Hll r. ren County anu has taught in his tf\ inill ~ Mis Minnie Dllkf', o( Lyt l thL woek , . . v y Ity uro vu the I:!ick Ii t . horne coun Ly fo r t he pa t ten years. M. u,nd . irs . Cl1n r1 II Brrl fol' u I r. uutl Mrt!, H. () Daki n Utteod His wo rk as a teacher began in l he h u v e II !In elll el'lniuing t h 11' CO ll, c1 Ih E fUll e rul Ofll r ulht,iVl', wife of rural schools of learc reek townshi'1 . M \Sl'I ' A n Ul. D H urn , ton, ol nea l' Willl o D".kio , at FI'fl ukliu on 'Iltur- and afl I' t wo year ' of s uccessful \1\ . , I dn y . ulll, n ud nif1C'p, Miss DOl'Ot l y H(tr.' ' r ice in Lh so schools the Boal'd of tl O£' , or Bellbrook, for tile po, t week M.r . !lucl Mr~, l'lHl II\ II~ Liley nu ,l E I Chntles Ryrtn's littl tl u , Elwood, fn.nll ly l\t.~rt ll l " J Mr , L'ronk 'ook, 't IIcation of that to\~n hip sele t rl her . that IV may Le an unbroken e Ilnu t!n"lgh t 01' Mllu 1 to Su nduy him foJ' t h il' sl1pel'intenr. nL, Hc cirel in the gl' at I union b yonu, h Ie! l'eOD ve ry sick t,ll e III t re w days . J oho W6l\~er flpent Ifl!o)t SaturdtlY I I noe l' Intel' !lCt'ved as sup ,t'in tend ' nt of the we par ted . M. . .D in Hi bill nd , Ind . I Miss fl orence Liley h os l'otul'lleu Mel' riLtitown High. chool until chosen _ .+hOllle nft r viSiting in Lytle II f e w ' .1 . I ' (~ui te El la rge cr owd ottendfld th e d ll Y tlDl n g r ei' tives , s U'}.lel'lntenuent of L 1 rUl'tlt~CI' e k Corn Remover l~.J v e ru l frolll thlil vi init,y ntteD(l. T wn~h i p sch~ols. so lu i ~ Iven I,y t be W . '. '1'. U , lu st Sulurdu.yeven ing. rl th e home-rw miog ut Mt, £:lo ll y 00 He IS an acttve member of several GlIal'ante d to remove ,wn 'at ul'dllY alld l' port f\. good time diffel' nt Teachel's ' As. ociaGions ann without pain 01' orene s Mi s os Bo rt.lla u,nd Frnn as hen , has s rv d aspl'esident of the War ren ISc at Schwartz's owetb , pent l'utul'dl1V night with ounty Teachers' 0 'iation and as tbeir Ister , uuu Lnell , of Me. 1I 01. treasu rer, ec reta l'Y and president of


Our crop of about

I hl1\·sday. 'UV-U:it lH ,HlIlll, \\':\' lilt, da,1 ,I;'l fll!' tl ~' U\ ,/lI I:*1 r UI illll M th Y lIre' v i - 111.. ('\ fam:l\' .. It Sl'V\! d . 1 . if 11111'\-


, c at


Try it!! J

Graphite Carbon Elastic Paint1··





65e at ·


J.-- :F• .HECATHeRN . . , '





~\' ILLE ,


. N~

t;)E PTElMBEH. I, 11109,

\Vii LE .NU MBER 3019


Everybody I-S ' Coming to Waynesville on Labor Da,y! .",




e-------, - - - - - -. Personal Mention Here and There •: 1.__________ .--.),--___________ ---+-----~


frall~~·fur a

Clinging for three to a slip- , . pery wooden pump at the foot of a



uf : Social Events

A lI ew peri ud twenty·1i ~. yeur,; tllld 1'0\' 'I'Ing tile 3D-foot well, Mi ss N lIie ulbel't Will be Observed in Grand daughter of MI'. and Mrs. J ame~ Buy Seho(!1 "' uppli s al chwal'tz's'l J ohn Taylor is suff e ri ng- with hay same l>Out~ f~l'llierly g-1'<llIl 'J II:l' f\11'';. Jo'n·d U" lIderS()T1 ga\' a fam D~yton &. XCI IR ,~U1d Dayt on & \Vii· I ily dinn er Friday ill honDl' of G, W, Style--·Business Houses Colbert, of Mound !!treet\ Lebanon, Mis.q Agn !! Hornick has been qu ite feve r. mlng-l( II (,O lllpallll'S, W W! g'l'anl,ed, by \\.'IIliJley alld daug-ht el', Hazel , of was pulled out unconscious Sunday sick bu t is impl'()vil)g, Gooel Lead Pencils. 2 fol' r,c at and Schools Will th e MonLg-ol11Cl'Y l!lIl1 ll t, \ ' \'III11I1II S,; IIII1 - (',>l II I1i1I1I " I afternoon at 2 o'clock, after her . _ . , S.:h war lz's. tH'S thi,; we ·k to Thomu,; t\, F ' l'I1et!i llg' MI" , LIZZ I ' Y >az I has Lcen vlsIlscreams hud reached her moLhe r who All Close. 5urnmone(1 assistance. ' ing fri ellds ill L 'balloll, ,j, W, Whit was at the State Fail' Mr, 'Fernedin I ' g' ill l urn will I I'all:-;[ ' 1' "'I I'. <llil I iV"1 1',' . [",a vu1'1-:I'uwn ent 1'tl f I'am: lise l( til lH' W cOl'pol'alioll ' L' le ;.. nt! ay , W111 . Best alii >( Iat !I Inncl' .::lu Th e, gi r l ha<l IJlunged U.IO\VII til MI'S, J.'., I.'d·It h'l al'l'IS i ' was shoppm . g In , Tu esday. , t hat ' now conlrol!> th e [Jayton and I f I) I' I ["I, "V, 0 e ,In(, a .. y ~ 8 I Y' I' ".I IP P';" :In u' . d h' I ' k Monday will be Labor Day, and well l~tO seven feet ~{water , Wi th Cincinnati last W dnesday , . Mrs. J. W· White is the guest of X l1la I'me an w IC 1 IS' nown as · , . '. . I! II d X ' WI[t' and I'.a r! onn 'I' ant! wlte, for the' fir'lt time in the history of much presence of mind she bravely , . friends in Dayton, th e Day to n, S pI'lI1gll e l an l1Ia \ . Waynesville will this day he observed, struck out and swam until sh LI ttle h athryn H nd erson ha been onlpany, The I Rohert Cross 2nd wife attended Southern Rail way It will not be that the labor orga- clutched t he wo den stock, Then quile sick f l' several days, franchise prov ides fo r lh paym enl Mi!'1s S Naoll1 i and Ol'pha Hockett State Fair Tu esday, nizations will get together and make he climbed I ntil her head and 3houlDonald ummings, of Xenia i vi s~nnuallY of $30 fOI: each mi~ f I'Qat! hat! a,; lh ·ir g uesls Ilt suppel' F'rit!ay a day of rest, but the merchants· of del'S were above water, and clutched iting' his cousin , Mil ton Thompson, L, A. Zimmerman, who has been In the counly outside Lhe Clly , , 'V nill g , M 1'8, GerLi Hat'vey and the town are going to make it a day the stock desperately, She secured George Ril ey and uaughter, Mis2 in:.lisposed, is out again, De~d ,of tran~fer of the Dayton .1 t!aughler. uf Conyerse , Ind" and 8, of vacation and fun. a hold and began screaming for help, and Xema TranSit company propel'ly ,Guy J ohnson, of <"~l' ·(mtown, Int! Mrs. Alethia Alexander was shopSeldom do small towns t.ake an When rescued she Willi hoarse from Blanch, ar atlendingtheState Fair. to Dayton, Spl'ing field an~ Xenia I ping in Day ton. Tuesday, active part in this day- they gener- :ihrieking. Southern company. th new owner ally going to the larger places wher When the fall occured she was the Lead P >ncils, Big assortment at Mr , and M I'S, ,J. , artw righ t nth~ b'ig labor parade and the fire only member of the family at home, Schwartz's, Emmet Bergan, of Xenia, has been of the propertics, were Ii I d for n:cin Xenia, LerLain'eu at lIllper last Wedne. day. ord Thurstiay works attract them : But there is and hence no "ne ' the gu,e~ t of Ceo l'ge Hamilton Ilnd , came to her assistM,ss Mohel Graham, of Xenia, iSjfamil Th e pt'Opel'!y wa. recentl y sold a t lMr. and Mrs, Harry Rid ge and Y going to be allig day here, and all ance for a long time, t leni'th her spending thi, w k with Mrs Eliza rece iver 's sale to a committee rep re- daughter of Cin ci nnati and MI', and the towns surrounding will be here. mother ret urned and when in the HaillP.S, Profesror and Mrs , G. J, GI'aham, senting the bond holders. for the Mrs. E. V. llal'llhal't. There wiJI be, no school Monday, vicinity of the well, heard her cries , , l of Xenia , spent Tu esday with Mrs. sum of $580,000. The bondholders in the city, township or Cor- ofang uish, She ran to the brink and A, B. Sid and Wife sp nt Tues- I Eliza Haines, comprise in the main the membel'win districts. The directors of the saw her da.ughter below, Then she day' and Wedne, day at the State I Mr. and Mr, D, H Rockett enship of the new company to whom Waynesville chools decided that it l'an to summon aid. The first person !Cair, I Lizzi Carroll starts Thursday for ter tained at uinner Thursday, E. B. would be usel~ to tart school on 3he met was Dr. T. E. Keelel', who a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. the property is deeded.-- X nia Ga- Young, wife and son, of Carthage, J, T, Liddy and wife, of Dayton, G ' fli :f L K zette, Monday. and the township d, it'ector procured two ladders, spliced them, were guests of Mr, Liddy's par nts 1'1 n,o awrence, an. Mr ', Uel'Lie Harvey and daughter thought the same .way. Corwin and pulled the girl out.- Dayton last week , Lead ·P encils, Big assortment at SCHOOL BEGINS TUESDAY Opal of onvel'se, Ind" E, Guy John. sehool directors held a meeting Mon- .Journal· ch wnrtz's, SOli, of Gr ntow n, Incl" and Miss dayevenini' and decided to begin the -.. Harry Hamilton har r eturned to The public schools will begin their Ol'pha Hocketl. Corwin schools next Tuesday. A CHALLENGE Dayton aft t' a Len day' visit wilh Mrs, Amanda Maffitt was the guest year's work next Tu uay, The The farmers while still pretty busy We as a telt.oo of btl.Jl eha !Ienge tbp hie parents here. of Harv ysburg' friends Tuesday and house has had a coat of paint; and l' witlh their tobacco and corn are 20ing Wuynesvi}le Lall olub to 1\ sel'l s of Miss Ruth Miller is pending a fe\", ~;~ended lodge ttlere Tuesday even- modeling has been done, ant! Janitor Prof, Bratten and family, who will to ay down their tools and come to -50 tbree '00 .(3) gall Parshall has F es, for II. RHle bet 01 dayA wI'th her cousl'n , MI'ss Lell'a 1'h k' the building all in order. , move t'o K'\I1gs 'M'II I s th'IS wee k ,were un. " or 1 , irst gume to be p)uyed G'th Mrs. DaVIS, ' 0 f C0 Iurn b us , w h 0 was b Ie wor Ing ·(o'·c of tea hers Will very p Ieasan II y s urprise ' d 1as t Sa 1_urt own t 0 see th e'fh '11 ~ I ens, 0 f ay t on , I th n e mormng t ere WI be a pig- nn tbe Wayne 'B ville grounds; tbe th t f h ' M C E e a most a new one, and are as fold . b b t ' ty f th . llb k d F k H 'It f C" " e gues 0 er COUSin, rs, . . I P f A ~ ay e ~enmg y a ou SIX 0 elr eon s h 00 t an d sh ots f rom L e b anon, ieoon d on th , e e . roo groun 5, ran ami on, 0 mcmnatl.tsls Johns, of Lytle, has returned to her ows : 1'0. , , , DI'Unner, su pt.; f' d ,11 I h Spring Valley, Bellbrook, pring' tmd the third if neoelsary. to be sp nding his vacation with hi paren honle. ." Prof. Alonzo Rhodes." principal ' e- fl'eshment nen l:i , waseveryone t. re. prOVidedonand ro, Centerville and other place! played on the Xenia, NlI.tionol's George Hamilton and wife, celia Bra . ' nd, asst, I1I·tn, ; Anna VanI d th hi d t' P f bo ' t b h 'th th ' " rou'nds "t Xenl ' o, hio, All "OJnes d ' t 4th d Ed S la a roug y goo Ime. 1'0, l e omg 0 e ere WI elr guns, ~ ... ,.., Misses Alma. and Anna Clements Wm, Best, of Deland Fla., af er ervoor, g.ra e; • . na tout I B tt 'lI h ' d t' ar g At l' p. m. sharp the water and to be played on Idaturdays. Tbe b f ' 3rd grade; Lilla Benham , 2nd g l'ude; l'a ~nt wd ta2sufmteh IK S , u leMs 'las I fl ld ts 'II tak l b ' f h returned home Sunday evening from ~n a s8n~e 0 eighteen y~ars is. visit- D H k supenn en en 0 e mgs, I S 1e even WI e p ace. And oh, 1l·t.t.erI9S 0 eao team being thp a vi it with Da\ ton relatives mg relattves . and renewmg old ac- onna awe, 1st g rad e. I I t M d H d h' what funl Wheel rolling, wheelbar- sll.m~ as has represented the ' teaml' . ' quaintances here, - - -- - . I flC 100 S nex on ay. e an IS ow racing. high jumpillg, fat men's this eason. The snme line up playMrs . ,Susie Do g , OLD RESiDENT GONE havt mad here race, ladies' w()od~sawing contest, 'ing the Messrs. Albert and Walter McKay I:J~ al' Ian ,E'd W I,) r g, rebutvery muc eyare _ first game to represent eaob Valley, was the guest of her sis ter "wal'd s, an ,0 Id an d 1,':- leaving wish them asuccess in ys b tlI ·g , theil' new hOl1l e, obstacle race, sack race. tug of war olub throughout the whole Rerie, Miss Minnie Cook, last week. of Dayton, and WiJlie McKay, of Ft. s pec t e d CIt Izen , 0 f narv r 'r between fats and leans, and many l'be gate reoeipts of ellob game being Ben Harrison, Co. C, 10th Inft., were passed away pa rly Thursday m () 1'11~ other events full of interest to the Hvided 60 1 I Ilnd 40~ I respeotively ,1\'I1:s. M~tthews and daugh~er, of guests of T, J, Brown and family ina of co mpli 'aLinns du ' to Id -- - - ' . spectator. tIle winners ond losers of ellob C1I1cmnatl, WEre g uest· of thell' aunt over Sunday, age, He was ei){hl y years ant! fl i'lt w ·ath I' of last Wednesday There wiJI be a good ball game. oontest. igned, MrR. Richard Cross, last week. mon thHold, ' 111 )I'ning' WHH iueH I in t'v I'y r . pect 'II e, wh 0 was d ef eated by , Be11"uroo k Bnse BII 11 "I 11, I es Beirne and AVnl'y Needle:, of D nvel', Col., I ' e I1 Iid,IIe I 1I1UCh 0 t h oc a.~\On . 0, f ar SVI v U Mr , and MI'!' 1 . Jam Mr, 8dw:l1'ds was a pion er' of thi wil CI k '11 k '11 8 M M kindly remembers the Gazette, and tl I h f M OWAltO . VItUtl. gl', little d li g hter, uf Cincinnati, were pal·t of the COllll tl'Y, and had li vcd in :I0 ga 1 ' l'lTI g at t 1 om 0 Ol'rls W aynE!l:!VI e some wee s ago WI en• _. is nicely situated in the above city. 1 g h f th b' thd f . \\' ek- nd g uest.c; of relatives here , and h b e 'd t f th t I Harveysburg fo r many y aI's. H , n.o rs, In onol' 0 e 11" ay 0 . d eavor t 0 ge t revenge, an d t Iley undoubtedly . will .play good and fast POISONED ARROWS . as e n a resl en 0 a p ace I aves a wife and three childrell to I his daug ht 1', Z lia, who on that day baJ1 , An old Cherokee Indian recen tly Prof. and Mrs. D . A, Ferree of several years. m Qurn his demise, I r eached the 15th year of her life, There will be }lrizes in all events, told how the luditlns of olden times Washington C. H, were ' calJin~ on " . The funel'al took place a t the \When the ever-indulgen~ mother pl'e~ friends here last Thursday evening, A. B. Chandler and Wife , Matilda h f h . I ' an d a Iot 0f specla prIzes will be used to poison their Bll'owheods fO! Underwood, Lydia Tomlinson and Friends meeting-house in Hal'veys- pared a appy · ul'prise ·,r t e ~oung y given for special events. war pur pORes or for killing bears Bir. Pencil Tablet for 5c at son Curtis. and Lindley Mendenha.1I burg, Sunday morning at 9::100'clo('k 1.lad , ,Wh~l wa ve l·Y. convemently The Ladies Aid Society will furnish They took a. fresh deer Ii ver fllstened Schwartz's, ' attended the funeral of Thos. Thorpe Rev. Amos Cook officiating. Is pendmg a few days With her granda,n kinds of r~reshments on the it to B long pole, ann then went t.u in Selma Tuesday. r Interment was made at Springfiel i parents, M.l"' and Mr . F~ank ~eller, grounds, places where they knew Mr, and Mrs, Will Benecke and . cemetery, east of Harveysburg, of Centerville, a nd on thl pal·ticular ~ 'fhe busineSS-nouses will all close they would find ra-ttle8n~ke8 In little daughter are spending e wee Rev. W. T. Gilliland and family day Mr:-l, ~cl lr I' ~no t appropriately next Monday from 1 until 5:30. 'rhe a.bundanoe. · with relatwes in the nortClern part of left Monday for Springfield, where SHERWOOP) REUNION Iescor ted MIs.-; Zeha to her home when :, banks and postoffice will be closed all About midday the rl1ttlers are l~l1 the state, Mrs. Gilliland and child ren will re- I the mother at ollce 'enl het' to the ' day. out of tlieir dens, coiled up in the main , while Rev. Gilliland will attend The Sherwood's held their r >union I (11'\01' to look at som ~ post cards ~. There has been a force of police sunshine, rhe buoks would poku G.W. Woolley and daughter. of the M. E. Conference at Greenfield . lin the White Brick ehul'ch yard : wh ich had been senl, when lo! there appointed, and it if> safe to say every the' first rattler witb the Ii ver on Columbus, were guests of Mr, and last Thur. day. Th ) day was fai 1', an I( app ared b for her elev n 0 f her one will be able to see the fun this the long pole, A rattler, unliktl ~rs. J. H. Coleman and other rei aA Studebaker E. M. F. 3D, five- a lat'g numbel' of the )' ··Iat ives , yo ung fl'iend s, waili ng in silence to year, as they are empowered with oommon snlt.kes. "Iwa.ys shows figbt tlVes here last week:. passenger touring car for $1,250. The turned out and had a good Lim e, I I' ceiv be l', but which silence was police rights, and wiJI k~p' back the in p\'aferenoe ,to esoaping. Miss Marie Miller will return home greatest automobile valuo offer ' ever Interesting papet,:s we l:e read, and ' :-o.()un broken by a noisy greeting, crowdso they all cali see. The snake would thu~ repelLtedly this week after a delightful two offered. A Studebaker-Flangersfour several impromptu Mpeeches W"I" Ho weve r, Miss Zelia though non· Look carefully at the program on strike I1t tbe liver with the flmgs months visi t with .her sister Mrs. J. passenger ru.nabout f_r $750, the made. _ ___ • _ • _ plu:;ed fol' a momcnl was quite equal another page. Come and have a good until its pOison wos all used up, L. McCune, of Van Wert, Ohio. automob:le sensation of the year, EXPERT OPTICIAN III the lll e l'g'CI1l'Y. as : he bowet! most ' Call on or address John Law & on, co ul'teo ll sly and exp re, ed a heart-time. There will be something doing Nlleleupon it would quit striking, all day and evening. The Waynes- a.fld try to slowly move Oil, 'l'he MISS Anna Meredlt.h spent the end Lebanon , Ohio. On anoth el' page will ue' \lut 'd tll,e ,1f,)It. It) h, 'I' A nice ville band will play all day and give-a b'tloks would then bunt up I1notbl:'r of the week in Lebanon, the guetlL of Big Pencil Ta.blet for fie at ad vert isement of J . N, Hoyt , who IS 1", 0 clue l, J Inn et was gel veti and concert in the evening. Don't fail rattler Ilnd repeat tbe performanoe ! Mis.c; Frieda Sieker, Miss Meredith 8ohwart~'s . an expert optician. ami whu wi ll be ~ Mrs, Fre(,1 Sctl\~artz add ed much to to come and b~ing your fami ly with keeping up the work until tbe li va; leaves next Monday fQr, "Oxford Colin Wayn . vill e , reg ltlal'ly a t lh e the oc~a ' Ion \~I( h he: gr~phophone, you. . WIlS well soaked with pOison : lege for Women". . In a show window: at the George Gustin Hot I. His next visi t will be and MIt!· Lola 7. ·11 assl tecl In the gen'. - Then the pole WIlS e~rried bome l M k D ' d d ht M Galloway drugstore in Xenia. can be ollSaLurdH" el)tember l Uh , and all el.'alentel'tainment, ary,' seen a h a If bushel basket full who are in .J need of g' lasseR will do lI 'l'hose pres, ent 0 f t h e Y?l,mg frlen ' ds "~ LABOR DAY \' I\nd hsteJ;led somewbat , in an up , tart D aVIs t anS 'daug t er, M P • 0 • HOURS . . - wen 0 ay on un ay 0 see 1'8. f l ' . right position until tbe liver beolt.we Davis who was operated on at the 0 a\1 fine Alberta peaches as we ever well to g ive him a call. I were th > Misses Rut 1 ZImmerman, Lobbyopenfrom7a.m.t09p.m. tsdry I1S a bone The jiveI' wna l M<' :V II I 'tal df dh beheld. Thetreethatproducedthem EliithShechan,AdaM ichenel',Edna All Departments open from 10 to pounded to Ilo fine lind plaoed h\am; I a ,tn oun ;1 er has a crop of abotlt l X bushels and HAD GREAT SURPRISE I atte1'lhwaile, Rachel Sheehan, Ruth 11 a. m., 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. . , ' 1D a buokskin ball' to be used c eel' u an ge mg a ~mg as we as was planted by M'r: J, J, Downing in \ Hartsock, Vem a Wadsworth, Helen '1 receive . d an d d'Ispa t Ch e d as 'leetled for their IlrrOWS .." can ' be expected. ' ~ard on ~ast Second street, thiS ' D 1', 'J H • B roc I<, of Lyt Ie , h a d a lHaWke, B l'yl Fl'azer, Mary Sheral , This powhiS M y usual. . . ,. ' . . ' der would stlok like glue to any After spending a week very pleas- city. When t.he tree was three years slll·p~'iBe sprung o? him last Thur,sda wood, Lo~a Roush ' * ... .. Rural carriers wl!1 not-make theIr moistened Stlrf80e antly with Warren Barnett and fam- old it produced ten of the largest even1l1g, when I11S brother, Wilbur - --, - ... - - - - trip on that day. , . • ..:. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rida-e and peaches that were grown in the coun- H. Brock, of Jacksonville, Fla" PREACHED AT RED BRICK FRANK H. FARR, PostmaSter; NOTICE little daughter lef~ Friday morning try. This whole crop will average a walked in on him. The broti:e1's had Rev. W, H, O'Neall of the ' Free . ". . '. oi 7--'. " . s t b ' 3 d th ' 1 t for Mechanicsburg where they will half pound apiece, while some of the not seen p.ach other for eighteen 'vI'11 Baptl'st·cllUl·cll,· \" ho \"as fot'm 1'· ·S• THORPE DE ' ep em er: I' e l'egu ar mee - . ,.' . . . . " ' . d 't ',/ dl t , th y • : I ' . AD illg of fh~ W. C. T. U will . be held VISit "':'lth l'ell:\!lVe~ b~fore, returning largest.welgh ~en.ounces and measure years, ~n I I:) n~e ess ~ say ,e ly of this place, but now located at THO , . . , :' t ~h . h ' f M S" H k to thelr ,home 111 Cmcmnati. eteven mches m Circumference .-Xe~ are havmg an enJoyable tune With Bl'o.a dway, Ohio, p' reached at the Th9S. Thor-pe, of Selma, died last a ~ .~ ~me 0 rs. uSle awe . " G too each other. un a Saturday" d'l,le 'to old' at2p. m. . , ': . .' John Law, 'of is selling ma aze . 1- _ • •Red BI'ick S 4 y' morning '., ' age. ' He was , a broiber of J'~bez All ~e~bers ~re urged to be pres-' theStudebakeraut()mobile!n~a:rren SOCIAL AT LYTLE CONCERT THURSDAY EVE fr{)~l1 the ,textfouFld in Ezekiel I., 10, t ThorPel an~. ~aS well known here. It IS ~he tlm,~ to ~lect officets. County, and ' will handln this line i n . . . , . ,. . • The sermon wa.':I very inte~esting and Why was,the wtilte ribbon .chosen addition to his, car.riage business. He The lCt' c~eain. SOCIal p~l~·at Lytle There wi'n, bea concert ,Thursday highly appreciated by all. Rev. W. ' hllv.inK belonged ' 1'.9 the Soci~ty of Friends. ' Interment was ' rn"r,de at ,as the bad~e1, ,' . ' . will, thel'efor~, be ina'. position., to Saturdayevemng was .a success. evenin~ as usual. The program will H' O'Neall i~ here on his sum er vaSelma. ' , ~ . As ~e . w~lte .rlbbon 1nclu~es ~l ~sell you a c~rrlage, s~rrey, buggy or There was. a large , crowd ~resent, be a mixed one. _ T~e band \yent to cation but. will return to' his pastorial . ' • _ .. '_ the prIsmatic colors. so the white rl\):.1an auto, Imd will also tepair them. and lots of Ice cream. ,YI~ disposed Lytle Monday evenmg an~ ga~e a 'r,Vol'k this week. May Goa's blessing ,The hou. ft.,. ~oDlee fall grOWDJ' bon stan~s for all ph~ Qf"reform.• " Have your bUgitY or auto ll.ainte.d ~y I o~_ .The, ~usi~ was !uTillshed by the concert;. 'rhe boys had a m ·e · t Ime, accompany ,him' is the , iah of his 10 .~a' foar w.~IuI. · ,. ' , ' . E; B. MOOR'I:, Sec. ..1 John Law. Lebano~,. Ohio. '. •Lytle!ort'l1estra. and ,,~re treated royally. . many fri nds. -




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DISCOURAGED WOMEN, And Ma Fainted . '",,' by dI d sh r fll so yo u ?" s he A Word of Hope for Des pairIng One3, a sked u r s on , wit h flu ' scorn . " v, II ," tb boy r pll d b t wee n his ,K ldn y t rou bl o mn lfes weak, wenry, sobs, ., he obJ ' cts io our flllu lly. S he say s pa's a loa f .. , t hat you' re too fnt wo rn WO Ol n. J3ac lm he, hlp plll ns , nnd t hlll v rytl oel y la ughs a t DaYl!e d lzzl n ss, b !l un ch B, ue n ' ous ness, Innp·C$ at 0 0 v by a Early Pickings Camo SoC, and Light In Color.• Str lk!na 11lyme b m Ill S s ll ' II il rool a nd ta lkll I g llor, ur ina r y lro ubles m llke WOlllen ' Il ll Jut ~o l h ln g bu t th e gr atness of suftr:r untold mI se ry. - Ail ing. k idneys an Unrece ptive Market Glutted With Low~P. (! Ic r fa mll y." ( 'ha lln c y t hrow water are Ule cause. Cure , Grade Southern Berries. III his mot her's ' ra , but lit th ree th eUl . Mrs. S. D. E l- - --Ii son , N, Broatlw uy, Lao'clocll th is afternoo n she was s Li li -----rua r , Mo., says : "K ldA very prom lRlng strawber r y cro~ to m aintaIn Its present lo<:a1 tmpo-r. In a s woon , wi th four do tors workln:; n ey trouble wo re me mo nde, pu t on th o caps, s lic k was cut shor t b y drought and xtreme lance. Gl n l\l ary fell fr om grace thl a <>n h e r ,)'- Atl'liisoll (K a ll .) Globe. An Unique Party, down till I had to tnke s t m ,,'s a ull t h y II ro r eady t c bea t foll owin g th unu s ua ll y coo l nn d year, and mny ha ,' e .difficulty III rega in. Th " 1 nrl' "nol.' Ill es in en l IN AGONY WITH ~CZEMA. I to bed. I had t e rrlbl m " II!." ut tlin · spnsllOr~ I).S w II as in moist weat her [ la te Ma y, says Rura l Ing It!! pr e vi ous s tandIn g us a n Ind ls· ' I pai ns In m y bOfly nnd c(lnterp l ce ha ,'o a Iny tect, Ke w York e r, Tbe ea rly pI 'ki!lgs cam pCll snbl e mar ket varl oty. Vi go r and (OW I\ , null thi I> he' lI1(, of n :-;: w J rs y lim bs and th e urine was girl t~ Cl U P l hnl " took" wonderfully, with mi nia t ur' lIn lmals in a proccs, soft and ll gh t iu color, strik ing a n un· prodll tlv en s are its s trong points. Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding, " Torturing Humor - Hoped Death a nn oyin g a nd f ull of sedT he n(fll!r wa~ ll eld on lh tl roa ll pillz· sio n, At ac h child 's pl ato have a rece pliv ma rke t, glutted wit h 1011'- It Is a fair s hl llP 1', but qua lit y nnd al). WO,uld End Fearful Suffering, 1m nt. I got worse a nd za s' lrrOlln dlog lhe bouse t hat fnc ed II' e t ent of paper, a Il ag on It , with a gra rl e so uth rn berr ies. Fa ir frults p aran co a re r arely COIllIll IIrlnh le, doctors fa lied to hlp. I was di scourrail fence of olle ra s ll c k ~ around It. r ealized less money lhan nt a ny !l I1lI- th oug h t her nre eve n less alt ra ti vo t h ' s;ra nd old oc('an. aged. Doa n 's Kldn oy Pills brought. In Despair; Cured by CLlticura. nde r each tent hal"O sa lted 1) a uuts. lla r Urn fo r )I1 a llY years. Quallty a nd Id llds in gen era l cu ltiva ti on. Th o Tll (, 1Il\'lt. lions we re for a "boltl!)" -qui ck r eli ef a nd a final cure and no w J Ha ve s t rip d pa pe r ba gs tilled with pri ces st .lld il y imp roved , how vcr , mai n r ea soll fo r gro wi ng It Is tha t It Jl 1'1 r, pse h gUl'st 11'11 ,1 r equ ested to "Words cal)not doscrlbo th o t errIble am In th e bes t or hea lll1." bnll >; a lJOttlo (empty ) any !lize or popcorn a nlI tu s ma ll guesls will UO unti l th fu ll c IT cls of t be hot wa ve J Is norma lly a grent ha s ket fill er nnd a Rememb I' the n a me- Doan's . Sold !lhn i) l' . o r l"ourse vcry one wond er d (Jerfec Lly deligh ted w ilh the "ci rcus" lJ cam e a ppurcnt In less ned s lzo a mI r e ll ub l , th ough n ot exc sslv e 1)lunt eczem a 1 s uffered wit h. It. broke out wll.1I [llf' fI'sl tlt wo nld be wh t' n the pa rty. Impni r' d fla vor. T he av e ra ge yield per mall e r , s pac ing Its runn ers about right on my head and k pt s preallillg unti l by nil dellie rs . 60 ents a box. Fosmy whole body. I I te r-l\lllburn 0 .• Buffalo, N. Y. Ul O{\o ' Y ('Olll' cti on of tlo ul e's 1l11p 'a r ' d IIc re of good comm erc ia l pla nt Ings for fo r matted row c ulture . The bloo ms It cove red A Pot ato Supper. a ll 1lie tabl wa it Ing to rec lI'e 1I1C!m. t hc season wou ld proba bly not reach a r impe r fec tly s tam inate, and do not was almost a soli d mass of sores from ht;.rch suppers have h en an d prob· :l,OOO qua r ts, a nd lhe average p ri ce of always ta k e kindly to pollination from head to fool. J 100kl't1 lUor IIk o a TROUBLE 'IN ROYAL PALACE, AI e r a f II' momenls spe ut In sp cu lnllng as io th e future of " UIOSO bot· ably a lways wlll be a comme rcIa l as· tlrs t·c lusf' b rr l s canno t be e!Jti 01 uted OUI I' so urces , thus r es ulting In lUany piece ot raw beet than !\ human bo- I Ues," t b hostess tl r ollgh t In yard set i rais ing money. A "Indl es' a id" at mor than s v n cents th e qu a r t , knotty a nd mal-formed berri es. The Ing. Tbe pa in nnd agony endured Tidings Borne by Amateur Actor Sufflclent to Lead Hearers to Exle ngills of re po l)apCr of ma ny colors , society iss ued th ese ca t(, hy In vlta· thll s hrlll g lllg pO!lslbl , pro fits to very res ult.'! at "!xcesslve humldltv a t the s ee med mar th an I could bear. Blood pect the Worst, calla n, pin , odds a nd f' nd s of r ibbon, tl ons, which wer e prin ted in r d on moderate nl;u res. T he va r iety Suc· bloomi ng time of Olen Mar; were ap- and pus oozed from th e great sore on my sca lp, from untler my fin ge r nalls, e lc., an d r Ques ted eac h gues t to se- common tlrow n wrappi ng pllper a nd aud nearly ali over m y body. My Th o ShuknS ll a r club of N IV Or· lec t a' balt Ic an d trans form It Into a scatter ed broadcas t in t be hot Is an d Curs were so crus ted and s wollen I kn ns used to ,; 11'0 am ateur 1I\ ut r lcul d oll ; th er was a BUll ply of corks to board Ing bo us es of the sca shor r ewas arrald they wOllld br ak oft. p ' rrorruull ces I hut II' r dis lln jJ4lis h d use In formIng h eads, which w ere cov- sort, wh er e s ummer v is itor. hplped E very hair in my hl'ad fell out. I fo r lho loca l proltlin nee of th II ctors. ou t largely In fu rni shi ng t he wh ere· ered wi th 'cotton. could not s it down, for my clothes I Il('e n soda l e lebrlty, wIth 1\ gorA ha lt hour was allowed to ' fini sh witha l to run th e little church during would slick to the raw nnd bl eedin g ! geouA cos tume, as on at t he torrls III t he. creations; pri zes w ero a ward ed lhe long n ine mon lhs of wi n ter. I tlesh, making me c ry out fro m th e I \vll lti ng ha d on ly four wo rds to ~ny : give the invi tation so tbat our read er s (or the bost, worst and fu nni es t. pain. My family doctor did all he " T h qu een has swooned ," As ho Ne xt th hos t ss passed cart'l s with may cu t It out fo r futu re usc, as tb,e COUld , but I go t wo rse and worse. My s (epp d forwa rd h Is fri ends app lnurl tl p<,ncll s attached, num ber ed from 1 to scheme Is ad aptable for auy ti.;n 6 or condition was a wfu l. I did n ot think vo If rous ly. Dowing his th anlls , h 20 ; th e gues ls were tal, n In to a r oom place : I could \l ve, and wa nlee! deat h to . fac'ed til l' kin g a nd sa id, In a high , In which s tood 20 bottles, each bea r- A sociable nox l Frid ay nl/:b l ! "T he s woon hns come and end my fri ghtful s utrerl ngs. pit ched voice: Ing a tag nu mber ed from 1 t o 20. Yel- Look dow n b low, tlrs ! lo ·fl. t he n ~!:t, y ou wil l SCI' th o " B III -o t -Fu r o" "In tbls condition my mother-In-law Qu eened." low paper concealed the contents of And In E ngli sh langunge wrill en ih r : begged me to try th Cuti cura. R emThe re W UR Il roar of Inughter; bu t tbe bottles, which wer e pili Rlze up to PO T ,\TOE S H OT . P TA T OR!'l 0 [''''edl es. I said I WOUld , but had no hopo he waited putl ontl y, a nd LUnd e an, gallon!;, One "snll!" Or " wh iff" was P T AT OES N R W, P OT T 1::8 OT~ t1 of r ecov ry. nut oh, what blessed r e- ol he r a ttempl : p rm lt ted, t hen the supposed con ten ts ornc' w e wi ll boll and som wc'll u alte 11 r I experi enced aft r apply ing uti"Th !:l Iv eon has coon d ," we re written down oppos ite the num- A n d Born se n 'O In n ho t lonr-cuk e; cura Ointment. It cooled th e bleeding Agai n th o Wil li s tr e mbled a nd th e Pota loes also wc'lI prC'pnro ber on tb e c'a rd. bro wn c roq ue tt es 05 lI,hl 08 nlr, and itchIng fl esh and brought me the s tug-e ma nage r nld in a " olco wblch Lavendar salts, bottl s of cologne, In And 80m o m a ke up In !,'Tleldl -cnk 11 oll id b II ard 11 11 over the house : first r eal sleep I lIa d h ad In weeks , It a nd sachets were given as prizes. A s nice WI a n y Fr neh cook malt B. was as grateful as Ice to a burnin g .. orne orr, YO II doggo n d fooL" Th e n ext t est WIlS very p retty. Each An d { h!'n dessert-for t ho~c who wis h tongue. I would bai.he with warm Bllt lh ambltlolls a ma teur re fu sed e w Ill p r cJln r 50 111 dllinly Il lsh, g uest wa s bli ndfold d and 1 d arou nd " 1"11 for l ho goda, " y u' ll think, wo It no'll wat er and Cutlc urn. Soap, then apply to surr Illi r, an d III a rall plng Cal · t b r oom In which fl owers were a r- Though mosll y m ad of potato, the Ointment freely. I also took Cull- setto, as he was iLst:llst ed oft th e s ta ge, r an ged In vases on ma ntel a nd tab les, 'r hls socIab le Is to hI' give n cura Resolvent for the blood, In a h e scrcam d : "Tb e coon has The one who r ecognIzed th e most fi ow- Detwoen th h OllT S of four and , even, short time th o SOl' S stollped runnin g, l l1gazlne. ors by the odor r eceIved a handso me At - - H all n ('x l Frldoy ni gh t, And one and all wo h c r o Invltc ; the flesh began to heal, and I knew I 11 0 5 gay s urround ed by a trill ot laee Be 8uro to com : don't bo afra id. Aid Fight Agal!,!st Tuberculosis. was to get well a gaIn. Then the hair pa per . Your presence wlll- "'rHF. LADI ES AID.' At th e .·ee nt mo ,ting of th e ' non my head began to grow, and In a MADAME M ERRL Th o r efreshments consisted at flowBbort time I was completely cured, tlOll al AssocIati on of Bill Poste rs , h Id Now CrOll-Bred Strawberries, Indian Strawberry Below. e r form s made- in Ices and crea ms I wls b I could t ell ve ryliody wbo has in Atla nla, Oa " It was de Id ed to dowith dainty little cakes ornamented eczema to use Cutlcura, Mrs, Wm. nate to tb e campaign aga inst tub ercucess proved a h eavy c ropper, pertectparent 10 tile greeb-tlpped and unatwith candled rose and violet leaves. losis $1.200,000 wor th ot publicity . Ing its berrie s botter tha n kinds ma- tractive fruits 'lB they appeared ' when Hunt, 135 Thomas St., N'Iwark, N. J., The b1l\ pos ter s In all pnrts at th e turin g later . Probably greater r evenue packed for shipment. Strawb rrles ot s ept. 28, 1908." nIt d States a nd anadn will fill For a ChlJdran'. Party. is to be cr edited to th iR productive this clas s must " make good" ever, i'otlAlr Drua '" Cholll. Corp., Bolo l'rop .. , 1Io1l.o~ t he vacan t spaces on t~ e lr 3,5 00 bill 'l'here h ave been so many r equ est s lor early varie ty than to nny of the late r y ar to r etain their popularity. Presiboard s wI t h la rge posters llIu st ratin g a children's party that I have m ade Severe, ones , no t Wi t hs tandin g tha low prIces dent fioi s bed Its handsome fruits as a s [loclal e ffort to ~et these pre tty Samuel Gomp r s wus talking In the th o ways to pr I' nt and cure ca n· prevailing at t he begInnIng of th e seawell a s usual, but the weakened plants Ideas for decora tions , fe eling sure that Stylish shoes are highly arched. smlweroom of the Baltic about are· sumption . The Poste r Print ers' assomo th ers could adapt for thei r own uve Striped eff cts rule s upreme 0:1 son, as It bas b een the 'most generally produced only a light crop. GandY in c nt n ews paper atta ck on a rl cb cor- ciati on has a lso g ra nted $200,000 planted. It Is admitted to be too soft heavy soils rIpened a profitable crop, poration. worth of prInting and pape,r tor thlA the sche mes sugges ted, skirtings. Clown , cakes will be much appreclMan y s ummer coats are lined with for shipment, but Is locally liked for notwithstanding the Intense h eat pre · "It was a crue l attack," Mr. Gom- work. ThIs entir campaign at blll · !ts good s Ize, fln e color and satisfactory vaillng at the time. Whlle rarely a per s chuckled. "It was a s cruel as board publicity w11l be condllcted unated by youthful guests; bake a slm-t Shnn t un g . pIe cake mixture In small round mutSequIns play a l eadng part In fan quality , The plant IB a most thrifty ,bountl'tul yielder, and too sharp Jo lhe Jon esville OIarlon's paragraIlh der th e dIre lion of t he National Asand healtby grower. The bloom Is qua lity for mnny palates, Oandy reo about old DeacQn Hiram Ludlow. sociati on fo r th e Study and Pr I' nfin pan s , Fro.t some with white, d ecora tion. "This' paragraph -head r the Clar- Uon of Tubercul osis In co-operation some with chocolate, ma kIng e yes, MllIt¥ y straps are among the popu· stamlnat , furnishing abundant 'pollen mains one ot the most satisfactory and for oth er sorts as we ll, and there are dependable late strawberrIes for the In 's bltll&r column . It said: with tb e Na ti onal Bill P osterf\' asson08e and mouth of contras ting color, lar s leeve trimmings, 0 plants III mOist, rich solf "'Dea con Hiram Ludlow of Frisbie cia tion. A..round ac h put tiny trills ot colored The white lace v eil Is more widely always pi n ty of strong ru nne1'8~1lk· growelog propaga tion eas y and certa in . and a ffo rds proper cultivation. Intro- town ship, aged 82, passed peacefully c repe pa per and the cakes will look worn than any other. The Newer Way. ike- funny taces beneath little bonHats Ilre larger now than they will William De lt shows increasing wenk- duced In 18S4 as a cross between Olon- aWlI!' on Thurs day last from siogle l\Jany Id us In r egard to women ness In pla nt, bllt th o berries a re a s dule and J ersey Queen, It holds Its blessedn oss to ma trimonial bliss a fter n ets. be later In the senson , ' have entirely changed, and am'ong With these lIerve circus lemonade, Mohair Is th e fa vorite ma t erial for well lilted as e ver, surpassing aU other own In thIs locadlty as the firmest, a short but s ev ere attack by l\Ja rln th e better a nd wi ser changes Is Ih a t esta blished kInds for table Quality. It hand somest and most g en erally deslra· Higgins, a blooming widow of 31 sumTake lar ge smooth skinned l~mons, alltomoblle dus t coats . old th oug ht th a t th e wo men who mer s.' "-Detroit Journa l. cut off one end, hollow out anel place Pongee hats, matching pongee cos- will be long planted, but Is not likely ble of late varieties, we.·e gi ven to good works lUUSt n eeds In Ice water. Cut 01T black court- tumes, are smllrt just, now. be dowd y . It Is undeniable Ul ut A Realist. plaster eyes, nose and mouth, dry the Walking costum es , are a bit sever e, " I am a great believer In reallsm," "good" women used to wear do wdi FARMER SHOULD FIGURE COST she lls and pas te these on In a s g ro- with little trimming, r emarked th e poet. ness as a sort of ha ll mark of virt esQue a manner us possible. TH en 1.1 II en {rocks with short s kirts are "Yes?" we Queri ed with a rI s ing In· t ue, As a ma tter of fact, dowdiness Only Practica l Way of Telling WhIch ma lc little dunce oops o f red and popular (or s treet w ear. fl ection, thereby giving him the d esired Is merely Il mark of ba d tast e and a Are the Best Paying Crops for whi te stilT pa per, leaving a hole at the "Linden," a crs llmy yello w gr een, Is openIng. sign of sOllie lack In th e mind. Womthe Farm. top t o r ece ive a s tra w; fill the cups a leading shade 1n new dresses, "I som e times oarry my Ideas of en arc no longe r lackIng In th e wisPrevents !:lolraiog of Shovels and realis m to a rIdiculous extreme," con- dom th at choos 5 pre tty ruther than A story Is told of a la wyer who was Also Breaking Off or Covertlnu ed the poet. ug ly clothing, and th ose who do not e mployed by a railroad company on ina Up o{ Plants, "Indeed!" we exclaimed Inanely, malce th e best at th eir appearance ar e account ot his shre wdness to secure some what Impatlent to reach the poInt lOSing a golden opportunIty of giving tbe rIg ht of way through a certain of his wittlolsm. pleasure. To pre ve nt th e clogging ot the part of T exas. With most ot the "Yes," continued tbo poet. "the other shovels on a corn plow and also the farm ers this lawyer bad no trouble Fitted for the Job. duy I wrote a sonnet to the gas combreakin g 01T or covering up of the In securing the right of way through The ge n ernl cons ulted th e topopany and purposely wade tbe meter C01'O while plowing, b end 0. piece of the ir lands, many of them giving It gH1.phlcal chart. "You und er stand, defect! ve." without any compensation. But tbere colonel," he said, "that lhls charge on At thIs point we fainted. we re a few farm eri who would get th e enemy's fortifi cation necessitates th e most r tl cllles8 d l.!lr egard for huout n pencil and go to figuring. The) PractIcal Dev'ce. Dress fo( Glri TunIc for Boy "Why don't you m end that large man life?" "J ' und er s taniJ. g nernl," fi g ured that the land would be worth from io ,.to/ 11 ' fl'Om 4.lo 6 ' th e colone l r elllled. "The forlorn ho pe a s much, or Ulore , .to the railroad com- hol e in you.r umbrella ?" Yoers., Year.. " J kee p It to put my hand through that leads the move ment will. be company as It was to th em. And those fa rmer s always r eceived a good price to 'lee If it Is s till rnlnlng."-Meggen· posed cxclusiv ely of amateur chaut· fc'lIrs." for the land they relinquished for th e dorfe r nIae tte ... right of way. The lawyer r emarked that when evor he saw a farm er take out a pencil and go to figuring that he would have to pay that man full value of his land, nnd he called tbem "figurln' farm ers." There Is a good substantial moral to this lIttlo story, Every farm er ought to be a "figurln' farm er ," He ought to figure on wbat It costs him to raise the ' dlfferen " A Vine Cutter on Cultivator. crops, and what he receives for them old wagon tire, three ' lcet long, as Indr!.· It Is the only way he can tell which cated at A and attach It to the beam are the lJest paying crops for his Th . b fl k Corm. He should keep 0. book for this e CriSp, rown a es of of tbe plow close to the arcb . This cutter should be bont out purpose. It wUlt only require a very tram the beam so as to be io line small amount at time each day to with the first, or Inside shovel. keep these accounts and It wlll be Tbree holes should be drill ed fn the time most prOfitably employed. bar or the cutter sp that It can be , No Eggs for Horsel adjusted to s et deep or shallow as Dress for GliO,oai' desired, ' It hus, been claimed that It Is a good ~ to 10 Year!; . tblng to feed eggs to stallions during Use of Manure. the breedIng season, ,but a noted New Tho Maryland expe rimental ' station England veterInarian says a well.bourshows hy r peated t ests that fresh mu- Ished hOl"se would not be greatly bene· nure s pread In winter did not glvo as fited by being fed eggs, It Is _ fact much Increase as the' same umount that eggs lire highly nutritious and rotted nnel plo'Ved down In the spring. might be used to advantage If an ani· Come to the breakfast table right, and exactly right from t: . ' IC fo r Boy fr om Four to Six Years.-This simple li t tle tuni c might bl' Turning the manure whlfo rotting was mal lacked vitality. However, the 41. the package-no bother; no delay, lIIulie In Holl and , drill, or lin .r ; IlIle .' would be suitabl e and sensonable ;' better than leaving 'It without being, gestlve system of the horse ~s not CllIt is Qu it )Jlai n, fu s tc ns dQw n lb (! trant, and bas a tlll'IIed·down coll:u; a turned, Commercial f'3rtillzers plowed :pable of digesting animal prateldB, t a th r belt is Irorn jus t below th o wa lst_ und er In tbe spring Invar.lably gave and consequenU)' he would not be IIlaterla ls r quil'ed : Two yards 42 Inches wIde. , . They have body too; these ,P ost T~a:3ties are firm enough D(' s, rol' Girl from E Ight to T en Years,-Cherry Jed cashm ere Is used larger yIe lds tban wben sowed on the /lble to secure tbe full 'benefit of Bucb just before , p lanting. foods. sW'faoe for th iB dresl' ; the s kir t Is tr immed at tbe root by three sma ll tucks. The to give you a delicious substantial mouthful before they melt ,blOllse , whlcl, resem bles the sailor s tyle, has the upp er part cut In a shape:! away. "The Taste Lingers." The BUl'Y1ble Bee,' , Home SurroundIngs. .>,01<0.- alld tb lower t u ked aD d sot to It; th e tu cks are only st! tch e~, down t llro Inche ; tbe sle evo i8 t uct ed a fow Inehes at both ends and Is set to , a Tbe bUmble bee is a trlend of the The environments of ' your home li: uc k d "' rh, t ba nd, A salior 'co lla r of 8potte.d drlllis worn : the tie mafches It, may not be just what you wOlnd like, farmer. In sections where cla.erseed ill a t ri a ls r equ ired ( 2 ~f ya rds' clls bmEll"C 48 Inches wide, So~d , by Grocers. but there are few farms that Cwo.lot crops are depended ullon the value of Ureas [or Gi l'l fr om "S n to 'fwelve Years.-Thls dainty little dress' ·Is In be made beautltul by the rI~ht appli- tbe bumble bee as an agent 10 fertJ\lz" " 'h it I~l \\'u ; t he skir t Is gall <I red at th wa l!!t an~ Is trimmed at the root by t w rowl' ·,t Val ncle nnes ID sertl on; the bodice has a vest and sleeves ot cation ot labor and Bklll. Study your 'lug lbe clover blOo21S Is tully appretucked !awn a.n d Insertion ar~llug\'d In ' stripes alternately; the Bldp.s ot the ,lase and do the best you can witb ciated. A kn.owledge sbould' be bad your commll:nd, nnd you 01 the uBeful, as well as the de15truoU.e bodl e a re 111.110 lawn, so are tbe e l'aulettes, but they are edged wltb insel'UOJl the mean~ Made by ,POSTUM ' CEREAL LIMITED. ~d ~~ , wlll se~ how your hOI&e can ' be made Insect." wlilch would 'prove tbat the Mat ri a ls required: rards laWD .2 tDchea 'wlde 1% 401!'\\ ~J~'t.lOIIa. attractive, Trees, Tines ' an!i flowera fume' has quite ae tnaDy good mHO' ~ ,-arlia !ace, caD be made &0 wwk WQD4... ' fiteD4e be ba8 " ..&rlleU,.. on... BAriLB~ CReeK. nICHIOAN.


of Maoy Ke" cd1
















Small Garments

Ready Cooked.

Post To as ties






, ,A



UYNOP818. At 1. y ellnl of /lge Admiral 811' Peter RIlWkshllW'S nephow. nlohard G ly n , t oll d eeply In lovo ut first Kight wllh Lady Arabe ll a 8tormont, who s purned hla attentions. Th e la d. an orphnn,. waa given .. berth a9 midshlpmllll on the AJnx by hllf Uncle. Giles Ve rnon. n!'phew ot Sir Thoron!! Vernon, becllm th e boy's ·pal. 'l' I1('Y Ilttend d n th eate r wbere Hawk8hllW'8 n Iphcw saw Lady Arnbe lln. V(~ r­ n on m t Philip Ov rlon. n e xt In lin t or Sir Thomas Vc rnon's estaL. They Btnrl d a du e l wldeh W/18 tntorrupted. Vernon. Overton and H'o.wkllhew·s n ephe w round thems Ivea IlUraet d by pretty Lady AI'Ilbe llo.. Tht' Ajsx In . blltt.l e defeated Fre n ' h wa.r shJp8 In the McrUr e rran ell n. Rl ehnrd GI)'n got £2,000 prize money. H e wall c:al lod hom by LIldy H llwkahaw lUI he WllS about to "l;low In" hill earnings with V er.non. At a Hawl(lIhaw Pluty Glyn discover d thnt Llld~' Arnbell!l. wna 11 poor but pll rsisl nt gnmbl 1'. H e talked muc h wlUI · h er couRln Daphne. JAr!y Arabella nfnln showed lov e for gllmlng. Liller ahe h eld . Glyn .!1Pd Overtoll prl Bon era, tlltlS delayIng tlie du 1. m. tho Ove rlon-Vernon due l. n ~ lth e r was hurt. Lady Arabella humlllnl d Ri chard by h e r prllnks. Richard and 0 11 011 IIhlpped on I.l friga te. Gil II was c L\p ~ured . by the I)'T n ch. Sir Peter nrranged tor hili 'c)(chang . Daphne sllow'd Il. ttkln " Cor Glyn, who W08 then 2.1 y ears of ogl!. Giles w a ll rill-ill! d. GlIes .and Rlchanl plnnned lo p m e ntH. BIr ' Pe 81' object d to the plllll t o W d Dnphn ', By I " r rUIlCS G\I a nd Richard 10pl'ld with Lnd~; ' Arllt) lla . and Daphn. r eape lIvoly. Th hHter pall' • IV r e mlU'rled. 'Daphn e wall pl eased ; Arabellb. raved In anger . \\7hen th o partY I' tUrn d, Arabella nsk ed Sir Poter LO oJd In pros Glle8 In court on the charge ot commUting n capital crlms.

and, after beln! 01'0rD, ~g't.1.Q ller story In a · manner th most quiet alld .calm. A deep stU:nes8 rrugned through the vast room, and e veryone In It caught her lowest word. ._ Her testimony was entirel" 'el al' and straightforward. 8he related lhe circumstances of ' her being dragged orr, while coming out or the playhouse at Scarborough'; of finding he rself along In the cbalse wllh Giles Vernon, wbo . told her he was taking her to SCQtland to marry her ; that she strug· glea , 'loJ ently and endeavor d to get out of the ohalse, and that sbe was wlthbeld by torce by Giles, who severely hurt he r wri sts, causing blood to flow; and flnally, that when she be· gan to scream. Gllell put his band ove r her mouth and stilled her cries. She said that this conduct was kept up til whole ot the ni ght, until they reached Gretna Gre n ut daylight ; tbat all tbe time Giles was Imploring her to marry him, then threate ning to ldll himse lf or her; and t.hat she told him many Umes she prefe rred death to marriage with. him; and at last, on reaching Gretna Green, she defied him and es· caped trom him . Wh en sbe had concluded there was an ominous s tillness tor a time, and then I saw something which struck 11 chill to my heart: I had s tealthily kept my eyes flx ed on the judges to see whether they gave In lheir couate n~ aoces any sig ns ot 1 nlty or severity. They were altogethe r unmoved, ex· cept one, who was reported to be a most mercIful man . He grew pale aod paler as Lady Al'abellu story pro· gressed, and I saw hJm several times wipe the cold sweat from his brow, and at last a slgb brol<e from him; but I think no one noted It but me, for the multitude ot people were absorbed In the sight ot tills beautiful YO'lOg woman. so coolly swearing away the life of a man who had 10vEld her. Glles Vemon bore the ordeal un· fllnchlngly, and' whell at Intervals she lqoked toward blm with a Quiet hatred In her glance, he gazed steadily back at her. Sbe was then to be cross-examined. Many questions were asked her by the great London barrister, wbo was bne of the three defending Giles. Olle ·query was, wh ther she had ever given

CHAPTER IX.-Contlnued. Suoh danolng! it was of tbe kind that was fil.shlonable before the Amer· . Ican war, and Introduced 110 many outs, capers, plgeon·wlngs. slips, sildes and pirouettes, that It was reaUy an art In Itself. And her. agility was sllrpr,lalng. With her train over lier arm, ber Uara blaZing, and her bird 'or para· dille . nodding vloJimtly, Lady Ha.wkIIhaw's small. hlgh~bred feet twinkled. She was a large woman, too, and sbe proved that. hEir bOlls~ about he.r legs . was weU founded. ~hen sbe ' came t,lce ' to tace with S r ·Thomas Vernon In tbe dance. In!!tead Qt turning him. ~ she folded her arms and saUed around blm, caratully avoldlllg touching his hand. And he, the old sinner, being ~cqu&lnted with that ancient style of dancing, made a caper so exactly like her ladyship's, wUh so grave a count "That Lawyer Fellow I. Three Sheet. tenance, that the whole bjlllroomwas In the Wlndl" tn a titter. But although the people might laugh at 'Sir Thomas' excellent Mr. Verndn rel.\son to thln)e she would mimicry, the sentiment was totally marry lilm, to which she replled: . against Wm, and he found dlfflcllity In "No; never In my ·1I(e." getting gentlemen to noUce him or She was then asked if there was an· ladles to dance with him. With Lady other . ~ent1eman In the case, and for Hawkshaw, on the contl'ary, It was the first Uml'! she sbowed contusion. every man'lI desire to da~ce; she was Her face grl'"W crimson, nnd she rabesieged with partners, young and old; maJlled sllenr~ The QUfi!sUon was not .but l1avhig shown wbat she could do, pressed, nnd sbe was ·soon permitted to she rested upon ber laur~ls, IUld sat retire. When she passed out ot the hall In statE) tb.e rest of the evening, f~n- she was the 11lvinest, picture ot beauty nlng herself WIth. vast dignity and com· and modesty I ever sa.w. Her eyes , posui'e, and occasionally snapping at sought the floor; and a delicious blush Sir ' Peter, who, It must be admitted, ipantlM her . clleelc. I beHeve. that "=' --mmm no' grea't"figure at a bali. . many .persons, under the spell ot ber At last'lt was over, and we-returned beauty, tbo\l~ht that she "'8S an un· to our lodgings. ,' The ' next day but :willing wltcoss, and . pitied her youth one we were on our way to the 'asslr;e and Inexpel'I'mce. ball for the trial ot Giles Vernon. B'u t It Vil,lts bnnglng ttlstlmcny she A tI1lmendous crowd was present, and ' gave, and well she kllew It. was dlfflculty ' ln gaining an 'e n· trance; SOtne one, bowever, .ln the n)'ul· tltude I>et up a shout'of "Way for Lady Bawkshaw!" and the' people' fell back,' leaving us' a clear patli to the door, and Into the 'haU Itself. . Within that · place of judgment all was dignity and . decorum. The lords justices ~n their · robes . and Wigs sal' like statuell; and, llresently,. when we were all· seated and the crier bad nounced the court open, GUes Vernon was brought In and pi'aced in 'the prls· oners' dock. He looked pale from hill confinement:. but ~ thought I had never seen his pliLIn features. 110 ltearly, h.and· some. His flne figure was nobly set orr by the Identical 'brown and silver suit which the poor·t!!Jlo", had bought for his wedding with Lady ArabellJl,. and, fii a nash, came back to me tbat strange , vhilon ,1 had 'had at lils 'Lon· don lodgings on the night that this un· fortunate ,. elopement was ilrst talked of betw.een. My heart stood "stln, and I greY'. s\ck ~d faint at the ieeo}· . leeUop ~f t~e.)'e~t of: Ulat .dr:e~ or , revelation, ,or ' whatever It' \'fas. i ' I; . GUea. ·m.eanwhlle, hlld . b~wM . spectfull; to the jud$es, to" · as'sembled' peop~e, ;who . very gelnel:ally returned 'bls.' salutation wlth - every . XllD~lp,.e mark of poUtenes/!. . Turtling to "here 1··V·A""n~.'oI ·· we sat, he bowed and smiled:. ' We aU rol>e"and Lady Hnwk8l1,~W ILn~ Daililli~ made b UI de(jp curts!!,Ys; A.; jur'y: ' ~~ , loon ,seiected, and s~ornl' a~.d .tbe first: · wl1ne88 caUeer- was . Lady Arab,ll~ 8~orlnon~ . ' . . '. . - _. In ' a mom.ut "he entered, leiultng upon tb~ ann of _Sir ThQm~ Vernon, · 8'1ld escorted to bgl! place tn



ne. ,




Sir Peter'~ l'ambl!ne: 1tnt Ttguro\h talk was' not without it/! ff ot, UpOD whl h I think lip bnd sill' wdly calcu· lated. In vnJn counsel for the crown tried to check him; Sir Pet j. bawled at them l:l pipe dowo, and rem:nked aloud · of tho 8 nlor counsel who had been most active In trylog to suppreslI him: "That law; r fellow Is tree she In th e wind, with the other one 11· flappin g! ., The judges, out of respect to him, made nn ' great ell:ort to sub(lue blm, and he had th e So.U'I!aoUon of telling bls st.ory his own way. When the proseoutlon toolc him In haneY, they found. though, that he cou ld vary well lee p to th e s ubject matter, and they did not succeed In getting anything ot the slightest consequence out tlt him. When he st pp d down, I saw that he hud In reality done much l1Iore good to Giles' cause than I had . although he lmew IIltle about the facts, and I Im e w all. 'rh en came Lady Bawlt»hn\~'s tes· tlmony, Sir Pet l" s was Jl(ol a patcb On It. LII,e him , she really had no material e vide nce to give. but, wi th 8 shrewdness equal to hi s, IIh e made 3 v ry good plea for the prisoner. Sbo began wIth a circumstantial accoullt 01 her own manlage to SII' Peter, In which tbe oppOSition of her family was painted In lurid hues. In vd.ln was she ngaln nnd again checked; sbe managed to tell her tale against the vigorous objections of tbe pros cutors, and the somewhat feeble ' and perfunctory 1'& bul(es trom the bench. The jury, how· e ver, were plainly 80 inte re!lted In It, tbat 1I0 serious al tempt Wa!· made to stop h r- not t hat 1t would i'"vc availed an ylbing, tor LadY 'Hawk!lhaw was not used to stopping for anyone "No doub t m y famlly coul<\ han hounded Sir P eler for marryIng me," she announced In the beginning, "but my family, your hOllors. Is an honol' able one, and wOl,lld not condescen<l to nasty trlol(s like-" Here she fixed her great black eyes on SIr Thoma. Verllon; who smil ed blandly and tooll snuff. "And as for a man exp ctlng OPllosl· tloD In a glrl he Is willing to marry I ask your hOllors, does a man exist Who can belfeve, until it Is proved to him b yond cavil, that there Is 8 woman sllve who would llOt jump tOJ joy to marry him ?" This produced 80 much laughter lhat the bantlfs had to enforce order ' In tb. hall. Lady Hawllsbaw t hen, with greal Ingenuity referred to Sir Thom~s Vel' non, "whQ, In those days, 40 yea,rs ago was not caUed 'Wlcl{ed Sir Tbomas, but plain 'Ly ing Toni Verllon!'" This produced a regular Ilproar during which Lady Hawksbaw, w1tb great complacenoy, tanned hel'selt Arter a warning from the presldln5 justice to lreep to the malter In hand she curtsIed deepl y to blm, aod 1m mediately resllmed her account of SII tfhomns V mon, In which she told of • certain occaSion, In the time of the

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Parego~a, DroPB



and . Sy:I!Ilps. It-is-pleasant.--lt-eontains-neither Opium, Morphine nor ·otheI' Narcotio substanoe. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms arid allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea. and Wind Colio. It relieves Teething Troubles, oures Constipation and Flatulenoy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and :Bowels, giving healthy . and natural sleep. The children's Fanacea.-The Mother's Friend. .,,. \The Kind You Have Always :Bought; and. which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision 'sinoe its infancy. Allow no one to deoeive you in this. .All Oounterfeit:!, Imitations and" Juat-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with Pand endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.

.Letters'from Prominent Physicians (addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher~ Dr. F. Gerald Blattner, or Burralo. N. Y., says: "Your Castorla 18 goot! for children and 1 frequenUr. proscribe it, always I)btalnlng the deslre~ results." Dr. Gustave 'A. Eisengraeber, ot St. Paul, Mlnn" says:' .iI liave use!! your Castorla. repeatedly' in my practice with good r esults, and can recom.·, mend it as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy tor children." Dr. E. J. Dennill, of St. LoUis, Mo., says: "I have used 'and prescribe!! your Castorla in my sanltarlum nnd outside practice for a. number of yeara and find it to be an excellent remedy: t~r cb11dren." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, ot Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I bave used YOUI: Case tori& In case ot r:.y own baby; and find it pleasant to take, and bavQ obtained excellent results tram. its use." -INFANTS = - -/-(IfJI.DRU' == Dr. J. E. Simpson, of ChICllgO, 111., says:' "I bave used your Castorla fl. = - - cases of colic in children and have found it the best medicine ot its kJnd on the market." Promoles Dr. R. E. Esk1ldson; ~t amalia, Neti., says:-"I!lna your Castorla to )e a ness~~~~~t:'!,D~~M~~I-~~~~ family remed7. It Is the best tor lnt.ants and chlldren 1 Opium.Morphine have ever known and I recommend it." , NOT NARCOTIC. .Dr. 1.. R. Robinson, c! Kansas City, Mo" says:' "Your Castorla certainly has merit. i Is not Its ns.e, its continued use by' mothers through all these years, and the many' attempts to imitate It, suffiCient recomm.~dat1onl iWhat can a physician add? Leave it to the mothers.'~ Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, ot New York City, says: "For severa! years Iliav8 recommended your Castori&. and llhall always continue to do so. as It haa Invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says:: "1 \)bject ~o 'wllat: are callec1. patent mediCines, where maker alone knows :what Ingredients are put 1D. them, but I knOw. the formula of your CastorJa and adv1ae its Use." .




. Q.rtUINE~

.Euct Copy of Wrapper.



lIoara the Signa~ture_.. or.., ____


AmerIcan whee~n~,l~a:s~~th~e~~r~o~y~~a;i'L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~_ family was war. p,assing_t! sor, hIsses were heard, the lUng bavln, THOSE NEW HATS. declined to receive him . at the levee on acoount of his notorlo.u sly bad char THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALe Rcter. And Sir Thomas, being thrus' from grateful users have demonstrated that erUptiOlll, InflallUDltloa and out, was taken 'by sotne of the Inhabl Irritation of the akin, Ihlntrfes.. tetter, Itching and inflamed pilee, ",111 promptl, tants of Windsor and ducked In a ne!~hborlng horse·pond. At tbls polnt the judge hlmselt courteouslY but firm,. ly Interrupted Ladr Hawksh~w, and In formed her that she could not be pel' and their reports of the :excellent results obtained furnish unquestionable mltled to go on In that strain. proof of the value of th is remedy. 50c a lar, all druggists. or sent direct on "I shnll observe your 10rdshIp'II caureceipt of price. RESlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. tion," she replied, politely, and straight .«.._r.-F _ ~ "It Is II good for bonea Ind dop II for maokind." way launched Into a descrIption of 811 W. P; Schmit&, Vet~ariln, 1IilledaIe. Meaa. "Co,.. Into the gar'<! 'n, MaUd," Thomas' appearance when he emerged ' S a ld f ace tl ous·mlnd ed Fred. from the horse:pond, which brought II ~ "What's th e Use?" saId Maudlesmile to every face In court-lncludlll8 "I bave It on lJI'Y hend." el'en Ule jl\dge's--except the victim himself, whO bit his lip and scowled 10 tury. The judge$' afterward said that Lad, Hllwksha.w proved '~-.-"'-''-'''~~~~.!Lj~'t'_ mnnageable witness any and all 01 VE YOU MADE YOUR WILL 1 W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 34-19.0DL th<im had ~ve r encountered; for, 10 Du you WIlIl~ to Ic .. ve ),ollr mODel'. properly or valuables to c ertnlu IrlclItlN or relo.tives, or do spite of them. sbe gave a cir-cum· 'you wall~ otb e r~ to 8QlIabbl ove r ua.\ g e t It stantlnl account of every misdeed Sit A Green One. . alter )'OU I\r goae? a ttl· till .. your way lI('1W . "Do you look for news of Howard's Bentl !lOu for Lllg,,1 Blllnk form of will, a\l Tbomas Vernon bad evel' heen guilty ready lor . YOII t o fIJI Oll~ and 11111'11, wllb full hunting tl'lp In the sporllng column?" dlredlous, ot l~ his life, as far as she lrnew. "Is o e"JllanatlonR of tfie Inw n.1?o'H "No; In the obltuarll?s."-Llfe. wills, and bow your CS\.at ll '\'flUId be dlsJlO"e,\ The ~own lawye rs. very wisely, 'd& of' I' you dl d wllllollt 0. will . Th o avorng" cllned to cross·examlne this witness, Io.",yer wOllll1 charge Y')U $.".0 for tbls . Don ' l , lIlrllo WlnalO""II' 8oothln. 8)'I"UjI. PDt I LofT. To, morru" war bo 100 1111". When sbe steppe'd down out or the wit Tot eblldrea ..."tblnK. loften. tbe gUtu. teduee. ID- LEGAL FORM CO, IUVHMOND, V ,\. - - NOTHIIIIC LIKE IT FOR---' ness-box and took Sir Peter's arm. she lIunmaUOtI, allay. P&ln. CQIU wind collu. ~a bottle. passed close 1.0 the presidIng justice, ~utine e;"ceJ. an., d~nlifric:e The man who does bls best can ID cleanana, whiteD1118 aad Shave Yourself who . happened to have his snurr·box trust the world to do, lts part. . "monna tartar from the teeth, be.idea dl!lboyiac NO STROPPING NO .HONING oPen III his band. My lady deliberately .11 serms of decay and diaeue which onliDuy. stopped an _ ool{ a pinch out or the tooth pteparaliolll taDDOt do. .., judge's bo ·,.re aarklng, suavely: Putine tiled .. a mouth. "YOur I dshllJ shows excellent taste wuh diainfecll the moulh Spanish!" In pJ'etm:rln!§; IIICI throat. purl6... the breath, IIICI killa the senne. which oollect in the mouth. call1ini .ore throat.. J thought h s lordship would dro:: bad teeth, bad breath, (lrippe. and mudllicbeu. out ot bls chair.

'UP,"dloRf"s I NO L


.•..............•• .........................•.......









Girl Really Knew aa Much About It a~ Many of H~r .Countrymen, An Indiana novelist thInks that on@q( the severest ·tests ever put upon hi.

risibles was endured at a London dIli; nel' table. ' The ' American had been seated next J:osy·(),heeked" gray·eyed Eng1tah girl. arrec~ed an absorbing ., ~nd flat Interellt In the ' United Statel, about' wllJch she seemed to have ' 1m blbed" ,the .:usual exti-aord,narYt Ide~ .of 80me Bi'ltons, e'ilpeclaIly wtth r& gard tc. the perilS to be encounte:red Inth.e IDore 8PaTaeiy aetUli)d regl0J111 of ~~e w~t. Sb~ tr:Je~ he.r best nO.t · to wben assured · that be nQ~ really 80 t b~4 as ahll

whea inflamed. ~, ache THE EYES and burn, may be ~

lelievod and etnmgthenecl by Putine. f Putine will dellroy the ~ , " I" that callie catarrh, heal the _ &m1ll.lion and IIop the dilchat(!e. It ia • awe ~jl~~~~~ . nmodyforuterille catarrh. J i. yet _icide.diainfedant and deodorizer. .

C• ".RRH

Putine aharml_ POwerful.

tieed in bathinaitdeetro)'l odornpd leaye, the body anliMptic.tlly cleeD.


. .~






Is YOUr Health

••rlil 180! -,

That'a whati~ COBb' to Ref a-week'• .

tre,atment-of CASCAlUn'S, They do mor~ for 'r!'l than -.ny ~iJJe ·on· Sfclr.nea generally shows and starts first 'in tli,e. BaWds and ' . Liver; eASCAlU!T$ ~ theH"illa. _ ,It',''10 easT to try-why not start to.. . llight and ha.e Help in the moming? CASCAJUrra ICe • bOa I"; . ' *k'lI _


treat1lieDt,'.n dnIDIIU. ......

IIa UMt ·_1d. 1I1DIIiII1IoiDii"••



~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~ D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Early History of Mount Holly.

Compiled a nd

Read H onle-Coming Day by

Mi ss He len

. ut,lilti'n l 39., sta g lin s pr.... nVIOUS to. t,his llllc1 'I'he r un over the ! ond, now k OO'Y D a s th


IdStlLt ero~d \y ~to~ M t. l:f olly, but,

tdt r the uUlldmg of the pike the 8 ta ~ e coaohe!! I\S well itS wany of

'~""'''''"''''''''.' '~''''~"~''''~''''''''''''''1 ' . '.



. .










It has II n r<lth ha l ci to ~a ther' sick and d ied be for rea ' hing CincintOil th r mat t· ri · I relating t th a 1" nati. ly hi lory of Mt. ll nlly Oll Url'Dttll of Thi SAme .10hn Everha rt I B . '1 1 . '09, an d b til'1t from 'l'ra nsy lvtlniu, locnt,od on th e su f \\' of the 01.11'1' inh abitant., t 'ing' I Waynl':,\'1 In 1, U, or fnrlll . of P rry Alexlmder , to Mr . ali ve. How \'1..' 1' en ' tl g'h ha..- lWl'n II "a1lin abou t t\\'o hundl' d yards B olly, where it lituyod for a. number leul'n<,d to Ill al,' us I'l 'aliz(' t hat tilt' frolll H ar Bran 'h O il the fa rm whcl' of v e ur ~ . \ histlll'Y of thl "mall t"\'\" 11 i" of no li t· l'AI\\,llrd lI a r·tsor k now l i \· ~ . II Fro m lI elir ly tb , ti me of t h oom· tie iIllPO\'Wlll'l' ,\li d I 'l'~id l''' \' cr~' ill' Ilvcd th('rc unt il th e build ing of the IlI tl ut of IlOuse I II n t ·IOlle(I a t It'1t • H0 II y . tl'n': ilt ". " nnClJlll , . th e town . up to. the ' ll J I All ISOs , uooperln g wll llq ult'6 : \ 1J IIU tlll:! yea r I 'f. ac , 8 011 CII and a grent Illuny hund u Ilbuslnesti En rlv in th " ' l't'" 17!IU, a famil .\' by ' wer e em J !." ill th e tir,.;t I\)ill d"," and t1uw -l1Iill 'd " '" the )lH m e )f Buckle" li\ pd a ll ll go tlrt' I H V' " d h'l ploye umong whom were Jobn Oh in Rivera tnplal'p r alll>dColullluia len· ' \Vas a II' Intanun w I C Ev e rb!lrt Bud 80ns N l1thRn Rnd hi theyenr 1 7~7, fin· of thl' Bu ck les bui l(h lg" th e dam ca ug ht the ag ue. Emunoel, George Sims and J . W . $!'irls ;:lI1d fn lli' of thp boy", I{olw rt, On :le tl unt of his pOO l' health and be- Marlatt. ~ Will ia lll , J ohn and Jam .. 1l\O\,(" d into ing di:;rouI'ag('r!, he decided to re· 'l'bis John Everhart m entioned , (),rlloo(1nf' Ml.I II)lly. JIJI1n tur n tu \ il'g-illi a . II is f r iends tri ed cllum.dd t.o have been th o inventor t il n "'- I·O'I"I. ,., u _ Buckles s 'tl!t,t! fi n tilt' fa r ll! II O \\' to persuade him to ·tay, ul gi llg hi m of t.he endl ess ohuio, since useu in ~




$ $


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lit 0 a kd a Ie P altk

W ay'' n eSVI~, -II Ob' 10 -




E~:!~; ;:0::l;'~::::,~~']:r:~: : :~~ l:~:;'~l ~:l!;~~~,~:~~:~~;~:t~~:~~ ~:f~~::::o~::;:~:.~:~ft~:::~p:: ~ : :;';':':':::::::::;';~;:;';':;;;;:::::':~~::;:';':;':r:::,;::':':;::::':,:;::::,:,: :; ;::::';;:::::;:':':::::'1 J

O' ranu f UllI r uflll e l)('t';;entMI','. Ell ' II Ma l'i al t. sett led on the fal'm own ed by J ohn Har ts ck, \\'hil .James, a tan ner by trade buil t a lanyard n ai' ·..I " I R t.he sam e f a l'm, 0 11 MIt I U e l tl l. One of the g irls nev ' 1' married, one was the wif of H nry 'I'mmon ' ,'Incl li ved, it is t houg ht , on th Satter th. Wayne. VI'11e. wal' t e f arm aej J' 01.nll1g' 'f f b ne was t,e Wl eo ul rl Wa t on, I d0 .and lived o-n th f r a rn now own y FI'ank HarL':! ck. Anoth r marri ed an Edward y r, li ving n ar enterville whil the fif th mani :! a J II

in g him al t h l1IiIl a '3 one of ilt e I ' ll ., h' th c 11 s was c~mll1g on, gave 1m a orollg h du cklflg. From some ca lise he got \\. 11 , and gave up a lllhough ls of retu r ni ng' to irgin in. In 1 19 J ohn S'~il rth'''aJ'le bou I, t .. n g . . amtl l slt from Rober t Huston, and •.uU 'I Il a gl'l. ' t nil' 11 W Ilet· t h MItt ar a mi ll stood . The masons and millwrig his for t his mill cam f rom Mto

shop, but beforelleooul(lsecure t·he atent had it 8tolen from him . PA !luddle and harne II bn Iness was . d b Ad B ' h currie on y en nmel! W 0 WIl S !lilso one of the early settler.s of the pluce . He WIlS succeeded 10 bnld· b y F oster W.1 ' ne88 aru a.n d W'Ill lum I' II u orne . One of . the old time sho makers bIt' d b IS ' was DaVl'd W'l 1 son wove on II ally , N. J. The burrs for it were fllrm south of Mt. Bolly, and did broug ht in sect ions on pack horses th t' b ' t t the shoemaking for the neighborover moun ams. emg pu , 0- hoo(}. Ueor"'e Mayer, 1\ Methodist gcl h r and banded her e. Afte r t h e " minister Ul80 worked ... t he trudo. , ( . 011 build ing of t his mill farm ers who Heat 0:1 and li ved on the fa rm owned had been going to Waynesv ille to do Mt. Bolly was noted in its ellrly at the pr sen t lime by Mrs. McNig ht . their g rinding now came to Mt . Hol- daYH for the number of Methodhn. It was said of this J ohn Heaton, that Iy. Up to this time the town had looal preachers in the town and whil e coul·ti ng his wi fe he always been kno""'1 by t he name Shatters- Vicinity. The founder of the town .n. ' rode bare-ba k with a rope halter Jaoob P ier!lon was a local miDister "'1 Th burg , bu t was now changed by the ai" wife Rebecca is buried in the old f or bflu e. e t l'earn Bear Branch Parties from Mt. Holly, N. J. to its .... ran thl'oug h hi farm and r eceived present name. gra .... ayard on the farm of Jesse )'ts n ame f rom th e f ac t th a t thOIS same 'rhe fir<lt miller was II. man by the hartsock. An old churoh 11 nown t d th J. oh n H eaton Qnce sh ot from a' tree nume of Henton, who WIlS succeeded ItS 0Id Be tl, 1e1 fiormer l y S 00 erf' , along t he bank a large black b eat', by Alexander Hayslitt. BayrJlitt 'lnd WIIS ut tended by Mrs. Ellen MMh Th'm ki nf:' and titlttertb waithe entered ' into a lutt in her girlhood. She rememW LI'ch fell' toth b " m e ranc. it dead, he rushed upon it to tickit friendly oontest, IlS to who coold' bers being in tbe charob, wben the with his knife, when it suddenly rni e the larger hog. Eaoh pro first train ran on the Ltttle Mia~i prang up, and gave hi'm a hard fight oured a pig'from the stock known us railroad . 1'bepre8,oher at th!lottime for its life, before conquer d. the English. The re8ult WIlS two Wilt:! one Jos~ph Bill. He' and the · s t 00d 10 ' th e yar d an d oongregat Ion fhe only pieces of ~'lIable pral' rl'e en ormons bogs, Idutterthwti.lte's be- watobed the train. ~ome thought land at that time. and farmed by fam- iDg It lit tle .. be larg~r, weighing at it· to be a. wild animal at first:, Hies were one on the present farm of Us deuth 1400 Dounds. It was ex· hlhited throu"h the U. u., and then a.ll .agreed that it nn 80 fB. st it made erry Alexander, the ' ot per where .." th i dIll M W lli R Spring Valley now stands. This land shipped to England. After HaysJitt e Wn r. I am ye . a ma.n named Elliott took ohll.rge of states that hIt! brother rode on the was about three miles from t heir first train. 'Cabins, and between the rQ'iing bands the mill. The property was tbllD ' A daughte.r ot. this Mr. · ~ierson o f Indians. bears. coons and squirrels soId t 0 Step h en "uOO k ,w h ooon d Dcted hese. it until i84.3. Riley Brinker beIng married , William Dixon, who WAS one of tbe early preaohers of Union almost constant guard over the ersand alsoernpl(jyed oi·r ouit . 'rhe whole ftlmily moved' crops, even then:the yield being som _ by the different owuers of the mill W88t in 18:36. times very small. ' in l~ter years. The mill passed from 'rhe firllt sohool In thl! town was .,At th'e time . ' kl Cook's hands to John Kinne~J, held about t' n 1"3'0 l' n a room at"acbed the Bu h . c es came er.e, 'then to Mr. Pence who beo me a .. ' " ~ a family named Thomas Jived in a d ' . a to the building of John Githenslocabin on the present . fal'm of SAm Pdllrt.ner, an a huge WIIS oatad on the lot wbere John Levi II ded the fi b _dIstillery k Meredith, but' whe~e they went to Penoe'and Ki~:ey. e~:om ~:;;: t~: uow 11 vel:!. It WIlS ttlnght by George ~t!d whether r elated to t~e later fam- property pllRsed to Eo H . Penoe Ilnd iws who at different tiDIes followed lhes?f the same n~me IS unknown. later to J: W. Marlat,. ooope~ing, tavern keeping und P1 revlO~s to the comtng of the BuckErcOl 1845 to 1868 a. large busines8 buckster1Og. There had been prees family a .sett~ement had been wos oonductelt Ilt this mill and dis . vions to thi8 a. sohool tll.ugbt in a m~e at W~ynesvll1e, a t which place tillery it beIng 1\ lelLding market for log school house ~n the farm where wasllstorem a small log cabin where tbe i f tb f f il Jpseph Hawke hves and baok of Iater these famlltes . .dIU .theIr . trading. ' gra n Some 0 e of armers m es hWhll. t IS . now oalled the old sohool around. the olderorinhabiMt H II . I . . ouse • 0 y IS t lought to have .been tonts can rem~mber seeing the wag· . founded about 1815. However in a onslined along the road for 11.1_ Among the qther ' settlers 7 ere . statement made in 1855, by the late a mile ' waiti~g their turn at John Bimij nnd wife Rho built in 18~1J, the house where William Cor. father say, that as early as 1 03 a In 18;JO Q funning Mill Mllonufao. ne1l1lv6s. Henry Burke lived on t he site of tory stood near the 'site of the MllorOtber namell that might be men Mt: Holly and was the nearest neigh- lutt saw mill Ilud wos owned b a tioned in conneotion with the sottlA bor, theFurnas' had in that direction. man named Pa.tter, one Levi ment and building up of thi8 town The town was laid out by Jacob being in his employ. au(l vioinity ILre Hoover, Olevenger, Pier~n in about twenty 10Ul, wi t h About thtl year 1826, 0. pottery Smith, Cornell, Hartsock. Archer,





.. .... ,

;:: , .;.


~: :. ~:

$ '.'

::: .: :.:,'.:

$ $ :.' :.

'.' :.: ::-

Morning Only- 9 a. m. First Even t - 15 Birds. I ~l ash . .. . . . ... . .. 2.0 0 \~ 11YIH"S\'l lio :oi1ll'1 Halik ~111 1 I lIo x i' . Rh"t1s. . . . 75 ('I'U"" I1rus . econd Event- 15 Birds. 2ISI1lt.l -lIl8Bho.:.,. ·!S·'.· S · ·I'· ·ll·s·.·. ·. 2.f71O~ 'J'.Jelf mlth " ' 1\l.:I •\ . IJ ..,11 Third Even t- 15 Birds. ISl I B ox ' Ig ul'll .. • • . 2. uO C. II. {'lemOIiIS ~ utl I Uox . · ht!t1 •. . . . 76 L'ross B l'os. F.' our th E'vent- 15 B'11'd S. 1st 1 Dux Vlg[lrs ... . , S2. 6U W . '. Philli ps 2ntl I Uox S. Shutts. . . . 1 5 .\ . B . SII.I ". Fifth Even't-I5 Birds. 1st I nfeLy I 1lZ0r . . . S 1.60 J . 10:. Jan ney 2ml I Dish Pall . . . . . . . 15 J . 11 . (;0 16111 1111


Single Entry, 2.5 cents . :;: All Five Events Entry $1.00, which must ue in by 6 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 4, with . . : :.:. Jesse P. 'rhonl""', ..... Waynesvl·lle. Ohl·o. ..

$" ~: .':,.:, :

Water Contests

Aftemoon--I p.m. ::.: .. .:.:. . 1 BAogYes)'. wimming Race , (U nder 16 Years of

~: 1st l' tshlng ROII...... SI.OO f ': " ScllwlI,1,z ::: 2nd Box C andy. . .... .~ o " . 1:1 . 1I [11 11oS ::: 2 Men's Swimming Race. ~~~ 2ud 1st HnL·..... .. . " ... 2. 0() J. A. J"Ullk ll Y .. Oarborll1g.. . . . . . .no L Jl awke .:. '.' 3 R . Raceo ::: owmg I~t ~ull, I\SC .•• • • • • • 12. 00 F . e. ( ' lIrey

$ $ '.:":'. $ :: $', :.': '.'

'g". . . .. .




W:::!O '

10 Lallies' Wood Sa wing Contest.


· ~~'~I J~~~j. ·. ·,KiOl·, :: :: :$r eg :f.' lil: 5~tWllrLz 11 Obstacle Race.

1st ·ll.~ h .. . ... . ... ,. s~ . oo 2ucl Knife.. . . . . . . .. . . ~ o

~~I~I C~~Erlvc'l~i~ :: :,o:gg ~r;~~~r~J~~~Co.


~:. :. ': . ~



1:3 Tug of War. Between the Fats and Leans .'. 1st t'l1a~ . . . . . . . ..... $1. 00 ' ).' . F . Benecke'" SOn .:.


14 Gr ased Pol . lsi -·wll. .. . . .. ... . . . .00

c. O. Wltillunson

:.:.': '.:.

::; . E ntl'ies for water events hould be made with •:...•: .'.:. F. B. Sherwood before 10 o'dock on M d 'Se t 6 '. on ay, p . . ";': ": :' Entries for field events before 10 o'clock on Monday ept .6, with W, F. Edwards. No entry f ee. '.'::. .'. • .•.• :.



:.:• .'. :::

~ ~

$ $

$ $ $



:. '.: .:



$ _


the W aynesville .

. . The Ladies' Aid Society of. ·the-. M. E. Church will be on the grounds with a Lunch Stand of Sand' . wiches, p.ies, Coffee; L•.emonade. etc. • • ~




1 Largest Family on the Grounds. ::: 'I'Qlklng Mucblne U~ 00 L A Zlmm rman .:. ' .. .. ~:~ 2 LarR'e.s t Load or People on One Wagon Not .'. Residents of Waynesvill . ::.' IRt 1 bbl. lrlour. 16.4' C. M. Robltllor ::: ~ut.l · 1 CIISO Com. 1 LUO WayneavlUe Canning 00. ::: 3 Best SaddlA Horse (Never Entered In a::: Show Ring). .:. 1 Sot Now Sboos, S 1.40 l~rgo Thompson ::: 4 Highest Batting Average for Day. '::": Cnsh. 11.60 E. E . lIah1l :.: 5 Newest Married Couple. :.••.:. LIlwn Mo\l'er ...... ." 1/1.00 J. W. Wblte ~1~ AIl contestant'! in special events must ap- • pear at the stand after the Field Events. m ..;

$ There will be pI · by enty fmusIc $. Brass Ban.d 0



.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:«".:.:.:.:-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:,:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:, '



12 Girls Hace. 50 Yards . 1st \) rt)gs l'unorn .. . . s~ .~ o II . . Howell Tho ' Itl zOIIS lJllnk ~u t.l 8 11 \'lnJ;s I'lL' S n (KI I, 2. 00


Aftemoon--2 p.m.

::: . :'.:

$ $

UuslnoS)j Man'a Assn. 'ruNS Bros.

Clarksville and Waynesville.

::: -1 Wheel Rolling ·Contest. (Buggy Wheel, ~:~ Bring your OW11 wh eel). 18~ PlIlr SllOeR . ... ... $2.50 Eo Y. Barnhart ::: 211<1 Box Vlllldy .. .. .. .50 I\:atherlno Alexam! r ::: 5 One Hundred Yard Dash, (Amateul·). : .: : 211tl 1st Cnsh nsh ......... . . ... .... .. . ... 12. 0n w. II. Mlldllon 1. 110 J . W . Hurtou '.' 6 Wheel-barrow Race. 100 yds. and Return. ••.:... :. .I st Droad Tlcket.8 .. .. $ 1' 08 c: A. ,Perry :::. 2nd l-Year Sub ... '" .6 ]~nterIlrl60 J'i.g. ~. .'. 7 Running High Jump, 3 Jumps .


. '

~:~ ~~~~~c~1I


$ : :, $ :: $ $


~~,~ l\\~;:I~ l!i~~f I >'1'. I. ~~


3'.30---Ball Garno

Field Contests



exceed 200 pound!'l .. ~~)~l~SI aI8C~kr~RaI :r~~c,ge:. :: : :.: : s~:g~



$ $



' .....




$ $ '$ $ i::verybody Come and Bring Your families Too', $ L ' . " .,

whatJsnowcalled "Old Main Street," was built, on the lots now owned by Jones, Vetter,Gretsinger. . as the main road through the place. Jumes Smit·h !\nd Edward Burton. Tbe oldest inha.bltants of Mt H01-~' . Thefirs.t house built there was a 10g \b Y Jobn Morford who oonduoted it Iy now living in the ~o~n are ~rs ..... house on a hill in the field owned by very success{ully for a number of Ellen, ~r. Wilham Rye and ~ . . ~ .Mr. Royer, ind .opposite the home of years. About the same time a Jacob Myers, either of whom oan " " ." Joseph Vaughan. At this 'house in Wagon Maker's shop Was ereoted by tell many interestiag faots concern· "'~~""~"""" . " ~~, ~. . . . . . the early days the wO!TIen of the J ohn Githens. Mt. Bolly and nelghb"rhood . . neighborhood gathered with ' their In 1823 Sumue} Ellis built the one This history is loy no meaDS a oomw~hings, then all proceeded to the st.ory honse, where Mr. Haley lives plete one dealing only with the earOET FRANCHISE YOU'RE WEALTHY tlThere'A them who'd give up a"~ry river to do them. The house was for II. blacksmith shop and the house lier times., the later events- and , BOU built J:uo a man named John Everhart. on the . opposite oorner for a dwell . Oh~ngeR being still fresh in the-memFranobise renewtlls for 25 years i Don't worry just because you're they oould ~tand up .troDllike a brick maker and mason by trade ing: Other early blll.oksmiths suo. orles of the people living in the town el\oh, were granted to the Dayton I poor, . I you v:ho c~~a to Waynesville from Cin- ceeding him were Everhart, Clingan, and vl?ini~y. . . and Xenia and the Rapid 'rranflit If you were rlc~ you'd "!"orry more; And healthy. cmnat) m 1806. He walked the en- Weiler, Caldwell, Hartsook 'Bnd [The writer IS especiilol1y indebted Railway oomplI.nieslast week by the That s oertlllD. You've ~ot yoUr ohildren aad y(,ur tire distance, and on his way passed a Doron. to Mrs. EBen Marlatt, Mr. Wlllia:n Montgomery oounty oommissioners, You get your three square meals a wife, ba~d of Wyando'tt Indians encamped 'rhe first store keeper in the plaoe RY~ an~ Mi8~ ~lLme .Brown for The two grants permit the oompan· , dILY. . You've love and happinos. and Ufe. at Cold Springs below Waynesville. was Jacob Pietlon, whose lltore :~helr a8sl8~nce 1D gather10g togeth ies to opdrll.te on rural pikes. ~ ou oouldn t eat mor~ anyway And sweatin' It ., supposed that these Indians stood on Old Main street on the er the mlLterinl for this maunscript.) The old franohises of the oompan· 'Thout hurtin'. " ' -hOllult!. were on their way toanew hunting northwest corneroftha .lot ~here ' • _!' B. M. ieshlldnoty!!texPlred,tberene~0.18 \ Don't think that fates .have been ground o~to visit some other tribes, Lewis Stephens now ha88. groc~ry. Night on Bald Mountain. being BBked . o~ing to a pr08pec~ive nnkind, . . fO.r by a treaty some years before Other ea.rlY store II.nd grooery keep: .' • . '. .ohange in the oO.n duc.t o~ th~ two There's ma.IlY millionaires yoo'll the Indians h d eded th' . h h ' . . Ou a lonely night Alex. , Benton of _... R' t'" h D t d elr fig tto ers ave~een Wat-son and Taylor, Fortlildward, ·N. Y., . oliIr;lbed Bald rO.~8, eoen "y t.e tly ~n an . find ' " . ' . a c thl~!JBCtion of the land to the gov- Urant, Hill, Fox, Hol()omb era.ft, Mountain to the homa of a neighbor Xenia and the' .rapld Transl~ were / 'Uomp~ainin', Undertaker and er~ment. bu~ for years after it was Frazier and Carey. ' . '. t,?rt.n~edby A8~h~a, Qent on ~uring pur~hBsed by r. J. Fetneding in be- 'l'here'& lots of men . of 80 called Will l>e ·.fO~Ii.d 'in the :oJd 110 unusual sight ~o great bands Between 1840 and '50 tavern lum with D,r; KlDg t! New D)scoovery" half ..of a numbe.: ,of Interested pa.r.t , .' ' . ' Ba k BU~ . of them off thai}' resel'vation wander.wal:! kept .in tbe Ponoe hous~ Tbe ba~ c,!'-rerd Ih~~~elltl Qf asthma .; ie· s . 'The appl1oationti for ':he fr~nW ' h' O ~~link~e" to wea. r y' o ur old 'blu ' e 'th . kPpoet~ . th t ' . , . ' . s wonu8r u mgu 0 ne 800n re' " . . . . ' , u eI)N &;tiona1n~n; , ,";: mg ?Ver e cou~ ry . .Mr~. Ellen present <;lwelling of Mrs. Ellen Mar- lioved and qoioli:ly 'oured We neigh oh,ll!e renewlLl .\VerefllA~ in thena~e . j'e&n.8 .'.. ' . ' . ' ,. ", ~Iephonetn house and,ofMarlatt~ when a ,lItt le .g'lrl, remem; Jutt W$~ also built tor a ta.vArn in bor. ..L atel' it oared his 80n's wife of Ferpeding, .!1'8 .t~~ l'epreaentatl ve. .. "'. lThout strBinin'. floe whQr8 101m be called .bers ~mg a ·b 'lnd 'Of four hundred 1 23. A~ one time in . the ' memory !>f ~ t.!Overe , l\lDg trou,bJe. Mtllloull of a number ~f interes~.stoolr.hol~:'.' ', . . day or ·u laM . .. ~ .through .Mt. Holly. The old ' of' many of the iD~abitantB now ltv·Us the greate8t·.'.1'brO'ai and ers·.· . '.' '. . Yo.ufel1oW'~ in :ro1l;qvo~l(ing. olotha" ' Va,Uey PhOlle 1'-3'ch~ef and squaws ate- their dinners iug it was owned by'a Noah .]one" cLuDgourJ!onEa~hth. COug,hdl!'C<:>SJd!!, TInder the ne", plan tbe..Dayton Oon S~ak8 'em \Vhe~ the ·",hi.tle M.ln · Sfreet~ . W.ria.........··0hlo :"'L-' ' b . h ' n 'd L . ". . '!;' roup, aemor., ages an ore . ' r ' b . • . :. '.. l~ ~e ou~ w ere ~av? ucas now a~~. 9al~ed the ~'Blllok' ~ar.·' Tb~ Lungs are Inr~ly omeli by it. Best and Xelaia road and the Rapid l'an~ ..,.. .JOWl" ' , ' \ !!!!!~ j !!!!l!!!!!!!!!~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ hv~: it bemg ~t ~h"tlme a tavern. sign belDg a large blaok bear painted fol' Hay Fevl!r. Grip Rnd Whoopinll sit wlll be ~erged into one line. A . .' . Thout frettln : ~ ate. WlllltUD ~ rtmembe"r:s seeing the OD a white boa1'd. ' Cough" ~Oo .and 11. O~ TriaJ bottle 'stretch . of_each road wlU be aban- The bo88 with· donars to ypo~ dlna..,. ~wI&b~', 1IIoo&;: ~~campedbelow·WayneSville Al!8tateci .before Old Main wlUllfr~e. Guaran~!.b:FC &hWlu~z. dOlled ' Iu PU1'811ADoe of .the ne", Yo~ba'he'."o~~iIlgove~$, I:';,m~.i-: . tM~.the old chief .was very the m~in 8treet throaih the ~\vD, ~ EverybodY, attend LabOr Day.' 8Oh~~ . -' . . . 'Y~a.·re weid~1. • .... A.... u4~~{!l;:


I ·


A.' MAFFI''T' , ' Embalmer.








PUbli hed



al •\ Ily n ~

vi iiI'.





TAll J t::RI,ED 0

A. .,11I ~ \l1 t II old tll~ tal'llI of A. .N .


n L ,II 0 1 r"rll(]



lU ll, ·ne 11 il . f(: 01"1") ' 1!l ) N A Llol~ N B COUlmon Picas Court. a ~ t \If till Yol'low tiPflOg::< .UhlO. ~. Daisy Keever Stone n . RI burd Wh1l I1 ( ] ~" ...' Ut.t.I1U ':{·l'hing lIl1l. J; 9~ AL LEY ' 'l'I!': !.I!: PI:IONI!: ,I t;t'loe. Cli use dl s Dli~ fl d w ith out U ti ill o p t:! nli oll, w, h 1'!'IlH i I IV ~ t· ord at co I of JJhiintlff. W(,,· t1ri v . n "nul' I!.. Til t-filii IJl' fJl l tl I stamped ~ D. L. RAN E, Editor and Manager New Suits. wu~ ·lIughl. ill lit" ~ h ,d'lllIg lIf Iht:! i i i- :, -;r-. _~ ~ Ro"a Yenrion VB. William Yeurio n o.vli nrla l' . wuwll WIIS gll ll1t{ ut III ~ Rates of Subscription Di vnrce; willfulubson·c e . 1'lIl u u f I -IOU J' \,.,llHll)lH )Je r lll i UUt.~l , ~ ~~~~.~~ ~~ Oue \'tmr(~lrl olly In utlvam:c, t l.UII ,J oh,U W . Belln vs. Al' thu r Bean ., 1t WII " )l u i lUll 0 111 11.9 I hi r nll t ~ til l' , ~ ~~~~.,~~nfl~~nl~';;~~'~:hl~~rg~~ l"II·t l· tl· on. IIh luI l.wlJ t '01 11 1' Ill" U.•. ~ . Til I C 3u<e Ihey hlve :l r OIl/III . 11.' , SllIltle Copy .. . . . . . . . .. . bo/.\ /cr. which tlllc ' aW3Y ~ --------------h n r ~ " WII • .i,·d nil I,.t(:k 1I ~"oI1St. I he W,lh sharp corn r ~ (where Probate Court. blade " lo,nell I .) handle) Rates of' ,Advertisement'" olllohilll) u IId ,;o ve l',11 wltotl l ~ ul' ulcl'1l ~ ",~;' where wear ,s conSllnl and .. J n the tnl1tter of t he will of 1 !!lluC hnrde!.1. 1111 ' h bul on,· "TI e Old ReHab!.·. ·' Rea dl ng L oea I8 . pe r li ne . or many nOl3bk Icnlure.ol ~~ r,c Ue bhl1rt, deoollsed. Will admitted It WtlS tl t t! 1'I ihltl .'; 1 'In. hut .... 11 bu t (a Readlng loculs.blullkfact:. pur ll nc 100 u. tll1l)1I11tl 1U dU l ll tl"f1 . Tht' i.Jor.;tl 10l'71Jl\crtKBRQ). ~. CII158If1ed AOS. nOl to exceed rive lin s. to probltte. WIt,1I vu luublt'l o ll e 0 11 hIt ue "il ut ' ..,""""" ",,..,,,,,,,, """"" .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,",,, 'l'brue Insertions .. . :... i!;,c Es tute of I ~U8 C Gebha r t. de__ r~ ·If . \J ~ :~i:~j'c~I~~~ ~~~fsl~~I~:~ . Obltu,.rleR. r!1'e Ill cb e~ (ret: ; Ol'''r fl\,e ceused. Laura J . Gebh'Ht upp;>int Thl! Road to ucce ·S. Numerous pa ll crns ar~ Incbes. ""r te .. oll"r"d ,.v line .... ... .... J ell executrix wit.h out bon d Itn d ' , In Ihis I,mous " SIIC d Or tb k ~1l1l ~ ",III1 .V " lis t,rue/I"" S, hu t 0 /) 11 " 1'0 ~erP/a le l hal\Vcars . ·· 1 ar ao s . . . .. . . .. .. . ', o')C Lloyd l:itookman, George T. Wllitl' Ie t I ' llu ~ Sold b y Icadin~ dcalers Resolu tloIlH.. . ............ '" " r . ~pO I'II e u~ pau l' 11111 Ut;(;II:' I everywhere. Scnd lor cal- . Soclalse lo. wllere~Ii"rlCt: Is malle .. ~;I<' ILDU G . W. Byer ure np)Jointtu lIy- 1,l(luy (l ell1llnds hHll llh. but Elt· IflC j alultuc "(;- 1." showlIIg ull , OlBplav Ac]vertlslnlr. per Incb ... . ... '. W e praisers. !3l ltprs i~ 111(' grout.!·"t. heuit,h builll desi2ns. IoI(RIDEN BRtTINNIA CO . Discountll glvell 011 con t rac~ . William Fnndaremith, adminill Il r t.111~ wOl'Ie1 11 11 flVl' r k 11 W1I It, (lI!u!mn"OlJft l S,lvor ~he e~ d m l "' l :, pnrfllor. lI eli nn It f ;<tolll aeh, CO .• S ll e.·...o' .) trutor V8 Moddie Fondersmith etu l li ver, kldIlH,V", bOWI'I", pnrifiC's 111111 IoI£1lon. CHO. Qourt Ilppolnt,s P . B, Deohant gUllr. t' urll: hl~ " thel ltl, ",(I,l1UU t.u ll e" 11 11 ,1111~ BE1"rEMBER ~. 1909. dinn . Vig'll'ut c'R I.h e wholt'l 8,Y!< t, Ul . Vig. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ~ In the mlltter of guordiutlship of or o us llOuy uud kee n hl'uin follow - . - - - - - - - - . . eir use Youollu'tufl\ l'tlto sli ght t k h t II fl t I ELOQUENT TRIBUTE TO GRASS Byron Phillips . Application to up th ~I oll'i Bitl e l's if wOllk, run dl)wn' ·0 . now w n a ren .v r!l·O II . !:I pc.iut gUllrdiun for ' sume set. for IJr . ick ly . O nly :iDe. Uuornoteed bun gu ll serm on i . . 'rbe folJo~lDg touohing tribute to hearing . oy Fred C. ~ob\Vnrlz 'f ile Irou!J1 with th f voung Ullin grill. Is one of the 8ems df our lun :::i'lmea8obove. (1eorge~ . · Yuuog - - - -in lov&iR thnt h e is iustlne enough guage. It is worth printing Ilnd appointed guarlIian. WHAT THE TROUBLE IS tothi nk thut nil th othel' yonng ~ pasting In your family 8crup book: a. Estate f Peter ' Doughman, de men Ei re UlIlktng just as big foolt! of ~ Alajestlo fruit, wondroull plant! ceased. First and final aooount op The trouble with th e smull girl themselv es Il!Jout his best gi rl us he ~ 'I'he oorn triomphant, that wah the proved allowed and oonfirmed .' it! thut s be isn't bigger. i . jJi aid of man hatb made viotorious Estate of Louise . Linderman, de 'I'he t.roul.ile witb th big girl i The trou1Jle with the young WOUlfin ~ prooessioo aoross the tufted plain oelLsed. Fifth account approved, al. thtl t every pair of scu leR sbe teps in love is t.hllt s he duetl u 't know ~ and l~id foundation for the I!ooiul lo/w ed and oonfirmed. on gi ves .he r a. weigh. whcther sh e really loves the young exoellenoe that is to be. 'I'his ,,10 Tbe tronble with n greut Ul fl.UY nlllll for hiUl 8elf nlone or for t.b e ~ a~. Real Estate Transfers. rioulJ plant, transmitted by the .lll. edltorsi t,hu t the.v don 't think one- cllrlll elil h e brings Ilntl toe pr ospec t ~ William King to William J. Garri. half c.<,1 mn -It llS they write. Ghemy of God, sustains ~be wllrrior (I f Il ( Iitniro (lia m )Od to IllI'l.zle I li p ~' The trouble with the smi, ll !Joy qlh !1 I' g1l'1". jji in battle, the poet. in Sone and !iOD reul estute in Franklin, II. Joeeph L . VuH to Raohel B . Hard is thllt hiR big si!:lter never WEiS 1\. 'l'h u t l'o ulIl atrenlthen8 nerywhere the tboU8 wi th t.h" /I vertl goe ~ and armll that work the purposes of lng, reul estate in Frankltn, sUl1l1I b,)y h erself unu 0 she 1I0e n ' t wife i tlillt b l' h ushll n e1 iii UlU b Amanda M. i:)utton et ul to Amos life. know how the sm ull boy feAls. Ill (lre pt'lIuign I with l it. prote tn- ~ Next in impdrtanoe to the divine and Charles n. Cook, relll est!l.te in The tremble with the uverllgehus t ion 01 IIfl'uCI.i')n th ,w 110 i with h i" ~ profe88ion of water, light ILnd air, Massie towDship, $2J50. bund is thll t he kn ows his wife Ill n ll PY, !lnu t lla t, he c.lo ,. n ot wa,.to ~ Ida M. Hommll to Eleanor Ful . thoae three great phY8ioai facts knows il isn ·t 0 big a mun as b e mnuh ot eitil el' uoleH\'! he wnnl s a button sewed 00 . whioh render existence po.slble, ton, real es~ate in Hamilton town- wanti:l the world to t bink he is. The trouble with nlm'oat uJl the . ___ - - _ ~ may bereokoned the univernl bene. !4hip, $noo. Hllzel W. Lewis to Louist' Lewis, fioience of gra8S. Ext\ggerat.ed by mini ters is that til y don't ' h ear A Hurry up Call. ~ tropical heats and vapors to the gl 4 lots in Lebanon and 123X aores uther ministerll preaoh ofteQ enough QUiOK ! Mr . Druf::gist-Quiok .- A ~ ,"""""""" "" """""""""""""""'"~ Kantio ollne oODjested with its sao· In Turtlecreek town hip, 11. Qu it box of Buckle8's Arnica SalvefI.; obarine lecrer-ion, or dwarfed bv olaim deed. Bere'l! a quarter-For t h e love of ~ AtldrE'ts all communications to Benjllmin Earnhart \'0 Mumie polar rlKors to the fibrous hllir of Miserable Mo es, Burry. Baby 's burned bim ~ tM,-terri t>ly -,Johunle out hill foot nortbern solitodes, embrllolng be. Euruhart, lot in Lebanon , 11 and by Kidney BDd Bladder TrlUble. The with the axe-Mllmie's sCA lded'- -PIl tween thelle ex~remes tbe maize, 10Te and affeotion. oan't walk from pIles-BilJie hEl s MarrIage Licenses. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, it h itII rello I u t e pennons, t h e r Ice ·" discouragesandlessell sumbiHon; beauty. bolls-and m y corns aobe. She got plant of loathern swarpP8, the whel\ t Slmri Rlld~r, 60, oarpen ter vi~or atlll cheerful. it and "000 oured nil tho fnmily. Its Waynesville, Ohio. rye. barley, oats and other oerlals, Dayton and Mrs: Rurab A. Baysore, ness Sooll disappear th o grea test, bellJer on eUl'th ~01c1 by F r d C. ~obwnrtz ~ DO le88 than the humbler verdure 01 54, dressmaker, Lebanon. Rev . W, ~~e~ft~~~~~~{Silis~ ~ the hUf8lde, pastore' 'a nll praitie in A. Cooper: eased. the temperate zones gras8 is the Willard Foote, 1 , farmer of West Kidneytroublehns BLACKBIRDS FIGHT A CAT ~.U~~i~.!iC R.~ . , . become so prevalent most widely distributed of ILJL veg Woodville and Elizahet~l Sob nell, 1 that it is not uncont. A corresponu ent gIves fln nter et!Lble beings and is at onoe the type Rev. King Dlon for a child to be coonnt of t.he v!lin Affortfl I = of-otH'-life aud the emblem of mOr. witlJ,4-!'1l..LI.lLUe-a I ' Commissioners' I.>roceedin2's. ,~ eak kidneys. If the of a oat to get n young 11 dglin g t,~Uty. Lyln~ in the Ilun"hin~ Bill 0 . B Id Co child llrinates too ofteu, ifUle llriue scaltls binokblrd . 'I'he out hnll observell "mong the butteronp" ILnd d"n"e·. .s- regoOla r ge .,oon. the fl esh,or if, wh n the child reaches an Will Keep Ie .. " • ,' " ILU d " 05, .1069"'5 "', -. I ; Th amos age when it should be nble to control the tbe yonng Bier uucl illlDl ediat I" J urao t·8 .w 110111' of May, 'roucely higher in in- Barmon, bridge repa.hs in 'furtle passage, it is yet ami ted with bed-wet. g~ve, rushin g up the trunk of telllf;enoe than the 'm iuute tenunts . I) ling, depend IIpon i l , the cause ofthediffi · th e nest tree. : J rtt,ek townsblp *10 .... 5 i Jaoob Shu clllty is kidney trouble, Ilnd the first of the mimlo wHderness, our earliest maker, bridge repairs in Wllshington . step should be towards the lteatme.ntof Meanwhilfl th plLrent !Jlrds buu - -AN 0 recollectiQns ILre of gru8S, and when township $47:84' Thomas E Cor ' ,fuese illl,portlintorgu!1s, This unJ?l~asant· come upon the soene, and ee ing tb e the fir-ful fever 18 ended Ilnd the for.. " . " trouble IS due to a dIseased conditIOn of situation of their ne Uing lIttucked WIn, estlmute on contraot 49, ,,100; the .liidneys a nd bladd r aud not to a ·um wrangle of the market and the A. ll'. Meeker, seoond estimate con habit as most people suppose. the cat with the utm08t brtl very, BOAr whioh our decent into the bosom 0 * 0 W B Womcn ns w II as men IlTC made miser· obnttering a s bluokblrds cll n wh en At his home, 3X mil es wes l of of the earth hal made. and tht! car. traot 1 4, 10; . . f\ntram , able' with kidney nIH! bladder trouble, . stamps for auditor, lID i . Bondy and both need the same great remedy. oooa ion demand , Rnd for two h on rs Waynesvill e, on the Upper Spring. , pet of tl;le Infint becomes the blank Burton work oleaning cour. room. The ' milil and the ill1l11e~!ate eff~ct of the birds kept up t.lI e n.ttaok \v Hh buro pike, for th ~ oll1ing season, et of the dead. 16 Th W S hI k f Swamp-Root 'is oon realized. It I~sold out ceaSing, foroing the enemy to BROWN BILL is a good general· • I \ Gr&88111 the forgiveneM of. nature " ; e estern tar, I\.n s ' r by.. druggists, in fifty. auditor 111; Lewis Bros. & Co., Clint and one-dollar keep on the defensive only . At. pUl'PO horse_ her oonltitnt benediotlon. Field. drayagA 250 ' New York Rlloket size bottle·s. ~ou nllly III t the birQs were completely ex LO VERDA~ is one of the best· trampled with battle, sat.ulated with store,. merohtLnd ' ' ise' f . have a sample bottle b'lustod or 'Jail, 12 01,; by mail free" also a .,. Bnd 81tt "fill of II,. heal)," br<!d Percheron hOl' eli in this section blood, torn with the luta of oannon, G.e orge B. Fouohe, refunder of toxes pamphlet telling all , looking 8S if they hud 10 t th ir of t he country. H , is fifteen y a I's . grow areen ag~iD wl~h gran, IIond f '11" 1 : d B.·ll 78 . about Swamp.Root, 'II.... orS... m".Il"",. fellthers, like the jllokdaw of Rbeims old, and is withou t a blemish. ~~~~'"!!"'!'"'"!'~~~~~~~~ • • m:> St b' ~r ~ wllr 1, o. iucluding many of tlre-tllol15auds-ot-mti. , carAge ail .orgoUen. ·reettl Ban· Contr.a ots-Oontraot wa,s entered 1I10nial fetters received from sufferers atter the oursa . ~IoCLlTRE, doned by traffio become gra88.grown into with the Oregonil\ Bridge Co, who found wantp-Roo.t .1;0 be jlls~ the A frieudly hand flt Inst dislodged TERMS: like ror,,1 lane8. and oiiUterat-ed. for replur . of sewer '. , remedy needed. ln \mtJug Dr. KIlmer the ou t. In the ufternoon the happy "'10.00' to I ' nsul'e a~ 11'\'I ' n 1' call·, m.a r e l in Cle&roreelt &ICo., Binghamton. N. Y., be slIre anu C ' , . , Funeral Director. Ji'oreet8 decay, harve8's perl8h. township at eStimate t32.'50. mention this paper. Dou't make any pair seemed quite to reoovered and colt to stand as S curity .' Any i 110wers vanish, bot grass is immor. l:ontract was entered into with m!stake, . but remember the name, Dr. themselves and were singtng II. on par ting wilh mi.lf'e 'fl) rf~iL<; tli ,! "·1 D-I_a d b the sullen Ktltner's Swamp-Root, and the address, - . uv ~uere y V. J. Zentmeyer for putting in Cor_ Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. Bong of viotory .-Country LIfe . in. 1I1'an 'e. . '1'e1 phono dny II ;til! hr. hosts of winter, it draws, into the rllgated sewer and concrete bead 11 11 .vJlho n oN".i L1) ug Impregnable torlr8l!ls of its subterra walls /lnd fiU over b~ Drake't! [) i~ t l\ Il Ce No . ti!J-'l r_ ~ean vitality !Lnd emergea upon the boarding house on Kings Mills hill get Immediate relief from WAYNESVILLE, "THE sm lUI" NBW S,= = = SECOND HANn OHII·). first "oUolta~ton of spring. ~own Il.testimate, $1(\ 07. Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointmel1t. Time Lock and Repair Work of All 'kInds by t~e winds, by wandering birds, Contraot was entered into wi~h Branch Office, Harveysburg. O. propagated by the subtle hortioul· Frllnk l:itokes for oooerete abutmeut RE,SIDBNCB SAFES A SPECIAL TV WAVNESV·lllE CHURCHES. ture of the element8, whioh "re its and raising of old ' abutment and ~AcI.slYe Agency for "Century" Adjustable Steel Drawlnr Tables · minlaters and servantl', it 80ft4'ns wings Dear the residenoe of Budd HA'],HAW~Y St. Augustine's Catholic Church. THE C. W. HAIN. SAFE CO., Columbus l Ohio, :ir,~~V~mm the rode outline of the worlj. WIlls in Clellroreek township at 681 "llthcr Gc orllc ~l rn'enbodt) I~ . I a~ L o r tenaoloul fibers hl)ld lhe eal'th in its tlmut.e, tS3,90 .. , \ A.~ 'leHville's Leuding Dentist MIL S cvrry MCCOI''] ~"ull/Lr o f Ih .:: Ulouth u~ place .D.d prevent ~ts soluble oom· OontrJl'o t was entered into with U : OU 3. W. Oftlce in Keys Bldg. Mum .!3t ponant. frolD wlishing Into the Obarles Henderson for oonorete aroh St. Mary's Episcopal Church. A Purely Vegetable Laxative wutlDg ieli.. It invades ' the soli. on C D ann N. RaHway, $110,50. He\, . J . I'" ·u ,lwa U,,,\cr . Hector. Contraot was entered into ' wiih tUd88 of deserts, olhll'bs theinaoces , unlluy OhO'II.!) :;;11 'I. III Morn ing se,·· Cures Chronic Constipation, and All 1·l cc. w ;ao a . HI. 1I0lr COlUUl u nl lln Llle 11"'L ble elopee .nd forbidden pinnaolso B",mns & 8haftle for six old boilers Live~ and Kictney Troubles! . SlInlluy OJ ell h lL1uuLl •. <<,If moolltains, modifies olhuates, de to be used for SeWEll". for $195. Methodist Episcopal Church. termln88 ,t he history. oharaoter aLd Oontnot was · entered into wUh For sQle at tbc (olloWltlg places: H·v . W . 'r ~ Ollilluml. PaMor . d.;aUDY of the na.tions . Unobtru John Hawke for repair of bridges llive and' ptltlent~ it haR immortal on Corwt . n avenue until . Septeinber .Zimmerman's, Kilbon's, "1'l C. IO;;!!) :l . Ill . 111 . !i:\'cn lng' sen· lcc • .";' ::10 P lLl . · vilor and aggro88ton. Banished 22nd. White'CII, Mountjoy'~ Springfield, Ohio. [' I' \ycr Nt.!eLIIlt;. 7 : JU p. m. fiOm ahe thorl)ogbfllre and the field, A' oommunioation from Reoorder I..____________~,...- - - , _ - -••----_-~ Christian Church. U·btdedts time to retorn, and when Spenoe t6l the l>o&rn was reoeived Hov. ~t. B , DlLwson. l'nstqr. ·vlRtl~09 J~ relaxed or the dynasty. making au otter to oomplete the genSlI lIdlLY School, U; 30 a. m. Suclul mooting. 10; <10 11. m. Imst.lall EmlulLvor, 7 ~OO p .l1\. 1la1l~rlahec:i, It. IUent'y reaomee Jta eral indexes up to the' dilte f~)f ,the HOijulu.r ~ butch servlce,Cl!'!()COnd 'unl,luy oach . $brone from whlOllit hl18 ' been ex- snm 14,850. The proposition w~s m()ll~h at 1(j:30 a. m. and 7:3 0 p . Ill. I WILL PAY THE \ : ~ed. bonvhicb: it never abroKates. 'flled lind pJ!Loed. on the journal. . ,Hkksite Friends Church, ., ·It beaN no blilzonry of: bloom to' • _ _ _ _....;;, . "'ir~ t Day M f.l tlnl(.· J.O :00 II. Ill: F'l r8~ Uny oharm the wi.t~ ·+-r·r agraDoe.of 00 with a Rush. S(Jhool. J I :00 n. m. Fllu rlh pay ~lt!cU n g '10 : )0 a. til , · ~plendO~. ba'. I~ homel1 h.u e Is more. The demand ' foJ' . t~at .lVond:erlnl · . eiaohan&lng 'b~n the 1I1y 01' tbe rOle ' Stomach. Liver and Kidn~y oare, Orthodox' Friends Ch~rch • . · It ,.elcU DO fruU in eartb · Qr ...., 01'. KIDg~1 l!ew Life PUla-ls /alRev. Benjam In aawltlns. Pn tor. . And poultry of.all kinds. I will he · , Y.' ,houlel ·llI Ii'UVtIIU fan for ioaDdlnR W"yn8l!lvtlle -p~ople and • abbatlt chaol, II :ao a. m . R gula.r "huroh , . d d they 8&y they never law thA Uke. /lAn'lee, 10 qo U . 10. brlsLiall I::nOoavor, ' . in Waynesville on ':1,'uesdays. Call 7 ::'\9 p . Ill , . • .....le 'amin" woaJ epopu. In beO&Ui!e ~hey never f.U to ou;. Phone 142. late &be Wor~'. . Soar Stomach, Oona"lpaltoD, Indl.' . • - ~ gUltlon! BilioasDQIIII, Jaandt08. I:Itok 'taut Jaoue 17 1MIoow81 ~ FOP Beadaone, 'ObUla'ua4 Malaria. 001,.



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The Miami Gaiette D. L. CRANE. WAY~E



Th p. wind Is no r especter or !lero· :Jlnne. . There Is n sln~ lmd nee about this 5 nson's en serp nt. With Its earthquakes lind revolts Europe Is becoming an unhealthy place to Ih'c In.

.......~r--....-----'--~..... lnOOk

THE RECKONING DAY The Sioa of Man... ea Onrtue Him BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" PREACHER 100pplaht, l llOi, br ' h. Aulllor.

w. Y. llMon. )

Scriptural Authority. - 2 Chron., chapter 33 and Apocryphal Book ot Manat!ses' Prayer.

===-=--==~ We ruay now ('ousld · I' It d!'mon· Manasseh.-Or ]\fnnllJlses. all the nome strlltcd Ih llt II balloon will s tay In the 1.8 gl\'en In the prnye r of l\'inmU!ses which air liS l on~ as ils gas ho l d~ Ollt. constitutes the twelfth book of tho Apocrypha. was notEld In J ewish 'hlstory H eH'ryuorly who Is ri ch were bllT>- not only 1\8 hn \'Ing lh o longest reIgn of PY, nnll v rrbody who Is poor we re any mnnarch ot the line ot David. but un happy, thpl'e wou ld be a good dea l also ItS the moa t wicked, and althouch ha\'e Ul e record of hIs r ppentlUlce nnd more to ki ck about th an Ul ero Is now. wo rell torntlon by God to J erusalem, he wo.a not ed In the scpulchers of the klng~ In Morocco It Is tbe cu stom for men but burl like Ahaz WQ.lI burled In the garden to bllry their money. In this country, of Uzza and hie name held In abhor· however, It Is more the custom to feDCO because of t he n as of his d ods. amo~ the recorded IIlns beJng the burn It. awful wlckedncss of giving his 80ne lUI otferlng til tit firo god Moloch. The Did the man whose wife h as sued an record of hIs lite Is round In tho S3rd him for di vorce because he used to chapter of Second Chronicles and In 2 take a razor to bed fear that be would KJngs. l dolat rouB worship and prac· tlces werc encouraged. The fires weN have to a nswer .cuttlng remarks? reklndl d In the vaney of Bcn· Hlnnom. Bani and A.8ltt aro ~h ritual. whIch The hotter the weather, the greater The had been Imported under Solomon trom need to lIupport those summer chari· the Phoenicians, was revlvoll with fresh ties whlcb aim to alleviate tbe sufff'r· 'lliendor. All thlll 'WIlJI accompnol d by the extremest moral degra.(}allon. Every .Ings of the poor. truth WIUI tolerated but t ho old talth of = ==== We certa inly do need to begin the larael.

day at the flrst peep of the sun If It Is necessary under present· arrange· ments to play ball by electric light.

•••••••••••••••••••• +

In a balloon contest the only thing definitely known beforehand Is thllt the balloon will come to earth sooner or later-generally sooner.

"Bo not deceived; God II not mocked: for whatsoever a man

When an aerop1ane falls a victim to the total depravity of Inanimate things the consequences are dreadfu], be· caulSe the , higher the aim, the wor'le the fall. A man has been sentenced to 14 years In prison In British Columbia for '''Black Hand" practices. Thnt seems a very decent and r easonable sentence. ' WhUe the married prima donna can· lDot constantly denr tor publlcal!on reo ports of her engagement, she c«n man· age to k,eep in the Ilubllc eye by reo futlng divorce rumors. It Is pleasing to anticipate the days of purple grapes and blushing apples, the Thanksgiving turkey, the cider with the )lead on it, tbe possum bro\vne d and reposing In his couch ot browned PQtatoes, but we shaH not have the sweet, soothing, ennobling warmth of this delicious August tem· perature then. I

A "green" Vermonter, or n Vermont Green Mountaineer, just as you wlU, went down to the swell golt contost at Englewood. N. J .• in which anum· ber of the most notable players In the country partiCipated, and beat the bunch. All of which Is tresh proof of the manner In which rural brains, muscle and sklll 'are reinforcing the city stock. "There Is a certain typd' of college· bred men wbo seem to Imagine ,that during their four years of ' study they have accomplished all the work of their lives. and can thus afford to dis· slpate mentally ever atter." So says a current essayist In an eastern newlS· paper. Let the crop of graduates to be harvested next take heed not to conform to this type. The real schol· ar Is not finished by his college course, but on]y started on his career, A French alrshlp of the dirigible sas·bag varlety ,has made a five hour journey at an average speed of 37 miles an hout:. Her success, f01l0wlnl closely upon the heels of Count Zep. pelln's performances with his huge ship of ·the rigid type , reveals the ta('t that Inventive genius Is grasping ev. ery Idea of progressive a eronauts and plecllig them Into what wilt eventually be an aerial fiyer that 'can bo reU':ld ...;lon except during very high. winds. All the educational experts now seem to be denouncing the cra rumlng lSystem In model'll educa tion. Consld. erlng Its vast Importance. It Is something of an a nomaly that popular edu. cation is s ubjec ted to more fads and experIm ents than aDY other profae. s40n. Unfor tu nately, by the time the fads have been discarded and the experlmen ts proved uns uccossful some of the IllOst valuable years In lh~ lives of the unhappy young subjects of bot h ha ve been wasted. The Chin ese government continues to 8ho\\' a progressive sp irit, and nat. urally gets valuable hints trom this direction . An lmperlal edict transCCTS Tuon·F ang. viceroy of Nanking, to the vlceroyshlp of Pe·Chl·Li province. The s ignificance of this lies In the fact that the Jutter province Is one of tho most Important In the empire, owing to contac t . wlh foreign Inerests, ond the transferred viceroy Is thoroughly imbu ed with Amerloan Ideas, and ui llo a war!'ll admi rer and ' trlend ot the nnlted States. Bal' Harbol', .M'e., is a rather '''swell'' Bumm er resort, a'nd probably has no use for the sea serpent, a fight betw n a wb Ie and a swordfish or any otber form ot s n'Sational "ad v." Quite tn keeping, th·er . for'e, was an occur, when a pall' or moose carne out .or, their for st habitat, swam across Frenchman's bay nnd sedately browsed , upon ('II lavon of a Blllumer Tesldence. Ot coui's whe n 'o bserved the dignified .blmals ,r tn'at, d In cood c)rder. 1\1 becunr. r attiree of Buch s tatply beal'-' • 14 1I\\.('h 10rd17' Burroundillp.


The Itory of Manasses' sins, his severe punishment and his ultimate repentance and restoration to JerulJalem Is but a repetition of the hlltory of the Jewish nation. Sin, punllhment, repentance, forgiven ell. The rehearul In Psalm 106 of the lucceilive slnl of the chll· • dren points not only the leSIon of the frailty of the human :: frame, but the long lufferlng mercy of God. ."They made a calf In Horeb, and wo,..hlRed the molten Image. "Thul they changed their glory Into the Ilmllltude of an ox that eateth g;'~II. "Trey forgot God, their Saviour, whIch had done great thlngl In Egypt. "Wondroul workl In the land of Ham, and terrible 1hlngl by the Red lea. "Therefore he said thBt he would destroy them, had not Mosel, hla cllosen, atood before him In the breach, to turn a'w ay hla wrath, lelt he Ihould deltroy them. "Yea, 'hey delplaed the pleaaant land, they believed not hll word: "But murmured In their tents, and hearkened not unto tho voice of the Lord. i'Therefore he lifted up hi. hand agalnlt thsm, to ove,... throw them In the wlldernell: "To oV!lrthrow their aeed allo among the natlonl/ and to leat· tel' them In the lInda. '. "They joined themselvel alao unto Baal·poor, and ate the lac· :1 :: rlfle'ea of the dead. "Thul they provoked him to anger with their Inventlona: and the plague brake In upon them. "They did not ~el~roy the nationa, concerning whom the Lord commanded them: "But were mlnaled among the heathen, and learned their work a, . "And they lerved th~lr Idol,; which were . a snare unto them. "Yea, they sacrificed their Ion I and their daughterl unto devlla, "And shed Innocent blood, even the blood of their Bons and their daughtera, whom they sacrificed unto the Idoll of Ca· naan, and the land wal polluted with blood . "Therefore was the wrath of t'-e Lord kIndled agalnat his people, Inaamuc'h that he abhorred his own Inherltanoe, "And lie gave them Into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies allo op· pressed them, and they were brought Into lubjectlon u,\der their hand." So It was with Manaale·s . So · la It ever.. As a min aoweth, ao he reaps. '

i 1:





ud corner for • ttte1), hl4ln. plaoe. "No, no!· ImpaU_ntl)' 'be cried, aftel trylnll a balr dO~"D 'plac s, "Ulis wtl! ne ver do. I will aur'e lY perish If I tarry h I'll. But wbi'lher slla]] I , go?" and wrlnatlng his hands as he vaced 'to nnd fro h gav e placo to hi' de·palr. " Nay, I cannot go forth In theso robes," he exclaimed as his gla nce cbanced to b dlr cted downward an~ he became conscious of the roya; robes he was wearing. Suiting the action to the words he began to s trip ~ims elt of his garments. anll as he flung aside one article a tter an· other be moved off towards the servo ants' Quarters. There had been h asty flight froro that plnce also, and the king found garments scattered here nnd there, Divesting blmself .o f his jow led sandals he slipped his feet Into a pair be found tbere, and then Quickly selecting various articl es of appa rel he soon had ·a djus ted them and , thus di sg uised, he sli pped trom tho rear eo, trance to th e pa lace and hurried sl, lently down the now alruost desflorted s treet. J erusRI m wns all In a trembl e over Its Imp ndlng doom, and the peopla had fled h re Rnd there, hiding them' selves os best tb ey could. "If I cn n but reach the OPPOSite sid. of the city and get beyond the wal~ I sball be able to make good my escnpe," he thought. Beh ind him came the crash Ilnd thunder ot the falling walls of th E city, tbe shou ts of the Invading army, ond the hurrying footfalls of the thou· sands as they advanced. The' palacl was the center towards which the soldiers rushed. both tor the purposo of loot nnd because there was thE hope that the king might be taken. Hither . and thither through Ul< palace the search was kept np, but when the captain of the 'h ost had come, only disappointed looka and "doubtful sbakes of the head greeted him. "Wbat Is this. nnd this, and this'" be exclaimed, as h e passed through tbe various apartments, and Indlcat· lng as · he spoke the various garments which the king had cast asltle. "The klng's ,robes !" they exclaimed, Quick to catch the , drift of the cap. taln's thought. "Y!!a, and here are his sandals. the last to be discarded." he added, after the long. search h~d ended. .. "Thlnk you that he hath goneT" "In the garb of a servant he ' has fte,d," tersely exclaImed the cap~aln, and turnlng hastily to some of hili at· tendants he gave orders that search· ers should go In every direction In pursuit ot hllp. "He must not escape us. for It' waa the explIcit orders of our great klns Sannaoherlb that he be taken aUve and brought to Babylon, not only as 8 trophy of war. but also as an example to those of his nation who would dare to defy the authority of our king." So It came to pass that shortly att. er the fieeing king had sUpped through one of the gates of the cit} his pursuers had taken up the chase and ' were scouring every nook and corner of the city. whUe other sol· dlers went out beyond the wall. I 'IWhat Is the ' use of going further," exclaimed one soldIer, Impatl~ntly, after a long, fruitless search. I'No one could ever have gone In thither much less passed through this great hedge of thorns." And, turning away as he finished speaking. he proceeded to retrace his steps fonowed b)' the others. But one keen-eyed Individual, un. willing to abandon tl1e spot. pushed a little way· Into the thicket, ''What Is that?" he suddenly ex. claimed, as he caught the tinge of red upon the tip ot one of the thorDIS. "Blood," he added, half to himself, in answer to his own Question, and reaching forward he plucked the thorn and examined It more closely. "It cannot have just been left there by olle of our men. for, It Is Quite dl1 and set," he exclaimed, as he ' rubbed his fingers over the rr.d·t1nged thorn, Thus roused he whistled for the r& turn of some of his comrades. and soon the group was pressing here and there Into the thicket as tar al was possible. A shout, a struggle and then the soldier who' had persisted In the search was seen to drag forth a hapless Individual. His face was scratch. ed by the thorns and his simple serv. ant's garb was torn and disheveled: "Whom seek you?" Questioned the king, making a delSperate effort to appear calm. "The king," came the Instant response, · "and we have found him."

The Melody of Life. THE STORY. The desire of happiness, beyond all OT a friend was left to the king In doubt, is a natural desire. It III th& tbat dark hour. law of lite Itself that every b.,tnl The strong army of the Assyrian seeks and strives toward the pertectioQ king had Invested tfe city of Jerusa· of Its kind, the realization of Its own lem and assault after assault had specific Ideal In form and function weakened the defense until It needed and a true harmony With its environ: but one more determined attack to mGt. . Every drop of sap In the tree force the wall and take possession of flows toward ,'tollage and frult. , Every ' the city. drop o~ blood In the blr.d beats toward And the king? flight .~nd song. ' ~I! ' a conlSclous beln. . Alone! . ~Is moveme~t. towllr«\ perfection must Not eyen did the PrlelSt1.~ , attend· t.ake a c~nlSclou.s form. ' Tl;lls 'consc1ous ants of the gods he had '80 zealously fQrm Is hap",lnesS7the 'saUBfaction ,ot lerved . st.s.y to bDcoqrage or' direct ,~e 'Vital Unpulse, the rhYtluil of. , lDward: Ufe~ the:melqdt a .heart that blm In his sor~ su:a lta• Whither should he turnt Even has' ,tolUld ,its .k enote." 'To 881' that lOW 1rom his palace wlnd,OwlS he couldiill men loris for this Is simply to: c'b a. he.a r ~e fierce, cries of ,t he investing fel$" that aU meD' are humaJ1, and that· "rmy as th~y drew In closer ~nd their ~oughts and reeOngB lue. aD e. closer· about the wall's , and prepared s~tfal part of' .thelr Ufe. Virtue me,ns to concentra~ their eUo~ . against a 'completed muho04. 'Tbe jo:vftll the ope we.,ak point. . welfare, ~f thE! sout' "elongs to the run. In desperation ~e .kin'l'UIIhed from , n~~a 'of that Ideal. HoltnelS8 Is whbiel one end of ~e palace to the other•. Some. ·I~ , _trivt~, to, r~&1lze th, true lee)tnl fint- for some one .to .bom he al1'n our .bein" "e flDd tile coUld look for IUldallce ud h8lp, and h;applQe., hiipllUl~lll .the "8T7 bwt tbeD lIDdIIW DO ODe, learchlD. each or' our dor.t.-BtDrt ... DlJre; D. D




"a.b to.

I qoodJokBS





Release my hllonds she said to hllll y Btood 10 tho cntry way; nlght. da rl' nlchL whero he slood Mlh her, And nothing tJle youth did say; And "Rpll.'u8o my hands !" 8h said acaln. But h - would not iet them go: AmI be sai d things In hur scashull ear .. In " thro btul volcc and low: Oh, rill Bao my hands!" screamed tho mnld to him Rill ho Wouldn' t, IUns l /lInck' "W 11. It yo u won't," shrloked the mnld II I las t. "Th eil, clarn It all ' scratch my bacl' '"

A pickle factory burned down In ilur neighborhood a few weekll ago. a nd yeste rdny the women folks vis Ited the ruins. The neighbor's wltr borrowed our baby b.uggy and SOOIl returned with tho following: Eighteen bottles or tomato catsup (sJt ghtly damaged). Ten Quarts of IDustsrd pickl es (stili bot). 'rwenty·tour quarts of sweet gber klns. Twelve jars of crabnJlple jell. Nineteen cans of Ea rly June peo, (sligh tly smok ed, but stili In the cans ) For tbis outlay she expend ed $2.05. notwithstanding the rnct that her hus· band doesn't e.ot plckl S. 'fhls.. Is the biggest bargnln the Fourteenth avenue olony has had to talk about In years In the meantime Invitations are be, Ins sent out to all fri ends to come up and belp ea t our flre·sale pickles,

A s th It was

Depew Inherlta Talkatlvene8s. fa ther," said Chnuncey M . Depew, "was a fru gal and saving mOll. Htl neve r approved o'r the waste of anything. Including time. "On e night he went to a prayer me ttng. The brethren were back· ward. After a walt of a quarter of nn bonr my father rose and said: I,It Is a shame to waste all this valuable time. WItI not some, brother. teU his experlenoe ?" "No on e rose and my fath er con· ' Unned : •Will , Bome one lead us In prayer?' "There was no response to this ap· peal ond my fathe r said: 'In th at case I wI\) Improve the time by mak· Ing a few obse rvations on the tarla:: " - New Yorlc Sun. " ~ Iy


,, - - -


Embarrall8ed Mule •. One of the humorous passages In Mark Twaln's "A Connecticut Yan· koe at King Arthur's Court." relates how a party of travelers, coruposed of ladles and gentlemen, were telltng funny storlcs and how the Yankee was able to trace the progress of the joke down the cavalcade by the way the mules blushed.. The Idea of a mule blushing at anything. even the S~· lome dance. In these times Is of course preposteroulS. The embarrassment of those early mules was a fitting rebuke He-I hear that your husband IAf' to the ladles aboard tile mules. tor YOll very well fixed? we are led to Infer that tbe ladles She-Yes; I should say be did. HII didn't blush. lett me his money with the provision that, If I .m arrl ed within five years, " He'l Famoul Now. was to go to a hospital. "Some people work years In vain to Exceptional Manne.... become famous and others win taml! There "'lUI 11 flBh rman polite In a single day." Whos manners were so flne, "Right. you are. There Is the case Whene'er he \Y nt to catch a. flslt of that Ohio man who traded bill He'd drop him IIrst a line. wife for a keg of beer." , -Judsa.

CompanIon of Irritated Divines Came to the Front with Order to the Walter. Joaquin l\ll\1er Is to establish a ('olony of po ts In Frul tvol , Cnl. !llr. ~lI 11 e r, discuss ing Ulis colony rece ntly, sa id : "We po ts wIll, . of ou rse, argue nild squnbbl . Thot will be dell ght· ful. , Arguments aud sq uabbles ov r MaUll w Arnold. Sw inburne, Tenny· son a nd Kents ar pi ' Hsllnt and s n· sible thlng.8, yo u kn ow : They are not like politlcnl or r 1Iglous nrgu· ments, which In th Ir bitt er raucor al· wnYI make me think of three !llalne dlvln cs. "Whtl tltr e !II alne divines were SIIJlping tOg ther, two ot tbem began lo a rguo nuou t thc comparativ e rl'1I gious meri t of th e roynl houses of Stuart and Orollge. Th e a rgu ment lJe(:ame hell ted. Tbe di vi nes grew ex· Ited and a ngry. " 'Wtl1lnm 111. was n grent roscal,' roa red th e Orst. os h struc k the tab le with his tlst. 'A great rnsclll, nn d I spit IIpon his m mory!' "The Ilecond divin e. tnrnlng va ry red. s houted: .. 'No, It's James )1. that wos the I'nRcnl. 1 spit Ullon his memory! ' At tbls point the third divin e rnng the beU, lind said gently to the walter: .. 'Spittoons tor two', pi lise.'''


.~( . , \ ,. '" Cyole Deater-Here Is n cyclometer ' I can recommend. It is pos itively RC• curate; not at all like sOllle cyclometers, which reglst~r t,v.o miles, l)er. haps. where you have only ridden one. Miss de Byke-You haven't any of that kInd, have you?

Your Salary. The unIverse poys cvary man In his own coin; If you smile, it smiles upon you In return; If you frown. you will be frowned at; If you Sing, you will be Invited Into gay company; If you think, you will be entertained by thinkers; and' If you love the 'World and earnestly seek for tJie good that Is therein, you will be s urrounded by loving frl nds, and nature will pour Into yOllr lap the tr asures of tbe earth. Censure. criticise and hate. and you will be censure d, crltlolsed and hated by yoqr tellow men.-N. W. Zimmerman.

HI. Advice. There was a woman living In II ccuntry town who never called In a doctor If she could bJlp It. but . wal forever trying to ,et free advice ~y devious means. One day, suffering from a allgbt f'- --;i'lP'~--IH-''ttIh.-\+"''r-:;ii~\-t-eo~-1the-mrylald a grurr mlddl ~age,' medico ot the ' 'old school. and, after \~~......::J'r-:»o''--h: a:{p,reJlmlnary conversation. asked ten· tatjvely: -"By the way, doctor. what do you do when yOU bave a cough 1" Look at the Namel. He looked her straight In the fllce In • A. D. Fearaldhach·Flontashtna for a minute. and then answered . was an Irish king, a "most Just and without movln.g a muscle: good prince,'" who was slal~ by' hla ,"I cough, madam." successor, Flacbadh·F!on, who was treattld to a similar tate by Flncbadh· I A Mlltake. b'lonohudh, "the prlnoe wlt.h the wblte "You made a mistake." said tbe cows," wbo died at the bands of "tho housewife to the employment agent. IrIsh plebeians of Connaugbt." Jilocb· "I asked you for a competent maid." alrh·Moldmeodbaln was one of tho "I sent you a competent one," · r& halt dozen who died of natural causes, "He hosn't enougb sense to get In plied the agent. out of the roln.:: and Flalthheartagh was one of the "No, you. sent. lin Impudent one" two to resl.1Pl tbe monarcll',s spepter "Is that wby his w\te Is so anxious was t~e reply. "I thougllt you mUI' for ·the monk's cowl.-New York to move to Arizona'?" have misunderstood me." Press. Slightly Qualified. GOdD REASON. "A woman's nil old 811 ahs look .... Could 8ne7 Thill lIayln" we don't doubt"When ' women get to voting," said Mold IIhe looks: that I., the man, "tb'ey will bave a great .Before ahe III dressed to 80 out! many more calls ·than they nOw bave Wh He A,ked ' for ·Credlt. to put their 'bapds In , tlielr poc~ets lIud give .money to .Cur'ther Important Alderman Mulcahy of New York. oauses." ' dIscussing credit, said: The woman loo}(ed tbpuglItlut. "The man who' asks for credit "I'm always willing, of cbune." sbe awakes your suspicion and your sus· said. "to give money for a good lcause, plclon usually turns out to be Just. but ' as tor. putting mf band In my "A bartender told me how, the other pocket-" day, a seedy chap turned to him from the free lunch counter and saId: BAD DREAMS "'Can yoil trust me for a glass or Cauled by Coffee. , beer tm ta-morrow evening, friend l' .. 'No, sir! 'Nlx!' said the bartender. "1 have been a corree drinker. more "'Well, I'm sor\,y,' said the man. of less, ever since 1 can remember un. 'It seems 'l duder small to eat the til a. few months ·ngo'. I became . ~ore amount (if free lunch I'Ye done and and more nervous and Irritable, and then not buy nothln'.''' ' finally I could nut sleep at nIght for I was ho.rrlbly disturbed by dreams How It Happened. of an sorts and a speCies of dlstrelSs, Tjarks-Who was that sporty cbap I'og nightmare. In the ' high hat and diamonds that ' "Flnally, atter bearing the exveri., ISpoke to you outside? ence of , numbers of friends whO had Bjarks-Don't you know him? Why. quit coUee and wj3re ..drlnklng Postum, he's a sJlrlng poet. She was a dlmlnutlve thing, carrY' !lnd learning of the great benefits they ' Tjarks-Spring poet T Mean to say a spring poet can sport a tall hat and ' Ing book and slate, and tt was a cold, had derived, 1 concluded coffee must bllzzardy· day, and the klnd·hearted be tl1e cause of my trouble, 'eo · I got diamonds? ' Bjarks-Sure ,t hing! ae wrote a lady looking from the window all.. some Pas tum and had. It made strictly according to dlrectlOllS. poem on a wago~ spring and the that slie was crying bltterl),. So ' tbe kind 'fady went out to the "I was astonished at .the. flavour and manufacturers "r~ .paylng blm an opsidewalk an(l accosted her; "What are era singer's 'Salary, It entirely toc'k the place of cof. you crYing for, you poor little dear? fee, and to my :very great satl\itacilQD, A Good SuggestIon, A:-e you most. frozen?" , I began' to sleep peEicefully and sweet"Oh, I should so like to become fa· "No. ma'am; me ' aln't-boa-hoo- ly. 14y nerves Improved. and I 'Vlsh mous," 8,Ighed tpe ·youthful poet. , ": told. Me~ c'yln; 'cause me's tald me I could wean ,every man, woman and "Well, If you get a haircut and det to school too e~rly:' child from the ·unwholesdme drug-or. put on a clean (,loHar," 'said the sensl: dlnary coUee.. • Slow. ble old gentletll.alnl I··maybe Fame may "People r~al1y do not aJ)pl'eclate or It " has been Ilt least n week . be peuuaded 'to' jou OD proha· rea~l~e' wba,t a. powe~tul drug it la and Since ho. acquired thr,ee \10-0 pelt.; tion." W~'re pn~lent. but It'. nellrly . tlm~ . •.wha~ terr~ble eUec~ it· has,. on' the hu. Old . Sure Sho~ ~ l!ot at IIOmethlnlr man _y:ster,n. It, Jlley ·.dld, harcHy a. "lwaya. Ready, pOJlnd o!" it JVo~td be liPid. t would The poet-- Is there' a ·'llteJV1 club . T~" ObjectIon. " think o~ going 'back to.' cottee ' III this vlclntb'.? : ," , . "But 'what does ' your' father ,, ~ , ai~st as soon tluQk' .' ' "' . . Thtl edltor. ;f.reachlng behind the m'e ,t o"object to?~' "He ~oesn't see anything 111 lOU, of lluti~Dg, my ha.n d · in a' fire a(ter I ' delskl,--'ToIlete ~B. · ~re )'OU IIterFY'? had ODce been burMd. " " ' dear. ! · t~1nk thaf's the an,sw~r.~. . N'ot Guilty, , "A. ~OUDI '1841. ,riencl 'of ours hild ' _~mach trouble (or ' a long. time; ·aDd Magilltrate--~ yoU, are la ' member . Wouldn't :'J'ruI.t HI_ Temper, 0( the IIgbtrtlDgered . traternlty, ehT "What ought to be done with kid could.< not get well au lons ae abe qJIed . (loUee. She .finally quit cOlfee 'and bePrlsofler-No~ :vm.r bonoI'. JBeldo)n 'n apers T'l permy bllnd In UDtil ' afttlr .dark. "Don't. ~k me tbat. i might it~ gaD the use of POltum and Is : .•..: ~..,....~---'ectl,. well, Youra• somethiq that would sbock 10U.N ' " Read "The ', Road FOR HIS SAKE.







"Tbe Fool y 'nr:old b ),. and th e IJu\\'d 1·. h1 g s lllUk Y I'Y DIll II the o r th e nmmullit ion hol s t Wbo Looked sam e liS a hllnLlrr. d·pound SIH'k uf !lollr. cylindrlr'al in Olr"c' ll), flho"(' til mag a· un ForlJld· s holle :tncl stllddt'd \\'I th IUlll ps wh re thll stic ks o r nilro 7. iI\ f.'~ t Iw 1I:\\,y ha s fOtl~h t d n Things." pr trud e .} Tho trippc r pulls th loW r I('\'l'\' frolH hl>! (,n "f It s s t ~ ru 8t 1111 r· \V e lire 0 11 th e m ug '. SO lli e o ne cnr. H II' lil'st }lo\\'df' r·I);lg fnll s ; nnntlwr I,.,· r. nn(l lit o n nl WllI' S IInri th o war IB secolld III III . 1' h hrnss ra mme r fo rr.,!; thf'1D bl' hll1 \1 th e . call s. "SLartlng·1Jlwy ." a nd you kn ow stil l rol r from flnl slt d; t hal In HlI Olh ' l' mln ut th is duubles h!'l!. The plll gma n ~1\'Ps R 11\1).\ WI' ndl 10 lIlI' bn'ec h, 1I 0 r will II bt, o\'er unlil 1\ s{'alcd lube ha s been su bs tltwl sled. origina l Imitation or bi lly· and lIS mushruom h 'a u s lid" till 0 11 the !Iuwu l·r·ba gs . tut e'(i. Th e loadel' s ll pl:! .. primer III lho 1011l' I1 ·hoI1, th on flllds bIll!'! he ll wi ll co III men ' e. YOtl re fl ec t Tlte ulIlpi re Is only tnn wl'll awnre of thi s dnng r as t hat a lJl ast prells ur of 12 pounull to down a tluy II i ce of 1;1 e l. that fo rms t he f'lc(· t rica l CO il · he ('fi[jra lly II'nlc hp.s \' ry nl( \'() )f IIH' (' rl'\\' . Th ' utter silel\r'C' s till Ilrp\· nll~. Th,' gun lin.' b .. " n ollr(' tirl'd a nd the squure In c h will ki ll n ma ll. YOIl n ection. on the ai r All Is r ell(ly . TI](.'s ar th e hard lll olll('nt!; . You r1asp kll o w that th o' r' ff~ ssu r is hl'lllg lou,il-ll fo r Ih o ~f'('.H1( 1 liml'; the fil' st IIll nute your CliP t ig htl y in YOllr Il all(1. Y OII h('('olllt) I'alll !'d. n(oa r th e mu zzle of th is glln whose 11:1 " Itot I)nl;!wcl, anll still nol II 1I"lrd , br c h you Br e besid e, wh('n It Is Th ough ~' O ll Il r I oci«!tI In Ihp colli n Ih'l' might Ile a Th ' sf't'OlId shot Is IIl'l'd, ..\ gnln the en!!y. IInbeliev· . squar hea\'y lJr . ·z bl o wl n~ , the way your trOll l'(' rs fl a il ngfli ll s t · . ahl {' 1'1'('(01 1. I. l' SS thnn nny wh I'G 111 tl.J(' Hhill do ynll r el lIr d, Is sev' rnl tun s to th YOllr legs. T hl' ca r has g rollllo..l it ' wny bll cil ; th "hu t· luch . You rem mbe r Ulat only n fe w It h re at lit trunn io n f th !' glill . 'Tl s nlways so. In yell l'!> ngo a green sallorman s tood ort· t I'S hllvc losed; th o c row it ni att pllt ioll . The pin 0 Is s t ul'l11 'cl'nter!l Is Ihe (,111 m; In Ihe ('o re or th e nco rn d\\' L' lI g III I' ~('rnl. As Di s r<l ·1i sal tl , the (Jul y Joy in being as cI('s n Rnd IIt.!at ulld sil ent as at nn Inspeclion. s ide 16 feet, that som e one call ed to him to li e dow n jus t liS th e gUll was It Is now liP lO th e polnler, 11 (> grR ~ P S hi s unwl e tdy 1'1'11\1(' !lIini"l!'r 11"8 In tlt e l' rlalnty of you r 1(I1"wlcllge that Itotlting is Itn p(lC' nlllg o n t he Insldl'. HE'rf', ill the III chnn ls m; he dos s and wresUQs with th e vns t nllti tired, that h e waB in th e ac t of lying Irlllal d !II! IIi> r. at t he n \'\'0 ('('nl r of d s lrll(' ti o n, pre· complica t ed s tc I. Th o s hip IllOY s on her stalely and down wh e n It was Ilr d, but that th e \ ai l <lnly ~il(!II ce an c! qui e t. s uction of the all' go ing with the p red termln ed \\, !I ~' , whil e the seconus tl y. lind o ve ry socand co unts agalnsl th e prize' lIl oll cy thi s point r lIIay A third IIn li f(1urth t illt{' Ih e Hnloo th r '01 1. Th e c rew s hell dre w hi s head from his body \\'()rl(~ with th e 5 rene tl ellg hl or n (; e Tlf.'ra clock. \'lIHtl y and brol(e his neck. This does not earu , agllin st t he trop hy thi s Ghlp may will. The barll· ('\llIIplir-::It"d , bUl of a sing l purpose nnd il sing le big bull·s·eyn dll n(' s. fa ntllstic, II r f;S hi s magnlfled IIl'ld a dd to th e pi IIs ur e of you r s ituation. tl.l olIg ht. 1' ''11 a rc loC' II!HI up witll a .Ingl(· g nn . (' (lU ' for you cu n easil y r act. out lbe reot vision . 11 twl s !!> t h wh l'l R hair :lud the mll zzl rat d by a sk ill of steel il; il .' 111 1111' . \\'h l: l1 lh nt s lwaks •_ d l tbnt cold haunch . or th e gllll rf'!' ponds IJY an In II; h ' reyel'/:; lI. an d lip. liP If YOII d are. an pn ' 1" Imil ree p t I' Il J). " '[' 11e S I1IP Is \\' a It Ing th tllrre t Is J rk d on th e bariJe ll l' :l lId t he unfll'eli gll n YOIl look abo ut a nd obs N ve yuur com panions In til e ':lh 'J Burg es s 10 \\., Is pu!led lethal chamber. Tb ey nre eleven : two t rainers, two pointers, one front Its hoi s tlllan. on e tripp e r , two load e rs, a ra mm ' r a nd a plugmnn . And e 4 \1 I lihrl· tbe eleventb, th e un necessary Que, the otll r outsid e r- he Is th e Ulll. Tit is umpire ; he weurs th e s in gle s tripe of t he ns lgn , a commls Rlon ed Is the bo ·11officer, nnd be I s ju~t a bout as k ee n 01; you are to kee p t hings lash, r\ ft ' r straight, to omit nare·bac ks, slde·st II t he burst ing of powd r·bug s o \'ery s ho t and lasso o ve r·sp eed . You pin your fai th there ; I · t tb lt; umpIre bEl I h train r, th e sllY·pllot ot the turre t! , wit h a The trip per , Is a sl igbt Ind. a boy of p rbaps 18 yea rs. N Ither q ui ' It twist b as he eve r Been 0. big ,g un Ured a nd yel he Is to ~tand th e re a nd of his pull the lever tb a t thrus t s th e s hell and Its follOWI ng po wde r·bagB \V h e I, Into the carrying-C Ase be for e th t: Ilre c h . 111 an ulld rs hlrt. u pair s ubLl y a bo or troU Sel'B and a thlll smilG h \\,lIlts tile word . He was caught so rlJs t he only a year ngo on the s treets of lIlinn a }.)olls . whith e r he had cOllle bac illal'h . tresh trom th e farm . For t he Fnr up on the left uf th e lJarrel. encased In a leather h ead-d r SS, fifth tl ma is the turret·trulner. his right eye locked to the t elellcope that pro· th e ShUll!!" j ects {rom th e hood alJo ve him , He m ight be a div e r , with that OJ) liS. th e curious jumbl e of Intricate wires and th e g ree n s peaklng·tube trail· g ri nd aI':Ing aft. H e gra!,ps a lJlg wheel, as a cbauffe ur bls Bteering·gear, cends. tb e and moves ea sily on Its barlle tte the 130·ton turret. Below him, tripper b e tw een hlB legs, his aBsllitant sets his sights. They might be pau ses to riding pickaback. these two, up there along the slope ot tbat sleek flip hi s Ie· steel haunch. vel', when On the other side t!ae pointe r, with his . aBslstant. SlIell ee !" also rid es picka back. Here Tbe tone Is Is the eye tor which this raised. It wbole s hip WIlS buUt: here hilS an ge r. the ne rve and Qui ckness for Tl1cl?£ I~ cSOI'1ETIfJfY(j UffJPfAI(A8LY c:SUBLIf1£. TtiE FULL-GROW'" CRY OF' A GReAT GUN c oncealed which tb e 16,000 tOUB, the but . glow· seven nlllllons of dol1ars, the five years of making, lng, li ke lb fllIl 'k flu . h ot a n >T\'OUS \Voma n's fa ce . . The 011 the \l oke of have spread th eir august bes uap or til "Silence!" cu ts Ilk a whip. his Ind ex tin ge r. A ~ th ough para lyzed, th e ac t lOll of th e turret (\les. Ing, Hi s accuracy may sink and h e I:; row s T he I ::IdCl' Ila ul;es III th act of ill" c rUng the brass COila wars hip; bls weakneBs a n x lou 8 ; hi s , ruin a nation. To find him 'w hol e h e ln g n <'fI n ·tmy, t be band of t he tripp er fn llB trom its leve r, tb s igll t· It e r s li ps f rom hi s h ad ·or ss, the h olslman an d his like halt a mUllOl pourB It se lt ulong th e wheel c r owds I' ll In fron t of th e umpire ; th e o pen breech of th e g un exud es th e thhlll est cirrus froth. IlI,e t.he firs t t o n r soluti on of t bat ter ri ble w l'ea lh of smo lle from a choi'e Plnar del Rio. Th e umpi re IlOl nt s st I'Dly below. It IB be who has pr o bl em . An bou r, a 1I1lnute. called. Th e holstman lind th loud erR climb dowu t ile ft\'e s co nds. n h oise and ' pic k up fO Ill II gh t-hl'Own hUllil s tbat look week- how mu c h like broken StlCk B of horelwuLl(j ('li ndy, pl e rc d wltll all' . hol es tb e I Q n g , way. " ellse tiring!" C 0 ml11alldB

• • • • • • • • • AMILIAnlTY. ·tls said. breeds cont mpt; but I have an extrellle res p 'ct fo r n 12·llIch g un on a '. ba tlle·s hlp . The ve ry last thing I core for In that conn ection is eithe r famlllal·!ty or contem,pt. The m n wllo work It; who some ~;;;;;;:t day will light with It- let those ~ me n ex plain how Innocent lIuch II gun lB. how taclle ItB manageme nt. how bland its t em per. how Xlllllslte Its adjus tment. Not I. LIsten to those me n a wlJlle and you wUl belle \' that. It Is less 'dauge rous to bo locked Inside the turre t willi II' a big glln Is being fired than it Is to c ross Broadway Ilt Twenty-third street. Perhaps It 115. but I prefe r Broadway. And yet. th e fA scination! A great gun hall for the Imagination the potency at evil Itself. Emblem at torce, symbol ot d str uctlon, It stands serene. majestic. while round Its muzzl e gath e r all tbe forces ot the race's struggl es, and through Its breech marc b bate, pain, griet, ambitio n, powe r aud d a UI . "Tile torp . do," sold the captain ot a battle-ship to me one night at a dinn e r, " Is 1II0re or less of an experim e nt. a toy . It woUld be practically ImpoBslble for one to oink a lJlg s hip. The only thing 1 am ' really afraid ot Is a 12·IDe h g un ." Th e next day 1 we nt Into the nfter·tur1'et when tbe ablp was on the ran ge and In full a r.d sympathetic ac· cord \vitll th e cllptaln stood bellhl, tbe brl'lec h of one ot tho e g unB wblle It drop))ed to\'.r sbotB Into a target a mile awa)'; stood tbere wltb my cap in my hand. r eady to ~Iap It ove r my face In case of accid ent, cursing tbe curiosity tbat led me to - that thaI chnm be r. Then th e wonder ot It , came over me-tbe silence ot tbe gun·crew; th e stealthy leap of th e rifle bnrrel, like th e spring , . of a grassbopp r; th e qui et, duU report which scarcely tr m bl d thnt stately moving fortresB; the sour·egg s mell of tbe nltrQcellulose s tlmulat. ing tho nerv eB ; th e sweet, sick subtlety at ether lul1lng tl1(I overwrou ght brain . Wh en lhey Bhut the steel door Ulat caged us In I slipped Into n funk and until the flrBt shot E )(PL OcS/OIY' was flrod my nerve waB fone. The Bides of my -OF A TWELVE:/IICI( cournge ac count foot ed up: Debit: (1) Imprisonme nt In an oval cnse the dollars has been spent In a shape of a colli n. th o sid es formed of solid steel Bingle month . In three minutes nin e Inc bes thlclt and th e top of steel jus t as now h e can qualify and ha \'e $10 solid and live Inches thick; ( ll) ftlJlng a quarter a month add ed to his pay for a ot thnt cas the back Ullrd of a 12·lncb rifle baryear. For we have pene trated rel. r eady for action; (3) below, an open ohute, to the very viscera ot war'B na· with a steel car bringing the sheUB and powder tuTe. He r e Is the man beblnd tbe from tb e magazines s Ull tarther below; (4) tbe gun . H e does th e trlok. His eye stern. silent faces of the gUDM:.t~'V, wblcb exactly search es the t elescopic sight, hJs rese mble thoso fa ces lIeen at places ot execu· left. hand turns the wh eel tbat tioft'P+i;-t0-40Q) memory-lbe kllowled te which raises and depresseB the muzzle you cannot tight away that In just such a situ· l of hlB gun. aUon as this tbe turre t·cre w ot th e Georgia went to The whlBtle! Time b eginB. The umpire snaps hl B stop·watch death, and that no one haB eve r found out how It 'and gras pB firmly In hlB hand th e little red boolt whi c h defin es to happened; that In , precisely the same way the 1I11s· the farth est ulce ty th e rul es that gove rn tbl s expens iv e fool e ry. lIourl bUl'lled to death 29 wen, and that not one In that In th e (ollowlng three minutes this c re w w\ll try to put fi ve shots ateel cnge escnlled, thr9ugh that flim s y canvaB target a mil e across th e fllli e t water. Credit: (L) The race ot the wnplre, Stop·watch In And Ule mlll·pond Is worthy ot Its nam e-Hie bay of th e Jllagdalene hand, he s tau ds behind the breech, looltlng down Into , - a haven of refuge. The s hip glides along lIIte s t eel through fl esh . the powdel'·01ngazlneB. You know he Is th e re to pre"Silence !" The gun·captaln, one of the londe rs , spenk s! Thou gh these me n nre firing ve nt reckl essness. What a word It IS-"IIII nee'! " It. I)reccdes and closes e very Yltal again s t time h {' will let them do nothing foolhardy; nctlon III th e navy. In It lies Bucb poten cy of command, s uch sug· EFFECT OrA TWELVE-/ItCh It he e rrs 'twill be on tho Bide of caution. (2) The gestlons of obedience, as Is needed II,! the anteroom of deatb. Once .$1t£'LL UPON TIfE ARf'10R-PLATE knowle dg that th ol1sandB of times gunB like this have OFA I?LJS,5IAI(CRUJS£R a recruit saw fit to chaff biB mate after that command "Silence!" b een fired trom turrets like this-and all came out had been given. The gun·captaln stepped 1.0 him, without ang er, alive. You do not enter railway trains timidly beand struck blm a heavy blow across th e fa ce, with a gnarled, wet cause a doze n people were killed on one a year betore hlind; the recruit carried the welt tor a weel[; by no one t ime he knows not- has passed, and five thousand miles aw.ay. Yet, when you enter the was a word said. ' Rtlll that flimsy canvaB throws forth lis turret of n 12-lnch gunNow, until YOll benr again that command "Silence!" slnlBte r challenge to be hit. But the Tboy lock you UI). There III no eBcape, You Btand ;rou will hear only two worda: crossing black IIneB of his t elescope mus t pia > there nervouBly by the trunnion ·and somehow It Is not "Commence firing!" bull's·eye before he presses tbe trigger. They mUBt! llke a factory or a railway coach or a Btreet car or any Rnmbllng from below . . With a grating crnsh tbe au· til e umpire. "You've broke n II puwde r-bag." THmy MUST' otber modernly approved IImb·mangllng device. TheBe Indl gnnnt. proteBting, th e three men quickly pick up tomatlc shutter drops in the ammunltlon·holst nnd the He pulls- aa easily as a c hild cracks a toy ro\'ol vthlllgii were built to kill and presently these tellows the sca tt e red g rain s , eac h us bi g as' a man's middle shell-car climbs Its grinding, steady way to the top. SudLook! th e gun 1'8 discharged. Yes: It went orr jus t are goIng to touch R1i electric spark which wl11 loose denly you realize that the machine iB working of Its now. I swear It did. Sure e nou gh ~ Th e gr at breec h . fin ge r , They IQok care fully all about. th e n ru s h back enough anxious and determined gas to drive an 850quickly to th e ir Btations, cageI' to continue. Tb ey look own accord. You snw ·no movement on the part of nnysinks th rough the floor, the Bleck, shiny hllunc h slips he· pound shell 10 miles and put It completely through 0. to th e ulIlpl re with th e (' xpertan cy of dogs asking tor one to set It going. EXcept for that umpire, who, like neath yc.ur grasp, welches dway th e re In th e glazqd lig ht steel plate as th'ick liB tbe one that Is SUllposed to c rumbs. J~ \'(~ry secen t.i Is ealing Into th e ir r ecord. Thl9 the man tbat t~ tool-killer will doubtless some time of th e lethal chamber. dl'oj)s lIll Its crest Is CI..!I low as rott e n I)owd r-083 will cost th em a ponalty. They may get, haa really no bU81ness th ere, the turret contaIns but protect you. Its beJly lay, th en recovers, poised, slips to its nrst 110' 1101: qunllfy; .they may fa ll below th e seco\ld rattJ. Hor· one ofthier, a midshipman, and he iB with the other gun; sltlon. ,lies patiently, mod estl y, for th e next c bar;; ' . aB Yet, there YQn are, the Thing before you, and you ror!! ! The ship may even descend from tropby cla ss. all hel'l are enlisted men. The officera are aloft spotgraceful Ii spring as a tlg\' S8 e \'er nlade on moo,nlit can reo.cb Ollt and pat It on the shiny, cold haunch. The umpire Is Inexorable. "No !" Bays b l!. "Tha t·s ting the Bhells as they strike, or below setting tbe road, feline with stE!althy swiftness, decis ive as oiled If It wobbles 01' a Bpring breal{B or a trunnion has misall this run . Climb down there and go Illto l!.~ ~ m e l's ro.nges; with Intricate Instruments and delicate adJustpiston strokeB! takenly got Itself rusted or the rlfte barrel l'etuses to ot that shutter; brush out e v. ry cr ac k. ,1 lillie no ments, About the gun I,tsel! the mell and tbe macblnery And your hand has b een 12 Inches from the lnull h· 'a ccommodate th e shell. you will be fit brother for , a c hance." move automatically, drilled ' to 0. ,precision. Their last Ing of tbat thund e rbolt! Oh, well, tbls is easy. Who detected c.ockroach • . If tllere Is a flare·back you have Crumbling, the men go about the 'prevention that the instructions were "to take it easy;" conBeQuently they n eed be here? This is a placo for 11 grand stand; the . slightes t posBlble chance ot escape: hold your cap umpire tblnks IB worthy any tOll of pos t-m o rt e ms and w~I~~~M~a~~ . here may gather all loverB of royal BPort. Great sr)Qrt over your . face,' don't breathe, hurl yourself under the The plugman pulJa open the breecb; the holatman Indeed it Is, tor now we can watch tbe precision and'ds of Inquiry. But th e me u. with the Anglo·Saxon barrel ' and fall Into the handll,ng-ro~m. You may break li ght of contest 1n th eir eyes , r e membe r only , the ord· a '.few bones, but tfth~ hurnlng, .gas get~ to no more locks tbe car; the load~r completes the passage from car swiftness ot tliat anent crelV~ working against time. The piugman ulilooks the breach and pullB It open. nance officer's dictum- better '40 men killed than to' los9 'thaD' .SO . per cent. ' of your , skfn ,you. will live; tbat 18 to open breech with a ring ot PQunded brass;· the boy the tropbl'. ' The loader leaps aoross the - chasm, fllpB tiP the trn, . bow ' the ' single . midsblpman who escaped trom.. tbe trlvper ' jerks down his lever; and the huge shell, nearly guard that breaks the electric connection, aDd so ex· "He wants to keep out: score doWU > they qluUer. Oeor,,11l 'sav~d him sell_ Yet no one tell hoy( tbat ,· half a ton .In weliht, drops to ItB all but final' resting' ' a" gets tn Its wor.k. " SOI'!l~t1mes it bUrIJ9 away the _placl!. The rammer, hplds down on his 19n9 release, aa tracts the used primer. Automatically tile alr·blaBt "He's trom the - - , and we're theIr only rIvals." The works; and YO'u h~r the swift eBcape, all of steam, aB gun captain goes out to protest the turret omcsr. a ' oable gr~pman .t~row,iI 'bac~, his (ever, lind the 1i1!l00th flesh aitd never , touohes .·~e . clo,t hlng; again! It· sl~ges ott ail tll'e balr and never , touches tbe flesh; a~a1n, It brass' bead forces the shell liP Ull Its soft copper rIm It. cleans out ~he rlfte, blowing I,lw,ay gas and stray pow- The ,wel1·tralned crew resolves itself, With eXpert Bud· der iraillll.. The egg smell of the nlt,ro comes, and the den~ess, Into a mob of balked Americans clamoring tor ..bunl tbe clothing ott c1eaD aDd leavel you baked, but· "takes" on tho rifting of ' the gun. (When a Bhel}, Is not fair play. An umpire's job IB no more popular on a I\weetness 'ot ,the ether. pro~erlY "ploced," In this way-if Ita ~l1ar dOEl8 not · . .fe. - . Tben . the' grind from the ,holst, the sb\jtter opens , and battleship tban It Is on R baseball diamond. SO! The, ·hav.e loc;kec1 ',ou uP. tn this, .t~el ~age. ' "take"-lt wlll lutel, be a miss. ' And if tlle powder-bagll up springa ~galn the car. Looking dd~n, you Bee there At last they count the powder·gralus-37. ''That bag al'e placeU wrong end ' to there Is grave dangei1 ot • ' 'l'he other. ' have 80me bere. ' With them It la the menace !bat Ues ID ,all our ships-the direct location was half In," growls the loader. ''I' could have rammed hang~ftte, and a haDg·lIre IJI worse thlUl a miss·fire~Ol'k, con teat. It ktlled the, 'd,le nobly, get bra•• ; of the gun-b~ch over the powder magazines. A burnt , 'er home an' no on8'4 ever known It · that - - hadn't tablet. til' the wan wlUi their name. IDlCz:lbed, pen· almost al bad as a Ilareback-end a iiareback. a. ever,.Ioal 10 _ tJaelr lamBl.., the new.,apera call them one JmOWII, Ii hat, probabl,. cUd \!p the Gec~'. ·'tu... gtalR falUng down there, with an Inelllcl\mt abutter tbe been here. Now we , get 1.46 per minute. aD' we mllb& 'a' bad 2.10. Bata.- onll prot~(\tlo~. 18 a conataDt daliler. Over the bulldlnl abeUa la about tile (Jf & ' LIa..... . . . . . . . J'ft dl_l:be, wID out OD ,o1&r ob.cure tomb: , n't. One of







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NeW's. :: ::1 . . .

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GeylaesssebsyP;:~e:rt~:ted I -:y:I~:~:~==~ ~~~~~ ~. .i.:.·.

H a vto e yyoo·uu rr

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0 ptlclans e e


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............ ....- - -

• Oh e In 10

Mr. /Jnt! Mr!'l . (Jeorg~ Da vis aud ::: Mrl:l. Kilt,h rine Du \'i8 were Su nu"y .;. gn s ts of Mr an d Mr E ar nes tMan ::: non . . . -

v -..


......... -----......--



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0l\1~:1 ·0 ~V~~~~~:~~~~I~·n,~n~!~:!W; wi~::;i r~:I~l:;n~Il~~~ .SPot\t"nndU Y





.. WI'II

h l'e!lft • e l' mak r eg'nl a r visit. to Waynesville~ ::: ::: and wi ll b e at t he Gustin H o tel Parlors on :::! lind . •111 1' lind Mercer gUfls of WMrs ill Clllr), fllllli lywero Hilt · m day. ~~ M i ~s Eth el W,mllow ~pen t SUUdlLY ::: with bel' pnrflnts, Mr. /lUU Mrt:l .





: : SATURO.'f\Y, ~L ~~PTEMB~R L II, 1909. }:::!I N~:!~~u~~:~~O\\;~ere ~undlLY

~. :.:.


................... _ _ ...........- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I \ , lu tlllJ u .


'''pIUtI UILI ~niILY . Ohio, .J ulie 20. HI ott

)Iarlon. hlo. .JlI l~·

10. 19uO. ::: ::: DriJ;ru-'AI~r;Lici" In groat 1l10llllllrO '}'o Wholll 11 l l ny '-'Oulilru : ::: III i~ Lfry 10 I·h!.' v ry E'ffectlv ntld cuut'· 'rll IRIs LU conHy thaI Dr. .J. •'1 . Il oyt, '. l oo ll S trell"'H ut thaI 1 havo receJv d ut Ol)tl "RII , hIlS dono wO I'k fur In O IlCrllOU::. yourhauclR. The th ree! p·ul,.., or glllSSeS uUy . IIISO rUI' trloulls. 11I,d i n ouch unll :.: thul. " Ull I~ndo for mo UOllW r their ,'cry cll8e has g-Ivon full prorllsslouul .:. purpllil uxaclly: I nn , lind' glu!!ly do . 8l1.tI~rn ·tlull. J th reforo rccOllllllllllll :.: roc o lll ill olld y()ur work. hll1l to lIlI whoso O)'OS nood trOlltmont. .:. , YoW's "cry I'6SIlC(·uuIJ )' . YOlirs trlll y ',' W '1U1!! Stcllhul'll ' WiLl h u ff . :.: I'ror1l&lor of '1'1I001"0IlY pro Will . I?nltlk. C. :~: I resldellt l'upltal u.lverslty. . 1'111< \01' First fillrOrllloli e hul·c.It.




I!~~~~ at

::: ::: :.: .:. . ::: .:.

::: ',' ::: :.: ::: . ::: . ::: :::


R ev. A . T. 'o wg i1l continn es very ill with tn llill riu being confiu ed to hi bed . Mrs. H . O. Wb it nlter hit been onj ying a visit from her m ot,her, Ml'S R'" 1 OlCS . ,uurll . · u .... n, 0 f u' I OllL v. s. D. 'hllno llfl r ,of Wilmlng t n filled tbe llUl IJit of tb M E ' 1 . . hllroh 00 ~ U U( ay. E d I I d .Thtl M . . I!un ny 0 100 enjoye I~ pi 'uio on 'l'hursd ~y of lu st wee k, Be n Vi okers is ri.t t,he hOlUe of hi S !! rtlU dUl U tlJ r, M r . A nn F n l'qo h. nr, IIft r a vern I woeks visit in "VestoD,

1 The fi rs t

01' way Ma kerel we have had fo r many moons ; brigb t, nice. tend er fi h .

• --.


rF . C




ol ~H ing 15c a Bottle

Mrs. U. E Al'mentr outand dl.lugh I te f 8e ttle W sh are the g ueRts ' . r, 0 ~ , tl " . Dr. Price's harml e cl)lol'ing f Ol" of her parents Mr. und Mrs . D . W . . k d' Anntee. ca es. cus tar s, Ice, cI'eam , etc. . Al I ' D P' 'P IMrs. Perry and Miss MtU'gu.reL SO a 'upp yot r . n ee s Ul'e ~ x· Burni', of 8J>ringfield, were guests' of tr'ac t's 0f Vam'11 a, L em on an 1 0 .l'ang friends las t week. for those who want th e bes . •


;~::,:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:':';':':':':':':':':':':':':';':':':':':'.';':':':':':';-:.:.:-:.:.:- ..:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~~ S'L~~:d~~e:~nd:~~re~~~~ ~a!lp.h~

r-.r' S •


I ~KtUU~U~.uu• •u~ .

\ Fancy M aCkerel Oc each ,


J4l' ~

S· I


.. .



Olassilled Ads " II~

will lJC

M~r. /l nd Mrs . W .

NfsW Honey . 18c a Section

. Lackey hll ve


1 \\,"11 1\, · 1\\'1'


w h l' n


u nll e r

he;,,) for 'Ins ·rU"II.,

Lhl ~

ce n t" rol' LlI r e e

110 \ m o r e lh a n t! 1' C

II n e.~ .

I ~~ _____

_ .!





ci efects, thus giving him advantages not possessed by many optician in Ohio.






B A R N I::J A R

J. W. White





::":. :.' t(lrn oon. Bogon tlnd I'll mil y a nel Mrs. George , bOU llOV Bunn 11 at.t ended the OsCastile Soap OVER 20 YEARS OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ::: lIorn re'unio n nenr Ogllen Fr irl liY . Special t ' !O optici an in the tal har; had any more t horoug hly practica l ::: (~ood Lead P oncils. ~ f'Jr fie at 1000 Barrels o ::: Hchwnl't il's. 15c a pound at ,: ; xJlNi nce in fi l ting glas es than MR. H YT • .as he has de· :':::::. _ _ .. Our sal es fo r th is r ea r will reach , HAT'S :.~.:. . voted his entire t ime to it for over 20 years, besides being a the above amount. Th e la rges t bu. . liI!lS •••O•••W • •,.B • .••Z• • g rad uate of the New York Optical Institute and the Ch icago Oph. in !IS we huve e\' l' done. 1"1' h car ~:; t halmic allege and Hospital. the latter bei ng t he most thorough Oastile Soap in next week. --::: cours ta ug ht in any country on correcting m uscul ar and optical I New Burlington.






uU.end edthe Mli s!!ie To wnshi p I::!chuol con::: ventlon lit Ulll'vey burg l:)nudll Y IIf·



F eet

We b o th


Cullta in ' ~fi Ell ve!o\.le.,;; antI 25 Sheets Good Paper. ~ 10c at Schwartz's

fi t

We do n ' t












Buy SohulJI uppli ilL chwltft il'~ ~ Seve'rl~ 1 of the l'Ililrol\ll ell.1pl o. fl R.ttentl ed t1l e nnu ull l RILilr orlell'ieni . whioh WIl S 11 ld lit. Litke Sid Park in Davtuu '.l'hur 'luay. ~

Tuel'lduy a ft.ernooo . Mi s Lilli e Nedry is vi sit.iog 7:elu - ~ 11·s . I vin 'ruy IOl' nnd rl nllghttlr t.iV6H in Dlln ville, Ind . ~· ':: IlOd ' YI'UH "I'h <)fllpsO TJ and fnOlil y MlSIiI A li i ·ltLrk btl !l g ne to Ci n . ~ 'flro Vl illi/.info{ Wi t h ,l lItIltlS G m y 01Hl (II Illltlti t.,o !'l pencl t h willI. r. ~ '. ' tIlU I )'. : :• r i\l r!'. 'hl'ls M I( insoy lind muth ':: . M I!<~ H oi 1\ Unrt ... c k s peot \\ odll 1:1 .1' , Mr::! . Mll ry Ell wU l'll., 'IHood ed tb o I ;::Idn.r with h l' !' g~ n ll tllll\l'tmt!l , Mr. /lu tl fu nor ul of HlIl'l oll I!;c1 WIll'UH lit l:l lll'· . :': Mrs. ,1. \~ . ~tl I ~!l uc k . , \'tlyl; l)O r ~ l:;uoun y . 1 ,Mrs. F.l vlD El rel! und da u~bler Mr'9 Url1\l rs : E lli. s81' rIl VIlt.teOll ed J ~ ·clean :': l flP nt Wtldnosday w I th ,l aC' b Htlars l t he Clf'nv or. R!cb rf'u ni oo Sn.turdIioY . ~ Optl '.' llud wlfo. TH :-: " . ,J . ICi1 bon u nel Ken nat h wo e ::: M r s~ ,lohn .HeighwllY called on Da y ton visit urr; ooe day InHt week . • ,,1" '.' noon. Mrs . bd Mllrh n Weduesc1IIY n{ter. B'19 P er. 1'1 l 'nbla t for Go nt -f ::: ) I E"lIn II nLl Lelnh Bognu spent. Hellwnrt l':s . ::: I'l'uesthLY wit h t heir g m uu llll re llt!!, -- ~ Mr. ILDd MrH tl eur~e Buglln. ~

t .





GOLD Locket wi th small chain a t·

~t~~~t ~f:Jel~o\~it~e~ve ~~

Main Mrs. J . Dakin 's r esidence.


UE of eigh t rooms, woodshed, barn. chicken house, big gard en s po t, good water , on Fourth street , corner of Fra nklin. In ';luire of Ml'S . J os. Haines . .



wo ,J &rsey oows-one of them be n entertllining 11 guoflt·s the ohi!. Alexander. regi tered, with calf. De ,Miss Edna Osborn, of Yellow rll'ell of Fril \lk Mo K flY , of L 'gu n, . IHad e J er sey will be fresh snon . tended the· ~herwood r euni on l'bnr!:!. Sprin g, i the guel:it of Miss Adu The Honey supply. is v l'Y sma ll Th e W. F . 1\1. ' . of the F riena . Oregonia. d ay . Bost on . this s ason, but vel' ,very good what church met Ilt t bh om of Mr . II'I\ V . M . Bobli t, R D. 1, WlLynesvill., Ohi Our new principii I, Web!1tel' Wi!. D. W. Anabe is 0 ufined to hi we l}ave. 'croggy on ~' l~tll1'tlay p m . J . K . 8 pencer was ill Xenia MOD - Iiams is m oving into the property ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R~~o~1 ·' F." 5. day. V!\o~tE\d lJy B. E . Wilson. MOle on acooont of i1lne~B, Sweet Potatoes passenger Buick touring car, in Henry ~e.l1~ wi!1 return this week .Phillip Kersey, who has beeu in 'l'be t ea chers of t.h!d tOWD!!hip ot. , . . perfect condi t ion. fully eQuipped from bls VI ~lt to Kentocky. N e w Mexioo the vast two year::!, is tended tbe insti tute at Xe oill lost We are direct recelvel' of J ersey wi th extl'a t ire , gas tank, chams, Char.1es Villllrs Ilnd f~m!ly lef;J pa.ying a visit t,o his parent'i bere week . and Virginia sweets, and th ey ~~--- -speedometer and clock. Will sell a t MondliY m ornin g fo l' a VI SIt 1n Du.y . . Frldu.y night, Will Kerse.v a nd wife Miss Minnie ims s pruined her now a t th eir best. a bargain if old soon , Call at this . ton entertained for him at; dinner the !Inkle lust week. office. MrA, AreM KerR9Yllnd Mr s. D Orll. Mi sses Gel'trutle, Ruth and Cora Todd Walton and wife are the School Supplies Oastil/a Soap Kelley, of Wilmington, Ilre visi tin~ Ke rsev and Miss Freiela. Moren. pareDtH of It- little boy . Such as Lunch Boxe , P askets Special Rutus Kersey a·nd wife Snturdllv·they called on L . H. Hoz John Reeves who olerks for Cop. stopped In WrnlullteR Bur\) wllh Dr. ShCH'P'R Mr. and Mrs . Fred Gove and liu andfuOllly io Kings Mills. Bey nnd Britton took his va clLt;ioD Buckets, Pencils and Boxes, Sponges, 15c a po .... nd at 'rOup 1I0med)'. Oue t/JKt will surcb pro,' daughter DorotL1Y, of Bethel, at · 'The Mlsse8 Ruth Kersey and last week. His pluce wns filled by Slates , Pen and 1 encil Pad. ARTZ'S " Nil 90mi Llug, no dlR' Freida Moren returned to Cincin- Job Holland . truss. Asaro IWd ploasJ ulr tiymp-~ , D-...uriBt Good Lend P encils . 2 for lic lit Mixed 'Spices nut! Tuesday eveDingafter spADding a pl eadll.ut Va O!ltioD here. I:)chwartz's. 20c a pound






.Zimmerman's Watermelons, Peaches, Apples, Jersey Sweet Tomatoes,


. B uy School Tabl ets at Schwartz's , -~~- • ... ._ .'

Desirable Property


For pickles.- We can s upply yOU' .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... . with an assortm ent ' of spices in any


q·u antity. ' . .Pure Cider Vinegar 200 to 25c a (lallon

Con~ains 25 Env.elopes and 25

For Sale' •

~~ .

- -- ... __ -~~

Sheets Good Paper:

Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, Cheese, Olives, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes,


Avenu e in Dayton, Ohio. Large; beautiful lot. House with all rriod. C II ern conveniences, a at




on this article at least.


S · B rane h pring

CO • 'S


ennsyIvaola P I COIumb· US I Excurslon



For Roofs of All



Elastic Paint. and I will put it on . for you, too~ l'hls point is Dlode and g uaranteed to la.t . The following guarantee goes Wltb all thil" pllint :


Best Medium for


When you are in need of roofing paint give pte a call 0r phone me and I wi~1 (111.1.1 on you ;

Advertising Try

it!! ,;






We·g uaran tee GRAPHITE CARBON PAINT to be of Don 'voltltile oils u.nd pigments of carbon produots, to oontain DO ros in, --Asph·lI.ltum or P etroleum in allY form, and to contain no noi el or injurious substa.nce; When used 'aooording to our sim pl6 direc ~ i ('l ns, we g nara ntee '.the pR-int to welu perfectly for at ICIL/:!t, fiv e years. We agree to furnish, free, sufficlept mot.erinl to t:epnlnt !lny surfo·ce on which lJraphite .Carbon t does Dot give satisfllti on for this length of time sho.~dd c ODditi o n ~ l equire it. , M ~ t:i. ROWLAND. ST ANDARD LINSEED CO., Clevel __ nd, Ohio.

The G a z e t t e Is t h e




10m Agent for above fUOlOUS Craphlte Carbon

Whe lte


The Swimming,


- -- .. - - .

Mr. and Ml·S . Thom a.!;! Laoy and sons, ChILl' lie tlnd Barry unil dnugb Lumber Yard, Dayton, Ohio, Salmon, Sardines, Lobster, , tel'S Florence lind Edna, Mr lind F or parti culal's, price, etc. Mr/:! Wa lter Laoy Itnd da ughter Corn Beef, Veal Loaf, Shrimp, Wilm !~ were entertamed bv Mrs. - - .T. H . Chen oweth und family to Everything good to ::3nnday flinner. eat here all the Miss AHce Chenoweth I)n tertl~ined Mnl. Abner Prugh of Dell.n, U ., Sat. time LINES lll'day oight. Mr. C. M Curtis ' and family eo · MAKE OUR STOI1E YOUR itertlliDed Mr. George Cartwrig ht HEADQUARTERS LABOR lintl family ~aturdllY night. DAY ' There was prell chin g at Middlerun Plenty of Ice Cold Lemonade. Su.turdll,y aftern oon, and '3u~da. y at 10 :30 0 clook, lind Sunday mght by Yours to 'please Elder '1'. ,J. Willitlms. Berthll.l:;mith went'to Asbville, 0 , Next Sunday to attend the Assooiation on Thurs. day. Also to Springfield 'robal)oo cntting is the order of \ the day. OF CotTRSE ·1 Springfield, 75c: Columbus. $1.25 1 Thomas Hess IE' visiting hiS'brQth. ~---. . .- - - -_ _ _ _ _~I Train Lea,'cs Waynesville 8:42 a. w, er in In~itlD O IIl, 10wtL.

. , Canoe

Graphite CarhmLllastic Paint!

~t~~~=~~·.I.o.~.a.t• •S.C.h.w.·.a.rt.z.'.s_.q=~~~~ey~b~.e~s.t~I~~_~~~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~_~_~'~'~'~'~'~-~_~_~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~-~.-~'~'~%~.~_~-~_~_~_~~~'~_~-~-~_~-~-~-







Valley Phone No. 89.1 X

Waynesville, 9hl.o.




Diving, ' Wheel ...'

RolIjng,:T u g of W a r , O b . stacie Race,' Foot Races,

Wheelba~tow Race, a n d m a n y ' other events.


A 't Oakdale 'Park .-'. ..' .




W·iU .'be·' som~thiiig 'do: '. 'ing' .all .day. ,. " fle~ty ~ of, . Music . ~1I ~·.th'e time, ·. ·Get ..' . your' family 'and ·com~.· Lots tQ , e a t and drink • . Ad~ii.ion, , Ten ' Cents.







.-. . --



, 1\1011 .


\ \ IJn L F. NU MB Ii:R :iO-f)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~-~ - ~ ~~


• ..-.~ ~----.-...-.~..-..~~-.-..+-- ...... .-.-.-.----~...-.-.


\ : Personal Mention Here and There I .------------- -

+--....... ---.-..---:....-.


Ma<lY attended the State Fair I A, B. , ides is laid up with a lame The Best in Many Years--AII Ihe Players Lid F ine Work andl Was Was a Great Success-Events Were Carried Out As Advertised-Clay last week, back , Pigeon Shoot a Feature-People Were Highly Roundly Applaudcd at Each Good PlayEntertaJned All Day. David Evans was a Dayton visitor Thad Zimmerman was in Morrow Umpire Work Fin e last week, Saturday. Waynesville's first Labor Day was a decided 8uccess. Nol only in point of number8, but the sport gi en to the people was the best ever given in town. The day was ideal. The sun came up hidden by clouds. It looked at noon as though it would rain. but th e Weather Man held it back, and the ground was filled up with people,who neith I' S\l"' ·Itered in the sun, yet not too cool. Early in the morning people commenced flocking to the grounds, to see the fun. A new departure in the way of a shooting match, was held and those interested in the sport, surely had a good time. There were everal good shots on ~he grounds from Xenia, Morrow, outh Lebanon, and other places, and some good shooting was dOhe. H. N. Smith, of Xenia, shot 73 out of 86 bird~ making the best scol'e for the day. J ess Thomas--our own Jess- madea score that was fine, getting 29 out of 33. Jess will makt! his mark some day if he keep on in his fine work. Following are the cores: First Event- l0 bird.

Mi: Kath erine Al t!xander is on Warren Woou. of Lel.!allun , wu ' in town Sunday. lhe sick lisl . G. W. Ebrighl. of Xenia, wa,'1 in Bruce Smith, uf Spring Vall y was in town Monday. lown Saturday . F. B. Sherwood and family were Mrs. Jan e·Sides spent Sunday with Lebanon visitors last Thursuay. Samu el Sid es and wife.

100·yal'd d a.~h - Fo ll\, (nlri t:!s - t;uy CUlT. finlt. $2 in I:llsh: .I ohn Strawn. second, $1 in cash. Wh eelbarrow race-Three entries - Jimmie Dakin, first . bread tickets ; Geo . Waterhouse. second Entel'prise one year. F. B. HOl'mell of Cincinnati, was a Running high jump- Six entri s- Way nesv ill e visitor Monday. John trawn . first, 50c in cash; J oe' Remembe l' Eva A: Barger's open· Th ompson, se80nd. 100 envelopes. ing, . t Ul'day , September 25th. Fat man's race-Three ntriesMr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and Ralph Lewis, first, 100 cigars; Will guests spent Tuesday in Dayton, Beckett, second, 50c in barbering, Miss Stclla Bishop, of Xenia, was Sack race-Six ennies-Jimmie Oavis, first, Mian:i Gazf\ tte; Howard a Labor Day guest of Miss Sybil Hawke. Gustin, second, fishing reel. Ladies' Wood Sawing ContestEd Hahby and family, of Da,ton, Two entries-Mrs. Emmor Bailey. were gu ests of Ed Macy and family first. $2.50 clock; Mrs. Seth Furnas, Monday. :!econd, sugar spoO\l . S. D. Ev erly and wife, of Dayton, Obstacle race·-Ten entries-Geo. been guests of O. J , Edwards have Waterhouse, first, $2; Bobby Burton, and family. second, knife. Girls' race-50 yard s-Five entries Mr '. Robert Shute, of near Well-Ru th Zimmerm an, first, $2 50 dress man ,spent Monday the guest of Mrs. pattern; Mary Sherwood, second. T. J. Brown. savings pass book. $2.00. Tug of war-Fats and LeansMru tel's Alfred and Paul Hanby, of Dayton, have been visiting their Leans, fil~t, $2 The special prizes awarded were as uncle Will Hay. follows: F. R , Sherwood and family left L t f'l th d Tu esday for a visit with friends in

El1Ikine Winters. of Xenia. spent Labor Day with Raymond Davit>. Ed Martin and family, of Dayton, spent the week-end with S. V. Mart and family .

At tlte clORe of Ow l ' ·!:'llt:;. ('la rks · .J P~!'1' 'I'\ ' ''" 1;t ~ \\,;1.. ill t 111" gam!> wh u \\'uHpill\:!d ag'aill~ l W a~' I1 \'~- f I'll II I sta rt lu li ll i. h. ville, neve r had Ulouk· ill Ull tlt t! )!.'um '. - - The boys played ball. alld J.ll ay ~!d it ,\ 11(:' Dakin g'IlL a blllllP in cente r like they used to. Nol one uf lip bULhe helLl lhe bull. boys made a ser ious e .... ul'. and the . . . battery work of Wi lliamsO Il anu I Klg Jlfn Ul' l'g'an .stole two bal:!el:!. Thompson wa.c:; pa l' (' x('ellenc . It \Va. dune ' usily, l~. The score by inn ing':; \\'fl! ' u ~ ful· lows: If('dll' lt Edwal'ds g'!ll (J ll e melli>ly hit . lI is averag'e i:-; g-ene ral lj r l UI' I ~ 3 4 S G7 ~ U Clarksv ille o 0 0 0 U 0 () I U- 1 The gam was a g'o(Jc\ clean Ont!. Waynesvill e It ~ () 1 ·1 U 0 0 0- 7 No t one word of pl'ote: t fl'\il11 Lit' Summary-Struck oul. by Wilso ll b\lY:-; Cl)£ain!'l l umpi re !" wis. v ill~ ,

Miss Ella Reeves,· of Carthage, is making F. C. Schwartz and family a ten days' visit. 8, by Williamson 10. You ha \'(~ Lo go a g()o(l ways to Mias Margaret Lordier, of Cincin· Hits-Off Wilson, 8; utf Williamson li nd any on who pu t'> th rn uv 'r like nati, trimmer for Mrs. Eva Barger, 6.. Umpire, Lewis. Will iall1 ,on. His r.u mmaml wa!1' fin e. arrived Monday evening. NOTES, W. H. Allen and wife and Miss "Peekey'" Cool, got a danoy two· Th e Cla rksvi ll e boys were a gentl . Ge rgia Hadden were guests of base hit. I manly I:! t f boys. and tho t'ouJ,{hly enffi ends in Franklin Sunday. Hildebrecht's batting avemgp., 750. joyeu th ems ·Ives during t he afte r. noon. . F. MT- Alexander and family, of was tin e. Middletown, were guests over Sun· Jimmie Dakin made some PI' tty I~v ' rybody on the g rounds was day, of Mrs. Alethia Alexander. stops at short. glad to see Jo ' hompso n on lh e I Ileam. as h help th boys to victoA bert, Lewis. and Miss Gertrude, "Cutter" PI'att playeu ::;econu like I ry. J oe surely has but few peers beHawes, of Spring Valley, have been visiting Grant Lewis and family . Hans Wagner. hind the bat. J 0 hn H owe, II 0 f P ort W'II ' I lam, and -------- ---------Miss Daisy Deane Howell, of Danville Ind., have4t>een guests of B.S. Howell ST. MARYS CHURCH BOARD OF HEALTH MEET

George Thompson ....... , ...... . am Meredith . . . . .. . . , ... . . ... . Mat~rX~ers~~,1 :25o~alki~:~~:~i~e. l Greenville, Ohio. and family. September 12lh- Fourte nt lt un· The Ninth Co~fe-I'e-nce of the State Wm. O'Neall .. . . . . , ., .. . . ... .. . . Largest load of peopleon one wag. I Mrs. A. T. Wright and sons, Alfred Tne Rev. W. T. Gilliland has been day aftel' TI inity. Th e regular Board of Health with representa· H . .N. Smith . ..... .... . .......... 13 n-Will Creighton, Lytie, 47 people and Elliott, spent Sunday with rela· sent to Grace church, Piqua, and morning service will be reRum ed lives of Local Boards of Health will Ray Gaskill . ...... ............ . . . 12 on wagon, 1 barrel flour. tives in Blue Ball. Rev 1 W. H. Daily comes to the M. E. next Sunday. Morning Prayer and be held in CincinnaLi, Ohio, October Geo. Hartsock .. .......... . .... . . Don't fail to attend the millinery church bere. sermon at 10:30. Sunday chool at 114 and 15: 1~09. The . program for Best Saddle horse, Emmor Bailey, Geo. Pratt . . . . . .... . ... . . . .. .. . . 10 t set new shoes. opening at Eva A. Barger's SaturMiss Leah Smith, who is a nurse in 9:30. the meetIng IS now bell1g arranged. John Hawke ..... , .. . . ......... . . 10 Highest batting avel'usre, Hilde· day, September 25th. ,the Protestant Episcopal hospital at .. _.. IThere will be three sessions as fol'ureeht , Clarksville team; average Mt. Auburn, is spending her vacation CHRISTIAN H URCH merly. lnRtead f having three sesSecond Event- 15 birds Misses Clara Smith and Effie Moore with . her parents here. I . . .1 h owever, th I ~'lIo n s 111 one ua)" ' ~ re WI'11 150 per cent, cash $1 50. Geo. Thompson .. . . . .. . .. . . . .... . Newest married couple, Mr. and of Spring Valley, were gueSts of C' _ t b 12th B'bl t t . 0 t b 14 ft Ray-Ga"k'll . 11 f ' d h Lab D Bi:L.· your Shoes of John A. Funkey S un d ay Ot'p em er - I e J )e wo sessIOns on c 0 ef ,a et'" 1 .. . , .• .... . ' •.. . • . ,., . Mrs. Earl Conner, Waynesville,lawn rlen sere Qr ay. m:Y school at 9:30 n. ;m., preaching at noon and even ing, and one session on ~. N. Smith ,. , . .. . . . . .. ... . .... 14 mower. Henry Sanker and wife, of Car- this month. Great money to be 1(\:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. by Rev. M. th e morning of October 15. This..a.r:: . p eo. Mratt . .. .. .. . ... . , . .. .. . .. 5 At the close of the events, came thage, were Labor Day guests of F. saved by buying school shoes; all E. Dawson, pastor; Christian Endeav· rungemen will mqke it unn ecessar'y -G.-Seh t . kinds of shoes this month's shoe sale. S ' I . f I d I l t b Sam eredith .. ... . .. ...... . ..... 6 h GeO~ Hartsock . , . ..... . .. ' , .. , . .. 9 t. e ba~1 game, account of which is . war z-a,nG~I-m1~,------l A St d b k EMF 30 fi or, 7:30 P'd m. . pechla m USIC. at °1 r l P ~ elgta C 0 e away more l Mr. and Mrs . •WiII Benecke have u e a et . . ' . , ve- 'morning an evenll1g c UI'C 1 servICe. t lan one nil{) • Wm. -O'Neall . .... .. .. . . . ... .. . 6 gIven 111 another column. John Hawke . .. . .. . , .. . . . ', . . ... .. l4 The crowd after the game 'passed returned from a pleasant visit with passenger touring car for $1,250. The Dr. Krobn . ... . ... . .. . , . ...... , .14 out of the gronnd well pleased with relatives at Napoleon, Ohio. greatest automobile value offer ' ever DEATH OF HARRIET E. O'NEALL hn Hawl"e and H N Sml·th t'led theday'ssport. One man remarked offered. AStudebaker-Flangersfour , Jo 1\ •• h' John Davis and daughter, Katie, b t f $750 th in this event, thus shoot-I'ng SI'X extra· t at ' Wa)lnesville, alwa"Ys gave just and Fred Gebhardt, of Dayton, spent passenger t bll runa ou.r t' f th , e birds. Smith winning on t he sixth what t h. ey ad vertlsed; and that he Labor Day with relatives here. au omo e sensa Ion 0 e year. Just as lhe day was done. and dark· [er Y servic . and unchan geabl y interbird always had a good time 'here. This Call on or a~dress John Law & Son, ness was falling fl'om th w ~n g:-; ~ f (!~ ted in t h chur('h '!,! wel.fare . Hel' . was bUll.he expression of hundl'cus nay M;rl!! , who has been spending Lebanon, OhIO. night. - fell a~l eep, -at her honl ' 111 lIulul' was d ·pl y and slll cerely reo 'fhird Event- I5 birds 0' f otl''')·s. IH~ . vaca l'IOn WI) 'tl h'IS paren, ts Mr. • g uil e and wi thout ,.. In renewing her subscription. fur' Waynesville. 0 ., Hal'l'i t b . O' Neall, ligiou ·. without Ray Gaskill , .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 9 The 'Waynesville band discoursed and Mrs. Ben Mills, l'eturned to Day· the Gazette, Mrs. Etta Printz, of on Tuesday evening , AUj.{ust:n , 1909: IIYPo · I·i ~y . Sil ch a life c lilt! not H. N. Smith . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . : ... . 15 musi -'all day and made lh mselves ' ton Monday. Dayton says: "I could r.ol possibly To us it is the "sul'l'owing mo t of help slIl·l·oundin j.{ itilelf with many . ' Bring in your premium tickets and get along without it. It seems to be all that w.esl.mll see ~I.el' ~IlC? no nlOre." ~J evoted. {I:icn Is to whom her passil)g . Dr. Krohn ..... . \ , ... . . . . .. . . . . .. 12 solid by th~ir good m~sic. Wm. O'Neall. ....... , ... . , ... . .. (l Tho Busllless Men s AssoclatlOlI. get the premiums; we have discon- the connecting link between Waynes· To her, It IS the fil1lshmg of her 18 a dls l mct sorrow. Truly th e Geo. Thompson .. . ..... .... . ... .. . 9 surely hav a chance to feel prouu tinued giving tickets the first of this ville and me. We are getting along course with jQY. " She fought a church and our community has lost Jess Thomas . . . . . . .... , , .. . , .. , .. 12 of thejr first efforts in giving the month. John A. Funkey. nicely and are very much pleased good fight ; she kept th e faith , and. I an estimab le woman and valued cit' Thomas and Krohn tied in this town a good Labor Day Celebrawith our location. . has gone on towards that " crown of : izen Bu t fOI' hel' it is a gain. . fl t' , Mrs. J. F . Cadwallader spent Monevent, omas winnmg rst. Ion. • _ • d V h EI' D't f '1 t II h which "is ' stal', Th "'-__ _ ay in Spring alley wit Mrs. lzaon al 0 ca w en you want righteousness," h Lo d h . ht . Ilaid ..up fby unset and evemng - . . ,Four. . t h E~ent- 15 birds HunLEY REUNION Sb h' h W h h t e r t e rIg eous JUl g , or . d I "' beth Hartsock, who is visiting her t IS mont.. . eh ave cut t e "f II tl I I H' I . An one c ear ea II f or me..! .oeson f I . father J. B, Mason. prIce every pair 10 t e Iarge stoc k her- and . "or a lose w 10 ove 18 Anu1 may l herc b > no 1110al11ng 0 t) > Dr. Krohn .SuperIntendent , . every pair . guaran tee. d W omen ,appearmg, ..uar , . h... . . . .. . . . ..... .. ... 12 The annual eunion of the Hurley Township ColVin s Th 'd f th I l (' l' I . H~ N . S mit . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . 15 family occurred near the residence " S e WI ow 0 ' e a c . CO I'g'C • I 'll 7 moved here from Sprmg Valley Mon- hoeR $1.45, $1.75, $2.25, never sold II d h i l l f J I When I put (lil l to sea.I y as I .. . , . . ... .. .. , . ... . . . . of Ernest Hurley on Saturday. T h e r e . t h t t M' $175 $200 O'Nea an ,t e (aug l ('I. ' u una.., , k R.a G'h day an..) WIll occupy the Walker a suc cu ra e. en 5, • , • .1 M '1- 1 1-' h' " I I . b II lot. $225 $250 th .n Y hoe McKay anu atl ua . e l'gu.~lJn, IS Twlllg' It. ant cve lling e , Jess 'I omas . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . .14 \. was a large attendance the chief G . eo. Thompson .. .. , . . . . ' ... . ... 12' featUle of the day being ~ ball game house on so. uth MalO street. . ' k' t . eo' wor m ore Id an Sth wife she was born Apl'il Vi, 1 ~39 ; so An(l nHel' that t.h e dal'k! mar e • me early an ge t e . I' f Mrs. EI Izabe th H ar ts " . between the regular team and a team . oc k , 0f BIr- b t b . J h A F k had hved the al\olled span of I e, And may tlll'r be \1 0 sadn e 's of fa\'e. Smith easily ~ook thiS event, get- I composed of the old "Grays" and mingham, Ala., and J. B. Mason, of es argams . ~ un ey. . three score years and ten. ",el i. tmg all the ?Irds. .The shooters I "Mutes" of fifteen and twenty years SpI'ing Valley, were guests of Rev. icJOO WHAT? On January 24, 1 60 she was united Wh en J embark ; ' in marriage to George T, 0 ' Neall, were well satisfied With the sport, !ago. The game was very interesting and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader last d nth t- f t I , -I Th d . ' I h '1 For tho' fn) rn 'Jut our bourne of an a. ~ou o-own peope were the "old fellows" defeating the "reg· urs ay. The Types last week 10 J. W. with whom contentedly an applY T' d PI en~heduslastiC at the treatment re. ! ulars" by a score of 14 to 12. The E. D. Burnett and wife left Mon- White's ad said they had sold 1000 she lived until August 23, 1906. when Th eIme an ace celv I It f h . day for Marl'on, Ind., where they barrels. It should have said 1000 he passed from lhe earthly lo th e 11I f10()U may bepa:1ntl effal', t f . Th h ·d h f th resu 0 t e game was a surprise to t e my I 0 aee 0 ae J east'e omdas h a cdarge 0 ble ' the people as the old teams were en- were called on account of the death barrels of cement, but our readers' heavenly home, and from the church ~~I~I:II~ ~\Uvc cru s't Lh e bat. " c Sh 00 109, an e rna e a capa e , tirely out of practice. Qf Mr Burnett,s sister, Mrs. Mary might have thought it meant sugar, militant to the church alrest . The •. . manag~r. -; . '-_. Hollowell. salt or crackers. married life of GeorgeT. and Harl'iel J.F.C, In the afternoon by the time , HAS NEW SCHOOL • -.... E. O'Neall wa.'l singularly beauLiful. the program had commenced, the ' Charles Clements, wife and two sons OOES BACK TO XENIA - living as they diu each for th e oth. .'l'he flln e ~'al Look place at St. Mal'y's Ethan and Donald, leave this mornI I F d ft At 1 30 groun ds were w . .eII. fill e. Mr. Isaac Stout left Saturday even: er -which was sanctifi ed by boLh tv. C lUre )1 'n ay a ·ernoon.. : t f d Buor ing for Eugene, Oreg., and other MISS ' Annl'e U Brown left Sunday , tt b· t I t th . gethel' living unto God. Dul'ing le oU,Y was ~ {en I Db ' e cIlurchf' th e f armel's b elOg so busy, 0 akd a l e ing to take up his duties as principal western cities. They will be gone e en' fo Xenia to tal< up her h t d N 0 t- in the NewCarlisle schools. Mr. until somt! time in October. W?UId no. v mg r , e their40and6yeal's shal'inglifesjoY!l w eI" , I wa" vlewec y, scol·es.o t h ave h e Id th ecrow. wlthstandlOg, (there were .over 1,000 Stout was re-elected again this year wor~ as teacher in room 7 at the O. Rnd sorrows, she was ev r a helpmeet her ~rlenufR'h AE~ ~: ::l0 theI IllDPl'elsSl ve people on the grounds durmg the af~ as superintendent of the township This morning we sent in the 48th S. & S. O. Home, Monday. f . h' nd togethel' at . 'I3eechdale" , eI'VICCS 0 l e 'pIscopa c lUrC) wa.'! t~rnoon. . 'schools -at Cedarville, but resigned, order to the International Tailoring .. t~l. I: a tiful country home they read over the remains. The Rev. J. '. From the tIme Fred B. Sh.erwood ltaking instead the principalship of Co. since the 6 suits we.delivered the ATTEND FUNK~Y'S SHOE SALE' fo~l~on:a~ears dispensed a g:'acio1ls 1' , Cad wallader ~ade suitable reo announcea the ti~t , eve~t \nt~regt Ithe New Carlisle schools. day before Easter. It IS the perfect h 't J't to a host of rclatives and Imarks, after whIch the body was never flagged. untIl 3 o'clock, when • _ • fit, all wool goods. Pri~~ l?wer John A. Funkey received 22 cases f:i::d:: y tak n to Miami Cemetery for interthe ball game comruenced. 0 N' than ever heard of. Come and look ~ed Ball Band Felt Boots. Cloth . H . t O'N "all was a woman of ment. Those presen t f\'Olll out of , Followi'ng are the different events, QQO READI G through the 500 samples, every sam- Overshoes, Rubber Boots and the mar~:~eindivid~ality, and sterli~g town w~re: M~ Elizabeth Ni hol with winners and prizes: We call attention to our ad on an- pie guaranteed all wool. best women's, girls child's and men's character' who occupied a prominent son,.Indlanapoh , Ind.; Mr. W. C. \ Pie eating contes~-Four entriesther page in regard to McCaWs John Law, of Lebanon, 'is selling Rubber Oversnoes ever displayed in pla'Ce in the btsl circle of ch·u.rch and McC~ne, Kokoll1? , Ind.; M~s. Emm.a Stanley Pence • . first, fi~hing rod; I Magazine,~a bright, newsy, one- th.eS~udebakerautomobilein Warren any shoe store. We g~arantee every social interests fol' many years. She IMc~hllan, Jamestown; Ml~ Nell~e . James Phillips, second, box ca!idy. magazine-devoted 'to COunty, and will ~andlC' this line in p~r and when you thmk of 22 cases was large hearted in her sympathies. Sr~llth, -Mrs . . Allen Browlllng, ~~I- \ ~road j~mp~Five · entri~Joe the ~?me. i~ e~ery, resp.ect, ' and the addition ~o ~I's carri~ge.bus~~. He and the 21 ~ s?me time ago, you especially toward th~ needy 'and ~he .mmgton; M.r. and M~·s. Jn~ ..E. Imtn , . Thompson', first, $.2 . hat; S. McGee, Ifamlhar l¥haml Gaz!'!tte, the two pa- will, therefore, be III a position to. can have your chOice of 43 cases, The wronged, and had al1 mtense'av rswn Dr. H. 1; ~~her, MISS ..Llda McKay" Hatveysburg, Second, 50c in cash. lpers a!ld a 15c pattern for only $f'~'lsell you a carriag~, surrey, buggy or like ~as ne~el' been known to WaYJ1e8- to any kind of injustice or fraud. ~,u(ige 0 Neall ~n~ fam~!Y1 ~ebanon; .50~yard dash.......BQys und~r 16, s~x IThis is a great offer and , should be. an auto, and will ' alap r~pair them. ville buyers. ~l·!!!.~d get ~e ' b~t. She was a devo~ed communicant E. L. Allen,. ?lll~ll~.n~t,I, MISS Cora . ~ies-Geo, Waterhouse, .ftmt, SUit Ii taken iidvan,tageof by 'all readers.of Hav.e your buggy ol'>auto pl;linted by Oerm"n eehool cbildren Bomber andstea~fast supporter of St. Mary's McKay, X~ma, WI~hS 0 Neall, Broad~ ~, . . good literature. .. .' "" John Law, Le~on, Ohio,. g·,750,OOO. ' church, if p08$ible in,her pew at ev- way, Ohio. .






.-!. .






lip my kn es to film . H shall- he t InSII at Flo{a. A gilt chandellel dl lfllsed li ght Ihrounh (he a pa r tm 'nt, s haJi pnrd,pn GUes !" We wern all bUddl ed tog t11t'f, th .n , nn<i a t on, li ld was n pall' or large In our parlor at th Inn, hn vl l\g just folding !l OO'" S. A fl r a long wul t. a ge nU e mnn, Mr returnpd from th ass lzo hili!. "H!(-hnrd and 1 will go," said Sir D1J:; hr. IIllpeared. li e rec Ir ed U8 pc> lit I ,hill !!alri It Wl\8 Impossibl e to dis· P ' I r. .. \ nd Duphn and I will s tay anu tu rb I h Jlrln ce th n as ho was jus t S Ui ('bat ·01) T cpic$ of Mall')}f Kiods p ~ Ir Peter re comforl Gll o ," SImko Lady Hawla; haw . ling down to 1I1qu t. main d s ilent; b WII S \IS d to ,gIvi ng A W'I'i{ 10 Lonll on, I\nd a WI'! I( to Reeoqo·, e ~ ~u§:hOI1'H" r turn, wa I'a sy tran'lin g-but how o rd rs , nnd tbe wonl s, .. It Is Imposslblo long wo1i 1f1 It · t a l(~ us to r :1(' h th e t o se hi s f oya l hlgn ess," wore po. kIn!;,? And what mln lst rs wO\lIt! b In c nll llrly dl aagr cnble to blm. 1 !lwn made my plea . I tolcl Mr. tow n ~ J\ nu wh nt would b th e I'nrll sl A week from to·morrow Is Labor with orange' blo 'soms , rorg t·me·uo ls, !1l01l1('n t W I' eo nld leal' London ~ All I IA hy thnt I he life at a gnllam officer duy with a ca pital "L," said a brig ht h ads of jln~ Lty girls with OJ'onets 0 1 t1H'~ thill J:;'i'\ wI' re In our mlndil to tor· nnd R 1I11 0mnn wa i; In jeopardy, nnd youu g t acher, as s bo thoug ht of r . tiny roses L1nll lh o brlc! o wllh a DIm) of the nwnt li S. =" c ve nh I ~S , wlthlu balf fln thnt we LJl'gl!I'd 10 ' (\ hi s royal hi g h· n (' s ~ In th,' ha ll thnt th o king mi g ht turnlug to tb e sc hoo~I'oom . "L earn t o veil. hOlln; W were on our ·way . labor a nti to walt," !'nay have don In E nti n' figure place card s or ef· While \1' W('f' II mandlllJ: th e bes t b p aprlroae h d . "Tit aI, 100, is Illlpo s~ lble." coldly r i!o tb e tim e wh en It was wrltt n, bllt fectlvo with a s landard to hold th III hoI'. l'S, an I hnl'ln g t h m Pill to . an In· ;;n le llt J:;'rnu lII cnnl(' In th e s lahl l' ya rd p ilNI ~I r. Dlg hy. "Tho 1.lng Is far tram "Lea rn to Labor, not to wa lt," III mo rc II prlght nt euch plnte. At OIW dinn e r applicable to this day and gon . raUoll, for a bridal party th e I)l ac ' ca ru s :tll li as lu'tl for hon.lJs for ,' ir '1'holl1:\ 8 w ('II." .JU Rt Ih('n ~" m onl' on th other slell' for b e who walls Ie hop e less ly lost In were II l tle photog raph s of th o brlti anel I.all r Arah c lla S I'l rmonl n nd Lady and g roolll In frum es of g ilt wit h lIIuls Ara hl'l lll'S ro mpll ni on, :\Irs. \\' hllnll , of Ih (' foldin j:; (Ioo rs olle' lH?d one 0 1 th o sbu ffi e. Bu t for the party of wbl ch I want to mad e from tb e brldul gown. th m th. ' f,' a ~ t h it In thl' world . nncl lind two s rvanl ~ . fo r Lonli o n . Th te ll It stru k me as a yery good ·thlng. A cole r Ie of co il g g lrl::l ha.1 I h . FIf hcud hos tl (' r rl' pll(,l! rouJ:: hl y I h at I hc y th c lI f'i o~ , ' rI it- bill no t befo re w(' hail The bostess is 11 young matron . who uniqu e sou \,onl1'8 , whl c b also se n t1 !" n . t n'am s o f lI r.: hl pOllrin . e : fr om it. hnd no lim to atte nd h illl th l' lI . ns Is long In tb e knowl edge of th so· as pl nee cn rd s. Dooks w ere madc 0 1 th y were' !;ta rtin g !lir P e l'l' Hawk · a IUlI e; tall l I1rl lll ant with plale a n d By cn ll d fin e a rts. but sh Is wofu11y wh lHl sn tln, with th e words " O IT,. W pn. haw n n,1 :III'. nJYll off f o r Lond o u, 100. ornam C'll ls, and n company o( ab o ut . MOLLY ELUOT SEAWELL lacking In tho knowledge of what I din g Cards" done In gold. They 11'(' 1'(' to bCI-; :II r. (1\ le!; \ ',I'I'n on's life. Th · 20 l!I' lIlh'llw!l s it t ing aro\ln!] it. and cull th o " fitl e r ort" - viz., d OIll('s tic to IIt'C S I~ I' V th wedding carda of tit ' at 11 11 1' ('nil ~a l n 1 1e rSOntl c;1' wholll W I' ma n , at th is , :::r w sa ucy, li nd " fTor tl n l,allcl Rl)llh. iJ fl UIl S fo r th p h r. S al. OIH" rec(,g nized as th o prln f'tl 0 1 s cll" nce. H av ing been r ece ntl y mar· girls as tll E' Y cam e out, llnd th rc II'l' r u rl ed and be ing des irous of doin g s pac s fol' n ows puper c llllP l n g-~ tiP' whi c h Wl're' lI 'I' 1l 11 f'l n ~ I'll t 10 fur us . "·ol f'". for "Jac k" jus t us "molber us e u to," scrl pU" e of th e e vent; also places fo r SYNOPSIS. I caug hl him b.l' Ih o co ll ar, and Ih n' w ,,' 11111 '111 n Wu)'(l , II' l' t I' :1ros l", on rl . only \vlth modern appro v U III thocJs, a f w written no t s. him Ollt ot t ill' Rta hl ya rd , \\'h ' re ti ll' tlnr llng lo wll rd th l' door- for h was At 1 . y,~.n~ t)( n~c AfI .l1fra l ~ it· P c-tl' r sb e has aske u six olde r hous k 'o pe l's 1 lhlnk I,lwtog ra»b ll of the brldl'nn(! J,08 11 e l's dru hbed h im s Oll lltll y . th a lll( PI'I' r n n U!; i1(' rn :l!I tllrl' w It Q\l I' I1 , !tnl! 1l 1l \\' k:.t Jw w '!oi n t'phe w, ltl ,' hu rd (i l "I\ . f t\ll to coru e to luncbeo n ou Labor day, g room should b ' adeled to lIIake th is d " "p l)' In lo ,' e il L III' "L ~l~h ! wl\ le Llt.! y Gall! . w ~ lI;ro d In to t he \l r t' nc of h is royal and tho invitations stipu late that en b record com Jll ete . The nnm of f'lI l' h .A l lbe, tl lI ~l nrrn()J1 t. w hu hPll rt wd lIi~ H t On e hll nie'll kiss to Da phn . a brief hl v;h nl·ss. t t-'lIlI01,:-; , '1'lIt· 1:1 .1 . n n u r} )lIllrl , \\ U~ I:!\"' u Iln o IUUSt be prepar d to t ell nnd, p r· girl was dono In gold on ·th e out s id , n lIi' r 'h :lH llii d shlp rnnn 0 11 ' lin A jnx by fnl' c wt' ll het w c n Sir l' ,t I' anti Lad y aid hI' , mar c h ln ~ liP' to thl! "Sir," haps, Illust rate, some practical way co v r, an d tbUB It Illad th e place curd . )lIn u ndro. Ulk!'t V ,"' rn on, flt!ph.' w \f Sir Il awk!:lhnw. nntl we II' rc olT for L Oll ' prlnl'l . " I nn; Admil111 Sir PC'l('f Hawk· ,] "" t l l1 11S \ -(' rlliln. b "l'tllllo lh t' IJllr's Jl u l ~'I I~ )' ul lr- n le,1 f1 Ih Il ler ", le .... " H a wk · don. Our r uce In to Sco tlanli was noth· f' hnw , nn<1 I hn 1'0 boar 1'(\ ),0 11 , so to of p rforml ng some housebold duty. The hostess II going to provide cun· • h a w·s rwphpw Ril w L thJy A r al,,' IlH. V i' r A Tree Shower. in ~ to it. 51' a l<. s ir, In ord t' r to s ay t hE' li fe 0 1 l io n " lot 1'1 11 1( 11 J \'t.\ rl u, n l~ xl il' IIn (" f o r A with u large law n d eTh e roa (ls we re milch cut lip, nnd onl1 o f the> ga llant :It ofllc rs in the nln g littl e nc ~ e book s and p~ ncl1 s In Sir Tl w n1f'" ' · .. m o" ·,, .,~ t nt '. Th ll)' /lIn n · wb ich will b written th ese 1IIscu\·er· vi sed thi s original a nd protty s how r ,,11 n du el whit-II w "s I" rrupl ~. 1. Verno" . (,, <' rton nnd l1 uwl(" hllW'S n"ph IV fou ll" ulth o ugh we trav c l d day anel n l~ ht. srrl'\c c or his muj('sty." The table favors aT' all to b for a SUlllmer brlde·ele ct. She had les. Ih('1I15<,1\" '9 " tlrtll' led by prell )' Lndy A nl · we w 'r c mllr . t hnll fUll I' da y!> o n th I har! nlway s hl';)rd thut 'hi s royal s ymbols of la bor III miniature-tiny th e lawn gay ly d cqrat d with Ian· \ , .. 11 0.. 'I'h e Aj ux In ba ltI C' d.' fon led F ... ·'" h way. \Ye rearh e(1 Lond on 'arly in the hl~hll 'HM wa s a gPI1t1 t·man . an ti T saw brooDls, dustpans, tubs, etc.- nnd tll o \\'lI r" hl,l8 In t h o MC'. l1torrl,nf'l,H. Rl chn r.! te rns and rug s s pr ad In cozy s pots UI~' n IotIl L .c 2,000 prl1.c meOl"'),. ) I ' "" U! dny: and. ·wlthout ~ tnpl'in g for foorl. lh C' n s lIch n il exhlhltlou of rca<lln('ss ravors are to be th e c utes t of sweep· s urround d hy ohl'll bbery with camp U li N ] homo by Lady 1I 11Wk s h ll IV u s II(J W A nhuul to "blow In" hI " ol'nlngs wILli or to chan gl' our lin en. we wen t to th an d goot! tll s te us I ne ver 'n\\, b('for(' , lng caps and the mos t approved mod· VQI'non. At a H nw l(shnw pnrt\· Glyn dig· allmlrulty. Th 1'0 II' got th e inform a· and n · H' r eXp l' c t to !; 0 again. Eve !')' '3ls of aprons, unde r which "little chai rs and lillie tables where tea was se rve d. cOI'cred th al L illi)' ArnbolllL "'ns a I>oor tlon lhnt lh first lo rd wa s visiting In on at tll I ahl . ex e pt th e 1,,.loce. wlf~ " may safely wear a much.bebUl perslsto nt SIInlbl<'r. H I.' tnlked Illueh The guests were asked to bring artb e country, In Ke nt. Wltllin tile b our. wllh lI"r cOllsln Duphn . Lacly Arabella ngatn showed 101'e Cor gaming. Lat r she I was fln my way to K e nt. \Vb en I se me rt as toundf'd at the !!udd n e n· frilled frock with perfect safe ty. The ticles for a "miscellaneous" s hower. t r a nce and s talling atldr 55 of a short, , me nu Is to be made up from the r ecl· After th e y arrive d there was a s hort h Id Glyu un,1 Ol'erlon prlsonerR, thus ~ e l a)'1n g U, O cluel. J n th Ov 1'\ 0 11' V r· r euched th e place, the 'fir s t lord had net ive 11111 llIall in a n admiral's unl· pe book prepared by "special friend s ," musical program of love songs. Tho l'Ion <tu I. neit her \VIUI hurt. Lady Ara· left, 1I0t more tban two hours befo r forlll . Rut th prince o ffe l' d Ir P('ter 1'0 the hostess confided to rue ehe fe lt packages were ti ed to a bea utiful bella. hurill1lut d Ri chard h l' her pranks. rU chard and 0111\11 shipped on a trlgatr. hi s h aurl In the coolest mann e r la the sure ot r esults and would not have to vergreen, a real little Chrl~tlUa8 Giles waS 'll ptu l'bd by th e French . Sir world , say ing: try the m on "Jock" first. (1 wondor tree. It certainly was a loaded twe, Peter arrang d for hIs ex ~ hunl:('. · no ahowed a liking tor Olyn, who W IUl " :'Il o,· t ha l)PY 10 llI oet YOll , Sir Pe t r . If lie r ealizes his fortunate escape'?) for the hostess had added II. lot of tlu then 21 years o t ag . Gllm, wus I' I 'ased. I r collect. well tha t yo u carl'l d the T hin ted broadly to be bidden to tbe things like cooky cutters, graters, etc., Oiles and Rich ard pla nn ed 10[,ement8. Sir PteI' obJCclcll to th plan to w d Ind omptllhle by boarding very s nccoss· feast. but the hostess with charming that sparkled tn a most bewltchlni DlLphne. By clever rUBl'!1 Giles and Rlchfull y. nut how tl1d you ge t pas t .t h candor replied: "No, Mme. Curtse y, manne r. Ill'd eloped with Lady Arnbella. and Paphne, I' spectll·ely. The latter patr wntchdogs a . th doo r , my dea r' s ir ?" this Is to be renlly and trpl' a plain Each parcel was accompanied by a were ma rrl Il, Daphne W UlI pI 8.8od; Ara· "By canylng s ail batt!, yom royal affair, wltbout any furbelows, and rhyme or sentiment, which was read bolla. rav d In an,:: r. When the par· ty r~tllrn e d , Arnhell a. naked Sir Peter to hl ~ hn es s ," r spo nd d Sir P e te r, "and cannot be class d In your 'Novel En· aloud. The bride-elect was handed a aid In pros cu tlng ti el! In court on th e e ing Ihls door op n, faith, said T, to tertalnment.· It's too s e rious." Never· pair of scissors and clipped the rib· chnrge ot co mmitting u. capital crime. All attended the trial. mys If, hav in g l'ls ked my skin th se theless, I am hoplne the r eaders w\1l bons, opening each parcel as she took ·\0 years for the kin g and his S II CC s· appreciate the novelty of the Idea, for It down. Tbls with serving of retresh· CHAPTER IX.-Contlnued. lIor1l, S life , I can risk It once ni ore by 1 thlnk It Is gOing to be a mighty good ments . furnished entertainment for The evidence being all In, and walldng III lin ruy prince, and he r ~ luncheon. . time specified on the Invitations, from arguments mode, a recess was taken . am, s ir, ready to s lal.e my case. ThaI' "tbree to five." Eyery one was de· We were not tbe only ones who paid bloody JlOlllnja y, Digby (Dig by wu For Pre·Nuptlal Luncheon •• IIgbted with tbe novelty and 1)roour res pects ·Immedlo.tely to Giles ri ght behind him), wanted m e to le t Tbe slipper. bell, rose, heart, true nounced the affair a charming suc· V e rnon. Ma ny pe rsons w nt forward yo u al one beca use YO\1 we re about to lovers' knot and circle (ring) are all cess. and shook his hand, while 1 tb lnk Sir MADAME lIlERRI. go to plquot, bUl r think no prince of appropriate symbols for place cards Thomas did 1I0t rece ive a cordial greet· EnglantL would sa rlflc e a man's life to at a bride-e lect's luncheon or dinne r ing trom a single man or woman In tbe At the F~ve O'clo~~. Tea. party. They may .be easily made at a game of plqll t." ball. althou g h he was known to every A popular combination much serve4 "Ce rtainly not, Sir P te r." answered home. First cut the design out at one presenl. his royal highness, rising, "and now J paper untH it Is satisfactory, then use Instead ot Iced tea at five o'clock Is We got a hurried dinner at the tav· hav an hour e ntirely at your s e r ' as II. pattern on beavy dull paper or grape juice and ginger ale mixed. Ule ern, and returned at once 1.0 the hall. vice." cardboard tbat comes for just such about a third of the latter. If white It was about half·past tour In the win· grape juice Inltead of purple Is chosen "Sir," said Sir Peter, "I nsk the purposes. ter afternoon, and the day being dark honor of s haking hands with you, npl A very slight knowle dge of water the drink Is better yet. Serve with and lowe ring, candles were r eq uired. as a royal prince, but as an bonest colors will serve to decorate them glaS!ies half filled with cracked Ice. The lord justice's Instructions to tbe man and good fellow." jury were then read, and my heart I think the prince was ever s uscepsank, as tn a dreadful monotone, he ' (',.pounded the law to them . Alas! As My Senlel Seemed Preternaturally tible . to honest praise, for he was no Acute, fool. and he was undoubted'ly pleas d long as the stntute against the abduc· tlon of an heiress remained, Giles Ver· for London. I had passed him on tbe wb n Sir P e te l' wrung bls hand. He non was guilty ot a capital crime; and road , withou t knowing him. I re· then led the lVay Into anotber room'l not one word uttered by anyone of us turned to London . Sir Pe ter had seen and tbe door was closed. who tes tifi e d In bls .behalf did aught several me mb rs ot the go v rllm nt, The res t of the par~y behaved very but l)rove tb more strongly that he meanwbll , and had bee n privat e ly In· elvl\ly to me, and I accepted thankful· bad carried Lady Arabella olf against form ed that the Idng wus suffering Iy an in vitntlon to bn ve some thing til lie r will. mentally; and allhough hop es w e re e n· eut ,and drlnlc They we re me rciful to The jury retired. and. th day having tertaln ed that the spell woulrt pass me,s e ln g my dl s tr s s of mind, an.I b een fati gUing, the lord s justices de· away, without to e nec ss lty of Inform· cltd not plag uo me wllh !'Juest lOllS, blil te rmined t o walt In tke lr retiring room Ing the cou nlry 01' parllament, stilI, r esum ed the ir con\'ersallon wllh on. fo r an hour, wbere they could be aCCG6S to him was re fu sed to all by his anotilP.r. (TO BE CO:-lTJN ED.) call ed, If the jury promptly r ea ched a physlclalis , except th to Tnh rs of his ve rdi L 1'bls troubl ed m o-thls ex· family and Imme dlnte household. and WAS T~IE OTHER'S -SUCCESSOf\. II ctaUou of a qui k deci s ion. til y wer chargNI not to 111 IItlon busl· The judI; s having, r Urell and sus· ne~'l to him ; it wo uld be Imposs ible to Llttte Negro's Explanation Certainly p e nd d the Sittin g or the eOllrt, we at approach him. Bore Aspect of Truth. 011 ('0 went 01'01' lind sat wi th Giles, Whe n Sit· Pete r told me this. T be· who ma intain ed pe rrE'c tly bls manly CRme so weal. I was {oreecl to sit clown . II'v ln Ccbb tell s a slory or a iiI tie. ~ompoSllr e . He Inuglu1d with Sir Pe t r After a f w mlnut S of ago ny. n desp r· nver !'IOl1le of th e events or tb e fight ate r s olve came to me. I rose, and wellry negro who wenl Inlo a r esort In l\atche z, displayed a largo roll of bill. II tWCl'n th e Ajax flnd he r I wo e ne· said; and bought a drink. ml es , oompllmented Lad y Hawkshaw, "1 bave a Bcbe me-dI'SI1 IJ rate, but As he was paying for It another nelIpon he r triumph 01'('1' th e laws of the not Iml1oss lhle. Go with m e to the g ro came In , ve ry large and very land r elating 10 e vid e nce, aUlI said [Jlince of Wal es. H e Is at Carlton bluck. He looked at the lillie man an~ many I(\nd thin gs to Daphne. hous e , but goes back and torth to said: "Nlggah, wbar you c it all daC 'W hll e we lVere In th e mid s t of '0. mon y?" c\.ltIcl'ful conve rsaUon , and not observ· Windsor." Sir P e tor jumpetl at tbls poor chance, "Dab ·tendah: said the little negro, Ilnt of what was gOing on In lh other by way of a re ply, '''Ah tblnk Ah 6ball p rt or the 1\1111, we s udd e nl y heard and we a gr ed 10 go Immediate ly. W e had I ft Yorl( on a !<'rlday, and tek a bOllle of dat·ah stuff. 'Pelul tb e c ri c r proc laiming th e ntrunc e of lhe ir 101'dsbijlS, and Ht th same mo· had reachl'u London on th e ~ouday. qult,~ satlsfyl n' tub me." "JI,' l g~ ah," roared the bi g one, "whar 31 !>nt ,II' Thoma s VI'I'non e ntered by Two d ays had nhpe n los l In lh o jour· Illi othe r doo r . Hnn gi n£; o n hi s arm ney to Ke nt; !tnd It was now lat e In rOil glt dnt mon ey? I a st you. I's the IVO S J.Kldy Arnlw lla Stormont. And til(' E- I'oning- of W dn esday. We had, town bully, I Is. I follolV bullyln' fob luridl y, hrou ght 0111' uniforms along; a trad e. \\ bar you glt It?" ~Iw n Lhe jury til d In with sole mn fa ceR, and what fo ll owed all seenied and. rtrpss lng flursl'lves In th e m- Sir Th e littl e negro began stuffing the P elll r wUh <III his onl'rs S WD on his ,mon ey baelt Illto his pockets. "Seems '{) m o III(e so me horrill dream. Allilou ~ b BE-Ve ra I p rsons Wf!re coat-we call ed a hackney coach and to me," he mus d, "I ain't got 'nul! JII f) villg abollt, th C're ~e e llJ e d to ID n d rove to Carlton house. pocket s to hold all mah wealth." " ' he n we got tbere It was ahout ten (I r(·a.trul 811 nel'; and all hough the The big negro jumped at the little ~ lI ndl ('s IIl1rn d, and a rE-at hobgoblin o'rloe\{ In th e e l·l" llln g. The windows one. "Your h ear what r said?" he de· or a 11I00n pl'l'rc)d In at th e windows . we re brilliuntly li ghted UT', and It was manded. 'Ts the town bully. an' 1 .here f'c e me d 1111 awflll darlmess. And about th e 11 0ur Ihat the prince of wanter know whar you glt all drt Tbe flr.s t Illustration shows a simple style well Bulted to Jap silk, Three <tfter 0 lin1f'. ili which I was oppressed Wale::; was l;nown to be In his best mon e y?" tucks nre made at each side of back and tront; the outer one II taken to waist, by 'hi s ghostlr s il e nce !tllli clarlmess, hUlllor-but th e hou r when be most Quick as a aash, Lhe little negro Ul>- the otbers join yoke and are stitched a few Inches down; the plastron and 1 sn w til(' s e nior 101'(\ jll s l.ire Jlut on a bated to 6e r'llst urbed : pel'cut the big one. catching blm OD yoke, wll..lch are cut tn one, are of piece lace, with trimmings of cords and but, ~I ac ll enp and so nte nce Giles Vernon We descend ed, and tbe sentries the point of the Jaw and knocking him tons. Toe Gleeves are three·quarter length, and are tucked to match. to be hno ge d by the neck until he was passed us throngh on account of our down. In a moment the big negro reMaterials required: 214 yards silk 36 Inches wide, %. yard lace, 1 dozen :lead. that day fOl'tnl.g bl. uniform s a.nd SI,. Pe ter's decorations vived enough to look up from the buttons, 1 yard co.-d. The seeQnd Is' an exceedingly pretty Idea, and Is carried out In }tale green My e yes roved ulm le.sly al'o llnd. and all hi s brea s t. We reached the door floor and ask humbly; "Nlggah, wbo II spotted ninon and piece lace. The ~Inon Is finely tuc~ed for the . yoke, and Is • II at UlU t 11I0mp. nt on Lady Arabella. and knocked . The porter opened the )to u, anyhow?" stormont . A faint s lIJ ii e fll cl,el'ed on door g ingerly, wh on Sir Pete r, giving "Why," replied the little one, blow· gauged on the outside of sleeye. Green silk to match Is used to blnd the edge.s . It a klcl" walked In, followed by me. Ing his knu..:kl es, "I't! th' pusso", you of the over·bodlce, whlcb Is entir(\.l y of plece·lace. b e r lo ve ly mouth. MaterIals required: 2Y., yards ninon 30 Inches wide, 'As yard green silk, Th e man atte.mpt ed to arrest our prog· thought you wuz wben you come In.'' 2JA. yards lace 18 Inches wide. CHAPTER X. ress, but Sir P e ter said to him, -Saturday Evening Post. Tbe nex·t design Is also qulte pr~tty, and Is made up In mauve mercerized 10 that hour of honor became fiercely: lawn. Three tuckB are made on each shoulder, and tw~ ellcb 'slde of center weltlt r ,a lld 11101'0 help!ess than tbe "Do you tblnk, you dllmn od Illcktly, Treawure . Hoarded In India . . front and back. Tbe 'yoke, wblch Is. of fine muslin embrOidery, continues to wea ltpst and tO ost hc lpl es woman. that you can be insole nt to an ndmfral All the world knows that gold, sllve) waist In tront, and a Uttre way down at back; straps of embroidery edged with Sir P eler nnd f..ady Hawl(s llllw were In ' his maj str's service?" The man and gems nre ' eOIl1itantly' dlsappearlnll material are taken over tbe shoulder., and mauve silk !;fnments llre sewn In .0 s tunn >d .10 t hl.IIIL . 1 rE' ruembel', apolog ized 11UlhblY 'and ushered us Into In Inoja to sw \I the hidden stores 01 the rounded enda. The sleeve'S are trimmed ·by groups or <tuclla and set to • . ·10W. tll El look of desJ'!u lI' on Sir Pele r's a Jarg' I' C plion room au the first the people. Whet no one knows Is the band of embrQldery just below elbow. Materials required; 2 yards lawn as Inches wide, 4 ornamenta, lJA. )'ard Ol1 nt nlinc • wh r I '-tlad u ve r be- floor. suylng I) e would call the gentle· accumulated amount. Tbe late Dun. embroidery 18 Inches~ . :01'0 IIll II anythin g b\ll .sturdy courage ' man at th e cbamhers. ".' ' nlng MacLeod estimated 'that ther. lI1uslin In .plece lace o~ caMbric embroidery, ,be bolero would lie botb .lmart and ~Ilnd I · was an add d terror. And the . W e seated .ourselves. ·Even ·In tbat r:p.tght be $1,500,000,000' In hidden gold 1I8.tul; the edges are bound with tbe lame material aa drels la made of. QDe ..,ho retain 'd 11 I' s~ n ses , who sug· time of ·~y.OIlY. I Doted the beauty of alone. Of sHver there may ' be eveD Materials required: 2 yards lace 18 Inchea wide. , ges! d n. fodorn hope, was Du.I)hne- tho rooru~lndlled, my senses seeme!! more In llroportlon, as the Illver rupe. The laBt II a I\lmple pinafore bodice .that II made up In nymph l1'e9n linen tho youngest, the least eX[1 ri need ofl preterna!\lI'al,ly ac::ute, and every In· bali long bee; the common money CUI'> to match the Iklrt; embroidered galloon fonnl the trimming round oponln. at 'UI all. eldent of tbat dread·rul time Is deeply rent In India. or bidden gemB no OU neck ud ann·boles; the tab of embroidery which comea 1D "'eDter of front Ja "To London!" sh salrl. "To the fixed In my mind. The ceiling was of bal ever been bold enolllh to ...U.... lfImJDed with three 110& ~.e1a. Ilatera&18 reqidn4: 1 prcl Uua II bleh.. w14e, '\6 ,aU . .It.~. I£lu, lor pardon 1 1 m)'.eU wW 10 gUt, ,.J,tUe around the walll were paint· the .....



-- -e





---::::-====--_-. ---==e

Five Suggestions


IIlrarn- a ol e HAnk IInrdappl had a hunc!·to·ha ilfl fi ght wllh a grizzly b 'lI l' an' liv ed t' t 1\ th' tul o? Si las ( t1I Sf'l lll fl .,lat(,)y)-Yu~, by gum, an' th e t t;~C IUS t' bo ull h \Iv d fnr! Wedd ing Fee In Installment •. SOIllO uf tb u 't; qulres In rU Htlc New J rsc y .. ' 11\ LO be pretty ba rd pus bed for ca s h. To g t Ihe cas h tit ' y do not hes itat e 10 usc lUos t unus unl Ill uthods. OUI' or th l'!H) J . I': S ad I' 'nls d the othe r duy Hwl bo \\III !; n'ady aud 11'\11. lug 10 lIlarry 'uul'l c ti at IIny tlmu, day or nt g ht, for l\ cons ld mUon of $5 <llld tb nt ho wa s wi lling to H cept $l In ca sh down lind tit res t In w e Ill y In· Btllllllll'nt::; of $ 1 until th e r, 0 or $5 W II S jl,l ld up. The very night u!'l ' I' tho Ill'st aV lil'Urlln e of Ihl :! lId\' ertl~ 'ment tb e J . 1'. 1'1'1'1"1'1',',1 to \1'Uti ca ll 'd UPOIl to "Ill a k gootl .. hI s hltlff. S hor tly uftor ml(lnight n CUUII I ' whi ch hau 01110 In an lIu tolllo bll c I\WlI lWIl Cd him I'rom bl s Il'CI' and " s li er! to be lII urr l 'ct und r th e In s tu llill 'Ilt phIl! orrel'ed In t be adl' crtl sl' llIf'fl l. AmI th o i P. was gUlD o lIlld Ill ud e good. Reslnol Produces I ",mediate Result. and Is the Surest Remedy Known for Itching Piles. Resi nol Ointment Is tho bes t tblne eye r proliuced (or th e re lief nnd cure ot Itcblng Illles, us on b provon by a singl e tria l t es t. An occlls lonal appll· cation will prevent the r e turn of thl. annoying affec tion. It Is an excellent healing r em dy and wo keep it In the house all the time. J. R, Herzog, D, D. S ., New York CIt)". Unfortunately Coupled. .'\ lI son t en s holY durin g Nnl)oleon'a E gy ptian ampalgn' no soon r we r th o Mam lukes obs rv d ut a di s· than the word was brlve n ; tOIle "Form RfJtlar e; artillery to. th an· gles; ass sand avans to tb e c nt r ." 'I he command alTorded no IIltl 01 rrl· m ent to the soldl rs oye n at s nch an exciting 1lI01l11"1l t , aud mud e the m call the af-ses d lUI· avans.

ImPOrtant to Mothe,..

Bxamlne carefull), every boW. ' of CABTORIA a lafe and luro remed)' for lofanl. and children, and aee ttla' It

s:::r~b:,~s: 10 Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind YOIl Have Ah'ay.


Their Appropriate Place. "What Is this InsUtutlon?,' "Ono where a ll the next·to·nature's, heart faddists ought to go." "Why so?" "Because It Is a borne for the feeble· minded, where all the Inmates lead tht. real slmille life." The Prospect, "I am porry that there Is a craze for these aoroplane \llgbts." "Wby BO?" "Because the lovers who want to lake Ih III will b more In the clouds th a n ev r."

Don't dope Y()lIrRelf for evcry IitU" 1t only hurh your 8tomncli. ,lIch pRm com S lIRllnlly from 10 'nl inflnm· mlltion. A li \.tle rubhing with Hnmlin. Wiznrd Oil will top it inUllcdintcly.


Be wnre of people who pot you' on th e boc k . They may be looking for aa ollllOrtllnlty to ki c k your fe e t from und er YOll . Mn. Wln.lo ... •• 8oothloll' ~1rnp. Por . hlldrcn toclblnK, ouC"'na lllojtul1l. , roduco. IJt.

GlWlwaUun. allay. pillu. cureawlnd cwUu. 200 . boUI..

Tbc world sprinkled $1,000,000 worth

ot pepp e r on Its tood In 1908.



Remed7 for Cramps. Dysen-. tery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and Colic, should be alwaY' kept handy, for when such. medicine is needed, it is needed in a hun:v.

Dr.D.Jayne's , C~ative

Balsam ' .

baa been lIucceaefuny emplo,ed for .",yenty"ilight yean in reUevlDg and curiol aU complaint. of tbb nature. Stop• . pain fmm~ diately. It I. a hollMhold nec. . Ilty in homftl wheN theN are cblldren, Your dnIgIIt will

npply 70110 Per ~ttlo, asc:.

.... D. Juu'a r .......,...,. Ie. nUa1Il.~m=" forbotb IIdaIta and cbU to taIr.·


.~aI". ._~.t1I





No Fear of Any Furt her Trouble.

Much Wonderm en t at Social Matron s' Meeting Before the New Mem· ber Expl ained.

David Prloe, Corydon, Ia., says : "I , In the last stage of kldn y trouble -lame, wea k, r un down to !\ mere s k leton. 1\1y back , was s o bud 1 could h ardly wolk and t he kl dn y seore. tlons muc h di sord er d. A we k after I b gan u s in g Donn's Kldn y P ills I co uld wa llt wltb· out a cane, and a s I conllnu d lilY h ealth gmdunlly r e turn ed. 1 was so grateful I mnde a public s tale m nt of my cllse, nnd no w se v n years bave p:u;s d, I nm s tili )lerFectly w II." Solcl by a ll denle l·s. 500 U !.Jox. Foster·Mllburn Co., BUfrlllo, N. Y.


Gwendolyn de Courtenay, the hand· some society favorite, was nervous ly agi tated. Even a bllnd·baggage car 'ould see tb at. She passed up and 'down In front of the large cheval glass In her room. Evidently she was greatly aggrieved over something, Flnully her hlgh·strung nerv es got churn ed up to such a pitch that she los t control OVOI' hersclf and began to clutch and tear wildly at her hull', pulUng It out lu large ha nd fuls. Your sympath etic nature Is aroused and you cry: "The poor woma n Is WIFELY SOLICITUDE. tempol'nl'lly Insane. \Vby doesn't some one stop her befo re she does herselt bodily Injury 1 She must be In t errible menta l agony to sland lhe pain ot pullin!: h er hair out by the roots." But hlstl Be not too lavish with your sympathy, fri end. Up to now GwendolYll has only pulled orr 14 pounds ot purrs, three miles at Interlooking, switches, and a few de tach· able curls. She has Bailie dis tance to go yet before sh e touches tbe r eal, cross,youL'·heart hair, Gwe ndolyn Is merely di strac ted becau se her maid Burg la r- Ha nds up! cannot got her lI oatlng, hirs ute e quip· Wlto- Oh, J ohn , be careful of those enent on In becoming array. She Is glob s; you' ll break tbem! Simply getUng r eady for a fr esh atart! - Puck. . The Difference. Edward, ha vin g !Jeen re'fused an· Putting Him Wise. oth I' baked pota to on tbe s imple but "Have you a play for next season!" ~o ll\' ll1 'in g ground that th re were liked the low comedian. no more, ncco rdlll g to the Ne w York "No," anllwer d th e manager. Sun, mnde som un complimentary re"Well," continued the I. c., "I can lUar k about t he Insufilclency of his put you next to something that will dlnm' r, "This Isn't dinn er," co rrected 1raw well." the aunt wh om bo was visitin g, "This "What Is It1" querIed the manager. Is lunc h a u. You don't at dlnn I' 1n "A mus ta rd plastcr," answer ed the the middl e of the day. You ea t th a t lither, as he made a hurried getaway, at night." The next day th e aunt, be· In g anxious to know If E dward had Gettln 'Em Out of the Way. a ssimilat ed h is I sson of th e day beP enman- A certain soci ety has fore, said: "Edw a rd , cun you tell lUade me an offer to buy all of my m e now tb ditrete nce betw een dinner poems. Dnd lunch on?" " You bet I can," said Wright-It must be the Humane soE dward , very promptly, "Lunch Ie Dl ety,-Yonkers Statesman, the meul wbere you don 't get enousb to ent." AT THE SEASIDE. People Becoming Interested. Evidence at the popular Inte rest In tbe anU-consumptlon crusade Is given In a statement made by the National Association tor the Study and Preven· tlon at TuberculOSis, to the e ffect that during the year ending August 31, nearly 3,000,000 peopl e have attended tuberculosis exhIbitions In various parts ot the country. Besides the threo traveling tuberculosis exhlbl· tlons or the national association, th ere are 28 exhibits of this kind ' through· out the UnIted States. Four years ago thllre were only three such dis· plays In the entire country. He Was Well Equipped. A Me thodis t bishop was r ecently a guest at th e home at. a friend who had two charming daughters, . One morn· Ing the bishop, accompanied by the two young ladles, went out In the hope at catching some trout. An old fish er· man, out tor the sanle purpose, wish· Ing to appear friendly, called out: "Ketchln' many, pard?" The bishop" straightening hImself to his full h eight, r eplied: "Brother, I am n fisher of men," "You've got the right kind 0' balt. nil right," wus the ,fisherman's re!oinder.-Succcss Magazine. A Claeslc In Kentucky. They have been telling this story down In the Blue Grass so long tbat the' Loulsvllle , Courler·Journal says tt Is regarded 8S a clas sic : "M ajah," announced th e colonel, "I'U het I'Ye- sweat no less than 17 gallons!" "Begging your pardon, kunnel," reo turned the major, deslsttog from a long libation, "ge ntlemen don't sweat; they pe.r splre. Horses sweut." "Well, then ," returned the now Irritated colonel, glaring at the calm and contented critic of his diction. "by gud, suh, I'm a hoss!" THREE REASONS Each 'w ith Two Legs and Ten Fingers.

MIss Oldglrl-Don't you thInk It's II great Impropriety to be angaged to three men' at once! Miss De F1lppe-Not It they don't know Jt. No Use. Newspapers try to post the world, And ke p It posted- do lhelr bestf.nd yet lIome city youth each yeo.r EBIII.YB to pick 11 hornet nest. Opposing Results. "rrhere Is one paradoxical experl· ence," r emarked the Home Philosopher, "which nearly every . perllon has." "What Is that'?" asked the , Humble Conlapnlon. "That It strikes no one's sense of bumor to bit his funDy·bone." Precaution. "If there Is anythIng a trust hates to do," said !\Ir. Duetln Btu, "It III to break a law," "1 understand," answered Senator Sorghum, "that Is wby you have so otten tried to bave the law made to Bult you In the first place."

TemrJtation. When you come rIght down tcl tt, A Boston woman who Is a. fond motber writes an amusing article i woman can't stnnd temptation, If about her experience feeding her boys. It comes In the torm of a new hat Among other things sbe says: In a store window marked down to A man Ruccumhs to the "Three chubby, rosy·cheeked ,boys, U3 .49. Rob, Jack and Dick" aged 6, 4 and 2 tempter when somebody whispers: years respectively, are ,three at our "The bass are biting," reasons for using nnd recomendlng the The Rebeund. food, Grape·Nuts, for these youngsters "Every time we 'llVe re alone before bave been fed on Grape·Nuts since Ill- we were married you used to take fancy, and often between meals when sdvantage of the tact to tell me what other children would, have been given you thought of me." candy. "And now every time we are not "I gave a package of Grape·Nuts to Ilone you tell me what you tblnk at a n eighbor whose 3 year Old. child was me.;' a weazimed ' little tblng, III half the time. The IItUe tot ate · the GrapeHelp for Smokers, ' Nuts and cream greedily and the mothBIII-I see a purchase In a German er continued . the good work, and It tobacco shop entities you to one tele· was not long before a truly wonderful phone call. change manifested Itself In the child's JI1I-l hope tbat doesn't mean that tace and body. The results were reo the telephone calls are all tor nmbu. lances?-Yonkers Statesman. markable. even for Grape·Nuts. "Both husband and I use GrapeNntsevery day and keep IItrong and Deadly, well and have three of the finest. WltlDlehWlnk-It Is no use ot talk· bealthle_st boys you can find In a day's It~gIS' our ats take ~e mascuUne eye u BUlllmer, march," , " ' . . Many mothers Instead of destroying , Billie Blnk-Elr-~es, take both the children's . atoinachs with, candy .• yea Ita chap .dO~I\~ t dodge qulekl),. and cake give the youngsters a h~d· ' 'Where tho Break Came. 't ul of Grape.Nl,lts when they are beg· "l th'o ught you and Mrs. Brown glng tor .somethltig in the way at we:-e Ihe best ot friends,." sweets. The result' is soon shown In "Wo were, until we rented a sum. l1'eatly Incressed health, strength and Iller (ottage toget.l .er." mental activity. "There's a ReRson." HlI,rd to Con"ecL Look In pkgs. for the (amous 11tU. "Hone1'a everythIng, 1*1J't itT" book" ·'The Road to Wellvllle." "1rett)' near. For Instance, it ..

1t was HilllOSt th e IIl1nnlmo u>l opl nlUll III th Social ~111tl' (m);' Ill' ' llllg lhllt It WIl H Imjlo, :IIIle te I;·.CI) a r ani, 111 01' tb a n II monlh wlthuUl 'hnt, gl ug, THE SUBURBAN BREAKFAST " ll oi\'l~ v( : I' , " nnnollllCdl Ibc · pl" s l· ut'nt, " If allY j, I's. n pr e ~ l' n t know s Corree up a nd roll I n hand And !Hly seconds lnlc, of al) !'xC'eIHICln ill cn: t' 1' 1 II !' I' ~ 1 'H' ak:" 1,'Mher b..., nkfu~ 1 8 on Ihe rUD At Ihl ~ 111f' . ' ' W :'1 e ll1 IJ C I' llnlldly '1'0 ca tch the 7:08. :l1'O!W in th II' '-"l ld ' l', ··Th e CXl'C lJLiuu II; In lI iy hOlHH'," sh snld . Ni bbli ng nt a Bott boiled egg And hoonng might and mai n, This (,:llI sl'd til ' ntll t' l's to sit" up. Moth er br ak(usls n.s she 8p 'cds " ll u\\' long ha vc you had vou r '1'0 calch tile shoppers' Irul n. cooll'!" qlll zz~ d Lb ' f1l'c ~ llI e nt. . , ) V I' !I v' years." Cnrrylng his bowl o[ mush An'" Iloublc (Iulckenlng fnr, For a IlIUIll ' nl th ' ollwl'!; s tan'd In Tommy brcnl,(u5 Is us he hlltes nnla zeru Ilt: tht.' n II l'l1tl:'l lJ g-a n lO lJOb '1'0 catch lh(J Illgh sc hool car. in a Lillll l'U tl oll tl nd II (I I" h '·au" lJ ~g a n Thus for I!ubu rbs It wOllld seem, to t; wln g sill \ uys in \'1 !;OI·ou · di s· '1'hough re\'c nues a re Inx. U'Uf;t of thi s Slllll'lJ\ ellt. No br nl,rlllft lulJ les wi ll be fou nd " Is tht.; '0011 entire ly sati s fn .tory On whl 'II 10 lay a lax. k? -A!cLulHlburgh WlIsun, In New Yon flS U 00 ." SUD. "My hus band thinks n ol, l.Jut she f': tay . II 'v t;! rlh eless.' · THE BRUTE. "How do YOll n1ultage to llCe p bel', thn ?" " lI e CB U:W she \\10n 'l go." "Aba!" Thi s eja ' ulatlon wh ich 'scr: :lp.d froTr. th e J) r('sld c llt'H mouth wns fla sh 'd ll1 w ulOglc throu gll tbe mee ting unti l It b ca m a hu ge wave? The r"'eRident regard d Ih New 1\1 mbEl r with half pllY, hull' s corn . " l\" ew Member, " said she. the n ex t 11l01lHmt, "In stead of lld vuncing a case In which a long·sought solution might havo be n fOllnd, you expose yo urself as !J lu g ,"'orso off th a n any or yo ur slst 'rs. 1' 01.1 show tbat by a llo win g this ook to stay ovel' the month you hav enabl d the m en ia l to attnln an d hold a n asc nd ancy ovel' YO Il a nd your hm:ba nd- just tb o thing this socie ty has so long fo ugh t against~ '0 doubt you l ' U ' this day. 'ew :\l ember ?" "I do not!" sho re plied, brid ling Mrs. Flxe m-I don't see what you t.hrough the snltl's and tllr t In sinuamen find In your club. Mr, Flxe m-It's wlJa t we don't find. tion s lhat sclntlll al 1I abo ut h er, "Cor In my hOll se 1 am th cook! " Clever Willie. On hIs buby slBter's heall Devotion to Sarah. Willie broke a piece o[ til., Th at ma tin ee gi rls In a n exaggerated Mumma only smiled and saId: "Thut will hold her tot a wl~ lle." form a re no t spec ialties of t bls country Is viden.ced by th e foll ow ing from a Soothing. Paris paper: "I tblnk my wife has mesmeric "'fhey wer e a , bevy of RuOUt ten powers. Whenever 1 am unable to young girls, seated yest erda y morning sleep I get her to run her fingel'l on a bench opposlt 66 Boulevard Pe. through my hair, and she never falll r elre. ' to make me teel drowsy In a little "Why? Th ey were awaiting the r eo wb11e," turn home of Mme. Sarah Bernh a rdt "My wile can put me to sleep In aD from a trium phal tou r of th e n orth of easier way than that. I just permit France, for which she hod used an a u. her to go on talking and she .aOOD tomobll e tor tb e flrst time, gets so dee ply Interested In ber BUb" The girls kn ew vcry well that Mme. ject that she doesn't exepect me to Bernhardt was due to .arrlve yesterday, answer." · but- at what time? HavIng no precise Informatjon on that paint, the y The Latest. had begun mounting guard a t nine In Sandy Pikes-Yes, mum, I use~ to the morning before th e home of their be de star wire walker In de days , Idol. Noon came-<>ne o'clock-but of Barnum_ Couldn't you loan me a no automobile. quarter to join de show In de next "nut th ey wer e not di scouraged. town? Rnth el' than desert th eir post they de. Housewife (susplclously)-Whete Ie clded to lunch right t here on the your wire! bench. ~ Sandy PI Ires-Don't carry It any " Two o'clock, three, . four. At last more, mum. I'm a wlrelesa walker there Is th e honk at a horn, The ten now_ girls pick up t en bouquets and rush towal'd th e approaching uutomoblle. By Inference. "A radiant sm il e fl' om Sarah Is th e ir Bridge Teacher-Now, It your part· ner Is dealer and has a dreadful hand, r eward, and th ey tTlp away, quite ,happy." what will she make It? Mrs, Baker-No trumps. Bridge Teacher- Why, you don" Holland Lives Up to Her Pictures. know anything about brIdge! Holland Is one European country Mrs. ' Baker-Possibly not; but t that looks like her Jllctures. Thero know all about my partner~-Harper'. Is no bette r use for th e word quain t Bazar. than to apply It to Holland. The farm ers r eally w ear wooden shoea. ON DANGEROUS GROUND, The land r eally Is diked. Black and white Hol s~ e ln ca tUe really pervade the landscape. The men r eall y wear blue jeans shirts outsid e their trousers as they work In the fi elds. On hun. dred ~ at heads 'of women In any crowd th e sliver hair basket s, cover ed wlth ' lace net, really may be seen. The girls and wome n are r eally red. ch eeked, without artificial coloring. The Helds r eally abound with wild Howers and wIndmills really sway tb elr gaunt, awkward arm!\. In the wind. The re Is no s hum, no pomp and splendor, no fuss and fenth er In tbe country. One gets th e ImpressIon of a rugged, sllaro-batlng, simple , klnd-heal'ted, hope ful race In through Holland.-From William -AI. len Whlte's Letter to the Emporla ·Ga. zet.te.

"Love your neIghbor as yourself;" said· the minister with great earneat. ness. "Thomas," whispered the lady wb(' liver next door to a pretty young wId. ow, "come away. This Is no place yor you."·

A Few ,Words to Fools. There Is a tool born e ve ry minute, so we nre tOld, but th re Is nlso a great mortality among th em. TlJ 1'0 are tewer active ones alive to-day than th ere we re last week, or thlln the re will be ne xt Monday morning. Going Some. It S6ems us eless to say much to this Orville took 0. fan cy' tllght klnet Qf people, but we do wish to gll'o Defying gravltallon's luws, a fe w suggestions In th e Inte res t of But when It comes to swiftness hla those who are not fools , but friends Flight wos nothing like the shab'... a nd relatives of fO(lls'. Adapting Proverbs, Unless YOll ri re an expe rt boatman, He (dogmant1cAJly)~Straws show do not take a boat out on th e wate r whIch way the wlnll blows. ::;nd In no event unless you nre able She (sl'gnlflcantly) - Well, some- to control all those wbo are In It. tlmes, In n treating paTty, they sho. Do not try to see how deep yo u' can somebody Is rulslng the win_d. dive nor how for you can s wim lnto danger , The Lan\Juage of Love, Do not tl'Y to see If your automo. "Has he proposed yet 1" bile can make 70 miles an hour, liS "Not In so many ,w ords." guaranteed . by the man ,tr,o m wholD "That's no answer. Proposals neve~ you bought It. come ' In words-they consist of Do no ~ blow your brains out simply Argns, :hems, 'haws and gu"gles:" b e ca~ se the girl doesn't like yoU or because You can't pay your debts. Let Masculine Vl,ewpoln't •. otber's do the worrying. The Bachelor-I saw' something framed up this morning that was cal. A Good Excuse. culated to blake womea falss. He-Confound it! We've been sit. The Widow-Indeed! What was it! tlng on ' wet paint. , ~e BRchelor-A mirror. ' Sha-Yes, dear. 1 know we h&ve. He-And you never told me! I Semlnlacen11y Warm. Sbe-Don't be angry, deareat. You Subscrtber-That Dew ' writer bad ju.t begun to teU me tbat YOll your paper Is stvfq ua hot .tuff. . . . . . . . . til. alloYII I ...... ' A _...,. loved - . anel how could J \Dterrqt tct TIa~ io uae for a man to bayo broad Yns . Edftbr-Yes; b'· ,uie4 to bt JOu! _ . ' ,. .-tIler ,ltueaa ,=:.=~~~ en .....U ,01 Ja. . . "Ult IW'l'OW ID......



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Two Je wl sh1 Reci pes, Sa lmon plclclc : II 11 fol' :':: 0 millllt cs, a thi ck l; lI cc of salmo n 111 wall' l' with 1\ tables poo nful of vlm'ga r. Urnln, a nd mca n tim' III' ' PilI' fl Illn t of white win e vin ga r with two bay I I\\' s , n sa lt·s poon fel1n ,I " ed, and aa lt and peppel·. Dring lhls to boiling poin t. Pineo th sa lmon In a dep p dis h, a nel pour th e hot vin ega r ol'er It, a llowing Il to sta nd OVCI' night. Sa lt waleI' cllcumbe rs: DIHsl)lve fivo tab le poons of salt an d ha lf a tea· s (.loon of peppe l' In a gall on of cold \\':1I e l'. Put In 12 lar!l'e cll cuml.Jer s, covel' w ll h grape leav e , wolght th e m down and oa k for l wo clay s. Aft r two days ch a nge th e lea v Ii , and add n large hand fu l 9f dill. Ke p cool. [n l;1x day s t h y will be r ea dy to use. Sen e cold as a ulad with dress ing.


MOUNTAINS OF 60LD Duriog Chaoge of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Granitevi lle, Vt. - .. I was passing thro llgh t.1I Chnn~eor Ufo and s uffer ' d f ru Ul ne rvou sness Ilud oihor a nnoyi nS' sy mptom s, alllI I call truly say tbat Lydial::.l'inkhaDl's Vegotab l e 'omp ound has prov d wo rt h m ountains of galt! to m e, as it r estored my health a nd stre n gt h. I n e ver f orgo t to te ll my fr iends what 1,ydiaE.l'inkbam's Compound has don e for me Ilg this trYllIg p eriotl. Complete r csto, ation to h\'alt h m enTIs so Dluch to me \,1m\. f or th o sa ke of other suffer. In g women I. n m willing to m ake ~llY trouble p1tlihc 80 you may publish this I 'ttcr." - :MilS. ( ' liAS. BAReLA Y, It.l''.D. ,Grnnitcv ill , Vt. No ot.he r m edi'in for woman's ills has rec ived such wid e-spread alld Im(IUa li fi tl c lluorsem pnt. No other med. icine we know of Ims such a record of c uros of f male ill!:! as bas Lydia E. Pinkham's V eg Compound. F or more tha n 30 years It has been curi ng fe male complaints sucb as inflammation, ulceration, local weak. n esses, fibroid tumors, irr gularlties, periodic pains, bn kache, indlgeation and nervous prostration, and it is unequnlled for carrying women safely through tlt(> period of change of Ufe. It costs but little to try Lydia E. Pinkham's V eget.' lble Compound, and. a s Mrs, Ua r clafsays,it is "worth mountains of ~old' to sufferinJr women.

Sard Ine Salad. Hollow out the center from large to, l\lntpes, and flll th e cavity wltb cho pped sardin es. Pile wa ter·cress leav es on top, nnd add a dash of lem· on juice. '0 other dr ssln g Is ne ded. A s ubstantia l salad Is made of the scoolled-out tomato fill ed with canned peas from which the wal l' has been well dJ'aln ed . Alld mayonnaise,. and It It Is to !Je th e "piece cl e I' slstance" at th e menl, pile n ut·mea ts on top, This supplies the n ecessary nitrogen, the protelds al' > In tb pas, nnd car· bohydrates In the t omato and dress· Ing. Nothing more hea rty Is n ces· sarY In the hot weath er. THE WATERMELON VINE" au ntoy Inllt llbout yoU' mt:' nus ; a II~ corte nnd tnble d· hO lt'. O( Ih e lIo/llIm'ls o( LuculIllS Ih nl so pi n.sed hi .. HOl1lfln Ihroat : ( th o nlg-htlngal es and 1"'lIcocks' lonl;u ~ : lho will o( ( ll t' Tokny ; Tho clIvlur (rom Rusllin or the spiceS frOm B mbny. TIll'S ur a II (a ll!'y dishes, li nd MonHl lhlnk Ihom migh ty Il nc, Uu l (or III 0, Il shady corner by n wlIterm Ion vine! hav!! .llsnpp 'urlng tub l ' 8 worked by I ll'1 Ity : They pr SlJ u butt n. und, behold: a ment (0 1' you and me.. Th y'vc I " II : PilLS de Col grns : nil Borla of (nll o y frill>; ; And, r am told, tli Y 0180 have all sorts or neh s 0 nil ilia. d ive me n tab le 101h' oC grnlls; Cor napkillS. Illuillll lns nn e, And t h 11 / L shall )' 'or ne r by 0. wut rm el· on vine.

Th e ~'

Brld get's Beat itudes. Dlesscd Is the s pina h which Is not cook ed with gr ea se; tho fat forms a coating around tb e gre pns, making them r c.;ls t t he action of ~h e gastric lulce and tllmln g lh m fr"Otn a most ilealtllful a nd h yg ieni c di et Into a harlUful loa cl on tit . s tom ac h. Bletised is th e dash of le mon juice 'In the apjll sauce; It glv eH a plea s· ant t ong, lJ ()s ld e~ mailing the fruit a stimul a nt to tlie li veI', BlesHed lire th e pillow-s lips whl cb nre mnd " al leaSL t wo In ch 'R longe r than lhe plllo lV; th ey w(~ a r muc b longer . Ul's!;etl Is th e sli mme r dinn er whIch Is not elaborate ; It ,Is III 1100t· taste besid es being It W(\!'Ilo of e~p e n se and trou!J1 to prepH re fan cy mealH In the heated terlll , Hints on Icing. . noll togethe r tilO sllg~ r and water until It fo r ms a !.Jail wben dropped In· to cold. water, Spread Icing over th e cake when the latter Is cold. It colored suga rs nre used they i)houltl boo s prlnkied ov er the cake when both cake and Icing are cold and Icing Is quite sUff.


Egg Lemonade. Not even the Inexperienced young housewife ,need be told how -to make pla1n l emonade, but the following sug · gestlon may prove to be a nutrItious as well as a tasty addition: ' To six 'glA.sses . oj! lemonade , odd two well heaten ~gg$; a,ntl stir , thorou~hIY. Save the Feet. Tbe feet of fowls should nevor be throwh away. If plunged Into boiling water tbe akin will come 'art, and leave a sott and gummy memhrane whIch. make;' rfch stock, and JeU, !or IOU\lS, araV11!8. etc.


Most grateful and comforting il a warm bath with Cuticllra Soap and gentle anointings with Cllticura. This pure, sweet, economical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sleep to skintortured and disfigured little ones and rest to tired, fretted mothers. For eczemas, rashes~ itchings, irritations and chafings, Cuticura Soap anv Cuticura Ointment are worth their weight in gold. Solei Ihrl)" ~ hn "t Ihe world . DopO"' ! 1.ondon. 27. Char, c rh n~c~ ; J'lLrl ~.5, Rue fto In PO_lS ; A Uln~-

~:IC~\'l n1;O\(!:,~na, ~'i;;I::!'W~:r.~ Ir::1;' &;. :J<)J~n~: ~.rA'titrn~t~il n~~~kJI~~ ..~!~~/ro~~~f'~:!;,: ~J~.o:.:


D rug 4:. Cbem. corp.,

8010 I'rol....


This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase o~ paint m:tterials. It is an absolute guarantee of pllrity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is on the side of every kt~ g of white lead you buy. lEAD CO.PAIIY Bulldlnr, WI. Yol1r


S a,tllrday, September ,' t tll, 1909. ~ ~







The Hot ·Blast


Everything Con'sumed. '.

Air-Tight fl renee


Wi ll burn anything c mbu t ible, hard l' oft ec,al, coal sifting, cJal d u t, slack coal col-e, wood, sawdust and l'ubbh;h. The fi re nev r !l'oes Ollt clay 01' nio-ht b , and a stead) , ~v - 11 t mpcl' ture may be mainta ined . . All features are 1 atentecl and any Love manufactul' l' dealer or pu'rchas l' u in g the same wit hout prop l' av th ri~y ,,-ill b rendering hi m.' plf liable f r 11' Jfit an d da ma ·c. _ .I t i the z nith of stove perfection---the m st imi)ortan t invention of modern tim,es.


Froln Hard or Soft Coal Ashes as Fine as Powder


A. a fire keeper it will be ju s t as good 20 years from now. If the pot cracks in !'\ ide of 5 year" we will giv~ you one fret! of charge.

'The on1lt Floor Heater on the market or that has ever been made.




Come and see "( he wonderful FLORENCE HOT BLAST in full operation burning wet sawdust and rubbish with as great heat as. coal in a base bu~ner. This marvelous Heate~ will be burning paper without any smo~e; can b~ fed wIth the cheapest k1!ld of fuel and refuse a nd wIll produce heat of amazing intensity. It wIll burn Its own smoke, consume Its own gas, and through other wonderful workings will convince every beholder that it is a MARVEL AMONG HEATERS.





If the FLORENCE is operated according to directions. The No. 39 will heat 2 or 3 small rooms all winter with 2;!~ tons of slack or lump coal. The No. 51 will heat 3 or 4 rooms all wintcr with 3 tons .of slack or lump coal. The No. 53 will heat !) rooms. all winter with 4 tons of slack or. lump coal. The. No. 55 will heat a large store or school room with 6 tons of slack or lump coal. Will burn a ton less of hard coal than a hard coal base burner of the same size, and heat twice the space.

~ ~

Come and see this Wonderfu I Stove


MR. BE NARD SANT'EN, Jr., will be here to exhibit this wonderful Heating, Stove on the sidewalk in front of our store, and will show you things which it does that no other stove 'can do. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS STOVE I~ OPERATION.

I I I I I' I 31 I I I

, ~

! J. W. LinGO, Le anon, Obio. !. ••• ••••••• ••

. ~~· IC~~_.R• • •_.~.ft'ft Coun' t your C ts ·



'R • •ft~.~

BeD j fWliD E llrnhart ~o Mamie $21\ ; R. B. I::imitb. ewer c ment, ICl'der ed po ted lL1 AmIi t,Il l" s office . Ellrnhl1rt, relLl estat.e in Warren $7~ ;J; John T~loIllPBon, ltl bo r on sow- I::ielli ed propo~uls w ill be 'ecei ved

Worn on as Woll as Mon are Mado Miserable .1~].tlbIYleyKltdrnoOUYb8IeDdprBel)a,sdd_uOrpoTnr8Ut'lbleIO-mind,





Will Keep

county, love and'gaurdit\n LltIootionof . Wi! services er drain on at jltil .. $<1.. 50;buEd t il 11 o 'olook It . 11\ , So p tem bo r 13, Anna *L1,. Morgan Soldlel's' riltlHe cotnllick. rum is· un 1GO\). liu,m B Mor gau e t Itl to T. J ff ::lmith tlton. $1; Rugg les Gale Uo, blhnks P hw s of st el heu.m b ridge on New ,Suits. r en} estllte in Waynesville,ili l;J ij . for probate judge. $:3; .E'. P . Fo r gy . Murdook and Lovel and rOLld n ea r dlscouragesandlessc~ s a Oi bit ion; beauty, •.--.u=.,:, , " Igor Ullt! cheerful- ANDJohn W. Bean vs . Arthur Bean. Ettu. M. Dougllml1n to George horses and vOhicles for Aago t., $25; Duni I Sh i e h~ '8 10 I:ia r.uiHon t wn · (; :') . ness SOOI1 disappear Parti~ion.. Ertel rea l es ta.te in Clermont oQunty The 1'imes, pORtals !lod printi ng for i Sh ip. when t he kidueys are John W. Bean vs. Art,hur Bean . $1l0. . treasurer. $2 .25; 'rhe 1'1l.lles, b llln ks P lun s of to ne llbntmeu t OD town , ~~;ed~ order or dis· Dissolution of pllrtnortlhip ; Il.ppointFred eri ck W . Bro\vn to Stuart for Sberiff, $ ; lnquest over d ead s hip r ORt. b y S mit·h sch oul h ou:le iu Kidney trouble has A t his h om e , 3X miles west of mont of receiver ILnd SId e part- Bro~n, r eal estute in Warren oon.n Ib Od Y of George Templ eto n, $ 14.. 1;;; HUIlIilton, township. beco,!lt: so prevalent Waynesvill e on the Upper 'S pringthu t I t IS not uncom- , .' . . nership property. ty , ~6 5 . Corporation of LabtLn o1l va. E d wa.rd Plans for n w conc r ete Ll bu trn ent , _ ~ mon for a. child to,be Ibor'o pIke, for the commg season. John Sullivan vs . Elizabeth RuWI::ite\vnrt Bro \vn and wife to John i Posey, expenses '6. 20 ; A. F . Meek- ove r Dick's' or ok near J. Murph y's ~ born a.ffltcted wlth BROWN BlLl. .is a good gene ral· l ' I D. Bur , ns rea l estnt e in 'warren l er, final estimate on con t raot No . in F rltnklin tow nship . . . -wea k ku.lllc;ys. lithe ' . h ' E vl.ln. q Ultu ble r e lef. njunctiol] . child urinates too () ft~ll. ifllte urine scalds pu rpose 01 se. praye4 foJ' . . oounty, $aoo. . 10~. 1470 : P h~n (or" st.e 1 benm bri dg e wi th the flesh, or i f, ,vhen the child reaches an LOVERDALE is one of the best\. Martha. D. Hlzar V8 . J obn 1. Bizar 'William M. Hunt r tlOd wife to PhHip Sp~n oe r ocor,der , prfls ntpn oonore te fi nor near Ar sonitl K irby's age whel~ j~ shoqlll ~e able to oll ~rol the bred Pe rcheron horses in this 'section . ' ' ' CI PlIssage. I t IS yet am) te~ with Led-wet-I . fifteen years et al. . Plu·tition. Frank W . Sou t hard, r eal estate in b ond in snm of $ ..i) 000 wit h h 1m e If \U earcree It t o wn s 11'Ip . ting.depe.l.ld llpou it. the <fluseofth e diffi. of the country. He IS Warren county, $ 1. a s prinoipiLlllDd the A ~ericlm Suro· Cuntrl10t ente red in to wit.11 Ore · culty is khlney trollblc, and the first old, and is without a blemi h. Probate Court. W. C. Tiob enor to Uhri stian Bnd ty Co " of N . Y , ti S s ure ty f or t11e g onia Brid ge Vo ., for 11 teel baLlnt tep should be towa rds the treatmentof these il11porta utorgans. This unpleasant Estate of Marshal V. Bennett, Mlll'ilL Milkel'eit, real est ate in War- term of two yenrs u ug inn ing first brid ge wi th oak fl oor Dca r Sl,n ith trouble is' due to u diseased· condition of TERMS. minor. Finnl account approved , ren ~ullnty. $1. ' Monday of ~epte mbe r , 1909. Siti d Speclllisohou l district In Hammon the kid ll ys ane! bladder lind llOt to a • 11110wed Ilnd o.:mfirmed . . Alice E. Chllmberlain, Mugaret boni! is approved by t1113 pr osecllt township, $190 O. habit as most ~eople suppose.. iilO.OO to insure a living colt; mare Women as well as men are made miser- and colt to stand as security. Any Estate of Matilda AXDllln, de- E . K emp Ilnd William V. Chllmber- tug u.1~torney . . Contrllc t WIlS ' en tered into ' with able with kit1l1cy aud bladder trouble . .1 fi na I /tccoun t nil l aID ' t0 H E DB ' 1 t C t t C t t • 1 0 0 · ... B ' d Co fo . atl" tIle ~allie 1'''' one pat'~1I1g with mare forfeits the · t snu Oellse. d F 1rs Ilrry , u. O l!~, rea estB e /. on . rllo s- 0, n 1'80 was ,cnoar.·ee reg n. l'" rl g.e ., r vun olls U bo~1111~ed ~ 9,' eat ren'ledy'. The mlld' a nd the Immed iate effect of insurance. proved, allowed and confirmed . in Fra nklin townsh1p, $4100. lUtO wlth V. J . Zentlllyer fo r put·tw g' smllll Job l3 tO t ldlDg '1S t. 9U . Swamp-Root is 50011 realized. It is sold E!ltate ofE: C Bowmun , d eceased . ' in 24 " -24 teet 'vl tri'tieel tile IUtd -by druggists. in liftyMarriaO'e Licenses. Eighth account approved, allowed to 18"-32 feet o o rrug l~te el sewe r on ce nt and . one-t10 Ilar n'1iiiiiiig&illl!liii~ NEAR TO HEART'S NATURE 1;ize bottles. YouJU u,'y and oonfirmed . Arthur S. Hall, 28, furmer, Leba. College st-reet a t Kings Mills in Uee r· lIs\'e a sample bottle ALTER MCCLURE, Estate of Ruth A. Chenoweth , d e- n on, to Graoe Marie Murphy, 22, of field.townllhip lit t11e e t imll tl:l $.[:& 03. A $75 (lOO ll u tom olJilo r oll ed by mall free, alsl? a Funeral Director. oellsed. Second Ilccount approved, Lebano n . Rev. W. A. C.o oper. . Contraot WaS eoter ad io to \\fith i throug b ;he $fiO,OOO bl'O n'1l6 gl~tea und o ~b~fthlS~v;~:~~~J~o::1 \ nllowed and confirmed. ' W. E. Whitl~ker for cleanin g u.n d up the *35,000 wi ndi ng u. venne t o 1h e i l1 c-l\~ dill g m:tny of u~~ Estat.e of J. '1'. Romine, deceased. Commissioners' Procceding~. puinting low truss s t eel bridge at $20000 lll'lr ule ' te PH. mOlllul letters reeci from ~ufTerers 'telephone day or night. I ' , . ' . . who fOlll1d Swamp-Root to be Just the nventory and appruisement tiled. BiJls-J IllU HS FollpD s r ., tla lary for Ul OBson Graveyard 1n Harlan t own u escend lll g fr OIll th e lllB.chlDe the remedy ueedcd. I n writing Dr. Kilmer Valley phone No. t. Long In the Illlltter of the guardiaDship Augutlt., $50; R . H lll'shb tlrger,s,lllLry ship at the estimate $ 14 ~~. hill iuDll ire P Il11:;OO Il m OlU e ot to ViflW & Co: . ni u ~ltall1to n. N. ·Y .• ,be sure and Distance No. 69-3~. · of Benjllmin. Phillips nn imbecile. for AUg llSt. $ 40 ' W Ung les by &80n Contract WILS entered lIlto WIth th o sm iling ."500. 000 la nd cape . mUl~ ltlt~,~}U bthltS paper' Dothtl t ma,k, e anny IS a~e , . 11 remember e name r. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. G eorgeE. Younga.ppointedguardian burlEll'),f E II ~ II Dllk~n. $75; Muhl on E . M. GaskIll for IL concre t~ aroh . Acro s the $\10,000 ht ~n Il $ 120,000 l\ih:lcr's ~waU\p-Root. and the address,. giving bond of ~8, 000. Rid/5e, premIUm o n lUSUl'IIDCe, $-18 .75 uOllr the I. O. O . F . Ball 1U Uozad- <!I I Vel' lak e Ill Y ~ p oe hng 1tI t h e shll de~ DlIlghllnl,tol\, N. Y., on every bottle. Branch Office, Harveysburg, O. In the mutter of gua,rdillnship of W , L . St,lllill g'fj & Co ., snpplies for d lde, Hamilt.on t owns hip ti t hi s hid of early o v onin ~, ulld bey<;llltl it 1'0£,(1 sl:Ollpcd 10 2Omlnut08 Benjamin Phillips un imbeCile. Geo. treHSUl'er, $1250 ; W . a . I::i t:anllge <.~ pf $:$09 . a lordly $HO,OOO 11ill, w11 m;'! c rBs t, . . IIfO wil.h Dr. S hO!1J,'R J'()\lP Rc n wd y. Ouo E. Young fil ell his b ond. Uo., Rnppli es 1'01' Auditor. $25.2;;; Contraot waR entered in to with C. elonl,eu with fo reAt li t an expens e of get Immediate relief from t.e,1; will surely prove. vumi tillg, 110 dis· In the watter of will of Delila W. E. W e r, bridge reDairs, C. Uleaver for new hend wolfs f or;; $200,000, g lowe~ in the lll ~t golden tros .A safo aod J.1lcas!n gNo , Dr. Shoop's Magic Olntme.,.. ~yrup-r.oc . J)~! ~. McUabe, deoeased. Application to hluhtn t own ship, . $20 19 ; W. F . ft. boiler sew er ' ncar r esidence of J. I' tL.YS of the set ting s un. Ildmit same t o probate set for hear, Aker, brid ge repair C)earcreek Carroll ou UtLrroll r oa d in Mltssie 1'110 billionttit'e suok lux uriou!:l ly. ing September 7. township, U , 50 ; Ora GU tin,lumber township the estim ll te $14,. . int.o Il $2,000 ivory por ch ohair t\.n d E stllte of Mary Ann Rtllldman, de · ' 46.64; Joseph Gilmour, servioes as Plans, speClfioatlOns Hod stlmuta r es tod hi fee t on th e rosowood r llil ; oeased. First and final Ilooonnt tllei!. viewer ot ::lpurling road, '6; Bert for concrete aroh cui vert' nca r the ing of the $HiO,OOO vemlldu. . Undertaker and ·E mbalmer. . Etltate of Joh.n D. Harner, de Reed servicesll s viewer of Sparling White sohool huuse on F ranklin ; "It. is pleasant, "he 'obslirved " to . • • I . j " Will be fonnd in the ' old oeased . . Flrstalldtlnalllccounttiled. road $6; John W . Wilson as ' viewer , andRed Lion road in F rankli n t o wn- , g t bLlck to lIatu re op.ce in awh i le . Bllnk Buildjng, opposite EstLlte ~f Henry D~ltltus'h,. de' lof ,spurlin g road $ (1 ;8ulIl D. Henkltl~ ship .were approved lInd . '.on t l·llot I t After th.e ca-r fI n.oc~ w orries of the . t b e Nu.t~onal B!1:uk. ' !l!!eu.Flrst acco unt filed . fees and expenses f,or July, 112 j Ell to Qhnt Stanton a t til estIma te ~U7. 1 bu ine~s du.y I certl\lDl,y love t o .,. nn Thlephone in )louse and of. TRADe ~A"K. Estate of William J . Collett,. de · D . Burnett oontrllct l *57.:15 ; S~m' The f6110wing bid was r 'out to thi quic t ,little iliUO,OOO OJO f1' e'where loan be called ., Co~-!:.~:~~~ c. ' c euseu. }i'irstand liolll account filed. D. Henkle: f"es and e xpenses for response' to P91tting in the a.u u itor's l coUJ?try olub o t' our8 and tast.e a' .bi t, . day' nigb,t ,'· · · ,An10n8lendln,.,kelab and de.crlgttonmn, ' Ie H.f e . 1 ~ is gool1 t o ke p .in ft:~~~tfo~"IJ(.'!:~~~"t~: °f~~~'\r:."f.~':~~%':: Real Estate Transfers. . July, 1140 75; Sale,. Co~~r/lct 0 t:l:I ce f~! bri d' :;·enear r e id eooe · ~ f . 0 f \111tl.p ' Vullo}, . ' Phone ' 1(,:,2. . '. " ; . .. .. tlonutrlbufconndontfaJ. HAHtihuoo onP"teut. . No , 63, ~5 26 ; Frunk ~t,okes, Con. Budd Wells on Bathllwuy ' r ond to~oh with the oiJ f<?r 'what 'is m iui . Mam Street, WayneSVille, Olhp ,oP!{J~3i ?!~:'.: tI:;ggiJo't~e:.:l:.~':.~~·Yi WillillmKingto · WilliamJ.Gar t~"aot No (j2,$11 7.,1GjGeorg~ :Veldt, in Oloarcreek, to w nehip, Oregonia butdust, afte}:' .!~ll l " ". ""'~~flO(I("1'lltboutOarit"I~. ' .' rison, of J)ayton, rEl1l1 est.l1t e in bridge!! BurIan towDship, Bridge 0 .. as per p.l ltns on fl l~ $~29 F e lin lit .. re~tored, he pal! ed in I BATHA : ' . 7 ·~Itnt .1 v Franklin , ' 45. '13 . GO'• Joseph W fJi'sfl hridge · r e. Cont·raot gi'ven for u.bove thremgh tbe-,400 OO(htoorwu"-~ . • , . , : W A '\' A b..nd.omol'~lInr.trale4 ,,~'klf. 1.unR0I'" . . " , .... • •. . . , ' . .r - - ~''' ' I : . " . cIIlsUm. n( an1,.c'enUSl &lnmll,!. T_.. til • .~o8eph L, Vail to Rach e ) ~. Har4- pairs Wayne to~nship, " ; <:>~io flans and speoificatlons for the 'l ,~O.O · dinner.-:-L. ~1. "Robbins .. in ' _ Wft, ~lle'8 Le!lding~ntl.t . "{II"Ntlio!llri~Chwq, ... '" dbr~r-*ldfl'!t lugre..,les'at8iu Wa'~ren oount'Yr ·,1. GorrugatedCnlvertOo., Be~erpipee fallowing work WIlB p,pprov~ and Ne,,!ark New8. . I Office .in Keye Bldg. . 8" Common Pleas Court.

Brown' Bill 'Cloverdale






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I Un n 11 11 1 h· III he r "i llt Iltl~ W , ) II , ,1(;) 1'1'111 "P"lld uf li g hr lui" inlplltgPll nl' i !-lll llJ.l fl!-lt inl'ltllllt un nO Il S ~ .. twitlt I l'I llIlI di llg t lJllt tl l lI se il s. fir "1 ~ 111 1~ " <1II\'( 'ttl"' f'P IIIIJi1l1d , lIl1d


.\ CURE FOR HfE BLUES A UlUIl wlmt, \'0 a I,:rf!ut pbYHioiall anll a!lkec\ I', 'r II OUI' for UJ ntltl rl epr!ltu!lotl, 1\ Ui tl tlUtltl whi c ll ill ,ory 00U1 U1On a nd ill bo tl e r kno wn 111"the hlues ." So t il e wise 1)Il Y!:Ilcilln wroto It presorlptil)n I.lllfl osh ol'eu tho sobo rfuol1d ooe out . 'I'he depres, ed miLO ba l:!tenell to a drug s toro, for he W IUI exceedingly "hl uA," and then' handed thu l)l'escription to a olerk, remarkin" gru my, "Fil l thll.t in IL lIul·ry . " 'l'hl1 olerk r Il.d the presorlptlOo , aud with a IUl1g h hl.\.ud d it baok ; d h . an t ere In pialn EUf.tli:!b w !lswritton: ' Laugb at leuRt twent.y times dui. Iy, ailtl ll lwlI Y!; uefore r eti l'in g." l'hll mn,1l with t,ho blu l ooked al the wordt!! dumbly for an in tant,. and then laughed, and he Itmgb ed until the dull Cll. r e t hut · hud been resting like II oloud on bis brain tleemed to grow brlgbter, und b Elaughed some mOl·e . He mutt.ered Romethlng 0 bout " olever triok," nnd left t be tore and on bls wuy bool! to the olUoo ue aotuully wbi tIed, something he h lHln '[ d one for year!!. Bllok at bis deRk, b e buokled down to work, stil i laughing. 'l'be world seemed ohllD gell. From un indefinite somewhere he hl1d seoured II new st.ook of energy. Be oraoked a j oke witb tbe head olerk and, Instead of disohargi ng B bungling employee, gave him some wo{ds of en oourBgf'ment und advioe Bnd anoth er t rial. Be llotoa1J y enjoyed bis loncb . The food tllsted good ani be was hllogry. De went hom e with a laugh nnd didn't groa.n abou t business worrie!' at tbl;t dlDner tllhle. He told his Wife of the'interestlng tbings he had seen and h8llrd down town that a f~Y , Ilnd when she smiled at him from . behind, the ten uro be r em em bered that she was B very handsome womao, aod tbot be wl1sn.lllokydog to get her. Be Rlftnoed through the evening paper, relld aloud. a little, romped with the ohildren ft while, went t o '"Dii<rwntr a · laugb and slept like a baby. Try it for. the blue~. It is a cure fonnded on soienoe. Your pbys icilln will teU you that laugbter is exeroise -that itstimolu.tes digestion, moves musolea by the.uozen, quickens the clroulation of the l)loqd, helps the liver. Be wiil y~u that persons Who laugh muoh seldom look theIr yellrs,for mirth is 'an invigo rfltor'lls wellils a health preserver. It is a oure worth tryln ~ . -De partment of ARrloultore Bulletin.




00 with a Rush.

The dem'lLnd for that wonderful Btomaob, Liver ond Ktdney onre, Dr. King's New Life Pills-is as· tounding Wllynesville p l>ople and they lillY they navtlr saw thA lik e, Its beo!}us\il t,bey never filii to our e Sour t:;tomaob, Const.iplltlon, Indi. gostion, Biliousness, .Jaundloe, Siok Headaohe, Chills IlnB Malnria. Only 250 at Bobwart7,'tI

---... - ..----

DISHWASHINQ 900DFORHANDS Uisbwashing, though repugnn,nt to the' esthetiO aens'e , is, when proparly' done', 1\ beltutl'f ying oconpation . ..The hands should be kept olea.r of the .bot water by meuns Qf a mop, bora·x 80liP used l1ud the dishes thor. oughly rinsed . A~ the oloae of the operation, wa~h the hands with III mond ,melLl 01' .(\0 aolution of roaq-water to whiob have -been added 'a fe; drops of 'the tinoture of benzoin, and 1lIe t~e pnmJoe-st.oDe to olear away I'. . . . parttolee,-:rb'8 Designer for

_ _bel'.

I !' H;! \'III\1I1I" fl lhl ""I'I"'~1I 111

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, Sir:tCI! l R47, Ihe ye~ r R o~er Rros. ori(!inated e)t!ct TO-silver pl all ng,sdver\\'art! bearin b: the trade 111 ark "1847 ROGERS BROS." has ~<=t::1II renownt:u for q ualilY, \\ car:ibilllY anJ be;1uty.




For Ont! Year for

stamped on forks, spoons and fancy servin~ pieces IS a of hC;t\'iest plating, p.:rfect wo rkmanship and l·.\l.l' lI ~ 'It: des lgll , :t '$ uring IDOl! and satisfyil1g servi l'e. Any art Id e of si h'erware marked "1847 ROGERS BROS." may be SL,lcl'lL'd Wllh01i1 fllflh er in\'esli g;llioll" . SulJ by l eadi n ~ J t!a lers evt:rywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L" showing all patterns. MERIDEN BRITANNIA co., M"rld"n, Conti.



;','Eiiiaordiriary':" Oifer"I' i

1841 ROGERS BROS.T~p~E' ·

tly,) ('III'I'i o" 111111' 1: 1111'11 1'11111 I i I"



(' Silver Plate that Wears"


II I Ih, ' I



lIulnulI botl y, it ,,,, I1nflll'llIlIlIl ,·I.I', ul·l tlll ti ol ll III 11 1\1:-41 Ott~ \:J:; l·h l1 I1Y t' tj II I' lI eV I11' I'XU lll ill ,/f l·1101l" hl'ufllleill'. wllrn 1,111' ( I UlerOULlonal RII \'t!r Co,. Succel8or.) viclilll s oJ 0 . 111/11' troul)l!:! 0 1' ue l uu l illilluu II~ Ild,Htl pili I'll . ~ ......................................................... ................~ : ~ III III iIlUlllin l~t,illu l'en il' l!; jn,. t ellougillight fl' om tll (1 objec l, lu Ill " «n- - - - - - - - - - - - fIll l N'19 It . l on Ba Id· J'1 ou ntaJl1. e.)'e tlO t llll t it olin be see n eUllily IIllII I Il looely nigbt Alex. Benton vf 0 Iel1rly . l ' 00 muob I'Ig ht UI U t b 'fill , F• OLI • rt E uwu r d . NY .. ch mb II 8a ld aVOIded, lor the iri ,or I:'hutl r, c f Mou n tain to th h onlll of I.l I1 igh lJ,)r , ~ the eye oa n oontl'llct IInu sbulle the H l ll~b)'o meerll put out a ne t tortured uy Asthllllt , ben t on onrl u g' only a n am (ll1nt., null it i for boo tl og!!!>r:! lust t)lItu rd .~y ni"'ht hiJu wit.h ~r King't! New DI 800VN'Y . i d b h t I . ., tllilt hll el cured linn I'll o f Utlt blllli . B so n t re . y sue ellSU con rlI C- !lnd IlJIlde u :.:oo(1 catch . l:iel.lvyfin flA 'fbi!' \\'l!lIuerfnl Ill etiidne AODU \ ' 1 h an. Tile )tis expanu,; when it tire" wr r o a dll1iDl ~tb l'(d the chief o ll'enll · 110\' >d IIud qlli 'Id y ell r 'l1 hiS neig h I\nd weuk bn!>, ullowiog t,h e Htrong e rs, oll e of til III b iog «ooked t.o t,h e h., r. L"lt er it c nrf'cI hi" son's w lf.> light to e nter tbll eye . A str oug' extent. of $200. Ill f II " OVA l' , ' lung tro n lll . Mill ltlO~ light triking fu)] on h e rotioa of l)t~1itlv(~ it", tIl e ~ I' ut(!:- t f br out lind ' . d ' IF " . Lnn g ' \\I'lloJ U E lrtlJ . t'\!n~b!' '0ldK tb~e Y ~H!Ve r y etr1m ent,ll . ' IiokB B . .Mo(~ll1~~lIhbatbosoension s Uroup, 1:l' l lI1 o rrh u~e" IIn (l' ~o r ~ I, , : erlO g hghtR 111'e bard o? tha yeFl, II!; in n lJlllloon at· Dn y ton huv e ur An Luo V" 'nr p " nroh' clln'd hv it . Bp.s t. ~he irHI ~lI1 S to be oootinulIlI y. . I'fllld >!toppel1 . 'fh Doy l on uuthoritle : I' l:Iu .v ~:t' \'.(' r. i~rip lind . ·~n\Oopl n :: Ju~til1g Itself; st renkeu light \fllll!; r igh t ly t,h ought t.hnt. Rixduy a we c I n~lt .,n~ 1l1ll1 $1 UU., 11;IIJI It'Jft l ~ uad Ils th er tinaisunllbletondjnst weI' en ough un u I' fUR ed to gruut l fn,n. ~~~ll U l\t!!n~):~ Hnilwllllz. ~ itself to str aks of dllIeren t int.ensl. him a perm it to make IIny more at! NEW WAY TO CA N TOMATOES ty. -From " Th e Work of the Illu- oen ion o n the I:)ubbath dny. Last surumer I tried 11 n ow metbmlnl1ting Engineer," by Donllld od of cllnning t mntoes !md it ameron Sbafer in t·be Amerioan LeoD R . Rou'lton, nged sixty-sev Revie w of ReViews for eptemb r. en year died at hill re idenoe in proved so s lltisfuot orv tho t I wanl, to 0 culd null pefll tb e to 'oul.b Cbu rloston, I:llltnrday morn · puss it on . The Road to Success. ing Au ust 2 , 190IJ, at 2 o'olock. m 'ltoes tlS mmrlt. Hllve tbe cll ns hll rullny obstruot,ion El, bot non e so He wus pr e~ident of th Hou$ton sterilized, place th o I'llW t.omlltoe in deBpemto a ~ poor b e" lth . I:)tlooess tbem whole, p our iu bOlling wti.ter todDy deIlll1nds b oult·b. !Jut Electric COlDpa ny . of 'onth Churleston, Ilnd to fill t be ollns, rnnning a knife Bitt ers is thu grelltest ' heal t h build was known in I,bis seotion of the ~ ~ er tbe wor ld has ever known . It !ltnte 1\8 one of the shrewdest of bus- around in the oans, so that nil the orevioe!! are filled, then pot on t he ;)mp Is pfl rfeot aotion of tltolDaoh, ine s men. liver , kldnAYs, bowel, purifies Imd oover. Pluoe the OI1DS in boiler or enrlohes the blnod, Imd tones und ina lllrge ve sel, pour in bOIli ng water Mrs . Ma r y P rootor Wilson bas vi goratp.s tbe wbo le systr w . · Vig. till it rea,b es t he ntlok of the Olin, .)rous body and k en brllin foll ow b en Rppointeu ' by Governor HilI'· tb eir use . You CllD 't Ilfforc1 to sJigbt, tIlOD Il. mem bel' of the bOllfd of lady pot th e lid un the boil r ,wrapltwith Eleotrio BlUer if weak, run down vi itors of the O.--SrlHH:l , tI. bltlDket, or ru " nnd leave until the )1' !:Iiokly. Only 500. Guul'llnteed t·o su oeed Mr s . Biokham, of Dayton, wuter is 'oold, wblob will be n ext by Fred C. 'obwurtz . wbo resigned. Mrs . Wilson bas for morning . 'l'h e ca n s are then relldy yellrs been editot' and pr \)prie~res s to put awuY . I did not lose a. CIl U CONCERNING EGGS of tbe Lebanon PatriOt., Il Demoorat out of forty q narts When i., .............. " .......... ,........ , .... ,........ " .. " .. " .. ", ...... oans were opeued, the tOIDatoe 'l'he deplLr tment of agriculture e were \vhole nnd firm enougb to Rlioe t lm a.~es that th e IlverBge prodnchon easllv. -- IV omtlll 's HOUle ~o mI>IUl io u ~ ~ R r.s pondlDg to un Illllrmin g fire of eg!(s fur the last 10 yearl! Ius been for Sept e rub ~ r . Ilbont ono n. nll tbree-f!lln rt.fl rfl hillion lalit, weok, Williulll WiJ)i!!, eo ptnlu dozen II. year. 'faking the n.vernge of n fire depnrtm nt in the sllburb Lost yenr more th,;n 32,000 ohilprioe in 1 99 os,.ll13 oentNper dozen , oj Norwood, found bis Qwn ' h cnne in dren were tanght to s wim at the Il.nd that of 190 us 1 .:J oenUl, tbo fil~m s and the dead bodies of his sou Londo n )labllo 80hools . inores@e in the vulue of the toto I Elbert., 13 yet Lr~ o ld, and Virli!! En · It is estimated thut last yeftr hu lf egg prodootion bas bean '125,000,00(" ~lish, ;I, yellrs old, being curri Eld from the plnoe. Both lind been Bufi·oDnted . (\ mlJlton of the population of t be or nellrIy GG peroent. "There is money in eggtl," hilI! Mrs . Willis, m oth~r of the Wil lis Punjab . Ilcoumbatl to malaria . ----- ~-- ------been tbe ory of ooeo with poultry to ohild, WIAS erioos'l y lmrned while WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. soIl. of IlgriouHural experiDient StlL' !l. ttompting to I'e cue h er 80n . tions and agrionltural . journals for more than 11, q uarter' of B oentury Will. B. Thornton, living a t tbe . St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Fathe r Georgc Mnvcnhocfor , PaMl or Unhappily, it ha" notalwll.Ys worked T hoa. B. Thornton' homestead, a few MflSS c\'e(v soco l1ll SUudn)' of Ule Ill,oolh aL out thl1t way. There was money miles west of Wu bin gton C . B, 0 :00 a . w. for the fIlrmer who paid little I1tten- week .delivered to t.h e B. & 0 St. Mary's Episcopal Church. tion to his poult.ry Imd invosted Iittio s hipping pens thor e eigllt,y. five heall Hr.\'. ,J . l". IId\\'alJutler, Reclor. in ohiokens if the seuson was propi- of fina h ogs of t·he mulo foot ed vari "ItHlay School. 0 :30 II. ru. Mornin g "c r ' tIous and dIsease a.nd prepator nni· e ty Tbe hogs were s bipped east ,-Icc. lO :ao a. m . Holy Cowmunlon ~h c IIr~ t Sunday 01 ea c l1 OlOULb , . lua ls fa iled to Ilppoa·r in the b en to J . Needy & Uo by W. B. t:;n ider. bouse. There was money for tbe They weighed 211 pounds anu Methodist Episcopal Church. breeders of'fu.noy ohiolren s who were broug ht tohe hig h st market prioe He " . W . '1' . Ulll llantl . PIIRlor , t~b l e to oonvinoe purobllsers tha t T he vnriety i8 IL new one I\od Mr . . uurlll.\· Schn,)I. IJ ::10 :l. m. Morulllg _C r. ,·Icc. 10 ::.10 a. III . Ellwonh Leagu e , , :Ou p . t heir oblokens were great produCfu's. Tbornton's h ogs are cR usi ng a gr Ilt, III ., II;vl'lll n g :icr" t 'c. "': : :iO p , m. Mid\\' u k Also, t·here WIlS m oney for lhe pa- Ilf'al of cornment-,. owing to their pe· PI' \ycr ""'elln t{. 7 : IU p . w. tient soul who· gained by experil1noe culiur so lid. mille like hoofs. Cllristian Church. lind Ilid not let hia disoour<lgemen t - - ---. n o \,. _". E. DIIWSOIl, Pastor. • Ilmht), Schllo l. 9 :30 l~ . 111 . 0 'iul m ooting A Hurry up Call. Oll use him to .a bandon the . rtlnob, I O~40(\ . m. Chrlsthu) EniJeavur. 7: O(J p . m: /{cglllllr (,hun; h ~cr vlco,=S cond lluy llllCh Bnt of the thouslI.ncls-lllany 01' QnioK! Mr. Dru !{gi t-C~ui o k I-A mOllth ilL 10:3 0 II. m. aud 7::10 p.S lIl1 III . them oity f olk-whO put t h eir lIlJ in- box of Bucklf' n's Arnica 811 1veHicksite Fricnds . Church. "THE SAFE .. AM" N E W S = = = SECOND HAND to ohlcken farming, who broug ht. t o Bel' o'~ a qllRrter-For the love of MOEll's, Burr), I Baby 's burned him • F irs t Day Mnc lln l'. 111 :00 u. frI. FIrst tlay tb~ wor'k mor~ entbusia!lm ' thaI, Ti me Lock lind Rep,, 'r Work of All Kinds self, t,e rri"ly-.l dhnoie ·out. hit! foot Se). ",,) . II :011 a . 111 . Fou nu Da y MCCl llI1l Knowledge, t,he enterprise WIIS morfl w it h the Rxe-Mumie'R sco lded -· Pn IU:00 a. Ul . RESIDEN CE SAFES A SPECIALTV oon't walk from piles-Billie hll!' often" dismal failure tho.n n.o t: Exclusive Age ncy for "Centur y" Adjustable Sleel Drawlll' Tables .. Orthodox Fricnds Church. 'l'he reports of tbe d flpurtwent of boil s~a.nd. m.v oorns acbe . ljbe !tot Rev. lJenjamln Hawkins, P lld tur. it uUll !WOn oured 1111 t,be fomily. H", THE C, W, HAIM SAFE CO" Columbus, Ohio, :ilDf ' F~~~'Tc~mm a.grioolture me,lO, we bope, prosper- thR-greale. t benler on el1rth So ld !'iahbaLh . chOOl , U:80 a. lI1 . HC J( ular 1'11111'011 '!.C~\' I CO . ] 0 qo 1\. Ul. CurlsLlan Entlcll\'or, it y for tbose who Ilre lDaklng ohiok by Fred C. 80hwurtl!< . . , :.10 p. w . en m\slng and f;lgg produot.ion a epe.o ialty rather thtl.ll m erely Iln in orease in pfn-money for t,he house· wife whose b uspang (lult) vat'es ohickA Purely Vegetable Laxative I WILL PAY THE ens a.s a sort of perfun otory by.labor, Cures · Chronic Constipation, and All Howev r, Seoretary Wilson gives us Liver and Kidney Troubles. ' , ~o enlightenment in t~ls JntLtt~r . One ol1n only be Iln optiplist and For sale at t ue lollO'l'IOg 1I1acC.9: trost that the sUbsoribers to the po~ltry periodlcnls, t~e boyer8 of 's, Kilbon's, And ' poultry of 'all kinds, J will he inoublltors, outfits. and apecial food .' White'., ' Mountjoy's Spri'ogfield,. Ohio. in Wilynesville on 'l'uesdays. Call are fl.t last coming into their own.Phone 142. Toledo Blad". - - - --'-. . Brazil bll.~ ~o Jmport over 148,000, . 000 worth of rooda'daiu 1908. ~iVI1 Il Ihllll\lI ~ l,




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The l'w1iami Gazette


D. L. CRAN E. WA Y ;\:E

V IT ,L1~,


Manl\Nee Ie R ealored to Jeruaalem

About th is tl ille of y ear a mU e warm ", enther may bo xpe ted. Avlatol' Latha w ' prLl ll~'1b ly coul d corl'r th u' dis lu nce in I wo jumps, J-J owevcr,~o uot propo se t o ge l Into a war just to dis ov er how l he a eroplane will !ll't~ • \Ye \\' oud ~ r ' (r lIi Lii'lO Is as much In · terested in our flying machines us we are lu Illi canal s '!

BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" PREACHER l COP1rtv llt, IOOU,by U• • UtJ.hU·. W . tl. l:;4bOIl . ,

S ri pturnl Authority. - 2 Chl'on., ch apter 33 a nd Apocryphal Dook of Manass s' P raye r. :ht nnnf{~l ls'

Prn ye r . -T h~

r opt! l1 l rlnc(! n nc1

rcstorALlnn of Mnnaa,;,·,. f ur ll l~1I th" ,," hl('l' t of roany I _ ' ~ c n <l" r y RlOrI( '~, 1' I\e On ·,,\e t ,,~n wh ich Is th e ha~ \ " of Ille One 8grl cu l~UJ'ur coll ege out west lrol1810. 1I011 which conll lltutcs tllo Iwelflh Is tenchlng thE. scientific way to mil k bOllk ot til" Apoc ryplla Is undo llbtedly a cow anLi lhe polile way to dr ive a orl g-tl1 nl. and n o t n In r o trn n!iln t lo n t ro lll lhe 11 hr,, \\', TIHl wrlt ' r waR ",{' II ' ''-mulo. Quaint d with UIf' LX X , n ul hl'yuntl till" re Is nothin g to dct·'rmlnc tho dllle & 1 L ux ury on an ocea n lillel' Is now lhe \\'hlch h .. 1l\, f1 11 , • , . Tllo IIlIlIslon In found In a palm ,nrd n In wblch flow- Ihl) pll trl(ln'hs C1. 8'1, " pp,'ars 10 11 )( " ,,' ers bloow aud bullerU les appear to au tho rsh ip on a J ew; llu l th e cl"'/H teoellIng on ""po'ntnnc' pOi nts 10 somo li llie not order. long b"forc the 'hrlRlla n om. TII" r I" no Inolcatlo n of tho pilleo nl whkh Ih,Th ose who are uot ru sb lng west- pra y e r WitS wrlu e n . The 't~fl rll" M t r t ! ' r ~ ward to save the wbeat crOll hnve encc to tho prayer 18 conllll ll rJ In 11 subli me confidence that others will trngment ot J ull uK Afr lt: nnU8 ,.' Ir. Z2\ A , D .) . but It mny b dnullt('d wh.-thcr the save it. wnrcls In th (·lr original form el""rly r,·t rrod In t he pros 'nt cornl'''~ ltl (l ll . 'Th,' Chicago has a silent pupulation of pray er wnll neVE' r IlIstl nclly r ~cog n lz, '<1 1,000,000 in the cemeteries and a ,lar ge IlS n nnonlcnl wrill ng, tltrouJo; h It w aH 111number of married m,e n ~vho also have clurl!'d In mun}' rnanuse,rlpl s "r Iho LXX and of lho La tin \'~ rsl o n, UI\<I h L\8 lwell nothing to say. dl'~r n·l.' d l y r .. to.lned among lJl a '\POI'= = = = = rypha In nU lhorl z d \' orsl(1 n8 nnti by LuWhile indu stry Is protesting against th er. Tho Lntl n Iranslntlon whIch 0 w ar It m ight profitably study its own CUM! In \" \llgn le ;\lnnuscrlpl H Is not by mortality tables and prepare to give lhe hOlld ot J l' r Orll O, a less bloody repo rt nex t tim . l

•••••••••••••••••••••• • SERMONETTE. • • The Ideal of the penitent's •••

"Marri ages a re not mado lu h~ v e n." says a Seattle mlnlster_ And tbere • are earthly marriages made wblch • • tui'n out a nything but heavenly, • Now let th e searcb fo r CnpL Kldd's treas ure be abandon ed and a ll bands move o\'er to, the Ylldlz Kiosk • grounds. • Eve!) with a ll its mode rn Imvrove- • • ments war cannot prove that It Is k eepi ng up with the ti mes, when its • case Is tried by a peace congress_ • Germany Is much alnrmed over ItI • financial situation. That Is the oor- • rect answer to its tremendoua army • and navy expenditures. • • At a recent book sale an edition ot • Poe's poems brougbt $1,500_ How • wealthy the poets might be If they'd • only ~II die I • ===== • A scorching chaulfeur got a flne of • ,100 and a leoture thrown In. He ~ could have bought a whole season of chautauqua leotures for less money_ • No one will deny that Korea II • making real progress when the em- • ployes of a street car line owned by • Americans are Indulging In a strike, ' • • American style_ ,




They have neither Ume nor use for dead ones In Chicago. The driver of an automobile hearse was lately arrested In that olty for speeding with a body to the cemetery. One pleasant thing about an aeroplane Is that It does not sail about the country spilling sand down the necka of Innocent bystanders, though It may accidentally fall upon them_ There Is retribution for nations ID thlsworld. Now that Spain faces a financial crisis through a drain by the war in Morocco, It must feel a pang that the rich fi eld of Cuba Is no longer at its disposal to draw upmi. A Massachusetts woman lett five times more to her canine pets than to her husband. Sbe must have been some connection of the cynical lady who nnnounced that the more she sa" of men, the better she liked dogs. .Now they are talking of "the Amerl· can ferll" In Europe. Tliere Is not 9 more peaceful or peace-lo ving power In the world than this country, and Its possibility as a "peril" exIsts only In the excited European Imag lnntion In whose minds the war scare Is turning Into a panic.


prayer Is found in the 51st Psalm, credited to David, and • perhaps familiar to the exiled •• king as he sat Inaackcloth and ashes by the rivera , of Babylon • and prayed that he might be reo • stored to hia Jerusalem. • "Have mercy upon me,O God, according to thy loving kind- • ness; aocordlng unto the mul- • titude of thy tender merclea. blot out my transgressions. ; "Wash me thoroughly from • mine Iniquity, and cleanse me • from my aln, • "For I acknowledge my trana- • gresslon: and my aln la ever; before me. • "Against thee, thee only, have • I sinned and done thla evil In • thy alght: that thou mlghtelt • be juatlfled when thou apeakeat, ; and be clear when thou judgelt, • "Behold, I wal Ihapen In In- • Iquity; and In lin did my mother conceive me. • "Behold, thou dell rest truth • In the Inward parta: and In the. hidden part thou Ihalt make me It to know wlldom. • "Purge me with hyalop, and ; • Ihall be clean: waih me, and • • ahall be whiter tha", Inow, • • "Make he to hear joy and • gladne.. ; that the bonea which • thou , haat broken may rejoice, • • , "Hide my face from my alna, • • and blot out all mine Inlqultlea, • • "Create In me a clean heart, • 0 God; and renew a right '8plrlt • within me. • • "Calt me not away from thy • • preaence; and ·take not thy holy ; • aplrlt from me. "Reatore unto -me the joy Qf ; • thy salvation; and uphold me • • with they free aplrlt, • • "Then will I teach transgres: aora thy waya: and sinners shall • • be converted unto thee. • "Deliver me from blood gulltl- • • • nen, 0 God, thou God of my • • salvation: and my tongue ahall • alng aloud of thy rlghteouaneaa. ••' "0 Lord, open , thou my lip.; • and my mouth shall shew forth ~ •• thy praise, • "For thou deslrest not aacrl- : • • f1ce: eille would I give It; thou. • dtllghtelt not in burnt offer- • • Ings, • • "The aacrlflcea of God are a ; • broken spirit: a broken and a • • contrite heart, 0 God, thou wilt. • not despise, • "Do good In thy good pleasIJre • unto Zion: build tholl the walls. • of Jerusalem. • • "Then shalt thou be pleaaed • • with the sacrifices of rlghtl:ous- • • ness, with burnt offering and • whole burnt offering: then shall • • they offer bullocks upon t hine • • • altar,"


"Persons of spirit' cannot live In apartment houses:' declares a New York mlnllter. Now we know what the poet meant by "When this soul leaves Its frail tenemenL"

' But tb man who argues hOI at LESSON IN NATURAL HISTORY -war' · tbuu hait admi tted that t-h ero Is It doubt io ,his h art a s to the Al1'I uslng, BlIt Somewhat Expens ive course h e' has pursuet;l, and so It WIUI as Mis s Pa tty Real ized When with j\'l ana !;seS, aud as th e days the Goa t Was Through . I ngth ' Ol' d Into w(' ' kfl a nd the we ks Into montils, th r a ' I' f) t In to hi !! h a rt 111 188 P:ltt y ~ It 1l111'() of 1\ rt h Thir'mort! l'I ud nlor th o conlic:lous lless 01 tCl' lIlh >itl'!:'L wt' ul to t h' c'o unl l'Y with It Will Bring About Good R esults On Hilly Land Where! th ' IIltc' r folly and wi ck dn o::;s of his rI party uf frl.' II ,110 Oil· 1\I · lI1orlul Il ay. 'be MOisture Ofte n Does Much DaIDuge.-By cou rse, aud remorse fill ed his BO ll I be· 'I'h ., }, -loPI/( ,I at :1 l'a l'lllll UlHi\! wh ur e T. M. elsel. cause- of h is hor rible sI n lu off ' ring uf BUilli' til' ,til " Jlurty arc' 1I'I 'Ii Iwu wn , hi s beau !lfu l son upu n th outstr tch Ilrmn ;i ll g a hout Wll ~ UII old gun t. ed li nu s of lh e god IIloloch. For growing potatoes on hili Innd b I ' of th e ex perts of tb e ul.' part rn en t \\' he' ll :\1 i"" I' ll It Y s a I\' IH'}' I hl' IHI n IIY " \\' bllt ha th hI' l' yer dOIH' for you?' or wh e rc Ih ' ya r e orten damaged Wy w/lile going up a nd dOW Il in the la nd wa s Illacidly uibb llug (II :t f('w hi nt! 's cHnte Ill , qu e ry Into hi s ow n h ea rt. ul0 ls lur Lh e straw mulch will be mad e It th eir bu pi ness to s tudy th e of gl' :I~s. Hn d Bil e InllllCI' ntly lliought ":-';0. bllt h ha th 1'011111'(\ YOll ot yom foun d II) wring good r es ults, For qu estion and sec wh e Lb er th er ' 1011:;ht th ilt !(Ilil ts ",prl' " trl elly \"' ~ l' tariallf; . 80n ." continu ed th e lUll 'r voice In ar n lh l' law n In frull t of til l' POl' 'h Hh !l tra w cO\'erl ng t he )1otatoes s houlll be not b ' II ge rill uf lruth , 01'. Ilt least, gum 'nt. flla nteLi th Ins t of' May 01' Ih e first of som e I' ·nson for th o gene ml b li ef that hnd ltuL hPJ' hand ROII I" nl'W I! ' rich Th e dll!ll{ of lh e C'Itain sou nd ed a t bIlRI, I'L h at, 11'1 11111)(',1 willi Ilrl'tty tlrt ba t mOUl cnt Ilut! llJ:;a ln th " .tn ~ r, lun e, " 'e htl " e Lb o ~ o il w ell prepared, th e moon's pll ases hav e an e l1ect on t1 ftcln l ruses, whit-it fi ll, ' hntl go t (roW Mu rlf on: th e row s two fe t a plu· t !lnd a nilliul nnd vcge lll\Jlc li fe . Th "Y have Uloti om! \!I" l, full p U~':H's>! ioo of him, l h,' s lurt' ~h l' IIlgh t 1I(,rMlI. Th e gilal uu t llit's ' r 'di ngs gave \\,flY to thtl ae- not too dee p. Sll'n IV potatoes r equire conclud ed nfl 'r jlatie n t inl'l:'s tlgatioo ::;aw th e hnt a nd :It!nIIH'I' ,1 joyfu ll y If' on ly uuo ut hntr th e row s pr. ce that CUl- tll n t the moon my\ h i!l one ur lh e 'am ' cus ing ,'o k (If con sr il' lll' which ('o n' t h·nl d Ont'S need, HS th e vi nes are purnlll' ely r,1\' mylh s lhat dntes bucil ward It , :'Ill s>! 1'lIt ly laughl'd, " Th' li Il UL' 1i 10 f; lIen k, eOlltl t' IIHlln g him fm n l" " ll' sn larg nn d cul tivatio n If! n ot to I) U I' O savagery lIud has nbsolutels old lhln g think ,,; lil e y ' n' l'f~ al ruses." hi s sin Il lTd lh e fl lnfl in to wh ic h h bad ,,11 (' I nll~ l lI'd , " \\' on ' C f; h e be foull't! r ccilliretl , Cove l' th o seed wit h tlVO nol a scienti fic I g to stand on. led th l' 11 11 1 ion, Almos t ev~ry one , ven, If he hal! wll,'n sll, ' s lth' lI s LIt'_'III ?" "\\'ould Clod hpa r him If h prn)l'd ?" In ches uf soli nnd the n wi th ublJut t (l n E:v t ryu ody Hat Rtlll to walt h t il l' ca me tit e thought onl' da y, Mulm' h, Incb s of s traw, 01' e nough to mall e not r eureu In th' country, has b ea rd gtlilt f' nll' 1I lll l' IIr lill cia l fl o"','rR li nd four in h s \\'h n well beaten dOWll by of th e idea a bout planti ng potiltoell in whom he had l!p. rv ed 8 0 fa it hrull)', wll ik away , 11111 litl' !!Oll l. roo l 'd lh e lli . ba d not II Pti rd him wll pn ho had (n in, Thi s wi il kee p th e wcods down th o da rk of th e mOU D, 'fhe Held worlcTlt l' Iwxl wl',·lc l\ Jl ~H PallY bought prayed 10 him, npllh er had he cOl l\e to lind ho id the moi s ture throughou t th e r s o f th e depa rtm pnt o f, ngri culturf a uotll l' r ha l. - I'h ilacldphlll TimeR, }lis he lp. " '\'ou ld God do bNte r?" PAINT BEAUTY. "0 Lord. Alm lg hl y God of Ollt Fa, th ers. Abl'aha m, Isaac nnd Jacob , and Ass ured of durab ility, the next of th eir rl ght l'O U8 Heed ," he cxc lll,lm d th ou ght Iu jlltinlillg Is bea uty - l he In th c ogo ny of d s llnir on e day. look, cOlllpl ete aim uei ng durabl o ueu uty, ing up to hca v n an d holding up the or beau tiful durabllily , manacled ha nds as though he would Nutl ona l L 'aLi ' omptlny h re agnl n . sholl' t h III to God. offer YO li til ' 'l1-oj)l' ratl on of th ei r "Th ou nrt th e Lord God, InOeed: llu illt xlJe rts-lhl s tim c in tho line he exclnim >d, aftll r a s ile nce, ··th ou or color s ch ill 'S , arti s ll c, hUl'Ilion iou s a rt h e who hast mad e h eaven and nod appropria te, You hul" only to arth , with nil th e orname nt thlJreof; wr ite Nntiona l Lend -'ompnnr. 1902 who ba!i t bound the sea by the word Trinity Dulldiug , ~ e w York Ity, for of thy comnmndment: who hast shul "HouseowlIcl's' Pai nting Ou t fit ~o. up th e deep, a nd sealed It by till' te l' 'HI," nnd you will promptl y r oc Ive rlble and glor ious nlUDe; whom all what Is r eally II. cOIllJlI ,t g uid e to men far, and tremble before thy painting, including a \J uu k or color power," His yolce hroke as h e spoke schem cl! for eith er ex terior or Inte rlOl' the words, "Was this true?" h e Rs lted lJU inting (liS you ma y r ellu st) , a hlms If. Th en almost tlercely a8 boule of spec ifications , an d a lso an Intbough he wou ld s tre ngthe n his faith, st rum eut for detec tin g adulteration h e cri ed : " In paint materi a ls . T his outfit Is sent "Yea, It Is true, tor the majesty 01 [I·ee. und, to suy tho least, itl well thy glory cannot be borne, nnd thln t wortil w r iting tor. angry threatening towards sinnnrs b Importable. Bu t thy m erciful promille Tapering Off. Is unmeasurable and unsearchabl e ; 'iVh ereas, I, Kitty Cameron, hn\' , fnl' Potatoes Growing Under Straw Mulch. for thou art the most hi gh Lord, 01 too many b nux , They ny thllt I engreat compassion, long-sulferlng, very Bummer. Potatoes grown In this way ha ve found that at least 75 per cent cOllrul; ' th m. It I' nll y Is not s o~) merciful and r epentest of the ev ils 01 are always free from soab, clea p and of the fa rm ers or this enlightened coun· Wher !lS, '1'0 make lire s imple Is men. Thou, 0 Lord, according to til, of fin er ll.1Jallty. Clover cbarr makes try put In th eir crops a nd do a good what I most d s ir , fu l' which jus t good,n ess, hast promi sed r epentance a good covering, but should not be Ol a ny ot her things nhout th e (arm gov· couce ntratlon Is nil th a t I I' qtlir ; and forgiv en ess to the m that have put on 5 0 heavily as It forms a more C1'ned absolut ely by Resoln'd , That I, Ins tanter , be fo re th e lu oon's sinned against thee; and of thine In· compact <lovering, a nd wi th too much phases. Almos t any (arm er will tell it Is too lat , agre h r eby wi thout finite m ercies hast appOinted repent rai n will cause the potatoes to rot. you that If you pl ant pota to es In the reser\' e s tri ctly to con ent rn te-tl) ance unto sinners, that they b'e There Is nothing In th e current su- dark of the 1lI0on th ey will run to give up spli tllng wa ltzes a nd Sti ch a lsaved." pe rsUtion about planting potatoes in tub ers, a nd It In th e IIgbt of the moon , luring Irlc ks, cut down my fi eld of laoncentrate on slx.-CIl e lV The thought aa It swept over him the dark of the moon and si mila r Lbey w ill run to lops. Thi s Is snl d to bo\' nnd and h e gave expression to It In words pieces of farm lore which have been be true of aoy root crop, an d It is Yorl, Sun. brought much of comfort and encouI' acce pted as gospel truth from time planted IIccordln gly. A Contest of Wits. agement, and he. continued his supp1i- immemorial. This Is the di ctum of the , 'rh er e Is only one diffi culty auo,u t An emln nt lawy er was once crosscation : department of agriculture, which made this th eory an d that Is lhat It is not "Tbou, therefore, 0 Lord, UIOU art 0. serious study ot the moon s uperst!- so. Th e agricultural experime nt s ta· exam ining a ver y I ve\' woman, motllthe God of the just. hast not at>- tlon nnd laid the Luna wraith at least Uons all over the country have been er of th e plflllltUl' In a b\' nch-or-prom·polnted repentance to the just, as to to Its own satisfaction. defyi ng the superstition for years and Ise action, and was corn l>letely worstAbraham, and IS88C, . ancL.a~.b. W.hI Ci" R basis In (acUor rai sing _Just as good crops when the ed In the e ncoun ter of wits, At th e have not sinned against thee. But any superstition, and the moon super- moon was one way as wben It was the close, however, ll,e-tu l'Ded to the jury and exclaimed: thou hut appointed rep entanoe unto stltlon was so deep-rooted that a Dum- other_ "You saw, gentle men , th nt even L me that am a sinner: for I have was but n child In h er ban ds, What IIlnned above the number ' of tho sands may my client ha ve be 11 ? " of the seil. My transgressions, a By thi s adroit stroke of advo cac~· Lord, are multiplied, and I am nol he turn ed hI s failure into a su cess _ worthy to behold and s ~e the height of the heaven for the multitude 01 Plain, Horrid Man. mine Iniquities, I am howed down She-So many m en nowadays marwith mnay Iron bands, that 1 cannot Free Distribution ot Best Varia· Tvvo Polsons Are Recommended ry for money. You wouldn't marry 11ft up mine head, n either have any &tes Made (rom NurBO!rles to Prevent Diseuse, FormallD me for mon ey, ~vou ld yo u, deurest? r elease; for I have provoked thy Lo~ated Near WashBelnlr Less DODlreroua. He (absently )-No, darling, r wrath, and done , evil before thee." IUlrton wq~ldn't marry you for all the money Again his yolce broke und er tbe in the world , Potato scab is a disease of the polll.· strnln of emotion which filled hie She-Oh, you horrhl. horrid wre tch! ' The government Is right In the to tub er caused by a fungous growtb heart, tor now that the currents ot hi e life had set In Godward every thin!! midst, of th e h arvest of a most unique attacking It In the Boll. Spores ot Ule Don't forget that 1\ d'lvorce suit was swept before them, br.lnglng 8 crop at Its experime ntal farm n ear Ar- fungus will remain In th e s oli {rom costs more than a wedding sult_ realizing sense of the awful sins 01 lington, just ac ross Potomac from year to year and on th e tubers frou:: Washington, wher e a corps Of labore rs one Sl\ason to anotber_ The dis eaSE which he bad been guilty. "I did not thy will, neUher kept 1 in charge of trained forellters are 'pn·· causes the surface of the potato to bathy commandments. I have set UJ: paring for the annual fr ee distribution oome rough and unsightly and vel')' abominations, and have multiplied ot· of 100.000 basket willow cuttings. ' often extends dee p rnto the Hes b, In· Uncle Sam Is enoouraglng the grow- juring Its food value. fenses. Now, theretore, I bow the Scab on potatoes oan be prevented knee of mine heart, beseeching U;ee Ing ot high-grade willow rods in this ot grace. I have sinned, 0 Lord. I countlJ, and In the five years since by planting un Infected tubers In clean have sinned, and I acknowledge mine the establishment of the holts at Ar- soil, and the danger of Infecting rna), Iniquities.., Wherefore I humbly be lington approximately a half mllUon be r educ ed by rotation or by planting seec:h thee, forgive me, 0 Lord, for, select cuttings have been dlstrlbuteci the potatoes in different soli ea ch sea· give me and destroy me not with among fa,r m e rs, w ith dl,rections [or son, To Insure 'a crop of potatoes fr ee mine Iniquities. Be not angry with planting nnd preparing for market. from scab treat the seed with sOllie me forever, by reserving evil for me; Pnrticular attention Is given to seneith er condemn me Into the lower lecting the varieties and strains best p'o lson to kill the scab spores on them parts of the earth . For thou art the suited to tOil soli where the plantings and plant In soil In which no potatoes have grown for several years. 'fwo God, even the God of th em that re' will be made. poisons for scab treatment are r ecom· peat; and In me thou ' wilt show all Willow craft Is an Industry which ' mended. Formalin Is the less polson· thy goodness. For thou wilt save m e, Is constantly growing In importance that am unworthy, according to thy in this country, yet the c ulture of baR' ous and the 'o ne most cotnmonly used , grent mercy. Therefore I will praise k et willow In th e U nited States made It costs about 50 cents a pint and one thee for ever all the days of my life: very little progress until five or six pInt Is used with 30 gallons of water. Formalin so,Jution may be used e ither for all the powers of the heavens do years ago. in a wooden or metallic vessel, and, praise thee, and tbine Is the glory forEven now, practically all of the best although a polson, the re Is little danever and ever. Amen." grades o,r bas ket willow arc Imported ger In Its use. Let the potatloes soak Poaltlvely cared ~ As h e finish ed, the query erellt Into [rom Europe, cblelly from France. Exthe • e Little Pili •• In th e solution for about two hours, " ~I L his heart: periments ' have shown that the best Arter disinfection place the potatoes They also "ellne DI.. "Had God heard 1" grades of willow can be grown In thla In bags which contain no scab spores, mLE tress (roUl 01., pepSla, ,JoIn sllenco he sat there, glv!:'n up country at a good profit, 4111'cstionaUltTooBelU't7' Spores of potato scab mny also be Eating. A perfcct rem., wholly to his thoughts, and he did not This year's harvest hegan early In killed by the use ot corrosive subelly for Dlnlne,.., Nailhen r th e approaching footsteps, or • sea, DrowslncBIl, Da4 March, Four approved varieties are limate. This is a very poisonous subnote thnt a messenger from the king Taste In the Month, eoa" being sent ou~, and only the best and stance and must be used with onre. cd Tongue, Pain In the wa:l standing near. Do not use tor food any of the pota.JSld", TORPID LIVER. "The kJng hath sent to release most thrifty rods are selected for dlli- toes after treatment. To use, corro- ~==~= rho1 regulate the Bowel8. Purely Vegetable. trlbution, Cuttings for experiments, thee," spake the voice. planting and information on managa- sive sublimate provide a barrel or SMAll PilL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL With a startled cry of joy, MnnassCl mcnt of th e willow bolts are fUl'Dlshpd other wooden vessel, as It attacks leaped to his fee t. Could it be truEll those who make the request of the for- metals. Dissolve two ounces of the Genuine Must Bear or was he o'nly dreaming. Thus did pol son In two gallons of hot water. ester at ,Washington. fae-Simile Signature h e wonder while the chains were beThe government recognizes the Im- When It was has dissolved mix It with ing cut to r e lease his hands and his 14 gallons of water and sprlnUe or fec,t, but on the long, journey back to portance of goOd cutUngs, a point pour it over the potatoes, so that all PILLS. more commonly overlooked tban the hi s beloved J erusalem, where hc was of the tuberfA. .b ecome moist with tM REFUSE IUIITITUTES" matter of cultivation. Only the bes t again to rul e , he knew that Goll had and most thrifty rods are selected fOl' solution. What Is left over ot the --,'-. -.~ heard his prayer and ,had answered. polson ,d lspqsed of each seasori's dlst~ibutlon : , . ,..mus~ be oarefully . ,


, r e~dy



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Nearly 400 blooded sheep from King Edward's s to k farm have been purcllBsetl by a \Viscousln breeder , and are now on th e way west from Boston, where they were land ell reTHE STORY, Wisconsin stock raIsers cently. HE rattle of that chain! have royal tas tes, so far a s ' fin e ' WOUld it eyer chafe less upon stl'nlns of breeding I re concern ed, and some ot the best cattle, shee p nnd that t ender soul? lt did not seem as though he, the hogs In th e world are now to b e round proud Manasses, Itlng ot Judah, could In that commbnwealth. ever become lIsed to th e Indignity. "Th e r evers ing of ;. hhlgme nt br Away off in that Babylonian exile the an a ppellate court c n the ground of a thing which cut deepest Into his heart me re technicality wben subs ta ntial was the consclouBn ess thnt he bore jus ti ce has been admini stered Is nn upon his arms and hlH legs tho iron outrage," says Justice Brew£:' ot the shackl es of Sennacherlb, s upreme court of th e United States', And b ecause he could not bear to the highest legal authority In tbe hear the clank, clank of his chains world. 'l'hls Is a confirmation ot the he made as few move,s as possible, public Ideal of law as the conser vator and always mumed the sound of the and dofender of justice and of tech- chain In the folds of his robes. nicality as th e ,form by which Is pre"Fetters, when ,1 should ~e holding s erved the s pirit the scepter," 'he exclaimed one day, petulanUy. He hI!d come to his faNow Carlism, r ev iving, has added vorite nook by th,! side ot one of the Its cla ims to those of th e revolution- beautiful streams whloh flow ed near Ists, soc ialists and republicans to tear Babylon. His h/o!art was 's tili r e belunhappy Spaln_ ,B ut 'If the throne ,Is l\olls, and ,he rflfused to harbor the oV:t:rllfrn 'd, It wpl . not be ·change · of thought for an instant U1at he was' to DJ(lJlarcbs tbe people wtll want, ' but. blame' a~d had brought his troubles .ehl!onge of gove rtlment. ' upon his own head. No" Instead he perSisted Inhl& eftePl's-t'O-jusHf:r-- h1 A canoe which , cannot be caplljzed own · c~nduct: U, serving t,h e gods of . has b, en purchased -fol' use In sa,v lng the nations -a'oout bad brought these lit ' on an upp er river, wh er e acc;l- ,evils upon , him how was it that Send ents frequcntly. occur. There would naohez:tb bad grown great rrnd powerbe a 1iIIl,,-lng oC life ev I'yw here It" the ful sernng practically the .ame ' d~l. anoe that annot ~ e apiJzed w.... t1t:s1 be asked himself ove, and over .-uralll adopted. I,alD.

• • •••••••••••••••••••••









'V~lt ~i'4P"';;~


True Faith. True faith In God' such as wfll al,w ays help, grows out CIt. knowing his cbarll,oter, It Is buill on the , three words; '''God is love:' and thu!\ It III a -h eart-faith, or love-faith. It Is a fatUi that God will ever do what Is In , OVi, mr--nothlng ,contl'ary to It It Is a faith that as God Is IOV!!, so ht' will be warda ypu everything. that love oaD mean~plttrul, sympathetic aM helpful. In return it trusts and doe I! Dot' worry, no matter what tile c1rqum.


1."'llco. are.



The forpst .. service Is receiving a constanUy Increllslng number of ' requests £01' basket willow cuttings. 'These r equest!! ; came from fllrnitlrs ail ove1' the co"lllry, many of the m coming through ,m mbers of oo~gress.Lice lnfectlon. ~ mark of poor farm "Uiaiase-' ment to p,l1ow any auimals to become , Infected with _lice; Hogs can not thrlvo when- their vl~lIty Is Bucked away by these iDsBet•• Tbere 're 1Ie~. eral good dips j)D the market, and keros8De and grease, mired warm. are

It is


OODlDlOU ,.~.

Exercise for the Horle. It lIS a miStak.e 'to ke ep elthe'r youns

or old horses staJ;Jled several days :a1 a time. They n~ed dally outdoor exel'clse for develop~ent ff muscles and bones. If tho pasture fs too short' for thQ~ to run ' in, alloW' them dally ex· erclse .In aD open lot.

Br~!ld Oo!)pa ,Fac.-South.. See that YOllr brooCJ coops tace the lIo~U1 at ' this time of ,ear 8Q 8S 00 &1ve tht'! chicks as .JDucb ot the SUD'S rays aa pOSSible, but nver.4 this method .. the eeason adVa~_ IIld UUlJleatecl 1bOntb.l .PJ1'OIlOL

. ---

A Deal in Ivory and Gold By JOHN IRVING 'DAY One ,of the Masterpieces in the Business of Carnering the, Cold


lIE flun, lik in hug

gold en YOII about my othc r har!1 IlI c k, but I to .. afogllard their OWI1 cllpltai. Th I'e platt '1', hung h 'H ltatin gl y w ill , now that you have gi ve n rne a weI' > f w chauA" 5 ,of rnllll ' nt In .l nck o\' c r th e l'/l Hlc b fo r pie e of good n ews. To t el l yo u th Cle lanu 's trnv l' lill g" tl'u n ic, but th r e I!lun gl ng down out of Hig ht truth, I'm up agn lnst It hnrtl. It's I\' I'CO oth!'r thlll g !; mOl' > U ); fu l to hi m b!,11 'nth th e wav II. Off to a tou g h thin" t o lim:; but I hal'cn 't h arl In t h o wa y of gamb l ing paraph ernnlin. Ih e en st, t he snow to pp d ' anything Ullt hnl'd lucie slnc' I got Floyd d CO IlHlIl,j'Jd thl'l~ o 1'00lll S In th e p ale of lIluunt Wl l soll 1'0' nlal'ri e,!, a yea r ago till,; SII'III S'." hot) lind h y pay l ug nn f!xo r hllunt Hcct!:'r) IIre le th c 1IIII'ting "Ant! yo u 111'0 manled , al' you?" pl'ko was f1bl lJ t";:w t one Inrg enough mys Iha t pillY d ulllln un d I' rh glnd to hear that. !l' R a goo,1 thing 10 lit liP ns II gnlll biin g 1'00111 In udd l. Ili sspli Its ru st of Ic for yo u, but 1 ' 111 son y If you'l'U hal'· lion 10 th o iivill ' r l)OII1 !; r equired for whIch sholle rnlnbow Ing 1.1. run of t o\l~ h I llcle Hat I ""'an t the tw o PllrtIlIT>t. hued anll cta ZZlllll,;. Down yo u tu tell me abollt what hUI'PC!l od 'I'h., l1Iol'nlll " nFl( I' Ihl' arrll'a l or in the vllll r-y an alllolllohil e carrying In th d('a l you w ' re 1,;0 :11" to make Ih"' ,, !! Iwo 111001"1'11 ,Jnsow; In th ... 110W thr PlIl'!;c' I1 g'l' r S fill ,I th n ChOlln'('1I1' YOll r fo r tune 111 ." ,Rold fl co lds ~I nj . Sldnll Pr w as l; ilti ll l.; roll cd ca slly ;1I01ls.; a whil o 11H1I'alium "\V 'II, that won't talce 11) :1 [; t o t ell," in hIs IIp·lu·dolt, !,f!i I'CO II n :':t; tioOI' to roall 1111111, a t Ihe di r l'l'ti ol1 (If th o rnon r pp1l ·cl th o yo un s.; man. " I wus Ihe th Slate ),IUllt bullllin 1j. lie hall jllst 'wh o o('cl1pl ell the fl'ollt !:leu t \I' It h th e as), marlt fur c1d 1\lI1J . Sldnn or, onf! fln Ished d ig",;t Ins.; I ho stn t rnPllt of drh't'I', th o 1II 111' hll1l' cam to a stOll at o r th ' ::; llclc st lIllnlng pl'lImot I'll that hi s financial ('olldllt') 11 whi c h hI s on o th e CI'('st of It IItt l0 1(1)1)11. 'vcr s.;ot rn O ~11'1' fo r 11Il'C ~ r IIfLJl f' r . r.1 prl( hlld PI' 11111"'11 for him and was "(; pt nllt. hnY lI , lind h' t's Rtpal n littl o Eve l'y bOlly nro uncl thI s tOlVn hall tho full of 1'1'01111 slll1 8fa r lioll , Things fruit, I haw'n't l'Clblll'd nn 01'1'1111)',1 gold f I' COI' !J~ r ' a ~'('a l' or sago un el II" ! I' Indl'('d (, 111r1111 ~ h is wa r . Po \' r'l'. s in ce I W I)!! It ;;101 ," Iil ll,I(1! J) o (: F loyd whf'1l I gut IIlarrl l'd my wlfo :1Il,1 I thing hl H .\lIdl all Ilng-I'rs touch ed h~d to ('01. JIll I Po w l.,)' and .Jacl( (,I l'land, t oole 11 t rip IIJl to till' wll,1 connl:-y s ' el1l od to IlIl'n 10 A",)ld within tb c pa st " 'ho " " 1'1) with him on II pl('us ul" rido Just for u rhu ngl', I h nd a monlh's Si x I!l olllh s. \\' hl"l' ' fo t'''' th maJo l n f ·w mill'S clll l of l .uH Anl"!'I I!s. vacntion cOllllng to m and was cru7.Y 11'01' u pi r'n w'd -x prl"ss lon when Doc Iillvlng' sll li" f1 cl l th l'l l' plu y rul Rpl rlt to se th t01l'1l ot 'Coldfiol d thut I 'd Fl oyd, n pw AITII'al fro m tho list In of lar('('ny h ' lilil o pal'l y :t liP d h Il rd so mu ch about. W e wellt up sl':lI'C'h of min lug In\'c" tlll nts, II' s b uclt 11110 'th l' waillnA' nil 0 and hur· til re tln rl that was wb r we first m t ushC' I'ed Into hi s p;o S'II CC by hi s sec. rl d on bn It 101l'nl'd :; the ('it y. Ma j . SI<inn el', Th e mnjor was a man r elary and m an of ali 11'01'1<. "Th ere ha s hl'l'l1 110100 rullow h cr e of nrrairs 1111 , 1 pr etend d t o take a Tho neatly u!;,rlll'!:!d ca r d wh l cb 100ltll1g f I' )' 011 two or thr (j tim es gr en t Intel' -st In u s as a young m ar· Floyd PI' SPill ed g-nl' no Inkling of thi s nft.{ 1'I1 0nn ," I he hut ,'1 I ric In · I'led co upl e, his hll sln Sg t o the man ot afflllt's In form d Floyd wb ell lu! ca ll ed for hi s "I don't Itnow how It ever happened, Ita whld e, hilt. th e pro" nc of its k Y wh('n II \I'll !! Oil 0 11101' bucle In but the major t nl ked m e 111 to his n et 11 ar er was at oncp. cOllllllau ,lill g nncl th city, " II dldu't I f\\' any Cllrl!. just lUI easy as cntc hlng Irout In th e ngngln g. Th o major al on ce Jlut him Salel h '.1 bo bncl; this cv I1lng." Tru ckee. W e had $5,000, most of .t01l'1l ns ono w II abl to t ak \ I\re "1'1· bc('n th ln ltln g I'd lik e to t ake Which was illY wlfo's 1II0ney, Th e or hi s nil of nny den l Into which h. a ruu ~I P thr(lugh .the mining tOll'lI S," major h arl' tho Sbawln cle min ing might enter. H \ was f1attel'ell wh II alln ounc ,I CI Innd , who wn s kn own as claim which ho hael capltnliz ed at a lo'loyrl t ohl him tbnt h e had sough t hi m tbo I)'s sltnl sl of th e party owing to million dollars, with a mi llion shar es out In qu st (Of aovlce. th o fa t thut h e nCI'('r b came enthus. with a par value or $1 ach. He pro· " 111m in cieed, pleas .1 t o b e nt you r 1astle OV ' I' nny C1uestion. {essell to b o n little short ot r eally s r v l c, sir," th e mining mnn an. "W II, It's worth conslcie rln g, at nny money to elth r promote th slock or nounce,I, nt th sam e tim e pr oducl llg rat, Jnck. allll I'll jU!;t sle p over It go ab ad with th e del' 10lml nt on the a box of th o b st Cigars that could b to·n lght. I ('all't Ii 0 tha t th er e Is any property. My $5,000 looltell good to had In San Fran cisco an,l in viling Jl ce It y for posslng up any tricks. him and h e hy pnotized me so th at his his caller to smoke. "What cnn I do By th WilY, I won c! I' who Ii: was that proposition looked like a quick way for yo u ?" W IIS looldng tor me wbll e we wer e of getting hold of a fortlln e to me. "I und er stand that you own the out?" The strl~o came and then the contrOlling Inter st In a little piece A It In nnsw('r to Flo yd's Iju er y , fin an ci al panic. The Sllnwln ck was 01 Ilropcrty down In Golrl field, call ed th e hou se telcphone boll r ung anli h e glvon up as a bad proposItion and I th e Shawln cck," sold Floyd, "I don't was In roI' nl('ll by Ih Ollerutor that a was broke. Maj, klnn r stili hn.l my tblnk much of the pr'lpert , . wblch I 5000 I h $ " Mr. J ack!lon wl sb!!cl to se him, an t w en the panic cnme be look ed ovel' a fe w days ago, even It It "Ail ri ~h t, I'll s c him h re, Hnve pick ed up another piece of prop rty dol'ls seem to be wcll locat :!d, How· 111m com e r lr'.. lIt Ill) to my roolIl," 1'10 In .th e n ew camp of Rnwhl de tbat Is ever, I've seen some ot the stock cer· repll d, "It mUlit be t h f 110"1' who m akin g him one of the ri chest m en In Uficates alld they are a work of art, was looking for mo this nfternoon" tbe stat~ of N evadll. I had given up I 'll bu y a wago:m lond of th em or so If bo conUnu t'. 1 to leland whon h e ll a'd my job to make a fort une In Coldtleld th e price was rl ghL" bung liP t he 'r eceh'cr of tho 'phon . and when I was cl an ed out and came Th e major noted tbe sm ile on tbe "1 don't kno w who .lackson Is, though, back her j3 and tried to get .bnck In race ot his caller and ,,'ond er ed what Th e only ,lackson I r ecall Is our trl end the railroad office I was Illformed that game h e wns up again st. H e was k een Howard Jnck son, who died In New Ithey bdidn't caro to have a man who enougb to know thnt h er e was a man York three year s ago," lari een mixed up , In a Wildcat min· who would not buy a gold brick, yet At. th e sound o f approaching steps Ing proposition. You see some or tbe here he was speaking of purchasIng - -tn--tM hall , Floy d turn d an,1 opened pCCiple had bought stock In the Sbawl· worthl f!ss stock, H e dec e t lat bls door without waitin g for a knocle. neck on my r ecomm end ation and I Ulero was no use In claiming any "Why, It's H oward's kid brother," he couldu't blame th em for bing sore value tor the Shawln eck mine, Be· announced, as he grnspe,1 the band wh en It petered out, And that's about Ing In a good bumo\', ho\ve\'er, he an· or bls caller In trl enrl l y greetln"'. "I all, I guess," nounced: '" was just wond erin g who I t ould be," "Anll you say Maj, Sklnn I' has "Well, It you wnut to buv me out he explain ed . "This Is .Jacle' Cleland struclt -It rich?" Inqulre,I Floyd wb en (reclwu we won't ha\' mu~b troubl~ Tommy, H e kn ew yo ur brothor Howard YOllng Jackson had finish ed his story, In making a trod . Wby, I'd almost almost as ",'oil as I did, We w r e " Wouldn't h e put your str;>c k bnck or play you a game of SO \'en up for tb e nil shocked t o h ear of hili death wh en gll'e you a 'c hance In his n ew propo- whol e layout!" that Budden speil or rv er took him sltlon 1" . "Hn, ha," laughed Floyd . "So you're You w eI' with him at the tim e, "1'\0, wh en [ wroto him about the gam e fOl' a Iilt l e sporting propOSition, position I was In b er e, he simpl y r eo Il\'e you? I al wa ys did like t o see a w er on't YOII?" "Y 5, I w as tb f'rC'. It was pretty pH d t hat whil he w as sorry to learn man who woul,l tak e a chance. I' ve tough, H !:l was only ~Ic k a woek and of 1.1Y t emporary hnrd luck, bu sin ess been taking th em ail my life." th 1'0 wer olll y Ih e two ot us loft," was bu sln e s anll a trad e wa s n trade, "'Veil, I'\'e about quit tnlilng "Ant! wlmt nl'e YOIl doing Wil Y dllt H o I' mind ed me that the Shawln eck chances," r eturned the Peci\suiffinll h er e on th oth er side of th o worl I ? pr op r ly WI\S still th r o tQ be worked Maj. Skinn er, "You see I llon't Did YOIl brin g hIs r acing stable out an ti that I mIght go an.l t r y to get hal'O to tal< man y chances any b er e?" som e one to buy m or e of. t he d ~ l'elop· more, 1'\10 got a min e b er e that "No, h e only ha,1 one gOO(l horse In m Oll t stock nnd put Ull th e mon ey for Is going to y l hI 01 a million his stable, '1'h y w r e all sold at IIUC' digging deeper," If I get a cent out o[ It. I'm nl. tlaR' aa(j dlQlI 't brlll g IUll ch mora than "Well , you 'y O heen properly stung, 'r endy mOl'e thnn a hun dr ed thousand enough to square up his Ii bl, 1 was T omm y ," continu ed Floyd , "but maybe to the good 1l0W all.1 only hnve on e novel' on th o ra ce tl'llck llIuch, you w e can get \' f\)J, Clelun cI nnJ. I had Im rtn cr' t o cut u)) t he Jlrofits wi t h, It's know, I "I' nt to work III a railroad jus~ beel,l talking about a little t rip the first mIning venture I w as I'er offi ce ns !loon as I , got throngh hIgh through th e Nevada camps. Your Int r es ted III wh er o I w ouldu't sell my school. I ca me out h er o two y aI's story has d ecided m e, I 'm going up lust share of stocle If I could flnd n ago to tak e a plnce In tb e ofUc o ot a to get ncqualnted wIth your frlenel, bu yer . I tak e It thut you want to w os t rn rond." ?l11lj, Skinner. H e's a mnn w 1\ worth get hold of th e Sbawlneck property "I hope you IIko th e r nll roa,l bu sl· knowing, especlaliy us h e bas got lots just as a promoting propo sition. B e· noss Rnll are prosperin g at It," wn s ot mou ey , Bring 1110 in the 25,000 fore we talk about tha t, however, I th e kindly Int nrl ed r emarle of Floyd , shares ot sto ok you holJ. In the Shawl· wllnt to show you a .real mine In the although hIs e1l scernlng eyo tole! hlllJ n eck, It will give mo nn excuse for H ett y Gl'!lng 'r," that all wnR no t. w II wilh his caller . g ttlng acqualuted with Maj, Sldnner. " I shoulll be pl eoserl to see It," as· "WolI, that w a~ n 't what I camo to I'll see that you got your stock back, sen t ed Floyd as he followed th e min· see you about," said young Jack son, but I've an Idea that I will own w!Jat· Ing man to un autom obJl e wblch stood b esltatlngly, "1 wantod to sea yo u be· el'er portion , ot tbe Sbawln ock prop- In front of th e I)tIlc', cause you nre th e only old friend of erty that 1\1aj. Slelnn er now has, before· It w as Ind ee() a IlDy lng mine thnt my brother I have seen slnco I cnme '1 l eave thi s part of tho cOllntry, And Flo yd wa s shown and wh en h e hinted west. I was In the hotol on bu sIness b y th e way, I will Ifl t yo u have $500 that he would lilce to bu y an Interes t this morning and chanced to Bee your on account of that debt of Georg e In the pro lIeI'll', at th e Bame tim e dis· Ilame on the r egi st er, I wanted to Slewart's and you can write him to playing some. thousands of dollars In ask you about a debt George Ste wart, that elTect and ask him to send along a banl erlng spirit, although the nvarl· who was on e time a partner ot my the thou sand he 01l'es, H e'll do It all clous eyes of th e major gazed greed ily brother, ow ed him wh en he died. It right. T ell your wlte thaL there Is n at the money he asserted that he did was a thousand dollars and I know good chance ot her getting back that not wish to .sel1 any part of the mIne, be owes It because I have a letter ~e $5,000 she snld good·by to In the near He declared that th ey were taking wroto Howard whlie he wns III In future and maybe w e'll OPtlD up the out on an average of $700 worth or the hospital saying that he was sorry Shawlneck again," ore a day and expected to strike a not to be able to square tIle debt Tommy Jackson hurried away to richer veIn at any tim e, tben but was brolce himself, He carry th e good news or hIs meeting "All right, th eil," laughed Floyd. "If promlsod to pay up just as soon as he with Floyd to his young wife and when rou won't sell me any ' ot the real got on his feet. I've since l earned he ha<1 talten ' his departure actually goods I suppose I'll have to do busl: that be bas Dlade a lot of nJoney and sruUed In contemplation of the gall1e ness with you on the Goldfield prop.. bave written twice and never he S8W ah end for Floyd and himself ·erty. It you will take m e back to my got Iln answer. The last letter I to play. Col. ' Powley WAS Informed at hotol I should be pleased to have wrote was return ed by the hotel wbere tbo change In plans of his ~ompanlons you join m e' at' luncb and we can talk I sent it, maJ;ked: 'Present address that hlght and anounced-that be would It over ." unknown ,',, · return alone to Chicago. With tbe third bottle 'ot wine, Maj. "Well, my boy, It's no wonder you Skinner began' to ",'arm towarcis bls b .a ven't bad an answer, Stewart bas The town ot Rawhide ft ilUriUng host, and It was not unUI they had been l~ South America for nearly a itsolt upon t1H~ nilnlng map or Nevada lit tbelr cigars that .F:loyd r everted· year. I 'beard from ·hlm a few weeks and being boomed In the outsJlle world to the topic o{ the Sbawlneck deal. . ago, He's almost in the millionaire as one of the rlohest discoveries of a "Before we go any 111rl h er, hi tell elas!! tbropgh a railroad- deal that decade, Though but a yearling In l\ge, ' you that 'I only want that Goldfteld aome rich friend put' him Into dov.~ It boasted an alleged llrst·olass hotel, property because there 'Is ' already a there, He'.!l make good, and ' just to a ban.k , several offices of mining com· hole In the gropnc:l and, stock c~rlift. ahow you tl1at I baye faith In him, I'm panles with hilib sounding Utles and cates printed," , sald Floyd by way of ",tuing to advance you aJ1)~ ' part of the uBual number of saloons wUh the . getUng , baok to ·buslness. 'Tve got the thousand dollars he owes your customary attachments of gaD\bllng a JIst· of mining stock buyers that are brother'i: eatate and · I'll give you his houses, as crazy over tbelr collectlon . 8s any. prelent address 80 You can wrlta to Doc. Floyd and Jack Cleland arrIved kid ever 'Was over a collection -of post· blm. .He ,ald 1Ie WOUldn't be ,back In In the camp wIth enough lDoney in age stamps. It lobks as If tbey had W. OOllDtI'r· for six mcrD~" their pockets and traveling belta to to have aome way to get rid or their "W~u. tII.t'. the ant aood aenl'y. ~UJ' np a rew mJnlDg clatm, but after 'monet, and I'm willing to humor them, W Ja' _ _ I w. .'t aoJq to tell. oM look at the .....k the, ooaolllcled IUteM of trJlDl to .11. atook M






FLOYD SEEMED TO HESITATE A MOM ENT, AND THEN FOL L OWED SUIT. 50 cents a sbar e as 'yoll ,dill , I ' ll put It dowlI to fi ve or t en nlS a sh ar e and make a cl nn·up, Now you al' on t 0 my gam e, wbat wlil you lak for th e whol e works," "Well, I've spent about $5,000 In pro. motlng the thing ·an d sinking the h f 1.0 wher e It Is and 1',1 be w illing sat to sell out for that amoun t, " an. nounced the major, "Y 6 , and all th e money you spent was what som ~body sent In for stock, There was not a cent of 'our ow money In It," answered Floyd . "But I still hold control and am not pInched for r ead y money," r eturned the major, with a grim sm ll "You seem t 0 want It more than I want to sell." <OJ b elieve you said som ething about playing a gilme or seven up for th e w hole busin ess," suddenl y announced Floyd atter a sludleu pause, " It· s pas. sibl e that you don't n eell the money, but w e !II<e to pick li p a gooll thin g when It comes our way. I noll c d tha t that auto of yours Is n ot nenrl y gooll enough for a m an ot YO UI' stan ding, I'm ' not much of a band at t he ga me of seven up but I'll play you one stack of chIps freez ·out at pokeI' t o decide wheth I' t pay you $5,000 for the Shawlneck property." "I'm gam ," announced the major, mellowed with win e, "I'\'e yet to finll a the m all U IR could bluff me In a ganle of curds." "Oood," laugh ed Fl oyd. " I like to meet 11 gam e m all, Go ol'er t o your office nnd get tho mining stock and tb e books, I have th o $5,000 her e In my l locket," '{'he mining man's office, but ' a block awn,. wos I.eached In a moment anll he r etur m'Hl at once with a huge stock boole nn,1 ~!\ e n oc~ssary papers to transfer th e S!lf.l .... ' n ec k Mining Com . paDY, "And wh er e will we p'ns thi s liUle gam 7" he ask ed wh en he miAl rel um ed, "Oh, t forgot to m ention It to yc.u, but I'm ba cking a f aro bank ri ght h er e In th e hotel," r eplied I~l oy tl ; "As I told you b eforo, I'm always r ('ady to tak e a cbance and th er e so'me d to be enough play arounl) her e to op en liP a game for, It Is more private tilan th e open gambling houses and should appeal to gentlem en like your. self who do not like to be seen In the public places. B esid es, th er 's no limit to what a ilion Cllll het. If you ev er feel like taking a Oyer at the tiger they will accommodato you 'up. stairs, I don't go In th e plnc e m yse lf, but Ulere Is a man In charge that I trust with the bank rolL" Jack Cleland, cool and Imperturbable, acknowledged an Introduotion to Maj. SkInner and n ever turn e.1 a balr wben Floyd asked blm to send two stacks 6t chips, a deck ot curd ~ nnd $6,000 over to tbe poker table. He counted out Hie money as If to him 'It was, a sum to' be played tor at any time ot the day, The two stray p lay· ers who were bet~ln~ ~hlte chips at t he bank" however, prlol<ed up their ears when they heard there was a game of freeze-out on for $5,000 a side.. ·Eaeh man put ' up one chip In the center of the table. These preeloull chJps had a value of $250 eacb. Floyd won In the cut .for de!ll. 11he game waa to be all jack pots and be opened on the first deal and took tbe money In the center, as the mining man did not sta, III the pot to draw cards. On the ....... deal, neither eould opea

th pot and again eacb Tllnced anolher chip In tb e ceu ter. '{'hIs li me the major open ed and smil ed as Floyd stayed out and h e r ak ed down t he lIot. A gain th e chill'" nil d to the center ' Dud Floyd won and he was but a couple of cb ecks ab ead ot the maj or \Vh n the n ex t pot was started " The deal passed until tbere wos $2,000 In the jack pot. Flo yd hnd dealt and Maj, SkInner sboved the r emainder of his slack to th e center. FIIJ)'d seem d to h esitat e tor a mom61lt and followed suit, The major sm iled as ho announced that h e d III not care to draw. "Well, I've got to cat h som ething tben," announced Floyd as he laid down twa., I)alr, fnce upward, on the board. "It you fill you have me beaten ," said tbe major as he showed dbwll 01'0 dIamonds, " I 'm afraid to tou ch th at top car,I," laugh ed Floyd, who had not yet pick d up th e llccle, "You pull it off f or me, major," Th e fingers of th e minin g mnn t~m · bl ed as Ite r each ed acl'oss th e table al)d pull d from th e top of th e II ok he ca rd tllllt malle a fui! hand tor his oppon ent. Two days . after Maj, Skinner bar! lost ean!I'el ot th Shllw ln cle Mining Com pan y In a hrl cf gOlllo of card s, he - "'IlS surprlsell to see .1 n 'k Clela nd w alk Into hi s am ce. , V hil e ch id ing hlm se lr at being bell ten In a g'nme ot which h e prid ed hIm sel f t o be an ex· pert, be lui'] hI s loss to ball lu ck and toole It In faIrly good purt. H o was t her efore surpri sed ""h eu Clelnnd aa· noun cc!I to him th ut Flu y.l bad cbeated him In th e pok ' r gamc. " I 'm not sure I hat h e dl ,l," ex· plnln ed Cl eland, "but I clo 1(11 0 11' thnt he co ul,l If II w aute,I t o. Outsld o ot m y!!e lC h e Is one o f th e sli ck est m on with a rl eck of card s In th e cou~try." "An d w11Y al'e YO II t '1I1ng m e thi s ?" Innulred th e SUI·prlse,1 mining man. "Fol' th o sim pl e r caSO!1 lh nt lowe him gru dge mys Ir, H e ,iouble crossed me In n &\ 'al som o tim o ago nnd doesn 't think I know about It. H e's left town now and gono ov er to Go ldfield to take charge of that claim be got all'a y rrom YOII , H e's going to put a man In charge th er e and then go bacle caH t to )11-om ote the company, H e' s l eft a bank roll of $30,000 w ith m e and ,If you will go In with mc, we ca n get It without his knowing th ere WIlS an y thing crooked abou t, You can wIn the bank roll and split It up with


lue," "I'm from Missouri. You've got to show m e how It's dOll e," r epli ed the major. " Thal's easy enough ," r epll erl Cleo land as b e produced [rom bls coat pocket a dealing box ,sucb al il used at A taro bank, and a deck regu· l otIon cards, ' H e then prol!eedeel sbow tlie a!!tonlshed mining lnan some \VonderflU feats Ip the .way of shuIDlng up bandS' alltl B emed to bo able to ' get any card he ~' anted trom an y p~rt of the deck at band , The major had .1ll ayed , Bome car(\ games In his tlme but aamltted that he had never seen anything Uk,e thJs beforv. , "All . you've got to , <1o," explained OIeland, "ra to go to your bank and g~t $10,"'0 Ill · cash, The rule of tbe game Is that anyone who pla)'8 that much against lhe game can bave t!le llmlC takea 01, You wouldo" need



t his much, but tb lookout would see th ere was som thin g lI'Tong If you didn't change In that much and would put ,Flo yd wis. All you will have to do Is to play the first 'deal ca r etully. Watch th e first thr card s tbat come out ot tb e box on th e first deal and the ord ol· In which th ey corne, Theile three will be the last three In the second deal. You cnn copper the los· Ing card , play the winn er and Whip· saw tb e turn , You also can call tho turn, whi ch pays four tor on e, anrl clean out' tb e bank roll with a $10,000 play," A wi sh to get even, coupl ed with cupidity, marl e Moj, Skinner an easy victim to the luring proposition of tbe seemingly hon st lind p er su asive Cleland. It was arranged that the play should be mad that afternoon. The maj or procur('ll th e n ecessary mon ey from tIle hank and once more surprised th e few pl ayerll nt the bank wh en h e en tered and cail ell for five slllcks of chi llS at $2,00 0 a stacie. H. fo ll owed th e In struction s of Clelanll to the l ett r. Th e first threo card. out of th box on th e first d al were king, eight, BOV n, H plnyed with care and caullon t hrough that deal anlf the n ext ' with nbout ev n luck, When It calllo tim to mllle e th final coup b e r em lOb i'll' ,I t hll t h ~~a s to copper th e sev n, Il lilY th e eight to win mil] cail th t UI'll se v lI·elg ht, 'accor <L\ng to 'I IUIlli's In stru ction. So far he was $l~OOO winn er and without a mom ent's h esitation h e plac ed $3,000 on the seven cO llP r pd to lose. A like amount wa s pla c d upon the e l~ht to w in, Th e odds aga ill st the cull wa9 four to on e anll h e cail ed tb e turn fOI $5,000, confid ont that h e was a~)out to win [l sm ail f ortun e, Th er e was n moment of brenthles9 sil en cc. Th e othel' Jll ayer s h ad for, go tt~ n th ell' o wn b ls lu w'a ~c hln g the high piny of th e minin g man, Th eD ClelulI,1 li eult- not 5C I' ' n·elght, as th e arrangem ent called fol', but eight SO l' n. as Clel an d 1:0.1 Intend ed It should be, Maj. Skinn er was al most tainting as h sa w his mou py rade away and note,l 1\ saturnin e smile pass acros. tho f ealuros of th e denIer. Th en b, awok e to th e r ealization that he hacl played th e old suck er game ot "talelns th e bes t of It" In a card game. He could do nothing, Any attempt he might mako at r edress through the law would show him up as having conspired with th e deal er to win tbe backer's mon ey, H e arose, wiped his l )Or sp lrln g brow and stalked from the room without billding tbe othel's good· day, FlOyd and Cleland were back In the hotel at Los Angeles from whence ther had started on th'elr trip to the mining camps. . Floyd had sent, fOI Tommy Jackson and explained to bhu that he t go to Goldfield and 'reopen e omces of til e Shnwlnecll Mining Company and . prepare to agalq Btar~ w rk In tbe shaft ' "We ro going ba'c k ·east ,to·Jllght," he said he he had ft'D lshed bJs 'In: struoUon. " Tbere Is a little presen1 here trom' Maj . Skinner; to Mrs, Jack· son, There Is $5,000 In t~e, envelope. Give It to her. and tell "h_er that advice Is to keep It In the b~k and let the otber fellow buy mlD1ns stool! . with hla money. . (Cop), 19011, by W. 0; ClIapmaa,) I~OPJl' lA Q~l 8rltllhl,) .


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Just Received 'urJ fh e el 'venth annual l' ' union f the I . Coarse Salt Piv > Point eho~)1 \\'l1 S hel d at tl10 . W \I I Il'lt 'tit hllrd- - HlIrr Is (I I hom e o'f I harl es hllltgoil l ry on ~1I1 (' k~ . Saturd ay , ~1! P ell1 !J 'I' 4th. Th ' da~ Wit!> idenl ami by dinner tillll' half a Star Tin Cans hund r rI or 1ll 01'l' had g-allH' r diu pay hOlllag- to t he old :;chllul ulld th e old Sealing Wax lilTle~1. 'ehoo l-day fri end ;; hi p~ were Paraffine nmcweu and ~l' hlJ o l'lla y pranks and Jelly Classes fl'O li c~ were retail 'J all d reIol d with he(l rli >~ l vim . A ncr a ~ um plUOll , bask t uinn er . Tn' Our Vesper Cheese il ·,. full CI'II1LU uml .mlld 1\' was ~el'v 'u on the lawn t he pre 'id ent's t~ llll ' t be \Je ll t . rav el 'c all d to ordel' and the fo il willg- progranl was gi v n :

~\~ r EarIihu.rt~'lt <1i~~oday.


~:~ !



Mrs. 1. E. Y' nt rtained at din.· :~: , n e l' In ·t Wednesday, Misses R~ch I ::: I ;md Mart ha. RUI'n t.l an I Emma



MI'. alld Mrs. ::: Lh eir g Ul!. t ~ at dinn er MO\1flay, 'has. ::; '\ ' hidak('r and wif , Ed 1\1 ' Fa rl and ::: anc! wif ' and Mrs. HC),lli . Shitlak 1', all of lI a l' vey"l>ul·g. ::: > - - --~:~ . Miss H el1l'i etta McKinsey. enterOptician ::: tain d a f w friend s Wedn esday e ven· Expert :,::. '1 ing-. The g uests were Misses l:.clith ::: Mo. her , DOllna and 'ybil Ha\\'kt" t ::: Me..<\Sl's. ' toke. Sil v rs, Fl'Rllk ' reI\' m and Honald Hawke . . '.:'.: . Mis·e. Allna and Winni l\'l ,'redith enl e rl aillC'd a me rry )thrty "(, .I o un g' Will hereafter make reglllar visits to Waynesville, I ~:~ pI:'lI1Jl eo n lastSunday atll ,,,il' Ileauand will be at the Gustin Hotel Parlors on ~~ tiful hom north of tOV. II . ' I'hose



' YSEPTEMBER II 1909 ~.~.'~. SATURDA .







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:~ :.' :.





optician in the State has had any more th9roughly practical ~~~ expel;ience in fitting glass R than MR. HOYT, as he has de- ::: ::: voted his entir time to it for over'20 years, besides being a::: ., ~:~ graduate of the New York Opti cal Ins titute and the Chicago Oph· ::: ::: thalmic II ge and Hospital, the latter being the most thorough ::: ::: course tau g ht in any country on correcting muscular and optical ::: ::: defec~, thus S!iv ing him advantages not possessed by many::: ~~~ opticians in hio, ::: ::: ::.



: ______

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.:. . ,:.: '..:



!:: ••

. ::: ~,:

'. '.::: ::: ::: ••

s'i~ I{lI;1 ~lvC!'

'11/,1111 1 nlv('I' Ity. Ilh O. JIIIIU211. 19110

grl'lIt I.hmsuro 10 Lestlfy 10 Iho ,-en' I,I trcctlvc 111111 .-ollrICOIlS trealOl ilL UHit 1 h iH' r . IVl.d lit your hnllds. Tha lhroo pllirs or Klns: 'S thnl you mud e ror I1I Il answer their j'lllrpo 'c e ~lIt'tly, 1 l'(l.II, ulld ghHlly do. r K,'o mlllond YOllr worlc Yours very respedrully . F . W ,nllfillro I IIhorllWIl . ProrCiJ;lor or Theology Presid 'ul, Cnpltal ll nil·crslty. DrO;"-r



r.ll1rloll. Ohio, Jllly 10, 1900. To Who m h ~I,(\y Con orn:This Is to certify thl>t Dr. J . . Boyt, IIptic! un . has done work ror me person· lilly, Illso ror rrlelldti. nnd III &ch nUll ol'ery CIIIi6 has glvlln rllil prorosslonl1\ sntlsftwllon . 1 tit rerore recommend him to 1111 wltose eyes need trentment. Yours truly F'rnllk ' . '''It'hofT. ' • Pastor First Reformed C hurch. .



::: :::. :':

::: ::: ••' ::: ' ::: • ::: .', .:.





J ohn





.lerscy Sweet Potatoes Indianll Water Melons

Postmaster Pian o :-;010 .. ...... .. . ... Ali c Allen Add ress of W clco mL' . _. All n Gregg' Recital ions, Edyth McN eal and Elsie 'Icvellgor l}uurteltc , Ka tl:' , E\'ang'a, I\lami e and Ge rtrud e l{o!'1 nag-le, "Heunion" . Mrs. Henry al'pentel' "Five Points " .... .. . Sarah Rll rnet 'Reminisc nces," Mrs . Danforth and AUI'on Mills

John Marshall Mulford , editor of th' We. t l'll Star, look charge of the I, Imnon po~ t ;) lIi c la.:lt W 'dn esday 1 1Il 1 rning', W. II. Antr<lm l" li rin g MI'. Mulfnrcl surpri .ed hi. lllany fri end s in Wal'l'en ollllly, when hi s

~tl~~O~~I:I:crl~I~I~~~~.~ ~~~rt~~i:~;~lya,s~~~1




Brin g lUI y u m Butt or lind Eggs, Paying 22c for Eggs.


pres t were, AI ;rn 'I FIl , Ada nlIook,MillnicRnd/.;lI :\'ldI'nlls { in-' landed the po~ i tion ovel' a doz.en apOF COITRSE Mr. Allen Gl'egg' was made presi· ~~~I:n~~e~~ad ~~~~ll ~~\'a ~~ .c,;sr~. 1{III,e rt pliclint who thought they had it. 'afc dent of t he ass ciat ion fOI' life (or Iy land eu. olll'ing goon behavi ot') an Ii his wife , Rowena M. lreg'g, secI' tal'Y for th same length of lime. . a haru tight, made lots of fri elllis .in Box P a p e r fter arranging to meet 11 xl with T h e Gazette Conta ins 25 Envelopes and 25 t he c~unty, who are glad to see 111m MI'. and Mrs . OSCRI' 'Ievenger and Sheets Good Paper. ~ ge.~ hIS reward. thanking 1\11'. and Mr . Montgomery lO S I . J Ih Gazett among others of his fo r their hospitality sebool was disIs t h e c at chwartz S Wayne township fri end ', xtenuR its missed. Th e oldel:lt pupil present congratulations and best wishes to was Ml'S Rhoad es, now in her ighty· Best . -- .. - - - - - him. - -- _. -1... li l'St year a nd the old t teacher pre ",- - AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE nt wac: Mrs. Danforth. Tho e atMediuml for tending from a distance weI' : Mrs. Three thollslind is now the official FOUNTAIN SYRINGESI Jerry Stansell: hattanooga, Tenn.; Advertising estimate of those who lost their Mrs. Dr, McLaughlin, pringfield, ll~e8 in the reoent overflow of th 6Sc a t 0.: Aaron Mills, Xenia; Esther KeithTry Santa Catlifina ri ver at Monterey, ly, Dayton, Mrs: Danforth, Loveland; I Mexi00, and to this total will proba I Mr . Rhoade., franklin; Mrs. ' Gray, bly be add.ud 500 when oo mplete re Miamiqburg. ports lirA received from IdoD" th.e '" valley of the trelllll ond its tributa. Lytle. · DEATHS ry, the SlIn JUlin !?,. flU re pOl t , Mrs. Clt\rB 'tIiCY ha b en qui te Ads will be Inserted und er Lbl s bead for from ulong the river are meagrt>, Horace Bowman, of near Strina-- !'lick but is oonvalesoing. twenty-live cenls fol' lbree ln serll'll~ b u t 1't l's k nown th 1\t. severa I VI' 11 age!:! town. di ed Saturday, September 4th, wh tl n usl n,J n OllO Ol'tl tban IIvc Itne . Mr. nnd Mrs. Mario n Cltlrk have have been wiped out, Crops ' t·be 0 f d ropsy, an d was bUlled ." In Bell. returned ,home after spending two weeks in nort-berD Miohigan. LOST . Mr a.nd Mrs. ·Ullss. Johus enter· tained Hunduy for dinner Dr . and OLD Locket with small chain atMrH. Wlud of Harveysburg, Mr. tached. Lost somewhere on nnLl Mrs. U. :M. Bough, Mr. Ilnd found by searohers. In Monterey day by the news of his d ath from Mrs . SiLlnltY 'oon, Misses Bert.Q8 Main street. l"inder will leav at Uo n J{.u h <:: on, Beulnh 'oon, Mr . J. Dakin 's residence. wh,) lives ea tof L b. Mo 81'S Kenneth Bougb "nd E . J . the sea.rcbers is still far from coon· anon, was well known here, as he Carmony.





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Wen' yo u 11" r u !-w\toul un)' . . , nl! did )fll ll I I(' ' 1' traIn. I\nd f' I haL sWl'llin' I ( til' h -art [ Y 1I nl-'cr ' hllll f '01 tI),{a ill!


~lr, ulld Mr: ,.J 'ff. Mal:lall e nter· , ": l tulI1ed Em 1'1'; \1, and ~ I":; EI an r/

your eyes by one of t h e · . .best. Opticians in Ohio





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::: Have your :::


Olassified Ads


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. . tile death of h1s gra.ndmotber. Mrs . .--I~!~I~{)-BIRV~I~~~»r-~~~nn~r-~~~8. ,~·t~~McG innls-entertsineLl OUarIes 1'uylor. of Uolumbus. Engl1sh: ~t ~a~hill~ton O. H , Wed. plete. FOR-RENT spent SnndllY wit-h his father and neRday mor~lln~ . 1:he body was inwhen they were first organized, and Lhe pu t week her 81 ter, Mrs. -------~~.-----Soward , of B Ilbrook IUlll brother brother . torred at Cemetery 1'hnrsdo.y was a favOl'ite here, He was one of HH1'Y \V'Lt,SOIl, ot Detroit, Miohigu.n.' evening. . NE 01: t,WQ stalls for h ortles. In . Earl ThompsolJ, of Dayton, pnid a R the mo t popular resid ~nts of War· Mr. a u 1 Mrs Roy HlltbawlIY sp nt, week.end visit to hi!! mother here. oger MorgllD 8pmt Wednesda,y qulreofT. J . Brown. ren count) , a member of the athUDdltY with J B. 1'holYlusund wife, with his grandparents. Miss LeuR. Myers rtlturned from olic church of Lebanon, and also a I;. Lumb unci wif uttended the JUDles Roberts Ilud fHomily have OQSE of eight rooms, woodshed, Kingll Mills ~o ~ordllY to tllk'e up moved from the Urun[;" property member of the Lebanon order of HOUlo.oomlng Itt Bt:lllbrook MondtiY , barn, chicken house, big garden her sohool work. b'tok to Kentuoky. Mr. Imn Mrs. Walter Kellflok spot, goot! water, on Fourth st.reet, Elk. MisR MlllJel ~herwood returneLl to Bllrvey!!burl{ Monday to reSume her Otbello Arnold hus been spending The funeral was held Monday" morn were ~ ' prin!;bnro visitors on l:)unday, corner of Franklin. In=tuire of Mrs. Mrs Jane DykA entertnined r eIn. Jos, Haines, pOllltton as t:elloher. a few rlllYS with bis home folks. ing, Rev. Father Galls in charge, tiVIlA from Sprin~ V'I.lll oy lu st w.eek. Miss Lydia Grll.ham, of Xenia, Mrs R. B. Emmons and dll.nghter after which the body was taken to (~uit 1\ umnbElr from horo attourl Virginiu , lIu Vlt returned frOID u. spent Bundar with her parents. Cincinnati. FOR SALE od t.he celebrution lit Wuyuo8vllle ..,---- ~ plensant visit In Columbus , Wm . Grl\ham l\Dll wiff', MisRes Lobor DI1Y. A party of Wilmington ,hoys, who JiJne u,nd Fl or~n~e Clark, of Xeaiu, ... ... are ollmpinl{ in this vlolnity, enter. wElre l:)o~duy VI!!It.ors here . BASE BALL GAME . A lurge btlut.iug stove in Rood oon Box P a p e r t_ined at Uteir oa1tlp Friday 11 num· • - • dlt,ion, for enle, Inquire of ber of their friendt!, among whom . Contains 25 ~velCipes and 25 The K, of P. and Band boys will ! J , Brown. . were the Misses Belen rJlum, Murie Sheets Good Paper, ' play ~ game of baH next week. TWO ,)erijef 00.W 8-one of them Il.nd Mtlmie RunYlln, of' Lehanon, Watch for further partiCulars next' registered, with oalf, One lItlo.ry Kelley and Faith AOl'tin, of IOc at Schwartz's Guaranteed to remove Corns week. . ' ~rade .Jer~ey, ill .be fresh s00l!. Wilmington, und Cora KeTsey. without pain or soreness _ . __ _ _ _ V , M, Bobltt, R . D: I, Waynesvillo 4 orowd of young people from Oregouia.- enjeYPQ a picnic lit F 15c at Schwartz's Aoclent Sund~v. Those present iiI_________. . . . . HAD DELlQHTFUL DANCE Ohio. : TOURING CAR-Model "F." 5were the Mil!se>l !tutb l1ud Carmen passenger Buick touring car, in ':' EdwardlJ, Myrtle Kibler, L~ua MyPhilip Spence County Recorder ' Warren Edwards was host at a de· Guaranteed to remove Corns ~rfect con~iition, fully equipped New Burlington. erl, Lucile Mason, Luoile Norton, , Iightful dance in Hahn's hall Labor without pain or soreness with extra tires. gas tank, chains, I Ednll. BDd Gllldys t:)penoer: and Ho's speedometer and clock. Will sell at B M. Keloh, ot Chioago, is spend Philip Spt"nce, county recorder, Day night, About sixty couple were rner Deathertlge, Cla.ude Wil1il~m~, 15c at_ _ Schwartz __ __ _ _ _ _ _, aoffice, bargain if ~ola soon, Call at this. of Spring VallElY, Frtl.nk Clutter, of Ing Dis vl\cation Itt: the hOlDe of his was sworn into office Monday for the' present, father-in law, James Blair. third I ime. While he has been in this -.. ..... .---Milford, Vl!rn and Zliin Armitllge COUNCIL MET Ilnd Earl Thompson, of Dayton. 'rhe hand furnillhed musio for the office lae has served the people con. R. of }It and J. O. U A M. pionic scientiously and well, as was proven --- ~. - -~_• • • •___ ••_.~ near Pulntersville on Wednesday of. b th St t E . •s report, as Labor Day night was the regular lost wetlk . y e a e '..xarnmer meeting of council, and most of the FOUNTAIN SYRINGES Miss Elizllbeth Reeves and Sun follows; duy school olass spent a day last "All bills presented and paid to members were present. ' Council 6Sc a t week at Ipe ::;oJjjers Bome, payton. the recorder and his deputies by way took action on those who had not yet 'l'hos. C. Haydock uttendod a re of'salary were carefuHy checked and put in their sidewalks, and will give oeption given by the ~e~chllnts ~nd found COl'rect in every particular, them fifteen days in which to do it, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MUDuflicturcrs , ASSOCiatIon in Cin All recel' p ts by h'1m were nea tl yen· when the,}' will proceed with the work • oinnllti lust week Billsamountiog to $13 wel'e allowed, Mr!:! . Evil. Reev~s lJ.ud obildrun, of tered in hdisfcash bdoOk ~dn~ accuhratRel y I am Agent for the tl.bove famous Craphlte Carbon They will meet again this evening t Richmollo, ind., spent the week end accoun e or an pal mto t e e · Elastic Paint. und i will put it on for you, too. This Corwin. to take action od cutting d own the with reiltt,ivea bere, having olilme to corder's fee fund, paint is made und gllaranteed to lalt. The following The only bills paid by the County hill on Fourth street, MIllS Henrietta McKinsey enter Ilttend the Compton Mills reunion gUllruntee goes WIth un thill plllnt : _ Flora and Wm. Burian returned from March 1,1905 to March 1 1909 ttl.lDed Misses DonDll tind Sybil BAND CONCERT . b urg are for transcribing records and' mak., · Hawke Ilt 0. sluLUber purty Wudne~. to t-helr . so h 0 0 I wor k'10 M'lamlS Monday. . . d h ' t}IlY night . ISRIlO Uompton, of West Milton, l ~ng an.m ex sue as is provided . for There will be' just one more band CUeRANTEE FOR 8 YEARS James Stlles, MrR. Mllry Wuter ; concert Thursday evening. This will house., Alma· and George Waterhouse hna been the guest of bis COU~iDS. In se<:tlOn 1154. JIlS, Compton und Mrs. A. V. Fo ThiS work was carefully estimated be the last this season , and it will be We guarantee GRAPmTE CARBON PAINT to be t)f non were O:lyton shoppers Saturday, by your examiJlers and it was found a good one. volatile oils und plKments ot .'c arbon produots to oontain no . Miss Adll Snook, of South J~eba. lund, rosin, Asphaltum or Petroleum in tiny form: and to oonM.iQ · Mrs. AU Peterson and ohildren, that the fe~ received for same were - - -•• non, came t:)aturday morning to reno acid ~r Injurious sUbstanoe. When used acoording to our of Alabama,are visiting at the home entirely within the limitations of the Bume her. sohool duties this week . . simple dlrecti('lns, .we guarantee t~e p'Rint to wellr perfectly of h9r father, lI, W, Whitson and ~ t t RIlY Mills, of Dayton. WI1S home other rel"ti ves. Proper~'y for 'at least five year~ . We agt:ee to furnish, free, suffioient s.a u e, on his vllcution t·he· past week. material to l'epni,nt It'ny surfaoe on whioh Hraphite Garbon , Miss Belli, of Oldtown, has been The records in the Recorder's office P~in~. do.ea \lot give satisflition for tnis length or t,ime should ~~~~~~~~~"!!~!!."!!..~"!!...."!!....~~ v18,i ting at the home or Mrs . Wa.lter .are neatly kept and all clerical work Sale! . oondltions l'eq~1Ire it. M, . /d, ROWLAN (). Cqmpton aqd other relatives, • is of a very high . standard . 'The 8TA~DARD LINf(5EED co., Clevelan~ Ohio. el".~e:DelttM· The D. A . Cla!!s 'was pleasantly work of transcribing records deserves One Of. the nicest reSidences on . . ' :Z1:::,t:~tl~:C:dR~ :tertlline.d by liiss Ji1lora Aarlan on especial mention as the.copy is about Wayn~ Avenne. No. '814, near Xenia I onday mgbt . , as perfect as the human hand can Avenue in Dayton, Oliio. Larg~, When you..are in need .o f. roofing paint give me a call ' The Fellowship olass m.e~ at the make'" beautiful lot. Hous~ with all mod,. . er phane me and 1 wHh'Blf on y~u. home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Comp M' . Add' G h hi .. . ern conveniences. Call at . . tori on Tuesday night. ISS Ie r~ am ,& y assisting '. " . " , Mr. Spence h82 by her efficiency in A. ' GEBHART & CO.'S ; " • _ .. U;;;-iN.;;.'i~· 1 The ·fur trade of the wOJ'Jd. makes ~er work earned a good share of the - . . \Iuse of more than one mimon O6'.1I:18D praia& wh~ch this excellent. record ., • Lumbe~ Yard, D~y~n, Ohio, . V,Uey Phone No. 89-1 X' Waynesville, Ohio. every year, '. calls for. " . fQr particulars. price, etc.





..- - -

- --



Corn Remover

- --

------ ...- - -


.. - ..

!II--..--------III. Oorn . Remover



Graphite Carbon



For Roofs of All Kinds.



------_-. ------




Desirable For








J. F.. ~~C-"THORN,'











l ~O\l .


\yHflLh: NU MBER ;;;02 1


1<. P.




rego n j a.

Th e Waynesvi lle boys travel d to All lli p fun yo u wallt al Oal, dal e '/'h 'Zell famil y reuni?~ was held 'I '1'111' Ie (I f I" " ;lIId lh ,' I alld L'.:-,~ 1·;<\ Al'llI lt wge It O" IY elll pi ll ved ill Labor t.Ill Y a t the h 'l:I utlful tnuntry will l: rf},!'1 hal " at 0:.11 dill .. pari, Fri . .\ (·ul 'l . • M't Holly Sunday, .and wallop ,d l i 1'(\1'1, Friday . Mrs. hat:lesShidakc r, o f Hurv ,Va· ball team to a fl':lzz lE'. N t.w lth . ! LIlli HurLolJ alJJ wife w 're in Day. horn e of Mr. and Mrs. JlJ ~P IJh day urt rno(m 1'11" tl .. , 1/1.'11 ~ hl 1'1' ll le! 1II1 .. ,~ I• ' '' f~ H ~II) lI onr' ~))e lJl :O-;utUl'day , ke, nCClr W'aynesv '11 . . iJ e: Ii g'1J. }d \JIll.!, Wllh 1\1,. .. " It.. • I'JOr 'JtlIO LLblAlloo . Ii . I~aw i . ThI,e ' bam!. I It • j!LJ.Im ' will burg, entertained Friday evening s landing th e bu~a played agalll s t a tun Monday. h f t Ik ' MI t!" C:\,i1 Tucku r, o f a'll·\'e.vs b Uf ll' , . strong aggregallOn of players, th ey M' A H ' k . d' for Mrs. Stearn, of Cincinnati, women s p~nt tea ter~oon . a 109 and \ ill he chu ck ful l o f [ ' 11\ ful' lhe hu ~ I't''' " v i ~itln l! 11 e 1' :lIster , Mrs ... .: . . , b th ISS gnes Ol'nt C IS atten mg succee d e d In wtnnmg y e score . . over old times and playmg different loohr-o ll . Thl:' line· tlp io; l1ut fully \\'111 Kt1 r""y . Mesdames Richard and Robert of 6 to 2. The on ly bad inning waR school 10 Xenia. games,\ while the mell (:!l1jIlYf't1 a \JUII ICU IlIlJl ltd yt'l . hil i ,;u lll'- g'oud pla~ · ;'Ilr Wilulll' J effr o.v Rod .v oungM Waitt'\' Burn It attended the Day· g ame, which resulle>d in Benjamin in g- muy be luukl:'d fil l' , 11:-\ lwth ~id t';; 1'I111,11'UII \\. r u in Luh lnon '»tur(JIlY, ross entertained a few fri nds very in ' the seventh. when Wavnesv ille Hawkiml·1p.u md ef pulingRay Z 11':-; ha\e gltutlp hy,' J':-; . ,~IJ' 1LI1I1Mrs ( ' I ~' d HUlVker!'llJ flnt pleasantly Tuesday anel·noon. lce· made thl' e rum;. Wuynesville mad· ton Fuir Friday . .. - .. .'lI ndn .\' \\'11.h (: F :\1\,(\ J' ~ nnd fnnlll .v Mis::! Ethel Williamson, of Dayton, team by a sco l'e of 9 lu O. Th E' [put ·, he r runs in the secorrd, fif t h, sev nth cream and cuk was served. . ure of the gam e wag t he pitchin g 01' 1 \ V. c, T. 1I. :\I r 111111 MI'!'I W olJlJ WllliuUl S UDU anJ ninth. Mt. Holly maul:! I'uns in wa ' hom e 'unday . Sat. Kennedy Legler. , ~Oll Illllr! u wee k end n it t o Lebl\Qoo J. E. Janney and wife entertained the fourth and. sixth. . Miss Ann ie Brown was hom The following oRi er w re !:!Iectell , The W" rren( "\JlIly W . C'. T , rela li ve!> . at dinner Sunday, Dr. and Mrs . J, T. . it was a clean game only two er· urday and Sunday. for the year: Harry Leglel', ))1' '::i- ' onvelllion wi ll meet al Su uth .1. K . :->lJencer. in comp8ny with Ellis. John McClure and family. of rOI'S being made. The following 1 M i~. ~Ol'~, ' ~ nJ Cat'l:i ngLoll Ellis dent; harlie Loui , lreasu re l'; Ceo . Leba1wll , W t!c1l1e,;da.\' , Septt·lllb .. !' I ~~~~::~' i~~ltl~~e~t~;~nT,::~::~~n is tlnjUy •. Sprini'boro and Miss Dora Ellis. score tells the tale: an: VISiting In CI ~veland. H 'It t.a 'TI t 9th· • am I on sec),e ry, l e n x re· MI !<~ H.tub Ker~ey, of Oinoi nnntl. M·I·. If 1.t.y Mrs , FI'unk Taylor, of Chicago. has union wili be held in Day t·on . , A rousi1lg' lll-d ing' \Va" held In::lt ~ )1 ~nt HnndtlY with her PtlrtlDts here. Misses Naomi and Orpha Hockett' ~Iarlu!t. J ,. IIJ .. . All n III P; . ~ E . Iwnor 0 ftl lei!' . .Mul'1l1l1., lIllth , d H. ... . . .. ~ ~ . dS un day 10 t: :t ~ b en visiting relatives hel'~. . T he followin~ we t' .pr sent: Mr . 1w ek at the l:ol1~ ~ ~lrs~ J C. Hawk ~Iri-l. ,Ill k RtlyooldH, IIi' XlJ ul., • entertame .. ,;s o . , Mrs . .Hawken, of Spl'lngfield, is and Mrs. Ray Zell, MISS ~ a t'l Zell, , SATURDA Y MAIH~ET vitlltfltl rAlnti VEl::! he re OUR Jay It1 b t brother, Asa, of Coffeyville. Kallsas. }l~\~k~r.ri ::: ::": 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) Mr. and MI·s. T. H. Zell , MI ~ Donl. i wl ok. Those present were: Asa Hockett , D. g~'::1:s, 2~ :::::::: 4 I 2 0 4 0 visiting Miss Kizzie Merritt. 4 ./ I 2 0 0 I FrhlllY, Mf/i . F.ll Retulliok WRII H . Hockett, wife and daughter. Con nor. IIJ .... .. 4 0 J I~ U ~ Remember Eva A. Barger's open· thy Zell, of Xenia; Mr. and M~s . Wm. The ladi s of lh e Christia,n hurch cllllarl to Col umbus wllereher bro th. Unlllmlflor, p ... . 4 u 2 (; ing, Saturday, September 25th. Ze11, Mt:- and Mrs . Go .. Z·l1, uf will hold a mark t in th e T own. hip r, ('lIrl Mill er. ill Rufferiog from I\n Totnl... ... . . . :I H 2 10 17 10 " Arthur Zell, of Granville. Ohio, WayneSVIlle; Mrs. P. L. 'GUIOn, Mrs. House, a t tll'day, Septemb r I Hth. IIccirl nt which hl1s oaused him the Mrs. Clint Cleaver. of Harveys· 11 Anna. Cl ev~nger. M~. and Mr. Your patronage solicited . 10 s'of both lower limbs , burg, entertained about forty last WAY E8VILLI, A4 ~ ~IJ p;t ,~ r~ has been visiting John Lemmon. EdWIU'd8 , lf[...... • I I 0 0 I, ' " ~harhe LOUIS. Mrs . Emma Achor. ', _ _ _ __ ... , Tho frieods of 11S80S Ednl~ a,nd Wednesday evening in honor of the Thomas, r '" . . J h D d f f D yto G' '" th uer~&u, Ib ...... ~ Y ~ g g ~ 0 n aVIs ~n \~I . e . 0 a n, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E, Legler, Elli Ridgeville lud y opeooer gllVe em " sur · district lecturer Of the Pythian Sis· ~ln,3X:":r::::: 5 0 IOU U were Waytjesvllle VISItors Saturday. Legler. Kennedy Legler. Mr. and ))rIEle pnrt.v I!'r idll Y ~dv6nin~. The ters. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit, Mrs. Dukln. J., 85 • •• ,. t 1 ~ U I I M' B II G h f X . h ' , (I it b f h tt d gi rl s W61'e out f or a rl e, an I)~ ra· ISS e e atc , 0 ema, as Mrs. George Hamilton, Mr. and Mr . \lU e 1\ num ~ I' \'O~n el'e II en turninJ wer e completely surprised Sarah Zimmerman and L. A. Zim· Prat,t, 2b . .. ..... ~ ~ ~ I a 1 merman were present from Waynes· b~PIl1~~ ,.~: ::: : g oo ~ ~ ~ been the guest of Mrs. W.-H.Allen. Walter K. Louis and son, Walter e?lr.. aborD'LYOel unltlonlltWnyues. toilndn. housefllllofgnests . Tholle 3 U la I 8 2 The' band boys are worthy of youI' 81'own, Mr. and Mrs. JOQ. A. Whyte, v e, preseut were Mr . and Mrs. Will ville. Total.. . .. . . . . Mr. nnd Mrs. Ln.fe llrnlllLm nt.. ({er8ey, the Misses Clara and Jennie 9 Inning I 20 o~ 1 0 1\ Ii & S 0 _ 2 patronage. Go see them Friday aft- and Miss Ora Leitz. all of Dayt~n; tended tlle Mont~ome ry oouuty hm Bilmllton, Flay Bllnoook, Lillie, Bolly . ... , 0 Mr. an d Mrs. J os. H . H awe, k MISS on T"ul1rRdI1Y. Mr. James Tract>,Y, of Fairmont. M~. Wuyucsvlllo . .. 0 1 CI 0 1 0 3 0 I- U ernoon. Lllurll I1nd MyrtiA Kibler, Lnoile four miles this I$ide of Dayton on th Earned ruDS-M~. Holly I. WI,yncsvll o 6. Miss Maria Stout, who is teaching Harriet Hawke and Benjamin Hawke MrR . Gell, Riley t\Dd daughter, Muson Leoa Myers, Luoile. Norton, D&ldu . H.Strll'k MorlntL,out-SUlIln. ' was h orne over • - "Mias Mnbel "'her wood and Messrs . Zaln Lebanon pike. was treated to a .pleas· 1'wo·1J1\8O Three-basehlts-J. b,iL- ThoJOns, By SC h 00 I near X ema I '" BIllllch" t,t·eoded th e weodln to o ..., S' 7. Lcr~ on. hases- Mt. ' JOE HAVENS SUICIOES of MI s Mary Tibbals to Mr , Bomce nnd Verne Armitage, Bom3r Death. ant surprise on Sunday. September BradmllIer Bolly 8, WaYnesville 11. 'rim 2ta1. lIm · Sunday. Collett o n last Thul'sdlLY evening. erug, Wl~rr 0 Edwarrls, Russell , 'd' 6th; by his neig'hbors. friends and pf~Smlth IUld LUCM. • ... • C. G. Williamson took n party Joseph Havens. a farmer , resl 109 Miss MlLry ParI t,t spo nt MOfldil.V' Emmons, Alton Bllnoook, Chester relatives. Mrs. Tracey had made ar· PUBLIC SCHOOLS from Lebanon to T~ Tuesday ot about two miles northeast of Center- with Miqses Ethel and Louisl'! Stokes, Humilton. OmllT' Ilnd MRlC Hollingsrangemen~ with Dan Fox to borrow I k ~iIle, committed suicide some time Mr . Len PllDoe bud t,he misfortune worth. Rlllph Milson, Jooathoo hiB hay wagon to go after some folk The !!choats started off itl good ast wee.. . . . . S d . h b d' b II to loose It /loe hor e one ol1Y lust t5h ...rwood , Henry . Wells, Robert M I crashing un ay into mg this brain. y sen He 109 a a week, I::ihllttS Rnd .J ohn ~hel'wood Jr. . rs ..Cyn th , I~ E v~ns IS VISI ti ng ~e. had been ___ --, in. at the Brown street loop. He just shape. and the teachersand ' schola~ flew around and helped to get the have about rounded off the rough atlves m ?mcmnati and New RIch· employed by his brother. Carl Havens Mr , and Mrll. La·fe ~ruhum were Bellbrook h 'd d th f · d b the g,uests of Lon Enrnhnrt and wlr wagon ready, and never took' the edges .and settled down to hard mond, Oh1O, , . M W S G h . S' w 0 resl e . on e .arm owne y on 'l'\iesdILY. • . hint that he was fix,ing for his own work for the year, rs . . . ra am was 10 prmg· Mr4. Ella Wilson. HIS conduct h~d Mr. Dllvid Par lett was I~m o ug the Born to Mr. and Mrs. John P . company. They all came with well Superint~dent Bruner is looking field last week. the guest of Mrs . not been such as to attract espeCial MontgollleTY county visitors. Ramsey 'l'uesday morning, 0. floe filled b8l$Kets . Tables were spread forward to a successful year, and by Verna Kelley. attention. and his self·destru ~tion Miss ~i1via Peroley hus return u girl. !. 4 .on the lawn and dinner was eaten the present enrollment. it looks like Miss Gretsinger, of Xenia, was the proved a general surprise to every· to her home in Brown oounty after Mrs , Lou Boroff and rlBughter \ I under the ' open sky. Seventy·flv predictions will come true. Of week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. one. He had worked as u ual all s~endin/.? t,he . umm er with Geo, Marguerite, of Day too, bave been visi tinp; air. Bnd Mrs, Wm. Onnniog. people down to t his fine dinner. course, this el1rol\ment will be aug Otto Hornick. last weeii' and when the family arose Riley Ilnd family. hum tbe pagt week, M'ISS Mounts. of Qolumbus, . 'morDing . t h e 'f act that t h e 'OUt' began ful onoe. more After dinn r there w~ mUBic and a men t e d b ya Iarger numb e r e nrolled IS Monday tb nsohool ope ofhilS a suooeR term io Mr, and Mrs. Wulter Mkloner, of ·-8ocial time until the hour came to by November 1st. spending a few days at the Friends' · bed usually occup~ed by Have ns had r~Rrge of ~ur [lame teucher, Prof, Ohr18011\D, Ill .. 00 their weddiog say good by wishing James many trip vistiiog the,r unole aod The enrollment at the commence· Boarding Home. not been s lept in, was a source of v. S, Loer. . uont Mr, aDd Mrs. J D. Harness. more happy times. The following ment of school iR as follows: F. o. Sherwood and family re- suspicion. An effort was made to Mr aod Mrs. Ch119. Brelsford at were' present: ,W. P. Champion. Grade 1 ...................................... 2"c< turned Monday evening from a visit Ioca t e h'1m, an d thOIS searc h was r eo New Burlington. tended the Dlljton Thufsda.y wife ' and children, Ben Champion Grade 2 ......................................11 at Greenville, Ohio. . warded by the finding of his body by J t d) t ,. and FI idt\y. h h Roy . ooee ro urne ILl! wee ... c:- --and wife, Alpha Smith and wife. Frey Mr . J0hn Eluverstiok, of near Day. Grade 3 ....... ...............................12 ·Mrs. Ellen Manington, of Spring his brother, Carl, in t e aymow. fr ortl a ~everll l dnvs vi. it with r elu. tOll. died Moodl\Y Bnl} was bnried Champion, wife and son; Mrs. Mary Grade 4 ................... : ................. 13 Valley, was the guest of Jeff Smith shortl~ afte.r 5 o'clock . h.e revolver tives io Golumbul! uod Newurk. It t M t . Zion cemetery lust Tbursduy Kipp and d~ul'hter, Max Peottinger. Grade 6 ................................... .. 17 and 'family last week. was IYlOg directly by hIS Side. . Rlllpb Peterl:lon OItme home Illllt UlornlDg. Several fronl this plac~ wife and childr~~, Mrs. H. Middle Orade 6 ..... .... .... ....... ........... ,... ... 14 D 't f '1 d h " 11' Havenswas4l:!yearsofage,a.nd had MondllY . He hut-! been 5'on eveml uUended tbe funera!. stetler and children, John O'Brine Grad e 7 ............................ ..........14 on al Eto atten i"'d . He is survived Ydllr!l,having bAe n tn the lumuer The Relinble", of Dayton, played . A B t eml 'Samery never 'been marr" lJllsebn ll wjth nul' bome team lllat wife, and', son; M.iss Katherine GUY, . • R openmg at va . arger s tur· b h' th th' . t rs and one bu iue ~ in ~ouLh Amerioa. y l~ mo er, I e SIS e Rlltlltt.n 'L Peter on h/1 S r eturned ' uturlillY afternuon, soore 8 to 7 10 .Miss Anna Kipp. Henry Smith, Wil· Grade 8......... ......... ......... ........... day Septemb '2 5th HighSchoolGrade 9 .................. 17 '. . .er ' . ' ,. brother. frOlll lLvi sitwithr ht.lveR lnDIL\,I'oll f,tvc r of t,he ReliableM, ' liam Poettinger. Will Grew, wifeand High School GI'ade 10 .. ........ ........ ] 1 ~hffOid Bally and Wife, of Gahon, - .. M iEf:d rrne Mi lis, o( New Pn rif!, A p ostcaru shower WIl8 given for daughte~.' of nay-ton, H nry .Chum· ~igh School Grad ll, ................ 11 OhiO. w~r guests I)f J. E. Janne, STOLE HORSE AND ~U(jGY OhiO, it! guest. of I'olttt.ivott here, MIl' Dorothy Ha.rnesA at her home piun. wife and Sons. of Spl'ingfieltl; High 'hool Grade 12 ..... ............. 10 and famtly last wok. Some one stole Abner Dill's horse Irll ~ll'(\ggy u.1111 family spent a lflllt'l'burRduy IIfternoon in honor of ber ' !lOvell til birthday . She reo , William Morris and wife. Pp.ul'l MixeJ Gomse .. ................ .... ........ ] Willinm Barr · tt and · wife. of and Thos. Dill's buggy Wednesday few du ys tlle fOreJlArt ' of t h " \ ek loivod ubout thirty pOI.t cards. Af· Mamie p.n<l Frank Morris, of Osborn, Quenemo, Kan., weregllests of 4. B. night at Mt. Holly and skipped out.. with friends in )~Icbmolld, Ind .' ter V!1l'ious gum es were DIllyed reo 0.; Mrs. Rebecca McDonald, of Lock· Total Enrol1me~t ...... : ... ~ ...... ...... 161 Sides and wife last week. . Word was received that a man and Miss Amy McI~Il,y WIIS .'ake.u sod- fre llments were served oonslsting inrton, 0.; Harold Eagle, of Miamis~ --"'----...- • M h" h . th denly nnd dangereuBly III WIth a\.l of ic ·Crelllll II.nd oake, 'l'hose pres · Mrs. Harry cFerren. of Sout wom~'.1~rlVmga orse .a nswermg e peodioltis on MonulI,y of last week. ent Wf're : Mrs. C, Ryan nod dllugh burg, O.; ·Henry Hotop, Mrs, Lillian TEACHERS' ASsqCIATION . Lebanon, was the guest of Mrs. descrIption of the one stolen, had he is IL Utt,Ie better at present. ters MisR 'I' re Il, Mnry aDd son El Howp and son, of. Ferry; Frank B. T h ' A.sSo" f W A\ethia Alexander. last week. been seen 'in · Washington C. H. Om bllOcl furnished tho musi c for wood h-li.s Mayme Horo'esB ILad . ~mith, ,w'ife .. and children, of 'l)ear T~ u:~ e:~ meet::IO~n~vers~;; Go and see the K.o{P.'s !lnd the Constable Joy started after them, the Uld B ome DIAY Ilt Bellbrook IUllt Ml1st~r Fluyel BllrneRs, Mrs YVill,! am Lytle; Garl "Smith, Cora Guy, of 'unnin~b"m, Mtss Nellie ' Cunmng rehnap.Alel, Le ' bWanl on, .0hl·0, Septem ' b'",. ,band boy.s a. t O. akdale Park Friday. but nothing was heard of them until Monday, CWa,nesvHle; -nan ·Fox and ' wife, C hum , Miss 1W,t 'fborpEl, Mrs Ohttrles ~ rh d I 10 ts Monday evening when they were ~rUur !lchools begll ll.ou Mumitt,V , ' e a miSSiOn IS on y . cen ' . rho pl'imary and mterm edlute Brelsford . Wh n eveoing oame '. Eddie' Giesel, Clark and 'Will Tracey, 26, 1909. The following rogram has been Nathan Jones s,nd Wife are spend. rested m Columbus. grtL(lel wel'fI ~o full thnt lin entire they nil dop· rt,ed wishing Dorothy G. W. Middlestetier, wife and chilo . f d 'th J Z 11 I The man proved to be George ohnnge had to 1:/1'\' Illude 'l'horo 11m mllny nll)re hllpPY hirthdl~YR dren, James TraceYI wife and son, of arranged: Morning-Music and de· Ing a ew ays WI . ames e ane Jackson. who haa gotten out of the t.i11 more t.hno forty 111 the pri lllllry 'hlulifl U nderwl1ucl who livell votional exercises: round table,'C. 1'.. family, at,Yellow Springs, Ohio. Fairmont. One who was there. north of t()WII is very ill with ty· pen this last spring having been there room . Bratten; address, "Historical Places ' .Mrs. AlethiaAlexander is spending for this same offense. The won ,an Mtlmbors of tu o M. K , church fLUc! pboiLl faver , - - B~RTtfS of New England," E. ·H. Colvin. a few da~s in Elida, Ohio, the guest in the case was Mrs. Cbambless. out~itlert! ut! weI! lire glll(1 tll/Lt Ho\, . Corwin. h A .. '1'. Cow~ 1 11 let to I'l;l llluin unot hel' Aiternoon- Address, Rev. Floyd of her son, Dr. Alexander. and fam· Constable Joy started after t e year. Be is II Uhl'l!lt,lulJ . . ily. . ~e n tl um.rm . Born, September 8th, to Charles · Poe. couple Tuesday morning. wh(1se core lial 1I11llllJUl' lwdtCS hun . Ml'lil. Mnrgllr t Murtio. of Dayton, Moore and wife, Washington I D. C., J. W. LYLE, Vice Pres. Messrs. Geo Oglesbe~ and ·L. A. welcomeeverywllllro. s ptl nt th week.fll1el with Mr. ODd a daughter, MargarettaRuth. ALICE CoOKE. Secy. Zimmerman went to Chicago SaturEDITOR DEAD Rev . Robert Di rlluontl , of Xellilt, Mrf; . Lindley M e ud e nll l~ Jl . Wl1lter KilbOIl waR in Dllyton la.lIt '\ P. H. RoGERS day evening, returning Tuesday W . H . BI' ed'tor of the Tri- prellcbe!lll t th e (i'riend~ chmoll 011 Thursday 0 0 busine s , Born, to Harry Jonns and wife, Ex Com, C. A. B r u n e r · alr, I 8 d y Mrs. S/1rab t5bllte spent one dRY Dayton', September 5th, ason. MR . L. B. BERRY even mg. . ICounty P,ess at Loveland. died Sat. un u.. . .. _ _ • last week witll ~1J-9 . H.)pe 'tiles . ---- -. - - -. - .\ Asa Hockett, ~ Coffeyville. Kan., urday.evening at his home in LoveSprmg Branch Arthur Zell, of Grttuville, 0 , hllS MON ~\~CH OF THE ·RAILS TAKE LONG AUTO TRIP is the guest of relatives here. Mr. hand, of paralysis. He was fifty·two . been spomling severl~l (\u.ys beriJ --Hockett wiH attend the 47th O. V. I. years old, and had edited papers Mr!-4. FI:llnk Dllkiu IIml cb ilUl'on with frieuds . Edward H. Harriman, the great Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis are going . H'II b . 0 b C d '11 Y 11 Cttrilln 1 L'luljj [Hill HU1.el S]lp.ut Inst Willltllll Lippiooott had hIs Ilrm . reumon at I S oro In cto er. in Jamestown, e arvI e. e ow UIll'.LY ., -financier and railroad man., died to take an auto trip to Denver, Col.. d Lid I with hi'll' .," 1'!ludll1uthE:H' , Mrs hul.ily bruisEl(1 by hl1,,:iJ~ g it ,OIl.n~ht 0,[ ' h' d and. will probably', stllrl this week 01' • B. 'S, Howell and wife and E. V. ISprings an ove an . Dixon W hurtoll. in th e machinery 111- the UllnnlDg 'Thursday at IS home in . Ar en .. Bamharl and wife were in Cincinnati Mr. Blair was a Presbyte rian and Mi!lB Ali co UlU'l1l owcth I1nd BerthtL fRotory IfI!!'~ 'rhur8dIlY, .House i~ New York state. . next on t~elr \ong Journey. last Wednesday attending the meet. was always in his plaee at Jivine Smith Ilttel1llod th U!-4 ooilltion ut Mrs'. ,lames Morgll-n visited her Without pomp or ceremony that ,Dr. Eilts agreat. worshl'p BlanCh et;te r last. wee k. SOil ill Dayton reoently . .. , mg 0 f tl1e Manu f ac t urers ' As s.o c la·. ' . . hat! . been bothel'ed Mrs . Lyelill Gordon is villiting reI • The funeral took place a t Loveland Mr Dllvid LUOll!l, of Mt.. Bolly, .usually marks the intel'mennt of a deal durmg the past few wmters t' tnonarch, Edward H. Harriman, king with asthma, and it is for the pur- Ion. Monday evening and the I' mains s pent lust . \today with hAr mot~er , nti ves non,r Ba.rveysburg. Mr . nnd Mrs W . BIggs spentl:!un.. >of no temporal realm, but truely a pose of regaining his health that the .Messrs. Goo. ~hompson, ~alter were taken to C~darville fOI' inter. Ml's JUlUtlS 'h cnow .tb /Iud flt~IDIIYrl dny with rela,t·i ves III Oregonit\, monarch of the rails, was laid to rest 'auto journey will be made. He may Kllbon. L. A. Zimmermon, ames . Mr 'l'hom /Ls '-,ILCY anfl .fani y n.n - - ... ed) t b Dr P D Clagett Benham, Wm, King, and Harry Pra· ment. • _ UU.v Chenowet,h to k tl11l~IUr with Sunday afterno'on at 3 o'clock I'n the be Jom Spring Valley. a ~r Y . . . . ' . . ' Mr Hownrd LI\cy (lIltl fl111111y . 'and the two families will tour th ter were In Dayton Thursday attend· HAD ARM HURT .. 'd ' tl Il' ttle chu'''chya''''d at ATden . . . .. .' . . . . Y :l F' ' MI!llI EVil Lu,c y speut UO llY ·WI 1 ' . h • . Rev: J .. Holmes McGliinness, rector ' 011th west thiS wml r. mg tIe mr. . . Will.Lippincott had the mi sfortune liar nunt., Mrli ;'luneB 'henowo'h M\'s . North, of S{lringfield, is t e of St, John's, on the Arden , estate EA, STER'N STAn Samuel~ . Ev rly and WIfe; o~ to be caught in' a belt at the Cannil'lg aml family . . ~t~~~~~I~ .her dl\ughter, Mrs. T . M, "No~'l.h 'MaIO ..street, have reLurn~d factor 'rhursday. Dr. Ellis was im· . Mrs. JI.LU1es hen.()woth IS aWIlY . Rev. was returned to : conducted the sfmple,lunerall'iteS in the Episcopa.I church a.uJ paid fi~al The Easteo:n 'Star .m'et in regular a{ter a ·pleasant ten days' ~tay ' at ed> ~ I m'moned but beyond from home worktng . for HIl rry Union circuit for llnother year tlll t b te to h t d ' •.•• P6!1 ri' Beach. 'rhey ·also spent a m s18hoeckYocsucasloned by the accident Laokey, .of Lytle, f 11 ' h d ' Mr . Oglesbee is impfovlllg aft~r . .ea.r y , rl u . 11:1 pa ron an. i'session Monday evening, Nothing sh t time 'n Toledo - Dayton News the . ' : Mr. Frank Dakin .l lnd am y B several weeks .mne.s . , frIend. '. ' , . " . of importance was done~ howev'e r. o.r I . . • nothing ~rious ·r esulted. Will was fiB tbeir guest M.r. Frank ~aitln on A numher from here attended the.' .'! " . A short ser:vlce at Ar.den House at. . ' . ' . • - '. . _ Ca~l McC.lella!ld, Qf Seatt~e, Wa:'h.-, at work the n,e."(t day.' Sa.turdaY night a~d' Suoday, Dayton fair 1~.t ' w6ek: ;. ~ ' . ' 2 ~'elock Sund~ 'afternoott pre~eded ST. MARY'S CHURCH' ENDOWED. ~ho I n hIS way to school m Lexmg, ' .. - .• .N r . Hiram Da.ktri and 'Yife nnd Rtllph Alexander Ilnd , wife are ~ the church ceremony • and then, the . . . . ton, ~y, where he is studying for the BAPTISM M~I. Ellrnellt Du.-kin .&ond 90n Rosls) gue~t9 of Berman Evan9 ~nd wlfe, t ., ' , funeral ' co~~, Comprised of the By tile will of the late Harcriet E. 'ministry of the Christian church, . . were oalling on relatives in Wayne~ of Col~mbus . . , Immeciiate family and a few intimate O'Neall St 'Mat-y'9 church Waynes- stop~ off Thursday to 's ee his aunt Mrs. j.JeWis was immersed at ville 00 Sunday afternoon. School began la8t Mynd,ay mUorn . . th . . '. ,. , .' , . - . ' ,. " th Ch ' • ti church Monday mom- I Mr. (1001'80 Pratt; and wifll l'pent lng in both hho to~n_hip.nd vl aRe . ,frierida moved · down . !! .hill to St. \Fille,.will ':Ilttmate1y receive the, sum MI88 Lola Zell. Mr•.mcClelland s . e na ~ . , '!:lunday wilih relativ~8 of Mt. 1:l01ly~ 8cbools. • John'. cburcl1. of $8,000 for an endowlI!eilt. mother was formerly MI88. Della Zell. . mJ b~ t ..:Rev. M. E. DaWBOD.











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TllELOVES of the


ARABELLA By MOllY ElUOT SEAWELL (;oP1r1l1b t, lOOt;. Uobb.· H o r rlll Co.)

SYN'O PSIS . At II )ft:. rI' of n';<l Adl nlrn l ~Ir Peler Il nwkI'ItIL w '. nt'plt w. HIt'I"'I'd f ; I~ II, ' o il dN' pl )' III I()\'c ut tlrRI "IKhl \\ 11 h Lad)' A r At\ II :.. ~ttH·nlOl1 l. wh o "'porfH'd la iN Hl~ t ' "II "n, . Thl' Ind . :lrl OrphllO, W ill) J!I\' ' n .. I) rtll as mld"lolpmnn on Ih" AJ"" by hi" 1111 Ie. "nell Vcrn rl , nrphpw of Sir ThomU1l \. rn rtn, bocame l h,· hoy'. 1... 1. l'lo c y rdl .. ,,,1 d r. t h c Rl e r \I hcr" 1! 3 wk · IhlllY '" n .. ph ' W fla w Lady Arnbclln . ,",'r· .Ion mPl Philip ,'ortoll, n -'X l In 11,,(, rllr Sir Thomnll ""rnon'lI estnte. The)' Blurtn. l.Iuel whl ·1t WIU! In t.errupt .1. V rn on, Ov e r-Ion and Hllwkehaw's n ' ph w r"unu t h r>lnll"lv(,11 nllrllcle() by prelly f.ndy A " 1Ia. 'I'he Ajll " In ba ttle doten t ' d Frr,(wh wnr8h lllll In thf'l MedII rran an. fil chnrtl (JJyn got £~ , OOO prize mon!')'. He W IU< I " lied h01l1 0 by r.udy H IHvk"hnw 08 h o <oM nbou t to "blow In" his ru rnln!:8 wllh " ('roOll . At 0. 1Jawkshaw p"rly Olyn IllsI:overed Ih at Ludy Ambcl". WLlll !I. poo r but " r81~ tt!nt snm"l 1'. It tnlkcd mu ch with her couBln Daphne. l..ndy Arab IIsL ~Kaln showed lovo (or gaming. t,ater shu Ileid Olyn and vcrton prisoners, thu a IBYln g tho d'u I. Tn the Overton-V ron duel, nelthor WIUI hur l. Lady Araella humlllnl\l() RIchard by her pranks. ( Icha r-a and Ollc,s shipp /l on II. (rlgul e. Uea W illi captured by th o F rE-neh. Sir t'eter nrriLngod tor hlB exchnng . Da pl111 s howed 0. likIng for Glyn, who waH IIlen 21 Y ara of uge. OUEIlI WlUI r ICfUI"d. Gllos and Rlchnrd plnnncd clopam nt". IIlr Peter object d to th plnn to w d Paphnc. Dy cl v r ruses 011 s and R ich~rd eloped wtth Lady Aro.b 110. and paphne. r(, lIpacUv Iy. Tho latter paIr were mo.rrtcd. Dnphne WII.8 plcaB 'd : Aru.holls. rnv d In nnger. Wh n t ho purty retu r ned, Arnboll o. Mkcd Sir ' P t I' to ~Id In pros eutlug OIl(l8 In !'ourt on lhe , l1argo of committing 0. ClJ.pltul rim". A" attend .. <l tho trlo.I. Uvon Arnb l'lIa'" aoaUmon y Gil 'f! W I1Il convic ted Il.fllJ RN1 fen ced to b hnngcd. Sir J>eter villi! d III prlnr at 'Wnl s In eltort to sccure u. I,a rdon for Glle•.


bea"enll, tbe qule or tb l> co untry, after t he rattle a nd roa r !J nrt tltin s kies of I.,o ndon, Wl' rt!! balm to m y soul. I r ac h'd Ihr Inn . hY ' Ion o'clock; :lnrl , hn ,I'!ng arranger! fCII' Ih Ir he8t' hor!; I!, and Slln[ word two IItation s nhpart, 1 sa rt owll to vass Ihe day as h s t 1 might . I wrote 'u long I tt l', lo D liPID, I au d Ih n , It bel n~ about 1:.1 o·c loc:'k . I wont oul for a walle T hE'r1'! was a r Ily palhwuy th rollgh 1\ llltl grol't:' IowaI'd a roiling fi eld next t he highway. I lool( thi s path , and pres(' ntly a me fal'l' 10 fllCl', I\t a l urn In Ih l), )lath, \\ Ith 01' rto!). H wa s Ini;lll nl'iy llre sNl fo r a man of h Is quality and prof :510n. H e wor(' blacl. d olh .' , w it h I iain s ilver buckle s a Ih" knp ii , and bl llrk s ilk st cx:l( tn~ ,; Iln d Mho s_ Il ls hulr, lin· pOII'd red, was tle.1 Vol h a black rIb · bOll ; bllt he wor e no crfl lll' or ves llgp. of mourning. I had " \' ('r Ibollgh t him th e h andso mest man In Englun cl ; nu t In thl ll ~a r h , so dllTereot from Ihe bril llan IInlform 111' oth e r I!x qll ltli lO dress In wh Ich I hall h" l'ptofnre /; n him . hr! 1001,('(1 111, <, a n .\ pnllu. H e Art'f"trrl m c 1';1':11'£'1:; . II l1t nOl Im poli te· Iy ; and we walk., 1l a l llll~ log til 1'. II I' had hNl rd of my m rr i, I f,;P , and feli ,1· lated Tn t> on I . ;\I ~' hr>a rl W lIH so fll II of Giles Y r· non hat I burs l a li t wilh th e ~ torr. It Hl'e mpd qulle n"w to h im; and he II I ' n d 10 It wilh 1,1' 'al hl . !I~ alt n· II n, orcall ionai!y ejaculating h is hor · ror at thc COlll.l11 t or HII' Thomas Vel" non and of Lad y Ara bJhl tormont. It ga n lUI' a sa vage pi nSlJre to I II 111m 1'" ry or :111[111 partic ular cone rn· Ing 'A rnbcllu ; alld by th e 1001, of ca n· sc lou s neHs which .8me In 0 his x· Ilr SH ive far.e, and llY til way io whlc b he Il I'olded my CYf' , I saw that be kn w he WIIS a faclor In th e case a ga in s t his will. At last. qllite tra nsported by my 1'O g agai nst 11", 'e two. I el'l d o ut: "And It Is for Ih purpose or s ur· IlIg the II tate to yo u that Araholla StQl'ruout thus swore away the life of Giles Ve rnon ; bu t God will confound bor anu S ir Thomas Yo rnon yo U" ''Truly.'' said he. In n thrill Ing vol e , "God will onfound a Ji th o wi ked. H e will bring thi s hor rid sch me to nallght In c ve r y way; for Imow you, It Lady Arabella Slormon t were to throw h rself 011 h I' kDees be Core me-" H e slOII[l d, and colored violent! y; be bad nOl moant t admit what the whole world kn w-th~t Arab I\n Sto rmont hac! ado r II him for s v n years pas t. H hur ri clly chang d the ,s ubject, sayillg : ' "Pe rhaps yo u do n ot Imow that I am no longe r In t he army." I saId I did not. "Although' ] llal'e r ecovered the use o[ my 11mb!! nnd loolt to be In haith, 1 am not, fi t for He rvlce; and I was retired on balf \la y only a rew da ys a go. My life Is no t 1I1,ely to be lon g; !Jut released IlS I am, by God 's hand , from lhl' profession of nTtnS, I s ha ll d vote tbe l'emnant of my \l£e to the servi ce of the Lord God Almi ghty. Hi s meso sago camo to m e years ago, but 1 was deaf to it. I was in love wi lh tbe world, and possessed j}y th e nesh and th e de vil. 1 committed mllrd rs under the name of war. J dishonored my

CHAPTER X.-Contlnued. Pre e nUy the prince and Sir P te r appeared, and hIs royal hi ghness said. wIth that charm of manner which so· (Iuced some me n and many women : "Hark'ee, Sir Peter; I do not prom· 16e that the affair will be complete be· tore Sunday night; I go to Windso r and two days Is a brief time In which to arrange so impru:tanLa.. matter. BuUt YOU will be at WIndsor on Sunday mornin g. J pledge you my word ' as II. gontleman the pape r-s hall bo ready, s ig ned, s a led and deliver ed." At that Sil' . P e ter fail'ly broke down, and coul d only say: "God bless you, sir; God bl ess youl" and the Jlrlnce. turning tb e old mali's emotion off gently, s mllod and said: ., ''CIs for the preservation of th e ~allantl'Y of our sex, Sir P ote r, thal lllis young office r mus t not h a ng." He warmly Inv.i ted UB to r emaIn and fini s h up the wine, and then ono of tb e gentlemen at the table, whether of de· IIlgn or not, m ontlon d th o extraordln· ary I' ports which had jus t reached London concomin tbe trial at Yorl" and I, encollraged tb e re to by a sllhtle look and 11 Qucsilon of his royal hl g b· II SB, told Ui e whole st ry , a ssls led by _ _ ----" SIr P e te r. It was lIstencd to with th dee pes t, Inl rOB t. -La!lr Al'flbell u S tormont was lmown to CI'P' I'Y p('rson til r ', and th e prine l'I' IlI Ll I'IH'11 that he had dallced w!th h or at th ' last Illrthnl ght bali. ' Hpr In· fll lllal-iem ' for Ove rlon was well -I\I1o wl1 , and fr e ly rom me n l don, 'alld I he sl flln l;C ml'!lSlIr s t1 l1lt wom n will 110m lim es vl'nlure I1pon In th e IlI te l" "Will You Speak to Me?" (J t , a s th y lhlull, of th mall t hey lovc. was xOlllpllfl 'r! in bl'r tCf; Ufylng l\Jal(er b y my c1l s!1 ll1atl oll s. I s pent In tlgalm;t Gllct! Ve rnou . S ir Tho mus ga mblin g and \'I c . t. hfl mOll y wrung Veruon's b at rell of hi s h ir was al so from t h 11001' thul we re bond -slav s to well known - llud a s th e wob was 1111 · labo r and 110 I't' rly. 1 hlasphemed , and follJeu to lhe prin e he lI slen ed with Iln Ilir or _th o profulIllli est thou ghl , nnd y.ct J was nol COli II teet evil by the world." his COIllJJlPnt wus s ignificant: I lIs lenud and wonde rl'll to myse H, "Thc 1, ln~ CUll pardon." H e b ud pity on us and did not press s hould this he t rne, whe re slood we all? li S to remuln to card!\, so we le ft Carl· Ion bouse auont 110 hour afte r e nte rin g Ove rlon's fuc:e had flu s hed, hi s e yes It, aod wllh bl'arts llI1l1l !ill ul'ubl y were full of rupture; he' see med to Ill';hH'r. Our f1 r~ t tb o ught wus to dw ell In th glory of the Lord, has ten buck 10 our lollsl ngs 1.0 send " But n ow I am fr l'!l'! frolll th e body urf our "ood IH' WS to Lad y Hnwl,s haw or that dp.atl), a nd s uhj oct onl y to the and D:ll1hlll' 11y lhl' lIol·them "1Oil. yol,e or th l) ;>':a'l1ne--th e J!'SIIS who Sir P (! te l' tolll me th en th at th e lahored with hi !! hand s to s how that prince had dln 'ctr'" him to go to Wind - wo rk was hOllorn hlo ; th e c:u'pe nter ~ Ol' III t he l1Iornlrl ~ nnd rell1alll, aud who callerl about hIm those nH poor as that he hllll ~ elf woult! ill'ln~ him bncl{ himself, and pteacbed 10 the m th e on tb!" Sunday in(trnln ~, If t ile COUll' love or God anrt one's nelghlJo r; who s ig natures tn hi s IIpJcs ty'S co ulrt reco lvecl the Mugllule n as a sister anr! 110t br bnt! b fCore . Til "rhll'e wa ~ lh o l('l.el' a s a broth e r." Quite fam iliar wil h lhe pl'oc ' dure , und I was s ll en l. I had hea rd many enl,laged lu r, t I he flUrdon fro m til Sei'moni; from Il ean s nnd dl gllltn.rl sa ll wOlJ.fed mOlt, ancl e vory IIIILn jac lc kin!; wlth oll t ellm eull ),. 1'.:11'1 lI ex t 111ur llln ~ S Ir P('/e r k [t of th e m ufte r Ilromotl on ,from tho III '. II wu ~ al1 re ed 'hut I f'h ollitl pro. \\' hl g'~- a url lli ('s<1 sormon !! hnll le ft . \~ U Cln t h ' ~\Jndny mor n 10 g lo th o my h ell r t liS lItl t o uched nl! thnt of th e Rell l' lind (:11 111'11, n Inl' I'D anll po!\U ns wild Indian of =" orth Am (~r l ca. ' But :; lal il) 1 n ti l' Lnntlo n. 0 11 th e nUI·tb ' rll this was dllre rcllt. After a whil e , Over· road I to lilT /ill!;" III a d vllnce for the ton cont lnilod : - , .' II iiI ' 0 110. )a I'!I / ' j' 1 li tH not It mom n t "As thl r .TOti Il S rnll et! a ll manner of mlghl be 1 ',I In rl'llll'lIin to York. · So, m p.n - to foilow b lm- rhe eil y tax· :\I t I' t"';·() 1 :11~ ri~nle (l a)'1'i al on ' n Lon- galbm'cr, aM -'iv 11 a s P e te r th o p«?or fi s b· (\0 1.1 , whll sll' l' til l' was a t \ Vi llds(H', I I'l'mllll, and Jolin the g nUe a nd s tudl· w all g l /l~l u ,'ulI:!ay LIIoTTl lng- to he on Ous youth-·so ll c a 1\et! me' ano like Ibp no rt bern J'\,Iarl, prellll1' luji fol' our ' ,th -' trucgll thor r. wnoae SlQny' Mart Wag rup ld r tu rn to ' York. Tho n a r and m eltt:ld by th o volc _ or J t!sus, I say rburn w~ d1~ ): c;m tb e lllghwuy, Wi~h teilrs: 'M y Godl ] follow The !'" and. Wll~ WllII,('Iut or'"LObdoll,11eiug sur.We bad now apI)ronahed the corner r '1I\d()a: b,; g~ aehlll alld on-bards, of tbo flflld, lind Involuntarily stopped. II ,..,8K a ' be ful 1D0rnlng, marc r &&ld to blm hlunderlngly; Uk A,rll, than .·cbruIU'Y, rhe greell. "Shall )'OU lak orders?" of tbe (lprtb" tbe bJucll~ of tile ''No,'' be repllld, "I do not AI,,1re

THE ~~~~~~~;O~t ~~~~~ BEST ~::or:~:.~. REMEDY

to open m? 1I1nllth as a t a ber--r all 'lI o t '\\'or hy; IIUI a few of th e humbles\ ~ o pll' abolll h re- l h a\'o bet' n In tbl' plaC'I' for _olUe "'m~ olll e 10 me on l::Iunr!a y", in t he foren oon, to ask III 10 !lpp;\k If' tlil1nl. Th ya r e da y lahor. I'J'!;, hn Iler8- l h , kind I f Jl op l I Once fl\ 111' 1I'll () b' withou t sou ls. 1 Skilled Culturlst Will .. ~ Il nk to them. no as a pr II he r a nd Land In One Y ea r Ii Conditions Are t(>ne h r , btl as a brolh e r aucl a frl enr!. It is nil\\, tim e rOI- t h m to uss mille ." I I'a\\'. " urn nough, a numb e r or poo rl y·;:!r 1;'4'11 rU !itics comi ng tow a rd \\'1,,1 I. th. ".1 wo'" of ,m.. , '"" 11011 . ." ,'hi. the fI.'hl. Th /')' eam~ by twos and threes , Ihe> W llllcn m os tl y with chll . den ? ~laDY )leo ple Incll n ' to gar· Hlmpl e ha ud·llght Is a t rame of wll · rl r u In arm s , or han ging to their den lng- th y fee l th ey would 101'e th e low COl' re rl with glllz d rn ul:\1I0, und I' sldrls. Wh n <Ill hnd ar ril' d thero outdoor !If , a nd not mind the work which th plaul g-ro \\'s li S fin ely a l) un· were abollt :10 m e ll an d wtlm ' no Thpy t.oomuc h IfUley co uld be su reofa de· d r g111 511. Delte l', In Rorue r SIICc t s, Noah, Ky. - " I was passing through s<'a tod t hr!m ('I\'(.. ' on lh o grass , and I ce ot, comfortable living in r e turn, Cor th e collon Is nOl so good a coa· the Ohange of L1f~ and suffered from a lonl'; with tlwlll. ancl , In SOIlI C mys· .wrltes Moray Bliss In Youth's Com · du ctor o[ h a t 85 glass , We h enr grumbling enough In pI nee of th e Imme nso qu"nlillep headaches, nonoU8 t riOIl wn~·. I fl' lt. for th e fil'st tlmo In pan Ion. prostration, and m~' life, thal I bo l)lowman was m y CrOm gardene rs , who arc proverbia l of s ta ble dr c81;1 ng wblch tho PILris hemorrbBgtls, hr?t hl'r and Ihe kit c hen w('n ch mr grumble rs, that help Is scarce, sea · gardener uses by the hundreds of tons .. Ly<tia E, Pink.Ions poor, prices low, and, In short, lo th e ncre, It Is common now to use Sis tO!', Ihat ga d t ham's Vegetable hot·water pIpes running tbrollgh tbe 0 ompOlW d ma d eme \\'h r o they w e re all seated, O\'erloo Th r eo ug does not pay. e marke t seedsmen SOl lie wben gard n beds of rich soIl. Good a u· weUnnd strong, so took from hi s pocl, ,t a s mall Bible a nd that lean do all my rr a d lh" rmon on th e Mount. The YOll ask if one can make a thousand Lhority s ays that [i0 tons of colle wll! hou se work, aud atpeo pll' li ole nl'd rl'vcrcn Lly . H gave ,doll ars a yea r If o ne know s how to heat an ac re or glass-bouses tb e y a l Tb t're are many me n msk. ro und . B g in s mall, as a ll experte tend to the store t ~H'm a Hhorl discoul'se, su lled to tbelr gard E: n. advi se, with a quurl e r.a cr , or ' even and rost;.otnce, Bnd Ilndcrlll anlling, a nd' Ih e n read 10 them Ing Ihat sum. liv e by gard e ning, we 2,6 00 fe i. You can buy n lot or thnt !fec m1tchyounger II !'i mlllf! hym n , whle')l tlle y !la ng with m 1C t we t would d than I r eally am. us • II Y th e ways of gard ening. size for flv e doll a rs ou warm garden .. Lyuia E. Pink. t <!r vor. QompoWldis the most I 11 ,,1(' 1I <,d w II ha s t ra nge f e ling , I t ", ua a s hrewd old Engli s h farm or soli Iloar n railway s latlou , thre o r omedy for all IUnds of half paill . hair pl eas ure, ha lf satisfaC" W!lO used to say to his so ns: "Put hours frow Boston, and lel1l'D that tr u1.>les, al\d I f eol that 1 enn lio n, half ulss ll1lsfflrllo n. I wi s hed for the l1:>rse to, and le t us driv e round money Is lo be made by gardening a, never praise it enough." -MBs.LlZZlJI: Dapho 's !; Wc t spirit io he ij a r 01 . Bnd Bee wllat o t her p opl e are afte r. " hom e as well as In Pari!!. The Fre n h market-ga rd e n e rs about Probably tb e best proflt In Amt'r- HOLLAND, Noah, Ky, It callie to Ill:; mind how like was thi s Paris are tb 1Il0st s killful growers In Ican gard ens is to be mud e from to. 'l'he Changeof Life Is themostoritical mel'l ln :: or Ihf' 1.00 1' an d unlear n d 141 lh I period of flo woman's existence, and e war d- x 'e pt the ' hln ese-und mato s unlle r hlgb cu i luI' . Tllat neglect of health at this time invites thos h ' ld by t he Curpe nt I' of ~a za· re th on til" :; ho res of th e :';ca of Gall· til e averag gal'den ot an a c r e or two means fres b tomntoes Igbt mon ths of disease and pain, Wom 'nevcrywh resbouldremember I P. Th e. hymn f1cho ed s we l ly 0\' r "tili od to tb e e yebrows, " as th e y sa y, the year, and 30 pounds at least fr ollll lho Il l' e n 11 lei s ; It. w:tI$ :J. part of that sbow s lh e foJlowlng r e turn s, given by eacb vine, of 1lII'go , s nlOotll fruit, l'e~ that th re is no other rsmelly known to our cons uls and busi ness m n Int r. pink or y 1I0w, with as milch vurle t1 medicine that willsosllcc ssfuUycarry ~I' at 8 ntlllllon wi t h whi ch :-l al ure reo est ed In tll e matter: of flavo r as tbere Is apples. women through this trying period as p1il's to Ih harmonies or th e Mos t "TI Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Oomlere ure, of course , exceptions , To a c olllpJl ~ h this the seedl\nga pound, made from native roots Bnd Hi gh. Tile q uie t g('en ; th e wood s, th e fl l'ld fl , the Idl1e In lhe pas ture noar by , wll r e th o total Income [rom on e acre are tran splanled fo ur or five Uo:.ell, to herbs. For 80 years it has been curing all S a med ono In this a·t of worship Is $6,000 a year, but as a usual tiling make th e m s tuc lcy and throw th e ir Bllt pl'esp nll ;v m y so1l1 WIIS di s tract tJ the gard e ns yield but $1 ,500 to an force Into fruIting. The y are t.nlned women from the \Vorstforms of femllla ,hy what I sn \\' on the h lg hw a-y c los. by nC'r e, and th e a verage annual profit on trellises to catch th e fuJI sun and , llla -inflammation, ulceration, <tistill. A ban d 'ome traveUug ch al'iot, Co l· ot th e gardene r Is not ove r $1,000." when sunsblne is s carce h1 seaso~s of pla.cemellts~ ,fibroid tumors, irregulariHow many ' minis ters and coJlege tog and rain It Is hInted th a t the ties, periOQJC pains, backache, and lowed by n liiain pos t·c hals go!ns rofesso' d t b d ' nervous prostration. I s an eac ers an small electric light Is turned on tho green· If yon wonJd like special advice London ward, slopp d. Out of lhe P 'l'he about your case write aconfidencharlot slepped Laday Arab 110. tOl'> ,hopke pe l'8 , a rtl ats and literary folk houses with rlp c nlng e ffect. tlal letter to Mrs. Plnkbam, at mont, and, thro ugh an opt' niug in lhe Lynn, Dloss. Her advice iJI free, h dge, s he_ entcred th fi eld. After 11 and always helpfuL olls iderabl e Interval, Mrs. Whltall fol· lowed he r ; and, afte r a BUll longer one, Sir Thomas Vernoll. WHAT SHE ESCAPEO. Lady Arabe lla wall{ed nolsel ssJv Ovcr Lhe g l'1lSS, anll, wben she r each d lhe edge of the group, stapp d. Her yes wore r"l1 of la ughin g cant mpt at fir st , ~u t, when Overton turn ed his g lance full u pon her, sbe s udd nly as· s limed a .look of serlousn ss, ancl fold ed h r hand s as If In sile nt praye r. Behind h el', Mrs. Whltnl1's foollsb face wus 01\ far , while Sir Thomas Y r· non gri nn ed unpleasantl y over h r should 1'. Overton, wi thout takIng tb e Slightest notice of the m, a t th e call· clus lon of the hymn annt'l;nced th at he would make a prayer, and asl(~d his hearer s to joIn with him In a pe titio. that the life might 11 s pa roll of a ce l'> In the Shelter of the Fortifications of Pari •• taln youn g mun , Gil es Vernon, \'lOW IInd ' r s ntence of dealh In York jail are there making a bealtby lIvll)g and neld of experiment with gardens I. We al rstooil np;-tIJ en, tlte m U r emov, tnrtttng--;t;OOlt-a-retu -n-Hl~k-be+.w.j.Ile._I.a---&l:o....U1elJ:.....proftts. Jack-Tlle re go ~ young Softy. He In g lhelr ha lS. I lleld mine b ro re sides? Eden ,lies In very garden rightly took 1116 flnn ce ollt rowing la st Su n· my face to concell l my tears, while The common Fench gardene r makes grown. And th e r are fe w places In day, rock d tb e bonl, lind tb e poor ton m ade a brief but ea rn esl Ibis by Inte nsive gardening. True, he I s cOlin try- w le r e ga rli enl ngl lrtlot gu was drown d _ prayer fol' G!l es, and I could not reo begins with certaIn advantages. For only possible, but prolltable. A well· RUUI- LucllY g irl! train from crying: "A men! Ame n!" generations before him his family Informed grower told me that the Jack- \ hy do you say thut? wh? n he concluded. bave bee n gardeners,' and the Instinct most money was likely to be made Rutb- Why, s he mi gh t have I\\'ed 1 he peopl tb n trooped all', and ror the bes t metbocls rllDs In the from mat·ke t·gard e ns neat; the small· and married tI:\e Idiot. W , th e gentle folks, we re left It} blood . Within a ten,rulle circuit of er cities and towns, nut In the great get her. . Paris nre 2,000 market·gardens, mod· cities, which draw on tbe gardens of All In Fight Against, Ov rton su rveyed Ladv Arabella and els of care and c ulture. and some the world for supplies. . Prevention of tube r culosis ve rsus Sir TholUas with nlU h \:on tEorr. ;ll Lady of which have been held by the same If too far tor markets, tbere Is good dividends Is the proposlUon which Arabellu was th e firs t to spea k. She family for ' 200 years. Tbese gar- ~ork ,to be don e raising seed In out· some. of our larges l Insurance com· h eld Ul) he t' heud tlmldly, and sald: dens arc not large; the largest Is of· tb e-way places where plants Will panles are now trying to establish. ::WII,I, you n ot S[l alt to me?" said to be not ov er four acres, com· not mix . I do not know bow long The Me tropolitan Life rece ntly apNo, repli ed Ove rton, s te rnly, ruon gardens are not over two aCfes growers will have to pay five dollars plied for pe rmission to erect a sana· "Giles Vcrn(:m's IIf may be spar d; and not th e smallest profits are take~ tor a hundred seed of certain choice torlum for Its polley holders and e m· but upon you Is bloOlHnllltlness." from plats of a quarter·acre tl11ed plants, but · well·grown seed, clean ployes aHUcted with tuberculos is, but (TO BE CONT1N EO.) with the fin est care. ' Crom weeds, will always command It II the application was refused on grounds IN THE FIELD OF FRIENDSHIP, We need not Invest In expensive price, for busy gardeners cannot both· ot lIlegality by New York State Sup rer to grow tIlelr own seed. Women Intendent of insurance Hotchkiss, The and children can earn pln·money -In company Is, however, conducting an There We Are In Contact with Som. this way from the smal1est plot of active educational campnlgn by dis· of the Finest Issues of Life. soli. • trlbuting 3,600,000 pamphlets among My own first garden, six feet by ten, Its policy bolders. Tbe Provident The fi eld or friendship III a wide onll wheDT\Vas 12 yeunrutd-, wns pia . avlngs Lite ' Assuranco society baa and nil Olll' ni gh bors , both Ilear and ' ed chiefly to Indian corn, tended as also established ' 11. health bureau, fur, s hould be ca ndidates for admls. If It were a pot plant, wate red with' where Its policy holders may receive s lon tb e re. Tho appearance of culd house s lop, and hoed e very week. The free medical advice. S e vern I fraternal esteem, th e pas Ing s alutation, cmply huge amber ears it bore were Instant· orders, notably tbe Modero Woodmen, of 've ry thing sa\'c chill fOl'Ulullly, Iy begged by my father for seed, as Knlgbts of Pytblns, Royal League, havo large r posf' lbllllles behind them Royal Arcanum and Workmen's Clr· better than anything be conld get. than we at'e \"Ollt to ' Imag Ine. At an, An English laborer oultlvated a Qual" cle, have already established or are rale, to bellevo so, bones tl y and con ter·acrewlth spade and fork, raising 15 conlemplatlng th e erection of sana· sclentlou:;ly, Is an Indlca.tlon or an aC' bushels ot wHeat, wblch Is the average toria (or their tube rculous members. Uve faith , and Is fal' wholesomeI' than of our wbeat crop per acre, It gave I he slI s plclons lhat do their ulm ost te Seed Frame., IT WORKS enough Oour for him and his wife for ma ~ tel' us. 1l Is only throug h thi s baIl er tbat we shall bring ourselvcs lu gree nhollses or glass in steel framing, a year; but If be had only known The Laborer Eat. Food That Would Wreck an Office Man. contact with some of the fin est Issuel as some of our Amerl~an growers enough to raise It for seed·wheat, of life and come to · unde rstand the now do. The clever Frencbman fInds without much more pains, be conld Men who are actively engaged at uniti es and bal'monlcs of exlslence his cheap board frame, with old win· have sold his crop 'for a hundred dol· hard work can sometlnies eat food lars. dow' saall sufficient, and Instead of Nevertheless, It Is well lo beal' Id You can, It you have no better tbat would wreck a man who Is more mind the Imporlanl fact that man I_ thick straw mats at eight cents apIece, , not OUI' , only frIend and nelghhor. tie uses reed mala at ,sixpence each, chance, raise seed from plants In closely confined. This III Illustrated in the following Neither patie nce nor Inves tigation Is which last four years or more. The pots on the top ot a bsy window In story: necessary to tbe di scovery that aJl reeds grow In most of our marshes, toWll, and so learn the work of tend· "I was for 12 years ·clerk In a stbre things about us are capable of Invll· and mat-making Is a very sImple and Inc and enriching them for seed. In· deed, there Is a good deal of garden· working actively and drank coffee aU Ing nei ghborliness and . dispensin g ,II profitable t.rade. For hand·llghts, we may take the Ing to be Jearned within tha scope of tbe time WlthC:lUt ,muoh trouble until to those Who !Ire wise enougb to take af~er I entered the telegraph service Ildvulltage of the hospltltllLy tbat IN substltute used tn the gardens ot Bel· one six·lneh fI?wer pot. 'There I got very little exerchj(hnd constautl y Ilrotrered. The towering drinking strong coffee, my nerves trees (though th ey do not seem tc proximal tlgg and the origin of the were unsteady and my stomach got tow e r aR hI gh as IIley did when WI! were , younger), Ihe humble c reeplll twig and proceeds to girdle the weak and I was soon a. very sick man. vInes, the delicate flow e rs lhat s pring bmnch, cutting tbrough the bark and I quit meat and tobacco and In fact I up In a nigh t, cas ual and ravishIng, LLI\ the cambium In the characteristic stopped eating everythIng which I thought might aflect me except colfee tbe whol e moveme ut and rush of na. manner, ture In he r vl"urolls and Illaistont This glrdllng causes the t.wlg to but still TOy condltlon-grew worse and .. ~ YuuoJl,' Trees More SUBGePUble to dl U tr I r . ' Injury Than' the Qlclcr 00'.- e, IllS 0 ~r ng food for the young I was all but a wreck.' moods, belong to lIelgb bOl'lIness In lhe mosl slsnlOcant and satlsfnctory ID~ts Hard to FiDel. larvae. , The twig Is soon broken off , "I finally , quit , coffee and ' -cQm. seURe. It Is somel-hlng of a reliet to ____ by tbe 'wlnd or some other eauBe and menced to use Pos~um a few ,y ears di , cover thilt we D!!ed no t II pend en. • . - falls to the' g~oupd, where decay sets ago, Rnd I am ·speaklng the truth Lil'e ly on man for companlol1 shl[l'The twig girdler Is a ,beetle belong., In a-~d the larvae have Ideal condl· when I say, my cpn~ltlon comm.enced thollgh' beyo ud III I doub t the best oJ Ing to the ' family o~ long 'horned, tlOIl!, "for growth . ~ild dev,elopment. to tmP.rove Immedlab:ily and today 1 his klud are to be lreas ured in what, beetles . It 18 little over one-half The ' .11l rVbe . does not oomplete ' Itl am well and can eaf anythlng.t warit e ver I'elntio~ 0\' cOlld!tlon they are -inch I ngUi . The ground ' ,cQlor cr~wth In the fall', but after feeding wIthout Jl,ny bad effects; aU due to " rouud . -l'h~ late Joel Cbundla l' Harl'ls. Is ~ brownish gray with yellow data tor a Ullle It hlbern'a~es, completing ItS sh,l fUng from c offee to POlltum and ' 1\ brond ohal'nderlstlc band of growt~ and tranl!formatlon to 'a n "I toll} m{ wlto today ~ beU~ved' I Hopeful. gray jtcrtlss-the wing covers. . . ~(lUlt be'eUe the following' ,8ellson. ,cO~ld dlg~.~ q, brick 11 I had 0.,' cup b~. , "I un~,el'stand ,rour wlfe haG jolnl:ld It Is the adult t,e mole beetl~ "hlcb rhe adult. beetles, . becau!l<8 of their I?os~m to go with ·It. ' th'O suffHl.gettu? _does the Il'rtl,Ung. Beglnnlbg In Aug-. dull colors and general /IBbltaare "'We mnke it acc,ordl{lg to ,dli'ect(ons '. "Y~s,:, an~\Y'!red Mr. Meekton; "alld- 6t~nd CQntinulD~tlu:Qugh th~ .ea~ly ' very h/lrd to find '01' ·c atch. The beeUe bolling It fu~ 2Q minutes and ulle good. J~ , glad of It. ' ' falt, sbe proceeds with b~ uninvited 'dies. In _the tall, and thererore we ' rich crea~ and It Is ' cex:latnlY de'll. :;ben ;:,ou approve of the , suf· task of pruning treus, Atter selecting must fight tbls )nllilct In the egg and clous," ". frat> ~tes. , a'. twig suitable tal' her endeavors; .lar:v,ae stag~B. 'The _ methOd recom. Look .In pkg8. tor a , c'?PY ot the fa"No. One ot thele day • .tbeY'I~ do she begl~s ma)lJJlg puncttlr,es, ilsuallT' '1 4ellded 'Is' to lather 'alld bury all fall. mo... IItUe book, "The Road Well~ som thJng that Henrietta dlsapprovel ..,rie punetl,lr4! at the bue of eacb en twlle and the girdled twill not y ' t VlIJ4l." . ' of, and tben she'U GIve tb~m the tal~ branchlat O,r yaUDS bud, and delJ0I1ta failen, -- Thle destroy, the 8Igs a:d "There's &_ RealOta." 1I..r ..... lng to that tbe, 4e.en.. '-Wub1al aJa 0'" wbl"'lb _e'g. She then r. larVae that , wou1cl untop lata .aUI ~-- -," tall Star. to • lIObat between tilt moat HUOn'. IIrocNL . - -



For Women-Lydia E. Pinkbam'sVeget8bleCompouod















1I I11IVER ;E ,.;~:r.,'::~:;~!;~.~::. I,

POSitively cured b7 thes e Lutle PIUs. d. l g~HtiOll "UO I T"o u c nrI1 Ii:nll11 ~ .





~Cl\ .

'Nnu· 1:i",d

l'''RII' In l it MIlUlb, '"",,,

=====-__ regulate Dowel".

cl i ·[·C) n K \1~. Put " h t U I .


"Onlon ~

will mol<e e\'NI hei rs or wid-



The slreet car bad jus t passed tbe excavution for a great building wh~n II. man 011 the rear platfonu who had th e fa e of an artist or voe t askeu of tbe one at his elbow: "How many people should you es· tlmate were standing around gazing down Into that hole?" "Aboul 75, sl1"." "And wlll they s tand and gaze all day?" " Yes, most of tbem." "They mus t have tboughts as they guze at the men toiling b low . It one could go among them and collect and write down each man's thoughts what pagcs of human life they would make - what a book those pages would give the world!" "It would be a very smail hook, sir. I am a publisher, and I sIJouldn;t care to bring It out. Tbere would be jus t one lea f and Just one se ntence on tbat leaf." "Is It possible?" "Yes. sir. Those '76 me n with th eir arms on the rallIols and looking down don't have dlff re nt thoult,hts. They all have th e same one thought, aud It Is expressed In the sentence: "What a lot of durned fooled those m n are to work when they could loaf."

Here's to womnn ! tor her we toll, For her build s tructTlr s to the sklea: For her we burn the midnight 011 And strive nt Inll t 10 ..vln Utc's prize. Wllhout her', who would care to chase, The will u' wis p of rnme, or seck 'rhe pl uutllt·s ot tho humall ract;, Or who would cll mb tile mountili. pen k ? Hpre's to womnn! tor her we hale, For her We envy Ilnd tl splse: For her wo bra ve lha s ternest tate, For her !lP ak ~ ruth9 nnd orten lie .. For her we cloth o oursel\·es. At Urnes, Go poo rly cJntl t or her s weet sat,e: P orform good deeds nnd sometime. crimea, For her we mend our waYII or break. to woman! the lIourco of &11 Our hopea ana tears, our eve ry plilul For her we rlsc. t or her w e ta ll. It Is th e WOrn (l n m a k ~8 the mnD. Ana 110 I rilise my glass to- nle!) t And unto womnn this loas t glv.: It. Is tor h r w a dn lly fi ght, It Is for her we strive to live. H e r~s


Why He Was Excited. Druggist- What's the matter with ,ou ? You s eem excited. Clerk-No ·wonder. Mrs. Grlggsby wanted an ounce of boric acid and I gave her an ounce of slrychnlne by mis ta ke. Druggist-Well, of all the careless Idiots, you head the IIstl Say. haven't you any Illea ot the yaluu of strych· nine?"

Try Tl'lfl, When lire seems 11 heavy burden And tho load III hard to benr, 'Twill help you along to warble " lion. 'Bout the good luck waiting somewheNlI

Now He's 'In For It. "he 8 w~et June bride Is hQJTl o aga in. From th o short wedding tour's dlll"res!\lon, And doris IL cooking apron while Her hubby done II. scared expression. A Sudden ThoughL First Road Agent-What good wltl It do us to bold up tbe coach, even It we do get big money? Second Road Agent-What do you mean? First Road Agenf-You know, 'atter all, It wo'u ld be onl, that much In stage money.


In the 'Statuary Gallery. Homer- I guess Shakespeare there on his pedeStal feels only dllng. . , . Cohimbul-Wh;; so? MUton-I suppose YO\1 mean because 'the statu'e . they have I brougbt In Is Dacon. mid· It Is just


"He Is a 'lovely judge!" . ,"1'11 bet I knoW. ·tbe answer," "\\1ell?" . ;',ae di4 not alii: you .hoW old yo~ , .rera.. • "YO. be dJd, !09; he asked me It I .raa 21!" . " The Eaentl.) Thing.

Lemon Icing for Orange Cake. Take on e beate n egl;, une cupful of luga r lwo t ea s poon fnls of flollr, one tabl espoonful of ,,"at r, th e grated rind and jul e of o n e le mon. Coolt un til thi ck, stirrin g co nHt nnll y. HOT WEATHER DISHES, Lemon Ice. Ma ke a sy rup by b oil ing four c up, ruls of wat e r willi tw o l'upfuls 01 sugar, a llll three·fo urths of a c upful of s tra ined lemon jul{'e . 0\11 a nd freeze. Milk Sherbet .. :llIx th e juice of tinet" le mon s with one cupful of s ugar, s tir and add four cu pful s of milk. Freeze. Sorbet. Roil togethe r two cupful~ eac h 01 wa te r and sugar. Whe n cool add one an of grat ed pineappl e, on e and onethird cnpfuls of orange juice Bnd, on e· half cupful of lemon juice and a Quart of Apolllnari s water. Freeze. Brown Bread Ice Cream. Soak one and one·fourth cupfuls of dried brown brend crumbs In one quart of cr e am, let stand Hi minutes, rub through a sie ve, add seven·elgbths of a cupful of sugar, one·fourth of a teaspoonful of salt and another pint of cream; then freeze . This tastes like macaroon cream.

" -: rey-~\\' , al' YOll ~u t t'I'l':l l 1I In 1I11' UllI illg' , oung ~I all ?' Kit ty ( wlt h a )' awlI)-)\;o : l alll lll(~r Inte rt'~ t c ll in t h(' gOi ng y()ung llIan





no r e medy t o r time

. I


. The Fruit of Evil. "I wonder why vegetarians Include h enve.n ." -Sir Arthur De Vere. fruit In tflelr diet aa bealthful." "Is It not?" Boullion Cups, "Not when you consider. how an OUt trouble originally came rrom fruit. . It . It used to be imperative to serve was a pair with an apple, not carini a boumon only In the little CliPS, anll fig tor posterity, who handed the first to serve also only bouillon In them. Now, with a sudden a cquisition of lemon to the human race," good sense, fasblon decrees tbat any kind of soup, a thick puree as well as The Wonderful Imagination, Yeast - Newfoundland Is without a consomme, may be passed In the reptiles. It Is said no snake, frog, two-bandied cups heretofore reserved toad or lizard has ever been seen for tbe serving of tbln bouillon."; there. The Happy People. Crlmsonbenk-Well, Isn't It just al The really happy people In thll bad for those rellows living down there who have Imagined they saw world are those who are doing things. How sweet Is the rest that comes at 'em?- Yonkers Statesman, night after 0. day of thoughtful, suc, cessful work. No day Is perfect that An Easy An8wlr, "Since 'Man and Superman' wal had not had In It Ilome helpful pur. played, you see that expression 80 pose for others. The Interruptions which often. What Is a superman?" often Irritate and annoy may be tho "My~ but you're Ignorant! It·s a means ot great blessing. "Our grand man who carries the banner In stage business In liCe Is to do," says Car· pl'ocesslons and yells with the /\Dob," lyle, "that which lies clearly at hllnd." HOME, SWEET HOME. Hints to the Young Housekeeper. To .remove dllst frQm rattan and carved furniture use a. small paint. er's brush. Creaking doors and drawers should be rubbed wltb hard soap. Never put the cogs of a DO'l'er egg beater In water. All dishes which have contained milk should be first rinsed wltb cold water.





';,,;'~ ~


pr upe rl y REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, el m wn liP , s igtw d li nd wltDeStll.' d ?, usl, ed t he eOllnt or as t! ·on·the·Burn . " Y es," s lglll"d Gl u dy,; Gold en. " Th ' rc arc no loo pho lell th roug h wh ic h YO llr wise la wy e r s o r P hllad el· ph la mi ght c ree p ?" "Not'a 100plJole," said the fair Gl udys. " And YOll r ~a lh e r'8 holdin gs In Ama l· - - NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR-g'lI lll uted Wh a le bo ne , Am e ri can e h ese ~utine e."<:eb any d ~ntirrica In dearulng. whlterung and I a nd Maca roni a nd T in Soup· Plate 6s huve npt lJeen a ff ec tcd by tb e r ecent temovill8 tartar from Ihe teeth, beaide. d~lIJoyiOi all Bcrml of decay and diaclUe which orelm6/)' II e press ion ?" " No, dea rest," UD SW re d Mi ss Gold· lDoth preparation I ca.nnot do. Putine. ~.ed al a mouth. CD, firmly . waah dwnf« .. the mouth " Th eu I lo\' e you ," sold tb e noble IDIf throat. purifiea the brealh. alld kilb the \lerrol cou nt ; a nd two fond bea rt s bpat a s which coiled in the mouth, C4Uaing lore throat, on e.- Puc k. bart teeth, bad breath. grippe, and much ridtneu. - - - - -- ~Yhen inlIamed, tire? ac:b. PAINT DURABILITY. and bum, may be lIlIlantl, relieved and ~hened by Paxtine. Tbe fir s t lbought In painting should. Putinc will deslroy tbe ge~ or course, be dura bility-and dura· " that C4Ule c:elanh, heal the __ I' bility means s Imply pure palnl prop· lamlllllboD and atop Ihe dilcharge. It it • _ e rl y a ppll ell . Pu re paInt Is pure _ed,foruterine catarrh. white lend und linseed oil ( with or PUlinel.. harmleuyetpoWerful1 without tint ing ma t eria l) . II!ftIicide.cIiain{edant and deodoMcr. ' SOUlt! years ago th e palnt·\)u ye r wa s U..t ill bathinQitdellJOYI ocIOfland ; like ly to g t udulte l'n tell or co unt r. _ . . the body antiaeplicaUy dean. feit wh ite lead if h e was no.t familia r I "OfIeALEAToRua8Tolu.,1I0c. with brands . T h lIl a y btl y OR P08TPAID ElY MAIL. '. wit h !Jl! rfe·t sa fe ty Ir II only ma kes LARGE SAMPLE FREE! s ure th a t th e Dutch Boy Pai nte r tHl PAXTON TOIUT 00 .. BOSTON. MA8&. tra de mark Is on the IJac kag s oC wh it e lea d that he buys. Th is tra de· ma rk was ad opted by Nati ona l Lead ompany to d l s till ~ ul s h Lh e pure wh ite lead ma de by t he m [rom the worthlcss ad ult ra ted a nd fnk e goods. It Is n g uarantee as va luable to the hou se·owne r as th education 01 'a paint expert could be. " 11:1 th e

Colonist one-way secondclass tickets on sale daily from Chicago, September 15 to October 15, via the Chicago, Union Pacific C& North Wes tern Line to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Puget Sound points, CorrNpondingly low mh's f rom all p oinli .




Dally amI perso nally contlucted lours in through Pullman tourist sleeping cnrs accompanied by ex peri e nce d conductors Ilnd handled on fast trains. A most eco nomical and c o mf o rtable means 01 trnvel.


1'0 r f ll / I pnrri(lt /n rs 'l.vrilt S. A. Hlllrllisoll,


The Ever Changing Waist Line. Co nside r th e me nta l agility It tnk I! to k I) up w ith on 's wai s t · line. On e goes to b ed a t ni g ht in t he s w 'et a ss ur· an ce tha t It wIll be und e r th o UI'm ll fo r th e n ex t two o r three month l:l at a ny r a te , a nd awakes to lea rn fro m th e h adUnes In th e mornin g pape rs that wais t Une Is posltl v Iy a t th knees. Ther e Is absolutely no use In prognos· tica ting an ythin g about I t any longe r. 'rhat the waist line occurr ed at th waist was an uxlom accepted as un· questlonubly as that th e ea rth r e volves on Its axis, but In th ese days ot hlgbe r c riticis m is like ly to be anywh e re . It blowe th whe re It IIs teth .-Mrs. Wilson mhJ· \ oodl'ow, In Am eri can MagBzlne.

spent No healing tor the WGAte at Idleness, Who!e vel'Y languor I. 11 punishment Hea vier than active soul. Ciln reel ' o. gueslI. O. hours ot Indolence and discontent. Now. now to be rede mell ! Yo tiling not less Because I know this spun ot lite was lent For lofty duti es. not for selfi8hneslI. Nol to be whiled Ilway In endless areama, But to Improve ourselvee ana serve . mankind. Lite and Its choicest faculties were given. Mlln IIhould be even better than h. seems And shape his IIcts and discipline hi' mind To wallt adoring earth with hope of


LI\·Elt. Pu ro' ly " "geta.,I ...

Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simlle Signature ~



The Verdict, The Judge-Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached an agreement. The Foreman-We have. your honor, Mrs. B-yea, we were e:olng to leaTI The Judge-What Is your verdict? our flat tor the summer and take ~ Tht' Foreman-We ftnd the accused bungalow at tbe beach. not 8\li,ty-provldlnc he will lean l\lJ'B, W-Why didn't you? town . . Mrs. D-We discovered at the last M!nute tbat tbe bungalow had no el& IN A "DRY" TOWN, vator In It-just fancy.

"John," said' Mr. Dawson's molher· In·law, "what were YOU doing In thu corner c1rug store tbls morning?" "How do ' you know I was In the "rug store ?" John cautiously a s ked. "I saw you as you were coming Ollt." "011. I went In to buy· a postalo Itamp."

Miscellaneous Notes. J31 Uf' on wa lls g lv os s pace, nlarges III ' room. t ho ugh It Is a cold color. G r I' n ha r monizes w ith IllOst nr color8. wlJ lcll ma ke s It a very deF.lralJ le color for wa ll color ing In a li vi ng room ; It Is r es tful. )\;otliing Is so Imp'O rtll nt a s th e ch oicc of on p'!! pi ctul'es. In Re lecti ng furnitu re do not buy fads. Old Illod els nr e be tter than n cw. 1·lave It )ll ai n with f \\' pl aces lo gat~ · er du st. . Le t us g t rid of brlc·a ·brac and bave only useful t hin gs. "Art Is so me creatio n of man'. In· t ellect by mean s of h is sensos,"

til '




1-:1 ' union a l OIl'ls Ju ri" within lh :.s

ow s w ·l,· p. "

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D r V\\' Hlul ' S !'t ,

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huwl . A ",I i,n lt HIIS \lP \ t(',l, 1I1l1z1l:t le the wh ole.' - S tUll" )' HIlIlI iI .


D h. l. " W~~ ,

tHty (or

About Time. Dorothy-Can 1 have some wate r to christen my doll, mamma? Mother-0h! no. 1 don't like YOll to play with water . Dorothy- Well, can I have Bome wax to waxlnate her? I' m s ure she ought to have some thing don e by DOW I've had he r three month s.- Wlndsor Magazine .

---- ----

Important to Motn.,..

lhamln. c8refully every bottle of CASTORIA ••• 'e and .ure remed, for IDfn,. ud ehl/drea. and ... lb.t It nears tbe ~ ",nYJJ r#


.'II. , Clli"lg~ , JII.



P C 11111

This Trade·mark Eliminates All , Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee o( pur. ity and quality. For your own prote ction, see that it is on the side of every k eg of white lead you buy. lanOUllWl COM,...,

Nothing to Learn, Simply Shave NO HONING NO STROPPING



etA!. Send 'or RUBBER STAMPS Seal s, SU!n('II H, Ba.IlgeR, RUBBER STAMPS Stencll_, our cntutol(. Age n" wanted. W. I. WEllEN a co,, n ..... St., CbIc"'",L

Tr&ll e Chec k., e tc. Full llne wtlwpnud s t e n('11 goods . We a re no tllrther from your hum eo J' ut~ ~



pbulIIlo r

til t' 1I .,,,re~ t




. ·.wIlll btUI.

W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 36-1909,






yearsbeen by prescribed physicians for all has

over the world In the treatmenl of skin diseases, itcll. inl, Irritation, eczema and In <lressl ng of boils, fetona and c:arbuncles. It Is acknowledged by them to be the very basi ointment known for erysipelas, efJlbema, nettle ruh, rinporm and a specific for itching pllea. SOc, a Jar, all druggists, or sent direct on receipt of price.


:: :: :: :: :: :: :. ::



10:: ~ .:

"I c:annol praise RESINOL enough." )Irs. Geo. A. Laney, Montreal, Canada.

:: :.




:.:.!.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.!.!.:.:.!.:.!.:.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:.:.!.!.!.:.:.!.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.!.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.!.!.!.!.:. :':.:••::


3,000,000 Acres of ' good land will be thrown ope n to Homesteaders October 4th to 23rd. The general land office has designated Le Beau and



Nut and Potato Croquettes. Coarsely chop sufficient blacl\ .wal· on nut meats to meaeure one cupful. Mix takipg liquid -physic or big or little them with ' one cupful of mashed and pills, that which makes you worse s~asoned potatoes and one cupful of instead of ~uring. Cathartics don't as places to register 80ft bread,. crumbs. '. Stir In to well· cure-they irritate and weaken the lJeaten eggs, add seasonings of salt, 'bowels. CA$CARETS make the for the drawing. pepper. nud onion juice,' a f~w drops ·bowels strong, tone the muscles so' of lem~n juice and three tablespoon' . fuls of heef stock. When coM mold .they crawl and work-when they . llts. lIenpeck......See- .ih~ poor people Int.o crocil;lettes ·and ~y 'In, deep fat. . do this they ate-heamiy, producing .right results. ~ movlng In~ .tbat bcfaJ'dfng .bouse. A For rates, elc .. write or I{Ik aby agent of the (owa Central or ' G'''lIer Snaps, ' tbere's no place like home'! . CASCARltTS 1Cic: a bent fot' • Minneapolis and 51. LOllis road or Put In 'a JIIa~ee .pan one cuplui t!ach tr:eatment. AUdrul~ Blwstleller lIenpC()k-Tbank . heaven for tbat! ofj)row:n ' su'g ar, butter, two -cupfuls of . lIi ·the worlcL "'11110\1 OOUl. • DlOa,th. A. B. CUTTS, General I'a,au,er and Ticket APDt Vaudeville In the. S •• , " Mi~nea~~ Kinn. '. , . motasse's , two te~!lpoonfuI8 of !la'lt, two ·1f... a.. dll'O '_. · .,·.:.!~ !-T-h.lIp.-.n·-;.~E~.··W· Ir "Old you bear what happened to th, teal!J)OOnfulB of sQda and spice trl - 'I Star Fllih the other d.,," taste. Boll ftye mloutetl then sUr tu p' M~ F -~ &~ ~ "No; what wu In'" low: to at onoe. . ~ae tried ~ Iml~te tile .bAr.....

"! bear, Mr. Rurallte, tbat at the eollf'8e commencement 1'0ur daUl;bter' »OW... ot til. Octop... and . . . . .pt' eTerJtbbl, before bet." GO1£.. ~So ... 41d, bUt I ~ \III .....


1102 Trial" ..1111... M.. .,~

:: :: :: S~.tu,. Of~~ ::.: JD Ule For Ont 30 Yean. The KInd You Ha•• AI.a,. Boudll . :: :: Perhaps the reason the goddess' of :. Fame Is fickle Is Simply becnuse she :.~ Is a goddess, nnd therefore neces· ~ :: sarlly feminine. .: ~ I..nmc bnck nnd Lumhnp:o mrtkr n young ~ man feel old . Hnmlirl" \" i Y~lI·t1 Oil inll kes .:~ nil 01.1 mnn fL '('\ young. Ahsolut eh' noth· ing like it fol' the rplief of nil Imin·. Equipped for Fast Travel. Sorrow Is an evil with. 'many teet.Posldlppus.

Mll lIllga 7"0111';;1

pnrlrn rnl, 21:! Clarlt

M. & St. L. R. R.




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DEL - S . '.:..; S S· DYE

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erl18 [8 for arveyor $1.?0 i W. B. The Cause of Many ~ ~ Jf\ It n c , on, ioe Bnd merohandl88 for DOUrt, bou8o" ,iu3 ; .B. P. Blair , Sudden Deatb~. oement, ~~ 00; t:lta~, ditoh notice, There is " dIsease preVAiling in this COQnlry most dangerou b b 'cause so de ep· ~olillllOIl Picas Court. 'IIi 50 i' '. D. Hinkle, seoond estimate tive. Manysudden H Wll I ord'ered that tbe g rttlld and on tax plat work, " 00 j F . P. rorgy'l deaths are caused . "atlt. jQrors btl dra WD 'for tbe oto boardin" prisoners, during August, by ,it-heart dis· eAse, pneumonia. ber term 'rbe grllnd jllrors to ,e- '72':)0; •Trutlte f4 of Pnblto Alfliirl, heart failure or DAyrrON. OHIO. port tor dut,y October " aud th o Ilflllt, wnter to September t, ,Us,a3 i t:;ame, j [npoPlexyareOften ..•. ' " the result of kid· o tober 1'2. ' li ght at jlli)' 1-4 j Same, light at oourt .. r ney . disease. If Grand Jury. h ou"£!, ,LO (12; State V8 Robert BateR -~ kidney trouble is co~tt!. '16 , ~!5; titate vs. G len Mercer,~.~ \ allowedtoadvance W . U. hultz. RUMS Lliwl er. Chal' . . ~ the kidne .... ·poison. Announce same ,11i.Hr,. _ _ ell blood' will at. E Monroe, Tortleor Ak ; BODjullIin Mi "cell Ilneuu!§- The IlOOf)ants of tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of Hobbin!!, Hllrr.v Rell er , Georl{e' B ok , tbe two depoMitorle!! the Lebanon the blarlder. brick·,lust or sediUJent in T:e: for ptember 21 t to 25th. A the urine, head ache, back. ache, lame E ,M Thirk ield. Frunklln ; E 0 . General Opening Display of Millinery and nElW goods , RUl'sEII, B. B. Crantl, Cl eu.r ureAk; and Citizen!!' NatioDal Bu.nks were back, di zziness, sleeplessness, nervous. audited ILDd foand carr ct . ness, or the kidncys themselves break I in every department---BIG ER BETTER, E C. Jeffery, Barry Sat-tlemeyer, down and waste away cell by cell. Tbe nnauchL! stn temen ts of the lIIadder troublcs almost olwoys result WK sbingtoll ; H . u Kill!!. W , W , I:)t.ltt., DeeTfi ld ; T F Mol/ ninn . Mus Iluditor lind treasllrer were present- from a derangement of the kidneys and ed lind ordered filed. better health in that organ is obtained quickest by 0 proper treatment of the kid· sie ; J . Q Bak er . Oil llI otlon of M·r . Keevt1r *300 WBS neys.·~oot corrects inability to We believ that merchandise that is'right in style Petit Jury. o rrle ~'erl tmnsferred permanently hold urine anti ~ca ldiIlK , pain in passing it, .... ' and overcomes that unpleasant necessity usqnUeawlit,Yonaensd. price will keep our old friends and make Erssll1u" BrIdge, Howllrd Mo lure fro'm the ~heep fuud tu the sb eri .. 8 of baing compelled to go often throuJ\h We invite you to attend our Opening , Albert,lrwin A. D. BarkRllw ,Frank . fee fnnd. Ule day. and to get up mnny times during I Treasurer'8 bon'l for .... 0,000 WIl8 the night . The mild and immediate effect lin; Bert Eesley,.T J Th(,mps n, Fall Display. of Swamp.Root, the great Kidney remedy Tl;lrt,leoreek ; ti . M. Caldwell , Hobert· llooApted nnd placed UII tilt~ , i~ soon realized. It stalld s the bighest be. 811U1 D . Hinkle pre8ented a bond eau~e of its remarkable heallh restoring Monger, Olearoreek; .1. F , Snook . A trial will convince anyone. Union j L, C. Urton, Wasbington; in t,.h e sam of 12,000 1i8 oounty lJur. properties. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is .-..~~~-~..-...-.-.-..-. --~ . A . Whitaore, Salem; JIlme8 veyor, w bioh was aooepted !lnd sold by all tlruggists io fift Y'celit aod plaoed on file. OIle-dolJar size bottles. You lIIay have a tihurtl. Dellrfteld. sample bottle and a book that tells 011 The flnlll seBSion of the present Contfllotl-Contraot WIlS entered about it, both.sent free by mail. Address, term of (Jommon Plea8 court WIll into with the Art Metal UonlJtruo Dr. Kilmer & Co .• Binghamton, N. Y. writing mention ,reading this gen· be OpeD Monday merning when tion oompany for steel oounter with When erous offer. in this paper. Don 't make Judge Clark will hear any and all two gates, and book Otl!!e to be de- any mistake, but remember the namc, olaimB in an endeavor to olean up livered ready for U8e in u.uditor'lI Swamp·Root. and don 't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Rootthe dooket before the opening of o ffice f or '~700 ])A YTON. OHIO. ~ . if YOIl do you will be disappointed. 'Contraot was eniered into with V , tho new term. .J. :lentmeyer for oonoret,e apron Probate Court. OBITUARY for bridge near King8 Mills Powder In the matter of the will of Delila Co., at e~tima~ 148.40; O~gorua I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boraoe Smith Bowman. son of MoUabe, deoeal'ed. Application to Bridge Uo.. for steel beam bridge admit same for probate set tor hear with oak nailers and floor on ~he Isallo and Clarioa Abbott Bowman, · wal' born near Wu.ynesville, 0 ., ~nvior dnd strong, leaoinp' ing September 7. Botler oounty Ii ne at t h e e& t lmate . . flrm .. ... on Kstate of Mary Ann Redman, de· 1180. Frank I:)toke8 for oonorete AUllu8t 8, 1863; depart-ed thIs life at his proml8es. On Augu8t 20,11){)9 FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ceued. First. aDd fiDal Ilcoount fot aroh on uytle road in Wayne town his home near Centerville, Ohio the oull oame from the MlI.ster; thy Will Keep seUlemeut filed. ship fllr 13. 3 per . ouNo yard; Ore- Septem'b er 4, 111011, aged 56 year8, work and sufferings are over, oome .. an..~ 25 d1lY8 . ap higher and she pa88ed from death Bat.ateof John U. Harner, deoeaaed gonili Bridie Co ., for I!teoI JOIst SCHWARTZ'S In Ooto ber 1873 he was married to be .. Forever wi th the Lr)r(l, " Firat aooollot flied. ore08oted nailers for bridge at B en· - ANDEstate of Henry Dllatoah, de ry Deoker'8 at the estimate of 1448, to Mali88a Gregg, who only lived a aged 60 year8, month8 and 20 daY8 . • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . _ _ _•• __ year and six months leaving one Sbe lea'Ve8 a beloved bU8band and ceased. First account fllftd. 00 with ,a Rush., obild, DOW, Mrs. Cora Summers, of large cirole of relatives and friends '!"! -"!"!.~~~!'!..~~~~!!II<~~~~~~~ Elta~ of Willillm S. ') lett, de oeaaed. First aooodnt fi I I I 1'he demlind for that wonderful Harveysburg, Ohio. On No,:ember who will grea.tly mi8s ber. one year old, oan be regist.ered,l At his home, miles west of In tbe mattfr of (;ieorgl' }(oll'addeD Stomaoh, Liver and Kidney oure, 12, 1880, be was married to Edit,b . • - • sow, 5 pigs, Isow with pig. 2 tons Waynesville, on th~ Upper SpringPUBLIC SALES of tlmot,hy and 2 ton8 of altaifa.. boro pike. for the coming season. in8aDe. Adjudged inlllTlIl aDd or Dr. King's New Life PiIls-i8 as· A,nnIL Anderson. Two ohildren, a BROWN BILL IS ' a g ood general dered to make appli06tt(lU tq admit, tonndin .. . W"yne8ville pAople and Ernest U. Bowmtln and Mrs. Claro One top spring wagon, good as new, .tbey 8&1 they never IIlW tbA like. enoe KoCray were born from tbis h eame to Oa1ton Al1lu~ Us beo"use they never fail to oure I will offer at publio sale on my 12 Brown double oultivators 100rn purpose orse. . In the matter of 88tH' .. of luao Sour Stomaoh, Const.tplitioo, Indi- union. farm IX mites northeast of Waynes planter, obeo\.- r ow, 2 breakin~ plow8 CLOVERDALE is on: of .the b~ tGebhart. Inventory an'\ appraise- gostlon, BllioulneBS, .Illundlce, I:)lok Be was the youngest Ion of a fam· ville. on the Wayne8ville and New 11 sulky plow, 90 rods of wire, bay bred Percheron horses In th18 sectIOn Headaohe, CbUlsllna bblaria. Ooly 11y of flve children, and a\ the age Burlington Pike on f k II s d t ck 1 top ' of the country. He is fifteen years ment filed. f i h J ft ith t ' rope, or , pu y an ra , IIlItate of Kary U. F,·,,,berg, de 250 at Schwartz's _ _ _ _ ~. 0 s x y~arl e was e w 0fu a Thursday, September 23, 1909 bUllgy and pole, double trees, 8ingle old, and is without a blemish. y OMeed. I'lr.t and fioa18(~ooun~ flIed CANNING VS. PRESERVING m other 8 8 m pa~hYi <?r lovleifto aHoe Beginning promptly at 10 o'olook ' trees, chain8, 3 sets of work barnesl4, e ' , ' TERMS : t h e tria1I an d sUuer ngs of e. .ta~ of Tbeopbelutol Williamll, " h i di i tbe following property: One .b laok Icomplete, two iron kettle8. Bou8e· ll deoeaRed. L. K . LaDgdo "ppointed CanDlng fruit has almOlt entirel, was a appyand jov .1 Spo8 mare 9 yellrs old weight 1 400 ' hold goods oon8i8ting of tables, oup· tl'O.OO to in8ure a living colt; mare adm\niatrator giving bCII.d of '600. taken the pilloe of prneninK, h- tion whioh m ade forI' hbim mhaan Y pounds a tine farm .:oare and a g~od I bon,rd, wardrooo, safe, 5 ten· gallon and colt to stand as security. Any t friend8 and hel ped to 19 ten .w , ' . InventOry diI,peneed wi! h . OlU8e it ia more economi caI , requirh . brood mare' 1 bllY mllre 1 years old mlloh onns, good as new, 1 la.wn one parting with mare forfeits the in his la8t iJ1n8tl~ would ot erWUJe ' , ' . , I~ the maHer or 68th· t! of Henry tng leBS sugar and tastes lei. deadly h d k da U t'l i 8ired by C. H. Puroell a goud gen- , WIDg", 2 No . 1 heating stoves, 1 sew· insurance . , ave been ar ys. n 1 8 X . ' . . 8. Bizar, deoeaaed. F M. Cun· sweet. b 1\ ago h e h i enloye ' d eral purpose and brood mare' 1 gray lD@' UlIlOlllne , 1 single bed and other ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'! mont &8 a ways . . ;;;; .. i ningham appointed adll " '1i8trator, W hile the sugar i • t h e aeep ng h lth b 1 h ti b hor8e 16 year8 old, 8 good work nrtlCles too numerous to mAntlon . giviDg bond of 15000 wlt.h Mary W . power of preservt!B, t bi I IS . po~ the d good tI8h ut n t at me t e _ . WALTER MCCLlIRE , b teadil t k horse gentle anywhere; 1 bay drlVTerms: All sum8 under , S5,00, s y a wor ' . . CUDningham and H. V. Waltdr cose Rith cann ed f rult, where t h e hiseasei allh ' een f t t h t ing bor8e 10 years old 1 bright bay oa8h; a orel1lt of 9 Jilont,hs Will bo ·· 1 0 ang ng 1m rom a (I ou ear y .' . soreti... Funeral Director. expu I8ion 0 f a i r f rOlD t b e Jar IS rea h h t f i d mare 4 years old 8ued by Allen gIVen on all 8U,m s of '5,00 and over, man to one t at is neares r en 8 ' ' . . . Eetate of W. D. McCurll . I deoeased ly the presenative. Id b dl h k H b DOWDS a good aotor and drIVer. well purohaser glvlDg baakable note. ar y ave nown. e ore ' . d wou Fina.. account filed. W be.n a j ar 0 f pre8ervesls openft his sufferin with g reat tlence bro~e and ge~tle, two extr~ good ALI,EN KIBLKR. Telephone day or night. PB IIlItate Qf Louis F. M .. unts, de the rest may be left for .. few daYII , 1 God gh d th 11 bi II Jersey OOW8 SIX ton8 of good tImothy D. Hollingsworth, Allot. Va.lley phone No. ? lJOng · unti Vi 0 oe a t ngs w e ' , oea.ed. LeQuard Mot,1 Ilt!4 "ppoln*ed but wben a j ar of oanned fruit IS . h' hay, 3 two-year-ola Daroe Jer8ey F,r ed Sherwood, Clerk. Di8tance No. 69-3 r • admintstrator Wit~bond'tS,JOO. W · opened U sbould be used immedia~· r~lea8ed 1m. brood sows as well bred as oan be Ladies' Aid of Oregonia will serve . A wife, two daughters, one son, P. 'VancJervort, Samuel Woodward ly. On thi8 accouatpiot, quart and found anywhere, 2 young sows well lunoh. WA YNESVILU!; • OHIO. and Thomas Smith appoin'ed ap· two quart jlir8 should be uRed so one grandobild, a step mother, three bred (bred tor late .fall litters,) 1 - -- .... - • Branch Office, BarveY8bu!'lr. O. half !listers: one half-brotber and prater•. tbat the right size ma be pioked Duroe Jersey bo~r hard to beat, 2 A Hurry up Call. many friends are left to meurn bis In the matter of the w i :! of lsaao out wben desired for the right numspriog pigs Il:)uperior wheat drill Quiok ! Mr. Druoogist-Q,niok !-A Gebbart deoeased . Widuw aleot8 to b depatture. ' . , " get Immediate relief ".. er of peop1e. almost new, wlth fertihzer attaoh. box of Backlen'8 Arnica Solvetake . nnder 'be will. Dr. Shoop's MagIc 0IJIMJ4.. First test your boUles by trying There i8 no death· that wbioh seems ment and grass seeder 1 tobllcco Bere's a Claarter-For tbe love of earl J. Miller extr. of Martha R on tbe oovers lind fllling the buttles like death is O~IY transition, 8etter disk harrow, oo~n planter MO 8e s, H.u r 9!J Bahb Y'8 butrnheid hi m · . I h , . ' " , 1 se lf , t errl) 1 Iy- 0 nn Ie ou , s f 00 t , BoDd V8. Drnoilla Eberbart. Die· 50. tooth harrow, Iron Age oulti vator wit~ the axe-Mamie's 80alded-Pa WIth water. ,f w en tbey are turned Thilllfe of mortal bl'eath ti-ibutloa of proceed8 of sale ordered. I up side down no moisture oomes out 18 but a soberl> <-f the life elysian 1 plow. 1 wagon, 2 buggies-1 rub. oan t walk from pUe8-Blllie haEl U i8 a sil!;n they are air tight. New Whose portal we call death. ber tired nearly new Cbampion boils-and my oorns aohe. She got Real Estate Transfers. Undertaker and Embalmer. rubber8 Ihould be used every time. cart almost new, tOb~OOO sprayer it and 80'0 0 oured all t.he family. Its Daniel K. Wolf to 'Walter P. Dean They are muoh oheaper tban a l'ar Will be found in tbe old OARD OF THANKS. "h i f h' i _ thA greate8t heu.ler on earth. Sold (vamp on) new, enoe mao IDe, n by Fred C. t;ohwartz. real flIta~ in Warren Coun'y, $5000. of 8poiled fruit. Bnnk Building, opposite ,We desire to expre88 our sinoere oubator, etc" 1 set of No. 1 work • _ ..._ __ t,he National Bank. Carl J. Miller, executor of Martha Mexioo now has Ii transcontinental All tbe stem8 Ihould be removed i thanks to our friends and neighbors harness, 5 8etll of 8ingle driving Thlephone In house and of. B. DoDd to Frank D. Miller, real esthen peel and remove lIeeds or pits . . for tbeir 8ympathy and belp during harne8s. Three of the!!e sets railroad. floe where J can be called tate in Warren County, $6007. day or nigbt. Atter peeling tbe fruit should be our late berellvement. genuine rubber mounted, two have Charlea E. Monroe II.nd Emma Valley Pbone U-2. America and Chinn. enjoy a modropped it} oold water immediately Mra. Edith Bowman and family. ' never been on a borse and the other Monroe to Newton Moon real estate to urevent dilJooloration. • - • i8 alm08t new. Two stoves, 1 cream nopoly of alhl{ll.tor8 . Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio' in Lebanon, 1.1. Place the fruit in large quarters OB1TUARY seplI.rator" oburnrocking ohair!!, Alioe E. <"'bamberin et al to Ed· or halves around tbe inner sides of di h d th t· 1 s t The Rook of Gibraltar ri8es 1,4311 Ellen, tlle dauahter of JOII.h and 8 es an 0 e~ ar 10 e 0') nu· feet from the sea. ward Beachler, real eetate in Frank· tbe jarl !lnu fill up tbe Hpace in the a merous too mentIon 1h\ township, 12950. oenter with II. syrup of eugar aDd CarolineUarwood, was' born'in War · " • - ••- - .. Ohi 0, J anuary 1 , 18.0 Amanda M. liutton et al to lsallo water. ren coun.y, 't, Term8 .of sale: . A oredlt of 9. Twentv million false . rhe 8yrap varies for different and in 1875 was united in marriuge months Will be gIven on aU sums of sent to England from this and JCuphemin Wi18.,n 5 aores in fruita. BllrtleU pearl, peaohe8, ap- to Willlam J. Dakin, at HarveYII- $5.00 and over, puroha8er giving every year. MaBlie townsbip, $300. plea and plneapple8 have balf a burg. Ohio. atter their mar. bankable note i all sums under 15 00, Samuel L. PlLUray to Johu D. poand of lIu~ar to one quart jar of b -1 t di t f h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!"!! fruit. For plums and quinces allow riage they removed to Franklin, re- ca8 ; per cen 8coun or oas Beatty, lot in Franklin, t900. three fourths of a pound of sugar liding here most of the time since. on snms of 15.~0 o~r. ' CommilliODefs' Proceedinls. to one quurt jar of fruit. TwoohUdren were born to them, C 'r H k' 'A 't ENlJEIlSON. Pourthesugtlrlntoanaga&e8auoe lite answered the oall Le' S· nadw e, uCc e· k BUIII-Uhlo Uorrugated <"'ulvert p"n and ad(l enougb boiling water to. wbo l' n eDrlv .. e e er80n, l r. Co., .ewer pipe, 118 40; F. D. Miller, dover well. Let It dis80lve, Pour of Him who said, "auffer little ohij. bridge repa~n in Franklin township, this into eaoh jar" measuring with dren to oome 'unto me .... , I will offer at publio sale ts1.75· Thol1l&8 E. Corwin flnal88 II. ta~le!lpoon. If tbl8 does not filJ In karoh 1883, during a series of J.M. MQrray fArm-formerly k. nown ' , the JIUS add lukewarm water. ' f till1&&4Ion ~ntrl&Ct ~IJ, '110.82 i SpenRet the jan in a laundry boiler 1D~eting8, under the pastorate 0 B8 the old Cyrnll Smith farm-four .... _IU. .t.I~.... eer & BllrneU, eetunate on oontr~ot full of boiling water, putting a oloth Rev. F. J . Cather, sbe was oonvert· miles louth of Wayne8ville on the W. S. PLATT & CO., 46,1500; CUD' W. ,Stanton, oontract. liorOS8 tha bottom BO tbey will reat ed ao.d uDited with the Fire' Bapiiet Oregonia Rnd .Waynesville pike on 6. Lll1ayeHo St.• New York Cit y. 15, '117.60; V . .1. Zentmeyer,oon. on thi81lnd ~e saved from oraoking. oburob of Franklln, Ohio, llvi~u~ traot Beno.i8 and S~rtle oon- After ten ~lDutes. remove the. top ever aUerward a oonsistent <"'bris. Tuesday, October 5, 1909. , '7" . W E Whi ' andt~t With a sIlver fork .• If'the i lif i . 11 b i t • Beginning promptly at 100:0100", tract 0, IIJ5, . . " , ~re, oon- fruit is q\lite ttOft YOIl may remove tan e, aot ve ~n!l. t e n arehS .. tract ':'2, '14 ,25; Patsy Curran. oon· the .jllr8 from the boiler. FlU ,tl;le of the, ohu~h, and in her daily 1i~e tb~ 'fol1owing property: Uons18ting , tract 65, ~2, 50 i Ora Utiatin, oon'lII.ot jars to overflowing w"h boiling wa- manife8ting a .1isposition to 8how by of one i~d b~o~. mare 14 year" old 75, '14; i'ra.tikDulte, lumber, 148 96: tel'. Bore~ the oonr on tljrh~, and riKht ,l tving and Il~mple that .s he. work 8onywber.e , 1 'g.o od .m~r~. ' ~1 W G '8hulw bridge repaln In Tllr when tbe Jar8 are ooM live the oov" was a "ohild of' tibe King" ReI' years ·old. oolt by har side, 1 pair . . , ers an extra twist before putting · . . . bl k'd rt i . 3 tleoreek township, 11350; J. B them away 18 th'e 0001 dark oeltar. place in ohurch and Sunday &bool · ao, . r"" mare8 ' oom ng years ",oodward, aervioea on ,I oldier'. • _ • " ~aa rarely vacant. o!d, matches, , ~wo draft ye~rling~, burtal 'oomm\t&ee, 12 i Rogglee-Uale October 14, 1902, sbe bad a stroke' horse colts, 'H ~noh oows" six of ':0., m8l'ObaD'diee for audito~ 117; of piralysi8 and lino~ that 'ime. haa whioh are fra.h, 11 head of 2 year'And poultry of a11 kinds•. ,I.·will ,he W. O. 8&. John repairs at Court beeD a helpl888 invalid, faithfully at old hallers, 2-year.ol~ s~r, 10 Y6a.J:·{ in Waynesville: on 'tuesday&. QUI Phone 142~ Guaranteed to remove Corns tencJed byller devoted h11:8 band 'and ltn~ lieller8, 3 yearJi~g steer~, 7 BoUIe, 116.13; L. M. PriDoe,8uppllee for nneyor, ,I 20 i XeDla utt, work' . without pain or soreneSs ' . relativea. In all these veal'8 of lial- spring calvel, 3 veal calvel, .fiae b~, hOtardiul priaonen durin, lISe at rmng, Abe w-. oheerfnl and 1lIlOOm-, larp, Shorthorn bnU, 2 7.~n old, . . . . . . '10 W. B. Staa.,. & 00., pl.lului, 'nd IJae trutH' la ber ellglble to rel,i l",,', ;L wbite bqar, .....-~~. .-II!I~.IIII ~--

County Courts

...- -...- - - - - - Rike's

11 .










More Attractive than Ever




1_ ---

September 21st tp the 25th ..... --- -- --- -







65e at ·



Brown BiU Cloverdale ax







A. MAFFlr,

.--- --







Corn ' R







. . . . . . .iiI......'t,


'r---. . . -------0 H'e re and There ,'






Wel!kly at W!>y n£:b\ lIIe .





'l'E r.I!:I:' II O:O;I~

Nn .


II :!


D. L.


Edi to r and Managel'

Rates of Subscription One Yoar (strlclly III u.lva nce )

I.IIU .ur, -------------Rates of Advertisements I Reallng L()cals. Iler lIoe . . ~ lteadlnlC locn ls. bluok fa ce. per lin e 10c . Cl Wed Alig. nol to exceed IJ \'(~ II ne.. 'l'hrcc 11I 8erll ()n ~ .. .. . .. ~r,,' Ohlt uarles. r"'~ In ches rre!! : o \'~r f1\'e Inchea. per IInc .. . ... . 'lc Card of Ibnnks.. .. .... . .. ~~ c

8111 /:11: COlly ......•....

Resolutl o n ~ ... . . Social!. etc, where chu r lie I" ... alle

Displ ay Adverttslnll. per Incb... '. . L>!acoullt8 gl\,en 0 11 COlnraCl . SEPTEMBER


f, O ~

~ .-" . We





. -----,-- Instru Hon of School ' ·Chiluren in ~----. .- - - - - . "'Silver 'Pldte f ire 'Dangers. 1

__ !LS_


o---- ____ ~-. .

that ears



===·R A F E


TIme Loek and Repal ~ Work of All klndi


'1'he Fi re Mtushal's D pflrtWt;ln t; ~" R E .5IOf!NCB SAFES A SPECIALTY of Ohio is dliil.v more Iln,' more imThe Bunnell fiuuily reuni on wa.s EAclllsive Itt ner for " Century" Adju5 table Stett Drawln, Tables prl;'t4t4erj with th e ue Rsityof u CtlIlJ~ Those who seek perleeheld lit tlie' Franklin ~ huutauqua lioll in sil verware in· grouuds lust M'ondllY ufternoon . THE Co W, HAIM' SAFE CO .. Columbus, Ohio, :irfir.·,e~,~~~~~ variabl y choose fork~. pili II of ed u att on in tb~ Lope of re- I cltlOin g t he enorDl OUS 108f! uy nre in SPOOIIS and fancy lervFor t he first time since h e was '0 io g pieces s)am ped with this! ooun t ry . Few people ont.s l ,. the renowned tmde mark twe l v years of aA'6 B.' 1:1. 'rbrl1ll , of of fire \Usura Doe ciroles and tbose a I . Xenia, WednE'sday met bis co usin, A Purely Vegetable Laxative li ed with then . ill u bu'siue s wu: Th eocl re WOOl!, of LOrt~in, Ohio. btl,vo any conc pti on of this waste. Cures hronic Constipation, and A ll jl'or publio informa tion the fol Liver a nd Kidney Troubles. The fjltlDilton Oounty DlI.irymeo·s IQwillg fllots tllken from all artICl e In qualit y an d beauty Assoclatif)D of Uinoinna ti, to t he i"sued by the Press Burea U ot 'rb, ' of design, this weilIDumbe r of ~eve ntJ.v five Oc1me up in For Ibp' rollo1\'ll1g p, ace. : known silver is unsur· Nat,lOnul Fire Proteotion Assooiatioll specitl l cars 1118 t Thursday to viElit ' passed. it s remarkZimmerDlt1D ' , Killion '". are given. ab\.e du rability has tbe French Bros . oretlmery a t Lebu. 1 f 11 ' , Tb won i I Ihe popular White '!!, • MOtlutjllY '" Springfield. Ohio. ' non. We quote t 1e 0 oWlDg : . t · litle "Sil"er Plate na tionu ld e btt~titB highest pointwa ,,' that Wears. " a lit tle over two and three qllurter Sold by lenlilcg A peculiar lind very r egretful in· d e aler s ~\· ery · billions; the proper ty 1088 in th" wh e re. S ud for jCident occurrerl ~f. th E' (Jountrv home . g tb e Ia",,·.. C II I BI 0!f " ~ " 0· /)' f M M rR . B nry Mu II , I~e b <1·' I'PI ·d in 2U r~lnlllo·~ ' D i{ HATHAWA \'" sh o w '" g all 0 r u 110 U nited l::Itutes by fi re d urlD r urd ' '' lLh D r. :-;h uo lJ~ • • • d desl){11 . W rl rl ( " I)UI I U ' lIlI'<.1\. Ull e I thirty.tbree yeurs was four lin OO E' IoIERIO£lI anon. e nes e\Y , V. he n !\ vlllnllhle l,,',t wiU,."relj 1'''''.'' I ,'. .\ 'jtl!,\ l"i l1e's Leuding Dentist .~ t\ .) 'V lIllltt W t4'_. un rit ... half billions; or un [\ verage annual ,,".. ~~l~D~~ft,~~;·Oo. , dri ving horse fe ll into ;in old well tress. A sliCe !>DU pi ·USi UIC" )TUV-!oUo. lJ-...wi s l •. J Office in Keys Bld ~. MaiD "" loss of one )lundrad and thirtY-!:Ii x M£':\O£N:·COIcIl. I1nd Wlllj dro wned . millions. This unnualloss has been -- - - --oonstantly increasing; for ~he first· . Gflneral Unrbin di ed in New York, ~'" " " " ' ' ' ' ~",~"",,,~ . eleven yeArs of the above peri od the Tuesdl1Y, from the effeots of an opaverage was eighty-two million s, of SOhO~S~S colled to t,he penalties eration . He was taken ill in Paris ~



The Alpna Chemical Go. HE


..~;7.~~:::t~::I'·~::'t:~~~n:~ :~:~::::':!~~:~:::::.E::::::: ;~:::;~::~::::I:td~::,:::'t'::: ::~~::'~~n~:~~::~I::u:;d'::: $ ""·E·~"x'.. r·H·a. :·o·····r..··d....l·~·n..·..aH·..r·..·y··....·..-o····m..···e·-·r....~·1

appreoiated. They rail at peopltl ty fi ve mtllions. wi th an II. verage loss be enuuled to take steps to enforce ~ whom they "boost" and feature and for the la~t five of two hun the provislOns of the law, parent" of Edward Woolery, of neal Alpha, ~ 11' the sohool children Bud all others stepped OD a rook that turned and wrt~ up beoause those people do dnd and fifty-two ml lons, or ovehr who r ealize tbEl importo.noe of this preoipitated him to the gronnd not always fall over themselves to thirty th o us~nd dollars f 01' eao get to their print shoo with a bunoh bour of the year. matter, Ilre r eq ueste d to inform this a.bout ten feet below. The stone fell of ' prtnting or other pat·ronuge Again from the same orticle: departmen t of Llny failure on t he lit the same time, and it is believed ~ Why do they do it ? Is "hoosting" "Thea nualper ollpita 10ssinAuB partoft.eachersor otbersohoolau. thatWoolery'sheadstruok against ~ n F r/lonoe, HuerDlI.ny, thorities to do their duty under this tbe rook causing the fntal t·nJ· ury. •IIIIr people just to get· a little plltron'~ge tria, Denmark, ... all they are In the newspaper busi Italy and Switzerland val'les from law. ness for? Why not run the news· 12 cents in Italy to '111 oents in Ger- J OHN W. z u nE~. ~a':~Fire Marshul week the boilers of the t:;nook ~ IlII.per on business prinoiples and !!e" m~ny, with an average of 33 oents: & French cannery at UIllrksville W.!lR coNight on Bald Mountain. "t d b I f if that wUl not be the win,nlng wa.y? in' the United t;tates th e averoge is uel1 e y nu.turll glls rom II. well u.lonely night A newspaper, to be Il newspaper , $247 F On Ed d N Y Alex, l' Benton b d B uf I struok on that property last week. ort war , .' ., c 1m e a d The gas was found &t 0. dedh of 505 . . sbould treat friend, foe, booster anll These fignres are in themselves Mountain to the hom A of 11 neighbor, knooker equally Illlke when It cornel' astonishing enough. Bow mnoh tort·ured by As thma, bent on ooring feet in soficient qUllontities to pro· down to publishin g the (lew!!. All more so dll they become when we him with Dr . Kin~ ' 1! New Discovery, d.uce a flame (j feet high. oburohes Ilnd [loctet-ies should bp 'are told t,hat the major portion of tb~t had cured lll mself of tlsthwa. . 'rhts wonderful medlolne soon ra Elmer Purdom, who resides near treated alike, News is n ews and this wllste is easlly preventallle. l\eved and q uickly oured his neigh aDY time ... newspaper man trans Quoting onoe more from .the same bor. Later it oored his son's wife the Iron Bridge stte, Lebanon , while forms ne.vs into puft's and taffy , artICle: "It is speaking oonserV8- of a tlevere lung t r oub le. Million" blewlDg stumps the other day, was boost8 or soft. IlIlIIp he prostituteI'! trvely when we sll.y that more than believe its the greatest 'fhroat and seriously injured, being blown twen ' fi 1 . d Lung c ure on Earth. Coughs,.colds ty feet. A portion of the 8tump hie profestllon nou ceases to be II fl,fty per cant, of the re OilS til ue Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore newspaper mIlO exoept in nam". to whl\t we technioallY oall faults Lungs are surely cured by it . Best, struok him in the face, outting and No seDsible new~lJll per mll.n will of management,' or what might be for Bay Fever, Grip and Whoopln~ mutill.ting it in a terrible manner. puff" ohuroil. society. olub or indi- better known 8 S oarelessness; tllat Cough. 500 and '1.00. Tria.1 buttle vidual merely 1.0 ourry patron~ge is eaSily preventllble ctluses." free. GUllran roed by F C. Schwartz. ' iThOe fitrsbt oP1entseahson ftohr g.a me bel . . Ij t d - -g ns 0 0 er s. w en e squirre It is his buslDesr! to teU the truth in Tbl~ depu.rtment aes r ng 0 0 CRIME BEOINS WITH TRUANT '11 b b' t f th ' t. d t th the news Ilud pubhllh the news 11.1' something to reduoe thts waste by W1 e su leo or . lr y ays 0 e . d th ld f u d"rtak . onslaught of the hunter . Then beDews and nothing e1se. J nst b 1' . fi re,oonoetve e ea·' ldren 0 n of - t.he- . SOCIologists and oriminologists gins the seasoo for the rabb1t " and . chl OIlUlle he wishell to work a Ii tt Ie plL t - ing to eduoate the Ilgree that the evolution of orime ronllge oni of RUUlAbody is no r.easoll state 'i n fire dangers. Aooordingl y begins with the truant, ~ho, unless ~Q&t1, ;aol1 orbWh1~: ~nDbe h;'lte: why he should in fl iot II. lot of slusll a bill WIlS prepared, WhlOh Wu. in · refol'med , ripens into an internal i rolm . ovem er 0 eoem (lr , upon hiB re,,1! rtl instead of legiti troduoed by Mr. Reed, of Wood enemy ofsooiety when bQyhood enda DC ualve. wll.~ news Bu t the putnng habit oounty, tit the 19u session of tbe and mll.nhood begins . Progressive It will cost Xenia about '4000 to ~_--=h=ae soob II. hold on some nflwspa.per General Assembly, Ilnd was passed philanthropy demauded and ob- entertain t1!e Department of Ohio editoJII t.hat many of their potronl' by ' that body. In ' order that the tain ed the ereotion and maintenanoe of the Grand Army of the Republio ~ expect a lot of soft soop and slu~h paten's, sohool teaohers. boards of of truant sohools . Results have and auxiliary organizations next ~ about themselves or they will throw education and other interested par- demonstrated their value 8S faotorll June. This is the opitilon of Judge their patronage to the other fe1l6w . ties may know the proyisions and in oharacter-building and in saving Jos. O. Neall, of Lebanon. ~iven to ~ They ate always fishing for oompli - requ·ir.e menttl of the )~w it is pub boy~ from penal institutions . It the Commeroial clob, Thursday $~ meDts and are sore if they don'tget Ushed herein. Omitting the seotion has been successfully shown that night. Ito added that the visitors them. But if they do get' them tb,· as to fire drills, the sttl.tute reads a!! most of the trnants shouid be nor will leave $25,000 in Xeni~. o'ber readers of the paper Ilre dis. follows : mo Ii zed Ilnd not penalized; that they gusted. It i8 better to disgruntle 0 "rhllt every teaoher or instruotor are the sequels of the home Mr. and MTs. Timothy Titus oele· 8eleot 861fillb !lnd egotistiool few thaI' in every publio, private or parochial that fails, !Wld that the yroblem of brated tb"ir 8ixty-p rst wedding an to nau8eate "whole oommunity 01 . sohool shall devote not less tha.n the trnant school is DOt only one of nivertlary ou last Tuesday at their readers. The sensible newspaper thirty ~inutes in elloh month dur- moral and eduolltioulll training, but bumbl.little home OD the Miami ~ man will give livery item of news ing whioh the school is in sessioo, of physical rehabilitation, of under- river, Dear' Morrow. 'l'bey were . ~ all 'he lpace it de8erves and cut out too instruotion of pupils between tbe fed or n.e gleoted, children, an uplift married September 7. 1848, hi the she Ilusb, tt matte1'8 not even if it. a.ges of six and fou.r teen years, in to mentality impaired by environ era of hoop skirt-s, when Lebanon • 'ment aDd oonditions in life. Pater· wa., a mere hamlet and Warren conoerDS the "bast people ': of hill fire dangers. commuDity. The 10.oall6!l "best. For tbe purpose . of sl1cb lnstruc- n Llism of state simply means, in oountya wilderness. Mr. Titus ~pl~.:Jre n~bet~r than any body tion it shall be the duty of the .Stll te most. oases, sOientifio pedagogy for now 83 years of age and his good elle wheD it oomes to the serving of fire marshal to prepare a book oon the wisdh'eoted ohildren of fate.- wIfe 18 7g. Durin" al1 of the maDY plain,legUtmate newl. 'fhe same veniently arranged in chapters, or The LJesigner for Septemb'e r . years they bave lived together tbey ~ rule appUes to ohurohes, lodges, lessons, suoh ohapters or le8sons to • - • have Dever traveled outside the '~ clubs aDd aooieties and the news be in number suffioient to provide a 0000 CROPS oouDtyand neither on. has ever "id. pllper man who ~ould suooeed in different ohapter or lesson fur each 'J'he government report whlob wos den on an eleotrio car. ~ the end will adhere IItrtotly to the week of the r:naximum sobool year, issut3d )a~t week shows a most en. • -~ - ~ new. and eliminate the 'soft soap' one of such lessons to be read by o.o nraging pr08pt:lot for Amerloan tbftpuft'sandtheslush.-LaRue(O. ) theteaohers in suoh sohool!! eaoh orops in 19011. It has been evident FOUNTAIN SYRINGES News. week. l~e books shall'be publisbed for 8,ome time that II. tremendous • - -at the expense of the state uuder aoreage will be planterI in wheat, C The Road to Success. the direction of lhe state school com- oorn and oat! tllis year. Under gen·



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. . . . .• . . . . . . .


••••••••• _

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mactazln¢ + #







--AN 0--

$ Tbe










For One Year for

0 NLY $1? 5 $ $ . $ $ ~




I ;



L._ ..... ___ ........ __ ....... _.................. _.••. _.......... .

Is a large, artistic and handsomeI d .


$ $ ~

Iy il ustrate on,e -hundred-page hi · E · mont y magazine. very Issue contains about r----------+ ff M~G.aLL~S M.Ar.a~lln: 60 of the latest ~ t" and most ap- • p r 9 ved fa s h - ~ f ~ ions or wom• d en, misses an children, to. . get her wit h · ~ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ - ., - -, + pat t ern s of ~ . them. Special departments treat ~ of" the f~atures of the home, ml·l- ~ Id k· h d t· lnery, ressma lng, ome u leS, and e~cellent fiction. " j&\:



i ....... - .. ··· · ·~·· .... ·······.. ······~~··· ..·.-...·.·-..-.·- ....._.. ....,





$ ie $ •




$ $


:::.::~! ~:s~oc~ti~~!'lt:~t ~~~~e~~ :i~~~::;t~~d s:~~:e:t t:~::~~~~e~ ~~~!I:o~~:Og:a:!: ~~:!\l:e~~~:~~~o: SCHWABTZ'S today demands heli)tb, but EleotrlC f h t b . 11 by Bitters is the greatest health build er tbe world bRS ever known . It, o.1mpels perfeot action of stomaoh, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and. enriohe8 the bldod, and tones and invigorlLtes the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow 'heir Ule. You oll.n ' t "ft'orcl to slight,

oopy or eao eac er r eqUire day the Amerioan .fum seems weI} the provisions of this aot to give the fJl? its WILY towa.rd the greates' instruotion herein provided for ; the year's business in itl'! hl8tory. d lstributiou t.o be Il\ade by the state In southern Ohio th'! wheat yield ohllol oommissioner s . might hAVe been better; but oats sectiou 2. Willful negleot by any h ave done well and the oorn orop is prinCi~l or other person in ohorge 11 wonder. Fruit Is in good oondiEorleOs~~~lv~it~-::l~if G,:~kG~::~~~~~ of any PUb1ioiortipri~atetSChool °lr tiou a.nd there is plenty of tt . !:iome ~ ~ eduocltiona1 ns tutton 0 oomp Y farms in Ohio would do the eyes of by Fred C. Schwartz. '" . i h 11 o • , with the provision of .t h s aot, s a even the most unia!ltrooted city HARRIMAN'S RICHES be a· misdemeanqr, punishable eaoh man good as visions of prOlperity oiIeDse, by a fine of not. more th~n and plenttful produo~ion nowadays . Accol'dingtogoodauthorityE.H. tw~ntynorlelisthan five dollars." TherehasneverbeenaYflsr 'wheD C7 .. ....iman owned outright, 0. r held In acoordanoe with thestatu\e the thiB oountry and the world need'ed d d ' b' li h d . . ... ;. ' trustee, stocks ' to the value of .b ook was prepa.e an . pu s e good orop,! more t~an it does this $~,OOO,()()O. . and wil~ be fur~ished . triete ' to ~l year', ·. MQ;Y. ounditlon8 continue fa . .. His personal . estate iIJ, todayesti- !:,ohoo1 authorities in ql1a~t ies SlllU . 'vorable un~tl thE! last ear of CQrn nd i mated at betw~~ $75,000;000 and '1. nt to 8UppJy each . te~o~er ip the tbe!ast b~l~el of Ol);.ts !Io t~e Jut ' .. " s.tate. . .' . bo..rre.l .or opples haS bee . n put 'in the $200.000.000. d t b t h Conservative .financiers say ·Mr. . 'fba de rtmept as res' ." t e~e barn. or in the cold storage . wo.reH ' riman's personal fortune will n,?t books be u ~ed aD. d hopes ~reo.t things .bouse ! · fa~f abort of- $l00,OOO,QOO and way' (ro~· the in trtl~!l~n ~h~!llKheD .. I,f /.. . ~-- . :.. .. ....1 $150 000 '000 ' faithf ly ' IlVeD; tbe daDgers . ", ex~ :, ' ~ ~: . '. . tlre .8,ad h~W to ~v.oid them will ~ ::: . . t·· Dame 'frAm Cali b.dmpr8118e upon the minds ot the " ". ,. ' . . caltoo derives lie .. "" U . . ohildren at & time when impreuioDI GUal'!IDteed ~p remo~e Corns l ciot... town to ID~ta. . i id'l d I--U'Dgly Wlthout pam ~F 8Or~ness





• ...



--Aliltl &bar_til





DO' bioom




'ria. a'





. ,tOil of 'bOIl iD obarae


--- ••- - -

WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. St. Aup,stlne'. Catholic Church. Fllther GeOl'lJe Ma,enhOeter. Pastor Suutlu,. of tbe mOllth a~

9 :~~S:. ~~r, sooond

St~e~:~ c~~!:~ R:~:~~b. Sunday SobOn! . .0 :80 II. III MornIng ser· vtce, 10:30 a. m. Holy CommunIon ~he i1rst Sunday· ot each lIIon~b,

MethodIst Episcopal Churcb.

Christlail Church. Rev,. M. ·E. Da"IOD, Putor.· Bunday School 9:30a. m. 80cJaI meetIng. to:40 a: m. Ohristlan Endeavo~ 7:00 p, In. ~~~~a~~t ::~ri!~L~:odp. eacb

Hlckslte FrfendJChurcb.



First D&7 Milc!ttnl{: 10:00 a. D1. Flnd)ay

USC _t·, Schwartz 8


Rev. BenJamin lla"~n..'Paator, Rab~aLb 'Sobool, 11 :80 L D1, ReRulal' cbureb Il18rv~0e.l0·aq D. m. Clarta"an BIldea,or, 1'7 :so.P. m. .



$ ~

r·· .... ······················.... ·············~······ .. ··················l i


I....................................................:....................J Needs no introduction, for it ' is already a favorite in the homes h were I·t goes every week •

$ ___ ~ ______ . . $ Ever'-'" subscriber may select $ absolutely free, from the first

$ $ $' .$



Rev.W.T. GllIlIapd,Pastor. Sunday School, 0 :30 a, m. Mornln/t Ber· vice, 10:30 a. III. Epwor~h League, 7:00 p. D1 . Evenl.Dg service, 7 :30 p . III . Midweek Pny'er Meeting 7 : 30 p. D1. . .

.;Oo.n 'Remov••,: , .ro~'t~.~!:O(l a,.)Il. Foum Day Me~~ng Ortbod."... · Fri-·....; ~·..-b. • ......!RAW...... . .


~ ~

copy 0 f th e magaz·ne I, ...


$ Any' I·Se . Meea'II's'




D' on''t ..lelay in' order.·ng ' . as·th··, . ~ . , " .~ .~ .a-ffer WI·II not last . . long'• .


.... ~...,


- .

~~"","4L&.A. . ' "~~ .





1. . .


BED.BOUND FOR MONTHS, "L(!t \III go and malto a cOle"-tlt with the heathen that 8(e round Ilbaut Hcpe 'y' Abandoned After PhYliclanl' Ul." thoy said, "for Iinee we taU6Il Conlultatlon, to f 1I0ll's hip with t~em, we hln'e had D. L, CRANE. nlu('h sorrow ." WAnE VlJ.LE; OlllO. 1I18ny had lIeen well pl eas d with I Mrs. Enos Sh earer, Ye w and Wash· s ugges llon and hnd forthwith es· Story or th e D, ! ~"c\-Iltlo. In,ston St s., 'ntl'nlla, Was h ., BUYS: . "For y aI's I W IiS of the Holy City tllbl lshcd communications with their I O r) T pie$ MaUlY IKnods; a ~l.y 1'1I0\ l! 11'111 SOOll l)U In uemnnd weak and run down. sO h-ath en n Ighllors and aPIIlll' ntly rol' lh !III ~h ill S , CI,at ('ould not 51 e[l, m y BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" we I'£' prosp!'ril1g uud e r 'tho compacL R~~ofl!!l" zce\'ll , #\uithotdr.~ limbs sw 11 d and PREACH£R_ -~I-A-"'d thi s mess nge r hnd come 'to thlll Count Ze llllt' lIu ';I tIl:~)-h! IltllOllitt-ftl..-+.f-- t IIc secretlOlt8 wore gr(\lI p o f J ews who stiH held al ool m osl 10 illig t'll t Iun i'. troubl esome; pain s rrom the pOllulnl' dlsarrectlon to tb ( COP1 ",IJ ", uv~ . II, t la. AUUh.1l. W . 8. jel1.oo. } heath en, and pre s~ l1t e d tb e suggestion II' l! r o Intense. [WII S E\'ll/.' l1lly th" Iit'O I'l l!' (lla t'c(' loltl\ T he Tltlp.-Th I ftlp or I he M I\C«:llt>e",~. The Invitations we r6 on green card· Ideas for Charity Bazar, fll st In' bed for four arc ~ 1I 1!;lh' ll wllh wbat th eir unccs· ", hl -h WII " I h o r ll;'l""1 ~\lr n" n l" O) C .1,,- t.hat th S too malte alllallce with Ul C boal'u, I ttered In ye llow. They wore f)('l)ple about th em . Xo mat t I' what the season tb e great montb s. Three doc, dUR. l'"Inn u r l ht'! " "118 o t ~t ntf(lth l n8 . ,,' us tOI'_ lll d to o protty tbat It was some lime be (ore "!'IllY ," lI' e cannot do tbls grent tn. org:wl zllUon known I\s" oclety" works p\ ftl ' n"Rrtl~ (OX te n d. ·. ' t o rIle hf'ro l r r\1n ~ tors said th ero wa s oC w hit' h h6 WI\ 8 ono nr t he " hl l'~t IQulty," f;pok up again th e firs t fo\' hnrity . In fact, not to be Identl- the I' clplent r ealized til y were sup- no cllre for me, and I was given up to \ \ !l r ll un n'roplan ' IHl'nlls dowll, IIy r"ptl'8chIRth' r~, nnll In n ~1I1l wider SC Ol d ", ",1i . , I'" ar )'UII ',' B ul \\'1i£,11 :l ~ubl1lar­ to t ho P a h ·st ln inn nli\ r ty rs In t ho p e rl'Je - 8penker. "Once such a d e parture from fl ed with SOUl thing of bumunltal'lnn )losed to ropresent h'alousy. d ie. De lng urged, I us od Doun's Kid Eacll guost toolt a dainty tea cup nnd n<'y P\Ils. Soon 1 wns bette r and In 1\ r utl o n oC A nll ~ ch u" J::pl lllo "onPl' , Ilnll ,'\' '' " J cw l!lh law and onllnnnces Is begun Import Immodlately stam'p s a lle rson In ,WI' \\'I'o n ~. t\t (' I'C yuu are! to I he A I i' 'Il nd r l n " J pw~ wh fl ll!'Cer"J lind th e re Is no telling to wbat lengths as bing d cldly out or It. sa ucer, the hostess providing the pot, fe w wec ks was about th e bouse, wl'lI Co r t" " tr r"l th nt Ill) c arllfr p " rl o<l. 1'110 .. harily" Is a magnet that dl'Rw9 All w re as ke d to bring their thimbles, n ('fip it tlllll n ot-forgon u wave or or lglnu l I CI'II1 M llccnb l has b .."n \'l1 rl"" M- It will go. You all know lhat already and s trong again," tOl'r!!llly ('111'11£' 1' In Ihe SN\f;On, 010 one Iy ell'rlved . Some 1,""0 mnlnllL ln c ll Ih u t there are some ot our brethre n who "bud s," "belles" and matrons together The WO\'k provided by tbe hostess was Sold by nil denIers, tiO cents a box. have b ee n to the klllg /lod secured wltb but one Interest, Young WOI1l n n "al'letY ot t ea tuwels, Then the l--oster·M llburll Co .. Butralo, N. y, i s I E'Ulpt('«l to deny tb nt Ih e weathe r It " "M f Urn l f1 d tron1 th c o .nb ln nlio n ot tho tn ltl n l Il'lI fOrs of the ll "br w s~n­ IIct'nse to do otter th e ordinances of In touring cars stop you on lhe stree t hostess requested tbe brld -e lect to mall I" s till a Ullln of hhlnJs. . tenl' e : "Wh o among th o g ods t1l Il k" unlO lhe beathen as though they werl! asltlng for books and magazines for a make a cup ot tea as a farewell to the t he ... J .. h o \· h?" (Ex. 15: 11 ), " 'hkh Is .upONE ON JOHNNY. Hoth .r rm a ny nntl E ngland will pOl e d to hllv e bl! n Insc rIb ed upo n Ih" .e ntlles Indeed. And thou know cst library , while all sorts of e ntertain- other spinste rs. The mnld brought In a tray wltb the c ups and s .. ucors, each he l'l'prese nt pu by battl es hips lit th e hallner or I he "'"rI a lS. An o t he r o1l' rlva - how tiley bave built placel!l ot wor- man t s engt'oss the evenings, li o n hlUl .b n proposed. w hich, alth ough IIhll> In our holy city Jerusalem acAll this leads up to a novel enter- cup bearing a blnclc cat abuped card I-lIlIl so n·Fultou ce leb ration, but th e re dIrec t c\'lo1 e tl re I~ Wa nllnl:, Me<l1ll1l 8Utls wll l 1.)(' no t('a t or nl1l'al s tr ngtb be· CI1<' l ol')'. A crorcll ng to t h la, the word I. cordIng to all the mann e r and custom tnlnment being planned tOi' "shill-Inti" on whlcb tb e dQnor's naID , lind a sen· t \I' ' U th ' til . f orm ed rrom M"I,knbnh. "a hano me r ," ot th e h eathen, and have made tbem. of nil ages. It Is to be an afternoon t1m e nt were Inscribed In white Ink, I for- atrah' on the lawn, the huge porclles forgot to say, thcse cat cnrds w 1'0 In· Iflvl n g 1\ "enS 9 n ll t 1\llogut hl' r unlike l h llt se l\' cs uncircumcised and have In wh it' h h a rl a Mll rlel d e rived a aurclosed with tbe Invltntlona, and the :-':011' a Pari sian s lelllist clnhns to num from hi. tn \' o rlte w eapo n . A I- Silken the holy co\·enant. Yea, tbey being utilized as workshops. The ro are a number of committees CUllS we r e all sent to the hostess the b ave dlscov:ered th e g e rm of old age, though th e nnme :IIl a cca bNll'I h ll 8 gained have sold themselvell to do mischief." This corn est pl ea had Its effect and with com petot't chairmen. There Is day before the shower. Every uno and asserts tbat tb e r avages or time the wld el t c urrency, th lll DC Aam o n aea ns ~r Ha lmo nlleanl'l. 11'1 I h e prt' per nnme DC It was plain to see e re he had flnlsbed one on "awuse'De nt for children," one said It WII S a most unique way nt glv· can be s topped by this g rill 's e:\:- lhe Cllmlly . Th e o rigIn or lhl8 n"m e also speaking that all were determ ined to for" Iderly IJeople," one on "food deli- Ing a shower. tlnctJon. hlUl bean dI s puted: but the ob"l ous deriva ti on from Cloashm o n, j{re al&randCa l h I' Rwnd against the e ntlcoments of the cnci S ," As near as I can judge, It Is Ge ntiles except the one wbo had to bo n most fascinating alTair, An Old-Faahloned Party. How the liberty-loving Drlton will DC Mattlllht nll, Heems certaInly c urroct. brought the message. 1t was e vident ~[ald s from Japan \\'1\1 serve ten. tnke to the propolled comllu lsory mill· "That Reminds Me" on an Invltntlon Dalled on th e Apochryphal that he appreciated that further ar- quaint Holland lassies arc to dis pe nse added a s pice of novelty to th e after· tury ser vice law re mnlns to be seea. Maccabees- Cbapter 1. lI e was a bllln\y-he nded Johnny . gumeot wns of no avail, for he turned ocoa, both Ice d' and hot; dainty noon. Ea h guest told a story r e mlnls. Evidently th u rece n t war scare h as and as be !!tepped through the door "Ame rican beauttes" garbed In white, cent or otherWise, and ns they were with little a s h. She WIlS both pretty no t had the desired trect or wbole- • "Do you kil O\\,. h& turned and with a sneer on hla with balr adornment of "Beauty" l' OS • a ll old friends' a IOOSt de lightful time and pe rt. H e said: sa le e nli s tm ents. tace he snld: will r celve the jellles, jams, etc., and was enjoyed. This Is a capital Idea Dolly, I (1111 some thing of a nllml(' ? 1 8ERMONETTE. "You are foolish, Indeed_ Trouble th e childre n's committee, nil In COB' for n grandmothers' party. Use all can take almotlt anybody oiY" 'Vhen the doctors tell you tbat tb e She said : "Th n tnl( ~' ours If urr, wJll surely cowe to you." tume from Motber Goose. will receive the old-fashioned things obtainable, "Bleased ere they which sre chances or long life are greatly Imold boy. ' I'm ex peo tlng SOUle one to Not long otte r this the king Anti- for the poor "shut·ln" boy~ and gll'ls, per.ecut~ for rlghteoulness. proved .by the removal of the large Inbave a nosegay ot ·pansles (fo r One group of youns girls bas pre- thoughts) at each place and serve this take me to SUPl) I'." aake; for theIrs II the kingdom • ochus returned In triumph from ElIP'llt. testine, you should remember that It where he had been waging war, and pared quantities of surprise nuts, deUclously old-faShioned supper. Is with the Ilrovlso that you survive • of hellven," Thl. Wal • statement of • • came down upon Jerusalem with A made by Inserting s ome tiny object the operation . Cold ham and cblc\cen, creamed po- HAD AWFUL WEEPING ECZEMA • fact which was co"xl.tent with • great army. And when he had taken like a n ew penny, a bonbon, wee doll, tatoes, tiny baking powder biscuit, toTraveling at II terrific rate of speed the city he entered proudly Into the tiny tblmble, roll of brlgbt baby rib· mnto pickles, brandied peaches, baked Face .nd Neck Were Ra_Terrlblo God and not some new condl. itching, Inflammation and Sorone.s on the wrong side of the street, nn- • tlon whIch Jesu. called Into be. • sanctuary of the temple and took bou, or a raisi n b twoon English wal· cup cllstard, rolled jelly cake, t ea with -All Treatments Failed, otbel' chautreur has kill ed a woman • Ing. To whom shpuld the king. • away the golden "Itar and tbe candle. nut shells: the meats extracted were c ream snd s ugar. Have an old-rash and fled with all speed from his dead • dom belong lave tc. those loyal • stick ot gold and all the vessels there- turned ove r to the "home-mado canely" lon ed bouquet ot ~arden flowers, but· vi ctim. Now let us have an entorcefew who .tand the crucIal fire. • of. And the table of sbew bread, and committee. The nurses wlll find these te l' plates , a ca8',or In con¥r of the Cutlcura Proved a Great Success. ment ot lhe law_ the pouring vessels, and tbe vials, and nuts Invaluable as rewards of me rit, • and are fountl faithful even unto table' and pour lbe tea at the. table. "Ecz ma began over the top of ruy the censers of gold, and the precious For elderly "shut-InB," there are to • death. Pass buttermilk In tbe afternoon, ear, It, cracked !lnd then began to vessels, and all tile gold and sliver, be boxes of "comfort" powders, s ug.A torce of cavalry bas been enMany a msn Im.glnes he I. • Icy old In thin tumblers or-better spread, I had three diffe re nt doctors loyal becaule he h.. never been • ond much hid treasure. And he caused gestivo mottoes, pencils, pads ot pa- still- -goblets. gaged for some time In fighting a for· and tried se v ra'i tWngs, but 'tbey did te.ted to the breaking point, all kinds ot Indignities to be prac. pers, sewing outfits, good short est fire In Yosemite valley wblch origme DO good, At Ins t on sid of my Inated from a camp fire tbat was neg"Though our outw.rd ' man • tlced upon those of the Jews who reo storie s, etc. ' fac and my neck were raw. The Scrap book fans are capital Itlea. lected by careless fishermen, Heavy • perish, yet the Inward man Ie • fused to conform to all the customs water ran out of It so tbot I had to renewed day by day, For our • of the heathen . Those were terrible too, made by pasting brlgbt sayi ngs, dam age was don e by the fire In the wear m edicated cotton, and It was so light .amlctlon, which I. but for gorge between ,Glacier Point cliffs, days In Jerusalem, for the strength 01 jokes, little poems, anecdotes, etc" on Inflamed and sore tbat I bad to put the young men and the young women both sides of a fan. It Is light to bold, Panoramle cliff, and HaU Dome. It • a moment, worketh for u. a far a piece of cloth over my pilloW to k e I) the truth could be established In the • more exceeding and etern.' • was· take n, and the beauty of women und serl'es a double purpose, giving the wate r from It, and It would staln was changed. Tbsu matters conUnued comfort by Its breeze and amusement caGes of forest fires In all parts o~ weight of glory,'· th e cloth a sort of yellow. The ec"If we suffer for rlghteou •. tor two years and then tbe ldng l!Ient by r eading the specially oollected say· • the' country, carelessness would figure zemaftcbed so that It see med as tbough ne ..', h.a ppy ar. ye; and • his chief collector to lather tribute Ings, conspiCUOUSly as tbe primary cause, be not .fr.ld of their terror, • from Jerusalem and the cltiell of Juda, There Is also a committee to collect Morning robes and teagoWDII are I could tear my face . all to pieces. neither be troublsd." • A sblp salling from New York the Thla collector spake peaceable jars, bowls and vases, as nurses say appearing without sleeves. oxccpt nil Then 1 began to use the CuUcura Soap J.mes lIys, "Count It .11 Juy other day carried '8,000,000 In gold words unto the JewD, but a\l , wall de- the problem of finding receptacles for they are made of contrasUng material and Ointment, and It was not mor when ye f.1I Into diver. trl.I.: • celt, for when they had paid blm· all flowers Is orten a perplexing one. An io Buenos Ayres, Argentina. That Girdles will emphasize many gowns than three months before It was all knowing thl.; that the trying of makes a large addition to tbe sums his demands he fell lIuddenly upon tho up-to-date commltteo Is the on~ col- The underarm seams are hlgb anu healed up, Miss Ann Pearsons, Nortbyour faith worklth patience, • city for loot and. . delltroyed much' lecting puzzles, and wby wouldn't the,' give smartness to the ciolle·ftttlns field, Vt., Dec. 19, 1907," sent previously, and the money Is put But let patience have h.r per· • people. Having done this, he brought crippled "sbut·lns" love these capU- sleeve, Drq '" 0lIem. Oor».. 801. PropL, BeIIoa.. to good use. Argentina Is paying maf.ct work, th.t ye m.y be per. In great companIes ot heathen. and vatlng pastimes just as mucb as tho Foulard. are made In Buoh attraeturing obligations and expanding com· fect and entire, w.ntlng noth. mercially, and much If not moat ot they strengthened the , walla of the sturdy youngsters I saw yesterday Uve de~SI!1ign~~S...!th~I~ S ~S~e~a.l!'so!!.]n!!Jt!!h~.l?~..cJILD1f-"'I'1liAnrl'i"A.;:Av.Gender, lng," city and brought In armor and netuals, ,deeply absorbed In puttlnl "dog~ puz. e used elrectlvely In detacbed plecel!l. e 0 I' e ve ning' Miss y " a maid ' II the gold sent from the United Btates In my ••• I c.lI.d upon • And whenever any heathen coveted , zles together, Net Is not used so much now as lady ot uncertain years, suspectinG will return directly or lndlr-ecUy the Lord, and cried unto my auaht which wall a J.w'a he ruth lei.. I wish I had gotten all thel!le Ideas sbeer batiste, finest tucked organdle th e cook was entcna.I.nintr-her beall the shape of Investments that will sooner, They are a\1 Of practical use and thin lawn, comhlned with the downs tairs, called Martha and InIy IIlew the Jew and tooele hla al11. J1o~e'I'd-m}'-\'O~t- of be profitable al~uDd. -'hi. tamp I., .nd my cry • 'N!>w the king, Antlochu., was not a and there Is always a pertect epidemic Cluny or Irish lace. Qulred whether sbe did not bear SOOI before him, ev.n Into hi • .e....." little annoyed because of the ob.tI. ' of bazars just before Christmas-so A few years ago the little girl was one talking with her, The Dew liberal government In "For In the time of troubl. he • nacy of .ome few ot the Jaw., and he prepare now, dressed with numerous ruffles and BO "Ob. no, ma'am." cried the quickPel'6la 8 getting very busy wltb prep.hall hid. me In hi. p.vlllon; sent a decree loto the land of I.tael tull were the skirts that a child witted Martha; "It was only me singarations tor· a general election, creat· In the lecret of hi. tabernacle • that every one .hould leave hla lawl A Delightful Shower, dressed with all of the numerous- Ing a palam." Ing a pollee J organization modeled .hall he hid. me; he ahall •• t • and obey only those law. which the "Polly" had at last succumbed to rufRes looked for all the world like a "Very good," returned Miss y , slgafter European lIystems and arranging me up upon • rock,klnl hlml!lelf had made. Oupld's wlles and the spinster club to fancy ruMed pen wiper, The dresse. nlficantly ; "yoll may am use you\,s I( to , give the oonstltutlonal metbod a "And c.1I upon m'. In the day And vel')' many of the Jew. wero which she belonged resolved to do the to-day are much stral,hter and the with l~slams, but I fll have no hlms." big boost. It looks as though the of trollble: I wi'" deliver thee, conllentlng to thl. thing, prizing their proper tblng In the way ot a shower. ruffles Bre not so full, progressive Persians and their neighFREE LANDS IN WYOMING. and thou glorify me," bors the Young Turks are engaged In :~~s a~~g~e:ce~~~I~!';d~el~~eH~~~~': . ' _ ~ ______ .._ "'" _______ .......... ~ ~ _____ .... " "A. for me, I will call upon • Marathon race to see Which can Chicago &. North Western Railway. Ood; .nd the Lord Ihan lIaVI • bring about the /Dost constitutionalthey sacrlftced unto the strange Idol. I~Tear me, Evening .nd morning and • with which the city became filled and ~ Ism within a given time. Send for booklet telling holV to so.. at noon, will I pray, and cry tbey profaned the Sabbath days, cure 320 acr s of ' U. S, Government ' aloud; and he .hall hear my Incidentally It may be remarked Now among the few wbo refused to lands In Wyoming free of · cost and voice, He hath delivered my • -obey the command. ot tho king wa. that the ·Monroe doctrine Is worklng desc ribing various lrrlgatlon prOj ' 'ts pretty well even tbough quietly, Does· .oul In peace from the battle tbat faithful Jew who had kept that and t,he mos~ approved m etllOds of sci· that .w.s agaln.t me; for there anyone doubt that In the e arlle'r little company !.'rom comproml&lnc entlflc, dry tat:mlng. Homeseekers' were many with me, Ood .hall days, be(ore tbe United States had with evil .ome two years before. And ' rait rates. Direct trl\!n service' from Chi· ~ear and .ffllct th.m. even he • proclaimed tbe doctrine and had not one of that group had proved cago, w.~ . Kniskern, P. ~. 1.1 Chicago_ that .bldeth of old. Becausi. 'falthless to the. stand taken ' tbat OtllDR£N. shown she nleant It, a disturbed con· they no change., therefor dltlon In Soutb America, like tbat now nlgbt. Some bad been put to death Wed. Her Rich Stepfather, they fe.r not God. He hath put eXisting, would have proved strong and others had lied Into the tastneasea . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social circles In Pasadena, C.I~ forth hi. hand. agaln.t .uch I I • temptation to some foreign powera to of the mountalnl. But their leader learned with all\azement the other day be .t peace with him: he • I!Itlll remained in Jerusalem, and now step In and get a nice sllce of territhat I\1lss Katherine Traphage.n hss broksn hi. covenant. The word. tory? It became evident that he was the one b ecome the bride of her stepfatber. of hi. mouth were Imoother than upon wbom the wrath and anmlty ot CyruS M. Davis ot Los Angeles. !\llss butter, but wa; was in his he.rt: • the offlelala of the city Willi centering, Tho American Society for the Pre· ,'raphagen lived with her sisters In hla word. were lofter than • But that they might causo him all the ventlon or Cruelty to Animals Is opAltadena and was one of tb e proml· ,011. yet were they drawn Iwordl" posing In New York the annuatsa le of suffering posslblo before putting hlfll' nent members of thE! Young Wome n's Calt thy burden on the Lord, • chameleons for ornaments, on tbe to deatb, they seized his wife and his Christian ASlioclaUon, belug director and he ahall sUlltaln thee: he • of Its s hort story club. ground that most of th e purchaser s nrc Infant son 'and put them both to death shall never luffer the righteoul Ignorant as to tfle needs of tbe little before one of the altars erected to to be moved," An Ellcape. the Idols. All , of whlcb they forced creatures, and qui ckly cause d eath bv "AI'e you s llre that Indicator l' gisstarvation, Cha meleo ns hav b ee~ tbls devout' Jew to witness. There te red th correct far e?" lay his wife In tbe awful agonies of sold In many clUes by street ,venders, " Y s," answ e red ·th e to'xlca bmnn. ToHE STORY, tho Blow and torturing execution, but admirers of th pretty creatures "You ai' In ki ckin g, are YOIl?" whllo their little son ' was strung by have In most Instances b en able to "No, rill congratulating mysolf. If kee p them alive only a short time, EA, BUch a co urse may brIng ns the neck along the street with other we we n t thnt rur In so s hort a tIm e w e ease and safety, but how could Infants mucb all bead pendanta might even with th o g reat es t of care, IV ra mighty lucky not to get a rreSI d we stand before God with sucb liD be hung trom a string. for scorchln!l."-WlIshl'!gton Stur. upon our hearts?" "Wilt tbou not yield now, .oelng William Muldoon, tbe professional the sure fate whlcb awaits you If you l'he speaker turned with earnest . athle te and traine r, declares Umt colFortunllte '-ady, lege athletics are an wrong, and tbat appealing lOOk towards the small, mot: do noU" demanded the officla\. He Pallunce-Poggy Is very hnllpr . it Is a wonder more young coll ege ley group gathered In th e little, dimly: was boplng that he would be able to Patl'lce- She'!! e ngaged, I!;n't she? men do uot succumb to th e strain. He lighted room. HII!I voice was subdued get a rer antatlon from the man, for " Yes, :lhd tho man she's 'e ngt\ ged to almost to a whisper, as thougb he he knew that It he did, this man's' ln" says this strain Is as bad for the Is cross-eyed , and he's looking at lie!' mind as It Is for the beart, as It wltb- feared some eavesdropper on the out- fiuence was so &'Teat that many others ali tbe time and no one can tell It hut draws vitality from the brain to other side might overhear the conversatlon, too would bow before the Idols and bcr!'elf." parts of the body- that athletics and ever and anon the different mem- conform to the requirements of the A Surprlle, . should be second, not first, In a col- bers ot the group looked anxiously king, Dystanilers-Where's tbe obauffeur?' But no, he would not. exclalmlns lege COUTse. Thill so unds senslble- towards the low door ' and started at Arrest blm! so s ensible that It Is somewhat odd any unusual nols8 which broke the with a \'olce which sounded aboTe the "Hold on, gentlemen, I'll tell you groans of the dying and the ahrlll. that It Is a professional athlete, not night Itlllnell. Coat for 0.11'1 from Eight to Ten 'fears.-A slmplo little coat ~ul~ble for bow It was, 1 was' trying to cross tho the college professors themselves, It was eYldent ' there 80lUe Question bloodthlrllty crle. of the gathered mul· Unen, serge or casbmere, Is shown here; It Is an' ordinary sacque sbape,.lal!. stl'cet· and a' chauffeur ctopped Ws ,mao ,vbo is championing tbe superior wali up for decision and lIome were, ln. tltudes : ~Ialms of Intellect over football and ellned to view It from one point of "Death Is .weet when It com .. tenlng wltb three buttons, belon whloh the tronts slope slightly away; wblte nh.lnc and motioned me to go bY- lh'o rowing teams, Hat ot embroidery,' -sbock- was tQO mueh."-~Ife, view wblle others of a sterner sort because of obedlence"to God's law, for embroldere'd lawn collar ' a!ld 'cuffs a4d a pretUnel.. were firm against any compromise, every stroke ot the executioner Is but trlmlDe,d w1th colored ribbon taken rQund"the crown and arranged In a l'CIsette . IIh.ka Into VOUI' 8h_ A man from tbe west went lately to The evident leader of this tacUon' had the add lid blow which opens wide the at the side. ' Material' required: 2", yards 46 Inches wide, Ne w York and tried to s~1I 1\ gold just finished IIpealdng the words gates or heaven and glv .. entl'ance " . Dress fot Girl frpm !ren to Twelve Year!!.-Strlped or cbecketl zephyr Allc.n 's l~cioHiltllle, a powder tor your feeL It cure.'! Plllnt.ul, swollen, amRrllng, Iweal. ' brick th reo H e full ed, for tbe simple Quoted at the beglnnln.g of our stor.Y, to the ~re8ence of God ." might be used for this u/letul style;' the .sklrt. v.:h1ch Is slightly gathered on Ing fee l. Makes now shoes ea.y. Sold ', by I' ason that jt wns a r eal gold brick, I\nd they were evidently In reply to a "'Would you ,et others to etand tbe: hips and ba.cK, Is tMmmed at the root by ,a bn~d of ·zephyr to match' nil Druggists and Shoe Storcs. !$c; Don't 11 tually \vorth a1\ th e money he .asked statement which had just been made with thee?" exclalPled the execution. che.ok, The small yoke of embroldel'Y Iii edged ! wltb .,\ shaped piece or Ill'Ccpt anY,lubatitute. Sample' FREE, 'A d. , for It. Jlad . it b e~n tile traditional by another .member of the group who er, angrily, "Thy l>L. ~ongua loundl zephyr to wb1ch the ~at..erlal par~ tit gathered, Culrs ot zephyr ate set to the' drCHS Allon· S, Olmated, LeRoy, N, Y. kind, he co uld bave disposed of It now stood with a clouded brow and Queer In tbe Jlre.~l,lce ~f death," and. puff!!d I[!leeves, Materlals required:, Six yards zephyr 36 Inches Wide, one. ,~,,\ ben you nellr onEf'man t .. yr~g to , ..,. at a Dr rulum , and the moral thereof all all' of Indecl.loa, u though the -wIth that bo mada one , olean sweep fourth ;r.ard_ embroldery. one yard pla!n,!'ephyI', Is too self·evide nt for "rol'mal state- outcome of the conO!ct going on with- with bill sword and cut otc the man'. l;):Iess for GIrl from Eight toSen Year.s:- ·For ·school or seasldA wear: Il little anot1'er, It'l[! a sate bet that tbe.. m nt. In was .tllI '. mat er of uncertainty. head .. -!Uld the echo ot. the word. this. Uttle dress would bo foqn,c) most. ~seful; our .model In sky blue Allten;' other Is bls s'Jperlor. . He had just come In a meso came baok ~ the maD lank. llleleal the . eldi't ~s a 'tios plait down center or front. with o~er plaltAl, tumlnl . IIlr..· wlulo"s~~ Forgiving fatb e rs and mothers aTe sage trom certasn pow~rful tactionl . in beap upon the ll'Oun4: Crom it; buttons an4 loops trtlll the' foot of plain; the boatce 1a arranged to Tbt chlldl'Clh leeUltDa, 1Of\4iu.&II...._. lItO "I>dth la 11Net WA8A It aom. . . . . ~ and .. 'WOI'D :with Pet'er ~all collar and cuffs. Hat of, cQ~8e ,traw. wltb blue II&\Q~DMIio_W1II46io1lDo .1ooiUi.muCh III dt' rnand aw'ong the runaway Jeruaalem propg_log aD alliance with their ~ealbeD masters. ,J '.-use at ~1eDC»" ..... l.w.f 1ar1~ea and bridegro001& whom Oupid rlblloD taileD rQUD4 the. croWD aDd Utd Jil II bow at ,the let, Materlall It Is the 4fter elreo\ of experlelll»- . lIQUIr.d: ~ convinced they CADnllt walt. ,.....11... at IDahtI ..... e1lht b&l~tou. uaat countL ~ .

The Miami Gazette




UIhl~ lHl<rD§ti~§§ of

ilil l







C''-_ J""en's n I·'La.·









. .- -... N THE last Rn al, ysls a ll ma te rial wealth, all the comforts and nco cessltles at lite , aro the product of two elem e nts - nature and labor. 1t may ue truly said that nature, or th o e ar t h, I~ ' th · mother at Illbor and the f(l lhe r o[ all products necessury to sustain huma n Ufe. The richness anel prospe rity of n coulltry, t he refore , de pe nd on th e il res' llco uf nal· IJra l reso urces within itl! bo rder s , Ruch 11K wate r, ruln e ra ls. torests and cultivab le so li s on the ono ban d, and I!ltelll gl' ut human e n· e rgy on th e other to s hape I he m Into lhe forms necessary for tho n cd s ot man, Of t he two elements th e natura l resources are Indlspensnble, fn r III a co uu! rv I ill' the des· e rt of Saharll n il humun rfort wou ld be ot but little ayail. The growl h of a nalion de punds, tb crefore, upon th ro xtellt of t h na tui'al r esourceR and Ull011 Ih e kuow ledg ()f how t o use lilem wllh as Illl i des tnr c' tlon as possible. The resollrc s of a l'ount ry fall naill' r a lly Into thr e groups- waler, mlne ral ll nnd land-wh ich represent, rell {lcctiv cly, r sou rces which are luexhau sllhl c , resou rces wblch are ex haus llble nnd cn nnot be ren ewed, and resour es which lire xhaust· Ibl e but ca n be ren w d . II lI1ay b (lU 'S' ti o ned, Illd e d. wh th e r th e r!' III ti ll 'II n thing a s an In xhnusllble na illra l reso urc', Even water, tbrough th e dc rll lt!nl Ion or th e drainage bllslns.' may b CO lli Irreglliar III Us flow, or Ihrough th cllr I ss dis posal of rel'J8e mflY b com pollut d sn Ihllt it cl\nnot be 1I ed , 1\l ln s nrc ilillstrations or rasClurc s will hare cxhau ll tiiJl e and not re newa bl , (ju s, oil, 0111 nlill iroll once

r nlted States through ports. AJ)paren t exc ptions to tbls rul e a ppear In the th g rOW l h or c iti es, th e cases of Bulgarln and Servia, Th ese countri es, whUe building of rullroads and present Importing more wood than tll y ex port, posses" thc ~E!ne ral de ve lopm e;lt cOllsld c ra bl areas of forest, now Inaccessible, lind, with or rOfl)merc Ilnd non. ,th e developm nt of mans of exploitation and the Inngr'irulturn l Indu stry, Th e rensed de mand for lumb e r tb ey will In time become expossibi lities fo r Increas. porti ng countries, ' illg th e prod ucti\'eness ot Forom t hi s we ma y Inf '1' that n co untry In ord e r to be th aoo.OOO,OO O acres of se1[,slIstal nlllg as r egards Its timber s upply mllst have ou r />uiJllc grazi ng land an a r ea of abo llt 100 ncres of forcst lanl l fo r 've ry 100 ,n re r ery gron t. inhuultnnts , Th e a rea necessa r y to s upply all the \\Yood Abou t two per cent. ot necd d for IlOm e ('onsllmplion will "nry ot com s with the total lan d area will th pe r cuplin cOnt;Um jHlolI: lIotl the 100 acres pe r 1'0'0 for e ve r re main dos rl. in hnhllflnts mus t be con sld red tir e minim um arpa , fieTh re are but few areas cause It Is balled Ullon a mod ral e pe r copltll consumpwlthlll the Unlled Slnles tion s ll c h flS Is fOllnd In de nsl'ly pop ulated rou lIlri ea of whi ch, on a C('Olin t of th Europe>, III(e G rm any ur Fra nce, lilt nse "at, ve ry low Till' IIll m e minimum ' arca for e \'NY 100 In l!fl hltants tt'1U 11e nrtures. alka li or n l' ssn ry to llIakl' a c'fIllll try self's us tllilllllg can a lso be, la c'k of ralntall. ar!' unfit d ed llCl~ d in ano th ro r wny . At pres nt G nllllny imports fo r th use of man und :l fi ~ .O OO . OOO cubi c feet of wood from abrond , To producemny iJ truly on s ld e r d this amo llnt of timber ;crmany would ha vc to possess lID d 'sert la nd , Suc h land It; for's t n rt'u of J 7.000,000 uc-res III additio n to th e ~:i.oon .f ou nd In 000 now nl'ui1uble , in olhe r word s. tl he woulll need liZ ,OOD,OOO acrcs of ·for est In f)rd r to 1lI t! t h er ow n Umt h e Southwest about be r I'(>qulr milts, or !\:J.2 a r e>< for cvery 100 Inhnhl· lhe Cult of talltS , Ge rmany Is an extr e m Iy good xalllpl e wit h C aurornla, wbic h th llrotlucllvlt y of the [or s ls or all olh r ou nt ricR ca n b compnretl . b E'ra u ~ e he r fo rests au b e tuke n us a standard of prodll ' tlvon esB.




19% _ AbJo/"I, r()re.1f Land' 2% fBIlnferml't//ofe /J,iWt't'fl



cti/illrol o/,d /iJr~..J1 Lane!

5/~ mml A!lr/cvllurol Lt2I7c/ ~ 26 %~ 6ra~/i'9 Lanel 2% C=:I lJarr~n La/It:!



goo are gon., lUI ve r , Of all the naturn l re our es the only one which contains wlthiu itself the possibility of Inflnlt re ne wnl Is land, The nation sholllcl th r fo rel be _ most vitally concern ed with tile canservatioll aud Improv ment of this resource. H IImnn COll I rol o\'er suc h natl ural resollr s all mill 'fil ls Is limited , Tllft only posslbl mealls of conse rv a· tion Is the uvoldan e of w!ls te. but th e ir ultlmat ' xhnus tiOIl Is ulla void· abla. Wilh ag ri cultural lIud forest land, bowe \' r, It III olh rw ls , Land c an not only be ('onso n 'ed, but can· IltAnUy Impro ved and Its yield in· r eaeed. While In England the Iron ()res and th e coa l al'c b coming can· lItanUy barde r to gel a nd thei r ex· llllustion Is Unentened. th ' ag rlcult.ural IImd, aCler a thousand y nrs of cultlva· fiOl1 , 18 IIdlV mohr' productl\'c tha n e \'e r, The Wheat Ile lds at I;;ngland, und r' hI · t,ensh'e cultivation, ylelJ 30 lllr s hcls to the acr, while the l'irgln fie ld s of America on all avernge ylehl less Illnn 13, H a tar·slght d national Jloli ' y in th e conservutlon of natural r sourc s is 10 mlll((' 11I'ovision for an ever·ln· <:reaslng popul a tion , thc n th e gr Iitest possibilities lie in Ule dlrl;lctioTl of de \' eloJlll1g the Innd In all Its form sll eld , forest nnd Tnng('- ,for, II otwiltu;ta ndlng all possible economy In th e uso or th e non, rene wable r esources, they are bound to decreus us time goes on. ,One, hundred yeu r s ago Ihe v l1lted Stutes east at the ~llssis€tJ)pl river WIl S un a lmoRt unbroken forest, comprls ing someUrlng over 1,onO.00o square miles, ~r about 700,000,000 ncrolS. Now, aftc r alJout a entury of settlement, there ari not more than 300,000 square miles ot mer('hantable turest land In the easte rn UnIted States, About '330,000 IlQuarc mil es ha"e been cleared for farm land. The remainde r ho s lJee n (,lIl1er! of its "aluable. tim· ber and devas tl4ted by fir or e lse t urned Into useless brush land . Wllh tl:e g row t h of population and the greater demand Mr agricultural land, the mtlo between farm and forest land will cha nge sun further. The forests will be more and 1II0rc crowded Into the mo~talns -..,. and upon soHa too thin or too poor for agricultural pur»oses. !t mal be safely nss umed that in 50 or 100 years \ the Illoportion of land derated to th e dltrerent purposes w\t1 'c hange almos t a s mu ch us It bas tlurlng the past, century. These changes wlil orc ur especially In the east· ern part of the nlted Stal es. b . cause there tbe forest I!I not confined, as it is In th wes t, to high UltltUd~S, , where agriculture Is g nt!rn lly ImpractlcalJl e, 1~ t e west 'the for ests, with n few xceptlons, as in the low which coun t ry arolrnd Pllget sound ' Ill' in tb e mountains, h I I I 1 . I I til midst of seml·arld plains, and t e r or g na ~:e~ '~f' 1&0 000 square ltliles , 11Il1! of wb.lolt lies In tlTe letra Nevnda Rnd ' In tbe ascndes and half in the Roclt· ~ h as Cla 1 n ged but yerv s ince settlem ent, tes . . lItti . . b , In th ,1e we~t the increase of ngrl c ulturlll land JilI~I~t e ' sec,ure)& " chIc,n y through t he irrlgat lou' .f the seml·a~ld la~d , . , take a long look a heud lrtto the tuture and lry 'l If ~e t . r selves what will be tbe ultimate propor· to. picture 0 Oll , £ 'vau e an d des' rt in this, ~ountry 50 tlo~ of f~r:m. fore,~ , th e SUgh of .tbe increasing demand ' years ,trom , nO~'la!d nnd or an, approxlmnte knowlec]ge for B~I~ul~ut:~ anditions und the pllyslcnl 'p,r opertlell of_ of the ClImat~ cdS ln tbls ounlry, ' we sbaH get. 80m the fl1trere~he a:Ondltlpn shown I:n the dlagra~" ~Inl like uure In a half' century, Tbe' area devoted to ,agrlouf th total area. a8 It ta wtnd of being 21 per cent. 0 t ;'hat thll$ III not an IlO,i·, will be nearer 1)0Je~ .cc:.~ fact that 4url ..,


ove,.ttmate lal,Qd,lcat ...... ~ tarll1 ,W id in tbl• . C~UDtr1 I 60 ~ tile tJDP~'''''

hus advanced from ' lla,OOO.OOO acres to 415.000,000 acres, anin crp.8se of neu rly 3iO pe r cent, \Vlth more Inte nsive m ethods of c ulth'atioll larger yie lds will undoubtedly be obtained {rom the same area, yet th e area Itself under agricultural .crops will have to be inc reased, es peci ally If we are to remain an 'elCportIng country. In Belgium the arable land forms 63 per cent. of the total land area, In Denmark 68, In France 48, and in Ge rmany 47. These countries are not exporte rs ot ce re. als , altbough their methods of cultivation are highly de. veloped. France Is especially Interesting, as u criterion, hecnuse Its methods are most intensive and it Is the only cOlin try tbat Is ' self-sustaining; It produces 98 per cent. of all the cereals which it consumes, There' Is . little doubt that ollr population In the next 60 yeare will r each 50,000,000, or about 50 persons per square mile, Whe.tller the acreage of improved fnrm land will In. crease at a much faster rate than the population, as has been the case in the past, or whether it will grow at tbe saUle or even a slower rate than the population, tbe futur e alone can tell; but Increase it must. In mountainous Switzerland only 17, p e r cent. of the land Is cultivated, nnd In Sweden and Norwny, situated In an unfavorable climate and with a scanty population ( 29 and 18 pe rsons per square mUe, r esPElctiyely), the proportion of arable land Is 8.7 per ce nt. and 1.3 per cent .. respeotl vely, Land chiefly valuable for grazing will form about oneflfth ' of the exte nt ot the United States proller. This land onginal1y lay' weat of th e aile bUllrlr'edth me ridian, , In th e plains und mountain._valleys, but with ,the advance of dr y, farming its eastern uoupdary bas been shifted farther west to about the one hundred and third' merld. · ' In.' n. This Innd recelvea , ,.. but ." sc~nty rainfall and Can produco neither for~st .!lor ~el\l' c.rop, ' but 8,IJpports ,R vegetation of liardy .gllasses; It wa!J formerly the natural ~allS~ of nlUUpns . of bUffalo ,aD'd Js now t~e ~r:azln~ ground of he rds o~ cattle and slieep. ll\nd will remain largely a l\atural ra~ge, ,slnt'e the ~l'ea whloh can be Irriga ted .and ' thus reclaimed (or agr~cultural pur· . poses, or' Which C81l' be used tot. dry farming, Is 'comparaUyely small. ' ', ' - _ , , , .Accordlng to goyernmeD~ estimates, the available water will be sufficlent to, Irrigate 71,000,000' acres, or one , acre in 7% of the whole feslon, ~he reclamation serVice,. flawe",'er, d()~ Dot .expeQt to reclaim more than .. ve per e8nt. of all' tbe a~d ~d, This a!,ea. together with that Ulled dl7 tal!~ng. will bate~ auftlce to' C!Oll1lt....


balance the. 1edQQtJoa


the proc1aoU". ~ III the

In this country, ",here tbe ller capita consumption is si x times as great as that In Germany or J.<'raoce ,and tbe allnual growth per acre may be esti· mated roughly as one·thlrd of that tft those co uutrles. t he for est area wou~ have to be 1,600 acres for each 100 in' habitants, or more than twi ce the pree· e nt area In orde r to maln!,;.,ln the pres· ent c ut. ' Til present area of , 775 aore8 for every 100 Inhnbltants at the pres· e nt per capita consum~tiOh nnd an: . nual growth per acre would be sum cle nt to m eet our own needs , It the re were not present a supply of virgin Umber. tbe ncoumulated capital of! conturles, to meet the deficiency. With tbe xhausUon of this remaining virgin s upply, which can last only about 30 years more, there must come a time when not only all our exports of Umber must cease, but , there wHI not be enough wood for home cOIl/lUUlpUon. Even as it Is, the totul ell ports of, wood from this oo untry amount to only five por cent. of the illmbe r cut, while the su rplus of exports over I~ports i8 only 1.8 p e r cent.-an Insignificant amount. Tbia sbows clearly that w. hav e practically ceased to be an e~ portin g country a nd the tende ncy wil be m ore and more toward becoming G wood. lmportlng country, How s hall lhls s hortage be met? With a n increasing de mand lor h!.l)d for ' agricultural c rops th er e Is IIttie hope of inc r eas ing the extent at forest I d As w e hay seen, the area n ec:S:a~y for this purpose would have t~ the lresent area and this Is en In Nevada, hI Utah and In Oregon in the form of arid be more than double \!UCb th e land now under baslns. Ice-bound deserts are found In Alask.a and on tirely alit of th e quesiIOl;~d\1elllg crop~ , will have to be the glac1er-cbvered mountains. Tbls land ruu~t, sci long 'fores t, but cn pa~le a ;rovido for an ' incrcQ.sed llopula· as tbe c1hnatlc conditions of the country coutlnue a8 leared and tilled to 1 th fore Is lh a t the land unthey are, remain unproductive. tl on, All th e evlde ncc , ere t years bo reduced' to The land chiefly valuable for ,rowing Corests will ti e r forest wi ll durin g ~~~ n~:duced area will have to ne fifth at 4:.0.000,000 , a cres and s t twice as large as the s h r 1n k t 0 a b ou t 360 "000 000 acres, Iess th an a . provitle tor II populfl. lion almos f Ing tbe' the extent of the United States prope r . Toge ther with I b mu ch hope or cover the wood lots, which will continue to form part of th£! ~I~~~~~;~ ~o~u~III~O~:r~ro~lu . lion by hnporta tlons hom ' farm land, tlle total for est area will amoullt to approxi· ., mately 450,000,000 acres, or a fourth of the tptal land nbroa tl. 1I area, Th dema nd fo r limbe r Is constantly growin g a over Will this area be sufficient to proY,ld e a population th e woi'ld, It Increases at the ra te of five per cent. of 150,000,000 people with all th e timber need d for can11 It we compare th e total excees of Imports structlon, ti eR, poles, pulp and all tile va'rlou s uses for ~~;;trI !.;orts of a ll wood.importlng countries of EUl'OPUe which wood seems to b e the ollly s uitable mate rial and with th e total excess , of expo rts o ve r Imports of a to protect the soil Cram 'e rosiOIl, regulnte the· strearu woon.exporting COUll tri es we shall finll that th e re Is a ffow aud exert Ita v.'bolesome Influence upon the lives de fi cit for Eu rope of 14.1 ,000.000 cubic feet, which II Ot th e people ? ' . ' : m e t tit pre>l(> nt by Imports from Nortll America. ,Swe\Vlth the excepl!OLl of those countri es which hn ve deu Ol"I'IY lind Au s trla.Hungary bave : already touched n,aturnlly a humid climate, like Great Britain or the the' hi ghes t point in th eir e xports~ Russia ould~ prob· Netherlands th e countries w ith a forest arel\ of only nbly In r flse to 'some extent Its exports t ram the north, 20 p er cent. or l osa show uBuall y to a mnrked d gree l>atl where tile ro a r stil l la rge areas ot ,;Irglll f~rest, but. cllmhti c condJUon's , with prol,o nged · drollghts, frosts and tile g rowin g, sell rcity of timbe r in the other , parts of t~e alternating, floods and low water, us 'n r es ult of the r eo ' elllllfre, ma ke Jt very unlike ly that lurger s upplies o,t d,iced ' forest area,' l'ortugal. w:\th. a for est nrea of o nly' titnb r for e xport- Will be I\vl\lInble, Cau nda Is stlll a,q le , . alia' per ce nt. of the tqtal; Spa'tn\ w!.th 1G per ce nt. ; , to Increase its expo rts, but th e drain upon tbe auadia u , Gr,eec(}, wlttl' l ,3 'per cent. ; Turl(ey,: wltb .20 per cent., and r r sts Is grow ing ev ry ye'a r and. th eY wIll r emain the Italy , with 14 per' e nt,; 81'f) good examples. , only our 0 of s upply to ,sl)tisfy the urg llt n eeds qr t.hf , ' Whlle tire area absoll] t~ly , n~cessary for the regula· r st of the world for ,<:0111£ ' rous limb r Ilft~r Austria tlon of streams an d.;-the protfio tiQn ' of soils can,. be de~er. Hungary nnd ~uss la ,cease to be exporUng countries. 'mlrl1!d only 'approxlmllt.ely antI Intlirectly, the a·r ea ' n ee, The g ro wing de mand for l'I'ood mate'rial must be m'e~, e&sary to make a ' country selt-sustalnlng as r egards the tMn, not by an 1n('I' o[ the forest land nor by de ,prod.uc:Uon of timb~r can ' be found with ' gr a~e" a OQU- 'plmdlng. on lmpOl'ts ftom abroad, but by an inc-rease In r ' cr· If. we compare the eltports of the dltf rent counthe productiveneSIl of Ule forest and a decr~alle in the trle~ with the foreat: area for eve...y 100· Inbablt.a'n ts we waste, to ""hi~h ohl~tly 18' due the fact that t~ l1nlted , 'b it that 'colmtrles with 92. ,<.~ell ,or D)or~ per 100 Inhabl~ ""tates lIas the ,rea.tett~ ....r canlta .coDswnp.ltaa 1~ Ure tanta have a 8urplu8 of exports over lrup,orts, wblle thole '" .. '" • witb " acr.. or les•. b.v~ a iurplu8 of ~"o ..\a over g. world,









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$5,000 given in premiums.


) . . , ._ _" " '_ _" " " " ' , . . . , . ._ _ _ _ _" " " " ' ' ' ' '_ _. . . . . . . . ._ _. . . . , . . , . . . , . ._ _' ' ' ' ' '_ _

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l~l WJ:teti t~e proper Glasses are Worn 'l~ •••

Iii .. - "J-'" -


N. ............ -



__ _















1909.. ;

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Winter Millinery, October


_ 22 !!.~~~~_~_~~~_ ~_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!.~~~j""!""'~...-


Fall and


. ~



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1 uef;lr to announce an penmg dl play of


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:;: 'Jlc ;:: ;l:

Neuralgia and Nervous Troubles are due to Optical Defects and disappear completely




Will O. Gustin, Secy.




Special Show Classes-Ladies' 'Driving and Horseback Riding.

__ ._ft._ft ••••••• •••• :;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. . . I**'*'*'*' *'*'*' *' *'*'*' '*''*''*'**'***''*'**'**'* ...



Old Soldiers adniitted free on ednesday,._2_9.t h. ___ _ ____ __ Classes better and faster than ever.

Auto race each day of the Fair


Oct. 1.

See the Baby Show on T hursday at 10 o'clock.

---- -

= II Admission, 25c ~




~ Don't miss the Wooster ---, See the Educational De- , Exhibit at the Warren County partment Fair• .. It will be accompanied b y ' experts who will be prepared to There will be other Special explain general problems. and Ne~ _Attractions. The D. L. & C. train leaving Children admitted free on Lebanon at 4:05 p. m., for three Wednesday, 29th. days of Fair leaves at 5:30 p. ,me




Lebanon, Ohio, Sept'. 28, 29, 3 ,






,From 4c to

12c a




Waynesville, Ohio.

Yo~r pre encewill be welcom ed . * liII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .".. .;

'*'*' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Olassilled Ads m m.**'*' *' "*'*''*'*'*'*** ***,*,,*,*,*,~'J!c,*,{+** .. Good Things to i i Willa:::r:f e~~~~k~h~te~nv~~~P::!e~:iI1e lllj ~~P~~T Eat ..:.. SAIUR .AY SePTfMBfR 25 1909 :'.:.:J ' I il L-E~P-;.;;;;~E ~~;~·D~~~~~~~:;. ."'g:m:jll SOL~·:;;~'~:~~~o.\l or. ::;







m~ .

Expert Optician,



···I~~~~~~~~~~ I


Notice of Appointment

e I Ion 0 f th e ayne - 'fho und rsllirQoo been ,. ' .. II . ( ' unnownn"'''''' ud " on d·t! titEX Hall Ih(\,5.ut l!l. un1 ,Oed WI .:. Of th ville C National Bank, at Waynes ·- fl.-)';slir.~6 <JClItor ~h Eb"tat of Ilurrle ~ ~.~~. ville' in the State of Ohio, at the (~' ·' ..~d.e"ll. IIl~tl of W ,lTren Coun~y. I h lo. d oclose of business ' September 1 , I J 900 1 "t~ this I ~ U, q U)' ' o f S Iltolll b r . A. D .• .', ,

O-VE ... -R----O.. y"- ..... -O....F.... ·P . . .R ... A··C .... T-I.. C .. ·A ... :::~ 2 EARS

\ii .: .: ,Bonds. . S. Bond8 to BOCUn) circulation .• 8OOuritIOB. OLe . . .... . • • •.••












.:. :.'...:': :


'. ::. '.' :.': .: .':

::: \ .'. :'.::: :




'A1U opllclanln ~be8tateh88 had f " any llIore tho'roughly pracUcal oxperlence In flttlng

~~l .



::: ' .'. ::: ::: ••:.•

From Ret'. iJu7Jid H. Moore. D . D .• Fo·n ner Ediitor of the Western Ch7'istiun Advocate. Written Wh ile Attending t.he General COT. Jerence at Ch'icago that Elected Him Bishop or, tI, e M. E. CI"urch . 'J


• PaIn lOr House. f1lli cugo. III.. .JUIIO U. 1900. Dr. J. N Hoyt. Dear Slr:-Glusses rocol\'cd . 'I' hoy aro b onutles. 'J'ruly you must vlBlt ClnclnnlLt.i nnll tiL ~Irs . Moo re's OY08 !Iotter this general I:oo ference 18 o\'or. Cordially. .' D. n. lIIooro.

.:. :':::: .:


' .'



Read What Rev, A. C.Crist Says:

:.: .:.

] have . always thought it rJgh t nnd l\l8t wheo a workman d008 80un cood tho work1"0<'to acknowledge it. Huvlng


:.: . ominendaLioll of a trlOlld of millo; who .;. had been benellttOCI by Dr. HOyl. and that he WIlS to "islt Delaware. 111M!, •:. Orist, who had clJmcuity Ingettlngglnsscs :.: to Bult her. decided to call on him , Ex.:. o.m~ her eY08. Lhe doctor 8Oiocted :.: Just wliat _ms to have been Jlood~. .:. lUI thOll8 8Olecte<J do not tire her Oyes. :.: lAud the hOado.che wh Ich ca m ll from the .;., ld8 of glasses Dot Hulted LO tho eyes h ILS :.: outlrely di~ppellrod. 1 can recommend ::: Dr. Hoyt to uny on6 In need o f gll1/iSCB, .:. bellevhlg tiao,L he will ",ive satis faction .


:.: .:. :::

.!. Banking hOU86 . . , . . .. . . , . • . . .. •



::: .:. :.:

:~: '.' ,.




:f '.'

" .:

Re'v. LB. C. uhr, Pastor Re-

formed Church, says: 1 choorfull y t ' UliOl'110 Dr, Uoyt liS a 'Ulllst co urt oolls IIl1rl IIC('OnllllUdILlIllg ~en/1('1111111 . lit· soems nux imlH UI roudor sfU' vico lI/1l1 docs 1101 importune people whom ho eXClIllilloo to purchase KI U/l.~os . H e I. u \'ldolltly rlllDillnr wliit 1110 req ulromOlllS o f h la pro fesslull . Hu i~ \\'Jll i ll ~ I hili his wnrl, .hull ~tund o u It.; OWJ) IIItlriIS. wi f e !Lilli tllulKltlcr RUS[lllctod 111111 I iaell·l(lus.;os 1I',·ro lI ul utl II I' LOll I,,, ~h e i r I'lslolI fllld .. ",t,,·d l l1l( l .I' were eXllm in.utl I,~ IIr. Ho.l't.. who HU ed t h"lr Ilyee w,th sall. fll '(ory r<JHulis.


H e" I,cc trllll~' , I" Il . C. L"hr.

A. C. Crist. PregbyLerlulI ,\linI Ni,or . Delawnre. Ohio. February 24. 18i9.

I'll., lor lleltH'mer! Ohurch.

J) elllw a ro. /111 10 , ~I arc h 2U, 1 99.

I 'I C To, '..... ,,,"001 . I ~, ay oncern: ::: •• .:. :.:

Thla II to certify t llnt Ur. J , N. aOyt. optlclall. hu doue work for 1110 peNlOIIally, aIIo tor friends. anti In Ilaclt RIIlI ever')' cue hIlS g lveo full llrofeSlllooal 1I.u.raetloll. 1 th retore I'OCOmmolld QhII ,to all who!16 cyee n eed treallllen~.













JR' d C ust ecelve (l,r

Coarse Salt




:.; .:. :.: :::

Will not get hllrd-Bllrre18 or S Ick8


" . -------------

Star Till Cans Sealing Wax Paraffine Jelly Classes

· ·Dr. J , N. Boyt. DOllr Rir- II glvllR mo ' J,(rcut IJl00l~ lIre to teHUfy 10 tho \'ury ulfoci iI'u Imd CO ltr1,00 118 tre!lrmont that I ha\'c recolved at yo ur IlI\nd~., ,}' 1I0 three pnlrs o f g iWl80K that, you mado tor me allswer t heir pur(lOSt! cXlwtly. ' I clLn. ami gltllJly do. reCOllllll11nct your work. , ,



:.: .:.

Try Our Vesper Cheese It'8 full crellJll ond m,ild-It can't be bent.

CaplLIII Univcrsltl'. ("ultllllhus. Ohio . JUliO 26,19110

July 16. 11100.

a nd t IU :CS, I)alcl. . .. . . . .. . ... 2.17 0.11 National flank not&! ou\tlt(l.uC.liJl", 60.UIl0. UO Dividends lUISUld...... ... ...... Ci 2 . II U IndJlt~:~I. . . .~~~i~ ••sl:~JI~~9.~2 · Domand cortWcat.cs . . .• 9. 190. 06 170.12~.17 Total. . .. ...... .. .. .. .... a49.f2U!8 B'l'A'l'E OJ!' 01110. WAm,'E N ()OUNTY .SS: I. J: O. Curtwright. Oushier of the uhovu named bank. do solomnly swear t hat tho uOOVe Btat.oruon~ is ~ruo LO tho !Jest of my Imowledgo and beUef. J. O. CAH'!'W RIGll'l' . Cushier. Subscribed and sworn hetoru me this ~th day or Se pt.emher. 1909. 1. E . 1\:eY81• Oorrec~ Attt.'St: Notary' l'ubuc. W. 11. A LI.J]l)N'. (SE ,u,') J . W, WUITE .


'fltls is to eertily I,hat Dr . .J . 1\ . Il " .\· ~ " '''" l in o,l , lcstccl aud tltted my OYIlII with g ll\S8CS thai J l,renuUllco " lIl)rfcol. " 1 cheerfully 1"IlC0011I1lOlld t he tloctor t.o all wh u sulror rro lll we ill, eyes. or frem uay 'a\lSc need a new oYeJllgl1C one o f Guli 'll groaLe8t.gU18 to ntlUl. SI1 UH 111 ai n . PastorCbristlaa Churdl . CCIlLe/·lmrg . Ollio. N. n .-Thl. 1u., tiOlon llll i. ulIllOliclt ed .

lIlurion. oWo.

fiO.OOO. oo 1)6. 309. 26 4.000. 00

I-G-O-L-D - L-O-Ck-e-t-W-I-·,tI\-s-rn-a-n-Ch-a-in-a-t. tached. ' Lost somewhere on \ Main street. Finder ~iIl leave at Mrs. J. Dakin 's residen~e.

C. G. Williamson sold the Mo

:.: ' ::: '.'

Jersey' Sweet potntoes ' ,.


l'n"I'ana Wate.r Melons \J

i.:.:::~:.:.:.".::.:.:=:;:::::;.: :;.:.:.:.:.: .,: : :=~:~:~:~~::.:,:~:::.:Jl °ziMMiR~1A N~n' nelVS



_______________ 1 OF COITRSE

for a prolonged ' p erl·od ' a nd Mr • , Werntz was apPolllted by Corw'ill council to fill. the unExpired term. -





the Bell brook r eunion 25 deaths werB reported for the pu.!:It year. 1'he following officers w re e)f)oted: President, 0, C. Austin, of » hytOD, ()~, v ice pl'esidont, Jas . R.. Bait',' of Columbus, O. i treasurei· J. S . Turn. er, of Bellbrook i seoretl1rY, Barry M. t:;take, of Bellbr ook. 'l'he next meeting will be on the first MondllY in &'ptember, 11110. Ml·S. Beil Woodward , of noe City, 0 ., t1Je d~ughter of Hon . St,ephen Bell, founder of the town ,l intrOduced Stephen Bell who r epre· t'on t'd 6reene COlla ty in the genorl11 Il.ssembly of 11:118 . Philip ~tovel' , who wttudered away in 11359, hll ving I'e!LU 1111 acooullt of home-ouming' year, although 3,000 miles tlway, vowed that if bis life was spared another yelLr, thut, he would attend the n t),Xt reunion. Acoordingly h~ and his wife ~me all the way from Sunnyside, Wllsh',' . ' 'j'he following progrnui WIIS ob " served: Reception and ~reetillg of vi SitOl's i street parade, hea.ded by New Burlington bll.nd j' qinner; so· clety . called. to . order i ad(lres8 qf welcome.- Rev. Reynolds; of the Meth u(ltst ohurcb j deli.vering the .key of weloome, Mayor V\!(L'tson : reo spoDse,O C: ~'U8tin i. report 0(. Seo re'ary, Barry M. ~take, -XenlB Herald. _ __ __ _ _ ••_ _ _ _ _ _ .~4_

The plano was invented he eighteenth 08nt,llrr.






:.; Due frOm approvoU. rtJ lI.tV. ul{lmts 22.4 •. 27 1Sledd081 farm near Oregonia .: .:,.':' 'hool<ll and oLh r ,cU>!ia IU·I\IS • .. , . I(iIi. Mi k H J . Pohng, . ' Notes of other Nalioulll DIUlks.... H/i.O O we . to , . of Dayton. io'ructlonal paper CUn-ouey. nlck.e ls, , . . ' , ghuiscs than MR.. HO YT. ~R he has .'. and cenLs . ... . . .. .. ... .k'. . . 21S: I The farm con tams over 230 acres, ouvotell hiM enLlre t,lme to It for .:. f.awful Money Reservo III linn . viz: I and is a g od 0 ' 20 I ellies tieIng a:': SJjtlCio ... · .......... ... 11. 231. III " 0 ne. Clver years. l l :• •:•••••:. Legal -tendor notes 100000 10 2a l 15 __ _ Kl'Udullte of Lho Nell' 'lork OptlUoilemption fund With' u.S.''l'ruas' . MAYOR ' WERNTZ t'uL IlI sti~uto and the Chicago urer(6% of circulatlou ). • •• •. 2. 500. 0U (JJ)h~halmlc CoUoge an(~ Hospital. ::: 'ro~al . .. .•.• .•. . . ••••..•. .. :149.424. 2 ~' the Latter being Lhe 1lI011t. thor- • • .~ • I . M Ch W ollgh course taught Ln any couu- ::.:. . LIABILl'l'lES . t lS ayor as . ern tz now. try QIl correcting muscular and . H d b th . t'lon OJltlca l defects. thu s glvlug him • aplLnl stock plllllln.... ... ...... 60. 000. 00 e was rna e 0 y e reslgna ~~~I~~~~t&~SfiOSllOO by many i:~ ~~Sl~I~:.:r~roili.S: '1Qi;S • 6x'Pe'n~ ' GO. 000. 110 ofI dd Clark, who is g ing to Montana

':.' •


Ads will be la8erte(i under Lbls bead for twen l y-JlV(l cen ts for Lhrce InIi6rtl~II~, wh en us log not more tban 1l\'C lineN.

IO ---N--E-o-r-t-v-N-0-8-t~~-1I-8-f-u-r-h-o-r-.-e-8'---In.


quire of 'l' . •J . Brown.


of eight rooms, wood hed. barn, chicken house, big gllrden spot. good water, on Fourth st.reet, corner of Franklin. In uire of Mrs. Jos. Haines.




,"----------------------OLLED Reed WheBt for sale, In.

Oranges and Pop c,orn •New Comb Honey

qutre of Doan Wm Lluhley . IP

BraokDey ur

Good Things to A luge' heating stove in ~ood con· 'nk dltioll, for sale Inquire of T J. ' Drl Brown.

Chase and Sanborn 's High-Orade Coffees

.... -,


a lb.

Property For Sale!

One of the nicest ,residences on Wayne Avenne. No. 814. near Xenia Avenu e in Dayton, Ohio. Largfl, beautiful lot. House with all modern conveniences. Call at

C. &. S. Java Blend, 25c Java and Mocha, 30e




Lumber Yard, Dayton, Ohio, For particulars, price, etc.

Fancy Young Hyson, 75c a lb. Finest Imported



Hyson, SOC

90 Cents

Fancy Oolon& Tea, 60c



Tea. 60c

Ceylon and India Tea, 60~

COcoa and Chocolate

, "


w. ~Whl{e






_ ~.P~nnsylyania~~ , I

Next S~day Train ~ves w~ Iviue 8:28 L ill ,






........ Citizens I ...... _-_._.-. ........... - -. 1Former ....-.-.-....-...--.-....-...-....-..~







WH LE NUMBER 3022 ! '

j--.------ . ..,.---+-------'. - -e BARN AND CONTENTS BURNED .-----~~ - in lh !_~~~~n~~' ~_e~~~~ +~=~~~~~!~=~-el ,:fh c bamal1d sh ds conlainillg Social Events ne fth I) sLpo~ted m work of malting Lyceum CUIll'S a pl'opcrly Fred ~Illi th . who liv THE LECTURE COURSE





pnw r and a HUCC ss i!'l Frank A , 1n:, Susan Cook is very ill. Weld , p re ' id enl of the State Normal l\li:;' Jeo;sie Marlatt was a Xenia schoo l at MOOl'head, Minn , H e aY!:l, VI' 'I'to r Satu rday. ' , t m.par : "A (!Ou rRe 0 f rJ)'ceum alt l'actions M I'S,, J F' . nd' wa II a der spen t Iast H'lfuru ~ inf:l tructivp and wholesome Sat urday in Xen ia. (lnt ,'tuimnental' mout!I'at cost, An Miss Anna Haines will leave soon effee liv IE' tlll'tor exerts a s timulat· ror x f or d co II ege. Mrs , Martha Ann McGee, aged 58 and vel'y tlirect influ ence upon years, and wife of Joel McGee, died ing J, B, Chapman re tumed last week the minus of his h arers, and in. at Fountain City, Tod " Friday night, f" OIll a western trip , dire ·tly, h. tou ches the lives of September 17th, of heart failul' and many oth el' people, 'I'h valli e of Ray Huwl<e and El'llest Robinson dropsy. go d lectures to the moral w\;!r in 'in 'innali Sunday, The deceased, with her h usbanrl, intellecl\lallife of a c:ommunity M'!-l. Roy Marshall and children moved to Fountain City abou t four and Call110t be estimated, The town years ago, and have a large circle of which SUPIJOrts a Lyc~um course i an:! visiting relatives in Cincinnati. h friend s in and around Waynes ville Art ur, and Miss Cora Thomas tl'ying to keep abl'east of the times, who were pained to hear of her and ' many a community, heli ved to s~ent une uay last we!'!k at Ft, An· death. • lie dead to things in tell ectual, has CI nl. 'Tne body arrived here Su nday h n a roused to enthusiastic Hupport Mt'S. J. W. White is home after a evening accompanied by h I' hilS· of all good thing, und e r the g uiding visit of several weeks with friends in band, and on Monday moi'ning at 10 influencli! of a Lyceum course, The Dayton. o'clock was taken to thechapt'l,where ' , b unity are not MEl' b th M f Leb Rev. Hawkins conducted the service, ' est returns Ito a comm I ' rs. Iza eason, 0 anOll In money Va ues. IS an encourag· t i t k "th M C L'dd Interment was made in Miami cem ing sign to nole the active interest p~n 'f as wee WI ,. I Y etery. which mall communitie nre taking an WI e, 'HAS TAKEN OATH OF OFFICE sn the Lyceum course." Miss Pearl Carey is the guest of The local course has been selected relatives in Spring Valley and Day· Silmuel Benkle, our owu Sam. hal< with care this yeal','and it is listed ac; ton this week. tlgtlin t"aken up the duties locum bent Lhe best , course ever booked bere, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Harmon;-o'f upo'o hlrn Ilond wall RWOrl'l into offio" The first entertainment will come ~an Diego, Cal., have been visiting of oounty surveyor lllst· week , MI' on Thanksgiving night, and the Lyric Frank ZeI1 and wife. Binkle hilS done hi:! work well, and ~lee lubwill entertain. When they notllln~ bu~ praise oo.n be helll'd appeared in Hanisburg, Pa" th pa. Ml'!? Mary, E. Cadwallader, of over the county in r6~drd to hi 1) rs had the following: "At the Morrow, was a week·end guest of ability a.nd ,work 11000mpllllh d, Teachers' Institute last night the Mrs. Agnes Wright. Ut 1 i t th ffi t til L ' GI ee ' CI ub en t'er taOIn ed a Iarge ' .., ,epp og U 0 eo ' oe a 6 uoyrlc Charles Michener left Tuesday T. 1. Way. of 'incinllali. on Ii card sent to us, says he ha ~ upened an office of dentistry in the Groton building, Seventh and R~ce, and his office hours are from 9 a, m, to 4:30 lJ, m,


:... •


: ,

s .--------- - --.

Miss Ada Slokes waa a ' illcinnati on the 'N eall fa"lll ncal' 1"lat Fork M A '[' W 'h ' t t ' ~ 'tb visitor Sunday, were burned tu t he gro untl Monda; C ; l:>CI I' t r~~ L e~ er ;~n e morning abou t 10 o'clock, Mr, Sml' th ar u as urs aya emoon. Ben Davis, of Corwin, is very ill waS not at home at the tl' me. but h'ls with appendicitis, wife happen d to see flam e issuing Mr, and MI'S, J I'ge Hawke en· Harry Sherwood, of f.ebanon , was from the barn and' with hel' 80 11 tertained Mis.'i Emma Heighway in town Sunday, ' hastenE'd out to do what the ('ould 'unday, I , hOI·"es. A, B. Sides is abJut again aftel' a to re Iease 11 ten-days' sh ut-in. Their elf,lI·ts were ill vain, ho\\I. J. H, Smith and wife gave a din· f 1 nel' Sunday to Mrs H~rriet Lincoln Eli Burnett was in Lebanon Mon. ever. as , OUI' norses p rished, to· db" gether \\ Ith a lot of hay. oatfl and and Isaac Lincoln. ay,' on usmess. fa 1'mll1g ' , IemenY..'l, Mr;:l. Smith , Imp 0 . W , Hamilton wns HI ' Da Yt Oll ll1en ' d eavorngtor I lea theh ol'ses. Mr.andMrs.C.A.Burnetten~r. Sunday visiting his children. was almost over 'o'me uy lh e sllloke l ' d t h ' B d f .. u I 'ame ep en urnett an amlly Remember Eva A; Barger's open· an near ~ collapsed. of the Dayton road Sunday at dinne~ ing, Saturday, September 25th. Mr. !:)mlth's loss will b about $(;00 ' , a n d as th ere was no immrance, his J. E, Jann,ey, Dr, Ellis and Orange loss will be a total one. 1"I'ank Thomas and wife entertain. Raper weI' In Lebanon Monday. The barn was practically new, but >cJ n,t dinn r untlay. David ThonLas George Reed, of Morrow, has been was covered by in urance, and family and Mrs. Rachel Roberts. visiting his baother Chas. Reed and -- - - - - , ' famh y . OREAT BALL GAM'; Thomas Rich and wife entertained T. Berelsford, of Bel1brook, was Thegume scheduled for las Frl'day at dinner Sunday, Brice Worley, the guest of Harry Murray and wife came off as advertised and it was a wif~ and son, Dallis , Lester Surface Sunday. Igame full of interest from the stirt- and wife and Miss Ethellrons. Messrs. S. A , Stilwell and W. H. to the Band boys. The K, P's had Antram, of Lebanon, were in Waynes· the ~orstof it clear thtough.thegame Allie Hole and family entertain~ ville Tuesday, ,and If Lemmon had not hit several at a Sunday dinner the following Don't fail to attend the'millinery ~f them at the start, they never guests: Lester Kenrick and family opening at Eva A. Barger's satur_IWOUld have ,&:otten to first. Thega~e and James Johns and family. d S t b 25th stllrted out mce, but after the K. P s - -__ ay, ep em er " gl'lt tired there was nothing to it. ' Mrs. I,.ouisa woon ~y is spending ' John Hawke, Surface, B~uner, Mrs. Anna O'~eall' and daugh.~r a (~w days in Lebanon, with her Hole and Thompson were the swat. Mal·tha entertame.d the followmg daughter, Mrs. Harry Walter, 'ters for the K. 'P's eacb ... making one gues~ Sunday at dmner: Dr. ~lis N .T. J 0h nston, ' f H b oys and Wife,Mendenhall J. E. Janneyand andwife famlly, 0 oopestown, or more , .hl'ts ' All the Band ' . Lindley and





. . ,:.

timely demiS6 ot hitl beloved broth audience for two ·hOUI'S. The selec- mOl'lling for Columbus where he 111., has been the guest-ot his cousin made hits, Dean Howell makmg three M' B II O'N 11 U B nklA, he took up the t'Ions were exceII ent, and the manner will entel' the O. S. U. ' ' by ISS e e ea. er wlit1~er "" Mrs. Frank Farr for Ejeveral' days. ?U t.0f f o~r t'Imes up. The score • _ ••_-..:_ reigos and bt\ !Ill oe tlfully guide~ \ I)f r endition was by long odds the F k Th d' ' . ' mmngs was as follows: 0 N CR T ' hlms~lt thr\llL ~ h , ' be t ever presehted to a Harrisburg ,ran ompson an Wife, of John Llddy came ,down fro~ Day· 1 2 8 , 5 6 7 8 9 UR EW SE E ARY Work doue h~' Me, Heok1e LUdience." prlU g ValJey, wer.e guests, of J. M. ton Monday ~nd took. a flas?bght of Band , 1 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0- 11 When the Fair Board selected W. been pralstlrl 'lIl,1 t'.. vornbl .v COUl. 'On December 16th the Pierces- lhompson and famlly Sunday. the WaynesvllJeCannmg,Co. !'I works. K. p.'s ' 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1- 3 ' O. Gustin to act as secretary this msnt,eu IIp 11 \'v I'''pert f~r tlnll flarry and Zulette,- come in their Walter McClure and ' wife, F, C. M;ss Enuna Heighway, who has •- • I year, many wondered wl\ether he Wide Llod hit ILbl1l~y M!!l 'a. dtlrftsIDllo character sketches. There is no Carey and wife, J. C, Hawke and sI>Citt the summer with l'elativ-es in WANTED. would make good and ' now that the: Boil oounty offioi LI ie now not the need for us to ~ay anything further wife were in Cincinnati Sunday. Cincinnati, returned home Saturday. fair is " near at band. a few facta lellllt In qUtlstiou. , . in regard to the, Pierces- everybody Ben Hanselman and famUy, ,o f Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jones, ~f Rich. ge~~C~~s Magazi?~ wants an enter· about th~ ,way in 'Wbehich the ~ork_ of e Mr. Heokl!} sa k,Hlu.hearted gen. around here .wIlI- gladly ,welcome Piqu~, Ohio, were the g1lel)ts of Da- mond, Ind., were guests of Mrs. 0 • rWesp~nsl Co youtngtomal~ ort ;pr.ePharatJon ~~ eden , carrl~ on tlelD~. plea!llmt Ill , ever,ydny ltf<"" them, as thell' work here sevetal vjd Thomas and 'fall\i1y last week Sarah Zimmerman, Saturday and; man II} I arrden . ,un y C? ~~c ' mig t beappreclat .•. and ~4mir d by R. lurge oirole of seasons agel was of the finest quality . ' . " S' d ~r renewa san sOltClt new ~u scr pAt the present wrltmg, Mr. Gustin friends. Yo ung IIlJri energetio, hi The first number of the new yeat·, W•. H. ~len and Wife left .rh~rs. un ay. , . ' ' ,. tlO~ during full or spare time. - nas sold l>l'iVileges 'to the extent of Otlree,r proOli,;('tI t ~ lit! made bnllinnt, 1910, comes on January 21st, when day mornmg ~or Mt. Clements, Mich. . See the McNutts ~nck and fancy perlence unnecesSary. Anv one can $250 more than have ever been sold many tiUles beouose of his effioieno\' the John Eberlv Concerll' Company where they wtll sppnd several weeks. bicycle acts. They WIll perform each start among friends and acquaint· before and states he isn!t tbrough lind adliPttlbil!ty. will entertain. John Eberly, bad. t tbe Warren . i1d up a paying and per· yet. He says that he expects t~ get - - -... - • tone, Molly Jane Reed, reader, Mrs. Eugene Foster, of Glendale, Theyare,good. manent business without capital. near $1,000 for privileges alone, and FIRSt OF, THE SEASON Blanche Deering, violinist and Effie were guests of relatives here Sunday. Dr. Adams, of Columbus, has Complete outfit. and instructions free. as he has, already exceeded the ulual ' moved into Dr. Ellis' property, and Addl'esS, "Von." Success Magazine, amount, the board is more than ,\ tabelle Wilson, soprano. , They com. Miss Edith Mosher will leave the RooJ1'l 103, S ucce.~ , Magazine Build- pleased with his work along this line. Walter Kilbon will have his first prise a quartet that will make a hit. will also take the doctor's office in last of this week for a three months ' N Y k , shipment of oYRters tl-tis week. T-h y all of them having strong r comen. the Bank building. mg, ew or ' ity, N. Y. In addition to this, Mr, Gustin h8$ ' isit wjth Mr. and Mrs . Frank Taylor • - - --.........- - promises for the ~ppea...nce of are the on that hav the "twang dations in vari" us lyceums. .., ill Ghi cago, " IN A POl"TICAl WAY A BIO SALE of the sea, " 'as' h hand! ~ only Lh 'I'h fourth numbet· is MacInnes I .. more rflce hors on our tracks this ' famous sealshipt.. ' Neilson. ~he witty Scotchman, wl~o MI'. Libhie Wolford, of Portland, The political pot has started to P. D. and Mary L. Clagett will s II year t.~an have ever before run , at ------.~ .-.+.-----cOllles on Februal'Y 1st. He w~ Ind., is vi her uncle Eli Burnett boil, and many are the conjectures as their large stQck of sto~k,implements t~~ Fall'. He has furthermore con· oil MEAL tlducated at Glasgow Univer ity, and her aunts, Misses Rachel and to who,intends to become candidates. etc at th late h f Le . S L clhated several horse owners wJlo ., e orne 0 VI. uk'f d 'th In' ' and his thought is clear, real, human; ' Mar, ~ ha Burnett; For mayor, Cap. C. H. Smith in· kens, on O::tober 19, 1909. This is were at. m .·e ge WI. our .l'~I~, Special low price if taken from the and clothed in vestment of scholarly Tl H t ' T ' t ed ~nds to make the Iun again. The a bona fide sale, and every article and has moculated a frlendlr SPlrlt Cat'. WaynesviJl~' MjJJs. ' ::Iimplic,ty, is 'admired by cultured le . ~r Il'ia~ rio ac ~pm y names of several others have been put up will PQsitively' be,sold. Watch among aJl who are a~le to Im~rove ... lnd uncultured. His Scotch a<:cent acrobats an,d trick-house partles' have mentioned among them being 0 J fo the b' b'll d th the Warren ('..ounty Fall' by theil' at· OBITUARY 'S a del'ght d 'b ]1 he been engaged for each day of the 'n .. r Ig I s, an e announce· te d d t " t' I \1 , an a Qve a possess· , W C F . ' Edwards, Sherwood. , ment in this paper later. n ance an par IClpa Ion: J08eph Sherman Qavens the sab. tlS a rare tenor voice arren ol1nty. air. For marshal, M~ V. Zellers, is said , • _. It was ~hro~gh theacqualntanc~of jeot -of tnis 8k~toh, 80n ' of Francis " The last of the series will beMa~"h Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkinsl\nd to want the office again. Several • HAS BOUOHT FARM Mr. Gustm With two of th~ members ,.. F'------. and,Bus!D E. BtlVenl, - was ,born 7th, When Lincoln McCollneH willlec- sons, K-enneth alid Dale wet ,names ave een In a u no _ of the Committee ' of three 'on the , " near RidgeviUe, .w~, 90unty, (j, ture. He has made over 4.,000 public of Mrs. Alice Keys and Mrs. Retia 'ing definite can be said about them J. Milt Keys has purchased a 92· Wooster Exhibit that we were fortu:', ·~ JanUAry 2', 1864, at the old ,Baveos addresses, and is a man with a mis. Hopkins last Friday. yet. acre farm one·half mile north of nate enough to procure this exhibit hOlD stud I\nd di~ 'at tb-e, ho.m e of Hi~n on earth- that is, to make it l Miss Elsie Van Harlingen~ of Bea- , Various other candidates are said Cente:ville on t~e Dayton and Leba· ~or the Warren County Fair, as , t.his' ! his br?tber a' lr,r ol, n~llr C~nterv:ll'e, brlghtet:, better and , happier. As vertown, and Miss Jennie Thompson, to be in th,e field for various other non pike, ,and Will move on the sam,e IS nO,t~ favor extended to all countIes, t3ept-ember ,18, 1909, aired 41) ~el1re, 7 one paper ,says: "If yOU want to feel I of DaytQn, were week.end guests of offices, and by this time next ' week ab.out Ma!c.h 1st.. The Gazette.s but IS.m fact, ex~end.ed to very few. ; mopth~ u~d19 dAYS being survived glad t~at you are Jiving and have a fUpshere White'and 'wife. something more definite may de. frle~ds. reJolc.e With him and hiS . Takmg eve~ythmg mto. cO~,idet:a. by an 8g,e d mo~h~r, " sisters an.Q 4 share In the battles of life, hear l velope. famdy 10 their new purch~e, but tlon Mr. Gustm has certai~IY made btOth~r..., his f~the~, two 81&ter~ and McConnell." Harry Sh~rwood, son of Henry However, the fight will loon wax are loth to have them go so far away good," as Secretary. and I,t appears .:_ . one bro~~e, ]lav~~~, p~6Ceded 'l,u m to Tickets for this course are pow on" Sherwood, of Wel~sburg! W. Va., warm, and somebody will ~urely from Waynesville. that as a result ~~ his efforts, and of r th.I'lr ,long bome. ,-' lhe wrlter has sale at Janney's drl,lg store, and you was the guest of h~s COUSlD, ~ B. have to run tor these offices, and ---those of the remamder of the been a~ualDted, ~lth J~e. ~s b~,wtUI" should get one or more, for the Sherwood anq famtly Sun~ay. somebOdy will be elected. ' MASONIC NOTICE all of whom have been hard at wor~, faDlUlill'~Y' ~H~,d for:"tlle ltl,s t tllirty Course will surely pay you. Word received from Charles Clem. ' . . we are to have on~ the largest " y'ears""n~, a~tbongb lie had some ' - - • ents an~ family was that theyarrivWARREN COUNTY FAIR . Regularcommulllcatlon of Waynes- and , best fairs in this part of the , faults.hegoodinbimSO'Otit:y.reiglIed OUR, NEW SERIAL ed at Euge,n e Oreg.,on the 17th, ' Ville L?dge No. 163 F, & A. M. state and one that will be farbettel" ... ." The D. L. ~ C. train will leave T esd . g Se tember 28 at ' the taults tDat-tb~ere Wll8 sf,\\1left 8n , '. . and all are enjoying the~l'les. . .u a,y evenm , P , than any we have had in this county g upright hoQe/!t. geil,~ ~Ou!l man . ~~tlt ' ~he. s~rlul w~lch com~ences ~e.'{t . Lebanon ~t 5.30. p. m., S~Pt, 29, 30 elgh~ 0 c1~ck: SOJ?urmn brethren for yeard. , " .you.could retr upon that Iwhlltevllr ,w ek IS ~o t mten ely mterestmg , ,Messrs. M. C. LIddy, Mablon and 0 ~. ~" durmg the Fair. G~ner. cordially mVlted. -- • ' he pl'omlaed'lle expected to fulfill. , both to young and old. It is full of Rld~e, John ~erhart.and Doc. Yea· aI , a~r~llss~on,. 25c, Members~lp ~I' . J . . O. CARTWRIGR'r, W. M. COLUMBIA BICVCLE FREE , ~ , I;le w!'s a etaull,ch ~ fdond to all 'to laugh~ble ' incidltnts, and still has zle atten~ed tbe reunion of the 35thlFfChl~ltor B ticket, $1. Automobile E. V. BARNHART, Sec'y, wbom he'prolesl!ed frlendl1bip. ' Hill ,some 'of' th~ profoundest wisdom ,0. V. 1. 111 Lebanon la3~ Thursday. bcket, east en~ quarter·stretch, per Greatest offer out. Boys! Girlsl gene.rous'band wn~ 'l,llwaY8 ont ever uttered- even though it be Gideon Thomas and family, of day, We. Vehicles, west end quar· CAR LOAD Get yo~rfri~nds t9 s~bscribe to 0':11' etretche'd t tho~~_~D ~e~. Bis,splrit from a '~ar~~'Cro.w. ' Read it, as ~ou Gordon. Darke, 9~'., and Mrs. ' Char.:-~r-stretchf ~er"t'~~y, ~c. , AI) co~. ' Old Process Oil Meal special ,low' magaz~nef all~ow~ ~~ m~~e ~u a hae tJ,OWD '8ud 'enrtblf 't~i8hi' ended, surely wl1l en~oy It. '' 10't te 'Bul'ton"of Middletown, have veyanctes ree a d del~n rance , ga e price if taken from the car will cost Plresetn, °b a ,,- 'd AUk~f la, t~y· , ~'1 ' " ' ,, , . •- • b f G ' H k d excel> d rays an e Ivery wagons. ' c E'-:- h e est ilia e. s or par, IC· Peace ~ u iii ,as",e& Will PBSE~VE RALLY DAY . ~~n' guests 0 eorge ar~c an The Jlorth,gate Will admit automo. two doHors a ton more after it is un· ulars, free outfit, and cireulartelling - - - , _, ' , WI e. , ~, biles only. WILL 0, GUSTIN, Sec. loaded. Waynesville Mills. "Bow to , Start." " Add~. ''''the The ' Orthodo~ , Friends' SundayMr$. :Albert Chandler' of KansaS' • - '. , , " • - • Bicycle Man," 29r81 East 22nd StT~t, , ~h~ol will' o~serve ~J.Iy D,a~ S~n- Plty" . and.Mr.~. ,A.~. Li;t~q, '0f,WiI , BIO MARKET " New York city, 'N', Y ; , " ':' " DRPPPED: FROM B,A ltOON ' 7 ~~ tl.t 9:30 'a. , Rev. ~VI ~l!ls mi~f:tton, ar~'spendmg this weeK with ' ", .' Tpe Farmers' Grange will hold WIll ~reach at 10.30 a. m. and agam their 'brother Samuel Butterworth Monday, as, Lester Surface was , k t t t" t h' h S t A T THE , SCHOOL HOUSE , '. h' fi Id h ca ' ' mar e a .. e owns Ip ouse a ur· , ' '.. . h , In t e afternoon at ~ p. m , EvelT- and other relatives and old friends. wo~king m ,18 e , ' e , l!l-8 across d Se t b 25th b • . t9 . .' , body' ~s cordially invited. ,," ~ " .'. ,'" " . a PAJ!t!r, ~~, UpOn opening, it he ~y" p El:m ,er ,egmnmg a , Th~re. ~as b~!l a new., ~~ck-~t9P ; ___ • ' placed?n th~ ,rounds" , whlch 1$ a " " , _ , 'Mrs., MI., k. Pier~, Mi~ . Pe,a~!, fouJld a ~rd with tije ,name M~oJl 0 ~l~k. , t $I~ to ,th~~811 ~y.s'. , IMME~SE CORN ::' '. '. . NEW, LlNC~lN " .,BNN~ES '. ,Pi~rce,. M"~.~rank, Farr ,~n~ Tho~~ n~nper on it, ,~, 'J'h~ sack w~ . pa:lItly r .' . I , ,5, • Pierce w.e~e ~t the DI!-Yton Sol,dlem 1ill,ed with I~ all proba\?lhty the~ -will ~ ~ , , The Oltlzen s Bank, haso, recelVed..a H~me Sa~ur:<iay. ~roJll tpe.~ Mra, it ,is presumed that 'the sack. was' .. Thad Zim~erman brought tQ this ket ball this wln~r. .,,' , . s~jpmen~ o~, brand n.ew ~mc9ln pen. Pier,c e a1)d. daugh~r ret!lmed toldrop~ by ~ Benn~, w}len they office l~ week ~ight' of com ~t may be poSsible that Wayn~ _,' nl~ ~hltm &l:e provllig very,pQpulat:' th~ir ho~e II~, Lebanon. 'I!,dJ, after ~ over his p"ifi the balloon; from.his ~a~ na"i Or,egpnia that ville 'H. ,S, IDay play J.9ttle ~.S Fr.. , ,~lth...~he::VQ~'" well ,as the old. 'onl V~81t h~r~~tb\relatives; Da1~n, 8bout ,f~q~ w~kI ago. ,_! t,v4!ilhed 1fX, PQund~. ' dayllf~tI\oon~ , . '






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The Miami .Gazette D. i.. ·CRANE. WAY NESVIJ... LE,


Turk y m .r Iy wants 'It understood Successful Renewal ot Timber Dep nds Essentially thn t It cnu thrash Greec If Ill' essnry. Conservative Lu.mberlng ond Adequat.e Fire Pt-otectlon. 130 ton pinns !\ p ' nsloll uun It for old maids. JJ re Is nnother 1(0 0 k at mal· Th Y 1I 0w Illn s of tile ast r n a nd In h . Igil t f9r the fl rst (ollr lo'lii" yea r , rimony. S 1I11ll'nl st.:l tes ar bing ellt a t I II but III til IU fl ntin\ d velop long, ('i\'i1! zall on rate of 13.000,0.00,0 0 lion I'll feet n n . hy ta proots. T ills hall it of gl'owt/l \Vb al '~' ill- a fulur th ink 11'\11.' 11 It digs up lh e bonC's of a y a r. Th e total s land at th is t ime I s mu k eR II v .ry dlt!1cu ll to transplll nt monoplnn ? upproxl mately 400,OO(l,OOO,000 board them Stl r.essfully a nd m ilk s . some --"..=--=~ me thod of dl r ct seelli ng neccssary. Wh y will b -all(lful \\~ome n run fal f etlt. A pla nting Illan f r til londs of . J)('rs(1 n ~' 1'0(' ('8 bE-fore the camera at , On e dlscournglng condition on cut· en'r lands jn tbo southern s lates Is th e Gl'll llit e\'i li :'Il a llllfaC'tllrlng am('very picni c? tb e lack, for variou s caua s, of ndp.- pn ny, ranitl/vllle" . ., hR s jus t been It wl1\ ":n=-o-l ':"b=n =c==e""s"'sa=-r-:y~to nlRl'g Quat you ng growth . Mil ch uf th pr lIar d by th FOI-est S rvlce. Til Ihe 0 nn j ll st yet to mnke room foi' cu t·over Innu has grown up to R(,l' ub plll n provides f or direct 8 odlng of lob· all th n rop lnnes thnt fall in. oaks wltb v I'Y little w idely scntle r u loll y nnd longleaf pin S 011 about 5C'-; pin reproduction. \ r eali zation oC ' ew 'Y ork is s tHl s ndlng JOY rid ers t h se unfavorablo condilion s Is l,e· II ·rlS. It. recomm e nds tbat JoblollJ to prison . just :1 S If It w r lireu of coming appa rent all through tbe pine seed be sown broadcast on the leared lands whl h occur all the ,hat fOI'LIl of ulleged ' amusement. so uth, And titre Is a man If III Intel" lower s lop s. LOJ]gleu f pin e seed Is s t In rerm' s ting 8U b land s. to be pluntl'd all th e hIgh seedy land This Is a poor year rOI' the sen ser· Su Bsful renewal of south ern pine ill s ad s pots, pl'epllred abo ut s ix fa t J1 nt. At tho s umm er r sorts the n \g ht.flrlng qlrsblp has crowd d It fOl'ost lands d p nds ess Iltlal\y up- opurt each way. Th o plan also In· on cons I'v ati \'o h:mbe rln g and ad e· clud " de tailed dll' ctlons for prepar· out. Qua te prot cll on from flr . The p"ob- Ing the ,ground a nd 80wlng the S8 d, A Philadelphia man who wa ll goi ng I m of fir e protection, howe v 1', Is both It IR estima ted thnt tbe cost of to conlmlt suicide died of heart dis· a !lerlous and a dlffl l'lllt one. I,Janling will be nbout $ .50 pel' acre eas. He probably was scared to R for estallon of s outh ern pine for brQnucast sowing of loblolly pine dea th. la nds can probably b9 ffe ted by 111 · and nhollt $6,35 p er a re for se 11 I ct seeding, but eucb ell'orts would s po t planting of longle uf pine. A canNotwithstanding the success ot the aeronuuts ther e are sUlI many people who prefer to keep lhelr feet on solid ground. Saving the ch ildren of the


fTOin disease and death Is n profita ble

and economic, as well as human.ltar· lan, undertaking. It Is wr=;l~tt:=e""n=:=ln=t:;:b==CI:=o""lI=:ds that we shall yet see daring circus aviators looping loops In the all' aud turnln'g upside down, far above the earth. To show bow far the s lence of lIy- Ing has not progr ss d It Is worthy of m ention that aviators go to the con· tests by train with their wings stowed In the baggage car. That gll'l whose doUng fath er hlle given h r a balloon knows a better way ot looking down on otber l' ople then the one adopted' by the girl ·'\'{ho anarries a rick ty nobleman. Ohlna and Japnn are glaring at ench other again, Turkey declines to let the powers run the Oretan affair, imd the dove ot peace' Is flying recKlessly about ' looklng for. a safe perch unU! ' tbe ne~t Internatl gnal ,peace oongresS. The deposed monarch of P ersia declines to quit his job until he Is paJd his back salary. . He neglected to take time by tbe forelock and layln something for a rainy day, ' as did the exeultau. A Vancouver magistrate flne

him.eU tor violation or the speed lawL the Roman sense of duty bas not perished but gives occasional taint flickers In these degenerate latter days'.


The rules of society are somewhat r elax,ed dUring the summer seasonl so that a dry goods clerk will flnd notb· Ing to prevent him from masqueradIng as a prince If he has the clothes . 'to do It on.

Medlcal~ln=B=p""e"'c~tJ~o=n~in=t::O:he English scbools shows a phySical degeneracy among children which Is alarmlQg the oountry. England would not be easy In its mlhd It It were not alarmed . over somethIng.


Englimd's national nervousness finds new ex pression. Every t.lme tbere Is a scare of any kind they go to work over there to build more Dreadnoulbts. It they keep on they will SOOD be monopOlizing ocean room. ' .Aeoordlng 'to Greek opInion, the 'Turk Is "stlll dreaming of the hour 'When Greece, her knee In suppliance bent, will tremble at his power." Tho "' Turk, howe.v er, has troubles of his own at present, too lively to permlt of hIs doing . much In tbe way of dreamIng.


The chlet mine· Inspector of Penn sylvania declares Officially that In bls opinion few of tbe accidents In the anthracite mines last year were caused by anythIng but carelessne·ss. And human carelessness Is something agaJnst whlcb no safely device bas been found always effective. Don Jaime, son of Don Carlos and claimant to the Spanish throne, says he has no Intention of Interfering In the present row. That shows good senee. It Is safer to be an Inactive pretender than be a too active offender. Whatever may be the outcome, there Is no Indication that Spain has any real hankering tor a Carllst rule.r. The success of the typhoid experiments at ' Fort Omaha, Neb., will en.' cour_ge bellef that this scourge of hu. IDlinlty, and especially dread of the 1I01dier during war, has .t last been ~Ircumven~ed. The Immunizing of sol· dlers by vaccination with an ' antl-ty. pbold serum appears to have' made those .who subjected themselves to tbe test completely Immune. . The young monarchs of Spain &lid Portugal certainly are having . their trO\~ble!J. By the Irony of fate they 'Beem .selected to deal with emergen. cles which the experience and wisdom of gray heads might well Jlnd per. p.extog. Stabllltt III sovernm!!nt Is making . .I... ID ~Ull ..Amerlca. PreSident of Columbia, lIened tour yea,. ",!ped Inllead ot heIDI about a reu &JId a half,


_ _If to fonDer enlltpm. of IIJI ,

" X T , t oo narrow, hu sbandmC' lI ! but tIIng 1"1' m I ho ( u lt s ll ell C. \\'1l11 "11111'1111101(, g t 'lII lth. 'rhe lib rul lo an llCuJ. Thln l' , Oil, gr a t e· f u l. t hlnl,: H o\V ,;;uod t il <;od ot B urv . t Is to rOil , " ' 110 P OU I':! lb u llllnnce 0' r you r f1 owlll!: 1I ·lds,'J


VALUE PA,NTED ON, Well painted Is Vl1lue added wbe~ er the house be built tor on thousand dollars or ten thollsand. W p.1I p'hlnted means higher selling value, and blgher occupying value - for tb ere's an additional pleasure 10 living In the bOllse that Is well dressed. . . National Lead Company aaslst In making · tbe right use ot the rlgbt paint by sendIng fr ee upon requ est to all who ask tor It, tllelr "Hollseown8rs' PaInting Outfit No. 49." Thl8 outfit IncJudE!s a book oC color Bchemel ' Cor ' either 8xtArior or Int rlor palnl· Ing. a book of speclllcaUous anu an Instrument for detecti ng adulteration In paint materials. Address Notional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Build· lng, New Yorlt City, and tile ouUlt wlU be promptly sent to you.

The Odoriferous Bulb, The wholesome onion sh9'Uld be SPOILED. a rved at least once a we k the year round. There are so many pleasing ways that one n eed not tire at tho samene/is, A very good way and not well known, Is to take tho lArge mild on lon, parboil until nearly .tender, roo move the centers aud stuff the cavity wllh seasoned meat; sausage Is good. Place In the oven and bake until quite tender, basting occasionally with butter and wat er. Serve with a cream so.uoe poured around them. Onions ore also nice served as a scalloped Biggs-Waiter, this steak Is too dish with 11 dash of grated cheese. tough to cuL Take It back. rry frying them with a bit of pork Walte r-Sorry, sir, but I can'l; with new green apples, It will be n ec· Jou've bent It. . essary to add a little sugar, but they . FREE LANDS IN WYOMING. will be a ·treat. Napoleon, It Is said, dt d of Indigestion caused by eat· Ing Cried onion, Thoy certainly n:-e Chicago &. North Western Railway. bard to digest, as Is a1l fried food. Send tor booklet tel11ng bow to seoure 320 acres of U. S. Government GeneralitlOl. Leave a depression' in the enter of lands in Wyoming fre e at cos t, and a loaf oake when putting It In the describing various Irl'lgation pro,lecl!! QV . n, as It Is apt to rise higher in tho and the most approved methods or SCI· centor. Nevel' decrease the heat duro entlfic dry farming. Hom 80cleers Ing the first balf of baking, as the rates. Dlreot train servi ce fr OID Ch i· cago. W. B. Kniskern, P. T . M., hlc.go. cake will be liable to fall. In baIting Rngel calte In a gas oven, A Queltlon of Gr"mmar. put th e ca ke Into a cold ov n with the R etty's uncle, who I\,U a IIcbool .gas of one burner ligbted just enougU toacller, met her on tho tr e t one to bum, after ::10 minutes Increase the beautlful l\Iay dny ond IISI\ d 11 r If !;Ieat 0. very little at a time until flilly she wos going out with t1d Maylng risen alid brown, party. Try 'U sing one Jll\rt almond to lIix "No, I ain't glllng." parts vanl1lo. for 11a vorlng, . "Oh, my . lltUe dear," sold btH "ocl e, Orange flavor for a sauce or fllUnS "yoll must not say 'I ain't going,' "and for pudding or. cake may be obt ained he proceeded to gIve bel' a littl e lesson by rubbing an orange wu\l loa! sugar, In grammar. "You are not goIng. He The sugaX' absorbs the 011 from the Is not ..golng. We are not goIng. You rind. ' are not gOing. They I\re not golog. Now, can you. say all ·tbat, Helly!" Fruit Punc~, . ."Sure I can," she replied, making a . Po~r one cuptul of hot tea In1U810n courtesy,. "Tbere ain't nobody goln&_" over one cu'p ful of sugar, 'Add . three· -Lutheran. fourtus of a 'cupful of orauge juice, Not Amblguc)ul at All, one·thlrcl ot a cuptul of lemon juice, The donkey Is-or has been-ASSOand strain over Ice In punch ' bowl. 8hortleaf Pine After e Just before serving add o~e pint each ciated with party politics .In olber countries besides o.llr own. prove (utile unless the land8 were servatlve estimate of the time reo of ginger a~e and apollInarls water. In one ot England's electtons a can· protected 8Kalnst lIre. The Forest quJred to produce m~rchantable crops, '.va U'QU'LISU. "'.• late Lord Service· ·bas made plans for several yIeld of each pine and the total private landowners and comvarues in Cost (,Of producinlr lumber, per thou· meana of a 'donltey over wbose back the south for direct sowing of pine sand board teet, compounding the two panniers were slung, bearing a seed on tbe permanent sites: Because Initial inve8tme~t at (our per cent. rlbboDband on which was printed: of tbe more rapid growth of loblolly are about as followlI: "Vote tor Papa." 1'lOe it Is prefel'red where the soil and Loblolly pine, 40-year rotation, 19,· It must be added, however, that in moisture conditions · are favorable. 000 board feet per aore; post per ~ HE man who rilles early rna)' .In· each"pannler stood one of Lord Bath's The teaslblllty 01 estabUshlng loblolly board (eet, $3.66. .'s CompanIon, . crense his !;lIn and et or ; pine plantatons by sowng broadcast, Longleaf pine, '70-year rotation, 17" But- goodneu-how he ' getH him· on prepared ground, has been deter- 000 board feet per acre; cost per ~I bage AdvlclI for' Husbands. sc lt d espised \)Y .the folkli next door." '. . mined by experiments and ' by obser va- board feet, $9.67. Rev. Father Bernard Vaugban. S. J., • of tion on th~ natural reseeding of this lhus advises husbands about their' Tims anything above ' ,S.\)5 tor ·lol)· THE C~I;F.RFUL GROUCH. , , tree on abandoJled fields. The perpet- 1"I:y sturqpage wUl be In excess of wives: "!'tever attempt to cbeck the uatloJl of loblolly pine on sites SUited fo ur per< cent. . compound Interest on Dowlng tide of ber talk. Let her tallt .Oft Cast-Off Clothing. ' to It Is there rare not a matter of much the inveslme.n t. It Is also apparent The C.leerlul Grouob tUTned away , .on whUe you lJossess YOUl' soul In con ('ern. But there are vast areas thai unless the stumpage value for tram haggling with a peddler at the peace. Remember that a woman needs on which the less exacting but slower longl .af pine advances considerably,' bao~ door: "Shllll I let him have It lI\any more safety valves and olltiets for ~er temperamenL De patient growing longleaf pine Is tbe only one plantations Qf this pine will yield con- for 1i0 cents?" . with her," t hat. will thrive. Artificial . regenera- sidei'ably I.e ss than a four per cent . "Yes; ' anytblng to get rid ot hl,m." And the peddler departed, laden tion of 10l1gleat pine, eltber by sowing l'eturDI . On the basis of the estimate 8ENSE ABOUT FOOD 'seed or by transplanting seedUngs, Ls be COSt at three per cent. compound with spoll, whUe the Cheerful Grcuob 'aob ~bout Food Worth 'Knowl". still In the experimental stage •. Long- Interest would be ,4.47 per tbousand surveyed with a frown some coins In leat pine seedl1ngs grow very slowly bo:.rc:( teet. her rlgbt 6anll. It "" Is a serlou8 question sometimes to "I feel like Esau when ,he so~d his know Just what to eat when a per~ birthright. I'm ashamed ev~ry time I lon's stou;taoh Is out ot order and mOl' .By seeding grass seed In tbe faU haggle wlt}.l those old:ololhes men at the seedli of weeds as well as those the door. ' Why do I " not give tlie (oods cause trOUble. Grape-Nu.ts tOad 'can be taken at an), of :: grass gerinlnat.e, and the early things direct Instead ot 'accepting . his, time with the certainty that It wUJ fro,s~ will then kill the germinated pitiful dole? It Is a certain amount weed seeds and not hurt the germl· of sacrifice for him, and - does JD~ no itlgest. Actual experIence of people I. valuable to anyone Int«!rested In foods. nated grass seeds. good. It robs me of any glory of givMany InJurious Weeds Are A Terre Haute woman writes: "I In tbls manner weeds that' mlgbt and the measly pellDles are not ing, Destroyed by PlanUIl8 Gra_ had luffered with IndIgestion for about otherwise do positive Injury to young worth the 'jar to conscience." Crop ta FII!-Il-By H_BOD. (our yearll, ever alnce an' attack of ty. grass are put out of tbe way aIt!) "But the peddler reaches a class of pbold fever; and at times could eat gether. people you would Ilever get at, To nothing but th~ very llghtest food It must be remembered that grass them l\e Is a blessing, because he can There are farmers everywhere whe ling most tenaciously to the notion seed and cereal grain lIeed will germl. afford to sell them cheap, after all; and then la.rer Buch agony with m; .tomach I wo~d wish 1 never had to that tall seeding at grass wIth fall nate and grow at much lowe.r temper. 80 'you are an Indlreot benefactor." eat anyt1\lI1g. grains Is best; that they obtain a bet· atures than most of the really hurtful "But why .am I not able to reac~ "I was urged to ~ry Grape·Nuts and ter stand and a better yield of hay weeds. them 'direct?' Why Is ther~ no way Illnce using .It I do not have to starve than from spring seed.lng. Those weed seeds not germinating to do what my sense of duty dictates? tDyseU any more, but I can eat It at Tbls tact suggests that the ~uslness wUl not cause annoyance to the grass There Is not a way; there 1a no meth· any time and feel nourlsfled and satis'Jf farming Is not one of absolute but plantlets wben those IJlantlets have od. T,here Is the strong need of an fied, dyspepsia Is a thing ot the past, of relative achievement. The kInd of once hecome well established. Fall organized oharlty which Is n(lt a- slap &lid I am now strong and WillI. soil, lay of land and condition of gl'aln seeded with grass will help to In the fact! of tbe self·respectln-g poor," "My husband also had an experience .Everybody was tboughtfu'c! tor a moweather, all these operate seriously as hold a .coverlng of 's now upon the laud with Grape-Nuts. He was very weak durIng tbe winter anll so tend to ment, sllenoed by, wbat tb~ ' Obeerful to results. and slc;kly. In the sprlng. ·Could not Grouch conjured ~ll In the way of pos·· What may be successfully carried sbleld ibe grass fl'oIll barm. attend to his work, He was under of help and charity. siblUUes out In one locality, one field, \VUl not the doctor's care hut medicine did not Then '~ne ,piped up with a' laugh to do In another locality and In another Life of Allparagus Beds, leem to do blm any good until he bebreak \he uneasy spell. "I bave a field. How I long will the asparagus bet\ friend ID Missouri who makes mODey gan to leave off ordinary food and use The fact tbat frequently better and last? A suburban market gardener out o( the fondness of her sllrvants Gr~pe-Nuta. It was positively surprismore hay may be secured tQrougb fall says he has a large bed about 20 for ber ~t-off clotJ1lnr;;' H~r cQlored Ing to lee the ohange In him. He grew than through spring Seeding In some yeal'S old which bas about run out. help 'much preters . her ' 8'ecoild-hand better !Ight olf, and naturally he had cases may be attributed to the follow· The roots have grown a thick 'mass dresses to the cheap 'new 'o nes they none tiut worcltl o( praise ' for Grape' . . Ing rea lions : all over the field, says the New Eng. can atrord. Lately ' sbe has sold one Nuts, "Our boy thinks he' cannot a It may happen that the soil Is of I~nd Homestead. The rows of·sprouts drell8 to thre'e different women, ·each ioose texture and Is easily worked; have widened until It Is difficult to ot whom paid Ii dollar In 'a dvance tp. lDeal ~thout ~ral?~.Nuts, and he one that otherwise cannot long retain cultlvate at all and tlle stalks have clb;lc.h the bakgain;·. .'None ;.of, .· }be 'Ie!lrn~ aq fast ~. Bchool that hla teacb. moisture In tbe eari3 summer and In become small. Repeated 108ses by three ever capie to claim. tJ1e gO~, so er and o~er ,c~olars com~ent on It. times of drought; where burning off winter kJl1lnr; bave lett large gaps In sbe b'all tbree dollars ! aDd ' the dreiS, .I am .a~.a.Qed tb~t It · Is beoause ' of the l18at ~ourJablng elemente In of sprlng·sown grass might tallow, and' some places, To renovate such a field too," '. ' Qrape:.Nute:>' where location of field Is sU,c h tbat In ' Is a hopeless job and to ktll out ' the "All'" elcbed the C.' 0 "I'm D't lIucb , "There'l • ~e&son," the wln~er the snow wUl evenly cover asparagus Is almost equally dlMcult. ftnaricier as your ( ....eDd.from ·M I.'Ouri. : It CO~~~8 the pbosphate of potash It, tb\1s preventing It from freezing .Per~ap8 the eall,lest way .t o reolal~ BQ UtUe a one 'am I tha~ .1 even tatl and heaving out. . tb~ land will be to chop up the surface to #lnd In the jlnl~g ot ,Wa coin any' no~ wh~at. ~nd barley whroh comb/ne WI~ albu~en to make t;he ' rray mat. When .grass seed Is sown upon ea~lY wltn a wheel barrow and, sow to oats belptO tbe :burt·.that ·bonor ,(eels'" ter tu dally reflU the' brain aud ne"e plowed grass sod': the autumn-e . . ven and barley, followed' by r1e., . It will centers. ' .. , take several seasons to kill out the very late-Is a better time for seeding plant". It ma1 be said bere that an It ,. a :Jllty 'that people do not know t.ban the spring. "asparajIUS bed will last much lonler what. to fe~ their chlldr8l.l, There are At a sea!3o n wl1en ral~s are fre- than 20 yel!oril If the plante are set In .< ..J...:="." · . . . otbel'tl who ' gtve U.elr Joung. ql\ent· there will not be a. much rea.-. wider lIOWS and ' (allther apart. In tbe almoet ,any ~'~d Q~' ;004 and BOD to bring the sod IDto good capll.~ ro,v, P~aDt8 ' wblch have pleD~ the, become ' sick begtb to pour lary acUbD as there would be b~ t~e ' roo~ t~r their rootl ,nU .end 'UJ» larre . mediCine 40n them. The real ' nprlng, at a time wben the young ' sproubl wben 60 7"" 014 In land weU Is .Uot:to PfOP&f' food and ~I&JIte are torced ~o depend In a lIWIul'ed and clean. In the ..,. above . . aI~ w!lbn' med. .~ , great mealure on tie .tore of molat- 'm$llUoDed J)lanta were e~lJWcle4 ;~~;;~J ure that tbe Iud Jau IOGWIlOIate4l1ur· 01111 lis ... the wtAcer, ... !~~~~~!~!~~~I




Our New Serial

, .


Many Women Think They Are Doome' to Backache. '


LeJ 0


By H\J&H M .5MI·T H Depufy


. r\"ING .1> at lbe nOrllH\' !ltern cornel' of F'rnnre- wlIshed by the 'Eng· I) ' h chnnll el und the Day of AlscuY-IS a rugged coilntry, wlt b rllggel] Ilihabitanls, who ure less Frl;l ll h tll(\11 a ll)' other peopl e of the r pullilc . Brittany has no pollllcal ex. ls i IH' 111101 In not eVe n rep res nted on 80 111 nlod fl i map ~ , h cause It term I· lI u t ~ d il... indi vidual career in the clos. Ing y aI' s (, ' the eight ntb century '; but Ih(' 1I1·(>(ons. !lllTerlllg In aocelltry, langllng !: lind t mpe rnme ut trom the il' ne if.\h hll!'s, h ,I\' held aloof and main· t ni ll to (] Ih II' I'll lal chul'I\ cters iu a way nllTII Ist ' ~' l1urn ll e l od III EU l'opean his· tory, 1·' lel'l::€' wars bay I tt th eir scars 1111 11 th e ('on 'oll1 ltnnts r modern clvlll· lmtlon hal'O maue their enduring 1m·


u. ". L!J"reoti 0/ r,".sllerie"

th a n lhe cnUr !.at or Maryland. The abundan e of stone ev rywher. Ami I\}e scurclty of 11mb I' In many pluccs ha \' d , ermin ed th e build ing matl'l'lul ror most of the houses, chilI' hes IIl1d oth er structures In Brit la ny . Wh en f ol' nny rell60n build· IlI g stone Is sca rce or oth erwise lack· ln g, th e p opl hl1\' oiten had reo cou rs 10 the prohl slo rl monu m nts for thei r h()1ll p.s and chllrch s. 'rh churches u(T()rd most fa sc lnat· Ing mate rial tor th e stllil y ot th e a r· dllt (' t nnd ti ll' nn ti!]l1l1rlul1 . Bpgl ll '

It II not right for wome·a. to be al. ways alling with backacbe, ' urinary, IlIa, lleadach e and o~h" . ' er symptoms of kid, ney', ~be re la n way to end these troubles Quickly, Mrs. John H, Wright, 606 East Firs t Sl. Mitch· ell, S, D,. saya: ' ''1 suffered ten yeara with kidney complaint and a doctor told me I would never get more than te mpo rary r elie f, A dragging pnln and lameness In my back. almost disabled me. Dizzy spell s come a nd went and tbe kidney se \' tions we re Irregular. Doan's l{ldney Pills rid me of th ese troubles an d 1 fee l better tban for years past." Sold by a ll dcalors, oOc, a hox. Foster·Milburn 0., DtllI:l.lo, N. Y.


It was th e scene of the most atrocious maSfiacre , !lnd In 17!l3 (ull y :;O ,O()O men, worn n and children were he r e butchered . Every obse rvllnt trav el I' soou realizes t.hat the domlnan t lI ute In the Bre lon charncte r Is th e llU!\' r· Sill unci Inel'adlcllble belief in a high er powe l', wh lcb I.s not only worshipped. but Is regarded as lnflu enci ng Dr d lerm lnlng eve ry Incid ent In tbelr dally lives. Most peculillr religious s uperstitions are cu rrent; IVitchl:Ta ft, char Dls anll antidotes are believed In , and {alri sand olhel' creatures of a childlike Imagination .l e re lIa v , a \,ery r a l 6xistence to both young and old. All of the ' people are now nominally hristlans, but Druidis m fl ou rished ill some r~ mote sections us late

The ChIck-What's the ruatter? The Duckling-You'd cry, too, If your rna mnde yo u w ar overshoes When you went swlul ming,

BABY HORRIBLY BURNED. By 801ling Grease-Skin All Came Off One Side of Face and HeadThought Her Disfi gured for Llf",

Uled Clltlcura: No Sca r Lett.

s on people ond country; but so lUll h of the ancient customs and landJUllrk bas SUf"lv d that Brittany is sti li a well-rua rked ge graphical and -ethuologlcal entity and bids fall' to remain such for many gene rations, This isolation at BrittaJJY trom the re maind er of 'France, while at tbe same time' the province Is compar.a. tiv Iy e8 y to reach and traverse, bas for many ye~ rs made It a popular holl. day and vacallon resort tor PariSians and Londoners and bas attracted the notice of regular travelers and tourists ..... bo. having "done" Nie Alps, tbe RWne. tbe Norwegian fjord8, the Riviera and the European capitals, at£! 8eeklpg new nlng with lhe eleventh century, they worlds to conquer, Artists of all lands present a most Interesting record at ba"e Ukewlse fC;lUnd this a most agreet he evolution and progress of eccle,a ble Held for work and recreation, The sl:lstical architect ure. Large castles ]lopularlty of the ' region Is ttellted, by' are rare and in practically every com· ,a score of modern books ot travel, munlty It Is the church that Is the lIqme written and illUstrated by clever artl 8~II, Bretons lived up to their rep· most Imposi ng structure, i2escrlblng the Quaint oharm ot country and utaUon tor conservatism and Th e hous !l of peasants and fisher· people and always 'giving tile reader a keen l'emalned loyal to the mono men are for t.he most part small, one· <leslre to go and see for himself, . archy and forcibly reslst~d storied, with deep, thatched roof. In a Some years ago 1 wall prl\ileged to visit '. the e8tabllshment' ot the refew plac s 1 noticed th e walls formed Brittany In tbe Interest of tbe' bureau ot fish. public long aftet' the other • entirely of upright grani te blocks erles and the personal observations I then parta of France b~d accept· se \'en or eight feet high, Windows made Inc:ldental to tbe .6peolal Inquiries In ed the new regime, (often without glass) are s mall, tew This ' hand torm the basis for these necessarUy des. sanguinary, chapter )n the in number and nbt infrequently a lto· lI]tory remarks, I g t he r lacking In the poorest bonses, history of the country has The floor a are of dirt, which Is The original name of Brittany was often convert d Into mud and reArmorica, wh ich was changed In cOD' mains so, and the Int eriors al'e usu· sequence ot extensive Immigration ally el1llly and ehe riess, In many from Great BrUnln In the fifth and tamllies th re is n com mon bedroom sixth centuries, The Armorican trIbes In each house, with a bed In each formed a part of that race of whloh the orner, and It Is no unusual thing to 1rlsh, Highland Sooto)) and Mans con. find the same room sllllred by a litter of pigs 'lIUtute one division and the Welsb, and perhaps severnl goats, <:ornlsh and Breton the otber, <The Celtic language there spok,e h at the But the leading product of the vmters of I'C:::"""'-- -llreaehf time Is dh' lded Into three or =--n-r.... ltlIiny is the sardine. This country has Its four ratb er distinct dialects and Is un· own pccUll!\f attractions for Ib e artist, the i1erstQod, If ' n,ot actualfy u,6~d by 'a very arc heologist, the lingui st and other speciali sts, large percentage of the na,tive popula· a nti e\'en ordinary tourists, Ilr o!lell Impelled tion, Many of tbe older Bretuns clm. to extend tbe ir trn\'els thith er; but th e tea· not speak French and In 1902 It was ture whi ch appeals must strongly to the great· found thnt ' the French language \Vas est number of Amer icans IIffects IIOt tbelr unknown or unused by 700.000 of the estheti c, nrUslio 01' sci ntlflc tastes , but th ei r p ople, The government n.o'w requires gastronomic, th rough tbe medium of the the Jearnlng of French by the young, canned sardine . Other countries and other It Is easy to unde rstand how the supersU· so we may expect the gradual dlluse parts of France produ ce sardines, but t he Uou. temperament' of ' tbe Bretons has been llnd flnal, death ot this ancient tongue. ' sardine par excell ellce comes {rom Brittany, developed by their isolated geograpbl>!al posi· Taking a brief glance at the bistory tlOD and the Impressive character o( the coun· Brittany Is tlle center of the sardin e fis h· of Brltts.ny. we may note th,a t ata very tr,.-, by their dlllUnct lal!guage and by lh~lr ' ery and has 0 \1 of the numerous establish· Temote perIod thi~ country became I being brought eonl!tantly II}. contact with those ments for t he canning or the fish , In al'e r· strllOge megalithic remalna wblch are here thickly settled by a ' dark·sklnned ) age season the l)rittullY sardi ne fi shermen people . that. stal'tlng a W,\!stward mi. more numerous t~an anywbere else, number 2-,000 to 30,000 and catch 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 pounds of sardines, for which gratlon from 'Some jI'~rt of Asia. lett ' A sympa.thetlc foreigner has given an ad· monuments along their route tbrough. they recei\'e $1,500,000 to $3,000,000, While the mirable estimate of ' B,rlttany and the Breton ()ut central and, northern Europe and shore Indus tries dependent on the fish ery give "" char{lcter tbat sholt\d always be borne In e lU\lloyment to 20,000 otber persolls, mosU1 only cedsed tbelr . wanderings when mind: women and girls. So Importan t Is the sardine stopped by the 8ea In. Scandlnavla, Ire• "Those who would wish to see Brittany as ~OM'RRKET~ land, ,Great Britain, ' Fi'.nce,. Portugal that In mnny communities In Drlttany every she really Is must not look at ber wild !lnd person III directly or Indirectly supported by and Spain, ' In prebilltorio times 'the Gaull been vh' ldly portrayed Balzac:. stirring barren plains, her bleak, ~reary mountains, It" anll tbe fallll re of the flsh to come menlls conquered this early race, and tfien oame tbe ,novel, "The O~ouan8 , " , . 'her dark and sombre forests. her stormy and ruin, starvation and death to mony people In Roman conqUest' and tbe ~ Roman ocoul?atloli The Brltous, at first trlends and kindred rock·bound shores and her lonely, lovely val· of ORul untll the fO)1rth century, up to which the more Isolated places, of the Bretons, eventually' 'b ecame their hered· leys wltb the bast" glance tbey cast on any time tbe pecultar religious practioes ot· the • Sardines Ilre found 0 11 lhe coastll of Drlt· Itary enemies, For centuries the ''Brltish prl· otber pallsln! landscape. with the bard prac· aboriginal J,'ace appear to, have flourished' un· tany throughout tbe year, but occur In grent· vateers and naval ,'essels ravaged the coast, lIenl eye and fa8t1dious. ta,s tes of modern trav· ' molestlld ~Y el,t her Oa ulA .or ' Romans, '.. est nbundnnce In SUlUmer and autumn, The blockaded the harbors, bombarded the towns, efers; they Il)ust think of her as Ule land small 'fish, lu demand tor oannlng purposes. We read ' that In 383 ,l'IaIlm1llan. 1I0n·ln·law ' Iand~d ilghtlng 'partltlB anil tbe long-contlnued ' that bl\!I beell consecrated by the earliest feats have been hatched trom eggs laid In the pre· of Octa,vI}J8 'of England. and ~Is nepbew, 00', and dc·ep·seated .anlmoslt)' · thu8 engendered of chivalry, 'pernap. the only spot tn the 'mod· vious summer at a considerable distance from stili , abides In this la,n d; where cbanges In , ern world that hall pre'8erv~~ In her legends , nan ,~rerladec, ' -,vent oyer to At:morlca , and en· habits . and customs ana' 'sentiment occur very untarnished the ' 'eternal youth of ', pbantasy:' . -tbe land and go' In schools at. or near the sur· . deavored tb dlspJa~e t~e Ramalu/, Tbls , 'Ven, ' . " tace, As many as 100,000 have been taken at . Here It Is notlonly 'the II])lrlt'that b'a unts the ture cost the lives ot so~e 16,000 ' lIoldlers. 'Blowly, one time In one net from one school. but tbe Then MaxlmlUari took over huge army a~d' last ~ears' bOWer8,' but tll'e spirit ot agel past, -Tbe llres€1nt Pop,ulMlon ,or about usual s ize, of the Boh!fols Is not remarkably eventually overcame the Romans, ,' C911an ,be· that looks you In ' the fact!. 3,260,000, Tile prlnolpal clUea are Bre8t, the large, . oam..e king' of ' the , country, )Vli~ch ~ ~e ' O&lted,' , · gre.t naval port of France; beau~fully located "The travel~~ , mUlt not regard the melan· " Llttle Britain. or. Brt;talne, aJld,/ lDaldnc' WI, Like othe r free,swlmmlng oceanic' llsh~ of one of' tbe ..b~t barbara, all ,J!jurol,le; choly Breton," 'altei'n~tefy , . taoltprn and elocap tal 'at Nahte~ .b e InvJtecl , his 'countrJmen. which the mackerel, ' bluefisb and berrlng are Rennel, In . the InterIor, brought promJnentl~ . Quent, simply as an 'uhlettered and morose whO 'lIfe!:e then ,vel,')' bard prealed by t~e SCots oonllplcuol,1s examples, the sardine varies In to the world's potlee lome years ago all tbe ' pellaant, but al • being cradled In lIupersti· and ",ota· an.d 'Salto.UB, to~ come over and Jotb abundance from year , to year nnd at times has soene Of, ' Dreyfull' ftrlt tTI.II and Nanta,s , on. , tIon, endo'W~ , by nature ani! ed~ClJtlon with a btm, MaD' tbouqndl rHponded to thlJ and been · scarce on the French CO/ltsts, the Lolt:e. the large'it and- one bt th~ .molt in· ,t{vld ' Imagination, with ' a deep! truq, ' poeU~al aub,"uent ltadtatfons and' by the tlnle ot co:- , terel~ng pl,aCCII In all ' Brltt,aQ Ita chief a~ , lenle, with atroNr and, ,190m" l'ellgtOUi v,lewI, Thus. from 1887 to 1890, there WJIS an alarm· nan'l death, In UI, · Ohrt.t1~n!ty,.. that h!,.d ing soarcily. but after tbls four·year perto~ traction I. ~ta ' boary ag. and romantic Wstory~ to WhOIO the 'aplrlt-lancll ·la .an ever·present, an bi81l ,tJitrpclu~ wtth the Br ~n "1n~llP'IUlta, . It la mentioned b; Oaeaar, pliny I\nd o\her e ver-living reality, and w!lo iCl~mD.1ftes blmsel.r the 'fish returned In aa great numbers as ever. bail IIMIl .Ita.-,Usbed atad papribm 1alillOSt writers ~elr time and wu a cl~, ot note .for hie. ha~d lot C).. ~ri~ by a constant refer• A8aln, (rom 11102 to 1906, the aardhl.e dlllll.P. abollatiec1 o~eJ' a larP. .P&r.t of oae CIODIlti1, 10DI before Oaeur dlrideCJ all 'Uaul loto thr~ • Il~ to the fUture joy.,~f beaverlO" peared almoat completeij'. only to be foUow~d , Ia tbe IIIhldJe ..... the dakN of Brittan,. , parbl. ID tile Dllddl• .aea It wu ~. qf the b, .perlod of great abUII'daoce. All IIOl'ta of Ilrlttan7 la a uuallciouDtIy. Ita extreme llloat ..1.1».. P«*I88tona of the ..JD1.royal ~ ~tdJal . lIHroaatI.,.. ' &lid ~e theories bave bdtlh advaDced tCl account for 18JlIUa. from north to Aula. I. ,ollly '150 mlto. duktI of and ,UtI, ADlle of --Ie bl4 a parUam..t for row, . ieyOl~ ,.....s ,ID and !:a ......t. . _14th Ii a'-out tll4t .ame, qlbe theae petlo«i. of '4c~It7...bleb appear t" b~ molGtlOD aM It la.toO ,...... ...... (tf ~ ·IIWe lafpr comIq'.m~re ~equeut', thaD ,ormerl" P I'








"My baby wns s llllng beside the fender and v,e were prepa.rlng the br akfas t when tho frylng·pan full ot balling grease was upset and It went all over one side ot her fa ce and bead. Some one ,,' Iped the scald with a towel, pulling the entire s kin off. We took h er to a doclor, He te nded her a week and ga\'e me some stuff to put on, 'But It all festered and I thought the baby was disfigured for life, I used about three boxes of Cutleura ' Ointment and It was wonderful how it healed, In about five weeks it was better and there wasn't a mnrk to tell where the scald had been, Her skiD Is just like velvet. Mrs, Hare, 1. Henry Sl, South Sblelds. Durham, England, Maroh 22, 1908," fwUer DnIIr " Obem, Corp" Bole Prop 11-,


When the Umbrella Took Fire. Thomas Sim\lson, the Detroit malleable Iron man, Is a grave and dlgnllled persoD, but once he made a joke, He was sitting with a party of fri ends, one of whom was smoking an enormous cigar, The friend had diffi· culty In .keeping the cigar going, and ' by his repea tecl IIghtings had frazzled lhe eud of It until It was about twice Its original size, But he kept bravely at It, Suddenly Simpson began to laugh, "'Ybat are you lau ghing at, Tom 1" uked anotbe r memb er of tbe party, " I was wondering what Jim woul' dn wben that umbrella he Is smoking begins to blaze," he sald,-Saturday Evening Posl.' C'ere In Preparlnr Food. In recent yearl Iclentlst! bave proved tbat tbe value of tood Is meas· ul'ed largely by Ita pUt'lt,; the result Is the most stringent purl toad 'laws that have ever been known. One tood that has stood out proml· nently as a perfectly clean and pure food and which was as pure belore the enactment at tbeslt laws a. It could possibly be III Quaker Data; conceded by the eXllerts to be ths ideal food tor making strengtb of muscle and brain, 'rhe best and cbeapest of all toods, The Quaker Oa.ta Company Is tbe only manutaoturer of oatmeal that has satlstactorlly solved the prob· lem of removing the husks and black Bpecks which are so annoying wben other brands are eaten, U YOIl are convenient to the store buy the reg· ular size packages; It not near the store, buy the large sizl! famll, pack· ftgel, 1 Pests Worried by Pests. Since 't he Dutch philosopher Leeu· wenhoek di scovered that the pupa. of the flea was som etimes preyed on by the larvae ot a mite, It has been well known that various small Insects have theIr external parasites, And a recent communication to Ule Comptes Rendus of tbe Biological society of Pari s by M , Druyant, shows that mnny mosquItoes cnrry about mites In lhe larval s tage, Th ose described belong to four different genera, Tbey prob· ably feed on t he Integumentary struoturgs ,of the ,mosquitoes, GOVERNMENT HOM~STEAD8

One and one-half million acres of \ farming and 'grazing land will »>. opened for settlement In ' the Chet·' enne River and Standing )took Indian Reservation Octuller 4th .to 2Sd, Fast dally' thro\lgh ttll.lns direct lo .Pierre .\ and ,A berdeen, S, D" the reglstra~loe points. via the Cblcqo ~ Norul W~'" \ un Ry, Wl'1te tor 'Cleacrtpttve pam.... lets giving. 'maJIS ~d full partie..... , to W. ~, KnllikerD, P. T. K~ C• • W. Iq., Chlcaao. ilL ; . What Old ' He Kno'" About ttl "JII11 Ill" there', Dotbl. . . . \Ll'eIlUQUI liCe." , .


"an lCUII baa lle . . . _WI"'' , -.








Lebanon, Ohio, Sept. 28, 29,30, · and Oct. 1.




........ " " - " ' _ " " " " " ....



... _ _ _ _ - - - . . _

. --=-

Don't miss the Wooster Exhibit at the Warren County Fair. It will be accompanied by h ' ·11 b d experts w 0 WI e prepare to explain general problems.

~ ~

.= =. ~

~ • ~

Children admitted Wednesday, 29th.





10. .




.... See the Educational Department - - - -.- -- - -- - -- There will be other Special and New Attractions. The D. L. & C. train leaving Lebanon at 4:05 p. 'm., for three days of Fair leaves at 5:30 p. m.




.............. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . .

~ See

the Baby Show on Thursday at. 10 o'~lock.

.• ~

Old Soldiers admitted free on W ednesd~~~_~~t~. ______. Classes better and faster than ever.


= U


I ~ I: • I

Special Show Classes· Ladies, Driving and Hors~back Riding.

. I •••••••••••• •••••-••••• ••a ••

,$5,000 given in premiums.

Auto race each day of tile Fair

-~-~- ~-.





Elizabeth C. Shoemaker vs. JenEstate of · M<try O. Spenoer, rle· township"" ~O j C, C. Cleaver, QO~ . r-,":"ir-HE-u-F-E-II-'.-"----------------------., nie C. Bamllton et a1. Plilin'titfs' oeased. Firshndfinaillooot,lntflied. traot No. 74, '71l j O. C. Oleaver, (I) ' ~' NE\V = = = , S A F S ,==== seCOND HAND granted leave to file a demarrer·. Ctliper DeFosset, adminilltrator VII bridgf' rep!4lrs Massie townsbip, $3 i _.._ Time Lock and Repair Work All Klndl w .\ Webster ' Smith va. .lohu A. rha Southern Ohio Loao and Trust' George Robertson, bridge repairs, RE~lD!!NCB SAFBS A SPECIALTY Thompson, Oonrt oonfirmll aotion 00, et a1. The defendant is given Wayne tow.nsJl1p, '12·; 'P hilip Nickel bel.she Aren'cy for " Century" Adjustable Steel Drawlnr Tlbles ' . in mugiRtr'l lte's oourt. . jleave 'to file answer ",ithln ten daYR oleani[)g fioor in bridge, $1.00 I Vi. Luoy A. Smith .vs. l'hlllip (ira~din . b ·o m September 11. H. RobinSdn senliles ' on Soldier's , . . .. . THE C. HAl" S~FE' CO" Columbus, Oblo, :••l·f=-,c~~~~m · Uourt oonfirms writ of exeoation Estate. of 'John B Keuter et al Burial Commh~ee;. '3: Stakalta Pen ~;;;;;;~;;~~~;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;.;-~ fiied by sberijf Berma'n K~u~r appointed "dmini8~ Co I supplies far aaditor, $10.16; J. WALTER MOCLURE, Wtlliam W. Crane vs. Wilbur tntor living bond of "000 with J: Thompson, .,ervices as I!;lfirmary Crane ,et al.Ne~ appraisement Bernltord Keuter and Frank Keuter direptor, "0 j w. a.Btanage & Qo., FOUNTAIN SYRINGES \lIked for Rnd granted. as sureties and E. B. Rogers, John reoord and.:suppl.ies. ,53 50 ,j' rr~ki.o" . ~ Funeral Director• ., lOOrt ;P . Ad'lma V8. Daniel 'LInd'e r &lid Samaellrons appointed and PremIum on Insurance,' ~_ Adam" at 0,1. Sille ~f sheriff oOn· appraisers. ' $19.p() j F. W. .na~ols, p,r emium .?n SQRWARTZ'S 'l'elephone day or uight. Ii . .Estate of Margaerite P. )(oery, Insaranoe, $58, 25~ Robert 'Brough, Vn.}ley phone No.1. firmed: ' By L Franltll:mm Probate COu..... minor. firet Rooount filed. barlal of M,<.ses Barnett, *75 j State' Distance N\). 6\)-~f. u.-i._ of 'Ohio VS. Wmia~ Dane, *10,1)0 I -- • . In the mo.~ter· of the .~iIl of Bar. , .. --~ .... Llce~ , YALl!ABlE TIMBERS 'WAYNESVILLE 0"11). !!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!"!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rlet.E 0 Neall, d~ea8ed . . Appltoa. Boward Collett, 83; ~tvi1 engineer, State of ()hio ~s. Irl:' Wev.v~~," 11.85' : _ "" ' I· . · . . ' • tion to "dmit , to probate eet HarveYllbnrg an.d Mary S~kes 'nb- Valley Teleph.o ne Co, '14 55 j Cerl" In remOving some of the old bulk I ~ranch Office, Harveysburl'. O. for h earing September ' 18 at 10 baw, 32, Leb&non. Rev. J. W:' Uad . tral Union rehlphone Co, $18 25 I heads at Lewiston re ervolr {:o muke ~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! o'olock . dis. W . J. Wrlg~t, oolleothig delinquent way for more Dlodj:'rn Etraotures of In the matter of t~e will of Fred RUJ Estate Transre~s. perlionlLl tax, IsU ~7. ' OOllorete the- State struok a varita1,)le It~ ~ a.~T~..!....W AY~' ___-,--_ =Co=m=mon Pleas .Court. erioa. Book, deoeased. Appltcation ~muel L. Palfrey . ' to John D , 0 '. ,e . n 0 tlrilber mine. When tbeee old tim • . \'VA,yuesvuie's LetUling Dentist · New Suits. .. ds ' ··v'e re oo"nst·r uot·ed ....... to ftdmit same' to probate eet for BeaUIv real eetate tn Warren Coun. with Oregolli~ Brlclge Co., for .oreo· bar .A, Office in Keys Bldg. . M~ln 8' Elizltbeth Roberts, plaintiff vs. bearing September 4 at" o'olock. t -900 lo'e nailers and relaying - fiool' ·on ha f cent~ry _or thore ago, timber . y, .. . . 1\1 . B t b id d & Silas Rober~s, defendant. Petition Samuel E. Outler administrator Am~ndlA M. Sutton et 1101 to Isaao orrow rew nsr r ge , .an r .was not 10 .nlul\ble os it is now. filed for dlvoroe on.grounds of gross vs. Mary E. Cotler at al. Distrib~. 'WillSon 'and Eaphenila. Wilson, 'r eal moval of old HeeohRt!n ~l'ldg~ Ilnd Fot' t.hat reason they oould afford get Immediate rdIef ,.. negleot and nan.s~pl>ort . Prays tion of proceeds of sule ordered. estate Massie township, $SOO.. extra angles ~or . 8.eoond St " ,Ca~ltl t~ ~se great ou.k Bod .w alna' 199,.in . _ , Dr•.~oop·$ ~ .OIDIIIa\.· for 'o ustody of foar ·smliH child!en, In the matter of trast oreat~ bY', J . B. Gra.bam to Wall~ce E. Miller masonr~ i,! Salem, Clearo.reek ~nd the work. . It WI\S, the oheapest mll.:·. ~~~!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!~~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! Ann Ito Lytle tSharts,. plaintiff V8 item 4 snb A . in will of Roth A.l real elta~ tn Lebanon "000. Franklin , townships,. at , es~i~a~ t 'rial to be found , and WI1S right vn ~enry C.. Shurts, defendlint. Peti. .. Chenoweth : rleceused. W. H. All~n .JJaiIY K . 8tc?D~ and i Stone to $15:.95 . . . the.' ground . . tlon for divoro~ flied on grounds of a.ppoillteti trnstee giving bond of S 1.. Sllieon et al real . estate In ContraOI} wall entered into ~It~ !::lome .of t he walnut )o~s ware 69 extreme oruelty. Prays for oustody '3500. Mallon, $1. . . Or"goni& Brldg .. Co" for various feet long Bnd t~ree or fvll~ teet thiok of minor oblJdren with aUmQny , In t.he mutter of will of Oetia J h W '0__ . A th Be al'~h railinill Qndten~ovBl of o,l d ]dfl.ny were, perfeotlv sou pd (~nd wi11. . 0 n . uor.n to . r or an b id 8600 d' St C nal' ·'at · .. Brandon,. Burr & Ivins, attorneys MoOabe, deo6Used. Will admltted real estate In Warr.en . oounty, 'l~ r ge over . n . a, , be oonverte4 iQ to lumbar. .. fo~ pla.intiff. to probate. Ma t W b to DeWttt C. Fr8nklin .atestlma.te.of 116S.60, . A singular faot was found 09 to Jaanita Stephenson, plaintiff vs. In matter of above Oakley MoCabe HOO{~~:~ e8ta:e ~~ """,nen ooanty PI,a ns, 8peot~oatio~s aud estimate the oak logs thul! recovered. When Roy C. Stephenson, defendaqt. Pe. widowel' elected to take under Raid $10 tOO for oonore$e faoe walls to.. hrldge they we re broagbt out th y seem~d tition 'divorce on grounds will ' D~ • I ~.a. at C ~l _.. m int8t·ra to r a.batments and E.,1 C. , ·flled for ~ __ . DUmue er, .... .. ' winge B 'il near ' I soft, but on examination' proved .to ' of ,non .• uppor~ And habitul drank Estate of pelll80 MoCllbe l deoeat\oo. to Ada k. Culll)m, '2568, ieal estate Dodds farm o~ . 8m ~nw r?~ n be me~,e1y , water' . soak~~ and n ot GneBS. Ueorge E. Yoang. attorney W. A. .Keiter appointed exeootor tn uarlan "-w'nahlp. TarUeoreek township, er~ ap.~ r.ottlm • . Tiley; as easily s ~ .u . d d I ~ t B .R d t pine but after belnR dTieil and ex forplalntlff. · Kivhlgbon~ ~U6000wit.hTheAmer. J.K,G11ohriehnd Elizabeth Gil. ~rove an e o. er,t eeeSl osedtotb&air fota ,UQ18 beO/un A r-7:::-:- ---eOUlrtlPfiK:eOO1illfss..:-ioan Botiding Oompany ef &Itlmore ohrillt ·' real estate tn Turtleoreek DJate, '12~ .80. fi .' d i . as 'hard as bone and wilen the 'boards Elisabeth Robert8 vs. Silas Roberts Md, a8 sureties. George E Lam- '. townllhip to R. Wilds Gllobrlst, '1. Pllins ~peoi ~tion8 a~ .. eet mILt!'!, ~ere used for iot·e.r(pr .flnj'. h~~B too1t D-s.'l d"nce of defendAnt beio·g uu. bert, Clarenoe 0 , Beohtolt and De Eli b thOA ' I' te l"- 'P I' for new oonorete, abutm~pts pear on ~ most beautifa~ p~1i8b j , .. .1: ~ .. .. .. .. ., . ZIL e . . ' 00 at a ... an Randall's farm, Butler oount.y line known ~o plaintiff, It is ordered thll.t Illosthenes Weer .appotnted apprals· Hh~d~ reales'-te tn Warren Ulunty 'road in' JJeerfield towndhip were apnotice of pendency a nd prayer of pe ers. . . • proved and oontraot let to Bert D() Yau G'e t V p tition be;made OD defeudilnt by pab· J Estate of Alfred S~mpkin8, de· Fannie K. Piper to .the ~U1age of Re8d estimate $165.75. With a Lame· Back? lication. . ' ceasQd. ,Frank J . BroWll appointed Fr~nkliD, real ~etate to FrankJin,.1. ' . • _ ..._~_ Unus W. Youncevs. Loaisa Brant administrator, giving bond \>f $2000 Bomer 6. Wilson -to Allen Kibler, 00 with a Rush. Kldncy T"ou~lc ltIakcs You JUscra~' et al. PlaintUf granted leave to file with Kate S. Brown and <James V. reltol estate In Maule and . Wayne Almost ev~;yol1e k,u()ws~{DI.Kl1mer;8 The demlind for t~t wonde.r.f.ul Swamp-R ov, At thO t ' k'dne' " 'liver aDd and same is filed .. Mulford as sureties' Lon Zecht\t, township, '1. e grea I " . • repl" J Swmaoh, Liver and Kidney oure, bladder rewed\.' be . "Mary Bodner vs. F. A. Hilde. Charles Conover and Barry Ralston Will O. GUllt.l n and wife to Harvey Dr. King's New .Life Pills-is -fl.S I' 'I ' ~ Cause of its re~arlt: brand. Coart orders plaintiff to re appointed a.ppra.i8ers. E GUlltln, real estate in Wayn6f' toundiog Waynesville . .'prlOple and . . .. obIt: h~lth restorhig .. ' ,,o over from defendant· amount due 1ate b matter 0f "the esta.te , 01 Wi II vi 1Ie, '2000. . ' they saJv they never "saw thf' like "• .• • . " prope~ties. Sw.arup- MeC~LL PATTERNS ~. . . . Root . fulfills h ln'lo~ Its J>eo~u8e they .. n~ve.r ,faU to o u r e ' .. ',. ,'1,,"1.,1 I" r 'Ie, pe rl t fit ~ s!mpll city. ""d her $106. . . A. HlLrdYi deoeased. C. _B. D~. bant Comm1eel 'Qners' Pr-~-A.IIlnas. "'onr Stom"oh, Con· s.ip"tlon, Indl': ,eve{Vr' wish ..l'\'Cry cl!:lllll l'y " "" rly ·411 y,.... ~. :1>d In "ljt)oly i lOrD ~l". Ii;J u. b ill . overti .. c ity Hurl \l w , It I" t :'1) U n.ft'\1 .. to.: bi m .d . Robl;'rt I. !::lpohr VS. Village of filed bond required by oou.rt as holel · . gostion, BlliousneBS. ,Jaundloe, • t:!lok co\umg r CUlio.! I!~, 'uolUln, or 10\, . on,IiI 11\ ~~I. ~ 11"'c, . ", Ir tl . u Franklin, Plt~intlff ordered to file er of legaoy. ~11l8 allowed-Oregonia Bridge ·Headache, Ohillund MaJaria. Only ~:~~,i1l1~:r~a~~lJ~; M/:,iLL:I~ l\~~~';\ZI~~J (or t ,ttl ellt" IHIP:C. ... .cause In default before Ootaber. EstlLte of Huzef Wbitaore, mi'nor· Co., oontract No 4~, $28S.50 i Ore- 250 at Bohwartz's. ' .. and every part oflbe Jl I.,,, ""h" ' q"$" ':1 Iha n ~n)' 011,,;, In$I.lon· • -. , -.' ~riary nassafie ' It ' 1 "'II'~ltlc- IlI II1I/i n n n lli Ih. 111""1\,,,.h I,·. l.~ I. gonia Bridge Company ocntrlLct YillaKe of Franklin vs FIlnnle R . Final Ilccount filed . , No . . , " - ~ '. . " b' " Cgl . stY,I<~1 p:tt l~rll<; J ~, ~lIIul;i llJ!: ,I, i li ndy, , . . . . 22 lpooial uf 11106 '-050' Clint S.An Ex ClerJDont . Connty Reoorder, - '. correct8 lOa J tty' to . p ln, n 'C \\' I II (:', (:0 11 1 )' ,""~II ! t'wcl' ~ •.huirdrc "", .~per: Cause dismissed on oompro. F.l~tllte of Etta W. 'Lew18, minor. ' , ..." - • J'O\lD Marsh, upon quitting umo~, hold water·and·scaldingpain ill 'pnsilingit, cWlttett e, ~o"tI . '('n,·, . .c le. Oll l\' fllf cc nt'< "a Final licoount tiled. ton, oontraot, No. 76 $142 j Frank handed over to the treasure!' -702 or bad effects fol.lo.wing USe of liquor, wille y,c:or (Wb'llI ,I ouhl )', i ildn,II'nll' ~ hl!/l ,':ltlottl • m i..... .." .. ..~d th t I s t l) tt bICrlbc, IOc!:! )" or ,O,,"J lor COI'Y. , W W C d A BE ~tokes. oontraot No. 68, '83 gO; whloh hf' had reoeiVed in fees iD ex. or u=~, all o,:ercomell n unp ea an WO:'IUERFUL INDUcEMENTS ' , m. . rline 0.... gnes an· stdat!ioftAd"d~' utohinsotnfi'ldde- Walter S: Whitaore, oontract No. cess at the slliary ollowed by I"w. utberCO~Ug·lbtytOhfe ~ae~~gaclotdn~petollg~edttoupgOwofatneny \/' .~\ ~ Itl . 1!'<1~I"1. hmr! n~ P " l"ld um C~lulo{; .. e buiy vs. Wilbur Corwin et ,a1. cease "rA nn ,.na l acooun e . . . . "JO Ull u neW r . ' l'm:o c> e ra. ', A Leave ill graut-ed Anua MoOItdland Samuel E Cutler administra"o~ 68 and 119, $~ 74 90; Jlloob Shomaker, ' ., . • _.. " times duri.J!g tit,: night. . - . CUE' Mc(;UL co.. 238 to ~ W.1t7tJa SI.. NEW YOI: I{ " , ' ~ bridge repairs for Walthington town. NotIce.of AppOintment . Swart;Jp,jRoo~ IS lIOt recommended. for ,. . file auswer and cross pe. IIhip, j Benry Cbrlstlan bridge reo Estate :E. O'Neall. 'M ' ;' , L8",,11 Slhuit vs. Board or Edaoll. t 1 tb f I d dl pairs for Hamilton township, $21 ~5 j The underBIped h,u been ILp~lnted and the re~edy yC!u 1l.e~d . ._ It .ha~ becn thor.' . . I. , ' . • 1<' • no ess I1n aoe va ue . aD to e F W R ':1... b Id t qualitled .. ExecutOr of the Estato· ot Barrle~ oughly t~t~d 1111)rlvate practice, aud has . " . a..,...wBY, . r gEt r.l!Plt rB ,:.~~eall.1.te of W~n:.~nty •. <?,hlo, de- 'proved so succe'lsful that a, spec!ul' ar·' Undertaker and ,Embabne~. • :,.-' tton 0 . t.ytle d!etriot. Plaintiff glv. t~ibute proceeds acoording to law. . eA 3O;\\&ys1n whloh to file petition In tbe mll.t.ter of the guardians""i Wayne.t~wD8hip, ,~12, !::lamuel IrQns, Dated thll 14th dayof ·'8eptember. A. D., l~Keruent h.ns ~en wade by whJc~1 all . . . . . '-, - ,~ , 'P p- bridgerepatrsTartlecreektownshlp 1909, '. ' . . readers of thIS, Who have not al· · Will 'h "f ' d t ' "t h l.i .. ~amfe IUVilns VS. Board of Educu.· of Alma K .· Maxwell et aI, minorr. $7 25 W l"A ' m . Wtl ' b "d ' ' W. H. ALlJl1N, 'EltecutOr; ready tried ,it,. nlny. hav~ .8 sample .,e ou~ n e 0 ~. d Istr ' ic t . PI' . . are more . • -thaDSO • . vessels . . .!le~t free b'y. rnail , ,,~o 1 'a boOk Q',nk, Bullding., op~fte .'tt on,. 0 f ' L.l y,. e alDtiff Clijford S' Mlix~el1l1ppointed laar. .' ."' . a ....r:a. . .. 80n •..,,, r. Ie,.reo There 'OOO _ the NationaLBaok. . .iven 30.d ..ys in ' which to file peti. 'dt' 'D "'1' b d 11700 ' pa~8 , and .. lamber, '1109./11;1 J ,. W. In',,'h Id f 100 to r ' > ' ..... 'more 'a~tlt Swaw{l:Root•. and. " . a ., ymg ou 0 B h b id i T tl 1. I e wo~. ~ . ~n~ or mo~r. findoutifyouhaveltiq. Te1epho~'e in hou~ and of. . . '. : , ' o(bladdertrOuble. fioe ·w here T'{)&D, be'oalled tlon. . Tbe estate 01 Alma K. MaxwelJ . oro " , ge I,epa 1'9 ur ecree., . ", . " d~y or niKht;' tlha:rle8 C. Baines vs Ida B, Moon et al minor.,. Inventory flied. et al. Report · pf sberiff Rnd com In the' matter of, Nettie Vall",,'l'hJ)ne 1+-2. , miutpne'r8 aooept~ by o'ou~t ~s: oor 3110ged insane p~r80n : . Same is ad YOn will be ·il1tereB~ 10 Main St ..eet... Wfy..~v~lI••. Ohio . ,eo,~, judged .li.nd '.entitled to ad " '.8o.a a.~O~.1P ~ " ' b a D,' Penoe" v8 BiilJie A. mission into the l:>ayton Asylum. GUatanteed to re~ove c~re~row ' h : ,; 1'18toher. Coll1't I1Ms to be doe Estate of RolandU8 V. Bradley. ~ without pain or .soreneSs ~ .h'l 7-1, and ordere<1; :aedlno.·r . Sec(;)Od lind . final aoOoUn' 1



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County Courts


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Ille at Sehwal1z'.

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THE MIAMI G 'ZETTE Plibll n ed



ARE on !jlld n·" . or

,·b · b i.; the Ji l ll g .


ti f t!' !t,,.~ ( u l

AI' you 110. p ' e .\ of tbe ·oree.n? .l will offer 'It public ~u le on JllY [<rh foil ' win5 exe lIeut pllper Wtl If n t lJllle. ItOO j oin t'h e orowd, the t• • W . I0 F arm6IS d him l ~ ~i1 6 noz:th~il.i:lt o f Wa y uus , r 11 ' 1 a t t.ue . advlluc llynesvIl · tl f1 N I\ r e pllid forA ver In , -...., ....-- ----- -'-:-- ---villa. on the WHY nesv·il\e [\Od Ne\v Tub by M'·R. 'ha" B ongh. 'ept m the on Iy f >e~ th lt!i will eve r be ~l eAL'LEY bel' lab, at tlla b ome of Morrhl P 01 III (l ell o f YO'l, wi ll ' Iw sm iles and Burling ton ' Pike, 011 . . ,., Jiloer 'Plate . t.ed dom, be regul a r WI' Ho g of UlU r e s mil es . S 011l people Thursday, September 23, 19 9 hit ve D. L. CRA~E, lUIitot ' and .Manag I' ,t h t) '1u)J, lind lei 00t> or the h~ that t pll b <': n so ~i o HI . bill 0 nd gr ollob y) 1O B gi nnin g prowpt1.V Ill, 100 'clock, I PrS ever retld before tllut orgil~l izu. muc h of thoi l' Ih' s thllt t.bey Ul .y the followi ng proptl.r ty: n bl (wk Rat~8 of Sub~cription ' tlon.-E d ) u ( t bo abl e 1,0 work up n perfeot ly mar ,\) yeill s old weigbt 1,-10 One Year (strl Uyln iuWall e) .. . . . .. . 1. 00 Be who wouln be hall(ly mosl winnin~ smilo u.t t h first o.t ~emp t , llo und~, It fi n f'It'Ul IUltre lIu(1'1 g Oi l Slllllle oopy ...... .. . .. . . " .. .... br ood Ul a1' • I bllY murD \) yOllrt.! old , ,lit, I uk'" UIJ bl' S U11'l\d to sue' only tbi but , if Y ' ll will get your sytltem II " , , ,, ' sired by U. 1:1 . Pur 'ell, I~ "o,)d " on· . sOllltArl f nll of aIU i Ie!! throug h IHI U h b good in otbers , to bunt '" for t .. .e eau aaies of Advert isemen ts l'ul . I l ' purposo flod brood O1II1'e, 1 grllY tl .' b t l t hrougl l,why, y on won't .h live nn y tlfu t lIngs' lO lelr 0 a rll e ers, UD( Readtn g LO(Jn l~. per line . . . . . .. . borse 16 yelH Id , n good wo l'l, · t I I trouble !-letting them tu tile surfuo to ignore t b e u g I y t h lOgS, Readln" IOCl>I8. blilok fact; . p ' r lIu e 0 00 , hor e, gentl e Iin yw h re; 1 bilY dri v. d wlb en n f or h arm any an d avOl'd d' uded , nnd you OllWilOed Ads. nol to t:lIceed live line . wil l Hnd me .1 cor . . "t of th e lJl ell sunt things for which yuu iog horee 10 yoars old , l bright bill' 'l'hreIlI1l8crllou Y au wi 11 never fi. nd th t rlug.u . 13 .. . . .. . .. f k d t . Id OhltuartcR,' five Inches free ; o,' er f h '" htlVe bee o 100klO g , 1'IImembering aN mare, 4 "eu by lonking or the croo e or u O ' ~ rs old, sl' rod by Allen . I ncb ea . per II lie ... .. . ... ... ... ... 5c Ing t he croo lr ed thou~ ht· 10 ' t h e mm d w ~ KO ulong hat the ooly IUa.D 01' DOW DS, u. good actor and drivel' . well Card ot thallks .... .. ....... ... .. ... ' 25 If 0 broke Rud gentle, t \'I'U e xt,rll good 0t ntly oritloi" I'og or WOIDlln ne vll r llt of tl job I tb e oon", Rcsol uLions ....... . .. ... , ... ... .. . . .. 60 c Ii y1 u are at d f f 1 l .Je rsey COWA, six t,OU8 of gnod tim othy " tr(lulJl eilunt.£1 r: Soc l ~~ lg et c. where uhnr"c .. Is mn!le . . .. . , .,;'" U( iug ILU t, CIS eo 0 pnus\O g Or ItIlY, 3 two-y ell'r -old Duroo .I ers e" A!!k it ilion (lnu Ill!! wif I)ll!pl~v Adv cJ;'USIIlI!. per luCIl ......... .. ..I U(', uppl eoil1tlng , you wbiob is will ruin your brood SOWellI!! wol1 hred us can bJ Dlscoun lU gl"un on cO ll t rac ~ . ' f 1 d th o be t-dI'Gs!!f ld WO lUnu nt I.L reoep. I}ower for seeing the b eout I u an Rich design and refined beauty in kni ves , fork s, spoons fo und nnv. wher e, 2 .y onn g sows well · I th ·true, jll t u.s lllhnbit ulLI ller and fancy serving pieces an! nol attributes ' of solid oses r tiou f.nd t,hey will lI ot lI!{ree. l:Ie br ed (brHI for Ill te fllll litter~,) 1 silverware alone. The sk ill bol'll of long experi ence has proSEPTEU BE R 3~ . 1909. pJwer to tell the trut h . If you ar will loo k fnr t.h mos t becomi ng 001"00 .J r ey llo-' r hurd to bau t , 2 duced. ill th e famous "\ 847 ROCE RS BROS ." si lver plate, cffects ill luoking for fa ults iu nel.g hb 01'8 "DC1 lr a~~ , s h fll l'th" 'IIOH t expe llll iv(l . surin g pi"s, I t3operio r wh eat drill , pattern and deSign \\ hich make ils nallle for beauty second only L t II nu mber of Iloopl e t,ruveJ uver frieudtl YOIl will see nl nny, for few " eo Fishing 's fairly good now . to its reputati on for qualit y- "Silver Plate tha t W tarJ." tl l m o~ t n w , wi th fert'ill:l. r at taoh the SUOle rU/Hl Heelng new plllces , of us m ortals a re per f'ect- better be So ld by leading deakrs eve rywhere . Send for catalogue mout nnd urn ss Rl' e (] UI', 1 tohllcco oheater} onoe In uwh ile t b un to sus· euch will givll.1l ditl'ereQt IICOO Ullt of '" .. C'L ," show ing all pattcrns . . setter, di~k hl1rfow , c() d ' h rn 1)latl tel', t wbut wa to ue lIee D, for t he rellRO O Lard has gone ant of sight , Ill. peot every one of being IS . on s MERID EN BRITAN NIA CO., 50. too h bllnolY , I roo Age oulti va to r t, most! CluteruaUo lu\ 1 ~l l v .' r f'u., !'i ucceeaor.) It r equi res uut. u. j'1 ttl. e nurRIn ~ each found Wblit he WUB looki ng for . 1 plow, 1 wugon. 2 bua"i But eslast. l rob lind Meriden. be!jt of 1111, if Wlj Ileek Conn, Ilnd 0. litt le thoogh t, to S6 Interpr et .. ,., . b we way find thnt pAnce and tru!!t of her tir ed nearly new, Chollll,iOll The poUtioal sltolltio n Is just coru. n'sin gle r emark or !lotion tat h It e cart almos t oe w, tObllCCO RprllyeJ' ing to Ught here. comf9 a. terrible gl'iavanoe. Lc t u On vid of Old, when he sa.iel " the Lord (Cbumpion ) new, fenoe maohin e, inperson get it into bis hea d t b at I\n i my ~helJherd, I IIhull not want The Road to Success. WHA T THE R. F. D. DOES oubator , eto, 1 set of No. 1 work And though I wlilk tbroug h the In the WOOds, lots of trees are vut other . does Dot like Ihim, n·n d Ule has rnuuy ob t ruction"" bot n on e so harnes , 5 sets of single III driving h valley Ilnd ahadow of death I will sltghte st word or aot on w Th e te;\ phone oonnection brings ting all their autumn dress. ow harnes8 . Tbree of the8e sets are desper ate Ill" poor he/tl th. !::iue e8S k felir no evil ." today deulBnc heult.b, bot El e tri c the diRtnot city to the fn r lll er's door. tohimo onolu1 4ively thatbe lswor. . '__ genui nerubb ermou nt,ed, two have Bitters is tbe ls g reutest health build· Ing agains t him, and . nothing that .r neve:.r been on 8. hor8e lind the oth er er the wor ld hil S e ver known . It Hut th e Ruml Free DeJi very does Now is a good time to oot tbe tIDY one Olln SIlY or do will 0 n vinoe FOUNTAIN SYRINGES is 1Limost nevy. T wo stoves, 1 cream oJmpels perfect Il cti o~ of stomac h, lIIur6. Lt urlllgs bim tbe lltl ily neW8 , weeda. Don 't ~egleot. them. the' n"gl'iev ed one tbat he is wrong .. liveI', kidoflY B, bowelS, put·jfle uod pap er , tellin g a ll thlLt hilS bappen ed eparato r. oho rn r ocking cbuirE', enriche As every remark whloh ~as not in- ' s the lll nol1, Ilod tone!! un ill. round thu world in the last t wenty(lisb e!! 'a nd oth l' urtioles to') uu. vigorut es the wb ole Bys t m . Vig- four b ours. Aod it i8 the dllily 4~re you ~otng to buy oranb e rri e~ tended to oonvey Imy especial mean- I pa. me rOU8 too ruenti c.'n. or ons body and kee n bmiu foll ow for 8IIouoe this yeRri' We guess ap ing oan be made to lIerve as food T nu, of Hll e: A cred It of 9 th eir ose. You OILU't IlfIonl to tlligllt pel' Lbat hilS widene d hiM horizon fo r ma.ny unllll PPV hOllrR. ph~s will tnltke better slluoe, Ilnyway _ • mont,hl:! wi ll be given on nil sums ot Electrio Bitte rs if weak, run ·uown from the villllge post office to the Ptlrhllp t\ friend htlsspo ken care· • __ 15.00 aud over, purcha ser giving or !liok ly . On ly 500. GU!lrnnteeO oth er side of the globe. Statesm en hy Fred U. &hwar tz, lesl'ly Ilrout you. If thHt r e.m&l'k is und plLrJillments and ftl.moull person SOILS IN SOUTH ERN OHIO bankab le note; aU Bom, under The farmer surely hilS bl\d gool~ rem embere ~O, d Ilnd tt'6I\sured np ·iu ali ties hn ve entered his per8Unlll oll!'b i .J pllr cent discoun t for cash weathe r tQ HDlsb up hi tOllA<lCO the mind it \V. i ll grow Ittlll grow uo field of oonseio nEl !lSII. New invenThe oonrse .of ngriool tUle .In the on sums of 15.00 or over . crop, and be ha t nken I\dvAntllge til soon tbe sllght·e st aoti on or word Mitl.mi Valley has, been tions, gr ellt achieve mAnts, reaoh him one of SyH U. W. Hl!)Nl>EIISON. . it. of thllt person soomll toO mean some temlltio soil exhllns tion, \lOW AO t,bu t h e tbrills with the rest -.-..~..-. Gr!1in U. I'. Hawke , Auot . thing unkind . If one suspeo ts an- cr ops, timoth y and tobaooo 'I'he Stute is puttlog the b n o n of the world nt thei l' happen ing. Be' htl ve Lee Beader son, Lllerk. A trip down a.long , the Mlawi otber would do bim an injury, it I~ heen grown oontino onely or with i 'li viD~ wit h bis time instead of n ea.r beer. . me~n8 a. "8well nppearanoe" for " etlsy to belteve a)most anythin g. followi ng it. And hi intellig enoe only ooollsio nal short turl\s in clover 8hort time, for th" mOtlquitos are 8 The Brown County MedicR I ociat,y I will olfer at publio sn.le on the Imaglnat~on, may olluse honrs of thB corn has been sold has quicken ed Bnd his oon viotion s to the eJeva oantlon . J .M. Morray flirm- tormer ly kn own met in George town , ~ aturday . unhapp iness i so Why · not ima.gin e tor o~ to t he distille rs hll ve str engthe ned as he finds him. or fed to us the old Cyrus Smith farm-f our peollie Ilre sllying nice things about hogs; the wheat has gone And now the IIweet, Ipsoiou , do· self abrea t with the world . When into the miles No oompl! lint'ft m fa.rm~rs on ac us Bouth oC Wavne svilll) on tbe lioious pllW aud be happy. ' genertl.1 ma.rke t and the timoth y p!lW is beglnDlo~ to ri- Ruralll 'ree Deliver y was first agitate oount of feed for their - animal s fOl' Oregon ia lind WayneSVille pike on Nevel' allow yourse lf to form the hlls 'been sent to the cities . ed, people !laid: "Why, the farmer pen. But lit this wlntet . Corn s tltlks froin ten habIt of condem ning others, no mat t Ie mttnur e hilS been made Il-nd Tuesda doeAn 't need It. Be seldom get. y, Octobe r 5, 1909 t t.ha to sevente en rEI t. hl " b ought to make te'r what they have' done. Col. Frank Bite, of Rip ley 11u an any letters aud Hold little bas largelv been wasted he takes only weekly Beginn ing promp tly at 10 o'olook, airship r eady for a trial lote of fOdder, toward them perpetu ally the kindly :-'ome restitu tion bas been' fli ght, it is papel's ." For th"t the f!lrmer wa." made· to the followi ng proper ty : (Jonsis ting alleged . though t, try to flnd -the wlLn or the soil in pl-aoes by overflo 1l0t to blame. 'roday there ue over w,' but of one good brood mare 14 years old Halley ', ol)met and the NortH Polt' woman God intende d" n ot the ~nore often the 32,000 free deliver y routes. 1'ho overflo ws' have ollr- work anywh ere, 1 good more 11 B. C. Free grew Q. mu kwelon oontrov efl!ey etms to be '0.11 'h(' dwarfe d, twisted one whloh sur ried awa.y more fertilit y than they years old, oolt by hoI'. side, 1 pair weighin g 15X' pnunds on Robert s first route was establi sbed in 1896 . rage at prosen t. lumns of typ r oundin gs may hllve made, and you have left. The outoom e of this sys. Out at 'rurner Post.Offioe, OrA, blaok drllft wares oomtng 3 years flLrm n ~r Xenia. are printed 00 th se subjeot s, and wlll genera lly find what you are tem i~ that there were bhen just thirtee n dally t.he yield of ooro, whioh . old, matche s, two draft yearl~ng8, c yeTfl1)eoofue~ cooler every nlgh.t · lookini for. In the Lebano n school Uower gar· t:npers til ken. Three years during the 20 yellrs, 1850-69 , av horse coits, 14 miloh oows, later SIX of den grows t1 If someth ing bns happen ed to el'Aged 37.6 bnehels per aore sta lk of oorn wi th 10 there were one hundred Ilnd thirtee n , tor the whioh are fr~[lh, 11 . hel\d of 2 yearperftct ly muture d ears. "It would tnkEl purt of life away to Don't 1)e baokwiud about comini! make you angry it is notneo essary 5 countie s, Montg omery, Preble, old beiters , 2-year old steer, 10 yea.r to .be disagre eable wUh everyo ne {live Botler. Warren and Hamilt on, fell ling heIfers , 3 yearlin g it np," an indlaoa farmer wrote in an~ P.t1Ylfl up your subsori ption. s teer8, 7 I Lovelllnd reportti a 19() ~ pumpk in to t.he Post-Offioe Depart ment at to 3:&. 7 for tile 20 yellrs. ' 0-9g. spring "alves, 3 veal ollives, New8p ape.l8 'he8~ (lays need luts 01 l\rountl you. ' fiDe ID snoh sound oondit.ion t hat It 10 ke Mllny poople hav~ alloRe d them Duri ng the, earne two periods Wal:!bin gton - 'rho Deline ator for money to ke.e p going at the hig b ~ha La.rge Shortb orn bun, 2 vearB old, good for tloothel ' year. selves t~( get into the unplea sant yield o( wbellt "Vas l3.U tlepteJO her ' rate paper fe soarin g. boshel8 fol' eligllJle to registr y, 1 white boar, habit. ot being out of bumor with all the first petioli 'l.Lad '14. 1 bUtlbel1 ; ~---A B Ile fon't nina filii' fA rrellhlllfmt, l for one y eAr olel, OI\U be re~istered, 1 whow tl)ey cOlUein oontno t, bOOlLUA6 t.llo 8Aooud an Inoreus e half u sow, 5 pigs, leow with pig, 2 toils dispons er wila IIrr~stell anrl fi oe(l one cartall} person hns given offense, bu ~hel per ~ore ~ of timot,h y and 2 , tons of alfalfa. ~ 10 0 fol' Aelti pg hIll'll oid r . then 'v<m ~6r 'why they ba.v~ so few Taking the 13 oount,iee compri sed Doe top sprJog wagon, good II.S Dew, friends . ' J ohn B . theen, a civil' war veter .' 10 the two tiers lying north of those 2 Brown donble oultiva tors, 1 eorn If we want friends we mu t named , the yields for these two planter , ohaolr row, 2 breakin gl>low 8 a.n of New Richmo nd, will recei ve .. first be 'f riendly , We · must give periodR hllive 'been for oorn, 30.1. 1 sulky plow, 90 rods of w.ire, hay 1qO aore homest ead farm in Miunes o mUQh in order to get wuoh,'the more bushels IlDd a'·.6 llosbel s, and for rope, fork, ptlll",:vs and track,1 top tIL. we get in return . Yon will not re - wheat, 11.7 buehel s and 144 Dusheltl,' buggy an,d pole, double trees, single .BI"noheAter's overall . fnotory IQ o~i ve if yOU give ~tingily, nlLrrow or a gllin of 4.5 bushels 'of,ooro Qnd 2.7 trees, ohain~, 3 sets of work harnes s,. sh(,lrt 40 girls Ilnel LoveltLnd can't meanly ; you mnl!t give of yourse lf bushel s of wheat. 'l'hese 04 LnfnY6~~O s,.. New ~ork Olty. oounUee complet-e, two iroll kettles . Bouse. eup8iJ their ,"lemand fo r IlIbo1'e1'lI. In Il'whol ehearte d, g~neroos . way or are. now .. equalli ng 'the yields of t)1e hold goods consist ing of tables, onp· Bosy tilDes ooming sore. you will reoeive only stingy rivulet s, Miami Valley in corn and are ex- board, wardrObe, safe, 5 ten .gallon WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. where you might have ' h8 d grea t oeeding their yields in whellt, .... aa new, 1 1 MaroelluB ::pragu e, of Williallltland miloh oa08; . 'gouu . awn rivers Ilnd torrent s of ble!CIsings, for the l'iob,est region- of the st.ate has swing, 2 No.1 heatiog stoves, 1 sew· burg, WIlS plnced onder a ,300 peace St. Augustine's Catholic Church. whlLt you get from others is only 1\ hiftNi tram this fertile vall~y to int'ma ohine, 1 single bed and other bond by 8qllire I··uther CleOfj::r ~l"" c llho(' fl\r, Pas tor Irw in for t,hl'en-ts 1\ reflex of the ourren t trom yourse lf. the northw estern oounti es,-bep art- fl.rticles wo numero us to mAntio MllSd cvc-ry SClIu " r1 ~uUlll.Lr o f Ille mO,;lll a~ n. ag~ll s t. his neigh bor . \l :o() a . IU. Many pa'ople waste . their time ment of Agrioa lture Bulleti ' ~. Terms : All snms under $5.00, t;avent y-five members of the lIn.m looking for great things to do all tbEl -.. St. ~lary·s. Episcopal Church. oash i II. oredit of 9 months will bo ilton Cou~ty Milk Dealel's' Assooillt1me, ignorin g the hundre ds of little Hev. J . 1" . CI1I1\\'a.lhi t1er. Rector. ,Night on Bald Mountain. glven on all sum~ of $6.00 and over, tlon Inspeot ed Freoob BrOS. m odel things whio~ might bri~hten the unday S~hool . U ;:tU a. m Morning ser· On a 1011elCY 'ntght -AleJl;, 'Benton Ilf purohllller giving baukab le note. "Ie . 1U .ao a . Ill . Hoh' olumunl oll the II m t dairy at Lebano u lust wee k. partiou lar wQrld' in whioh they Fort EdwlLtd N . Y ., olimbe Sunuuy o( each mouUI. d Bald . " ALLEN KmL1!lR. · Inove. , ' Mounta in to the home of Ii neigh9 0r, D. Bolllng sworth , Allot. In order to seoure a.bou t 70 .pounds .'1'helesson whioh lite repell.ts and fort nred'by, Asthwl l, ·bent on Methodist Episcopal Church• ouring Fred Bherwo od"Cle rk, of wild honey misore ants out dqwn . tantiy' enforoe s is ii Look under him with Dr. Kln~ 't:J New Disoov Hev. W . '1', O lll ll an ll . P as tor . ery, oon s.. Ladies' Aid of Oregon ia willlle1'Ve a fine white oll.k tree on the ' . that ollred 1!lmsel f of asthma fnrm of Sundlll' S hool , I! ;:\0 a. m. MornluK Her· ' . yourfe et , . You Ilr6 IllwlJ,y~ n earer This hqd "Icc, 10 ,liO a. m , 1.·: I,worth Le agll~, 7,00 P ' wonder ful medici ne 800n re lunol!. I , M , Iss Belen B<.>yd , nell r Xenia. m . Ev~ ulD g Her ,","", ';' ;"lO p . m. Midweek the divine and true Rouroe. - - - ' -... - ... uf your 1ieved Ilnd quiokly oured his neigh - - -Pr I )' e r ltIe~tln g . 1':)0 p. Ill . '. power than you t.hin~, the lure of bor . . La.te~ it onl'~d ·his ~on'~ wife Walton Compto n who r€8i~es OLe the distant 'and'diffioult i8 deoepti vO' of 110 l:I.ever~ lung tr~uble. Christia n Church. Mlll1on8 mile south west of New Burlin~tou . it · h believe its ,the greBte~t 'fhr ollt !lnd . Hev. 111. I!l. Dnwson, PlIStqr, The grant oppo~tu~ '~ IS W er~ you Lung. 10 the oorner of (11inton couuty; hll8 o·nrE)On EtLt:th . . Cougbs, Colds, SuulIny ScllOOl 9:3 0 n. m. Social lIleetlng. Guarl\n teed ' to ' remove Coms tlre. ·DQ not despls0 yo~~ own Oroop, ';Hemo rrliages .' M 10: 40 n. nl. br1sLlun E ll deavor 7:00 'Ii. Ill. el:. Sore withou t p. a in Hcgulllr sorenes chun.:h Horvlco,QSCcoml Sundby s ttevertll peal's fr om oach I~ lnoe tree and hour . Evety pr,nce i8 Il~.~ Lu. qg~ !lre surely ollred by, it ~ 1 ~ yeM!! P lII,lI,U'll t 10;:10 a. m, und 7: 30 p. m. Best. · " " Qld. der the still'S, e Very ))\I\oe is thOe fO,r :a 8..Y'Jl'e ver, G r i l~ lion d '. WI ' at Schw artz' s . lOOpI n~ . -I Be ~ . f th · rId ' We wllibe :a{)t, Cough. 500 and '1.00 , . Tr.IBI Hk'ksite Friends Church. ". ~ Chauno ey Ma.lott, formel' ly iu t he bottle oen.&r 0 . .e w,o d: : 1 .', Id" d 'fl'ee . 'Goar"u toed by FO. t:;chwln'.?. 1·' irHl I) IIY Mil lln ~. ui :00 a. Ill. First Dasr employ to find thIS , wOl'l .I\S t Le Q, ~.I\ , Y .of the WillillD1!1hnrg WUl'nl cl.ool . 11 ,;0(1 :t. Ill . 1?\1unb Day lit ClIng __ • " " tiure 00 , was sl'1 eo throug h holes in 10 ; 00 ' :\. 1Il. . told har gra~ddl~'Ughter: .' " . . ~ <i'OOO·,'STOCK SALE ,'. ,. . the pnr ti tion ng mo '\ ey ant of "Thls " world, my dear. I.8I11i you tllkelt. . Orthodox Friends Cbur~h. Aud lItll. UeM; cl,illd; Iswtiiit),tYu..nllko lb." h ' , A~ 110 ~too.k · !llIle.. •;n' t:lpring Valley d i n ow in J'ai1 Re v. Benjamin ·HawlClns. :rastor. t e complUlY ,s. t'll 1 Iln S ., 'd' ay, 7 h ' Good natll.r~...i~ v~or* mC?l'e han. 1~8 t' ",a.t1l,f AabJ,J :Hh SCbool ..1l :80 a. m , Hegul",r chureh aWllitiDg -the !lotion of the ' gmud . prs~s were ld . t knowle reth8.n money ,'tOthe pTioeli whiO.h aVtlraged t126.80 ./\ ~()rvlCl), 1 0 Q() ·a. m. brlatlan 'Endeavor', 'lhe 7 j 30, p. OJ ' ' " ••••• jury. ,. " pereons who posi68 ait;'and oertal~ : blkbes~ l>rio~ paid -was *;1. 7? Th~ . ~!!! !!!! !!~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!;!~~~ lY.Jl:l()~~'~Y) e'ver:r~y ,.who ~.wel ~~. next ' sale .~iH .tak,e .plll?e 6otobe r with· t~em so far. as real ~'Wpioess ~6th . ( , ... ' ' .' ' . is oonoer,n ed., · . '~!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Keep your >t~9u.bleB ,anrf wo~rie". II!I!!."~.""!II!I!I!~" ·to yourse lf l r~tq.ember yo~r fr'l!~d~ hav~ th~lr share ,of' . \rouble as well 'u yoil; evert it tbtlY IllY. nothing abont'tf., and are not pal;'twuillorty aoxlou! $ to hne. .YoUri thrus~ uppn ' M MN S '11U~ ~:'l"



Silv er Of Pro ven Qua lity





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G,o rD Rem ove r



. . . ._ ..!I!I~.. Ith:~'t . rum~l~ '~u' ~l.~teep

_-_' _ · ----1 Her e and The re 1 0··- -. -------- ... -

surnam was Applla., Of tIIeae luc1u wae tbe most deyout abCl ' ~e moat able on the field of battle al 1I'lllolear. Iy ~roved atter' . bls fatb,er'l deatb j Tho General Land Office at Walltl· nnd the burd n of the'· movement tOt ~ ngt<in has dc.slgnat d Le ·Beau and the deliverance o't his ' p eople rested .A.borde n, So, Dak .., on tho MInneapoupon him. 7hfJ wisdom of bls tao lis & st. Louis R. R. as rCJ;'istratIon Father of Firat· of the Pttacc:abeM l b r's choice In namlos him as hie . Aroll'~ t .. Action . ~olnts. successor was tbus mad-e mal1l!elt : There ",,'m be abou t 7000 quar(er sec, nut to r eturn to Mnttathlas. .A. w. t.ions n11 nt ted to seWers. iy THE "~CHWAY A,..D BYWAY'" sa id he stood flrm against the en, PREACHER Who May Secure a Homestead. croachments of th e healhen custom. Un d r the homestead la ws of the and refused In anI wsy to make al· lJnltod States any person, male ot te(OoP7rl"b'4 11011, \'1 0. ..... Ibor. W. 8, _ u .1 .lIanc,es wIth the heathen. and his In male, who Is not tb e owner of more The Book8 o f lI!\lcco.b o ea, -TI~e ori ginal Iluence was so great that he kepI tban 160 nc res or land In aoy state nuUlo rHl .. s t or ' tha his tory of the Macor territory, who Is a naUve born cllbecs nr tlxlromely S Illlty, but, tor the many faIthful to tbe true God, Tbll clUze n of tbe Un Ited Sta tes, or has co u,."" of tho war ltaelt, the nrlt book · proved a lource of lJfest annoyanct Maccabee ll 1. a most trustworth y, to theIr OenUle rulera, and the1 bee n naturalIzcd, or d dared hIs In- oItf the lin In compl til. wltneae. Thll • cond tention to be ome a nat uralized oItizen hook add~ more Impo rtant details to th .. determined to eltber win Mattathlal of ilie UnI ted States (I. e., one who hi story o r thll earli er parI of th o IIlrug- ove r or break hIs power and h RS tnkcn out his first pnpers at clll· gl e, n n"- o f Ihll evenla which Imm~dlat - crusb him a9 many anotber Jew wbo ly IJrc('cded It; but a ll the etlUements refused to yield to the foreign rulera t.enl<bi pl. who is over the nge of 21 whi ch It co ntain. r OQul re c lose tlxl\llIlnn. years or Ul e bend ot Q family, may ti on, anrl muel bo r ecelvod with cn \IUon. bad been crusbed, When Antlochus bad come Into m ake u homestead entry of not exceed- .Tosephu8 follows 1 M:ac cabeell, for thll Ing 160 acres or nu y of the UDOCCU' (lerlod whl oh It embraoea, very c losely; Dower the persecution ot tbe loyal bllt the " "lCht a ddlUona of nnmtls and pled publlo lands ot the United mlnu to plIrtll'lIla rs Ind icate thtll he wall Jewa became more aevere, and the S tates . In p o •• e"810 n ot olh ar materia ls , prob- clt, of J erusalem and of the land 01 ably om l trad ition. whi c h lll\\,o bl'c n Judah was fllied with the cries of lecwhero pl'oso r v~d. On the oth r ha lld, tbose wbo refused to yield. Tbul NOTHING DOING. the ro nro ca.• .,. In whic h, trom hnste or It came to pass more and more that car!!l" li e. .. he has mllllnterpre l"d hie Ilulhorlty. From other source. little an lhe Iniquities and the abomination. bo gll'aned . Tho M aClcubl'ell n war may of the beathen prevailed. bo t"rnwl'! tho wnr at J e wi s h IndepondMnttathlas bad just returned to onc Tht) anna.le or the l\J acrabe nn fllm- Mod ln from Jerusalem after servin!! lIy, "by wh08e ha nd (1 " II\'(Irancb was glv.en Ullto I ~mQI " (I Mac 6:62), present the In his course and was In deep heavl· neS8 because of what be 8aw. As hi, rOl'ord ot Its pro grt'Sl!. fam ily gathel'ed about him he pve Based on the Apocryphal BookJi of way to his grief, exclaiming' the Maccabees.-Chapler 2:1-28. "Woe Is me! wberefore was I born to see this misery and shame ot m 'ffim5C5~~ people, nnd of tbe holy city? Hel temple has become as a man with. out glory, Her glorious vessels have been carried away Into captivity, her Infants are Blain In the streets, and MaUathlae to I place amonget the heroes of hor young men with the aword of the He-I'd kiss you It I dared. faith enumerate d In the elevnemy," She-Well, don' t you dare to II enth chapter uf Hebrews, "But, tatber," spolte up Judas, who that's the way you feel about it. After gIvIng the long 'lIst of bad arls.en and was str Iding up and heroes, Paul exclaIms: down the small room In great aglta· LOW COLO~ IST FARES TO THE "And what Iha ll I more eay? tlon, "why 6hould w. permit aucb WEST AND ",ORTHWEST. for the time' would fall me to things?" tell of Gideon, and of Barak How can It be helped whe n we ar, UnIon PaclHc Passenger Departand of Samaoll and of Jephthao, In the hands of 80 powerful a one a9 m ent announces that Colonist Fare. of David also, and Samuel, and Antloobus?" replied the father, wIth will be In e JTeot trom Sept. 16 to Oct. of the prophets. Who throulI'h an air of utte r discouragement. "Hath 15, ] 909, to all points In the We.t jileS faith . Iubdued kin g dam s, he not settled a great army La Judah N orthwest. '1 wrought righteousness, obtained and bave the people wblch be baa This year tbe West IOOD more prol)'lises, stopped the moutha of brougbt In filled J erusalem, so that promisIng tban eyer Now Is the time lion.. quenched the vlolenc. of whatever way you turn you are face to secure land at low pr l~es, and, at fire, escaped 'the edge of the to face ~lt b a blaspbemous and ar. the same time, to visit the many Inter· award, out of weak nell were regent Genttle? Wbat nation Is nol estlng pOints In the West and NorthIn our' midst 'to atrlp Judah of ber mad. atrong, waxed valiant In "eat, at wblch llbersl stopo,er arfight, turned to flight the arm· ,lory and lead the Jews astray? The rangements may be made: lei of the aliens. Women refree woman of the Jews has beoome A better estimate of raw lands can ceived their dead raised to life tbe slave ot our conquerors. And the be made now than formerly, because Gentiles do daily profane the temp l ~ again: and othera were tor-. tbeae lands are In proximity to new with their presence. Yea, to wbat endtured: not accepting deliver· tarms that are llroduclng wonderful therefore. shall we lIve any longer?' ance; thlt they might obtain a e rops. From that day forth Mattathlas and befter resurrection. And oth· For descriptive literature" write hi. lonll put on u'Ckoloth and mourned era had trial of cruel mocklngs to E. L, Lomas, G, P. A ., U. P. R. R., l'ery lore. ~nd acourg",g., yea, moreover Omaha. Neb. Not long after this, certafn omceN Of bondl and Imprlaonment. of the Jews came to Modln, the place They were stoned, they were It Was His Way. where Mattathlas and hrs sonl dwelt lawn alunder, were tempted, A I{flnsas farmer was telling recent· tor the purpoee of establishing ui~ ly about the eavesdrQPplng that goes were Iiain with the Iword: they worship of the heathen godl whlcb on along the farmers' telellhone line ~.ndered about In Iheep-aklns, the king had cauled to be Jet up. be is on, He said that whenever he and goat·aklns; being destitute, t\n4 all the people round about tbe talked he could hear the "dick, click" afflicted, tormented; (of whom city were gathered together, and Mat, of dll'fenmt receIvers coming do.wn. the world wal not worthy:) tathl .. and his Bona went out to see "And you can bet," he' amended, th.y wandered In delert., and how matt~ stood. And wben the " that tbey never hear my receiver I In mountalna, and In dena and ' people saYi Mattathlall In their mIdst comIng down, No, sir; I always hold cave. of the earth." Ther. can tbey withstood the demands of the om. on to tile thing and let It down so b. no queatlon, although un· cera . ot tile kin• •nd would not .wor. easy Ulnt It doesn't cllck!"-KaDs" named, that Mat~thlaa and hll City Journal. ship ~efore the heathen altar when noble sonl are ' to be 'Inoluded ' commanded. amongst th .... CUI'e1 Human 8kl.I Trouble. and _. Now when til. omcerll perceived tIM! , ' Notwlthatandlng persacutlon Equally Good for ' Our Pet. , and way matters stood and knew that and trial and luffe'r lng, the;e 'I Domeltlc Anlmall. tbe Influence of Mattathlal was i'reat. a ' a.nse of security In' knowing they took him and iils sons one aide that one II In God's handl and Resinol Salve Is my Ideal and fa. Into the tent of the chief omcer and that ultimate 'Victory II' with . vored remedy wherever a salve Is llpoke many lott and 'pleasant worda, him; The Third Paalm II .X: sayln&,: needed. It Is as good for horscs, dogs, preulve 'of this: . e tc., I1S for man.k lnd. Truly . a uDi· "Tbou art a ruler and an honorable "Lord, how a"e they Increaled versal beallng Ointment. and lJfeat man In this city. ' and that trouble mel many are they W . P. Schmitz, Vet., Hinsdale, Maill. strengthened with sons and brethren. thlt rlae up against me, No:w. therefore, come thou firlt, aDd ~Many are they which aay of Naturally. nil the klng's c ommandment, 'like al my 10Lil, Thsr. I. no help for · Magistrate . (to ' wllness)-I under· .' all the hea,then bave done, rea, aDd him In God. stand thnc you overbeard the quarrel the men pf Juda also and such .. "But thou, 0 Lord, art I shield b e tw ~ en the defendant and his wlteT remain at Jerusalem : , 10 abalt Ulon for me; my glory and the lifter WItness-Yes, sir. and thy . house be In the 'Dumber o. up of mine head. " Magistrate-Tell the court, If you ' ~e klng'l friendS, aad tbou and th:t "I orlad unto the Lord . with can, wbat be seemed to be doing. ohlldren ahall be honored with aUter my voice, and he heard me out Witness-He seemed to be dom' tb. and &,old and many .rewards." . .01 hie holy hili. Ilstenln' ,-Pearson's Weekly. ' Kattathlas' face was a Itudy when . ' 14 1 laid me down and •• Iept; the lervant of the king wae Ipealda&, I awakedi for the Lord eu. ImPOrtant to Mothere. and bll sons who surrounded blm Examine care[ully every bottle cff talned !I'Ie, were uncertaIn whetber the Indlgna. CASTORlA a safe and sure remedy for "I will not be afraid of ten tion which he felt within would burat Infants nnd children. and see that It thou.and. of people, that ,hav'e forth ana lead hIm to do violence to set th.mselves against me ' Bears tbe ~ rr the man or not. Wltb a mIghty ef. round about. Signature of . tort he ~ontrolled blmself, and . hll Arlll,O Lord; lave me, 0 my In Use For Over 30 Years. voice sbook the air as be shouted: God: for thou hast broken the The Kind You Have 41ways Bought. , "Though all tlle natlonl that are teeth of the .ungodly. under the ktn&'1 domllllon obey him, Languag~ of Eden. "Sllvatlon Iielongeth unto the and. tall away every man from the reo He (loQklng at . the catalogue of Lord: thy bleallng II upon thy IIgion of their fatberl. and give con. wome n's styles)-They still use the people." sent to hIs commandments; yet wUl language or the first fashion plate, I and my SOM and. my brethren walk don't th ey? In the covenant of our fathers. God HIs Wife-What <10 you mean? .T HE STORY, forbId that we should foraBite the II -FIg. I, Fig. 2, and so 011. -Judgc. laws and ordinances. WewUl Dot MONG all the tamlUes of Judah hear keD to the klng's worde; to CO At RIp Van Winkle's Hotel, there was none more' noble, or trom ou~ religion, either 011 the rIght "y, hat tim e do . you want to be more honorable than the tamlly ot hand or on the lefl" . called, RIp?" Mattatblas. He was of ·the line of Now wben he had lert speakIng "In about 20 years." tbe priests, having his place III tbe these words, there came one of the ~~==========~~~- firat of the 24 courses of the prleat- ,Jews In the sight . of aU to IIl1crillce hood, among the sons of Joarlb. ~ the altar which wa~ at Modln, JUl' Now Mattathla& waa very devout, cordIng to the kln8"s command~ent: and a sincere worshiper ' ot the God Which thing when Matta~laI saw, he of Israel. He ratuse.d to conform In was Inllamed with zeal, and he trem· any ' dep-ee to tbe liberal conditions bled violently, '10 great hili an· which !.ld come ' to prevail among ger. Then rusblng for:ward he drew many . of his people. He strove to hi. sword and slew tbe maD' upon the maintaIn the worship ot God ' accord- altar. Which when. he . had done he to the lawlI aD'd ordinances given', turned . hImself .about and Will abOut tiy :·Moses. . It brought great sorro" to .s~,eak, whe hi. eyea fe~" uPon the' to his heart to see so m!1ny Off the' kJng 8 ,<:ommlssloner ' 11'110 ~ caused Jews conforml~g to the cuatoma of , ,the peppl~,. to, depart .t roin .t ho. true the he~then ." al)d mliJtlng alliance', .W~rahipi an4 leapl,ng trOD) ,the al~. wllh Uiem, ~ndw~e~ ' Antloehua Epl-. 'he .~~8~ .bls . aword, ~nto . hJa came Into " power ., and ,. the ~t1d . aa .h~ .Iay wrl~IDI" ~Jl 'd_th h!Uld ~r p~rs~cu~on.. ·w.. felt o~eau.~~~ t.h~ ~UDd, . b~ , 'o lt I:l1a I _ • • __" .... ~? JeJl's .~ho ' df~ ' not, WOrahip IOD8 _~re 4p~~ ~"~~i the heath~n sods." MattaSuch &"bold dHd ' aoOD, arouae4 'tlae earne~Uy .than:' ~,..r .CItTi 'and whUe: t,h• .. ioldleri . were betore ·to · the :tJde 'at IrreU"on pt)lertns Mattathlaa and ~80U Ge4 IlD,d bold hi, people to loyalty to Ua~ UU:~qi'h _the !!Jt~ crYIDif.. .: "." . true .O¥. . '. 1I ,.~· of .tIl' t..' . Now' Uatt&ths. liad five IIODII .. ' and .mafntalDeUa. the CIOYelWit 1.&, ~ 'oUowl: JOaan~ caUecl , C8441I: . IoUo". m~.I' . '. . . ','. '. .. IbDou. caue4 T~lfi J~ ,,'ho Bq h. and' ~Ia 10M e!ld ~ ~ Ill.... ... ca1led ~: . III. . . ., talDa l_tiJae all whlcb ..,. 1MIII,".11 oal18d 4Yan1Do'" J'~uaa.. ~"'''. _' _'' • • •.. :' ....... . I"-"t ... ~~ '.~ :..




Ir([))Ir . rtIlue'· lH1((])§tt~§§




SERMON~TTE, ~ntltled.






.'. '. . '


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TopiC$ of Maoy Kiods by a Reeoq,oizect AuthoritY

Chafi ng Dish Club., Cbaflng dish clul>s at\) q\IIle the newelt tblngs among the young ma trons of a city suburb. 'fh re are s Ix of tbe m In the coterie 1 ha pp n to know 'a bout, and how the hus bands do enjoy the Saturday fortnight feasts. The gIrls go and take tbelr work and tb m al Is serve d at seven o·clock. Tbe hostess provides the !lubl!tantlals nnll two nS B.Istallts. Here Is what they bad last week : . Fis h cho wller served from an old· fa s hioned tureen In tbe most enticing howls, grllled sausago and s weet potatoes en nsserole, fl'I d cheese s andwl cbes , hill can carne, llOt bI scuit, stuffe rl ollv s , a French sa lad, wilh cblves and s trtng benns servod wIth appetizIng salted wafers. For dessert thero we re IndIvidual apple tart s heaped wIth whipped cream, black coffee, cheese and barley sugar sticks. Each one of these young matrons Is personally Interested In Borne on especial tblug, a nd for fancy work th ey brIng I\omethlng for personal w a r or for tho house. Th e art of fin neelile work hus certainly beeu r vlv d, us th piles or haull·ombl'oId er d towe ls, scalloped naplllus, dai nty doilies that nre In the process of construction would II Ill:1 ht the heurts of OUI' grnnllmoth I'S. Artel' th e happy repast the hUsbands smoke, play ards, or p rhaps a ll play brIdge. At ten good·nlghts are ald. 'l'he rules aro : Four courses at s upper, or din. ner, whate ver the' hostess chooses ; street aults, "taps" at ten. One of the husbands calls It "The Grow Young club," for It Is the one evening In the week wben every on r laxes and has a real homey, comfy time. (\y the way, the new chafing dishes are very satIs· factory and capable of furnishIng nearly an entire meul, far ahead of the aIYalr of a few years ago,



served light refreshments, The handkercbl r a h III workell ben utltully and It was fou·n d tbat th cre were handkerchiefs froUl nearly very state and some tor · lgII couutrles. The profit Willimantic, Conn,-It For five years was clear, a s the calres nnd ice cream t lIufrerod untold agony from female were donated. Til gIrls who 8 rved troubles, caU&ing baokaohe, irregulariwore cOl\uettlsh handkerchIef caps, ties, dizzine88 and n ervoU8 prostrawith aprous made froUl handkerohlefs. tion. It was sstble for me to walk upstairs So orten 1 have letters from girls askwithout lltopplng Ing how to ~'nl so money, 5 t) hilly for on the way. __ 1 unday school cla.llIles who want to trIed three ditformake mOD ey I'or a cert.nln obje L I ent doctors and tllln.k thIs nffnlt· malle the Illos t money each told me somerOI' til s lllullest outlny. thing different. I reccl Ted no benedt to Entertain "Freshmen," from aDY of them, but seemed to su!The fo\lowlng has b~t) n l' c Ived The last from an Int r s ted read r of Ule d Doth. Ilartment : r estore 'fhls Invllntlon rolled amI in losed I began In a IleRnut ah 11 lled wllh the hI gh PlIlkliamL's Vegetable scbool colors shows tbe way In which Uomtlound to see would do am restored to my natural two gIrls entertai ned th eIr fr lcods ot the prospective freshman clnss. You bealth."-Mrs. ETTA DONOVAN, Bos have so many requests ror things of 299. W1lllmantlo, Conn. The success of Lydia E. PInkham's thl!j sort I IhouJ;'ht I woulll send It. After gaOlS, etc., tho }larty was I d to Vegetable Compound. made f rom roots R tent at the back of the hO\lse, ove r and herbs, Is unparal1t>led. It may be with ~rfeot confidence by women whic h was a bl S s Ign ·' r · fres hm nts." used who suffer from displacements, inflam. During supp l' enigmas wore }laBoed matlon, ulceration. fibroid tumors, ir. Hlle ilie Inelos 0 . s fuyol's little pea· regularities, periodlo pains baokach • l uuts were gln' n In lhe hIg h s chool bearlng-down fee Ung, tlatwency, indio colors. Tb e girl!! \lsed the flgur II gestion, d.1zz1ness, or nervous prostra.H113, but just the scbool' pennant tion. might be us('d. H. D. F, For tb1r~years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the orondard remedy for female ills, and INViTATION. su.fIerlDg women o we it to t.hemselves F-or tlln Oil 'Vl' dnl' (Ill)' nex t R-epull' w BIl'dw,'od Pl a.ce ; to at least give this medicine a triaL E-nrly In Ul e IlflunLO n Proof Is abundant that it has cured S- ur"I}' !l h w yo ur r.. c~; thousands of others, and why should t, H-oplng tll ul' 10 ':el" bl'utc Dot cure you? M - lll1l' 8. t ask 11" 11 , don ; - nd WlUl II e lp ot RlIlb li nd Kru.)

LydiaE.Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound Cured Her.


N-ew J OYs IIInl Ill'" to co me, 3 to _ 11. m , m Sou th C 8t.

n. S. V. p , Tn i'alr bll t not III brIght In dark but: nnl 11\ light: Tn n ar bUI 110\ III r ill' In sulloI' but O (l t In lnr: 1.1\ . hou80 bllt not In pl . lt To Go with a Pair of Gloves. In 'rom bill not In DI<:I\; Gloves' are always a qc ptsbl and 11\ r ead bu t n ot III write. II em to b one of Ule few things per- In tUIl but n ol In fiRbt: miss ible for a young man to' give a fy whol twixt y U nnd mo', a tI girl. The followIng Hnes accompanied ,' L'o hold us till tour Yl'ur /l pailS ' by. sucb a girt sent by a devoted admirer as a phllopena ,Present: Mor cly t wo s lo, ·os , . yot tho lannd!! they oncsl! Aro th o hqnd8 that oll rlllo tho worM ; H a nds UIlll ar dainty , t e ndor and kind, Th e t1rijt that man's powe r unCu r l d' Hands thut u r o r und wh!!ro good do~~ mUllt be done , Hands who!;!} caross III divine. Mnl' thoy alwa ys bo atro l'g to up!told the



The)" .,,110 rell \'11 01 .. treae!rolD Dlepcpela , 10'

I dllllHt:looand!l'oo Hurtr Ii. pertee! rem·

fo'l' Dlulueaa, Nao · Draw. loe .., Bao. In tbeMo u~b, 001'," Tonjf1le, Paolo In tbe MER.RL

:"'_.181411, TORPID ' LIVB&

The, ~ \be Bowel.. Purel, Ve,etable



Centerpiece for Anglers' Dinner. At a stag party given by a ma.n for ftv~ friends who fish' together .a t one ,ot the northern lakes t his appropl'late decoration was l1sed. It was a ll so sImple yet so effeetlve: From a small ronnd table ml1'ror there were six wee fisbing rods s tuck Into a mound of water cress and ferns. A ilne of yelloV{ baby ribbon went from ,tbe end ot each pole tQ 'the place ,w hel'e it· was attached to a · regular covered fisherman's 1i~B ket (doll size) ellpedlally made by an Indian basket weaver' for i hls occasion. The place cards were tied. to them. The baskets were filled with tiny., candy flsh. . .

Imitation Oluuy laee fn linen make' effective trimming f,o r wash dresses. The tunic' Is becomlng an a ll-Impor. tant p~rt 'of the dress ot the preseDt season. . Veils are leU floating instead 01 being tied under the chIn and around tbe neck as they were last year. Black crinoline . hats serve for soml) of the smart tailored models, trimmed with white rajah or crepe de chine. . A pretty opera bag I.s of pink satin with a gold cord. and decoratlQns of hal,ld-palnted wreaths In dainty Loull colorings . SaUn barmeuso remains the' favorIte fabric for ball and dJnner gowni and, in fact, for e vening gowns 0 . aU descriptions. . ,,: One qovel arrangement ot the .81~ffn Is to 'cover the 's titching with a row of Boutache braid, . endJng UDder a "maU, flat button. , . Colore" net or tulle sleeves bave a lining at cream chiffon Qr net. Tl\lit gives just a cbarmlng· softness u ....UUll5ul ·1 the .outer mesh. ' ,'., '

A Handkerchief Bazar• Some young girls who had pledged a cer:tain sum for a local 'c harlty raised a ,goodly amount In this way: They wrote to friends out of town and asked tbe onel! at home to donate a h~'ndkerchl ef or an article made fr6m a handkercblef; then they arranged most attractIve booth with these. On the same day they gave a little playlet written by one of the girls and

8moc~ Frocls. , For the small ' girl there arc frooks of the smock order,' with wide sailor colJars and 's belt :-unnlng thr~ugh straps of the' material. ~ The collar.s. are embroidered In 'dull shades ot pink and blue In gualnt .lIttle designs and ' flol'al effects, an'd there are . collars of dull blue or rOBe on .some of the white smocll.s embroidered or braided to tone. :

And r aillo mortals to ' holiest sh rln o; Hand s that In ph)-lIlcnl prowess are w eak But In Inoral p rsunslnn. most strong ; , Hands that ",!11l suc.cor fhl) nee(l)' and III, And seve r th right from th wrong. Muy those h a nds be ever stoadflllSt and


1'0 tho on

thoy vow to 10"0; May t h ey ev('r ~nd warmth In a loyal henrt, ' . As they find In t.hls wee IItt! ,glol'e.



iVrR P I.

Genuine Must Bear Fac·SimUe Signature


,Colonist one.~y second. ~S8 ti,*ets· ()lJ we daily from ,Cl1icagq, Septem~er 15 to October 15, via the Chicago, Union Pacific ~ North Western Line to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and. Puget Sound' pomt&. ComspfJnd.· . inzty·/Qw raus/T'fJm aUpoinls. DaD1 ant! penonally c:onductecl toun In tbrougb Pullman tourist . aleep'lng can accompanlecl ~y experiencet! . c:onductoq and handled on rut tTalDa. ' A moet economical ant! ·comfortable · .• meane ohlavil. .


loved BottOD), the wea'i'er: 611t not 'always, 'I bld you ,!l'ood day,'Oapt. Phtllp Overton, IIl1d' You, Mr Richard 01yn, And 1 trust Giles Vernon's lICe may' be saved, It ,only to I(e P you, Capt, Over· ton, a POOf liS you deserve tiS be. Por myselt, I sbal1 shortly marry-, SIr 'I'homas V rnon-then, neither 01 yOU will get the estates. Good mornIng'" And she was gon , fi ylng along t he fi eld, wllh a while mnntle streaming after h 1', and her HIght as rapid as the swnll10ws In s prIng,




11 00.1

8YNOPSI8. At 14 yellr. ot age Admlrlll Sir Peter Hnwkahaw'8 nephew, Rlchurd Ulyn t \I ,lel!"ly In love at nrst sight with Lnd)' Arllbella Stormont, who Htlllrncd h", u.tI nllon... The lad, on orPhan \Vall giv e n u berth 11.8 mldahlpman on t l10 AjllX by his IInel.. Gil 8 V, rnon, nophew ot Sir , Themlt. VernoD. becum the boy's Pill. 'fhe)' attend d a thea t ' f wher Hawk~ h a w' 8 neph w aaw Lady Arob li n, V~rnon met Philip Overton, next In line for Sir Thomas Vernon'8 stnt". Thoy It art£II a duel whJch Will Interrupted. Vernon verton and Hawkllha""11 nephow (ouhd Ih ems l'lvrs nUract d by pr tty Lady ArabelllL Tho AJIlX It\ bl\lUe d t OBle d 'F rench wnrllhlplI In tbo Modltcrrl.lnelln, Hlchnrd GIl'll got £2,000, prlz money, homo by IJll~y HnwkahllwJl eItSwnll he ,'ailed \vIlS Qbout to "blow 1J1" hilS cnrulngB 1'\'lIh ' VernOn, At a B awltllhnw PIU' . t)' Glyn dis('o,'erod tbat ' J..o.dy Arub lin. WA S a poor but pcralatent gambl r. H talk d much wl\h her coualn Daphne, r",u<!y Arl\b tin IIheld galn Gshowl'd lov for gaming, La ter fth e l y n nnd Ov rton prJ.on rH, t hUI delaying the du I. In th Overton- cr110n (111 1'1, neltber was hurt, rJnc'ly Arll1,('lIn humlllat~ Rl ohn rd by h"r IJrnnkl!, Hlohard an(l II II hIpped on It. (rlgat , Giles WIlS caplured by the F'ran<.> h, Sir Pel r arranlro(i . tor hit! Ii chang , Oaphne showM " Ukln/f tor 01)' 0. , ho WIl!! tllt:n 2 1 yel,ll:8 ot Ill{ , Gil WII! r IN\~ <I, a ll"" and :alehal'd plann d lopemclIls, fllr Pot6l' obJ cled to h pilm to " I'd DBphn .' By el " r r U9C8 OI\~ 8 Ilnd RI ChIlrd elope(J wilh Lady Arabella nncl Ollphn . r II)) cUvely, Tho Intt pr pnlr wer tn. rrled. Daphne WI\R pI used ; Arah 11(\ ra\' d hI ange.r, Whl'n \bo pnrty r turoell. ATl\b, I~ ORk d Sir Pl't r to 1,ld In pro minI!: Giles In j:ourl on til harg ot ommJtt.lll1t a cupltol crlm , A \I aU 'ldol1 the , trial. Unoll AraIJu.lln's It's Umo ny ,GJI~fI 'wu cOnvl Cll'd ·I lnd lenIf' n c~~ to b hanged, Ir l' t r \'1811 d Ille prlncb Qf Walell In errorl to 8 ure a nn rdan for Gil ,A rn~ 6 11 O: th row h Tselr n I til f t at OyeNon, hom she hl.ld loved tor many )' n..... Ho ' HpU rl\e<! her,

CHAPTER XI. At 12 o'clock that night Blr Peter arrIved at the tavern, and with the pardon, The xpectntlon of bls coming, and the gl' ate I' matter upon which we were engaged, preventetl my mind trol1) dwellIng lon'ger upon the strange scene I hnd witnessed between Overton and Lady Arabella. Overton did not speak her name to me, and showed much sympathy for us, When Sir P ter's chaIse drove up to the door of the Bear and Chura, another chaise with {our horses was w[LIUng, and Into It we huddle d, ' bidding Overton a hurrIed farew ell; and In anotber moment we were off tor York, tile horses doing their best. Sir Peter then told me tbe clrcumstances of bl s visit to Windsor, The I pr nce, who WILS always most powerful wh n the king was on the verge of madn ess, saw his father and found him comparatively rational. The story be· Ing broached to him, he appeared Interested, and even grew more collected as bls attention Was cbained, He recall d at once Sir Peter Hawksbnw and the capture of the Indomptable and Xantippe, and corrected the prince wh en he sp ok 0 of SI r Pet e l' as V Ice·a dmlral ot the White, It was a very easy matter to get biB Ilgnature to the pardon , and the neceBsary seals and to.' mnlltl s look some lIt.t1e time but no trouble, and wben Sir Peter "resented .blmself at the castle on Sunday all was prepnred for blm. \V felt now "om ar tl el • ... I) a ¥ y sa~e. There was little doubt that we could reach York at least 24 hours In ad<L


m.l~e made by tile 1110. ll\d rala. , III

!iplte of ail we could, do our progres. dlmlnlsb ~ d , n)lhougb at 110 time did It seem ,hopeiess, unUI-o, God,! 20 milO! from York, ,at ,midnight On tbe Thursday, SIr ' Peter 'n i mSelf suddenly gave out; the ,stra.ln ball prov d' too much for ' bls brave heart and sturdy frame. it cam ns th horses were wallowi08 along the road In the darlmess,' and I, holdJng; my wat l) In my hand, was g lancing at It every ten minuteS, b, tl! r e ule light ot ' the traveling lamp 1 Sllok ' to Sir Peter 8S llc luy bacli in th e chl\lse wrapped In boat-oloak and got no a uswe r. H e was uncon sclous. Without stopping ' the chals. I got SODle brandy, whlcn I tried to pour down his throat, but could nllt 1 grew much alarmed-It was not like Sir P ete1 to refuse good brap.dy, and as w e wel'e paslllng a farmstead , I s lopped the ebulse, IUlocked the)l OllIe up, and had Sir Peter carried Into th. house, I met with kindness, and I re paid I~ with coin at the realm. 811 Pete r soon revived, and his first worde were ; "Pul\h on, my tad, Don't walt to 1'e pair damages," I found tbat his seizure was reall} trlflln g, and be assured me he woult be able to resume the journey by day, light, the faTmer a!jreelng to furnlsll him horses ; so, In bllif an bour I bad again taken the rond , And ten miles from York, the chaise broke down! J bad the borses f.ak en out, anc\ mounting the' best lIeast, made fol' York at the top of his speed. whlcb Will poor- tbe creature was already spent with traveling, It was just dayli ght, ~nd streaks 01 golden glo~y 'fere lIgbUng up the pnml'l dawn; I urged the poor beast onward, Sev n mil 9 he went, then he dr PIled de ad, just as the sun was gilding t\le spIres of York cathedral, Detore 11\0, along the road, jogged an Itine rant tinker on a rather good·looklng borae, tile tools of a Hnk er's trrule hanging from a moth-eaten saddle, J was young and strong-he was middle·agel! and \I1·1ed and feeble_ I ran up to blm, holding five guloeas in my band, "Lend me this horse to ride to York!" 1 cried. 'I' he man" astonished a.t I/:Iy abrupt address. stopped, but ga.vo me no an: awer, I made my own answol', tbough, by dragging him olf the beU8t, dashinG the five guloeM on ' the gfllUnd, and cl.atl~r1ng off, throwing away the tool. and kettles as I galloped ' along. (TO BE CONTINU:Ei D,)



Characterlatlc That I. the MOlt Deeply Planted In Mortall.

CHAPTER X.-Contlnued.

Arabella turne d pale, and repll d : "I was 8ummoped as a wlto ss. was obliged ' to testJfy." Ove~oD laid notblng. Then Sir Thomas; tilling ' anulf with bls usu'a l grace. r~marked: "I ]\steped with attention to one low·, ' I breaker praying for I\nother lawbreak· r=-qr coul'JJe, y,ou know, this meeting ot yours II ~dltlous-'6nd many a man has been ,Btopd In tbe pillory for It." "An,d on~ man: ' replied Overton, "Jesus ' Christ; ,w al cl-llclfted tor It." He turneiJ, ' and ,.'l th me, took the path back' to, the tayern. l ,ll c/lrd, as we went on.. aD 'altercation behind me, and Involuntarily, a(ter w had gone ome dls{nDce~ I looked back. Lady Arnbelhi ",as atrugll'lIng In the grasp ot Slrrrbon;tiis ',Vernon, ' while Mrs, • Whltall:,!opked 0/1, llnd wrung her "Mr, Overton, I See I Have Be-ei1 MI. hands: Sir Thomal, how vel', was no taken." match {or At:ab€!l1B'S , young strengtb, vo.nce of the data set for the ' execuhe brQke 'away ':'rom him, and, run- tion; 0111' letters WOUld , precede iiI, ning atter UI, caught u'p, ,panting ·and giving positive aSsurances of hope; brcathle8l, With ulJ, ~. we entered Ute and we 10bked for 110 aCOldents, bavlns little grove; And tben t S3.W an almost a new and ,at~o~g chaise.. exact r8.J>resentatlon Qf the scene wh\ln Arter' Sir Peter had', toid ,',me . ,hlB Giles Vernon bad ' In8anely and with atory, J. tord him m~e about Lady unm1lDI)'; ' grO"v~llng and violence Arabella and Overton. He was not Jlleaded W.lUlAr~a tor IHu' love--so ' much Imbued wltb the \dnd of religion she pleaded 'with Philip Overlon. She that Overton . PfE'achel'l, althQugb ,li'e held blm, by, the /Iorinl, wlien he would swore Toundly by ,c1lllroh and ' atate: , have tbrown''ber ott. ' and was always a 'great churchmaa "PhlllpIP\ltllp! ' Ihe cried. "I did It for you! . 1 cJetermllled to make you when be was slightly 10 liquor, which rich, ' gr'at. - e'Ven 'It · ~OU reftlsed my did not happen otten. , He ' 'therefore' fortune. Blr,Thomaa Can not live long. condemned Overton's' sermon, ' :which Surely, 'ypU c.n tiot reproach me. if I tried to repeat to him,' as 'a damned, al\ the world doel. The stuplil, stupid beastly low sOTt"of religion, unfit for ' a world ' thInk. '1 ilia It under. the Influ- ,gentlenllin to practice; but he ' adence of ,Sir )l1!omaa . Vernon; but no, mitted that Overton .lacked neltber Lady AraIt was not bate ,for Ollel! Vernon, It brains nor courllge: '" tbOUgh, he bad the Itern ~Is.ap. bella, wa.s my"love tor you" Phlllp Overton, that mlld~ YIU~' appear; iLt <the York as· J)l'oval of' an bonest hea.l't, lind ,i n' 'h is excitement sW0J:e, 'both,Jong and loud sizes.'" '.. , ' , ' .f~emem~!l~ ,: yQur~eJt!" :'sa.ld O,verton, because of- the shortsightedness or to her, sterol~. ~ ','Others besides your- Providence In permltUilg such ' women to exist for the w.dolng of his ' Bell ·see , 'our' a~~fad~~I?n !." , o~cers, , ~~ both· ~tirvIC~I;l.' " ,(" esty'li "It is ,no' degradation to love truly, We made good ' rogresS ' that night t do. but: one word to love 10 m~, 'an~ I' 0. Uetbodlst Rnd tlie next. ,daYt:"ltlcti. 1"~s Mon,daYI like YOi,lrsel(., ' 'go among the ,and" began to It'a va ' strpn,g hopes of \loor, . a~d . ' love "them; an4 I l'eacblng York ',W~dn~8day night. ~ut on Monday, In .l tlie ' a tternl)(l'ti , ' wIll , sake!" of this, .weather s'udd6nI1",cbatlged;" !1 v!olEiitt bla,ipltletily" ~r " It., ' ,w as altogether snowstorm set ln, '-and:rrout:. postboys She"''Oontll'lued wildly: , wlll full y, , thInk, .d~V,e "uil ten ' ml1~s Doe8i::,licllt~ rpy" soul, , ~eed, saving ¥ out ,of ' t1le way ,near a tavern ,.c~~s-. l,QU !lave bee~ they' hoIle!!! ,DQ t!Qu~t,·.we , would .,. " I ' ; ~.h~: .~ ," to 'stbP , un~n ' tM: st9r:D) " 8hollld be . 'bla/Jl)h~'.m.t!·~ 'r:epile';l ' Qverton, But !;llr peter," .putUns C?ne his borlie-pla,ols.' ~ 'the ":.':1)O"sttlioy"s ::~. ~ '~' ~. "' b'~- ' fO\:~ed (hlin . to'





road o'


llDd ",ti,n

The first man was a gardener" WO are told. Oertain It Is that the first men were Wlerl of the soli, atter they ceased to be wandering warrlori. That Is where we get our love of' ,nature, declar;es a wrl\er in the Kansaa City Journal. That ls Why we bulld parkl and bave flowers clambering about our prem1l1e8. ' That Is ,why we are strangely at peace wben we get out Into tbe mountains and Ion OUl' s~)ves among , the fragrant " 'woOda. That II wby 'we loathe ' times the smell oe paint that Is on clvlllzatlon and lorig for 'the pertume ot ,t he life that 18 'close to the green leaves and the .,...l1d flowers. That Is wby we "are happy ,wben we c!lmp out and why we are so reluctant to return. That In why oUr earllest recolleoilons or' ,the ",Old · farm" are the sweetest and tenderelt of our Uves. That Is why we cr~c'k ii Joke at the "sImple Ufe" and "back, to nature" and all tqat-whcli eomobqdY . Js ~round-and ",hy we know, away dow,n in our :hearts, tllat the "Imple Ute II tbe lUe most wortb lI~lng aM th~t we, canno~ get close, ,to .anything 8wec.ter or ,purer than n&lure, . "M~ther" , ~ature, wb~se son. and da~ghter8 we are, frQID wbom ..... may, wandel' tar.. but to whom ,we .... turn as prOdIgals. ftndlng tbe prod!gara 'welcome and the pr,odlgaJ.'. ,peace.. '


DJICulsed Over the Prunel. , "~y .111 It. .1IUsB WUi~ng, ' that fat mell ~way8 liav,~ ~h8 prettle~t .wlvesf I seldom, see:a jolly, fat. man 'WIth 811 ully, crOss .10~Dg , wife. By Jon those fellow!t 7 j'US~ gQ I~ , anJl: ,win th pretty womeu 'every time." '- "WeU, Mr. ,»titiim~rslee. I can 11.( pount, 19~ that. "'·"You ape, a h1,l.llt.)nt should be a eort ot , brQinlde, sho'tt.ld h~ve , a,' soQtbIJli..c.~~ect. " Fat men &t1' pla,cld, ,~alm, jolly' and, rood i,r,ovldet;a They tt~ 'the ,goo4, thIngs : 01 ,lite tbem., selves; ,and ther," ll~e" , to Bee their wlv~s w:~1l , dress~. , anlt, to, 1;\t do'wn to ,a 'good table.. , No ' wonder ,:women' 'like 'them 6~tter -1itan , they . do :feaD, dyspeptic" nervouB; crank:Y , men, who fI,nd .tJl~lt, na&',·:" a'ild, stingy,, ' Ne,n like thl. a ' 'Iot" ~of .walttng ,' 011 8t;Id attentlo~, .\!ley' are;geQerally jeBIarid selft~h. " ll'at-*xie'ji' btlt~ 'S; 'f.3,;,





to ',u~4~rttaDd' Wif.' wl,~es ,ate i;a

(o~~ : of, ~Ip'g , 'goOd" clothe"" Bn~

women Bre ,:and ' m~li' . . '. '

, r-"'""r7"""I'T.=~~~'"


as ot,liei'

White steamers Use Kerosene as Fual

'IBE nBITE STEAMER WRICD MADE A SUCCESSFUL PUSLIC DEMONSTRATION OF KEROSENE AS FUEL ON THE RECENT 2650·MILE GLIDDEN TOUR. Tlie most Interesting announceThe complet-e success of the new amount of fu el used 00 tbe trip lIlent ever made In connect]on with fuel while on the 2650·m lJe public showed that k roscne III at , least the automobile Industry was un- test and the advanta ges gained fifteen per cent. more cfticlent, gallon doubtedly tbat made a month or two through Its use were well descrlbe(l tor gallon, than gasoline, The car In ago to the effect that the n ew models In tho following dispatch which th e other r espects mad e n most creditable of the White Steam Cars could be run correspondent of the New YOl'k Sun showing, and th ro was the usual rlvon kerosene, or coal oil, Instead of sent to his paper at the conclusion of nlry a mong tho observers t o be as· ,asollne. Everyone at once r ecog- the tour; signed to t he W11ite so that they nized that the use of the new fu el ('A feature of the tour ""hlcb was could r ide with th o maximum or comw.ould add materially to the 'advan· watched with special Interest was fort. Tho only n<ljust ments or retages which the White alrendy pos- that the "''bIte Steamer used kero- pairs charg d again s t th e car durlnr l essed over other types of cars. sene, or 'coal 011,' as fuel Instead of the long trip w ra lightening a lubriThere were some people, however, gasoUne. Tbe new fu el worked cator pipe and wiring 0. damaged m ud who were soeptical as to whe th er or splendidly throughout th o 2650·mlle guard. These pellalti s were not Innot'the new tuel could be used w ith l ClUrney, and all clalms mad e In its fli cted until more than 2000 miles complete success, and, theretore, the behaU were fully proven. First or had been completed with an absolutemakers of tho White Car, the White all, 8S f gards chl)al)ness, th!! White ly perIect Bcore," A parti eulal'ly Interesting tealure Company, of Oleveland, Ohio, deter- drIver s cu red k rOS'Cne all along the mlned to make a public demon s tra- routo fr'om 6 cents to 10 cents heap- of the n ew "White Steamer Is tha t tion of tbe new fuel In tbe 1909 Glid- er per gallon than 'was paid tor gaso, either k eroseno or gasoline may be line. , Sccondly, the n ew fu el was used I1S fuel. The necessary adjust. den Tour. FrGm tbe standpoint of tbe public, handled witbont any precautions, and m ntl! so that tbe fuel may be changed DO test more satisfactory could have It was not unusual to see kerosenfl from ' kerosene to gasoline, or vice been selected, Fi.f st of all, the dis- beI ng poured Into tbe fuel lonk whlle v rsa, may be made In a couple of tance covered on the Glidden Tour, the crew of the car and an Interested mln'.ltes; but s o completely successful from petrolt to Denver and thence to crowd stood by with lighted cigars has keros no proved to be, that It Is ' Kansas ' City, was 2650 miles. This and clgare ttes. At the 11nlsh of th e not belle\' d t hat any purchasers will was certainly more thnn sufficient to tour, tbe White was the only cnr per- care to use gasollne, The White Company r eport that bring out any weaknesse s. If such bad mitted by the authorities to enter existed. Still moro important was Convention Hall, ",bere the t echnical the demand for their new steam carll the fact that tbe ' car was at Jlll times examination took place, without - bot~ the $2000·modet and tbe while on the road und er tbe superv1- draining Its tuel tank. Tblrdly, the $4000-model-exceed their most san, lion of observerl . named by those new tuel 1I ~'oved to be absolutely gulne expectations, It Is evident that wbo entefed other con~estlng cars. without smoke or smell. Fourthly, the combination of steam- the powTherefore, It would have l)een Impos- kerosene could be purchased at what- er wblcb everyone understands and sible for the driver of tbe Wblte to ever part of the route WBS most con- bas confidence tn-with kerosenehave' even tightened a bolt wlthout venient, and not once during tbe trip the fuel whlcb everyone bas on band the fllct being noted and a penalty In· through the ten States of the Middle and can bandle wltbout any danger appreCiated by fllcted., At night the cars were West was there found a grocery store -Is ' tboroughly suarded by Pinkerton detectives and where kerosene wal not readily and up,ta-date purchaseI'I of automoeould Dot be approached by anyone. cheaply obtainable. Finally. the blles.

children," said the mother, as a wb'o le rOQOlful 0 '( company had come In, "suppose you run olf and play by yourselves," "All rlgbt, mother." replied Edith. "Can we go up Bnd play Hamlet and Ophelln1" "Certa inly," smiled tbe mother, while !Jer guests looked on lit the tableau. "Goody!" r~plled Edith; then, turnlng to her sister, she said: "Now, Maude, you run up to mamma's room Bnd get all her false hall' tba~ 11'l\ cnn

The Sc.hoollhallraiDi for Expert Pati. bODi a. Bookkeeper-. Slencarapher., for lho GviI Service Eumioariona and foe T cacher.. It i. I ho oldetl in year., the progreuivo in method. IJId the mOlt advanced in SystelDl. BoIL Greg and Pitman Sy.tem. of ShorthlJld tauaht. Write for our New Cat,a1oa. Addrcu T. W. BOOKMYER. Prcoideol BARnETT COlLEGE, tooS TRIBUNE BLDG., CINCINNATI, OHIO




Do your feet ~"er feel tlred,acfly and wore lit ~bt' llub them with a HUla Hamlill,l WiZArd Oil. They'U be '1Ia4 in the mo~ing and 10 will you. , ,

I bave lived to know that the lecret ofhapp!nesB Is never to al1o~ 70lj.f.t--:;;;III;::-''' ~nerg!es to s~,gnate.-Adam Clarke.


3,000,000 Acres

Her Itrlng Ilt'sOon worn ut Ie a -'1'1 hail too ~any beauX.

of good land will be thrown open to

Settlers Oct. 4th to 23rd. '09'. The General Land . Office has design~ted '


Le 'Beau and Aberdeen. s~ D. ON TIJE

"in~8apolll & St. Louis R. R. as places to register for

the drawin&


,surnnme was ~ppbu.,. Of tb.le'lu!!U 'Was 'tbe IlIQst de1'out an4 tile mOllt abl~ cin ~ <! bid of battle a8 Willi clear, ly proved after hie father'l , death, Tue Generl\l Land Office at Wash· nnd t1le burden of tht! movement tor ington has designated La Daau !lnd the deli verance of his people rested .A.horde n, So. n llk " on t h ' Minneapoupon him. The wl$dom of bls fa' lis &: at. Lou is R. n. as registration Father of Firat of the Macc:abeee , th r's choice In nam,lna him 8S hll , oln ts. Aroused to Action ('bat 01') Topics of Kio~s~ by successor was thus maeIe manifest ., ' T here ,,·111 be about 7000 quarter secDut to roturn to Mattathlas. AI WI Reeo~o i%e d Autbo r n v tions all ott ed to settlers. BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWA:r aald he stood firm against the en, , PREACHER Who May Secure a Homestead. croachm ents of the heathen custom. UDd r the homestead laws ot the and refu sed In any way to make al· 'U nited Statos any person, male of fe· l Co P1 r lab 1, l1011, 1t1 LII •• IIU1or, w.e. K4oou ,) lIances wltb the heathen, and his II) male, who Is not Ule own er of mo~ Chafing Dlah , Club... serv.ed light refroshments. The hand, Book s o r Maccabeea.- The o rl8'ln&1 fluence was 80 great that he kepI thnn 160 acres of land In any stale auThe tho rlll a f or t he hi s t ory ot th e M ILO- many fai thful to tbe true God. This Chafing dish clubs are Quite the ker chief scllem worked beautifully o r territory, who Is a native born ca \Jcl'S are ex tre m e ly lIoanty but tor the proved a lource of great annoyanc. newest things nmong the yo un'g ma~ and It. was fO llntl lha t thcr e were citizen of t he United Sta tes, or haa courso or tho war llaelt, the tI~.t book to their Gentile ruler., 'and the, trons of a olty suburb_ There are six handkerchl I's from hea rlY every stat~ the M accabees t. n moat trustw ort h y, b cn natura lized,. or declared his In- oIff lin Incomple te, wltne8ll. The aecond determined to l)lther win Mattathlal of them In the ooterle r hllPpen to a nd 80m fo reign countri 8, Th ~ profit WllUman.tlo. Conn.-ffFor five' y~ars . tention to become a naturalized citizen b ook nd ds m o re Impor ta nt dotalls to the over ' or break his power and know about, and how tho husbands do was clear, as lhe cnlws and Ice cream 1 auffered untold agony from female of the Uni ted states (I. e., one who hl 6tory o r l h o ea r li e r pa rt ot tho strug- crush him as many another Jew wbo eojoy the Saturday fortnight feasts. were Ilonated. Th girls who served troubles, Musing backache, lrreguljl.rt. b as t aken out bis first papers of clU· g le. n nd ot the events whi c h Imm ediate- refused to yield to the foreign mlera 'I'he girls go and lal(e their work and wore coquettish handkerchief caps, tics, dizzinellS and " roceded It: but all the elat ementa tor me to ozeoshlp), who Is over lhe age of 21 which ' the meal Is served at seven o'clock. with aprons made from hand,kerohlefs. tioD. It was It co n taIns r OQulre c lo.e e xamIna- had been crushed. upst;"lrs years or the head of a family, may tio n , and mu st be r ocelved wIth cauti on. When AnUochuli bad come Into The hostess provld s the s ubstantials So oftEln 1 hav letters from girls askwttllout stopping make a homestead eQtry of not exceed- J OI;ephue t o ll ows 1 Maccabees, for the power the perseoutlon of the loyal and two assistants. Here Is what they Illg bow to ralso mon ey, es pec ially Cor OD the way•.. I eriod whl h It cmbracell, v ery cloeely : Ing 160 acres of any of the unoccu- pbut Sundny school cllUls s who waut to th e IIlIg ht ndd ltlons of na m es nrid Jews beoame more severe, and thl had last week: tried three di1ferJlled public lands ot the Unlte4 mlnnte pn rtloulaTe Ind ica te tha t h e w aa city at J erusalem and of the land ot Fish chOWder ser ved from an old- make money for a certaIn object. 1 ent doctors, and In poss 11810n of o l hor materIa ls , p rob - Judah was fllle'd with the cries ot fas hIoned tur~en In ~h e most ntlclllg thlnl' lhls affair made lhe mos l money States. each told me someably o rn l tradlll ona whJ c h have b ee n thing different. I thoso who r efused to yield. Thul bowls, grilled sausage and s weet pota- for the sma llest outt ay. he r e p l'ese n ' d. On t be othor ha nd, e lsew NOTHING OPING. received no beDeAt t he-r s nre en..... In w hIch, t rom has te or It came to pass more and more Plat toes eu cnsse rol e~ fri ed cheese sand/ from any of them, To Entertain "Freshmen," ca rel " .. neu , he hae mlalnt rpre ted hIs the Iniquities and tbe abomination. wi ·hes, chill con carne, hot biscuit, bnt seemed to sut. au th o r ity, F rom other s ou r ces little cIln of the heathen llrevalled. The foll ow ing has been r eceived stuffed Olives, a French sa lad. with fer more. The last b e g leanpd. The l\I a ccn boen n war m n y from an Intor sted readel· or Ule deMattathlas had just returned to chives and strin g boans sel·ved with be lerrncd th o wll r ot J ew Is h Inde pend· doctor said noth.. Qnco, 'l'ho nn na ls o r the M nccabeenn fam- Modln from Jerusalem after servin!! appetizing saltell wafers. For dessert partment: ing would' restOre Ily, " b y w hose hllntl dell ver a nco WIUI giv- In his course and was In deep heavl, thore w r e Individual apple tarts ThIs Invitat10n rolled nnd Inclosed , "n',.I__ <,,"'-.,_ en un to b r ael" (I Mnca. 6:62), present the ness because of what he ,saw. As hie heaped with whipped cream, black In a peanut sbell ti ed with the high r ecord ot Its proiress, family gath ered about him he pve colfee, cbeese and parley sugal' sUcks, school colors shows lhe W{ly In which Based on tbe Apocrypbal Booka of way to bls grief, exclaiming· Each one of these young malrons is two girls entertained tll elr frl onds or A -"-"..H"'-IY.tIU'O_ the Maccabees,- Chapter 2 : 1-28. "Woe Is me ! wherefore was I borD perllonally Int rested In some one os- Ute prospec ti ve freshman class, You 299, Oonn. have so many' requests fo r 'things of to see this misery and shame of my peclal thing, and for fan cy work tbey Tho success of Lydia E. Pinkham'. people, alld of the holy olty? Hel bring someth ing tor pers onal w ar this sort I tbought I would s nd It. Vege~ble made from roota ~~m..s?.ru257~ temple bas become as a man with, or for the bOllse, The art of fin e A£ter gam es, etc" Ih e party was led to and herbs, Compound. ts unparlillCiled. IhDay be a tent a t thc bat:k of the house, over ~ SERMONETTE. out glory. Her g(orlous vessels have needle work has certainly beeu I'eused with perfect confidence by women been carried away Into captlvlty, ber vlv d, as tb piles of hanll- mbl'old- which was a hig s ign "refre·shment.s." who suffer from displacements, tnflnm. Infants are slain In the s treets. and ered towels, sca lloped napklns, da in ty During supper enlgmall W OI'O pasllsd matioD, ulceration, fibroid tumors, Ir. MaUa'tl1lal Is el1tltled to a her young men with the Iword of the dollies that are In 'tbe process of con- )Ike lbe in ]ose(1. A~ (a vors little pell' regularities, ~rlodlo painS backache. place amongst the heroel of He-I'll kiss YOll If I da red. enemy." struc Uon would delll?ht the h arts of nu ts ,wer Sh an In tho blgh school ~~rlng-down feeling. flatu iencYI indl. faIth enumerated In the elevShe- Well, don't you dare to 11 dizziness, or nervous prostra."' B ut, fatber," spoke up Judas, who our gmudmot hers, ACter the haDPY colors. 'fh e girls IIsell the flgur 8 'gcstion. enth chapter uf Hebrewi. tion,. , tha t's the way 70U teel about It. had arl s.en and was striding up and repast the husbands smoko, play 1!>13, but jU!il the school pennant After giving the long list of For thirty_ years Lydia E, Pinkham's might be used. H. D. F. down the small room In great aglta. cards, or perh aps a ll play bridge. At heroe., Paul exclaims: LOW COLO'NIST FARES TO THE Ve~table CompQUD'd hall been the tlon, " why should we permit sucb ten good-nights are said. The rules "And what Ihall I mO're lay? WEST AND ' NORTHWEST. ntandard remedy for female lila, and ,INVITAT ION, are : Four courses at supper, or dlnthIngs ?" for the tlmo would fall ' me to suffering women owe it tu themselves F-or tun 011 , Vetio ~8 1 ay next ar, nero whatever the' hostess chooses ; How can It be helped when we tell of Gideon, and of Barak to at least fflve tWs modlolne a trial. , Union Paclnc Passenger DepartR- pa ll' to UII'rl\\'opd l1Io.ce ; In the hands of 80 powerful a one a9 street suits , "taps" ,at ten. One of the 'l!i-arl y In til Ii rt I'no II and of Samlon ana of Jephthae, PrQof I" abundant that it has cured m ent announces that OolonJst Farel AnUoohus ?" replied the father, wltlJ husbands calls It "The Grow Young S- ur Iy show YOIlI· luC : of David alao, and Samuel, and thousands of others, and why should it~ will be In effect from Sept. ,lS to Oct. an air of utter discouragement. "Hath club," tor it Is the one evening In the H,- olllng th I'C I ecl bl'n te not cure you P of the prophets_ Who through 15, 1909, to all points in the Welt anel M - a n y n l asle w II don : he not settled a great army In Judah week when everyone rela_ es and ' has A-n d with h e lp of RUl li lind Kc.,.) faith . aubdued kin g d 0 m a , Northwest. and have tbe people which be baa a real hom y, comfy time. Dy the wny, N- \V Joys t hM ar t om . wrought rlghteousne.a, obtained This year the West looka more brought In filled Jerusalem so that tbe new chafi ng dis hes nre very saUlI- 3 to 8~ 1), lfl . :l\!(j Sou th ' St. promise., Itopped the mouthl of prQmlsing than e1'er. Now Is tbe Ume R. S. V; P_ whatevel' way you turn YOU' are face factQry and capable of tw'nlshlng lion.. ql,lenched the 'vlolence of to seoure land at low prl«es, and, at In i'til r bll t not In Iwlgh t to tnce with a blas1Jhemous 'and llr' neru·ly an entire meal; far ahead ot fire, escaped ihe edge of the In d a r k I>ut not In li gh t; the same Ume, to visIt the many interregent Ge,n tlle? What nation Is DOl' the affair Of a 'few years ago, ' In n Ill · but not In tU I' IWOrd, out of weaknesa were esting points In the West and NorthIn Qllor but not III lur: In our midst to strip Judah of ber made Itrong, waxed valiant In ...,.,eat, at which liberal stopoyer arIu c h oo~o bll t n Ol in p ...., ' To Go with a Pair of Gloves, , &'lory and lead the Jewa astray? The fight, turned to flIght the armTangements may be made, In T o m but not In .okl\.; Gloves · a re a lways acceptable and frue woman of the Jews bas become lei of the alieni, Women reln r cad hu t not In w r ite, A 'better esUmate of raw lands can the slave of our conquerors_And the seem to be one ot tlle few things per- In t u n bu t n ot In Hg llt ; ceived their dead raIsed to life 'be made now than formerly, because Gentiles do dally profane the temple mJsslble for a YQung mlln to give a M.y \ 11010. t WI. l you nnd m e'. a tI again: and othera were torthese lands are In proximity to new Yl.'lkrs pass b y. with theJr presenoe. Y~a, to "hat end. gll·t The following lines a Qcompanled 'ro hold us till fourM ADAME tursd; not accepting deliverMER(U. tarms that are' produolng ' wonderful .8uch a ,gift sent by a 'devoted admirer ther, e fore" shall we live any longer?' ance; that they might obtaIn a <:rops. ~, From that day fortb Mattathlas and as a pbllopena present: be~er resurrection. And oth· , For descnpthe literature, write ~I lions put on aaCkeloth and moUrned Mar Iy two g lo ves, yet t he hu.,ds (he y ers had trial of cruel m!loklng. to E, L, Lomax, G, p , A" U. P_ R. R., e neas .ery sore, " and. 800urgl"ga, yea, moreover Are . tho h a nds 'tha t o ct rute til ' w orld '· Omaha, Neb. . , Not long alte; tbla, certaln omcert ElRnds th At a r e d In ty, t ndl· and ' kind ; of bond. and Imprllonment. Gen'uhl8' MUlt Bear of the Jews came to Madln, the place Th o first, t hll't DJlln 'a power: un ( u rl ~d: They weN atoned, they were It W.. Hia Way. Fa~-Simile Signature wh~re MattathJaa and hts sons dwelt, R a nds th n t are found w j;OOd deeds lawn alunder, were tempted, A Ka nsas farmer was telUng rece.ntm ust 1)0 d o n e, ' , for the purlloae of establishing the H ILOdu wh Olie cl\ resl!\ III divIne. were Iiain with the aword: t"ey 'y about the eavesdropping that goes worship of the heathen godl which May thel- alW(1)1s be stroillr t o IIp1\o ld the wanderqd about In Ihelp-aklna, on along the farmers' telephone line d g ht " the king ' had cauled to be Nt up, and goat-eklna; being dfl8tltute, he is on. He said that whenever. he =-~ ' REFUIE IUIITITUTIL J\nd m ortnls to hOliest shrlllll : And aU the people round about the Hands a"'Ioted, tormented; (of whom talked he could hear the "click, click" '. , City, were gathered together, and Mat- But In the world wal not Wortfty:) down. mast tatblu and his sonl went out to see Hands tha t Will S UI;CO I· (hI) n~ dy ,an . "And you clln b,et," he· amended, they ~andered ' In deeeiil, and t part o.f the dress Qt the how matters atood. And, when the And II v r th e right from th wro ng_ ___" tnat they_ ne.v.e __receiver In mountalnll, and In dena and' season. ,', ;. peo~le saw Mattathlu In their midst May those h a nds be nv'e r IItcadtallt and '. Veils are left Boating ' Insteact ' 01 coming down. No, Sir; I always hold cavea of tbe .arth." There can true ' the,. withstood the :demands ot the oM· To the ~m they vow to love: on to tl)e thing and let It down 110 be "no que.tlon, although u,;· being tied under the chin and around cera of the Idnl( and woUld not , ~"or· May t!ll1), ev cr , rtnd warmUl l,{l a loyal the neck as tbey were, last ,ye'ar_ . easy tbat It doesn't ollckl"-Kaqsal' na",ed, that Mattathlal and hi. heart, ,. sblp before the hltatheD altar wh~n City Journal. noble lona .... to be Included 'Black crinoline hats serve torsomQ Ali th,flY Hnd In thIs wee little glovc, ' n commanded. ' am..,ngat the.e. of U~e smart tailored models, trlmrped CUl'ea Human 8kl., , Troublee .nd Now when' the o~ce" perceived ,' Notwlthetanalng persicIJtl~n wllh white ra1an ,0r,l orel)e de cblne, wa,. matters stood and knew tbat . Cel'lt~rplece for Anglers' Dinner. EqIJally Good for Our Peta and ' and trIal ' and alffterlng, there la A pretty \opera bag 'i& ' of plnlt 8!ltlU the Infiuence of Mattathlae "as lIl"eat. " At a stag' party glven :by a man for Domeltlc Anlma'a. a e.nae '1f lecurlty In' knowl,~g with a gQld cord, al\d 'd~corallons ot, they took him and hll 'sonl one 1114e five friends who. fish toge, t he at ,one that one la h1 God'a handl and ' Into the tent of' the ohlef oMcer ' and of the n9.rthern lakes'lhJa approprla't e hand-palnt~d wrea~b8 In i;lal~ly ~ul. Reslnol Salve Is ,niy Ideal and f~ that ultimate ' victory la'''wlth .. . ' apoke mlLDY 10tt and 'pleaaant wordl decoration . was used. It was all so colorings, vore4- remedy wherev~.r a salve IIi ' him. 'The Third Pa.lm Ie 0'.' " simple, yet so ,elfective: From a small " .Satin charmeus9' remalD~ . the ' fayol" aaying: needed. It Is as good tor ho~ses, dogs, preaalve of thla:. , "Thou art a ruler and an honorable ,rOlind ta1l1e ml~-r~r there wer~ six wee ite ' fabric ,for ,ball and ' tUnner gown. etc., 8S ~or mlink,lnd. . ·Truly .a unl, "Lord, how are they Increaaed In fact, tor- eyenlhg gQwns 0 aU', and great man, In. , this' City, , aDd "fishing ' rods., 'stuck ' inio ,a 1XI0und of and; versal ,heal1~g Olntment_ " ' descriptions: " , ' -, . that troub,e mel many are they strengthened with aons and Jire,thren. water cres~, a~d f,e rns . . A IIneof,·yelW. p ; ~chm.ltz, ~et.; ~lnsdale, Mass. , th.t rlae up a"alnat me; '. One novel arrangement of the 8~eev. Now; therefore, come thou ' ftra~ , and low" b!lby rlbb~n , w'lnt from ,tbe en~' ot ~Many\ are they which aay of Naturaily. , 1111 the klng's ' commandment, Uke aa, each pole to the place where ' It waa ISI· to cover ~I,le stitching vtltli il, row my loul, :There Ie, n.., help· for 'Magistrate (to 'wltne!ls)-I under: 'al" the ~eathen ,have done, yea; ~d atta~~ed to,' !1 ~ regular <:ov~rad fi~h~r­ of: soutache brajd,: endmg under hlJn,ln God. , ' 9tarid-tii8t you ~)Verbeard quarrel the ( men ot Juda alllO and suoh '.. ,man s basket (doll sl:1;e) especially small. flat button. - " "But thou,' 0 Lord, art a ahleld ~olol"ed net or t\111e !I~eElV!l8 .. ~a"e II between the defendant and his ' wUe' remain at Jerusalem: 10 IIhalt , thou r,nade by an ' IndIan b~sk~t weaver for for 'me; ,.,y glory and the lifter Wiln!lss-Ves, slr_ ' " O>l~st orie-way, ~jl(t­ and ,th,. hOllse be In the -number tbis Qcc~slon. , The , place cards were IInlll' of tl'cam cWffon or ' net. This ,'up of ' mine h~ad~ ) jus a 9liar~ing sottli.es8 Uiroush Mal:lstrate-~ell the court, If you the kiD,'. , friends, aad thou ,and U11 tle.d. to them: ' , The baskets were fiUed ' clas,! ~~kets ~ ' sale d~iiy , "I ·c rled unto the Lord )Vlth outer· mOBIl: ,:" '.'~ can .what he seeme to- be.,doing ohildren ahall be , bonored with IUYer with Uny ,candy tlsh_ . , , frOID Chicag~tem~:-~~" . . .." " . .. my voice" and' he heard me out Witness-He seemed to b~ dom' the ~cl lold and many rewards." ',' ..... ~ ,, ',: ~ . ;' , . ::" ' ,., 15 tc?",October"·15, via the 01 hi. holy hili. ', ' llstenln'.-Pearson's ' Weekly_ ' . Smock Frock. ' ,. Xattathlu' face wl;\s a Itudy, " ,A Han'dkerchief Bazar. Chi~o~ Union "Pacific ~ ·"1 'aid me down .nd .ilept; For the small gtrl there are' frock~ the aervan~ of the king wail . So~e , YO~rig ~Irls, wbQ -had pledged I awaked; for the Lord 11,1. ~Orth Western Line ,to ImPOf18nfto' Mothere~' , . and bt. sons who , blm 'a certain ,sum for , a local charity' of tho 8~ock order,: with wide saliQI ulned me. ' Examine carefully .every bottle ,ef 'Sarl Francisco, 'Los,Angcco~ar, s and a be, I t ;'U1inlng through were uncer~n whetber ' the ·Indipa. raised Ii , goodly amount In tbls tWay: CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for '" will not be afraId of ten 'lea; .Portland and Pugct tlon which h~ felt within Vfould bUrlt They wrote to frlends ollt',Ot tow'n and straps of tl1e :matcrlal. The collars infants and children, and ' see that It thou.andl of people, that have ~und pointe. CO"lspon(iforth and ,lead blm to 'do 'Vlole' n ce to asked t~e at home to (ionate a are embroidered In dull ahades"ot pink aet themaelvea agalnlt me Beare the ~ , ;,~~fT7, rr the man or not. With ' a ml,hty ef. handkercl:ilet or' an artiole made from and blue, In lJ!lalnt , lIttiedeslgn8 and mz/y low r(J~,J frpm I/l1,poinlJ. round about. ~Ignature Of~~ fort h.e controlled hlm.elf, ·and , hi. a handkerchief; then they arranged floral tl~ects, al\d tbere are ,cohars ' of DaUy and pe~qna11y conducted Arlae,O Lord; lave me, 0 lilY tOUnt in ~rough , ~Uman tourlat In trse For Over 30 Years. . . voice shook the air as he shoute4: ' most attractive boot\l wIth th'e se dull blue or rOBe, on some of the white' God: for thou haat broken the a1e~p'lng cara ' .ctom~led by smocka eml>roi~ered or ,braided to' , The Kind You Have AlWays BOUght. "Though aU tile natlona "that , On the same day they gave a 11ttl~, teeth 'of the ungodly. expedence:4 conductors '&114 ' undez: the, ktn(1 dominion obey. him, playlet ~rltten by one of.the 'g Irls and tone, I,.anguag'e of Eden. , "Salvailo!' belongeth unto ttle haDdl~ OD ~ tr!llDa. . ~aU away every man fromthf '.... _ _ _ _..........:-_~____~..,.-...;..-~~_~~..:.....-I~'";'~;_:.-____-:.-.:... and He (Iooklngat . Ui~ catalogue or Lord': t,hy bleaalng 'e upon thy A mOBt economical lIglon .~t their tathera, aDd give ,con. women's styles)-They still use the an4 ,comfortable pee.ple." sent to his commandments· yet ' 1 1' 1 11 , language of the first fashion Illa'te, me~ of travel. I and my soms and my 'brethren walk don't th ey? In 'the covenant of our' fathe~. God For f,,11 jllrtklllarl " His Wife-What do you mean? THE STORY. forbid :,tbat we should forsaka the ~rif' S. 4. ,HilMiso", . He-Fig. 1, Flg_ .2. and so' OD. Mp"aglr '1i"nit ' D,~ laws and ordinances. We' ,.wUI not -Judge_ ' Jartmmt, 212 Clarl MONG all the fammes ot Judah hearken to the k~ng'l worde,; . to : &9 ,' ,SI., CiliMp, III. At 'Rip Van Wlnkle~. Hotel: there was none more noble, ,or from our religion, either QQ' th": r,.ht "What 'time do you want to be' more bonorable than the, family of hand or on the lett." , called, Rip ?" .~a~tathlas. He was of the line of Now when he' had lett ' "In ahout 20 rears." ' the priests. havlnr his place In the theso words, ~ere came one of the drat of · the 24 cou~es of tbe priest. .Jews In the sight Of ' ~l 'to aacrlftce hooet, among the sons of Joarlb. . on the altar whlph was Ilt Modin ac. Now 'Mattathlns ~a8 1'ery devout, ' cordJng ' to tile "king:. command~eDt:' and a slncefe worshiper 'of the . God ' 'Which thIng when Mattatblaa ' saw. he ot Israel. He reCused to conform in was In~amed .with zeal, and"he trem· any detn"ee to th'e lllieral con'dltlon8 bled violently" 10 grllat ' wu hi, aD· whIeih ~ .\d come to prevail amon~ ger. T,hen rUshing forw.,ct he ' ' many or hIs ' people: ' He strove to . W. sword and sl~w ~ man upon r . ' ~Ich when hlJ '¥d ,done ,maintaIn tlle, wors~lp' of"God , accord'; Ins ,~o ~l),e .la~s , Illl'!l ordJnances given turned ,h lmse,1f ~bout a~d : . t;Y, . ~oses_ "U' brought 'gr,at ao'r row tp.·.s~ea!l" wbe~ hl~ ,e:y'~s to hts ,heart to , s~e 8P , D)II.Dy of the. ~ kJ~g s "C~~IJ?IB,~lpner ­ J~1'V8 conl~rml~g 'to th,e customs, ., of th~ , p~,Op!~ to ' depart , the , he!'Wen "~n4' ,making alliance" worshl~J 1:l;D4 leapl,p g wlt~ 'them, aDd wh...IBn ~tlochu;' 'Epl. ~e ,~~.~ ,b i,' s,word," phanell came Into' power and th~ and, ~ I ~~ 1~ wr~tlUI1* be~vy bllDd of' pe~s~cgt'IQn ~ . telt 'a,n ies ,u,po'p, tJie ~~~CI.I , arainst ~e Je:ws ',,:ho cUd Dfl{ wbl'8h'p ' ,lOllI, to~ ~!l~ ,:t,b,.~tar. serve , th~ .heathen geids, ~tta> . ;Such 'a bQICl d-..s8oCitl an:nW~ " !Strove 'more' ,earneat11 than' tI:ver olt7r, ~'d;"w'htle': ~" to stem the' . Ude' ot l~rel~Og, pth.!1DI,IM!ltt:a~ .. · .aDd hoJd hl~ people to lo,&Jt..r . to. tile "tJu:ouJli the ¢it;. . 'true Oad. ' , c ,,: , - l'WlioaoeYer '.. " ad mallilatDetll tIU.~...III!Wit -; , , . ;1~ , c:all~ " C&IWa: 'toUn m..u , ' c:aned ~~i -wbo 80.b~ aD4 bte IOU aecl·to tlMm'" OPENtNG OP C'HEVENNE RIVEft INo.lAN RESERVATioN.








Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vereta-

ble Compound Cured Her."


















M"OC~; ' JIll""." WD.·I..~.u .-blell ,tb.,. ~i ••1 I ...~ - .." , ........ &Ua-la~. .. . . ,'. . " .... _.. r ' . .\ ,

~~-'--------~------------' lo'~d BQttOm, the 'wealler; but not 11.1.



By MOLLY EllIOT SEAWEll (Oopyriabl, 1-. Sobb.· M~ n11l 00.)


.At 14 year. ot age AClmlrRI Sir Peter lInwkllhaw'", '11 phew, Richard Ol)'n'r (" II dct;ply In love fLt Ilrst sight with ,ady Ara hella Stormont, who IIpurned hilt at· I nllon.. The Illd , a n orPhan! W M glv n 14 berth lUI mIdshipman on t ,e Ajax by bIll uncl.. GIIIllI Vernon, noph W ot SIr Tboma. Vernon, b nm the boy's pal. 'rhey attend d a th su er wh re Hawk~ h a w' 8 nephew .aw Lna y Arabella, Ver. non met Philip OVertotl, next In line tor Sir Thomas Vernon'8 estate. 'l'hey I ttlrted a duel whIch wae Int rrupted. V rn on Ov rtoD a nd lia wk ahaw's nephow found themselves aUrn ted by pretty Lally Arabella. The Ajax III ba ttle defeated F rench wn rll111p8 In tho M dlterrnnean. Hlchard OJyn got £2,000 l'i'lz money. iiu W illi .'(1)1cd homo by Lady Hawkshaw as he waa about to "blow In" h its arnlnl!'s with Vernon, .At a Haw~ !l h a w party Glyn dis· cove r d that ..Amb 1111. WI\ 8 11 poor but Jle ~l lI te nt glunbler. He ta lked much with h r cousin Daphne. LaCly Arab IIll IIga)n 8how..(1 lOve tor geminII'. Lal r ahe held a .lyn and Overton prisoners. thul delaying the du l. tn tIle Overton· Ver'. non duel, n Ith r was hurt. !,..ndy Ara· . h ello. humillatell RI(' hor<l by Iwr prllnkl!. RI hard end G il 8 s hipp d on Il (rlgll to. Olles WOIl captured . llY tho I~rcn () h . Sir Peter arranged tor· his 'xeho!lK Dapl, ne showlld n IIkl n!!!: ror Olyn. who W illi then '21 yea!'s or a , 0 11 8 W lI8 rd Ill! (1. Ollel Bnd Richa rt . planllod 10J) m nts. Sir P tor obJ t t1 to I h plnn to W{·tl, Daphne. By lo\'er TUII G IIOH and Rich· nrd elopod wIth LIldy .rabellll. a nd aphne, r c.,p cUv Iy. The la ll r pai r were ma",1 <1. Oaphne W IlS pI all ,() ; Arnbfll roved In linger. When th pnr. ty returned: .A.ta):l 11.1\ nBk d Sir r Ate r to alCl In pr. uUng QUos In court on tho charg o.t committi ng a cnpltlll crime. All !Utand ld th trl lll. -U pon Arabella's t IIlImony Olle "'lUI .convlct d nnd I~ n· t n e,<l to b hanged. Ir Peter ,'Islted the prlnco of Wales tn " ort to .8 ure a pllrdon tor . 1;]11 . Ara b 1111. throw 11<' 1'8 If nt lhe I t ·. ot 0 " r ton, whom 811 hud loved for many '~ He spur,\: d he.r.

ways. I bid YOU good daY; dapt. PhUip {)verto.n, and ' 9iJ Mr Rlclia rd Olyn. And I trust Glle's Vernon's lite. may be saved, if only ld leeep you, Capt. Over· ton, as poor s.s' you des rve to bl. For myself, I shall shortly marry- perha ps, Sir Thomas Vernon-then, n I't her of you will gilt the estates. Good morll' Ingl" And sbe' was p;one, fl ying along the fi eld, with a ,,,hl le ma nt le s treamin g a tte r be l', and her fligh t as ra pid as th e swallows In spring, CHAPTER XI.

At 12 o'clock that night Sir Peter ar· rIved a t the tavern, a nd with tbe Ilardon. The expectaUon of hIs coming, and the g reate r mattllr upon which we were engaged, llreventetl my mind from dwelling longer upon the strange scene I had witnessed between Over· ton and Lady Arabella, Overion did not speak bel' name to me, and showed much 8ympatby for UI . Whlln Sir Pete r's chaIse drove up to the door ot tbe Bear and Ohurn, another chaIse with tour horses was wal'lIng, and Into It we huddled, bidding Overton a hurried tarewell; a.nd In a nother moment we Were qrt tor York, the borses doing tbelr best. Sir Peter then told me tbe circum· stancel ot hi s visit to Windsor. The prince, w1llb was always most powerful whe n the kIng was on the verge of madness, saw his fath er and found hIm comparatively rational. The story be· Ing broached to him, he appeared Interested, and even grew more col· lected as his attention was chained. He recalled at' once Sir P eter Hawkshaw and ilie capture of the Indomplable and Xantippe. and corrected the prince wh en he spoke of Sir Pe ter as vlce·ad· mlra l of the Whlte. It was a very easy matter to get his Ilgnature to tbe pardon. and the necelsary seals and formalltlos tool! some lItU time but no trouble, and when Sir P eler presented him self at the castle on Sunday nil was prepared tor him . ' Ve felt now comparatively safe. Th re was little 1I0ubt tbnt we could reach York at least 21 hours In ad·

CHAPTER , X •.-contlnued. Arabella' turned pale, and l' plied: "I was summoned as a witness. WIUI obliged to telltify." Overton s$ld notlling. Then Sir Th OJ1l lUI, ta1l:Ing anulr With his usual grace. remarked': "I listened with attention to one law· brl)ake:r prayIng for another lawbreak· Of course, you know, thi s meeting of yours hi sedltious.....l.of1nd many a man bas been stood In t he pillory for It." "And on1l man," -' replied Overton, "Jesna Cbrlst: W8jI cr\lclfted tor It." He tui-p~d; and ·"With me, took the path back to the tavern. 1 heard, as we went on. an altercation behind me. and InvOhlntarU'y, after we had gone f) some dtstan~e, I looked bnck. ~dy Arabella wail str~ggllng In th grnap or Sir 'nu)mas , Vernon, wblle ,Mrs. Wblt4Jl 10Ql(ed on, and wrung her "Mr. Overton. See I Have Be'!!n MI. hands. , SIi' 'Thomas, however, was no . taken." match, for A(abella's ybung strf;lngth. She l)rC?ke', aw"y J rom, .bl~, and, ~un' nlng after. ua, l calfBbt up, I pan.Ung and breathle~8; wlt~ UIJ, aa we'. Qnt red U1-e little grove. And then I saw an almost exact JoellresentaUon a Lthe scene wli n . Giles ' Vernon ,had. Insanely aild with unmanly" gro",lln6 and . violen~e ~l~th~ab ellt\ tot' ,her love-so she pleaded -wltb Philip' Overton. She held;blm,by the arlbll, wben he would ha ve ihiown lier olr: . . "Philip 1 Phtllpl'·.' ahe cried. "I did It for you! , I determined to make you rich, great; even If you refused my, fortu~e. 'Sir Ttl'9maa can n~t· lIve long. Surely. you ~an ' fiot. ' reproach me, ·If nil the World does. . The stupId, stupId' world thlnltB I' dld It under the 'lnflu· ence of SIr Thomas Venlon; but no, It was . not hate for 'Glles VerQon, '; It was my iove for YOU" P'h"tllp Over~on; that ' m~de me appe,ar., at· the York 8S· Sizes." ~ '. .' ,," . "Rem!1mti~~ rourielf," · saId ' Oterton 10 her, sternly: "Othf;lrs besides yourself see ~oUl' deg..ada·tJon!,i "It is no' degradaUOn to love buly, to love ' aid ·do.. Speak, but one word t.o me, iind ,I 'Vo'm ltecome ·a Methodist lik e yo~nieJt. II too'; 'wl11 ~go among' the poor, a1)d ·"erve :and ' love ·them; anI} I will even Jove God tor your sake!" . Tbe· · awf~L grotesll~,neas' ~t ' this, the bJasp.h~m~ . of ~ tt, ~a8 altogethe! unknown 'tlt ,ber. wndly: "Doe~ .•n'ot~ abui .~e~' sa~lng .¥ mlloh tho.e ; ~l<Xit! YOU' .bave been ,with?" . '. ~.. '. '.. bJaapbeJPel'i' repued', O~erton; b~f I."",. .to . ,:reisemlblaJice

nit . .

~I:~~~t~~ ~~71\~~~i? a~oll~UZtt!;°ft:~~ seem hopeless. unUI-o, God!' 20 mire J;XIade by 1bo. __no" end raiD. JII mlle~

from York, M midnight on the Thurs· day, Sir Pele r hl mselt sudde nl y gave out; the train batr proved too mllc!:' for bls brave h II rt and s lltrdy frame. It cam e as th e horses were ~val1owin8 along tbe rond In the dar kness, and I. hold ing my watth in my hand, w ~ gla ncing at it e very ten minutes, by the f ble light or the traveilng lamp [ s poite to il' P 'ter as be lay bacli ih the cha ls wrullped In boat·cloak and got no ans we r. He was un con sclous, Wi thout stopping the chal st I got Born e brandy, wbich I tri ed to pour down his th roat, but could n'lt r gTew much alarmed- It was not li ke Sir P etel to refuse good brandy, and DS we were pass ing II. farmstead, ) stopped the dl alse, knocked tbe peoille up, a nd had 81r Pete r carrie d Inlo th. house. I met wl lh kindness, and I ra paid It with coin of the ' r ealm . Sit Pete r sOOIl revIved, and hIs first worde were : "Push on, my tad . Don't walt to r e pair damages ." I found that hIs seizure was reaU) triftin g, snd he ass ured me he woult be abl e to resume th e journey by day· light, the farm er n~ ree iDg to furnlsll hLm horses; so, In bAit an hour I had again taken Ihe road . And ten miles trom York, the chaise broke down! I had the horses taken out, an(l mounting the best l)eas t, made for York at the top of his s peed, whlcb wa. poor- the creature was ' alread y spent with traveling. It was just daylight, a nd strenlcs of golde n glory 'Yere IIghUng up the pal.lid dawn: I urged the poor bea st onward . Seven mllcs h e w nt, th en h dropp ed dead, just as the li un WIlS I!;lIdlng t\le spires of York cathedral . Defore I1\e, along the road, jogged an itinerant tinke r on a rather good·looklu g borae, the tool s of a tinker's t m de hanglng from a moth.·eaten sa ddle. J was young and s trong-he was mlddle·aged and iIl·Ced anti feeble. I ran up to him, holding five guineas In my hand. "Lend me this horse f.o ride to York!" I cried. , The man, astonished at InY abrupt address, s topped, but gavo me no an· awar. 1 made my own answor, though, by dra gging him off the beaM, dnshing five gulnoas on the gn'und, anti clath1l1ng 'ort, tbrowlng a way the tooll and kettles as I galloped nlong. (TO BE CONTINUED.) INHERENT


Characterlltlc; That II the MOlt Deeply Plan\ed in Mortal •• The 11rat man was a gardener, WO are told. Certaln It Ii that the first men were tillers ot the soil, after they ceasell to be wandering warriors. That Is where we get our love ,of na· ture, declares a writer In the Kansai City Journal. That Is why we 'buUd park~ and have flowers clambering why we are atrlUlgely at pence when we gel OU.t Into the mountains and lOiS OUI' selves . among the fragrant wooda. That Ie why we loathe a~ times the smell of paInt that Is on clvlllzation and long tor the perfume ot the Ute thllt Is 'close to the 'green leaves and the wli<l flowers. That Is why we-are so hapRY when we camp out and why we are so reluctant to return. ' That III why ' Ollr earliest recoll ections of tlu; "old farm" are tho sweetest and ten· derest of our Uves. That la why we crack a' joke at the "simple Ute" and " back to nature" and all that-whl!U 8.omebOdy . Is around-;-and why we know, away down In our hearts, that the 'tlmple life 11 the lite most worth IlYing and thllt We cannot get clolle to anythIng sweeter 0.1" purer than nature, "Mother" Nature, whose aone and daug ers we are, may wander tar, but to wbom we 'return as prodigals, · finding the prodl· gal'a welcome and the prodlgarl peace..

Ih-'I 8 S .' K8r'osane ' as FU'SI .''.'Iaam'ers Use .

THE "HITE STEAMER WHICH MADE A SUCCESSFUL PU8L1C DEMONSTRATION OF KEROSENE AS FUEL ON THE RECENT 2650·MILE GLIDDEN TOUR. The mOllt Interesting announce· The complete success of the new aIDount or tUel uoed on the trip ment ever made In connection with tuel while on the 2G 50·mlle publi c showed that kerosens Is at least the automobile industry was un- test and the advantages gained fi fte n per oen t. more emclent, gallon doubtedly that made a month or t wo through Its use wer e well described for gallon, th nn gnsolln . The car In ago to tbe effect that the new 'models In the following dispatch whi ch th e other r speets made a mos t credItable ot t~e Wblte Steam Cars could be run correspond ent ot the Ne w York Sun showIn g, nnd til re was the usunl r lvon kerosene, or coal oil, In stead of sent to his paper at the conclusion of aI ry a mong t he observers to be a&(asollne. Everyone at once r ecog· Lbe tour : Signed' to t h WhI t e so that tb e, nlzed that the us e of the new fu el "A t e ature of the tour which was could r ide with the maximum of comw.ould add materially to the Ildyan· wa tc hed with special Interest was fort. T he on ly ndjus tm nts or r etages which the White alread y pos· tha t the White Steam er used k ero- l)alr8 charged against the car durlnr Bessed over other types of cars. sen e, or 'coal 011: as fu el Ins te ad of the long trip were tIght ui ng a lubrl· There were some 'people, however, gasoline. The n e w fu el worked cntor pipe and wiri ng 1\ damaged mud who were sceptical as to whethe r or splendidly [llroughout th e 2G 50·mlle guard. Th ese pena lUes were not In· Dot th e ..n.ew fu el could be used wi t h journey, and all clalota made In Its flI cted un til more t han 2000 m iles comple te success, and, th erefo re, t he beha lf were fully proven. F irs t of had been compleled with nn hbsolutemakers of the Whi te Car, the White all, as regards chea pness, th e W hite ly per fec t score." Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, deter· driver secu red k rosene a ll along the A par ticularly lnterestln g teature min ed to mnke n' public demons tra- rO.ute f r om 6 cenls to 10 cen ts cheap- of t he n ew Wh ite Steamcr Is tha t tlon of the new fuel In the 1909 GUd· er per gull on th un as paid for gaso· either k eros ne or gasoli ne may be den Tour. Une. S econdly, .t he new tu I was used I'IS fu I. Tho neccssary adj us tFrc.m t.he standpoint of the public, handled withou t 'any precautions, and m nts so th at the fuol may be cha ng d no t~st more sati sfactory could ha"\le It was not unusua l to see kerosene from kerosene to gasoline, or vIce been selected. First of all, tbe dis· being p oured Into the t uel tank wbll e versa, may be made In II. couple of tance cover d on the Glidd en Tour, the crew of the ca r and an Inte res ted , mln'Jtes; but s o completely successflll from Detroit to Denve r and thence to crowd stood by with lighted cigars has kerosene l)rOV d to be, that It Ii) Kansas City, was 261ro miles. This and cigare ttes. At the fi nish of the not believed t ha t any purchasers will was certainly more than sufficIent tour, the White was the only car p r· care to use gasoline. bring out any weaknesses, It s ucb had mltted by the authorities to enter The Wh ite Company r eport tbat existed. Still more Important was ConvenUon Hall, wh ere tbe t echnical th e demand for t heir n e w s team ca rs the fact that the car was at all times examination took place, w ithout -bot h the $2000·model and the while on the road under the s uper:vl· dralnlng Its tIIel tank. Thirdly, the $4000-model-exceed th eir most san· lion of observers . named by those new fuel p~'oved to. be abs olutely gu ine exp ta tlons: It Is evident that who entered other contesting cars. without 'smoke or smell. Fourthly, th e combination of steam- tile powTherefore, It would have been Impos· kerosene could be purcbased at what- er which everyone unders tands and sible for the driver of the White to ever part of tbe route wns most con- has confldence In-with kerosenehave even tightened a bolt without venlent, and not once during tbe trip the fuel which everyone bas on hand the fact being noted and a penalty In- through tho ten S~tes o~ the Middle and can handle witl;lout any danger fllcted. At night t.he cara were West was there tound a grocery store -Is tboroughly appreciated by KUarded by Pinkerton deteotlves and wbere kerosene was not readily and up·to·date purchasers of automoeould not be approached by anyone. cheaply obtainable. Finally, the biles.

Dllculled Over the Prune.. "Wby 1& It, Miss Willing, that tat maD always have tbe prettiest wives? t seldom sec a jolly, tat man 'wltb all By Jon ugly, cross lo.~lng wife. those tellows JUlt go In an~ .wln tb prelty worn,,» every time.'" . . "Well, Mr. Hilmmerslee, I can 11.( count tor that. You see, a' hllat:.'f,nG should be a ~ort of bromIde, shOUld have a !loothlnd effect. Fat men aN' piacld, calm; joll, IlIId gOO(i provldera They like tl,le good things of lite them. selves, and they Jlke to 838 their wives well dressed. and to sit down to a good table. No wonder Yomen like them better than they do lean, dyspeptic, nervous, cranky mon, who find fault, nag, and are stingy. Men like this wnnt a lot ot walUng 011 and attention, they are generally jeal· ous and selfish: Fat men hate a fuss, seem' to ,understaild that' wives ate as fond of belng 'spoUed and of bavlng good clothes and good dinners as othel women are. and hence women natu· rally marry men of ~hls temperament." FI;'t ·Ald fqr Brltllh Army. Tbe British army ' III Constdering tht! I , a'lolll~oln' ~or the 'U.t e.rmoblen ' _:iatem 01 aurgical dre_slnga. _wblch haft ' been In use hi ilie Dutch al'JDY tor ·, _e~er~ ,. yeR:~. 'The pack~ts ~~ small and light• .One dresalng · ill 'an d~.lgned 'that a ' can" un~ck 8.n(1 place ' tbe .ar.tlaeptlc pad upon · hh wbuuded Bt.m by ·ualDg the other ban, · .0nJ)" . the pa~8't , belng unlooien~d b, puUJq certain e(rID.. with · the teeU and the ~a out of ,til, . It CIOut.ta, of " ~ .ttached





And All with Company There. ow, chttdren;" said the mother, as a whole roomful ot company had come In, "suppose you run off and play by yourselves." "All right, mother," replied Edith . "Can we go up and play Hamlet and Ophelia?" "Ce rtainly: ' smiled the moth er, while her guests looked on lit the tableau. "Goody!" replied' Edith; then, turn· ' Ing to ber Sister, she salll: "Now, Maude, you run up to ma.mX',la's room lind get all her false hair that 1 1'U cnn f1nd."- Judge.


The School thaI bailll for Expert Posi. Bookkeepen, Stenoaraphere, 'or tho Gva Service EuminatloDi and '01 . TeicheR. It is the oldeat in yetlR, the ?' a:::''' meoat proareuive in method. and the moat advanced in Sylleau. BOth Gregg ·.od Pilman System. 01 Shorthand huaht. Write (01 our New CataIOll. Addreu T. W. BOOKMYER. Pmidcal bOM . ,






Do your feet ever feel tlred, aefly and lore tit l!J.~ht..! Rub them with a little HIlmline Wizatd Oil. They'll be alad in the morning and 10 'Will you. . I have lived to know that the lecret of happiness ,a never to allow :your . 8tagn~te.-Adam Clarke.

::.• .w=WI~~i=.Jt Her string la' Boon worn out if a atrl has too man:y b.eaux.

3,000,000 Acres of good land will be thrown open to

Settlers Oct. 4th to 23rd. '09'. The General Land Office has designated

. Le Beau ~nd ' Aberdeen. s. D. ON THE

Minneapolis &St. Louis R. R. as places to register for the drawin&


':""'ryeUf tittle bo)'or eftl JI dellcateaael alcltJT-ao to theDeanat drurctat pt ~ bOttlo of . , aad .,

For rate .. etc., write or uk any qent of the Iowa Central or MioneapoU. & St. Lo~ road or

A. B. OUTTS. General PallleDger and Ticket AgeDt l4iDneapolia, MinD.

This T~de-~rk Iliminates AU

Vn~rtainty In the.purdlue m plliot materiak.

It i, an a'blOlute IU'J&Dtee.of ·pur. IIi and ;qtWity. For Jour owo



It II' em the lide 01 ketol:whlte Jead

W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 37-190~

Sticky Swecitin• . Palms or

. after' tuln,. aalt. cath~ watAlra-dld you ever ' l;1otloo th", , w~.ry all f1O?'l4 feeling-the ,palme of your banda ,sweatt-and rotteQ , taate ,lo your "mouth- Cathadlca. o~ mOTe byaweaUyyoutbowel. -Do'. lot of hurt>-'1'ry a OASCARET 'and aee how much eaaler .ttie job la dODe - how much better ' Jo~ feel. ' . .

~~'~;h~~'o \l8tmeat. au II MlIft' ~UII"'"




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't• • • : : ..



80 'pe'r ' cent of all Headaches', Dizziness, :~: :~: . Neuralg ia and Nervous 'TrQubles are ::! ::: du'e ' to Optical De{ects and~ :\; :~; . disappear completely ~:~ m I ili 1:1


',' ~

A·cordial invitation ,is extended to all to visit our 11''JJ store durihg th(A. Watren County Fair. We win be J')l pleased to have you visit every d'e partment and get ii acquainted with all ~hat is new and up to date in Fall tin~of the:au incss !~ Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Furnishings, Shoes, Ladies' M, A~Cgularme ' n Al:!Sociat.ion will b hel ll in the .:. unci l 'harnb M nday v ning :-:. ~ Suits, Cloaks~ Millinery, Dry Go~ds, Carpets, F urni• 'cp t fIIb 27, 1009, al eight 'clock: lj~ ~ ture and Stoves. F'ull atlclld u ll 'e is desir d CIS 'v 'ral . JllaLlel'!:; urc t il be brought up. :;! ~ You will incur no obligation ~o buy by obtaining F. H. HERWO D, Sec'y. ~~~ the p ices. Everything is marked in plain figures. ~ bIT MASONIC HOME l Our large spacious store with all its convenience is Quit a crowd of Ma~ons and ~ at your dkisposahl. MeewtYOturkold frienfdsl1and kleave ~ Ea: l rn tal' member of Waynesville anc! Hal'veysbu rg went t : your pac ages ere. e a e care 0 a pac ages pI'ing tield today to visit lhe Masonic 'cs of illl rest j;jf no matter where they were purchased. fIli Homc and other.. pia -. l O u r Store will be open to 9 p', m., during Fair. WILL FURNISH MU. IC

~::~~~~~::~:~:: 1i


N. RO ' T. . \ \.












Th e Wayn ::Ivill band will furni sh music fot' t.he Warren County Fair on the last day-Friday . The boys Ill' working hard and will mal~e good music for that rlay.

;:: ;:: :;: :;: :::

HhorwQ'ld bll pn rchu eu The social held at the h me of Miss n{l er pr o\J\:lrty U ti Mil in Katherine Prendergast Friday evenSt l'l} t t o. wb lch pin 0 th ey moved g was a success. Quite a neat u;;' iV lllllt week. li . .l!: RutllD, wifslLnd chilth ' 11 , of was realized. ' Von Wert, ware g-ue"ts ItL t week of Ray Eugle !tnd tv ifo. SPRAINED HER A KLE Hermuu Ev!\ ns ODtI wife! of 01 urn bu!!, visitell . here 0 \ er Sunclay While descending the step' f rom Mrs. J o 611b UIlwk e vi Heil in there idenceofMi Moille Eispham, X ui n last WOtl k . Mondayafterlloon, Miss ra McKay Mr . M vrtl l1~nni~ is fell and sprained her ankle. Wilmin gton ollege. • _ ••- - Mi I:! Lulu oller is th glle t of HAVE TAKEN OATH OF OFFICE hel' sister Mrs lia.r ry Cook Forest B It lind wife lVere shoplI!lonaay mnke a ohnnge in the ping in X niu. Saturday . p rsollnel of the Houora1,>le BO!trd of Mr . V H. l~ o t vII;! ed with , 'omnlissl ners of .Warren 'ounty fri nda here Fl·ld uy . . wben M tI rs . t:)amuellrons and Fred Mrs.. hl1r1 s EVllu and lit t le dl4ughter were guos ts ovel' Sunday . impson take the oath of offi e to of her parentI,' W. V. Luce ond ' ucolled Mes r. Howard B. Ander "vife on and E B. ROl{l:Irs.. Mr. Juwel' harle!! ' Mill wife and. son, f Keever succeeds 11im olf on ·thut day X niu., pent Sunday wi th S'tu Wi! 1 ror another term on aud wife. M~ I'S And ~I:!on lind Rogers




Spring Valley.

I ' :1 :""Wall from ' 4c to


Paper12c a

Schwal'tz' s


AI , E tho A I



• New Burlingtop. g rn ic S 'Lwid Ill!, LlUrentl Uompton, <\larluoon 'ompton F Wil son aod Everett Hain l! fi re at tending Wilmingt,ou llege. \\r. . La key ltad wife ontprtained lust w it their oousin, Mr 'ellnrt!, of pringfiald. Mis Lula Ewing W I:! very 'lo w '1ugnin lust week; . h o i b\:ltter nt I)re ent. Benj . Le r,ll llor III t weel{ III vod hi ' gr oce ry a 1'0 I,he btl' t t o t11 building h e raoeo Iy pnrnh'lsed of Getz Bros , j .J (ls . BInii' moveu hi s goods and t il postof'lic to tile fO tn on the P tel' on Uom or VIL ted by Lem ur, j () ntl en\ · n fri curlti f ,Ju 001 1 tt whl i ' l-It) l! t·o hu tll.uriell to Mi !; Llluru . MuCoy, ur Bl oo rniQ~sbur g t~ nl'ereQ him a >;llOk sit wer ut th bOlue of Mr. Wel<1un McKuy, 011 Friday evening: . A t1nior~ temperunoe serv! f) was held at the M. E. church on l::)und'iY '1evenln<;t.





*. . .

· i '*




.' Sa·t.u rda·y, I


.. " '*. '

-: .. Winter ' Milline r y,'. , 0 ct o b er . 2, 1909'.'" ' i\'



. . ' * ""~~·~I~***. **~*••*..*••* ;::~ll. .i~




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I hlU'll a lway thought It right Iilld "ood work to liclcnowlooge It., lI (\vlug soon the rooOlllmonlillt ion or 1I trl na ot (1I 1L10; who lin 1l00Jl b ueHLLOlI by Dr. lioy!., and t h ut be was to vi IL D olaw!U·Q. Alni. rl:!t . who had dltnclli t y 10 q tLllIg g iMSe ' . 1.0 ult her, d lriod to call o n him . Exnmluiug h l' Yos. t.llo dootor s loctod. JlI!lt ..WhIlL seems to b lW bceu ll00ded, u.!! ~llose I 'too . do uul tire har ey , aud tit ht.'tUlI\·h whic h a m from th II of ~cs not ~ ulted 10 tho cy hlloS Iltlrely ell lPJll!lI Wd, 1 '1111 roc01ll1ll lid Dr, HOyL to \l ilY 0110 In no I oC gin II, . helleving I lin tio wlU glvu 8I1tlll'r,\CL\on . .A . . 'rl.sL, ' Pr ~byterl l\ n ~lIrillit r. D I!\ blo. Fobn;lIIry ~., l . 119.

JII t whlltl \l workm\ll\ do



Rev. L. B. C. Lahr, Pastor Re. formed Cburch, says:

Read W.hat Rev. A. C. Crist Says:

::: :=:

I choerlully ndor&t' Dr. Hoyt lUI a collrt·OOIl.$ aDd 1Ic:t.'OmmodaUng I) 'nrloml\n, 1:[e 1IOO0l1 amc:iolls to render HOtvico lIud doe nOL Importllo people hom h e, D.mhlCll 1.0 PlIl'Ch08O gl_ . li e Iy .\'ldeIlLl), tamillar wlLh tho require· mODta of his prot Ion. He 18 wtlling . I h L bls work s hllll Bland on IWi own IIlIlrit8. My Ife aou cjaught.tJr 81181)001d t hnL· th Ir 1l11UlS0/I were 110 aunpt I l{l tholr V181011 aud accordi ng ly were oxalllbled b y J)r • .I:Ioyt: whO fi tted ~hllr oyllll with lIIltillfllCOOry resul tll . , H pecUlllly, L , B . C. Lahr • • Pliat.or Retormed hurch. Delaware. bl.o, March 29, 1899 ..






::: {


ThIll Is to cortl fy tJ.1l\~ Dr. J. • lioyt; amlned. I.tJ8tud lIod flLted uIY :Villi wIth gl ~ thll b 1 TlroDo unc ··porfaet." 1 ortmJ y 1'ilCOI(I\II fit! Hw'1lu 'tor to aU who sullor from weak 0)' ' . o r from lillY cnuso 000« a no y IghL 1i~1 of God ' j;rcat llllt g ifts La man. .' IIIlS ~[IIIn , . .;. _ _ _ __ 0:' I' tor hrl thlll hurch , Ceutorburg, Ohio. , . I.-·fhls tl's t lmonllll ls· \UlSOllcll.OtI .




, Cllpltal Unlv I'IIlty Columbus, Ohio, Juno 2G. 1900 . ear tr-:-H jJl yOl! me great pleasure to ~~Hy to 'WI .- "ury- efTo '(,h'e aud collrtl!OUH trcn:tme.nt 'hat ·1' ha\lo 4'6Celved ll~ )'our hl\lIW1. The three pili rs ot 8 1\18811/1 t hat. you mude for III! I\II/IWllr their "urllO , 'WtJ)'. J ~all, allll gllll.ll~· dll. rccomlU lid Y()Il~ worl • )'/JUI'II \'ory W lIllI,lC,tfU Il Y , r . W •. Swllbllrn Profo"llO r of 'rtlllOloJ;Y amI Jlro bill, l'refllIl lit 'al,lLal ul\'Ill'Hl t)'.

Marlo n . Otllo. July . l G, 1900.

Dr . .T. N. Hoyt.

To Whom l L May ('''II oru:-

'J'hls Is t,o "e l'lIfy tJlI\t ~)t. ,I. N. ll Qyt, optlclall . IllLs d o n O wurl fOl' m e pel'l!bD-lill y. nlAD tor frl olld . 0.1\(1 III Ilil . j and o\' ry Cll30 h IlS Itl VOll tllil lirot ~ Iolml sill I tl\ 'I·II>n . .t 1lII.lrot(lrU /'Ot'om 101111 h inl to 1111 who!!!) y IIlOd trelltUl Yours trlll y , Fnllll. . W ILLhu IT. rn8t~r ' J,'ll'IIt H to rm !?(1 ' hurch.

.. -----

The Wizard of 021. Starts Next Week ·1

:.: ::::,:,

. . l'allller 110u • hh: lIgo. 111.. JUliO G, 19 00. lI oy t , Dour '" .: ' IWIl etl roc Ivcll. Thoy are blllUl~j , 'J'rlll y YI)II IIIl1st vlsJt III(:inlllltlllml II~ Mrs. M oO! 's ey nttor this I{ 11 rl,1 \:t/u Cor llUU III ovur. 'Col'tlll\lIy, . • 1) . H , Moore.



::: .:. '.' :.::

Ilr. ,I.

CO'MING GLORY OF THE 'SKIES hllve erved two tenus in u thunner

Ii~at oall for n.o r proof or ILdd d BlI.lley 's oOJ;llet lias been sighted. oommeot. '!:he publ1c ~eJl know!! by the .as.tron,omerl! nt the Liok Ob w11llt th~y hove done. ~}J their· seryu tory. This faot is signifiount action have heen 'open Bnd above Leol\u e it hows thut luminooll board" bodies u thou nnd timel:! lighter than been slI.nctioned by the general pubth e Ill·th's ntm osphere ma.intain lic 141mo t. to a· matt;-·-,a tb gentle their existenoe aud their routine of men have been industrious in·('lIice f\.nd· kind in ull dealings. l.'hey 1\ re movem at for ages. Where HalleY '\l com t goe@ tn the gentlemen all In ulln,ud thetr retireoenturles whf n It is nbt visiting llent from ofIic~ will be regrett d thlit tiDy part of t·he universe known by mlmy friends. ' as the s011l.1' system is lin 0PljD q\lel:!Mr. K:eever ~nters a thirll term - -t.iun. But there il:! n o ' doubt about, with a spot.less reoord, Previous to, Oregon la. its being a. weloome visitor whenever these three successi ve terms he hus 1 it; return!! . At its be t, it. is th Dr ~~ hAck(llford bu. h ell visiting hllndsowest pleoe of fire:;vorks tnllt before served as oounty oomilli ,ion~ in Columbu!!. ever overspreud the slty. er and his re electiou elloh time has Wlllt ar ClelltV l' p ut one dlLY lust The fa.ntastlo supe; tition thl1t ueen a .rewurd for honesty, integrity week with Ilis plLl-ent here. there could be ... 0011i81'on between a 8.ud'effioienoy: Everyqne likes "U~. n ' . ... • Mose u\'uber is enjoy ing his vaca- oomet n:nd a pilln t onght 'to be (lis- ole Jim" Ilnd wUl s~/l.nd by him to t.i~~, while George 8llokQr, 'of M.Jr- mif! ed now fol' the last· time n.nd th e fl OIS . h . H ' & ~ d ld I " . e IS "!!Iran 0 gent e, ro Wi al' ts as his 8ubstitut m"" but young'in tdeus nnd indus.ry Hersohel Ste'ddom und hi!!' \ He wJthout regrets , Of course. ' the ..... . .... ~. --IN-are expeoted in h'om \)klo.hom l1 thil:l planets themselves have tails. AI:!Although ", ' oertl1h~' regr~t mll.rks wee~ . . . t·\'onomerl:! hllve obsened a trail of' the pas!!ing of · the .old regime, it is I Alhss Eior teol:!e Morglul of Xen.itt-,- light in tbe t ruok ' of most of the with--pleaBure to. the pubJlo tbu.t hus teeu t·he guest of Miss Luoile spheres in . the sclar ' system. The suoh men as Mr. ' Simpson a.n d M.r. Norton I . so-called zodil1cp,1 light ou;" hardly rons ~o.n the togas of o~oe I1nd en" ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~. Mr. lI.ndM r d . Webb Williams en· ' te,: into the duties of thiS very hn. tertained MisE. P'll1line Harshbarger, otilel' wise be explnined than IlS a lu. lof Leuanon , ItO'} Mr Bru.dford, Sa.t m.!nous fiure oaused by the sun's portunt office. Bellbrook tu.YSIiI:! they Pl1£18 through'the earth's I)( urdu,}' 1.lntl I:;undt\y . Mr. Irons has "erved most efficI·ent.. O ur so h 001 opened Monday morll . Mo,", and Mrs. George Scott, Itnd atmosphere. .. ing with Prof. Bowers 118 superin httle grllnddailghtel', Maxine Lees, ·. If thele hany riLtiou8lJity nt!l11 in ly IlS trustee of TUftlooreek townten dent. 11n vf1 returued to theil' h ome in tbe.,folklore about audes, with its ship some years aud his knowlelige T. Brelsford visited his' l Phillldelp.hia after a brief visit with alternatl'oDs ofAxt.reJue het'.tun· d· I.... of. aft'a·irs of. his to~nsbip will give Mr . Hurry Murra.y nt Waynesv ille J K. Speocer Ilod fnnuly. Mi!!8 • ... lust SundlLY. Ednll I::)peneer, who WIlt Dot r eturn tense oold, then the theory 51f asev him an insihgt into the duties of his Miss BerthFL Purdom ilas bOlm to the University work on UCODUUt enteen~h century expert ..hat the ne-.y office whioh will aid him greatvery siok: the pn,st week. of h er hl'lil lth ttccompnnied them. oom bts'Were the homes of lost souls IY. He is young and energe~io, fun Rev. Scott, . of Osborn , preuohed (J. F . My 1's nntI fllmily aDd Miss 'seems pltlOsible. Anyone who hus of vim anel ~nxiou8 to do what is nt the P res by t erum ' h h lust O LtlOile . ' Whllt-will the peopJe • 0 uro 'l lluutl' ,Mason pent Suudu.y in Cin- reud MJ\ton's "Parll.dise Lost" or rialltll.nd " Sabbath. . - - -+ - Dllnte's "Inferno," nnd ha·s IJU}).. Mr. and Mrl:!. John .Jobe. north of M d With t,his -ve. nture Mr. 'Simpson towo, entertllined lust t:)undllY MrA agio lanternl:! ware invented in tt'aote from tbose poems thb milo . Riohard Purdom, Mr. !lntI' Mrs: bhe Hevp.n~eonth con t ury . teriulism in whioh . bllth poe t.s were took his fi~st voyage upon pp1it~os' Bomer. Bond. ' .. _ • profuse, oan cOllooive of the oomet tel\lpe!!tuOul:! sea. nnd came out wtth Mr. Ohmer BowJlltld. of DI\ytoJl Hydrogen gus for ballooning is obo ns the proper home for disem bodied colors fiying, ~his shows his popu visited . bis pltrents lust t:)uturday trdned by aD electrio 1I rOOe89 . life.' " Ill.rlty II.t the ou~se~ Il.nd knowi~g lIud Bun.d a y . . · On the other hltnd, the ' reourrent tha.t be r\3presEmh the people in E!u.p~rstition that a, 'oollision between general and that ·t hey CLre anxions ~~ "t......t..",... "t"",... "t.... ",.... ~ ~ ,,'''' ..,.... ,,'~,,'.... ,,'... ' ' ' ' .the ef\l'th II.pd 1\ oomet would be for him to be in offioe, 'h'e ha.s de · ",.... 'o/foi -+-+",JJ.'+"+'+'~'''!{: "!{:+ '~-~"11-'~"!{:,** ~**,*,$ di.sl1strollR to the earth . is a. thing oln,red that he wlll "deliver the + .. ' to be ridiouled, Hu.lley's oomet will gonds." His' business ability, and tjc . I deslr~ to .announce an openil'llr display of ' . .':IIe furnish R magnifioent peota~le, I1t 0001 he!ldednest! ...vHi him ~n ...t.... its best ooverjo£btdf the· sky; But , " . . -~'JIt'. the HaS 'n tilEr haUouns th t ,, ' tde'a.l rT\flmber of thiS d,istingu~hed, * [rrom~B~;k Isltt-nct wOU1dq:~;~i;C trj~mvir(l..~ ; : We~t~l' S,~ar:, . " , $. " . . . ~ ~ the : w~ole of It pe1'4ap.s a.' ~Illion ~:.~, times. " The~6 is. ,n o, l,kll1l9.o.d. tba~ . ~ ~,ew ~or.l~e'f''.l l1rphlg $15,& ,weeK tihe oomlng ~ume~. ~)1l oobie .w . , ~bbiJf is :sQ6d for .. ,100 ' 11, week u.l1mony mote ,tha.n (f)rty nn1li9n ~i1etl. of thli . - , ' .,:,,-, ' .. . . ' ~ .. . " . ' ~ earth s ()rblt. But even If.i,t-swept , , i.i straigh.t right, "To,~oa o~1' pl~neti 't he ! ~y disp~ay will inclu'~e a number of 'p:'etty patt~rn hats, ?j" result oould only -be an' unuaual , weH as n~merous model.s of my own de igning. '$ ' luminosity in tbe liky', . . Your p.iesence will b v.·elcomed. '~ It·is time ~o Rive up tlie lUelallle~rll , • superstitions II.bout. oo~ts a~ ~e. , .., .... Ot8 , 88 po e~.$ 0 goon.or ill. -.CRACE LINCOI;;N SMITH. I . They Im~ DO more Jligrilfiotl.ot tha.t w",y,t1;la,n the planets ~Dd 8tar'i lleeD

.: :' : : :.:'

It rom R ail. n U7!irl 1I. Moor . D. D., Ji'o'l'Iner Ecli1'to r .of til ' Western Chri.'1t1·an Acl10 ate. Whtt n Wll'ile Attenaing the General 07,,.Iercl1c (tt 'hicago that EI cled Hint Bishop of tll e 111. E. 1~urch .


Waynesville, Obio.


g lu,;,quS limn lit . HOYT, ftsho hllB clovot d his ' I1 t ir'O tlm t! t.o it tor ovor :to y un< . heald Oli II IlIg II 1,'1"I,,1 1III \'o of I Ito New \ ' ol'k UpLi ('ul IUNtlLlIlO 1I0U tho hleago 01lhtllllil llic College Ilod HOMllitul. tho lattor bolug tho mONt thul'ou gh COUl'S LauKht In allY COUU t.ry Oil (!orroctlnjf musclllnr 111111 . 1J(lt1CIII doto llI. thus givlug hllll ' 1l1lvu,ut.l1gca not 1)(I!IlWliII4hl b Y miley optlclnos III. h 0, .........

. . :.: ::: :::



1\jO 0 111 iui II 11 ill Lho .l llf blUl hud (: " lillY Illoro lhuroug hly pructll'a l IlxlICriollco In IItllng

--- .-----



Will h raft r make regular visits to Waynesville, ~~ and will b at the Gustin Hotel Parlors on


L~banon, Ohio.


~~~ ~











:::.:. ::: .'. m '



';':':':':'::';':':':':";':':':':':':':':':':':':':.':':':':':':';':":';'::':':'::':':';':':':':':';':'.':';··:·:·:·:·:·;:·:·rl :.:.:•..•:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:••:.:':':':'~f



Olasailled Ads



~++"++++"++"'+++++iI+++1 . '\Vatch Out . For ., r • , 'T'he Cy ' clone' '.

In '..-

r he ' Wlz~r:~



of Oz



FARM. of 97 !lores-20 uores of ' tobao(lo required. Address or Br<lslau ist.0 bllve ita forty.seveoth phone Dr. Gregg, ~pringboro, Ohto. international exhibition next M~Y. Both phones. . or two stalls for horles. In. quire ofT J Brown . .. . .. ' . ,HOUSE .of eight rooms, woodahed, , barn, chicken house, bit g,l lrde" . spot, goofdFwat~r, on Four st.i·eet, corner ·o · ranklin. In~uire of Mrs Jos. Haiqes. . ~ . -See our newFOR SALE ·Family Cracker Box··


Z'Immerma'ns '

Edgemont Butters, only 25c

New Mother's Oat~, 10,:; pl<g. Shredded Wheat BiScnlt, . ... . 2' pkgs,25e Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs ·25c. ' .New· Saxon Wheat- Food, .

Ne\'; Crea,m of Wheat

·Fan~y· Y~lIow Sweets, .JOe peck Melo,ns; . Apples, Oranges. . . B~anas, " Lemons. ~~w_Ho~ey, . New C·heese• . .'. · Flower Pots,.AU Sizes. . . MI'kCr~8 .. and Stone a'r8, all" t<inds; OlasS Jar" Tin 'Caris. , . fr. "\ ! ' : • l'






P~r(ng 24c' for Eggs': "':' _ '

.1060 n~w J.incoln 'P ennies to be

gi¥en ; .o ut with . change .this' ~~ Don't' fail to get one' week. .1 " . '. • [

pOLLED Seed In. · qu~re of Doan Brackney or Wm La..hley. large hea.tlng BtOve in good" oonf , . dlt~on. for saJe, . InquJre 0 r . J. Brown. '.


Desirable:·P roperty For Sale!







?9, 1\1011.



~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ .. ~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


.-.-..-..-. .........


Bucy rus and established a.h me [01' \ - - - - - - - - - - - - : - -+ - - - - - - - - BASE B A L L · • -0 ' lhem. In ] 91 h marri ed Mary D. Be r and ha.'1 .t: in e cont.inA lot. of b ,ys from tip th mill'oad .--...-..-..----..... -....-..-.----+-.--...-....~-~~-..-.-- came to town F'·" l'luay , antI look t h l· · - - - - - - - - - --• -~-. ..... --~. ued I)J·S r Siu'. 1 nc IleI' . 0 1. Fisher is a thirty-second d A. B. 'id s and wife were in Day- . ~l's. A. Maffit was a Harveysburg measure of th , cra k Wa yn e ville The L~dies ' Aiu Society, of Hal'Born, September 24th, to J ames • vIsItor Tuesoay. ball team. Pl'l~g V. !ley ah~ays veysburg gave a r eception at the and Margaret (Chapman) Hiatt, of g ree Mason. a member of Kell er ton la. t Tbursday. Po~t No . 128. G. A. R.. and al: o fI Terrel Macy and Ralph Smith were Chas Stansberr f 0 t I has been u t horn m lh e flesh, against home of Mrs Frank Harris to the Germantown, Pa., a son . f J) t) ' . y, a ay on , \\as U/ '11 .1 ' ('11 ll ' . , . I m m b er 0 f t he Kmg 1tS 0 Y 1I3S . ill Duyton Tu esday _ i n town last week . ~ aynesvI . anu IS S I a lorn - a society of Waynesvill and also to His has b en a very a 'live and use fu l . . Ig reat long on e. Ladies Aids from sevt3ral other places Mr. Clark Funston, of YC:! lIow caree l', in which he has advanced L. A. Zi mm e rman was an l nclianaplrvlllg Reed, who has been playmg Al beit the boys f rom pIing Vall ey TI d I I fi' · . . l\~ d . .. . b d ' h ' . on 1u rs ay sst. t was a ne Sprini's, . is Iy ing very iII wi th stead il y to positions of im portunc 0 I IS VISltol'lon ay . m u e ll cus an , IS at ome agam. look t he game away ft'om our boys If' d b 'f I d t . . . " a all' , an a eautJ u an sump uous dropsy, and the end is expected at and respo nsibili ty, Hnd hi s prosp 'riLy A. Maflit allnded the Jameslown Mrs. J. FCadwallader pen t . ::>at- , they dId Itmagenteel waY,as ev ry lunch was served to more than a any moment. has r esulted enti rely frum his own Fair' olle lay la. t week. uru ~y wit h relatives in Yd low one of th e playe!', we re. ganU,em n, hundred ladies. Tho~e who went etfOI·ts and his promotions ha ve 'omf' I II' H 'rs .h I 1'" 'J "I' f L b Springs. und that make::! the thO! n I long. from th is place were Mesdames Jno toh ilil in l'ecognition of his worlh . _c e . IS I_C. ,O e anon, 1 . The game waR Ii t1ess in several I l k ' . M F kZell' 1. V. Gause, of Richmond, Ind. , wa" a Wayn sv lli e Vf81to r Monday. BU I'dette George and family of . . b . cl I awe. wartz, urray, ran , s H '1 f X' . ( Wilmington visited Benj Lippin'cott tnn~gs'l . u~ agUl~l gOl! l .ar we l3 Funk y, McClure, Marlatt, Baily, I.'peaks feelingly of hi. old home town and merit.- Bucyrlls Dail y '·orum. - - -'t ' al'vey , ea~ I'l'~o el1l\a,wasSvls- ISaturday. ' . ma ewTllc' ma leI upadalr y goo Robt. Cross, Carey, Will Phillips, and of his old home paper as follows: l l DEATHS I mg re a Ive!:! 111 . a rv ys uurg, un. . game. . he sma crow 0 f ~pecta- Carrie Phillips, Hosier. Hiatt, J eff ' . Forty-one years ago this fan I le ft I day. ~rs. ?b~s. Smart . and famll~ have tors pr.esent were am pl.y re paId, for Smith, Miss Sallie Smith and Mrs. " Waynesville. I took The Miami GavELMA ~A~DLOW . b, V. BUl'Ohart and \~ife a. t ~ended mov ed mt. o the Hames property on attendmg . .The fea~t~te f t h.e ~~me Clyd Smith and Mr. Arnold,. of zette for ten or twelv years and it · The 17-month-old mfant dau ghter the fun eral of Mrs . Emliy \Hames at Fourth Stl eet. w~ ~alton s magmfic nt PltC~I~g, orwin. got so that when I would get the paNewlon W,udlow. 'ue 'ar's Creek ' unday, Mrs. George Smi th returned home strlkmg out 16 men. The umpJrl~g of Mr. and Mrs. per I wouldn't know anyone hardly: who live ,,;ollth of Harv ysburg dieu I Monday even ing after a pleasant visof Chas. tan betTy was fin e and did Last Thursday night ather beautieverything seemed so· changed, but . I . J. Brown walked . down_ Lown 'd e. Th e f ul country home, Mrs. Annie Thorpe t'Vlces were held ' at ' t he . ' it in Indianapolis no t have a k'IC k on el' tl lfH· Sl after attending the Home-Coming aturday. house Sl,lnday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mu~day fOI' th · fi rst tim e sm('e hlS sco~e is as follows : was the charming hostess to a few of three years ago, I have felt more act t l .m M'Jaml. a 'cldent , two months ago. Burdette George and Sfamily, off S )JrlJ 'g " u ll y ... It II }>( }'" hel' fl'l·ends . Musl'c and cards was . an 111 ermen was mac e W'I . t d Au J\ d quainted than ever. My feeling now . ,. d ;f f X'· I mmg on, were guests un ay,o Slllit b . H .• ·t . . .. 1 ~ 0 0 0 I th t taO t 'ded d · I~ Ac I.1111 , 0r11lC\. a~ WI e , 0 enla, Will Cornell and famil . Pel,armll, •• . , III. . ;, p !' 0 en e r mmen prOVl . an is that I will continue to take the Cemetery. were g uests of their :'l on, Otlo Hory 00lllPtou. p .. 1\) . . :; I ~ 2 ? 00 about half past ten delightful re-. Srnl~h, M .. ss ... . 5 I I I 3 Gazette to the last. d T M rs. J 0 h n Crumley, and t wo cllll- PUlAll'8OII, a., rr ' . . ~ 0 1 U 0 I freshments were serve . hose presGEO RGE W. TAYLOR. nick, ami family, unday . dren, of Lebanon, were guests of ~~./rc::: : : : : ·. :; ~ : \ ~ ? ~ ent were: Dr. Wright and wife, J. O. Col. Cyrus William Fisher, who reLittle George W. Taylor, the inMrs. Cyn thia Evans is home after Mrs. Edith Harris last week. Comptou, M .. lb , . 4 :'\' II (0, ~ 0° Rrtwright and wife, J. H. Coleman fant chi ld of Mr. and Mr!l. J ohn a three-w eek visit with relative in . Wliltou , p. . . . . . . ~ 2 2 sides in Bucyrus, quietly celebrated Taylor, of Dayton, di d 'I'h urs d ay New Richmond and incinnati. . I :17 H N n J and wife,. Emmor Baily and wife, , B.S. H owe II an d WI'f e, Mrs. Ed 'l OLIL . ••.• •• • the seventy-fourth anniversary 0 f his evening at hIS hom in Day ton. er. , Maey and MI·s. George Thompson Wuyuesville All R n 1'1) E Israel Satterthwaite and wife, Geo. A.~. ~nowdon, son, and daughter~ , autoed to Xenia last Wednesday. ~~~'I~~~:O~: j)... : : g ~ ~ ~ : ? Hawke and wife. Dr'dH~tfhaWMay anJd nhatallday ~edlnesdfafY: Cdol: ["Bisher vices w r e held at the hOU. se n 88 a arge clrc e 0 n en s tn ucy- Fr-iday eveninlr, and tll r emain ' of Wllmmgton, were Sunday g uestd M W H M dd d l' h ThomM. II . .. , . . . r; I ~ 1 ~,I 1 wife, D. L. Crane an WI e, . rs. • rs. . . a en an leI mot - Daltlu. J .. s.~ . .. . . ~ I • 0 11 B Chapman Mrs Ella Stel'n Mrs rU8 and throughout tIle state , and were brought here at urda,' morn- 0 f h al'Ies ~\JJlerwood an d f am i'1y. -. h b th bts f I t ' Bergorl . lb.. . . . . 6 0 \ Ci 0 o · .,• . , • . ., • the United States who extend h eart~. . .... ·er ave een e gue,, ' 0 r e a Ives Ln 'y. 3b . ,. . . . . I 0 \I (I ~ Lina n evitt, Mrs. Agnes Wright, congratulations and wish him man) mgand mterred mMlalnJ em tery, Dr: Carl Hend erson and family'l inShelby, Ohio,forsevet·aldays. ~re:r'2~~ ::: : ::: ~ g g ~ 0 Mrs.Chas Smart, MissM;arySmart, ' . 'd Men ts Osf Wa y n.esvl,' 1\he an d Mrs. Mark Davis, who WII S ope rat- 'l'homp.!lon, Dakili. A . . ct . .. . 4 0 I • II I S W . - E B '1 J appy returns 0 . t e ay . a re nl'o~ re~1 ..... . ,. • I 0 I' 1 0 Miss usan rlgnt, mmor al y r. d f h b Colonel Fisher was born in Wayne MRS. EM ILY HA INES. are I v~ng m rs. ue H ames ouse ed on at Miami Valley hospital sever'rota!.. . .. . .. 40 li 17 - ii' ~ Masters Ethan Crane and Charles Mrs. Emily Hain es, widow of Eli on Mam st reet. al weeks ago, is expected home . 1 2 3 • 5 G 7 8 !l Chapman , ville, Warren c01lnty, this .E iate on · f th . . . C IprlUS nlloy . . I) 0 I 2 I 4 0 0 0 t .22, 1835 . H IS ' a er was a Hames died at h r home near aesa rs Mrs. , A. Burnett and daught I' Thursday. WayucsvUlo. . . 3 2 0 0 II " I 0 0-0 : Sep prominent phy ician, and in 1 9, \Ct'eek Meeting House last Thursday s pent several day~ laSt week wi t h Two-bnse hi J . Dlllcin, Walton. P. 'om p - A delightful and pleas~nt surprise . h h'IS f amI'1yo tId' . d (night. . . . r lati ves in. Jamestown and attended Miss Carrie Elliott " of Centerville illY lOll , FlrsL hliHe 011 bulls- Ofr WllllumH Mosh er, w h 0 n lana an Rf;llabves foun d he t· d. ead m Wnltoll 2. Lotl on bllllO>l- WllyntlllvlUolI.. 4 par t y on M'ISS Ed'th' I moved Wlt to Illinois. The follQwing year he bed Friday morning, h rdeath beina- tile Fair and Home-Coming. has .been appointed instructor of ~r~lb~ \~!1r(J~' l ~.t"uEI~~~~'dr't\~~W!~~~~ soon leaves for Chicago on an extendmoved to Wiscon in. and in 1846 set· due to heart disease. The deceased musIc at the O. S. & S. O. Home at vlllo 2. Sprlnr; alley 2. U m l)lro--8tallsbury . . ed visit, was successfully· planned tied in Ro<:k county, that tate, from was a Friend and had lived in the Mrs. Thomas Sherwood has gone Xenia during the temporary absence !and carried put on last Saturday which place Col. Fisher was sent to' house in whi ch' he died for fifty on a brief visit to friends of her ear- of the regular instructor. Sunday af~ernoon Harveysburg evening. At about eight o'clock Ohio in 1fU8 to a t tend scho.ol at years. She leave two son ' Zimri Iy married life in Cedar Rapids, l a .. A t h Y I M ti g " to and Gra~el Htll pl~yed ball alt'kt~e.l twenty of her young · friends ·met at Waynesville. lJl1849 his parents re- with whom she r siclcd a~d Je 'e' and other pOUlts in easteJ'n Iowa. R~ohng de leadr Yf ee .n VISI rs three brIdges but It was more l ea l the home of Miss Luella COrnell and L _\ • . , . ., . " . at Ie mon , n., rom h ere are, game of "grab and run" than base . . . .. . Ulrne? to OhIO, 10catmgl~Lebanon , who hves In the · nelghbol'llOod .. ~nd Will Frame and wife arrived home A. B. Chandler and wife, Thor.nton ball. Score, Harveysburg,17; Grav- stealthily wended their way through at whlch place Cyrus W. Fisher com- t.wo daughters, Mrs . Walter Wilson Friday after a two years stay in Cali- Cain and wife Paulina Butterworth I H' \I I) the rem- of the ho~Sft to .the parlor, pleted bis ac~demic , studi~ in 185~. and Mrs. J~hn Wilson. who live in fo rnia. Mrs. Bethia F urnas, whot Elizabeth Mo~re, Mrs. J. M. Keys', e I , . . where they s~rprlsed MISS Mosher. When PresIdent ·L mcoln Issue~ hi s the same neighborhood. the fun er- has been with them, stopped in Mrs. Frank Hartsock and Mrs. Anna Lytle and Mt . Holly had a hot set- To. say ~he wa:' re~\ly ~nd truly &\1rfirst call for 75,000 troop!> Mr. FIsher al took place Sunday at 11 o'clock Richmond to visit relatives. O'Neall. to Sunday afternoon but Mt. Holly prlsed. IS puttm.g It mildly; t~e only entered the army and was chosen frOl'n the Caesar' reek Meeting was too much for Lytle . . The score wo rds she seemed able to artIculate first lieutenant of his . company. Iiouse, the services being conducted was Mt, Holly, 10; Lytle, 2. were, "I feel 0 simple". W~?re-upwhich report.ed at Camp Chase CoI- by Levi Mills. In terment was mad SURPRISE CANNING TOMATOES ' - .. on Warren Key~ remarked, IS.that umbus, It was mustered into the in Caesas Creek cemetery. The deNEW CENTURY CLUB anything out of the o~dinary"? United States service for three years ceased was a belov d mo ther and Frank B. mith, of neal' Lytl e, was 'the Waynesville Canning Company Cards were the feature of the eveCompany F., Twen~y-third O. V. L friend, and the following at hel' l t r ated to I\. s ut'pri e on Sunday, is still canning tomatoes, and they The Ne~v ent.ury Club held the ning , At a late hou~ an elegallt and The field and staff officers of the reg- funel'sl sbow d th este'm i11 whi 'h September 26, i t being his fifty-six th are doing it right, too. A visit to first .me lmg of the season at the Rub tantial buffet lunch was served, iment'were: W. S. Rosecrans, colo- .:Ihe was held. ' . IbirthLlay. .Joshua Chenoweth and the plant is worth half ,a day's time, ~o~pltable home of Mrs .. A. Maffi t , Those present were, Katheryn Alexnel; Stanley Matthews, lieutenant , wir • and Mrs Joan Clark being the for it is 8 wonderful sight to ee. F rtday af~ernoon, Sentember 24th. under, Donna Hawke; Luella Cornell colonel; R. B. Hayes, major; Cyrus GEO RGE O. ELLIOT'{' fi rst to al'l'ive lold him they heard Everything is as clean as a pin, and . ~he ladles ~espond~d to roll-call by J t!ssie Marlatt, Henrietta McKinsey" W. Fisher,ac:ljutant; Skil~ Gardner, George O. Elliott, a prominen t hi son and wife were there and came the porcelain basins and water flo.~- giVing some mterestmg event?f the Stella Lemmon, . Ma~ianna Anen, quartenlluter. The reg1ment was citizen of Sugarcreek town hip, died because they wanted to see them and inglll1 the time makes it as sanitary past s~mmer. After the r?admg o~ Martha O'Neal\, Warren Keys, Fred . sent to West Virginia in July, 1861, at 4 o'~lock, last Wednesday after- of COUl'se Mr. Smith told them that as can be. . the mmutes and other busm~ss, the Elbon, Bert Harbjock, Ronald H8.w~e and participated in the . battl~, . noon a t his home, three miles south-! was alright but he looked out of the Supt. Snook has tak6n great pains .program for th~ day was ~arr~ed out. Frank Crew, Curt Hisey, Warren marches and hardships of .t he ~m- west of Bellbrook. Death came af- t window and saw Lafe Nicholson. in the canning businees this year, The .new pre~ldent, ~rs. J. E. Jan- Edwards, Sid Ellis and Mr. and Ml'II. paign of that summer and fall WhlCb tel' an illness .of a month's duration Icoming up the lane and then is when and his work shows to an advantage. ney greeted the Clu? l~ a few well- F'red Hartsock. result~. in clearing West Virginia of and was caused by typhoid fever. I the cat got out. He said from the Everybody is cordially invited to chosen r~marks .tY~lfymg the Pleaffis- _........... ~=---bel ' an d a gt'eat many. ant relations eXlstlOg between 0 h• M. Mr. . 'Elllott . ' was 58 yeal'S, of. age and ' )00k s ot f ' h"lOgs you ' WI'11 not b e t h Ie s. 1n N ovemb er, ,1861 , r e 'lOspect' t h e. p Iant, Miss. Marla Reeves whose home 18 . ted . f th . ' 1 h · d d t h . h d ' cers and members, Next came t e . " major 0 e was one of the best known farmers on yones ere to ayan ey were· VISitOrs go t ere every ay. A cour-. . . d B with her mece Mr . Fl-ed Swart~, •. Fi8h er was appom l<'ifty-fourth O. V_I., and joined that in this section. He w~s a good cit i- ~ not. The vi 'itors brought well fill ed teous guide will show all visitors readmg o~ the ConstltudtJ~n ~~, • .y- has a way of being' very nice to her . regiment at ~mp Dennison, O. In zen and was highly I·espected . A ' baskets wi th t hem, and as the day ; t'h rough the plant, and Supt. Snook laws. ThIS was follOW~ . y ~tCS neighbors even to the e~tent of 1 .~. Nov~mber 1862, Mr. Fisher was pro- few year ago he was a trustee ill Iwas cool tho table was spread in the is glad to have them come. ?f t!"Je ~ay" ~y Mrs . e~ l tt, it any planning ~ice little gatherings for moted to lieutenant colonel of hi. his "township and he has also served ' ba rn, and ninety.four persons sat The corn season is nearly over, but mterestmg P01l1ts werde . rOll ~ t out them which tends to make asocial' . t d thO II filled tabl Tit . . 'd follow ed bv a general ISCUSSlOn, . . re~l ~enllef·· taO Oh' D 15 on th~ schoo.1 bo~rd. ' down to IS W~th . de. . e , tlomatdoeshare commg l ·!l p~etty rapi - The social hour was delightfully fe~hng for those abo~t her, a~~ r~l • n De on me, 10., on ec. , He 1S surVIved by two daughters ay was spent WI musIc an a socia y, an t ey expect to b egm on pump. . h . d cently she has had 111 her mm(l to ~859, Col. Fisher was united in mar-I and four sons, ~s follows : Mrs. ; good time until the time came to say kins shortly, spent m. sprIg tty convhersadtlol~ .an have another picnic before cold •• ""6' S II' M D h .h' . . . Mr . S mlth . . . . . keen enjoyment of t e e ICI OUS . , rlageto .ulSS a 1e . un am, OW 0 Frank Wood,of Montgltmery coun ty , goodby, wlsh1l1g many Don' tfall to make a VISIt to thiS . h weather, but her friends deCided to diedSept.~,1860. ~ugus~n,1864, Mrs. LauraHinkle,at home, Wilfred more.happy birthdays.. Tho e 'pres- plant, where you will ~e warmly viands served byfthe ost~ss. M .- head her off, so the lawn of Miss ..1 he 'was agam m!lrrled, hiS second Elliott of Osborne John Elliott of ent were as follows: Eh Burnett and I welcomed. Guests of the a ternJoohn wCere , rs. Lola Zell was selected. and a date 0 • be' 'tb M' M th I ' , , f '1 Sh D k d f '1 • - Chas. Cornell Mrs. 0 n 0leman . . . uHnt~nh fmCg waf d' ISS tarO a b' Bellbrook and Waldo and Asa at Jamk I LaY' errndafn !I eWan aLaml y, Mrs. D. L. C;'ane and Miss Emm~ set for the ~elghborhood. gathenng! . l r cey a e 'ceyan amlY, ate NOTICE. on several dlfferentoccasillns, but the etic ,0 raw or coun y, . . , Y home. whom be had three children, Cyrus The funeral took place Sunday \. and family, Thomas Lacey and Helghway. date was postPoned from time to time H., John a.,d Sallie. The second is morning at II o;clock ill the hl'is- .family. Joshua Chenoweth and fam~ The lecture to be given be~ore the BURNET- -WADE on account of bad weather or some ,.' deceased. tian chm'ch of which he was a ·rnem- . ily, William Chenoweth ana wife, W. . T. U .. by Dr. Mary Cook on othe r good reason unil it was decided .In March, 1865, -Col. Fisher and b er. The burial wa ' in th e Bellbr' ok eph Ev~ns and wife, Joseph Hi- Thursda afternoon of ~hiS we~k, At the home of th bride, in Cen- to go ahead on Friday last and if the .. , ' i' WIfe moved to Oskaloosa, Ia., and cemetery.- Xenia Gazette. . SEU' and Wife, Fl'ank Rogers a.n d has been postponed to FrIday, Oc~- terville , Tuesday, September 28th, at picnic could not be out of doors it purchased the Herald, of which he • _.. wife. William Graham and . family, ?er .8 th .. ~c~ member has the p.rt~- 11 D'c1ock, Mr. Owen J. Burnet was could be in; and accordinJr to ~rwas. proprietor and editor-in-chief HAS GONE WEST Charl es . mith .a nd family, Sa!D S~ith IlIege of invIting one guest, and It IS united ill marriage to Miss Maggie ra. ngements Miss Zell inv.ited ~~ss until February, 1868. In July,1864, . ". and family, Jim Reeder and w'fe' l c~rnest1~ hoped th~~ every member Wade. Immediately after the cer£7 Reeves to spend the afternoon With .-v< " Col. Fisher was admitted to ~he. bar . Jos. Chapman ha gone West Mr . Kate Reeder and Mrs. With theIr guest W111 try to be pres- mony the couple went to Cincinnati, her and take supper, alld j1,lst as the by ~e supreme court of OhiO, and again, .this time to round up a bunch Angie ,H ecathorn , and children, Mrs. ~nt, ~?d profit by th~, lecture. S~b- where they will visit with relatives two ladies got settled into ,a riice talk aft~r selling toe Herald in 1868, he of hor$eB, that he intends to' bring Lillian Uotop and son, Lafe.Nichol- 1je~t, Know Thyself . The meetmg for several days. The Gazette e..'{ - in walked the fol\owing nanted' pero~ned a ,l~~ o~ce in , O~~loosa,la., home with He Will, in a\l prob- son and' ~fei Mrs . .Lib _~llars ~nd Will be at th,e hom~ of ~rs •. J, A. tends heartiest congratulat~ons. sons with baskets filled ~ more than.. btitthreateried puJmol)a~ troubles ability, have about 100 horses, so daughter, rrank Jones and fanlllY' jFupk.ey at 2 0 clock. met the demand and ' with MiSS . compelled him seek-the d.r yer cli--- ke!,!p your ey"eA open for a good bar- A)fred'Smith and wife, Jim Tracey. . EDlT~ ~,.HARRIS, Sec. . WANTED ~eves flowers as the ceJ\~ of ihe Rocky, mountains. , ;' : ~in. Watch this paper for notice ~ife a"d $On, Harrison' Com~l1, Hen, . . . ' . . . , tral ·figure, a fine - time .was ' passeQ: FrQJJll~? ,to l~, l1e w8lpn tl}~ of sale later. '. . .. ry Hotop', ~rs. jp(Ul Chi I k, C9ra Guy, . PUM~KIN PIE ~I~~ . S~ccess, Magazl?e wan~ an Qnter- Mesdames J.: M. ThompsOn,'Hester . ..... eo; Maud Poettinlter. Mr. Smith re.. ' . . . getlc and resPo~slble YQung .man or Robinson Rachel Zell Robt.. Cross . . niiro8d··busin.,and held p'6si.tio1ls .•.. ' . of ~ hi leveral impOrlant rail·· COLUMBIA' BICYCLE FREE m~ked"'to his wife "l.did not know I ~he H~rveypbur~.. sch~~l ~t11 gJ~e woman' in Warren ~~~nty. to co!1~t Fred ·Sw~rtz · . LiZzIe ·' l.e\\iis· :'Grac~ ::., ways. H.e '~~. ~ia~ fOrlilonQ' ,. ' . , ' .. ,".' .,:, . .1., .. bad'so11lar:y 'friends." a,. pump~l!l ~i~. 8Oc~1l1 ~t Fl~emenl3 '?rrene~alsandsohcltne,~subs<;.ru)- Smith,' Agii~ . Wright," ~~ra 'zell" "'" -': ..l time with Gov~ ~an8, anothe~ 'Way~ ,.. GreateSt 'offer .out" , Boysl ,. GI!lsl '. ," On~ Who Was There. .Hall ~r~day. mgh.t, Oc~ob~r ~st, fQr tlO~S durmg fpll .o r ~pa~'e, bme" ~- Adah' Kerrick anil·MisseS·N.ina Btnitl,1. , , lle4ville·.boY~ in'.~e r~ilrO~~ b';lsin~.. GC[!tyour t.~iendB, t<? ,s~~scrij)e.: to'o~t. '. .'. \the P1~0 fund. : .All,: are · m.vlted .t o p~rience .~nnece.ssal'Y . .. ~Y one ~. Iln and Edna Robinson. - ,. . . ' ' Col • .'Fiaher'8 -r w.ite' .was a suffe er q:)a,ga~rie' and, w.e W111 . m~e ' YO':l, a· " ..,. EXHlBlT AT f,A1R , attend. , ... _~ . s~art among. frlen~s ..~.dac~uamt. · , ... . .... ': , 'tram r.beunlllttBm· and dte4 at Hot presen~' of a ,$40.00".;Coh1m~Ja·· BiCy-: '. _. - -,. , \ . . . . , . WILL HA VB ' SALE ' , ances an<.l build up a paymg iltt~ ~r" ,. ''l~9if1C~ ., . . ....: . Spnn.nJ ~k•• in l~,: ~d th~ COIO-ICIE"":"':' the b,e st ~ad~ . . AsJir-foi partie.l " F.~. Care~. ·the up-to-date :. anq . . manent . busio~ witJlC?u~ capital; ,. . ": ~ . . ".' '.:. '. nel th~' Hsianed ' his 'Positi()D tree 'outfit. and'ch:cular telling enterpriSing harness mim~ has an ex- ' I.~. Keys," the ,v eteran hame88 Complete outtit;a~d in8truc~onl! free. .Dr. J. T. EU~.. ,~ left his apen~.~ montha traveling in EUrope: .lflo~ to Stallt.'· Aq~, ~I:i'he. i1ib~fa , the Fair. tpis -week. Hislioe dealel', will have ~18ale of ' hamesa Address, "Von,'~ Success . M~ine, With J. O. Cartwri~~'t,. a~,~e Nati~· . • bar wbfcb he ,'r etume4 ','to Denver. 'Bicycl~ Man:,," ~-31 ~~~d Street, ~ill ·<!ompare··· faVQ~ablf with pther and all ~ind8 of leather goods 011 the l ~m .10S, ~ucc~ ,Maaiazille Bun~~ ~~k,-, ~d ~tt. v.:lio ~inCJ~~~ ~ JD 188t be bl'Oupt bJ8 children ,to ,New Y<!rk 'CltYi N. Y. . lint;18 the..e. 16th. See~.manothet pap, .. mg, New YofkClty, N. Y' . ~. can Cal1~ere~, ...~tle. .. , . ..-...-...-...-...-..-.~

..--.• - -

Former Citizens t


1-'5- c~l·a-I-E-v-·e-n-tsI

Il's,[1 Personal Mention Here and There f I ,























and ul.ra,


gralll bowed In waves before 'tbe com· wIth t\ d ep 'ron 'o f lItu. ~ tb'e tOplI. A tEXAS CL!"Q "MAN SIX MONTH S. Ing torm. Th re no'" am a sbnrp Th men : Doroth), thought, · wer whis tling In th all' from pafnt au a house fa the exlPtlIn . tb 11011 til, allout !1.!3 ()Id as nole Henry, Cor two 1, 8pea". Out for til" benettt of auft, ... and lill they turn d t.b II' yes that way oC t h m had ' beards. Bu~ C)ut fd 'of tlie bou·se. Th wood I. the little . Inll Th·ou.and.~ they saw rillpl s in th grass coming 'l'o'oman waS'dou btless mucb !!IIllJllr a tr u tural under lay r . That older; h I' . (rom that dlr cl.lon also. Is a It bould b , Unprote cted wood' (ac!) Wall ov r d with wrinkle s, he r 1 M. Rev. Grni. G. Baptist ueld Illy ncl H nry tood up. clergy· ill not well wlUlsta nd v.-eatber . But balr was nearl,y wblte, and all walked ! man, 'of "Whitesboro, · T X., says' "Th ro's a c)'olone omlng. Em ," be r h r 'sti fflY. pn.lnt wad at pure white lead and "Fo\lr yeare ago' . cnlter! to his wife ; "I'll go look Rtte r IIns cd oil 113 an mvuln rable nrrupr Wh 0 hese people dr!lw near he sulfe roli. misery wltls 1I11' Slack ." Th n h ·tljmill. t slln and ~ain, beat and cold. ran toward Lhe house wh er Doroth), wos s tanding 1sh ds wh re the cows ond hor es were In h I! .doorway, the y paused I u mb a, go. Every ~ .It· I, pnint protccts and preserv es. and whl s· movem nt was onit i' CIII. h1r ((ylng the peri shablo wood with a pen',j omo ns th msel ves, as It afraid A lint Em dropped hoI' worlt . and to com of pain. Donn's .Kld· 'l' omnletc metalli c casi ng. farth r. Dut the 11 tle old ClIme In the cloor. One glan e told ber wom an wa llt ' d up to Doroth ney P ills r Q mov ~ d .\ nd the olltsido of tbe house Is tbe y, mad a of th rlanger close nt hand. the whole difficult y ooks of tb e bouse. A w ll -constru ct· low bow nod sa id , I.n a sweet voice : "Qulcl" DorOlh)'~" sbe scr amed : after · only a short d building may be gr Uy de pre"You ar w Icome, most nobl Sore "run for t he cell ar!" time. Al though I do is I'd by lack of pain ting or by poor e r s , to lit luntl or t he l\lunchk ln S. To a j umped out of Doro hy's ar ms " ' 1' srI' so g rl\l ful to' y not like to hnve my lInln ting. Mrs . q ill- l'ow, l 11 lOe at aile ou ror h avin g and hid und l' tho b d, atlr! the girl ki ll d the wicked Witch name used ,publl cly, ,bere 11 a,' you beun all this time'! ~Rtfonll l Lead Compan y have made of the Ea!;t, ·Slarter! to get him . Aunt E m, bad ly an.j fo r selling our , po. ~ibl8 tor e,-ery building owner I make an exc ption Dtll - Why. dear, It hasn't be n people rre from fdAht ned , tbrew 011 n Ihe trap·doo r bon dage." In th is case, so that other su fforers to he absolu ely sure of pure white ong. , III the floor and Climbed down tb lad· l l'ad palot before applyin g. Th ey do Mrs. BII\- -How dnre YO II lell In l' Cram Iddney troubl'.'! may proUt by illY Dorothy li stened to this spe ch wi t h del' Into UJe small. dark hol . Dorothy wonda r. What could expe ri ence ." that? Yo u have b ea out all niglll. t hi by \1utting upon ev ry package tbe IIlllo woman caught TOlO at last-, and starte d to po 'si hl y mean by Sold b}' a ll doolers . . 60 cents a hOL or tb oi r white lead th eir Dutch Boy calling her a SOl" follow her aunt. Wh en she wa::; half C f' r'-~lI. anti Foster·M llburn ' Co,: Buffalo. N. Y. Indu8tri al Educat ion. Pa inter tradema rk. That tradema rk say ing sbe bad kille d til way across tho room th ere came a wick d \\' itch For lrulnlng tho workma n th e l ech· 18 a compl ete guarant ee. or "Seeing I e Believing ." By L. Frank Baum great s hrl k from III wind. 8ud tbe w alS an Inuocen the Eas t? Dorothy nlcal school can neve r suppla nl th e t, harmles s little girl, lle rnd Ollls: \\'0 are less convinc ed hous s hook so bard that sll lost h r IVorks ho \l , The ayti t tu th aL is 1II((~ l y by whal True Thrift. we hea r tban by whal wa footin g and sat do,,·n sudde nly upo n 10 give the bes t results Is a cpmhlna · " \Y h~n visiting a c rtnin town In ttl ;. (Copyright . b)' til<' B .>lJh . l\1 pnlll r. . 1 H e. t he Uoor. 1I 1!(j land ~ . " says a wedl al nlan, " I was tion of pllrt tim IlIlP'r >ntl c >l lll" ( 1')'1"1' 11' Loy I . Frank HUUIII & \Y. W. A strange tblng then happe ned. t old of an extrnor dinury iO<'id nt and com )lulsory nl! ndan e at tech· An y girl en D hen r otllJlllm ent s If Denslo w .) Th e house whirled a round two or ul ca l scbools. - London ~ l cc ll' l c al He· she IIIU"ato/i tbe ba bit of talking to ' hrrein til mala Ugur . nn conoul' three times and rose s lowly through ieal house wife, exhibite d, uuder try ing vi w. ber ('Jr. the atr. Dorothy Cel t as It she were circums tances. a trait quit charact e r· going up In a balloon . I!';Uc ot b ~ r . H seerus that sho had by Tho north and sOlltb winds met mi" tak t1Ike n a quantity of pois on\l'b re tbo bOUse stood , and made It mercllri al \'loll,on- the antidote [or the exact center at the cyclone. Ia wbloh, RS all should know, comp rises tbe middle of a cyclone tbe air Is gen· t h whit e' of eggs. When this nntl· erally atlli. but the great pr ssure o~ the dote was b ing adm.l ni stered , the order wtnd on every s ldo of Lbe house rals d [or whi ch tbe unforlu l!at lady had It up highe r and higher, until overhea rd. he manage d to murmur , al· Dorothy live d In the midst at the tbe very tov of the cyclone It was at t.hough almost unconsc ious. "Mary. : aDn t h re gr at 1\lary! ave the yolks for the pud· Henry. Kansas prairies, with Uncle It rem.alne d and was carried mUes and who wns a farm r , and Aunt miles away as easll)' 88 you could car· .olngs\ "-Tlt·B it&. Em, who was tb farmer' s wife. Their ry a featber. ' bouse was s mall. for the lumbe r to The Doctors ' O rders. It was very dark, and the " 'lnd A lady whose btlsband seemed to be build it had to be carried by wagon bowled horribly around her, but Doro,)olnl; little but lie hI tbe ba mm C;ck man), miles. There were fOllr walls, tby found s he was rldln Quite casHy . and eat apples, was asked by a sym· a fl oor aad a root, which made one After the first few whirls around. and pathetic n elgbbor wbat the trouhle roam; and this room contain ed a rusty one other lJme when the house tipped with him was. '·Docto n." she rellllnd, looking cooking slave. a cupboar d tor badly, she telt as If she were being liT-here Mutt ae 80me Mittake ." 1'adly. "No, be basn't come into a r'l r· the dishes, a table. three or fo ur rocked gently, like a baby In a cradle. "rho had been carried by a cyclone tune:' A writer In To-Day 's lit gazlue cbalrs, and the bed s. ncle Henrr Toto did not trke It. He ran about maoy miles [rom home; and Ibe had and Aunt Em bad a big bed In one th e room, now here. , l ells the story. now there, bark· "You see," e)."Plalned the wl[e, "be'8 earner, and Dorothy a little bed In an· Ing loud ly: but Dorotby sat Quite still never kllJ d anyt hing In all her lite. other But tbe little woman evident ly ex· corner.. b en bavlng some sort of maHer with There was 110 gar ret at on the floor and waited to see wbat pected he r to answer ; so Dorotby said, hi tomach . and he -consult ed two dl[· all, an'd no ee llar-except a small bole. would ha ppen. wllh hesitati on: r 'rent doctors abQut IL One told him dug In the ground, called a crcione Once Toto got too near tbe ope to eat a ripe apple e very hour, and cellar, where tbo taro II)' ould go In trap door, and r !! !n ; and at first n "You are ver)' kind; but there must "Do you know of any woma n who ever r e ceived tbe any tb other said to r est an bour after C88e one ot tboso gr at wblrlwl nds little girl ~ u gbt sbe had lost be some mi stake. 1 not ki ll ed hllIl. .benef it from taking Lydia E. Pinkh an\ 's Veget able Com. arose, mighty enough to crush any But soon s\ -ea·t1ng. an }' hlng." he'~ try-lng to dQ both." saw one \:Iulldlng III Its path. ' It \\'as roached s Ucking up tbrough the at bls ears "Your house did, anyway ," Teplled pound bole, ?" (or the iLOW COLON IST FARES TO THe by n Irap·door In the middle of t he st rong pressur e of the air was keepin the IIlUe old woman. with a laugh; If any woma n who is suffer ing with any ailmen t peculi ar WEST AND NOR"rH WaST. floor, troll! which a Indder led 60\\'n him up so that be could not rail. She "and hat Is the same thing. See!" , to her sex will ask h e r neighb ors .this ques tion, she Into the small, dark hole. . crept to the hole, caught TotO by the she continu ed, polntln~ to will be the corner Union . Paclftc P'8 8senger Depart. Wh n Dorotby stood In the doorway ear, and dragged him . h ' . Into tb~ room or the bouse; "ther are .her two toes. surpri sed at the rc ul t. There 15 atd y a I intent announ ces 'that. ColonJs t Fares and looked nround, s he cou ld see noth· again; comm umty m afterwa ill stlcklng out from under a blocl, rd closing 'tbe trap· this countr y where wome n can n o t be found who have b een -wiU be In ef[ect tram Sept. 15 to OcL Ing but. the gr at grayeprairie on every door so 5, 1909. to all pOlnta In ' the Weat and 8lde. Not a t.ree nor a bouse broke bappen. that no more acciden ts could ot \\·ood." restor ed to h ealth by t his fam ous o ld l'emcd . made Dorothy looked. and gave a little c r)' Nortbw est. . I f ' . tbe broad sweep of ti nt country that ' I . l;!our atter hou r pII-ssed away, and of fri ght. Tbere, indeed, just under exc usive ly rom a simp e f ormu 1a f roots an d her s. Tbla year the ' Wellt loo\ul more reached .th dge of' the sky Ln all dl · slowl)'1 Dorotby got over her frIght: tb cor ner or. tbe gr~at beam the ' promisi ng thall. ever. Now Is tbe time recUOos . Th sun bad baited tbe but sbe hOllse Durin g the past 30 y.ears we have p~blished thousa felt quite lonely. and the wind r ested an , two teet were sUcking nds out. to lec'ur.e land at .low' I1I'ICe8, and , at IlIa wed land Into a gray mass, wi th shrl ked so loudly all about he r that s hod In sliver s hoes with pointed toes. pf letters from these gratef ul "ome n who have been cured tile aame time, to visit tbe mlUlY lo't r· little cracks running througb , It. Even sue nearl y . becalne deaf. At first sbe "Oh, dear! ob, dear !" cried Dorotby, by Lydia E. Pinkh am'. Veget able Compound, and estlng lloints' I.n Ute West nnd. North· UJe graas was not gr en. fol' lhe sun had wondere neve r d If she would be dasbed clasping h r hands togetlie west. 'at. Whlcb liberal stopove r ar· had burn d the tops' of th long blades . to · V,leces wben r In. dis· in aU that time have we publi h e d a testim onial tbe bou e (e witho U again ut ; may; rangem ents may be m·a de. "the Until th y were the am gray . color but as the bours passed house must have fnllen on the writer 's s pecia l p e rmi ion. and noth lng her. ~' hnl ver sbnll N ever have we knowi ngly ' we do?" A b ~Jte r , eBtJmete of raw land., can to be se n everyw he re. On e the terrible happened , sbe stopped w()rry· "The ro 15 nothing to be done," said publis hed a testim onia l that wa.c; n ot truthfu l a 'n d )Je made now than for,mert y, becaalt6 boulje bad been painted , but the sun ing and resolved to genuin e. walt calmly a nd the little woman, calmly. these lands are In pJ;'oxh:!1lty to n w blll!tere d the paint and tbe rai ns ,see wbat the tuture Here is one jus t r ecei vcd. a few d aH ago. If an} one wou.ld bring, At .doubt s 'farms tbat are · produci ng wcinderf~l washed It away, and UO\\; the house last sbe craw led over "But. who was she?" 'aski:lI:l"-Il6l1ftthrY:-If--ffi: ::il'"l-,i is a true tbe swaylng and 'h one t tatem ent of a woma n's e.,xperiwas as d ull and gtay as ·everyth ing nOor to he r bed, and crops. '. h was t he wicked Wlteh ot he lay down upon ence with Lydia E. Pinkh am's' Veget able Comp ound. For d scrlptlv e Uternturt!. , write else. , , write It ; and Toto follow d nod I y down East, as 1 said," answer d lhe little . to E . L. Lomax, O. P. A ., U. P . R. R .. When Aunt 'Em came t he r to JIve Qe ide b er. woman. "She has beld all. the Munch· and .ask her. slle was a young, pretty wife. The .'.omaha . Neb .. In spite at tbe swoylng o[ tbe bou se klns In bondage tor many .year s, ma· . H01,1.'!ton, Texas .--·Wb en I firs t hogan 'f aklng Lydia E. Pink. sun and wind had chabged Iier, too. and the waUID of. Lhe wind, kin g t hem slave 'for her nJght and ham"s Vegeta ble Compo und I W lUl l\ total wJ:eek . J lInd A Useful Baby. They bad taken th sparkle from b r soon ' closed he r eyes ~nd Dorotby Now they ore all set free, and da)'. 'be n are feU Cast tdck ·for tbree YMrs wltll f malo troubl es, chrom e dl'8pep Sp aklng of tricks to win the sym· eyes and 'Ie rt tbem a la, sober gray: asleep. grate UJey ful to J;ou for the favor:" and a liver troubl e. I h ad tried sovera :t'docto r'8 medic athy of juries la , crlmtna l cases, bad taken tho ines, bot red " Who are the Muncbh1Ds 1" inquIred not.bin g did mo any good. Judge. WilUard r.l. McEwe n, In Ii. ra: and Ups, and they from hr ' cheeks were gray 1I1110. Dorothy . cent address before the illinois stat. 's She was ' thin '' 'For three yea1'8. Xllved on meclfcinc8 and and gaunt , ontl n ever ii I 'would "They are the p oplo who Jfve In Attorne ys' ·8ssoclat\0I)., said: "I know smiled . now. never get ,veIl, ",ben I read un advert lsmen t oftbough When Dorotlly, who waa Ly~la E. Pink. .. th is land of the ERst,' wbere tbe . or four cases where a bapy played a an orp~an, first ham's Vegeta ble COJ~po und, and W8S advise d to try it. came to her, Aunt Em wl r:ked Wltcb ru,led." promla ent Plirt In gett~l\g t be acquit· bad been so star "1'ly husba nd got me 'one bottle of tbe Compo und, and it tled by the child'a did "Are you a Muncbk ln?" asked Dor· tal of the defenda nt. and I later laughte r' tbat sbe me 80 muel! good I contin ued its use. I am now a. well woma would scream and n ·oth},. learned that the samo ba by had b eo pr ss tier band and enjoy best of health . ' .' .. ' . ,used In eacb" of the cases, althoug h ever Dorotby 's upon her heart when· "No; but I am their fri end, altbough. merry voice rea ched .'1 Bdvise all W9me ·the suppose d ' motben In eacb cas(J her ears; and I 11\' In t he land ot the North. \\ hen , Lydia E .. Pinkl,am~s n 8uffer~ng from sneb . trou~JeIJ .to giVe s lle s tili loolted at the Vegeta ble Compo und a trial •. Tbey won' t were diffe rent wowen. "- Law r\6les. t he,' saw the Wltcb at the ' East was Illtle girl with' wond r that s he could . t t+. f .... it w i l l I 'd the 'u unchk1n s sent a swift' mes. .........:.. B I L 1.ft 1'egT e.., Oc dea . sure y cure you•·" .-~.,. find m ess e anythin g to laugh at. • She was awakon ed c ..... 819 QJevel and St., Holastf FREE LANDS IN WYOMI NG. )U. senger to ·me, and I came at ' once. , I , Uncle Henry ne ver laughed . H bj' 'a Shock. so suqden . ' am the Wlteh or.' the North." worked hard Crom morni ng till nlgbt a nd ·severe that If Any woma n .who is liick and, su,fler ing is foolish ~hlcago 4. North Western Rallwa) . surely "Oh, glllelous!" crle(l Dorotby ; "are ' Ilot to ~'ve such a and did not k now wbat JOY W8S. He Dorothy -had not been lying on tbe sort mediC ine a5 ,this a trial. Why should It you a real witch?" was gray bed also; she mlgpt hr,ve br,en hurt. .As It f rom bJs loog beard to od . Send for booklet t elIIag .bow to se·t d'd ' M ' H· k "Yes, Indeed ;'; answere d ' the UUlo , ~ot d 0 er as roue h bls rO\lgh boots, Rnd he looked stern was.·the jar made her catch her br,e ath go , , as 1 1 '. rs. Ie So' ,. cure 320 acres 'of U. S. · Goyern ment and woman . I'Dut 1 am a good witch. anll sole mn, and rarely spoke, . a nd WOIlder wbat bad happene d; and 'ands in Wyomi ng free at cost, and the people love me. I am not as )lOW' It was . Toto that made Doroth y Toto put his ' cold little nose Into h r d elicrlbln g various Irrigatio n projects laugb: and save d ber from growing as face and whined dismall y. Dorothy ,e rrul ' as the wicked Wtlch was wbo and tbe most approve d method s of sci· gra)' as be r other surroun dings. Toto sat up and notllled tbat; the hou se was ruled here, or I . should have set tbe entlfic dry farming . Homese ekers' was not gray; \ he wns a little black no t moving : , nor was it dark, for the peopl free mysetr. " rates. , Dlreot train senlCle from Chi· "But . I thought all Witches were brlgbt sunshin e came in at the win· cago. W. B. Knisker n, P . T. M., Chicago. <Jaw, flooding th e little room. Sbe ,,'Ieke d," sald .tbe girl. who was .half spraug from ber be d nnd wltli Toto at fright e ned at facing a, real witch. Not Qualified for the Job, "Oh, no; tha Is a .gre at mJstake . h er heels ran and opened the door. Fath er (i wpressl ve1y)-"1I1y ' son, I The little gi rl gave- n. ory of alllaze· Tber e' were only four witches In all 'Wl\ut YOII to be very attE)nUve to your m nt and looked about her. be r eyes tbe Land- or Oz, and t wo of th em 'pew leacber . who is a tUan at wid growing' bigger and bigger at tb e wob· thos . who live In tbe North and t he ,and general Informa tion. He can South. are good w'lt"bes. I lui ow tbls de rfu.1 slgbts she saw. t a h you everyth ing you need to 'The c)'clone bad set tbe bouse down , :know." mall Boy (d('rl slvely) - "He ? Regis ter fo~ a .fr ee homes tead Octob er 4th to 23 . very gentl y-for a cyclon e-In tbe H e don't kllow no thio' ! Why, be rd • midst at a country of marvelo us beau· ca n' t ev II te ll who's pltcllln' In the The C.omm lsslon er of the Gener al Land . Office ' at t)'. There were lovely palehes of green lcngue t 'nms." Was hingto n has desig n ated . sward all about. with stately tr es CHEAP LANO:;' bearing rlcll and lusclons fru its. Banks ot gorgeou s nowers w re 00 every In Osage County, Oklahom a, band, and birds with rare and brillian t as registr ation' points . . These cities are reach~ plU1;nage sang aud flu l tered In tbe Reached d :best' trees and bushes, A Iitlle way of! was by the Iowa Centr al Ry. and Tla th e !\I1d la nd Valley, R , R. a slnall brook, rusblng and sparkli ng .sLrlcLions remove d frem one mill ion along bet\\'een green banks, and mur· acres. Also ten million acres io East· muring In a voice very grateful to €l'n Olda. The Midland Valiey R. It. a little girl who ' had II ved so long' on Le 'is the Gatew ay' to 'and" run s t hro the eastern part of the the dry, gray IHafriea. " the ::mly reg istrati on point where the lands can be seen n ew state from Ft. Smith. Ark., to Ar· Wbile s he stood looking eagerly at from the town, . . kansas ' , lt y,l{a~. , t bro Muskog ee. . the s trange and beauUtu l sights, she !fu lsn and Pawhus ka. Ask )'our near · notlc ' d comin g toward per a group of . Th~ <;:'oun~y is ~ertil~ and ~e~1 watered-:'th~' '.eq·ual est By. a~ e llt how to get tbere ur tbe Queeres t people she bad ever seen. m all respect~ o~ land a few . miles east that ' sells for, , wl'lto G neral Passeng e r Agent, ,1id· Tbey were' 'not as big as the grown .$25.0 0 per, acre.... ' ..... . folk sbe had always been used to: ·but· . "nd Yall ~r . R. R., MUSkogee, Okla· Frequ e nt trains, and low fares. hOlIlo• . for inforwll Uon. neither were they' very small, III fact, , : reqtiest~ ", -' . "~ t he}: seem'c d about' 8S tall · as Dorotby , ~';,.' T he Most . Unklnd ellt Cut. DQrothy. \) .," who was ' a weh·gro wn ' clilid for 'her , 'Firs t Oulde- Were )'C~ ever shor dog, \\'lth .Iong, s ilky hair lind .sma ll · age, althoug h they 'black eyes ' 'that twinkle d merrily on looks go, :many yearswere, so far as ·older. , . either 'side ot 'lils tunny, wee' nose. Three .were men .and 'one a woman, 'foto pla)'ed . all day long; and .Dor. and aU ;.we~e',· oddl! .dress It Tbeyothy playe d with .hlm, ·ap'" 10\'ed h~m wo~e , rbllnd bats ·. t~at • .', 4 'Rare 000(1 ThtnE. ~ r08e· to . a Stll/l.ll . ,., '. , ,:',Am u,llIff ALLE. 'S FOOT·£lA.f'lE, !lnd I'!early. ,. . . . . .U.o llit a ~o,ot, !,~ ocve their hell.dS. , W,it~ } 'e&n'tTUly <lay I would not 1,,,,yo I een wIth . ' O'lt' It 'lO lo rtg, h)l.d I 'Iu!own thD l' lie( It· . To-daY, 'howeve r, they wer e not play.· little bell~ around ·. th~ . bl1}Ils ·tb-at ~. r ",ould .:ch· my.' achl,n " 1 t. .1 think It. a Ing.' lhicle Henry sat IIllon ' the door; .lded s,we t!y ·aa·tbey mo~~d.:' 'The hats Indeed\ ' . .or rnr.tJr~ gIN.d . bing f o r'. "'!I)'one : " IWlng I19 r~ I te p and Ipc;>kf.\d. lUIxlo~~ ly at t~e . s~Y. , of-.t he ·men '~ere blue; .. tbe lI~l;le ,WOin· . ypu,.b'av f t.- Mn., Matilda Hullwo:> rt, a. killed ~ne ..... blCh .was tlven ' rP'.a )'er 'Uian ' 'usual . .an ~ bat l"B.S ,wbtte. atld _sbe wore PfC't"M " R. L" 'Soll! bY au DrUSg181.8, ,8 . ut one _ Jckll W to *tc. A Ie"1lCt'. ,to-4I»1. · , DO~Olby stood" ID , the door with Toto w·hlte gown t1i~t-:b:unr~ :tl1!UlI!' F9~ pI Qz:';-~e 'oDe ~ho Uvea In lik arJXl!l~ and _.lqo~ed at Ihe ,ik,;, ~~r s h1)"",14er s; over It " 'HII' Donct. ,were JlP~llikl~d, .' , "But.;· . pld ):lOro~ i:. ' too .. Aunt E1l1 w~~ ' ... ash1ug. ~,be dts~eil. lIt~le ~tnr,s that gllltell~ ~ ·the ~u~ ;ment·" F1t'jl1 LadJ~':-,: Y;our busband ,hu' tboJl8h " "~UDt l;ltnbAa told FrolIl ' the far , north thEIr .heard a lIlte cUam~~dB. The ,men 1!Serel'.. fal~t~ . . , . ,!'ere ~~ tti&. ~e ' wijc!Jea Jf9re ,all .d~'~", • '" , Ditto-D ear; ' dear!' tile•• loW' ",aU of lhfo 1find. and Un<;le Henl7 I" , blue. of .. tbe ume sh~de . . tfuttJ/ a4t rear. &to." .:, :. ..... . . . DorottiJ..,~ where tile JODI .~ :<and ' ~ ~\.ell-pol1lb" : boOti : • • al1r.,.. 40 ......' b7 IaIle.: ~_ OOM'l'lHUICP,J WHAT IS ' PAINT '




W iz ar d


pf Oz





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°Il!Tnl! Cheyenne Ri ve r

I'n d'i an Re se rv"a t·i-o n '(2.8 00.0 00 Acre s)

L~ .Bea u a~d Aberdeen. s~ The PtJinneapolis 'B~au



& St. Loui s R.· R. the 'Reservati~~






- '


TIlELOVES . of the


SYNOPSIS , At 14 yen .s ot ngo Admlrn l Rtr 'Pctpr Aawl<shaw'lI nephew, Rlchurd OIYII, (I'll tlN'llly In lov/\ at first sl"ht Wllh I.uuy Arnb ~ lI n Stormont, who IIpurned hla at!.en lions. Thr Incl, an orphan, WUa !,rlven .. berth all midshipman on tho Ajax hy hi ll unc l~. GillIS Vernon, n phew D C Sir 1'l1 omu8 V m un, beeam th boy's pul. l'h'lY attend d Il theat r where Hawk. haw'oj II 'ph W IInw Lady Arnb lin. V r nun mel }Ihi llp Overton! next In line tor Sir ,.hoOln/l Vor no n's eBlate, They s tarttd & du I whl h Willi Interrupted. V rnon Overton und Hawkahnw'. nephew tound tbr-m-cl"M altra()ted by prally Lady Arllbelln. 'l'he Ajllx In battle do tent ,0) l"renuh ...·1\1'8hlp. In the Medlt"l'1'llnean. Rlchllrd GI~'n 8'ot £3,000 J''"u:o money. He \V IlB l's ll 4!d homo by Lady Hawkshaw 118 II wu s about to "blow In" his earnl ngll ,,'Hh Vernon. At a Hnwkllhaw part y Glyn disCO" red (hnt Lady Arabella was II. poor but perslot nt glUnb l ~r. Ho talked much \\'Ith h I' cOlIsl n Dnphne. Lady ArabellR again ahOwod lovo tor gamins . Later .JJh held Glyn and Overton prluo ncrs. l'II UIl delayIng the du 1. Tn the Overlon-" rnon duel. neIther WIUj hurt. Lady Arauella burnllllll II Rteho.rd by her pranlt!'. RJchurl'l and Olleil shlppod on 0. rrlgal , Gil • WIUl captured by the F renCh. Sir Pier arranltel,1 tor hla exchango. Daphne Showed a Uklng tor Glyn. who W/l8 Ihen :U ycnra of age. Giles wo.a rcleaMd. Giles and Richard planued elop mentll. Ir Peter object d to tho pltul to w d Daphne. By Cl ver MUleu Gllell nnd Rlchn.rll eloped with Lady Arab lJa anel nphne, r IIPecOvnly. The Intter lUll' w(Jre married. Dnphne was pleased; ru· bl!llll ruvI'd ' In an~c r. Wb)'l ·the parIy rel"urned. Arabella Sir Peter to ,lIld In prosecuting Giles In court on the charge or commltUng a capital crlmQ. All, attended 1he trlnl. Upon Arab lta'l:! !csllmony 'Gil II wns convict d nnd "" 'nI nced to be linng d. 811' Potcr vlsltl!d :JIe prince ot WUINI In .ITort to Beeut n otl.rdon t qr 011 ell. Arnllella. threw herself '\t the fe et of Ovcrton. whom she lind loved. tor lOnny l' am, ' l:Je spul'nod her. rh n 8h to ld her plot to hnve Olles · xcruted 60 the V rnon ciltnte would devolve pon Over lo n. whom she had plnn n d to lJI ul'ry. II l' alfnlrs being dlsarro.ngerl . lh nn nounc d thnt ,aho would probably marry Sir Thomnll Vllrnoo hlmllelt. Purdon fro tTl Lit kinG' was e cur d with 2~ houre' I way In, wid h to envo GWP . 1\ Hcr " r!'Bt dlmculUe8 w ro overcome. SI .. Peter nnd nIcbltl'cl r~n Ilea tho prison lit : hll f!1oment Giles wo.u to be exe~u tcd.

Pel er made a speecb~th moat won- ll1icomplnlnlng totLltude wltlt. whlc:b ·lI. d~r.fut 1 ever beard-stnnulng' with olle Bubmit ted to tin . odious' an{l OloI,tIe ro.blo I hund on Olley' shOUlder, and. the oth r position, t b r membr'ance of b1. PMl on mine-, with l ..ady Hawksbaw and military 8 rvlces, ahow d' hIm to be /)[lphn In ihe background. everr In 'Il 11 man. Many ot his friend : H _ began by round ly damning Sir ca me In th pl!' on h ilS, and, descending TlI ma s Ve rn on. "and a lady who shall nnd goln!; lip to Ove rton, "luted blm be namelesB." ' No:l·"erLh less. In I!plle reSI) ctflllly and ex.p l' s'sell their symor some vagarlcs, the sl~oh was full palhy, Lo ~' hlc h Ove rton .gentlY. ot sound sens , antl 1-.«:; promls d I he turned tlUI ~I's . At lIu; a ve)'y splend~l people, It tbey gave }(1m th Ir sul'frages. coach a Pfll.'O red , It W DS magnlficeotly f r parllam nl h would uo all In his hors tl with four thoroughbreds , and pow!:r for III ubol\lion of the bar- had outrid ers, b sides two huge rOM· bnrous law ('rom which Gil es Vernon men with nosegays. It drew UIJ In frol.l l had Buffered so crue ll y. ' He averred of tb 111101,)" lIod within It sat Lady that It was Impollslbl e for a seaman, V rnon, sup rbly dressed; an d In her ulone and unaided, t o tnke car of him· arms tlhe h III a ve r y YOUllg hifunt In 'elt on dry hind , Ja k ashore bing a r\ great I'obe · ut la e and satin . Two h Ipl 5S reaturo at best, and but fo r ntlrs s sat on th e front sl'at; and Ir Lndy H a wkshaw be woulo probabl y T homns' sattlrnlne cou ntenance ~l n r d have be n hanged himself lon g ago. uehl nd Lady Ve rn on's 1I l\utlful, Irlum · -Tills allusion 10 Lndy Ila wl(shaw , who ph ant fac. Tb e eoacll stopped; and fnlrly dlv ldeu the bonors with Giles, Lady Vernon, hold ing the child up In brought torUl yells oC u light from the her arm s. ul roctly In front of Overtoll's crowd . H er ludysh lp ullPl·nrcd and yes, gllve him a smile and a mennlng bo\\' ~ d ma gnlfl 'P li lly, nnll it wns a reg· lOOk, as much f! S to ~ ny: "Pon r wr tcb ! YClur Inheritan ce Ie ular t r lunll)h for us all, from bng inDIDg go ne !" to nU. Th e crO\:d, which wa s n ve r In II ~ext day, with G il s, we all Hturt 1I Cor LODdon, th happlesl coach loud of good humor wit h Ih Vernons. l.1.cgnn to hi ss vlgoY·Ju "ly . This they appea rl!11 I)('ople In the thr e kingdoms. Two days nfter our ar rivul. we r ad not to mind ; but wh u P.tlsses wer fol · the announc mo nt of the mntTing~ . at low'd by tl 6huwer or alones nDd St. Georg 's, BUlJover Square, of Sir slicks, I he PQu lpn ge r o\1e d off at thp. Thomas V rnon to Lady Arab ella Star· top ll f It,; speeu. At 12 o' loci, Overton was r~J,ea s ed, InIJllt. Sir Pel e r wns deli ghted at this and Itt on co he wa s exhor ting Iboa peo· match, !\tIll so wall Lady Hawltshnw, pie 10 f ar God Ilnu live trllly to blm , and for once they weI' agr . d. The Be wa s not Int errlll teel by the c()n poslLlon of th newly·marrl d couple st abIes who w 1'0 prcseo t, and was In London was IInythlng but a pleasaat lIslen d 10 w.!ttl solemll a Ll-n t ion. H, one; for G 1I~8 became the object of hU Ii pI' I\c.bed evp l' since , and h as nev el public , sympathy, and of popular and aga in bee n mol est ed. ADd whe n a d III royal approvul. .Tho prince of Wales little girl aU) to ' my Lraphne-I w t sent for him, and our vis it to Windsor., then at sen. flshting the French-whltbe r we alJ wen t to thanlc the king, Overton was a t the ch ri s t nin g, Q.I\~ was made a t riumph for U B. SI.r made 11 prayer over he r Infant hend, Thomas and Lady Vernon we re for- which my Daphne believes wl.1 ke p bidd en the court and Carlton house, UJat dear child gootl nnd holy a\l '.le t lint! Were fr quentl y hissed In pu blic. life. OlleB Vernon, now Capt. Vernon, 'l.l I Faw them lJlyself at Drury Lan e, wben tlley were hi ssed . Sir Tbonias. command of his maj sty 's shi p AClls t" m rely g rlnl)eu, while Lady Arabella 44, Is counted tbe smartest of thl surveyed the scowling faces t) fore her young captains lu tbe nrltlsh se n ·icf}. with a s low sweet s mile, and calml y Th women 51111 love him; bllt Gil e played wllll tbe diamonds In her has grown !l little shy o f going too fa r wllh t hem. and s wearB he wllJ die a stomacher . \\"e had a whole year of happin ess. bachelor. However, there a ppears to The dreadful xperlence GlIes hatl he an affair forward between my little been t1lTo~l g h began to tell on blm, Dapbne, who Is now four years and six . nnd be was permitted to remalu quiet- months old , and Ca pt. Vernon, and ] com or It wh D ly u yenr on shore. Alld I, b cause of Ihi nle some thing Olles, was glv .n a year with my urlde she is of a marriageable age-and so th inks her moth' r, too.

CHAPTER XI.-Contlnued. Already tb re ....·er·e great crowds In the street, and as I made my way madly toward the JMI, 1 was , otten impeded, I shrlelted, I screamed at t he people, and waved aloft my' precious paper, sbouting: "Pardon! Pardon! " Tbe cry was (akim up, and swelled In 8 great roar tbat came from a thou· a lid fI'Ielldly throats. As I gUIIO][I tl U . a long on the tinker's ,borse, through t he' crowded streets, an awful unspenk· uble .'rblng loome'd up betore m . It ·WaS the gibbet, and It was empty! I felt the bot tears run down my cheeks at this and Bome recol1ecUon of the G,o d ihat: Overton had preacbed to nla caused me to utte~ nil, inarticulate thanksgiving! , . But If my tongue tal· t Elred, m'y heart did not. ' At' last I pushed my way througb IlllOutlng crowds to the jaU: The pea· pIe parted, and I saw a , black cart ol'll"'n by a 1I(htte hQrse, and .QUes Ver, , DOD, wlU.ljllnloiled h.a nds, Slttln&: In It -==---..bmy....c"'be allle'of tho-hangmnn. I noUced - as 1 did all the trifles of 't hat dreadful time-that the jailer was ashy pale And Giles was tresb-colored. I flung roysel!. off roy horse, rushed towal:d the cart, hoMing tbe" paper Ilbove roy hend . . Oh', tbe roaring and tbe' sbout·, tng ! I thrust f.t 1n Giles' fllce; the hangman, fn a ' second, cut tbe thon gs tha t bound tbe prisoner's hand.s . Giles took t)le pardon and kissed it, and theb threw his I1m1R ••round me nnd kissed me, 'antI · smlll'll» llnd wa.ved his bat I.n the air, whllA voIces thundered, men shoutJng 111( demons, and women creaming nnd weeping. And tbe next thing I knew Daphne appeared, as If dropped down from l,1el\Ven;alld , J)rlDgltig Into tbe cart, clasped Giles; und Lady Hnwkshaw, l\ litt le slower, but yet Quick, descended fl'om tlw oach, In wblch she antI Daphne bad ceme, and e mbraced all of. us; an ft tMn the:! chee rhig see~cid t o fen d the sk lcs. In 1\ littl e . while, the mOCld of the crowd changed, . Th \'l y b egnl~ to clarno\', for the blood ot Sir Thomas Vernon .. He wns·.lrnown 't o be awny from hom , but;as It by a preconcert d movement. a dash' was m~d e ' tor Vernon cOllr , whloh \ vo.s but'~ five mil s away. 'l'lJ,e , military ' .caHed 'O,Il~. and tbe crowd ato pped'; blit hot.-wlthout'. a "c01l1slon "and sevill'3l ' persons ,were badly tn· jured, wltleh' did ·not . tend toward bet tor feeling 'for sli' :;rhoma~, .. . , . " .F.,or,. oQ~eite" 1 reJ11:~in~d wit.!?: q.Ues until n~ was dilly rele~ d by U~e of· " '." ftcer,if ,of tbe Jaw',·"wplle Qaphne'l and. lAdy , Hawkshll.w s~t. , ~tt to ·mee! Peteti' .''on' ,the road,. Tiley'. ~~t b " the 'mlles otr: and b,rougbt· blJ;ll ba~k' (Q YOTlr tn their ~o~cb. never for: . get the .. scep~~ ..... he~ th¢y' . droye up ',. Uu; Inn whefe't·GlIes JlI~d 1 ~re, ell! . . 't he ' orowd,'. h~W\lv,r. not aUO-W' ~aul1n lDdO,9f8 a~ &11. ,W~ell to; · t\le.,~ple, JD Vieh . 8h'- J'eter up ,Dd •.cUlt, 'dpilto.tra an opec


,Physicians Recommend Castoria has met with .pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma.C.ASTORlA. ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with r~sulta

most gratify mg. e exten ed. use of Castoria -is unquestionably th& result of three facts: Fil'.t-The indisputable evidenoe that it is harmless ~ 8econcl-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: ·T hird-It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe. It doos not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio and--does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, GodfTey's, Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to eX.pose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent chil~.en through /greed or ignorance ought to end. T() our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system-not by stupefying it-and our readers are entitled t() the information.-Hall's Journal of B ealtll!. .

Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. fletcher. Dr. B. Halstead Scott, 01: Chicago, l11s" eays: "I have prcscrlbed YOUI Castoria often for Infants during my practice, and nnd it vcry slltlsfactory,'· Dr. WIlliam Delmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your astoria stands first in its c1aas. In my t hirty ycars at practice I can Bay I never bave found anytblng that so 1llletl th e place." Dr. J. H. Taft, of Drool,lyn, N. Y.• says: "I bnve u sed your Castorla anti found it an excellent remeuy in my housebold and private vractlce for m any years, The fo rmula. is cxcellent." Dr. R. J. Ramlen. of Detroit , Mich., says: "I prescr ibe you r Castorls extensively, as I have never' found anythi ng to equal It for cWldren's troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field, but I alway ... • soo that my patients get Fletcher's," Dr. Wm. J McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the fath er of thlrteca. children I certainly know somethJng about your grcat medicine , and aside ; from my own family experience I have In my years of pracUce found Ca&toria a popular and efficient remedy In almost every home." Dr. J, R. Clausen, of PhiladelphIa , Pa.. says: "The name tbat your Castorla has made tor itself in the tenl! of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to btl s upplemented by the endorsement at tbe medical pro!ess\on, but I, for one. mOBt heartily, endorse it and believe it an e%cellent remedy." Dr. R, M. Ward, of Itamms City, Mo., says: "PhysicJans generally do noC prescribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my expert· ence, Jlke that ot many othe!.' phynlclans. bas taught me to make an ex·. ception. t lirescrlbe your Castorla In my practice because I bave found It to be a thoroughly rellable r emedy tor children's complaints. Ally pbyslclan who bas raised a family, as I have. wlll join m,e in heartiest recoJaoo mendatlon of Co.storta." .





E ' D.)




New Occupation for GIrls in London , and It P ays Well.




Bears the Signp,ture of

....- - . ,


,~ g=s The Kind You Have llways Bought

With the IncreaSing craze for doge of rare and valu ub l bre us as pets In En gla nd a new mployment for girls has been cr ated. Th y caD be com . dog nurses. It Is no un common thing to see In the squares and parks a pretty girl In a neat uniform with two or tb ree Itlract ~ of Wrapper. ~. OCIIT&UII 0 0 . _ , " .UII ...., _n', • _ _a _ valuable little dogs on leash. glvlng them. their dally airing. She Is a uog nurse, and-W nly one of duUes. Besides th e exerclalng of the pets the nurlle must see to their food , Color lIIore~. "Ighte, and ruter colo,. than .n, olher tbe. One 100pacltaoe colo,..11 nbe,.. The, dl'lll" cold Wiler lIeU.. thaal'" othe, d,., YOII can ... Which la no s mall matter, Special W lI\IIIIIenf wlUtout iiclping aplrL Write lor Iroo bOokllt-tlow to Ore. 810acb IlId 1111 ColON. MOllROE DRUG 00,. OuIIHlJl. """ola. . things are cooked and the dogs must be carefully wntched while they eat to THE TROUBLE. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. see tbat nothing goes wrong. Tben . • tbe batb Is Ii. Isel'lous affair. Some. .

In Use For Over 30 Years.



ARE SIN 0 LA. 1J~~ . .Jtf I +:

;r:~1~~,:;;.~~.~::~~~: :;: times a sliver batbtu b il

Saw Giles Vernon with Pinioned Hands,

tbat tbey are In proper





before I tiad to leave he r. And what tbelr',llttle coats carefully brusbed and n year ' of . blessedness . It was to all!

• _ • .-

Is worth Its weight in gold. It stops all itching, irritating .skin diseases, eczema, erysipelas ringworm chapping or bums.



'A positive cure for itching Inflamed pires. " . We aU iived with Sir Pete'r and Lady cleansed and \ he1r jeweled collars and spnrkllng. RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BAL11MORE. MD. . .Hawksbaw In Berkeley Square, and bright Atter they bave reUred at ni ght her those two· hOllellt I:!ouls took delight in Ume Is her own, and for the most parI • Resinol Ointment, Reslnol Toilet Soap, Resinol MediCllled us,' Lad y Hawlcshaw became a ber~ abe considers ' b er five doJlars a week Shaving Stick are sold at Drug Stores. jne, and tho wortby woman enjoy.ed it easily earned, ' tor she "has h e~ thoroughly. Overton came sometimes very board and 10dglng ~uu~~~~~u·e~)]~____~____~~________________~========~__------to see us. A p rsecutlon ba~ been. aet on foot against him ; and be was sev- as One her at unltorm. the great 'requlsilles y.or the . 'This Trade·mark eral times arrested .!lnd sentenced tor new protesslon Is that the appllcanl "Don' t take it so hard," said t'h e IIrlln.wful assemblage. But persecution BlIaU have an extln'c t set;lse of huroor. sympatbetlc fri end ; "remember tbat Eliminates AU I ft'.......,.....~ Posttlvely cured b,. was not the way to preval1 with Overthough rour daughter Is married YOIl theBe LUde PIli •• Uncertainty ton. " The Ancient Pear. have not 1.ost her." . Tbey o.l so n lleve DI .. in the purchoBc of It ''Wal very weti unde rstood who In· You find charred peara In tbo kl tcb "I know it," sobbed t he bride's mothtl'e5~ frow Dy"p~paln. Iu· paint m:\ l~als. diges tion nnll '1'00 Den.rt )' stigated these cOJ;ltl.nuell per secutions, en heaps of middl e Europe. wbore the er. "That's the troub le. Julia and E aUu /f. A pm'fecL r cOlIt is an ahololute and that IUd not help to IncreaRe the lake ,·mages used to b ~, says a wrltel her husband have alteatly out edy for DIZtln6~B, No.u· ~u .lr:\ntet! of ~u r­ liopularlty ot Sir Thomas and his beau- In Outing, These remnan ts date bllc~ the best room In th e house for tue ll'S." &('1\. Drow81ne~8. B n d Ity and quali ty. Tuste In Lito M outh, Coal>(Iful wife. At last, a yea'r to the month of the apple, and, 80 far as we can dis F or your own ed 'ruugoe, P"lu In the GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS a tler Uie trial at York, the las t Indlg- covor, the pear was the very first one protection, see ~==~ ~~ Sld", TOnPID L I VEn. thnt it is on the side of nlty wa l:l offere4 to Overton. He was at tbls wonde rrul family to become The)' regulBloo tbe Dowels. Purely Vegetable. every keg of white lead . One and on e·hal( million acres or se ntenc~d to be whlpjled at the ·carl's· ot ImllortaDce to human belugs. In you b uy. tall, and set In the pillory. fact, It eeems probable that au eatable farmin g a nd gl~llZlng lund will be ' SMAlL ILL. SMAll DOSE. SMUt PRICE. .ATIONAllEAD COII'AIff Genuine Must Bear There was a general rally of bls pear, or possibly a cookable penr , was openeu for s e ttleme nt in the cheY' 1 U02 T,lnl" Bulldl.,. lie" Yolt fr iends; and on the winter morning In possession of our ancesfors a good enne R iv: r and Slandlng ,Ro k 111l1lnn Fac.Sim·le S'gnat e ~. I ur . WhElD tbis barbarous sentence was to while before there were eatable apple!! ReservatIon October 4th to !!3d. Fast I]TTLE be carried out, Ii number, including or even che rries, plums and possibly da lly through tral n l:l d :~ect. to Pierre l iVER .4 ~ , ~ PILLS. /~~ many 'persons 'of note, were a ssembletl even strawberries. But ·the whol e nlld Aberd n, S. D., th ~ r ' g isll'at!!:'n I III the prison, when Sir Pe te r and I pear t~ml1 y was just ae surely ,vorlr· (lolnts, via th 'hlcago & North W estREFUSE SUBSTITUTES. for you. That's why we want yo'".... joined them. . Ing up toward civilized and garden Irn n y. 'VI I'ite for d SCl'lptive Illlt'nphI to take CASCARETS for liver Qllii W e soon hea rd thnt lhe government conditions as hU JDan beings . them , :ets givi ng maps and fll11 parUclllarR bowels. It's not advertising talk-wou ld 'n ot p'ermlt tlie first part ot the selves. Evolution has brought III to W, D. Kni sk ern , r. T. M" C. & N. sentence to be carried out; but when . along , together, wUh pretty nearl .. W. R)'" Chioago, Ill. but m erit--the CgXSUC' wonderful , On~·rtcn emcrged from the prison be equal s tep. and now It lookll Il9 It om . Sub Rosa. lastin-g merit ofk J20bnl1uurul VIOW B In color. Mbowl n;r Tim TIl,.. Tthat was unaware of this, and IIrepared for future development was to be' n a rl y She-She loltl me you told her that IoOrlcnt InoJOlllmdcneo n atl,'l'hu ~"UUI'U 8 J.lbvrly we want you to now by trial. hen \be )Vorst. The' holy calmness of his as close 'as our ' past. . seCl'et 1 laId you not to t 11 her. ~~I~~£:d ~;nuJ'~~~r&l'.!:~:;,~'~':!':.~:n?~:~~;'!:\t you'll have faith-and join .the mil. countenance and air brous ht e ve!! Sir He-Th L~lean tbiug! I told 1I r !.'l.~t~Il~~IJI:~.r,,~a;~:.,~U' ;.~g\~~g.u.'h";:;,~~~u~~ lions who keep well by CASCAp t r ' to· admit t lla~ "the pious dog Is Pine Cake.. not to t 11 y,ou 1 told bel'. CI.tIOOtollot,UP. Y uul1ctoncrlJ r ~r. ccn ••. W,tIOO nETS alon..... 90) ""Iel. Nuwbor oo"IIIDII" tI. 'Orde r lu<1~1' ~ ",n 'wan, aftel·"all." When 'Informed that The ·modern farmer ' touched' vario~1I She-I promised h e r 1 wouldn· t tell THE BOOKSEU.ERS COMP,ANY CASCARllTS 10<: • botE lOT I week'" :I\(J , ¥'olll~ not be. W~lppe!l , Overton atltractlve cakes on tbe shelf. " she told me. so uon'l tell b er I 14 South 8r0.7.<1 St, Phila<lel"Lia, Pa, treatment, all dnlll'J[ilota. Jllggett sellor . ' "Tbis Is oak cake," he I1I1W. you 'only reml\~ked : LOI~ you:' . in tbe world. MUnola boxCII • =\11., . " M'Y ' Master WIlS scourged. Why ','That 1'8 a pIne one. The. row 'above are walput. All tbese ~a~es ' are ac tllshould I rejj~I?" '. " ". . Dnect fro... Imp9rters A:rrlved aL the place 'at pun[shm nt, ally made of ~oqd. They at;o .8 . ncw Save ,h. Difference Safe I Can't Cut tour Face we 'Jo~nd': n' ~reat" crow4, ass ' inblell, cattle, tood-the Invention of Prot. Croous loe per dOI.o ~O HONING NO STROPPING Tulips 200 per dOlon . &.11' so'r ts of person!!, among' them Bome Helnttch Reh-that 1 bave Imported N ..rci SS lls 20C per dOle n of. ' the hl~hest quality. -, Overt n , 'sa;: ffrom i3erJln. H yacinth a Ci9c p ' r d Olen OUf Culturnl D(>ok-FaU Plaatln, · lut d 'ilie.m,' ·and, 'wIUt: the utDlo'li :dllf"' t ·. "Reh " VOipt~ _out that Ule ~nl,na IB of lIu l b!- FRE~ on rcquest. . nltj :s ubmltted to t he liruel 'and hatefUl like young shoots, roots of, shrubs, . . ~eier Ie: Shoem,a ker punlshinf! nt. ~~. hail" h,o'Yeve r, ~he Un: batk"':"hence bj~ !Jaw·dust l to~, ', en406 Sicamo .... St.. Cincinnati. OIUit ...... disguised sympathy Of till! , omcers . of .rlcbed with a mlxturc of pet itto . peel· ·tlie' Ill'!; fS ·well ·ai ot tbe crdw~ an'd Inga, ~rnh';18k and the Teald~e ,or tilt! 'was treated wltb the ' \ltm08t t.ende.... liuga~ beet. atter the e%trac:tton of the



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to· t liree }lollt-$ :Pll all" · It ;was, made thq greate.t trlUJJlllh of bl~ JUe. ,( .. ' " fa P9ssU»le for sood man undeJlo ··unjuat . punfallmeDt tc) be dJlDl·

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\~ ~~t th'IS. ~ood,the ~~e~lk ~Il'ees

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It II rich In albu·

'and tate-mucb richer f ·llve It 'a faJr dO"1J aU tUt Ja claimed

- at mllk OUI'bt .. . . .

N0Ih-ng I Too Good



E lilt cell

Cou nty 'Cou rts I COOlIOO I1



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New Suits,

J . M Eurn hllrt, pi ll int iil' v~ 'I' b om. T rovlll " . 11M!,, 11 \lIllt L't'titil\ll fo r Jllon .y . rl!lInllt T /I \'1 r,.; I.!l r i~ cln hlll\ fr ('lIl1 111'1'.1 fu ud " in II itl~ t en· lint . rl:!., tinct pr"J" lor Ph .".I1 · ut, If tlulU" with .. Is. 1\1. A . J uOleSO Il 1111 ril ey fnr plnlllllIT . II .

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lIlIV(lIuteu IIppl'IIlser~ . g",llIt )1' Mllrglli' t A<1 f1. cl ecoH 011. Snlo bill t11au E tilt of Willlull1 Adl'. decou. \\. In ve nto l' .\· lIud ul'pra i:leOlont fil l. E!!tuta of i)illrgnr t AIle. uec tLtwLl. Acco ullt fill's t,(IOl11l' lIt. Iilall. Estllt· uf .) 0 \J ph \Y . I;oge r, d e · rO tl!lotl . 1~l r!;t 11111 1 tiull 1i0cuun t


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to f:ult Ill> it UIll· . \ If \ '011 lire ~ i c k o r feci ballly." begi n t' kitig tho gtC~\ t kiuney Kilmer 's f,wullI l'-Roo t. A reme{\·. Dr. villce )'01\ uf its ~rc..l l merit.trial will COllTh e mild ,1 11 1 imlll ed iate cfTccl of Swamp . Root, the greal kieln 'Y anI.! hl.hil lcr I'ClllCII", is ~O(l ll realized . It st;lIIds thc high,;. tIJI·.'nltS l' ilHcmarkn Ie 111::111 11 rlO" l u riuJ.; 1lru I,c rties ha\'e ucc u I'1'U "CI1 ill lhl)l1"'llII S o f the lI\o~1 .listress 1111'1\. 111 g (,'15 C5 . If yuu need II l\Iedicinc 'on shaul,! IIn,'c the 1c ·t . E~tllte of 'u rolln W botelll,) ::;0111 by ,lntgJ.(i~b ill t fllhl 1111 ··uol· et. III benfs . TWI' lfth'leC l/lIul (.tll't1 fifty-cell . V In r "12C5. uu lil a " E~t.ltt of \7 illi Unl H. Uie lll n t, de· ha \'c u sampl b ttt'e een!le l. Fou rtee'u th II 'oount t1letJ . by IIInil frcl!. also Q , , I Jl3111phl e t ll){ you E~tllt of FJ r f1 uce 1 , lement , du how l filiilclli I out if ),on hav e ,kidllCY or eells ~d. 'ov I1th II coounl. fil d. 101ll,Itler trouble. M 'ulioll lid:; p"l'cr whe ll writillg 1 Dr. Ki IIIcr " Co . . Real Estate Transfe rs. IIi 111-:1111011011 , N . Y . j)1l1I 'tl11;~ke OilY mi slal.·, but rt.:mclIlb "r the 11 111l1 e , ' \\":\"'1'f Root an,l Ih/I1't 1' 1 fI t1 ealt'r sl·11 ynu Fllnnie R. Piper t u lhe "illul;e u SOIll ,lllill~ place o f Swamp -Rout-i f Frou 1! Ii u t Olll o tltto ill sh id vil lllg , ),O H do you ill will he ,lisuppointeli. U. _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ' W. R Fitts nnu wife to .Ioseph PEACE IN TOBACCO FIELD S Leiohty und wiC r eul eB tate in Cl ea rcr eek towDah lv, $.3500. " Loui viII , {, , 'c pt , 27, 1901lEli Gray and wife t.o Yo t 'rhe K onl.ucl, 'tute ui tl n, A. ~ Estate nf Mll r !,!uerite P. Moery, mi. And Zoa YO!!t, real 0 tllte in Wa sh. of E, m et purs l1ant to U pre vi ou n or. It irst 1l0CI)uo t filed . , ington townsh ip $1. 01111 by PI'elllrteuL 'antrill . 'rhef 1In matter of Will of G eorge W. William Sh eehan to J ohn 'heehan lowi ng m m Ullr s wOl'e present .: HInkle , ct ceased. Oz:dered to pub· r elll eFtllta in !'urtlec reek tow nsbip, Pres id tit ' 11 r. t·ri 11 , Th uma 1'. Btlr lI"b n ot,ice of filing of sllme fo r f~p- ~4.500. ret,t of B nu er on ; Ben Wu n: ot plic~\lon for probute . Barltb Ann Tui liB to Charle Fl. Dixon; ,J. fl . .Mc \ mn.· 11. of Prin _ Estllte of l:f. S. nnd J. Y. Clemen t Skinne r, r eal est'a te in villuge , of t on uud G. W . UloMIll u, vf Butle r benf . First aooouu t approv tlu, al \ll'rIlnk lin,$L ,500 . Ky .;Geor g U. l)lIvis WUti uh.eot '


macta z·'n~ ~


lawc IIlt 'lltion fi rst. 'TIII:rdo re, when your k illu ey~ nrc \\ (',iI, or out of order, you ·:ltIlIll<·le r.tan,Yh ow quickly your en-

t irc I utly i

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tu fn n\\'o V OU f olh 'r orgalls tlIay ric 'c\ ~t.

' ourt Pro cdinl!s. Be.4~ie l+lll'f'r \... . Frnllk E . UiI ),ert . Cuort j, rdl'T'''' II I Hl rCl.' g- rflntt'd AII ,I ft' t orntioll of ulllllltn nllw to IIE'tenli nnt . E..~th rAd \'el . IlI rgn ret L Y e uk 1e, 1'1 11 1. 'o nrt o rd l' r ~ thll t pn rtition of relll e!.' tllte 111l Illllrl t· in luv or of nil pllrti fl~ ill illt Hrc!ll . AnlHI Lytl E' IIlII'ls "R H nl'y C. Fo:hnrts. .ullre cf h ~lI ring of plniutif l' for n hm nny pflndplltfl li tu p os tponed III Octo bllr 1. 111011. o S. K lJ y Uo., V!:1 ••1IIcob Du Vii II. Plnintif f diRmi !;~ s elln e. Snll1l1el ~rnilh v . Htnt-e of Ohio. Lellve ~iveu to file peUti un in enor . 'ourt orden'l tbut 011 wa t ter!! nnd ca1lS6" pendin g in the Court of Com Ul OIl Plells of \Varren Connty , Ohio II nd not otberw ise dlll)lo!lod of Rnd they here::,y ure cont.ln u~ until the next ter m of conrt 'V h er , upon (~onrt ailj ourned wit-bou t day . Probate Court.

1-L1 ·5


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I!mlting , lm t UluUy of th elll clln e U II di~ un.E'~ u ' t ypboiu fe ver, ch ol. tHILinfnutt lll lllntl ummul 'colllpi niut \Vh OD t.he fIi os briu!; th III from ~OIllU ui r t)' p illco to you r fooll or Itl;lvotiu nle of them wh n t hey crtlwl 0 11 yo uI' f IH ' O UllU uUlld~, you /lilly w1tlI.ow t il ::10 g I'll.. Wl t uOUt. kuowil1g It unll b taken ill with one of tlt E';,e dh;naset'. ~u the fl y thnt !>eeIDN s o IlLIr m losll llllly do yon muoh m ore hUI'm t.htUl It b ee or n uornet. Y unr pa rents . h nld pllies SCI' ens at tb ir do I'll lIud wi ndows d1ll'ing Ih e WII I'I U \,:oatlJe r, to keel) t,be fli s ou t of the hou se If tl1t~y cunnot ,.;oreon 11.11 the ~O~UHI they tlhoulu t.· I f d ' k !-ICreeD I,hose in Wul C 1 00 IS pt i und if lI,nyoue is ~iok IU the bou e, tit s sh ould be k ept from tho iok1'00 111 , so rhat they mllY not OIi n'Y gr'ee.rtwos tfhrol1fl'lltllhl.8Iy.SiOk per on to t·\Je r ' hildren WilY help t o k ep fiie· f \'Om s wa rming in ondoro uucl hou e~ 1I0U fr om CU rr ying gel rus of I:!ioko e s fr III urle per son t u' unothe r . In the firdt pI c . t hey !:IhOlllti n ut buy Clln tly,f rui.tuf otherfo od wllich i lefl.




oe:::;~e ;~r~ma:~~u!~ ~~~!~~:~~ ~~:~k~l: 1~~ve:Sh~~~:tg~~:o e:~~!a~~ !~U~~~ w:~S~'~:I~~~~~rs~ht~ l:~~t.~ ~~!t~, ~:;:~YIL~~y ~~~~,:i~:i~~::n~:~ aUo'w ed and confirm ed . ~28 50 Tobllooo !:ioote

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m onth ly mag azin e.

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l' hOI:! lr~v t.1lelr tlggs

hi fly in tubl e LUllDUl'e , und if this is left with out Cl'eOU!:l C'Ir ell her oovers to keep the fiie u.wuy, g rel1t nnmber witl be uatoh ed i o oV'ery tu b!e. If you know of s tore wh.e l·e f ood is no t oovered from flies, or of st~ble tbul hllve s WlirruB of th In tlrol1ud. g t V ur (I\ther ' or mo her to write to th Boar.I of H~alth l1uu ut th w, lintl the BOlird will mak e the stor t)keepers o r Rtllbl e.U1en Qbey it rul es But before y ou report other people fo r baing clll'ele!!B lind lI.irty und 0 making it po sible fdt fli es to ),>ecome a n1ltsnnce, b e sore t.hut your own ouse is ololiD, I~nti thttt no gUl'bug e canBor boxes Ilre left uuoove red to attraot fileB. If y ou Ilnd all people you know will follow thi" lidvice. there will not be nellf ly so muny files to Ilillgu" you in hot welitho r, and tbero will


0 NJLx"'"

10;e~a:::fe~i~;~nr:dFulkertb,. mtn_ re~~':::Il~e~~ :i~~'l:~ ~:~vn~bl~:I~~' i~~~~do:utel:l~ur'~ri:'lw~;~\~dM~~~;,Il~:~- :h~~n~ i~~ ~~:;~eue~l ::~:~~~eo:\t or. Final aco'o unt approv ed, nl· Loui A. Sieker to Ml1ry I:!oeme

n- neJl moved tllu t'W l' ra tify th no lowetla nd. confirm ed. ing, real estate in town of L bauon. tion of Mr. 'Il ntrill in a 0 p ting' 081· Estate of Frederi ok M. Hntobi n.. tn in prop sition 11 IT rod by th son, minor Finalao oount appr'Jv ed, Marrla~e License s. Burley 'l'obtloc ooi ety at Win 6h !;. 1i1l0wed lind oonfirm ed. Will' R · "'h 1 f f tar Ky Au"ust 10 Ilnd wlnoh had .. . . lIlW • '" Ilrpe, , n·rmer 0 , . ',., • Estate of Rebeco a Lowe, decease d. Lebllno n and Emmit , Ru sill, 16 been formal ly l'Iltified by the State ~econd aooonn t a.pprov ed, allowe d I b ' R W A Co I BOIiEd of . t.. ti . of E . in !!es ion Sep. Dnd oonfirm ed ... e , anon., ev. : . oper. , w . ' " OSl'ar Wells . 21, fllrmer of Frank. tomber 11. Estllte of John W Strous e de f h , . and Ma.bel lYlcCllndletlf!, 1 of 068f.1ed · First '''l'b e Bouru o'f Oil' cturs 0 t, t.\ rmd 6nal l!-(J~onn•t PP- 'lin Frankl in . Rev. W. A Cooper.. Awer ioun Sooiety of Eq uity Depart . d prove • .allowe d and confirm ed. Illent of 'robaco o Grow rl", in speoitd Eaitate tlf ' Geor'g~ R . 8ag~. d~Commi ssioQer s' Proceed ings. es ion in Louis~i11e, lIy. , Septem b l' oeased. Sevflnt b ~ount .lipp'l'oved, 17,1909 , adopted the ·to!low mg rel!O ~llowetl and.oonfir~e_d. .' Contra ct -Plan , 8p clfioationl:! lutions withoo t 1\ di senti ng vat : ~t/l.te of Mary E. Marhl.t t, fie- and estima te for conore te .~ tug wu1l "Rasol ved. Fir t that we indo}' e oeased . First and finnl -llocoon t ap. ft;lf bridge near l'a"iden ce of Thoma. s the aotlon of the Bou.rd of Direoto r t' proved ,-afJow ed and oonfirm ed. , aU-1'lUOn on Mon roe lind Lelll.mon f) f the Kentuc ky State Estate of .Murte McG.II. minor'. road in 'J'urtlec roek townsh ip ' were AUlfll'icl~U ~ooiet-y of Equity , in rati Fourth aocoun t !l.pproved. allowe d approv ed and contrac t let to Thos. fying the ltgreem ent mil de betw en aQd oonfirm ed: Harmo n at estima te of '1105. Stllte Pr(lslde nt · dntrill Ilnd the Estate of Lorett~ J •. Pauly. de Contra ct \vIlS entered into wit,h Burley T obucco Society . ceaBed. Second and finlll accoun t Olin t.- W . Stanton for putting in boil · '~ec()nd. That w w:ge fill m emapprov ed, allowe d anl\ oonfirm e;t ar n'nn lleudwn liBnenr Dr. Wrigh t's ben! of t,he Americ lln SOCiety of



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intr odu ctio n, for · i t

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already a

favo rite i n t h e hom es ty in makiug the \10 01 no\v . In \he m~tter of will of Frederi ca. Contrn ot· was entered into witb succe sful by sIgni ng their tobacco Follow ing Rre n few good rules t or Honk~ deoeas ed; wiil {lilDlitted to ClI llt W. Stt~nton !ot' cuncre te abutw h e r e it goe s e v e r y wee k. t o the pool. dea.ling with the fly nuisano e : proba~.. " Ulen~s to bridge near residen ce of "1'hi rd . We believe tbat there Keep t h e fiies awa.y from the siok, In m"t.te~ of will of Barrle t E. J. Murph y in Frankl in town~h ip at sh ould ire but one bur ley p ool (Inu 0 pecinUy thoBe ill with conta.g iouB 'NelllJ , deoeased; wui udmitt ed to hi s bid of ,390 25. ~~all unite in fl~htiug for a commoD ,diBease s . . Kill every fiy t.bat struYB 'p robllte. Bills":"V . J. Zent.meyer, oontmo t, cauBe. With eV6 lY mlln doi ng hi into tbe siok r oom. Bis body is . . E~~te Freder ioa Honk, imbe' S48 40; J olw U' Hawke , oOlltrllo b·b t, wh ole dO uty, you will s uoceed equal. cover ed with di ellse germs . t , v e r y su scrl e r m a y se e c oile, first anct fina.l acooun t filed. $104 GO; Elmer Sh eets, bridge r eo Iy AB well in the fu ture dS .YOU have Do not allow decayiu g m rlterin l E8tl\te ofHa.rt let E. O'NeI.lJl de pairsClearoreektowntlllip.~3 abso lu, tely free , f r o m t h e first ;John in the pa'3t., Re;uem ber the poo! ofanYl 'ortto' llconm ulateon 'ornear ceasoo. ,W. H. Allen appoin ted .ex. Wolfe, bridge ,reIluirB tuwn : oloses Ootobe r l' yo'u have only tbi.r. yoUr premiB es. . eO'lltdr ' bond pot neoesflary and ship, $21; Oregou ia Bridge cop y o f t h e mag azin e, 00 ., five Aaron Chandl er, J. E. Ja.nney and oontraots, 11517, 60 '; J .. B . SmIth be done ut oll'ce. way toferni entatio n, su ch as bed - lOg' J. W. White .a re appoin ted Ilpprllis - lnmber , '26 il-t:\; Bert. Reed, bridge (SlgneJ .) "Kt.. D AVENPO RT . . s traw. waste .'m~ vegetll.ble mtLtter , , ~r8. re p'l>irs of iJeel'fie ld tow nBhip, EKtate of Frederi ca. Hook, de. A D. Shultz, bl'idge r eprtirs $1 75 j I P residen t of the Americlln Bociety sh ou lt be dIspose d of or covered in Tur- of Equity oeprll't ment of tobacco with lime orkerOB 6ne oil. ce118ed. William Frllnz appoint j3d tleoree k tow nship, ~ 1 1.40 ·, John Lin. ' Soreen all food . execut or, giving bond of $7000 witb der, bri(lge r elJl\,irs in grower s. Clearcr eek, , "R . E . BI n Ite , BeCre t a,ry. Keep all l'ecepl nol es for garba ge ADDti Winkle r. MII.rY Harper Ilnd ~31 25; Oru G ustiu, lu muer, M 13; "B . E . R out, Brc.ok s ville, Ky. CiLre[ul ly covere d and t he oans Albert Houk 8S BuretieB and J . S. Illin ol'rugtl t.ed Cul vl:lrt , • _ Co., sewe r _ "M , :. Huglle!!, B wling Ore n . MorllL' land; George J enni~gs Imd pipe, *31.20 i Cross Hros" Bewer " J. F. DOB~. ureenv ill e, K y . l,{eep a ll s tl1blfl manor e ,i n vault George Jllck appoin ted appruis ers . ~ 17 ., 10 ·, WLllter S . Wil itucre, pipe, o f f e r wI·11 n o t l a s t long bridge T\ V ' 11 ,.,w, L11 k I ,d ' •. or . pit, Mcreened or sprink led with SWIl e, n . Estates for Bettlem ent :-A, W. , r erlllirs in Hurlull townsh ip. $!l.50 ,. , • i 'W ' \' . E • n lime, oil or other obellp prepar ation. 01' bl " , ' noremo n t.II, K y . Mardis , admiQi Btrat or of Mary Ann BIIrnet t lind t;Jlence r, estirno,te, ~ "A A Cl k n 0 town 0 Cover food lifter a mel,t I; burn or ' Readm an, decease d; first and final i20B 35 ; Stlikalt a Pen ........ ....... , ... ... .. F.. Rtty. lIl' , u a rg e , Co., suppli es ,. "B bury tlJl table . . . ~efuse. . . . . . . . . . 9~"""'''''~ accoun t. W. li . 'thompB on, execo for survey or, '10. 45; Slimue l D. .. - +-- - -Screen IlH food ex posed for ~lI l~. tor of John D. Barner , deoetls ed; Hink]e , fe es and expense ~, $124.70 ; Night on Bald Mountain. Soreen ·all win~ows and d oor s, e~firet and fiDII.1 Ileoount . Howllr d Frllnlt .1 . Brown , premll1l l1 on insur. ,On tL lon fl ly night Al c'x. Benton ,lf peeilLlly the kitoilan aud dining.r oom Collett , 8trator of William J . liD OI', ~6 25 j B . \\'. MBeker "THE SafE IU" , prem- F prt EdWlIl'd NY ., d Brdd Don't COI'get If y ou see ilies, their Collett . d eoeased ; first 1I0count, ium on insural1 oe, $o~ NEW '1i0 ; J olin A Mount.nin to the h OIlHl of u n eighbor , .breedin g place _ SECOND HAND ill in nel~rby tl lth. It ~-..::. tort1lre d by Astbmll bent on cluiog 'fhoa:a s I:!mltb. Ild01inis tr~tor of Thomp son , bose at Conrt Time Lock and Repair 'W erk o' All Kind. hO,u se, him wit,b Dr King'" New Di covery, wa.y be ,behind ~ ~ . the door, nnd el'the Mary C. Frleker g, deceaB ed; firl! t :1:1320 i Frank Brn.nd on . , ' '. RE.5ID ENCe SAFES A SPECI ALTY Iltlas851 , ~ 3; tbut- b lld oured h imsplf of t1Ht,iJruS. tllble. or i u ' t he ou pillor. andfinl ll,accou nt ; WilUia01 MoCur dy R I,.) Y K Miller, ex penses, /) Excllslvt "lttney tor "Century'" AdJu5tabie Steel Dr."lnl TIllles $ti 20; 'l'hitl wonder fu l medi cine oon r e deceas ed; first and final liocoun t. Ihunk Duk{\, lumber , Ir tberejs ncnlil't nnd filth. there THE C. W. HalN saFE CO., Columbus DUo I. f. COl. C"'mIUT $25 79; Art Iie \'ed lind q iokly cllred 1ns ueigh· will ba no llie . , WiJlillm Hutohi nson, Itdmiu istrato r 1\1e tlil Con Co f'urnitu " " , III , .1. 'IOIT IT,lrm " e 1I!700' V bor. La tel' it onred hi son 's wife ' If there is I~ nuisn.nce in t h e neigh- . . , • , '" , of Ada 13. Hutcbi nson; , first a.nd S. Loer, dlllUlIg , . of [1 ",evertl lung troub le. Million s e li nd compen Bation , believ it.A the grcntes t 'l'u ro~t lind borhoo !!!~~~!"!!!!!"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!"!!!!!! d write Ilt onoe to the B611lth ~~!"! "!!!~ --, Depart l _ D_ e_ o_t._ ... _ •• T h e. final accoun t. LonislI. W. LewiS. blanks for a uditor, $8l~ a l w a y s hac the ' jC C. Cleav· Lungs nre,snr ely ouredb y it. Best the Road to Success . , , : gUII.rdi an of Etta fol' Buy Fever; Grip nnd W~oopl n :! W. F . .Lewis, mlnor; Elr, brIdge 1'1 pairs, UO 05; Lebano n Cough. GOo ;Lncl if.1.00 Trial blittle hilS mIUly" obst~uctiooB, l;>ut none ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'_"'!!~!!!~~! fiilld , tl.Ocount 'Chlirle s Thomp son, GI\S (:0 , glis for jull, $5.25 so ~~~ !! ' , ; Douglu s fr ee. Guaran toed by F C. SchwarLI'. . .desperl~te a El '" POOl' hsnlth. Saccell s _-,~~~~~-.....~~~~_ _ _ guardi all of Rold.nd V. Brlldle y, Hollin'g wortb. bl'i clg\, replii !-_ rs, *1 ;)0 _ _ _ _ _ , ' • - • toda y ~emands heulth, but ,Eleotl'i o • minor; ' second and ·tinal aCCollnt. 1:;. Il'r ed Co" p' for' oourt b,ollse ' o:.iI . .a~tters· is.the greutes t he~lt1:l bnild· A Purel y , ,trank Spence r. · adwini Btrlltor of S2 .20.; Vege table ' Laxa tive in. FOUNTA.lN ;jr Mary:O. Spence r, decea,~cii, llrst aud G eorge JuoksQ)l Ilnd·Co of .,0hi O· ' . 'l :l.T nbh B, .. "" . . .. and ' AU . ~ liver kidnflYS, bo.wel~, p~r1fie8 . ,and , '.'ft~~l a~ooQ~t j' :M,..rg~erite' J . Moe;)", $H. 40; ' costs in a~llteraChur. 1i~ 1 : J~' Laver and Kidney Troubl es. of Ohio vs . . . ',.' " a t ' , e~t:lcb 6s,the bl,?bI1; Il~.i.). topes '~~d i.n-, g~ardlan of ,Margu erite P . 1doe~y, Rob rt Mont{~o .,..~ ruElry, : 'I(qHj " 1 ,., : • ,. " ,Ylgor. l ltel:rthe whole , minor,dlretab ooIlDt. Willi&m Franz ' S . f:.. Irons ,,·n u.F, S . •. Vlg. SimpSo n tnke SO HW AU 'TZ 'S II .oJ'9u~ bO.d y and kee~,~Y8~~~ " .' " . ." .' . ' braID follow . .s.a.t'd lan. of ,~8W.t~ of Frederi . .~.. ., 'Ie th ei rn~e. ca. seat to Buoceed a. B. A,nders on /lud y.onoa n'taft'ord .tosli~bt Eleotd o Bitters -if weak· , ' rnn.'(io floak, hilbeol le; firs t II.n~ fioll} o..c _· ·E. ,B: , R~gers. Bourd' wn qrgapiz ed _. _ . . ' . or s iokly. Only GOd: Guaran teed ! pouDti " ' mll'kes_ ~amesM. Keever . :pr~sid~nt. e Gizet18h118,ood~ead\n~o by Fr~ C.. t:Iohwll!t~.



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Ilt ·or 1'01 H . . [2.4. , which l'f obae rverl, mil I n to long . r will offAl' llt Publio 0.1 n W MA 1'1'/ S'lltl£I':1' • will offer aL f ubli -'ale al h 11\ 'n1l' farm of lhp. late Lelli . Lukens , lif . 'l'4.ey WOI' wrltten l)y Or. !n .V furru, IX ruiles S uth east of on th \ W aY l1 r>~v i!l f' ~t lld Il a rveys uurg pike, 2: ~ m ile!> from ------~--~------.-------~ Bu td rhlg ,01' l>tlytoo : Wayne 3ville. Wayne s'ville, Ohio. on Wellm an Pike and 2X mi l !; fmll l Han' . y ' blll'g . on A itl for Anybo~ ." wb OIl OIlU Ilelp Care .hould Ill' " flll OU!lul.l) p tion , ,\ chi ld just, aturday , October 16, 1909 Tues day, Octo ber 19, 190$1, bc"xcrci. ~ D. L. CH'i\N I~ , EdiLnt' and Manag I' 'l il we ll u. Il g r o wrl , pel'>I 11 . I"hell. led: , Beginn i ng at f) u'clock sharp, l he f Il o\\'illg prop rt.v : inS 10l'ks, pODOl o· o i. for bl'(JII th i og, whi cll Y \l and rant·y sell',ng diS log 0 :\ DIILttres8eR 2 do uble and 1 ;;h unld 1 U,I' U r do d e ply . Tuk n -, RIl es 0 Subscr iption' piecCj II) .~ Ihnt 1 bay gl:.'ld ilJ!;" -I yea rs old , ,ve ight 160 ingl e, I cuuolJ, ilUitatlO n leather , 1 Ihey always b e er Ilet' " brel1 Lh!! in , r b liir o l'ten . pound. , I ~'I'ay geldin g. 4 years old. o,,~ Yea r (~t rl ' lly In II,l vn ll ' '/ . mllrble top dresser , I stand, L obif weig-h l l::fll) ))' lIll1ll lo;: I RO I'l' I ilia I' " Ii Yl'ar s old . \\'l·i ghl l,lOlI Ihc lamoustrademntk U i 1..) 1' Uon g hio g, which yO Il pounds , in foal SIII /I) . Colly .... .. .. . ,,' , 11,1 fouiflr , ::; ch<lir8, 1 sofa., 1 kitchen tu · by Hu ~ !It ul' ray'!; Porch 'ru ll st allion th is ma rc is a regu lar b reedl r and a >l hlmld n ver (10 in lIoy one 's fnol ', goo I wIl r k 1'; I g'l.'UY 1Il 1 1l' ~ IU Yl'Cl rs ,.I t! ; 1 s"'TI '1 IlIa l'l! I.., yean> ble . .t fGldill1-( tllble, 1 double ,lIerl!:!te l1d nor s boulll' you sneOlf,e in unyoDe ';\ hol','c III years old; 1 RCHTul ~ Id ing' :1 y ':1 1'10; uld; ~ t wn· y ·'.Il'·uh.l old ; I sorl·d Rates of Advert iBemen ts rnal' s ; .1 oneoomple te, llurge lOOking -g In s!;, 1 arm yeal'-oltl mare co lt; 1 Un('·ye:l l'· Id hUl'RC ROGERS BROS. ,M( fn Turo t.l.WIlY yonr h e'ld un,..' Ue 3(lillg Lnc a ls. jJc! r lin ' ,. , .. , coIL; :\ :-i uc1dillg co il: ; all of this ~I ' ohllir, 2 mirrol'! young ', 2 ouk stock dreflser i" si l'\:!Ii by MUl'l'i:lY's Pl'l'chp roll ~ 1"lI i ()n; I PUl'C II 1,ay s. 2 whi ch . unlp! t he m 1ht len · Heading locnla, ollll'k fa ce, per IIn o 10,. bolt! your haml before yo ur m outh Ui ll l' k o~ l' 1 1 J l t\,· ,pla t t't.1 ouk wosh stl1UU , 1 WLlluut !leEk IIml 4 years old, 1 Pu rt:ell bay g ld ing' 3 YI:'Ut'8 uld , ' uuule g ait ed-g-ood gdd ingOlL1ss ltlcd Ads , not 10 t· ' cet!{\ III'" II" "", D is fnr 0 0 0 't o Dun ' t SWItP upp ll' al· tor~. " ah', Fo, \oWe' t;O l'rl 'S llair , J lJluck book ~tl1lld, 1 porch Thi!: blln ch " f hul','(:'::> we re ur~d and rl'ured wi til g'l' al ca l" by the uecea e • 'I'hr IIIRl.'n lonH. ... _, . .. ~ ROGERS BROS," 'If... COl' B, OAOUY , oh win~ g Ulli , hlllf eLlI . OhltU31'l cs , fll'e III h~ ~ rrcc ' Ol' c r III',: .. ih t' l ,•• llt'fO" li t H III 'h ~ benoh , 9 Chtllr>t, 1 rocking ehair:1 A lot of good Timoth y and Mi xe d Hay In mow. eu fOlld, wbistle!', b Iln blow rEl, 01' hc .w thl· hvu~ I ·1<. t"t'11I"1 be · In ches, POI' line ..... . . .... " .. ". \' lU ~I' ,;1 ,, ~ ~t." .IIin '4H,.lih. bu.t t, reEl~, :! luUlp !ltllnd~. ~ small unythlO g you put in VOU I' 1II 0uti l Card of thuukll . . "dl ~ n1J 1I h iT' ... n ll dl·' h~, • . :2 .. oad wagon" , ~ truck wagons , I!ltLlnd .. :! hook shil l ve,! , ::l cloo k::!, 2 ~"hl Ii)' Il'.hill1" d.,:»I'·1 :! fic sol u lIo nl! .. ".. ."...... . ... E I!:! for Ellt,ing no fruit Ul11t 1111 14 ~ .'elf-hin d f' I'R. McCo l'mick and f' ~ til""', ~'·h l t lUI (' ~Iol ' ~lltJlv l:l , 1\ I t of chill II WUl'O, J:! ft It iCU "" , · I. .' 111)\\ illl: JII 1'.ltt ~ ," J. Sod nlx (' 1<\, wherc c hll r ll" I. ma,l .. Cha mp ion,2 !'vh:Cul'll lil'k ('Il l'll hH l'\' t' ~ t (' I''' , ~I dwl'!<-.. owcr 1'1'1' . 1 plan uu t h OCll wURIH'11 or lletlleu, U t' 11I1\,· loadt' rs, ~ IlI I1 \\,in ),f Inal'hilll's , 1 hay tt'd d"I', ~ 1l1l(lsi,' 1' di l-I( drill:; te rs . 2 hay Ol81JIav Adl'crtls ln' , p 'I' In ~ h ., .. flat, bott,out blHl t . .. 101 ' MERID EN wilh fel'tlliD~ thLlt, il:! uut cl 'ou, Olscou nlS gll'ell un CO nlrtlCI. BRITA NNIA CO. Terllts of IIle: $;)'/lI1d under , (\1I811 j Lilizl: l' atlar.:hm ellt, 1 ulh'· h" ...·I, di:;;k dril l and 1 11 1\ ', h"I'.·(' hoe c!rill both F is fnr l"inger~, whioh Hhonld th f e r ti IiZl' r a II <.I 1'hl ll 'Ill, Ii rid ing (,1)l'I1 plo\\'s, 1 Hn millOIl longue over ~r:;, n rPllil, of ~l m onl,hs will be wi less plow. ~tll \· t·)!':Of. ) 10 breal,in g pl ow,' , Z di-;(' 1I :l 1"'I) \\' S , 5 harl'l'w s, I s pring,t oolh not lie put in tho m outb n or wet t " harrow , 2 1'0 ' · ~iveD t o PUfCll11 erB ~ I ving bunkllb le leI's, 2 \\' (,I'oIt'rH , :! ('0 M(RIO£H , COHH. SEPTEM BEn 29. I~09 . 1'1 1 slit,'} I!'I'S, ~ lohat:l'o plo ws . 2 dOllh turll t ho page of book s. notos A disoo unt of 5" :, will bfl giv · 1 hay ri ggi llg', lug chain '. s in g l , tret's. dllubl etl'ees, jointer tl '-shovcl plows , G is for Giving good eXAm pl o til s. hoes, f orks . etc. eu for (lus h paym en t. RION BOleL. 10 se t \\'ol,k ba .. nes.t; , 1 :;;e t doubl e ca l'rig-I-' barne!!s, beside!! yon r fell .:lw pupil" and plaYlO lltoR by Jaok Frost is In the !llr , many 1)(\11 pi eces, co ll a rs , bridl es, lines. e\.c. bei ng ~ 1\V ay~ nout Ilud olellD . jn ~t ll !l O - .... ~..-..~.-..-.... ~--..........-..o 1 will offer Llt !lublin A ( \ odd nle pieces of Hou sehold Gomhl. on the mnch so !It h Ollle AS ot sellOn\. .J .M. Mnrrny furrn -form erly known Wl\lnu ts tlre v ry }Jlentlf nl thi~ H is for hlLDuk erch lef, which All s um,' o f $;, and und er, cash; a cl'f'riit of H us th~ old CyrUR 'mith fll r m-fou r fall. 0 m unLhs wi ll ue given fo), all s ums of $G ami should bo used only to wille your miles south 01' Wllvne sville o n tbe ovel' by purc hl\~c l' l4'ivi ng' a lm lll,able nole. Four per cent d iscount for cash n080 and not yom slute, l.lesk or . Now they SIlY we will see the Oreg onia. lind WII.yne sville Do you notice any oh a oge in the s hoes. pilw on D. P. & MAR l:iI1 ll Y ey oomet L. CLAG in Feb rullr . ETT. • weLlthe'l' III tely. J is for !lInoss of otho l' kind~ bo Tuesday I Octobe r 5, 1909 Will. Mill., C. '1". H awke , Auc ts , sidM oonsum ption, which fullowi ng Louis St inway on bis Brown Lunch stand r e5erved by Ladics' Air! Society of Flat Fork. Beginn ing p romptl y at 10 o'clock , (jom Is 40 cen ts a bushel at e leva those rules will help prevon t, . ncb C -unty fnrm , hIlS nn apple tree Illd t n the fo llowing proper ty : (jonsist ing tors. .Pl'e U,y ffl ir pricP, Mr . .F tlrrner : tIS colds, m61lRle ,grip]l e , diptlJer ill with ripe frnit which b ows signs of one good brood ware 1-1 years old pneum onia of aguin bloomi ng , work anywh ere, 1 good mare 11 HA'J 'HAW AY .r is for J'ointd, where ohildr en . ~eilrs old, colt by bel' side, 1 pair Unde rtake Tbe ~qui n ootitLl 8torms la8t we~}; htl ve 'tuherc r and Emba lmer. l"i 0) 'Jea ville's. Lelldin g Deutis t ulosis m 'o re ofton thun in A wrIt of IIttllOhm snt lRsuecl hy block drtd't coming 3 years were severe throug h the south , but Ilnd tliei r lungs (>llico in Keys Billg. unpnld employ ees, hll !! ?Iosed . th e old, mil tebes, two draft , Milin 8' Wilt be found in tho old yearJi n g~, beyond n few shower s And 1\ Iittl" K is for Keepio g your fingern llil 8 li orgetow n Illundr y . Poor man · lJ or~6 oolt!' Bonk Buildin g, 14 oppo, 0111011 ite cows, sL'C uf winel, thllY did not affect the oeutrol clelln A scratch fr om A tinge rntlil ~g~ntent is th e Hllse of its flti\U!'I" whicb ¥ore f:el'h , 11 head th NntionrLl Bank . of 2 yenr. Btates. ' mlly make a bUd sore. Teleph one in bOllsr1 II.nd of· It· IS ull eged. ' old bailert' , :!-yeLlr old steer, 10 year fi e where J can ue cn ll d L hi for L earniug to love fr esh day or nigb t. Bi pre eDoe of miull in j{llllphl~ \ing b elfe rs, 3 yeulin g steers, 7 Are you (n urr~ars for the Miam i air, And not for learnin g to Bmoke , when spri ng oa lve,., VIlJley 3 Phoue. I 4-2. v6ul he ollives, felt the fiDe bridge Gllzette ? R ememb r, it takes /li on givill~ down M ill for Mou th wbICh is lUilau t aved the life of Val Hugb ,of Mt. lAlge 'bortbo rn bull, 2 ve~rs old, Main Strcet, e.v to rUD a paper these d~ys, wltl, to put food Ilnd drink intu, l1ud Waync sville, Ohio not Ol'ob. Th e borsBs were killed li nd eligllJl p to regist,r y, 1 white b Llr, pl1pe r and materia l olll'ing up int." for pins und money , or anythi ng one year old, c,an be regist,e reu, I the wl\gon d DlOliBhed, tho skies. not good to ou t in it. sow, Ii pigs, 1 BOW with pig,2 tons N is for No e, wbioh you pOllld Tbe f~lJpwing, I1d vertisel l1ant, ap fOf t,imot,b y a nd 2 ton s A few honrs llt tbe olin DIng faotor., never pick nor Wlpe of alfo.]fa on your band pea red in tlie Rivley Bee : "Want · One top spriog Wtlgon, good tLB new, will show IIny olIA t,htlt t h e busiDe s ~ or sle eve ec1-Bn e ba.ll to Ilttelll1 12 Brown double cultiva tors, loorn is Inorea slng e vt' ry yeur. '1' be tuo i". tor OUldo or, where you chu roh Sundl1Y evplayers aningl'!. FAns arlli pll1uter , checlt row , 2 breakin g plows mtLtoes did n ul Of.lll!e up to stitndlll'(l sbould Rtl1Y jn t a! much AS you oa n rooters WIll be given front seats if sulky plow, 90 rods of wire, hay in protino tioll t hiN Y~Llr, but t, he~ Alwl1Ys p!IlY outdoo rs un letl the <1e ired." r ope, fork, pU)) "YS and traok, l top will have two.t hirds orop II. n ywfl~ weathe r is too stormy . bu~gy and pole, double t rees, single P i8 fol' Pencil!!, whioh y()U should By LFra nkBa mn Workm en in Wn hington C. H trees, obains, 3 set·s of .work harness , '}'he tlno ociers of the coontr y Ar t:' not wet in your nioutb to make them exolLvLlLed a UagstotT whioh WIlS comple te, two iron .\tettles. House. orected during the Hllrriso n Tyler hold goodso onsistin g of prediot i ng guod t,iUlI)S tbis win ter. \vrite bluoker. tables, oup. Q is for ue!!tioll, which you clllXlPtlign 70 years Itgo. Its gen· board, How I\uout 111,,1 tit 15 oents, butter wardro be, safe, {) ten· gallon at 28 cent. beef lit 1 cents, pork Ell should ask the te~ch r if you don't, uiuenes s was proved by the Iiuger miloh ol1n&, good I1-S new, 1 lawn onders t.. nd It \I tb roles. ing odor of hurd oider. ~O oents, (LUti other t·bings in pro. swing, 2 No, 1 hell.tln gstoves , lS6W· R is for Ro ughnes s in pla~ by p ortion. RII e the e oountr yprioe: io!:\, mLlc\Jine, 1 sing le bed and other Ml·S. Neva Ruffne r, of'S uLh L u arUoles too numero ns to to almol!t doubl.. in the oities, and which you may hurt yourse lf or mAntio n . Terms : All 8ums : under '5.00 , what Is th" workill gmo,n going H' your oomra de. If you lllive cot anon, t 'NO months ago, ran awa y do ? These sume financi e r s don' , YOUl: elf, bave been hurt by other. \Vif.h B. IllllD by ' the name of Artbur:..+t..It1itl,.......n. oredit of 9 montbs will bo Rog r , tuking her ten ~id son ~nave to worry Dluch about; the pric.ell Or feel Siok, don ' t fear to tell th given' on all sums of .0.00 and over, . WAL TER ~£CCLlTRE, te uoher. !I long . They were loctlted in Mid poroha ser giving bankab ; le n ote. S I for t:pittin g, w hioh should dletowD and brough t back at the ALLIDN KmLIilR . A SHORT ESSAY ON EDITORS Fune ral Direc tor. in til-tation of tho fnth er to nnewer never be done exoept in IL spittoo u, D. BolVng sworth , Auot. I don 't know bow newspo per or a piece of luth 01' handke r hie t for kIdnap ping , Fred Sherwo od, Clerk. useu Telepb one day or nigbt. for thnt purpos e nlone. Nevf<r oame to b in tho world . I don 'I Ltldies ' Aid' of Oregon ia will serve Ripley ip I ~' ! id ef\.\ base b"ll t own , ~ plt 00 Vr~116Y phooe N I) . {, Lon,:t It sllltp on folta .floor, tho l1hLY tbink (joclllo~, tor h.e Illlsn 't nny-' La l weok ·(00 fltnR t,nruoo ou t, to Mtle lunoh. Disl4lD e No. Uti-·jr. t h1llg \0 S!\,y n bou t t,hem nnll editor.. grounrl n or th slclewlt lk til 'm lIeat the O utlt\WS 30 to 2, tinll '1' is for 'feeth, whioh you sh ould in the Bible . I [,hink the editor i!' . WAYNESVILL U, OHII). every rooter stuok out the gume one of thaw missing links you reJld olelln with IL toothb rush 110li water Tbe scorer even kept 11is double en · Branch Office, Harvey sburg. O. of. He 9tayed in Lhe bu~bes un til after enoh me~l, or wben you get t ry like it WIl8 a 1 to 0 oonte t, not Guaran teed to un in remove the mornin Corns g and befor e you go after tbe flood, a nd then come onl, an error run or hit esotlpin g bi s withou t ·pain or sorenes s and wrote tbe thing 'u p, and h'l to b d at night. eagle oye. Such potrioti i1m oartllin U is for Unkind , whicb yous\1o uld been here ever since. I don ;t 'think '15c at Schw artz'S !y h ou ld fu~ni!lb Il,n inspirll tiOD. he ever dies, I never IIB.W II. dead never be to a consum ptive. V is for Ve sels, like thinkin g one and never beard of one geUiD!! -------. -Ib oups and gltlsses , whioh should not lioked . If t be editor w ukes a mi C'Notic e of Appo intme nt FOUN TAIN SYRINGES take, pepple say he ought to e hung ; be useJ by oue c hild I\ftel' anuthe r EstMe of Harriet E. O·Neali . deccasm l bot 1fii duotot' makes any mistllkEl withou t being wl\sb ed In olenn wator Tbe umJersl/l"ned h as been o.Plloiutcd and Me "' · :.1. :'., -: :-r::: " :J el10h ' time qualified , as Execllw r of tho Esto.te he buries ·tbem and folks da8sent Harriet t I . : ' ~ . ... t f ' . ,t I E. O'Neall. 10.00 of Wo.rroll County. ofOhio. doW is for ,I '.. ( Wltshil lg I \ your I \ I Ctlased . hanrt 8ay nothing , beooos6 d(;ctors O!lfi t • -: . : . '\ : 1 I , I Dated thls 14th do.y of Septemb er. A. D .• l' I', relld an'd write Latin, W hen t hl' with SOllp ilnd wat l' before each 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 1909 • .' , , 1 •• II W. EI. ALLEN, Executo r. editor m a.kes a mistak e. there Is II weLlI, even If it ·is on ly lunoh , ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ , I X ' , is for X my a, which I:lometim e!! ~ ,/. t J ••• , lawsuit and swelU'l ng and a big: (uss j I ~ , i:" I I • I • J help to disoove r con ulllptio n or l ,t ."H) k ~ I II: , I • , t' ), but if a d ootor kes one t4e r e ill 8 p lliin ."'\\ I '<I: , f . " \' IIll'JI, \\ , 1,IIIt" t ' Ij, ~, l l lClu l't h', }.: ,' II , I'll • " . t , ',Iii t. ~ U funeral , out flowers ano perfeot si- oLlIer forms of tl,lbero ulosis. Y1.'n r (\\or,1I . j l ll lli. i. i;or1t (d' ;.!' a t !> p nlt 'fl. Y is for You who sbo uld never ~ . J!)"l.llhr· t llil 1\', ( , r : I Ih l I ,. : lo, U. ' , Ii'; lenee. A dootor Ctln u se 11 word II UtJ'Y. ::):::Rl ~IL : ' t) IC;:EMLi'!'fS mile long withou t anybod y knowlo g kiss A,nybody on the m c utb nor ali , '!t II' P " I ll'n~ II'i I"''' ' I 'I~I l t ,:\'\: \1 ' :'•• 1. 1 ; ~W( -:'\' ~\ I I ;;~ \!Uttt.'l lli . J\ ,; ,: : what It meaDS ; bnt. if the editor nses low them to no so t,o you . ..:: ~i.:C.tu. .\. ZlS IO ~,t8 W. ?7111 SI.. '::W \,O:Ui Z is for zeal in otU'ryin g out these on~ he bAS to spell it II the dootor goes t.() see anot her mlm's wife, h o rulos. -------.~~ ------ oharge s' f or t,he visit j but if the ed WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. A tlurry up Call, itor goes he g ets It ohllrg6 of buok 04 Lo.rnyetto St., New York Ity. St. August ine's Catholi c Church . shot. Whe n the dooto!' gets drunk. QUiCK Mr . D ru~gist -(~l1iok I-A . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!.'!! box of. IBu '!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"!~~ klan's A rnica Sll lveF'''lh~r OClIrl:c Mu,' cnl,od" r, PaNtor it 1S a caso of bein~ overoo me '. by Here'tl lt q u(uoor -For t he love o f N l13S t!vrry be 'n llU Sumluy or lilt: 1l10U\h. ;;&1, the he&t, a nd if be dies it 'S fro~ Moses, Burry t Bo.b.V 's bnrned him 0 : 011 a. W. beart trouble j when an e!litor get~ self, terrirly -":J ohnnle ou t his foot St. Mary's Episcop al Church . drunk it Is a plain Ol,se of too muo!:t with the axe-Mll111ie'll sca lded-P a con 't' walk from pues- BlIlIe h ap He\, . •1. I" , C·,ulwallu der. !toe l r . booze and w~en h e die it it, from u boils-I --~~ -,Sunday Suhoo1. 0 :30 II, III Morn i n g Ncr tnd my corns Ilcbll. tlhe got. '. I OAose to\) di8grllc efnl to speak of it Llnd £loon our d nIl ,tb e family. "leo. 10 :30 n. 111 . floly Cotultl u nl o ll Lh c II" SL Us Sunday of each Ulontb , Any ?ld oollege OIlD m II. doctor j tbB ~ceatest h ealer on el1rth. !501d , ' by Fred 0 . , Schwl1 rtz. ~ an ,editor bM to be born .-:-Ril.pld r Method ist Episcop al Churcb . River 'Hostle r . Il ... ~ . W. '1', . IlIUal\d. Pl1slor . A

16 H ead H orse s


1) 1

· , l Farm Ing mpI emet n s


Har ness

: Her

e and The re I 0- ----- --- --0

T erm s f Sa 1e


Dit. H.E .



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.~~l:. " 'l:Ikkslte friends Churc",




I Read

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10':00 a. m.

...' . . .


Orthod ox :Frrend$ C,h~rclf~ '

Rev. Be,QjtlmJn ~1;wk1n8. p0.8tor,

~abb3tb Scbool. 913U a.~. Reg~Ill'Ill)u.reb'


10 ,.0 ". iii. 7t!lb p. w


Eude&vo r.

••e Firat laetailaieDl T•• da,



Ell'$l Day MllCtlnll;. 10 :09 n, m. i r1Jt Dllr . ::: Sobool, 11 ;0(\ a, m. , Fqll.nb Day' FMOClln!!

.'. '. .:. :!: '. , . •'•••••••••• '........ .... •• .:.: :~..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-;-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•••:.:!!!!.:.!.:-:.:,:.:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :(.:.:-:«••••~:..............................,••••••'(••••:,........ .. .'

SUl)lIl1Y thooi, u :'a o a. In. Morning ser' vloe, 10 :30 0. , III . Elpwonb Lcuguc, ·7 ,00 p. m , I!:I'c lllng ijervl ce,. ";' ::\0 Il: m , Mld,,·c II: pnyer lIIeetlog; 7 :30 p. m.

.::: ":.:.'.':' ,. .'.:.





Rev. M. E. D~wson, Pnstor, Sunday.S chOo/:.9 :1I0 a.m, Socio.l,rnoqt.J lI g> 10:.40 .111, m. . OhrlBtlnu ElIlI()8YO ~ 7:00 p. m. Jtegular ohu.t;Ch 8OrvlL'e, /:Sundo.y month"a t lO. ao n. m. lIJ?dCSoo~nd p. m .. ", e~ .. .

,', .',

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The Wiz ard. of ·Oz-


a rreeted '., ' ·o' ' I' ::: by ber m t h eLan d, sen~ ~.(), th' e G 1~ s :." ludutit-riAt' Hotne in Di;llaw are to dis· ::: , ' '. e , ••.. pel1i~r f90Ush ~otions of l'omanc

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to worshIp God after the c!CJrnmant'! 'a I menta of Moses and no lon ger litl t' fe red th Jl rseoutions lind trial!!! wblch hnd h n th Ii- portion wh II 0, L, CRAN E. dw'lIIng In lhtl Itl S. :'\ow whl'll tidings at thI s thing WAY:,\ES \lLLE. n'u ··h >d th e a I's or t b e kIn g b tl WIlS God Strenatheneth HI. ;0 Arm in Battl" wrolh: nnd ord e red that his arml s Cbat 0 8')) T opics of K fi l!')ds, a It (locs no t hurt 10 hop thAt tbe II hou ld lIU I'SII O ufte r those In the wll· cos t of IlIlng will be re du ced. t.! rll l.lSS nnd olt h r bring the m bac k Rteeo~r"ze~ ffi\uthorJ1}:v -~BY THE "'HICHWAY ANlJ BYWAY" PREACHER ,w d comp I th p' lJ· worship an d Iler v· lop 111 nt T oo m:' L\ \' n !Hlm mel' ic-I.l at th o 11 athen gods, or utt rly -= wi nds u p 10 ' 11 0 autu mn <1h'orce court. destroy th '01. Anti whell t h esO sol· 1000Vlrlllbl.llIOIl, ",Lbo AULbar. W. 8. l>:dsou. ) ,li en ; ('11111 0 IIpOIl ti ll' 1II'011i e lh p,' we re ~ om'! of lhe' ~lInlUlI'r I'llInnn!'1'! 00 Th" r.1. .. ,·" 1... · 1··uIIIII · - Tit ,' " ' :,,"ln n l .. Suggent io ns for Fall Work. bag brougbt In lJy n s mall boy d r" not U ti h u ppily as Ul' lkslg ners or 1",1"\)" '""'11' " .. ~ fl l·~ t tls!'II \ 'Y :\1111. I fur g il-In):, 11II t tlp nt OIH' l', bu t un of lJ1 ' hll1 ~. Jl l ' l·h.~t lO r IIIH ""lll'''" of J nnrll" 1 tll .! lr 1I. 1II11h~.'r, wbo wus u Jew. Ilpoka For !I(fme lime pas t th e re bav b e n as a IlOr t ' r with th e mllll of lh e t th 111 ('x pl'!rtr-d . \\ hld l \\' ,,~ 0 ... tll'~t .. t 1 1I~ 2~ '"ur,."s , I up and SIII(I: II I:1 n), Il1 tt I'S from both old nnu youn g s tell1D!lhip compll n y on his cap. Th e ---,,---=----;-= Such th "- rrofls -a~ p wait Ing ' hron, ~~ . " . Il lld , I ~ QU I' nll)' or Ihe "Ue ll\)' thy ottnC'k until thl.' Sabbatb u::. ldng for ngges tlon s that wfll be s hops ar tll1<,d with a rt! les SUl tllhlt 11 ,· K'·r m . 1I0w,·\'"r. to 1 •• r I h ld h for I'nl n mny 1I 0W l Jl'O( ld wit h tbelr n " I"sl blu,,'1. h I\\, b .. II .. Ir. u, lv u, ll' un c"ol III )"'nrs .. ay. I till' )' 1J zeo 'j u S t o III . n t ~ h" I"flll In club. c ucol and S UlJday fol' tb o tra \' I(' r by land or sea . IlLHl .1. 1Illnls h d b wd n ross. whe n t l'" rldlol" \\ n.~ " " \<\>' , tlllll h '1 ,lid I lnw of !I'losl'!! they will not 11 ft uv II hoo l wurk. In most InstAnces tb e !t is quite th e USlOIll to hon or a ti l' nol lonll .11 1'\ II' ,' I hc' (nIl/:\I " "e Iho af" sword o r 61)00r to flg l!t on Ihat day. so ' 10 1 s id t.- I.' mphas lzC! u with a r a: plInlng fl'l nd with a far ewe il IlIlrt y. T be nl r~ h l Jl Il1n n IIp! IIIlt's to be UV O! ."1'\'11'1. 11,· (1\ t',1 II . t ·. It;·. IIlId \\ 11 8 a od th oll Hhll it wi ll lin pos y " Iclury ." qu "st l lplt s um e s che me to make Two New Showers. ('n ll ,·tl n cha uffl'lI r. II l'1 l1 i Ul I! to be "burl ...1 In Ih ,· ~" I ' " Il- " o r of hiM cuth"", li t II h l\I(ltlln." :-',ntlfl lhlnM h11ll8t!lt nlln ... d .III' l\'ow thi s u, l v l ~ ' Rou nd ed guod to 1II0n(-y li p eOlll ll ln e u with It. - nt t 0 I had a long talk with a brftl c- thp b pl'lH BFor of nyln t ion . <lo9--a'Jpon'11 11 ," h l ~ third ".,II-'-as hi " ~II (" tho Billain of l h(' for ues, lin d h no:.· time ('nn ll'S 11'11 II w e all s t a Bide a othC!r day. She was jus t hOln t! rI'Q111 .T hat ~\I hllm;' r wh o filii' d to fl wlru ~ ""! Il r III o.l lro.... ll l1j{ thl' wIlr "C In""fl ~ n ll· cordl ug ly wllltc(1 two duys IIl1 ul ti ll!' pro por ti on ur 0111' In ome for cbarlt· lile Iloneymoon tl'I'p aud Wfi B lIlI' .. nce n 1III1 l·/". ~ .&; 1. Tho UIH' rJD' II lid Nk III , II k I bib I l]f' E ngil: h r hll lln pi nft pr tht' s I' 'nth (l r "Tho :.1;H·. · " lw~, " '''' JU d U8 IH. rJr l"1\ l:inbbuth day hnd 'orne. . f,) 11' 0 1" Oil t Ie same us ness as s pa Idng the boxes of weddin g pl'et;. cnl!,·,j III ~ lIt ".·'· ut.... PM. fllll y jIlM tltI., ,, hi. "A ll that ha s go ne beroTl" wlli be Iltn we I't 'g ulut ollr othe r expe nses ems whlcb had bee n forward d I ri.11 .lInu it.! !;~t 1m nir s hip . r (' r·~ PI·UC'·'·"IW". It UpPl'lI rll Ihll t hfJ furg iv n. Ir \ ' 011 wlli but ('um e rOlt!, . hl'l·e will a lways bo d lOands fOI' from her llome city. he s how ed III C One [I i e' lh ill !; auol l -'linl sH' r Wu hal1 tllr aad y lok.. n tI prOIllIIH'''l I ,u. rt II.', du a ccord In '; 10 th e I.:Ull1l11l1l1dll1eU~ or 111 1'as wilh wh ich t.o <:!lljolo th e al· n I I t il " I IIi ( 0 nil th e pre tty thin gs, lOany of th t' lll th \ 'a!; til e fac t th nt it wn ~ ol mos t Imllos. ft rM . I·C""~ nn 0 I IIIOUI 1111 l he kin g, flnd " e ~ b a ll li ve :' \\'tl ll tbe I.Ilg llty doll; I' into empty lrensllrl s Moct'. ~ : Z;I. whf're Mnltllthlaa 18 11111 ",I' ll' , were given at "show ers." Th e " ling " SI bl e to mi sspell bls nnme. lIoned . J\I ~ tlr:t t' 1I1,' r llrl~" 5 w" re II lght word whldl th IlIe ~ s ellgers bruI'l;lJt li nt! I' lI gar' (,Oa t the pili of g tttng d t a IHI\'e II tta('ks I1.nd ~u,jd" l1 IIl1rprlsell ( ~ 1\1 ,...... from th. captain . IlIl1ll t·y 10 kt'C !J the whee ls of great and "Apron" shower Il e me The r e is' alway!> s o nH~c h trouble 8 :.. I 111,' 11 w.' f<' ""I'oJ UI" pI as ed b r mos t of nIl. The r wt.'rt.' 1) : an d "'.I" ,n I18 "W will ,not ('om forth:' WaI! nit! clt arit.\· or~ a ll iz alions turning. ITrue. II aprons s uitable for v ry oc a lii on, . a ( 1)ollt rno~lng th e rops thnt th" fa rm· I\llol1 hr thpse 1J1 (' 3n~ . 110 " ,' 111 11 r,·iI on more Importa nt op .. rllllonH . •llld ,le r"Rlp,1 wort.! wll k h · th e lJt'uple I' '1IIr,ll!d, ti l('ro is til . a 'Ial !:lId that we n s he' won't be like the IIltl brid e I r s o ught to put cas ters on them . AI1 (.lIonlll~ (J Mo,·,·. U O·lZ\ . ,",,1 " "fon n "n e ltht.Jr ~ IIi we do the kinS' lj <.0'11' Th " d apd Is wurthy of consid eration. know who wb en she l'UIII !! to urth !lltw t'. 3: 13-2-1 1, 111 H"llIhl ro ll. Shorl ly !lfl· lIIandlD elH . to l,rOrUD t: th Sllhbnl.b 0\\'111 /-: 10 la ck of s pace 1 ha ve con· Sw e den hns added It s narn to the .. rw nrd Anllol'llll" li:plphanPlf. wh oso re· dny. " t.! t' lI liCtl t h(" !lCh Ul s Into as few ond we nt to pre pal' n dnlnty Satllrdny lon g list of foreign Innds that are hav· sourc!'" had IJ.·.·n I'II JI 'I\'HlshN1 b y th o noon IlInch eon for he r hllHbnnu found ",nr (I MRN·. 3::r. ·31). the KU\'l'rlllnclIl So th urmy tlf til kin g f II .I\I,:n word s li S flosB lbl e , leav ing th m to be I Ing a benp of troub le this summer. li t th o Pal 8 1\ 111>111 prl" 'IIII'"'' 10 I,Y1l11l8. th e m In ullttl e on th . SalJl.lUl l:I nll d e n larg ' t1 by t ho e who try them . thut flh did 1I0t possess a Sing e apro n. organl1;,·d " " " xped lll IJII ...;llins t s le w them with Ihelr wiv e:; nut.! ehtl. For n "\\' lIle rm elon party." whl h aud be r. firs t purc has wben sho went One of th bes t sIgns of good limes I.YIlIa,., JU dI\8 ; bUl hi" Ul'm}·. u purt or ·w ll lt'h h I to town was a s upply of tb se us ful Is the activity In th e r e pair shops or had It,,,,n 8"P'\I'HI"<! rrum Ih p nlll in boel r dren nnd th II' cUl t IE:, v II te. th e Is to b, gll'c n by a <.: . Ilrr I socl ty, protectors. Then there were bags; th e In\'llation l! hilt! this uniQue C a· the ra ilroads. T a lk of a n ot he r car to e rr" c! Il ~ u rl1rl »lI. "'lIS d r(' 1',1 by Ju· numb r or Ii Ih o ll ~u nt.! IJeuvl . dllS .. t Elmnlll ... with "rHl I 1 (J1i~ . B. Now word of tbls thln~ WIIS 60un t ur : Til re was a pen nnd Ink s ke t ch such fin array- laundry bags, hoe shortage Is about due. 166 (I M/\Oc. 3 :. 6- ): .. nd In Ih e next Yt'nr brought to Ma ttalbl al! and ' hl l! SO\; S of a mnn'. under which wer e Lhese: bugs, a Ilk bng to prate t the hu t L yall.s WUM rou led nt U thRum. Artor wll n tra veling, work bags and bags The African Diamond Trust has put thlK J ul1all "'" nhl" to O" '''J P Y J"rURU' lind be was 60re grlev d. and mourlll)d " /llone. admi ssion 15 c nts;" nex t 8 ske t 'h of n coupl with Len cents (or putting 'away wlnt r cloth s In up prices. H er e Is where t b heart· Ipm el1~"pt the low"r. RlId It purlfted many daY A. " If we all do UJ our ll r<' tllren ha .. e pach ; a tblrd ske t ch s how d a man I!UIDDl r tim e. A though tful grand· less monopolies talte admntllge agnln the t"mpl e a ll lh· tw,·nlr· Uclh of Chis· In~~I·lo"nx.IlC IIY thrp6 run. urt.,r!La ruta· don e, ond flg bt Dot for our Jl vtJS on with two gi r ls a nd th words "!lve mothe r bud sent .Ulllslln bags for of the necessi ty of th e poor. " Tom's" e vening clothes, Tu xedo. and the Snbbath dny, th ' n will th e heo t h . c IIts eacb." or The tool who rocks th e boat has phal !looks of n Quickly root us orr tll e earth." A nov e lty was a "Popcorn" social. O\' el' oats. The lavors for this s how e r Rased on t ile Aponr". , ., s ma ll ba,s of wblte satin fill ed not been beard from frequently this the Mac c nlJ el~ s . cnnpter 2: 29.70. s poke up one at the boyti, Judan by U Ie a d III Iss Ion . as nn ea r OL• pop orn; were I summer. but victims of ca r eless ness name, as tbey sat talkin g over tbe tb en th ere wns bot butt r ed popcorn, IV th rice. have Increased to B lamentable ex te nt. sad condition at affairs on e day . popcorn balls; .the roof31 WIlS deco-I For. Tennis Party. "Yeu, but we alSo ought to be .!cal· rated wltb en r s of popcorn In fes· Two slst rs who live In the country It's a windy da y w'1en no on e beats 8ERMONETTE. ou s tor th e law, had w e not." ar!':u e<l toons. a nd th ere wns hot corn meal I and have a fin e ly e qulpp d t nnls tbe r cord wltb an aeroplane. The another. "Tbls 15 whe r our strengtb 'llusb sen- d wit h cre a m and s ugar' co urt Issued th e follow ing Invitations. aeroplane and tb e art of managlnl How perfectly In Plalm 14 the mus t lie with our faithf ul bre tbren: In qu a int littl e blue bowls, whlrh were Inc luding those o[ thei r friends who It are under&olng at ndy Improy& P&almlst ~1 picture of the ap06\V must bo loyal to tbe law of purchased at t n cents eac h li S sauve- did not play te nnis, too. For those ment. tacy of the people of larael In Moses." nlrs. Th "n there was a r g~lar old· th y hod scats nnd rugs n ear tb hrs time perfectly flta the condl · "True," relllled th fath e r sesTeh, fnSblon d corn·)!ulllng bee , tbe com· court with tables for serving t ea and Labor troubles In lhls .c ountry ar. tlons which prevailed In the Ing each fao e before hIm as h e Ilollgbt pany be ing divide d Into Illdes. Tbe frappe. Grent Japanese umbreIJas on 'not numerous at tbe »r se nt tim ,and time of the Maccabees. to find a solution tor tbe problem corn was tben put .In bags , a pOllnd very long hanclles mad harming th e re \Wou ld be te\\' r of th e m were It "The fool hath said In his "But there 1:1 a zeal on t.h e Sab bath to each and It was distrIbuted to the shelter d places and th re w re qUll.D' ·lOt for the professional a g itators who hellrt: There II no God, They dllY wWch Is bonorable ,and doth mug· various charItable Institutions wbere titles at lanterns strun g b twe n th e m a ke It a business to stir up these are corrupt, they have done nlfy the name at the Lord. It th c re tb e re w re oblldren. trees that added much to the decora. 'roubles. abominable works, thoro Is none Is any virtue, or auy glory In lying An easy way of (laving mOney Is tlons. that doeth good. down and being slaughtered like Q carrie d out by a class of boyn who are The re's goIng to be 8 tourname nt The Connecticut angl r who bas "The Lord looked down from lot ot helpless cattle. just b cause It In s chool ; th ey sa\'e every p nny bear · Upon the Whltneys' court, ~ e t with great success througb sln1(heaven upon the children of Is tbe Sabbath. 1 fall to see or und c r· Ing th year date of tbelr bIrth. . As And If your pl'esenc you will le nd lng a large bottle full of JI ve bait. and men, to aee If there were any staud wbere It can be." tb ese pennie. ar collected they are We'U s urely have good s port. fi sb lng nlongslde the glass pris on for . that did underatand and seek As a result or tbls can! rence tbo turn ed Into a co mmon trea s ury and the hung ry big fi s h that become anGod. following decree wus s igned by Mat!..'!.· given at the nd of th e year to a Doubles of all kInds you'll see, gere d by bumping their nos es agai nst "They are all gone aalde, they thlas and bls sons and !:lent to tho charity tha t all dec ide on. As most And partners will be ' drawn; It, has given a fresb excuse for Includue all together become ftlthy; falthlul wherever they could be, of tbem have e nlisted th e services or Pleose tell us it In th e play you'lI be Ing the bottle In fi s hing outfits. there la none that doeth good, tound: their family and friendS In watchIng Or watcb It frOm th e lawn. no not one. "Wholloever shall COOle to make ror these special p nnles, there Is us· _' ow tunt-Mlnl ster Wu Tlng Fang Is "Have III the workers of Inl· battle with us on tbe Sabbath day ually quite a sum colle ted with very returning to Cblna again, they are Two until sIx o· ~lock. qulty no knowledge? Who eat we will fight against him; neither will little trouble. telling stories about him. Here Is Saturday. September 11. up my people al they eat brud....< -w6-dle..aIl,-a8-GlJl'~th~n that wereTwelye yonng....mauons organized a one: A few ago. In New York, M .'\ DAME :M E IUU. (Copyright. 1909.) and oall not upon the Lord. murdered In · the secret places." ma.gazlne club In this way: Each one be was met by a Ta.mmany politician, "There were they In great This mes88lfe bore fruIt In an un. subscribed lor a pel'lodlcal. the choice "What Is your Christian name. sir?" feu; for God II the generation expected dIrection. for a ew ays 10' being Q{]il-a a- meeting In Novemth e politician asked . At once the dipof the rlghteou., ter there came marching Into the ber; these were exchanged and all lomat's oriental calm stiffen ed Into "Ye have Ihamed the counlel camp of the Maccabees a company of 6nally collect d at one house. Wben dignity. "My su rname Is Wu." of the poor, becau •• the Lord II A811tdeans who were' mlgbty men at there we re ] 2 of each th e me mbers A decree hilS bee n published In Israel. ' met. tied tbem In plies and sent them his refuga. Spain suppressing the privilege or "Oh. th.t the salvation of Isra· And when Mattathtas and bls sons to various Ins titutions, n goodly sbare • purcbase of Immunity from military 'el were come out of Zlonl when beard the awrul stories of the IniquIty gOing to th e joll and settlements, service. All will now have to serve the Lord brlngeth back the cap· Silk s~rrace8 for tbe arly fall show of th land and of the persecutions wbere th y were distributed wbere In th e army. rich and poor alike. Tbls figur es. flowers and dots. tlvlty of his peopl., Jaoob Ihall or t.b~ae who would not forsake tbe they would be most appre ciated. is fir s t fruit of the poplllar uprising reJoice, and Israel shall be Plaid mousseline sashes In gorgeous law ut God and worship before the and Is encouraging, all It shows that glad." colors are used upon the wlllte Un· heathen altars. their spirit was stirred A Bon Voyage Party, the Spanish government Is ",' Hllng , to Paul quot .. part of thla p . . lm wltbln them. For sending tb e Invitations make gerle go~n. lis te n to the voice 01 th e p ople. In setting forth the depth. to A blscllit colore d linen Is made with "See," exclaimed Mattathlas, "God little stenme r rugs (!;Om felt or plaid which min falll when he . Is a h eavier stripes ot black In a he rring has placed an army In ou.r hands and flannel , cutting the pieces about 3 by An unuspal e xample of loyalt)' III stranger to God, . among them the powertul Assldea ns. 12 Inches. Fringe the two long ends bone weave. glv n by the pe tition o( a woman In But the brighter Iide Is the The long predicted ful1n ess of th", Let us prepare at ODce W go against with a pall' of sharp SCissors, place S a tUe for divorce because ber Eng· picture of the very few who like skirt, bas settled (for a little whJle) our enemies." the note ot invitation Inside and roll ilsb husband will not al10w ber to Matt.thlss and his Ions 'romaln up with straps cut from an old I paIr just at the knee line. shoot off firecrackers and display thc This proposal met Instant approval or kid gloves. Attach a cord bearIng true to God and refu.e to con· The . cuIrass has sudde nly become n Ame rican flag on the FOlirth of July. and not many daYB aiter what had the guests nam e and address with fitted garment or silk elastic. smooth form to the sinful praotlcea Sbe s hould, bowever, assert her Indebeen rather a motley crowd was a "Please unpack and answe r at once." 'as Il glove from neck to wrist and hlp .bout them, even though It pend e nte In a better way by d.lJfylnt very presentable army. NothIng Is. more" approprIate for . a line. would mean eale, and Influence bl'r marital lyran t and patrloUcal1,. Ind rich e.. To them Mattathlas reiillzed that UUl..-.L:lUl~,cenlerplece than a toy steamship Or The outline of the waHeau plait tlbooting olf lhe fire worl{s a nyway. "God waa a buokler." palen must be planned carefully and one made of flo·wers. Ship funnels grows ulmost a tamillar s ight. It Is all the advantage 'Which fltrategy and made at cardboard are good at tbe belted In or allowed to lall loosely, They could 1liiY during all that If YOII hal" an Id ea It Is hot and terrible war which they waged: Quick attack could give must be used. four corners of the table filled with according to the gown and tbe occn· hum id, rea d tbls n e ws Item : A be,I.\ "Yea. It Is God's battle." he ex· blooming "smoke ': tree. The name slun. "It II God th.t glrdeth me loon which made nn a scension from with stren'g th, and maketh my claimed ono day to some who wers of tbe ship should be on It and the Sashes worn with the cuIrass gown Sl. Louis landed In I11ll1ol s alte r sl1l1· way perfect. tearful. "He ·wlll strengthen our proper lines on the funnel. . 'fhes.e, at tl\e Moyen age are fashIoned so Ing all nigbt tbrough coi d rain and bands and make our eyee keen and with ropes t"listed about the shl) thot theIr fiat folds I\e close upon the "He maketh my feet like sleet an el tbrougb n bpn \ ' Y Ilnows torrn hinds' feet. and aetteth me upon ' our teet swift, so that we may be caugbt at Inten'als with glided an. lowe r edge of the cuirass, wblle the fo r nbollt aa bour. Is not tls ls s ngges· my ' high place., able to overcome the forces at the chors Rnd "compass" place cards will bow, tied to the right ot the center tlve ur the comIng tim e wh en It will "He teacheth my hands to king." complete a " ery attrac tive table. The bac k, falls among the low er plaits be Jjotlsl bl e, with tho a id at. fI yl ng rnawar. 10 that a bow of Iteel II So tbe wartare raged, starting troOl gifts mn.y be presente d In a traveling of the skirt. chili s . to find any sor t of c llmatlo broken by mine .arm •• the country adjacent to wbere Matto· l'ulldltion s desired? "I have purlued mine ene· tblas ond biB lIonll had first taken ref· ~ay n.1 o'm e rs In 'harlt's !nwn bave mles and overtaken them; uge. Gradually, all vIctory after vic· WII Tl'Llut for be ing inc(' lJ s ed Ilt tb e ac· neither did I turn again until tory gave them ndded' strength . they they were consumed. tl on f it Boston judge. w ho gave a extended their olleratlons until at last "I have wounded them that yuuth uronght befor e him tPI> aHerna· they had recovered tbe land Ollt of they were not able to rise; they til" of "' nllstlng In Ule na"Y or gOi ng tbe band of the GenttIes and had drlv· are fallen under my fect. For to jail . sa ys the Daltfmore Am e rican. en back the forces ot the .klng 80 that thou halt girded me with Na yy ser vice Is an hororabl e 'IDe, n.nd be no longer had rule over Judah . strength for the battle; thou lb e s tand tak en that It lowe rs It' In the Now It calDe to pass after nil thIs haat subdued under me those e yes of th e pllbllc to M.tem pt to make hard nnd long fought wars were over that rose up agalnlt me." It of n r eformatory cbllrac t r for e m· that MattaUllas. burdened with ago bryo c rimi na ls Is one wh ich flO Villar and n down by his Revere ex· ...a....o................. pe rlenbroke opln lol1 s hoilid not. npprov e. ces, realized that his end was approaching. and call In, his sons to THE STORY. '1'110 I, illing or three G r ma n bal. hIm, be said: looni s ts hy Ru ssinn guards en th e bor~ ATTATHlAS aud hla sons had !Jot "Now hnth prlds and rebuke gotten de rs of the czn r't! domlnlonf; gives thfl been lUany months In the moun. Rt,r e ngth, and the time at 'destructlon, '!ommon Pnlctice of sh oo ting nt ae r& nauts lhe dl g ll:~y or a se riollS In te rna· taln fa stn esses after his flight fol. and the wrath or IndlgnaUon . Now. tlona l qu es tIon . It Is tim e that some· lowing the killin g of the lI.l'Jostate Jew tberefore. my sonll, be ye zealous for th ing we re dc.n e to Impress upon tbe upon the bt'atben altar and tbe com . . the law. and give your lives , tor tbo people of nil nations and of all parte missioner from the kln'l 'betore It was c.ovenant of your lather~ . Call to raof nations, th e fact tLnt shooting at noIsed aU through tbe land what he membronoe what acts our fatbers did hall ons Is lIomethlng th nt cannot be had done nnd .h ow for tbe sake or his In their time; 150 shall 1e receive religion be bad rejected tbe offer at .great honor ~nd an everlastJn6 name. don e wlth(\ut assuming the risk of riches and honors . and InUmate lei. Wherefore. my 80llJl, be ye o valiant murd e r ar,d the punishme nt Ulerefol' lowsblp wIth tbe king. Now this .and sbow yourselves men 'ID b,~haIJ ' A t $t caso Is to be made In tbe ~aused those tn wbolie hearts there of the law ; for by It .hall , Y8 'obtain !\Jew Y~f'k courts as to whnt criminal ~urned . the true IIgbt . and who de-' glory. A.nd behold, I know that 'YOUr. elat ut,a , .Is violated by th olfenS6 sIred to serve' the true God to rejoIce' brother Stmon I. a m~' at . coun~el, technlclllly known 8S · 't~ lIdn g back" and da y atter 'day there ' went out ·glve ear unto him alway.; he shall h!l to thl.< pollee, ond whether /lrrcst and from Jerull&lem ' ari~ the ' surrounding a father u.nto you, But as. tor ·, .r~d~s · punl:sbment In Lbe matter are jUstified countrY those who preferred a r~81: Maccab.e us, he hath be.en mighty and by tb law. The( Question of Illegal ' den~ In the wlldetneu near the 'strong, even [rom his youth up; let amplen et thel " . m be you·. . captain, and--ftgbt- the arrest Is r oally Ii se rlouli one-;-as e whol matter at personal liberty. 'J1>' relll'lon ·than a place amJdst the ain. I?&ttle of the people. Take also untu on wblcb Ole prinCiples of this gov· (ul' indulgences of tbe apo.tate Jews. ,:you all those that obse"e the law. In this way It came .to pa.. iD time, an.d a~~o,e ye the wron, 'of YQur et'tlme nt aI' found d, Is Involved. And that a laree oum!»er ot people tQuncr ~ple. .So 1I.ttathla~ ble88~~ hI, It may bfl remarked that the metroPoU. Ie not the 'o nly city In the conntrs dwelItng places In the wtlderu". &ad ·son.. !Uld died 011 JUilu be.!'.a\De &c;o ClIey were cfJnt8llt,. tor tbey aW. q,t.ed~.. . ~e lead!,,'.' .. blcb omclal dlgnltl '"'" aD II'D "l1'l~ Ie \V fit Ita OWIL

The Miami G~zette ,















Tasteflil Window Draperies



Glml t-FI!Jbs (' ll1im9 to 11 11 \' 1.' cnllght cotn s h we ig hing GO pOllnds dow n In tb (·red<. do 's h ? W e ll, ft 's nl1re to S3 )' 11 'Il lyi ng La the exte ut uf ull ou t l\

40 IIOUll ti S.



HUmU1l' r-Knt If he hears ynu s oy It.

CUTICLIRA CURED HIM. Eozema Came on Leg. and Ankle_ Could Not Wear Shoes Because Of Bad Scaling and itch ing.

"I bav e bee n s ucccssfully cured of dry eczemn. I was inspecting tbe rem oval of noxlou£ weecls tram th e edge or n rlv <' r and was conslnuLly In the dus t tram the weeds. At ni g ht I clea nsod my limbs but telt a prickly s e nsaUon. I paid no atteutlor. to It 10 1' two years but I noticed a Ilcum on my I gs like fi sh scales. '1 did not attend to It until It came to be too Itchy an d sore Qnd began hettlng two runnin g SOl' S, My an kles were all ' sore and s abby and I could not wear s boes. I had to u se carpet ani:! felt slippers tor ' wee ks. I got a cake at the CuUcurn Sonp and some CuUcura OIntment. In loss tban t en days I could put on m y boots nnd In less than tbree wee ks 1 was free tram tbe can· founded Itcblng. Capt. George P . Bliss, Chlet of Police, MOrtis, Manitoba. Mar. 20. 1907. and Sept. 24, 1908." PotUr Drur '" Obum. Corp., Sol. 1'1OPA-, IJG"-

Mottoel of a Queen. Her maj ty. the qu ee n of portugal, pins her fnlth, It Is saId, to the tol1 wtng mottoes: . Ke p ant of doors all you can. Breathe outdoor air, live In It. r vel lin It. Don't ah ut yourselt up. Build YOUI bouses so that the aIr supply Is good . Tbrow away your porU res and brl ·a·brac. Don't have . useless trifl es about you. Have a fnvorlte (arm or exer cise ond mllke the most of It . R lue on hors eback It you can; cycle It you can· not get ... horse ; do anything to get out In the open air. Don't over eat. Drink little and let thnt lItOe b pure. Don't try to dress too much. y . t dress as well as you nre abl e . Wear ev · rytblng you can LO malte yourself lovely. By Automobile Up Mount Rainier, United States Engineer Eugene Ri ck· Becker celebrated lndependen e dny by throwing open the gov rJ ment · road In the Mount Rainer National pork. Ve blel s and horseme n ' now have an excellent thoroughfore from tide water til Narada falls, near snQW \lne I~ Paradise valley. Mr. Rlcktecker SuYs tbat autos and wngon» can now make the trip with comfort. The maximum grdde on the l'ond I. tour per ·c ent. Nearly a score of au· tomoblles, all landed, went to the mountain. Singular and Plural, "Whenever she gets to tblnklng bow mucb th y'ro In de bt It alte Is 11 r nerves." "Huh! the way It affe ts her husband Is !llngular." "How singulnr?!' "Just slDiular, It affects his 'nerve.' '. He ' tried to borrow a hundred Crom me to·daY."-Catbollc Stnndar(\ and Times,

- - - -,

In Madagascar everyone wellrs ,Uk, ..... hl ch 1s cheaper than Unen. PRESSED HARD . Coffee', Weight on Old Ags.

When pror.J1nent men realiZe the In. jurlous elfects ot coffee and the hange 10 bealth that Postpm can bring. th y · are glad to lend tbelr testimony f'.lr the benefit of otbers, A superIntendent of public !lchoolil1n North Csrollnn !lays: "My mother since her early child. hood, was nn Inveterate coffee drink er and had been trOUbled with be r heart for a n'u mber of year's. and com. plalned of ~hat 'weak all ov~r' fe e ling and sick stomach. "Some time ago I was making an f. ficlal visit to 1\ distant part uf lhe country and walt dinner with one at the merchants of tbe place. I no. tlced a somewhat . peculiar flavor or tbe colYee. and asked him concemlng ' It. He replied that It was Pas tum. .''1 was so pleased with It that after the D?eal was ove'io, I · bought' a pncltage to carry .h ome wltb rne. and hnd wile prepare BaIlie for the ' n ext meal. The wbole family l1ked: It so welJ, tbat we discontinued cotree and used 'Poatum ~tlrely, . "r had rf!\lUy been at Umes \teO' onx. ' lous concerning my mother's !Jondltlol! · but .w~ noticed · tl~at atter using P~stum ,tor a s~ort time, slie felt ao ~uch ' be~ter than sbe dId prior' 1.0' its use, ..and bad 'IIttle {t:oublewlth her '~eart !It,1~ .nQ sIck stomacb; ' that tM headll~hes ·were · ~oi so ':ft.eq~~nt. nnel 'h er. g4nel'al cond'~lon m~oh Improyel!. TI.. ls continued untl1 ~he wall.' aa well &ad bearty 8S t~e reat of us . . "I 'know POltum 'haa benefited my . selt' alid tbe other members "of the tam. lly. but ~ot In 80 marked a degree aa In .tb~f ...ase of my motber: .1 ahe. WIla a 'YICUiD or long ltalldIDC."

Re&cl /'The Road .to "'eUntIe." 1Q




'. Why 'We ~ Stronqer"


The ,o ld _GreekS a'n d ,! tomanll 'ffere great fld mlre rs of 'health and strength; lhelr pictu res , and ,statuary made tbe ' mus cles ot the men stand' out Hlte cords. .,' As a m atte r or faot we bave a th·, letes a nd strong men-men fed ' on fln e streng th making 'tI'O<I such as Qualicr Oats-that would Will in any contest with th e old Roman or Greek challlilions . ' It's a ma tt er of food . The fin est food [or maldng strength of bone, m uscle nnd nerye I fin e oat mcal. Quaker Oat ~ is t he best because It Is pure, nil h usk!! or s t ems or blac\{ sp e ~ks. F a rm· rs ' wlv !I are findin g that by feeding th e fnrm ha lld!l pl entifully on Quaker Oa ts they get th fl brs t r Bults In work and econom y. If you are convenl ot to th o sto re. buy the regular si ze pacl,ages : If no t near th e s tore buy the large size farr.!ly packllge. I <


a8sasslnatl~n of Lleut. JOB pu Pe trosIno In tbe streets of' Palermo cnmo very near to establish!ng the so-called " S lack Hand " soc! Iy In til mInds ot Alii rl can s liS a definite organIzation II lIch ns the Sic ilian Malia and the Neapolitan Camorra, It was -easy and a lluring to argue that P e tros Ino, cleverest t rail e r of HillIan crlln and criminal s , had fn Ilen a \'lc:t1m to the International ol'der of La Mano Ne ra, Writers we re not lackin g to inVe nt de tails, H is denth had been decreed, they s aid, by onc of tbe New York c lulpte rs of Ule Blllck Hand lind th e senten e xecuted by t he home bran ch at Palerlllo. "We almost believe that th c re Is a BI8<.'k Haud organization In Ita ly a ud America," s aid tbl! edilor of on£' of the big Italian dailies the day nfter the detective was shot down . "Unti l tbe death of P etrosino I nev er belie ved that tbere was head 6r tail to the bomb-throwing blnckmalJors b I t tbe s hot that stru 'k Pet;osl~o' would se m' to prove tbat there is a sys tem behbd th om." To one who remembered how viol nUy that same , editor had for years protested In Itollan and In English thnt thore was no suoh thing as a Black ....IIIIIi....... Hand socle~y, the admission was Detectiv s of th e Ma nhatta n and Brooklyn ItalIan pollc squads, who lind always scotred at an organlz d .Black Hand, ~v ond e ~ed It th y had, be 11 mistaken. They searched the 'v a ri 0 u s Quarters a ~a ln for some tl'U ' of a central bod y, for some sign tha t th er e wel'e d'iI'cctlllg om era. This P 'lr'o In a tragedy certa inl y s avored of tlt e dr ad Mafia and Crun urfl\ a nd there

Women in Posta l Service_


the two hundred, pe rhaps tb e bulk at tb e tall, or's s avln~ s , is s peedily divId ed a nd the blnckmall e rs are ready for oth r wee ks of id l n ss. Altain lIl e Blaclt Haml ! There is a posalbllity of big rewards In the gamr of plunder th a t has attracted rlminals of skill , daring a nd hrains , l\lany of th Jl1 are cx-cQnl'lcts from Italy, who plund rell 1he re III the nume of the Ma' Oth el's arc lin or the Cumorr8 . equall y d!!s p rate criminals who got away from Italy hefore beIng caught and given t he cnnv lct brand, which mak s nlry Into Aml:! rica difficult and rema ining here U11 erta!n with P l ros ino's band continuallY "fanning" the Italia n Qunrters , Ono of these skilled labore rs of crime-or perhaps a pall' of the mwill ga th I' about 'him (ou t' or flv f3 dull , unhnag inatl vc . lazy fellowspr f rably " bI8 k sbeep" of the town 0 1' se(:tlon In Slcl\Y"from which the l.cad r came- and there you bllv as nenr an organization liS th , Black Hand has yet I}crfect d. This lead r \s known to bls followers liS a bad m'a n. He hns a record , '(or speedr carving w,lth a dagger, pe rhaps , or a much-to-be-en vled knack of using his revolver QuIckl y, H e' rul 's the gang by fenr of bloody yiol DC Illld doe$ 'not even bother to xtract oath s from th em. Italian bankers, ontra tors . wholesnl dealer!; In s paghetti or 011 1"0 oil or win e, owners of equltl s 10 mortg' g d ten ement houses - thes a re til 1'lc till1s of th e big Black Handf S. rs Is th e leas t til y s trik {or, Pnilure to pay means ' that a bomb or crud e hut ~/D/YAPE'D FO~ dellClly c;ons tru ctlon wili be dropp ed 8Y BLACK-HA in fl'oht of til mal'lted man's ba nk, PARE'/YTJ'. lOI'c 01' t e n ment hOllse. Oenera lly the bomb iiI . so thoroughly ,qve rload d with dynamite that It wrec lIs much 1i1lrJ'011urliug prOllel'ty. hit. The mu rde r story was a gain good for columns of space. The BAR8ER -"HOP WRECKED bllt (or tbat these land l1irat sca re j!1 v lit! I'e r cporte r's rival s went 8Y "LA ('I< HAtf..'D;;;,..;,,80;;;;.;.'M' .;.;13;-._.mI!'____________~... not. otten til Innocent a re slau ght r d, tiut that brings not ' ve n a him a l'e ral botter In succeeding shrug from these hyenas oC the tenedition!; , Th l"Y" found meeting places of t b Black Hand. 'l'hey traced ol her unement", so lv ~ d c rimes of. the Italian district to th same myth- , Evory so:cnlled Black Ha llll out, leal source. The police said nothing. They had been ra ge helps ' on the ga me o{pluud e r unabl e to solVe the ' crime, but IJ It was the work or Bnd adds to the fe a r of the myth11 pOWl',rful seoret organization there was some excuse . I ~ I 0 I ty_ 'A, lnll In BIn k Hand , ' ,outm g s by no means Indl ates t,h e for t~le ' " ' IntICti l' lty f ,t h e plund rers. Oen' , To he It.l\lial1 blackmailers who then. 'as ~O\\" li ved crall r It spells their continued su r.· off t l e' tribute they could wri1lg from their brothers , who vorkcd or ' wQo had prospered in business the appella\ioll . wa s a ,now and ullexpeoted weap~n, a sloc k lu h'ade b yond vahle. It was not ' copyri ghted and each ' and overy one of " them was 'f ree to use It: All "Litll Italy" 'was talking of the Black Ba'nd . ,Its translation into' Italian- La Mano Nera- bad an even more slnistcr' so11nd. The next lot or blackmailing '81.4~J< HAND WA~NINO letters s ut out bore the usual dagger, the skull and c1:o"s-bono , the bloody finger print, pe rhllp~ tbe' !or-~. w~ek s , pei·baps. bllt It is not possibl e opporth eir black coffin . lind everyone was signed , "t.~ Maeo tunities tOI' labol' thllt tbey discuss, Their N ra." The Black Hand was lau nched a,Un the crImes TYP./('AL lJ/.A('J( HAtI/) '0 s ince committed In Its name Ilult.ber tens of thou- n'ced of money Is mentioned quite frankly. [n 2;0 y.£'rr£~ li nds " the spolls coll,r,rt-ed bave sent many a _ tho next breath on e uf t.he ga ng l'eca ll s that Oluseppl, the tailor, loqlted s leek and prospercrlmllll:\ l ba ck to Italy with a fortune accordwas I1'lt : one of tbe l1e~tenant'lI squad who OUll 'standlng In front of his shop au bour bain g to the SjelJlan rating, aud not. e l'en tbe potore.. Anoth r rles for pen and paper, wblch Would not have gladl y rlsRed bls life to lay li<-e will venture to estimate Its cost in -human . le master of the wine shop brings with never hands on ' flo real Black .Hllnd chief. life. a Bmlle, thou gh he kllows only too well the Sober second ' thought and continued InTh e Blnck Hand crimes all f law th e same nature or tbe note that Is about to be 'vritten . " estigation, ' however, return the Black Hand gene ra l lineH, but tbat 16 no' rgument that One Is silently nomInated to sCI'aw l the com~o Its l}rOper catego.r y . It Is not ~aI1d nel'E" th ere Is an organi zed society. 'rhe yeggmen manel; anothe r Pu.ts on the de orations and a lIas , been ,n society, It kpows no chIeftain, uo third llli!tlf:1 "La Mano Nera." The tailo r Is sca le of IlPoil diylslon"no stt.cred oaUI. It has "who " terrorlz~ cou ntry postmasterll all work Mte r ' nn Identical fas hion, but no one f has , ordert'd t{) com e t hree nights ' la te r at 7 : 30 no meeting places, cOl1seQue!"t1y Iiolds no e\'er Intlmlited that they we're organized . Safe- , o'clo k to the stone a rcb In WasWngton square meetings. , It Is. i~ s hort, bl1t a nnme ' (or a crltc/ters the co'u ntry over use ' the same tools nnd hand $200 to a little ma n with a llump on brand of ol'lme pecullar ' to Hallan croQks, a nd an d methods. but who has ,suspected them at h is back who ' viii be waiting there, H e Is 1t Is so s~rprlsi"gIY ' successful ' because of ' U~e hold!Il'~ cOllve ntions? ' T.he East s id e gangstold fu rther that if he ' fails or QlentlolH\ ' tbe temperament of its south Itqllan victim!! and York the "H umpty" Jacksons, the Paul Kellys and lette!' to the police deatb and des tru ction will their Inborn ·dread of the extortioniSt. since the l1ke~plunder similarly with more or less be upon him. ,Jt ,Is alinost-.ludlcrous to realize ' how the ,suocess. but th e onlY. conne(lUon between The n~xt morning Gluseppl has hardly name that .fl! now a world,terr,o r " -':I1S invented , gang' and gang 'Is an ,occasional feud, tho reop ned his, shop before th,e postman 'comes , Soma , yeats 'ago ~tlie" stor.Y of · a n , ltallim s'u ltlng "shooting up" of which gi ves th'e powith tile letter . One glance al the cllll.nslly rnu·r.det 'wall ' 'r41lillng: jn ' the New .York' '~Ow& lice ' oPportu'ilIty ." to' selid a gangster or , two . JmPe rs, The' police ' made little: headway, and " to S.!ng Sing. drawn bhick han'd and the dagge rs scattered '" ' d ev,elopments iagg~d, ', '1\. space-writet on a l\ bout ,. 'Is 'enough to.. tell him tb~t' the curse has , certilhi ," tt"ttle of cbeap red wine, They putI at short'stemmed pipes or draw tbrollgh straws on stogy-like Halian cigars Ulal retail tor halt a cent. They a re out of work and have been tor

1~ ~fJ



- ..


(j>~-~ ~Q.


Th e dlsti n l,lo n of first appointing a wo m un pos tmaster does not helong to Ameri ca , nor Is the e mploym ent of women In t he post a l service a new Jdea, All ca rl y all 1548 a woman pos tma ster wa s ap pOint ed to look a fte r th o mu ll s of Braln e Ie Comte, an Important town of France. In the try· I ng limcs or the Thirty Years' war, th e prin ci pal offi ce In the postal servIce of Europe wus bcld by a woman, Al exa ndrine de Ru e. From 1128 to 1646 she was In cha rge of thlt malls ot the Ge rm a n empire, th e l'-.'tberla nds, Burgundy and Lorrain e. She wa s known as a mus ter g neral of the mails. In America, Elizabeth Harvey was the firs t to hold a place tn thlf postal department. Sbe had charga of the lette rs in Portsmouth, N. H., tn th e beginning of the selrenteentb cent ury. A balf century aft rward Lydia Hill was placed In charge of t be 'p ostoffice In Salem, Mass. A Dye That Will Color any Fabric. Mrs. Adam Herbeson writes, "I have used Dyola and find It superior to any other package dye I have ever tried, as the s'lm ~ package colors wool, cotton, silk a nd mixed goods perfectly." Oyola Dyes come In 16 fast brilliant colors. 10 cents per package at your dealer's. Wr ite Oyola. Burlington, Vt., for color card and book of directions sent free.

- -----

Troubl es of People on Venus. ' Inha bita n ts ot Venus, it there are an y, mus t feel it extremely difficult to ostablls h unUs of tline. Venus alway, tUl'nR til s ame ' fnc e toward th o sun; so the pla net hns no day, and the la ck or a moon deprives it ot a month. l~lnally, it \las no year, for. Its axis of ro~n tJon Is pel'pendlclo,ar to the plane or Its orbit., and t b ~ latter Is almos t circular. So, What's the Use ?

"Y eR , I went flshing yesterday," bOo

gan the man woo trJes to be original. "Luck'? W ell, some. I oaught tIVe fl s h. One WIlS UIl'e> and a ha lf Inchee long nnd tbe other two Jnches ." Dut WIlS he beli I'ed? Not much. Afte r he passed on some one com· mented : " Bet be didn't g e t n h(te." An Arbitrary


"So y{iu think c v 'ry patriot has a more or less cl ul'ly defin ed ' ambItion 1.0 hold public om en? " " YeR ," a ns wered nalor Sorgbum. " AS J , I' nle, {llltl'lots may be' divided into two classes-the appointed and th dlsappoln led."

- ------

Good for Sore Eyes, for .190 years N~TI' l l''' EYE SALVE bill PO"lll\·ely. cured ye (li~en~es everywhere.

All dl'UgglstH<If HownrdB.ros., BulIalo"N. y.

Wh e.n a girl orde l's fio\\;era s ent bome It's a sign tbat s he expects the oelgbbol'S to thin k sorJo mM sent the m, Urs. mOllo""1! l!Iout1duc 8,rrup. 1"or cblltlren wetblog , . otle na !.bo aura., teauoe. b

,fLouIimaUou, allays \l&lJ1, curc. wLnd COl"" aGe .. bodl..

A dead bellt a lways ge t$' more ,credit than hA deserves.



Coast Colonist one-way secondclass tickets on sale daily from Chicago, September 15 tp October 15, via tho.! Chicago, Union Pacific c& Notth Western Li'.'le to San Franciscu, Los Angeles, Portland and Puget SO\lnd volnts, Correspondingly /Qw .rates from:all points.

' DallYBnd person a lly conducted tours' j" through ~lll1mlUnou,riat sleeping care ac;c:oml,:1I1n; ed ' by e,ic,p l:de hCcd conductor. 'abel hp.ndJed ou f~t ,t rains. ;

,., mOllt ~conomical ,I' olhd comeol table o"!'.

meana' of tr~veC ••




Fd ~ , f~ 1I ~l:tn)(UIa~~, wrltl,tS, 'II. Jl.UMh~DII,

_MpKQgr.' '!:oIJ,.u1 D,/Ulrlmrnl, 2"12 C/A.,.1l

St., C/lic.~rJ, 111.:'



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~~_~_~~~~ , ~~_ ~~~ . ~- '~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~~~~Z£2S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " ~~~~~~~~~~



m Olt



N ext

Id SWddom Homemod



'B ig , S.a I¢ t

0 ' ••001.,

4, 1909,


Pl,c1ig l' 'I,d Shorthorn n nll s , COWf; , IT if rs . C'UI\,f'R.nn d , tC(' I'S: pur(' Polnml - ,h.i na an d Du~oc Boars. Sows and P ig~; pu~e a nd grade Rams, E wes and Lambs' Work and General Purpose Horses, ~rood Mares, :olt:: C01'll ill thl' ('rib: mach ill 'I'y, tovl ~ and part of hIs h useholu gl od ' . Fa l'm l ' sold , moving to Oklahoma and everythmg m ust sell , yt)U name the prices. ' ' harles Hawl<c (Jus S~ike r ano Cnrl Brown, Auclloneers. Matt Hutc hinson and W . E. O' Neall, Clerks." Lunch by Will Norton.

~~.~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~**+~~** .."" ~J'fw' "'~ ~ + "Jr.' .;;., -"'" -iw .w} ...!i'- "J't'W" ... --T-- tfi"'" "'............v '..~' w, • w.... ".,..- -+ - •









10 L e ul1 l1 on,

*'* ** '*' ~+

My dis(1lay wi ll includ a numb,)!, uf pI' tty patl·1'!1 haL:;. as well as nume rous model: of my OWII des igning . b I u YOU.T lJl'e15ence will e w com .




, ..

",,.. ~l-.


, Irs Sue Sh Arw?od Il.nd dn,ll gbter , MI R Mn \JI:lI, weI e m Lebunon l::!at.ul'du y. .Mr, llI\dMT~ .Jo~Kers :V , ofXe ni u, sp n t Ill. t w eek with r olatives b ere . Mrs . ~; , H . SI " ph e n~ e ut rl.ained ll ol'si tel' oatur</ny Ilm~ ,'uuduy . I hli S L 6111\ My er .; spent l5titurda v


Winter Millinery,

;,,. Saturday, October 2

''**' '*

* *'*' 1 **I

a nll \ln Cl' all u }l enin~ di : \llay of

Fall and



'J!c ~ CRACE LINCOLN SMITH. fJ!t' ***,,*-k*,,*,*,,**,*,,*,,* ,*,*~** ,*,,*,,*,*~~"'i~':k

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c:~~~~~~_ ~~~~~ _ ~~~~.~~

•• ••

The Neighborhood ' News

•• ••


•• ••



Simply Suggestions For Your Want List

.80 per cent of all Headaches; Dlzzlnes8, Neuralgia and Nervous Troubles are due to Optical Defects and disappear completely

When the proper Glasses are Worn


Mrs. D. W. Will iltllls - III n t t.he l

W l:l(~k-enll

wit.h h Al' line! . I J K. 8 p nc r I nt(1rt,tJi, w<\ Mr. 1 ·wILrtv., of Cltlrksvill • 'L'I' x " s. Mr . Willillruson , of 'inoluDl1ti , IInll Mr. MQnroe of Leulluon, 'l'bUI',;Ufl,,V . Z'iin Armituge Wd in Monroe 8. few clly I IIS~ W I:lk. Air . H ra bel tit d ll o lll , of kIll h OUlU 'it,y, Okll\" IIrd,'ed h e re Fri lIuy, tor u visit \vi h I' ' \ lItive~ nenT b ere . Miss Lucil N rt ~m spent unday 11fteruo In wii 11 i\1 i. s Le nu Myers. MI'. und Mrl<. 'r. R 8pen061', und sou, of Lebunon , we re in towuSun. day ufternoon .

Auut Bethuny ' holl oweth urrived hOllle ye!lterriny fr 'n1 U6IlT Burling Mr I1nd Mr s. T110mus Laoy and t,on wllere she spent two w oks vis AO " !' Ohou l II t,; Rn en II ml Barrv· nnd iting W ilson Chenoweth Ilnd other reI 11 t.i ves. Corw in . dau gh ' ra F\t11't'n e lIud EnD", lind WI ll Chenowpth llud \vife tltt'tnded Mr. Guy benc wo b was Bnter · a su rprise ( n Fr(~nk mltb of nellr tllined by Mr . Ilnd Mr : Samuel Bur · Ben Davitl is impl oving . Lytle uudny . den, of Gurneyville, to dioner 00- . Mrs Mu r y Ann Edwards is vi it_ 'I ing ber !:Ion neur Frnn k li n. ' Mrs, .1. B. benoweth .und dangb dl1Y I ter s Be rth u lind Fr'lnoes and SOD New Burlington. . Mntt MoKin ey tlpent Saturday Jaoob werp Ant(~r ttlio ed at din ner uod ' undllY ill ino\unBti. , l:;oodl1Y hv Bun t, Betbl\ oy Cllenoweth Mid~ Kute liuk WI1 tllk n Bud. Mr . ' a~d Mrs, F rAn k: Cook were Miss R091l Mill hilS been v ry iok c1.euly ill while 11t work Ilt t b e Ot1D eof:"rtained bS Mr. a nd Mrs. Fran k with tlppendiolti . ning faotory lost Fr ldllY · ., . . Amos ' Del:l n ven is t b e pr OUd '1)0 M r't ge 'ales aDd Ju mes Ales Da'kin \l>t dinner I:;nndo.y. '. 8es~or of II. oe.w BUIck . r. ueor .. ' .nd Mrs. Wilterhou 4 uUen c1ed Mr. fIond Mrs, N atih lln Au. till a.t. . . tended tl1e f nneral of Geor ge Elliott J ~l S. Pet , son r. has JUOved to ohoroh ~unday nf'ltr Xenia wh ere ,. . ' . Spr m g Vl1lloy. Mr. les 'unoloJohu Rled prencb ed ·. AftB8 'R o th Choe a nd brother Ed R t" d f l1 m t' I f Vun at on e time ,Vernon ~ere en terta.lDed hy Mi 8 W t u ,,0 Ilttl f h l YI 't 0 M Mr /lnd ' Mrs ha rles R eynolds r~ 1 Ii M t '" t B hl' ·t t er IHe goes s 0 8 ss e I', rs, . . " u enoa. un ItS er .,ores 0 I 0 Dr , W h itaker ' were Dayton vi itors l::!G~urd a.y ao.d , ' Sllndlly , dtnl,ler Sondn.y. "'!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!.'!!!!!!~!!!e~~!!!! Mem bers ~~ t he W , C. T U ut Mr . und Mr s, W illiam F rame r eo tende.rl th e .Uh~ltoO County . onven. turned' b ome F ridn,y after ,a two tiOD 10 :Wllull lIgtOO 0 0 F ndllY of yetlrs !ltllY in Clllifollniflo . . ltlst w ek, , .. Mr s. Lydia Gor don Is borne after A, W . .R ves 111 p ndmg h IS Vtl ~L lengthy visit with ber son Bod cuti D in Fl or iuu. fn,mlly Dellr Har vey b urg. Ch itS. R oon e.v nnd fltm tly wo~e l Mrs . Ch ristie MoKillsey a nddaugb g ue~t qf relll tives h fe llist w e l( tel's fl pent l::!unday wi t h · Mr. ,and D, .J. FUl'ql1hllr IIOU A. " Bla i)' Mr~, Ed R~t alliok.. . .'. attend .1 Jaw sto wn Fair lu!:lt. we k, M IS8 LUhe Nadry IS vIsttm g a t the '11 sn r r k Month ly M.eeting ' pleus~nt h om o of t h e Misses Ano!! • W.uH beld lit thfl Friends ohu roh on nnd LIlly Mat.her. Tbursduy O'f Just week , • -- .. ,New ·Honey Mr . Utltherine Compto D b us not Ridgeville been 110 well for t h" plio t t wo weeks. '. ,' ,New .Hominy Our oommun lty was ver y mnoh ar siok are slow ly improving . NewO'a ts booked b y the sud<,len doath of Mrs . Alh'ad SWl\l n Wf~S the gnes New ·Mince Meat ' E mil y Baiue!!. IU!lt F riday mor ning ' of Mrs . u ia ra Gra h a lll Frida v a.fter t , ~ew Cereals Sbe had lived 11 nr h er (\ f ')T man y n OOll . , .VO II·A lind , WIIS W 11 Imow u by n1 M • r s , Wm .Sim pson uild Geor ge ,Qiuirt Jar ' Pi~pared. Mustard, 10e , mo. t e'i'I:' I'yon 1'\)e funertt l 00· 8ltzel wood urs vi iti ng rehltive in Quart J~rs Sweet Pickles, 15<: (II' r OII 0 11 ,'und,LY Ilt Otl8Sa r 'S Creek It ntlloky tliis weele. ohuroh Quart Jars Olives, 25c MillS Addi e G ra ha m is t akin g (\ - - -. - tour th r ough the west. W hile gone Pint Jar Stuff('d Olives, 25c sh e ~i ll visit el\ttle,. Wash. l.. oil. An/! I II und :;lun Frtl0018CO, Onl , an d . New Cream ~heese, ievernl otheJ Importa nt pluoes . '. Jersey Sweet ,Potatoes, . Mr . Ben Jumes w h o b as buugh t ' Cran·berries, Celery, , t h e R orlloA toke far m will m ove Hawaiian Sliced Pine Apple, One of the' nicest r sidences on on it in tlie spring. , Pine Apple Cbunks. Wayne Avenu • No~. 14, near: Xenia. Mr. a nd Mrs, Geo r ~fl R Iley oele. . Peanut Buttet, Avenue in Dayt n. hio. Lan~fl; b l' ll~ed t·h ei r for tieth weciding I\DOIOrange Marri1ala~e, beautif ul lot. HOllse wit h a ll mod" verlltlry ou Sllll dll Y· ern cutiveJiielices. Call at . Mrs. M,~ ttie ~Irby was·r. caner in

Spring Branch


- - -.•



Michigan Steam Salt F or your Meat. Won' t get hard In the barrel ,



Desl·rable Property For Sa Ie.,

If it Is in , the market you will find it at






& CO:S


lumber Yard, Day ton, OhiO, Fo r pnl'ti~l al's , price, etc.


tilt · Vlotnl ty

t.hl!:.e~_'_ _

E. F. Canby

T he leading photographer of Xenia, \vill open a branch Gallery in t he get Immediate relief from Whi te r ooms. on or about' the 1st of Dr. Shoop's Mllgic Ointmen~ October. oe sure a nd give him a call as he will surely p lease y ou ,

Yeast Foam- fresh

Choice Evaporated Peaches

I will offer at Public Auction at my 1 lace of bURin ess on Main Street, 011


~--......Milk, a can Fresh


Sc,· We

:bJO.OPtJc1IUlID theStatehu had ~~ auy .more t hol'Ouably prac. t ical lIXPtIrlence In fllt hll ,,1. . - than Mit, HOYT, ube baa devoted hlII elltlnt time to It for over 20 ~. beCd.. belnI • grWu.te of the New York. Optical hlatUute and tbe Otw:.iO OpbthlWnlc Oollen and Bo.J)lt"', t he latter belnI the monthorou, h couree ta\llht IA any country OD correc~ mUlCUlIU' ~d optic'" defect.., tbWl rlv.tu. him advau...... noU'O lIn ed·by many optlcllloDa ~OlUO. ... , .,


very nice


.flower ~ots, all .sizes


Commencing at 1 O'cl ock, the followillg' goods:

One lot of Robes and Blankets, in good 'order. One lot of Stable Blimkets.. , .(j~e lot-.of Telescopes.

., On~ .lot.~f Web :Qal~er~· a,~d tie ·:Rop,~~.

, ~thei ilalte~s' arid. Leathe~ , Goods. · . ,~ :whl~ a~d Leatbe~· ·Tie·Sira~s. . '. ;:One,·doi~n, . Wood Hames~ ·:Pa~s, .'·Etc.-, Etc. .


Frim,t Re-v. Da'llid H. MOOT8. l! -1>., FomHW Edittar 0/ the Western Chn.Uan.'- Adoocate.

Oood Country Lard, Etc.

Writte·n While Atten.di1l.Q ther Gen.erol C07.. Jeret/.ce at Chi cago't/l-at ElectM .Him .lijBhop 0/ the M . E. Church ; , '. . PiIlpleroHOWle, Chloaco. IiI.. Juue e. 1900• .



: .'








.... ,



, .








·bnUtiM (JO~IlIU1Y.

ANTIOCH COLLEGE · OPENS College 'opened Wednesday with an increase of st udents over'laSt year , of 30 pe r cent . Imprqvements during t he yea r up on the dorml'tories i'e~der· t hem fine homes . for · the boys and girls.. Steam heat h as been installed the wa1Js r edecora ted throughout; ne w b eds placed in all the rooms .. a mple ba't hs, b oth shower and plunge, a nd h andsome parlors ' have, been fitted out . ' Two new professors have been added to t he faculty and a vigorous coach employed t o direct athletics. The large chapel room will soon be l'efit ted f or assembly putppses with gymnasium floor and · gallery. The $100,000 endowment fund has reached nearly $5000.00 wit'" the effort only begun. This movement ' will be pushed during the year

. -.


Read What ,R ev.

e1" • iter B. )loore.

A.-C. Crist Says: Rev. L.,. B•.c.

Lahr,· P~or


I "".,ya thoumt. It rtaht and formed; ~~~rc;h, say.: . JWIt when • workman aoe. &OQd work to acknowledJle It, B a vlnlr II8en the recI cb~y eodone Dr. ·Hoyt aa a ommendatToD of • frieDa of mine; who mo.' courteo~ aud accommodauq pobe!ln benetltted by Dr. Hoyt. ·.nd . tleman. Be _ UJdoue to riIDcIer th.t be wu to vlat t Dt\1.wQre ~ -.1Ce and doe. .DOt Impo= ' f!IO~ ~n:~·ltw:~~~1~~!.'~~~f:;~I'r:', &~'l:e~rd=~I\farl)~b tJae ~~ , amlnlng her eYM. t he doctor I8lecI.ed men... of hili wote.lou ~ Be Ia :WJWu. just wllat _ mB to have been D~ed t b.t ~ \ wQI'lt lIhall _ and on I~ own lUI thOlMlll8lected do not tire her e)'1ltt ' merit... M y w1.fe end d.ugbter .ue~ and the beiWacbe whloh came from th8 lid ' ba" t heir , ...... were not«l to WIe or glA8161 uoL m lted to the eYM haa t belr vlaiOD .nd accordlnaly were examentirely dlaap peared . I can recommend IDed by Dr. Hoyt·, who fitted their e )'.. Dr.•Boyt to any OWl tn n~ of wltb ..tllfactOry . .ut .... bellevlna that be will give ..t llfactloD. RellpecUu\Jy. A. O. Orfat, ·L. B. 'C. ~. Pre8byterilUl MlAllter. . PMtor Reforined Ohurch. Delaw. re. Ohio. Fellru. ry 2'. lS19. .. · D~.wu:e, · Ohlo , March 2 ~.18p9.


, 1_ .

ThlII Ia iO·certlfy tb.t J. N. Boy:t'~lDed. tNted and fttted my eyM ",th , ..... 't.b.t I.'pronounce "~ect." I cheerfulJy recommend t.hi! -doctor to IIlI who .wrer fnlm weak eYlllltor from aut C&l1IIOf, - t • Dew e)'8llil{ht one of God'. grea_t~t.. to man., = ;" Ian -Ohw:ch. Oe.IiterbUJ'll' SlIu Millo • " ~ P u wr Qhlo ' N. B.-Th.1a tell . oni... :.. ulIIIQ!lcltecf.' ,, ' , .


Marlon. Ohio" . Uillveril&.y July 16, 1900. Oolwnbua. Ohio; JUDe 28.1106 To Whom It U." OODCIIl'Il ...,: • Dr. J . N •.uoYt. , '.. . , . . Dear ~u-.-It rtv.. me~ Illeuure .. Thls Ia t~ certify t h.t Dr. J . N. Boyt, to telt lfY to tbe veryetrec .. "aQ(I cour- ' opt Ician. baa dODe work tor , me penon- teoWl torMtment:tluit I ...,. ~'ftd at aDy. iI1Io for friends, ·and In ~ IUld .your haud. . The three ol ~ every cue hu glveJl full pro~oDat ' Ulat YQu made to.:. me· , ~ , I;beIr aatllfactlon. I , therefore recommeod p~ exacUt, .' I cau, and pawy 'dO. him to .n 'Whoee ey.. D~ treatment. , ., recomm.end your .WOrk.' . ! ,? " , tuU)' , , YOUI'll truly, . YOUI'll very . . . Fnnk 9· WituWlf. ~f';'r~f Theolo::~~m . Putor Firat Reformed Ohurch. PreiI~t Oapltal UlIlveiil$,:



thel~ Ide~d




Gla.';'lIIed·'· 4da 1:.:n:Ou :::e: u we:;

vea uy that line' 11 /·•. reaohed ·aUhe fiftieth year. ... .. " . "Preeent oondl~~nl have now im. ' Aa. ;~;;: ~lJi ~'ad posed mora :tba:n poverty i beoaUfJe I twenty·llve .ceDts· for. \bree IDeerti..., of, tlie . looreal8dooe~ ,o,f livinl. they ..,..:~:.!:~v'~~D,::._ have oome ~Q' impolI8 prJvation, and FOUND Intellectual, if not loruetimee al no. phYlloaletar,v Ation·. . AUTOMOBILE Owner can· ones . the ' ot~er hand, ,to uk me t , bave 1I&D1~ by call~ at this We pay the workman a day.1nte.thEiltlin1Btry, to temp ofltce. an~~ f~r the ad. . or a little more-to build tbe.oburo~ to oome, b~aQ8e '.cif th., finan. "' . und we pay the oleFgymao a re",!&rds, ·il· to debase Cl)ri.tian .. LOST ,. - or a little less-to preaoh In. it, d 1 t 'm 'd Ir·or. ROLLING Plow . . Cut~"r on· the an . to~'Q t ,. t.a .,olln ~r. " To inore~se .. .be. no Im . . ' "'" t . I.~. the ~....Iariea '.. of' min* .."Qn~tel"li .. y" ' I e I88~S .co Ferq~o8d~ ",.Septem~r:. :.~.< l~rs ~ a. p~ih'"w:~ere. ~~ey. 0110.'" ~p medl.a te ,da get 0' ,his parttoalar. in- ·,F ihdet· please , notify J~. It ,~" port-Go.d ~du~,+te,.thelr,.'farui1i~ . :8Qlt, ~" ,.' ' .. ;, •. : ,.J);), ',' : Wayneey~ll~,'..Ohiotl;' .',;~ ." ".' ,1,1'., cle0!30oy anq. h!l,v~ Ii. 8mal" .~ai'gln . . . . . • .;.. ' '. ; . '.' 'J I . •




. . 0 ... _.011' J



READ TH" , L.a"KIt

Fresh Cakes for the lunch basket


Saturday, October 23, 1909,



4 years old


Public A uction!!

. . . . ., 5c a 'b.- Tapioca

TH E HUDSON· FULTON STAMPS The local post-office will ·place on sale. this week, the H udson-Ful ton



California Canned Peaches $1 .65 to $2.50 per doz.


• ,I.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. Will hereafter -make regular visits to Wayr;tesville, and will be at the GuStin Hotel Parlors on




Expert Optician,

Bologna Sausage, Dried Beef

Pic Peaches, $1.00 per dol.

• •


That Oood Oil For )'our lamps

Canned Lobsters and Salmoq


KQUU61"to '~Con~actors ,

, . FOl\ RENT;· . '.,'



. -" , t7" "




Y~AR .



OCTOBER 6, 1\109 .



Fl'ank Sn ., 1; waS in Indianai>0lis Marion Hamiltun and wife were Tue. day' in t own unday. H. H. Wa(hy'ort h and wife were J. A, Funkey and wife weI' Dayton in 'incinnati 1\1' nday. visitors last Thursday. . , Lou Pt'mtz was the I;ru st of h1S E. V. Ba1'llhat:t and J. M, ook sist l'i ll entervill Sunday . were in Xenia Saturday on business, 'GQrdon Joy was in Lebanon Tueshorse-stealing . . I f Miss Anna Hainf's IS 1 Tnt! rO~1 Miss elestin Austin was t he g uest Ox ford college, on account of 111 of friend s in Lebanon last we k, health. I{ay Hawke and H l'ber t Edwul'da were ill Hal'veys uurg Sunday, ~ I t·. and Mrs. Wright attended n family dinner at. pringbol'o, Sunday . . . . MUlS Laura Buchanan, af hlcago, IS th guest (,f her a un t, Mrs, MallIon Ridg . . Mrs. C, A. Bruner has returned ft I ' .t . h I ' ~ ('I' a p eliaant VISt Wit re alive, In Mason. Misses Jeanette Janney and Helen Marlatt wen 'n l l'ville visitors und ay. .

C. Gretzinger, of Duy toli, was the g UE't of Olto Hornick and family

Sunday. Q'l b . f' h' . d UI e anum er 10m el e atten dd o · d I e t 16 te om sa le at regoma Monday. , . Robert Mahaffy and Wife, of Al'canum, al·ke Co" are guests of Wm. Thorpe and wife.

Dr. Ellis and wife arrived at L . S :l . t . .?U1S , kunc.aY whe~'e they W111 sp nu a Wte WIt h r elatives. . R ober t Cross a~r. wife arespend ing handl )' and thi week wi h r elatives in Cle l'mont motor d to Lebanon Co., and will attend the Fall'. S

J hn E.-Hale, wi!e, son and daughat

inr.ining Edmund Retallick and "family.

, L, Cartwright ~nd wife arrived Stock ( om- home I~t Thursday evening, after a

Th ,Ilunly F~lir 111'1 01 lus t wepl, was a leeideu !'l Ul'('P!';.'l in C C I'Y WHY·. C. A , Bllrll It anu wife had as The Weather Man bt'ough t one bad their gues at dinner Sunday, Stacy day in the four, but it mad little Bu rnett ami famil y . . differ nee as it proved to be a banner day.. . nd r t he W1!!e leadership of S cretary Gu tin, who worked hurd to mal e Mr. and Mrs. 0, H. Ho 'k ttenterit a'succa is, it wa a banner Fail', a laineu at dinnet' Monday the followalmost everyone wh o attended will ing guests: MI'. and Mrs. Robt. Johntestify . Th > boa rd is more than son, of Greentown, Ind. , and Asa pl eas d, and well it mig ht be. for Hock ett. they had plenty to satisfy the wants of th ir patrons. The Woos ter Experiment tation Misses Naomi and Ot'pha Hockett tent wa.q l)erhaps visited by mOl'e >ntertnin d Sunday, MI'. and M r<> . people than any ultra'lion on the ' Robt . J ohnson, Gre 'nlown, lnd : A'- II g rounds. People mad vis it aft >r Hoek It, offeyville, Kan .; MI'. and visit to the tent, and seemed never MI' . J . E, H~clt et,l, M:\I'y Young and to tire of it. It surely \\ as a good daughler L ha, tl . to h th d ling ave on ' e groun s . The side-shows were numerous . -mo~ too numet·ous m fact, - some Wm,~, raham and wife enterof wh tch should never have ~ een,on tained at dinner Sunday Morris Sherth grounds. The gay and festIve d d'f ' V II 'A H d I I . h' woo an WI e, prmg n ey. . . balloon ea er, t1f. souveml' w t~, Anson and family, Hat'veysburg; canes and photograph men a lso wer e . d K . . Mlsse, Margaret Anson an ate In eV idence , and one was accosted at Hi ey of Dayton almo t every turn tobuy. something . ' . The art hall was fairly \V II filled, _ __ and handsom e go~d and pretty things Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Silvers celeon exhipition. EspeciallY good was brated their·26th wedding anniversathe school exhihit, both in agl'icultUl'e and .school work. This display ry last Sunday, The guests took was \lndel' the skillful management their dinners which made the affair pleasantly informal. Those present Th agricultltt'al hall was crowded were, Worth Stokes and wife. Daywith good thing, and ther~ was an ton , .. H. Eulass and wife, Miss Mabel Eulass, Miss E lizabeth Eulass, unusual am~unt of farm, garden and Craver Eulass, Wallace Tibbal,s and wi! , Willie Tibbals, Lebanon. Geo, Riley 'and wife ana Misses Blanch and Pearl Riley . '



DEATHS Last Tue day evening the , friends of Mrs' c. G. . Randall, of Harveys- , bur~, wer~ shocked to hear 'of her death from th~t dread disease-.:-ty-



In thisi ssue.will . be found announcement of lhe openlng ' of ,Mose Coh~n's New ·Ladie~( . Department.

at Wilmington .WOH} w~ I' c iverl ' . urlday. of ' the s udden death at his , home in.'l'oledo, of one. or Wilmin~~ " ) ton Iligh School's grad uat~, .Ch~rles ·, '.,' I •. Van Cleve, who at the ,time of his .: , . l death ~was Supe'rintendent of tlie Toledo chools, The cause of his deatn was apol?lexy . . Mr•.Van' Cle~e wu&' a , I,


The Miami Gaz ette D. L. CRANE.


Th l it'\\'

om .



mnn " ' ho feels like 30 ot the LI ncoln J ~u nl s Is not badl off.

. Story of the ~lme ql Jude. Maccll beua


Til Den 1\1\' ls npplc crop Is lw lce as big as It was la t y a r . a nd the COD S lin 1'8 lire beginni ng to groan, \\' are inform d tha t nil Is qu i t In T'londllrrl!', ~\lbj ct to ch a nge with· out 110t i(-C If the arm y a n find Ills


(llna t lIr n ronnlll continu es to bac k to a rtb soruetlt u s w itb anI" 1\ du ll thlld, om lim es wltb only II f· w bonl's bl' k D. but g n r all y t he otlwr way. CODl(l

= = == =

course, mar W OOl 0. a tt nd ('hur h tban meo. )I e n hav l!1l 't nnY penchlla k t ha ts to 'shihlt, and are ll Ot \'en a llow d to wenr in church !;uch hats a til y have. In E ngla.nd what we name a "grouc b" is k nown as a "hump." To "get a hum p on yourself" In the nit· ed Stilt B Is qnJte dltreren t frC'1ll get· tlng a "hUUlP" In England . The news Is horne ou t to tlle eut! ra c:Ivilized \\'orld thnt King Alfonso or Spa in Is gro wing side whisk ers. The ulterior moth'e may be to liimsetr so the anarchi s ts will not recognize him.


The mayor of Tokyo will send 20,000 cher ry trees to Preside nt Taft at Washin gton . This Is a Bart of manl· fold re p tltJon of history, since It wus one cherry tree whlcb original ly made Wns hlngton famous.

B:tsad on th e Apocry phal book or 1. Mac abees, hapter 8. l...,ad

Mnc"abl\can Wnr.-T hr"" ot C lIInttnthlns wero promln- . nt ntllenll rs ln the MIl cl\un an .war, 1\8 Collo,,"" : Judos. fr In whom the namo of Maccabees \V a ~ d rl,· d. Jonathan. nnd SIm on, T he two oLhel'll, Eleazar nnd John or Joannan a8 It Is In tho t xt. JudaH luecced d t o the command upon the o! his Calh r I\l a ll ul hln s. und wilen In 163 B. C .• Lyslns Inll] 81~g to J rllftalom. the pOHl lloll or J UllrlS W tlS Ilr nrlouH. La ter Nlcanor "'us sen t ngllhu,t JUd\l8 but was defentetl. tlrR! ut apha r:lalamn. and ognln In n denish'l) battlc at AdaBn. nenr io Lhe ~l oriouA unt 10 fi Id ot Both-horon ( B. . 161). 'I'hls victory was th great· ~ s t ot Jl¥las' au 'CCBlles and practlcnUy decided the Question of J owlsh Intlepend <'nee. l.ater J udas was . ltllied In battlowith a force oC Ia\'aders under Bo.ool1ld (l8. Hlft uody wal recovered by ilia bra tho,,!, Bnd burlcd at Modln In the sepulcher of bls tnthers. Two years after. when. necuslty for renewlug the conflict arose. the command w as offered to Jonnthan. Ho forced Bncchld 8 to terms and when Alexand or Balll8 l to the er· alnn throne he WIUIIll!cende< promoted to grea.tPb.u· lhorlty nnd nssumed th hlgb·prl estly ofnee. Arter Alexa nder's dea lh he t ell a victim to the trea chery of Trytlholl . and Simon placed hlmselt Ilt the head of Ole patriot army and he brought the long atruggle of the Jewl! finally to. an end In about B, C. Hll. EJlght 'Y Drs laler he and' two ot ·hll Bans wore murdered by ptoleinaous. but one of lhe son!! es· caped, Jollnnnes H)' reanus. and nt once IlB8umed the go\'erhment or ' tho Jews. DyIng ~n B . C. 100. his Idest lion Arlstobulus t, succeeded to the rulershlp and wa.a the nrst to assume tho kingly title. rs o f

th" fi ve 90 n ~

nlor WIll beld la web . •• tee". And In 'turn tbe fl!m6 6f the ROD:!anl Ccun8 ' to be ~own to -Judu II.nd. bls rollow·



"Wbat mlgbty Jll11ee . would tbese powerfu l Romans make," exolalm ed Judas one dny. "Becau se the natlolll all about U8 would do ua burt. let. UI make them oulr friends. " "Thou bas spolten In wisdom ," .~. claimed Eupolem us, one of tbe chief men under Judas, I'U were uselel" for us to tblnk ot warring with HOlM at an)' time, for no nation bas ' yet withsto od ber armies. See bow tlle Galatln ns have be en subdued IUId brought und er tribute. And s ee whnt the 'R omans IUlYe done to Spain, win· nlng control of the mines of sllYer and gold. How much beU er It would have been bad these nations mlUle friends witb the Romans . ~Ve may well do as Judas has eounelli ed u.... Wh en Eupolem us ceas d speakin g every eye In the group wan turned wltb evident approva l upon JudllJl. "Tell us more o/: these mighty Ro mans,' they exclaim ed. '·It we re nlmost Impossi ble to tell all conc ernJng the spread of the pow. er of the Romans ." be said. "Tbey hllve dls com.flted PhlUp In battle, and Perseus , king of the OItimll. with others who lifted themsel ves uJ) against them. And then there was Ant1ochus, the great king of Asia, that came again at them In batUe, bav. Ing an bundred and twenty elephan ts, with horsem en and cbarlots . and a very great army, and notwllh standln g all this he was discomf ited before tbem." "But," spoke one of the group, "do we not need to fear that the Romans may deal deeelUu lly with us and, alte. r we have made league with them, they wUl turn and make u. their servo ants 1"

•• Chat


Top ic, of ' Mao y Kind s, by a


#\utn o rHY

"Puzzle " Announ cement Party. wllh strap bandies for holding D1n gu, Qulle rec ntly l\ tios tess used PU2l- zln , leU r pap r pad, llencll, et ' zl pi tures to annolln oe the engage- Th en tb 1"C W ill! a nest of long enl' I· OIent of th gues t of honor. Tbe club ope.s tied togethe r flll d wltb all sorts to wllich. lhe young ouple belonge d of Intarest ing c1l1)plngs, anecdot es, ar· were Invited aud as no one suspe cted Ucl es of interest along tbe lines that tbe news that was lo be revealed , tbe lhe voyag r was especlnlly to study. a trah' waa ntlrely success ful. Qne envelop e contain ed a w e Tables. and pllzzl s were arrange d deck of cal'ds ror playing solitaire , on· so that four persons worked together, other held courtpla ster; one had lhe hos tess (!xplain ed that when 'the snap lihots of home soenell and nenr s ill: tables had complet ed their puz· friends ; several large envelop s held zles a very Interest ing story would be hand Illumin ated mottos, and, best ot wove n [rom the pictures ; thnt. u prIze nIl, a ricb bnchelo r uncle toolt this would be awarde d to the one wll0 tirst way of ghlng bis niece some green· gUElllsetl the s tory, The first picture backs. The envelop e was Inbelell 1)ut tog thel' showed a boy and girl "Eli:tras." One Jlraatica l girl brought wllh a mall upon which the re were a set of nve lopes marked "For two states, Maine and Ohio; (he sec· Emerge ncy ;" there wer buttons on a ond puzzle r ve aled a man and a girl cnrd. needles, safety pins, a'ard of dancing wltb the worels "Yale" and beauty pins, bnlrpln s of all sizes Dnd an Invisibl e hall' net. It Is \ruposslhll? "\·a85I1,r." Then the third picture a poser, to enumer ate all that this shower for it was s imply a cut of a ' White brought forth besides the regul ar Star IInm', tbo fourth puzzle was a l'teamer le tters. fullmun train marked "Califo rnia Liullted ; ,. The lltth "'as a scene In 0. Marking Silver for. Bride. park, wllh a couple sitting under the An old custom, \Vbl 11 Is now Il De W trees, and the sixth was a bride. and one, Is that of markin g a brld 's sllv r groom walking up the aisle over with the first Initial or the bridewhich were the Initials of tbe young groom'lI firs or lIrlstlan name, and the bride's two IDltI!Ws, with Ute couple . , ot tbe bridegr oom's last The prize ",as a large bO~ of con· inlUal fett! with wblch ·the pair 'Vi ere duly name, thus : Supposi ng the man showered. Congra tulation s followe d to be John Smith and the :ind everyo ne was delighte d. The bride "Annn Edgar." th'e lIat sll\'er hostess had paint d some of the pic. woUld all be. engrave d tures pasted tbem on Ulln sheets of E. S," SHyer marked "J," and "A. this way Is wood' nn.d a boy friend cut them ou~ sbown by a lady wbo will soon cele· on his jig S8W. Post cards, adverti se' brate 'her fo r tletb nDolver sary, and m nts and magazin es turnlshe d tbe sbe says It waa the cllstom of ' the others. largest eastern Jeweler s' to mark all A aellclou s salad of canned aspara. w ddtng silver In this way unless spegus, sprinkle d with grat~d cheese and . cially los tl'ucted otherwi se. Many mayonn all\e ,,' Ith a garnish ot $tulfed brides of to,dny seem ~o prefer their olives cut In halves. Cheese strnws weddin g girts to be marked w.!th the w('re passed ,",vlth It, and lemonad e, in In.l(tal ·wtllcb they jlilYe every rlgbt to wl~ lch ' a 'bottle of' ginger . ale was ~xpeo~ will be th Ir!! [or ure. But a ll. added In ttie.;propor.Uon of a botUe to brIdal linen, tiolh' persona l and for eve ry qunrt oflemonad e. • ... h.ousebold use. Is marked wltb th _ ._" _ . bride's monogr am or her Initials. Will Unlq'u~ Thimbl e Party. all prospec tive brld s take this as a We belonte d to a thimble «:lub of bit of -person al Informa tion? ten memller s,' and' once a month on !oIA DAl\t~ 1>U:RRI . of us ~nve an afterno on to wblcb eaeb C!Pyrlght , lJlO9.) '" member asked a gUest; making a par~ of 20, At the dalt I wish tQ describ e for your departm ent readers tbe 'hostess bad five tables with the fol. lowing stunts ' to be nccomp llshed: First. to' see who could S8W on ttie most buttons In ,t be time alotted; sec. ond, to 'see who could sew on. the' most . lace; third, the best buttonb'o~e in five minutes : fourtb, the best patcb: a most dellgbU ulcolor , . when: veiled work 89 uare ; fifth, the ne,!!~st ll.!ml. th-net-o r-l...........- IJr t square· of cbeese cloth. 'Va The newest dancing trocks for girls played partner s, !-he· t.wo best progres lr .are b\ilng made ot pultea" mallnes inl!;. YVe were aU given wee baskets ' over saUn slIps. ?dth sille bag. tops attache d and the Irish crochet buttons alid ,Iilce apmarker s were buttons , books ~nd .pear as trimmin g upon some of the eYes. spools of thread, steel bodkl~s, crepe.lI ke tissues. etc. There Were prizes ·or ~eedl~. Rll1Ila para!lols, edged books. scissors and spool caaes filled. balla. are a 'prettY accomp wlth tiny animen t tor ' pQngeq and linen {rocks. ' . FareWell Envelop e Shower . 1)be shUt waist or ope-pieCe morn. To 0. "girl who ,WI1S going away f~r a Ing' trock. with a ' collar of l' prolong ed absence , a friend planJ;1ed coming Into Its own 'again. taeU Is and carried out this acoepta ble sbow.. 014 biue Hnlm, 'wlth 'tucka and er. Her guests all entered Into the (pm" of w~lte mull, Ie very attracti ve spirit of the occasio n and made .·it a in any of the.,pres ent-daY models . . success . Each person was asked to There bas been a notable increas e bring 1\0metl1~ng In an enveIop e, as in tbe use of :prlnted mat' rlals with space must be conside red. ",hen one Is tbe advance ot the nevi foulard rage, going to ,Europe . It was wonl:lerCul The mllltnJ'Y coat wllt 'be promin ent the way ilie envelop e Bcheme dvel~ In tailored sultlngs this oped; there was aD envelol) e of denliD be slightly blousM .a nd faU.' . It will -belted: . ..._.,.•.,...... _........_...._...._,.~.,..;... ....w ....w...w.... · w,..•.,. '~.;:;......~ ....w........- - : ; - - - " " " '........-.,.,~'Y"~---~...,..,----

The ' mOjorIty ot propert y ownerlt . are u!\der · the Impres810n tbl\~ $prlng time Is 'tho only llaln·tln g Ume. .:aut .. lhe fall of thfl year otrers seve. 01. all· vantage s ' to' tbe ' painter . One or tbe most hnpoi'ta nt Is that . sUl'faces al'e almost fiure' to be dry. and tbere Is no frost or .Inner ' molstl.\te to wO"k out after the paint Is appll d. . Pure white lead-tb e Dutch Boy Painter kind-m ixed wl,t h pure ' Un s ed 011 (Unted 8Q desire d) gives 11.. winter ooat to 0. building that IS an tHIDor (lgainst the tlevere!jt attacKs of the wiut r rain, sleet, winds and snow. Nationa l Lead Compan y, 1902 Trln- . Ily lHdg. , New York city, makers of Ilure wblte lend, Dutch Doy Painter trndema rk, are olterlng to those In· terest d a comple te Pnlnte,r's outfit, consis ting of 0. blow plp~ and lend tester, book of color scheme s etc. Stnte whelhe r you want exterio r or Interior d coratlng . CHAUTAUQUA WISDOM.



. "


One of tbe Chauto.UQua talkers soys: Nay, spake up another , whoss "Husba nds, let your wives have an nnme was Jason, "the Romnns have extra dollar now and then." He mlgbt never done so. Wltb their fdends and 8ERMO NETTE . have rendere d a greater service tosuch as rely upon them they keep mankin d by saylng: "WIves , let your· amity; but whoeve r haa chosen to be The good men do IIvel after counted 8S an enemy ~he husband s bave an extra dime occaIn the city ot Washin gton It Is the them. slona.lly without Bsking them to .ex·, cus lom of society women to ring for have displace d them. Greatly are the Thle trite caying Is ever true. 11 messen ger boy and have him button plain why they want the money." Romans e~al ted In the eyes of all the The ·recorde r of the deeds of the their wals lS u~ tbe back. ' And this, world, and yet nODe o( the Romans , . Maccab ee. hall this to lay of Fooled Them rhlrtee n Yeal'll. too, at the v ry c enter ot agitatio n : howeve r great, has ever worn a the record which Judas, who be· IiTanK Nelson, form r st(\te superin 8ga'Lnat cruel and unusual Jabor for crown, or was clothed In llurple. Incame the leader after the death tend nt of· ImbUc' Instruct ion of Kanstead. they bava mnde for themsel ves cblldr .n. ...J of hll fath er, left behind hi",: • sas, and "Cap." Glbson, the ' v.e teran a senate chambe ~ r whereln 320 Olen sit "He gat hll people great · record clerk in ' Auditor N~tJon's Of· A m dl()al journal l~ London deIn council dally, consulU ng ·always {or . honor, and p~t" 'on a breast'p late flee, are great frlends. N lson 18 DOW clares that s chool chUdren under the people, to the end that the alturs .. as a giant, and girt his warlike- . preslde nl of a MtDnesoto. coU ge. eight In thnt city are habitua l drink· of ·the whole nation may be weD orharnesl about him, and he made Wh n N el on , waa sUU In the slll.tet s. It tWs Is true., and the naHon dered, Tbey commit the governm ent battlel, protecti ng the hoat hOIlSEI he and Gibson · bad a talk ' o~Ut drinks In llroporU on to the Infnnt tipto one man every year, and he ruletb with hla eword . .. day about t Bchlng school . . "I was. . plers, It Is no wonder that the coun· over all the country ; and all are obedl· "In hla acb he WIS like .• once a school teacher, " . ,'olunte e.r d ent unto t.-y is on .the "erge of panic trorp see· him, and .there Is neither' . 110';, liI~e a lion'. w l,elp, roaring". Gib son. envy nor emulati on among them." ' Ing r~antom invaslon l\. for hie prey. . , t1.~ thnt 607" asked Nelson. . "How Tblil stateme "For he nt ' pur.ued the wicked, . of Jason proved the long ?" . A New York bay was lock d up tor cllnchh lg ' argume nt, and Immedll}te1y and sought them out, and bur"!t "'{eli. I tooled 'em 13 . years," . retwo weeks In jail awaitin g ·tria l fo r there was unanim ous request tbat up thOle that vexed his people. plied" a.p." the larceny or wo ·cents. It must be Jl.\das should select tbose who 'llo~ld "Where fore the wicked shrunk ' ''l-.low Is t.hIlU" ask d Nelson: Impress ed on the rising generat ion go to Rome on the mission or peace from fear of him, and . a\l th~ "Oh." said "Cap.," "1 qu1t when tbat steaUng .on so small a !loole must and friendsh ip. workers Iniquity were trouteacher s bad to QuaUfy ."-'t{an sas 911 1 be dfscour ag'c d by all the drasUc ' ''Whom ' betterc ould we select than .bled, bec.uie ealv.tio n prosJoUrnal . means possible . Then they will grow pered In his hand. ~upolemus and' Jason 1" said ' Judas, up free a.nd untram meled 'to become HII SIze- Wal Known, ' , IIHe grieved allo many klngl, after Q ' rew momen ts' sUenee. · "Yo frenzied financie rs. "I want 80me coUar and necktie s and made J.cob glad with hll have all heard them speak. Th~ :v..e , ===== ror my husband I" she. 8napped . knowled ge Of the Roman s and have act" and his memori al II ble..ed 'l1le. comptro ller ot the currenc y ra"YeB. mad\lm.:' great !nlt~ In them. Let Ulem go as forever. J)orfs another bat h of new nationa l The clerk olfered her the latest t'Moreo ver, he went through our represe ntatJves ." banks, with capital' ranging from $26" thing. th.eltl " of Juda. deatroy lng the ()OO to '$60,000, These ompara tlvely With one ·a ccord they all gave as· "What alze Bre thes'!?" aaked tile ungodly out of tbem, and turn· sent. The next day these men de· 81l\all lnstl.tuU ons are started In 10lady. . 'Ing away wrath from I~rael. Dllrted on tbe long Journey , commls· caUties wbel'e they mee real busl· "Why, twolv.e ·a,nd a haIr, ~ad~!" "So that he wal renown ed sloned to make n leag ue of amity and lless~ '1le'eds, and hence Uh,lstra te the "How on earth' did you· ",es8 thaU" confede racy wlth ' the Romans and to unto the utmolt part of the , success ful working of a policy adopt· "Ab:' replied tll~ ' 'clerk; emt.Itn,. earth, and he recelve~ 'Into hIm entreat them that tliey would take e.d by tioD~ess· with that end In view, "gentle men wbo let their :wIves select such al were ready to perllh." the yoke frolll them, for It was only their collars and des always take that , Im't It' about time for a new term· We find the fa.lth and strengt h too apparen t that tbe Grecian " pur· inol.o~ ~ ~owe.r? Measur ement by of charact er ·of ·the man re.. posed to put . them hi bondage . horse llower has existed ftom time 1m· vealed In his worda at the mo· And when .at last these two men. . To Check DI ••• ee Among Indl.~I. memorl al, and till serve" its purpose. ment ).vhen hla small and III· Eupol.e mus and Jason, haa collie In to .It haa been 'repotte 4 that the' disBut,for power upon the .water a query equippe d army was about to the senate, they spake and said: ealie 'as . t~~h9.JDa:. or ..Sl'aDltlar of , fitn.ess arises, and as to airships In flee before the ·overwh elmlng eyelli\s, lu~,s · ~en spreadi ng I1lpldll . . . '''Judas Maccab eus, with bls breth· an elemen t where no borse could pos· hoat. of the. enemy. He said: among the · I;1dlana.. T9 <lMok. tb 8 : . ren and the ' people at the Je~s, have slb)y dTa.w anythin g the use at the "It Is no ha.rd lnaUer ' for . the tTOu&1e congr,!s s appropr Iated $12.000; " sent us unto you to make a conred· te\"Jn hot'se power makes for humor many to be shut up In the handa placing it In the hands or the ~m· eracy and peace with . you and' that · ,,~be n you ~om to lhlnk of It of the few; and with the God miSSioner at Indian 8a~r8, (or the we mtghtb e register ed your confed, of heaven It II .11 one, to de· ImiDedJat~ ·tDv~sttgation e,n.d .treat-. erates and frIends," ~ Th story [rom Washhl gton that a IIv~r with a . great multl.t ude or ment oC the· disease and to check it.· Now ~rter the senate cot41de n!d · British rOYQI commis sion has reverse d spread, . , . ' 'a small companYi for the vic· . tbls appeal It was well pleased ani.! '. Dr. Wiley In arriving at n deolslon tory battl. Itandet h In the tbls Is -tbe copy of the epistle wbJch . 811 to ,' 'w bat constltu les genuine \VMs· . . .'Tbe ,Old Man's Joko, . multitu de of the hoat: but the sennte wrote back again on 'tables , kY Is 'n 01 thy of note b~e of the . "MarY," called her father, "has ~at strengt h cometh from Heaven . of. brass and sent to Jerusale m, that · f a ct Jhut there are spert testers not young man gon~ yet?.'" '. . . They come against us in much' there they might have by· tbem a meonly In England but also In ScoUand t'No. po," . replied 't he m)l.ld. , \'But . pride and Iniquity to destroy us, morial of peace nnd confede racy: Ilnd Inlr land·. There Is no denylug he's going right now.j ~ .' '. " . arId our wives and our children , "Good s uccess be to the Romn.ns, the fact thai maD)' res idents of these "Then ask ,blm to empty tho p~n and to spoil UI. . But we fight and to the people of the Jews, by sea underne ath the Ice. box belote' he count ries ltnow wherea t they \lealt for our lives and our law •• and land forever . The. award also and " hl' n . t h y express their ollinlon 'o n goes, wtU you? . I ·forgot It,''- '.: : Wheref ore the Lord hlm.elf enemy be far from them. If there tb Stiuject of whlsIr.)" Villi overthr ow them before our come first any war upon the Romans face. And a. for you, be ye not A sharp summe r gale ca\lght lhe or any or their confede rates through ·. afraid of ' them." 11 et of tb e Ne w York Yacht club duro out all their domlnln on the people of ing Its run of 152 miles from Vineyar d the Jews shall help them, as the time lfav p.n to Portlan d, !lpd as a result ~"'H"'~ shall be appoint ed, with all their only about 61x stan h yachts out of THE STORY . heart Neither shall they give any· 11I01'e than. n score reached th e J)ort of thing unto them that make war upon '. i,; WHO would mlil,e honorab le al· them, cr d e Inatlon . .The otherll were driven aid them with victuals . lIance with to s helte r with ·t.he loss of spars nnd another must III'st weapon s. money or shillS, as It ,hath can vas ; but the fa ct that no serlolls prove his own worth, scemed good unto the Romans Ju cl u!>' eyes and thought s were turn· tbey shnll keep thclr covenan ; but ca ll ualtl e baye been r eported Is evl ts. with, de n 'e tha't ' the :\ew York yachtsm e n Ing t.owarus grent and migbty. Rome. out taking anythin g there Ior, In the Not because or weakn ess and fear snme mnnner nIso, If 'war come are somethi ng more than "carpet sail· Ilrst Ol'S .I, ~ of hi s enemi es round ahOul. For from uPQn the nntion of the It, 'f or had be nol repeatedly won vic· mans shall belp .them Jews. the Rowltb aU th elr I .. It has · tiw n d 'Ided In · Washin gton lorl es over those who bad risen up heart, accordi ng as the time sball be A dainty candle ahade j;lves ·o. p,ret· joUilng of the shade '. that !lOys who pll;l)' marbles "ror ngaln st . lsrael? Is hn~rce.Ptlble .. appolnt ed them, Neither shall vic· ty Hnish to tllble: inantel or ke ps" ar gambJ; rs In the me aning dresser , The tab ma.rked A slips tlnder tlie 'corWhen Mattatb las, his father. had ·tunls be given to tbem tbat take pnr~ und "the' new : tinted ftQ\Vp.r shades respqnd lng letter ' on lh~ ' nn,nnA,lt o f t he Inw and liable to arr !I t and 'dl ed, Lhe leadcrsh lp of the people ... had ;lgainst them, or weapon s. or money, ' mO\lntEid ove.. colored ~l1k are mQst side.' 1:1 and B~' and' C Imder,..tbe punls hm nl for so Ile lnou9 an offense. fall en lipan IlIm. and a great gf:lneral or ships, as it hath seemed gpot). Ilttractl ve. The woman who Is elev~r . C. 'the labs' ·ar.e 'to be .glued It is cheerin g to the' law·abl dlng of the and just ruler he bad proved himself the Romans ; but they shall keep their with ' her brUShes 'may naUoa to 'Imow t hal In Its capital tbe to be. His first great victory had covenan 'm ake' no. end m~nner. ' lJ~torAl , joining, . ts, ilnd that ' without deceit." ; of .pretty tblnts~ · b)ifthese slut4es . gamllliu g law8 are .so str·l ctly. en· been o"er ' Seron. prince o[ .the UTUiy 'the backgro und at the deslgn· l.q to Accordi foro/ld. though as the . particula~boyS of Syria, who with a mighty bost hild ROlilnn' ng to illes's articles dld the be linltated"'ev~n by those ' wbo"knov,: cut out·. ~·Jtb· lJDlal~ p'o'I!l~ed scissors , s make covenan t with tbe peri. nothfng ab'o ut painting .provh)l ·til G !!stlon were released with a lee· coni'e ugalns t him . 'fhen Ring ng they leaving a delloate t'raceJlYc-·of 1eave8 Anti· pIe of the Jews, and then tbey addE1<l. put the ' color on.ln a : neat, car.eful- an~ ft<;lwe,ra., " The';t:"~~ ·o( t~e ' slI~ . t' lr , tlicr Is grave dQubt about ~he ochus, on departu re on an e.xpeditlon as follows: .: . .m~llnel- ;· . .' .' '. .. . . , J,r:opr l ty ' of 1 t.ting locst! sucb dan· 1nlo. PI.jJ'SIA, left Instruct ions with .. under ,thf! flpwers Is vel'Ypr etty. ;c "Howbe it, If bereaft er ·.t be one party r 'The Brat step Is to trace .. \ . the desIgn . The 'UtUe s.l\ades; may·be lIurcbase(} gerotiS' rlrnlnal s ~D the cOqlmunl-ty. .Lyslns to .lllval1e .ludell. and destroy or ' the other s'ball thl~Jl lDe~t to 'nd~ ~n a piece o~ watet·c olor'·.Pa per....tben ,all · re~d, Judas. ' to And Lysfas had . chosen 01' dilTl.lulsh anyth.lng, they:. DUly ·lIalnt.ed ' shade 1). omlous ' case is tll~t 'Of tbe ' Wis. Ptolom eeand 'Icanor and Gorgllls', It at. their .pleasur e, ancJ · 'wb,atso . do c olor' iS. 'e lther shading ,. It 'o~e lq1ows' over"an d the des,lgo' glven Is pIn'nne¢ evet; bow, Qr ,<us(ng ·ft(lt :wa!lhes consln judge who !Jas abandon ed toe mighty !:!len ~r the klng's ,t l:ien",s, wb.o 8lia11 'add ~or away 'shall be' 'and . Ink (iuUine. · Tn . the' with pe~ J1l'11ct l ot law +Inti taKen liP work orgitnlzed n ]lowerlu l cxpedltfon, :the, latter case ratified. Alid .as , ~ouchtpt, ·t.JJ~ Elv'tla" UBe ' wa.terproi,it ink, 1~lng tt) a Ca('forY. From ' time to time this whlcb, ,over et~ry when It had oome Into the . Ui.a,t · D·e~etrlus ·doe.~h to ·the J~W8, W'II line w'hen tbe paint ~s idr~. 1,hls w~b . jurist 1\li 1'lt Ille Impulse to manual country , Judas bad defeate d ,~n~ .9cat~, hllv~ wrUt~D ' li~to.: ..tUm . 'sayl.n g: la bo~; op,d .has w;lnd r d oft and tl:red . .so It 'l laa ' beell wb~n Tlmoth eus: 'Whe.f'eforEl ,hast th~u made'. thl .:yoko , and' ~u~l~e ,vOl'k Is .qulte. as·el!i!-ctlve will not .. b~rD ..· Then th'e,r~ ar.e ·dlilnty as ·1I1e m'o re ,q~mQ\Jl~ ·Ugl\.t .and abade. 'little- 8~parate .Uk Unlags' gra.tUl It bl13 I!:lo!lltiatlons. He had com~ agaJnst him wjth of· dlleren t 8 til d to .haV'e · a. dulll 'person' blIied forces Of the Arabianthe colli·. heavY upo~ · O\)r' friend,· and C'onfCder:. In ellh.e r cue ~ae a IIl, owlt lor .colors wltti .. Bilk. (rlnge tb .matc.h s. AnU 'a tes, the Jews:r · If . tber~ror.~ th~ t1\e .tem&. t1(O for sliades of ~een for the ~5 ,cents. .. alIt;·" ne of wbloh I ads 111m alaln when Nlebauo r h.a d .come ' .. . wlUl co'mpla la .~y • more Inet , .f!. , _ to l ' lIrJHng In th law snit acti"e bls mlght~ army, JudaS and f er, Co plak ~ba:'de.s are; ~rhaJ)s; , the hls1>str l. wlll"llo diem Just c~ and ftg~t · with· aad the ~11~rs JlarUcJpaUon in . le'g~ ' purantis . tbe ot army .not o(''t~ ftowen .J'ellow., moat . etrecUv e with the wllet l'OIIe de01111' det~ated Uip.m but thee by sea aad land.'~' . . wJ~ tJie tuner. ~taI. of' tb • . n»81 .argo, ~ut yellow ,.' ~ r finding pleasur e o.nly In toillng· Jdlled Nlcbano r. alSo J,rett7. .' .•. NC)w when Eupolem . and Ja.loD r& 4eep · ~ 1il4· the . outer -.Jtb his .hands. Alld yet tbl're aTe "bOa.. 4.... yello. ljDlDC rt can readily be underst ood' how turned to ~Mlr land ' u8 then the ...........,. the , . J ews held .... ptat. TIde .. iIlounte 4 over a ~ay be ,.,..ons not ibcllAed to ,,'ur' wltl· the (ame of IUfJD 'a ' leader :A _ ....._,.. a. Jn~8. &'Nat jub!la~lOn; ~O · Dem~trI.... tnUo' plbk .tUm'lla ncJ... Ol' braiD, ltDtDg ta aJaould .reach &m~11ll ROa)p. wb~ hte4tbj! JSi .'I\O Jni)re . .' . . . 'r-l1O



Da~ntiY- .. Candle . Shades



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aJ1P the

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·n .




How to Make a Bad Back Belter.

.' A

ot ,18 battlesh ips' the around st~amlng' globe tllrords at ulght a ' ,,' " spectac le which Bub Watkins, t1~e captain 's coxswuln. cnlls "ftlHn· ... "What do th y look ilke after dnrk?" 1 n'sked b efore we started, "Like 11 strIng heap drug stores." of snld the midship man who hud been 'way over to 1edHeu anean on bls th prsctle CTllise and who was theretOl'e 1\ well-worn man at tho world. But It is better thun that, Some time ago th y took the green sbad es off all tho lI!;hts in the officers' stateroo ms, becl\uRe they shone tHrough th po;'ts /lud made tbe menat-war look like citizen llners. Even now tho lights sh(ne out of tho ports lawles!l y. wbUe the law compel s constant fiylng of the red and green port and starboa rd runnlng ·lIghts. as well as the truck-li ght that Indicate s the .~eed and the , masthea d·llght that· Indicate s ~lie class of vessel. Then. too. the Intricat e 'Y8tem of Mds confusi on, but color, to the spe tacle, One nJght, shortly after the deck omears had gone on duty for the mfd·wat ch. the {our white ",roofs latltern s at the masthea d of the MIBB~url were turned on. They fluttere d for about halt a minute. Thim, with three rapid pulsaUo ns at the red light at the top, the Big. nnl went out and left the fleet rldJng as be. fore, like a tra,,1 of Ulan's phospbo rus through the uoplc sess. "z" ft was; and "z" means that a mall tlLDverboard. Instantl y on 16 brlages ,vas sounded the try, "_ian , overboa rd!" and If-om 16 annuncl . . stors "Slow speed" was rung to the.. engine· rooms, The Ohio. whIch was j~t ahead, and 6ashed ~he Maine, wblch wss just astern their senrchl fgbts On the waters ~bout the trouble d ship, From the quartor deck and 1rom the ~or~ca8tlo of the ' Missour i copper "lile-buo y.a were hurled into the sea· these 'bore cans ,of cal,alum chlorid e: Whfcil bllriJt Into name 88 they touched the water-b elleon. for the lost sailor. There w~ .. a patter of bare teet on the au. ' . per~truc~ure ot the MtIUlOUl'I, three 01' jan,Ung '01 . . four ' sharp,' orders. a which hangs ~ckle ; and , the I~e-boat, -ev,er ready on da vita,' sW.ung clear of the .~P·II 'side, slipped Into the wa~er, and was ,rowed swlft!y into the everwiderll!\g white (llr~9 made by the '1).eIS~borl..ilg, Plen-of-'w af. In"tlie stern: ' lieets at ,e ach Ute-boa t. 'are always provisio ns ,fOl' two days Bnd n caSK of frellh water. tor frequently In a, sto.-m the j)lg shIp 10811s the little one lo( many 'hour., and It Is' I\lwaYa a rqU~8l)on ,w ith the 'officer at tbe deck whethe r, or, not he should ' order away " the boat. ' . .- -.. FLEET,

c..oPYR. IGH'T, OY INT I! Ii!/VAT /ON",L-

/,IAGA2 .//Vt!!!-


Wom n who , suI'Cer with bacUnche, benring down llalns, dizzy spells an!! _--- ...:..... tbat coostaq t. teellni; at dulln ess and Urad· n S8. w11l find bop In tb e advice of Mrs, Mttl'Y Hinson of 2J Mt. St., Strothe r Sterling , Ky. "Had r , no t used Doan 's KitIo ey Pllls, I be· lI e ve I wou ld not bo living toda y," Bays 1I1rs, Hinson : "My yeslght was poor, I su lfe red wit h ner vo us. slllltlln g head· ac h s, ' s pots would da nce before my eyes !lnd a t lim es 1 would be so dizzy' 1 would II tH'e to g ras p some thing f or support . ~I y bacle W IlS 80 weak and painful I could hardly bend ove l' to but· ton my s hoes and could not ge t around with ou t HUll' l'llIg se\'erely, Donn's Kidney Pills he lped me from th first, and I con lf nued unlll practica lly well again ," R.c D1 c mh ~ r the name-D oan's. Sold by all dea lers, 50 ce nt s a box. Foster. Milburn Co" Buffalo, N. Y.

athwnrt th e s uper struc ture T bumped tlo\\'n to my kll B. f 11 !lat on m, file!'. bnol'd gro (vl s. cu rses. Rtu mbl up witli a s kinn ed ha nd lin d pc!'red Forms diml y In th e d ll rk n S!,!, w~ r !' rolllug uncier the cu tte r, a tnnRln or arm R (lnd legs tossed uloH un de r tli o y 110 w ye n tlla to r , hu ll'Y h t:'s t rose to s upe rb :l h!'tght. a wenry lau g h nlt ted Into t li e \'lIst ni ht, "Choke the Idiut !" "tr he's over· board Il't him slay!" "B lay hi. Hypocri te In tho Hereaft er. .I eck·tncld e !" This fl'om th e ubest Dr. Ma dlsou '. Pet' r5 was discuss · Il nd tll fO ta ngle of I gs, Th e n, froIn " Will the coming n tbin·hlp p (I, s light form: "Pardon Ing th e qu 5t ion , I was sle )lllIg In lho gang· n,lIll marry 7" Ile instanced a c rtaln lIl O. wI.lY," Then. from a seve re face, t ype of bache'lo r. "Thi s ma n," he said. "Is a hypo· one that authori ty had cut with ex· ! re ' He uses his r cllglon as !1 the ay crlte, "Gangw : loll ecutive de is cloak," Cl enr th gllngwa y!" "And what will he do III th e next world , ell ?" said th r eport r, "011." s aid Dr, P te rs, "htl won't need 'nny cloak th ere."

A ,li

ml!nt in the report equator , but now tbey weTe hurryin g on to of a junior officer. before get Into the harbor of Rio de Janeiro "Happy to report sundow n a t.he second day following, Yet Sea· fals e alarm. lost, midnigh at Idle nes engi here they were, sldo In sleeping man Ilea· n commo a ing a preciou s bour because hammo ck had night· man bad Inadver tently sllvped over the side mare and called out of the MissourI. There was no temper lost. 'Man overbo ard!'" lng IIfe,sllv The y, patientl Everyo ne waited No, the l\'IIssourl provide d In the machin~ry was at work, u not reprima nd· regulati ons. There was no need to worry; was The admiral ed. The itself, of care take would the inciden t his captain s laws of the Medes were exact and those of anti laughed and the Persian s explicit ; the Jews had a deca· only But I d In, turne de· codes few a been have there and logue was It awake. was otbers. nnd n Napoleo n, vised since by Justinia s at the mid· All those, howeve r, were amateu r attempt s; In two' bell spread professi onal lawmal dng tho United States wat c h and. face Ute on abroad wben So. word, final the say ons naval regulati again a mlln drops overboa rd from a Heet at night, or the waters, momen· though wars go on and people perish, that gatherI ng tllght her for tum counbe cannot le spectac diverse and , vivid world. the around termand ed. We lay there becalme d, fumblin g In the was that ever-In· ste· tepid dark. The searchli ghts. played ,tl1elr spiring, ever·my Heet the 'lIghtps rlous nightca dancing the over stark wonder ' {lIght. wbere the silly waves tried to hV.e their 10- at I twirled tbe tal" quseloul1 heads. Ellch describ ed its 20·degr ee '

itching Plies Perman ently Cursd by • Jar of Reslnol OIntme nt. About three weeks since I was BUrfering agony from Itching plies, I got a sample jar of Reslnol and after bathing wIth warm water ' and applyIng the Reslnol , I was In a: few days entirely relieved of the Itching aud belie ve 1 am Ilern13n enlly cured. w. 'V. Evans, Carrollt on, Ky. Dodging Work. "It's too hot to do housework." elghed the wife. " \ Imow It Is ," "Let's go antI s pend a tew days with lhp Brownij at their summe r cottage, They'll be lIcklcd to death to , ha\'e us." Opportu nIsm. Knicke r- I have Ideas for a new DOli tlcal party. a ne w relll~lon and a new diet. Docker -Det.ter walt till tho ball season hi over,

..:I:__,;... ---- ---- --..~.-I!I------.,

Yes, He Made a Splurge . "I s op pose Newrle h Is maleLng quite a fiplurge wllh his money." "H dId the day he hacked his auto of! the Cerry boat,"- Puck.



, [\\X\~~ Se\.m\\\Q, , C\e<l"SQS \\\e Syste fj.fe.c\U<l\\y.

D\spe\s co\ds o.,,~ He(laQ~"eS a\\~ \0 ,CO\\~'\llo.\\Q\\~

Ae\s "4.\\\\~\\Y. nc\& 'n\~ Bel of ~y pajama,corn to see It I !thou III IrQ tore or art. It tu rnad ne.a r.sllk and 1 Ii mbed to the admiral 's brldg . Tpere he Iny, his slip· pers olr, In shirt and trousers , his gl'llY old head absolve d of aea· vexations.. In the cabin ' beyond , bls fla g·lleute n· ant nesUed in a !tul! Only l1le comfort er, . eignn.1Inan on the look· out 'by the semaph ore , ." kept watch there ncar the brain at the fleet. that tralled - Aft sweep of comets. The 16 were back again, In line of squadro n. the drug·sto re Tidlng·l ights abeam, the truck-lI gh'tS white, thus Sllelling Heaving . swelling , majesti c' speed. d standar , arc ot the c.rele and t,ben began over again, 'ally ',lowing , ~hey , pursued their pondero us, ',the.' U~e~boatli wander e4 ,' nlinl'l!JsiY. The coximplacable) '\Vay. lofothered at crested seaa, s'Y,all)s blew their wb~stles. " l'bfl ~opper buoys, 8,lreo of the deep, they sped on. 1i1te the curs,e were gathere d In. No :answe':', 1\0 sign ' at. life" "of Thor, lightnIn g forged, Ominou s there tn the solerilD night, the ausbed spirit of the The. hope ot a , nation' 's at do.. ~ on "'Jt~ ' cour~e; we~e gUUS drapea them with bidden mlgbt; the we But the niodern armada writt,e d .: cabailsf ic twlnltle of those blinking eyes " , obeyIng' Ute ,law. ' robed them with profoun d intel1lg ence. By abe t;' -petulim . F1ilUllly the Oonneet'1cut trr~, th&y W~e wllite nnd yell~w fortress es, day • . b(!gan " unlovel y, ungnlJll y; by nIght they wore new .' beauty new DoWer. '. Behind Ulem lay terrors -bcst~d; abet,d tnet'e lay a ' maglc carpet of In· n,illte yarlety', a. bath of Ijtnrs leading ' th~m, . eter~rall y I ~, . The' gtay .old ' head of the admi'ral' tQssed When he ,tlrst

n Ln~o.\\.ve.

stumble d down tbe flrst ladder ~Ot' He,,)Vo\\\Ql\ Q.,,\\.(;\i\~ maIn declt. H e ro men were clinging to tbe might yO\1 what , ructur superst the at noor O\~. ~\\-yOU\\~ call the ceilIng of that warship 's top story, above up g Each mnn In his hammo k. slun T~ ~~\ \\'5 \)Qne,\c,\o\ eJ!ec\s. like sncks of {lour, th ey slept tb ere by the o\W~~S ouy \"e (]e"u\,,~ ' score. _o\UfDC\U red by the Down th n ext laddcr to the gun·dec k 1 In leavo passed with wh a t cele rity tho tropics on e for night prowlin g nnll stili the bnmmoekll cl ung, like barnacl es on a cllstawa y, ti g h t to fiG nd the s teel. ratters of the protecti ve d ck. s brcoLhe SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGIS1S pil ed In ' eOlllpac t rows, b bind t he of the seven·ln ch gun s. which s howed IneliS' one :I,~e Of\ly, reQular, pnce 50i'pe~ bottle. tluctly against th e open po rts, lay til light 001, n dltty·bo xes, one of wblch contl the ntire Itlt of tit enlj s ted man., A dJ,tly· box the size of n bootbln ck's kit. a (!UnVBS bag such as golfers \.lse. [1 ha Lnmo k, anr! lea\'u to cilng to the ceiling- that Is til snilor's lot ill the new navy, Cl eanlin ess !lnd di scipline by day, folded up lIl!c R jllc!r·kn ife lJy nigbt and led th'~ bcst food all nrtb-:-th ese are the rewards he reaps for charUng out Ul e B a'patll ' of a new wo\,ld·pow r. A goat bleat d In the n xt pa ssage to tho! deck where tbe opoollog s are to the engi1.lerooms, A coon !'Iullk a pitiful way, yonrnin g In the close night {or reI as trom his fur. Wearin g , a coon skin in lhe tropics is not healthfu l, eS\let'in lly If you lire the coon , A pArrot nodded ttOD! he r flrlng·p rell and J Ordinnry t~n,ica that !Ul=rely 'w ished tlint Ule regulati ons pl'OVld d a place supply food mat~rial.nd $'ivo,arshaded with pal ln lea\'es lor all mascots wheu tificial strength by stimulat ion are In the. tropics. never !aa~g in lheit elfc!=lI b,Se TJp from the engine rooms rent the deep ·c.auao they do not remove tho rumble of the Insisten t chug- lha t drives a cau,e orthe ill health. steamsh ip from Rcabonr d to seaboar d as stead, ..f\ "run down" c;:ondit~n ia Ily as tho hands of a clock. whil e you ent llnd of tho generall y due to tho , slet\\) "anu loaf and rNld and dream, I foun d , digeltiv e orgllD8 to Foperly "dlthe open hatch and, slipped down among the !,Clt the food. ' brass 'rods and the purpl e dlslt!> of the hlgber power tban gUnnery whJ Cb leads 'n people to ' 0 Juch at prosper l,t y, the '\lOwcr 0( ' stoam. wood ,w as visible and spnce stretche d forth ,on. every line ,of vision; 'spnce. vasl, compll eatad, cl'ammll.d full with delfclIte Cdntra p, ,tlOIl,s. In .' the ,io low dl' tauce an oller inverted I






Sylt up, Co.

A Nat ural Stre ngth Giv er





'loasands Rlfo .KidneJ, .

~'. ...................... ,. .. ..' ..,,~""""~ "~ . , .. . . . . . ...


tOI! of MOJi@51L d.eQeased Vt' . MV9d1e Fon.t' ar ulttb et. Ill. .' 'ur~ op l 'l" J 1'())!~~ty nl>praillcd :

Trouble and Nner Suspect It.

' P bilildel ph\u, t he ,Ci.ty of Brotbe • .


", Extr'a"o'"-r;'""d~

comm=:::;~coun. . 1~;;'~;;i~~:~::.~:~~~~~£'~1i ':~:U~l;';';'~l~~~~~~~ ~~~f.:# t =:~1~t2:;:~~g~' I $ Impk~ns,

o ,Wade :::'burta va. hlLrles A. Esklte of AUrcrl de. W,,.,druft'. Fetlti',n for money only OOllsed : 'P roof of publicl\tlou filed .

·~;:~~:80!~I~e.~~ :!~Od&y~'b~~::!:~ }lU~1~Q~iO~ ~f ~~[io~!i~pp~~:~~fe~i bel' 12. be wa driv ing 8' colt hitohed filed. to R bugg;r, and 'w hflD d , t.btlt Marriale LiGenses. btt be"r ,1 two Hutomobtle8 approtlch nK from behind He cllLlms tbn" Edgn: r .J llhuson 31. telegrRph oper· Rtor. of M/)rrow ROll Al)llie Hit s · ODe of th e nllt hines was belD I!! "riveD by Uhnrle, A. Woodrnff/lnd mlln 18, of Morrow, that tbe o~bElr W IIS driven by Stanley Roy Ii Otey 26 en velope out~er . of Duyton and CIl,tberlne Agnes )t Krohn IInti tllllt hoth 'vere running at ·" terrlfio fIItJl of speed Be Reigle 22 , of FrankliD. Rev. MoMII. fort,bel' . stllte!4 th t,' when t.l1O OIIfS lun, Unytou . a.ugbt up with ~i !ll . Clne turned to ReaJ Estate Transfers. sbe rilrbt lind tb" other to the left, witb tbe int.entlon of prlaslng his ve Silos R. Hutohin ou to W . W . blole. and tbilt wben the tbr6e of Brock, rilal fI&UU 6 In \orUi on t IlUd tbl>tn werd abretLflt" CblLrle!\ A . Warreu ouunti.e8, '<lOll . Woodruff steered bis ollr into the W W . Brook t o J , W . and N A. plaintlff's buggy, oompletely demol- Donle>y , r 11.1 estate lu Cl rmont Bod itlbing it Ilnd scaring hIS borse 80 WUrJ eu County, $2lJO. thllt it ran leverlll bnntlred ya·rd8 be· B . ti , I'teven!1on, exeoutor of fore he wall able ,to IItop it. He Amanda D. I.YOD , deceased to J . D.. ol,llmsthat Knbn was .endQavoriDg tiorr II. red e tate In village of . 10 paIlS Woodrllff, and tbttt both L') velsDd, *1 500. oar. were r1lnning a.t their topmost Sa muel Oraig ttl Uharles L . N u t lpeed. He pl'ay8 for jodgment in ed, rel11 eBtl1te in FtaDklin townsbip

po~nt. ,

stringy or mil k.y ev ry one inter ested in t he oare npJ)earanceoften t he Sl 011: , the education of nur lio 0;




ww _____

'rhe annua} report slf wed t h ~t; .' d ul'iug the Pli t yenr, ten the back are al so SY1llp t OUIs that tell you two h undred I.od seventy-five pll. ~ the kidn~ys and blad<ler are out of order tients were supplied with nurses, and need attention. . What To Do. whu other wise . oould !)ot have S6 · . There is comforb in tlie knowle<lge so oured skilled nursiDg care. Eour· often e:rpressed, that Dr. K.ilmer' fi fths of t his r.vice WQS rendered Swamp-Root , tll l! great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish ill corrcetiug grlltul to usl.V. It WIlS shown a.lso rheumatism, pain in the bllck. kidlley~, th u. t ill teu.ohing faoilities, IlvaiJllble liver,bladderand c\' ryp,artoftheuri.u.ary workers and nu.mber of s tudents, passage. Corr cts iunbllity to tlOId water and scalding pain ill passlUg it, or bad the soh oolmoks us tbe lIu gest sohool effects follOWing use of liguot. wine or for uu rses in the world, b 'cr, and o\Tercomes that unpleasant ne· cessity of being compelled to go often III.r l1 Ba rton, t he wo1'ld renowned through the day, a nd to get up many nurse lind tn lln ~ger of fi eld ~o pltal thucs during the 11ight. ,]'he mild and work, und or gllUizor 01' the R ed imlllediate lTeet of ,swamp-Root is soon rcnli:.r.ed: It stands the high' t be- Uro S l:Sooiet y, h nving for many callseof it rCllIarkdble · y ell r ' ob 'e rve'd t he effioient work of ~:u~~~~ rW~~I~lgu~~~~ the Pbilndelphia Sohool for Nurses , medicine you should recently invitflu Dr. E ugene U·n der. have Ule be t. ld by hllJ founder 'of the io t·itution, to Ilruggists in fift y-cent und one-dollur sizes. Visit h~ r , and be prelJflnt t\tao(,tuferY OIl ru[lY have a sample bottle eoce in h r snmmor h'Jme in Ox ford. by Ola il. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Bing· b umto!l. N. Y. . Mention t his paper and Mp,ss., for. the purpo e of ooosiderrcmembertbellame, Dr;K.ilm·e r's SwamJ?- i n ~ t,h e advisability of reprodnolng n YSi


. _,


too fre·

~~:~I~t d:~~in ~~



Money Comes in Bimt hes to A . A. Chisholm , Of 'l'readwel1. N Y., DOW. Hisalong r!3u/lontime is well worth retLding: "For I utfe r ~d hom Indige8tion, torpid live!, oon · s tipn.tion, nervoUSn ss, and geneml deblJit.y," ho writes , "I COUldn't sleep, bad no appetite, nor ~mbi tion L g rew wellker every day in ~pite ot al1medlcal treutment. 'rhen used 11:1ectrlo 'Bittera, Twelve bot,tle r a stortld all my ' old-time b e,tlth ~u~d vigor. Nowlclln . l\tt~ l}d to b~sinePA every It' a f,·wcillilerful cine. IIdilY. Infallible l)r St nmn ob UJ.eOI. Liver, Kidneys, B1 0 :1 Imd Ner v 8, 500 . at Fred .0 . t:)oh\va.rt,z·s . '






,Probate Court. . Commluionen"ProCeedln,r So Few men have ever been m ot e ttie mattet of the e8&ate of coIllPl;tel:y a.bsorbed by their idea T-"" T 01.111' -- J' ' 8I1Ja-Mtate of Ohio VI. Stella b h P B t th _Win . I-U pi, deoea_ rank ' l an as eary aneyer wen , e J. Brown appotQ&ed ~mtnl8tl'atol'lRUffDerl oosts, ts .~5 j la~.t(1 of Ohio length of some 'great men' who 60ri. alvin .... d f'.uOO . hI' B VII. clBun" Rogers. oost", 920; 44 df " 1 dt ' d th i h b•• .1 uu~ 0 90 WIt .M ~ .,... " ~oe ami yaD rlen. s 0 e r 0 ilton and Ka'-' ~. BrowD .. luretlea. State o( Ollio v~. . oun Bog01'8, \;)ies, bnt he pushed a gOOd way aDd Stelle Ruffner C08ts, 122 65 j 'to a d th.t II· mlt. ".00 who 11 ve in tbe ~tter of Dennla ' Braoo, . . ' " . V( . . . .& . f\. adJadpd lOMn8 .nd ordered to ap Tboi, ~hr moo, qo~tra('t, $105 i 0, W known him wall for tWflnty ye~rs PI, lor .. AmluloD for aame lolo the t:!taDton., cOntraot, '~8 60 j ~. , M, have ne"er heard him expl'ess an ' Su. a:;Pital.' D.,*9n, ~~~1IJ, oOQtrao~, ~S091 .. Ch,a,r~es ~pinto,n on PQlit!ot, a-rt., ltteJ'atnre or .c. D, Ski.oner, "uardlan ot Ollve ~~l.bbil, contraot, IS31 50; Charles .D. rellglon. ' LUre 811~ .. • ... i .' A •.SlduaeJi V& OliV'el:l, ·Slt1nn&r. ·Re. ,Lewis, oontraot, 1,,6 i ,Oregon a and infOl'matiQn h e has opinions on p,on of pnvate sale Qnnfirmed aqd BrIdRe 00 .• oont'IlO~8 '764'.~9 i Fr/lnk tb:ese aud other topios' and hi8 range app'r .o'ved · . ·o d . dI'·l'lbatton of .p'1"0- Stok8tl, ' L72 35; Ell D. BurDett, of general tnterests is ' II.S w,ide us OBeda of ute otdtU~Ct. ., bridge repairs, ' ,'a9-'75 i J. N . Burcb, th/lt of most men ~1'io lue distinctly $23 G T Whit IDthemaUel'oUheeetaleof'Bep. bridge repllir8" ;, ' . . e'lipeoialiste. But ' he, issofall n~d stbab .........,,: deoeaeed. Applioa. bridge, i4 10 i B~Dry Decker, brl4ge overflowing wi,th the thin gs whioh 'Uon .'" admit wlU for probate let foJ'; ~eP'\irs, ' .~.35; . V. J. Zentmeyer interest hi m 000 Ii i hat sOl1l:o ely any . 120 R B hb , , b Id ~_rlDl Sep&ember ~ at 10, o'clook'. r ·~el'epatrs. i ' ars Ill'- on8, out,sic1e .bis iunE\r oircle of Be.tate ot 'T~eop~tlU8 William's, ger, 88.lllr~, .140 i JAm6s FoIlen , Sr" fri nds : knows · IlOY oth er side Of



~~t~e:ork in t h e larger New England

At 11 publio r ception, repre ent.a· tives from Lowell, &Iem, Woroestar , SpriDgflllld, Bddgeport, New Baveu, Pr ovidenoeand other manu. (soturing center&, otLlle(l atteut.ion to tb e need of t,his servIQe for their r espec tive oit ies , ' , Severnlltl.r~e oll\s~es of students ar e tLbout to b enrOlled iu the Phil. . adelphia Sohool for Nurses, wbo' will , dO U . btJe , witne the ('xtention of the work of the tnstitotion tn ae· ' nmn vi tb pluns now.developing \t u re ultof t he r oeDt~·e w ..Engl,R ~ d conferAu oe, A huge nu~ber of tree T wo Year hola.r ' blps are tlvltihl ble to y uu g worneD through. .lut Lbe euUre co'u n try, pt'efereDoe buiu'g giveu to' t,ho e living io s·u.a ller towns nnd ~iti ", arid tile tur",l distriots. , 'l'hese ttoholal:shipti ' 00] d ' b d I d r-i 1 . U tj roqm, <?ar, . anD eDit; unIforms, all neoess&ry lDstruo.tioD, ilbdrailroadflue"a dt() t.hestudent'l' \.. ~ l' ,, nor;ne town upon n~e oQJDvletion of the Course A p.z;epn.T~tory Home Sbndy Conrse and a Sbort Resident

and ', appraise. fund '1800,

TIj. . ""~

. . ,.,e,,4l,,: ~!,ge PlJ~,obaoket;' d~ .1E!'lfOn', .and' I ~al~: .'/,.' ,. , 1• • •~• • •lo. ._!II'!'!!!II .• aooO,llDt Q~ed. "., ' ""Sildie what ,i s.l" gentlemap?" Il . . .U.D .. · ,.. u ·.'.•.chD1n'Wratpt of "P{ea8~; ma'am," ,' abe ani.wered,

·.'~>PII::VI; ,.WItJi.~ . .IIPQ&Ob, 1'6~ aeJiOh of~..


*1 eltate



. alid 4ts*rl OOmpktl!oD for 'OotobeJ': iIi'4:_Iida~"'Ol _Ie ord~ ~ , . . • -:' . - - -

IOt:lW~~·,;,-c;",,"~IN"""""IIDI~b;ldIDiIW'l~ .. The GaseHe ~ IOod


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$ ......1 $ $ I..~.~~.~.~~:'.~.-~.~~~~~.~~~ $ - - dh d $ IIs a-IIIarge, artIstic an an some- $ ' d h d d $ monthly Y ustrate one- un re -page $ magazine. Every' i.s sue $ ------+ contains about $ 60 f -t he iatelt . $ _ and most ap- • r·~·"···"·····"·"··"·· ··"~·- ····~·······""·"·"·· ~"·""·



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d f a It h ~ $' prove • - ,.. '. " f Ions or wornd f en, mIsses an ~ childr~n, . fo,. . h get her wi t p a , t t ern s of S. , ---~,:-:----, --.+ ' Specl-a1clepartmen t hem ' ts treat' . • . , ' f th f t f th h ' ·1 ' ' .. 0 _ e ~a ures 0 e ome, mi· . I ' d " . i!l,e ry.,. re.slDak. iog.; home duties,.. IIent f Ictton and eXiAe ' '. '''' ' • .,



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d · f .. . . ' no Intr9 uctlon, or ' It IS ~Ir~adv ·fa'.vo·rl·te · len th'e '.homes' Go . wher.·e .it' g' 0, es every 'week. '

Prigbtfu;F;te Averted


~HE '

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'I.rlt''. " ' .,

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$. PIt ' . .a ern = $" ·.D,on't. eiay in ord.'e. ring, as thii. "S' ff ' II t I t I . . .






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~QW' ~yety well , " :::



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~ r".' 'y·-O~.11,"e~r~·.

ONLY $1.·

Any read,or of 'this paper wbo may be iuteraated in the .general : sobjeot oun, by addrestlio)f jihA scbool at 2219Cb,estn ~t - Street~ P.hiwde'lphla, f d PI' " get fuIJ details 0 tbe work, an the sohol. a.rahlps now available.

.'a~ of 'R. K. Leak deaeased. Its a Top N,otch DOer on earth to bim. Those who hlLVe i'irst '~oant filed. ' . .' Great ,deeds ,oompel . regard, ' The seen him thor~ khow it. . Tbose VV.h o . .Jo~n. A. 'l'hompsolI, adminiltra. w:orldoro':"lDsit8doer8, . 'fbat's Why 'have beRrd hiD,l, sPeak of h1s long ,l:~;"" f ,..... , Del h J .' the ,AmtlrlcQ.u -people hava orowDed years' of . sepa ration from hill ,w ife " ..." . 0_ ~..I'gare P V8. a1l1 8s Or,Klng :s Nuw Disoovery the KI{lg . . . ~lpb et al. Re~l't ~f 88 Ie, II.ppr'oved of l.i hrollt uud Lang remediell. ' Ev. a.nd hiS ~amented t,D0ttl' and, qOntirmed 'and dil~bottop'.o~ .erY ,atoJ,n Is It health foroe. It kill~ ~r know 1t. There Ilre those wh?, " p~dll ordered,'" : ' . germR,lpldoolcisiuidIGgrtp~evl\pi~b In the way (Jf duty 1i~8lgned -by ~h6 , '. • tate of', Frederin4 Bonk .. de. It hen}t4 cougb~'rl1ok~d ,me.Qlbl'~uB8 expJorer,bave had ocoosion,to r~.a<l 'i' ~ , .. "'" ., II.lId OOu~hiDg IItOpS. /;lore lDfla.meu . f h ' fi ld t b k ' Th ........... ordered to lieU personal prop ' h- 1'" . 1 t ~ b ES' an d 1uogs are oQrcu _1 sowe ,~ , • b rono . . 0 IS e hno e , '00. •,s . d- h i arty .. .'. . !lod 'heUlort'hoges cense. Dr . \:.4eo, knowtb~t ~hut E wr.ote un er· s ·B8tat.e of - Fe~ Brown, minor. More, BIlLok JIIOIt, N . C, ; writes " it tent flap, .. n the bowling, gal~s on aooouot ·filed. cured me: of lung trollbIR" . pr~~ Greenltmd'a ioe c ,p, 70 ~ O feet ab()ve rio' .-te· f' 111111' 0" b Ii d d nounced hopeless by all dootors the seD or on· the ·frozeri ooelln was ,. ~~~ 0 ... . 8 ' .. er . 0, 80ease. GOo, $1 .00 . . Trial bottle free . Guar. . . 1Drentory aild"ppr~i8B~en~ flIed. anteed by Frell U. ,t:IOh,WRrtz . n~t 1\!\Vll.Ys merely t\le , work of t:h~ "10' _)1~ ol!'tter of tbe ' g1iardtaD~htp - ". _ • . ,day, The. reqo~4 often ol~s,ed Wlt~ lCrbeet V', OberUn et ./Ar mhior.. DiStance Lends Enchantment the meutlOn ' of a.. nume or R ~ent~~ ,'l'.'--"'" :Obel'lin .apf,Ointed ,. goaidl&O , .. ' . , ~~n~ or the dn·te of an annivers~ry. , _ • Ing hondof t110. . An eXlLot definition of a gEl.n tleman 'I be ,t hought ..of., home hall been eve~ 'W~lJt,,'~ Ivin8, d,eoeaaed. bas been -tried ' m~ny, tlmes, ~t!ve.r , .~i~h this Qion ~~ong 1111 t~e,~.r~:eo.l,s aOlJlJIIID5 filed. : .: pl;'rbllp8 witli" en~i.rlliY, !I,atii!fll!)toI'Y ;and. vIOI.ssit~des .. of · bis, nort~~ .,_ . of Mary E. , ·80ltin,'- de- results.' Little .' &:die hlld ' never llfe.-Fro.m Pea.ry: , A 9ba,~aoter . ~;\4.~~·. 'lUblob~,e~h~rt appoin~ hO\'rd .,or'~uiy of.·~h8 .. VlI.rlOUS detlJli. Sket~h, " in ~~~' _Amerlc!:,n 'Rsvi~w ) ~:fD~:~"I~I'.~to'II"iivtnl bOQdbf .0\100 tions bat she 'mll-naged ' to , throw a , of Reviews for Ootober. oJ'OIIlb':KI:Il'llll.',.1'; W. L; .~al't~ ,aild' glea.~ 'Qf ~~.gli~ ~ri"'h9 'syhje'ot, 'a)~it,, ' ~~ ,.0. - . -" I " 'm~~~H"•.lbt",d ' a~8 GPPO;~n.ted ~p:. 'ontl"\~~ohe~ , l'i~q ,uoooos~iq08 .0)'0'1 '" ,¥o~r?o.~e bUla. . ~~H ~rJn~ . :,tho ~' hn~I .._.:,,·~· , .:; ;, . . ' . ;J" '.' oi8ru. ·Th~wot'dwasln· tbe8pelUog. ~roWdslr prln,tedat tbe . ~a7Altta .


For One Year for

also II.vl\Uable to those . ' salves for.self-sappo'rt, bnt are UDa· bie to devO't\l two YeRrs to s~ndv.

!~;~~:~~ B!~~!~:i~~ ::a:::~l!~::!,

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In ' aDS weI' to peti~i(ln ealary, , 1)0; ,J . P. Rllwles, mdse., for hfm : ' Hundreds ~f m en who think , ' I would hn.v~·b 'en a, orlpple for 81e4 b .... dlPtntst.:..tol'. Couct ·fioda oonrt, f2~. 30; W 1::£ . f:\tanBge tbey are well '8 "," utlin t d with him " J " " ~~ life, from (I, "t~fr'ble cnt on my knee tut be'la ·allowed " UI92 26 ' to pay ~ Co:, 'flling envelopes for -probate have seen only the gentlema n, the OILp,'! writes Frank Disberry, KelU 'balnd8~tedn881 of .aid decedent J.ndg~, '5.75;_ Dao p, Bo~e, olerk, ,capt8:10 of men t,h e ent.bu~i'Llil tl o ex ber j Minn" \Iwithout', Bnoklen'e ,Ar'and tbere beinR no otber ..eta 'heo costs, *3.64 iVan P . Bone, olerk, plorer. nioa Salve, wllioh soon oured tpe...· thi. reai Pl'$&te aboot t.() ~ ,.....~tluoo: costS,' 17.48 '; Blind b-omUli98,loner f , It m~y seem strange . tv say of a . Ii bJe ,for wound81..0Q.~8 aDd hrul8. r.18 Elt th & M 1 f ell, it 800n ,oures J:SnrIl~. Scalds, eel" Ia ordehd that a ' oortt1ioate of COSt8, . ; . zro lip e, ees, , maowbo has been bt1pplly married Old Sores, Bol)s, Skin EruptioDS . lGob faoU,e t_oed by 'be Qoart for $26 i J. M. MultorCl, stamps,.' 110. (or_tweoty-o~e ' yellJ,'s and ~~,s .811ent World 's best for Piles . . 250 II.t 1!'1'1¥'l ,him loWe tn..tbe .partltion p~8ed. ' Ollntraot-Conbaot was e~tere~ ooly tbre~ of'them In tbe home of C. ,ohwti.rtz's. . h .. ., . '., ' i~tof W!tb ~d: ,~. M~eketrt!Or tedmP:ra; his famt.~y tbat domestioity ie a Pas· " . '.&ate or 'Avarllla,T .' Ebright , :1e. ~y 00 rl .g." an)" ou ng ow 0 , 8Iu~ wit~ bim " It w ' nl,d be Iln ian·. ~. Heoond aoOoant filed . . ' . .ap~roao.1lei at ~eoond 8tre~t ~oal parttnenoe ' ·to SPBIl~ here. , of this . Ee~~: 6f Joh~ Ii, Kenter, de", 1)rl~g~ ,to' Fraokhn -townShip at estl. phlls~ of " Peary i(' it _w~J'e not the _0eUed. Inventory and appl'8tlie. m~te, '80 . 50, . ' h?n~st desire, ho:wev~r· l~Gdeqol\'e. .. .' • Aled .l1emporary' trallsfers fro~ ,!301. ly fulfilled to gin Bome glimpses of u. • ' . . , who is know~, to ,men. . '-&ate of ' Fiederioa ' Hout, de. diers " , Monnwenv• f un d to Coun t y the mtLn, hi~se1t.


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' li~:f~~~:b:~~1: ::~ ~~:i~:~i~:,tion pnf hea~th ,

:~I~:':: ::~o ~.It:. ~:~:'t :::~ $i:~~ris P.' Steddom and Oarrie B. ~~~:, ~:~v~; ~~tfe~ss,

corney for the pl .. totiff,' 'SteddoDt to Blanohe B. Poling, roal Emma Bout 'VlI. Marth' InRham, estate tn Turtleol'eek township, 8eblld Brewing Con pany and Frao $17000. ' D Miller: Petition for money. Frank P . Forgy, sh8r1fi to F , M, PI.tntlff prayd 'for JSodameot 00 va.. Hamtltoo J'T., an"... Fl'II.nk J Brown., .. I'lo~ prom I 19 r y notel. P . B . reaJ esta\e iil WlI.l'·reo oonoty owned 80e. att;'fna, for plllint.ift'. by Philip Grandtn, t 200. Addie Biker vs, George Boker. J~lDes L EuLham !,nd wife to P Utitl fo div roe on g ou ds of El' h P'htll ' 1 t t . T tl e· n r 0 r 0 IS II Ipl!, rea ell a e 10 u f tl "urol absenoe. Plaintiff lilks 008. oreek township, :tody of only oh.ld. C, B. Dechant John M. LlI.8slng to Barry E. Bud attorney for pllltntitI. mll.n real estate in Lebllnon, $1. Jtatel'l'an~ V8. Elsie HlI.rle Book, D. D . Runyan, administrator of , . 1•• tnOI' et a1. PlaiotUf PI'.Y8 tha~ Joho MoUlino to Ered Meyer, raal bel' fD~~eet In ~rtain property be estate in Warren'c ounty. '950. Mt off '0 her io IeverlLlty, a.obert Rtluht!n DUland Bettie 0111 to 0 , J. Sba-1\'baD, attorney for pl~tnrul: W I Boroh' and wjfe real estate lD Muon,



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Time Loc~ ' .n·' ·.Rep.11' W.rk o' ,AII Kind. .




E~d.ihe Alency fot "CenMy'" A4lu.t1b!e ,S1eel Dr••"" '.Mi'

!~tC, .' w. '"AI.• "SAFE . CO~f C.lal!lbul, ~~I'" J.l·a,'lftl"l :"





,P ub lic ' Sa les

t-300Ihwf::stern. JblQ' I, a onU8Ul11 a. t ' ba of geo . 1'[\ 1 iute r t. . . Rnu Ii lIue at froUl Cln 1Unut r will ofr I' at Pabli' A tlOLjun ' n t compl~ta,.l large 100king -glns15, 1 e,rm 1 ~l:Is tlitln ,209 w.i lea Ilnc! 8w.i ng it my I'(' lild 11 0 on th bapOlal l , faTOl, ob~lr, ,2 · mirror s, 2 oak dresser s, 2 t:,mnd IUld ~ u IJIl e a Iroi~!n wliioh nt. WIlYne. viII, O. oak wllsh staud wlllnnt oeek And itl toll wlrl st rnngE\ flora nod Saturda y and Montlay, Oct. 9- ll, 09, ~hair, ] blaok book stllnd ,\ 1 porob D. L. CRA NB, EditOi· and Mnliag r 1'ltuull ' a be fouud in UIlYofother 4 nal benoh 9 ohairs, 1 , rookiog obnit·;j ' lll'gi ullil1g lit. 10 0' loo k, Ur " on tll4~ oon t i 000 , It Dd j noiuoo • hat tree", 2 hllJlp St.aOdll, 2 1I1l1t1i1 Rates of Subscr iption t ld ly IL g rentor vudet,,¥ of politiol'l 4l Head of Horses 48 staods, 2 book sbtlIves, 2 clook , ~ one Year (HtrloLly lu u,1vancc) ... .... .. J'J,1I0 aull r eligion t llun in Il.n y other qUill , Oon siHti ull of one ou., l ad of M ou- bel ves, n lot of ohioa wure, 12 ft , Slu ~ I ' oily ....... .. .... ........ ...... p l'ul8110 n Her the fringet lof tllnIlHol'!>l's , Mur "Ullits , Yc:mrling!>, {tat bottom bOltt,. th.1 influen oes f t4e Alleghe nnies T (/1', 'l'llreo's und FOll r yenr 'tI 'l' nus ('If sllle: $5 lind uod r nah i too . Rates of Advert isemen ts !l nd of the Southt; rn lU onntn ins, glloilso n nd hllr e~. AI ( I, many Oil Unque itioned ver n credit of {J m ouths will bo R~adlng t.ocal . per line .:., . ...... . Grel\t'L llkes and the Gulf. l iveE, O il) colts and oldpr mares gi ve n to pUI' huse r gi vi ng Re.ulln g locnls, bl,,(\k face . lwr lin .. . bankab le durabil ity and lin It. squllr e mile in Y How nlld gel<lillgs-ul1 old r lllares ~ 01 16ed All", not 10 e:occeC<l five Hnes. bred notes A disoo unt of n}lu will be glv exquisi te design , rton made an In- to good studi'o Mllny bl'oke t,o worR en for ollsh 'l'llree In8ertlon H .. ' " ....... . .... . _51l Spl'i ngs, Edw~rd pA yme n t. -the highest ideals in plated ware -are assured in · Obitua r Ies, fi ve Incbes tree l over flv' ternatlr)OlLl reputtt t.ion in geolog y; tllld (hi va . SevflTn I stldt1le RWN 80 E L . broke . spoons . forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the Inche!!, per lin e. >< . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 5 the Bergen -,TosepU C . T. Hawke, Auot. aou Filuni A detuill lf ellch will be g iven 011 Oard of thllnks ... , .. .. .... .... . .... .... toe renown ed trade marl Fred Hartso ok, C111rk. got the iuitilJ.ti ve for their b()tlmionl ul1Y f sule , Il Il R WII) be Resoluti ons ..... " ......... ... . ... : .. .. 50 gUIlTRnteed servir.e to the oountr Soolals e t o. where churgc 111 maOe ... ....25c y; IJ.nd Prof, to be al! l ' prAsenterl. We will offer at Public Sale at the D1spla V Adver tlHlnll, per In ch .. . . : -: . .. .. JOl' E. L . Youma ns reoelve d tbe inspiru. n t:3l1ttlrtl rty wiil I t yon l)itlk out home farm of the late Le~i S. LuDiscouut a "h'en OU cont ..ic~ . tion that mn·de him th e lenuar in what y 11 wont tu put. np to be lIold . I<ens, on t he Waynesvil1e and Har.... popula rizing solonoe. M ndllY will ~ 11 !lily t,hnt UTe IAft. veysbu There are various makes of 'silverp lated tablew are l'g pike, 2X miles from Way~Vitbln t,b is O1role. of whioh 'Iu'nl t:lS("l III" bougllt HU YOll ou. n b lV OOTOtlE R 6. 1909, , 'which ne ville. are claime d to be "just as good," but. like all and 2 . ! { miles from Haroln nati is the oenter were bOI'u them . Now is YOllr cha nce t,o :,:et IL veysb urg, on imitatio ns, they lack the beauty and wearin g qualitr, ~ IY8s es tl. Grant nnd Beujam ln b OT e to s uit, STRAI GHT UP identifi ed Tuesda with Barriso n, . AbrlLha m Lincol u anu the origina l and genuin e "1841 R06ERSBROS. ' y, Octobe r 19, 1909, Term: 'rime givoo to uny one · B owar d'1' f The oue ware popula W ilhllm rly kno~nas uSi/ve r Platet a t. Beginn ing at 9 o'clOCK sharp, the lzat IAT nears . , . gl ving 0. ~oo(l note. I OOuld write ind finlt-ely of tbis Pleoe .. Sold by leadmg dealers everyw here. Send for J B followi ng propert y: Gown • ohltrme d OIrole, but my llUrpose is 16 h d f H 1 bId' catalog ue" C-L" showin g aU designs . _ _ _ . 'RAPMA N . ea 0 . orsesay ge 111/6, dtrll.ij(ut U1 rely to speak of re urrecte rl . \u I will se ll nt Publio Auctio n at m V 4 years old, weight 1600 pounds v MERIDE N BRITAN NIA CO , .. (I""·"· 1 :!:':!!! Up and t ", oO"lericIea, Cou. tlooh, Boston 's oollege of t·he \ est- r EI id enoe ~ miles soutlle tl:l t of Cen- gray gelding , 4 years old, weight Down the monum en t to Horaoe Mllnn.o ne t61' ville and 2 miles northw est of 1350'po unds; 1 sorrel mare, 6 years May ot tbe nobles t of Mas acilm"le tts ' I'e · F ny on tbe Stri ngtow n Rottd old, weight 1400 pounds, in foal by Plellse fMm ers, uno the gr entes of Arnel'Wedne sday, Novem ber 3, 190~ Rus Murray 's ' Perche ron staJlio nMatron icuo eduoat r rs . this mare is a regular breede r and a t 10 FOUNTAIN SYRINGES "b.:J f h . 12 Il n. m ,u ell '. 0 orses; one - good worker ; 1 gray mare 10 years And In 1 1i3 Horace Mtmn ollened fit Undert a'ker and Emba lmer. f\ old b od ooe 11 en old ye 1'ro mlll'e, old; 1 sorrel mare 13 years old; 1 sorMis8, Ye llow l:.:pring s t.he first 011 ge in brood toure, two 3 yeur -y .. r. old mares, rel horse 14 years old; 1 sorrel geldWill be fonnd 10 the old But, on thtl world from whioh '1 brothe l' Ilnd w igbt nbout 1300 lbe., 2 COlt!!, Bllnk Buildin g. opposi te 6 mg . 3 years d d y 01 ; The 2 two-ye ar-o) mares; siRter gradua ted witJh eqllu l rllnk, months old, one driving mllrc; the Nutiont~1 BIl,nk. three 1 one-yea r-old mare colt; lone-y earDeall, frow whioh Il oolored man or'wom lLo heudof cattle, 2 good milob Teleph one in house Ilnd of· oows, one old horse colt; 3 sucklin g colts; all When fioe wbere J can be called could gru(llla t ,in whioh 0 0 studeo t heifor; 10 b eau of shoatI', 5 dozen of this young stock is sireli by Mur<Jay or night. All is oould stay wh o WU8 known to use chi clren • 200 bu. of oorn in orib, ray 's Perche ron stallion ; '1 Purcell Valley .Phone 14-2, ." Buill" tnbaooo in Any form . 10 1 511 Mr fa rm implem Aot s, on e fllrm wugOD'j Lay gelding 4 ~eal's old, 1 Purcell It Dlilkes Main Street. Wayne sville, Ohio Mu on died ' at YAllow prlllg::l n.nU nn e ~oCormiok mower , oorn pl~nttlr., bay gelding 3 years old, double ·gaitTbem WIL ucQeeded for t llree yeMB by r i(ling oulti "utor, wlllkin g oulti v~tor, ed-goo d actors. This bunch of I.ook 'rll WIlS 8iH, whoDl Bnl'V~l'd ol111e,l one brel\kin'g plow, one GO tootb horses were bred and reared with Llke to el'\'e us her proside nt. burrow, o·tie diso harrow , one tobao.. great care by the decease d A lot of This. a ndrew D. White wns Calli'll! to on trnn8lJ ltmter, one hi eHlII tobuooo g' od timoth y ~nd mixed hay in mow. -l H ('I nlltQn Po t., MilO d Dr. i:IIU I\t A otto b IlUd pt'es9, hay laduers . ,' .g rtl.vel b od. one ... 2 I'oad wagons , 2 truck wagons , 2 w mlrl bllve uoo ·)ted bud not. t he b b LOWE EN d bI t ree ,81l1 . g Ie t r ees, se lf~binde J; HAL RITES FOR ox u ggy, ou e _ ___ rs, McCorm ick and Cham' Ooro<oll tr ustees induoe d bim in taltd h G4 Lafayett e St., Nuw York CI~")' . .. B, Sh ove Is, #~or k a, r a k es, oue h og pion, 2 McCor mick corn harves ters, 2 Ballow~'en give!! olevttr hostess es to ~und IIp that u01>1e instltn tion of tr(lugh , oblo~en b ox, work harneslI, check-r ower corn planter s, 2 hay '" oh"no"" tor orluilll dHy,' 10 The l }\ rning. Jam es A. attlelcl McCALL PATrER NS .. WIlS,s . buggy b~rness , oross out saw; some I d .... ... 2 . D Design er for Ootob '\, Polly 61\iner 1. oted fQr the pl'eslde noy g oleh" ..,·d I" r . Iyle. !,crloct fit , .l mpll ~ ltr and pa era, mOWln.. m~c h'm~, 1 h.ay when r , h ons hold good!!, Lwo ·oreom sepen- t~dder, rel lltlJillly ncurly 40 ' .ff. _nltl In ..... r ly 2 HOOSier disk drills With. dellorlbee an eutertu lumant at whlcb White d eolln dand Illn~o c.vt:,r ~\ ly .und to w n in t he Unitt.t l41t"'J and t lI.ooepte d tOTS, two' bedstea ds Qnd Bp'i n~~, fertlliz er attae~ C fihUtia. o r h y mull ,Hrcct. .M oro sold t hau ment, 1 one-ho rse no~el1dell8 w ere :iutrodu oed. .. DY make. S nd lor l,cc cut.log-lIe, but Biram clllleRe hlld a. pr,or c\llim Il1. wn I:Iwing, ato. eto. diilk drill and lone-h orse hoe drill MeCALL 'S MAGAZ INE • I 4"d pu· n(' Il ~' l' g'''alu' In tbe II ' upln him. John A. Andrew . W .IL 'rerm : AU sums of $ii 00 and b th ·th f t'l' Mnre ljubiCrihcf. lha n any other '.I hlon brary wbioh w'\s malle o~ 11l~8e ~\l next oholoa,n.ud It was 0 WI UtRlI,lzlne milllnn" D.o nth. In •• lu b le. Lat. er I Izer a ttach ment, 6 rl'd ne of t h nicest residen ces on' hls ·tuten nnuer, clLsh; nllsum s ov er ,500, It ing-cor $t 11yl' p:lttt! II1 ", drc'!Im nSd"K, IHlIHnery. n plows, I .Hamilt on tongue - Wayne Avenue , No. 814, near Xenia "heets 9 f bluB. wr~tlJPillg, paper. -she tluu to.. p lain fic \Ylng ,lunL-Y nt!~dlt! ..()rk, hairdrl:! •• lnt. p.t fUlljoOn 118 t·b e Oivll Qrl~dit of one year by puruM ' el' givtl i'IUC I\C, Il'ond t ll d , It, Oll ly r.o (Cil l o • less ploW, 10 breakin g plows, 2 fliac Aven~ e in Duyton , Ohio. Larg~, say., There we \Lll joorned from "!Vllr 010 ed , He hnd , 1~ , 'ea r (worlh d',ubl~) , I.. eludlng \I [' 00 pattern. n Ii Wj.t.l'm ins appfI>V'ed securlt v.harrow .6 harrow s 1 8pring~tooth beaubfull~t . . R ous with ' uta 'ribe wd.y. or Ilcntl l or sa,npre copy. tbeeop per tU'bll'l. (.."HI ,of t.he men P 1'80n81 friend of Horlloe nil mod- WONDE RFUL INDUCE Ma nn and . lNQte] ale olLn be held under narrow , '2 rollers, 2 ~eedet'S, 2 ,carn MENTS ' ern conveni ences, the party who WILS 'learne d .n onti of the olosest ndvil:ler s of all at hi Agtnt5. Po, t,,1 brings prem ium c21210pe Thom · shol~r '1f woathe r will not permit shellers , 2' tobacco !uuJ IICW' ~a, h prize offers. Address ' ; plows, 2 double '.Indian lore, nrtol' tl bri ef eolipse re ilK StU, bUt after sHveral GEBHART & CO.'S ..lIE tlceW CO. :118 ~ W. ~ k. I'fIW , . . . w onthe it outside . V ~Rri BOU£;IIf . shovel plows, 1 ay rigging , log turned gotten up 88 nn'Indi aD ohi.ef. of , qODsid erutlon ' of tbe offer be A. A . MoNell, Auot . chains, singlet rees, double trees, joint ~umber Yard, Dayton ,. OhIo, Later we ~oasted ohestnu ts t·broog b daclin ~ tbe honor, nnd Austin ,1 . E. .·Slmes , Ulerk. ers, hoes, forks, etc. 10 sets work tbe jawft ~f a ,pumpk in firepluoe· Omig who , w~t! elected to F?r particu lars, price, etc. serve un Lunoh stand reserve d . WAL TER harness , 1 set double carriag e harThepo mplnn was&. hllgea,f t'llirma de til G'ov, ~ndrew ' oould oome, benellS, besides many odd pieces, col- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ It had ean, nOllO c"vIDe p"ee' l~ent of YeUo.w clotn; .~ I will , ... OffAl" at Pnbllo . Ba-Ie on larsj bridles , lines, Fune ra.1 Direc·tor. . , . III'" etc. A few odd AAlate reIlef 1n '1-, 67" Ed wnr.£ mouth and eyea of blliok and whtte, . d ";" ~.., Immw IIVUI . . ere.'t B a 1e In, Y furm., I X miles aouth ellst of pieces of Dr Shoon's HOQsehold Goods. ..·lle Olntm..... ' B t .' and it oovere( \ the entil'e fifeplao e. rul. e,d too • .. . M'1151 .. III " ,000 ,In 0 on ne au en· Wl\yne sville,.o hio. on Wellm an Pike Terms of sale- All sums of $5 and 'releph one dny or night • On tbe rnapteJ piece, was n. ghost, dOW!U1:lDt (or Antioc h and trll.vele d on, Saturda y, Octobe r 16, 1909 under, cash; a credit of 9 months made of wh.te orepe tJIIJper over a '00 Y~ll~,w Spring s with the Valles phone No. i. I.cug URCHE S money, will be given for all sUms of $5 and WA YNESVILl:.E CH Distano e No. 69-'1r. pastebo llrd frame, We sll.t .arout\d lf1.ylng iton the illtar ,as a ; tribute to ~~ lo'oloo k, househ old gOods . oon- over by purcha . , ser giving a bankab le St. August ine's Catholl~. Cburch • . WAYN tbe pumpk In with bnn20 lLt}d guitar" BQrlto~ ~ Ma.on,. Sinoe ESVILL then E, for~y tli-. t ing. , OHIO. of 9 mattrtl sses 2 d~)\lble anti b ~ note.:F our per cent discoun t for cash. ' d A t' At the mystio: bour' of. twelve II ylll~r" ave ooma au d gone Bran"'h Office. H' arveys burg. O. lin n I MIngle. 1 oouoh, imitati on leather 1 1·'l1ther .e01'll() ~111\·e nbocfor. Pustor .. . ~. D, and Mary L. Clagett . real wUob appellr ed nnexpeo~edly II.t noh uas' had tn'or~ tban b Mnsi/ every li\lCoi,d Sundu)' of tbe mo"lb a~ ell I\b lltq 9f mn.rble top dreeser ; 1 stand, 1 obit Wm. Mills, C. T. Hawke , Auctll. 9 :00 a . m. th~ ~ib,ary door. ·.she ·~as wOllder- mlsfortun~, for mOHt o.f whioh ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~ no fOllier, 5 ohalrs, 1 sofa, 1 kltohen tn.· 'Lunch stand reServe d by Ladies' f~li, well gotten. up Ilnd the girls OIluse e;an be 1I.8l!igned. It St. Mary's Episcop al Church . is slang ble, 1: folding f.Il.ble, 1 doul?le bedateu d Aid ~ciety of Flat Fork. 'Were l'88Illy'qoi,t e startied when s~e ni ght that has no dn.w: n HAT HAW AY" RC\' ••J . H'. OndW1lllllder. llCctor . . and to An! first &p~red j Sunitay SGhoo}. . 0 :110 11. m MornIng Rer' tlo()h a new day' h. ~e oome, a. new era \':I\.~ 'leavi1le'8 Let\d1n g Denqa t -:. • r. , vtce, 10:80 a. m. Holy Communloll thO Ur$t . I had .. triend, It. yooog ~rti8t, bus . , beep. ushere d In. Office . in KeYM Bldg. TUe preside nt, Sunday 01 each. who Main S& mon~h oa.me_to Autioo h or-..nmnege on reoord. In--this day , 'Who .i......6r1 orever sf-"cato hing a S~no~ ~lie bil"th' of Antioo h In 1 ~3 three yeara tlgO; spoke it into· new of genera l depend enoe upon a. few llke-ne u. . A Method ist . Ep~opal Churel l. , w.eek be,tor~ JOy' p~rt.y 0 I)un~red: oollege s and unlver . ttiel! life. Suob 110 statem~n' iI:I easily men of eminen t wealth for r wlnto1 Dlght.. eiluCQI g.v., hl~ a liet of th<'8*, invUed , h Il ve b eep, many .~ R ", ~.l. W. D ull y. P!lS tor. .~ g o. . '. . . . J, but ' . S UIIIlI~Y Scbool, 1/::10 a, 1lI. ' Morning ser· in thiS oa-se tllere tlre tiona! endow men.ts, this IS aod before the .day arrived he In t.itutlon s; but 10 the years a note. vloe, JO :30 a . ~" ~JplYorth [.eug" c, 1 :00 pthe"e fnots to j ustity It. ' For eXf\.mpl u, on 'Worthy depart ure and will aUraot m . I;l\'tlnlng service, . . : 00 p . m . MIdweek 'o ' l had secured . undeteo t.ed, a. ohjLl'Cloa.l i 9 no more In t eres tl ng d ' tl e UOIl n~ th G week from Feb. 7 to 14 Illst J'ntion wide . attentl on.-A. E . Win. Pnycr lIIoe~ln g. 7 :lOp. m. drawUlR of e'gerY' pne on ~he llet . evel,l' ·than the reourreoti . on of A~tl- passed: the week Qf the cen tehnlal of ship, in the j3~8ton A'd vertise r. lie oq " pled thas" froth .photo~ ooh. .Many ,tim~!! tP.l8 summ, bl', II.S Christi an Church . the birth of Abrn,h l\m Llnaoln,. ~re8. - -- - - . - • Rev. n. E. J)aw80Il, Pastor. granha OS!' from -life 0.8 th~ opport q- every ~~mmel', I mlDgI e The Bed Rock of Success Wi th th . a .ident 8uuda.y SChool 0: 90 a. m. Socllli mooting, Fees deliver ed I;" t..1.J:10pl ~ ~emorl. • 10;40 n. m. OhrlsWm Endcfiv0'1 7:00 nlty ptfere'd . . TlieBe drawin gs were , I ege ~en an d. w?m en tLe oooDtr y m, 'k TRADE MAM. '}. ... b ' b k db Regular clIurch servlco.,C ecoud ~Imdo.y p.euch . t~l ~ddress(!ll, . llilnally the offi~!ul I'leS lD a een, 0 l "~ 'l i"" dlpl"m. ... Aiid tied wltb over. and it ,s 'alw' ear falD, 1100 e y month DI£8ION. at JCl; a O 0.. m. IInu 1'011GU." 7: 80 p , . Ill. ays I~ ohQr~, e<ll1re, muniol paladd re88 to v, a-s~ a, udleuce s Indf")mSitllhble will ~nd. CO~Y" V,." .. rel'i8t1fe88 e'1e r. . . . " .me w n0 Ii ' but bev:er ba. ve known ll 'morejoYPu8 . gy Jln1.0DeB uo powe"' Dndhll, , My grueso • Bkoloh oooles .114 cloecrlt)ttOD'DI., rom I . t I e d HJ_I,~·t ' p ' tt b Fide Church h , '" qlllCkly .. oor .... I'1 Ollt 01'1111011 ~rae whetbe, AD . tn U ev u.n ,e0 1um b us, aAlOl e r en I . s urg, splendi d health that Dr. King's New • oarried ' tbe fa.t e of Illl D,l1 gueets !n ' .r oup .or one more represe 111.0111100 t. "roh~bI1 pntoll""H b ~O~OmmUD!C'" First Day M l!ctlne;. 1U':00 u. m. First nt~tlv.!, of Springfie~d, <9h1o),' Dayton , ·Ohilli. Life Pills ' impart Day tlOn.. trIOI~cnnndo"UIII. HA 0 1~,11 ont'a&eu&a . ' They vitalize Sot-ool, 1-1 ;0('1 il. III . F('unb Day Meellng her tagged ppoket s .. . nobles t ~a.nhQ~d .. n~ .~~m.~ nhoqd oothe, Tiffin, Bradda ok, .a~U:8:'a t.!~:~ mg~~lroll"'~ i.~::'-.i IIilt. Wllshevery ()rgan and build up br~ln. and 10 :OQ a. m . 'Han..aing o'ne of the.~e ' ·0 on'e of thltn ,at A1itfQ/)~ on the~.mptl ' a~u"a,tWII,ll'lout"Jlal'1lm"\Ilttrel~an f.f$,., pow in~ton Call ton and Yellow Spring e. body. J. ~: HlI.rmo u " .' ~ ., . -:" " n, Ll~more, ~." t·t I . di ' Orthod ox Friends Church . tb~ 'melllh e Slf.ld,: , "Eyes \Itn t, hat read well g.roome u. W ( , '. ~'., and benu) u !: ()~ n '1'his OO /3S, not ~e .In.tll Ilcqo~nt be~t Va writes: "Tbey Ilre the pilJ~ i ever used . "250 at Fred r. the alocrets 0. ' the 'beaven s olln. n.Ol the .buHdin~8. t~!l.t are bein.g • Re v. Be nJam in' HawkIns , t>i~8tbr, :ura~r~~nr ':~:I!~r~: tl'juve: "" ;tlro fu~~~'~: 8. ~ large , 'I~.~r; numbe r of on!.4 whloh . C. Sohwa rtz's. h ' bl t Rabbath .be bUDded. Behold your , fate I'.' nil ted ~fd · a.l'e, Sohool. m. IICI(IIlar Ilhuroh MIlI'UINrn!ur&mOCnlOhe8'·81.1!"ro~.~a1.IN"e··w·('IY""WI·rr. . . , onc,e. more IS y 11. ; lle bad to deQline, inoladi bg offioial sorvlce. 10 qO U. 011l .:110 a.hrlstian Endoavo r, . D .. _, ,Be unrotle d tt nnd was 'i :30 p . m trlL9t:ir,e•. ;ASO rend ezvou~ (or prG~. address es f~om Bt. 'PI\uJ, ., ,, BI"III OlDco.'. " ~ W ..... IIlII't'.., 1), • ~tLlt L . ke SAVE CONFUSION IN MOVING ·to' find the ' face, of Ii ' girl to whom "ln~ift city ' te~oher.8 : fr9Ul Il~r f~n.d Oity \.Ctno!'nnn.tlr.La nsing ILnu Scr~n­ . .he had I~"l,. , been ~er1 at.tentivefn.r ~a do~en or'mor e ~J1.oh frqDl,~rn- tOll; whioh ,0arriM with If you are plannin g to pre ' To an'Ot}1er . tbe witoh handed ~ oiu~ati, Pittsbun~, ~to~no, Wilk~ns. tIlAD) the usual .honora rlum of 115V vent a~nfuslon In plaoi~gmove, furnitu re ,seoond "'f()H ;' In : tlntllin g tones she bllrg~. renn,, 'fmd ot,be,: w~~r~s -:I~ IS and '20~ , . Thla.lil dioates tbe oou ~ in the new hou~e ' m the followi ng '8I1id: , ','Often ,o",,)nte ·yonr . star I\. ~umD\er sesstOn , IlS u~. III promln enoe : of ~ntlooh 'a ., ti~w mAQner: In leisure momen ts pre ~. oOll]e ,f\.hio tb~ field of my reo ~t:led eao~ ,ba~ ' be~p for three . y~ar~president,. ' throug h whom t~~ new pare a large ol\rd for eaoh roum, to ,--rObe a!and 1 hR·vegleflD.ed intelll- ' r.~ three' ,Yoenra \he numbe r of .stu. Antioo h b'ILS como. be tllolted ~ . t)1~t the outside of tbe door• . k b e had an . ,•. f8eD~' J'nl\y'il},~r§st 'you.:' ' ", dentsc~. . f ,~ 11 oOI'I.~ge ~a~ f~a.ll\e · ~n moving 'dl\Y~ A. s81 a n a , ~ . ~u~, t ~~~ · evidt'mo e ·of the Pf8!!i 'I" . ... / Iono ' not Iw ' "gine ... aunu/lol . · ...,0 anChue r I lilcr&lll te of fifty ' per. •cent and d t" t . .IiI ' ., . .. .• ,'. peV.... ple .o·t ouml)e r ILQci Dla.rk lL olLrd for elloh • en s 8 reng th w ilh the . ..that any ,intinen ce " whioh bears , . ' , . • tIlls pao_~ ~9 .sU!e to be Dla~,ntalnud. Ohio lies in' thti facb that. th~ ijtate' b?,lroQm Let""r the ot~er oarde ..rour d..."n7" ~ii :bQ. bi~1d~n from And t~e ~u,lity of:youn ~ zpenl;'nd Teilohers~ u800iati.ori In ~nly un~l . WI~b the na,nies of ,t heotlie r~om8. "iil • -"h ' ' ide :it mv study women, lit 'even ·. ~ore ~otewo rt~y n' i ' e'ntbo8hi~ida1Iv voted to Th~n prep~re ai~!1roher of r emalle r :Y;\tt"" {fe ·t:~. '~un.l~ ,"k~in';, th~n .the .~fu lti'illim~~,l't\. A,nlJOOh t~~:;~Je\eQd ·.In", .ai8.i~g by p~~ii)!-r ~.s, ~ttBO~t~g 0. "trlng to e~h , eu~ l'fetel.... ~or ',PlltP8 0t yoo: in III 0." fa80\na ting , ool1egtt 'tOdL,\~ , • bsorIPt iolll ,1100, 00 .Q,dt\ ell': ,:ue ba~gage tl'g~) ...'" ..' ,~ark enollKh 1 "And o,on t~rO'ullh 18 tal? ls,tbis a mere d .' ""'t ' ~Ifi 11 i . '0 yof · to pot on all fUl'nito re, irunke or . =e'mPb"~"'· -;TF , ~ ? ' . , J!P'a8m f · Jj·II.~ ftom ' OW1p. e , ~ • . ~ ..... ~ ..ue ·" OJ'ifO Dp, · ,~CJ.l Y n~"mfh ir ' d ' l·bo~"ltl)t'hen.meof.theroO~hi • ":. "... , ,I '1Dllnn an .... n b on or 0 , ... 8 a • ' ;1... • t be . d belo"ed ".u.......,. c1::"""':O an , i r I'n" tLe u to .w.u.toh. , eaoh is' 0 . pnt. d i 1 '. til ) tad;' M ~oor -mover s tbe· ar~llg~~ent,-a p't~t .~n~ a I !.o oe . ay . 1l1l~ 'bere ytill ~ .H Ula oj DO errorn.d in l!\lldera in·tbe Naaton al lUd u9,.'.ona l . I 1 - hil . , .. . I . til ."'1 • P 0 Dg, W e DO va1na'bl8 tiL we &~ootil~iOD ~re "oln D. ~ ~ mo~~. ""bgt h wtll be 1111' In d~"~ g.ment and tl1e tl00.()"OOWU\ be ra.Yd. Woma a'. SOIPI c..'oDip8aloD·fo r 00~h~l'e wUl b'e , a rug. 6._t.._





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Daslr · ahie Prope r t y For Sale '





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Dit. H.E.

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QM'J01Ir ale .

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"You mUllt wall!. n t. a Ions jouru'ey. tlJrol1J;h a coun trr t1iR ~ Is som t1mes TIl astln! ·and sometJ.pHls dar k und torrlble. \ However, I will use all Ih uwglc $rls -1 know. ot to keep yo u fro n). harm." "Won't you go with me?;' llieadpel Ule gi rl. wh'o had' begun to I(lok upon the lillIe old ' woman as her ouly

wall about btl1-, '!"here." w ' lleat ' renee.. a t tb Iides of the toad, palntild a. dll:tllty blue 0 0 101' • .~nd· beyo n'l t il m w r fields ot gJ:'nl n and e'$'et. ~ b les In ablln,dance . . Evidently the Mllucbkl us Wilre good /urmel'!) and C,' u.l)la to ralso large orops. Once In a while sho would VO S8 a house, and. the Subject to Mechanical Harm tn' Thousand Dl((erent Waysp ople caDle ou to look at bel' and . ~orses G~aw·Oi( . Ba·rk Unless Protected ., " friend. bow low as she )vo.n t by; for everyone "No. I canno t do tbat." sho rOil" d; 1<0 W I'll twd be 1\ til mena s ot d . _COverln.. __ "but I will give you my Iliss. nnd no sttoy lng the wick ci wit h a nd !I t Ing on will dal'e I nj llre a pers(1l1 who' hilS th IU .free from bon dage. Th hOIl eli b e n llissed hy the Wilch or t b of. th l\!unchklns wtl re odd 1001\l uII: ortu." ,1w Ill ngs, for each was rou nd, with a '~y Sh came c1O!le to Dorothy ilOd bIg dorn for n roof. All were pai nted Ids!! db I' genUy on til for h ad. hlue, fo r In thi s OULII ry ot the Enst Where her lips tO \l hed tb gir l Lhey blllQ Wnll the Illvorlte COIOI', • 'DT ·t""", ~ oJ WT_ ........ _'-'._ left a r lI od, sh ining marIe as Dorothy Towards even ing, when Dorothy fOllnd out Sllon after. was ti red w'!th h r lon ' wolle and be-' "The road 10 t he City o[ Em raIds gan to wond r wh re sll I'holl id p llSS Is IJllvea witll yellow brick," sa id the the II lght. she came to a b611s rather Witch; "(;0 YO\l cannot miss It, Wh en large r than tllO I' st. On the gl'eeu YOII get to Oz llo lIot he afra.hl of h im, lawn before It mnny men a nd wOlnt,n hut t 11 YOll r alo ry il11d ask him to were dancing. F ive 1I tt1 fi ddle rs play d Os loudly IlS possib le nud the help you. Oood·hy, my dear." Th tbl' e Munch klns howed low to )' op le were laughing nUll Singing. By · L. Fra,nk Baum her allli wished he r n pl easa nt jour· wblle a big tabl neu r by wos Inade\l IlClY . after whic:h lhey walkcd awoy with delicious fl'uils and nuts, plel! through the trees. Th e Wilch gave null ·tl kes, aud many otb I' good Dorothy a fri endly little nod . whirl ed thIngs to eat. :\I'ouoll on hel' left heel lh ree t imes, a nd straightway dlRappeared, much to The people greeted Dorot by lti nel ly, SYNOPSIS. the surprise or lit tle Tolo. who barlted and hl vlted h er to ~u ppe r and t o' l)all8 n 1'01"1' llvc,1 Ih Kansas w)lh Aunt Em a fter lIer loud ly nough wh n sbe had th e n lgbt wit h them ; fo r thi s was the nlJd lJncl Henry. A cyc lone II Cled IholT gone, because he hnd been afraid even 1I0me of on e ot the riches t ~lu n c hklns h fllllll into 'lhe uJr. Dorothy Cq.lllng lUJ lOC p 10 lhe lalld. and h is 11'1 nds wel' gatb· IHlIlc,lst the olCp lt m en l o A. orash Bwal(e nod to growl while sho stooll by. htw. ',rile hOllee ha d lund ad tn a o un lry But Dorothy. knowing her to be a ered wllh him 1.0 celebrate tholr free· (Ie mtlr\'e)ou li beaul y, Groups of queer Witch. had expected her to dlsappenr dom fro m the bondage of the wicked 1ttUe ""opt I!(reet ed her t o t he Lan d o( record ~htnehk ln8 . 1'h o hou sll h a d Itilled th ei r In just th at way, and was not sur. wllch. nwnbElr ofactu,al cures enelUY, th e w ic k ed witc h ot t h o E llll t. vrlsed In the least. Doroth y a le a beart y suppe r and diseatle.!8 we know of, and wos walled upon b y the rlcb Munch· tll()USantlSIJ!IVoluntarytestimonialsare CHAPTER II.-Contlnued. kin hl msetr. whose name was BOI}, on file in :Plnklulm labol'l\tory f,lt '~bo Is Aunt Em 1" Inquired the lit· Lynn. Yass., from women who )lave Then she sal down. upon a settee ~nd tl old woman. been cured from abnost every: form of watohed Ihe people dance, " ~be Is my cunt wbo lives in Kan· female complatilta, tnftaJnmation, ul. Fig. 1~Ho"" Injury. Fig. 2-Bark DilellO., where I oame from." · . Wheo Doq saw ber sll \' \' shoes he ceratioJl, displacementa. fibroid tumors, The Witch of Ule North seemed to said: ~riodiopatns, bac)Qlcbe. Ornamental hees are subject to 'JOe- the point of · Infeotlon the fungus lne~'dtles, think for a 'Ume, with her head bowed Indigestion aDd nenous prostration. " You must be a great sor ceress." grows in all dlreotions througb the c.hanlcal l.nJurles )n a thousand ways. and her eyes upon the ground, Then Every sufIering .woJW,\~ owes1t to her. "Why?" nsleed lhe · girL 'Street and lawn trees that are situ· g~owlng layer and Inner b~rk until tbe self to Rive Lyc1la E. :pjnkbam's Vege. she looked UP ' and said: meets on the opposite 'side 01 growth ''Becnuse YOIl wesr silver shoes and ated where horses' can get at 'them are table COmpound.a trial "I do not know where Kan9a8 II, If you w~u1d like 1pecla1 adl'lce have leill cd the wicked witch, Be: practically certain. to have. thelt' bark tb.e trunk or Umb, ·wbic·h In this way tor I have never heard that country abOut yourcue write a confidensid es, you hnve wlllle tn your frock, gnawed ott unlf!ss protected wltli 'Bome Is, glrdled. mentioned before, But ten me, Is It .and on11 witches and sorce resses wear sort of guard. This is jlerba~s the , The disease .ls'very conspicuous and tial letter to,:-Mn. l'lnkham, at 'n civilized country?" white." ' commone'st injury to trees. The Injury easy of dlagonsls. On limbs wltb L)'JUl, Mane Her adviCe .,. tree. "Oh, yes," replied Dorotby, and always helpfuL "Then that accounts for It. In the "1\1y dress Is blue nnd 'Vhl e shown in ftcure 1 Is an,· ~xtremEl case, smoq,th bark the areaa attacked by the tungus' show dead, discolored, can be duplicated on almost any bllt dv1l1zed countries I believe toare are JUST A8 BAD. no witches left; nor wizards; nor SOl" When Dorothy was left alona she checleed," said Dorothy, s mo ollJlu ~ out city -atreet. l'he exposed wood In ,sunken patohell of bark, oovered more eresses, nor mp.glclans. But, you see, began to feel hungry. So she went to the wrinkles In It. tree . will ~oon rot, I( not pillntec): or or less thickly 'wlth yenow, orange 01' t be lAnd of Oz has never been clvl. the cupboard and cut Jlerself some "It Is klnd of yOu to wear tha t," said :>t.herwlse protected, and the death ot brown J>os.tlll~s of the frultlog fungus. !'I ~ed, for we are cut ott (rom all the bread, which she 's pread with butter. Boq. "Blue Is the color of the Munch· the tree is only .8 quesUon of (See Fi~. 2.) .' '. rest ot the world. Therefore w8' still Bhe gave some to Toto, 'and taking a Idos, and White Is the wltoh color; .0 MuUlation lu curb layIng Is usually Many· trees, especlally smootb· pall trom the shelt she carried it down we know you are a (rlanoly witob.:· necel!8'ar,y arid unavoidable, but the btrked .ones, · ba.~e .t helr trunks . and ' !:.~,e witches and wizards '~ong8t to the little brook and 1i11ed it 'With Dorothy did not knew what to SIlY wound oan and should lle . treated; larger l)ranches injured on the louth· ''Who ate 'the Wlzardl?" all ked Dor- clear. sparkling wa~er. Toto ran over to this, for all the people seemed to otherwise, rot-producing (uogl lIDil west side the freezing and conse· to the trees and began to bark at the think oer a witch. and she kne w verY \odgmentand tn 'n few years the' base quent· dea'th of patches or bark. ,otby. , bl d t . ."Oz hI:ms~lf 18 the Or~at Wizard," I' s si tlrlg there. Dorothy went to well sbe was only an ordinary lIttio. of the tree wlll be . rotted" out, as Ing the warmer wInter days there Is, nnswered the Wltc.b" sinking ber vol.c e get him, and saw such delicious fruit girl who bad come by the cbance ot ,1l sbowntn figUre ·lIZ. Fire Is another 'sufBcleiit ~eat ,at ~oon .t o ' B!imulate to a wliisper. "He 18 more powetful bangliig from the braricb,Qs that she cyclone Into a strange land. frequent cause of inJury "at -the' ba,e port~OIi8 of the ' gro'\Vlng layer into th~ a\1 the rest of us togetber. 1(e gathered some 'of It, finding- It just When sbe had Ured watch log tbe. of the ' tt~lIik, and 's.o alao, In .the· case premature growth; suoh tissue. is .uvea In the ClIy of Em..$rald/l. " . What sbe wanted to belp out her break· dancIng, Bog led Jie.r Into the houI!!', '. of lawn; trees, i. colllsion with la~ 'kllled If cold weatbertollows immedl· , Dorothy was going to asK; aootber fast. , . where .he gave ' her a room with, a mo~ers. " .. ately'. The Injury often does not be· .question, but Just then the Munchklnl, Then she ~ent back to the hOUIl8, Mutilation by . stringing ',wlres may CO.m e i manifest ' until welt Into the Who bad been standing silently by, and bavlng helped berself and Toto to' or may' not be avoidable hi Ii ."glven summer. '. The ~ea~ tlssue ·~ forms . R gave' a lou~; shout ' aiid pOinted to the a good drink of tbe cool, clear water, case, ~ut it ' is 9~rtatn that · tn !be favorable pillce . tor the growth of corner o~ tbe bouse wl,1ere the Wicked 'alle set about making ready (or the :ountry at large telephone compantes, parasitic' organislDs 'and ' such a ·tree Witch hild }Jeen .lylng. , • 'journey .to. 'the Olty of Emeralds. are, responsible, for "an enormous usually' dies 'from rotting In a tew years Dorothy had only one otber dres8, , ''What .ls It 1" ·asked the little old trouble must not be confused amount' of shf!er va~~aUilm 1n the ,Un' but that bappened to be c~eatl. and 'wetnan; IU,id 100){ed, and began to was ba.n~Lng on a peg beside her bed. nece/Jsary mutUatlon and destr~cUon with , that type of sun sOald whloh. ' l~lIgh. Tbe teet of the dead Witoh It was gingham, with checks of wbtt.e{ trees. Remedies for ~hls Ire.- onI'y In due slmply to - ~xt.teme he~t 'In sum, bad disappeared entirely ~d nothing and blue; ,. and although tbe blue was l DOllson-Can 'your (lallll!lllfAr lilcreo,iied pu~ltc interest 'an(l .1~gM "reo mer~ . when the 'grOWhig lay~r may be was left but the silver shoes. Ijome what faded wi th many washings, ' strlcUon. ' FIn'allY, u~sklJIM llrunlng .' ,oooked.. Suc')l cases ocour p)ano? "Sbe was so old," eXplained tbe It was still a pretty (rock. The girl lind deliberate negJect '0( ' wolfil.d s are typically ~ ihe arid sectlonl$ o~ . Sububi · (weorlly)~I don't kno w "Witob of the North, "that'sbe"dried up wasbed herseit careCuUy, dressed her· reEIDonSI~~6 ' for ·bQlf 0 tbe . the southwestern states.· " . she can or not, but wbether, . . she ' dpea. ''Qulckly -In the Bun. ·That is the ' elld sell in tbe 'c1ean ' gingham, and tied from v wlndj :~&tl ' ,lee,' ,. Tree~ Ulat are worth the care ' are l . , \' \ ~ . <ot ber. But the sliver 's hoes are yours, her pink sunbonnet on her head. She b,8 st p~~teCtedbY wrap.plnj; u~eparta .. .' COVERE,D . WITH ' ' HIVES. tlnd you -Bball have them to wear." took'll IIttie baBItet and 1llled It with \table to this sort o( Injury with str~'W . . . ' She reacbed down and picked lI1> tbe bread trom the cupboard, layiug a or paper. o'ften.merely sbadlng th, Child a ,M••• , of Dreacfful80re, ltch-. shoes, and, atter shaking-toe dUst out white qloth over .the top . .;· Then she ' pa~ : Uable to thiS inj~ry: wlth a board ( 'lng, ",r;' H~mol" for 2 M9nthl Dr Ulem, banded them to ,DorothY'1 ' looked , down at bel' feet and nQjlce~ In . TerrIble 'Plight. gr ..sblngleS ,Is s~o!~t to prevent -it. , " -4LI~tl. ,8Lifferer . "The Witch ot the East was proud how old and Worn bel' shoes were: . Anptber Winter In. , ury ofte~ con· .at tbose silver shoes," sald onQ ot the "They surely wlll never do tor a Dlnal. CureCt by - Cutlcura. fUled -wIth freezing Is aetunl urylni Munchklns; "and there I .Some charm long· journey, . Toto/' sbe. said. And" • .,;~..c..:K out. " 'llbJs miJ,y occur anyw.bere, but -conneoted with them; but wbot It i. Toto looked up Into her (ace with . his ,.....--.."'most ~yph:ally , 1~ -the hlgh!!r altitude,. , "My .slx , year old daughter had the we never 'knew." little black ' eye'S and wagged bls tall .of the 'West, ,wJlere . thll dry and ra)-e- dreadfUl c1lsease called hlvl!'& tor two Dorotby carried the sh'oes Into the to show be knew what she meant. fled all' :lUId . brIght sun tavor :evapora. lDQ,nth'iI. Bhe became aftecte~ by pIny· ·house and vlaced them on .the table, 'At that moment Dorothy saw lyLng tion. from the tree surtac". ot mOra w~ ·Ing with ~chndren ' who had it. By "T hen 's hecome ' out again to ilie, on the table the silver shoes that. llad 'ter than theoroots can obtain from the scratching 'ahe' caulled largll ' 1I0reo ~tuncbkins and said: belonged to the Wltob o( the East.. coI~.' aild ,fre«,luentlr sandy or graY,lll))' -which were irritating. Her . body WaG . "1 am anxious to get back to my . " '1 wonder·. ,e they will fit me," she soil, Everrteen8 are ~speclal1y, sub. a complete sote but ·It was worlje Ou a unt and, unole, for l am sure they · said to Toto. "They would be' just the pretty bed in it. The sheets ject ~Q difBqplty, 'slnce the!.r 11!~v'e9 her nr.rils and ' back. We employed a wll1 worry nbout me. 0 an you beI p . thing to take along walk Ln, for theY~ made or' blue cloth, ~od .DQro~y . tra:lisll!1re . to some '.,ex'tcnt . , pliyslc1IlD who 'left tnedlolne but it dId me find ' ml ' way 7" could not wear out:' soundly in them till ' morning,' , ...... "nYJ>I'· Whatev~r-:.con8erves not ,help hilt Qnd I trled several reme· She took oft her old leather sboes Toto curled liP on the' ,blue. rug' besl~1\ ,The Munobltlns and ~he ',Wltoh first . the Boll;'tends to decrease ~i~s but wlt~out aVAil. ,'. 'Seeing the looked at one ano the" and then · at . and tied on the 'zUver ones ,whtch b '. ;"::for " example, mulching ,~Reme.dles _. advertised,' 1 D~rothY', and then shook their., beadij., fitted her as well 01 It they h~d been er. '.· '.aD:l:l . , Qr ·Winter ': Irrigating . .~ree8 , thou~ht 1 '\Vould tr:!·tlle,m. ~ gave her "At the East, not far from ' here," made for her. She ate a lleorty , breaktasi~ ,opJl nor~,llY hartly. Wl1l. ,Qtten -wlnterkill: a ~ot , bn~h daIlY ,1!Jth CuHcura. Sosp saId one, "there Is u great .desert: and ' FLnally 'she plcl,cd up her basket. - watcbed a \Y.Ae· Munchkiu b'a by; who it :unable' to ripen "their ' 'food ' com. an~ anOinted ll~r body wlijl Cutlcnr~ none could llve to cross it." "Come along, Toto," she sa.ld, "we played with Toto nnd pulled lils "tall ,pletety.; : tbfiJ ,o ften happens as a result Ointment: , The first , trealment re, " "It Is the same at the Soutb," said will go to tbe Emerald City nnd ask ,a.nd crowed and laughed i1\a ,way that ot. defoliation "tn late summer. lIeveli the ItchLng ,and in a sbort time . another, "Cor 1 have been .there and greatly amused Doroth'y. Toto wils .n . : .' , " tbe disease dlsa,ppeared. Mrs. Georgo seen it. The South Is the country of curiosity to all ' the peolile., tor L. Fridliott, Wal'ren, Mich., June 30 the Quadllngs." they had never s~ell a dog befoi·e.· ". and July 1'3, 1908," . 1'1 am told," 'sald the third man, "How far Is It to .theEmerald City?'; ~ J)rq " Ollem. Oc>rp., 801e Props.. llol\oli; "that it Is the same at the West, And the girl aslted. Standard 011 Walla. that country, where the Winkles live, "r d~ llOt Imow," answered Boq, . . ..' '. , .'1'he S~andatd 011 C()mpany's real·' is rnled by tbe wicked Witch of the gravely, "for I have never i;~E!D 'there. , .. estate .holdlngs to , Bayonne. N, J .. '. West, ·who would make you hill!' slave It Is belter for people to keep . away,. " .' . . wh~re . its largest oU refining plant In if you passed her way:' from Oz, . unle's s they ha\"8 business . lightning aud Qthcr ill~turaLcauses ' 'the east Is ·, sltuated, haVe been In· "The North is my h6m.e," said the with him. But. It Is a, lon~ :w~y, to thll' l,",ge~y. unavoldab1~, .but the, .~e8ultlD. 'ore'aA!;!d from . ,$7:a60,OOO, the valua .,: (lId lad)" "and at Its edge Is tbe same Emerald _City, and It w11l take you w.o unds can' llometimes be treatel1.. ,. fixed upon ' the~ til 1908 ' for taxation, great desert that surrounds this Innd JDany days. The cOUll,try ·.here rich , . sOiD~f.{m~s .. when an.' unprotected to $1~,~OO,OOO, " r~e 'company is apof Oz. I'm atraid, my dear, you will and ,pleasant, but you , inus~' pasa wound' exudeS' sap the spfJng" va!'l· pealing aga~nitt the· inoreases fixed . apparently ' nonparasitic .: orp~-, have ' to live with us," . through rl)ugh and dangerous places upo~ tile realty DY the Hudson county Dorotby be/:au to sob. at .thls. for before you 'reach~he e~d of your, jaur:- Ism8~ye'Qsts" bacteria and fungl:-wlll. . board_· of _equalization., sho felt. lonely among all· these ·strange ney." , . llegln·.growlng 'on the wdund al!d soon This worried Dorothy a little but ' form~ sllJny; drlpp!ng oveJ,' people. Her tears seemed to grieve A . little liottIc Qf B;amlins W irnrd Oil 'lbe klnd,h earted Munchklns, tor tbey she knew tbat only the great OZ ~ould "uilac!! and un.n lng dow"," f~m . la' I\' mediclne cliest in itRelf, ,It enn be 'I mmediately took out their handker' ...., Th ' bl b ' th op'plieil \' in il larger. numool' of pllinful chiefs and began to weep also. As for help her get to I<ans,a s again, so ahe. ,'Wound. , ecam Um ' enea. •.• II~enta tbnn Bt!Y' othe;l" remedy lUlo"·n. the .little old womnn, she took olr her bravely resolved not to turn back. rapidly and the !,cldlJ :and Whe~ :,a: · ~an Is hl.s own wors t enG- . an and balanced tbe I)oint on the She b~de her 'f~lends' . and -pro.~uct.s, ot the:.~cUo~ .,o ftthe C .. . ' . ' ., ing organisms appear . 0 .m y he 'really doesn't · ite.ed any others, end of her nose, whUe she counted again started illong the ro!,d ot yeUo}V '. ci ". th t the woqnd brick. \\..'hflo sqe , ha~ g~n~ se.v era" woo ".'s,? a , "one, two. three" In a solemn voice. Mn. WI~"ow" 800thl"-lf $lyra!>. " . miles she thought she would stop to ~iblY heal naturally. ,. . At once the call changed to a slate, on ~" P4:>thUJItte-nlll cblldfeQ teeCblDI" I19 flAl1l1 LbO R""'I, rod"a", fD, Witch of the North, t .d '11 b d t th .. h shown ,In figure 3. . ,,"'"[H''''' ~aUOll,III.','~I/Q_"'lDdcol!", 2.~ .. IloIu.. . whicb was written In big, wblte chalk re.s ,an so c , IP e, 0 .e top 0" t. e furally 'idfe'Cts ·tb~ ~general . brain ,'Js Worth I1ttle nlal'ks: . tbe great Oz bow to get back to Kan. , fence beside t~e road ~!1 ~"t tf~· , ttle lnjtired and Its".. " .~French~ . "LET DOR,OTHY GO TO THE arTY sas again'" . There was , a great cornfield , beyond . ' ,,;. .. ," " .' . d " 't t ' h . onI" . a 0. . A . .,. " b· OF EMER LDS:' Slle closed· tbe door, IQoked 'it, and t .e ...ence" a~ ,DO ar. away :s ,e sa)V.'a · . t~om ::..1_.... ,, __• 'fjle little old woman took the slate put tile key car~(ull)~ in the 'pocket .ot acarecroy.r, placed high, on a ,pole .trom .her nose, and. having read the tiel' dress. AI!d so, with TolO trotting ke!lP the blr.d~ from ~e ripe <l0m; . . " words . on it, asked: ' ~long 'soberly behind ber, she started Dorothy l~an.ed ber ,~hi~ upon her .. ~'ls your name -oorothY, my dear?" on"her journey. . " ~and ' and ~zed'. tboughtfully at, . " Yes," :· d lh chJld; looking There Were 'Beveral roads near by Scarecrow. , ~ts ' head was '8. small ' 111$ v.oc,1 dryIng her ·, [eats. ." ·.but It did not take bel' long to find th~ ~ack ' shifted "ltl!. straw, wl.t h eyes, . " T~ n ·you must ,go to .the City at one l,lB,ved ~(h y~lIow brIck. Within ' ~ose and , inqut~ 'P afn.te 4~on It ~ .rep•. ' E m r aIds. Perhaps Oz wlll 'help , you.~ ~ .short time she. was walking b~s~y resent a tac!,. AD .o~d"'po!bted blue ~~~I ''Where I this city·?'! askectDorothy. toward the . Eme~ld .OHY, her sUveJr that ,!lad ,belonged to )lome . ;,~, ~tll is ~xa.lltl.Y In ' the centEii" of the Ihoes ~nkllng merrllf' on ' the hard~ was perobe~" on this bea~, ~nd the'. t;~1it c(luntr.\\ anll 11 ruled by Oz, thee )'eUo1'l .roa,6bed.Tbe -sun ahone 'brigbt of theflgtlre'wa s a blue sult,o,f.cJotbel, Gr,at Wl::sard I 'told you an1l-the-blrds~g e'Wee~il.d-D&l'~ ,vorli' an:d fade(!,..-w.hlcb bad ~.,o been "fs hI! a good man?" inquired ,{he dId ~ot leel,Dearly bBd as YOll mlg~~ stutfeil wlUl s,t ra,,·. ·.On the 'feet ' a:ln, 1111 lou~,lf. . ~hlnk Ii. l1U.l~ gIrl would: who ,~ad beell so~e old b09ta ::wltJ;a . ~'Ue' \s - goo(! W~rd. Whether be suddenly "whlsked. al"&7 from bel' own as ev.e1T PI aD , ~ore . thf midst (;f alld t~e '4gufe. was a mao or not I 'OliliJlot tell, .tor • 'cOuntry and set down be\' r seell hlm.·· a atnui'e faa/!. 'Staib Qt· COrD b7 me_ of tile "'H&1r .C&II f thez:."r' uked IJor. Bile "., ntpl'lled .. ~e walked ItIICkUp Itt baCJr. ' .. ' aIaiD& ~ .. bDW ~ t1ut' ciolmtq,' .






" JD.CE"'.R'.~,a .' , aucr ,11~<U TE~

Wizard 9/0z ·

Cured.: Lydij E. Pinkbam's Vegetable




















. DU~~lIs. the ' eariy days .I~' the pe .rlod of. t)le IrQwth 'of the gr~ln c~op In W stern Canada, as well. 118 tbrousbollt the .rfpen ll}g, and ' garner l{lg . period, t here IIJ yearly grOwing an' ncreaslng Inter"st tb~ollgbout tile Un ited States, , as to the rll8ultR wti0n h~8t Is com· pjetc~. These mean much to the tl).ou· sauds of Amerlcllns who ' have 'made tbelr homes 'ln some ot the' three Provo inces that form that vast agricultural domain, and are oC considerable Interest to the friends they b.ave lett b eblnd. The ' r ear 1909 Is' no disappointment 'Tbe orop') of wheat, oats and badey have be'!D harvested aild It Is now lIafe to speak of results. Care!ut 'es· tlmate& place the yield of Ipring wheat


part. ' of ·the ,world the.' ~r~duQuOn of wbeat 18 dhnJnlshlng today; but as ·It dIminishes ' CAnada's will Increase; tberefore, it III safe to predict tbat)n a few yeara trom now a large part ot tbe 'World will be ' Iooklllg to westel'n Can· ada tor Its w)1eat supply, and espedally will the United St.u.tes~ In many parts of western I,lnaila It Is possible EOUOl:! ' we e~ t IItUo ' l1ellh and to bave a bunared·mlle· BQuBI'e of n o will. wbeat, without a break. A wrIter says: Yilt Ib L'8 bo drl"l< In rry; w e: 1I hnvo- t en nnd "We were drIven west and north of (OIl.8 t. Moose Jaw through 20 nll1es or dead Custard!! tor supper and nil endleS!! host sy llllbubs nnd J Illes noll mince pi :t rip'! wheat acres ot stocks and well· Of 1\ lid other slIl!h luilyllk e luxuries." ,\yorked sU I~m er.fallows. One of these -She lley. flelds would yield 40 bushels to the Gr.. Savers. acre and another man had oats that Turri 01T the burn er before remov· would yield 90 or 100 bushels to the aore. · :In this diatrl t wheat will aver· Ing the s aucepan. The oven burn· age SO to 36bushels'. The condition. ers may he tqrned ott from five to ten minutes before taking out the ~!i&m baked dish. When vegetables are boiling lhey can not be any hot.ter, so turn the gas down to keep things just at the holling point. Gas that flares Ot\t around a small or round boltom sauce· pan Is wasted. Use la ge bottome~ lIat dishes. Plan to have a ' broiled steak the dny YOIl anI haklng a 1'11(1. (ling or rolls. It your stove blls the A rmer same llame for both oven nnd broiler at 30 .bushels 'per,acre. winter wbeat at were never I)etter and througbout the you ore economidng gas tn so dolug. over 40 bushels, Bnd oata ' exceed 60 dlstnct the people Bre aSSUred of Ii Wben Ironing always use the pat· bushels -per aore., Barley also haa moat prosperous year." ent Irons and cover with an old sauce· It would be unfair to close this or· pan with a handle. proved an ahundant yield. What will nttract the reading public more than tI Ie without Quoting from an expert }I'or many things like stews of m<lat volumes of Ogures will be the tact that crop·correspondent regarding the- two the simmering burner Is all Gufficlent those Who have been Induced through BatUetords In Central Saska.tchewan, for heat. the Inftuence of the Government to ac· on the Une of the Canadian Northern The triplicate saucepans that fit cept of 100 aores of free grant land; Railway. Writing on August 18th of over one b}Jrner are a great oonvenl· or, by the persuasIon ot frlend~ , to this year, he SIlY8: ence as three things may be cooked lea ve their home State or Dakota, Min· ' "It Is necessary to drive about slx or at once. Those In pairs are also use· nelota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, In· seven miles out of the town ot North ful and can now be obtained In the "Ians, OhJo, Nebrallka or the other Battletord In order to see ' the best aluminum ware. Stlltes from which people have gone, crops of the district. This morning 1 When the gas burns red the hellt Is lin ve 'done 'Well. rrDanclally, they are was drt\oen about 2'0 miles to the much lessened, look to your burnerD. ~n a better position than many ot them north ' and west of the town and In all Give them more air. Usually this will evar expected to be, and In the mat· tbe drive ' dId not aee a poor crop. t remedy the dUficully unless the trou· ter ot health,. tn social conditions, they eaw one wbeat crop which tbe owner ole Is In tLe ,as Itselt. have lost nothing. esUmates will 'yleld "0 bushel8 per One person who baa Just returned acre, and ~ bell~ve tt," Cucumber Salad. from a trip through Chop a slice of onion nad a e..nall the Lethbridge Dla· oucumber; season well with sa lt, pep. trlct, here wtnter per and French dreaslng. Place a 'wheat bal a strong thick slice or cucumber, well sea· bold ' with farmers, soned, on a lettuce leaf ; Ulen pUe a liays: tablespoonful of the cbopped onion "We saw some ma~·, and cucumber mixture ont. T:hls Is nlflcent eIghts. The very gooa and most attractive to look crops were: Inta,ct, all at. that ~oulcl be ,desired:' In a fe~, ,.eara from A Cool HOUle In Summer, DOW. these great plalD8 . To have tbe 'bome cO.Q1fortable duro over whOse bre.l1th fOT tng Uie heat ot the day, rl&e early, years · 'r 0 V e.d " ' ',doors and windows and fill the hundr d8 of bouse wIth the cool, sweet all' or the 1,bousand8 ·o f narly morning, Then , In an hour beherds of, oa't· for e the sun Is high, close tho doors. draw the shades and the house will be cool all day.


In .Ouge





Experiences In Andersonville and Other South· ern Bastllea.

I/lvld Descrlf:'tlon. of

In descrlhlng bls exporlences In An· dersonvllle and other southel1l pri ll' ons durIng tile clv!l war. C. A. Storko 01 Santa Barbllra, Cal., writes the Na· tional Tribune as follows: In common with all th e comrade!! who were In Andersonville In those cruel days of June, July, Augus t nnd Septem her, 1864, I bave wond rerl bow women, delicately rem'ed and cultured as are many of the Daugh· ters of the Confederacy, could unite In a monument to a man so ult rly devoid of noble traits of character as waa Henri Wlrz. I can understand how they can and do honor Gen . Leo and Oen. stuart and G n. Johns ton and Longstreet anll Hill una many another of the )(Oad f S who I t1 the conf de racy even down to d !feat. t myseJr could stand b fore D, monu· ment of Gen. L ee and, In fact. a mono ument of many another confedernl , and take off my hat to the a ead w!tll n feeling of admiration and rev rence for the many good and manly qualities

County, Qk;lahoma, Best Reached ·

via the Mldlnnd Valley R. R.

Re· strlctlons r e move d from one mUllan acres. Also ten million acr 9 In Eas t· ern Olda. The Mldlund Vnli ey R. R . run s tbro the east I'D llBr t or ttie new atate from Ft. Smith, Ark, to Ar· kansas City, Rns., thro Muskog e, Tulsa and Pawhus ka. ,Ask your near· st Ry. ng nt holY to ge t th ere or wr~b:l General Pa ssenger' Age nt, Mid· land YaU ey n. R., Muskogee, Oklu· homa, for Information. MISSED IT.

yo U'~L' ,feel better for work,

play or rest if you eat




Oats .





I ,

This 1'rade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purcbosc of p a int m a tcri nb.



an absolute

guarantee of ~"r.

Aunt-Well, Jobnny, I suppose you had a nice sojourn In tb e ountry?" Johnny-Um, well, I had lot s of ni ce appl es an' p caches an' wat n nel os nn ' things, but I guess th em sojourn things wasn't ripe yet.



The fade ... or th'" Jl1lJ>Cr ",III be pluocd to 101m that \.hero Is at le",, ~ on o d~nded d lJeue ! hot "'I~ee bas been "ble to ru... In "II lUI 81JljJeII. DDel lhat 11 Cab-rrh . n I4rrb :Ur. II llle only _Itlve cure flUW known to lho tnedl I lratemlty. <-'lil4rrll IH!ID~ D constit Utional ,.,qulrul II coustllU· 110001 troatm ~ t. Unll·. en"'rrh eu ... II IAken Intemllelly. nrllnll dIrectly upon til. blood IlDd mucoua lurlJlOCll 01 \.he 8)'1llrm . 11\.,.,:I>y d ..troy loll tho

tty and qlQlity. For your own protection, sec that It is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy,

I~~~:::::::::::::'90:::2:Tr:I"="'~9::U:::UdJ=.::,.=k::IW~Y=Crlc~ '-8- ~i.rg A sse ' t.'.. IIlTIONAHElD COI'AKY




Four hundred thousand peopl& take a CASCARET every night ~;:,~~~ogy o~uJ\~~llgd~O t~~d~~'l! -and rise up in tbemornini and call Ina M~uro In d ololt Jta work. The proprl tOni hJlvo 10 mu ch t aUh In ttl turath'o pow,-", lh ftt. C-ht"y o tter them blessed. If you don t belongto Ono lI und ro'CI Dollnnl (ur nny CII.8C t hat It 14118 \AI cu.... • end lor I"' ~ 01 ttli Umon lJlll! tbis great crowd of CASCARET Addr.,.. p , J . HENE V &: UO .• Toledo. O. takers you are missini tlie if'!atest Sohl by AlIl) ru~~1lI1J1. 7~. ~ HAil'. Family PUla lor connlpntion. asset of your life. 1110

Second Story of Libby Prison.

Its Troubles. Th e family ske leton complained. "I wouldn·t mind being ex hibited nc In awhile," said the skele lon , ar· th: uluting "vith dtfficulty through Its Ilet 1 lh. "but tb y all" rue so fro· flu ently III tho courtroom, \Vh I ' t ho ai r Is alway ' noto riously IJnd ," But who .\' I' t hluks of looltlng at such exhibitions from he fumlly tik J. eton's point of view?

CASCAIU1TS toe .. box for a _ek ·. t","tmell'. all druWat.. DIgg"'1 ""n"r IA the:..orld. Mflfloo boltes .. month.


tbey poss ss d. But n mon'u!nent to Wlrz; that, Is the limit! I first lool{ed down upon Andl/rson· PoslUvely c Ul'ed b~ ville on th 15th day oC June, 1 64, theae Little Pills. Just as th shades of twlllgllt were T1Jt:y BIRO I'clJe\"e DI.. ~:ov ring tbe misery and sul1'erlhg e n· tJocu (roUl D.!'''p''p ~I .. , In· dured by the 20,000 ll'rlsonars thcn In dlgcetlon nml Too H"arl, that den of Infamy and crime. ' I saw Entlo~. A 'p rfeet rem' Laundry work at bon1e would be ody for' Dlnlou... N u· the emanclated forms, the look of llUe· "ea. Dl'owa loefl8., Bn4 fering and despair In the fac s of the much more slltisfactory IC the right TIl8wln U• . )luuth, Coa'" 'thousands confined there, and my de· Starch were u.sed. 10 ord er to get the ed 'l'oollne. "'alp to tb., spair was almost overpowering, know.· desired sUffness. It Is usually neces· ~====-~-'Sldc, TORPID UYEK. DoWelll. Purell Yelleu.ble. lrig as I did that the lot of those 1 flaw sary to use so much starch that the beauty and nneness ot the fabric Is was to be' my lot. I was captured on tbe night at . ColI! hIdden behind 11 PlUlto of varying Harbor, often c;aUed B.etbesda chw'ch, thickness, which !lot only destroys the on the 1st day oC 'Jun~, 1864. ly r~g' appearance, but also affectS tbe wear· .lmenl was the 36th Wisconsin and Ing qualltr of tbe goods. This trou· my company G. Four companl s of ble can be enUrely overcome by using the reglmen,t, B. E . G. and P., on that Deftance Starch, as It 'can he applied day charged across an open fl eld tor much more thInly because ot its great500 yards In the face of a . wltb r· er strength than other makell. Bulb. Direct from Importers. I.n g flre from the a rtllIery or th~ BI9 Berlin Philanthropy. Save th., Difference HE most beautiful obj ct In thll conf derates, Of the 24 0 men of the More than 50,000 child I' n were Crocus 100 por dozen worlO. It will bo allowed, 19 regime nt who entered th oharge In a abled by the authorities of Berlin Tulips 20C per dozon a bell.uUful woman." Narcll1 us 2.00 p er dOlen -Macaulay.... ahort hour 169 were hit and 38 w re spend this summer on land within IIyacin ths60c lIcr dOlen captured. That night we slept in the ~asy reach of the city limits. They Our Cultural Book- FuJI PlnlltlD • . ' of BulbK-PREIl 011 reQU efl. nobl,c st tlllnlf, .0. womtm per- middle of the road, not far from Me· were assigned plots where th ey could Meier 4: Shoemaker -Lowell.... chanicsvllle, and In the morning wera play and cultivate gardens profitably S,.calDO... St., Cioc\n""U, Obi.. FruIt . Salad. marcl1ed to Allee's station and Inter· with the help or. the ir famllies and tbe Wb1 some cooks wlli lIerve ,the de- viewed by Gen. Hetb, ot the onr d· ad vice of publl~ Instructors. :Jc~ous fruit ' mlxed with 11 musta.rd eracy, as to who ' we were, what " ImPOl18"t to Mothere. salad dressing. Is ./l dlsl!essinr Ques- ''1'egtments we .belonged tq. The North· Eiiamlne carefully ' every bottle of don. '' Carolina '. men who ~aplured us and a saCe and sure remedy for . One caD ' s~rve the cream dressl~gll wbo had us In charge were kind and CASTORIA Infan'ts and children, and see thot It 'or Ii 'slmple Frencb dressing ' ~r may·' . considerate. I remembel' one old ser· B4!us the ,,~ onnalse thul preserving the flll,Yors· ,or gell,n,t, spoke to ,,!S In ~bo\lt the tollow· s'ea.h.,SlenCIl8, Badges. Signature Of~~ the fr~tts:' or course tastes differ, but' ,Ing :.w ay: ' T"lldc hecka, le. Full ';Poor bo1.s, I am sorry ' ~or you. J ID US,e .,For Over :10 Years, , ' ' we need 'educaUQn along ,ju'&t,,· these lIo e stMnl,,\nd I ucilllOQ(la. 'IV B!'flDO flU'thu2 yuurllomeorut· ~ lines. " k!l0~ where you are going. I would Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought. from tll:c Ih,,,. th .. 1Ir'"rp.Ht ~ ',l-J_L,(! , le~ you ~o It 1 C;ould, but I oannot. 1l pbunll ur V,S. w 1I,bo.c. ..~.:. Shape In It. No r did let you go It Is ' ImpOSSible tor Soap Jol.!y, · .." Did she leave ber buslttese. .10 good f u ~o escape" and they wOlild hang shape?" I Flannels lIoaked ,and washed' ,In ' STIRCa-:-~:eO~~~~: me.'" . ter soap," jeJlY fs used tn aJ'esoti. -..t1rer .tar~l.e8 on I,. 12 OUDC..... AIDO prine .all· "No; I3be 'couldn't. , There Is no ··DIIFIAHC." Tl)e next !lay, we 'were marcbed to 111 wasbed. alld It take,a Jmt ,half the IS SUPERIOR QUALITV.. In ~er buslnes!!. She's a fash· tline; fot ' dle1i ' wal\htng, It ,I~ . uDsur· Rlo~mpndl anl,l er,8'long 'tl,le . little sign shape lonatile dr e8smak~r~" . _. U., .CINCINNATI, NO. 39-1909. - .. ___ ,....:.._ __ _ __ _ _ __ --" W _ . _N Pllssed .and for baby. napkins ~h'e which stood out }rom the corner of a statns " dlsap·p ear wltbout rubbing If building and upon whlcb ,vere. tho 1'01' ,slightly scald,ed. I , US.6 one , cUDtul of words, "Llbby &. Sons, Ship Chandl r9 jelly to one .lnrge boner ot olothes on and Grocers." ACt r a tew days 'hI . wash daY. ao,\l;. o~6jllalt. euplul ~o sQak· ~1\)l>Y we wer$ transferred diagonally t.he clothes In before, to each tub. of across the street to ' Pemberton and wliter. If 0)(1' tollowlng dlreotions ./(re about the 11th of June were plac~d loll owed, one' plIon ot 'soap jelly 'ean board ~he cars with 4,000 'or 5,000 oth· be made for ton cents, and ', oDce . ers, ,gathered ftom th battlefields o( the je\1Y pot will. never be allowell' to the ·Wtldernells camvalgn, anti were be e)ri,Pty. '.,' ,. ·800n en ·roule' to Andersonville, where . To two bars of, famtly soap, c;hlp-ped we artlved on the evening ,of the ' 15th. fine. add 3% /tuaits of boiling water; On'·lbe mor,n lng of the 16th we wert' let simmer on back ot stove uo.tu soap squadded and driven inl1Jde tbe stoclt, Is cintlrely dissolved; set · outsldo to ade. Tlie detachment that I was 0 cool, and when ' coOl enough ,to ' hold part of was the 82i1. . As you wJll re· "your finger in comfortably . add·' one mcmber, the stockade at that time big oo1ree cullful ,of gasoillie and 'stir: contained. about 1'1 acres, ' and waa "'ell. l;Ie.t aelde and u' ' 12 bours It nearly ,'I n square form. There were will ,have se~ and the reeult la, one more . than '1,500· men upon each acre a gallon · cif white 'I!9QP jelly that keeplI of habitable land. I remembe r the the , hand1J:,soft ' ~nd i white a~d 'Ughtens llJ'st nfsht, when I sought a plac.e to your ' CllI.ll,y ~o~k. ' . lie down on the earth. I was driven Register for a fre~ homestead October 4th to 2 3rd .' ' from one pl~ce to another by tholle The Commissioner of the General Land Office at , who had ' previously l)re·empted thnt Washington has designated . 8pOt, and ffnally (aund a place to sleep among the ' Plymoutb pllgrlmA. . In a rew daYII ·the s tockade was en· larged ,by extepdlng 'It towardjJ tho .north a nd fen' acres' ndded. We were as r~gistration :points. These cities are rea~hed best then placed In '\bo northeast porUon by ,the., Iowa Centr~lRy. and of the ' Btockade" ~ci ·our d.8tachmel1t ,nnd . 90'l! callild the roll ju~~ ollpqll,i to the third g\Jdrd' post on the east :sll'(e, ,;count.lng., (r0Ip ~b.~ .'~orJ)least"' 'corner. B~au ,'i~' th~ Gateway to , tile Res'~rv~tiori ~nd ' Th re we· lived limtll the :lOth day 01 thf! only 'J;"~gistratjon point' wnere. the lands can' be seen"';' Septenibe)., .1$6:4, and lD common 'W1't h t1!e 'Teat: .m,IHorlty 'O( i>rlso~ers: ~er:!3 from the to\vtl. , ., '. " rC)mC)v~d- ' " from ,;. Andersonvllle. -The ., :Flie~' c~4htr~ ,is 'fertile/and 'we~r wa~ered-th~ .: e q\i~· l · .lIulw JhaJ t belonge~ ' to Was t 1~ r:esp'~.ct~ 9£ land a , few ··mJl~s · east that sells..£or ""Iplliun of • Cl\lptul,-o~ nut meais\ .Iept;tq J;I~vAnnl!~' wMr~ . ~e '..' ,>'·n n."n .... ,". · are.~ fmprovemetlt;:.,:. .; , . ,two ~y~6kS, ;,and, then . '25.,0 0 p~r .a.c~e. , . ' , , : ~ " .' . ' ' on ~he 151ll k . : Frequent , trilins and' low tares, F'ullinformation 'n nlon, tbe:




He then croslled the . S •• kt\tchewan ~lver to the ~outh tOWD, or BatUe~ord proper, ,and cqDtlnue. hili report: " "ConditIons around the old town ate Q& good If npt. bet.' ter. than otholle to the north, river. ' ThIs dllftrlct' baa much the belt wb·e a( ' crop , pJ1)!Jpec( of an; I <bave ' Inspected thIs year" 'conalc1~riBg lIample and 'ytel". . The wea~b· (Or conditions ,for ' the whole seallon have been rdeal and the result ·ls ~bt mIght eastl7 be 't ermed' a bum~er crop. sample sh~af brought In ttopl the Of G~orge ThJ~ott "u ,Hown to ' ¥l'e "'Iblc~.' l\PO~~ fO,r 'lt1jelf~ :. .Thrs farmer ,. I. 'sal II to have sixty acrel wh~ch ~111 YI~ld t . '. ·bu~bels . pel' Bore. In' IItating ano average for the d18' tflc~. of e~uth ~atuefori,l .1 would that .the wbellt wUl yteld 36 bUshels per , ~cre: ' ·~litj' Qat8 Will' Yle~d about 46 and barle,. 85 busbels per acre." ~ ~orreIlPoDc,.te~t !Jummtttg' up a trip , the Canl(dlan Nortb'ern Rallwa,.. Dal,lpb,n to.'Batt~eford ; oys: l ,tusp,ectetl the crops In the va-



",-,I? ..




Cheyenne River lad·i an Reserva'tio'D (2.800 OOO Acres)


Le Beau and A.berdeeD. S. Dak. ~

T"e'. Mi~Deapolis & St. ,Louis·,R."R.

., f:.e an




"'l'e ·....oou...

:, ~n requ~t.









I!II_______-.___• .i .,

1'HE L ,A l)iES MOSE COHEN FOURTH' 'AND MAIN, DAYTON', OHIO Opens the New Ladies' Department




Come To This Store For Your

FALL SUIT You can po itively sava from one fourth to one third on every garment-and these are the latest creations of the world's best makers of woman s attire. Ladies' Suits, loaks, .Fur, 05tume', Dresses,' Waists, Gloves. Hosiery, Underwear, kh:ts, Ostrich and Willow Plumes, Neckwear, Furnishings and N oti911S.

Men's and Young ~en's Fall Suits'

$9.88 $14.50 $18.00 SUIT"

$20 and

$12.5(} and SI5


•• ••


Uro r 'I u ver of ~eniCt, tl bom ~tlt{lrUtLY Bud 'uu(luy , . lrl:! .l oho Hegllle, of N wtonvllle, i VI itiug Mr. IIUU Mr , Allen Kibler, M! "s Lnoile Norton pent Thurs. dl~v nftemoon with til MlsSflS Ed. wards nt 1i'1lLtFork. Zq t ll Armltug~ WtlS In Lobunou ljlltllrdtty night. Mrs, 1::1 B Wilson, of Spriogbol', vi It cll"ellltivHsneur lIll'f~ IR tlt week . ve r!ll from b tl l"e II thmu d ' the f>tir lu ~t week , 'I'he C, E. bu in est! meetiul,! will be held ut, the hom e f MillS Ghtdys ~ p Door ::laturtlny night. l\iiRS Lenn. Myel' entertained the Mi~8a Lucile Mil, on tLlld Luoile Nor. ton , nnr l H Hnry Well ljltturduy evening

Alt', Bnd Mrs, Wt'b. ter Williams wer in L btwoll ::lnturdllY and SUll: dllY ,

Spring Valley. Ml'!'l. 'l1.rl Andrew8, of Xenitt, ' wus tbe gue. t ovor '"i.lOdIl.Y of D, W, Alllluoe noel fumily , nnd dtlO 'hter gov r

Mi s B s, iH cart i the ber OOtlSiD, Miss Mido en Mi. Luorl1 Alexundor been in the west for two yenrs re turned b omo atn fday , Will. Alexander n.od wife spent Suoday wft.h relative bere.


H . B. Heeves, of Riohmolld, Ind., spent 11, few days last week with reI. a,th'es bere . Mr. Benter of R~ohmond, lnd, wa~ the Deat of Mrs. Ettll. Mus Sunday. Mra . •llls. MoIntire and son TheoIi ore visited relatives tn Jamestown last week. The frienl1s of Miss Sarah Haydook gl!ve her a surprise on Friday even· log the ocoo!!ion being her birthdlloY· Mis!! Su.rah Brudford attended the weddiog of u. siflter in Sonth llhurJes too laRt week, A, W, Reeves returned last week from F!orldll j he WllS tdken siok on the trlBn o~mi home Imd has not been well slnce. Quite a number of our people atteuded the surprise on Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Eufnhllrt on Tuestlay of last, week. rbe W OUlen 'tlMi8sionary 80Cliety of the \<'riends ' churoh met lit the home of Mrs: Jesse Iiawkins on l::!tl.turdu.y , 'i'he Masonio Lodge held a dedloa· tion servioe and btLnquet on 'fnesdllY night of lllst week. Or, Barrod, of Culumbns j Mr Hamllto~t of Wash iugton C. B. and ' . D, uhunoellor, of Wilmington, were among thos~ oresent. CIIIS8 No.5 of the Friends' I::i. 8. WIlS entertRig~d. II.t the bome of Mr lI,od Mrs. Geo, Euns on Wednesd"y evening. Earl Rutledge got the leaders in one of his aukl~ en,t lrefy s"ver~ by It corn sled one , day 11\St week.

80 pef cent of all He'a daches, ' Dizziness, :.: Ne,u ralgia ' and ~ervou8 Tr,~uble8 are ;;!' due to Optical Defects, 'a nd ::: disappea~ completely ~~~ .:: .

When the proper Glasses ar'e WorD I' ''''''~~'''~~'''''''''



1.29 up to 6 $ ' $7 and $8




i:::' :.:


tl.1 Statebu hnd ILIlY more thoroUll"hly pruetical "Oxperleuco In fltUng gLIIII8e8 thlLn Mit, HOYT, Mhe haa devot4lll hi entlre t ime to It tor


over 2U years. bealdea belng a gradulLte or tIle New York Optl-

cnl llll/tl'utl}, and the


Ophthalmic 00J1e8e and Hoapltal,

the latter bellltf the, moat tllorQUih COUr18 tauaht in any coun· tty on co1't'eCtlug mUllOular and optical dofocY. tbWl giving him ILdvantages 1I0t J>08IIOIIIOO by UllUly • opticians in.OhIo. .



li'ro;n R v. David H. Moore. D. D., F~er Edi· itor of the Western ChrWltian Advocate. WriU/nl While Atten.ding the General C07JerC'nc cit Chicago that Elected Hi'nL' Bi8hop 0/ the M. E. Ohurch.

'I Sc at Schwartz'S


~;~ ~~~ '.'

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, '09. ~~~~ ~

Guaranteed to remove Corns without, pain or soreness ,

Suds for the


Will hereafter make regular visits t<,> Waynesville, and will be at the Gustin Hotel Parlors on


OAY1' n",



Expert Optician,




:.:',' ::: "".,."'~~.........:.


Oorn Remover




'l-;.:.:.:':-:.;.:.::;.:.:.:.~••, .:.:.:.;.:.;.:.::. :.:.:.'-:.: :.:-;.:-:.;':-:" :.:.:.:.!-;.:.;-~-:. ;~.:.:.:.:.;-:.:.: .:.:.:.;.;.~.:-:.:-:.;.:.:.;.;}

The , Neighburhood ,News , , .








" . Palmer House; OItieago, Ill .. Juu.o G, 1900, D r.:r. N Hoyt. ". , bear Slr:-GIW1S88 rocelved. Th,OY arebeautllll. Truly YOIl must . ilIlt Olllclrma~llLnll lit ~1nI. Moore's eyOl tbl4 g uoral Klill ol'OUce Is" over. , OonllILLly, D. H. Moo~


Rem~mJ>er, Gold Baml Coupons with All Purchases

The G. & C. Merriam Company of Read What Rev. A. C. Cris~ Says:, Rev. t. B. C. 'lahr, Pastor Re~pringfield" Mass., h~ve just issued ~~;~!I.~~::'~rx:~~~~; , I l\ave alwa18 ' thought It , formed Cburcb, says: Ii just wh.en a workmlLn doCli Webster's New., International DieIlc.knowledll6 It, ', Ht.vlog, I cheerfully endCiI'lO Dr. Hoyt U II • thJs 6th dlLY ot OctOber, A. D .. i009. mus' courl.eoua'aud accommodat.1ng , ~u­ oOlUleo,da&fon ot .. friend :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::z~ tionary, based on the International tleman. ' , He _ma t.nxJOWl to render hlld been OOnefltte\.l by SA,MUEL UINKLE. ~xecutor. thlLt he Waft to ,visit Ilnl" .• u n _ I18rvloo ILlld does not Imponllue peap" of ]890 and 1900. The revision has Whom ho eX'lLmlnes to purchue gl_ : rltlt. Who h.t.d. dJ1llcUI Announcements been so radical and complete as to to 8ult her, decided to llQ,Ia evidently ta,nUiar wlUt 1.48 requlnl1UlI1n11lg- her eyes. the • UlenlAl or 'hJa protlllllll:ou. 'He " wULln$ constitute a new boo.k: The w.ork (;ba~ hhl work IIhall lI.t t.nd on 11.11 oWn JUBt whnt !i(Itlma to hlLve merit.. My 'fI'l1e aud (la\ IlUJpect· lUI thOll8 II6lll!lt do Ilot ]1'. B. IIERW 00 ;, a has been in active preparation for ed that their g l _ 'fI'ere not ,t.daplAld to and ~he II t.dllcbe wblcb , uae of g llUl8C8 Ililt suited ' for th office of Treasurer subject t many years, py 'a iarge staff of ex: 'thefr vl810u !ud ,cc:o~lugly wjlre examIned ' by Dr. Hoyt, wbil. tli,tell thelr 11)'81 ' eotLrclr dlsIIPpeared ., I th votel's of Wayne 'Township. Dr:·Hoy to 1I0y: on III '11'11.11 .atlafacto.l'Y l'IlIIull.ll. ' perts, assisted by the contributions . bellovlng that he wUl gl Respectfully of eminent specialists, under the Lalu.. Fresh Oysters Jtelrqnl!,l~ Oburcb. • general upervision .of Dr. W. T. 1899. . That good kind O. J . BURNET isa canditlatefor l' - 'Harris, recent U. S. Commissioner of Solid m.eru 'ure~~o water "Thi$ Is tor;ertlly 'tbat D:".r. N. U:oyt-eJt~ID~, 'tee~ election to the office of Trustee ' sub- EkIucation. The number <>f words and Otted U\y~oYCII ,wltb g . . . . . that I proUOIlDCO '".P.OrtllUt." 1 cia !'tully recomm ud-&h&-do<:tor-t:o- all who aaller tm calc Fancy berrieR ject to the voter of Wayne to'wnship. and phrases defined has been great· Oy . or '!roan auy cause need a new eyeaJgbt one ' or Ood'II ' Fancy Cri .B Celery gCOIl\e8t gift. to mati. , Sllu Alaln, _ Iy increased, mainly from the-fresh ,Llier ania . L~nj l-' , J;>I/It9r Ohrl4t1an O\tUrch. Qellter,bUI'lf, Ohio. Fre!lh Crl p rackel's , ~, . B ,-Tbl8 WstlJilonlallB uusollclt.ed. " . coinage of recent years both in pop· fI Olives, H inz Swect Pickles New Hominy , , DAVID EVANS isa candidate for ular speech and in the v1uious arts lIflirlon, Oblo, ' UallltaJ Ulliverilib Next· Sunday July lG, 1900. COlumbus. Ohio, JWle .20.1900 New RoJ\ed Oats , the office o.f Trustee, subject to ,t he and !>ciences. The revival of early I"r "'-... ' Dr. J. iof.,:Ho)'t. ', , T o un New ,Pancake 'Flour ... tom t" ~y ,,,,,.,oont:-, ' "' «Ivee me 'great p leuure English studies is recogn ized by such Trlln le~ves, Way~~sville 8:28 a. m ' volers of Wayne Township. Thillia to certl,y tbAt Dr• .'1. N. a~yt, 10 tOItlt)' t be v~ etroctJye au(1 IldU~ N~wHoney " . , 0HIitClan, hlLll do lie work for me PIlIilOn- teoua tJV.~lneut that lli~ve received t.c an inclusion of ob&1>lete words 9S to a y, also tor tri~ud8, and III oach and .your hlUtcW. The tdlree pain of . 1...,. 'Show White Table Syrup; som egive a key to English Iitel'ature from e\lory case 11118 glvOII Jull prot IOnal that y~U mlMle · tor me aJIIWtIJ' ~ht!1r 8lLtl8fBCHon. I ' ·tbllrefoJ'O nlCOmmenll. - PlIg)Q116 exactly, I £an, and alt.dly do, thing e tra fine-its clear W. S. GRAITAM is acandidat f01', its earliest 'p riod. The title-words luna to IIll whOllO eYIlII nood trelLtIllOll~. '" ~ recommend yOur 'work,. " ,'. , as a (trystal YOurs truly '(iYoun very reIlP8CttullY,. ,; ./' •. t~e office of Tl'uste . subjec t to the in the vocabulary are m,o re ,than " '. ' ,' \ "'i ·'· l!' . W8~ , ;/ ' l~nuik O. WI,tthoff. 'rPiofe.o~ or Theolog 'and oro r:!m . doubled 'in comparison with the old F~esh Kellogs TOl:leted cOl'nflakes' voters of Wayn Township. ·PlI8tor }'I,rst' Reformed burch. ' , "." ,Pre,ld,on,'oaJrLal,UWv"ersl~: Fresh Post ToastieR , ---. -- ' . , International,nowexceeding400,OOO.' . .J Fresh Shreclded,Wheat Bisc uits The number of illust rations is in.:. .Jersey Sweet Potatoe.q cl'easeP 'to over 6000. The bookcon· ,Danish Seed Cabbage , wns more than Z700 pages. But tbe" Yellow Onions , :£he leading photographerof:<-e~ia, publishers desire tOhlphasize the Fancy Irish Mackerel, each ' ' WI)) open a branch ,Gal1e~y In the, quality rather than the' quantity o{ ....~ancy Norivay l\f!lclrerellOc White rooms, on Saturday, Octob~r the wotk, cidling attentidn especially , Paying 24c for Eggs 9th. Be sur and give ~im a call as to the thorl)ugh scolarship 'in de~ " , . Everything Good to Eat at he will surely please you, ts and the fulJr.ess of inr, ' '- -formation underimpOl tant titles-. ' , :' ';1 ', HAD SOCIAL SESSION By ingenious methods of typography Ev~rybo"i:ly. and al'l'angement, the increased ' ' t:T" V~ The Grange had a social . session amount of matter is contained with'. '1:.' 0 ,ft.IIOW OF COITRSE e :, Saturday night. Ice cream, coff e in a sing le volume, not perceptibly -...;.....- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-: and cake were served, ..1 ..,.. larger than its predecessor, and no less c(,lnvenient for the hand and eye. I,


90 . Cents








'I '





E. F. Canby·





- --


Auction !.! ~ •


, I will offer at Publ ic Auction at my place of ' bU,sin ess On Main Street, on

AlJ members of the K. of P. · ord~r are reques~d to meet' Wednesday tlvening, October 6th at 7 o'clock. Business of importance to be transacted. By order of , Chancellor Commander.

.. -----



Saturday, October 23, 1909, Commencing at 1 O'clock, the following goods:

One lot of. Robes and.... ,Blankets, . . in good order. , .one lot of 'Stable Blankets. ,()~e lot of ~eleS~ope8. One lot of Web ~alt~rs. ,~P~ 'Tie ,Ro~es~ ~t.u~~ ~alters and teather Go,ods~ , 'WhiP$ and Leathtr Ti,e Strap~, "

. One d~zeil 'Wood ,Hames, p~a~, Etc., Etc. ,

I.' E,.



F ... C. Carey took ~verytl'l ing in sight at,the Fair last week. He had a good display--in fact, the best the fair has seen for many yearsr

.. - ...- - -


Th~ , GaZette

V '; , OU to\V · : " W 'h ' ' h ' 'M. , . an tat ,t , e . ,:', ,'_,m. The';rt'm M·a"n ... ' Gazette Job Room I ,





' .



t .'l1 e ' ,Correct ,place.',to,. gel ' IS ,.










. •





Bills. ·


t •f.



" ' ,

'.' ','

, ,.

~D. WAYN~Lu:



w p.. y





New.. WBQLE :NUMBER 'liti25

DElt 13, l\10U .

~~~~~~_~~~~~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IU~ .... ---.-. _. - .-------. ..-.....-...-......... , BASE BALL H. . i. g Ltillg quit. : Social Events ·1 Former Citizens .--....--.,......--....--. .... - .. ..... .~.-.






'J he 'ai'll Club will meet at the oame of MI' . Fred Henderson Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Wrn. Howal'(l an~ duug ht.el'.

J o Thom pson was in incinnat i on usilles Thur day.

J ohn mi th 3tld wif wen ' in Day· s t nouin n was a DaytL'T1 vi '. ton Tu .."dIlY. it())" lasl Th Ul'sdn . E. V. Bamhal' t amI' wif ' wel' in Ml's. J if, mith has been vi sit jng Dayton Friday . . l'elutivt!s, in Franklin. Mrs. Marg ret Wier is vis iLing rei. Miss Elhel Williamson p nt " UII· ativ s in Blue Fall. cl ay wi tl'. h I' paren ts here. l'3wf I'd PelTY and falll ily weI' Mis. Ma.ri a st ut. s pent Sat ul'day in Cinci'nllu ti Sunday . and clunday at her hom her. B. S. Howell anp famil y were in Mrf;. A. L. Farr ' is improvimg ' in innali last we k. s mewhat ft' 1m he r lat illness. . Mrs.' ;I~a.,;. C Ol'll -\I and daugh ter • J., T, ;haprnan and wi! a~t od ed Luella weI' ~hollping in Dayton last alul'day. w e k. hoI' e s~l l~ rl1


and wife, of Ferry . wilhEd 'l'h0tnas and

ff nry Taylor and MI . . Bt't'tie arher, of Davt n. are the gu ts of Ml' . B ttie ClelIlents. "

Fridayev ning Waynesville H. S. Allie Hoi anu wife, Jesse Thornas cr ed bat. wi t h Lytl l' H .• . uno and J as. Johns and wife took dinner beal them 14 t o H. unday with Lester Kenrick 'a nd - - -family. The Miami w nl to prin g Valley Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Sherwood las t l"1'iday t I ull the thorn out that had been s ticl<ing ther f ot' a couple nteltained at dinner Sunday, Dr. of we ks. Th 'y pulleu that thor.n Thos. Sherwood and Miss Lizzie out completely . and the old sore IS Bailey . healed ov er unti l lh next eason, an~ way . Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Thomas :rh. boys pl~y. J a nice ~ame, the ntertained at dinner last unduy. Pltch~ng o~ W~\IlaIl1S ,n ~ell1g on t.he Silas Sur~'lCt! antI .wife, of Pekin, and s~pel u · 01l1 ~1. It took leven 111- .John WhItaker. Wife and son, Harold. nmgs to deCIde the conle. t, which Frank hidaker and son of Har- Waynesvil,lefinally landed by the ~ey b~l'g, were Cincinn'att visitol's core of 8 to 6. Sherman Dyke and wife enter'taipSunday. Captain Thompson surely earned ,ed very pleasantly at dinner Sundav. ' . Mrs . Co bu1'I1 . of Zanesville, is the a run, Wh.en h e m~de a si ngl e, stOle , the following: Eli Burnett and Mfe, g uest of h I' sister, Mr. harles second and then thlrd and came borne C. A. Burnett and family, D. L. Hawke. while Walton was winding up, and Crane and family. and Mr. Walter caring him so badly h just held the Burnett. . and wife, f NOI·· ball. . of Mrs. ynthia . Herbe-.t EdwardH, the demon batMr. an~ Mrs. H. A.' Cornell enterter, made four hi wit\.1 foul' times tained at Sunday' dinner, ·Mr. and Mrs .. Hatv y Burn l and daughter up- a tlnee-bagger, two doublcsand Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Manitou, spent Tuesday with 1'. Hathaway a single. Colo., Nathan Jones and wife, Henry . The' last half of ,the ll'th was decid- Prater and wife, W. E.~,CorneU and ,and wii . Mi . Lena Robertson, Mononga- ed by a double and a home ru~. family, Chas. Cornell and wife, Miss h la ity, Pa. i' the guest. of M iss Manager .Thomp on says lus boy~ Luella Cornell and Mr. Har~y Prliter. Wilmifred Mac'y. are t~e g~eatest ever, and what they' played thl,S y~ar was good ball. Lou Woolley and son,' of Xenia, .. One of the most enjoyable events were gUI!~t.g of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. C. T. U. MEETING of the sea.'J~n was a p"rty ~ve.o by Henderson Sunday. l'Miss Lucile Cornell -at bel' pleasant \. ~.; . ' Th~ W. C.T.U.meta.tthehome 1country borne last FridaY ,evening. : lit Sawd~n and Wife, of.Aurora of Mrs. J. A. Funkey lait. Friday Dancing and gamea were indulged


. .'

~J ~

7-' .'.r





. Foster Mote all toed up from .King's Mil,ls . arid spent Saturday nignt and. Sunday with his paTents :Ed 'Mote and\vif . ' ~



- ---. ..





, Roy M. Sherwood lind. Ida' B. ,~ A , Haines wel'e 'Tnl:\rried in .t.ebilhon l · , . I Sunday afterri on by t)1·e. Re\l' 'W: A. ,~. l ooper. The ' couple are p0p.ulat: <,' ' " I yo·un~ people und their friends are -" :.", 'j




matter. for r {'fUl't fa I H. Sat I not ....·ant p opl to ~ ail me a Cool. and it my he d tao t; a \ltr~d wllh s tra", In· stead oC with urslnll, U YOUnl la. bow ain 'I e or to know .nrth1ng ~~ "I uoden.'ltand how yo u feel," a Id the little girl. who was truly sorry for hlm, "It you .... 111 come " ' Itl! me I 'U ask Oz to do all he cao for )'ou." "Thank YOU," be ana wer d . grate-




Thl'Y walked bact to Ihe road. DoY'Ol by II lped hlro o" c r ' tbe fonce, :lnd

izard 9fOz

tb ey stort.ed along tb path of YOllow brick fo r Ute Em raid it }'. Toto did Dot like Ihls addi on t o Ih part)', ot firllL He smclled aroun . the 51 \Iff d man 1\11 if be ' suspectod Ut re might be & elt of ra ta In th e straw, and he otlen growl d 111 an unfriendly 'I\'a), at the Sl"arecrow. "Don't mind Toto," u l d D rothy to ber n 'I" trl nd ; " he never bl es ." "Ob, I'm no o[rold," re IIp.d t be careero\\', "he an't b urt tho stra w. Do I t n ll:' ca tT)' that a k t fur yOII, By LFrankBaum r sholl no mind it, for I can't g 't tired. I'll l II you a s cr L" be con· tJnued, as he walked III nr; : " tbere Is only one thing in the world 1 am afraid of." J "What Is lhat!" asked Dorothy; SYNOPSIS, " the Munchkln fanner who made nor t U"ltd In Kanslls ...Ith A a nl E m you1" and .. Hen ry. A <,y " lo ne lUI t it lr "No," ans"'N cd th e Scarecrow ... It's h e m Into the Il.Ir, Doro l hy ralLlrlK !\B \o"p a lighted match," "n\ldll~ the e x.olt e men t , A f;'rub awak n II


I r , Tb .. h ou..

ad. l&nl1od In & coun t ry nC mlU'v ..IOu8 bea uty. GroU PII o t Queer I\~ Ue people ~ted h e r to thl' Land ot • tunc h k lns. Th .. house had k lllrd their

t b .Ick e d wi t ch ot E\\st, Da r lhy t ook tho wttch'l!! a11ver sboe , Sh e • arted f o r t h e Eme/'tlJd City t o find t h . 'WIard ot Os, who, Ilha tlroml.ed. m l ht nnd a way to • nd he, back to Kanau. ~ne m y,


CHAPTeR "'.-contInued. While Dorotby was looking earnest· Into the queer paInted tac of th e Scarecrow. ahe was s urprised to s ee n. of the eye. 810w1y wink at her, Sh. ,t hought IIhe mUlt have been f!lts· takeo. at tlrst. for none of the scarerowl In Kanaaa .,er wInk ; but pr • ~1ltl1 the tlgure nodded Its head to ber fli .. trfelldly ",ay, The n abe cUmbed do'Wll from the fenee and w'a lk d up to It. whUs Toto r&D around the pole ,&ad barked. "Good d.,.... ea1d the Scarecrow, tD .. rather huaQ yotce. ' , "Did .....u 'Ipe-~f" ~ked tbe .frl. in IV



'Wonder, "CertaJnJ.,," an.wered ~ro.j "ho" do you doT"




,.])'!)11 Do'Prreotthtyy.wepou.U'tthel~.' '~bOUO':'


O 0' I " l OU do'" ' ''1'- not .-11"" '-.11," _Id the ... .- .. Scarecrow, .. emUe, ' ''tor It II va....... te"·o~.with be t :"- ...... rcllfld up here '1 Ul -(-" . t and da., 'to.... - ••re awa., CroWl." U06&>


"CalI.'t yo. pt down 1"' asked DoY'otbf' , , "No, . for ' thl. pol. 1II stuok 11)1 my b~, Ii JOu "m please take away ,he pole I shall be creatly obliged to 70",," , Dorotb .. 'resched up both anna an4 ~

Uti.ed the figure olf th. pole ; tor, being

It~ed with Itraw. It was ~olte light.

Thank you Tery mucb, said tbe Sco.recr:o w• wben lie bad' ':I een ' lIet down' on !he ground. "I feel Uke • new man, , I......:.-:-:;;.;-_~.......uu... ;r w.. PIII.led at. this, (or It !!Oun4ed Queer to bear a stulfed man It~. ,and t o see hIm bow and walk al?~" beside bel'. .. Who IU'e you? u k d the Scarecrow, wben b~ had stretcbed ~maelf and_,!a~.E!d. and whe re are you go.

I"~ T'


Af,. ·name Is Dorotby, &/lid . the girl. " and ( am iOlng to t he Emerald Clt7,

.' The Scareorow . La

B '. - 1\

the' "reat O~ to SA' d mn back .,


- ..


I' ansas." " "'bel' Is the Emprald Ci ty 1" he In· Q.u lred , "and wbo i Oz':" ",. y, Oll 't 3' OU lwo w?" she reu I£:d. 1I'l ; urprlse. "!'\o. Indocd; J dOD ', know an~'lbl n', You S6 , I a m Bwtred, 0 .1 ba \'e n o b ra.ln at aU ," be .answer d , .1!8't1 ly. "Oh," ~ ald Dorothy ; " I'm Ilw fully .sorry for r ou," " Do. r ou thI n k," he Rsk .. d! " I{ I go t.Q!l1 Em ra Id It)' with YO\I, tll a h~ II' nt Os 170\lld give ruc som ' brains ?" cannot l.(ol1 ,~. sb t turn ed; "but rO\1 Dlay come 9"lt h rn ' , , ~'ou like. If .()z -wm no gi 1' ) lluy brains you · ~ I be DO worlle olf tban you are c.:.,#.:," " "Tbl,lt ,i a true," ~ Id the carecro,., " ou see." be. couUnupd, confidential· I,. ' I dem't mInd my ' 1 ,,'and arina aDd bqI!.r ' beiDI Ilulroo. becauee I c:an. ' pt hUll. JI ~1 olle treada' OIl DlJ' adek. a r'~ '!It.o me; It doeao't 'Q

'Tery proud, for I thoug'ht 1 ".. juat u good a man .. anyone, ,. 'Thl. fellow ..nIl scare the eaoWI fast enough,' aaJd the, rarmer;' 'b. looks 1UIt Hke a man: "' Wb y, be I.. a man: Bald the oUl. cr , and I Quit_ '.Breed with blm. T b farmer carried Ole UDder hJe a rm to tho cornfield, and lie t me up on n taU stick, wbere YOU found me , H an d hIs friend oon a t tor wal kei1 awa y nn I ft Ille alone. " I did not li ke to be dellerted th Is way; a I ttl d to walk a ft e r tbem, bu t m }' feet would not toucb t h g rollnd , and 1 was tore d to stay on that pole, It waa a Ion Iy nre to lea d, tor 1 had notb lng to think or, ha vln(: be n marie such II. lillie while b Core, Many row s lind oth.e r birds fI w lnto the cornn .ld , but IU soon a th ey SIl W me thpy fi \'t away agaI n, thi nking I waa n MUllc h, kIn: and this leBsed me and madl' m fe I that 1 was ~ulte an Im\Jortanl Il n on, By and by an old crow n IV ne ar me. anrl after looking a t Ttl careful!' he p rchetl upo'n my s haul · tier nnd saM : .. '{ wonder If tha t farme r thougllt to foo l OIl? In tbls clumsy manne r. An)' crow or 8E' nSI1 could see that you nre on ly sluD'd wIth Itraw,' Then bo hopped dow n at m)' fee t · and a ta aU the orn he wanted. Tbe otb r bIrd!;, seeln&, he wall no t har m d by m~ , came to eat I he corn. t oo. so lu a abort tim"! t hl? re was a great fl ock of them about ree. " I re lt 511.d at thIs, for It llliolud I W&8 not slIch 1\ good Scarecrow a fte r all ; but the old crow comforted m¥, arlng : 'If rou only had bralus In your head yo u would be u good a man as a ny or tb rn, and a bette r man milo som or them, BraIn s a re the onl,things worlh bavlng In this worl d, no ma tter' wbether one la Ii c row 01'. • mall .' , " ft r the crows bad gone 1 tbought thIs over, a nd decIde d 1 would try liard to ge t some brains, By good luck, yon came along and pulled me olr the Slake, and from ,,'hat you say I am sure t he great Os will «Ive me brains Ill! aoon as we cet to the Emerald City:' "I hope .0," laid Dorothy, earn Illy, "llnce YOIl seem anxioul to bue them." "Ob, yes; I am al1xJou .... returDed the Scarecrow, '1t II luch an unCOlJl' fortable feeling to Iulow one' III a foot" "Well.." eald the Sirl, '1et us go," A,Dd Ih't handed the buket to til. Scarecrow, Tb ere were no f ences a:t & II b ,. ." Ule roadside now. and the land was rouab and untmed. .To .....ard. eveninl they came to a ...-eat. D.' toreat. where tho trees grew 110 bll and cloae to,etber that their branChes met over the road of yellow brick. It was almQllt. dull 08der the treel, tor the branch.. abut out the darUght ·, but the travelers did not stop, and went on Into the forellt. . ' "U this "road goe. Ill. It Illust ,'come b out," laid the Scarecrow. and, as t e t~1t

'FRUIT TREES PRUNED JUDICIOUSLY ALL ,YEAR Gooll Working ,Implements Are t.he First , ES&eIlUal-Begto



t.he Ground Bnd Cootloue on Up to the Top.

Dachlhund II the MOlt Poplilar VOIr'· ety, t,he Engl.!lh Dundog De· lng Second, ChoIce, TI 'du chsh und is th f~vorll dog In C 'rmn li Y, and a v I'y 1111 ,ful and III aSllnt t,rn llunlou he I! omlS to be. TlJo E ngll!< h hu llllog is II. gooli s and l:1 popu lurlty. a nd the UN!.r r h.e Is to /Jur l' IIn dunl poluts tho b He r lie Is liked . '1'11 0 fox t ord r " (II'les I\. good d nl lu size Ulld murklng nnd Is c.vl· d nil ' 1I0t 8 0 we ll kno wn in G r ma ny a8 he II M'I'I'I!:1 to boo Th !tIdies III re are 118 fond or I he ir Iltlll' PU lO S a ud tb II' King C' LIIlrl s ' S a~ are th oll' E nglls b s Is· l ' l'l< of th e ir p,t dogs at bome, SOIll fl' II' dugs In the str l1! are harm.s!! ' d to fO llr wh(' I d tru ' ks , 1' 6 111111\' II I1IUII Hlld a dug !lull. Th wcJrk ' ;ee lJ1I't1 11)11 h - OI l ')' lind 'Xhuusl, Ing fo l' lll l' £lilli S , wh l 'h at'tl g nerally 1I101I 1l 1'f' 1<I IJr tll' I1Ilstlff t y pe, 'rh y Illuk In fili I' t'nl1tlitlu n nn tl UI'f' 1I 0t l1\ Ir, 'alpl\ - Fa rlll IIlIll Iloml',

HUMOR BURNED ANP ITCHED. Eczema on Hand, Arms, Legs and Face-It Was Something TerrIble, Complete Cure by Cutlcura.

H,o w to Prun e Fruit Trees. Fruit trees may judiciously ' be pruned the whole year around, but tbe ti me w hen the work can be most eas· Ily done commences with the drop· ping ot the leaves In the fall and ends wi th t he appearance ot tbe new grow,th in spring, writes Gerbard .Kol· llgs In Garden Magazine. Tools for pruning season - prunIng scissors. prun Ing s aw, knife, and, for tall trees, Lbe long·bandled llrunlng hook-must be kept sharp and tbe SCissors and hOOk also lubricated. Besides these tools It Is desIrable to bave a threeegged stepladder, whlc~ l8 especially constructed (or orchard use. Before starting to prune, consIder what yon are ' going to do, Take a good look at tbe tree about to b pruned and make your planll. The actual work commencel on the ground, Water shoots Iprlnging from tht' ground sbould not be cut: off, merelyon the level with the ground'. Bur· tace-dlg down to the orlglll of them and cut close to the root or strun, or wherever 't hey may spring from. This done, remove or mend all broken b~cbes . ' Always aim to. C10S6 up em{>ty spaces caused by broken limbs, YOll may do this by bending and ty ing certain limbs, or b)n· couragfng the growth of nelghborIng

Then tbe tree may ItHl have toe many branche s, In removing them. avoid cutting enUre branches origin· atlng directly {rom the trunk, which would make large woundl. By not healing over Quickly thele wot1nds would eventually makel boles In the trunk. Of cout'1le 8Uth braD~hes ought to have come oU while the tree wa s ,oun.g , but now It ill too late. Be satisfied, therefore, witb tblnnlng out the smaller brancbel, taking care that all' and U,bt can sumclently pan· euate to aU parte of the tree and that fruit bud development 1. en· couraged on PlU'ts blch, in the cO.m' 1ng summer and fall, wtU be ab~e to support the weight of the rfult. AU thia havlna been done, il wUl nevertheless " be important to pick Ol-er the !tult after it baa fairly well formed. Break out all the smaH and unslgbtly fruit; it is certainly, more profitable, be it trom tbe ~mmercal standpoint or slmPQr tor home use, to .have one big, juicy, well·formed., weU-(!olored and wen·rlpened apple tban tour or five smaU, unsightly and unsavory ones,

After a fe w hourll the road began to be rougb , and the walking ~.w so dlmcult that t he Scr&recrow ofte n stumbled o~er the rellow brick, wblch were here ve ry uneven , Sometimes. indeed, they 'I" re ' broken or mlasl~ 1 th . I b I th t T t a toge er, teav Oi' 0 ell a 0 0 jumped acro •• and Dorothy walked around, A. tor the Scarecrow, hayLDg DO braJna be walked .tTal,bt ahead, alld so stepped Into the bolel and tllll ' at foll length on the hard brlckll: .It never burt hJm. however, and Dorothy would pick hlm up and let hIm upon bJ f t • ... 1 -hJle be J'olned her'I I beel .... _n:,,,:' t hl lah'" aug ng m.rr......... I own map. Tb.e 1m -ere not near'so -eU uor S .. IZ" cared for here . . the,. were farther back. There Were fewer house& and fewer fruit tree., and' the ,f arther they ;rent the more cH.mal and ion.lome the country became. At noon they I18.t down beside Ole roadside, near a Ut~I b rOOk, and DorOo tby openel1 ber basket and got out some bread. Sbe oUe red a . piece to' . the Scarecrow. but he refused , . .'1 am n~ver hungry," he s aid ; "and It Is a lucky thing I am not. For my mou th Is only painted, and If I should Walk around the tree and sbort. cut a hole In It so J couJd eat. the en last year' w th on the lower straw I am stulred with would come branches about oue-thlrd. always aim. Thoae.Who 11ae A.raenate ~ Lead Cae Too Mach at a Time IU:\d out and that would spall the shape of lng toward giving a olrcular shape to 17l111aUy Spra;:.y Too Of. . . m)" head," the whole tree. Take the step ladder Dorothy aaw at once that thll wa. and agatn iO aroUDd the tree, trim· true, so sbe only nodded aDd we nt on mlng last year'. growt~ higher up but It is very desirable to grow apple! eating ber bread, some what shorter tban on tbe lower fr ee from ,worms: The codling motll "Tell me so!Ue thlng nbout yourself. bran b~. So continue t~ th:e I top Is the insj!ct that lays Ule eggs in tbe and the CO\Ultry yon came (rom," said ·of tbe tree , gOing around it se veral blossoms tram ' wblch tbe worms are the Scarecrow wbeo sbe had finl sbed titoes until, when finisbed, the tTee , ArsenIcal polson sprayed or; her dinner. S~ she told him all about presents an almost. gJpbular shape. the 1.Jl08soms Js eaten by the younr KansM. and bow gray vemhlng was the top brancbes being Iiliortened te codling moth worms and they dIe be tbere, and how .the cycMne bad carrIed less than a Quarter' of 'theIr previous for doing any damage. • I ber to t his Queer Jand of Oz, ' The' year's growth .. Never attempt 'to sa'V e A creat many fruit growers do' nol Scarecrow Ullt.ened care fully, alld said : time by pruning the entire i)eight of spray. at ail for the codling motb. I " I cannot understand . wby you the tree on one ' side; If you ,do this h08 been found, however, ' by ezpe should wlsb to leav thIs be!,uUtul y,o u win certainly give t}je ,tree iln rlence tllIlt ' thOtle 'wbo 'do spray witb country and go back to the dry, .-ray ugly sbape. Tbe higher up you go, ars enate of lead use too sltong a solu place 'you call Kanau." the oftener will 1t be neces ary to ·Uon, apply too mueb at a tllne an~ "Tbat Is becaWle YOU have no cut out, of two or th,ree . branchleta, u.sually spray too often. FoUr wund, bi ains," answered t he girl. " No ma~· The Soarecrow Looked at Het R. one or e ven two, In this caae cut out of arsenate of lead to 100 gallons , 0 ter bow dreary and gray our bomM proachfully. . the weakel' ones or ,tboae ' growing to water make an amply 8trong solution' are, we people ot I.\elh and blood Emerald Clty Is at tbe other en. or the Inside of the J:ree,' proY1ded the polson II would rather live tbere than In any tbe road, we must go wherev8J' it . ate not n ecesll'ary to fill empty spaces. an actual detriment andwaate, ' oth .. r count n ', be It ever s o beautiful. leads lli.," Tbls is the priming or an ' orchard The apple tree does not ·h ave to bl T here il no Illace Uke home," "Any, one would know tllat." laId tree. wblch bas been at~ended .t o . reg· 80ill~ed with the pOison mixture to kll' The Scarecrow slgbed. Dorotby. ularly e,;e ry year. It Is more dlfficult the larvae ' of the moth, The minot "Ot course I annot underst and It," "Certainly; that Is wby r know ft," to prune a tree which has been ne,,· est drops of. the lIquJd ,on the caly) he lIald. " It your heads were stulfed returned the Scarecro\\', " It It re- lect ed for two or more years, and It of each blossom' 'wIU effectually do wi th IItrsw, like m Ine, yon would prob- Quired brains to fig ure It out, I never Is very dlmcult to brlug an uJ1.shapely the work. The llneueas of tbe spra, ably a ll Ill'a In tbe beautiful places, sbould have saId It. " tree to a appearance. Js·no ,more importan~e than tbe quantand tJlen Kansas "'ould 'ha ve nO .Deollle After an hour or 110 the Iigbt !aded Trees allowed to grow' ad llbltum for Ity used. Each blossom shoud rea t all. It ts fort unate tor KanslU that away, and they found themselves two or more years will 80llletmes celve a little, Some In spraying apply stumbling along In the darkness. ~or· neeq heaVY cutting back. The more so much of the liquId tbat It rUDIi you havo brains." "Woo't vou t ell me a Itory, ""blle oth, could not see at all, but Toto stTalgllng and l.rre.g ular the growth down the brancb,es and triibka to the we a re resti ng ?" u.sked be cblld. could, for seme dogs see very well In and the ,more slender and numerous roots of the trees, where it dQel! Tb S 8[,C row looked at her ~ lhe dark ; a nd the Bcar crow de- tbe branobes, the more beavily the injury. pronohfuUy, a nd answered : clare d be could see as well as by day, tree has to be i>runed, ' In most cases two or three poundl "M " kno\\llC~ has been so ahort 0 she took bold of hIs arm , aDd man· t It I s no t s d.... ...... lIons 0 .1 cr wbate renil,': no t bln n'r, that I walI Ou stoDe fru Itrees "S·. ot arsen.ate ot lead , to InO Of .... '" s .... ed to get slong faIrly we U, able to aut back to ' tIle old wlod and water makes a Bolutlon strong enougb ooly made day before yesterday. What " It you see any house, or any place this should never be done except In to destroy 1\11 ot the worms It applied hftppp nedall Inun kllo t he wn world beCore t bat " ' here ..... e can pas s the nlght," she the case o.f a b roen k b U Two spra .......w at Urns Is to mc. Luckily, .II m. sue h Is in tbe right wa". I . . 'the rlgbt time lu'e sumclent. and I whe n the fnrm e r ma'd my bead, one said , "you must tell me; for il 18 v ry t".. e case, b e su r e the wound )'S closed ~ uncomforta ble the walking 1:0' row the dark." oC tb e flrs.l th lnge he did was to paint Soon attAr Sc' a-c stopped.', VI' I't h pa In t·, wax or tar . 0 n apnl "ea ....v r saving ot material. and labor•.' The ~ ", InJ u ry to tbe general noUon that. lU'8enlcnl polsOIl pears you may• n'lthout .,{ m v ears, so lhnt I beard vrhll.l was po. ·o n. There was anothe r MunchkIn .. "I see a little cottage at lhov r Ight tree (p Ird d tt I attended ' to r egU· on tbe L-..·-k and hr·a nches of trees l_• Ing ov es 'CUll. . .. tb e g rwtb Is a mis' take , On the othel wl tb hi m, anrt t h ~ first th ing 1 heard of us," he said , "bUilt of logs and larly a ft erward) • cu t Ou o . ,b"'neficlal . W 8S :he for mer s8."lng : branches. Shall we go there?" ot sel'eral seasons, but .always see ' hane(. the'y do polst1ve , lnjury, and ·'Yes. indeed," answe red the child, that you ct,i t a'b ove d or~au " ... t b ud' s, Dor- . man" tbus treated cUe from pol'" .. 'H al" do VOII liJke those ears:" ;r tree" 0 ... " b f ' I· ... "'The " nr~n't st raight,' ans\\' red "I am all Ured out," m8nt buds, s '1tuated , . at1 th ease 0 . 00 ng. , a the Scarecrow led her through • th ft "ft-o) th Olhnr. eacb year s grow . ' are 0 en UIU" Y ~ t he trees until tbey reacbed tbe cot. b th t uJt b ~ .. 'Kev r m Ind,' sald t he farm r; noticeable, A ove , em r , OuB Let 89i1 Crult. 'they 8. e rs just the . ~m e,' whlcb ta..r;e. and Dorothr entered a.nd ,found 'may have 'formed . very conspIcuously. w as e':oUgh. a bed of dried l ea\'el In one com,er, 'tt: seems 's pity cut them away. but " !II ow I'll mllke the ey s,' said tbe She lay down at o~ce. and with Toto· what good would they doT "They wlll Carol 'r.. So he painted m y rIght eye, Thebsldse ber, lloou fe llil In:o a SnO und stlleePd' only produc,os smalI "frult. or, . by the re d amoun . t ,' of 'tLe .... ced :lnd ns !!oon Ils' l was finish ed 1 tound t e d careerow, in t hw 0 "'as e'7er 'd ait , n fr.'"ult p_ .•.V\O" , 'If I kl t II d t ry 800 UI) , 1UJ0 er cQrner an • e break the branch'as 'whfah aJ;e ,' tw DlY SE.> 00 ng a . 1 m It,n a e ve . patiently <lnW D,lOrnlng came. ' k <c ' 8U~POrt ."'e -elg·ht. '~... thin~ round me with a grea t d a1 of ' (TO BE; ON'I'INUEO) !,Ve8 • •0 ~ .. ......,. • curiosity. tor t.hls was my finn glimpse ' ' . Coll.fn?ri.ted "ttl) A )tr.~e o~t pI of t.he world, ' ,, ~t t~e MUleum • . , of"tQQ ,t.h\Ck, a gr.o wtb, remov~ l , ''I' tln t's a rath r pretty eye: te'·On.tbls platform, ladj~s and l'elltS: tb~ b,apc~~ . \groW~Jlg" tp . the.:'lnsfde' mark d the M'lnQbk ln who was watcb· . said th~ ' lecturer• . ·'yC?U lI~o ' ru~ a~d ' e~en~ to. ~ opl!o.tte a!d~ of I~e lug tbe farmer; 'blue paint Is just the , Pankey, the lerles .. wonde~! l)r' bomall tree, ]1Ill8;SS by ,reaDo"'"g them color for eyes.' . , ', .' s tump, who . 'a& !'ed.u~ed te ~he (:ondl- ,c auie o~ ,open IJ~. Bu~ aucb ,_ . .. '1· think l' I rna~e the other ~ l~ttle , Uon . 1~ .",'WCh, )'Olf behol,d JU.m~ b,. .. .t>'raDC}1i ~vlll&- b!!en allolYed. 'to ; g'r()w bigger,' said the futller; I\I).d when, th.e ' sbark I,n ,~he. ~djan ,. ocea~ .1:' ,.~, l.rOm· ODe .tde 'or a . fi'8tl to the other. second- eye ~as don~ [could. lee muab ago~ Sig. PAnkey: as, you see, ,.h aa nil beltor t hn before; Then he m'ade Ill);' r legs whatever. and hi. prtnelpat an~ . nose and -my mouth. but .1. Wd no~ oul)' ~\ip;atI:uD J;low~a7i, ladlel : and speak, because at.: that. time . 1 dldn', Beni». I• . eatfn" hI'. Il,.a d 0," J>roCtied. Ilnow ",hat a mouth ,w... fc)r: I had Iq to ~e n~t platform, I call 70ur the. fun or watohlng tliem make my ' a~en~on 10 th.e . Ec7PUan . mWDlb7.. t'.......1rth body and. my ,arm. .aud lep; 1Ul!l wbell l"lI~d to. be tha& of ........ tIat ~. faateDed OIl ID~ head. at 1 .U reaL .






"Abou t fift oen or elgbl~n yoars ago czerna develolled on top of my hand. It 'burned and Itched BOo muab that J was compolled to show It to a doclor. H e pronounced it ringworm. Art r t rying Ills dl tte rent r emedl s the dIsease increased and went up my armS and to my legs and finnllyon my tace. The bumlng was somelhLDg terri hIe. I went to another doct9r who had Ibe reputaUon of being the best In town, Hs told me it WIUI eczema. His medicine checked the advance ot tbe disease, but no further. I finally concluded to try tbe Cuticura Reme- . dies and tound rellet In ' the llrst trial. I continued until I waa completely cured from tbo dIsease. and 1 bave not been troubled since. C, Burkhart. 236 W. Market St.. Chambersburg. Pa.. S(jpt, 19. 1908." Potl,'"

1>nIa " Cllom, Corp,. 8o1e

Prop&., BotI*oL

HII Proper Sphere, Prlnco Bismarck was once pressed by a certain American official to ree· o'm mend his son tor , a dlplomatlc place, "He Is II very remarkable t~l. low." said the proud tather; "he speaks seven languages," "rndeall," said Bismarck. who did not bold a xery hIgh opinion of linguistic acquirements; "what II wonderful bead walt· er he, would make!" . An observlug s pinster says It would keep baIt a doz n harv sUng mao chiDes busy gathering In the rop of wild oats sown by some young men,




Say. the Dlfferebce CrocI's IDC lIer do~cn Tulips _ per dO&en

Narclu ua _ ' per doren Hyaclnlh,6oo poer do..,n Our Cultural Dl)(ltr-F.U PI"ntlq of Bulb -FRRE on reqU e51.

Meier' A S"~er



Ciac1~tl, 0 ....



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ToplC$ of


Ktl)d.~ by

·Reco~r"ze.d Auth'o rlh/




Leaf Party. ,

mnke.r would adopt and

ndea vor to

An eltceedlllgly novel party has just carry out In ,her own Imm dlate boml!

R,eallstic MinIature of tile Real Thing , on Roof In Tenement Region 11'1 New York C~ty, ' IV Vorlc- Rev. "aOb" Davis <)f tile Brlcl, Presbyterian hu.r cll ot t his city aJ>sisted by s' doz n allege m n° an~ sel'erai colle,g girls, h-ltve started a mlnlatur oney ]slaud In Ihe midst ot " H II 's Kit ben" in Uan· hattan . ThI s oa Is Is slt ual d on tbe roof of Christ Churcb 1\Iemorial bllildlng and covel'S, with lhe neighboring roofs about Jlalf an acre. Swings, shoot the chutl}$, rocking and swinging Jl01'se8, sand, teeters al'e all there on a smn ll scale, In tact, nil oney I land except th e seu. . "Wh n summel' comes." Mr, Da'v ls sald, "settIen'eut workers usually

It Is ,U cOlomon a lin n (! nowa· days to bear a man remark wltl\ dis· gust; " It is bnllosslble to have good painting done tbese days; elth r the paint Is not gOod or there 81' no good paint r R." This, howovel', is lIot true, Thero il3 good paint, and III I' are good painters. But tbe qUe!ltlon Is, ,.".,.~~--.......---~--~~"-rmrl~g1n them togeth el'. One CllDnot E'xpect a sntlsfactory DREAM OF DEATH FULFILLED paintin g job without pUl'e while I ad. Th r Is a way to make aure YOIl are Interesting Story of Veteran in Indl· getting pur white lead wi~hout t st· ana State Soldiers' Home-A ing It. See that the keg beMs Nu· Remarkable Coincidence. Uounl Lend Company's faDiou s Dull',h Boy Pai nter trnd emnl'k, whi b Is a Is the ru ture ever unf Illed to Ull posi Uv e gllaruutce of purity, n oweve,.. In our dreams? Afler every catns· anyone eRn test whit lead, National troph In tb world tb or o al'9 hun· Lead bmpnny, lO O:! Trinity Bldg., dreds of reports of persons IA\'lng TO W York Ci lY, wlll 8entl YOII a load fore told Stich a. happeni ng as the ..... l<!slel' and painter'S ulOt, onslating Bult of dreams, of boole at color s~ b e m es , speol fioa· That It Is po ss lbl~ ' 01' one to ha\'o tlons, etc" upon request, some warning of a Cutul'e ev nt In hi. life most P ople will den,. out the fac t Ring of Chineso "Grafters," remains that some r emarkabl e colnol· Prince hiDg, h ad of the fOI' I;' ign dences are on I·ecord. An Inlllresting dC'J1nrltu lit o( the hinese govern· case of 11 dream of dea tb beIng rul· 111 nt, if; IJictllred ns an ml ncI\t 0 1'1 · filled Is told by H. C. Bnrne!l, " ' et· e l,tal grafte r lJY th e l' ki ng corre· oran now residing In tile 8tt ta f ol· Sf (lndent of til ' Lundon Times, who dIers' bome at Lnfnye Ue, I nd. 'MI'. writes: "Slnce til down fall of Yuan Barn s' slory follows: Rhlh·knl the Wal·wu·pu (foreIgn of· "When dnyllght daw ned on ,Tunu 27, fi cu) ltas relnpsetl intu Its fOrllll'1' tale J 864 , Sherman's army lay r.11eltcred of In capacity, and fo\' th is PC'in '\.' behind hastily prepared eal'thwork s at Ching Is to bl ame. Amlnul e but. cor· rupt, h o bas stood fOl' n generation for th base of Kenesaw mountain. "About eight o'clock or thl, ber\ Il U, nil t!la t Is worst In hrnese official· ful summ l' day Harrow's diVis ion, of twm. An stories at his rapu Ity, his which our l' glment formeci 0. part, greed, his ullscrupulous sales of office, was ordered to fall In with gun, can· his Indiffer nce to til affa irs of stale, teen and well·fllled cnrlrldgt) boxes, His wealth Is normous, yet no gen· erous 01' cbaritable nction has ever All knew what th ese ord rs meantthe ordeal or battle was to 110 met. been recorded In hi ll favOl', Every new With promptness th~ men r esponded minister In every office of emolument to· the call and within a few moments has to pay 1,1m taU ." we were standing In line behind the Puzzle for the Girls. Intrencbm nt. Ev ry Instructor at ballta\ltJua Is "As we stood drawn up in line of batUe awaiting the com mand to movo requIred to fill alit a paller answer· a nUUlbel' of necessary and un· forward and assault the enemy's al· Ing qu soons. On year there most Impl'egnable pOSition upon lhe necessary l as a remarllably hand some male mountain's top oll.r nttentlon was member of th fnclllty In whom all called to a comrade wbose elbow was the girl stlld nc s were much Intercst· In touch with that of the Wl'itp.r. While ed. "Is h mal'rled or unmalTl d 1" outw rdly calm the man seemed to be became flO alJ·absorlJ lng cJ ~ l es lion. undergoing some gl'ef\t mental disturb· Finally BOLDe or them had til cou rage anCE! and sulfering with a fever ot to npproa h the olleg SEccretary and suppressed excltcmllnt-a. ondltlon asle If tbe fll s might be lool(ed over. quite torelgn to his well·known cllar· 'And then the hnnrlsome pl'of 8S01'; an· acterlstics. He was cast In a dllferent ticlpating sOme sllch Jnv s tlgauou Ilad mold trom the avel'age soldi er, {or he I'ecorded his matrimonial pl'et nalons WBS , alway~ llght·hearted, good·na· as foll()ws: "(ar~l ed or slngle 7tured and easy·golng, abounding lU Yes." energy and grit. When milled In R 200\11111' man.ner by those neal' him :uo Mars the . Next Field. There are many who wUl pnrt tram the north pole w,lth regret. All tbelr IIYes It has seemed the one unconquer· nble salleut of nature'lI', fortress, the " ry synonym of th Impossible goal of human endeavor. With the pole itself succumbing, the world Is no longer the same, and everything seems within the realm of mortal achieve· ment. We must now tllink ot talk· Ing with Mars with more r p.spect. 'rhe prorel\sor's mIrrors may vrove Ilny day a reality.

been brought ' to my notice and will circle: "Home And home life must nevel soon be In selUlon now. In the coun· try, where 'leaves remain muoh longer become commonplace. The little SUl' on tpe trees than In the city, a hostes8 prlses, the remembrance of the birt.h· noted tor her original tdeas, ooncel ved day, the unexpected treat, the pleas· the Idea of turning the clearing of her ure earned tor one by the sacl'lllce 01 \nl'ge lawn of the autumn leaves into another-nIl these belong under our a frolic. ' _ head of spir~tual exercises. Nor if Over the t elephone tnvltaUons wellt there any scene of our life which so out to six congenJal couples, all good demands " such. exercise as this fa· friends, to come' the following Satur· ,mlllar scene of home, wblch has 'to be day attired In warm clothes, with reset every day. MADAME tERRI, heavy gloves. Partners were chosen (Copyright, 1909.) by rakes tied with ribbons. two of aa()b color. 'fhen work bsgan, After eaeh couple had a. 'blg pile the hostess POINTS ON AUTUMN MILLINERY aslced that 3. specl:nen ot each variety at leuf be brought tnto the llouse. Some Flta·ture. That Are . Dlltlnctl) New Wlil Mark the Headgear of 'f ilen there was an Impromptu contest the Coming Season. to !lee who could name the most varieties. A picnic luncheon WIlS served Chenille Is very prominent and and great bOI\fires of the leaves were shown In exglulte colors of velvety built atter da~k. Afterwards all gathered round the softness. Often it Is Interwoven with 1ireplace, told atorles, roasted apples silk brald, forming crown l)lateaux nd chestnuts and begged to be In- and trimming bands, and In this In· luded In llext year's "leaf party," stance offel's splendid possibilities tor "Next" year fa now this year, and I novel color blends. A remarkable feature of the autumn know several people who ar'e plannJns to have just such 'jolly parties when models Is that· the pronounced and dis· the tall weather lays low tho brilliant tinctlve outHne" wblch prevailed tn a red and yellow leaves. The ho's tesl great many of the midsummer bats !lad made dainty autumn leaf place had to yield the palm to unusually carda. done tn wood brown with gold soft,. undecided onel, This Is due to lettering. By the way, tbls same' host· the fact that there are very tew The Shoot the Chute. ess told mo she was growing cunning blocked shapes employed tal' the truly excluslye ohapeaux, ' those that al'e close their settlements and 1 Rve for little Norway pine trees In slx·lnoh pots for Christmas gltta, Capital Idea. Boftly draped with rich, lupple ma· Europe or Bar Harbor or their coun' terlal being In the lead. don't yov {blDk! ' H'y places, and tbls throws the poor CallQ Ulles of velvet are shovm and people on their own resources wben represent the latest fashion In. the amusements are at a premium. Early Morning Bird Party. A hostess In a near-by Buhurb gave new fioral otterlngs, They are equally Our Iden Is no high fiylng one. We 'lovllly when In fancy tones-black, want to make friends with these peo· this party, ""bJcb was novel and hugl? Iy enjoyed by those wbc partfcipated. dull blue, purple or rose-a. In t.helr {Ile and help to amllse them . We w1l1 'llie hour was balf·aft ,f ftve 1n tbe natural pale, creamy white.. a~d In preach no new religion. The children I1r not tbo only on s lDornlni, and the Invlta~ hi contal~ed ev~r)' CBse their cbaUce II filled with n tlme table wltb t.he train marked the subtly c:urved, deep yellow rOd , of looked after, hbw Vel". There is a. bll· that thoee ' wbo acceJ?ted mulrt take,. stAmln~, wl).lch Is the charactersttc 11kI'd room tor the men, as well IlB 4-t the Btation they were met by a part of tl\tll ftower. Tulips are very showp.r baths. a tully e quipped gym· bus and conveyed to the house where good. and so are larg" petaled, clUf~ naslum under the dIrection of an ex, coffee and ~11s were served on the tered anemones of lustrous beav, perl Every week a smoker wlll bE' poroh. Then an hour was spent I'll aatln or soft velvet. eBpeclally so ~hen given as well as a aa~ ce, concel't and the woods adjacent to the grounds accompanied-,by velvet tollage In nat- a Pl'.rty wltb cak and Ice cream. The place Is sell·supportlng, The Indus· wbere the birds con8l'egate for their ural huea,-Vogue. trial teachers will train tbe girls In early matins. The hoatell bad boO)t describing sewing raffia ,,'ork, chair caning, mll· lInlliy and ham'mock making. The birds, thetr hablta and their notes, boys will learn carpentry at11l chair whtch wail used as reference. 4 prue caning. Folk dances, singing, march· ,."al aw~rde4 to thtt ' ~rson Who know Ip!; and fancy drill will be taught the the namee or. ' the , moat birds, one to tM penon wllq ella(lOvered the great· • . • • chfldren between se\'eJl Il~d fourteen -'ilt varret)" anil one to the luest wh.o years. All the chlldr n will be tallght , cou~ted ~e mOlJt be8~. An hour was Fold8" f\nd hcbu. OTer th~ 8b,pul4· tile rules of first aid to the Injured. . spent in (btl '91&7 and tben all return. der'1 are ' quite a leat\U'e ,of el'enlnl At night the roof will be surrounded ad to the house, wbere a perfecUy de- gow~8, . by CMnese lanterns and e lectrIc lights, ' lIcJoua brealtfut was ae"~d, begJ.n. EXcept for an occasional scant At one end there Is a covered lludltonlnl with fruit and endlns ,with, waf. flounce, all trimming is put on ID rlum for the ~r people. Uel ,and maple 11l'Up., lengthwise. torm. . Ftaured as well, as striped henrietTo FI~!S ~a!1nera. , . tas are aeen In 'the shops In all the PLUM GOES TO A VIRGINIAN At a card J)arty the hostel8 J,lU8ed newelt colorlnp, ' .' English w'alnuta wbJch proved to' be Shlriln, over corela ' and In' Un~ Royal E. Cabell Appointed Internal Revenue CommllllQner, Succeecf- . cand)' boxea cont-lninl ·the dnleat' of, 'pUff8 )'91111 be seen more and more al Ing John O. Cap ....: , .bonbon• . in mIUlY-,coloTs. Tltere ere the 8e&80n advances" two of eacli'v color and ,.tiners w~re .. The scaff which rnatches the «OWD tQund- bi the canellee tn 18 beCOlDln" one ' ot the f.m~lIar felLW&8hlngton.-Royal Eo Cabell, for their nuts anel tben they had thexn' to ture8 for the lIgbt wrap. the last three years llostm&8ter nt eat afterWard. Tbel'e were Just seven rTbe winter prornaes to be a aeaaOD ltfc:bmond, Va., hl18 succeeded John G, tables &l\d ali the rainbow Unts were of extra lOlli, narrow coats over plaID, Capers as commissioner ot Internal representecJ,' Ule chains at (he table. atrlpe4 or checked PWH. revenue. Capers retires, to take up were tled with a huge bOw or tulle or. A py Beau Brwn,m el frtll at lb. tbe. practice of law. ' Mr. Cabell 11 one of the .even colol's~ The effect throat tran8forms the taUored luft only 32 years old, and is the youngest was. verT pretty ' and added to the Bay·tnto aornethlng dalntJ"!lDd temlDlne, ' ety, ' for e1'e17 one. lovee color when BlaCk embl'ql.d err upon 'bro~ 1~ uaed to goOd advantqe. . smart when the brown Is not 'too dark . " to' ~ttord a contr&!st wltb th", black. An.Apron ShOwer. . , , ~ats o~ ' dark m~teJ'lal, Ibled WI~ ' , , Quite the 10iliest .and mo~\ practl4'&l something llgbter In color, are arnoilj ebo:.ver that baa ,coJPe' to m)" DoUce the dressy , of midsummer wear., ~y Is , ·i,sbowel'.", k frIend The 'co&r/ler .weaves of tussor8. · , of tbe bride-ele'ct ' planned It ~ ,for whlch bave the preference juet now," an afternoon attatr: .eAQh ' pest w.. look at a dfatance ilke a ,p iece of rough I. Jnv1*ed br1q an. a'p,ron, large ' or canvas. , .mall, (allcy. or plain; so the re.ult Sleeveless coats with a color can· ' W&8 tha't there were '- 2' ftne - apecl- tustlng with th.~ gown under them mens; The ~~~ess~ ftl'lt t~ one on are ~ growing favor as the leaSOIl > the lionQred. neat ·Just befor:e the advanctls. 1 ch!lflng 'dt"be. ' were lir.ougbt ~D: ' then Among 't he popular fabrtcs are the one by. ODe eaclt' peat ~ed or plDned new two-tone· changeable lJatina, the on her ofrer1 ..... uiltl'. the bewildered tace being, of~ one color and the bl1c1I ~ " literally '"' little brlc'le-,to-be ,was' en· Io~' " · anoUler. '. , . '" . velop~ ~IiPbe~ll to footJn .prod: bne of the oddIties of the' seaaon 'a They sIuule fudge, tbe'ii ", cor.o& . and the IntrodUction of the rnetalUe and watets ~ere p-.ect . . , ' spangle etfects ajnong tlle cottons and '. 'linens. ' • , "'The Home." 'Glace kl'd gloves are hnperaUve (0.> TbJs wond'ertul bIt by tbe lite- E4~ .tull cireSI, except'ln, hot weather, man ever apPOInted to the com~f,sslon. ~ ., ,.,ar4 ~~tt . HiJe 1) wan~ t9 put III 'and may tie ,w,6 rn ,wlth a1m~8t py co. \ er'a chair" He 18 II. Il'8duRte of Prillce· ,o ur dep~tment, as}ta aenUrn4!Dt ear- t,une. Gla.~e ' ldd , Is expenllve, but It ton and wa~. admltt~!1 to the bar In _ out tl)e 14~ I · wish every hom. weara and' cle_D8 well. ' ' , 19~. h l t S ' tt .' h t ',~ ~~~ ~' .' '':;'''~~~~-~ the ;~s,u::o~r.n~:~~l~~~~dS~cfOer\lD~ ~7 . ':i' ~ ,'-, ! • • . ' ... " . . , 'der the neW tarllf law : he wJl1 be a~ '~ove cht,l'ged wlt~ tbe rtl$llonsfblllty of· the ., '..' , ., • " . !',; ~ collecUon , of the corporation tax; In, ,\,'. " ; ',' , ".. , 'a ddltton to aever&! huhdred in1l110ns , of other re~enue. ' , ; '. Prestdept Taft met Mr,' Cabell at the ' Vlr&lnla Bot Springs at a ' meeting of the , state Bar association the 8Ummel' prior to biB nomination tor, QJe prelldency. , 'The}' beca.ine v~ry gOOd 'frlends, and , tbls friendshIp ,hf1!t now landed In the la.p of lIr. CabelJ one ot "r. the mOBt desirable ~Iums. , "



. _-----






'S'. :

'11'.et .,

T!lna .





O. A. R. POlt, Abroad. The first Grand Army post In Ell' RtIo~"tt-----~'-"C~~11f--I-i't+Tnne bas lately been organized at Old· brun, In Lnncashlre, England, where 20 former union soldiers reside. AI· tbough It Is the first European post, It Is not the ' first outside the limits the United States, as there are al· ready four 'n Oanada, one In. Penl, and olie In HorioJulu.-St. JoM N. B.) Globe.




Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich.-" I suffered'r1. bly from fe~ale UIB, including IntlamIllAtion and conges. tion, for several years. My doctor said there was no boW for me but an operation. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound, and I can nol\' say I am a well woman." ElmA DlL.U'lm.

Another Operation Avoided.

Chicago, TIl. - .. I want women to know wbat that wond riul Dledicine, Lydle. E. PJnkham's Vegetable Com. pound, bas dona for me. '1'wo of tho best doctors in Chicago said I would die if 1 did not Itava an opera.tIon, and 1 never thought of Beeing a well day again. I bad a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered dAy and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkha.m's Vegetable Compound, and it made me a woll woman.' -}drs.

ALVENA SPERLING. 11 Langdon St.. OhlC3B'O, Ill. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com•. Pound. made trom roots and herbs lias proved to be tbe most succesafui remedy tor c.uring the worst forms ot female uts, including displacements, inftaIDlllation, fibroid tumo~ ll'l'egu. laritJes, periodic pains, backacbe, bear. ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tion, andne"ouaprostration. It costa but a trifle to try It: and the result has been worth DlilUoDl to maDJ

derine wpmen.

SICK HEADACHE Thel' 61so Tcllcl"o Dis', from Dl's pepsl lL,lu' R o.rt'7 g. A perfect l'cm· for Dlulocss, N"u' Drowaloe!lll" 11&4 In. Ule Moutb, Coat· cd Tooj!'UC; 1'0.1.0 In lb, =-_--'Sldl!, TORl'lD LI.... ER,

TIle1 replato Ute Bowel.,. Purely Vegetable.



Genuine Must Bear Fae.Simlle Signature

I~if.~ 30 ,It. Bowels-


of the body-the bowels-and the most importantIt's &2! to be 100kedafter-ne~lect means sufferln~ and S'e,ats ot misery. CASCAR~TS '. help nature keep every part of ""I2$ bowe18 clean and strong-then they act ri~bt--means health to Bi~~e8t or~an

your whole bodS'. Ull. CABCAllETa lOtI. boa fllrawedt'a treat· A New Ores. for 10 Cents, went. A.1l cffuU1ata. BlUest ee\ln hl the cost of a package at Dyola Dyes. &be world - IOJlioA boaee • ~ You don't have to know whether It fs cotton, w,ool, silk or mixed goods. Bre,;at Pierced by Grap~s/:1ot. Dyola gives the same fast brilliant colors on all goods, Oomes In 1Gcol· 10 the cause of this depression ht ors. At your dealer's or It not In made this startling statement: ' stock we will send you any color tor "'Las~ night I had a weird drOOI1.. 10 cents wltb direction book and color rOJ'~tel1lng or the Impend!ng battle, carll· Dyola, Burl1ngton, Vt. If not, let me send you particulafs 4!verY d tall of which PLlsscd '1I1 re· view In realistic form before my Hllrd 'W~.~k for the' paughter, about the safest and most profitTislon. movement that the com. In a NeW\\lill1g1and weeldy newspaable investments offered llcr thet'e appeareri not lon g ogo the mand "l,I":-",~~cQ.U.~+roUowlnl! ad.verUsemen l: United States Gold Coin Bonda ment was plainly enacted. I FlaW "A stone mason or his daul;hter every toot of ground over which our may receive orie quarter's music les. "Safest and most profitable." r egiment would pass on to the spot I would receive a mortal sons In exchange ior work on a cel- , Let me convince you wound: Inr."-Youth'a Companion. C.LBRYAN, P.O. Box 728, Dept. B, CIdcaa~ "Be gave a ~raphlc nc aunt ot the Shake Into Your Shoes time. plsce nnd nature. of tile wound Allen's Foot-Ens, ll]o nntls pli o powder. that. would terminate In hill dea th . To It makes tlgll t or new IIho 8 teel easy. It Mm It )lad 0.11 tile finality of a death is a cortnln curo tor 8wentlng, 11 11011 9 nnd This Trade-mark hot, tired, neillng ta t. Alwnys llao It to fll:ntence, pronounced b:r a Inst court Brenk In new shoes, Sold by nil Drug-g i ll ls. Eliminates AU or resort. Wlt.h hetU"t overOowlng 21m. 'frlal PIUlllolCc IilAlle d Frc . Ad()s-e8s with, sadness nnd a knowledge that Allen S. Olmsted, LeRo)'; New YOI"\e. ,Unterialnty but a fe w brief moments I' mained In the pU1"Chue of Two Kinds of Service. paint JIlaterilll.. of his lite's career his courage, never Soldierly Looking Man-I've spent It'ls an ablolute wavered for an Instant. His hrlght, 15 years ot my lire In the service of guuan~ of pur. boy Ish face was \1lumlnated wltll a my country, Ity and quality. pleasant smile 8S he bade his' com· Low·Browed Individual-So have I, For your own rades', rarewell. What were you In tor?" proteetioD, leO , "Then ,the deo"fcning 1'001' of a hun· that It I. on th,e stde of If Your' Eyee Bother You ~d cannon, with tbe bursting of every kev oIwhtte lead of PET'l'IT'S EYE ~A (,vE, old JOu buy. Ihells upon the moulltaln's side, an· get s boxmost llucccn £1I1 0\"0 rcmedy madc. nounced the opening of the battle. 1'elillble, All drugaista or HowardBroll., BufJ'lllo, N, Y. Follow'lng tills, the clear notes at tbo The Aid of FashIon, ' bugle 'were beard all along the Ella-What' would YOll do If you ac· .f=~~:l Tholftp~."_J•••t... sO\1ndl~ the I!harge. Five thousund of America's brave hoys- sprang over tually found a man under your ,bed? Stella-I'd drop my hilt on him. ",W. N. U., CINCINNATI; NO. :40-1909, the works with fixed bayon {lt~ (Iud abnrged upon th enemy: .;+!O:.:':~~.:.:'-:<<<.:C+:.:+>:'!.:.>X\."'<<<.~"\!O:.lIoX.:.>: . ~!.:.:.»~X~>=-~ . , ' ~ "As the army ' a,dvanced we came ~ out upon 1\ clearing, where we wore met , with a, withering 'm usketry fire. ed1 ,' ~.~ Most ~fectlv~ ". rerp :'ODee.· A contederate battery sent a storm of . known ' for eeieIDa and . t~ grllpe and canls'ter into our ' ranks'. 2 ', other ' Iklll , ~ioM ;, One ot . the first Ti!)t1ms tall ,WIlB thi" 'noble young ' cOIlll'ade, wbose ,1 . ~.' ,th~ , besft, dre,! slng bre'ast ,~ad been .plerced by a .grape- .~ . for :1IurDs. ac:aIda. ~. 1bIft1~ r~ ~nd a certain cufe '(or . t~ 'shot. His premonrt16n bOd. llroved' ti'ne ~ itching and , Inflam~d J)lles; 50 cents a J~r, ,.al! ilru~tS or sent · .,~ In every llnrtlc'u lar; even unto the' sPf)t ,~~ d~r.e~t on ~e~elpt of pr/.c;e. > ' , . " .!. ".,1 ,,': ,\: ..1 ,)~ , asid' mjlnner 'o f his own deflth. . ' ~~L' CH~IC~ co~~. :JlA1/I1MORE" JID.. ,''!-'o ~ ' ,~~• • , ~ '1 "th t,h e ·Itm.- ' evening,' in the 'gray I recopllllencl ,O llltmut -aQ 01, ad frlea4a (ot .. ~wIUght, whim the ' setting sun 'had otber Ild. .ffetdolll. .• " I'niida k ~ N\U:Ie, BoIf~ v... ... , passed fr9m ,view In 't he 'cl'imeon' ~puded west, ,'beli.bfrd and beast bied Away . to nest and .· grassy Ian when the. busb of "nlcbt ,fcll u~n all Datlll", then we ' wrapped' IUs body about with hfa own blanket 88 a IDdlng I~et and, ..ath a inent 'tear atl laJt ~..,tlbt. 11\ld biOI 'nay • .1O'-4te.... _ve t,IIl~er tbe .t,hlnl Dn(ftCI~~. Gf (Jl.' ~ro~ IGnWlet, 07.

Are Your Bank Deposits 8,1:;-;"'12%?

RESIN I llt0p5 "t~

I~ , . , '









:!t .

aB..'. ", . ~lnol

t~ ~ !~ EdeID"'.....~ ' " i . '~+x':~~«o:':<ox.:~o:_"""~~oX~~, :. DiSf,EMI'ER r~::




Courtty ,C ourt s , , Common Pleas Court ..

~arrlaze Llcen~s. ··

'Imllii WeD al.ln are lade Ilsenhle

- 'ba r B

W. Null, U1, farUlor of L.eblillou ulIq Bh~~olle Hansel , :ll, of,

by KIdney and Blad'dar Tnuble. -

Red Lion..

Real Estate Transfe rs.

New Suits. i)an p , B OJlE! VB BaltIm ore and Ohio t:!outhW 6stern railway oompllh Y. Pet.itlon to reoo, r $1500 damII ge8 for 10S8 6f I g In rear nd col· Ji lliou when t,Tuin "llpronolJ ed from r llar with out wurnin g 10 uddltio n t36 for s\lr~i olil treatm ent,. Putriok Gltynor .nd L K La.ngdon , attorn ey flfr pl/tin tiff FredeTiok R. Backm ann vs . Wy· non" £:I. Ii.. uptll of. Petitio! } for un· divided onp.fift h interes t of oertaiD 6esorib ed rea l tlstllte .. Robert J , Sh"wh llu ' attorne y for pltLint.l1I. R 'ub~n Tllford vs Green Pegs and t'ell.rl Peg8, Pel,ition for money only, amouu t olaimed being ,350011 prOmi88ory note, Murous Sboup. &ttorney tor plaintif f.


...~~~ "' " X . .~t'~r--a'·'o~r-d'" 'I'-n-'a. .r. .y ·e·-r~ .$: ' .

BUFF~LO ' I~"~",,

MiOb~eJ ?able, av;i;rand~o~e~of l~

~!~~~:::k::'~i~~l!~!~Eit ;i:E:;:~k~:~:p:!:r.;:~:; $. $ -"E"" ,

Stl:lUuel P. Mun toTt etal to Walter .



" I


_ ',



!less soon disappear the fintt.\ rouud. up of the' buffalo when the kidneys are ont of order or dis- berd on the reservlI.tion. There ar~

~~:~!cl~eiu~~::'~~~:~:&::::I1~: ~lMeWf!!£~ ~;;:~;,~;~t~~ ::~:'i~::~~~!i:'~~:::~~: ~ --~"~"--- -"-"~"~1 eaII's m I "~ ·

. -- $S

gerrea l statu in W a rrou Coun t y,., . mon B child to be the lust two years and it Pable and born Cor a ffii cted with William t!heeillm aud wife to m~ weak kidneys . If the his followe rs are suooess ful in tllk ~ a{laZln~ ~ Riohll.Td 15. Snetbe n, rea.l etltate in child urinntesloooftell. irthe ,., '" . urine scalds ing the animal s to Ravaill , the ship . • Turtleo reek townsb ip, ~ 1 3.680. the fl esh, or if, when the child reaches an ping point, tbey will have aooom when l"rllnk p , Forgy, sheriff to Albert age be ahlewith to control the.... --Iii.'hed n tusk, whioh is looked upon passage . itItissholl1l1 yet n,ffiicled bed-,~et --AN D-P. AdllWS, real esta te . former ly ting,depend upolllt. the causeof thediffi. by cattlem en as telng scmeth lng ' M i culty is kidney trouble, o,ud the first out of tohe ordinar y. owned by tlartib E Ad ams 10 ass e step should be townrds the treatment of townsh ip. ,aGo. these important organs. This unpleasant " 'l'bis is my last round · up," said William H . Newpo rt to Mt1ggie trouble is due to a diseased conditio Tb~ az~ ~ n of Pable, "I 'm getting along in yellrS ~ the kidneys and bladder and not to a lind can't follow them 08 Sheeha n, real estate in Turtlec reek habit I as most people suppose . did 30 or . townsh ip, U2\15 85 . Women oswell as men are made mlser- 40 ye~rs agu. 'Stl1l. I love to hear Jaoob I. Cl"rk to W"ltar Biggs, and able with need kidney ~ tHlUedble .. the and samebladder great rem . y., t he 8wish of the rope and the pound reu.l estllte in villuge of Corwin , The both mild auel the immediate effect of lU g of the boofs . We expeot to get WlI.rrbn County •• 15. . Swamp -Root is soou realized . It is sold lU ust of them. They are to be deliv· by druggis John M , Kronue et 11.1 til J aoo b au d cent in fifty. ered to Canlidi an govern ment, nnd ts, one-doll ar t1nd Mury Pahuer , J'etli esta ~e in size boltles. YOll IJl lly while those that get away will be Deerfield townBuilJ. have n sample bottle Court Proceedin~s. by mail free, also 11 Louis 11'. Colema n, exeout or Jane pamphl et telling all Bnd.dri ven t~ tbe new presen e on MoMu.h on to George W . t;hajllb erloin about Swamp-Root. .Jurors of grand jury fllr Oot ober . ~he reserva tIon . ~uOO including many of the tcsll· " We have made oareful prenA.ra. term ORBed nnd the followi ng Iln real estate in Lebauo n, Il1O • mouial letters recei,'ed , from sufferer s rR obert Mon~er aud Joseph Mon, who found Swamp· Root to be just th e tions for the drive and the OOy8 twertld : Benjllm in Robbins, Harry be. aer, bxeotltOrs of Joseph H . Mon~er remedy needed. III writiug Dr.· Kilmer fleller. E . D. Rnssell , B H. Crane, n & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure aud Heve they will deli vel every animal , George Bect, E. C. Jpffrey , F . F . l;.slt;te MoQuin, J. "l Baker, Harrv SettlA myer,.E . M. rhlrkie ld, Ilnd Cbarle s E. Monroe, The panel not bein~ Jilmes B. Barret t to SaMue l P. oomple te the followi ng were added: tbe bounda .ry. II J . M Dill, A . O Dill, J . R Bites- Smith, real estate in Wllrren Ooun DEPAR TMEN T OF AOIUC ULTUR E Pable has 8eotlre d 20 of the be8t ~ mau and C. U. Eullls8. mounts on the range. They are an ty, .,1. . 'l'his re()ort pre8en ts the first om imala of grea' endura Magio City Ltt.nd Co. n . 800iety noe Rnd all are Commi ssioner s' Procee dln,s. one~ oial estima tes mode in bushels of the trahied oow horses. of tlbaksr s. A pplioat ion of plaintif f The riders also grliin orops harves ted thi8 year, ancl famiha r with buffalo , and are derault . ill opened herein and leave Bill8-F rank P . Forgy, board und whIch are made from tbe res ults of t f Id f n thing on foot or given it to file motiou Ilnd same is washin g for prisone rs, Sli2.80 i aotual threshi ng reporte d by the ~~o/ ra 0 a Y done. Frtlnk P. FOTgy. mainte nance of regular corresp ondent s throug bout A boom bas been thrown across R ober' I , tip hr vs, Village of horsee and vebiole s t;eptem ber the severa l townsh ip8 of the 8tate. the Jooe river Frankl in. On appllca tiou of plain • -25'. Perry 'Penoe, :for nt Q. horsesh oe bend, final estlmo.te, MfCo\liSI44.G\ZINE· 0 ., ,1~\ cur leave 'i8 givtJD to file peMtlon by $68.50; Oregonia. Bridge Cu ', final rhe conditi on or prospe ct of oropll 30 ,miles above Ravalli . and bIgoor ,. .,....... notgiv en in bushels .ls by peroen tage rals have been ereoted : 'l'be~e lead Ootober 11, ]9011. estima te, '580; A. F , Meeker , oon· oompar lson with a full a.verlig e: Mattie MoDer moU V8. Fr·mk M. traot-, fIl0. 50; Jame8 into smalle r porrals and into the M. Graig, br,ldge . Wheat , pro£:luot pet anre estima ted leading (Ihutes. It is Pable's pliln Ooaden . On applica tion 01 ,.ll1in&i1J repairs , $5 .50,; Ruggle s-Gll.le Co., from tbreshe rs' returus , 16 bushEll s. to drive the a.nima18 from their leave , ~ ~ven to file an IIwend ed blll.n1re for prorate judge, S8 75; Total estima ted produo t foJ' 1QOg, range to the river, urge tham acr08@ petition for'hw i\h. blanks; for sheriff. '126; State of 27,366,142 bushels . tlnd it is expeote d the boom will de. i'rOOflrick R. Baoim an VII WynO- Oblo V8 . Henry Piper, costs, 116 6Ci ; 011t8, produot; per aore as eati- fleot them into the pa8ture s. no Banp~bof et ... 1. Court grank! Htate of Pable, Obio V8. WilHam Ohllton mated from threshe r"" returns ,32 tbQugh well along in yelirs, takes platDU1f'1eave to file amend ruen'to Jr ', costs,'1 6.26; Samue l D . .BlDkle T I ltd d t' hll petition . . ota est ma e pro uo ,the most desper ate 0 h Il.nces. au d 18 estlma te on plat work, '600; i:!tate bushels for U)(ig. 61,284,720 busbels , always in the fore front when there . Catber ine'Sno ok 'fit. J~banon Can of Ohio VB. William Achter mlln, Bliriey , produo t per nore estima ted is need of dl\re deviltr y. nlnlrcO . ' Leave of court srRnte d to ooata, . '19.80. , from thre8h ers' returns , ~2 3 busb. "If I don't f,alte ohance s I can-'t plead In tbil caUle wit.htn 20 days. -_. - - - - -. MleoeU .neous -On motion of Mr. ' II i hl els Totai estimA ted ' produo... f or very wellRs k my rlllers Simpso n seoond ed by Mr. Keever it 1909, to, s s 493,365 bushels , watohw ord. "If my rlders think I Probate Court. waa ordered that the followi ng Rye, produo t per aore estlm~ted am afraid, they will also probab ly transfe r8 be m de, from sheep fund from thre8be TS' returDs , 16.2 bush· beoome Ilfraid ." ~ F.tat8 ~f Benry B. Blztl.r, de· to~lerk'8 fee fund. '480; frf\m sheCl p els. Total ~tlmated produo t fer 'l'raveli ng wild west shows are ae.... · Proof of publioa t' n filed! fund t.() 8heriff 's fee fund, '400. 1909, 946.669 'bushel s. ' not to be oompar ed with the round • " " of John L. MenlU , de.' ,Tile !loooun ts of the two deposiVorn, pro~peo t oompe. red wit~ an up or buffa 0,80 fill' u.s the speotu.ou ~ 1_ _3:..J3lU1~. <n.ra HerrU t appoin ted adtorles, The Lebll.non Nation al Bank averag e, 87 per oent. Ilir goe'3. Every momen t the lives mllnll.tratlrlx·, giving bond iu lIum of a~d Tbe Citizen s Natiou al Bank f~r , Potatoe s, total Ylelq compa red of the )"Iders are endang ered by the Jr., and tbe month of Septem ber were audlt with an averag e, Jmlel'J T. Beiler 89 per oent. luretie l aud Carl ed and found oerreot . the madde ned beasts. Tobaooo, oonditi on oompa red' with ruilhof are heavy, ponder ou8 animal s,They i ',Mlllle r. WiUla~ Beraer and W. bat The financi al 8tatem ents of the . ,' . .7 t Ik h . th th an a verage , t " long per oen . B. Dearsb _pprais era Bre 08 qu 0 a8 e mos 1,\0 ve auditor and treasur er 8 OWlDg e Pasture s, oonditi on oompa red ~ith horn that . ever grazed the rangf'. In &he ma&ktr of the will of tha86n ·ba.lanoe in tllioh fund and aoooun t at an averag e, 89 per oent. The speota.torB, too, are ip danger .B .. II~OOk. deoeue d Applloai1oD tbe beginn ing of t,be month were Apples , prospe ct with ull,the time. 'l'he only piac'e ioadm it eame to proba\e , (let for presen tedllud ordere dplace where donfil t'l . anaver,4 6peroe nt. theya r. 8Bf~ is1na' ''oe, for ' any heariD g Ootobe r 6 at]O o'oluok . ' 'l'be bond of '1'. O. Patt&r80U, Mldi Ohio's wheat in the m ..,ter ot will of Hepzlb ab tor·elect of WIt.Tren .county , signed yeal"s harve8 area. for ourren t momen t the buffalo are likely to go t a8 reporte d by the t~rough the fence Uke it w~ made lIarlat '. Will .dm~tted tn probate . by himseU as prinolp al and J . War townsh ip assesso r8 ' was 1,711,047 of matoh. weed.

$ $ $

n).+a m.+


$ tt


For One Yea r for



$ O N LY $1 .2 5 $ $

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Fr!;:r!e8~r:~:~e i~ L!~!!~:,~' ~~~h~~;~N::'~t~ ~~~;hbo;t~~ess" ~:;d~! a;:::;l~~~;h~:::n~n!~r~~ ~$

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~t~o:::';~!e~:~' ='~~~eO!:e !::et:sooi~ t:::u~ 0~"5!~n!:: a~ ~~~~~'8 t~~~~::e:h::i~~:ho~ 1~~~~;:! th~nl::: ~~:~n;:;8t;! :!e;~:::r:~ , bushels .

~ed ,a nd d18tubu tlon of proceed s proved by the commi s8ioner s.





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Is a larg e, artis tic and .han dsom e- ~ h undr ed-pag e Iy illus trated mon thly mag azin e. Eve ry iS8ue con tain s abo ut 0 f hit 6 t e ates • and mos t ap- ..... • prov ed. f as.h ions for wom 'en, misses and Id chi ren, to _ get her' w I.'t h tt of p a ern s t hem. SpeC-la,I d epa rtm ents t reat of the feat ures of the hom e, mil.. , Iinery, dressmakeing.,hom e duti es, f '. and exce llen t Ictton. ~




____. . . . ._. __ . . . . . . . ..

d .· f •. Needs Jio intr o uctl on, I d ' f · · h orh It IS ,a .re_ y a avo rlte In t e ome s whe re I-t goe s ever y w' eek.

~~ ~



i ~

.______ ,.......... ' pher, who pa.l\8ed 8ix weeks taking ~ .~ • - • 'fhe Itoreage of 'Ollts harves ted far pioture s. The riders had, lIleta&e of Bepzlb ah Marl"" , deherded a Its a Top Notch Doer exoeed s thllt of the previou s year conside rable numbe r of tbe aDtmal - OeaMd Willard J. WrlgM appoin t- Great deede compel regud. 'l'he s due prinolp4~ly to the failure of almh!t to the oorrals when 'hey . ed .,:il:t!Cns,Or. giving bond of '30000 world orowne its doers. ~ That'8 why wheat. The quality of the grain is broke and scatter . , "t\h lIarde ' c. Wr,ght , Louisa .T. the Americ an people have ed. The photQg raorowne d Satisfa otory,b eing estima ted at .91 pher ~as ..... oli h' o W · h and ill s1de J. War overloo pen, king UT~,...iI .JUJ Dr.Kin g's New Disoov ery the King f:.-:.~,:;-.-.-. ~~ . t d 9·,LWolY.. of Throll.t and Lung remedi es Ev. per oen compar e Wl'tb .Iln a ve ra ge . the corrals . B e h a d 1\ camera . 0 . enl1l&iu. a . F, Brown . E. B. Bog, eryato m is" health . foroe. It kllls .,\ .. --8troppe d aorose his bre6sta nd ~uoth. era'aud GuIiSi ekerar eappot ntedap . ~erml!,II.ndoolds"ndlagrippe vant"h OUR DINNE R TABLE er on a tripod. He snappe d the pl'llll8e n. , ' It hellls ooogb-r ll.oked membr anes ooughi na stops. 80re infi~me Eetakt of WUltaru A. William s. lind stampe l\ing bb th 8everal h ' t I bronohi tiines, a.l tubes I ht and 1l1ogs are ooredd Gi on, i h e 18 or an, waa r g The animal s oiroled to the h 8 deoeue d. Georg e'!'. White ap. ",nli hemorr haltes oease. Dr , {;ieo. when he 8aid, "Agrio ulture i8 the ground and before he realise 1 the!r pointed admln i 8trato,r and R. O. More, Blaok Juok, N. C.; " . ,. writes "it tounda tion of oomme roe." Agriou l. nearnes 8, they oliarge d upon , him. Illtche l, A. G . RIUlg . aoll Webste r oured me of ,lung trouble , pr~~ ture Is more than II. brothe r to man Be 8n~pped the oamera whioh wal ' ers. noun oed hopeles s by all dootor8 , ~k·trer apprais , ' 500 $1 00, 'Trial bottle free. Guar- u f ao t ure. ' t d tb strappe d to his _b real' Ea~te of Georie W. Henkle , de, &nteed hy Fred C. I::lchwa an en rtz . At our hotel we sit down to din. made a quiok gra~ fOI"e..b ig II bmb on oeued. Samue l D. Beuk18 llppoin t ' .... _ . '~ . ner before' a mahog any table, mllde the 'ree8 beneat h wbioh he was edexoo utOr;E lmer .E Keever , Will JACK MONUMENT fromtr eesgro wninth eWsstT ndies. 8tandin g and swung up as ~ Dinwid die I\nd William BergdalJ ap the ani. Our table oloth is woven from Iri~h mala , tore by him. Their ~ tos8ing ~ . pointed appraie era. Tbe famous C llltalD John V. Jock flax. Our Irni ves and forks , . of steel, hellds threw his legs In the air and ~ " ". In the matter of tb", will of George monum ent, whiob was tbe . . ~~..., . . . .~...., cau's e of made of 'I ron rlrogge d from the his feet grazed the baoks of the W. ,BenkJ e. deoease d. Will ad. quite ft contro versy II.mong ' the .Iaok JIilnes of Superio r. Thesug ar ehaggy brute8. . Bi8 tripod and,.oam .nl.ted to probate . heirs in 1907, arrived here &Lturd ay oomes from the cane fields of Cuba era. were 'g round, to. bite and ttwae J:etate of John F. ·Bowm an •.lmbe- aDd w.a s placed in the oElmete , ry. or Loui8iana. Our out ofroast beef only by luok that he esoaped olle. First and final acooun t. being :.,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:<:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:. 'l'he stone is probab ly the finest in i8 a plltrt of an animal wbioh :-:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.»:-:.:.;~ was trampe d to. death. · J!lBtate of John M. Coohra n et 'ai, this seotion of tbe oountr ::: ' y. The only a 8hort while ago gallopi ng ' ~: ~ • mino... . Fi~al aoooun t filed: ::: will of Captai n Jaok fixed the price madly over some Wester ::: \ n ' prairie Frightf ul Fate Averted ' ::: :::;:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':+:':':':';w:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':.:-:':':0:':.:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:':':':':':'::~ In the matter of the estate of of the stone at 13,500 and the ::: exee- with a oowboy behlDd him. We "I would have been a oripple for • Jane H. MoMah9n. decease d. No. utors have 8pared no pains in get. sprinkl e it with salt from the 81l1t life from a terrible out Oil 'my knee::: .&lce ::: Don-r8 lident8 ordered pub- "nM the best that could be seoure ::: ::: d well8 of Miohig an, ' Rnd sea,80n it oap:" wrlies Frabuk Di!bark y 'I'abed ' , r , ~eAl1l· ::: ::: .. Ith Whl ' oh orew on t.he is :§ for that price. l he~, ::: MiDn., ~'wit Buo .en 8 r,-, :.:=. w · pepper .'. . .. ', ~ nioa Sa'lve whioh out SOOD cured me. " " Beate of Otho EvaDS, ,deceas ed. '.' .'. ::~ ::: "the stone is grllnite . a.nd weighs land of t:;lDl{apOre, on ~ht! other ::: .:. side Infallib Jotnt and flnal aoooun le'for wound s' oute an'd bruls· ::: t filed. ' two hundre d tonp, the latter ~.&ot of,the ~orld. O.~r bre~ ' ::: ~ , ostCar " the~ , may be. ee, 't soon ~ure8 ~nrns. · Scalds, ::: ':" Eetate of,Jane,B. Evanll, decease d. ne0688itating tbe use. o( six . :.: .-: te"m of made from wheat ground i.oto ~our '2!d ISd~r88be' ~~ilspi ~kin ~~~u!tt~:~ t.:.~~:~ 6Jld finalao ooan' filed. hor8ee in the transpo rtation of the at Minneapo!J8. Them . : ~: ~~, tnoe pie vv or . ,s s, or- . ~ " WtlUam ' Fondttr amtth V81 Moddie monum ent from the freight , . ::'.' '. ar '" 10'-..:. .1 e1Uis, ~ depot whioh Is b . roug ht In f or d eS8er t. i 80' ·~bwart.z. 8. _' __ ':'. ,,,.. · J'onde nmlth tit 1'1. Admin istrato r to the cemete ry lot. . . " ~:~ ::: .~ " . ' ' ::; ' .' .:. filled with oti~rante from Gr'e~oe . !:~1" ' • ::: . orderf,d 'oH11 rea18f1tate at private 'the approp ristion .of the 3,~O'O ~he ~: orea.m nuta wer~ shak~n~r~m _Ie'. FOT. ~ ·'· AIN ,SYRING ,", . ~.';~. , :~ . wat the larges, amount~' a:side in , tree8 in ,the .f.ore8~ .-ri~ n S~ ........ ot, ' Brazil. ,We :~ ' I~' .' William · Fo~der.mlth VI. Moddie the will, whioh entang led thulle ehow. agr~o~l tu~e, oommo roe . ; .', J'oDde realith et .1. Report ·of sale half a mp1i.on dol1an" for ~~~ :=: anyon e and. ni!l~uf8otnre go hand In hand, ~tte. _ ·i:~ . ' ~~ . .'. ::: I, dt.trlbu tion or ie one of the mOl!t It .U depend s pOint of · T. _ . . . of .... gnmen ~ ..... .t of. O. B. OOItlw n cemeb ~,IT ln Le""llo . W-t. UII The fiy hal a '~ousand e.t~ ,sote... Ita..... va --, II! S1UDberi UJc\ 11817 A;, Riambe rt, ~ 8'-r • _ .:: : . '. " '~;';;':'··· ··~·~·'···· ·'~·'······ . ••••• • ,. ••••••• ' •••••·'·'·'·'·'· :-~'M'~~"': tiate &ell ua-an d 'yet he can'~ ~e ,. ••• •'·'~·M·"'~~ • • • ·IC"~"~'.:~'~~o; •• • ::: • •'~~',,",'~~ ••} . ... ..;: _Ibm••' , fll84 a04l1. A...... ......a . why hQllUdl beJnl8 Ihould 'be eo,de.. , '80me lDen malte luuu . . , , _ . ::: . ~ i OWUVAlI!ol' ~. . . . . AJIM)IDted UIlpa , "". Read the Ili&m1 G6ze'te ne~.. termlDecl to a&erlU lU,,:Jalm. ~ make Iooc1

$ Ever1.... subscriber 'may seleCt $ absolutef thly free, fron _ i tb'e first .


e mag azIn e' $ $ 'copy , $ Aoy lac 'McCall's Pattern,' $ $ $


Don't d eIay In · orderln - g ' as th$ . offe r wdl not last long.

:i: '



,Com e in and see our ' ds,. all of






pr~ p~=s:onument


vte~·. ,






se.WARTZ' 8 , ~~~ , ~~f


.send to'









::: ,



5. ... .




, :: ' ::





,::.: . .'.

d £ . . ' d··. .·.. '

you r iatant,' The Miami



( '1


~ W e e kJy



• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• • • ' Iy to the gr ound . ,As she fell she


vnk: Ohio 'I' ll ldo g~ r lI L, &.( II. lov Iy ·vog . WHb melody gitl l)re, ' O I\'JI'ICE I N ALl, E N U MA I N S 'l R IlilJ!'I' The tindienoe llpplotlll r1 hbu , 1'bey wnnter1 au lJC re o ALLEY B e Stl ng ugniu . cboked' u p- and . stnppl'd , D. L. RANE , Edit ol' and Manag er Th n fl ad. Wi th o ut t\ pause ; 'I.' he ullm llger WIIS pseved with hi m .\ nl1 Hoogh t. to k now the oa U'le. Rates of Subscr iption One V ar ( lrlolly In udv anCe) .... ...... i' I, UO " I swall owed ~b ree grlloe n otes," ue Sln ll \1: Copy .. , .. .. .. .. .... ....... .... ,or. wept" " A dootor I mn t fi ud. Rates of Advert isemen t8 For with 11 discord terri ble Ru dlng Looals. per li ne.. . . . . . .. .... ~ c I'm lLkely t o be lined ! Readlna locals, black face. per li ne .. IOu Ml1ke hUste," h e orled, " get h elp at Olllssified Ads. not to exceed th' ': Hnes. onOo'l'h ree Insertion s .. .. ..... . ... . !!r.u The r e880n for my t'rig h t is Obituari es, rh'e Inches rree ; oyer flv 6 Inches. per line . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Those graoe notes that I aWllliowed Oard o t thunks ... .. . .. . .. . .... ...... .. . 2bc might Resolutions ........ .. ... .... .... , ...... (.Oc Give m e nppend iolt.ifl !" SOCIals elu, where churge Is wade.. . . . . ~ ;; e - - -.... ..... Dlspia Y Advertising. per Incb.. . . .. . . . . . 10 eOMM ITfEE ON WARR EN COUNDiscounts given 00 CO lil rac~ . TY MEMORIAL HALL W Q}' I}

Silver of Quality




Rdy o n y ou r ow';

~--. .

J '"\gmeu l 0 1 10 pn H c rn , b u l r e ..

luewber dur bll ily t he In O t Impor.




(i) ~~--




hi t he u Bloe s t4U\'Pcd on I h< bRck 0; spooi. ,fo rks o nrt fUll e y 6~ rv l n g p h::cea ' ill . ll nr pIa Ie of proven quall l y-

"Silper Plate that W , au"

The Alpoa Chemical Go•.


Wi de Intl l ude for cholee Is oO'ered I n t he many exq ul. lle des lgDS.

Sold by l eadi n g Seo ulI for CuI logue

de alers eve rywbe re.

"CooL," sho w hJg' all

- - ---

s-= =

"TII£ UFE ..... o me entang led iu th e linef;l Qnd NEW =::::p: ::' W1\8 d raggl'ld for aorne dj s ~noe . Time Loek ,and R.,a.r Work o' All Kled. I Mrs. f:iaines ' right s hould ~ r was bad, RE5IDB NCE .API!S A SPECIA LTY J ly cru hed 8Dd dis looft t d , o.nd ,she , ~ f /) bctl5h.e Arency for " Century" Adjuliablt Ste.1 Draw)", T.bles sustai n£'d m!\ny bruises about the '. ,face ane] b ody. Ei ght weeks tlgo THE C. W.' HAIN SAFE CO., Columbul, Ohio, :i,f'fi\~Tc~m~1 she fell down ' tu.irs Ilond dlslooa ted ""!!~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!! her lef t should er. Mrs. Haines ' lit· -;;; - -- ,- - - --t le ela.ught er was not hnrt in th e . - - - - - - - - - - -------.------------. least .-_X_en_il_' 1:I: :,lc... 1. _ _ A Purel y Vege table Laxa tive NDICT ED BY FEDER AL JURY I Cures Chroni c Con stipatio I Liver and Kidney Troubl es. u, and AI. Ulnrk L Ir wi n, rur I le tter ollrrier on Route No. -t , Wil mingto n , Olli o, ltOr s"Je a t tbe lolloWlnll pl a ces: WIlS Indi o ~ ed by tbe F ederal Granll Zlmme rman 'S!, Kilbon ' , Jury which r eported 'l'hursd ay. on White '!!, M~unt. joy ' s Springfield, Ohio. six counts for embe~z llog money en trusted ~ o him by p,~tr o n s w,i t h which to purcbll 8~ money order s .

- - -...

W~~~~_d" Slgul.

-.. - - -

WAYNESVILLE CHUR CHES. U. S. MAILS CLO!;ED UP MARR IED IN COVINGTON . . The f fi m o llR CllTry (JilU OA1' Cure St. August ine's Catholi c Cburch . 1IIr1dM1rttlM11Co. 'r eIling their flllUilie s tb ey were SnnLturltlU , b tUl hee u olosed I' uther Oeorge MuveDhoe fer, Pastor up by ( I U,,*,' Da t lolll, 1 . H 'I t ta . tl .. M WIS cvrry tioco nil Sunilo.f uf lhe mOll\b 11\ .'~ddt (l;;,../1~"... ;'.~)1 gomg t,o Ilml t·on •• Oo-TOBE R la, 1909, Advi sory and Exeout ive Commi ttee ~:iiiiii~ii::~8:"v: ke le tbe priucirto lelJ wners, E. Ramse y Ilnd g :uu a. w . eiKbte at t he Butler County fnir , R. W .' Gl lohri st. '1'he instlt.u tion - JOB. W . O'Nel\ll , obolirm o.n ; iJos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Thursd ay, !suo J . Longtlo fP, 82, a hu s found it diffioul t to oonduo t Its F. Lukens , 8ecreta ry ; L. K. Lang· "" St. Mary's Episcopal Cburrh . f a rmer Ii v Ing TROUB LES OF THE EDITO R n eu.r W aynesV1'11 e, busin os!l ever sln oe the order of the Rev. J . P. Cudwallader. Rector. don, trea8ur er; .Jolleph L. Budll HORSE FRIOH TENED AT un<lay Suhool. 0 : 80 B. m Morning Rer· AU TO OhiO, a nd J esse Penl'! Hisev, 21, of p ostll l Itutllor itles olosed Lbe UuitetJ "Icu. IU :UO a. Ill . Holy 1. 'l earore ek-Ge orge E. RlI AY, ComwunloD ~hc 1. 1, 1 "Mr, Editor :-Iha.v ejust returne d Cent er ville, eloped to this olty and ~tu.tes ll\ ll il ~ against them u.nd 'he SUlH.luy 01 e ac h mouth. John M, Fox. Dr. J . M. Wrigh t, Last week near the Early farm s eoUled a lioense to wed. from Atlantl o City Ilnd you don ' t 'rhey step blLs been contem plated for some Joseph '1' . Deardo tI . Method ist Episcopal Churdl . Zimri D. Sllines and da.ugbt e r, Of . though t it WIIS 11 good j oke have a line in the " person als" with the way time. Th e in stitutio n hilS been (Jne 2. Deerfie ldRov, H. W. llalley, Pastor. O. B. Weltou , J . ' r , n e"r Pu.inte rsville, passed regard to my going or oomln~; 1, a big rad they fooled the old folks . "Gettin ' of the IllrgeBt and mo!!ti uni verBally Sunday School, U ::) 0 a. Ill . MorulD~ ser' eide MoCiel lan, Lewis MoMu.h ll n, J o. I\utomobile pulled up a.t. the of b d t'" . , wlll pay you up to ......... and you ol1n mll.rried is atter any · o.y ullD seem patroni zed retrealR vice, 10 :3 0 a.. m. J£p wo r~b Leo.gue, 1 :00 1)seph Ralston , Sel'vetu s Da.~vso n tb r ondo When they ollome 0, breast out my name off your liBt, .. of n county fair, I I said tbe groom -D&y tiants in the oountry .for o"noer pa. m . Evonlng service, 7 : 00 p . m . Midweek Prlyer Meeting. 7 p. m. Thi8 is one of tbe ills the oountr y a. Frankl in-Adu .m Bridge, Oa vid it the horse Mrs . Baines was driving , \ on Berllld . •- • Staoe, Geor Christi an Cburch . ge Fields, S. tI. ' 1 'ib Ib Itfld a.nd dashed , newspa per has to dread . '] ,his sam e the buggy ugainst \ - .. WARR EN.cO . GRAND JURY ba.lls Ed Oeoh'ln t . a nearby telepho ne pole, wreoki ng ItO\·. M. E. DaWllOD, Pu tor. You can always flnd the news in per80n will regale you with "if you .J.. B.1l~i . SundBY School, 9: 30". m, 80clal moctln,. lton-Henry Delfen da.hl. I' lind thrlJwin~ Ml's , l:i!1ines violant. 1the Mia mi Gu~ett e. oan't publish the of our town, After being lD session bfouOr dabys ·ll~:~I:j. ~u~I~~t~r~,:~~do~~~~)'Pe ~ and Ollpt, James Murd ook, Alva Bi Elxamining 20 oases, t e oto er mouth Bt 111: 80110. m. and 7:80 p . m. the paper is of no partioul!).r interes t grand jury rAporte d four indiot.monton , E. K. ~noolr, G. Trimbl e, to me." The ejitor spends part of ments 1'hurdd ayafter noon . George Hkkslt e Friends Cburcb , his sleepIn g hours in studyin g how U. liarian -Col. John it. Bites rnllD Jaokso n for horse stealing , Robet;~ sai~~ ~~ro~~~ I~.IC. I~~~~~ ~~yF;:: Thornt on Thomp son, Frllnk Hioks, to elimiaa te this troJ1ble and vainly ,Poi Mont.gomery, for petit lu.roeny, Ed- IU :aIJ a.. w. DllVid Roll, E el 'l'emple ton. aska from week to week t.hllt. his -~Wllrd' Fulle r for meddli ng with rail neilbb ors report their "going and G. Mllssie -Levi J eBsuo, II mnel O. oJ Orthod ox Friends Churd i. I Will offer a.t Publio Bille at my 0hi ' 2 00 k d rspsers . 2 road proper ty ond Jesoe Blaokf ord 11 r. 2 mlrror ll. Stoops, Willil1lD A. Merritt , Frank comin g;" be hill) nO other r emedy .. <Rev. Benjamin HawklDs, Paltor. re idence on Maln street in Bar- oa k waRh St1lUu8, .1 1 t.:l k d for cuttl'ng wI'th intent to kill . All Sabbath Sohool, U:30 a'. m. Re,;u1ar 1 Wtl nu !leE Rn Bbidak ~r, Willi,lm Brooks . The staff of a. oountr y newspa per i (l 'oburoq b ' , ] bl a k b 00 k t d 1 v Y8burg , on b ""ra now in JOU.I·I. Tbe Jurv visited lIorvlco, 10 " 0 a. m. Ohrllltian Enileavet, 0 QU s an. poro n.ecc88arUy limited , and few, if any, 7. Salem -Johu 7 :30 p. III , C. 'l'rovill o. Il' rank Saturda y, Octobe r 23, 1909 benoh , 9 ohairs, 1 rooking 0 h 1\ Ir 3 tbe oounty Uarr~n , Albert l::Ioe1l, A. D Baney , oan afford a. tra veUng oorresp ondent , . J',.ull an"u r eoommer>ded ~~~~~~!'!!'!!~!'!!'!!~~~!'!!'!!!!!! oomme noing at 10'0100k sh arp, the l1n.t tree ~ , 2 I limp s to. n d s, 2 11 the ohl'ngin g of the heating ,and sma Rev. J . B. Baldwi n . • All are depend ent upon the people o p e ty 'l'urtleo rebk-T homRs Btarry , W f 0 11 ow lng stllnds, 2 book shelves , 2 olooks, 2 plumbi ng oft,he entire huildin pr r : round about them f or news t,o fill ___ ~._ __ _ g. Dlt. H.E. HAT HAW AY F orming iruplem ent8 1 pha.eto n lihelves , /1. lot of chinu. ware, 12 ft, S. A! . ~tilw ~ll, Al theper8 0nal oollllDll. Anot heroum - . ,F . Eltzrot h, J M buggy in good rel>~ir, 1 two·h orse flat bottom boat. G NST DEATH .. RACING A AI. Brant , D. , orris . plllint (in huoh ~ O W1t 8 illS Et~eport ,Va,)''lesville'8 Lea.d1ng .De~... .... Terms of sale: 9 Uni on-Joh n Hltoket and under, O8sh; t, Viotor froy wagon, lset hay ladders . 1 set Office in KeY8 withon t delivOl' Y by ol\ri'ier ) Is: " 1 Bldg. Kalil H In /1. dellper ate rlloe for life five VllnRip er, William Buff, Andrew Iog b 0 Is ters, 1 f or t y . t 0otb hn ow over ' 5, a credit of 9 months will be didn't get a p"per II1" t week, ,. wben ...rr , men from Lees Creek, seven miles 1 one h orse wh ell. t dill Cox, John M. Snook 11 g r , 0 oh'"..\D, gi ven to p'urobll8ars gl vi ng ban kable from Sabina the truLh of the mattdr WIlS. " J ohn, left here Thursd ay 1 double-shovel plow 1 Humilt on n otes . A dlsooun t of 59 will be giT' 10. Washi ngton- Robert Andrew s, YEAR8 ' ' ny" went t o the pos t offioe, oalled nigbt for the Pl1steu r In8titu te at Hlr~m Warwi ok, Gtlorge Wilketr- ton~ueless plow, 1 breakin~ ulow,l en ~01'088 b payme nt. RION BOEL. Chioago to try and eso! dellth by for the 0011.11 , got the paper and lost. son, Benry Vaoder vort, Jolln C'ltObl\ooo pl,)w. Sing~ean: double ~ees C. T. Bawke , Allot. it in hiB pl~y on &he WilY home, hydrop hobia. They are Amos 'l'II.Y' VanHo rn . . shovelS, forks, ra es, oeR, pos !l.U · Fred Bllrtso ok. Clerk, This last oo.m plBint Is not suoh 8 ' 11 Wllyne - B. Lev. Oartwr lor, Lou MoClu r., Russell , Duke, igbt ger, 811.W hooks, SIlW knives, an I 11 bad one. when it is taken into oon , Harry Duke and Boon Snow. Cap, . Smith, F. W , Batha Witt: geoeral line of farmin g tool!!, 2 lie t tl We will offer at Public Sale at the ' The men endeav ored to treat a elderaWOD' t~At. · WEt ulolI.11y have Wm. If. Allen, Charles T. Hl1wke. of., work harne~8, stllble hltlnlre ts, home farm of the late Levi S. Lu- 'siok horse bo]on~ing to one of edra copies to I~ a n (.i ou t , but it looks the Jobn M, Snook, Chdlrrn an. wagon j!l.oks, grindst one, ~leds, eto. kens, on the Waynesville and Har- Dukes, when tbe Imimal beoame vi al 'hough we .W d f U c" relass in our The udvisor y llnd executi ve 0 0 00 Bonseh oldgoo ds-2he lltlDgs toves veysbu rg pike, 2,X' miles from Way- olent a.nd bit at everyth ing iu Sight, 'York and it hartll some.- l!'reep ort, mittee met nnd organiz ed by the bedstea ds, obairs, 116 foot extensi on n~ville and- 2X miles-f rom Har- ooverin g the men wltb saliva. Pa. Rerattr ." aleotio n of ,Joseph W. O 'Neall ' all tl1ble, 1 bureau , 1 what-n ot (antiqu e veysbu rg, on A veterio ary deolare d tbat the • -chairmtl.n, Joseph F . Lukens as sec pi eoe of furnitu re), an a~sorte d lIlt Tuesda y, Octobe r 19, 1909, Money Comes in Bunche saniwlll lllld bydrop bobia and it Willi r tary and L. K. Lllngdo n as treos- of good gl~esware, queens ware and . . , to A. A. ' Ohlsho lm. of 'rreadw ell, urer, ..nd olll1ed 1\ meetil}g oUhe shot.. It is believe d that. the horse gen- tinwarf;\, big iron ~ettle, big brl~ss , Bll egJ.nnmg at ~ 0 N . Y .,now. His r~""o n is well worth eral oommi ttee to Illeet at clock sharp, the was bit-ten by a mild dog last · week . the oourt ke ttl~, 1 n Jllr, eto., eto . fo oWing propert y: readinK : ;"For IlJong t.ime I suffere d h O t l> , k Terms -aU sums of 15 Ilud under, 1rom t n di ges tl OD. t orp id II ver, oon-· ouse 0 0 er 28 1909,11 t 2 0 'I 16 head of Horses - l bay geldmg , 0 00 , E 'b . . f th h cash; all anms over '5, a oredit of 12 4 yea rs old, etlpatio n, nervon snes8,' aDd genera l p . .m · i vel'y dmteIDb er 0 t 1600 poun ds, 1 t e OOID m mthl:l will begive u wltb puroha ser g ray geldingwelg debility , II he "1 oouldn , 't 4 Ull years ee tt surge old, weight Frii 10 Hou seke eper i 0 e preSElD . Bleep, had no uppetit o, !lor I1mbltton • giving bflnkllble note. F\ ur por 1350 pounds; 1 sorrel mare, haft • prt . .ratl~ 1 . () years 8rew weaker every' £lilY lu ISpite or FELL FR(lM TELEG RAPH !;talufro.. POLE oent Ilisoouo t for oash. old. weight 1400 pounds . in foal by all medtoll.l trootm e \t. '1'he~ nseel OALVrN EOWAIW S . Rus Murray ' s Perche ron stallionEleotrt o Bitters , Tw el ve bot.tles r8 The ri voIry whiQb hilS existed beFrllnk Wilson , Auot. .tor~ all my ola-tim " health and this mare is a regular breede r and a . vigor. Now loan attend to bnBine81:l t\veeu the senior and junior olasses Cbas. Bhi~aker, Clerk. good worker ; 1 gray mare 10 years every day. It'.. a wonder ful 00001- of Clifton high sohool, resulte d old; 1 sorrel mare 13 years old; 1 sor.cine. " Infalltb le for Stomao h, Liv- day afterno on, in the serloll . Fri sinjury I will sell at PnbUo Auotio n a t mv rei horse 14 years old; 1 sorrel er, KidneY8, Bltlor! and Nerves . of Bruoe Anders on, sev. gelden teen-Y8lu- l'esidenoe 3 mU~s " soutbe lH.t of Oen· ing 3 years old; 2 two-yea r-old 500. at Fred C. Idohwartz's. mares; 6' La faye tte St., New York CIty, old son' of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ander- terville and 2· miles nortQw ,est. of 1 one-yea r-old. mare colt; 1 one-year~ - - , - -...--~. son, of neat; Cllfton . Young .Ander . ,Ferry on the Stringt own ROl\d old horse colt; ' S sucklin g colts; all . .:- \ ABOUT ADVERTISINO son oUmbed t.() the top of a higb ' Wedne sday, Novem ber 3, 1909 . of' this young stOck is sired by MurALTE R --=;a telegra ph pole nea.r the sohool in or at 10 a. m , GIlead of bO~tls; MCC LUR E, one 12- ray's Perehe ron stallion ; 1 Purcell What a Da.rrow ideo. Bome busines s der to remove tile,' junior . oolors year-ol d brobd mare,o ne ll-yen:r.-ohl bay gelding 4 years old, 1 Purcell .men and corpor ations have about ad whioh had been plaoed there Funer~d Direc tor. during brood. m~re, two a.year old mllres, bay geiding 3 years, old. double gaitvertilin g. When they 8pend aUttle the day. When he bad almost weigbt about 1300 lbs., 2 ool,ta, () ed-goo d actors. This bunch of money ani! get things ooming their reaobed the top he slipped and fell month . old. one driving Dlllro ; three horses were bred Toleph one day O[ uigbt. and ' reared with way, they shut off tbe power and to the ground , He aligbte d squllre · head of cattle, 2 good milob cows, one great care by the Valley phone No. i . Long decease d , A lot of expeQt the bnatnes s hereaft er to do IV on bi8 feet, and the bone in his heifer; ' 10 head of shoatfl, /) dozen good timothy and mixed Distano e No. 6\)-3· . hay in mow. it. own wou, They might atl well right leg was broken in two ~laoes. ohio it ens, 250 bu. of oorn in orib 2 road wagons , 2 truck wagons , 2 WAYNESVILLE, ,expeot to have ali night lightin g Tbe braak was so bad that ~ OHIO. the bone farm implem ants, 'one farm wagop, self-bin ders, McCorm ick and Cham~.~ In 8terl1n g with ouly 'be power ).' rotrutle d throng h ~be fiesh Branch Office, Harvey sburg. O. ,-Xenil 4 one MoCormiok mower , corn plllnter , pion,2 McCormick com harvest ers, 2 farnish ed np nntll midnig ht, as to Herald . ridingo ultivat or, wlllklngoult1vl1tor, check-r ower corn planter • s, 2 hay eXPeot do more tiusine£ls on Bome • - • IS Qne breuki ng plow, ' ons 50 tooth loaders, 2 mowin g machin es, 1 hay THRE E TIMES MARR IED peoPle '• .advertl s 1ng. S upp~se tha t harrow , one disc harrow , ope t obllO- te d.llAe~ 2 H. OOSler . d'1Sk .d r1'II s WI'th prln~ of mttioha Dte, J obn Wana~.a. , Three times In ber brief life oj 00 tl'imsvl anter ,' one Shields ' to btlOOO fertiliz er attachm ent, lone-h orse ker,di dht. '. b~slnes8 in 'h&t way- 23 bumme rs Mrs. Trinnie I!'aulkn er. press, .hay ladders , grll.Vel bad. one disk drill and lone-h orse hoe drill advertl ae a mont~, then reat a while. whose maiden name was Trinnie box bug~y, dou~le trues, 81ngle trees, both with fertiliz er ~ttachment, 6 rid Would ~e long opntinu e to to do the Free has ' been a b~lde . . Her first hoes. sbovel s. forks, rakes, one hog ing corn plows, ~ills 1 Hamilt on tongue eDorm ou. volnme of bnllne u that hiisban d WIl8 J . W. Faulkn er t.o .trough , ohioke n box, work harness , less plow, 10 breakin g plows, 2 disc he doe. DOW' . No, be plans bis ad· whom she' was marrie d. in Au g'U'St, puggy harnesB , OrOBS oat saw; some harrow s, ' 6 harrow s, 1 spring- tooth MeCALL PA1TE RNS ver'lei ng al h e d, oes hi . 8 b uy i~g........ HlUG. Mr. FlI.olkner died, and his househ old goodll, . ' . ed C~ lc bral « ll o r 51vic. perfcct fit. 5impli lIy nod two orenm seperu- h arrow. 2 ro II ers. 2 we er8. 2 corn ""' .. tically 8etting aside ten per reli.bll ity n. " , ly· 40 Y'·'''·S, ~" I(I in ,,,:I , l y ..y• .... ......... . ' . . wife had been 1\ w.ldow bat a 8hort shellers 2 tobacco plows tors, 2 'double two bedstea e very c ily li nd It>lVn in \ Ioc "fl,',1 3",1<1 :lUu ds and spl'ingR , oeil, of his "net inoome to go baok tl'me yvhen ~he again murrje d, ' . Cnn.>ll:t, or by w,llI ,Iim·l. ?o l" ,. 1.,,'.1 Ihull her lo."'-n swing, oto. etC. shovel plows. 1 hay rigging , log n ny othe r "IIIltc. Send for CU!C cotolo!:",,into the obanne ls of adverti siog to husban d .this time being.. h" . ' . l' ~. d bl A. J. Hill . . . t Terms ·Mc", .. L1JS : All MAGAZI NE sums Q( 1500 a.nd c amsl SlOg e .. ees, ou etrees. JOIO "'-g him more busin'el!s If It . ]\i n f. "h" ' ri ll ,. 1"0" on y nlher fn shlnn \ b nu . '' under, ' . :. ' . . whom ahe wedded May 2~ ' 1908 era hoes forI ... etc ' 1 0 s'ets oash work i al1aum m a&iz in,,-l1I l1 l1 o n 0 nwnlh. 1 '~Yfl l<. L . " s over '5.00,11 • , AD. . . dido" pay him, and . ltkewis e every when he was '0 and she cst $Iy lcs. rOllern., drc .. nlulo ,nf,' ... lI l1 nery. ~~ '22: oredit 01 ODe .y ear by pnroha ser giv- harnes s,l set double UI ~nce, ' carriag e h~~ otb~r pe~i8tent and By~temattc ad· Not ~aliY mooqs ago she ' obt"ine ~,I~~e~I~~ . i ~~J:"~~~r i~~~dJ~r ~:'ltr;gr~ :,~ :~g. d iDg approv ed 8~ourlt.v,. " ." nees. b~~idea .many odd P~~e8, colver~il8a:, 1.'onld it. be kept . ~p y~a~· a deoree of di voroe from him ~~b.mb~ lht~d~~:I<~ ~ i~~~:Jdi lf( 1150:~~I~n~~;;: and:·· ..l N o.t e] Bale. can be held nndel;' hU's. rldles, ht:tes, ~tc. A few Qdd WONDE RFVL INDUCE MENTS . after .y~r? The 8nJleti~ thin~8 reetora tion to ber drst hti~ban(I"8 sbel.tar if 'weathe r will DOt permit piec~ of Househ~ld GoOds. ' '. 'U~y . 'ftrl;llloeee bw,lnes a p.h~ed ~ame: Yesterd ay T~omaa . , ~~,i"n::;t~sl~~~t~~~:i:"ts''1jd':~~:: e.tnlo!:"e , . WilJl~p1 itoatet d'Il.; ,:" ViIlRN BOCGII. .T erms of sale-;-A llsums of $5 and i'uiid:w . teL I38toWW .I!nUa.. .. ODoe by' adverti llint, in notever lll8t· 8~rtls, Ii' oar InsP.6otorl, ag~d N'W YOU 38, proA ..Ar. ~&~t!i~, :Aaot., u~der. cash; ~ . credit .. of , 9 months .IDgly,keeptn g at It. .1hat. is .a 8ur~ ollred a lioense to wed MrB ft'·ft .' , . . '. ,II'i!.ulkner' '. J. JIl. (IimeB "Olerk. . , will be given for all .sum! of $5 and ' .road to ataooee9 . -~terlill.~ (0.) '~QI. . ' ,. , . .. '.. • ... ' . .Lnnoh . 8~D;d r~·~'f6~.. ove~ by pur~ha8er ltivin~ abankl1~l<, le&lo . of SucCeSS " : . note,:Four:perCent .di8Count.fOl'~b. Und~r.. ta an . ' d ·Embailm~r. , lieB in a ~eebj ' olear braiQ, 'oooked by .' I .:wlll' ~;r~' PgbJio :8ale. on ... P. '.I;?~ and ~8.rY .L~ q~etf~ . i~~omi~atil~ wlll and reeiltie sl e'ler.· 'm y farm, i~ ~itel ' 101!lt!l ~u~ ~'f .'. ~m. ,~dIB;:(~. X. Haw~~, ..A~c~. ;. WUl '1>6 ~ fonnd' ·tn ' the old IY· Snch ; pow:el' oom88 . f,~omthe 'Wayne ev1lle,O hto onWeJ lmau'P ilte Lunch B~a.r~ed by ,r-.tes ·.p~e~dia l1ealth ~b.,~ Dr, KiDg'8 ';~.ew - ....~. .Bank BaUdin g, opposi te , .. , . ..... ' . Aid Society bt1l1lat Fork. . Life P ,llia impatt . ,'rhey., vUan. . OD . . tbe'N" tional ~n~ • . , . - .. : , ' . ~ , Teleph one in hOuH and of· every orp~ apel build up bral1l aDd Sa~ay, octOber 16, 1909 .1~lle, 'i (,ouoh, 'i~tta"uu' leath~, 1 flee-where I om be oaUed · body. ' J, . A. Darmo.o, · Usemo re, ., 1 "" ':'ook bo........ olel ,, - ' I I .. ~ marble W, V. wri• .; "Tli61 are ,he'" ... W .! &op , , l .... 1ld 1. oblf: ~ or .dg~t., ' . ' " .~ .......~ .,. ~.....,.-, ., bel, pwi 'l ever aae4'." 8110 at I'recI elating of 8 matkoelee2 ) . V · 'Dh 1'-3 . clo1able and 1. fouler., I ob&1n, tlQta. l ktkstitD ... alley \!' 0b8 • J .• •• • Gomp1e~l~looIdDl. . . . l ...iD b.... J!~14lDa·.l.. 1clQQble~ ••ID 8&i'ee~

=. .

.. c....


0 10


Pu blI-CS aIes











Everybody to kno w that Gaz ette Job Roomi


the Cor rect place to get your. Sale prin ted" Correctly and


Good Tas te.



s~e ' for your.~lf•..' . .

Prices .a re all ••

The &d-Rod,

_ ... ... ... ... .,'0. SoJa,...,."'·,

at .

A", "MA FFI T; .



A GREAT ANNO,V ANC£. ftDall:r 1i. ~tUJ'lle4 te hta Oft Iud IDING- SONCL . an4 JudeA bad reet. But Dot for loal, Kldn.y Dla...e Show. ,Mal'lY P. lnf__ _ tor all the ungodly men of th~ lUl1d - - - - ", , " .n~ Unplealll1t ,8ympto~ .. who hated ' JOnathaJi took council t~ D. L. CRAN E. -'" ,', gether, arid eal~: ,1 George 'S, Crowell, 1109 Bl'on~y/ay, ','BehQld, ' Jonathan and hie complIDJ our Helena, 11ont" says- "I 'WAS troubled are at eaae, and dwell wllhout caro: Story of loa.tlaaD'. Cen .' With ' a d1aordere'd now therefor!! let ua 10 to Bacchldea Co Le.deNblp As a killer the scorcblng uutomoblle , condition ot 't ae kId· and ,urge him to return thither, for ' u too mlscellaneolls, neys, some backache exoept we have his hel'v Jonathan and BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAr' and ,Irregular passhis men will destroy us." , PIt£ACH~ t Wbat ettect wl11 the dJscov I'Y of the nges of seoretlons. At So It came to pass that BRcchldes nortb pole have on the price of eartimes I Wll& o,bllged re.t11rned wIth a stron!: army, but Jonmuttlf ' to get up out of bed. athan discomfited hIm so that he .was Dased a ll tile pocrypbal Book of glad to make lleace with him, but b&- Redeeming Feature of New Putlme at nigbt, and the Oabbages 20 cents npiece. Not so Maccabe s Chapters 9 and 10, fore departing from the land he dew II That It I. In Sealon Every urfne was unnaturr" uncomplimentary to call a man a cab· Da~ In Year. In appeal·Mce. On the Aplllysls ot?ln cn blleAn Wl1r,-Thn v ie,,' In reveng ' many of the lIllJodly mea, bnge head, advice ot 8. friend 1 of the Me cobllenD waf whi ch r egardll It who had urged him to CVUle thIther. Thero cn=n=n=o=t=b=e=to'-:o=m"'u""'eh lIgbt In only 11I1 6 civil anlS not as a r eligious conH 1'e>Is n new sport tor those of our Thua the sword ceased f'rom Israel procured DOB.a'. KJdney Pills and fli ct. la cssentlnll y ' ono-sl lSe(!, It there began using them. This remedy helped the streets, The more light the lesa wcre no other t'vldcnc(> than the Book ot tor that time, and Jonathnn dwelt at renders wbo are gOing to spend VQCa· me at once, ' streQgthened my klll,neY8 opportunity for crIme. Daniel. that a lona would show how lSeep- Mlchmas. and began to govern the tion days In the country, It Is lots ot Iy til nobr ~ t hopes oC tb e ' ,thaocrllcy people. Bllt be lought not the title fun In th city, too, tor boys who do ,Gallop-n-Trot! Onlloll -n-Trot! and corr cted tbe disordered condi· The 1Irst dollar that most m!!n were centered In tho IfUCCOS. ot the of king neither did he t.blnk to weal not live 01\ very crowded block9, or Hero we go riding nwoy, Uon." t! Ool lop -a-'l'rot! earned was given to them tor a bIrth· movement. When the t eellng of the na- the purple of rulElr •. boys who d,o no l1"e far from 1\ park Onllop-o..-Tr Remember the name-Doan's, Sold My! Who..t II. nIce Itlllll O to ploy! tion waa thus ne-alD turned wtth fresh day present :lr sometblng Uke that. Weo Willie Winkle. III rOlllp0 l's at blu e, by aU dealers. 50 cents a box. Follter· Now It came to pass that when Jo~ or n vacant lot. power to Its anolont faith. we nil ght exWe will call tbls new pasll~~ skee On old Daplli Orny tllk es a rId ; Ptot that Ulera would be 1\ new creative A man In New J cra y Is going to cpo h In the naUon RI lit rature; or. II athan bad established hlmselJ' at JeruI'd 10\'0 to have lIu ch a nne 110\'90- Milburn 00" Bu!falo, N, Y. sal m, that DemetrIus sought to make wOuldn·t YOll7 train a \lon to guard bla chickens, He th o torm of H ebrew compoRl tion waa alAnd l uch pr 'tty blue rompers healdI', r eady fi)( It by sacred IYPIl8. 11 prophet alliance wIth blm thinking to find opmight do better with ~ trulneu mos- or Ollllop-ll-Trot! Oallop-n-Trot! psalmist would express tho thoughts portuntty to kill him. It was at thl. Quito squad. orr to a cOun lry 80 grond! of t ho n W Illfe after th. nlodels, of old time also that King Alexander, ~alnet Mayor of Philadelphia Relents Inter· Ollllop-n-Tl'ot I Oa IlOI)·a-Trotl lim e. Yet In part at I aet the lead r8 ot ference In Hla Efforts to Get A-riding ~o SWl' t lIobyln.mi. While the awateur aeronaut Is quite the Maccabaean times felt ·that they were whom Demelr!ut bad sent n great - M rglll'el ,0 , H~y., Rid of Them. likely to come to somo untimely tate separated by a real chasm from the army, also dh.patched a deputation ro, ot th e kingdom or of the exile. It Jonathan UylDg: he ts less a menace to the public thai tthlmea oy looked tor l\ prophet In the future, AMUSING GAME "LA FUNDA" Mayor Reyburn. who eonsltl.ers lhe "We have heard of thee, that thou the amateur chaulfeur, they acknowledged that tha IIplrlt of prophecy wns not among til m, The vol- art a man of great power, and meet city IInlt pigeons n nulaa:noe, ond New Paltlme Takel Parll by Storm, would rid the building of them If b London has been having 1\ naval ume of thll prophetlo wrlUnlfs WIUI oom· to be our frIend. Wllereftlre now this plete. nnd. lUI t ar al a ppearM. no ono ,'enanli Will Undoubtedly Spread procession or 150 warablp. Thla demo tu rn d to Imitate Ita onlents, But tho day we ordaJn thee to be the lll,h 00u1l). considers the eltorts or kilo anti · to Other Countrlel. onstration ought to scnre ott that Haglo«ro.phn. thou«h tlley wcr~ nlrcnay priest of tby natloD, and to be caUed oruolty to nnlmals RocleUes to pre\' nt phantom German Invasion, long ftxed a8 def1nlt co li tlon, were the klng's friend, that thou mayst take the pigeons being driven out a mf'dTbe r lIrr tto'n r th nnclent dlesom , nnd sometimes wtUes Ba r a '. not equally tnr romoved from Imitation. our part and keep friendljhJp wIth us." The apoca lyptlo \'Ialons of Daniel served There Is only one more pole to dill' gaUle of dlabolo occurred in paris and tt.! In :-e.terrlng to the socleUeq, Now Jonathan and the people were a pattern for the vl8'1onll In corporated cover, NatJons which may teel piqued •• spread aU over t.he world. being ex· In the Boole of Enoell: lIod It hnt'! boon well pleased when they heard theao. ReoentJ~' , ",hUe the IDII)'O.r was holdceedlngly popular for a cuuple ,or seC\> Ing 111s dnny chat with the neWSpapl.'l· at American Iluccess In one dlrecUon commonly supposed Ulat tho P salter con~ words, because Alexander was the are at lIb~rty to get bUBY In (he other. taJns compositions ot the Mnccabnean first that had ontreated ' b'ue peaCe Fun of Coasting. ruen, s(lyeral fire engmes with clangdate. This supposition. however. Ilf quito Ing gongs, came thunclering down with them, and at variance with the best evidence whtoh they made a pact wlth roller· skating, ('or It Is pr tty nmch Wheo Pnnce Miguel r n"unceu the can bo obtnlncd on the hi story of' lat.. Broad street ana around the clty ball , ' hl~ and were c'o ntederated with hIm like the NorWegian sport ot coasting throne ot Portugal. wblcb be bad no Canoll, The Pigeons: evldeJitly frightened byalways. wIth long ,snow-shoes OT skees, except chance of ever gettlng, it mllst have the gongs,' flew exclteOJ.y around and So matters stood at the tlme neD that 't needs , no SDOW, says People's been almost QS grave a 9t.p as awear- ~r.: .~ ~;.m::.+-~ around ' outside of the mayor's om c King Alexander baying ' slain Demeto Home Journal. ing olf smokJng. on the north side ot be bulldLng. rlul In battle and .catlered hie arm,7 The best of roller sleee skatin, Is ===:=: As the wblr of wIngs swept through , A San Franctsco mlLn Is to marry had go~e to ptolemalt to meet the kw. that It la tn season every day In the There la little question but the room, ilia. mayor exc1allned, half the richest, of the young east Indian of E«ypt. . year when the pavementa are dry, and thlt the devout sons of Mattas~llIr.g, but ' wHh an attempt at Berl· princesses. It Is time VI e were get· That waa a veat event for It 19a1l elthel' a winter or a summer day wm thl .. known al the Maccabeea, ousnc'ss: tbere that Alexander 'was to mart)" do, for the Bknter. tlng back some matrlmol11al mllltont found refreshment and encour"My! Tile til'e onglnes are dis turb· Cleopatra, the daughter of Ptolemee, Any boy 1I)ay bave a palt' of roller 'Into this country, , agement In the Plalml of David. Ing the pigeons. Where Is lbe Soc!· and the ruler. and great. men from all skees, even wlthout the trouble of =~=== From the beginning ~f Jona, A proCessional walker is :onfidel1t ('tv tor tile Prevention ot Oruelty to the nations around had been Invited sayjng pennJes to buy them or waiting than'l leadership, ~mlel from Ihe can walk from San Franclaco to Animals' Such a t rtHe Il8 saving oil· to be present at the royal celebration. for a birthday to get them ' for a within and from without plotNew York In a hundred days. But 'Izens' property tiom burning. should . In the land of Judea It wile quIckly pr~sent; be can mal(e them blmself. ted hi. ruin and d.ath. May we :wby ahould anyone waste 60 much not be allowed to Interler" with the notsed abroad th ~t an InvItation h~4 The only eJUlense you may Incur In not believe that among hll fajtime wh n u·aJns are handlor? peace or the plgeo09."-PhUtld ll)hlil come to Jonathan ' 0 attend the Dup- makIng yourl!~ees Is a possible c08t vorite Plalm. mUlt have bIen Times. tlals, and bls followera rejoiced that of ten cents. , F or this sum you may I 'l;ho baby emperor o't China has the 140th. ' • KJn~ Alexander had 80 remembered get tour Iron bolta at any hardware been formally prOclaImed 'commander They Didn't, Have to Change. 44Dellver me, 0 Lord, from the and 1:Ionored, their lealler. store or maohl.n e shop. ~eae bolt During the years tn whIch our pureof the army and navy. It II to be ellll man: preserve me from the But certain wicked fellows who "hould be about eight lnebe' s Lone and food lawe have been put into !feet hop d that those two important violent m a n . , .~ were enemies, of Jonathan and sought a quarter of an inch thick. On one there bas been' n great hurryIng and branches ot the public service aro "Which Imagln. mllchlefa, In sourrylng on the part of the tood man· for occasion to discredit blm and end Is n · knob, or bead, and, DEtar th nOt Infant Industries. their hearti continually are they \Jfaeturers to change their metbods to weaken his power, entered Into a plo~ other end the bolt ill pierced by a gathered together for VI~r. make themcoJirorm to tho ,law. saytng: small hole. " • ' The French have discovered that The Quaker Oats Company Is a COD· , "They have sharpened th"lr r:" "Let .ua go also to Ploleruals. W. Now get t.wo' bOllrds, ea b three' and , whisKered kIsses leave on the lady's splcuous excelltlon. It Wlui admitted tong".1 like aerpeht; adderl, >!.(! will take glfts to J{lng Alesander, and one-tialf or four feet long, four Inches lips bacilli ot tuberculosIs, dlpbtherln that Quaker Oat. , wu as pure and pollon i. under theIr IIpa. because he w111 be In festive mood It wide and three-Quarters of an Inch and pneumonia, bealdea unclllssifte,d clean as ' pO/lsI~le and tbat It was an "Keep me, 0 Lord,from the will be easy to gain his when we thI6~. like ~g. 1. T.heae boartls muat m.lcrobes. And yet It's doubtful if the ~ hande of the 'wlcked; preserve ideal 'tood. New BaiL-TonIng 'Game. shall be able to brill, things' to his be exactly the same size and should It is 80 cheap tbat anyone can afwhiskered kiss will !O. me from the violent man: who notice wbJcb win turn his, heart be' of Bome tough wood, not pipe. 80' D a, A new game known 08 1.0 ford It and so , nourlsblng Ull1t eeryhave purpOled to overthrow my , A young man In New York commltaplnBt Jonathan, so that he wll1 no Now for you.r wbee1s. Take another Funda has now taken Parts by storm, one needs It. The result of lAst yellr's golngl. ted suicide because two girls had relonger be hts friend." piece o[ board ot the same dimensions and In all probab11lty It will spread to experiments, at Yale and other volnts , "The proud hav~ hid • anare ,ecte d b1Jn wltbln .0 minutes, one tor In accordance wltb this plan they a.nd ,I nark 6n It eIght circles, each fo~ other 'countries ,as dId dtabolo. says wbere tood value. , were tested Is thnt Quaker Oats has been 'a dopted by ' for me, and cordI: they have tlie fiftieth' time. He ought to bave departed secre,tly tor .'" _Sa . 'all around, Pop,u lar Mechanics. 1t conslsta 01 many persops-all their food, on whl h Ipre .. d a net by, the wayalde: been Immune after such an experith ml .. f Al d ' euttlng ,through the t I pared 0 po so~ , e n," 0 exan er bnard, beln" t'er" careful -to have no throwing a ball with the n~ shown In tbey rely for adding vigor aad endurb ' they have let glnl for me. ence (Tom the deadly love, germ. the illuetratroD and catohlng ' It as 1~ ance of mURcle and brain. against Jonathan. Now Jonathan had"" • I "I .ald to the Lord, Thou art Dot yet come to the city, a fact fiat places on the edges 01 Tbe ,Quake.. Oats ' C~ meets (lomea down. The ball .can be thrown my God: , hear the voice of my ~~ aeemed to favor tbe plans ot w~eels as you cut them ·out. to a · conalderable height and to eatch all demilndll In tbe way lt pncKB . lupplicatlonl, 0 Lord, Quaker Oats; regular .~e packages ovU men,' for havlnc p~e8ented their "<~?!:;====~==;;;;;;;;=;;;;~o It u ,It faUs the ~lay'er tUust be very and the large slse farony paokage; /'0 God the Lord, the atrength expert. ' gUts they succee~e~ In gaining tho C::"IIR. 0 of my lalvatlon, thou halt covtlie latter, botb' \VI~ and wttbout promille of Alexander that be would'. ... 6 china, " , ered my In the day of bat.c N£W AND ' INTERESTING GAME hear certain petition which the1 tie. M".tn't Work LI". Roe&lottom. brouChi, OD the ,nol'l'ow. , "Grant not, 0 ' Lord, the de. F. W. Ayer, the adverUsl.u, aaent, at Penn.ylvanla Man Inventa Paatlm. Full of elation they departed, InYtni II,el of tha wicked: further not tho dinner hi PhUiulelphla fA honor-of That I. Highly \ Entertaining...,. Even the accursed mOlqulto has Itl among themselves: " hI. ~Ioked devlc.a; le,t theyexthe firm's fm'tleth annlvel'sap', snhl , Bou,nee Balli. uses. In New Jersey ' they get rid of "If Jonatban but delays btl comlne alt themselve•. tbat to ' ,uceeed '1n advertJsing r~' tramps by ' haDd·c:uftln" and e.-poain& but nnother day we sball wIn our , IIAI for the head of thole' that 'hard work. " , A PenneylvlUlla maD has receutl7 qulred cause and Instead Gf a welcome there them to 'tbe mosQuttoel!. In a few I'The successes In tbla bualness a ra compaaa, me about, let the ml"l "'111 b dl " b f th k1 .. P,arb of the Skate. ' Invented a new and Interestlna aame minute's the tramps are ready 8J1d chief of their own II pI cover .. e .sgrace e ore eng. ,which wtll doubtless alford much 'cn. stnpendou.~'~ be ..qd, "bUt some folk's eager to leave town. ,T his la almost them. Espectantly tberefore they came to ilirough the , center ot , eaqh wheel te~tainJQent· to both old , and young. think that r'!>l'kln(f ' ~ Jtoebo~tom of 8S barbarous u capital punishment. "Let burning coal. fall upon Camden wor.ed, a man can bulld up a " Tb ' 1t f bl Ith ,AJexandel' the next day, and tho spokesman stepped (orth to deciare bore a hole of the same dla~eter of . e game (lOnB a s 0 a to e w ,an great adverils~ fortune. them: let them be cast Into the Another prince Is reported' tfl be their matter, sanaa: ' 'the bolts. FIg. ' 2 IIhows you "ow the inClined b~ and -compartments at the "Roebottlhn was A roofer. tie was en· fire; Into deep pIta, ' that they paying attel\tion to an AmerIcan heir, "Be It ' known UDto the king that wbllel' ahould look. at this atacel upper en~. Above , thIs Is 1\ 'back rlae not up again. , ess. Now that even ' royalty is ' anx, FIg', 3 sbows bow the wbeels are piece to Whicb a series of pocJiets .are gaged on a Mlqkle street atouse, One "Let not an evil .peaker be Ious tor the pretty ,b.merlotln gIrl aDd there ar~ ,certaln matters In our nation ,placed on t.h e bolt or u}e, 'tbe liead of huq. 'eaab pocket havtnIJ , a dlUeren~ dsy. as be WAS lu Q~g, he ~ns beard ' ,, eatablilhed In the eart .. : evil which ebould come to the attenHon of the bolt p.-sunUng one wheel , 'fro'm. nu~ber. Screens ,prolect from the to give a yell of pain. her millions, the chance.s of the YOUDI "'What'-, the matter, Iloebottom!' a aha II hunt the vIolent man to' the 'klng, for he wbom ,the king thlnkR slipplng off that sIde, and a wire , nail eldee and over !pe top. The object of ' Amerrcan lJIan ought to · have been ,C)arpellter uk,ed. , ~verthro~ him. Is ~Is' a1l1 and frJend Is dealing In de- stuck througb t1)e hole In" the , bther.. consldel'ed In the tariff at , high pro" " " !J got a nail In' my foot,' the roofer "I know that "the Lord will teeth'e' rat~ s on prLDces. c~lt ~d would do ,him hurt;'!' end ot the bOlt holding rut 'the other aDswered. malnta. In the caulle of the afflict- I "Of :whom 'speakest tilou?" deruapd. wbeel. As the 'flgure sbows, the bolt "'Well, why ,clon't you pull It oul?' Aviation is ,the crue of the bour. ed, and the right of tho poor. ed the .1dng. " Befor~ i hear .furtber· Is"now laid 'a()ross 'the end of one or, said the carpenter. LUCkily, It Is not " craze whlcll can '''Sur~ly the righteous Ihall Ii let me know whom It Is wbom the boards. rt Is fastened 'in > Jllace by "'What! In my bour?' yelled become as general ' as some olbers give thank. unto thy name: the ;a thou art bringing chargell.~· three stout staples ,,'lIlch are dI1:ven Roebottom, reproaebtully.~''':'-~hiladel. have been, and while Bome foolhardY upright shall dwell In thy pre.. ".,.onatban," replied the !nan, wIth Into the wood ",Itb one 'end ,bn each phla Record. Ories will pay the usual price for .nce." ~ eYldent ,reluctance. ' side cit tbe ' bol~. Repeat thts Ilt each reckless temerity, the el.-perlments tn " "Jonathan wllJ be here," exc1alm~d end of both ,boar~" and fOUt: 'roller' the matn will be confined to those who 1IEii*:m:. ~:111 the Idna. skee ts 'ahnost ,complete: . ,' look upon the question ' of air travel THE STORY. "Nay, be hath not come and wIll Put on~ of: yo~r old shoes II) the ~s something more than 11 passing fad. not, for be la plotting agalnat tbee." center ~ o( the . boa~d and mark the E have chosen th'eethls day tc "Not another word," thtinderedAlei:~ 'board where '(be toe and heel 01 tlie Lieut . • Shackleton of· the British be our prince and captain ,thnt a.n der, rising angrily trom 'bls seat. ahoe cOlile. , Now D!ill two ,tout cleata , forces, who came within 110 ace or dis· and would '!lave spoken , further, but across the , board just at the ' ,Bame cov ring the south pole,'-",m lecture thou mayest tight our battles." Jonathan \vould never forget those at that 'moment 1,\ sbout rpse from the marks, ' Ftg.~ of. siiows. The same In ih ls ountry to make up the amount ot his (?xpenses tn this 'Important ex· words spoken by his brethren some- outer court and Jonathan and lila fol· ftgure SbO~6 how straps arl) ta~tened pedltion. Of course, England will time aCtel' the «leatll of Juda's. Other lowers were u,s bere!llnto the preseJlC. 'to each slde"of the .board. ~ These are ' to , bind · It tightly to ' your (oot tn ex· the glory of his discoveries, but, up to honors were to come to blm In his of the king" "Herli! Is the' lUaD whom the klDI actlftbe same! way as your tee akate,s: date. he la left to pat the cost, which brave and noble career, but none ever shows how much superIor present warmed Ills heart more or sth'red It v.'Quld honor," he exclaimed,'> Jmpetu· ure fastened,'. and ' glve tlie ' l1nishln, , ,tollch~ to your labore. " , " , _. rratttude la to posthumous !:Iory and more deeply than those wordl of con- ously. , " ht~her," ftdent trust .trom his own hrethren. Jonathan Wonderingly asce~ded tho rNow for the 'sport, "You will find 1\' the , 8a~e j~ to. bou,nce bans post-mortem monuments. In that hour a great and undying am- tbrone -st~s, for h~ had not known much euler to: become expert In' the bed ,0' tbe table !IDd tnto the pocketa, It Is somewhat surprising that In a bltlon was born tn Ills breast to prove that Ill,S enemies bad co~e to Qccuse, \Iae of youi'" s)(ee/l' thim even to stand t1\e, alm".Q~ c~)l~se, being to get .Into, count.ry ot such thrifty persona RS' worthy and faJthful as the leader of bim. ' ,', " ul) at the" Orat trial . with . ordinary ilie ~cket. f ltb '~be blt;~eat , numbe...." France lotteries ahc'uld flourish to the his people. And his d81'otlon waa to "The purple l'obe be thy portion" for rotter skates. :then, too,",.yoli can as .tl:'e , bllh~t Bcore wins. : Balla th.a t extent they do. Tr,~ man who saves be tested ,to the utmost, IlS subse9u~nt ,thou art surely a prInce ,~orthy to' ' jjlUc~ longer ~trokes wlth",tbem, ,milS, thel poe1lets ,a~ rOll, b~lt to , the money on ,small enrnings seldom takes events proved. wear, It," exclaimed the kin" ', throwr' they are too heavy f6r' YOU to go .f~t ~t ~~e ~l>,lemtb.7 be replayed, bllt the gnmbler's chance OIl V.'hlch ,· all It was not long after bls call to Inc a ' garment over tbe ' ahpulders of about Dillch ' on a lev~i sUrface. " , tb~se ,~ a~> Into - e , ' ,cOllitliart.lottertes depend, b'~t It Is a fact that leaderslll~ befor'e .RacchldeB, tbe Pow. Jonathan. Then tUI'll. Ing ,t o: ilie Prt~ce. . ~u,ttor coastlngl ' ' Oli! : ~GW ' "o~, ,men tcl8,,<;ost ~e Frahlle ,abounds In the,se Institutions. errul captain under King Demetrius litandlng about the throqe, he sa.ld: ' 'can coast on theml Th~re',lB 'Dot one- lIro 6 . e~cy So pronounced ,Is the evil tbat the laid a plot to kill hIm. and certain I ' ''G~ with this ' man "into the , mld~t tentb the :. JlkE\liho~ or~ t,~l~~-: tlui~ ,~I\Y ~ere ' he ' goveTJ\Xllcnt h8s taken UP the matter. 18 that It wou~d ~ave been succeasful of t)le 'cUY., Qnd p~l, a.lmto aU thlt, In , ,0 ' " Js' on ,ro , lle, r ska~es, 9r you " ar~, !!dl'cJ!c()h ' ' St' ~'I'l' WIIUUIIDI< having just submitted to the Cbamber d h " ", '. 1 n~~elf~"y t' ba not one unto w om Jonath~n. had man shall comp , agalilBt hlmi bllt , oU ' ~ ,mucl~ ' large~. surface, th ~alls with aClculraCY , ~e ~~o~f~~m:nf,:n~~t~~~e~.~ok1ng to 'shown ,a kindness yeal'~ before secret· .he IllULll ,be a duke, ~nd ru,ler 'nlid you', ~~ ' sail. dow;n', a-Jon,g -biU "Uke '. o~kebl .'..{&ulrtNi. ly' brought', word to Wm. Tben Jon- th6rlty In his r~)m." ' So ,J 1\ ~watlow. not goIng tatt enough ,th' ,J) ;, ""' ,,_-+-,'____--,.:-.--:._ T I e lant to be:;:: t d t athan, and SlmeQu his" bro,ther, and returne~ to Jer)lBnl41~ 1Ht 'In" ~inger, but' making , ~OO!I Jfme." " . ',,,, H~ Wa. ,Ylcfdllh~;: vi ~~S ::.g b P for the : t.ere~1 on e Sf aU that wel'.:! with him lied Into t,he safety. , ~ fo all 'Oiat; ... ".,- ' ,~ Ir,'" ,/" "~ '_ ", MOllo' as 'l\ tl,,~old convalescent . e t , cld f . h 1 r::rk ~ , ''Wtlderness of ' Th~coe,' and . J>ltcl1ed , , Ii. c9&at~ng ~tI " ~~tw~n ~ lot C!,f He bad ' bten ,la, ~e ,,"b'o splta!' ::=:n~s aAn 1.~~~Oye::~ tn th~ ;~~ their, ,t ents by the ' water of the ' loung rolle .. 'akee ,s~~ters l,ls ;~~.~ 1~ '~ooll~ ~nf.i.t~ ,1\11" tba~ t\~e I, Dt? df tannin wblch has established ,AIJJ)hnr. , ~.~ you can lInall.qe, aDd "Ui.e ~f., bad .ucceed~ , In ~lJln{n. ev.e~ _ ~conomle8" tn g the manuractuJ'eQf , Upon tWl,Baccllldes fol1o~e~" but .lio tUea tbe ~ ~ ,of blaskees, ~.dnt~ !Jmtte. fronl ,Yie Uttl,e ~ell~wj leather and enabied taDners' to sell JonaUuu~ - s~8,ped ncroas the_, Jor~a~ ~~pIU '\Yb~\11 I~ 1tIm, '~~ ll'eaB~ sar.-t\ ~ven'~~'. 'MagllJ!ne. " p~~ap,! " Chell' niocl\lct 'at lower ogutes. FOr-. ,after be :ha'd ~1I1 d abou~ a t1,lous!,nd and. ,~o:ws , .u the hundred , ~lttJe 10no". ~t )lu,sla were"stlll ,ttJO mel'ly th~ tan bark was shipped 1Q ()t tbe me,n of .nacebldel , arm~. tr'cJra ~f IH!!Lr1oc blA welpt. tint 011. vlvld .. ' , .. . .,.... ~ . . and yelJlloi. to the vatlou. ' Then.. did Bacchldes l!etu1lI) to, ,t~ tIi~ the otllt,r. ... Ma4 the nutae".u.::...O!.... talillerJe.., wbere It · was ground up ' werp a~d , reP.$~d the 8.t~g (lUes t.arua 'In tie htll mar lIemilD!!, III 'him .~e IUl4 .uJaj~ to treatment ' (Qr th,e t '?~ JO,rdlUl, anti toolt the .o~. of th 1ftGIt.. ~, ,' utue ez.....CtJOD ot tile taal1'lo 'Gcld 1'hU.' Ilbl~ Dl,eQ , ot tfle' ckIuntl'y ... ~ , tlte ~ Of taDlline " " ~ tilt ~ abut :them , In tbe tf! ta _"....;~mt ' ill PtIJIl'tII. . ..JeruaaJelll aDd a.lItAt~ JIlucb matre•., .'. til. l&1lcJ. ~ut l~ ' .. to . . . . . .

The Miami Gazette













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F orf'noon nod nfle rnoOIl !lnd DlI;ht,


F or en on o lld- what! T he em l}l)" Bon I;' repents Itslllt. N n m ore? YIIIl, t il t r.s I, lCel Malee t hls tore noon


ThI s aftorn oo n

p l'nyer,

"nd .

'rIme b Is won.


P~:l t m,


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thy c rown

- IiJdU flrd R owln ....1 Sill.

Entert ainIng Guests In the Home.

,~ barrack s \\ Indow.

'rhe balls from tbrough th e jUl"Rn hes o[ t uo tr es edging tbe l'll · ",rad e gruund and dl"OlJped their sparks over th e roadway . annon rackers fell and exploded at the fe t of th e pusslng enl\st.('d men s entin Is , an(\ tbe din of th e nigh t was Increased /) y the '(Rsblng of round s hot as cadets rolled tbem do\yn tb e Iron·\)ound stairs from eockloft to the hllllcmenl tbrough the no·bre dlllg halls of burracks. . Th cadets who had fired the great guns of the uatte rles mnde !Jette r than "douhl tim e" back to barracks ~ noman ca ndl es broke

Dirt YOII C \· r bave a guest at YOllT' ta tJ le "tbat r Ollhlu' t a t tills ," a nd " I t r uns tn oll r famil y to n over like th l!.t ~" If 8 0 , YOll have mot one of tlle Wu t r lno's of cnt rtalnlng.· If oot. you ha.y!! s caped a moat disagreeable s it IIn li on. or course lhere are people with Idio('yncrnsles who must be fa· va l' d, IJIlt tbe majority of people who bnlk at foolls of different kinds, do 80 hecause In tllelr youth they h n\'o Dot b n tra in ed to enjoy all kind s of toad. Children who wlU not L'nt eel·ta ln vegetn!Jles nnd are sup. J)Ued wl tb other lhlngs which they like will n ever lenrn to like those food s. Th e lazy Indulgent parent who wl1l thus pamper a child to his hurt are the ooes responsible for this state of afl'a lrs. A person may not always reHsb ~(Ju a lly 'I" ell all foods but there ar .. non e that may not. be reasonably en· joyed If th e taste Is cultivated. Tralll up a chJld In the way he should aud when he Is a guest he wl1\ not depart from It. A gracious gues t Is as Important a8 a gracious hos tess nnd unselfishne8s Is s s Impol' lant a malter to be consld· ered In entertnlnm nt as It Is in other phases of lite. "Put youraelf In hJs place," and the golden rule might well be th slogan {or the entertained ae weU as tho entertainer.

t both ar· my and Jl I\ \' y h udquar· t ers In WnsIJ lngton th o be· lief Is Ula t bazlng is a thing at th o pURL. both at the mlllt.ary nnd naval l\cademl es, despite a re e nt outb reak o t W s t Point. Perha ps Ule ufHcars are right, perhaps they are wrong, tlme and the human nature, 01' the d e \'II, It you will, that is In boys lUay MOle day get working agalu and show Itself In an outbreak of the old hailing cUiltom. Som time ago th re wns a hazing ~ se at Annapolis and LUnny cadots I were Impllcated . Tb y- were all placed in arrest and the numhe r of , the arrested ones was 80 . great that otriclals thought that a record had been broken, but such was not the casE'. 'rb officers had forgotten, It · they he Ie a seasoued, experl· el"er knew It, that onco upon a time enced soldier, If the country holds tbe enUre corps ot cadets at tbe one. Houlehold Hints. linlted State8 l\1ll1tnry academy was Col. Kennon Is an example of Add one cupful of chopped prunell tho clalls of men who develop vlaced in arrest and that It was nee· . to the brown bread. The prunell add S!!Iary -to break all army rules by gravity Rnd aolldlty ot character to the flavor ns well to the nutri· drawing on "the ranks of the culprits after they have expended a tund tlve value of the bread. to secure men for guard duty, a duty , of mlschlet and animal spirits Kerosene Is one of the best agents ordinarily considered too honorable greater several times than that tor oleanlng sinks and bath tubs a8 to be dlsoharged properly by any which is allotted to the average there Is no danger of wearinG, or man or . body of men ngainst whom boy. It Is doubtful if one of this scratching the enameL T~e odar 18 Clbarges of serious mlsoolldu t had staid soldler'/l subordinates could the objection a.nd that soon dlsapbeen laJd. . to.(\[l1, by Ole wildest flight of his pears. There was • rIot t th e nlted ImaglnaUon, picture to himself his Use leftover breakfast foods In States Military acad my at midnight, commanding officer holding on like griddle cakes and gems. It is a de· ocember 31, 1879. The ' authorities grim death with six other cadets clded addition. Tl ot only cfllled the proce dings a to the edge of a b.lanket while ~j ot, buOt they lIald that il wus reb I· from Its center a "plebe" was 1I0lls In its nature, and 8S ·tho result s oaring skyward. Yet tor this ot· ot It Gen, John M . Soholl Id. superln· teuso K nnon was once sU8peilded t endent .of the ncademy, placed the from the military academy. ;l00 ndetll. under arrllst. Somewhere out In the nortbw~t The riotous dernon6trntloo at. the Is Maj. John D. McDonald, wbOtlfl IMrn to r esIg n with a toood I:rllce all thn.t you fl r o not, and to b e · ~emy on that night b'roke ali service has brougbt him fame and 1I0\,e In your own Intllvlduflllty."-AII'Ilel, s Clld my precede nts. It w us planned who looks as though be , couldn't by a dozen daredevf\ cad ts of th break a military rule. with a sledge So much 1.0 d o t hnt 18 not e'CD begun So much t o h ope to r that we cannot Dee. flrst lass who were to graduate th6 hammel·. Not long ago Maj. Me· , So much to win, 80 many thIngs to llO• .fo llowlng June and who wi shed to Donald was serving In the Philip· - Wm. Morrill. mark in n manner unpreeedent od tho pines as a near neighbor to Col. II ' b erln~ In of their grndu:lting year. E. J.' 'lcClernand, who was mill· A Remedy for DyspepsIa, About 20 cadets by a contlnu d tary governor at one at tbe. provo This Is a remedy so simple that It ~ourse of good conduct bad slIcce.ed. Inces, will be bard to convince the COnBe"· ~ d in ' eourh'll; leav lor wo doys at Probably McDonald ue ve l' went aUves thut just 111alu water Is the Christmas. When tbey return d froDl across the Philippine fields to call agent. their. sbort furlough .th y brought Hpon McClernand wltbout think· Drink from one' to three pints ot with them In valise and in trullk ev. Ing of tlle six months' confinement wl;\ter one haul' before each meal, ery ';lrlety ot flreworlts known to he underwent as a cadet because then Beat yourself comfortably In the be had an Idea that he could hood· the ingenuity ot the manutaclurerwink the man who rose to the po. rocking cbalr and rQck. The rock.lng sltlon of an omcer presidIng over Romall ' candles. s'k,yro 'keta; cannon w1\l agitate tbe .water In the stomcracker8 , and other Daise Rnd fire ach, washing Its walls and cleansing )\lakln'" art! I Ii. They were earehllly a FllIplno province. It thorougbly. Tb,e water wJl1 be abWith l\lr;Donald were several htdd~nP away In the luatlr sses ot the so'r bed in a short while, leaving the o the r cadets who adols all over the barracks. For 'onsplrators that nothing worse could h,nppeh s tomach loned up to receive the food thought that they nearly a week the boys slept on veri· coUld outdo previous to the th~1i being reported for · HI aDd digest It. Get the roc~hall" table mines of powder. . . minutes ' absence, which meant nothing mqre hahlt. Cit "'W'IllT""'t!tIrlolls1hnt the authorIties academy deeds of dnr· thnn a few dem erit marks. 'fborough mastication of the food Is Ing. Sorue of them got lit the academy did not note and In· caught, and some of Sil ence and sl ell I"elgned throngh the aU lIuother valuahle aid In curing dyspepI'/ ulre . Into: the fact that at lellst , 30 them didn't. Among stolle qUllrte rs. Fnr away up lbe Hudson sia. lcl elcherizlng It Is called from r adatS "cut" supper every night for those who wore will . sp .eded th e s leam launch benrlng the pions' the mon who has made that operation lug to make the nt. a we(lk .prlor to New Year's eve. It ure'seeklng cad ets, in whose bunks, with the ir to Ill elLO so much, Mas ticate the food ts dark at supper ~ tlme in lat Decem· heads well covered with blankets. lay the ir until It s waJlows Itself. Cblldren may her, and under covel' of the dllrkness th.e ca. and enter d by the one \loor which had been 'tempt were one Howitt of New York, Oil!" deta damlJed for the purpose made lrl'p s to left unbarred. The cadets In barracks had John Breckenridge, a junior member of that aelf·sacrlficlng comrades. Th ere was an In· be llll1ght this hahit endy and it will Trollhy point and from there they brought to fastened every otber door and every window famolls family, olle Fairfax . ·M ontague. whose slleclton that night. It was made by three mean 0111 h to tbem In sound bodies t h · · J}nrracJ<g scores ot round sllot, pounds In on tbe ground floor, effectually barring the name slIvors of Virginia, Rnd one other cadet, offlcers..l...Le\·e,·e tt 1\[. Wulker , Denjamln Hnn· In afl I' life. dolph nnd E.· J , IcClernnnd . Rnndolph li nd welgbt" which IlBd been mnde years before offlcers(rom entering. Wltbln three minutes whom modest.y requlr'e s shall be numeless. Wnlker found two empty bun Its and ordered Things a Woman Wants to Know. tQr Use'. Jil the old muzzle·loudlng field and of the first crash from Battery !{nox officers The penalty at West Point for going "off the officer or the day to In s pect for tho ub· 1\ (lavorlng which III auusual and sIege gons. The . round sbot were hidden In lJegrtu to swarm out of theh' quarlel'S to head lImHs" Is dismissal. and the .same dose Is glv· scntees every 15 minutes. He did this duty the "cook lofl" of the llRrrncks. for tile area of barracks, wbere they found the en to We unlucky cadet who Is found to be and found the empLy bunks filled . Two of the ve ry nice for a change Is made bY The ' ca~ets who had lIcted as caisson cor· ofl\cer of the day dodging the fiery balls of a absent from hia Quarters for more than 30 cadets dtmcing Wll UI> wh ero the Newburg h l1lxlug together 10 a bottle one~. li \loon[lIl of nlmond extract With nvo ~oral!l at light artillery drill had managed to score of .Romau condles. . mlnutes between taps and reveille. A young lights twinkled were nfe . teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Use I1S usual. II batrllct" unseen of tbe authorities, 's ome 30 Gun. Schofield, roused ' from his silirubers. woman living In Newburgh, one of West Point's l\lcClernand found III his division of bar· 11 .t Ilspoonful at 11 time. o r 40 canvas bags of powder. Thesf were hastily dressed aud trotted across the parade "s~'mmc.r girls," knowing theso rules nnd pen· racks one emply bunk . It was that of F a ir· Spices for flavoring; mix twO ground 1n the wake "Of h1s · juniors. The gen·, ' ulttes, jocosoly Bsked soveral first classmen towed awaY '11l the ollimn ys wblch opened fax Monta gue. l\f Cle rna nd kn ew n thing or ounces oach of cloves, cluoamon, ,nto the un'u sed fireplaces In the cadels' quar· oral 110wled an order at the ofllcer In charge: to he prcsellt· at a party .to ue glven .,at her two and . was n dl sclJllinarlnn. f1l1dlng~ t TS. '. ' "Sound the .Iong roll.;' home, 12 mile ' up the river, aD Thanksgiving Montague absent he turn ed e \'ery cadet O\'er ruace, Hutm eg, one ounce of ginger ~ren fl,rst classmel'l\ ~'rc ll out" from SllPP r The ofllcel" In charge replied: "Can't do It; evening. They resolved to accE'I-t. They suc· In his bll.nk, threw the light of the lantern fuil and three olln Ct!S of Il ugur, sift until on New Ycal"s eve. ThfJY stole lInder cover they've stolen the ,drums.': ceeded In getting hold 0[' some money and In In his fnce and th en looked at the Ilame o\'er well blend l:!d and place in np airtight 'of dar.m ess ·. do~n to Battery KilOx and there II this while the was full oC noise bribing a stenm· launoh captain to agree to the alcove to see Ir fn ce Rnd n:lme coincid ed. jal". This s pice may be used for caltes. roclts, eto. they loaded the old smooth·bore canI)on which 8pd tbe .nlr was full of fire, .Flnally every· take them to Newburgh nfter taps, when there McDonnlrl and lI1onl a ~ue- :ll c Donald 011 th6 Wh en wanting II. II ltle onion juice had been .' fro,vnlng· harmlessly Q"er the Hud· thing burnablo was burned up and the cadets was an Inspection, and to get them back III printed nlco ve s llJl and lI(ontngue In the bUllk for a slllnd or dl'easlng, cut n sl1ce !\O~ for, a Quarter of a century. F'rom Battery had tired of ' the tnsk of carrying round Shot time for reveille roll call. - did not ngree. from the root end of a small onion, Knox ' the ' cadets went by way of Fllrtahon up ·the s'talrs only to .roll them down again. Many a cadet from tbe period of Lee bad The Vll'ginlllll \\'o s ord er ed bll c k to his wnlk to-'tb,e ' seaoj:)n~t battery, nnd there they . Tbe enlisted drummer boys found their In· • been to Benny Havens', a DIlle away from the quar.t ers In arresl. :llId Mc Dollnlt1. wnltzinf( . the n twi st th onion a tew Umes on IQaded .. the 2,O·ton smooth·b6re, .the biggest gun stru'rnents and It may ,do . no hl\rm at :this late . 1)ost, time 'arter time,. bu't sucb a trip as the away al1 uncoL1sclo u;j IInder the shallow of n grate r near the side so thllt the at-. t"hat, ~I~e in tbe. sen'lcc. The smaller pieces d'BY to say titilt they had · known \Vh'e re ' th~~ one proliosed was darlJlg beyond all . pre.ce. . the flag pole at Was hlngton's hendq!Jarte rs, Jul 'e 11111.)' run down tbe g on the gr t r l". were all t~e t1Plt' , ~ong roll ~BS sounded, the dent. The ,::blel danger lay In tbe posslblJ. or . the'· seacoast batterlQs al~o · were loudedwas Inspected (or e "e ry 15 mlnut('s IIntll be Wb en s weeping, ll umpen newspadotiJ5ly IOl).dtid wet:e a better way to put It1I8rrool\s doors : *ere .' thl'~wn open anll the . , lty. of a ' dark.lantern . inspection of. Quarters r.enohed his qllnt:ters s ix hours lllter. Ho was pers. t.ear into !Jlts and s cat,.ler ove., . ''and ttiell ,t he ·",i~ ~O.'poun.d Parrottsotthesiege ~ ad~ts fell inm : 1~lle . and , . an~wered. to their , while the runaways were absent. There bnd saved ' from (be extrel'Ue 1l nalty . for hill at· tbe rug 01' carpet. The \.>Ilper hol~a ~; 1)n~te&~, V!e !i,<ted, wlUl powder: , Into. ~he vent . 'll~mes: . " . . not been such "an inspection for sOllie littlE' tense, bu.t h~ had six ' Illonths' co·ufinem.cnt In the dilst. . ot : tjV41ry . pIece ot: the tltre.e 'ba~terles friction ' . . E"ery_ pl?;-vl1eg~ , ta~en away . frOID- .the time, an(l this .(act made 'the plotters bold. barracks in whit'll to thllll< over bla part Iti l,.ttm.er9~·were' Inserted .aD-d ' lanyards werb.l\t cadeta f(lf ,thr,ee tnop~s, but·· DQt one was :dls-,', '. '. .... . an escapade that brl}lIg ht about lIight!y IIi· "J I . h d t " ,. b . II had b t\ ' ' I h d :. McDonMd tinally evolv,e d a. , brUllam lac1!.e!l ~'ia.dy· tor ,t.he . p~lbng. Th~U t o.-e:1 e p,' ' in.las~d,' for i,f t . e . ~u ty' . ee pun s~ . ' Bcheme.·, It Wl\8 to',get. 'c ertain. o,·t~er: cndals to . ap etlan 'ot barracks f." r yenrll thereafter:· .P os· ":1!'1 t , Ok .. bar~afks:'i;'; . ' , :.. .....1· . n'ot .!l ,: ~bY. w~Ut~ ,'~Il:V!l, b~e~ lef~ t? the· lIe~lee ,. sleep In . tb~ absentees' blin~s apd to .pass for I slbly McClernllnd wtJc n In til ·. Phllipplnes and ' Th~. belI In tl,1e tow~. of· the old acsdetnlc, , . ~f ..the corp~ o.t ,cadets. :, . . '. " th~in .10, "the Ileces~{'rlry hU~l'ied I,antern In. meeting MoDonald W,lS glad that for onoe . . bUilding , MI~d " ,t b(!lIr8t';'IItroke o,f . mldnlt~t, ,·, :Maj/ ' Lymiul :Wats;o.h ,.'y~re ~enilo~ of· the IIp.Eiction. 'J.1!lls nlan w,o uld,.. of cOUrse. \nvo) va military dill 'lpUnc misQ&rrloa . :Before •the 'lI~cond 's troke ' clime t.he~ was a :, ,' Infant", whO" Is , ~e- man who b'ul t ·~t1~e ~ Ben· ~ r. tr';'tf';; •.>;e.... fr:ont, COl I.owed . b,Y an"othe.r ~ ··fgu~~,.t ~a.d.\e,., ·~'hn. ln.Ji!ne ... J,sla.1ldIi. . ~t '. t\l~ 811batftt!te~ . being , fou:n~ absent frc~ : their Curfew for AdiJlts. · . .' ~~ " ..... u.. ~ 'j , 17 ~ ~ '. I/' OWl, "'quarters" but . (t, was ar.rsllged, 'tb.rough As soon· as th ~ ordlr.r.nce is sl.gtltld Oy thtl ~'oar, a)j~et yet 'another. T~:erl t1\ e re ., ',: Ule most · remarkaljl~ . euqlples.,.<?t englkieeflng•. mean,,· pnn'eeessar7 ~o sl~te,., ~o ~M'e' th~m " came.. ··pl(lte,.U"8ud s~~L . illdlJ and .,of qul<:li, ns~etj~u . .p,erform,nae'.. ' /lwali:elJell ae once hi cill!~ an 'JDlpeeUOn took , mayOr and tile req'u lred pubUcatlon ' Is' made, It .wlll be unJawhl1 fOI" any adull to t;Je in the l'fe~t to --Fort · Plit- ', of recent .Hme•. ',', . .' , ' . , . ! . " , " lace, and hurried. b8~k to tlie(r b~kll: When '~1lI or M.a~ An~hony' , Col, Kennon (he is ~ . ~a.101' C'lt •. r~rJ~. but. : ~adet ',.11 found ~~I'etlt .)le Is ' Itlspected , for , treats of Paragpulcl b (ween. the hO\lrs oJ, midnIght and 4 Il . m., pllblabatile wlUt a fine II'maotMiore, cto\1J>J~, W~8 qaionel III ~. volun~eer IIor(lea) 'Went to I every~.s nilJ1ut~ untll be .:eturni, 8pgli:en. Tben came the 'l'hUlp'ptnea' e.rl~ the wat... .~e, a-n!i be . . ·It ·a .soo excli~e 11;1 net given. ~D!.rlilKl,.~.JII~1I aDd ~ib '~e n()t leav.e. ~ntll .!lad: plVect~ l)l. Iwld' , ' IJDd~r the , ~&D,~TI)eat ma4,.j :ot cour.,.:' " :A cUde.... law for ehlJdrell ' lliread) Is ill ··iII_~11.tlk-~af· tJli8 " "Of till ' .ould iii. to .be IICMllid dect. the n~gl\ter& sC!lmpetlng horne wltb ' ' . it the ,Ingln,ot' tlle -nl.n~ ' 0' loc:k ·bQ1J. .' The law. i,









WlL ,L~JJ.~am,

) . ;n" •





M OSe e ,ohe,n',

Mr_ .Jill ~l-r ' . }l)n•. l'u. · Ilily vr lIy t, I), l.l~.I1n.d Ml's: l~l' l'y MhrrllY, of W I~yn 8\1111e ",ere U1 gu tlts 'vY Mr. nuu . M1' , . 'Pit . 1:$1' 1 '101'U IQtlt



Cholera For Sale at


, ,





Waynesville. Ohio.

J. W. White


1". W. HA'rHAW A ,is acandidate for theo fii ce of Land Appl·ai. et. s ub35 to 40c a qUart jeclto the vo t I'S of Wayn TownI ship. Your Uncle am says, "Oy tel'S I mllst qeFr h and Sanitary. No i~e. 1 J. E . . H . CKf,'l'T,. f East Wayn e . nothing but clean Oysters. Regular I Town~hl p, I a Clln~,ldate for the of. upplies on hand ready for your ~n- fi of Trus l e s ubJ 'ct to th voters sp ction. of Wayne 'fO\VTIship.

Baltimore Oysters

Broken Windows.

FRANK PRATT, il3 a candidate N~\V's th e time to fix up for cold : for the oftic 01 Tru tee su?jeet to w ather. ' Glass in hll ordinary sizes, i the vo ters of Wayn TownshIp.


b<?th singl~ and .doubl stl'engtp, also GHAS. . C - f NELL i a cand iP utt)!, Pam ts tc. Idateforthe office of Trustee, subjeet

Atl,8 S


to th e v~ters of Wayne Township.


The I~st lot of thIS hIgh grade ' ~e- j W. . GRAHAM is a cand idate for m~nt wll~ com . next week. peclal the office of Trustee , s ubject to the l }1l'lces at the car. voters of Way ne Town hip.


New. Sorghum

- .

.l·d f I "J. BURN=T' r.. . 18 a anul ate or re: To our Cu.stomer who use t~is ar- election to t he ~fficE! of rrru te s ubtlCle, put thIS on your want h t for !j cttothe otel'sof Wayne township. , a turday, a very choice 'l of Si g / Sandy Sorghum on the way,

Entranc, to Ladi~' Depart111 ,nts by el vu'lor ' on Mal)) tr t, ' betw n the ho tbres,. and also lhroitgh th'

Itil . Wll1h~m UlUluing.lIUIll hil l o a n el't8ining thl pit. t week~ Mr. 'nd ~l'a , R b , l\' I\.)\lifl'y, Mr. II.tid lI' Di IIInr , of Da~ke oounty. . Born t o MI'. 'lOd!". J htl Dn vis ell t of town, a fino b l Y. M,r . Jolln 'l'atn IIllll MI Stlrtlh Rbol'ha ugh whu lin V bf' 0 V ry _iuk lire n ow report-tlu b tt ". Mr . O . U. P L I ' ,II Ilud :-;oll tLla.y und MIl:l:; '1Irrie Kemp II 1100l ou M1'8. CUll. Bt' I ~ ford lu ;;[, n d bCdlhlY • . Mr. ho . . P wl')o\on Ilnd b rid e f Dn~'tol1, ",i TO til gU1jstl:i f hL fnth . r. J . M. F tereuu III t Sllturdu,y und t:! \1uuII Y. Mr\, . Adn I Rndolph find Mrll. )sOlll' D() whmu rne tl.\t guo ttl of l,hel r par e nl • MI'. lind Mr s. eo. 'lIer (u r Ii f w du.y, . II1rfl . liarry '1 urn el' t he Ullrl titlU End I\'\'or 'l'1l6sd ',y v eninH . btr . IIIHj r,lr;; . Will in lll ' t Vfln'lO n ot FU ITli n ld lire Y! ltW g r Itlti \' :I III, this pl/l('tl, W MI~R Bel·tlm H whLnd, of V ,!p o , W tl~ t,h guest of hel' 1JIHe llt, ~ l"s t ·uodu .v. ~r. R I,. bert Austin. of t it of UOIUUlb1l8, is !!pending hi 1100 lI.t h ome . hi ' w(' k .


---- ......... --


main sl r.


MAKING' 6000 That's What Mos8 Cohen S Ladies' Department. Is OOin[ Women's 'Misses' ,and Children'S

The Physiology of Headache from the Eye The crystaline IcnJ! insilie of th e eye' is :l soft, jell likl' mass, .formed in Iaycrs lik e all on ion , anli is cry t ransparent. This Irn s lie Ihe ryc is towll surrullnl!cel lIy a sy, lclIl of nllt>rics known as thc ('i li:lt)' budy, 'Vhen you look al all ·th ing rlosc these 11111. dcs Cl!Illract and mnkc ' the lens Ihi('k frolll [rolll to hat:k, 111111 whlll\ 011 look intll th e distance uu: Il1It ~cies relax and Ih e I ~ n s ~tlS ' thinner again. This cllntracti (in of Ihl'SO mus 'les in i(lokiu!! frvlll far to ncar is known as :I{'I'ollllllodation IIr (h' l·ye. To !nnke th is clear, take a Sl11ull, ~Oel ruhber hall Ito rtlprescnt rhe icn~, and lhlln surround it. with YOll r thlllllb and first fingcr to represent Ihc cil iary 1I1llscics. ive ule b:tll It littlc pressure between th e thumh a nd fillg'n surrollllding il and ),0 11 will 110U:' Ihut the va ll ~CIS I() IIlter; Ihi s' is "hat happen s illsidl! Ih e eye ", h II YOII challgc your I·isi,," from far t o nrar. Suppose no", you- ho ld this ball I'omprcssed hel ween the t hum b ulld fin ger like this fllr live minnles , YOllr fing('rs will SO(l1l lire un d lIC'hc ; if Y(I O hold the ball compre seu I " I\' 'nollgh tht; arm will ache, if still longer YOII will uecomc ncrVIHIS and oxhallstcd fIom the c;ffort. A far-s ighted \!ye is a small cye and a normal or eintnctropic eye is onc aimost I,eriertl ), round and abollt an in h in diameter. III rmal in I ' oking' j lito the distuncc, 20 feet or more, 1I;1l8 mltSrul:lr or nerve !Ton II) see. it ia· rcillxcd and lit rc ; bllt a fa l'-,ughtcd eye f(lt the' reason that it is lfIu small fJr wu fillt to ~ee an y object , at 20 feet or III Ie a\ I)' has 10 c nmct the I11U, cles around Ihe t ns and hold' them , Intra · ted all day long, j\lst ,the $Ilme prineipl C:.l\actJy us . the finge[S Ilinching" Ih n ibb r ball, and the, more ' r:Lr,s~Jlht ed, th e harder the pinch quired to ~\!e, and wh n the objeCt i bro ugl~t c1Q~tlr as 'ill r. cling 'Or , ewillg, Il IItm har~er pinch by the m lls'les snrrounclillg the lell8 Is r qui,red • to give icqr "iRion, ~f th e, lumd gets crumped WJd. tirw und the. arm aahes in holding th e bull ontructed, doesn't it stall!l to reason': thn~ the ,eye fllllscles hdd unde r troiil · all day ' will d() dte S:U1'I ct An eye c mrilp i~ like II b ok-kecllclr' ~ , ~nllTlt1, only b ne is in ule hand fro'll ' hOiding th e 'p II all daYl and. the oth!(r frbm c~~I~c ting t h c)'e: m'u ~deij hard nil .da ' IOllg . 'the antra tio I and C;iliouy c/'lunp ' inside the . 'eb.ln · di~~urbs tIl - nerve ccntc~ ~(!p(l lyjllg these: fIIUlScles back in tne: brain ( ill the mcd.ulla ublonga.ta) i the' drain 011 , the ~ ~ e.rve centers i ~ c~ mll1uni cated back ' alollg th e oUl'\ic f th~ fifth ne.rve, whicll ha, it s origin. :\Iso , in th~ m dulla, and the strain i made manifest by 'heada 'he ill the e 'Ils ' themse lves, ~ of ihe <ireil, ,ill the temples, brows or fu rc.head. Astigmati m demltnds I~n un eve ll 'pre, ure of the 'm uscles litO lind till! lens to make vjsion clear, and is th cau ~ of mu h worse. hc:adadlcs than th't ordi- . , IIlIry. fnr-sighted e e. 'Fhe ' smailt,st enors make the I)lon and Jiarde$\ hcadacll~~J t1l er~forc "dQII't believe, Ihat bee:llJ~e you see wei thnt YQ4I' eyes are "c3,using ,. you no troubie, ' tor. an ' ye dmt dlles"-Mt s,ee : wcll . causes Ii.n Ic or no hCnII~<;fe. ft is the seeing th;lt make$ the t\ ·he. ',. ",

Suits $15.00Suit for

$10 75 $22,.50Suits for

$16. 50 OtherSuits from




Mr 'lUd Mrll, Gl~ ol'ge ElIIll und avent 'unulLY WIth Ed Marti n u.nd wif . of Mr. l\IId Mr8. Charles G ra nell. r Wn ,y n e ville. apeut Fddu.y with N. B . Rich nnd wite. Mrs. G e Irge Duvis Is atteud in g the Stllte- W . . 1', U . 'onvention at 1'01 d o. George Bogan lint! fv-wily e n tertRio d on Sun dRY, Ml' and Mrs Ed Bpgn n unn fumily, ;;'1'. und Mni hn.nnoy Bonn 11 ao rl t wo ~()n , Mr. und M 's . Will Dunn und fttmily lIod Mis, Monitllin BnllD Ii. Mr a·od Mrs , WJlI '1 rk and fIlmHy sp at· nuday wit,h Jup M r cel'


dll.t1~l.t t r

$75. 00 .'

Ladies' Suits, Cloak~ ·F lir , Furni hings and ever thing in ready-trrwear g~ rmen~s.


Men 's and Young Men's


'SUITS ' $9.88 ' . $14.50 W,o rth $12

It'. B. SHERWOOD il3 a c.andidate nJlc] wHe Oelery and Crackers -. .. for th~ office of'Treasu rer SU?j ct to Mr . and Ml' . Elv i n Fir n,ndfuru" 'f " h'· the voters of Wayne Town hIp. iJy P El n t ' ' uudltY with JI\ ob BIll'S, • _ ......' _ __ W e are recclVlng rom r. II! 19an of Jiurv yaburg . ~tra cnoice C~leily twice a w~ 'k , and Spring Branch ,_ for soups the crispy Oyster Sq uares New .~urli,ogton. or Royal Butter Cracker s ara most Thomas La y and .h.ruily h u.d 118 th h: :guest on tSundt\y, ltoy eu r'r ' delicious. . Mr H. , hit t~l[ e r spent the and .wife Ilnd libtle dtLugh ter Alioe. Mrg. Will ht"DowQt,h, of nenr BUI' , for l'>urt of la t waek I\t the home of ber VII-rents iD Meohl~DiO(lbtll'g , ". '1.00 to 1.50 ",ach ltngton, Mrs', J alne!! Chenoweth and MiSlles J nnie and .Jo (; plline . ,(la.ughter B I' tllllL /lnd' Fruuc8s lind WIll 'I;leable to SUpply our trade r.on .l ucoband Ml' . Elizf.\b th 0 11eoo Re ves are vi iting t,b it brothel' H. B . R~ev s \loud 'fuJ1l11y ill R ioh with those small s ugar C'lred Hams wet-b .. , :in a .te" days. Mrs. Pearl DR kin *lut rtllmed bel' n1 ud. (t'Y"....MtHs und ~l'ftUfhtoll , . . ' aunt,. Mr Pupe tinc;i "b el' brother, . . • Flels'hman's' Y'e ast Di c k Mcl,:rll,Y, of n ear MhLmlsl>ul'g, J oseph Mill, of near Xenia, vi ited l'e lll. ti ves here t he fore part of the " ' The 'lit tle cakes of quicl< Y ~t '~ll '.rUeAclAy uftcl'O on . week. .Ii. F . d I 'Mr. Frllok Dukin fl.lld da.ughter ,b e lJe~e op r1da~, an a ~eg,u ar sup- vll\Ued bel' grundmfl, Wbll.rtoD, of Mrs. WID'. Mills! r ecovering from 6. r eoent nt.tllCk of gall stones . ply each .week. Mt. Holly, Friday ufterooon . '; '';,' I ' • 'Mrs l'hom8s ' gess is on tbe slo k .l,llckson L eaoh b ad a sale on Slit nrday, prepantor y 1;0 moving to list ut. the t.ime of thtli writing " ., Mr. and ~r8 . Frll.nk Hawes spent Lebtinon . Mrs, . F. Oollel,t nnd Mrs. Mary S llndll1 with , their so'n N tlthuu UIt.WP nnd family, of pring VtllJey . Fel'guson oJ'e vi!li t ing I' lutivas in t Potatoes Mi~RI'$ Aliol 'hen owetb a.nd ludi The Mi sion" ry society of the Be d ,h !I mIMI putf')rt·tLlne cl to dlnn r ,unuuy, Mr Ntlthn·n Austin fl.nd M, 'E ohur 11 mAt at t he borne of wif" lind !lnug hter 'elll. til" 1111 d Mr, Mrs . Rllch 1. ::i mitb on 'rhurlldny , aod Mrs ' Nat·b l.n t~mithanr\s( nPtl r , ' Our t 'Icb erfl IltteutJed 'the Green l'Y, Mr and Mrl!. Chu.l'le· Rye. · Mrs un ty BI Jll~utbly Teu.cbers' meat ' ~J ont,. t$~ it·h and Rosn. B~rry ing on tordlloy" bill and du.ilgbt l' Fl,?rn . . ,, ' " , A t-qre ell ug h pes iUlist i.s tbe ' WANTED: ,y bap 'lVlI o tOP., t looka~ thefr~~e-

Worth $18



490 $1 • 15 • plun! . .. , . .. . , ' , ., .. " . I.;tu11 • 2(l1' Mid l:feml!tlfclul(1 ·l}(\lld~;II~~: . ~~~~ ., I.I~~~,I ~I:. 1e dies' ~ 1 00 trrnll e Lac Yok wIth hlgb co)lars .. , ........ . " .,0'0 I -In ' I


~ !k,:

:I ~p L.\I~III n~/.~(~8, .~I,I~, ~~~I~t.6: LlllU :I 50c .alack LI 10 1108. al. rlUI~V colors ,.,. " .. . . ,



WlJll(l xrord !lud FIUIC:)' 'j'l'lmm s,,- III I' Co nt : a relll s~ . oo W() on~ ; 1L ll l1 i 7.~., . . " ... . . . . ".. I All x 11~lonlllJy hU'g bOWing of Mil'", oJt Rats • .reguJtlc . 2.00 grnl' •. . ' . . •' . . . . . , '.


$1 85 $t '95



new t rnll stylOl! In


Shit! , 'o n~ 8~yl . 62 )la terl»! to 811I ct lrQm , ' 1.25 Ilnd $1.50 val ue .• . , . DIlY'" uloll UI~8: lill "illC8, oxcell nt


Other New Goods

43 C' "49" Iris' H nt,q, : .•.. , . , , . .• , . . . ....




Ill, Cor 73c. ...... . r

A cleuo-lIP 6t IltJtls 'dt $1.00 $1. 60 DOt! 1. 16.. 0 ltllqrou · and

i u's FOur -lo' lllltld TI , mndo 1ri>~n

.nair ()f · lenses fitt ed 'by- m ~ a 'curate dr~lgl~s~ ' met,hod, IVitl , place die fnr-liighted ' and 'a st1b'lTl.lti · ~ e ' o n the . Sjune . ,foot illg liS the J)~rfect ly , /lorniltl ere by reiiev!ng !h'e ' Ilill :h 'and crainI', f Ule; ;nu~clc$, ' tlttls ' cutting off the! strain ·' on , the nerve ' ccm ers Bnd curing the hcada 'he~ Jor good, tightly' <:ailed itrest g lass\:s. " A henllachc in dIe 1m " of the nc(.ik: qr bas of the 'prain ' it al~o usually in dire" indication of, eye strahl, s.h o~ ing a . w\!lIkJiess ,•.of 8011111 ~ ne more !.If Ihe I ,(we\ve little nl\l~eles , \\'hich tum tlle ye~ ill UI(!ir" .~. ,), s~ keu Vilrti ~uarly. tJ~oNe that , hl\11 the cyeN ~ownrds '. each other, a:ti .when: loo king ' at. a ncar objec".6 tiC\V- ' ~ ,ing or readlhg. Glusses corret.'1I}i litted must relieve the$e 'lIl1~cl~~ as' well us Ij;lieve the eyes individuall y.

.,t~~~~:'. ~~ ~~~~. ~~~. ~~~ 25~.

]1[011 '1;

• 1)11

)'11111.11-1'11 - kind you Clin Il penel'

ror ltoJ)(1 !IT\'I<'e n.t nil


:- 2.60 v lue'll.. •. . .

$1 • 95



~~~~========~~~ FREIGHT , RECORDS BROKEN

Success Magazine wants an en te rgetic and r ·"ponsible young man or WOman. in Warren C unty to collect . . . " . fOl' r enewal and sohcl t new s ublaCrlptions during f ull 01' spare time. Exllerien ce unnecessary: Anv one can sta.r t among friends ' and .acq·u aint· ances anti build up a paying and permanent business without capital. Complete ou tfit and instru ctions f ree. Address ,·"Voo, " S uccess Magazine, Room 103, uccess Magazine Building , N ew YOl'k City, N. Y .

Notic(~ 'of Appointment --.-.


All reoorns of 10ndAd freight c,; r tno v~m ut for tbe mO'lt·h of ~eptemElltll te of Snrnuel - Oi ll wh:lll ic . deceWieli. ' h P . . Tho 'und ul's igned hll . h on IIPI)Oi llt<J< 1 alld .b or On t a ensylvunh 1'1\111'00.(1, Il ua lf n d' us AlIll1lnl t,rutor or t ho OIIto. ' or W re 'brokuu in ~epteru bel' of tibis SIII'mllll .Dlllwititli . . I ~LO ()r W a~ron Cou ll ty. . . OhIo. d6(; t\&lll. yfltl r


'I'ba Dumher of louu ecLou r l:! whicb ]llls~ed AltoonH, P a. , E flH t boond, :was '\',797,OD Iocr II!{O of H6 ov I' tlHnber, ]9U7, the record YPIH,lotLded

·fllltcd t,llis Nth tll~Y , ~ ( Or-tober _~, D. 1909, WILIAAM B .llI WII)OJI£. At~I1IJIl'AtratOl'"

...,-.,..--_. -


Notice of Appointment

Zimmerman's ._, SeaIshipt OYstel7S


Commencing l'hul'sday we will have Sealshipt Oysters on hand all the tim also Tb~ Sanitar y Cans. ' All Oysters- Solid Measure-No Wat r . '


s~ 1lJ!t'L '-HI KLE. '~xecuto!: '




Edgemont Butter Crackers ·

Now· I Oc a Pound . The finest crackel' made, we rel~Bto.Lo of Georg W. [[Ihk le. deceased . ' . , "l'ho ulltl onilguctl. hns been BI)poiuted IUlIl ceive them f resh about 3 times ca:rs . .WlllC.1l pa.!:!St::tl olumbiu, Pu.. ., ~IU o.IiUCd as J!;xOCut,d r or tho .E!~tat.e 01 Gt.'O .. a week. F amily Crack~r Box .w. 111/1Jd e. I'\ lo o f.WarreD. County, Ohio. dowest boond, numbered 27 001i, n·n in. COil ' d, .. 25c . crease of gOl. J>u.tcd t,h:!s IILh ' dayot etcher. A. D. •• ·190!) .



work f Q, ne~v bUil ~lng . g~iJig up, and t'}lell ,T .m,('H"'~s, ''1 bu.t 8 Just tbe, wu.y It wtJl lonk uftf:l r fire has gotted tbe trn otur!'!" -

Snow' White'Table'Syrup Have you ~l'ied' it? If not y~u' clon!t ko'p w what yo u are missing~ .full quarts 15C'-:-lt c·an't . be oeli:t. · .. . ' . : '.

LOST · Plow Cutter, .., on the · R·OLiJNG F rry Road,Sep1:ember ·20th. Finder ' please . notify Waynesv ille, Qhio. '

J, M. Key. ".



- ~AL]J.PigS, ' ChestJr- Whites, fOr" 2 s~te,: . Elitfi bl~: to r e,l?iistt;y. F(? futth er mfOl'mation phorie or se.e· .Co~eWan,d :'?ennY".' Ferr~ t qhio. : ; . .,




l I'





·lF~;;;;Cit~~~;·1 one~:~::~~ :~::~: and rp;;o-"~lM-«;;ti;~ +ii;;-;;d- Th;;e__-i' SS~O~LD nlalnATI,END SC:OOl __ ._ . , '.__ _ __. _____ ~+_--------

- - - - - - - - -. M H Booth, of New York Cit/~ys:' I ~'o certainly ~njoy hear. ' . , . lng from my friends through the Miami Gaze't te, and its weekly viSits . I dId ' t atre ~ery we ~omle, an b ~n t wan o miss one smg e num er. ..

Enclosed please fir.d check for . . Gazette. renewa I to t he Mlaml Things at school are moving along smoothly. We have a large school an4, fine people here." Thus writes Prof. D. A. Ferree, who is principal ~d teacher ,Of. latin at the WashIngton C. H. hIgh school. . t' I h U8uaI charac terls IC manner if n er F k Lo f Col b S ~tes' ••~aWn eedntgh' MO. . Gum tUte, Wl'1 . en e lam) aze k d 't t I l l every wee an can . ,ge a ong we without it. We are getting along fine, and enjoying Columbus. Her- d bert has entered 0 .S.'U . , an en· , h' k CI . tt' lOYd )8 wor. arenee ' lS ge mg on well in school. We hOpe to see ·w · '11 f lk ,, ' th. e aynesvl e 0 800n,..




.... ..,- -

- '. -.~.



'. '


: Social Events : ...... ........ ... - ........

C. (1 0 IS alll e J 111 le con1-~-..-. ..-. • mum ty a l lhe expense of the 'taxBring your tickets to J a.nney's and payers. Every dollarinvested . hould ~d ward Thom a:; and family were have them reserved , bri ng the greatest possible amount ~ , o f good to the greatest 0 s'bl . gue ' ts of Clar ·nce Berryh ill and viife Edward Ricks was a Harveysburg . P 8 I e num at dinl10r SUIl'iay . visitor Sunday. bel' of children of Rchool age . Tbere , are boys antI girls on th e !!t n 'et wh u Vernon Hawke was in Spring could be in schoo l ut no mon' (' x )w n ;;1:' l :hal'leR (~I'ay and wif!' entertained VaII ey 1as~ wee k. . !.It din ller Sund ay , Alhpl't Gray. \Vif than is at pl'e,.~nt necessary. . Eve ry Thornton Acher. of Dayton, is the tax.payel, shou ld have all interest in and sull, Merl e. and H. H . 'rane and guest of Isaac Ll'ncoln, this matter, whethel' or not he ha~ w if, any children of school age. In his Mrs. Lina Devitt visited in Cincin· private affai rs he 'ees that all his r;ul'n est Butterworth and wife en. nati from Friday until Monday. money is accounted for. Why should tertaint!d til dinn er Sunday. C. A. George Thompson. Abe Dakin and be be any more neglig'enl when it is BUl'nett and fam il y and Chas. Frye Jesse Thomas were in Dayton Sunday in public us ? and family. . Earnest Earnhart, son of Elmer , E~ch one in the district Hhoul d use ' ,'. . , , . Earnhart is e . k 'th d' , hiS mflueuce upon parents whu ]lerI l ank y antI fam ily c.: ,'/" f v ry SIC WI appen ICI- mi t t heh' children to £t.ay out of tained at dinn er 'unrlay, the f()ll owIS. school.. Thu ' wh en a boy 01' girl is ing g ue.':lts: Frank ,Evans and wife Dr. J 0 hn Hya tt was In 'CI arkSVI'11 e seen on lhe street during school I anu. 1 E"u }Iat· t','oc k anu. 1 W I' f' ,0 f' .Spring and Port WilIial1} Tuesday on busi- hours, it is to everybody's interest to I Vall ey. \ ness . get that boy 01' girl back in school. MI'. and Mrs. L e Adams. of KanB. F. Ridge, of Lafayette, Ind. , is This community cannot afford to sas City, and Rev. and Mrs. J F. the a-uest of his brother', Mahlon have its children grow to manhood Cadwalladal' WE're delig htfully enterRidge, without at least a common school eutained at dinner Sunday by Mrs. ucation "Ignorance is the most MIt!!. W. S. Graham spent seyeral tl ' d' . hI' h Bsther Stout. days),ast · k 'th f " d ' W'I- cos y c~mmo Ity Wit w llC apeD· I wee WI lien s In I I h t d I" mihWton. p eave 0 ea.:.. __ - -Frank Smith and wife entertained BALL GAMES Some of th'e pictures shown at the at . dinner Sunday. the following '! Peoples' Theater are the best ' ever guests: Alva Smith and wife, Benj. Spring Valley and Bellbrook had a Champion and wife, Harry Champion shown in lhis town. " , and family, Mrs. Hotop and famil},;. . John Taylor and Lou Pnntz were 10 Dart;on Sunday,. guests of Mrs. Etta Pr10tz ~d famlly. ' Mrs. Anna O'Neall and daughter, Martha, ~d Mrs, Wtn. O'N~ll were Dayton visitors Monday • . Gord ' J d ' wif' d on oy an e. an were Sunday gu.ests.of WalterMtlls and f '1 t C r' C· , ami y a aesa S reek. . .' Mrs. Sarab Llppmcott has moved into the Bonneville property, lately r r' vacated by Wesley Haines. 1.\ J, O. Canwrlgbt ia in .Gh!veland attending .the annual communication of tbe1d.asonic·GrandLodg.e.of Ohio. WA.NTED . , • A man or woman on every l'U ral Don t mJS8 the pel'fonnance at the route t~ rept'W3e1lt us in soliciting

charmingly arrang~ weddings ever . witneEsed in Miami occurred WedRay Hawke was in Lebanon SunneSday, afternoon, September ~d, day. at five o'clock at the Presby ten an h h th to D ' W W F ' Warren Edwards left Monday tor c urc '. e pas r, J7. • • arlS, a visit to Blanchester, Ohio. performing the ceremony that made M.iss Virginia Elizabeth Hill the wife Isaac ~tout, of New Carlisle spent ' M' . ' of E uJene Sayr~ Intram. . Sunday at hIS home bere, edTh~ cThhurch was beaubtifuklly decor- J. B. Chapman and wife were shopl at . eater was a an of ferns pl'n 'n C' , t' Wed esd gI mcmna I n ay. an d ar t'ISt'lea11y arrani'ed were many vases of beautiful white and pink .B.,S. ~owe)) and wife were in roses. Being at dusk t~e lights shed Cincinnati on business Monday. a soft a-low over the church which Adelbert McKIlY, of Dayton. spent hal7l'onized with the setting of the Sunday with T. J. Erown and family. sun. M W H All ' ed h rs. '.' el} arrlV ome Mr. Joyner presided at the organ and before the entrance of 'he bridal S~nday evening from Mt. Clements, party, played softly and beautifully MICh, "Oh P roml~e . M" e an d as. t h e Iast Don't·fail to hear the- New York faint echo died away th~fchords of Ladies' Trio at School Hall , Novemth Loh 'edd' h e rengrm w Ing marc were ber 10th ' struck ', . , " E ' U; , fi t th sh D Mrs, James Clark, and daughters. S Jn rmg drsRowddere B erd ' u. ers,:1.' Allie and Kate spent Wednesdayin . ones an y U me, Wuo D th te' I h'l t th ayton. came up e cen l' a18 e, w I e a e f ' Rob t H'lI th Mrs Hannah Rogers Mrs J 0 ~mhe ,,1m I e d eJr I G~me up he C t ' , ht dd hte' " . 't' rIg t alS e an ames 1Iman up t e a r wng an aug r are VIal left. il)g in Dayton.

. , '. Next was the maid of honor, Miss A ~Ilroad n,tan,who .b~ had .~me Winnifred March, coming up thecen· experIence W1~ tbe OblO, ratlroad ter iUsle.. while MilS Lottie .M aynard commission paid a comphment to ~me up I he right aisle and Miss Howard Manington. former secreta- Jose Marie Clancy up the left. ry of that commission. the .o tller day; Pali88 March's goWn was a beautiwhile discuamng the troubleS of the ,ful white silk made ·ptince.:.s. trim~ocking. Valley raUroad::-the . sui~ med 'with gold lace. She Carried a brought ~inst it i~ PerrY county, beautiful boquet of bride'!l rosess. lupposedly at the lDstance of tbe The bride's maids, Misses Maynard Obio Coal Operators' association, of and Clancy were gownea ' in dainty bieb M M ' t ' tary . . . . . . '. whlte-,Imgerle a-owns. They earned w d th r. ~ ..... tsamng. ontlts · secre an agams . he manage.. boquets of wbite carnations. ad t lh I t' . ,. . • ment! " III ea . e .a nnua .mee Ing They were followed by the beauti. mad~ by attorney Ralph Westfall. ful bride leaning on the IU'ID of her \ The question· 'under discussion was. father, W. G. Hill, wllo were met at " who was "back of" .Mr. Westfall, the alter by the groom and his beSt and it was ~~a-g~ted . t~at the . coal man, Mr. All~ Hill, a brother of the overa~1'8 were responSIble, the fa- bride. . . ' niar,~ " ~ing~ade .~~ they we~e The bride's 8'Own W&8_a b~utiful .figI[tti,iIt for tlielr own I.vee and th18 creation of wbi~ ·silk . chiffon. cloth' on4! ifJ~ep they were taking over white satin. made,princes8 and "under cover.'" .







,i . " .



the Bad yolco In which 'tbe man SPOke. , ''1'h1a at flra.t eeem d a ~a t m14' ,tGet au oll-can and oU my joints," tortu,ne, tOr I k new a one-leggett ma.D he answer d. "They are rusted so coult! not do very. well al a wood· badly that 1 cannot moye them at all ; chopper. So I went to a Un·smlth nnd Ir I am Willi 011 d I shall 800n be all had him mllke f!1 a n ew le~ out or ri ght again: You wltl nnd an all-can Un . . The leg worked very welt, on Q on a shelt In my cottage," I was used to It; but my action a.n· Dorotby a t once ran baok to the cot. gerell the wlcl<ed Witch of tbe Ji;ast, One Man Who May Write Titles Atter His tage and COllnd the oll-cnn, Qnd then tor she had proOllsed the 0111 woman nto'g a Dairy Farm' on Latest sbe r l-tlr.nell In asked, anxiously; I shoul d 110t many the pretty Mu nc h· Scientific Lines. ""'hero are your joints?" kin girl. 'W ben I began choppin g "Oil my neck, fi rst," replied the Tin again my rue slipped and cut at\' my STORY 'OF CONFEDERATE FLAG Woodman. So sbe oiled Il, IlUd as It right leg. Again I wont to the Un· WHII quite badly rusted tho S carecro w nero and Qgnln be !Darle DIe a leg OUl Gen. Cabe ll of Texas Tells HoW Star toolc bold or the tin bead a nd moved of tin. Atter this t be enchanted ax a nd Sars We re DtlSlg ned and It ~enlly trom sid to ~ I d until it cut orr my arms. one art . r the olhe r; Made at Rlchmond_ wor kerl rree ly. nnd th n the Illlln could but, nothing dauu ted, 1 bll,d t h rn re· turn It hi . Ir plnced with t III on eil. 1 ho wl cl(l,d G n. W. J.. , Cnb 11 of Dallas , Tex. ID S . Wlie h then mnd e tbe 0% slip lin d Cllt 0111 ili on 1.1 r Of th o trnn R rul l:l~ i SS lllpl " ' ow a ll th joints In my a r ms," b e ·ot! my hend, and at firs t r Ihoush t L1 e pllrtlll c llt o[ tha United 'ouf dcrllL said. And Dorolhy oil ed lhE'm an d lhat wns the end at me. But til tin. the Scarecrow bent ·tb elll caretully lIer hapiloll cd to come along. and he V lorllns' \\'I'ot l' ' cOlltly the fo llow· iug bI BlO;')' of til ('o;!fcd Ul'nLe fing: until th J we re Quite free from rust IlIad me a ne w h lid oul of tin, Wh n the couf >d · rato nrUlY, com"[ UlOlIght I had bent n th e wl~I{ e d and as good as new.· mand tl hy Gen. Ul'!1 un~ g J. rd, nnd the Th Tin ' ,"oodman ga ve n sigh of WlIch th n. nnd 1 wor l<ed harder thH" fed · rul Ilr :ny confront ·u ('a ' l1 other at satisfacLion Rnd lowered his ax, whlcb .c v r; but 1 li ttle kn w how rue l illY By L. Frank Baum J\lal\fl sSlIS It was soen thn l th con red· he I a iled against lhe tree. enemy could . be. Sh e th ough t of II c rill /las ilL' ~ tile s tnl's ond strIpe!! "This Is a grenL comfort," he sold . ne w way to kill my love for th ' h(>all' loollcd lit a J Islnncc HO much alike "[ have beon boldlng that [L"C In tbe lItul ll-Iunchktn mald en, and mlld tl IllY , 'u pyrllChl . lJy 1110 l,h,bhM - l\1 " rrll! Co. ) thllt It wu s bard t o LilsL1nsulsh one (COP) rig ht by I... Fra.nk UauUl & W . W. all' e ,'er since 1 rusted. and I'm glad ax Slip again, so that It cut rl ~ ht to be Rble to put It down at last. ow, tbrou gh my body, splitting me Into fr ol1l th e 01\.01'. D6Ilslo w .) Gen. U ' :Illrcgnnl , art I' th e bat tlc ot It you will 011 the jOints ot my legs, 1 two bal ves. Once more Ihe t Inn er SYNOPSIS. July 1 , at Dla ldllll'u ford. ordered. shall be all right once more ." CRme to my belp and mode m a body I UlUt n s mall r ed hndg s hould be 80 Ol ey oiled his legs until he cOllld of li n, fas ten ing my tin arID 8 and legs norothy I! v~ (1 In I,ansas with Aunt Em worn on the left s houlder by our and Unc le H ll nry. A c ycl one IIhad th ei r move them freely; an d he thanke d and head to It. by means of join '.S. so h omo In lo the nIl'. Dorolhy r ailing l,Ia l ocp troollS, tlD 'I . liS 1 wns cbl ef 'luurteramidst th o "x clwmf'nt. A ('rash awaken ed them again and again for his rei ase. that I could move aroun<! as well (UI masler. 0 1..11 red 111 0 to Ilu r-:~~se a tor he seemed a very polite cr ature, ever. But, nlas! I bad now no heart. h~r. The houso had l anded In a country Milking by Machinery on Model Dairy Farm. or mar"elou~ b~ ILut)' . Groups o r Quee r and very grateful. larg lJuant It y of r ed UAIIII 1 bnd tc so tbat 1 los t all my love ror tho littl e peoplo gree ted her to the Land o r "These are things tbat "Jly tsrmer dis trlbuto it to tldl regim ont "I might have IItood there always If Munchkln girl. and did not care Just what It means for Ii farmer boy 1ttunchk l ns. Th l.' houso had kill ed th eir ene m y. th e wi c k d wit c h or EllsL Do r- you had not come along," h said; "so whether I married ber or not. I s up- to !oto college and get definite reo CRn have," expla ined the young manDuring the butt! ot Uull Run It was othy look the wil c h ' " sliver s,, ()~s. Sh" .t .. rted tor the Emera ld Ity t o fi nd the you have oerta lnly saved my lite. How po so she Is s till living wltb the old suits out of It Is being shown In the ager. "It makes the bandllug of stocle plnin to tie seen t1l1lt n large nUlllb er Wiza rd o r Oz. who. ah wa s promisQd. did yo u hallPpn to be bere?" woman, wnltlng for me to come after work of the newer generation on west- easy. It Is especlnlly easy and con- or federnl soldi ers wore a similar r ed mllrht lind a way t o I!mnd h er back ' to "'Ve are on our way to the Em erald her. ern fa rms. Tbe result of training and venient tor me-tor I am a dairy farm- ·badge. Gen. Johnston nnd Cell, lleau·' K a nsili. Dorothy rol8as d a scnree ro w . 8'1 " ln& him lit... H e wus d Oll r ou8 or a c - City, to see the g reat Oz," she an. . "My body .,hone so brightly In tb ot broad er Ideas Is seen In the meth- er, remember." regard met at Fairfax courthouse In qu Iring braiDS I\nd st arled wllh her to swered , "and we stoppe<! at your cot- sun tbnt I telt very proud ot It and It ods of to·day as they take the place tbe wlllllrd to ((et them. To carry out this, tbe most Impor· th e laLl I' pa.rt at Angust or early tage to pass the night." did not matter now It my ax slll>lllId , of tbose of the early settlers who tant of his Ideas, required nnotheor September and determlued to have 8 "Wby do you wlllll to see OaT" he for It could not cut me. 'rbere wus were hampered by the need of experl- Innovation, most Interesting of all . aske d. only one danger-that my jOints would ment nnd trial before they learned The big barn was divided Into long "I want him to sand me back ' to rust; but I kept an oil-can In my cot· what was b s t to do and how to do It. rows of stnlls for tbe cows. Each Not e very boy seeks an education animal has a swlnglns Iron n6cJe hold· Kansas; and the Scarecrow wanta blm tage and took caro to all myself when· to put a few bralnli Into his head," ever I needed It. How ever, th re with the Idea of being a farmer when er that gives It ample liberty yet .she replied. came a day when I forg ot to do this. school Is over, and when one does the keeps It In place. The Tin Woodman appeared to think and, beIng caught In a rainstorm bo· outcome js Interesti ng. Such an amblIn front of each row Is an Iron pipe, de ply for a moment. Then he said : fore I tllought of the dan ger my j~l n ls Uon bas animated one young man of "Do you suppose Oz could give me had rusted, and I was lert to stand In tile western section and It bas worked ai r tight, leading to a vacuum tank In When Dorothy a h eart 1" tbe WO~ds unt il yoil came to h"elp me. out In practical results. HIli experl- the power room where are Indicators awoke the sun "Why, I guess 80," Dorothy an- It was a terrible thing to undergo, but ence Is a good e.xa.mple of what edu- telling ot the air pressure. Tho en: shinIng through gl ne pumps the air out ot the tank swered; "It would be as easy as to during til e year 1 stood tbere I had caUon means on Ibe farm. ,t ree and Toto time to tblnk tbnt the ~eatest loss J "I always wished to be a farmer-n and so out of the pipes, leaving a ilUc, long been out chasing birds and give the Scarec row brains," "True," the Tin Woodman re- had known was the loss of my hoart dairy farmer," was the way James R. tlon that Is used to operate milking eQulrrels. She sat up and looked around her. There was the Scare- turned. "So. If· you wlU aUow me to Whlle' I was In love 1 was the hsp· Garver put It, as be stood at the door macblnes, of whlo.h · e ight are Installed, The Stars and Bara. cr9w. aUll standing patiently In his join your party. 1 wlll aillo go to the plest ma.n on el'.rtb; but no one can of the big barn on bls father's farm. Tbese are of the ordinary type ueed Eme rald Olty and uk Oz to help me." love who has not a beart, and so I am "That WQS why I went to collE/ge and In the agricultural colleges and can battie fiag for eve ry r egiment or de:Cornel', waiting fer her. ta bed commQnd. "Come' along," said the Scareorow, resolved to ask Oz to give me one. Jt I spent my time trying to learn h~w be operated by a boy. "We must go and search for water," "It takes us about an hour to do t he Gen. Jobns ton's flag woe In t'Je heartlly; and Dorothy added tbat she be !foes. I will go back to the Munch- to be tbe best tarmer possible." ahe eaid to hIm. It was difficult to realize that thla milking of 30 cows," explained the shape ot nn e llipse-a. red flag with "Why do you want water'" he alked_ would be pleased to bave his com- kin malden and marry ber." Both Dorothy and the Searecrow !'rank-faced young m~n •• clad In blue young man. "We sball have 40 cows b~u e Sl. Andr w's cross and stars on "To wuh my face clean ~r the pany. So the Tin Woodman shoulhad been greatly Interested In the .)verQlls and a dark shirt with a wide soon and It will take no longer then. the cross (white) to represent the duat of, the road. and to drink, ao the story of the Tin Woodman, and now hat shading his bronzed ' face could It Is not profitable to u s~ the milkIng differ nt southern states. (No white 41ry bread will not aUc'k In my ~roat;" they knew why he was so &AXloas to write "B. S., M. S .. " atter his name machines with less than .0 cows, be· bord er of any kind was attached to "It muat be Inconvenient to be made get a new heart. and that he had spent five years out cause of tbe expensif of Installation. t.he oross.) Gen. Beauregard's was a of ftelh," .ald the Scarecrow, thou,ht"All the same," said the Seareerow of the 24 of his tlfe In college halls. SomethIng like $500 Is Invested In tbla r ctnngle. red, with St. And rew's cross tully; "for you muat aleep. and eat "I shall ask for brains Instead of ~ He Is master of a half section at apparatus. and white sta r s~ slmJlar to Gell. Johnalld drink. However, you have brain •• heart; for a fool would not know what fine bottom land equipped with buIldand It la worth a lot of bother to be "But It helps solve the hired man ston's. able to think properly." to do with a heart·1f he bad one." Ings and conveniences usually found problem. Few men like to milk. In "After we had dl.scussed full y t,hs "1 shall take the" heart," returnee! .00 a modern farmer's place . ' They lert the cottage and walked the foreign countries and In some two s tyles. taking into ~on s ld e ratlon the Tin Woodman; tor brains do not But It was not up to his. Idea and parts of this country where dairying the cos t of matel'lal and the care of throup the veea . until they found a make one happy, and happiness II the tbe changes tbat he bas made and tho by hand has been the custom for a malting the same, It was decided the Uttle spring of clear water, where best thing In the world." Dorothy drank and bathed and ate Dorothy did not SnY annhlnA', fa! n ew Ideas he has put Into practice are long s eries of years It Is easy to get elliptica l flag would be harder to sbe was puzzled to know whlcb of ber a gOod exhibit of w.bat may be. expect- milkers. The western M re4 mlln balks make ; tilat It would take more cloth, two friends was right, an.,d sbe de- ed In western farming In the future. at two or three hours of milking dally. Bntl It could" not be -s een 80 plainly at clded if she could Qnly get back to lfe had learned that grain Is better This makes It difficult to secure help a distan ce; that the rectangular flag, KlP1sas oand Aunt Em It did not matter feed when ground and a teed grinder on the farm It attention Is given t -dta'\v~d by G en.~IJlUJt---­ was ' ,carcely enough tor so mUCh, whether th~ Woodman had was put In. Then an elevator that dairying. With these macblnes It Is r gard, s hould be adoIlted. Gen. John. 'Toto for tbe day. no braJns and the Scarecrow no heart, would carry the grain to storage different. Any hired man wlll .manago ston yl Ided at once. When abe bad finished her meal, "No '0 .0& lilse was present, but w-' or each got what he wanted. rooms above, where. If necessary, 12.- ~he machinery and likes It, for he Is and was about to «0 back to the road Wbat worrie d her m.ost was thnt the 000 bushels can be cared for, was relieved at the drudgery 01 the actual th ree. No otte knew about this flag of yellow brick, she was atartled to work hLmself. Tbere will be easier but we th ree until an ord r WQs lssued ~re ad was nearly gone, Qnd another ad.~ ed. hear a deep groan near by. meal for hereelf and Toto Would 1 do not propose to sdl grain ex- work managing this farm tban ever ndoptlng the Beauregard flag. as It "What was thaU" ehe uked, timempty the basket. To be sure neither cept on f?o ; It's more profitable that before and I expect t.o make more was ca ll ed: a nd dire tiag me. as chlet Idly. I money out of It, too_It quartermaater, to have the fiag done as the Woodman nor tlie Scarecrow evor way," said be. "I c:an.n ot Imagine," ~plled the Along with tbe change In tbe farm's 800n us It could b done. ate anything, but she. was not made 01 Pipes were laid carrying water to Scarecrow; "but we can go and aee." "'You Have Certainly Saved My Life." " r Immediate ly Issued an address to tin nor straw, and could not llve \,\Uo aU parts ot the farmyard and to the methods have gone chnnges In tbe dl· Just then another «roan reached less sh'e wall ted. bouse, where the conveniences of a vision of the crop-raiSing plans. In· the good ladles of tho south to give dered bls ax: and tbey paBsed througb their ears, and the sound eeemed to city water system are enjoyed as s stead of producing grain for selUng. me lhelr red and blue silk dress s, and come from behind them. They turned the forest unU! they came to the road part of his modern plan. Great 'tanks the farm w1l1 now produce teed tor to send tbem to 'a pt. Colin McRae and wallted through the tore.t a tew that was paved with yellow brick. give the cattle and hogs plenty of the cattle and hogs. Two hnndrl!td Selph, Qual'termnstel' lit Richmond, Va. Dorotby wn.s thinking so earnestly steps, when Dorothy dl.covered some. tresh water constantly and It requires head of swine are being cared for and (Capt. Selph Is now living In New Orthing shlnln, In a ray of IUWlblne. that as they walked alon, that she did not only the starUng of tbe engine to set the Income from these Is not to bo leans) , where he was assisted by two notice when the Soarecrow stumbled , fell, between the treee. She ran to the young. Indies. th e Misses arey from aU the machinery In motion. despised. place, and then stopped I.h ort, 1f1th a lnto a bole and rolled over to the side Baltimore. nnd Mrs. Henningsen 01' of the road: Indeed, he was obliged cry .of surprise. , 'Sanvanna!l Ilnd Mrs. HOllklns ot call to her to help him up again' . One of the big tr~s had been partly bama. ' "Why didn't you walk around the chopped tilrough, and standing beside 'rhe Mls~e~ Oarey made bllttle flags bole!" asked tbo Tin Woodman. All this It with An uplifted ax In his . n '~ra~D~----know enough," replied - e othy and her comwu a mall made entirely of tin. HIs Dorn and I think for Gen. J. 'E. J~hnScarecrow, cbeerfully. "My head Is panions had been ston. They made Gen. neauregard's stuffed with straw, you know, and walkIna through tho '" . out of their own silk dresses. This that Is why I am goln, to O. to ask thIck woods. Th.e fl ag Is now In l',iemorlal ball, New Orhim for some brain . ... road was still paved leans, with a statement of tbat fa ct"' "Oh, I lee," said the Tin Woodman, with yellow brick, but tbes& were from Gen. Deauregard. Gen. Van "But, after aU, brains are not the best much covered by dr ied brnnches and Dorn's flag was mode of b eavler mao things In the world." dead len ves from the trecs, and lhe terlal, but very pretty. "Have you any?" Inquired the Scare- walking was not at all good. The statement going around that crow. There were tew birds In this part of "No, my head Is quite empty," an- the forost. for birds love tbe open tbls flag was first deSigned by federal prisoners Is false. swered tbe Woodman; "but once I had counlry whero there Is plenty of sun· brains, and a heart, also; so, bavlng shine; Lut now and then there came a Gen. Beauregard's battle flag Is !n tried them botb, I should muC\.h rather deep growl from some wild ' animal Memorial hall a t New Orleans. The ha v~ a heart." . bidden nmong tbe trees. These soundo Washing ton artlllery battlo flag can ba "And why II thatT" asked the Scare- the II ttl 0 girl's beart beat fast, seen a t the Washington a.r tlllery ball. -Chattanooga. Tlmos. crow. for she did 1,lot Imow what made "I ~ Ill tell you my story, and thtm them; but Toto kn e w, and be wa lked J.I:' you know." close to Dorotby's sldo, and did not To Improve Artillery Fire. So. while they were walking tbrough even baric In r eturn. The war department has· adopted for the forest the Tin Woodnlan told the ".How 101lg will It ba," the chlh1 The clevis and sw"Ivel bolt any This devi<;e wben properly adjusted the. coast artillery service a range following story: QsI,od of the Tin VI oodman, "before w. blacksmith can make: The wire Is takes the greate r part ot the strain board , the Inventloo at Maj. E. W. "I was born the eon ot a woodman are out of tho 'for e:!t?" found on nearly all farms. No. 9 or from the lop hinge, yet places no Hubbard, commandant at Fort Me. who ehoppod' down trees In tbe forest "I cannot tell." was the answer, "for No. 11 wire, galvanized, two dou b Ie, more on the bottom one. . Henry, Md. Tbe board Is a. mecbanl" nnd sold the wood tor a liVing. When 1 never been to the Iilmernlf,J It also ilelps to keep tbe gate closed I g re w up [ , too, became a wood-chop- City. But my fath er went there once, Is sumclent to hold up any gate fotlnd as the wire 'Is tightened as the gat~ cal device for .automatlcally comI,>ut Ing the working rallg~ or elevation, l'eI', and after my fath er dIed 1 took when I was a boy, and he said It wal . on the farm. Is thrown open_ which must be given a heavy gun to enre of myoid mother as long as sbe a long journe y lhro:lgh a. dangerous The swivel bolt which screws Into Tbe manner of setting the posts and li ved. 'rhen l made up my mind tbat country, although neArer to the city the post should be placed tar enough of banging the gate need not be 90 reach a given target. 1n artillery th6 Instead ot living I\lone I, would marry, whero Oz dwells the country Is beaut1! from the top binge of the gate so as to fu~ly described, as the most ot tbe range, or dlstanoe to the target Is 80 tba t 1 might not become lonely. ful. But I nw 1l0t afraid so long a9 be turned conveniently to take up the farmers have tbelr own way of settlQg tbe prime factor In hitting. The range finder gives tbls distance reg u. "There was one of the Munchkln I have my ol\;c8.n, a nd nothing can slack In the wire. posts. 'Inrly ~very 15 seconds. . The device gIrls wbo was so beautiful that 1 soon hurt the Scarecrow, whllo you bear .,....,..._.._.,...J'. __.. ............ .....-......._.... .....___...........w• ....._ _ _............ ;... • conects the' observed range every 15 gre w to love her with' all my heart. npon your foreh ead tho mark of tue Potato F.rtllizers. Shift Pa8tures. seconds, giving a tlctltlous or ,correct. She; on ber part. promised to marry good Witch's Ides, nnd that wl11 proThe Long Island experiment staShift the animals from one pasture ed range, to 'whlph · t~e gun Is eleme I\S soon as I could earn enough t ect you · from h Porm." . money to bulld a better bouse for ber; "J;lut Toto! " said the glrl,anxlously; t1l)n reports that with wood ashes and to anotber, as otten as possible. both vated. The TI." Woodman. 1J'..aD'ure used for three years smooth, for the good of the animals and the _ "The good old daYB of the smooth 80 r set to work barder than ever. 'But "what will protect him 7" , bead and arms and .legs were jointed ' the girl lived, with an old . woman who eElpeclahy sbould Dare, when at 'target p'r act ice, about a "We must llrot,e ot him ourselves, II e,ven and large potatoes were . 'pro· . pasture: Sheep upon his body, but he stood perfectly did not want her to marry . anyone, he \e tn da.nger," replied ' the 'rID . auc~'d , that bad' ~ fine llnvor. ' With a have ~h,elr P/lsture 'c hanged often, ss sh'o t ,an bour ",:.a s 11red; antl thE\h only motionl ess, ,ali If he could no t Illr for she was so lazy she wlsbed 'the WOOd¢ IlD. 1I1ghgrl,lde potato ."~er~lllzer" ,they re- , they ' contract '- dlsease When kept ID after onl·eful .comJlu~t1ons, lIave Passed . at all . . ' ,g irl to remain with her and do the J.ust as be spolce tbere came from port a ver~ small yield of' under-sized one ~Iace too long.. Too close pastur. away." sald '~aj_ Hubbard. "The mod,Dorothy looked at hIm In amaze- cooking and, the .housework. So the' the foreat a terrible ro.a r, and the next potatoes with 1100r fiayor. ' Ing kIlls out tbe grass by reducing ern 12-lnchg'un elln .b,e fired •. With all ment, and so did tile. Scarecrow, while old woman went the leaf surface or the gr~81. a.llowances made, onco, a minute. With the wlc ke~ Witch mo~ent a. ~t:eat Lion bounded Into th$ 'r.oto harked sha rply anU a snap Of.· the East, an'd promised her two : road. -WIth ono blow of ,hln paw It'e Nitrate 'of Soda. an even .cb~qce , ot hitting '11 mov;iril a t the Un I gs, whlcb burt Ills teatll_ . sheep and a cow It she would prevent sent the Scarpcrow nplnillng over arid Nitrale of soda has been recom. Put GroU~d In Sh~be. ~get at lang r~rige. This lmpllove, "Dld you gronn'?" asked Dorothy. the uarrlage. Thereupon the wicked over io tbe edge at the 'rand. and theD men.ded to mix In the 11011 ar . oun. the Do 't thl ... {hi meilt has been due no~ anI,. "lO ' IllJ' ·"les." Bnswered 1.he t·ln man; "I Wltcb encbanted my ax, and when ,1 he struck at the Tin Woodman. with th -.:..:: t 0 sow!!DY ~. s tall until proved gil DB, pow !let- aDd carrlagel .. I t t tre th did. I've be n groaning for ' more than was <(bopping . a,w ay at my best olle hili sharp clawe.. .But, to the . Llon'l roots o~ p an lOS ng en em. a you get I the ground In No. '1 shape. 'but to the 'COilS, blnt n"d de ..:'ted wo"k' rate of '300 pounds per acre_ It ~nd tbon better · use a dls(l drlll, or . '\ •u • a '1 In. apd no one has e,rer heard day, for , I was annoul to get tbe new I~rprlse, bo cou~d make no ImpreeslOD acta not ala quick fertiUzer for some other drill, dlac preferred. The of our artillery oinCl'Irl' :ext\:!ndlng over me before or come tn belp me." house and ~y wife as loon as possible] on the tiD. alt.hough the WoodmUl fell plaDtil. 'Ut &110 •• a repellaut keep ~auu- of 4rllUII. 11811 111, PtitUDI tilt a period ' I)f years.,., A.'. raJ:. 118 caD '"What. c&.n r do for )'ou?" she !D. the ax sUpped aU at ODce and .out off over ~ the road and lay etill. - .tNt c. . . . lue.eta ee4 I t . ' " .. " be II;Bcertalned. lihe 'coaat derense len, ')1dred, "aottl1:. for abewa. moved b7 my left Ie,. ('1'0 . . <:ONTlN'U~ I D a All equ~ aept.. . lCt! In lalla country hal bot ita .""..



Wii rd gf'


















SEE-SAW. , ,




j]rnrN[ID]~ S

· KRW; goi ng

th e


~\·e l · ywhlt " u .

S&e-Sil\v; vlslUng t\le moo n; see-Ifaw ; ~~\I1lln g. back so 800n!


se -snw;


wI se; 'Whnt glorious deeds my broth er? WOUld tt:e)' unite In love and And ccase Ulclr Bcorn at one -Charles


Backache, Pains In the Kidneys, Bloat. lng, Etc., Overcome.

Matron Knew What She Was About When She Went to Engage Maid.

A nurse Is expecled to know what to do for common ailments, and women who sutrer back' . onstant languor, and other common symptoms of kid n e y complaint, should be grateful to Mrs. Minnie Turner, of E. B. St., Anadarko, Okla" for pointing out the way to find quick relief. Mrs. Turner used Doan's Kidney Pills for a run-down condition, bachache, pains In the sides and kJdneys, bloated 11mbs, tc. "The way tbey have built me up Is Simply marvelous," say's Mrs. Turner. who Is a nurse. "My bealth Improved rapidly. Five box s did so much ror me I am telling everybody about It." Remember the name-Doan·s. Sold by a ll dealers. 50 cenls 11 box. FosterMilburn Co .• Bu.ffalo. N. Y.

HAT .mIght be Bono It men wern

away up In


Butrerln!: rIght another, Mackay.

Tom nnd Joe: InudMdo go.



The manng r of tb e em ployment May vel'\\\Q,l\e.l\\\~ Qw,'(come. agency was llsed to hearing womeD In searcb of mulds ask applicants all by ,,~t~O\\~\~o'(~ w\\\\~ Q.5o sorts of quee r qu sllons, says the New s\m\\t~oj ~ Ot\~ \l~\y ~W.S\C:\Q,\ York Trlbun • but Ulis matron mnd him mildly curious. Of 11 girls In \oxo.\:we, ml\eA~.Synl\l olf\~&t\\x\~ turn she had Inquired: "Have you oS Se\\oo~t" e\\~~ Ql\e\o~~\~ worked In a mlnls ter's family?" None \1l'l\\S 3.1i\W so \\\(l\ ClSS ~\<l~1I. \0 Mlute of tbem IIad . "Too bad," said th matron to th e malinger. "None of these m~ be ~"a3.u~\~ ~\S~,,~ ~\" girls will do." "May I ask." said th manager. wnC1\ \\0 \Q\\~ \\~~.QS '\\e best gJ " wby you ar anxious lo Imow If ~\\\~\es ""W,\\ "1I.I.\\i,~ 'lle \\) Q.sS\s\ these girls bavo worked In mlnlst rs' "~m~,<l"~ \\0\ \0 sUVV\Q\\\ \\e \\Q\U&\ famlli cs ?" "Wby. the fact Is. w 're very hard ~\\,,\:\0\\S .w\\~\\l\~\ I\e~~ u~up just now," sa id th e matron . andld Iy ; "I want a girl who know R how to l\\~~\y U\101\ ~~ ~s"me~. economize. and thos who hnv worked lJI'C~ ~Ol\s.aru\ \\V\"t ~<1.\¥ In clergymen's famil lcs , l'v dlsC'ov , ToiCr~ baIeS\,\o.\lll1t(tM\~ blty \b& ~~\'A; -c ered. have learn ed thllt lesso n."


We we re all brought up unt'ler the sce-saw; heor th eIr glu6~VGI ' :lId adnge: "A stitch In time saT'" sang !lIne," but how beedless baTe we beAa they s <l-Rn w. s c-snw nll day 10'IS, come. The girl or woman who finds IMITATE VOICES OF ANIMALS tbe hook loose. lbe button gone or the "There! Sh e 's all done exeept for bra id ripped and Imme diately puts tn tl; assembling," muttered Dlln, with the needed stitch. tbanltfully puts on Moving Pictures Provided with DevloO gr atest satisfaction as he stood wb the garment feeling well dressed. for Realistic Imitation of Barn!ookpd lilte Il giant cycle against the On IronIng day It Is a good plan to yard Animals. wall of his worl(shop. put all garments needing mending on Furlh e r rcOecUon was Interrupted The cry of the public tllat moving one side of tbe rack 80 that nothing by the sudden entrance of hi s sister may be put away overlooked. A still Non , Troubl e was written upon every pictures are not us real as the)' better plan Is to make all repairs beFIG SYRUP .CHILD ATE CUTICURA might be, be ause or tbe allsence ot feature of lh e little girl's face. THE · DANGER SIGNAL .tSI~~L~~ :ioLU'j~~~~C~ ~V~:r~OTT1Al fore sending to the laundry. as they tbe Bounds thut would attend t'lie OINTMENT. "Can't 1 do something?" IUQulred usually become worse after puslng movements or di s play In r al life. Is Dnn, with lhnt anxiety which made causing moving-pi ture cone I'Il S to do· througb tbe washing. Hosler). of 8pread Whole Box of It on Cracker. him the IlICllst or. brothers. course. is preferably darned Iltter -Not the Least Injury Resulted. Nan now leaned wearily upon tba vote consld rab le ell rgy to\h\\'d fill. washIng. workbox, "Oil , I suppos It's some- Ing the demand, says Populul Me-I Shoe heels may be the meaus of • Cutlcura Thus Proven Pure and Sweet. thing nobody can help," said she, much destruction to fine . petticoats ot hop lessly. lace and embroidery. See that the A New York friend of Cntlcura "You s e." lhe lass explained, "siscorners of tbe heels are trimmed and wrlles: . ter Eva and I bave heen Invited to a avoid being tripped or being lIlorll"My tbree year old son and heir, little picnic at Brown's woods to.-morfled with a dangling pleoe of lace. A after being put to bed on a trip across row . and now papa says the horse II! bandy little convenience that may tbe Atlantic, · Inveslf.gatell the statetoo lam to drive, and we oan't go. save many a disturbed moment Is a room and located a. box of graham The plac Is loo far away to reach by cushJoil containing a tew neddles crackers and a box ot Outloura Oint· walking and. Il's nowh re near a rnllthread d, of different !dnds of thread, ment. . When a scarch wns made tor road station. Oh, denr! U's just my and silk, hunr; where one may the box, It was found empty and .the luck!" It easily wben dreSSing. These thread"Yes, Freddy, I'm a s ick man'" kid admitted that he had eaten the "Things nren't as bad as they ed needles are real temper saTers. "Wot's der matter?" contents of the enUre boX spread on eem." cbeerlly replied the brother. Try th em. "Why, I'm gettln' that restless an' the orackers. It cured blm of a bad (ir-ow "Both you and Etbel ride bicycles One ot tbe valuable talks given U8 wakeful, dat I can't sleep, only at cold and I don't know what else." very well." he added. ' No more conclusive evidence could For Imitating Voices. as college girls was one which hilS nJght'" "Yes." sighed Nnn, "but that won't . proved Invaluable- In ordinary dIUlY· be ottered that every Ingredient of Cuhelp us any. because- we haven't our Would Find Use for It. cbanl cs. Now. many movlng-l·lcture I1fe; It Is this: Decide the night beticura Ointment,. 1s absolutely pure, and Coughs . wbeels any more." After a day and a night spent In anDan smiled as be said. trlumpbant- sets are provided wltb excellel t me- I fore what you are to wear the folhlw- swering tel phone calls from people sweet and harmless. If It may be are the cause ofmany cases ly: "It really does belp. Inasmuch chal:llcal devi es to Imitate tbe sou.nd Ing day (It you are a business woo wbo wanted tbe latest news from safely eaten ' by a. young cblld, none but of Pneumonia and Conrequired. no better ~xample of which man this Is Invaluable advice), layout the most benefic1al rcsults can be exas I've just about completed the finest Peary and Dr. Cook, the secretary ot sumption. Nomatterhow tandem bicycle you ever saw. U's a cau be giveJl than thl aet of barnyard- the garments, see that there Is noth- one of the arctic clubs had retired p ected to attend Its appl/caUon to even slight your Cougb or Cold new Invention of mine. Two persons animal Imitators. 'fbe first III a de· Ing to repatr, and IIi the morning you for a well·carned rest, wh en tbe per- the tenderest skln or youngest Infant. ride on opposite Ides of this great vice whlcli g ives a reali stic Imitation will be ready tor a busy day with the sistent 'phone bell rang again. A voice l'o\.ter Vrua '" Cbew. Corp., Bole rropL. DoIloDo may be, cure it before ithaa wheel a nd wor,Jr... pedals that move a of b e~s cackling, tlJ a second gives a satisfied feeling of a well dressed wo- at the other end srud: Poker Finance. a chance to do any harm. combined hors whlnney, cow moo, man, unhurried and bappy. gear chain connect d with tJle smqller and pig grunt, and the tbil'd a roos"Do you want the ambulance sent Mose Coonley (u wlnnerl-Guess I'll tront wbeel. Anyone who knows how ter'S 'crow. . right over?" ~[\sh ln, boys. . Home Ideas. to ride can use my twin bicycle wl~­ "What amhulance?"]:cared tbe irale Alte 1\I0keby (also to tbe good) To keep a thick 'frostlng 1n pltlce secretary. out tbe slight st dl fflculty. Gueas I'll do de same. SUMMER BACK YARD PARTIES bind the cake -wIth a wide band of "I'm sure, now, that you and Etbel "Wby, the one you sent for." Jert'erson Yallerby- Me tool greased paper. pin 't closely, then put "'l1J attend your picnic In spite of the Young Women Who Cannot Afford "I sent ror no ambulance." Bill Blngy (the banker, a big loser) on the frostlng as thick as desired. tact tbat tbe outlbok has been 60 "You lIel" -Well. I guess yo' each 'done got anTrip fo Seashore Inaugurate ' is ' the oldest and beBt bowa Two or three colors may be used gloomy," be concluded. Tbe secretary gasped, then he uddeh guess ' a-comln', gen'lemen! Novel Means of Amusement. medicine in the world for reUeveasily by putting It on this way at tel' screamed Into the 'phone: "You're just the dearest, d,earest' Ownln' to dis beah attempted an' uning and curing Coughs, Colds. eacb layer hardens. brother snyglrl could have!" orled "Send It as soon I1S possible, and called-fo' run on de bank, de InstertooBronchitis, Pleuri.y, Croup. Any kind of outdoor entertainment Nan. rapturously hugglng Dan . . A pair of shears In the kitchen to you come over, too, aud I'll send you tion am DOW suspended an' won·t reWhooping-Cough, and diseuea Is preferable In summer to staying in Then she ran to impart the good the house. so, tor that reason, several use for cutting raisins wlU be found back In It!" or this clus. Your drugriR sume oppyrations till de paniCky feelwill supply you. In three Bia in' hab fully s ubsided an' de foolish young women who cannot go to tbe very useful. The raisins are never lUll Feeding Farm Handa. bottle., $1.00, SOc. and 2Sc. deposltahs contlnues 'doln' business as seashore or mountJ\lns fcir tbe ''beated pasty as when chopped_ Dr. D. JQ•••• ToDle Y... term" have Inaugurated what they ~!:4 1!lvety farmer's wife knows what tre- fohmably. And It's youab deal, Mose alr... is an ncelleat 10aic for Coonley! "-Illustrated Sunday' Magaboth &ciulla aad chUdren. It 1a caH "back-yard parties" In the spaces [ ~ __ -. ' l'._~~" : mendous appetites farm hands usually ;z:ine. also a saFe worm medicifte. In the rear ot their homes, These -:_ have; but while they eat well they have been made attractive enough to wOl'k well, too_ Tbe 80o-foot bridge over the Yellow wnrrant asklng their friends to spend the evening tbere. .-.. --~--...J,--...IIL..E~'!..s.,!!l!Ul..toJ.Qt~h...Jee[lllJne.._IUlLa..:.l~..J1!IlLIf--H<er",l:.s-.a good suggestlon about teed- river at Lanchowfu, In the province of Kanau, is nearing completion. All maAt one house tn town In particular. Wben thou art 'I\'orkln~ In the fUrro~ tng farm hapds. Give them plenty terials had to be conveyed D,enrly the yard has been turned Into a really nyo of Quaker Oats. A big dish of 1.000 miles In Chinese carts. lovely garden. Ivy' and other climbing Or weeding In the anored hour of dawn. Quaker Oats porridge with sugar and ..------=---,Poaltlvely cared ~ It Is a comely fo.ahlon to bo glad. Eggs. more eggs. I get twice lUI mnny plants have been planted along the JOY I. the grace we alnw to God." cream or milk Is the greatest· break· Ih.a. Little PtU.. eggs summer nnd winter, since I discovtences and now completely cover tast In the world for a man who needs ered my sure au,cessCul method how to The, a1ao "line DIeo tre.. l!'Om DJapep,da,1ao them. The center Is a grass plot. and Elbert Hubbard said: "Happlnes. t8 v1gor . and strength for a long day's make hens lay more eggs. n'B tree IC you dllloatioD Dnd Too Bear\7 around is a border of gay blooming a habit: cultivatEl ' !t. N DlspolilUona work. The man that eats Quaker Oats write. Mrs. L. Alley, New Mndrld. Mo. EaUng. A pcrlea' ...... geraniums and other hardy flowers. dltter we know, but ther$ are none IIlentlfully and often II' the man who Though we sbould examine the eel, for Dlaaloellll, Na.. Benches, garden chairs and tables are who may not be Improved by taking does good work wlt~out exoesslve fa- whole world we sball not find one Ilea, Drow.lne.... B .. d Taete 10 tho Houth, Co!W placed here and there. A low cot bed, the right view of things. Turn up the Ugue. There Is a sustain In&' quality man so happy as to have nothing left ecl Tongue. PaIn 1n \he with rug and cushions. forms a divan. corners of the mouth and IIlu'gh a lit· In Quaker Oats not tound In other to wish tor.-Ollver Goldsmith. Bide, TORPID LlVEat At night, with Japanese lanterns tle_ It w11l make everything go foods, and tor economy It Is at the The, regulate the Bowel.. Purel, Veweu.bltt They Rode to the Picnic. No m~tter how long your neck DlIly be strung acron and little lamps bung smoother_ A cheerful new of ute can bead ot the list. . Besides the regular or how sore your throat, Hamlins Waard SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PIJICE. among th,e Ivy, the ettect Is surprlsl!l&' be oulUvated and the meal times wheD size packages Quaker Oats Is packed Oil will cure it surely and quickly. It Dews to Ethel. while Dan proceeded pretty. ' a.1l the family are . gathered should be 1n large size family packages, with drives out nil sorenC88 and infialDDlIltioa. rrI'rDS' Genuine MUlt Bear tD fit ' togetber tlie 'p arts ot re:- ly 'rhe daughter of.tbe bouse finds hel the happiest, ~errlest time of the and without china. 5 ftulrkable machine. Foe-Simile Sig....... friends more than read" to acoept Iier wbole day. It ,belongs to the houseWhen a woman bas occasion to loaf, , : Of course, the ~jn bicycle worked Invitations, and the open air entertain· wife to see that the meal Is properly The Way of It. Ilhe calls It eltber shopping, vlsl'tlng or .plendldly, and the two girls had as ment Is thoroughly enjoyed. Some- prepared; but accidents will happen "But I don' t love yOU," objected the entertaining, nnjch fUn operating It as they. had' at times t~ey play games, or they have and Instead of making all miserable youn.g woman. - - -- - - REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.' the picnic. ,~ or mand 0 II n, an d s Ing becau~e the steak Is burned., nr,om.IRI! I Iguan t FOf oblldrOD Mn. Wloalow·. SootbloC' Jiluslc of b anJo •'T hen why," howled thend teethloll. 101teD. thelium8yt't1.,. •• rc\1 ucelllDcollege songs. The ml!n, ·-Of-,CQ\·+th1Mn-SOaletbHts-~~et""-fcn--ttiu-ne:rt-I-youtb referring- hastily to divers mem- l1ammatJou. &1Iay. palo. cw-ea wl.Dd collu. 23C a boU.le.. -WAS REALLY MOVING ·have permission to smoke. and meal and bring something of lnterest oranda In his pocket diary, "dld you Many a man's honesty has saved cold lemonade. Ices and oakes are to talk about" so that all mBY forget eat up -a total of 65 boxes of chooolates Thlrty.Two-Year Old Horse ·Creat.s especially dellcI6us served under these the unpleasant th1qs. Children m"y I bought you during the past year If blm from becoming a politician_ Much Alarm In· Breaat of Woman unusual and Informal conditions. Trl be taught early to contrIbute to the you didn't love me?" from City. It: It Is well wortb the trouble. cheer and Information f the family. "Because," she said. with a rapt exMillions of people have CAs.: and such training is of inestimable pression on her lovely' features, "I do Peter, 32 years ' old" W8S the white AMERICAN ' MEN ARE . STUPID value tn later lite. A child that Is aI- love cbocolate." CARETS do Health work for horse 'of all work which ha'd belonged ways curbed and never allowed, to exthem, If ,ou have ne,ver tried to tbe Bentons ever since, 30 years Fall to Keep Up Reading; Have Na· press hlmselt Is not likely to make a Physician. Everywhere Use Rellno' With Very Great and Unvarying this gteat health maker-Get a lOe ago. they bad moved into tbe coun~ry tlonal Obtundlty a. to Art .brllliant talker when he goes out Into Success. . to farm and "resl" Peter bad done and Literature. tbe world. Let them feel that they box-ancl ,ou win never use ~y During the last six months I have most of the resting, bowever, and hls have a part and are a part of the famother bowel medicine. m prescrlbed Resinol In numerous cases perfect healtb seemed to 'p,romlse that Ily. . This does not mean that tbey ASCAIUrrS JOC • boz for • _Jr.'S he was destine d to keep on resting alneed monopolize tbe conversation for of acute and, chronic skin diseases and f,reatmeot .• U druRllbt.. lIllIIftt Miler most Indefinite ly. In spite of bls .Q.ulet little people are porne to do that. chronic ulcerations with very great 10 the world. MffIloD bo"ua IDOOth. . and unvarying success_ It Is a relinature, 1\1 rs, Benton. who had grown They may be taught deference anll up In town and was not accustomed consideration for others more by 'ex- able preparation, and Its action Is ,to J\orses. regarded Peter as a fearample than precept. It the rlghta of p~ompt and pleaSing. D J . of thia piper de. A. F. Volk.m an, Baltimore, Md. some animal. the child are respectell. be wlll most .iriQ!Jto buy When not otberwlse emplQfed, naturally respect the rights of others. uithtDf ad_. A Work of 'Supererog&ltlon. Peter moved deliberately about the tiled in ite colulQDI ahould ioAa upoa Henry dislikes being bathed and TRIFLE8. yard at the eud of a rope, "mowing havina whal they ..It te., refuaia& ell argues wltb his motber over every IUbAiMea 0( imitaIiona. the lawn" wltb his hungry m'o utb, square incb of hts four-year-old anat'''l'rlftell mnke perfeotlon. but perfection Bays Youth's Companion. It would omy . • S no trine." have been safe, 80 far as Peter was One night, when his patience was It Is the dally little things that make concerned, to let him roam tr~e, but up · oha~ncter. especially tried by what be considMrs. Benton Insisted tbat such .a It 18 eallY l!nough to be pleasanc ered wholly unnecessary work, he ' When lite f1ow8 by like a· '80ng. course would be disastrous, and stern, aut the woman worth while , ,. ,the o.nll exclaimed: ly forbade it. "Oh, mamma. couldn't you sklp my Who will smile Bob, the alx-yeal'-old Bon, of whom stomacli? Nobody. ever sees my stomWhen ev~n· thlnw goeS dead wronc_ Peter appeared to be very fond. ,w.a s ach! "-Judge's Library. 'Ilo . make a marshmallow frosting. allowed u special privilege, - When~ 'cut the mallows into four pleoe8 wlth 'ever the ' grass in tbe middle of th,e Bewa~e 9intments for C~tarr~ ~t ~t$l 't~\U.t tOi"J~S ahears and drop them tn~o ' 1;'he boned ' lawn' wait too IIhort for even P~tet to. , that Contain MercurY, frosting while: beating It. after bivins crop, Bo~ would lead him to' t~e ,.b~r­ For the baby often ' means rest fQt' u meieurj 11'111 IUn!l," daotroy ibe _ or IIDeII poured it ove' r me egg. ""d completely dl!J"1UllIII -\IlC whole ~.m w'dera · of the garden. and still bohling, both mother and child. Little ODell eoWrlnl \~ lhrollilb \be mueoua euffaeel; ·. Such him by the rope, the 82-year-old !lors~ lilte it~too-it'i 10 palatable 10 take. =~~lI~l:rp::"",= . : ~J:! 3: p.....,~. would eat the 19nger and ~ee,n~r l 1fW do. 11 ten fOld to tile Iood )'Ou ean = Y do. Free from opiates. ais eel...: . . ,_ , _,' r rtro ltom tbeln. lUll'. (lat4f1'b CUre. manulaMund ,j'f , · ro~. ...! . by E'. J. CtMDey <t Oo~ Toledo, 0 .. t'lllItall\I no inerI , Olie day, when this pro!!ess '~I\S gowry, &lid Ie ,laken Internally. aetlulI: . dlfl!c'lY UIlOIi , . '( aanana P~ •• '. &be,' blood ~ mueolll ' lUrl__ of tile la 'log on., Bob beca~e Intereste4 .11) ~ burm. Ball:, C/t,1&rrh CI1~ be """ JOU pt \be ,,'Dllke , a ricb crust ·by cOTei1DS , tt.e paulos. IS Ii ~tIl lotlim&ll, and made · In ToIIdIto butt"rfty, drqpped the rope, anll wen* Oblo. bY F. ·J . cfiene,. 1t'00. · TftitImoo\ale rr-. . bottom ot '&, pie pan, Inverted, ' pt;ll.~ell atter It. . Peter . naturally IIold by D~ PrICe) 7k. II"' bottle. Pl.lltl'y. When , ~ol, .remove and fill .'llab HaII·,.i'e!DIIV PII1a lor 00tIItID6" kept 'on' ea~lng; As long. as the rope with sIlced bananas, 8prlnki, wltb a. tied to hlil hatt~rl .he conslde~ecl . . 'Of 8o~~ Ben,f1t. 'Squ and a t,,,,poolltul ot lemoD blmself tied just, as an elephant ... Barb.6'-Dld the bottle. of balr ' j Uice, and cov:e' r w.t~ a pint ~ . 1'8+ .aId t.6 bell\~ve hl~J!elt ~u,nd. . 8tQrer i &Old you do any good? OJIIa ' Ice Feam, ~IBb with . ' r.~ nut 1,-tr8. Benton, ever., ~~tchrul., Cuatomel'-Y-e.s, Jndeed: it kej)t. me ~r"" b,rrle. and a~ · ~Dce. ' Gaw from the 4fnln.« . room ' window fJ'pm waaUnK lily \ILIIIe~ on any more.' _ WeIll · , ..,...t had takeD' TC! her tto.· ~.ave JOO8~ I took weli , ",: bft • Helps H is little Sister Out of Per· pl,exing Dilemma by Complet"fng a Big Bicycle.

s e-snw; to Ih·

Se~- Huw .


""n""", rAC"'Y"~ O "'"



tr:;;:e;:=:.1i&' "-=~;..,


Neglected Colds









~Y.f: ~:i'I/P~<



Work While You Sleep



IS 0'<' P" CURE ~








Cou.nty Courts Common Pleas Court. Atter luve tigllting 20 cl1ses llud flxlIUlinlng 64 witue S 1\ the grllud jlJl:.V found four true bill" f iuui t U)"ntR after being ill S8<lsiou parts of toor dnys. All tbo!!e indioted Ilre in the oust (Iy of Ihe oounty jail. They ore; Ueor~1'I ,J .. (\ I, .. on for hor e tit-flU ling Rollert MUlltguuHlry for petit I"rceny, Edward Fuller, for melidllng with rallrolld proper y ' nnd ,1 ~ ille BlnnkfllTd for ont,ing with the intlull. 1<1 \1. I'hacnunty j~11 WIHI vI .. lt.,',! ,,1.1<1 II rflc()II\ \IIendn. tlnn millie 'b,lt. t Ilfl hell ~ lllg and plumbio\( IIppl\rl\.tUo/"s be improved Itt on., The hllst,l1 (l WitS fOllnd to be otherwi"fl in II Olf llll al.Hl n&lli oondltion Milt.oo Moon WIlS 00· stfl ble nnd ,1. M. Ui 11 \VIIR hOtien tortlmlln.


New Suits.

1'rimble f\.tlel Fl'llnk Tuft. nr6 pOinted ,lqjpl'uL r . E tilt f Jutl'" M. M MU~ ~ ll cells U. luvuvLury Imll llppmi!l ruen t. flied, lil tllte of Atil 1! 1~ E. I ins, de · I delilil d. First nc uut filed . ' E. tllte at Elizllb t h RIlndnl1, de 01'11\/1 u. it \J rr. of '1111 . of}J r80Ultl proper tv oonfirm d . E t.ate of Eliz'lb I,h I:l e m nta, de cel1s d,lldminilltratur ortl recl to n blink stock Ilt prlvnt' sllle li t not less thu.1l t 500. E tllte of , John B Kute r, da. oeulled . .Proof of p\lb!ic!ltion of notice of IlPP Jintment fil ed . Estute of Fred eJ'icl\ Houle . Proof of pllhliolltiou uf noti e of appoint m ent filed. E t.(l.te of .I ohn T . Phllli(l!!, do oeueed. Proof of pll hliod tiol) of 0' _ tice of "'l'l>t1iotUl nt fi!t'd E ttltes for settl Illtlllt Proof ,) f po lJlicl~tion of not,iile of HlllllO ti l'Ii . Estllt,e of ,John I. M rritl . I I pa IL !:! O. Invlllltory IInu a.pjJl' Itl II lU e D t,


~-."---'.-II!---.~ 1• .-...-.. ..... _. '- -- - -. -= .... ..-...-.. Country Schools I M~s ,Co·h en, 0:.................. --....... -- _ .....

·Court Proeee<lInls.


L, Spen'oe vs, C.nus L. Wantz. Court ,ordeu plaintlff to recover from defendllnt som of 1'7.8~and for 8heriff io sell rea'l es"hlID, question. Pblllipe Ball vs. Lydl", R"n~all .nd Lee' B8Ddll)J. Apphor. t.ion to fUEl .m~.ded petition 1n tbirtoy days

'I 8tate of .Obio VB. JesRe BIeH·"ford. g,an~,

R eJlClr t o f t,h WilY)} ' 'l'~wo!,olbip II III nltlf r tile Ulont·b endin g ) tullel", I, 11l09.

E n ll'llll C

1'b f Ho wiug pupill! w


J ames E. B WW8n 21, fa.rmer of C()~llcldale aDd 'Rose E t-lowdy, 83, of (Jozll.ddale. Rev ,l<'oltoo. Ma.ine ville. Irl' H . Weaver, 23, pllper milker, of <Jratis, Ohio, and Sylvlli A. Bu,:g grl4f, 17, hoosekeeper of Franklin 'F. U. Fuller, 61, carpenter of Crllwford Oounty, Pa, and Mrs. Cbarity A. Stanfield, 60, of Waynes ' ville. Roy M. Sherwood, 21, fnl'~er of Waynesvi1le a.nd' Ida B. Ha.ine, 22,

MAKING ,6000 That's What Mose Cohen s ladies' Department Is Doing ' Women's Misses' and Children s


tanly ': '

Bert.lIs Mu,rln t t Altitl Burden Mll r ti n 1\1or10.It ,.. Ve llUlL Mtll'll\tt EdnH JJIIl . U org S mith L. llU Marluttl <":.vnth \tt Burden A llr' in 'rneIJ Alb rt Mltrltl t Pllu1ill Mul'ill t.t' L t.ltiu Vllng llan PI!tl 1'1 . Rill, 'l'llIlCIH'r. Spring Branch ( ~ U l'.l Vll (:ul'ti!l Elirlle!,olt Braudook 1:I 0 I'UII.l'll Con net· B" 'rry Luoy .1 \J hn W. Hl t'awo, '.ralloher.

Silver. Of Proven Quality

Green Bricr Mollt n Le nll Whit-like}'

J~J w lIl' ( 1

::-I1I 1' lIh

Rich design and refined beauty ill Iwi ves, ror~ s , S ~)O~~~d and fancy serving pieccs arc not altn~~:~~c~ h,~:;opro. silverware alonc. The skill born o!!~~~.~<;~ivcr plate cHccts in duced, in the famous ".!.!!!? ROG~RS . • r ' bc.auly s~cond on ly " Pattenr and design which make Its naml! or W S '/Vir P/ale Ihol ears. to its repulation for qua1'1" I y' S, d for catalogue Sold by leadi ng dealers everyw here. en .. Col ," showing all pattcrns.

Howard Whitaker Euge nin Whitllker Bnl'llt:t , T ueli e l'.

College Hill . Oll.Vltl

' l<-::Ilis

EVil nl'l


l£tln ll UOl'lw 11 • Florance Bess 1:1 I u M 'I nrfl, Teaoher.

MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., (llllelDJu lolIAJ Silver Co .• :luce....,r.)

Lowell Hill

$9 ..95 to

Harmony Grove

$75. 00

Ednn Rhub rt Anna. FuruR Neva. ~t!tnfield Olive Wilson C1arl1 Rhllbert Weldon Wilpon Clarence Rhubert Rosooe Fnt'oas Minnie F . Burgett, 'fenoher.

Ladi s' Suits, Cloak!!, Furs, Furni hings and every thing in ready·t't-wear garmel1 ~s.

Men's and Young Men's

Sugar Grove

SUITS $9.88 $14.SQ Worth $12

ville and ' Nellie Griffitn . 19, Love· land. Rev . Miller, Kiogs Mills

$20.00 $16.45 W ortn to $22.50 AFEW OF THE THOOSANDS

Worth $18 ,


Inez Thomas Pllnl Stokes Burry Roland ' Mu:rie Surfoce Eva. Prater QpllI GI'II.Y Ru~se. t:;urfaoe Howo,t;'d Shutts Margoerlte Munfort, Teaoher.


10 230 290



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Undertake.. and Embalmer.

Mary Roland Ernest botte Lowell T!lomos EVel'Att Thoma~ Erne t E!~rnhart


John Lc;l~oy to , Okey MoCabe, reaJ estate in Franklin township Ladles' 81 00 Wlldo LaCo,)' Okos '650. " wllh lll~h ICOIlIlr!f • • , , ••• •• , . $' I Frank L. t5uttles IlQd wife to .AI. 4tl~I(~ ~I.. l.. ............ i, bert 80hnell u.nd wife, reu.l estu.te in Ladi' 200 aocl 2 tie Relll8t[tclloU Rluldkul1·blef. wlvh eOibroldMorrow 'I. , Ol'\ld dgcs . • . · .. • • • • .. •. , ••• • 'I emiah Nie a . Lallj at. ..V .. t............. amI Paul ;, ' , Milmie E"arn b aT t t o. e r . . . 6])tlC11I1 bel re141 estate in t;pringboro; I_....~"'__-::- 60 mnelt L e J:lose, fnn'y colors .•..•. .' . . .. Ohlnle. E Whttllcre t.o Clu.ra Moo 's White x,ford aud Fllne Y tt I F k lin Trilllmed W Iller Cont ': II roll I I Miokerell, rea es 11 e n ron , ~~~?z~~~ . ~ ... ~~~~;... .... township, *2150. An exe OLiOlllllly hoWIng of V.J. ZentmeyertoJ . C. Wilson, i)lou 'sSoftUalS.roguJar $195 t y, ..CIt 1 12.50 El'rnde ... ~ ....,.. .. • , real estllte in w"Ilrren " voun Men's new t filII styl In NegUg Lewis Drake to Felda Drake his . Shjrts. cout·style. 62 pntwus to s0J$1:26 t [rom wife, relll estate in South L e banon, dod; $1.00 valUG .. , ..• 8Bc


Meriden, Conn.

Marl Sh llt,ts Ninu, l::)impkil1s Berth!\ Orudol'f ~'r d I:)impkin Editb AodersoD EtJHlI Simpkin:! ,J annie And rsOn Henry Ornclorf JOHeph 1l utt.s Pellr} Orndorf H tari Ht~ McKin ey. Teacher

OtherSuits from

W tl.ynesville.

Real Estate Transfers.

lit UOl'

Mt. Holly .

fil ll.

'Walter Pomill, :t~,' loborar Mlline .

aDd for partition of property. ..



Erlwr.rcl MIllJ:' 'S . EUIIIlIl MIDge. E!lI,llte 01' 811mu I Dinwhltlie. d.). P(lt.i ~ion for \11 vurce au ~r(>unds of ce/l ~e t.l. W. 11 . Dinwiddie, appoiot gro s neg leot Ilf duty. Plaintiff de udmini!!tra,tor _ Boncl ·\Oct il) plll ~!I for oURt .v of ohildren. Ar \-entory hot.h diRpensel1 WIth thnr Brya.nt, I\ttnrney for plaintiff. E. tn te of ,l11ne MoMllh u, <1 e ),ol[gi(O Smith vs. Chll.ries Smith cOII~ed . Pro of of publicatIon of no Petition for divoroe because defen· tloe uf aPl'lliot luent til tl dant Is now in penitentiu.ry for oon veylng laWS into jail to uid' a friend MarrlillCe Licenses. ln escaping ' Bamllton & Brown attorneys for pilltntiff Smitl1 ml1notaotoring <":0., va Amos B. Side8. PetiUon for money ooly. Amnont doe GO promissory oot6 being UOO. L K. Llillgdon,at toroeys for pillintiff . , EmOla Lewh vs. Milton Naylor aod I,ooy Naylor. Petition for par. tmoD of property. Ueorge E YOQnl, aUorney tor plaintiff 'Reuben Tilford vs. Green Bod Pearl' Pegl. Petition for money io amoont of ,850 on promissory opte



'fotal enrollment' for !:)eptember, 1'31. Per oent neitber absent nor tardy,

~~~~~~ - I

The Gazette Is the Best


Notes -




N Plut WitS ~k~n io the Fllir axIlibit this yea.r, but a nonlber of the ols di missed, to enllble , the l'S nod.. pupils 1i0 go . and get some 'pointers " fo r next year. , \Ve hop~ the parents were sum oie~tly internsted in the Soh~l Ag . doult,ural Exhibit to lend Il helplog WALTER MCCLURE, bUDd tLnd speu.k an enoonrd.ging worrllD·,t \ille the next time. Funeral Dire~tor. fbe en~ol1meot for Ootober will be muoh lurge r as'tl. number of the Telephone day or nIght, older )lllpilij were out helping with, . VltllllY phone No. ;. J ~ng the fali work. . ' Distance ,Nt}. 69-1r. .ReDlemli~r that regula'\' I1ttendonce ill wba t oount08. W AYNESVI LLE, OHIO. • . A littl~ extra 'eff9rt will inorease . Branch Office, Harveysbqrg. O. our Honor Roll this mQn~h, McCALL PATTERNS ' . • E .' H. O~LVIN, Sopt. ::ClcbtM (o r s lylt:. ft<: tfcct Ill, siml'licil Rnd rc·lh. biHly no rly ~O yent.. Sl'ld In II(jI, ly ~I - D . ~ k __ .._. '_ j - - --+.-. • '''''cry pity "lid lO w" In I "~ VIln.,1 -!.Il' ' lid &"......:; 0 ''lAdlt or bj' mati ,Un.... JI l l" '" . ,,1 1 nn , •


M~dium for

Defeodant pleads no' guilty to oharges aod io defaolt of '700 bond he ie raturned to Jl4il. 8"te of OhlO VB. George J IH,klon. Defeodl\Dt plead!! oot guilty til obarge andil» defaulr of '750 bonrl is returDed to jail State of Ohio vs. Robert, 'Mont:Boys ' nl.o ll SWUl . .a ll sizes, ~()ellent U . ,gome.r1' Defendant plelld . 'giiilty $1.J . Wilbur WilUllm,e et a 1.... ' ucts U"llllltlr,:soIU1ior '.. os te eB • l ~ . ... . : .. an4' is'retorneil to ja.Il, . Ba · rve v • aburg tQ A cloan-UJJ ~ f oua~ of $1. 00 $1. 110 nnd Qhuroh U. B. In of .f 1. 76 Ohl ld 0'6 'I\U(\ ' Strau S'orniture Co., . VB Robett in Hor Girls' Hnt . ... .... .. ..... . II C 1 tat Q':linoy Iirro , reo es e • lou's l rour .. in-HoDlI '1'(1»1. mllde from Morton. Cause dismislled veysburg; '13S 33 11 ~)~tl~:I:'. ~~ . ~'~~. ~~~. ~~~ John TrOIS vs. FrtLDk HildlJbrllnd . , Quinoy' Onrrolll1lld Etta (Jar~o to M on'S Pnnls-lh klu(\ y U CUll U ponu Cause is dismissed. on for f:PO~1 Ilorvlcopt IlU $1 95 J,. C. Carroll rel".l eMtllle in Hlll·veYI!· Limllll: 82 ... 0 vululljl':..... • State of 'Obio Ta . Edward Foller. borg, Pleada gu.llty, is fined '25 and OOS~8 John G. Leuf and wife to Mary and 'sentenced to four moulhslm· rownsend, 'J;'eal estiite in \ Hllrlnn prtaoDment ip the oounty jllil. Its a Top Noteb Doer . township, • ' qny od:.r . In !te. 'l:k n<\ fu t f, ~c ~lnl .. I.'1Jc. :.~.t~~~ol~J~~~~~.~~l~I:i~:': 8tat.& of Obio vs. Rl)bert Mont MAGAZINE DAV"'TI,.. 'G~et\t d~edll oompel re.g~rd . ., .The McCALL'S M~ry, Wood~ to Henry Willi,,! reIL} . , 111o,,? 5ub5Wlhc ,; ,'\1,,11\ ' 'nny flU,,·, fn ~hlnn gomery. ~eqrge Jl:. Young nppo.nt. estate in Clearoreek township, $1 ~ world orowns its doers. ~&t'., wh, nmgpzin'c-.n, I! 1i "" " 'I'nlh. h1\,. , r""" l\~ 1.:1\• s t krv les HR UCrU't, tl'r ' bI.ouktuJ,!'. lIJil1hu:ry, 1 the Amer.lcAn people hav~or.owned 8d oounsel for defense •. ". plol,, ';; ",I nl/',r,,"c' n~cd lc ",o .I, . h"inl i"'~S i n b' l Dr.King s New Dis'o overy the, King etiquette g oud ' ~ t o ri. clC , · l't c. Oo,y t\O Celtt s a I:Ita&e of Ohio VB . Georgo Ja.okson. Commissioners' Proceedln~s. 'enr (\Vo'rth d",ull ll:l , Includinlf n h ee pallern. of ThrMt' aud Lung remedies. Ev· rih" todllY, Or !M sU "'l'lo copy. George E .' Yoong apPOinted coun!!~l ery atom is a health force. It ktl1s w e ' ''hs~ RNISHINO~ DERFUL INDUCEMENTS .... C"lntraots~Contract was entered .for defense . germs, and colosllnd lagrlppe vanlllh \ , ,A 'ent s. Pos ln l hrings ptem;n", C"lllIO~· 1 W• S• PLATT & CO., ",,/I ~ ~w cash Itrlzt: offers. .A<ldrc.. Cbarles H. Jones VEl . Delil .. h Hor. into with FraDk Stokes f(>rohllnging Gold Bond Coupons Given It hel~ls oougb.raoked membranes tm: McCALL CON :m1o~W.~IbSI.. NEW YOU I .' "",6. LlllnyoLte t .• New York City • . channelllnd proteotion and .dtlUlI~ge . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1nd ooughing stops: 1:1ore inflamed ley. Sheriff's sala oonfirmed by bronoqiai tubes and lungs are oor~d for roadwa.y around aroh , near resi . ooort and BeUlemeDt ordered. and hemorrhages celise. Dr . \2eo. In matter of eXl1l11ioiog ' oommls. denoe of ~8m Smith ' on ' Lytle and More, BIllck Jaok, N. C. '; writes "it 'ldoner's rtlport, ooort appoint!! P. H. Waynesville rOlla at th~ estimate Co , bltmk, ~.50i H. Albaugh ,' oared me of lung trooble, p~~~ A Purely Vegetable .. ~xatlive Rne and J. P. Owen8 to E'xamine ' flO 50. .. JUdse., :u ~o ; Leba,oon Gas CO, gas nounoed hopeless by all dobtors . 500 $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar, bid report. Contraot woe ~ntered into with for ja.i1, i\4.75 i 0. ' J , Ed wards, in. an teed by F~ed. e. I::!c:h wartz. Cures Chronic Constipation, and All Liver and Kidney Troubles. John O. ' Hawke for repl4ir to end of 'q uest, M.25; J'ohnston & 'Wlltscn , ' ' - ', . Probate Court. stone coivert with c'onorete work O~, reoord, *23; St'lIte of Ohio v s . ,... Read the Mi~~i Goz~tte news. near resir1e.noe of Jo)l.n t'artwriRht Edward Fuller, oost. t '18 35; F. P. , ~r eate! 'at tbtl fOllOWIng , placOll : Eetde of. Frederioa Houk, de· In 'W~yne township at the estimate F01'gy, expenses 118 sheriff '2.3. ~O; Zimm.ermo.n's, KUbon's, cea8ed. Report of soles Ilpproved '1620. Ii' . P. Forgy, ju.i1, '32 lii i Rion Hoel) WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. White's, . Mountjoy's Springfield, Ohio. and oonfirmed. A general contraot ·was entered rei under of taxes on ' money, $3.43; Edate of AngQstSieker, deoeased. into with Louid At.kinson for repJir The Times, auditor's exhibit, '1~5 , St. Augustine's CatholIc Cburch. Firet Ilnd fina.l aocount: filed. of bridges on Kirby pike and where 75 ; The Wtls tern l::)lor, auditor's ex. Fl\lbcr George MIl\' enboc{er, PnstoT a , I~ the mlit·ter of aasignment of V,. directed i11 Clea.rl)reek township hibH, lia:~5 75 .; The Western StaT, u:uo M~8~a. every :,.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:,.:.:.:.:.;.::.:':~:.:.:.:.:.r,.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'::':':':':':":':':':':::':':'::':':":':'::':':'1:':.:~:.:.:~ m. second Sunday o f ,the mOD\h J. Zentmeyer. · Deed ordered filail . when oost of 8aid repairs 00 anyone oemmissioner's llanuflil. report, 1111 . . . , Mary's Episcopal ,Church~ mat&er of above A. F. Simon. bridge lit oontraot valid .on til 37; 'I'be Lebanon Patriot, oommis. ton filed bond of' '2000. &pternber 22, 1.910 . , sioner's annua.l repol't, S111 37 ; The , "ltilV, J . .~~. CllqwaUlider, Rector • .' Sunday Sohool. 0 :80 a. m ~lornlog ser' Mary E Dugan, ndminil1tracor vs. A general contract was entered Frank1i~ Chroniole, auditor's D:Qd vlco. 10 :30 a. m. Boly Oommunlon lhe lInt ' . COllrlea A. Dugan. AdlillDiatrator: into with Aln Webb for repai.r of treal:!urer's statement, $49.50; Aodi> Sunday ot ea~h mo'ntb . beiog un"ble·to find purohalter for bridgeil on Morrow · and Stobb· tor's 'Fee Il'nnd, making pike dupli , Methodist Episcopal Churda. propert~ at pr,i vate sale and 00 town, Morrow and Lab ,non, a.nd oates, %10 ,20; making sobool ab o Rev, H. W. Baney. Paeto.r. .mt ordered by Court, It i!l now ' Morrow: and Millgr,o ve and TrQvil19 ~tro.ct, *285; Indexing commissio,n . unday School. 0 ::)~ 3. m. ' Moroln" ser10 laO a . m. Epwortb Lellgue, '1 :00 P' ordered to Bell at pobtlosale. pi~el! and wher~ dlre~led in Salem er '8 journul, &170,10; ' Additions t~ Plvice. : EvenI ng service,' 7 : 00 p . m. ' ~ldweek Bowar~ W·. Ivins; admlnistrlltnr town8~lp: Vllhd nntd Septembe~ dupliQu.te, " 123 24 j 8~a~emeDts Pr \yer Aloebiog•.'1 ,p., ~. ' '" ,.of JIlmellne Pluokett vs. Silrab , B. 22. 1¥10, , ' ,. taxable i. "'''''UAI,UU''''' :. .". Christian: Church.: . Klq,. et ai, d.efte . . F. M'. On .motion , it was Muddy , Pllpets, : guardlao. . '. ' . , Valt'ey: 'relephorie' 00." rents' !'nil . " Bame' •• abo~e, real,eeta.te order.~ ~rOl;ri·'s MQnllmeQt' Fund to118, $14. 30; Central ' Onion ' ,fe.a. ' , .old 10 pal" debte ,or.deoedeot•. ' Wil- to CotUlty.F~nii. ' " phohe Co rents tlnd " th.Us, ,12 .79 llam, W. CraQe, ~erry 'Elirnliart and Billlt-Xenia City Work Bouse; .. , ~.---= J., ',' T.·· B. hlo. appointed , app~l8ere. bo~rdlog prl~op~r8,: 17.60; F. W .1.-----.I!II.~!III-IIIi! "bthe ~"ter of the 'Will, of 8usa,n Thompson, electrioal rel!llirs; $30.91 i



430 49c \ 25c




__'_' ________


Try it! ! J

ouse eeper





' fii~erites




----- ..- - -

The Alpha Chemical Go.



. 'St.


.o.ur .


·; apJX>"i~te:ct


~-"-..., mt. . . ",probate. . '. ~, 'WrJ.h~

pr:ope~ty', . *8 .-26

Cr~ek, ~itoh



'. ". >J!. Bon~pl~~1r: '~R- .from, ··Jul,. I,.

.JIIiItNe Of suala' ~. M~

GIIiecJ.. Ja.ei.-c. ilardOolc

or~ered t'~lltl ,ti80~ l>e .' tr~~aferr:ed te~porllrll~

190V . to Ootobei I, · 1809, 140.'1:0

'.. ,. National PJIloe S~pply o~.,8uppll88,

,SlU. ·:' Upm

ror ~"ur~r, 14,7' r 'aUllle~ G~18 'iI~II!II~~"."~.I!I!I!!.1


'. ~h:lm MI 1\lJ GA_ZET~EIRUlES "ll hl l It


al ""'.<1 n('''''III .

IVI p kly


FOil. (:11Y


HEA~~~=;I:~t;:atise :(Man; '- -~ p.~ S dd '

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it-heart dis-

' •. I'1l~tln lOll i a. - cn!' hen rt fll ilur · o·I"!!!!~~~~~~~~~!"'!'~~~~ I) . L: (. ~,R'A NP., . Hdill)1' and Mana!! l' 1111 V\;' 1111 ol'g l1i1.1~(1 pJl'l lI·t, uritl r r _- - - - - - - - - - - - - .. t l is 'JOrln>4inn II tl., lotl ,1) r 6ll0h t1d \))1' nl'llple;l(), ore oIl en IihB .cn n f r U 1.', " te ps ~ll HIll ba to I t he rc: ult of kipCOR T H I EVES AT WO RI , ._. I .:.\ Jll" diseas . lf Rates of S ubsCl'illtion ll ll to !l'pot 0 0" ILl'S jlil)ton Rog I'S ~ - I ;) kidney trouble is Hhon ld Uri' k I d fl> 11 I W (\ !i on ~ llIi 0 \\"Iodt'u ff i u 'l'be 0 ~ i 'litH' Cur U ct • ~ 'l ~~ allo \\.llltoauv!1l1 e will b SI,rUII g' n ar UOlltCl' ViJl t!. flll e Y"a r (~ t [ kll y JIIIl(] \"III1' l ' ! !t,ll'.' Tho lir "unbmth U 0001 111 tl d, <:;-'S':' ti lI ·!tu!ney-pOls 11- , "I II ~ h: CUP.I· '" • '" ""' r~""_T"''''- ~. blu()d will ull'hU I·HUU..\) I lVl\} i u" ' h l1 rl as 8 11 ('hun wllu,l, next? BArE'! tLl'e oml;l f th t:'ck th e \'ital o~J.:a lls , l'u l1.illf{ catnrrh uf di 00 \ 1'(111 ,lt ie vol' in h i. (lo rn til' Ir1 11 l<! 1,lttrld C'r, 1'l'Jck -IIu !>t r sedimc nt in Rates of Advertisements I Or's t t·biugs·' uodo1' tll.lalU by or~ It 111e IIril.)o .. he'!I L :Jc he. !Jack nche. Inme li nd ga vlI U hU M' , IJII tlw in tt' nd 'rs for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children , 7eak, Run-down Re alllllg 1,",'a l:<. pe r line ., DI :t.atlOns th ut b l\ve huu !:I nC'llM luI Ick. litI.ZII le!;!;: FI ('p Ic. less. n T\'OUh- En lCCPt'd rl iu enldin" hi m HE' Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and ~"atll n ·IOCII1M. hlllck f:lCl' . PI'r 1I 0c . " I LI(' Hroer .. : Il .!SS, or the ).; 111 11(' \ ':; t hemselves brenk 11 d f M ' Llmlll'tlcll AdR. nlll tv (: ~l"I'tI Ill' ,· IIm'~ I E I t ' tl l 'ld . k . 0 .)\\,11 and II' flh l . n W(I ,Y cell by cel l. J( e Il r a~ l !4trllll Con\' r e's Bronchitis, is bccau 'e it ombine the two most world-famed ','hr,jl, In /l" n ln ll s... ..... . .. ... :: (i(' ' n IS 1 ug . ) 0 \1 I' n 10 . eepll q~ 11111(111 ' r t l'flU 1>1 S uhllost always resul t ·1 hi au· h o u ull-.; 11 ull tlJ 11 I ,~s ' W 1'0 tonics - the medi j na l, strengthening, body-bui lding elements Ohlluarks, til l' IlI ' h es trCb ' "vcr fh' c t be !ltr ~tJ ts c10ur or pUller IlI ld Lh ur f rollln t1 l'rrl n g~~III(: l1t of Ih e kidneys li nd hnrri l! ll ttl th l fnrm wh on' tlt ey took bb ' 11 l"' l!l'r 11I'lI lIh 11\ llHlt orgrUl is (Jhlai lll' l . . . I of Cod Liv r Oil and T on ic Iron, without oil or grease, n -he . pt! 1' line ... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . !:iu rll I . quickest hy iI prnpt' r trCatlllclI1 of lhc kirl - n p n t,rall lellct III g' L11 1'!'1 1! 1I 111 lI o ro~l' tastes good, and tlr:-rccc; with' everyone. Carll o f Ihultk ij ...... .. ...... , ........ .. C'-,e The muint n'ttlCO of r ubbi s h l>llr- n e)'s. ~wa ml)- Root currects illllbility t o cou nt!'y. n ··ill g C'OIl\' IWI,II o f t.lll' J! cKolulionH, .. ..... ..... . . . ...... . ro Ue reI fo r tile IiUer uf til s~r ts. IJO ldurtile ulI ,1 SC't Idi ll ~ jlllj')illl'nssin git, ,Iofl t,iu ll tinn or Ih e h ll uo(IH M I' ~l1e We return your money w ithout question if Vinol Sol'ials cl u, w hc" l! t'ltllrr;o;, I. Ul aue . . .... ~.-,I\ m elll l lln~ t 'UlIll'S tltll UIIIJ caSU llt m:ccssity • . • .L lle oorio" tw' Ih e t! 1)tlOO b atw cn I (l I I'I~ e tL \ 'IL'l11011011 wit,1l does not accomplish all we claim for it. I)IHpl nl' A(lvcrllsllll(, I'or In ·h .. . . . . . . . . 1\) 0 " (,I. ul'lIlg' c/IIlII'cllcrL to g o often lhrough . IJll n ,. ul1lI llll lIl NCuu nl. gil ' II 011 conlraC L. tho !lidew!lllt ull(L th urb, C\ nd or lh ' d:1Y. au!lllJ g~l llJllna ny limcs du ri ng in IL fl' W roc1H nf t11B rtl1:'irlclJou of t tl the \li ght. f1l('lIIJhl (ln d illl llle cJiu l effect ' , ' • J. E. JANNEY, Drug,g,is t, Waynesville. tb e gu tt rH t.llI:Jlnile I vel:!, t luU J ~Y?f Rwn"1J,.I~n"l, the great kidney remedy :anot·h r prc IIlIn or fl\Tlll Hr (Jo umuy h e kl:lpt olelln lind f rfla fr ail) I ~ ~n" " r,::t11'l.\·1 1. II :;t:l1\d ~ lllt, hi rh est bt'- Rld om bll' cur n \\''' ''' t t1wo .- fJll ytotl r u ubis h ClUSC 'U~ 11 ~ r\' III~rkRl~1 h tn l~lt r(:slori n!; H fl l·tl\d. l' UER, 20. 19 09. ..... .. Th e u1illliu lltlOo of WE'odil . proJlcr l ll'~ ' J\ lrlal w1l1 eoU\·w ceu lI )'Ullc . f'w:unp-HolI l is pleasallt t o ta ke a li a is fACTORY rOR JAM ESTU\ N ' oopflrtlti on wit h til l:! t,rea wlur1\'ln sI11d l1y n il. druggists ill fifty-cenl lind I f there is onp (Ir wh o ver Il1l1y hI! ve l)lIc'llolI,lr !llZ~ bottles, You Dla y Illl"e a Mr . ]i~d . RIIIlOclA!!. of I\1llriet.tll, Agricultural Extension 'Schouls ' . IS:l lIIvle \)tlllie alld It book tl lOt te ll s ull ___ 1}i1 lU'ga of th o Ir eI'! . If t1l r I S 11 0 nhunt il, bl,th s 'II t free b y II1l1i1. Address WIIS in JlIm e:;towlJ lust W i'k with 11 'fa be l'eld Iba .fir. t week in N a il e in olmrge, tb ere i~ no lJI Qr a im llr. KihlJ.e~· & '0 ., .Hi ng-ha':l,lOIl , N. V: pl'Op,),'it.itrT\ t o ll)(1l1to" fa tory th I'A portltot {it- t !;lt P t.h ,.l ll to h tLVtl ollie Whell W rtll1 ~)! 1II t!.nllo n reau lII g 111is gelJcn tiS ofTt'r 111 lh, s pape r. D OII' t IilO ke fa!' Ih milkin g of H 1) 'W put ut IDail vomber l HIO!), nt Lebll ooll, Oblo. 1 wil l oit rut Pohli c a le at my tulll e, 1 bur I1U , 1 what-not (antique Doa offioitd Gh'lf gell witl1 thi duty. all Y OIi tuk·. lllll r c m cmher t he n nm e hr)x tlnd Ol,Ullr pe 'ill lti s. ' f! rill Rules to Govern th e H o luln ~ of I' • Jrl ' nc 11 ~ mil n or l11 of Ly tlf', pi t10e of fUrDi ure), 1m aHsorted lot P reventlOg teltl phon and luotTio S\\'aJU p-1<o~l . n.lIll UOII~ t let u tl 01 r &c1i " Agri oultural Ex teosi 0 80hools". . yotl somcthlJlg 10 pillce r Swump-Root- '"10 0 town plIl'tie Ill' IOtore tea in '0011 } ~ ·mil e we t· of li'orl',V, on tb e of good glasswa r e, queensware and' bls p re,p osi tl ull ItnU it is lilt ly t,hllt· 1. obool!! sb ull be h eld at point ,0 rnpUDlC:lS fr om hll ckmg oif I\lId li you do you will be disappoinled. . idnt\y Uoon f!:l fm , o n tiDwllre, big iron kettle, bIg brl1ss ! 11 0 mpany Illa y be forlll d . designated b y the board f Trustees IU utLJ!l.t.i og t b e branch S lind t Ll of . 1k ettI*" 1,1l0n jar, et.c., eto. T hursday, November 4, 1909 of the Oblo State University. Te rrus-nJl sums v ( 15 .a nd under, A NEAT FORTUNE Commencing ILt 10 'clock sburp, 2, Satlsfaotory rooills for inst,rno 'l'h UUfOl'C AlIlo n t f rdiuoncos r ca b '; a,1I SULD over ~5, a oredit of 1~ til followi ng prop rty : ·L horses, 6 tion I\nd demoDstmtlon s ha1] be pro- lILting to e.xpcctoru.Lioo, th e throwi ng TO ' nths will be gi ve n with purohaser uroou so w . vided and properly car d for by I.\'nd f papers nnu clroula r 00 t h e str eet. Lik ILvol c ff(lm th g rn ve oom es . I . d .1 . Llll) mes!!age fr om l\ brotb er long ABSOLULELY lillrming ill1plp.lUoot - Harm \V (l g. giving bankable note. Fonr per K eeplng tIe 10. iVII u I prOUll e at the expense of the looul commo /ln , 1 tru k wagon, 1 s prin g wll l;on , oent disoount for oos11. oity. In good orde r, inoltlllitl g tbe bltCk 10. t but, not f [ gottou, to Miss MIIY ~ I nlly. tellin g b e r t h"t It neat f<'ll' GALViN EDWAIlD8. puaet n buggy, 1 Bemis tmns pll1nt3. Appliol1tloris for choo18 shall ·yori!,. Gentleman' HandsomeGol d el', Frank Wilson , Auot. 2 breaking plow, 2 harrow, 2 be made on Ii blank fornl furnish ed 'l'h e ereo~ion of windo ~-1Joxcs tlnd t.uo ohu beeu left b e l' by t ue dam!1! uf ber broth er, H l'b rt. Watch , hilS . 8hidaker, Clerk. Buokeye oultlvator s, ] oorn planter, by the College of Agrioulture Bnd t heir proper mulot,oDanc summer 8igned by n ot. less. tban twenty.five a nd winter. Herbert GI DOY hn, n ot been ill Lady's Beau'tiful Gold Watch 1 double- h ovel oulti vlltor , Illrge WI1 · L HblLnon for /,l Ie ye, !lC and it b ein g ter tank, tobllC()o s prayer. lllwn I will sell BtPublio Anotion atmv per80n.8. . . . . aa ving th e i\,y' k eep thA . t,re t!! mow r , work oud hugo Y hllrnesi!, r esidenoe 3 miles 80utbe:lst 'o f Cen· •. When applications I1r~ i6rnnted h tweeu the urb. , lellD. If i t illlPO sible to lelLrn a nythin g d fini t·e single ,,~d double tr e , h(\ell, fork s, terville and 2" miles northwest of a 'Iooa} .0rganl~tloD sbalt be per. fflolu.}sdoll'tkuowh ow, how b m I tolli whoreabout he \VIL glve u bov Is and mllilY ot.b r artioles . Ferry on the trtngtown Road feoted whloh in oo.operll.tion w ith IAlts of orgtm 'izlltloDS' b)\V fO, and 'it np at! dellll years ngo. It develops, h wever, Boo oholr} good -henling and the 8nperintendent f AgrioulturE.l (ll 11 0. now ern f 1' th commoni ty . Wednesday, November 3, 1909 Extension hall have obarge of al) ' I f YOI1 oau~ only begin with tl smull dl ec.l Duly Ill' a yell.r ILgo in 15 J ewel Movement 0 ok stovo ,anu m ll ny artioles too . . ·t. LoUtil. He IlIfG a will but tIt !. nume rou t o lneot'l' on . -200 b uYbels tlt 10 0 , m ,6 hea<l of horses; one 12.\ 1ll1)11J( ILIt olhol's it IldlJ1,lt U corroc~ 801uloeal arran/! m ent. fo r holding thf \)1 ok, do so-but make thE be~in- \~lHI not fo und uutil quite rec~ tltl " lions wfllll dlswlbutcd ((unity mig DookR of oorn. yeu-old brood tnare,one ll-year-old sohool. . '. tlittg. ']')hfl~ is the important · thing, J 'OlltuJnlng lIO Old Jra "urit ugi;. II'ILb words l\lId music. nlsa 'i'erm -A ll sums o~ 15.00 ilUd U,Dbrood ware, t,wo a.year old mares, . Applloation-If you de ire to tBke ..:... Bis Ilt·torneys took It Ln band unc1 up u xarui u ation di oov r ed t.h al Premiums of 50.00 (or more) each ' del', cnsh i all sum over '6 .00 " ored- weigbt about 1300 lbs" 2 CO}t8, 6 th oourse, n tify th president or Money Comes ~n Bunches be beq ueathed h i.s life in uranoo Amounting hl a ll (0 $ 5,000 (ormore it f 9 m onth s will e given with months old, one drivln~ JOUU i three . seoret"ryof llul pro 1l8$00iation to A .. A. Obi hol m, of Treadwell, nnd property t bis "unlDllrrl ecl tw o Ilppro ved eouriti s . helldofoattle,2 good miloh OOW8, oDe . The Boarl} of Tnt t es of the Obi ' N. Y .now_ Hi 'rellRon . i well worth siAter May." . Mugic 33 Probl m Can .you solve it? WALTER MUR RAY . h eif~r i 10 head of shoat8, 5 dozen Stl1.t-e Univar H;y r ommend th. ': IIdi~g: t'i!ortllong time,I uffe r ed : No w the ~ou'us el i ' d n t k t A. A. McNeil, Aoot. ohiolren , 250 bu, of oorn in ori.b following: Thl1t enoh pro peotivf fr om mdlge tion, torpId h ver oon. . (I now. 0 ,1. E, Himes, Clerk . farm implemfmts, one farm wagon, mem~el' of. ~be ch ool hould pay t o tlpatlon, nervousn ess, aotl gener~l whom the deoel' ed r efor red Aod 1m one McCormiok mower, oorn planter, the' trealJurer of tllP 10011.1 organizll- tlbilit,y," h e write . "r couldn't U1oditl.t~ effort WitS expend ed to loridin g ault! votor, walking oultiva.tor, tion a memb r bi f e of 11:00 t o ~ I eep, had 00 appetite nor a mb~Uon cllte her. 'Tbe Glenny GIll S (10m I WIll off r a t Publio 'ale at my one brellklng plow, one 50 tooth . gre w, wl!'llker ~very dllY in .::Jplte of paoy; of 'inoiooati \Va oommuoi11 defra~ looal ex(J.l;'o ; thQ~ n O sohool IlU m dlcltl IJreatment. Then u d " . ' r esldenoe 00 Muln street In Bllr- hl1rrow, ODe dlso harrow, 6ue tobao- ... should 'be u el l wll r~ fewer tbn.1l Electrio Bitt.ars~ Twelve bQt. Le 1'& oilt-ed WIth In h opes ' thut one of th veysburg, on co transplant(\r, oDeSbfelds' ~baooo <= ~ member~bip ( 8 have beeD ~tortld all myoId-time healtb and firm might be a relative of tu' heir. Saturday,O tober 23, 1909 press, ha,y ladders, gra:vel bed', one paid by bonafide memb r i and vigor. Now 10tUl at teod to busine s Tbrotlgh t hl. oOOlpl\oy <,il e nny v r~,d ay. n:'~ a wOll,dorful m di; WIl lcioateil Ci nolnnQ.ti tlOd g iven 001l1111 00oiu l5 "t 1 . loo k s lut.rp, the box bl,lggy,doubletrees,aingletrees, thatthereotlipted .m mberl:!bipo8rd~ alne , . InJalhbl for stomaob"Llv- Ghe'joyou, new f oll owing pro pElrt,.y : hoes, sbovels, forks, ra·ke~. one hog sho.nld be filed .with the Gollege of AI', 'Kidneys, BJl'lorl and Nerv H. . . ' . . ' . FHr lllinl; illlpl Ill ent -1 phaeton trough, ohioken box, work harness, Agriculture teu duys before' tbe 500. at Fred C. t:)ohwMtz's, It IS not ku wn Il yot wllll t the buggy in good r p tir 1 two· h rse boggy ha.rness, cross ont 8&W; 80me opening of .sohool. If YOQ wish t o ... - • fortn~ Illll uuut t o , as · MI ~s Mny • W III 1)11(: II lIUlk n;s. J\ \ . 1111mb r '1ll~IlQ I b 11800 1M''\) t haI! 0 11 'C. AU wagon, l et hay ladde rs, 1 set household goods, ·t.wo cream ,seperl1. ' OME POINTS FOR FBEDEnS . h~ ' h t h Od rd uefinitels tr m t il 1~ 1I 1\ ,.,. mUA\. II In lil Y 01111;0 n t Inlor thllll 1rl'oy • 1 I f tltke the oourse ·s end '1 ,00 Ilnd reo , ~ ILttl)rneys but it· is ·Intlnul.tell tb!l't (),\tobm' 27. I OU». o~ J stars, L orty tooth harrow tors, two bedsteaus and springs, oei\7e a .membershlp ol~rtl . · th Sl1m is a nout UIl I). 'rhe many II(.J~I~~ ~r tll~~I ~)t 'Illiurns o.t OQ!)o l I'Illu ' will I on it Oi'll Wbellt urill, 1 10g ohain: ll.l.\'<n ",wing, oto. eto. The followio~ 'oour es will be of . Mllny f edtlf8 bot m Qre flspeoio.lly fdeuds of this I) pultLr h ello girl, ~,~)(.Ollles~~Ijc)'Il)Jl k l /Ill. rOlInl'd l ~Ur liS 01' 1 donbl -sb ovel plow, 1 Hamilton Te.rms: All I$ums of 1500 and fered: the beglilU r: in tilo bnsit,1eIl9~ l'lre for /n ' ny yeal's;' will be deli htod WI EH. WI LL BE N 'J1Jl1' 1F. 1 In' 1>I.AlI; tOIl ~ U Ie. pl ow, 1 bl' ei~kin " ulo'tV t unde r , onsh i all sume over 15.00,110 Boil Fertility-This coutse will !l pt to. ffi B,ke mis tlik a ~Yhen ' putting 0 bell I' of Llli!!good u e ws.--Western II III ICI, I ll In rp ur sulutloll (Iud II tlln 1\1111 11.11, 11 :- tobu c 0 III W• Ri. ngleu ud uo~bl e t~~es oredit of one year by purohaser PI.,tv. · n l \vt'I.teu . lie rillru \.() write vlnll1ly. lQ ' con81st of 0, disou sion of the prlnoi" I {rel1h bunch ot cl1ttle 'on f ad A St r . sll ov*,l~ f\l l'k ~ , rake, h oes , post u.u· iog approved seourltv . - -- - . plea und,Jlrlying tbe maiotena.~oe 01 a general ~hing the 'f eCli~ g perllJ . .Ct MARTIN & CO. 1 ger , fhlW hook, SII W kniv&', an I Il l Note] Sale ca.n be held under Roil fertliity inoludlng uob subject!' " . ' . ' Frl'"htfuJ Fate Ave'rted ' Corner j1'our~h nUll J o(fersou l reo~s, . _ , tJ(l ns are started in the late fa,n Ot l> g oaro I lin e of farming tools, 2 set!! shelter If weRther will pot. Permit 'lJa,Ytoll. Ohio. ' as food 'requlrments of plll'nt. the ar}y winter Q.n~ one of t.he main ' l would hI ve b 'n a.. orillple lor f wor k ha,rn s' , tu ble billnket , it out Ide. VElR'N HOUGH. O~ nse !Lnd ' effeots of tillage drainage, t.hlngs to r em ember is to stjltrt the lif , trom 1.1. ter ri~l o 'out 0'1 my knee Orner ollrt lLud Fo.yott· SLn)O\<i wn gOD ju.cktil, grind t n ledtl, eta A . .A. McNeil, Auct. '\1'ashiugl.Q11 C. R.. hlo, . mllnu~e8, fertilizer!!, lime; etc. ct1t~l~ upou tlieir grain ration grlida . .CIip,'" ,-",rit "E~llnk ,Di!!b~rl'Y, ~el1i.· .,.. R.. , . B ou ehold good '-2heatlUg atoves .J . F.. Hi mel:l, Oltlr k . Farm Cropa-l'hlscOurse willcC:)u. 1 ' . her l M;lun., WIthout: Buokl n ArT.agondlL . ~ ub DI,U~JIlIl'. SpringOelu , hlll. :I berls ttlll,ds, ohlli {,S, 116 foot extensio n Lunoh stand r ese'rv d. al f · It mu!!t not be forgotte n tbat nlea alth e. whiob oon ' oared m o " 8~ of M study of-oorn Imd corD judge fol' mallY 1ll0n.~b8 previou they btl ~o [[.fallible fo r wounds, cn 1\0 TU·s. iug su~b otheroft~e rnoreimportll~t been on plL tute lLud their r4tioa h as e Q , It" soon onre~ Bornl'! . ' mIld!', farm orops as ~1',lle . ~111 ,p.ermlt 0 ,nslsted .iiuge~y of gre n:sucoul ont Old are, Boil .\ kin Enlptious Pruotloe work WIll Dt\glvea i.n oorn· f ad . If they are t,ukeu from nft.stnrE'l W orld 'f! best for PiJe 2,,0 li t l!'red i 11 O. 'ob~Qrtz' s. jodging an d fee d se Ieo t. o~. Qua put ' at onoe up"o u. r£Ltion of - .... - - ' - Liv~ 8~ook-The workm this 8ub rioh dry fe~d, the 'shOOk upQn tb ~ SEVEN RyLES OF LIFE jeot ",m take uP .s. disoos&ioD o~ the digel!tive system will often result . . ' ., . 'ype8 of fllrm IlDl~1l1a and feadin.g dls&strotlsly . . EveD'though 't he teel,' Live upstaIrs if Vou WI b to be In aud breeding of l:ve I!t,~olr . Pl'llotl 'h us a large digestlve traot,it sta.ods g?od .~,ell lth t " Up ~ ow : many oal instruotlon Will ~e gIven l.n stook wLtho~t , ,qn~t~,?Q, 'that ~t req?ireS ~ \ghts? . Only 9u~' tll~h~ of judging. different fil ottons .to ~li'. est green .s teps . . ~ will ~e cr l l>e t bem: Dairy~ug~'l'hI800.url!e wil~ iuol~de gr''l- s tb~n to d!gest (lor: •. or oo.r.nF.irst step-EI\t wbe .•t . oat~_ corn. All for in8trtlotton 10 tbe prlDolples of da~ry- mMl, and to get·" the best. r snlt.s frUIts, b eef,. mutton, plalD.l y ·cooked Only .ing, feeding aod breeding of dt\lrv frolP. «ti~ber khid: of;fee~ tl,l e ~hange' In m o4e,r llte:qun u tity, and I.lllt two ~. cattle, barn Bllnltll.t ioo, Ilod the oare f rom oO,e to the other mqst bEl grad . .mf'~l s. a · du.y. of milk. ' n tl. "A oO~mon .method of oha.·n g- .Sooo~l(l t v-Bre t,h good da.y Horticulture-The work of t~i8 ~og to tl1e grain rtition id to com. an.~ n!gh ~. . , ' . . (lmuse win bonslet ~f InstrpoLion i.u meDOO throwtng,;a ,Httle oMn fodde~'; .} bifl~ !=lt 1!-ExerOi!!e fr eely Jll the tlis prinoiples uf frmtl.l.od vegetable t~e ears ' remuinlng, into' the open, . growlogand will iuolude culUv~tio~ , p'lsturer' In tWs, DlI.I.nner tbe Elt~er8 Fourth Step-Retire ellrly McCall's Magazine '. .p runing, aprllyh:~ and market·lUg of will acqutre a tll8.t e for oorn. AS, tbe rise, ~rly . hodloult~~1l1 crops. . a mount Is , grlidulllly inareased" Flftb l:itep- Wenr flaDu 1 n ex t 'Is' a large , handsomely illustrated hund red-Ilage m nthly magazine. It IS'ot (ess than 't hree nor more thlUl t,helr digestive orgll'Ds' wUl acoQjno- yoa~ skin 's very dtlY' ~f tl1~ year, und contains sixty n,ow Faahion Designs in ea ch issu. Every wo n eeds it fonr oont~es 'in' agrloulture will be dl~tethet1l8elve .to th~ pl]'l\nge , Sud 0 dis~o e' y ourdresstho~ y our limb f~r its up~to ·date fashion s·. ntel'taining :-\lo~'i es SlId mple le information "lve~ in ol1e. \iobool ~Iloh oou.rse de~ obllnge''i) ottbls ,1[\ 1,)(1 often fl!. shkll b~ kept ,warm. :Bll.the tr , on all home and p I'sonal topics . . Ovel' 0 1 e m il\ioll uuscribe rs. A knowlwi~l exten.d through t11e .week. s nIt in bad ooses of 'so 0 or or some-' quently ; '. " . edg~d the be t Home and Fashion Mag a:dne. Price, 5 ceiJts a copy, , .. . t;ob,ei(1l1e""':'fhe 1 session will be tinH)S oouli\ipllt.i~n, eit ber 'of 'wbiob ' . Bi~t~ !:)~p-:-~ive ' in the SUD hine . OPeD at 9 11. ~ •.r und olosl)'at 4 p . m . :wlll 1101. the ' ~~.eer out (jf condi tion . Let vou~. bed~~om ~e !lne W~i.~h r~ MCCall's P~~te.rns · The ' Miami Cazette ·. . : • I Al1 inte~mI8~i o'~ of ~n~ ~QU~. will ~e !"n( ' i.t wi 1 '.ta.k'~:. ft oonetd.e ra,bl,e eei.v ~8' II. !IRod ' ot " h~~t ~I?~.' ~end, So sin1pl~ , you cannot mislindel<I s in 'si~tieth year, p'ri~ts the , , . given at . 0000. Each , exerOls~ ~lll h.mQunt I Qf ' feed as weJI as time' to y;o~r d/tys eit~er Q.t;l~. 10 t'b~ unhg4t 'stand th~m , Ab Ib.te\y accurate. news of l:ie .neig hborhood. It has . i . begin at ~ve min!l~esl\tt*"rJibe o~eD . bring'l1im baQk '\nto Ii ~ol'lllu.l g,.ow~ or in a Toom wJ1 04 1~ ••W~ll ·U~bted You. rna .' Re}ect, f ree, any ~cCall eig ht page. ' a nd eve~y" c olumn bas . iD~ hou..,. · '. > • .. .,'" . ' ing' bOnditiQ~ . ~:'. " , " veD't~. i3tep-O~~tlya~e. tI, obeer.~ Pa.ttel'n ~ou. ,desire . '~rom .: t he I' first ' goO,<l l'eac\it:ig.arid lohl' of iii, ' Reg·u lar, · .' Es:pen!les--:Alliritol'eS!81, oommu '.' ~ ,- ' .~ __ ~ ful ~empl'r . S~olC P~~"', ~~ot ty. of numb,eX' of . the magazine whic;h ..corre pondents fro'm a ll surr ounding , 'blbate and'o~ oper,l lte witlq he O,mo . ..• -R k f S· I . .jolly, pe~p~e . . ,Abso,l ~t~l, :refu e tb reaches you. Regular 'priee, 15' cEmtS. towns, .. Re'gula~ price,' $1'.OQ ·a yeaI'! , . r f.h~, ~d , :o.c 9 ..~~ess . WO~I'Y, ~~i;1,~bo,:e .a.1l,ilpu :t .be (\t Bld. 'en o( tpe WAr req' Co~~ 001'0 A~ 0- , . . . ' ol~Uon. , ";. . ~ Ue8io:a lt~eD, ole,ll~o btatt;l, .l1ao1t~d··by ~o 1,at1ilb·. - qve ' ,«bo.y e ,'._ OI"~.LJI". " ·' 1 . .' B M ~ICOQ1C indom.i~ble wj~ a;Dd T6I!tf!~le8s;,e>ie~ caDnotrol'llwl up tnere ,?,rarejy. 1 does . .. .. . • -, gy. Bbch: -' power oome~ froJO . tlie ".' .' ' . . ,t . 8J1lB1nR DIl.L, _Sea'Y:1 Leba'non, O. 8J}lendld heattlLtbat D~. roD~'l\ Nfl": it get upRU\trIJ. ....Ohloago JOllrn~l. ~. ., • - • . ~. Life .~UI hpjiar.t, Tbel ' 'Vitalize ~~!!!!!!!~~[!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!J '.. N'" h ' "adop' ted the eVry organ. and· build ~~ braIn. and Aner the !'u.Oll !Is " ' I bndy. · J. A. B_rttu~lf, Lizemo~e~ lIolil8}_~Qrib of July,.ome 9 '-\II W, V~, w~tefI .: • 'l'litJy ._are.. ·the.

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The l\1iami Gazette

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tban. I am glad tbls ouoa· • --Xt laAnd • ftna army themof lIa11t, slon wblch bas come to mel of seelns thy perfect dlsclpitue and the obedl· D. L. CRANE. nce of thy men to thy e"err com· 0111 ), wand. Happy mU8t thou be wltll lIucb I an aTWY." Story of Jonathao'. c.ptuN and Death "And why bast thou come with 1 Cbat 01) TopiC$ of Mal)Y Kll)ds, by a Now the suoth pole mlgbt aa weU sueb a &Teat arwy to Betbsan 1" ques· e<lmo in ,and· snrrender. Reco~l)ized Authority tioned Jonathan, no t altogether satis· BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAr' the cordial WOl'ds which fied by PREACHER MexIco bas beea glfing a Iltelln 'rryphon hud spoken. Imitation of Noah's 1\ood, ",'llat I might .hue thy judgment upon them and might Rt give them com· In this rallhlon: The centerpiece wnl An Animal Party. Based on tbe Apooryphal book ot Into thy hand for discipline as tb'ln This clever animal party may be 'S low mound·shaped form of wllite [. Maccabees, 12 to 18 : 30. own arm y is disciplined," he replied, utilized for guests either old or young. aroses known as "bride," and 'there was y Period of Mn ccnba ~an WarB,-The varl· with evident s incerity. "See," he ex· It Is also adaptable for the needs of a delicate fringe around them of maid, ous g llmps Qs or natl onn l liCe which can claimed. " here aTe the orders whloh church societies. which are always In en·halr ferns and mignonette. Ov I urubus, Ohio. _ "I have taken be gIl.\nt'd during lh o p t'rlod. show. on th command that the men In my army E. l'inkhalll's VI~g table <:om. Why curl up In deepalr at the sight wh olo . a !!II n<l y a<lh r n<:e to the Mos aiC s1IRII obey thee In all that th.)u shalt search of schemes to br ak the mo- this from t}le chandell r swunJ 8 pouUlI tl u r ill g of a yellow leaf when tbe swlmmln& Ia.w, P robabl y the Inw w a n c,' c r 01 ore' say to them. and fortunate tnd e d notony. especially at the very <;om· cluster of whIte wedding bells ; i~ ey rigorou sly (ultll1 ~d, 'Th o Inle rrulltlon of mencement of lion evening affair. were tied wt'th flurry tulle streame(1l, chauge of \if. My la "till good 7 th e succos s lo n 10 th o high-prie sth ood wns will I count mys If it thou wilt but As each person enters a sUp of pa· The place cards were little standlnA doctor t old me it thll m ost Important Innov3.lIon whi ch Wll8 come with me and show the manner was good, an(1 since per containing the name of an animal cards of a bride and brideiroom cut Paris plans to Introduce a flying mado, nnd Ol1e wlllel] pre pa red the way of thy ord ers In tblne own army." taking it 1 fcel so Is to be pInned upon his back and he out. and It dJd not take long to dis omnibus. It wl\l make the unde!' tor t.h disso lu tion or the state. AClcr Jonathan took the prolTer ed parch· Is told he must gueas !Tom the conver· cover that the faces were photographS varloua nrllltrn ry change. , the omee Willi I b ' tter that I ground trnn sportallon popular. all my work lett vacant f o r seven year. upon the ment bearing the seal ,and writing. satlon of those aTound hJm what ani· of the young woman, who was BOIlD n. I t h ink d eatb of Al c lmlls, The ltLSt dcsc nllnnt "Yea, thou knowest that I runy well mal be Is supposed to represent. Then ellscovered to be the honored gue8t, Why go to the norlh poleT Medl· ot Jer-adak. tn whose fnmlly It hnll b en E. I'inkbnm's ('Ino Hat Is getting ready to turn out fo r nea rly ro ur centuri es. lied to Jo;!'''Ypt. covet thee as ' a fri end, for do I not pass booklets ornamented with cute and the luc1~' man. who It was dISCQv· I La b 10 Corneatabllsh t'<l B schlsmnUo worship. nnd Imow that · Rome has again · madu mtle "Teddy" bars and pencils, On a ered, was to lead ber to the altar. 1'hl8 a superior line of goods from Ita and n flue r medy at lAlIt, wh ell the support o f the J e ws b e- lea gue with thee and ha'Ve not th\) 11 womau's weather factory. eRmo Imporln nt. 't he MaocnbaNtn Icnd - Lacedemonlnns likewise entered ID,to door }lave a poster ot the animals go- menu was served: ChUled canteloup, nllu I Ing two by two Into the ark and the cream of spinach soup, fillets of fresh Jonathan . of Ihe famil y o! Jonrlh, was The kln=g=o==r==o'=""re==e==c==e=w"'!1""nts to ~ve er, th &? " words, "This Way to tbe Greatest fish fried In olive oll, wIth sauce tur, elect ed to th dli:'nlty by the nomlnallon convenant o[ peace with forget to up his job. And there do not ap- o! tho Syri a n kIng whose will was con- Tn'phon contlnu d to argue, And Show on Earth." Admit the guests tare; creamed sweetbreads, gr en my . \Vllat it bas dOlle Lior pear to be many applicants on the firmed aa It nPPcRrs, by the voic e of the Jonathan seemed satisfied, lor th03 In groups to this room, where the peas In tlmbals finger rolls, fmlt sal· • -Mrs. Eo n !of ON, SO-l East ollg ., people. Lilt Ie cnn bo erud of t he condl· , I Columbus. Ohio. walUng list faT successIon. tlon ot IIte r/Uufe und the a rts, In com- next' day when Tryphon urged hIm cages containIng the anImals wJl1 be ad, with cheese and bar·le-duc, P QIt Another \Voman lIclped. mon Int ercourse tho J ews uscd the Ar· to return with him to Ptolemnls he found, allowing ten minutes for eacb apple l\lerbet, small cakel, calfee. Grn.uitovl\1 , VI;. - " I W68 passing Now tb t the duke of the Abruzzl1s amaJo dialec t whl oh was es t ablish ed nft · consented thereto. group to guess what the cages con· througb tho Cbangeof Lifo nnd suttered planning to use the aeroplane In ' or t.he return ; tJ1Is \Vas th olr own lan"Send home thy army, but take with A Good Gueulng Contest. from 1l( rvollsness amI other aIUI~lllg mountain cllmbln& perhaps Wellton Iruagc, nnd It Ie eviden t from tho n nrra- thee thos whow thou wouldst hav e tnln. Here Is a list or animals whJch tlve Quoted that they und e r stood Gr Ie , The answers to each question are sympt ms. Lydia E. I'inkham's g~ ma~ be added to by ludlvldual will use It to mnke his teet hapPF. which must have sprea d wid e ly thro ugh serve thee until thy return." Tryphon boslesses: "Kid" (a glove or kid), words ending In 'age," I table 'omp'ountl r stored myhclllthl\u the Innuenoe of the Syrlnn officers, There What Is the age ot a shIp? :Voynge, strol1gth.ltnd prov d worth moufntnt~18 NeIther ex-plorer seems to have I. not, however, th e 611ghtest evidence counseled, and Jonathan, believ Ing "Lynx" (lInks of a _Cl.lulln). "Rat:.' hlll.r of gord to me. Fol." the sake 0 0 ,Ier thought at the sImple expedient of that Greek wns e mpl oyed In Palostlnlan such advice W8S good · nnd that his rat), "Monkey" (letterll l\{ 0 N and a What Is the age of a pocket·book! suit< ring women I am wilUng YOll men were beUer ba ck In their hOl'l1es lite rature Ull I\. much la ter date, The d door key), "ChamoIs (a piece of Coinage. lIubstntlating his claIms of discovery should publi s h lott r."-M,lls. of the monument which wos and busy on the land, he dlsml!lsed (a doll's pillow, by cutUng Initials and the date on. ,t he scription What Is the most musical age 1 CIIARLES llAncLAY, R.F.D" GrnJUt&erected by Simon nt Modln In m emory them and sent them back. But 2,000 cha~ols). "Lion" "Goat" (a small piece of butter). "Pea· Bandage. ville, Vt. pole. of his family. I. th ll only r cco rd of th o What age Is necll'ssarr for a soldler1 Women wbo are passingtllrough this architecture ot th o Um o. The only reoog· he sent Into Oalllee and 1,000 pkked cock" (a drI:Jd pea and a toy rooster), Unless you know that the depth of nlzod relics ot the time liro the coi ns men he took with him, critical period 01." who are surrerln~ "Bear" (a tiny undrellsed doll). Courage. the water Is sufficIent, look betore you which b ear the nnme ot "Simon" or '·SI· Now as s09n 8S .Jonathan had en· "Eagle," (the letter E and a picture of What Is a rallroad'8 age? Mileage, from aoy of those distressing ills petof Is rael," In Samarltnn let· culiar to tl1eir sex sbould not 1080 sigh leap for one of those gracetul dives at IT,on. Prince The prlvllego ot a nRUonal coin· tered Into ptolemals with his men a sea gull). What the earliest age to expresa' of the fact that for thirty yenrs Lydia. \yours which are So greatly admired age was r;rantod to Blmon by Antloohus the men of the city shut the gates The cages (boxes crollstld with wire) E. Pinkham's Vegtltable Qompound, VII. Bldetea ; and numerous exnmples oc, In subtiety at night, and going forth were numbered. and the guests Wl'ote PAckage. 'by your trlends. . What age la always ahead? Cab "",hlch Is mado from roots and herbs. cur wWoh have tbe dales ot tho nrat. they slew while yet they slept all the ==~=:'!= down what they supposed the animal; bage. bas been the standard remedy forThe fact that the EmpeTor of Aua· IeconO, thIrd and fourth y ea r. ot tbe 1I~ men whom Jonathan had brought was In the hooklet opposIte a curre· What's Uncle Sam's age? Postage, female ills. In almost every commueraUon ot J erusalem. 't ria has made a Baltimo.r e girl a prin· with him , so that when he went forth WhJlt ago does tbe ostrIch attaln1 nity you will find worn n wbo hav& number. Animal candy boxes ~ess only emphasizes the fact that no.· 1!:000000XOXOmXOl!:01rOXOm:a:om In the mornJng he found himself a spondlng been restored to health by Lydia B. are good for prIzes. Then have a Plumage ture has made all American women What 'age do slogle people never }>inkham's Veietable Compound. SERMONETTE. ~ prisoner In the hands of TrYJlbon, contest to see who can come .the near· !queens In their own right. and he expected tha t he would be est pinning a goat's whiskers on In "For we have help from killed, but Instead, TrYJ)hon hastened the proper place, the contestant to be lady prefer? Man· I I The Orown PrJ nee of Germany bas heaven that auccoreth ua, ao we · back Into Galilee to destroy the blindfolded. \blood·polsonlng from the sting at a What's the best age tor a bOTse' 16 fcut. b~l\oUfnl rolOrl!, 100 por pIl lll\jlc M d,... lura are delivered from our enemlea, forces there before the r est ot the Se~ an loe. "animal" cookies and ",asP. That Is a little thIn; to seek U Du~ ID ltook. oe nd UB luo _UI1I1 "ulurd ~.lrC<l. and our enemlea are brought un. army could' assemble. barley eugar animals. I)Teyln .Buch emJnence, but nowadaYIl Carriage. . . I DIE DYE FOR ALL aOODS der foot." But when Simon, the brother ot What Is said to be a mean ale1 Oolor card ~nd b(}(.\< "f dl_tloDO froo b1 .rlllac nobbdy Is safe trom getting "stung." Damage. 111-0-1&. Burl UlltoD. VertDou," Thla declaration made In a Jonathan, heard all this he hastened , Japaneae , Fan.Tan. , letter written by Jonathan, the to gather the men of Judea. But they At a Japanese affair this delectable H!~~~. age Rhould a klnr have? Now that the emperor of Austrll\ vlctorloua Maccabee leader, to were In great dismay unUl he had concoction was served. I give the baa made an American girl a real What age la always before us, the Lacedemonlana when he spoken boldly, saying: recipe as It cam~ to me feeling sure princess a near·monarch of Portugal aought peace and alliance wIth "Ye yourselves know ....,hat great 1t wlll be very w.elcome, as many notage. Clan marrY ·her without losing caste; MADAME MERR1. 'oura and TheIr•. them, la IndIcative of the man'a things I. and my brethren, and my calls for just such a dish come to the ~ YOUDg woman's money, however, "A play all names uncon sciously percharacter and the aecret of hla father's house, have done for the law8 department. Beeded no 80cla.1 whIte-wash. petrated by my youngest son was power. and the sanctuary, the battles also To make fan-tan, cook half cupfu~ of very funny," said a Flatbush man tbe It III ImpossIble to divorce capital , With David he could alng: ' and troubles which we have seen. well-washed rice In a pint of milk un· other day. "We live nexl door to a and labor In the publlo consideration. "I will. life up mine eyea unto By reaBon whereof all my brethren til verY soft. Stir In Ii heaping tablefamily Ilamed Feltenour. and tbe otlier Either wltllout the other Is hopeles9, the hilla, from whence cometh I are slaIn tor Israel's sake, and I am spoonful of sugar and one well.beaten night while my famjly was busy reRli; and when both aTe working In harleft alol}e. Now be It far from me. egg and remove at once from the fire. Green belts are stylish. my help. lng In the library we beard a rack t mony, as at present, the largest meas· "My help cometh from the that I should spare mine own life, in Mix In a half cupCul 01 assorted \ Grays are to be fashionable. on the back porch. My Bon went ollt ure of profitable accomplishment I. Lord, whIch made heaven and any time of trouble; for I am no bet· candled fruits. cherries, apricots and Never has lace bCj;jn BO unlversall1 to Investigate, and on his return my J)Osslllle. ' earth. ter than my brethren. Doubtless I pine apple, and turn Into a shallow, wlte, alwoY8 InQulsltlve, asked what "He will not' auffer , thy foot to wlIl avenge my nation, and the sanc- well·ubttered pan to cool. Wben ft~m WI~1;Lred Is a prime favorite wlU had caused the nol , The law has its odcUtie8 ' and hu· bs moved; he that keepeth thee tuary, and our wives. and our chU· cut hito atr ps ,a out an hie aDd a black. .. 'No thin' but a couple, of cats.' Jim mors as well as otheT human occupa· . " . dren; tor all ~he heathens are gath· halt wide and thTee Inohes long; cUp Yellow1a more to be ' seen th!ln fat told her, and then 1 heard her ask : will not al\lmber. tIOllt" and ~n tnstance of the former "Behold, he that keepeth Ia'ered to destroy us of very malice." ' In egg and bread crumb a and brown years. 'Dld you see whose they were!' Is the misfortune wblch befell a judge rael ahall nalther alumber nor Now when the people heard these ileUcately on both sIdes In butter. F1a11 tones are generally soft, dull .. 'Yes; one was ours and the other In Georgia wbo was put In jail for aleep. , brave words their spirits revived ' and DraIn; dust with' powdered augar and 'and faded. was Feltenour's,''' tryIng to bTeak Into a bOUle to steal "Th e L Grd Ia 't h Y keeper,• th e they shouted: .erve hot. S 11 b tt eel th "Thou shalt 'be our leader Instead ma u ons are more us an bls own wife. " Oueta Where She la From. Lord la ' they ahade upon they --large ones. of Jonathan thy brother. Fight our Announcing an Engllgement. Pockets In · motorlog coats 8D4 ul. rIght hand. The head of the house had been III The Colorado School ' of Mines ex· "The aloin shall not amIte thee battles and whatsoever thou com· The hostess had asked el. ht girls sters are huge. . for wany months. and had lost 'h is ap· pects. If It can procure tile necessary mandest us, that ""m we do." to lunoheon and no one expected, the Close ' fitting styles wUl conUIlu8 petito entirely. by day, nor the moon by night. funds. to, produce radium from the "The Lord aha II preaerve t~ee In thIs spirit Simon and his army interesting news that was announced throurh the winter. "I can't seem to fix anythIng that pUchblende ores at Gilpin county bebe'll enjoy and he hardly eats any· fore tho end of the present summer thing," the mistress was ~'saylng to the vacation. Colorado Is a .,vonderfu1 maid, who was a new arrival from the etate, whosn mineral reaources con· old ountl'}'. . IItitute one of tbe Tlchest natural treas· from thla tIme forth, and even "WheTeas we have Jonathan thy "That's always the way," returned urles of the world. for evermaN." brother In hold •. It is for money that th~ girl. "Tbey're all tbe lame. them ==~=;== he Is owing unto the klog'lJ treasury. A German pTlncellng baa announced Invalids. All they want is nothing at that he Is comIng to thIs country to OXOJr~OO!OXOlfOXOll()Jll concernl~g certain bualness l/hlch all, ,and then when you bring . It to was committed unto Mm. Wherefore marry a Tlch American wire, 110 he tllem they don't ent It." THE 8TORY. now 8end a 'hundred, talents of silver can pay his debts. . Our national and two of his sons as hostages. that Come Home, Mother. prtde will be hurt by the bold 8sserRYPHOl\J bad. set hl8 heart upon when he Is at Uberty he may not re· Mother, dear JJtother, come home ;tlon that all be haa to do fs to come gainIng the throne, and be plotted volt from us and we , wlU let him go." fr~m the club" and rustle some supover and pIck out a bride with a fo1'"Now Simon Buspected ' further de. per for me; 'tis time you were here tune, but unfortunately precedent to · kill Antlochus, the king, but he celt, but he knew that his, followers working over the grub and getting sb'owA that tbls foreign assurance of teared the power of Jonathan. ' "If he knew ot my purpose be w11l would blame blm If he consented no~ . things ready tor tea, The table's not ou;, American gIrls Is baaed on facta never permIt me to pass thTough his to these terms and would cbarge that set nor the teakettle boiled, the vege· too strong for denial. land," Tryphon exclaimed one day to he had paused the death of Jonathan. tables are not prellaTed; no wonder As "hasBenpfeffer" Is a tavor1te Gel' one of hlr. captains. . So he sent TrYJ)hon \he children and my temper and feelings are rolled. man vIand, those who here Indulge 1ft "Why not do away then with Jona- the money. though ·tls doubtful. Indeed. If you it have a Warning at the beglnnlnr. than, and then shalt thou be able to But Tryphon kept not his word, but cared. Come home, come h'ome, come of the season for rabbits In the fact compass thy purpose," the other coun- when he had oome to Bascama, he ho·ho-bomel Yes, cut your symposium that a resident of Newark, N . J ., had sflled. down a wee bit, dear mother, and slew Jonathan and burled him there 22 No. 8 blrdshot In his appendix, hustle rIght home!-Los Angeles Ex· "But how can 11 No aTmy has yet and then returned to his own land, which was Temoved to Telleve a se· been able to withstand his proy.ress. and Simon went and took the bones press. vere attack or appendicItis. He had Thou surely hast not ' forgotten what of Jonathan and buried them tn eaten "hassonptelfeT" which Included he has already done to the tOTces Modln. the cIty of his fathers and he CHILDREN SHOWED IT a rabbit that was well riddled with which Demetrius sent against him, built a monument and all Israel made Effect of Their Warm Drink In the shot. Morning. Ilnd how he has fortified the walls of great lamentation for him and be.' . The practical Oermans are quick to Jerusalem as never before and has walled ,him many days . A year ago I was a wreck from !!eh:e a cllllnce and turn it to account. strengthened himself In al1 the king· calfee drinking and was on the point dom?" They propose to establh.h an airship Splr!tual Exercl.e, ot gIving up my pOSition In the scbool "No, 1 have not. But what thou 6chool at Frfedrlcbshafen, the home A new pastor was met by one of room because ,of nervousne88. ' cannot do by force of arms thou canst of tlle ZeJJpelln Industry, where the do In subtlety. Draw Jonathan forth hiB. parishioners who was fat and of "I was telllng 'a friend about It and young Idea may be tTalned to fly. The from the walls of Jerusalem and many years, who said to the pastor: she said, 'We drink nothJng at meal course at InstructIon will occupy two When thou has made as though thou "You must feed the sheep." Where· time but Postum, and It Is such a. years lind ,the gradUates will be wouldst fight with him make over. . upon the pastor replied: "My dear comfort, to have ,something We can traIned aviators. And 'Who knows but tures to him and dTaw him to one of old man, YOll do not need tood, you enjoy drinking with the children.' degrees I\S aeronauts wtll yet be glv. thy cities where thou canst do with need exercise," In thJs repartee there "I was astoIWshed that she would en by ou~ universities and colleges? bim after the purposes of thine own Is a ' great deal of trutb, appropriate allow ~he chUdren to drink any kind of , to the spiritual condltlons of thou· Pl'esldent Taft has rp,fused paTdon heart.'" calfee, bu~ she said Postum was the "But he Is too wl8e to be thus sands o( CbrlsU~ns. There are peo· to a man conv1cted of "uboTnaUon of most healthful drink in the world f{lr peTJ.Ury. This crime Is one wbleb caught," replied Tryphon, dubiously. pIe who are constantly e1amorlng tor children as well as for older .ones, and "Nay, his very security now will prcachlng-,a nd thIs particularly trufl should be the lRst te appeal for clem· that the condition of both tlie children ency. It Is deliberate, cold·blooded make sucb plot possible:' was the' re- among ' ollr people; we are not and adults sbowed that to be a faot. given to relishing lectures on econom· and It strikes at the very roots of thfi ply. "My first trial " was a tatlure. Tbe So It came to pass a short time Ic, educational, and varied subjllc~S. law's power l,)roperly to pTotect society cook boiled It tour or five minutes and from crLme and crlminala. The sano- later tl\at the 1J1arm was sounded W~ene:ver there Is a gathering and It It, tasted so l1at ' that I ~all in dellpalr tfty of' tbe oath Is the stronghold In through Judea. that ,Tryphon had Is possible to tUl'n It Into a preacbln·g but determined to give It one more which the law musl. IntTench itself. L'alsed a mighty army and had come service, this Is done. The sheep must trial. This time we followed ,the dlrec. That ~roken down, no security 'II ,left. Jnto the horder of Judea and was then be ted. But ~iI a ,mp,tter of fact, what ti~ns 'and boiled It flfte.e n .mlnutes· aftat Bethsan. our IJeople ~eed more than feedt,ng er:the bolUng began: It was a. decided It Is true that all wealth coroes from Jonathan It'st no , Ume, In gathering Is the spiritual , eX/l~olse. They ar~ ' : "" " , ~ ,, , .' ,, ~uccess and I was compietely won ', by' labor,' but not 1IOCeSS8Jt1y from labor bls torces and a few days after the fed;', abundan~ly 80" and U they were HE WALKlNG 'c ostume ' at the . le(t Is of old blua.-Clotb. The back and its rich delicious .flavour. Iii a "hart ' by the hand a The thInkers of the Teport was brought to bl,m he was to put' ~t(r practl?e only a small p~~t side" o~ · the u.pper part, of the costume ~,I~ula~e I!o sort of jacket orna- ' ' time '1' noticed a decided h~provement 'World ihave odded l~et!Umably to Its marchlJl« , to Betbsan with ~O,OOO ' ot, that whlc~ I~ given. ,them In pull?lt mente4 al,!nk the ecJge with buttolls of the material; These buttonl In my condition and 'kept Jr0wlog bet. develo(Jment. I~ was a pOTtrai< paint· chosen men. But .'Instead ot battle ttilnlltrattoDs, they .wQuld' be better ' ter ,month ,atter" mo tho until now 1 am . alia orn.a ment the Ion, lront ,wh1!JJl fastens on one side. e, whl, Invented' th.e tAlegrnpl!, a col· array he :toulld TrYJ)hon comlbg to lind the \vorld would be better an,d ,' rhe ttirn-ov~r, .cqllar., tb~ wla8 revellil an~ the cuffs ,ue all faced ' with perfectly bealthy. and do my work , ' , hilpplet:. ~o, we are Dot ~Ii need , of black Ube~ty, ot which' the girdle Ia "so lliade. The latter 111 kDolt,'d In the In thl1 8chool room with ease and pleas. lege professor w11.o produ'ced the telc:- ,meet him. ' "bone, ·and tbe U~t might .be extend· "Wily bast thou put thy people~ to feedIng; Truthfully, we al."o no ," wrth.J.nn'~ :~~~ enda , ,-- . ' ';'. . '. ure. I ' -,vo~d not ret~ tQ the nem~. .-I almost IndeJlnltelY. " I~ h well tb . so great troubIEi~~seeliig t erc· s' no D~ed c>,C much preachfn.; ~e are~ "eli To tIlU upper part the lower part I. mou~ed with pla1~ '''nnlq a destrojlq regdla.r. Clolfee 'or av' to-day, with aU Indulgence In rest war between us'!" Trypho& exclillm~d feel, Wha~ 'we are in , u.eetJ of · ~s the ,cleep ftounce. ,'Thecraiat and 81eeve ru1lle. aro or J~e. . money:{ , ' pd' play, that we remem.ber that It half reproachf,~IY when be had cOl;llel evel'cll\e bf that which )Jas been, liveDTbe el'eDiH IOWD at" the rigbt 18 of crepe de aIiJD. t.rbDiIaN with a Reid the famous UtUe "Health 01. . .. IDtelllgeliU)- dltected enel'CY of l1tlO the presence Of Jonathan <Andl tq us bl the pulpit. Tbls dOD. e 'and beauU(ul metal ~ ' 3'~ e~brc;ldel'7. ' . ' Sic," I'The Road to 'WellVlUe" In-pkp. , . . . .te1'8f ' kind .. htcb· make. man bet. hllil exchanGed Sl'el;ltlnp. .,Dd then there will b.' a qulckeb1q ,~. IlPPer · tart f. til prince.. 01' eUII'UB, "Ie. ,...4 to th .. the 10"er "Tbere"" BeaHIl... · ' 01 , our ... ad IaeJp. alOQ tM world to 'tJae belore J«'natbaD' bad ttlQ. to auwer. church llte•...-o'Boutllw. .m CIar',sU&D ,an .. ~ ,ft. bertIIa ·UUll1ttl • DUN 81eeYea .... of .e-.uUat de . ..mtIuda1 UW'II. . lOla. " ;'. ' . ...,~,.._;~~ be .eat on:. . Allvocata. " . . '



Taking L d"la E. P"ankham Vegetable Compound






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T IS upon the mlne1! of ' (be Republlc or Colombia that ( '.. i be markets of the world. de_ p nd for their supply of th e ~ pr clous s tone of th b r yl variety k nown , us t be .. m. raid ," From lilis country the mos t vollla\Jle slngl emerald ot modern times WIlS obtained, 1I0W formin g (l~e of tbQ g ms of tb e collection or tho ulce or, D evona blre, T his s a pe rf ct hexagonal crystal , w e lgblng S ounces lllnd 18 1> nnyw 'Ig hts, 2 IncWs In lenglh, and Im ea surln g ocross ils Ull"6 diameters 2 1h , 2 Hi and ,nil lu cbes, Anolhe r One specimen, In lhe Hopo cnb lnet , welgbs 6 ounces, wh il e lorgor but I ss vnl. uabl s lon os a ro In varl. <lIl S roya I j w I cns lt ls. Th e old mlllI e of Rfll ar. .agd , n d \. lonment of lho Gree k verb mOani ng "Lo f1hln ," Is tlle ol'l ~l n of tho premc nt d fl lg. nallo n of lhe emer. a id, Its Spanis h IllnDle, slIl eral!l n, tormlng th ' conn ecl. Sng link. Th ore can be no doubt. that many an cient wrll. e rs confollnood, un. d er Ihe general claMslficallou s marngdus, several dIs tinct min· ern ls of gr en color, s u h as tl'u a emer· aid s, gr en jas per, malachi te, chryscol· la, green fiuor spar, e tc.

SECESSION I'N1829: Unique Civic Drama Not ' Generally Known. .How Peopl e of I n d ia n St re am Territory, Now Pittsburg, N. H ., D e· cla r ed Their Ind ep end ence of U .S. and Brit ain.

BO,; f.oll .- ll p t ween


s llunt 'd on a brond piath e markers th at s how lhp rll\"jdlll~ lin e between the1I ni l 'ct ,'I at l'!'! nIll! nnada. Prc,vloll s to 1787 it had not been IwolI'fl lo white m!'n . It was the home or th e '·So-mlh ·nuk" Indians nnd' named "Melnllak ." That yea r It was ent rprJ upon by nvo s urveyo rs from 'anndn. Dy a survey In 1789 It came In to theli mit!! of New Hamps hire and was en. t ered by two "Range rs" from "Lowe r Coos" (In the vicinity or Haverh ill, N. H .. and Newbu ry, Vt.) who went to tho broa(i Inter-vales or th o "IndIan stroam " for whlc ll the terrltOIT was nam ed, and those of the more Importl.lnt onn ec tlcut, In the days ot Sep. tembe r and October when lhe torests were In their most enohanting colors. After a few weekI! they returned bome, lade n with the harvest ot the forests and glowi ng words for the country. Soon there ca me many settlers of ' th e old New E ngland kind. who ' clea red large nn o productive farms and had cOll}fortllbl e homes on bot h sides of the onnectlcut and reared la rge tamlli es, as dld a1\ New England e rs the n. At Ihe same time tbere was a con· stll nt a rri val or other kinds ot folk". III a ll ages nnd among all peoples t bcre ha ve been those who have expatriated tJlemselves from home , trlends and counlry. to avoid payment of just d bts and to escape 'punishment for: their cri mes. And many such soughlt thi s "terra Incognita," or "no man's land." But In spite of that conglomerate adm.lxture or gOCld and bad, the CIII II' ll.

t t:'ll li.

were obtained In the harr~n dlstrlct of Atacama and worked by the nati ve lap idaries with a marvelous skffl. In the l\Ian ka valJey or f eru the Iudlans appear to have paid divine bomage to n magnificent emerald of the s ize or an ostrich egg, which they named the Goddes!! or Emeralds. As these gems were reputf'd to be peculiarly acceptablo to tbe goddess, offe rings of gn:lat beauty and "nlue were fre quent, and many costly stones. some possibly from tb e adjacent Colombian terrltorl es. fell i 10 lh e hands ot the Spaniards. Ecuador a lso contrib uted Its s bare of emeralds to the f!polls of th e Invader and the town Esmereldaa Is supposed, to have obtained Its name from the precious stones found so

__ ._ ,1JEll!IJ r{)R Et1£RIlLD3


The true emeralds ot the ancIents are said

aburldantly there. Among the Azteo trea. . ,Mount Zabarah, In upper Egypt, although the ures of Mexico were emlreOllel\lng of the mInes in the nIneteenth cen· eralds as flne as those ot tury by' Mehemot All dt'd not prove com mer· the Peruvian Incas, and it dally prOfitable. In this dIstrict was , probably Is reported that' Cortez mined the jewel adorning the breastplate ot was offer~d 40,000 ducatS Aaron; described In Mosaic writings and form· for one or' these stones by fng part, possIbly, of the spolis carried frolU some Gen08se mercbants. Egypt by the departing Israelites. Of Egyptian The Mexican geOls were exquisitely cut, aDd It 'or Ethiopian origIn Is, undoubtedly, also, the Is from this source that the magnificent emer· .remarkable emerald I~ the papal tiara, one aids now tormlng part of the royal collection 4nch In length and 1~ Inches deep, and which at Madrid wer~ supposedly procured . . The term ,!formed part at the pontifical treasure prior ,lSpanlsh emerald:' as applied to , a. ve ry hlghto the discovery of America and the aubse· grade stone, might quIte appropriately be al· quent appearance ot Peruvian gems In -Eu· tered to "Amprlcan" emerald.. 'r ope. ' . Sections so far apart as' Siberia, India, SnlzThe buge emerald used by Nero, In keep· bu.rg In AUlltrln, Australia, Norway" Brazil, Ire· . Ing with the belief of the times as a correc· land j and parts of the United. Sta.tes yield cer· t1ve for his poor vision: the engraved emer· taln' returns from emerald exploitation!!, but It :aId let tn gold presented, by Ptolemy to Ln· Is trom the Muzo and Ooscuez deposits near ~unu. en his landing at Alexandria; ' the, robes Bogota, In Colombia, that the gems of great-orb by Cleopatra and other famous beau!.ies est beauty andpertecllon are c;ibtalned. · '1' Th e exp I0 It'a tl on a f C0 Iom bl an emera·Id,s Is of the past, whose embrol d er Ies were In t er· . spersed with 'emeralds; and the ' exquIsitely under the control of the government, and the !«raven seals of llnUgue workmanshIp on view celebrated mines at MUZO, or MUl1;a, llave racently been leased to an Eng\lsh syndicate , !n museums .and private collectlo~s aU prove 'the este m In which the jewel W8$ held . Or- whloh agrees to sell at least $1,260,000 worth c.. :nameilts of emel;ald bave been unearthed In of s't ones each year for '20 years, the ' lease · in •. ' ~lieban tombs and excavated from P?mpell the original 0811 for bids being valued at ',360,. ~nd ' Herculnne'um, Bnd in aU ' ages , the stpne 000 annually. The ,saies are to, be under govhas':be,e o' claiis~d/among the rarest gems. ernDleut Inspection, and , aompeUUon 'i s, prnc· " VarJouII vlrtuel were a~crlbe.d ', to it b~ an· , UcaUy Impossible by ' reason' at ',legIslation "for· ' elent trn'dltlons; it ~as ,regarded a~ ben'e ftclat ,bidding ,t he Bllle' of uncut . stones and by the to tHe ey,es; erre~tlve aga~';lst levU spirits; alld . Impo.sltion .. of ~es ·on pllI't'atelY ' exploited in the ellst It still aeoredlted wit/!. ,taUsma~. mlpes. , ,.' ',) , , . ' . '. ' " 10 ' a~d ' me'41plnal quaUUes. ' ,. " , ','," , : ~.he . Val.ue of ,emeralds ;depends , fl~t, ,upon . lnimell.~,: em~al(1s a~.e m,en~IQned ,bY ,anCient.•. deep~ess "of colo~: , ~econd. upon br1ll~a~QY; " au~ors, b'ut they, were doubtl~s~ elther ~. les~ : third, upon freedom from flaws i , , an~J fourth, precious ston,o s ' o.r . glassUke Imlta~o~s. ~U9ti:, UllCln sIze, :w.hJ~e JteQkon~d, Inter,ol' only t~ ' 'Wall the Icolossal suttue ot Serapls; also an ' the diamond and rubr~ It does ~ot, like tl1em, ,obelisk 'In', the temple ' of 'Jl;Iplter•. 60, feet,.. hlah, tnc:rease ilL vlllue In. propoitlonto the ':c~ub&- ot and' , I(reet 'broad• • " ' .. ' , ' }t~ "'eIght. . . . , ,. . " : The ol'1enud emerald Is not, h.o'wever, like ". One .feature 'o f e~erald mlnh'111 ''Wh1c~ adds -thti w'iliJt,m ~meraid• .a .sU,08te of alumina and . ·ar~\lY .to ~e valu~ of the, aem Is ' that flaw'. ludn... It is more ",,-lUable and 18 & sr eeJi• les8 stones are' lel~om foun~ _0 1l1l¥ o~msl~e~ ~Uulrent varl,ty ,of corundum, ond ', tbero-' .'61e size. For ,an ,~~ce~t1onallf flne varletlV 01' tore 'iloa\U'1,. p,urealumlna. dUrerln. frolll the sIX carate ~e prtce of '5,O~ 'baa beell patlt. : IIpphlre 8nJ110 I)Otor; . but 8tone,_ . 0f .. a\.l oh Qliaraoter are, ~e; 'B, · flI·1.1I _er.ald. were raQle4· the Beudal1t the .'v,alue of. e1!p~d • .of IDe .001or dDt tnt . (0 uel tree ~ID flan IS ..yea ... tol}q".: JIour




, . - - . 100 to

amon the_ mo.st_YlIluahle properties within the .Republ'1 o of Colombia. At the lim of the Spanish con. Quest the Muzo and olher d p08'its were exploited In a prIm itive manner by the Indi a ns , and s in ce lhat pOl'lod the stones from Colombian mI nes ha ve \Jeen un equaled In rl cbness of color and brillian cy. The mInes of th e r epubllo occur In groups, ea ch covering- a cOl)slderable area and cons isting ot sev. eral veins or deposits. All a re sItuated with in the radius of n compa ra tive ly small number of miles at a ltitudes between 2,000 and 7,000 , feet above s ~

110 "..:. ,,~ IIIl frIIlClS: .


wb l' I'" sl und

atra lrs or the community moved along wIthou t a rippl e or jar of dIscord tor full 30 yea rs. with only a mild sort of' level, amid st the precipitous heights vIg il ance committee to guard the com· of tbe eastern cordillera or the An· . mon lleace. . des. They are illl ,within 100 miles At las t a s pirit of unrest !tnd dlsor. of Bogota, the capital of Colombia, gan lzstlon began to be nlanltest and & ' t1re 'istrict being i'eached by a joqr· need of a stronger government be- ' ney 1rom the capital of two hours came vid ent, and 'In the 'sprlng ot< by raU and two or three 'days on 1829 an Independent state, clilled "The nl ted Inbabltance of the Indian m*:e group is' the only one . Stream Te rritory," was set up abso- ' that has been worked In recent lutely s ui generls In ItIj character !tnd probably ,ter ritorially th e smallest years, bu t complete data as to the quality and value ot the emeralds ever establis hed and the most abso. lute ly democra t/c. mined are not Issued to the pubUo. Tho ontput has varied considerably On e of th e SCl1001 houses was IIsed from year to yenr as lessees have tor the In auguration of Its "asse mbly." been more or less fortun ate In strl· Th e people at once decla red tbe m. kin g productive veins. Estimates ot selves Independ ent or the Unlled .DEBRIc:5 ~ production vary from 32G,600 carats Sta tes and of Great Britain. per annum to 768,936 carats. At thp The governme nt \vas representative, 16 grains, 1,500 francs; and he cites one fine latter figure s the ann ual valuation of the cxeclltlve a nd judiCial and embraced , stone of 24 graIns wblch was sold for 2,400 stones mined wou ld be abou t $900,000. A tb e whol e vo tin g popula tion. ench vot. , francs. French company at one tim holdIng the lease er representing himself and hi s own The e merald Is transparent or translucent, of the mines Is r eportl::d to hllVO worl(ed Cor 14 Inte rest!!. Tb e execlltl\'e ,departmen t: being 'brlttl e and comparatively soft wben months without finding a s lone and then to was U' "supre l\l e council " of fiv e memo' 'f reshly mined, but becomes much halder on have obtain ed enough emera lds In a COIn para· b rs e lected annually. The judiciary' expos ure to all'. The gem Is cut on a copper lively short s pace of lim e to pay th. rental for consisted of j ustices of the peace, wh el with emery and polished on n tin wbeel the full term of the lea~e. elected by th e I>eople. Th e supreme with rotten s tone; In a good ' stone the surThe Muzo mines lire about 75 miles nort.h or coun cil was the co urt of l a~t appeal. fa ce must be pertec.t1y straight an(1 smooth, Bogota, In the s tate of Doyncf\, and extend over Tri a ls w eI" by a jury ot sb!. persons. the form US\lally' given being that of a square an a rea ot abo ut 140,000 acr es, of which only t\ code of laws was at on 'I) f! nacted table with the edges replaced, the lower surabo ut 50 Ilcres bave been exploi ted In the lus t and a co m~allY ot miUtt.l of 4.0, men. face bolng cut Into facRts parallel to the sIdes. 26 YOf\rs. Th eir genera l appenranc~ resembles r a ised to prol.eC'L from damestie' vioTb e Colombian gems exhibIt to the .JJlgn~ a n IDllctive volcani c crater In t he sides of lence a lld foreig n I.nvlllslolt. \vtll'ch the emernlcls nre found . degree the qualJties of color, brllllan ,;y, flawFor Ore yeurs that was an all' Sl1:flt\. lessnes, and size cllnracterlstlc ot the best emClose by Is lhe CCflQ uez g rnup, thou gh at a clot gO I'etlllllent f~l' that people. ' erald s, and the Muzo dIstrict Is at present the so mewhat greale r NlcvaUon , covering an area Rut as the re was no. P o.w~{' tCD en. pr~ c lpal source ot s upply. The niatl'lx In of nearly 5,000 acres. It Is trom these min es forC le! its Imvs and CQUFt deC'isions, and" which they are embedded overlles 'a"great preothat tb e Spaniar ds obta ined many oC their Its puu ishments cou ld b e. OI1f!Jc fin ea Iplc'e of black shale or s late. This black rock gelll s. aod ba nisbment, It tben began to corttalns few stones. They are found tor the' 'fh e Culnaha mInes are about 6 miles east show its lusufficl ncy . most .part In wbUR co,lclte runnJqg In, . veins southeast from' .t he Muzo group. In 1 S35 treason crept in ad the through the slate, some being ,embedd'e d In ,' The Somondoco Or Chlvor group co~ SI Sts ot governUlent ended. the ,matrix, and others lying in pocJcets. " th~e 'separa te min es, about 80 miles east north· T he people then dlvitl d into t.wo 'U nder great heat and pressure. due, op doubt , east g! Bogota, sItuated at an elevation of 6,600 par,ties. One asked vrotectlon ot Ne w to futther an'd . subsequent volcanlb action.. . teet ob,lve sl),a .lev 1. . At the time of the corio Flarupsbire, the of Canadn. New tliese mhlerals fn the fissures or 'n lns have' ' Qu~st~ tll~ group was being wprked by t he InHa DlPshire assum 'f} jurisdiction · at ~rys~1lJzed ,In difforent : ~baPelf ·a nd f OJ;IDS . ·ac· .dll1nll, and the Spaniards contln\led t!:le wQrk, Ollce and t;!efH. officerl3 of her; CO,ul·ts to,. cordJng to the v'\rjou~ minerllls( cOJ,\ta1ne ,..~, but In the iilib'l\equent ' struggles ' their location, ,serv e llroc'sses. The Canada party an;y partloular v,eln or flss u!'o.. Under favor- . ,a il'ln ' the' case' nt the' Cosl)nez grou p, was lost. resisted . aud a; cla:.h o~ arms took '· able circumstances, tho' most beautuul emer· ;. !fife Muzi> m;ines w,eiA tlr~t made known to ' place In which the Oanadlans w'ere ,'/lids of a deep green color baye been:' folind: tb~ Sl'anrar~s through CaD~. Jut.ln P.enagon, dereated. -, ' . . In. thell~ · sm.all velDS, the' \hit ~elng due tp (he , ' . ~il~ the_ tirs.tsctet;JtUlo ~arDln ~Uon m'a d,: 18 , Ne~v H amvsll1re mah),t alflp.d"an u.n . ' presence of ~hfome In. su~clent quanl:'tt<!&.. In 176~ by Jose '.\nt(>I\I~ de V altegas J' A.vedanl), (llsp.l1ted jurh.dlotloD . till 1840: wben . otli~r v,bia. the emeralds found ~re of a lIgb;t , who "redtscove,red ;he', lar ge vein tha~ hsd· ill&. the t erritory that fQr 40 yea;" bad ',creen loolor. owlng ·to the ~bsenoe or sufficient appeared and ' Ilr'4nged (or It's expioltaUoD. 'k,nown as the' ~dl.l,ln Stream ter. chrome: ~caln, ~ ,0Uier ~eln8 . whet, DO PriO!; ~ ,th,s,r bOlT ver, Frallci!!co TobU , chro~e Is preSent, the crys~~ ~e pu.rj! white r3ll~ wo,.~e\l the "'\lInes :I\hd. prea~nted" tbe kin. , .N. U. b ecam~ the . to,:"n,. of . Pitt,b~l'IL . , or colored red ~ '1ello." by ,o.ude ,of IroD of Sp'a ln wit" a fUlcklaee,' oontatnlng '25 IItonea J.. (~W 'o t t~~ ~fta'cUan p~rt)' :t.h.flQ! 'l'tfa.D7 ,of thecl'7~ purchifUca, a~d oth: ' ,alu~ , at t~~ t1m.~ ' !it $1:Q,OOO, Ol'g'~nrzeil worl! Ulo\'ed over .Into Canaci,. bUt.tbtl Dlpat 81'· baye. ~u" ·Dl.ln.~~. " COIDbI~ed ;rUb in t&"e..mlnfll .'lWt\1!I carrl~ OD under. co!ltrQl N ot t}W,n __!3blal..ed, ' an4 tio , beeam••, .ulea. 'the Spuitdl ,overnment. untl1 . 17I3~ whm 0.'1 wl~)! tb,elr pr~I071 ' N... .·· . .



to have been obtained from the workings of


the yea rs

Rnd 1 :1:;, III the TPglon which Is now Pltt s lllJl'~ . . '. n ., th ere was 111ay d to sOI'co rnl ar l s n most unique cIv ic and lJolltl (' al drn lD u, which h aH not been l'erordl'cI III the Il',enernl histor ies. I nllinn Slf(~alll terri tory. th en 80





...en ~f.ij4 ..t,a~ltc'· a·olotloia.


New The Covernment

Hog Cholera Mixture For Sale at Waynesville, Ohio.


Zimmerman's Sealshipt Oysters We are now handling the Sealshipt Oysters. The Oyster with the Sea Flavor Solid m9asurc No water.


Baltimore Oysters In sanitary cans, in pints and quarts. We t'eceive Oysters t hree times a weel< so you'llre always sure of getting Fresh Oysters here.,


to know that the . J\tIiami' . '. I ~ette Job Room I IS .f h e Correct place to get your Sale BUls printed Cor.rectly'. . and inl

Fancy Cranberries, . , Fancy Crisp Cel~ry. Edgemont Butter Crackers. Star, Butter and Cream Crac}<ers

Fr.uita and



I.'.BlO I

us once, and' i~ for yourself. .' , '·'(P.ric~ are,all .right, tool

Clellv~ spent one week "with her (}l1ughter, Mr . George Davis. : . and bfr~ ' Ed MoFarland were guests of rdr. and ' Mrs · Will CJa~k 8I1tnrday" M~s. Fril.nk Bartsook spent Thnrs (\ay aft~rn'q~n ~ith ;lI1r8 Uarl liar v-t'y. , ' / _.



Wellman. ' Mrs. MarY '.Tane







Snow White Table Syrup . Our 4th shipment just in; don't 'fail to get a,can.

Fa,DeY Fat 'Mack,e~cl, fie ,to .. lOc eaen. , . You can get what you want at

Xeitia Gazette.

OF CotTRSE ,..

.I'PILES Immediate relief from . getDr. Shoo~'$ M~c OlntmelJt.











S. F. ~L-SON is a candidate for the office of Tru tee, subject -to the voters of Wayne Township, .\

W. S. GRAHA~i\Jacandidateror ' the office of Trustee. subject to the voters of Wayne Township. elIAS. A. CORNELL is a candidate for the office of Trustee, subject to the voters of Wayne Township. FRANK PRATT, is a candidate .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~; . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _;; for the office of Trustee subject to • the voters of Wayne Township. THE FIVE SENSES

O.J.BURNETiBacandidateforreelection to the office of Trustee subject to the voters of Wayne township.

J. E .. H~CKETT: of East Wayne Townshlp, 18 a candIdate for the office of Truslee subject to the voters fW . T h' I 0 ayne owns Ip.

I FOR TREASURER --1<'. B. SHERWOOD is a candidate for the office of Treasurer subject to the voters Qf Wayne Township. I , FOR tAND APPRAISER JA~fES SALE is a candidate for the office of Land Appraiser, subject to the voters of W~yne to~ship.

F. W. HATHAWAY, is,acandidate . ,.-' . 'b for the office of Land n.ppnuser, su jed to the voters of Wayne Township. • - • ELECT NEW OFFICERS

The hearing ear ministers largeIy to the mental nature. Its chief claim is that it waits upon the soul with a "sweet concord of sound"." " The sense of smell stands a step lower, divided bout epually, in ministeribg the physical and esthetic in man. The sense of feeling is still lower. '111e n('rves of sensation are its ,fingers; through them iii fulfi~led its function of handling and fBshl'onl'ng the mere materials of civ· 'lization Taste is the humblest among the senses. Its ministrations are devoted, prim.arily, to the body. The fireman that feeds the engine of the physical system. Vision is the noblest of our senses. It presides over the actiVl'tt'es of.the lower faculties and


transcends them in the reach of its pOwer. ' , Yet this most -impor~nt of all senses is most abused. The teeth, The WarreD Conniy Medical Ii'o- the.nose, the ears, all receive due oiety whioh lDoludes in ltuliember. attention upon the slightest note ship m~t of the regalarphy,..dius• 'of'waminO',' while shootinO' paios ~oe • in the oonnty Dlet . in the ba8eme~h ' and' 'dull aches.l·n and · ....... _~ und the ot the CarneJ;tie Ltbrarr 00 Tn~!; eyeS-nature's waminP'7are aIIlnd li8tened top~pele by .Dr. Wright lowed to go unheeded, when perof Waynesville, alid D~. Mtthaefer nape perfectly fitted glasses,would and Caldwell, of Cinoinnati. ~ey reliev:e J)resent trouble and ,eave elected tht' follo~lng etafi' of ~f!l~' ~ .ture t for the enBniqg year :'. Preeldent, Dr. .f~ . r~. Hamiltob, of Franklin; Vice Preet. den., Dr., Loellen, of . Maine;ville; J



fifi fi ~


Mr . a.nd :Mrs. J.~llll Bill sp ent A :blg ,)ire a~ Clark8vUle,,14 .mi1ell ·foro \lllrt of Ittst '''eek withr~IBtlves ... ' f ' h t' 5 '1 k F ld v in N 'IV PaTls; Ohio. ' S~)QI>U o ' ere,.. 0090 . . ~ ...... Albert Ohenow ~h ball beep very evening', oome near deetroyj:".g the tliok" with Il gathering iIi his ·tbroat. bm~l1 town, whioh hIlB·a.populnt~on I Married at thehom~ of the bride'8 -af 500.. The fire'orlginated in Frllnk parents on Wedne day of J~s~ week, 08born'8 U.r e·ry stable from a de~i 88 ~e . sie Bobi'oson. and Mr. Wil- 'feotive flue. Owing to high winds, sou,, o. n~8r WaynesVlllB. . th.e fiames spread fro,m the livery 'Ibe frlel!d8 of Mr . ..Imd Mrs . J~s , t ble t II. blaoksmith shop 'o wned Conett gave th"'l1l 11 kitchen shower 8 11 0 . , surprise ou Thursduy evening , by Gus MUl~r and to a ,prlvate resl · 'I'he Delta. 1\lphn clabs wet I\t the dence owned by Mrs. }Cssie Barllmd. borne of Miss Josepbine Reeves on A messenger was se.n t to WHming Saturdll.yafternoon. 'rhomas Gray ton and Morrow, tor both fire COIDwus tbe tbeme for the da.y . panies. As the telephone wire had Mrs . uhas McD~el, o f J8m~!!town, been burned out. no word could be spent last week WIth her duughter, . ' Mrs. Jus . Molntire . Mrs . Mcintire (hspatobed except by messenger . entertuiuena, few of her mother's Tbe livery etable , burned to the friends Il t'll quilting on FridllY · ground, oonsun;ling two horses. BeMrs . Wn lker, of South Charleston, Bides the blaoksmith shop aDd the is the guest of Ml·S. Dr, Whitaker . .residenoe, four barns IlDd a number The Mns ;)nio Lodge enjoyecl a ban- of Bbe,lB were also destroye.\' quot In tbeir rooms on Friday even- Th i tl t d t '25000 lug. i:jeveml members from other e loss s esma e a ,. 'rhe fire originated in the weetern lodge!! were present Luis the little t!o~ of ChI1B, Rob part of the town and ~aB spreading int!on , tho bluokl\mitb, Is very ill to the bosineRs distriot when put . witb spinal mening\tls . un4er control by the different fire depurtments. 'this is tbe largest fire ever experieaoed iu the town Mrs. Alioe MoKinsev and dou~b- two hours being reqoired to get it ter eotertnined Mr. und Mrs Will ouder cO.n trol. Welob and son, of Borvey!!turg, • .- • . Mr Dlok Welob a.n~ Mrd Ed Weloh, I lAM S STARR DEAD W LL • of Fort Dodge, lowa, ' ut dloner Saturday . Miss Emma Hnrlu.n, of Dl1yton, is a guest of Ll'lrs, Naomi Barlan , MoKin!$ey spent t:!l1tqrday ann i:jund~y in Uincinnuti. MillS 'Lillie Nedry is vi Hlng rela tives in Oa,yton and Troy, Ollio, . Mrs . Lena Lewis ~H.II shopping in Da.yton Tbursday. Ho·..vard . Ev rhllTt started for Los Ang~le8, Ca!., la~t Wednesday. Mrs . Ann Clurk aDd daugbtert' were Dayton visitors Wednesday. - -- ... - ••- - -

New Oats, New Corn Meal, New Hominy, . New Honey, New Beans, New Kt:aut, New Pancake Flour, New Buckwheat, Fancy Eating Apples, Good Cooking. Apples.

'Goot1 Tas~e.·




--_.,._ . .......---f~

.'E xpert.Optician, . t




Will be at the

- - - : . . _••

Wher~, ' Provi.d enee in. his wi8dom "l1aS Temov~' the wife of our


Gustin Hotel,



Spring Valley.

Arch CODsey Wife and ohildren "isi t6~ in Springfield .8un«;1"y . ..




: :~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.•••.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ~.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:. :~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:!:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:

Bargains in

lall ,Paper Remnants AT





FOR .. ,RENT ,

'------~-----OOD Farm of US acniJ aild rooms , for rent." Inquire ot Mrs. A. J. Jf·you want- anythi~g in the ~~ TJ;t b l1?e. .: .' of liarne.s, 'd on't fall to atten,d the I . sale of I: E'; KeyS next Saturday. FOR SALE . This, ie' ~ . &ance to get new




, ". - ~~-.

Public Auotion!!· I will offer at Public Auction at my place of business on Main Street, on

Saturday, October 23; 1909, ommencing at 1 o'c1ocl{, the following goods:




. . '~'" " 6Se,. ,"at


. .. . ... :. ' • • •'IIi.·.· ...II.

. ....


OARS-,-About 8 or 10 Poland, China boara; good .bon~, good length, rather on the coarse order. Call o~ ring, ~2 . . s~ F. Elbon, Waynes"llle, OhIO. . •


2 MALE Pi~; Chester Whites, fbr . .

sale. Ehgible ·to registry. For . fUJther informati(;,n phone Ill' !MIa Co~ell and Penny, Ferrr.'Ol1io.


.' "

.~ "



.--- --- --- - - .·r·

OCTOB ER 27, 11109.

'--'--r , "An~veningofAmel'ican~'~ mOl","




I~;:::::~~;::~~~:-----'_~~!.~.!!~~~~~re and The re

!'Former Citizens'




A QUAINT REMEMBRANCE ANEFF EOTIV EATTR ACTIO N Judge E. J. West and wife and I. - - -.~. - - - - - - - - . N. Lair. cashier of the Citizen 's Na· - - - - - - -+ ... --~-----------. 18 At the home of ' the bride 2029 tional Bank, and wife, of Wi1inin ~- J. E. Janney is in Chica&'o on Quai. ~ .,dams and wife spent Sunday the tItle presented by Wtlllam B. Moore at Phillip 's Hall. Novem ber Madison street St Louis W~nes- ton, called on I. T. Cartwr~ht at the ness. Re . ll. W. Hail ey and wife wen, in Xenia. 5th. day evening, Octobe.r 27,' 1909. at Friend s' Boardi ng HOme last Wed· W .. .H. Allen was in Cinel il.ati hospita b ly entel·tained by Adam MA 5 o'clock, Mr. George Schnebly and needay. As they were T W 'ht d Ell" It is not a lecture but a medley about to l~ve Monday. ~ Stoops and wif ' Sunday . , r:s. . , . ~lg an son, 10tt . progra Mrs m West of dialect presen sk ted tches. Mr eartwr ht mOnoMillS Carrie Lange were united in . " were Dayton VISitOrs Saturd ay. . • 19 logues. etc. Mr. Moor makeS- Ullin ro ' marria ge, and left th~ same evening ~lth • .a 80uverur of her own handwo rk 'Jharl~ Smart spent Sunday With Misa Stile. of Olive Branch, was full view of the audience. wh ieh for Victoria, Texas. where they will 1~ the shape of a Quakerese. add Mi5:lPS Stell a Lemmon and .J essie mad~ of hi s fanllly here. the guest of Misa Brand Sunday . to the entertainnLen t . spend the winter. Marlat t wel'e gll l.!s l :-l of Miss Luella ribbon and ".'ou~ted on a ~dpalDtJesse Thomas was the guest of relHear Jean Cooper the whistling The p.I·ass h~ nothing uu t George 's manY'f riends here extend ed card, which IS framed m om ell at a ")U'nhe r party I"riday ('0111 passe ative8 in Lytle Sunday . soloist Friday night at School Hall. mendatlOn for hIS W )I"~, a l')d W heartie st congra tulation s night. partou t. An envelope attache d to l:l~' nesP f E H Col" d t '1 " ' v i l l e people, the back enclosed the poem which is. ro: fail t.o et:! him will . . . ~ an &IDl ywere Mrs. Sherma n D)ke and daught er. surely miss awho g rand treat. given below. [t is very quaint and 10 Spnng Valley Frldq . MrR. W. F. Clark enterta ined Mrs Blanche, were Dayton visitors Satur~rs. Lizzie Elliott Clark, of Ly~le, pretty and Mr. Cartwr iaht prizes ~- • Chas. Johns, MIsses Celesti a Austin it Hear J. W. LeWIS 10 .lne BeUs" day. wrItes UI !rom Seattle as follow s:. TIlADE IN XENIA and Bertha Kemic k. at dinner la!lt very highly. at School Hall Octobe r 28th. Chas. Dunham and family h a v e . We arrived here on tM boat Pr1O· . Friday . moved into the Higgin s proper ty on Last sprmg we mad e an cess Charlo tte last Tuesda y nigbt, 'J:HE PASSIN G OF A BONNET offel' to . Robt. Cross wu In Dayton $nd Main St. ouriri( mda and custom ers f Wayne s. after riding throug h all kinds of Little Quaker , little Quaker, Troy Tuesda y and Wednesday. Ed Fu rnas and wife gay n rlinnp.f . '. . ville and Hal'veysburg to pay Clll" countr y and · mounta ins and viewi'lJl Undern eath your silken Shaker Miss Alicia in honor of Aunt Julia Unu ("woud KeUey, ' of Cincinn ati. A. B: SIdes and ~e ~re a.tte!ldm~ fare on all picture orders of $3.00 the wonder s of nature, ' Since Mr. or last Fdclay. that bing Do you kn~w I pray, ! lpent Sunday with friends here. hel' eightythe Trl-Sta te Exhibi t 10 Cmcmn ati over and we will now renew t his Clark was here 21 years ago, Seattle That your pretty, neat, plain bonnet , eighth birthda y. . , this week. has grown from a liltle «:!wn in the With the dainty folds upon it proposition. We have some beautiHear W. B. Moore a~ PhilhP f 8 .Matt McKinsey leaves today for tul things in the way of fine wildern ess situate d on ElI,iot Bay, to imported Soon will paas away? Hall, ,Novem ber ~th. It 18 great. c.Jifom ia, where be expect s to spend folders and mounts and as all a hustlin g, beautif ul city of 275,000. H S. L. Cal'twright enterta ined Lee know. Q ak h Q 'ak J. O. Cartwr irbt is back to hfs the Winter. Have not passed throug h any climate . appy u er,. appy u er, Adams our WOJ'k and wife. Rev. and Mrs, Cadis second to none. desk afte tw eek' ti but wha€ has been about like Octobe~ (How unhfaPPy. I.t must make D ber 's S wallade r a r and Miss Kizzie Merri tt at 0 w s vaca ' on. :M.n. Ed Macy, Mrs. Jeff Smith and in Ohio. Will stay here until the . .O!.NIN G T 01 0 . U the truth be told); dinner last Wednesday'. Meadames Wilter McClure,. nd daught er, Glenna. were shoppi ng in rainy season sets in and then move Where there once were many, DEATH many, F. C. Carey were in Lebanon 1jst Dayton Monday. , on down the coast to Los Angeles, Now,you scarcely can -find any FrtdV. Lizzie Carroll arrived home last Mrs. ~atherine Keever , aged:1 Mis.~es Naomi and Orpha Hocket t stoppin g-at Portlan d and San FranOn they~ung Qr old. Harry Smart, of Cincinnati, WI8 Friday after a delight ful two months had ' as their guests at dinner last cisco. years, died at her h~me on Frankh n Nauah ty Quaker , naught y .Quake r, the guest of Chaa, Smart and faQIily visit Wedne with her sday, Misses Rachel and M~r­ sister in Kansas. road, Saturd ay evenmg, at 5:80 p. m. . (0 b\lt I coqld shake her, ~ berl) S\lnday. tha ,,' Burnet F t and Emma Cartwr ight. ' 0 Hathaw ay who has been ~e funeral was held Tuesday mornMr. H. D. Mani!'g ton. of Colum· Fiel that you'd ex~ M 'Sarah. Elbo f Lel.....:- __" .: . h . ' . bl to b bus, wrl'tes as' f 0 IIows: y ' t ing at 11 a. m. at the chapel. Rev. our quamt and modea tlittle crown, . rs o · .... I1'lp,k 18 a e th. t' f F Jn,Shoo e ou d ..,n. ' d lMlIlen b t h nc d WIt ' I If there ar~ . ~uffieient numbe r of Forfea thersm ovingu pandd il t • J . F . Cad wa II ad er. 0 ffi' ' \1 an d d aug ' h ter, ' cIat'mg. . own; Mrs. ~nna O'N en ~a;eS::ues 0 .•. • e~ ,. u e oesnt 00 very we ~e. Mrs.~eeverhad been former residen ts of Wa~esvine fa. sick buta . Martba 'Ti8 strange , .very strange~ ,andUp shireW l~itea ndwite . day. . Mrs. Bel1:ba Blackb urn and httle sidingi nthisci tYtont akethe oceasio n P ttyQua k ttiYQa k ~rp Hawke and ~e ."'fe daught er, of New Vienna, are spend- short bme, and her death was a w'ere enterta ined at a SUllday dinner interes ting, I SURes t that some tinlf.' yre '11 te~j::ic h;" to all her friends . .Death was af; the charmi ng home of W. ~ h anleat8 of Mercer ~ and wife ill lng a~upleof weeks at the Friend s' shock E. due to catarrh al pneumonia. during the coming winter a gather · o~ ~ n~U°atm 'O'Neall and family : e er, Lebanon Tuesday. Boardinar Home. ing: Of them: be arranared. This is'a y; HAs SP~AINEO BACK 'I~Ut' ru~ at. Dr; Dubois, prelJidlpg elder of t"i8 ¥eldam es J C Hawl{e and 1I A . p~tice somewha~ i~dulged' in ' this I:~~';~o!~~ ~:~':ni:n . . ,Mrs. Agnes Wright en,terta ined a~ . district , is the Pest of Rev. B. W. Cornell are i~ ~ttendance City by former restden ts of other at 'th~ Ca~roll . Smart is laid up wlta a I dinner Tuesday the ,followi G-_.JI f " ~ ' j Bailey ng gues~: and wife. .\ . dI m'_...~I __ of theG- -.l Cha'pter of the sprame d back, the result of . t Id uuu or you, xor you to,wp8 a.n d coun.t.le , s, an am 0 not LT. Lee AdaD'S and vyife, Rev. and ~U. ~ , "d ){' Prof. " C: A. Bruner and wif~ .ere P.tem Star at Cineinn ati thJs.w6ek. they ~re verY dehght ful. What sug- ~nt1e Quaker , ~nt1e Quaker uc mg soon enough. H e was. on 'Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. Mrs. Charles in Muon lI'.oIda,y eveni attendi n Sev,"" intend going from here and a 10a<\ of baled hay, aests ,It, to me is the fact ~t sucb 'a Smce you are 'a i'ood pevelJ , and ~as enterm g Smart, Mrs. Annie Thorpe and 9ssie '8ker, ~'U q g , . tod . meetin g is to be held by fotmer reilion Cook's scales at, Corwm, when he Ricks. . Worldly faulta condone; a Lot P. reunioD. . Harve,. b!oll'¥ • ~ • failed to "low bridge ." and was dents of MeehaniC8bur~, whel'e I ' at So let others wear their ,b onnet. .J ~ McCune "arid of TRADE AT HOME 'one time r~ide:{. You migltt tak9 With a flower prdfD on it, caught on a beam of the shed. Emmor Baily' al)d wife in th~ir us' , Wert, . . pesta of ~ "ttv~ , the matter up in your .,.~ and ~ Fortun ately. there were no bones lIal hospita ble mariner enterta ined at ;;But-llticJt·to 7:our""O.*n! . ~. Jlra..; Bva,lIiller~ Why is It nee ry to go to Xenia ~roken, but his back was badly dinner Sunday what ~Qmes of it. .' , Chauncy Bunnell and ;oe - • lin. RunahFet~ wu the ~p- or Daytnn to have photog raphs taken, [Thls mptter' referre d. to above spraine d. He will be out in ~ few family, Seth Eurnas and family, Isra' . ,OBITUARY , . lent of a ~ shower TIaeeday when you c:an have the ~e taken at days. •_ • ~ tn , us , to ~a. f~bl~ o~e. Hann.ahClayton'. ~olp el Sattert hwaite and family aRd Mrs. . b. in.b~rolber84th birthda y. home by'an old expene nced pho. 'there are. at 'Ir~nt remdm g In Col-, ~r of Benjam in and :f,:l~bdaq J. B. Chapman and iittJe ~n. OLD FOLKS ' DAY Ann Ran·. • , torraph er. umbus . about twenty-five familie S' dolph ~ bom March ~. 18S'7, ._ __ de- . ~l'I!' Bettie Clemen ts and MiIIeIi &. F~ Canby, of Xenia, has worked ~ special service has to een arrange d from Waynesville,. a . majori,t y of parted this life <>Ctobet' 16, John Hawke 'a nd wife enterta ined 1908. ~~•~d ~tiClem~ts=~est8 for ~ leading photog raphers whom take the Miami Guette . "It aged 72 yeani, 6 mon~and' of at the M. E. church nex~ Sunda,y for at dinner Sunday. The g?ests 2S daya. 0 ..,,,,,~OD were, V. , • this countr y and bad the advant age Old Folks' Day. VehIcles Will Will be a satisfac tion toO them as well ' ,Sb'e waa united 'in rnarriq be ::>. Lo' Cartwr ight and. WIfe, HarrlY e to '~fIaes Ma.ry Jlrater and Mary of the best gallerie s and master s, and provided, and it is, the intentio n ,to Murray and wife. Frank· as t9 us to take up. the mat;ter and DlUliel She~h~rd July'SO, J.8S6. Zell and ',1'0 H8w.k~ made a week end visit with therefo re can vouch' for his work. ·get all the old folks out. A special wife, C. ~. Hawke coinmurlicate with us or Mr. Maning- this pnion were bom ten cblldre and family, n, their cousin Mrs. Jge Brackn ey. He comes to Waynesville every Sat- musical progra m ton, who has never·. forgott en ))is old three died when youI1&'. She has been prepare d, Hawke and family, George Hawke is lur· Hear J W, LeWis in "Bul'¥orna&- urd8y; and can always .b e foun~ at and the olp hymns will be sung. All and family. home, 'and who still ,wants tobemo~ vi~'ed ' by oer husban d and seven ter's.D eaih/: School .Hall. Friday , his roo~over Wbi~e'8 groce~. , a~e invited to be presen t at this sel', closely allied wlth herfor mer resl- children, , Mrs. Ida Mende - -.... nhall, OctOb erl9th with New York Ladies He makes a specJalt.r of chIldren s vice. dents. -Ed.] . .... 4 _ • '.. JA~K HEIRS BRINQ , §urr of Spfing Valley. Ohio; . Albert and Trio" _ , work, 'a nd guaran,t ees satisfac tion in · ATTE NT-IO-N, VOTERS! 'LEBANON WOMA~ HONO ReD ~:::Ie:n:- ' :r:~h~~r:f ~~:'ne Asking for Ii~ acooun ting of true ·' :t F. C. carey &lid .0. W. B~Uton all cases. Give.h !, ~ call. I am a candid ate for Assesso r of tee and 101' dis tributio n, Wa.rren 0: Miaa, MaleRnnyanreoei~edno'I~.. Cincinnati; · MrS. LQui8& Frame r, w~ntto Ci~clnnati ~esday to the McCLUR~~S ~AO~~INE Real Estate for Wayne Township and Jllok, 8.. H . . Oomp~on t~Dd .. eeierda atate Exhibi t '!'bey --Ill be " mornin g tbat Tri "he Cb8s, hafl of T-bein 's . 0.', Mrs. LiUie Thom n."" .. I '. .. . ' WI ~,-, ." .t'" • t daya need your suppor t. 1 will be unable Compton bl'ou"h t snit .In COD;loion been ohoeen &II probat ion oftloer for liOn. Saint John, ~; McClu re'l magazm e wants a man . Mrs.. Reva wo ... . Plens Conrt Saturdl'Y afterno on, - W esvill and vicini- to see each of you personally, but against the ~ir1l. Induet rial ~ome near Hood. Dvto~; tW~nty-on~ U . (J EulllS8, Truste e of ' the grand. Georre Ha~ 'arid wife ltarted ty0r :o~:fto ~ ubsc ~ ti . te _ Can, assure you that if I am ejected Vel.wa re The ~ltion oame to children and fiveare at.grandcbUeJre I Jllok estnte. li f9r ¥iaJni County Mondl ¥,.pd will 14 . " a I ' r Fa s tal ti~P servi r will vive all a SQuare deal. Thankb Id t lsi Bany. n 9 n1ou gJ;1t" and 'WhUp " TIt ' d eats. Wh0 e or lPI'l'e me.onTmhere. ne , ces were e a the aM, tite' p,eats .0 f G'd ~- f . . t . I eon . om~ an b ' The is a li~ral lPI~aranteed salary Ex- mgyol pJlliutif ~ --;t-tra u bonor ~o be appoin ted to tht(ll home-of btlrao Ill, who are tleirt' and u or your mteres In my e benefioi:l.r ju , cluiln n Albert , conducted amUy for a week. . , 'that Eu ilss WIlS 1 . t oJ h . , . b A..... d-: bl Co k I t e t ' t y half. '., . 1 am, yours.t ruly, reepoo ltb e po81t Ou ~ e,f8 is a ~oOd y BeV• .tUllOS , penenc e eslra e, no n e c . o. n rmen was Go and listen to,the sweet singer, . Profita W K ' appoin ted trustee after tlle first dis ble perman ent and pleasan t wary KOtIS with It. , Th~, oiDoe WaS t;nJUle'a t New Burlt.ngtQn., • .!LTER ENRICK . tributioD. {lOa thut be was to reoelve eel b Edith ' ~_..!:i.p at School Hall Frj..lft .. b sin ' "S ' h .. ' W 'te today McClu , re's vaw areat W'EEN y govern or ,armQo on t e. · ASKED' SOCIAL lind di tribute 11011 Cif the, r emaini ng' ' " Y, U ese. n CARD ,OF 'TIIA}ofK8. , HALLO evenina'. Her ain~ will ,, M be worth M~e, 42 East 23 St . New York ,reoommeodatloli of the S.te Board . US8ets ot: tbe estate. Wbich ' IlS~()ts ' \ W&wish to thank our m~friend8 the'pric e of admission. - f Vi ito t ee~tng d , " City . ~ Th '11 o b 8 1'1. ,a d k d ' n, ~ , ,an, !or ~eir ~ndne&ll to the f~ly duro ao\ amoun . _ • 'rb.ey ere WI ~ a a-ran mas e Mrs•.Sarah Etbon. who has been . ted to '3<1 ,iioO 00 the fact , ,bat It req\11r a woman IDg the SIckness and death. L cial for grange rs and their friends at state tihut be WIIS ~o reutio (rom .t~t't of our the pest of Frank Elbon and wife ONE HUND RED YEARS 0 I. O. O. F. Hall, Saturd ay evening , '\ amollu t a I'eusonubl e ournlJen wbo ~88ed mallY exoellt!n$ qll~~i . and those w~o sang. ,!ltl.tlou will leave ' for IAbano n 'this Week fioationB makel tbe honor alllihe mother M N J B tt ' th be' f Octobe b r rd ' 30 1909. Prizes will be giv- fOJ: his servioe!:! iHI trm.ltee unll d f I ,if in t' III B ' ' d rs. tbt1t ' -~ rt Shep!! ~ ami y. aney . u erwor . 0 I where abe will apend the,win ter. 'ked I d m~~e gra , g , 0 d b 'Butter worth Station ,81 uoyaD an. t f til :I will celebra te :en to the best f lid tb .. ~ • mas a . y an gen-, . e was 0 rom ese u 8,. e • herfr.le nda. ' ' ': I tleman Light refresh ments will be attorne y pay '" ~OTICP. · . W. B. keptth e audi~eein f~es of ~.c , B. Puxton , W. o~Satu Ml~ Ran1~n i.; 'he daught er of rl served· . ' 10, Thomp so n, II.nd Ei.l lmiiton & . ' . • an u~r With his southe rn negro day, Novem ber 20th. ~he IS " tbe.late Benry RunyaD" a'slater of , Ha':1I)1t sold our Oregor m good i ' . ts t tr d d its t all Brown ua Ml~18, dialect 8keiehea.~C'ncinnati Etiquir:- healtH and 8~rengt h, and will ~e gl~ 10 cen a .e _ o~r a .. m o . The ;lhdntltl't! further . Judge RuuYlln and ' D. D. R1n~un, we Wish ~ el~ out our lI:v6r tht1 t e,n tlre er. At Phillip 's Hall; Novem ber 5th. to.1!e8 hertl'l,(ln~ there. Trams willi. of$hia place.' She wal .. borna nd buainessaton~. ... TOOK EXAMINATION Mr. IDalus!! hitS repen,te ( ' . (lIy refased . , , 8top.t thesta ttonon thatda y. r.ti8d near ,BlltlervUle ' 11 a iady of ,' We have abOut 200, tons of coal. . tor\vea .uIlOO a , lJllntin Ali 8locutl9 r andtlll 1li1t ltn()W such .u . Augus ta . .• - eeluoatlon, Rood ' j'ad&~en' a.'nd ra ' ~ot o,:stov e wO;Od lumber and Guy Dakin took 1m examination in nfl. f b l 'l2 5000 ' \ dift~r- Grim .,ho'll~ appeal to ev~ry~y, as I U id J0l:-LY FIStUN Q PARTY Cinc~':Inati last Thursd ay for fireman, a 0 t e . ' ,) finoment, aDd the in8titutioD Is $0 be ent;ldn da of ~eed tb~t. w~ are V 11 tle n pll ae~ln* her, ~~~ti on In ~ 1m, IS pf the coDg~tnlated upon securlnK ,her, ~t .~..... Come ~d$e8w&atwehave and he passed with such a goou pel' ont , ~ ftnes~ ': f¥hool . Hall, Octobe r 29th. A lolly, flabl?&, .party started . out cent that he went to Cincin nati' Sunservloee fori tb.l8 ~o" ~po~81~le ,.~l .~es ~V1~ ~ ~f our ~n SMALL POX IN O~BORN 'Ri~ard "Grosa and wife visited Tu~ momlJl~ for Gravel poelUon.'.....J.,.ebllno~ Patriot . "', ,~wi!!- o~hge ~ tiy, re~l . q relative s in sardini a.last week. Mr. spend ~~. day ftabi~g. They HtU t~ day eVEning, where be was assigned .' . , • _ ' ~ .' i • i ' them prompt ly. 1 , uccess to The Intuu.tio.n In Osborll ,OIi.UII11d by ". Crc.. 'retUrn 84hom e Monday even- Dr. ,,?ubolS, ·o~ Spnngf ield, were. a position ' on an engine . ReT. H. you', GUY! PUBI:.IC AUCTION Of HqRSE S . i ' : :' SrENO n. ~ MO~~OE'" , ,the reoent outbrl,lllk of u .sl.ill1l1rox inar, but Mrs.. Croai will ,remain ''there ,W. Bail~v" Dr. ,F. ,C. Adams , F. C. , loadOfM t • • h t ,.' "~.,, epidemlO tbere is ." eIY se,riou8 o.n~ . -~,. ~'.t.~ ,'"". ". 'fot'a'tewd~ , , ' , Scbv.:artzimdC~ F. ' Robitzer. , One car . on ~a . o~ .o . FREE .,w,~ ~~~'I ' H.U~T tbepby sioiaDs ,llf.e beiug Qverwqrk.ed .' '. ", , ' " , ' .. , " " .. ' . - • be 8O~d to l~~ )llgh~t , ~Id~er.; ;, s-Je . \" M. J. Oebo~o ol SUIo . . '~ Dr. Dick, of t:bE\ St!'te Health De-. biutly 1 MiiI· Emm~ , ,:IleiPw~ retu..-ned INDEf~ NlTEJ, .Y POSTPON~D' " Free.t:> ' ~~Y8 .and Girls, ~!exlh.le partme m"t ~n pr~mp~IY· at ,10t,C~~~, .burt' wbtle' l~~.i~o~': nt, ~ho yi~lted Osborn ~\lD'~ u.~ ~o~~~J MtW~e idq&:fter ,a 'pl~ /" '. ;,' ~. ' , sa~ ~ No~~ptb~I:' , 6, . " ~' ,a t, ,tan \teet. ;ul.toDie " Fl~er, ., ~he sled ~ha~steQIs. The day afterno on disoovered' 'teu ·'pro. be". '~t· ~twitli,~ ~~,lIrs. ~on On, '~thet ~ wdl be . found;a n ' ~t ..81,ed ~~ the ~o~ld. You can eas- nounced ,0118t?8, Qf' .. my res~dence ~t o~ W~esvil1~, .0. contrOl of the 19* ,anel it.fali tJhe .di6el4.8e ill Lho : on" IiliD ~p~, in , Satd~. an~ relativ,e s 1CCO~~tof~e ~cul t.u~ Extet1Blon, d~ secur~ one wlthm a f~w ~a~. , Be viUage ~nd. . Tb.~ho_a,e \~qUI~t , ~~Cb~f h~Jdj arm ,and' onEl iii, ~he ;ool1utr,.Y,'J~ell.ri. ' i Q~t l~~ · , I .. ·. '.~. ~ooJ. , at .Le~on~..Wo~ ..~ved,~. ~e~rs~m ·fourt~wn. ~rlte tod.~ by. TbediRO , " o~ · we11 . ~red on-.• . ~I!~ of , , 'll" e~palnfUJ 'burt.~. Ov.erY .'tbatth,ed,t8~lls" I Tb.-:4ate fOil ~. N~ Y0I:k ' T~o ~~ was ,t o the ~ft~~ that "the 8tatn~g your a~e. ~posta" car~ Willy WIlS ~ ,~.~,_aad, ~ sma.HIl ox .was first plilde bY:.;Dr 'It "'l!\>o p ,~ to . ~ nljiit. ~l ,~ ,~ In~~!"1y POI" do.,. W.I. tl.• , ' reldinP .i Qlder ~ ,ntli foal by, f .' -. I v~.l53 liaot..24th S~. :P. Q! ...., ...,.,. " he ,oar•••, 'o! · ·'>::,~I!.'-.!>j:ld hi ... "': ~' ." 'boMI' 0c:t0~, 2O ' TIM colnMl~ are poned. 'bt .... stu;f.. . M-.oY broke to Bilddle and ."" . " , ,, " ' 0 .'. u.,. New .X"or:k Clty DO , . "'7< . . • Greepe oountv J ae at o'noo notV '" ' .. . ~ " ~ ";'1~. ,.,' / . > I • '" ' ' • . . • • ",ere , ", c· , • bl'C? 1. - • "" " bUtliD i. . ' ~ iDcUca ri'··., ··At tlounQ ware drive~ . , !, SENDS " ,FO}t" piOsY.;; oA.RDS , : SALE OF' ..l.A:.'- . BR~P, F9RD FARM l' ~., . tor'a',runliduae. tle(Hhe , ~tate" Dea:lth O"Jg er at CO! , , \' .' , ' ' . . .. ' \, . , ' ... , . . . . Al[are~~' :'~A::::'~; ' f, .; DA1"Iu~ \~Jl~)' ., i" ' .' . M.L ~.. ' Ila~kea ." nmbus, on , .. *:,,1 he (ollow : nddauiiliter, . ~ ' BI~," cif 'J)'aytOrl, ' Tlle~!Br6dford . farm near c'~nte~: hig day tbe~aQd!,y !:n~:b' ' ~chOlce at· 10.r The ·' CODvoC..,dOll Of tbe" ~ . . . ~ l'e~l'. e 8&n~ti yeQrtl1lA! . . . . .~ \ IaDa.J. ._ ' ce , . " 'Will be DWIte will ~ ~ W~ . . . . . . . , And • tft8 aft.wD'O llMldl to ~u!l . f9r po8~ views ,of' Ville. ~as sold lail4w~k ,to:J.os . DepartmeD--' .,,,,a8 . ~eQ5 t.O , ~D : oa W~le\ ·We. are . l~ recei»t of Thomas. 1he·fl,U'lll consIsts .of se\1- ODe more,c ~m:b1.....'. ~" lto...~ lid In 'he Xr,.me r f.,u. ~ 'l'bi,. .., 'Ib8,GI rI" J~en .~ry f,w • . 'c.I~ ~d lee ant)'.e tPt, and ~Id for $68.80 lJy 4evel~~aae'Tnesd o~e.. t ' ~. 8.~' '~ltdl".,\ae. ~. · ~~ ay -..nd , odl'~ .'.NatIaDal.~.,. . . ~. ~ per acre. arefearQd.~XeDla G~~te. (

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True Reprelel1tlthte ot ·Ru~, Or. Boll\mann,HQllWog may lalm they bflll1' . lllO rollr the, all splendId ~r,e tbltt wl11'l11e4 , her Illld HAD ONE GOOD POINT " t r1 ' to g t qwny frpm 9'e, ana of 'mad h r! I I 88 lonely. :f!he 'ana this c.I 1 tinction, tllat he Is the flrst COUI'S . I let lhem go," " Toto at~ the ' last cit their' bi'ead, o.ncl (l rmun hall (111M to wear a beard, "aut tbatfsnTt right. ' The KJng ot now 'ah did , not Iato. 'what , thel his oft Dismut'l:k',ltustehed to sha~ Bensts sb,ouldD't be ,a (tOward,'.' 'ill\1d' :wouJd do tor bre'a ktast. · . . whf'u It enl r d upon diplomacy, and tllO Scar crow. . hIf you Wlsb~" said the ,Llon, "I wUI 1I0w d hi!:! I'i nls lind .nemlell a "I kn w ': It," returned " the LIon, go lute) th e forest and .kill a d f faT m:ll!t;I\"e jaw und c1ear·cut chIn; and willing a t ar tram bls eye with ·the you. You C,ltu roast it by the 'fire, he RlIayed to tile end, wit!:! an. inter. Up at his tall; "It Is my great sarro., . sInce y'our last s are so p,cculla r thaI vl) 1 ntor ed by neuralgl!1 In the ellr)y and mal(es my llfo very unbappy. But 'yoU prefer cooked toad, and tlien you . Os . As a soldl r, too aprlvl sba,vcd, \Vh never there is danger my beart will ba\'e a v ry good br oa'''f~st.'' 1111 . but his mus'tache, and so dl.d begins to beat rast." "Don'tl please don't,"begg d tbe Bulll' nloh o d Bulow. But Beth· "P rhaps you have heart disease," Tin Woodman. "I sbould c I'tllnly llIHun.Hu\lw g is gaunt, l'ugg d, hiI" said tbo Tin Woodman. weep It you killed ' a 11001' d 81', nntl III.', pno·a nnaolc. " It may be," said the Lion. then my jaws would rllst oguin." A Steady Thing, "U you have," oontlnued the Tin But tile Lion' went away lull' the ; Young Ollest-It seems to me that orot st I do hbnor 1\ chin of beet, S<'rnelillng had gone amiss with Woodmno, "you ought to be gla<t, tor forest and found his own sUPD ' r, nnd I tot you don't objeot to th mosquitoes du roverenco a. 10111 of venl." l3obllio nut! he hud sO ~lght Ule omfort It proY s you have a heart. For my no one vel' kuew what It was, for be -Shakesp are. slhging In your rooUl. part, I ha,'e no heart; so I cannot didn't menU on It. . And tho Scan~crow Old Ouest-You b t l don't. Why, of l 11I'S , 'oll ' 1II g his wet cbo ks, his Be '(Forehanded." have heart disease." . found 0. tree {ull at nuts and filled when the mOS(}lIltoes nro s Inging I mother salel In t\ consolatory tone: Begin now to preDaro the Christ. .. nUl II I'e, dcar, nnd let me wipe " Pcrhaps," said the Llou, thought· Dorothy's basket with them, so tbal an't hear the glee club practl loS on tully, "If r bad no heart 1 should not she wonld not bo hu ngry for a ' Toug mas gifts whlcb there Is such pleasut:e YOllr yt!d." the piazza.· "'Tol u't 110 UBe, muvver," returned be a cowa.rd." , tlme. She thought this was very Id nd In mRkJng. A little work when chat"Ha\'e you brains?" &liked the Scare- and thoughtful of tbe Scarocrow, but ting on the porch thelle lovely daye Bobhle with a little cbol(e; "I's doln' HAIR, to cry l1!;nlll III n mluuto! "-Woman's crow. she laugh d h eartily at the' awl(wurtl mllY be at hand and much. aocom"I supposc so, I've never Icoleed to way In which th poor creature picked pllshed In odd moments. The popular 8eemed Imminent-Scalp Was Very Ilolll o ~lI U1l)anlo n . By L.FrankBaum see." replied the Lion. up' the nuts. His padded hands were irish croch et In lace Insertion or edge - -----:Scaly and Hall" Came Out by Hand. Kever 11\(0 n mean advantage at "I Rm going to tbe great Oz to ask so clumsy and the nutll w re eo small Is always acceptable, or the pretty, ful.-Scalp Now Clear and nnyonr. In any tnmsactlon, and never' 111m to g\\'o me sarno." l' marked tho that he dropped almost as many as ho dainty, lll11e jabots are sUII much ID bu hard upon people who are In your Scare row, "for my head Is s tuffed put In tho basltet. But the Scare. favor. ( opyrlgh t. by tho Dobbs-Morrill Co.) , New Hair Grown by Cuticura. (CoP"rlght by L. mrank Bnum & W, W. I It" po\\,er.- Dlck 1\ 8. On e of the pretUest of lunch clothe 'DeilSlow.) w tI S rnw. . crow did not mind how long It tooll "And I am go1ng to usk him to give him to fill the basllet, tor it eOD-bled Is mnde of several ,rows of dnu~le "About two years ago I was troubled SYNOPSIS. me a heal'l," said Ihe Woodman. him to lleep away from the flre, At! he hemstitching with the space betw.ten with my bead belns scaly. Shortly "And 1 am gOing to ask him to send feared a spark might get intc his each row filled with the pretty teatl!· aUer that I had au uttaclt at typhoid Dorothy IIvod In Kan5lll! with Aunt Em T t d b k to K "dd d a.nd Unole a nry. A c)·clono lifted UHlir 0 0 an me ac ansas, a e straw and burn him up. So be kept er·s tltchlng. Then one may have a t ever and I was out of the hospital homo Into tho air. Dorothy railine asleep Dorothy. a good. distance away from the naomel!'. spray of French embroidery in t.wo possibly two months "'hen I first no· tunlde t th Clxcltement. A crash awakened "Do you think Oz could giVe ms ·and only came near to oover Dor.Jthy corners and the InlUal lust ·t ar enough Uced the loss of hair, my scalp being ht'f, The house had landed In a country a a "" ked th C dl LI CIt nllI.rvolous beauty. OrouPII of queer C tlr ge. as e ownr yon. with dry leaves when she lay Ihwn up to lie In sight on the table wben sUIl scaly. I stnrted to use dandruff little peopl\l greeted her to the lAne) of "Just as asl1y as be could give me to sleep; Those kept her very snug the cloth Is spread, cures to ,no effect whatever. I had Munchkln8. 'fhe hOWle hlld killed theIr brafns," said the Scarecrow. and warm and she lilept soundly unUI Very beautiful effects are made with n.ctually lost bope at saving any hair .en ml', the wlj!ked witch of Eaat. Dor· "Or give me a heart," said the Tin morning. the lace braid that has a thread which at nIl. I could ,brush It off my coat IS ClLh, took tho wltoh's sliver sho II. She W d .Wrtec2 for Ule Emerald CItY to tind the 00 man . Whe n It WIlS daylight the girl draws up, dOing away with ilie te- by the handful. I was afrald to comb Wllllrd of Oil. who, flhe was promlB d, "Or send me back to Kansas," said bathed her face lu !\ little rlp!,'!inc dious overhandlng. A very handsome It. But after using two cakes of Cut!· brook aud soon att,er they aU started dolly may be easily made of this kind cura Soap and nearly a bolt of Cull· mll'ht tlnd a way to sond hor back to Dorothy. Kansu. Dorothy relealcd Bcarecrow, "Then, U you don't mind, I'll go wtth towa.rd the Emerald City. in two alt rooons, the knotted laCe curs Ointment, the change was sur.1\'lnl him life. He waa de.oll'oWl ot &C"1 h Ll "r lit ' on, or my e Is This was to be rt.n even!;ful <lay for thread being used. q ui ring braill8 and atartCd with her to you, SQ d t e prising. 10ly scalp Is now clear and the wlaard to get thorn. The llcarecrow simply unbearable without a bit of the traVelE)rB. Tbey had hardly beeD The little Indlvillual 'towels embrold· bealthy as couId be and tl)y halrthlck· . tord bIll bl.tory. . Thoy met " tin wood- . cournge." ered with the inlUalB' make a very er than ever, whereas I bad my mind alllo h.o ' Ioog_ f or a ... - nrt. a So ''You will be ve ry welcome," an- walklnl;' an hour wben they saw be- . welcome gift. mpo, JoJned W them. Tbe, came ..upon terrIble made U1) to be bald. W, F . Steese, 6812 lion. . swered Dorothy, "for you will belp to The Dutch oollar may be. easily Broad St., Pittsburg, Penn:, May 7 and keep away tbe other wild beasts. It made, )ooklng much 11ke the .eXpenslve 21, 1908." CHAPTER VI.-contlnued, seems to me they must be more cow· 'o nes In the shops. Buy the imitation NIor Dna • Obem. Oorp., Sole ProPL, IIo*lra. . LIt». Toto, now that' he had an ardly than you are If they allow )'0\1 crocbet laoe Insertion and edge and •• to face, ran bar1dng toward the to scare them so eaally." stitch it on with the machine. l~ real· Definite Location. Uou, and the KJ"Oat beast had opened China for yout' lableln tbe Famlt,8l.. "They really are," satd the Lion; Iy looks Uke the re8.1 lace and wears Every visitor at the n\lw . capllol at hla mouth io bite the dog, wben Doro- "but that doesn't make me any braver, P~Q"alfe. well • . Harrisburg, Pa., who gets as far as thy, fearing T~to would ~e killed, and and as long aB I know myself to be the registration room, Is expected to -beedless danger, rush.e d fonvard a cowa.rd 1 shall be unhappy," Lucanlan Egg •• write his name In a big book. together You Can Shave YounelfWJtb and slapped the Lion upon hie nose. as ' , Sllce flve hard cooked eggs mto wJth his blrtly)lace and present resiSo once more the 111Ue company set bard, u abe could., while ahe crled out.: ot!. upon the journey, the Lton walkeights. lengthwise, lay Into a buttered dence, saYI the Troy Times, Not . 'Don't you dare to blte .Totol Yoh lng ' with stately IItrides at ,DorothY'B baidng dish, alternate layer~, with one long 'ago, when a crowd ot· excursion· oUKht to be asbamed of you1'8elt, a 'blg side, Toto did Dot ' approve this new cupful of cooked macaroni. one and Ists visIted the grounds and ,bulldJng8. /beut Uk" you, to ' bite a poor IttUe comrade at flrst, tor he could not for· three-fourths cUDfuls of white sauce, a stout girl started to Teglster, NO STROPPING NO HONING .()ogl" . ' one·half oupful of grated cheese, salt; get how nearly he had been crushed She paused, pen pol8ed In all', and KNOWN THE WORLD OVER "I. didn't' bIte blm," said the J.!OD, as between ' the Lion'lI great Jaw/!; but pepper and anchoYJ essence tor,' sea· called out to an elderly lady, com'h~ rubbed hi, nose with his paw where aner a time he became more at ease, sonlng. Finish with buttenld crumbs furtably seated In ,a big chair. "Mon. :Dorothyllad hit It. and presently Toto and the Cowardly and bake In a bot oven until the vere vas I borned at?" "No, but you tried tQ,"i Ihe retorted. Lion had grown to be good friends, crumbs are brown. "Vat you yant 0 know dat for?" :"'!:ou art! nothJng but a big coward." During the rest ot· that day there .!'Dls man vants to put It In del' bIg "1 know It;" said tbe _Lion, banging was no other ' adventure to, mar the Ginger 8,na" •• book." . 1111 ( head I~:. shame;' , "I've aI.ats peace of their journey. Once, indeed, Take one cupful ot, sugar, one c!u~ "Ach,:' answered the motber, "you bOWD It. But how can I help It'" ' ful shQrtenlDg, one cupful of mol~sses, We tell you abou\bow good yon'U the Tin Woodman stepped UPOn a "I' don't know, sure. To think bee~le that was crawl.ln8 ,along the one egg, one teaspoonful of 'soda and know veil eno\l8h~ln del' old stone feel after a CASOARETbouse:'" . that mllHoWi 0 people-buy. use ginger, one tablespoon!ul of vinegar; road, and killed the p,o or little thing. and recommend ·them-But t.haL's mix with enough flour to roll them This maCle the Thi WoOdman very un· How's This? talk-you buy a bolt now~take as " happy, for he was always careful not fore them a great ditch tlint crossed and bake in a Quick oven, directed to-nighC and geL the 'Proof w. oll'er Ono Rllndttd Dollan Reward for an,. _ OC Catarrh that ClUlQO~.lIe cured by .Bait.. to hurt any living cr,eatur ; and as be the ro.d and dlvtlled ·the forest as tar jn the morning-Arter you know. CAtArrh Cure. , CASOARETS you'll 'never be F. J. cm::Nl'JY <It CO., 'l'01(!(!0. O. wallled along he weyt several tears of as they could seo on either side. It We. th o unOol'8l8nM, J,IlW. lloown F. J . b~.,. without. them. IIJI Borrow. anO regret;. T~ese tears ran )VIUJ a v~ry wide ditch, and wben they fOr IhO IAn III yean. &n4 IM!tleV\i hIm perfeetly \Ionorabl. \II all /lualneM trao ... Uona ADd dostICllllly slowly down I1I.s faCA and over tho cre t up to the ed e a.1ld loolted Into CASCAIU~T8 roc • borfor a week .. able 10 carTY OU' any o~4tnllOna made by bll lInD. trealment, III drull2i.U, Biggetlt aellH , hlngs of his jaw:, and, there they ICthef cQuld see It. also . very' 1D &he wod4. MIl1ioa boxd. mOAIh. v.:~I"oWI::l=e"i,~~~' TOledo. O. will not woman. rUllted. When Dorotby plesently asked deep,a.nd there were many hlg, jagged Sf'll'. CIl\&rth CUre Is "'ken In lUDell),. ..Ilnll mnn daTe, UllOn lho blOOd' Dod mueoua aurlacet 01 the -;\'G El'I'TS:-IF J K ·EW ~oun lI'AlIIE, t him a question the TIt\ Woodman rocks at 1-be bottom. The sides were When atrong a(Jection aUnt IIplrlt dlreeUy ""tAlm, THttmonlAlI Jent Ire<!. Price 75 ceo'" 1* . "!Cluld II<Ind IOU ou.1::..1I1, IUph\oUIU~ f ...... Ihln·e.,. Illinuto. L 'mo ilia" you In .. prolltablo boOla SII. could ~ot «;lDen his mouth, (or his jaws so steep 'that Done of them could up?" bottle. Solei. by all D~l!ta. Y()n do oot oeed ,,0 n' of cupllnl. KltPo.lllnC8 'fAke Ball" FanUly PUll cor oonattoallOa. -Sou'tJ1~Y. . were 'tightly rusted togeth"r. He be· climb down, and tor 0. moment It, uno an ry. 60. proD\. CI'QdI~III .. on, L'romluma. Unpleasant Encounter•. c~me greatly frtghtened at this and . seemed that their journey m~st ·e nd. "Mlln mny be the head tho family. ~~':t~~g";~m "n~"b'o~r~~t::.f'~~~~~ "'-'1 8","1, ~ _ _ "Doe~ BlIggins m llet his obllga- ~u DUI!&. l'rftI'OIll, made many motions to Dor,lt.J:!y to re"What shall we ·do?" asked Dora- ~ut far bolt r than that., woman II tlto. Heve him, but she could l lot under- tby, despa'lrlngly, h~art or , ~t." .., ' dons?" I, , stand. The Lion was also puzzled to "Frequently," answered .. Mlss Cayknow what was wrong. But the "I haven't Lhe faintest \dea," said . Pressed Beef Flank, 'enne. "But he l~val'lably , snubs Scarecrow seized the oll.can from Dor- the 'l'ln WoodmanI' and the Lion , Wipe, remove superfluous . fat and them. ' , 11 d th W d shook his ahaggy mane and .ICloked roll Ba'bk of beof. Put hi a kettle, d k et an 0 e otby's bas e 00 - 'hought'ul. But the Sc ' arec.~~ .ald,· ' i ~~ ., cover w th boiling water and add one mall's jaws; so that after a few , mo- ~. An8wer Wouldn't ' Do, ments he could talk al'! weil as before, "We carlDot fly, that Is certain; tablespoonful ' of salt, one half tea. "How. far is It to BlgtowD.?" "This wlll serve me a 1eason," ssld neither can we climb down Into this spoonful of pepper corns, a bit of 'b ay "WeU, as Ule crow flles-" STAMPS~!:~g~~~~'e~J:i , "I'm -qot golng by air shIp." he, "to loolt where I step. For If I great ditch. ,T herefore, If we cannot leaf and a bone or two Which may be tine 8~llmpnnd stenoll gooda. Weare po t.rt.ller should kill an,other bug or beetle 1 jump over It, we must stop wbere we at hand. Cook slow1y ,unUl the ~ea' tr!'lm yonrbume or of· ~ . ', . '. " Eggs,summer more C!fts; I iJet twIce lUI many· ftc:e than tbo nearest 'II sbouJd sUl'ely cry again, and cryIng are," 18 10 sbreds; there shOUld be but a eggs . and wInter. Blnce I dlsCClV. pbone or O.S,mall bOlt. rusts my jaw so that I cannot speak," '!I think I could jump ovel" ,it," said , little llQuor in the kettle when the e~ed my auro au cells.rul ,mEthod IIOW to ·hElns IllY mor.c egg's. n's freo If YOU Thereart,er be walked very careful· the Cowardly Lion, after measuring " meat 1/1 !tone. Artange the meat 'In a mnke wrIte, M'rlI. L. Alley. New Madrid, Mo. . l;1eep pan, oover and "press w~U1 a Jy, with Ws eyes on' the road, ,and t)le distance carefully in his mind, when he saw a tiny ant totllng by he "Then we are all right," answered bean- weight. Se"e cold, . thinly ' would step over It, so 8S not to harm the' Scarecrow, "for you can carry us sUced,' It. Tbe Tin Woodman bew veri welt all ove, on your back, one 'at a time." he had no heart, and therefore he took "Well, I'll try It:1 said th:e Lion, . Bed Makl"g. gr~at care never to be cruel or unkind "Who..-wUl go tlrst 1" , Bed m'a klng Is an art, One should: of your str.ll{;lng a stuffed man lII(e tbe· to anything. "i : wI'u," d~clared the Sel\reerow; be as o~r~ful . and plllpBtaking is' POi poor Scareorow!" "You people with hearts," be said, "tor, if you found that · you coull) not Blb~e for o.n iUy-mad"e bed cries out. at "Ia he shIfted 7" asked the Lion, In "have something to guide you, and jump over the gulf, Dorothy \vould be ', you, in every wrinkle. Tbe. 'm etal, surprise, as he watched her pick up n eed never go wrong; but I have no I ' Is the most sanitary. ' They may • killed, or the T n Woodman badly e.n.snslve ' or no't , as th~ purse perthe Scarecrow and set him upon bls h~ear~e~r c~~:":i dented on the rocks belQw. But If I urlts. Then have a-gOod, ,easy, sprlD, feet, while she patted him Into sbape ~~~ 6~dg~:e: needn't mind so much." am on your back It wlll not matter so tor . we spend one-th11'd ' of our lives. In again. much, ,~or the fall would no~ hurt me . bed, and let' It be a: comfortable 'o ne. .· ..Of course he's IItuffed," replied at all. . Next, --a good, comfortable mattreu Dorothy, who was sUII angry. ''I"am terribly afraid of talll~? my· , made 'ln sectloD!!, so that It mAY :lIe "That's wby he went over so easl· self, said the Cowardly. Lion, but I easily hand,led, a~d . t~lrned ~t le¥t. 1y ," remark~tl the Lion. "It astonished suppos~ there Is nothing to do but once every other' 'd ay . . The sheets me to soo him whirl around so. Is the try It. So get' on ~y back and we ~Ull should .bj:l long enoug~ t.o tuck In well other one stuffed, ulso 1" make the.. attempt. . at the b9ttom and .~urn Qver a good "No," suld Dorothy, "he's JIiude of The Scarecrow sat upon ~be Lion's quarter ,of a yard, or hall Ie. b~(ier, at ;ttn." And sbe helped the Woodman back, and th~ big beast walked to ilie tbe' .top at the bedd,ng. ThI;l 'subJect' up again. ed~e of the gulf and crouched (lowll, ' of' the length of 'sheet. was co'ilsidereci " That.'s Why tie lIenr1y blunted my claws," said the Lion, "Wben they "Why don't you run and Jump?" of enough . 'Imllortance, to warrant · scratcbed 'against Ihe tin It made a a.s~ed the Sqarecrpw., . 'b1U' being pres~nted to atate legiSo cold shiver run down my back. What o Becau~e that Isn~, the way we latu.r e to compel 'botels to. furnlBh alx. Lions do tl~ese . things, he replied. foot she-els,i A lQI\g ' slieet,; If an, upder Is that IIltle animal YOII are so ten· IJe r oC'!" Then giving a great spring, _be shot one may be folded under the.mattress They we r , obliged to camp out that "He Is my doS, Toto," answered through the all' and landed . sare~y 'on at the head and toot; BO kepIng lt 'troin night under 'a large tree In tbo forest, !,ho other side. They were a)1 greatly pulling ~nii .wrlnldlnt. ,. This '.Is a ' very DOI·otby. "Is he made ot Un, or stuffed 1" for thRre wero no hOllses nenr, The pleased to see bow easily he .d ld it, Important item In tlJ,e, maklng ot ~ tree made a sood, thick covering to and after the Scarecrow had gO~ down alck bed, A 'long uJWer 8heet,' 'after asked Ule Lion. "Nelthel', Ho's a_-3. meat do g," protect them from dew, and the Tin from his back the Lion sprang Dcr088 being generollsly ' tuclted"In"at tbe bot. Woodman chopped a great pile of the ditch again. - , . said ' the gI rl. tOni, : leaveij.{he balf yard· to told -over "Oh. He's n curious antmnl, and wood with his ax and Dorothy built a . (TO BE CONTINUED) the. blanj[et and comforter, thUS' bepseems remarkably small. now that 1 ~~-~.,......---~- -~-~------~""""''''''''-'''':'''''''''''-~''''''' '''--'''''--- Ing them cleim . .~, , , ,'" look at hIm . No on e would tlllnl( ot £.. D· ' . . In pt'ttllilg' on· ·th.e ' blankets In ,rna· biting sucll a little thing xcellt a ~., J rlg~on king, a bed l wben ,they.are doublil ones . cownrd like me," continued the Lion, 'it.----_ _ In one . piece, place the opep, 'at . sndly. Swalloyv Easily Outdistances Compan· p~llred like a. ·fla~~. The Plge~ns c;l~ the' head. 8,0 th& )nay: .. be . "What makes 3'OU a coward ?" Rsked Ion. In Fllgl:lt Between ·Com. eled laboriously 'a round b'e fore ,ducld· bacll fr the 'bover-ing seemsftOo Dorothy. looldng at the sreat lJeast lrig which · difection ·they. sHould take. , B,e d maklJIg Is s,sd "to be' the in ~' onder, for he was as big as a plegne and 'A ntwilrp, 'tbe . swallow .' reached .'Its nest tii uerolse, for Ii. sluggish liver, aa ~mnll bors!!. Antwerp In , 6'l mlnut~s; , wbllethe , 'stoopin'g , and ,swaying, .of thp ' bod~ ' . ·'ItA a mystery," repllea the Lion. A citizen of Antwe1'p has put' to a "1 :sup~\()se 1 was born t):lat way. All test the celerity' and ' homlng Instinct plge,o ns took. f.o.ur ' hours · and se~e~ ' caUs In,t o tacUoh t~ON! IIDuped m1l8'cle~; minute)! ·to 'co'Ver the dIstance,. In . ,. . ",. . ~ ,',. . ., 'tbe OUI r animals ID' the rorestnatur. or tbe swallow as compared ' wltb other words, tb, ~ ~e~SeDgel' of spring ~\~!' ~ ~ :~ ,> , _,,: _V~:, aUy eXl1uct m~ ,to be' brave, tor- the pigeons,' a . Londo~ cpnesllondent, .,~r Lion la v rywhere trhought to be the ' the ~ew York, Sun 8I1Y8. R.e caught Il~w at the rate of 'nearly 132 miles I\D -/ ~-: , .,.~.. " ,,' aelated, I ' . King of Beaats. I Jeru:ned that If I ,a swallow In· Its nest under his roof at h,o ur, while tbes,?eell of., the, lllgeo~~ \', . "Tbe '8~lIg ~f th~ 'bee r. :beIllDtl." . rQar~d ver)' loudty every living' thing "AntWerp; made a rim ' on ' . Its only ' sllghtly exceeded '36% miles aD was ttl~l)tened and got out of my way. featberS. 8lId sent the bird with a clon· hour. ~tt.t the w~ "I~T l!~.,aJt8&:,-l ' \Vhenever 1'1'e met a man r ,ve been .slgnment oWao:.. Clirrje~e'oli"., by .-". .neft*' tbiDk of It· tin the llut da). . "':rhst Turnett, Away W~th.· Pi.clt. ' ' ""fullY 8Il1lred,; but 1 just·, roared at train :to Complegne, In nortb8~ Mr.B. Sharp-'ISO 10U to14 .. Mr, J~ , '".,: him, (U11 he baa .a lways rill). away as Fr:ance, a distance of 147 miles. , lying.' aa be could CO. 1f the eJ Ilhanta " The bIrds were rele~ed there .Im· you wl..shed IOU ••re .hlgle once .';11, the. "q, what'. b.eoome. Of ~ tbe Uger.·· .nd the be~rs ~a4 ever ultanf;iously at· 7:1~ the llft~t morblnl~ did 'you 1" Sharp: (w!th Quick ' wJt)CO 'lIb" me, I shOuld bave nin Tho 8wa110. wIthout th,e slightest be., "Only that I might haw th. happID... aaDiu club"-' .neJ!.f.~"'III .ocb a coward: but lUlt. Itatioo mad. for the north. Uld .u... of ~ri71i1B '10" " ' - .~, 4~. ~ . "It'. ~ 1,",:'


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Orlglh of Word /lBlble." ........,;.,~----~-.........-.... ' .i prov18ion be 'maite aJ8~ tor f~d IU~ Th e word bible is derived from the - ~lIes within th'ese clUes, GO that an I,ntln 'lIa me 1111111 a, wbl b was tr uted enemy comIng against ua shall An4 l as a singular a lthollgh it comes from J18" ,' I 'the Gre k neute.· Illliral, mean ing "lit·, A tbrUJ at hope and' ellthu.,aem Tbey A18D r e lieve DI.. tie bOoks.'" '.rhls r dlmlnlltlve Pllssed tl:!r ugh the nation. and every{rom Dytip<\pol .., InWII S d riv d from bybllls. or papyrus. Slory of the Period of the Reip 'wbero ' the .people "busy In ' .bulldlng I1lge8UonandTQoD·I1."'7 . of Sim~1l N.c:c:abeaa ' Et1.Lloll. A Ilerf- c ~ r emwalls. and raising ' watoh tOwers; 10 Bow (be Work Is Done' l~ a Pennsylvania. Vlneyard- th e flllllC)lJ S 111lllerial n wbl<:h nnc:lent booio, W ' 1'0 written. The tit! "DillIe" edy for Dlsxloes8, Nauthat confidence was restored lil the WOlD sea, Drowlllne8.'l, nact was I1rat used about the mldd l of the BY THE ".HlGHWAY' AND BYWAY" hearts of the people, and they began TBllte Ilubo JIIQ\J tb, CQio~ L. G. ~oungs. s contI Christian c utury In th so· PREACHER to give themselves with new zeal to I"~_l-:-J ed TDogue, P Ain In ,he d second plstl e of Cl em lit call ~ 81do, TORPID Ll\"EB. the 'pellceable pursuits of the nation. (xlv., 2). r egulate tbo Dowel" . Pnrely Vegetl\bl.. But two plague .spots ate as It. worm (OoP1 r1 l1 h t,um, by tho AUlhor, W. B.Jed.OAo) The ' harvesting of oncord grapes the growers themsel\'es, 'yho are or Into the vitals of the nation. One ReachIng Life's Goal. Based on tbe Apocryphal· Book of was tbe city ot Gazn and the other In our section uSllallr begins about gllllized Into an assocIation with man It YOU waut' to be somebody In ager, 5 crelary and board of dlr ctors 1 Maccabees, chapter 14. ' September 25. Picking Is mostly done Genuine Must Bear was the strong tower In Jerusalem Ench grower pays this organization world YOU must asserl YOllr Ind lvld· Fao-Simile Signature which was still held _by the Gentile. by women , The picking price Varies one-half ent a ba sket anll one dol1al uallty and ass(ll't It In the rIght (Ilree· who had gained possession of it years tram one to one and one-half cents for a ton on bulk grapes, as the expenSE lion, so thnt It may I ad to 11 goal or SERMONETTE. the elght·pound baskets ; for the 40· before. fund tor loading and mn riletlng. II honor for yourself and b 'an xllmple " 'The fruits ot peace and prosperity pound crate' three and four cents Is this Is more than sufficienl tor the roJ' otbers. FInd alit wha Y O Il ought 81mon, one of the M~ccabeean cannot be enjoyed wblle there be paId. A day's worlt ,con.sls ts of 125 purpose, the balance Is returned. The to do, say to yourseH : " I must do it ," _~J REFUSE SUBSTITUTEI. rulers, WBI able to restore much t~ose which defy 011r rule and au· to 176 elgbt,pollnd baskets, but some sales ot grapes are pooled In perIod s then begin r ight away wllh " I will do of the old·tlme prosperity and thorlty," exclaImed Simon, one day to extra swift pickers reacb 200 baskets of three days, each grower receiving It," and keep at It until It Is done. I power of the Jewlah natIon, 10 bls advisers. "I am mInded to go In a day. The cost of the elgbt·pouud lh e same price all shipments made that It Is recorded of his 'telgn: against Gau, and also to cQnquer basket wIth cover Is two cents 0(, ',; during the period. All th e large assoLive Stock and Miscellaneoul Parenta l Loyalty. "Then did they till theIr bride give those who are holding the strong that of the 40·pound crate, six cents. cIatIons keep a representative or agent , "Did the fath er of til grcund In peace, and the earth tower In Jerusalem." , Most of the packing Is now done In In the prIncipal distributlll g centere her away?" gave her Increale, and the treel "Far from It. 11 told the bride, "Thou hast spoken well," exclaimed the field. A ligh t stand Is used, bold· like hlcago, Pittsburg and New York. of the field theIr fruIt. 10 great variety for sale the men arou,nd him. "We shall serve Ing three baskets. When the basket Is It from auy cause the market hecomee groom th nt she had lh e disposition or "The ancient men iat all In at the lowest pric eB by an nngel." _ thee In this thing." the pIcker, who If! known by a full, bad, the agent notifies tb home office the streete, communIng together So Simon beselged Gaza and when number, places the number on the and shIpments cease for a tim e to that of good things, and the young There Is no better way or hiding WESTERN NEWSPAPER VNION he found that his soldiers were unable handle at the basltet, also the number point. If the markets become genetalyour light und r a busbel than by men put on glorIous and wa .... SS4 W. Adorna St., CHICAGO to take It with their ordInary weapons ot baskets she bas pIcked during the ly disorganized, word Is passed to th£ like apparel. he set about making a great engine ot day. and places the basket under the growers, and picking and J'oadlng II! keeping your church I lter in your "He (Simon) provIded vIc· trunk. war and soon the city of Gnza was re- vines out of the way ot thfl ' gatherIng suspended until t he markets rally. tuals for the cities, and let In duced to n ruin. wagon. The drIver, whose duty It Is The manufacture of grapes Into them all manner of munition. ao "And now tor Jerusalem and thole that hIs h,o norabl. name 'was who still trouble the inhabitants ot the renowned unto the end of the p~ace." world. "Shal1 blood flow also there'" ,"He made peace In the land, "Yea, Indeed," replied Simon, "fol and Israel rejoIced wIth great tbere can be no peace while yet there Jo~: be those who know not our God or "for every man lat under his who ",Ul not.- obey his wUl, but chooa. vIne and hIs flg·tree: and there to trouble hla people." , was none to fray them." Who can say but that the . So be came to Jerusalem with his Je"'ls at thla' perIod believed and pIcked men and day atter day he, drew rejoIced that tho prophecy of , In his forces cloler and closer about Micah had been fulfllle'd when the tower until at last they who were ' he laid: therein were In such atralts that they "They shall ' alt every man had neIther toad nor drink and were OD under hIs vlr~.lLa nd under hla flg. the verge of famine. So they cried tree: and none shall make them unto Simon and entreated him that afraid: for the mouth of tho he would spare them. This Simon did, Lord of Hosts hath spoken It. but he put them out utterly from the o "Fol' all peopla will walk tower and cIty, and ' cleansed thn overy one In tho name of hla tower trom all Its pollutlona. God, and will walk In the name There was a great celebration held of tho Lord our ' QolI for avar with thanksgivIng, and branches at and over~ ' . ' :' palm '~ree", and with harps and cym· ",In that ' day, a.lth the Lord, 'ball, and with vIols, and hym.ns, and We know of no other medicine which has been so su~ will , a.semble her that halteth songs. because there was destroyed a cessful in relieving the suffering ~f wotnen, or secured so and 'I will gathar her 'that Is great enemy, out of Israel. ~d Simon - driven out, and her' ~hat I have ordained that the day should be kept many genuine testimonials, as has .Lydia E. Pinkham's afftict'd. every year with gladness . . Vegetable Compound. "And I will make her that So It came ,to pasa that the land of halted a Ioamnlnt, and har thlt In almost every community you will find women who , Judea ;,as quiet aU the days of Simon, w.s ' cast off ~ ' strong nltlon: have been restored to' health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegfor he Souiht the good of his nation In and the "Lord aha II reign ovar such wise aa that evermQre his au· etable Compound. AI,most every woman you meet has them In Mount ZIon from henc.. thorlty and honor pleased them ..,eU. either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. forth, .ven forever:" • ADd as he was honorable In ~ his And ,till the Jews are , lOOk- I acts, sO-,ln this, that he took Joppe t9r .I~ the Pinkham ~,!-boratory at Lynn., Mass., are files co~. Ing for a graat mlllennial blel. (10 haven, anli made an entrance to tammg over one mllhon one hundred thousand letters from Ing. Prol!heoy, Is' full ' of Its tb'e Isles the sea, and enlarged the prom lies of tfle tlmo yet ' to " ~v0l!len se<:king health, in which man~ openly. state over bounds of the nation and recovered the come~ At ,!arloua 'PerIOds th.,e, country, so th.t the people came to' theIr own SIgnatures that they have regamed their health by have been foretast.. 'of tllo full s~eak ot the .wonderful bleaslng which taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl~ CompOlmd. prophecy. ' , . God ha~ bestowed upon them. ' The C~rlstlanchurch' Is look. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound h<1$ saved "Yea," said one old m.. n as he sat Ing for the ' millennIum. 80me In the gate of the city and talked over man women from surgical operations. ' , =-,_ -H-_wlth one conception aa to the peace and prosperity which had meaning of ScrIptural P"9mlsea; Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound is made excome upon the nation, "hath not, a others stili hold a dIfferent Into keep the pickers supplied with jelly, untermented juice, etc" Is aft elusive!y from roo t s and h ~rb s, an d IS . pe rfec tl y h annIess. new age dawned? Ia not no.., our naterpretation. . empty baskets, keeps a tally of the impor t nn t t nc t or In b aI anil Ing th e tion to rule trom aea to sea and trom basketa be hauls away nnd also sees markets, We are buUdlng a factory at The reason why it is so successful is because it contains Thos. poor misguIded fanatloa the waters unto the _48 of the d~wn In tha far. New England that the pickers' account ot , picked North East, The company Is capItal· ingred.ients. which act directly upon- t.he. female organism, eartht~:. . stat~, ¥tho . the ' othe;: day' laid grapes agrees with bls figures as he Ized at $500,000 and plans to have one t t t h Ith d 1 "Thou ipeakest as aome , of the hauls -the filled bask.ets to the storage 'ot the largest plants In the United res onng 1 0 ea yan Iionna activIty. , ~11~e all ytor!dly , pu~.ulta and prophets of old," exclaimed til. people, house. BoW the picker's and his own States. This will greatly atrect the Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonj~s such gave thems~lv.a uP l to .' t~e. anu they 'crowded around to listeD. ticipated comIng of ChrIst II an account are given each day to the shipment ot grapes from our statton as the f 11' t1 ffi' f the . 1 ' ed "And well mlcht we all, for WAS It owner or manager ot the vineyard and alid give us a home market tor much 0 owmg prove le e clency 0 IS Sl,Inp e rem y. extr,,,,. 1II\.1ltratlo'" of how Dot of just Buch time as thla that 'the by him are credited. ,powerful an Intll;ler)oe a'uch hope ot the grapes of our vineyards. ltIfnnea))01is, Mlna.: _cc I Was .. great 8ufferer froin female prop)1etS did write?" ' In the decllrl!tlons of the ."ble 'rhe grapes remain In the storage Women help board themselves In troubles wnlch caused a. wea.kness and broken down condltlon "But Rome sUlI rules the world," bouse from 24 to 48 hours, when they the boarding houses that most of the of the system. I read. 80. much of what Lydia E, PInkham's can o~er:t. . ' . ' . . . spoke up one of ,t he arroup. are ~overed, hauled to the station and growers have b\1l1t. These bouses are Vegetable Compound had done for otbCl' luflerlng women, I (elt But the. comIng of the mit. sure It would help, me, and I must say It did belp me wonderlon.,lum 'will "ot' be by obs.,. "Sb~ I" not our master, but - o,ur loaded Inreftllgerator' cars. 'Flrst, turnlabed with stoves" tables, chairs fully. W.thtn three months 1 was a perfectly wen woman. vatlon, for Christ's own .wo'rd friend," spake the old man 'wlth some boweve~, they are Inspected and pro- and mattresses. The, pickers provIde declares that Unq man knoweth "I want this letter made public to 8how tbe beneftts to be sptrlt. "J:lhe haa accorded our peopl~ nounced satisfactory. and It the their own sheets, quilts and provisIons. derived from Lydia E. Pinkham'S' Vegetable Compound~~the day or the hour' when the and our reUglon a place. and honored weath~r 18 'warm the ' cars are leed Butchers, bakers l\nd ~ocery wagons ltlrs.JobnG.Moldan,2115 Second St.North,Mfnnea.po!ls,MJDn. 80n of M,n ·cometh.'" , our ambalaadors which were received with about tour tons of Ice. The car vIsit those hOIl~es away from the town That he wlU oome he ao d.. at !tome. Why then Ihould we not Is loaded, ~I~h baskets 10, to ,12 high, and keep them " supplied from the W h if' £ h d' -' . ill omen w 0 are su ermg rom t ose Istressmg 8 feel ' tb,at the great day has come In thus m~klDg_S,OOO to 3,500, .basketll to ' ator~s; We have found It necessary to the e~rl)', ." church " .,.b .. '. ~ 0 theiuex... should not lose sight of these· facts Jeraeit n' When ,betore has' the lanil the ~oad. In Inspecting ILl -=,--=:-.._,.,=....:- .. d m~ devout ' !lI~I. Ich'o lar.IUII boll eve. " , .'. brought rbrth so ,bountifully? When grapes;- tile Inspector endeavors to ex· There are always' some of til e girls or doubt the ability of L~dia E. P'inkharn's Veg'etabie TJ'te promlae of ' the complete C d h . th ' have our streetS been so filled wIth omlne some boskets of ' each 'pIcker, who will keep late -hours It we allow rule of th_e Lo~d oyer all: th'e bonora~lf) trade' When have' the peo- an'd If her work Is , slighted or Improp. It; .and by dIsturbing the tired ones, ._ ompoun to rest~re t leIr eal • earth ha. 'nOt yet ,been f~l'fllled, ple coine every man Into his oWQ pos· erly done, her number leads to detec· put the \vbole force on the dry dock but who would dare , say that, It session all through the land? Every tlen and she has to' correct the fault for the next day. Therefore, a fix ed \ hour tur retirIng Is one of the most wal not yet to be? Who would man now sits under bls own vine and in the tuture or he dfscharged. The bulk of the grap,es Is sold by Important. ' dare to · I.y that , the . word Og.tree with none ,to 'molest or make Ipoken by the Prophet ,Micah afrald."- , I will not be literally fulfllled. ,"Yea," spake up another, "and see They should not be drawn In for Money invested in the profit-paying farm land of how the · Jaw Is searched out by our several days If the weatbe-I' will allow. the west is safer than in a savings bank. It earns wIse' men and ' how it Is honore<;i by After hay Is well cured It may be THE big dividends on steady rising value alone. In the p~ople." · 'drawn to the barn or shed. ";True," exolaimed 'the old ~an of If the trailing sort are planted care the -,group, evldimtly pleased with the must '-be, f,aken In stacking that good amrmntion of bls own views, "I say AD ,Acre Wtll ' Paa~ure Twenty ventilation Is glv,e n to prevent mQld , Hop8 Several WeeJ.ta. Gtvlntr again . that the times of which the Superior QuaUty o~Mea't. A good stand will yield from. one pr(jphe~ .' of old spake ~ave ~ome , to and one·half to two tons per acre. pasR. LIsten;" and taking a scroll p'om In tlie north It Is a valuable drought· the 'folds of hi. robe he unro~ed It and Some varIeties of cow peas'bave upread': "> ' right bushy forms ot growth; some resIsting plant and will grow where prices are moderate. And the soil is the richest"But Ib the-'last days It shall come trail along on the ground. like vines. almost any other plants would perish. climate the finest-railroad facilities the bestMany farmers save only seed suffl. to ' pa~s, tha~ the meunta.n of the-~rd Tbe pods vary In length from four to that can be found in the United States. clEmt 'tor their own use, 8S the lahUl ' shall be '- establlsbed In the top of the lR Inche$. ,Is tedIous. . Imountal~¥. .and ' It ,s hall ~e e~alted ,Tbe ~010r8 ar~ as va~jolls as those The pods are plucked by hand, or above': the' hills, and It ahall be . eJlo ot the ralnbow-while, red, green, alteil. 5,.!.s tblll not -com'e ~ p,asst· brown, Illn,k . purple, blaek or Iilott1~d. when the bush sort -Is grown the plant AD4 w)th' a shout, the 'people cried : , In :811ape they also differ; ,some are Is pulled and stored away until soml are on sale the first and third Tuesdays of every convenient ' time when they are 4~Amen~n ,. ' . I ... .,.-_ _ _ _ round; others flat or kidney shaped. month to October 3 I, -'via ' threahed out wIth a flail or by mao 'IThe tlm& tor maturing ranges from chIne. daYB to' tbree -or 'toW' inO.l itbs. nrUlIln2 th'e ' seed Is preferable 'when












Insure Your Future


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Round-Trip Homeseekers' Fares

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' Elec~ric block ~ign~ls~~ustle~-s ' l·o'adbed. attire ~nc;l infor~ation caU o.n or: ' iCddress "

E. L>LO~' G. -P. A. U~ion Pacritic ~. R~f O~ha, Neb,

:Surropgllli t\ddiilg .1Ul\obioe Co. ' re '

Do YQU '(;et Up -' 111111' t t1.711 j'I'hr \ (" t.tWn ' ~u .. , pull. With a La.m~ Back? hsiling ~imel:i of 'il' u t • ijfl, '14.~l

New Suit.s.


M«ya,lIrdy V8


P · n ,fi)·r pUl'tiUon-ot oartllin deI'nl'llJed prt'Dli ~Els. G o. · E. Young

IIltor'nay for ll lul nt.\tY. W"r1'''D U. .lll k a t, II I VII. G. '. !flu,,, II Pt'tIIi OD fa 'I) II)pel flarencl Rfit t o IlCOliunt f llr ~3~, ,ou left biul "" trust. e t·o pn,y uttorll y teos una dll'if,dbute rPI.nllinder lIulong ball'S p! ollm fl l4k~ for l elll o~1\ 1 of C1 Ij r.lDd ,11It, !IS I rnste. George E Y' mn/! un(1 Putrlck Unynur, uttorn ."1' lor "l lIlIliff. R iehnrd ll lllf,llun vs Anna Hoff man. P"tiliot! tor ,\ivoro ,pltlint,IiI olliming h I) W8 8 intoxiollted nnd wus UIl8WUr~ 1< of wilat be WII;; doing when he D\orried .

. Court Proceedint.ts.

. . 'l'b e Y uth's . 'ompanion abouud K'dney Trouble M.3kes You )U$el'2ble. 'Eo, :·l'boUlV. im, Il1QdiQI~1 ~,:,rvio ; $7; .in atit'rin~ !lt~rla8 of adve~tnre and . ' , ' ''':1 ' Sp ncer uod 1.1 oro lumber 7j .,11, .ber i .01 , ' One may d so.rlbn lin, Almos c ryon kllow~QfD/. ~ ~er's " , ? , . ' t " d t 'l ' 1' tb walllo-ROot'thcgr>at klduey,ilvetaml lltlrl R DolaD, replllr , '38.(l0; ,JI)\1D cape r om IlCo) e n I\. p rl, ano ar 1!lolder r~Dl e~)' , b ' -. G. Ba wk , o.ontruot,. $1l1 .20; Eran k u strung eno01:lntllI wUh wild orel~ c 11 6C .O( I ,t~ n;lIlO.rk" k tur s-mun or bau t a ble be ltll reslorlUg SLok!l, cantril t., '10.50 i II rau : . p,rop rtie: Swaulp~ I:!toke , COn tra t, 94 &0; Bert Rt ed , Mauy·of tbesest rl.esa.r etrue n to .. Root f~6 Us. atl1lo~t COD rllct %124 O' n ert Reed oon- faotH, and only ditlglllsed as to nl\m llf~ . evcry wish 1\'1 ovel'-' , , , 'l'oming rbClltt1atistll, ' r.,()t., 31 i Higglo l onklin, prem ~nd pluoes . A Boore Or mor~, f rain iu ~he back , kid· iut)) , ~14 , GO ; , . a . 8tllna'ge & Uo . suoh sto11e8 will be published cluno ~ l--ll~1iI II ),s , ltver, bl fduber IlI ehle ~') 26' Dllkln c' Du.klD pr tn- 11110 irl (tddltion to neu.,r ly 20U ot h enl 611.!i cyer p~ 0 t e ., , , ~ . ' IIrtllat r pas ge. It IUIJ) 00 Insurll oc~, lj;20j 50 i umue l -200 good stoties 10 ult, and uo two COrTI,' Is inability to D. B ankl ,fec~, Ull.10. Illike. Aud tbis ia.not coontiug t.llll bold walcr 0llr1 sClll<l,i llgpai ll ill. p(\ssil1~ it, .. _ _ __ se rial stories wllioh it is beli ved or bade{f 'cIs fol lowlIIguse ofhquor, wille " or beer, alld \'ll' II ICS thnt unpleasant Its a Top Notch Do r wl11 be ol) odldered b y old oropa-oioD necessity of hl:illg cotllpclleu to go often r uders os the 'best Tbe ' ompauion through til ,1 11 ' , Oil.! to get up many tireut deeuf! OUlp I r('gurll. 'rba h bli h d limes dllriuJ( lite lIi ght. w rid cr wn its rlOAI' . 1'bllt 's why as evel' pn s e . Swamp-Root is !lot recommended for t,he A1l1 f'riCll U pe(lple hav orowned . Every new s ubsorib er will find it cverylhin),( but if )'O~l have kiuncy, 1~\'cr Dr K i n g 's N w DHlOovex:y t,be Ki ng of speclallulvuutllge (0 Bend ~t onoe Ev: or blat1fler trol\ltl(', It will be found Just of 'l'llrollt lind Lun g rem die the rellle<l~' you nect! . It has bee n thor- er\' atom i:l u health force. It kill the '1 76 tor the new 1910 Volume 'ot on ly does he get the beautiful oughly testell in primte prncli e, a~ld hus u 'rUJ~, lind colds lIud ltlgrippe vlloif; b nt abyspwhich 'c!al orIt 1lell IS ou~ b -ruo k·ef1 Ulem bl·o.n s I'Venetiun" Culendtl r for 19 10, li,t hoso successful lproved &lIgclIlCllt has h cc ll luthode all rearl rS or t1li~ paper, who have not 01- und coug hiD~ stop . tiora iufilllllecl gr llphed in thirteen oolor s It.nd gold, ready trieli it, may Ita\' a sample hott le bronohint tub s !lull lun~s lire 001' d but nll the issued of 'rh e OODlPa-nion sent, free by \Uoil, also a book telling- uuu bemorrhage, cease. Dr . ( 0 more lIhuut S\\'IlIllI?-Root, Slid how to More , B1uck J llck, N. C. i wr ites' it for t b e r emaining weeks or 19011, findoutifyouhavekld. O J' d TIl of lung tronblf' , pro- from the time t~e ubsoritltlon' is r e neyorbladdcrtroll ble. [lOu n rI h opeI s by ul1 (\, lctOl'S." oaived. 'TBIll YOpTH'S OOMPAN"I()N, GOe, $1 00 . Trilll bottle fr A. GUUT- C Wben readingwrltiugmeulion t his generous ompo.nlon Buildin g, Bos ton , Ma-. s . ofTer iulhis paper aud liU t ed by Fred C. 'ell Wil 1'1 Z New Sub. oriptions Reoel ved at senll your aduress to • h Om Dr. Kilmer & Co., t is lUoe.


Elvlt. ~ttlhb'l v:!: Zlmri ~tubbs , Divorce "'rtttllljd 8ud ollildren or dtlred to remoi n in Oblldreo.'s Hom Ed wllrd J Spenoe v Cytu8 L Wantz Def IlQllnt given leave to Bingha llltotl ,N. Y. The aod olle-dollar she bottles -are by dAmur or answer forthwith . Illl dnlggi!1ts. Don't make any mistake Lizzie Waguer vs Wlllia.m a but remember the l1ame, Swomp-Root, .Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tbe adWsg ner , - Defendant flltltng;-to pay dr:.ess,Blngbamton,N. Y.,onevery botlle. ~lIw ny M ordered he is ordered t u appear In court and give auswer . It vs Willicun H . .10seph B a sig nors . 'obed ole of debts and Lowe. ,Iury finjs Issues In fu.vor 1ill bili ties filed. of pluint'iff . E ~ t~te of Ann H. Kelly , decea ed . Florenoe WilI8 Martin Vi Edwilrd Third aocount filen , Mart-in. Court orders cause of dl , E'.Ito tes for settlement. Proof of Toroe diemistied. publioablOn filed for estn t.eR for set Aome Fooct CO. V8, H A. Coyna, tlemen t . Het for heu.ring Oo~ober 26 et,Q. Plaintiff ordered to give '100 o.t 9 o'olook. additional seourlty In SO days, Estate Qt uslln A. Mllrdnok. de George F. Jobll/.lon VB . Cbnrles R . oeased, Jn ventory and upprn.isQSimpkins et Ill. Patition for up ment filed . ' pointment of reoeiver ot oertain property filed. Eltzrot.h & Maple Marriage Licenses. , attor~eye for plaintiff. Le ter D, 8mitb, 25, eleotrloiun ot Jaoob '3bumalker VII, Jo ~ E. t:\hn maker et':1. Pe~ition 'for}l rtltion . l..e~lI n on and Ethe l Vnn Harlingen, A . M . sOwer attorney f or plaintiff. 19, of Lebltn on . . Rev. W . A. Oooper . Will iam Benry tnrgifl 22, lab rAde1ia J , Cbittiok vs rheodoye er of Franklin and .Elizabeth M.B n. Yonng et at. .t'etltion for parti' tiOD Brandon, Barr & I vi os, Ilt- nett., 23, mill employee of Fru.nklin. Rev. Keatle, Frllnklin. tOrneye for plaint-Ift'., ' Joseph ' A. Bahr, 23, butoher of . ladla 11:.' Vanl:iariingen vs. E MtlROn and lliIlDOht> t . John. 27, , P. Nellt,. Petition for partition. tenoher of Leba~lOn, Rev. VI . A. Bralndon, Borr & Ivln8, uttorneYB Ooopal·. for plaintUf. · .



Court •.

250 ·.0000 STORIES



<:l old fish by the wn gon lund will


ENDWELL shoes excel in style, fit and wear because they are made by a plan that saves all unnecessary profits, and all cost of production that does not add value to the shoes. 200 styles- all leathers -$3, $3.50 and $4. Insist on shoes. made by ENDICOTT, JOHNSON & CO.

and look for the name on the sole. FIr Sa le by

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HOWI:::LL, Ohio. Waynesville,


Money Comes in Bunches

to A. A. Oh!sholm, of 'l'readwell, N. Y., now . Bisrtlll-"on 18 well wor~h reading: "For a long time I suffered from indigestion, t·orpld Ii vel', oon · stiPIlt!O~, nervousness, and general ilebilit,y," he writes. "I cooldn't I h UtU '''' no uppe t't seep, l ·e, nOJ: am bit·lOn , HreWwealker every · day in spite of it. HATH.!.WAY all medioall treatment. Then u s e d · ., , .Electrio Bitters. Twelve bot.tlesrQ ',Undertaker and Embalmer. \ \. ft ,yueSVille'8 Leu.din'g Denu8t ~ortsd all my old-time he~lth. and Offioe in Keys Bldg. Mlt.ln S v1gor. Now I ?iln attend to bUSlDe!lEl Will be foond in the old every day. It F a .wonderfol medi. Bank BoUding, opposite olne. " . Infallible for Stomaoh, LIv. tbe National Bank. er, KIdneys, Blnod and Nerves, Telephone in house and of. 500. at Fred O. t30hwartz's. fi e where J can be called du.y or night. Vt1lley'Phone 14-2. WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES_ Main Street. Waynesville, Ohio . ' St. Augustine's Catholl~ Church. TRADE MARK. Fnlher'George Mnvenbbefor, Pnstor DESIGN. e OIlvllting in , tihe bluok land for the Mn 8 every 8COODd SuDlllly of I be mOIl\h '" CO~VAIGHT. At. gold fish basin, He has been reod 0 :00 a. m. A o10ne .endlul • aketch .nd dlllorlr,LtOn ma, !lUlckl, .. oertnl" Gur 0 1,1,,1(11'1 froe .. 'Ol.hor .0 In.enUon I. probl\bl, Jl~Ul1llAl! ~Co",munCC'" Ing up authol'ative works on fi b St~ Mary's Episcopal Church. , . t1on ..trIOUY COlltldonlllll.-tIAHDBUDIt O."I·.t u~ aell~ froe. (fide lllllono,y for ll)OlIrTnll' Ilatan~. propag\ltion Ilnd especlnlly on the . Ro\' . J . F. Cndwallllder, Jtector. l'.len~ takon tbroul!h ljunn '" Co. recel", ' 1Pf~ flot,", without cblll'lle. In tbe oultore o( gold fish. He believes 'unday cbool. 0 :30 D. m Mortling !tc r ' that he is now ' ready to start a Dew vice. IO :tlO a. m. Holy ·Commuulo n Lbe firs t SundBY ot each month. Ii.. bandaomel, tltUltrllted wn~"l,.. ' J.nrI\Mt QIto Indostry Olark oounty. r oulaUolI o f AII1 Mlontldo j(lurllnl '1'orn'6- t3. l pal C With the -cities of Springfield, DaytQn, Oolumbos nnd ot1;ter oenters uod..)' ScU.oOI, \I :;so il, m. Morning s er· { Bran:Ja 0111011, 8t.. W.... IDlttOCl. d;C: 80 n"llr, Mr. (Jone feela tbat, if vice, 10 :110 a. m, };pworth League, 7 :00 po '""!!!~~~~~. ~ ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!! 1-= 8uocel8ful it wculd not be long until m. O:v olng lIerl1ue, 7 : 00 p . m : Midweek

be propllg[lterllll "lark oonntv if the plans of David R Co nI:' aln nterprisiug oi tizen ,of New arli81e, lire oar ried out. Mr . Cone is muking .. . ld fi h pr paro.tlOn8 to sta rt a go 8 farm near Meuway. and expeots to enjoy 0. luora.tive d mand for these ' little m embers of the finny tribe in the 01ties in this seotion of Ohio Sometimea 0 Mr, Cone uroh"sed g p WHllt ~gfl.S known as 'h.~ U. S. ~ U . farm near the BU.r ns lukes, ~ost north. of .Medway. On the farm are two smal) lakes tbat are fe<:1 by springs and ther.e !tre o1iher numer cus 'springs 10 the SWfl.lJlpy .land around the lake8. Mr . Oone will stal't men'to work 'the ooming week




Me~::'i:. ~~~ey, p!:!~.

he would have oonllideralble deman d

Estate Transfers.

Save part of your shoe money and ' get better , ,shoes. EN OlCOTT JOHNSON &CO., World's largest tanners and shoe· makers sell direct to you. - no middlemen's profits.



The Gazette Is the Best"' .f M edium or Adve'rtl-sl-ng


H. E.

SdtnUIiC Jlmtrltan.


I Tiy it! j' J



Pt; 'yer WALT E R LU RE ,for tbe little llets. A st.orehouse in ~ Rev. M. E. D&w~n, PMt~~~ r'~~~I~------~~~~'~--~---------tt~--~~ 10 the matter of estate of Elizabeth . Frank L . Snttles IlDd w ife to Al· whioh the fishes O&n be fe<ll1lld }tept. Sunday 9:30a.Endeavor. m. 1:!oc1a'1': meet If. -= '"'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!! F une a I Direc 'tor a. m.School ·o~18t11U.l 0() p. m. ;. Randall, - ~ea8ed . . Distribution of ert Sob nell aud Hattie Ollrroll during, the wlD'ter will be oonstroot 10:'0 Regular cburcil aervlco,I:I8ccond 8l111day eacll gpodl aDd ohattels ordered Ilnd bo!,d SOliuell, reul estlite in .EIl-s t Morrow, ed -Miami U nion. mon~h at JO: 30 a.. m. ond '1:30 p. m. of $800 fiJed by William Rlmdall j Telephone day ()r night. , Hkkslte FrJends ·Church, . . Mll-ry· W ClOds to Eisis G. Braoliney Lee 8.. Raridtin and J ,' ]!, Rando.ll . Valley phone No.1. fAng F irst Day Meellu~. '1 0 :00 a. m. Firat Day HA~DlN COUNTY'S ONIONS S()tool, 11 ;00 a, m. FOUTUI Day MeeUne . Estate 'of .Ellztl. 90th R" ndall, de. renJ estate in Clilfiroreek townsulp, Distance N 0: 69-3~\ 10 :00 a . m . 11. ~8ed. B)fs t account· fi l, d. Farmers !lnd gardeners ,will be in. OHto. Lydia E . V:an BBr\iogen reM 'es, terested to learn .that'· Bardin coun ' " Estate of Simol;l ' BhuuIIlker,. de. Orthodox Frien~ Church. tate in WlLyne township, Rev, B nJam lo Ha,wltln8, Pastor, Branch Office, Harveysburg. O. oeas'8d, 4nnd. M. 8humo,ker ap ty is t,he. greatest. OOlon growing , , 1';abbath S obool , II i30 a. m. ReRular ohuroq Oharles E ,' Eaton a.nd Elfiet-a. M. county in tbe United ato.tes o.nd pointe\) admInistratrix giving bond McCALL PATTERNS lIer vloo,' 10 ' 110 B. Ill. Cbrl1ltlan. E ndeavor, C~ lijhrnl d l or ';I yl~. pcrfrct lit Ittmplicit y,nnd of 'lo,oM wl;h '. John ~bt1m!rtker, Eaton to !:1oJomon Langman real ea- that Ohio gr ws more onions thun '1 :30 p . 1Il r cllnbilhy nenrl ~O y .. r5. · ',, 'd In " . Drly ,'crY city an t! to\\, 11 in tilt.' ni tqd lll t eti unU Wftrren ooonty, '00, ' any other state in the Union. EUzabe'h Hhom.aket ;'Jaoob tihomllk. 'unr,da. or by- nun direct. M Qru' Hflhi \hn n nny oU,cr m . ke. S ,nd for Ir U <'l'IIlI!Il:'''e. Idll M: B,tll ilnd husbtllld to Otis In 1883 tbe Boloto Mars~ wal a er and' J. E. Shomaker ' as .8oe1tlell. Mc~ ALL'S MAGAZINE ' J ,.' 8. «uttery , b, Corwin Jr ., Arthur . real ' e£lttl-te ~u . ll'rl.nklin, burren waste. In 1884 the oount.y 1I1 0r. sub ~~rlbe"s Ihqn ~n)' , olber f $hfn n Wurran CJ unty, ~ l. ' m;lg:tz.i nc- m ilHon n monlh. In,·uluuh1c·. l ...ut.. aDd Ed ~ha.whlln Ilpputnted Ilpprals, commissioners Bold out t9 ~ dredgest 61y lii5\ rinttl'l"II ~ , dn·t;;'\nnki nI!J ",illincry" 'j .' l ;!, U.~herine ~habnilban to Aapra ing . OQlDpany 0. ooonty' ditoh thir plBln' ~e", "g, (nncy, needlcwurk. b "lrdr~u i n b' Qr8 , ", _ 4' ,,!!queue, t::\1od sl Qrl , Ie. On!y fill cenlS Il Ye:l¥ (worlh doublo), j ncludi0ll" II l, cc p"lIcm. Esaate' of 'Mary Ann Readman, Kehlok. r eal es~o.te in Waynesvill • teen mile8 long, torty feet wide at Sub~cri be todoy, or send lor IlUup.!u-col'l. deoeue4., First ,and ' 6Wll aoooo ~: . . . tpe b ottom\ seven feet ~eep; to beWONP'E~F1JL INDUCEMENTS . ' ...... . ~ . of A. W . Mardis approved, allowed Vinnll M. I:I~Tp6r to Mll ggie E. gln ne.a I. the headwaters of ~he Solo· t ... J\ genls. Po. 'nl bring'S p""IIIlul'Il c. tlllojfOlt W• S. PLATT &• CO.,' :lnd new .". h "rll,,, ofTer •• Addr".. ' . 'aDd oonfirmed. - , Warner real e8tnte in WaYlle t.o w n. to rive'r in Roundheud township, to "tliE IIcUU, co" ~ .. W W.lQUl St.. !mY IOU G. LarayettG 8t.( New York Olty. &.ta:te "of John D. Bar~ert de.> 8~ipJ ~7640t ,I ' go througb ,tbe marsh bY :'a route i'---=:-~ cealed. ,First and 1I0al ' ~ocount, : AlpbUa .A. Bite wi! e to tPtlt 'wou]d' afford possible drainage approved; . allowed and 'oonfirmed. Abram Irvin real estate in Wllsh for the whole m.~r8ht and empty Estste of William ~. Collette, ~e- iIlgtQn township, '700. into the Roioto river about four oea8ed. First I\ooount anproved, 81Mabel Robinson n.nd husband to miles \V8£1t of Kenton, oontraot price , ~ Purely' Vegetable Laxative , . lowed &ncf oonfirmed. Ueorse Beok relll estate in ::Spring- WI\S .5,000. The ditch paid no reCures Chronic , Constipation. and AU lll8&ate ·of Beory Dilatu8h, d e- boro, ' 1: speot to the mell.nderings o,r the ri ver Liver and Kidney Troubles. ceased. First accoont approved , Frank p, Forgy, sberiff, to Flo B, as the ohannel th~ough tliis part allowed and oonfirmed. Monfurt, r~lll eeta-te belonging to Will! quite insuffioient IlS IL river. Estate of Mary O. Frieberg, de Rtl.ymond P. Ullne et 01 ·i n Deerfield Elghty-enrs a.fter the ditoh Wll8 cow For 81l1e at tbe 'colloW1Ug plaCCl!: 'oeluled. ' Flrst Bnd fiDal tiCOonnt, o'p township, '200 . . pie ted you oould not firid a vestige Zimmerman's, Kil bon's, proved, allowed 'lUd oonfirmed . of .the old river obannel. it filled in White 'I. Mountjoy's Sp~ingfieldt ~hio. Commissioners' Proceedinllts. Eitate of Wllhalm ' D, MOI}urdy, of its own accord, and today no traoe deceased . . First and final acoount Uontra t -Gontro.ot was entered of the old ohannel ORn be foond . In approved, !lIlQwed and oonfirmed. into with Ueorge King for putting 1886 general fllrmlng and onion . ~ .Estate of · Mllry C. SpenQer, de- in vi t.rified sewer netll' lOllded shell growing began, outil today there ceaSed . First ~nd final acoount fd ctory in King's . Mills) L{llmiltoo Ilre twenty· five hundred aores of approved, allowed amI oonfi'rmed, townsblp. t~t estimate M\I. 20. fine onion" tl;1l1t will yield an averEstate of Marguerite Moery, min Genel'ltl contrnct wa s entered into lI>~e of three to four huodred boshor. First account approved, allowed with ,J P. 81uit h for lumber. el s per nore, that will Ilnd oonfirmed. G"neral coot'r act wa·s entered Into shipping stu.tions thirty: five to fifty E3tde of Frederioa Hook, · I~ . .with the following per sons for re cents per bush&l.-Miami Union. beoHe. Fir8t and fi~&l ' ucoount ap- .p'Lir of bridges Ilnd oulverts .... here proved, 'allowed o.od cl)nfirmed. ,the 00 t of suoh re pllirs on Ilny oue DASTARDLY DEED Estate of Ad~ B Hutobinson, brIdge ut Cl-ny one time in anyone Firat 'a nd .fiotr.l aooount approved, ' year d ()~8 not,exoea.-l ' l Q. Fran» Last Frid~y morntng, Mr. Abe allowed aDd oon"nrmed: . ' D ' Miller o.n r Ollds' south bal ~ of Boooo, one of Fayette ooontY'8 most Estate' 'of,Rllzel Whitaore, minor . Frunklin townshi p . I 'Bert Reed on p.r osperous fo.rrilerp, discovered that J'i'o'a l ~Qconnt approved, allowed Rnd rO/lds in west p~rr. of Deerfield town· 80'm e unknown party 'hlld enter~d . CODtll'lD~. ship. !~ osti'o Thtl.okarll, on rOtlds ip . hlA Pllstore field some time·tbe night Estate of Etta oW. F . .Lewis, m~l)t; west: p~rt 'Of ' Cleo.~oreelt t9wDsbip 01' day p,..evlous, and ~d ,deliberate 1:ln,,1 aoooon't approve~, ' allow8d 'E'. W. in : La'banoD un.d ly shot 'down, o~e of ~i8 flDe ".~r8,ey 'and confirmed. ,', SbakertowQ pille, ' Will. D', Booth' bulls, '; valued mote .than '100,. ' 'Eetate ot': Ro.JandulI V. Bradley" op Gr.eeQ Tre~ rOlld south to Monroe ,MT, ·B.oooe> b~d, tb~ btillin a ~8ture .. 'minor: . Fln"l , aCcount apprQved, · and ,L6ba,n on pike and .. 'di~id ., some distanCe . fto~ biB .resldenoe . ,.1lo"~(r"ndoOn~med" " ed in Tu~tle.oreek township. . , .. ~nd w~n't 'to ~e field -in queetloa tQ . IC~.~, .o f , G." B:·· a~d , M~ry~ . '-:S.Hl"~l:'t~~, ~f Ohl0:- ys, Qtis· Mar., ~bo~ ' atter:. ~il' st~k . laet Ft:t(iay Jlamb8t': ~tgD8: ,[nventor'y and r8.y', oOllts, 1'10.;15' ; Bt'a.te ot ()hio VII\ Qlor'ning. ' H. s~w.· th,e.. hull lying ,ppnteom~n1in~~ . :, . 1 . WHeon Drake~ . c!>~ts, 130.15:; State out\n the field .aild proceeded "t W I J.1i;; aesignt.l'. 'of Obt<) Jeli86 Blaokford," oos~, onoe-:lO.ilee what thlr-trotlbre . w.s , 11a"'~1 ~ '.ppr.~8tit file? .4,2:60; j :9h,D. M•.. MQlioril, ltamps, ,Upon appr,?aohing~ he dilcov8red ,ott;. ,:~. And ...~:BuD)~rt 15; J, S. 'MorrUl~ suppJl~; , '246.60,. ,th..t:,~~e a~tmal ,WAIL .to~e , dead


'1. '








;'.&a. Q'





The Alpb.a-Ohemioal Go. ',



Agricultural Extention, Schools


~--.---~---...:.:- - - -

1'L'l', f"i:PIJ , r;;

Au l.&\'

t "' ". •

NO , 1/"-

- - - .......- - -- - - - - --. Il A.N'E, Edi tor' 'and Manager -

"1''; ~ beM ~h t 'eflll in No v. mber , l~IlU, nt I. ball ODj Oblo. ,00 Rnl a!4 t ') G ver,l the Bolil ing of ,I A g r l Cl I1 I ~ 1l ril l Exteilslou cb () I s"~ . 1, Sobool. M}m ll \)1:,1 b eld u.~ pOlD t ~ , cl igollted by th e bUllrd of Tru tees o f the Dbi ll tn t Ulllvorslty . are ""'"1)I'd ,,11Ji tho .... S" ti!4fuotory I'I'OIU S for iustruo nowuea trade wArk,' tlull Rlld UeUl oll" trltt·i n 8111l'11 be pl'O vided und Dr perly oared for by Ind d t he ex pen e of t he looal com 1ll11l1ity . T~~ 3 A ppltol~ti o n s for tlohooJs sb"JI B)' tb l. mark only ."", )'0 0 be made on a blank torm furn ished dtllmanallt I II e or'aUlal ROilen ....are (llut wade to by t ile College of Agriculture und .oJIIlIIII~~ )Un. and ...ur. youuel! Ign ed by not less than twenty five of lite ~ t Iu Q ualll)" 110 lib and dMIIID. per sons , Rold by leadlna 4 When appHolltions a re gr bnted d ealt!l'll • • • ..,wbere. Bend for cala l...... loca l organiztLtloo shall be I>er" o..L ," lIbowlDll feoted wlnoh in co·operll tlon with a ll del lg .... th e uperintendent of Agricultural II.EH1DEH E x tention sha ll bl1 ve oharge of a ll BRITAN NIA Co. n a lMloaU. aI 811_ lool1larrangem ents for holding the ~ , -.) C..... sohool. Applloation-If y u desire t o take t,he oourse, notify the president or secretary of tho oorn Association _ _ I .


The lark . SilveN'are


Rates of Subscriptio n Il n 'Ytm r f t rl .t1 yl n udva n ec) ... . , . .... . 1.01l 8 1nllic Oily ... .. .... ............. .. .... . u~,

Rates of Advertisements He a d in g L ooa lR. p er line : .. ,.. . " . , nc lleall l nK loeuls , bluek r :lc~ . pe r lin ' , IO e P.llIsk llled All • • nol 10 ~,,'Il nve II n Cli. '1'lI ree In erlion N. " ., ... , ., . . , . fl5~ ObHuarl cH. r!,' f' In c he s free : ove r f lvo In c lo eH . 111'1' II nc . •• . , .• , .. , ... . .. . , 5 (."u n l o f IbtU'k s .. . , . , . .... , .. , .. ... , .... lIiic HC ~l)lu tl oll d . , . . , . , ..... • .. . , . ... , ... . .. 60 c Soulal/! c lc, w h ure Ilhurll 18 m ade. ,., . . :!:.. 1)18111 0 v Atl verll~ t nll. per l oc h . . . . . . . ,. ,. 10e 1JI8COUI1Ili 1;1"6n on cO n lra~ L .

- -----------OCTO BER .37. 1909.


.vt. ....

1 will OlftH' M. Ul}lI . 'fl lEi' Aaron WH,ROD fur Ul, Oil mile ell t, of t be l!'t v Point "cbonlh.ou miles west of t y rle on th r OtHl n


~ Monday, November 15, 1909,

For Weak, Run-Down People.

cJmmenotngat 10 o 'clo'le sha r p: 9 b ead h l'ses i bll Y fnrll1 lJOrse 14 yt'lir s old , 1 brown " enera l purpos bor se 1~ y'al~r s old , r Ol1n fllm ily nl llT 7 yell1''' old i hhlok m tlr Agan ral pnrPOSI3 4 Y or old,l'olLD OIl1re colt oom ~ ng 2 yeur s old by Har ry Pure ll ,. sorrel hor e colt com ing 2 yt'ar old, boy mare colt oomlD g 2 years old oy Harry Purcell , broorl mtl re 10 yeRl's old good wor ker, 1 IlOoltlin g oolt ; !:i 'hend cntt.! e; 1 Hbortlioru Of) W hA fresh Boon 6 yelll .. old , 1 P lI od Dnrha m co w 9 vea1' ~ old, 1 JerR Y oow, b(J fr esh 800n r, yaors 010 , 1 ,T r sey cow fr esh in s pring 9 years old, 1 t wo . y e l~r-o l d s leer , 1 tw -year old heifer, 1 J ersey heifer oml ng 2 I b year8 0 d, B ortb ol'n bull 2 y Ilrs old i 40 haud of hogs '; 2 B ws wi tb

" I was, run dow n nnd ·weak ;from indi gestion and ge nera l debility, also sUffered f rom vel1:igo. I saw a cod live r p reparatio n CaJled Vinol a dvergive it a trial, a nd 1 he resul ts WCl'e most g ra tifying. After taki n g two bottles I regained m y stren gth , and am now feelin g unus ua ll y well." - HE " 'V CU NN INOHAM, .Elder Baptist C h,-!rch, Kin ston, N .C.

ti:led a nd decid ed t

Vinol contain s the two most \ orkl-f:une:cl tonics- th e med icinal, s trength ning, bod y':t'i'li id ing clements ot Cod Live r il and Tonic Iron. in ol c'outain s' l1o oil , and i" by 'fa r the Best, trengthening

T ni c obtninable. We r eturn your mbney without queation if Vinol doe s n o t a ccom p lish all we claim for it.

J . E. .TANNEY, ---:-. --... ------ --- NB W

~:oE~:::: :~::::::~:O,:, ~i~:j~:~·;~~:::~:~:::::!: I''''=-H-~-~-=-~~~~~~~h}~~I ~t~::~~::~~~:,:E::,oE~!::':~


Dru~gist ,


,--- - *--.- - -,

===:8 A F E 8 ,= == S~COND "ANI) Tim e Lock and Repair Work 01 All kl!1dl R E.5IDB NC B SAFBS A S P ECIALTY


A ~e n c y fo ~

" Centur y" Adju stable St eel Dr.wlnK l 'ables 80 d a nd un ex\) ctect condi tion Ilbove ~ember of the sohool should PBY to numher h ('l u pehold good ; fa r mi oK el&hty of t hem bein g dead th~ Win the treasurer of the local ZiflLalit winter '8 underwear feels implements; 1 MoCor mlok binder . THE C, 'W, HAIN SAFE CO" Columbus, Ohio, :il' F~~~'Tc~mm ter before and DILDy of' those alive tlon n m em berehip fee of $1. 00 to de · bet ter .t ban it looks, 1 McCormiok mower , both good aq were weak and sl k. All the oorn fray local expenses i thllt no sobool new; ) MoCormiok steel ha.y fake, Ilnd bread among l,h m was hnrcHv should be held wbere fewer th!ln fifty It is rumored Batavia is t o have nBY tedder, 1 grain disk d£i1l , 1 Tiger Dumerou t llL n t iOD. ~OO hOElb els 8ufficien t to feed them Il fortnlgbt ,:' membership tees have been paid by II. porI> plinkin g plant. t obacco sett er, 1 Tiger oh eok rower of corn. "When I co old h uve m eillund water bonafide member8; and that the re with drill a ttaohment, 1 Hamilton el'er m -All UIDR of ~5 . 00 a.ud UD and salt bmled together i t was S(l oeipted membersbtp oards should b(\ Mlld 01UlB8 of diphtheria. are r e oorn drill, 1 dis k b arrow , 1 GO t ooth der, oash ; 011 sums ov r 'C. ,QO or ed. . good who oonld wish for t et.ter ?' · flied with the Ool1el;e of AgrioulturEl ported In Loveland and Maineville. harrow, 1 Mollneg9ng pl ow, 2 wal k· it of 9 lDo.nLhs will l:e giv 0 with · Gentleman's Handsome Gold' ' The women o.t lo w tide . g~thered ten days before the opening of the Ing breakmg plOW8, 1 Oase r iding two IIppr oved eouritie . ' Watch A volunteer pumpkin vine In the oultivator, 2 walk ing oulttvators , 1 olllws and mus8els from the f rozen sohool. ' lf you wish to take the W A1,Tllllt M .Rlt"Y, Lady's Beautiful Gold Watch 00 and reoel ve a memo garden of E. 0 Manning, of Bethel, tobacoo cu I t.i vator. 1 dooble.shove I beaoh , 0. t e groun d nn t s , lIooorns and course send A . A, MoNeil, Auet. lIaant fish . ': "In fl lmost every farn oership card. grew 26 pumpkins. . plow, l three-horse drl1g, 1 Gordon J. E, Bimo . lerk . l1y Illmen ta tion, mournin g and WOtI The olJowlng Courses wtll be of. road W Hg OD . 1 low-wheel wagon , 1 . To t he th ree pe.n!OD Dd~ug U8 the throe ucate8t corr ct solutlolls. we will glvo EACH. W Il S h ear d an d no f.r esb . food to bl- fertld : .. Th b 1 I d t t d Morri 8 Woodhull ru bber-t ire buggy ILl'SO lu ~ I)' (roe, their holeo ot II. I will sellatPnblio Auotion I1 t ruV had t o oherll!h t he m. " ,Boil Fertilitv-'fhis conrse wl' \l ree org ar.-est werek eI eo e goo d A.R new, 3 so t e wor k h tlrness, 2 t n Wit m Iug t on ...s wee . n no 18GO-' , F or our l'hank~givin g din oons is t 0 f 110 dl SOU88i 00 of t,htl pr:inoi. . residenoe :3 mile son t he lil t fen . II did th th ' f i b t aet~ of slOgIe buggy harnElsR, 1 h llY GenUemlnls northwest of ner we bad Winter sonp, whioh iI; plata underlying the maintenance of ~ e t b e l at ga n en~ranoe, u fork, Topes llnd, ~ulleysI5 pitchforks ter vllle and ' 2 mil • 5 ..Iewel Movement made b 'o m bllef with oabbagt' oar soiJ fertilit-y inoluding 8uoh s nbjeots emus ega Q ng exper enQa. 2 souop shovels. 1 gravel shovel. 1 Fe~ry on the Str ingto wn' Roltd A l1long flll ot llel'8 s ndl ug us correct solu· . . , Uoh s , will be tlI6t.r'lm tQfI (\l8 11),. l300g :Book.. .rots, s weet mllrjonm, parRley, tur- 1\8 fo od requirements of plo.ntl', t he ~alvanb8d watering trongh, 1 hay Wednesday, November 3, 1909 eou~tllulllg 60 Old Il'rlvorl W Sougll. with word. l1ud musiC. nlllO nips, potatoe und onions ; (re b Ilse and effects of tillage, drainage, G . R. BargdUl, of Jame8towD, ha s rigging 1- gravel bed and many torn down the fenoe tn' fr~lDt of hi~ other tbings . . a.t 10 n. m ., (\ heari of bor pos : one 12- Premiums of $50~OO (or more) each oodfis h fri ed, l?olJed ham, r tur- manures, fertilizers, lime, eto. key' with cranberry sauoe; oyster Farm Crops-This OOUI88 will con. reSidence, the piokets ohrhioh were Terms-All sums of 15 UO o.nd on- yea r-old brood m lue, one ll-y n.r-old Amounting in all tO$5,000 (or more) yte ~ potato snow, tUl'nips , pa,rsoips, sist of a study of corn and corn judg- walnu' and were forty years 01(1 . de~, cash; a oredit of 12 m onths ~ill brOOd ware, two a.y ear old mares, Wititer sq Uu h, coo anut pudding, lng' and 8uch other of the more imbe given tor ali sums of 15 00 and weig~t a.lJout 1300 lb .. .2 COlt (\ Magi'c 33 P roblem Can you sol ve it? lemon purI!1ing, miuoe pie, calves '- portant farm or ope 8S time will 'rha state fair tbil year hatterl a over b~ ll.ucchl1ser giv:ing bankl\bl~ month old, one dri vio DltlrU; t·hree foot j elly.' \ permit. Praotioe work wlil be glv. profit of '16,000 for 'the Rtate. The not.e. A discount of 5 per cen t for bead of Cattle, 2 good mil h cows, on 19.0 9-" For my fRD1i1y dinner, en in oQrn jndaing 8Dd seed s6100 mooey:has been turned ioto the state oash. . J . T . M ARSH ALL. h ei fe r '; 10 head of sh oats, I) do~en I - - - I - , J - -.. Thankllgiviug, I had a larger tion. treasury by the board of agrioulture. A. A. ,McNeil, Auot . o~~c1r~n , ,250 ,bU. of oot n in Ol'ib 11 top maile for 'l)Y' r ound ' table, .s J \Vlilter Kenriok, Olerk, farm implemAo ts, one fur m wo.,goo, Live Stook-1be work in thig lub expeot tow~nty g nest-8. I a~ u8io(l jeot will take up a diSQU88ioD of the Josepll Me.ham, 63, 'a nromtnent one MoCor mick m ower , oorn plan ter 1 tb e bay-t,ree de rl1MoD. . I wlil hav(.. r idingoulti "ator, wal kingoulti vtl,tor. , , types of farm animals and feeding oitizen of near Willl,amsburg, wall > bonbo'n s and austalized ' frults in I ·will offer at Publio Sale a t my ne breltklng plow, 011e 1i0 tooth' tall, silver oompotes,. a.nd salted nutt and breedmg ofUve stook. : Praotl. canght under a falll.og ' Iog and! residence IX miles nor th of Ly t le, b l~r row,' one di 0 bnrrow. one toba'Q- . . . I indlvid l uL l f l' d il r 6alinstrnotlbnwillbe 'givenlostook llfeorushedouton 'fharaday, Ooto· it t f F b t · 1 b ' ld ' . b DIRECTIONS . ;" I -wm.::e judging. ber 13&h. °on erry, t e, g m1V el S . D I I Tbl 111 " , ' plU'lLtb hoot or pl1JlCr, In 8u iili a way ~b&t cloth,. ornOomented w,ith wide b"nd ' c ary ngs oourse w bo b g d bl t . g1e t,rees, tUll~ h II I III dwllll~1[tn;~~~mllJl tI I ~' I ' .. .. fnst u.. • th 1 I 1 fd I Ooroner Shaw, in bis ver.dict OD Th . November 4, 1909 x u gy, Oll ree , ,am t?a~ zJ'''~~narull~ of filet' laoe and fJI y monogram ; r Olllon.n e tlr no peso a ryh o , hovel, fork , rtl )~ e!i , one b og numbor Ch . nnot be used m ore t h an once. All . u C' ommenolDg . at 10 o'clock sh ar p, tronah chicken b x w rk l1ar oess, ' Ooroh l1' ~weI'1l IIIUlit hA 1 m · I·A th IUl ' white ohlna with my monogram itl Ing ' feedln g an d ' b re edl ng. 0f cial ry a prisoD a~. fouud dead 'in the Geo.ra.,. e r 27. l!)09. my 0 el) .n o. ,a.... r ilt, und glasses of rook '0 -8ml. I oattle, barn 'p anitatlon, anlt the care town Jail, decided that death result- the following property: 4 horses, Ii btl rr" v hl1t'ne!js rot! ont a w' Olue ... 111 (~tl.q .or ties promhuns of 9Qual vulue wlU g .J milk odfrom heart faihire, indnoed , l!y bad " " ,.,,,.. , ', ' ,, /(I OJl ,. ' eucll . . wUladd II. toaoh of 00101' to the group , ;, ' , rp s ows. bO,n eh old g ' !)rl !!, tw o ream l)Bl'il - Vll(l.~ Jl IAlSL 16 opcn t;/) all, .;q8nrdlC8!l or Q8e or.. aouto indigestion. " of glas8es by using one Venetia,n, Hortloulture......Tbe ,",ork of tbla FBrr;n~ng illlphlments- lfarm wltg- tor!!, two \:Jed tou,l ,tlnd pring , 'WINN11J R wn, L I)E NOTIFUJ:'O .DY ~lr. on, 1 truok wagon, 1 aprln g. wu gon, lllwn win '"0 , ote . S uclln IIoddre. i ' lnk, 'with '"a old d coratlons . The cour,f e wtll oonslat ot instruotion in j' . eto • plnlJll y Wrlro1lf ~(:a u \KIhlt,ion , be suru nmlllntn to wri te "lau!! ~IDly, to P n~me-oords be~r turkeys done in the prinoiples of ffult and vegetable . While Olifford Long was ~hae~on boggy, 1 Bemi8 tro.nsp~an tTe rm : Al l \l IDS of $;; 00 nnd ' . water 'o olors IlDd igned by . ~b9 "'rowingan~,wlJlinolude.o111tlvatlon, cane into a cane mm lqo"ted on the 1'11',2 breakiug plows, 2 harrows, 2 und er, ollsh i all uma o"er ~5,OO, II. J. C. MARrIN CO., Cornllr Jrourth nnd J otrorson Stl'\l(\liII: art ist 's ·n ame. '1111ese cards are'ied prunin8, 8ptayi~g and markeUng of Sprinafield pike, about. miles Buoke ye oilltivat9r8, 1 corn pIIlDter , Me~it of oe yen l: by purcha er givD ayton , Ohio, . OR , with red, ,white an!! blue ribbont'o hortloultural ~ropa. . .. . from ,Osborn, his h'an4 was caugbt 1 double..shovel oultivator, large wa· iog ~pproved secnrltv. Corner . 'o.llrt nlld Fayotte St.reot.. porlng tbe dinner. fl' harpist '\YiJJ. Not les~, than f,}lHe n~r more tha~ He 10sHhree~gt!rs. ~ ter ta~~, to~ooo spra.yer,', lll.\"!,n LNot ) Sit Ie ' ca n be beld nntler . W ll.8h lllg tOIl . H :"OWo, . . On. pial' p"iriotio ~irs and 8imple folk. f(lur oourses hi agrloulture ~m be mower, work and buggy harne 8, ahelter If weBtb er will not. pe~"mit L agontll1 ' lub Bu ilding. Sprlnglleld. Ohio • s 800g&. " We will bave dinner i1t s.ev, 'Rtv~n' in Q~e aohool . Ei.9h cour8e Among the oharteril granted in single ..n9 don/:lle trees, hoes, foriI: , it ont. lU~. , V IllRN ,aou n . . en 0 olock OD acqount p( thefootbafl will exten,d tbroUih the w~k. ' Columbus 188' week was one,to the shovels and many oth'e r -artioles A. A. MoNell , Auot . ga~e in the "Uelnoou."-Tbe De. I:3chedule--The a_IoDs w.lll be Qol~mbus abd Olnoinn~tt ' Air Line B01l8ehold goods-heating 'aud J ..E. Simes Ulerk . .gel Immediate relld from ' lIneator for NoveJ;nber. open at 9 a . m . Qnd ol~ at. p.m. Traotion 00. Their nanie wilt fit In ~o.o.k stoves, a~d ~any·. OortioIe~ too Lunoh ,stand reserved. .J Dr. Shoop's Ma-gtc: OIDtmeJJ'C!HT TO-B·-e,U·SI?D ,HEDE An intermission of one hOllr will be thefutute era ot aviation ' ., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~'..~~. .OUO , IiO , " glVeD 'a t noon. Each' exero{se will . ' ~'. '1 ~~~~1 _ _ _ _1JI!IiI_ _~_~_~~""_ _ __ ~_ _ _1I!""_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _" " "




Lady's or

D~l~ln:d~o-::t Sta~~tl_

~n ;::~ ursday,



0014 W,tch

b!~ tl:;~ PI~~ ~~ I~~el~t ~1:: ~lY~~b::U~ ;u ~hl!?:,!l~


It.'P..ILE" "

"~m-pa'ny of The 'Bome Tele' pho'ne vu OhillloQthe, has installed the Robert8 lookout sy8tem~ whtoh eliminate " rnbbering", on party. lines. It is one of tbe l"tess invent-I ODS and if' aald to work to perfAoil~n. Whtln one party is using the line ull othe.r . , parties are praot~oaJly .out ott, and whtle .they.may slgnai Qentrll.l, th.y , ·oannot bear until the ,firs~ ' party i~ " h h I" I tllJ:oogh wi G t .e lOe. . toasts mnoh to install ' the. SV8tem, but "be Itatisfaotlon qf r Jddlng the Une of eo. v68droppers Is worth a great deal. The "ruUber~ng' ,' nuis.: , , ,. a~oe hIS b!'00m.e ~he ourae of party lines, a.nd, 'i~ · spIte of t~~ work of tbe 16Rislllture in making it UO.ILW. fui to "tllbber," the work g088stead 'ily'


. .

---_.- ...--' The Bed-Rock Success

" of lies in a keen, olear brain, bao~ed by

begln .at five ing hour.

mt~J1tee 'after the open

'W hen leading a horse' to paRtnre, .wm. VearlJ. · ot ~veland, was Expenses-Al1l~tereeted ~inmu. thrown and dragged 80me distance niQate anti 00 operate wUh the pffio- Be reoeiyed a seyere scalp wo.und ers of the Warren 00.. Corn ,ASia. whioh for a time was thought to be alation. 'B. M. 81'001[, Pres . . dan.gerouA, E HEBIllR DILL, Sec'y, Lebanon, O. Responding to Ule demand of oigar . ' , Frightful Fate Averted makers throuRhont the 8ta te " I would have b8e~ a orlpple fo~ board of maDager8 ot the peniten. lite, from a terrible ont,oll my knee oap," wrltea Frank Disbarr:y. Kelll- tiary has deolded to terminate the ber/ Milln 't "withou~ Buoklen's Ar. olgar \contr~ot. in the l>6niteQti~ry nt~ Salve, whloh 800n oured· me. " wJtb.n a fftw : days . Tbis .h88 h ,fa 1Jl ble for wounds, OUt8 and bruls. pl'omi~ed many tim~s be fcre , es, it s~n QurM Burns" Soaldll, Old Sores, Boils, Skin EruptioD8 Worlll's best. for Piles , 250 a.t ~'red O. ijohwart,z's . . . . • - ·f..,.,- --


$1.75 Value for Only $1.25.



G?vernor B armOD has appointed

Irresi's ti hIe' Barga,i n ,

'. All for ·~.nly ",

~~l.25 ,


. 'One y ear~s Subscription for McCall's Ma~azine Any IS Cent' McCall pattern you may select O~e year's ·.Subscrip,t ion to the Miami .Ga~ett'e ' McCall's


Is a large';' handsomely illustrated hund red-IJage .monthly magazin . It contain~ " sixtY 'new Fashion:Desig ns In each issue . .Every WOfl lan needs it for i~. Jip.:tO-d,ate fas~ions, enter taining tories arid cotl)plete infor mation on Jill )lomf3 and personal t~pics. Over ol') e tn il\i I).subscribers; Aeknowl,ec;iged, the b~t Ho'me' lUld ,Fashi~n , M ~gazin e~ P rice, '5 c~nt~ a copy. . ' •




" ,

,"'~""~~~II~s, , p:att.~,rns ,

Th~ ' Mia,ri,i: Cazette'

~ltpple ~iY.ou '~anh'6t. mi"vn~er- ~l:i j~ , i'~ :, i.'{~e,th ~El~r, pr.ints tl\e . stand r. tIiem .. ... AbsOlutely ..accur~te. , news,·o£: 'the neig hbodi·ood. it, has . : ~O,! }~~aYRe~eet,. ·f any ~cCall ~j.g h t , p~g ,and ·,~v,.e ry, 'c<)lumn ~ has. P~tten'l ,~u 'desl1'~ fr~ th~ ,firs~ ' good l' ad'n.g ernd ,lot of it , I Regul,ar ", :. .n·ur.n~J' ..of ' , i·m~ga.zihe . 'whi'ch ' co'r;tesPol')de:nta ./i·om all 's'ul'Touric;lw.g '. rea.cb:t'tI'yo.L1. Re~ul,ar prlae,.l5 ce~t.s. t 9wns. Reg!J.l~l' price; $I;l)O a year. ,'--:....---.-....;;......,;..;;.,,--";';"';:;""':'.:.J

,.:'\ " S?,

the :





. .'




\' Do You' Get With

Common Pleas, Court. New ·. Suits.

Mll y' Hurdy vs Gus ~ I k~r ot 111. · Pl?tlt t,lOu f,)l' purtition ot ertuin d Jlnr'ibed )Jrl:' mi " . Geo. n t./:orney tor ll tlltotiff. WtlM'en () . .)lIok et Iii VfI . lJ, U. Ii:Ullt tlS P til io n t co mpel d fenIlltnt t l) It lIunt f o r *:12.:,00 I f t him 11 1'1 t ru tOle to PIIY u Horn flY Ie 8 u nd UI!.tdbut rfltnuin dtlJ' nmong belrs Pet.ft.ioo III ) Il !< k " f ol" rem oval of ,lefi1od'lll t liS Ir1l8 tee. G orge E Y ~ lnn tI unci P"t,1'i k Ga y nor a.tto rne.t's· 1or "I .mlilf. Hlchnrd II l1 fflll ll U VB Annl1 Hoff mlln . P.-hiIOU lor .1Ivor , plltintlfl' oll imj og b e wo s intoxlCu.ted I,\od WUR onawllrt'tI of what be wn!l d oing VI' h 11 be ulIJrti rI . Court Proceedinlts. E)vtt. ,tllbb'l Vol.' Zimri 8 t,ubbs . Divorce gr ,, " I~d ' and ohildren or dl1fed to reDlllin in ChIldren's Bome Edwurd J . Spenoe va , Cyrus L Wantz Def ndant giv'en 1 av to d ~ mur or aos wer forthwith . · Lizzie Wagner vs William B Wagner. Def ndont failing lt(l}?oy liliwonyas ordered he ,i jj ordertld tu tt.pptlar io couC't I1tld give a\,J8wer . Joseph B Ott v Willitun H . Lowe. ...lut:Y f,injs ISl'ueil in (s;vor of plu.inilff Florenoe Wilts Martin Vi Ed wu.r,l ·,Ml.\rtin . <10urt or.ders oause of 01 Torce dismi sed , , Aome Footl 00 . VS, B A. Coyoe, et~. Plaintiff or(iered to give '100 additional seourlty in 30 days. George F . •Johnlion vs . Charles B . Simp~.D8 et ttl. .Petition for up poin~ment of reoeiver ot oertnin · prop~rty ftieU. EltzrOl.h & :Maple attorneYB for plu.intUf. Jaoob '3bumaker VS . Jnq E . ~hu mAkor et .a1. Petitioo for I,a,rtttion. A. · Mo . Bower attorney for ptl'intiff. Adelia J. Ch\t~iok vs rheodore JC Young et ill.. ot!et1tioo for parti. tion , Braodon, Burr (Ie !viti , fAt~orneYII' for plaint·lff. L~dia 111. Vanl:larllngen vs. E P. Nelli.. Petition for partttion. Br~i.idon. Burr & Ivins attorneys for' plaintiff.


Bnl'l-o\lgl:u, «ailing mR()hioe Co.,

1)1\\1" : '1.'15/1'11 \ o~ t. rn 't,u.r,Jlol.l-

L1ompanit>n b'u uod a Lame Boell?' lltlbJu g tilDe uf ti r \li OUllrt,'IlJ .21 in The I'1tirrlng s torie ndventure Y I1th'tt

IUd.ney Trouble Makes You IllserabIe. Almost Vii! 'on k now. of DI.KJlmer's Swam~-R~tI1l1e gr 'lIl kidne}', Ii" r Ilf\~ \1 !J blud(ltlr. r!lwedy, l,)tI~ au!lc f I \.S re mur k· . . able lIeu lUl rC'lori ng



properties. S wamp- Root f U!liUs. al UloKt vcr)' Wish 111 over.



puiido ~ h t~ bnck , k it!lI eys,

l1\'er, bJuddcr



E. ' . Tb ,m, LI1 di cnl l!ervic. • $7 j p ncar anu Mooro , lum.b er, $7l .41 j : 111U'lss Dolan rel-lair , (10 i J l)hn C. !:Jn wk ,oonb'uot ~,fQ .20 ; Fra nk ' StoKe, cOOti·tlot" $10.1)0; Frn.nk c:stok s, contrnot, ~1l 4 1)0; Bert R ,ed, oontrltol ' '12.J O· ~ert Reed oon, t , $r . 't, $31 ; Biggio!!l . 'onklill. prem i o~, 1f;l4 . 50.; w. a . l:ltllonge & 00 . J ~f> . D k ' 0 k liltI !ie., ... ~"' I Ii ItJ t, U. 10 , prem. iuw 00 in suflt oce, *l.!02 50; f:lurnuel D. !:J enk l fe s $ 1-1 2. 10. __' _ ;' __ __ _


h6,,0IS01. One mllY de80ribB'an ' S . cape fr orn ac Ideoi al 'p ril ,' (m other " ft, stran ge enoounter with wil(t cr I~ t,Ul'e - UlIlO or bell t . Many of these stodes are true as to· tu.ots, aod ooly di::lgnised as to naru llR and p1lLoes. , A 800re Or more' f ucb stories will be 'p ublisbed durin ~ lUlO iu ndditlon to nellrly 201) otllflrM -260 good stori s io /111 ; and n o tw o Illike . Aud tbis i oot countlug serial torie , which it is beli.eved Its a Top Notch Doer will be ol) oBldered by old Compani oo Gr 'lit t1 ed", oompe l regurd . The r u.ders as t he best The Comp niou world ' rl) WnRit s d Oflr_ . 'l'hlit's why bas ever publish d. t·ho A llI f' !'j no p opl have cr own ed . Every new subsorib er will find it Dr King ' Ne w D1 0 very t,ho K ing of &peoial "dvlLntage to send Ilt onoe of 'l'hl'Oll t uoo Lon g r medles Ev· the IU 75 (or the new 1910 Volume ery II to III is tl hOlllth forge. It kill/:! gorlll R,lIm1 olo a ,md lug.ripl.te vani b ' ot only does he get the beuutifnl It bell is cO l1~b-rllok d membran "Venetilw" 'u) endu for 1910, Iitholind couglling s top . 'ore iufiu.i:n U g rupbed in thirteen oolors lind gold, bronchial to\) s a.nd Jun~8 are oured hut all the issuea of The Oompaoioo (l tH! ba l11 o rrh 8~es Ct3Il Re. Dr. t.:le ~ M ore, Blu ok ,l UC k, . '. i writes it for the r emu.ining weeks of 1909. ur ~ mo of lung I,r oub] .. , pro- from the time the sub~oription is re noull oed b opeles by nIl d' lctOl'S. " oeived . 'fHIlI YOUTH'S UOTl\PAl;((jN, 500, ~L 00. Triol bottle fr fl. GUIIl'- Oompanion BuiJdiog, Boston, Ma. 8 . !inteed by Fred lJ. C h W fLTI Z New Subsoriptious Reoeived at this UiIloe.


Save part of your shoe money and get better shoes. EN D ICOT1> JOHNSON &CO., World s largest tanners and shoemakers sell direct to you, - no middlemen'S profits.

eve ry part f the urinnr. l,>1lS age. It . orr (:~s .Inobil !ty ~o - -- -... holll woterand scald lllgpnlfl lll passmg lt, or burl efTects followillg us ofliq uot, wille or beer, und o"crcQIIH:s that un plesl>llut necessi t y of bei ng C Ill) lied to go often throug h- lh e! tl u " (Il1tl to get up ma ny ti mes d urin" the 11 ig-h t. Swamp.Root is no t re commended for every th in g !Jut if you 11:1"e kidney, li vc r or bladu r t rouble. it w ill be fonnd j ust the relllcliv )'011 1I l!(·d. It hns bec n thoroug h.l y tes-tct..l i n p r h'a te p ractice, a!ld h us proved so S l! ccssful tha t a spcclal o rIImg ' II1 Cl1 t ha~ bcclI IIl1lelC b)' wh i 11 a ll renders of t his paper, \I lIo have not ·alreudy t ried it , 1IIUY have a sample bot tle se nt fr ee by mu il , also a book telling I 1II0rc Rbout Swamp-Root, Sllrl ll o\\' t o find out if yOll hav" k idl1ey or bl ~d~ler troll 1!le . When wn t lllg llle ution reading this generous ofTe.r ill th is puper a nd se nd you r add re!ss t o Dr. Kilm er .& Co., 11 ...... , ;~ ., ...... R..,. GOLD FISH FAI~M Billgha mt IIi N. V. the regula r and o!ie-<iol or size bottl es ' a re by Money Comes in Bunches all druggists. D on 't make any mis lak e G Id fish by th e Wl\ gtlD load will but r em ember Ule name, Swamp--Root, to A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and th e ud· be.propngated 10 lark 0 unty if the N. Y., now . Bis reUf'on 1S well worth ~ss, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. pla n o f DI~'Vld R 'o ut', ~o enter- reading: "For a long time 1 suffered pr i!!ing oitizeo of N \"1 arlisle, nre from indige tion, torpid liver, oon 1\1111

ENDWELL shoes 'excel in style, fit and wear because they are made by a plan that saves all unnecessary profits, and all cost of production that does not add value to the shoes. 200 styles-all leathers -$3, $3.50 and $4. Insist on shoes. made by ENDICOTT, JOHNSON & CO. and look for the name on the sole.

.. -.---

For AllIe by


B. s. HOWI::!LL, Ohio.

Waynesv iIIe,


Ollrried out. Mr. Cone is wuking stipation, nervo.osn688, and geoeral debUU.y," hE!' writes. "1 oouldn't as ignors _ ~oh e dul e of debts and pr paratioils to start Ii gold . fish sleep, ht,d 00 appetite, 001;' ambition, farm oear Medway aod expeot to /ilrew weaker every day in 's pite of lIubillties flled . H.E.HATHAWAY E!o\tnte of Ann H . ..Kelly deoeased enjoy I~ lucrn.tive demand for these all medioll.l ~reattnent . ,Then used Ii ttle members of the flooy tribe in Jllleotrio Bitters. Twelve bottles reo Undertaker and Embalmer. \ ,¥a .y ues viUe's Lell.d big Dentist Tbird aooount filerl , stor.,d lLJl myoId-time health and Office in Koys Bldg. M,,\n S E'tt8tes for settlement. Proof of the oi ties in this aeotion of Ohio vigor. Now I oan attend to busine!l8 Will be found in the old publiollttun filed for estat.e~ for set Some tilne ago Mr. Cone puroh"sed every day. It'f' a wonderful medi. Bank Building, opposite tlemeot set for hearing Ootober 25 W ! I~t "vas known us t.he I). S. & U. olne." Iofallible for Stomaoh, Ltvtbe N o.tiol1a1 BnD'k. er, Kidoeys, Blflod aod Nerve. at 9 o'olook. fl1r01 near the Burn8 lll~es, just Telephone in house and of· Est!l>te of SusaD A , Mut'dnok. de north of Medwo.y. On the farm ure 500. at Fred C. ldohwadz's. fi e where J can be called day or nigbt. , oeased. Inveotory and. upprni e- two smlin lakes . that nre fed by , V u.lley ,Phone 14-2. ment filed . ISP1'iJ;lgS and tbe~ lire o~her nnmer WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. eus springs in the ' swampy l~nd M,in Skeel. Wayne,vjUe, oh~ 1 Marrla2e Licenses. ar~und the lakes. Mr. Cone will' St. Augustine's Catholic Church. start men to work the coming week TRADE MARK. Fnther George MaveDhbefer; Pastor La ter D , Smith, 25. eleot~loill.n ot DESIGNS t...ebanoo and E thel Va.u Harliogen; e oa.vatlng in the bl.aok land for the Mnes everv sooond Suudal' the mouth ;U COJlYRIGHTS &0. 0 :00 a. m. gold fi h basin, He h'.1s been rsud At)1ene ,endln, a aketch an4 dettl1"Ir,L1on O J", qutck., all!ortn'n our 011111'00 f'f$& • lolhor an 19, of Lel:>anon. Rev . W . A. C o.o per. fi' h IMOnll (ln \1 probl\bl, pnl nl llhiu. C ODltOUntc,," . William 'Renry Sturgi , 22, 1a!>or- ing up autllorative works on II . St. Mary'S E.,iscopal Ch~rch. Uon. jlUloltr pQlIOdontlBl. IIANDBOOK on P' (NI~ lellt ~r ee. Ol<lea' 1,,0,,0110 r l \lC!IU'ln IfPj,(OI1lA. ROv. J . .F. ~d w aUnder. Rector. er of Franknn a.o(I,Eliz{lbeth M. Ben. propllgi\tio~ and ' esp'e cially oil , t~e I'l\lt\n.. takon thto ulJh )~uun & CO. recul" ep«jQl nol,", .. 1I.b out CbKI'Ile. In lue Sund,ay Scb opl. 0 :30 .11. m l!1ul'l,ll ng er' .0Ulture of gold fish. Be believes nett" 23, mill employee of FrLLok,lio. vten. 10 :30 a, m. Boly CotnmunlQu ~be Or t Rev. Kestle, Frllokliti. that he is now reudy to start a new Sanday ot each m onth. A hAndlomel,lIIult,aIM weekly. J.nfll t ClI.. Joseph A. Bahr, a3. butoher of industry tn Clllrk oQooty. ' . cul.Ue h o1f nll1tciOnUd o Journal. '1·or'u ....' . ,0 r: tou. m on Ll'I. tL 801" 11,.11 t) " , d .I~ MIlRon and Hlaooht-> . St, Johu, 27, ' With the . c ties of Springfield, Meth~i5t Episq>pal Churdl. ~ tit t Rov, H. W. BallOYI Putor. teaoher of Lebaoon. Rev. W. A. Oay~oo" C0 IUJUb os an ... ~ , er oeo ers SU1lI11l }' C hool, () :uo a. TO. MOr~1t serso, Mr. Cone feelit that if be 'ls ,' Ille. 10 :'80 a . m. 1::p,.ortb League, 7'IOU PCoopel'. 8uooe8sful it weuld Dot be long ontil m. E \'() nlng service • .if: 00 p. m . Midweek Pnyer Meetlnj{; '7 p. m. . be would have ooosiderllble demand -Real Estate TrailBfers. Probate Court. for the llt~le Jlet~. A store house in Christian Church. WALTER ~pCLlTRE, llWl In the matter ofeBtate of Elizabeth Frank L-. Suttle and wife to AI:. whioh the ·fisheEt-CH be fefl:.aDd-ke-p-trl-----=8.-::un:...d:-'a.uYStl8c(..h~OO~Jil<9~:a.L!o1l.o.m.m • ...., ~ 80""cl~al'?+-in-ee-:t::-ln-IJ-.r--'-----:----""'7':""~-"""""'" Funeral Director. ~daP', dece'tu!ed·. Distrlbuti.on of bert Sobnell Ilnd Huttie Ou.rroU during the winter. wiU po construot 10:4U a. m. oiidstllul Ertdoav0t:: 7: 00 p. m. RegUlar church 8Orvlce.=SOCOnd aundlloY encb gooda andohuttels ordered IlQd bond ,sohnell, T~1I.1 estllt6 io JIla t Morrow, ed -Miami Union. mouth at 10:30 . nd 7:80 p. m. of ISQo. , filed ,by William }lll.ndall, Telephone dRy or night. Hidullte Friends Church • Lee Ratidall and J . )j" Ra.ndall . Mary· W ()()ds to Eisis G. BrlLokUey Valley phone No. 1. fAng F ira t Day Me eUn ~. 10 :0011. 11). FlraG O.ay HARDIN COllNTY'S ONIONS '.. Etllate of E lizil.beth · Rli l\(1all, de- real esta,te in Clearoreek township, Sohool, 11 iO() 11. m. . Four~ Day ~eetln, Distanoe No. 69-3 r • . . '1. Farmers Bnd gard.e ners will be in- 11):00 Il. In" ceased. Ft'rst acoouot.fih tI. '. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. , 'Estate SimoJl 8huul,,~er, d~Lydia E .· Van Harlingen rellJ ~8 , terested to learn that Iial-liin coun Orthodox Friends Church. Rev. Be njamin Baw!dn8, PlIstor, ceased . . Anna. M. 8j),um'a ker ap ,t tate 'in WlI.yne township, $1. ty is the , grentest. OOlon growiog Branch OJlice. Harveysburg. O. !'labbath ubOOI ,' (j :30 a . m . Reltlllar oburoq pot~'ed ad~lDlstrat~ix ' giVing bo~d' GhllTles E. Eatoo' 'and EUlet,a M. oouoty in the United tltates aod servt(\e, 10 ·ao a. Ill. Cbrl3Uan E ndeavor. McCALL PATTERNS Cul."h,nlcd tor Klylcb " C.toct fi l. ~ Implici ty nnd of I~O,OOo. wi6hJ~hn ~btu~aker, EBton to ~olomon Longman real es- that Ohio gr-lws more onions thlLn '7 :30 p. Ul rclinunh y th.- nrly 4 y , fft l' ". S old In Ill':3r1 y every eily nlld lown ill I he Ul1ilocJ . 'I.ll e" nud ,Eli~b6thShumaker...Jiltoob 8huDiak. tilte 10 W~'r:ren' QouotY,. $SOo.. ' allY other state in the Ubion. . :ln mltl. o r by ma il d' rctt. ~ ttH'Q I IJld li mn ,. n.iy olhc r make. Send lor h cc cnutlol."Ile. · er' andf.1,"ic:' ShQmaker ;'811 etierties, Idu , M. , H.~ll aod husba1ld to Otis In 1883 'the Boiotl) Marsh waB a MAGAZINE . r. J. S. 'q uttery, W. D t ' ,Q,?rw.i n Jr ., . Arthu~ ,', felli ' I;lSUt,te in Fmnklin, bUt't;en wa teo In 1884 the ooooty ~lM! . Uat!MYMY Mc!.:AtL'S lUo re subKcriher. thnn , nny olher tus hlon m:l{;:t zi ne-millipn n n tt)n l h . 1 u\'ulu:lhle. L ut • and"Ed Shawhan appohited Ilpp~ai8 '" W/lrre';l C.)Uoty, oommissionertlBold out -Woo dredg. 17!1_17!1""~~~" . e $t olyies p"t lcrill, lire: ·. m (I kl n !!. millinery. p illin s ew l n g , t Oll y needh:w(o t k, h1lirdrclISi nll'. era . ' lJ~t,herioe Shannahan t o Addrll ing oompaoy a ooonty ditoh thir "llqueUe. g oocl $lpric. CIC. Only 50 r enl,. a Ye;l r (worll\ d ouhle) . in c\utllf1~ n h oc paHem. Essate of Mary Ann Rea.dman, Ken'lok, x'eaJ ~tate io Waynesville. teen miles long, forty feet wide at SubscTibe tod ny, or senll rot lanll, lu - copy. ~"~"_ '~~W-~~.H...~N~~~ de~ed. Fir~t and : fioal account, $10.0.. the bottom,· seven feet deep i to J>.e.WONp'ERFlIt. INDVCEM~S . ( :A gents. P ostol ,br!ngs' prclI1;um c~tnloQUe , of -W,' ibrdi8 .approved; 11l1owed . Vinnll M. tJ(\,rp.A~ to Muggie E. gin oear the headwaters 'of. th~ Bolo W. ~. PLATT & noll new ":llIh " rbo olrer .. 'Addrc u and ' Confirmed. '. . ' . , Warner rel\l estate in WlLyne town- to' .r iver hi Rouodhead township, to' G( Lllfnyott.e St., New York Ony. mE lIecm co.. ~81o W •• n\b St.. \'fEW ICiU EIItate of John .0. Ilarner; ·de. ship, ~7640. ' . I go through .t he marsh ,.by a route ·cealed. · First' and 11oa1 account, Alphus A. Bite and wile to tbtl.t would afford possible drainage approV.e d/ ' a,ilowed and oonflrmed . . A1,>rGUl Irvlo real estat~ in W I1sh for the whole marsh, and e~pty , E8~te 'Of William J. iflgt'ln township, *700.. int.o the Roiott) t:lver I/.bout four . ~ase<t First ROQouot Ilnproved, al. Mabel Robioson and hu bnad tp mUes wellt of Kenton, oontraot prloe A Purely Vegetable Laxative lowed aDd confirmed. George Beok real estate ill t:!prin~- WIl.S lf5,000.. The ditoh paid no reCurea Chronic ConstipatioD, and All t.e&ate of . aenry Dilatush, de- boro, ~\l . speot to the meu.nderlngs ot the river Liver and Kidney Troubles. ceased. First account approved, ll'rapk P. Forgy, sberiff, to Flo B. as the channel through this part ano'wed 'a nd oonfirmed. Monfort, 'rflu1 eetate belonging to WUI! quite iosufficient IlS II. river. .' . "EAtate of Mary O. Frieberg, de , Ru.ymood p , Oline et 801 10 peetfield EllghtyeBrs after .the ditoh was oom . For lIaie at tbe tollowUlg plaCe8: OeaKOO. Flrst and fi~fl.l rioooont. 01' t ownship. 1200. plet~d you could not find a vestige Zimmerma.n's, KUbon 's, . 'Springfie,d, Ohio. prQved, allowed !lud oo~firmed Commissioners' Proceedi'.1"s. of tbe Old. river channel. It filled in :white 'I!, . Mc,> uotjoy's Eita.te of Wilham ·D. · Mol;urdy. of itsownaooord,andtodaynotrll.ce deceased. First aod floal acoouot Uootraots-Contrll.ot was eotered of the old ohan~el olln be fouod, In I-S' P ' 2 ' approvedi :tHo wed and oonfirmed . into with George K~Qg for putting 1886 generid farming and ooion . ~ Estate of Mary C, 8peooer1 de- in vltrifhld ewer nelle 10llded sbell . growing began, until today there ' oeosed . First ~nd fioai aooount f,.\OtorY In Kiog's Mills, lin mil too are twenty-flve hundred aores of . pl~ce ge~ :':':'.:':':':':;:':':':':':':':':':':':':;:':':':':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,,:.:.:.:-t.:.:~ approved, allowed and oonfirmed. towDship. at estimate 20. floe ooions thut will yield an ~ver. ::: ::: Estate of Marguerite Moery, mio Generlll oontraot was entered Int~ a.~e of three to four hundred bush· or. First aocount I1pproved; allowed wi tb J . P. 8\ul til for lumber. el& per aore, .tbat will bring ..I~cal ' . .. ::: . :::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.;o;...,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~: ' :::



The Gazette Is the


SdtntlliC Jlmtrltan.

Medium for Advertl-sl-ng

M1I!l flftP'~&!8~::~::I!~~ l.w~


Try it!! J



..... .












Everybody to know that Miami Gazette job Room h orre'ct


Th~ Alpb.a.Chemioal GO.



\your :.• S'a le Bills printed ::: ·t o



, aU:s~:~fir:redFrederICa


i~. wi~~~~ea~:l~::i:~ ~::9~~:erf:~i:~~. ::~~;in:e:tab~~~:l~hir:~~e ~n~!?' ~o~rectly ', : a~d . .in ~r~~l.. \l~ C ' dT ' . : : ::: C9me In: and see oqr ::: 00 ' as.te~ :r: ~~~ '~1~ . . ' . ... d' : : ::: P t"" d' II' f th . ::t Trv: US OS . ' -bar $; a · 0 "" em ... . , ' once .. ' ".an . ::!, ::: :;:.

BOuk, . '. Flret aod final uooount flP. pl'Ir of bridges lind culv'e rts where • -pr~yed, allowed and cl)nfirmed . tlla oostof !iucb repllirs on aoy one DASTARDLY DEED .. Estate of Adli B. Butohhisou, brIdge ut any ODe time io I\·ny one " " F1rst . ",Dd fl nal aOoouot approved, year <;lo~s oot .exo~aa 110 . .F k, r.ll.n LI\~t F ridll.Y morning, Mt. A b.e. .. .J " allowedandoonfiIDied.. . 0 Milleronrouds In 1!0uthhIlHof .Booco,oneofFa.vetteoonnty' Estate. or. Hti:~·el. 'Whitaore, .minor . Fr~nkli~ iOWDshil): Bert Reed. 'o n pr~speroos f&r~erli, discoverec\ th$t . 1'1nal account approved, allowed Rnd ronds io W,!3Btpllr~ of Deerfield t·own- some unknown pBrty . hll.d. eotered ,·· , " , oonftt~~, . , ..' ~ ~~iP.,,:. ~ustii:J Th"oka~ll, on rOlld~ io his postur., ~eldsome time thenigpt' .., Jilstate,ofEttaW,F. lJewla,minor. '/Vest.. '" p'IIo'rtofClearor~ek , township .o rdayprevious,andbad ·deH.bEJrate (' .... I ' • Finlll aooount apP.roved, allowed ' ~ : w. pumford in Le\)fl.non · Ilt,ld It shot dow,o, .one of hi • .fine Jersey -. au'! oonflrQled. . . ' . . . ShAk~rtoY1D 'pike. ' w:~. B()()th 'bull!!, '" · V&IU~d· . at ~or~' tha~': 1100 ~ . Estate of Rolandus V'. · Bradley. on Green' Tree road south to Monroe Mr. Bo'ooo had 'the bulHn a pasture \ .mino~. · Fin~l · ~ooou~t ' ap'p roved, aod Lebanon pik~ ari~ wnere dfvid: SO~$ di.taD~ \ fJ'om -. hie r~i'cleno(f · aUo'Jedand GG'nfil'med. : odin TUrtleoreek township. ,.: . -and 'wen'Uti thefield' in qoest1oa to ;'0', 0: .B, ~and Mar:J.1.'· A . . '. Bil'i~\ttLt43 of 6hlo V$. Otis Mn'r~ l~k :' after ius 'stOOl' i~t .Frld• · B~m~ ·_...lg08:: [nventory ' !~~ ~ay: 906~.S·, ,ib.7-5 .i ' ~tate of ohfo V8: ~O'r~iDg,' He' s~w '- the b~l1 lfing ' ~t~ ~" • .,...........aaaeu ",ed'. . , ·Wl1S0D 'Drake. cosy, 13~: 1~; State !lot I,D(the,. fl~ld and p~ooeed8d at ., . . . ..of W. Jal HaU,' a88lgilc,r. of OhIo ",. Jess!, Blaokford, OOlite, once to It88 ,that . the trou'ijle WIUI. . . 'JD~~aD4 aRPfallemen' filed. '142.150; JQhn M! ··Muif.or<l, atampa,' Upon · approaOhinl. be dltcovered I ,," Of.C. B',aiid Ka'r)' Bn~*, '5.; J:~~ M~rrta. au~l1~ 12.8 ..60·; t~at ~e antzn..a1 - wU ,.to~e dead ~ "


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THE .:MI M1 GAZEl'TE P lt b l!",l;,,\! '

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vIII ,' Ohio

CI _ I" '" I. I'~ 1 N 'A' L I, ~!N II -:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·_M_A_ IN _


_1_ll_1!} 1!:1'

Eitc:ntiun Schools

AgrJcuJtural b eM t),

'J'I) -h

fir t week in N

v mb r , 19 9, Ilt L ballOD , Ohl.·O. all~a!l. b Govern tlie Bolding of


The Mark on

. Silverware


Agrl ol1ltUI',1! Extension ohools"1. Soha IR "hu,}llJe beld .ut PO!otp'l - - ------..... dfl8ignnt.ed by the bOllrd 'of Trustees D. L . M E. Edit l' and Manager ()( t.lI Obin tflf U niver Ity. 2. a'Lti ~flluto ry 1~(lOIU S for iDst ruo Rates of Subscription tiun /l.nd uemoDtitrut·ion shull be pl'O On V 'ar(s lri Qtl y In u(\v an .) ......... . "0(\ vlded und orrperly oared for by ~11I1I1 t.- COP.l' ............. . ........... ,u;, 'lUd do tile ex pen se of tbe 100al oom louni ty. 3 A pplicl\tions fur !lohools shill! Rates of Advertisements Hea\llllg I.ocal~ . per li ne . . r.l· be wade 00 II. blunk toru~ furnished nCil.llIlll,! locli i s. bl nt'll ra e • . I~ ~ liul: .. 100 by the College of A'gricultore ILnd r:1l nNslllcd :\ ~ ij . nOl 10 t 'cecd Ih' l;' linus. Igned by not less than twenty live 'J'hl'£!' Ili se rlloll ~ . .. . , ., ...... , !lou CAr,l•

ll :!

• 'f '.






DI ... I durable tllver. III 'HO! d lorb, spoon. _00 fane r II'I"fWI! piecH Anl 'h"I'I~ ' with 1110 ro, IIO"D~ Ir n,lo mUll.

. NIN,C HA"',

I will o1fal: llt Publi o Hille on ~h . Aaron Wilson faroo; one l~ile. · elist of tbe I!' tve Point ohoolhou mil R weBt of Lyt1 on ' t·h Lyt)A r OI\l''Ion

R ecommends "

Monday, No'vcmber 15, 1909,

For Weak, Run-Down P"ople.

Commencing at 10 o~cl(lok !lhnrp: 9 b ead bOl'se, ; hny farm bOI'8e 14 yt'ars old, 1 brown generrl} purpoije horse] 2 yell r!l old, r in fumlly ulILre T~f 7 years old; h!lICk Ul tlrA g 0 rul pur. posa 4 y en rs old. r(liln mare c It om Dr lhl' mark onl, ."D 'DO dl.unaU I.b til e orllllna\ lug 2 yenrs old by Horry Purooll . Jloven "./U' (Onl ruadeln 1847). and "unre Jounelt 60rrel hoI' e oolt coming 2 yl'llr old. • ~~~~ 01 tile bet t In Quellt,. bay mare colt camln g 2 yeaTs old by L, O"llb alld dellla D, Barry Pur ell, hroorl mllre 10 yen ra Ot>111l3.·leh. rI \'(' III ~ IH' H Irr f' ; fI\,cr fll'tI . !lold b, I... ~. d . . l. nncrywhore. Inc heR. I"' .' line .. ... . . . . . . ... . ... . 5u 4 When appliOl1tlons are grtlnted old good wor"er, t Illl oltling colt i &ud lor catalovl1e ( nru or 1II11nk s .... .. .. ........... . . .. l!:lc a looal organiZlI.tion sh'al1 be per. "C,L," . abowlna M hend cattle; 1 !;hor th rll G0W be He s')lutl () n~ . . .. " .... ... ..... . . .... . . . flOc foted whloh co.operll tion witt) Illi detillta, fresh soon G yeu l li oW, 1 Poll d Soclal~ Clll. where uhlir!:!! 1M malic . . •. . . :!.io the Superintendent of Agrioultural MKlllDElf Durbam oow 9 velHH old, 1 Jerr~ey I)IKI)lay Adl'erll sl llt,( l"r In ch nRITANNIA (lO. . .. .. .. .. .. IOe Extentton shaH bl1ve oharge of ,,11 oow, bo fresb 800n 1) YUlI r.sold, 1.1 l' UIH COtl nl s gl" n 0 11 coulraeL. • (l.ten.u..... n... 100111 arrangements for holding tbe ~: .) Bey cow fresh in s prin g 9 years Id, • •rld ... (l..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - sohool. 1 two-yelll'-old Bleer. 1 tw \-yel.\.r old Applloation-If 'le u desire to take heifer , 1 Jerse.v h Ifer ooml ng 2 OOTOUEU 27. 1909. tbe ooorse, notify the preBident or ~~~~~~~~~!I!'!!!!!'!!!!I!'!!!!I!'!!!~ years 0\(1 , \lbo r thorn lJUlI 2 year!l secretary of the oorn Alisoclation Id 1

.. I was run dow n and weak from Indigestion and ge ncl'al debjlity~ also suffered from vCI-tigo. I sa w a co4 liver pl'eparatioll called Vinol advertLed and decided t give it a trial. and 1 he results wel'e most gratifying. After taking two bottles I regained my st ren~h. and am now feeling unuliually well." - HE .. N CUNN INGHAM. Elder Baptist Church, Kinston . N.C.





Vinol contains th e two most wod tonics-,-the medicinal, stre~;gthcning, body-building 'lemcn(s of Col! Liv'er il and Tonic Iron, inol confains no oil. and i ' by br the Best tren/{thening Tonic obtninable, We return your money without question ~01 does not accomp ish all we claim for it.



8t~:ee ~:;:e;!I;;us::::~~t:Dedo:!~ I-Ii;; ~;d Th~;;OI ~~~:'r~~ ::~~~~ot~~. r~:o::::~!~i;:

AMERICAN THANKSGIVINGS '10S0-"Wfi f ounel t,he Qolony in

J. E . .JA,NNEY,


sod and uoexpeoted condltioll, Bbov el&My of them being dead the Wlu ter bef re and til my of those nhve were weak nnd ai k. All the oorn and bread am ong Lb6ln wns hordlv suffiolent to feed them a for tolgbt .:' "When I oould hl1ve melll uod water nnd bOlled together it Wll~ S(l good who oould wish for tetter?" "The women at low tide gathered olams and mussels frpm the froz~n beaoh, ate ground nuts, aoor,n8 and SOlint fisb . " '''In almost every tarn '~Iy lamen tlltion, mourning !lnd ·woe \VI\S h eard and no fresh food to bthad to oherish them." 1 50-u For our '1'hllnk glvlng din Der we had Winter soup. 'hioh il:l made from beef with oabbagE.', oar . " rota, sweet marjortlm, parRley, turnip, potatoel! u.nd onloDs; fredh oodfish frted, boiled ham, rObst tur. key with crtloberry sauae; oyster ~ie j potat now, tumip!" p~rsoip8, Winter squu h, 0)0 anot pudding, lamon purld1.o g, mince pie, calves'. foot jelly." i909~"For my fnmily dinner. Thllnkdgl.viug. I hl.L~e had a larger top mQde for my rOllnd' table, .s ·~ expeot tw.,nty goests. I am usinl! the blLy.tree (leo rllMon. I will havtbonbon!! a.nd orV iaUzed fruit8 in tallsUver oom.potes, and 8111 ted nU~t· in indivtd_unf ul~ be ofpie~oed 8ilvar -=- ~'1 will use my .handsomsst t-tI,bl~. oloth,ofll!llDented with wide bands . of tllet laoe and. 01 y monogram " white ohina with my monogram. itl gilt and glasses of rook orystB1. I , wllllldd '" touoh of oolor to the grouv . . ' . of glasses by usmg one Venetio.n, pink. with f(old decorl1f.ion~ . The name.oords b6flr turkeY8 done hi water oolor . nnd signed bi .t he &rtillt's name. The6e mud8 are tied with red white B'nd blue ' ribbont'o 'Du:ring ' ~iI~nern.herplst \ViIi plav p~t~iotlo airs and simple folk. songt!. We wtU hl\ve dinner at se,v en o'olook on aooount pf tbe fo~tball game In t~e Mteu300n."-Tlle De. Ii OeB t or t or No '\Tem be r~ ~ OUOHT TO 1iE . ~SED ,HERE . The Bome Telephone ComnA. -..ny ,of Ohillioothe,~llsin8t8lled theR'o berts lookout 8ystem, . whioh eliminate8 llrubbering" o.n party line8. It is one of the lll.test inventions and ill eai~ to work to perfeotlon. Wb.,o one ~rt.y 18 using the line ull other

following: l'hllt eaoh pro's peotive member of the sohool should p"y '0 the treasurer of the looal org!lnizll. Hon n mem be~hip fee of S1. 00 to de· fray loeal expenees j that no sohool sbould be held wbere fewer th!l.n fifty memberl5hip fees hllve been paid by bonafide members; and that the re oeipted membersbtpollrda shoold bl' filed with the Colla!1,e of Agrioulture ten .days before t,he opening of the sohooJ. If y~u wish to take the coorse send U.OO and receIve a. memo bership card. The,...tollowlng oourses will be of. ferad: . S 0il F ertil itv-'r his oourse will . 00n8 I s t 0 f a di 80U8Si ou 0 f t·h., prinoi. pl~ underlying the . maintend.noe of soiJ fertility inolndlng suoh sobjects f d i f as 00 requ rements 0 -plaot!', the use and effects of tlUllge, drainage, manures. fertilizers, lime, eto. Farm Crops-This coutee will oonslst of a study of corn andoorn judg. lng and lIuch other of themor~lmporto.nt farm or ope as time will permit, Praotioe wQrk will be giv: en In OOl'njndaing Ilndseed seleo Mon. Liv'~ St09 -'1'h9wnrk In this snb k joot will tAke up II. dlso1l8ll10n of the types of farm animals and feeding "ud breeding of live' 8'"ook. Ur"ott-' .. ~ c .. oal instruotlon will be given in stook 'ud in . J g g. ,. Dairying-Thiso~urtlewminolude


===:8 A]1 E



S = == seCOND


Time Lock nd Repair Work 01 All Kind. RESIDENCe SA PES A SPECIALTY

tn fl ne con,H tiou, uswllrms bees, a ExcluslYe Agency for " Century" Adjll'tabll!. Steel Orawln,r lablu number h nul'ehold good ; farmin~ Lalit winter's underwea.r feels implements j 1 l'!loCl)rmiok binder. THE C, W. HAIN SAFE CO •• Columbus, Ohio, :itr!~~~Tc~mm better tban it looks. . 1 MoCormiok mower, both good anew; 1 MoCormick steel hl\y rak e, It ill rumored Batavia. is to have ho,y tedder, 1 grain disk drill, 1 Tiger numerous t m Dti n . ..00 bU!4bell! (\, por~ pltQking plant. tobaoco setter, 1 Tiger oheckrower of corn. with drill attaohment, 1 Hamilton 'i'erms-AII aum~ of 500 and Ull· ABSOLULELY FREEl Mlld 08ses ' of diphtheria. are ie corn drill, 1 disk barrow, 1 60 tooth d 1', oRsh; 011 s ums OV I' , 5 OOP, Ql'ed· ported In Loveland and Maineville. barrow. 1 Moline gang plow, 2 walk· it of 9 OlonthA will e glv n witb Gentleman's Handsome Gold Ing breakmg plows, 1 Case ridin g two I~p pr oved ouriti . Watch A yolunteer pumpkin vine In the oultivator, 2 walkin g onltlvntors, 1 WALTER MURHAV, garden of E. C Manning, of Bethel, tobacco cultivator, 1 double-shovel Lady's Beautiful Gold Watch A. A, MoNeil. A.nct. grew 26 pumpkins. plow, 1 three.horBe drllg, 1 Gordon .J. E, Himes, lerk . · road w 'lgon . 1 low.wheel wlLgon,l Th b I . d t t d Morris Woodhull rubber.tire buggy ree urg arles were e eo e in Wil I t I t k I good as ne.wI 3 sate work harness, 2 I will Bellnt Publio Auction Ilt mv ng th\et on asalnwee , n bat no sets ot Single . . I 08se didm the entranoe buggy hlUM II, 1 hlLY I'esidence 3 mile southe l!:It of Cen . , eD~ B. h ust b i I g I ' . fork, ropes Ilnd ~ulleys; 5 pitchforks tel'ville I1nd 2 miles n orthw t of ~ em . ega nn~ exper once, 2 scoop ~hovels. 1 gravel shovel, 1 Ferry on the Stri.ngtown ROlld • 5 .Jewel . Movement ' ' J1I0ng all others 60nul ng us correct; 80111. ~alvani"9d watering troogh, 1 h ay W d sd N . II us will bo dllltributod equally. Son:hBooks r h e nc ay, ovember 3, 1909 t Inl ' OOld" I wit .., G .R • Ba rg dill ,0f "ame8town, 8S' rigging, 1 gra.vel bed and many ~~ ':nW:l[ ~lttO .. ~vor L 0 1lg8. wo,~. torn down the fence in front of htl' otber tbings . a t _1011 . m ., 6 head of h orses; on 12- Premiums of $50.00 (or more) ~ach' residence, the piokets of ~hioh were Terms-All snms of 15 UO and un· year.old broor) ~18re one ll-yea.r.old A r ' II t t5 000 ( ) walnut and were Jorty years old ,der, OIlsh j a oredit of 12 months will brood lD!i:r , t.wo 3.yellr old mares, moun mg In a 0,., or more be given tor all 8ums of '500 and welgbt about 1aOO It> " 2 .QQit , U Magic 33 Problem .Can you solve it! 'rh~ 8tate fair this year ueUecla over by poroblUler Si ving ba.nknble months old. one driving mure ; three profl.t of It6,000 for ·the state. The note. A disoount of Ii per cent for ',h eadof ca,ttle, 2 good mil h cow one money:hasbeen'arnadintothestate oash. J . '1'. MA.RSHALL . h eifer ; 10 heau of h Ol.te,lidozen treasnry by the bo~rd of agrioulture. A. A : McNeil, Auot. ohiolrens, .250 bu. of oor n in orib 11 I Walter' Kenriok, Ulet: k . farm implemAnl8, one farm wagon, J08ep'h Ma.ham, 63, ~ pro~\ne.Dt one MoCormick mower, oorn planter, cit· f Willi i riding eul ti vater waJkin g oultivator, lzehn 0 near awsburg, . was I wUl offer 01 Publio Ba.l e at my one bren king pJow, one 5.0 tootb caug t unller a falling· log an'd his ltfaorulhed out on -!'hursday, Octo. residenoe lX ~tle8 nort·h of Lytle, burrow, ODe di 0 hn.n·ow, oue tobnc- 'DIRE rIONS~ '. ~n!l X miJe west of Ferry, on the 00 trll,n !Jlu.n~r, one Shl Ids ' tobacoo TaitO one 01 the uumbers trom I to 17 and Lbom In c;,he ulrlO squat'Cli. on tllll or a ber...l3Ul. Sidney Coon farm, on press, hn.y Indoer , gra v I bed, one pillco JllLrato !l"oe~ of pUflOI'. In suCh. a way tha~ ~ho horlzoUI,"l 1l1l08 aud !.lIe vortlcal columll. . box buggy, d oubl e tree, sio"'Je trees, unu tJle dlugoonl 1111l1li will each mllko 38, A Coroner Shaw, In hiE! verdiot po Thursday, November 4, 1909 ., uuml)or canuot bo used morc than once. All hoes, sbovel , fork ,rtll~ • oue b og IIUSII' rs lIlust \)0 lu my ollleo not tllnn a priioner foonddead in the George Co mmeno'ng . . at , 10 o'.clook shllrp, trootrh, obi k 11 lJox . - 'IV rk ullrnes , ( ctobcr' 27. 1909. In coscol LIOII premlUllls 01 equal value wlU town lail, decided tha& death result. t h e f 01Iowing , prOI)erty: 4 horses, 0 bn~gy hurnaS8 , oro 8 out MV ; 80ru h .trl \'011 to euch. )ILLest lil opun to 11L1 . rogard lcas of 1180 or ad from ·beart failurE! Induoed by b od . ' , . ro ' sows. 'h ou hold goods, t \VO or It III sepAI'II- H acute indigestion. F ' '. arming implflmentll-lforlll W8g~ tors, two bedRt ud~ uud prin",!!, WlN EnS WIT,L om NOTIfIED BY 11 II.



Not' 1~8a' thanthn.~Dor~orethaD l:Ielostthreefing~r8. four c~ur~es. hl agriouUnre 'will be

given In Ol1e Bobool. Each 'oourse will extend throul\l ..the week. Idchedule-Tbe ~ionli will' be open at 9 a. !p, .and .01088 at ( p, m , An inter~ls~lon 'of' one hour. will be gt~en at nooJl. EaCh", exercise will begin atfive minutes after the open'. ing hOUr. ..;: . ",.,., .. ~penseS-A1J intereeted oommu,Ill oate an4 00. ~rera~. ~nh the offieer8 of the Warren Co., Corn ASlo. olatiQn~ B. SKdOK, .Pres. BIIBlIlll DiLL, Soo y, Lebanon,· O. '...



.,al1'J'G!l a or . eman G011IJ '/Iateh





_.__ -.--------0

tt th I I 1 fd I roc on.ln e pr no p 68 0 a ry. l. eedl Ing, feedl ng 8nd . Dr ng 0 f ciai ry ttl ba i"Ati .. th e care OIL , e, rn j!an ... 00, a.Ou of mil"'" . . "" .• ' . " . B ortlou1ture-The work of th}s ' will oonstat of instru~tion ill t~e prinolples of frnit and vegetable While Clifford Long was f!3eding growing aod iQoludeoultivation, cane into a cane mtll located on the .prunins. ipra'Ylngand marketing ot Spr~rilfield pike, abo\lfi 'thr:El8 mile -horbloultural 0~0P!J. , from Osborn, hill hand was oaught IDS


Dru ~,gi st ,

Among tile oharterS granted in Cohlmpuslast week WitS one to the Cohimbos and CiDolnnat; Air Line Traotlon Co. Thetr name will flt In .t be fntui~ era of aviation: •




on, 1 truok wagon, 1 spring wlIgon, pbl\etop boggy, 1 Bemis t.rBnsplanter, 2 breaking plows, 2 harrows. 2 Bl1okeye' ~)Ultlv.tors, 1 oorn planter, '1double-shovel oultl-vator, large W/1 ' ter ta.n~, .tobaoco sprayer, h~wn mower, work and buggy harne ' s, single .nd double, trees, hoes" forkS, shovels and many other .artioles , ' Household goods-heating , Bud oook 8toves and ma~y "rtiole8 "00 ' .. <

Bll(lin four ' IluLiolllI.nd I1llnt6 ,AlIU addreu

lImn I:jwing at,o, (lto _

1l1alilly wrItten. be s ure t.O write DiallIly. to

Term : All sums f $5 00 and und er, Oil h; 0 11 urns over $5.00, Il ored it 'Of one yen l' by pur ba er giving appr lved security, lNot} Sa le no b held under ~heltet If weuther will It t, pOI'mit it outaide. VlIlRN BOUGH. A. A. MoNoil, Auct. J .:m. aimes, 0 1 rk . L n h • d d U 0 S"Bn reserve .




om r Fourth llo'd Jolforson Streota.



O ll. Coruor ,

nrC ,nuel FnY' £to Stroo..... Mhlugl\lD O. 1:1 .• Ohio;

on ,

Lligonda tub nulltUng. Springfield. Ohio.

get Immediate relief ' from PILES . Dr. Shoop's Magic Olntmellt.


.-.....' ----~-....------------~-------.;,..-------......



.:. hen leauing a horse to p8Rture, · Wm. Vearll, of Lovell\nd, was thrown and dragged 80me distanoe 'Be reoei't'ad a 8e.ere sealp wound whioh for a time was .thought to be dangerous.



Irresisti hIe

$1.75 V' alue for Only $1. 25. .




,:~~~!:~?:; , w:=~:~~::A::PI. 'or ::~:=~;:::~?::~~.::~~: I-~::-;;a:~~o~~i'-:s-;~;;:~A' 15 C t M C II I '

. . h fi ' I tl:l·rough Wit t~e ne. t oost~ ,. morl;! to the svstem, but the sllthlfaotlOD of rlddlpg the




SI 25

Ufe, from a'terrible out 011 my knee ' ,. oap," writes Frank Disberry. Kelli. "ary has deoide~ ·to terminllte the her, Mion., "withoot, Btioklen'8 Ar- cigar In 'he nlea, Which 800n oured me." within &'(ew da.ys , Thi@ has been, ~ .



~~:••t:t'·:':°r.:;~z.!~t'!~I: ~i:'tl~=:;JF::'~~~:$!::: \WOml..d;"•• ~~bO"". y


anoe has beCome the. onrlle·of pa.rtYWorld's ~st for 250 at 1!'rad Berry";R~blnRon onae a 811vtl III lines and, in I!pite.of the work of C. t!chwahz's. . ., K;~o no~y. ~fYellow ijpringll, will th~ legislature til ml'l.king it unlaw . RECEIVES :- RE~OGNI1:I(\N b~'lO? ye&"!8 old on ,the oom\og Chri -' fnlto· ttubber,'.' theworkgo68sttilld "" ma8. ' Be wai'inthe Mexloan war 11,. 00. ,_ ._ .. O<?vern.6r 'f.Ja.r mon h'a8 , a~pOt'nte~ ~tb~8pahF. lI.nd W~8 for 37 years . The 8ed~Rock of SuCcess Sylvan ~wlil. who lives ' joat 'west the' rego~a~ army. He has five dis b i b k db ' of· Lehanon as aelega~ from this dis. ohat:8e~ and draws U5 . per montb '. . ' .. he81n a keen, olear _ ra D, ao, e " 1. ' . ; . . " '. \' 1 ad ' Idi ' Indomitable .wlllilod re~i8tle's8: etler tr.\ ot ~o . :the \N~tional . 'a.r mer.s ', pay •• II: ret r . 8'J , er,' not BIt Il ." : IY:' Spoh . 'Power COll'1'e8' from the (Jong~8. to be held a, I!o"h~tgb; N ~ 9. ~l1.~.Qner. .. '. .' .'. . splendid health the t Dr .~K.i.n.\'R New November · 6. 1- and 8, 1009 'nle . . . ." •. ' . "','.' :lilfe '..l?111~ ipipart, :rb~y~~ ~Hallzq m'e eting ·WL11 be' att~Qd~ ,. 'by' '. deloa::, y·:k :.... ·, '. o~'f .. , tL: ' . Se.... . .• \ t ~ nd build up tiraln ana .' '. ' '. ". .'. . ' -r ~ . ...e · AIIon b~:' o~~~nA~ B~rmQn. "Liz«imore, 'p~8 fr~m' evel'y .~"rt .«?f ,he u~u~ . '., :·C· '<. ~.': ',' ,,;: " W, Va, wrltetl: : '.1Phey: are ", t.h~ ,S~~IJ! .appOip~d · ~y tb~ governor ', .. ~n~ ,· ,\ 'be~tpil'l&Jejerused'.' : " 2501~t S'rea, ot'eacn s~~; ' Mr~ ~wi8 ' b~ ,1Ul., .~' '~.;\ ~,;". ,', .<{ Sob'~lItz '~" ~ ::...• :.' .' - ·oop~·~ t~~~ a,Ppointmen,' ~_~~d W!U. J ' '. ,. ,' • , .. .... '. '

". \ .'

·'9 ' 0"'. > ,{\_ '.,'

Q ' I

.< " jlolDE~"WEDDlNO,.. , ~~&~~, ~rJ~ ~e~:'!~:th 1. '.:,

.r'.......·:. .

': ',

t· IIlBIR08 J

, <f.w,".:.:e'gllnt' I~' \ .' Noti~e of: ApP9intmtmt'·· ... ~ " -'. '1t!, e nar .."ve'd ~:iu'vit&tiona ~ 'r • " br~.... bt'tb .. e,~numb8roj \IQ88tJ ·' EItat6 of '8t.m.\lel ·Dl;.....ddle~ .t1~ , .:;' _ a. .• . '\ , The .un~ . bu '-D ' .~lUfcejI and 'r' • _.' I'

.. '

. . ,






Only .,' .





c a .

pattern you may se eet .

L~. ~ .. !?~~ ~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~? ~~~~~ .~ .~cCall·s


a large.

handsomely illustrated hundred-page month ly magazine. It new Fashion De~igns in eac h is~u e . Every won ,an needs it for· its ~p-to-date .fas~ions. entertaining sLol'ies and complete information on..all home. and personal topics. Oyer ~>Ile million subscribers. Acknowledged the best Home ~d Fa~hion.· M agaldlle . . Price, 5 cents a copy. Is

con~ns' sixty

... , '



McCall's >Patterns

The .M.iami' Cazette

.: So ~i~ple :yo~.:~:ann~t ;ni~urider-

Is i~ its 'st*tieth y~ar, J)rin ts the ' . stand' them. A~lu~ely ~«cu.rat~ , T!~~S f ,~be neigbbbrhood . It h~ ~ou _l1l~" flelec~. free, ·'any..McCall elght:page ) .al)~ . ~verY column h!ls .. ~~~~ : Pat~em,' You de$ire ,fr,om the · fj~~ ' gpOd.l',,· ding And lot 'pt: it. .R egular., nthnbe( qf , t~e magazine whl'7H ~I'r.e porlde.ntS· from 9Ul'1'Quhdlilg , reacpN y.(iu. itegular priue. l5 cents. to~ 'nS: . Regu tar 'price;' $'1.:00 a year.


,. .





curslon . , .be home of Mr. and AaJ;oD' u ' eit&ate ,ot . p . '. I ' IItU';r' l'b1ira4.' _i 'h~lr hottie o~ ~~~ dlC8~~'" Ia~,of ~ ' ~tt· .E enn'SY vania!:!!! 'h"~~~ :c!P::'=;~~~ wr4~~~!~~~~J":";: :.'. ~Ut . ~U~d.y , .'~' .". If... W8cl4bll aul"'rJ.l __ Beacl.&b• .~GMi~"WI. 't~ ..... w........~ ... .~~~~~~-~~~"",,,,,~~~~~~~~,,,,,~;"~~~~Mis! 1





Mm~rll"" :



' . '


The Miami ,Gazett( D. L. CRAN E. DIll




Here Firat Clearlng-Hou8e Certlfloate. Were 18sued alld First Counte .... felting ':Vaa Don.,

For tile Hostess

ity ot Mex!co.-Tbo-unclenl Church


til '

or LIITldln, on mile west of Saltillo,

going up.

H ()~l: .S

roll ing

1I'1ll' 1'(, nil lI a.' hllc ralblad tncl; I""~i ll s 10 roll.

tien n •

The nex t r(-al m cnll~



now to llls('\l\'C r a U' lication wlLll tho


men ttl "lars. Th (1rl) n=I'''''l'=-'h-n.-=r=],''''s=O=ff='\=t=lanli C City, th ough so fn r as Is ImQlYtI 11 0 botcl· li e Jl . f'S Iw\'{' tn\ct'n to l h " snit I;ea.



If you wallt to gt'l Into the noblt·

Il l' P n way flam Prussia. T b ~ made a Ouli you have to pay a tux of


f,:U 00.


wit h wings con· t nilling only nln li'Ql1are yards of su .... fa ce. Tbey will YCl be r educed . to " pst'.pocket li l z~. ~ n nt os·n\JlUon t


".--'-==-- --=:----,,'"

Spnnlsb Opnel'nl Weyl r says a pol· 'cy of rorpslght wOll ld hnve a"old d tbe Cnt.alon lnn trouble. He knows bow It wnf; III llbR. A s f1l1ng comes In'tO ge neral use a bl't er t rID tb An "al'lation" wtll, no dOli e f(lund . That term Is too hlgh·to ned ror g neral consumption.

Tr the ska llng s -nRon ~:-culd

only follow Im medlnt Iy upon tho heels 01 th swimming priorI the hap" lness '01 the sma ll boy wOll ld be augm ented. The olo:-rR;; hion d gumdrop bas only bp,1O Its 's own in r cent years, but It m;:.v be c>';Jected to boom now that It Is a Inti mately conn eoted ..... Itb \he polar dlscovnry. Th r po==-=~--::== rt that the young sbah of Pe rsia Is In a despondent frame 'Of mtnd Is follov-ed by another that he Is ahout to be married. r elation b tw en the two statements Is Indicated_ howev 1'_



L1mllln ~ telegraphic code to ordlJlary (l.lctlonnry words w ill cbeck· the Inventive , gellill of some senders, but t will a Vel w a r and tear of oper ators ' braIn In puzzllug out long Rnd strange combInations.

The czarina or Ru sill., consort of th only mollern clvl1\.zed autocrat with a vast empire sud a vast fortune under his sole cont"ol; Is a prey to me lallcbolla. This shows the seamy aid e of human grentIless ... General Wood was partIcularly pleased wltb the bebavlor of tbe sol. dlers during the recent maneuvers In Massachusotts. Th ere was no drunk· ennel;S, a nd the discipline was obrn fact, the neigh· bors want the boys to come again This Is a fin e commentary on the gen, <!ral mprovement of manners. Amer· lcan citizenship, with its emphasis up. un the dignity of the individual, has given n -new type of soldiery. Som thtng like 2,500:000 babies were born in the United States last year, nnd the Increase In in(anUle popula· lion Is probably proceedln~ in like proportion this year. With so 'many y()ungsters growing up, Is small ""onder that the schoolhouses are becoming overcrowded . . The authorities must take note of tbe rapid Increase In scbool children and provide adequate facilities. The bouslng equJpment ot ten years ago will not do today. '






Haruburg Belle la tlfe new eQul~ e lIynouym for ·peed. This , mare,. bred tn New York state, lowered two s~c. oDda the record made by Cresceu8 t'lght r eu te ' oko. , 'Incldentally th~ ape dy Bll Iltlo I waR sold durln~ tbt ... e ror ':'0, 000. "'hlch Is 'lult. Il' "alii

uri .ta,....



children from Igb t to ten years age. tb e souvenirs were made by the gu sts from corn bus ks wblch they trnn sformed Into oolls. A tace was pen lied on tbe green stub of corn, the husks made the dress and the silk f"l re(u.ll y braided made · tbe ba ll' ; bon· nets were also made from the hus l{s, Theso dolls were r e ally charming. and tbe prize awarded for tbe best was a dellgh~ful lillie booklet In whlcb oorn husk dolly was tbe heroine; It was written by a clever woman musl· cian. This Idea Is just as applicable tor a "grown·ups" party as for cbll· dren, fo r I never saw a woman yet, wheth r she a dmitted It or not, who didn't like a cbance to play dolls.

M xlco, Is fast fum.bllng to l'ul ns.


hus f.\ hlst ry that Is 10 som r spe ts the most remarkable of any hurch dine au th continent. Il was I' ted In 1632 by !l. d vout prl st of th nomRn Catholi c cll urcb, who was s nt among tit Indians of pain's 11 w )Jossessions to conI' rt. them to the religion whic h had be 0 bl'ollght . across tI bet n 1 hi ' f I. . 1 sell y or ez a ( 8 0 lo w ..S. The priest soon su rround ed

MAP OF THE CEMETERY HILL Scene of Charge by the Famo US Louisiana Tigers Which Was Re· pulsed by Carroll's Brigade .

Mrs. Henpeck- Did YOll ever bear ot any thin!,; wors than a man who \\"!lo s mokes In the bOuso? Mr. H ' upec k- Yes. A smoking lamp. Aslt mo another! . LUlI lIory work at home would be much mol' saUsfuctol'y If the rlgbt "WI' h W I'e useli. In order to get the 1l 0~ lr c d stilTn 8S. It Is uBually necestmry to use 80 mil ch ,s tarch that the iJelluty lind flo ooss of the fa bric Is hidden behind ' a paste of varying tbl clmes!1, wblcb no t ouly destroys the uppeara nce, but a lso aITects the wearlug qUllllty of th goodll. This troubl can b ntlrclY overcome by usi ng . Defi a nce Starcb, as It can be a pplied mUl!b Inoro thinly beCllUSO of Its greator s ll' nglb thall other makes .

r find In the culumns of YOIII' IlIlpI:'r of Jun 10, as well as In pre rlou8 is· sues, a controvol'!ly betw n VOIl1I'UOC Dlcl(le man. A. H. Hub ~r and J ohn Din· neen, representing tb e Th irty·t hl rd Massachusetts at Ge ttYS\lIIrg on \l ID' e t ry hill on th e 2d oay of .Iuly--or perhaps, mor{' proper, tb c I'l'll lng of that day-wh en tbe famo us Loul ~ IIlJliI 'l'lgers made tllelr cbru'ge au 'e llH t{'ry hill. and we re repulsed by Carroll's brlgude. Tile com rude of th e Thirtythird refers Comrade Hub r to a mup: "'rhe Monlllh eulal Guld of the Banlo of Ge ttysburg," etc. Th se maps 10 Poverty and Consumption. For a Card Party. part are Ruth ntic, and, per haps. a re Tha t poverty Is n fl'l lid to cons ump. At a " 500" party to 'whlcb 24 guests d d r tlon Is demonstratcd by some reoent us true as th y could be >'11\ 1111 e Oerl1l an Btallall cs, which show tba t of ,vere bidden, the hostess had these tho c ircumstances, bu t uev el'th less I refreshments: Nut sandwiches, lob· ther does exist som dl scnpnucy. 10,000 w lI·to·do persons 40 annua l y In looking over this mup you say: die ot consumpllon ; of the same66ullm-C s t er sa I11 d , co ff ee, I ce· cream an d small cakes. Tbe sandwiches were "You cannot fiatl the One Mnndr d bel' only JIloderat ly we ll-to·do, ; 0 constructed ot white bread cut U· and Seventh OhiO' on East Cel\'letery the sam lillmbe r of really poor, 77;1 actly the size of a playing card. Red /iM!I.-IhC·II." - -In that case at leas n-., -ruruu O.r paup er a, ·97 -According Joi)1l! hearts and dIamonds were cut from ~~iiill must surely be In errol', b olluse I Burns, tbe famolls English labor leadbats and stuck on the bread like Ruins of Church of Landin In Mexico. . I d eI', 90 per c at. of t be consumptives In personally know that they were p ace London r celve charitable r eli ef 10 ~:9tsa ~~~ 'V:~I~~:r"wa::~n ~~~cki= the church with n colony of Spanl~rds ~~~;: d~~=:e:eent. ve~lnagUlOra~:oe ~.I~~~ their hom s. sliced like a card ornamented with and India ns. Tbey went through a ------I period of great prlvatton on account acquainted wltb_ several of tbe boys. Proper Love for Wife. hearts n.n d diamonds cut from r f II d th I of that r eglm nt a nd hav talked witb '''Vh 1 U man really loves his wi fe , 'Marasohlno oherrl es The cakes rep- 0 orop a ures an e osses of them s ince the war In refel'ence t Ule he ought to ombln e nil his nl 66lt resented hearts s"'ad' es clubs and dla. tbelr live stock by an epidemic of dll!b I , ,1' , A sore t above matter. As to the 'wap liS' 8 ntlm nUl towurd oth I' women Into 0 r f 00 d ' supp II es was monds cut with specially made tin ease. t t tb I 11 r t th I t l1ess 1 would no t at nil be s urprl!! d to one big s ullmcnt t.OI' b r. outters. The place cards were tiny Ben . 0 e r re e rom ' e ty 0 flnd that It has been v l'y gl't~tltlY "H e should show he r th r sp ct he packs of cards, gilt edged. Tbey were 'MexIco, and the priest received pet'. changed from what It form rly w,'s, fe els towarll hla motber, til politeonly an Inch and a balt In length. miSS ion direct from the king of SDain especially since the Louis iana Tig ·s nnss h shows otb e r wOlll en and the to establtsh a crude mint for coining " copper money for the relief of the made their charge. ' . resl:l0nslbllity be f els toward bls s isAnnouncing an Engagement. financial condition of tbe colony. Tbe Fourte nth Indiana, Foprth ter. "Polly" declared she must ~ave These coins were: cut 'ln triangular Ohio and the Sev nUl. West Irgl nla ·"To all of that he shOUld add the some unusual way of announcing b el' shape and were Issued to 't he Indians were not assigned to a ny particular great 101' he should feol (or a wife:" engagement, , so aUer mucb careful \ and members of the colony wltb the LIne until after the charge-during tbe thought this waa evolved: The 20 spe- I promise that they would be redeemed night of the second or early the roorn· Agalnat pretenses. clal friends were asked for .a thimble coin for coin, by the government whe~ Ing of the third, and that Is why our Away with nil those vain PI' tens 8 party, and there was notblng doing th settlement became prosperous. poslUon was quoted In the map ~s tho ot making ours Iv s happy wltbln our until refreshments were served. rhen These copper pieces were perhaps poslUon of the above r egiments on the sclv 8, of fenstlng on our own eaoh guest found ~ little envelope . on the first certificate!! third day after the charge. ' thoughts, or being snllflfted with the the plate and , the hostess ~pla~ned ever Issued. Dinneen says that " Is awar consciousn ss o( well·dolng, Il.nd at dethat Inside there would be found a The I.ndlans, 'however, brought the off when be said that Rlci(.etts' and sJ)ls\Dg a ll Ilsslstanc and all SUIPPlihell jumbled lot ot letters, that the letters flnanclal relief soheme to a sudden Weldrlch's batteries were In front of [row external objects. Thi s s t e ot each color would spell one wo.rd, end by counterfeiting great numbers the cemeterY gate." It Is true that voice of pride, not of nature.-Hume. and there was just one word In each I of the copper pleceY,'whicb they pre- tbese batteries were not quite In tbe ' When Oolorlng Rags for Carpet. envelope and all were the same color I sen ted for redemption. The priest position stated ' by Hub r. but Rick· or rugs, always use Dyola Dyes beIn each envelope, so each one made became alarmed at the unlawful In. e tts' was near and Wiedrich's was just cause the one package will color any ' their word, and the light gradually nation of his circulatIng medIum and material. S~tl sfactlon guaranteed, dawned as the story was told by the ned from the country to avoid VOSIIIOnce try Dyola and you will ne\'er go guests putting t~e~r words together. ble p~nlshment at the hands of the :~kp!~k!:: ~~dy~~h~!~:r,~~esW:I~~ It was great fun and ended tbe a~ter- government. ' DyoIa, Burlington, Vt., for free book or noon In a most 1!appy manner, as the In a t ter -years the Pllrlsb of this andlr:ections and cO.lor clI:rd. little brlde-elect was a «reat favorite, clent church establlshed a copper and she was fairly beaming when all smelter and engaged In mining and Appropriate, began to offer C e.s and You have dcslgned to know "all about It." The slag pile of this ancl the north po~e ban MADAME MERRI. was found not far from ' the Second Milliner-Yes, It wl1l be a few years ago and the smelter at Cleaning Plume8. chaser and her husba nd. A woman who has success In clean- Saltillo bougbt and treated tbe slag at a good profit. Farmer'a 8ummer Trlala. ing ostrich and other featbers puts a An American contractor who built "What do you find the bardest work cupful of Indian meal, halt a cupful of connected with farruJng?" flour and three level tablespoonfuls ot a railroad near the church m1}de the "Collecting a board hill (rom you borax Into a paper bag, and with It owner of the property an offer of city chaps wh,m It's due!" one large or two or three smllll feath- $1 ,000 tor tbe corner-stone In the building. It is said to .contaln ancient ~---......:.. ers. A Rare Good ThIng. Theae she shakes about until the relics of almost priceless value. The "A.m ulllng Allen'lI Foot-Ealle, and enn ' soil has disappeared from the feathera, ofter was refused. . At present the intruly say I would 'not have ti en wIthout terior of thIs church Is used as a It 110 long, had I known tho rellet It would and then she shakes them (ree trom Cemetery HilI. dv tily 'nchtng t t. I thInk It a rar good the mixture. Fine knJtted wool art! .. corral for goats. thing tor anyon hnvlng apre or tlr d f et. cles and laces are some.tlmes cl~ed RETIRES FROM' ACTIVE WORK above. toward Gettysburg, both along -~ . . Matilda Holtwcrt. ProvIdence, R. 80uvenl ... for. Party. 'L" Bold by all Drugi1l1tB, 25c. Ask to-day. ' an autumnal party given for Ip this way, tbe BaltJmore pike. Comrade Dinneen says: "I don't Drug Store Color. S.nator Nixon of Nevada DI.a poaea of dispute that CarroU's brigade took u Geraldlne-ltly ta'ee I.s my fortune. Vaat Mlnln'g I~t.relt. In the hand In arlvlng llack the Tigers." J Gerald-I can see the color of youz: Welt. ne ither dOCII history dlaprove . that money. Carroll's brigade did Jlot talle a very Washington. - 'Senator George S. Inatant Relief for A!I Eye.;" acUve part l.J:l driv Ing t hem (rom Nixon of Nevada, said to be worth Cemetery , bLU. Comrade Dinneen ,20,000,000, has dIs pORed of his ' vast mining In.t erest.s in tbe west and 'bas say~he ~~~ l~-~~~&fdn~~~~wm~~~~mrr~~~~~-i reUred Crom acUve mining operations. brigade was , ordered to ,the If a man'il Wife cuts his hall' he ia Senator Nixon began life us a tele· request of Gen. Hancock," and further entitled to a lot lIjore sympathy than graph operator. Be served as a mem- says: "Carroll's brigade' came 'from h,e gets. Sickles, whIch was three mUes to the lert, marohlng on the Taneytown road Mn. Wlnalow'. SoothlDtIf SJ'l'UP. toward East Cemetery lUll, passing tbe POl' oblldl't'D tee/bIDIr, aofteD_ /M (:Urn . , NldQ~~ l:Do . One Hundred and Tblrty·slxth New lIaDlIDaUOD, allay. pun, car.. w!.a4coUU. ~ &lIotu.. York, Fifty-fifth Ohio,' and Sev.enty· Smith-So ~he Will was read? third Ohio; crossing the Baltimore Jones-Yes; but the air was blue: road, they charged up tile Oemeter, hlU." I do not dlspl,lte t~at Carrolra brigade was ordered to FIIst Cemetery hill ' by Gen. Hancock, but I do un· Questionably say that we did not come from Gen. Sickles' corps, three miles to the left, marching on the Taney· town road to East Cemetery bill . . Our brigade at the time the order came and the firing · commenced was on West Cemetery bill, havIng been en. gaged there. We then double·qulcked across through the old cemetery and encountl!rild men fleeing In every dl. rection,but sUll kept charging until wo came. to .the Baltimore pike. As I remember the posltloh of the 1I11!terles of RI~ketts, . :WIedrich, Stew. 8e'nator George 8. :'Nlxon~ ~rt, .Reynolds and Steven w«!re 'on ·the



Easily Made Table

't-:-:u=re=-o-:-f=a=ro=t=1r=.=po=u~nd salmon Th en p"" by f1 !>hermen near Sheboygan hilS con· Jured ope thnt the salmon try plant, ed In .Lnke ,Mlchll;an 12 years ago w1Jl I;lye tb o much·prl?-ell fls h a start In tli se waters. 1t w\lu ld I bo highly bp. ueflcla l to fish consumers along the In l( cs If th e 'nl Dl on should get n start, hill th e fn ct th:tt only a f(. w of the fi sb ha 1" becn causbt since '.he fry were pl:tJltf' d has ulmos t convluced the fi s h· ermen th a the xperl m nt will be without 1'05 ult.

. King Jtdward has dealt Fom.ethlnp; '1kc n d.e alb blow to tho 1.41\ hat by nppciarlng In 'publlc: In a {rock coat nnd sluuch hat . Thus the andenl ' In· IIt ltllUon of kin gship . inalntillns Ita osefulness .

Interesting Topics of Many a Recognized Authority

" Maud Muller" Party. During t he 0 golden October days, outdpor and loooo r parti s combined are quite tbe tiling. A hoste s noted tor her orlglnnllty Invited her rrl nds to n "Maud Muller" IJarty. The Invl· tations said : "Jnformal; please co me In oountry costumes." As she lived In a suburb, tim e tables were Inclosed with the train marlted that she wished them to take. The hour was fiv e, and a merry throng took tbe four o'clock train. An Immense bay wogan was at the station , with tile splend id big horses gayly decorated and driven by tbe regular fa rm lIlen Instcad of the liveried coach and footman. T bere were horns for tbe me n, and the hostess awaited them on the steps ot the port cochere. Big straw hats were given to the men with r ed rib· boos and the g irls had blue ones. Rakes with gilt handles were give n the gIrls, .wllo were tbus attired as "Maud Muliers," and went forth to rake the bay on tbls charming summer day which had gotten by mistake Into the fall calendar. The girl wbo made the largest stack In ten minutes was awarded a prl~e; also, there was a prize for the neatest s tack. The men superintended this, and then a plow was brougbt for the men to try their skill, with prizes for the straightest row, and for the on e made In the quickest time. By this tlme twlllgbt was Call1ng nnd guests watcbed the chickens f d and the cows milked. Tben all a djourned to the dining room, where a SUplUOliS supper was served, everything except the meats being a product of the place. The decorations were moat unique, being likewise .h ome prodUCtions. Gourds, small squashes and pumpkins were converted Into moat attractive flower holders, and the flowers were wild purple asters' and golden rod, the combination being a most happy one. At half-after eight the hay wagon came to the 'd oor and a drive of IUl hour was taken over 'the hardest ot country roads and then back to the station in time for the ten o'clock train. Afterwards In talking It over we all agreed tJIat our hoatess was so sucoessful because her entertainments were so simple and she 80 natural and unaffected. Not but what she could and sometimes did entert: formally and had plenty of money to spend; yet her favorite Way was to do thlnga on the spur of the moment. and sbe always made use of the things that ·were ·ln tleason. She also had the art of always ... .embllng just the right people together, and always remembered who hated "bridge,~ ' who didn't Uke golt and who loathed to dress for a formal dinner party. en the Quiet, I think ahe lceeps a boole with the pecullarltles of each one of ber friends carefully' jotted down, just when sbe entertained th'em, and just what sbe served OD eacb occaalon. At least that Is the way one of tbe best entertainers I ever knew Iloel, and It Is worth cODslderLng,

1he fi ght against nour bleach!!... with ni t rogen perOXide In violation of ~he pure foo,d law In now ' on. At Mazomanie . n.ruL Madison In Wiscon· si n ' seIzures have been made of car· load lots by the United States mar· sha l fo r the western district at Wis· co nsln nc tlng UDd er Instructions from the t nlted States district attorney. Th e mll.llng company which shlplltld the f10m has ev in ced a disposition to hring the federal statute to test In the ':ourte:.

Th e mall who-dellbera teiy set.a about wreclt a train, as In the caso 01 til· B. & O. (!Isoster, is a greate' m nace to th o' ge ll eral public than th~ man who 'In :t momlnt of passim' t.a lles the Ilt' of anQtller. It Is mur ller In clthc' r cn. o. but tn th e former th e crime Is conce ived In cold blood \lnd per pet.rateu with diabolical de· lig ht. "'hll" It is im'arlably a pure walt er (I f " hane . that the vlrUms do not nU~l1b t: r bundreds. The law s hQu ld know no wercy ·for the train w.rectler. .




th~ ~altlmo,re ,


ber of the Nevada. . legislature direction jJf the J)resent Nation. ' .In 1897 In the ot pike runnlnl! and was ·elected . to tbe United States al cemetery. 'Wle,d rlch's battery wns senate '\n 1905. His term ot office will . .. expire March ' 3, 1911. : He recently ~v~rrun, liis Bupports ' and ,his: own completed ; the handsomest bOllle In men being . swept away ' as- 'Vltb ·. tbf Nevada, costing $500,00"! He was force ' of '!!" . whirlwind" At lUckett's , . battery , a _tremendous . struggle ·, tooti· ,-;'-'", - ex:, prominently COlfnected 'Vltb the. tariff place. ', The",brave battery boys. wer" ,7.~;j-'-"-t'~"':";G~~...~..;qj"",""':"~"':'~ , .b,lll p~S"~d ~t the ,.r ecent. a,tlecJal aea· defending' 'their "uns 'w'lth ' ·I"'LUUJ~.rlJ; II on 0 ·congre!ls. , , ).\andsplke.s ,. ,'and even Home.M~de Study Table, C~n81.tI"g of a Board and Two Orange ' Boxes. . , 'Savlng ,f",!, No.~~W,oOd~; · : ' ~~~~ V PtI,fs.oQally HE STUDY .TABLE In Ute sketch I. POI albIe, even hi home's where '~eOD' ", It w~n · be ,. a '.gr~~t- . Batitjlf~c~9n ' to ' ~a~ter~e~.: ld!i :'a O!DY m'ust be observed, for tile cost Is a mere troft.e-t\vo ftve-cept orauge ,t1}ose .whQ are .flgqtitig ,for ', lhe· pre_er~.· liad jUl!1ped ' astr.lde. . .o r lem,on boxea, obtlllfl~d from the grocer, a 'cnn 01 ·wood ·ftller and 'infs,' vaUoD of the A~tronda~k (pr.est·s , to stoD~ ~ken 1\~01'!l - "" 'In_~. __· s.lon stain. a,nd a pall1t' brush being nil that Is 'reQl!lred. .T~e :large .flat learn. ,tbat the. · f:\rst · t.-wo of the o'n.· was' a ~an t~ m,a n, hanll' board tha~ serves as a table top may be purQhased from a carp.e~ter to~ .' . ' t '" ,fl ht H w d' .' h very little-or. often a wooden bOllrd m!lY be toun'd, scrubbed and paluted ' anll burtlJng locomot1yes_ o· be used have '. ~ " . 0 a,r . men ad· pressed fntQ excellent aervice. Ths top of be board mUst be p4!rfecUy proved ..-Ignal .successes. The onl, and .d~moraU~ed by the Derll,,·n"'DII smooth. . '. ' . ' .. qO!IUplaiu,t agafnat Is, .b as-ed upon the' onSe~.,. At thfs thue P. .. ·....~1I1~ . First a coat of wood fltlel' Is llut QD tJle boxclt and board, When dr:y. ·a the rapidity . with ' 01 Inaki>1 ade came u on . the soeDe and second coat Is applied If the wood seems at all roUgl(. Then apply .the D;l1. . st~. b.ut th!~ la " p~lled t~,e confederates it? laU: back lion stain or any other weod stain desire!!: PIGce the ~es the width of \he diftloulty, If this . c,onfuslolt Rlcketta, agahi 'lD , pOU·ea. board apart, with the front ~agP. cif tJ,rp boxl)s against the front ~ge bt the' tire number . . slon .of. his, IlJJlII,..IPYe t4~~ a partlnll board, and uab the board on the .boxell In eacb ,c()l'tler, ~Ing careful that the il exp~ted" it ' .iD doub~"llotted ' ~nlatet . OI&~ points of the ~alla are not long enoqb . tp 'Project ,throulb the uncleraIcie ot means. DrJ.c ade fol1owed ,tbe...., ',,, .~"",• the top of tlle bozea. " . : . - w . . "".." Little NUl or prl~t ourtalnl mQ be 'bug around the encll and I ~~~~;:" -:o'.'!".--.~t}l .tbe' ~tne ~ ~'''. OpeD front of 'be box.. If on.e w'-JaeI .... ,Iv' .. dtmll toaoJa. . I:




t. ..,.'"..•,. ..'



From the Awful ·Tortu·, e. of t<ldney Disease. Mrs. Rltchel lvle, 'Henrietta, Texas, lays: . "r would' be ungrat'etul if I did not teU what Doa.n 's Klcln ~y



done for me. FJrteen years ,kIdney, trouble clung to me, lIlY ex· istence W~s one of misery and for two ' whole years I was un· able to go out of the house. My back ached all the ttme and I was utterly weak, unable at times to walk without Rsslstance. The kidney secretions were very Irregular. Doan's ' Kidney Pills restored me to good health, and I am able to do as much work ~s the average woman, though nearly eighty years old." Remember the name-Donn's. Sold by all doalers. 50 cents a box. Foster· Milburn Co., Bulralo, N. Y.


COnl~s Ctoro Bostoll tbe sllgge"tJon that lho Fr e MURonll or til wor ·~ shall subscribe to n fund tOI' th e I' building or the temple ot Sol. ..___l oman at .J eruaa l Ill . "Ith the 1:l ugg sllon omos Ule r murk tbut lh e unrlerlaltlog would be an enormous 0 11 , a nd that It would cost a vast sum of ~lOn p.y . 'rhla Is obvious ly lr.ue. but it Is "·~III(·~'. highly lnl/lI'uunIJl e that those with whom tile schem originated ha l'o really counted t he cost. TJlat som e Id eu or th magnitude of the pr'aposed wOl'lc DlllY be gained Lhe comparatively • •_ . . . few I1gures thllt ('nil roasonably bo given will be [oulld below, tog Lbel' wltb many racts that , emphasize lhe gigantic s um which· It would be nee. ..eSBa! y to ollect IJ rore the groat llllllding couid be rebuilt Tho interest ot (~rec MasollS In the tempI i I I d' Iby the lact that t h " . e s exp nne !b KI S · l Jell v that their order was (ounded ng olomon. lind that he WIlS tbe (lrst grand mRster y . of tJ~o craft. 'l' be re Is not only tile . qu es tl on 0 f ways and m e~ns to be considered. The site originally __.~==::::::==::a!ua1 occupi ed by the temple Is now tilled by the


blii was iipprox· Imately $80,000, and the total tor this class ot workmen fo r three years was $12 ,500,000. The re Is no record of ' the o the r 70,000 and ·so,ooo being worked In shins. At the S8me rate, the wage bill of the 70,000 burdenbearers was .$560,000 a week ,. and $67,300.000 for three yeal"5. G I v I n g the 80,000 hewers the same tate of wages. the weekly bill was $G40,OOO. and ' for the three years $96,740,000 . . Thls does not include ·the wages . of the

under story was t!.ve cubits broad, the middle was six cubits, the top seven cubits. The height ot each story from floor to ceiling was five cubits (Hi feet). The number ot sld.e chambers Is not stated In ~Ings, but Ezekiel gives It at 30 (or 33) for each story. They were small, used for the storage of temple furniture, etc . The temple was surrounded by a Explanation court-"the Inne~ court." This was surnmded by a wall of three cOU.l7Ses pf l1ewn stope surmounted by a course of cedar 1. Br.IOgn crossing Tyropocon valloy. 2. HoUse ot the Forest bennls. The entire citadel was' Inclosed by tbe great court. . ot Lebanon. The building was 60 cubits long, 20 cu. - (1 Kings, 7:2-20.) bits wide and 30 cubits high. The tempile 3. Double passilge. 4. Jud81'nenl hall In was divided into two portions-the main which Willi the throne of the Itlng. building, "the house of God," and the sub· sldlary buildings by whieh It was sur6. Triple pa!lsage. . G. Klng's palnce. rounded. TlJe main building was rectangu7. Outer t mple porches, lar In Iihape-60 cubits long, 20 'cublts with the gates running broad and 30 cubits high. Tak1ng the cu. round nil sides and bit R t 18 IDChes-90 .f 'eet, 3 0 teet and 45 ' 8. Ouler formlnJ,;' ourt, a square. or Court feet respecUvely. The buUdlng lay ' east 01: the Gentiles. and w,est, with entrance from east. The 9. T1felve cteps lendlns walls, according to Ezekiel, were six cu10. Terrnce with bits thl k (nine feel to ten .teet) .. On the ollonJngs b tw n th posts, and IDBarJpllons second story they were ' 5% cubits, and on the tblrd story tlYe cubits, and above the that no' GenUlo should upper story four cubits. 1I11.s e ·thom. The Holy House of the Temple. 11. !~~~n!ndW!~~ee ~~~~~ The accompltltying- 'Photogra1)h-oH~-I--Ie&-Mg


Whe n to Send Children to Europe. ' SOOle people wall so long berore· sendi ng their children to Europe that tbe littl e oues are humiliated by others who have already been there. Every selt-respectlng parent wUl be careful not to subject his children to this evident Injustice ; at t.he same Ume all unseen;Jly huny Is to be avoided . Some people argue that as soou. as a child cau wnlk well and speak a few necessary French words, he shourd be placed In a stateroom. next to a private bath, and sent to Paris. Oth· , rs feel that he must naturally lose much at this age, and that tbe proper time is between five and six, whenas an American-he has reached hl& maturity. P.roba bly the Ideal age Is about r OUT. At tour a child can easily do England, France and Italy, and get home illl time for the first night at the opem.Judge's Library. . Will Seek the South Pole. ' A . Henry Savage Landor, the Ens-

of Diagram MldOle croun. Fltleen ateps to the High' Ir~t.. (14) : OD the IItepe Psalm ot D~lfTeeB" (PanLma 120134) WIU chnnted. 14. Tile High gll-te. 15. The Inner ' court, divided Into the Court of Ule brlullI"'. and the· Court l:t UIe Priests.



16. Tho

17. 18.



Jachin II.tld Donz-(l KIngs, "15) Ln tront of the pc-rch. Tho leml1to proper. Mlddle 'rower.

19. The Rou1'll\ of

~1I110 .­

KJngs, 22 :20.) 20. l'art of palace. 21 . Stables. as conjeotured by some aqthorllJes, or more probably s(nlls tor benslS to be u ~ed tor butut otror~ Ings. . (2

1Ish explorer, who 1'111 soon make an attempt to reach' the south pole, '1$ of Hie opinion that Lieut. Shackleton failed through having a cumbersome and unnecessarily 'large . expedition. Mr. Landor'S theory 18 that a small caravan of trusted ·and · hardy men. lightly. equipped as In hIs . e.x,pedlttone through Asia and Africa, 18 best'. Mr. Landor's activity tn aeronautic love .. U"tlo\ls gl:ves color to the 'r umor tl'laf an al(shlp will be used by bim In hJa. expedition . \


And There Are Other•• The cook had 'been called away to a sick sister, nnd so the newly wed lilia·tress of the house un~ el' took, with the aid or the maid, to get the Supday ·luncheol1. The lllUe maid.. who had been strUggling In the kitchen, with a cof(ee mill that would not work" confessed tbat. sbe had forgotten to wash .tlle lettuce. .. . "WeU, never mlnd. Pearl. 00 on with the colfee and I'll do It'" said the considerate mistress. "Where do they keep the soap 1" Death from Sting ,f PoIsonous File-. Three persons died r'e cently at' after "avlng been IItung by lJoll1onous Ilie.s. Several streets . are Infested by the insects, which. are said to have been brought to Mars Illes in a . cargo ot So·u th · American wool.-Elcho de Paris. ~'Wbat

DemoralizatIon. makes the parrot so pro-

fane?" "Well, mum," answered tile siLIlm man, "I B-pose It's part I my . fault. Every time I. hear hlin speak ' a bad word It makes me so 'm ad that he 'g eu' a cbance to learn a lot or new onEis."


HI. Feeling" . Bf)ssie-liow would you fe,al It .som. one died and left 'you ,a .. fortune? Harold-l'd feel sure that aome one· , proved that. he was .cif unsound m~d. FOPD QUESTION Settled wIth Perfect Satisfaction by a Dyspeptic. ' . , the finest brass. .Josephus glvell the numbet 8,300 foremen or the salary ·of A.donlram, wlio holy }louse of ·)dng Solomon'S .temple, whkh of these as 40,000; .but he also gives the numwas over tbe klng's lavy of "?O,OOO men: Ait' is trom a IP9dei madfl by ·Mr. J. M. Tenz, repber or trumpets, wWch may also be seen befog sumlng each foreman to' receive $10 a 'week, resents the exterior ot t~e' por()l,l of the temple blown by priests, as 200,000. One ot the greatthe bill was $33,000 a week tor three yeal's, :with the two great plU,a ra, ' Jachin and Boaz, est modern authorities gives ' it 'as hIs opinion ·; . . ' the former on the right and the latter on the $1,716,000. 'that these numbers were grossly exaggerated . T~e '. total wages ~or aU \Vor~en included. ~ left side of the doorway. The meanln'g of Jaby Jose phus, who, In his view, exaggerated chl.n Is "to establish" aDd that of Boltz "in .In .the above Hst for ~hree ye~rs '"OIlld be the number of all tile appurtennnccIJ or the $204,'8~5" OOO: , . ' . . .. '. strength." The porch ItSelf; 'according to the temple where there Is no biblical nuthority . The beurers of burd~s would be required description In 2 Chronicles 3: a nn~ 4 ~ was 20 b 'om which he could not get away and by to l1aul . mntel'lals to: \JerJ.lS(lJem ,durlng the .' . ct,lblts brond and 120 cubits high, while the which he was tied down rlgoro·usly. building . . It , the whole 70,000 . were employed . b ~~ht · of the two ,' brasil pUJl1rs with their during the four ' years 'the',.wonld be $.119,· chnplters. was 28 c\lblts, so ~ hat the porch was Golden Ornaments arei Venel •. .630,000. . \' . '..... ratber more thun five tirpes tbe height of tlie . ' I~ the . 8~.000 bewers . were ·1.1kewls.e empillars. · This prpportlon., It will be '. ribsen'ed, . Th e golden ornaments In cluded the great bas not been mal'ntalned in the mod.lil whlcll . ·· ployed . tll~ cost would be .$133,121>,000. 11 'the 30,000 m,~!i were ·emploY.'e,d as before . maltes th.e,. helght ot Ule porch only ab6ut 'four ' candlestlcl( with seven lights. symbol s of t.l\e . divine presence, even being the number ot in 0,000 men sh1tts tbe cost 'would ''be ' $16,640,- . ' times that of'the p.lJlal"S. ' l~ 'uie court,· \w hich, perfection. Te n reduced copies of this can.ile000,. m.aklng a gr.a nd total, for .labor of. $2?G,fl'Qm Its · name, 'Was reserved for the prlest/l, stick were made and range'd on each side of . ' . ,: '. ; ;' ..," .: ma;v be seen the grent. 'altar ·ot brass, \vhlch 240.000. ' ' . ' the nltar of IncM e. Be Icles these there were This takes no, account of the :carvers,.,·glld- .. was 20 cublt~ long, 20, C!lblts· bro'ad and ·:10 the ark to hold the tabl es of the law, Ule table CUbits 1IIgh.wlt~ steps lea~lng; todt·.,' On the ' ', ar~lst8 . .' worif,ers hi pr:eclou~ .' sto~es . ,m,akers .of .prlf;s tly g!1rments, ' or . cost :()f;:matetlats. left band side of ·the court.. is the' molten . Ilea, ' . for the sh(\wbrend, cnndlestlcks, censers, tongs, snullers, knives, eXtinguishers, .trayS, vases .t\B tltere w!l!1 not tbe silghtest. ~~ta ' on WMch wlllcll was "set 01,l the z:Js,ht side; 6f the' eildt to. buse !lJ;!y c~lc~ll~U.ons, It .:would }~e : ..u~eles.sov~r ngbl,nst the ·.~ out~" , nnd' stpod · ~n ~2 bl',flzen '. and other utensils for trltnmIIl~ ' and making ~o, .attempt .. to guesa .. at tqe )no~ey ' needed ·tor ,.· .oxeo . It w\ls probably furnished w'lth 'water ' . the ' Ugbts - 8!ld fires, In numb~r8 u'n kho,w n; • t)1esQ, items': ' . "':.;1, '.' .. ' ' . , . by an tiiaborate system. ·o f. pIpes, which;' bow. '· a18~ bas ins, ' . ,.." .;, .,. Th~'~'SI(e ':' o~' the Teinpl~;~ ,.'. '. e.v er, Ilre ' ~ot iile~t1oned (n : lJie Bible ..: ,r n : thl!' '';






~. - _.u_.u~~ ••uu~ .MOSf CO·H ,fN'S' ~~'. . . " '. II DAYTON' : '



.' -,



·1 . It I • I

I Every'body's




THE ED! ON PHONOGRAPH i' an entertainer that comes into your h me at a small ·cost ana brings with it t he best' music of the world. r nd ered by the world's g reatest artists. Hear Levi and his Band, Ada Jon" and Eilly Murray. Sousa's Band . ollins and Harlan and Nat M. WillR, the prof ional t ramp. at our stor .








AT- -



U .


Y()u'llFind the Most Remarkable VaIues Here.


Spring ' Branch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Llloyenter taioed ~heir daaghter Mr8. Frnnk 'ook aod daughter Maud on last /::lunday. . Miss Florenoe Luoy entertain d her eo081O, Bertha Chenoweth on


THE FIVE SENSES '1'h hearlug ar IIIlnlslurs lal'l!oly t.o tho m ootlll natlll'Q. Its chI I c1aJm Is tbat It, walts uJlOn tho sOlll wh h 8 "sweet uonc::ord 01 l;ounds. " . 'I'll /'I(\1Il!e 01 8mell llU\lId s II st plower dlYI<lcd aOOlltlllllllllly . III mInI l orIng to t he ph~­

Mr. Matt MoKinsey la8ve8 Wedoes day morning for an extended trip throngh the West . Mrs . Hope I::ltl1es onli Dora spe o~ lealancl t hetl' III Ill IlU. •• CI last W~duel:lday with )' lutives in Tho II li S(' li t coollllK I ~ sti li lower Tlie lI11rvos o C S IISilL lon tll"tl It,s Hllglll'S: through Xeoia. t hOl1l ls Cull/ll00 Ita fUll tlOll (II ]Illn(lllug Iutl Mrs. Milry Chlllfnut and little C ll~hl o lllu K the lUutO materials ot; Iv/llzatlOIl. 1'Bst Is the humbleilt IUIIOllg th JI(ln_. Its daughter, of Monong14hellt, Peun, min lstrut/uus IIrc devoW<!. pi'lmarlly t.O the h8 8 been viflitiog her mother, Mrs. Pl1triok Clark . Mr. Chlls. RAynold s wastu Dayton 00 business Tuesdu.y

Mis~ Bertba Smith spent several days last week .in Dayton with ber mother Emma 6rabb. Mr. 8I\d.Mrs. Chlules Rye eoter taioed to bunday dinner, Mr. Jona. A saving of X here. thun I3mltll and fllmUy, Mr. Edward I . . , .Morglln ond family, 1d18setJ Alice ' MISS Allte CI~Tk ,IS home . lifter II. Men's Underwear Men 's GOo (1 00<:6 Hued tllclerwcar: III ex- Ohenoweth and Belltlla I::lmitb aunt few weeks stay 10 (Jlooionatt . <:e p ~lollal vlIlu . . . 33'c Rebecca Boblit, lIb. and Mr~ . Ed Mrs. Oliver Dltvlil un II d'Iughter (limIt ~wo 8\U tIl). .. • • . • • • • .. • . . • • ward Hartsook Mr. Nate Austin and and Mi@s Lanrtl. Werntz were shop. Police and Fireman Suspenders t_ '. ping in CIDoinnati Baturdny. family. M n 's 1'0/lco Illld Flreme n 's SUSllOnde l'8: reguJ"r 200 \,1I1uo. lr.:,c Mr. and Mrs. H , U.06kln and t(lm- Mr. lind Mrs. W. BiggR and sone l~rltlay and atulYl a y . • •.. ,.. . .. . . • ily l,l8d I\R their gnests at t:;uoday were in DAyton ooe dAy In t week, Men'S Four-In-Hands Mills 'MU1swasaguestofr elatives Men 's Four-JJI, almd ,,,lilli, lIlaiJ e lrom GOo rlloner .. Mr.and Mrs. Frllnk Cook, Ab9 and Wilbur Dakin and Mi8s at ~1~J~a~a.:J~l!~~~:I~: ..... .... '" 25c Mllud COOk,' and Sunday' afternoon, I:Ipring Valley lust week. lVIen's Capr Men 's lUllI(l1l Iur uud oU ls lde pull-down Mrs. 'W alter Dakin .and 80n Jiarry, 0011, Yn h t Uld Brlgbtou 8 JlS: 48c Mrs. Frank Dtl.kln aDd daualrters, Lois and Hazel ' and -son (;arl and 76<: V&luesR~~~~~·lb·I~·C~~t. ··· Mrs J. B . Chenow;eth and ohildren M o'S n verslble Cortluroy alld $2 98 J)Uok CoM~oat8worth IUO . • Miu Florenoe Laoi aDd Air: ROberi body. 'rhe fireman ~bat tee\ls t he eIJjJIne of . Corduroy Pants Strou~ were guests of Roy c.-rr and tit c:.\Y~ICaISY8wm. , Men 's "Stag" Braud OordUJ'OY Pants; an fll.mHv: of NeW".~nTlt~.K~on. Sunday. 'Tr~h' N9~ 34 . ~ld~8 0~er/stt~ea~~I~I~~~YW;e'= l~uRr" x~ra special value lor $2 48 F rida)' aDd Saturday... . . • . . . . • Mr. Bnd Mrs. 'l'homas Laoy enter Th t' th" th t b . and tralUlCeDda tllem In the reach of Itil p()wer. tuined Mrs J oho Oonner and daugh a s '. e ·express' a rmgs us Yet thlll most Im[Jort~ of alllOlll4ls f8 hl08~/ ter Lena a~d 80ns Bu.rry and CarH~ fresh Oyatera direct'from Baltimore ~~I~':3iJe:..tll~~IU~~ ~~)I~~~e:rwa~':-:: The New Ladies' Dept~ dinner Friday• ' - both ' "Standards" and l'Extra wbJle &booth,. pallUl aud dull achealu and _ around t it eyea-nlt~'8 warnlns-a1'6 alMr. John f~aoa8 and MtBb Rena Standards," shipped only in their lowed to go uilht!4I(Je(I. wlten ~hallllperlec~ly . ' Brimf~l of new and snappy ' . , . • 6tlAld gl ~ wOuld relteve PNlIIOut trouble a nd MoK in~, of Mt. Holly, were enter own JUIce .and guaranteed entirely 8~\'8 fu t ure regret, ' Suits, Cloaks, Furs, Skirts ttiolDtld by Guy and Bertha Oheno- sanitary Waists, etc., with prices that weth vO Thursday uif$ht. . will astound you, . considering Mrs Th~ma.s ~ess Is better atthe Don't You Forget . • • the quality and finish of the tiule of tbtR wrltl~g . " That we will have an abundance of garments. You'll be astonished Mr.. Ad" Dakin and d~u$hterH,I,good thinP for your ThanksJriving" .... . t r.c ", at the savings in , Notiims and ' Lois and ftazel were entertained by d' · ber grao~hn8, Mrs. Diokson Whll.r- n~nel"-a CliplC? .lot of Nu s; ,l'lgs, Lad~es' F\imi8~ings. , ' .' ton, of Mt Bolly, on Friday. J)a~. Cranberries; Grap~, Celerly, Will be at the , Next Sa.tut'day at 2 0 '.olook arid Oysters.·Crackers. . ' , ,Elevat.or eo ran '0 ' til lad lea' . departmel~t Gustin Hotel, ment on afllin 8tree~. between I,he, two' lIhoc SundRY II.t 10 :30 o'olook there .wu! The New Diet stores; al!lO tlil'Qugb t ile nl~ !tOre. r,:gu:,~e~n~ ~~~~~:!:,~an.. Preaoh· Si~ply milk, e ' ~nd Peanut Can~ Waynesville, Ohio, . 8weater COats

Men's and . Young ' Men's Suits, Overc~ats and Cravenettes,



$9.88, $14.50, $18.00

I' ti1!r


. ~




~ . JI1Ia~~~~"'~~ . ~~~~Itti:f


~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' = .

Spring Valley.

Zimmerman's ,.

New Sorghum New barrel ,?orghum in. The . Pure Go,ods, bright and 'e>.-tra heavy, ' : " .'

New Saur Kraut New Apple Butter, New Oat Melli , , : New Rolled Oats, New Hominy, . ' . , Ne~ Gorn ~eal, , Snow White Syrup, New 1dinc~ Meat, \. ' Celery, Cl'Ii1'Iberries, ,Fancy Eating Allples," . , . '" , ' - G90d Cooking Apples Onions, Sweets, . , d~bbage, ,

Mrs. C. E. Armentrtlut and ~8ugh ter w 0 ba ve been the gU6 ts of her parent!;, .\ r. and Mrs. D . W·. Anltbee left Sutordtly 101' her home in SeatIil Mrs. Arch Cupeey entertained the lattf'i Pltt:t of the week her RUQt ; Mrs. Frank ~mfth, of 8prlngfl e l~ Mr. &..y Eagle is siok ~ith tonsil. litis.


Juon Soap BaS gone up, but we are still

Dr. Fudge ana wife the parents of a litt~e ' . ',Forast Bel t movecl Wednesday ioto the A1l60 proPf,lrty on Raoe ' street. . ['beG . A , R " Rave a supper and festiNal in the To.yn Ball Saturda.y 600 Sample Sweater Cont. for .Mi8ll08: nlgh~, b~t owing to the weather the wonh Jrom . . $1 • 49 IS.OO to '4.!i~. . . . . . .... . • • . . • orowd was small Ladles' 8wea~era Mrs. Llle AleJCllnder, of Daytl'o·, Ladles' Long Wlilw Sweaters: worth 16.00. waa tbe guest last week of Mrs. Dr. S~lal for $398 lIrlday , and Saturday .... • . . . . · • Smith. . , Ladles' . Union 8ults The n. of A. will hold' a Bul ,LfUties' R gular 1 1.11 0 Ullton Sul~ . Speelal . low'.',e en sool81 in the Town Ball, ~fU::.~~~ .~~~ ~~~~~ ~' 9ac &turllfiY night, OotQber 30th ' ,Ladles' 'Cloves A. C. Meodel>htll1 moved Wedoes Lad!ea' regular aile vah.aes ID ' Gol' day to the old home 'plaoe,. · G,oves; all colo1'8 ' (,0' select wm •• '. 811k' HO" Missell 011 v~ A'n lt bee and Harr,i et Silk nose, ' Noah . spent .S nnday with MlS Ladlos' t.o select from: AplILDda Belt at Valley ' Mms, Ladles'· Handkerchief.



'for 10e

t ile ' valuea . . . . •• . .. •. • ...•••. ...


,Slip.arlor Suits and Jop Coats

Dr. Sh.llltelford and Joho Sher

for Boys" . $2· ' $2. ',50J S3 ' .50 • $5 , 00: an d..$6' '

wo~ were in. Cinoinnati, &t.urda:r.

ile receive Oysters fresh three

... .. ...

L!Idlee' Plain Llneu und Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs ; .


FresJl BaUimore Oysters




' Mr and. Mrs . . Williams were ' 'fn Lebano*, Saturday ' and t:iundaY. 'file. ?4-is/les ' L~na Myers, r...uoila Remarkable 'SavingB Here Mtl80n and Gladys ~penoel' wer,e In .. " " • LebIH'IOti. WedD~8!lay u.fternooo . . Mrs. 'Will Norton and Mrll. WIl) Mponey spf:lnt Fril'l,a y with Mrs Ed, 'Allen 'near .Leb/lnoD. ,Mr:' aD'iJ. Mrs. W. C itl'riey n,Qel Bon spen~ SandllY wlth.Pror. . liel Mrs a ~ E'. . Wilsoo, io Sprlnabor J K. Spen~r wu1n Monroe, nn day ,f~tlloOIl·. , . • ,T~~re will ~ a Ple 'Sooll\l at· th so~odl,hou88, ~~id"y, Ooto~." 211tb, . FOR TRUSTEE ' . " .<;,' Ev.eryone OOille. 'W S GRAHAM r' . d'd tef •• . , s-acan 1 a or ·the office of Trustee, subjeCt ,to the voters of WliyneTownship. '


times a week. so you are a~\Vays sure of getting nice fresh stock. Nothing but so1id ' Oyst€rs; in sealed, sanitary cans, either ' pintS or quarts,

Also, Sealahipt Oysters.

~verytbing Good to Eat at



--_. _- ...- - Oregonia.

selling it


PhillIPS Opera Ho~se Waynesville, Ohio,

FRANK PRATT, is a candidate for the office of Trustee subject to the voters of Wayne Township. GRAS. A. CORNELL is . a candi· date for.t}le ofJice of Trustee, subject to the voters of Wayne ·Towilship•. .'

J. E. HOCKETT. of East Wayne

friday, . . ·November 5·, 1909. .


··W illiam

Reader I~personator -




Expert Optl·CI-an,



Leno~, ;Star. and




Township, is a candidate for . the of-, fice of Trustee subject to the voters o,f, Wayne Township .



6Sc at'

_.._iii._'4RTZ'S SOB'W

S · atur ' day, . Nov. ,.


New Buck Wheat Flour A~d First Saturday In , ., 4c a lb. ' . , ,Every Mont.,. Hereafter.. Strictly ·Pure .NewpOl"t Buck~heat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!"!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~

_Ii'. . . . . and we are'looking for )arge ~ b\lYers

~~_~ _..:


dy-"'no iJ:idigestlon with this bitt of fare, ' and we have the best Peanut Candy at lOe a lb.



ia holding re

r. .. Mrs Diln Shepherd who Iiyed whh par son Bert., nea.r WByneSvlHe, was buried in the "oem~tery ell.s' of l~ wn, T~esda.y Of)Bst week. . . f~e DeJtll. ~lp)1a olBI:!8 held a .})I',O visl()~ sale on ~at1;lr~ay ~~'!trnooq . , '., 'rbe pu~tiDg a o~meot fioorin the basement otibelr ohurch. , Rauel Hurley .who 'hatl~ be~n ,in ~he we t forl!everal. year8 has ret9rned t~ his homebere. " A little: 90~ 'of ' Obils. Dun~way had his oollar boue fraotored while at play ~t' week. . / A. B . Barlan has retarDed from a, trip lo Tennessee., ' .. ' fl . .I!''. 'Mills and wife moved from their. farin w88'-9f t9W~ to Spring ~ll1)ey .last l.,v~k. . ... I :, . .frank P. ~ilner , and wife"of near Leesburg, . v'8~ted _,relatlvei ' and .trtencls ·here~ th~ ··latter part,ot.laat week. . " ',' . O. F. Collett aM family ' had" a runaway aooid~nt· on. Sunday nellr the hom£! of ChBS. Oglesbee, ' on the, Spring 'V alley pike. ' Mr. Colletthad h18 IIhoulder sprained 'bllt the rest of the famny escaped injury.

- - -....

- ..


at a very 8Vecial price.


Ne~Ca~n'ed Asparagus

Larve can. 2SO and 300 . "From the State of Utah"-=-" 'Larre ' Selected" and ','Packed wheregfown" d th 1 bel . an e a ~ must tell the truth.

Sugar. Corn Flakes . '.

WilJ ' ID.IU~., you the ~De8t

3 Pack. . . . for 2SO


'. ~




, ' .

~~ ~lg~8!rt seIJe~ I~ th~ Breakf~t


FoOd hat •.. Fresh, ; cnsp and dainty, .

That Cood

Oil' .


" '


Now'~ the time to try

our. High Grade Pennsylvania Qil. · It insure. you a bright clean light. ' ':.' '

Ph 0. t 0 I rap h 8 •



, Ever mJlde in WayoeaviiJe, ae \'ery fell80nable " prices'. No 11M to Jeave the town for tbem, Gallery 18 open every I:!at. , nrday.

Call and


.Ji'O~ RENT ' .'

· OOD Far~ ofl1S aCfea "rid ".ooms C for rent. Inqujr6 of Mrs. A; J. .,',,'

" ,'

Water Bottles.




' ,~.

75c ' at


.... Wellman. -

S. F. ELBON is a candidate 'lor the o.ffice.,of Trustee, subject. to the . Mrs. wm 01;&rk . Ilnd o~~ldreq spent Satu~day ~ith, Ed" .M9l!'arlaud , voters of. Wayne· Township. . and wife. .' . , '. O. ~, Bt,ntNF1I' is t\ ~nqidate·· &~:I(ll . .,.':s" It-:vi~ 'Taylor, " of, election to the office of Trustee sub- Fr'anklio1 ·are., vi!!I~ting " wlt-h James ;.. ,:' jectto ,the voters of Wayne toWnship. (]ra.y. all~ family l . ' ... . . , .$lr8'.'George' 8ogall'lLpd . daggbt~r oaUed ' oq Wtl1" Dut.l~ ' alid - faDilly 8,n~day afterDOon. ·,,, /' FORTREASUnER. , Mr. a.nd Mr.:-GeorB8 Rev,. Sherbt ·took",.ijnDdav ).

~lt~ E~r'D~t~~~Dn~Il'''~~ ~w.1fe. '>.

.. Mr. and_~~r8. relatlvehlear

,WiU Clarl:' ·v lllted . , ' .





. B0A:R$~AhOut . 8,' or :'10< Poland-'

'. Chma l>9ars; sooo. bolle, good . length, ratheJ.' on ~Ile coarse order. , Call Qltor ri,nl • ~2: S: F. Eloon Waynes~me, Ohio. , . ,• ' •








.I-Former .- .... .•..--. Cit~ens 1 Catharine O:::::n was bo~ rp.;~~~~~~~~=~~~~~]1 Th -'








.: Social Ev ~nts .I ...........-.-~~~..-..~--~



Ob.. .~ --- ..-..-.-.....-.....-..~ of Hallowe'en was observed atunlay Eli Burnett was in Lebanon SatDr. John Hyatt was in Springboro evening -the day really falling o~ Dr. nlld Mrs. Thos, Sherwood enJohn T. Upp, San Bernardino, CaL, urday. Monday, ' . SUlJday. te rtainl'd Lee Adams sr. l wife Sunwrites: "Having regular summer Miss Georgia Hadden has been on L. A, Zimmerman i in Cincinnati This day , or nig ht rather , is becom- Jay. days, but the mornings are cool, and the sick list. today buying goods. ing more and more in, favor every J, E, .Tanney and flim ily ente rno taU rain so far. :' " year, and some old tIme cusLom, " ,I ' •• I 1:'. " Mrs. A. Maffit and Mrs. H. Murray F C Carey and Alhe Hole were h bib I b ta1l1ed at SIX 0 clock uln( el ast 1' 11. . ave ecome a most 0 so ete. u t a d M· I h dl '" A &llers, of Dayton. who has been were in Dayton last Friday Lytle visitors Sunday h th f , lay. Mr. an 1'8, A bert C 1;1 11 cr , . , new p azeat 0 masquera ling of Kansas City and Mr arfd Mr" dangerously ill for the last three J. G. Gaddis, of Kingman, was in Mrs. Abi Haines, of Dayton, is t he, and making it look lik > a carnival I B tt 'lh . weeks; isnlUeh better. Mrs. 'Sellers . ' . . ullI ue u erwol' , welcome guest of many friends here. has come In 'wad. __. , town on business Saturd ay. has also been very ill Chas. Michener, of O. S. U. was F ed B d 'd f 'I The streets were ful l of masque ra- G 0 , Hawke and fam ily ent erl' arnar an . amI y ~ere dersSaturd8Y ni ght-old folk YOU llcr tained at a Sunday dirrn'e r t he flJI' A. D. Haines, of Cincinnati, writes the guest of his mother Sunday. guest& of Freeman Smith, at MIddle f Ik " f Ik . ,1 ' f . . "I luwintr guests: Mrs, H u'lan , Mrs. . ., Run Sunday. 0 s, society 0 H. anu, In act, a - , . " , US as follows: You will please send MISS Ethel and Raymond Wllham, ' mosL everybody hat! a whid at t he 1I'.<l lth HarTIS. Mrs, Laul''' Mosherand the paper to Dayton, Ohio. We son, of Dayton, were home Sunday. M,r . and Mrs. B. S. Howell an~ l business, Many and vUl'i '<1 Wt!I' thf Mi, I'J mma Heighway. Judge Keitzer, and A. Allmon, of Mr. ana Mrs. W. S, Graham autoed ' costumes displaYtlu -- nuns, d vi tR, MI', and Mrs~[ ~N, Hal field entel'move to-day, ,Octob~r 27Gh: to, try our success 10 another City, but Dayton were in town Monday on bus- to Clarkflville Sunday, Indians. 4uuin t old ladi ·, in 100-year- tt~ineu la!il Thul'Rday t hl following wherever we are, we want th~ .Oa: iness. Mrs. Agnes Wright and daughter ,' ol.d costumps., Ur,'le,le ams, 8n.<1 all g-ue ts, Mrs, Nuttand two dau ghters , zette. It has been a weekly Vlsltor k d f I f II 'th f h' i Allen Haines and family of Xenia Susan, weee guests of, relatives in m 0 natlOna It! H wel'e out In u Stafford ears and wife. Wilbul' Seal's WI us or t lrty-n ne years. ' " ! f ~ f lh t were guests of Mr. Halms' father Cincinnati over Sunday. orce, ~0111e 0 cos um es were and wife and Mrs. orw iD , of Dayton. Sunday. ' ' well gotten uP. and show d ingenui ty " . 1. -t d Effie Graham. Nanme Reed et', . ~h k' f tl d " All th A charming dlllner \VIIS gwen uy .ht WeWls ocorrec an error ma e . , . . P 1 W' d dM Ad L . In ~ . e rna el 0 I esrgos, e W 'rll 'II' d 'f ,... d t in last week's tBBU~ in which we said E. Barnhart and Wife were m ear y 00 s a~ rs. ra ewlS masqueraders finally end d up at the . . ! ' 11 ,IPS an WI e .,u~ ay . 0 Lebanon Sun~ay, guest.s of J. H. spent Thursday 18 Dayton, , II. O. O. F, Hall. where th y had a th.'1 f(~lflowml ~' gUkesHts:1 BenJ · M,IfllS Mrs. Lizzie Ellioft Clark 'writes us Mrs, J ames Stoops an d son HI " aouW) "anll '~' I'an om Cask ey n a WI f e. 0 m~, ' good tIme. , f NU t W'IIes Pan' d WI e, d froin Seattle etc. I t sbou Id h ave ' M C ' I k' if f f D t ts f Ad Th . , . 0 ew UI' mg on, I an been M rs ..AII Ie asoQ ar ,w eo Frank Holmes, of Dayton, wasin 0 ayon. were gues 0 am , eevenlllg s entp.l'lammen t was , 'f f L tl M' ( " me M'II ' k ,of ' L~tIe, 't hey havang . "spOIled however, when aftel' the late IW Ideo C. 'F , CJar town Sunday, the guest of Adam Stoops Satu rd ayan d Sund ay. A ' JeTy e' . I 'es arrle I S , Sea I . th ' Canft' . Ila P ' h f h dl d an my1.ay. gone to tt e via e . ~ n ... Stoops and wife. F.B.Henderson and wife entertained ou rs, ~ lot 0 . 00 ~m s rna c t he I ' _ __ y Dr. Witham and wife, of Kings' at dinner Sunday J. H. Coleman and town hIdeous With theIr work- an - , Mr. and Mrs, Walter McClure gave cifie from Winnipeg. 'Canada to Sea,ttie, San Francisco, Sac~eDto. and Mills, were guests of Adam Stoops wife, D. L. Crane, 'Wife and son. I thing mQvable was taken from its fl' 12 o'clock dinner at th eir hospitable to Loa ,Angeles, where 'they will meet J h . d ' accustomed placeand moved to Main I home Tu esday. Tho e pre!'l6nt were: F. M. Clark and wife, Wellin~ton and wi~e Sunday. 0 n Baker and WIfe, an MISS street. IRobt. Cross and wife, F. C. Schwartz L. Willemburg and family, of Mary Baker, of Bellbr?ok, were I The city council had taken the pl'e- and wife, F. C. Carey, wife and Comell and wife "ltd 'F rank 'lhomas I and all spend the there. ' . Spring Vall~y, were guests of rela- guests of Frank Zell and Wife Sunday. caution of sweat'ing in seven ext ra daughters Pearl and A' ice, Chas . . -~ tives here Sunday. Mr_ and Mrs. Walter Janney's police, but not one arl'est was made. : Rye and family . The Wes1el'lUl and Delta Alpha Bi, Warren :Keys 'received the Red nejg~bor:' surpri~ them Wednes- 'fhe. ?OYS in instances w:re Ohas. Gray a- n-d-f-a-m-ily Ctelightfully ble clasaes ofOrace MethodiSt church, CrOBB degree of Masonry in Lebanon ~ay evemng, .about forty guests be- maliCIOUS, a~d It se med a bad end mg en tertained at their country home at at Piqua, gave a reception ' in honor last Friday evening. ' 109 present. , for an evemng tha ~ad commenced , a Sunday dinner. ThOEle present of the new pastor, Rev.W.-T. Gilli. ordirial'Jm~ureusban' FOdrbRU8h~keev- Waltel"~dCliffordBumett wee Mrs. Ruth Carey and daugb so good. . _ ' were: N,B.Rich and wife, Walter land and wife, Wednesday 'evenin~, er,asonofllerh yalOrmel' . ' Leban Sat 'rd' . ' d M , rs . .£illo D,yke, of Spr' alley, TH ' EMANTHATENTEoTAINS ray wife and daughter Marianna 22nd t th h reb . sb had the ' t th 10 on u ay evemng aq '" ' , " Septembe . "r • ,. \ ec a .p~r- marnage, e rue mo er sawVogel'sMinstrels. werecuestsoff'.C.CareyandfamI. D. Rich and family and Mrs. Maude ) , ily o,ne day last week. PI I d l' 1 t 'Ieaver and children lors. A mUSical program mter-," heart and prompted b,. that, she , speraed with short talks niade tbe'QC" ' Cared ,for him while in her home and Mrs. S. M. &Il~, of Colu~b~, , ays, mon9 og~es an , (Ia:c ; . . ' . casion eligh~ul1y biforinal. After: even to hiB death with a ,devotio~ has b,een spending some da~s wi~h ' Mrs. Nannie Reeder, of Ft. Wort~, :metches, present~? 111 a m~nner w.hlc~ : Mr . CynthIa Evans, nssl~ted by th" pro.ram the evening 'was spel'1t that she could not have' exceeded, ev· ller father I. E. Keys. ' 'Texas, and Pearly Woods, of Wll- I,mpresses the aU,dlenc~ Wlth the Idea Mrs. H. E Hathaway entertamed the ' ti, 0" n 'and D-V ' 0'11 . to \Vard b er own., ~ A ti· · with. Mrs that they are wltnessmg .' 'ia1 conversa 10 80C ~ • - en f8 nng naM Li ., , D 'tt d M Joseph mington ' spent last , week . fi a perform· Card Club " and a few friends ,lait ra · Uland ,a nd 'bis wif" were made to ture that shrank from publicity sb~ rs. na de~ an W. S. Graham and family. an~e by a company of ne actors, de- IThursday nIght. There 'Nere .P,lght "' , ', . , ,ChapD'lan an son, Charles, were scribes Mr Moore's meth d of nter- tabl f "500" d It a e y , S. L. Cartwrig~t and wife will at- ta' . . I es 0 , . '8~ Ii a er hv r teel ,at hopt8,' 1he decorations Qf fo~nd co~tentmen~ apd happiness in Dayton visitors 'lut week. ' tbeJ'Oo~!I':were t~. antone, Q~b~r her bople•.miniaterin&'. Wloved ~Qes ~ ... ," , ' " tend the convention of the state m~ng. ' .. . ' IPleasa~t eVenl~l~ a : u et, lunc was thinp being some 'fine ftorar pieoea 'and entertaUnint friends. 'An ' ~r M~. 'FiankLongand80"',CJar~nce .. Board"'of Charities at 'Can"~n Ohio - HIS repert~lre Ihclude onl~ the, served m he-dmmg room: . • , / : . ', . t ' ' " week, Mrs ,John ' ~.... 'fV , . . Later 10 the 'evenIng' 'l ight tefre8h~ ancl lntelh&,ent reader she kept 0 f Col umb us, ' were th e, week-end thlB ,Caskey of, best . by America's foremost. wnters. ' MISS Mart ha O'Neall entertamed , -. . ' '" ests f I ti d f' ds ' , ! •• , ThiS season's program WhlCh he has . . . menta wet:e'Serv~" abreaat'of the times to the end. gu 0 . re a ves an nen. Lebanon Will accompany them. d "A E . ' fA' dehghtfu lly at a 6 o'clfck danner • - !" ' A be f th U· enar t " B ' f Ki ' M'1l name n ' vemng 0 merlcan 1 rsd . h f 11 ' , pOMONA ORANOE ~ r o e mv, ~ , Prof. C. E. ratten, 0 n~ 1.S A musical surllrise is in storE! for Humor" includes "The Squaw Man" Thu ay eve~llng t e o ~wmg 0f mrdayany of hiS those wh,o hear L. Baldwin Piel"89n, a delightful play dealing with the l' gA-"ullests: Waslte~."Chbarles aMn,d MarJlan~a . . , cthahurefh .fth°r b1otm.' _~ears, she dhlted IdD wW~. a we}lclomfe. gunde8tSa lMt$atuMaftheWattenCounty . t - at , ut ~~JY~ 80ug an , ayn~vl e rle, 8 tu. NewEnglandParytone, assisled by West, so sueces3fully 'presented by , n,o f prang oro, , L')Ses essie Pomona Ora,hge met in ft&'uiU ses'" ~wel. eomed , ,truth W ' fbarOt'~ ,wbehatever 'Geo~e Smith, who has beeIt' work- Mil'S Cadwallader, violinist and Mrs. Mr. Faversham. Other storie by ' Marlatt·dLuhelMla CorneHlI , Ste1dllHa ~rnll­ si W rth Mast M rrilCo 'JI source It came. can more • . . ' . C A H h 't tS h IF' H k' S' h J h H k ' mon an t e essrs. arn owe, . ~n •.. 0 .. Y ,>; • er p " fme true of ,be..' ~an the 'wol'Jla of Sola-' ~ lD Indianapobs for ~~e time aroo 0- II' N OUg . 'bacc101mthPams ,a c 00 . op mVson mClt k' JO n uWn h~I" War~en K ys and Sid Ell ifl. presldmg. v.~ltm~ patrons rom . !'St ' :....... . d h ' h ' nved ,home Saturday evemng. '/ a. ovem e r . Edmund ance 00.. ames It,. . on?~ ,~e. er ,, , . • -- - ' comb Riley and Ople Read go to Last Pl'lday evenmg at Cherry Columbus, Lebanon, MorrQw, M&8Qn. mon.: .. , ren._ an , ClarksvlJle. Miamlsbtl~Alld ¥~~. ~oth~g: _an:'Ih.~shal!;~~~lce m t~~h X O~to S~o~~l~k.t:nd, wlf~ ,we:. 10 HIOH ATTAINI"ENT malte UlJ a medley program of rare Grove FarP1, ,Miss Ruth Dinwiddie rnehve);e p~nk " '~, ' . hC?~isde., e °d~n L' , flte!: m,ou Men aa u? k~Y' ..e ~10~ 109 , P ' I f Col b merit. was the charming host~ss' to her , A: claI8' of sayen.was initiated into WIt w o~;, an 10 ,uer ongue 'Yas r. o~c s mo~h~r ,s anmversary. . ~mm~nt peop e 0 urn us, Ghoice selecti ns and original nleth. many friends . The invit:ltions and th. my&tenesof tpe degTeeof.~omo- the ~aw Ofkl~d~essh Sh~l:kedt~ll S. L. Cartwright and wife were in ~n~nn::i Daytont;:".d many ,~rts ods, coupled with real ability, ena- ! costumes were in keep in/t with Hale . e. pay .elr way ~n go bles Mr, Moore to give an evening of!lowe'en. Various characters were na, thOle from Waynesville ~inJC to t e "'~8 0 e~ ouae 0 .an a e Ltibanon last 'Thufaday, attending 0 Fr,ah' 'C~an.' wife,' and daugh~r. ' ~0i.o~,brrth°t,, ~dle~~f 'hG1'h h~: the Board ,meeting, of the, Children~a ' ~fowm~:, of ~~~att!°rwPI~UrS readings, which always delight 'his represented, even 10 the chicken e ru 'I'~O ~r han . • 'Home. GraC$. ~ bountiful ,dinner wal d' I "ho " ' , an , b~I'y ey ge Ne r hOI' or: audience. Phillip!! Opera , House,! thief with the real live c'lticken. ' A: , . an et er own worllo.lS pral8e er In , ,nuc ess money. ow, 'W en you W ' s 'ne Friday November 6th delightful Hallowe'en 'unch was th en aerved • th tea ,. M 'U'- -h I P ' h f Yr' M'll f h not have the ad ayne V I " , . , ' The fir~ important work of the ega .' rs. ~ e. ug, 0 • ~mgs , 1 s. ~ &,0 ree, w . y . - admi!~sion 25<:, children 15c, one night served. Th se present were, Mary ' CARD OF'rBANKS and, Anna Glboons VlBlted, at t~e van~ge of the ~t .sklll and every only. Hawke, Clara Hawke, Lucile Cornell, . aftemOQn was the election of offieen. I d 're to thAnk n~i.hbors and h~,me of Doan B~~ey , an~ fam~ly apphance for maKlng good ,work SOCIAL Eleanor Eatnha~t, GQld.i~ Dodds, which ~~ulted ,as follows: , Worthy F=-'-.......".,lA88~~'nton Sec?,tt;' Ov~~~r; 'An- f,rit:m:; ' p.rticularly those ,wlio Sund~. . ' " " ~', . . ;that,mon~y ca'!.~y; BOX H~len Jon~, Jarue Jo ll e3, Ethelvn ba Vil~; Lecture,r , <E1la De~ld; 88n&,at my mother's funera1"' fo~ Dontfatlto~earL. BaldWlnPI~r'DAYTON CONVOCATION The box social ivenat Lytle Hall Jones, Ehzabeth Duke , Blanch~ Stewatd. Warrf,m Keys; Ass't ,SteW,- their kind"help daring my late affiic- son, New England Concert B&ry~ne, ' evening b the Sunda _ Dyke, ,Blan~he Cornell,' Eva Lacy, ard, John' Sh~ltz; Gate~eeper, Fran.k flon. , ELMER KEEVER. at School Hall; Thursday evenmg, The Dayton Convocation will meet Sa~ur~ay ill be agfin: treat. The;'e Catherme ~Ibbons, Lelia Ha,rtsoc~, Squires-' Treasurer, Horace Snook; •- ' . November 11th. here today in St Mary's church, and se. 00, w h d i Emmor Bally, John Lemmon, Lyman SecJie~' Henry Harris,; dhapI.i~, AUSNl)EO ' ORAND CHAPTER Misses Anna Marshall and ' Anna there probably be a good atten.d- w)~ be a s ~~t r~~ra~ go~. m~, C, Silver: Alvah Hartsock. (lY llartUora~ Ellis; Pomona. Oha Strawn; ", Haines left Tuesday for Orand June- ance. an t~~' ~ ~on is eO l'd~~~y I~~ sock .1 Raymond Ha1·tsocll., Stanley tt veJY 0 Y , Duke, Forest Graham , Ml'lul'ice Gra, 'Flora" Minnie Shultz; Ceres, Edna , Several from Miami Chapter and tion Col where they expect to The order of services will ,be as S\h0% ' Franz'Ladr Ass't Steward Luci'e 'Warren Chanter attended (;rand l' 'dth·'· te ' follows: VI e oa en . ha m. RalphDyke, Alfred 10nes,Carl , ~ r " spen e wlo r. - - ... D dd H S ' h H B , Chapter. which was held in the Seot- \ ' ' Holy Communion, 9:30, a. m.; busiNOTICE 0 e, erman mIt, enry rown Comell: , ' I" ' _ and Mr, and Mrs Jacob Straus. . A piano ~Io Was,well rendered by tisb Rite Cathedral of Cincinnati and After a most delightful month ntmJ session, 10:00 a. m.; Prayers for ' ' Lucile COmelfand wufollow,ed by 'a, the ~~r.e)V¥ ~ven at Mu~ic ~all. ; with friends in I~wa, ~rs. Thoma, ,Missions, 12:00 m.;, luncheon; "Sup- TI~e regular W. C. T. U. meeting A few friends l'eceived in vitationS 'Y~ic,h ~ strong pl~ fo.r A,bout 1500 dele;ptes:were ~n ~ttelid- i Sherwood returned -to her home last ply a~d. Tra,i,nin~ of ?andidates for ~or November will be h ,Id at' th e \' questing th em to ~omll ':0. a house , paper more and better oreb.rcl8 wu ,forcl- ance, All sees8lona were bOthl nter- Wednesdt'Y evenlng. the MlDlstry , dISCUSSion opened by home of Mrs. Harris on Friday after- on the Bellbr001< pike. wh eL'e they bly p~nted by La~ra Jo~es.' The ' eating and ' instructive. , ~ose atIsr~el Satterthwaite 'a nd famil:v Bishop Vincent and Archdeaco.n ~: 1noon of tftis week- M r·s. Amelia saw a lantern hanging in a tree. on pimo' duet , by Lucil,e Co~ell ~d tending were: C" M. Robltzer, Mrs. were visitors in Sprinaiield iast,week. wards, 2:30 p. m.;" Book Re~ew, White, leader . Saturday evening . etob~r· 3(). 1909 . EDITH M. HARRIS, Sec. ,This hous prov d to be the hOr.:!e of . EI,~?r Ea~~rt \V&!I '~ ~red~ttq .the Stella Co~,el!" :,,~. SqS~ ~lTlold, Knowles cOnn and family bringang ~v. Elmer N. Owen,~:30 p. m. . new Instru,?ent r~entl~ p~rch~ '.Mrs. Ec;Jna '~ldge"C. 0.( ~dh~msoJl, them home Sunday ill' their auto. ~ere was to ,have been an ~vemng 4 • MI'. and Mrs. Gladman Ellis, ivhere " . sesBlO~, butowlOg to a p~evJO~s enJ\10DEl BARBER SHOP an enjoyed evening wasspoent. When by Fanners Grange • . The ,hu,mQr- Mrs.J ... C. Hawke, all o~ Miami Chap' OU8 .' reci~tion of John, Shultz was ter. Also Mrs. M~rritt" Mrs. TaIT. Lee Adams returned to hll\gagement, Rev. H. Alhson IS un, th hour for RUppel' arrivw the genfollowed by a pl~na, encore. de- ,inage, ¥ri. Harris;' Mrs~ Smith, MI'fI. home in K~ City Sunday night abl~ to be present. , J , H. Smith has opened a Model tlemel1 were hand ed small boxes leste HolliugswQrth, . wh,oJ1..a, ~n Ward, M1'£. Hitton, of Warren Chap- after a two" w~ks' viSIt with fri~nds , ' These services are open to every Barber Shop in the Alexander rooms, containing fruits and vegetables "in Illinois for Som~ti~~ waS p'~n~ , ~r: aarv:,eYs~~rg. . , ", ~d relatives here. Mrs. Adams will ot:le and it, is the wish of Rev. Mr. where he is prepared to do all kinds 'wi th notes directing them to proceed ' "' , : •'- .. " make it. mor~ prolonged visit., 'C~wallad~r and t.he Convocation of: bar~ering Children'S hair-cutting to the dining room where t hey would and ga"e ,...ell ,ch,o~~m ~~ar~ ,~te.r,. " wh!eh the g~ ~pted an ln~l~ , olb FOLKS PAY. " , ', D. C: M"nnin&,-and wife. of F1etch- that all who can,Wlll attend one or a speCIalty. .. _ • find their partners await ing the~ tation t9'IQ~t ~~ ~~on.~l'!W'" .' , ',' .: , ",' er ' Miami , County are guests ~f both !>f th~, sessiOns, . NEW YORK TRIO ullder strings of corresponding arti, 'January 29, l~~Oi :, '. ; , ' , ", S~bday "at t!le M. E. ~u~h w~, a M~lon Rldie ' and' w1fe; They at' ·l-OS-T " cles, Much fnn was experiencl'd in ',--:: -' " . ' . . " , 'l ' ' . blIP' ~ ..u The chqreh ' was r'crowded ., ',,' " J ' h ... 1 UNelL MESTINO ,; '", , ,:,,,,,",,' \ , " , tended tOe, funeral pf ,Mrs. OBElP " The entertainment ~iven for , the fi n d'109 th' , el r pal·tner.s aft· e1 wh'ch I CO , " ,/i, " " ! • ': It!l~ ~~ra':r: the'r' f~nt ~f, pf .Uogle6~ . in .LebanQn this week. , ,.Long. black cloak on Harveysburg benefit ot'the Christian church Fri- dainty refreshments were served, , w:afi~" :~~\ba~ ,,:,Mr. " M~r'~\\lh'() will be at the ,Phil~ ~tke,. Odoher 19t~" betw~n . Albert day evening; was a su!!cess. The Mu~jc and games were indulged in , Coqncilmet'in'reaularaeUioiiM:on-' th~,cJ:f0 :' ilps ,Houae,. ~day ' eveniQg.. ,a S~epherd'~ ~nd L!,ttle Miami depot. church was bene~ted by about. '$50. until a late ~o.u,r. Tho~e prese~t , day evening.;, b~t ,matt@rs of ~oiily wi~ old - '~e: _ '." , rbuti1)e' busin- ~me. up, BUlB to Th ' P'?P, . iia~ , d whole 'show in"hlmselt. His mono- Finder pl~ re~t'n to Albert Snep- The trio ~ntertamed the audience ,were, J ame~ CUI t~s aIld wlf~, M~t:ttn , the ),Ggue he,r d f , ' , , well, .the ' of Miss Grim ' • , . v , ,: ~on full of helPful tAr.the ,Always ~f,!8 to keep h18 'audlen~ , , ANNUAL ' BAZAR I , , ab,ove the ord,mary. , , . ; , ' '. ' . " W.\S SUCCESSPl)L PA~TV ' :. .. " 1\ , • '. '~rOarw ~ ia ....ter: ' ~ '''Thi. V~...t";f*, .,. ' , - . ' ' , ., J~ I:.ewill! came' in for hia share, carrae F¢rguson, , Dol ot hy West, UU " ., , . Qld lollfi Ot " • .~ , " , "II fur '. f ''Th B Measrs Frank FerguSbQ Lensley ~ ven at tHe " Many~ of'the old People ,bad Jri)t COm ~e; , agd "~ov" OP. JQhn; Th6 ladies of S~~' Mary'l Cb~rch and his re lti?nWO, . "u;lt0,ias. ltnd ~ter ~urtis and Ve:non West. , . "w..., W OQ ' ~ been budde the cbUNh for.many Move On ,If were'&'l'e8t8d' with~l'OundI rWiU 'bold .their "annual Bazar and ter" was fine. - pr lct or esse -'ed d l ' 'M ' 1m)' , ~, BU"''':''_'''~ - I . ~ aluc.' ._~, ... it yiu .~ a srand ,of app~.;~En~nmeni ' WBI/Matket at the Tow!tabip House on a succ~fu) future in his chosen pro- They depar,t I ec Ql'talD:g r. IS' Lamb and .,.- _wr" ", ...... ....~ . , " ..I (~"'be 01:: 1109 ' ' , "----ber lQ 1909 ' ,, " lfess1on ' and f.aQldy ~ dea enter 1Q'tl'S. e-I. - _ .... _ _ _ _ _ .__ •

near Utica, Warren Co., Ohio, June 7,1888 and departed this life October 28, 1909 aged 71 years 4 months and 16 days. She ,was the daughter of Henry and Ann White Richardson both of . ' whom were natives of New Jersey . She was of a family of seven children, two brothers and five sistere. The two brothers, William Henry and George, and one lister, Sarah A. Th k h eded h t roc morton ave prec er 0 the great beyond. Three sisters, Mrs. Mary Graham, of Ridgeville. Mrs. Rachel Rogers and Mrs. Abbie Penre, both of Utica, remain . On the Uth day of March,'1859 'she was united in marriage to AbsaKeever. T0 t h'IS union . 10m werE' bom ~wo CJII -L'ld ren, El mer E d . an Mary Ellen, the latter of whoom died ed in,ipfancy. Her marri hfe came to end by the death of her husband July 17, 1887, and for more than twenty-two years she has pre9ided over her home in companionship with her son. a companionship mutually enjoyed and that found expression in maternal , devotion and filial rever , ence and love. Catharine Keever was a, raJely beautiful: character. In calling his sel'Vant' home, God has left us the memory of a life of singular strength and sweetness-a life in- which love for her chureh, love, for her home and friends, patience and determination were eXhibited in far more than

















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The IVliami Gaz ette


'"The ~lItterln~ treuur " Iff the teD pIe will llr~ve a pI aslnr story for others to hear." be exclaimed, 'aa be K~iDg D. l. CRANE. made hIs way Into the provinc e of ,Pbtjolc e. Tbere he fQuod an ager, \VA YNE .. VILLE. 011 ff ",lIUug listener in tbe person 01 the Story of God', MlraC1llou governo r 01 the palac, ven Apol· Hlgb r prIess Cor ml"&t also sbow ,aterpaa iijoa lonlus, the son ot Thras 8S, lthat prosp rUy Is apln on the job. "The treasury tn J l"lIsnlem Is / full Fruit {or BY TH£ "Hl lfWAY AND BYWAY " of Infinite sums of money," declare <t CODS umptio n I Some automob1Usts are selUng the ,tn the Winte r-By PREACHER SImon. "Yea. the milltltude of their J oe A. BurtoD . football pla)'t'ts a terrIble en,mple, 1'1 hes Is far beyond that whlcb the iring now possess es ,and It Is possible Surg ons begin to sit UI' and tak Wben apples are scarce it 111 very Dolice at t he tJrst call for tootbllU It we bavEl :t full crop or appl es It Based on tbe Apocry pbal book of 2 to bla in It all , fo r the ~Ity of Jerusa- Imr)ortn nt to conserv e them to' best Is still more Importa nt that we lem teams. Is unubl e to wl tbstand such forces Maccab ees, Chapter 3. as the king mny choose to send adva ntage. So very many famUles handle tbem Int elligen tly, It prOD' / 01' wllbout apples during most 01 erly don e . th y beoome of ThJs Is the time 10 brIng on your agnln s t It." comn1er trlplcts and qnadruplets. The census Now wben Apollonlus' had brought the winter. Otlen persons remark to clal ImpOl't!lll e. Car fu l grading Is SE~MONETTE, 'taker is on hIs ,\\'ay. th s tblngs to th e att nUnn of the mo that tiley bad quite a lot of ap· a 'p rIme esse ntlnl wh on appl es nre Illn&. and how It was I,losslble Cor him pies at gatheri ng tJme. but th ey plenty, "They then called upon the In moving , a I1tUe burlap will cover to brIng th eRe r lcbes Into his own wouldn 't keep. Now why hi tbls? We Tbe buyer has many opportu nities Almigh ty Lord to keep the Gardino r, Malne .-" I bo,'..e b een a a multJtulle ot things tbat do 'Dot con· realm, the latt r cbose out HeJlodo rus. kn ow it Is the busines s ot a. sound and he Is sure to disc riminat e ngalnst sufferer from organio trouble s thIngs commit ted of trust safe cern the new neighbors. apple to keep till its cell structu re Is any careless packing . It Is his treasure r, and sent hIm wIth n a moral and a severe female and sure for those that had com· brok en down by over-rip ening, strong un· duty rorce ot the apple grower to pack bls to J erusal em. Dut tbat weakne ss, I u the world wfl.l only walt about a Tbe mltted them." less Interfer ed with by an he might take the cIty by surprise be outside apples bonestly . whethe r of high doctor saId I would 'dolen years or so, the pole w1l1 be "Having done all, stand," was ag nt. This agent may be a bruise, or low grade. It he ,does not he made as though he would make a jour· have to go to the Is 'the great Americ an wmme r resort. Paul'l admonI tion. ney to certain otber cities, and bavlng a rotten apple or too great warmt.h. not hon est. But 'the rule will not hospita l tor an Appl es do not rot througb pure cus· work both ways. No one has a right to call operati on, but I come to J erusalem en route was r eo It Is not proof tbat Jt reckles s cnau1feurs cannot be upon God for help who has not could not bear to celved cou rteously by OnJas tbe blgh sod ness, The farmer will drive bls 1 am honest because my 'apples are made to slow down tbey should be think of it. 1 deexhaust ed every resourc e at hll prIest of tbe city, who suspect ed jolt wagon Into the orchard and then well packed. Packing apples Is a ,given In jail & course of first aid to cided to try Lydia pick and pour Into It apples of vari· busines s proposi tion comman d for the accomp lish· nothing . with us, W" ,the injured. E. Pinkha m's Vegous ment of the task before him. varietie s and every conceiv able "Nay," I cannot deny tbat sucb mono pack them so :tor the money there Is etable ComllQund It II a matter of works plul One Lon=g=I=s=la=n=d=C=,ty==m=a=n. aged 87. ey Is In the treasury ." Onlas admitte d grade or rottenn ess and soundne ss. In It. We cannot afforll to sell a barand Sanativ e Wash wrItes Joe faIth, A. Burton In Farmer s' Re- rei of decepti ve apples. -and was entirely ja the tather of a newbor n son. wben Questton d by HeUodorus; "but Ot course It Faith which II not undergI rd· cured nfter throe It Is a trust fund laid up tor the 1',,1Ief view. Wben the box Is full. all tbe we seH low·gru de apples, but It Is s easy to pess who Is the proude st ed wIth earnelt , faIthful work "-Mrs , S, .A. ,man In the UnIted States. of widows and fatherle ss ' chll~ren. pickers sit on the apples while ther underst ood they are s uch . I am Burs months ' use of II of none avail, and workl with And some ot It belongs to Hlrcanu s. are driven to the place of deposIt. that we feel more anxiety about the WILLIAMS R. F. D. No. 14, Box 89, r, Me. no elemeri t of faIth workIng like t Tb.ere has been an extraOrdinarY I ... son ot TobIas, a great man ot the Th e pickers are on the apples wIth conditio n ot our apples than do the Gardine No woman should submit to a surlrlth eir feet a leaven through and through wblle they Itlux ot Americ an vtsttOJ'1l Into Austria scoop up with parties city. It Is altogetb er Impossi ble that to whom we sell. How good cal operatio n, which mny: mean death. falll Ihort of It I greatea t poasl· land Hungar y this yeari but tbe hotel· 8uch a wrong should be done that we both hands half a dozen at a Ume we ' ,ould pack our apples from a until s he has given Lydia E.Pink bam's bllitlel. Ikeeper s know what to do about It. Vegetab le Compou nd, made exclusiv eabould give It to your klng. ThInk In thll Itory from the lecond ly from roots and b erbs, a fair trial. I you tbat money wblcb has been com· . The carryin g of revolve rs b,. boTe l ' hls f amous medicin e for women book of the Macabe e. we find mltted to the boly sanctity of the ' has. for thlrty yea~8 proved to be the 'of '18 I.s a practic e wblcb sbould be that the people of Jerulale m temple ot God can be thus laid und er most valuabl e tome and renewe r of laternly repNtss e4. Nobody Is sate with exhaust ed every relourc e and tribute! Never." the female organis m. 'Vomen residdeadl)' 1lreann . lD routbfu l irrespon · every .rgume nt to dllluad e the "What bollnes s hath tbe temple, or , ing in almost every: city a~d town 1!l sible banda. er from the dletant king the United States bear willlng testlwbat claim has It upon tbls treasur e from Ilvylng on the rIch treas· • monr to the wonder ful virtue Qf Lydia. whIch Is greater than tbe olalm of our , The cou=n=t=y=t.::Z:t=r=ta==o=n= e=o=t tbose 111' ure which wa. held In the tem· E. ·Finkha m's V egetabl e Compo und. king." proudly spoke Hellodo rus. Oft tuUons wblch are perenni al In thelr It cures female iUS, nnd creates radipIe at Je", .. lem by the high have come for the treasure . Dellver hold on the popular affectio ns and ant, buoyan t female bealth. If (OU prl08t I I a truet fund for others. It Into my haods." whicb so-calle d modem improv ements are ill, for your own snke as wei as And When man h.d reached "I cannot.. . declare d Onlas. those you love, give it a trial. Ul never dIsplace. ' the II",It of hll resourc el, and "Thou CSDst and thou must. ToI ltIn. Pinkh am, at Lynn, Moss.. faith reached up and laid hold morrow at this time I shall enter the Invites all sick wome n to write It is aSserte d that the czar's method of tho power of God, then It beri;or advice . Her advice is tree. temple prepare d to receive trom tby t dealing with Flnlnnd fa illegal. but wa. that the almight y arm of Imd always helpfu l. hand tbls money," Bnd .havlng thus , JUS the clar Is bls own suprem e court, . the omnIpo tent God wal Itretch· aald Hellodo rus departe d. there does not seem to be anytbln& I ed forth to detlver. Now when It was nol!$ed abroad that Finland can do about It. I WAS IN NO HURRY TO LEAVE Thla appeara nce of a cele.tla l ,through out the city that the treasur e horlem an and warrlor a to gIve ' The Spanlah treasur e swindle la etut of the temple ' was In 'p eril. It caused ' Prisone r Put Coming Gastron omic Joy battle to thaI. who would do mlucce ssful operatio n. 'Tbe swindle no amJlll agony. The priests prostra t· Ahead of II Brief Period vIolence to the lacred temple /~8 an old one. but apparen tly bale and ing tbemsel ves before the altar In the of Liberty. and It I treelure remlnd l UI of ,ngorou s. and with every prospec t of prIests. vestmen ts, called unto , heaven A colored .man from 'Georgla bad the vl.lon whIch came to ~chfng a green an'd pr05tab le old the that the Lord sbould belp to be safely flv d In Waahln gton but a. few years lervant of Ellaha when the ge, kept that which bad beeu commit ted wben h e was arr sted tor some. slight prop"et prayod that hla eyel ' to htB temple. And whlle the 'prlesta violatio n of tb.e clly ordinan ces. pon be ~pened that he f111ght aee A New Jersey justice has decided prayed · the people of the city ftocked J bearing that the negro wa In jllB the the mlllhty forcel of God which Ithat a maD. at least In that state, can'forth trom their houees and joined secreta ry of the colored Y. 1\1. C, ·A. wert encamp .d between 'them mot legally caress ' .JUs wJte against 'In the supplica tion, And tb'e women, secured the services of n mIniste r ~o and the hOlt. of tJ!e enemy. h8r ~Ul. But, 'then, what pruden t ~Irt with sac1tclot~ under their breasts . go wltb him aull sign the prlsoper'B MAnd 'he Lord opened the and .f ar-seeln g man In any state would Olled tbe streets. And the 'v irgins that ball bOlld. They r eaohed the jan ey.a of the . want to? young man; and he ,' were kept In, ran, some to tbe gatee, ahortly before noon, aud told the .aw: and behold, the mounta In ~ ==~====== and aome to the walls, and others ', negro the object of th~Ir visit. In reTrees are mo):e a hindran ce than a wa. full of honea and oharlot . looked out of tbe window s. And all spODRe ,to the proffered kindnes s be 'help to tbe ~Vlators. Blerlot coll1ded of "r~ round about EII.ha." " with bands raised towards beaven , said: with one the other day. ,Golfers are f'" The p .. lml.i .aY" "The angel made supplic ation for delivera nce "1\tlstah Johnsln g, ] sho Is glad you,of the Lord encamp eth round alao known to baTe serious objection'll Irom the enemy wbom t3linoD. the tral· , aU Is ' gwlne to glt me out, but t to trees as bIota on the landsca pe. But 'about them that fear hIm, and tor, had sent Into tbe City. \ wanls' you·nll to fix It so I can't glt l.wI' the science of forestry will go dellver .th them," But notwith standin g . all thJe heartout till late dis even In'." OD . ' 'And aglln In the alxlyrel ghth rending Bcene. at the appoint ed time Of course the two Samari tans wer~ P.alm· ho declare l that the , ======~ _ .--- -- - -- - - ---:,--+ s,001lmu:1'!e'l Owrt!hmurrC- tnffilikfOemn a1)ac , ==== Hellodo fus 'advanc ed uPon the temple , y ' his unUB' . Already the long-dI stance weathe r "charlo tl of God are twenty to execute hll decree. ' ual request . But a DlOmeot later they and 1P~j)hets are at work on the coming roughly throw them Into tJ! d, even thoulan da of an· tbe baa- moral consl~eratlon we w111 never lost theJr breath Now as he present ed blmself with when, In an wer to wIilter. One' ot them predJcts that the gel.: , the Lord ,. among 'them, btl guard about ihe templ,e a wonder- ket. When the basket Is tull. It i. know because commer cially we can· the secreta ry's Question; tbe Georgill dragged eaBOn '11'111' be long and severel y col4. across the apples al In 81.,.1,1 In tho holy place." on Ita way' not take such risks. ' ftil thing bappene d. for tb,e ,Lord of negro r eplied In n whisper : But until the soosebo pe man Is heard Revelat ion Ilvea UI many spirits, and tbe ' Prince ot all powtlr to the bin. It there were any Bound , Apples sbould Ile ploked tn medium ' "Welt, apples rom the country wlll really DOW they are pI:obabl y bruised · or sIzed b.a skets and , not brul"ed . , This ready, an' Sllh, dey's a·glttln ' dlnnah gllmple l of the Innu'm erable caused a great appariti on. so tbat all bosmlrc dey's cookln' greens ; an' I 'little about \bEl matter. hed wlUi rot and compell ed to means that they must hOlt of heaven, God'a mlll~ty that presum ed to come in to , the tem- lie agaInst a rottQn neighbo r: No the ,baskets ' by "hand be' placed In sho would like to glt some 0' ,dem army, ple with Hellodo rus were astonlih ed wonder anil neltber ' gr ens beto' I leabes dIs place! "-LIp~t may be 'that the unexplo red ftelds "our ',' And the number of the army, at 'the power of God and faInted and It a tew dId apples wouldn ·t keep." dropped nor tossed: They shOUld be pincott' s . . 'of the upper air will p'r ove as ferWe try to keep, the children hauled In these same baskets of tho horaem en Were two hun· were sorG arrald. For, there appeare d dug them , , ,tor scle/lUfio researc h as the untrav. out first. trying to Ond a sprlpg ~agpn to. tbe packing on a dred thouaa. ,d thoulan d: and I Dorothy and tile Stork. unto stand. them a borse with a terrible rider 'era-ed In.nds ot the globe. Bleriot' s possible one to take to scbool: "' heard the number of them, And Do not pour them In a box there but Wh en uttle Dorothy Walwor th was. " upon htm. and adorned wltb a very ' aeropla ne acciden t Is 'attribu ted to Tbe tarmer' thul I law the horlel In the fair coverin g, and he' ran fiercely and and he bas s apples belong to blm sort tbem trom the basket. The fol- Introdu ced to ber baby broth er In the ,the phenom enon ot a boiling sea of just villon, and them that ' lat on s1,llote ~e\lodoruB ~Ith forefeet . they are in one so many. w'b etber lowing Is the procedu re with us : A First Metbodlst Episcop al Parsona ge , ~r-a conditio n wblch auggest s ye.t them, flavlng breast plate. of fire and It seemed tbat he that sat Ullon he will properl · pile or tour piles. It basket of apples Is ' t>Iaced on tbe In Yonker s, N. Y.• slle mllntfested In· more strange phenom ena to be reo y sort theQl out be will table dIrectly In ' and of JacInth, ' and ne: tbe borse had comple te barness ot find one pile ought tront 'o f tb.e sorter. tense In tel'est, but was not astonIsh ed. 'vealed 1to the sclenUs t wbo will work to go ·"1 knew ' he was cow Ing," sb~ ex· and the head I of the horael gold, Moreov er, two other young men at once, another 18 good to the hogs Around this Is grouped tour ' empty \trom an aeropla ne. tor present baskets claimed ; "I ~new It." were al the headl of IIonl; and appeare d before t him, notable In use In the bouse. . There are four gradesNo. \. e=~~========~ out of their mouthl Illued tire strengtb , excelle nt In beauty, and a little later and another can be used I, , No.' 2. culls and oastawa ys: .or aa . Pressed fo,,"an explana tion, the five· Now a model refor,m atory In Dela. the sound ones kept year·old and .moke. and brImsto ne," comely In apparel , wbo stood by him (or winter. He ought to know wa~e is under cbarges of gross cruel&we', say, mill culls. These gl'ade ba's- Bronx . saId: "I Wjl8 .dow'n to th& zoo 'the olher day and saw Surely God'l power , II not on eIther side and scourge d him con· ['o tten apple Is already past tbat a kets shouJd always ' ]to tlKl tnmates . 'lIbe story is unllieasoccupy the lame tbe stork. in his cage. 1 r ecognl ze~ useful· limited. tinually . and gave hlni many sore ness •. a specked one will ,antly tamUla r and' tar too frequ-Ont. relative position BO the sorfer him by the black stripes on his wings stripes, so that Heliodo tUs tell sud· ten, as will also a sound soon be rotThe de mlls In this case ,are tbe SRme one , It a8SO- t rough bab~t will place . each grade thnt papa said' were ,there. W·el,l, when ' denly to the ground, and was com- clated witb a rotten .one. • In kind and degree as usually sbock wbere 't t !>el~~gs. the stor.k was ',stnndln g, alone on one THE 8TORY . passed wIth a very great darknes s. .the public, says the Baltimo re Amerl. leg, I went close to ,hIm and whisper ed And tbose that 'were ~an. The trouble appears to be every. with blm took T WAS In the days of the Maccab ees In his ear that I wanted him to bring where the same old atory of a board sIle~tlon regulati ons, accordi ng to In'e a baby wben· peace bad returne d to Jeru· him up and lal.d him on a Utter and carried blm forth. .ot directo rs who do not direct, and of salem and glory to the temple, wblcb Argenti ne live cattle bave not say anythinbrother or elster. He 'dldn't g. Then did Irrespo nsible autborl ty wblcb natural. been a. great treely admitte d Into 'the United It, because hebut I knew he wOIII~ do shout of pralse Onlas wail tbe high prlent, and ble bent his arise from the 11ps ot tbe inhabit ants ly Is abused. Kingdom . As an effort to tbls restric· me and wInked an eye." head toward hatred of all wickedn ess and his loyal· . ot the city, and the temple wbicb a tlon on tbe live cattle market, a , prom,Advice s from BillIngs are to the er. ty to all tbe law of Moses 'bad wrough t lew momen ts before bad been filled Ising trade ot cattle WhereI on foot n They has been Differ. te<:t that 5,000 homest ead entries were a mighty re\'oluU on In tbe lives of the with fear and trouble was now reo Note-w orthy Featur e iA IndulI~ opened with Spain aDd Italy. Hor;-Wben a man starts to tnlk he Ie ImprovelDeD~ o~ Breed . flIed In Montan a during the first six Inbablt a. , of the cIty. RIghteo usness soundin g with the glad crlea of the never stops to think. in All KiDds ot montbs of tbe present year. Most ot e:ralteth a nation. nnd as a result of people. Speckl In Butter. . , Him-A nd whon a woman starts Ilhe ' .' the reforms whlcb Onlas had brougb t A.n!1D~ these lands are In the so·called "dry. S. 'Dhe wblte specka In "butter are due never thinks to stop. ' Tben a hush fell as the word was ," ---farming " section of the state. Infor. about blessIng cnme to Jerusal em and ,p assed around tbat Hellodo rus was dy· to ppor ' ripenin g' ot' tJie cream. eays the temple service. Far and wide the tng. Then In tbe matlon concern Ing crop selectio n and past several years A J\mert~an tbe l\lpltol1i.lst. . BANK'E R'S NERVE certain of bls, friends sought , cultivat Jon wblch wlll be of Incalcul. Influence of tbe holy city was felt, so out the bJgh priest. Onlas, and be- cattle breeder s bave sent some ot tbeir Bome of the cream has "wheye d ,off" Broken by Coffee and , Re.tore d bY' tbat even the kings tbemsel ves ' dlli able v~lue to dry farmers wll1 be Po.tlim . · Bought him that be would offer a S8C· finest blood to the Argenti ne Republi c. and decomp osed and the qaseln bas , brough t out at the Dry Farmlng...con. bonor the place, and magnify tlle tem. rlftce for the recover y of tbe .stricken South Americ a, Bnd that country bas gathere d, Ip "clots -' ' and th~ pIe whey. wltb t.belr bas best gifts. . gress to be beld at BlUlngs from the A banker need$ perfect control ot man. And Onlas. moved with com. been rapidly ·Improv lng Its . ', native se'parat ed from the cream. ,These Among such was Seleucu s, kIng of passion , did so. and while be twenty- sixth to tbe twenty-elghtb of clots ~f 'curd wOl ~ot churn out. They the- nerves. and a ,clear, quick. aceuwaa mak· breeds wltb tbls better, blood, ASia. who of his own revenue s, bare Ing atonem ent for the sacrileg The remain In the butter na clots and aI. 'rate , brain. A p!,omJne nt banker of October . Americ an consul In Buenos AyreB ' I k ' all the costs belongi ng to tbe service Hellodo rus h'ad sougbt to e whlcb writes , Chattan ooga tells bow lie ,keeps Wm'tbat tbe country commn Is rapldl), In. ways 00 white. Artificia In the tac e of the unreser ved «ood. ot tbe sacrIfices. against God's holy temple, the same creasin g Ita cattle · and regUlarly ex- has no effect' upon them, l coloring self In conditio n: and winter will shown by distingu Ished Japanellll , Some time "Up to 17 years ot age I was not two young men, ' In the same clothing, summe r tlley spoil tbe looRs of tbe ports beet to , Engll"b mark~ts. In or gentlem en whQ are visIting thIs coun. ot the tribe before this, one Simon, which butter. OrfJiter care in rlperilng had of Benjam the allowed to drink coffee, but 8S soon as smitten HeUodorus In the 1895 there were in, had been try with tbe purpose ot extendi ng bus. made governo 21,791,616 head of, cat- cream . 18 c.alled for" but even r of the temple; and he temple appeare d before him and said: tle there In I got out ,n the world I began to use inesl relaUon s here, the warm exprll9. seemJngly "Give 'Onla.s the high priest great 116.625 and In 1908 tbere were 29,· creamel".~11 there n~e times when it and grew very fond ot It. For some entered enthusI asticall y :llona of' r egard for our people, the Into the work of perfectI ng the sen· tbanks, Insomucb as tor his Bake the countri head. As compar ed with other tb.ese colorles s ,clots fQrJD and the years I noticed no bad effe~t8 'from 1(s bODor accorde d to PresIde nt Taft and Ice of tbe es Argenti na ranks tblrd In tbe sure 'flay to do ,I s to Itraln use, but In Lord tbe evident aeslre to strengtb en the reformstemple and bringin g about Ing hath granted thee life. And see- number ot cattle. Ru8sl". with 91" Into the cb.urn. Tben the the' cream unfavora.bly.time It began to affect me , ' clots do not that thou bast been scourge d from 000.000 bead, . My hands tremble d, theIn the city, But under· friendly feeJlnjt b.. tween the nations neatb the standi ··first • . and , tile get Itlto ,the ' ChUI'D 'and are not tound inus!!~es of my heaven, fac'~ twItche d, my men. the quletuB sbould be put on the ap· plans of outward centorm lty to the mighty declare unto all men the United States follow~ with 89,000.000 In tbe butter~ tal process es seemed "slow and In other Onlaa was a secret sympat by power of God." head, prehens ions of c(.nftlct ,In wblcb the towards " " , . . t ~---_ _ __ ways my Bystem got" out 'ot order. And when they had tbua spoken those A notewo rthy feature 'In 'the ItoCk· United States and Japan sball be ,In· evil. And when wbo desired to work tber vanls, ' Molel Not Enemle l. , ,.. 11> ' these condlUons !¢Bvl "o 'bad' at' last b Onally ed. it cam~ to tbe' volved. The "yellow peril" exists only notice of Mucb c'lbJpla lnt la .and alw,aY8 ha. tllllt I bad to,glve )Jp -cQlfse,a ltogeth er. So Hel1odorus, atter he bad offert/4 raising Industr y Is th.e , fmprove~ent Onlaa that he was 'dealln« ' 1n yellow ImagIna tion. ' Iti subtlety . and had not carried out s'acrUlce unto the Lorcf, returne d to ot breeds Q,t all classes, of anlmill •. In ~be.en }nade o~ ,dest"uc Uon In· ,,,rdena '!My attentio n bavlng been drawn to the last caUle census ' It WaB, ,fo,und and fiel4s . by ' moles. wltb Postnm bls vigor king. . I b'egan 'its use on leaving ott ' and Tills testifyI bonesty seemIng ng ' to of ' the purpose ml,hty A British anU·slavery SOCiety wauts tbat 3.4 per c~l1t. of ' the entire Dum~ deatt:Uf~on , $s onJy ~pp!lren t, tor ~he the coffee. and It glves,JIle .. pleasur e to ' to enlist the aid of Americ a In abol. certain edicts against , those who ,power of God. ber were thl>rou~ hbreds( ~nd 61.7 ~r m'o le doel mor~ goOd :thal\ It does ~estlfy to 1ta valuS; ' I find Ita deUclous 1sbJng slavery In Europe an colonIes in Bought gain by wrong doing. the blgb cent. were Improved CrOlillbre,edli. , It barDi. Tlie most ' barm I that It· does beverag e; IIke'Jt S{lIlt as wen ' as I ciid IAtrlca. Tbe' general rule now nppel'rs "rlest called bls cond'Uct Into question , no bave learned ' by experie nce that was found Qlat u;an, ,JieidB ', ~bat' li~ , ' f, man's 1 -inpI~wlngup tlJe lawn and .soU ' ~ coffee, and durIng ' tbe 'year8 " tliat r charact er can be elentua Uy to be '\''Vh~n, In doul>t, trOUble or and ' se\"'erely reprima nded him, and Injured but by bfl own .conduc t.- heretof ore beell I,own to whelt were . culUv~ted places. aUo~lng It to dry have used Posturn 1 have been free flnapcla l stl'ess" turn to tbe UnJted made It known through out the cit,. Row~an now devoted ~o cattle ratslng ~ on )0.- oUt In aUJmner and cau81pg d HUI. , trom tb.e dlstress ln'g Bymptoma tbat acthat no loncei' could Buch matters can· Statel," tenalve p1'1t;'.!liple. of the 'lnduatr y. Tbe ,OIl tbe I'ldgel to owlther the p~an.t8 -,i tinue. ' .......-----~ compan alld ied ~e US'J of qoffee. Tb(l nervdJe Iia. ' It t~ seldom we com~" to' a c",sl. ID value of -the cattle of ~rgentlna · ls . . ,dry ' weather . ' ousness. bas entirely. dlsappe ated. o.nd At.flrst Simon In the' wlcked neslof Anothe r unloade d gun bas clahoed tlmateC\ at '928.6~6 ,~.. Dlaea ... ·of ' life wltbout being 'buoyed up b7 • . " -I am al steady 'of band as a 1>oy of Ita laUm. ,.be avernge bousehold his heart: sought to worlf e,vU In the straDge extiltatl on.....c. A, ' DBwlOu cattle and other Jiva' stock. haTe beeD i.argeet Tob.... . ."'rm. '25. thou,h I am Plore than 92 feats. ~... but UtOe use for tl.rearms, and, minds of the people aP,lnst O~l,aa, 'c ombate d 10 BUCca. run that the ~ tobacco ika In the old. I 011'0 all this to further more, BtatiStiCB wJll sbow that but finding that he was unable to Scott. '--- --POI~'" ~a.el ara a at .tampe d , out or co~- worla, ,(IOutalJd ng 26,00& Dear "There' s a Reason, " Read tbe Uttle Tbe lre-a-te-s-t-'Il-vl"'l~B-a-re-tr-o~ wIthin lined to tlOlate4 cae., DDG to pell MpoUB have done more toward come the powerfu l Inftu~.nce Whlcb he small AmstorC\&m, Oa, Berf .11 1I'01hI , ahout book, "~e Road to : Wel1vUle.'~ Ii C" B._W (If 1DD0ceuti tbu In ... held oveJ' the majorit y ot tbe tnhab!· us; and from ourlfllv ea alIa 'we must territor ial ,area, on..~trd of all the Sumatr a to~acco pk". Orocera Bell. tant. of the clt7, he , Oed the cltJ'• look (01' our p-ealut . - _ b1aII~ b~1U'L ' . tenbl' pod,-J treIIII baa buD uHCI for cSOr , wqppe n III tJa, III........ . ·t ..e alto .. lete... , A _"" breath1 na ~ut tbreatenlDCa •• he 'w.~ TQ'lor. . eccaslo net 'bT u.. Itrlot ~tIaJl . . UDlt414 Statu. ' ~e .PIMIl" . . . . daHl til ....lP

of, the Tre asu ry


By Lydia Ea Pinkham's

Vegetable Compound













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U........ .-...... ....... ..................


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m::::~1 mJ5friI1ILl ~IJ 1I IJ Il toLO"~' •• 1< 8 18 11\0


1I\' 1I1g to

111m w ho wnlits o,'on th e Qu ie t.

P.'t l ond t am es t p a lh s with op en and pe r. <:l.'lllfl'e eres. Th o monOlon y or lire, If Uto

be rn ono t noua to yo u, Is In yo u , not In tho ",uI·I<I."

Corn Meal a s a Food. Prof. Atwnter of the nlted Slates agri (' ulltl l'a l de pa rt ment In his Invest!. ga Uon r la llng to [oods has been led to tb cOll c!II!';lon as th e resul t or ex, bau!! tl vo Sl ud les on tll e s ubjec t tha t fro m nn economical s tandpoin t corn menl bas th o highest null'ltlve value of a ll food s. Ten pounds of corn meal aCCOrdi ng to Atwater, possesses eight pounds o f nut riment, whil e the same qu antity of POIaloes has but tbree and three,fo urths pounds of nu triment. Onr hardy forefat h rs bulld ed better than th e ~' lm ew when their meals W r so often "mus h and milk," Fl'if'd m ush Is a dlsb ti t for a queen, and should oft n be s rved on ollr to. bl es at breakfa s t, n ow that th e clallly Wlllc1 l1 of fa ll give us a desire [or hca rtl er foods. Household Hlntl. Did YOll ev r try adding ·water to the Ice a nd salt atter pncldng It f01 freezing ? It la the grentest di scovery for a tim e sav er, as the cream freezes In hair th e time It lakes u~ually. The water, of course, bastens the melting of the Ice Rnd that send B th~ cold In. to the cream. Drain tbe water ott well before packing the cream to I.-ave. Plain Ice cream Is dellclous served In halves of mU Skmelons. Garnish tha cream with two little pieces of Oan. ton ginger. Apple pie, a 10 mode, Is simply apple pIe With Ice cream piled on each slice. Plain loe cream served with hot maple syrup and .ch.opped nuts Is both attractive and delectable.

ventlplf, perseveres In attempting to see the omclals, he Is looked upon as tbe man with 'a glitter In bls eye,' and the blue·coated officials with police au· thorlty are given warning that be II not to be admitted to tbe presence of omclal greatness. . "Occasionany Influence, which the real Inventor hates to bring to bear, en· RED !l'APE trust ought to eral of .the army and the abIes him to get an audience with the be rich. Ita mUls are kept run· quartermaster· general to highest official In the depaTtment. He nlng overtime to supply the make the attempt to get a has reached the criminal stage by this Washington demand. The com· bill passed by congress to time, for be has taken to the chief that mlttees 'on claims are tied up reimburse him tor the which courtesy and custom require . .---~. In red tape and any claimant pocket·plcklng outrage per· should have been taken to the under· gets his legs tangled up In It petrated by Uncle Sam. He ling. Hominy and Hulled Corn. before be bas progressed a toot. had to do a lot of work be· . "The three stages of susplolon are Hominy Is a dellcl!>lIs ~ood but not The tape Is of the right color; it fore he succeeded In reach· gone through again by the persIstent nearly as common as It should be. It . turns to anarchy the thoughts Ing the action permission Inventor-Imbecile, lunatic and crimI· Is very nlceser.ved as a breakfast dish 'of the clalmWlt who tries stage of the proCeedJngs. nal- and occasionally bla perSistence with cream, or simply dressed with To be sure there was only wins out, {or In passing through the a IHUe cream and butter Instead ot Ulrougb the disappointing years to thread the devIous course of $S2.85 1n money Involved, but . degrees he may happen to bit upcin potato at dinner. Its windings. the principle was worth ' some official, also regarded as a lunatic To cook hO\11lny: Put one cupful of Tlie house of re~resentaUves something, and the soldier by bls colleagues, who takes In that coarse hominy or hUlled cOl'1l-both once had submitted to 1t by the who won't tight (or a prln· which other lunatlos produce. al'e good- Into water over night, to members of . the committee on claim!! a report clple won't tIght well for "Slleh was my case, and I won out. sonk. Th en In tbe morning add three recommending that M&.lor Lawllon M. Fuller anything else. The -officials to·day who treated me cupfuls of boiling watel' and cook for ot the army be paId (or some articles-many Of cOurse only a part. with something worse tban scorn ate four hours. When nearly done, salt. articles In tact-whIch the government lost tor very likely a small part, ot taking credit to themselves for dlscov· Drain In a strainer and reheat over f him nine years ago. ' the claims entered against erlug tbe merit In that which I had to steam or with hot Cream when ready An army officer's pay Is small at the best, the government have justice orrer. to serve It. and ten years ago. when Major · Fuller's' be- as a basis. In order to tInd DIfferent In Europe. "On the continent of Europe things dOligtngs , were lost, ht. pay Was somewhat 9ut the truth of things tbe temaller than It 18 to·day.. Nevertheless, he had government occasionally is nre dllterent. There the inventor Is ' to expend U,826.35, as he could save It from obliged to spend many times not treated as If he were fresh trom an tIme to time. to replace the absolutely neCes' the amount of money In· i1Sylum fo'r the feeble-minded. b'ut II SilTY articles which were lost "without fault volved. turned over at once to the official li es II t or e us as 11 huge or neglect on his part and with eQuitable reo One of the most curious whose duly It Is to examine such Qu arr)!' li es before the archl· eponslblllty by the United States," as the find· claim calles ever known to things as he has to orrer, and the exam· lect: h e d es rves Dot th e n a m e at an ar· hlt c c l ex cept wh e n out ot this t ortuliou. ing of one of the investigating oIDclals bad It. congress was that of .Senora .nation proceeds forthwith. The conti· ~mnss ho cn n co mbine with t ho greatest Major Fuller's belonglnge comprised pretty Fel1clana Mendiola, w.h o nental governme,nts take Interest In ev· e co t1 o tn ~· a nd fitn ess a ntl du ra bility Boma nearly everything that he bad In the world, lived at 'A ngeles. Pampanga, arythlng that in new, especially If It form, the palt e rn o r w h ic h orlglna l-ed In from "one pal,r of Romeo sl1Pllers" to .a clvman Philippine ' Islands. The Se. per(ajns to warfare, and the Inventor la his splrlL "- Goethe, ,drell' suit, "evening, 8atln·lined," "one ..!lack nora rented a house to Un. treated like what be Is In most casesCookf-:-n-g-=T";"'e-r-m-s-O-ft-e-n-U sed, lull from New York" and "ol;1e sack suit from cle Sam for the U8e of some a gentleman. The UnIted States gov· Bouch ees.- SmI1U puff pasJ e patties. ernment when It gets a thing gets It Baltimore." Tbe major mad,e aIDdavlt that ,ev. of hIs teamsters. When the 13ralslng.-Cooklng In a close·covf1r1 article, enltmerated In the list of bls losses mule-tlrlvlng con tIn g e n t by accldont after having exhausted ef'· "was n ecessary and would bave. been used had moved out of the house atter ery means likely to discourage a man ered ste wpan, Meat thus cooked rethe consignment ever reacbed Its delltination." a etiort occupancy the sewhose brain has produced tbat wblch tains Its juices and Havor. Brlocbe.-A Ught rich cake made The consignment went to the bottom of the nora declared under 'o ath finnlly Ie found worthy by th08e who (Sell with tbe wrcckag~ of the transpo~ Mor. ·that sC?me of the sid In 1 had met It at the outset with a sn",." with yeast, eggs and butter, eaten hot gao. The majOr added to his aftldavlt · the boards were missing trom It mny be after all that tl'uth Ie with coffee. Much ' like the German statement that every arUcle would be replaced the. kitchen ': 'Vall, and she stranger than fiction, though people aft) corree kuchen. lUI 800n as he WnB tInanclally able to replace It. a,!ked tor $200 In gold to regiven to a doubt of the old saying. Oasserole.-A small eartllenware The goods were lost '10 years ago. . A glance p,ay her for the ' damage to After h enrIng ot what tbls .In ventor had di sh made with or ' wlthout a cover. !at the army pay table malCes It a~pear that. by her property. sold. n character In one of Charle. Cavlare.-The salted roe ot the sturthe practice of rigid economr Major Fuller by This case of Senora Fellcl· Dickens' novels came to mInd and 1 geon. thIs time may have succeeded In dupUcatlng ana MendJola tIlls 14 pages looked him up to refresh the memory. Oafe au lalt.-Cortee wlth milk. hi. wardro)le of the late nlneUe.; , of a house of representatlveis The American eald that the continl)ntal Culslne.-The k1.tohen or cooking -c::= Th~nd 't,"~ot yet. The committee on document. It contains a European governments were Intereet~ cl ms" after many years, reported Major Ful. long letter ftom the secreall the schemes of Inventors. He laboratory. Crumpet.-An English cake cooked ler's case favorably tbe house. The house tary of war on the Question said nothing about Great Britain. It was busy wIth other tblngs. It Is not hard tor ot the value ot kltcben sid. may be that Edward's government hae ' OD a griddle. the representativEls to overlook claims. :rhey Ings, another letter trom the reform ed, bllt In "Little Dorrn," all are uscd to It and hardened to 'It. T'h en the quartermaster·general of the an vone may find who chooses to look, DanIel To Wash Thin, Fine MUlllnl. seDate must act. and finally the pre ~dent. Ma- United States and 53 com. D ~vce, ~I r. l\hlHgle's frt end. had an experlenco Prepare a clean suds and put the . jor Fuller may get his money at a Ume oolnc1. munlcatlons trom army olf!.. wiih officialdom much like that of the yankee. things to soak In It for balf 011 hour. dent with his retirement at the age limit, and cers and civilians ot various Of Doyce !\Ir. Mengl e sa Id: be Is yet a young man. rankB and conditIons. "This Doyce Is a smltb aDd engineer. . . . Squeeze and rub g ~ ntly with the A board of officers was A dozen yellrs ago he perfectcd an Invention hands only. until perfectly clenn and Tliere Is no means at this 'llresent moment of finding out wbether Oasper U. Oonr"d, of convened to pass on the va· (Involving n vcry curious secret process) of white. If boil ed, rHlt into a bag to the Third UnIted State. cavalry. has succeedc:i IIdlty ot the senora's claim. great Importanct' to his coilntry aod his fellow avoid tearing In lifting. Rinse thorIn fl nail y. wresting from Uncle Sam's ' ,grUJi The board was In sessIon for oreatures. I won 't S IlY how much it cost him, oughly, and blue It. desired, but use only a very little bluing In tbe wa· $32.S5, which Ule usually amtalH~ u~cle took days, many of lts members coming from a trusts that the governtnent wIlT ~ftnd merit or bow mnny years of bls lire he hnd been from the oIDcer's ... pay vra:c~cally by fOrce 0' , long distance to attend. One teamster. Wil. that he must prepare himself nt tbe outset ~o about It, but he brought It to perfoctlon a ter . · Dip III rice starcb and dry just enough to Iron smoothly 'md having arms some 10 years ago, At last accounts the : 1Iam, LangWorthy by name, swore that tbe sebe treated In turn- like an imbecile. a lunatic dozen years ago. . . . tbe ' Irolls hot.. 11'011 at once In order to cavalryman, waa stlll peHtng away tryln to not:a s kitchen eldlngs were cbewed lip and and a criminal by the department omoinls to Becomes a Culprit. the very best results, Dotted his money ba .ok, for It helon~ed to blm .and ~aten by red ant~. Teamster Summerville h h t i t t hi Id "He addresses himself to the government get swore that In hi s op I non I Vj Dm e r es 0 presen s' ess." t TIle Inonlent he 8""resseD 111m.elt to tbe goY' s wi ss should be Ironed on tbe wrong . t he boards dropped "E I t h t uu no OD .. has ever Intimated that It did n,o t be· out slel e. of place by,th I ' or w 0 enters ta ue ernm ent, lie "u ccoln cs 11 p"bllc oft'end er! . . .0 r own weight. TeaDlster f th 'very: U It nven d St t Ithpar men I ~ long ·to him. but claims proceedlrigs, are greater \ PIckle said'" "Them b oard o e n e lth l . esm governmen w a \'hiewI He ceases to be all IJlno~e nt citizen and be. In their nac~ than' were the JAr, n dyce s was ,punk." t i t U I) I ttl ~ laggards If .. l bert's dng It e 0 cas· tn some com es a culllrit. l·le Is treated from that To Prepare Grape Juice. ' ceedlngs In cballcery. ., Th"... ' '.board w hi . c h sa t onO the caseima b fngiwtc I pro thought It was very doubtful In strict justice yean 0 en proves 0 0 0 serv ce 0 In s tant 8S a man who has dOlle sC'll1e Infernal Prepare the gra pes as for jelly, add, If Capt. Conrad has not recovered ,his $32.86. It Senora E:ellclann shOUld, b~ al10wed any tile government Is set down as a matter of action. He Is 11 man to be shirked, put orr. course 8S an Idiot. Tbls Is at the outset. brow.bcaten, sneered At, ' handed over by this Ing Sligar to tas te aud boiling nt least :he Is stlll ,hopeful, for tbe mpst hopef~~ peQille 1I10ney, but flnoHy' t,he members grnnted her mln utos, then put Into Gterllliled on earth are, those who 'have claims, and the the sum of $30 In gold. This action, of course, ~:~fye :~. ~~en~o:! ~;t~h~:~:;~~:~t~ ~~d b~I~~: highly connected yonng or old gentleman to· 20 I.JOuics we l1 corked nnd sealed with deterring of h<?pe seem'ngly never makes ·th~lr . was not flna.l, ..)lut . the comm!tt6e8 0.1 'war . ness, a set of officials whose business It Is to tha t highly connected young or old genLleman. par affin . Seal by dipping the corks hearl.s sick. This Is one, of /the .comPjen,sJltlotis claims In house ,an<\ sEmate .app,r oved the find. ,get rid of Inventors 'and to get rid ot them and Ilodged back again; he Is Ii man with no of the bottles wben cold, Into bot par· , e,s' of ' Ings. . . . ... ' I I I 11 tl hi 01\'1 prop ert'· which nature ....ran. ~s to olfset,: the Inqultl '? Without los9 of pollten'e ss and without Joss of r g It!) n 1 s own me, or s 1 J, 'oill-ims 'proceedlngs In . cangre.s s., . _ . The senora received $SO and· donJ}t1ess It a mere outlaw whom it Is justifiable to get affin. . Capt. C·onrael, as an acting ' quartermaster. . gave lIe. r, sQme satisfaction to kn' ow that Uncle time. " a lUan , t 0 be w r ·0 ut b y IIny "The reg\llar ' plan 'Is to . pa~s the Inventor r i"U 0 f any IlOW; on Glazed OnIons. paid $.32.85 ' extra duty ' nio.~ey " t~ cer~1n en: S.ntn I)adspent · abou~ $1,000 to get ati'thQrlty from one . to another. each' one ' ha.ving nn In, v,osslble means." Peel small, sllver·skinned onions listed men. A government regulation' 'WhlcJl to pa~ tor a , kitchen. sIdIng wh~ch ..w~~t' to dereased cbllliness of manner, but yet wearing 'fhe Inventor who had som e things to say bas exl8ted for years , ali~h'orfz~, In .-t!loCt. or· : slrucUon sUber by way ' cif. a teamster.'s. foot the ' seml.lndulgent smne wl~1l whlcb one listens about the malll1er In which he was treat ed by ~nd cook In boiling water 15 minutes. derea. -the captain to , pay \he IQouer· Att~r or ' ll ., red ant's litom~ch: , . .- ., ',' . ,'. . .to, the prattle of a child known tQ be menlally the American department officials when be Drain and dry on ' a cloth. Put the on· be . hatl pald It. he tound tb!lt tbe go.v.e r.llmen' · \'" .:. ·'The!. .il'ye"tor'• . Ro.i;k~ ' ,A9 all • · I-. ~eflclent., ' . . IJsked th(!m humbly to look at his Invention "Ions Into a well-buttered baking dish •. hal ' revoked 't be ,extra·pay - regulation,· but n~ .: 'l:here come$ 'tq, Washington OCCaSionally a May Never Return. stated also that once upon a time he had an add highly seasoned 'brown stock to on~ hall·!leen.fii, t~. 'n?~'~ the Q~ar.te~,as~e~,.~t.., '~~!1 Who ~er.l~cted an 1.l'Ivebtto~, ab.' e!lslne .ot, . "Th-e. last omclal '· g~ts. rid of tha In\'entor, appointment with a cabinet officer a~d that ('over. the bOltom or tbe 'd lsh, sprinkle the ohange. . , . <', " ," I . ' . ' ,.'" ,,' <.,,'Xar. w ., ~foll ~s ,In 'UBe b": ne .. "'rl'" ev'er" clVI. h " It b h . t I " It bl he waited b eyol)d the tltlle set for lwo hours ...·Ith sugar and bake until Soft. bast· Sr: out ' • ~7 J . I W 0, . e ' 8S tal no.....·!an nuom before ni.e had his Intervle .... which lasted le88 lng often with the stock In the pan. ' U.ncle S am Itn,me dlat " ""'ly , stopped . , .' .•-32 ''' ., ··",.llzec! g. overnmen,t; o,1l the ,fa"' .e, of. . ·th ..e .ear.It h, . ln. II hi h' a ' ble ·pel"sever· hi b " him : ~,Icluttlngthe I " 61" ee w c d "ractic"IU.'Iy Itold lit Capt.'. C.o nra d' s 'pay an... ,., governtneh· !·o~,1"the"·.. ·oltAA . States' .' ance ' ,an' .' >a mep ,. , ' . .ena ~s ' , 'm, t'~ ", 't han one , minute. Itt . " U V\I cause. of an Inner consciousness,' ot rIght. o . It must be borne In mind that this W' 8S ~ ' that be stjould , hav~ ,1mPWIl'.. n ,some ~ys er. qua , ~'liI9 ·Jba~. r.ece~.lf .talkech ,e~l.lIcentlY.,"· He :'loo'k inSUlt; .. goes. away probably neover to ' 1# • . . . .W"3 . that tb~ (overnment bad an, !>rdet. s.towed . I18ld ,sol!le tblngs' tn the course., pf ,bliJ 'collY-er. retunt. ,and tbe chances ' are 'tha't becaUae Of some yenrs ago .imd no present cabfnet oIDelal . ~- . : . . away In a ·t.a"tt .liomew~ere, ~, ~e elect ;tba~ '., e~tron, whtch : may, Jje ,ln~e"fellttDi: io lnveJ).tors . th. sensitiveness or. :ciome men tlils '·gavern. . t. Impllca.ted. , • t< · had "been.- cut OU.. \ .t"!",sen ........ , . IV8>; and: ....Jlich oL ' . , "tt' mig'bt .. ft . Iso be b'o~~e 'I.n m.lnd by pre's eut ' ,.extlla.du ¥ pay . . ' " .,'" .t '..all d' ; pro~pect m~1 ' al110 . ment . ball lost to Its \ll,Ie many Inventlonll ' . "Dill . Envy In hthe Jungle. R e It h t ' Conrad ' comes of I/.n·' ~t,. 'faml~,y and ~eo . ~18hclU'teD: ~08e. ' Ot them ',lWlio have not:' -.rW"i'· ",hlctt wouid have "lldd,e d ·,t o Ita powel'. om.clal8 that' at least six. govern;nellts of th.e ~~u see;: ,ere,,, oos ~e s p , .tuck to hi' , f,juJk , of ge~~lDl' hlall\oney back . P.l~Y~lqu,. · ~nd co'4rage of Iron., , , ; l -:: "rFhe Jlecqnd sta.e IIf the Inventor:s proworld', are, eact: IIpendlng mllIto.nB ot doUaJ'1 I a tam!' ppopo mus. " • ".om the government like ~ IrOOd achter, aa4 It mWlt. be ~membered, ot courte. that .tbJa sreu, tor I.' am .IPiiktilg only of thole who annually 11) to their, etore of w.eapons "J guess tJlat Is a wJ1d rumor." ' . be is sticking at It 1o-da)'" U1lless ~ltblD , .tNT Inyentor Ja • ,men 'Who· ftJaJl, m~d,e ' lood aDd' make. progresS', Is that of t\ie lunaUc, for so ot orrense and defense the Invention which . Lucky, ~ ahort Ume the a1DlO_.. Im~~ble .l1u ..110 '~:r tallri[l r~~' the ~tOll ()~ au-~ ~e 'comel t(, b9 'vlewed. The Idiot ,. pra~t1. this ~an ba.«I p'erleS!ted , yearlJ befOre be could "'l'ne preacher .that m'arrJeil " : :" I wI)- bUmretJs' ~nci' IP8Y b., treated at ' . ·cblld: get the omclQls ot th~ government of hla OWD laYs you only gave him a dollar.... peDed and bl. lDouey ~u ~ ~1'Decl' to him. · ~'lIafd: ' It took ,,1m ' lve ,-ear. fOP.', ~Ioa . "~' !lYt1'7 ID&;1l bow I~ he bu .. In~ tJi. ·IuD"~ II apt toba dUle,rous,and sowhen 'country to look uppn. It with .."yt.hllli tba~ 'He ought to be glad 1 dIdo' rromUM ~ 01 ,ar,~. ~~ UoalD wJaftlb .. btUeN ,- ad ba wbleJl'" tIae.. bI~eDtor. 00Iaa01..... of tA. worth h1i tn.- even smacked ot LDtereaL ' !.. \lin tor damalu.'~



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IDlle' ' I"


AIe' leakeoed bJ Oyer-Iork.





et HI Coort order.- that it oosts&re not, ~ttid eqnity of redemption "hall . ..0 I D6JI be lorolotletl , . J M. EarQbl\rt vs. '~'b08. T~ovillo. . OOUI·t BU8tain", dl;1muner. UDhcaltby ~els ·~.e Impure Blood. Weak aud unhealthy kidneys are reosponsi ble Cor much sicknessllQd suff\!ring, Probate Court; therefore, if JUdney






8toppin~ B' train on '~ new st I1UI liDe entering Dayton , the 1). L , ' U . .in order to arrest Cilliries Murry, 0 geotlon man, for non ·support. W tl.S the unprecedented stunt: performed by Constable ~hermlin onOVdr, f ~agistrate Brlnkle's Murt W edn sday after~oon. on over held 11 warrant · for tbe mun's arrest 'a nd stl\rted for Lebanon, but learning that Morry W Il R working along the line, arranged with the engineer t o stop I O D ~ enough to pick the man up. Murr y was held for further aoUon .- West ern Star.

'Better ~hoes

;;~II~, 'continue, trou ble is permitted to serious reE"I tate of Wilham B. Willialn8, . suits are mo t likely dpof'llsed. Inve nt,oryand appraise to (bllow. You.r otlter ment. filed. orgD.lIS may need attention , but your kidEstate of 'l'heodore M. MoClI.ndles neys most. because dec6usAd . Ordered to sell por80nal th ey do most snd property Itt private' sale. should have attention first. Thercfore, when FoItItl1te of <":litherine D. Schenok, your kidneys ure weak or Ol1t of order. deceased . }!'irst 8.()coun t filed. you can understand how quickly your en'E ;;tate 'of Sophia Hewitt, minor. tire body Is affected and how every organ to fail to do its duty. Latest styles In all leathers $3, $3.50 & $4.0Q J obn H. Hewitt appointed guardian seems II )'0\1 are sick or I t feel badly" begin ------ ~~ ~-----the great kidney rem~y'. Dr. Shoes made by ENDICOTT, JOHNNOTE THESE VERY SPECIAL ITEMS .:ivlng bond ,2000 with Albert 0 taking fREE Bond und Frank n. Miller sureties. Kilmer's Swanlp-Root. A trial Will con& CO. contain a Quality of leather SON vince you of its great merit. Men's and Young Men's Suits, E . tate of Solomon lt08nagle. S. E . The mild aud inlmediate effect of superior to that in any other sh~es sold Free to Boys and Girls, Flexible Overcoats and Cravenettes, Rosnagll! appointed administrator. Swamp-~oot. the great kidney and at the same prices. This is the first and bladder remcdy. is 600n realiz.ed. It Flyer , "The sled that steers." The givin g bond in som of UOO with stands the highest because its remarkable best sled in the world . You can easonly shoe house in the world that tans Rufus Ro nagle. Frunk Kesling I\nd health restoring prorerties have been A saving of Y. here. its own leather and operates independent proven in thousands 0 the most distress- ily secure one within a few days. Be Osctl.r Clevenll;er apprtlisers. If you need a medicine you the first in your town. Write today tng cases. of all trusts. Estate of 'Y. Z. Zautmey er . In· should have the best. Men's Underwear 1I1en'8 ~Oc n~ lined Ilrlorwour: un o. - veotory and uppraisement filed . stati ng your age. A postal card will The leath~r in Endfl1l1l1 shoes Is the best that call Sold by uruggists in (,clition III valu,,; 33c be made because it is tanned to meet the greatest ( liml~ I wo suits) . .. .. . • .•.•. . .. .. do. W. I. Davis. 153 East 24th St., ~Iate vf 8imon Shumaker, de· fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may Police and Fireman Suspenders tests of wear, ,,.om a shoemake,.s standard of qualitg. New York City. ooused, Inventory Rnd appruise- have a sample bottle lII en 's Police lind F lremen's Susponders:' rather tllan that of the leather trust which works for -------··-.··~c r _--by mail Crec. also a I"Cgu lar 25c \'a lu . Hic ment filed. }' rlday and Saturday ... .. . .. . .. . . prollt only. pamphlet tel1in~ you M A. Jameson Rbsignee VS. C. B how to find out if you have kidney or Men'. Four-In-~and. For tio le by FOUNTAIN SYRINGES !II D'8 Four-In-Hand Tics. maule lrolll IIIlC Sumbert "nd wife. Ordered to sell bladdcr trouble. Mention this paper 8l1ks. open nd !!Carts. 25c when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., personu}. property at private sale at SpecliU bargains ... . .. . . .... . . . . . Binghamton. N. Y. Don't make any misMen'. Caps not less than twe-thirds apprlll e take, but remember the name, SwampHOWELL, WayneSVille, Ohio, Mon'8 InaId tur and outliide pull-down Root. and don't let a dealer sell you meat in order to 8ettle with oredi· Gol'. and Drlghwn Caps; 48c 711e vaiuM ... ... ...... . ..... .. .. 60mething in place of Swamp-Root-if ·SOHWARTZ'S . tors. yo~ do you will be disappointed. R.v....lble coats Estate of 8imon Shumalter, de.'en'. Reversible Ool'duroy and $2 98 Duck Coat.-coaY worth 1'.00 . • oeased.· Ordered to sell personul . Corduroy Panta Men', " Stag" Brand Corduroy Pante; an property at private sale. oxtnt, ,pecial value tor $2 •48 In the matter of Charles V. Pal Willinm S. Ungiesby to Oharles Frldl\Y and "aturday . . . , . . . . . . . ';:t~ha~:ft~O::~:::~l~ frey alleged inll"ne. AdJudged in V. Mohler, real esMte in Franklin, 11. Bnd entitled to admi88lon ID , ;·Tbe New Ladies' Dept. 8ane Dayton asylom, We will offer at Public Sale at t he residence of Alber t Stacy , in Lytle Commissioners' Proceedlors. Estate of (Jarl Bflnd, minor. Effie Brimful of new and snappy Ohio, on the D. L. & C. Railroad , on B. Bond appoinled guardian givIng (JontrQots-Uontraot was ent&red Suits, Cloaks, Furs, .Ski rts, bond of 1600 with B. L . Palfrey and in'o with A .. F Meeker tor making WaiJts, etc., with prices that B ,, 8. Uonover, Bureties. will astound you, considering out in grade at Second street 080al 6& Lafayette St., New York City. W. B. Beck, Ildmlniitrlltor va. bridge io Franklin at estim&te of the ,quality and finish of the Commencing at 10 o' clock, t he following property: Jennie J. Ertel. Ordered to sell real .,prments. You'll be astonished 40 oents per onblo yard. onsisting of Driving and Work Horses; at .the t48vings in Notions and estate and John U~lmoDr Clinton O. A ~eperal oontraot was entered In· BATHAWAY Brood Mares,. Ponies and Mules. These Ladies' Furnishings. Corwin and A, B. Ball appo~nted to with the following persons to ]J) it. . . are a good bunch of Horses. Also a few Farmmg Implements. etc., et Iippraiser8. . furnish bridge lumbe. to '" fty't.les ville '8 Lea.ding De~5i8f . . . , meat Elevawr entrance w ladlel' department At Bill di E C .... "n ' , on )fain. Stl'88~h between the two 'boe va ,guar an vs. . . ~r Spencer ,~ Monroe, Frank H. Duke Office tn Keys Bldg. Maln 8 TERMS:-Four months time WIll be gIVen. 4 per cent ·off for c~. ~~: alia tbrolllJll t e.maID Ilore, e~ a1. Appli.oati,)U to sell real es- and JOlteph Nioholson, A. A. McNeil, I Aucts . Sw. .t.r Coate tate set for hearing Oot·ober 29 at 9 . B1118- W. B. Bopping carpenter Chas. Surface, i . 600 'Sample' SWeater Coate' tor MlIIIeA ' 'I k . , worthlfJiom \ $1 0000 ' . work, '7 96; C. B. Kle1dheim. wood Lunch Stand Rese~ved. Walter Kenrick , Clerk. ".00 w ... 50 •••.• ..• •.. ,.. . • • Estate o~ V. J. Zentmeyer, 8891gn- for court house 1"0 1 9 • J mes' Fol. ~'8w. . a , LadJee' .Lona' Whlte Sweatetw: 'Worth t6-00. °llr . Schedole of debts and liabHltll)8 len sr., salary, .50 ; R. Harshbarger, 8JM!C)laI! for $3 •9'8 led. U E xpres8 .vv, n '". WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES, ~ay and Satunlay . .. .. . ... . ., SllIary,.·40 •. U . .,. exUICIIe8' Union 8ult. ,!Cstate of Arm\Dda C. GlUts, de- press, 45 cents; R. C. Mabray, work ,Lad!M' ~Iar' IUO Union 8ulte Special ooased. Distri but-ion tlooount ·filed at jan U·.1 B. timith lumber St. Augustine's Yatholic Churcb. Undertaker and Embalmer. tor FrIday and Saturday 91::...C ' FAtate of L i d a Y d ' ". , , ..will . .... .. . ...... . . . , .. . . ': . . . eakle. ecea~d , $S4 65; (JUnt W. Stanton oontraot )l'lltber George ' Mnyen,hOCfQr Pa~tor Will be fo und ln' 'the old Mass ever, seoouCl Sunclnr of the moutb ""' . L.8dIea' Glove. &muel Yeakle appointed lidminis 139025' George Ktng' contraot' 9 : OU a. w. Bank Building. oPPO ita LadIM' recul.U' • lie vaiUM In Oolt 19C trator ' ~i 00· d f -000 • " OlovM; all colon to eelect trom .. a· V ng no , ~ . '.4.20; Clint W. StaotoD, oontrao~, the Nlltional Bank. 811(' Hoae . Howard Collett, adminlBtra\Or va '5; w, G. I3hultz, brlA-dg ...e.,.--,r...e...p....a;t,tr........-I-- -----......,.....:.----:;---;-- -1 St. Mary·s · Episcopal Church. Telephone in house and of. Rev. J. F . Otull"aHnller. RllClof. fice where I can be called ~.~':~'=lr c:~':. 49c Benard Y. Co~lett et al real etltate '1S 50 ;8t&te of Ohio VS. W M.. Slye, Suu,\ay ScbOo\' .0 :30 u. m . Morn ing He r' day or night. ~' Handkerchi.f. ordered BOld and William W. Wel!lb oosts, 112. 25; State of Ohio VS. L . M. vice. 10 :30 a. m. Hoiy Commun ion ~ bc IIrs l VlI.iley Phone 14-2, Sunduy ot each month , ' Lad*'~ LInen and Fancy Embrold- Levi Jesaop and WilJiam B. Baibes Boetwiok oosts -18 40' Uogl.... by & 4!1'!14 Bandkerch1ela; 7c ' ,. . , ..... \ '100 , "alUM. ·.•• , •••••••••.••• ! . ••• , appointed appraisers. Administra· Soo, barial of Joho S. Evane, '85. Wayne8ville, Ohio Methodist Episcopal Churcla. Main Street, Sulls and Top Coats tor, ghea addiUonll1 bond of '15,000. • - • Rev, H. W. Bailey, Putor. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~'!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~ , . . Estate of John T. Phillips, deForced Into Exile Sun'dny School, 0 :30 a , m. Morning lIer· . ville, 10 :30 a.·m. Epworth L e,ugue, 7 :00 poeased, First Ilndfinnl account Wm. Upchuroh, of Glen Oak, . m. Evonlng service, 7 : 00 p. m. MidWeek $2~ ~~.50, filed , Okla. , was an exil~ from home. Pr \yer Mee~llig, 7 p. m. J'umes E. MurdOOk VB. Thomas F. Mountliin air, be thought, would Christian Church. ~marlqlble Savings Here. MurdoOk. Ordered to 8ell real es- oure a frightfullung.raoking oough Rev. M. E. Daw80n, Pastor. DAYTn.... that had defied all remedies for two . Sunday Scliool 9:30 a. m . 800ul mec ~InlJ. tate at private flale. years After su months he re10:4Q a. m. Obri.tlan EDdoav0t;: 7:00 p . m. James Mordook VS . .Thomas F . tnrned, death dogging his steps. Regular church If4lrvlce,CI econd tlunday oacll month at 10:'80 L m. Ind 7:30 p . m. Murdock et al. Report of sale oon "Then I began to use Dr. King's New firmed and distribution of proceeds OitlOovery," he writos, "and after' Hid(slte · Friends Church. oriter.,rl. " tllkiug six bottles I am as, well as F irst 'Day MellUnl{. 10:00 B. m. FlrII~ Day "URN1.s"IN,0~ . ever. " It save! t:housands yearly Sobool, 11 ;00 a, m. Founb Day lIteeU ni Estate of R. K. Leak, deoell8ed . from despe~ate lun8 diseases. ,In 10 :00 a. m. Augusta it. Leak is given 8ixteeo fal1ibl~ for Oooghs and Colds, it dis, • I Orthodox Friends Church, 'daY8 fnrther time to file exoeption8 .pels Boarsen88s .aud sore Throat, Rev . Benjamin Hawkins, Paator. to first and final aooount of t'X8outor. C~~e8 ~rip" Bronohitip, . Hemor. ~ourts .. . . r.h ages, Asthma, Croup, Wbooping Rabbath Sobool .. 0 :80 n. m. Rel:Ular cburoq In the mfttter of estate at PhiUp Coogh . 500 Bnd '1.00, trial bottle scrvloo, 10 ' 110 B. Ill. ObrllItlau ' Endeavor. 7 :30 p. m ' H. ~urfaoo, deoeased, Ordered to free, guaranteed by F . C. Schwartz sell st-ook belonging to suid estate • -- ...- - Common Pleas Court. i. e four shares ot par value of 1100 WAS OF THE EARTH. EAR.THY. gd Immediate relief frail e~oh in 'L'be Warren County Fair SUbscribe for the Ga~ette ' Dr.Slloop·sMagicOln~ ' New Suits. tlnd Park Comptlny. Value fixed at Little aaby Vincent Not Plea.ed wltJ. $200. Implied Compllmlnt. . Mtobael 'Liddermuth VS. Ed Etltat.e of Philip 8urfuoo, decea8ed, There JI an eternal masculine .. Vtard Traoey and John'Tracey Plain Fir ..' and fina.l account filed . there i. an eternal feminine, and III A . Purely Vegetable Laxative t~ff aske for judl(ment of '1226 from ' In the matter of es~'\te of R . K the young · masculine animal of the defendante,olatmiog perllonal prop- Leak. ~ugu8r.a K. Le,k moves the human race the idea that it i. not conCures Chronic ConstipatioD, and ' All erty belonging to him was removed . 600rt to re<'luire W. ~. Baker 8S ex .I.tent With his dignity and .trength Liver and K~d~ey TrOUbles. . of character to be considered too good by defendants without authority of ecutor of P . K . LeI1.k to give bond ' develop. earl7. Thlil was shown the law, Charles W. Finoh, attorney for ' . other dll7 b7 a "el7 ltttle man naDied For ~ale at ~be tollowlIlg plal:C8 : . Vincent, Who Is so small that bll plamti1f. Marria&e Licenses. knowledge of the _ .. words Is .. Zinimerm"n 'B, Kil bon 'B. Court Proceedinzs, let vef)' rudlmental'J. ~e little girl, White's, Mountjoy's Springfield, Ohio. Clem B. Wil\~llm\l, 21, f"rmer, who III older, had returlod from Sunda1 IIchool, and grudmamma had Elizabeth C, Shoemaker et ul vs Uregonitl I1nti Mary E. ~tiles. 18, •• ked her, OQ geiteral principles, what Jennte e. Hamilton et 11.1. Coort Oregonia. the lesBon was about. ~ finds demurrer not weII'taken and "'Oh, about angel .... replied the little rules aooordingly. girl' Indefinitely, and then, lIeelng a po.. Real Estate Transfers. • Ible application, she tUrned to the ~ Yearion VS. W ilU"m Yearlon . baby, adding. "And you are a lItUe Divorce Is granted on grcunds of West Glenny, extrs . to LeWis Ii angel. aren't you, Vln~ent?" Pri~es grou n.eglect and defendant given Irons, rell) estate I~ Lebanon, $3630 BaJ>y might Iwve been expected to custody 'of ohlld . ADn~ McClelland Portman to W. be pleased at thl. compliment, atre~ ~p8r DeF08settVl! Jonas Eltsroth T. Thompson real estate in Wayne Uonatel, IDven, but not at all; He screwed up hili .man face, .threw all .' OefeDdantgtven leave to file answer. tewnship, the foroe of bl, .mall· _ad Into the 8'-*, of Ohio VB, George JaokBon Maude Corwin el al to Anna Mo. puttJbjr tog~ther of til. II'Oper WQfa. . and .C ora Cbambli88. Reoogl;lizaD08 Clelland Portman real 'eMate In and ' ~urlt out: . .' ' , heard aDd final judgme~t made M k> Wayne townshil>,. U. . "No-l b~ b07." , .1*1ment,of;. flne ·ule8sed by levying Bannah B. JaDney to Sam ·D. ' . . ... 'l 't ·-'1 W .' . Another Fallacy IIxplOdId. on Plr8Oaa1'propert.f' ' . R Jrl en e r~a ea a.... n est ~a,.ne 'i'h,e fact th~t ' ln'santt» II .much mot. , J.OMph JI, Ott vs. Wi~lam 8; ~,?wnshlp, 11.. "",.. .prone to produce In what .. COlD- ;. ILo~. ~t· o~er. that : plalntlff Bannah B • .Janney,. to . ~oOlell~B: monplac8 tha~ What .. orirtn~j mar.; . l . .. noovltl'. fro'm.defebd"~' IDm of '1~1 Piokering and Mt~ouri . PiOkerina;' pe~hap., be .. borne ~n ' mJil4 bi ~o.,. ~ teal eeiate tn Welt .Wayne town. criUcl who are so. ~ad~ to ·brand at . . ' , ~orbl4 and decadent eYef,1" artllu.o ~ ~i 0.-'100r .va. Joeeph lilly. IIh,p, '~~ '" '. ". . cI"eloPlII8nt ."hlch conllicta ~ ca.. ' DelDarrer fcn:md .w ell uken and Mine .. Wllltam S. Beck to Vlotor M. "UoUl m04eJI.-LoildoD u n _ ' . , Beak .nd wife. real est"te In Wuh---'-'.. ,~ B. Reoelver VII. Longe Ing~n k>wnahtp, 11. ', . ' . lun'. 'HMe to Endu,. Lon.. LtIiu7"uioakls, DefendanteJrrant. . WUIlam .T . T bompeon ~ud wife k> ,·It II ~~ted that U.e I.a Y,ItJ lie eel ••..., 4QI to plea4' ~ oa~ Laf.yette RoblnaOo teal estate ~' l.ble to lapp17 tlte »reant IlIIlOuiat Of

y ou'IlFind the Most Remarkable Values Here.

$9.88, $i4,50, $18,00

6Se at








Saturday, Nov. 6, 1909,




40 Head Horses

Stacy & Kenrick.


. , ... -,







Superior . . . for BO,I,

·S3.50. $5.00 and S6.






is t .h e Correct place .to get your Sale ' Bills printed Co~rectly ' .and in Good Taste. Try us once, and $ee for yourself. . are all right. too!





, . . . . JIoaIa. ft, IIanba Incnm, WarreoOoUD't"l.


............ ,...... -~.,. ,



~ -- ~



Try it'I!"

Ev~r.yb04y to know

that the Miami Gazette Job R,o om

__ ooas.: '. .'.

The Gazette Is the Best Medium for Adverti.sing


a-----.. . -------....--.. .


The Alpba Chemical Go.


.4ft.. • (


Why I Left the

Woman's CI'ub '

THE CHRISTMAS SHOPP ER . . . .I.~_ _ _ _- -. . .. .' .' . , r " Hot ' Wate r Bo't tles . In . t helle da.ys 9f 8uffrag i8t 'fu-:orA, SllOP ellrly. There is a large or---- ---- --,-- --... .:..- the story of a forQ,ler olub womnn , ' gaDiz~t I N ALI.. .I!:N II ' l l)O ca ll ed Uie 'Ooo811mer8' ,MAlN S1n~~l'J' Cured of 'evere compt )und told w Woma n's Oompauion L agne" whioh will not buy evell Il. SO D'W ART Z"S' - - -- - - - - - - - - - - j fOr NoV'ember, Is 'PRome llrtlQul atly inter· i 'hrlRtmliti bandke robief after De cold an~ \~ough by ..~ ALl.EY A I .L "N . 112 eeti o~ . . , oember 15th. By t hllt Mme the - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 'J'ni8 womd.n hl\ t.nkena. .promin ent D. L. C RANE, Editor and Manag er put In club work. Tbe folll)wi 1etore . will be filled with Ii cl~reless !"!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ng tbrong who a ll want to buy Ilt onoe. Iltf)ry of a olub eleotion shows why Don 't be one of the D. PUBLIC SALE S You oan "Prom Dec. 20, '08, to Marcil! I. '09 " Rates of Subscr iption sbe resigne d in dlsau8t . .i hnp lUI well lind a great deaJ better I had three bad colds, one on top of th ~ I WIll ofl'er at P ublio Sale at my Ou e Vnnr(strl()tly In nd\· :U1CC) ... . ..... $ 1.0U other. I got so weak . t COld' hardly. "Never so long 8.S I live willI for. i.n Novem ber , when the stores .re re!lidenoe in Kingm an, Ohio, on gat around. Noth 'n ~l si!"med to helji SIIlj:le CollY ......... .. ........ ........ . 05 get that - eleotio n day 1 • Prooinc t oot 80 orowde d and tbe clerk ure , Wedne sday, Novem me until I began to mke "'tnol. The .ber 10,1909, wO.rker s Ilnd ward heelers may em not so hurried . chllnge was mnglc. Three bott..:s com. Rate8 of Advert isemen ts p letely fixed t at compo und ·cold aa~ ploy less refined method s, but OAr· DOD 't buy at nil after six o'clock . Comme n oi ng at 10 o'cloc lr, s topped the tc .... ible cough- aDd what the fol Reading Locals. per li ne .. ......... .... 6c tainly not le8s effeotive. The op· How man y bours would, you your- If)wing surpris es me most. a t the same time proper ty: 7 b OTses and Reading loculs. bluck fa ce. per lin e ... .. . 100 positio n lost. Dele6a te after It cured me of a severe stomac h trouble del~- self like to Rtand on your feet if you mule8 j 1 team bea vy mules, 9 and 01a8 Illed Ads . no t to oxceed live Ilne~, that has bothere d me for 2(11 yean. gate 01l8t a- vote opposed to her were on t·be other Bide of Vinal is certainl y n wonder ful medicin e." the ooun. 10 years old, 1 bay, II vears'l ld ' 'I'broe fiInaen ... ... ......... ... 260 . Obi tuaries. ve InlonN ches tree : over five sense 0f r ig ht an d wrong, yes, an d ter ? 1 two-ye llr old buy oolt 1 bu ..... h orse, Mr. Toppan is on e of Lynn s most prominent an~ highly r~,;pected Inebes . per line .. .... .... ......... 50 be r own Wishes, because abe lawked mercha nts, whose word i!; as good as his bond. Have your visiting oard witll good driver, laorrel mare, !l Oard of tbunks . ..... .. .. .. ........ .... . 25c ouurag e of ber oonviot ions, yeal'S beoaose name and uddrea plainly sbowin g, old, 1 bay borse, r; The rea on inol is so successful in 'such cases is bec:ause it yeus old; 14 oat ResoluU ons ... ... .. ......... .. . ... ... .. GOc she was tt.frald of a woman who Buill lAnd hand it to 'he olerk to be at· tIe j 1 reglete red conta ins the two most world·Cam d tonics- the med icinal, ;ruength· A b rdeen An gus SOCials e lo, wh ere charge 18 matle .. . .. . 250 'I will role at any oost.' taobed to your puroha Be. Jt wil hull, 1 registe red oow, 3 beifers DllIpl llv Adverllb lnll per IDCh ening, body.buUding clements of Cod Liver Oil and Tohic [ron. 100 , eli. • . ... .. .. •. . "Tbe olosing of the polls was save ber time and difficul ty . 01 8COUD t8 II'ven I on coolrac~ . \0 writ- gible to r egister , 4 heifers, cumi 'Your Money Back ~ You Are No' Sallsll ecL ng mtt.rked by soe068 that would bave l ing It wbiltl you leborl ously spt:l ll it two ye~rB old, 1 goud bull oldf, 1 J. E. J ANNEY , Druggist, Wayqesviltr.-. been funny, If, to the ellrnes t olub . out. Also, it wilJ preven t many three yelu {lId blo ck cow,l J ersey I" . woman , tbey bad not been et miiltak \ls in the bllste of the8ti NOVEM BER S, 1909, busy, oow, fres b soo n, 1 steer, ooming one io. As one of ~be teller8 I had ful · troublo us da vs. . I U~iA~l' year old, 1 lIeU'or oulr j sheep; 20 ,~ benefit of all that happen ed. 1 8aw Don't, let your Inoeolslon keep a good breedin g owe~, ~ "rME good SAFE IIU" stook NBW === S A F E SI= = = SBCON O HAPIIO hvsteri oal women wAep 00 the neck whole orowd of women wait in g be. Illmbs; bogs; 1 m ,Ie bog, 4 brood . The~Story of American Shoes of our defeate d oandid ate who b/l.d hind wbile you hold the Time Lock and Repair Work of AU '1(tndll p. -- '. v8ntag e- sows, I so\\' witl1 (l pig8 ; {t\l'm w.'gon, . Tbe story of leatber in the United helself wallin hand . I bearu • memo ground io front of tbe oounte r..... I RE~IOI':!NCe SAFeS A SP ECIAL TV. bob sJed, EVt~n s oorn phmter , 1 set 8ta&e8 18 largely a hIstory of Inven bers aoouse eaoh other of 'rel1ohery Don't Ilsk questio ns you dou't Of new doubl e work hurnes8 . hel.slye Agency tor "Century" Adjustable Steel ONlwlnr Tables . tloo and improv ement In 8hoe mak -and worse. I saw husban ds oome Deed to bave an8wered. Wbl1t does J . G . wg maohin ery. GADDIS . THE C. W, ~AIN SAfE CO" Columbus, OhiO, :.: ,it~tC~mm ..nd take their dillheveled and tear. tlle prioe ' of those tortoi o.8hel Wm Mills, Auot. S&8rting witb the stitObi ful wives homein o&bs. And I heard oo mb~ mMter , wlltm ulrel1dy your Wayne r:!mitb, Clel·k . chine of Colonel McKay (who wad, tne BUOOO8t1fal oandid ate 8&y with mind and your pookeGbook are botb it Ihonld be said more of aD exploit . teeth almost looked :fork, Topes lLod t:olleys ; 5 Pi tCbfork R)1 made up to buy oellulo id ones. WAL TER, ) \!CO LlTR E. er thaD &n invEn'tor) in rapid IUO II 'I'll teaob tho women of--- to I will offel' at PubJi o !::illle on the 2 sooop shovels , 1 gmvel s hovel. 1 Don't ask to goodll exoban ged oe88ioo there were ~ut on ~he mtt.r- int,erfe re with my plans I" Most won't do it for yoo, any- AaroR Wilson farm, one mile east ~a l vaol~ed waterin g tr ough, 1 hay Fune ral Direc tor. ket maohln es for weltlnlJ peggin K• No suooesefu} politioa l IMder of how, dur1D~ tbe holiday season. of the J!'ive Point Sohool bouse, 2% rigging, 1 gravel bed nnd many indeed , more tblln .... 8oo~e for per- a graft.-cnrsed munioi pality --"ever set Don'~ ha~egood@ deli vered ~o you mUes west of Lytle on tbtl LyMe other things. tormin g all tho8e oomplrca~d oper. tIed ejectio n aocoun ts more Terms -All sum of ' ~G IJO und uuTelep hone day or night. 8YB after SIX oolook . You Ilren t thfl roun on ations by whioh the modern ready tema.t ioally than did Mrs. der, cllsh j !~ cr edit of 12 months will Valley pbone. N o. i. Long Smith. store's only oustom er you kno\v . Monday, Nove!"ber 15, 1909, mad "'" 8hoe t8 buiJt up. Ever linca Every plum went to her suppor ters. -The DeRigner for be given tor all 8ums of '5 (l0 o.n(1 Distanc e No. 69-'ih. Novem ber. Comme ncing at 10 o'clook 8ha.rp: over by purohu ser i!,i ving bankab le the aaY8 of McKay the.r e haa prs No membe r of the oPP08i tion reWAYNESVILLE, • - .. OH)O. 9 ll elld b or BS j bay fllrm borse 14 note. A disooun t of • vaUed a peculia r sy8tem among shoe calved the sligbte st recogn 5 per ceo L for ition. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks Y('l1TS old, ' 1 brown genera Branch l purpos Office, e Harvey 8bor~. maobin e manufa oturer8 of renting The party whip tlnapped l?n o&sh . O. ,J . T . MAR RA T, T•. tbe air horrifie d his'grandm other, Mr8. M~- horse l~ years old, ro .. n fllmlly mnre bot 'n ever eelllng their apparll lus at eaoh I\nnoun cement of 8 A. A. MoNell Auot. new ap ria1'ay lor, of Nebo. Ky., wbo 'w rites 7 years old j blaok mare genera l pur. 'fo thia daV 'he ahoem aker doeR not pointm ent." Walter Keoric k. Uler k. that, when aU thougb t he would • -: • die, Buokle n's Arnica.· SIl.lve wbolly pose 4 years 0Id ,ro.a n mare 0 ()it com boy .t.he maohlne8 to do hill work; cured him. Iofallib le tor B~rns, ing 2 yel\·rs old by ' Harry he rents tbem fo, a term of year8, Kills Her Foe of20 Years Scalds, Out8, COrbSI Wound8, Bruised sorrel horse colt ooming 2 Porcell , year8 old, paying a royuJ iy I>D eaob IIhoe made, I will offer [~t Publio nle at my "rhe .m08t. meroile8s enemy -abou t tbrell <tents on Il pair at for 20," declare s Mrs. I had Cures Eever-~~res, BoU8, Skin Erup ·ba.y ma,re oolt comlDg 2 years old by resldenoe l X miles nort\,l of Lytle, James tiOD8, Chllbl:lolns, <'-'happed Bandll, liarry PurCell brood Duncan , of Bavnes vUle, Me., "was &un Routs Piles. ~lio at mare 10 years and X mile .we t of Ferry, woman '·s shoes nd from foor t r Dyspep on the .I!'red C ' sia, I sdere d intenae . old good worker , 1 suckhn five cents on a PIllr f man 'e. When ter eating or driokin g and lyaf- Sohwa rtz's. g colt j Sidney Coon farm, on could __ .. M head cattle j 1 shorth orn oow be the United Shoe Mu ' blnery Compa 806roel1 l1eep. After many MeCALL P AlTERN S PUBLI C AUCTION OF HORSE S- fresh soon 6 y~1II old, '1 Thursd ay, November 4, 1909 'ulc brnt ·ll I" , s tyle perfoct fit\" s implicity anef any WIUI formed by", mhinat io'o in di6f: h"d failed ana severaJ remePolled r cJiuLili, y n ~a rl v 40 ye.,r.. ~ o l d In "oally doctors b Durham · cow 9 vell.f8 old, 1 \{ave Jersey e\'crv me ci t y nnll to \\· n in the Un ittt.1 St:\tes :lnd op, I tried Electri o Bitters. 1099 tI~is ~ethod WIlS per Comme ncing ut 10 0 'olook sblU"p, . Ilted whioh oured me compie tely 'llOi,cb , o r \Jy mud .lirec l. "l o re surd t h:l R . 'Now lOn e car load of Montan a horses to cow, any be olher fresh make. Selld fa. Iree Cllttll0l::ll"soon 5 years old, 1 J el,' the follo wing propert y : 4 hor8e~~ 6 AUboQl{h New EnJlan d bal tbe can eat .anyth inl. 1 am 70 YBars be sold to the highes t bidder. Sale sey oow fresh in spring l\IeCA.LL'S MAGAZI~E 9 honor of being tbe fillt eee.t of tbtl old. and years old, brood sows. M u r c s ubsc r ilt.·rs th un :lny other fa.shlon overjoy ed to get my must begin prompt ly at 10 o'clock . ! 1 t~o.yea m ng1lJl!. in r.old steer, Uwo-y ea.r old rn illioh fl nl C" n t h. J hV:llwable . ut. shoe Indtlltr y, and I&ithoragh,it m.y health :and 8treDg th baok Fa.rmi ngimp lement s-lform wag~I Slyies P!l \lc" " , t.~'NI 'I'"hi"j{, ." llIl nery IApi~," Saturd ay. Novem ber 6, 1909, at heifer, 1 Jersey heifer coming 2 on 1 truck wagon, 1 p lnin s cwt nl!. funty nccrlJ c wol k . •uarrdre•• log .• . be said to hold ita primac y it) f{;dD~dt~~~~~,. ~!~~f B!:r,' spring wugon, cl iquoll e, 1l0l ,.1 "turic.', 'e. Ou ly fiO cents a ~:' my residence east of Wayn'esville, O. years old, shorth orn bull 2yett.r s , . . . I t you (worlh dnuble) . I ,elud ing n f, oo pAlIorn. the Dumber If 8110el manufa otured, male Compl aints. its . unequa phaeto n buggy, 1 ~emls t·rnnsp an S ubscrib.. todoy, or ' so"d lor sa m"le cop),. lled. These horses are a quiet bunch' of old; 40 head of hogs; 2 sows wi~h er New ~ork and Penusy lvania elirly Only 500 at Fred O. Schwar 2 breakin g plows, 2 barrow s, 21 ·.vO~Dr:: RFVL · INDV«:E MENTS tz'lI young .well bred ones, consis . . , . llrlOtJ-~\lSbel8-0f oorn, sev~n.!' Bookeye culti va " )\ I: "nI9. I'nO\ ,,1 bron!:. p rem ium clltalo~ tn their history acquire d a pre·em • tors, ] oorn phLD tar, :",ll n" w ensh prlzo offo... Awl,.., •• • - • mares and colts, and older maresa nd of straw IT! mow, 100 shooks fodder 1 d.o ovel oulti Vllt r, III r n6n06 in tbe tlinnin g end of the leatb ~6 wa· c:n: McCAll CO •• 23810 W .W. nut St.. NEW YOU One Inde.,.1\csent View. gelding s. Older mares with foal by io fiue oonditi on, 6 swarm s bee8, a. ter tllok, toba'ooo r, lawn er b081neaa IUld aJso 10 the porely ~r my part:' lald lira. Lapllln " bl·gstud s.. Many broke to saddle and numbe.r houtlehold goods j farmin g , With .trong feeling, "I think ... m.aD merosD tlle phasetl. It was, more that m ower, work oud huggy tiarneS8, , abulel .hh hol'll8 abouJd be. 1Il10 drive: . implem ent8; 1 MoCormiok bioder. single I4nd douule trees, ove~, &II ill point.ed oot . In anotht' r QANOD~ed · at once. I1 nes, forkS, We ouabt to ... Ail are guaran teed to be ~repre- 1 MoCormiok mo",er , both place, from central New York that irelle the Utmolt . OblequlolWl811 good as shovel ROIl wllny a hor I1rtioles. .. sented on day of sale, Anothe r new;] MoCormick steel ~y ralre, the Americ an glove buswe ultarte d. c1umb brlltM.- . Household goods- beotin g and chance to buy your choice at your ha¥ tedder, l ,graln disk dtlll, 1 Tiger oook stoves, and ml~ny artlol ~s too Tbe lea&her merohontAt of New York ' own price. Tjme will be given any. to,baoco setter, 1 ?-'Iger oheokr han always "tood higb tn the oomower numer ous to ment·ion . W~NTED ~OO bURhels one giving bankab le note. With drm atta.oh ment. 1 . Hamilt on mnnl'y , and for many years in their of corn. J. B. CHAPM AN. corn drill. ldisk barrow , 1 6Q tooth 01088 888ooiation in that diatrlo t in TRAOE MA"'" A man or woman on every rural • _ .' barr~w., 1 MolinegltDg plow, 2 'i'erms -All sums of ~5 . 00 aud UDDESIGN . New York City whioh was and still ·r oute 'to repre'3ent us in soliciti ng , CO~"RIQHT.• &0. I'ee. In a Church. ing breaklD g plows, 1 Case riding der, oosh; nil s uws over 'G. OO~ored· An10n8 1~ ndl lll a .keleh anef tl e8CTIr,tton ma, is famill. rly knqwn as "the Swamp " New'an d Renewal Subscr iptions UQ.crtnl n our o tl1nIOn ~rn. w ,et.hor aD on a it of!l months wlll 1:e given with quick), )'or .more than 20 years a 8w.rm of oultiva tor, 2 1Vtt.lklog cultiva III.ollllon \' II n)hnbI1 , Jlnlont.nh"~ Commun '", tors, 1 there W&II perhap s a touoh of oJtt.n · commisaion b~s. UOlllOnlOL , MIl I/ Ooullol. HAND ~OK on Pall)ll1A two be4S hal been in the root of the nave tobacco appro ved seourlt ies. l out fre •• 01(16 I IIlIel'c1 for ~ecunn« pal." .... oultiya tor, 1 double- shove.l niahne s. which i8 more oharao leri8 PAl onls lakan l llr(o u,,11 aluun & Uo.neelf We are m~ng th~ best offers, .at of IfteJd (Eng.) Parish church. t . IPt.1a1 plow,l notlct. WAWE ,,1/ hout obnrllO, in the three.h R or M . se Rlt drtt.g, y. 1 Gordon Tbey have 14tely abused ·tbe hOI' &10 of 'he b'ade guUda of .the O~ th e 1owes t !,~~es, an d a 11 ow very 1Ib-. plt&Uty "showo them by coming Inside road wtigon. 1 low-wh eel wtt.gon, 1 A. A. MoNAil, Auct. World tbao .of Amerioa~ buswelll' eral COm~lS8I.1DS: ~ . .' the building IUld even aUnglng a mem.· Mortie Woodb olJ rubber -tire J . .E, Himes, Clerk . A hnnd.omo lrl1ln.'rn't\<1 "~a"h" f .• 'RClt ctt. Ufa:-B rom "Th~ Htoryo f Leathe r Insuran ce sc;.~IClf;O!1" frUit buggy cllln ,lvn t "n1 "'''mUO o "mrnnl. 'l·or''' •• "'. tree ber of the ,cholr' aa well as aDnoylnr; good ali now, S set8 work yo,"'! fon. """" h.,tt. 8ul<l lIJ1tJ1 "o,nde"I... aJUl-, It. U18e, ·t-by ~018 E, Vau agen. ts, .or reJa _\v~ of ru~al harnes s, 2 the vlear wbUe he' " . In pulpit. sets of single buggy harnes8 , 1 hlLY N n In t.he A'merlo an Review carrlerq , ·are 1lSJ)eClally desiredroute Prices 'Get Our 011 Sale Bills. . A week ago they entered the ohurch 0~~8b~ Wl\yn

vil le.

1 '


WA' ~REN TOP PAN , Lynn,Mass.

75c at










• _ • Young Girls Are Victims of headao he, as well as older women , but all get quiok relief &nd promp t cure from Dr. ~ing 'e New Life l'1l18. 'the .w orld'i best. remedy for siok IUlli nervou s bel1dllobee: 'fhey pore blood, tl.nd stronK ner"l;'s lind bulld up your bell.lth. Try them. 250 as Ertld C Schw8.rt~'tI.

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lars to-day • . A good profita ple buslneSs can be establis hed with the proper effort. If Interes ted write today to THB ClNCINNAlI'1 POST. Cincinnati, Circula tion Dept. Ohio.


., ..... ., been called In and after ren rUoD of the roof he Buccee ' flng on: the whole colony I .. The vicar 8ald. "I part with _ without re- . INt."


sifts. - this r~wned trade mark auurea the purchaser Dot only Of teCurm8 theoriainal brand Of Rogen; but the heaviest srade plate g\Wutte ed· to .pe abso"-'te . .bsfaction. . . ' by the ..makers .. . .. , The remarkable ~urahility ()f .~ RoatRs BR~8. .. .Silver bu won It the IJOpuIar 'iliJe7. '. _. '. .' ". ~"il' Plat, that W,a~.(' . . ware moet desirable for


' KaIwi;f~~' ~ fUq'eenilti p~,.ma", . lie .,rociaiedia IlUIiImIua ~ .101110 .fucy. IIOIDI ..:-,.;r.,' aDd Chute. ~ . '.' ' . ., . --Sold b, ~ de.Ien ' -' here. . ~

wUh 11 phQ"tlllar .,.ooideot,·whl ls driv

bt~ ·

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u1l....::••" . . ... .... - ...



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·r,elde.D" Ho.ndR\y. He met II~ auto . ~obiJ8' driven , by I!Itraoj(er•• and ,hb. ~one I,CIared, and ,w~j.le prano~.nj arcnand OD tb slreate , tl1e animal] " j .. • • 11i4!denl1 feU dfllUi, ltll\tlul burateo • blood ftIIIIi. Tbe. <lDotorfate ~1

Ir re si st i hIe

.B ar ga i.n

$1.75 Val ue for O'nly $1.25~ All

Ur. Jamli!s L, Mounts, 78 yearll.old, dted at M.orrow IU8t week. Be was born AUgUdt 11), 1831, on'lI farm not f;'r frum Morrow alld th, Little Millml. HIli entire life w~~ 8pent in thhl oommu nity, exoept f"t three year. of I~rm'y lIervloe dqrirt ~ the oivii wltr, when he wns Ilttftoheo to the r'hlrty-flrl!~ Imd ODe Bundre t. and Forty fourth 0 V· I, tt.8 lIur· geon, "fining fn the ~rmy of t.hl Cumhe rlllod and In the Etl,.t . He ui lurvl ved by thrlie oh\ldr~Il ' Dr Leona.rd Moanttl .lmd tbe Mls-, e , Flol'" a:nd Grtl(l~ Myout!'l.

.... Il0l'''1181' for


~~-~ ~ ~~~


' iDI in MllllOlJ, (.if. wlHob ' Oit"y . b~ iii"

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Is a large, h.a'ndsomely illustra ted hundre d-page monthl y magazi ne. It contain s sixty new Fashion Desig ns in each issue. Every won an needs it for its up-to-d ate fashions. ~n tertaining stories ahd co mplete inform ation on all borne and ' persOnal topics. 0 r on e mil ion subscl"ibel·s. Acknowledged the best :Home and fashion Magazine. Price, Ii cents a copy, Pa~terns 'The Miam i Caze t~e , . ,. SO simpJe .·yo.u cannot misund er· . 1s in, i~ sixtieth year, prints th ~ 'stand them. Absolu tely accura te. 'news the neighb<,>rhood. It h~ ' You m~y, ' Relect, "free, ·any.; McCall eight pages, and every column has ' . Pattern you d~ajre' from the ' first goftd .rea~ir:ig an~ lotll of .~ t: Reg~1\f nUni~flr.: of t he maga.zin~ . ,c«,!rrespondet:lts .fr~~ all.s)lrr oul1:?mg . "--------:,..J;.,------_"'"' reacht';ll,You; R~gular prlce; .15.cet)ts: towns. ~gular prIce, $l.00·8 ·year.


. CQwardT:v


beg!nnlng to tremble. cried ' tho Scnrecrow. "let us crOtIS over," So DoroUiy wept first, holdlnlr Toto In her arms; lhe Tin Woodman fol· lo w d, and the Scarecrow came next. T he Lion, nlthough he was certt\lu!y afraid. turned to face the Kalldahs, and then he gave 80 loud and terrIble 3. roar tbat Dorothy screamed aud the care row fell over backwards, whllo even the fierce beasts 'stopped short nnd lool(ed at him tn surprise. But, seclng ,th y were bIgger than the Lion, and rememberIng that there were two of them and only one of him, the Kalldabs again rushed for· ward, alld tbe LIon crossed oyer the tree nnd turned to see what they would do next. Without stopping an Instant the fl rce b lis ts also began to cross the tree, and the Lion sald to Dorothy : "We are los t, for they will surely tear us to plcces with their sbarp Inws. But stand lose b hind me, nnd I will fight t hem as long as I am alive." . ""\ nit a mi n ule! " cnll d tho Scarecrow, He had becn lblnltlng what was best to be done. nnd now he askod the Woodman to chop away the end ot the t ree that rosted on their side of the ditch. The TIn Woodman began to use hi s ax at once, and, just as the two Kalldnhs w~re nearly across. the tree fe ll with a crash Into the gulf, carrying. the ugly, snarling brutes with' it, and both were dashed to pieces on the sha rp rocks at t he bottom. "Well," saId the Cowardly Lion, drawing a long breath of relief, "I sea we are going to lIye a lItUe while longer, and 1 am glad of ft, for it must be a very uncomfortable thing not to be alive. Those creatures fri ghtened me so badly that lilY beart Is beating yet." "Ah," said the Tin Woodman, sadly, "I wish I had a heart to beat." This adventure made the travelers more anxious than ever to get out of the forest, and th.ey walked so fast that Dorothy became tired, and had to ride on lhe Lion's back. To their great Joy the trees became thinner tbe turther tbey advanced, and In the afternooll they suddenly came upon a broad rIver, 1I0wlng swiftly Just before them. On the othe r side ot the water they could lee the road of yellow brick running through a beautiful country, with green meadows dotted with brlr;ht flowers and all the road bordered with trees hangIng full ot deliciOUS fruits. They were greatly pleased to see thla delightful country before them. "How shall W8 cross the rher'" asked Dorothy. "Tbat is easily done," replied tbe Scarecrow. "The Tin Woodman must bufld us a raft, so we can float to the other side." So the Woodman took his ax and began to chop down small trees to make a raft, and whUe he was busy at this the Scarecrow found on the river bank a tree full o~ flne fruit. This pleased Dorothy. who had eaten nothing but nuts all day. and she made a hearty meal of the ripe fruit. But It takes time to mak~ a ' raft. even when one ts as industrions and untiring as the Tin Woodman, and when night came the work was not done. So they found a cozy place under the trees whe,r e they sle,pt; well until the morning; and Dorothy dre amed of the Emerald City, and of the good WIzard Oz, who would soon send her back to her own home again,

they bat! long ~ole B til their hI\D!!. to push the raft tbrough the ' " rat r. . They got along -qu Ite well at fint., but when tbey l'eacbed the middle of the rlv r th swlrt current sw bt the raft down strenm, farth. rand larlhet' away trom the ' road or yellow brick; and the water grew 60 deep that tho long polos would not toucb the bot. tom. "This Is bad." said the 'J'I n ", oodman, "Cor U we cannot get to the lanel we shall be carried Into the COUll' try of tbo ,wick d Witch r tb e \ st, a nd sbe will encbant us and make UI her sla \'es." "And th n I should g-et no bralns.said the Scarecrow. "And 1 should get no COUl'ag ," s aid the Cowardly Lion. "And 1 should gct no 11 arl," sal tbe Tin Woodman. "And 1 should never get back to Kan sas," said Dorothy. "We must ccrtalnly g t to the Em· erald City Ir we csn," the Scarecrow con llnu'e d, and be pushed so harel on his long pole that It stuck fast In -the mud at tho bottom of th e l'lvcr, snel before he could pull It Ollt again, or let go, the mft was swept away ant! the poor Scarecrow left clinging to lhe pole In tbo middl e of the rI vcr. "Oood-by! " he ' called aft r tliem, and they were very sorry to lave him; Indeed, the Tin Woodman hegan



Wizard w-Oz



L. Frank Baum

( ' upyrlgllt. b )' t he Hubbs-M .. rrlll Co.l lIy L. Frank Buum & W. 'W.


Dens lo", .~

SYNOPSIS. "Dorothy IIv ~d In Kan sn.~ with Aunt Em nnd Unclo Honry. A c),010110 IICled their home Into the air, Dorothy failing ule p amidst the exoltement. A crash awakened iher. The bouse had landed In .. country oaf mlU'veious beauty. Groupe ot quee r little people g1'4leled her to the Land of Kuncbklns. The house had kllled thclr ·e nemy. the wicked wllcb ot !!lult. DOTo t hy took the wltcb·. sliver shocs. She ,.tarted tor the Enlllrali1 Cit)' to find tbe WI2IU'd of Os, whe., ahe wo.s promised, wnlll'ht tlnd a way to ilend' her back to Kanllu. Dorothy releas d a IIClU'tlCrOW, glvtng him ute. Be was desirous of acqult'lng brllins and sllU'ted with her to the wizard to pt them. The scareorow told hi. bl.tory. They met a tin woodman, Who longed tor '" heo-rt. He also Joined them. They came upon 0. terrible lion. The lion con(C8sed ho hlld no cour~e. He decided to a<:<:ampIlo:1Y tb8lll to the Wizard ot Os to get some. CHAPTER VII..-contlnued. Dorothy thought 'she would go next; 110 she took Toto in her arms and climbed on the Lion's back, holding tightly to hla mane with !)ne hand.' The next moment it seemed as it she 'Was flying through the aIr; and then, beto.-e she had time to think about tt, she waa sate on the other sIde. The Lloll went back ' a thIrd time and got the 'tIn Woodman, and the n they all "Bat down tor a few moments to gtve the beast a cbance to rest, for hI. Cteat leaps bad made his breath short. .and he panted like a bIg dog that baa 11aa been running too long. They found the rorest very thick on "thIs slde~ and it looked . dark and -gloomy. After the Lton had rested "they started along the road of yellow briok. silently wondering, each In hIs own mind, it ever · they would come to . the end of the woods and reach the 'bdght ·sunshlne again. To ,add to their dJseomfort. they soon heard strange nOise" In the depths ot the forest, and the .Lto'n whIspered to them th.a t .tt was In this part of the count ry that the Kalldahs lived. "What are the Kalldahs?" asked the girl.

"They BrEI monst rous beasts wIth t)odles llke bears and heads llke tigers," replied the Lion; "and with claws so long and sharp that they could tear me In two as easily as 1 could kill Toto. I'm terribly afraid of the Kalldabs."! :'l'm not surprised that you are." re' turned Dorothy. "They must be dreadful beasts." The LIon was about to reply when liUddenly they came to another gulf across. the rond; but thIs one was so broad and deep that the Lion knew at once he could not lenp across It. So the y sat down to cons ider whllt 'they should do, and atter serious ~hought the Scarecrow said: "Here is a great tree, standing close to the ditch. If the Tin Woodman can chop It down, so that it wlll fall to the other side, we can walk across It easily." "That 18 a first,rate Idea," said the Lion. " One would almost suspect you bad brains In your bead, Instead of straw." The Woodman set to work at once. and so s hllrp was his ax tbat the tree 'Was soon chopped nearly through.

It Seemed aa ..,. She Was Flying Through the Air.



For the 'H ostess Chat


to ory, but fortunately remembered that he might rust. and 10 dried hi. tears on Dorothy'. apron. . Of course this W8.1 a bad thing for the Scarecrow. ' ''X. am now worse elf than when I 'flrst met Dorothy." he thought. "Then I was stuck on a pole in a cornfield, ~here I c<.)Uld make beHeve scare the crows, at any rate; but surely there i. no use for a Scarecrow stuck on a pole in the middle ot a rive r. 1 am afrald 1 sball never have any brains, after all!" Down the streum the rart floated. and the poor I/Icarecl:ow was left fu behind., Then tho Lion wi: "Something l.'lI.~st be dono to save us. 1 thlnlc .1 cnn swim to the 8hore and pull the raft ·atter me, It you wllJ only bold fast to the tip of my tal1." So he sprang Into the w.ater and tha TIn Woodman caught fast hold of his taU, when the 'I,lon b~gan .to swim wltl.l all his might toward the shore. An Introduction Party. It wan bard work, although he was 80 'ro break the Ice at a partY where big: but by and by they were dra.wn out of the, and then Dorothy thtl ,g uests are unknown to each other took the TIn Woodman's long pole and helped ' pUSh th& L'att to the land. They 'were all tired out when they reached the sharI) at last and stepped oft upon the pretty green grass, and they also knew lhat the stream had carried them a long way past the rood of yellow briCk that led to the Em. erald Clt.y . "What shall we do nowr' asked th. Tin Woodman. as the, Lion lay dOWll on the grass to let the sun dry him. "We must get back to the roaC!, ID some way," said Dorothy. "The best pIau wtll be to walk along the river bank .unt1l' we come to the road again." remarked the Lion. , : So, when they were rested. Dorothy picked up ber basket and the, started along the grassy bank, back to the road from which the river had carried them. It was a lovely coun· try, with plenty of flowers and fruit trees and sunshine to cheer them, and had the1 not telt so sorry for the poor Scareorow they could have been very happy. . They walked along a8 fast as ther could, Dorotby only stopping once to pick a beautiful flower; and after a time lhe TIn Woodman cried out: "Look!" Then they all 10ol{ed at the rivet and saw the Scarecrow perched upon his pole in the middle of the waler. ' looldng very lonely nnd sad. (TO BE CONTINUED.)

try this plan: At a large meeti ng of a college Irat rolty, the cha irma n of tbe soplal commltteo requ s ted eacb one who WDS to b e preson t d to s nd be r tbe name In full. Th re were nearly GO 11 ople ar sent and there were tally cards ti ed with' the frat rn l· ly colors, each haYing a large number. On the reverse si de of the cards g Iven the m n we re the names of tho girls present and the glrls- cards had tho nanles of the men. The acting hostess ex pla ined that thero would be no forma l Introductiolls, tbat when a man or a gIrl th ought he or sbe had dis· covered "who was who" the name, or ralhel' the number opposite the name, was to be marked. To tho one who made the la rgest number of "correct" acquaintances a prize was awarded. and there were special prizes for dIs, BABY'S WATERY ECZEMA. covering the fnd s or peculiariUes of guestS. This Is r eally a mest jolly and e ffecti ve me thod of placing a Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ra" -$50 Spent on Useless Treatmentl la rte number of strangers at their -Dlseaae Seemed Incurable. ease.


"When my little boy was two Ilnd-. balf montha old he broke out on both cheeks with eczema.. It was the Itchy, watery kind and we bad to k eep Ws little hands wrapped up all the time. and If h e would happen to get lhem uncovered he would claw his tace till the blood streamed down on his clothing. We called In a physician at once, hut he gave an ointment wblch was so severc that my babe would scream when It WRS out. ' on. WA changed doctors and me dicine until we had spent flfty dollars or more and baby was getting worse. 1 was BO worn out watching and caring for 1Iim night and day that I almost felt s ure the disease ' was inc urable. Dut finally r e ading of the good result.s ot the Cutlcura Remedies, I determined to try them. I can truthfully say I 'was more than surprised. (or I bought only a doUar and a halt's worlh of the Cuttcura Remedies (Cutlcura Soap, OIn~ment and PlIls). and they dJd more good than 0.11 my doctotll' ,medicines I bad trIed. and in fact entirely cured hlm. His face 18 perfectly clear of, the least Chinese Dinner Menu. What the Chinese serve at dlnner spot or sClI.r of anything. Mrs. W_ M. omc~e r, Burnt Cabi ns, Pa" Sept. 16. is a question often asked. so Mme, Merrl i8 delighted to give the menu 190 ." served by the Chinese government to Potter Dntlr " ChoU!. OorD.. Sole Pro".. , DoIIoa. the American fleet. The menu wall A Ready Explanation. printed' on a fan nnd wtll be preserved "What Is the r ason you we re so as a most interesting souvenir by late In dlscov ring tile north pole?" those who were fortunate enough to "W 11 ," answ rAd llle explorer, "you be guests at the strange feast at see th ey hay> s uch long nights In the Amo~: HCt! rcglODs. . .t h nt 1 ov rslept." Dlrds' N ut Soup. Shark's F ins nnd Crab Roe . . Rolled FIsh. F ried O~·stc r!l. Mushrooms ond Dam boo Shoots, , Shrimp Balls. Fried Duck's Liver .nnd Giblets. Boiled Ham 'lnd Chick n. DeViled Crabs on Sholl, Mi nced Chicken and Cauliflower. LI Hung Chang Shop Suey.





Many traditions and stories of Ed , gar Allan Poe are still current at t1;le UnIverSity of Virginia, at Charlottes· vlll ~, where he was a student. says James Bernard Lyon in the HO,i ne, The Kalldah •. Magazine. ' '. Poe w~ very . proud of' 'hIs pe~man· Then tho LIon put his strollg front legs against the tree' a~d, pushed w~th shJp. . One dl\Y, so the story goes. .a ,.U bl8 might, anI!, alowly tho big tr~ frl'e nd entered .the room to find ·P oe " ;tlpped and , tell with a ' crash across the ~rJtlng busHy wi,th both ,hands. 'dltcb, ' with Ita ttl\) branches on th", , "What Ilie -you doing!" asked· the Mend. . . ' other aIde. They Wid jUst started 19 cross this, "Writing with both band.... 1.1.d . ' , . Q.ueer b.rtdge when a sharp growl made POg: . . tbEim loo~ uP. and ~ their horror they , "Both hands!" ·eiclalD'led. the Mend e • ..-, t'1JDJllDg t.o~ard them two great "But how on earth can JOlI make auJ' " 1IeUta _llb; bodJ.. like bears and progress In that .w.,."" '" "Easy ,enoup. . It fa • theon- Of '1Ie&4I8 Ilk. tlge.... . '. mille that It la wute. of thae ao& to ~J' are tile 1WI4ahl!" 1&14


(lc\S~~"'\y ~e,\ ~tQ"'\l\\Y

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. To qe\ \~s \)el\e3\e\~\ ejj~c~S,'(,\'W(lys buy \\\e




5\' T>tE


SICK HEADAOHE ~;a-;;;;;;;~~PosJUvely cured by the~e

Lllde Pills.

T hey nlso r~lIcv


trel;~r1"Om DY ~Jlc p~lnt


relf1l.late tbe

1r.. ..

dl!;"p.sllollnlllITuull·lIrl,y Rilling. A I' 'rfeet r~IIl' ~~. (or DI~~hrCAS , NnllACtio, Drow"hlcAK. Dad TaRte In the )IOllth, eclnt. It 'J;VUllllC, 1'aln In the Id e , 'l'OHPIO Ll\·Xn. Bowels: Purely VcgClUble.



Employing Hands and Brain. Edgar Allan Poe'. Humoroull Idea for Saving of Time In Literary Labor. .

l\'i\~ oS S~\\\\o.




Our little party of travelers awaltened the next morning refreshed and full of hope, and Dorothy breakfasted oft peaches and plums from the tree8 beside the river. Behind them was the dark forest they had passed safely through, although they had suffered many dIscouragements; but before lhem was a lovely, 8Unny country that seemed to beckon them on to the Emerald Clly. To be sure, ' the broad river now cut them off from this beautlfulland; but the raft was nearly done, and atte r the Tin Woodman had cut a few more logs and fastened them together with wooden pins. tbey were ready to start. Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held Toto 1D he r arms. When the Cowardly Lion. stepped upon tbe raft It tipped badly, for he was bIg and heavy; but the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood upon the other end to steady ft. and

Cured by Cutlcura for $1.60.

Way to Find Partners. Of course, it was the pretty little wlfo of a newspaper editor who tried this wsy of mating partners for a lar ge progressive party. She took "ads." from the Sunday paper and pasted them on dainty cards, dlstrlbut· ing them so that every "want" would be supplied. For Instance: "Wanted -Young girl, not over 16, to learn bookkeepIng In the oIDce of & wholesale house", was answ ~ re d by the guest who held the "ad." saying that a young girl wished to learn bookkeeping. ChoosIng these "ads." cleve rly results In a very funny time before the real busIn ess of the evening begins, or should I say "entertainment '" To tell the truth. I have been to some parties lately that make the word "business" seem mpre appropriate than anything else. tfir the way some women play brIdge and other games causes me to tblnk tbat the ultlmate end ot partlee. recreation and pleasure has been forgotten. Nowadays entertaining seems like real work not only for the hostes8. but for the guests.

Pretty Blouses ..


Yet One Somehow Cannot Help Won dering Whether Sermon Was Worth Listening To. Som ew h r in th pogos of her , pleasllnt "Doole of Joys" Mrs, Liley Pitch PCl'lclns l lis a d lightflll story of her -ell' E)lgllllld lerl c:nl greatgru nd/'a lh er, Who WlIS II mall o r .n ' gc nllity and I' sour S. She says: . " /I e mploy d mOl'c thn n 011 . tI vlel' tl) se Ul' walt (uilloss 011 til part of hi s wenry congl'tJglllln n. Sta ntlln/; during the praye!' WUII !Jilt OIl C of Itlany, My grnntiflll bel' li S d to tell liS with pride of un inst.a ncH which 0(' lIrr tI Itt n lim wh 11 11 n w chur h din lind bee n prollosed, and wa s lind.'!' wa rm discussion. r nt·grunt! , falh r thou ght thIs It worldly ami un· II CI' . -nry t~xpens , and ui ll hasized his opinion lIy puusl ng In the ml!l tll or his s I' Ulllll on n Sunday. Buy ing Ilu , PI' ' 6 >1 \1' Iy. lUI he lixd the :;olll nolcnt mem bClrs of his ('ongl'cgnllo ll with a s t<'~n 100 lt : .. 'You am tnllclng alloll t building a nt! w church, It s ems to Ill(! quite un , n CC SI'H t·y . sine lhe sl ep ' J'S In lhe old oll c nl" ull so un d~' '' - Y o lltb' 5COIU' panlou .

Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by a Recognized Authority

A Tramp Party. "Now. for a tramp party," exclaJmed the clever matron to whom we all lool{ed for no vel sensations when It came to enlel't."ll nlng, "and we'll com' bine It with a penny walk.': So last year just about this time the pOl'ty was given which 1 am about to describe. It hardly seems possible tllat It has been almost a twelvemonth since the above r emarks were made. It was not practical to use the sugg s tlon for the department then , so I have waited for the glorious Seplem ber days to retllrn. Tbe Invitations were Issued on brown wrapping paper sealed wllh r ed wax li nd the time was "Saturdayarternoon at tbree sharp." The guests were told to wear tramping cos tumes and each man to bring a brlgbt, new rlenn·y. Of course. all this exc ited curiosity. There were just e ight couples and the hostess SllW tbot each couple was congenially mated. It was R lovely suburban place with winding streets. hills and dales; Just the place for th Is party. The men compared watches and the hos tess explaIned that they were to walk for one hour. all making the start together, but at the very first corner each man was to toss his penny to decIde the dIrection he and his portner were to take. "Heads" meant to go to the right, "talls" to the left. At every corner, the penny waa to decide the direction. InstrucUons were given to write a three-minute descrIption of the w'a lk. The first couple to arrive at the expiration of the hour was to have a reward. and everi minute overtime was to be paid for In pennies at the rate of one a minute. the money goIng to the hostess' pet "harlty fund. A halt hour late would bar from competition in the prize stories. It was a very jolly. h\Jll~ party tha~ arrived and very amusing stories relIulted whleh were read or related by the "tramps" around the table whe n a lIIost bountiful supper was served, The hostess used small tables. seatIng four persons at each. and the day being warm. the repast was served on the porcb. which was made a perfect bower of golden rod decked with wild lavender asters that bloom 80 plentifully now. All you have to do. to flnd this wealth ot autumn glory is to go by street cal' or railroad about a score at m11es Into the country; Alter BUPper Il fire was built In the fireplace and candles lit, the men smoked and the girls discussed winter plans. All loft at eight o'clock, delighted with the "tramp" party. Country hostesses In search at a novelty may be sure of a d elightful S\Access in giving a party along these lilies.



Genuine Must Bear Fac-S'imile Signature

~ .


be able to use both llonds at the Bamll PILLS. , . ~--.-.c:. time. Both hO.nrls and brain can be REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. trained. with care and attention: BO _. _ _. _.,- _,_, ____ , _.. , that each hand may do Its full share 8N\19,Slcnl·"~, llnU"e., ' . Tr,ule Cht,llll(s, cit" .F ull i of ,w or k -eac h h an d b eng emp1oye d lIn <\HLnlUp"n,l e te n ~lljt(fo'l . . WCIl" Ct,,,r,,rlh r . on ·a separate task. It Is not really an~ from ' ~'''''l' lILUn '' ')r or· ~ ., afUlr of the hn'n'ds at all, In the last flu e tb o.n the nClLrellt ~,-'-~ 1:,;i1f~ •• phone or U .mall bo". ~::..~ , ;c;;:.,."1f.t , analYBls;'~but an affair ' of tbe , lntel1j!ct. -,'.,' .:...._,_._ .... "'_. ., :.. .. _..:-.,-, _. __ _ I am training my hands.and braln' nolf ' . ' , '\' BO t1Ja.~ I can do t.~lce ae ~uch ')Iork .~rtIoS'p' .~y ~IOJ1S~ mate.rt~le m'IlY b~ ' ~a!1e 1J¥ .like ~~se; , tJler ar;ei : ' " ~.'. oU.,rC!. ome ~e . as the .. ordinary P'1 rs'on , In a ~tv4!~ , . however; specially sutted to ,. tUII,80re o~ .was~n,. ~1!k8. ., 1;l1e 1l.r st haa '.perJod of time. . At tl:\e ,p~esent .• m~ .' , , .,r~teUes' with 18. ",de bem I ~lich sIde, 'and !!man J ucks ,In the center, r. . _., . • .ment· 1 '.allJ. writing a poem wltti m1.. ' '. 'the frorit 8pd' bac!k "elpgpr~D ',ln Qe~te1i ~e tfg~ llqUar ·J,s·.Of the ,~~ . I I .' . .' ,'. . . _ ' ,t'i,ght'ban~; !l~e that' I. conlidsntl,1 , be- tet:lal. 81,.b~1 r;ticked-; ~e. P~te~ . ~an ~oUar of embrolderAd ~Wn~ ~, .;" .. " ...' : . Iteve· wnt s.t'rt1e· the world_ And wltll ,., Thlt sleevell', arp Bome fiat WicbuUllon, 'tucks ·b,elnlJ> made dQwn outside · '... 'C~·T~ Il;iy left hand 'I blocking ,ou~ a ;von~' of atid '·tbe ~i1~.ftttll1g~ lbW-er ,~t la tucked three 'tt~~: 'tUl'll~·up,-cnitr. · , .' , " '-'U ';n, . . '. '. ' Ile~ful !!tory'; a; '.i tory .wbteh .ho~l~ q.~ . ' ale' :wol'ldcqDa~h : coUar . .. '. .: . , .:' ..; ," , .; ":, .r .. Ut'tn-M.'ltl. ttl, t'Q\l~IS'~'''S tl,l~e .thous&;Ilds of , . ~.terlal re~d' . Tbree , Yaru &4 .Incite. wll!e. , .' _ " , . : .' . •. ' ~ . ' '1"1 'I!,l,II 'If w~l1 only, be a 8h~, tIme ~f~te ~~ other, blouse ~me~ ~o sfm~~ate. ... ,Ide 1.Dift.K: ' .e 's~l- r , ' ,CiVes ~~ :ie¥. The &rat . l-1rill ~~'.able t'O mJ' exapllJlaUoa. loPed. PI.8CQ ec1&B4 with 'lace frUU.,. belil~ ei~ uder .s tuck: · tIl~ sci- " . cIOMi ~ your ~ throat andID ~II : mannel' and . ~IPO" f o~ . tw~ . ' ~.t . fute,..Jq ~ ~er tJu; ~!rter-'~J:-pl~l~ ~at'la .~e41V1Ul:- but~ '' '' . aJIaJ*.the irritation., G_leed to,. subjects .aJmulqmeoull,.. ,.It, 'Wt~.~ uti or ibro..;' ;frlUl ot lace ftilIo; ' the AeelE. anlt 1,1...... , . . : j.,. ,coatUa DO opiate.. Vesy.,a!atabJe. tl~e and wlU .. ~",.~ ~ ,. . . . )Ia~rtaJ :~Ih ~ ~ ,. tDCb... , wl4".. U4 tll,tee-fo1U'tIaI, 'M~ as.. ·tbeIr . . "uti! ' " rarU:Iat5. , • ',,*, b" ' .


! I 'S 'O'S



Who Y ,. H" . U













U.ually There Are Other Tlloublea to Prove It. Pain In th back Js pain In the kid· ney,s, 1n most casea, and It points to tb n eed of a. sJle· clal re medy to reo move and cur e the congestion or Inflammation ot the kidneys that is In· terfetlng with their work and causing that pain t hat makes you say; "Oh, my back." Thompson Wat· klns, professional nurse, 420 N. 23rd St., Parsons, Kan., say a : "For some time I was annoyed with sharI} twinges across the small of my back and Irregular passages of the kidney secre· tlons, Since using Doan's Kidney P11ls, I am free from these troubles." Remember the name-Doan·s. Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. FosterMUburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y.

TWO-LEGGED DOG ON WHEELS Body Behind Fore Legs Rests on ... LIttle Gig and Animal Scampers About ,o,pparontly Contented, A curiollS slgbt In tbe streets or one ot the r esidence dIstricts of VI· enna Is II. two·legged blacle water span· leI. His owner, Frau Berta Hottinger, thinks he Is more 'Wonderful tb,an the two·legged dogs on exhIbition be· cause they were born so, wblle ber IJet had his hind legs amputated lifter he bad been "ruthlessly wounded by Inhuman huntsmen." After thu wounds had bealed the woman con· suited many people I1S how to provide artificial legs for tbe pet, and finally adopted the Idea ot a saddler, who constructed a little two-wheeler, by means of wblch the dog now moves about. The body behInd tbe fore legs r ests on the little gig, and the dog I.lcampers about, apparently perfectly happy, contented with tbe wheels IlS s ubstitutes tor the lost legs.

Oh, busy be.t!, oh, busy bee! You ure workl njf ull the dny. Do you never SLOp to tllke a. nst, Nor to have a bit of play?


" I 'm laying up my store o£ rood F or the cold long wlnter'l! iuy; And bon y I must make tOI "ou While you romp about ane) ~y.


"And when In winter you Vl't11 bav. The honey, pure and 8weat, Thllt 1 havo worked a ll tl uVolmcr To make, that you may ellt, '

Fair School Teachers Blissfully Una· ware of Conten ts of Box on Which Th~y Rested. "While In Paris tills Sllmm r anoth· r girl and I w n ~ out to V TS!lllies one afte rn oon," said a school l each r ,ho bad just r tU\'l1ed from abrond. "It was d usk wlien'weTeUch -d - the rnUway station. Rnd as lh e re was no waiting room w sa t down on two orates that w 're out on tb platform nmong a lot of oth ers. We noUced that the station emp(oyes 1<ept staring at us with a pe rs is tence that was an, noyln , Pres ntly a man In a s habby uniform with a bu ck t on his arm ap· IJroached us. He touclled bls cap deferentially and said-In French. or course: " 'Mesdam es , pray do not let me dIs· turb you, but 1 am forced to open the boxes ou which you arc seated In or· dH to feed the boa constrictor aud other serpents thnt are withIn.' "Wh en we recovereu from our fright we round we hnd been seated In the mid st ot a huge collection or ennkes that had just arrlveu from their naUve jungles en route for the zoo neal' Versnilles."



"You'll understand, my III.Uo child Why 1 must work IIhvay, For 1. mUllt tiled mysclC- anQ 'tII8'II Whlla you run out and pIIlY,"

She-John l:I enry! 1 wonder how Common Enough In Oceanica and I. ORANGE AND LEMON GAME YOU can sit there and look me In the Cultivated In South Amerlcafac e . . I. Big Ball, Amusing Pastime for the Children He-So do I, my love; but It's sur· That Finally Into a prlslng what a r ecklessly brave man Raconteurs or strange adve'nturea cun do! Tug of Waf. have made the bread fruit famous, their heroes always find it at the mo· Two ot the plnyers joIn hnnds. fac· AS SOON BE WITHOUT MATCHES AS WITHOUT RESINOL IN ment when they are about to die ot Ing each other, .havlng agreed private· THE HOUSE. bunger. As a result, It Is thought Iy '~blch Is to be "Oranges" Ilnd wllicb Reslnol is tbe n ever faiHng arUcle Ifenerally to be an extraord inary "Lemo/ls." The rest of the party form resorted to by my wife for tile many a long \lne. standing one behInd Lbt bruises. chaflngs. cuts, burns and other, and holding each other's dreslles accidents of the children and has boen or coats. Tbe first two raise thelr our cure·all for years. I bave used It In hands so as to form an al'~h. and the cases ot Irritation and Inflammation rest run through it, singing as tbey and bave Invarlab'l y been relieved alrun: most Instantly. \Ve would as soon "Orang s a nd L monll, 'thlnk of being without matches In our S IlY lhe Bells ot 5t. Clem nt's; house as without Reslnol Ointment. You ow me flv farthings, SIlY tho bella 0(' St:. Marlln'lI: B. Rush Davenport, Phlladelphla,Pa. When will. you pay 'mll? Say the bells ot Old Blllley. New Geyser In Yellowstone Park. 1 do not I(now, For a few days past there have been a y tll bells of Dow. Here comes a 'candla to light you to Indications of an eruption of some kind near the Fountnln hotel In Yel· bed. Here c~)Jne8 a choppcr lo chop oft lowstone park, says a dispatch from your hail!" Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo. Now a At the word '''head'' the hand arch· new and magnificent geyser bas broway descends, and clasps the player ken out In full force about 100 feet passIng through at t hat moment. He north of the regular Fountain geyser is then asked In a whisper; "Orang81! nenr Fountain hotel. This new geyser, or Lemons 1" And ' If he ohooses "Or· which does not appear to affec t anY'of A Bread Tree. anges" he Is told to go behl.n d the the others In that vicinity, played fo II. player ')'ho has agreed to be "Orangea'" height ot 160 to 200 feet, throwing off 'vegetable. Really it III a common and clasp him around the waist. Immense quantities of hot water. mud (-nougb tree. It Is cultlvattld in 'rh~ lliayers must be careful to Ooeanlca nnd the Antilles and In speak In a whisper, so that the others and steam. 'rhe new gey'ser does not play regularly 'a s does Old Faithful. ~outh Amerlcn. Its fruit Is a big must no t kllOW what has been said, but at short Intervnls, the erupUons r:rMnlsh ball, which grows about aa The game then goes ,on agalD In the occurring flv e or six hours apart, and large aa the human head, same way until aU the children haye lasting about one hour. been caught and have chosen whlcb . His Proper FIeld. TREE FULL OF BIBLE LORE they will be, "Oranges" or ·'LemoDs." A colored man was brought before a WheD thIs happens the two sides prepolice judge charged with stealing Ingenlou. Student of Holy Scrip- pare tor a tug of war. Each cblld chickens. He pleaded guilty and reo clasps the one' In front of him UghUy, tUl'ea Composes Biblical Statl. and the two' ,l eaders pqll with all their ceived sentence, when the judge n~ked tIcs In Novel. Form. might until 'one side has drawD. thO' how It wns he mannged to lift those o.tJler across .. a line which has been chickens right under the window of A student of holy writ has C.Q.lD· the owner's house when tbere was a .drawn b.e tween. them. ' posed biblical staUst\ol In this DOTel dog loose In the yard. "Hit wouldn't form: ·b e no use, judge," said the mnn, "to UNIQUE OPTICAL ILLUSION try to 'splain this thing to yo' all. Ef The you was to try it you like as not Dible con· tulna 3,566.4 0 No One Would at Flr~t Suppose That would g'e t yer hide full of shot an' l il t era. 10.697 get no chickens, nuther. Ef yo' want the Four Lines Are Perfectly worda. 31.176 verto engage in any rascalitY, judge, YO' Straight. seR, 1.189 chapters better stick to de ,bonch, whar yo' am nnd 66 books. Tho long 8t chapter Is the Ar~ these four lines perfectl, Camlllar."-Ladies' Home Journal. U9th P Hnlm; the .shortest straight? . Ilnd mIddle chnpter tho U7th No one would' suppose at ftrst sight PSI' 1m. 'I'he middle verso Is • III 8th or th U8Lh Psalm, Tho tbat they . are ·llertectly straight aDd long \It 'na'me III In tbe 8th hupter Qf lBl\la h. T.lle ,vord ."and·' 0 curl! 40. 627 tlmos; the word L~rd I,SliIi times. Tile '37th chapt rof laalah arid tho 19t. chl1l:lier ot tho '2d Dook or Xlngs are aUk!!, Th'e loogest verse Is tbe 9th of the 8th c h~Pter ot Esther; the shortest veue Is tho 30th of the 11th chapter of Joho, In the 2st verse .of the 7th chap· ttlr ot Ezra la the alphabet The finest piece of rending Is U,e 26th chapter of Acts. Tho oam of Ood Is not menUon~d In Edltorral Amenities. the Dook Editor Junkln ot the Sterling Bulle· of Esther. It tin has red· hair. Editor .Cretcher of contain!! knowl aga tbe Sedgwick Pantagraph bas no hair wisdom, hollne88 and love. at' all. . . "Mac," 'aaked Junk!n, "how did you The composition Is c.nUed by Its au· lose your balr.?" ' : thor ' 'Tile Treo ot Knowledge." ' :'It ",'as ' re!! and I 'pulled It out," growled Cretcber.-Everyhody·s.

The'highest medical authority . on foods, " . Sir James Crichton B~oWDe, LL. D....:F. R. S~ , . of , , Lo~doD,

gives the best reasons for eating 'more

Quaker Oats In an articl e publis hed in the . duces a big-boned, w ell-develYouth 's Compani on of S pt m- op d, mentally energetic race. His xperiments prove that her 23rd, 19 09, Dr. Browne, the gr e at m e dical authority on good oatmeal ' s uch as Quaker foods, says, about brain and Oats not' only furnishes mu scl e buildingthe best food for the hum an be"There is on e kind of food ing, but eati ng it strengthens th at seems to me of marked and enlarges the thyroid gland valu e as a food to the brain and - this gland is intimately con to the whole body throll~bout nected with the nourishin g proch ildho od and ado l ~ 5c e nce cesses of the body . . In conclusion ·he says(youth), and that is oatmeal. "It seems probable therefore "Oats are the most nlltritious th at the bulk and brawniness of of all the c'e reals, bing richer the Northerners (meaning the in fat s , organic phosphorus and Scotch) has been in some measure lec itb ins, " due to the stimulatiou of the He says oatmeal is gaining th yroid g land by oatmeal porground with t.he well-to-do of rid ge in childhood ." Great Bri ta in. H e s peaks of it The Scotch eat Quaker Oats as th e main s tay of the Scottish b ecau se jt is th e best of all laborer ' s die t and says it pro- oatmeals. . ~--r;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;



- - - -- -







:OP~lcal .- lIIu~lon • .", -,






parallel; but th,ey wlil . • tand' ijle .t~." , ot a straight edge. ' The dl,v ergen \ rays distr'ac~ ~he vision, . '

A .N.~ ·':Parl. ·Game. '' JuveDl1~ ' parlsla~8 'hl;lve 'a ne'w.'gillpe tQ take the.. plajie ~tp1~ ~.II\~o.lo It Is' called · t~~ ·'· ~'looplng l;b)~d.~1 llttle a~roJlla:n~ 'ah~t by a~d ' :' hook 'arid a ' Mit ot dlabolo atlck,a. The



The Best KInd

Of Life Insurance

Mr. Browp (to new cook)~What is Joke Medicine, your name ? H Is a ve ry practical. serious· Cook-Mary, sir. ia health Insurance. The best mind d mun of business. The olh r Mr. Brown-Dear me, that 113 my way to insure the health of your day b e met a fri end, and , related to family when any member geta him nn al.leged joke, nnd at Its con· wlte's name. W e slJaJl have to call in a "run-down" condition, is to you s omething else. elusion laughed long and heartily. use a tomc that removes the Cook-Never mind. call me Lily! 'I he friend looked awkward for a cause of tho W.hcalth. SUch moment, anu then said: Q tonic is The Soft Answer. "You'll hnve to excuse me, old man, At a dinner In Dal' Hal'bor n Boston but 1 don't see the polnl." woman praised the wit of the la t Ed· "W hy, to tell you the truth, I don·t ward Th'erett Hale. jnl.'t see the point myself. But 1','e "Walking on the outskirts of Doston made It a rule to la1,lgh at a1l10kes; one day," she said , "he and 1 inadvert· L think It·s good for the health." ently entered a field thnt had a 'No Trespassing' sign nailed to a tree. To Breaking One Neck, $2 •. "Soon a farmer appeared. A ., run down" conditl/:!n is The "Une·up" man was a faceUous generally due to the failure of .. 'Trespassers In this field are prosesoul: The woman' for wbom he was the digestive organs to properly cuted,' he said In a grim tone, putting u-\" n pulley. clothes·lIne was digest the food. Dr. D •.Jayu.e'lI "Dr, Hale smiled blandly. exacting. She ordered It..put in a cer· Venni(uicl tone1l up the,digestive .. 'But we are not trespnssers, my . organa so that they supply the taln place. which It was almost Impos· man,' he said. body with proper nourishment, sible for him to r.e ach. He hesitated. good I< 'What are you then l' asked ' the and in this way bring about last. "If' I have to put it there, lady," he , \ Ing hl!alth. Ordiu&ry t,onicll said, . ''1'11 break my neck." Still she amaied farmer. "'We're Unitarians,' said Dr. Hale." simply supply food, matenal in did 'not r elent. "All right, lady," he predigested form, and conseconsented, with a oheerful grin, ':but -Washington Star. quently are only effectlvo aa It·U cost yer $2 ex try It I break my' long as the'tonic ill taken. Is Poor Consolation: neck." "Yes, It must be a terrible tblng to Sold by till n,.uggu,,go tbrough life without your 11mb. Bu t two au••• 60c and JSc. Good to Her Husband, you must remember it will be restored Dr. D. bJleCtorallt h •• "George. dear," said Mrs. Doveklns., to you In the next world." been relievinlf lind curl... Couabs, >' Cold.,and similar AllmeDtaf'or _IV who' had come downstai rs In time to "I know it w11l, mum. but dat don't four "eouat!ons. pour the coffee, "I'm gOing to walk to encourage me, for It was cut olr when tbe car with -you this morning. Aren't I was a bnby, an' It won't come with· yo u glad?" In a couple of toot ot de ground w'en "Very glad. Indeed. lovey. It·s so It's restored." nice of you to think of me and to get up early for the purpose ot making Didn't Stay There. . It unnecessary to walk those dismal Father-Didn ' t 1 tell yo u I would that follows taking dose of castor three blocks alone. How much do you whip you If 1 caught yo u In the wnter wnnt?" oil salts or calomel, is about the again? wo'r~t you can en\~ure-Ugh~t Son-Yes, sir. and that's the reason How She Knew. gives one the creeps. You ,don t The cartoonist's wHe was talking to I hurried Ollt wben 1 saw you have to have it-CASCARETS a frIend. Th e an gelS arC, always waiting to "I just know Freel dldn't want to op n th e windows of beav n over th~ move the boWels-tone ,up th~ work at the office last night," she head of tile man who will bring the liver-without these bad feelings .. Try them., . Ql6i said. lust lIth,e Into the stqrehouse. "Why, how do you know?" vias . • CASCAtl,E'J'S Ioc' a bolt for a wm'. . tr~tme\1 t, all drunfslll. ni~st ~lIer In after years a man wishes he was asked. i4 the ·wodd. 14luron boas • ~lh. . "Because In his sleep he said; 'Well • half as smart as he used to think he 1"11 stay. but 1 don't want to draw.' "was. Lippincott's Magazine. Live Stoc:k and Miscellaneous Not A.klng Much. "The presld.ent," explained one of the secretaries, "can't stop at Plunk· In great variety for oale ville on his swing around the circle. at the lowest pri ce s by Tn fact. my good man. we are sched· uled to go through Plunkvl\1e at GO WESTERN NEWSPAPfJR UNION mUes nn hour:' ~54 W. Adain. St., CHICAGO "Couldn't you throw out one or his old huts?" asked the lend er of th e com· mlttee, hopefullY'7Washlngton Her· ald. . KNOWN SINCE 1836ASRELIABLE In cnse of pain' on the lungs Homlinll Wizard Oil ncts like n mugtllrd pin, PLANTEN'S I except thnt it is more ell'ccLh·c aud is 80 much nicer and cleaner to U BC,






U.p -Set Sick Feeling a



A One-Part Melodrama. ': "But you cim't ' have a big scene 'It Is not wllat he has, nol' even what with only one perdon In It.'" , "Sure I · Qa.~," said the s tar. "A.tter he does, that directly expresses the a struggle with lnyself l' throw myself worth of a man, but what he Is.. · ·the brldge."-Loulsvllle Courier· Henry F: Amlel. .Totti-nal,

Amount Work Necessary to P .... pare Them In Propl'r . Manner '1. Simply Ama~lng,


"Your father ordered some wood from me tllis morning, miss. Do you know whether he wants hard or sort?" "Ob-er-not too hard."

1\Ir.. WIDlIlow·. Soothl~Jr s,..,op. For children teolhlnll, lofhmi lbe llU"'~, rodu eo hiIItmlU1all\>D ••\laya palo. cura. ",loll 00111>. 26c & 1>01UO.





WANTED-T....ommunlcnto wllb pnrt\cA hB \' lna Ii9IDO .. lllt" lOU8 LIWmry Lo unrn ·J' OIun eT wriUngIll.'lmry for IDIlII1L... lne~. 1L0I1l1l NIlLloot>l .... ID' IDi l:!obuol. 84-1:1 Wlu'(\nor 1111111 .• W" ..llloKton,D. C.

The secret M success In life Is for a 18 tlut brllll ..... t oolor.. \lIe "" ..",oklliin Illdc"lors. . . '. .1&rob•• ulo'"08 Idc,!l r.. " rt It l.f nOl \n Sl.<>Ck 80nd lOa 8'.nU ng r.olo r deftlrod &nll j ,... -~ man ' to be rea d y t or hI "oppo un y. amuwlllbll60DlWllbcJltecUunbo<,k,,,:cJculurcnrd. W N U CINCINNATI NO 43-1909 wh.en It comes.-D,llIrll.Ali. DY-O-LA Uurl . n/rlOu; :vt.. . . ." ,. . ONE Dl'E ],'01\ ALL GOODS

~~~~~~=-~-=~~~~~'~~~~ -----


.a8100110 work wllh an"

'.PU~T .N'AM :,:F ,AQE.LESSDYES. """tIIu .~·· O.. 100 col_ all ".:~~~~b~r~~r~O~~; 'lI,othe, cite. You CIIn.• .·· I·;1I1111~UII......~~~,.I'~··=il~i·;ii~ to~ 81aacb and ~II ~ . ",'_Ie.,


1.0...l8llMld ................III .....

. . .,. . '. -'.,


CoIota. .


· '. . I ..


.- '''':-~-'I ---

~.,~~~~. . . . . . . .~~. . .:.. . . . . . .~~. . . .~ I , JUST RECEIVED~

'M()LA~SES l{.i ' SJ3JS I


·1·2e a lb. . '




Tbe Lytle S unday .sobOQl.wI1l1Wld box ooia.i 'iIi the ball ldaturday evening; November 6th _ Ther:e will b 11 hort, progrlU..Il witb good mu· ai c and L\n old-fu:sbioued spelling s hoo!. Everybody invited , Mr. IlQd Ml's has Johns had for their' guests on Sunday Or. and Mrs. Ward , of Hrifveysbllrg, WilburUlrlrk and fllwily, Mr . a.nd Mrs. Charles Hough and snn, Kennetb . . Mrs Wm,' (Joleman spent Saturday Uond !iunda.y with J, M. /::itl\oy and wife in' Dayt\)u , Mrs. Lotta Geesma'O, of Chicago, is visi ting ber p~ lents , Mr. !loDd Mrs. Wm . Duke, of thi s place. O. R. Lamb and family spent Bun day witb Mrs. E. R. Randolpb, of uavtoD . Mrs. Dr. Brock vi!.'ited with her sister in Dayton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Saml Barris ente l· tn.ined the following guests 8unu14Y : Mrs. Rebecca 8o0tt and son, of l'roy . W ill Harris, of Cinoinnati, Mr. and MrR. Walter Kenriok and Miss Ma· bol!Strllit . Mrs. Dyke has returned home Ilfter spending t1. few days with ,her brothel' at ArocmurD . Prof. Corey WU B the gne~t of his brother, . Charles Uarey, ut West Alemndria, on Sllturdny . Perry Wade anci wife enterta.ined Ch rles Wade and family and OhBs. D3vis Ilnd wife on S undllY . Evert Early and WIfe were ~un . day g Dests of H. M . Clark . f.L


1r nnel Mrs . Charlefl Brelsford n rthwesl of town, entertn.ineu 1')11;. tlnd Mrs . B. F . D et r ic~, of' DIlYton . In t 8 unday . l::i0BOI:i M Mr. ILnrl Mrs. 0, R . ' Peterson tlIIV" v Im IrlElrl ou r D \V 'or· moved \VEluoesday into t heir new gh.uaJ : It·s tine, bright. Ilud homo 011 Fr unkiin street. lI f'1ll\· .v Walt r DinwidrliEl met with qui te AP1'LE BUrrER !I ptllnful aoeid'ant IU Rt Hll.turdo.y d . And lI t3inz ' IIn(\ LIppincott-'s Apple t moon by flllhng off of the house Butrerill ~to u e,JiLJ' s ,ju8t. l1ke aod . breaklng hi o.n kl , but he is hottle mnde. gett in g Illong , ~s well as ooo id be ~ • . expeoted . L ~ • M I' . and MrR. Ha rry Wellver, of NEW I NI'wBEA NU VY II, Mortowfat, Re<1 Kidnuv nud Li III 'tS. !Speoia.1 I Dllyton , were't.he guestl! of Mr . and \"W priCtl8 on bUl'h el luts . Mrs J . D. tlarn ~ss last Sunday. NE~ ' B U ' KW BEAT Mi 8 (:irl.IOP Mver who i th rentPnre lin lt.1 BlHlkw hElut 1'he ; Oiled \.i t h typlloid p~ eUUlouh~, iii no nld r,,!.'hi ol1 l3d killd . It·'s pllre I bet.r-er. noli o.. n t Ite be t . I Mr Buj Mrs. Wm . Delo ney, of Wy AN nOTrE . I Ceut~ r vl1 l e, were the guests of her ULEANii:U, AND (JLEAN ' ER i mot-b ar, Mrs . Josephiue Tl1te, lllst 'frv II 5 P lUud Bilek if not en Saturday . ev ral of the yo un g peopl e ly ti lt! iflfuctnf Y ~eturn t he I SIl C\{ ' Bnd get vour'mouey bllok. tended t~ Hllll owe 'eu pa rty at t he NF.W CE&EA i. . s hOUle of Miss I..ol C o rn ~ lI , so uth of • New U .. t,~, OR t Melli, Uraoked . thl. plAoe Sa.turday even! ng . . Hominy, Flllke Bominy, (Jorn Mrs , Hrlt"ry T urner WIlS shopPing Meal in DlI.yton '1'hu r sduy. FRUIT8 A~ D VEGETABLE' Mrs . Wm ,. Thorpe, of WIlYDfl8New Burlington. Apl,leFl, Urangett, Bunn08.8. ville, WR,R t he guest of her sister, ADMISSION, 21Sc CHILDREN, lISe Cr&nbarr' &l, ' \weEltl', Oni0118, Mrs. Wm . UunufughaDl . last Wed UIRss No . G of tha Friends Sunday Celery, Ollbbage neslay. ___. School entertained at the home of OY::rrER Chllr IEls Icenho'w er on 'ruesday ev 'I the bAllt Oysters l We bBI an<Jle ening . HALLOWE'EN PARTY frllm ~ltirnure in sell led CIlDS l HAllOWE'EN SOCIAL THE FIVE SENSES The Delta Aloha olllss will hold -pintFlll nrl qnart '-plloked at Hot Water Bottles . Tho IT\lnlstel' ll largely to tho t.oe t\enside in their own liquor another mllrket on Sa.tnrday. Invitations to a Hallowe'en party One of the most frightful, yet meotal hI/Bring OIl~IIN. Ilar Hechler Inlmlathatltw1\lts and you ~e t. t h ~ ul t.hllt way- I t:)ome lIf t he ladies of our oomJDU- i·ead thus: .pleasant gatherings, ever held in ~fu>gd8~!\e 110111 Wllh 11 "8WOO~ concord 01 soli d O.V!-Iters i no Wllter. nl· ty huve organl' z"d .. oirculating M· L I C II ·11 . d b b Tho SO D80 of lUll II stands a sWp lower d 1.. v.. ' ISS 0 a orne our VI age, was enJoye Y a out vldodnlJolI~ofIUIlIIY.IJ\11IInI8wrlngtothepilY8. URAOKER8 Edgemont But.torl' ou lv 100 a requests three hundred Grangers and their I ICnt~~d S(J~,'~:~lgf~~I~r~g 18 stili lower. book olub. The teaohers att.ended thA Town the presence of yourself and friend friends last Saturday evening' norves Of 80nSI1tioll Bre ItK t1ngol'8 ; through Ib; 250 for Il family ora.clrer hip Te ohe rs mAeting Friday after . ' ~hom Is fullilled ItH function or hlUldl1ng lUlt! box Also Stllr, Bntter, Creum, ... s 11 . ., at the maSk wedding of her friend QUIte early in the evening persons flltlilloning il,e more mat rhdB Or:clvlU&atloo. nOOD . . TlISte Is t bo hUitlbl' t llD10ug the sen_a It s Round OvstHr Crackers, al : ! ' A few of the friends of Mrl!. ~uth Miss Hallo We'en not resembhng those usually seen on mill I tratlons ~ devoted. primarily. to t ho Spring Branch W,,"YR fra b' !lnd orisp . . Morgan celebrated l,1er 82nd birth. to our streets were taking long journeys I Mr. a;od Mrs Obarles Rye enter- day with a surpi ise, Sunday week Mr. Masqu'e r Ade to the Grange Hall. Their greetings . <'lives, Pjc~les. Kraut and t inined tbeir a,ont, Rebeooa Woloot . Fred ShaDe blls sold hi:! restllnrn.nt Saturday evening, October thirtieth, were exceedingly cordial and their Pepper Sauce. I ~ few week . to Lewis BolJaod. nineteen hundred and nine, at cost umes beyond description. ---":"":"'-.---:---.Every tbing Good ' to Eat at : Mr ud Mrs. Flank Smith II.n.d 8010n Carroll has moved from half after eight o'clock. The prize for the best masked lady I :fa.wily entertained Elder '1'. J . Wi! Spring Valley to Dr. Fudge's house. Presents appropriate to the occasion, was rece,i ved by Mrs. Frank Jones : IiIlLUS Ilnd wife l::Iil.turday night. Miss Cletus Reeves gave a Hallowsent previQusly, will be well takwho 'wore lace curtains and ChristMr and Mrs . . John !::Imith 'e nter- e'en party :Monday night. . ' tained Elder . T . J. and ___ • en care'of, to be displayed on mal:! decorations. The gentleman's witeFriday night " We.1hll,a n. same evening. 'Prizes prize was captured by Albert CleavOF COtTJlSE Mrs . Mtnnle Marlatt ' and Mrs , .will be awarded to er who appeared as an Indian. BurMtlrtba Clingen were enterta.ined by Mr. and Mr~ . ElvJn' Fires were ones guessing net Butterwol'tb was the youngest IMrR Frank pakin on las~ Wednes Sunday. gnests of Will Fires Imd real bride \ onemasked and froni the selection ' !'!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~!!!!!"!!!!'!!! I dtly for dinner . . family, of near Wilmington. and groom , !of dress' some think Mr. "elf Marlatt " G ' Mrs .1. B Chenoweth and daugh Mrs. Cora Thompson oalled (N t ,,·'·th t k) th b th ld . ~QbiK-ribe . for the alette Iter Ber~h8. guest\! of Mrs. Dttn . 0 en rance wI OU mas. mus ave een eo est. ~ ,. Mrs. 'George Davis Toesday ilfter L' ht f ash ts set d ""'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~.~!!!!!!!~ iel Morgan Thursday. About~even-thit'tythemaskguests Ig re r , men . were . ve . = r Mlsse!! Bertha SJDitb and "A.l~AI'...I-=::';:;;:"=-=-=-o...-==-=:--:=-:.--.==-cr.=-==~"1:V;~·n;;-'1'ft~;;;;;",,"-.;n;;"';;*~ about the and all departed at an early hour. . Chen(tweth hRCl as their guests nt, guests 'of George Bogi n "nd house which was tastefully decorat- The re~eipts were about th.irty dol- ~YhyJ~ ,:;r:~~ that f\led e the englo.e of !Soudll.i dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank 8und"y. ed I·h purple' and gola" leaves-COrn- lars whIch was a very satisfactory V~lonlathellobl.o.t ofoursell&OlI .. It pre. ' !Snms and son james. ' . " It to th . h ~ldos ovor tho actlvltios uf tlto lower taclll~I.1lII Mrs. Maude Clea ver was a Lebll- fodder pumpkin lanterns etc. At resu. ose In c arge. aDd tranacooda thom In tM reach o.f It, powor. . I, Mrs. J . H . Chenoweth spantSat- non 'visitor Friday. ' . , • _. Yettlli8mo8~IInJlOrtantof"UIMlJl_r.m08t . uight with aunt L".;iia Austin, ' a nd Marjorie Bowe the hour appointed the wedding I DI'STDESSINO ACCIDENT abll8ed, The tooth.lhe the el", 'IU reo j urdav J'I Boward Searl! . ~ wive dll!l atten~loD lIJ10D JlolMl, thuUirhtoet warning ' I of Middle Run . spent Sund"'y with F· lossie and march was played by Mr. Harry . while Ihootl!18 pafns and dUlL achealn and . S tak e,o t B.eJIb roo. k The bn'd a I parH enry . Ki ng, wow h h·l aroundtoOtl10 aI· There will be meeting at Midd~ Louis Fires, .. Ie worki ng 101lru\ go eye8-natllre's tUiheOlrecl; wl,oo' warnln~1nl petbaPllrurectly Ron next Sfttardf.l.Y at 2 p. n1., f\.nt, Will Clllrk and tamtly, visited ty slowly,' wended thqit,' way down with hFraJ)kh.Hechathdornb d.a .few days ~!~1~\~re'ir':!:t~rell~VO"l'eIICnt trou loand jSundll Y r~t 10 :ao 11. . m . by Elder Ge . with, Carl Duke aod fllmily, of Door stairs being met at the.foot of the ago, . urt IS ~. a Iy. .. H e was " . Will mllke. yon the finest : A. Br tll, of luclitmn.. S d . ' , .. . workmg on a drilling machme, anc;l S~I~ by a dutch attendant, who c~- in. some way the mach.ineriI ~aught . • _ • . , I Mr. Nltt.han Austin and Wife were Lytle, un a.y. 8everalfrom here attended the rIed a b ask e t 0 feaves, it • ge t ' g uest.s o f Mr. Newton Smith nnd s r e wmg h IS h an d and mashed It elB . .. . MissionB.l'Y Sewin'" at Jonah's , Run t h' id " I b t l' . , fnDlny tI t 8uuda.y dinner. ohuroh Thursday,'" elr p~th way, ea·!ng th em to th e t 109 a Iong s1OW! eo U surf: y. r Mr I1nd Mrs. Chnrles Rye Mr., aud hymemal alter, whIch ha:i been a r - " . . ~\ J Ever mtide in Wuyn e~v i1le, f\.ti MrR Edwllrd Morgan a.nd ·Aunt George Davis and famlly (I~nt ranged in the bay-window, . an arch McCLURE'S MAO~ZINE WIII'.,e at the very reasonable pricPI( No Beckl~ l:toblit were 'lI.u'!s~s of Mr 8unday with John Edwards Bod b' f ed edd· b 11 t d '. need ' to lellve the tow.n for . emg . orm , w 109 e erec e McClure's m"""''7I'ne GUSt·In· H0 t e I Mout Hoblit nnd fa mily to Sunday fa.mily. ' _ - ' wants 'a ma'n ',' them. . . dinner. Lew Wolfe and wife spent !::Iatur· and lighted .with pumpkin lanterns. o:r woman in Waynesville and vicini.. .' , . Glillery is open every ~nt­ Mr. tt.nd Mrs. Fra~k Cook a nd daly night aud Suo,day with their Here they were met by th~ masked ty to attend to its subscr:iptio~ intellWaynesville, Ohio, urday , " dD.I1~bter MlI.nd were SundllY guests parents of t.his plaoe. preacher, William Mount, of Mortow ~ts. " Whole or ~~are time. There '. • · Elmer ' Seara, wife · and grand h rf ed th . . IS a hberal 'guaranteed . salary. Ex6' . of Walter Dakin"and family' . ·and : See Me dallghter, of Davton, .and Lew Sears w o. pe orm . . e ceremony m a perienc~ desirable; - not ·necessary: OV. . . Mrs. Add Dakin and ohildren oalled on Elvin l!'iresand family co~lcal ' manner. Congratulations Profitable permanent and pleasant . -.' J .'. J spent !Sunday in Mt. Holly. Monday evening. ' were then extended;after which . :today., . First ' Saturday In Fred Sberwood. wife and dllugh. of paper were passed to each one,. , 42 East 23 St .• Ne~ York .. · H. ter, of W:lynesville, were seen 00 upon which the guess was written. CI~y_ . .'.' \ Eve,ry ~onth e.r :eafter our streEts Munday' afternoon. While this was being done a belling .. Mrs. Jesse CIll.rk visited with Will crowd appeared. ' The ' bl;ide and Clark and wife one day last week. groom made their appearan~ after Mrs. Ed Martin oalled on her which partners were cbosen for sup(itlUghter, Mrs. George Ellis Thursday at ternoon. per.. They then proceeded to the - -- - - - - - dining room where the bride's table had been arranged. Mter seated they were ordered to unmask, FOUNTAIN SYRING~S finding .Mr. Eugepe Pennewitt as bride and Mr. Wendell . Hook as arroom, both of Belibrook. The 'S OHWARTZ'S guests being unable to guess wedding couple, no prizes were given. The menu consisted of salad New ' England Barytone, assisted by Miss . served in turnips, ham sandwiche3, Corwin. I pickles, gem 'pumpkin pies, coffee, Katherine Cad\valJader, violini@t, and Mrs. apples and · a bride's cake made of C. A. Hough, accompanist, of Lebanon. at .popcorn, in'to which were dropped a ring, thimble and penny, Prof. Carey of . Lytle, receiving the, thimble, baChelor, and Cha rles 'Cornell the IY! THE EDISON PHONOqRAPH '. is .an enter~ ne~t groom, the penny . ·fPJI ta·i net that comes into your .home) .i'· aBillan cost. Mter supper 'the guests were and brings' with it the best ' musl~: of ',tM ' world, ' delligJ.:ltf.'ul . entertain~ with ·m usic . ren.d ered by the worid's greatesf 'at:,tists . . lI~r . Charles Duke, trom'Eugene violiriist; I..ev,i- and pis BaJid, ~da ' crones ana l?iJiY: Murra~, ·Milln,e·. Duke. /sUI ' ~Ke,;cP'IIQl-;I ;IiI!~ 'Sousa's :Band, .Collins' and ,'H arhm··and . ~a.~ 1M. on . Wills. profession,a.l' tram'p, a~ our store. ' " . the " -', .


-----...- - -



PH~LlPS' OPfRA HOUSf Waynesville, Ohio,

Friday, November 5, 1909


/111------------. 75c at

1I.____________ • - --_.. SCHWARTZ'S





.........-------II!:. CANBY


Photog'r aphs


ExpertOt. · p IClan



L. Baldwin Pierson School .Hall,_


' Wayne~~~ll~,



6Se at



Sa t ur'd'a y N







--I , Personal Mention Here and There














1., _ _ _ _ _ •

• - - ~ .- ----.-. - - - .-..-..-.+---.-..~~.-..- ___. _. -

- - -------- ---.I

I Former Citizens .~


. - - - - - , - - - - . +--____________ •


.NU M B E~ au~ 9 I

TH E LECTURE COURS E In about t hree weeks the lectu re

Edward Ricks has been quit e sick. courec wiII be on, ~nd the t ickets Allie Hole and wife had as t heir have not all been dl~p08ed of yet. Ed Furnas was a Cincinnati visitor The commi ttee would urge the peo- guests last Sunday to oilmer , F . C. Mrs. J. H. Coleman is ill with ton· sillitis. . on Monday. pIe to get their tickets immedia tel y, Carey and family. Rion HOi'll is visitilla' relatives in A Maffit was in Lebanon Monday and I~ t them kn?W wh~re t hey stand. Cincinnati. on business. ThIs matte r. lS. of Importance to Dan Bone, Coun ty Clerk, and Miss Mrs. John Hartsock, of Springfield, our town. ThiS IS the best course R k f L Master Ethan Crane has bee n on has been vel 'Yill for about fOQr weeks W H Antram of Lebanon was in th t b d d ' an er , 0 ebanon. ate s uoper the sick list. to~ I~t week. ' , I a bc~n th e procu re I an It seemks wi th Mr. and Mrs . Up~hel'e White with uremic poisoning. She is, at . . 00 a a t our pe~ p e a re not ta - last Friday vening . present, much better, and is just able Mrs. F. H. Farr was a Dayton visChas. Smart spent Sunday with 109 hold of t he proJect better than to get around 'a little, itor last week. his family here. they a re. The follow ing excerp t was A reading of the " ·Passion Play" taken from an e~chan~e: . The friends and neig ht.>ors of Mrs. Mrs. Williamson, of Centerville, · S. A. Stilwell has accepted a posiwas in town Saturday, by 'Mrs. S. J. Raper at People's Huy a season ticket 111 ~he ~ecture Wm. Zell took her by surprise Friday tion with an office supply house and Cou rse. for yo~r boy, h~ewlse for evening , and look t emporary charge Mrs. W. H. Allen wu shopping in Theater. left last week to begin his work, Cincinnati last Thursday. ' . your girl. It IS a small Investment of her home for t he eveni ng. A~ I Misses Alma Waterhouse and Clam ' bu t valuable . We will be passing had a good time. which will be mostly in Kentucky W. H. Allen and Aaron Chand~er Hawke wtre in Dayton Saturday. this way but once. Today'& opportuand Tennessee. Mayor J. O. Cartwright. were in Lebanon last week. . . nities never come again. Do what Come and see the "Passion Play" Ch~ •. ~rown and wife: of Corwin, g ood we can to others and our tow n. On Saturday evening a number of Mrs. Marion Clark writes us that ELECTION AFTE~M ATH at- The Peoples' Theater. are reJolcmg over the arrival of a ~n. 1 A sing le lecture was the making of Mrs. George ~]J 's fri ends attempted ber pat:ty are having a good time at Mrs. John Fromm and daughter, !John Burroughs, t he naturalist. to spring a surprise on her. but she Los Angeles, Cal. She says they P f D M . d h' I . Mrs. E A. Weller. of Centerville, ~ere were but few changes m the was shopping in town Friday. of Dayton, are guests of John Hawke , 1'0 . e ot te receive t !rty etters. was too wa ry and they didn't sur. spent one day at Long Beach with and family. from yo~ng men after delivering a prise her. Any'way, they al1 had a offiCial count when made by the Miss Lizzie Fairchild, and enjoyed BOard of Elections at'Lebanon last Jesse Wright and wife weregu~ts . . , lect ure m Norchamton, Mass. The good time. . tht day very much. She says the week, and the ticket as elected is of Dr. Wright and family last week . Will Sherwood and family were value of a good lecture is not t o be - -weather is fine. a'uesls of Har.ry Sherwood and wife, I dt d II b'lI b t . generally satitfactory. W. C. Dinwiddi. and wife were In in Lebanon last week. !compare o.a o~e 0 a~ I , .u a Mr. Georg e W. Pratt and famIly In the corporation J . O. Cartwright Lebanon Monda)' on..lepl b u s i n e s s . ' one dollar blJi will furni sh a ticket entertained Sunday the following Mrs. A. Q•.Bradstreet, of Dayton, fDr Mayor, went through with a Mi88 Ada Shook, a teacher in the for the whol~ course. guests: Will Thompson, wite and writeR us as follows: whirl. Geo. Thompson got there by Howard Collet~, of Harveysbul'&', school at Corwin , is lJt iJI very i1J at l Don't n~gJect this matter, but caIJ daughter, and Armstrong McCray, "Enclosed please find one dollar for only eight votes against there in the was a caller a thw office Thursd8.1. her home in South Lebanon. at Janney S drug store and get your wife and two daughters. paper. I have been in one room for t:QCe. C. D. Reed, for clerk, and JamesSaleandGeorgeHawkew~..e • - • tickets, .. _ . about three w~; commen~ with Th08 Pierce, for treasurer, had no in Lebanon Monday attending to jUry A VOICE pleurisy and seems as though cannot opposition. Board of public affairs, duties. . W. aUSTIN WINS SUIT S. Baily and family entertaineeJ. get clear of it, just add a little more 'tj J E J J W Everybody goes to DOWnIng . , ., at Sunday dinnerthefollowing guests on, . '. anney, . ! D. L. Crane, wife and son Ethan With their babies large and small Will O. Gustm came off VictoriOUS E l d B t d d hte' cold, though think I am·betternow." no ~PPOSI teandP . E. Kennck. Forcoun. were guests of Springfield frimJeta Pictures ofthe little toddlers 'Tuesday, in the case brought s,gainst ' l woMo aLaemMant'tBant augfTr-I1n. cll, J. A Funkey, M. L. Parshall, J. Sunday , Li h' d II him by Willard J. Wright. aw, rs. 0 a eman, 0 0 e. . '. .. . ne IS case an wa . In the first trial of the case. Mr, do, Jesse Wright ang wife; of Spri?g. The Sprillg\>pro in printing D . Marlatt, F. E. Sherwood, F. C. W.•G. H.lli. of Mwru, Fla., 18 'Brides and bridegrooms without num- Wright recovered judgment against boro, and J os. Chapman and f"mlly, their election result, gives. the Hartsock.and F. C. Schwartz. Frank ber, Gustin for $750 which he claimed names of two former residf;lnta, that Zell for appraiser. Forscbool board, gu~ of his daughter, Mrs. Cle .' , Pl'eachers froin the house of prayer was due -the est~te bf Lot Wrig ht . of M. J. Farr, fo r mayor, and Abram there were only thr~ on the ticket, lJumett. The best Pictur:e of the " Paaai9n Soldiers of the ~Uate militia deceased; on a note which W . .J: , ~eorge Ha~ke and. famIly enterCook, for counell. t Mr. Farr was a but a lot .of "plunkers': were vottoday, at People~s Go and sit in Downing's chair. Wright held as executor. The note tamed at theIr hOsPlta~le country r.ident of Waynesville for a number ed, especIally for ladles.. Had it ~Iay" on the ' Xenl' a 0 h db' Lo W . h I home Sunday the followmlt guests: of years in the jewelry and barber been generally known that there Theat er. , a eenglven to trig taspar- C W B ' d ' f E V Ba . , .- • . . : . . am~tt an WI e, .' . rnbusiness. Mr. Cook spentall of his were more candidates the vote might 'ff 0 J Ed -....I~ J. Will ' White baa been very III EASTERN STAR ~al pay~ent for a fa~m which GUS- 1hart and wife, Mrs. Amanda Wright, d h b early life here, and everybody re- ave een I erent. .. WIU'UD, r b . . . tm furnished. Gustm procured a . .. members genial "Abe. '.' . J · C~ ~eland B. S. Ho~ell with~~~u~I.1 . at at present 18 Tbiumualmeetin"ofthe Eastern new trial, which resulted in hiS I ~~ght E:~~~e~,:~y~f~:W!~ ·»CI"WC. • • • f th T ' , . , ' tbe su~u ones. Onthetownahi ticket " Star ~ held Monday evening. Re- wmnmg 0 e uesuay.. N.~. _ _ Announcement is made 01 the mar- f f p d be th I J:. Q. Cart~t and family were porta from the Granel Chapter which It seems that Hathaway IVins pur- / . riqe of Mi. Genevieve Moore to w::u=~as the ";o~ .mtors at ~e home of M-isa Mary A. met in Cincinnati were aiven by the chased tl~e farm of. Gustin, and, Last Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Mr. Chas. R. Franks. both of Colum- shi H ' " d ..1"'......... A . " K~er Sun - .- . Worthy Matron Mrs Stella Cornell that he, Ivms, entered mt o a cont ract Ed d Sh h ' "f W II . p ouae an 'UUnrJn venue · , . . . ' th Lot W " ht t G t' ' I war an an,o e man, gave bus, Ohio, on November 3nt Mrs. were brought up and made_lively Albert qhandler and wife lelt Sat- and others who attended. Two new te d h :su~~ ' t u;''"/ a parcel shower for Miss M_ry Edith Franks is the daughter of the late sue. Frartk Pratt (~)' W S Gra- nrda)' morrung for their home in members, Mr. and Mrs. !<'rank Farr, nWo . 'Iatn 11 a . . e a rthP~1 I 'f t'h" F eilly. The hOIlT.S from two to five Mr. and M • 0 B. Moore. formerly ., ' . . . . d 'tted El t' f ffi rIg 1 J!.noWlng no Ing 0 IS d'rif I , of. this place and niece 'of Mrs , . R. A. bam. (290) and C~. Cornell. (284) Kanaaa City, Mo. werelteda ml II~' . ec lon °Mo ('e~ agreem~nt, held the note and sued were pleasantly an I . orma lyapent. f h .. were JSleeted. James Sale, for ap. ~ as 0 ows. , ort V atron. . . Damty refreshments m two courses Croas. Mr. franks 18 Chief ClerJc of praiser, bad a majority of 21. The Ml'I. C. A~ Hoqb a1'\d Mrs. Nelhe- IIrs' Stella ComeJ1; W~rthy Patron, for tts payment. Mr. Gustin was were served by the hoste9S. assisted the id9w 's Dep.artmentofihe U. S. rest of the ticket had no opposition J?enc~, of Lebano~, were Wayaes- C. K.Robitzer; Associate Matron, able·to .procure the agreement from by Mrs. F. A. Hartsock. The decor." PeD8lon• Aa'ency m Columbus, wh1lre an . d therefore were e )eewu. ~.-.I VIlle VUlitors Sunday. IIrs. Sue Bawl'e' Secretary' M' Iss Mr. IVinS, and thus ' · ... "" W C ·· Ti won the cas.e .,..... a t Ions were I'n ye II ow ~d w hOt I e. they Will be at home after November • _ • Fred B. Sberw:ood is ellJoymg a Laura ' McKinsey; Treasurer; Mrs. arren ounty_~es. Chil)a, silver"cut glass and linen were· 16th at 2SS .E. Northwood Ave. DESERVED PATRONAOE new riding }\orae :purchased at tht Amanda Maffit; Conductress, Mrs. OOES TO NEW YORK showered upon the popular young Chapman sale Saturday. Ruth J~ney; Associate Conductress, lady, who will today become the Miss. L. A. Benley. formerly libra- William B. Moore, the reader. and ~ ~J h . Be his enj • MiSs. Donna Hawke. The entire The Rev. Henry Jerome Simpson, bride of Mr. Rober~ Shirdl'.ln. of HarOY1l1g te.n chap~r was entertained by the reotor of Chris~ Episcopal obo~oh, veysburg. rian of the POst Oftlce Department, raon.o logist. who was here Friday d . , .? n hac. . M has Sold lier home at Fort Myer evenina' at.PhilJipe Hall, played. to ~ vu,lt to er Il8ter, rs. worthy matron ~d secretary and a and one of the 'most popular YO(1.o·s Heights. Va., and~ taken an apart.. very small audience.' His enter~n. ~ners, 111 Eubank. Ky. very pleasant social hour was spent. ministers who hall ever bad obarge Little Mary Thomas assisted by mentat 2S10Garfteld street, in Wood ment was clean, and he kept AdmiJaion at People's Theater, OR ~ - • of a locaJ oongregation, bas aooepted her cousin Rachel Sheehan enterley Park, and hIlS her ~ter. M. . S. hearers .in an uproar of la~hter all 16th, 16th and 17th of November. . CONCE~T POSTPONED the.ooraoYof Christ Churoh, Roohes- tained about- a «;Iozen of her little K. Henley, ' with her. Mila Healey the time. His "Move On, .John, Adults; lOe, childreh, &c. . . . • . ter, N. Y. , and will take up his work friends at dinner at her home near returned recently from ~ mOatenjoy- Move On," and the "Court Scene" . On account Gf trouble In gettmg a about Deoember 1st. His re sl g n.8 - Edgewood, Saturday last. Tqe day 'able to the Pacific cout. She w e~ ellpecially pleasing. If Mr. . C. D~ ~fferlOn and . dau~h~r, ~l.apO at School HaU, the concert tion was presented ta the vestry of was fine and the girls' spirits ran visited two neplieW8, one ats&n Fran- Moore .should ever come back he M' ';.f ~l!d~::town, ;e~ests of WhlC~ was announced for Thursday Cbrist churoh lallt nlght.-Xenia high and a general good time was cisco; the other at Oklahoma Ci~, .should have a rousing house. 188 ary • eever · un y. evenin&, ~S:h.been post~~n~h ~e Gazett.e, had. The only regreto~ the day was .. and saw .the mMY points .of interest • - • Miss Jennie Hardin and Mrs. Lois POOl.p e ' 0 IS commMuni Y • ere y. th~~ a few others could not be pres• - • u ta'n '. HAD A 0000 TIME WaIn of Morrow were &'\lests of oee a great treat, as r. p elrson h as W C. T. U. ent . Those present ware: M10nie , d 1.:1_ ty' t.h Roct,.".. an ~u In e ~'I. mo n I •. ' '. ' a fine voice .. . . region. ' ' S L Cartw . ht d , ·· t B. S. Howell and famlly Sunday. . • - • Th W C T U h Id . t . DaVIS, Mildred Smith, Estla Hames, • ' < . .. , .l'Ja' ap ,wll.e are .a I '. . . e . : . ' . e a very 10 er- Janette Janney, Helt n Marlatt. MarM~ .Henley h~ the pleasure of re- home and he BayS they had & ' very I Mrs ,Mary Linton an ·Mrs. Abbie STOCK SALES estmg meeting Ilt the home of Mrs. garet Lewis Lucile and Reva Hor neWln&, here early fi ne .tiIDe a t Canto WI . . ' on N ovem b er 5th ,at wh'ICh ' Gard Inez Thomas· . ,old acquamtances . .. '. n, a t th e S tat e BroW1\, o f i m ington: spent Fri" . . .H arrls mel1 Nellie ~tTeI~~r~ ar:dd h:,r.:;:any ~~en:8 Board' o~ Charities. ' . . day ~ Sam Butterw~rth and Wife~ ~e t n : - V ~ey S~k ~;~es WI~ time they arranged for one of t~e Leo~a McGinnis, M~ry Duke, Rachei y ead Wll til' a . tern tO~ .• .1\ e He said there "re nme,. delegates M .l....... W. ht dd h~- ' ~thur h~d Saa rd°vemf r h ,an two aU-:<Jay conferences to be held 10 Sheehan and Mary Thomas h a p easan wes. np., from Warren County, and also says rs. ~lIes ng an aug Ioer on e t tr tu ay 0 eac month Warren County. This conference is . • _ • . our superintendent and matron, J. Susa? attended the fune~ o~ IIrs. thet:eafter. City buyet:S assured for to be held on the 19th at the Red SERIOUSLY SICK COUNTY TEACHERS' ASS'N. . .. ' B. CaskJ!y and wife, are among the Nettle Morgan Doe, at Wlhnm,ton 70 a'ood horses of al~ classes. Excel- Brick Chllr~h; also decided to obThe WarreD COUD&y '~er.' best. It is the largest conference in last Thursday. lent market for all hve-sto:k. serve Temperance Sunday on the Judge O'Nel\lI. who ollme over As.not.tlon, wlU meet at Unlver~lty the histori of the movement. Mr. .Pardl, acommJ.ionmercbant; Spring Valley CommerCial Club. evening of November 2kth. A fine to the Home last week, to work on ObaPeI, LebaDon, Oblo, ~ovember . • - • of Newark. N. J., was the pest of • -. program will be rendered, and every the biennial . report of the Board of 20. 1808. ' . HAMPTON.HA.8ERKE~N C. W. Barnett-and family over Sun~ ST. MA~Y'S OUILD one is cordially invited to these Tru8tees to the Governor, wal'taken )Iornlng, 10:00 a. 1il.-DevotloDal . . . day. Th' " ll b . f S ,.. _. meetings. siok Saturday morning *,nd went to i:s rei Be W A cOo Saml. MeredIth receIved word ' .. ere.WI . e.a meeting 0 tdua • - • ·the hospital to receive treatment,. lIS:boo~iaxblb~&."""O. ~tf:~: Mo~day olthe ~Bi'eofhisniece, .Elwood BatemB?' an uncle of Mrs. ry a G~111d W~esday afternoon at NOTICR Saturdilyeveni the \emptatlon to au a'hter-in-law, 2:80, wlth Mrs. E.V. Barnhart. An H ' -oultura) Depart.mID",O." , · U. · , at Winstbn,Salem,N. C., Mi8l5Esther LinaDevitt,andh18d ld' 0 . M'll see the boys and "irls celebrating A ••• • g .. . . . ' M Lamott Bateman of Toledo ' rtant ti f 11 tte d avmg so our regoma I s, " . . DllOuuloD led. by L. C,' Wllkenon, Hampton ~ Mr. Roy C, .Haberkern. n. . ' . ,Impo. !l'ee ng, so a ~ a n - we wish to close out our entire Hallowe'ed was too great ~nd he Beoeils, uTree Seed.. and l:ieedllnl 'J;'b,wedding \VU at the bride's home, have bee~ .the gllesta of. E. ~~ Bally ance IS desIred. b' t visited the cottages. !:;ullday mO~D . to J, J. Crumley, Woo.ter and they left Immediately after the' and flllDily. . MARKer u~:~:e ~~~~'t 200 tons of coal a tng he .wa.s baok in the ' bOIlP'itlll aDd " . ceremony for ·Richmond. Ind. The farm of the late W. J. CqJlett. lot of s~ve wood lumber and differ- hilS been there ever· slDce suft'erin~ . AlP'lqQUuralDepar'meD~.' MterDqoD, '1':80 11. 1il·::-lIualo. 14.. ' " HIOHLY· .HONORED of Barveysbu~. will be sold' ~t pubThe Ladies' Aid, the M. · E. ent kinds ~f feed that we are selling the exoruoiating paID of' gall ~toDes. ,. • trumeq&aI, ..The 1rI~1e~ . lI.oDf~rt, ; , . lie aucbon, December 7th. ~ &ood CbQ~ holj a market in the at cost·_· Come ~nd see what we have . [)rs~ Moqel~an and ' GI1})owar w~l,'e . "lIa~n8 Use of W...~ r~," J, ~ RJon JJ~I .~ been ~blybono~ chance to buy a fann. See. Township a01,188, Saturday, Novem- All partie.'! having any of our grain oalled in.. oon8oltati.oh ,.w~th Dr; ", ." '" Cram)e)' T u.e.,d,DP , fr~m .. Bl1~)',. Inbeil1l". ch~as~~~tivefor ad. iD~other·column. . ber2Oth, beginningpromptlyat9:lW. sacks wili oblige us .by returning Hewi~t. tlie·. fln.i ·ot&be· w..~e~. fhs . " ...rte. AbfoiD!,~&e 1I0~tol &. ' ' . th~ ~ tn. Warreil,:CoantY. the 'MesdameS Walter McClUre, F. C. • - .them promptly. . . Jotlge SP9t;lt' \I: very good .~Uight 'last . · Send 1& 8peol~1 Inrltation _o:you" be belihoon; : Carey and'Chas. Rye were ' shopping:'· WIt.L~O ~' L~BANQN ' :' . '. SP.ENOER' & ~.ONROE, ' n~ghh~d WI\8 rellt~g'w~l1th!RD!~rD<' " ~hool Board · aulDl " Uaem ' ~ " bit ,. '. in DaYton list Fz;dliJ, and witn~ ' , .: , . • - .' . tng ~~d 'it ~ ~li~v~; aDd 4op,~ b~ ' pr~n& •• ~18 ~1I1.0Ult.:ai'aHlIee&b:a1 . ,OY~ER: SUPPER . .. "'Under' Southern ~ea,""at the Na. :rh~ (;udd of.~t!~a~ s churc~. are LOST , . WU1S0QD' be np and able t~ be 8.b J!lt .~ .1:.. 0 . ,.VA.WI~.~ , h.... . ' . .' . " . . tlo....:. 'ill' aftemnnn. ' . anti~lpatiQ~ .~ triptc? Le~~bn Frt~8}', .. ·Long 'black 'cloa)nlO HarVeysburg ·agatB.-Ho.~,e W~kly " . " ". ALlall ·Ooou,:tJeofJ. . .. .. oof:dlallD~"'l~," u:teD~ed $,0. . ~;: .' ,..' . ' .where they go to-tne Childrert's. Home . , ' . . . . . ! • -,......, . '. . . ~ T B l .Dft.-_ :the .pubtio,1O ~~t1 ~pper ~.,' aha .'(' ~ Mu~ 9'~"1 'i s ·8peDdiD. to Visit Supt. and M1'8. J .. H. Caskey, ,PS~beke'h°rdc~~r"d.19Lt~t'tlbee ~~amn..Ad,lb.ertt ,..DJOlJRNEO MEETlNQ k. Oom. 0 :-'£ 'fk:;'; . . u. a OluroJa at _. $taa, ''''ard!,~ thf8.~ in .p.,tOn the neat o( her alsO iusiit .in makin&,. 'quilts. P ~ OJ an I ', 1. ~. epo :: '. . , ".) , .' ' . . .1 II.... . L/ B . Berr7 . ·••~tD8" No~ber • . .~~ f~, Mill ~th 'Watchet..JYho :,riD \ . . ' . - ._ . " " Finder retum t9l\1bet:t_Shep- Council 'Was to have had an ad~ , • _- • ..n~ I&1Idwtoh. will .110 be..... become . "bdde on Tbund~. .~ad Ie ~lDI 'he wort OD ,h erd. e. _ _ . . joumed meetin&' Mon~ nigllt. but HUleborO II ~~. a 9br1.t&~be- &. ~ time 18 ptoIDl8e4 to alL ~ II. daualatar of· :J(r. 'ww,;lher oriIIQDer)' aDd _~C& to h~dle ' BatiblhhOottnl from · November ~ tltve was no' QUor1uq 1l00h.wtlneea . aatllllibow. ,. . . . . PrIOIIIGou4110. _ . . . . . ot. . O.....rU......... CO. ~~_ot· mUkdAUt. l1hhto Deoember ·'tb. wU\l~ted .· . E. E. Hahn was in Daywn Sun4ay.

Mrs. Ka te MccOmas writes U8 to change her address from Parker, Col., to Camp LaPoele. Inez, Wyo.











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. ' TNe..













. '






Wizard w-Oz By

L. FrankBaum

(('<lIlHI\:ll l. bL th l) nohbs·M Ol rrlll Co.> (Cop),rlght by Frank Unum & \V. W. Donlllow.l SYNOPSIS. Dorothy 1I,'(!d In KnnsRA with Aunt Em And Uncle Hpnry. A ye lOIlO IICted th eir home Into th o nil'. Dorol hy fa iling 'LS I p IImldst tho exelt mont. A RwullO lIOd hllr. Tho hou8 had landed In 11 coulltry o f marvelous beauty. Groups .ot Queer little P 'CJplo ,""eeted hor to tho Land ot J\{unchklns. Tho houso had kllled theIr , th e wl ' knd witch ot IJ:(LSt. Dol" othy took the wlteh's s ll v ~ r shoos. Sho IItnrted t or the Emerald it)· to ODd the WiZArd of Oz. who. she wrus promised. mIgh t Ond a WRy to s nd her back to KanslUl. Dorothy rc l(,~ell n scarecrow. gh'lng him lite. lIe was elosl r UII ot ac· qulrlng br Ins and start ed with h r to the wizard to get th m. The 6cn reorow tolll hll. hilltor),. Th y mot 1\ lin woodmnn who long d for a h art. He n l so nlned tbem. ThOll: allle Ilpon a terri hie Inn. The lion conTesscd ho hall no cournsc. Ho decldrd to a 'company thorn to U,e Wizard or z to get 80 m I'. 1'h scarecrow In pushing the rnft became Impaled upon hili pole In tha middle of t ha river. .

great elustere ecarlet poppies. whloh were 80 brllliant In color, they alma t danl d Dorothy'. eyes. "Aren' t th y beautitul ?" the girl asked. as she breatlled In the IIplcy . scent or lhe flowers. "I lluppose so," answered the Scare· crow. " " h n I have brains I sllall ,Jl'obribl), lilt , thom b tte r." "If I ouly' had 1\ h art I should 10\'8 th m," Held ell the Tin Woodman, "I nlWAYs did like flowers," said the \.1011; "Ul Y seem so helpless aud frail. Out tit re are none In the 'lorest so bl'l ht as these." They now nOlO upon more and ' Illor of Ih e big . sca rle t poppIes. and r wer nnd fe we r of the other flowe rs; unci soon they found th emselves In Ihe midst ot a great .meadow ot pop· pies. Now It I ' well h'llo wn that when til re are IU llny at these flo wers to· IJ(Jt hor lllcir odor Is so · powerful t hat a ny one who breathes It falls asleep. nnd'it tho sleeper Is not carried away from the se ' n t at til e fiowers he sle PH on IUld on forevo r. But Dorothy did not Imow this. nor could she geL away from the brigh t red . flowe rs that were overywhere about; so pres· n tly he r eyes grew h eavy and she Cell sh must sit down to rest nnd to slcep. But the Tin Woodman would not let her do this. "We must hurry and get back to the road at y 1I0w brick before dark." he said; and tho careerow agreed with him. So t hey kep t walking until Dar·


"Where Is he?" asked the Stork, "Over there IIi the river." atl.swered the girl. , ''If he wasn't so big ·and heavy I would get him for you .... remarked the Stork. "He Isn't he~vy a bit," said DorathY~ eagerly. "tor lie Is stuffed with straw ; and If you will bring him back to us we shall thank you ever and ever so much." "Well. I'll try," sald the Stork; "but If I find he II too heavy to oarry I shall have to d'r op hll'n In the river again." , So the big bird fiew Into the air and over the "ater till she came to where the Scarecrow was pe~ched upon his pole. Then the Stork with her great clawl grabbed the Scarecrow by the arm and carried him up Into the alr and bact to the bank, where Dorothy and the LIon 'and the Tin Woodman and Toto were sltUng. When the Scarecrow found himself among his friends again he was so happy that he hugged them all, even the Lion and Toto; and as they w.alked along he sang "Tol-de·rl·deoh I" at every steP. he telt so gay. "1 was afraid I should have to stay In the river forever.:' he sald, "but the kInd Stork saved me, and if 1 ever get any brains 1 shall find the S tork agaln and do It some klndncss In return." "Thal's all rlgh,t." saId the Stork, wbo W8A flyIng along beside them. "I always like to help 'anyone In trouble.

othy could stand no longer. Her eyes closed In spIte ot hersett Ilnd she for· gpt where she was and fell among the poppies. fast asleep. "What shall :we do?" asked the Tin Woodman. "U we leave her bere she will dio." said the Lion. "The smell at t he nowers Is killing us all. I myself can scarcely keep my eyes open and the dog Is asleep already." It was true; Toto had fallen down beside his little mistress. But the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. no t being made of fl esh. were not troubled by the scent of the flowers. "Run- fas t," aaid the - ScaTecrow to the Lion. "and get. out of thIs deadl y flow er·bed as soon as you can. We will bring the little girl wIth us. but If you should fall asleep you are .too big to be carried." So the . Lion aroused himself and bounded ·forward as fast as, he could go. In a moment he was out of sight. "Let us make a chair with our hands and carry her." said the Scarecrow. So they ploked up Toto and put the dog In Dorothy's lap, and then they made a chalr with their hands tor the seat and their arms for the arms and carried the sleeping girl between them through the flowers. On and on they walked. and It seemed that the great carpet of dead· ly fiowers that surrou.n ded them would never end. They followed the bend at the river. and at last came upon their triend the Lion, lyIng fast asleep among the poppies. The flowers bad been too strong for the buge benat and he bad given up at last and fallen only a short distance tram the end at the IJoppy-bed. where the sweet grass spread In beauti[ul green fields beCore them. "We can do nothing for him." aald the Tin Woodman, sadly; "for be la milch too heavy to 11ft. We must leave hIm he re to sleep on forever. and perhaps he will dream tllat he has tound courage at last." "I'm sorry," said the Scarccrow; "the Lion was a very good comrade


Babies of European ' Monarchs Have Had the Privilege of Sleeping In Very Expensive Beds.


But' I must go now, for my babies I hope you .will find the Em raId Otty and that Oz will help YOIl." "Thauk y OU," repllod Dorothy. and then the kind Stork ne w 'Into the air ud wal soon out of lIght, They walked along IIstoning to the - 1111&101 of ttl. ' brlgbC:Colored birds ~d looklnlJ .t. the lovely ' flowers which now ~Bme 10 thick that the ~und waa 'earpctecl with them. There w.... .,.. jeUow and whit. aDd "Iuo and purple blouoma, bealdel . wa.l Ung In . the nest for me,


"We cannot be far from the road 0 1 yellow brIck, now," rem nrll d Ill ": Scarecrow. as he stood b side the girl. "tor we have come Dearly as Car aE ~h e river car ried ua away." The Tin 'Woodman was about to raply when he heard a low growl, anc tu rning his head (which Worked beau. Ufully on hinges) he saw a strango beast come bounding over the grass towards thl!m. It wna. Indeed, a great I yellow wildcat, and the Woo'dman thought It must be chaSing something, for Its ears were lyIng close to . Itt bead and Its mouth was wide open, showing two rows ot ugly tee th, while Its red cyes glowed like balls 01 fire. As It came n eare r the Tin Woodman saw that running before tll S beast was a little gray fi eld·.mous El, and although he had no heart he knew It was wrong for the wildcat to tr, to It III such a pretty. harmless cr6~


So the Woodman raised hi, ax, and ' lid t b h It as th e w ca ran y e gave II Quick blow that cut the beast's head clean alI from its body, and It rolled ove r at his fee t in two piece,. The fI Id·mouse. now that It was treed from -its e nemy. s topped short; and coming slowly up to the Wood· II\aD It said, In a squea],,)' lItUe'volce: "Oh. thank you! Thank you evar so much for saving my lite." "Don't speak ot tt, I beg of you," raplled the Woodman. "1 have no hel.rt, you know, so 1 am careful to help all those who may need a friend. eveJ3. 11 It happens to be only a mouse," "Only a mouse!" cried the little ani· mal. Indignantly; "why, I am a QUI)ell -the Queen of all the field·mlce !" "Oh, Inde e d~ " sald the Woodman; malting a bow. . "Theretore you bave done a great deed, as well as a brave one, In savIna my Ufe." added tile Queen. At that moment several mice were seen running up as fast as their little legs could oarry them, and when the1 saw their Queen they exclaimed: "Ob. your majesty, we thought you would be killed! How dtd you man· age ·to escape the great WlldcaU" and they all bowed so low to the ' little Queen that they almost stood upon theIr heads. . "This funny Un man," sbe I!.n' Iwered, "killed the Wlldoat and IIIl.ved

Royal Infants have the privilege o f 1.l1eelling .In v ry eXll ns lve an d luxu· rlous cradles. The cot I n which the quee n or Holland's baby sleeps Is t ho one In which her own Infant da,ys Tier passed. 'rhe queen at Italy has liS d for hel' ch ildren 0. mag nificent eilver c rnul , presented to her by the J,'rince of Montenegro. It Is solid s il· " er, ami weighs over 40 pounds. On ·.ne top may be see n the arms of Italy and Mo nteuegro, and at the bottom a laug hing cll ~lid . The cost of the cradIc ""as more than $3.500. The ""ad le In which the Empress Euge~le U'lrsed Lhe prince Imp rlnl was de· e ~ned nnd carved by Froment Me u· rice. Th e body Is In rosewood. Inlaill with ennme ls, s urround d with ohl all v r ornaments and chiseled bronze ga rlands. At the head Is a sta~ue in sliver of Old Paris. holding the Imperial crow n.




1\1rs. Dauer- Tell my son·ln·law that [ thank him fo r !Jls Invitation. but am unab le to necept It. Servant-Good. He promised me halt 0. dollar It you weren't able to come. The Reason Why. . "I ,,"olld er why men don' t· 11IIle more Int r st In th e llritllary!" "Post;lb ly becn ll !:lo it Is 0. secondary consld oratlon."-Balti more American. Stop guessing! T n ' the he t nnd mOlt cerWm romcd,' for tin pninful 8illllellt8T hu WilY it reo linmlius Wiziml Oil. lieves nil S<\I'CnrRS from sprtlin,q, ents, wounds, burns. tiC litis, cle.. I. wonderful.

Old Di ll dldn'l IIko a load of two, So If two' rocto he always thl' II' One ort In " reck thut run, closo by: Anothor he'J to,ss In a n old pIg 8ly.

It seems strange to the ~ a sc ullne It wasn't th '\velghl or hie human load Thnt old Bill IIllnll d; but tllat two rode Inte illgellco th nt mlluy a wom an who Scomod IIko ImpoHltlon to hlnl. YOU Is atl'llid of a mouse Isu't a bit afraid Imow: of her hus band. So that WAS til renson he alwa ys thre w On ort In th o cr ele lhat I'ttn 1080 by. Pettit', Eye SJllve Rtltorel. And tho nth r onll Into th o old pig sty. No mntter how bOlliv the CYL'II mnv be diseased or injUl'cd. All druggists or HoW" COCK FIGHTING GAME AMUSING ard Bros., Dutro 10, N. Y. Only a dlstn t rcst d thIrd party I, Two Boys Only Can Participate at a able to realize th t tl1ere aro two sldet Time, But Will Keep Rest of to a Question. - - - - -- Company In Laughter.

. Two Interesti ng illustrations Showing This is a most amusi ng game. and How Easy It Is to Deceive Iilthough only two boys cnn play at It th ' E at one time. they will keep the rest eye. of t he company In ronrs or laughter, :>lo. 1. If th e lIIustratton Is cut. out The two wbo are to represent the and moved by band in a small circle "cocks" havln" been chosen. they art! ou . tbe level, with such motion as Is both seated upon the floor. I;lven In rins ing out a bowl. tile circles Each boy hns his wrists Hed tag ther with a handkerchief, and hill legs secured just above the ankles with another handkerchi t; his arllli nre then passed ovel' his Imees and a brooDlstlck is ' pushed over one arm. under both knees, a nd out again on the otber side over the other al'm. 'The "cocks" are ·now considered read' Cor fighting, and are carried Into the center at the room and placed opposite . each other with their toes just touching. The fun now commenoos. Eaoh "cock" tries with the aId 01 his toes to turn his opponent over 00 hIs back or side. The one who can s.ucceed In doIng this first wins the game. Circles Appear to Move, It oIten happens that both "COCk8" of the lal'ger diagram will seem to re- turn over at the same time, when ths volve In the direction In which the pa- fight commences again. per is moved, while the cogs of the Imaller dIagram will apparently turn BABY OSTRICHES ARE NOVEL slowly In the opposite direction. No.2. liere 18 another, combination Mother Bird Sits on the Eggs During the Day and the Father at Night,


--:;;-;._ _ _.,.,

• o

Another Deception.

of the clever 1IIusion of the whirlIng wlleels: ' If a rapid rotating maQueen of the Field Mice. ' tlon Is given to the diagram. each clrmy lite. So hereatter you must all cl~ will s~em to revolve, and ' the cog serve him. and obey his sUghte.t wheel In the center wi11 appear to wish.'. move slowly rollDd In the opposite dl· "We willi" cried all the mice In a rec.tioD. ,shrill ' ch0J:Us. And then t~ey 'ICBm' pered In all directions, tor Toto had GAME OF FORBIDDEN LETTER awakened trom his sleep, and seeing all these mice around him he ga,ve I lnte'reltlng Amusement That Any one bark of delight and jumped right Number Can' Participate In-It into the middle o~ the group. Toto II Also Ver I tr · tl had always loved to chase Ullce ""hell y nl uc ve, h e lived in Kansas. and hoO saw n.-, The Idea or this game Is to try harm In It. bow IOanY sentences ca" be spoken But the Tin Woodman caught the without ' 'containing a certain letter dog In his arms and h eld him" tight. which h all been agreed uppn. Su'pposwhile he called ~o the mice: Com. lng, for Instance • .the lettel; "f" is not ~~~~! come back . Toto shall not hurt . to .be introduced. the 'tl'rst player (TO BEl CONTINU ED.) might ask: "Is this a new game to you?" The second player could an· - - -. swer: "Oh, no! 1 played It years ago when quite a youngsterI' nlS He would perhaps turn to the tllird -N dollar back, too. I had better ha'''' player and as k : "You rem'ember It, do illustration of Courtesy and Hospital. you not"" The third pla'l7er might an some rice and some beans." " . ' Ity It Would Be Hard to Bwer' . ' The wagoner handed over Q ' Ing 01 y' d 1 Find Match For. .. es, but we use to p 8Y It differ· eataoles, and then held out five dc-liars. ently ...· This player. having used a the labore. r refllllled. which, however. Havelock Ellis. In his "Soul of word with an "C" In It, must pay a' Spain." has revealed Intimately and , "Take them tor luck money." sal(i forfeit and r emain out. wagoner. "lowe you that." charmingly the temperament at the theAnd only so was the ro\). The answers must be given at once, Spanis h people. According to him, ber persuaded to a.ccep t.- -Youth'~ wlthoul hesitation , and the player Lh e Spania rd Is still fundamentally Companion. . who avoids for Lhe greatest le ngth at primitive. In proof of his possession time using a word containing the tor. of tbe primal ,Ins tincts of hospitality bidden letter wins the game. Brltllh Naval 8upremacy. and charily he quotes the following . British naval supremacy Is sol4 t.\ an ccdote (rom an Aragonese newspa· date tram the time of Alfrell tha What Royalty COBta. per of n few years ago, at 0. Ume when GI'eat, who olalmed and enfornet1 tor Royal farotlles are expenstve luxurthere was much distress In Aragon. Bnglish sblps of war the right to be Ies, as John Bull's natlonal_1 balance A laborer out 'of work came on the saluted first. Throu'g h the fol 'owlna sheet tar the year ended Maroh 31 high road determined to roli the first centuries thi.s claim was continuoWll;, and Issued the othor day as a blue person he met. This was 0. man with dlslJuted and objected to until 1(\73 book shows : Besides the personal in· a wagon. The laborer bade him halt. when the Dutch agreed to strike tt-elr comes of the ktng and queen annuiand demanded his money. colors to the English in British ",& ties are paid to the royal family as· "He re are $30. all that I have," the ters. Though ,'the same honor 1 ad follows: detain ed man replied. , long been exa.t ted tram French "'.. Prtnee of Wale....................... $100.000 "There Is nothing left for .me but se1s. France ·/ormlllly agreed to Ibe PrInces, of Wales .................... . 60,000 Prtncess ChrI 8 t1~ .................... 3O.()OO robbery. My f",mlly Qrf> dying of sa,me rElcognlUon In 1704. Prtncess Louise .. . : ....... .. ....... .. .., 30,000 hunger," the aggressor .sald. apologetDuke of ConTUlught .................. l25,OOO Duehes. of Edinburgh .............. 00,000 loally. and proceeded to put the money Lo.. No T'rme with Burn. Ouches. of Albany ........ ........... 30,000' In his pocket; but as he did so his' ~ear In mind that Qulok treatm..-' PrInce.. Henry of BatteJ'lb rlt ...... 80,000 mind changed. of a burn will Dot only relieve Iqffer,. TnasW. ·for btll maJesty'. ' daugh. "Tnke this, 9hlco," he said .. hand· ' ins but 'wlU frequently remove ' all 8O,0Q0 Their maJelties' privy purse ~as Ing back $20. "One II eDou.h tor dancer at pormanent Icara. Baklna me." " '1Qda. scrape4 "fAw potato, lard, oU•• '1160;000. Salarlel 'pald ' to bls ~, "WOUld you like anythlq I bave oil. Dlolul.. ~nd even mUk are .ef· Jeat7'. housebold' and retired. allow· In the cart '" ,asked the wqo~er. 1m. Gcacloua. -much of the virtue Of th, ~oea. ,629,000. EXpens01J ot hla mapressed ~ this ,eDerosll7. cure depencUnc UIIOD • I~ ,.,pll 1eBb', alms aDd special service. amollllted t() $68.000. .. ye.... laid the man. "TaU 'thla caUOD.


There a re' many ' little ostriches hatched n eaT Phoenix. Arizona, a correspondent In t hat town writes, to St. NlchQlas. The old bIrds sit on eight to ten eggs, which are very large. welghlng from three to tour pounda each. It takes about 8ix weeks for the eggs to hatch. Sometimes wheu It rains the egg$ are taken (rom the nest and put In large Incubators. as the ostrich will not sit on a wet nest. The ostriche8 ~ verY diffe rent trom chickens. The lIIother ~Ir.d being gray, cannot be seen In the day time, and the [ather being bll\ck, cannot be seen very well Ilt night.. so the mother sits on · the nest during the day and the t{lther at nIght, which helps to hide the nest. The little ostrlche~ are aliout thll size of a bantam hen when hatched ;


t..... .. -- __ "--.. --...... :..... :... ......


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Back .


An aching back is instantly relieved y an application of Sloan's Liniment. This lin iment takes the place of m as age and is b etter than sticky ·plasters. It penetrates - without . rubbing - through the skin and muscular tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion and gives permanent as'-well as temporary relief. Here'l the Proof. ]\fr. ,JAII E9 O. L EB. ot 1100 9th !!It., 8:e.•Wasbulgton. D.O .• wrll.el. : "Thirty )' oara~&o [foU (rom a 8Caflold and lO r[. oualyl",ured my back. J. .... !fered terribllaulmu ; trollltbolJIlla ll of myballk "I around my stomacb WUI juu .. It I blld been beaten with a elub. 11l1l8cl eYor)' ,!!I""ler I coald /(tit with no relief. ~oan. Llnlmlln' tooK the pain rllh' oot\ and I can now d() .. much Iadcl-r

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· d S tU Spanrar een a · Bes t

The Stork.

,,! -



"The Stork Carried Him Into the Air."





CHAPTER VIII.-continued. "What clLn we do to save him 1" asked Dorothy. The Lion and tfle Woodman bot h shook their beads. tor they did not know. So they sat down upon the bank and gazed Wistfully at the Scare· crow until a Stork fl ew by, which. see· Ing ·them. stoPIJed to rest at tbe wa· ler's edge. "Who are you, and where are you lolng?" asked tbe Stork. "I am Dorothy," answered the girl; ' 'and these are my friends, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion; and we are gOing to the Emerald OIty." "This Isn't the rond ... said the Stork, .as she twisted her long n eck and tooked sbarply at tho queer party. "I know It," returned Dorothy. "but 'We have lost . tho Scarecrow, and are wondering how we sball get him


tor one 10 ClOwardly. But !et III go ,aD." Th. y carrled the sleeping IIrl to • pretty spot beside the .river. rAJ enough from the 1'0pPy fleld to prevent her brea thing any more of tbe polson a"! the flowers. and here the, l aid her gently on the 8pft grass an!! walled {or the fresh breeze to waken her.

' -- '



SIOK HEADACHE The, allO "'lie.... 01.. tr~"'. from DJ.pepsla.lD' dl re.tloa ab4 Too Bu.rtf

Eating, A pertecl ren. for Dlnloen. Nao. Dro ....lne... Ba~ Houth, eo... ed To·ngu"e, Pain In &lie


RB, Tu~e In tbe

and are very del1cate. If tbey get wet they die, When tlrst hatched they are not fed very much for a week, Later they get all the alfalfa grass and broken bones they want. . . They grow very fast. and when Silt. months old they are six feet · high, and their. pretty feathers 'are then cut from their Wings. They are full groWD when one year old. but .,do noi: lay eggs untll \hree or tour years .old. The Child ' Critic, . "l1he child," s'lly! '. writer' In· tbe Dally Ch~otllcle. "Is •• ·natural ·crltlc . I~ , was ' at,' a ~yc~um, ~~ttDee; Beene. 'Red Riding Hood's NuraerY: and Ut: tle ' Mlss Marjorie Cai'penter' Is rettr, Ing to bed. !I'he tiny actr~ takes off a ' drellsing goWp, and 'care_IDa 'the lnevltabl~ Teddy Bear, · alDiuiatea 'Ilumber, The silence of the ~De II suddenly broken by • .8utprtiled pr0test In. ~ ~J1r1U bo7I8b voice. 'Ob; iluUll' 1Jl7•• he~a , goDe to bed with be~ ~ . OD' That younpter tdaeul. foUow .. William Archer', fooIIIte" ....1


814e, T(f,RPUD regulate ,tho


Purely Vegetable

IUALl PILL. SMALL DOSE. S~ALt'PRIC£. Genuine MUlt Bear Fac·Simile Signllture


....J mUlE IUIITITUTEI. Save :the \Bab~UIe


nlSO'S'" J ;';: C,URE,

til,"" It'II't ft, cmaas_%ls Sboald .,. aii'. at __ .1ieD die • Ht... CHIlI 00IICba. It beala.the ....

loat. tbnHlt ucI pl'Otecltl " ' ' ' ' fro.. llIIMtIa. • ........... '.......

"'.,..... ........





PRAC1'lCAL METHOD FOR T.hou:~~~::o~ t~oOuvs:::r~t ~II Cupid's ~A.ssistant PLANTING TREES STRAIGHT s who luw





Piece of T i mbcr with Notch tn Middle ts Handy-How to Prune {or B est R esults-By ' E. R. Myers.

(Copyrigh t, by W. O. Chopman.)

A guffaw went round tb dinn er tnble as 11 walter deposited un oblong lItlste board box a t Ralph Hardlng's Ibow. "Flowers I " sritltCd Tom Carro!. "Fifth box this week- by actual count. All for tb e sllmo lucky dog,. 'tbat fas cina ting Mr, Hardi ng.' '' Ralph's first L\~gry Impulse was to toss t he unwelcome ol'l'erln g into the fire. Why did his lady admirers per!:list In sending s uoh truck to his club? RiSing dellbcrntely, he got Into bls overcoat Ilnd took the box ostcntatlousl y I~d el' his arm . "Oh-ho! Some body pal'tlcular?" Carrol cha rred. "The quoen of Sheba ,'l Harding grow led, As he let hitilSOI[ out, 11 gust of icy wind, .frelghted wHh s now and' s l et, struck his face smarUngly. Turning up the fur collar of his coat, he wall about to plunge Into the storm when something bumped against lIls feet. Ten s har p clawil were thrus t Into his trousel'll leg, and there was a piteous mew. The clinging atom was a killen, its fur cont crusted over with s la,:t. "Poor little beggar!" Harding said, stooping to stroke the shivering crellture. "Hard Ilnes-to be lost or turned adrift on a night like this." 'rhe vagrant rubbed coaxlngly agains t th e friendly hlind with a feeble ]JUrr. Harding glanced about blm. The storm was Increasing. The kitten, lett to Its tate, would be dead before morning; a nd he hnd a sort spot In bls liear- . "The club cook hates cats-I can't turn the beggar over to him," he mutte:red . "I've got to tnke him home with me." His bachelor apnrtment was at the other end of the city- It wO\lld be necessary to tnke a car. And oC oourse he couldn't carry the bedraggled waif 0 11 nly In his arms. He stood deliberating for 11 moment, then s udd enly remembered the pasteboard box . The very tblng! As he tore 01'1' the wrapPings hasUly, a' famll· lar fragrance arose. Violets-Edith Loring's favOrite flower! The dlsoovery madl' him 1\esltate. But Edith was th last person to send flow ers to his

\ .. /


fam- j not be n r pgular eat- I


~Oi;~hl~~~~:~~;r E~;{t:n:~~rLIl~~~:;

the sum e t hing, Try It! Serve Quaker Oats pl enUfully 'a nti fr qllenUy for t he t hirty. days of Nove mb r and I nvo ort u corr s pontiin g a moun t of meat and grcnsy food s. You' ll get more henILh, 11I0re v igor a nti s t rength t han YO ll ever got III th irty days of any oth cr ki nd or



1 ~ER , -

M-'~ l



"M ercy! H's a cat!" th6 'womnn x, • • clalmeti . "W hure caD , it be hIding ?" - Ev rybody look d around. If thut ri dismal wilil was r e peated, the ki tten ~ would be located . They were apI E. Pink. proaching the r esIdence of H arding's eatin g . ' has made Whi le you aro trying this sce that me a well woman, b st fri end . Ri s ing has tily he s igthe chlltire n get a full shnr l), 'and I would like to na lled til e conductor. Qu!1 ker Onts Is packed in roeglliar tell the whole world On a llgbtlng he s uddenly beoamo slzc pacltnges and lurgG size f:11ully of it. I suffered aware thnt Miss Loring was close bepackag s. 7 fromfemaletToubie hind him. lns tlnctlvely he ol'fel'e ti his and f earful pains in dise ngaged hand, but s be haughtily CALLED TO TIME. ' mybacl(. Ihadthe declined it. 'Her frigid look as s illi best do ctors and stepped down from the car was more they all d ecided Method for Planting Trees Stralgbt" that I It:1.d a tumor chilling than the pie rcing wind. in addition to my }<'orced to leave h el' to shift fol' be l" An excell ent met.hod for planting llayed until .just aHer their fi owel'l dg female trouble, and self, Hal'dlng pus hed his way tlll'ough trees s tl'alght Is a fo llows : senson, D(' utzla, s pirea, forsyl hla and advised an operathe storm to the bi g, ca rved door that Firs t stake ort the ground, then man y othe r poplliar shurbs are of this tion. Lydia E . marked tho Ilbo d (~ of th e Mor tons. (a ke a pi ece of In ch lumber l x2 of suf. charac ter. Soon aCtel' t heir fiow ering 1l1!'11LII.!D1'" Compound m a de He hun g the bell and glanced be- ficl ent lengt h to reach , Ilcross the season Is over they begin to develop m e a well woman I havo no m ore hind blm- just In time to see Miss t I I backache. I hope I an llClp_others by I 1 buds for the next yea r. ~ -Inch Shrubs need ing h eavy tri mmin g , t elling them what Ly(li!~ E . Pinkham's JArlng pause uncertainly on tile low er 10 e or excava t on ; bore a Veacta llio Compoullll bas d one for ~ole In each e nd, cut a notch In the shou ld be pruned In early wl nl 1'. s tep. me:l , -MRR. EmtAblsE, 883 F irst St.. " Why , Edith! Are YOll calling here, midd le to accommodate the tree Thl~ will r es ult In larger blooms 011 Milwaukc , Wis. too?" h was s Ul'p.rI !:!l!d Into cxclal m- trunk, A Mako or have the black· th o rcmalnlng buds. Such pl a nts as 'I'be above is only: one of the thou. s mith muiw t wo %-Inch Iron pins one the hydrangea and tho clcm all s, Ing. snnds of grateful letters wWch ore "Ain't she all right, Ma rl a 1" "l have Il n appointment with Mrs. foot lon ~ with rin g In one end, C.To which malte th ch' fiow erh,lg buds on constantly bcing reccived by the "You might say sometnmg nice to Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, use, plaCe til e boa rd Into a notcb A, shoots grown tb e same year, s bould !orton," shc r esponded coldly. I Mass" which prove beyond a doubttha t Harding gas ped. Ret reat was out shove youI' pins well down In soil be prun ed heavily w blle dor ma nt, as ale, onco i n a wh ile, Bob." Lydia E. Pinkha m's V egetable Comof the Ques tlon_ The door had sw un g t brough boles D, B. Withdraw one this will g ive a greater profus ion of pound maue from roots and herbR, open- Morton nnd his charming wife and SWlllg , th e slick around lik e a shoots on which to dcvelop new budP-o United States Leads In Good Work, actua.liy does cure these obstinate disIn Ge r ma ny til 1'0 are 99 public Bnngate, replace the pin In thc ground ' When prunlllg hardy deciduous fio w· stood on the threshold, eases of women after all other moans The next few moment s were like lo mark th e place, t he n di g the hole erlng shrubs nIl deadwood shollld becut a torla for ndu lt consumptiv es wltb 10, have failed. and that e very such sltf639 beds, besides 3G Vrlvate 0l11lUtOria n confused dream. In the warm , fra- to accommodate tree, swing the stlclt out, s traggling branches either short· ering woman owes it to berse lf to at grant drawing room, IVlIss Loring fe ll back in place, replace ])In In hole enod or r emoved and all s uckers arls- with , 2,175 beds. In 18 sa natoria fo r least give L ydia E. Pinkham's Ve ge~ children with ' tllbercu los ls there are ble Compound a trial before submitInto a oareless pose b fore the fir e, through the stick and Into the bole Ing fr em the !'Oots should be de837 beds, a tota l of less than 13,000 ting to an operation, or giving up Harding sUlred from his corner with rn the ground put the. stock of tree stroyerl , Where shrubs aro planted beds. The United States has pro· of recovery. worshipping eyes. How re mote she Into notch A, and fill in tb e dirt and In clumps branches s hould be cut out. vld ed ovel' 300 sanatoria with 16,000 hope Mrs. Pinkhll1'Dt of Lynn, Mass,. seemed In her cold proud benuty ! It will set straight with the other It Is a good Idea to cover the wounds beds, showing tha t this country Is In Invites all sick women to write Confess to this regal creature what 11 slakes, with white lead or grafting wax, as the lead In the anti-tuberculosis war. ber for advIce. ' She haa guided soft·hearted fool he was? Never! As ornnmental trees and shrubs sre If a stub Is left uncovered the healing Fran ce has only 12 sanatoria for adult thouso.nds to healtb aDd bOl' He hlld le ft the box on the ball pruned to aid In the production of of the wound will be l eft until the stub consumptives, with a total capacity of advice Is free. tnble on his way In. But there was flow e rs and tollage, tbe fiowering sea- Is rooted out and the rotting s tub will 14 8 beds. All of th oRe Ins titutions are no counting on tbe Impl'lsoned crea- son necessarily controls the time of be a lodg ing place for bacteria and private except the sanatorium a t Aglnture. H e must invent a n excuse for pruning. fun gus, Cut the branch ot! clean and court. the impromptu call and get aWIlY Many of the early blooming shrubs close to the mai n ste m, avoiding any quickly- or court di saster . Never Opened His Mouth. .levelop their flo wers the ye a r before; stub, and cover tb e wound with graftH e noted from where he sat the with . these heavy pruning should be de- Ing wax melted a nd applied hot. Wipe it off your otherwise " Not Infreque nt rays of unconscious perilous nearness of the box to the humor IIIllmlne the other wise Impos- good /ookt'ngface-put on that edge of the table. Suddenly It began ""'"',.*...*............-,.,--.... -...~...-...-""-...."'-.......-...-..._""....."""w..._...._...• ..."'-....·...,*....*__~·.",......~,,_... _...._... s ible stories that come to my desk to sway &l!ghtly, Ilnd befbre be could from amateurs," says a reader for one good health smile that (AS. rueh to tbe rescue, fell to tbe floor. of the magazines. Recently I cbanced CARETS will give you-as There WlUl a distressed mew-more upon this obolce bit: a result from the cure of appalling tha n 11 thunderbolt. When " 'John, th e husband, and Grace, the Constipation-or a torpid liver. he r eacbed the s pot tbe' kitten was wife, ate on together In silence. There "spitting" angrily, hi an energetic It's so easy-do it-you'll see. was Ind ubitably an III fe eling betwe en SpectaUzatlon I . Profitable tn Method ot Attachtn~ Six Horses struggle to extricate itself. them. The husband devoured a: plate Favora ble S~aBOns, But otten &0 Farm IDlPlelDent Willi CASCARETS no • bolt for a weok'. 91J "Funny little beasU Where the of "oup, ha lf a fish, a n entree or two, There fs Failure. SaUslactton - By treatlllent, 1lll4ruRisUi . Blinrcst .oller dickens did it come from?" Morton exID !be world. MJllJOD boua a moo.1h. a piece of roast beef, together with Georse HailDe. claimed, close at bls heels. Th en h e a sweet, without ever once ollenlng s topped and looked hard Into HardOne-crop larmlng Is In vogue In hIs mouth.' , j Here Is a sketch of a' six-borse e venlng's faoe. . many agricultural districts. It a manuer for gang plow. As shown, two " Why, old chap, you had that box facturer employs an operator he furIn Confidence, under your arm, I remember-" nlsbes him with steady employment at horses are placed ahead and foul' "Do your cows give much milk'" The device is made of a queried the fair-s um mer boa rder. "Yes, the bOll: Is mine," Harding all seasons of the yell!', The profit of abreast. "Do they 1" echoed the old farmer. said sturdily, lifting tbe kitten agains t labor Is the manufacturer's re ward. U piece of oak plank and a common fourbis bot cheek. "And I'll have to own only one commercial article Is - pro- borse evener set ,on top of it a nd fas- "Say, jist atween yew an' me, they :=!:~:::.:~=::!~~i~'~~r up to ihls little beggar , too. I-picked ,duced the quantity Is Increased to tened with strap Iron IlS on a wa- give so all-fired much that we dlloot I ,"-',-.;::=-=-_,_. blm up-In tbe street. H" was wet give the oper~tor constant employ- ~n tongue. The holes In the evener th' well water we s ell te w th' cnmpers al'e bored at the rate of two to one; two with Il"-Chlcllgo Dally News. and cold and mi serable. I couldn't ment. The farmer Is a producer of agricul- inches to the two horses· to one Inch 'Iet him freeze, you know. I'm-tnkCan Wear Shoes tural necessities whlcb enter Into to four. The' evene r Is made of suf- One sizeLadles Ing blm- home with me." s matter a ft er ustng All n's FootMorton stared, gasped, then, as tbe dally' consumption and to concentrate fictent len&th so tbat the hole for the E, th e a ntl septic powder. It makes tlght or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, situation dawned upon him, bl'oke Into all his energies and capital to produce hot. sweating, aching feet, Ingr owing a roU' of laughter_ a single crop leaves him part of the nolib. Always use It to Breal( In new Shoes. At all Dru gg ists. 26c. Don't accept j'Ha, ~a, ha! So you go about adopt- season without employment. The faran)' Bubstttute. TTla l package FRElEl by Ing alley cats? This little beast is to ,mer Is his own employer and does not maU. Address Allen S.Olmsted,LoRoy,N.Y. ' be quartere d comfortably In )lour have to divide the profits of his prod· Don't think that because a man Is bachelor abode? Ob, sbades of ' lhe ucts, and therefore should arrange hili willing to lend you a helping hand SOCiety with the long name! Tom system of husbandry to Insure steady WORLD OVER KNOWNnfE he'll stand for a toucb. Carrol' and tbe boys sball hear of production of some agricultural output tbls." that enters into dally consumption. The flush on Harding's cbeek deel)Unquestionably specialization farmened. He turnell blindly, holding the Ing _Is ' profitable In favorable seasons, Idtten close to him. He wanted to get but occasionally there Is a partial or ~way. 'rhe one thing be could not do Jot. Depollted the Kitten on the 1m· was ,to meet Miss Lorlng's scornful total failure of the crop and the fllrmer wants some reserve produot to provl,ed CUlhlon. eyes. tide him over a disastrous s eason, ot But there was a rustle, a Quick step. special crop exploitation. In some loclub address. And bad t,hey not q~ar­ ~:re ~~'i:!~'e~4g~ She had slipped between Mm and the r eled and broken tbelr erigagement calities the soil 'Is admirably adapted line atompn)1d 8tencll good8. Woare uo tarthe. . the evenIng before? So, ruthlessly door. from YOUrhOW 60 rot- ~ , to, potato culture. rn another section lice thBn the nell rest ile. "' . __ '4It's a nasty night-of courso YOI1 to onions, and still another to horticultoas1ng tbe-Vlolets Into tbe street, be phone or U .S.mntl boa. laid his folded handkerchief In the couldn't leave the poor creature to ture. When any of these lines of husbottom of tbo box and de posited the perish, Ralph," she said, In a voice bandry are followed they pay large kitten on the Improvised cushion, aft- singularly gentle and sweet. "It would profits In favorable seasons. Another er having brushed the frozen parti- have been crue!." Then she smiled a class of tarmers are Inte res ted In queer smtle, and added w1th sudden Ir· wheat. or corn production, both ot cle" from Its turry coat. Six-Horse Attachment, The car be took was pretty well relevancy: "But there were flow ers in which are profitable branches of agritwo horses comes under the tongue. flUed. At the next crossing it stopped, that box! W hat bas become ot the m?" culture. Then It is connected with 11 chain to "I threw them away-" for a pllssenger:-a young lady mufThe farmer eng\lged in specIaliza- the front evener. This evener cnn "Oh, you did? You sacrificed my tion crops flnds himself unemployed a tied In furs. Harding straightened with also be used as a fiv e-horse evene r W, N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 44-190~ flowers for a vagra'n t cat?" a gasp, Edltb herself! Ihut of the year. If his labors are rell· by changing the boleH In the planks Harding felt the room go round. Miss Loring was balf way down the lIonably re wllrded for time devoted to The Wizard of Horticuhure Wanted alslo before sbe saw him . She stopped "Yours, Edith?" he echoed feebly. raising Imd marketing a crop ot wheat, und using three horses ins tead of four. "They were sent to the club. 1 dldn't Involuntarily, a~d her head, too, went Hon. Luther Burbank A Bright, Capable Man norn, potatoes or fruit, it should be his bac1l.. But when ,sbe saw the box gin- know-I never dreamed-that they ambition to add to his agricultural op..y. : .. Deliciou. il a gem - the fine.t in each county of thi •• tate to Mil Statk ' Unique Relationshl,. of Potato. gerly balanced on his knees . a smile came trom you." . "Of course not. They should haye f:ratlons the production or other things An authority te lls us ,\hat the pota· apple In all t.he world. It is the beat in Trees on commission. No previou. exbroke about her lips and ber cheeks that will pay a profit the balance of gone tc? your apartment-as usua!. ,rew pink. perience necessary. The work i. plea. an., the year. To obtain the largest possi- to has a large and unique relation· quality of any apple I have 10 far tested." Tho messenger blundered." "Good evening, Mr. Harding," she ble recompense from agriculture the ship. Tobacco, tOIOB,toes, eggplant clean work, highly profitable; and tbe po"I'm sorry," he began, and stopped; Bnd peppers belong to th,' family. And Mr. Burbank know •. said wIth .surprising cordiality, considfor, two bejeweled bands fel\ suddenly farmer should arrange tor steady em· Probably that is why the putato bug .ition. are permanent to the right men. ering tbe manner of their parting. ployment the .year around. on his deep shoulders. Delicious is but one of the hundred. I,s so often des tl'uctive to these crops. He began to beam-then grew sudMany of our taltimen are earning $50 Special crops can be exploited in "DIdn't you see that the flowers It Is asked: How can a potato grow of good things in Stark Trees- the good denly frigid. What If, tbrough untoto $80 per month and expenses; lOme ai., were violets, Ralpb ?" she whispered eonjuncUon with live stock husbandry, other potato vines from the eyes, ward accident, she discovered ihe con· thing. you should kno,'\' about befor. yo. "I thought you'd understand, when It the farmer raises a crop of clover It making more. You can do a. well !Jf tents of the box? A grown man lug- you opened the box, tbat J--was sorry leaves the so1\ in elegant condition for since It Is not 0. root, fruit or seed? plant thi, fall or next spring. That Is answered by way of Illustra· better if you're a hustler and tryinl:' \0 ging bome a dlsroputable stray kitten! !l crop of potatoes, while the clover -for last night-and wanted to be She was a woman ot'the world- ahi! fri ~nds again! " wtll make excellent feed for live .stock. tlon: A stem of almost any plant Let UI tell you about them by writing .ucceed. wJl1 produce another plant froll. the would see' only tbe ridiculous side of A crop of potatoes leav!ls the ground to-day for our complete, illustrated priceNo in vestment called for; we fu~iah place where the leaves come out on the situation. He turned bot, tben Blt:'d 80ngs. In prime condition for wbeat seeded It. If one will break olt a 'pieoe ot' Ii.t-calalogue which describes 'our comcomplete order-getting outfit freeand th. 'COld. at the tbought' of her, scorn. , Blrd·song Is discussed by Dr. B. down to clover. ' Live stock ludustry plete line of fruit treel, ornamentals, etc: mo.t liberal contract. She bad taken the 'seat oppOSite. At Ho~mann In a new work with the for. In conjunction with specIal crop pro- rose bush and plant it in a favorable first sho had an expectant all'; but he mldable Germ,a n title of " Kunst une! ' duction wll) not only give the far-mer plac~ it will produce a nother roso bush, jus t as a £)otnto will produce an· For cOmplete info~ation addre.. the Sales Manager of sat like a post, and the 'smile left ber Vogcl~esang In Ihren wechselseitJgen , remunerative employment at all lIea- other vine. lips. Slowly the 'oolor ebbed trom her Heztehungcll von naturwlssenschaft- Ions, but the rotti110n of ,crops and cheelts and her eyes flashed. ' " Uch-muslkllUscben Standpunkte beleu- feeding live stock will keep up the Water Shade Trees. Presently as the" car s topped to c~t~t." While the author ' show8 that tertiUty ot the land. I How many' uec;>ple neglect to watet leavo a passenger, a Bound ,arose "In the great majority of Singing birds tbeir sbade trees and flow er bedsl the, sudden silence that br.ought Hard- .do pot U36 the Intervals ot our m~ I . " Hog House Floor. The edUol' of tbls 'd epl1rtment lino'WI ing's he~rt Int~ his throat-a pro- · :slc_a l scale" he claims tllllt- a few OCr.i,"he ' bog houso floor may be ceIs the best remedy for ' longed, piteous wall! , caslonally do sd. . Dr. Hotrmlllln flnds' ment one part, with ' s Ix tQ elgb t ,part.s a Texas, man who is sUU gatherIng " _ ' ,':' . stubborn tkin :md acalp "I]-ood gracious: What's that?" rbythm ,Ip the' sonl!' ot l\e ,guul, great' 'g ravel ,fol' a foundation a~d covere.d fresh roses. Cromhis b~lsh es, when all ' troubles, I bunia, itla" crie d a ,nel1vous-looklnl w0!Ds,n 'beside tit, woOd-I?Il'eo:J and sohg-t.lLruah. - -wIth one, Inch ,ot ~ tilln mlxtur,e con- bis nelgbbors, in fac t, lnost 'of the resi. bruIses, boils, anct III ot bls town, caa only point to d.ents him.- " .. ' , I . ~ taining one part' cement with two of their wlt)lered, ''parched bushes and eniptioaa. It ,o~"" His face w'aa 8carlet. A, sUght BtirPrecocIty. , ' Clean, .ha~p , sand. Rougben the sur- .trees, Thl~ ~' llI.n, ' on ,th~ nott,e st da;y ,tops ItcfUal and Is ~ ~ertaln cure for itching plies. 50 cents' !i "J'Ing, In ~he box s,howed tliat the klt- , He was: telUng the l.~unlr -woman faqe; otheJIwise it · wUl be slippery. of t~e year. \>.ad hie 40me grown 110w· 1 Jar, all druggists or sent direct on ~ecelpt of prIce. ten, waJlmed _and reste~, waa waxing abo,u t his 'lIne , I).OW8 and ,c alJed her a t-" ers on the table, .an,!! the>, were rel)elllous In- Its ,c ramped qunr~~rs. .t ention to a calf grazlq .not far a~v: RESlNO.. CHEMICAL COMPANY. BAI.TIMOIm, MD. , . Value of Ewe. mOf:!t all fre~b ad flowers would 100\ The cover lifted the fract,lon ot ,an "That cart Is only six weeo old:' he ' , ' ~ 11 11 ewe dies her Oeece wflJ ,pay ber In ent'ly a\mlmer. He slruply w.. tera Inch; affording a fleeting sllmps!! -of sa~d., "Isn't he a be,ut;,r' ., ... eoasIder RESlNOL OINTMENT lDiIIIpeaiiIble. I baye ncv~ uaed aDJtbIq' tulifral espenses; If she 11"814, her his treeo and 110wer8: wflOOrs theD tIIIt ,ay, me 10 mUFh 'comfort .. W•.c. StulJack, J.................. . tw,o black and white, pa-w~. TheD ~'O.hly six ' "feeks old!" Que"UQnecl , . ' apln callie Uiat plaintive crt. the yOUD, lady In amuemeD~ "U'II. 1Pt'ld I ....001 aDd tall lambs pay 40u· rJght: and ~hey 'return, blm. fei, Idt , ' senile. be.u~ of bloom ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~• • • •~• •~.~. "Ke-owl" walktDc 10 10000'"-LIf.. - bla reveDJW·

Cured by Lydia E. PlOk· ham'V s eget abl Comyound

Sickly Snlile





Stark Bros., N. & O. Co., Louisiana, Mo.-







.Tam~$ Murd~k IThousands Hate Kidney Trouble and Neyer , 1


dook : decPllsarl , E wlnow r I ted t.o tuke nndel' will . : ' " h:lltllt of ~i lllt~mAde, deoeased' l S~'P8Ct ~'Ir .. t /lnd ~Ull J ucoomH filed. Bow To Find Out. Common Picas C,our'. of ?4a rgttret Ade, de~eused, Fill n bottleorcommou glass wjth your water and let it stanu twellt~-fo ur hours.: F II II U '!l uut filed. / a Imck dust sedlNew Suits. I I Ii::.iftlte of Hepzibah Murlatt, de· mcnt,or settling, 0 strillgy or milky Sta te of Obio ex: r J, Stepben A. COII :< II ln veoto ry aud appraise. ' nppenrnnceoften ~t1lw(' lJ ) plttintitl' v!" Will R r6 wi~ , II I IH til. ell ' indiCtltes au 1111olJuot,y t.rellsnrer. Pet,it,lou cluim Alvu Hill, gnuruitLn vs. E. C. Murhealthy coudition of the kidInl( moullY due pltt.intlff in amou nt tiu t a I. Oruered to Rell real esneys; desire too freuf $(\!li 9U for pr Bpu rill ~ I)ertuin pa· tutu /lnd George Feldkump, J aoo b, quent to ROllt tlnd 8 . A, Swan k, tbreo judl*' _ . _ _ _ pass it or painin pel l! , .J arry Pn rkhil l, )ll llin tiff vs . B, W, oi oll~ free holders IlppoiutellIL)lpmi<l- the b~ck. are also sywptoUis that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order Wn l,hllHl , rlRfelldllllt P lllilHiff e-rs. and need attention . El'ltute of Hurriet E. O 'Nell il, deWhat To Do. cltllmll jUjgUlPllt, 'lgalul!t dafendllnt. There is comfort in the knowleJ~e so f(lr !HIm IIf :tlil 5i w'itll Interest" oallHtld. Inventor v Imel l~pprui8 eoften express d, that Dr. Kilmer's '1'rllnlloript frolll .lnt'tio6 'urrun'lI Dlllll t filed. Swamp-Root, the ~rcat kidney remedy, E~ta t e of C. B. Rud Mary A, 8um. 1fulfills a.ll11o:;t <:ve~y wish in cor!,ecting 00\1 rt Iil tld , . P f f blioH rhcuUlatisw, pam III the back, kidneys, bert" IlsllIgno rti . roo 0 pu • liver, bladderandevery pllrt of the urinary Court Proceedin2s. tion of notice of Il lIPoint men t filed. passage. . Corrc~ts !lIobliity to ~old water E!lt.lLte of V .• J. ZUDtmeyer Rssign.' and scaldlll g pam 1U paSl?1Ug It, ~r bad J un'Ii t~ t, titephtluBou vs , Roy G. . ' ' effects follo\V\IIg lise of IIqllor, wille or beer, and ovc.rcomcs that ullpleasan't nel:i tl'pbpflson, Olvorce granted on or. Proof of publlolltlOn filed . Edt.ate of :::)Rrub p; ~t,eddo ru , de · cessity of being compelled to go often gruuou~ of gross neg leot and court oll filed thmllgh the clay, and to get uJ.> many P roo f 0 f pll hlioati d , . times during the night. The Willi and I u>' ,Ire!'! lIl ,ddNlll lll1lll 0-( Simpson to oellse, E~tllte of :::)uslln B, Murdook, ~ o- immediate effect of Swamp·~aot is 0 ,0/ 'lIl1lan t E,th~r Ad A VII M'lrglLr~t, L YOll kle oe!1~Bd. Proo~ of publi oatio n of ~~er~N:;~;ua~~~~~~ds the highest behealth restoring prop.. et III R~ l n" ! 1 of f:)herlff I1ppt'oved notloe of apPointment fiJed , El:!tote of :::)Imoll Sb oeruaktlr, de· erties. If you need a anrl nnfirll. ed . .\lnttle MoOt1r lll ot,t VR , Frunk M , oeutled. Proof ~f publioation filed, ;:~~~i~~ne\ls~~ ~~d~~ E'!tate of R K . LeH.k, deceRsed . druggists iu fifty-cent <.:ont!tlu u t'l t,' udllnt gru n teu Add iti oUfLi inventory fi led. . and one-dollorsizes. to plelld in .Iv UIlYS You lDay have a sample bottle by mail. A4dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., BingI(url H Cllltiwell. a8si~nee vs Marriage Licenses. hamton, N . Y. Mention this paper oud M,lgl.( l Tat'ln Uo,ut overrules m o· remembertheuame, D.r. KilDler's Swamption of defeod /Lut to make plaintiff's Ulem B. WilJiams 21, fll,rruer 01 Root, aud the address, Binghamton, 1 of N. Y., on every bottle. · \,' E S· 'l petition more ut'finite . Oreg,mia an d ,uury . .. es , Catherine Snook YS. Lebanon Oregonitl . Rev . R. B MoColm. Canning Company. Leave is given Benry F. Fry 22, vene,er su wyer defendaQt to file answer for thwith Franklin and Flo Pummill 17, Bouth The finanoial statement.s of the ::;tute of OhlO. vs Jesse BJaokford . Lebanon , Rev. ',l'homas Cundy. audit,or aod trelitmr er showing the U,mrt uppoiuts Charles B, Dechant, Barry U. Mount 22 , farmer of bllianoe in eaoh fund and acconn&at att.orney for defendll.nt. FrIlnklin and Viola E , Routzahn 19, the beginnin'l of the mOllth wete James S. Wiutrow vs. John W. Fr8nklin . Rev. Marker. presented and ordered placed on Lamer et a1. Issues touD:d In favor Phillip J. Flu-rUt 48. oarpenter, file. .. _ • of p!uintift' 8nd deolare~ amount due Morrow and Mrs. Mary Crllven 38. Forced into Exile at '255 with ioterest. Morrow. ~ Wm. Upchurch , of Glen 0 Ba, Marthl\ D . Hizllr vs. John, L . Hizar Rezin Meloy 21, farmer' near Leb. Okla., was an exil~ from home. et. Ill. Rouert J. 8bawbun appomt. anon and Juanita A. Moore, 18, Mountain air, he thought, ' wonld ed jluardian of minor defendllDts. Morrow, Rev . Walk. oure a frightful Iung.raoking congh Partition ot estate ordered. A. 0 Rothrook 23 draftsmsn th.t had defied all remedies for two : ' , years After six months he r~. State of 'Uhio ex reI, Stephen, A. Stilwellss WUl. R. Lewl ~. oounty KlDgs Mills and Mrs . SadIe Riggle turned death ' dogging his stepe. ' . " Then i began ,to use Dr. King's New treasurer. Conl't order.. writ of Walters 22, Kings Mills Fred it, Sherbet 21, farmer Olarks- Diiloovery," he writes, "and aft~r mandllmus issued to be endorsed. v11le and Katherine Gilber t 21; near taking six bottles I am as well ~s "Not p1id for want of fnndf." Clarksville. Rev. R. B, McUolm. ever." ,I t save!! t,honsauds yearly from desperate lung diseases. In. fallib1e for Coug h san d C 0Ids, it d 'e &Do , Probate Court. Real Estate Transfers. pels Hoarseness and 'lore Throali. Cores eJrip, Bronohitit', Bemo,fEstate of Edward Daly, et Ill, mi. Ha.nnah B. Janney to Emma E, rbages, Asthma, Oroup,' Whooping n,ors, First and final aooount flied ' Janney real es'ate tn Wayne town Cough, 500 I\nd 'l.OO, trial bottle f ree, guaran t ee d b y F .C t" Examinotion,of County Treasury. ship, '1 ' , Soh war:b Benjllmin Robbin and Josiah Mor · 'ii. R . Wilson to Mrs, Maryanna NEW LIFE. ~I;E~ SHAKERS .I row filed report of same which Is or· Butz, rel\l eRttl.t~ in FraukJia town-. • deredpnblished in p"persoi opposite ship, $37. 50, James Fenne~ey, Trustee of'tha politl08. , , James E . Murdook, exeoutor ,of 'Sooiety of 8hakers at UnioD Village, . . Estate of O . p. Tharp, deceased. Susan B. Murdook to Jane W. B. Warren County, resigned his posl. hlrd aooount filed. , Foster, real estate iu Ha.milton tion last w~ek. This tlction will not Eshte ot Marguerite Otlrey et aI, township, '300. · ·bring about a dissolution of the,so. miDors Beo'lDd ' aooount tLpproved , Frl&nk p, Forgy, &heriff to SamueJ ciety, but, Oll, the oontrary, a rejuallowed lind oonfirmed . E. Yeakle. real estate in Franklin, venation is planned that will estab Estate of Joseph W. Hl)ger, d e· '1650. lish the quaint oolony for years to J oellsed. First and final Acconnt "PS~rll.h Alioe (ilassford to Bow!'rd come. proved, allowed anll confirmed. S. MoClnre r oal ' estate in Franklin, Mr. Fennessey bas been in ill health Estata of William Ade, deoeased. 1186 1.60, for some monthe and' has oontem. Final aooount approved, allowed ' Jesse Pummill to ByrtloD Whitaker plated re!ilgning. For flnf\l aotion, II,nd oonfirmed. rea) estate in 80uth Lebanon, ,noo. however. lie aWllited the arrival of Estate of William B.. Cloment, deprominent Shli,ker~ for oon~u I ta ti on. oeased, Fourteenth aooount ap. Commissioners' Proceed In,s. Atter 0. consultatloD wUh these di ' proved, allowed Rnd oonfirmed. vines 'Mr. Fennessey tendered his , Estate of Florenoe V . Ultmlent, 'daContraot-Contraot wU:s entered resignation, to tAke effeot May 1, ceased. Seventb account ILpproved, into witll E . M. Gaskill for addition. 1910. It wiLs ucoept·ed, and allowed and confirmed. 11.1 work (In extension and ra'lstng of Anstadt, of the Wa&ervUet, N : Y., Estate of Oarolino W. Soteldo et head Willis and apron of bridge In 800lety was appointed to fill the VB. 11.1. Twelfth account Il.pp~oved, 'al. Cozaddale nellr I. 0 , ,0 , F. Ba.ll in 08noy; It was,lso'proposed to bring lowed and oonfirmed: Hamilton township at the estlm!l.te deleglLtions of sisters from Oanter. Elltaie ' of Avarllla F. Ebright, t70. bury Soojety to IIssist in managing d~oeued. ' t:3eoondacoount approved A general oontraot was entered thesociety's aft'lI.irs with the view to allowed and oonfirmed . into witb the following persons for the perpetuity of the colony, Estate of Fern Brown, minor. repair of bridges and oulverts wben Mr. Fennessey hRS been a memo First acoount approved, allowed and the OIilSt of suoh on lilly one ber of the sooiet.y for twenty.sevep oonfirmed. bridge at 8.ny one time in l10y one years and a Trusteefor twelve years. Estate of R K . Leak, deoeased . yell.r doea not oost over ten dolll&rs, He ~illstill retain a position on the Jfirdt aooount .. pproved, .. Uowed and valid untIl Btlptember 22, ,10011:- Boar:d of Trustees. Bis servtoes oonfirmed. Ed TtlmpJin on the Templin pike have been quite effi.oient, - - • . Estattl of George Dumbaoher, de , and Goodwin pike lind where direotoea.sed. First aooount approved, ed In Ho.rtlln townHhip. Wulter t;. WILL PROBATED) allowedaud oonfirmed, Whitacre' o'n the Worley pike and In matter of Will ofJ. L . Mounts, where direoted in Harlan townshtl) , The wilJ of the late Mrs 8arah 8. deoellsed. Applicati.ontoadmitsaUle Bills-Ruggles-Gltle Co., blunks Evans was probated Wednesday. for probate set for hearing Ootober for proba-te judge, j B. L. Dakin, She asks thllt her property in 26. servioes on soldiers burial oommittee Spring Valley be !Jlven to her daugh In the ma~ter of the wUl of J, L. 13 j W. H. RobInson, services on SuI· ter, Mary Elizabeth. She leaves a Mounts, deoeased. Will admitted diers burial oommittee, 11 j J. B , farm, which she asks to be sold and County Courts ,



kJ probate.


----- - -


dtVi~:m 8qEnl~11Yb




-. ,

!______ .. ;. __ ~~ "Country ' Schools , Hellort of Wayne

'l~Qwn ~ hip


lio schools for ' ~h" month ending Ootober 29, 1909, The' followiqg pu. pils ,vere neither u bent 11 0 1' turdy :

Red Oak Enrollment, 7 Cases of 'ful'dineRS 2. EVil Du vis, T noher.1 College Hill Gayle Evans Ellis Smith Edna Cornell Euna. Smith Enro llment 9. 'Qses of 'l'ul'diness 18, Noither ubseot nor tarcly 44 4, 9 lJ"r cent, Helen MoClure, 'reaoher.

.lfll 3tgl,,, in all I,ath,,,,, of $3.

Green Briar Irene Vice Boward Whitaker Bazel Mullen Eugenia Whitaker Loretta Belt z LOn ll Whitllker Eurol huent 11, Cases of rRrdloess 1, Neither absent oor tardy 546-11 per oent. S~rRh B\lrn e~t, Teuoher Spring Branch Goldie Con ner FI.tmces Uhenowet,h Ca rl Dakin Lester Curtis ' Berman Uonner Ernest Braddook Barry Laoy Jaoob Chenoweth Enrollment 14, Cases of 'l'ardiness I, Absent nor, tnrdy 64 27 per oent. J ohn W. Stra. wn, 'reaoher.


and $4

There is a practical limit to the pricde you should pay for a pair of shoes an get full value for your money-for ordinary wear it is not far from $4.00. You can get good shoes for less. Most shoes come to you via Hide Trust-Leather Trust-Leather Broker-Manufacturer-Jobber-Re· tailer. You pay a proUt to each one. Why pay these unnecessary profits? Endwell shoes are made direct from the rawhide by ENDICQTT, JOHNSON 4: CO. and sold direct to you through their .\2ents, all at one .small profit. They have equal or -6etter Style and Comfort than any other ohoe and possess much "reater value, Better .hoe_lor leiS mondl., For Sa.le by

Waynesville, Ohio.


Sugar Grove Cnez Thomas Ernest Shutts Harold Earnllart Panl Stokes Lowell Thomas Barry Reland Everett Thomas Mluie Surfaoe BO\\,llrd Bhutts Madison Earnhart Ernest Ef\rDha.rt .Rus~el1 8urfaoe Opal Gray Enrollment 16, Tardiness I, Absent nor Tardy 81 U per oent. Marguerite Montor', Teacher. Lowell Hili , Marl' e '" Llhutts Bertha, Orndorf Wilbur Gilliland Fred Simpkins Edith AndersoD Jennie Anderson Belen BarrIs Ethel Simpkins lr G II h dy Molbnrn Gilliland eDe f!t a II. Joseph '8hutts PearlOrnded James Woollllfd EDrollment 23, TardineSs 8, Neither abseDt nor tardy 06 12.23 per oent. Henriet.ft ' MoKinsey,Teaoher. ·

IU dertaker A. M,A FFIT, and Embalmer.


Free to Boys and Girls, Flexible Flyer, .lThe sled .that steers." The bes t sled in the world. You can easily secure one within a few days. Be t he first in your town. Write today stating your age. A postal card will do. W. I. Davis, 153 East 24th St., ' New York City.


Will be foond In the oJd Bank Building, opposite t·he National Bank. Telephone in house and of· , fice where I can be called day or night. Valley Phone 14-2.


CLAIMS IT , WAS ACCIDENT Tom Conover, of Mont'ge, durinR the absenoe of his nurse, Sh'lt him , sf)If oyer tha heart, He olaillls it was accidental. . _ ~ ..._ __ Fault..


Main Street,

Waynesville, Ohio

WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. St. Augustine's Catholic Chun:h. Falher George Mavenbaefer, Pastor Muss every second Sonday of tbe mOIlUJ a'

Thank God we do not Un wltlt 0 ;00 a. m. 1.lnta! We live wIth people full 01 Edna Rhobert ' Anna Furnas faulta. and It la excellellt, tor the St. Mary's EpllICOpai Cburcb. Nev" Stanfield Maria Simpson faults ot othera .erve UB elUler by lIDo Hev. J . F . ClIdwaliader. Rector. Clara Rhubert Olive WUson pOlIn, a aalutary CODltralnt or by th. S~nday School, 9 :30 a, m Mornlnc . er· lellon that they ,lv •. -T1'&Il8~ vlco. 1U :30 a. m. Holy Communion ~b e tlrst , tareDa Week9 MabelSt&nley from L. Fi,aro. Su.ndoy eacb mon'b, Weldon Wilson Rosooe FurDas _ _ _ _ __ 'Evl!.n Price, Russel SttUlley ", Neptune Keep. Tre.. ur •• Methodist EplJcopai Churda. Rev. H. w. n.ueJ'. Puler. , Albert Wilson Clarenoe Rhubert Another attempt hu failed to WH.t SundllY 9 :30 a; Ill. Norlliolt ser· Enrollment 24, Tar~ine88 I, NeU)ler tJoom the landa ot the Me]!lcan Ihore vice, 10 :80Scbool, a, IIi. Epworm-t.ellgue, 7:00 pabllent nor t.a,rdy , 62 y. per oent~ . Une the treaaure auppa.eel to be ITIq m . Evenlog service, ';' : 00 p. m. Midweek Pr Iyer Meeting, 7 p. !D. wtth the bonea of bame4 the ateamer Minnie Burgett, Teaoher. Gate. whJch ..... oil IIGoldeD ..... Christian Chun:h. Mt. Holly UJo fa 1862. Rev. M. E. naWlOn, Pastor. Martin Marlatt Altia Burdim --, _ Harmony Oro , ve


George ,S mith Edna DI'll Velma Marlatt Lena Marlatt Adria Cornell Albert Marlatt .lohn Myers WaUer Haley Rlssie Lucas Pauline Marlatt ' N Enrollment 28, Tardiness 5, etthor absent nor tardy 00 per oent.

-- ...

Sunday SchOol 9:aOa. m. 80cJal meetlnl. Sllrln"alle Of WOOd. 10:40 a. m. Ohi1atlan Endeavo~ 1:00 p. m. The ahrlnkage of wood from tou Regular church 86rvfce,~8econd isunday ·eadl mouth at 10:80 •• m. aDd 1:80 p. m.

Ed. Haley

of motature has been found by the United Statea foreat service to ranee I Hkksite Friends Church, 'from BeTen to 26 per cent. of the Firat Day Meethll(. )O :OO~. m. Fir" Da; .trJ yolume In different apeel.a. School, 11 ;00 a. m. FourUi Day Meetlo, 10 :00 a. /II , "PUlloG III .len. . .'D 10 "man' Orthodox Friend. Church~ .... am P1l1l Ipunocl 01l't Iql\e. Rev. BenJamlo Hawklnll, PUll tor. ... .auoJ 81p 10 ,001 olQno ...n'll :J9AU1 Sabba~b Scbool, 9:80 a, m. ReRUlar churoq . ... "W811 . . . .o~ -'IJWau ., PlOD scn'lce. UHIO a. m. Cbrl.~lan EII4eaver. '4eAUI po PlOD ,. ,\lIII-M 7 ::)0 p , m

PeariO. Hill, T~ober. Summary 'rotal enrollment for Ootober ... ... 130 Total cases of tardtness .............. 37 'l'otaJ number of Bonrir Roll ...... 72 Bonor Roll 55 5-:13 per oent of total 'enrollment. In September it was only 45 X per oent. Notes ' Quite a number missed the Honor RoH by a very narrow mllrlOn,

-TIE lifE .....





NBW==S S==SBCO"ND Time Lock aa. It.,alr W.rk •• All Kt~d" .

ItBSIDI!NCB .AFBS A .PECIALTY Ellcluin AceacJ fer "Centary", AdJu,table Steel' 0...1., Tallies


----------------------~---------- --~--THE e~ W. HAil SAFE CO" e,l...., OMI, fnL/:,cI\Y,,, ';;'1

With the exoeption 'of a few cas&S, the a.ttendance has been quite regno lar. ' There is nraotioally no sickne88 in 'he sohools, Althongh an Inorease of near ten per oentwas made in the Honor Roll for Uotober, over that of September, yet there is room for more inorease.



Purely , Vegetable Laxative

Cures Chronic ConstipatiOD" and All Liver and Kidney Trouble8. .

For sale at tbe rollowlll& JllaCeSI Zimmerman's, Kilbon's, White'., MouDtjoy's

'The Alpha Chemical Go. Springfield, Ohio.


A number of the sohools will glV9 Thanksgiving entertainments. The



Wood wflrd, servioes on soldiers bur.. the prooe'ed8 .ble bte patrons espeolally of those sOhoo}s •. F. M. Cunningham, administrator ia.l comruittee, j Uhio Corruiated tween her Ch I dren, _ary Iza e h 'are oordially invited &0 be preseDt••:. :.: VII · Jonn L . Hizar et aI, Proof of Uulvert Co, sewer pipe, 149.40 j .i. C. Evans, T. ' H. Evans, of Urbana, Visitors weloome at aU times. ~:i :~: publtoll.tion filed, Frllnk Ei. Duke, lumber, *3080; and Moses E. Evans, of 8p~lng Val· E. H. CoLVIN, I:Sn~t ; ::: ••.•:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:.:.:......:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~~: ::: Guudianllhip of (Jarl Bond, minor Willitl.m Soott. bridge repairs Uoton ley, also her granohlldren, Alta P. ._. ::: ::: ' ::: ::: Inventory filed. ' township, Ii j Lebanon Patriot, pub Berryhill I)nd Howard E. aerryhi~l, SOME FREAK CROPS ::: : : : : : : :::' In matter of estate of James 'L IIsblng time of Clroait oourt. '14, 2i; Mo~es E . EVanSI@namedexeoutor-- " ::::::COme-an . dsee:::::: d Th e w III was d raw~ William C. )(ohr, of near raitkUn, :.::. :.: In o, u r .:. ::.: 'Mount8, deceased. Leonard MOllnt loseph B.utt., dllUlages for road WI'th , ou t b on. .:_ :.: and Grace E Mount appohited 'a ,l . art;und bridge, 115 j The Albert Ditt.. up DeMmher 11, 1897, claims the record of the Miami VAl. ::: ::: ::: ::: ' minlstrators, giving bond of 130,000 mar Co " book rackR for Common - - • ley for freak oroPs, Be olaim,Uha& ::: ' :;: Posti., C a ' rds-, all o f , ~,h e m ::: ::: 36 fiDe ::: ::: ::: with Flora Mounts sure~y. Pleas jMge's ,offio!:', 'U '; F . P. ' For. ' " Kills Her Foe of20 , Years , ' " from , 'One hUl be :harveflted ' ; . .'. ::: ::: '.' . Estate of EIsi~ Marie ~ouk, de. gy, maintaining horse~' and vehicles ' "~he most ,~~roiJe88 enemy 1 had potatoes., ,Be also'raised tw., radlsb. ::: , .:. oe&aed, First aooount filed. for October 1909 125' W. O. 'rurton ' for ~O years, deolares Mrs. J~.~ee es; ODe weighing , fi~,~ ,ponn,~s and :~:'" ::: ' are VI~WS; sen' 1 f j 'l '''14;6 G " " E' Dunoan" of Bavnef;ly~lle, Me., • was the other four pounds. When har. ':.: ' ~ ':=: ::: :~ \. ~-ta·:" of M"ry Brlnlngen, de. .<:1ft .... 00& or al,.. 'j eorge , ' 018pepliia, I sulfered intenaely:af.· I hie ' , . .,.' t two weeks' '::: .'. f ~. First ' aDd final 'aooount Young, defending Ge.orge Ja9~son, 'tar 'eating or, ,d rlpkt:gg an9 'oould . ~~"'t ~g , , o~rn, a , ou " . ' ::: .:::. you ' 1-II'a n t ' I-en 8 :..': ' :=.:' ' tuM, ' t35; George Hi' Anderson, burial ,o f' scarcely' sl~ep~ Af&er, many .r~~e. ~gol, A\J'., ~9hr came , UPOD,a 8ta~ ::: :::: . . . • •••,. .. . ::: '.' ::: T h e', ml- 'G ' a ze" ~: :~~ ID &he matter of a88ignmeDt of' Matthew "RhuRrd '?'5 : Samn~l D. die~ ~'..d f"Uel\ ' aD~ ~v~raj dQCtp~ frpm ~hloh )le pluo~ed· three m~~~ ::: ", ", 1 ' . ~ve me up, '1 ·tri~ .Eleo"ri~ Bitter!" moth eate, , ., . '., ' ::: :': ::; .'. NaDnle R. anel , ~~orge w.. Eagle. 'HeD)d~, fee~ and ex~nees, '135.35. , whioll onred toe complete)y. Now'! , , . ~ .• , , ,::: ::: '::: .. :~ . ,Dis~ribittion of pr()98ed8 of 'sale or. Mi808Uaneous':"'The , , apoonut of caD eat_an~hiDir. 1 ani 70 yaars ' 'The Maroh.. Br,o.. oatalOfP18 pub. :!: ::: ::: :0: • cler8d &0 pay'Coun coe&8 and 8ettle the. two · depo8itori~s the hebanoD old, an-d ~m oveJ,:joy8(1 ,&0 ,ge~ my ~..iho'llae in ~baDon · a::: , :~; , .~~ ,~ &;t,dcHb)3yr'Tf;1 CC'bbr:rli1.rt:tlte1-Ni ileal~~ 8 ..d, tn ~ __ ~ Of App;e&t;A bill ' Perjr,af,. whtoh- :.: .~~.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~~:-:-:.;.;'~:-:'.':':':':':':':';':':';';':'••o'i.~.:.:.:.:-:~.:.:.:~:.:-:~ ~: . 'h '1: ce.;-' H i ' ' IiUonal " ,Bank and'"lhe, ClIlzene 'i... f 1'01' AUdlgeet OD, .LtOBII ,0 - '10,OOO'ftNl~ ....,. . . , ' 0:aDd ~d mor&pp e d by arr· .NationaJ Banlt··-for the mop&f".~ : Kidney .Tr~)1ij)le, J'A.m e Baolt, Fe! Jlv88'IO~ ,l~ottl1elr ou&pat. ::: ' ' , ' , .: ~' 110· W....h.. . Qc&ob~r w8l'8andited,and f01!1D4 ~r~ Iqale Complalnta. ita . 1U1~1l&l1e4, , ' • 'IiI!. , ., .' ::: .' , I ' . ' ::: . ,: 1D mat... of Will of $U8&n B. Mur~ 'reo~ 0ia17 1100 at Freel 0, 601nru..... ,. . . . Bead th~, ~ GUetfie Il.~, ~:o)"..;.:~;.;.:.~:.:.:.~:-:-:.:.:.:.:.<-:*:.:.:.:.;*;,;.:.;.:!:::.;.;~:~.:.;.~~!:-:.;.:.:-:"';+;o:.:«.;.:.+:.;.:(.:.;.:.:-'~ J " r


I -












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Hot Wate r Bott ' l~s , The· Spol,'t-ing ' .aeropla nes of tbe Cho~sing .Silver 1D fature wll l b ti devlded In to two (W I" l e&,; I N AL I.I!!N fj ' MAIN 1)1 R1'; ~1 ' olasses -slow oruhlElr tl of moder~t." Altiatic des... .The aged father and ~lother COllect Ilyle, brilliaut horlle.p ower and large suppor~iDK SC of a pr minen t B05t n ,awye r HW finiah, AR combined TZ' with S ALL ~:Y 'I' ELI~PHONI!! CA t.l~ NO. '1I~ jsorflloe lind high speed rkoA80flluob boDeSt value, make sa.fely carried th rough t}-,e last ------_~._ _ _ _ _ _ -urface a.nd ' I n r~e horse-power . It two winter s by D. L~ RAN -:- Edilor and Managel' WOtl men t.ione.1 flllrlier in tbis dlt<. , (JUt"SiOD tbat t. h ~ nrtla of the surfuoe PUBLIC SALES , oeces!llI ry for flight vorles Inv( rt'ely , Rates of Subscr iption I will offa l' at Publio 'ale on t.lle aR th~ !'quar's C) ( s peAd Nl1tul'e bu>! ailYerWIII'C the choice of On e YUar(N t rlt'lIylll,l Clvanee) .. . . ..... 1.011 reoognlze.\ Aaron W il son fo rm , one mile oast thill luw iu the evoJutM)l, Th son sars :" My father diac:rimin atiDgpwe huen. !-l i n l/ le: GOlly ...... . ... ... ... .. ,0" .f the bird-t ne slow flying bird ~ of the if I VB Point t:loboolbousfl, 2 }~ ann mothe!' n .',' e th eir preRen t Thianam e to-dayata JKb · for the heaviest "ade of miles west of Ly tl e on I.b e Lytle baving wings of ooutlldera.blA width streng th a) ( gc od h ealth to plateandexquiaikbeauty Rates of Advert isemen ts rourl on in propor tion to their length lind t,bll ' Vinol. DJ" il \ ,~ th' la st two of patterns. ~ 10lIl Reaf\llIg l.oca iN. per line ... . . .. ... . ... 6c . h ean of aemce aod aalriafactioD. Reaf\ln g IcclIls . blnok face. por II DC • ••• •. 100 flAst flying bird~, lIuoh I\S tell WI. ( ~ trying win k !': n ithc r of th crn h .l d a cold, and were Monday, November 15, 1909, llimoatbble C1lnsslfled Ad •. Dot t o excel'<I fi ve IIn~'S , aad thb alblltross, pos&essiog loup', able to walk f rth ' r and do 111 . )lL' th a n for years. durability bUWOD it Commenoing at 10 o'cl ok sharp : 1'bre In Re rtl onH .. . . ... ......... . . 260 Garro oN bladeli ke \VinRs, The noio~ I think Vin ol is p ' rf 'ctl v w nd c l lul. Il c rtamly is the populai title 9 bead hOfses ; bu.v fll rm bor A 1<1 Obituari es, Il\"(~ IncheH Irt!ll ; over fI\'e aeropla ne, therefo re, wUl have grtlll t ;~S::{:I,~. '!, th e g reates t bluud-l11 a kil1 ~ , .Ir n g l'il e ll ing I Inl; ,or old Incbes. pt!r lin. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ~o years old, 1 brown generu l purpo .., . length of enterin g e iKe, but th,· Card of l bnllk ~... .... .. .... .. Sold b,lo.cI1.. .. ..... 2lic horse 1:& yellrs old, rOli u fami ly Ullirfl people I eve r hcarJ lr." Res,,1II li ons . .. . .. .. ... . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. bOe pluues will be narrow . PO~81 bl.v , ::b~:~ 7 yeurs old ; hlack offiurll goo rnl pnrWe want every feeble old person In til ls town to try Soola ls Cl ll. Wllere churl:e Is llIade .. .. .. :!;'U they will be arrang ed to redooe their LC'L~.'h!~. p08~ 4 ycArR ol d, 1'('110 colt 00 Ln Vlnol. We will return their mouey withou t questlQ D U It ')ls lIla v Atl\,erll .. lnl( . !ler I nc h . . . . . . . . . . . I Oe RUI fltce by retlfinl( 1111 the speed in all pane",1. lug 2 ye I ra old b.v H I) rry PurCl;JII , Disco un ls gl\'u li ' 011 CODlraeL . does not accom plis h all we claim lor U. ore"S611 It W~ll ShOWD "bove t,hat ~~.~. sorrel borse colt aomin,; 2 .veurs old, - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if the Wrigh t muohin J. E .•fA lNEY t Drug gist, Wayn cs\'ille. e at its pres _. bay mllre colt comin g :& yuars old oy ent weigbt oould be driven ~OO mile!! I Harry Purcell, bro,)d mlife 10 YPllr!' NOVEM BE R 10, 11109. per honr lobe area of 1til planes might old good worker , 1 l<u nJ!\ing 001t ; be redoced from 500 to 80 squllre Ij head oatUe i 1 sho l' thu rn Oi) W bE' reet. The weigM of tbe superfi nous DIAGONAL CLOTHS FOR FALL fresh soon 6 · yeal s 0111 . 1 Po.lled WAL 'l'EH. :MC( )Llll] 1;, THE NEWSPAPER ORAVEYAVD 420 square fee', with its framin l;', Diagonals are being used so muob Durbam oow 9 vear s old, 1 J ersey F un oould be put in'o a more powerf ul tbls flill for ooat suits tbat I , er al Dirt!': tOl-. wonder oow, be fresh soon 5 yen.r80ld 1 Jer Beneat h tbe ston88 they sweetly mo or,. The raolni machin e wUl be 'more has not been said of the ohev sey oow fresh in spring 9 years 010. sleept tbe humble toUers of the pre88 very IIgbt long of plJlne, and lean ron diagon al materi ,ll that haTe 1 two· year-old s teer, 1 t Toleplloue dll Y or nig h t . two-ye ar.old DO more to Borrow or to weep, no in oonstru otlon. Tbe Wrigh t mao oome to the resoue of more than One helfer, 1 J ersey heifer Vn.1I y phono No . . Lou!! coming 2 more to labur In (t\stress. Bere lies ohtne of SO hOl'se power w81ghll 800 perplpxed taUor whose c!ustom ers years old , shorth orn bull Distauco No. (j9-1 ~ . 2 years a youtb upon wbose tomb the tear poonda and ordina rily clLn be driven are wi ~e enough to insist on some old i 40 head of hogs ; 2 sows wi'b WAYNESVI LLE, of pity often drops i we had to send about 40 miles an hoor. The lIort of unl ty in the meetin g lines OH10. • of pi~E', 100 bushels of oorD, several ton!' him to bis doom, beollnae he w.rote Cur\tss machin e of 50 horse.p Branch ower wales and I!tripes. Office, HarveY 'lburg, O. of sl·raw in ~OWt 100 sbocks fodder of ".bump er orops." Rere sleeps weighs 600 pouDdll and hall made' a A dillgoa lttlill a materi al tblttt oaD In fine condlti on, 5 swarw s bees, a tbe golden years away the fairest sp~ed of 48 miles an hour, and San. not be left to it.self in oaUing wl th- nuwhe r hOU8eholfl goods i farmin g of tbe baman tribe; we .lew bim at. toe· Do nont olaims to han lately out dire results . If; hllB to be Implem ents; 1 MoCor y mlck biDder. tbe break of day, becau.e he called resohed a epeed of 5.5 miles an hour mllotohed a' ODe place and bullied at 1 MoCor mlok ~o,.er, both good 88 himeel f "ye.sod be. I I QeDeatb that with a little 30 horse-p ower \ : n.y nes ville's Lelltlmg ' Dentist mono- anothe r until it presen ts almost 118 new;] MoCormlck steel hay rllk e, Office in Keys BldJ;t. yew anothe r eleepst who .id bis plane weighln~ only aboo' MIJ.ln S 250 vexing a problem as a pl~ld. Tbese bay tedder, 1 grain disk drill, 1 Tiger work with smlllng lips j we bad to pounds . Undon btediy the mU~. new chevro n diBgonals, howev er, tobacco setter; 1 TIger oheokr ower put him 00' fur teepil when he re minute marll: wUl be reaobed and preeen t" very satisfao tory altboug h with drill attaohm ent, 1 Hamilt on ferred to "fiying trips." And one. oonsiderably exoeedlld, though nolo !omewba~ expensive solutio n of the oorn drill, 1 disk: harrow i , 1 60 tooth the nobleet of 'he~, all, is resting on so qaiokly ae the publio ballen s. dimoul ly . . The stripee .or wales .are harrow , 1 Moline gllng plow, 2 the wind8w ep' hIll; in writing np 8 . Vor u a bar to high llpeed there brough t togethe r iO" ohevro n ang,es fng brellkln g plowlI, 1 Case riding Kame of ball, he spoke o~ one who stands \he immu' able law tbat a 80 that there is little dimcol ty in oultiva tor, 2 walkin g cultiva tors, 1 "h" 'he plll." ~ard by tbe wall t bodYt 1n moving tbroug ll the air t en· handlin g them 'even at tbe many tobaooo oultiva tor, 1 double-shovel . where r088e bloom, "od breeze .. ooonte rs a reeiah. nce whloh· iooreae eeams of 'he Dew ooate. plow, 1 three-h orse drug, 1 Gordon sway tbe ollnging vines, that youth ea approx lm"tely &8t tbe eqnare of Anotbe r Dew materi al that'is be road w"gon . 1 low.wh eel wagon L PATTER NS ,1 McCAL iaeleep ing 10 bie tomb, who used \he epeed.- From "Tbe Aeropl ·e l el.or~ l c,1 I" r clyle. I'crrrr t fir , ~ i '"l>Ud l y "nd ane lng nsed \0 some ex~nt for botb Morris Woodh nll rubber. r e h .lbi li ty n C:lrl v 41) y ';1 t' ~ . • tir~ buggy I'H)I I In 1H.. :1I 1y thtt pbrase, ""lonK these lines." -A Re'rosp eot and a Foreoa eve ry Ci lY no d h1\\. " in ' )IC U n 1t" \1 . ' I :t h~'-" "mi st," by 8uits and dr88ses le 'hefilet~ weave good al new, 3 sete IS mnHI ~ , o r hy IIU' O ll~ l l: ' t. ' ,l j,IU ,,1.1 t ll.\ 1\ work hBrnes8, 2 Today ·the sex too wields hisllpade, J . Berna~ Walke r In the Amero nny o l ht: r ll'I'!l k e. Scu d. tol' t l Cl! cm n l () ~ue.. an of eerge and ohevlo t The olo'h •• seu of single buggy harnes t s, 1 hay MeCALL 'S MAGAZ INE and digs & grave bota deep and wide, Review of Review s for Novem . ber. w .o-en with an ooouio nal Inrfaoe f l\l o rc s ubs nUwys tll An Qny olh " r f:u htn n • _ • or where soon the etrlpp Ii ng w111 be ork, ropes an d ~uII eye i 5 pUch for k s mn gaz i ll c- m ;lIlt~ n a m onth. J.n .lllluhl" , u t· 6A thread of a Ilgh r 6ban the s t s lvl !li p P \l t'r n '; , tll'c"f, u' !\ k ill~ , milli ne ry , laid, who wrott. about ulhe blnshin g .., oo'or ~. YOUD, .01r Is Are VletlIDJ 28000P s b ove 1s, 1 grave I shovel. 1 p la In sewl oJ!, Ll ney nc cd lt.'. w a J i, Iln i , drc ,o;.,i nc . I foun-""oo materl" l t"'elf. e l iqll cllc, J! ChHt ,.t u ri e" , et c. 0 11 1 r cellts a UIa.. .. .... I liIa~vanil8d w,a tering trougb; 1 hay bride. l'ca r (worlh Oil \1t llc) . itl r huJi Il q' a 1!t' " r a IH'r n . of headao het &8 well Molde r women , Ano'he r ma.~rlal &bat has reoent rigging , 1 gravel bed • - • S ubscrlbc tud uv, or tienJ lur 51l m plc cOl' Y. . bnt all and get qulok many rellef and promp t HICKSt ALMANAC FOR 1910 oure from Dr. King'l New W O:-.lDER FUL INDUCE MENTS Lite Pilla, ly made ib .ppear ance among more I' o'her thiDgS. ' t n A ~ n U. P o ot ttl bdll~ s prr i nm C:lu]oc ue the world' . belt rezqedy for slolr .,labora t8 taUor-made auitA "lid new cash prize one rs. A ddress and .ep· Terms -All Rumll of 15.UO and un. Beady Novem ber . 15tb. 111011, a ~nl i nenou eb.dao bee, 'l'bey make arate Ooau i. a flne ribbed velvet. der, ouh; a oredit of 12 months will tall McClU CO •• 238 10 2J.8 W. nW SL. NEW YOflK splend id yearbo ok, on utrono ruy pure blood, and st.roug nerYee And It la 80f~r and more pliable than be given tor all sums of 15 00 and and me'eor ology, 'be only ooe oon buUd np YOUI' health. Try them. cordur oy &nd not so heavy elther In er by pnrChu.ilor gi ving b"nkabl~ 250 at Fred C. Sobwa dz's. __ _ _ . MJDiog tbe 0.igln81 " Hioke Wea'he r _ ___ .. weight or rib.·-. oomee 10 wonder note. A disoou nt of 5 per ceDt .~ -. for Foreoaats." By maU t poetpald, 350, YELLOW CEDAR LEAD PENCILS fol wine-<lolor, deep bnrgun dyand OlUIh. J . T. M ~R8HAL L. on new8tands, 300. Une copy frep 'be light, almost ~hitet shades of A. A. McNeil, ' Auot. with a year'. 8ubs.o rlptlon \0 Word Lead penolla may 800U be.mad e of BAute rne.-Tb e Deltne ator for No Walter Kenrio k, Clerk . and Works , the Rev. Irl R. Bioks yellow inll~d of red cedar. if Unole vember . Month ly lolasazlne, tbe bee, II Sam hall his way. For ~e' Is ----~ ------- tr),ing monthl y in Amerioa. lJlSOOQnte on to diap'llle of muob of the )'ellow WANTED, A TEA PARTY Get Our Prices 00 Sale Bills. or Almana08 io quaDtUiee. Ageot. Alaak.. cedar 'hat a&anda 00 the Sbortly before comin s to London , ~!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!! !!!"!!!~ wan\ed . Remem ber, .tbe lenuin e wide foreRt reeerve a of 'he P.Olfio :Mr. Hay had been out tn Oblo 00 "Hloke J'ore0&8tF" Bre not pubUshed Northw8llt. Sample s of the wood campai gn buiIi888 and bad ex· anywh ere eLle-y ou get 'hem only llave been sen' \0 'ha penoilt aotorle e ohange d words wlth a 100&1 politi. in his own poblica tioos. Word and to de~rmine It I.t will be sui_bl e olano After several , years of busy Works Pnblisb ing Co, 22U1 Looost for ule. It may replace 'he South London life he had forgott en the St.. St. Lo~ll!t Mo. ern cedar, ueod.n ow exolueively for maD'e very. 'existen ce when be re --~ pe~oll maktnllr. oeived 'a le~\er from him, wrl tten THE BEST MEDIUMS Unole Sam owns milliOns of acree with the. famUia fity of a lite-lon g ... - ...... CIIIIIpe of rioh timber land·tn the North weet. frie~dllhip to say 'ba' he was bring. W. S. PLATT & CO., Lay it down &8 a 8a~e ,propollition faot, bllt Ii tbe bllfgee' owner of ing a party of forty 'ourlat e to Eu 6' Lafayett e St" New York OJty. SUbSCTibe 'for the GaLe tte 'hat tbe meroba nl , who' ad verijaee e_ndl ll8 Umber in the known world r01:J8 an would be mooh obliged if _________ ________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, elatently, 1n IMSOD t using ROod copy Furthe r aga WIll only Impair .iu aroond the Bonae of Commo ns and all the while, i. bound to suooee d:- quamy . 'l'ha plan la to 011' oat ripe alve them tea on the terrace I Be bound to baUd a mighty trade. timber and plan' young 'r!,'.. wanted I belie vet to announ ce this The right medium s are the ~ews There is &8 yet little deman d for plea.urte on his proepe otus.-T be papere . They get amoDg ,he pea the fir and pine that oover 'he forea' Deilnea \or for Novem ber. fle mornin g and .nlgbt. The who~e r8l8rvee ot 'he Northw est becau.o • - • .olld 'urns '~e aewspa pers for large priva~ holdinJC8 are nearer to A Scalded Boy's' Sh~eks ~25. iu newI, iia person al KOI8lPt iu en marke ' 'han UQo\e Sam's lands. horrified 'ble grandm other, Mrs. Mil,. .,........~ tertalp mant and oarren t inform a· Until 'be mi11man needs tbese -...-. __ ..-....-.. ..- ~ ........................ ....- .......--...,..., ..,...,.-'rees, ria'l'ay lor, of Nebo, Ky ., who writes ,..,..,..., ..,.; tion of the doings In finanoe, 'rade, 'he govero men' wlll ofter Its riPe that, when' a_I though t be would aooiety aud in every spbere of bo- cedar. All for die, Buokle n's Arnica Salve wholly cured Infallib le for Burne, maD endeav or and diversi on. Only Penoil cedar ia disapp earing a~ an Scalds, him. Catet.Corns, Wound s, Bruised Tbe moet luooo88ful bueineM alarmln lr rate. MI1110ns of feet of Cores Fever-t iorel, BOilS, Skin Erap. SP, honilee &oday are 81100888fnl adver. 'hill useful are being whittle d tione, Cbllbb.in8, L'happed Bandt!. . tilen, They stand a towerin g mon away everywood year by 011100 men and 'Soon Ro~ts Piles. 2Clo at J!'red C. • . Dment on tbe broad blghw .yof women. Down Soutb, it; Is sald, Sohwa rtz s. 'radet pointlo g with lIileDt finier \0 there ill a shortag e aDd .ubatlt utes HARD WINTER AHEAD the pr~mier pOsition the ne~spaper are looked for. 'l'he oommOQ Westhold. in the realm of oommeroia\lllm. ern oedar, red in color, d068 not Squire Brown Is predio "ng a bard McC all's M 'a gazin e Tbe great SUooell l oUhat meroha nt euftioe, being ooane grained and winter tha' wlll arrive early and Is a large, handso prince, ' John W.aam iltel', wu .oft, 8uHbe J'oreaU lervice ~ely illustra ted hundre d-page monthly magazi ne. ~ t beUevea. remain long.. Says tbe squire: contain s sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every won.lan aohieve d throug h newspa per adver 'he yellow cedar will mea' need~ It all reo "Have ye noticed Jlow tbe black: for its up-to-d ate fashions, enterta ining stori es and complete mfOl'm tietDg. In his e~rly .oa.r eer Mr. qnirementA•••ve in oo~or, atlon It ill blrd!l are already gather in' to big on all home and personal topics. Over one. million subsc ribers. Acknow WaDam aker pnt hie profits Into the quite soUd In textnre and appare lnt: flocke aDd palave rin' In 'be IItub~le .? edged the best Home'and Fashion Maga7. ine. Price, 5 cents a copy. perll '0 tell tbe readen .what 1), soft enough for penoil wdod. But. ~ey are gettin' ready \0. vamo!e . be .M doing and wbat ·"ere.h il &9. from time Immem orial penollll ,have U's an Indica' lon 'ha' 0001 weathe r McCall~8 Patte rns pl~a,lol:l.. . . The Miam i Caze tte .. ,been made of red cedar. Would -I. comln' early. Keep 'an . eye Qn , Be.ele oted the be8'm edlum a-the people1any 'b.em If they were So simple · YQu eanriot misund er1 in its sixtieth ye~l', prints the ~ade 'hedog 8 'an' .ee 'em baryln ' rlior., liom~,pa~t:8 tn ~tl;l . Otty .,nd oou~ o~ wbite wood? stand .them. ·· Absolutely a.c curate. new 0:£ the neighborhood. It , . 'bones th,an. unal. ' T.b en ~ke .. has tr)'~od :ueeet . • paGe day. ~fter daYt "If the teIRa DO~ You may' Relect; .f ree, a1)Y 'Mecilll e~gh t pages, and every .column has betDg made pro~ 8Cluint at the oorn. .IC",e!'), ear hae . -oep' Sanda l. a~d kel?' at. ~' wit~ theada p'ab.l" ), of ' .h e wood, . big arown loq whlske , Pat~~rn you :.desire·, from t~e first · good rea(.ling and IO.ts of it. r n,' a~~ ' lb,a t's a" . ,'he resular lty qf 'he ~80n. > ' numbe r of .tbem agailn e whi~h correspo.ndent;s from,all url'oun . . dem"n d '011 U ~1~ undoub~ly be 8ure .• igll~ Per~aps you've dmg also Be O&lIed ~ bla au18tanoe the beet orea hd for tbla parpoe e. '. teach... )'ou .. Regula r price, 1.5 cents. tow,ns. Regula r p'rice, $1".00 . noticed tha' &be 8~Q flowers })Ioomed' a tear. .write'r•.·~ pre.,are. hie . anllQuooe-, . ~- • . early;..., ·~ee~.~ _rly ff08', meritl. Th8le. • dnrtiae mso\e we", ' l'b,e .pple \reel have yielded·a poor m~ w1\h buman ' lD\eN t, ~d hn' l FOUNTAIN ·SYRINGES ~Pt a~c\ lh~'. tneaplI &be,'re' Gorin' IIJ&D belDp read theD:', an4 a~ . ~ , . :,... . up all their _p ,and 8OeI'l1 ' aPtln' . . . i~ .....&tid .and '. psad, . .J~_ a. ~ .~u of wiD". Now·. &be WaDalDabr ...., be ta ~y~the, .THE· MIAMI GAZETTE, Uuie fOl.. tbe. ~. p ..~ to lay lD • Pllbllshe d Wee kly


Way n ewville. OhIo


75c at










Eve rybo dy to kno w that the Mia mi Gaz ette Job Roo m the Cor rect plac e to get you r Sale int.e d Cor rect ly Good Tas te. Try us once, and see for yourself. Prices are all righ t, too!




























Ba rg ai. n

$1.75 Val ue for Onl y $1


SI 25

.. -...---

Irr es ist i.b le

One Yea r's Sub scri pt.ion for McCall's Mag a.zine Any 15 Cen t McCall patt ern you may Iect ' n to th M· · G tt One Year,s S ub scri·ptIo e lam l.. a:re e




6Se at . . I . pea.mero_'~ftll. ~~I-l sa.II'AJl~z~. ·

.Moa' VtoIaI7, 0., Ol!lUver.


. Oklah o.....



~_ _~--__~fIII!!III""'~"'~~



ha'd come to piles In the ·elt,.. , ani FORCE OF, HABIT. rnlsed bls vol e again lit U1em" urging th I! ople to Buffer. death rather than to pollu t themselves by yleidiug to D. L. CRANE. the d mands of the wicked Cree ks, "What If th Greekll ha'fe declared OLII WAY ES ILl-E. Story of Jewl Who Suffered Il unla' (u l to keep ou r Sabbntb tor the Faith dllYs?" he cried In the stre ts. "Wh!11 PUPIlY love thnt lead to man· If Ul: y dcclaro that we must· sl.nre ,l. slaughter III the most IdlotJc klnd. Cbat on Interestin~ Topics of ' Many Kinds. by tb Ir feasts ao,d pay bomage to their BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" . PREACHER god? Shall we forg tour Ood nnd his a Recognized Authority Many blond cs al'o so perverse as to law? \\ hat IC we 'aln our IIv s at r efuse to go insnne to please any sci· ihe hnnd s of these wil'k l1 Gentiles enUst. and lose Llll'nt b roru OUI' God. tho GOd Dused on the Apocryphal book at 2 IJrauam li nd Isaac and J(\cob'~" going wit h ra flau c to s I ct wa Afte rn oon Refreshments. Wli helmioa thinks lhe whole coun· .\Iaccnbees, chapters 6 and 7. I'{lnd your part of the Imp r be· r ing, only If he husn' t an abundance ' Som lIs t .lI ecl to th wvrds of tho try of Hollnnd Isn't nearly ' 8 0 lmpor- , old man whllo ot her s furued III f ar for 1 n'a d any other, and always flnd of riches It mlSht be embart'llBsl nl,l to tant as tb baby. something I have ·want d .to l(Oow . him . H could comm it be l', th en tulle awny. say ing und r their breath : SERMONETTE. or four rin gs fO f Good s e n ~c ami a liplrlt of fair play " Yes, he mny well talk for he Is 000 I ex reet to ntertlilIl a out eight u selec tion of thr YOllng ladles In the aft e rno~n. Whnt her to c hoose al It I' own home. are th' prop'r equipment to take into' 'v n now no old man nod it mcnns not The blood of the mar tyrs Is a strlk conferenc.e. m1lch to him to die. Dut how Is It shelll I 11a ve for refreshm ents 'f We the seed of the church. Order of Receiving Pa rty. with liS who have wlv !I nnd children wil l ~jt at dining roop.l table. Sunil I In all ages of the world's hisItnv tit tabl ' de void of eatables What should constltu lC tb rocc lv, One snra Illace fo r tbe lnnocent by· and mu h goods In the ciI Y. \\' e may Hodge-Hefty had a ' Htre llUOUli time to ry there have been those who stander In lh e case of automobllo outward ly yl Id to tb se Gentll s nnd wh n w sit down and have every· Ing lin e und the ir ol'd I' nt tlte I' cop· on hl tl vacation. \Vh n he starte d he have been called upon to lIuffer tblng pa ssed? MARY. tlon following a wedding whell til e races Is somewh ere e lse. sti ll lJe J 'W!l at heart. Of wbat avail for rlghteo usneu- sake. bridal purty consists of two n li'Wl'f tipped th e scnles at 200 ]lounds and If we die'! " noll vln Is looltlng tor wa r and yet, Since the days of Abel the At HIls season of the year I would g irls, on e rin g ben l'cr, six us h rs. IIl x whe u he returned he only wels hed Thu s was the clly fill ed with ant n hu ve co lTe or chocolate. with whipped lIIuld s, one mat ron cf hOllOI', br id e. fll 149 .. so fnr as Is known , It has not a single evil heart of man has been Inlion among tho Jew s , a t ew choo!;log cream If th e lRtt r, nn,l eltb er Ind~ the r, g roo m ? alr9hlll. Such un preparedness ! Dodg ·- Tbat wlla a drop. J suPPOS& flamed by the evidence of goodOLGA. to remai n loyal to Moses' law, while Vidual chnrlotte rU Bse or a salad. with his best girl gave him liP on the spot. ness in others and has led to The rea SOil why the equinox Is so the great majority outward ly ob yed Hod ge-.- 'ot at all. She accepted deeds of violence. nllt sand wiches. Canteloupe fill ed Th e flow er ~Ir l s nnd rIng beare r dc, stormy Is thnt. like some humans, It the mandates of the lDan fr om Athe ns. Ev il has no fellowship with with "an lil a Ice cream are d o- not appear In lbe rcc('iving line, Theil' blm right ofr. Is apt to be rough and ugly when it It was during these da ys that the \ll'lous. the works of r ighteousness and Dodge-Thnt's queer. Bavo 1\ centerpiece of responsibility (' nds uft .. r the ccr\:l' Is crossed. klllg of Greece celebrated the ann lver· flow \' S, Ithel' wit h or without can- mony. Tho fatll e r (and mOlh el' it wtlen these last are manifest 1I0dv;e-No; YOII seo sb e Is a grent sary of his blrtb, nnd Vl.e Gr e ks In "The poo=r=m=a=n=;l=s"'b=a=p=p7Ie=r~, after all," and condemn th e evil, It gives dl s, IIccordlng to the dtly- whe th r th el' Is one) stand tlrst, the n lhe bnrgalL hunter nnd coulun't pass an,' Joru.salem, anxious to (10 honor to dtll'k and gloomy. or sunny. Have the bride and b\'ideg\'oom. nex t the mu· thing that was reduced. rise to those evil passi on s of sIghs nn eastern writer. He Is baptheir king and to t heir graa~ Jtod, made I' fretlbme nts nt nc h place. You can tron. th ' n ttl six maId s. • The utlh· whiCh persecution and murder pier, but he does not have so much grent sacrifi ces and held teasts Ilnd pour the beve rage or h(we It sen ed ers do not receive, but ma\('c thom· .re the very core. enJoymen 1. CURED ITCHING HUMOR. comm:mded thnt the J .. ..,. of the city from til kitchen. Jesus laid down Just one rull! selves gene rall y useful, seeing t ha t ~=;=;== enter Into the fesUvltl es. and eat of A Cleveland judge hll ~ ruled that a ~or his disciples when peraecunil guosts are IlI·esented. If the brid e· Big, PaInful Swellings Broke and Old the mea ts which bad been oll'ered to husband need not wa,;h the dish es. \·ons come for righteousness Name for a Girls' Club. g room's fnthel' and motber nre pres· Not Heal-8uffered 3 Yeant, th ei r god. And when the feas t o( Dac· SUlI, sometimes he likes to keep sake, and that was a passive reI Intend to nt rtalu a club of soven nt, the y stand the other side of the chus was k ept the J e ws were com- gi rl s or abom 11 or 12 )'ears of age "maids." peace In the family. sistance and love for those who Torturee Yield to Cutlcura. pelled to go In the procession cnrryln, 1 am somewhat at a losll to know dlspltefully used them. ,lIIA DA MI!l MERnl, A Canadian soldier hilS claimed 130 Ivy and garlands before tbe great 1m· "Blessed are ye," he said, what to do to amuse them. Would "L.1tt1e black swellings were ~ CI1tacres of land or Ice at t h north pole. age. Moreover the re went out the you kindl y suggest 80ID Inex pensive "when men shall revile you, and The Ice trust will be sorry It did not ~~. tered over my face nnd neck IUld they decree to the n Ighborlng (HIes way? What should I have for refresh- ~I\<"..V ,~~ persecute you, and shall say all would leave little , black scars that see those acres of loe first. again st the Jews that tbey s hould ob- meuts? Could yo U suggest some nam e ~©J.1~ O~. manner of evil agalnlt you • • ~nf.\ ~nnTr~ would Itch so 1 couldn't keep f.rom serve the same fashions and be par· falsely, for my lake. Rejoice for th is se wing club '! In turning to look at two pretty .!.1~~\YIJl.'" I • scratching them. Larger sw \l lOgs taker s of tbelr sacrifices, And whoso glad; for and be exceedingly girls a man out In Evansvllle, Ind., A SCHOOLGI RL. "------..,;;.;;.;;;;:;;.:;.-==~...;.;;-----.I would appear and my clothes \II ould would not conform the mselves to th e great II your reward In Heaven, nearly broke his neck. How. flattered It It Is a sewing club, won't the None of th new winter coats shows stick to the sores. 1 wont to n doctor, manners of the GentJles sbould be put gll'ls bring. thei r work? I have heard for so persecuted they the the young wom en must have (e1t. any fl are at the hlos. but tbe trouble only got · worso. Dy to dea th . prophetl whIch were before th e names "Thlwble club," "Busy olored e mbroidery enters Into this time It was all over my arm s aDd And that terror might selzo upon B ee· ~. " "Needle clUb." or bow would KIng Edward Is re ported to be 01>you." much of the new neckwear. the upper part ot my body In sweillu gs the h earts of tbe people who da red to "Scissors circle" do? And have little lJosed to automobile racing. This The man who suffers In a As a rule taffeta wl\1 he the petti· as large as a dollar. It was so paindisob ey, two women wbo had circum· ough t to make the streets of New righteoul cause, even unto wee scissors made Into pins for the coat of the new season. I ful that I could not bear to lie on my clsed their bab es after the law and club mem bers. You Icould have nut York much safer than they were bedeath, II but adding thOle ele. Rips are s ligh tly more emphasized blU:k. The second doctor stopped the fore. command of Moses, were taken and sandwiches, with bot cocoa, and home- than In the SU/llIDel' styles. . ments which ultimately make Bwelllngs bllt when they broke the bavlng been openly led about lhe city made candy, or tr you want something for victory. A pearly gray glove Is .Iovely with placos w~uld not beal. I bou ht a set The customs appraisers at New with tbelr babes In the Lr arms, they more ela borate perhaps you cou ld cos tu m s In tbe gray shades. It Is not a life lost but a life of the Cutlcura Remedies and In less York are collironted with a puzzle in were taken to the highest point on have Ice cream and cal(e . .. ved. It Is not an Influence Filmy ties are worn with j!lcllet than' a week some ot tbe places were telng called on to decJde whetber per· the wall and cast upon the jagged ended, but mighty Influence be· suits, and jabots of a s he r ord er are nearly well. I continued uatll I had ftorm lng catll are tools of trade. The rocks In tbe abyss below. And oth· gun Which will Increase with , Perfectly Proper. a lso ,In vogue . used three sets, and now I am sound 'tlIIDclIlty Is Increased, as the ques' er s, that had run together In the the years and help to bring to Is it proper to send announcements Oxidized long chains a nd small and wall. The disease lasted thrlHl tlon Is-s o to' spenk-a purr·emptory caves nearhy to keep the Sabbath day In your home town when you have a purses of the same nlllterial are worn years. O. L. WUson, Puryear, Tenn.. paiS that . final triumph of one. secretly, being discovered, were a U very quiet wedding? rlghteoulne .. which Ie to mark . H. R.\ J. with laUored trocks. Feb. 8, 1908." burned together, because they feared the triumphal ' return of Chrlet Castor shoes of leather lind sail r..r DrIll .. ClIIem. Oorp., 80la ~ ~ Admiral Lord Charles Beresford's to dishonor God and violate his holy and hie complete rule over all By all means send announcements cloth are s ui table to wear WIUI dresses plea for a compact of English-speakday. the earth. ' to all wbos call1rig acquaintance you of the same color. Ing peoples against war Is excellent Their Advantages .. And Eleazar, who had done much to wis h to r etain. Roman gold pieces for brooches, hat. ThOle who Buffered In the a s fa r as It goes. But why stop there? "So you ha ve mad a up you r r.llnd to encourage the people to r emain loyal pins, belt buckl s and the like are set days ., the Maccabeee for their Why not Include Germany rather thaD be a specia list. What lin e are you. to Ood's law, was not to escape. for with very large stones. loyalty to God and hie law have Selecting the Engagement Ring. k eeping up talk of tbe "red abead" lug to take up? " he was seized and made to open his Sflk·covered cord Is a special trimnot been forgotten In Heaven, Would yo u please Intorm me If It ospect of affairs wblch her exclusion "I don't ImO\;'·. I have been cons1dmouth Into which swine 1!esh was fs proper for a young lady to go with ming that makes n gown look Individ- erlng various ad van lages III d I fferen t nor haa their Influence ceaaed and her natural defensive mllltancy thrust with the command to o;!at for ua l, and Is tblcker thnn what Is know n upon the earth. It takl!s more her gen tleman frien d and select b er creates? bran ches. A chiropodist can generalhis good health. But he, choosing engagemf'nt ring, or should he go Ull· as rat·tall. than the hand of wicked men to ly get 11 toothold. no maller how bad rather to ~I e gloriously than to live, accompanied Bnd select It? A school board In New Jersey wants dettroy the truth, Rosettes of all kinds, from the tiny hus lness Is; a manicurist 'has u811a l1y stained with such abo.m lnaUon, spit It slmplllied-cooking In the schools. This ones for s lippers to large fluffy affaln some thing on band; 1.\ beauty doctor The truth of God, crulhed to W. H. F . forth. ' ' plan will cut out oyetar patties, deviled worn as a sash, figure among novel can usually play a skin game and a n earth, la lure to rile again with cblcken, baked bilans, ' salmon croThen did those 'who bad charge of Increased power_ There is nothing Improper In a girl dress accessories. eye and ear doctor call orten get a quettes, charlotte russe, Ice-cream and the wicked feast a d who ad come "I had 'fainted," exclalma the beari ng w en there Is a ny thi ng In to ow the old man and understand the Uke dalntleil. If the school·chUPaa11;'1llt;' unle .. I had believed sight. I haven't dwelt on the possl. his great lnfiuence with bls people, bedren have been Uvlng so high as all to eee the goodneae of the Lord bllities of throat specialislI! and denIng anxious to win him over to their that, It Is no wonder tbat the judicious In the land of the living." tists or balr experts, becllulIO t.he two customs, that It might encourage olbf eel that a Simplified diet' Is In order. We need the .. me faith, form er always look dOlVn In the mouth ers to do likewise, took him one sld6 Such vlelon of the final trl· and t.he latter may get but a bald livMarconi Is to buUd a new plant. It and saId: umph of God and hie rlghteoua. Ing or b6 expected to dye fo r his paIs about time for electricity to be nele In the world Is the only "What profit If you should die. Let t1ents."-Boltlmore American , ,,'orking some new wonders. The thing which can auetaln In the us tell thee how thou canst save thytrouble In this wonderful and rapid hour of pereecutlon, self and still remain true to thy law. A Relemblance. age Is that wonders become ordinary Bring thy own flesh such as Is lawful While Chrlatlane are not Canon Hensley Henson, at a dinner matters so Soon and the insaUable for thee to use; and make 8S though called upon to auffer martyrdom In New Haven during his Yale lec· public keeps crying for more. The thou dldst eat of the meat of the sac· ae In the period of the dark tures, condemned the ugliness ot the old .attltude of disbelief Is changing rlfice commanded by the king, but eat age., etlll pereecutlone come In Engllllh archbishop's attire. tnto eager demand for more wonders that which thou thyself hath. pro'flded. other forms and th.e aame "f)ne of our archbishops ," li e said, Jet. Then all w111 be well." eplrlt of loyalty to God and love 'preached In a Kansas church In hll for thOle who desplle God and panoply of knee breeches. gulletS and "It becometh not my age In any wise A European custom wbJ.c h can be hi. eervantl I. aa nece.eary toapron. and the loading paper at th& to clJssemble," be declared with digvilry well dispensed willi In this coun. day .e In any Palt age. town concluded an admirable rerl1rt ot nity. "for by so doing many persons try Is the claque which bas to be his sel'mon with tbe words: might tblnk that Eleazar being fourbribed not to hiss opera s ingers. The .. "rha archbishop wore HlghlanC4 score years old and ten, were gone discovery lately that this lndustry had THf; STORY. dress.' " to a strange religion, and so they been Imported to New York Will through mine hypocrisy, and desire to quickly tollowed by its suppression. Are YouTI red' of the Calor of Your Abroad It may be a cuslom, but here 'I T WAS during the period of the llve a · little time: should be deceived , Ore .. ? It Is a species of blackmail and prop. Maccabees. Word had reached the by me, and get a stain to mine old If so, dye It, but be sure and uso or erly to be treated as such. kingdom of Greece th'at at Jerusalem age, and make It abominable. Dy-o·la Dyes which give .the same fns t In tbe land of tbe Jews tbe people thougb for the present time I should brilliant colors to any and all l'abrlCIl. It transpires that two suspected served and worshiped a God unknown be delivered from the punishment of So much easler, better, and mOl'e ecn. eases of cholera on a BrfUsb tank to the land where Jupiter h eld sway, men; yet should I not escape the hand nomlea) than others. Dealers sell Bteamer from Rotterdam which was and tbe question arose In the mind of of the Almighty, neither alive or, dead. Dy-o-la Dyes at 10 cents a pac\mgl1. c\ctalned In quara ntine . at Falmouth king: Write Dy-o-Ill. Burlington. Vermont. for Wberefore now, .manfully cbanging wet'e nothing more t.han (,ases of Indlcolor card and book of directions. "How can we allow sucb tblngs to this life, I wlll show mys elf suoh an « estlon caused by Dutch cheese. Some be? Is not this an affront upon our one as mtne age requlreth , and leave Grading LIterary Power. of the cheeRe made In fo reign coungreat god, Jupiter, wbo has made a notable example to such as be Dean Sholl er Malh ews says that t he tI'l s Gnd Imitated In the Unite d Oreece great? Our god may well be young, to die willingly and courage· newspape r "5halles the popular mind States Is strong enougb to be s us- jealous and call Into question our loy. ously for the honora'bleand holy more by Its bead lines than by Its eQ'p ee ted or almost anythin g In the fonu alty to him If we allow such tblngs to laws." Iturlnls." By the same token. auof Illb ess or epid emic. be.?' And having thus spoken to those thors Impress by the title ot their And having tbus spoken wltb the who would have saved him If he Vice Admiral Urlu oC J apan, wbo ts boolls. not by their contents. arti Nts by 'Y\ sltlng thi s country and Is a sailor ot ~reat men of his realm, and having re- would have but dissembled, they were the ir themes, rather than by their ex. greatly Inflamed against blm and experlenc and discernm ent, praises ceived tbelr encouragement In the ecution-and lecturers by th .. lr platidragged him off to the torment which th e Am eri can warships, or the bat. matter, he cbose one of the old men tudes more than by their sense, tl eshlp Connecticut, wblch led tbe of Athens wbo had long served In the was mnde as awful as possible. his crui se about the world, he liays It III temple of Jupiter Olymplus and sent tongue being first cut out and then all 'nlml1II more Cat&rrll '" 'hili eeetfon 01 tho count.., the bes t a ll-'rou nd fighting machlno .he b1m to Jerusalem with tbe command his extremities cut ott and last of d,ll ~~l~':" ~:=S'~ ~~~~~r:~~. u~~~ ~h~,~~ many t:"' doolO ... pronoUIICt!d It a local d ~MC 811d b as seen. And the great scores made that he should compel the Jews to de- be was cast upon a red-hot pan. And c,rc:~ "Ith~re~~~n~~rob:Ou~o.:~~t:.~a~:':~?t with the blg guns durin g r flce nt prac. part from the laws of their fathere, when he was about · to give up the 8elence haa proveo CAtarrh 10 bo 1\ <OlllItllulIona. <1,.. tlce In cr as s the a dmlraU on be haa and trom the God whom they had been ghost, he cried: - . and th~fortl rtlQulrce colllltilutional \.r""tm on t. serving, and to do homage only to the Ralt'. Catarrb CUre. manufactured by F, J , Cben,'y "Jt Is manifest unto the Lord, tbat for Uncl e Sam's Hhlps and men. DRESS . FOR GIRL FROM SIX TO EIGHT YEARS,-Thls Is a capItal ~ CO •• Tolodo. OhIO. II tho only Collltilutlonal curc 0 11 great god of the Greeks. tbe mighty hath the holy knowledge, tbat wheretho miLrket. It .. laktln In "'maUl' In ""'"'" from '0 style to select when only a short length of material Is available. The long4tope to a t«1Ipoonlul. H nctl dIrectly on tho blood Russia ca nn ot expe t be taken fuplter. as I mlgbt have been delivered trom waisted bodice Il.lld skirt of our model are In blue checked fine 'woolen mate- and muooua .,-,,1...,.,. '01 tho lytlt4lm . 'nlOY ulTer one out of Ulf~ class of harbnNlls or h alt. death, I now endure sore pain In my bunrtred doll"" lor an, ...., It ' lalla to cura. S.1Id So he came with power and authorthe yoke of piece lace: the trimming tbat outlines the yoke and formE !Dr Clrcul"ra and teollmoDtalL c!\'ll lzed nalions wh il e Its governmen t Ity to carry out the klng's decree. And body, but In soul I am well content rial, straps down front Is galloon of both ' the shades In the check. The threeAddl'Hl: .-. J . CHEI>:E Y .so CO" Tofedo, Ohio. tl rm!ts massacres w ith ontrages It may well be Imagined that bls com. to suffer these things, for I fear hiin." quarter sleeves are In soft washing silk of the lightest shade of the chock. ~Id by DrlUICkltll. 700. TUI lJa1l'. Hamil, 1'1111 fOr CODlUpaUll&. which shock the , res t of the world . Ing caused great consternation In the Thus did Eleazar die, lea.vlng b111 Waistband of leat her fastened by a steel buckle. T he olitc ry whic h aro 'C after t he las t ~lty, for they saw their beautiful tem- death for an example of a noble cour· Zephyr or line n with lawn sleeves and embroidery yoke might be \lsed, . Do You Know Him? Dl :1.SS11Creli should ha\'c tntt~bt th e ple taken possession of by the Oen· age, and a memorial of virtue, not If l1ked. , "What sort of a cbap Is he?" ~ate riall! required: .Two and one-balf .yards 44 Inches wide, three;elghths government n leBRon. but e l'lt1 ently It tiles and prof~ned with the worship of onl ~' unto young men, but unto all his "Well. be's one of those feUows yard lace. ~hree-fourths yard washing Sllll, 'two yards galloon. Is not of the l<i nd whose int elligence ~ h e god Jupiter. On a certain day, ac- nation. who think that anything mean Is a DRESS FOR GIRL OF 14 TO 16 YEAR$.-Our mode l of the dress shown Joke If It Isn't on him·... is so much superior to its mclal preju cording to proclamation mad e throughdices. as to learn, There Is only one key to !!uocess, bere was in blue casement cloth; the skirt that Is slightly full at the Waist Is out the clty, the temple was re-dedltrimmed at the tOQt with white muslln embroidery; above are thtee tucks Tlie ' U. B. Govem~ent bas bought 25 cated to the god Jupiter, nnd the and that Is perseverence. Let nothing a strip of inserUon obe aud one·half inches wide. . . ~ GraM (3,600 boxes) of Hough -on Rata to TIJ ere Is no such thin g us an equl GenUles filled ·It with a1\ manner of ,daunt you, and If re ally In earnest then. The bodice Is made , with slightly 'cross-over f~cillts, trimmed ~tth em. send to the Pnnnma Gnnal Zone, because it l10ctlnl storm, say t he scientists rioting and reveling. And when there ' and resolved ' to .conquer, you mnst broidery nnd a vest· of plec~ embroidery. The fr.onts are ornamented with does the wor~. The old reliable that neVe! Th ere are no s1lch tblngs as "sclen 'Yer e- certain of the Jews who would wln.-De ,Sales. bows of ribbon, the walst·band being, of" rlb~on of a wider ' width. . iails. The Wlbeatable .uterminator. 1.50 th;ts." say the la test s uffo rers fro'nl not conform to the new worsblp or The sleeves are tucked In stripes, Insertion ~elll~ placed between the ' 260; 760. • . . equlnoctinl storms . Yield to the evil cU's toms wblch the Skill to do comes ot doing, knowl· etripes. Wh'en a man sayll he ,Is wl,lUng to Materials ..requtred f9r the drese: Six yards , 4~ 'tncl1es ,wide, four yards Greeks had instituted, ' neither would ed-ge comes by eyes ' always open and change Ws oplnlon If YOU can con. It bas been a favorite stage devic E' t!epart from tbe law,s of ~oses. , It working hands, ' and t here 18 .: nc embroidery, five yards lliselltlon, tbl'ee'elghths yard pIece embrolder¥. DRESS FOR GIRL OF TEN TO TWELVE YEARS.-Any pretty striped vince him that. he III wrong It's a slgb among certaIn classes performll n aroused the bitterest passions on. the knowledge that Is not po.wer,-Emer· material m~kell up we.l l Iii this style: the. sk(rt hi se', In two ftat plaIts EloIlch you'lI never' ~ ~ble~o convlnc~ him, to throw a light lipan soma on ot ·th(' R,att of the GentUes, ud perseC!uUOD SOft. sIde (ront II,nd b~ck, and, Is ffimmed with a band of some Ughter mat.eJ!iaI cut ' oppOSite sex in the au(J!enco a nd s lu g broke torth. on tbe Cl'08S and stltche'a-nt-each edge. ' , at I)lm or her. Since a Philadel phia Let no. young man mlsjudro himsol.! One of the honorable men ot the The pinafore bodice Is eet In platts each side; the ahoped top Ie trlmmed 'man "'~nt on tl,le stage and thrashhe cti y, • scribe named Eleazar, who was unfortunate, or truly poor, 110 lone 8! ""Ith a strap of light material; the sleeves are edaecl with a aimllar atrap an actor who made his wlte lh f now well·along In ~ear8 but who had ~e has the ,full use of his lfmlls and Tbe Uttle qoder-sUp Sa of white apo.tted multo. . ' Plork the practice has not sellmed er gnr been ll)yal to the law of Moses. 'facultles and Is suhstaJltlaJJ, free troar . Matoriala reqUIred for the dreaa: Four l.ards 40 mches wide. OJle &lid tuDD7. ' ODe-baU ,ard mual1Jl for undereUp, ODe-lid ,ard to iJlcJles Wiele for .tra.... baHi' ~J.~ borror U.e Wn.a wbleb debt.-HOI'Illle are.leT.

The Miami Gazette .



For tbe Hostess





Girls' Dresses·




Fifty·One Scouts F ight 1,200 Indiana In Enga ge m e nt More Heroic Than Al a mo.

and Is th8 fa vorUe crop of the peopl e. In the val· leys rice t a kes Its place, but even th en th ere Is usually a littl e plot of maize about the native's The Portuguese bome. reached Java In 14 96 and China In 1516, bringing maize with th em, and as no trustwor t hy evid e nce has ever been brought forward to the efre ct that this groin was known In the tar eas t prior to these dates, It Is safe to say that Its march Cram America along this path Is well establl sbed. Its geog raphical distribution, th e refore, Is to·duy world·wld e. In Ame rica, Europe, Af rl II , Asia and Australasia maize Is a common and bi g h I y prized crop . A hardy

that maize was Indigenous In the tar east and the vague term Turkish corn- used In Germany 3. 000 0011 oo~ and elsewhere-has been all eged as proof, but WO~t.051'RODuc.TI0N these claims have no sub· or MAt2.t OR INDlI\N CORN stantlal warrant, Gen· • "alP.. OfU:i:VEP\P,,' eral scientific agreement, therefore, places the Urst borne of Indian corn In · the southern section of central Mexico. Here an associated crop. . All governmem 11 ved the Mayas, the foreagricultural d-.'lpartments and experi&.0110,11000110. most agriculturists of ment stations are constantly at work America, who lon~ ' prestudying , problems at Improvement ceded the Peruvians III by methods at cultivation and by this art and whose mateseed selection. Few grains are susrial Impress cn - their ceptible Of greater modIfication tban country Is Ineradicable. maize and the cultivation of the All the plants closely rehigher type generally adds to 'the lated to maize are Mexicommercial and food value of the can and the d.lscovery of crop, giving also a largsr yield to the a very primitive form of ' . 000 .000. 000. "crc. the plant In this part of To the eye a field of Indian corn Mexico aids In reaching hI a vcry beautiful sight. Its clean· this conclu810n. . Somelimbed Individual stalk. have somewhat north ot the Isththing martial about t,"m and the at Tehuantepeo, 'mus AmerJcon, when he seel them In cantherefore, the wild maize tlnuollil array from the Great Lakes, grew, tram which secacross th e Rio Grande, throligh Mex, tion It was carried by tp_ Ico on the plateaus of the Andes, and dlans to be the principal . co ~erlng hundreds at square mllel .or food of all America. the valleys at Chile and Argentina, The Mayas did not has the feellnl that there Is pre· emerge from savagery unserved for blm !lome trace ' at home, til .after tbe beginning of NOTUIthe Christian era, so the • NOR't" I'oME~ICA INC.L.Ut)!.S - ",!.)lICO. C.~)/TRAI. cultlvatfon and use cit InAMZ1UCA.T~ ~T nnnUl ANI) CANADA. dian corn cannot anteQU TITtr.S ARJ!. GI~N IN .11SH~ date 2,000 years. From the Mayas the grain was spread over all' America -north to the Nab"uns and Aztecs, then to the plant, easily cultivated and rich In Pueblo Indians on the Rio Grande, and from nutritious elements, It can ne ver be them eastward to tho Mississippi. Carried Fought Them from Trenches. displaced as one of tbe leading food northward by the Iroqlloit! and Algonqulns, It products for mankind. la nu 1-> 11l('(\ famouR as n eecher's Is· was stopped only by climatic severity at the Maize will not grow In all climates, wberover be may be on eltner conunent.. Tl!e la nel a nd \) nea t h tb e blurt n ow ca llcd latitude of the Great Lakes and the lower however. It requires long summers with plenty ears of corn also are beautiful and the tassels Sqllaw Puint. Wh en it beeame light aroa of the state ot Maine. \ts oulture ex of sunlight, hot days and nights , with sum· have been the theme of poetry In all Ian· e noug h to see Cn\. Forsyt he we nt lip tended south through Guatemala and other ch;nt 'but not too much rain. The range best guages. Th e stalk grown to a height of two on th e blu ff and loo ked ov r til e plain portions of Ce ntral America and even across suited for the crop Is from 45 to 65 degrecs F. to 15 fee t., depending UPOII tbe va ri ety of the 'f.. llh a fi eld glnss. the Jsthmus of Panama; thence It was carried at mean temperature, but it will produce most grain planted and th e nOllr\>.;hm ent It reo Into tho Andcan regions and extended finally " The world is cI),' wit h In· abundantly with a maximum temperature of ceives. Corn Is an anuual, reBchlng Its full di a ns," h s:Jid, on hl l> r<l tlll'll . "Th ey as far south In Chile as the clima te permitted about SO degrees F. and a ra~ntall of trom 30 matllrlty within a Hin gle season, sometimes fir e comi ng. Fight It yo u (' hOOfW." or as the lndlan population desired. East at to 60 Inches. Frost kills the plant in all Its within GO clays of planting, and must, therethe Andes the spread at maize by nature was 'I'll • fHllu lI (orce crol;seil I h e stream stages and It cannot fiouri sh where the nights fore, 'be sown from the Beed ror each r cc ur- to th Islnnu, lUade t belr ·hOI'ses l'as t restricted by the dense forests of the Amazon are cold, no matter how favorable the other ring crop year. As a bota nical speclcs It doel t o th e lr p~s and bega n to <l ig t rencht'!'I . 'slo}le and by the lower altitude of that great conditions. In the United States an ele vation not ot Its ~lf trn \'el far and Is propagated ra,.. drainage batlln, because Indian corn requires of over 2,000 feet seems too hlgb for the com- ther fee bly by na tura l meanS. Consequently At s ix 0 ' . 1 c11, befo re the)' had fi n· for Its growth definite climatic conditions I s l \l~ d th e lre nch '8 th e nght sta rted. mercfal growth of Indian corn, but of course the wid espread knowl edge at corn shows to which this llortlon of South AmerIca does not ollfi d nl in tll ' ir nu mh ' rs, Ih Indi· the farth er south It Is traced the higher Is the what c 'te nt It UllIst ha ve heen cherished by ans 'ncirdcd t he sUlall hahd. Swing· orter. 'There Is uo e:ract evidence ' tha t' the at whlcb luxuriant crops are -tile clevatlon the Indians and how it mus t bave been handregion ot die River Platte, now so wonderfully Ing Inw on t he si des of th eir p onl cR rule. In Mexico vast maize nellIs are found ed on from on e tribe and country to another. Hnd ~ h ooti n g from beneath l he no ks pNductive of maize, was utilized by the naat a height ot over 8.500. feet and In Pe ru It There a re six well·known kinds of Indian o f th e a nilllu ifl lhey cha l'ged lim e a nd tive Indian tribes resident there prior to the grows at un altitude of 12,000 teet. corn, with In.numerable varieties, including agai n. .-:omlllg of the Spaniards. . Indian corn was found over most ot th e pop corn, flint corn, dent corn', t;loft or Cuzco From America maize was first Introduced lIalwe<' n 'charges the Reouts worked United States east "of the Missleslppi by the corn (the namo Indicating some traditional at th t re nchos. In th e first t wo Into Spain. Thence it spread throughout Euearliest explorers and settlers. It ' was the origin from Peru), and the delicious sweet hour!! :!2 \I" re wounded .. F ive or ro})e and Into Asia and Africa. In eastern Eucrop to which the Indlaps gave most I\ttentlon corn. The pop corn Is supposed to be the dl- th 'se d led that nigh t, am ou g til m rope It unfortUnately received tho nall!e of and the great staple ' that turned them from rect descendant at the Mexican nn o ~stor. Turkish wheat because of the erroneous natil slIrg on of the party s nd- young tion prevailing that the (present) West Indies the nomadic lIIe ot the chase Into the home· As a food product maize bas few ellllal!! LI lit. Hpnry Be cb 1', a nephe w of bljlng India everything Introiluced !rom there building people such as agriculturists lDust among the cereals . .The Indians thrl\'ed on It, ' H nry 'Wa rd Beecher, and ·( 01' whom must necessarily c,ome through Turkey . . Other be. THe prlxqltlve method of preparing the . an" so long as they contluue . Its URe they th Island was nam d . ceil. Forsytl1.l contusing names Imply some Indefinite origin ground .was 'by tllt"ing ' witli hoes made of clam. ' show nmeh of their ' pristine sturdiness, but was wounded · In ·the leg and scalp" whell by. climatic or other reasons It Is de- but not dangerously, e nough to give IIhells, but the Engllah taught more l!Dproved of ' this kind, but the geographic prefix .T etera methods, although the latter learned the ad- nled them they sufler In physique and morale. up the ' command. After the. firs t ' two • !lImply to the- commercial, not to the agr. Julva.ntage of tertlllzing with herrings, which the In Asia and Africa maize Is likewise a ,food hour!; .the scouts had complf)ted their tural sour.c e of the grain. The PortrJgueae lndlans .applied abUndantly to the surrounding tor man, but ,In north Europe It has not at': ditches an'd ~Cter that the fl'lllle ts carrIed maize. Into Africa In the 'sixteenth cooson. Their hUts Were five teet aplU't-a prac- tatoect the popularity It merlta, although its · their eUf\mles passe!! harmlel(sly over ItUry and by them It gradually spread ovet tical distance that can be decreased only when nutritive value filr' surpasses, at ' the aame them. mucb of the continent. In this connection It ~ 8011 Is rlcb and-tbe' climate very favorable. ~ cost, many ot the food products the peasant iSlntereatlng tb Dote that the' .taple"fOOds of That night. 001. Foraytbrt:ilUed, for As t~e explorers . traveled .s outhward' they conlumes. Strong ellort haa been made by volunteers to 10 for ald.-, The Mar- ' tbe wUd Inhabitants of the dlU'k eontlne~t.:... found dl(ferent varieties and , dltrerent me~ods the United States government to Introduce est troops ,were at t.'ort Wallace, more malze. ~anlpc or caaaava· aild plneapple;-have ot preparinl' It for food. It made Into.' ;com Into Europe in all its dillerent culinary tba.n 100 mllea away. Pilley was o~. all been introduced throulh eome such route• meal; It w.. boned or parcbe4 er roaated. forma, bqt the con~ervat\.sm of the old W':Irld or the four cbOlen for this dUllcult. trade and c~mmerce_ .. Often It w.. '}Jrepared Into a flour and IHlrved I. not easily overcome In favor of foot pro bu t eveD luaiU)' aucc&.stlll ta.sJr., early reached Inetla aDd Burmah_ It ~t9n in. thI8 ~t. . "14 Cied ,~, Alia . '""" Gllre .nOW eve..",b. . UDODa til, bllII U JI'O,Jalou lOr a ~rnQ'. Tbe maDI' fonia. duct. lNm tII __ Jlew

ITHOU'T Indian corn tbe native peoples of AmerlclL probably could not have developed beyond the , . stage of savagcry, and without In· dian corn tb explorers from Eu· rope would certainly bave beeu un, a ble, In the conditions under which tbey were ftlTced to land upon the west rn shores, to f, ~ect a permanent settlement on the Amerl· <Ian' continent. Maize W811 the only health's1Istalnlng food "'hlcb the Indians could sUI)ply to ~ose who attempted to make a hom e In New England ; .It sustained the adventurers who traversed the ----l'alleys 'of the James, at the St. Johns and of the Mississippi; It provided the Spaniards In Mexico with nourishment during the reckless march from Vera ruz to the plateau at Mex· lco, and this same maize was found by Plzar' ro's small army of conqu rors when the sub· jugated ' the ·Innumerable hosts of the Incas <lf Peru. " Yet uP, to the time of the landing at Columbua ha AJDerlca maize WIAI ab/iolutely unknown to the Inhnbltants or the old world. The tew kernels of the ne", food bought to Queen Isabella by Columbus were classed gen· erally as ,g rains or cereals. The Norsemen, who, landed near Cape Cod In 1002 A. D., found a grain previously unknown to them and thll they called "corn," attempting to Identtry It with wheat and other grains to which they were already accustomed. The English Purl· tans also were .astonlshed on landing to find ' a new corn; but as they had at home grouped aU grains under the name they therefore ap· ---=- plied to It tbe same term, definitely distinguishing it from the others by the speclfio "hrase of Indlr.n oorn. Indian corn Is really maize; In Englishspeaking countries outside of tbo Unlled States It is called maize nnd In all Spanish countries "mals" Is the word employed; In Portuguese "mllllo," and French again "mals" Indicate Its origin. Maize Is altogether an Amerloan word, comins directly from the primitive Arawnk, the most widely dlssemlEllltea Indian stock In South America. It originated In the south with the Gunnas, on the headwaters of the river Parnguny, and embraoed tribes on the highlands of Bollvln, extending finally to the Goajlros pe~lnsula, the most northern land of the continent. They were the first, th erefore, to weloome Columbus to the Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti. Though the Arawaks were practically In a slate at savagery, they culUvatell maize. Tbe Arawak word tor maize Is "marlsl," and this they had hnnl1ed over to tbe Caribs who Inhabited many of the' West Indian Islands. It was one of the first words Columbus heard, and through him It became 'general In Europe. In Oulana and ' further south on the Atlantic coast of South . America "manioc" took the place 'of maize as food. ' North American Indians bad other expres· lions for .t helr grain. The grain .ltself bad come to them partly through the Caribs, but . chiefly through the- tribes at 'northern Medco. which shows that there were two channels of communication, even in pre-Columbian tfmes, to the .land , on the ~rth Atlantic. These North ' American Indiana seem not to have used . the word maize; It had been lost In crossing pe GuIt , of Mexico, and whatever term WQS employed '.,y them. Is now only a phllologio c~rloslty~ Neltber 'does the ancient word of the A:tecs, of the Mayas, the Oblbcbas or'the Incas correspond to matze, so that it aeem. certain thai qalze was ' confined to that exteDaive race Inhablttng regions far o, ~o the east ~nd aouth of the origInal home of Ini)la~ coni: ' ' ." _ 4lhe IP9t rro~hlch this pure~ American Ir8ln • even .l»efbl"e Ita discover, by E1iropeau. to ' the utreme conOnes of the ...eetel'D beml8phere. baa been accuratel, 10. catea ~t pianOlOl7., eUlDolol7 u ....






In whlcb maize Is eate n to·day In AID rl a ar8 all inhe rited di rec tly trom th e abori ginal planters and housewives from ' ape Cod to Chile. The corn at the present comme rcial mar· ket, howevc r, Is a mo re hi ghl y de veloped grain th a n that whi ch th e European s found when they fi rst Innd ed. Science has Improved the species in thil; as In olile r products of the fi elds. Th e a ppropria te ondltlon s of soil and climate have bce n sludl ed, with ret!lllUng Increased knowl edge 'on th subject. 'orn demands rich land . Clay ' must be avoided; swampy, undralued areas are unsuitable. while too much shad e, as Is often caused by close proximity to timber, Is s ure to be ha r mful. La nd can be drained, how ever, timbe r ca n be cut, or the sh ndy pl aces cnn bo ulillz d for other purposes. Soli cnn be Improved by tertIllzers, or In mnny cas s fertili zation ma y be accomplished, while at t ho same time s econ· dary crops mny be raised by wide planting at corn and Interplantlng Letween the rows. Thus cotton ' ;IHI be grown along with corn when tbe clUnate- Is fa vorable and good results are o!ttm alta ln ed by growing .oeanuts as

Forty Y IlrS ago t he na me a t Capt, Alli son J. P lli cy was kn own all over th weflleru fro nt l r. W ben he Wl\& 24 year" old Ih& li llie old man that no lV sI ts a ll the s hady porch of his home, 130 Cheyeuno avenue, Kan· sos 'tty, I· nn., was a mong the widely k now n scouts, Indian fi ghters and cay· airy (Ink 'rs th at cleared tbe plalnfl of Kan!las a nd Neb raska of the hostil e Indi a n trl b s and paved the way tor the fa rm ers a nd ra nchmen tbat have mad th es s tates what they ure. Ca pt. Pliley had a n active pa rt In muny of tbe tbrllli ng adve ntures of til e pl ains. He was one of the II t lle ba nd In th e "' D ccll cr ll:lland l\T nssacllre." Alli son J . Pili y was born In Ross Coun ty , D., April 20, ] 814, of Ge rman nnd ,~. lte h par ntog ·. 111 18GS the fa mil y ,uo\' d to I'C a nsas a nd selll ed n It r Tllpelta. Four yea rs later th e yo ung nmn made a trip In II prai ri e sc hoon r t o Denv r. 'rh e n ext yea r h m ali C a s imila r trip, and, on his re t um , nllfltod nnd sorved two years In ompan y" F. Fiftee nth K al'sas, 'In the plains. In ] liG he tri ed to s tUe o,-'Vn to th e Silld y of la w In Topeka , but t.ho C[11\ of the plains WI\ S too Inslstt.nt. H c I' · fuR 'd a commission In tbe Ei ghteenth Ka nsas and became a scout. Th ere w as lUore cha nce for r eckl S8 ad vent ure scouting. Ttl summ er of 18GG was ono of ex· clteme nt on tbe plains. The Indiana we re restless. Now and th en a scout would be found s lain. De preda tions became lUore (requent, until In 186S Gon. Philip H. Sheridan establish d h. adqunrt rs at Hays City, then Fort Hays, Kos. Youpg PlIIey, having t h row n a wa y his law books, joined a company of 61 scouts und er Col. G orge A_ Forsythe. A scout lIamad Comstock had been killed by heyennes and Sioux nenr Willow Springs, Col. Forsythe's commnnd was sent In p\lrsult. Twelve mllcs east of Fort Wallaoe they ca me ~po n tho r emains of a wagon train. Th bodi es of the e migrants were lying about, and som e of the wagons s tili weI' burnilbg. Th y followed the fr esh trail to the Republi ca n rlv r and the n to the Rl ckarec, II branch of the R epublican river In Colorado. Here a larger trail ot Indi ans joined th band that had llill d the e migrants. Tb ey a mped tbat night on the bank of lh e Rlckaree, oppos ite the Is-


.................... --_ ........ .


0' "&lie


m '··· ",

WANTED! !! 200Q pounds of


Th onvocation .of the Dayton Dean ry m t in se~ ion at t. Mary' hUI"C'h We41lesday morning at 9:30 a m. After Holy ontmunion, the b\l, ine s f the convocation was taken up and 1 ~l ed untill1:80a. m. Aftel' pl'ayel' fot missil7'ns, the con· \'u 'ution adjolll'neu to the Gu stin ho· tI:!l wh~re a splendid dinner wa'3 .. 1'\' U. AL 2:00 p. m. "Supply and Train·


. 7


Ttlrkeys The Highest Market Price Paid.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RidgevIlle Our lIiok !Lro u11 improving, Our 'OUlIDOOlty 'wus shooked to Ie tra of the fl ea f,h of our minister's Ii£.t.le !Ion Mr, Cnnier, of Morrow , MrQ tien Riley and two Qliughters Mt"s6s PeuT l lIod Blt,nciJe took dio. nbr wittl Mrs , C)RrlIo Oraham OD 'l'llUrht)i\Y· Corn husking is the oruer of the d~:v .

Jesse Pllrlett tND~aotpd business io. Dayton Tbured~y . Miss Mary wain oalled 0U Mislles BhtDche Rnd Petlrl Rtlev Weduell, ' da.y. Mr. Ed Method and f ll ',Illy 'took dinner with Mr Ed Banb." ~nd wift! Sunday , Mr. G W PrR,tt spent Friday with his daughter, Mra EdwlJ rd Cook and f/lmily , - - -.... ...- - -


Hot Water Bottles

Vincent, who was unable to b pl·eg· ties who e utterances are always givent. sent an able paper , a nd Archdea- en careful consideration. The procO,n Georg >Edwards up ned the dis- gram includes a wide variety of subc U:!~l on . jects and will be of interest to every A very inl resting talk was given citizen. by Rev. Elmer N. Owen, of Dayton. Taxation will be thorou«hly dis on "Book Review." He held his cussed and particularly tho!e phases hearers for an hour with a good talk relating to the quadrennial appraison what to read. ment of real ~st~te. . On ac ount f sickness and death , An urgent invItation to attend the th re we re but five of the clergy sessions is extended to mayors-elect represent d, as fol1ows: Rev. J. P. and city. . t village i t d and townshi p assesWh itmore. rector of Ch rist hurch, sors JUS e ec e . · Th e annuaI d mner Dayton. Rev.'ElmeI'N. Owen, curate WI'11 be serv ed . H t I t 7'30 'I k t th th Christ Church, Dayton, Rev. G. N. a e Sou em . 0 e a . 0 c oc • Edwards, archde>1con So uLhel'R Ohio Thursday evemng. November 11. , . Diocese. Rev. Henry Simpson. of Wm. F. Burdell. of Columbus. WIll Xenia, Rev. J. H. Cadwallader; be t oas tm as t er .• _ Waynesville, lhe secretary and treas"LIGHT BEARER';;" urer. Mr, Fritz Lichtenburg. of Col· umbus and Mr. Marshall, of Dayton At ~he M. E. Church Sunday evenwho has charge of the colored mis- ing the "Light Bearers"- the juvenile clas1es-gave a good entertainsions of the.Deanery . fhe meetmg. though !mall, was a ment. The little ones were costumed spir ited one, and the everyone en- 'as Indians, ChineSe and Japanese, and joyed the day .• _ • the dialogues and recitations were DEATHS well rendered. The "Light Bearers" do missionary work. and are now Mrs. Nettie Morgan Doe died in greatly enthused. the hospital at Columbus, last Tues ATrENDED CONVENTION day and was buried at Wilmington Thursday. Mrs. Doe was a neice of The following a ttended the Daugh· the late Mrs. Dr. Williamson and ters of Rebecca convent ion at Lebabefore her marriage freq uently vis- non last Friday: J. W. Hisey and ited at the Williamson home here. , wife, Jos. 'Evans and wife. ' Frank

Alexander Williams. aged 8g years. died of diseases incident to old age, at his horne one mile east of OregoniJ Sunday t 4:80 a. m. '1 he funeral took place Tuesday at 11 a. m. at his late home. Mr. Williams was an old resident of the county and was a man well loved in his community. 'Interment was made in Miami Cemetery.

--- .--...- - -

75c at



George Ridenour, of Greene Coun. ty , ohllrjted with fllpe, WII II Wednes· day sentenced to five years In tbe stat,e prison. rhe hearing of seve\'· III important witnesses, including tb\, viotim and doctor Willi ' held in private chambers, and , after the vlcti mona doctor, was held in pri. vllte cb/lmberfl, "nd atter the oourt had been fully informed the sentence wall pronounoed. Ridenour will be taken to Columbus Friday .


Spring Branrh

Misses Bert~ll. Smith Hnd Alioa Chenoweth entertained W .dnesday to dinner Mrs Ellen MDfrllY and dtm~hter Emma. Grubb:"f Dllyton. Mrs. Walter Dakin ver," pleasant ly entertia,iueo Mrs. J H , Chenoweth anu ulLllghter Berth" Weil nesday. Mrs , OharJes .Rye mad e tI. trip to Dayton FridllY, MT. and Mrs, Nilthon Austin and da ughter Celeslia entertained Elder _______l1li----____. . George A , Bret~ and wife t,o t;unday • dinner. Pure Castile Soap Mrs Frank HlLwes en.t-ert,lIined her siltter-In law, Abi Baiua~ Wednes· fuLy to dinner: Mrs Th')mns Hess is u.ble to r ide :SOHWARTZ'S out , she is visitin g b Pf son Walter Hess IlDlI ftLmlly of nen,[ Xenia. ' . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•

---.- ...

tOc a Cake-

Mr. and Mrs , Wulter DakIn enter talnod Mr, and Mrs , Edward Cook aDd d~ughter Glennu. 8~turday nigbt and t)unday. Mr , bod Mrs Churlie Myers and S Olli! JOIlD 611d R~lph, Mr. und Mrs Bt.: rt M'-4rlatt aod daughter Lenu, were entertllined at 8undtly dinner by Mr Frank Dtlkil..o and fa.lDl ly , Miss Elsie ~mith was the guest of .Jncob Scott aod family ::;riturdll Y

-----_.-- ..-----


A PllinrDI aooident befell Cha r les 8l1rris, a PennsyJvunia railroad brakeman last week. He was in the act of kicking tL ooupling open with bis foot when a. out of dare canght him and badly crushed his foot. Be night . WIl.S carried t.OR nelLrby building and Dr, 8, H. Wilson Qalled, While the ----,injury is quite pllinfu ), it is believed FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ' thnt t here will be no serious results.

- ----


6Sc at


SOHWARTZ'S - - -... ...- --



Rogers and wife and Mrs. Lizzie Yeazel. All report a good time and an excellent dinner.

. _.

IMPROVINO PROPERTY The Orthodox Friends are prepar· ing to put in anew sidewalk appr9ach to their church, which when finished will add a great deal to the appearance of the property.


- - -... .....- - -

Hunters' Notice. The undersigned warns all \rea.. passers with guns and doge to _eep off their land, or they will be pros eouted aooordtng to law: W. P : Bay ----~.~---.-----

"THE PASSION PLAY" I have seclJred the "Passion Play" for the following days. November 16th. IRth and 17th. li09. A read· ing of this picture will be given by Mrs. S. J. Rap~r. at People's Theater. This may be your last opportunity of seeing this picture..._ __ .~.


In pursuance of an order of ,t he Probate Judge of Warren County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction, William J . Col1~tt's farm and other real estate, on Tuesday, December 7. 1909, On t he premises near Harveysburg, and on the other premises in the vii· lage the following described real estate: P ar t I- S't ted th ree -four ths 0 f I ua . th a mIle . . west of Harveysburg. . on . e WIImmgton and WaynesvIlle pIke. consisting of IW acres. two-thirds of d t en wh'IC h '.IS b0 ttom Iandan f dl d' bl acres 0 woo an m ue grass. A valuable farm beautifully located and well improved. Good brick house, large barn and other buildin~; also. a tenant house with a good well. cistern and cellll;l'. Part II-One-half interest in a large brick business block in Harveys· burg. Terms of Sale- One-third in one year and one-third in two years from day of sale. with interest. The paymenta to be secured ' by a mortga,ce , upon the premises sold. Howard Collett. Admisistrator with the will annexed of William J. Collett deceased. Albert Anderson, Att'y.

Zimmerman's Fresh BaltimQre Oysters The good kind. ij()lid measure in Pint and Quart cans.


~ ~

I I IW(i,


~ ~

I• ,


M _ ~. ,

tl.I • Ill'


THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH is an entertainer that comes into your home at a small cost and brings with it the beat l-music of the world. rendered by the world's greatest artists. Hear Levi and his Band. Ada J ones and F illy MUI'ray, SOU/l8'8 Band, Collins and Harlan and Nat M. Wills. the professional tramp, at our store.



Quart Jars fancy

When you hear a man tlneering

at tbe looll) papAr because it is not Church meets today with Jl. , bi~, cllenpnnd newsy as the city

••_ ~






OI.s.Ulecl Ads

.,.,.,... .. _--. .. ----------



The ho&ring eBl' mlnlstors largely to thQ ---------ment.u nature. It~chlofcJBlml.tllatlt wailR Ads wUl be . Inlerted unt'ler thlll bead for UllOn the 80111 with B "lIweet coocol'll of t,,00t"6ve ceots for tbree Inltlrtl.Il', eounds." wben USing not more than Dve UDeII-. The sense of Ilmell lttl.od. step low r , dl· ~~~n~~~~t:t:~Ii~rm~~~lnl.8terIOg to the pllya· Tbe sense o f f UnjC 18 .Ull lower. 'rhe I18rV811 of ltIosation are 11.8 fllll!tl1"8: through' them Is fultUled lUI function of llandllog Ilnd fuhlonlng the mere materlal. 'ot CivilISation. Tute iJj the humbiesta8'l0lll' the Itll mlnlatraUoll8 are devoted, PrImarily. to the


______ -.;.., • _ •• __ FOR RENT


OOD Farm of 115 acres and rooms for rent. Inquire of Mrs. A. J. Thorpe.


FOR SALE About 8 or 10 Poland· BOARSChina boars; good bone. good length. rather on the coarse order. Call on or rinA', 24- i. S. F. Elbo)), Waynes~i11e. Ohio.


The fireman that feedl the engine o f

UtO ChY81cal system.

V 11100 III the noblllIIt at our I16D1Ml8, It presides over the actl vltles of the lowor tuult,leII aod ~raU8CendJI t hem In tile reach o f It,. power. Yet tlll8 m08t Importan t o f aliltlnll8lllH moat abnsed . The teeth, Ihe 110110, the ean,' all receive due attention upon the .llJrht.ellt warplngj while lhootLng paiDi and dUll achtltllu ano Bround the eytltl-nature'll warn~are a llowed to 80 unheeded. when perhapa perfectly fitted g l _ would relieve JII'OItInt trouble ana ove future regret,

HOYT, Expert

Olives 25c

Special for Saturday, Pink Salmon


Gustin Hotel, Waynesville, Ohio,


Of Men Who Have Used

Gordon's Hog· Cholera .Remedy

Nov. 6,

And Firat Saturday In' Every Mont~ Hereafter

The TMtimonials


Will be at the




I ~






Try our Molasses Kisses and Peanut Crisp, only lOe a pound.


The Guild of St. Mary's church, will have a social on Friday night, November 19th. Everyone will be cordially welcomed.





Wilmington is to have a H,QmeComing in 19.10. and the date is AU; gust 25th to the 28th. , The town wiil be a hundred years old and a great time is anticipated,.

.- ..- - - -

N .


Apples. Grapes, Oranges, Bananas,

&e a, Can

The ladies of St. Mary's Church will hold their annual Bazar and Market at the' Township House on: .December 18. 1909.

~ ~ ~ ., ""

.. •

New Bnckwheat New Sorghum , ' New Beans New Hominy


.- .


Fancy Cranberries Fancy Crisp Celery

The Missionary SOciety of the M. E. And found it to do all claimed for it Mrs. Baily. , An interesting program has been Waynellvllle, O'J Nov, 6, 11109. pllpers, Y0U ell.n safely bet he does New Burlington. This II to certify that 1 have ueed Gorprepared. ' don '. Hog Oholera Remedy and have not spend auy of hill wealth in a.s· ....- - ..ved 21 out of 27 hog• . J, E , HOOKETT. The friends of RUbsal Hurley, who sisting to m[~ke it , better, and thllt FOR RENT reoontly returlted from t,be West ~ene rl1ll y tho paper has done more 'ld' ' Wayn8llv1lle. 0 •. Nov. 5, 1909. g"ve him u surprise, Tue<:lday ' . t h dn h e 11 liS f or I' t . Th' e Stable for rent nearsc h00I bUl mg I have UIIOd Gonion!. Ne~t-Day Cholera . ni~ht. f or h 1m Miss ROlla Mills is sufftlrlng from ma.n who olln not see the benefits Inquire of Mrs. Esther Stout. I ~;:lr. '::'~ir.~~otar:J':a~og-:nd agalu ____ , _. _ • ' D. H. HOOKETT. another nttuo\r of a,ppondioitis. I a rlslIlg " f r om !l IDca I newspaper tS Miss Maude HtLrlan wile the guest . ' ' McCLURE'S MAOAZINE ,'.., ' WayneavUle, O'J Nov. II, 11109. of rel~tives In Miurnisbo'rg the ford, Just ab~ut, as milch ~alue to 11 town Thill. to cer~ that 1 have uaed Gorpart of last week. US" dellDqn6ut, tu x hst. ,-Baltlo, (0. ) McClure's ,magazine wants a m!ll1 don" Hqg Oholera Remedy and find It to be all' that cIt .. represented. I had 11 . Joshua Inwood,f)f the t;mit h store Amerioll!;}, • _ _ or woman in Waynesville and vicini., hop, all of whlch were Ilckl _and lost but 2, aDd would have II&ved Lnom If 1 had il! very siok with pneumonia, ty to attend to ita subscription inter. , so'ten the remedy In time. • Mis~ BeSSIe McKinney visited reIHAS NO CLAIM ON S~ACE ests. Whole Qr spare time. There D. W. SURFACE. ativell ~ear Leesburg, 8aturday and ' is a liberal guaranteed salary. ExSunday, ;, ' , 'lhe person who refuses to sub. perience desirable, not ,necesSary. The ohildl'lln of C. T. Barner are scribe and pay for the : 100111 papa,r 'Pro~table per.manent 'a,!d pl~t -'GOrdon's . :Hog Cholera , conflned 't o ~heir home with ohloken has' no right to ask tor Hs space for busm~. Write tod~y. McClure 8 , . ' " " Magazme 42 East 23 St • New York Remedy PO%. notioes or tor the pu~Uoation ot any City. , . , • -. ~ . MiSs Florence a.Yoo,ok has aocept. other matter. Snch a penon -i8 .. for . . . . .t eel a. po.1tt~..J_n 'the N. C It" at Day. neve-r woHh anythln to" local pTo . ._ _ _. ._ _ _. . . . . . ..



' The coming ann~al mteting of the : During the ' winter montha I will • hio State,'Board of Commerc will isaue weekly through these columns ",,- , be the largest in the history of the special quotations en furs and hides: WCi' rganization. Allen Ripley Foote, Prices subject to change. Liberal,. ommissioner , and the other officers assortments. ~ of the Board have just completed Skunk..No.l-prime,.2.10 No.2 $1.50 jJi the program for the sixteenth annu- Mink, No.1 ...... ..... ....... ...... ... $4.25 al meeting. which will be held at the Raccoon, N '. 1 large .... .......... $1.35 Southern Hotel, olumbus, Nov m- Opossum ...... No.l. SOc; No.2, .25 ber 10, 11 and 12-. Muskrat ..... . No. I, 30e; No , 2, .20 The most important public matters J. V. HARTSOCK.

Chickens :~:s(~ke~~~~d;~~d~~~'U~iO~ ini~~r~~'~ !:\tena~: ::~~er~i~t~:~e~:I:u~~~~i~ AND





Miami Gazette IS Headquarters for all kinds of Job Work. Call and get our prices.

The Gazette Is the Best Medium,for Advertising Try' it!! J


to~: Pattereonia with hiSlami~Y here'harinl .pent the 8ummer in _aaiDa. in Iowa. IUami Quarterly Meeting will be hel4' the rrtends Ohurch bere _~...,II&,. aDd Sunday.



,per and ~as noalatms o~ ' tta apace any more than he would to uk a merdhant with whom he d08l not tude to,.tve him h" good... Our ~. on Saie BlIII


Pure Caatlle 'Soa'p '

tOe a Cake"

soaw ~,..Z'.'

New ' Photographer ,Ph':otog,ap'hs

1 :"

Ever made"til W~Yne8YI1It!. as very reasonable pri08l. No 11eed tQ l~ve 'he town for ah8iii: , , , G,ailery t. opeD every ' ....



8 ..






RESOLUTIONS •• Leaves have their time to ·fall, And flow ers Lo witi r at the north wind's breathAnd stars to set-but allThou hast all seasons fo. thine own, Oh, Death." Whereas. In view of the loss we have 8ustained by the death of our sister and co.worker, Mrs. Lura Ra • dall, wife of Dr. C. G. Randall, and of the Btill heavier loss sustained by those nearest 'to her, Tkerefore, Be it resolved that it is but just to the memory of our de· parted sister to say, that we mourn for one who was always an in.piration and help in the work of our Union. Whereas, It has pleased an all wise Father to remove from our Un· ion our beloved sister, Margaret Sears, and . while we bow in submis· sion to His Divine Will, believing God doeth all things 'well, .Resolved, That our lives are rich· er for having mingloo with our departed sister, and that the aged com· panion in his loneliness enlists our heartfelt sympathy in the 108s of the one who ha.q walked ' by his side and shared with him his joys and sorrows for so many years. Res<> ved, That the sympathy of the Harveysburg W. C. T. U. be ex· teilded'to the bereaved families, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to them, a copy published in the county papers, and one e~'iered upon . the minutes of the W. C. T .. U. Matilda Underwood Com. Mary Haines , Oba M. Welch Mary Doster, Sec. of Com.




L:T:::.rg:~:Edr.::::::: p;;'~i Me~ti~';+ii;;;-;nd- 'Th;~-i M!d:;. flervedseatticketsatTownBhiphou e Saturday, November 20, at 2 p. m. The "Lyric Glee Club" has ap· pea red on all the 'Principal courses in the country ~nd in many cases has been -returned for the second and nen third time. Their date here is Thanksi'iving night. November 25th. . GI Cl b ' d f The Lyrlc ee U IS compose 0 t' ts' th ' r d d' ar 18 m elr me, epen mg en·




,.h"m wasi:~ Leba".'

. - - - - ••. - - - - ~ ,--+------------. 1<' . . HaLhaway waH In Ll'lIa nun J. M. Cook was in Cincinnati Mon. Lee Hawke.was in Dayton Sunday. Monday on Ull in '5 . day. , Mrs. Cynthia Evans ret urned home Little Leafy Emley has been quite Thursday evening after a pleasant Will Smith, of Dayton, was in sick. visit with relative in Cincinnati and town .T hursday. Littl~ Rhea Dykt' has been quite New Richmond . W. H. Allen and wife were in Cin. sick. ' Everett Zentmeyt!I·. of Paris ·)·oss· cinnati Thursday. MI'ss Mary Hawke I'S sl'ck wI'th ton. mg, ' ··· u.1 I II~ ' W I'f e, W h0 Ilas been JOin Mrs. &I'th H . . d' f 'JJ't' I f I arrlSlsspen mga ew BI I IS. lere or some time , f;untlay , uut d . C" . ' ays m mcmnatI. Oscar EdwardB was in Lebanon retul'n 'U d ' . ed home llll Mond ay .

tirely upon their ability to render Miss Martha Elliott, of near Spring jtood music in an artistic manner. Valley, was in town S.aturday. Their blending ()f voices, as well as Harry Conner, of Bellbrook W3.l! their action and expre-;slon, is very visiting friends here over Sunday Rev. Baily was unable to have sernearly perfect. Their repertoire i8 large, consist· , fCl ' seIec t'Ions, h umorous vi~es Sunday on account of i11ness. mg 0 888IC and comic songs, which never fail to Frank Cadwal1ade~ of Lebanon, touch the hearts of all. They are spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Wright. g. reetedeverywherewithagladhand, D L C df'l k I' Th . . ranean ami ywere wee· · hd wh lC enotes popu··arlty.. ht ey ap- end gues t SOl f El' Burne tt an d fami ' I y, Th an ksgIVIng mg . pear h ere _ _ __ _ _ Lou Printz and Raymond Davis



MI'~ . Ague Wright entertained the Card lub very pleasant ly last fhll rsday afternoull .

Matri t and wife ~Vel'e glle~ts at snpper Saturday eve ning of Char.les Shidakel' and wife, at HarveysbUl·){.

. a number of the yo ung f II,s . QUite ..... on ay. A~lI1 E. Kelly: daugh ter of Lht! late wen t to Harvey burg 'l'uesday eVt!o, WaJes Smart, of Chicago , is ViSit·1 Le~1l Ke~ly,• .wlll grauuu.te at ~h ing to uLtend a dance given in the iug his mother Mr:s. Chas. Smart and ~hlld\'~n s Epl copal HOSPital, at Cm· ha ll there. family. ,-\cmnatl, Thursday, Nov'mbel' 1 Lh. Ed McFarland anti. wife , oC 11al" Messrs. Warren Barnett and E. V.I Dr. Ellis and wife , who have been Barnhart autoed to WI'lml' ngton last in the Wt!st for some lillie, have v y. burg, nl I'tained at dinner ::SunWednesday. starled home, having- aniv d in day, Wilbur _ hi daker, wife and . . . St. Loui , and will probauly b home daughter. of Wilmington, A. T. MoJoe !hl?mpson IS enJoYing a week by the last of the w k. 01'. 1<~lIis leI' and wife, Chas. Shidaker and wife of huntmg. hasbeen greaLly unfit ted by his ,lin t. leaver and wife. Sam'l. Meredith was. a Lebanon stay there. visitor Monday. - -.. - • ALL-DAY TURKEY SHOOT ,J . Hawke and wife entertained


were guests of friends in Centerville J. E. Janney and wife were in Gin· ---at dinner last Thursday in honor of Sunday. cinnati Tuesday. The Lebanon Gun lub wiIJ give Mrs. Z ntmyer, of Paris Crossing, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Morri& Egbert,. . Waller McClure was in Dayton a Clay Bird Shoot on the lub':) Ind. Those present were: Joseph of Kansas City, Mo. have announced MISS ~~ecca Merritt ~as r.eturned Thursday on business Groul'lds, Tuesday, Nov ember 23, at l Hawl,e antI family, Mrs. Mary Zentthe engagement of their daughter from a Vl£lt to Dr. Romme , In Har. 9 a . m. Prizes divid ed into 40, 30, myel', Mrs , John Fromm, of Dayton. Etta Wlll1da to Mr. Horace Ray veysburg. Tuesday November 23rd, at Leba- 20 and 10 per cent., to favor arnat ur Lee Hawke and family. Graham. The wedding will be quiet· To secure good seats buy your lec· ~~n, All Eay Turkey Shoot. s~oot~rs, except wh n the competi- ! ' Iy celebrated on the evening of Sat· ture tickets before the drawini next Mrs. Lee Hawke spent; a few days tlOn IS betw en two Gun lubs. I W. . Graham and wife entertam· last week in Dayton visiting relatives. Birds thrown from expert traps Py d 'a t dmner Sunday the following urday, November twenty·seventh. Saturday. Mrs. George Larrick, of Lebanon, eleBctricitdY' Evrerybod y invited. gues~: Alber t wife,:md son, The.• bridal couple will. go to the ' George Hamilton. of Xenia. was in Ha:-val!an~lan~sfor the winter after town a few days last week the guest was in town Monday, vi'3iting rela. y or er 0 th~ Lebanon Guo , Warren, John Wright, wl~e and R. P. ~lI1dsor, :I'es" grandson, of I?ayto~ , Morrts Sherw.hlch they will return. to Kansas of relatives. tives. Club, Lacy Mitchell, Vice-Pres., wood and wife of Spnng Valley, Mrs . CIty for a permanent residence. Mise Egbert will be remembered J. J. Downing and family, of Xenia. Mrs. Reed, of Cincinnati, spent W. Z. Roll, Sec'y., ' Mary Cresswell, of Harveysburg, as the jtuest of her aunts Miss Lillie were in Harveysburg last week visit, Sunday with Mr. F. C. Sc\iwartz and J. G. Vail. Treas'r., and Mrs. Adra Lewis. Nedry and Mrs. Alice McKinsey. jng relatives. family. ' Walter Sheets, Capt. • - ...- - •- • C. G. Williamson, of Cincinnllti, Mr. and MJ·s. Will Phillips, of Cen· W. C. T. U~ CONFERENCE 'I BECOMES MEMBER OF . FIRM spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. terville, were Waynesville visitors QUARTERLY MEETING 'te a number of Frl'ends from Agnes Wright. 'tuesday. The Warren County W. C. T. U. Stanley M. Seller~, of Columbus, DEATHS QU1 '. ' C f . fT, WI ' who has been on the road for a hard· Clarence Mullen, wife and son· in· here attended Quarterly Meetina at Cathenne Ann Stanon of SprinstDr Stahl and wife of Franklin on erence 0 empel ance oners I'll . "_lm' gton Saturday Ilnd Sun- boro, has been VI ' 'sl'tl'nO- M'r. and 'Mrs~. ' . h W 'H d' will meet at the lled Brick church ware company for severa years, WI law, Mr. Perrine, arrived here Tues- New Bu" . . . • were t e guests of . . Allen an F'd N b 19th f II go into the old firm of Houston Bros, · u:ll f J n Chap 'f S d n ay, ovellt er. , or an a . day the 16th from Los Angeles, Cal., d ay. 0 n Saturd ay LeVI uu s, 0 .1'. man, WI e un ay. d . jin South ' harleston and Will tske with the remams of Mrs. Perrine, Wilmin~n, and others addressed Mrs. Georjte Milia and son, Lindley, The Girl's Orchestra will play at a~::~~~~. 8eBSioh will be at 9:30 a. 1the manag~ment. of' the store. He who died on the 9th, of luI1&' ,trouble. the meeting, and on Sunday. at the~. were week-end guests of her parents the Social given by St. Mary's guild m ., and addr' e will be made bY ' will move hIS family to South CharlesThey left t here Thursday evening at E. Rally, the Rev. Newby, of Wd- in Wilmington. ThUrsday night. good speakers. ton soon. . - - -.. - S o'clock via J\tcbieOn, Topeka and mington, made a strong address. Santa Fe Ry., of which com pan,.' they This Quarterly was one of the ,W. H. Madden was the. guest of Mrs. Joel Hathaway, o~ Columbus, The·re will be a box lun~h at 12 m. HUNTING SEASON IN OHIO are employes. most interesting that has been held hIS b.rothel." T. C,Madden, In North was the guestof .Dr. and Mrs. Hath· At 1:30 p. m. the second session will away last week. begin and prominent speakers will The game laws io foroe this yelL~ .Clarence Hullen was born in Cor. for a loni time and those who had LeWisburg, Tuesday. win and with his parents, Uucle Ja. the privileg-e of attending were well - Ray- and- Carl-Haw-ke. --Alex-Ma. rge-Hawke-and-wife were in ?e ?resent. Everybody is cordially ; for O~io' are IlB follows: cob and Aunt Achsah Mullen, resid. repaid. and Fred Elbon attended a dance in Lebanon Sunday the guests of George lllvited to atten?:.Q111ul, N ove~nbe~ lIHe D~amber • - • Lebanon Friday night. Larrick d ' f MR on'o HORNICK 1 4 j woodoook, dove, eptam. d the;e many y·e ars . After his NOTICR an ,WI e. • bar 1 to Decamber -1 j duok, gOOSI!, e marriqe they resided in Cincinnati D F f So th Ch I t O W H '1 Sa d sold our Oregonia Mi.lls, was\he argur,es~ of hls cous~~,es~~: . . ami ton spent turay Has added another Pool and Bil' j rail, hore bird, plover 8nipa~ 8wan, several years and 'worked ' for ':he t and Sunday in Dayton, the guest of II' ard ' tabl" to hl's room whl'ch WI'II coot and Dlud 'han, ~eptember 1 t.(:1 .' . - , h tit Pennsylvani$ Railway' Co. atthe PBll- we. WIS 0 C ose ou our en Ire, Lina Devitt, Sunday. h' d d h C bUSlDess at once. J~ IS son an aug ter. bene'fit the billiard players of the December :n, !lnd MlLreh 1 to Apr! I senger 'depot, About three years , M;.. M th O'N II t c1 MM' . d' I . . 20' rabbits (with "an) November ago, he with his wif€ and five chilo We have about 200 tons of coal a ~ ar a ea re urne rs. orrison an MISS He tn town and country. ThIS IS a place ' ,., .' dren remov:e< ' Los Angeles: The lot of stove wood lumber and differ- from - delightful visit to friends in McKinsey, of Day ton, were week·end to spend an evening in good clean 1,5 to Daoflmber 4, j.f!lqulrrel, Oot.ober deceased daughter was their second ent kinds of feed that we are selli~g 'Dayton Thursday evening. guests of Mrs. Eva Jones. pastime. ' Order always strictly ob. 1 tu Ootober 3L j 1'1\00000, November child, she marrying after movinjt to at cost. Come and see what we have. Rion Hoel has -.accepted a position Wynne Keever, of Centerville, erved . to Mllrch 1. , 'C alifornia, her husband beinjt ,a resi. All parties having any of our grain with a Motor Boat Go. in Cincinnati IIpent Saturday,and Sunday with his ANY LADY Protaottd: Ruffi~d groose, Mon·· i Th' ''''''ks wi,fl oblige us by returnin a and sta ' rted to work M'onday. ' gOJi,UI, EogliBh ring ·neoked or otber D c,oneins Alfred and Elliott Wright. i '0".. d ent 0 f P endl eton, CmClnnat. ' e d 'elr""" them promptly. ph elLSlln t s; . \ t , t w~rp an d hom 01 d eat d aUIlh ter was marn at Cin· The Lebanon Gon Club will aive a Usin g Chase and Sanborn's coffee l' . ' . h . bef ' . SPENCER & MONROE. e' Mrs. Margret Weir, who has been h ' I ' .' . h ]J gaons , Cll1nati as ort time ore movmg to • _ • big Turkey Shoot Tuesday, Novem- •. t. . ' . .. w 0 IS P anmng to gIVe a party m t e Prohi lt~rl' Rh()oting of dook or California. His brother Jehu Mullen, rd ' . ' '. VISI mg With relatives In Middletown near future may secure all the mao . a resident 'of GasCit.y, Ind., arrived Bt\SKBT BALL OA'~E ber23 , all day, bei1nnmgat9a, m., and Blue Ball returne:i home Sunday, . If" I 'di otherwutaJ fowl onSondllyor Mon. I Mrs, George Scott, Elry Lewis, terla necessary Ot a n'Ove an nter- dlLY of I\ny week or shooting su me here Monday eV8l'\injt. The R~s defeated the No Colors Ernest Lacy' and RaJ h Lewis left J., O. Cartwright. wife and daugh . es~ing entert~i nment tog~ther:vi t,h before sunrise or'after RUDset i h untF--- Tne"funeral serVices were held ~t at the school house Friday afternoon S d- ' f k.t:; h t' . ests of prizes by calling at J. Will White Sl og wit,h anv exoept oommon slulIll , the mortuary chapel Tuesday after· in a game of basket ball by the A~n ar or t a wee un mg, In friends in Middletown Sunday and store. dar gun u~c1 not lurker tbun ten noon at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. F. Cadwal· score' oflO to 7. The game 'was fast ! am sco~n y. ' Monday. MASONIC NoTICE guage i bunt,ing or expo!li n~ imule. dar officiatin •.... ln~rment in Miami and cleanly played, but the Reds out- Get your seats reserved at the , . Mrs, 'Richllrd Cross went to Colum. . ments for buotio~ on Kl1Uoa.:v ; sboot. classedtheNoColoIs,andwoneasily. TownshIp House next Saturday at',bus Friday evening to attend the . Regularcommulllcationof Waynes ingqulliJ,rlov nrVir~iLlil\ ]J(l rtl'idl(os Cemetery. ' Mrs. Mary Stewart, wife of RoM. QIJite a crowd witnessed the game. 2 P. M. for the first two numbers of funeral of her, Mr. Ville Lodge, ~o. Hi3, F. and A. ~., except wbuo n\'in~ i selling of gllme g Stewart, died at her home two miles ,. the lecture course. James Cluxton. Tuesday e,vemn , November. 23, bml, of Ilny kio(l, or !lquirrel, or eX: ; Misses Don~a Hawke and Stella E b d d II . . ed 1909, at 70 clock. An~1Ual electIOn. )lortiog of S \UII El ; ~inK boxes or si nk '. S rd . THANKS TO VOTERIi east 0fH arve,sb urg, BtU aymornvery 0 yis cor ia y InVlt to J. O. Cartwright, W. M. boats or so Ilkbquts, or a.o.1 otl:.e r , 111&' at 7 o'clock~ of heart trouble. I want to thank the voters of Leedmmdon an.d RohnaElld, ~awHkel ~ttendb' attend the social given by the ladies E. V. Barnhart. ec'y. bout exOel)t llropf) lI eu b,7 oflrs j kill ' The funeral took place Monday after- Wayne Township for their support a ~ce In t e. k s al 10 Le • of St. ~ary's church, Thursday night - -- -- noon at the Harveysburg Colored given me at the late elect jon, ,and anon Friday eyemng. in the banquet room of the Masonic THANKSGIVING DAY iog go.rlle bird by aid of trnp~ or Baptist Church, and interm~mt was' I B 'ld' anarus or llet.'I i lI\la of ferrets ~iU ~y that I will in the future, as , .J)~dley Keever a~d MiBS ' Ul mg. There will be a program rendere'l Bug Llluit. 'I'wal VEl Q,ullil, dove, made at HarveY8burg. In the past look to the welfare of Lydia Wright, of Centerville, atMrs. Abi Haines, who has been at the High Schoolilall on Wednes- woc.dcock, geese, rail, shore bird!'. • -. their int~rests. tend~ Hicksite Friends' Quarterly , here for some weeks. left Tuesday day afternoon, Novemuer 24th, by plover or Boipo. tw~nty , five ducks . , NIMRODS 'STARTED OUT • _ !RANK PRATt'. meetmg here Saturday. morning for her home in Dayton. the entire school. The general LioeoRa; N ou-residtlUt:, 'Hi 25 . ATTENDED CONVENTION Canby's Studio in the White. BUild-I Elizabeth Kau!fma~ .accompanied her public is cordially in vited to attend. Evory lover of tha gun willl1dmit Monday morninjt, althoujth rainy and wet, saw about half of the male ' lng will be open on Thursdays Instead home for 8: brief VISit. The program will be good. tbllt ha owc's 11 debt of gratitude to portion of, thetownin huntina' attire, J. F. Snook waS in Indianapolis of SaturdaY8. Get your photos for Mrs. Lee Adams leaves for her CHURCH SOCIAL th rabbit. 'rhe sallAnD iM about to with &'Uns oil shoUlder and &hells in last week attendinjt the ,s tate Pack- Christmas presents now. home in Kansas City this morning ' open in Ohio. Who doeil not reo Nck, wend'injt tbeir W81 country. ers' and ~nner8; association. H~ Mrs. C. A. Burnett and daughter, accompanied by. Miss . Lillie Nedry The Guild of St. Mary's church, member with fEelings of plell~ure ward. . had a gOQ<l time and was ,fully paid Bessie accompanied her father, W. who will spend the winter with her will have a social on Thursday even- thl\ dny wh~n '~llo\Ved for tha firtit The ' farmers mostly have ' their for the trip by the' informatio~which G. Hill, to Miami. Fla., Mon~ay, sister, Mrs. AsaEgbert. ing, November 18th, in the banquet ti mo t,o CAl'rY Il gun in ooml't~ny, bis farms posted, and i't is'a hard prOP9- he-secured there. . where they 'wm spend the winter. ' J. Will White was at his store Mon- room of the Masonic Building. Ev- eIlI'Jia!!tetl'orf,8 were direoted towllrds 't' to t i l h t • - . ~, ' eryone will be cordially welcomed. irOl1DlVenf.iug IlDd sll\ying Ii "Bo.n_ , 81 Jon. ~ 8: gOOl P ~~' ~o ~n.' TH",NKSGIVINO MARKE;T Roy IrO!l8 was in Dayton last week, day ready for business after his sick- . - -oy " 1 Quads ~r~.~ported ~F.~' ~nd ve~ '.,' :' '.", ' '" where he 'di8~ of a large smount ness. This was the first time for al FINF. WEATHE~ The qonilllAt1son',R the Bllma few 'w~re br()u~t to to~n; Rabbits , ?-'he La4ies" .~d , Socie.ty of the of Western 'land. The:deal was ~id most ~rI1Y years that Mr. Whit.e t.ime lUI the rabbit l'eason., It hI t,he are talrl),. plentiful,. and .several ot, Christian' Church will .hold '& Thank&> , to have reached away up in the had faded to be at the store ' on Sat~ The weather for thelllSt'week has lIallof of 11.11 true lovers of tbe hunt. these ~e ...ebro.u!~ l~. ' '.' gi~ngmarketattlte 'To~ip Ho~, thouSands. ! " , ' " ' , urday. ', surely been Indian summel·. Sunday th~ shooting of , qrill.l\ around '. kAS'. l\I~W ' ~SITION WeaI1~ar, N~vell)~r 24~~. ( Chick.:, : hav~ 'sol~ DI~W a~out 200: tickets, Mr. Jo~ph' Scblig! a f~~me~ Ga- ~vening ~ s~igh t t:ain 'fell, bu t hardly, this terl! tory nfford,ll'the lieer. of It'll • .' , ,I " ! er;t8~deyeryth~g~ocU~r~ 'ntanks-, for the lecture, Course, it will take zett,e bo'y'and ex-pupil of" Th~ 0., S. '& enough to ao arty good and Monday hunting, n,nd',on6 of tbe most idel~l y of outdoor sportji. ·' Inqa(ry aboulU ., Warren ~~ ',went . t(f~W~rs- ,~VlDlt ,d~~~r•.• ~. • ,l.. " " • 100 m'o~e,'t.O pay QU,i " are" there ,not IS: O. ijolDe, ga~~. his ~ri.ends, Mr; was another, w~r,! d: ., to~,Ohi9-~.l~tw~'t.oacc~taaOod ' , ' ANN-VAL' BA~R ': ' l00. mo~ ,o"'~~ ~ ~~ . OfTh08 .. J. ,~ro"," and famlly~pl~ · J\\ARKET bemad.,ssto' tlieOwnersbipof)and, .1< 'poaitip'll' iI.t a t&tee',re ~oe' store ''-' , .' ' . , . ' . 'Yaypemlle ' ,and vici~ty. will ~t sqrpnse Sun?ay, spe~d1Dg the , , ' ' '. permission to ,hunt 1l1~ijy~ ~b\&ina~ : \. inthat .clt,y. ,'WarrenlSa'huatlerin .Thel~ies .ofSt.Mary'a ChulICh Corneio ind ' taketh4!fM! tickets,-al~witbthe'?l.' Joe ' is one of but The ,Ladies' Aid, of the , 'M. E., Q!ll1il are ', fonnd m08tl~ 10 O~tl ' • the sfa~ ))~itl_ ~d will makqoQd ,will ,J101d ,t lim' ~nu~ ~ : and town~o! this Itize ~~o~ld c~ee~llY letlt~~ nle~ m Cincin~ti w~o ~ a yh~rcb. ~11 ~oH a !llarket in the fields; ' -ttl patche,$ of 8,orgbam. or.,' in '8IlT:poii$t1on,~e tat.. a,,~ to Markti , 'the Tow,nabJp HoUlle on sUpport .. cO\lrIIQ ~ ~e thIS. J. E.Jm~cty:pe setter, and IS very sktll- ~OwnshlP RQuse, S,aturday;, Noyem- , corufield8, and gaDertl,lly w~8re t1.!~lr ~~ . , Deoem~ ia~908. J~/ .:-fUI in bia line .o f work. tber20th, beginningprompt1~ at9:8Q. food lies.




I !

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"Ieep ana GJ)ened her eyea. Sbe ~ gr ntJy a tonls1l d to find ' herself IyIng upon tit gras., with thou,land' ot .. mlce standing- around nnd looktng at bel" timidly. But the Scarecrow told ·ber about everythIng, and turnIn,; to the dlsnlfied little Mouse, he said: "Permit me to Introduce to YOU her majesty ' the Qu en." Dorotby noddec1 gravely and the Que n mode a courfesy, after which ah became QuIte friendly with the IIttJ glt'l. The car crow and lh 'Voollman now began to fusten the mice to the trllck, us in g the strings they had brougbt. 00 end oC Il s tring was tied a round the n eck of each mouse and th olher end to the truck. or course Ihe truck was a thousand times bigg r than any of the mice who were to draw It ; but wheu all th e mice ); arl been harn ssed tb y wer able to )lull It Quite easily. Even the Scarerow and ilie TIll IWoodman could sit on it, Rnd were drawn s wiftly by their queer II ttl borses to the place where the Lion lay asleep. After It great (Jelrl of hard work, for th Lion wa.s heavy, they managed to g t him up all the truck. Then the Qlleen hurriedly gave her people tbe order to start, . for she feared If the mice stayed among the Jlopples tQo I g tb also waul" fall lee on ey ... as p, At first the little oreatures, mant tbough they were, could hard I)" stir the , hea vHy loaded truck; but the W60dman Qnd the Scarecrow both pushed '--m behind, and they got u" along hetter. Soon they rolled the' LIon out of the poppy bed to tbe green fields, where he could, breathe the sweet, tresh all" again, Instead of theDopoisonous scent of the 1l0wers. th 1"0 Y came to meet them and thanked tbe little mice warmly for savIng her companion from deatb. She' had grown so fond of the big Lion h I"d h h db ' d 6 e was g co e a een rescue . Then t he mice were unharnessed 'f th t k d d rom e ruo an scampere awa)' through the grass to their homes. The Queen of the Mice wall the last to leave. . , ,"U. ever you nee.1¥ us again," she said, "come out Into the Oeld and call, and we shall 'h ear you and come to your assistance. Good·by!" ~'Good·byl" they all answered, and away the Queen ran, while Dorotby held Toto tightly lest he sbould run nfter her and frIghten her. Alter this they sat down beside the Lion until lie should awaken; and the Soarecrow brougbt Dorothy some fruit tram a tree ne~r by, which sbe ate' .for her' dlnner. -

a.nd' looked at them as If they woulll Uk. to Mk qu st1on~; but no one ,cOJDa neal" th m nor apoke to them because of the great Llon~ of which they ,,(ere Pluch IltraJd. The people -were all dr BSed In clothing of a lovely elli rold green 0101" and wore peaked hats 11k those at the Munchkfns. "This must be the Land of OZ," sllid rhts I~q rlous Plant May De Exterminated In Any Field or IOrchard It Proper E((ort MadeDorothy, "and we are sllrely g llIng Dy H. R. Cox. near tll Emerald CIty." "Yes," answered th Scarecrow ; ~'e verythlng Is green bere, while In the The only successful methods tor tbe country of the Mllncbklns blue was tho eradication of bindweed must be based flood times, 18 also a factor In di stributing tbe seeds and roots to other land. favorlt cOlor. Dut the p . Ollie do not D1ndweed can be eradicated by se m to be as fri endly a8 the Munch, fln the suppression ot all top gl'~wth, kIllS and I'm a[raid we shall be ullnble In order 10 stnrve out the underground clean cultivation it thorough and' per· parts. A great many farmers are look. sis tent The case requires going over to OUd a p ace to pass the night." "I sbould like something to eat be. Ing tor some easy method of killing tbe land once every week or ten days sides trult," sald th gIrl, "and I'm the blndwe d, and In the meantime are during the entire growing " ason of sllre Toto Is nearly starved. ' Let liS letting It cover the fields and festoon the weed, whlo h Is between the spring stop at the next house and lallt to the the trees of the orchard. They are and fall frosts. Two years of tbl s looking for sarno magic "remedy" that trentment will accomplish the result people." So, whell they cnme to a good slz cl will completoly eradicate the weed In most cases, and It Is probable that farmhou se, Dorothy walked boldly up wltb a sma)) amount of exertion on one year will suffice wbere the plant to the door and knocl:ed. A woman •.helr part It must be understood that does not root too deeply. Tho dun· By L. Frank Baum op ned it just far enough to lool( out, 8uch a form Idable enemy as this weed culty Is tbat'many formers will not requires heroic treament. Other farm· cultivate as thoroughly as Is necos· and said: • "What do ,you want, child. and why ers have gone at the problem less sar),. Even a small top growth la heedlessly, 1\9 In the case of a man enougb to form Bome n elV under· Is that great LIon with you 7" "We 'vlah to pass the night with who followed the root of a plant to the ground growth and rejuvenate the old yOU, If you wl11 allow us," answ red depth at tour foet and then applied roots or root stocks, tqereby carry· SYNOPSIS. Dorothy; "and the LIon Is my trlend a large quantity or salt In the bole. Ing the plant over to the next soa80n. Various methods have been trIed Cultivation has tbo further advantage and comrade. and would not hurt you DoroUlY IIvcd III KnnSM with Aunt E m to ,keep dowu the top growth, and of Inducing a rapid germination of all an(\ Uncle H enn . A yulon IItt d their for the 'world." , h om InlO tho ofr. Do'rothy tailing asl ep amidst the Elxcltement.. A crash RWu.k ned "Is h tame'" asked tbe woman, her. The hOU80 h ad land d In R country Ol)enlng tbe door a II ttl wider. ot marveloull beauty. queer "Oh, yes," said the girl, "and be Is 8 little people greet d her Groups to lh ot Land ot Munchklns. The hou8 had killed their great coward, too; so that he will be more afraid of you than you are 01 enemy, tho wicked witch ot ERsl. Dorothy 'took him." ctarted tor tiltho witch's Emeraldsliver CIty shoe8. to tlnd She the Wizard ot Oz, who, she was promised, . "Well," saId the woman, after think. might tlnd • wa.y to send her back to Kansas. Dorothy relea8ed a scal'eerow, Ing It over and taking another peep. givIng lito. and ae started was desirous ot aoat the Lion,' "u tbat ls the case you qulrln/\' him brains with bor to the wizard to got tbem. The scarecrow may come in, and I will give you 80me told his a tinHewoodsupper and a place to sleep." whohistory. longed They for a mot heart. also man 'olned them. They came upon a terrible 80 they all entered the bouse, where there were, besides Uie woman, two ''lon. · Tho lion confessed he ha.d no coui'age. He dachled to get accQmpany them to children and a ma.n . The man hnd the WJlard of 011 to some. The scare.. crow In pUshing the raft b came 1mburt his ieg, and was lying on the paled upon hIe pQle In the ml~dle of the river" 'The scarec.r\lW was rescued fly 1\ couch In a corner. They seemed friendly stork. They enteroo. (). poppy greatly surprised to see so strange f neld. whIch used Dorothy to filII oompan)'. and wblJe t he woman was asl ep. Tho IIcarocro,v and Un woodman busy layIng tbe table tbe man asked : rescued her and her dog trom the deadly nowel'8. andsearch bolng too "Wbere are you all goIng?" h avy toTho 11ft,lion wast 111(t.Mleep On the for ,. th road ot yellow brlc~ 'Which led to the "To the Emerald Cfty," sald DoTO.14 City mot a kUled wild the' cat wild and thy, "to see the Great Oz." Tho, tbey '\Voodman nifmId ramlc;e. eat. The Q.ueon mo~e became frIendly. "Oh, Indeed!" uclalmed the man, "Are you S111'O that Oz wUl see you 1" - ' - ' CHAPTER Ix.:...contlnued. "Why not?" she repUed. "Why, It Is said that be never leta At this the Queen 6f th~ Mice Ituck he~ head out from a clum,P of graa., anyone come Into his preslmce. ' ] and asICed, in a thnid voice : '. have ' been to tbe Emerald OIty many "Are you lure he' wll1 not bite UI'" tI~es, and It Js a beautiful and wou. Showing FI~wer, Root. and Weed Cutter. '"I wID not 1_ blm," Bald 't he Wood· derful place; but I have never bet'Jl man; "so ~o not be afraid." ~ permitted to see the Great Oz, nol' do One by one the mice c81De creepIng I know of any 11 vlng p,rson who haa hence starve out the underground seeds of the weed which are In the parts. There are three metbods that soil, tbe young seedlings. being promptbaok, nnd 'rota did , not bark agaIn, seen blm." although ·he " tried "to ' get out , o~ the , '.'Does he Dever go out'" alked the have given sattsfac~ory-results. name- ly destroyed by the subsequent tillage. Iy, ole,an cultivation, alfalfa growing Conditions In orchard lands are such " Woo\lm~ s arms, and would have bit· Scarecrow. ' , ten him had ,lie. not known very W'ell "Never. He slta day after 4&y In and bog pasturfng, There are other as to offer a favorable opportunlt)' he was made ot till. Finally on of the ,great throne l'OOm of hla p8Jace, methods that have been tried, but not to cet rid of this ' weed. or at least so the biggest mice spoke: . " and even those who walt upon htz do with a large measure . of success. reduce It that it does not do mucb "Is there anythlpg 'we ~an do," It not see him l,ace to tace." - Tbese include the placing (It building damage. Man), orchards ulle a t)'JIe as -ed,' "to repay you ft?r saving the "What Is he like?" asked the girt_ paper. beet pulp. apple pomace, Itraw of lmplement that has been found lite of our Qu.een?'~ "'.I "That Is hard, to tell," said t~e man, ormaDure on the ground to .smother very successfuf ·In the control of the . "Nothing t.hat I lmow or," answered thougbtfully. "You lee, Oz II~ a gr,eat the weed srowth, and also the appll· weeds. It couslltll of beam reatlng tbe W9Odman; but the Scarecrow, Wizard, and aan take on any form he cation' or chemlcall. CondItions is1 Ir- on the ground, varying In' width from who had been trying to thl,nk, but wlsbes, So that aome say he looka rlgated relions are complicated by the eight to 12 teet, 'with a aeries of could not because 'hl$ head was It Was some tlllle be.lIke a bird; and some say he looka fact that bindweed Is often allo,wed knives below, all Inclined Inward. Its fore the Cowardly Lion IIke an e Ieph an: t an d some say h e to Kl'OW along Irrigation ditches, the' draft Is light, It makes a , wide cut, ~tufred Witb straw sald, qufckly: . , • ..c d awa.kened, for }Ie bad lain I k Ilk o.t water In Which d1st~lbutes the see~. It caD be worked c1os~ to the trees , ':011,. yes; you ca~ save our ,u.en , among the poppies a. , long while. 00 s e a c . T 00 th ers h e appe a 1"8 Tbe water of streams, esp~ciallY at and is comparatively Inexpensive. th C dl L1 h Is asleep In as a beautiful faIry, or a brownIe, or : . e owar Y ,. <,rn, w a , . , breathing In their deadly fragrance; In any other form tbat pleases hIm. ~ ~~ ___ ~ ~ ' Q ' . but. when he did open his eyes and roll But who the real Oz 18, when he Is In They have a tendency to branch, ' Allan. , crJ~d the UWe ueen 'l off the truck he was very glad to find hi • Uvi . ' however, and un. less the stools are hlmsel" still alive ' teSll."own .orm, D,O ng person can "why, he 'Would eat us all up." th S c~recrow; . "I ran • .as I could," he said, plsnted close together percent. .. " Oh, no: , ,de cl are d "e as fast "That Is very strange," sald Doro£ age of the rods brancha large so much that ~Ia lion A~ !' . co~ard. . sltUng down and yawning; "but the th f nJl t \ 'Really ! asked the Mouse .. flowers were too strong for me How thy; "but we must try, in some way, , v ___ ey a~e 0 ten u t, or peeled stock. , "H hi elf" answered the . to see him, or we shall have made OUI A good basket willow. possesses the ' ~ says .~o , ms , . , you get me ouU" , . Journey for nothing.'! '''erkaD Soli WeU Adapted ' to following characteristics: (1) AbU. :S~recrow, ~",d he would never hurt didThen they told him of the ' fiela· ' Tree aa4 Wide Opporc.unttt.. It t I 1d ' :anyone who . is our frh~nd. If you mice , and how they had generously "Why do you wIsh to see the ter~or Article• •"de {rom It . Y 0 yean annual and unt!ormly ",111 ,~elp us to save him I promise saved him from' deatb; and the' Cow- rlbl.- Oz?" asked th~ man, -ByW. F. Hubbard. .' paying cr-op of rods; (2) flexibility; that he shall treat you all with kind· ardly Lion laughed, and sald: "I want him to give me some (3) productlveness-1. e., Illany sboots ness." ( brah1s," sald the Soareorow, eagerly, to each' stool; (4) slender and branch. ~'Very well," sald the Queen, "we ' I have always tbougbt myself very "'Oh, Oz could do that easily Willow growing gives nn un com- les8 rods; (6) smooth and white wood . JijU :;trust you. But what sOI,1l! big and terrible; yet such small things enough;" declared the man. 'He hae manly high margin of prOfit. A large atter peeling. we .do?" , as ftowers came near to ldlUng me, 'I more brains than he needs." demand for WtuOIV Is now suppUed ~y CuttIngs ' tor plantings should be 'Are there many of these mice and such small anlm~s as mice have "And I want him to give Die a Import, and as Amerlcan.grown rods made from 'one-year-old sboots. The w~ich call you Queen and aM willing saved my.llfe. How strange it all Is! beart," said the Tin Woodman. lire of good' quality when proper care length of the sUps Is regulated by the to obey you 7" , But, comrades, what shall we do "That wl11 not trouble blm" can· Is taken in theIr culture there Is no condition of the sol,1. Tbe richer the "Oh, yes; 'there are thousandl," she now?" , tlnued the man, "for Oz has ~ 'largE reason why th~ f.urther developme\lt soil la the shorter the cuttings may be. .-ep11ed. "We must journey. on until we Ond collectlon of hearts of all sizes and of the Industry should no~ be possible Generally they ate mad'e elght h'lcbes . "Then send for them all t~ come the road of yellow briCk again," aald shapes.'" It more ,Amorlcan farmers can be COD· long for m.olst, rich soU. and 12 b are' as ' soon as possible, and let each Dorothy; "and then we can Iteep, on "And t Wa.nt 'blm to give me cour- vlnced of Its practicability. inohes for dry, sandy soli. to the Emerald CHy." age," said the Cowardly 'LIon. Of late years wIllow, turnlture has ,Althougb It is generally advised to 'one bring a long piece of string." The Queen turned to the mice that So, the gLion being fully refreshed. , "Oz keeps a great pot of courage In eprung Into fashIon and to-dRY PO prepare cuttings just before planting, attended her and told them to go at and feel.lnd quite hhlmjseu again, tht~y his throne room," said ,the man, minor Industry Is ~ol'e prosperous they may be , made several weeks.ln once and get all h'er people. As soon all starte ul!0n t e ourney, grell )' "wblcb he has covered with a goldaD than that I devoted , to ita supply. The advance and partially burled in mod. all they heard bel" orders they ran enjoying the walk through the 110ft, plate, to keep it from running over. wages are good and the manufacturers erately moist 811nd and stored In a away in every dlreotlon as fast as pas· fresh grass; and It was ~ot ldng be- He wl\l be glad to give you some." demand a steady supply of superior cold barn- uD11I needed. fore they reached the road of yellow "And I want him to send me ' back sIble i n t oward th e to Kansas," sald Dorothy. willow Bury the cutUngs In stnd to with. "N'ow," . said the Scaroprow to the b 1"Ick an d t Qrne daga "' i d Emerald Cit), where tbe great 01 "Where Is Kansas 1" asked the man, Thla J8 now almost enthJlrelhY rei lice :!e In one Inch of the top. Care should Tin Woodman, "you must go to those dwelt I I from France at a price w c w Ii,ve be taken to have the buds point up. The. road was smooth and well n "Isurpr don'tse.know," replted Dorothy, SOl' the e~tIre tra d e to the American if he ward . Plant early In the spring, as soon as paved, now, and the country about rowfully; "but It Is my home, and I'm ,can equal tbe quality. was beautiful; 10 tbat the travelers sure It's somewhere" Great care should be tak~n , In the , the frost fa out of the ground. In rejOiced In leaving the forest far be"Very likely. , W~U, Oz can do any. lelectlon of tbe willow beds. ~Ch, :e:;, sp~olng the plants the following Prlnhind, and with It the many dangers thJng; so I supp08e he wtll Ond Kan' m~neDtl)' moist sand), roam ,g ves ~ ciple , holds for all wlllows and for all they had met In Jts ~Ioomy shade8. sas for you. But Orst )'OU .must get returD8oJ thougb ordinary moist san y soll8: The closer 'the cuttlnp are Once more they ~ould s~e fencel bunt to Bee hLm, and that will be a .hard land otten yIelds profitable crops of plante4 the more valuable-I. e., more _. flexible, ,to~8~, slender and brancble8s beside the road; but these were task' for tbe great Wizard does nOl willows, Poor Bolis produce pa),lng c~op: the rod1!' become. On the other band, painted green, and when they came to lJke'to see an), one, and he usuaU, a small house, In which a farmer evl· bas his own wa)'. But what do" YOll where , there Is a market for s or they must not be planted 80 olose that ' denUy lived, tbat also was painted want?" be continued, speaking to To rods. Avoid land on w~lch water!s the sol1 In and between the rows can. green. They passe~ by several of ·to. Toto ,only wagged bls tall; for, stagnlll}t during the su~mer. It ~)' not be culUvated. these bouses durln~ tbe afternoon, and strange to say he could not 't aIk. drainage the water level on such land _ _ _ _ _ __ sometimes people came to . the door. (TO BE CONTINUED.) can be lowered at least six feet' bePoultry In the Orchard. . low the surface the . sl~uatlon mo.)' be· ,Poultry may often ' with advantage - -........-----.,..,.,.----cODslde'r ed appropriate. . DO 1l0t plant 'wil1o'kli In localities be kept In tbe orchard . . Tbls makel I:JI where early frolts occur. The tender It possible to engage In poultry keep. 7( shootS are easily injured by the ing on ~a considerable scale Without Chlnele Cook.. Like All HII R.ce, taught him to make the puddIng I bad cold, I ., " any cost tor land, writes James Dry. Capable Only of Imitating the found the second and Ullrd eggs that Plow, ten or twelve inches deep I.n deD in Farm Preu. In other words, Act. of Othera. I bad brok~n to be bad aud had the fall, prIOr to plllDtlng the follow- a double use of, tbo land may be "I Will Not Let Him," Said the Wood, rt This turns the ton layer made. The tr~es afford shade to the "Cblnese need to be taught to be thrown both away. He ,had slmpl, Ing sp ng. , 0:; .' man. more self-reliant," said , th" ~oma~ done what he had seeD me do-oilttfn of the soli so deep, tbat weed seeds, fowls I.n warm weather. It will be neCessary to furnish " tllem ample trees hy the riverside and make a wbo employs a Chinese cook. "The Im~J1Ing the seCond and third Ii,' cannot spring up. , . . , truck that will carry the Lion." other day I ordered. my cook to make bad thrown them . away." " If rain IslnsutJIclent, Irrigate -the wll~ green .food at all times,' especla)))" apple. are on the ' ground, So the Wood Clan went at once to a pudding for dluner, Itoppln, a mln-. low bed If poulble, . but thorough whe~ . the trees and began to work.; and he ute to see if he followed, my Instruc· drainage. ~ust ;be ,provided, Iia 1J8ter If DO o~her green food Is" avallable soon made a ti'uC'R out or the l~mbs' ot tions. for I had taught 'bim to make Earthquake Fear.. . mUBt 'not. stand on .tlle surface. U is lbey are 1I00ble to . ea~ ' an Injurlou trees" from which he chopped away all th;ls partlcuiar pudding. 'He had seen Mankind aJle sb'anS~y' Inccmiilste11t' best ' '. alSo to', ~4Iep the I~d wel! amo"nt, of apl'l~s On the 'other hand,' ',Poultry ·ts. a decided: :advantago to the' the 'leaves anil' branches, ' He fastened me sm!!l1 the eggs befpre putting them iii the matter of tunning risks. There' -dralnqti dl1r1ng tM, winter. togetMr , with wo~den pegs ~nd Into a howl and he' begun by put~lnl Ia no danger that appaU8 the ',lInagln.. Ret~ms depen" V~r1 lru'~ly, u,PO~ orchard' as an aid In 'the warfare 011' ' made four , wheels out of the short the' first egg to his nose. He s~e'Dled tloD ' mor-e tbaDtho danger of ' eartb-' ~be meth~ of cul~ure. tiut more . upob Inaect enemle.. pieces ot a bIg tree·trunk. 89 fast and o~ the rlgbt road, so I left t~e kitchen quake, apd 'y~~ thpr.\J· parts or tilt ,tile, .v~rlet1 ot ' the;"'l~~w PblaDf~~' ": did he work that 'by thQ time .(or a minute. Returning I dl8cove~ed wQi'ld that "are most subject to . .rib. cause the shoo~ of eVan t e .....'\"t Ya that he bad .p"se.d flV. e eggs Instead 'of , qu~Kel ~q,e~ neV'lr _to l;Ia,. ~e ~ettes ' and ID ~e m08 " ttIRsItlUI...t-:4\blllii8calI0. , 1.1+.1» three 8S I Sad 'taught ,him. ' Takllil therefore eh~nned b)': human bel . Ii'OW btlttle-after til. , blm to task rOJ: Dot. follo;wlng my · 111; AD earthquake '8 an "act of God," Uld 'oid, ' , struotioDS be answered '-rea ' three men, are clearl,. belpleN ,It TIa~ AmeriCaD Kl'eeD and Welsh wf1. here (pointing to the ' bowl) , t;'o here Like death, no ODe knows wh. Jt IJl&3 Iowa a~ moat .enerall7 pfan~. • (IDilioating 'where he had thro"n tile com.-;. but. millk. aeath. It tDA)' .eval I"Od& or the fonner peel readll7. spilt ptllere} .. ~ame as JOU.' come to all, and ~~ _ . , . . .. 1I1Nnt .1IIM• .unt. ·~It dawDed OD me that When. I .... It 1... tblUa deatb.-l.aaaaa. ' 'I'bn,a . . bea~


Wizard 9fOz




tb~ pOPpy.,~ed.


As, His Mistress Had ' n()ne






au. .

I "I say, old dH1P, will you limd •

friend a dolJl\r." " Is he really in n ed of It?" "nnther. He wauts to pay me wIth It." How to Care for the Child. Pcrpl xHl moth r writ s: "My child ' ' 1; 3 8 Imeezlng fits after the mOl'lllng s ponge buth . What would you ud. v\ ~e 'l " olUe motbul's glv their b o ble ~ n hypod ermic of mO\'phlne for Rlloe zlng. \Jut we have always felt that this was too hari:lh a remedy. Gil' the bl\by about three tablespoonCuls of Old Tom gin with 1\ little sugar and a f,ln ch of lemon peel. The sugar makes this remedy more grateful to the child . Do 8ure to keep this prophylactic away from fnther. Antl·Cllmax. "How's yer wheat?" "First rate." "Pigs doln' well!" "Fine." "Tha't puny colt come 'round a ll right ?" "Ii sllre did." "Glad to heal' things Is so likely, 11111. How's your wlfe?"-Washlngtou Hl"rald. Re.lnol Quickly Cure. ille and Accl· dent. the Skin Ie Subject To, AI80 Heals Wounds. I find occasion almost dany to recommend Reslnol to some of my friends, and hear of most gratifying reo suIts. We use the oIntment altogeth· er In my family, and nre never without a jar at It, for It promptly cures' the Ills and accIdents the skin Is subject to. D. M. Castle, Phlladelphl-. PL A Terrible DllleilSC. "Do you owu nn automobile?" In· QuiI' d tit unobservant l1arty. The other shook his head sadly, "No," h s ighed, " I huve be n a suCferer all my life tram chronic pedes· trlanism."

Hardly. "Would you," be asked, "care to live to b '100 year old 1" "Not It anybody knew it," she reo plied. As you grow tor It, somewhere or otber you w1l1 find wbat Is needful for YQU in a book or a trlend . ...:.. (,leorge Macdonnld.





Vegetable .Compound E.

- Ii Lydia PlnJi~ tl~"'WDl" C~TJ)0und has C6.l:-

iy done me A world of good &l1d I cannot j)miae lt enougn. .1 @u1terlld fromirregu1aritiea, dizzinesst nervous. ness, ana a severe female bou b Ie. J...JdiaE.Pinkllam's Vegetable Compound haa restored . me to perfect bealth and kept~e from tIle operating never be without thlS meldicline in the house. "-lira. 8.ul'L M2S Fourth St., Loulaville, Ki.

Another Operotlon Avoided. Adrian. Ga. - " I suftered untold misery: from. female ttollblea;and my

dootor said an operation was my only chance, and I dreaded It alinost AI much as death. Lytlla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound com~letely cured. me withoutan operation.' -LU.6. V. HENRY, R. ,F. D. 8. \" . nIrty years of unpa~eled Imeceas coiUtimB the power of Lidia Eo Pinkham's ,VegetaDle Compoimd to cure female diBe8BeIJ.' The sreat·...oJ. um~ of.unaoUclted testiDiony constantJy l!9urln g= v e s conoluidvel1 that L~ E. . m's Vegetable CoiDpound is a remarkable remedjfor'Uto88' distressing tem1nfne lIla 'tiom whlch 10 many women sutter.,

0 Y0 L A l YE S I



IS 1&111., beautiful to\o",lOQ por ~'Illi """le,. U Dot In Il001<, send ua lOu atAUna IlUlor 11~.I~, .

OlE , DYE FOR ILL. 80001 . "

OoIor ~llId boo'k..\lf cll_Llon. freo.b, "rllJD. , D,~-\a, Barllll/llon, V"rmon" . •


0 Y0 LAD VI iE ,S \




BASEBALL GAME .FOR INDO.ORS Amusin g and 1.l\terest lng Pastime for Chl.ldre h-HQw It II Made and How to Play It.



First you get It boar4 which Is 2<ld8 Inches. Tben you smooth It off and paint It one side green, like grass, Then get sOlue white paint and ·pal.nt a base ball diamon d on the green, Then cut {rom the pltcher' s box to the home plnte a trove big enough for a ba ll from a ball bearing to roll In. The metal ball Is your ball. Cut holes ' In the board at first. second, and third base. 'a nd drive three nails at tbe back ot these to' keep the ball In. Do the snme at the ce nte r. lett. al}d right Put some field. and at shortsto p. nal.l s around at diffe re nt places on the fi eld to knock the ball around. At the end o( the fleld put a be ll. Whbn this bell rings you have a borne run. Then take a piece of wood and cut a bnt about tbree Inchos long. and nail It In the middle so It w!ll turn. Put !1 tack op the e nd o( the bat. and on th e board. then put a rubber on the two tacks 80 thnt when you pull lhe bat It wl\1 knoc k th e ball. Put s ides on th board s o th o bnll will not roll off. 'l'hen It Is r e~dy for we gume. and thi s Is how It looks: To play th e game drop the ball along th e groove and push the bat

:;;iN:fT [~tNG ',.'".,

'"'th, It . . . . Sl'S stock In trad ; do

lII'lI not give up that you ' nrc nglng o.nd you won·t ago. "- Robert Louis Stevenso n. " With mirth nnd laughter wrlnklell com ."- Shnk speure.



The Best Food for Work·er e. The· best food for those who work with hand or brain is n v I' high ' pr;lced. . The hest example of this Is found In Quaker Oats. It s tand s at th e top among toods that supply ' nourl s hlllent and vigor" without taxing lh digestion. and yet It Is the least ex.pellsl ve food one can eat. Thi s great (ood value and low cost make It an Ideal food for famili es who want-- lo get the greates t good from what. they eat. Laborer s. factory or farm hands. fed pl entifull y on Quake r Onts will work better and with less fatigue than If ted on almost any other kInd of food. All of tbese facts we r e prov ed and very Inter esting Informa tion about human foods we r e ga thered by Pro· tessor Fisher of Yale U nlv er s lly In 1908. In ndditlon to th e I r eg ular pack· age Quake r Oats Is pacl(ed In large sized family pllc kages elt be r with or 8 without cblna dis hes.


I·ROM ~TER '[O 'SUMl\ IER CrulsOG 10 lho Winter Three

WEST INDIES I b IIJId 28 ' daY5 dUI'Q t\on. by iWln- screw S. S. MOLTKE (1 2,500


~~,~~)d~l.~~~,i~~"~~)~r!~~!';:~'g~ Orl'lllt and



JiAl\In nG-AlIn~ RICAN LlNE 4 1- 45 BROA DWAY





For Cro up and

LIVE STOCK AND LLANE OUS MISCE . Enterta Ining Our Friends Tbe sensible people who ente rtain there is no quicker, surer ofte n and simply are those we delight remedy known than Dr. D. to honor and we know they are not Jayne's Ellpecto rant. Four guest. ed t expec un disturbe d by a n generati ons of children have Waste Materia l. IN GR E AT VARlETY enterHave some IItllo su rprise when been relieved and cured by In process of tim It was obse rv ed FOR" SALE <.AT THE this old and reliable medicin e. ta ining, It need not be a nything elab- tha t the multl·m lllionalr e phllnnth l'oP' LOW EST PRICES BY the of out thln,;: ome s just orate. but 1s t bnd ceased g Iving cos tl y librnry wblch In ordinary . Kee p a not ebook WESTER N NEWSPA PER UNION buildings to towns and cltle!!. 5s.. W . Adorn. St ~ Chi collo you may write or pas te clipping s of "Why Is lhls. Mr. 'anaggy ?" the reo th e odd and unusual. and observe porters asked him. wh n trnv ollng and store up Ide as, "Young me n." he sai d. "wha t Is lh e has been successf ully emThere Is of course "nothin g r eally use of building gr eat hO\lses for Ii· ployed for over 78 years in ne w uud e r th e Blln," but we may be brari es wh en all a man n eds for an countles s cases of Croup, Ingeni ous e no ugh to make things ap· · edu cation Is fiv e foet of books ?" Whoop ing Cough, Colds. Bronchi tis, Inflamm ation of pen r so. A ca ke tbat Is s imply deWhe r eat th ey marve lcd . but tbey th<: Lungs and Che8t, PleulicIous . seems elabora te, but Is not, cou ld nol ans we r him. risy, and similar ailments . Many a man goes broke- in Health fa vor among IDnny. Bake found has For the sake of your children -thon we alth. B l ames his mind" , 1 , 10" T " YTT r1 , TI r rTf""' t . a white cake In n sheet about an Inch leep 11 bottle of Dr . D. JAyne', NAII.6 f I $100 Rewar d, $100. C TIfI &t.LL. says it don't work right; but all llie Pup r doll pcople Cut In pieces EXpe<:torllnt In your home where "I and a quarte r th ick.c utte C. F, 'nIe read"" 01 thll paJl<!r wUI be pleaaed to learn Arc flu ee r IIttl .. crl'lll urcs ~ . y ou will have It Ilt h and In an Lime iL's his {)owels. They don't work ",,'ence three that put ..... ; r d""' tlretLued one t biscuit .... I at mall II s n there Ulat with s • r flsu I R.F. Wllh 8l1ch v'ry Ihln emerll'ene y. Sold by alt drulI'lI'llt ,2H"6IISf. h, -Ii ver d ead and the whole system gets .... been able 10 oure ln all 1\1 ltages. and that II SOc frost· 11.00, bottlea. cooked a .be eaLUres. t with three l r tn in "",llIve \'ery togethe , . pi eces And Kuch C TT Ca14rrb. UnU'. Cn14rrb CUre II tho only Catarrh C]' IT TJ clogged wlth polson. Nothing kills aoda5c. fraternity. medical the to known around now eure spread and ronaUtu I Ing be tw een eac h , 1 rm1~. beln~ a conaUtuUonlll dlscMe. requtrel a ToDlcV. I~ Ja~D.', 0. good, clean-c ut brain action like con.... ']'h y n lw uys arc (lr""8,,11 Cum 10 Ulken Inth e sides: thell roll In shredde d cocoa- Uonlll trent/nont. Ha ll'o Cat/UTb • 1 I' II the Id.ol worm medicine , aneS T muco,,. In lho Inl(,8t of tus h1011, lind blood th. upon stipatio n. CASCA RETS will relieve dl",cUy AOUIl8 temAlly, • an effective tonic for adult. and l 11 nut. Make th e fro s ting as follows : lurfaCH 01 tile OYllctn. thereby destroyin g tbe .And n 've r wer kn own 9li IUld cure. Try It now. U,e pollrnt .. " glvllljr all and chJlclren laelUlC. ' d tbo 01 butter. of l nd"tlon lou pnflslon. 'cupfu II a of Into d fly To I Wnsh one-thir by bUUdlnl! up lho CO""UlUUO'" ane! .... _ l~Wr add on e cupfu l of powder ed sugar. It"'ngth _k', a for bave bOll a CASCAR ETS lOe tng n.ture In doIng lUI work. Tho. proprlelom otter Th ey II vc In n book much faith In Ita curattve power'll th&t they treatmeo t. A11drul:lr lats. Dlilreat seUer ' gradual ly. and beat until creamy . 10 1 001111111 for any r.MO that It IaIII '" Hundred One Doth doll y nnd nlghtly- · ' ~tlmDnlAll. of lilt tilling for Dd S cream lUre. Ilf I cupful e on add 'I'hen ut of!' lh Ir hends A~dr.... F. J . ClI gNEY & CO .• Toledo. 0A nd thcy 81111 s mile politely. I which has been cooled. Flavor with Sold by aU Dru~R"UI. 1~ . conatlDallOD. , llaU 's Family 1'1111 ler TUe I vanilla and one and one-hal t squnres ( te. chocola melted of 1 SnaK" Story, SLED THAT RUNS ON LEVEL ff , Cream FllUng for the Above.- Mlx "Sefore b e we nt fish In' ." ·sald the sugar of seven·e lghlhs of a cupful s tory te lier, "be sWllllow ed tOW :l Kansu Man I nvents One with Pro- .1 with one-thir d of a cupful of flour, 'bout a pint an' a bnlf of snakebi te Game. peller of Teeth That Cuts Into the l Basebal ~e Homema one·elgh th ot a t easpoon ful of salt; re medy, an' of course· you know what Crust of Snow. beaten, and forward . so when yo,u le t the bat go add two eggs. slightly that is, W e ll, after the snako bit him cupfuls of two ly gradual on pour . ball the hit It a make lhe re ptile cut all sorts 0' capers. kaze th e rubber "'Ill It somebo dy would only Invent 16 minutes In a lhe r e medy went straight to Its head. If It goes In any of th e places at the scalded milk. Cook slod that would rUIl uphl11 the boller, stlrrlng constan tly un- Last thing It tri ed to do wuz to swal· ohhiapeper de. J small boy's winter JOYS would be base It Is out, nnd when It rings the double afterwa rds occasio nally . le r Its tall, an' It got Itself In the form thick, Ul . run airinjlto buy taken home a hns Is It bell comple te. A Kansns man anytb~ .J'..... Cool s lightly and flavor with either ot a hoop an' I'm a liar ef tbe chll· a step In the right directio n by deor lemon. tiled in ita columns .bouta iDIiA ~ dren dldn't roll It aroUnd all day!" vising a s led that will run ' on the DARNING CLASS FOR BOYS. vanilla haViD(! what .hey ask fot. refuIias aU A salad that Is most appeUz lng and level. This s led Is equippe d with ~ Of imilatio.... few ap· a of made Is at look to It. good Bought He Why hat t rows ot teeth attache d to bars at pIes, a stalk or two of celery, a hand· Adopted and Devised old Plan you Unique 't nren Say! Conduc tor slide backwa rd and forward through ful of nuts and a few strips of the enough to know that you can't ride Guardia n Angel . Home In Boston bracket s along the sides. The" bars d sbredde pepper sweet red and green -Lads Are Proficie nt, on a chlld's ticket? W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO_ 45-1909 . are operate d by plvot!ca lly attache d Serve with a bolled dressin g or maySilas Fllldns - Sure I be. But only levers. which are (lUshed bnck and a crisp lettuce leaf. A re- ylstlddy Samant by sed 1 wuz gitlin' t' PI'obab ly the most unique class Ir onnaise on forth by the pers on on the sled. Is able on sbort ncr be childish -like, an' so I thought woman ul sourcef Wanted 01 ClllSS darning boys' e th Wizard of HortIcu lture th e city III ing meal which mebbe y'd let me rid e halt·far e. appetiz an serve to tlce Boston In the Guardia n Angel Home ation to hersel{ and a , 'fhere are about 130 boys In the homE Iii a gratific h er guest. Import ant to Mothe rs. '. \ and th e problem of kee ping 260 tee pleasur e to e carefull y every bottle of Examin , wal time the all In wbole stockin gs a sale and su r e re medy for RIA. CASTO in each couoty of this stale to sell tht finest e th' gema is us "Delicio says: quite a. pondero us problem (or It that see anti. . Infants anti. children Stark Trees on commission. No preapple in all the world. It is th e best at ter s in charge, until one of therr Y;'~ vious experieo ce necessary. The -'Jf far so the have 1 Bears apple any of quality in form of plan clever e thought out th work is ple.asaot. cleao work, highly tested." Signatu re Of~~ \ log a boys' darning class. The glrlt profitable, and the positions are perknows. Burbank Mr. And In Use For Ove r 30 Years.' of the home had a darning class. St maneot to the right men. Deliciou s is but one of the hunThe Kind You Have Always Bought. why should nOt th e boys bave. one Icarn to resIgn with a. good dreds of good things io S tark Trees Many of our salesmen are earning .to01/ So It ~as arrange d to form .. IlTnCQ nil that YQ U o.rc not Ilnd to bellev. - the good things you should know '50 to $80 per month and expenses ; Won. He Why I. "-AmIc ality. about before you plant this fall or class of the older boys. with severa In your own IndIvIdu some are making more. You can do Abou Ben Adhem set forth his n ext spring. of the sisters to Initiate them In thh as well or bette r if you're a hustler Otte" Areclaim. That Simple it Disfies -11-- - Le t us tell you about them by and trying to succeed . - - wond erful art. Of course there WI\, good a what about lied "I ne ver Poorly Served. writing today for our complete. illusplenty of fun as well ns real worl f~rwe ; for called ent . ed ri c iav,estm e h No trated price·lis t·catalogue which deThere Ilre a few dishes that It time 1 had on my vacatio n." In getUng the class properl y started nish complete ' orderi:e tting outiit scribes our compl j!te lioe of fruit And. 10. etc. , should be able althoug h everyo ne of the boys wa would seem all cooks free and the most liberal conlract etc. tals, ornamen trees. when tion, but mice, and anxious to become a member . It re to prepare with satisfac rats t.he £00111 t8 ~ on Rough bread. poorer toast, . For complel e information address the Sales Manage r of but n e\'er fools the buyer. The secret is Qulred milch patienc e ~o teach the lit one Is served poor n eedle prop badly cooked steak· and eggs and such you (not the maker) do t he mi xing. 'fak~ the hold to how cha-ps tie A Unique Sled. we are appalle d a hint. do your own mixing ; pltV for )loi' Stark Bro's . N. & O. Co., Louis iana, Misso uri erly. Many of t!\em Insisted on darn unspeak able coffee, unthe li.'fI ts. resul get you then only, Hon these held In the lef at the need' for training along bellw ble extcl'ntinntor. Don't die in tl>p The' teeth are also pIvotall y at- Ing with th e needle taught n'o t t. lines. Some of these so-calle d cooks house. 15e, 25c, 75c. were they then bnnd; th of crust the tached and dig Into that us~ess coosclo the ahd how t· have not even snow only wben the bar Is pushed have too long a thread. An office seeker's love for his coun· knotted, an' their cooking Is bad. They are like forward . At othe r times they drag kee p It from becomin g Is a good deal like that ot a titled ot try deal grent a bas who woman the l With a sled las tly to get the hoies In the stockln along on tbe top. er for an Alllerlc an heiress. foreign bad. all Is It but The boys t.aste, equippe d in this" fashion a boy may to disa ppear gradual ly. a tuture for her nnd hope Is There un to get to seemed never r. PERRY DA.VJS' PA1NK1 Ll.Elt sit down comfort ably at his tront howeve . Whet wbo knows that she does not know, bfts n o l ulJStltut . No othe r " ' moo,. Is 80 ,.fdoor and propel himself merrily derstan d the use of'the thImble the i hlmbler but deliver us from her who know. ~~~iJ' ~1r:n~~~.l~~~ ~':,"l~a~: TJ~tT,:'':3~C;;'::'tlltl:, along unW he renches the hlll th e y used thimble s at all essly, ane not and ');nows not that she. know. usel quite out stuck ·The finger where he wants to "coast." The first time a girl Is disappo inted darnlnl not. good a to propel1l ng d.evlce Is so constru 9ted became a hindran ce In love she Imagine s she has Dothegg an cook to learn may e Anyon ec dlscord to JIve for. that It does not In any way In.t ertere job. So thimble s have been or a steaK. and serve a good cup of Ing lett the sled entire ly by the boys' darning class. of with the progres s and t though be must C' Tbe boys have all done good work coffee. but there dowutrll l, Whe re the levers then act as operatio n. In one of the rich valleys along the because they weie willing nnd nnx science used In the guides .. crisp A good loaf of brend or a lOllS to learn, many ot th em have be , line of the evolved Without come r'e ally proficie nt In the art. ant' piece of toast Is not . practice and THE OUTCAST. training s previou exhlbti to proud and are vel·y happy Now, all these things are worth tbelr work. bring trained The ,boys darn for an hour twice a whlle, and untll we h~nd s to the work, we wl1; and minds In boys sixty about are There '\teek. results. We heal the clnss. nnd the work done by It is have haphaza rd : "I never have day every say people girls a great relief to the sisters and and so." There Is and now that the boys appreci ate good luok makIng so luck In cooking . what It means to darn th e ir owl' no such thing as use the condl· beca good nre Things witt careful stockin gs th ey arc more· tions are favorab le, or bad because the m . they were not. and it Is our busines s when cooking to see that cond!Uo ns mean ·a comfo rtable living, an asl 'mother was EMEN "My says: AMUS G One right. GETTIN are WAY OF sured future and money in the bank. a splendi d cook and she was never so We " ements. measur her about Where Scl.sor l Are Barred Flngera careful must rememb er that an experie nced For comple te and reliable inform ation get May Be U.ed In Tearing Out Anicook has a 'trained eye and It Is hard, mals from Paper Scrapl. illustra ted bookle ts on Califor nia land. our SMls, Btencll8, Bl\dgna, ly safe to trust eye measur ements un· We to,. ... s Check Tr"tl" so nce. experie or addres s or on Call years til we have c.r from your home or olllcc 11... 0 8.c1ssors u's ually come under the ban when we see her putting In a bit of are no fl\rth ~u,~ or pbone t neares the 1~ of tbe nursery authori ties, even 'those bol<. All'ent8~_ Omaha, Neb. L. 8nobson (to Dud,erly )-How' s that with blunt pOints represe nting · Pt:e- this and a pinch of ' that she knows U.8.mnll . __ ._ _ _ wanted. Oet t o.tDlog.. _ do we as ing measur Is ' she on? what just new chap. your cousin, getting . carious piny things for small children with a teaspoo n leve~d with a knife. n.&nLlII H, H0I10H, "'...1.,.••• D. C. Duderl y-Oh. well. of cou"8e. be;o A s.ulJstilu te for "cutting out" mlly, Then let us not be satisfied until we (lIi8) ~y~~m~~U~~~'l~~J.l'tot~~~I~~~: thing, of sort thnt all and clever very r. be found In tearing paper have raised or standar d of cookery < howeve a with about go 't but renlly. one can figures and animals Into the shape ot chat) who won't keep his trouser s with the fingers, and proves just as In these simples t of our foods and turned up or creased , and always ' bns populnr with the smldl nursery people "cllmbll d from better up to best." het .... V.. I1111'" OIIelOo _III.. ooIl=1 IIfI, Ther d,.11I eold ..twHlterl lllltlll'et the lapels of his' pockets ,Inside. BefulwOllo ritllana. ' ..... ~Lt.,... ' dangero us amusem 'eJlt. e, more MOIIIIO £1IIIUfI tho Prelerv as Tomato les. Bldec, he's' got spectac Peel one pound of yellow p ear to.Ordlna ry kitchen paper mllY be used, cover ",<jth Sligar and matoes. pawhite common . t.he · bly preferll or Simon Bays. the morning night. over stand . shelves line to used Is , Seat yourse lvQs In a circle and p~r whlcl} until quite boll and syrup the en oft pour , wO!D nd· . !i. men choose. one of th e compnn y to' be tJie Trees,' anlml\ls . little sk1m. then 'a dd tomatoe s. gin. thick; "torn be can' e furnitur doll'8 even or HIs • . game leader , of Simon, In' this ' e rs. duty Is to o:-de t nil sorts or diffe rent 'out" with the flns· s; , !Jer, and Illmons which have beeD matche and cork of rounlfs .Wlth bet. the fUnDler the tblngs to bl! dOD~, ark men, can be' ~1.clced and ' the seeds re.m oved. Oook ter. wb ich 1D1Ist bO obeyed only when tribes or s mall Noah~s be lpg wound until t.!le tomatoe s have a clarlted ap. l>Odles tIle or~er begl n.s with "S.lmon says.~· made. tho skeleton which bu'tt~ns 'c an pearBIJo e. '--_~_ _-.._ As. for I Instance . "SllIJoh 8ay.s : .with 'stiff 'paper, on , . . . Peach Delaert . In chalk. while inark~d or be painted 'Thumb s up!· ." · w'bleb, ot course. the peach large a of lf oone-hll Serve .. ~D' will' ·fee,t of obey: then p .rbaps come~: ~'Thumbs ' rounds ot cdr~ Instead bollow: o( wblcb 'Is ~led ,w ith whIpped I alotte. down!" whic~ i!hOult1 not be. obey~d, a·b le the family to stand· and then IIPfIDkled.' .w lth nuts. 'cream because the order did not c~mence IIhouJd. be flrst .sweet· peaches The . T:HE TIDV-R 008TER . wl~b, "ShPOD SRYS." ·and th'e cre~ may w sweet. eDed 'a ~n ,'orgot\ macb. Ume this rule ' 18 aned and ~!l.ored With. almond . The rooster II a tIdy fowl-' forfeit mus~ be paid. "Handll ' uyer nJeht unttl e,ea," :'stJImp. .'t he rigbt root," "P.Ull} . Fllom morn'ne :e:!~~h'rs . the left eal':' etc.• art! the kind of or- ..H;oi~:;~ l~Vrr~OC -Llttl. I'olke. to . be gI·v en.

Wh oop ing Cou gh

Ele ctro typ es



Bu st ed










no Hon. Luther Burbank



A Bright, Capable Man






A Fe w Acres In California



Union PacificSouthern Pacific




LoMAX, G. P. A.,

LE SS DY ES DE FA AM PU TN =...... .....11................ ..IIJI............ GO.. ""IaoJ1, "''''''' . ....... _





--~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . ,


County Courts


New Suits.



IN THE H .•STORY OF DAYTON. These' few specIalS only glv,e a faint Idea of the savlnes In every department of this great store- surely thousands of great bargaIns.


Court Procecdinl,(s.

Men ' and Young Men s Suit s"

Charles U. BuineR va . Idli B MOOD et 81. Sale of property in questI on approved lind ).>Ilrtit,jl)D mude. Kate ':o'rllo z VB Ell!ie Morle Honk et al. Court finus thllt bstate olln not be divlde,l without JDjury to Its value, State of Ohio va Je!lSA Blaokford . Jury . returns verdlot of f,tullty. Sentenced til MJlnptield re forllltttory until lawfully discllllf ged. ~8lUuel E MoGee vs . Zunnll C, M Gile . Dlvoroll grltnled. E. L. 'puooo VI!. C. L . Want". Uourt find " Oh use not well tllken dnd defend"n~ IS given five days to an-

Overcoats ,and Cravcnettes, $10 Values ,

$18 Values ,



$12 Values,

,20 Values.



$15 Values,

$22.50 Values

51 1.95



W(Jol l nnaOD . $1 3 prico . . . . . .

M(lII 'E x trll 11 11\ Y It lhiJ d S ull ,,) t 11Hlol'lnJll I'. •

$2. r,o vlll u ~,


MOf, ' \l.~ O1I\'Y l,' Oolba ll

woaton;." hnkur-

S3.00 1I11\('k nUll Fnllcy 1£090. IIRuullysulcl I ll,· " pl1ll'. . 13 C suhJ ,,1'11:0. ~ for 2&('. Ilr OIH'h . . . .

,·o~~~y;;-;; a.OOolsllwhcro ....

~l lln'8 "I

ItlL or III ! II 'S "' hilo J'lal wu /lo>;o nI Shins with Illtat'/'tlIi or III.Uu;hod '·uff,, · g;lUtI , " III es a t 1.25 : fl OI\' ..... ...... . . . . .

93 C. 111 n Fu ll Oress , lI irls, alLuchcli or Ii . III l'hod ~\t lr.. : hanol · lro llt' I $, 100 uud " o l'Lh I,GO . .. · . . . . . ' .. ' ~ I O II '~ DOI'by Hl bh <I "'1('(weLi mlorwenl· . Hlllrl " und lIrnwl'I";. 3ge rt!s ul :lr prh:u. nUe . . . , ..... . . • . 'J;

JII ' Il 's


I. 7G g l'lllie 1'1"

$1.39 $1,39, $2,45, $3.45, $3.95 AI $3.00 W o rR~ d nll\.I ·u....lIlmoro Pallts . . . , . . . .. . . $2.39 and $4.95 . ~ I C ,, '8 84 . 00 and $4.50 l1 i~h Orud A sa ving 'ot Ii from OthOl' stores pricce. Trous 1'8 . $3 • 48 . \' arlous IJIIllcrus. . . . . . . .. . . ·".s.~llD tJ ru

Pallt !! ....

U 'N

ca 4a!!e. an<1 lid s or 39 7116<:1Iho ' un.d S T1 .nO grados . . . . .. . . . . (,1 r re n II oq uOli. 45 e ::1.1011 '8 7/k Jj'rlghlOll 0011 and Y ru:ilt wJt,h inshllJ Inr or o u tsldlJ 1)\111 duwn. . . . . . . . Childron '. and Girls' Bat,~ . od,js

Probate Court.


•. - - -~·-.o

M.onst 'r gall gush er 'wn stru'ok by ' pring6eld drillers Ilt d ptb of 600 feet Wednesday In n.o l'thwe. tern If. rlt connty. [to is ne w tel'l'itory. VV. B. Dakin, of t:) bin II , OhI o ,' Wll ' a winner n the 1 nd drtL wing in the Standing Rook anti 'hey nne ri ver reservutio n at Aberde\'} n, t) O .

In n. rllnlL wny on Wet:lt Mllrk t street. Xenia, last'] bllrsullY e veDio~ , Ii h orse o~ n el1 Ly B.. n. Adllil', run int,Q a tree und butted its llruiutl out,


Hl rll .


rHe-;;~;d-ih~;;l 0- - -

Common Pleas Court.

Berti E. MoBr\de ys. Willilim B . MoBrlde. Petition for divOfOO 0" Kroondli of extreme oruel £y Plllill tiff utoks for r6storlltion of maiden name. L . L . Tilyler, llHorney for Iplll.intiff ,

!SL5 •

Ohildren 's Knit C love ' ; gOIl!1

. The Women 'R Home Missionnry sooiety of the.M . E. ohuroh, in ses. l-lio n II t I::ipringfield , • decided to hold its next conv e ntion in Trinity ohuroh Xenit\. Borse .Jonrno} Publis hIng Co., of JQm~stowD , b'ls been ino() rpor ~ ted by Frunk Hedriok, C. E. Gerllru, .Tesse Tuylor, W . Gll lvin, G. Spubr. Co.pitllistoc;:k ' 10,000 .


a. .


$31 $3.50 and $4

You save from 50 cts to $1 on ENDWELL ·shoes because you bug direc~ from ratc1 material-no middlemenls profits. ' Only shoes made by ENDICOTT. JOHNSON & CO. are soid in this way 'as this is the first and only shoe house in the world to tan leather and sell the finished product direct to the wearer. through the retailer. Most shoes cost more than they are worth because they pass through so many hands-.ide trust-leather trust-leather broker-shoe manufacturer and jobber. The expenses, proIlts and losses of all these middlemen !'OU pa!'. without addln" any value to the shoes, You get the full fAJorth d/ Jlour money In ENDWELL shoes. must btl odded to the prif:e fAJhif:h


F or tillie tty'

" prominent farm


!" all leathers, 200 '$t9'"

,Joseph Dohner. tl nnd wnrm : sSe va illo. .. • .. ... . Eltate of Elsie Marie Houk Waynesville, Ohio. ~. HOWELL, er Jiving ... est of W.est Milton , bad DOY6. Ll'llther End Su sponrlCnI : big Firllt aooou~t ot gua. dilm filed toaSSOrl·m oll t. 2lio Jelll{!. ul .. . ... . . 15e 1 his left Ilrm so bndly bruised I1nd " ~I'I~ valuos.. . ..... . . . . ...... . . MIl\l 's Dross Shirts. lu luury paLl rlUl ; mugetber with her resignation of trUJt· urlm'" 'l'O'IUI18. 23 e laoernted by a o')rn husker last l ~ 01'{) J'on:nll'/I und :lla(lrlUl IIr( 5<: vlllutl8 .... . . . . ' " .. " . . .•. C tnt't'rlu In the mllttel' of estate of Jane M 'lI d h lll i 'ulIs; sold carll r B" YII' rogulllr 7l1e 8 1'11\10 Ins ide . week t·hut it was necessary to ampu. III lh stlUson nt G 9c. fur. Du.ll-dOw n CRp6. . .. . ...... . MoMahon, lIt oeosed. Claim 01 Loui8 Sal prlcu uuw . . . . .. . • , . . . . . . SAME OLD PIPE DREAM tate t h j'l member about two inohss F. Coleman, exeoutor "gaiDst estate I\bove the wrist. When ·Day ton. Lebanon& ' 'inoin. for $639 IH allowed. . FOR LADIES nati railway extend into the very Undertaker and Embalmer, E8tate of Willi"m WilUam8 Lad 106' Silk Underskirts; $4 • 95 Lacllos' WnISlS ; Jl1me ~tephens, of Bltlllcbester 1'8.00 v aluos .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . $3.00 va luOH ... . .. . . , .. . . . . $1.!f5 uellrt of Duyton with itll terminu.ll1t deceased. Proof of publiolltion of Ladie.'1· Pannmb SJdrts $4 • 95 15 Blnd< QUillH: Jast week forgot himself and Will be found in the ld 17.0 0 vl1luos .. , .. .. ....... the Uni on Sta.tion, whioh will be re o notice of appointment tiled. LhrJce In a I.HLD C h .• • • •• • •• ••• • 20c Bllnk Building. opposite thrust his band Itnd arm through LadJ06 ' Suits: $11 • 50 OSlrlch "roasts. 1111 colors; alized by th e oompletion of the exEa&ate of Dehlll MoCllbe, decea8ed . t.he National Bunk. 116.110 valu06.. .......... . Hie values . . . . . . .. ... . .. ... . . 2!)e ~b e 'fiy wheel of fln engine to open Telephone in house and of. tension now b eing built, WIll the Prool of publl08t.ion of notioe of apLadl06' Coat·s : $12 ' 50 Clnrk'lI O. . T . SllOol Cotlou ' U 8.00 va~os . . • . . . . . . . . . (I cock, and a8 a r~R ult 08rries. a badlor .. . . . .. . . . .. . . '... . 10e fice where ] can be called pointment filed. road oontlnue to remuin independent Excoptlonal Fur valuo. $7 .'50 Box3 spools l'y brnised and battered .member in ot Ruchlnlr-l ( G In n box): 600 valuo do.y or nigbt. 112.60 grado • •.. . . . • • . . ... ' of all other oompanies or will itt . Estate of Meigs I. Blood, deceased . 23 C a sling and a four-inoh scalp wound. 'l'hu.lllulglvl ng Chlldron's Bonrskln Oon~8; $1 95 Sale Price .. . '" . .. .• . . .. . . . .. Vtllley l'hone 1~2. merge into or be swaIJowed up by Proof of publication of Qo~loe of ap 13.00 valull8. . . . . . . . ... . .. • 'ohlld~ n.9 regulfW' 3ge '!rude Union Its all glz '. .. su . Ladles' WaiSts ; 95 C Waynesville, Ohio ome IlIrge trunk line? This is the Main Street, poi~'m~nt filed. '. 1.1.50 valuos .. .. .•. . ._. ... ' . 1111 III, . ... .... . . .. . .. .. . 2fic . A woman went 1OtO a newspa.per q oestion whioh i8 ol1l11ng for ' muoh lCs'ate .of John Merritt, dooeaeed. Lndi06" V.olvet Llned hirts nud Dl'nwe~ f Ladlll8' Walst08, $2 95 . ' •• 60 v llluos .. , . . . . . . . . . . • . • regular 76«: V1I lu : 45C. , office Rnd wished to ad verti8e for her disousslon among railroad magna tos Proof of publloation o( nQtloe of . 'p. por gllrm ~nt. .. .. ..... .. . . ... :P1UIDtlIIhus band who had d'i8Ilppeared. of Ohiq. poi~t'meDt til'e d. ; . Specla}.!oL ul hUclren's 25e WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. 5 00 Legging DruworS . ... . " ' " Vvhen told that they oharged t~ o ~c, 9&c, 52.46 'I.'he rOlld o, deny that the !alate of Mary E acllh·,dooeD.ed Lndles ' Outlng f 'lon nel ktrts ; tho re ulur ~' , JUJit ,:~ othcr st.ol'06 prleo 311e vnluo. ~rlday . 1C d011ars an inch.she went ont, saying stook wi\1 be sold to the Pennsyl- St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Inventory .Ilnd Ilpprail" lUent til8d: , nnll Saturday . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . .' t ~ would brea.k her. up at t.hat rate vlln1a oompl1ny upon tbe oompletion Al~a litu, guardla.n· oJ m O. Mar~ li'utber George Milvenboefer. P tor Mon'~ Ii'ancy Shirts, l ,"dios' reg ulur 25c as her hu's band was over 8ix feet of the ext"nsion, thereby gaining a Mllss cverY second Stlndnl' of tbe IDOOU, lU tin. VI 11:;' U. ~artln indltne et al a~tached .nnd . do" qu nllty F lullnolette U :00 a. m. new entranoe into Dayton . lWid ~arclia.n Qrdered to give bond ..tac1led oulfs. pial ted Combi ng 12C long: JackO~jJ' for . . Or plllln l1080m : The Penl18ylv&nia lioe is stl11 con~f 121500. and p~e Jaeob ' Roat and St. Mary's Episcopal Church. sbown by oxclusl vo DAYTON, Missos' White SwoatBeing residents of OhiO', whioh' sidering .t.he pnrohl1se of the D. L. 8. A~ 8wanJ[ al' 8nreties. · Ord"red Rev. J . F . Cud wllliuder. Rectur. furnishers nt ar qnts; t'Ilgular st ·te does not legillize (L marri~ge & C. aud oonstruoting a spur from unday Sobool. 0 :30 n, m Morning s er· w.ell r.eai eat.tnt Qrivate.ale.f .' 11.25 and 98e OHIO. S 1.60 valuo, 98c of tirst oOllslns, did not deter Louil! Dodds to Corwin, oonnecting at that vJc·c. lu :30 a.. m·. Holy Communloo tbo Urst 1l.50 .. · . .. . IIU sl.zos. . • . Eltate of Catberiue Mounts Kib , uuday 01 eaoh m ontb . . Fred,37, and Sa.rah Fred 23, of L'eb- village with t~e main .ilne r\lnning bey.lleoeu8d. Upon appllor-"on of • £ • MethOdist Episcopal Chureb. ·8.nOD, (rOn::i ollrryin~ .o ut wish' tl\.eir through out of\}inoin. Van MOUDts, admtn~~tl:ator . for aJ] Bring this ad. Oood for Double Amount Oold Bond ¢oupOn~. Itev. U. w. Balley. Putor. to bHoome husband. !lnd wlf~. .. r hey Dati throug)l J.,.ebllnon and on to order ' to 8811 clai'ms ' anll demands Sundny ·cbeol. 0 :110 a . m . Mornitllt ser. seoured II. lioenstl in Covington Dodds and <,;orwin, thereby outtilig ~bl. W~8 liet .'for heari~g for viue. 10 :30 a . m. E[1wonb LeBgne, 7,00 pm. \l)vonl n ~ ~erv1ce. ,, : 00 p. m. Mldwook Th ursdu..v and Were m!lorrled before r,he ' present roo[e short by a,b<;lU t Pr Nov~mbeJ' 27 at fo o'olook. .yer Alot:tlng, 7 p. m. . eleven miles . The old route follow. " t e .of Ja8Pe~ Reed, ·deoea8ed. lin, insUraDoe on Rudy fllrm, '15 10; puhlishlng times for hOldiDt conrt , going b!1ck hom·e. Christian ChllfCh. ~ ing) he Little M.iami river would C. W. ·Barn.ea appotn~ed, adminis- .J. W. Lingo, mdae • " 35; Leba n on '27; 100 slips from tax rate, '10; still be reta.ined for freight but for Rov. M. E. Dawson. PlUltor. John HanifllD, toreman of section batOr living bo~d of '4000 with Gas Co ,ga8 for j til, .15.75; Xenia. blanks, '3; Envelopes for surveyor Bunday SChool, 9:BO&. m. BocIIlI mooting, rapid servioe t.he new one, through 10:40~. m. Ohrlstlan..Endtlllovor; 7:00 p. m, .Mark Leevei and W. 8. Whitacre a8 City Workhouse, bOllrdlng prisoners *3; btu dookets, $4 j blanks, 16; No.7. on Miohael Moran's subdivis. . Regular ChUMt servlce.~ooolid Blmda), ea.cb Le La~,on, WOuld be · u t·ilized. montb at 10:30 a. m. lind 7:30 p. m. ion, was awarded a '50 prize '(or ,.8nrettel. ·· WUliam Clev nger, Wil 17.75; F . P. For~y board for prisl)n Envelopes 156.50; Trustef)b of Publio lIam Ford' and Frank <::orwin a'p er8, 1115.25; W. H . Anderson Co, Afftlirs, water, ,16.41; light, 111.70; having the best Beetion on the sub . It!s also un4e!,stood thu.t the Day. Hid<slte Friends Church. pointedapprai,sera. reports,'I1.50; Y,,~e 8& Towne Mfg, light, 17:55; Valley Telephone Co, division, and ~,G . McFI'6den aJso ton, 1'oledo & Ironton , ". . oompany is I Fi r8t Day M "ee tl nl(. )000 : a. m. Fl • ' rn Day . ....ta'te Qf J~ilD nebold, deoeased. Co, repair time looks, 110; E'l'ank rent. :1;17.45; Centml .lJnion Tele- reoeived sa.m e amount for · the !llso figori~g on . bUYlDg the line. School. lJ :0(1 a: m. Fou r,h Day Mculn, Georae ne~ld appointt'd Ii.dmini8 Brfl,ndon, oounty maps, 19; E W . p.h one Co, $13; Frllnk Cook, dam- bests~otion on the 8 t1bdiviBi~n of By. P'Ilpding a spur o~ tWAlve' miles 1 ~00 a. m. t,a&Qr,.pvtng bOnd of 114M·. Henry Dtiinf )rd, brhlge repa.irs, 19 :30 j I\ges, 112. John Guilday, Both these men who frol1';l Kingman this road wopld get . Orthodox Friends Church. ~ Rev. Uenjamln Hawklns,Pllatol', Glehi., ("'11l.rle8 Volkerdlng and AI. Clint W. titan ton, oontraot. '119 25; Contraots-Contraot \vl\a entered hve in Xenia, had worked for the an entranoe into bOth 1)ayton !Lnd (i!Lzette: Rabbatb school . 0 ::)0 a. m . Rc'l(Ular cburoq ~rt Prlc)8 .• ppoio&ed appraisers. Lester D. Wills, duma geE!, ,to·; iuto wit,h Oregoni,a Bridge 00., for '200 sub division prize from the Ctnoinnat1.-Xenia ____... _ ...____ sorvlce. 10 ' \10 u. Ul . IJrlatlllo Eo(k)avor, . 7 ::10 p . m . Elta)e of &muel Dinwi!1die, de- Walter Seikel', damage!!, .5; A. F. IIteel beom bridge with old oak fiooT Pennsylvania railroad, , . . Read the Miami Gazette pews. cauea. Ord.,.oo to transfer to Meeker, contraot, '79. 20; E . M. nel1r Frenoh's .oreamer.v, east of '. 'YUllam fl. Dinwiddie, "dministrll- G~'skil1, contract., '70; H , M. Deok· HalVi ~Sburg in Massie township at. .J oe lila ok, 21, a negr\.l priaoner of tor and .• ole beir ~n sba.l'es of oapi. er j rt'pairs VJeBroreek, '1.20; J . M. estimate 1160.38. . t,be Mansfield reformatory, .dropped·. tal .toOk· In WaY'nesville Nationa.} Mulford, Ht.a.mps, 15; Johu A . Blair. Contract wus entered into wltb head first last night . through a win. NBW"===SAFESI=.===SBCC1ND HAND ';I.uak. 'Jr , 'broom8 an~ gold dust, '7 50; J Dan ~.rthur for repajr of bridges on dow' of an Erie train, at Urb~na. ' ---;:. Time Lock .n • . Work ~f AlIlCttd. Ee~te of ThomlUl Murphy, in8Ilne. , 0, Mi~.I?hel1, servi~es, '52 50; R . W . Columbiu. pike from ' Union ohurcb Ohio, r\i.D ning 45 miles an hour and ~ : RE5~~I!NCE SAFBS A SpeCI~LTW' Fin' aocount tiled. Gilohrl8t, . office rent- '25; Burl'ett to oounty line. . I esoa ped. His gUilrd ,. ,held . him by Brothers, b)ankR, *5.75; t!'ranklin COlltrllot WIlS entered into with the foot ' and Rtrugg}ed ' '. . Elclilln A,enc1 tor ,/lCentury'~ AdJu'tabl~ S,eelOrftlnr Tables . MarrIap Licenses. Chroniole, stationery, '375 i publish Willium Evnns for lumber for nil. to pull him back while the tfain ran . THE.C• . HAIN SAFE CO" Columbus, Ohio, BYlron. Beauoflmp, 2,&. carpenter, ing r9port ~Hj 50; 'l'he Weste rn t;lar, Ing find pos t!! Ilt market prioes. over fi.v e miles, but Joe w~ig/!,led 8teven.port, Ky., !Lnd Mary E. ArContruot was' entered Into with, anu fought until his oAptor exgabrigM, 20, mm ,employe, Kings , Anderl'on Brothers for posts and hau8ted, let go his hold . Mill.. :Rev F, P. Swartz, Kings IS lumber for rlliling at market pri oes.




49 e





A. MA·F.F I ,






! .








__ I

Women ieD u len are ladelliserable I by Kidney and Bladdur Trlublo.



• - - --


A Purely Vegetable Laxative

Harvey Stepbens, an employe of Wal&er Pontius, 20, farmer Mi . . Kills Her Foe of 20 Yearlj . Kidney trouble pre~'s upon t1.le mind, '" " . the King P01!ydel' Co., a.t Kings MiHs, Cure8 Chronic - cOnstipatioD, and All ami.burg and lii.amie Jackson 24, dlscouragesandlessel~saUlbition; beauty, [be mOSL ,';DerciJesB enemy I hnd Liver and Kidney sufferap. a serious injury }lI,st Wee)c, , . Troubles. ~"alikl1n. Rev. H. M. t:ferman. vigor and cbeerful- for 20 Ye/lrs, d~olares Mrs . James ness 50011 disappear I Dnnoan, .of Bllynesvilfe, ·Me., ."was when he was shot in ,th~ head wt'th Real Estate Transfers. ' when the kidneys are Dyspe p~ia. I suffered inten.sAly af. u. bullet ooming f,r om an un'k nown For 81lle at tbe follOWing PltlCCl!' IrM~- out of order or dis- tel' eatlDg or ~rln\dng and could souroe. He was I seated 'with his Level Lodge No. 2988 ti. W. 0 of .ease~. soarcely sleep, After many rt!me. Ztmmermu.n's, Kil bon's, - O. F. Harveysburg, Ohlu, to Berry beKidney trouble has d!eE hltd flliled and se veraJ d'o otor . fllmily upo~ the ' front ~ verall·d B. of White's, Mountjoy'd Springfield, Ohi~~ : 6U1is and wife, real estate in Har. th~~f:~ss~c!r~~~~e~~ gfl.~e me up; I tried Eleotrio Bitters. hili home when the shot . strunk him veysburg, t'2 . mon for a child to be .whIch cured m~ completely: . Now I in *he forehead. Be 'was able to walk born afflicted with can pat a.nythlDg. I am 70 y~llrs to a phy~ioian f.or tre~tment. It If! John G. Gagel to Louisa Kehm ~eak kidneys. lfthe old, and am overjoyed to get mv real estate in Harlan towaship, II. chiltlurillates too often. if Ute urine scalds hen Itb and s.tretrgth bl10k ",gain.''' tho~ght tha~ the bullet giaDoed from Ed Decker to Bert ..Reed real es Ute flesh, ~r if, whell the child reaches an For Indigestion. Loss of Appetite s me 'hanter'::! gun. tate in tJpringboro ,1. age whe~ I~ should ~e able t~controlthe Kidney Trtluble, Lame Baok F e' ~assage, .It 15 yet a,ffilcted With bed-,~et~ mille Complaint.s, its llnequ~l1ed George Pulfrey; of FrBnklin. who . • Lebanon Natio~al B!Lnk to Ed win bng, d~pe~d upon It, the cause ofthe dlffi- Only 500 at Fred C 8 h " , ' tore through the 'streets of Lebanon' :.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:-:.:,:,;.;,;";.. ,;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.;,;.:.:.:.;.:.:,:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:':':':':~:.:':.:~': C. Thompson part of lots 157 and 160 culty IS kldney trouble, anu the first . 0 wart-z s. ::: ' " :::' step should be towarus the treatment of • -. so~e few weeks ·ago o.rying that h'e ::: . ::: . on ERst street, Lebanon, 11. these im.~or~ntorgalls. Thisullpleasatit HICKS' ALMANAC FOR 1910 would "kiJI the p r98eouting. a'ttor ~ :.: . I ::: Bert Reed and wife to Ed Deoker trouble IS due to a diseased condition of ::: Ii :.: real e8 . tate In Lebanon *1. the kidneys aud bladder Bud not to a Ready November 15tli, 1909 (t ne,;" called hp'ln tha.t worthy Tuell. ::: . 10 .. ha,bvit as most people suppose. ~plen(iid ' yea.rbo. ok, ' on Il.sirono~y duyip regArd 't o his a.rre8t .by 'Mar::: ' :;: P, W .. ' and I da Breb m to ViI.lage '. om ell as well as men arc made miser. ; " ' :.: :.: 'th' "'d ' d bl d . and meteorology. the 1 shal Arab . ·a .. m, of Fr!lnkl1D~ Mo .. nday, . • '. bl of ·Spr.ngboro rel~1 ~tate in Spring. a e WI . LJ. oily nll . a der trouble, . on Y one o.)~ ,. ,'. ".:..' boro 150 8J ld bno!lhdtleed ttllie ~al\1o ~retat rffemed y, taining the original'''Hioks Wea.thAt for rid~~g.. on th'e std~w,alk Bnd be· ':.:,': Th e 11 ant1 10 lI;ll1nedia e e ect .o f ' Foroo t "B ' n . '. ' .' .' . oame very.. angry ·" over the, affair, •• '," Cba,..leeMillentoO. L Duke real , Swamp-R.oot.i.ssoOurealized. · Itissold . a~ ~" .' yma ,p08tpal.. ,i., 350, , ".. <" ." ' •• . ,._ . W· .... C o ' .. .by ~gg18ti1, In fiftyon news,tands, 300. One o~PJ: free B~ CAme tq Lebanon Tuesday to see .••• ::.: .. .; . ::: ; e. a_lD.. , Aar .... cent i ~ , . . .thjtprQs!,ontor . . an d 8S k ' th a t·some ·' . .•.'.!. , " La Vin '..UDty 11,.' . . bo11'~ a ~one-d011a~ w:thayellr'88ubsoription to .WQrd :.:.. , · E~li::. · ... 1' . ~rner a~d" ~ife:".to ~!:e .~t!::.~p~o~~u~ and Wot:ks, the ,Rev. Irl R . , Uioks' .t.Ii·l ng be~.doneJf~" II,~erige 'hlm'f~r. thb '::: , '::: L • . - . w rea eetate In Ban'eys . . . . . ,+& .......,.. t '.' . •, . :1.: " .. - t>y:, mail fr.~e, also a MontllJy Magazine , the ' Dest "ou~ra e~""\~ Pafrey.i8. <{uI. e .~~a~thy.. ::: .... ',' ·' ' .~~O ' " . , b url_· . . pamphlet 'telling aU l ' . ", . _ . " ' . ' , ':' . '. '.' . lAaIlna ·E . 'MIlle to I!'rank E. ?lUll! '.about Swamp+R9.0~, 1'_ .,11.,..,,,,.Il00<. mont·h. y. In A~eric;a. ,lJi80oap~s, on ' ,." ~ - . ' . . , '::: • ,:::' . otaarriJ.b'urg ·re.1 e.~tel · Eia inol~d~ngmnnyoHbethoUsalJd80ftesti_ , Alman~ca in quantttiea. Agen~8 :::. . .' , " .. , . I . .,. ~ .• · mo~ia1 letters ' r~ei\-ed from sufferers. wanted. ~m'6tnber the· gennin \ ' ::; . ;.: ' . .,epbllq, .~OO. whoJOUll~ 'Swamp-Roo.t .to be just the '~Hiok& ForOOa~t .... Ii ·t bl" h-! .::: ' !~:' :: . , , " ", ,> - . ',,;> fo/" .- ', .: ::: ' . ' " _ . rem9'Y needed • .1'11 wnting .l>r Kilmer : . .. , . e 0 pu ~s ~ ::: .•:, - : . , .' ' . ' '. r:: , r _ ............' .--:a-~ O......~~ • " & Co. Binghamton N Y L. .. d any-here e)"e-you' get th '1 ••• . ... ' - . .,. .. ' . . ~~ " t . ., f • ,II'C "'i'~"" aD . em . 1••.•' ,\. .~" . --- . .:....:.."'- - - . ~ meutiod ttllS pap,er 1>0" 't Ibak. i h f'" . ' .. t . . on 'V~ •'.-.-~t ~ ~.,. ~ ···~.·" ··.·.~·.·····.·.·.·.·.·I.· 8u.-.:B.l~ale 00. m~ee. · m!atake, but rem~be,. ~e Dam e .~~. n ~ own ~nbl o'atl?n8. _.'Word and :::' , . . ." v ' . ,'.' '.' § --- ....- - . - JO • ..,I............ "'__ .. ~er'.Swamp-.aoot.·and ·the ad~ vrork.~. l:'ub!tahlng UO, 22U1 Looast ' :-: ' . : ' '... : . 1 ' :.: . UII 'IJU&I& BiDlllamtoA oN y ' . ~. S'''' S&' L I '" . ••• . • .. , . , . ,. .. ~ o· "OD eva,' ' .....,"uo. D. • 11. 00 • ., ' .a0. : . .......................... ),••••••.•.~••~.-.,••••l.••••• ·.;..·.~·~·.·.·.iI..rf,.·;·.·.:..· ~*'!. .i.·.·.·.~:tff.• ·.'6 ••••~~••~~(.~'.•••~•••••••• .,:•. ~ " . .~.~:I: ~ . .! •••• ,,~,.,~ •• ,.~ •••• ~••••••~ f ' \ ..... • • • • • •• . ..~... ... ,. • • • • ! ••• ~.

The Alpb.aChemical Go~

see our




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Putollbh ,I WI' .. (I I Way n ' \-fll e, OhlQ - - -_ _-.:....._ _ _ _ _ _ _..;;;._





H~t Water Bottles At various timesjnspeotors in the The followlIIg report indICates t.he ernlJloy oUhe·United ;:'tates Govern-' Qoreogft IA-n'd conditt n of the crops , m nt. ,hav" roported shIpments of too named, as oomputea fr om the rBthe best body-building ALL}",- 'rto:L~:jJ II O I~ , h roular swine from points in Ohio t 11rnil recal ved from t he official orop SCHWARTZ'S ~_--~N-,-"-2 'l'wo sllch shipment.s, oompri~lng.140 an (l :lIv~ stook oorrespol'ldenls of t.he an str ngthening tonic fpr fl, L . RANE, l!dIitol' and M~nage hogs, r c~J)tly ' recei'ved from Ohio 0 pllrtLDellt C)U Novemb r 1 1~09 ~ ~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ by ft Plttsburg firm, conta.ined 74 tuWheot-aTea sowu lu t fall iUl reo - - . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : . . . -' b1!r~ulllr onimill . "The he!,ds of ~urned by t.ownsAiplI!!SeSROrs, 1,711,SEEDS AND FRUIT TREes Rates of Subscription , th!"se, alJd 36, (larcasses were cod 047 acres, E tlmBted arel~ seeded --15-~In c y oar (strictly In adva nce). . .. ..... . f l.OO dern.ned On acoount of tuberoulosill for the harvest of 1909 1,721,030 uores Mllny inquiri es oome to the Ohio nl/lt: OP.l' ...... . . . . ......... . ...... , M Tho loss suffered by the firm i":t giv I)ondition oompared with a n averllge Experiment f:)tlltion r egarding th en Ilt 14.00.00 to 1500.00. 3 per cent . best firms of whi ch to buy fruit. Rates of Advertisements Investigutions made during recen t, . Alfalfu.-orell In t 90 , 16,23(\ Ilores. trees I\OU seeds . [{call in g I. lJca l ~. pe r 110 ' .•• . . . .. .•. , .. 5' yetlrs have ehown t,ho.t tube'l'culosi!c! E timu.ted /lrell in 1909, 15,5181\cres. We h(~v e no mellO ot knowing Read i ng loculs, bluuk (Olce . por lIu c . ..... 10c in swine is beooming II. seriou8 IIIlltRye-A.rea sown lu st fllll, 51'<,376 whicb firms Ilre, honeRt Ilnd which "My 9 year old daullhter wa. "My tw "I children, who were puny C1IlSsllle d Ads, not t o exceed tI Vc." II nes, weak, pale, and bad no appetite, 1 and ailing, rapidly gained fle.h and ter, eRpeoially in the dairy dil'trlct!l acres; sown this fall compared with are not, 'l'h.rec In Her lions . . . . . .. , . . . . . . .. . 2fic gave . ber Vinol, and abe began to ItTength when 1 began to lIi're them of the oountry, .'fhe feeding of l year, 91 per cent. . Most llurse'!Ulsn I\nd seedaulen OI\llUarlc ~. f1 \'~ In ches tree ; OVl·r fiv e thrive at once. She gained rapidly Vinol. 1 proved that Vinol i. a aplenwllste products from creameries Corn-prospectcompared with Iln try .to .keep tuelr st-ock lJure a.nd the in weight, color 'al"d atrength." - did tonic for delicate children." In c hes , J>l'r liue .... .. ............. 5c Mn. W. H. GILMORe:, Durand, Mich. Mra. C. AlLEN, New Bedford, M.... Carel of t hunl",. ...... ... .. ... . .. . . ..... :!fi c (whey, skim milk, etc. ,) i8 II com- average , 00 per aeut, VUfletles true to nallle, bnt thoy often ResolullOIlH .......... , .. . . ... . . .. ...... r;oc Vinol builds up hea lthy fl esh and makes thin little limbs round mon cause of tuberculosis in swine Buckwbea.t-compar'td with an buy of otbers and mistaire!.! may oe aclal!! et c, whcI'e OhnT l/c III malic .... . . ::5u and plump. Children love to take it. when crel1meries are supplied with average, 87 per oent. . cur in handlin g , Lf nurserymen r)ls plav AUvcrtlslul(. pur ln c h .. . ... .. . . . 1Uo mliit from tuheroular herds . A sin 'lover S'eed-prospect and se~dme'l are to be eenSllrflO We relurn people·1iI money wlIhont qnesllon U Vlnol Vis co unt s gh·e n . nil CO ntrIlC~. does nol accompllsb aU we claim lor II. Try It. pIe_e. gle cow with II. tuberoular udller m!ly with at I~verage 48 l~er oent. . more than ot~e~ business men for I nfect the en tire product of a Orf'IlOl_ t'ottltoes-lHell plan ted 132,013 lllx methods, I t IS bcCtluse they get J. E. JANNEY, Dru'~;ist, Waynesville. ery or skimming station, including !lore!! Rtock frolD doubtful sourco!c!, by ex· NOVEMDER 17, 11109. the mUk, butter, orellm and cheese Hogs-condition compared with change or purchnae, anll beclll1!~e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - consumed by human beings ON well 00 averllge 94 per oent i number to be they 8.0 ofren take the liberty: of s ub IlS the WA8te produots fed to animals. fu.ttened )ompllted wi th 1908, 76 per stl tU~~Dg a vtlriety whioh is "jU!!t as WAl,'rER ~lc()LUREf RAIL FENCE PHILOSOPHY 'fho droppings also of even slight ce~t . good f~r th e ODe or.dered . Ev ~n If Most of us g t all the hlLppiness ly tuberoular oattle, have been found VommeroiaJ Fertilizers-on what Ithe StatIon CQulel lOspect tWICe 11 Funeral Dire-: tor. we deserve and no less, Our fllil- to be highly infectious on accotmt per oent. of wh at Kround nsed, 61i yeur t~e stooks of t1evoral hundred ures are, for the most part, oar own of alBrge number of tuuerodle bacil per oent. fir mil 10 the state, who doal in trees Telephone day or i1ight. fault and we have only ourselves to Ii nearly Always presont io the diOhio's wheatarea for the 1910 har- and 8eed~, il would oot be po sible Vu1ley phone N\.). 7'. Lon ... blame it misfortune oomes. gestive truct of suoh animals. The vest, as estimated by t heoftiolal cor- to diltermlne whether the varieties Di tHoce N O. 69-~~. Be benevolent i bury all hickerings praotloe of letttDg pogs "follow" fllt reepondent!l of this Depurtmen'; which Ilre found growing were true in the boso~ of forgetfulness, , tening cattle und 8ubsistlng mainly show!! but Il smu.1l inore'JEl13 over the to nome . ~UOb less would it be pOb WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. Kindness kindles the fires offrlend on the undigested partioles of groin origiulIl fI tM sown for t.he ha.rvest sible to arrIve at any conclusion as Branch Office, Barveynburg. O. ship a.nd 10vi1. whloh are pioked out of tbe drop just past, being reported at 1721 030 to the results after exohanges hllve A basket of egge all of one size, ' plllgS, is another prolifio' soureo of aores, a8 dgllindt 1,711,047 ao~es b~en affected by the delllersllncJ sub oolor and appearanoe will creato a t·bediseaile. yoar . The area seeded is such thut stltutlons made, so that . orders may DR. H.E.HATHAWAY better impression amonR pri vate We see from this that losses from even thongh the yield per aore be filled, The ~tl~tiao omcillls are cognizllDt. ollBtomers than Il 'Pixed lot. Some tuberculosis are not oonfined to a should he far above Iln averllge, ,-V n,Y' 'leRville's Leading Dentist men make a suooess by guardi·Dg single speoie~ of animal, but that the Ohio OIiD not hope to produce a nor of the fuct that it is hard to fieri Office in Keys Bldg. Mllln S them Ilnd shipping to private CU8t.O· farmers' as well a the oonsnmers' mal orop. The oondition of the pure stock of trees and seeds, fo.r mers , If they can make rt pay you interests are affeoted on all sides by growing plant is estimlltes at 83 per many varieties come io it wrougly oertllinly should. the e.xitttence of the disease. oent oompared with an average named . Mannre will not wa8te 8S muoh 'J'hie matter is of such importance Early 80WD wheat is in a-promising There Is no oo~plete ret:l1edy for fertility in tQe field IlS It will In the to the swine industry of the' St.ate condition, bot a greater pllrt of the this state of Ilffliirs but it is a good average pile iu the bl~rnyfard·. that the Boartl of LIve f:)f,ook Com- area was seeded late and on many pla.n to learn something of a mun's' The horsene8ds daily exeroi e and missioners has ~ent Dr. Fieoher to fieJdtf the pll\nt is just appetl.ring reputa·tlon through his neighbors lIka, a variety 01 food. WaShington to consult with the fed above ground, while reports of its before buying trees of him. fl.J.en Talking ubout 0ur "shiftless" eral authorities in regard to intro- poor oondiUon are generl11 over the g~ early in the sellson and examine M cCALL Pi\T'I'l:RNS :c ~d ~;, ,·:i I q r .. , "', )!,Or fc rt Ii :,i.."pl:l i t" :lnd neighbors does not help them . Per- duciog methods lor controlling the Stilts: Cool weu.ther hilI:! seriously hl8 trees, If an order is Kivtln .speoi t ch .•hlldy IH a rl v 'I,) \ 1 .... h, Ii III ,;u,"l v haps " h~t of euoour\lgemeot dehv spread of this dlsell8e in Ohio.-F...~_ retarded lts growth, and shlluld we fy t;pat the trees must be of bis own c\' cry ( il)' IIlI d l l l " II 11' t ~ lo' n. d ~ l t ~I f.1. ,t C :l I) .lIh , CIt h y 11 1,Id cl I:O ,I. ' 1,1 J :1,,1 t !:::o ered stralgqt at t.heir hearts \\-ouid perlment f$tatlc;lD Bulletin . hll.vean early winter there is grave growing and that there mnst be no :111)' o l la ..: r 111 ;1 1,,:. !::i\.'MI h· .... ~ .' lI,l;UC An old stove in the 'w oodshed w'llJ Ie __ • du.nger that; the plant will not have substituting. If ordering from a Mer .\LL'S MA GI\ZI~; :;: l\ t Ol C ,..uh r;;f'rJhc·r l h 1 fl h f\ \ ('I thc' r fns ht nn make it a snug pI tICe in whioh t Forced into ExIle tl.ttaioed -s-ufficlent strength and distant firm seleot tho~e who adver m :lg-3zinc.- m lllll) n n m e n t !\ . ) 1\ •• ,II:Lhlc. LD.~ C5t . sly le s ! Jl.ll\\ 1'nco, f l n ..'~ ;-' lII n ' I nj.;. IlIllli ll Cry. mend the harness nnd ' do odli jObOI Wm. 1;1pchuroh, of Glen Oak, growth to withlJtand I's rigors. tise .in first ·olllss periodicllls and p ta m b C 'WI IIt!' . f. ln \y n l'CU l w o l '; . 1I.1 ildn.' si llg. t:llqUtl UC:, g ~Hltl tqri c,' cl e, " n ' v W ccnll a of ollrpentertng . Okla., was . a.n exil~ from home. Corn pr>speots show au Improve speCIfy as before, no substituting."onr ('~o r\r, (I" uhl~ ) . luclu dl n g " 1,,·. I,a llcrn. ~Ub fiC.;t bc toJ ;,y, 4>r sc: nJ for 5uI II Jllc cOl'Y. Take a polalca. Get next Mountllin air, he thought, would ment of 3 per cent· during the past, Experiment Station BulIetlO. W :mERFUL INDUCEMENTS · oure a frlghtfullung-rlioking oough th be . • - .. t o wh u t te h po1Itlolans 11'J '\· fc n t ~ . Po ~ t:1 1 hrhlJ,P'S p rrr d u m c:ttalo,ae are doing that had defled all remedies for two man ~ 109 estimated at 90 per :lIl d new :u.h l' ri%t: otTers. Au' lrei and learn in advanoe who is likely years . After six months he ra. cent oompllred wi&h an average. Young Oirls Are Victims fli t: McC.uJ. CO .• 238 to W W. St.. NEW YOU to be Dominated for town and· oonn- torned, 'death doggl~ his st.eps. While some correspondents ~eport of headaohe, as well 11.8 older women, ty omeers nex.t spring. If there ill "Then I began to use Dr. King's New that the orop is n~t husking o~ as but all get quick relief and prompt Dit9oovery" he It'd f . . oure from Dr. King's New Life Pills ' k ' ' wr P 8, 'an a tel' well as antloipated, the results gen· the world's 'best rem ' . " bad mu.n ill the lot turn out and <:::"' heu.......... b ,.j' ta iug six bottles I am as well I\S Silt u w.. ever." It saves thoul'ands vearly erally as to qllality and qUlintity are an I nervous headaobes, They make Don't whine. Whittle. from desperate lun8 diseases , In. most satlsfaotory, and the total pro- pare blood, and strong nerves lind • fallible for Coughs and ,Colds, it dis- duotion will exoeed that of last year build up your health. 'Try them. - - -s~e FIOHTINO OF THE SCALE pels Hoareen888 and 90re Throat. The tutal produotion of _pototoes 25e at Fred O. ~o~w:rtz :l'. --/ C~re8 Urip, Bronchltip, Hemor- f h • , . rho 8 A tb " "r or testate is estimated at 12,371, MEDICAL SOCIE,T Y Both t.he young ",nd the 'adult!' I .£e, ~ ma, vronp, Whooping '. Cough 500 nd 11 00 t i l btl 015 bushel,S. Corupareli wfth last TRACIE MARK' are now at worle, and the expert. . B ., r a 0 te free guaranteed by F 0 U-hwyrtz' year tbt. is an inoreas8 of appr"'xl , The Warren County Medical SocieDESIGNS £ COPYRIGHTS ct.a. ments of 'he pltst seasoo oO.D'firm tht' . , • _ .' . .-.u .. " mlltely three million bushels. ,., y met in Carnegie ~ibrary at Lebaq,~~.r.0n:.~~~emF ~u"rk~\r.~I~':tdl~:~n~G~ll'l,'!,:."3 forr,ner opinion of Profe86or H. A TOWN HAS BIO BOOM • - ••- - non Tuesday of last week, and th'e _ Im'en,f"" I. I,Wbnbl1 JlnlenLnhlo c.'nllllu"l""" UOIIUlrlcUynollfldontlnl. HANDOihK 011 f'nlonta Surfaoe that no inseotlolde will kill STOCK SALES following program was carried out: acllt frne. OhlCllt "r,cU01.for 8OCUrrnl1 ptllCllur. tbe adblts wlth~nt also destroying Urbana., hll8 lust landed another The Bloody D!SCharge ' Peculiar 1P~~'~1'~':t(~~~t1~~~~~t'!r:~~\11~'t~o o. rC L'tl I. . tbe l.,aves. '1 he young can be en ~rl>rise, The Kldllmazoo Tablet The Spring Va11~y Stock Sa~es will to Women, Dr. Alfred P. Ooie . ktlled with persistent a,ppUoation8! Box .and Paper (lo., the third in occur Saturday November 20th, and Cincinnati' Rabies Dr Ch I ' A hllnd80mcly 1II".'r8IOO "c~h',. J,nrflolt e ... th S R ' ,. ar es elllallm' oIf /IllY "elCl' tUlo J'''trl''!l\ 'rc.rno o. tlI • as .f or plant · lice spraying once in tbl'ee years . rhe others are the on the"thir.d Saturday of each . mon. ockhill, Cincinnati; President's 1''l:'Ur:Nf(lNur&",uc''toh·a''6LIBeo 'O~.~&I, U"eo"w·dyCRo,crl., ~our 01' flvo ~ays for a few Weekll paper mill Cedarville tried to get thereafter. CIty buyers assured for Address, Dr. N. H. Hamilton, FrankIII u_r greatly redoolDg the pest, Idhould fmd The Automdte', Tel ph C 70 g~od,horses of all classes. Excel- lin' Response for the Society D C 8rotncb omco.626l1' st.. w..... 'WI"". D. 0. j the life of the .tree be threlltened, Property has al,post ' d:n~:: j~ lent market for all live-stock. ' A ' Hough Leban' on- C jR r. ' t' ~!!!.!!!..~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!! S - V 11 . • ., ,ase epor sl ;;::; paint tbe blnk. of. the trunk' and price . t . pnng . a. eY'Commer<:Jal Club. ~d Volu·n.t eer pap~r~. Subscribe for the Ga'l ette ~~ the ~noh88 with ..h.giled lime-sul~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ph1;lr sa~t w~sh, or whale 011 s~I>, twopouncla to oneglillon, made,lnto ,.... , -'FOUNTAIN SYRINGES solution of the oonslstenoy of oom- . Long .b lack cloak on .Harveysburg mon paint by the addition of hot pike, October 19th, b~tween Albert ' ' water may ba il,ed. 'i'hls should Sh.eplierd''3 and Little Miami ,depot. '., no~ ootne in oontaot with 'oe leaves Finder please retl,lrn to Albert Shep-. bot may be used also nil a 'spray af~ herd.: : . 1. . . . .'~~.I1II..·. . . . ...; ter they fall. .01''''1 ' le I N

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MIAMI GAZETTE" 'WaynesviUe, OhiO. ' ,







'T he Miami Ga2ette


I!=======================.======;~ All Who

gua-rdInstant standing he omm:md.' ed that pr near pnration b lDad6 for the exp dltlbn to J erusillem. , '--"I will lead and set th pace;" he D. L. CRANE. commanded later In the day whe n t,ho expedition was ready to start. WAYNESVILLE, 01il0. good hc-nlth, with its bles in~, mllet un"But th e posltlon of the king Is In Story of the Wicked King derstanll , q\Jit~ clearly, tbntit involvel'! t he the midst of his army," expostulat d Antlo<;bull qu 3tion of right living with nIl tJl \.erm his attendant. Throughout al\ the turmoil ~he impllc. With proper knowledge of whnt Chat OD Intere8tin~ Topics of Many Kinds. by "BlIt to·day we will drive at Its head north pol remulns cool. BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" PREACHER ' and s e who Is this God who would is Ucst, pnch hour of re rcation, of rnjoy. • RecollDized Aut~ority By Its conduct Halley's comet Is fight tor the Jews," was tllc , boastful men!, o'f r.l1 ntCmp\ation nhd of elTor lila), t:8uslng a lot of goss'lp. reply, and giving command to his btl llIade to contribute to. Ii\';ng aright. charioteer to drive without ceasing, Royal weddIngs conttnue, and the T1nsed on the Second Book lof Mac- he turned and beckoned his generals A Harvest Home Party_ name of a state. Tbe slory here has Then the lise of medicines mny be dispeople of Europe continue to pay for In Sweden makesheaf a ceremony of the blanks correctly filled for the ben· pens!'.! with to advantage, but under ornbel:'s, chapter P. and army to follow . bringing In they the last ot wheat thpo:.. dinnry conditions in many inst.ances a "e.e.e ••• e.e._.e.e.e.e.e., With a rush and a roar ' lbe vast signifying tllat the "summer Is over eftt . of the hostesll. The south pole Is no doubt begin- ~ , ~ cavalcade of chariots and horsemen and the harvest c nded." With this In A 'handsome (Md,) fell In love with 8 simple, wholesome rom dy may be In\'aluwhom he all'macd wh en she was abl", I'f I"ken nt the proper time and the ning to f el DS It It were already las- ~ SEMON ~ TTE, : swept onward . But suddenly then mind, a hostess who Is noted for her (Miss.) (lll.), and who wa- sweeter than any n soed. e e was a flash from the clear bluo ov originality Issued Invitations tor a flow r of the (0 I.). Ho asked h r hn nd California Fig · yrup o. holds thnt it is True repentance never feels the ~ h · ad nnd above Ule rattle nnd tumult "Harves t Home" party at her place In In marriage, but h"r (Pa.) wished h r : There Is enough prosp rlty In the ~ Impulse of the bargaining spirIt. ~ or tit onrushing army a shriek arose the country, It Is now Quite the thing to wed bls wnr thoe (rle,,,,', tbo (Col.). nlikc · important t.o p'rcsent the subject who was rich, hut W~IO looke.' 111 It he hnd truthfully uncI to supplY 'tht' one pcrfcct ('ountl'Y now to give every sectlon a ~ That Is, repentance, ao called,: from th e' charlot of the ldng, and he not to re turn to town until the first come out ot the (Ark.). So he put th full ~bare . e which comes from a desire to es- e was seen to clasp both his hands to November, so the beaut\[ul foliage doctor ott by saying he would ( onn.) . laxnt j" ' to Ihose desiring it. { matter ( re.). But Ul0 lo\,or prcssed I th 's Syrup ot : cape Impending consequences of ~ hi s body while his face grew nshe n and the glories of autumn are enjoyed the = = = = = Conscquent y , e ompany him. nnd 8:11<1: "(Wy,) will (U.;, not glvo Lnkl\ lI11~hl~lln ('ontlnues to jest : wrong doing, Is not repentance. ~ with IIwful lind sudden pain. to the full. At this party, whIch was (Me. ) an answcr'" The 'fAth ol', bing a Figs ant i Elixir of Senna givcs genoml wltb those who Iry to cross It In gaso, '" Repentance, flrat of all, Is ~ Quickly his cllarlot was haltoJd, and glv n last year, too lute to get In the ..... t its lx-nrficial effcct! Ynnkee, answered his question by asl(- sutl'sfnel I'on , To ,,~ line laUIlCbE'R. e consciousness of the evil of e In gl' at contusion and wonde r the department owIng to the fact that It Ing another, "(Kan.) you support a wife?" and added blUntly that he fenred buy tho g(louine, manufactured by the ~ rest of the army drew up. must be lUade up several weeks In ad- his dnughter would have to (Wnsh.) tor How does It fcol to bo sprinkled ~ wrong doing. I d f nn l ~ Next, It Is complete surrender ~ Attendanls crowded around the vance, tit house and spacious verher living, should she tno.rry 80 poor 0 Californ ia Fig, ).'1'Up Co, on y, an or ....e wl tb star dust? Hlllley's comet uses the lower self to the higher: king and sought 'to rell ve his s ufferandnB were lite rally covered with gor: of mnn. The young man replied: "Although by all leadinlt dru~gists, that kind of celestia l confettI. .. __ _ _ _ __ e self whIch Is struggling for rec- e Ings, Awed und questioning looks on g ous oalt and maple leaves, as was I nm poor. no.) No mun. and I (Wis.) I oulrt slIpport my wlte. \R. I.) would not R MINOR Mr. Wu Tlng,Fung predIcts a great ~ ognltlon, ~ the ir faces showed t1~at th y had Ule low9r floor . ot tile great barn morry." . When he met his IIweetheart MAJOR 0 Third, It I. the turning, the ~ future for the Panama canal. In this ~ e e seen th e flash, and whlsp ring among wheJ'e dallclng took place at eight n xt mornIng at early (MMS. ) a nrt lold no one · wll\ qu estion his assertion. ~ right about face, from wrong to ~ themselves they began to sny that the o'c locl" The hours were from ftve to her ot the Intel'vlew, sho eald: "(Ln.) I love yoU no (Mo.) had you nit the e right, from evil to the good. e God of the J ws had reachetl forth ten, which just I)ermltted the making could wealth ot (Ind')." So thllY were marrIed A New J ersey womon wouldn't al· ~ Repentance I. a sincere 1m· ~ and smitten theIr king. of trains to and from the clt'y. at ('1'onn.) o'olock nnd the hUsband got low ber husband to kiss her and be ~ In spite of his pain An tlochus noted A novel feature was the playing at (Ariz.) In his profession. and thoro Is (0.) e pul.e 'of the heart which find. ~ e choked ber for It. Some women must e exprellion In the word and deed, ~ the looks and angrily demanded to the ba.nd composed of the workmen on to keep Ul em from being hnppy. be taugbt to mind. After this came a maJ)-drawlng con· : Judas repen·ted of the great : know w'hat they were saying. the place. They were mostly Gertest. The guests were handed large = = = = = ~ wrong which he had done, and e "Again cllrses upon the God ot tJ:te mans, and as each d partment had "This country never lacks for leadsheets of paper with pencils and told ers-;"'1lcoordlng to the vIews of a Mary- ~ turning hi. back upon the Chrl.t ~ ,Jews," he shrieked in response to Its own foreman with he1pers the ' 0/'- to draw any country tb,ey chose, wltb e who could .. ved him went ~ their abashed confession , "Press for. ganlzatlon was quite complete as well land edItor. No; the trouble Is that :e ward! Why do you etop? Shall the AS unique. They played for the dan- a tew prmclpal rivers, mountains and : out and h.nged hlmlelf, Ooere are no followers. ~ The thief on the croll .ud- ~ king who can command the seas and clng, and to a most stirring maroh clUes; to write their names and the. Mr, LunnoD- l Sl .,pose I may ad· Lord Beresford keeps on seei ng war e denly strlck.n with a full con- e level the mountains h esltat,,? ThInk th ey led the gay party to the last name of the oountry on the back and ,Jr ss you as majo\', s ir! Every man ahead for thl! Brlt1sh empire. Tbe : scloullnell of the wlckednell of ~ you there Is a god that dare Ta y finger sheaf ot wheat In the lIeld. It was pin the paper on the wall. Then all III these southern stat s seems to be kaiser must appear to him as a night- ~ hla life turned In true repent- ~ upon Antlochus, mu 'lt less the God of laid In the pony cart belonging to lhe had to guess what was what. The n colon I or a major. ~ ance toward. his only .ource of: the despised J ew? This Is naught but ten,year·old d~ughter ot tbe house, one who guessed the most 'correctly re- Texas Bill- I'm no major; I'm a mare In all his dreams. ~ help and fpund .olace In the e a passing pain," and gripping th e edge who drove the prettily decorated ceived a prize. Slips at paper were mlncr. '-There Is talk of getting milk direct e promise of Je.u. of • pl.ce with ~ ot the charlot rim bofore him and pony Into tlle barn, where the sheaf then passed containing the names of SUFFERED TERRIBLY. trom cow to consumer. Maybe cow : him In par.dl.e_ ~ biting his lips till the hlood came, In was placed In the middle ot the clean- two rivers, whIch were to be woven I n the .trlklng bIt of hlltory ~ desperation he sought to withstand Iy swept floor and the hostess paid a Into n rhyme. The r esults were read specials oan be run In from the dairy ~ districts night and mornlllg. ~ which I. ulOd I I the ba.l. of our e the pain with which he was torment- tribute to Ceres, a health being drunk aloud and were very amusing. ' Float- How Relief from Distrellling Kidney Trouble Was Found_ • story, we find the proud and ~ ed. And when the sutterlng would In mulled cider made on the place and Ing \ Island and small sponge cakes In Chicago two women tought a ~ villainou. king, Antlochus, bow- ~ beoome unbearable' he would break !lel'ved by the hoste,8s. After a supper were served. The prizes were Inter• e ~ deadly duel with knives and pistols, ~ Mrs. EUzab th WoIt, aS8 W. Morgan Ing hi. he.d In remorse when ~ forth In nwful curslngs and command ot fI1ed chicken, balled ham, hot mut- esUng foreign prints framed jn plain but they are always deadly when ~ broLight on by 1\1 • • In was rot-: his oharloteer to push his horses still ftns, rl~e and tomatoes cooked to- wooden mouldings. St. Tipton; Mo" says: '·!nflamm.a Uon MADAME MERRI. , 0 'the b I add €I r tbose kinds of weapons are used_ gether with shrimp, which the colored • alng aw.y hi. body, and he e faster. re cbed Its climax : sought to buy deliverance by an ~ Such was the desperate detetmlnacook sold was "Jumbalaya," tea, cofA Bclentlst declares that ohlckens lAst spring and J suf· ~ tlon of the man. But the endurance ot fee, Macedolne of vegetable, snlad attract rat.,. We have orten wondered ~ outward .how of devotion, fered terribly. My ~ "But for all thl.," the : the most strong-wUled and wloked has and pumpkin pie, the dancing b' e gan . how It Is that women who keep chick. back 'ached and ~ record, "hi. p.ln. would not e Its llmltatlons, and suddenly as the After a tew Informal dances there ens alwa115 dress their hair so stylpained so I could e cease; for the Ju.t Judgment of ~ charlot jolted violently over iln un- was what the hostess called a "Farm! -hly, hardly get around -: God was come upon him," : usually rough piece of ground, An- el'8'" cotlllon, because all the ftgures Long sashes are being 'Worn with and the secretions In Hebrewa we re.d thla re' : tfochus toppled over with an unearth. pertained to work on the tarm, and coat suits. With scions of the reigning houBeB -: were scanty, free Iy shriek of pain. the favors oonslsted of big straw hats, of Italy, Portugal and Greece wooing ~ m~rklble p•••• ge: Paris is offering all sorts of bats exQuent ot passage 'Looking diligently lest any ~ Instantly the charlot was halted and sunbonnets, whips, milking sfuols, Un cept sma1\ ones. American, brides our pretty belresses e and painful. ' I wall I f I llalls, spades, rakes, hoes, etc. It was villI literally be having a royal time ~ man fall of the race of God' : White cony will he a leader 1n fur tired atl the time and very nervous. 1 • le.t any root 0 f bl tterne ••• ~ e' the thrown on, all very original and ' pretty. Cider In tbe ~atrlmonlal way, ~ Feararmy filledngaln every heart, nto for con theyus had cants tor young' girls, ' began using Doan's Kidney Pille, and ~ .prlnglng up trouble you, and e seen the flash trom the heavena, and ' frappe was on hand tor the dancers, Oold braid will figure promlnentlr after taking a f~w boxes was cured A man In 5t. Louis wbo ga'?e a wo- e thereby m.ny be defiled; le.t ~ the news that the king had been as a coiffure ornament. man bls seat In a street car fell out of -: there be any fornicator, or pro- ~ stricken spread like wild fire from lip and have been well ever since." A Geographical Party, Corsets are longer over the bl[l8 but the car window. Perbaps she thanked ~ fane per.on, '••, who for a : to 111>, Remember the name-Doan's. Sold This was given by a gay party of out lower at the top. blm politely tor the seat, and the sud- ~ mor.el of, meat .old hi. birth- e by all dealers, 50 cents a box. ' Foster. Attendants hovered over the king oung people and all pronounoed it 'a Newest' belt buokles and pins com· deD shock made bim lose bls balance_ ~ right. Fer ye know how that ~ and sought to r elieve his paIn. A litMUburn Co., Buffalo, N, y, success. The Invltattons had the bloe mother of pearl and jet. .fterward, when he would have ~ ter was Quickly Improvised and he That 'Got Him_ A Washington judge declarea that usual day, date and hour, with the Pucls are stili worn, but are small A thllatrlcal manag r delighted In motbers-tn-Iaw are a mucb-abused -: Inherlte~ the ble •• lng" he Waf • was placed thereon. Thus carried the and Irregular In shape, Iven, w hi ch exp1a Ined a wee and hs.oft jingle g scarab Is a leader among dectailing a rise out of cone \ted or vain , class. and that many tblngs said of ~ rejected. for he found no plaoe : army proceeded slowly, but as the bit thlLc.hnrac.ttu:..OILln.e..AII:au:.-c~u-&+~"--7' days passed and hIs case grew worse, youth aptly expressed It, "what you orations for pins and dainty buckles, members ot his :om 'any. 1- - --. them are slanders, Would be attack ~ of repentance, thoU~h he .ought ' . ~ so that worms rose up out of his body were up against." . "I see you are getting on talrly the very corner-stone of estabUshed • It ::,,,Ith m.ny tear.. For fall wear many double veDs o.f Bring f~,rth fruita meet ~or • and the filthiness of his smell was : well," he remarked. ::::-.-;-:---=:-;-------::-::-=::----+l!mrrtrustlng- colors--are belog offered. humo,I'-'f.--All guests to win 1\ prIze Red Is .-.... ' brliliant e.xceptioD to .tb e ~ re~ntance, was John the Bap-: noisome to all who came near, he Should "Fairly? 1 am getting on very we ll," on who the 'wnnt aUIlll glue their eyea:' The jrepresentaUves of 36 nations, ~ tlst. me ••age, and It II the mea- • lost hIs proud and blasphemous spirit Brulih up their knowledge, ' cram their' rule that makes for, dull hUed colors. replied the hero of the play, promptly. aome 01 them from 'the enda of the ~ lage we need to-day. ~ and thought to bargain with this qod Sleeves In I little girls' dres8es are "I plaY\ld Hallliet for the first time pates earth, sat do~ to a dinner at the eY.Y.y.yeyeYe •• yeYeyeY.Ye~ of the Jews, whom he now k~ew had With abbreviated states: tuller, long, and have' ot~en one or two last night. You can see by the pa~T lth mapa ot many 11 forell:lJl clime, New York Hud.s on-Fulton celebration pers'. glowing criticisms how well 1 And rIvers they must put In rhyme. puffs. stricken him. ' the ' other day. I,t 81mply show8 bow The first stunt was ~o Tead the folDog collars In velvet are being em- Got on." THE STORY, "It Is meet to be subjeot unto God," In this twentieth oentury ot the Obrls"{ bave not read Ulem," replied tbc lowing "stately story" and fill In the broidered In tiny budll and ftoweta to he exclaimed one day_ "A man that era the world 18 getting aCQ.ualntother, quietly, "but I wI's there." ERl:1SALEM, you say, Is the place Is mortal IIhould not proudly think of blanks wltll the abbreviations at the natural colors. . ed witb Itself. "Oh, you wer. Well, you noti cet. where the God of the Jews has hlmselt, as If be were ,God. If this .... _____ ...._-...._~.......,....."'...~........._,.. .."..._ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..._....._ _ _ _.._ _ how swimmingly everything went ,off? his dwelling place," thundered AntiGod of the JQ"Vs wlll withdraw his Spain's troubles In Morocco are not Of cou,rse, I made a bungle or ot".> all 'due to the fighting ability of the ochup, In derision. "This Ood, you hand from me, the holy city ot Jerupart by falling Into Ophelia's grav", Moors and the tribesmen. The propo- say, lights tor his people, By the "ods salem shall be set at liberty and her tut I think the audlenco appreclat a that ' watch over and give Victory to Inhabitants will I make as equals with altlqn 'to seize and hold Tetuan Is op~"en that." posed by several of the European pow- Antioohus will I come to Jerusalem, the citizens of Athens. And I will "I know they did," said the manand make It the common burying garnish the temple with goodly gifts, ers, and faCing hostlllty from that ger, with a Slight smile; !'but they ground of the Jews." And In a rage, and restore all the holy vessels that quarter is a serious proposition. were , frIghtfully sorry whee you terrible to ~ee, the great warrior have been retooved. Yea, and the cllmbcd out of It again! " __Daugbters of the American Revolu- strode up and down In his palace at sacrifices shall be ~onUnued at my extion have appealed to the postmaster Eobatane, while awtul cunlngs ftowed pense, and morel I myself wtll beTwo Item., , general .to restore the head of ' Martha from his lips In a pertect torrent come a Jew ·and go through alI the "I suppose wltb all this modern Waehlngton to some, one of tbe stamps , Only the day before he had reached world proclaiming tbe power of Ood." prison phllaathropy, abolishing stripes ~_ _ _ of the present series No doubt the Ecbatone, and the bitte r defeat which But as the days went on there came and oonvlct uniforms generally, they request will be complied with. The be had suffered at the handll of the no cessation ot his pain. Rather, Inwill soon Introduce dress suits tor the recognition Is deserved and will In- Persians at Persepolls when he had deed did he grow worse. So he dlwt'll-behaved prlsonel's In our penal volve no vlolaUon of precedents. cone about the robbing of their tem! , rect~d hIs secretary to write to' the Institutions." pie still rankled In his veins. For this J~ws at Jerusalem after this manner: "Well, you know, thcy already give The trips of exploration to find the "Antlochus, king and governor, to convicts walcttes and chains." pole have developed the tact tbat reason he was III prepared to hear of there Is unlimited coal In Greenland the rout or Nlcanor's army by the the good Jews, his citizens, wlsbeth Mistaken Identity, and Ellesmere Land. This ought to Jews under Maccabeus. had been much joy, health and prosperity. If "I always dId enjoy that scene In Il defeat and retreat before the fren- yo and your children fare well, and calm the pessimistic whose minds art which Hamlet comes out and soliloweighted with the harrowing knowl. lied host ot a mighty city, but Nlca- your attal'r s be to your contentment, I Quizes," said Mr. Cumrox. had lost over 30,000 or his army give great thanks to God, having my Illdge that there Is coal enough lett to nor "My dear," re plied his wife, "YOU when contending with only 6,000 hope In heaven." last only for a few thousand more are confused again. You Il,ave gotten poorly-equipped Jews. Such deteat Antlochus paused In his dictAtion years, Hamlet mixed up with that vaudeville aeemed Inexplicable and In excusable, "Surely," ' he exclaimed to his secperson' who 'comes out and throws his when the messenger who brought A Roman paper says that every- and voice." the tidings went on to declare that retary, "this wlll please the Jews, and \ thing Italian Is despised In the United the Jews had a mighty God who they will plead with their God to send States. This Is an extreme statement Bea'ten by Nature_ fought for tl\em he laughed In mad relief to me. Write more,'" he comand an unjust one, but Italy has Itself Wal5gs-! had the laugh on my wile derision and burst forth with the manded: ' to blame It Its Mafia and "Black y stElrday. "As for mll, I was weak, or else, I Hand" gan~s have not Increased re- proud boaat with which our story Boggs-How did It hapllen? opens. He would heap contempt upon would have rem'embered kindly your spect and admlraUon for the nationalWasgs-We were out driving and the God of the Jews. He would make honor and good will. I pray, thereIty wblch al>parently Is either unable she discovered an ocho that beat he r Jerusalem a burying ground for the fore, and request you to remember or unwilling to suppress them. out of the last word.-Stray Stories. despised Israelites. tbe benefits that I have done unto you Doston Is rejOicing over the ' laot "But it Is Nlcanor hImself who de- generally, and In special, and tbat Some people would drown with a life ' that one ot the great transatlantio clares thIs," expostulated the mes- every man will still be lalthful to me preserver nt hand. The), are the kind t~at 8uffer from, RheUlnlltl~m nnd NeuritJsteaIr.shlp lin es has placed an order senger. "He says that the God of the and beseech · your God that b0 with1;11\ when they can get HamlinR Wizard for a steamer of 20,000 tons to be Jews came down between them and draw tbe hand that has stricken me." Oil, the best of. all pain remedies. Day atter day as he grew no better, ' placed OIl the Boston.Llverpool route, hIs strong army so that he was powUndoubtedly this wllJ be an advantage erless to do them hurt. And when but rather worse, did he Inquire of his Fools In glad rag!! are often permitto Doston, which will !Jave pne of the wIth boldness he sought to push 'the attendants: ted to rush In w~lere Ulilaundered largest and most modern vesseis at battle thIs God ot the Jews turned . "Think' you not that the God of the hobos would be knocked down and 'dragged qut. fta service. But one cannot help feel- and cast a spell upOn hIs arm) so Jews will hear , and. send· relief." . Ing that there would be still mo e that they fell betore the swords ot the And · when reilet came not, the .old Elrgs. Egg8, , MQre 'Eggs I I get ,'twlce a8 cause for rejQlcln! 'were the big ship Jew8 as the wheat straw. tails ,bf!tore .blasphemous bitterness return.ed to hla mBny ggs Winter tlnd Bumm r sine , t to saU under the Stius and Stripes In- the hand ot the reaper." dl ~covc r d IJ. new metholl how, tin~ what heart, for he had not repented of his w!1I mak o, lIens 10)' mp l·t) fl!l'RII' Jt'l:J (rae. stcad of a ,fore lj:(n flag. Agahi the , derIsIve, half-ma~ laugh Wickedness, but rather sought relief "rl tEl, ,Mrs. r.. All ey, Now hIllqrld, Mo, of Antlochus rang through the great from the su~er'lng whlcti '~~c'klld hili Contentedness In all ' aocldent., If the Belgian ' postal authorities a\ldlence ,room, and agaIn he swore body. .. . . ::. l)rl.n~s 'grllat ,~oace of spirit; and 11'8 ·the. base their recommendation for the use awful curses ,agalnst the God of ' the , ,ThUli the murderer and 'blasphemer, grent, ane} . onlr Instrument. I~ tElmporor different colored envelopes to slgnl- Jews and boasted what he would do having suffered fuost grievou~IYI die", al 'fellclty,-Jeremy 'taylor. .' .' fy given destination tor letters put with t heir temple. a miserable death In a strange land. Into B~lglan malls, up~n, a knqwn , will"But It this God ' of the Jews 'Is , a And PlIlUp, who was brought,'Up with Ingness on thc art. ot the p~ople to living God and' does come to, the aid Mm, 'carrled away hla body ~lld ' co·operate. wjth , the !ov~rJlment In of hili! people," ventured ' the 'contl- burled ~lt, s lmplt!yipS the tral!smleslon ot. postal ', d'e nUal ' adv1seJ', who ' was ' ~~ndlng --...--..,.....:---:,,_, ni.n ~~el', then a splendid s.plrlt of one- near. : ' .' • Folks who !I{J ,d,o,\"n Itt a, '!ott' ,place "Would you tau.nt me ,with weak- , hope that It ~s an elevator an.d find it , ness ·\>t Interest 'must exist In' the llttle country. For the United Statea to sug- nes., and I,e ar?I' fairly beJlowe~' .An: Ii glue pot. " Best anY,sucb thing would be 'apt to be tlochus, Uvld with rage.. "Doea not ,.". _ on the le:tt .~.II' 'UA of .. '" ., cloth, and I~ ~o'n. with 11n1l . looked 'UPOD by Ame~lcan citIzens III 'Antloehus stand among the Bod.-, ~d SOme wbo talk -wlthlUlction OR fa... :rhe 001l1lP .t:JCi tIMI o~ . . if 091'dect e11,,' ln bl.cI~ , the ••• tt- on the au-' un",ah'atlt84 IDterference. "IUt whO 1J thll 'God of tbe Jew8 that we, ,'Worklnlr lot llDDera' al'8 but ,,"orklDl Of ."iIl. """ broadcloth, with "'\mm""~a of .UIe aM .~lIk ClOy. U Ir rlabtl aDd l1bflrtJe. .boul4 Jear bJm1" Tb:,u turDiq ,to ~e uhite. ' . ' .ted i


Woul4 E11ioy





- ...AmerJean-



Autumn Street Suits





".irt .,.,.''•.1011•• I





AMAGIll by fi eld mice nttracted the a ttention ot the ranchmen In the lower part of H um· boldt valley, Nevada, earl y In the spring of 1906, and became se· vere during the fol· lowing summer . l no- t he fall and winter of 1906, and became severe during the follo wing summer. In . the ' fall and winte r of 1906·'07 . . ._ . _ damage had lncreased until fields here and there In ' the valley were seriously In· lured. By October, 1907 , a large part of t he cultivated la nds In this district had "eon overrun by vast numbers of mlce. The yield of ha y had been r eo duced by one·thlrd; potatoes nnd root crops were largely destroyed ; ma ny .lfalfa field s were r uined by the mice eating the roots of the plants, Qnd the complete destruction of this, the chief crop In the valley, was threatened. The height ot the plague was reached in Novem ber , when It was es· Umated that on many la rge ranches there were from 8,000 to 12,000 mice to each aore. The fie ld s were riddled by their holes, scarcely a step apart, ave raged 150 to 176 to the sQuare rod. honey· Ditch embankments we re combed, a nd the scene was one of devas tation. Serious losses In hay and . root crops during the . summer proved but a sllght forerunner of the damage whloh began In .the faU wlth the eMs· Rppe aranc ~ of green food. - Burrowing

Ne rvous l.ady- Don't your experiments frighten yo u t er ribly, professor ? I h o r that you r assistant met with a horri ble death by fa iling fou r thous and feet froUl a n a roplane. Bold A "I at r- Oh, that report waa g l' atly xagg rat (1. Nen·o us Lndy- Exaggerated ! How ? Bold Al'into l'- l t wu sn 't m il ch more t hn n t wo Iholl snnd t1\'e hund red feet that h' fell.

RASH ALL OVER BOY'S BODY• Awful, Crusted, Weeping Eczema

Cure Achieved by Cutlcura.

t hese creatures that It att racted t he ntte nt lon and secured the protection of th fa rmers, many even s!,arln g the coyote, whose services as 11 mouse des troyer deserve to be more wid ely r ecognized. In Nevada coyotes were fr eQuently seen ca tching mice In the day time, and t heir droppings we re composed entirely of mou se ' fur Ilnd bones. It Is deplorable that, even when their usefulness Is as a a rent as here, some persons con ue to des troy valuable birds and mammals. During the Investigations In Humboldt valley no less than 29 large hawks were found hanging on wire fences, their useful Bves end ed by thought· less g unner s. The striking evidence of the valu· able serv\ces of the na tural ellemles of mice seen du ring this plague Is but an example of their constant value. Hawks, owls,-gulls, crOW8, ra vens, herons nnd shrikes among birds, and skunks, coyotes, foxes, weasels, bad· gers, and wildcats among mammals, habitually prey upon field mice, and nre most valuable In pr eventing undue Il:Icrease of these pests. Thorough studies have shown hawks to be most beneficial allies ot t be farmer, orchardist IlIId nursery· man. Most species rarely, and many of them By March 16 we re reoelved trom KLng river, Quinn river, and Oarson and Smith valleys, Nevada; from nevel', attack poultry. In 'the Nevada valleys poisoning, supall s pecies of hawks and owls are dlstincUy plemented by W eber river valley and from Sanpete and I natural agen. . Utah counties, Utah, and from Honey Lake ben eficial, and here rigorous protection cannot be too strongly advocated. cles, h.a d de· valley, California. In none ot these 10c!loUties w a s the damage s o extensive as in Humbold t Amoni ma mmals the wensel and the s kunk stroyed the are especially worthy of protection. They are mioe on se·v er· va lley. though plagues of like seve ri ty were mos t persistent enemies of mice, and are less pialinly threatened . al thousands of On l ea rning of seTere ftarnage by mice In ltkely to be driven ou t by clvlllzation than are where Ilcres other mammals. 'Vhen par ticula r indlvldunls they we re. most Carson valley. 11 hundred mUes s outhwest of I r aid poultry houses It may be necessary to LovelockB. in AprU, 1908, destroy them, tbough usually It Is easy to the Unl t:~d States blolog· make such houses proof again st their aUacles: Ical. surve y sent several FAr from bein g a menace, th y are generally assis tants' to. the valley to most b en e fi ~l a l OJ(Inunals, a nd, li ving, are down abou t the plants, and extending their und~gro~nd che~k the threa tkned worth mn ny t imes t.he va lue oC their pells. runs ri·om root to root, they either killed or seriously In· . plag ue. Carson and Hum. It Is gratify ing to note that In ma ny locall· jured t he alfalfa. . By November they had dest royed so boldt valleys are aUke In ties t he people are learning to appreciate t hose large 11 percentage of the plants that m!lJly fields were na tu ral enemies of rode ut pests, for even more 'plowed up IlS hopelessly ruined. They attaoked also the having large areas in al· Importan t tha n legis lallon for t he protection of faUa borde red by desert rooUi of trees sel'lously Injuring or Quite destroylng or· valuable birds and ani mals Is tho recognlUon cbbrC:ls. Th ey kUled mOl>t of the youn~ shade trees planted lands, on whlcb field ml.:e of t heir services by th farme rs. do not live . On a trac t of Illong dttch s, a nd so comple tely girdled large Lombardy 'In Nevada It was noticed tha t hawks and about 2,600 acres near a nd poplars that In some cases . they caused the owls hu nted hletJy In fie lds near th e low pl an· death of even such hardy trees. Mluden ml ~e were found taUobs of IIlrg t rees to be fount!. In the vnl· 'rhe gt Ilt ~ajorlty of rnnobmen knew nelt~ er what to to be excess ively abun· leys. Be nea th these trees the ground was dant, and ' In some fields expect from such .great numbers of mice nor how to 'obeck fairly caJ'peted by disgorged p,,1Iets ot fur and them: Such plagues had usually b.~ en.' allowed 10 to 25 per ' o·ent'. ot the bones, reprcsntillg t housandll of mice. While ~run ' their cOllfs9 unW brought to an end ~y. , alfalfa plants had Illready cei'tahf s peoies of hnwkll seldom freQuent natural all;encles. Hence It Is pot. surprlslug been destroyed. Severn I trees. oth ors bablt ua lly pe.t'ch In the m, notably that in Humbo)d't valley no concerted or sys· abundant, and the Jlla~e was broken before smaller centers' were slmUarly 'affected, while the large rough·leg, Swalnson, a nd red· tall, tematio ' effects to suppress the plague In Its 'the remaining alfalfa fields bad been overrun. over the ... alley generally the mice were some· which the most a1mndant and persistent ~arUer atages were undertaken, but after the In scattered centers mice' continued In de· what 'In excess of normal numbers. This was mousers. Structive numbers unth May, but without re- \ a condition slmUar to t.hat presented In Hum· mice swarmed In thou8ands over ,the fields It was estimated tltat during the height or many attempts were made to dest,roy them by gaining . to any con,s lderable extent by repro- boldt valley during the spring ot ~~07, and the outbreak birds und mammals destroyed dlatrlbutlng wheat poisoned wlth · phosphorus. ' ductlon they steadUy decreased. Later In the young of all sb:es . were abundant. Examlna· some 4-5,000 mice da.lly. Although their comThese, ~owever, were spasmodic an'd generally summer they had almost disappeared from the tion ot many temales, a large percentage or bined assaults unaided did not s umce to abate proved tutlle, as the lields experimented o~ valley. . which were pregnant, showed' an average ot the plague, yet whe.n the number of mice was . ere quickly relnva'ded from adjo~nlnK ~ands. The scourge of mloe had swept over about from six to seven young, whUe In a number as reduced by polsOl~. and long belore It ap~hlle a tew fields favorably ·located 1fere four·lltths · of the .cultlvated area ,In the lower many as ten were fou.nd. Although alfalfa was proached the normal. they were able not only \ save:d bY earlY' 'polso~lng, the .results of such part ot Humboldt valley. Of 20,000 aores In already well grown, turnlshlng the mice abun· tln8ystematlc efforts amounted to . pt:actlcally alfaICa, about 15,000 were so "seriously Injured daut rood, by systemlltio pqlsonlng, under the . to prevent Increase, but to cause a rapid de· cline, which continued until the mice became nothlil, In overoomlng or' ~ven mat~rlally as to require plowing and replantlng. · Over direction of the ' ~loloBlcal survey ' men, they so scarce that the' predatory birds and mam· , , ~ost of this area the alfalfa was replaced J>y were so elfo!ctlvely reduced' in the' Infes ted obec1Ung the plague, .' . mals were forc ed to scatter and look else Tbe preparation In general use by ranch· . grain crops for the season of 1908 at great ex, areaS as not to be dangerous again during the whe re for food . It Is fair to Infer that had inen (!Onslsted of wheat treated wl~ a atrong pense a~d los.s, since good, alfalfa lands pay season-In other word ii, a' plague was averted. these fri end s the farmer been protected In aolution .. ot yellow phosphorus In carliOn bl· gross ' returns ot from '60 . to ,70 per acre; The results actually obtained ·here prove the beginning they would have been able from while goOd grain crops return only '35 or $40 that mouse plagues can lie checked. It takes ' sulphide a · obeap and effective polson for field the flrs t to hold the mice In check, prevenUng mice; b~t In'nammable, explosive, and danger· acre. se ,·eral fleasons to produce a general plague of the abnormal Increalie so that there would Tho .shortago of hay Oil the ' Rodgers ranch, mice, and damage Is noticeable for at least a ou's to birds. As a result of its extenBlve em· ha ve been no plague. 'ployme~t" in the ·valley, Callfornla q.uall, an In· where 2,200 acres were In alfalfa, waa estimat· season before a serious outbreak occurs. The mouse wh.lch produced the plague III N& . troduc::ed species, were declplated, and mag· . ed at 2,000 tona. On Anker's ranch ·of .650 acres Though natural agencies may be depended ' plea,' grow", meadow larks, and amaller seed· ' It was esUmated at 600 ,tons. Other ranches . upon to pvercome auch abnormal numbers vada, locally known as "black mouse" Is the Carson field mouse (mlcrotus mon'tanus ), one eatl~l; bl"'d9 suffered e~tre~ely. On one Gcca· suffered'n proporttou. 'nnli' the .oss bf hay In finally, yet, \Jnlela active represslV:e measures .Ion ~'f horned lar~s were foun~dead ~n about the valley ·amounte!1 . tonot .less than ,50,000. are taken, enormous damage to crops 'wlll .reo[ the numerous species of short·talled field .four :, aores a few bpura after. t~e poisoned .' W. C. p~tf, who farms '1,400 acres (alfalfa, ~ult. Control, easy at fi1'st, beconi~s ··more and mloe or meadow mice, a group which has gratD h.d b eeD dlairlbuted. F,ortunately hawks. 8sUmatea his complete lo~s ~t ,20 per acre. m'o re dtfftoult as the mice Increase In nu~bers, caused ead del}tructlon In various parts . ' .. owls, lull.: and ravens ' were not affeoted, but or .$28,OQO. John Font e8Umates his damage and, atter a plague Is well established, Is verr of the world. This field mouse Is rather widely distributed In the valleys ot Utah, Nevada, . many~'kUDks apd d,o mestlc cats were klned as '.. on I,OO/) acres ~t '20,000, and '~r, : Anker can· . expensive, . In Humboldt . valley, In tbQ beginning, a lit· northeastern CaU!ornla and eastern Oregon. tfie result or .eathig mice dying or d~ad of P~OB" siders his loas on ,6~O acres to be '8.QOO. Mr . · pho~* . . ! .Several J\c.Ctdents occurred In b~n· We]lb, on the .R odgers , ran~ . lig,u res the com· tie . poisoning with green. alfalfa ' or 'crushed In nearly all .parts of the United Staten shortdUliIr the Sc)lUUOD, ,aild cue.~ of f.tal pol~1l1ng plete IpB8 on 2,200 ~cr.ea, part of whlcb pays wheat would have suft\ced to . prevent the tailed field mloe are among tha most abun· 01 Ute Ito),k were ·treq~~nt. .' I , : - . .' qo,n slderably JBhort . of _ the ·best r~turns, at ·, plague. During the fall and winter ot 1906·'07, dant of mammals, and a number of specIes In widely separated localities have occasionally . 8e-nral attempts by 'ranc)lm~D to Induce ilon· , ~3.0,500. '".' r. /: ~ wben .the . ~Ice seriously 'Injured fields here •exhibited the .s ame tendency to excessive In· . tia!QUs dlsea.~. lUnC?ng' UUl inJceb:r meaDS ~t . c:ar~rul conslderaUon of 'the lo~ses I~ hay, ·. ,:,nd ther~,. UJey could )lave been destroye~ t;re~"e, IndtcaUng that favoring ' conditions mL! ,.• c1ie~d bacterial p~p'ara~o~a .1~1e4. ; ", pa8tura~~, toot .crop,l, aDd treelll ~e e~enllle wtt)lpolipned ' alf~lta hay. Even du~g .the Cbf4lfl;" thrpUlh ilie , ~pera~9n : , ot.... ~r..1. of re8tl:iiing ",lf~ra flel!!ii tb tJ!.1I~ ,(o~er con· ot laOV' oonoerted and vigorous ;»o."lson•. produce m~)Uae ~la~es wh ~rever the mIce eJ... George II .We'bb. j~~agejl· o( ~e"lafJe R04BefB , . dlU,on., ·...4 de4 )1cUng the :vatu,e . of 'a KfBId Jog "ould h.le ~estro:r.ed ~'em a t a Cfl8t .• maU 1st. Even when ,In small numbers tbey ' de_oil. *,.It'ePlilUc ' esp'ertl!len.t. <~tp dea~oy,': th~ ',': crop -.f or 19,08 .m owl tbe. ave~~ . IOu .lb. be .. blde~ In comparison' with th- ' da~e the~ . stroy conl\ldera~~e clover and . alfalfa and In' . JUre orC)bard8.: nurseries and, root crops. pe~.. ~det'takeD -,"~~1 j.""DUaJ,:T•. 19,(I~,bt '. abOut .20 per aCl'e •.. o.n ttaJa ..ali the ~~qe IJl~lcteiq~tfil.r. . ," "'. tile tiloloatcal 8111)f81, dem~!lstrated tJiat st1!* .to. Ufe: nile,. nmQunted. to ,aoo.ooq., ' e~" ~he m.ny "amatka~le 'features of the Thill til ~he fi~st ~~ordedlnstauce o( an lrrupUon of lield 1;ucle In North America aUalnins m~..,pl.",e. c:~ be ~nf.t'Oll~4 aDd ~e. 1I'O&,t- .• """ S~Ultaneoll~11 with tbe P!~ ~ tile· lower mo,!" plague In. Humboll\t valley, noue Is Of. ar Pan', of· ~e losse. ~teVl!Dt", . The exPi'J'l;... JIart or Humboldt." ,alle.y Dilce a~p~rec1 .. ....,a~r slJllUloance, than the large .numbers Of, tbe proportions of . a plaSU!t. The experience Indlcatea ~e probablUti or future and eveD ~e1l~ Jor til. aumt ~ved~t IQice ~ be , }!JltmftOU8 , DUmberl' farther ~ the ' Humboldt blrds!'Dd w:lileh gathere4 to feed .more dllaltreus outbreaks, In the extensJve etrectt...,.",d ettroyect .1D "Iater ~" att.u.: u:r tlnr IUld Its trfbutarlee .bot,lt Winnemucca. OD the, mice, . UDder rows .,r tree8, .bOut tJae ieel.tmed ~reu of the 'Wei' the abundant food poI~Ia9:D:__Y1;th . . eulpbate. lIl4 tbIa Sa~ MOllD~ ud in Parad~ u4 LIttle ..... or fen'l4l poata, . an4 8cattered everr, PI ".. recollUHllilled III tbe ' Humb9ldt 'falleno A.a the laDdll' Infellted ,. . wbere In- the fields "ere regurgitated pltUeta and luxurlous CQvet furnllhed., by alfalfa field. ud ~e dlUe. Qf irrtgatlon ditches, which attlle ~ ~ta1ota .ere obleft1 .JI'88t b&tural baJ of 'fir uut boD.., affordlJalr .bUDdlUlt lql'\\ \J)ece mloe .ultable homes alone t.elr oft' red . and wU4 . . tile .....c•• ,tDdered b,·ill. blrQ. lela .. 04 DW.. tile whUe tela. banD, ITofib' Cator theIr 1Dcreaie, wblle IU1'o d•••rt. 00Il41~ Umlt illa aprud .. i::\";IIIf.t<..N IMIl .=~::~= aIlIl 0U)'0\eI. roWldhic mle:, tlae ;ciultlYltec1 . ~ ,~ _ ),,~"'il~ rac1~






Little Suffere~A Score of Treat.. ments Prove Diamal Failures.






" My little boy h ad a n awful rash all over hi s body an d the doctor said It was ecz mo. It was terrible, and used to wa te.' aw fully. Any place the wate r went It would for m another sore and it would b ome crusted. A score or more ph YSicians falled utte rly and dis· mal ly In t h eir effor ts to remove the trouble. Then I was told to use tho Cullcura R emedies. I got a cake of CuUcura Soap, a box of Cutlcurs. Oint· m,ent and a. bottle ot Cuticura Re· solvent, and before we had used halt th e Resolvent 1 could see a change In him. In a bout two months he was en· tirely well. George F . . Lambert, 139 West Centre St., Mahanoy City, Pa,. Sept. 26 and Nqv. 4, 1907." ....r DfUlr '" Ollem. Corp.., 80Ie Ptopa., . . . .

Typographic al Union Led . . The firs t tuberculos is snnl tarlum to be erected for the benefit of the labor· Ing men was built by the Interna· tlona l Typogra phi cal union In con· nection w ith Its home at Colorado Springs. The International Prln li"lg PressUlen and Assista nts' union havo recently decided to erect a slmllnr sunltarlum, and steps ' a re now being tuken to open such an InstituUon. The International Photo· Engr avers' union. whil e not conducting a s nltarlum of Its own, pays for the treatmen t of Its t ub rculous member s In Institutions In va rious parts of the oount ry. Tbe International Boot Workers' un ion aMI recommeudlng to their members that they r. lly themselves with the various orga ulzatlons united In the fight agalnr.t tuberculosis.

\._ -------

The Rare Gift of 'Courtesy, Courtesy Includes not, merely social kindness, graces of speech, absence Qr rud eness, bllt honora ble treatment 01 business a ssocIa tes and of all tile fel· low citizens wit h whom a man ' of. a t· fatrs mny ha ve bus iness to transact. It Is not America n to keel) one cltl· 70en wnltlng n il day a t t be door because 11 Is poor, and to gra nt an· otbel' citizen a n Interv iew because It is bl'lI eved be Is rich. , Wisdom Is not onll ued In a purse, and fr equent!} muc h wl 3dom may be le' rned fl'om 0 poor man.

------Unusual Luck.

"So you've .·ented · tha t ha unted bouse whI ch was on your hllIlds so long ?" . " Yes; re nted It to a u ac tor." " Did he find out Its repu tation ?" '''fhat's t he very t hing that decide\! him to take tbe hOllse." "Ra ther surprising!" "He sold It would be s uch a comfort for bl m t o get Ins Ide or a bouse where the g~os t w a l ~ d e very night." , wo of a Kind. Mrs. Doggs-I hilte to .lia ve a man always compla ining a bout some IIttl!! t hing. Now, my husband Is continual· Iy har ping on t he lace curtains. 11'8 . Woggs-Yes, and my husband bas keen ltlcldng on our front door eve ry morning a t tbree o'cloclt for tho las t 20 r Of course It Is possible to COB' vince a woman, bu t she Is apt to for. get tha t s he has been convin ced, and then you bave to do It all ovel' again. THE DIFFERENCE Coffee Usually Means Sicknes8, But POltum Always Meanl Health,

Those who have never tried the e x· perlment of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum In Its place and 10 this way r egaining health and happl· ness clln learn much from the experl· ence of others who have made thE trial. One who knows says: "r drank cof· fee for breakfast every morning null; I had terrfble attacks of Indlgestiol! producing days of discomfort and nights of sleeplessness. r tried to glv6 up the \lse ot corree entirely, but round It hard to go from hot colfee to 8 glass of w"ater. Th en I tried Postum "It was good and the elfect was so pleasant that I soon learned to love ·It and 'have used It' for several years I Improved Immedlat~ly aftj;)r I left off colfee and took on Postum' and am now entirely cur~'d of my indlges tlon ,and other troubi~s or' w~Ucb were due to cotl'ee. I am now we),l .. and contente~ nnd 'all becaUse chang~ d from c"ff.e e to Po~tnm ! "Postum ·1s much easler to makt right every time than 'coffee, for It if .0 even and alwaY8 reUable. . never use coffee now In our family We use P08tum, and areal",.y. welL" "There'. ' a reuQn" and It .. pr6~ b7 trial. . Look 1D p1l:,. fol' • COIJ7 of tile famow Ut~. book, "The Road to WellYllIe."



=-=..... ... . ..........h


.l eftwt

A ...

. . QIIftIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







S' '






.Ada will ·be Inserted undor ,his h~ad for

twentv· nve centfl for tllree lD88rtJlI1J~. whon using not more thaD live IIn., s.

Los'r OLD WATCH Fob with Chain, G Initials C. A. B. at bottom of chain. Lost:saturday. Finder return to this office and t:eceive reward.



The Neighborhood News , ::

Ne·w. Photographer 'Will make you the fineBt

Fhotographs Jliver made in WayneBville, at ·v ery reasonable prloe8. No need to lel&ive the town ' for tliem. .' I Gallery i8 open every Thara. d&y .

.Zimmerman's Good· Things For Thanksgiving OystersLeave your order here for those good Oysters in Sealed Sanitary Cans, for Thanksgiving and you not be disappointed. Also, Fancy Home GroWn Celery, Cranberries, Sour Pickles, Sweet Pickles, Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, Peanut Butter, Tomato CatSbp, Olive Oil, Lee & Perrin's Sauce, Salad Dressing, Mandalay Sauce. Green & Green's Crackers, Try Edgemont Crackers, lOc lb. Sweet Florida Oranges, 20c a. do:t. up. . Fancy Eating Apples, also good cookers, Baldwms, Spys, Greenings, Malaga . and · Concord Grapes, .Dates, Figs, Cocoanuts New Mince Meat, Apple Butter Honey, Dried· Apricots, Dried Peaches, Prunes. New Cala Soft Shell Walnuts. New Cluster Raisins, New Cur-, . rants, · New New York. Buckwheat; Snow White Table Syrup, New Cala Canned Peaches, Apricots, .Cbel,'ries, PlUms and Pears. . . . Sle our.line of Candies at lOc,IMo· lasseS Kisses, Peanut, Cr~ams, 'Jelly· Drops.

·Oall anC;l See M ,e

- --....-. 6Se at








Ev.erything , Good 'to· Eat at .

Tickets for sale at

T eitimonjals


6' Lafayette St., New 5

- ----0 . ....__ . .- - -

Corwin. Milas Lillie Nedt'Y leaves HIls morn lug for K'I nsns City, Mo ., to o.ttend the wadding of her nieoe, Miss Wand" Egbert . Mrs . Hope t:itlles flnd daughter wer e guests of Burton Ellrnhart IInti fflmily undl1Y-. Mrs . Alioe MoKinsey entertained M r s. },ee Adnml! I1ml Mrs. Frllnk Morrison Il.JJd niece of Dayton . Charles Werntz stu.rts Wednesday fur Midlund, 'J.'exlU~ to visit hisdfl,ugh; ter. , Clarenoe Mullen wilj Ilrrive t·his morning with the body of his dough tor Ethel froUl Los Angeles.


I .The

----...- - Oregonia'. ,

friends ~f: Mii'!!t 'Luoile ~Q..on· I gave her 1\ surprise purty Friday nlgbt Miss Ednll '3penoer hilS ~etnrn~d i f~om the ERst w~~re sbe ~'a8 8pen~.




.. - ....... a.e.-...,....I .....iioIii·.....ioidOi!I· W. S.. P:LATT·.& CO.,


,two month@. MI8S Mary OC;>~lDer, of Morro,v; . Pllld a. week.e~d yj8lHoftl~nds ~ere. . Mr. and Mrs. O. E. , Mo~oe, of '. Lebanon. spent .SundaY with J . K. Speuoer and family . 1


Of Men Who Have UeecI .

Gor.don'f'Hog Cbolera .Remedy And !<?im,dit tQ ~~all cl~imed for it

'. ,In the) ·leus " , ,



You read. and look afar ~th


. WatnesvlUe. 0'1 Nov, IS. 1809. Thla I. to .certlfy that havl! ulM!CI Gordon'. Hog Cholera ' Remedy and have laved lIIl·,out·ot :I'IhOl'l, ' . .1" .,' J; Jil, HOOKETT,

'''- .' WaYDeevUle. O~~ Nov. II, 1809, .... _1 ..ovetWMld Gordon'. ~ext"Day Oholera


moe; ooce 'lut ~r and ~a.1n thtll,{alJ. and have.not Ioet .a' h!llr .. • ..,...." ,. D. H : ·HOOKETT. ' W~YneevlUe. O't Nov: IS, 11109. .. T "'•... a.. to certtty; that I .h ave UI8d Gor. don'. HoI' QhoJera Romedy and find It to be 'lI tbat · U 1II~~ted. Ihad .l1 110... all ot whl~. ' " " and loat but 2. and .would bave saved tLoin If I had IJt)tt.en the remedy In· t1ine. .'



,I I

., :D . W. 8UBBAOE.


'. ...

. }: •

GO~O~'~ :·B~r'·. '. c'holer&: ' Rented .. Y .


yE ~R .





-----+------ --- --

1 0-------_. -----.----------:---

0-,,-- _._- -






Personal Mention Here and There

The 'ounty Tempel'ancc mfe}" At 3:40 p. m. Mond ay . a I,orm 'of ence held at the Red Bdtk 'hurch wind, lightn ing, t hund r, niin an~ " Hear the Lyric Glee Club, \ Don't forget the Lyric Glee Club, on Friday of last week was well a t· hail pas.c;e:i over Waynesville and surClarkson Butterworth in writing , " , ., . tended and rf,!plete with interest rounding country. and it pro ed to to a friend, in Waynesvi11e says: . Chas.CornellwasmLebanonMonHarriS Mosher was In Cmcmnatl from the first talk in the morning. be the most disastrous storm for 1909. I got Ii fall upon an icy walk March day. Thursday, . until the adjournment atfour o'clock A dark cloud came from the west, 3. 908, and injured my Fight hip. N~wton Bunnell.and wife were in Reamer Reed ill home after a sea- in the afternoon. Th~ meeting was but. hardly showed, itself before the and am still v~ry much disabled in Xenia Sunday. son of circus life. ably p esided over' by our county ~he wind began to blow. For ahout consequence. The surgeons finally Jos. ThomJ'lson was in Dayton last Ab. Peterson of Spring Valley president, Mrs. Viola Hawkins. five minutes it blew at a 6 '· dflcided that I s)Jffered an im'pacted Thursday on business. was in town Mo~day. ' ~hose cheerful, ~opefu l talks gave mile gait, and it was a "twister" fracture of the bone near the head mcreased enthUSIasm to all present. addition The rain came down In of the lemur. The bone soon knit. . Mrs. W. H. AlI~n was spopping in Go to W. C. Phi~li?s' fO,r Ice Cream BeJlbrook and Harveysburg were torren ts: and it was almost impossibut not il1 proper position: and I suf· m Dayton last Friday, for your Thanksgl~mg dmner. weH representpd and talks by Mrs , ble to see across the street, . fer with it still, daily and nightly. ' Abram Cook. of Springboro, was Jos. Chapman. and wife were in Frank James, pl'tlsident of the HellTelephone and telegraph Iineq are I make much use of a cane but'can in town Monday on business. Xenia and Dilyton last Thurqday. brook Union, and Dr . Romine, pre:!- down, and it is almost impossible to walk considerably without its aid. and F C ScI tz t to C" t' M' E H . h '11 d ident of the Harvey burg Union learn of t he damage in the country. .. lwar wen Incmna 1 ISS mma elg way WI spen I' d . h k d t ' . very lamely either way. I how~ver T sd d t ed tod Th ks" 'th I f ' C' were Istene to Wit m at' e a ten· George Zell has hiS book full of comenjoy life. which has been prolonk'ed ue ayan re urn , ay. . IUl . glvmg WI re a IVes 10 m- tion. Mrs, George Davis. of Hal'- plaints and it will be ,s veral davlI till I lack less than 43 days of bing ' f e were m . C·m- cmnat I . ' andWI J . W• Wh Ite veysburg. gave a very clear and hefore ' he can get l ,mgs Lo l'utlililli' 81 years old. ' cinnati Monday and Tu~day. Mrs. W. S. Graham and Mrs. Adra comprehensive report of the state properly. During a convention of the Inter. Mrs. Olan Hi11~an entertained Lewis were guests of friends in Spring convention at Toledo. in her own The wind blew the chimney and ' national Gas men , at Detroit. Irvin friend'i from Dayton over Sunday. Valley last week. original and rntertaining tyle. A and several squares of roofing from Butterwo)'th, compiled some interestErn~t Robinson and Herbert Ed- Robert Mosher, of Cardington, ~tehodir of1 fit~e VOicf essantghse~~Tral spir- off the M. E . ~hurch. t" int data. which was presented to d' , . \v'l . t S d was the· guest ()f his sister Mrs. I se ec Ions rom e empe:- Treps and twIgs were sen spmnmg delegates present. The subject matwar S Nere In I mmg on un ay. Edith Harris Tuesday. ' ance Songster" with Mrs. AmelIa through the· air. and lots of windows ter is as follows: 1 Mrs. Leslie McCune, of Van W e r t , . . . White as accomp'lnist. At the after- were broken by them. Loose shinThe shallowest water in the Great enterourmoatearnestprot~tagainst is making her mother an extended .M~ GeorgIa Hadden. and MISS noon session a beautiful solo WIlS gles were blown to the ground, and Lakes System is at the .'Lime-Ktln the. practice and respectfully urge visit. L~zzle Stewart had as their gues~ at rendered by Mrs. Rhodes with Mrs· in the COUl~try trees were uprooted Crossing." where the De~roit River upon the presidents and faculties of Mrs. Cl~aver , of Wellman. was the dmner Sunda.y. W. H. Allen a~d Wife. ~runer as a~companist. The devo- and fences blown away, The greatempties into Lake Erie. The Living, our colleges ~ use their influence guest of Roy Irons 'and family last Mrs. Ed.Macy ~tten~ed the.funer- tIona,l exerc~ses were led by Mrs, est damage. however. w~ to the fodstone.Channel will make the depth of and power for the abatement of the week. ,al of Mrs. Cummmgs In Xema Sun- Bethla Fur~, and Mrs. Frank del', Shock after shock IS down, and 'waGer here- a minimum of 22 feet. calamitous practice. ' day. ana will stay' there for a few James. , of Bellb rook; The Temper- in some instances the fodder was en· 'The work has ~een divided into,4 By direction and on behalf of Mi- , Mrs~ Mary Wise attended the fu- days. ance Doxology was sung at the close tirely lost. sections. Section 2 (wftich we shall ami Quarterly Meeting of Friends neral of Mrs, Cummings, in Xenia. of the meeting and the W. C, T. U. John Taylor's bill-boards suffered visit todaY) begin!5 at Stony Island held at Waynesville. Ohio, the 11th Sunday. . ~~ those JO~~ :ngel-Food ~ak~ benediction, repeated in concert. a great deal ; and on Main street they and extends South 7,5.00 feet. 750 month. 13th day, 1909. Mrs. Ellen Manington, of Spring an quare- elil re~~. also , rUit At twelve . o.~ c1ock all repaire,d to were blown flat, working days are allowed for its com • Aaron B. Chandler. Valley, was the guest of friends here ~:~~~ for Thanksglymg. W. C. the dinin~ roo~ connected with t he ' D. W, Meek.' mail wagon was pletion. A coffer-dam about .4,000 • - • Saturday. ps. church WIth their boxes and baskets. blown over and several bows broken. feet long has been constructed for SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL · . Beautiful Thanksgiving and later Professor J. J. Crumley, of the and a very pleasant social hour was Mrs. Casey unhitched her horse in 'excavating the southern half "in the Xm . P t-Car.ds" sal t W Experiment Stati4;m. at Wooster. enjoyed over the; hot cOff . ee £font of the Gazette office, and when Th.e Guild of St. Mary's church on. . as. " os ' • .Lor ea. • Ohio. has been visiting his relatives •. was 3erved by a comml tt ee 0f Ia d les, the horse was taken out 0f t h e sh"" C. Phill ~ts. , dry.'" Tho channel will have 8. min. .,. gave avery pleasant so , ' cial last Thul'll, IPS. . . -~--.... imum Width of 300 feet. and the rock Mrs, Edith Harris and family. the buggy was bl own up ,.,_!, lWlln street ' . f '1 6 to 18 f td day mght'in the banquet room of the Mrs. Faith , Harris wlU spend ST. MARY' S CHURCH to the Citizen's bank. where it excavat Ion IS rom ~ eep Hasonic Building. Thanksgiving with her parents at Edgar Bergan, of Detroit, Mich.. . sto ed ' More than 135 tons of dynamIte have ._.1 . d' . O'hi son of Mrs. Julia Be........ n. is home on Thursday, Nov. 25th- Thanksg lv- \ pp . . ' . vnl d d' th A program was rerfderal COD$lStCar lngton. o. ~.At L tl derable damllO'e th us f:r a b een eAt' 0 e m e ex~-. f I I b Miss Ed ' a short visit. , Mr. Ber'gan will be ing Day-Service atlO a. m - a half . y e. CO~1 . ' -vation work. ' " , mg 0 a v?CB so 0 . y .na Roger Brown and Wlfe, of Wit· 'ed thO k to f D' t ' hour earlier than the usual time for was 'tione. HamJlton. OhiO, suffered The total lenO'th of tho channel Satterthwaite whose sweet VOlce . to . call' W 'n marrl lB Wee one 0 ay on s .. ~e;:o 000 I ss bY,I wm • d d ' .. .... charmed everyone MissRutfiWart- mfljDg.1_nl·weFre'd mgon aynesVl e ehanninggirls. . servi~e . . Come and worshtp wIth us. a~. hOd h d . , an " l~81ttnl' b will be over 11 miles. The w.ork is sock h '. A'}" r enUil ast n ay. . "It is altogether fitting that we Lebanon a a ar ram U' , I e in charre of the \Jnited States 10V· l ' bwasTh er accp0!l'PanIst. VlO.edln Mrs E J Mevers and daughter Mr. and Mrs. S· L. Cartwright had should humbly and gratefully ac- wind. -friiddletown and Franklins\lf'b ' so omas lerce accompamtI of Dayton . •.have~ been the peIItB Qf, a, very enJqya . ble dfiY on Wed ernment, an d IS su llilt to contractt)rs. b' 014 y CAB , nesday knowledge the Divine Source of all J~red ba dl y. te1ephone and t e1egraph Ove!,' $S.()()O,OOO ,have thu8 far been '{ ~. ~ • TIlr~n~~ 1sw~ ~ y Jos Hain~ ud wife with Lawrel\ce Cartwright and fam- our blessings . 'Poles being blown doWp~ ' Spring ~nded, which ifl' le~ ~an half the apprec~, ' . _ e 15 , . rc e&tTa '. • ily in DQton. ana spent ThurSday in "I therefo;e call upon the people Valley and Xenia was in the path of ultimate total cost. ' , play.ed several selecbonR and were Lizzie Carroll.retume<i home ~~ Xenia at the delightful home of Mr: Th rsd th tw t -fifth d ' f the wind and serious injury'isreport. " heartily encored and the band under urday evening after 'a pleasant vmt d . on u ay. e en y ay 0 h I' . . A movement has already been be- th d' t' f F H Far d ed f' d' D . an Mrs. George W. Ebrlght. November. laying aside the usual ed all along t e IDe. gun to widen the channel to 600 feet. , ~ Irec .lon ~ . tet - r ~ f to nen Sln ayton. W Cook ' h h bee . T g vocations. to repair to their churches The thennometer fell from. 'about" as During ' the navigation seasonof oft ~slcd' quFar HcoFm F ~ .Frank Zen was the guest of his h' dm . h ' ! 0 A G nS V~Shl m and unite in appropriate service of 70doWD to 38 degrees ~t eight'o/clock 1907 (a normal business year). Ine 1'. D., nell erson", • a~. . u. brother. James Zell and family ,near 18 aug . ter. _rs. .' " . mit • 0 f praise and thanks to Almighty God." Monday night, ' and it has ,grown Sherw~ and D. L. C~eW1tb 'Mrs. Yellow Spnn ..... la1t week. Bonner. Mont•. a~rlv~ .home last - W II' L1' Taft colder rigbt along, . number of freig1.t boat/! " ...... Ing t1. e A. T. Wright accompanIst, sang !leV-~ week. He had a mce VISit and enI lam n. . • _ ••- -Lime-Kiln Crossing from April 9th eralliel£ctions which . v.;.ere wellre- M~. Lou Wlllenbel'g, 'of Spring joyed it thoroughly. but he says. ._-.... . IN THE N~YV to ·December 9th (245 - days) was celved.. , Valley. was the guest of Roy Irons "Ohio looks good do him." HAD GREAT SUCCESS 28.890. an a e~ge of one vessel every ,After. ,t, he program ' refreshments and family ~veral days last wee~. • -. J ' W. L ' was In . P ar kersburg. The mysteriouR diso.ppell:ro.nOe Of. eWls 18 m inu te£I. w'ere's'e''~ed. , ' TRACTION LI~E EXTENDED' W V I 't k d Id b t Samuel Atobley, 19, of Monrve, 110 " d ' sela'>Un. -,,~ 76 ,000j 000, co • Miss Sybil Hawke. who. is attend. a', ' as wee , an so a ou ' , d MidTonnage urmg , sudd,e nly passed f.rom sight tons. . " ing Dela~are coll~~e. will spend the The pranch line of the Dayton, $1:200 worth of lecture co~rses. The dletown ~bout six, weeks IIg0, w1ll Av~i-age tonnage per vessel. 3,500 ' . T~anksgivlng h9h day8 at her hOl~e Springfield and Sou~ern traction Dlspatc~: of the above CIty says. of probably be ole~red up soon if adtons.. . . . Having sold our OregoDla MtI1s, here.. line which has been running only to J~: . ~he bureau ·representatlve 'vioes from ~ Mr. GArdner, : former Average tonriage 'p.e r minute,210 we. wish to ' close out our entire If you wlUlt to be entertained after the edge of Spring Valley, is now be- paId a VISit ~ the ,sc?ool yesterday. Monroe ~esrdenf;, are oo~reot . . .tons. I " . busmess a~ opce. , your hearty Thanksgiving dinner go ing extended into ,the Village; over and Mr. LeWIS. who.IS almost equal Mr. Gllrdner reports lle 81lW ThiS SO largely eJtceeds the tobnage We,have about 200 t()ns of ~oa1..a ,to School Hall and. h~ ilie Ly~ic half a mile of 't rack being laid for !-'> a course ~Imself, gave a~ young A'tohlflY In t~e navy yar4e IIot of any other stream in thJl world that lot o~ stove'wood., lumbet anq dlff~r- Glee Club. . that purpose. It is the plan of the Impromptu entertamment. .N f lk V II. ~eoentl ' and bis rel" ent kmdS of feed ~hat we are sellIng '. ' . or 0 . , v, , . there is no comparison." 't' ...... t Co ' d L. ';': t ' h Ro...... BroWn and wi(e of· Wit- company. to er~ , t ~ . small passenger A BUSY MILLER atives bave oOlntnunioalled wlth tbe , 0 .......L.I-a of the .".,,1 merchant a CUll . JDe an ~WI" we ave. , .~ , d ....:..lght tat' " S . V 11 . ' . . f 1 j " n""' ...1II' " ' ~"",\ ,. All arties hav~n of ur 'rain minlrton. were gUests of :Geo~ge an ,.L':'7 . s Ion m pr!Dg ,a ey. ' . .' . . 'VlLr~ QffiOllll~ in hopes o. ear~ung , I ~-- shiPP~~, ofththe'G Pn!~\, ~tat. is sacks Pwill obJige ~8l~y ~tu~ing' Wit\C~t land wit~, 80uth of town, o,~~s,te the .Pennayl:vama rlplway- C. M. Robitzer IS ~ bus>, man these sometbing definite .> , . qpera~, on e t ~~Ii ~",es. ' . th f " t1 " .'.. lut week '-.. station.-Xema Gazette. days . . He has hismill crowded with ' Tbe youug man dro,ve to ,MlddleIf the 75.000,~ "tons ,of. freigbt .em II o,m p spY.E' ."c- & MONR'O'E:. ' . • - • \vhCli'. t and is grind,lng it as f. ast as.he town in u. buggy .a~ the time 'of bis . to ~oug1\ th e- De t ro it Ri ver lD' . A -A'o Jesse and ,Miss ORANGE MEETINO ' passlng " ., ., Eva ·Rpssel1 , • have •• posslblyean. He has been putting disappellrnlluo, rhebuggy,oontaln. one s~n ,we're .. loaded in' a freigltt • - • ....'/ retum~ 1:f> their h?~e ,l~ Vuguua•. · Th ' t' . I ' . in Br<Jwn County wheat the last ing his overooat, WIlS ,found In tbe . '0f. 40' 000'n 'k, SUIT WITHDRAwN sessIOn. . h h'IS ootskirts of the Cl~Y I l t IS ' beI'leve d train ., pouna• CIolt'acl,,; cars. " . . ..after a pleasant VISit . With C ' H • 'sated·D'range .me , lDdregu ar 'h week. m ordeJ:' to keep up WIt , the tr~ n' w,QQld Re 8~ffl~i •.mtly 10J'lg , ,The cro.-;j)ePtion fil~ b~ H~ward ~le)nents ~d.(amilY. " . . . ' of ~r: e;~~m:~ t::~~~r:r~~ fast-itlcreasin.g businesS, ' The mill thnt be blls joined ~I he I?tLV,y ,-.r~tri . to e~nd .> fto~ N,~w York',tlccross 'IvenS in the suit'of Shoemake.... etal l . Mrs. F. C. Schwartz 18 m Cmcln· Ce I' t . tal d I ' has on hands now about 25.000 bush- 0& · to M d'd th .• ' " I' , I -, . " . • f' res. ns rumen an .voca mu. • - • th e AtlIPlt Ie , ~rl. ence ~o Va Marion Hamilton -wa.I!i withdrawn natl. wheI:e sne WIll remain or BeV-. d 'tat' 1.1 W K els of wheat. Rome.Gonstantinople,Pekin ~ndYo,.:. M~nday. The sUit'now stand88s ' eriU~aysto attena the wedding, of .~cd·aEdn recBI Ions Yd ar:re~ eys DESTRU·C-TI·YEFIRE ORADUATEP IN SOUTH kahoma tben~e across tJIe J>aC!iflc .. ' , . " "h " t h ill be married todq an na umett roa e up t e pro- , ,- - 1. c. •• ~ ' / ' d thO 'I t o~aJ1nally. t08tnke " Qll~ , the thIrd ' ~r, s18er.w ow , '. • gram for the evening, '. Mis8FlorenoeBaines formerlyot ~o,;:)l\n car cod'tel"I ~" In ,the ~I'11" '1a te ;rMal'y , L. Ii.' Z·Imqlerman , was . m . C"" . will be Decem- Frank Sherwoo ' d , w,..o 1. I'Ives on t h e Clinton county ,.is 1\ member ' -"; I '..· ... anclscO, ' Ne : yan' kasth e. i as 'm . 0..." tJ!A II"" ~cm· The 'next meetm~ or the :as ,~,!l~gbe " ~. ?~, Ch,e, ~o ,0 . Clements. and' waa UP' for hearing , nati Thursday . and FridB,.Y of last 'ber 4th when election of officers will Blaine farm south of Harveysburg. first grodutl.tiD·~ 01a.8S ot DUr/lell of v!3 wou. / e. ~~~ Icago~ ;' TU~ay. . The case ~m be a ~itter ,1 week' attendirta ' a meeting of the take pI~e, ' . ' . losthia bam. tobacco shed, and other tbe Ch~rlotte, Nortb UI\TOUb8, '8ILni- ' DB~Tk ' I one, and will be hotly contested. . Knigh'ts of Kdrasson. 'rhe~e w~ a NEC!S ME· N-· SSOCIATION ou tbuildings besides a crOp of to~ac- toriom one of ' tbe we&lthlt)st ILnd , , • - • DA Y . ' . . 'Iarge ' class 1Dl . "t'l a ted. ' . '5 A . ' ' . the 80uth THANKSOIVINO", \ BUSI., _ . . . co. F rl'd ay mormng a t 5 0 'I c oc k b ! best equipped hospit1ls 10 Mrs. Ann OummiTl'p , ' \l'i fe the , ' , .' ' :-- '.' " " !. Frank Snook and Roy 'Iron~ were .The , ,BusinesS Men's Association fire.. The loss was comple~~. It IS Immediately fol1o~ing be~ Krl\d~ Hon. J : B. 'CuIrirrifhP.' di~Ii"at6:~ ~Thursda~ " is Tluplksgiving Day" 'in Dayton last ' week attending the will meet in regular 8e$Sion at the ~ot known whether he cawed any untion Ihe wife of Ex Governor 'o'clock Ttiursday'ev:eriin~atth~'faD.l'. and as U8~t wiltbe a di.y offeasting board mee.t ing of the SUIte Canner~. Council Chamber Monday evening, Insurance·or I)Ot. Glenn, of that t!tate, rl'qUlsted the ily tesi~enCe near M.aple" Cometa, . . I ' , • , f M ' H t II b prt .':'r~ an ' illn,ess of.'-onl.,v:a 'w'"eekJIJ dur! , and ' ~njoYt:nent.. l~ is al~ . mar"~ A.aI!ociation. 'f~e ~i&tion w~l N(}vem~r 29. , 1909. at 8 o·clock. PLANTED FLOWERS servICes 0 ISS a ,~e a8, er .' .... # nOW as an epoch m foot ball the.1~t meet in Dayton lD '1910. ' , I Full attendan~e is.desired. . ." , vate uur e, and thiS pl,I8~tl.on WitH ation. Death ~ "q.used · ~y MeU' pme@ofth.e, a:eason 'bein.i t ~JV , '~, on. I , ::'~".bY'8Studio in .1. e W· bite BuildF. B. .GBBRWOOD, Sec'y. . Supt, Frank Sn9pk is determined Il(loepted', !lltb.oug·h, she OOUfld ha~~ ..mimiJ',' l{er CQnditio~ ~a8 ~ert.. . .h t c;I \' uan 1-1" , •- • 1 hi d tbe soperlDtendenQY 0 IL neal' : riQUs t:~rn, t~e .~egin~it;lg and du~~~g : a ay; · ~ I" " ': • ', . ' '., Ing, W.U be o~" next 'Weq~,aday on UNION MEETINO to make the canning factory a pace , l ' " Mi ' a ' I " ' ~'l ." h. e,]astfewd.,niaJltitJe ho-J.. wasen~ I, 'a&ourltof~sgivingDar: Make ' ' ," " ' , of beauty. He planted a bed of bybosPttlil dSMs Im~e8~" fl, ~g th -,. II'=' . ' Ge h 6 • 600 tulips Monday and will start ,ter of Mr. IL~ re. ' . " nes tertai)Jed for he l'fcOversr. ' .,', ' no deJ8.Y. t your, P otos .Lor· A union temperance meeting will I b d' f' fl' , . t r IIoDd a. sIster of Mrs. Jobn B 'l'elfl1ir. I . -u .. C . , IJI!". f ' . ' ' b" • Cli'ns\mu presenta now ~1.."'ld -A. th ' u ~ cb--L. S "d severa e so owers nex summe . " . ,.' ' wrs. , ~m ;was 00 . y,ears 0 ),he'llY,nc ~lee Olu 'J8 'tbe, o~nt~ , " { 'f '" , ~ 'a.: ,e~. 'I:J., '. ~ un. ay., " , .. e ' . '. Il~d Is related throug,b her mother age' and w.·bo~ ¥.d rea~ J~' ~e numb~~. ~~ LectQre 09UI'$e thi8 'Omar. COvert, teno~, ~. lif. Doolit. tI7'o;~loCk. ' AJllil~rest~ng WILL «IVE D!\N~E . to tbe large. McKay, oonneot·ion.- · nuhbQr)u)od iii wlllqh she ,dle4. . 'Fijey will ' tP~r 1'i1uriidJ..Y, de. ~tone~ ,F. ~1 •.Hendry, tenor and p ~, ~elg,r pl'e~j It bemg " . ' Olin ton dounty ,DeDi<;>orat,;; , , ~~ ,~uperal"~k?tace ~bbatJ;1 ,eyeniNr" ioOd. Doq. t , TOII!O. 'Polk:,, ~. J'comp,ri.8e tne U . T~~~~ce-Sunday:~ At.~ Neatinvitationsar~<:Iutforadance . •' . . -' , momlnJ . at 10 0 dOOle. lnu,rnre"t fail to h~ thepl. It:Will pg you; I4ric Glee '. Olub. · ,Bear them at are~. InYlted to aUend. 'to be given ' Frit,!~, night at ,the , in \yoOdJand eemetery.-Xenial>aily • ~• School Hall Thuradai evenmg. , ' ~. - • " 1.,0 . O. F. hall. ,Herbert Edwl\l'ds . ' " Galetti. ·BASKET BAli. " .~.L dJ: "":L. All MiJIae/I Em , PJlO1l!CTIVE A.ssoeJ~T ON and Ernest Robinaonw.U be·t hehosts. I The ladles of St. Mary 8 ChUllCh Iba. 6~1IJ10ga ,was ~e motbe~ , '" . - .... , .,.~~ , t~' ' ma , " " ' ., ", , .. , ' . • - ,. ", will hQld,.'th~ir,. , annu~~ , and' ' In-1I.wof lira. MaiDie Wile Th~tWDcl ___tb4tSt and~tia ~, Mrs. Alnahda L Tbe ·WIml8 T~p 'Pm~~ve 'WANTS TH,E ~AZETTE ' ~r~~t , at· ~he t~wnsl\IP Jl9~ 01'1 Duilpformerb'~f'Wayne.nll.. , ~~a~,pmeofball onthe Wript and aa~~l', May, P·-D· IAs80ciati Willme8hi_~r\la1. . Decei1lber18,~1909. • • ~ II I lCboOl h01l1e JrrOlU1IIa I'riday at - Claptt and fQailJ left Tueac1a1 eV-,lt is important that ~ ~,~ber ·1 Wanen Edwai'da writes us from ~ Be,.. apPb' 1PU1ln "Aeaard- DOOD, the WI wIDDiD8 )J the..... ~ PetenbWa. Fla..,mere IbouId be on Haacl•• ~I~ ~ Bowerstown. Ohio, and.,8 be wanta Potakl' gtOWiDl Miami Quarterly Meeting of Friendsl1th month. 18th day. was quite well attended for the season of the' year owing in part to the very delightful weather. Friends were present from South Charleston. Selma. New Vienna, Harveysburg. Lebanon. Springboro and Springfield, Catharine Stanton. of Spri~gboro, past 90 years of age. and a lIfelong member of the Orthodox oran~h of Friends attended both Seventh and First day's meetings. and delivered messages showing the value and joy of life "hid with Christ in God." " . f' Besldes a quantity 0 routme buslness and a pleasant social time during lunch at the noon hour. The meeting spoke in no uncertain sound on intercollegiate ganles as now conducted. l'fRealdiZli~i'bthe .d~ftrous hres~l~ to I e an 1m arlsmg rom (. e VICIOUS proaecutionof intercollegiate games, pal,ticularly ~hat of foot-ball . We










.of f!8asOrt. .



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,tW.ot. MIDaiD'f vtbe ~~.

PortaDce Will be~tecJ. "

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th.,t 'h e Rot


izard 9fOz By

L. Frank Baum

( 'l1 ryrl ghl hy I II" lIo.l.lbll· Me rrll l eo. ) (COpy rlglll by I.. I" "",,'k Ullu m & W. W. • (' nsl o w .)

SYNOPSIS. Doroth)' 1I\"('rl In }, 'UlM9 with Aunt Em on,l Ul\c l~ I[ cur y. A cyelonu IIft ' d th Ir h OIl1~ Ir,to till' n lo·. Dorothy !lIlIlnl; IIsl e ll nmldsl LIto' ' xl"ftl'nu' nt. A rUij h IlwaKcn (I h 'r. Tho h llll' h o ,l landod In 11 ountry (I( m llTVclo us l1en uty. UI'O UP8 or Quoer Illlie p oplu Itrc-('( 11 her to th Lnnd or lunc)\k lns Til · hou~ o load killed th eir n " m y . tlui wI ' kl.'rl wit c h or En t. Doroth,' took tho wi t h's @1 1\'''r shoe8. She IIUtflNI for lho Emeruhl City to rind lhe :Wl xnrd or Or:. \\I h . ho wns prom Is '<I, ~nh(ht find n. way to send her back to R IUl SOS. Dorot h)' rolcI\8 d 1\ 8 arecrow. gIving him II! . H wos desirous of 1lCqulrlng hrnl ns and s ta rted with her to th e wLzard to ge t th ·m. Tho scarecrow t old his history. Th y mel 0. Un ~ood­ man who long d for a hcart. He also :lolnod them. They camo upon 0. terrIble !Jon. Tho lion cont 88ed he had no courilge. Ho d elded to accompany tbem to the Wllard ot 0% 10 gel some. The lIoarecrow In pushing lhe raft beonme Impaled upon his pole In the mlt;ldle ot tho river. The scar crow was rescued by 11 fri endly stork. They ent red II. poppy ,field. w'hleb caused Dorothy to . tall asle p. Tho Ilearecrow and tin woodman reacued her nnd h r dog trom the deadly I'IOWOI1l. The lion tell Mle p and betng too heavy to 11ft. waiJ 1eft. On th II arch tor the roall of yellow brick whIch led to tho IDmorald City th y met II. wild oat and ' I!eld mice. The woodman killed the wild 1IQ.t. Tbe quee" mOUjle became frl ndly. 8he seD,t tbousllnds ot h r mll;e 8ubJects to draw the lion awny trO'm the poppy Be1d. Do~othy awoke from hel:" long .teep. They started agaln on the Emerald City .rolld. They came. to l\ fenco, a1ntecJ . ,reen. There were farm ers of ,nj 1l0Ulles pf gr en and \) ople drellsed , D ~n. It ""as tbe Land ' of 011.


CHAPTE'R X.-Contlnued. The woman now called to them that supper \,as r eady, ' so tbey gathered Mound the table and Dorothy ate some del\clotUI porrlclge and a dish at sorambled eggs ap.d iI. plate at nice wblte bread, nnd enjoy d b er meal. , The Lion ate so'm e of the porridge, but did not care for 11, saying It was made from oats and oats W r e Cood ' for horses; not , {or lions. The .Senr crow and tbe Tin "oO'dman ate nothing at all . . Toto at a little of everything, 'and was glad to get II. ,good supper again. The 'woman now gave Dorotby a b ed to sleep In'. and Toto lay down beside h r i wblle' t he Lion guarded the door of tier room so she mlgbt not be dis· turbed, The care crow .' and the Tin Woodman stood up In a corner and kept qui t all night, ' allhough, at course, they could not !!Ie p. , Tbe next morning, as soon a~ the 'sun was up, they srorl"d on ,th e ir way, , At\.~ soon saw a b aull'lul green ~Iow ~n ,tbo I!ky jus t b ~ror6 them. "That must be the Emerald CI't y," said .Dorothy , As .they walked on, the gr en glow beoame brighte r and brighter, and it s emed tha t at last tlley w re nearing the , eud of 'th lr tl'avels. Ye t It was afternoOn be fore they CIlme 't o the great wall that surrounded the City. It was high, and tblcl" nnd of a bright gre n color. ' ln ' front of them , and at Ute end or tbe rOlld ot yellow brlcl(, was a big gltte, 'all st.udded with emeralds that

Guardian of the Gate. glitte red so In th · slIn tbat e v n the pa inted 'r s of the Sf'ar '!"Ow w re dllZz! 'd I>~' theil' bri lllfln ' y. T llc;l"e was n. b II beald t he gate, and Doro! hy pUlIll cd Ih hutton a nd h earel a o;lIn' l") tln ltl !;o\md wllhll1. Th n the bl ~' gat e' s wun g slowly Ol1en, aud th y :I II l)assed tb t·ou 'b a nd fo nnd tb UlS I~es In II hi gh 8.rch d rooDl "the wall!! of which glistened wltlJ count· less meraltls. Before' tit' \D Rtood 11 IItt l mnn abo~t ib Sn;\l ' 51?; ns tl1 e.MulIchklns. He was doth 11 .J\l~ in gree n, from his hoad to h is [ t_ and' ven hla skin was of a , gr enlsh Unto At his side


to think It dler mad upon 11 gr '" It has b n mO,ny yeal'~ s lncEl Rny room, and on usk (l n\ to see Oz," ho Bllld, said . lJoi lt shnkln' his head III p rp) xUy. "R "PI nil rusk yours Iv s COmfort· Is powcrful a nd t rtlble, l\IId It you able while I go to tb . door of tJ1e 0 111 on an Idl ' or foolish errand to throne 1"0001 nnd . t'll Oz you 11.l"~ hulh r th wls r II tlons of the her e." Gr at Wizard, h might be angry and They hac! to walt a .lollg time before d s tray YO\l all In a ll IlI st.ant! ' the soldl r returned. Wh n, at las t, "nll t It Is 1I0t a foolish e rrand, nor he came back, Dorothy (Ul'ked : on Idle oue," t"elllled tho Scar CI'OW; "Rave you seen Oz?" "It Is Impo rtant. And we ' have beeu "Oh, no," r e turn ed the soldier; "I to ld that ()z Is l\ good Wizard." "So h is," sR ld th e gr een man; "and have never s ~e n him. Out I spqke to ho rul s th o Ern rnhl tty Wisely and him lUI h e sat behind his screen, amI w II. Out to those who are not han· gave him your message. He says he st, or who approach him frOID url- w\l) grant you an audience , If you so oslty, h e Is most telTlhl , and few desire; but each one of you must en· hav ve r dnr d ask to s e h is fac e. I ter his presence nlone, and be will am the Guo rdlan of the Gales, and adm it but one each day. The refore, s in ce you c1 eruund to seo the Great as you must r emain In the palace for Oz I must tak yo u to his palnce. But several days, I w\l) have you s haWl! tll"l; t you must put 011 the spocl..'1cles." to room s where you ruay rest In coru· fort alte r your journe y." "Why?" asked Dorothy. " Thank yOU," r epli d the girl; "thaI "0 cause It you did not wear s pecta cles I he brightness and glory at the Is very kind of Oz." The soldie r now blew upon a gn!cm Emera!!1 Ity would blind you. Even young girl, I has who li ve In th City must wear whistle, and at onoe a a p 'ctnc les \lI ght and day. Th yare dressed In a pretty gr een silk gown , all lock d on, (or Oz so ordered It enler d the room. She had lovely green balr and green eyes. and she bowed low before DOl"Othy n.~ s he said : "Follow me and I will show you your room." So Dorothy snld good·by to nil h er fri ends e xcept Toto, and , taklu g the do g In her arms tallow d Ihe green girl through seven passages and up three mg hts or srol r s unlll they cnme to a room at the tront of the palace. It was the sweetest little room In the world, ",ith D.-8oft, comfortable bed that had sheets of green silk and a green velve t counter pane. There was a Uny fountalu In the middle of the. room, tbat shot a apray at green per, fume Into tbe air, to fall back Into a beautifully carved greell marble basin, Beautllul green flowers stood In the windows, and tbere was a sllelf with a row at little In"een books. When Dorothy had time to open these books she The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman found them full at Queer green pictures tbat made her laugh, tbey were Are Nothing at All. so lunny. wllen tb e City was first built, and I In a wardrobe were many greeD have the only key that will uulock dresses, made of silk and saUD. &!leS Ulom." He opened the big box, and Dorothy saw that It was fltled with spectacles at every SUIl and shape. All of them had green glasses In them. The Guardian of tbe Gates fouud a pall' that would Nst fit Dorothy an1 put them over her eyes. There were two golden 'bands fa stened to tbem that passed around the back of her head, wher they w re locked together b,Y a II tlle I,ey. that was at the e nd of a chain th e Guardian of the Gates wore arottnd his neck. When they were on, Dorothy could not take t~em olf had she wlsbed, but of course slle did not want to be blinded by the glure of the .Emerald City, so she Ii\l1ld nothing. , Tben the green mnn fitted spectacles for the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman Ilnd the Lion. and even on little Toto; and all were locked fast with the ke . -,Theil the Guardian of the Gates put on his own g)asses nnd t(lld them he was r eady to' show t,h em t.o tb e ' palace. 'faking a big goloe n key. from a peg on the walt he opened another gate, and they aU follow ed him through the portn.! Into 'the streets of the Emerald City. 0\'



I 'C

IS no l hard to l ull when erl ndll a l'o r ady '1"0 8 n111 1) upon th o humble work you do: For sympAthy will make 0. weak hand 81(>11(1)'. A w(l\""rlng- purpose true.

Even with y s protected by the green s pectRcl s DOI'othy and h er friends wer,e a t first dazzled by tbe brillianoy of th e wonderful Olty. The streets . were lined wlth beautiful houses all buil t of green marble and studded everywhere with ' spa rIc ling emernlds. Tb r wallced over II. pave· ment of the same green marble, and where the bloclcs were joined together were rows of emeralds, ' set closely, and glltlerlng In the hrlgbtness <;It the !iu n. The window panes were ot green glass; even Ule ' sky above the Clt.y had a green tint, and 'the rays of th s un were green. There were many people, men, womell and children walking about, and these were all dressed In green cloth s and had greenIsh skins. They looked at Dorothy and her strangely ossorted company wltll wO:lderlng eyes, and the children all rau away anll hid behind I.helr mothers wh n th ey saw tile I~IOII; but no one spoke to them. , Mony shops stood in the s trcet, and Dorolhy saw that e very, thing In th em was g reen. Green cundy and gr e n pOIJ·corn woro olfered for sal , as well us gree n shoes, green hats nnd green cloth es of all sorts. At Olla plnce a man was selling green 1(! n1on acle, and wh Il tbe chlhlreu b tI ~ ht It Dorot.h y could s'oe that they pai d tor It with gree ll penllies. The re seemed to be no hOl"ses nor nnimul s of nny Idnd ; th e men carried thin ' 5 uround In little green carts, wh ich th ey pushod before them. 'Elve ry all seem d Ilnppy und can· t nted nnd TlrOB j)orOIlS. 'I'll Guardian at th e Gates led them throllgh th e stree ts until Way came to a big bUilding, exactly In the middle of tb e City, which was the Palace of Oz, the Great WIzard. T\lere was 1\ soldier bofore the door, dressed ,In a green uniform and ,,'eal"lng a long green beard. "Here are .. trnngers," said tbe Guard~nn of thtl Gates to him, "and

velvet; and all of them fltled Dorothy exnctly. "Make yourself perf.ectly at home," saJd the gree n girl, "and If you wish tor anything ring the bell. Oz \y1U send for you to-morrow morning." . (TO BEl CONTfNUED.) .

MATERIALS OF STORK',S HOME. Immense Neat Broken Up .In Alaatlan Town Found to ContaIn All Sorta of Plunder. ' The following details concerning the structure and contents of a stork'. nest Investigated on the summit of the Cathedral of Colmar In Upper AI. sace may be of Interest: The cl'ty arcbltect hilS just delivered a public lecture there on "Storks and Their Ways." He described a stork's nest which was about thirty years old; It measured six t eet across nnd was five feet In height; It weighed six. teen hundredweight, or I. over threequarte rs at a ton, and It was such a solid mass that It had to be brokew up by . using a ' pickax. The nest Willi made ot twigs at wood and clay and the materials filled 24 sacke. ' Tbe walls of the nest were tound to contain 17 ladles' black stockings, five fur caps. the sleeve at a white silk blouse, three old sh06s, a large piece of leather and four buttons that had belonged to a railway porter's unl form. How He Kept HI. Clothes Dry. Among a large shooting party on a ScotUsll grouse · moor was a o·e r.taln elderly professor wh.ose skllt with hIs gun was hardly equal to the profundl. ty oLhls Intellect. Suddenly a heaV7 slorm ot ra.ln oame on, and as there was no she:ter on the moor the shooters got . t~Clroughly drench~d tliroug~ At leant, nil b,u t onp su.1rered-the, ~rC:;: res!or. He had mY8~erlously . dlsa\> pearetl 'when tb., "&n came 'on, and hf. did nO,t rejoin the PIU't7 unt,1I th'e IUD was shining more. To , tb;e

"nut It Is hard to toU with none to lovo YOU.

llano WhOBO help you ~'I s h or cnro to allk. No races bent with kindly look. Ilbov. 'Ylt h


dreach8d and dJsgnsted, IDqulred him bow it was be had esc.a pad • wetting: "DJrect!7 the rain came OD." ~pUed the pr'ofeu,M, "I ,~en~ o!f bJ, *J11eelt, stripped 011 my clothe.. ant eat OD them. UDW tb'.tonaa "II oYer."



To glorify your task.

Investigate now: don't delay; we furnish biahest bank references and ~tand rigid inves::. , tigation; land deeded as absolute security for your money, so that you' can't lose ; you can buy on monthly payments: 'IS cash and '15 per month. Write at once for particulars.

"A h,

then. when work hllll lost It!! robe of beau ly. And nons about you CAre tor what you do. It Is most noble th en to do the duty , That Ood has given you." - Jossle H. Brown. System' In Houlekeeplng. We all know that "order is hellYen's first law," and It Is vitally Important that the sold law should be carefully kept; but do not let us be like the womnn who would wash on MondllY " whether or no." A funeral of a relative mtist needs be arranged In du e r egard tor washday In her tam· 1Iy. We admire tbe philosophy of the other old lady who had several things to do, but a nap was on the Ilst aneS she would take that first "to get It oft her mJnd." It Is a wise woman who knows when she hal worked enough and when It" Is' time to play. A housekeeper and mother at a famJly needs recreation as much or more than any other wo,r ker, and the reason of so many breakdowns is, the lac}t of change and rest which the nerve-worn body should have. Would there were more people in the world who relax and rest both body and mlnd as the old gentieJllan did who said: "Sometimes I set and think, and sometimes I just set."

ILiBIIA SUIITRI I HIVIIII TOBICCO CO. 1303 He,worth lulldlng, OhlolCO, IlIInoll

The Wizard of Horticulture . Bon.


Wanted-A Bright, Capable Man in each cou,nty of this state to 5O!1 Starlc Trees 00 commilJ;Sion. No ,previous experience necessary. The work ~s pleasant, c1eao w~rk, hl ~hly profitable, and the positions are permaneot to the right men , who apply ImmedIately. Many of our salesmeo are earning $50 to I So per month aod expenses; 5O!Ile . are maJung more. You call do as well or better if you're a hustler and trylDg to succeed. . . No investment called for; we furoialJ complete order-getting outfit free and the most liberal oontn.ct. . For complete in~orniaUon addresS'lbe Sales M:wager of STARK 'BaO'S NURSERIES & ORCHARDS CO •• LOUtSIANA, MO.

Barbecued Lamb. , Cut cold rOllst Illmb in tbln slice. and reheat In a sauce made by meltIng two tablespoontuls at butter. adding three-fourths of a tablespoon of vinegar, one-fourth at a cup of curr\Dt jelly, one-tourth at a teaspoon at made mustard, and salt and cayenne to . taste. , Veal, lamb or mutton Is nice ser~ed on toast. Season the chopped meat with butter, celery salt, salt and pepper, moisten with stock, dredge . with Oour and cook until tllick. Pour over small sUces of buttered toast.




A Motor Hint. Miss LUllan RU8sell, who looks ,ounger than her daughter, was talk· Ing about age Ilt a dinner In New York. Miss Russelt, who Is always witty, ended with this mot: "It Is a sure sign of age . In a wom· an when she beglns to get out at her : i 'Uolor car backwards." . 'S


IS ollS Y


CRUISE i i. TotheORlENT·jI.

the unbeatable exterminator. Don't die in the hou8O_ Beware of imitations, 8ubstitute. and catch·penny ready-for-UN devicea,

10 bu prill

!lent When ndhlng tempts' you to stray. When WltJlOUt, or wlthln no volco ot ell Is J'urlng your Boul awny. But It's only a negaU\'8 vlrtuo UnUl It Iii trIed by tire. And ,tho lite that Ie worth tho honor earth Is. th!! one. that resists desire."

How KIl\d:"'" Edyth-Jack says I · was .made · to kiss. ' Mayme-A dlplomaUc way of ret~r­ ring to your t~ecl-up nose, . wasD't It?



hIl. no Illllilt.ltGle. .No otbcr ",moo,. 18 10 etreeU~ for rbollmaUlIID, )umliaaQ. 8U1l083f. nelltal,la or COld o~ IUIJ 10". Put ~p 10 ~O, BOd and r.oc bOttler..

Rout WJld Duck. Dress, clean and trus& a wild duck Place on n rack In a dripping pan, Iprlnkle with salt and pepper and cov. !!r the breast with two very thin Bll~es at BaIt pork. Bake 20 to 30 minutes In a hot oven, or brat! 26 I~hlutes, Serve with oran'g e sauce. If the ducks nre stulfed, let them be seasoned with apples or celery, or onions,. and remove the stuffing beCor'e . . serving. ' . .

The surest proot at being endowed with noble quaUtl,e s 18 to be tree from anvy.-La Rochefoucault. lIIn. WIAaIow'. Soothlnlf 8)'r11p.

JJ'0~ cb1ldteo teethID" IIOftOOll the 1fUJ'lI. tedooee !Do . at.mlllll>UOD,~apatA.c_·"'lIIdooUu: ,lIoaboUla,



2 let Annual Cruise Leans Nnr York January aD, 1910

Ii ~9.~~~?:~mo.!.~~~t1C~!1


Altto ...·nl .... to th .. 'V.. at lDd1eeaDd80uUaAmerlca


1LUlBUBG-.ulERICAN LINE 41-45 BIlIHlDW""Bo - - Na" Yon




"illions Say So When

mUUons of people use fOI years a medi~e it proves its merit. People who know CASC4RETS' value buy over a million bozes 8 month; It's the bii'i'est ' seUer bet cause it fa the beat bowel and Uver medicine ever made. No mattet ' what you're usinll.l.ust try CAS. C~RETS cnw-you III . . 11 See;

ProcrastinaUoD I. the thief of DlaD1 • •cod Ume.

,Cleaning Hints. Use clear water, without soap, til wash windows, and ~hen rubbed with paper they wUl be perfeotly clear. To clean graniteware when ml,,: tures have burned on. Halt tm the .pan with' cold water, add washing . so!la nnd beat gradually to the bolUng point, wben the dl/lh may be easily washed. Water bottles or carafes, are ,hard to keep looking bright, especially if the water used leaves a deposit ot lime. One ·method Is to fill the bottle balf full with soapsuds, add. bits' ot newspaper, and let stand, shaking occas Ion ally. , Another method: Save the peeling from porotoes, add to soapsuds and shake occasionally until olean, Cranberry Conserve, Pick over, wash and cilop coars& ly. five pounds o.cranberrles. Put hyo pounds at seeded raisins thr04gh 8 meat grinder. Boll the thlt;l, . yellow rind or four oranges, In water 'unW tender, then chop tine. Add all th~ In. gredients, Ilnd ten cupfuls of li\ugar. the pulp and juice at . Ove <'ranges. Cook slnwly until it Is reduc&d to .a jam, then Beal for winter use. This conserve Is excellent with !'neal Cranberries 'lI!ay be made Into sher· bet . frappe, or· served ' In comblnaUon with custard .nnd creams. One . need ,not t:lre 0' t.he 'sa\Den"eB~ of sel'v1Di the berry as .there are many ways ,of 'serving ' .' . , I . . It .attz.act!vely.



Take a hint, do you,r own misin , EoulJh on Ha ts, being all POi80!;1.( one 150 bo;lt will Iipr d or make ,60 to 1w little cakell that will kill 000 or more rata and mice, It'.



88YS: "Delicious I. a gem- the finest apple in all the world. It is the beat in quality of any apple I have so far tested,"-and Mr. Burbank knows. Delicious is but ooe of the huodreds of good .t~iogs in Stark ~rees-the good thiogsyou should know about before you plant thl$ fnll or next spring. . Let us tell you about them by wriling today for our c.omplele, iIIustmted pric~ list-catalogue which descfibes our complete line of frUIt trees, ornamentals, etc_


'oelUvely elured the. . ~utle Pille. The,. at., relleve DI .. trea. trom DYlIlMlPllla,lno dlgestlonaud Too Bea~ Eatlag, . A portees rem. ed7 lor Dlulneaa, Nail" ..... Drowslaeu, Bnd Tutela 'be 1I0ulb, 000.," eel Toa811e, PAin 10 \he B14e, TORPID LIVER. 'l'hQ'reauJa*- &he BowelL Purel,. Vegetable.






wtU\1 m



lWR , ~~~ "

l.n ItTtlt\t Ttlrlnt,.


Ge.ui.e .u.t Boar.. Fac~Sim~~e Slgn,ture .


: .'~i:J.~em~a~n~d~t6~8e~e~t~h~e~G~r~e~ll~t~0~Z~'~"~~~a~tn;a;z;e~m~'e~'n~t~~'0;t~th~e~~;~th~e~;('ru;d~I;~'rt~~~;~;~~~~;1~~~~I);if;1Il~ • • •,

''Was grW I)()rothy h box. and h,:!" com· \\~ha nlarg b 'SIl ir-:"-:'--"'Onltlus th Irtan- alike : .-- . •• 'hat do you wiS'h In the Emerald him." etb1" So th y passed through the palace "We CIJJi. b TO to soo the Gt' at gat s and were led Into a big room •••ald Dorotby. ' wlth a Jreen' carpat IlJld ' lovely areeil ~ .0 lurprlsed at this fimllture Bel with emeralds, . TIle ' '01.


that AN INVESTMENT OF 1350.00 would m~ke you .'independent for life, would y~u make it? We claim such 'an investment WIll make it possible for you to make '5.000.00 a year, and we ask you to give us a chance to prove it.



The SoUlier.

If You Were Sure


for ..10 at lbo to"..., prlee. Ii),

"18n!U 111"81'41'1:. tlSI"", ... " ...... 111.. ('lI. . . . .




,AMPS,Trade Beo.l", Stonllll!J,B , QdJrQ, RUBBER , SY Olloen, ete. W. are .no farther from ;rour /lome O~ olBe,e thaD



tbo neal'e8~ Pboneol'~ U.B.mBU box. Agmlte ' , WaD~ed. ~et ea& ..l°lr· ' f _

' EN ' at':,. ad4'"-".n.\ dollal'll WMk1Y to WOM tbelr laoolll., iIaII1r. In "Nue 11_ Write forp&rt.l ciular.· ot bow' ''. ~~\lID sNIp. maD~Q' bllihlea.. -..,., pI~nt "o111; l ~a®lIlcJ rtl~alt In a life InOODl\l.v!!.!pHBK' LDlQ, Tamer lI'au., --,.C!haae&ta. .

._Do C'u~'OOni tBU"NE . :WPs,T.3iPOtaloea.l~ ~ ~~.~t,"J~ll raJ ..



"Hall ta IOOCI lboole ~teM... ~~c. rs. ~.''''UOD,lI!bet ..A_ , , Ii .

air &114 -



PATENTs ~R1:&J: 1f=:::"~I·r""".,.,I,.






HOW BLOCK SIGNALS WORK Operatlo,. of Inllenioua Bystem That . I~sure. the Safety of Railroad Puecnllera.




Comparatively few ptlople know " just what I.s meant b,. ,block signal a , Destructive Disease. Slmllar in Character to that Which ,wheEl thoy read that II. railroad bas es· Often Attacks Wheat-Has Three Stastestabll~l:te d t he system on Ita lines. By L. H. Pammel. The block Is length of which. on double track roads. has at its en· tra.ce a post and movable arm. and I,'or a number of years we bave Th e nllmber of the cups (aecldla) em single Io>nck lines ono at each end, had under ob ervaUon a rust occur· va ries from 4-6 In lh smaller spots to To say ·tbat a line has overy Inch ring rathe r abundantly on the corn- 20·25 In the larger s pots. Th ey al'e protected by this system means tbat Illon bean, especially the pole bean. pa le In color , the perldlal cells being the entire line Is divided Into consec· During the s ummer 'of 1908 specimens colorless. Th e spores are spherical to utlve bloclts, 'Only one line from Chi· elllptl cn\.lO-26 u In diameter, minutely cago to New York Is thus protected. of the rust were sent In by a corre- roughened. Th spermogonla a re on and of the total In the United States. spondent from Grinne ll. Ill., where It the UPTl r surfllce of the leaf. minute; one·thlrd Is on the Union and South· WRS co..nmon and destructive. During UI E! spermatin small. spherical. Th e th l! RaIDe season the cluster·cup stage l1\"edospores occll r In spots whi ch are ,ern Pacific. '1'he operation of the block system- was collected by one of us at La at first round ish, but later. becoming confl ue nt, for Irregular patches fre· Is simple but nbsohite. In a tew Crol'se, Wis. The llndlng of the cluster·cup stage qu entyl quadrati c In form; the sol"l words , It menn s tbat a train cannot move from on blocl< Into the next on t he cultiva ted bean has not bereto· or pust.u les of the fungus occur on \1D UI the latto r block Is empty. As a fore been mentioned by American bolll s urfaces of the leaf, and not In,train moves forward, the s ignal Ilrm wrlt6rS on economic fungi, altbough It fr e'liICntly on the pod and p lIuncle, Is set to show tbat tbe block just left Is rommonly obser ved on some of the va ry in g from a few to man y In n spot. may be ent red by the next ' train wild beanl!. That this stage has been The uredosol'l wh ich contnln the sum· following. When a trai n enters a found Is of especial Interest a8 It nco mc.> r spor s are yellowish brown and block It so a1!ects the en· cou ntll tor the SOllrce of Infection of apJlpnr during t h su mmer. \-\ hll e usually not one of t he most ergy that Is a part of slg· the cultivated bean. 'fht& bean rust In Its development tl'oublesolll diseases of the bean , It nallng tbat the serna· phore arm r emains hori· Ie not unlike the com mOll wheat rust, occaslonn ll y becomes so severe as to which has tbree s tngos. In the case of ,aURe serious loss. It Is r eoorded by


zontal until the block Is vacated, when the arm automatically drops and points diagonally toward the ground. Therefore. as long as the engineer sees only drooping signals he can keep on goIng, but tbe Instant he finds the arm stretcblng out over the track. he must come to a stop, kn t. l\'lng thllt tha t block is occupied by another train . The energy mentioned above Is eleotriclty. tbe current .belng obtained trom a batte ry near eacti post. The ralls of each bloclc are made as If 'all of one pIece by connecting the joints ,,'1th wire. The extreme ends are then connected and tbus a circuit Is formed III wblch the c.urrent flows. When no ' train Is In the block, the mechanism operated by the current pulls the arm down and bolds it there. When a train e nters the block the whee1s and axles. combined with the ralls, form a shorter clrcu1t. the energy' that held jt be arm down Is withdrawn and up, It 8wlngs to a horizontal position. E ach block \s Independent of ' all other blocks. When the last wheels of a train l eav.. It, the current reo sumes its fiow and the signal 9.~m at the entrance Is pulled dOWD La the "proceed" pos lUon. But before the bind wbeels have finished doing this , the front wheels of the locomotive bave entered the n ex t block nnd caused the arm the re to rise to the "stop. ~ '


Quickly Cures Rheumatic Pains, AlIa Splendid System Builder. Go to nny good prescription drug· gist and get the following and mix them : If h e does not have these In. gredlents he will get them from hIs wholesale. bouse. One ounce compound syrup of Sarsaparilla, and one ounce Torls COlli' pound . Add these to a half pint ot first'class whiskey, and use a table· spoon(ul bofore each meal and at bed tim e. The bottle must be \vell sbak en each ti me. T his slmpl re medy Is one of tbe most effective known. The restoratlvs actio n wlll be felt atter the first few doses.

from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and address s here given, for Positive proof that Lydia. E , Pinkham's Vegetable mpound does cure female ills.

Tumor Uemoved. Chloago, n l._Mr• • .Illyena 811erllnll, 11 LAna, dOD Stree t. 1,lndley, 111<1.-:lfr •. May Fry. I{) lUIloy, K"n • . -~1r8. Sta UB Gilford D.amRa. Scott, N. Y.-Mr •. S. J . Barbor. Corn\vnllv llla, N.Y._Mr•. Wm. Rnn~hl"n. Cln.lnnaU,O._ M.... W .K.HolUh .7EUt YlowA ~ 1I1 ilwaukeo, WII._Mre. l!:wwa lm.e. 8:la ls~ St., Gtrma". ()h .. n.., of T.lf... loath ·Dand. Ind.- lIln. Fre<l Corti a, 101' S. , Lafayotto S lreet. N onb, K O llt\l o ky .-~frt. LizzIe n oll~nd. IIrookfleld, lIlo._Jllra. S..,.llh LoWlllIlIUlIt, 207 8 . Markot 8t. Pate raon, N.J.-Mr!. Wm·. Somerville, 106 Hamourllh A"enne. Phll lldel)lhl", Pa. - MI1I. K. E. Oarratt. 2401 North Oamet ·Stroot. Ikewuk WD. WII.- Mro. CuI Dahlke. HaternltJ' Trouble a. Wort6tlter, .111 ""•. - Mr •• Dol yln COW. 117 !ioulbllate 8troet. lndIanBpollal.lnd . ..Jofrll. A. P. Anderaon. 1207 E. Pratt zstroot. Ble nun, Pa.-l\tn. W. E . Pooler. A&wBter Sta&lon. O. _lI1r•. Anto n Mnelbanpt. Clnolnn ..tI, Ohlo._M.... E. li . l'f1addockl. 2135 Gilbert A~enu". Jofogador!'J Ohlo._Mn. Lee IlfAngM, Box 131. De"ltt~lue. N . y.-M .... A . A. Ones. JOhnlto1l'Jl, N.Y.-Mra. Homer N.8eame.n, 108 E. MaIn 8troot. Bllltonfl.... JU._Afn. Peter Lt.oienbah.n. AYoid ~tlona. HalDpatea4, Md._lIIra. J oa. H. Dudy. Adrian. Ga.-Lena V. HenrI. RoULe No.8. IIIdlanapoIUI.Jnd . ...»-1e V. Piper, 29 South Addtaon zsLrMt. LpltlnlUe,KJ.-Mn. Sam Lee. 31529 F ourtll St. Sootb Weat Barbor. Maine. _ l'f1r.. lAlIlan Robbw. Ht. Deaert Llllht StaUon. Detroit. MJeb. _Mrl. FrIeda Boaenau. M6 XeJdnml .benne. 0 - .


"Your majesty. there's a without." "Let him go without."


NEW STRENGTH FOR WOMEN'S BACKS. How to Make a Bad o&ck Bett.r. Women who suffer with backache. hearIng down pains, dizzy spells and that constant teeling of dullness and tiredness, will find hope in the advice of Mrs. Mary Hinson of 21 Strother St. Mt. Sterling. Ky. "Had I not used Doan's Kidney Pills. I believe I would not be living today." sayl Mrs. Hinson. "My eyesight was poor. I Buffered with n ervous. splitting beadachea. spots would dance before ·my eyes and at times I would be so dizzy I would have to grasp something for eupport. MY back was so weak and painful I could hardly bend over to button my sboes and could not get , round without suffering severely, Doan's Kid· ney Pills helped me from the first. and I continued until practically well agaIn." Remember the name-Doan's. Sol4 by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foe~ KilbUrn Co.• Buffalo. N. Y. The Remarkable Trlmmlnll.. "Jimmy." said the pretty a ctress to her a ctor husband. "won't you run whcat rust. the first stage Is upon PO!llme l and by Beach as destrucUve down to the milliner's and get me the barberry. but In tbe case of the to late varIeties. pa rticularly to the the hat I ordered 1" "Sure I won't make a mistake?" bean all th ree stages occur upon the W IlX bean. querted Jimmy. somewhat dubiously, same host plant. " arerul selection or 8e~d grown In with a caution born of an utter ig· The a ecld luID or cluste r-c.up stoge regions where the rust is not found. norance of m1lllnery. c.ccurs upon the under s urface of tbe t he burning of old bean leaces likely "Oh, you won't." laughed the spouse. leaves In d'ef1nlte spots. The 00101' ot to ('ontain winter spores, and the de· "My hat is the white beaver trimmed the leat in the vicinity of the spots .lt ru cti~u 0 :\Ylld U ~~!!.W"""'lL-llU<-' '''' II> u.:+wttb orchids. You can remember does n.ot diller materially from the bori ng grounds are the best means to that." o'or of the remainder of the lea!. holli tbe bean rust In check. Gamely he went 1.0 bls doom . En,..,..~~-..-~­ tering the millinery shop. he asked, vajlantly: "Is my wl1e's hat ready? I mean the white biffer. trimmed with IJh·you-klds." And the French girls In the shop made tunny Parisian giggles at him. Bean Rust. U romyees append leu latus. a. Cluster Spores; e. Teleutosporee.


Stage; b. U redo

For a single track line the auto_ _ maHc arrangement is the same. but there Is a signal at each end ot the block. To prevent two trains on a single track line entering a block at the same time from opposite ends, be· fore the entrance to a single track block is reached U1e traIn sots a st.op.. signal at the far end of thnt b!ock, and as It enters It sets the entrance ,Signal to 'stop just as Is done on double track. Half a mile or more before r eaching the entrance signal ot eacb block the engineer comes to wbat III called the "dtRtant." whlcb t ellS him how the other or "home" signal Is set. 'As the automatic signal Is con etnlcted, It ' cannot show "go abead' unle l!~ the entire combination of ralls, wi e. current, magnet, etc., Is work· ing' perfectly. If, a wire patts. a rail break!!, n battery fa1l..s..u...a.w.t tch-pgl nt opens the sllgptest, ,th e combination faUs and the 1'0 leased arm resumes the horizontal position. So, when the .englneer sees ' the stop slg· nal, he knowl! that Twenty·Horae Power Engine at Work. ther e may be a train on the block, Tbo use of the most "modern math- does the work of 20 horses. Tile dis. an open swltcb, C?r Gds" In farming In Kansas Is by no Innce traversed- aud. It's over "tough" a broken rail or means restricted to the huge ranches. soli . too- Is from two to two and one· algnallng a P p a In nearly every locality In the state bslf mn es a day. One harrow II ratu!>. there are farmers who nre using trac- placed oft to the side so that the r~ At night colored llghts are' display· tion engines, with either steam or suit Is a double harroVllng of the ed on the same posts. The lamJ)'B- gasoline fOl" power. to plow and ' har- ground without making a second trip. The re were many doubters of the will burn eight days without repleR' row. advisability of Investing In an engine Ish lng, but are refilled every tour or Ne r Muscotah. Kan.. there Is a for a tract of 680 acres. It was con· five days. When the home signal III at stop, tbe engineer sees the fiame ranch comprising 680 acres, on whlcb l'ldered too small an area to thrcugh a red glas!!. The caution light the plowing and harrowing Is ' belng the Initial expense for the machine. on the distant Is yellow. A green done with a 20·horse power gaSOline The owners ot tlie rnnch. however, lights means go abend .and is use d engine. This !iauls four 14-lnch ' gang flay that the engine soon will save Its on both tbe home and distant slgMls. plows and a two-horse harrow""':tile own cost. Thus far Ln the test It hal equivalent I)f saying that the engine l'rovE'd entirely satl8factor~. Where two or more 'cross al ATade. the general plan of semaphore - - - - - - w w w w _ - - ' - - - . . . - - - - - - ............ - - - . - - - • • - - - arms for day and . colored light for qrop Is light 1n that section. With no nigh t. 'Is the same, but owing to: the , . n·lIe! In price of containers, this fact complications all sl«oais are cpo· must be considered In contracting trolled by lev!!rs operated' by m'e n ":' II ' the crops now on the trees. from a contral station. The crossing ry' Th,e ' price of 'new apple. barrels In and c.ont{guou~ tracks ~.e g~verD_ed " ' th e west Is lnuch 8S last year. c!)opere by , th,e Interlocking s,'stem. ,When Manu{acturers ' RCJ)Or~ Good IA- Rllklng something close to 35 'centa ll this is In Iler(ect order and the cross· qU~r.:'7c,:~~S::: • each for new barrels. stap.Aiard size. Ing uDoccupled. It displaye "stop" to Heads, Some of the large ' growers buy bar' .. .rel. stock. a!ld put up their own' bar· every. tfack appr,o achlng the ~rC?1!8IDg. AlIy . Chlin'~e must be madq 'by th.e\ slg· . " '~ . ' 'i rels., ~~IR . se~s~n sl1cn Wi~l ~ost : thelL' 'Dnhxian •.' and to' dis, lay "proceed!'. hI' Bnrrel "'manu,raotur~s r eport a gOQ4 n,~our '. 32 c~ta, or pos/Jlblr a Itttle ml\Bt III-'s t lock "all other 'apDroache; Inquiry for flnlshed . apple b~rrels, le3s. in ~h\1s'.handl!bg them. . ., ' c:lsb for staves and heads. Pr!ces . In: the apple t.errUorY ,betw.een Cin• with the lit'op slgnni:' . There are now abo.1Tt ti,OOO I mitel '{'T.omlse t'Q rule .~bbut as' high as last and . blladelpbia . there Is of rall}vay ' c)qu·l nped:. with ' tile. block_ . )I~ar. Days, Or!lnle I Jud~ ~er: I~ l\ot!,tl~i to IDdloat~ ~ny lower prices IYWt~ni. The only line. thul ,p(o.tected a . ~ay ' neY>' ~ aPP'!e barr~. for '~pple 'barrels with ' lumber and eyery Inch f TOlTl Chicago' to C~lItornrll fh~ee-bU8bel' tltandard, are quotabl~ "I!a. ~I~ber beld 80 con IDuou,ly lilgb. Man. ia via tpe ·.Nol'tbWl!aterD, Urdon and , A wholeaale Waf to 31 to 36 cesita ufaeturere .:i~ 'Weat Virginia are quot , Southern Paell1c. 'O~e-tblrd of 01. each. A maDu(actu~r ~t Bt. Lou~a 1111 new barrell at 32 ~Jlta each, .1,000 miles of automatIc '1IPaltn. 11 Quotes 36 .ceots r. O. ' b. .A · KanlU . .! . , . olJ .the HKrJllml!D, Itn....... od th.NI),~. Ctu- 'C.oo~r quot.· No. 1 apple ' ~""" The demand tal' aolmal8 of lOGeS weltem nail mor., ~l", 01 ·C\dU~I. · ~II at," . ceo,- ~d N~. 2 at ~.,. bi'q~dlDr: la .......~ «Jau . . . &rack ,,,tol!J,,(fc tbao IU\ ~.~ .mt1 : ,.... bo. faatoq. __ writ.. tlIat ."t• .,~. . , . .

~llIe ~'-IIUIDta.

J(ol(er, Dla.;.Mn. Mary Ball. Ugonler, 1Dd._Mn. ElfaaWood.B.P.D. Nc.,M81hou.ns.e, Jow... _ Hra. Olara Wat.ermau.n, JL)I'. D. No.1, Budltownd[y.-lIfnr. Jc»epli Ralt. I.e_laton, MAlne.-M.... Henry OIontle1", lIS Cldord Street. K1DDellpoUI. II1lnn.-Mn, John G. Moldan. ~ Second Street. N. Bba~~ Mo.-Jo.1e Ham. B. P. D. No.1; lfarlton, N.J.-Mra. Geo. Jordy. Route lio.a, Box to. . Cheater Ark.-MrI. Ella Wood. Ocllln, Ga._Mn. T. A. Cribb. Petldloton, Jnd.-Mn. 1111\1 M .. nball , B.a.... Cambrldlle. Neb,-Mrt. Neille Moslaader.


PaInful P e rlodl. Oo"ben ,.A 1".- :11 rI. W. T. DaILOII. R oute No . !!. hI IIgo, lIl.-lIll'1l, Wm. 'tully 400 OgdeDAv. }"MV Paw, !Illch.-:\l rI. E mili" b rnpur. ~'IW!h ln g, l'fllch .... ~[ ... lJu r t IAyd, R. F. D. !oIo. S; caro of I). A. Sunborn. Coll'covillo. JIIi ••.-Mrs. 8 . J. J onea. Ciunlunatl. Olllo._Mrs. Flora Ahr. 1S62Ern.. Streot. C)ovoland , Ohio _MI .. lJulo Steiger, C;:; IO Fleet Avanuo, fl.K ' W e8 1 .y\'III~ •• PB .-Mra. IIbgl!'le Ester,R.F.D. l. lIycnhurg, l on n.- Mr•• Luolli1l1ard, Ii.R. I . ll llyflold, Va.- Mrs. Maymo WlmUI). Jrrelrularlty. florrln, rn . _lIfrs. CIl/IoII. FOlkol. Wlnchostor , I nd._Mn.lItay Deal. ))ye r, 11ld .-IIf",. Wm. Oborloh, RI!'. D. No.1. ll"ltlmore, Md._Mr• • W. S. Ford, lllJ8 Lan.downo S tro t. Bos bury , Jlfau.-Mn. 1!'rlUlell Merkle,13 F Iel4i Stroet. Olarlud:lle MO.-lItl.. A"na W "lIne • • Guy .. llI~t bhlo._ JIIr•• EUa JIIlolJ&el , B .F.D& DaYlon, uhlo. _ lilt • • Ida Ral •• Bolt 26. N .. tloual llU Uw.ry HolUo. Leb&Don. Pa._Mra. l1U"1 1.. Bittle. 233 L.b. mlUl 8treet. 8ykeo Tonn.- Mlnnle flail. Do~rolt,l'fneh._M .... LoulaoJnng,832Ch..tlla' 8t. O".rlan Tronble. VID¥'o~~B!~~~t.'MrI. Syl. B. Jerauld,l508 N. Gardiner. Malno.-lllra. S. A. WIIlIama. B ' Jr. D. No.1"; Dox 80. PhllAdelpbla , Pa.-Mn. Ch .... Doell. 2401 N. Oarnet 8tr~et. . Platlabura.Mlal,-MlaaVomaWllkea,n.F.D.l. Fem"le Weakne... W Illimantic. Conu.-ld.ra. Eua Dono"an. Boa 29\1.

W oodside. Bachel JobnlOlI. Iiockland. l\fallle._Mn. WID YOUJIL I Col. umbla Avenue. 8cottvllle,1I110h.- MI1I.J.G.Johnao!l.J.B..P.D.•• Dayton. Ohlo._Mn. F. R. 8m1th, 4;11 Elm St. Erie. Pa.-l'>lra. J. P. Euc1U~b.. n. P . D. No.7. Bea"er ~lla. Pa.-Mn, n. p, Boyd, 11101 ..... Benn hAnnne. .. aJrchuC8, h.-Mn. J. A. Dunham Boa 1M. Fort Hunter. Pa._M .... MU)'Jane ShAtto. Eut Eark.Pa...Mra, A~U:~ LYon] B.J'.D. I. , V1eAna, n. Va.-u.ra. Wfleawa. N81'VoQ ProetraUOIlo Oronoco, Mo.-M1"I. Mae McKnlgb •• Camden. N.J.-Un. TUlle Wakll. 451 LlllerJOI::b~tO;:-on ._MrII. Allee IIn11'1Dn. . Philadelphia. Pa. -Mn. JohA Jolm"OD. til SIOI!el Street. Cbrlltlina, Tenn._Mn. HIUT Wood. B. I'. .D. No.8. PecOl, Tesu.-Mrw. Ada Yonnl EaatOlton. GranltevUle. Vt •..Mr•• Ohu. Barcliy. B.J'.D,

These women are onl'y a. ·few of thousands of living witnesses of tbe power of Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female di.aeases. Not one of these women ever received compensatiOn in allY form for the use .of their names in this a.dvertisement-but" are willing that we should refer to them ' because of the ~ they mal do other suffering womeu to prove that Lydia E. Pihkbam s Vegetable Compound is 0. reliable and honest medioine, and that the statements nmde in our advertisements regarding its merit are tb8 truth and not.lrlIlg but the truth.




Relics of the Stone Ailtl. During excavations conducted nelll Willendorf. on the Danube. by the pre historic section of the Austrian Natur al History museum. B chalk figurine. 11 centimeters high. has been dlscov· ered In a st ratum containing Insttu· ments Bnd weapons characteristic 01 the stone age. ' The figurIne shows traces of having been' painted and represents a fema le figure with romark· able precision ot artistic execution. Refuted. "Just think of It! One person In every 37 in England Is a pauper!" "Why. John ." she returned. " It Isn't 80. I met more than 37 peoeple In London last summer, and there wasn't a pauper In the lot!" SOME HARD KNOCKS Woman Get. Rid of "Coffee Heart." The Injurious action of Coffee on the beart of many persons is well known by physlc\ans to be caused by c,af· feine. This Is the drug found by chem· uts In coffee 'and tea. A woman suffered a long time with severe heart trouble and finally hel doctor told her she must give up cot, tee. aa that was the principal cause of the trouble. She writes : "My heart was so weak It could not do its work properly. My husband would sometimes have to carry me from the table. and It would S(lem that I would never" bTenthe again. "The doctor told me that coffee was causing the weaknes!! of my he~rt. He said I must stop it. but It seemed I could not give it up until I was dOWD in bed with nervous prostration. "For eleven weeks I lay tbere and luffered. Finally Husband brought bome some Postum and I quit· coffee and started new and right. Slowly I got well. Now I .do not hav~ any b~ad· aches. nor those spells 'wlth weak heart. We know It Is Posttlm that helped me. Tbe Dr. said the other day, 'I. neve~ thought you wo'uld be wba' you are.' r uaed to weigh liZ ' poundil and now I weigh 158. , . ",P.ostUID bas 'dODe mucb for me and I .would not go back coffee aiaiD for any money. 'fol' 1 believe. It would kUf me if I kept at It. Postum must be '-well boUed ~ecordlDs to dlrecUoD8, on pkl.. then It baa a 11cJi flavour and wltb QJ'e1Un II ·ftne." , Read .~ Roa~ to WeUWlle," ·fcunel Ill· pkca. "There'a 'a, Reuon." ,


....... . ................. . =

..... _ . t . . .- . -' lett. ., . . . . . I . . . u_ to " -. .....,


.,. '

.: As we ~e~ older ~he blood becomes sluglPsb, the muscles and Jomts stIffen and aches and pams take hal easier. Sloan'~ Liniment quick~ns the blood, limbers ' up the muscles and joints and stops any pain 'o r ache with astonishing promptness. - - '

Proof that it is Beat for Rheumatism. Mrs. DANIEL H. DIEHL, of Mann's Choice. R.F.D., No. I, Pa. wrlt _ _ " Please send me a bottle of Slqan'! Liniment for rheumatism and ~tlll jolDta. It it the best remedy I cver knew for I can't do without It. It

Also for Stiff Joinb. Mr. MILTON WHEELER, 2100 Morris Ave., Birmingham, Ala., wrltes:.. I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment. hal don! me more lOod for su. joint. than anything I , have e,er tried," '

.<Sloans Liniment

is the qickest and best remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises and .Insect Stings. . Price 250•• 000 .. anc1 $1.00 at AU Dealertl. OD Bone.. Addftlli

lend tor SID an" Free Book






There is positively no bounds to the utility of ERUPTIONS POISONtW BURNS ITCHING E.CZEMA .





for home ,or family Use when soreness of \he a1dn prevaiw. It fint looth... th.D . ""' . '. heala. . A cerlalf! cll'!' for Itching plies"

RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY; BAtTIMORE, MD. ' lle8lnol Olntme~t, ReslDol'Toltet Soap, ReaInQI' Medlciate,) , . ·.shavIDg


are 1I01d at

.u Drua Sto~






County Courts '




WIITr'" " NfIt,iouol Blink of Frank. lm"~ Pll1l1p.1 R,.11.termun, I1dm i"t."II,tor . P tition to r co,er mon~y to a Ulount of ~200 on promissory D,I te. P. H . Rn ,at~ur n ey for plain.


Wllr r(,11 I ,.I 10 nil I Bli nk vs . HeJn I:.ty ( 'OIlC'ft'tH ('(IUl)1li ny . l' tlllOn ! . ) r t'I'II \,I' l' 111 <1 ll1'Y .. n two III'o Jl)il' ;lo ry 110 H~ 1,' IIT1Hlunt; nf ;j::i, ~ l' noll H'Ij(1 ~ I 1'I''' I''' l'l \1· .. ly. F run l;] .n ;\1I1IPI) .. 1 Rank v City ( ',. 11 01'1' 1 l" ('0. l'H l ition t,o r f' , o v r Il IU!)"'>' "'; pr {\I11 I~~ory Il t9s of ·ji'i.i(l50

and , :.l :!1 . 10. lIUl'di ll){ v" . Chn rll-ls \V Th (l lllJ)l'tl ll .M /II Pail twu t o r 110vl' r ' IOlh) ""f! Illl \lr " JllI~ ()r'y nore . P Ii Itntl. attUl'lIPY tllr pluJntit'f ~l lI r e ot \ hlO v ,J\1 W. E 'LI'lJ rt . H , III . Il'll"I ,' ,." of O rl,hnns' Asy lum nnli Cl llld l'nn,,' 1:Iome. Peti ti on for mandtllllll ~ 10 comlwl tru s l e" t... II CO pt. 11 " 111 lnH~ c lliltl uf Iv ll. II mour to tl> e llome Court Proccedinl.ts.


THE HISTORY OF DAYTON. These fe w specl.a1B only gIve a fa'lnt idea of the . savlnes In every department of this g reat store- surely thousands of great bargaIns.

~1 ~1 .... 'Exlrn Ift'III' Y I( I!}u

\en 's and Young ,'\ lell's Suit s


l ':uiL " -yuu

Valu es,



$ 13.45

$12 Va lues ,

$20 Valucs.



$15 Va lu s,

22 .50 Values

$1 1.95


$183 •

Q. . ...

11" 11, y jo',)olbl.1I 'I<oa(ors. "Rh uk 'r-

' · L.I~I

il. OO pL"<l\\ hero. . ••



lo t, nf ~1r'II'S W hll l'tlliloo BOJ;olll tlhlrl:; wi l h III luc.h lur d Inched c u fTs : goul l "lllul'S ul 1.25; ,)ow ........ ...... ..

93 C


I,' ull ]Ire&; Shirts, a l La'bed or IOl'hcd c ulr. : hllur\-lrollCd !lut! worth S 1. 0(1 •• .. . . ..... ' , D erby Ribbed j<' )ooccd Shirts Illld Drn",urs.


1'Il1'1I1",r prlt:e. 6Oc .. .. ... .... .. AI U 'b S I. 76 l,'r lLlio P in • trIpe ClUll<lntol'll Pants . .. . ' M e ll 's $3. 00 ' 01'S1 I uull C' im oro P unts • . . .. , .... ~ I ('o 's ~~ . 00 nou $4.60 11 ij{h "

and $4,95 or


(rpm o lher SION!S \Ide

~I 1I '~ ?Sf'

'J'roUSOnl ,

' (lrlOllS ]ltlttcrnH . . . . . • .. . lOn JuH nnll )'Il'hl CUalS. \\lIh Inslel" fur or

4 C.

(lulsloh, \lull tl O II'Il •••. , . . •• ••• h il(lrcn·. !ltlU 1;l rl.,· I1 llls. ollds aull cu(ls

or Ih 7 k nD.I 1. 50 grad ('s . . . . . . . . . . f'hllur!!tI ' ' 1·lIlj U(tH. ;0(' yulu!!s .. ' . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . hltdr Jl ' ~ 'l'OCjll s. 46(' I·oluos . .. . .. •. . ... .•. . . .. . D()y~' rltKutar ;5(. g rnd 11Isid ru r. !lull-duwn caps .. . . . . •••• .

39 C

$1.39 $2.39

$1.39, $2. 45, $3.45, $3.95 A sU lill".

II •

$ 100




45 CC


A corn 1mnrovement Assooil1tion is for m ed In ,Brown County. ver ,j00 11 ves lost in wine di trlot R.t 'herry, Ill. , 111 t weok.

'1'. A. Pinkb(lW, of near Milford hus oloseli bi s 1!0rglmJU ffloto ry wi tb a 'ron of (JOO gullons fur the sens u .


Ili ~


l'hanks~ivin g


d Woo l ( 1l lIil,ln

t-3 , 00 ~1o ' II 'II Hlllrt, n llll Fan('y lllls . usually sold III Uk Il pllir. , 13 C s a lt, prico. (01' o r nul'll. . . .

Overcoat sand Cravcneltcs,

$10 Value:,

uil ~) 1: 1111 ('\\ lr . 2, ~u \ nl U(\"', Sn ln Ilri

~ I clI 's


Ripley's p08tmaNt r, W . L. Mud. d x, dietllabt rruosdllY of pn umonin


t 1l1·.

t'lIri. I 1f.



o III 111 on Pleas CQurt.

~:j i~ l \ \ ~,~(; ja :H. itlij\I. ,' iO, :li;~:)

.--...- - -- -- - - - L~e!~ ~~~]..h~~~1


$3 • 48


hildron' Knit O lm eN; !tOOlI arld warm ; 3!l<: I· ,>Iue~. , • .. .. ..


llUYH, Lt'lllher Eml RU 'Itj)luIQI'!l; big 1f,l'SOl't lllf'flt . 2 ~1: I((nll. I\t .. •• . .. •



dept h of GO f et Ii good po ket, struok at Jfl.sper t)tatioD, Greeno Co., in drillin g /.I, well . of



Old ledger, fifty years old, probo bly property of J . C. MoMillan , I\f Xenia, found in upper tory of old Tr.e bein boilding, sbow8 13 dozen eggs sold for 67 oents. , Fear that &omohody \VaR tryiog to steul bls schemes for perpetuI11 motion , coupled with hard \~ork liS a ftlrm bllnd, dl'ove Henry Limin g, of Ripley violently in ane George Bordenfelter, aged 74, B pioneer r e ident of Sixte n Milfl ~tand, \Va ins tantly killed wh en h e was tbrowu fr om a wogon of rail anli tba ent.ire oontent piled upon him ,01'Q hio g out his life.


" No. 2220


f tl~e Cut\ditiull of the

Of th "ond itfoll of , 'he Wayne· " ill Nali nal BanI, ill Wa'yn ' !'; vill in the Stat of hio, at t he do e of busin ,November H;'I l,909~


Ill'. 0


n ' ES

LOIlIIS on I'un l Mlllt .. ..... ..... $ 11:1 . 01'7. 7 1 7 ~tl O . 8a ·...... .. ., I II ~ I L()1l118 UII l'uUnl otu\. ... , . ...... " Louus and D UK.,,'-\U .............. 1.1 . .• '~ : , III "I (tlLI'~ lIud llIIiCOIIUls ..... .. , 3 U. is~~ . O Il lordrnfl.... 600 ured IUllluUHII<:UI d ,1. (l 2U I ,. U ' .ordl'lltr .. ...... . . .... ... . , . . . 44 7.3 0 l:l' S. llou~s t060 '~I,,? clrcu lntlolL. ,,(I'~0~'~~9 S l nlO. cll1 ll\l~' u nt! 1II\\Il Ir'I PJlI' , Ul1~8. so.:llrltlOij. elc. . . . . . . . • . . .. l> J, I!U".' .~ 1 hone!> UOI III Ind tl III 1'tl,~ll rVIl U. OIIO.1l1l BU,llklng houSO ..... .. . ..... ,. . 4,".II!,l. OO ( thor bUlltI~ IlOd R ·IIrllll)ll . . .. .. . 1. 5(10. 01) Duo .from Uj)p''Or I ~r\' agetJLtl al.l~'. 4 t,'Ul'rlllllru unl lllloUII·(Joj . ·... .. .•.• 2, ~:l. O n '" O~~ Of nthor ~ AllOt. II llunks . . . . 4 ,~ . 0 Utltor n 'U l I ,~ t II to uII't\(J(1. . , .... . 1;. 70 U.0 0 1 ruc~I,Ollllll PBI)OI' curr n c y . ulcJ( Is. .. , ., IHI ~ (rom rogOl'I'~ IJIIIIII$10 . 966 . .10 II . IllS . , ... . ,.. . .. . ... .. h~.04 1'",(:1\11111''' t:leadn" ho,,~ 26 1 i5 Lawful Mouey H cwl o III \(1 B '1nk : Id t'(JJn ' .. ...... ..... 7 I 0. O(I Spe'lo . 2M) I".: 00 I (.u u,gul·uitill 'r' iio·l c.;: :::: : . 1:000: 00 II , m.oo . ~1~:':[it~~~~lu" ·~I; '·"::.'.'.'.' , i~U~ '1' t I . . 0 ." ., l ' . H. n nd Nlllitllllli bank o n .. ............... . .....I~ . 1.,) . 6h , ' lUW~ .... · .. .. . .. a.Olj~.o l) 15. 9 02 .53

r. ,

LIAU UXJ'1J1:S 'apilal st.ock p aid III. . . • • . • • . . .• U"I,lus ruud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i:u.1i I' ltlcd profi ts . loss e'VCIU<Il8 !Iud IIl.xOtI Imlll .. . ... . . ... ,. . utlullul llunk Dlll.t' outllt.llulllllg lnd l" Id" o.l do()o~lIs Hu lJj Oi:L 1,0 'hocl" •... .. ..... 19t1. 1I .70 DClD uJld c;ortillcul.OS . ... 9, 53 1. 9

'I'ulUI. . .. ...... ... . .. . .. .... $ II G.HhO.3 7 60.000.011 50.000.00


l'lI plLIII stock paid In . ........ . ,. S 25.01/0. UO 30.6 ,(9. lIi KIll plus ClIlII!. .. . .. . .. ... · .. ,.. 1. 200.0 0 ('O.ullll,(lO '\!t," II let l profit. IUIIII C,," PUIIl.OS. 10l"I't:st lind LllXO>l !'lI lll ... .• . . Divide nd s uupaid . . . .. . . . ..... . 199.G50 .'iY Iud;' h lu lll llOjl(lslls tl u lljoet to chodt , .... $50 . 2,6 G. 00 'fotnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; .... a80. 1 9~.Gti D" " 1111111 CI rUlkul os .. . 2U .(Uia.3 7 :a " IIII's tJOf)l!slts .. .. .. 6.6 . 3.73 · S7. ~ tl1. IO STATE 01" OliI • WAnREN CO N'l'Y. , ,: UlIIs JllL yl1bl .. , ... . . . . . . . . . .. 2 . ~U O.UO I . J , O. Ilrt'~rlghL. ClIsli lor or (he nbol'O

n llm or! bauk. <1u sol muly SWOlll' that Ih o ' l'IIlu t .. . ,. , .. . . .. ... .. ... •• . $IIH. H~O.3 7 Ilbo\'o IILllt(lI1\Ollt Is IrUll to tllIl best or illY kllowlctlg and!Jolilif. !'IT .\T E tH' (lllt u. W,\HIa,; N OO UNTY. ",q: J. . CAWf\\,RI G ll 'J'. e\IBlllur. I. F. C. l1 ' lI·ts('l·~' l'IIHhior or lho ubol'oSlllls'rlb II !lull s wurn 1I fo ro mo this 1Ull! I Hllll'" I blink . tlo sol IlIl1ly Hwour t h nt I h e day of No ,·cmbor . JU09. I. 1::. Koys a lm"o ""! lUlIlllIILlri. truo tu tho !Just of lilY Corrcct Attest· Nuta ry Public kllow l cd ~u ,!l ilt! ho l lO(, . . ' '1 F . C. II A H·I·S OOK. Uush lor . OEU. E . HiLEY. O. S. SEA nit SlI bsl:rlh I Ilut! IIwurll tu before mo this 19t h tin y or NO"lIIubur. 1909. 'E . Y J JJurnhllrt" W. H. ALLJJ.N. DIrectors. . l"Iotnry PU!JIIC.

The Gazette always ' ha~ all the news

'8 Dress ~ltl rl l< . In tn.rU'Y, patltlrns: mllStu t.e t Obio vs, .J oseph.1. PLii 23 C )1 (,0Lilcile l o rlals Ilr ' Per ale ' antI :\j 1111rns. al'll au I det arhed culTs: sold IlrIlCl' lips . CtHl ~(I dlswisse 1 o,n Don.llpI" tho ~ asou at 611('. • ale Ilrice now . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . C ,pellranO-1 l,f p rosecJtin ~ wit,n es!' . ~t.llte of Obio Vtl. Oti~ Enfield In a late speeoh upen niokel then · Defendo,ot (iitlmis ed for laok of e~ FOR LADIES te rf', Probllte .Tadge Alexander Boxidenoe. T... adles· !'ill( ' ullorsldrtil; $4 • 95 1.11f1ics' WlIlRt : well, of Let-n nOIl, declured they at' $1.~5 s .00 I' otll s . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . $3. 0U \'nlu('s ... , . . . ... . ... , State of Ohio v@ ..1,,11) jI P . Moon· the caU3 & of muob of t.h e vice I1m('lll ~ 16c Dlul'k Quills: Lnd!c$ ' J 'unumu SklrLs $4 95 1.00 1'11111 " .. . ..... .. .. .. • lhrJ In 0. blllle·lI . ..• .. .• " .. . . 20c ey. Uase di ml Rfld for lllok \If e vi. Ladles'S\lits : $11 50 Kt r lch bro\IBts. a ll colors: 2!)c young Am riOl\n ~ t odtly, e pBcially denoe, 1 '.'10 vllllles. .. ... .. . . .. . • 40c vn lucs .. . .. ..... ...... .. . the boys. Sa tuld of five cent mo,,·. Ladles' 'oars ; $12 • 50 Clark's 0 , N. '.I'. Spoo l ult.on; 10c ~Iate of Ohio vs. Percy D. 'o lein g piotur e s h ows in Warre n coun t,y . 1.00 Vli lutlS . . . . · . . . . . . . 3 HpoO)S f or .. .... . ...... .... . man, Cnus'l rli~ m iR eli for luok o f Ex,' 1)llullal lo'ur l'ILln . $7 50 JJox ot ]{uchl nl<s ( 6 In a box) ; 5()Q v atllc und ed Dot that they o,re th 1 ~.50 ' grode ........ . . . . . . · • Tb~nksgi\'lng 23c Sluned OUbt evidenoe to oon vlot. a loPrlc . .... . ......... . . . . . el ew h e re . ('hll~~lt~~lu n,:,~~~ ... ~~l.S.: . . .. $1.95 t)tate of Oh io V ~. 1::1 nlp.v 'ymonl:l . h l hl ron.8 reg ula r 30c grncle nlon 8ull ti. all ,ilz . 2!lc Lilli I . WRIsts; 95c In order to prot ct their big tel' Oa,ose dismis'iM Ilnd flostR taxed to p ccinl nt . .. •... . •• , . . ... . . 1.60 ' · nluUll .. • .... . ..... ·. Lndl 'V Ivet LloeU S h irts !lnd Oruwers. tory offioe building fl' 10 H01 0k complaining wit nes . rog\llnr 7ec value; . 45c t,hllt would be emi tt.ed b.v witob L'1ll~~ ~~:l~~~, ·.. .. ..... .. . ... $2.95 pcr garment . .. .. .. . .. . .... . . ·Jerome And reon et. lIl VB Fraul, KROMELK is a new, and wonderjlOClal lot of (Jbfldreu's 25c ing locomotive nn t,hA Jl ew D L & Plum I • C. Andersou, plaintiff c'I ' lllis e. 110 50C Legging Dr.wers. , .. . .. . , . fully durable sole leather that will . 45c, 95c, $2.45 C,' r~UrOll~, the N ti ona) <.: h R "~ J.udl(JII' OUting 111&li Df)1 SkIrts : tho reKu)t\r tion. • JUYC • other atonl8 prlOOll {Ilk: value. Frlda.y zl outwear 'two pairs of ordinary soles. tster , c ompany is fig urin 'on h, lltlgu James S Win trow \ '" John W a nd Satunia), .• •.••• • • •.• , . . • • c ra'ing " devioe f r the' llropell mg 0 1 It i~ the-product of years of effort and is Motion I tlr new trial LaWllr at a\. Ladle.~' I'tl(,'ula r 21k: M8II's FlUl'cy Sh\rt..~. oo',,} oal'i near their n.lIImmo~h pl~ nt tanned only by ENDICOTT, JOHNoverrult:d. qU&lIty Flaooeleue &uache<l 1Ul1l derho offioials hAve p"f\ orlolllly cleoid . t)tltteof Ohi o vs. M: A. E .rhart, ot. ~ache<l 1nI1Ts,' plaIted SON & CO. by a 'secret process.• It is ~~~t::gfor .. 12c eel, iii IN repol't etl, t(, U M a ooro p ··e.sell or l,lnln bosoms: '111 trUtl~et18 . Trustees OJ'dered to uC lighter, m:ore flexible and practically DAYTON, MI os' White wea ts howll b y excl u lilv o (lir engine f l)r t:bi. work , cep~ Gilmour child into their ou,.e er Gools: .-eg "I I,r heatproof and waterproof. rurl1l~h el'!l at OHIO. S~ B. Wo dwn rd VI! . Villoge of $ 1. 50 v alue. 9Se $ 1. 2D allll 9Sc You can get Kromelk soles in practically Ilil IIllIC8 .. , . . $l.GO .. · . . .. A Scalded BtJY's Shrieks .Franklin Injnnction orueTed to be all styles of ENDICOTT. JOHNSON shoes. made perpetu ,~l horrified b i~ gran(llllof.ber, MJ~s. Mh. ) They cost no more than other shoes of orRuben Tilford \ 8. (i rf en PeRI' Brln2' this ~d. Oood for Double Amount of Gold Bond 'Coupons. rio 'l'I\Y.1CJf. of Nfl h,). Ky .. wbo wri~ p. H dinary make and are much better value. tbot, willm 011 th ought he would et "I. Plaintiff reqnire.I to give e·, Be sure you get Kromelk~ The name stamped on klen'li Arnica. RIve vb olly qie. Bu oority for OORt-S. c urarl him . .Infnllible for Burn, every genuine Kromelk sole. Lewis.Elbnff vs. Bonrcl of Educa. Sco lds, Unt8, orns l 'Vounds . Bruised I ~Qc1welllln. ahQea $3, $3.60 ~$4.~Of~~f...~..a~.~ tlon 0,( l.yUe 8peoial sohool distriot, Hersohel U . . UunhlHn' 24, form er son oont'raot, 1 110. 50 ; Bilrt Rfle(l, Cures F ver-t; o r e~, Boils, Skin Ernp Fl'r 8al8 by Defendant rderfld to plead in .10, of Morrow au.:) .Tennie L ~oge rs 1 bridge 'repair8 Deerfield townshi r , t io 'l ~ , Cbllbh.ios. ChApped Elandl:l. I:oon Rout s Piles. 25c at J!'red 0 day!! of Morrow. ~15 i <.:. B. Deohll.u t, defending .Tel' .. 6 ,oh \VtU'tz 'FL ' B. S. HOWeLL, Waynesville, Ohio. • Mamie EV'LDS vii BOll rd qf Ed\1ca Blaokford, indi~ent prisoner, ,,35 i .... Real Estate Transfers. Save seed from lt he best pUDlpkinH tion of Lytle Spec\tll 011 ,01 distriot , William H . Ja okson &, Co., ice !lDd -------------------------------------- --------' Dl}fendant ordered to plead itl 10 Williaui J . Roa~h to C. CI..l1iU paint for court bouse, 15 86 ; t) Lev and squllshes. \. da~s. ;el.ll estate in Warren Oounty, ,70UO Oart.wrlghtl servic~s on soldier '~ 1 James G . 8chenok: vs Ge~rge ' MOClure . '8. 'I.'odd,' exeoutor of lJuda oommission, 13 i W. fl . 8t.a.n MoKinley. Plaint.i.ff orclered to file, .James M, Smi th to J., Milton Earn ag.e & Co., supplies for sheriff petition in 10 !lilY!". b~rt one h!l1f of ' reul ",sta te in LelJa. *13,60; W . H . Sta nllge & Co ', paste nOD, ~1500 . ~ " for sllrvoyor, U i Dr. C . A. Bough, Probate Court. joha E .' Smith Ilnd wifu to .J. Mil . m edicalsE'tvices to prisoners, MO,15: ton Earnhart undivid ed half of Lebanon Patriot, publlAhing report Fi:t::~!!h~::S Murphy, ~n~an6 . above re f esi", Leba.non .11500. of examination of treasury, $27.75 i , Riohard ill Minge td Itobert Laoe. "Franklin Chronicle, same $27.75 . ~!!tllte of !:;Ilrah P . Steddom, dl) • _ • • . . oel,lsed. Fir!:\t a.nd finlll aooount real es tlite in Franklin ,SGO. filed. ' M. E. Gnstin, exeouto'r' Hannahl Kills Her Foe of20 Years Etttate of Ma.ry E': Bolttn, deceased. -Ireton, dece.~ed to AddiSun E. "rp~ most ,meroiles,s' enem! l1!a'a Proof of publication flied, Sontbl1rd real estate in Lebanon, for 20 years, ~ deolares Mrs. James "700 ' , . Doncan, of H1lvnesville, Me., "was Elltate of Frecl.erick Miller, d,e. ., , D y s p e p sia. I suffered intensely afoeased Admin1strator Qrdl}red to DaUlel RItchey et 11.1, to Chaunoey ter ea ting or drlnkin'g , 'Bnd oould pay to Mury 'J .. Miller, Widow of de RHc\ley raal estate 10 Hamlltou soarce ly sleep. After many' reme.' oelised, the sum of ,18'00 whioh WIUI township, $1. diCE b ad flliled and several dootors go,ve me up, I tried Eleotrio ,B itters. amount paid for do.wuges 'by. the In Commissioners' Proceedings, which ollred me comyletel Y• NowI terurbl\n R. R. & 'I'. Co. can eat anythi ng. . am 70, yaars Estate of West Glenny, deoeased . Contracts-Contraot WIlS entered old, nnd am overjoyed ' to get uiy ' h ea lth and strength back again." Fl' rst a coount filed . into wltb Uhor}es Henderson for a l1'or Indigestion, Loss of Appet.ite, I n matter 0 f es t ate 0 f L aura A • concrete, arch oulvert near reNldenoe Kidney Trouble, Lame Baok, I Fe ' Newport, d eoea-seq. William H. of ,\ . A. <':o wnn. on cross road frorn mule. Uomplaints, its un.e qualled. Newport, exeoutor ordered to H· ::!haker Hill schoo l house to C1I1cln Only 500 a., .} fred C. 8ch~artz'8. tnrn and file order of sllle of oh!l.ttel no.ti pike in Turtlecre£k township tl0USES OF GOU) ,MUD proporty. 8ame is done . at the e. tituate $ 146. Estate of Lewis Hllmphrey~, d( ' .Q oeased.Eirst lind finalaccouot filed. Uont,ract was entered into Wit For hundl',e ds 9f years , the Uhnrle' B. Lewis for It coucrete aroh In the matter of Thom:ls A . H!1l . ' footed and empt, stomaohed poor • oulvert Dertf the residenoe of Mont f t.l. • t M" i' h \. ' alleged Adjudged ' inl:lllne. . 0 uUf\naJua 0, eX co, ave ueen Hoblit 00 Bellbrook West 'It · i h f ld 'I'h . ' vlng U OUS8 S 0 go. ey werfl aDd entitled to udmission into Day. Wayne townslnp ut estimate of t Fifth " j d • ton asylum. $1('375 no avenue mfl.nSlons Oop e Estate of Elmer E . Cadwallader, . . from Florenoe and Siena, but just decel1sed, First lind final u.ccount A ~ene r RI cont ract was entered plain windowless buts made out of filed. into with tb e fo ll owi ng persontl for. adobe or the lUud of the Guo.najuato Watch this space for particulars next week; it will pay. , " i E tate of J osepb ' D. Reed Sr, rer,air of bridges and culverts .w hen gold distriot. A hundred of these I deceased. Mar'lllre t M. Reed IIp the cas t of s llch repair on anyone hots had to be torn ' down. to permit pointed. administrator giving bond bridge, at anyone time in anyone the oonstruo~lon of a 'railroad ' and of $80.0 with Jo'!eph D. Reed Jr., ·yea~'d~·~H n.ot oos,t over ten d~1l~r8. 80me man got the 'idE)a of analyz~ng , John ' Reed ,and Edwin Reed, as V.hd nntll September 22, ' 1910. the debri!'. The houses have now s areties. Invent.ory tli':lpensed.wlth J . A. Rh utI s on rOlds t~ soutbeast yielded '50,000 in gold to the posse ~ . Estata of George . W, ~inkl~, de. Wa.yoe towntlhip tlod w~et'e direoted sors and many a. poor Goanajuatll.u· ' . ' who last year ' ~id" Dot know where ceased. ' iroof of. publioatIon of ,DO.ID EIl~t Wayna t~Wt)f,lhlp . • of appointment ftJed . : Mo.r!on , G~J;,don 0':1, Wayn,esvll1e ,bis next oigarette was coming from ; Estlt.te:of' Barriet E . O'Neall, de'. a~~ Hu.r'\ie~sb·ur,groad and,s · iiowrevele' iQ hot tamlttles 'for .life. · , '~sed. '-" Pioof of j)u,blioiitIOn .. of n'o~ yiH~ a.nd? ~i1le r~ad a~~'where .N~.w 'h 9.use's :ate bein~ .. 'Pll~ up, but' . di.r~oted lD Mas~~e .to.w.pspip. " '. they art) npt'ma.DsioDB of gold, , The ,. , : 11i.oo 'of :apPoiIitment' f)led .. ' . ' , '., Est~te : of I:>aw.uel plnwigdie, de. . Ide .S4erbet on Stro:nt pike ·and .latest bnildingmate,.ia~in Guanajua' ~ed.... Froof. of publication filed . t'l~reoted in .wllehington~d~ .. to i~ pla~n, ', uneterqtzed , oommon or .;-:. . .. . . " , , ' : " .: liMp. :. '. ., ' karde ' m\1Q.-SUOOe8jt MaglWine. ' ' I ' ~ , .Mili'riage Licenses. : .BHls-'Elmer . Bow~ll., · bridge re. ,". . ~ ., .,'. ," lI"k W' Idout~ 30 '. . ." l?air ~ ,It! Clearoreek ,township,. ,9 50.; . A ~i8t8f'i8 a goochubsti.t ute ~~,r ·a ·. . '. , ~D , . .,. ' carpenter" Oregonll' Bridge Uo.; oon~~~ot8 ••216 . potatp dlgger; " t. better thaD.. " . , ..,..--~--'----~:"-""':"":;'':''''''---''-----'-, , . of_.1\61»noD and (:)arali . ~. Bamiltqn t223 1223 11261: Ohadea L. Bender. plow,,,.' hail & double··mold ' board, . ,~ .-; of~ath ~~D,~D. . '_ ' .' .1': : ' . . . ' . " . . ';. . - ~ - . ------;.,.~""!"'~..;;;.~.:;..;...;;:....-.::.J



it i ~ n'

Hank, at Waynesvill in the St~ te .of Ohi ,at' th close of business" Novl:!mber 16, 1,909.






- --_.-




,~~--~¥. --~--,






.Interesting Offer

V(oman's Home COlI)panion, M,i ami ,Gazette, , Both for only





$1.50 $1.00 $1.90

. :.




" 3


of. Oh~o. "

Banj, R,. Bunby of Wester ville, neaT Colamb us.. r, ~h 6 ' st ill more Sudd en De~ths. widely · known song, I pix·ie,',' It, By Emerso n Venable There is a <l1sea~ prevailing in this too, is a,1i hio produC)t. D(\Tli I ,Decaunt UlosldaDgerous uecausesollecepcdur Euimet t, of Mt. Vernon , 0 ., is Chicag o, NUT. 22 . I , tive, MtlOysudden A L{.EY rL' I~ L~I'I!O . I', .,\ L(. NO . wi deaths are caused the autho.r. An·.ong Emme tt's plnn'L'o the Edltor -l feel oonfide nt· ~~~~~fl<~!!::); by -it-hear t dis· tllt,ion songs so extensi vely known t,hat those of your readers who have .' . ease, pneumonia, D. L. CRANF. , Editor and Manag e r not· cow's in oonttaot wltb Emerso in minst,r eley. ot t he . Pllflt lire "Old beart failure or n 11 . apoplexy are of tell Olln T noke r," ",fordo n's (L Bard Ve unhl a 'lI n e w book, "The Poe~s of ;:. the re ult of kid· Ohio" jutlt ISl!ued trom the press of Rates of Subscr iption tley disease, If Road to TfIl~el" liud othl r8, [ the Robert Cl arkeCo . , of ClnCln nali, eon ble htls gi veil us . kidney trouble is Emer!!o n Oll ~ Yrar (sl rl·tly In ,.(I I· ancc ) . .. .. .. ' 1. 011 will find '" pe rsoDf~ ." ~ allowed to ad,'ance tbtl bi\J~raph y ano. ohi ef poetlcl11 1 interes t In it . . ,;. '" . the kidney-poison. ~!II1!:h: COllY .. ... . ... ,lin Mr. Venllbl e un honore d namo, • _.. _ ed· blood will at· prod uct!OU uf th I rty four lOon u nt! tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of women of Ohio, fo rmiog II vlllllabl e one held tn very high este m by Rates of Advert isemen ts the bladder, brick·dust or sediUlent in Wayne svilJe people. Be Is a son of the urine, head n he, baek ache, lame v olume, wbich i well worth II. plllOe tl cnll io g LucalN . per IIlIc ... for Feeble ' Old People , Delica te Childre n, Weak, Run-do wn r,c R cadlng 10clIls . hllll' k (ace . I"r IIn c ..... 1Ul' the former residen t of yonr oommu - back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous· in lillY Ii brory . Person s, and to Counte ra ct Chroni c Coughs , Colds and ness, One who digests this w urk CliO nity, Dr W ,· B , Venabl e. Many down or the kidneys. themselves brenk Clussltlcd Ails. Dot to 'xcecd II\' ~ IIn c«. and waste away cell by cell. Bronch itis, is because it combin es the two most world-famed • ~'hrcc III ~H tlon s ... . .... . ... . .. !!i\c of U8 were privile ged Bladder trou bles almost always result n ot fl\il to soe tbllt ill t,he s )uth WOEl t·· to meet EmOhllll arleN. On' (li r he" In',, : col'rr fl\'e frol11 tonics a derange the medicinal, strength en ing, body.bUlldmg elemen ts ment of the kidneys and ern part of t h o sta to, centeri ng erson e nt the Bomll Comin g IlichcH, Iwr IInc ...... .. .. ....... 50 be~ter health ill that organ 'is about CincinD of Cod Liver Oi l and Tonic Irpn, without ' oil or grease, "t.i, the ro hu b eu lind Reunio n when h~ aooomp llnied bis Card o f lhuuk s ... . . .. . ... .. ....... .. 21ic qUIckes t by a proper trcatUle n~ of ~~ kid· etlll is u dil'tiuc tly arti tin Ilnll lit. tastes good, and a~rees with everyo ne. IteMolutl . II N . . .. . • ....•.• ..• . . •.. ..•. . fiOc fl1 ther to thtl t ever memor a ble oocn- neys. Swamp·~oot corrects lJIablhty to hold uri ne aud sca lding pain ill passing it, e rar y u tmrllph ere. CondItI Soclul H cW. whe re I' hllr ~ ' I" maile . .. . . . :!.;o l:IIon. O n!' ure We return your mon~y withou t questi on if Vinol anel oyercom es thut unpleasclllt necessity l'igh t there, in proper I)lspla y ,,<henl, lu!:. IH' r In Ch . . . . . . . . . .. lUe prop rtiuu '1 h e re ie 0. 1001101 oolor to Mr. Ven of bein g compell does ed to not go accom plish all we claim for it. often through I . UlsCOUlil S KII'e n 011 cont rac t. a.ble's book to all who claim Wayne li the day, aUlI to get up many times during I t o produoe men uml woman ot' 1M. J. E. JANN EY, Drug gist, Wayn esvill e. ville as their own beoaus e the old the night. Th 'mild 811d immedi ate effect I ters. There exiA ts Il lIiJi rit of oon. ?f SwatJ\p. ~uot, great k.idn~y remedy ssrVu.ti sID of permol lenoy of sottlell town appear s in the biograp hioal 18 soon rClllt zcd. the It stands the hIghest be- " . ' NOVEll O I£H H. 1909. sketohe s of h~r two most famou p cause of its remark able health restoring life, of hi gh Fltaodn rds , ot g od blood, properti es. A tri(d will CO li vince un yone. of str on g tbi nk in~ of m ental ~ifts men of letters, Dr. W . B . Venabl e Swamp. Root is pleasant to tBke and is I '1' . and Col . kloates Kinney . I do not, sold by all uruggists in fifty.cen t and peou lar to It' t,er h, r y ' mun h e 110one·doll ar size bottles. You rnBy WAL TER have a l etry is think we are presum ing too muoh the ong of nu ture, of the AUTOMOBI LE SHOW sample bottle and a book that tells all people Ilnd of spiri tual Hot Wate r Bott l.on les gings in a soribin g these two poets to about it, both sent free by mail . Address , . . . Fune ral Dire-;tor. What ie expeore d to be the beet Wayne sville . Althou gh Or. Vena· Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dillgham ton, N . Y. WhIle It muy not be greut 10 tbe WIlen writing mention reading tllis geneyes of t he big world , yet It h as tbo aotomJ bile s how in middle west. ble's early career wile spent milir erous ~ffer this paper. Don't make elemen ts of oummo n life and wi ll will be held ill Columb n s. unller the Ridgev ille and Colon el Kinney 's at any mistakein, but remember the Da m e , TAleph one day or night. . auspioe s of the Columb n s Aut,orn o Spring boro, yet their 11 ves are in- Swamp.Root, and don 't let a dealer sell live . . M. C. Vn lley phone No. 'j ' , Long you something in place of Swamp· Root• bIle Clu b, the week oom menoin g seIJ1uably entwin ed with Wayne . if you do you Distano e N O. 6D-~~. will be disappoilltCQ. Forced into Exile Christ·m as nigh t 1mu !loding New vllle 'R hIstory Uol. Kinney sle"p!' OH)O. Yellr's n ight. HICI(S' ALMANAC FOR 1910 WAYNESVILLE, Wm. Upch urob, of Glen Oak, • in beautif ul Mil1mi Cem etery ' Dr uf t.m tii noa thon, wi t h iucl'ell-sing Rp· Okla. , wus [I.n ex ll ~ from home. ~o eager have the delllerti l10rl Venllbl e pays homag e to him Branch Office, HarveY 1burg, Q. in Il R eady Nov mbe r 15tb, 1909 , a MonDtuin l1ir, h e thon g ht, wonld TDl1nu fuoture rs been to enter th .. ir poem .pubfts hed in the new book, prlloiah on. spl ndid yelubo oure ok, on astrono my 110 frightf ul lung-rl lok ing oough Emerso n Venabl e has perform ed OIlrll, that "ill1Orl Is nt I' premiuU J, whioh begins : tbat had defied a ll remtldi es for twu and meteor ology, the only oue Oun a valuab le servloe in bringin g to · years After SIX months he realthoug b the projtlct is bnt twc HAT HAW AY tainiog the originn.l "Blo ks Wen.thflr weekll olel, und there is 20,000 sqllnro -rhe shrine the sexton told me was gether In poetio sympo sium the best t urn ed, dellth doggin g his steps. Foreca sts. " By rnl1il , po tpat.i, 350, of Uhiu ,¥ It.yues ville's Leudin g Denti1st poetry. It will augme nt stat·e "Th en I beglln to uetl Dr King's N~\V thy tomb, feet, n Vtdll1hl\J for t'xhibit lon }lur on news~mc18, :l00. Une oOPY free (JIDce in Keys Bldg. l'here where the hills of old Wayne pride B~ok ey es bllove for tbe uohiev· OIt!Oove ry," he w ri t r A, " nnd II ft, T Mllin Bt pOl!es. ments of Ohio people. 1'bls voluwe tllklug six bott·les I Itm BS we ll II S with Ii yetLr 'B subsorl ption to Word elope greenly d own Some of the most famous raoing e ver . " I t 81~ve~ t·h oueondtl venrl.v a n d Work , the Rev. Irl R . Hioks ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ shows that. while Ohio is famed in from d esparut C'lff', inolurll ng the Aloo, whioh r • ro wIlJow ly Miami , near the p6nslvtl e lung disease s. Iu statecr aft, in the profess ions, in agri. tallible for Coughs unrl Colds, it dis- Monthl y Magllzi ne , t h e best ~ 1 town. cently wou the VR.nder bllt oap' rll ot'. oulture , in the industr ies-in s hort pols BOllrlleness !tull o;sor e Tbroat·, monthl y in Americu., Visoon nts on '·fEARS " and the littl e · Buick!l, whioh h.Lvt' EXP.IR IENOE Curel:! lirip, Bronoh itiF, Hemor . Alman ncs in quantit iee. Agents A s one gets beyond In many the of immed tohe ilite world's Ilotiviti ell, won fume throug h thll driving ot vlolnity of Wayne sville, he ~ppre IIhe is not' delinqu ent in flne ~rt~. rhages, AHtbmll . Uroup, Whoop in g wonted . Remem ber, the gen ine Cough . 600 I\nd ~1.00, St,runl! , Bllrm!ln und Cbevro lel, wi1 oilites the value orltics anti the Her poetry is that of the people free, guaran teed by F. trilLl bott,le "Hicks ForeOl lst-" Ilre not publish ed C.' 80hwll be exhibi ted ' l;fID eral raadinR publio assign to t Ile - - -_a -_ +-- - - rtz anywh ere el lie-you get them only Aside from Dr Venabl e and Col. F or ty ODe differ nt mukes nl work of Dr Venabl e Ilnd Cf)l. Kin KiDney , who are of more immed! Leave the oabbag es in t h e field in his own publloa tions. Word and Atu l'i(\on OIlr!', in nil ~1 .&e"l from t h' ntiy. I doubt whethe r Works Publish i n g Co, 221.11 Looust any Ohio ate Int,eres t to your readen , Mr until oold weathe r. absolut ely oom· St., St. Louill etullnoh Ii tt It' 1' 111, h'lut to the 1m "0- !Joet hilS produo ed so popula Mo. r lI. lyric Venabl e's biograp hiolil sketche s pre pels r emoval . Tbey_ will k ep beting 11m n:,l ne, Will be on the 1\ 1101' <1S "The Rain upon the Roof" fr om oeding the pcelus of eaoh. author This lurge rep r ~t! ' ntntion m ellll, t.he pen of C..>lonel Kinney . It btL" bring out fftots of ftt letlst section a l ter there tha~ anywh ere else. that ttl C ,IIITII h ll£4 sbow will b beaD set tC' muslo, a s we till know, ooncer n . FOUNTAIN S,,"RINGES mor uoo·. ,ful 111111 ll Ve n the AI IIlUd its melody neverf a.ilsto ·stimu William Dtlvis Gal1o~ her, one of IllntR ho v, ,, 1.\ ,)11 W'lR held l !O' lute frll jitrant mflw ories . Ohio 's earlies t poet·e, woo hil S r pn n,p k. ' Col. Kinney 's other ver8es lire dered the "l\4il\mi Woods " f a n ou', . EVHY n no k II p,\ c rUDDY of the bi ~ · m ostly philoso phio, probab ly tOil in his stlltely pasto~BI , onoe li ved in tl lrio buildlu J( wlll l'\l I the lar~ eRI profoun d fer the averllg e relider Yr1t Xeni!l and later wal:! privu te seore in the s tut?, I a t! bpA 1 con idered ·1t.. \Ve must lioknow ls(\ge they OOU,tllit, t llory to Thoma s Corwin . For smn~ THE NEW STONE 1 the pi lin of dt'C0rlltion, ilnd thol'1 .. unique and imagin ativ'e I vIMlon·g iv. yeare hA WIlS one of the edit·or of who bavE> 111'1-'11 prIvileg ed to see toh .. en but to few ruen . Mr Now t b l\t we Rre to wellr oolored . V'enlibl e the old Cincinn ati G'1ZI)t,to. _tamp ed . deooraH VO 1l1'h In adopte d by till in bls comme nt on the poetica c rystl11s and 1111 munne r of eeml-pr e. l work Otway Cnrry, anothe r po"t lellr ned cBbo~mmitt~p., Stl.Y it will prelle ' I of Col. Kinney saY8' : Oi~ll,\ et,(1 nes t.his winte r 8S broooh es Unde rtake ; " It IS impo~sl the carpen te r 's trado at (.eb!\uo n Ilnd r and Embalmer. a soen'l of tlD SOrpD Reed grllode ur ble for the rellder of ' flnet huokle8 on turban s us weH 8e orl ..lotLl dis- WtiS onoe J!ditor of Il p it por lu Xeni ... , last lonecr throullh harder White and greAl! will be the 00101 cernme nt to peruso the8e Will be foond in the old !, l:.nt,toll~ on fu !' cOllte, it Is inttlres tvolume s servIce than any other bed· Yo~igbborin g villu@e Lytl ,' soheme , tiS It is partiou ltlrly appro withou t reoognil&lng on' cause they have a roun &nk Boildin g. opposit e il1 l( t,n I{OOW nf nny new e vel'y puge should hold In porpetulIl me lDury orystal t hat, bolstloti which does away th e Nlition al BRnlt prlote for the holiday beIlSOn,8.nrl evidenC1e of origina l geniul', filth anarp comers (where alJpPIl f S bold in GeD . W ~ 11 LytlE', 8old1l1f nnd wrltt!I', IDIadt Is loinccl to handle) Teleph one in ho~e and of· thonsa nds of Vllt i oole red lights wll t !10Ugbt., daring in imflgin wbere wear Is constant and 'rh e lust urlditio n Is the olivine , ation, "nd after whom It .WllS nam eli . Whnt· floe whore J ca.!l be called llardut. This Is but one a subdue d glow over the entin' unique iu tbe oon!lnmmu.te 01 man, notable featurCl of and it ",i ll be quite t·ha fnllbion . It day or nigbt. master y more fllmous beritug e oould be auditor ium I j~ of A. I n Ie sha(l e of c;( r een wUh IlD of song which bas for its iluprem e left than Generli l Lytle' V u.Jley ~hoDe U-2. s "Antou y M~m bers of tbe oln b Ilre enthus i purpos e Dot me und el'lyi ng tone of yellow. rel " !,rt for art's suke lI.od Cleopa tra," cl.' mmen,?in~ with Main Street. Wayne svUle, Ohio ;;;;;; 5,-which aive lasti oll: as'io .over the project , and afe co but I1rt for tbe alike of utteran oe to '1 am dyiug. Egypt, dying ?" His l_crvlCc and SIltislaclion. operat lqi with the show f'ommi ttee, the utterm ost . . In his ' "umcrou s palt e rn s are IIpecial de'- ml\ ;t.lnl poetry is Inspire d by oDe oUered in thIS famou s "Siloonslst ing of Perin Mon'yp eny, Bel' main of though t and poetio Plate that Wea,.,. ,. "TilE IAFE IIU" New invon. who bas' been right on , the firing ==SAFES~=SECO'~D HAND ~ Sold by Je3dine denIers man Boster~ Norma n Aeby lind ~en tion, Kinney st.ands unriva everywhe re. Send lor led." cal· line. aloKUc " o-L" showine all Time Lock an. Repair. Work nls Kelly to make it the largest and , While filial devotiu n' might AU Ktld. . desians. . have Dayton produo ed Amerio a'8 grelltgrandtl st ex.hlbUlon of the kind ever prompt ed Emerso n Vtlnabl ~ESlD ENCe SAFES A SPECIA lIalDOl LT~ ••IT....II co. e to glve ost negro poet, Paul Lauren oe Dun(lDlflmallo nf.1 Slh ar held , in the middle wtntt. and the greater orad! ': to his disting bcllSl,e Arency for "Centur y" Ad/ulf.b lt Steel Dn wlnr T.b'~. Co., SUcc.eMOr.) uished bar, ' whose all too brief oareer, 1I_.e -. equal of tjew York and CWoag o .. fatber for his' influen oe and produo t olosed t,he Ufe work ota true genius . THE C. W. HAIM SAFE CO" CoIUI1bUS 1 OhiO, . m',c~~~m . • ~• in the world of letters, yet modest y No one oa.n read II Angelin a" or , . Oirls A~ Victims . forbade . Those, bowev er, wbo.ha ve tie Brown Bilby," withou t reoogn iz of headao he, as well as older women . bet>n inspir~ and afforde d many iDg the faot that Don bar oau%ht; the but all get qulok re~lef and promp oure from Dr. King s New Life Pllls,t pleaaan t hoora by Dr. Venabl e's spirit of poesy in his raoe . In read. , i the world's best remedy for slok poems, regard him as one of Ohio s ng negro dtal(1ot verse, 0 ne 10s es anti nervou s headao bes. They make sweete st slngllrs , whose vet'lle re o half the effect unlel!s aocomp anying . pore blood and strong nerves lind fleots the oharmi ng persona lity a nd it Is the sing-so ng cadeno e of the buUd up y~ur health. 'fry them, rloh sentim ent of the mlln. I regret oolored peop,l e and the swayin g of 250 at Fred C. Bohw&rtz 1.'1. that the anthor did DOt inolude in tbe body to the rhythm (~ . ThAse • Puljllllb d




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T h)- .s' Ba rg ai n wi ll no t be d ft D go o a e rec mber 15.


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Joh. ,h•• forty years oonneo ted . with the ComlnK. In that d~light fnl piece of more g~fted in the field of poetry Only newspa per Interell ts of Olermo nt work, tliere is one poetio conoep tlon than the Ae~lian.harped ~~ng~r Of . wered the fiOli l summo nll that IS mll8ter ful. Yon will reoall Olover. n\lOk,C inoinna tl Allee (Jary. county , ans . 'f ' t fier sister Phoebe less renown ed at !alidnig ht on Frid"y , Novem . ber the. journe y of the ~an 9 age. 01 y " 12th, 'Strloke n with; ptmdys lll, while groome d, who ill returD • ing to the but ~xquil!ite in her powers " Lae engage d at work in the Courie r office old 'flirm of his boyhoo d. . Be etopd ~ntrlbot,ed to the "lory of 'be (Jo~y Tb d y ing he lingere d on tbe road to take" drink as WIlS Slstere, Ther.:! are fo-w more fOIDll on uTS a morn u~til his death often his w()nt at a little spring iar poe'm s than "Piotur es uf Mem. In unOon80iOO8ness , " . " d "N b' Ut The funeral servioe " f Alio C ry s, whloh was Dr. Venabl e express es itin this way: ory fln McC all's Mag azine . 0 I YO . e " . held at the Presby terian Churoh They bot.h display her dehcate and . t ' d dad marked Do you see thE're that green patch sympa Is a large, handso mely ilIustl'a ted hundre d-page monthl y magazi thetic t.emperamenlo, ne . . It were largely a ten, e n . of oalamu ll growln g. contain s sixty' new Fashion Design s in each issue.. Every . Wilham Dean Bowell s certain ly by 'eviden oes of gflef and sympa needs it thy b in the audieno e, wbioh axpress ed the for its up-to-d ate fashion s , enterta ining stories and comple te Wbt'lre the spring bub le8 np a~ds ra~e luster lo Buckev inform ation e poetlo on l\ felt b his neighb ors. all home and persona l topics. Over one miltion s ubscrib ers. Aeknow throug h ~he loam at its brink? fame, having l l resided first at Colum ,18Jlse ot 08 Y . . 8top 'here by the rl>adaide, a. min bUI and' 'hen at Olnoln edged the best Home and Fashion Magazi ne, Price, 5 cents a nati. .copy. ~e ·servioe was oODduot~d by ,Rebv • ut8.-I 'm going Thoma s Buohan ari Read '8 "Bberi. Ramee palltor of the ohuroh , VI! 0 d ' , . , " . . '''b t • ,iI . "be ' D__ . 'l'o-m.k McC all's Patte rns e me ale"f-o up an sooop The MJam l Caze tte dan Ipoke bom. e . exu s Bille is of nl\tion al renown · am ." -. d 1 k .. C' · ., d' th Lif . h ' tha" Be up a r n • So · simple you eannot .misund er· urrpo tt.on an ,' e .. e ; e , • . ~r"kin iu lnolnna ti.. aDd presen t Is in its sixtieth year, prints the 1 Sh '1 . "i y . .. th h. he die yet Go' 'ahead ',' that waa cool-a t leut it tng.., stand them • . Absolu tely accura te. ne ws of t he 'neighb orhood . · It has Genera '. eridan II oe ebrated . "I. ,uevel~ ~h ' ~ Le'i : ,?, , ,!gae " . ' . Il'A ' "-d' '. 8ha 1 e ' va. aobi8ve meIR ~l t'be battle of Win- . You may Relect; free, . any McCall eight pages, and every y..IIIUm.... , w~. c,~olLlh, .. column has '.'... . . 1\8 ' ~ d ' ll' oftlle' M E " Chmah :" u ;': B .. td.ldD!t . .tequit . . Pattern yo. \ ,! desire from eaaweU the first .~i' good cheater r ead . , . ....81tte,U ing It and cu: 118 I , . .: . " will lots live of it. perbaPR , R.e gul~r ' , ,. . long as "Loobi nvar." All' shine' , of· numbe r of the magazi ne which' corresp ondentS from allsurr n the I18rv,ioe aDd apoke,. brief· " ought to, In truth i ~und~g ';h Ct U W ' te . 1 I i, aDd~~li~lg~y.:·. reacht'l you. Regula r priae, 15 cents. towns: ' Regula r prjce, ~l :OO a· y~r~ ". I ' J ,D it look at ~y 'ahoel: eu raqa y~ it al • .~I e v ar ~:ourh v • . . .YII il fooll.h ., Q n y, 8p~e II tt, ". "~~.KJ 0 e~ avo • • "IjI!I• • •_-'__ 'r ' ......- aon..,e . IIIng the f ount 110in 'lng paued .' .. OD,,. paftio. ... . • ~ted io the'f <. ",~ . .' . memor able ' fray ' he comme morate s . of you 'h. ' ' . . , Y·".' ,.,.. " wlll 'l!'lwaY8 ~ave ,a pel'loD al " a'-'. Tbal a.r tistio ' idea' apd exp o re.ioD lraotioD .· ... bilprea:ecl m~ .. 'deepl, when Dtr. . TllOIIo who I£now the popula r IOD~ can on or eend THE MIAMI ' GAZETrE, Waynesville, OhiO. . Monel Order to IV8n~ble , read m the' Biolillre "l!,iel1y Gra,," ba~,!l8liJom 'hOn8htl~'~_II!II!~~_ _ . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . ... oIaUoh ail4 ·1& ·bIIe noarn ~~_';'II!III~_~~~_~~~IIII!JII~~~_"" cUo me of " . . ,_ work of . . Oblo ~ l.a IIiII!!I~~_~~•

SI 25


it .


Any 15 Cen t McC all patt ern you may sp,lect ·ptio - n to t h e M-lam l· Ga7e tte One y ear'S s · ub scri



The Miami Gazette O. L. CRAN E. OHIO,


Spain Is t rrl ng " ry hnrd to , be up to da te. It 1I 0W has a bulll1ght lrus t. I.C wonion Is to )lI1VO a but tonlE'ss ill' s, why don 't Illan hn\'e n bu tton· I s ('ollar?

------=== to

It i ~ go, : be n hllrd wlnt I' for tb e norlr, The pri ce of automobile Ur('s has gonp up,


Gold wlI rlh $ll.OOO,OOO IS comin g out of the Tanllnn vall y. Alas ka . this ea· Ilon. I t s hould sum e to .flll quite a Dumber of tf' t h,


Servin s elUs bent on looki ng for ·troubl . Th little kingdom wil l dill' cO I'er t roub lo Is a tllieg mu ch e ns l r to nnd tha n tn lose.


not c!lpli01l li nd Th is rOl lD tl'Y ru rries n o chip on Its should er. but It dares fl ny for ign navy to sail up tt' t.he north pole and ta ke It. T he Moors !lnve ca1lght anothel Spani sh foroe unnwares. That wa r soems to lJe onducted by th e hostllp tribesmen on Ole s urprl s ·par ty plnn, '" s ter~ -cro tl a nd trade reports con· tlnll highly fa vora ble. And big har· vests and good bllslness In t he west mean g nern l prosperlt)' for t he country. A Chicago man shot a motorman beoause h laughed at him. ' or ourse, motArme n s hould be taught, mann ers, but th ere may be methods less drastic,


Wblle It is t rue thllt t he poor we have always with us, It Is also a cer' ta lnty that some oC the r ich hardly ever allow us a respite from their dl· vorce troubles.


Another man has been mistaken for a deer in the Adirondack s. H e Is dead now. This Is the open season for deer , but It should be the closed s easo.n for humans. The amateur hunters are already settlnl{ In their crop of human game. And It Is part of t he Irony of fate that 'no matter what bad shots they are, tbey can always hit' a man. The latest t r iumph of surgical s CleJ}ce Is s uccessfully to r emove a man's stomach . Some cynics say, bowever, tbat to the vast majorit y ot masculinity death Is preferable, OIenn Ii. Curtiss appea1'8 to be ' the r elgntng a eroplane favorite. His victory at BreSCia, Italy, supplements that at France, where be won t he Int ernational championship. Curtiss also r~celves $6,000 of the prize dioney, and th1s, In addition to the sums given In other contests, makes a total of '15,000 from these sources alone. And It Is added that the Curtiss ae roplane cost only $1,000. That I.nventlon appears to have been one of t~" best '. Investments on record. ' A New Yorl judicial authority has been .cal1ed on to de cide whether a man's grav-e can be s eized and sold for hIs debts. Whatever the abstract justice of the propOSition, there Is something so , revolting to human nature's mos t sacred 'Instincts In busl· ness which carries its claims beyond the gTave tbat no one was s urprised to find the court forbade the dese cra· tlon of the· dead, There WIlS somethin g too ghoulish In the mere pro· posal. Earthquakes, fires, floods and tidal wa ves ha ve been especlally numerous and destructive In Mexico this year. The la test of th e visitations Is a tidal wave along the coast ot Lower Call· fornla, causing the loss of several lives and' the demoUt1tm of many bundlngs. As the wa ve sw.ept Inland for two mUes something of the force and e xtent of the flood ma y be con. celved. Mexico w1l1 have reason to r emembor 1909 because of the fr equ e.ncy at calamities during that pe. rlod. 'rhe Spanish press has rebelled a gainst the strict censorship ot news by the authorities a nd announ ce they will publish ne w true news of th e war In Morocco. Th e policy of withholding Informa tion from the public Is on a par with tha t ot th e ostrich wbo hides Its . hea d wben s eeking to conCM I Its whereabouts trom its e nemies. T he ove ntual tru t b cannot be sup. pressed In this age of Information, and t he nati ons can no longer be treated as children to have only wha t tbelr rul ers t hink is good fo r t he m. The dull s ile nce tha t hung over tbat New Engla nd dinner t e has been li fted o f late, says the Dellnea tol'. Tt Is gOD!' like the dew In th e s unli ght of the n IV social Influ e nces. Th e IsoIntlon of the farm was th e c hilling ause that drove men Into the cltlell. Now . by telephone a nd free llIail deli very, a ll the warm world currents nre be ing curried to th e count ry and a r vits llzl ng the rtlral community Into a life t bat Is r ich and abundflnt In the val'lety of Its In te rests, A real 11 a rt hunger hlls bee n ans w red. An omclal or th > national geograph, Ica I s urv y ,asserts that there ' Is enough u!lm ln ed coal In thi s country to last for 7,369 years. We are ' 8 1n d be wils p articula r a bout t.l].ose odd years, for , It ma kes hi!! asser tion' so ruuch mor onvlnclng. '" q



Ha lley's comet 'uas been seen again and Is getting brighte r, which 18 evl. 'den e tbat the .vls ltor Is dra wing n a re r the earth. If It had corile a l1t~ e soone r tbe comet might haTe been a pleasing addition t o the Rud. IOn·Fulton UlulDJnaUona,


"DId YOII know," apok. one of tbe ANOTHER IM'ORTANT VICTORV group, "that a pr lc bnd b en pIa d FOR THE CARTER MEDIOINE I 'apon Razls' bead ? NI a nol' h8ll a . COMPANY IN THE UNfTEO mand d th nt b b , t nken and delivSTATES COURT. er ed unto him." ' ''Ra zls ,'' xclaJm d' anot.her, In I' • The UnIted · Sta tes Clroult Court for s pons , "God help 11 8 W,h n w lose Story of t.he Maa Who Called the So uthe rn Dlstr'sct of New YorkIbe Fa lher of Ihe J ewl him. 'I'h r III no ma n In J el'u sa l III sitting In New York Ity- has just wbo has don e so mil ch for ' his city Ii",nrdcd to t he Car te r Medicine Com· Chat on' _Interestinll Topics of Many Kinds. by I r Is a v rltable fa t her of tb J w. Ja Y THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" pany a decree 'which aga in sus ta ins PREACHER a nd II worth y son ot Abra ham." a Recollnized Authority the company's exclus ive right to use Thus ta lking th ey pass d on In to the red package for !lyer pills. ' th t IOlll . B.v tb t er ms of the decree, it is, "!'ion can sav th e temple nnd RaBns d 0 11 th t) S cond Uoo k of ?ll ac· zls (md Judns, bu t ' od . ';\'(' mus t A Novel Shower. • " Senti men t" ards. After the 'guests a mong othe r things : Adjud g d t hat t he Cnrt er Mecl!:lne ca bc s, chul1t£'r 14 . , A dozen g irls ' vho IIv d for years have paid t hi s prelly tribute th ca rd pray." t hey said, and In r esponse to Company Is the owne r of the sole and as ne ighborhood fri ends sho wered one are to be 'ollected and put In a bOl t h a ll il a l the hlgb pries t lift ed up exclusive right to the usc of red col· his ha nd s towa rd h 11 ve n and pruYl'd, of tb Ir num ber. who Is to be a De- cove red with cloth at gold a nd pre, ored wrappers and labels upon said ce mb I' bl'~de, In th is unusua l manner: sented to the aged couple. SERMONf.TTE. snylng : small , round pa kuges of li ver pills of "Thall , 0 Lord of a ll thi ngs, who Th c bas t ss asked , t hem all to meet the style described In the bm of comat her hOllse In formll lly at two " Razls, one of th e eld e r. of A Guessing Contest . has t need of nothing. was pi a s~rl Je ru sa lem, a lo ver of his coun· This cl ve l' li ttle IItllnt was th flo· plaint ; said ri gh t b uv lng been acIhat th temple of tbln!! ha bita tion o'clock, the brld e-elec t was asked to quired by th e prior a dolltion or s a id trymen, a nd II ma n of very good shou ld be amollg us, T herefore, DOW , com e at th ree. In th is way the host- ale a t a shower g iven for a Nove mber style nnd color of packl\g fo r li ver ess xpla lned he r scheme, wh ich was report, who for his klnd ne u bride. A table was ~ro u g h l Into t he o Huly Lord or All Holi ness, ke p pills by t he complai na nt pl'ed cess ora was ca lled a fathe r of the thi s hou se ever und fl ied, whi ch lat· os fo ll ows , She hall ma teria l for each room havi ng on It a lot of tb lllgs, eac h more tha n t hir ty years ago, a nd es· one 10 ma ke th e following a r ticles : Jew6." olle repres ntl ng a cake : ca\'ds were Iy wns clt' nns d, nnd s top every uu' A dus ting ca p, th ree d usters, a broom passed bea rin g tbe dllpllca te nu mb ra tllblhlhed by tho contin uous and ex· 'W h at a record of a life to l'lght ou s mouth," bag, Iro ning holde r, laund ry bag, kltch- of those on tbe a rticles. G r at fnll cluslve \lse of t ho same In constantly lea ve be hl nd l A nd wh en tbe pray I' had Increasing quan tities by sa id prodeNea rly 3,000 yea rs a go thl . and t he el'pmo ules hnd n il been per· n apro n. cloth espin bag, roll er towel was had In th e guessing. Hero a re c 8f!Iors a nrl by the complainant, t he and n case to wi nd linen doilies on, some a t t be objects, and a hos tess reco rd wa s made and It stili en· for m('d, th e pries ts w ithdrew to on e Car ter M <11' Ine Company. itself, from dures as a n In spiratio n and of t ho IIPt> I' ro oms to tak e counSE'l The enUre cost was a dded a nd dl villed may enla rge the lis t as sh e desires : A th tl mQ of their snld ndolJtlon until guide to others. how th y mlgbt de liver Hazls from equall y nnd tbe n ea ch articl e was s ponge (s ponge cake), a llttle toy hen the presl'n t day. wrapp d In tiss ue paper, tied wltb r ib· tor "layer cake," a chocolate 19l1:euge "The good wh ich men do IIvea th e bnnd s of Nlcanor. T be dccislon just a nn o\lDc.ed Is per· afte r them," Is the wayan old "H e will nev r s llft'e r hl msE'Jc to be bon and hidd en t hroug hou t the rooms, (chocolate cake). t wo little CUpids haps the most Important and fa r·rencb· ad a ge should read, and who can taken nl1 ve," one of tb IU xc lll imed, Wh en the honore d guest arrived, they (angel food ), a pict ure of a bl'ld$ lu In g of a ll , by I' ason of th characl r meas ure all th at thl . mean •. " 1'\0, bllt how w ill be e l'er ma ke cha tted a v. hlle, then the hos tess an· full wedding costume (wedding calte ) , t rl bllna l which r nd red It. No It' mean s an upper current let his escape tram t h cHy? Every gate nouu ced t hot a fai r y godmother bad a bit of gold and sliver gn uze or rib· of COll r t In t be country stnnds higher. cElI~ ded to her tha t thel'e we re pack· bon (gold a nd sli ver cake) , etc. F or In motion which ceases not In Is gua rded a nd e v r)' road fi ll ed wltb ages or valne concealed within t h pri zes there were recipe books and - N ational Druooist. S t. Louis. MD-, Its now toward God . soldIers." ThInk of It I "Yea, a nd ven now t bere are 101· portals of the room , to be dIscover ed sev ral bea uti full y decora ted cakes. M ADAM E l\l ERRI. HAS ITS GOOD POINTS. How Important th\!n I. this dle r,s scourin g the c! ty see king his bl, only by 8 brlde·e lect and to the tune of brida l music, Wbe reupon the host· matter of building the record of din g place." a IIf•• "Cannot we hide him In th" tem· ess sat down to the pla no ~nd played CARE OF THE TABLE LINEN A man cannot live .elfllhly pI e," exclaimed one, with sudden in· wedd ing marcbes while the merry little bride hlln ted the hidden t reas ures, aOlt Quality Will Quickly Spoil If Not and build a record for the uplift splration. Handled In the Proper. of hll felloW man; neither can " Yea, we might ," r esponded "noth· ~uide d by tbe loud or soft tones on Manner, h. live Impurely, or dl.honeatly, er of the groul'. " but Razls will not the plano. All the packages being dis· covered, tbey w ere opened and the carele8lly or Indifferently and come. I plead with him that he ma ke The ca reful keeplns of table linen have hi. life count for good. thFJ tem ple his refu ge, but h e would girl s a ll set to work on which ever Every footprint plan~ed on the not, sa ying tbat It would only invite pi ece they chose. They pronounced will mean more toward a perfect taroadway of life mUlt the disaster upon God's house. He would this a utility "shower ," and It certa in· ble than perhaps the quality of Tbe most ex, toem.rk ne.relt to the rising ra th er s ufter t en thousand deaths thnn Iy was practical, for the guest of bonor the linen Itself, .un of better things, bring de fil ement or misfortune upon s a id h r mind was so In the clouds qulsHe tahle Unen will look no better t bat s he had ne ver even dream d or tbon the lloorest quality If It be It Is not what a lIIan gets the holy t emple." . from the world but what he "Ah, h e Is a good and boly .nan," the a r ticles prellented. BesIdes It was thrown Into a too small dra wer or gIves to the world that m..... fen -Idly r ejoined the high priel!t. "I a jolly afternoon. Refreshments werp closet, Ju st a pa ll' ot tabh!cloths w111 go ures and welghl that life, have known the ma nner of hIs life Engli sh toasted mumns, ora nge ma r· JesUI 1.ld: from bls youth up, and always he has ma lade, preser ved gi nger a nd delloioufl rurther If t.hey a re kept well flattened or, bet tcr s UII, rolled on a pasteboard tea, brewed by tbe bos tess. "One n ice thing 'bout sbootin' pbeu&"A man'. life con.l.teth not been a s uccorer of hll!l people." r wooden roller than a dozen fII·kept ants du rin' t h' ope'n s e ason Is t hat you In the abundance of the thlngl "Yea, t ha t 1 we ll know," spo).e up nes. The Golden Wedding. kin 'bring 'em home in broad dayligh t, he pOlle8leth." one of the younger of the group. All centerpieces, If not rolled. nnd you don't ha ve to dI vvy up with A fifti eth a nniver sar y to be cele· And again: "Did he not minister to the Widow anel "Wholoever will ' hIs life the fath erless when my mother was bra ted this month Is going to be 0 'l hould be s pread flnt, tn a full·slzed no game constable so's he'll keep Ihall lose It; but who.oever will left alone years ago, and was It lIot most beauti ful a ffa ir. Th e Invitation s box or a linen-covered portfoliO. , Tbe his mouth ' sbut." , 10le his life for my sake, the owing to his encouragement anCl help are lettered In gold engrav ing a nd oorUollo Is a reliable addition to' tbe Mlatake Somewhere. room or pantry, a nd It may be dinIng ask you to a rrive between t he hours .ame shall save It." that I wa s able and wl1llng to tollo w A s tor y comes t rom a KentuckY It Is more than the golden the prIestly office eve n as my fa the r of elg bt a nd ten . The decoration!' nade at home by coverin g two pieces tQwn t ha t Is wor t h repeali ng, Tbere rule, It Is more th.n mere dodesired, and as was befitting one of throughout tile r ooms are to be In o( pasteboard with ta n·colored linen 11ves there a woman who says that yellow, consisting ' of showers of gilt or crash, hinging tbem together with I the tribe of Aaron ." Ing .1 you would like to be done coarse linen thrend or with narrow she has Immedl nte comlllunion with by. It Is the giving of aelf, I... "A noble lire indeed be has lind ," wedding, which are to s wing ribbon strIps an Inch In lengtb, so the AlmIghty, nnd now and then de· respective of what , Ie given to exclaime d another. " BJs nam e Is from e very chandelle r and be s us· pended by yel10w tlllle and yellow thut t he portfolio w111 hold more fia t livers to th ose ot common clay ames· you In return. worthy a place among the b eroes of lin en pieces. ThIs, when filled, Is sage tb nt she bas I' celved fro m on It means catching a vlelon of a nation. Nicanor ma y' be able to saUn ribbon over the heads of the couple where the y w ill stand to reo tied together wi th r ibbons and kept In high. The fa ct tbat these messages .. la rger deltlny than Ie epanned take his life, but he ca n never destroy ce lve congratula tions. Tbls corner Is a n'apkln dra wer, where even the sud· sometimes take 60 a v ' ry materlalfs· by the mer. few ahort yeara of the Influe nce or 'that life. He may to be made a perfect bower of greens dQn r ush for napkins can no longer tic hue does not alter t belr e ffectivelife. kl11 the body but the s pirit and devoness" In he r opinion. studded with Yjlllow chysanthemums, wrin kle the e mbroidered lin ens. tion or Razls ·wlU continue to &0 on Life la only begun here. Influ. One day she went Into tbe omce of Brass candl es tlc k~ boldlng yellow ca.n· encel never die. ' to lead the J ews toward God." a we ll kno wn a ttorney a nd a pproached dIes a re to stand on plano. ma ntel. How Important, then, that the " Well spoken," h eartily responded bookcases, etc. The honored bride will him solemnly as one a bout to r eveal a n purpose of • life be up Innead the members ot the group, In unison. carry a bouquet c omposed of 50 el· awe·lnsplrlng , secret. , " Nlcanor can rob us of Razls, but i1ot~ ow roses,-and-the r efreshments a re to of down, How aad Is the fact 1~1:l-""""-"""'hlrtiOrlt"smlt me to you for $26," the memory ot hi s lite. May God de- be oran~e Ice, N ew York Ice cream , that the world la marred and sbe announced. liver him, but If not, his wl11 be done." sunshine cake Iced wltb yellow, and T he attorney looked up and smiled. ecarred by thoughtle .., IndlfferSkeleton bodies a re popular. , ent, aelflah IIvl'ng. The tread or soldier feet sounded the bonbons are to be wrapped In gilt "That must be a mistake." he r . T here Is qui te a fad for opal matrix. pli ed, blandly, " because the Lord througb the streets of J eru8alem tbat paper. Gilt bell-shape d boxes are to The world should alwaya b. 'fh e Japanese wasb silks are loveknows 1 have not got It." evening as 500 picked men of Nlcan· be given " as souvenirs. bearing the lle r t han ever. the better, not the worae, for • Celestial communication was the reor's army en tered the city and monOgTam of the happy 'Ilalr. The man having lived In It, Thla II Foliage colorings abound. upon broken ol!. marched toward the tower where It Nove mber stone Is , the topaz. and It not an obllg.tlon of choIce but E normous black cherries are usea was reported tbat Razls had taken works up beautftully Into seals, with on some of the hats, of duty. Each man need. and sbelter. Looking BrIghter. may be a "f.ther of hi. coun. handle of gold, Into watch fobs and Coats for girls ' suits are plain and "Things are looking hrlghter now," "Delive r Razls Into our 'hands or we pins. I havti se en all these articles al mos t straight. try," In Imall or large degree, I IIYS a BII1v11le citizen . '''Ote sheriff w1l1 raze the tower and burn It with an{) they will go as gltts to this wed· The latest Parisian novelty Is the Is now my brother-In.lttw, and he won't fire," demanded the captain of tbe ding. As every one Ilkes to give a ha nd·tucked walsL :evy on my crop; the town doctor soldiers. THE STORY. toast and otten people are nqt pre· Some of the standIng collars are boards wltb me, and doesn't charge a But only an ominous sUence tol- pare d, there are to be pertectly ex· he ms titched around tbe top. cent for tellln ' me tha t 1f' 1 don't quit YE wlll not deliver me Judas lowed the request. quislte cards pass ed to each one to be Belts will match the s kirts instead entin' sIx meals a da y I'll not live to ,"Men, you know your duty. Charlfe read aloud atter refr shments. Th ese of the wais ts this season. Maccabe us as a prisoner, I wUllay be a hundred, and Inst of aU, the heaa this te mple of God even with the the towe r." cards a re done In gold lettering, wltll Most of the new cre pe blouses are undertaker Is my best friend, and ha. ground, and I will break down the al'fhe great battering ram thundered a mother of pearl motif worked out Inset , wltb 151sb crochet lace. ' tar, and erect a notable temple unto agains t the heavy door, and fairly beautifully,. The choIcest gems 9f our ' Pret ty little neck bows are made of I)romlsed to fix me fin ally. "r fe el t.bat • don't halt deserve Ba cchus." shook tbe strong towe1'. Again and best writers are found on these latest colored open-work embroidery. 110 many blessings, but , I've got 'em Nicanor thundered the words 80 all again It crashed Into tbe sha ttered, creations. I mU8t a dmit tbey are only Swiss e mbroidery, whe ther hand In that vast assemblage before the shivering wood and the door crushed postcards, as the reverse !llde shows. done 'or machIne, excellent et· and I'm going to hold on to them."_ Atlanta Constitution. temple could hear. That was a dra- and broken from its fastenings, fell In, For want of a better na me I oall them fe cts. nlatlc and tense scene, as the great " Now, men, take him allve. Gold ........... .... ~- ... She Could Not. general standJnp; above the beads of and plenty of It, to the man who de· v- . . . . . "With one wave of my wand," says the multitude s tretched forth his hand livers Razls Into the h"llds of Nlcanth e fairy. ". can make you grow younll toward the temple and delivered his or, alive," shouted the captalil. again ." , The doorway was Ins tantly choked awful threat. Back of Nlcanor and to "Excuse me," r eplied the woman, his right and left stood the soldiers with the burly forms of the soldiers, "If • deollne your kind olrer. If you of his army, and filling all the space with · swords upllfted, ready, to str~ke can bl'lng yout h to me at , m;v present before him was the multitude of the If n eed be, but eager to get the man age, all right: but I positively refuse J ews wbo had been drawn together alive. to travel back through pyrograpby, "There be Is," cried one of t he sol· when It was noised abroad In the city tbe first stages of bridge, tbe babll that Nlcanor bad come and was diers, pointing upward t oward the back, the straigbt. front. , balloon mfl rchlng against the temple. stairway whence Razls stood on the sleeves, and all the rest of the (ads "Judas or the Temple," again sbout. landing, and Instantly a dozen men I can remembe~." Qd Nlcanor. wIth rising passion, as be sprang forward . noted the unresponsive Iboks on the Razls, with s\vord uplifted, held the The Price of Courtesy. fa ces of the J ew.s before lim . men at bay just an Instant, then quick "Politeness costs not hing," said the "Judas or the Tem1!.1 e ?" questioned as a fiash be lowered his weapon and man who quotes proverbs. Ruls, one of th e elders ot the Jews, placing the hilt on the stall' befor e "You are wrong again," answered as he moved about among th~ people him, he fell forward. An angry howl M'r . Slrl~s ,Barker . "You have e vl. to encourage tbem. "It shall be nelth. rose in hoarse cborus from the dlsap· dently not figured how much It cost er, ·for God w11l protect his temple and pointed men. to pers \lade a Ne w York walter to w111 give Judas our deliverer the vie. ·'Fle ha s killed himself," they sho~t. look pleasant and say 'thank you.' "_ . tory." . ed, crowding up the stairway. Washington Star. "What Is that you say!" sharply deBut Razls, who had chosen rather mand ed a voice at Razls' elbow. The to die man!uUy, than to 'come Into the Dyohi II Far Superior latter had worked his way through hands of the wicked Nlcanor, and s ll fto', any dye I ever used. It colore t he crowd , and wlthont reallzlnS it, fer abuse tIIbeflttlng his noble blrtt silk, cotton and wool as nicely as other dyes color either alone. That's what ha d r ea cbed tbe line close to Nlcan- In his haste missed bls stroke am Mrs. Simmons writes us, and sbe or's soldiers, On e ot the latter 'had th e sword passed ba rmless'y through knows. It you have any dyeing to do, stepped within the group of Jewli Ra. his cloak. He had no time to r.ecover use Dyola Dyes. 10c n Dackage at zis was addressing In' a low tone, and his sword now, so lea ping up he YO\1r dealer's. Direction book and as he ceased s peaking the lSollller spJ:ang boldly up to the top of the outcolor card sent tree .by WrlUn! tAl !lpoke uP. demanding to know whlit, he er wall and cas t himself down upon D,ola, Burll~gt,on. V~ had said. the throng of soldiers below, and they !t- man will ' coax his . wlte till she Startled by the voice Razts fell divining his purpose, sprang back. gIves In, and, Is ,pleased wl~h himself ba ck anll the J ew.s realizing his perU Blood gushed like a fountain from his wb~n he : succeeds, but when the cbll. closed In ..tter blm before the soldier broken body as It crashed upon the dren ('oax her, and sbe yields, ,he III co uld lay hands upon him, and he was pavement, but in spite of his wound, dlsgu~~t:d, with her:--"Atctilson (Kan.) los~ to vie)V In t.he surging multitude. Razls spra ng up, and' rushing through <:Jlobe. , ," , "TeU me 'w bo that was," demal\ded t~e ml( ·t oltbe /throng b e tln'ev.:\ hlni~ ' the IIOldler, "or ellle everyone of yOU ,self over 'the adjacent, pre~lplce, wl~ Strong ,Wind. and Sand Storm. wui teel the strong ' hand of Nlcanor.' his dylJlg breath call1ng. upon. the Lord OtIuee Ilrariul.tion of th e eyelid., PETrIT'8 Razls, yOU' say,~' the ,soldler', repeated, t9 receive hIm clnd d el~ver h!s people. EYE SALVE IIOOtbes and QUI!!klv relieve. All dru~\itoz:Howll rdbl'Ol.; nl.ilr.lo N. y ' as ,sev~ral ~di ce8 in the : group "spoke ' Now to~re ' domestto' :dl~turb: ' t.h e lIame. A~d he the~ turned and. aucils In society. ,An organIzation 01 Ja ' the ,-!Dade .his way back Into the tn.~s . ~f wealthy Ghlcago wome~ bas been ,low. from 'Uw buman beart.-Henl'l ~he soldiers. -, tonned to tra~n th~lr daughters tor k _. ' ' , Late ~at ...(t ernoon a .croup of matilmony by teacbtng thern h t d '. pr-Iestll wer e makbig .· their wa)' to- cook. ow C> '!I'T lIBOLBC'I' TDA.-r-COUGR wa rds the temple, The multitude 'had . on 'the left I. a boule ,oWIl or LlDc188 ' l1'een aatln With trflDlIllng of old 'lH~~='1f!.=~~~= . . ..' He w~o believe. only ID the thlr.~ ,,olcl velv~t, and I(old buttons ,long alnee dls perstld an~ NJoanor and ' . 1&II1II ."~"'."~I\I .~.111InIDI1Ia , O~' tIJ~ rililt I. a recelltlOJl IO~ of Jdq.'s bille' P.~. nl,,,, ...~ trJIa bls a.J'u)1 had wtthdraWD to ' their he can Bee never Ie•• "Dr~ , The .pJrIta' (jaU . to 1D.~.rlau aalU qf VenaUa:D ~'" ,. ' ~Ulp, ~~Iq Iii. . ' "','

RAzts T,R E 'J ,EW

For the ' ,H ostess




Fashion's Latest





I!W~~te8~m"sl~ t~a;

..,........... 5,:t.=




.. " •



FELr SORRY FOR. MRS. BROWN SImple Explanation of Rural Mall Citro rler'lI Fallur.. to Deliver Packal1e to Owner. The rural fr oe dellv ry reaches Ita of pe rfection In Vermont, ae· cording t.o tbe Saturday Evening Post. "Mr. Carrier," said a lady who waa Bu'm mel'lng among the mountains. ,,[ pr Incipal dish to' the guest or honor, 81) hav a I lte r, I' celved several days \\'h n th e fl sh WI\S brought on Mis s Paelen· ago. say ing a package ha s been for· wa rd d to m by mall. [h ave not reo cia chang d her seat to on at th Have you seen any· colon I's s ide and curefully ti lecting the ce lv d It yet. chole st morsels and freeing the m from th ing of It?" "A packago?" nsked the rural tree bon s tlnd s kin po pp d them in to th COIOll PI's mOllth . To have d murr d would d eli ver 1'. " Y s , sir." huv lIeen a dead ly In su lt to the hOllt. so "Whut Illnd of a package?" th e colonel was obliged to submit with the " Why, a El lIl ull pa'ilage-a box, In Lest grace h e could Uluster, though the s pecta el or a husky Alii rlcan soldl r b . rnct - co~' red wltb paper, containing I ing I' d 11k a baby WllS a ltnost too mil ch SO li I(' of my IJropel'ty." " A sma ll Lox; pasteboard, prob· rOl' the self·con trol of his com J}lltrlotl:l , espeC ially when so mebody suld very soft- ably?" " Yes, " ly and rlls tillctly : "Lovey, dov y." "Let III s 'c," pond e red th e rural Th gn ll a nt colon I' s orden l eam o to an end aHcl' a tlmc, but It I It him vC1ry rell fr(' d 1I\·pl'e r. "/\ po c kufle ? Oh, yes , and un comfortablE' and nurRln g Il firm reo I gil Btl lhal WU. YOllr package I d IIv· I red to J\1 r8, Brow n down In th fout· solve to ace \it no 1Il0re In vltntlon tl to dIn ! 11 few days ago. Sh hadn't had hill!. out In t he PhlllllPln s. It Is onl y ralr to un." lIlu lI for n long limE' , and I kind or the senorita to exp la in that befurf' sb took her pla ce at t he colonel's HidE' a t\· 1t 'OITY for he r." Imlfeboy app ored lJl)ll rill g u bowl of per· ECZEMA COVERED HIM. fum ed watN nnd II clean tow I. nnd that s he carefu ll y wnsh d llntl drl ubi' hund!!. itchIng Torture Was Beyond Words-Slept Only from Sheer Exhaulrtion Gift Pies for Thanksgiving -Relieved in 24 Hours and 00\1' I'

I¥INQ Is an Ins titution and ilassware antl gen· Uamen wel'e "all In !l or h avy antiquity. but as n pe· oullarly A merlcan national fes, heap," Howevel', they llvnl It dates only from Thurswere separated and day. November 26. 1789, The Hamilton. dreading the . .- - - - . first national Thanksgiving day e'ffect or the scandal II was ' verhaqs the most exciting the episode heoafue ever celebrated on this cOn tin· publlo property. did his ent and ow ~s Its his toric Inter- best to patch matt rs est to a bottle. a bird. a broken up. The skeptical ul· nose and an angry president derman appears to. have who round II out the ex pression nad his doubts upon of his wrath with a tew well· the subject of Sl. chosen nnd forcible "cuss Clair's , sobriety set at words." Y t nil these things rest, but unfortunate ly , were collateral to the main tact the re could be no doubt that we came n ear losing Thanksgiving atter that the Lieutenant's all, and that all the famous men of the day got nosa was broken In the Into a very bitter quarrel over It and ate a course or the d ebate, turk y dinner at daggers drawn, so to speak. for Hamilton, In his let· The Idea or Thanksgiving day originated ters. distinctly says so. with Alexander Hamilton, Washington's secreBut we have the same tary or the treasury, who, In August. 1789 1 authority ror maintain· bl'oa hed the subj 'ct at a cabinet meeting. In Ing tbat a g entleman Is Sept mb r. 1789. Ellns 130udlnot, a New Eng- at all times Justified In Insisting that he Is soland m~mber of t he hou se or representatives. Introduc d a resolution requesting the preslbel', dent to set aside a day of thanksgiving and The next thing that moved Its adoption . The moUon was seconded happened was a dispute by Roger Sb rman ot onnecUcut. The reso. about the turkey. lutton at once m t with opposition . Many Where was the turkey'! It had been brought to members ot congress d nounced the custom or Bu('h observanc s os e rrete and monarchical tbe table. There were and some members became so personal In shouts ror turkey. but the ir discussions' that blows were ~truck over none was forthcoming. the matter In Ihe streets of New York which A proposition to disthen was the national capital • .the ses;lons of pense with the fowl congress b Ing h Id In Federal hall. was hooted down and ,Jefferson opposed the passllge ot the resolu· Hamilton swore - his tlon as an encroachment upon tbe boundary letters say be sworeline lVhlch had been fixed between religion tbat no citizen of tbe and state, but the resolution passed both United States sbould houses of congress, and on October S, 1789, abstain from turkey on Washington Issued the first Thanksgiving proc- Tbanksgivlng day. They lamation. It recommended that "Thursdny the finally got a turkey and devoted people of these 26th day by or the November next. be United States to the service of thut great and glorious Being who Is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that Is, or that wlU be." It recommended that the I> ople "return thanks for hjs care and protection or the peopl of this country pre. vlous to th Ir becoming ana. tion;" again for. "the favorabl e Interposition of his provl4ence in the course and conclusion o[ t he late war;" tor "the tran. qullllt..v. union and plenty which . we hav since enjoyed;" for "tbe peaceable an,d raUonal manner In which we have been nabled to establish a form or gove rnment for our safety and happiness." and for "the clvU and , religious Ilberty with which ware. blessed Ilnd the means we have of acquiring and devlsIn ~.etu.l...knowl e dge," The pro('lamation 18sued. the burning question




Toy mnkl'rs are planning a bost or deIIgb tful su rtJl'l s s for 'Thursday's celebra· tlons. On need not d Iv among old books to learn the traditions and amuseOJ nts ot the originators of tbls fea st day, Plenty of enterta lnm nt Is provided by these favor design ers, wbose work It Is , to know how to utilize Thanksgiving traditions In modern s urroundings . Pies are always a s uccessfu l piece d resist· an e 1' 0 1' the dinner or party , Old as well as young find entertainment In hunting for the prizes concealed between ample crusts ot crepe llap r, and Its app amnce Is a never ending source of joy to tbe guests'. The fnvorlt e pie thI s year Is In the shape of a hu ge basket, la rge In circumference, deep enougb to bold a host of

~. I



.,~'~~~~~~~~~~~==~~====== ~

Cured by Cuticura In a Month. "I am seven ty·seve n yellrs old, and aome years ago 1 was t aken with ee· zemll from head to foot. I WIlS .. cit for six months and what I s uffe red I could not tongue could not tell. sleep day or nlgbt because of that dreadful Itching ; when I did sleep It was from sheer exhausti on, I was one mass of IrrItation; It was even In my Boalp. The doctor's medicine seemed to make me worse and I was almost out or my mind, I got a set of the Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Rellolvent. I used them persistently for twenty·rour hours, That night I slept like an Inrant, the first solid night's sleep I had had tor six months. In a mon th I was cured. W. Harrison Smith, ?ttt. Kisco, N. y" Feb. 3. 1008." PaMer Drq 41 Obom. Corp.,


ProJllo, JIoItoG.

One Was Enough for Johnny. The Sunday school lesson was from thnt sC l'lpture wblch teaches that If YOllr bro tb r strike you on one cheek. YOIl should turn the other also and endure even fO l' s vent)' times seven, J ohn ny hnd listen d to I1ls teacber very attentively, while she em pbaslzed t.his fnct . a nd after lh lessoa the superi ntendent rose to malte a few remarks, "Now, tiOY ll," he sold . "how tunny li mes ought nno~h e l' boy to s trike you befor YO Il hi t blm back?" ",lust ahout one I" promp lly IlDpwered Johuny.-Dellneutor,

How's This?


Wo olTer Ono fl undffil noll~ ... Rmoard tor &1/9 _ of ntnrrh th:lt cannot bp cured by a"ll'. Oalurh Curo. F. J. CII E:-;EY & 00 .. TolI.'.!o. O. '\'c. thr n ndcrsl,rncd. Mve ~nown ....... J . t:hf'Der fOr Ih o IMt 1$ u~ II lIovo him r,'r1 ell y bon&)rablO In rut bWllnCSl!l tro n oUons all ' nu.nn dll ll, "ble to CAI'f)' out nn)' "lUl.Mlnna mod by bll IIrm. \VALr,INo, 1ft "" .. " &. ~I An'pN, WI.ol"""lo Dnllr"l&tf Tol 10, O. SaU'. Catarrh Cure III 13k.'n Intorn.. ny, IIcUn, ~ctll' upon Iho blood nnd muCOIi. Hurft\ct'II n f tbe eyowm. TC!ftl mon l. l. 60111 freo. Prleo 73 ""nta p.Ilottl.. Sohl hI' nn IJruO/cLoUl. ~'Il . UAU'a ' .'lImlly J'UII lor colllllpaUOlL

Y"""', ..

how the day should be celebrated, and over it ate It. Then they arose an a~lmonlous contest. Hamilton pro- drank and cheered pOBed a monster proceSSion of dlgn.l tartes and and sang songs. andl fot weeks, It Is a treasures. and with a gracefully arched high 1Il11fta~y h, aded by Washington himself. Je.t · - s an g Bon g s. and' .mon! flavors, for nothing handle which is elaborate ly ornamented wIth ferson 8 ovposiUon prevented this spectacular cheered 'a n d drnnk I e lse Is strong enough to kill paper chrysanthemums a nd wide satin ribThis little matter at~ It. not even sperm 011. wblch exhlbilion nn.d It finally was determined that bons. the day was a domestic holiday ' and should tended to Hamilton' Is Its first cousin. Tll e fl'ult pi es are Quite novel. In th cen· be observed In the prlvaoy of the home after made a s~eech and After the fowls appeared a tel' of the treasure pi rests a wat rm Ion of the good old Ne w England manner, ' hied himself the: buge baked flsh stuffed with goodly proportions and most natuml coloring, Thb; settlement was gratifying to Mrs. Wash· president's h 0 u s e.l \ onions and red peppers and and on the top of the strip' d gre n and white Ington. who , at once made atrangements to Here there had been horne on a platLer garlanded fruit stand s an exultant turkey, with real featbhold ,a .1ev,ee in true colonial fasblon at the a dignified observance with paper flowers . This was er covered body. and II wide spread tall. Surexec",t1ve mansion on Franklln square, Every of the day. but It what t urkey Is to the Am rlrounding ' thi s feathered monnrch. who Is seems that a rumor of can or roast \leer to the ono of prominence In the new government was perched ' 011 the m lon throne. are smaller Inv;lted, from the chief justice of the supreme the little row at Engllshman- the piece ,de reo fruits or every description. 'a ll cl everly fashcourt dowu, and they all came; for In addition Faunce's bad already! _rrtN6dfo,;UD. . 4 ~.,..~:;:.,a;:,'7~'" slstance of the dinner. Amer· Ion d of papltlr mache and tinted In nature's reached the preslde~tt K&l&JPArroJl! rK_~drP"T;"'~ Ican canned beef came next, to being preSident, George Washington was a colors. Th ere nre luscious bananas. ripe , rosy gel;\tl13man. and to be asked to his house was a and when Hamilton arrived Wasbington Quesdoled out In small portions to each gu es~, tor cb e~ked applel;, golden oranges, deep r ed tosocial distinction, tloned him about 'lt. The Father of His Couna Flliplpo wtll give you almost anything he maloes.,:.lemons. plums, pears; in fllct, practically eVGry Variety of fruit. Inside each Is a Hamiltlffi';"'however. eager" to do anything cal· try was vexed and and Indulged In owns for a' can of beef, and s o highly does he smnJI box, whose center conceals a gift. The culated to put Jefferson to contuslon. ,prooeedsOIDe pointed remarks to 'the' a.ecretary. The esteem' It that he even suves tl1e empty cans, guests hike turns Ilt choosing the fruit tbey ed to organize a1\ manner of festivities and ob· president was Incensed that a young soldier perhaps to cbeat him self or hlH friends Into belike best , and with the fruit gOes the hidd en eervances likely to make Thanksgiving a noisy ~hould have gotten Ms nose broken In a lav· lIevlng be has a supply on hand. and thererore gift and souvenir of the day. It may be that hoUday. Jefferson, on the contrary, held some· ern brawl whUe ' professing' to be giving thanks Is a man worth cultlvatlng. A Spanish stew the gift Is only a cleve r joke wrapp d neatly whlit ,aloof from the whole thing and looked for beaven's blessings, was on the menu after the fish-a genuine olla In colton wool or tlssu paper and lying hid. upon Thanksgiving as a religious contrivance Our first president went so far as to say that pod~lda which. no doubt. was being cooked for den Insid e the bit of rrult. or It may be 1\ gift only. By the time the day arrived much un· It was disgraceful, "by--. sir!" and the secresupper In Spain when Columbus was sailing of real consequence nnrt Intrin sic vulue. This pleasant feeling bad been engendered between tary of the trea,s ury discreetly withdrew, westward on his voyage of discovery. Rice. de pends on the circumstances and Ideas o[ the cabl.n et factions, and the fricitlon In that QuarHlst\lry Is sll~nt on the subject of the nfter potatoes: minced caribou steak, onions, dried hostess, who may want he r I)nrty to be mereter 'a lso extended Itseit to the partIsana of the career of the lieutenant's broken nose. but fish-everything In the larder goes Into the ly a mert'ymaklng time or one that will be reo 'cabinet leaders, Jefferson and ' his friends did Thanksgiving day has come down to us Intact, olla podrlda, wblch Is very liberally seasoned memberEld for other things. The outside of tbe wbat they decently could to Ignore Thanksglv· Washington, however, apparently got enough with red pepper. so liberally that an the basket Is trimm ed with a row of crnckl)rs, Ing altogether. Hamilton and his partisans 'dJd on the first day to last him for five years, tor guests fell to weeping over the first mouthful, which never fall to add to the gayety ot the oc· lils next Thanksgiving pr~lamatlon was not and the appearance of a pot ot jam was hailed all they could to make the day a "howllng succaslon. especinlly ,It It be compos d of young cesS," When the state of affairs became known Issued untU January 1 .. 1796, with delight. The jam was pas8e~ around by folk , Th n abov the stockad of fan cy palle r In Boston and Philadelphia th" battle was a half;naked knifeboy, and e\'erybody took 1\ crn cker Is a border of chrysanth mums, and hearllly entered Into. and Washington bad the spoonful. returning the spoon to the jam to be th e bos kN or pie Is com plete In every d ta ll. mortification of seeing that hn; day of Thanks· A THANKSGIVING DINNER used by the ne xt person. It would be rega rd d Aut th e rea l Th!lnksglvln g Ille Is lhe mo t giving for tbe blessings of Almighty God had IN THE PHILlDPINES as a grave breach of manne rs to take a clean striking of nIl. Its foundation Is of cou r Re a become a source of no end o~ contention . .II ' spoon. round bas ket , I)ut without a handl e. Over ~be The day dawned fall' and warm for New It was eaten In an old stone hacienda, over Th en the Ameri can guests saw IIternlly the tOil Is a covering of pumpkin colored pal) r, ,YQrlt, ,The 11ells of Trinity rang for an hour, whose walls the red, white and yellow roses locusts and wl1d honey of John the Baptist. frill s and fiutln g of the some bein g used for and' there , was a parade of one reghneni, raflung their rich embroidery. and from whose Wi th the excellent corTee small pieces of honey the edge Bnl ah. Then, like g lgu ntlc plums viewed 'by Hamilton from Faunce's tavern. the de crep,ll balconies 'fragrant starry jasmine In ' the comb were placed at each vlale. and a decora ting th> top crust, are Ill'rongec1 several Wqldort:Astorla or New York city In tha,t day. waved side by side with the family Wflsh, How heapIng bask t of crisp, brown cakes. some· pum pkin lantern favora, wblch can be ligh t d. rhen the cheering J)art of the day began. by much of the excellence 'of the I'\leal was due to thing like th old·fashlon ed cookies of , New nnd which, when eslrlcat d from th e ir Retllng. the cuUnary skill of Jim. the oolonel's lDuchu. England. was carried around tbe ta ble by the lndulj;imce In various forms of stimulants; aud bring wI th tb em Thanksgiving gifts , tied up was no doubt very thankful. Washcho. who went Into the kitchen to help the Irnife-boy. with yellow salln ribbons. weut , to churcb In the morning. and at Chluese cook, and ' ho,w" much to that almond"Maca ,oon ca a·pan, e dlli inehlmo ca a·pan?" began to receive his visitors at the eyed juggler with pots and 'Pans, could not be (" Do you eat . locusts, 01' do YOll not care for WHY? ''''''''''LUVe residence. , determined by the gu sts. but both claimed the them")' 'Politely Inquired the host. The cakes Ha'mlltoli, 'h ad "also arranged a dmne.r at' hon<?r: , ': ' " . • Were made of locusts stripped or theil' wlngli I've noticed on Thanksgiving day, Fauncb;s' tavern, wlilch Is distingUished as' be· The table was set out of doors , under the a~d" ground to a fin e ' Hour, which wns mixed. VVI h s trangers or my OWJl folks shade ' or . an Im~ense larbor , <lei (lIego, 9r .nre sweetened. raised the same lUI othel' , pastry. Ing ~~ ftr~t offiolal ~hankSglvlrig bauquet In 'fhnt little boys cnn always eat ' our IlJatory. Haml1to~ WI!/I"tQ resllo!ld, . to a tree. which a fe"" months hence would be a and bak.e d ' a IIgbt, delicious brown. Anybody A g reat deal more than grown folka, t6~t and, then ao off to 'the' preall!ent's man· blaze ' of ' flaming blossoms, The ohlckens who bas eVil'" b~il the cu'r ioslty-and temerity ' Of turkey or of PUIl\pkin ,pieslon, .but he "'YIUI .1ate and the g~eil~~· a.t do~ roamed about treely among the guesta, alld 00. -to taste a particnlarly brown, hard puppy Will B~m e" one 'please .to t~ll II\e . ,to the 'tables, .wlth<?ut~. In the ' CQurse of ·caslone.\l;, onj), bOlder than the reat ""oula lly· ,'cllke ' wJlt haJe a.: good Idea ot: the lIavor of the , ,' why? 0 this .dl~er. a dlsaa~ement.! aroa~, .~~)llg _.tbe " u~ .Bmoiig the ' ~llhe8, It WBa ' ~UqUet,te'"tor tJl~ ' 1fJUl1'no 19~ust cake, except ,of ·course. It . Is . TH~NK8GIVING, gentlemon ''A, certaID Lieut. St. Qla1r tooIt oc- .nearest ~est to ·sboo It down, oth~",I~\ lIuch~' " ,weeteped. ' OIIly one American. had courage \c.slp~ to all Bert, upOn hie hOllor as 'a , le~iIe- ' U~be Inoldelita passed ~tho~t , nquce. " :r-~~ e.nou.,h to nlbf,lle one, but all the native, guestS It ,takes one Ultle girl or boy, I man/ that b~ ",}ViUj 'entfrely ,ap1i~..: 'All i W1hi~ , first dish a8ned ,was the strlctly' 'Alnerican>on8 ate tWQ 01' three • . The . olllnipresent clgarettJ! , TWo ' ~nda to work and ,play t~rrc ~ peraoQa~e of wholll ' we ,know no more ' o,f ~".m " and eUe. bl,lJ ' as ham. , Ie 60 Celita a ! or ,cllal' ,ari;jYed 'with 'tJ),e corr~e. and a06n u.e Atnd just" one loving little beBrt ,th.n that ,his n~m.e · ~aa If",dal, 'Ali" that be 'pound In ·Manll*. It waa a cosU, d,Ucacy. and !'emains ot t~e teaat were enveloped in a , pale To-· make :hank~lving d~Y . ~ ' wal a ' New - York aldel'lD&DaDd DQt&r1, 1m. had, .. l»eUer rtsht to\ appear a( ~e tJupi blue baae., . ',. peae'h8d ih~. 'Verac1.t:v' of St. CI8,Ir'a auertloD, ~ven the fried and rout~ Clbtcke~ '.111011 telsenorita ,l'ac1encla, tbe daughter of ,the aDd deae~ him to, prQve It. The Ueutenant lowed. Tbe.e are nO, lol1ler cooked In -:anoicl bOUM. smoked, 101lln, back e&releBlly In her THANKSGIVING 8UN8H!NE. threw a bottle at DDbody JD ~ aDei coc:oaDut . oll alDee the. UDI~ I$tatea arm, 01 rlch ' b,-ok allk with a big clrar beIXllaled ' Ill .. tutaDt- aO .w" coDN- f"roasbt ~ne4 ' butter over: lbe~. ,y~ tw4!ellller ..., ' lIp. . 1'bl. same ,SenOrita PaCbe81'7 bean. ''o,d .mlUCJ tace., .1IoD. ··ID willktd, Haadr· · ..Ulllevel' apprecllate the ,e1Io'tr1JJOtluct '_ the eleacla . . . the ,bmoCeilt ciaUile of Illuch em· Oeutle *peech 1lD4 wan, ma1~.~KIdII eowatU JOtl ...... ,• • ~ frlec11D co- - ~...t to lbe coIODfl dwiD, the meal. It 'Kake • oIOQ'47~ dun. TIaaUIIrI.,la. 8U1lDJe1t of ~." , ,loll." lUtl.:~.;·.tC• • o.~~ '. , . . , . ' . . . 01 It . . , . _ ,. pfate .. -n~ 0 tb.~ bOlltell to teed'







The Last Resort, "They'ro goluK to in'cl'ense the tax on beer!" " The n we won't dl'lnl{ any ," "And theY're goi ng to< In cl'ease the tat ' on spIrits." "Th en we won't I1rlnk any." "And they're going to tax wine." "Then we won't drink any." "And they're going to tox Inherl· tanoes! " "Th oD let's drink up our mone y! ..

Important te> Mothers. EJ:runln can·fully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and s ure rem dy for Infants and chlldr n, . runt see that It

S~ge:;:u~~eor ~~ In

se For Over ao Years, ' The Kind You Have Always Bougbt. For ConsIderation.

A II pp.rtinen t fa cts mu st be consld· ered "'\.len yo u are dea ling with the

great probl em or 11TOliperlt}·, Would rou put the Dlus or minus sign b [ore tbe Item ' thot the county jail has 11 great failing olf In oatr("!ace?- Det 1'01 t Pree Press. Many Children Are


Mothel' Oray '" !:III' ',.' l PUII'rl' r 8 t u r Chlld r ' n, 1I ~"t.1 IlY l\l ot h ~ r UI'''Y, It nun'" tn Chlltlr" n 'M II b m e. :\"11' \' ''1'1;, 'lI l' t' RllIlIn Wl' Cn rn plu i nt, It \' · 1·lg hn N;~. 1 1 '~UlhH· I l'.·. Sto ma c h 'r~('lIh l ~!/, T t' Ihlll l( 1,181, 1',1<'1'8 1I:H1 Dell lr. y \\' ,rm A. ,\1 n lt r " UI!'!lls l s' , ;!;ie. • ' 1\ III pI<' malt t't l t~ R " j ", Adu l'ess Alton S. Dlm sl II , L


S f) U

H oy,:\. Yo

,---It goo,1 01' the" 'all beC:1Use

as n ru le w hav E' ex hl\lIstf:'ll our s II) ' ply 01' Iflv ce tll' s on th e m whe n [h ey wcr nll\'C~. mo l" ntruirJ or n ' dOl; .

~ er mR

School 'childrt:u should eat

Quaker Oats at lea!lt ~



~ . ""'''''~'''~ .


. I

· h t St ' $ · : I g " . 0 r e The D . .a YI . '~

. .


•• ••

Co rd u roy Olothin g


s ealsh lpt Oyste rs

The Bear Brand for Boys

The Cell1 Line . 11:'11's (' ollts ..... .?~tO(l


$4.UO to 1.;) len',; Tl'nu. n; .. 1.71) In 2.:)0 Me ll ',' Jl LI('kCOlits 1. 1)\ 10 20l! Odd lot Trou:'r", 75l' to 1.25 1 n 's ' ests ......


T urk eys or Chick e ns

$1.1l1l J)I'P,'S • 'hi I't. .... .. ..... , !lc 7:')(' Il n.'!"s

Shirts ..........

;) ) . iJrcs. ' h ir ts .. .... .. ..

fl ~ lC :~Hc

If ~' (/U \\'ailta ni'e Turk ey III' Chicken. It' l li S have your III·tll'l' .

Men's Underw ear


Hp;\I'Y 1"1 ece·lin( d <1t !lOc pt·!'

Fancy Cranhcrries 3 qts, 25c

suit, I' g ul a r ~a.(lO vaiu('. , Ri bb'd nd ' I' W CHI', .:1. n aI d ,l.50 per s uit.

A I ~n fancy Or<1ngp.s, Rana-

L mom,. Gl'ape FI·uit. Apnle><, Ma lnP<l I.rapps . Ii'ijTs. Datps . Il t!;. Pop orn . .T f' I·!;I>:V . \\'(,P Pota~oes . fanry Ipry , Lt't U(,('. als,) Rai . inl'l . Cn l'rAn t.-;. .i tron, and a fine line of cannen r.roo(l~. Peac hes, Apricot, , WhitE' herri . Pine ATJple.q. Plnmg,Tomatoes, Corn , Pea.~ , . tl'inl! Bean . Beets, ~niflach . Sou r Kraut. R ein?·s Pi ckl e!;. !'lours, di ll. ann 8W'!lets H in z Oliv ann Olive oil, Heinz Appl Bu tter, .Jelly, Mi nce meat and bulk Kraut . 11M.

Ladies' Underwear Set- nug , the fit· well kind. a t !.Jl)e pt!r suit. The be. t value you ev I·saw. Good FI eCE'·lin d a t 25c pe r garment. Uni on Su its , 5 c to ~ 1.0 0, in 'il ver and bla ok. Child rf:'n's and Misses' Union Suits, 50c to 75c. Two-piece, uits . 2"ic and 50c. On lot Misses two piece Suit s, ag, to 101 years, 19c pel' garment.

Eggs W pay 30e f or Eggs.


expfLosioo BDd re)ant\on in the


' fAA

25c per pair, Absolu tely t h best Hose made at t he pric . Also Picldninny Hose f ol' Boys a nd Girls BUl'son Hose for Ladi es , Ask tn see OUI' line of I Dc and 15e Sox fOI' men. Al 0 , H ole- Pl'oof ox g n ar anteed £0 1' 6 mouths. 6 pai rs fol' $1.50.



$ $

Rubber Boots and Shoes


Ball Balld Rubber Boot , Felt Boots, I ni l Lace Boot.". Knit ox with Lace P ool., Ar tics fo r Men, Wom en and hildr n .


Turkey and Chick I1S. Highest wal'ket price paid.

On De('ember 1s t we will di scon tinue giving tickets or pr emium checks With purch ases Bring in your tickets. We will redeem all outstandin g tickets the same a.<J before wit h Ru ~ . Rockers, Lamps, Clock , DIShes, etc.

.in thei"

Gordon'.s Hog

Wh~. Ha~e


Cholera Remedy

You read and look afar w ith equal facility, but no one oh-l servet that you a r e wearin g bifa- \ cala bbecausewthe usuhal "Jin~" Anu found it to c10all claimed for it are a sent. ear t e genume . . KRYPTOKS awhile and you will Wayn v ille. .. Noy . D. 19 00. A very good plaoe to take. the never willingly r e turn to old'l ' hls Is to eortHy that ( have lIlM!C1 Gordon 'l! liog R Illedy aud hll.\·o pulse Is at the und ersid of the JILw · l .tyl~ bifocal glasses. ' sa yoo 21 o utCholera of 27 hogs. , , . J. E. H OKE1T. By rolling the tips of tbe fingers u bout' b little they oan be brobght Wayu08y\II0. 0 .. Nov . ft . 1901l. on to the blood vessels. •• , • 1 have lI Red Oort!on'll oxt - Oay (holera He 'lI l'dy ~wlco. Ollce 1 1I8~ year and a g alu Ihl ~ fnll . and llilvo lIut losLa bog. Don't press too firm ly, nor yet IJ. li. HOCKETT. L too lightly. The animal must be W aYllos vlllo. ., No v. ft .,190D. kept still nnd quiet. In point of Will be at the 'I'hls ~s to l:erUfy ~ hnL l hllvo used Oorimportanoe the "oharaoter" of the dun 's lIug holora HUl)lcdy lind lIud ILto lJe nil t ln~L it III r6Pl'\J8{)lIloel \. J hUll l 7 pnlse must· be the best guide. 'rhut Gustin Hotel, l'Ub";. nil of wllJeh WCI'C sl ·k . nnd I08LbUI 2. ulIll w()uld IIn\'o 811.\,1,,1 the m H 1 lm(\ is to say, the blood vessel mo y i Ill. lIuHon U, I'O meUY III 1,11l10 . , 1). W. U 1U~ A E . press us as feeling burd, soft,. full, Waynesville, Ohio, quiok, small. wiry, regoln.r or irreg. First Saturday in Ervery ulll.r. .Month Gordon's Hog Cholera These are nioeties whioh require Remedy praotioe beforo they OBn be fully up · preoln.ted. In diaelLsei pleurisy-the Is for Sale at pulse will be found beating about el~hty times per minute (depending upon tbe stuge of the disease) hard, wiry and irregUlar. In pulmonary apoplexy it may be Waynesville, • Ohio. beatiug 120 times per minute. J. H. SMITH, Prop. When properly taken it forms 8 valuable mellns of assis~noe 10 asWay~esvhle, Ohio. oertalning t.he natore and progre8s In room formerly ocoupied by of disea8e.-W. R. Wlhert. Kat-herlne AlexllOder .





EO.. xpert ptIclan,


$ $ $ . $


or Men


$ $ I


Wit,,:"o'-u·"'·-t""'-_' .....~""




Special Attention Clven to Children's Hair Cutting.

In pursuance p£ an order of the Probate Judge of Warren County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at ' public auction, William J. Collett's farm


I Corn Remover I tOc a Cake I SOBWARTZ'S ....








alldotherreal estate, o l l O l a s s i B e d A d s Tuesday, December " 19.09 , St;".l~~~~~:·!n~!~o~~~~. ~~~:;h. _ ...... _ _ _ ....... _ . . - . , ~ On the premises near Harveysburg, M n II every sooond Sundnf or tbe mou\b a' Ads will be Inserted uud r ~b18 head f or ........ ...... ........ ....... ....... ..... ........ .. .... ........ ....... and on the 9ther premises in the vil- U: 00 a. III. twc ntv · nv cen ts for Lbree ·In I'll 11 • • ... ~ . . .., . W' .......................... , . . . , W' .................. ~.. wb nUlling not more tban th'c line. lage, the following described real St•. Ma..'j"s Eplscopaf Chur,b.~ __ '" • _ _ .........--... _ _............ estate: .' Rev. J. F . Ond waU\ldcr. I ector. ' FOR RENT , . Part I-Sitaated three-'fourtbs of - unday bool. Il::JO n. m Morning ser· 00 ' "y ' , vice, 1U :30 a, m. Roly Commuulo lJ ~be Ilrst ' •• •• . -0 .. •• a mIle west of ~arveysburg. on t he ' uodny 01 each wouLb. ' ST~BLE forre.nt neal' school build· •• FOUNTAIN SYRINGES



At 15e , 20e and



'~n ~utot'fia, tl0 I' ~RYPTOK·. ~:,:-::~.:;:;:-;~ ;:~';'''F71~ .~-m.QII,l

~I\ll of an el~8tio tn,l)e-,t he artery-


and Clrts.

I'l' the firs t to intI' -

du ee :eab:ltipt Oyster!'> in Ihis plut' ; an,] we art.' th nly ~I 01'(> I\'h'l'(' yoU can buy th j.('l:'nllin ~t'R l~hipt ystcrs "(I\\' , Th ey H re ah. lJIu I I:'ly the 11('. I nv ·ten, YOIl vcr ute . VI' wi ll him? 4()' S!alloJ1!;' of these d Ii 'iou~ hivalves . ~o let u, Ilave your order,

1. P()

Cem Sh irts Iil

' I\'

is due to


oaqs.ed by the jets o~ blooCl pumped ~ into tbolle VII l\ }s by m ROS 6 a. toroe ~ pump-the heaTt . Eaoh stroke of the heart is equlII to one pulsation-viz., a. ri!lin'g Rnll falling pf tile art rinl wall. I n health, the average number of puillo beMoS p e r minute is ubou t thicty- be to forty .. The larger the horse the lower or fewer the number of boots per minute

•• ••

For Th an k sgivin g

~The puis




-~ ~

6Sc aJ


' hb h The Ne ia ur

Harveysburg. ,


d News ".. ••

........... - - - - - - - - - - -



:~:~~i~~o~f ~~d a~:~~~:s:;~~r~!k~~


E!tou~~~ay~~~~r:, 01io~rs.

Methodist Episcopal Esther h' h . b i d d Rev. H. W. Dalley. Putor. OOD Farm ofU5 aeres and rooms' W IC IS . ottom an an ten Sunday Scliool. 0 :30 a, Ill. Morolnl{ ser. for rent. Inquire of Mrs. A. J. acres of 'w oodland blue gras~. ' K vl,oo. 10:1)0 a. ttl . Epwortb L e llgue. 1 :00 p . E., Bradbury ure valuable farm beautifully located ~~ \y~;U~!~l:;.r;l':..u:. : 00 p. m. Mid" k Thorpe.

Oreg . oola. ____




Mrs WilHam Ba yn !' " pent ~e v- Vi!'ft~~~~~ ~;~h~: erl.ll dUYfl t h t! ~ ue t of be r broth er, J K. 8penoer WIlS in Le!?alJon' and well improved .. ' Good brick Christian Church. Barr , J tle ph I~nd ' Robt. l:imart, FOR SALE ' . house,· large, b arn and other ~uildRev. M. E. DaWllOn. Pur.(,r. of Cinciunll.ti. . Sunday. . _ _ _ L. a Holz in. and two yo~nger ~ngs; a so . a 1 ·house wl~h a Sunday School 9:aoa~m. Social meetln" J:'OUR Poland-China Boars; goodA. K. Sarg nt tr~ulla cted bUSiness ohildren of Kings MUl" spent 8un- 'good well cistern and cellar . 10:3 0 a.!D, Ohristilln Endeavor. 7:00 p. m. in Uin oinn ti week. boned hogs. Inquire of I~rael h' ' . , . ' , Rogulat church 6Ocvlce;-:Socoud Sunday eac:b d \ ·th'· I ti Part -U= One-half interest in a month at 1~: 1I0 a, m. and 7:Bjl p. m. Satterthwaite, P. O. Box ut, Waynes Mr uud'Mrs . Milton Howe had B ",y Wl re 11 ves ere. . ville, Ohio. . hou e warming on last Sunilay . Mrs. J . C. Linn , of.Avondale, bal! largebrickbusinessbl~ckinHarvey~ Hkksite Friends Church. been t he guest .of Mlst4 Edna t;pen bur . g. First Day Moe th)!!;. 10 :0011. In. , Firat DOl, /'"'IHI CKENS- White ~~:L~~\; .number enjoyed t b eir ho- oer the PlI s t week. Wyandottes 'rennessee, h ~s Terms of Sale-:.One:.third in one 10 t.ool 11 ; 0(1 a, m. Fou r~b Day Mce,ln, \, , an.d R. C. Leghorns, for sllle, if M f G . rs . ra, 0 . . :00 a. m. . L A ~i s l:ietlr trtLD saoted bO!liness P ure bred, and in good condition. joined her husband. operator year-and oQe-thlrd m two years from · • . Will be at' th Gallery in W hite's ill Lebanon F riday. Benj. James, W8yne~\liI1e. R. D.4. here . . day of sale, wi~h interest; The payOrthodox Friends Church . Build jng on W dnesday instead Til re i;; q U\ te IL lot of ga.w e being Hanry Wells, ,.Vanl y St.ephen , ments to be secured by a mortgage Rey . BClljOlm'lo H.awklu Pli~tor, I 0 ll ~ h t in t il l ' eotion, .f riend, of Oi noinna..ti, visi ted upon the pt'e"":I's' es sold'. . ~abb3Lh S bool, 0 :30 :L Ill. Regular 'churoq. of Thur day for thi weok • '1'11 t.hird num ber of the Lenture ILDd 1t h 1 t k III 8\lrvlllu. 1Q QO u. w. brl8LIII.o Endea vor. re ',l I ves e re as wee . Howard Collett 7 ; 110 p. III • C Ul'Ne \~in bt:l ~lven by Rev . . only. on ac~o~nt of Zfl,in Armltfl,ge, Will Potorf: James Ad .. t ·'t· h h ' '11 'ed Thank g lVlJ1g . 'fc U\tl.V Tu day night, OeQamber Mason and· Homer De'ltherage were mlsl~tt;a or WI .t ~ WI annex ,. h down from Dayton over oundl~y of WIlham J. Collet~ deceased. Subscribe for the Now is the to get your rill from her H Il,tt.ond fln til ·A fo w hom our town a ttended t he AlbertAnderson, Att'y. RtllC k BILle a t /:lpring V(~lt e y ~lt tur dIl Y . ohicken sooial at Rob 9 r~ Bunt's Fri. -- ....,..,~-ClHtH. Madden btl employed Ctll- day ni·'bt. Hunters' Notice. In EdwflIrdR it his ohn,u1l'eur . Ea rl 'rhompson is spending this '. t · Mis~ LOll Weldy , of SlLhinu, is w ek with his mother . The undersigne warn8 all tres, m llk log ner sister, Mr Frunk Wi! HOt l~ater Bottle,S -------.~~.--~~ pasBe~s with gnns and dogs to ke&p ' son, of the Centuli Il visit Wellman. oft' their laod, or they will be pros· o.hll8. Bradb nry, of Oregpni u., was ' \ ---.lPRI>tI9W~ ' the gard~n thil(! fu ll . ted law: · " on our 8treets here FridllY. Miss Stoll a. Whi tS'.l1 called on Mrs. ·get Immediate relief from W. p. Bay. Sort out I\ood potl1toes froin most Mr. !lud Mrs. Fie yd Andorson, of GeorKe Ellis Monday afteruoon. Dr. ShooD'S'MiSe OID~ Jos. Evans. Mrs. Elvin Fires and danghter produotive hills . DILyton , made their relatives I). visit Ed. Furnas. here weeJr . • weret!hQPplDg in Lel>anon Wednes Mary Satterthwaite. Marv Stewa.rt , wife of Rob rt day. t:3 tawllrt WIlS lllid to rest in their GREEN FOR DiNING ROOM hury ing grQund nel1r Ilere MoudllY, 1Novembel; 15th , . Dunn and tamily. ~ . . Mrs. Mary Cleaver s pent Wednes A green rug is said to be in the ~ . Dr . H enderson and Lester Cr flne best ta.ste for dining room . w e r ~ oolling on friends here Friday. day with Mrs. (ieorge Davis. Rev. A. B. Droze, of Rio Grand Jost why is not stated, bnt propaEd Cunningham ' t·he up-to date ' horel bl1 yer, of Cincinnati, bonght College. will prell'oh at Beeoh Grove bly .o~ing to the tendenoy of the -Give us yourIseverl11 hll rses b er e hlst week . churoh 'rhllnksgiviog ' day toward da.rk finished roolnsl , with which no other rug exoept red F rnnk t:!hidllksl', our popular cat· erybody in vited to this, · : t ie tlnd horse den le i' report!! business Miss Vesta Ellis spent ~Bturda.y woold go well .. And they say r ed with her grandparen ts, Mr. uDd Mr~. .' Igood. Ed Mutin. rugs fade sOdnest.. Our rn erchlLlltA, <:l peak well for the • - • And you will not be disappointed I~ y,oay bU!lino !:I is stnrtin o'" out for the Mrs. E lvin Fires and dQ.~,ghter N0W POTATO V.A DIETY ,. ol111ed 00 Mrs, John (iuthry ~'hurs. ~ .," - Plenty ofI \\<int er . day ILfternoon . • Crackers, Oysters, New varieties of potato~s are pro,: One of t.he ni oest d imoes of the . Mr. and Mrs , Walter SMener, of Cranberries, Celery, J bellson wa gi von 8 t Fi1'emens Ht111 Da yt.oo, ocoupied the property pagated by planting the seeds found Apples. Oranges. Tnesul1Y night of hLSt week. vaot1ted by Will Clt1rk. ' , , ~ MI ~ Addie Madden ou e 'of our ,Mr. lind Mrs , Ed Brown ana In the potato blllls. They will be , . . Malaga Grapes, ConcordGrapcs ve ry popul!lI' tenoberf; visited bel' daughter spent 8unday afternoon be very smB;l1 at first put inorea8e Bananas. brot her, Will Mlulden tl.nd wife Sat with Gbl1rloy Brown and flLlnily. in size from . oontl~ued p~anting. New English Walnuts, urc1uy Rnu 'llnd ll.Y • Of • .. New Soft-Shelled Almonds, Mi s Mnbel Sherwood teaoher in Bellbrook H~~. DV TO WORK IN I _ T H E .EDISON PHONOGRAPH is an enterNew Jumbo Bra.zils, our publlo soh ool returned to her _ tainer that comes into your home' at a small cost New Honey, New Olives, New hom e in Oregoniu. to !!peod, SundlLY · Mr. and Mrs.C. M. Roberts and We always l~y. lna Rood supply of and brings with ft the best music of the world, P ickles, sweet and sour, New Mi s An on 8hplden: Qf Qil!ci nnati, daughter Mabel, of ' Lebanon, were oottonglove8eal'lyinthefall. They rendereq by the world's greatest artists. Hear ··: ... ·; Apple Butter, New Clu ter \VII S It gua t of Louisl;J Wllsou for t~e guest.s of Mr. and M,rs. Cha;rles ate'handy to:obore ~tI and oheaper • ' Levi and his' Band, Ada Jones and Eilly Murra.v, . Raisins, Dates, Cocoanuts, two dllY .l u~t week. · , Brelsford la8t ~unQ.a~. " ,. ' , ' , Figs, J ersey Sweets, Cabbage, Mr. and M.r E B. Daki n are 'M.isses Lulu and Sarah Rhorbaugh to !Fear w.h~n husking thaQ to ~a lEe ~ousa's Band, Collins and Harlan ' and Nat M. Parsnips, Full Cream Cheese, quit LL vis it with relative8 loaned on Mr8. Will . iam 'Eng .)e last . all the w. ~ ar ~n~ tear on 'he Wills, the professional tra!DP, at our store. "" ,making Dried Beef, New Prunes, in Chlc:iilgo " . a.aturday afternoon. . .' " ':' ~a:nd8. ,' . ', , . Dried Peach~ and AJ3ricots, New Orleans Molasses, New Dr. ,J.. E tU son ~pent Ile , . Mr. E~gar. rat&,o~ Xe.n ia, is ·vle\t . . '. • - ., . ; -S OL.D ON E' ASY P''A YM,E N'TS days il1fo1t wee." . at hiS old:,home 10 109 his parents, Mr, and · Mrs. WiIJ· McCLtlRE'S MAGAZINE I , SQrgh~m. '



The Photographer,

----_ ..- - -



· t· P h t Chrls mas 0 OS

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75c' at



11_• •______ U __ _

dn:;b:a~d ~~~t ~~O:~:y B;rt~\~~~




I 1 I I a Ii ' I I '






W, M


Adn Ul ,(Joanty. ·


,Paying. !

30c .'for


Eve.ry.thing , Oood to ' Eat at ·






I I '




4 .

, . .· Will Antram nnd. danghter : ¥rs. Chas. Brelsford ,a~tended the. 8rjg bty vi~itt;\d Mrs. A:J1tt'llm's SIS- ,fno;eral of her atint, Mrs: J \;B C? r, M.l'S . Frll-uk Mills I!'rlday . . ' ming'J IRSt Su~.""y a~ MltpI~. (~h~er. preuoJ:illd Mr8. , M,Bry 14i118 BaTben.o !lad ber . ,Rev. Soott., of two ons I'e ft for t:!a.nausky to join tne Presbyte~iao la.t-Sunda.y Mr Bltrpean where he has a very QyeniDg. luorative posit jon. . Mr ' ~W:alem Dudley and wife eQ~'" ttJl • tltlned. Dayton friepdj lut week.aad Mt8$ .<







'M cClure:s ni~gazine wants ·a.D}a!l , or W0!Dan m W~nesvU~~· ~dIntty to attend to 'I1:8 subsCr}ptiop mte.r- " I ~ts. Whole o.r spare tl~e. · ~her~ .

&, 18~a.Jiberald~~l'~ Salary.






-. -AT--

S ·C'.' H , W '_



)lienee eilirau e, not. jJeeesesry.. ' . rofitable ~1?JUUlent andifcl~t . . bUsiness. ~te tQday. eCl~re:SI_.1IIIIk. ' ~tt\e. 42 East ~ St • N~ ork. ' " ' ... . .

,A'RT.Z'·S ' .'








SIXTIETli YEAR. NEW CENTURY CLUB The New Cent ury Club met Friday a fternoon, November 26th, at the home of Mrs. E. S. Baily. The day w as' ideal and only two of t he twenty-five m~mbers were absent. The general topic for the day W88 .. Domestic Science" and the ladiee responded to roll-call by giving their favorite recipes. The reading of the minutes was followed by some unfinished and new business, when the regular program for the day was taken up. A beautiful vocal solo, "Sing Me to Sleep", was rendered by Mrs. A. T. Wright with Mrs. Carrie Allen as acCompanist. Next on the program was a 'paper by Mrs. Barnhart on, "How much Home Comfort is due to Modern Invention." This was an able and well written paper, told in the fonn of a story, and was followed by three sketJ!heS, •'The Dark..Side of Housekeeping," Mrs. White. "The Light Side Qf Housekeeping," Mrs. Frame, and Co·operative Housekeep· inJ..!-!' Mrs. Funkey. Many good points were ·made . in each of theIW sketches and they were. listened to with great interest. La'lt on the program- was a discussion, .. Whicb is more harntful in a family, scolding or bad cooking'" 'Scolding," Mrs. Chas. Hawke, 'Bad Cooking" , Miss Carroll. To say that this W88 interesting . would 'be putting it mild. Much was said on botll sides in a bright, original way and the ladies were left to form their own conclusion, During the social hour which followed delicious refreshments were ilerved in two courses. Guests of the afternoon were ~rs. :.\U. W. Baily, Mrs. Israel Satterth~aite, Mrs. Knowles Conn. of Springfi~ld, K'ne, Mrs. J . B.: Cha,Jiman. Mise Lizzie Baily. Mrs. A. 'J'. WiWbt, aAd II.". ~~nk Taft, of Dayton.



n;;,,;o-..-;i M~ti;;· ii~-;' ;;d"" 1i;;e -1 Univ."'::~=:e : ~:::unday was rs~ci~l-E;~-;rt; -i ,a ----------- t------,------

appropriately observed by theW . C. , - - , - - - - - - - - , glvmg 0 ay. at th e ' Man1'ed , 1'hanks" residence of Rev. McGee, pastor of Mrs. J. B. ChapmAll ia ill with tori~ .laue 'Stout w" 'home for Tbanks- T. U. Sunday night at the M. E. Bern Sbidakel' and wife were the Trinity church. North' Dayton, sillitis. ~,1Dt ~olida)'l. church. There w~ e. large atte~d- handsomely entertained at the WilMiN Bertha Wilkins and Mr. Ed~r. . '. . &nee and the followmg program was mington Count ry Club Thanksgiving E. Berpn. Their attendants wer~ Ray ~llls, of Dayton, Wall hlPlli ~ Donna Hawke was Ihoppma ~ere4: Day. MillS Wlnnifred Davis, cousin of the over Sunday. Ut ~n Saturday. Song- "America" groom, and Mr. Otto Blizzard. Edith HafriJ was a Cine&.. , Lang, .of Ridgeville, made this Scripture and prayet· Geo rge Hawke and wife entertainAfter the ceremony they were driv- nati visitor Monday. o~. ple&lallt call TIleeday. Song- Chorus ed a few friends last Fridayevenir.g, en to the home of Mr. Mauser,713 _ . WbyWe Observe This Day. President that being the twenty-fifth annivel" East Se<:ond street, where after a Born to Mr. and Mrs. RufU8 Drake ~ Willlamson~ of Cincinnati, Department Tree .... :Mrs. Bunnell sary of their marriage. shower of rice and congratulations on Monday, 29th, a daughter. W'f ~e Satufday and Sunday. Solo- Mrs . Rhoades they were invited to the dining room .. . . . ' Why Should a Church Member Be· where an elegant wedding dinner Otto ~~rnlc~ and.wife ,atethelr ' kSnookandRoy Ir:ons were 10ngtothe W. C .T. U .. Mrs. Farr George Hawke and wife entertainw~served .. Abo\1tforty-~veguests. Thankagivmg dmner m Xema. in . ~ton Saturday on busmeae. Song- Chor'us ed at di ~ner Sunday , Rob?rt Mosh~r, in~lmate frl~ndS anll relatives of the Upsh Wh'te' d wit ere D .. "P O'Neall f La' d th Why We Wear t he White Ribbon of Card II1gton , Mrs. Edith Harn~, bnde and gl'()Om were present. . . ere 1 an • w . ay ~.. , o n on, was e M S'I Ml'S . Laura Mosher and Ihrrl S · th . All ton V18ltors Sunday and-Monday. fUest of Mrs. ~ O.Neall Sunday. " . . . ... . . .. .. . ..... . ··t rs . 1 vers After d mn~ ere was 1llU81C. , . ' Song - Male Quartet Mosher. had an. .enjoyable ~m.. Tbey reo Raymond Williamlon, of Dvtoll, ,,1'I.})uk 'latt. of D~n, has Vital Importance of Scientific Temcelved mlUlY beautiful and useful came down lor.the dq Tb~: ~ ' ibe · PeetofJ. W. Whiteand perance . . . ... . . . ... ... .'Ella Keys ' The dance gi ven b~ Herbert E~Plesent;'. The brlde a~d ~m l.eft .. ' . wite. Bemarks on same ·subj ect . . . . . . . . wards and Ernest Robmson last F.n ~or then' new home Fnday ~o~mg MlII Anna Tho~, of I>wton, . . ............. , . . ... Prof. Bruner day evening was one · o~ . the best of at 9:46, .Helen Ave., DetrOit. Mich. was the week-4Pd pest of ber par.. Q'Wrence DaVIa, of Dayton, baa Work of Flower' Commission . . . . . the season. About thIr ty couples ~. ~rgan is. the son of Mrs. ents. , been the peat of F. C. Carey and .. . , .. . . . . ..... Mrs. Chas. Hough -were present . Juha Bergan, and 18 well known bere, ' . ' . faquiy. , Solo- Edna Satterthwaite where he was He has are- . Dr. Tate ~d wit" of Dayton, were . - A Year of Local 0 tion . .. . .. .. . . . , sponsible position in the Morgan & in Waynesvdle Sunllay tor a. short . . , Upehere White was the gu~t ~ C d Had Mrs. Alice Hawke. and famll~ ~nWright Co Detroit Mich and is time. ollterunc:le near Lebanon Thanks- D ' . 't" 'H" '1' . . 'H'" ' \dev. a dwaH ler tel'tained at a royal ThanksglVlng e en . . F H k d f '1 .• • ., ue - e en aw ns an well thought .of by the company. ' . d ' glylng. Day. . B k dm~er, C. ' . a~ e an , The Gazette extends to him and F. C. Carey antlfamily toQk . lnDet . . awe . Milton Keys and wlfe, and BenJamm his bride hearty eongratulationa Thursday with M.,rs. Flo Oy~# i~ ,:. E. Somm.ier, of O. S. U .• H~h)lng to Make the Map Wh1te.,' Hawkins and family. Spriq Vaney. w." the , week· end pest of Robt. . " . , . . . .. . , . . Rev. Balley , . ' BURKBABDT-QAVIS . ad wif.. Song-Chorus . --Miss Katherine Davis and Mr. Warrea Keys was lartt Sunday tb, What Next? .. .. . . . .. Rev. Hawkms .Dr . J. E . Brown wifeaJ:}ddaughter:, pest of Rev. Philip Trout and llui- )4rs. Euphemia HoUCh .and claugh. Collection of Wilmington, Sam , Butterworth Fred Burkhkl'd.t were Ul!lt.4!ld in mar- 11)', of Monroe. ~. were viaitina triends in Day,ton Remarks by Mrs. Hawkins and wife, Geo. Witcraft and 'Wi~e riage at the res.dence~ F,ather Wm. . li'MA.... mel SatUftI.,. . Doxology f Hickey, of East Second Street, Day- Chait. Cornell and ' wife were tn - . ,-,W C T U Benediction were guests at dinner. Sunday ton, Ohio, on Wednesday. evening, Port WilIJam Friday • - Sa~rdiJ, ~ Himel ••l:wi'fe, of Cen.ter" • . . C. H. Clements and famlly. November~,l909. The l>ride and tbeglieetaoffrienda. . yJJle,weretbe:cueatlofOwen Bur- TbepreeidentoftheW. C. T. U .. groom were attended by thebride'a . . t ~wite'l'bum.,. Mrs. Evil Jones had. charge of ;the ' . . sister and brother, Miss Jennie and W. R Allen and wlf~spent ThanJw. . tDeeting, and the program went . C. A. Bruner ~.~ wife had as the1r Forest D~vls. . riving DQ in ~. Ute Pelte C,. W. W~ortb. lnapeetor . of .mo"gh without a hitch. The ,re- gu~ts ThanksglVln~ Day, Mrs. -Mrs. Burkhardt is the daughter of of Dr: aiicI ~n. Stahl. ~iitiot1al IIllltary Homel. ia the marks were .all to the point SOme n~r $ parents. J. Edmgfield and ~Ife, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. She spent ' . . ." of hili hrother:, B. H. W~I- of the speeches bro¥lrht out new Mrs. E~ma Van Bom" Mr:" WIlson the greater Part of her early life in ~ '~er and '. tw~ ~ren~ facta' that are not generally known, T?ompson and MaUrice SlIvers and Waynesville, apd is a ~eet girl. . ~~ ==wai~. ~-, ~lel5. Conn and family an~ Bert aJld ~. meetini made an impression WIfe. The G!W'~ extencR tts hearti~t· ra. . . , ltli~d wife, ofSprlngfield. spent on the audl~ce. .. congratulations to the newly married MrI. F. C. Schwam arrived bom. ~eril 'dQa lJaat w. e,ek the p,...t.a of The mUSIc under th~ direction of Mrs. N . McKinsey entertained at couple. M day • after ' l8rael sattarthwatte and faDlity. Mrs. J. A. Funkey. W1th Mrs. C. A. supper Monday e~eillng, her. niece, . ~ - • ... ~n ~enIDC. . 1". • B~. oraaniat, was good; .. Mrs. Mary Ha~la,p. 0 A n~ _ .. ELecrtON QFFrCERS vlIit ~til aaeJ " lin 'WiDnie MaaoD and tWO chiI. The church was handsomely decorVa., Mrs. Wlll Welcn abdMi-$. . - • . Adelbert·)(cKq. ~ ~ ~, aM dnID, of X . peats of her ated in ftags of all nations, Old Glo- Sarah and Lydia Harvey, of HarThe 10M' paper i8 ah",. "miDI!! , The Masons held an e~ection ~-- his 'l'b&nktal~ DIl-cllnner~ at the mothe!; lin . "'11';f Wile aad-other ry being-the most conspicuous. veysburg . c-: ~al4 tn 'he bOl1cllng .uP. qf ~&a ow' ~"evening, at ~eir tem~le. and home of Tho:.,. Brown .Dei fIImf1y. relative. here iaat'We!8~ . One of the Dlost instructive and 'own .br.y. doing 1&, .bare, t. evtr elected the follOWIng oftiee~. , . intertSting features was that of tbe Fred Harlan and wife, of Hickoryrudy kt allliit In auy ' en'erpri88 W; M.-JQhn O. Cartwright. Geo. Harteock and wife.and Cha. In r;en..m.' her eubecription for W. C. T. U. tree. This tree w~ I ville. entertained thefo\lowing guests · ed B· Benderaon. ~~th'oa:b:oO:~~:t:e'::t:o;:v::~:: SJ' W.-Fr R,e and famjly were 'l'hIDkBIrIYinl' lIlother year, . ~I'IL' Malinda . SIler- drawn on muslin by Mrs. 1'1. Bunnell, on Thanksgiving Day: Ohaa. ShidaFarr .... • W.- F . H .. . Day guesQl of JameaJoluia and faIn- ~. ' of Xenia, ,",itee: I eanaot and was explained SCI thoroug~lythat ker, wife and son, Karl, Clint CleavSec.- E. V: Barnhhart. ood ill', letalOD&' withoutttie Miami Gazette. a child could understand it. er and wife, Ed McFarland and wife, t.pwn pepple, r~mal'ka t,lle {,;'lay Oit,}' Time. 0 '. Any enoour Treas.-Fred B • S erw . .at Malvern, ' • . The W. C. T. U. can congratu1ate JeSse Clark and wife. BRemen' offered the home paper 1~ S. D.-C, M. Robi.tzer. J. V. Harbock. who baa ~ Mr. and . II!". H .. ~le, of itself upon this day" as being. a redB8DenU)' ap'preoh~ted. and} t wl)re J. D.-T. Ray Smlth. hunti~ in Waverly and Washiqgton Troy. _Ohio, Irb81e8 KlZZIe Memtt and letter day in thA work in Waynesville. than do lYPl'Y8 flbe 1l8Biatanco re Tyler-J. H. Coleman. C. H., came hom~ Mondar evening. Emma Cartwriglat were guests of .. - Geo. Witcraft and wife entertained eel ved, . every town there are a Truatee-J. E. Juney. He says there was Iota of iq the S. 4 Cartwrlrht and wife on Thanks810 OYSTER SUPPER at an elegant dinner Thanksgiving . few person. ' wb.,., ~I'e. ready aUbe The ~orshipful Master elect, ap- hills there. . givill~~·. . . ' . . Day, Dr. J . E. Brown, wife and . drop 9f & . hat flAd f.ol~ Wi~ tbe pointed R. A. Cornell. S. S.• H. A. . The ~ayne Md M~le T0w.nS~lP daughteJ:, of Wilruington. C. H. bowe »apar, r ••nil. . .of wbat, Howj!ll, J. S ; and Rfw. John F. Cad· , ' . Protective and DetectIve assoc1ation Clements and family lind MiSSes lOod t. bU doD_a for them. In walladet:, Cliaplain for the ensuing WARREN COUNTY ~ TOP LECTURE COURSE . will give an oyster supper at the Annie and Lillie Mather. DlaDY oue8 ·the edlftol lA oeDlored year. . . ' I. O. O. F. hall on the , night of De. for tbinge that of no more v.l~e I",taIlation of officers will be at the The f;lends of Dr. 'Horae~ J. Whit- The fint 'number of the lecture camber 18th. This is intended to thana .mfepll:Ol)ll l~t.ter 1n aword\ next regular communication, Decem· acre, ofCincinn.a~, Wh088n:put:a~on ~~ ~vI~ evening, the, be a gala time, and members with Ernest Butterworth, Chas. Frye, ~real'8t1mea~en if Ute' editor 'ber~1, 1909. ua 'surgeonis f~t spreadlDl' over Lyric,Glee~lub"usurelyafi.neof- their wives are cordially invited to Harlan Hru·vey, . Thomas Sherrod, would pubUlih sometbing t}lat should . •- the middle .I tates are P.1~ to note feri~in ·fact-;-it was the bes~ be preSent. The Association will· Chas. Sherrod and their families, ' be known to hi" ,~era, there SCHO()LENTBRTAINMENT ' that he. was recently :.,ni8dethe re- W&JliiivUl~hueverbad. Taework stan4lallexpenses,andltisgivenfor Ross and Allan Hartsock: Warren -mtiM be to. rea10n for .ome of tbese . _ '. ciplent of still more ~onor8 .t the of the ·quartet was pr excellence. the purpose of getting the members and Ella Keys were entertained by "Jdokera" to mate" "boWl" find The entertainment given by the hancl8'of the . medi,cal. profaaiqn·of Amone · th~ n~mbers that we~ together, and having a good time. Stacy Burnet and family, of Clarkshavethe paper ' m&rked "refu8e~ 1 ' schoolc:hildrenlaat Wednesday after- Cincinnrtti. H~wasaelected 81 one JJI08t 'ple&8Ull' were Paul Du~bar8 • _. vill e last Thursday. Eighteen Tabw~en pll\()ed. ~n tb~ POflt,OftlOt! . · noon Wal a d~ided . success. The of the board of three who make up "Mudc!~r~s Breased Lam," TennyNOTICe bits ~ere the trophy of the forenoon , It tsl(ttle aae (or tbe 100&1 edUor ptogram. 'whlch the large number ' the aCting, staff of the ·Cincinnati son's '''Cl'088lng the Ear," "Daddy, " . hunt. In the 'afternoon clay birds ~ WAIte his IUQKB , uti spraiD bls preeent thoroughly 'appreciateci. ~ ' l)oei,i!al. Although thi8 poaition is 'Pond ~ilies," ~d "The,Sjngin' Lea- HaYing sold our Or?gonia Mi1I~. furnished the spbrt. aplne In tl'ytng ~o boom lil. 'own carri~ through witJ10ut a hitch. ; h.onorary .. the'aervlcea bel... greater, IOn. ~,- (, , we wish to close out our entire bUS1when oitlzeDI all stand around wltb The ac:bool is in a flourishing ~ndi· ~ the professional recognition ohkUl It is- aeiliolft you hear such voices ness at once. their banda tn t·belr pOoketa auil tion ·and e~ery(hing teJidS to sliQ.w :~bich' it dp-ri~ ' with it mak. it I. &II that of ~r Covert, tenor• . He _All persons holding flour. tick~ts Last Friday evening. a number of -walt hidureren'ly ior lOoie'blDR to that harmony exists between teaCh· great honor. posa_eeah~h.clearasaJtute voice. of exchange on the Oregoma Mills Miss Jesse Marlatt's fr1ends went to turn '$0 it .•1 of. lUtle use f~r er:iand pupils. . . • ...:; tOr; W,hitaere ia tl!eson of the late andJiis ~ork .was fine. will call and have them redeemed by her home on Fourth street, and gave .n7on~ to ~~"nUallY ':ptok flaws" _'J.'b~i'e Is '_a gNat deal of muaicaU , William ·T. Whitacre ' wh9 is well Mr.-.H8;Ilr-)' not . only .po88ellMl!l a December 16th. hp,r a surprise. The 8urJ)ri8e was frOm tbelr home P.'per. Any edlt,9r tal~~t' iii t~~ ac.hool and .it would be a l kno.wn throughout th~ county. bav- pleast,'na ~ice" but his readinp were SPENCER & MONROE. complete, and. a very .enjoyable ~f aoowii~y' . ne~.paper that oaD fine thing', if 'voCal m~~~ could be ing served Warren countY , in the .abov8':~e ordinary. •- • evening was ' had in miscellaneou,s , p1eaaeall h18 ~~er., 1e de8~r' i~8 of ~ugbt... . . .. \ State ~~laturefor t.wo terml'- .. ' U ~e ni8t of the numbers of the NOTICE g.ames. At a seasonable hour a deh- . the beIIt _t.n 'be h~ven1y 'kl"g. , • -. ., .,) , pr~ ~itacre.h~~~utlfulestate courSe are equal to the opening one. , kh Id f th C.t' CIOUS three·course luncheon was .dom, .. .." .' IN 'SQUIRf?S' G9tJRr ' ,at Mor,t'O-.y, Ohio, to/-which he ~d ~~ will .1DI'ely : have the beat one Tbke fStoc . 0 e~ ~ Oh' e ';i~ei: served. Those present were: Walter ' . " -. - • ._ _ _'.' . ' '. . ': ,;!' .." .J his family go'~ durll')t .the ,lnrimer ~'Venriven here." . ~ 0 Wavnesvl;, 10, ,WI . 0 Charles and Marianna Allen, of THANKSOIVINO SI?RY,ICES In 'Squire ¥4~afdl"court ~onday mo tha. ·' We are gla4 tP...hea\'ot llis I:. .. . .'. 1, . • ~elr annual meetUlg on M~nday, Springbor o, Donna Baw1<e, .Stella a suit involVi~l,~~n~ ~d ~o.~ ~~ su~ and extend conaratul.atioDi . ASSOCiATION MEers January 8, ,1910, ~~tween th~ hours Lemmon, Louella Cornell , Ellen Sher,.. '. AS qlual St•.frlary's 1IC0pal the case of iNerett Haynor., va. Dr. _ and ¥ ,.Jnm,dorccm:tinUe¢bonol'l. 't. ' . ' '. of 1 and 3. p~ m.~· to elect dlrectors wooo,MarthaO'Neall, Ronal~ H!Lwke _ ., ~~rcb .beld ' i~ ~n'1ce lut Thu~~ Hath~way. ~~I:I~flI\t ~ ~ven i)y .. If.':'P· '•. ~. i ' " .', . :, " ~e Buaineas . Men~8 AIIaoci~tion f~r the ensulDg year. . ' S'jd ~ Ellis, fiarold . How.el~, Warren' " .' ; . and ~e~·.'~as q~!te a· ,~ . co~- default. . , :. ";'. ' '.:. P~"I:RS' .INsnttrrE . met-in ~ last, )4on~ F. C. ~~CK, Cashle: , Keys, Prof. C. A. Bruner and Wife. ',.- ~tion P.~t. ".Rev. J. F~ .Gt4Wal- , . <; • !. . u. ....;.i:L.. ., '1". , " ~, a'nd:.veriln~reating,meet- .' . , . ~ - .. , ' •. ~ Jader !pr~~ilc'tl'(hlg ( .rnion ·' ~n, -.',' HAD .f.I~~E~_ ~SH~D ' . \The·..,vmers Inatitute~ .~~e1~ in~lt'~-." Ma't~l'I· of_ publiC inter- CHRISTMAS _ ENTERTAINMENT B:\,D ACClD~NT. , whywf!·} alio\11d be ahd Yfby we al'8 , " .. .. ' • . • .. ,' Decem~ ,17th ~. 18~• . ~tal~. eat. anel ecOnomic Subjects W4'18 fully -, -. . " 11 ' . . r · .; th~kfulfbrthe· blesaitilaofthe' p~ ", J;:. E.. J~e~,~lble, firJ~g. h18f~~ Willbegivenn~t'.w"" · ~ • . AD . to -bav~" the Th~. CIl~tlanC~~rch will a~~ ~ . Aa~e~i~El:BZoe andJerinieOl1ke J ear.' . . . .," , ~ace, l~ . ~da1i. l~t • ~~~ ot e~, _ '. ~;;,l . t . ~t. tlatn from, Cincinnati to ,~~aa en~rtai~en~ on Chrl8~ an~ ~il1a Gith~ns were 4rivi~ ~ - ! Y , ~'. : • . ." .~ll o~ his . finltet:" an~ ~ It, .,' " Au. ~.I~N ':11".' d~ ....~fiomcmclnDati ~ . EYfl~, Fnday" m~~~... PrograrlLtlieir home in ' ~:rtle Sund"!, th~lr ; , ~~... tiJ~~'S MAOAZ~~E l ~lr." E4"8atterthll,~eWUIl,e~ 'GOtd'OttO HO~ , IUl~, "uy'a~ u .forlaerJf 1wil1blnBde. ! 4reaolu. aivenlater. .__ '_ :., ... lio~ beca~e~~lgh~neq !· ~,!to , M"cClg~'s muazine. ~ttlarnNl ilie' i~~lne!,'d,o.~!,otk. .. ' ("'p!.~be ~libow"you ho~·'t4 ·tion '~MtdoptecllDdOniDl'tliemoveATfENTJON; , KN'IOHTSI w~ch t~ey.~~t ~bout a m11efrom or woman in Waynesville and "lclnl' . ; , .' '~e . \00 In pld. . • .' , m8l\t to I,lave • ~ -for ·.t he . town; aM 111 tUl"ru~g out the ,buggy .. tytoattendtoi~lUbecrlptiQn~rCUT FOOl' BADLY , . ,:~", ANNuAC" ':.&.7~b ',' · .lIctol.~ 'Pr8f" Bmw ...... com.: Cr~nm .Lpdg~ L-~o, P . willhave ' was9vertuJjted:, . t' ~rchvi~ .thel~ies · '::'U=l~=~ Allw Ktbler;'W1)lIe c:h.opplDiwgc;d . ....... " :~., . ~~ _, " ~. . for 1iII.~Vit:1_t\lema_. -worir ill ~e ~gJit Rank tonig~~, out'and , 8ni'a1h}n~ .the -wh~l~ Df t~e I Penen~ desirable.. not necml17 . • on.d~l~ week, bad ~...,o.-.. TI,w I8dl. · ~ O1ureb ~ JP":e:n,.{#: I...~nance , were ~~r lat.. -Will pave lunCh. b\1&:lQ'. 'Be1~~~ ~~eral bru~~ ~~d , . Pro8mbl~ -~rmanent 1Dd~'Jll~t tune to almolt ..ver the hi&" toe OIl WIll ~ tbett .• bal ~ and ...... 11. . . 'i t ...ho~- tMt there VlIltlDi ~jl(t.t inv\tA!d. ~rateh~ and ,the ~oclc, no aell~~s bUJinw. Waite~. lIeciure. b~ rIabc foot. The ftund "..... .....W at the ~ -Boule GIl mar ... __ " ~ ~ , .' iF C.- ~ARTZ, O. C~ l'tIfN,lt1 from til. aceadent. Aft antlCl- . e• 42Eut28 .• New Yolk ftl'JJi.lDtal.1aaeWna~,"'; - Di'_-\18""~ . . ..... l L.A:.~,~. R.6S. pated. 'J




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.The Miami Gazette

hIm with theJr alarmed erlel that even at tPat momen t tbe long Hue of ~-' tIle on my's foroes was drawIng near· O. L. CRANE . er an'd nen'r er aoross tho '{&lle)" be arOlle with R peacefu l IImllq and ~be WAYNESV ILLE. 0111 light of confide nce 1I881:\1u& forth troll'l hIs clear, steady eyes. . Slo". of • Vi.ion· and • Vlctory WUI lbey next aurvey the air and "Fell'r not the c omln~ of the bath· atalle out racetra cuf en agnJnst us," he stl.ld with calm • BY THE "HIGHW AY AND BYWAY " reaS8Ul'an . "Remem ber lhe help Chat OD IDter estint Topic s of Many Kinds . by PREACH ER' Ohronlc 'faUgue no longer la regard· wb~ch In Carmer times . our peoplo a Reco tnize d Autho rity ed as tbe mark or a good poucem an. have received from heaven. Even now we may xpoct the victory, for It takes Spain a long time to learn aid will om to us ot th e AlmightY." th at the rest or the world . keeps on Bas d on the s cond book or f,1acca"Yea . but even now th en my Is OrigIn of Thank.g lvlng. bees, chapter 15. shades one finds lin New Orleans . movIng. upon \I s." his fo ll owers exclaim ed, not Thanks givIng day hilS long been Aftel' this a loving altogeth er r ea ssured . call ell the first really AmerIc an boli- all joIn hands stan liP Is pussed and Keep the milk supply pure and the dIng up sayIng "Listen ," he saId, day, as Pres ident Lincoln estahlls beil wIth bowed heads: "and J will tell water supply abundan t. Safegua rd the SERMO you NETTE ot tb ; gold en ijword whlcb Is tb e It 8S a national festival In 1864, nnel : public bealth . aod blc 8 YOU lind God bl ess me, Vienna , W. VB.- "I f e I thBtIow e !llgn of vlct I'y. Last nlgbt In a vision since that time It has been a legal ot.! bl <lllS uo ev ' ry one. tho last ten y.ears of my life to !>ydla Spain mny s~ rprl se King AlfoDSO • The power of a God-given • Onlaa, whom .you all rememb er wus one. Dllt the dJ1y of Thanks gIving 'A si mple r epast Is served, with no E. Plnklla m's Vegethe high priest In former daya, and goes bacl( to the . ngllshm an, William vllion. some day by dwmandlng a twentle lb table Compo und. servant s In vidence , as this \s 11 tfme was a virluou s and godly man, came Bradfor d, wllo led the PilgrIm s to this when century gove rnm ent. Who can measur e It? Eleven years Ql{o I • tbe children are dressed up In h fo re me and, lIfLing up his ha nde, ne w land. Dack of him we find tllRt Pilgrim t In the hour 01 a great peril, was a walkin g garb and serv e the feast. Street cara reekIng with the pun· prayed for the whole body ot the Moses . really Institut ed the Urst shadow . I had been when a mighty army aeemed li'll'st , all standin g round the candlegent odor or moth .balls remInd ' the uuder the doctor's J e"'·8. The prayer e nded , lbare ap· ThulIl{sglvlng day by Issuing this about to crush hIm Ind when lighte d bonrd eat the few kernels of carebut gotnorelief. people lhat wInter Is near. hll few loldler . were waverin g, • pared a man with gray haIrs ond ex:· splendId proclam ation: "Aft l' thou parched corn placed tbere In memory My hu~balld per. Judes Maccab eul was given a • ceedlllg glorlons In counten ance and hast gather ed In tby corn and thy of the lime suaded me to try wben all our forefath ers No wonder the earth Is shaklnp; 3ust vl.lon thlt gave him certaint y • ot a wond erful and exoellen t maj esty. win e, thou hnlt rejOice In thy feast. bad for which Lydia E. Pinkha m's ' to be tbankru l was a at present . There are enongb things "Then spake of victory and renewed the • 'O nlas, suylng: lhou and tllY son and thy daugbte r few grains of seed Vegot able Com. corn. Five graIns doIng on It to make It a trifle nervous . .. 'Thl s, Judas, Is a lover ot the and lhe L vite nnd the strange r and each, courage of hIs men. pounda nditwo rked • 1 believe, was the a\tolme nt to bre thren. who prayeth much 'for the the fath erl ess and the widow that are like a charm. It reo God mIght have .ent his liteach person. At the close of the It Noah's arlJ was a15 full as the • pl!ople, and fOl' th e holy clly. It Is withIn tby gat ." lieved all my PMIIS Smltbso njan In.Utut ion soon will be, It t glon of angel. end fought for supper a child repeats Elder Urew· sery. advise all sUfforing non othf!r than J eremlns , lhe prophDradfor Juda. d. wIthout In 1633, hi. called putting on his tbe stt!r's must have been loaded beyon/1 Pllmglorious admonI tion to the Pil- women to take Lydia E. IJlnkhn m's ct of God.' 65 survIvin g pass ngers of the May· grIms when hand to the award at all, but SOll'B mark. he bade tbem be true to Vegetab le Compo und." -M:Rs. EJoWA "The reupon J ere mlaB beld forth his flower to bold n feast of gladnes s and tbeli' purpose tho vllllon . I Quote It here, for It WU EATO " Vienna . W. VB. right hand a nd thankfu gave to me a sword lness. He also followed the Is worthy ot being read There IB reason to belIeve that Lydia E. Pinkha m's V getable Com. Th.t W.I better, for It linked by everyo ne pound, at glitterin g gold. say Ing : "Moses " pl'oclam ntlon to the letter, on the comIng made from native roots and hencefo rth the great whIte plague will man wIth God and gave festival day: herbs, contain no narootl cs or barm. .. 'Take lhls holy award, 0 Juda.; lor he asked nInety and one sU'auge rs, occupy more modeat Quarter s In the • Itrength and courage to meet "messe d will It be for us, blessed ful drugs; holds the It Is a gIft to you from God. Wltb among them the good Indlnn "Massa- tor censul reports . • the threaten ed peril. thIs land. tor thIs vast contine nt! for the larg' st llumber of actualrecord cures • God never doe. anythin g In • It thou shalt wound thy adversa rIes.' salt" and others belongI ng to his fn· Nay, {rom generat ion to generat ion ot t male (Useaso s of any similar medi. Once tn awhile, even now, a man or "Then tbe vlBlon was gone and the mous tribe. 80 our hospital ity, for will the the world with men apa~ from cine in tho country , and thousan cls of .. 'Woman will dIe for love, but It next thing I knew you had come and which as a nation we have always to come blessIng descend . Generat ions volunta ry testimo nials men. are on file in will look back to thIs hour .oe.n~t bappen nearly 10 otten as wae we re rousing been me kno' the Plrueha m laborat ory at Lynn, from my slumberB." A villon that reveal. tho Imwn, was establis hed by ~ood and these sc nes of agonizI ng trial, formerl y the case. Mass., from women who bave been "Sur illy tbe Lord Is wIth us," were old WillIam Bradfor d. HIstory ",Iso to this manenc e end power of God I. t day of small thIngs, and say, oured from almost every form of better than a legion of angel • • t.he reveren t. subdued words of the tells 'us that be was a "good" pr()- 'Here was our beginni 'Meals OD railroad trains average 70 ng as a people. female compla ints, inflamm ation, ul. vlder. Tbat first Thanks glvlns day Theee were to lIght for u.. • ussemb led men. centil. Wbo buys them at a lower our fathers. ceration ,displac ements, fibroid tumors, Throug h "Yea," rejoined Judas, eagerly , "the feast consIste d ot wild turkey, whIch theIr The vIsion of the gift of the • trials we Inherit our blessIng s. irregula rities, periodic pains, backach e, price than that to cut down your '1.26 golden comes s word down . Is the into sure history golden elgn as of aword the vlo· "piece wa. indiges better check to the aTerage ? tlon Ilnd nervous prostra tion. for Ju· Their falUt Is lory." de reshltan ce" of our Thanks givIng our bope; t\lelr our faith; tbelr hope Every suoh su{forl ogwom anowes die than all the armored ho.t. it to God our God.''' While he was speakIn g, JudaB was meal. Then there was nsh and succoof heaven, for It gave a new herself It Is only tho convent ional Idnd of to give LydiA E. Pinkha m's Seems to me this Is a splendi d way Vegetab moving le Compo und a trial. rapIdly about among his meD, taRh . The book tells us. too, that the of Impre21slng blstorlc U~lng that Clgmes high, thought and a new hope to Ju· • When a man al facts · upon If you would Ulce's pcclRl advice de. of hie own power and hi. • lookIng to theIr arms and the manner Indians brought In nine deer as theIr the minds of our youn« can get a pair of khald trouser s and people, and It about your ellS6 write f\ confid two kbakl shirts for two dollars. what duty. • or tbe lr organIz ation. Tben , rapIdly contribu tion .to the wblte man's feast. does ua older ones a heap of good to tial letter to ~lr8. ftnkba m,enat utllnlng the order of tb9 contHct, he Tbe origin of our thankfu l day Is turn our mlndB more doel he need! When he awoke the golden • L~n, ~IBSS_ Her advice 1..8 free, a,nd hearts backwa rd, aid: strictly BlbUcnl, lUI Bradfor d, the rememb erIng eword did not reat In hll hand, and alwa.vs hell,fo L . the times when this faIr It. propo.s ed society fox hunt In Oblo • but "Let us not pitch camp before the leader of those seeking atter religiou s land was he knew God hsd vl.lted not nlA~~u s H. 1I0L'CII, ,,&dJ ....., D. Co bas been stoppell by tbe humane aoenemy, but let us courage o usly set liberty and trut.b, was ·slmply tollow· say a th~nkfuwhat It Is to-day, and to Nu n nU rD~ '. r. NI \lQtll p..t.Ont ia oDl prayer for those wbo cleties. The humane authori ties must • him. ll1ln d . ,Vrtto l o r lnvulll<>r'ft GuJde. . upon the nemy and manfull y try the Ing In the footstep s of Moses, wbo .laId the foundat So with Jacob In rock·str ewn ions so surely that , h ive thought some of the hunterl matter ot conflict, for our city. the. ,was .leader and law-giv er to a people we bave and lonely Bethel, He awoke a day of Thanks gIvIng to 'were In danger of catcbln g the fOI. sanotua ry and tbe temple are In dan· In a strnnge land. to find hI. head .tIIl pillowed STRANGE COMPANY. oelebra te.. ger." Six years aUer on the hard etone. No .Ign of Lincoln Issued his The czar will not vIsit MOB cow, the MADAM l!l MEttRt. Now, as aU stood. expecta nt and Tbanks glvlng day edict nine souther p the golden ltalrwa y that had old capital or the empire. He ougbt reached upwlrd Into heave n.. rtlady for tbe confilc't and the enemy I!tAtes adopted tbe holiday, In 1877 a to 8Jmpat blze with the demand~ of If It had been there, Jaoob . was already oome near, and/ the army general Tbanks glvlng day was prohis ptlople for greater freedom , for be et 1n battle array, and the horsem en claimed In Scotlan d. which comes In would have ' wanted to aecend '. seems to have very little of It hIm· set In long, sweepIn g wings. Judas. the middle of Novemb er. When our It at once. / \ lelf. A , oelng all this, stretche d '\ut his housew Ives are dressIn g turkeys thIs But, better stili, the memory /• . ' ~). .....!!" ha.nds towards h eaven, and called year tbey Olay thtnk of Alice Dt·ad· Only a short time ago tbe wireles s of that vl.lon wae Indelibl y tele~pb and aerIal navigat ion were pon the Lord that worltetb wonder s, ford, wltb the three or four young Rococo rIbbon Is . once more In high Itamped upon the heart, eo thlt olll8Bed as visiona ry; to-day tbey are knowin g that vIctory cometh not by women s he had to assist In helpIng favor for Christm as fancy work. he could IIY reveren tly, "Sure· Gold e mbroide rIes give the needed practica l realities , Progres s In the The Goose- flow times cbange, to arms but even as It seemet h good to her prepare those ftrst Thanks gIving Iy tI~le ·1. the hou.e of God and twentie th centur, movel with fleet God, he giveth It to sueh as are wor· day bIrds, and how glad s he must richnes s to many xquislte pieces of be sure. I have nev r seon th fox the very glte of heaven. " And teet. such gooel frI ends with a cluck b fore. thy. And thIs was tbe manner of hIs have been when her blanket ed and be- handwo rk. • throulh the bitter yea~ which featbere d guesls departe d, the red All ot tbe pretty LouIs boxes covprayer: • followe d It w.. the north Itar A Hero. , The military aeropla nea or the fu· "0 Lord, thou dldst send thIne an· men were grent trial to our fore: ered with festoon ed tapestry are Tommy 'S moth r had made hIm a ture will drop bombs on warship s. • of hope which kept him steertouched mothers with . gold galloon gel . In the time ot Ezeklas , king of . present of a tOY shovel nod Bent hlUl Wat1Jhlpa of the future will be fitted • Ing etralgh t and true toward ,I udea, and dldst alay to the I bast of MoIre shllres honors wIth tapestry ou't In the God and tha fUlfillment of hll sand lot to play with bls with gUns to destroy ' aeropla nes. And A Thank.g lving DIY Party. as a Freilrb materls l for some of the baby brotber .:)f:nnllc herlb an hundred foursco re de.tlny. . '''Take care of baby so the take-an d·glve Inventio n ot warA yearly custom rlcbest and observe pIeces five thousan d. Wheref ore noW of art needlew ork. d In the Vilione ? now, Tommy , and don't let anythIn g tare aoeB on. evening of eaob Tbanksg1Ylng day is Ye.. They do oome - God· ,. a lso, 0 Lord of beaven, send a good Natted bags of gold cord Intende d . ~urt him," was mamma 's _parting In· so interest ing. 1 want' to tell the de- for reticule s are woven Into shape lent even to-day. Tbe 20y rIders ot Gotham baTe ·junctlo n. • a ngel before us for a fear nod a dread partme nt· readers 'unto them; about and It. tbrough the might of There are and lined wIth satin of an empire Welcem e them, and make . brok~~ out afresh. Nor will their ravPresent ly scre~s of anguish from them tlie Inlplrat lon fol' the ae. • thine arm let those be stricken with about six famUies wIth their connec- green. nses -be checked until the law and ~ baby sent the distract ed parent ftyhig tions, all relative s either ' dIstant or terror, that come agalnat tlly holy A single gold thread run along the . to the Band lot. "For goodnes s' sake. oomplll hment of mighty thlnga .... thorlUe s devise a punishm ent to it close, wbo meet at the old·fash ioned -edge ot a design to outline it will Tommy , what has people to blasphe me." th.e crime, whIch ought not to be dU. : for God. happene d to tbe I . • Even wbile be was yet praying . NI· home of one tbey ,call "great aunt." Improv e the brocade d ribbon of n lInby?" sllld sbe, lrylng to soothe tbe flcult in thla da, 01 resourc es. On those occasio ns all the old·fash lon- Bewlng or opera bag. canor and bls army be&an the ad, waIling Intant. . England ilas turned out the biggest ,vance with trumpe ts blowIng and tbe ed heirloom s are brough t forth, tbe . ,T be narrow est of· gauze ribbons . "There was a naughty Oy biting him THE 'STORY, lea·flgb tlng- macbln e yet, luppose d to sol'dlers lifting their vol.cea in the fireplac e 'Is festoon ed wIth dried ap- Inlet between two. wIdths of wIder on the top of his bead, anel I killed It I ples and scarlet lleppers . Applee, ribbOn, are used to hold them togethe be ImpervI ous, to torpedo el. Now the HEN tidings were brough t to -NI- bs tUe son«. r with tbe shovel," was the I;)roud renuts, cider 'and popcorn are served In- 111 the making ot bags and aprons. Invento rs wUl get to work ' on a conBut Judas ply.-Ex.ohange. and bls compan y en· canor that Judas Maccab eus and formall querIng torpedo . That Is the way. AI hIs followe rs were In the strong counter ed the enemy ·wltb Invocat ion counUny; .and the firat cerelXiopy Is ) g up· the "mercie s" of the year.. A Lay Matter. loon . as an Immova ble . obstacl e Is placel about Samari nnd prayer, fighting with their hands Cloth Top. to Boote. a he was glad. "Would you like tbe noors In woEveryo :round. out, tben human IngenuI ty gets The new bootB tor dress wear have "At last he Is within my power," ond praying unto God wIth their . there ne has a part In thIs, !tnd snlc?" asked th e arcbltec t. · Is ~o 'Ught save from the logs black paten Quickly toO work on anolher IrresIsti ble he leatber vamps without exclaim ed. wltb lavage joy. henrts, so tbat fhey slew no Jess tban In the The Sprlngf leld man looke d dubious . torce. The comfort ing reflectio n wltb "Witho fireplac e and a tew thirty candJes and five In thousan d men; for stitchIn g and black cloth uppers. Few ut any danger to myajllt 1 will "Would YOll ·lIke the noors In ·mo· brass sticks, some with the tall glass colored uppers peace 10verB Is that no war could be will be worn. able to compas l' hIm about and tilrough tbe appeara nce ot God tn the sale patterns ?" ~ 188t long ' \!ilth sucb Instrum ents of crush vIsion of the golden sword they were ~-----~ him. This I will do on the Sab"I don·t know 80 much about that." Wholesale destruc tion. batb day, for then wlll Judas and hIs greatly cheered . be fin,ally said. "1 ain't got any preJuNow The bureau of statistic s of the de. men be given to theIr deVOtions and turning when the battle wu done, redice against Moses as a man, Rnd with joy, they knew that NI· the observa nce of the ceremo nies or partme nt of comme rce nod labor an. maybe be knew a lot about tbo la"V. canor 16Y dead In hIs armor. Then nounce s that a contInu ed Improve ment their laws." ' As regards layint; of floors, ·though . 1 tbey made a great shout and ,noise, Now tbere were certain Jew! In In the Industri al situatio n of the COUD> kinder thlnlt I'd rath r h(lVe 'em un. try la Ind.l cated by tbe reports of lead. Ute camp of Nlcanor , whom he had praising Qod and sayIng: aeota rlan." -Harp er·s Weekly . "The . golden sword! The golden Ing Internal comme rce movem entl made 'slaves, wbo were sore troubled sword! It was Indeed the symbol "';~r Sad Finish. durl~g tbe past mon~h. Tbere Is a bIg that Nlcanor would give the Jews qnd promIse of vlcto!'Y." "Did you eve r kuow a girl to dl for Increas e In the tranBpo rtatlon and use battle on the Sabbath day, and -they love?" of materia ls like sort coal, coke and besough t him. saying: . The Unlver lll LOlBon. "·Yes." iron I'n the output of mills and dlstrl"0 destroy Dot so cruelly and bar· 'fhe sun does not. "Did she just faele away ~nd die bebutlOD of product s. With good gralD' barousl y, but ilve honor to that day, trees and fiowers, shine for a few but for . the wide cause Borne Ill8n deserte d her?" crops It l?Oks like a busy and prosper- which he that seeth all things hath world's joy. The lonely pIne ot the "No ; she just took In washing and honored with boUnesll above other mounta ous winter. in top waves Its somber boughs worked hersd! to death because tbe daYB." and crIes, "Tho'l art my sun I" and man site loved mnrrled her." The tots,1 dIviden d and Interest pay, "Do tell me," rejoined Nlcanor , with the little meadow violet lItte ments Octobe r 1 will reach '161,721,. a villaIno us chuckle . "Is there a of blue and wblspe rs with I~ cup CAREF UL DOCTOR Its per· OuO. whIch ' Is $16,574. 000 more than Mighty One In heaven that hath com· fumed br.ea th, "Tbou art my Prelcrlb ed Change of Food Il)lteld of Bun I" . last year, sbowlng tbe marked ad. manded tbe Sabbath day to be kept." and the grain in a thousan Drugl. d fields rus· vancem ent In prosper Ity and tbe gain "There Is In heaven a livIng God, ties In the wind and makes answer, in Industr ial activity withIn the perIod and mighty, who It takea cODalderable courage tor a IndIcate d. And the WIlV In Which mlllll Beventh day to be comman deth the "Thou art my sun!" So God Bits, efkept," WIl8 the ear- fulgent, In heaven, not. . 40ctor to delibera tely prescrib e only for a favored are I!tarting up, crope are coming to nest reslJons e of the Jews. rood 'tor a despaIr ing patient, Instead few, but for the univers e of lite. and market and railroad s are getting busy, "And ot resortin g to the ' usual lfst' of med· exhaUs ting the stocll. of surplus cars earth," I also am a mIghty one upon there Is no creatur e so poor or so low lclnes. proudly declare d Nlcanor , that . he may not look up 'w lth and calling for more, gives sufficient child· drawIng hlm~elf up to his full belght like confide nce and say, .There .iue some truly scientif ic phy· Indicati on ot stili better .tlmes In the and "My Father, lookIng slclans among the prese~t generat ion with disdain upon the thou art mine! "-Rev. Henry Ward immedi ate future. who recogni ze and treat condItione as poor Jews berore him. "And because Beecber . . they are and should be treated regard· Tbe theory tbat a man must depend I am mIghty upon the earth I com· less of the value to their pooketS. on the munHlc ence of friends If he nland to take arms, and' to do tbe Sure Filth. Her~'s an . Instanc e : wIshes to enter tbe lists of llteratu re, klng's busInes s. I sball agaInst "Thoug h h'e slay me, yet wUl) , "Four years ago I was taken wIth und be entirely content ed with the Judas on the Sabbath day." trust In hIm." Job xIII. ' 15. severe gastrftf a and notblng would So In exceedl nr pride and hau.btl · glory tbat may come to hIm la a per. Only beyond our . knowled ge la there stay on my stomaob , so that ·! was on fect absurdi ty. Invento rs work for ness of spirit Nlcano r set about car· really . room for the exercIs e of faIth. the verge of starvati on. glory Bnd for money. Men wbo write ryin, bls plan Into elfect, determi ned -. "I heard of a doctor' who has 'a swn. It Is where sure knowle dge ends that to set up a .monum ent of his victory give a fair return to th.e world. Tbey .. mer cottage near me-a speciaU s't from sure faith beglnl! . . )~ven a suspicIo us are entitled to some reward more tan. over Judal and them tbat were wIth 'd oubter will trust ' as far as N. . Y., ~d as Ii las he can . t' bop' I!ent tor him: . , ' Bible tban mere words. He wbo con him. "see." But He Wbom we trust, 'a nd trIbutes a classIc to our IJteratu re . "After . be examIn ed me caretull y be Now tfdlngs of these things reached In Whom have faith, can be trust· ad~sed me to try a small Quantit y of adds to the lum total ot clvlllzat lol\. Judas and his men, and great terror ed beyond we Grape-N sight, and ' agalDst ilght, In ' uts at first, theD . at! my stom: The llrst la a trim little wa~lUnl costum e tor a girl of 10 to 12 yearl "~iI HIs work Ie more lasting tha~ tb, fbI darknes s and when all appeara nce may be copied .ln almost b. ecame stronge d, "to eat .. more. . se Ize d upon th e bear·.. .... 0 t e atter, 'a ny winter materl&l. The skl~ iii ljet 'I]I ratb"r wide .8eh" " \ . It . tb. j k t f ' t 'so that Judas could scarce restraIn seem agaInst HIs, loving un center 'fro.nt, it Is o,nl., sllgbtly wr"p' pe"'d, jus't "I kept at, It;' an~ ,gr Ild~allygot so 1. purpo. u · and . ~n~u~i. f..o~ t:~ :OOk~s ::: lo~p" In tb~ UnIted States educati on baa them from scatterI ng and or spring stu.d s to be ae-,vn on~ ~ and "It fl could fleeIng In ends eat and digest ytbree. ~~aspooJl. In our behalf. ttl~med , ~lth buttonl , Hat of sott f~)t. tr(m~ed With .bows of ribbon. long . been too much of an accom- panIc. ' And he Bought to en· Ma", . full. Then I ~e~an '~? 'bave color In my terlale ~ilshment, . n(lt a training ; For alii coura,e · them"when requl,ed : 4'4 ,ara. 46 incllils wIde. .' with hope In GOd they ..' lace, memory became '<Clear, where beIn Hie Inflnltt Wladom . I " boye and OUI' girls we bave IJeen I&ld: The .second ·mUIi ratloD .",bow.B·a home d~ess for .8 ~rl of 'elgbt ' . to 10 ,eara. fore >everyth~g 'seemed a Jllank • . M1 There la no trU'e re.t of heart and It,a I~ calh~~re In.a ,s proud to provIde a Ichoolln g that or. hade of.. dull terra cgua; the It:onta of both bOdl~e anil Umbl "It Is ~1l well and , good to hope :In soul 1n time of trial unin got atronge r an4 1 001,114 walt. . we ','b:aTe skirt are trimme d with rlb~oll, v.elvet thread~d throug~ nament s their IIvea wl,t h g.r aces of God, but what poBslble InCisIon chance bave come ·.to look beyond caules' . and • . hu~ , conduc t or smatter ing of knowled ge we .In the :t~e ' of so mllterla l. The rroilt .lkl'rt forme a panel; at sl~e ' a~dbac'k s made In tbe So . I steadily Tecover ed . . , mIghty a !loat?"· man Instrum ents and . have· loon ~. at.ov" ~ tuck Is, mad.e ~'Now, af~er, a year 00 Grape-N uta t .. the h~, m . ; the ,epaulet , tes of ~~e that . may Oatter our vanity while It amaJI . blsbop sleeves are trlmm.ed with weill!... 168' lbs U~ ~ople • Judaa toenc:o urage hla men~ band t~lltberaUtch worked 1n aUk to m$b the coUar, were' lut' of our God and F.~her appoll1:"..,. .. MaterIa ls requited " Foul' arda: 46 lriche.. , w.t:le, · I~ Jard ribbon' llll,et. , . u",lIts them for the ~erce Btruggle of DUt all to .no purpose d '" ''V . . , , , . seemlna ly, PrlB~ ,t the war and Ing all In hll Infinite grew flelby aDd wlBdom and 10,.e. ' ., lite. But all tbls la b,ing cbanged ,: at lalt, dlsllou rqed and TJle thl!d costum e t' for a g~rl ot 10 to. 12 yearli, and Is made In line ser ~tronl OD thtl food. aDd It mUlt be chan led If our nation "ltthdre w to hla rude ...dde~eil) be Oease aa far a. poallble from yalll z. . The bodice; althoua h fastenin g. at the back, li:'trJmp !ed In Cront with cross'O ::t couch within gfets and lean all calml,. to bUQ w.1I, eUect, Read . ~e JltUe lJook, '~The ~ to CMII bold ita own, Dot onl, agalnll the. fume .. 'of ' the rocks the 't rlmmln l' eODslIUng of a h~d of materia l c111. III taba. The where he haa promlae d . that all thlnp work 'to- trlmDllllg, ~ WellYUle. ',. ttl ~pklB. nUl BrJtJlb rhall. but allo aplnl' Uld bIa ta carried In ·8 crOSe·wlae llue dowl1 left side men ba4 talJen refUle. There a.ther for Jl)Od. To brine our Ildl1 to loolt Uke .. "lThere 's -' Reuon ." . htarta oontlDu atlon or thatoD bOdice. '. The coU~r 'II faced tIa. tramedo UB rlalq power .t nia men 'to~nd lWD. lD ndq .bI. to thl. may be the .drr with veh:et aD4 ·11 dlYJ4" Ihw ~d ~ . • .... ~..!_ ... ..., 1Il~ . _ ,at b,clt; the ~t ,. tuclted Illk. Material. realdre 4: ~." ' deep ...." &lUI .",,.... i. ,. blOhM t'her U'OUIecI ... of the ~UcrL , .. ~allk. .,elvet,

Fo r th e Ho st es s OWES



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Lydia E. Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound




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Dresses for ' Girls









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Il'·!{na ir. A h HnL':' , ~ n lw l\Ys I,I) rn' on th~ Illr , A 11,1 SfilII 'w Iwr<:. tllo w o rl..! 18 8 P'lnned \\'1111 blup, , . J\ ,,,I ,· .•r· II IH IJrlght wI t h rI'll 's 1" :1'. T il ,. n Iv" \'0 )'ou r .Iorrn Y. c 1,,'cl' l e~. Ill'nt h r,

An..! lI,c' III " w Ilrld o r p"'llsn nl \\'"ather," - I. '1 ty BIG elow.

. -_ _ _. . HE CAUSE and cure of cancer Is the most dlftlcult and now tbe most ur«ent problem ever imposed upon the beallng profession tor soluUon . . More than a dozen theories baye been of· tered to explain Ita cause, yet It Ie admitted tcHla)l' by the blgh· est authority that cancer III In· curable; and thongh many cur" baYe been proposed. the only hope ta atlll the posslblllt1 ot remov· Ing It by operation. which. however. often senes only to basten the end. Recent InvelUgaUon Into the effecta. bltherto not full,- recognized. of dllorpnh:ed nutrition, resulting chIefly from complex diet and overeating, have led me to the conclusion that cnncer Is due to abnormal cell r.ollferaUon resulting (rom tbose 6Quaes and that, consequently. It can ~e cured by restoring normal nutrition-by a courle of rigid dieting and by proper mental control In barmony therewIth. the mental state now beIng understood to have a very Important bearln,: upon physical condlUonl. Tbough thll natural cure bas tbe virtue of 8lmpUr.lty Bnd enUre treedom from risk'. It Is no leB8 worthy of conslderaUon than the now well 6stnbUshed treatm/ilnt of consumption by fresh air. scientific (eedlng, exer· c~nd Ijuggestlon. Plants and animals have an organ· 'zed growth. eacb organ bearIng a eel" taln proportionate size and doing a certain work In the Boclal group. :At maturity growth ceases. but orgnnlc tlsBue continues to be renewed by new cells replaetng the old. In cancer. tbere IB a disorganization ot this har· monlouB growth and renewal. which Is dependent upon normal nutrition. thle term Including not only the approprlatlon ot food. but the elaborntlon of tissue. the elimination of waste and the control ot all the processes by mental states. A colony ot stomach 01:111. tor Instance, Is established on I t b elver. gradually encroaching upon tbat organ until It seriously Interferel . wlt1l Its functions 'and POISODS the blood by lhe secretion of abnormal poisonous matter_ Such a . renegade ceM::orga.n1za.tlon enows some capacity for the tunctlon of. In tbls case. the stomach. secreting a quasl-gastrlo fluid; but the cancer cell Is Irregular In growth, Irregular In function, Irreg· ular In nutrition. If the cancerous tumor be excised scattering cells may migrate and. es· tabllsblng themselves elsewhere. grow more rapidly than before. or. some remalnlng In the same 10caUon. renew lhe irowth-If Indeed the growth Is not too tar developed when explored by the surgeon. to allow of removal. What Is the origin of this growth? ~lsorganlzat1on. surely; loss In Bome degree of tbe nonnal proc· eS8es ' of nutritIon. And careful Inquiry Into the nature or nutrition has Bhown ,that dlsorganlz'ltion Is In· dnced by abnormal complexity of diet. the eating of many different toods at the 8ame meal. ea.c h 'havlng Its own requirement tor elaboraUon Into cell .. tlBsue; ~mphaslzed by exceBBlve eat· llig and abnormal mental states, eBpeclally after ' m.lddle lite, when the requlrement for food Is reduced with· out reduction In the supply. as 18 com· mon In prosperous America, England, li'raace and Germany, more lIarUcular· lr, 'where cancer 18 very common 'and Increasing among the well·to-do. Statistics 8how that ' one of every' eight women above the age of 35. and o~e ot evert It men, In America, 'dle of cancer; and these not, a8 In' the caae' o( tuberculosis, chiefly ' from the lowell. classes. but of the flower ot the nce; . Dot so tar«ely .from the alum dlltrtcta' ot Ne", York, where' con; ilumptlon' reaps Ita 'largest ba"est," from Fiftb avenue an,d B~kl;yn. ~o clasl' $_ immune from cancer, but Itl , IllI'Kelt roU of mtlms tl ma4e up troDi our moat Intelligent and hlrht, 'cult!· v~te4 men aDd womell, trom ' reaned ,oclev women and the m~t . .lued and bum,., UleD. . . cellUy u emlaent 11IlPOD, Dr. W1J. ItaID T. Bull of Ne. York, -1lliutIf.

Sunday Night Suppers. A slIpprr on ullday e vening should bt' a li ght 01,1 • as It foll ows th e late hI', \' Y din ner. If th ni ght Is 001. a bowl of cr um soup 01' lin oy. tel' ste w Itl always nc C' pptnbIH. th on a s a nd· wit'h and sa lad with a Cli P of tea or ro(·oa. or In s tl'ad of the salad a dish ot preserves makns a meal Huffi cle ntly bra rty for tb averag'l persoll , A bowl of f" ably poppe ll corn and milk l11 ukes a SUPIl (' very Ilatl s ry lng to mnn y. A r hanng di sh UPD I' Is a n Id eal un o rol' Sunday night!'. as onli never tires ot se lo g t hing done. and helpIn.g In th e pre pumtion , Tb ro lire many dainty, digestibl e and appetizLng dlaheR that on may prcplll'e In the cbafing dish. Cream ed eggs Rerv d on toast I\,re one of these. Fried oysters. or tr one cares to rlBk the lohster a In Neuburg. and s llend the 1IIght sit· tlng up with It and a bo ~ water bag. Milk tonst and a cup of b'lt well· made tea has a heartening qUb-lIty tor a IIgbt meal. a nd tbere nre alAY num· ber of sandwlcheB which are good. two tavorltes whlcb will follow :





Onion 8andwlchea.

Chop a mild onion. add salt. red pep· per and a dash of mUBtard. spread on buttered bread and serve very c\lld. If one likes onions. these sandwlrJhea are prime. Spanllh Sandwlchea.

Cream a cake of creain cheese wltb a wooden sJloon unUI soft. addlllg a little cream. Season with salt. pepper and one small chopped onion. Cut sandwlcb bread In thin sUces. I.utter both sides and Bpread with the mix· ture and put together. maklng foM or five layers. The tOTI and bottom lay· ers oro buttered on one side tlDly. Wrap In a damp cloth and press un· der a weight. Serve cut In thin slloell. Celery Salad. Cut tender celery Into flne shNdl wben well dried. mix with mayon· ~~ nalBe and decorate with bard couked eggs cut Into eights lengthwise. and we white celery leaves. Chili and -.........~ V ~ dl ,I 11 ~ America. the tendency to abnormal !;'[Y 01 rigid . et anu t a ImpOrtunce send to the table. proliferation Is great, especially If the of the mental condition. aDd while 0;>' exerclBe Is not sufficient to maintain posing the meat diet as a cure for normal katabolism. or breaking down anccr, I am glad to acknowledge that and renewal of cells, so as to provide Dr. Salisbury bas Bbown tbe absurdity a normal use for the elaborated cell of tbe claim that there Is any virtue 111 material. vegetarianism, per se. Why. It will naturally be asked. are Dr. W. Roger Williams says In tbe ''''omen mo e su -rec cancer than "Twentieth Century Practice of Medlare men? Woman IB more delicately cl ne : -"Or 194 cancer pattents. 99 hnd I. " " , ......1 no 61 r e ngth ror th e ul riCo constituted lind under the same condl- been moderate, 78 small. hnd 16 large Til l' lV orid '8 IIlgh way l !i c umbr r ·..! lo-,In y: Th f'Y m ul,o un th o Ite m ot lite. tlons Is more ellslly disorganized. Tbe meat ea ters-not a slDIfI .. vegetarian fact that those organisms are more nnd only a few great eaters or v'jgeta· "B ut III' "Ir·tu e thaI onQllcrs plls~I"n. frequently the location or cancerous bles." It does not follow that meat An,l til e s rro w Ih a t hld ea In a mltetumors which are subject to perlod- ca uses cancer. aB many suppose. Prob- It II! tll <'Re th a t u ro worth th e hom9,ga ot ea r lh . Ical growth. wbose growth Is varl- ably tbe 99 moderate meat eaters In· For wo find th em lJut onco In a whllo." able and therofore more easily dlsor- dulged In greater variety than the 78 gnnlzed. when the conditions are fa· sma ll meat eaters. vorable to cancer. barmonlzes with the Davidson. In his "Geographical Path· Some Timely Hints Which May Be Valuable. general principle of causation. ology ." says that cancer Is entirely Prot. Metcbnlkorr arrived at the nbs nt In e ntml Africa. Gold Coast. For autumn dinn e rs or IUD cheon9 conclusion lhat auto-Intoxication. self- New Cal donia, Persia. J amaica. Gul· there or many beautiful centel'rle es. poisoning by tbe absorption of the ana and among otber primitive tribes favor s nnd plnce cards lIlat m y bo waste productB of superfluous toods. Is whlcb are eIther cannibal or are VERY mod e at home with littl e expense. the chle: cause of physical decay. a SIMPLEJ IN 'fHEJIR DIET." ThlB reIt one wanted to giv e n IItti din· '·w n /il. "'"'II.. I .,"A ,_ _. &I"~ , . th eory nresented before, but the rem- rut es alike the meat and the vegetable n I' with a shower for a brld o·to·be. a I'V, ." edy for whlcb he fo~d In buttermilk. theory and oonfirms the "outrlopathlc" unlqu and pleasing decoration for the dence and must have Borne bearing which prevents tbe develop ment ot theory. table Is a large rlpo lIuD1\lkln. bollowed upon the solution of the problem. But certain lJathogenlc germs In the colon. Dr. J. H. KellOgg holds th :lt caI)cer Ollt, the shope of a bas k t. and lined the true theory must explain all the A cloBe r elation exists between auto- Is due to eating meat. ''It has long well with paper. and the gifts placed facts; and the tbeory that-meat call18~~Hil-t&.{-1ca llon and-etHleer. and It can be bee n recognized," he Bays. ··that can- InJ:! lde. each with a small ribbon by cancer does not explain the well-estab- readily Bhown that as each food re- cer seldom appears In persons who which It may be remo ved. Autumn IIshed fact that In aU tboBe countries quires special adaptation lor Its dlges- abs tain trom fl esh. It ' IB very rare leaves. vines, grapes and ~pples may of Europe In which the consumption tion. BO the waste or each food re- among the vegetarian nativeB of India. Il urround the centerpiece. to add to t.umors. was taken : also Father Gor- of bEler Is high mortality from cancer quires special adaptation tor ellmlna- A physician wbo practiced for many Its attractivcness. Plac cards with ' ham. the Irish-American orator priest. Is high. and In all thOle In which the tlon. and that the natural preventive years among tbo Datives of Tlerras Japanese lante rns. browni es or au: Edward H. Harriman bas been cut oft consumption of beer III low mortality of Auto-Intoxication Is the Blmpllflca- Callenu,)s. New Mexico. wbo subsist tumn fruits tUay be easily painted by In his. prime, and the 10SB of one of tbe from cancer Is low. unless the people tlon of food . almost wholly upon tropical fruita and one with n littl e or tb e artistic gift. nation's presidents from this caUBe wbo eat most meat consume most The BtntlsticB on cancer, whi ch bav'!! other vegetableB. says be never saw a Th~ favors may be anything that opcomeB to mind. In view of theee beer, which Is true 1\0 far as England. been publlslled tor halt a contury In case of cancer among these people." peals to the taste. Small pumpkin facta It may be Bald that cancer Is the Germany and America are concerned. England and America. are elaborate Tbls Is no doubt true. but It IB Jack o'Lanterns lighted by candles. dlreBt blight of humanity and every but Is not true ot Greenland. In which beyond ' the reQulrementl of any sy.- eq'J&l1y true that tbe natives of Green· are especially appropriate. new prospect of the discovery ot Its meat consumption II very high. beer tematlc Investigation. and the man;, lund Mitt cannibals generally arc prllcFor n candle light supper, fill a real nature. Its cauBe, and consequent- consumption Is ver,- low. and mortality thousands or catalogued experlmentl t1 cally Immune from caDcer. acconllng la.·ge 'gla's s pun ch howl with ..... ater an\! Iy Its ' cure. Is protoundly alluring. from cancer very low; nor doeB It ap- made upon animals leave nothing w to Dr. Senn. but Qot because they abo then pour over It a s mall quantity of The late eminent Dr. NlcholaB Senn ply to semi-cannibal tribes, In wblch be done that can throw .urther IIgbt stain from vea:etlibl-. olivo 011 . place It In th e center of the twice circled the globe on thlB great meat conBumption Is high. beer un· upon tbe problem. There Is a persistent popular belief. labl e and on It float 16 or 20 tiny taquest-a search tar more Important known. and cancer unknown. accordLeBlanc, an eminent ParlBlan vetel'- In this country aud In Englund. that IlOrS. . tban for the location of the north Ing to Dr_ Senn. Inary authority on cancer, saYB tbat tomatoes cause cancer. Tomatoes A yellow st ra w hasket wltll corn-col· pole. After visiting all c1aBse~ ot manPawlow. a Russian chemist. has tbe dog. cat and pig are the animals causo canra r only in the same sensa or d rlbbou s. may be mude a beaut'y kind, from the Greenlander, subsisting shown that for each parUculllr rood a most subject to cancer. that the In \\' h lc'h b ~n n H 01' mPRt CIIIH\e It. Veg- and u joy rorever. by filling It wl Lh au· 'Oil blubber. to the lowest trlbeJ In ·Af· particular digestive fluid Is secreted. chances of r ecovery are slight when etarlilDs are less liable than meat tumn leaves. ·plums. grupes. pears and , ·r lca. he could only Bay that cancer Is The system must · adapt Itself to the the knife and cauterization are uscd. eaten. apples. us a ceuter piece. Candle a disease of over-Indulgenece. asslmllaUon of eacb particular tood. and that carnlvorouB nnlmols will be ,uently not anyone food, but ex· s hados with alltuulll tinted lea veB In recent years graUfylng progress and It Is reasonable to assume that much' more Itkely to reco\'er It kept on c ss lve and IndlRcrlm'lnate mixing. to- don e In cut work and lined with the bas been made In ·determlnln,g the na· complexity In the food. extreme varl- Ii strict vegetable dlet_ Tb ese animals .geth el' with abnorlllul mentlli' states Is colored tissu e. a ro beautiful in their ture of cancer by means of experl· ety. as we have It In England and vary most In domestication from their the general csuse. And tbe remedy Is soft tints, when IIgb t '\d. ' menta on animals. ' . . America llRrtlcnlarly, would tend to natural diet. I tblnk their chances Clearly Indicated. though requiring A dulntier or more fa irylike candleThe facts thus obtained ,bave the disorganization of normal cell would be better on 0 purely moat diet. skill In Its application; a gradual res· bolde r cun not be Im agi ned tunn one thrown ' mucb light 'upon Ita de· growth. would lead to abnormal 'pro- The Important point Is that the diet toration ot normal nutrition tbrough made of n ca lla lily with tbe center or velopment, but thus far no conclusion IIferation • .Whlch Is cancer. A great should not be mixed. It Is Interestlnl{ the application of the prin CIple of the plslll remov ed and u yellow candle has been arrived at as to Its true na· variety In food must Interfere with In tbls connection to note that Dr. monodlet, In harmony with normal . placed In Its place. ture. tbe menns 'by which It may be normal metabolism; rells having a SallBbury. originator of . "the meat mental conditions. Oy ster Omelet. prevented and the Bpeclfic cure. preference. for Instance. for animal cure." held that an excluBlve diet oC Since thlB article Willi put In type, . Scald a dozen and a half of oysters The true theory of the ·cause of can- food. might proliferate In a manner meat. little !looked, would cure cancer. Dr_ BaBhford. of tbe Cancer Research cer and Its cure must be tound by dlffE\rent (rom tboBe selecting vegeta- It doubtleBs would If the patient would Institute. ,London, bas given tbe results In their own liquor. then draIn and cut tn smull pieces. Beat lbe whites reaBonlng".from the data furnished by ble food. not die froJ'!l resulting auto-Intoxlca· ' of hiB. recent Investigations Into th those experIments conduc'ted on bOth All . the facta. all tbe Itatlstlcs. sup- tlon. An ardent follower of Dr. Salls- caUBe of cancer_ He .ays It Is not bered- of s ix eggs, salt and pepper. Add sfde8 ot the Atlnntlc. allot which are port this theor,- and Indicate th'B na- bury says: "Cuneers are curable. but Itary: ' this IB favoraj)le to thE' "nu· halt the oysters to the beaten yolks at the command of lndepe.n dent Inves- tural mennti of lmmunlt1. and tbe na- they require. 'auoh close attenUon. such trlopathlc"· theory." HII reported state- and put all together arter' mix.lng Into t1gators ',tog~th6!r with th'e I\tat1stlc8 tural cure when ' the 'd lsease bas been careful watching that the ,t)flUent ment that men are 11I0l'e liable than the omelet pnn. Serve with White or bt, death~ trom cancer recorded J~ thtl .contracted. . woul~ have to be under ,the daJly and women. Is; I think. erroneous. Bls dlB- brown sauce to wblch are added the ' country and ,tn Elur.ope. 'Canoer rarely occurs before mature mOBt Ylgllant care ot one that- has bad covery that the trout IB especlally)l· remainder of the oy,sters. It ba8 orten' been pointed out tbat lI(e, the moat susoeptlble 'perlod being experience In handling tbe disease. able. among fish, also support. my cancer '-Is rare In thOle countrlr3. In the age of .0 to 66. DurIng the period There are 80 many' Uttle things to .do 'the'ory_ I have 'Investlgated the bah.wblch the . consumption 'of meat II of srowth, wben' albumen, from which In keeplng the moral, mental, psychic. Its of trout, and'fI.n d that. according to lowelt-lndla, Ohljla. ArabIa, Italy, cells are tormed, II needeci In large and phYllelal condition all In perfect the nutrlopathlc theory It should be To t~e Chlldl.h Mind. GreeC8-&Dd bl,he't In tho.e In wblcb proportion. and wben wasle and reo balance. that tbe.. oIulrerer cannot go tbe most 811lceptlble ot fish. The New One morning ll~tle Elsie dlsc()vered leah food Ie mOlt u,ed-Enrlanct pair are more acUve, callcer 1, raN, on 8uccessfuU, alone. as he Yery often Intornatlonal Cyclopedia 8&Y81 "The,Amertca, FrPce aDd aermanT--aDd ',' but wh,n the ,upply of albumen !. ell:· .can, It be, wll~. In other I11n·. eea. The arc pll :(varletles flf trout) Yoratiloua. that the ' white covt!rs had been r.· the CODclu,lop baa beeIL draWll that ceulYe,l aDd ~e diet In · 1~n.raI com- diet hall to be mOllt rIgid." anG "'Dore pr leI • .'gamy_ Their 'food ' moved from the ·parlor furniture. "0b. leeh . .UIII II the caue of c&IlUl'. 'PUcated, .. !t II with the wealtbler I .~ tuUy In accor~ with the 8tate- consllta of UJ I!JI't 01 freD anImal mamma," ahe crted. '<the chairs IIh/1" their nlJrbl8Ownat" . ~O'f&l 'Of. ~~ TbII .. at leaat • remAl'bble ooIDct rclalHl ba gortll,.... BUrope uad malll above. elpeolaU,. u til Ule aecea -;gaUer."


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212S 01 i iford E. 8 ro W D 22, 80 h a 01 tea 0 b. :.~:~:1':":':":.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.;.:. :.:.:. :.:.:~:.:':. :-;..:.'.:.:.: . :.: . :.: . : . : .:.:~.:.: . : . :.:.:.:.:-:.:.: .:.: .:.: er 0 f G os h e n a tl d T.eo" E. Bur .:.:.:.: .:.: .:.: .: ••• :. :.:.:.:." .:.:.:.: .:....:.!.:.:.:,:·:.or:.:.:.:.~.:. ".:.:. :....:.:."':.:.:. '.:.:.:. :.:.:. :.:.:.:. :. :. :.:.:~.: . :':.:.: . :. :. :.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.:. :.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:•••:.:.:.:.:.~~.: ns 1 • :::~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ;.:.:.:.:':(':':':':.:.:.:.:..;:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.;.:.,,:.:.:.:.: .:.;.:.:~.: .:.:::.;.:.:.:.;:;.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~ ,. .: f' lell ant P lain. 6T. Mr. Th.D~ O DA, :.:;:: G hen, Ohio. .

Cou nty Cou rts


'. ::::;:



,.r.nm on Pleas Court.


New 'Suits. WIlUl\bl o. Spence ,\,. plr.dntiff vs Ev", ·penoer . defeod t\nt.. PlltHio u , ·r divorce on g rouad R of ex~r e m e oruelty and g ross neglect of duty,


M. 'fi . 2, of Farnk1 \n. Rev . workernd/ill , Iod., a nd Eltlie D'Il by, ::lprio g ooro, Ohio. VtUlCe Z ... 8umpb reys 22. armer Bhlllob c8ter a Dd (:)na Haines 19, of F oster. Rev . Fulton .

Court Proceedinlts.


A '

(;harlE'1! A Wt.epbens :!9, jjh ovel·, ::::::

: : ~:

':::::: :::::: :::::; :::::: ::::::,



Wh en :ak ing selections for Spri ng 191 0 last wee k in Chic~g!> with the eel. eor at !d hou se of Hirs h, Wic kwi re & Co., mak ers of finest han d-m ade clot hin g-w e bou ght at a big disc oun t thei r odd lots of




W'Inter r 't 'SItIP-dOl0nS,"












Do You Get Up '1080; rer- :::::: Deputy , WillR ,1000.i Lewis, olerk, treasu POO i total, With a Lam e Back ? 11200; T. C, Wa.tter son, &udito r- ~:i:::

::::~ :::::=: ;: :


:::;:: :~~


'.~:.: .:~.'.:.[ :::~

:::::: :.::.: :::.:. ::::: ::::.: t~~

::::' .;:


: :. :;:i :.:~



:.:':. ....•• ::::.: :::;:; ~ .••.•


Mor e than 100 '"Sli p On"

R ai ts : : : : : :ll~~~l nc oa ::::=:



Deputy , 11600; F. P. Forgy, sheriff -Depu ty, 1600 i olerk I1BO; total 1780; Dab P. Bone, olerk- Deput y -720', *SO', total, 1750. . .olerk, .. Contra ot Jet to Perry Borden for fills and Ilpproa ohes to Beeoh RUD bridge in Clearo reek towDsh ip at. h 'i te ' tee st ma. S60 . 38 . (;ontra ot let to Frank Whitao re for lumber and posta at oertain StlPulated prioes. valid until Septem ber 22,1910. ------ • Stung for 15 Years


:::::: :::::: :'.':::: .• ' :;:::: :•••••••:.::.




:::::: ' :::::: :;::::



$18 5 "


:.:::: ::::::





*::: ::;~




We wou ld part icul arly call you r atte ntl·on to the fl·ne qua ll·ty of thes e 'g arm ents , both the suits an d the ove rcoa ts, very few wor th less than $25 . Thi s is cert y,a money-saving opp ortu nity , riah t ~inl I·n the -0 hea rt of the season. .






~~m~ :~::: :::::: :t::::


:1,::: :~:::

Bring the childre n to' see in our east window the automa tic electric al machin e-repro ducing story of Cock Robin. 'In operati on day and nij'ht.

:$::: :~:::

R S K ln O S B U R V .

,• •


. '



~ ::::::









60 aDd 6 f t Eas t Ma in St- eat . o1Iiiii,.-

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..,..eDla • , Obi '


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A C.LOCK ;doors in the feeding trongp , whioh

r ' hoJdl5 baok the feed . The sudden fl.E. HAT HAW AY . openin these doors permit s the Dr . Patters on, a Cahfor nia man, requisigteofamoun , \'Jay'nesviJl~'s Leadin g DenU. ' t ·of feed to faH out. who is away fro. m home ('ffioe a great In Keys Bldg. l Une advant by Indige8 tion 's pl1ngll -trying many d I h d i d n ing age is that t'he oh'inl!:. MaiD S* ni W&" dootor8 and 1200.00 worth of medl ea. ae ev se a . eons "ens are fed on "8ohed ule time" and cine 'in vaio, B. F. Aysoue . of Ingle. of feeding his big flock of chiok8 ns their. meals l'egularly-t~ the side, N. C., at last oeed Dr. King'e regular ly every day, whethe I, ALTE R M,COL~JRE, r be is lget very minute . ' , .- . New Life Pi1ttl, and wrl,t~s they t h wholly oured h Im . 'Xhey oure Con. a ome or no t . , So succ~esfnl does Patters on '8 deFune ral Dll"e':tor. sti""tlo n, &illiou soess, Stck Head. Be Bet up tn, the ohioke n . bOUS9 a vloe w . ork that he hae decided ... . to 8eK hi h ache, t;tomao h, Liver, idney and bi g a 1lirm 01'" ." l ~ .. w 0 goe8 .ou. regn: lonre a patent on his ingenlo .u8 oon· Bowel tronble s, 250 at JI'red ('. larty at 5 oolook every mornin g t.riva.n08 ~nd hae already made ap. Teleph one day 01 nt.~t. . Sobwa riz's. ' ' . d at 4o'oloo k every afterno on • - ..• , , Va~ley pbone No. t. an.. . . . plioatio n for one. . BETTER. THAN ~OBAC CO '~.".". r The alarm give8 ont the weloom·e , I' Di'etan ee No: 88-',.. ' ,. · ' . _ .. . .to bfUllllOm el,lllaltra tll4 wee'I,.. f.-neat e1t.o .' . .. o(I11lallon of an)' AOlenUDe journal. , ·orol., ..111 new • .toi&~l the o,ltiok ens-litt le. 'big, Lookl 0 ' Be ' findOl1~i(YQ1lbaveltld. , 'W"l fOil.tmon thl,tl. 801~bJaP. no'''fI "Ureen e oouuty farmer s are tak- old and , young~that bret\~fl ..j 'r& WA YNESVILLE, • lst or 01 .De s. st ~ or ~det~~le. ... 1 i '. th i' ing of broom' oorn dinner i. ooming , and the ringing B h H ' . en , Dg en 011 0 ns up It:s ~ wO,JD,aQ e ra s 'e d~l1~M to look he ..,. r r:"'!!" ' !! ' ~!!!.!!! ,!!~!!!.,..!!.!!ct.!!!!,,!!,s!!!t..!!W!!""~!!18!!,1""'!!,.!!,D!!,.~!!!!!!!'!!!i'!" !'!!!!!ra!!,n!!,e~!!!,!!,.. !!'ee!!!!!,!!"!!,~!!,rv~~!!'1tt!!!!b!aq!!!!!!!!!,,!!"!!':!!!! . beRt bot ;pimple e ektD '.:~fi!11::;:~e~:d; tt I~ now r '2~0 per ton again8 t bringe out all of the fowls on the sores and bQne '.ro}? ' llf:r~f j~:: ,_--~. .~D4~n" ~ to -~---....;.;--~-.---------'100 aooupl e.of years ago . It is ~- ~~ l:~.P. !~ di~ D~~ . , ': '; ~,:!' N y C regUl ' 6If;~t I tiOlatsd it would be easy, to get' ong ea~n ~ 8 go take t::: Li8ten! BUOklet'S Arnioa Salve IAfE ..... ~Bw==='S;'AFE S'P'~D,.iIAND ~noe 0 ejot)res' thei; IDa I es !~e 8.k in 80ft and.. . . ?oDe-doiiU ··~ ~ttl aria by balf a ton per aore .n thl8 ooun'ty . "feed' bell." ' . ___ , _ . . TI ••· Lock ••• Itepal, W.,k .f AI. ~w. l vety.. ve t g ori....,s the faoe '~~:; c1nI~ '. Don't mak~:~ :istak.e Tile prevatU ng hlR~ prioe is due ~ Bya olever y ~8::n;:':~6::r\'i!c:J: a natural ~rciny and the new' high tbe r.,Yolvtng dev!'s ed attaohq l8nt ~::'(.=~~pe~~r:..p~'kl~~ RB~ID BN_CB aAPU .4 .P~IA"" . alarm wheel tw~~ It . . IDfallib le lor . ~150.' • ~Iu"e AlellC, y ••• fer "Ce•••,," A~)ilI""e 51... tariff... T..... _·opeD a numbe r 'o f .mell .UcUn, Freel U. .' TIE Ii WI. 1111










lmUNII· CO·1818rudwllp· ,Yew ynrk

:~~m~: : ::::::


: =: :


0vercoat d S R'gIn CoatISan

All with silk lined yokes, ove rcoa ts fanc y and plai n bla"ck,medium and f ulI wi:nter , ' 0 ths. \and extr a lon u sar .J An :::1 ; wei-eahts , r./egul-, .,.-e stor m coats, _'-22, $25 and $30 values,t!'J' Ch · ·1 h i ' olce W let ey ast ·


E14ney Trouble Bakea You MlsenbJe. Alm08l everyon eknows ofD/.Ki lmer's Swam~R oot, the great kidney, liveran d ~ I bladder remedy, be· cause of its remark. able he~ltb restoring propertIes. SwampRoot fuUills almost .h . ever), W1S lU overcoming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid. neys, liver, bladder and every part of the . - -. urinary ~ge. It ' . . corrects Inability to bold water and scalding pain in paasing;it, orbadefJects foUowinguse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant DeceI!Iity of being compelled to go ofteD through the day, and to get up many times duriJ!g the night. Swamp -Root ill not recommended for everythiog but if you have kidney, liver or bladder 'trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It hal been thor· oughly tuted in pri.vate practice, and has proved 10 successful that a special ar. lP.l1"elP~nt .~s been made by which all readers oftblll paper, who have not al· ready. tried it, maJ. ·bave a sample botUe ilent free by mail, also • book telling more about Swamt>:Root, and how to

tf~ :::::: .:;:::: .....





$16 5 O '




, ,,to.•

All are f h· -' , 0 . t IS' SeaSon S mak e an d pattern s. . To these we hav e add ed a num ber of brok en lines from our own stock, and h o f IIownow 0 ff. er t hese spec·laI Iots at te 10·...."I·ng saerl-fl-Ce prl·ces. Nearly 100 Men 's fine Suits, ks, blue s and fanc y patt erns , regu larblac $20 , $25 and $30 suits, ' choice duri ng sale

.::.:.: :.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __f



Real Estate Transfe rs. i" red Milne va. WlIlter C. Cham bPrlain at· RI. Defflnd ont.8 ordered Annie E. Potting er t·o J <> hn A. io to oo urt for olmtem tJt .. BJl.lir r eul Otltate ill Lelmnon , t350. Kilts FruD z, vs Elsie Marie Houk, Joseph J . Kuntzl er to Nina. E. 8~ al. Court. tilldl! t h", propert y Youo g rOlll estate in Warren oounty CtlDno$ be dl vided withou t injury to ~ l. prol>or ty . J ohn fuit& u41d Mary Tuite to Magio City Land (;0 VII. Sooietv Tu eodore Sander relll estate in War · of ' buk er. Uefeod unts have leave to ren oounty , -9 UOO . umeed nDswer withlo twen.t y days. Frank Forgy, Sheriff to Albert Probate Court. H onk , r elll estate in 8ulelll townsh ip. Joseph 11 de(Jeuse d. Mll r. E. DllgOO a umlDis trator g;,r l M . ReedR\ lpoint.e d t!dmini strn. John t;mitb, renl eNtate in W"yne tor ~ivi ng bond of ' 0 .\ith J useph t own shi p, '550. D. Rf~Hcl or J obn W . Reed und Ed. Nora Edna ~ton~ to Ma ry Seal W IO Ueed it S s llreties . 10 ventorv r eal estt!to in Harvevsbllrg, dL 1'8n'led with Sumllol D. MoFarr Rnd wife to i£s tRt b of George W. Henkl e. I N Ander8 0tl r ealenesta te in Wi) · }'ruo f of Illlblico.tiou of notice of up mingto n,I1. pOlD tDlent tiled. William J . Ronoh to H. C. Collins El!tat.(j of Harriet E. U'Nelll l, de real estllte in Warreo oounty , 17000. :::::: oeaA ~d . Proof of publioa tion filed Frank P. l!'orgy. Sheriff , to W . W . :.::.: Estllte of l'Iullluel . Dinwid die, de. Clippin ger real estate in Hamilt on oeased. Proof of publica tion filed. townsh l p,15200 . :::::: Estate of Lucy E. Marks, d~!eased William Fonder amith, admini s :::::: Invento rv and apprais emen t tiled . trator to Frltnk Young , real estate ,. In thde mattedr of Wil)IJ Of Mary Ed til Turtleo reek towneh ip,1250 0. :::;:: ~arey, eo ease . App oat i 00 toa Nilthan iel Colema n ·to M!'ry C. ::;::: mit same to probate , set for he"ring Colema n real estate in vutage of N ovemb er 16 at 9 o'olook. Frankl in, In maHer of above. Will admit. Charle s V. Updyk e and wife '<l :::::: ted to pro bate. Charle s F . Peter "nil wife relll es- :::::: Estate of Mllry E . Carey, decease d . tate in Frankl in townffh ip, '1200. :::::: I!'remlt B. (Jarey Ilnd J. W. Bowml ln W. A. Reiter exeout or of Ollkley :::::: appoin ted IIdmim 8trlltor s. Bond MoCabe and Pearl l'filltne r red ee· · :::::: Waived 10 will. WHbnr lviDS, O. tate in Frankl in townsh ip, 13291.12': :::::: W. Randal l and Oliver Morris ap· ' :::::: Commluloners' Proceedlnzs. pointed apprais era. ::::•: . .:.... Estate of John A . Debold . deCbarle . B. i..Aewis, oontrao t 106, :.:::: qea.aed. J nV6nto ry and appraie e- 150; T. N. Wilker son, bridge re- ~ •••••• mel\t tiled. pairs in Washi ngton townsh iP. J5; Eet-a\e pf William P. Miller, minor. Walter Steker, damag es fo~ ~ :::::: First and final BOOount fiJud aroDnd bridge, '10 ;' Gus t;h~: i:~~:~ Estate of Pboebe La"ler, deoeae ed. da~s for horse falhng throug h :::::: Firat. and tinal acooun t filed . ' bridge, 180; W. H. Snook, damag es Es'.a te of Ahima z King, deoease d. ·for roa4l arouud brldr, 115 i Leba- ::::~ InYtuit ory and apprais ement filed. non Patriot , pubU8' htng times of :::~ FAtate of Nannl8 U,. and George holding court. Ruggle e-Gale ;::::: w. KagIA, a88ign nn. S,llle at mort 00, supplie e fOr 127; probat e judge, au :~:~~ gage notes approv ed. . ditoun (i clerk, 138.50 i L. 1& . Prlnoe, :::~: Estate of Bowar d F. Ell, minor . . IOpplte8 foreurv eyor, '47.47 i J. B. ~:i~ , 'irat aoooun i filed. ' Morrie , eupplteIJ for judge, '60 55;. Ill. Dogan, admlri lltrator v8. J . MorriS , suppUe s for reoorde r, :::~: Char lea A. Dugan. Report I)f 81l1e'of '15 07 i J . S . Morri!!, suppUe s for {::~ real eetate apPl'Qved and oonfirm ed 8berlff, '1.25; M.. A. Burke, plumb. :::: aDd distrib ution of proceeu 8 ordered . ing at jail. 1122 50; D. B WU80n~ ::: ~ Alva Bill, gUltrdi an 'vs E . O. Mar- expens es &8 delega te to convt>n tion :::::: t,ln, insane . ' Report uf sale con· of Btate. cbaritl es at Canton , ,16 30; :::::: firmed 'a nd distrib ution of proceed s !;am D. Binkle , refund er of ,tues, ~::: ordered . . '5.42; James Follen, sr ., l!alary, S50'; :;:::; Estate of W. li. Jaok, decease d . R. Barshb lirger, sl\lllry, UO; State :::::: Firat and final "ooOOD ' filed. of Ohio VI', Edwar d Emley, oosts, In matter of willof Joho S. Eva nil '8.90; ~tate of Ohio V8. Carl Gntb. ~::::: deoeai\ed. Applio ation to admit rie, SU80. :::: same to probat e for healing . On motion t.h e feell for aBBe8!!Ors ~:~: Marrlare Licenses. of real estate WIlS fixed at $3 50 per ,.::: Louis E. Witham farmer 0' motion the oommillEloners 31lIa')on and Bethen ia E Blake, 111, lowed !in additio nal 25 per cent to :::;:: of Leba'lo n . John A. Evalt V. D. M. O',unty auditor for olerk l\ire . :::::: . Huber t Allen 28, railroa d engl. 00 motion the reqUisi tion for :::::: Deer of Cinoinna.f.1 and Mary A. depu'ie s, aBsista nts bookke epers and :::::: Lloyd 20, dO!p8ltio of Foeser. Rev. olerks aa named by the several'c;ffi- :::::: F. P. ~hw&rtz. Kings Ni1ls . 010.18 for the Yllar begInn ing Januar y :::::: lrvin B. Early 21, clerk of Mi.. 1 1910 was allowe d ae follows : Phil · ::::.! amlsbu rg and Mamie .~snag)e 22, i~ Spe~oe, record er-Dep nti88, S1440; ~:i::: of Fran"U n. olerke. 11600 ; total, '2,440; Alexan - :::::: ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~ der Boxwell,~probate judge, deputie s, :::::;

-.;.;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_;.... .......~....,:.







(j)" ni

~Xenl. B.r~ld.





. . . . ;;,-.---....



SAFE C••• CII• •~ .... !if,• •



1------., ----, -1 'J'C



Publishe d Weekly

~t wavne8VIl1~.





_I-!e~~ !~~ _~~~~~~


NO . 112

Wilmio gton blSS Q Ion exbiblt ion .


90 pound squash



Geo . Luous, of liamer sville is D..L . CRA/I!.E, Editor and 'Manager oonce . ddt e 0 ..Le th ' . e younge st mayor In the otate: His age iij twenty . four .

Rates of Subscr iption Olle Ye ar(~ lrllltlyln Illlvan ce) ...... . ... .. 1 00 S ln j! le Copy .... . .. .. ........ .... . . . .. . or.

Rates of Advert isemen ts Reatllng f, ocals. per li ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. roc ReadIng 10cl\l s. blaOk face . per line . , .... 10c OlWlllllled AdH . not t o exceed live lines, 'l' b ree I Ilscrtlon s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Oblluarl es , fi ve Inche H tree; over fIve IncheS. ~r line . ... , . . , . .. . .. . . . . . 50 Card of tb"nks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 25c R CHolutlon s ......... ..... . . ..... . ..... . 60c Soolals e l a, wbere ubarlle Is m~de . .... . ~5c Olsplav Advertts loll, per Int b ... . ..... . . 100 Dhlco uuls gI ven ou con tr ae~.


Eaoh oounty Is receivi ng 15,000 from the StAtE! treasur er to be arplied for the iUlpro vemen tof the roadwa y . George town voted to iseue 120,000 bonds tor a filter and purific ation plant In oonuec tion with the wa&er works. Greenf ield bad Its weekly robbery Jilst week, ,95 being stolen from the cuh registe r of a Ihoe store. Two bad boys are aooused of the crime.

1. 1909.

'or Weak,llun-Down People. ... I was run down and weak from Indige stion and genera l debilit y, also suffere d from vertigo . I saw a cocl liver prepar ation called Vinal advertised and decided to give It 8 trial, ", and the ~ults were mo.!t gratify ing. After taking two ~ttles I regaine d my .!treng th, and am now feeling unusu ally well," - HENR Y CUNN INOHA M. Elder Baptis t Churc h, Kinsto n, N.C, Vinol contain s the two most world-famed tonics -the medicinal, strengthening, bOdy.buiidmg elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron: Vin?l contain s no oil, and is by far the &st Strengthening TOniC obtllmable. We l'etum your money withou t queati on l1'Vbto l does not accom plish all we claim for it.

J. E. JANN EY, Drug gist, Wayn esvill e.

o.r e ct. t 0 e

YOU men's No Middle'.. Prolifs

Whe n you buy shoe s mad e by END ICOT T, JOH NSO N & CO. you can depe nd upon gettin g mote for your mon ey than it is possi ble to get elsew here. This is the largest and most comple te organ. izatlon in the world for the produc tion and dis. tributio n of shoes and the only one that makes shoes from the raw materi al and sells direct to the wearer throug h retail stores. Becaus unequal ed facilitie s E dl . in quam e oft their I n cott f actone s lead 9. $ Y If. .t and If tJe,.ytfJ Ing de$l,.ob le In SfJ0 8$. You not only get btfttlfrs fJotfs. but pay l es$ for the no middle men's profits are include d I'n th . m becaus e. e pnce. En4wellllno .boe, $3, $3.50 " $4 , Wor t.m • h .. en II

The Barrot t Mill and Lumbe r Co., at Ripley are rushing the oomple tlon '!!!!!!~~~~~~~-!!!!.!!!!..!!!!. .!!!!....!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ -!!!~.!!!!.!!!!~~!!!!..!!!!..~ =!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ WORST OF.. THEM ALL of a 240 feet barge whloh wUl he HOW.BROOKLYN BRlOOE LOOKS bas expired .. It is not necessory for Ao editor works 365 daYllln a year used for .ransfe rriog trains at Aoross East River, full in the the oity nailies or weeklies t o follow Natche z, Miss. to get oot 52 iS8ues of a paper, tbat's Iplendo r of the mornin g lon, thib rule, as their subsori bers live 5 oes $2 to $3.5Ci. labor. Ono~ In Bwl.Jtle a subsori ber Wm. Kraem er, of Ripley , tried Island lifts I). 008st of buildin gs to a at a distanc e Rnd ne not .person al 10'01' S ,de uy pays a year In advaoo e for his paper, out'bl8 pateote d mat} catche friends BS Is the with" maj ori r on tbe golden sky. 00 clear days the blaok B. S. HOW ELL, tbat's capital . And once in awhile 0, R . & O. R. R last week. Wayn esvill e, Ohio It Imoke·a'aou of the sogar refiner ies ty of our 8ubllcrlbers. Our sub. sometls on.of,a .sell cook of II. dead 91'118 suooeu ful in both takiog and at William sburg stand out In sharp 80riberilllhouid deem it an honor to beat takea the paper for two or IJavio l mail by a orane. outline . Buog high against tbe know that we do not doubt their inthree years then IIkips out withou t borizon , as if over a mod t-o yonder tegrity 1I.0d oontinu e to send ~hem paying for it, ,h.t's anaroh y, but Stanley Baumg ,ntner, of Bills- oalltleelakyllne, are the bridgell abovfI the paper after the time huexp lred . the person that owes two or three boro, tried to lttll a Iteel trapped the East River. As yon look again, Should f\ny ~e8lre their paper disyears' subsori ption and retnlles rabbit with a revolve r, but shotbl h~ m Brookl yn Bridge the last over 'tbere oontinu ed, they ShOllld notify us to take it out of the post offioe, haR self in tlie hand,.t be bolJet en.terinR tn tbe azure distanc e, seems almost and remit to date If they have not ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tbem all Ikinned .-New Waehio g· the fl8lhy tbomb and lodgioR ~ io t.he Uke .. oat's oradle" of twine oleverl y already done so .-Wyo mlng Presq. ton (0.) Herold. little finger. fixed In space to be 8ldllfu lly llfted CAN'T DECIDE ON ROUTE'i Wm. Van Wiukle was lerl0081y off on somebodY'1 flngers. injored by a mad boar on hla farDi where betwee n, you know Some. that W.ranRling ave,' the two route, 01 H Broadw ay ootl tbe diagon al aveoue Unde rtake r and Embalmer. th ed Dear il1sboro , The Rnlmal ripped on -whloh tbe areat tide of traftt,o ia e propos spur. of the Lebano n It and Frankl in traotio n Une to 8pri~g. open bie flelh aod, but tor aeiat Will be found In the old au-ri'ed op and down Manha Uan. &nk Bundln g. opposi te .arrivin g ,,-Uoh a pltoh fork, But 1t la boried from viebo ro may preven t that line being anoe behind A Great Opportunity would have killed hia. the Natioo al Bank. ... bom as soon as U was at first oon. • Teleph one in house and of· tbe mu.ive 'Onbee In 'heavy aqoare s for Miami Gazette tampla ted. Variou s' ron·.ors ue It fa ' ex~ that a bill floe where I can be 0lI01100 wlll be and tan, thin rectang les of boUdlo g", afloat, but tbis one husom e appar. introdu ced at the oomlnl 1888ioo day or nigbt. Read ers of groupe d in the bloe aod heliotr ope ent oredenoe. Valley Phone 1(..2. t1!.e leinlJa tare creatin g luperv laorl and gray Ughw of 'he middle dll. One route ia to fellow the opper of agricul ture In each oooDly Wayne sville, Ohio iD the knce. - Onetho ol!aud, two 'houaa nd Main Street, The Miami Gazette has 8pring boro road alm08t the eDtire ~tate,' It .. an onward Btap, just conclud ed an extraor aDd, if even three thoUaand human beinKs, four mUes, whloh seplI.rateR the two made an appoin ted ofllOe, ehowd dinary ' arrang ement by be .Jne alone ef these great oflloe boild. which we can send you the vUJages, while the otber Is to take a of praotto al vaJne. · inll may hold. It fa aa mnoh as a new and greater Farm and dlreotly rn route from Spring ., FOUNTAIN SYRI~GES . ." whole populo oa Firesid village e, the greates t farm of people no· boro, cooueo ting with tbe main WooClrow Whltak er, of Korrow , der one root.-D eliDea tor for Decemand home paper in Amer· at the 8legfre ltz farm, two mile. haa a dooble IkiD. Lut ica, absolutely withou t cost week he ber. ea.' of Frunkli D. to yourself. Farm and Wd.ope i'ated upon for 'umbra. The! • • • Firesid Ofllolals are di80utising just whiob tumors prond to be loog e comes twice every SCH WA R.T Z'S , , ,h am Rich Men'. Olfta Are Poor . month, twenty -four big isronte would be Lhe mOlt pl'oll\able whtOb, - beiog libab1e to peDetr ate beeide tht.: "I waDt to i'6 OD record sues during the year. to the compllny, aDd it aeema impoe. the leoond a"to, oarled op betwee n. :r~!!no'n!':: :h~e::~t!~~~{! t~~; The pu.bliilhers , of Farm Ilble to come ,to a final deoillion, Many wonde rful people in Warren God has made to woman , wri&ea and Fireside have ust llrB. ·.WA~ESVILLE CHURCHES. Aotual OODlItruotion was to com. ooo~ty, spent. $60,OOO -in i nl'('.,;,".,...-I-- - O. Rhinev aolt, of V!'!l~ _ C~nlter, ~ ---!Den oe tbe fint week in Decem ber t his great paper ich .• - • st. AulUlt ine'. Catholic N. Y , : "I Churd can i. forget what" HT TO couS UP AGAIN bae done for n"er S~ years has been the stanFather me." Geora'c' lint as that ie·but a week .off and'FIO Mi.,enbo efer, Pastor Thil gloriou s '· III . medioine givea a woman booyan t M888 ever, second Sundar of tbe dard farm paper of Amertbere are no indioatiooa io that di. mOD\b a& ica. They want more of 'pirita, \I :00 & . Ga. viaor of body an'll jobilan The t old fight bet"ee n the oleo· It reotioo ," woold seem that tbe work margar ine and tbe botter our readers to know this intel'88 ts health. It quloklY ourea Nervoo li. will be postpon ed. .St. ' Mary's EplscopillJ Church .J great farm and home paDeas, Sleeplell8neaB, Melanoholy, It Is olaimed that the steei hal a to be waRed ~ain tbll year Rev. J . F . Cadwall ader. Rector. per, and that is why we ' in Bead.o he, Backac he, Fainti ol and Coogresa. are able to make you this Dizzy .Hpells ; loon bullde up tbe Sunday Scbool, \I :30 a. m Morplng ser' been ordered and will be dellver ed vice, 10 :30 a . m . HOi, W ith.•0 th., Ion tbO Ilrst offer in connection with wHew daya Preaid ent weak, atllo""a them Suuday of eacb mon~bCommun before many weeks, wheo it is hoped .. Dd s1·okly. 'I'r'" , Fann and Fireside Free to You J the MiamI Gazette . 500. at Freel 'C. Sohwar tz'lI, T,," has ~ived maDY oOlDmunioa• _ ••_ __ ~he wrangl iog .will be at "D end. Method _ _ _.~_ • ist Episcop al Churcli. tloos from variC?u8 meo on botb WHY PAPE~ KEEPS COMINO Rev, H. W. Bailey. Paat.or. DESTROYI"O RAT sid88 of the ,oontrovel'lY, most of SUDd", School. \I ::10 a . m . "ornlnl{ ser· them requa.t ing him to take up the . We were alkeel thie week v Ille, 10 :80 a. m. Epwor~b League , 7 :00 po by a de. m. The l'&~ is the wordt mamm alian matter in hia anDuli1 meUllKe. Evening service, -: :00 p. Ul . Mldw~ But this is not all. This l1nq~eDt s~bsor.~r why we kept on Pr Iyer MeetIng, 7 p. m. petit known to man. Itt depri!da. 1t il alleged ·the Armoll rs offer include s not only the in Cbl Iend1ng the'pap er after the sobaori p . THE B~~LENDAR Farm and Firesid e for a tiooa thronll hout the world reauJt i~ Ollgo have oorner ed the botter Christian Church . mILr. tion da~ expired , Every weekly whole year, but the most l~ amou~tiog to honan de of ket with the iD'8ntl oo of runoin beautif ul and ori~nal art mUllona Of. dollars annDal ly. Bot the price to fifty oeu•• a pou"d g up 08wspl .per io townl of tbill 1l1ZO are 8unda~e~I!1 ~': 8~:~:~' :::~~eetln., 1910 calenda r for 1910. . The ... 1910 .. over .~oroed to do thill. 8hould we ltop Retru\ar 10:10 a. cburcb m . Oiiriatl!W Endeavo r. 1:00 p. m. ~heee lOISel, great all they are, are tbie winter to lerve ... oaby Calend ar is 11 by 17 an object lee l~beor1p"oD8 when the lime expires , moolJi ali 10:80 eervice.;.Second sund~1 Gada .. Ill. aDd 1;80 p . m. inches in size, and is print. of 1811 impl)r"'~ce thAn the faot that son a,aiDllt the wisdom of Conirei lll Dine Um08 out oUen lhe -aubao!-lber . ed in many colors on the HWt e Frlenda Church. iiii.rr y from h'ouse to bouae and , in ~8IItng the oleoma rgarine most expensive art-stoc k. from seapor t t.o leapor t dileue e of Under the drutio reawatlaw, would _ive uu, ''oall!p g down" for First Oa, MeeUnl(. 10 :00 a. m. FIr\-, Da, lonl lDalnoa tlog that bll , credit waa not Sollool, 11 ;01' a, 111. Foum You get the calenda r, free Day MeeLinr aU lOrY. paIIIIed by Coogr ea, uuoolo red oleo. IOOd.Bathe~ than of cost, with this offer if cut a reflection 10:00 a. III. . Few attemp ts have been made to margar ine fa \axed oolya qoarte you act at once. r of ba the honeatJ 'o( a sab!Or iber to tmy Orthod ox Friend. Church. oolJeot atattlti oa of damag e done by a oent a pound, whUle oleo~rl The origina l paintin g of lar. a aman debt, it is next to a ne O8l18i. Rev. Benjami n Hawkin s. Pa8tor, raw in Americ a, hut this baby has excited more known to tne, color'eel tn iml.-ti _ on of but.-r, ... . ty for a home paper to continDe ser.vloe, Sabbatb Scbool, admira tion and ' delight ~ :80 Cbr1lltla a. m . Rel(uJar 10 ·10 •. III. clIuroq n Enlleave f. be very great. Farmer saoiJer eDor· la \axed teil oenta a poonel. . than any baby picture ever ..eadID , the p~per after the time 7 :3 0 p. III moUl los8"., both before aDd after exhibit ed . It is truly won· • - ••- - their orope are barveste~, trom th~e derful. Every time you . Alone in Saw Mill at Mldnl,ht look at this sleepy boy you· peete, Uomin dful of damp088ll, drafY, . want to yawn, too. The Amoog method s for drlvin l a ••y storms or oolel, W. J. Atktna workeel calenda r wi,ll be shipped to that ha ve proved osefol under .a Night WasohmaD. at BaDner you careful ly rolled in a lome oiroam stanoos are tbe 10110" llprinll ,..TeDn . Suoh exposo re ga ve tube, postage fully prehtm a eevere oold 'hat settled on piUd. To get the <;alendar inl: . btll l~nrll. At last be had to give you should act today. 1. Jj'reshly 1I11lke~ Itme plaoed elr~ np work. Be &rieel many remedi ea in an borrow II and runs of ratl, but aU failed till be Ulled Dr. Klnll' .. The Miami Gazette l!. Freahlv made thio whitew ash New DtlOOvery "AUer using one Sa1Yer it the fint Needs no introdu ction , as bottle; ' he writes, "1 went baok to ponred into tbe rat burrow l. . our readers know that it is thought when CODJidering lifts 3. A stroog lolutio n of oopper as w~rk liB well Ill!! ever. " Bevere the best news dispenser in Colde for any teaIOO or oc.cuiori. No more . . atnbborD COoghs, inflhmeel' throat. the county . ' This Calend ar Free to Von (ferrou llsQlph ate) sprinkl ed in rnoe .I!!1 ~aOrolongl •.Bem9n • acefut coms>lim ent can be extende d than ~gee, tJroup . and burl'ow. ontr800e8. an oIferinc of rich GIver ~t in detip. per. and Whoop lllg Cough Ret quiok re •. Cblorid e uf lime, 10018 or In' Uef and promp t cure from thb feCt taite mel the DeWell .bapes. glo old raga plaoad 1n borrow s and rlOOII m~loine, '600 ...nel Ii 00, , . Trial boUle free, guaran t8f'd by ruoa. For a short time onty the Miami C8zett e makes . Freu C. Schwa rt·z. '. G. a.l"a·r.daube d about the bur _ ••- - you thl8 great sub8Cr lPtion offer" We wtlt send 'you ,~W 8n'raoo 88. . . Adark 0001 bo~ Is an Id~l place' Farm and '1~8!de twice every month ; for ,one yea" I. ,P!)wdert'ld reel peplJ8reoaUered to .&Ore pot.t~ for the next 80 we will atso send, ye>O the .ab>: Calend ar, careful ly rate tQoa and burrow.. . ' . . . da7 s . 7. CAutio' ,potash plaoed iD the . ' . , pacf<.~ In a tube, po8tal e prepaid , and we will .. - • send :. burrow . ao~ runal., ..., . ' · ~When~~~ee to ~aoUDR~aDOI'tI YQu t",e Nilaml Qazett e ALL F~R ONLY ' .-., the Prl~e The beti.t balt to all" in trapplo g Ie ,yO~ oan"ot affo~ to ,do.IUn ao~ " of the QazettfS alone.. Thi. offer Is unpara lleled. it . nluall i food ~ kind' that. ihe ra~ pther ) ~ay, . than .. ~hb • _pr~der.. w~nt laat·. ~na~, You .hOUId 'act·rig htaw. ;. donot get~ in tbe vic:.nt'tt . All . ~e ~hi~k we ~l~, tID' ~a,.~ .iI PoaeJbte, 'food ~tb~r tblj.n .the ~l~ r8l')l~ ODr mt_t:a~~. , !',." ahotUd b t Inaooeeiil ble while. trap:. plq~~ ,o.progte.l Th8~!M" Ihoold . b. tlpt frelb·a od at&rao~ive aud .t he ki~dohaDl8I:l Wh8Q·n eoelUr j. 8 .. i~ aod"lra pt .hOQld be ba~41ecl"l~ .. JOMlble. Otdlaa rilJ'. ',rap, .boold


The Gaz ette alw ays

.- .






all the news

The Best farm Paper ·free for aYear

6Se at .

A Bea utif ul Cale nda r, Too




Holiday ·Gifts






~ 'frequentb'. ~.a" .N liaoU il.DaYJ4·" .......: . . ..'


Silv erw are .





To Enjoy

she looked ~ 111m .• n..u,; an.' PICTURE ON MEMORY',S WALL. IInld : , " I nm z, th !' Or at und T a n11Jle '\ ho are Y0I:I, and why do you l eck thO full confidenoc of the ·Well· rnformed Die?" Now th S 'ar row, who tmd. x· , of the W~rld nnd Ihe ommcnuation of pect ed to s e the gr ul h ad Dorot hy tbe most eminent ppysillillns it Willi l'SIl n· had told 111m 'of, wns mu ch nston ls he c\; tial tha t the co mponent parts of Syrup hilt h answ e red h r braVe ly. "I am only u Scarerrow, slurted wllh of Pigs and Eli xir of Sonn n should be m e? " s traw. The rerlire T hav no' brlllll:l, known to Ilnd approved by th m ; thrro· It '\\'IlS flOt such an awful voIce as and 1 cODie to you praying th at you forr, th 'uJifllrnill Fig Syrup Co. pub. 81ll' h ad ex pect ' d to come from th e will put bl'alns In my h ad Ins tead of STORY OF GENERAL JACKSON lJlg h ad; so s be tool< courage und an· s traw. s o thut I mILl' be-::om' ns DlUeh lish N a fllll statement with c \" ry packu&'1'. a 'man as any othe r In your domln· Amusing Anecdote Told of Famous 8we rl'd: Thn perfect purity nnd uniformity uf pro· Sold ler After Clolle of the I " I lU ll Doro lh y, the mall und lOll S." . FlorIda War. duct, which they d CIllUIIU in a luxativll "h' .' Ii. I ha l'" co me to you tor he lp." "Wby s hould I do this fo~ you?" cT lu' ('),(lS 1001< d at h r thou g btrully ask d t he lady . . rrmrdy of nn cthi coll·haraclcr, arc !ls!lurrd Uncle-We ll, T OlUmy, holY was your (I ly Fred ric k Rosslyn.) fnr 1I full minute. The n said tbe "8 caus you are wise and po\\'o,by til!' Company 's original meth ot! of manr e port th Is te rm '! Wh u I fir s t kn e w th e g~ lI rn l h ,'oicl' : ful , and no one e lse an he lp me," an· Nt'phew- I ca ll f\;e l It ye t. un cle. w as n ,'e l'y old. old mao: s o old n uCllet lire known to tho Com puny only. d id you get th e Rllver :3 wered t.he Scarccrow. " \\'11('1' th llt b e had watched tb e rnnn Illd ed, TIlt! figs of are U ' d in the !; hOl' S'?" \. "I neve r gra nt favors wit bo ut s omo GOING UPI " \ j:;ot th.'1n fr om th e wi cked Witch re lurn." ~\8 ld Ox; "b u t Ihls IllU h I Britis h t rOO\lS IInde r Sir Ell wlIrd Pnk· production' Ilf :':yrtlp of Fig!! ant.! Elixi r of t:l nhillll de nl oy befor e tho Am rl ca n City ways weru no t nltQg ther n e w ::lennu t promot the pl cll ~unL tnst(l, hut or (he Ea~l. 11'11 n my hOllse fe ll on will promise: I[ )',-U will kill ror 1110 11 £1 1' und klll p.d II 1', " s be r pl\ d . til Wick d \\T\l cb of th Wcst I will lin es [II New 01'1 ans. He WI\S [I young to ~iUJ, but, as h e wnlted Ilt th e e l vu· " \\' h ' rc 111.1 yo u get the mllrl< upon b stow Ullo n yo u a gr "f,t mRlIY .\Jrains, s ubalt e rn th It with blnnk s hould e r· tor s baft. In ou e of Omaha's la rg of. thCl medicinlll prinoiples Un.! oi>tllinrd from stl'lll)!:!; h hud be n rotlre d Ii mnjor· tlce buildings , he said to bi ll corn· plnnt known to nct m ost beneficially. By L. Frank BaJIm , YUill' fore h 'ad ?" con tinu ed t hfl voice. and 8 11 '1\ good bruins. (~~Ilt you will \1 0 "'(,h al Is wh l'r til good Witc h of the wisest Olall In all th. Land of 01.." gene ral b fore the breaking alit oC Ihe paniolla. To gt't itR l>cm·firi a l l' !Tects always bllY lhe l\orth k issed m wh en s he lJade "I thoug ht you ask e ll Dorolhy (0 civil wur: uud when I IIrst li s te ned to " W e l.~: I'll' b e bnng d It tbat Is n't a th(l ge-n\linr- manIlCacturrd LJy th Cali. (('''I'.' ·rlgl", II)' th e lI"lIhs- l\l t:rr! ! ~o. ) U1 good·by and se nt me to yo u," saId klll the W\teh," s rud the Scarecrow . In his slorl s of the old army h tl bad t '('I,y, ish t lIy L . Fralll( Dnu m & W . \V. fornia Fig yrup Co. only, and for sale bee n out of ac ti ve se rvi ce f I' nearly be~\t.'"~ rb·Yt \\\' b a t?. " th e girl. surprIse. LJcn"low.1 "Jus t look at that co nfound ed rail. ' by IlU leauillg drUgglsta, Agai n Ibe ('yes looked at h er s hart)· . "So 1 did . 1 don't care who kills 11 quart e r of 11 century . His heurt wus SYNOPSIS. he r. But until she Is d r-ad I will not with th tac ticians or tbe old sc hool : roud adve rtis ing on an Omaha e leva· I Iy, and they saw sh e was te lling th Had a Sure Thing. truth . Th en Oz a s ked: grant YOllr wlsb. Now go. and do not th e Mexican war was to · hIm th e lu ~ t tor-UP! What won 't th ey do uext ?" DQrnlh \' 1I" od In K nnsns with AUllt Em All IndIvidual, \1' (' 11 known un th ll anel L'nde II Pllry. A (',y. ' I o n ~ Itflrd tlwlr His companion repli ed, "Sh-, Sh-, "W hat do YOll wi s h me to do?" seek m e agaIn until ' YQII have earn ed elTort to maIntain the an c ient sclen· lI · rlm BOllrse for hI!! wit, on morll ' ho me Inlo Ih f1lr, Dorolhy fn ll l ll~ Ill'lcl!p tlfi c \[] thods In tb e Hid . In his oln tho~e le tters mea n ·up.''' "Se nc! me back to Kansas, whe re my the brains you so greatly deslr >." amids t the ex<:\ tc1ncnt. A crll8 h n w ak nell Wbe n 1 see that word, this jingle Ing wugered tbut II would allk lll l' her. The hous had lund d In a co untry Aunt Em' and Uncle Henry are," she The Scarecrow wo nt so rrowfully s allle qu lilia n of 50 differ ' nt pe r80n l< of marvelous beau ty. GrOlll'S ot (111 'o r always comes to my mind: Uttle P OJ/I" ~r('ct a her to the lAnd ot a ns w red, earnest ly. "I don 't lll<e your bac k to his frl e:tds and told Ut em 'Whene ver the little word 'up' you a ud r ece ive th sa mo ans we r frolU Munchklns. Tho hOIl"o had kill d th eIr country, althou gb It Is so b autlflll. what Oz had said: an (I Dorothy was ellc h. Th o 'wlt we nt to first on e nnd en my. lhe wi kf'd witch ot Ellst. Dor· sec, oth y toolc th witch's flllv r shops. She And I am s llr Aunt Em will be dread· s urprised to fiud that the greut Wizard Think of Safety, Speed, Service via th en another. until h had reach ed th e started tor tho ]~ m e r uld 'Ity to lind the fully worried ove r my being away so was not a head. as she had seen him, numbe r of 60. And thI s Is bow h e ~1] zard ot Oz, who. she w as prom!!! d. U . P.' but a lovely lady. mtght flnd a ",ny to send \l er back to long." wou th e bet : H o whls llol'ed hnlf IlU' The eyes winked three Umes, and ' "All th o same," 8ald the Scarecrow, YOli will see tbat word at almost K anlllls. Dorothy rel eased a scarecro w. dlbly to ea h : " I say. have you heard IPvlng hIm lite. He wus desIrous of a . then they turn ed up to Ute ceiling and "she needs a heart all much as the every passenger elevator In th e coun· Q,ulrlng bralnll and 8tarted with her to "What try, but before you leave for the W est" that MclY r hns fa lied 1" thl' wizard to get th em. The 8carecrow down to th e Hoar and rolled around so Tin Woodman." M yer?" Que ried th e whol o 60, ana wid his history. They met 6. Un wood· quee rly that Utey' see\:ned to see every On the next morning the soldier ! be suro to buy your ticket via "The man who long d for a h nrt. He alSO aLer anoth r. and It was decided thlll . Safe Road to T.ravel." 'DIned them. They came upon a terrIble part of tbe room . And at last they with th e green whisk rs cam e to the the lJet had been fairly won . lion, The lion confessed he had no cou r- looked at Dorothy again. Tin Woodman and said : Chloroform Zoo AnImal •. a«6. He docld d to accomplln), them to "Why should I do thla for you?" "Oz has sent for you . Follo\v me." th WIzard of Oz to get Borne. The 8caro· The practice of cutting tho 'Iaws of Undoubtedly Not. orow In pushing the raft hl'cll me 1m· askod Oz. So the Tin Woodman followed him Capt. Jerome, whllo visiting Col. the more ferocious animals of the paled upon hIs pole In the IT.lddle of th e "Because YOIl are strong and 1 am and came to tbe great throne room. rtver. Tho IIcarcr.row was rl,scued by a London zoological garden has r ecently Higginson, took a derring er trom th .. fri endly .. tork. They entered a POppy weak; because you are a Great Wlz· He did not know whether he wlluld bee n greatly facilitated by chlorororm· table. and askod: "Tbls thIng load· lIeld. whl"h caueed Dorothy to tall ard and I ' am only a helpless little find Oz a lovely lady or a head, but ho ..Ieep. The II arecrow and tin woodm a n Ing th e animals. Heretofore It was ed?" But before tbe colonel could reaeu ed her and her dog trom th dead ly girl," she ann'ered. boped It would be the lovely lady. done by s bee r force by a squad of reply the weapon was discharge d, Ut e flowers. The lion. fell IUileep and being too "But you were strong enough to kill "For," he saId to himself, "If It 18 the heavy to IItt. was left. On th e 8caroh for men, the anImal being first secured bulle t tearing away one of th e fing e rs tho road of yollow brick whIch led to tlte Ute wicked Witch of the East," head, I am sure 1 shall not be given of the visitor. The colonel, who Is by ropes. Emerald City thoy met a Wild' cat ane! a heart, since a head ' bas no heart or -----fteld ml co. The woodman ktlled the wild said Oz. wide ly known on accollnt of his ex. cat. The qu een mouse became frI endly. Nothing will thaw the frigid heart trem e politeness, bowed gracefully, "That just happened," returned Its own and therefore cannot teel for She lIent thousand. of her mhe lIubjecta Dorothy, simply; "I could not belp It." me. But If it ' Is the lovely lady I af a maD as Quickly a8 a pretty woo to ('Iraw th e lion away from the poppy and r ejolned: "Not now , my dear ,nan's tears. ftele! . Dorothy awoke trom her ton g "Well," said the bead, "I wUl give shall beg hard tor a heart, tor all la. captain," .Ieop. They started agaIn on tho ' Emer- you my answer. You have no right dies are lbemllelvell laid to be kindly ald CIty rondo They came to a fonoe. .,runted gro n. There w re fsrmers of to expect me to send you back to hearted." Occasionally a schoolgirl Is 80 roo trrelln. boulleR of /JToen and people dre8l1ed But when the Woodman entered the mantic that she imagin es all poetry In ,,'Teen. It was the Land of 0.. They Kansas unless you do something tor met tho guardIan of the gatell. He de· shOUld be prlni ed In italics. great throne room he saw neither the scribed tll power of lbe Wizard ot Oz. head nor the lady, for Oz' had takell All put on grl!en IIpectaole8 ' as the brIght· " eBB and glory of Emerald CIty bllndee! the shape of a most terrible beast. It them. The wizard decJded to receIve one was nearly as big as an elephant, and of . tlte party each day. AU were put In ..,(len room •. the green throne seemed hardly stron, What QoYemor Den. .n, of Il1Inole, enough to hold Its weight. The beast "Maj. Bre.chll, Gentlemen." . .,.·, About Ita CHAPTER XI.-contlnued. had ~ .head Hke that of a rhlnoceroll, De"~Clt IlIt"ol .. own, • __ She left Dorothy alone and went of on4 10 llukatcb •• 'I1. only there were five eyea In Its taco. eyes the figure of Scott loomed even ucla. Be bM laid 10 back to tbe otbers. These she also Tbere were five long arms growlnl larger than It had done during the ." h,U"to.1 Jed to rooms, and each one of them out of Its body and It also bad five life of that military colos8us; but found hImself lodged In a very pleas· long, slim legs. Thick, 'Woolly hair Jackson, the general under whom he ant part of the palace. Of course this covered every part of It, and a more had served as a very young man, was polite ness was wasted on tbe Scare; dreadful lo.o klng monster could not be of course, his Idol. crow; for when he found himself alone Imagined. It WlUl 'fortunate the Tin He told me many stories of Gen. In his room he stood stupidly In one Woodman had kO heart at that mo- Jackson both In field and camp, but spot, just wlUtln tbe doorway. to walt ment, for It would have beat loud and the story which lingers In my memo Ull morning. It would not rest him . faet (rom terror But being only Un, ory .wltl1 the most persistent clear· to lie down, and he could not close hta the Woodman Wus not at all afraid, al· ness Is purely humorous. And this Is eyes; so be r emained all night staring though he was lnucli dlsappol~t e d . the story as the veteran soldier told at a little spider which was weaving "1 am Oz; the GrAG.t And Terrible," It: Its web In a corner of the room, just spake Ute beast, In a voice thftt wa. "It was just after the close of the as If It were not one of the most won· one great roar. "Who are you, and Florida war, and Gen. Jackson was Positively cured b~ derful rooms hi the world. The Tin wby do you seek me?" In Washington on official business of th •• e LUtle Pills. Woodman lay down on bls bed from '''1 am a Woodman, and made of tin. some kind. It was a beautiful morn· The,. al60 rellen DI.. (orce of habit, for he remembered "I Am Oz, the Great and Terrible," The re fore 1 have no heart, and can· Ing In early May, and 1 was standing truD from,lo· whim be was rode of flesh; but not not love. 1 pray you to give me a with the general and an officer who dlgutlonand '1'00 Ue .. rtr be ing able to sleep he paslle d tbe night me In re turn. this countn. every heart that I may be 'as olher men are." Eating. A perfect relO' had acte d as bls chlef'of·slart before edy tor DtZllueas, Naumoving hi s joints up and down to one must pay for e verything he gets. "Why should I do this?" "emanded Tennison's tavern, a famous old lea, Drowalncu, Bn.4 m ake sure th ey k ept In good working If you wish me to use my maglc power the beast. -rute 10 the )(olltb. Oon&Washington hostelry. W e were deeporde r . The Lion woulc! have preferre d to sen d you home again you must do eel Tongue , Pnln In tbe "Because 1 ask It, and you alone a bed of IIrl d leaves In t he torest, and s ome Utlng for me first. Help me and can grant my r~quest," answ ered .tha. ly engaged In the discuss Ion of a bill ~====_~-t81e!e, TORPID LIVER. then before congress. which was dl· Tbe,. regulate tbe Bowel.. Purel,. Vegetabt.. did not like being shut up In a room; I wl\1 help you." Woodman. rectly concerned with " e growth and but he hall too milch sense to lot thIs "Whnt mus t I do?" asked the girl. (TO BE CONTINUED.) formation of the United States army. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, worry him, so he s prang upon the bea "Kill the wlcl<ed Witch at the when re came trotting toward us n alld rolled hi mse lf up lIlte a cat and W est," answe red Oz. Genuine Must .Bear WHAT'S THE USE OF KICKING? · stout, tbe moon·face d little ' man, whom J purre d blm self sslee p in a minute. "But I cannot!" exclrumed Dorothy, Fae·Simile Signature ,The next morning, aftor brealtfast, greatly s urprised. Writer In East.rn Journill Condemn. at once recognized as tho leading tall· IVER ~~ A onVlS£ TO or of the capital. When oppos ite to th gree n mald e n canle to f tch Dar· "You killed the Witch of the East the Prilctlce, and Alkl AbOv. Jackson . the .lIttle man stopped and othy, ond she dressed her In one of and you wear lhe sliver sboes, wblch Question. held out his hand, wblch was at once a=PI=-LLS-,. th e pretties t gowns-macle at green be l~r a powerful charm. There Is now brocaded sntln. Dorothy put on a but one Wlclt d Witch left In all this BRAZIL, ARGENTI~A If kicking would help scvue It would grasped In the general's strong sun· green s ilk apron and llE!d a gl'een rib· laud, and wh e n you can tell me she Is be worth while, but It does not. On browned fingers, though his eyes wan. ' URUGUAY and CHILE FI~ trip of Its kind over IIrl'llllg6ddered over the portly person of the bon arollnd Toto's n ecie, and th e y dead I will send you back to Kansas the contrary, It binders. Yoa cao IlTMUl .loc",... 700r ba,IP_ wIth 110... "III be made by he 8.S. started for thc t.brone room of the - bllt not before." TheZ\ why do rational, sensible men Washington Poole with a puzzled ex· tra 10,...tmCIII'~7 1011(118 AUred Pellte' Pr.... (\2,500 ton5) le4v lnlr New York Janoa..,. 22,1010. Duration pression. The little tailor (whose role \\·ftlJpaper W. . .oot one IIOOd worker III ...cb Gr a.t Oz. The little g irl began to weep, she and women Indulge In It? 'loin I!>'. alld to tile flm worthy applicant will l.nd First th e y came to B. g reat hall In wns so mu ch disappointed; and the There Is a question that Is worthy In life It was to be on terms of seam· t!!,~.~~r,.r:~II~&,'O,"clonw':.l\a~r"r..= up which W I'e many ladles nnd genUe· eyes wluked again and looked upon of more Utan a pa!lslng thought, for Ing Intimacy with all tbe political, for outtome.. lo oof..., from. We ofr.r tw,.ral"rollt. men of Ihe court, nil dresscd In rich her anxiously, as If the Great Oz felt It relates to human comfort, prospef'. mtlltary, and naval celebrities at the to Ollr ..,p.-llte"'.... fon ...... Qllirkly thu IOU ~ Also cruIses to the Wesl I"dlea and Orlenl day), saw that he was not recognized ~ ~~at!!.~m.~6'lI"~a~l?iftl., CIlJoatOo costum es. Th ese peop le had noUtln g that she could help hIm if she would. Ity, and Ruccess: P . O. Box liG7 Scale, Stencils, DMlI!:CIIo to do lJut t a llt to each othe r, but th ey "I never kille d anything willingly," Why do you kick when things 40 by the great man, and, slandlng on HA\llDUnO-Al\lEJUOAN LINE T .... d o Cltecl' 8. e le. Wa tiptoe to 'reach the tall soldler's ear, ore no ! from ),ollr hUIDe or oOlce than alw ays camo to walt outs id e th e she sobbed ; "and even If I wanted to, not go to please you? 41-<16 DroM"", - - • - No" Yorl! the n~lLrell t I,holle or ~ ~---- -......--- -~ .- thron e room every mornIng, although bow could 1 1<111 the Wicked Wltcb? Is It not because you were tau,ht he whispered: U .S.mull ho:<. Allenls II . th e y were ne vcr permUted t.o see Oz. If you, who are Great and Terrible, to do 10? Didn't your parents, your .. '1 made your breeches.' W,GULCd ~ Gel. catului:-. . ....."'• au W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 47-1909. As DoroU1Y ente red thcy lool<ed at her caunot ktll her yourself, how do you big brothers gnd sisters, and maybe "Imperfectly catching the sound of curiously, and one of them whispered: expect me to do It?" the men and women you admlrtlld. the words, and supposing the fat lit· "Are you r eally going to look upon "I do not know," said the head; "but grumble and complain, or kick, wbeD Ue man to be some outlandish officer the face of Oz the Terrible?" that Is my answer, and unUI the things did not go to suit them, enD of militia; who bad, perhaps, served "Of course," answered the gjrl, "If Wicked Witch dies you will not see when Its fault was their own? under him against the Seminoles. Hon. Luther Burbank ' be will see me." . . YOllr uncl e and aunt again. Remember And are not your children learufDI Gen. Jackson turned to his · friends says: "Delicious is a gem- the finest apple in all the world. 11 is the best in "Oh, ho "',m see you," said the sol· thnt the witch Is wlcked-.tremendous. In the Bame way from you? ",nd said: quality of any apple 1 have so far tested. "....... and Mr'. Burbank knows. dlel', who had take n he r message to ly wicked-and ought to be killed. "'Gentleme'n , permit me to IntroMaybo you had no thought of tlta Delicious is but Qne of the hundreds of good thinl;s in Stark Trees-the good th e Wizard, "a lthough he does not Now go, and do not ask to see me before? Now that your attention l\as duce my friend, Maj. Breeches.' tnings you, should k:f1ow about before you plant this fall or next spring. like to ha ve people ask to see him . again lUlU I you havo done your task." been called to It, and you bave thought "It Is scarcely necessary to add tbat , Let us tell you ·about them by writing today for our complete. illustrated price' Indeed. at fir s t h e was angry, and said Sorrowfully Dorothy left th e Utrone apout It, if you do not act accordlng~ to the end of his daYJ3 the Poole ' of Iist.catalogue which describes our complele line of frnit trees, ornamentals, etc. ' I should send you bnck wh e re )'ou room and wen t back where the Lion you will not be doing right, and tit Washington was known to all army , <!am from. The n he aslwd me what and the Scarec row and the Tin Wood. fall to do that wblch you know to b, men as ·'Maj. Breeches.''' you looked \II,e, and whcn 1 me n· man we re waiting to hear what Oz rlgh t Is to sin. tlon e d youI' si lve r s ho es he was ve ry hoel Bald to her. Kicking Is, therefore, a sign of Ill· . in each county of this state to sell Stark Trees on commission. No previous ex· milch inte res ted . At las t I to ld blm "There Is no hopo for me." she said, breeding, .a nd one that young tolk. NOVEL LITTLE "CRANK SHOP" perience necessary. The work is pleasant, clean work. h iflhly profitable, and the about th e murlt u pon yo ur for E'head, sadly, "for Oz will not send me home sbould take Inlo account when choospositions Ilre permanent to the right men. who aPply immedl;'ltely. and h e decided he would allmlt you to uutll I hnv e kfll e c! the Wicked Witch Ing lite partners, for a kicker In .matrl· Hardened Old Wilrrlor. Work wIth Many of our salesme[l are earning .&50 to &80 per month and expense!!: some ' . Hammer and Saw for Love of bls prese nc ." of th e \'l est; and that I can n e ver do." monlal harness loses tho race, besidel are makIng more. You can do as Iwell .or better if you're a hustle r and trying . Doing Something, Jus t then a be ll rang, and the green H I' fdends were sorry, but could creating much conruslon. - Newark to succeed. gjrl said 10 Doro thy: do uothlng to help her; so sho went (N. J .) News. ~o investment. called for; · we furnish completo order·gettlng outfit fre e. and Attached to 'bbe National Soldlersi" the most Iiberal .contract. . "Tbat Is tll slJ;nal. You . mus t go to h ' r own room and lay down on the lnlo t he tbrone room alol\ e. " bed Ilnd cried herse lf to sleep. C'rematlon In Germany. Home in Leavenworth, Kil n., is a lit: · For complete i[]Jor~atioD address the Sales Manager of In 1908 the total number of bodle. tie. square, wo04en building kno'wD The next mornIng the soldier with S he open u a lillie door and Dora· STARK 'BRO'S NURSERIES & ORCHARDS CO •• LOUISIANA, 1\10• . thy wa l/ted boldl y through and found th e gree n whlskElra came to the Scare· disposed ot by crema.tion In German, as the s oldiers' "orank shop." All of ' -_ _ _ _..._ _ _ _.,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ .... was" the British Medical Journal SaYB, the worl~men are veterans: It Is a' - _...... - _ _ .,____. _ .herse lf III a wand rrlll place. It was crow a nd said: a. bIg . round room wllb a blg b arch ed ' r ome with me, for Oz bas sent tor 4,050, as 'against 2,977 In 1907, 'sh'owlng novel sight to see a group of .these F. ~r ' .IU 'A. -thm • an a, 8 ronchitil . . an Increase of 1',078; or aG ' per ·cent. bardened old wl.lrl'lors workhig away poof. a nd tbe walls and ceUlng and YOll." floor 'wore covC?red with la rse e mer· So the Scarecrow tollowed him and Among those whose bodtes were crelth d h' f th all Tbr~at 'T-ro·u·ble. ~ al,ls set closely togeth e r. In th e cen· was admitted Into tlte great throne . mated were ],474 wome~• .The classl· · ter of the roof was a great II gJ:1t, as room. where ho saw, sitting .In the flcatlon according to tellglous creed. Did you h.ear it? em bar· brtg ht as the sun. vhlch made the lU· ·· me roli! throne, a most lovely lady. gives some Intere~tln1! rel/Illts. WillIe what he says wUl be shin waist . . . rassing. 1hesestomach noisesmake eralds s parlde In a wond erful manner. Sbo was dressed .In green ' sllk gauze the majority. of persons cremated were boxes. Another Is making a Cilne of ' , But wliat In tereste d Dorolby lUOS't and wore , Ilpo'n ber flowing green described · as Lutherans, theore waa 8 unusual design .. Here Is one dabbling you wish you ~uld ' sink tbrougb , . ~ " . tluf floor. " You imagine everyone .. as th big throne of green marble loc~s a crown of jew~ls. Growing fropt considerable body at Catholfclf, not, paints at ' an IlrtllJt's easel. That one . that stood In Ute mtttdie of tbe room. her shoulders were wings, gorgeous In wlthstand·l ng .t he prohJbltlon issued b, Is" designing. a yacht. One little trlBhlit ~m .U¥llt ft' lil1"~-@l.I, _ hears then;t. Keep a Q9x of It waa shuped Ilke a ohair and spar- col at and 'so light that they fluttered Leo XIII. F!)r some re4.SoQ. In Oet- man Is forever DUlkIng woo.den Jegs . CA1UtTS In your purse or pocket tied wltb gems, as did everytblng If the' slightest breatb O.t aJr l"I\acbed many. 'as fn Fl'anct!, cramatlon doel to take the place of one he gaye to 1'berdief ... quick uitilC:ettaia. '~d take a part of one after elting. not . Be·e m to appeal to Fre& TblDker& hlB country.. He bai Ii. leg tOrt nary el.. In tbe' C liter ot tb chair was them : : PIeuaDt 10 take aod auaraalleed l It will relieve the stomactf of gas. til an e1lQrinoul hen.d, without body to When tbe Scarecrow bad INwelf, as ria 2,517' cases. all coming un'd." tb. oemaston. They · aile all doing 80m. .. ....,_&OID~ '1 8 . All................ ·CABCAUT JOo" for a -.11'• • upport It or Itny ' arms· or legs what· pre ttily us his straw stufllng would let bead ot Lu~her&Ds, Uto !Dclner,aUCIf tblng_whptbet useful or Dot. m&tten • .. ·...'we. "1" no hllir ur on ebll hlm, ' before tbls beaUtiful creatve. waB aCcomplUlf~ bt NlJafOI\l rl_ Uttle. .. ' . :-a::~~~a::



nd. but It hlld e yes and nos~'- aM TllQulll, n.nel wU's hl gg r thun the h ~ti of th blgg st gI ant. Ali orothy g'lIie,1 uDon thi s In won· de r nnd fC'ar th e y s turn ' d' s lo '1), und IObl,pd a h ~ r Sbl),rjlly and sleadlly . Then th m(HlIh moved, and DOI'Ol hy h a~ cl a volt' suy: " I am Oz. the Gr lit and T e rrible. \\'h o IIrc you, lind why do you seek

Wizard w-Oz .--.

I t

- --- - -







_.. _.-


Paper-Hanlen" PaD.llel n'

SOUTH AMERICA 81 Days. $350



The Wizard of Horticulture

Wanted-A Bright, Capable Man



dOh' TbaI ' Awf I Take .: aaS

PI"S O'\'5' .C· TTRE









Feeds on , No Other Plant Than Wheat Rye ' and Barley. Warm Moist Weather Favors InsectBy Hugh J. Hughes.

A whcat plant showln/: un uninjured IItalk at left and Onl' Inr" HI d with H cs" Ian 'fly at righi, tho latter dwarfed, leaves with rc,l lind 81e m Kwol l n at three points II ur th e grouncl, wh ur tho "Oax II eds" are lo ca tetJ, be twec n the Icn(IIh eath and 8tem , , (n) Egg o( HeRRlan ny, greatly enlarged, IlJ:I oro nil ligures excopt ond h . (b) Th e larvll, nlnrg t1, th e line by the sId IIhowll1"; on e·hnlf nu tllT/1I length , (0) 'rhe puparlum, " noxa ed" OJ' pupa a80. (d) Th pupa or chrY8all s~ (e) Adult t.'male. o ne· holf n.n tural length, ovipos illng, (f) Adult r mul , mil ch enl!lrgoo. (g) Mule, uch enl a rg ed. (h) "Flu xsl' d" In po" ltlon b tween lent-ah oth and Hlo lk. (I) Paraslle. Merslu 9 destru c tor, male, enlarg d.

A . Side yl ew of (e malo, greotly enlurged ; (D) Thr jOints taken from the mIddle of llnt nna of t male; (aa) The four basal; and (ODD) tho two t erminal malo Mtennal joInts; (b) n. maxillary pappus; ( e ) scales from body and wings; (d) (e) Side and v rllcal view of the last joInt of tho foot, showing the c laws and footpad between th em, and the scales on the joint. B . I.ana mngnlned, with the breasthon e In the sec ond next rIng to the h ead; (Dn) The brellsthone highly magnill ed ; IBb) heod from be nooth, enlarged: (Be), larvo l splrtwl Ilnd Its tub rele and trn hea leading from spIracle, C. 81de and front view or the pupa or chry ~ alls.

D . The "n9 "~l! ed . " pupnrlum or pupa l as e. The line by th e side of th e com figures d not s on e· haIr the natural le ngth of the Insect.

pI t

The Hessian fly. Cecillomyin destruc· tor. was first Intrudce(\ Into the nUed States during the revolution. impPoRedly by the soldiers who oecu· pled Long Island during 1776. Some years late r Ill' ravages were uotlced


called "flax-seed." and In this condl. lion. the puparlum stage. as this Is known to the entomologist. the insects paS8 the Interval between the spring appearance and the faU emergence In the ground. In the second appear· ance the Inseot mnkes a mOre general outside of the lmmecllate neighbor· attack upon the plnnt, weakening the hood of Its tlrst appearanc , and Its stem, causing the heavily loaded westward fI[ght began. averaging heed to orlnkle. about twenty miles per yen1'. It now The etrect of the first attaok upon Is known ov er nil tb ustern part of the plant mny be simply to destroy t.he United States as far wes t ns the Lbe stem nffected. In which 'case the wheat growing belt extends. as far plant presents a squatty, bush.lIke south os Georgia, nnd It hus also ap- nppenrance. It the attaek comes bepeared on the. Pacific coast. fore the plant Is large enough to . It Ie estimated that this Insect sucker readily the result Is usually causes an average Joss to the wheat the death of the plant The affected grower of not lesB than ohe·tenth of plant turns a darker green than usual. ~Is crop. or [n oth I' words, the pres· leading one to believe that it Is unent annual loss In bush els Is not less usually thrtrty; later the green turns than 60.000.000, and In dollars about to a brown that In turn becomes of a the same. Some knowldge. there- yellowish hlle, and the s tem, or, it fore of Its li fe history and the means may be. the plant dies. that' may be- ' taken (or Its control Is Ways to control this insect are few, of decJded value to Lhe farmer. and fortunately for us they are efThe Hess[an fly fe eds. so far as fectlve within r easonable limits. It known, on no other plants' than wheat. ordinarily stays In the field where It rye and barley. The weather condl· Is born, bllt It Is readily carried by tions favorable for Its development the wlqds. and for that reason, the aN moIst. warm weather, DrouglW co-operation of' Lbe farmers of the In· see'm a to have a very destructive 01> voded district Is essenUal. The IItubfect upon It, and cold Is also Injurious. ble should either be burned or plowed especially the late (rosts of spring, under dee ply and rolled. All volunthat' Bnd It In the matured stage. • teer wheat should be destroyed: If The Insect appears In our fields! ,posslble there should be a rotation to early In the spring and again att~r some crop thnt wl11 not support the harvest as a, little, gnat·1tl(l~ fiy about tiles that merge In the sprl~g. To one-hall the size of the mosquito. With destrOY those that do not appear It u, In the north It apparen~y has but has been found weU In some casell to two broods per year. and possibly ~ grow strips of . wheat that may be de· form of from three to twenty acres Is • stroyed at the ttme that the larvae t~e broo·ds. an4ay vary from t.,,,o I are present. \0 four. iilthls pnrtlcular much dlt-------p'e nds on the season. The fly lays 'ltll, Work at HuskIng T[me. eggs on , the top of the wheat bind ea. There Is usually more work on hand the number varying from 100 to 200. at corn husking tim e thnn the average After depositing the eggs the fly soon farmer can get don e, but one year one d.l es. Its total ,length of life as a rna· of our neighbors hIred his corn husked ture Oy being only four or five days. and he followed up the huskers with In frpm three to five days after they his plow. turning everything under. are lald the eggs hatch. and tliu He rallied a good crop the yellr follo",larvae crawl down the blade on which Ing. ' they live to the stem below , Hero, ---..,....----close to the gtound. they live fo!' Uniformity in SwIne. about three weeks, slIck[ng the julcEllJ The herd. of swine should be ot unto of the plant, causing a slight but qult.- form color and the lots of swine for noticeable Bwelllng to occur. . market should be ' ot as near uniform After they grow to full S[Z C, the lar· ' size. shape and color 8S possible. The vae shrink within thetr sIlins. leavln/; pnckers pay more for this kind of the outer coat about them ns Ute so- hogll.





s A



TakIng Care of Yourself.

There never was a time wben peo· KIdney Dlleale' Showa Many PaInful pie pald as much attention to their and Unple.lant Symptom •• health and strength as til y do now. Time wils when fine stock anti I1n George S. Crowell, U09 Broadway. horses were Ced more car efully than aelena, Mont., says: "I was troubled human b Ings. 'With a disordered The result of properly balanced _ ra. condition of the kid· ons has worked wonders 'w ith stock neys, some backache and recent xp rlm ents arc proving and irregular pailS- that the Bame thing Is true of man· . ages of secretions. At kind . It has been found that Quaker Oats times I was obliged often lind regu [arly taking the to get up out of bed eaten place of h avy, grea s y foods will work at night, and the wonders [n the health and strength of urine was unnatural a family. In appearance. On the School children fed frequently on advice ot a . friend I Quaket· Oats thri ve phYRlca lly and are procured Doan's KIdn ey Pills and always capable of the b st work at began using them. This remedy helped school. For athl e tes. laborers. [t Is me at once. strengthened my kidneys the best food .. On e of tbe nttractlve of Quak I' Oats Is the perfect and corrected the disordered condi- features way [t Is pa cked, Desldes th e r egular tion." size package there Is the largo size Remember the name-Doan's. Sold famil y package. 10 by all dealers. 00 cents a box, FoSterEmbarrassin g. Milburn Co., Butralo. N. Y. Not only the houses of the Mex, icans. but whate ve r you admire Is DIFFERENT. yours. It YOIl express a sentiment of approbation of anytblng. the own, er at once soys : "Senor, It Is yours; " but he s[mply Inte nds som ething flut· terlng. and you arc th erefore not ex· pected to accept anything that Is ot· fered to you. An amus ing story is told of Sir Spencer St. Johu. t1le Eng· IIsh ambassador, which Illustrates bow tbls national courtesy often provokes embarrassment. Sir Spencer, who is a gallant old bachelor. was prom· enadlng with some ladl es In the park. wh'en he met a nurse girl with a brl ght·eyed baby. The ladles stopped Mr. Wholesale (I ndlgnantly)- to admire the little one, and Sir Speno Whnt's that? You say the cash Is cer asked whose child It was. "Senor, nol correct. I always thought that It Is your own," replied the nurse. with bookkeeper was a roscal. and was rob· a courtesy. Sir Spencer has never In· bing me. qulred as to the parentage of pretty Expert Accountant-The cash Is $50 children since. over. sir. Mr. Wholesale-O, well, ju~t give SuspIcious. me' that and say nothing to him about 'l' he father of Judge W. H . Wadbams It. Perhaps he's forgotten to draw had a chi ken·coop and a dog and a aome of his salary. • stable hund . It be gan to look to Mr. Wadhams as though some one had dis· covered the combination. So he ,kept SKJN TROUBLES CURED. the coop and the stable hand. bllt he Two Little GIrl. Had Eczema Very ' got a new dog. Next day the bent Badly-In One Cue Chlld'a Hair old negro who groomed the Wad· hams' horses came to him. "You los ' Camo Out and Left Bare Patchel. you atrectlon foh me, boss?" he aaked. Cutlcura Met with Great ' Succe... " NQ. Scipio." !I'ald Mr. Wadhams. " I like you as well as ever." "Then," '1 have two little girls who have suld Scipio, peevishly, "w'yn't you been troubled very badly with eczema. lie Old Rover In de chicken-coop, 'sUd One of them had It on her lower ot dat new dorg?" limbs. I did everything that I could Deafness Cannot Be Cured 'hear ot for her. but It did not give b7 local appllcatlona, 118 tIIey cannot reacll tbe d. In until war.m weaLber. when It seem· eued portion at lbo ear. l 'be", III only ono way \II Ingly subsided. The next winter wh.en CUI'O clutneu. IUld lbal III by coUlltutloual remedl& Durn ... 10 call1ed by an InllBmecl condilion 01 !be It became cold the eczema started mucoua lining 01 lbe EuataehlAll Tube. When lbll IS IDDamed JOU bave a rumbling ..und or 1m. again and also In her head where It tube per/eet bearlog. and .... h.n Il III entirely dOled, Deal· would take the ha[r out and leave tbe neult. and \lol_ the IIlJIammatloD can be out IlII4 tbL. tubo rl!$tored to lUI normal condl· bare patches. At tbe same time h er taktD tlon, bearlllt! will bo dceuoyecl 10nlver; olno CUOI of teo a.... cauaed by Catarrll, wblch III not.b~ arms were Bore the whole length f>f out bUl 0.0 InllBmecl condltton or !.bo mucau. IUrf--. them. I took her to a physiCian. but ~~0g"H!nt!~) D~~':"o~tc, . the child grew worse all the time. HIlT n:r~,:" by Hall', ~1Arrh CUre. Seod lor ctn:utan. free. F. J. CHENEY'" 00., Toledo, 0. sister's arms were also affected. I beSoil! by Drullil5l8. 700. gan usin g Cutlcurll Remedies. and by ~c Hall'. FamUy PUla lor COIIIUpaUon. the time the second lot was used their Father Wal an Invalid. I!Ikln was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles It had been a hard day In tbe field. Baker. AlbIon. Me .• Sept. 2~'08 . " and father and son were very hungry. Pouer DnIlI &; Cllo .... Corp•• Bole l'ro~. BOIIoD. The only things eatable on the table were 12 very large apple dumplings. New England Pie. Some poor dweller In the benight· The father had l consumed ten while ed beyond of Chicago asks what a real the boy was eating one. and then both New England pIe Is Ilke. ' It probably reac hed for the one ' remaIning. ';Son," pleaded the tarmer, "YOll will not l.elp him to be told, but If he means allple, It Is like an essay by wouldn't take the last apple dumpling Emerson liquefied with the music of from your poor sick pa. would you?". Massenet and spIced with the cynl. Success Magazine. clsm ot Sha-w; ,If he means pumpkin. It Is like some of Gounod's music It Cured My Baby-Hereafter I Will Always Keep [t In the HOUle. beard In, 'a landscape ail sun and flow· I cannot speak too highly tor Re. ers. It Is too eurly yet to describe the mince pies of 1909. but last year's Inol Ointment. It cure,d my baby b01' -and last year was not an extraor· of Eczema. He had a very severe dinary good year-were like an In· cuse and numerous other reftledles crease In salary, and a present riom fail ed to do any good. I would not hom arr[vJng on the day when one's be without Reslnol Salve In the bouse. It is good to' apply jn cases of burns, conscience was behaving Haelt-Bos· cuts or sores ot any kind. ton Globe. ,. Mrs, F. Cox, Chicago, IlL Getting In Deep. Honor Where Honor II Due. The ladles devoted to reform were 1<"lr8t Golfer-Well done. old chap! [n session . That's the longest ball I've seen you, "I be lieve," said one. "that only drive yet! ' good men should be permitted to Second GolCer - I'm afraid the marry." credit's ' not aU mine. A beast of a "But." Interposed a second, "would wasp touched me up In the middle of not such a rad[cal policy be promo- my ·swing.-Puneh. ' tive Qf race suicide?" On the Instant they perceived that Th~ next time you feel that swnllowing they had tackled a renl problem, sensatio!l.. the sure sign of Bore th rOlit, gargle J10mlins Wizard Oil immediately with three parts wnter. It will MVe you For a Poor Memory. ' days and perhaps wceks of miscry. "Say, Mayme, what's that ring on ,y our Hnger for?" Probably the reason some girls ''Tbat's so I won't forget that I make Buch a fuss wben a fellow steals ~Iromlsed to marry Tommy. Beats a a kiss is because they are afraid he string (or looks. too." won't give It, back.

0_ ..




DEEP-SEATED COLDS .nd ClO~b" tall ~·.r.k.~nM%~::,fou~:"r:I';,~ a~:\!:''::n"'"gJ1! ~g=

o..,r co yonr.. 260, 6Oc.l1.0t bott.lea. All denlor s.

As lon'g as a JIlan can find someIt men could make money aB easll, thing to kick about he feelB that Ufe as ~ey can make love we should all be mllllonaireB in a sh~rt time. Is worth living. 111ft. WIDIlG",·. ftoothln .. IIT"1p. Por chllclren U elblll3. oofteoa the!r'llll •• reduc.. IIIlI.... m.llon •• W1II4~lkI. :IOcIaboW..

Lots at 'garrulous people ot layinr nothing.






For Infants and Children. .

The Kind You Hava ~ Always Bousht

UlllflHttlIItIUIIItUnl,-.uiil,iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiill'U.; i


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5imilali~ lhe FooltandRe~ula ­

the Siomachs and Bowels or ~~i~Piiiii

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\.tlx, J'.,,~ •

•' '/i'MluU. !Jf3 •. IA,..i. J,,~ "

1'1:r~~:t."s..t..· If'~ J'",4 • «IIM'rt/ J'.1..~

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Aperfect Remedy rorCoMtlpalion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhdea. Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverishness and Loss OF SLE&J!'!

. ,-

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Fo,r 'Over






. . .CASTORIA "". _ _ _ _ _ ernJ

Wear w. L. Douglas comfortable, eaay walkins, common sense a hoe s. A trial will convince anyone that W. L. Douglas s hoe s hold their shape, fit better and wear lonler than other makes~ They are made upon honor, of the best leathera, by the mOlt akllled workmen, In all the lateat faahlons, ahoealn every atyle and shape to ault men In all walks of life.

CAUTION !~' r.. Itam~


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~earer .P.!:,",:"~~~'


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Omaha, Neb.

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~&:"y'~:'ll~ CINCINNATI. O. It






with the Tang of t~~ S~a.

~~~~~~-·------------We get I.U I· oysters

straight from the seacoast 'beds -every mi l of the journey undel' s at. We are registered agents of the '; ealshipt Sy&tem. nd er our contract the oY$tera are sealed in pat· nL d air t.ight. germ-proof Sealshiptors. The seal is put on AT THI? EASlDE and we break it when t.h Qysters ar d livered at our slore. "The ~eal hipt Sy~tem" insures our cJllltomers oysters that are firm, clean. solid, fresh : . It


calshipl 0)' l er~ art" radkall)' dif· ferent fwm tht: opt ' rs ~ hippe d ill 0IWI1 I liltS. L nd"r this (,1<.1 lIl eth ud, which i~ slill in usc, !,he' ice is I T H E T WiTH THE QYSTERS. Fasl us Ihl' ice md t ; . lhe "press man pillS ill anQlher ·h\lnk (If RAILRO A () ice. Cummoll Q~' ters, as they are SQ ld , arc half liquor: 11lat "liquor" is tlllly Ihe ME[:rED R ItRO:A'D H . E thaI has 'washed th e fla vor OUI of the oysters and made Ihem soggy. shupelr ll.~ and

Do n', be cO lltcnt.:d "ith an thing A pint of \'a b hipt O ysters is ~ lIfticiellt for. any ord ina ry f:lln i l~· . hc· l'all ~e the y arc .olid l11cat s·-- no railroad icc "li4\Ulr. " ~' ,. sell enl hipt O) , ters from an att nlcti\,,:, cleanl y whit e and hI lie pur10 ice or water lTluill Scalshipticast>. CO lll t illlo I·,lnta ·t with the 0 sIers. all alld s~ e it at o ur ,to re . t the sa me lilli e we wi.1I he g lad to hand you cine of our book s" easidc O yste r Dishes'


whi ch contains lIlany hore recipes:

Gordon'S Hog Cholera Remedy

•• ••

Sprjng Valley.





•• ••






.- .

William NAllrf,a man in his etgh. t.y fourth ytlftr made a band in corn hUlking tbte fall . The William J . Collett frnm wUl be .old to the hi8h.~t biihlet: Tues.. Clay. December. 7th, a lovely home for lome one. We have a mediolne show here fOr live ntghw, aod they are show lng tIl full houl88 ~very night Bome ·of' o~ : .OUlze.o1 enjoy . it ~ore thao lome of· the numbere of our Leoture


Expert Optician,





Walter J . .Kilbon, Corwin, Ohio.




Sealed at the SeWiide .

:: The Neighborhood News

·1 , _---::-___


Sealshipt 'Oysters n

J. ' W. White

f D ttl.




MIt'S r.enli. Myers "pent t he weOk.I _ _ _ _ _-,----;"-====-=-___ I end In U/l.yton . . Miss ~llol1e Mason e ~terto.i ned The Thankful Spirit ' . Of Men Who Have Used ber n llSIn (liNt we k . . Our German friend 'across the I Th~ Misses Lillie, Laura and Myr . country was given a turkey on : tIe KI bIer spout '1 nurlldny and Fri· . . day with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Jobn Se~ lt.le ThanksglVlng Day. At first he hard· . ne]' in Newtonvtlle. ly knew what to say . then gatbe)'ing ~ . 6__ ~\ JIbs . ,TosiliU Boll.Jrook Bnd dllugh . himself togethel'; said: "Tank you; , . ~ ter, Miss Heba. s pent SundllY with tank you. I hope you l.nay lif to. see Yo I' d and look afar with Dav id Mason ILDtl famil y. de day ven- ven you gife us anodder Qal ea U' b t be f ac tty, u no ~ne ~ rhe Misses EdntL uud UJntlys Spen- vun " ~u oar were iu Uiooin nu.t1 Saturday' . .ervea that you are weanng bife,. And found it to doal! claimed for it Mr. Bnd Mrll. Allen Kibler e : Like him we say to our custom:rs cal. becauae the uaual "Jin~." tainAcl severn l fri ends !Sonda.y . thank you, thank you for the \11. \are ab.ent. Wear the genume Mrs. Fred Gave und dllUght-er of crease patron/!-ged you have given us KRYPTOKS awhUe and you will " ' u)' IItl!1 \' 1110. . ov. O. 1909. Is l.() ecrtHy tJmt i h Bve U!I<lII Gor · Betbel, spont last week with ber during the pa;t year. making this never .willingly return to old. , IOIIThiN 'S Uog holorll Homed)' IUld htl\" mother the largeJIt and most successful year ,lyle bifocal glasaea. sarud 21 out of 27 hO~~. E, HOCKETT. - • of our business experience, and we • WaYlIllSvll lo. 0 .. Nov. 5, 1009. Corwin. truly hope that you may all live to I \t Il "O UIIIl<! Oordon'y Noxt· oay (,holera . us more '10t he fUt Ul·e. •• , R ",lllIy twlc . olleo last YOllr aut! .gaul glve tb l~ fall . and have not lost II hO!fkET'f . Mrs . Beedle. of Troy, was a gueRt D. ll. BOO . of ber reln.tives, Mrs . Mary Wa.ter. In Our Big Book Wllynes\1110. O. Nov. 6. 111GB. house Bod fa:wily last week . You will find a list of California This Is to 'erttry that t b ave uHOd GorWill be at ttte Mrs. Margarot Martin, son nnd Canned go'ods, all wonderful bargains doo's !:log Cholora ltemedy 111Id flnd It to bo u.1l that It. Is repnJtl(lnl.ed. J hlld 17 daughter, of Dayton, and Mis8 Allio and all new goods. . hogs nll of whIch wore s lc.k , and lost but. Gustin Hotel,. Frume wera rh'lUksgiviog guests of 2. IIlid would have HBYIl<I them It 1 hali gotWlI the rem edy III tilllO . . E Mr. ILnd Mrs. Liodley Meollenh"n Apricots D. W. SURlt' A . Waynesville, Ohio, and Mr. 'u.od Mrs. Wilham Frame. In heavy syrup _ finest . gvods Miss Henrietta MoKinfle:>" spent . First Saturday in Every the week.end with h er stifter, Mrs. packed. per dozen, $2.25. Gordon's Hog Cholera Month I. N . Harrit4, in Dayton. . . Peaches Remedy Mrs. Lut,hel' Sellars, of n.,yton, Villa 'brand , in water. $1 .40 a doz. spent one day ltl8t week with her sister, Mrs. 1(.lI.y 8mit,h . Yellow Frees, in syrup, $1.65 to Is for 8ale at Olassifled Ads $1.85. Mr . and Mr s. Robert tihute spent. Monday night With Mm. Hope 8til6ll Lemon Clings. $2.00 to $2.50. Atl.~ will lIe losencc\ um1 r ~bl ll helld for ARTZ'~, lw en l v·t\ \,O ce n~8 t or tb r ee In ortll'II11, They left TuesdRY fo r Riohmood, White Cherries wbou u:slllil not wo r e t b a n Ovc linCH. IDd , where t hey will make their future home. Extra quality at $2,00 per dozen. ."..... Waynesville, HELP WANTED .J . I1nd U. Hisoy IIpent 'l'banksgiv. These prices are 35c a dozen below /"" iog Da y with Mr . aod Mrs. J08. l~t season, and very much cheaper Al'! with wife on farm who Bi8ey. h b • th f . . nnderstanda tobncoo l8ising. Phineas Collins visited Thanb. t an uymg e rUlt and canmng giving with Was. Biggs II.nd famIly . afhome. Sample cans at the special Boust' furnished . Address Mrl' A .•1. Thorpe, Waynesville, Ohio ., Miss Minnie MoKinsey was home price. R. F . D. No S, Th"nksgiTing Day . R~ Mills ,vas home Sunday. LOST Miss Maud Stroud had as her W~ guests for Thanksgiving. Mr. Homer OST. or Stolen- French poodle, with black spots. answers to Ihe and Myrtle Bart, from RIchmond, Ind. name of Tag. Any informa cion, no· J. H. Sl\9TH, Prop. Missel Jane aod Florence Clark C: ,W. HENDERSON,M.O: tify Elsie Gustin, Waynesville, 0_ RAVENETTE rain coat, gray, werf' home for Thll.nksgiviog' fro~ Wayneaville, Ohio. Xenia . between F. W. Hathaway's on Harveysburg pike and B. H. Clem; In room formerl y occopied by Waynesville, Ohio• ents' . Finder leave at Clements Katherine AlexlI:oder. New' Burlington. grocery.

&liss Iva Nioholll, of Urb8Do., spent the holidl4Ys witb M.iss Olive' Aoabee. T M. Ga'rtrell, wUeand daughter, Aroh OOPSV, wife and ohlldren spent Thanksgiving with 'Springfielrl Special AttentIOn Clven to friends . . Main Street Mr. Harry Rooney, who has been Valley Phone 153 FOR SALE Children'. Hair C~In8. . Bay 1I:I1g1e Bod wife entertained working in the Ea8t i8 at the home Thlmksgiving B . B. Eagle and wife, of his mo~her reoovering from IL se. roUR Poland·China Boars; good. of Dayton, Mise Iva Niohols, of Ur. vere illness. boned hogs. Inquire of Israel get Immediate relIef from Satterthwaite, ,bana, A. C. Mendenhan, wife and P. O. Box 111, Wayne/J F . B. Blair anu Whittier Randolph Substribe for the Guette . Dr. ShooD'S MatIc OiDt~ ville, Ohio. danghter, D . W. Anabee. wife aud of l>ayton, spent Thanksgivlog . three duughters. of 'his pluoe. hunting 10 this n eighborhood. Com,.. . The Ladies MinASl'el Tea an enter. Miss Maude Ha-rlan entertained The,yOtlD81 dies .of onr esteemed tainment for tbe ·bene(lt of the the D. A. olnss on Friday p . m. , friend ; J.m8lllcClllrrOn, entertained G A. R . will be givel;\ ~n the Town There was a publio mee"ng of tbe tbeir JadY' frieods on Tb"n kegi ving . H1111 Saturday night. W . C. T. U. at the home of W81~on M. E. Sherwood lost his .driving Compton on Saturday night. .Dey. horse 1l1st week. . A deaooness from Ohrist BOfIpital MiM Ev, Wirshing, of Dayton, in Cinoinnatl, gav~ a talk in the was the- gllOtl' 1ll8t week of C. M. M. E. OhOlOh on Sunday evening. 1!...:.--'---=~~L-.!:~JL(LJlUllo&.J."""J-A.A.U:!»"" Mies FulM r80D aDd family. Mrs. Margaret Everhart, of Mi. of Wilmington. we re guest" Miu ()()ra Budgel and Walter amlsburg, spent Il few days last week ~,tbe l:entrl11 Tuesday. Guy were married Wednesday with relatives here. . ,Mri. Peter .Cory it' quite siok . evening at her residenoe. The friends of Miss MaUie Bill Bel' maoy.fri ends wisb ber a apeedy ~HE gil. ve her a post oard shower on recovery. Mooday. . The Py~hil1n l3isi:ers oom hined llU~ · Miss Eva Harner, of Xenia, was iness with one of'tbeir spcinl funo Hot ~Water Bottles the guest of ber brother Charles tions Tuesday night, arirt members Ilod family a few da.ys last week. from Lebanon and WIf yuesville That's what comes of getting together. We have combined wit~ the publisher of the best war" preeent. woman's magazine. The r~sult is that you can have the magazine, Woman's Home C6mpanion, and • Th~uksglving WIIS well ohaerved Hunters' Notice. The Miami Gazette for th~ very low price given below. Woman's Home Companion is too well SOHWAR.TZ'S til thia locality. known to need indorsement from us. With iJ:s fine stories, its splendid articles, its many pra:tical . P08tmaster ~toop ~ IS €ufferiog Th e u'u dersigned warns all tres. departments, Woman's Home Companion.stands at the very front ~nk of woman's magazines. The from,..b.:d enid but is ablt! too attend passerA with guns and dogs to keep - - ---..- + - - price of"Wotnan's Home Companion is now $1.50 a year,. and this offer is a special bargain which we to hi.. Oftioial duties. .!\ off t)leir land, or· they will be ' pr~s. can offer for a short time only. Take it . _nd Mrs. Fred' HMlllo eoterSpring Branch eouted acoording to 1& w ! advantage of tbe bargain while you tained severll.l of 'beitJriend~ Thurs. W. p. Hay. dILY, November 2.5 th for dinner .. can. It won't be good for long. . M~. and Mrs. Frank Dakin and Jos. Evans. Mr. and "ra. Chlltl. Shidaker ohildren, Cllrl, Hazel Ilnc\ Louis were Ed. FUTn88. called oil Wllynesville friends .Sllt- viSiting relo.tlV81 in oo.t. Bolly on Minnie Satterthwaite. Sunday. ... --....,....I Jl'r~nkS.hidaket' transaoted bosi. Hiram Da.kin and Wife were call Disoord Itweet oorn lor seed if it ing on Bert Mo.rlatt on Sundll.Y af . ne88' 10 Lebaoon 8aturday. shows a traoe of field oorn. ·' WltUam ·Forn£lbellll.nd family, of ternooo. near Lebanon, SP20t Suodll.Y with Mrs . •Jamas Chenoweth and d!lough Mr. Forn'Jhell'H mother, Mrs. Mucer. t,ers, Ber~hll. II.nd Frances lind sons Mlae Louise N·. Wilson spent Guyo.nd .rllcob went visiting he~ one year and Thankaglving with Miss Anna Shel · daughter Anua LUOId, of Mt. Hol1y, don, of Cinoinnati. 00 Suoday. 'l'he Vaney Telepboue Co , are ex. Mrs. Ernest DakiD aod son Itussel t "pding their servioes over in tile were villitlng her p&rent8, Jonathan Biokoryvllle neighborhood. ' MoCray Bnd family. of near Beaver . Oysters:--. Several from here attended tbe town, 1l1st week. one year. danoe at Waynesville FridllY night. Mr. Robert I3trouse and MisAes Celery, Cranberries. Oranges, Grapes, Apples. Mrs. Mllrgaret Levioy and Miss Florenot' La.oy Rnd Lenti Conner 8ue Whetsel returned from Indiana were entertllil!led on Sunday by Wednesday ,where thev have been Edw8.Td Roland and f llmj]y, ot near New Buckwhtlat, a lb ... ........ 4c 00 .. visit for t..vQ weeks. WayneSVille. Shredded Wheat· Biscuits, 2 Mrs. Dr. EJltson gIL vo 0. Missio08.rv Misses .!frances a ndBertlJ& ChenO' packages .. ................... .· .. 25c Tea at her borne Wednesda.y. No- weth and Messrs. Gu.v lIud Jaoob Grape Nuts. 2 pkgs for .. ....... 25c "ook Thonksgivm ' g din. New Figs COcoanutslb......... 5c, Se, lOe lOe vember 24, Bnd it W8S welJ 8ttende<l . Chenoweth . .. . N ner with their Wiele, .rhomll.s Lacy New Q' ,POer . ........ : ....... .. Greater Woman's .Home ~ompanioD ~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~ and fllmlly . ew ueen l Ives, qt Jar ...... 25c I4\T£ DOUCLAS WIGGIN' .~ Stuffed Olives. pt jar .. . ......... 25e , There wi\) be meeting ' at Middle P repare d Mus ta r, d q t"Jar ... '" 'lOe Will be moat interestinr-the"most , " _, ,., c:::!,_,,!!~,.::!.c;~.,.N't Run next l:iaturdo.y at 2 'P ID, aod Sweet Pickles, qt jar .. .......... 15c useful-"-the most beautiful woman's Sunday at 10 :30 It. m . .Preaching . Fancy New Orleans Molassesmagazine published. by Elder Bret'll. Ilf Indianll. . ' . MrR. Charles Rye ,..8f1 caUtDa. on Fancy Sorghu~eMor~ust in Eliz& Hartsock on 8unday afternoon. New barrel just in Mr. J obn Chenoweth ' and 800 Ed. . Soap has advanced again, w~ are ' ward, of nellI: CIiapel vial\ed still selling • :, Ther&will fictioD ;by Anna Katharine Green, Eljzabe~b Stuart Phelps, Maqr ~ilki~ Free-~-We yo~'--"'" hiR siHter,Ellzl\beth Cheooweth Jall' Star, Lenox and JaxOD.. 3 to.; 1"'l'hortlday nlg~t . "" .~man Ka~ Do'uglas Wiggin M~rgaret 'Deland~ Juliet Wilbor Tompkins, MYl11 , Kel1y~ Jo~pbine,l.Das. Mtsses Alloe Oheno'weth and f.d,emon't Butter C~, ~·lb ..1Oe . ~' Bacon-and a 'host ol o'"thers-a\l the best ~tel'S now befor~ the .public. ., . . . Bertha 8rultlJ spent Saturday and Hom~e Minee .)f~t, a Ib..1Oe 8una~y with frieode at . Franklin. .Ne\f ~irui, Currants, C.itron. Mrs. Mollie Collins, . of/Dayton. is ~ "We .will give a Talking Ma. spendiDg Ii few days with ..MIS8 ,Alice' Chine, .a fine Lamp"and' a Clock (''henoweth aDd Bertha Smith. to our cqstomers this mont". . :;Call and learn @out. it. Save



.B j-g- Sauin,g




75c at

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Woman's Home Companion


Tbe Miami Gazette

BO.t h for ' $1 ..r75 .


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~welv~ Big:' N~mb~~s




, : y?ur!<l1;een Tickets. .



6Sc' at . .

' Bc;m:W~IJ.I.'.


The 8est900dsand Loweat Prk:es






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, For mer Ci~izens : --- - --

0--- ---,. -



Uf!IB EH aU33

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GREAT \i ORK GOI NG ON HI E ORHlODOX CHURCH Just prior t.o the enjoym ents ann AvisiL totheW arr nCbun tyCour t ~.-.----~..-.....-....-... merrym aking of Chl'i stmas I' h o folh)wi ng W/I Ii writteu lIy /5, t ime.q, • H ouse iast wee kb y tl10 d I'l or f ound I... J M , II'n \\' , a torlll er r psldent o f comes a period of perplexity familia l' Mr" , H. E. Binkley , of Denve r. Decemb er 18th- Oyster s upper. Decemb er 18th-O yster supper . all the cogs mo ing f reely , mill all WIIYOA >I \1I 1El. I) f "The Or thodox CoL , in r enewin g her sub~cription to all buyer!! of gifts. Ray Hawke was in Dayton Friday . Ray Mills, of Dayton , was The home ~lectio officia n of ls desirab at their le post presen ts o.f cl uty, ' says: " Enclosed find money o·rde", . Chn rch II I' 'W"Y Il BRV\lle, Ohi O, Over Sunday In for t he each Reco rd one ' I"S I"lft, Y"Il I''' Ago," -Erl I who ofhc is t he to new be rernem In· · F. C. Schwar tz was in Dayton Sunfor which pl ease continu e the dear . <lex to the county recol'd:'! is being bered, is often times a burdensome day . old Gazette ," l'n,fl O rt hnrlox chu l ch t h!lt rem DI DN B. S. Howell wus in Cincinn ati pushed to compl etion . R cord r task. . L. A. Zimme rman is in Cincinn ati Tuesday. on the hili S}1ence is prepari ng a neat and up·toFeeling confide nt that we can be of today. Cards announ cing the birth of a the greates Is grper} '0 t he m m ory of each of U ~ . date set of book whi ch should be a t assistan ce in overcom J. C. Hawke and wife were Davton a fine boy, Sunday , Decem ber 5th, these difficulties. and can smooth ing st ill g reat , ad vantag e lo th e ciLil'. nsoE the the C. M. Robitz er was in Dayton and visitors Wed nesday . to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartsock, of way FO!' it '· t\ lI ~ buck our y outh IUJd uur for the Christm as buyer' in t he Cincinnat i last week. Don' t forg et the W. T. P . and D. co unty in tracing t itles to r eal st at Springfield. Carl is a son of MT. and matter C'bil llhood us well. J n t he aud itor's office evel'yth iflg suppe r. Decemb er 18th. of selection, we are pleased Mrs Ed ith Harr is is visiting relaMrs .. J. S. Har tsock, form erly of to call your and eve l'ybody is busy, bu~y, busy ! When wo with I1 Ul' 0 \ 11 l ovi ug 1" "attenti on to ollr stock tives in Morrow County . Alex Mart and Ray Hawke were Aurli ':or Patterson is doing Waynesville. all the an ts did dwell . f or 1909 - A REVEL ATION IN C. A. Perry and family visited rel- Lebanon visitors Sunday . work getti ng r eady f or the la nd upPLEAS ING AND APPRO PRIAT E Bow preolou t he j ou rney froUl e ll t at ives in Lebano n Sunday . Walter J : Kilbon was buy ing holi- praisers wi th only lli~ re&:ul al' Warr en Edward s, of Bowerston, GIFl'S. office and from est., Ohio, in his usual breezy manne r, Frank Zell and wife were in Sabina day g oods in Dayton Mond ay . help, and he surely IS d01l1g a g n'at To t'ea ch dear old WtLynesvil The time of every Holiday Shoppe r l f\. t hq writes: " I didn't get last week's pa- will indeed ' be well spent in looking Sunday the guests of friends . Dr. C. G. Randal l, of Harvey sburg Vi m k . A look at lhe books show place we lo ve best t hat it is no ligh t job bu t he has per. , What is t he matter? I heard throug h our BRIGH ' . T, FRESH selec· Mrs Chas. Cook and childre n. of was a Waynesville vi sitor Monday f d I . b I tl ' . . Its oh ur cb yar d W EI S lovely, I t s vie w H . V, Adams , of the lecture course tions of up ,to-date , . oun t l Ut Y l a l' ,an~ 1I1slst ent gifts. was 80 g rl\nn Harvey sburg, were in town Monday. hel;'e last nig ht, and he certllin ly is J. A. Funkey and Wife spent sev- work he can manag e I t Wi thout any Timely hints and valuabl e suggestThat none could su rpass it in a ll the eral days in Cincinn ati last week. outside help fine. The compan y I work for here ions will be Mrs. E. V. 'Barnh art -and Mis!3 made to you by the goods f ir 1 nd . Emma Hawke were in Dayton last Our second numbe r of Lecture The~e will be. q ui t e a change W B. PeDlI's 80ns, have g iven me themse lves, in land Il Il Course Thursd ay nigh t Decemb er appraIsers thiS year over entire charge of t heir shoe depart; Come and see our vari ed line of Satur day. formel' r b l:l buildin g itself was fi ne to us 16th. ments. I e>"'Pect to see everybo dy a really desirab le goods, and th e prob. ' years . There will b~ twenty -three the n, Born to John G Becket t and wife Chr istmas. " instead of ~Iev en as for merly in the With i ts ga ll eries a nd aisles lem will immed iately b~ chan tred to !)n Sunday , Decem ber 5th, for... a t welveMrs. Jeff Marlat t and t wo daug h- county. ' Th ';vork will comme nce on wom en und m e n, the simple questio n of WHICH to pound hoy. ters, Jessie and Helen, are in Day- or before Janua ry 15, 1910, and must No min gling of sexes in ohuroh Ilt With a ring on its leg with "762 get for each one on your list fDr Mrs. L. H~ Vinson , of Dayton , was ton today. be comple ted by July 1, 1910. This W. 1~04" jflsc ribed on it a c.arrier whom you wish to remem ber. . t h'ltd ay, . the guest of J. W. White and wife The Pierces are artists in their will g ive the appr:Jisers plenty pigeon flew into the blacksm ith shop of t ime When we uIl wen t to meetin g to We acknow ledge a more than a last week. line and prove themselves to be su- to get their work done. and at 311 Rubicon street owned py F.. S, co~mon pride in our Holiday to do it l h ellr n.nd pmy. display W. T. P. & D. Oyster supper , perb enterta iners, ' proper ly. The comm issioner s have Hanby and was picked up by him , thIS season, caused by the excelle nce Decem ber 18th. Membe rs must not W'II' D dd . passed a resolut ion allowin'g $3.50 a The garb of the frlends ·was The bird showed signs of a ICIng flig ht of the goods represe nted, and the f pecnllB r I. lam 0 s, Wife a~d ,d aughte r day f or actual labor perfor med t th d t . those dILYS ' variety and did pot seem excited when picked and range affor~ed for per- orge " Goldie, spent Tuesd ay With Edmun d e a e. i A th t O r h d '1'0 peopl e unleurn ed in their belief Retallic k and family. up. fhe bird will be held ill an ef- fect satisfac tion in the selectio n of no er grea th 109 acc~mp IS e Mrs. Schuyl er Matthe ws, 'of Hyde was by County Survey or Hmkle who fo rt to learn to W,pom it belongs . anythin g from an inexpen sive ,little Pat:k ~pent Friday with and WIlY S I her aunt. Will Russum, of Dayton, was the has gone over the county and the B ut tlhe drlto tlud t,he g ray how b Ollu- , About five yearS ago Walter Wellman remem brance to a solid and substan - Mrs. Richar d Cross. guest of O. J. Edwards and family r ecords and made a re-surv ey of all , t lfnl theu, the explorf!r, release d 'a numbe r of tinl gift. Don't forget date of the Pierces , two days of last week. lands in the county . In some rn- Would Our ohlldr en oould pigeon s in t he Arctic.- Dayton .tour· Bee It in Hoping we may have t.he pleasur e lhursd ay night, Decem ber Miss Louella Cornell was the guest stances there has been tax 16th, at paid on nal. oharch ee tl gllin , of welcom ing you at our store and School Hall. of Mi~s Marian na Allen. of Sprihg - two hundred acres, when .wishing you the compli ments of the it should boro several days last week . have been only on one hund red and A fter,~b etmee~~ ~g oon ve ned FA~MeRS' INSTIT UTE season, we remain , Miss Belle Eulass, of Lincoln , N e b . , ' we were I . , ' . nir,ety-six, and ~n th e other hand 81 en 1.1 W I e, who has been visiting friends here . Resp, Yours ' Mrs. Emmo r Bally and Mrs. Lma _" .. . ' The institu te, which. will be held h, b t When u. br other or sister Brose near some have p al'd h ardl y enoug return~ home last Weune sday. u I . J. E. JANNEY. DeVItt enterta med the Card Club the survey here Decem ber 17th and 18th, will or has obviate d ail this, 1 .II.D !lIsle, , AI! we had the pleasu re of seeing very pleasan tly last Thursd ay after- and this year each one will pay on ' Their sermon s were meet Frid ay morrin g and afterno on WA YNESVILLP.· GRANGE, t'Juohm g, and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, we desire to noon. at Phillips ' Ball, and Friday evening actuall y What' he owns. . made tlO pla.inly the ,w ay. . .. . epdol'll6 their work as enterta iners . That t h e conver sion of the writer Do you and Saturd ay all day at School Hal!. want the mcest and the A new feature of th e law IS: At the regular mee'tin g of Fanner s' and artists in their line, of a f 1 d d very SQ- latest style of Hat; come and see the ' "In townsh ips and The state speake rs" are M. C. Grange last Saturd villages the au. 01 owe one I'Y· ay "evenin g the perior order. large assortm ent receive d this week. dii or shall cause to be ' printed Thoma s, ' of Mingo, Ohio. and J. P. followi ng officers were elected : ' in Bow sweet is t he ule ruory of our Davis, Sheri-de n. Ind. , and there will M We can give you the new Gobelin pam phlet form a list sbowin g all .H • J Col eman d an wean if d D . L , the parents so dear, aster .......... ..... ...... F . A. ~~rtsock Crane and family were guest! ~e good 'music a t each session. of Blue. We have three of the coming real estate in such townsh ip or vil- When (leen in t he glllfe ry witb facea Overse er ......... ... Robert ~tlhamso.n H. V. /Walte r and family in Leba non spring styles- come and see. John lage. togethe r with The ladies' Ai~ Society of the M· t he lot numbe r. Lectur er ........ .......... .......DoraE lhs S d of prayer , E, church will serve meals in the A Funkey . townshi p, range, survey, acreage and They surely were Ilsking Stewa~ d ........... .... Stella that tbeir , Daugh erty un ay. , Masonic banq uet hall during the in- Assista nt Stewar fulmor Baily and family , J. B, valuati onmad e by theapp raisers d .. .... KarI Shidak er ~nd Whatev er your needs may be let sln8 be forgive n, stitute. Chapm an and family and Mrs. Lina cause a copy (jf th t bI d Chapla in ........... ... :.......... .. Eva Jones us show you. that ,,!e have genuin e Devitt spent Sunday with relatives in to each and every e same 0 e mal e , Aud they aU have 11 pll.loe \n the Watch f or the progra m in next Treasu owner of real asrer ....... ......... . ... Eli' Burnet t new attract ions for Christm as that kingdo m of HeaveD , , 'S pringbo ro. weekS' i!!Sue of the Gazette . ~ ~~ in ~~eir rt>Spect ive . politica l diSeqeta ry .... .. .......... .. ... Mary Silver will . please you. J. E Janney . .-. , VISions . 'l'~e service Is over, we pass from the Gate Keeper .......... ... .. Lyman Silver Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader, Mrs. J. George Mills and family and Benj. . BIQ OYSTE R SUI,>PER Ten years ago each owner of real Ceres .......... .......... ....... Ethel Stokes H. Coleman and Mrs. n. door, L. Orane Mills and wife were in Spring Vall ey estate was only provide d wit h his , in- Greetin g many loved friends wehll.d Pomon o ......... ......... ... Lucile Cornell were snoppin The O' Wayne i~ Springf anti Massie ield last Sunday attendi ng a family reunion dividua l appraitlement Townsh ip .. and for the leen oft before, Protect ive and D~tective association. Flora , .......... .......... .. Louisa Stokes WedneSday. eo at the home of their fa thel', Henry purpose of finding out the. apprais e- We chatted togethe r for quibe a long will give an oyster supper at the Lady AsS't Stewar d ...... Ona Strawn If you want to see the largest and F. Mills. ment of neighb oring propert ies ne· Butterw orth, '---t while, I. O. O. F. ' hall on the Right of De- Trustee s ......... Samuel ted Ca' took th d' U sb Wh ' te d 'f 1 ft Sa" cessita ted a trip to the count y court Unlike ' u= assor ps , see e ISp ere the Just age of ohuroh going cembe r 18th. Ifhis is intende d to I an WI e e II" h Joseph Hisey and Jason Sheeha n play prices 28c . 40C 5()c ' ..... t 1 and 660. urday for a two weeks' visit with ouae. be a gala time, 'and memb~i-s with ... _ • s y e. On accoun t ef th~ Far~erS' Inst~- John A. Thnkey .' , , relative s i~ Owensboro and other A MODEL COMMUNITY th~ir wives are cordial ly in~ted to tute t~e next meetm g ~11l be held We were full of hfe then, aDd ener· A B S· d 'd ' f left for Chi- plac,es in Kentuc ky. be pr eseQt. The Associa tion ' will Saturd ay evening Decem gy to ber o, 11th . . , es an W1 e Avnbnses, and l'~ I'S gl'v'en,'for when the following' proO'ram will ~ ' I' t' County Commi ssioner ,r. T. Cum~ L ooklll g i nto t he futurl' to see stand a, l~ -.-t"~ ~ago Sllturd!lY to be gone several J 0 h n A . F ur k I wbat ey IS now c osmg o u , .. days. Whilet ~ey' will 'at . d . X' S t d • d -large lot of Ladies' th~ P4IPOse of getting the rpemqers given. and M'lsses ,mms arrive m ema a ur ay I ,,0 0, the In~rna tional stock show. ~~ oO'Ather U d ,) and havI'ng a goo'.J tl·me. "Home Butche ring and Curing 35 d 40 P ts mornin g, after a visitwi t h his broth- ' I... ittl ll d l' ell Oling tbat Borrow WIS~ of U was ' c an40 U' c an S 'ts or erm -.. Cear V n terwear d F'a 11 S, 1a.,anu'af 128, C th I t tl leTen/t our d oor, Meats" .: ... , ... ...... .. Harvey Burnet Wc:.!vs e Christm as is near-W e can show ~II bon YI' d; 28 BEE~ HERE THREE WEEK S c Intonf BUll, spen "What part oft next season' s work t at the Int f:: l'n ationaf Slo 'k. h(;w I A \ld t ll n t, f nt li I' wOll'ld ~oon PIlSS to th I t ec at c' one ot 0 , ue , YGOifu e a~hest , ~rWment, of . ~ISIE\f uI WI Rib Mensose Shirts an'd Drawnr s, the can ' be ·done during the:thr ee III C~lca~b ~' Alth oug h 1,H tO Wll Of th u li ('uvo nt.,V !lhore. s own m aynesv l eaII· 'ali d 40C J. l(~oit, the optician, has been winter months ?" ..... Frank SquireS thistsever t 26 7000 mha ltant" ... eaar· 'a llg Ila ' not month, John A: Funkey . c an now a c. , a single po licem an . amI it. mUI':ha l. i Tuo Mtr(tk Wlt~ qni te y. but here three weeks, and haf! met ,with, Cook F A B tso 1_ d " f St h goo, d succeSS . He ~ a firSt class op "Th K' d f B I Ad .Mary Mrs. Everet t Zent meyer. who has whose most st l'entlou:l, du ty is to or. " • . ar c~ / an WI yont,h 8n r vtve~l , · e, .e ep ,lD 0 en oy , mire ..... Burnet and wife, Uelen Hartso ck. been v~iting her parents tician and }i,'is work speaks for itself. A ll here fo.r casiona lly k ill n dog , w() I'I\~ in a fae. , "Ilt ' ' , P»l fl €l 8 c~OI e t.· 0 '\ oh 0 t' ph II. Il II .......... ......: . ; ; . . . . . . .. ... May Strawn Mildre d, Robert and Ina Burnet vis- several weeks, returne d to I' He will be here - few days longer. My Ideal GI,rl, ........ Ross I ' I 'IJ her tlll " home tory by the day fo r li S ivtng , say' Hartso ck 'ted J U K . d f t i " new. '1 ItS ' in Paris Crossing, Ind., Monda y. • - .. an d _ anyone \wan ng CoL 1 Cummi l l UW lot, llS , jll.. eyes, " " ns. eys Cadar an Falls ami y is, as Of unn}1 be true to onr dear ' ' F will do well to give him a call at·the h course a " dry" town, and it is the wAs H.IGHLY HONO~ED ..da~. Itt e r uuove, Remem ber that our choiee selec- seat of the State Nl)l'ma l schoo Gustin House. , l, ill l ' h ut we III '!I ve r dw'ell with Blm " We can 'Surely meet your wants tions for the holiday trade are thor- which two of Col. 'ummin s' nephews • - • Mrs. J. A. Funkey while in Cincin- with Bright New Goods to ill bOllnel l ~!;I love , please oughly up with the most ndvanc ed are instruc to rs. NOTICE The school ha!l natilas tweekh adthep \e!l8ur eofat- every buyer whQis seekin -- --- .- -.- - g an api~easo fthe season in Variety , Nov about 2000 ' studen ts. - Xenia Da ily "f ;.. . tending recep~ions-one at Walnu t : propria l-e Christm as Gift HAS SOLD 'STUDIO for old or elty and Good Quality . J. E. Janney . Gazette .. The stockho lders 0 ' the. \:iihzens Hills given by ;the Alumn i of West- young. J . E. JannflY : . . Ba~k ofWayn~,m~,. Oni~; will hold ern College, Oxford , and t~e other -'-__ Mr, E. F . Canby has sold his ' . ' , S. L. Cartwr ight and WIfe and , , a~n~al ' ~eetlh~ o~" ~o.n~ay, at the Sinton Rotel in ,honor CAUGH T LIQUID IN EYE Waynes ville Studio to Mr. Ridge, of M.r s. .. Ch~. ~llltaker, WlIe IlUU utlugnt er1Rev ., J . F. Cadwa llader and wife Januir y,3, 1910; b~tw~n ~~ h~uI'8 David Moore, preSident.of the , a nd he wish es to thank the people of Nation - .Vern!l, of Da) ton, Rachel Crew and were in Lebanon last Thu~ay the Aa Dr. John B vatt was doctor ing Waynesvill oflan~3 . p.m~ , , ~ ~leet , d\reators al Federa tion of Women e for t heir liberal pat ron's' clubs. sonB,Charl~andFrank,~oeHormen l guestsofthecaskeY' sattheW8rren ahorse Thursd ay, he was using a age. He wa.'Sso for the ;en~Uinl year• . ~ .:. Thisa1f~irwaia brillian t one, V,ir!itQrs ~ife -and two da':1g~~ rryto leave buthis ers were g~ests , CountyChildren 's Home. . syringe which contain ed poison , His studio. at Xenia which is on~ . F. C. ' liARTSO OK, Gulile r. from a great dis,tance b~ing p~nt. .of ~mutld Retalhc k and of the ~amdy at . • -. ? helper failed to hold th!! horse secure· fiFl est III the state ' -:-;-. demand ed hiS whole dy.~er Synd~. What Will I ~uy for C~lStm ~. Iy, and as it jumped it turned HAS ~,U ~LT fLVI~a :~I\CHI~E the att~nti oll. He extends a hear~y weIA NICE INCREASE , BllY your-Sb oes now at the old and H~::::;!:t~~f~~~r~:: Sti:~ P= SYringe fulJ'in ~he f~ce of Dr. Hyatt, come to ~11 to call and see him . RUSael PnQket t, of North Weat . . ' wheth, , very low ptices The large advanc e P· '1 f ' 'P9stm aster Farr sayst the postQffice ' the eyes catchm g the most of the er wantIn g work or not. ' " . ',. read1 Y ound'10 our a ttrae t'Ive'd'1,8_ Ii / s~reljtl 'p.,o:vt)!l' bimael f tobe qu~~ a , . .. . uid ' , , . . ' ' on' ShotS. Rubber s, O~ers~oes, ;R.u.b- plaY of Beautif ul Holiday ____ , aeDius .whe,Db eOolist ruot,8d anaerp. . r~eJp~ illc~~dur,mg. Goods. , qTh 'd" ~eDl~)J,th l 'd f I Felt Bootsw lll surpns e J E J ., DEATHS ' or Novem ber 1909 sevente en per ber "Boots and . e , oclorw as al up or , ,pllaD6 or :'glldiD g, maC?biD severa . • .'. e ,,' ~ It ia " " • • anney. • _ • " da s but was ' down town Tuesda y. the p lder citizens . :Our SIX Thousnetent irelvoo mplete d, ·batwh en tt: c:entov erNove,mber,l . -"r - - - . . , '. . . 908. , andD.o Mrs Nancy Butterw llar ' Stock wilf . orth, of But' inakem any w ..# CHRISTlA~ CHU~Cij' . ', - -- • Itw8.S8' very{>a mf ul mJury , and he th S · · h II. ' e~ta to tie.a,811ooe~, 1& 18 lb' tedh was fOTtuna te to escape with his el' e- terwor .persona .Ila~py when , thy: cJl:ll . and SupdAYI Decen. oor 12th tatlon , W 0 ce e la er , about- twenly feet leng .nd . W.,t8h~ " -Sunda y . . ht , ( one ," hundre d th 'birthda ~, Novem ber see , t~e pnces. , We close out 8u.c h ~hool 9:80 a~ m.' Sermon pastor slg / .tdYllo~~d.~ ',a~4 ( ~. ~ ' n08Dl: ine,! " " ' 20th, died ' at her hom~ Moi:lday at ' Council met in .feguJ,a r, sesaiop ~,uan~ . Shoes., Remem ber, we .10:80~. m.;C1ir istlan Endeav or,' 6:30 R,.,..lI , whO ·Ia I1D employ e ' oft tbe MondilY nigtit, but little PURCH ASED aA~LERY 6 p. in. The fune,ral will ,be held . husinea e .of ~ sell you the · Red B8l1 Band Boot 'm :, Sennon 7'00 , B.ep~blloa..i' oilloe, . wo~~ed , at ~i. iuiport ance was transacted m 'All cor. . beyond At'$4 OO"worth now,$ 6.00: felt Boots p. .~. T hursda y at 2:30 p. m., '. ' p. '. . .. bl bes,,~ n ho~, .n~ ob~ne;1, tlie tbe ~8nt·~. monthl y ' We have bOj!ght ·" The Canby Gal~ ' " ' you ~~buy 'them at: the , old pri~ · ~l~IY lhvit~ , ~ serVIce s. , , le~y/: a~d .~~1I ,be l¥lSisted by Mr. M~ A~bie K~ver died klIowl\8d~,t~b&o,:a":"""$a~oe , ,. Be' " ! , . -:., ' T~esday " 'North ·..froDl',5OCto15cmo~. Don't ,' COLLETT, FAR<M SOLD ";, canby In Qur work.. ' We will be mornm • ,~ 1 J'ri~ay .avenin " / taldna , ,1& \ ' ', WHITE <;QRN g at .100~,ock at ~er lat~ . deta,; come ·whlle we sizes. \ In an o~ ,A.~, aad he ·jiatlfd . ~ '. .' __ We are'8lwa.J8 .~ to .ve~ m~n. . 'J;'he William-Go'lIett f~ ~as sold pleased to d9 your CbrlS~mas work. h()me near' RidgeVIlle:- Services Fri· (01' . . . . .aoa of teo or flf'eeo ,~_. Come early. G~llery, ,o pen every day d8¥ mornin g at 10 '?'c1~~ ,Highest Cub .pflee paid ~or wbite fII1. We an 1i1 ~e ~ aDd Rubber'"/Tuee , at the. day tq James Zeu, of Yfllow from9 a. m. to,S p. m. --XeoS. _abll ou. , \' ' . , ! ' hoUie. Interm ent will De naade at COI"D. WAV'.a YILLiI MJLL8 .•· ' bual~• .lo~+ 'l'Quk~. spi;np.lor.'hoae~. ! . EDNA AND OAKLEYR1~E., , Springb Oro ~etery, '

: Pers ona l Men tion Her e and The re : ' e--------,. ---+-------'-----e

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A NURSE'S EXPERIENCE, HUNTER AND FISHERMAN, out the 1:Vle'ked W Itch, and s wung hill 'arm Ilnt! '(hopiped (be ..,nlr.' her," bead from its body. so tha t It ha m dl, aackache, Pain., In the Kldneye, Bloat"BlJt 8UliPose we cnnnot 1'" sald the a teb' died, As 1I00lt as he could raIse Ing, Etc.~ Overcome. gi rl. b[s ax another woll came up, und he "Then 1 sh nll never b a ve courage/ ' also teIJ lind I' 'Ule sharp cdg " at tne A nurs e is expected to know What de la1" d th LloQ, . T hi Wqotl man 's weapon, Ther ware to do ~or common alllll e n ~s , Ilnd wom- .. nd 1. sho ll never h a ve' bra.! na," 4() wol v s, a nd 40 tim s a wolf was en who Burrer bac'kkilled ; so that at' last tb Y a l\ IllY add ed the carecrow, ache, constan £ lan"And I sball never hllve a heart," dead In a beap beto re t he Woodm an, guor, and other com5polce tho T lu W oodmlln, Then he put down h is ax a nd sat mon symptoms ot "And I shall never se Aun t Em and beside the Scarecl'Ow, who saId: WHERE PONIES ARE RAISED k t d n e y complaint, t ncle Renry," saId Dorotby. begin" It WIl8 a g ood fight. f riend." should be gra t eful to They waited until Dorothy a woke nlilg to cry. Mrs, Minnie Turner, " De ar ful!" cried tbe green girl, the next mornIng. The lIlU glrl WLlS Sm~1I Animala Profitably Bred on a Penn, ylvanla Farm-Are Worth of E. B. St., Ana"the I !irS will fall on you r gr en s ilk qui te frIghte ned when slle saw th l! Dollar Pound, Live Weight. darko, Okla,. for gown, and ' pot It." great pUe ot shaggy wolves, but th' pointing out the wll.)' So Dorotby ti l'l d her eyes aud saId : Tin Woodma n told h e r a ll. She At t he IIltle town ot Knoxville, Pa" to find qulek reUef. Mrs. Turner used " I suppose we must try It ; but I am thanked hIm tor savlog them an ti sa' r nn ' aga ln!?t, HO to s peak, a unique Doan's K.ld ney Pills tor a run-down conaure I do Ifnt wa nt to 1<1 11 a nybody, down to breakfast , after whi ch they enter pl'\s un der tbe name at the "VUdlUon. baeltache, pains In the sides Ilnd oil V n to s e All nt Em again," "tarted a gain u pon tbelr jou rn cy, kidneys. bloa t ed limbs, etc. "The way "I will g o with you; but I'm too No w t hIs . same morning tll e ' Vlcke(' lage Pouy Far m." says a writer in they have built me up Is simply marIUuch of n cowar d to J{I\I tbe W itch," Wi tc h came to the door of he r cas tl E Ru ra l l'\ow Yorker , It Is owned by a velous," suys Mrs, Turner, wbo Is a sa it! tho LiOH , a nd Jool(ed out wi th hoI' one ey lha ' coupl e of gen t le men In the town, who nurse. "My heallh Imp roved rapidly. '" will go, too," declared lho Scare· could see afa r ott. She sawall hu' a re engaged In oth r busine s s, but row; "bllt I sha ll not be of m uch help wolvcs Iylug dead, and tbe sl l-nnge rr who find their "{a l'mlng" profitable, Five boxes did so much for me I am to you. 1 8 m s nch a rool." sti ll tra veli ng through ber COUll t ry They have about 150 acres at hillside telling everybody about It." By L. Frank Baum pB!lture land, only a short distan ce Dilly wenl u- hun ttng " 1 fl a ven't the hea rt to harm even This made her Ullgrler thall herol' R emember the na me-Donn's. Sold O n thc hlllsld '. ha r e; from town. In tbe vlllage they have fl W it c h ." l'emarl(ec1 the T in Wood, and she ble w ber sliver whistle t wlc by all dealers. 50 c4lnts a box, FosterNo t a b lU~ t d hl n llly 11m!. ol all : "buL If yo u go 1 c rta lul y sha ll Stralgbtway a grent fi oc\( ot wil d their barns, and oonslderable room Is !4llburn Co" 'Burralo, N. Y. Though h e lookod ever ywhere " · n p ~T!.I;' J&h by t he 1; (! blJ~-~ I. r rfll "'u, ' crows cam e fi ylng towa rd. her. enough requI red for the ponies. 1 sbould ( 'opnlghl, hy 1.. Frank Unu m &: W . W. go wllh YO\l." Arte l' /lcnulrln;; a ll th e knowledge Billy w nt u-flshlng. TlJ r fore it was decided t o start to dorken the sky. And tb e Wicked judge th llt as much stall room Is givO e n~ 1 w .) be can rroni books , IIJIlny a ma n takes But the pond wus dry; e n th e ~ a,s Is usually allotted to a upon tbeir jouroey the next mornin g. Witch said to th Klll g Crow : N ot a singh) 0 011 caught he, a postgra,duate course by marrying a SYNOPSIS. "Fly at on ce to t he s trange rs; peck a nd t h Woodm an sbal:pened his a x Though fO I' hours dId h try, widow . on Il g r n grlnd slone a nd had all hIs ou t th elt· eyes and t ear them to n urnth,· lI \' ed In K0l1 8n8 \ Ill! ,\ unt E m a n" unde lI "ory, A <,y.'lon" lIfLed 1111'11' joInt s pro per ly oiled, The Scarecrow pIeces," TRICK WITH BUTTONED CORD ho",l' I nl o Lhe ulr. Doro th y (tl lllnl{ aslc p The wild ' c rows fl ew In one great a m id s t tht' "".I INII<' nl. A c r as h Il. wall li eu s t uffed hi mself wit h fres h straw and her. Th e h Olls(' hnll Itlndcd III a country Dorothy P il l new pain t on his eyes !lock toward Doroth y and he r comIllustrations and Explanation Showof Illarvolou8 lJul1 ui)'. Groups ' ot 11" ~ r Not to alleviate It we ean all that li ttle people gr 'u L II her LO lh!.' Lalld of that h e mIgh t se better, The gre n pa nlons. When the lilLIe g irl saw the m ing How Obltacle May Be ReMunchkln.. 'fhe house had Id lled theIr girl, who was very kind to them, fiUed comIng sb e was ar!'O.ld. B ut the Scareneeds alle viation , moved Without Tearing Paper. enemy, the wicked witch of EU$L D(1 r- Doro t hy's basket wi th good thIngs to crow said: he othy took lhe wHch's sliver tiho 8 . 8ta r t~d for lhe Emerilld Ci ty to find the eat . and faste ned a lit t le bell around "ThIs Is my bnttle ; s o lie down be. Cut a ple oe ot heavy paper In the WIzard ot Oz, who, 8he wnll promIsed. Toto's necl{ wIth a gree n rIbbon , side me and you will not be h armed." mls-h t find n way to sond h r buok to shape shown In FIg. 1 and make two Kansas, Doroth y relensed 0. scarecrow, They went to bed quite early and So the y all lay upon the ground excuts down the center and a slit. as glvlng him lite. H o ,vu s dellirous ot acQuirInI;' brnl nJl Clnd Btarted wi th her to slpt soundl y until daylight. when cept th Scarecrow. and he s tood up long as ' the two cuts are wide at' a t h wIza rd to get them. The IICllrccrow they wer a wakened by the crowIng a.nd stre tched ou~ hIs arms. And when poInt about one Inch below them. A told his blsto ry. They met a lin , ood- at a g reen cocl{ that lived In the back the crows saw him they were frI ghtmnn who 10nKed fo r 11 henrt. Ho 8180 string Is put through the sUt, the long joined them. They came IIPO Il a terri ble yard ~l t he palac , aud the cackllnE>, of ened. as these bIrds always are by euts and back through the slit and lion. Tho lion contes!! d h hall no cour- a he n tbat had lrud a gre n egg, scarecrows. and dId not dare. to come A Pet and a Pony. age. H e decIded to n com pany them to then a button Is fastened to each· end. the Wizard oC Oz to ge t som . The seR reany nearer. But the King Crow said: The sl\lall silt should not be so large crow In pushI ng tho ra ft. b ClUlIe Im" It Is only a stuffed man. I wlll full-sized horse, but the t torage caJ)aled upon his pole hi the mIddle of the peck his , eyes out." . paclly for hay need not be so much. ~s the buttons. The trick Is to rarl v r, Th Bcure row was rescued by a trlendly I!IOl'k. They nl r~d a POppy The KJng Crow flew at the ScaMt- Sixty-five ponies 'are now in the iot· mov.e the string. The solution Is qu~te tiel\), which cllUAed Dorothy to fall simple. says Popular Meohanlcs. Fold crow. who caught it by the head and (I do not know whether to call it the paper in the middle and the part 881eep, The scarecrow nnd Un woodll\lln rell(' ued her Ilnd her dog t~o m tho d \lllllly twisted tts neck until It died. And 'flock, berd or what), and I presume flowers. The ilQn t 11 asl ~ ep and bIng too 11 avy to IItt. was l ett, On the I!earch tor then another crow fiew at him, and some more mIght be addlld In a usual 'f ~ th rond of yellow brInk whlch led to the the Scarecrow tWisted its neck also, season, It is now so dry that any Emerald Clly th y m t a wild ellt Gnd There were 40 crows and 40 Umet amount of pasture would be short, It field mIce. The woodman killed the wild cat. The 4ueen 1lI0use bec$Jtle trl nllly. the Scare crow twisted a neck. until at is only about two years since the buslShe sent Sl10usnnds oC her ' mlc subjects to draw {he lion Llway Crom the pOppy ~ e:.;.,~ last al1 were lying dead lleslde him, ness was begun in earnest, and it Is , n lel. Dorothy awoke from h e l' l o'n ~ · needless to say t~at a large propo!'The soldier Wi~ the green whiskers Th en h e ca11e d to hi. companions to , I p , They lltarted agn.\n on the Emerald Ity road. They came to B , fence, led them through the streeta of the rIse. and again they went upon their tion of the pontea have been pur· ~Blnte d . gre n. Thore were farm ers of obased. Quite a 'n umber, however, ITe en, hQuses of Sl),oen and :peoplo dres!!ed Emerald City un.Ul they reaohed the journey. In green. It WM "h Land ot 0 21, ThOY room whe re the Guardian ot the Gate s When tbe Wicked Wltcll looked out have been bred, and the colts are findmet the gua rdIan of the jfat 8. H d ..lyI l n ing a ready sale, some of ' them at only ed. Thts officer unlocked their spec- agal n a n d saw a II b er crowsng scribed the power of the \Vlzard Of Oz. All Put on lIT\! n ep 01l1ele8 as tHe brllfllt- tacles to put them back In hIs great a b eap, s b e got Into a terrible rage, a few weeks ol age. In that case they ness and glory ot E!,\!crald CIty blinded th tl mes upon h er sliver are del1vered to the 1 purchasers only them. The wizard t1 clded to receivo one box, and then he politely opened the an d bl ewree whistle. . atter they reach ,the age of four of t.he party ' I'.ach day. All 'wer put in gate for our fri ends. gr '(On rooms. DorotHy went 'fo the t hrone "Which road leads to the WIcked ForthWith there was hea.r d a great months. Tbese colts sell, If .of good rOllm. In II. chai r IIparkllng Wllll emeralds sho b held a tl enormous head wl th- Wltoh of the West?" asked Dorothy. buzzhig In the afr, I\nd a swn'rm of rorlll ' and marking, at ,70 to ,125. -4 ,out bOdy, legs or anns. bigger tha n the "There Is no road," anawel'ed the black . bees came flying towards her. pony tour ' years old was pointed out blgg@ t giant. "I am Oz. the g r a t and me terrIble: ' Buld til h ltd, Oz ,told her that Guard\an of the Gates; "no one eve'r "Go to tbe tltrangerll and sUng them to me that Is valued at '150, and a between the long cuts will form a wh II $he killed th wlc\ced wi tch of the wishes to go that way." to death! .. commanded tbe Witch, and pair of smaller ones, well matched, loop. Bend this loop down and pass , E lUit he ,wou ld send hor home. The sc;are- . ~row , a <1m ltt l!~1 to III p r es ne& of a beau"How, then, are we to find .her'" the bees turned and flew rapIdly unUI are valued at '500. It requires llttle It through the small · slit. Turn the three monthJ Iful lad y, \\'ho saId sh was th wIzard. InquIred the' girl. .. they came to where Dorothy and hot more to keep these ponies than It does paper around and .I t will appear a. woman. . WtlS promls d b~al ns when he k.1II d tile wit 11 . ... The \voodman beh Id a terrible "That wlll be easy," replied the friends were walking. But the Wood. to keep 11 good-sized dog, I was told_ shown in Fig. 2. One ot the buttous made public to bea t ",Ith a head of a 'rhIno!! rOB and man; "for when she knows you are In man bad seen them coming and tbt No grain Is fed unlesa for special rea- may now be drawn through and the may derive live eyes. ' ftom Lydia UllI.u~lW Vegetable the Country of the WInkles she "ui Scarecrow had decided what to do. sons, and they eat but a modora.te paper restored to Its orIgInal shap'e. ComP;OuJl(l.'~MOLDAN, CHAPTER XI.-Conllnued. find you, and make you all her slaves." "Take out my strBW and scatter I' a~ount. of hay. Breeding pontel! Is 11 ~115 Second St., Oz Sjlve a low growl at t Ws, but "Perhaps not," s8111 the Scarecrow, over the lIttte girl, anll the dog an fur - UHle --nIllIlewt;-tl.nd-I--:1l1ldif.e-IMtfI~l)nt~hPU'lln-l'-.....-"rrr_TT1"""M THr-MICE Minn. said . ~rum y : lit!?r we mean to destroy her," ~ , lion," he said to the Woodman, "and should not count too m8n~ chlck,ens Thousands Of unsollc1led and genu"it YOU' Indeed desire a heart, you "Ob, that Is different," said the the bees cannot sting them." ,This lbt before hatching. The business lap_ Natlvrltoy of Indl~ Cll1flJht ~he Little ine teatimomals like the above ,p rove J Dl\ls t earn it," GUardian ot the Gates. ' "No one has Woodman did, and as Dorothy la) pears to beat the pIgeon Bcheme "aU the efficiency of Lydia E . Pinkham'. Ro~enu a8 Ordered, But Wouldn't Vegetable Compobil<l. whioh is made ' ~I:TOw ? " Dslced th.e Wootlman. e ve r destroyed h er before. sp I patur- close besIde the Lion and held Tot~ hollow," but it requires a good deal of , ' • Kill Them. exc~usively. from roots and lterba. " Help Dorothy to kill the Wicked ally thought she would make slaves In ber arms, the IJtraw covered their capital to start it extensively. The WOUlen who suffer from those dis- ' Witch. of t he West,." t e111\ed the beast. ol you. a s sbe has , of all the rest. But entirely. . ponies, even ,the stallions. are kind. A gentleman who lived In India had tressing 1118 ~uliar to their s~rBbould " When. the WUch Is d~aCl. come to me , take ; for she Is wicked and fierce, The bees came ' and found no on. and the Uttle girl in the pl"ture, now not lose eiglit of these facts or doubt and I will then give you tbe bIggest • hut the WoOdman to sting, so they fie" two ~ears old, goes up and thro'Ys her such a lot of mice runnln,g about bls tlJe ablllty of Lydia E. P.inkbam'8 ~d Itlndeat "and most loving h eart' In at him and brol(e off all their sUngl arms around tl)e neck of any ot tbem, house thq, ' he to IiI his nAtIve boy ,ser· VegetabJe CompoUnd to restore their ,al1 the Land of Oz." against the Un •. without hurtln~ the That pair of blaok p'oniea to whlc4 I vant to buy ' six t.raps to catch the b~1tb. . mice. . So' the Tltl WoodlI\all was forced to Woodman at all. And as bees canne. alluded }velgbs about · 500 , pounds. ~iou want~ advtoewrite 'l'he boy dId aS 'he was told, and next return s9TrOwfuUy to his ,fri ends and !lve when their stings are broken that They appear to be under three feet to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, HaM. t ell t hem . Of t,l1e.' ierl'lble beast he had was the end of the black bees, and high, You see) the'y are worth a d'ol- mQrnJng he. glerlully shOWed to his SbewW f;re8.tyourlefitel'88strlctly master a mouse 'to. eaoh trap. conftdeuttal. For' 90 yean she a en. They all wondeted gre atly at they lay scattered thick about tbll lor a pound, live weight. The traps were set agaIn, .a nd ao- baa ~ helping sick women In t he , many for ms tbe great WIzard Woodman, like little heaps of fine FOOTB'ALL ' PLAYED ON , TABLE other sl~ mloe were caug~t. The mas- this way, free Of ~e. .Dcm't could take upon, himself, and the LIon co a\. ' ter told the boy to go on settLng tlie. l\esl~";' write at once., . sold : ' Then Dorothy a~d tbe Lion got uP. , ' '')£ be Is 11 beast when I go to see and .the girl helped the Tin Woodman, Players, Armed with Air-HOle, Drive ~raps and catchlDg the mIce, but atter several weeks had gone lly and the Ball from Place to him, 1 shal1 roa r my loud es ~, and so put the straw back into the Scare tbe mice were j\1st as plentlftd as Place a8 -Desired. lrl~btel:\ 'blm that b e wl11 gra nt a.!1 I orow aga.!n, until he was, as good a' ~ver In the, he called the boy ask, ' .And If b e Is t h lovely lady. I ever:' So they atarted upon their jour allaH I>~tend t o spring lipan her, and ney once more, Hl)rrlcane footb.all, the latest game, to him and ask~d. ".How ' many . mica ' so com pol her t o do my bldQlng. And The Wicked Witeh was so ang", calls for the use or a specIal table of have YOlJ caught?" "More than 50," said the boy. it he Is lbe gr eat bead • .he wll\' be at when she saw her blaek bees In llttle the form shown, qlinlature goal-posts, "What d<r}'Ulrdo with them?' th~n ·m y me rc:; for J will 1'0\1 this head heaps Uke fine coa.!· that sbe stamped and, ~or each player. a length ot noiasked the' master. . I all abou t Ij1 0 room until he promises her foot and tore her hair aud gnashed "1 let them ou~ again!" said the to give us what we desire, So be of her teeth. And then sbe called a boy. good chee r. my tI'l ud t' for 0.1\ will Yet dozen of her slaves. who were the "Why, you should have killed be well," Winkles. and gave them shli.rp spears, them!" said tbe II!aster., laughingly. The Lion II.t OMe p a SbUQ. UIrI1Ilgh telling them to go to the strangers anll . "No, 1 never kill anything," said the door. nolf . glan Ing a round, saw, destroy them. the l1aUve boy very 'solemnly. to his s l11"I1I·1ge. that be rore tlJe thron e The WInkles were not a brave peowa!) a ball of lire so fI rce and glow· pie, but they had to do as f.hey were He had been .taught never to k1l1 ' Ing be could ~ c arce ly Bea r to gaze told; s6 they marched away until the., any 'c reature wbatever, so no wO,n der came near to DQrothy, Then the Lion upon It. H is fi rs t thou ght w'a s that {he mIce got no fewer! He was R' Oz bad by ll,ccld en t caugh t ou fir e and gave a great roar and sprs,ng towal'Cl very' nice boy. I think, 't o be s'o tender: was burning up; bnt . whe n he trIed to them, and the poor Winklf's were flO hearted, but all the same I should nof have liked to live In that house wIth go ncarer, heat wa s so Intense that The WIcked Witch o~ ~he Welt. frIghtened that they ran bw:k as fast It s inged hi s whl elters , and . he crept as they COUld. liil tholle mice. Would you? . back tre lUbling ly to a s pot nearer tile and may not allow you to destroy ber, Wben ,they retnrned to the cas~ door. Keep to the we st , wtiere the sun sets, the Wicked Witch beat thera wen wUlI WALES lAWS PROT~CT ' PUSSY . Til n Il low, qlll et voloe carne from and YOll cannot fall to Hnd her." a slrap, and sent them back to thetr , , I the ba ll of fir e. and these were the Now tbe Wlclted Witch of the West work, after which she sat down to Odd ,Punishment Fixed for 8teallnD words It s poke : bad but one ' eye , yet that was as pow- thInk wbat ahe shouid do next. sna , Cat-our Qomeatl.c Feline of Very ' . "I a m Oz. the Great flnd Te rl:lhle , crfu\ as a telescope. and COUld , see could not understand how all ' hlir Ancient 'Family. Wbo are you, atld wh y do you see k cve rywhere , So. as ,sbe sat In the plans to destroy these slrnngers hM me?" And the LIon answered: door of h er casUe, she happened "to tailed; but she was a powerfw "1 am II Gowardlr Lion ,' afraid of look around and saw Dorothy lying Witch, 118 well as a wicked one, ' a~~ HDW Game I. Played; everythl t1g. 1 corn e to you to beg tbat asleep. with her friends all about her, she soon matle up her mind how to ' a,"you give me coumge, so that In reall~y They were a long distance ott. but the . There , waS, In ber cupboard, a' gOII2- Ited has I! . attached , to : a bellows I may becom e tlle king Of beasts, as WIcked Witch was angry to find them en cap, with a olrcle of dlamontt. worked with ~e f~cit. Each stde' men call me," In her count ry; so Elhe blew upon a and rubles Tunnlng round It. This goU. strives to (Irlve the ball through: Its .. " 1:\y sh('luld 1 give you courage?" sliver whis tle that hung around her en cap had a charm. Whoever owntld opponent's goal Cby melltla o'fthe atr demand ~d Oz, 'neck. f ' It could call three Umes upon' tlle forced through tbe hose by a ",'t 'PArt",,! "Because of 1111 WIzards you are At once t here came running to her Winged Monkeys, who would obey 'AD7 working of the bellowa wJth · t~e · tbe grE-lltest. anti alonu have power from a\1 directions , a pack ot great order they we,re given • . But no pe~ :0 ' grant my request," answe red the wolves. They had long legs and fierce son could .command tbese strang9 ore1\;, tU,r es m.o re ~an three times. T,wll!fI Lion . eyes and sharp ' teeth, The t,a1l of fire burnl::u fiercely for a "Go to tbose jleople," saId the already the Wlc!ted Witch USt d ' ~Ime . and the voice ssld: Witch. ~'and ·t ea,r them to pieces," the charm of, the cap. Once 'Nas 'wlillo ~l al'ln g nle proof that the Wicked ' ''Are you no't going to ,iIllike them '!lhe had made the Winkles her' slaveR,. 'Witch Is dead . und t hat mome nt I your slaves?" a!5ked ', the wolf leader · o.nol 'set herself rule' ovp,r their coUrt. wil1 give YO\l courage . .But so long as .. 1\0...• s he aU fl wered, . "(lnels ot tin, try. ,The Wlng~d:Monl{ l)y~· hati ~eIP(ftJ th~ ' Witch lI veS YOll mus t r emaIn a and oue o~ straw;· olle Is girl aull her .do Ui~s.' T~e ' sElt:ond , tIme w/Ji :oward,'" . another a Lion, :--None of them 'is fit ~vh~n .!I~e liad fough~ against the ,Gr~\t The IJlon was angry IJot. thIs speech. t o work, EO ;'ou mllY te a,r , t~em hito' Oz hlms~Jt, nnd drl·v en him ou ~ 'ot,\ t1Ie but coul d say not hl tl!! [n t ply, and Sfl~.BlI plec,:es:.... ' ., .land of (\:16 ·W est. . T-be Wln,g~d ,,' ~l1e he stood 811 nOy gazing a t the , Very we ll , s~hl ,t h!!! ~olt) , an~ , ~e Iceys hlld ~llIo ·belped ber 1I).~' ball 'of fir It be a ttle so fur iously hot da,sbed away at full speed. follow.ed by Only . Qnce' :more ,-cduld sbe use , . " I#Qlden cap: iorwblcl1 reasori . . ~at he turned tall nnd rushed from ' t h oth'e'l's: lh rOonl. He was ~ Iad to Mel hIs It ,wall Iqck¥-~:he Scarecrow and: tHe' "!lot Ukecto do so 'unt il frJehtis w"IUng tor him, aud told tliem . "oodma n were , wIlle, a.wake and ,heard J!Owerl1 'Viere exhailstM. J,1ut now o( bls., t rrlble lntervlew wltb tbe the wol\'es coming. , , - ber fierce '""otvel$ ,and ,ber wild "'~ard, . ' .. .. "T~l~, Is DIy ti.'(b.t," aald 't'be Wood- and ' he~ aUnglur bellI! were K9 ne, "hat "ltall ,~edon.,w t askedDor- :man; · so get b~hl~d ' Ule aoU I wUl ,ber "Iavel .llad b.een scared 'awaf~' otis)'. 8d~1\ . meet them lUI they come," '. .' the :Cow.atdlf lJon, ah, .saw: there w'\II' "There III 001,. one tlJlng we canl ' He ~Ized bl• .u, whIch h~ tad oulr ODe waflert to de.~y DorqtJIl .. rel..r Ded tbe Lion, "and that III to made very sharp, &cd aa the lead~r, of ad her friend.. , : I • ' d of the W~Dldea. leek tb8 wolve. came ~ the Tin WooduaaD ' C'l'O BID COJCIIJIClID.) .~






For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills





Get More for FurS










Numerous Ideas Have Been SUIrIr~sted. But. None oC Them Havo Proven 'Entirely Satisfactory-


New Method

SADDEST CIVIL WAR STORY Father Makes Elaborate Prepe'ratlona to Receive Son, Then Kills Him By Mistake.

, " .I,

"The Saddest war sto ry t.hat ever oc· \'urred has n ever beeo fU'lIy told so far a .. I know," said a lUau who tollowed " lae to the surl'ood er at Appomattox. "I b ' ll ev th(lt Mrs. Chestnut In he r 'Dlary at Dlxl ' millI e a brief mention of til Inchl ot. " 1 had forgott en It until I re ad the book. Thim It cam back to me as ] heard It from ono who was Ilt the fuoern!. The IIlUU who told It died 20 y aI's ngo. "Til oltl soldi er had nlisl d In (Jeo· gla. from his hOfOOI \\'h el' 1118 father I'cmulncd undi sturbed dUl'lug the strugg le. The young mao had fought throngh tho war without 0. scratch, save 11 s light wound which had left him Slig htly dear. '1'hls aflllcUon ho had never r",{erred to In a ny of his let· t er s. "Art I' the surrend er he communi· cated with his father, saying he would rench home all or lI,t out a certalu Jate. Travel then was uncertain !lnd It WIIS not poslllv as to when h would arrive. "H is father pl'epared to receive him. Believing lhat bls son would come as proruls d, ho arranged a spreAd such as the coudltlons of his surroundings at that time would permit. He bali brought out his best plate that had been secretecl for a long time, and with gold whlcb bad been exhunud he bought 's uch delicacies a1l<1 subRtan· Usls as the southeTn market at that time otrered. "As many of tbe old·lIme neighbors as wer living lu the 'V Icinity' were In· vlted to til homecoming ot the r . turning sold Ie I'. Th'e ex-contederate arrived on the ohl plantation the lught before the arllest date he bad men· tioned In his last lett",r. ]t was Il\te and his father and the family had reo Urecl . "The only creature on the old place t11at se m d to be awake wus 11 clog. As the soldier entered the gate of tbe grounds tbe dog began barking. "Tbe sound arous/ild the owner of the manor. The country was oVlfrrun at the Unle with strsggl rs, some of whom had not hesltat (1 to commit burglary. "The father or the retul'lling boy arose. He stood In his dool'V'ay with his shotgun and challeng d the ap· pI'Qachlng stranger, as he supposed. "The young man being deat .made no

ho.t Bsks no reo wllrd : It Is lII(e consclen e olcar ; A f ClUll where n il b .,8 l gU ll!! are lito red And gUllsts h llv c all good che r ; And wit h g illd "anI: In happy throng 'rh hours prolong WJlh loving fri end. whoss presence mllkes life dear." -Henry Hamilton. GENEROUS


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It . . . . . . ... .

Pneumatic Hoeing and Thinning of Sugar Beets.

One of the principal cosls in beet culUvaUon Is the hoeing' and thinning ot sugar beets. Numerous Ideas have been suggested, but none of them, ap· parently, so saUsractorlly accom· pllshes Its purposo as the Baja.c pne u· matlc combination, a plan and front view or which Is shown In the draw· Ing herewltl,l, says The Su~ar Beet. The first anpllance constructed was for hoeing and thinning, but later there were many other comblnatioDs tor which It was tound to be suited. 'rhe main tdea works very much on the same principle as several types of automatic hammers, a pump compressing the air Into a reservoir at a pressure at six kilos pw square c. There are ft exlble pipes connecting with the reservoir, and through these the compressed air passes. At the other end of the pipe Is a piston; rapid strokes follow In succession as soon as the air circulates. There Is, as sbown, an automobile of l2-borse, power, In which a man Is seated, be· bind which may be a plow or any other Implement needed, depending upon the work to be done. The motor of the automobile may be geared with the air compressor placed In the back. There Is a safety va.lve and an automatic regulator, which begin working as soon fis the desired pressure Is reached. The compressor Is kept cool by means of circulating water. It Is to be noted, says an expert that dry air taken a atmospheric preS8ure and at

a temperature of 20 degrees C., when compressed at s ix kilos, will attain a temperature of 219 C. When the air to be compressed Is saturated with watery vapor Its temperature at sl.x kilos pressure wlll not exceed 80 degrees O. The air reservoir 'Is placed under the seat of the conductor. In the engraving the three men In front are completing the operation of hoeing I\nd thinning. We can see lD this combination considerable changes In future beet culUvation; contractors could handle large areas at very low cost and defy competition from hand operaUon for the same kind of work. Color. of Egg •• Mr. A. R. Horwood ot the Lelceater (England) museum remarks that the colors of birds.' eggs can In a large number' of cases be traced to the necessity of "protective resemblance." White eggs are usually lald by birds nesting In holes In trees, o ~ In dark situations, llke owls, woodpecken and some pigeons. Most birds nesting on or ' near the ground ' lay eggs of an ollve·green or brown color. The eggs ot grouse, ptarmigan and so forth reo semble the hellther amongst which they are laid. Those ot the ringed plover, little tern and oyster·catcher resemble the sand and shingle at the beach. The In.pwlng'S eggs closely simulate bare solI or dried bents. The young chicks sbow slmllar "protec' tl ve" colors.


Helpful Hints. When washing a sweater do not wring It but squeeze all the water pos· sible from It. Cold water Is best, and have th e soap dissolved 10 lhe water; do not rub It on the garm ent. When washed rinse In water of the same tempel'atme and lay to dry In the bright sunshIne on a sbeet on the grass. Turn It until well dried. In this way the garment does Dot losl Its shapo. Remember that flavoring extracts are very volatile and shotJld be add· ed when possible to the mixture when cold. Make your own vanilla by getllng a fin e vanilla bean, cover with alcohol. This will extract the ·flavor 'and It will last a long time; more alcohol being added as It Is used. Red , peppers which are so fine for flavor In many dishes, may be canned now as the markets are offering them. Wash the peppers and cut In strIps with shears; pour bollln! water over them and let stand nYe minutes; draIn and plunge In ioe wa er h&vlnr: a piece oC Ice In the water. Wben the peppers are thoroughly chilled, fill cans, packJng closely. To one quart of vinegar add two cupfuls of sugar, boll 15 minutes and pour over the peppers, overflowIng the cans. Seal and store In a cold place. of Oy.tera. Brown four tablespoonfuls at '" t· ter, add one·half a teaspoonful of chopped parsley. one tablespoonful of flour, salt, cayenne and white pepper to taste, when the flour Is well blend. ed, add one quart of well drained oysters. When the edges begin to curl add the beaten yolks of two eggs. Serve with fried bread and parsley.





Here's the Proof.

Mr. A. W. Price, Fredonia, Kane .. .ays: "We have uaed, Sloan's Liniment for a year, and find it an excellent thing for sore throat, chest paine, col<l5, and hny fever attacks. A few drops taken on sugar stops coup. ing and sn~zing instantly."·s Liniment is easier to use than porous plasters, acts quicker and does not cJogupthe pores of the skin. It is an excellen tantiseptic remedy for asthma, bronchitis, and alllnftammatory diseases 0 f the throat and chest;' will break up the deadly membrane In an attack, of croup, and will kID any kind of n~ural!pa or rheumatic palOS.

Regard' Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as mIrivaled for Preserv-

ing, Purifying and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp,

Hair and Hands, for Sana-

tive, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. n.

All drontata . . . .

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81oan'. Dolmeat. Pd_ 26o" &00.,111.110,

Dr~ S. Sloan,


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SICK HEADACHE WESTER I CilADA a...", .... w.u-"-,.....

Genuine Must Bear Fao-Slmlle Signature

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complain, cheaI) and ealY to reJoIce When Go(1 aorll out the wea.ther anl7 sends rain, Wly raln'lI my choice. "They ain't no senso lUI r kin see In mortals Buch 8.8 you and me A faulUn' Nature's wise Intent., And Jockln' hornS' with Providence." - .Tames Whitcomb Riley. It's Jest


chest, hoarseness or cough, lave the parts with Sloan's Liniment. You don't need to rub, just lay it on lightly. It penetrates insta ntly to the' seat of the trouble, relieves congestion and stops the pain.

---------PoaUlvelycuredby W.. d Prof. Oyster Canape•• theae Little Pills. cuIturt.!:Ia8Y8 AIIout It. Scald a cupful ot cream, add two ta. ~Iespoonluls of fine·grated breaa orumbs, a tnbleslloonful of butter, a dash of paprika and nutmeg; then ad" two dozen oysters, chopped. Stir un· til well heated, but not boillng. Spread on rounds of tOBst well buttered. Serve with olives or gherkins.


An attachment on a tank that fur- that Is convenient ~ two·pole switch nishes the house '\tlth water Is of may be placed for the purpoae of much Importance and Is easlly ar- opening the circuit and stopping the rnnged. Just above the tank, as Indi- bell, If necessary, when a~ alarm bas cated In the sketch, two pulleys once been given. should be suspended. over which the It Is obvious that wben the water cord runs which , carries the float F, rllaches lowest ebb, the ' weight W will and tbe weight W. The float In the toucb the plates A t.nd 0 and comtan},: may be ~ hollow oopper ball or plete the circuit, providing the switch a block ot wood. The ball Is perhaps Is closed. Blmllarly, when the tank preferable, since the wood tends to Is full. the weight W wlll touch plates become waterlogged a~d thus w,11 Band D and again the circuit fs ~ cbange In apeclfic gravity. At the closed. other end of the cord, hanging down outslcle the tank, Is a weight. The float must be heavier than the weight so as to be able to fall In the tank 8S the water falls. Tho float wlll be pushed upward, and, therefore, the weight downward by the buoyancy of the water ns It rises In the tnhk. By Takes About ~SlSty Dill'S to RlpelJ mad Yield. 10 to SO Bushels The Father Fired. ,means ot the pulleys, therefore, and I per Acr_By E. S. Kea..y. the fioat the rising nnd falling of the reply, but continued on his way. The weight outside' Is assured. man In the doorway raised his gun We sometimes , lose our seeding In and fired. The stran'g er fell dead, For the electrIcal <:pntact, outside tbe oats or wheat and rather than re"Tho father su.mmoned his family the tank wall two wooden brackets, seed we plow the' ground as· soon IUld the few remaining servants of tho AC and BD, sbould be fastened at after the harvest as possible and sow plantation. An Investigation was held such heights th!!t when tbe tank Is to bl.\ckwheat. Buckwheat Is on ' exfull the weight W rp.ats upon the low- haustive 'Crop, but I ocollslonaily use and the tragic trutlt was re\·ealed. bracket. aud 'w hen the tank fs "The falber, of course, was incon· I.Ir empty the same weight wlll ,rise nnd · U to further ,m y grass seeding plans. solable. He roturned to his housn toucb Ule under side of the upper I have never falled In getting a good whlle the servauts carrie d the lifeless , catch ' of grass , or clover, though form of his boy to the ,home that had braolcct. As the' b>Bckets require to sometimes buckwbeat falls In making project past the cord suspe'ndlng the been Ilwaltlpg his co'm lng. • weight a hole or a slot should be hut a good crop. When weeds grow In the "The next day the Invited guests be· 'Wheat stubble after harvest you may ' gan to' arrive. ' Tbe father ,had l g\\'en In the upper brac~e t to allow tor the he sure that the clover seed Is gone: movement of the cord. On the under orders that the tragedy should not be side of the upper bracket two brass It takes only about 60 days for buckmentioned uutll ' he l\lmself told it. or copper plates; A and C, are at- wheat to grow and ripen. It will usu, "I do not recall what explanation tache~ and slmllar ones, B a~ D. on ally. yield 10 to 20 bushels per 'acre, wns made to ,the guests W! to tbe ab- the upper side ot the 10wel' bracket. 80 It pays well for the labor In olved sence of blm wbom they were to These plates are ,connected in pain and ' ilt the same time makes a fine hOllor. ' But after the r.epast they were 1;ly wires; B anti T, B oonnectlng 'A lI~ade and protect'o~ for young grass told" and then ibey flIlld past the dead .. tached and similar ones, B and '"p, on and · clover Bown at -the same time , . "The body was wrapped In the fla's plates on each, bracket' sh,QUId be: of with l$uckwl}eat. I BOW about three for which the brave young man had ootlrse. separate.,from one anothe~, but pecks "Per. acre, wltb 150 , pounds of fought. Tile 'com~un1ty ',W!ls us~( to' 8,0 pla.ced , ~~at·;the- welsht at' li~ , bhosphate. Much nitrogen Is leached furierals. EVery pr vaJe burial ground 1 h b through the soil It there Is not '- some to preserve It. Buck. has' a grave' tnade b~', th~. unhal,>py war, f>St' "or lo~~st 1 .po nt ~llY toq , o~~, g'r o""lng, Bu·t nO tunernl like this had <ever.. tak~ .plates I p.Ud·, thus brJdge th~' .gap :. tie- wheat consumes but Ii small amount , twc~o them ~ndl comJ.ll~'te the clrotilt~. ' ell plade In ille vlqhilty,' and ,l do'ubt It The" weight ahould be ,o~ metal , and of nitrogen" whl!e ~e' clov~r gathen It' ever hall 'n cOllnterpart In any state, shOb.I~ 'be ~11I'nJ8li~d, l)oth above and ,a "tiundance of . thlil neceslary o'r soutb. I.- bope not'." ~e)Qw, : rWI~" ' p'~lntil ' plac~~ I hat m nt. '.f' I , \ ., , th4!8e . points w.lll ,touch'the plates. The: ' " , Oeath .o f COl, Col •• Ool Henry A. ~C01~ leader of. the pointS. wJlI glv~ a Mttctr. assUrance ot tamoua Oole'II · R.!UJ~el'8 ., In . th~; ClvU con~~ 'Jbq,n; .~r,oa.I1 ' sl}rftl~es . wQuld, do, « :war "dle!i rec4(lDtly at bll home in ha~ slDce a Uttle dUB ad\:1erlni el~ertb - ttm~re, l4d. 001'. Henry A. Cole, w~OSt· tbe II.-tea oj' t~ the weight "'9Uld pi. brilliant ' CAreer In the l1plted B~a~eB 1~nt ecffi'tact. Tbe wirln8 Ie Cloile, ae . aim,. adri., the CJvli 'Warglh'e ~ ~at shbwn In ,tbe . Ji/agraq., ,vi.: B7 ,~ ••nant bOU" of lllU'Yland bo"emel1 )llni a Wire fJ'oD;l aLther .oDe~of Of plat. IlIid B., to the natte.,. tbe n&mllt of "COle', Cavat~," hi ' ·of tJle. bell. It known 111 pc)etry , 'thence 1»f ~ , . ".. , 'Iii at. ·......it1.~.I~

For sore throat, sharp pain

in lungs, tightness across the




WINTER TO SumlER Thr.. Ideal Wlnler

erul ....

to thtl


Tip. for the Tired. Th. old saw: "Let your head save your heels," .ls one we all need to etc., 16 and 28 days duratlon. by keep constantly before UII. One hQu.etwin-acrtllll S. S. MOLTKE (12,500 . tons)durlnc .JlUluar,. Februar)', keepe;-· lays all things to be carried and March. Also cruloos to the upstaIrs, ali a certain ohair near the Orient and 8ouU. America. . p.o.nm.'711l' door, that she will have to pas. HAMBURG-AME~CAN LINE through, In thIs way saving many 41-45 aaOAl)1fAY - - - NawYolII: needless "trIps on Ured feet. I , Where one's .household Is large and duties many, a slate In the kitchen 111 a great convenleuce. It may be used You Can Shave Yourself With for jotting down supplles needed, or NO STROPPINC NO HONINC suggestions of different memberlJ of the famlly for favorite dishes, extra work to }leI done, or a hundre!! other things peculiar to each housohold. ", For ilred, feet a hot toot bath, the KNOWN11fE WORLD OVER water of which Is made very salt, by using the common barrel aalt,,,111 rest the feet wonderfully, and It la u:::,~~,;:~~:.::} Thomplon'l EYI Watlr sald to cllre corns If ilone each day, :or e. week, soaking the feet 15 mm, utes each time. For burnJng feet a llttle epsom salts dissolved In the water a ireat reUef.

,M.etaurder!' ODe It ' b7 hl,hwaY 'm_T... of thoaaaad. b)o Bow.J.-No dif. ference. CoDitipatioa aacI tIMMl &_ make the whole alck"';'Enry" body bow. it-CASCARE73replatacure Bowel_d UYer troahlea b7 ~ doina nature'. work until )'OQ let wenM11IioD. un CASCARE~ Life SaYer! 811 CASCARBTS Joe • box for • week'. trealmeDl. all drllRista. nlRest leiter _ III the world. Million boad • mouth. W.'N-: u~,-clNCiN"N'ATi;'No. 4a-190J,




Cottage Pudding. Oream three·fourths of a tablespoon of butter, add one and ooe·halt table· spoonfuls of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of beaten egg, one ahd one·half tablespoonfuls of mllk, five tablespocnfuls ot flour sltted with half a teaspoonful of baking powder, and a ploch of salt Beat vigorously and turn Into two but. tered Individual Una, and bake In 1\ moderate oven . Serve with cream, 01 with a vlnegar or lemon sauce.

Wear W. L. Douglas comfortable. easy walkins, common .enae .hoell. A trial will convince anyone that W. L. Do.uglas • hoe 8 hold their ahape. fit better and wear Io.ngel:' than o.ther makes. They are made upon honGr, of the beat leathere, by the mGst skilled workmen, In all the latelt falhlons, ahGesln every style and shape to suit men In aU walks of life.

Hot Water, Gingerbread. Mb two tab]espoonful. of molasse" with one tablespoonful of belllog wa· ter. Mix and s1ft together four and a .balf ' tablespoonfuls of flour, one· eighth of a tenspoonful each of gin· g~r and 80da; a . few grains ot salt, comblne mutures and add aile a'nd .one-halt 't ealPoopfuls of melted butter. ' 'BakEl' ln a moderate oven 15 min. ute,.


[ . " It MIY' ~c. ' "1 see that coal dust II laid to bt beneficial to the health::......, .iIs tbat old ~Jtem 101118 t~e -round.


''You Appear t.o have read · It be tore.t' , 'OY... I thllllt ' 80me JdDcl-bearted dub put. It IDto clrculatlon "'ell tall to jolll" q.eoj poop" ~


atam~ CD bottom; "hiGh II'IWaiteei full value an4 ~ tAe "earer "~~=II~~iI!illiJl




Ito.,. Itchj~,. ls t~e most effective application known 'for eczema. The best dressing for

burn. or. aclldJ, a prompt and effectu;ll remed.y In all fonDa of infWmnltlon, eruptions and irrItadoa 01 the iIda. SO cents ajar, all,druggists o~ sent direct on receipt of prIce. A certain cure for ItchIng piles,

USIPKH. CHElllClAL COMPANY. BAL'I1IIOu. ...,. .. Me ,..... ~ . , . . . . ...... 'CO ..... us1NoI. .. aD . . . . . of ........."




~h ,



MOSE\" COHEN In a uJru~atcs

the Or afc -t



In the History of Dayton

~ "V .~

·per ·

D :·i sccu n t JiJst Think of It- 20 pc cent Off on All Men's and

Young Men's

Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats Until January I, 1910

$2 ~~eIl18 . . ... , . • . . . . . . . • . 120 S2~~~ClltS .•. ,. . . . . • . . • . . . . 116 $ 1gaOr~el1ts . . . .. ... . .. .. 114.40 u~mel1tts .... .. .. .. .... , • . 112 . i2g!~ n Lt< ...... .. .. .. .. $9.60


nnentB .. .. .... .. .. .. AND GOLD BOND OOUPONS W1Tll ALL P R H ASES

20 per cent O~f on Any and All

Women's, Misses' a,nd Children's ~ uits, Coats or Skirts ' A. J'EW XMA S SPE OIALS F ROM TRli: K EN'S AND WOllEN'S DE PAKTMENTS Jnx tra l.r.e Bed OomfDrtAI. whIte cot· Wn ftllid ; eold in all stores 11.60 and 11.16;

98e . 8ge ~~~.~~~.~ . . ..... . 6e . LadleI' 8Be Percale and Fleece- 6ge . . LIIietllloue WnpP8l'l . . .. • t ~' It 211. ILIiO aDd ' 8ge It. j llSweater Ooat.a .. .. .. . exva we..h..... ....... .. ..

LIId'..· ·Ii.CiO and 1lI.00· Leat.herB.... . . ... .. ... .. .



BuCk TQweIAI......... .. .. . BO;1t'~~.211 Oxford WoolSwoat. en• ..,UII and red trlmiDed . • . eo. J'aDe)' · _rderild Bandkerch.lel•. .. .

)(@I.;. ~ and

6e 61e . 3e

KeD'" 11.10 Wool" Uunderwear; (llmlt

'''0 1Uit.a). PIlI' pnDeJlt . .. .. .....


.. . :-


to come early; th. ' 8pec. tala maT DOt aut IOJllr arid _tre only a Be"";

o. the ,$bouanda of ' Xmu Bar-

PIDa ~ thla great .• tore, " .

. ;Mole ' C~he~, DA VTON~ OHIO. , . rGOLD BOND COUPONS


FRED' '8 BI G' S' T' ORE'

Altr dN Condenandwifeto WI1. ~ill\~: ~1i' :'1~~~ "M l state In 0 lem


WrrIlALL '

Tran Leaft und wit" t o W . I. art, rAII I estdte In Harl llu t OWD. · shi . $2000. Gertr url e Lvtle to Charles E . Bilt z I r etll e8ta'ta in U nion t ownship







Unusual Values

hl\r les E. Moore and .Ioh n K . opencer *0 William E. 8wartz W i. 000. T . U. Pa tterson, Iluditor, to J ohn B. Miller, reol es tate in village of Franklin, f4. 42. William . Uhl\se to Benry J unssen rAal estate in Ha milton ~ l. . Rebecoa Dunham to Peter B. Dunham real esta te in Turtleoreek tow n hlp,

In Men's Women.s and Children's W arables. The undispu ted leadership of this mam· moth establishment , makes our g l'and di play of Win ter appara l an event of exceptiona l' importance.

Suits and .Overcoats


For men a nd young m en- we re never before shown in such a variety of new and popula r colorings as they are this season. Wonderful are the values we a re showi ng at

Probate Court.

In Fancys B lacks and Blue$

Mar y E. Doga n, ad minist:mtor VS . Char les H. Dugan , !!!.d e of rel11 estate Il pproved and ron fIrmed tlnd distril .ution of pr(\c eds of sale or· der ed : Alva Bil l. g uardian V B E. C. Marti n, inson e. Report of 80le oon · fi rmed n·nd distr ibut ion of prooeeds order ed . Estate of W . B . J ilek, deceased. 1!~ lr8t nnd fi nal acoount Ulad . In the maUe r of will of J ohn S EVAns, deoeased . Application to admit same t o probate set for hear· ing. In mat ter of James D . Olark al leged insane. Adjudged not insane and sent to Pluker, ~ndil1na, wher e his fatber will oar e for him . In the mtltter of the wui at John 8. Evans, deceased Will admitted to probate . Estate of Da vid O. Green. de oeasOO. Inventory llOd appra.l sts. ment filed . EState of Jasper T . Reed. de. oellsed. Inventorv an I appraisment filed. Esta.te ' of Alfred H olbrook, deceased. Final account filed . Estate of Wllliam W . Still, de· cea8ed. Frank V , Stitt appOinted administrator, bond of t 10;000 wlt~ A. Stitt And Jflhn W. 80n11 as sure· ties a nd R. J. Irwin,. Theodore Hage. man and J. Lee Thompson are appointed appraisers . . Estat.a ,of 8ophia. Hewitt, minor. Inventory filed. .. Estate of .Jasper T. Reed, de oeaaed. Proof of publication filed. Estates for settlement. Proof of pnbJiaation filed of estates set for 211th of November. OJar. Merritt, 'admlnis+rator V8.. W. ·E. Merr~tt, Loui~e S.' Hamilton i. mllde .. party defendant with to plead. Estate of Ed win Hoover. t:!eventh and final account filed . . . I

. Clothing '

And those who demand the mol' co.nser va tive tyies, are sure to express th.eir approval' by the m ost gorgeou d isplay ever made in' Warren ountyof

Excellence Is instantly r ecognized upon seeing our line of

Hart, Schaffner & Marx .

$10 and $15

Wom¢n ' of flasbion



SUITS, CLOAKS ' and FURS The original c:ea t ions of the world's m ost able designers. mak e t his department a 't hing of beauty: -I



Famous 'the world over is the product nam ed apove. The season's choice in every pat· tern and fabric t nat is new, awai ts you hel.,e.




The clothes are differ ent f rom t he ordinary sor t, a nd exacting mothers ar e su re to find her e

Eighteen and ·

Suits and Ovarcoats-

Twenty Dollars


For her stu rdy son, that no otner store in this county displays • .

tra~~~~t~~?:~~ o~-~~~~s ~~~::.~ . : ..... ".. ... ·$5.00 And good ones from Two to Three FI!tY. and

STOVES and RANGES Acorn, Peninsular, Jewel, And the world famous


Marrlal[e Licenses. Carl Winner 32, painter of ~Ilb · anon anl1 Frances Ha nse 29, of BntCommon Pleas Court. lerville. Rev . T. La8hley, Blan. ohester, Obio. New Suits. James K. Ertel 63, .far mer ot 00, Herman Keuter, administrator at zaddale and Alice M. Bendricks.46, estate ' of John Keuter, deoell8ed, dre8.maker of Mlloineville. Rev. ' plaintiff vs 'Viol~ B. Leever and Wi1Ham ·~purrier. Ch&rle~ W : I Leever, defendants. Willhttp G. Lindllay 21, olerk of Pe&tUon to reoovermoney in amount, Middletown, and Mar~ E. Doliboa, of ~OQ with interest. W. Z. Roll , 20, faotory employe, of Franklin • . a~ey forplaintUl; ~ev . E Edward Ryan, Franklin. Wtlltam C. Spencer, plnintiff VB. Charles F . Hunkins 25, fruit rais. 'Eva Spenoer. defendant. Petition er, Hollister, California. Rnd .Mabelle for divorce on ground8 of grost! K . Thompson, 21, Lebanon. Rev. negleot and oru"lty. G . E. Go.wdy.

Court ProceedinES.






~dw9 11~~ r~ e~~ .In au~n . ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. •

towns hijJ SG·t.

Commissioners' . Proceedinls.

Are. the kinds ~ve sell. The higheSt · art in stove construction has been r eached by tbose named ,above aM you· wjJJ wonder ' a t t he r easonable p'r ices asked f or them.


N 6t the kind that are ~sual1y sold; but Shoes that are , oade of leather ~1'!d that give that iron-like wear. I

Bostonian for Men .. .. .. ........ ..

$3.00 to $4.00

Red Cross for Ule Ladies the same price.

Hassill School Shoes for t he Boys and Girls .

are the b~ It; 00 ~th

at the pric· e-..••·•.. _....

$1.50 and $2

TOY LAND :IS ' HERE All Coods Plain I='igures.-·-One Price







Contraots-Contraot W~iI ent.ered . into with Clint W . t:!tllnton for .oon · orete proteotion to I.Itone abutment neal' Frank Preeley's farm on Blue &llandR~Lionro~~ FmnkUn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ !.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ township a.t tbe estim9.te of '173 25: Hay on Upper Springboro road and l Looking One's Best .' _ _ _....._ _ _. ._ _ _ _. . Contraat was entered Into with township road and where direot.ed io It's a woman's dellqht to look h·e r Charles Henderson for various reo Wayne West town!!hip. best but pimples, !!kin eruptions, Bill8-J. R Huoter, expenses of sores and boils rob life of ' jov. pair jobs in Turtleoreek township BS f " t '"50 Th LebaJlon Listen I Buolden's Arnioll Suive Cured of severe c0r:tpt,und' f II Co ........ rete toe to vitrt'fied b a l)WS : uv ollrdo Vitil )ra, .. . ; . 0 . on res them; makes the skin soft and colc;! and cough sewer at Roo" Sohool house, ' 9. R tl- HOUI.., meals for Bla.okford J~ry, velvety. It g\orlfiel! - the face ,' of railing on Cinoiunati pike at $520 i H.nggle!!-lJl1le Va., blanks for Onres PJmptes,. Sore Eyes, Cotti Turtleoreelt Station 60 oents i chang- pr obllte judge, '2.25; Day.ton Paper ~.or~~, OraokedLips,l)happe,j SRnds i.n g ohllnnel at Cowan oulvert south Novelty Co supplies foroourt house fry it. InfallibUHor Pile!!. 25c IIot ! . Fred V. Sohwllrtz's . . ' of Shllker liill schoo1 h otl@e,~ .... 2 50; i Warren County Appeal, bridge ••• · ...Prom Dee. 20, ~08. to ~, I, '09, Bapairing headwa1l8 • to stone onl· pO!Jterl!, 17.60 i Burrougbs .Adding TELLING THE AGE OF EGOS I had three bed colds. one ba top of the other• .1 aot '8C)'V(eak . ·, cOui. banDy vert on Duyton . pike near 'Fajr Maohine Co, Irepair' of trellsnrer'!I ·. . ::::>. .. . ·ptuouacl., Jl(othlng ~ 'to her; grounds, 17. ' m .Lohints, $1.75 i L. G. A.nd~rsoil In tha Paris maTke,ts' t.hey hBv it me untll • bePn. to take Vi..... n. Contraot was. entered into with ~onl, bridge lumber, '16.115; Perry oer~tn , way of deolding the age ' of cbaan WIII_lIc. Tbree bottINCOID., pletely lIxed tliat comp~uqcr ••Id ~d Joseph GIlmQur for rap!lire. and Borden; oontraot, f60 88 ;Barret~ eggs ,which .leems praotlcal. , ltopped die terrible cough"-Ud wbat wing walls at Bouk bridge'neer reeBrotherll, blanks tor. auditor, _5 ; A.~nt six Qunces of common ooolf ~ . 'Reai ~ Tr.uulers. surpflael me .....t. at the I.QIe tlaie i(laDoe of-A. Houk ' on Morrow and J. S. Morris. supplies ,for surveyor, lng s,al~ ie put in a large glass. wh ich ' Italred·...~of _HVere ..tomacli trouble : tbat .... 7botbered ;me .or »yean. ' Clark B. Bloe to Goiden Olive Lebanon.:.rOad in Salem townshl~ at '2~:2~; md8e., for j~nitor, '16 i date, ,ta «!ted with wate,r. ' ~beD (he VIDOI .. "'rta'al~ a "Oller... J medkl~. ~'. . ', . ' .. 1n Franklin' t own..;· the estimate '1511.~4. " . 's~'mp8 ~nd supplie8, '1.1175.;. John salt is 1D solu,lton the eg~ 18 dropp d Mr. Toppan is' ~e at ~yn4t .:9 mO$t prominent ~d higbly r.lpected;l ..hlp"IG. ' . . . A gel}eral oontraot 'Wlls .. 6ntered Wolte; tiridge repairs M~!I8ie town. in th" ~lass . . . merchan.~. whose, word is,.as I . ~ . as his' bond. ~ '. tnuk D. .. Mtner to ....Thom.. E . lntowl*hthefollowinlforrepalrof sbiP-o....~o . 2Q: ..r~. · John !IloKinney. ·· If 'the egg · leonly-~ne day..old I.' The reasqn V.ol is sGl,.s" ccessful in 'suCh ~s .is WU':IIO it . ._ t · ...l eetate in 'I'riultUn brlqee 'When of repair-o - nlle8, 't8~tate of Ohio VI. tmm~lIa""y.lnka to ~L.boUom-Of the most woiilGf: UJled tonica--the medicinal, ........~ toWDllliP. '7000. ~ne b~idl~ a' any on., ~~e in &DJ Deunls Bracd, OOBf,(!, '12 Illi. th~ gla8a: . . \ Of &i L;'er au ~d TonioJ__ . Leafs od Wife 10 W.l. OD., 18Gl' d08l n'o ' exceed' ,10 i John, '. • _. If 'hrae cia.,. oJd It lin'1rs only just By_ ................. . . " . , . . . . . . . . . . lD Hulan town- Baraett OD I'Jade leading from A . , house may 800n 1.>e built by below the emace. . . . MaiDeTUle aDd where dlrecMd. In 'the Vulcanlo RooflDg 00 .• of Frank- .From five. day8 .upwai'd it fioa •• ·)ruMlst, WaJDeavllllt. 6_ ' hi W"'U1- • P 1lD I' -'U emp~o1100 handa . The older It la the more,It protrud.,. I wile &0 G. 11. Baml taD ""WDI P. • _m.. • . ' ..... ' . o~, Of ~ water. ' . ' Eliallbeth C. t;hoemaker et 11.1 vs. et al. Vase now on trial. Calper Deros8ett Vel . Jonas Elt z roth. By agreement an8wer Rnu orOB8 petition ace dismissed. ' Jamee K. Ertel VB. Lida Smith. pluintUf has leave to plead within t,h jrty days . Cbllrles D . •Jones vs . Delilah bur· l"y. · Return of 8heriff's sale oon firmed . ' . Edmund L. Spence V8. Uyru8 L . Wantz. Catl8e eettled and diemiSliJed Lewis Elhuff v.. Board at Eduoa fil ob . DefendllDt RiveD 20 days to file anllwar. Jamee 6. Sobep'ok VI. George Mc. Kinley . . Plaintiff gwen 20 ooys to filepetltloD• . '.. ' J,ennt~ O. Hamilton




b, .

Vinal. ·


B1l.r8', ,,".\ate












WEEP~NO. WILLOW 1~~~f.~:~:~;'f.~:~:~~:~f.~~~~!;(.$~:!:~:~r::!:!'·~:~:~:~:~:5:!:~:~:i;~:$'!~:~:::~~~:!:~:i:!:~:~:~:i:~:~~~g~:~:~~:~~:!:!:l~~$1:!:;~:~{~$r:::::::;:::~~:::::~::;::;::::::::::;:~;::;:::::::::,:::;::::::::::::'::::::::::::~:::::::::::::;::::::~~::~:::::t1.~~:~

Pooket l)ubstltllt~-The follow. This peculiar drooping tree has 0. t~1 t; hus ~e "' llll grtlbt he1 p to me dur- 8tr~ngely interesting history' reiard. IIJ~ l,biR pookpllflB8 figa, by making Ing Its lDtrOC\uotion Into Europe a.n d mo faul ·H;. fH with regl1rd t,o ~y mon- Amtlriol1 . . This WIlS ,,(ter A1e:a:lln e~' find vulullbleB. Take ODe I1nd dur Pope had bunded a home on tbe Ollll.hul.f Yllrds of helivy blllot stl.tin Thames river in England. At that 1'Ibhou Ilbout threeincheB wide . On time be reoeived frOlD a friend lu eJ ·ch e'ld tu;; np three Inohes for II. Smyrna a drnm of figs, . I1nd with It p< oket, t.hen sow tLDother pieoa abo'Ye there happened to be a 'small twig 'il,e "penlng for the 111111 (envelope that greatly exolted tbe poet's curl fflR hloll), . with I.L liMp otLtoh for a ostty-so muoh 1'0 that he tltuoll: It f"stener into the ground by the river 's bank:. Pltios one.bltlf the ribbon on 'he The lUtle twig soon rooted and u pper side und one.half on tbe un· grew to the delight of Pope. It was dl ·rsirle of I,btl underskirt and fasten the ance8tor of all those that have tf. the band by "lInfety-pin, Money sinoe Jived both in Eur.,pe and 0 1' vllluables can IlIWIlYB be oarrled ' Amerioll. 1"lthout fellr of lOSing. This OILn be In 1775 a young' British affiner go. II ade fanoy by feather.stitching it ing to Boston, Mass., took Blongwith AJ'onnd t·be poo~ et with oontrallting him, very carefully wrapped in oil C(llors in sil k HORS. silk, a twig from the genuine "Pope 'ro Prev( nt Windows from Freez willow" and gave.the preoil)us tWig tJiI.~ Down-Spread a thin layer of I to Mr. Ourtis, stepson of General If \I, beneltth "llMh . \ Wal!hington. Mr. Curtis p\11Dted It To Clean LllUiP Bllrners boil in IDear hlB' home in virglnls. There "'I\t,~ r wheru white bellns hne been th .. twig took kindly to the soil , growing vigorously. It was a ohtJd p:,rb'iiled. 1'0 OlAIlD Comb~-I lIIlV9 a simple of "Pope's willow," the first one to but t'fi'pot,ive method of oleaning strike r oot In Amerioa, L'lter In c' III bll whe n t.hey beoome soiled 1790, Gener!\l Gates I1lso put out a " 111 aD cld oan about half full of t.wlg on bis farm on Manhattan Olin I-oil, <li p tb e comb into the oil island, Ntlw York, wbioh gNw 11ne· and rub wit.b tiD old nail or tooth ly, and was known nil "Gate'll weep br·llsb . 'rhe dll't and dandruff will ing Willow tree." -. rl adlly lell ve t he com b, whloh Hhould CONVINCINO ARGUME NT thetl M rinlled under the fauoet or itl ~ pllD of ""fitAr. l'hiH plan takes Oldy a few moments of the busy Anna M.argaret ha.d B great many h ' lUsewife's time oOfI is not Oldy toys, and her mother thought. she ol sli nly, but th., uilaote itS a disinfeo. ought to give some of them away tflnt on thA oomb.-The Dellneator before Chrlstwas to less fortnnate tl ,r Deoember. ohildr·en. Anna Marg&ret was wtll· - - -__ .. ing to part with the broken trllnk DISCOURAGE DIRTY SUGAR and the orao.k ed set of dishes and the one.legged Teddy bear, and a few Witb a straight tax of a oent a other toys that were in the same pound (or 11 oent Ilnd a. hlllf a pound) dUapidated oondition. But when it on Angar the tendenoy would be OBme to her pet baby doll, the one inwards ~tBndllrdlzing th oartlol. at that wen' to Ileap with ber every a hiRh test where produc!'d before night, sbe rebelled . assnred bringing It to thtH oount,ry.' There her 'hat Banta Ulaua ,would un· IF uo reason for oompelling the doubted I, bring ber ano'her <!pll, A merlC'an pu bUo to pay n.n enormolls even bet\er. She refused to be oom· additional tax to the ~ul!far Trust for ted. , f nr the privilege of htl.viug their for. "Mama,' she wailed, ."if God S~Dt elgn Hngllr oleaned IIp and whitened you anoth,~r baby, wou d you g ve in this oountry, IAlt us give the me~way, .S he keptber doll.-The forelgn producer the ohonce to Hend l.)ehneator for ~~ber . us clean rllther thlln dirty sogar. TUBERCULOSIS IN MILK ·l .et the beet.suRar prod notion of A meriea be amply pr'oteotod, and let Tubercnlosis kill8 6,000,000 people it grow as fast. 08it will. Let the annually. It way be carried througb lugar.growers and suga~maker8 of infected mUk. , Louisiana have a fair measure of Seleot a milkman who has olea.n Jlrotection for a good mlln), years to hands, olean olo'h88: a olee n wagoD. oome . But let the law whioh en .. · olean OBn8 olMn bottles. """ - bles the ~ugarTrul' to break down Do not seleot a milkman baoaus8 o t her refiners, to destroy the sngar. he se118 cheap milk. Unportlng trade, io terrorize the Refnse milJt that showl a depoeU Louisiana. g~wers, and t,r) viotimize of dirt in the boUom of the bottle. the beet...suga\ industry of the West, Po not forget tbat dirt in milk i8 'While 0.1&0 dlotating terms to the a menace to health. , . West India ollne·g'r owers and inter. Do not forget that dirty mtlk may ferln8 with their prosper1ty,-let kill the baby. this tariff on (Ingar be radically Do not leave milk unoovered any. thBnged.-From "The Progres!l of where. . the World," in the Amer iOl~n Review . Do not leave mUk in a warm rOQm Or Reviews for Deoember . or unohtlled toe box. Protecti~ frl)m • - • fUes. Do no' leave it out of·doors ____________I! In 'he eUD, or e:a:poaed to OBtS or dogs. !• Do not uee 'he milk bottles for FOUNTAIN SYRINGES . anything bnt milk. Waeh and soald milk· boUle. 81 SOOD as emptied. Retnrn olean bot. ~--'lei to tltln' Bny only bottled mUk, if possible.-The De. silner for December.


A lIMn Y PUR·CHASE· ·:'·;!~ : , ..

I "

When making our selections for SP . ~B " 191 last week in Chicago with the ~eJ:· '· . It:orl1tf.!d house of Hirsh, Wickwire & makers of finest hand-made clothing-w~ bought at a big discount their odd lots of.




, I

Winter. Suits, Overcoats and "Slip,On" Rain Coats All are of this season's .make and PJ1ttern·s. To these we have added a number of broken lines from our own stock, ana' , now offer these special lots at the follow- '. lowing sacrifice prices. . Nearly 100 Men's fine' Suits, blacks, blues and fancy patterns, regular $20" $25 and ·$30 suits, choice during sale

. .



6Se at

More than 100 "Slip On"

Raincoats All with silk lined yokes, overcoats fancy and plain black, medium and full winter weights, regular lengths and extra long storm coats, $22, $25 and $30 values, Choice while the last

We would .particularly call your attention to the fine quality of these garments, both the suits an d the over~Qats, very few worth less than $25. This is certainly a money-saving opportunity, right in the heart .of the season.


Bring the children to see in our e~t window the automatic electrical machine-reproducing story of Cock Robin. In operation day. and niitht.

LOWEST PRIC.E CLOTHIER, Save part of your shoe . money- and get better shoes. ENDICOTT, JOHNSON & CO., World's largest tanners and shoemakers sell direct to you, -DO middlemen's profits.

50 and 52 East Main st:reet.

. .' "I


~. r

% !~~ I ~

ENDWELL shoe$ ~xcel in style, fit and wear ' because . they are made by a . plan that saves all unnecessary profits. and all cost of production that .,does not ' a(1d value to the shoes. 200 styles-:aU'leathers ~, $3.50 and $4. . '., , Insist· oil shoes made by ' . ENDICOTT. JOHNSON'" CO. aridlook ' lor~~ n~e on the BOle.· .

·w,;A~ '....

Undertaker and Embalmer. Wlli be found in the old Bank Building, opposite the National Bank. Telephone in honse and of· floe where I OBn be called day or night. Valley PhoDe U-2.

Waynettville, Ohio

DR. H.E.HATHAW Wa.Y'.Qesvi~le'8 Leading Den~ Office in KeYB Bldg. MalL

Funeral Di..e,.:tor. ".' ,

," ... .r.

.: . ~& •

Telephone, day OJ illlht; , 'Valley phone No. r., ~,M,; .... ' DIstance ~9. 6~tI! ' .

WAYNEsVILLE/ ' B~neh om~, H.I~.YIIlI.anr.,

-.- -.

, B. '5 • .HOW~Lb,


Main Street.

F?r Sale by



Xenia, Ohio.

Read every



·_t w~



and in-·· the . ~iam~. 'r epa)' JOu

tW~fold,' ~~~~!~"r~r<'r~~lil

Miami Gazette . ,

D. ~ CRANE~ ,


Corseb I'\ust Be Adap-j Points to Be G017sidled to tbe U~di"lclual ~r~d B efore Purct)as. We rltVo fl!)J Dress 1\atersal



N.ew Ric. 'nduet...,.

fte uatlonal department or a!rleu .§,<;,~~lIII · ~ 'b enefits all lections, co ~p ...... ","ly tew years ago pra.ctlcally all of iMtt bome crop ot ri ce was grown on Ati( ltlc coast; the m e thod s ot 'dUng It were more or less pl'lml~ the production small, and th. -1fDtry was a large Importar of ri ce_ Nenty or twenty-Ove years ago, the ltOutal plains lands of Louisiana and •. 'I'e~ were pointed out as a region tor etlCJl8s Iful rice culture. Th ey we re 1UIed largely as cattle ranges and were eelling at from one to two dollars per -=re. With , th e Int rod ucti on and suc· produ c tion of ri ce, t he cost of rapidly Inc reased, and tbe tarmor this region saw th e n eed of Im.,roved me thods of han dling tbls crop ¥any were pioneer s from the g rep "! '' fbeat-growlng s tat es due north-Iowa, ., tAnaas, Minn esota. W iscons in , Illinois , lndhu\jl. Th ey bro ught south them the Imple me nts they had _~ In growin g wh eat- tbe gang· - 1110 • drlJl, self-binde r, header a od f;l~r~o ern Impl e ments-and me th· , ~ and eas nev e r before applied to nee-cul t re, making It posslblo to pro· ::..v.;;,, _,,~~!W~~ mu~b larger qu~nlity ef ri ce than e ver w ns bArore. A arose as to tb e competiti on tal countries In the productio n and, s ays the Na tional Maga· of the department's most men de monstrated that one ~_~ :> , ~1DI.rICBllI, with mode rn equipment, uce aa much rice as 800 Ori· ,- t,ghtin 9 Preventable Dluale. .


'.1Ij • uiuch too early to attempt, even It possible, to appraise the value *he conferences of tbe expert sanl~8, pathologis ts and physiCians of world, held In tbla 'cLty and at says the Philadelphia the united war whlcb nations are wagtD, upon lrcl110ISIS, The ,scientific slgnlfi· of the r.ommunlcaUona which been made and of the facts de"Jotted .in the discussion. can only be by tlm e and experience. Is sate to sl!-1 that these meet. have cartled for}Vard the cam: of educaUon further than any ~ilcy employed In the past. the : lI'al1y reports--fragmentary lIDpertect aa they necessarily beeJ,i-bave Carried to thousands hltberto Ignorant and Indltsome glimmering appreciation magnitude of the task to be per· ~J~~led , before tbe waste and the dis·



order for the construction or 50 tbe total cost of wblch ~~~~I pot leas (ban flOO,OOO. by a l: conoern attests . In ' practical belief In tbat method of av1a. and InCidentally adds to the trl· won by the American Inven· li'Iylng machines, even though have not attained perfection, dethe Troy (N. Y.) Times, are recas bavlng commercial value, and eXl>erlmen~1 put:" tf for nothing else, and B great ~ of mon oy has already been In·Y~ted tn tbls manner. Several com~ea with capital proportlonate to , -..tlclpated needs have been formed III this country. Count Zeppelin, after destrucllon ot bls dirigible balloon. quickly put upon his teet finanthrough the contributions that ..........- . pouring In, and he has set aside '1,000,000 with wblch to capital· 11foIf:,''''''''''_"' his- Germ:Ln company, with a comBum remaining for the use of f and family. Constructing air. Is coming to be r ecognlze cl as a v.,l:e&I11IiLr buslnastl, though whether It Is 'ceD8rally proOtable hI a commercia)


Cricket GIll e t! Irom tb e re ign of Elizabe th, ond had Its l!rlglo In '~ J;?uDders and Gtoot-hall. Lord Chester_ ;i5eld was the first man ot wei g ht to ~~e it up s erIously nnd Elon UIB first • }\l1bllc school. In those day s scoreB '..-ere notched upon tally-sticks, th e 'ball bad heavy craBS s eams, the bats , ·, .er• .curved and the f1 elil ers f tood alIn Indian tIl e. Tbe early laws ot game hm' th e ir Ince ption at the and Garter Inn, Pall Mall, and or the fe w of t hes e original laws n..~!lWIIllClIIl obtain s to-day Is that of the The wick ets were 22 Inches the ball six Incb es In le ngth. counly match wos wh'iln Kent England, Ip 1711, and on this ocC&lllo.n vast sltms at mon ey changed


Oe neral Meye r has sent let.ter to J)ot!tmasters r;~r:t!!~~~~~~u: tbe T nlted States instruct· P to conler with 'b.e local , authorities, with n .vlew to 8J'Io talk. or other method of In.

"What MeasrlTe Ye Mete"


By Paxton Hibben ( ~o ll y rI Bh l . by Bobbil- M c rrJII \'0 .)

H e s too d 1.-1' soillt , In the doorway

" Oh ! hut th a t It! 1011 had ! You mus t m 1.\ t oast, lIo w-call my quo· ta llon, If you can." " I wond e r, " s he said. "L t me see." Sb rlUt he r hands to he r cheeks aud s tar d nt th vo la tll bubbles tbat m ade a n Irr ld l'scpnt cloud In th ye l· low liquid . FInall y I;\be ,raised he r eyes. ..It·s th e best I can ua-and f1lnl !! a ppro pri a te ; T ris tra m s a ys II, YO II kilO\\, : . ' ElI " h 10 hi m wh n \\' o:'g h l p~ " n, II

at th ' Turk ill h room, peerIng Into Its ma ke

da r k corn rs. The a partme nt see m e~ de se rted . S Udd Ill y he caught s ight of n wOlll on s ltU ug In th e emb ras ure of one of l he windows, slarlng out at. PIt SS rs-by . " I am a wrull y 'sor ry I have k p I. you waiting," be be gan , as b e advlln c d lo ward her, "but I've orde r d th e dInner and E' veryt hln g Is quIte r ad r." She lurn e d. Blo wly, a t the souud of hi s vo ice: her fa co was In the s hadow. 1$u) .- \JU I'P Il ,\r 1I.-n \1 1 ~ u ltd fl f l{J v <" , b~· h o ld II contin ued. while drawing o ff hI s glo ves, his ha t he ld ;mde r 011 nrm _ '1'1119 do l' rn y Q U('" '' IIr Heu uly I ~ 4\0 1 h u r l!, ' "A lut of bens tl y bus lll 88 at the las t- I " n ood !" he c rl l'd. " Anil yo ur IORs t I s a y, yo u IID OW, yo u've 1I0t- 1 lie g 1:;-" t upl cl yo ur Jlur don, I' ve Ill ade SO Ill "To t h" abse nt- wh os ' IliacI.) I flll mi sta ke." li e n ppeun' t1 so Ift tE' rl y 'nufound cf bll t IndlITe r ntIY ." " I J rlnk til E' toasi. but velo l he ..a ll ! ' at hi s rrlll' that s he s miled, loo k Ins amul e '- · II fJ a t him. "i'\ow, 1I0W! Oll l of Ih e kind ness of " ~ ot at nll," she said ; th e n : "\" o\l '\'e YO llr heart , yo u nro tr ylll g 10 S m dropp' d your g love ." a s r SCI' mY!le lf. Don 't ; Bobhy lIur ll s " Why , so I have !" he was wise. I wOlin I' how wo 9n ould g lad of un .o pportunlty to re lie ve th a wkwa rd ness of th e situation. He se(' m to oth l'l's , If th Y kn e w tlle cir· s tooped 10 pic k It up, and wlle n h e cu ms lnnc s or 0111' he lng he rll, tonrose s h s mll d a t him again Wllh g!' 1ht!r ?" frank sympa th y. H e thank e ll h r, io"F'PI1l IIlIIl P que r)'! ~IlW , I s ll'llIld ue wa rd ly. a nd out wa rdly ve ntured an e x- rather te mpted to a s k how we mll Bl ul· planation . "1 t houg h t you we re s ome ti ma te l" 5t'0111 to ench ot he r--a rl erone e ls t'," h bega n , "some one I war e\. ' Mlu!' Is Il. qll ~ tlon more apt kuow-" tn iJe a ns we r' d. lit an y rat e. Ye t , " 1 am not n arl y so st'l pld as the rt! WII S a formula for all tha t so rt look ," ah In te rrupted. of lhln g laid d o wu long a go- yo\l may " I beg yo ur pardon! Of course-a- rflcognlze Il : 'Judge not thal ye be It 'must be quite obvIous." Once mo re no t jud ged. F o r wilh what judgm nt he was all contus ion; but thi s tim e, he ye judg , yo s hall be judged.' . A IIltle floundere d on of himself. "1 wond e r redundant In s tyl e , but right III s pirit, where she could lie? I was to meet don 't you think!" he r he re, you know-" " Yes, Ri g ht in s pirit a.nd right In "If your are us late as you s eeme d practi ce- but are you quite s ure you to think you were, sbe bas probably be lie ve In It yourself? " She was uuacgalle. I quite know how s h mu s t countably s e rlou8. H res ted his elhave felt,' she added. bows on th e table at e ithe r s ide his "Oh! You're waiting for some one. " vlate and rE' gIIrd d h e r, wonde ringly. It was half a qu es tion left uncom· "Yes," h e said. s lowly ; " quit e SlIre," plete d. "I tbink I be lle v lhnt to be th e bes t "You're not nearly so stupid as-" rul e of conduct In th e world," sbe .. As [ look? r hope not!" mused; "It would obviate so mucb "No, no--as you might l)e." There scandal!" was a pause. " But your dinn er," sb e H laug hed. suggested . She conUnued_ "But It has nothing " Ah, yes; the dinner! I bad torgot- to do with us, has II? We are both ten." H e looke d about him. "But e mln e nUy se ns ible peo ille, who .. nderthere Is no one to help me eat th e atand we ll how meaningless all of this dinner! I can't dIne alone," be added, lB." She waved he r hand to Include plaintively. .. 'Pon my word, it's too him, h e rself anel Ibe dinner. bad! It Is 1\ good dlnner- I orde red " It I were unkInd. I s hould SAY that It myself." I und e rs tand pe rfectly weU how menno Finally, he looked up unexpectedly, Ingl S8 that Is," he re joined, quickly. as it he had reached n solution or tbe " Yoll are unkind ," dIfficulty. "Won't ~u join' m e ?" " I am s p aklug th e truth- It Is often H e r e yes appeared to be drawn to lh Bame thIng. Sensible people, In· the blank houses across the way ;' she deed! I scorn your c ha racte rization. nothing. At las t she laughed But suppose we are 110t sensible peogayly. ple," he objected to h or look ot lur" You say It II a good dinn e r?" she prlsed Incredulity. asked . "Then we've no business to be doing "A velT good dinner," he re plied, Utls sort of thing." Sbe shook her solemnly. tlnger at him, with an air of pretended "I am quite llungry-" Bhe wavered. severity. "That Bettles It!' He gathered toH e selecled a cigarette from a silver gether his hat and gloves and stood case and puffed It In the flame at a up, bowing. For a moment she besl- candle held by the walter. He stared tated, then she, too, arose, at the glowing flre In silence, then "Tbe die Is cast!" she declared, wi tb flicked Ihe ash Into a tray at his el· mock gravity, 8S she preceded blm bow. Jnto the dining-room. She shivered. Something hal . A walter hastened to right two chllled me, I fear. Would you mind chairs which bad been tilted agaInst throwlug my wrap ahout me?" a table neal' one of the windows. Sbe He hastened to comply, unreasona· threw back her wrap and revealed an bly thankful for the diversion. All his elaborate evenIng gown, against wblch fillgers touched her shOUlders, Ibe were pinned some orchids. One of shivered again. them had broken; she lifted It from "Thank you,' she saId. " Perhaps th e otbers and placed It on tbe table. when I drink my co tree-" When she drew off her long gloves, he "Won't you have a liqueur?" be glanced curlollsly at ber fingers. There urged, solicitously. "Slupld of me! were no rings. That·s just tbe thing! But I cannot The two finish ed their oysters In presume to select a liqueur for you.; allellce-the conventional atmosphere olle's spouse and one's liqueur, I supof the dlnlng·room threw the proceed- pose, one chooses for oneself." Ing Into a somewhat less favorable "Yes," she replied, smiling at his light. He felt the e mbarrassment of conceit, " but you have done remarka· the s ltunUon, and his hospitabl e In- bly we ll with tbe rest of lhe repast. stinct deplored it . It . was a good dInne r-as advertised "I s ay, you know," he began, "It \'eal- -and I thank YOIl. I prefe r CharIy Is no tlln e ra!, save for th e oyste rs; treuse-yellow." Sh e se t down her we lIlus t talk, nud Ir I talk I've got to cotree CUll and IJlIshed back her chair. call YOI1 some thIng." Tristram called'the walter and gave Th e humor of th e alTair cnm e home t-he order. Oay wa tch ed hln1 anxious. 10 h r a gllill , and s hl) laughed with. Iy, pla ying with the orchid on the corou r res erv . nel' of th e tahl e . She arose, smiling. " V ~' r y we ll .... sh " s aid a t la llt , "calf "wm yo u e XCII l>e me?" she ask ed. me 'Oay'- !l s£ellls to be Illlpl·oprlat e. " Ye!;," he s aid, r e turning hel' smile. And yo u ?" Shc thrE'ad c!d her wny, grllcefully, "Since tb e nal11 0 11 1113 1. fit. YOII mi g ht among; Ihe tabl,». He watched her call me 'Trl s tram ,' '' he said. " I fear go , puzzled, Itle ased. Her coat flared I lUll a sad ('omp Hnlon, at best." out at e ither side a s sh e walked, and "~\ re YOll s ur" til l' DlU1I S ls not a her gown trailed sinuou s ly be hind her, IlI lfi l a lI E' ror '1'l'is l11 eg ls llls?' " along; the carpe t . As she disapp eared 1I (! ral sco,1 hi s f' yc brnw s. through one. of the dOOl-ways he " Wbe rf." did lilY ludy learn that?" IHl s ighed. 811 was remarkably beauti. ask ed . [ul, he thought, witty, cle ver, charmIng. He lit anoth e r cigarette and sueculated . " I'm not n f' a I'l l' so-" Mhe began . "Thal hil S iI.' n s alll ," he Inte rft!red, sentime ntally IIpon her character, and pert'l11ptol'i1 y. the flltur~ . " It I a lii nUl to say what has . hee n The walte r brought the tiny glasses wid ," ~ h l! rl' lIli ed. " I had bes t kee p ' of Clfartl'euse, Ilt last, and Tristram sll E- nce ul onct' Th re Is uotbln!; ne w s tort ed from his reveri e. She cad not "lItle r Ih ' !HIIl, YO ll know." re ttu.ned. He noticed with a certain "Do YOII know Tom ~IoO\'e?" he disqui et that there remained of her IlSIIt'd . nllly th e broke n flowel' ; ,she had car, ., 'Th e time I've lost In woolng-'," rled he l' gloves. He looked about tbe Ihe chantod . "Don't Cluole that; It'a, room, but she was not In Sight. A un complime ntary." poIgnant mi sgIving seized him. He "Rut hc kn e w how to be flattering, htil'Tled to tbe doorway ' through wblch too, I 'assure you: , she lIad gone. She was nowhe're 1(1 '11 " " "'; to) III one who tOllg the corridor. He crossed to the. Turk. Hoth wal~(!tl Ih e p ct'!'! HIgh'I' h t! girl wllo g nYt! 10 RO ng Ish room and peered In. The ap~I'~ • What gold ,'oul il n \. r buy.' ment was . deserted, I dl·lnk. " And he dill. "Gay! Gay!' ,he cried. He ran "How can I Ilrlok UII 1 know who tbrough the room and ' stared out lnte 'the one' 1sT s he Inquired, still holding the Ibbhy. "Gay!" A be l1' l;loy turned ber glass before 'h er. ,to gaze at him curiously. l1e stepped "Oay,'" It mused, tentatively, as If ha!'k, nontused, disturbed, SUddenly to try tile s9und of th e word. Questioning anew the slgnlflcance or "Thank ~'OIl," she' smlled'; "but tlle last hour. "Gay'I" he caIJed again, c&n't drink. It the toast Is' to me" .4nd ·thls' time Bottly. aa it to bllnaelt .~ <l OWu h!!r wine, untouched, Tbere was no ~wor. -




URIC enough, ,womlUlklnd 'h as beeu Il rrlbly stirred liP this .s eBson about the fashion s. Th launching of the I:Ihealh gown was 11 IIhock, and the pre dlc· tlons abou t clothes In general- nnd corsets In pa.rtlcular- we r e nothing s hort oC appallin g. But, you know, It is olle o f the c haracteriStics of tho Ame rican wornnn to Jump to conclusions. A fault It Is tetme d by lIome, but It embodies s uch spontaue lty . and fre s hness t Iml olde r lilld wiser heads condolle it. Well , a s alwaYIi happens afte r a great e xciteme nt, we come down to earth, Rnd th o 1IJ0dificalion or th xtre m Is usua lly ve ry s allRfactory. The case of the corset 111 no x('ept Ion 10' th e rule. The n e w corsets are hi g h and low, hil l tb ey are lIot tlesl g ne el to di s tort tlt e Itg nre , as has been threat oned. If ) 0 11 hllve noti ced we ll-dre ssed womI'n. you have reallzl'd Uta.t the li t!. hOll ol I lacks nothin g of g race. J us t a l>rIlctl cal word about tit · "lon g and I! hort" of the co r Ne t- th ey ruu s l In II. mea s ure be consId ered Uti com p~rrlHlv e le rms. · The cors t must be hi gh o r low for th IndIvidua l wear. er. The COl'S 1 mus t not b or Incol1\' e nl II I he lghl nnd er lit al'm s ; It milst no t be s o high In Ille back (UI to fo rm a prall fOI' th e s hould I' bl a des (who b ill; not seen Ihl s). t hE'r eby acc I1lunt· Ing th e Dl. Il 1l1 us t not be so hi g h In front as to fo rm a ch ill-rest for the s lim wom a ll or to "shE' h' " th o bus t of a fat wo rn· an. T he iJones at a corse t s hould not be- s o Ions, in e ithe r th fronl or bac k, as to m a ke th e wearer cons cious ot th l'll' xis l nc . Of COllI'S , lhe corset proper may be longer and highe r thun Its bones. It the bones be too lon g t tl l' Y will be push ed up when tile wearer II; sl'a ted. which will cause Oil IInslg htl y bulg!) In th e corset. A corset s hould be fill d to th e wearer In a si ttin g pos ition, aud, If pe rfectly rl gh l th en. it cannot be wrong wbe n any otbe r ailltude Is 8 S&lIm ed. Th e Nle nd er ~ / 01l1un niay ass ume the hi g h co rse t with less dun gel' than tbe stout woman ; (0\' the loog corset Is, of cou rse. good tor both IIl1ke. The proper It t of a 'orset 15 cons lde l'ed RO IWflor tant by tho deai ers In good co rsets th a i, III many shops , on Iy II. corset·mllk e r Is pe rmitted to SUPOI'Int nd the s light est aJteratJon.

F YOU ar going . to. Ket !'lotbes tor th s tr l at tbls lIe880n of thl:! yearand the probl m con· fron!s everyone - tak e luto cOlls ld e ralion, Urs l, tbe mon e y yo u have to spend , ulld II c· ond , tbe wa y In whic h YOIII' IIf Is s pe,lt, wrIt s Annl Rltt t' ohouMe, In tb e Chi ca go lute;- Oceun. H you Bre comp lied 10 be on th e s tre et a g od ae ul, ~' ou wtlnt a coa~ sull. lt your life Is mos tly In th e hous during th e Ilny hourI!, 1111 Ii with ti o mesll c dU lll's, put your 111011 y Into a top coal nntl J. one ·pl e jumpe r (rock or cloth, If )'011 c hooRe I he (01'1111'1'. dOIl' t ge l satIn 110 m a tter how bltw k It I ' , 1I 0 r 8utlll ' liroutl c loth 11 0 1' Ius lro\l l:l cH s II· m e t'e. Thf' sl' urt! rlls hlo nable utld luveIy , but not Il l.. Th p. re lti j;olng 10 IJI' a wi tte dl s fi llc· 11011 this "cllr between Ih' c lol hes wo rn un I h~ I; tl'e e t and t.hose woru In· doors, and yo u wa n t to !;ho w Ihat YOIl know It by d lUos lllg a CIJ ~t s uil or th e rUlI l;h Ht \\' (,lI v e . LII.5t yC' ur Ihl! s h ups did not "rrC'r I bE'rH' Cu lirics gel\('rOll s ly, Ca l' It ...·os a " s moo th " s easoll. T hI s Yf'lI r It Is 1\ "l'O u ~ h" ca llOIl . As k a t 111 COllutl' rs o r III you r lll.Jlor ·s for dIagonal s' rge, fO r ('h '\'\'0 11 Clot h, for En g lis h (' h ViOl, for :-5cotc h hom t's lllIIl . You will b d II gh lf'C1 111. Ihe choice to be m ade. Su ch sty lls h·loo kln g cloth s h uve no t bee n oITPI·C' tl tel ".'om· n ror y a I's. Hlue se rg es with a wide wal th ut m ilk a to r e hurn ctor, s t rlp ' d ch vlOl.l1l ~h e ne w colors. rOllgh I'lnld hom SJ.lun wllh s oliLi t o nes !or th e coal s are IIm u l1 !; th e c loth s Iha t will b offe red. ' YOII can' t go wron g In c lt eo!!ln g any one ot the m. It til I'e Is 11 leaning towal'll nny I wo fab rics , th se t wo are are che non serge, with Its g l'l:a l mark d strlll s wov e n In Ih e goods , and th e g l'l\)' and black s triped che vIot. Th e st rll)ed broadcloth s ure Ill s o her with a mu c h ro ug he r Burface thu n th E' Y had la s t Yf:'n r. Th e y are good looking. alld mu ch admire d, but th e fas tld :o llB woman will jlB SS the m by fOI' 'h lI ew f;ergos und ch e viots.

Old Fath e r Winte r Is almost with us, and with him will come cold days, wh en lIoses will look red nnd unattractive. A cllr for this trouble Is very necessary, and, as It Is merely a ques lion of circulation, Il Is very easIly rem e dIed. The nose and the ~urroul1dlng IlRrt of the fac e ahould be gently rubbed nlgh,t and ' morn· Ing wIth th e tips of tbe flngers. Tbls will stimulate the glands and promote tb e healthful aClion of lbe skin. In tact, the mas sage ot the whole race nigh t and morning will keep the little blood vesse ls all acting so nIcely that, th e complexion will soon become vlBlbly beUer. The . massage doea not take yery long, and it la well worth trying. EmbroIdered Coat Collarl. Linen embroidered coat eollars wUl be worn until It Is time to put on rurs. The new coUars have a touch of color, which Is quite Parisian. They are somewhat larger than the early fall styles and tbe revers come to a leep polnt. ' The edges are embroidered In long, shallow scallops, alternating blue alld lavender or J,llok and blue. Oreen and white Is all etrectlve com. blnatlon tor these dress Ilccessonl!'s. Irish lace medalllons are Introduced on the collars, tiny roses with an open meshed border encircling them helng the favorite design. The Slashed Skirt. "Vomen should not coufuse the slushed skirt with th e sh eath skirt. Tb form e r Is open to tb e knees or th e hips and Is now tilled In with chiffon, not knl c l; e rbockers . The sheath s kirt Is me l'e ly a tight, unlined ~rac e rul affall' that falls In clinging tolds from .the high waistband over th e floor. Each ge ts Its name f\'l1m Its L· vpeara nc e. Yet th e y arc cons tantly (;unfuse d.


,' If is ILny one thing that 3 woman drend s more thlln another it is (l. surgical operation. 'Va can staLe without fear of a contmdiction that · thcro are hundreds, y s, thousands, of operntioDs pe rform d l1pon WOUl n ill our hos· pi tal whic'h are entiroly unnecessary and ma ny have beell avoided by

LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND F or j)l'O nf of this stat ment l'ead

tile fol o will g lelters.

MI's. U arh::u'llo Baso, of KingmllD. K:llIsas, writ es to .Mrs. Pinkhn.m:

.. For ('i ;Iht senrs I suffc red (rom the Ino ·t 6cvor form ot fcma.lo troubles aut.! W!l 1I told t.h a t. an o pera.tion was my onlS hope of I·eco\'cry. I wrote Mrs. I'iukho.m f\O r ad,·jce, ond t.oolc Lydia E. Pinkham's Ycgt'tuble C IIIpound, and It hus sa\'ed my life and ma de mo a w ell woman."

Mrs. Arthur R. House, of Church Road, Moorestown. N. J" writes:

"I fllel it is my duty to let. people Imow what Lydia E. plnltham's Vegetnblo COlllpound bas done for m e. I suffc l'ed from ll!mnle troubles. and last March my ptlyt;ioian decided that an ope ration " ' IIS necessary. My hUNbn.nc1 obj ' cted, and urg d me to try Lydifl. E. Pinlthnto's Vegetable Compound, Bud to-dny I 11m well and stroug."


For thirt y years Lydia. E. Pinkbam's V egetable mpound; made from roots and h rba, has been the standard remedy for f male ills nnd has po itiv ly cured thousallds 01 women who have heen troubl rt with displac ments, inflammp.tion ul ra-

tion, flbr Id tumors, irreguiarities,

periodio pains, und backache, )Jl'fI. Pinkham Invites nil slek wonum to write ber for udvlce. She IIBS guided thousonds tohealth. Addre8~ Lynn. Moss.


Malllage of the Face Will Be Found to Work Wonders.·


- - - -- -- - - -- -

Roses for hat s are Imm ' \lse In s ize. No w coa ts are e laQorat Iy bra.J ded . :Modlsh g l'ays range from deelt st smoke to palest pea rl. The P t;yche knot 'Is the faVori te eoll'l'l\ ro of lhe mom Ont. Pompadour ribbons are milch In demund for e ve Ing sash es. . The sack s hape Is smart and becoming to good forms. The walk,lng coat Is long and Ibe walking s kirt is short. Rich and dark colors have the g rant est vogu e In hat trImmIng. Brightly colore d heels or found on many of the new smart pumps. Some smart Frencb womeu nre be- · ginning to carry dainty walking sUcks. File t n e ~ and s outache braId lire the two most pOJlular trimmings.

Western Canada the Pennant Winner

"Thelast Bast West" The government of Cllnad" now gives to eVery actual settler 160 acres of wheat-.arowloll laad free and an additional HiD acrel at $3.00 Bn adfe. The 300,000 contented American lIettlera making their homel in Western Caaoda is tbe best evidence of the luperlority of that country. They are becoming rich, grO'l"ing fro~ 25 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 1 to bushel. oats a.n d 45 t .O 60 bushels barley. beaides having IIplendid herds of canle raille4 on tbe prairie graas, Dairying II an important indulltry. The crop of lfNJ8 stili I..,~. W~slern C.nael. In the lead. The worlcJ will soon look to It •• lia food·produc~r. "The \b1ng ... hlob moet Impre-.l u s "'IUI the mallnltud e ot th e eOUnlfT lba~ \I ...,.Il"blo for

Attractive Coati. ~rlcul'u",1 pur"" . ....." - N"lIonul EdlCorla' Ct>IT<.tJlO"lft n"". /WIl. Among the severe modes are some Low railway rate .. !rood Behoof. anel cburch .... most attl'acUve coat8 In blue s e rge m8rk~t. convcnl~n·l. prlce."b. blahut, climate with colOl' Introduced In tbe collar. perfect. nro t tl' .... Ie by ttnll_y Mil LItRe! Com· Br Ig h t re d s, greens, an d · even orangeLand. paul"... U" ... rlptlYo pampblets and mapa IiCllt f ....,. are the coloI' notee most uBed. One 1'0, rail"., ratelllnd 0\00' I DtorutaUOD appl1 ,.. of the smartest coats seen this fall Is S..perlataoelent ofl ...... I.,.... __I Ott.... C.....cIa a Francais model In very WIde twlll or to the aulhorlaed Canadian Oov~ AIlent: serge finished with narrow strapplngs, , 1(. M. WILLIAMS, 1)lplngs and buttons of black saUn, a Law Bulldln-. Toledo. OhIo. cnnning little scarf ot satin and a collar facing ot deep yellow chamois com IF you'vE pleted the cbarmlng wrap. Al)ropos of uUlJt.y coats ' fhere Is nothing so ~~~l1N&V£RWORN ~ chic a8 the large check woolens In black and wblte with collars of black satin or of black combined with a bright color. Black and white stripes stili r e laln a certain prestige, though YOIfYe~ as a rul e tbey sbow 8011 I'eadlly and to ttfe bodily comfort It qi~~ are not desirable for all f1gures, while the wettestweauR:l' hroken plaids and Invisible markings are becoming to almost nny type_ '

:0 '_..,..1 SLicKER reorn

Alligator Claw Purse. One of th e lIe w small plII'sea for change and cnr tickets Is made trom the claws of an alligator. Tt Is fas· tened with n sin g le claSl) aud has a s trap acro ss th e back.

'fhel'e are certain books of reference ·tbat should alway. find a 'place 00 the wrlUng-taple, and It II convenient to have- those ' books' so arranged that any pal't1cl1lar ' volume may 'be found at a .'Iance, ~nd In that case, It Is almost necessary to haye aome . kind of book rack to holel them. In our sketch, ",e ' ehoW' a novel wa)' of doing thlB, and, perhaps, a bette I' name fOI' It than book. clLlle ","ouliJ be book·enda, !i)ltead. . It cOll$llIts of two amall cardboard boxes, which' mny ~ filled wltb anything (>f weight, IImall Itones, for ,Instance, or sand.. 'l'lte boxes c.a n then entirely be cover~d with any pretty !:KId remnant ot material that may be handy. and '111 round th e. edges a silk cord fa sewn. Pretty lIt.Oe floral designs ' may be worked In silk on 'the sl*' and top. 'Ilhe books are placed In a row as .-bowD In I he sketch; with an "end". at either .Ide, to bold them In pOsition. If one or tv(o books sbould be taken away, It fl nQ trouble to push the rematnJ_ books together _and cloeR ui» the gap, WJwa Dot NiDI aae4 tor book., tIaeIe Uttle bOllelJ . . . 'make cap1, , l..1 paper -well~_

. I . .1





-d' There

-'~ '-~ . Oltaa Tbe Kidneys Are Weakened by Oyer-Work.

iNA pllpor thllt is worth ' weight 10 golrt, Il.od we tire offering v ('ubllshecl W ckly ~ W»yn ,\'111', Ohio II it nt half prloe,:5 cents. Thi~k of' .'. ~n ' It! These wltg1lztne ltterllUy given 0 - _ • ,. ,__ ., • _ _ ., _. 011'1~1 I!l IN ALL]::N B MA IN 'I ItEI~'l' a way , COlne in lind let 1l send them Unhealthy K14n~ys Make Impure B100lL to you . '1"his offer is only· for u. . . Milton N ni' or nnd Ha,rry flu vis W ok and unhealthy kidneys are re,y A LE~' 'rF.L EPnONE 'AI .r. NO . II :! bQrt time. After that you will were Ilrresled in Wltrren O\lUnty spoDsi ble for' milch sickness and sutTeri ng, therefore. if kidney htlve to pa.y tha reguhlr prloe . for hunhn on~pt~d-properlyT ~~~~~ID trouhle is permitted to D. L, CRANF., Editor and Manager ~ I contiuue, serious reAlone in Saw Mill at Midnight T-Ile traction question is ca,using sults are most likely to follow . Your other Unmindful of dllmpn ss,. draft, Wilmington re idents Il.nxiety \)eRates of Subscription orgaus may t1eerl at- I ~ t o rmsor oo ld ; W . J . Atkins worke,l cause there IS not,bing tentioll. but your kidOue Year (strlolly In ud\·ancc) ... .. ..... * I.UII us Night Watl!hman, at !:Ianner a bout l1eys m ost, because I "Ingle Oopy ... . . ... ... ....... . .. ...... .lIfo I ::lprings, 'fenn . Suoh exposurngave ! th ey do most and should have attention llim Il severe oold that settlAd on Wilmington is oonsidering" 01111 d fir t. Therefore, when llts lungs. At last he bad to giv Rates of Advertisements convention to seoure the popular your kidneys are wcak or out of order, Reading Local . per line . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. r,c up work. He tried many remedies opinion all the issuanoe of 14I.',OUO you can understand how quickly your eDbat a ll falled till be used Dr. King's tire body is affected and how every organ R~adl n g locnls. bluck face. per lin ...... 10c New Disoovery . "After using one schoul buildiog bonds . seems to fail to do its duty. OIt\8Nlfted Ads, not to exceed five II ncs, he writes, "I went biCk to II you are sick or .. feel ballly," begin .'l·hl'ee In8ertlons ... . .. ' " . .... . . 25c bottle" work liS well us ever." Severe Cold taking the greut kiduey remedy, Dr. ObituarIes, rh'e Incbt:,s free; O\'er til" In a fusilnde at shots towlLfd a lone Kilmcr's Swamp·Root. A trial WIll conRtnbborn Coughs, 10flllmed throllts Incbes, per line .... .. .... ... .. . . .. 5c and 8urolungs Hemorrhnges, Uroop rabbit u stray load struok Monte vince you of its great merit. Card of tbunlts ... .. .... . .. . .... ... ... .. 2;;c lind Whooping Cough get qoick rfl Brown in ijrownttJwn, Brown Coun- The mild a nd immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and Resolutions ... . ... . .. . .. .. .. . ..... .. . .. [,Ue lief Ilnd prom J)t oore from th13 glo Soolals etc, wh ere cburlIc I malle . ... . . ~:;c rious medicine. 500 Ilnd 11 00. ty, and permanently deitroyed 1111 bl.adder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable Olsplav Advertising, per Inch.. . . . .. . ... Oc Trilll bott.le free, guarantepd by Ul'e of hil' left eye . . health restoring pro/>erties ha\'e been Discount" glvon on con tract. Fred C. Boh wart.z. prin'en in thousands a the most distress.1obn R Biggins a veteran of ~he mg cases. If you need a medicine you - - ' WILL MEET APPRAISERS Oivil WIH fl,od & teacber of fine should have the best. DEOElI1DER 9, 1909. Sold by druggists in . --stunding, died in &1·1l via at the nge fifty-cent and one.dolState Auditor Fulllngton has com · of 73 . Be had a very interestin~ lar sizes. You may .1==!::I=I: ~:: pleted plana for his Ilttem~ to get and useful life. have a sample bottle • by mail free, also a YOUR TIME IS all the 2,511 qUlldrennitll appraisers pamphlet telling you h 'ld f 8 r I how to find out if you have kidney or At h\.8 tinle of the year we are to agree on a uniform of up The thrlle young 0 I ren 0 11 · bladder trouhle. Mention this paper prAlsi ug all · the r eul property in ry Smith, of Mason, foond an old when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., anxioQ8 to gOIi our books in sho pe Ohio. dynamite oap, II.nd plaoing it nn II. Binghamton. N. Y. Don't make nny mis· for the ensuing year, and w01lld raA meeting has been 3Illled for the . ' .. ith tuke, lout rt!memiler the name, Swamp' . block, "tarted lD-vestlgatlOn~ w a Root, and don't let a dealer sell you quest those koowlDg themselves In- week of Deoem~p.r 13t,h, lit ~olam , hammer. All three Rel'e inj1lred somethil1g in. place .of SW!lmp-Root-if debted to us f or the paper to come in bos .. All apprnlsers eleotert In ci ty r in the explosion that foli o wed. you do you w111 be d1sappOlDted. • uistrlOts, nearly 400, (\ re expected to . d ttl W I h an . 8e e. e sure y u ve been a tten d ,os we II 1\8 th e 8 ooun t Y Itu · lenieDt with some of our i!utroDl.'! . (litors. The oounty uuditors httVtl A laoe oartain ooming into oon· INCORPORATES LIGHT COMPANY and 11.8 it is time to ololle our 1!l01! berm requested to callan immediflte taot with a stove P'P" oaused 0001 Al'tioles of inoorpoT.\tion of "'fil a books, we hope they will not forget. meeting of. the uppruisers in their bustionenough t·osummOD tlle LoveMnnol'u.cturers· Power tlnd Light counties and have them select thre.e la.nd FIre Department to the Waldo # but oome forwlI.rd promptly. Botel. They .mtlde .a. gOl)d r1ln, but 00 ," were filed in COlumbus Man delegll.tes to represent the village ----~~.-------their servio!:'s were not Deeded. duy by Wilmington oapitalists The a nd townihip f1istriots'. TWO GOOO OFFERS • _ • incorporo tors Ilre the H on. M. R. Auditor Fullingt on expeots at lellst Rich Men's Oifts Are Poor Denver, A. L . B,dley, .J. R. / ClevE1n On ot',her pages in thiS issue \'I e 00 dppraisers and offioillls to join in beside this: "I want togooo.record ger, RC'bert Owens lIud Jame~ LI\;\V are makin ao two fine offer~ , . in the oonference, , ,fQ , ot 08 saying that I rega.rd Eleotrio Bit- h eud and the cornpllny waB incor we are giving you the Furm anu Tuxn.'ion author ities from other ters as one of the grellteRt gifts thl1t pora ted n,t 125,000. The objeot of Fire8ide and the Womo.n ·s Home States will be here to address the ap God has mllde tll womll.n, writes Mrs . the inoorporation is the manufaoCompanion. 1'hese pllpers are tit" praisers, ArrBngem~nt8 bllve been O. RbinevlI.ult, of Vestal Cente~, ture, distrih:ltion and sule of powel' standards of their olass-the farm tu olose the oQnferentfe with 0. N. Y , "loan never forgd what It I has done for me." This gloriouS' U~ht and bent. _ . . and the hom e-R nd shoold be In d liar din~er. mediolne gi \'es a woman booYtlnt ·.rhe new plont WIll be eqUlllped In ~very home in the township. spirits, vigor of body and jubilant dupiioote with the best modern mllKEEP. MILK CO(\L The F"rm nnd Fireside oomeE! health. It q1liokly onres Nervou",· ohinery that oan be seoured. twioe 'lL moqt,h, it! I\. big paper, ODd Always keep Paeteurized milk ness, Sleeple"8neslJ, M.elanohol.v , Mr. Denver will lellv'e for ( Wosha~adll.obe, BlI.okaohe, FlllDting and . he. the beHt of ren ding for the farm0001. Use at onoe. Do not forget Dizzy Spells; '!Won b1lilds up tbe i.ngton, D. C., Sltturday wltb bls er a.nel his family . that germs multiply more rapidly in weak, atllng and siokly. 'l'ry them priYtlte seoretory. Mr. 8empsteud Thto Wowu n 's 8 0me CompaniOl) Pasteurized milk than io any ot.her . '500. at Fred C, Sohwa.rtz'l', 8e pxppots to t~lke 110 lIotlve pIli t in the nathnalaifllirs in thu.t. city this session and there i lit·tle doubt but that he will bs hellrd from before , the oongress IIdjoorns.


The Best farm Paper free for aYear A Great Opportunity for Miami Gazetie Readers


'[he Miami Gazette has t concluded an extraor d inary 8nangemen t by which we can send you thE.' Ilew and greater Farm and Fireside, the greatest farm and home paper in America, absolutely without cost to yourse lf. Farm and Fireside comes twice every month, twr.nty-four big i~ sues during the year. The publi~hers of Farm and Fires'd e have just spenl: $60,000 in improving this great paper which fa." 3:.1 years has been the standard fal'm paper of' Amt!rica. They want more of our readers to know this great farm and home paP':!l', and that is why w,e a l'e able to make you lhlti offel' in connection with the Miami Gazette.

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-Th e Mia.mi Gaz ette

tortr ss or Mornm bad, "nc! whell tbe re r Il r ; wh~n the{e J8 Don nea r eno\lgh to be s n, we go an uk· D. L. CRAN E. iug into Ollr 'chamb r, we tremble , we pray, we frtlt ours!'l ves until our tacee WAYNESVTJ.LE. Canada'a Day of Tt1anka a Month Ear01110 , . a,e Pl\le, our breath is s hort, and our lier Than In tho United Statet. step Is fe ble; we rus h Ollt over the Preach t be gosllel of cheerfu l nell ~ moat, and hl\slen away, to hIde In the For some reason better known to wherev er you 10. forests and amid the rocks and the Ch I th Canadia ns themsel ves tl)aa to tbe fields in the coward 's country because at OD nterestinl1 Topic s of Many Kinds . by Cultl\' nte the outdoor habI t all rou III!ople on this s Ide of tho Une, our we have fretted ourselv es. "Fret not-l-lH -.·-:--- -8 Recog nized Autho rity ~an. oven though cold wenthe r's com· Canadia n oousln8 celebra ted their "F'r"l not thY1lEllt beCI\U~6 ot <'vII-doers." thyself. There ' are t oo i ng on . Thanks givIng a month or more <larller Th Is text Is often misund erstood . I doers In the world ." How many evil· WI n we ab· I hAn we do, rememb er It may be that the Cana· that at college, when I did stai n? Is there a remedy ? ]s it r eal! This Um e there Is no on to dis pute 11II\n turkey had become ImpaUe nt, aDd DInner Favors. Secreta ry Wilson' s word In regard to not kno,," that I kn ew but.lllU e, I ·rld l. Is It somethIng that each one of UB Sevenlh year-\yo olen. ~ ound e d a note of warning . or It may culed believer s In the BIble by quot. can get- the power We are ne ver too old to admire 'l'llJ1lh year- Tin, t he big crops. to be brave, to Ing thi s text as a contrnd lctlon to th staod fearless ly, to worry be that the "frost on the pumpkln" dethIngs fre ely, and the hostess who de· Tweltth y f.l r- Sllk li nd tine linen. not, t.o have r·"Irt ellll1 yenr rysta l. No matte r how funny a typogra ph· rest of the Dible, arguing that. we cheerfu lared Itself. But whatev er the reaSOD, l taces, to s Ing when the sires to give favors has n wide selec· Twcnt! th )' nr- 'hlml. leAl error Is, It seldom amuses the were told In a great. many verses of e nem their Thanksg ivIng day Is past. It may y Is coming ? It can be done. In tlon trom which to choose for almost Tw nly·flCU, yca t..... Sll vcr. proofre ader wbo passed it. bave been tIlat the re8ll00s fol' givin g th e Dlbltl to agitate ourselv es , t rouble 10,000 cases It bas been nny occasion . A clever person with 'r hlrtlcll1 )'e ar- I' "rl. done. When IrO\'Uel lt yrar-Hub)'. ourselves over tbe sal vation of menthanks ' so much earlier tha n we do we ask th e renson wby God comma nd· deft flnss r.s can make charmin g cards "Oerma ny Is gett in g ou r hogs now," FI CLI t h yen r-Oelrle n. thst we were to be anxious wh n th e ed us In tbls beautifu were pushing themsel ves 80 hard and Set'onl y·fl1th YCII I~D l a rnond . l psalm not to and bonboll boxes ; the latter may be "ays a Berlin dispatch . Haven't noev il -uoe rs ap peared. I argued that It fre t ourselv es , lhe so fast that the Canadia ns w ra tI ed nny espe lal shortag e of end· answer is s imply rou nd 01' square, silt or eight s ided. meant t hat we were to let them have commo n sense, aod It aBhame d to postpon e the f3ve nt. 1'b"y ' Supper Parties. I!eaters. amo unts to SIIY' heart or dI am ond s hape d. Recentl y the Ir way, that we were to pay no at. Ing that we can be The Informa l old·fash loned s uppal' have had reasons , and good ones, tOO, our ow n wOlsl I suw dainty pInk satIn boxes, oval 1n "A ,New York '·YPl'wrlter girl has es· tentlon to them. nnd that we were not enemIes . slI nll y th at Is so. It is t na shape, the cover benrlng a photogr apb party, at which all the viands ar lor giving thanKS. Their great broad ureas of prall'le land have yielded In on satlll of the shit) on whlcb the! placed on the tnble, tabllsbe rl a r cord of n words a min· to have any worry over the fact that sl'os' that we volun tarily commIt Is beIn g revIved, th,,\ lite," says a TopeJr'l paller, Exactly ; that there was evil In t.he world . Of weaken s us. ' Vo Burre-nd er g~l est of honor at this dinner party I especia lly fOI' Sunday eve ning. No abunda nc . and here, by the way, It I. the [artcourse I ad ve rtised my Ignora nce. But ress by fr etting ourselv 'wrltlng or Ullklng? was t o saIl. servant need be In attenda n e, perfect uot unintere sting to the fri ends of es Inlo the iu· ft was th Ignoran ce whIch gen rally ability to defc the mIllions of AmerIca ns who hnve For brid al alrlll rs, the monogr am of freedom reigns, each nd It any louger. g uest feels a ( mad God Over dress Ing. nlrtln g ana gossi ping pre \'a lls concerning this text. It was e th eIr horue In CIlDada durIng the the happy jail' in gold on white comman salin d s :Iberty Ull to preserv e th is t mpi tl to contribu te are the thrE'e cn rdlnal sIn!! of womeD not Intende d tei carry the Idea are v ry elegant . They may ontaIn toasting bread, mnklng his serv ices, past few years to know that th ey hllve t hat of God, the body; to pr sen 'e some t bls de licate In this country . and In England a de- we a re not to be agit ated or dIsturb ed agency or God. the mind; to presel'Ve weddIng cake or bonbons . Small bas· (·oncoct lon In tbe ohnfing 11Ish, mixIng particip ated most generou sly In the sIre to vote bas to b e added . concern ing ev ll·doe rs . You will see this most valuabl e at Probab ly, he a ll God's trens· kets o[ va rIous sty les ar lovely used a salad, or brewing tho coffee or tea. "cutting of the melon." when you compar e scriptur e wIth ures, a pure, human sou l. 'Wo have as nu t or sw etmeat 1I0lder s ; some- T hese spread s may be be for e or after western portion of Canada , comprls lnB What tbe IIclentis ts claim te know "bou t th e limItati ons of neropla nes III scriptur e, Hn d wh en YO Il Inspect tb e need at ev ry jiosslbl e force. There times an artltlcla l Or real fiower Is e venIng servIce, or atter the theater. tbe provinc es of Manitob a, Saskatc he· just about equal to what they claImed Whole of thls,won de rful Thlrty.s eventh Is need tor a ll we could know, all the ti ed to t he handle; for In stnnce, a A mother can do more by havIng such wan and Alberta . have the greates t to \mow about steamsb lps 100 years Psnlm, th at the Lo rd t ells hI s lleollle eyenu ess of telllpera m nl that we bUilth or forget·m e·nots, at a tarewell ntrulrs for ber young people at home reason 'of nny of the provi nces to x· not to "frel" themsel ves, for the rea. cou ld comman d nt all vress In the most en thu siastic manner ·Iuncheo n ; or panSies , for "though ts." than by any amount ago, of prenchl ng or son that e vll.doer s must be tought. are weak sI nn ers betoretimes, and Wff; The wee jardinie res In brass or china talkIng at club on "How to Keep Our thelr gratitud e. The 1'1'5u lts In the God becausv "An observI ng person can read a The very tact that we must overcom e we have sInned againsl line of product ion give ainple reason ourselv es In lire vcry popular for favors, contain · Young People at Home." woman 's charact e r from the hat ahe the evll·doe rs makes It necessa ry thal fre tting ourselv es. for d evout thanksg tvlng to Provld nce. Ing one sIngle flow er ; thIs prim, wears ," says a wrller. Then what we should not fret ourselv es. The How oft en have men and women atlff style of decomU on Is very e lrec· Me.,.lng of ForeIgn Word. on Menu 'rhls year has s urpasse d all olh I'!Ljn horribl e charact ers most of our aalnt· larger, broader Inte rpretati on ot the destroy ed thei r physIca so far as the total Increas e In the coun· l health by live, es pecIally used wltb a 'round Card •. Iy women have! scrIptu re brings. neceasa rlly to the toollsh, sinful habIts? try's wealth Is concern ed. There Is no table; ach jardinie re contrib utes So to mBny They are th eir young corresp ondents hnve tront the Idea Ulat we are not to fret ,own worst enemIes . the clrelo that Is form ed by one at asked the meanVl g o( fore Ign words quelltlo n that Provide nce WIlS espeWIlen the tIm" It la now assured that the United oursel ves, because it we do we will comes from th m to be cournge each place. on menu cards that I give a few, ond cially generou s. The wealher condl· Btates army will soon be well lIupplle4 not ous, do the thIngs we ought to do. and there Is cowardi ce. Wben Many of tho now place cardS will give more s ome other Ume. Will tlons were perfect, and during tbe are 'WIth elfectIv e aIrships . This being the evll·doe the ripening nnd rs will not be defeate d as they comes fo r them to re member t1mo made to stand uptight , especia lly al\ interest ed please , they case, the navies ot Europe are . noth· should be cut Ollt and keep 'Yos nothll'lg harvesti n g period, tbere deteated . to Interfere. And now It ha ve broken down th eir memory ; when a figur e ,motif Is 1Ised, and for for future referen ce? .lDg to us but the hugest kind of Ruin of Mighty Fortreu . was well It was 110, for with a demand when the tim comes for them In Borne brIdal or pre·nup tlal alfalrs, lit· Cllte- olroo. ,fokes . for labo,r that could not , be supplied , I remeDlb er visiting Susa, down the fight, they are too Dc mt -tns~e-A tl('r dinner cup ot co rtf'e. weak to hold a tle dolls dressed as brIde I1nd groom Frappe- Semi or halt- I''/'o&e n. there was the greates t dange r, but , Noblem en coming to this country Tigris r iver, near the P ersIan gulf. As spear or swol'd, and whell tile tlmo lind maids, e lthef form the center- Frlc8ssl 'e-Stew. wIth suitable wenther the garnerIn g or .hould take n course In pOlite corre- we looked out toward the east from oomes fo r them to get strength b, 1llece under a suspend ed weddin g bell F romng4!-Chelll!e. Susa the grain has been success fully accom· we could lIee a range at moun. sleep, they are too nervous to any or the re Is a figure at each plate bear· Olnce-F1'oJ!en. ,lIponde nce before embark ln,. It may ato au lolt-Colreo with hot milk. pilshed . There bave b en low gen· 'prove embarr assing to have some tains thnt used to divide the kIngdom longer sleep. Th ey have destroy ed Ing th e name card. Dealers furni s h Nou tchnlel- A 80tt SWlS8 cheese. eral average s, but these are account· be ll·shape d boxes for wedding s , in tact, Parmesa third person write their love lette,. ot Ba bylonIa trom the kin gdom of themsel ves, commit ted suicide. nAn Italian cheeso. ed for by the fn ct that farmera were Iodla. Near the top ot that mounta in nearly every design Is obtaina ble or 'tImbale -Pie (,Ullt baked In a mold. 'tor them. Unfit for ·Llfe'. Battle. rang,. a column s tanding dI stinctly rOlltons-B reac\ CI'led In squares, ulle(! Indllfer ent, relying altogeth er IIpon We destroy our own fortune s and ma y b e ordered . England 's «reate lit troubl. t. trying against the s ky, a!1 broken ruIns , the tor lIOUP and In garnishIng. what a good 8011 would do. There fortune s o[ other people by weak· d Bouillon-A clear broth, usually ot beet. "ill be no more low o make Its reec1pts equal fl. ex· running along the crest average s thougb, of the moun. ening our powers and our Influen c. Meanin g of Rosema ry. Au graUn,Dishes baked, prepared with ror thla year has shown enses. There are many otber lands taln, attracte d our attentio n . The old The corresp ondent who a sks the ehees . what good, by {retlln@! .ourselv es unneces sarily, Ilt have tbe same trouble, and hot guide was asked what the ruin was careful fanning wlll do. It will pro· Men,l- BIII of fare. How It unfits us tor the battle ot lIfel meanin g ot the word "Rosem ary" Dlay Pur e-TnIl'Y a few Individu als who find them.el ves and he said, "That Is the ruin of · (1\ ntll' ru bbed through n duce 130 million bus hels of wbeat tram be glad to know that the word m eans slev(!. usunlly the tonn gtven n thick seven million , ~ll againllt the problem all the year (ortress that never was captUre th~ .· 1 have seen two nurses at a bedslda , "fragran ce," acres, and It wl\l prod." At one wIth trembli ng hands and overand I- am sure she will s lralnea 8cUII. • rround. duce a splendid lot of ollts, yieldIng night, a s we s at by the camllfir e, the wrough t nerves , and Tutli be ft'utt happy l-Vnrl to o1l8 have ~ Indll a COpy of ' of trults the dear the other golnll (choppeil tin ). anywhe re trom 50 to 100 bushe ls per . A Bumme r girl has jUllt sued tor old sheik told us, In that symboli c, fig- quietly and carefull y about her taska. little verselc t glve.n below, which was onsomm ~l e Rr SOll p . acre. Tbls on land that bas cost but urJIt!ve manner of written the east, by' Alice bow this I have seen physicia n!" at the dlj!sect. Fenn Coffin on the damage s for breach or promise , claim· Jus-O ravy 0 1' juice of meats . trom $10 t.o $15 per a cre-ma ny tarm· MADAME M ERRr. ,tng that a seashor e engage ment ahe fortress stood there ~ thousan d years, ing table, one with trembli ng fingers, first. bIrthda y of a Idear cblld whose e rs have reallz d s ufflcl ent from thll! took seriousl y. This creates a preo· and was th e chlet de fense against the nnd the other cool and calm. Th" mothe r's name was Mary. While It year's crop to pay the ntlre cost of edent wblch ' may bave portento ull re- East Indian warrior s; how the Valley young surgeon , beginni ng his first was not wrl Uen -(or publica tion, I feel their farms. Tho Toronto Globe says : aults on that tavorite putIme , the sea. of Shlnar was k ept In safety. and the case, will feel so unn erv&.d br biA that every mother Who hliS a " Ros e"The whole populnt ion ' at the Weill people dwelt In peace while that anxi ety that he will side flirtatio n. be almost unfit. mary" should have the wInsom e lines, rejolcea In the bounty of ProvldeDce, fortr ess stood there wIth Its great ted for his task, where so bero they are In our departm ent, the slightes t lind 8enda out a messag e of gratitud e A distingu ished scientis t and ph,.· armam ent with the J>est soldIers the deviatio n of a knife w1\1 destroy a lite. althoug h they do not oome unde l' the Vel,,·et Is l\ leader In the line of nnd apllrecl atlon of the favo rs which lIiclan, Dr. Felix Regnau lt, saya there defense the entire nation. The 'situ. So God says, "Fret not thyself." class ot "novel enterta Inment s;' it fashion able fabrics. b".,e been bestowe d on the country . are few men and women of full age aUon was one of great strengt h, It We can do almost nnythln g If we would bo most appropr iate to r ead Delight fully "com!y" are the kl· Tbe cheerfu lness wblch has abounde d -ll8y 25 yeare-w ho bave not yet was on the hIghest peak. All around have the ablllty them at a "Rosem ary's" bIrthda y monos to keep ourselv ell and dressioa : gowns of ducklIn g with Indu try durlnlt the llllst 1111 contrllct~d the malady that w1l1 tlnal· It were blgh clllrs, deep \-alleys, and frorp fretting . We are told in the party: monthli has not oblitera ted ,the concepfl eece. !ly kill them. The trouble gets Into sharp rocks, where. It would be death Bcrlptu res that TO nOSE\'d ARY. if we cease from WOI' When the blest Mother M!lry. To be quite up-to-da te the cbemr. tion of the source from whIch the the system some way and secrete a to (all. It was so &\larded by nature rying, e can have the-pea ce ot God, In Naz roth far away, settes of Irish lace must be made over ble8slng s liave flowb, and the good ttaeJf In some organ and there Ilea that the entranc e to It was up a that passeth all Worked for the IItll Chris t chlld, understa n.dlng. But feeling Is combine d with .a spfrJt of dotted net. 'd oTmaat unUI the conditio ns are ripe natural staIrwa y over whloh only two nothlllg but divine By the brook, at dawn oC day, help will enable UI J et Is popular again th!s season, thankfu lness for the privileg e or living tor Its tatal activity . Accord ing to tbls people could go abreast to the top of to reach that conditio She took his tiny garment8 n. You have a And spread them 10 th Bun bolh as orname nts anft/or the decora· In so fruitful a land. Th misfort unes Idea no one dies of old age. the mounta in. The old guide told us great day's work {o·morr ow, and If Upon Ih Plants of 'rollemnry, of the past are practica lly forgotte n, tlon of gowlls. that tile fortress was not only in a you are going to do ' And dried th m ono by on . It properl y' you 'Someon e haa Introdu ced In the powerfu l location , but Little sl)\ tfes with braided ribbon because there Is great cause to con· Til dRlnty leaves were mlnd/ul, ' was so beautifu l must sleep In peace to·night . You say BritJllh parliam ent a bill providi ng (or for situatio n that bows arc chic accesso ries for the templat e with satisfac tion the com. Of the linen sheer and , white they could see from It Is Impossi ble. It Is .not Imllossl ble. And held It to the breezes, levying tues on land at the north that point far out forts of the present. 'fbanks gt'ffn, 'hlrt waist. on tbe plaine to the A young woman failed In her ex.And spread It to tho light; pole, OD the a8sump tton that the ooun· east, and away south should be a season of unllsual G. Striped diagona l cheviot s are one of even to the sea, aminati ons at the univers ity last year. And 10-1\ subtlo fragrance try up there Is part o( the empire. and lbus la8m." 'the smart and practloa l materia ls Was left upon tho plantnorth to the Incomin g ' of the The report that came to .me was 110 .But this ,en tieman, whethe r joking or Tigris and the And to lhts day the roscmar y suits and coats. Euphra tes. This great. bad, that 1 saId tbere was no UIIe What'a a Gentlem an? WIth spIce Is emnnant. ~erlous, Is not likely io ' leare up much est fortress The jaunty military jacket Is put· of all the east was fur. that woman to go to school. The for An exaot definition of a 'gentlem an pro,excitem ent the matter. There nl 'led with every ting In a claim (or favor In the world has been trIed many times, never per· Dear MaId- Your mother Mnry possible kind of fessor said sbe was not a bad scholf;\r 'are questio ns ot taxation much near· prOVision. They or fashion, and bids fair to win out. Gives you thIs nam 80 aw e t, had dug deell wells In clsss, but she was her own worst haps with entirely satisfac tory results. ' er home In which the BrltIllh people In several portion For tn you ths fragran t rosemary, Wonder fully beautifu l ball 'gowns LI~Ue SadIe had ne s of the parade enemy ~ ver heard of any I Wben examin ation time And the sunny ohlld soul meet. are far more deeply Interest ed. are made of two-ton e satin wttli a jet.- of the dlftnltlo ns grounds , and some ot those w'e lls came, Instead of going , but she manage d to bed, restlog ted chiffon tunic were held up by garlal)d l to. t brow a gleam of light living springs . The soldiers (or the work, sbe would study LI.t of Weddin g Annlve raarle •• An odd point has arisen followin g baIt the of flowers ,and loops of v,elvet ribbon. Ject, alblet one touchedon the sub· the matter of air travel. A membe r w,e re selected trom tbe best men In night, and then find herself unable to Every so otten the, query comes for wIth un· c()nsclo us cynIcIsm. The word W8S In .ot the Aero club In New York hal the armies of Babylon and ancient sleep, wakIng up and fibdlng herself the lIat ot weddin g c~ebratlons. It Ute of Gold Nineveh Lace. , that they were chosen for weak, so that It was Impossi . the spelling les80n and I said : ,sugges ted that as some persons might ble for hos b.een a year now since the list Gauzy "Sadie, wbnt- Is a g entlema n?" conside r flIght over their private prop- their physica l, educaU onaI' and mental her to get her mind down to real, hard allpeare d and we reprint fo~ the bene. bination gold lace Is a ' favorite cOmIn the evenIng gowns ot dla. "Please , Ina'a m," sbe answere d, "n ,e rty as trespas s, nlr routes should be attainm ents. Men In (he (orefro nt of work, and to show herself In het ,true .lit of tl1e many who ask tor It. phiinou s fabrics for the tiny sleeve gentlem an's a nlOD legally condem ned for the UIII ot the battlefie lds were selected to stand light. But there Is a power above ua you dou't know WEDDl~G ANNIVERSARIES. and tucker, Whlcli the smarte st mod. very welJ."- Woman 's Flt'IIt YCIlr-Cotton. ..Ir·trave llng publlc. ,At the .ame time, guard In this fortress . The ' omcers nil to ennNe us to get control of ourome Compan · els show. Second y ea~Pap cr . A black 1Il1ertY' latin prln· Ion. . propert y-owne ra would Uke to be sure were selected In the same way, and selves, and to rest, -and obtain the Tbli-d year-Le ~e8S gown, so finll\hed, is one of the lllher. when taking strolls I.n their prlvat. the comman der of Moramb ad stood peace of God. 0, what a lleace that I. FIWl yoar- Wooden.1 soason' s best models, Import ant to Motha ra. STounds that they would not be bom· next In rank to the king. Grent men - to be anxious for nothing , but by ~amlne care fully every bottle ot , . . . . . ."-..,.-...--"---...._--,,.-....-....-....... _,,.-....-........--"'"" :----- -.:..-- :----. .....:-....-.. . .--_... CASTOR Ibarded with casual all' tourists tum· regarde d It as a position of highest prayer making known our request s to _ I:A, a safe and sure remedy for bllng down out of the sky from dllfac> bonor to occupy any' station In that Ood, and then the peace of God that In,f ants and chlldren , and 'see that It' fortress . Its history was full of ro- passeth all underst anding shall keep Uve airshIps . Bears the ~ mance, full of berolc deeds. Every. OUI' bearts and minds r= through Christ Signatu re The storm which wrecke d Key thIng that bad been done about It Jesus. West and which may' have wrough t seemed to have' been preserv ed with In Use For Over 30 Years. 1 have tried thus rudely and hastily wide havoc along the eaat coast of care In order to Inspire the soldIers to lead you torward to the . The Kind Yo,u Have Always Bought. rainbow of Florida s eems to kave been one of the wllh the deeds that th eir forefath ers promIse at the end of this comman d, When two women begin to talk over 1t'ercest known for many years. The bad don e. "Fret not thysel!. " God says we are the , back fen oe • his satanic majesty Unnerv ed by Fretting , wonder ful circums tance, conside ring to commit ourselv es to him. Then hears a 101 about their nelgllbo rs that the terrific d estructi on ot prollert y But, one day there came news to comes the promIse , viz., "Thou wilt he "never even suspect ed. noted In the early reports, Is the ab- Ihe honorab le prince the leade r of 8 keep him In perfect peace wbose sence of casualt ies and fatalitie s. hundred battles, In c~mmand of the mind Is s~ayed on t.bee."Russell H, PettIt'. Eye aalve for 25c. P 'losses can be repaired In fortres s, that the forces of the east Conwell, In Tbe Standar Rclic\'e8 tired, 'congested, infll1l1ied and d. hum a n beings kllled or In. had gathered from the Car Ganges, sore ~yca, quiokly stops eye ·aohetl. An drUggl8tS or Howard Bros" Buffalo. N. Y. 'I' '''nrf~8 e nt a loss which can not and that they were ,he Life of ServIce . coming toward the to the commu nity In capital. This fortress , that had never No life Is really worth living that Is There Is no surer and 110 I'eadier surrend ered, bad a comma nder ,w ho not n useful life, and which does not reme dy for your own carel! than' to try had been decorat ed otten by to le$sen the cares ' of other p; ople, exalt the Id ea of service. The life of that probabl y a car. whose voice was next to the the king, the Apostle king's Pnul was In eminen tly suc· 1(,llsly til clga.r wns the cause of authori ty, and \\'bO would DOCTOR YOURSF .r.1l' be regent If cessful, not as trIed by the standar d, wben 70'11 feel ~ cold comlnll 0lJ by ,,,kina" tnwdnlW' th l> terr ible er explollio n In New the Idn g had died-an d yet of PCrry n... s' Palnklllur. 1~ Is batter thlln ~ulnlno of Caesar, but that as me asured athwart com· !"Del safer. Tb!, 1""'0 600 ,,(JILIn. Aro the 0li"'pc,r.. York City sent 80 manhol e maoder tremble d In coward ly fear the great plans of Jehovah , becaaso co vers tnto I1nd destroy ed win· whcn he heard tlte news of the To conside r anytbin g Impossi ble on· Paul Pllt God first and Paul last, and dow s by th . is recall ed by coming hosts. The walls ot the fortress kept before him the that we ca~Qot our,se!ves perform : Ideal at the boely a dispa tch l'Je w York City tell· were no less mighty, his soldlel'S present ed as a JIvIng sacrific e, aa out· no Ing of the Mn. WlJiliow ', 8oolblol f s,.1'Op, al ,lestruc tion of an less brave, everyth ing as it had been lined In the twelCth chapter at RoFo~ cbllclnla toelbtnll. tho aUIU, reduce. lito automo b il e wus Ignited by a before, yet the comma nder a__ "0Il'~1' pau..aofteDA ..u..... wlA4ooUu. ' ~. botUo. mans. 'fhe Pauline feared and Ideal ot a consecigar throw n "a st teak ot ,aso- tremble d, worried anll fretted, passing cration that daily serves both ,God and 'fo ben\lvll o~iy What ou~ finite line. " There uch streakin g 01 sleeples s nIghts, walking the , walls man Is the only "minds can · ~ra8p. principl e which sho'JId gnsoline , and the careful constan tly to 8ee If tb ere was nny rule the develop ment of present- day d isposi tIon of a nd matche s' Is s ign of the approac hing toe. At last, Christia n life. m ore Importn nt ever. before any army nppeare d In sIght, th e comma nder ordered a parade ot The Enlargi ng Vlalon. The 1'I1J1roads dolng' th e all hIs troops, marche d them The grandeu r. of the Christia n IUe out of pnly fall plowlt;lg at the the fortress , down into the plalnll, and cOnsl ~t8 in the ever enlargt ng vision present tim e from new wheat bade them scatter for their lives. of truth whIch It 'affords to all true coun ~r.y lu norlhw Canada . 'But When the Invlldln g army approac hed disciple IIn ow Is not IIII visitatio n even the fort, to their great surprise , they teachei' s of the · Milster., Jesus fa a as well I1S a Saviour , !!ond laU when It comes early, It, add s to the were told that it had bel!n abandon ed. who dp his -will are continu ally tearn· fertlll ty of the soil. They entered It wltholl~ resistan ce, 109 new wonder s _of truth ~d gioace. nnd set tip theIr' banners on the It is a blessed thought that they ·who A ministe r 10 Obi spB1lklng of t.()w·e rs. The fortress lell, aod the follow 00 to "know the Lord shall the 111 III woman, that too fre- kIngdom. ..fell, and the Invader s gov· quently one find. II Ill\r hat on erne d the count.ry with tYranny . The know hIm ever better and better. .Jesus aaid ot hImself , "i am the Way, • ten-e<ln't bead., Bu hn"t Is a condl· fortress ·WI1S eventua lly destr.oy ed by tbe Truth a.n d ' the Life." Christ 1a tJon. Wbl b, 1I1ctj Bnd laxe., Is an earthqu ake shook, but bad never ,tbqs our way to the truth, which 10 mot conftne d to a nge QI' pre been eaJiture d by 'slege or anault. storm becom911 a Itq aD4 fJ1atrumlDl ~UI aDdttio n ot 1\8~_'tude Evcr. mau and every woman 1a a of tUe. ' 18 no foe . \Ve

The Fortress of Morambad

Fo r th e 'H os te ss


---- ----

--- ---- -

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--- ---

Fro cks for Child

,/71' ., ,,,, Of~~

Eatlno for

-I!Y o

The gr ate!l l pleasure to b 4erho d from atlng. Istbe pl easu re OD.ff gets In the knowl edge that his rood r giving hIm gr at r stTengt.h and .,.1tallty. Because of this facl there III a eonstant Increase In the cousumptlon of Oats; very time the strength making Qlinlltfes of Quaker Oats have been t c~ t cd by sclanllfir, Investigation or by experlmcnts In fl1mlllcs It has been fOlln d to be a toad without an equal. It builds lh muscles a nd brain without taxing th dig stlve organs; It costs so lillie anyone can altord It. and It Is so ca refully prepared and pac l{ed that It Is absolutely pure and clean . A Quaker Oats ('aU ng famIly 11 Is always n healthy family. Quak er Oats Is packecl In regular size pa ltages Rnd a lso In large si ze famil y packag S. The latte r very con· venlent for those not noar the store.

~~(!Jm® ®p~(J.;~~og, COPY!H11JYwXrrm8J1

. . . . . . . .h

NLY seven

om cers of the United States atmy now living have recelved comm issions, other than brevets, for s pecific distinguished service. and have had '~l!==='!1 the facts concerning the service for which the honor I was con· fer red set forth In the co m m I ss Ion s themse lv es. One of these omcera Is Maj. Gen. John R. Brooke. who was given his rank as a brigadier general of vol unteers yeus ago "for distinguished services duro Ing the battles or the Old Wilderness and Spotlsylvanla Court House, Va... Among the omcera who bear Gen. Brooke cO .u pany In the matter of having been special· ly r ecognized by g ifts of commissions for gal·



enridge. We dldn't go back rar, only to 1\ little elevation where we look up a position to re-form. Now It you want to know anything else about the battie, you'l! have to ask some chap who did not get poked In the abdomen with n bunch of shrapnel as I did ." Mile!! and Brooke made the charge that morning together. Two omce rs who rode with Brooke. Colonels Morris and Byrnes, were killed at t he general's side by a part , of the same "bunch of shrapnel" that "poked" Brooke In the abdomen. Gen. Miles was a conspicuous figure on the fiel\1 during that fight. always In front and In the thick of things, and yet eecapIng without a scratch. Possibly It WIlS lucky tor Gen. Brooke that the shrapnel tound him when It did. He was no nearer the


unu Th ·ouore Roosev It talked back lO harl 's F . Humphrey. . Only recently the lieutenant colone l of voluntee rs. who wanted trnnsportatlo n for his troops. a nd want ed It "bad and Quick," and who dldn't get It un· til the coolnel and Quartermaster was ~ood and ready, was the commanderIn·chlef of the U nited States army and the man who refused to give the Rough Riders precedence was his subordinate. It sbould be said rigbt her e, however. that when the opportu· nlty came Col. Humphrey was made a ' brigadier general by order at Mr, Roosev elt, who jumped the man who once had come so close to swearing at him that no one could tell the dlfterence. over the beads of seven other officers. to give him the place. As bas been said, It was .f~ared tha~ tbe president migbt retire Gen. Humphrey, as he had a right to reUre him, because the general had seen 30 years of service, In order that another ofllcer might be promote~. The fear passed. Probably there WAs never any reason for Its existence excepting the thought held by some f.)ollsh onea that tho president had neither forgot· . t en nor forgiv en what tile old cam· palgner once said to him. From private to brlgadlt'r general III tbe promotion history, through the va· tlous ranks, of course, of Charles F. Humphrey. He showed Dot long ago that tbe lessons of quick M:tion taught hhn on the battlefield bave not been los t to IlIIlmory. . Gen. Humphrey did a bold thlng when the report of the Insurrection In Cuba reached Washington. Secretary Taft ordered the troops to make ready to gO to the island. The . sanction of President Roosevelt was needed to make ' the order etrecl!vlI>. The presl· dent was at sea on AdmJral Evans' eshlp. watching the maneuvera

O .



Vis itor-Does the paInter Maler live here? Landlady-No; tiley are a ll r~s pec· ta ble people In this house.

RECIPE FOR CATARRH. Furnished by High Medical Authority, Gives Prompt Results.

The only loglca) treatment for ca· tarrh Is through the blood. A prescription which has recently proved wonderfully e ffective In hospital work Is the following. It Is ea sily mixed. "One ounce compound syrup ot Sarsaparilla; one ounce Torls oom· pound; half pint firs t-class whiskey." These to be mixed by sbaklpg well In a bottle, and used In tablespoon doses before each meal an.d at bedtime. The Incredlents can be gotten from any well stoc1:ed druggist, or he will get them from his wholesale house.



- - ---'--

MIsery. Th n Igllbor's dog sits out on the front lawn and howls dismall y. The man In the window looks out and yells: .. h-h-h , you beast!" The dog continues to howl. 'I'he man ngaln coines to the window and this time hurls a slloe at the dog. Still the a nhna l howls. Another sboe fp110WB. T he next day the man's wife goes a round in her s tocklag feet because she can't find hel' shoes. Tbe mnD has n't th e price of another pair of shoes fo r bel'. ~ d lh e next night the dog howls lo uuer than vel'.

beCore the president could' lie reache d. 1mB or °J~~~~~~T;~LZDO.} ... off Oyster Day. ,",uldaselapse Meanwhile, Oen. Hours HumpbrtC1, chlef FRA N.. J . CIIENET milk"" each tha~ be III 8I!II1Cr Qua rtermaster of the armt. acting on ~~:, o"n u~gc or7:/~tT~i~o~E~:n~ ~d ' ~~m: .--u ts f aforesaid. nnd Ibnl IIIlltI linn will pay Illo !um Of d h ~i~~:--~;-IIj~;~--.~: h1s In lUaUve, l! t unUI e necossal'Y ... . spar or . ONE UN DilEO DOLI.AItS lur encll nnd CYt!IT the own troops and heldharter t hem word cCl'~)d be recaao elHCATARIII I lhnt CIlllllot be eurell .by 1110 use or cdvo'd from the presluent. a ALlo·· CATAIUIII CUll'" ' FRANIC J .OHENEY. ' • If the president had declin ed to sancUolt Secretary Uti. Swom to belore m o n"iI .u"wibed in lOY prt'lllnce, GUt &)' 01' December. A. D .. 1886. Taft ·s ord er, and as a result, the transpor ts l1fld not been It.. W. GLEASON. 1 ~r NOTAllT PUBI.IG. needed, the btll for their day's service w:>'\lld have been t e nde red to the governm en t, which, In tn~ "ay of gov· Rnll'o Cntnrrh eun! II takAn IntamILlly and acIe G.EN. J'DLE~ TItO!S ALWAYc1 INmOHrAND .IN """""), 'I poll 'h. blood and mU('OWI aurluct\l 01 \.be ermuents, probably would have repudlatQIl it, and It 'l'1I1~m . BClld lor " ,.UroOl'hll ... lree. 77Udr OF n:un~ ~' ou l d ha ve talc n some years or Oen. Humh~ti!y ' s pay to . F. J . CH ENE Y'" CO .• ToIo4G. 0. n Bold by all Dru~~151& Toc. . , Iant services, are Lleut_ Uen. Nelson A. Miles grave with the awful ha vo saUslled the shll) owners. TUo liAIl·. f 'amllY Pilil (OC' coutU»UOB. and Maj. Gen. Wesley Merritt. wound In hlJl body, per· Many officers woul d have r efnsed t.o t llltlSfaph orders Good Work Gocs On. Gen. Brooke goes from Washington to Florhaps, than he would have chartering the transports before It was Iroo ""~ definitely During the year that bas passed Ida the fa ll. The cold of t.h e northern win· been It, unscatched at the tbat they were to be used. Oen. Humpl:r"~' took the ter strlke's Into his wounds, and as this old sol· beginning of the fight, he ctance. As a r esult the ships were rea III when the s ince (he International congress on tu· dler has more than his share of wounds he 18 had been able with his troops were ready, and there was not an born"s delay In berculos ls met at \\ ashlngton, one In· In pain all oVllr his hody when they begin hurt· men to continue the rushthe program o[ Inte rv ention In Cuba. In ,Ms message stituti on 01' orga n lzution fOI' the treat· . lng in unison. At the battle of O~ttysburg he Ing of the confederate page the president Sll aks of the preparatio!lS for send· ment 01' prevention of tub I' ulosis bas cQlll.manded the Fourth brigade of the Second works all through that day . - -4-.....--+IllirafilDY tO~ 8 "faultless." The cIllet word of been s tnbllsh ed every dny. Sun()uYR a nd holidays Included, according to n Army corps, and at 'an early stage of the fight of death. As another has praise belonged to the quarterma ster gen el~l. a ball struck him In the left leg, shattering the written It: "Time and In the Cuban campaign of 1 98. Col. H ll mphrey-he buUetin of tbe Nat lonal Association bone. Brooke went through the battle with again the federal troops was then a colonel-had t.roubles of his ow!!.. The quar· for th e Study bnd Pr vcntfoll of Ttl onlT one good leg. but when asked afterv.!ard rusbed the works at Cold termaster's d eportment sbould not be conful!!ed with the b rculo Is. Flfte n lI e w b eds In ~IO S­ bow this 'was possible, he sald that his horse Harbor always to be r&commissarY deparlment, ao it frequently I~ confused In pHaiR or sanltorln hav heen pl'o vlrl ed bad four good legs, and that as a consequence pulsed with murderous the mind of the cIv ilian. Col. Humphrey etd not have also fO I' e very . day o,f the year. ,b.e could spare at least one of his own. loss by the cool fire of the erubalmed beef troubl es. but he did have other troubles. Prove It at Our Expense. , It was at Cold Harbor that the general r&southern soldiers. It Is He lcoew what was needed for the soldiers' use In a Bub· Housew ives who hav used the old celved the Injury of which it was thought he reckoned that on this fa· tropical climate In summ er, and he did mo ~e etreetlve fashIone d dyes only ha ve tlio hl eu' that would die. but his constitution came to his aid tal day In the charges long-range dIrecting than any other man In the servlee. each fabri c r equlros a sepura to dye. and he pulled through. It Is a curious colncl· alone, 6.0.00 union troop. The government wRsn't ptepared for the S\>anlsh-Amer- Thousaoos of wom en who huve used dence that Gen. MUes and Gen. Brooke took ers went down." tcan war, but Humphrey. by sheer force of hammering In DYolu Dyes kno w that Dyola wi ll give part together ·In three campah~ns as general , H 0 nor a b 1 e mention telflgraUl8, succeeded In tnd\1clng th e department authorl· a fast brllllnnt color to either colton. omcers. Their brigades were side by side at came to John R. Brooke ties Ilt the capital to send him Ilght-welght un· wool, silk or mixed goods. To prove It, Cold Harbor, and later, In the Sioux war which tor gallant services at dershlrts for the troops, lustead ot bearskin we will Bend A 10e package. any color. was waged In the country abOut Pine Ridge A~Uetam, Fredericksburg. Gettysburg and OD placed upon the retired list by order of Presl- ja ck e~ and rabblt-ilkln capa, with a thousand with cofor card Bud book of directions. alency, Miles and Brooke, the one a major genthe fields ot the battles already named. He dent Roosevelt before he had reached the age or two woolen ' blanke ts thrown In. A VBllt absolutoly free, to any woman who send her name and dealer's, name eral and the other a brigadier general, led the was a ~olunteer officer, but the character of at which reUrement Is comlJulsory. The mMen quantity of material sent to Cuba before the will to Dyola, Burlington, Vt. forces In the field against Kicking Bear, Short his service had been sucb tbat at the close of who beld this tear probably did not knoW r. officers ot the front could stop Its shipment, Bull and their Ogallalla and Brule Sioux fa 1· the war he was made a lieutenant colonel of Roosevelt_ was mu ch better fitted for a polnr expedition Fighting the Slave Trade. lowlng. In the Spanlsh·Amerlcan war Miles regulars. Quartermaster General Humphrey Is In than for n campaign unde r a tropical Bun. Although s la ve·tradlng Is generaUy and . Hrooke campaigned together In Porto _ During his western service Brooke fought Wasblngton. In JulY, 11 years 'ago, he was a Humphrey went Into the civil war as a prl· su pposed to be a thIng of the past. t~e 1 every trlhe' of Indians that had the heart to colonel and guartermaster stationed at Santi· vate ' of artillery, when he was a ' mere boy. He United States contributes annually RICO. . H fI ht 'ftk th ' h i t th clv It was at the Spoltsylvanla Court oUlle g .... e .e warpat aga nst the regulars. HlB ago, Cuba. Humphrey Is a veteran a e - hus been In a hundred battles and has been $100 as Its share or tbe ex pense ot In w.blob Gen. Brooke so dlstingulshe~ bimself Indian fighting ~nded wben 011 a winter morn· n war and of the Indian wars. There came to breve tted for conspicuous personal gallantry I{eeplng up at Brussels un tps tltutton galn from his ~uperlor officers {be com· Ing In the year 18H; 6,000 Sioux, after warring him a lleutenant colonel of the volunteer cav· on the field. He Is pe rhaps the bluffest so)- known as the International bureau for mendatlon whiCh resulted In adding a grade for a month, were driven by the · torcell or airy, ~nown .a8 the "Rough Riders." This lieu- . dler In the army, and he Is also one of tbe the repressIon of the African slave to·'hl. rank. By a bit of hard, dasbl~g work Miles and Brooke Into .Plne Ridge agency, tenant colonel wanted transportation for his best. trade. ; be capt,ured two batteries of field guns tbat, where they surrendered. . troops and wanted It "bad and Quick," for the were playing havoc with one of the flanks of When the Spanlsh·American war broke out battling war was over and the fever had laid Shake Into Your ' Shoel CAUSES OF TRUANCY. the union '. army, and · the general bad . a part Gen. Brooke 'was in .command ot the depart,. Its grip on the men. Allen'8 F oot· Ens!! •. the nnllse ptic powdtl ... It maKes tight or n l" W s h oO!! !eol I I In the capiure . ot nearly the 'w~ole of Jo~n. ment at the MIIIsourl; ' with beadquarten ID . Col. Humphrey knew his duty and he knew MIss Mary Boyle O'Re llly, secretary of the Is a er tal n cure Cor swclltln~. callous a nll 1Ion's dlvlslon of the .~onfederate force. Chicago. He was ordered to take chllrge of that In transportation matters as In other chlldren's InsUtutions Ilepartment. Is giving . a hot. tlr -t.!. nchlng f~e l. Always lise It to " Qen. Brooke was an eyewltnt?8s at Spott· the mllltary cam'p at Chickamauga park. La· matters, t'he troops must be considered In line In new shoes. Sold by a ll Oru l:tglst!!. course of lectures on kindred subjects. such a9 'Break Trial pacl(u ge mnll 'u Free. Addr~ . • ylvanla of the' herolc bravery . of Gen. ,~obert ter he' led an army corps to Porto Rico, ex· ot precedence, and tn. Une of orders. Th,e re truancy, the juvenile courts, and so on, In Dos· :It, Mien S. Olmllted, LeRoY, New York. E. ~e who, 1!.8 Gen. "Brooke . te\1s It, se.e lng pectlng .a · "fight; but. not 'getting It. ,There wila - were other Officerll ahead of the lleutenan~ co)· ton. She says ,that many homes' are of such dlulte'r, all .n ong the upe, rode out barebead· ,a , skirmish or two, but the 'ca;mpaJp practical· onel of Rough Riders. What bas become o[ the old-fash· character that weaJtllnl[s are bred In them, and 8d ID ', trout ot hi.. men" and s~t, dauntless, on ly -was bloOdless. At one · time It aplleared that . .' The fighting In the field wall "one. There that 'n largo class of ehlldren tllink themselVes l<fIled boy who would rather stay hom '~ le' b9rle .etUnl( an example of bra'vety to ~Is a 'battle !Vas 'Immlnent, but a courIer reached was another fight with words as the missiles justified In playing truant In ~rder to' earn and 'work thl1-n go to school ? 1'. ' 'Oet back·i' Qen. Leel' bls loldlera the" a~y . w~tb tbe new .. o~ th~ ' lllDlq. ot , the " ot warfare. The old colonel of r egulars told.. 'money, g too young to Judge ot the relative f:~"~e:I. dcf WheD filialll the confederate ·chlef· ; peace 'pro~o.col. '!I rather: think,", Gen. Brooke , the 'young' llellten~t colone~ of volunteers a '(alue otbeln' money and educat1ol\. The dang~r from ,aiil(bt cuts or :wound..I , 1 ~t 's lo,tly to rear his tpe~ came, on said recently, ."th.a t my men were . a ~tU~ bit . few things in ,pod olil veteran langu~ge. , ',rhe '8 IIlways blood pOlsI'mng. Th~ Imme<lloj ~th::afge wltb. a pllantrY ~ force that , disappointed' at being call~ oft, but it could young lleut'Dant (:Glonel of volunteers re ort· ' ate application . .of. JB:mlin8 WlUrd Oll HUMAN NATURE THE lAME. makes ' blood pOIsomng ImpoliS 1>~e. . Cliieckec1.our .dvan~ . alid _.a ve4 .t he r~t ot Dot be belped." ,", ed to the old colonel of regulars ~n language In their arUi7. fro~ .de~trucUon.".-'. . Gep. B~ooke .~all. the Ar~t mlUtal'y lovernqr. k,e eplq ' wlt~ Ithat wbl.oh' is now called tha ll.le 'Fhe. great and good d'o not die eveD I.n 1827 the editor o.f a Brullseis paper made . At COl4 HaTbOr, Lee IIrmly Intre~cbed of the Island 'o f Cuba UDde~ Ammican occu~ .treDUO)!" - Tbe veteran knew tbe lervlce and In this w'o rld, embalmed In books their some' lnve stigatlonl BOld found thllt there were _.a . 1:.:..o!."04, of: .eUlD. .t blm ••• bY patlon. He laid the bue UPQIl the, lOUd w.n. b~· Hew bi. order... · and the recruit waS &lven 3,021 wives In Belgium who had lett their hu. ·splrlts walk abroad.=-Smlles. ' W_ t Qe B~1le of ~hlcb olb.,. bUlJt. to the 'lor . bll traDlportaUon for bJs troopi wheD' It was E.,s, More Eggsl I get twice .. froiD ~.t Of· ~ld tile lupentraclure ."heD lD1Iab of' J)rat.. · proper f~ ~ to bav, It. and uot one minute bands that year; 6,042 couples V(ere living at: Egp war under tbe lame roof. In all Bell14m JUlt many eg'" wiMer nnd aummer aluce I lat 'cloea 1&7: "M, 'com- ahonld bYe beeD liVeD to the fOUDIaUon. . earUer. · . . c!lacoverild new method hpw. IUId what three really hapP7 couples were found and wlll make. abelUl laJ' more ,esrtl,. Irtt'. ~ ....alt '_ tile Tbtte ~.. IDea til. tile Tb~ are penlODI Write 111'II.L. All., New Had d, _0. 1,012 com.PlU'8U"eti happy couple.. EYldent11 1I1I1JOqaU ,l1li4 at •• Ht . , . mlD1lta the world d088-DOt Chan,. TerJ mqch and buJDU utGrt fa tlJe wbcale 'WOrld 0fW.







.. to




"V.. ;\att1!'



aae .....


'\ I


~~~ ~--'--..........---.,.,.,-..........--...--..........-~---C ,MAIL XI\\A~ PACKAGES EARLY






'ro i/lSure pr()mpt service through lh mails, it wI ll be · wi for t hQ8e , . in nding to send packagel> to frienus lit a distance for .Xmas, to rnaillh m 'WAYN~SYILLE, ~as soon a'l t oll.'lible !«) a to avoid the , . ' time \~hen the mails will b tax d to OHIO. their fulI ~st capacil.y in handling the We get (,ur 0 sters strAighl from the S !lcoas.t b eds h liday matt r , This wi ll tend to _ very mile of t he journey under al. We ar put your packages through in better register d agents of the "Sealshipt SYbtem. " time and also in b tter condition. It nd ·1' ou r 'ontract the oyste rs are sealeci in patis also wi e to register you r packug-e ; t he ltlrgest 8t,11I Ii hlll fl llt ullngr 6 . W. C. T. U. MEETING · thi insures m r arcful handling ent d air tigh t, germ· proof Sealshi ptors. The seal For IOt! tubce, shonlderl:i fir . t·ill \llll'TI W CT · U t · t tl h • and prom pter d livery. The I·egi· is put on AT THE SEASIDE and we break it when I'O W, s kirts urn TOIlDrl ill lfmgth lIu d . I 10 ' dd't' th l e . . . . me a l e orne ter f e IS on y c 111 a I 10'1 to e o f M rs. A'me l'la Wh·t F'd De. the oysters are delivered at our store. "The I e, rl ay l foil kllight ill line. 81fltlves Ilre d5 postage and th ext ra. 'a fdeguar b er· .)r. " d Mrs. A. M a Ritt I d '1' cem 1 lU IUllg tllld nu rr \V for th e streflt, but S alsh ipt System" il)sures our CUf1tomers oysters I I'eglstel'e Q) U1 15 h t 11rown aroun d tle f lh I d . . II fear 0 . e program an very In- bOUl IhllW lenRt.b ttnd long for in · ;hat are firm, clean', solid , fresh. worth many tim s the mu cost) t t" ts f th f re istrbt ion. res mg repor.. 0 e on el'ence door wenr. 'rho t ra.n parent sle ve J. H. SMITH, Prop. g • at the Red· Bnc chur h and the is not so muoh speno WniRt. !lefl. Wuyncsvillc, Ohio. NOT ICE lIion meeting at the M. E. chu rch nitely u pti n · t.h e normul ' uilltline, wel'e read by Mrl. J. E. Janney and if t h , e il> uny dev i" ti oll from tbi ~ , In room forme rly 0 'ollllied by . M'II · Klttb orlue Al extloder . I !', Mrs. Laura Mosher. it is the wulstlin o ruised 11 t rifle soId our 0 regoma H avmg Sealed at the Sew::ide ..... - --- - rut,llOr than 10WBl'od . I)mpa ria!! Ill'a we wish·to close ou t our entil'e busiSpecial Attention Clven to ness at once. ~ . NOTICE gr atl v n ed, but t·he nlLrr owar IIhey Children's Hair cutting. D on't be con tented with allY thing S,·ulsltipt U ysters :Lrc radi cally difAll perso ns holding Ro ul'. t ick ts All k ' tl I . 81'0 th e more flishiollll bl ~ COR t . per ODS nowll1g' lemse ves 111. is less. A pi nt of Scalshipt O ysters fere nt frum the ")'Sters shipped in opcn of xchange on the Oregoma Mills debted to W. H. Madden & Co., SAo n In nllle n ~ths Oraooll fH · sufticictll for any ordinary famil y, Iwtuhs. nJcr thi old mc tho I, . which will call and have t hem red eemed by I . II d ttl t VOl' the ~ bort utt. oout. 'epllrntJe Glme they are solid llI cnts--- no milro:ui p ~a e ca an se e a once~ as we ooais 81'13 illvaritlbl lon , is still in II e, till' itT j , I N THE T U B I b D cern er 15t 1. WI h to close up a partnership and y g icc "liqll(Jr. " WITH THE OYSTERS. Fast as SPEN EI! & MONROE. ohlige . W. H. MAO DEN & O. _ _ ___ ~ ,,y e se ll Scalshipt O),stcrs fro m all th" i('~ mel t., the ex pressman puts in

with the Tang of the Sea




Sealshipt Oysters




attm('ti"c, clean ly whit e ;ulli hlue porcelain 5~al shipt.i ,asc. N u icc or \\~lI cr ·co rne intu coma l wi th thc nysl<!rs. Call and see it at I'm star'. /\t the sa lll e limc wc will bc glad t a hand you IInc of OUI· books ' ScasiJ t: Oy ~ ter Dishes' which co ntains Illany shore rcripcs.

another ('hunk of RAILRO A D irc. 0 11l1ll0 n oys ters, a s th e)' ;LTC sold, are half liquor. That " liquor" is on ly the MELTED R A ILRO A D ICE thllt has washed the Havor out of the oysters and lIIade th em soggy, shapelcss aud insipid.

----_ ..

Beets t uat bn va tn'koll seco nd growth are s poi led for th e tuble.

•• ••



News, t\ 8Q&roe artlule this weelt, Mrs. Geo. Rtley and daughters, Millaetl Blanohe aDd PearJ ,tl'llns4cted bas1n888 to Dayton one day this wl'!8k. Mlsa Mary Parlett and ~ entleman frieod were t:ovallv 9ntertained 'by Mr. and Mrs. Ern8llt Hartsook on 'l'ufl8(\ay evening. Mrs. loy Pence called on Mrs. LttfeGraham oue day this week. Oor sohoolt8 preparioK for an en tertl1inment·00 Chr1stmas Mrs. Edward 000. and danghter apent Wed0811day with her parents, Mr . and MI'R George Pratt. Mr. aDd Mre. ChInlea Pope were callers In tbi .. vioinity on 'fhnrsd~y, • - • CHRISTMAS AT FUNKEY'S


•• ••

It /KllyPTOK.

The ladies of St. Mary's hUl'ch I . ffl~-':~:" ':-:;7=.'::::;""""'"fO"';!r.':~~.. _ wi ll hold their a.!1n ua~ Bazar and I '.~~~XI~~~ ;.:..t-!-"': Market at the Town hIp Hou e on &~ Mrs. F , O. (!<.;mpton Ins retu rn ed AU,JL&.",¥' from 11 sev eral day!! visit witch ral. December Iltives nallr New Jasper . THI; SLIM FIGURE AGAIN Fred MI1Kinney very plea,sflntl.v ented/lined tile FeHowship olass on The slim silhouette for anotber Tne day evening . ----.. A C. Bll1ir hBIl ret,urned fr om a eeason, that i~ the lutest Paris erlict, ~ays Woman's Bome Uompamoo for You read and look afar with huntillg t.rlp in Pike oounty, Ohal!. Bayless and ftlmlly, of Wil DeCember. Tl;le b g, famous coutu. equal facility, but no onfJ ob. ming'toD , spen t; HundllY witb friends rieres toda.y t\re tyra nnion.l only aervea that you are wearin! bifocals because the usual • Jines" here. Attorney Frank n eILD , of XeDia ·bout thi one thing . 'I'hey in isl are abaent. Wear the genuine delivered a: Temperance leoturA at upon designing tb l\lr most e1l'eotiv KRYPTOKS awhile and you will t he Friends' o.hurch Sunday even- ~ownll for only the slim svelte figu re. 1never willingly return to ' old. l'he large" oman with broad bips, I.tyle bifocal glane. . ing. J obn Ohenoweth and fa,mily full bust and proportionately large moved to the Kingman neighhor. anparently regarded too im. b ood Monda.y. possible t o conElider. In aU other · • --ways the e Pluisilln arbiters of fash Spring Branch ion are becoming less ~ nd rel'~ r igid Mr. and Mrs. Nat.han Austin en- in their dress ediots and t bis ea on, Will be at the tertalnejl Mrs. Ida MoAdams t:;1l.t.ur. more than ever beforA , the c08tumes day and Snnday, Gustin Hotel, d~played sbow an intini e variety Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Rye enter of styles. taine.d their dllugbter and husband Waynesville, Ohio, On a number of points, h owever, and Mr. and Mrs Edward Hartsook a t dinner Sunday . First Saturday in Every Elder George A. Bretz, Me8dames Month Mollie Oollins and Linda 8mlth, Misses Alice Cl1enoweth and Ber tha 8Dlith were entertRined at dinn er Classified Ads Bnnday b.V Mrs . J . B . ChtlDoweth

.New Burlington.

:Without. In the,

18,1;0:: •

Kilbon, Corwin, Ohio.

The Neighborhood .News


-- -




- - -We want

);ens <

= •• ••



Miss' Noh Bates wal cl1l1ing on her friends here S..tnrday. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. E . B. Dakin returned home Taeflday night after several w.eeks absenoe. Mr . B. L. Dakin transaoted busi. ness in Columbus Thursday. ·Mr. and Mra. Ohas. Shidaker OI\lled on their friends in Waynes. ville Saturday night,. Brooks and Weloh are doing a thriving bUltne88 in their up-to date restaurant and St&r theater. James Cleaver has a. very beauti· ful gray horse that he will drive this winter and proteot his automobile. James Roberts is still improving his property on ERst Main street. 0.0 Oleaver and Mayor Willion transaoted bl18ineS8 at the oounty Mr. and MrR . Oharles Rye bll-d as seat MondllY· their guebts on last 8af.urday, Mr. Warren Oounty firand Jury oon. and Mrs. George Hartsock . The latest style Hats and Caps re- venes the first Monday in January. Mrs. J . H. Chenoweth and daugh. ceiyed to-day: A grand Christmas Mr. 8nd Mrs Walter Silvers en. ter Bertha were entertained by ber gift for husband, son or the "1test tertalned Dayton visltors 'fuesdllY brother, Thomas Laoy I\nd family on Friday . fellow." We have some of ne~t night t.() a Dutch lunob: spring styles. john A. Funkey. It is·talked that oor "bur~" Is to Mrs. Thomas Hess and family Rre • '_ • .have a Oharity Bnll in the near fo. entertaining her brotber, Clark Ba. ture If euoh be the case it should be kar, from Morgantown, Virginia, Wellman. well paLronized . Mrs. Anna Loous and Mi8S Rena Bud La.vd the turkey and ohicken MoKinney visited the former's Mr. Jaoob Sears Sp8'lt Sunday boyer, of spring VaJle,V, Was here mother, Mrs . J. I:i. Chenoweth on with Elvin Fires and family. week buyi.n g poult ry paying Thursday. Mr and Mrs . (Jeorge E1lI8 and the higb_E>st prices for sli me. Mesdames H O. Dakin and Ada daughter spent. Sunday with E~ Messrs CarlShiduker, Paul Reason Dakin und daugh ters, Lois .lind So. lIar*in and wife . lind Hu1'rY E . Wilson attel1ded ' tbe :tel were oalling on Bam uel MerMtt.h Mrs. Katherine Da.vls is v,siting IFlrema.n's Charity Ball at Wllming and fam ily on Saturday afternoon. With her BOn, George Oavisand fam ton ThursdRV night. . Aunt aethanv Ohenoweth hIlS retly . Adam OampbeU's daughter Nellie. turned home, after visiting Aevenl , Mrs. Will Donn and ohildren Spt'Dt seCnred the diamond riDg at the duy·s at her sOD Joshull's at Lytle. Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and German Medioine Company'. Ad. Mrs. Ada Ohenoweth Willi entet:lin. George BOlan . ' vertislng Mhow. ,. talned by ThomusLaoy and fumlly M. d Mrs. Frank Howe and )Jiss Minnie Burget by ballot WIlS 'l'hursdIlY . Mrs. FUlDk Hawes visited friendtl dtr.ughter an~Rev. Mheritt were en· the most popular young lady, and ter'-'ined a ome of Al Talmage received a 82 hour oloak from the and reliltives in Lytle a few days and family Sun ay. German Medioine Company'l' Show. lalOt week . MrI. George Ellis called on Mrs Mr. and 'Mrs . Jonas Lesh, of Sabl. - - -- - ...- - Charles H8gm~yer Wednesday"af. na., spent SundliY with Mr'!. Lash's EVERYTHING NICE TO WEAR ternoon. aunt, Mrs Margret Tuoker of near Mr. lind Mra. Ed Brown spent. here. Do you want nice SUD"·V with Charles Brown lind · The Lazarou£ Medicine Co. is We have them, Men's Boy's Ladies, family. ocoupying our opara house this week Men's Xmas Hose Suspenders 'the , Mr, Warren Ole~ver, of Del~w8re, ! The. Ha.rveysburg. High &lhool holiday Neekwear' choice of 35~ for Ohio, il vi8Uing relatives here. \ will glVe an entertalDment in our , h' h 'd fin I 'lk ~ , .• - • ,opera bOl18e Thursday night, De•. 250; men I Ig ·gra e e Sl L,0UI," ~OLD HIS PROPERTY Icamber 23rd ' in-hand, a9c sell everywh~re for 50c We had a very muoh needed rain and 75c, Men's 75c sh1rt for 50c; . Cll~i88 Woolley" sold ,h is property Sun~a.~. • _ '" . Men;s Night ~hirt, 65<: worth, ,$100.; last w k to Byron Frazier, of Cen-I CUT PRICES AT FUNKEY'S Men s or Boy s Sweater Coats, -65c, terville, for $1600. Mr. Frazier $1.0~ ~nd $1.50 ~o~th ~ore anywher~ does not I~nd to move into it for;at we .want to tell everyone about the Men s and Ladles mce U~prellas, least a ye . , great cut-price in every line of gocds only $1.00 wo~th $1.50; Men s dress and the. most acceptable Christmas Gloves; Boys dress Gloves, J. A. Kifts in every department. The Fun~ey. . ,_ .'••_ __ prices will amaze you, 75c fine Shirts, Oregonia. 50c; the $1.00 Gem' Shirt, 95c; the $1.25 line 'of Gloves, $1.00, La..ies' Wtll Myers is home from Gloves, 25c, 80c, SSc and SOC; 50c ,deen on Ii visit. Miss Edna. t:;pencer returned Fri · Christmas . Ties, the latest only 39c; over 100 dozen handkerchiefs 5c day Di"gb from a visit with Mrs. J. lOc or 3 for 25c 15c or 2 for 25~' 25~ C. ,L inn in A vondale. ~ ~ or 2 for 45c·. 35~ and 40c 2 for'Goc ' Mi~ . Mabel Bherwood aecom. , ,, . . 'panied Mrs. Fred Gove to Bethel 50c 2 for 9Oc.· Never before dId you 8at.urday and returned home t:;uuAt $300 to ~.50 ~barr~l of .three see such a lov~IY )~e: all patt:ex1ts, ~ay evening. ' " •J and low~t· pnces ever shown by any , t:;everal from here, attended ,the bUsh Is t thpe 6 . ehanad i k ' . i · I ted ' house. John A" ,FUJ'lkey. . . ,: . d8D~ a' Olyde' Bowker'8 Saturday· Th~ are . -p e , ~ ce y sor , • _ •_ night. . ; , carefully -pack~ ,Winter apples. WILL MOVE THIS WEEK Mr.ond Mrs. Webster Wlllla:ma and IOn pald a week-end mit to All Varieties. Fred Wadaworth who ~ been ·It8baD:o~ ·relatlves~ ,. • , . , ·Ro: f I 'f The bnaiuell8 meeting of the U. E. hving on th~ ger 8 I!-I1I1 w~t 0 'Booleti w'lll meet Friday 8vebing wm arrive in a few ~818 town, wi1~ move this week to-a-farm at tbe home,of Mia Mabel Sherwood 'near Lebanon, which bis brotbet1 e l II'. M7~ra baa 'been io mytoo C: W. WadsWorth, of New Yom, 1'8- tbe, pal' week, looklDI af. a mlll ca~ beqbt. th,re. . .





Chickens, Turkeys, . Ducks. Highest


N9rthern \ AppIes

J. -We White.·

Price Paid

Expert Optician,


Ads will be Ins er t.c(1 unrlcr

~hl i!



twenly·II \·o cenlK ror ~b re c Inser lfo.>nq. \Vb /1 WlLng nOl more lhnn U"e Itnt! .


DECEMBER We will give to our customers this month: ' I Talking Machine'

I large U\mp I Mission Clock A register ticket with each cash p urchase. Guess how many seeds in the pumpkm. Awards made January I, 1910, The Green Tickets are for Gu'esses hnd ' are not good to save for :presents. New Goods this Week OYSTERS CELERY OLIVES See our fancy Cranberries at lOc a quart. New ,Beans of all kinds , New Hominy and Buckwheat, Nerv Dried Fruit, New Canned Goods, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Apples, Orange, Bananas, Cluster Rrusins.


Testimonials Of Men Who Have Used

Gordon's Hog Cholera_ Remedy And found it to:doall claimed for it


Waynesville. O. NOv. G. 1909. This Is to cOl:tlfy wat i 'have u-S OordOIl 's Hog baiera Remedy and btl" s aved 2l out of 27 hogs. J. E. HOOKlI!TT.

ARM for r ent-U5 acres,' married F man who understands raising tobacco. Apply to Mrs. A. J. 'Thorpe, \ R. D. 3, "'{,aynesville, <?hio.

Wnyn vUle. 0 •• Nov . II, 1909. I IInva U d Gordon's Next-Day Cbolera 'R olllcdr. twl O. on IlUIt y ar nnd agnln thlll tnl . nnd have not lost n hog.. . . D. Il; n0 01{ETT.


. Waynesville. 0 .( a\' . 5. 1900. Thle 18 \0 'ortlly Lhnt hllVO u d Gor. --r- dOD'S Hug Oholora nomedy IIl1d {lOll It to RAVENETTE tam coat, · gray, be all tJlat It i8 ropretiCmtcd. 1 had 17 all of which wore Hick. nnd lost but between F. W, Hathaway's on hog8. 2. lind would havo saved til m 11 I had Harveysburg pike and B. H. Clem. , gotton tho remedy \nn.tJrne. \Y. Rl' ~ E. ents'. Finder leave at Clements' grocery: ' . ,.






t:'oR SALE, 19 Yearling ~teers,

Is for Sale at ored bull, 1 year .-<lId. Address, Frank S)1idaker, Harveysburg, Ohio. INE Clover Seed. E. Underwood , Phone 15-1X rings. Harveys- j burg, Ohio. '. . Waynesville, FINE large black boar, apply or phone. Ed Bogan, R. D. 8, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Waynesville, Ohio. . OUR Poland·China Boars; good· .F , boned bogs. Inquire of Israel get Immediate .ldler froID Satterthwaite, P. O. B!>.x 111, WaYnes , Dr~ ShooD'S Ma$ OIDtmeDC.· ville, Ohio. '






fjf W ~ .want .you to see

,. Christmaa 'Pollt Cards. fjf They ' ~re nice~,ones, too~ 'fjf Price,' f:If Miami . GJlZette,. ,Office.·-. •


Hog Cholera Reutedy

C - weight about 750 pounds, 1 good




W .- J. Kilbon.


A Car




. ,









~ WA~.~~~--~ SIX TI Il;TlI j


The Miami Gazette D. t. CRANE. WA YNESVtLLE.

Ont O

_ Sir, Thomas Lipton goes on hoping In the blandest way. Wheat and cotton are dOing consld· erable a~lating this falL . Keep the windows open and let the pneumonia genn die or fresh air. Bailey's come t Is nothing If not punctual. It la In tact tour monthS ahead at time. A king can wear gold lace and put on lotS of lug, but that don't make him cl}'1la mlte·proof.

Mara being 15,000,000 mUea awaylts poles are discovered with ease by roCking chair explorera. With a very decided Incr ease In his monthly Income ncle Sam Is feeling In flne spirits these' days. Treatment tor the hookworm: Take It north ot the eighty·sixth parallel and leave it outdoors all winter. , An Inventor who should solve the clothes problem tor the changeable (all weather would be a wonder.

Scientists who Inalst that there I. no Ute on Mara have no respect tor the feelings of aome popular noveUats. They wID open the relcbstag with Jdnga or better. The king ot Prussia and emperor of Germany wUl be there. It baa been demonstrated that It


po.llble to hold automobUe races without tilling people, but generally les8 care Is exercised. A Nevada man placed a lUck ot ctant powder in his month with sui· ddal Intent. A coroner's jUJ'1 agreed tbat be n18de a luccess of It.

• Amerlcaa packers report that meat prices probably will not be lowered. Ye who ,Partake of a vegetarian 'diet utt up your bearta and, rejoice I A NeW' York atate farmer of U bal just married his fourth wite, which la anotber proof that sly Dan Cupid II no respecter of persons or ages. • KIII~ :.-onso sul!ers trom" sleeplelsn... Trying to snooze over a powder magazine, which may blow up aD)' mlDute; la a mlghty hard job:

A Los Angeles man has willed ,SOO,to a. woman 't(ho jilted him. BeIntr chivalrous he did not explain that be left It al an evidence or his gratitulle. (JOG

The house of lords ahow. signs of popwar \ opinion, which abow. that the old theorist wal right who perslBted that "the world do move." yielding to

The HaUey comet now Is al brll,' Uant aa stars at tlie thirteenth magnJtude. But that, we are informed ·by a casUal observer, Is not so blamed rlllI&DL The Chicago man who has settled $15,009 .a year OD hla wife and daugh· ter as pIn money has set an example that most marrIed Dien wUl promptly iecUne to follow. The late storm deposited 16 Inchel -of lInow In WinnIpeg and the ral1rosds hal! to bring out ilDowplows to clear their tracks. And yet Canada objects to beln. called "Our Lady of the 8no1\'s." French duelS' are not lacking tn danger. Either principal Is likely to catch hll death of cold by going to the field or honor early In ' the morn· Ing and generally without a bit of breakfast.


------jolllt army and navy board

A II about to take up the subject of constructing fortifications for the detense of the Panama callal. This foresha· dows the completion of the waterway and gives assurance that, while Uncle Sam will maintain the waterway as a highway of commerce tor all na· tions, he w111 also guard It against at· tack. King Alto'n so of SpaIn Is In high glee. The Hidalgos bave vanquished the Moors. If the Moors bad van· Qul shed the Hidalgos Allonso's crown would not bave been worth 30 cents to the royal family. Barcelona and oth er repubUcan provinces are ripe for revolt and the anarchists have been busy manu!acturln~ bombs for years and years,


Mr. Wilbur Wright deolares that vdthln two or three years the aeroplane will be practically available for business journeys. The ordinary Ufe of tbe world will then be almost as completely revolutionized as It was by the Introduction of the telepbcne or by the epoch of steam travel, which has just been celebrated ...· There is . apparenUy no limit to what the end of thIs r emarkllble century '1'1'111 see In th way In wblch men w111 accept as matters of course things 'whlch now . seem impossible mlraol es. . Probably the most· grewsome busl· ness complaint on record Is that · ·ot the coffinmakers In conven \lon In Cln, OIunati. who lament· that the Increased cost ot living makes It ha rd 'on them Utat people sbould be allowed to die to ~eaplY.


Phlllclans are endeavorIng to awl· tab the London .cul! at the bottom of trousers. 1t cathers dampness and II a lOurC& of colds_ Rut the cannot ' abOlish It unleBl IDtr04l1ee IOmll otbllr fura :,.lIICIa DCIDHDIIe.

The Tither's AdvaDtage

hearty, brol\d sympathy with tbelt tellow m n. But t he '.lth r ' 't s n't fright nod ; he has aIr ady d t6rmin~d to go to tb . limit ot his consc ientious duty, alld the mor~ he can flnd out about the s that are bing don in good d the world for th salte ot the mar y ot Jesus Christ, the better he will b a,)16 to dl s)Jense wisely that portion ot bls Inoome whicb Is s et aside to be tn,, ~ dispensed. Promotes U nse lfishness. At the worst, the tlt ber can' t be t .... lally 8elflsh. lie bas built a dike In hiS lire fully a ble to turn th e biggest wave of selflshnes R t hat eve r flo wed In out ot tbe cold seas or Ignorance. CIne· tenth of him at least Is going to be saved from th is tiebasement. But Ihe s tili better and finer tblng In tbe ti ther's li fe Is that just hecause he Is open to s tudy and learn more and more about his tellow m.m a nd th eir bene vol nt Impulse.B, ' thl! generous area In hhu Is continually e xpanding. . And th a t Is th reason why lI uch a proportion of tith ers, after thl')l get along a way with the experience 01 the system, want to Inc rease the ratio and end by making their "tithe" can· siderably more than n tenth . But come to think of It" maybe rt·, not discreet to set tba t down amon,; arguments tor tithing- this observll tlon that the . habit grows on one. I might give a new fright to the timid -From 'The Interior.

~~ Made Christmas·Gifts r. hrlslmlls is nearl), lipan 118 agai n. and gifts thnt are to l.J mado at home should' now be well unoel' way. A few suggestions for pr tty and son-I c able a rticles are given on this page. Th e muterluJ s required are Inexpensive and t he Wo rk a n be Quick· ly xe ut d. Applique Is one of the most artistic fo rms of ncedlework decoration. A

FREED ' AT LAST From tho Awful Tortures or Kld"eJ!

Disease, .

II Is lined with s ilk th

color of the lin ~n . -A flat wall t. or a leuUler caoe for boldlug bill s Is a n dful 'a rticle wl1cl/ traveling. A s trip ot ooze leathflr Is faced In white silk, the two are machlne·stltcbed together. Lltlle pockets are turned up at ea It end, lind Into

Tithing Is Ce nvenlent. To Il!any earnest advocates or tltlt· Ing It may seem a bit of sacrileg to put forward lI uch an argument as B r eason tor a Christian man's adopting the tithe rule. It Is their bablt to a r· gu e simply that It b God's will, and that s hould settle It. Yet In hi s .very Intereatlng article In tbe Interior, Mr. Thomas Ka ne, who Is the beBt·kno'''D champion of tithing among th e America n churches and whom certaI nly no one else ex· cels In constancy and consistency of devotion to the prInciple as a law of God, says it was as a matter of can· venl ence that be began th e prac tice him self. Appreciation of Its convenl· ence was the start from which he went on I to accept It as an obligation. It Is no denial or discount of the fa ct at God 's will In any right act or ............ ____ . _....... _t, A Sofa Cushion. practice of men to 8ay that the act pillow design Is shown wi t h butterflies or praotice tits In with other rIght A W;.Uet for Bille. at gree n line n applied wltb a heavy elements ot life and so makes life the black cOllch ing co rd to brown crash . these the bill s are slipped. The lealher easier to live and t.he better worth Tbe collching cord is sewed over aUd Is fold ed through the middle and fas· living. ove r with black mercerized cotton . tened with a strap, made of the For that Is simply saying that God's universe Is all tuned alike to the key· The Gethsemane of I:lfe • • note of hIs will, aDd whatever Is right For everyone of us, sooner or lat61 and according to his will anywhere the Gelhsemane of lite must come. It makes harmony as far as It reaches. may be tbe Oethsemane ot struggle So It Is really not a cheap thing but a protound thlng-a areat testimony and poverty and care; It may be the to the rightness ot It.-to argue tbat Gethsemane of long and weary sick· tithing helps a man to solve a trouble- ness; it may be the Gethsemane 01 some puzzle of life more Simply and farewells that wring the heart by the convenIently than it can ever be set· deathbeds of thoae we love ; It may bE> the Gethsemane of remorse and wen. tled otherwIse. nIgh despair for sins that we cannol Definite Rul. a Benefit. overcome. Yet, In that Oethsemane That puzzle Is one which increases -Rye, even In that Oethsemane of SiD as the causel of worthy benevolence -no angel merely, but ChrIst blmself, A Glove Cue. multiply In the cburch and In the wbo bore the burden of our sins, wlil, . \ world ot ·1'OOd will. Every day a man It we seek him. come to comfort us, The parts of the bulterfly ar cut out leatber lined with silk, and closed with who has not adopted a definite rule ot Be w111, If, being ID sKony, we pray, . the crash, and tbe edges a "snap." benevolence Is obliged to take up He can be touched. He Is toucbed with and basted are sewed down with over-and·over A' laundry bag of brown crash, wlt.h anew the question whether he can "af· the feeling ot our Infirmities. Be, too, stitches. It Is not necessary to turn ford" to aid such and such a cause. hal trodden the winepress; of agoDY In the edges cit the linen. as the couch- applique of green linen and oouchlng of black. The black cord Is also To be honest wIth each call tbat alone; he, too, has la.ln downcast In Ing cord Is large enough and strong couobed to tbe IIn"e s of the design. comes to him, ·be haa to bring to the the night upon the ground and the enough to completely hold and cover BoUI ~Id~s of tblVbag are decorated. surface every time the fundamei1tal comfort, which then came to him he question of what proportIon ot ~Is baa bequeathed to u s~ven the. com· means he ougbt to send out Into fort, the help, the peace, tbe r ecovery, tlg world to do good, and what p~o­ the light of hope, the faith, the sus· portion It Is bls duty to keep In ha: d talnlng arm, the healln, anodyne at for the dIscharge of obligations prl· prayer.-Dean Farrar. ,ate to himself and his family. The Grateful Heart. To go through that Question con· Blessings beyond what can be count· sclentio sly every time an appeal reaches him tor church, missions or ed are enjoyed by the children of men. charity, must be terrIbly wearing to Every breath Is adding to their nuin· any man who has even the dimmest ber, both as regards the body and the notion of dutY' wrapped up tn his be· soul, and yet, as It we had a title to them all and more, we seize upon the nevolences. But he can save all tbe wear and gift, and forget to praise the GIver. tear It be w1l1. Just let him setUe the As when the ten lepers were cleansed, problem by one sweeping decisIon. Let only one returned to thank bls DehIm set a proportion ot his Income liverer, tew are r eady now with For LIngerie Ribbons. which sball regularly go out to these thanksgiving for the mercies whlcb they enjoy In such ample abundance. broader uses. It cannot be doubted that the reWash ribbons tor ilngerle are a neThat Is to say, let him become a syscesslty, and they can be put In no tematic, determined tither-fixing nat- lIglon of Jesus Is designed to make us bappy. The very Ood ot peace more attractive gift form than by In· urally his proportion of benevolent would thereby dll!use a portion of the closing them In an embroidered case funds according to Biblical precedent joy of heaven through mlln's heart like the above, whtch consists of two not lower than one-tenth. upon earth. And how can tbat be bet· them , To fasten the ends of the couch- cIrcular pieces of embroidered · linen Demandl of Duty Decided. ter promoted' than by cherishing the , Ing cord, draw them through to the mounted over sUI! cardboard. The clrcles" are faced with silk the color Then his puzzle Is over as far as de- spirit of praise-by recognizing Ood's under side of the craah. A servIceable glove case Is made of ot the ribbon, which fastens the cov· ciding the demands of duty In glvln.~ goodness In every gift, and lhanklng' and keeping. What remains Is simply him for It by acknowledging our own beavy tan linen with embroidery In ers and ribbon rolls together. Thll the task of a dlstrlb.u tlng admlnlstra- unworthiness, and the Lord's loving dull cQlors. The flowers are rose, design might also be used for a pin Wben life on earth Is thus leaves green and the edge 'light brown, ball. . ' to~etermlnlng . the relative claims kindness! ot approved benevolences on the total a hymn, existence In beaven will be :;::;;: =; ;:;:=;::;: :::;:;;;:;:;::;:::;:;;:;; :; ,:: :::7:':; m::::s:s s: :::::::::=:;:;'::=:=:::3 fund available In hi. hands. one Iona- bosanna,-W. K. Tweedle, put a layer. ot fondant, a layer of Occasionally, to be sure, there wUl God'. LO'IIe for. U•• chopped pineapple, candled cberriel', coine tbe sweep ot some great emer~ 11 ever human love was tender, alld chopped figs, dates, etc. Cover the gency wblch will overleap his system ." top with fondant. Let It harden a lit-aa every good system should be sub- aeU·sacrlficlng, and devoted; If ev:er tle, theD cut In _small squares. ject to emergency modification. AnI] It could bear and forbear; If ever It ot course, when a nian's lucome In-- could sutter gladly for its loved ' ones: Chocolate Creaml. .:.- Use conteeHome-mad sweets for both chll· creases without corresponding charges it ever It was wUllng to lavish Itself dren and grown·ups' are the most sat· tloner's"· chocolate for th~se Melt It. against It, be ought to consider Cor the comfort or pleasure of Its ob· Isfaclory, for then one can know ex· ' Take good stitt fondant, flavor It al the Increase of his ten per cent. jects; then infinItely more Is Divine actly the Ingredients that are used In desired, form It Into balls, and drOll ratio. But for the ordinary dally run love tender, and sell-sacrificing and their manufacture. them it;lto the melted ~hocolate. If of lite the tither ' has a bedrock ad· devoted, and glad to bear and forbear. lIked, chopped nuts, dates, etc., can The toundatlons for most candles justment ot the right relation between and to sulfer, and to la vish Its best Is fondant. Take for making It, five be mixed with the fondant, and makes blesElngs upon the objects of its love. generosity and thrlrt, and he can live Ii. pleas.ant change. . Put together aU the tenderest love you cups at granulated sugar and add two on It with easy conscience . . cupfuls of cold water and set It on the Chocolate Almondl.-Blanch the of the deepest you have ever lmow, By adopting the rule of the tithe, back ot:the stove unUl the sugar Is almond meats by pouring bolllnr: water felt', and the strongest that has ever a man Is defended also trom degenera· melted. ·Add one teaspoonful of cream tlon ot his character Into 'selflshness been poured out upon you, and heap of tartar dissolved · In a little water, over them and letUng them stand a few moments. Turn the bot water ort upon It all the love of all the loving and stinglueas. hearts In the world, and tben multiply This does away with the sickly sweet and cover with cold, when the skin It Is almost ludicrous but altogether It by Infinity, and you will begin, per- taste. Put the pan over the front at may easily be rubbed ort tletween the pathetic to see how much pains men haps; to have some faint glimpse of tb e fire, . where I.t will, boll. Do not thumb and forefinger. Break some spend In dodStng the peril of hearing sUr It after It Is hot and do not sbake sweet cbocolate Into small plece~, put r.bout human needs that might require what the love of God Is. the pan. When ·It 'has balled a tew Into a dlsll and set In a larger pan of money. ' They are mortally afraid' that The Divine Will. mlnl,1tes, try !t by dropping a tiny bit hot water. When the cbocolate Is In an unguarded moment some adroit It Is sometimes a small matter that lil a· cup of «;old water. Do this ' fre- melted put a· blanohed nut meat ~Q Bollcltor by tearful appeal will get hlndereth and hldeth grace f-rom us, quently} moving the pan where It will tbe point ot a skewer or darnltg them to live somethIng they "can't at least It anything can be called I keep bOt but not boll, tor It changes needle, or use a candy dipper and dip alford." ' small, and not rather a weighty mat. •".0 r!lpldl~ (rom one degree to another. Into the melted chocolate. Then lay Now the pity of It Is not thnt tbls ter, which obstructeth so great a · When the sugar dropped In cold wa· . on oiled pape~ to cool. When the or that benevolence falls to get money good. And It thou remove this, be It te~, 1& firm . eno~gh to ~ake a rather chocolate coating becomes set dip a which It ought to bave-the solicitor great or small, and perfectly over· hard Dal~ .whell .rolled between the second time. Flavor the melted choc. probably ean obtain It from some oth- come It, thou wilt have thy desIre. fingers, but. l~ ,not crisp, pour It Into It o.late wlth vanilla If d~lred, er giver-but the pity Is that the man For Immedlntely, as soon as thou glv· .. hallow 'pan: and l~ave to cool till It wh.o Bhuts hImself up In such a fash· thyself to Ood tram thy whole will wrinkle when the pan Is tipped. GIFT FOR THO E Ion IIhuts more than his purse; he est heart, and sleekest neither tbls ~Qt Stir it with a large spoon until It Is . .S WHO WRITE .huts hIs heart. that, according to thine own pleasure quIte cool. It It does not harden LOle Touch wIth Humanity. or wl11, but settlest thyself wholly In enough to use; . put It into the. pan at Men who, because they have no 8YS- him, thou shalt find thyself united and the back of the stove again Ilntll it 'fa lematic rule of benevolence, mnst at peace, for nothing cau al!ord so melted; then' let It boll again, trying guard themselves from doing . too sweet a relish, nothing be so delight orten ... If, on the Other hand, the fond· much, on tbat very account never ful, as the good pleasure of the Divine ast be found gralily, add a cupful of hear-tor they dare not listen-what wlll.-Thomas a Kempls. cold water and boll ' again until tbe fine things , men are doing for men In . right consistency Is attained. It mav the world; what beart-touchlng wants ,Encompaaled by Salvation. take a little practice to make perfect. Are you a disciple of the Lord This fondapt '1o;1l1 kee.p good,l,or w~eks Other men lIuffer whIch a little money would supply. And the consequence Jesu's !. If so, he says to you, "I am In ~ jar cqvered , with waxed paper. Is that one by ODe they lose all tbe wIth you' alway," That ov~rfiows ali Wltb the- tondan ~ as a basis all so.ts , links. bf connection which tie them the regrets of the past nnll all the pos- of d. eUghtr~1 sw.e ets can be. ma~e, slbll1t1es of the future, and' most cerup close with human' k Ind. They get taluly Includes the present. T· he·r"':' Candl,ed FlgI.-Cut a ,few. firs !n to living .w holly Ins, Ide themselves. . .Core, at this very' moment, . as sUrely, ...... I t'" I h Id ""d 11 t liese ' .. ps an nc 'w e au ro In And elpealnUy they nlways have as your eyes rest on this page, 110 fondant·• When n·earl'" hard c U•.. them I to watch against ~ettlng Interested In , surely Is the LOrd Jesus with tou. "I .D pieces with a shup knife. big causes.. Thus. for Instance, they am" Is neither "I was" nor "I wlll Dlte candy.-Roll some balls of carefully ayold mission sermons. It they once got caught wltJl the mls- be.~' It is alwayS abreast .of our Uves. .fondant: Stone some" gOOd'llled dates; A cut·]eather pe'n "llKlf Jaof goid.. ua with salva. cut them III halv~s, preu ODe·half up brow" oole leath'er -.It ' " b~ • .:.. . lIon Idea, there ta no telllng where It alwa.y s encoinpaialn~ · .I.. .. WI . . U Qer.... aI might 14.'ad them. . tlOD. It Is splenllld. perpetual "now." agaln.t each .Ide ()f the ball 'Of- t~nd:' . eatl...· The eaUn Is , chit . f~ Aqd tbat Is the wa, the .bardflsta -~ce. Ridley HavergaL ant. WalDu~ ~. be done I.n the eoou,h to CIOye" the OlMrDfll.a. are 'produced. The,. are just the From tbe horny band of ton .~Qle: PIlle of=mola th" cowardl of humanity who are lcared the r1chHt har.y••t of UODtaDtr-'" Tutti Fruttl cand,,-Take a ~, to.» II , " at wbat It mfght colt to U. . 1a reil' S'-wan Ro;V.WL 10'-e It with wa&e4 . . .• ~~ ':~r~~'r~~B@o~~~.~iij~i ..\o.,.~.-~







Mrs. Rach 1 lvle, Henrietta, T xal, says: "1 would be ungrat ful It I did . not t \I what Doan's J{\un ey Pills h a v e done for me. 'Flfteen years kIdney ·trouble clung to me, my Is te nce wns one of misery and for two whole years I was' unable to go out ot the house, 1y back ac h e~ nl ~ the time and I wat; utterly weak, unable at tim s to walk w\tbout ass is tuJl e. Tile kidney secretions were yory Irregular. Doan's Kidney P ill!! restored me to good health. and I am abl e to do as rnuch work as th nverng woman, though nearly eighty y ars old ." . Remembcr the Il am ;:;-Donn 's. Sold by nil dealcrs. 50 c nts n bal:. FosterMilburn Co., Dulfulo, N. Y.





Johnny-Mother, let's go In here Incl buy ~ baby; they're cheap to-dn y. Schools for iuberculou, Children. Special schools for tuberculous chll' dren have now been t1stablls hed 10 Providence, Boston, N w York, Roches· ter, Washington. Hnrlford, Conn., Chi· cago nnd Pittsburg. New York has three scbools nnd Washington, DC., two. Th e board at education of New York ·clty Is proposing to establish three more, and slQl ilar Institutions are being planned In Detroit. Bul!alo, Phlladelphlli, Cincinnati nnd Newark. N. J. . In clUes like Providence, Boston and New York, where outdoor schools hav·e been conducted tor two y ars, the ·results obtained from the treatment · of children In special tuberaulosls open , air sohools s em to show the great ad· vantage ot till class ·ot Institutions . Thls, coupled with the experience of open ai r schools In Germany and. Eng· Innd, proves that children can be cured of tub rculosls and keel) up with \jlelr school work. without uny danger to feilow pupils. The Darky', Idea of It. Walker A correspondent of th Counly M s8enger tells thIs one: "A dnrlty was on trial In the crlm" Inal court lust we k on a charg of bIgamy. After the ju ry bas r tUl'ned a verdict of guilty Judge McReynolds r emark d : .. 'The best 1 can do. Crum, Is to gl\' you th mi nimum.' "'Lordy, meroy me, J dge, don't do datI I'd rathe r go to the pe n: aid Crum."-Atlanta Cons~ltutlon. That Single Thought. You've heard th old s tory ot sweet wedded bliss, Of the two hearts that flutter as on , and the two lIouls sin· gle·thought sen led with a 'k lss, and have wondEred, no douQt, how. 'twas done. As a wise one who 'vas bye%.: p 'rlence tau ght, this !Tect we will briefly ex plain; In most of the casell lhat "one single thought" is: " [ wish I was single ag~ln!" ~'"------

Avoiding Popularity, "How shall we nvold popularity?" John Wesley once asked hls preach· ers, and straightway gave them tbe S\nswer In a set of rul os. Here is rule 4: "Warn the people amoug whom you are most of es teeming or loving you too much." And here Is. rule 5 ) hCon. verse sPllrlngly with lIlo e wbo are particularly fond of YOll ." Gelting wblpped when a boy hurts, but It doesn't hurt half ns much as tb wearing out prOCCtl8 thnt he ex· perlences wb en he Is old , SECRET WORKERS The Plan Upon Whioh Coffee Ops~ate.. Coffee Is such il s~ cr t worker .that' It Is not Buspected as the cause of sick: ness or dlsE>asc, but Is a very aure way to find Ollt the truth. A Indy In Memphis gives an IDterestlng experience her husbnnd hnd with coffee. It seems that be had been using It for some time and was aD invalid. The physician In charge shrewdly su.spe ot~d Ulat coffee was the "Worm at tbe f~ot of the tree," and ordered It dlscolitinued with Instructions to use Postum regularly In Its place. The wire says: "We round that was ' ·the true remedy for bls stomach and heart trouble nnd we would bave ' glad. ly paid a hundred times the amount o[ the doctor's charge when we found how wIse his judgment was. "The use of PostUni instead ot cof, fee was begun about a year ago, and It has made my 'hll!lband a strong. weU man . .. He bas gained , thlrty·fi've pounds !n that time and lils sto}TJach and heart tr~ubles have nil 'dlaa ppeared. , The. first time I prepared. it. I ''dId ncit bon- It long enough and be aald . th~re ·wns Bom thing wron'g ' 1Vlth 1t, ' ,Sure enoug~ it dl~ t~st~ very . fiat.; but the next mortling I to.Howed· clJrectlonll , \ ~elully; bolUng It for fit e n mtnute", and he remar~ed 'this · l~ J>etter than any ot ~e old cotre .' . . "We use Postum r egularlY'nn4 neve~ Ure of telllng our friends of the ben. tit we have received trom leavlnlP--ol C!Otfee." D I.dok to! ,the Utt1~ book, "The Boa" WoUYIlle, milk.., "There'. a.~"




En I In nppl Il fat" Inulgestlon.M.t·s. B. Avoid overexertion and take some m d '1'1' ulm nl. T b r are It Dum ber )f 1'r' t men ts for Fomal DiM'aaes Inti Pi! s, blli. tho b st one we b ave JI'ur b(-!a n l of Is URE·b::'1'TO, preJa r Il hy th e Hom Treatment Assocla, ion, 22:1 I". l\11l . St. , Indianapolis , Ind. Til· A!lsocillt lon \'111 s nd 0. $l ourse 1f TI'NI IlIl!' n I F'l'ee to IIny r mler of his pap I' lI1al1ln); :!(Jc to help pay cost Jf mnilln J:;.- .\\I'K. I.. Sage- T en is II 81)I!'ndld iT r\lr Ton ic. - L . II. \\' .


Srn ythf'- lJo you pay much for YOlll' cun l? J on s - Nut II I' nt. I li ve npnr the rai lway IiU l·. nncJ A l my son to make grillla 'R III th ll ' ngi neel's of uU tlte trains Uti I h Y Hil l'S.


Shreds-Itching Was Intena_ Sleep Was Often Impo&sib le.

Cured by Cuticura In Three Weeks,

00/'1 c.JA/J'1£, . .sOIY ~ /:AT.t: j)OlY CARLOt5



. - "_ _. . . HE DOORS of France as well ohurch. He has beon ' pro- \ claimed king by bis party. as of Spain are now closed But let bis trusted c biet, against Don .Jalme, the bls quasi·prlme minister, the ch ivalrous son of the late man who has directed the Don Carlos, duke of MadCarlist move ment since Don rid, who ruled over the Carlos was a ,beardless north of Spain under the youth, hnd who Is the power title of Charles VII. The indiscretion of the Carlist behind the throne In all the recent happenings,' tell the committee In Paris in protale. claiming Don Jaime heir to the throne at Count Urbain de MaHle, France. as woll as ot Spain, has . galvanized the Carllst chief, recently into 'life the law of expulsion concerning the received me at his home In heads · of houses of pretende rs. I 'll at law excludes t be Duc d'OrI leuns as ,h ead of the younger branch , of , the Bourbon s, Prince Victor 8 S chief of the Napoleonic house, and n II come will find Don Jalm as claimant of the old him ready. There Is Bourbon or leglUmlst line. no Cas telar In Spnln Don Jaime, now .duke of Madrid. to lead the r publl· menlls bus in ess as far as the throne cuns. t hav received of S1mln Is conc rned. Though he nll m rous I He rs . even looks upon his claim to the t hrone of from oll r Af rican pasFrance liS bing more hJstorlcal than s ssions, all of whi ch practi al. sUII the fa ct that be has nd with 'Long lire been pro lalm E'eI officially tbe head th e Idng.' , t til legi timi st lille .brlngs him un"Th e eloqu nt Carlde t' the law of e~c luslon . 1s t deputy, 1\1 ell a. sends us oheerln g news that The expul sion of his tather by Nat he coun try Is with us. pol eon III. has no bearing upon the Th e army loves a case of, the pres 'nt cialmant. Hitherb r nve officer, the to n law of 'expulsion has ,not been peopl e like Q twentieth able to keep him out of Spain, wh.lthcentury man. In the er he hos gone whenever he pleased . ' prov ln es of Val encia Very diff rc nt frOID the old Bour'L/ OF FROrSDORF, AUJTRIA-4 and atalonia alon e bons, whose molto was "no compro.D0If clAINt:Jrj PR£,s£ItT HOI1£" ,..-..•• Don .J alme could ra ise mis e and no s urrender," Is this proan army of ' 1 00,000 gressl ve prince and popular military men If he wished . He man. Even th e veteran republican, Is certain to sit upon tbe ·throne of his nnoes· H nrl Rochefort, sp aks at hJm as being very the Place du Palals de Bourbon. The famoull " Our klng's lale faUt er. DODl Ca rlos, ruled tors and lI CRd glory will rl ee ugaln ." old legitimist said; ove r the north oC Spnln for seven years under lIbernl a nd entirely of the twentieth. oentury. A nd now {or the claimant's strange rothe title at ha rles ' VIr. 'Prev ious cla imants Since his father's followers ,have pro"Don Jaime has ceased to be prince de mllnce. In appea ra nce he Is a typl cnl hero'. have (ought fo r the throll e of thei r ancesto rs Bourbon just as Albert E dward was no longer claim d Don Ja ime their chlet the Carllsls Slightly above the middle h eight. he Is dark, prince at Wales afler be had become king. . and non e l.·f th em wa s n brave r or a botter havo taken on a new lire and under existha s a soldierly bea ring, an In tellectunl for e· equipped soldi er tha n Don .Jalm e." ",,- ---;1Jg"'""llondIHOns. In the peninsula he may soon WIICn traveling Incognito he Is now the duke hend. Ilnd f1m~ Spanish eyes, which at Urnes "What Is your ,f1 a~? " was my next qu estion . of ]lladrid . His title among legitimis ts is King find bimselt seated on the throne for ,which f1a ~ h fir e and agll in ar full of melancholy. James I. of France. He has not yet selected a his fath er and his grandfather vainly took the "The flag of the Grand Mona rclt is our Tbe re port s prr nd last' year that he was en· title for Spain, but It will probably be Charles field. It Is Interesting to note In this connecflag. The tlng whi ch tt'oa ted ol'er my chateau gaged to marry Miss 1\l onre. dau ght r or the VIn.. as his fa ther ruled over the Basque In Brittany, wh ere th e Inte Dom Carlos wns tion that Count Urbain de Mame, president of la te Banller 1\loore of Knnslls City and of lIl rs. provinces under lhe title of Charles VII. Thus the Carllst society of Paris, ofrered a dukedom banqueted and exp ell d from France for a Ellit11 rawford Moore. no w of N w York . far we have had no coronation, but we have to a Boston merchant In consideration of speech he made unde r my roof. Ours Is the Whnt Is certai n is that Don Jaime, the dasb. carried out all the preliminary ceremonies. finan cia l aid for the cause. white fiag with the tl e urs-de-iys. Soon er than ing offi cer of the Russian a rm y, 'fell in 101'e The central council at legitimists, myself at change that bllnner for Ib red, white and Of those who have misgiVings no one with a beautiful princess, whom he met at the their head, walked tltree Umes around the blue, tbe late Coun t de Cham bard, who was IItands moro ' In fear and trembling than the co urt of Sl. Pe tersburg. The ertJ l)reSS of Ruscoftln c'o ntalnlrtg the remains of Don Carlos, our Kin g Henry V ., declin ed th e crown of Dowager Queen Christina. For, while Don s ia favor ed th e wooing, but Dam Ca rlos and three times did we p' r oclalm the tradiFrance wh en offered to him by Marshal Mac.Jaime hus a qualified admiration tor her posts tamped a nd raged and would have llone of It. tional cry; 'I..e rol est mort; vlve Ie rol.' We Mahon . humous son, Alfonso XlII., he has supreme The princess being a membe r of th e Lutheran proclaimed Don Jaln;te, prince de Bourbon, the "Don Jaim e Is now at the chateau of 'Froscontempt for the Intriguing ex-nun 'who preohurch, argued th e claimant, would neve r do successor of that long and illustrious line of dorf In Austria . Thi s was the llrop rty of th e vented his sisters from marrying ' Austrian for the thron e of Spain. Now t hat Dom Car· kings who have shed . so much' luster on count de Chambord, or Kin g Henry V. He has a rchdukes. At Blarrltz he has frequently been los Is dea d th e son renews bis suit. Th e ~' ollng France. At this ancient and. Interesting cereleft It to Don .Jaime toget her with th e family within speaking distance of his cousin, King lady In qu es tion belongs to a junior bran ch of mony the old Vendean cblefs were represented pictures , doc uments and othe r pape rs belong· Alfonso, though they have never exchanged th e house of Sax e· oburg, She Is a co usi n of by the count de Cathellneau. Ing to the legitimist success ion . In that old words. the empress of Russill . Sh e Is saill to b Prln · "It will Interest Americans to know," he Bourbon ctlateau his plans are maturing." Don .Jalme Is the hero at a novel, of which cess H e rmin e. daughte r of Prin ce Henri of continued, "that the husband of Miss Polk of "Bllt, count, Is no t th e la im to t he throne the vllluin Is the Duc d'A.lbe and the heroine Reuss. Th e young lady is 22 years old a nd Tennessee, General the Baron Charette; Is one of Fran c~ somewhat I'i sluna ry?" I aslled. n well·known Washington belle. 'He Is an amot su'rpa ssi ng beaut y. The German e mpe ror of our most illustrious Vendean chiefs, and as cer of the Russian army and bas seen acUve a lso looks on approvingly Dnd ns to th e differ· brave a royalist as ever stood In shoe-feather. " 'Not 'at all. It Is fOllud ed t;pon right. service In lIIanchurla. He has the reputation ence of relig ion, 101'e will fin d a way. believe in the ' divine ri ghts of klllgs. Th e The de Charettes won undying fame as leadpractical aspect of the , question is th a t Don at being well versed in the science of. war· and ers of not Imowlng fear. 1797.of the royalists In ' the Vendean war of .Jaime will concentrate nil hi s ene r-gi es IIpon BEE FARM ON CITY ROOF. , Spain . He does not want a civ il war an d there He looks upon the Duc d'Orleans as a "Don Jaime, or lOng James, as we now can will be none . He Is too UlU b of a patriot to visionary and speaks at the Napoleonic him, wears the order of the Holy Spirit and lead Spaniard agains t Spaniard . A dynastic Readins. Pa ., has a " bee (!lrlll," so s itua ted princes with contempt. The ' platonic Orleanthe order at the Golden Fleece. We are great tb at 90 per cent. of the peo ple In th at part of Ists, who merely get up banquets and clink sy.mbollsts and these orders are 'emblematlc crisis is at hand In Spain. KIng Alfon so Is n. tow n ev n do nol know of Its presence. To usurper and cannot las t. The son of the AilSglasses, be contrllsts with the fighting Carlof his royal Spanish house." trla n canoness nnd grandson of Queen Isabella the busy bees a ll rouds seem to lead to this ists, who have twloe taken the field and are plnc . for they can fly 50 feet up III the nlr has not much Bourbon blood in his ve ins. The "'Upon what do you base Don Ja1me's claim, ready to do so again. He bas more Bourbon and stlll bo abl e to rt!ac h their borne, without counU" I asked.' " • recen t Indignant explosion was one of out· liIood In his veins than any mlln living, for he co ming in contacl witb humnnlly. At the "His claim to the throne at France Is based raged pat riotism. Old . feudnl. romantic Spain is a Bourbon from both sides of the house, his foot at N verslnk mountain. In th e northw estcraves {or a ' king whp wlll pu t himself a t the upon the tact thM he Is a direct descendant ot 'mother' bavlng been Marquerlte, prlncesse . de ern section at tll e City, lives ,Ju lius Wagner. head of the army. King Alfonso wanting to KlJtg Louis ' XIV. In ,other wordS,' 'he 'repreBourbon-parma. ' He was educated at an )1ngOn the roof of hi s house are many bee hives. sents the .old Bourb!lJior legitimist line. You go to tbe tront In Morocco is like William J . lIsh collage' and speaks and' writes ,the ' Englfsh nd er the window s ills a re II.J number of hol es Bryan having been am,alnted to a command It~ language like n gn,ldl,late <!f the unlveralty of ~ 'are , awa~ that ' the story abQut ,the , son of leading to a ga rret roo'm, where t here ure I:.orils.' XVI. and Matle" A'D(clnette having 'esthe Philippines by the late President lcKinDublin. , many more hives and where .mlllions at busy ley . • Good jokes, ,b oth. Spaniards are . Indlg, The, 'bell' lo tWQ thrones. '.tor )'eara he lived .caped the prison ' of .the temple and 'having little workers come and go day b, dllY. bringa Parillo attic, where ClI.rJlst chlefll ,.called to ; Uved 10 ~Hotland und'e r tbe name of Nordorl. nant because the court of SPIlIIl Is Angll cized. Ing each time a· little· honey (rom some clove r and or" his 'having left heirs. is pure Invention_ An English . queen, English governesses, Eng.lIay their respeot.s to ro1a1~y and wbere on fle id. some tree that ' Is in bloom or from other "But no one questions the historic claim of Hah teachers, Elngltsh bringing up of royal certain days they passed to inscribe , their sources, thus helping Julius ' Wagner' to can· ou'r king. , 'H is majesty's el~lm to 'the ' throne ehfldren.' English physicians, English everynamel, JAve and war h.a ve been hili ' fa.vorlte duct the most suocessful and novel apiary In of Spato III b!lBed 'u pon the SaUc ' law. 000 ·thlng. . putlmell and both got blm t.nto 'troUble with Berks county. Jaime la the 'fourth claimant. It wu In favor .' "Even an EngllRh police officer. was brought hill mUUonalre tnther_ ' He helped to arm the Mr. Wagner mode his start In Reading In of the' late>··Queen Il&bella, mQthcir of the In. to Barcelona ·and has organized a force t~e re Ca'rllllta of' the l\aaque CountrY durina ,the It\67 with one hive, according to the PhU.,· fa~ta EulaUe, 80 well IQlQ'IfIl In :America, that for tlle comlderatlon of $30,000 a year. The Spaolah.Amerlcan wal' aDd became ~.trang~d delphia Record. To tbls tie added hive after King FenUnaild W, aet. ..Ide the Sall'c Jaw. German emperor qUlU'reled with his mother frODl Carlol becaolle ' the latter would Dot luve from year to year, untll tot:clay he hall JDula11e aDd ber prlbcell ' aD4' thell\' aet hate ua ratber than allow Cle court to be AngUclzed . • trlke a blow, He fell 1., lo.e wJth • lI..uUful nearl)' tw0-8COl'e hlvei til tbe Uthe garret beeau.. thl)'lmow we , bave r:ilbt OIl our ...... Do )'Ou' think that a Dation whote Castlllan Oeil1Dao' priDCel.. at 1he court of at. Petenroom aDd on tbe 'roof and as many mor.. out ab4 that " • . bf. touptt.w Our JlWD uti will :pride te proverbial will liland " Buch BUabtaT burs. but bla ,father froWned UPOIl tile m .... In the c:cnmtlT OD lb. ~r.IDI... of friend. apt ...... If Il......,. 1)GIl wW 11& • call aDd tile da7, that lIecaUIe tJa. IadI belo.... to the L1ItbraD ,






"At first a.n erllp tlon of small puslul es ccmnJl)ncel1 on my bands. These spr ad late r to OUI r purts of 'my body, and th e itching at times was intense, 10 much so that I lit rally tore the skin orr In s hreds In s eking r eli et. The awful Itchlttg Int erfe t'e'u with my work cons iderably, and al l;o It jlt me awake nigh ts. I tried several doctors a nd uscd a number or dil! rent ointments lind lotions but received practically no benefit. Finally I set· tled down to the use or Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment and Cutlcura Pilla, with the result tllat In a few days all itching had cens d and In about three weeks' time all traces of my eruption hod disappeared. I bave had no trou· ble of titls kind sInce. H. A. Krut. korr, 5714 Wabash Ave., Ohlcago, m,; November 18 and 28, 1907." ~r

1>ru& " Obew. OorJI.. Sol. l'rc:wL.


Boy's EII~ay on Clothing. Here Is an extract from an essay, wrltte n by a boy in a London school ' "Clothing Is an article whloh everylJody should wear. The least of this article Is wor n by savages or natives, which' Is II. piece of cloth or a few leaves or feathers t'ound the waist. In cold countrl s, same RS ' Eskimos, the people wear more clothes than we do, count or tbe Icy cold out there. They can s kate a il tbe year round, except about one thaw t he re Is In summer. 11 they walked about like natl ves they would catch cold directly ami die of, bronkltls. We put ciothes on which li re n arly ilke our bodies, some ha ve CRPS . coats an d trousers , but women a nd girls wear hats and [rocks to tell who they are ." Special Note from Atchison. Th e en gag ment of MI'. Hiram Hardesty and Miss Suzette Snarley Is a nnounced. It occurred the other evenIng at 9: 45 on the red sofa In Miss Snarley's parlor. Th young iady was dressed In blncle, nnel wore no ornamen ts. She did not iook unusually pr tty. IIltd what caused ' the young man 's mental ab rratlon is not known. Neith er on e cou ld r m mber exactly. whu t was said , and both admitted It was not th lirst tlmo he kissed h e r~ We print U10 detail s for the romantic young things who are a lways curIous to know how an engagoment Is brought a bout.-Alchlson Globe. Hypnotism Long RecognIzed. Hypnoti s m bas been recognized by tbl' medica l prof'ss lon Ill nce the nftllenth cen t ury fi nd in the last 100 years has been cx perllll nted a nd tested out In t housnnd ti of cases by such savants a s Charcot in Paris and Bet:nhe lm In 'nncy. yet wllh all these yours of triai its results have not justifi ed fts lJractica l and general use In sickn ess.-New Yorlt Press. Important to Mother8. Examln o carefully every bottle of CASTO RI A, IL safe and s ure remedy tor 1nfa nts a nll children, and see that it

8~:::~U~~eOf ~ ..~r.e In Use For Over 30 Years. Tbe Kinll You Have Always Bought. A Domestic Arrangement. " B1us l. r a ncl hi s wife seem to get along very woli together." "Thal's IJ cause they have se l as ide on e dllY in lbe wcell to do all thei r OghUn!;. O il the oth e r days they keep the flo.acc." Rellnol, the Best Hea ling Ointment That Can Be Found. I baye used Heslnol Oin tment now for two years and s ha ll ne ver give It up. I wouldn't be wllhout It, being the best h ealing ointment 1 have Cound yct. John D. Da in, London, Eng. The Sad and Splend,id. o loll1on WUR In Ges b'a lr: "My wives gave me 7QO samples . tc mut ch on my way down town thl!! morning," he rled. J;Ierewlth <he b came color blind. It reully 11lakes IHlIe difference whether the earUl Is 1\ t or raund. so long as we can ru ak e both endl ltlf:1et. WREN YOUR ",onITS A,RE IITU.I' &DCl mulOlot....... flODI oold. rbeu ..... U.... II' lI"aral-

f.!:~w~:Ir.~~~IJ!~~~~~t:..r:.t::rrl~,;r;~_"f: A wile man<> Bupprea... haU, tw.. &b1rda of bill 9pllll0lll.


County Courts

MOSE COHEN Inaugurates the Greatest

:01l1 :nol1 Picas Court. ('p urt Orc1Mr~ t,be olerk I " unlook t.1 ~ jury whel ' I· ln 1118 OUIU otly lind t .. drHW f.he DIIU1e8 of tw ~ n' .v ~6V6 " pprtlons, fift~p,n 10 sprve '11'1 grnllrt jnrors dn.1 twt'lv6 " 8 !letit juror .. ~tlille Is done hnd Ilund jury ~ ~Ilru­ lIl o Ded t () HP\l~" r .lnDu •. rv:l, iUlO III 111" III, !Inri '·h ,· l;e tll jllrv qn J"n u .. r.v 11. 1\1111 "~to 9 a m . Th e june!' are I\S folio w,. :

I .Xmas Sale ·

Grand Jury. Frank .1 ,100 b

, ,I



........ . .. .. ..... Ullion .Tp

R H I 101 Ay ...... ... .. ...

wu.v Iltl 1 V

D . Corwin ..... .... .. .. ..... ~nlt'1Il 1'"

1t~lItl MOCte'lfy ... ..: ... Turt~f I'f'~k T1' ~~"sttis

Cnx .... ..... .... . .. DeAd'! III Tp It M ClIX ................... L>Pt'tfi .. ld Tp l!:u~eoe J!:va.nil .. ... ............ Why ne Tp I h .. r ·p-s Cornt'Il .. ............ W".vtlel'J: .1 () Mn.ohAit ..... .... .. Turth·orA .. k '1'1' W Mul"bury ......... .. E:IHnllltfln:'p •1 M. P~rkhill ........... ... D erfil"lll Tp Will '1' Vntldt'rvt'HI· ..... F l'llnklin Tp H ... " gP (;, 'mpt-tlu .............. "" It>m .Tp I .1 A K .hh" .. ............ l)p .. ,!l .. ld 'lp J. R &",,'1011 .. .. .. .. .... .. Df·erU. Id TV I..· "ltk _ ~ 1", \, r .............. FrHuldin Tp \ N \,..,. Kit b\' .............. Clellr'1 reek 'I'll 1'; l!: V'I"d"rv .. " ...... ..... Ma tlle'I'J1 '1' W R.v'I1I1/l ...... .. ...... Frllnklln Tp

KliJle.v ..................... Hurlan 1'" I J. N Mil" I' ................... Mllt'!lie 'l'p • mOIl Uufo.le ... hy .. ......... li 'IlnkHn Tp .lo14epb JltlllnJutf, .. .. .. Clt'liroreek Tp W . E O'~eell .... .... ...... .. WllYU I Tp ·'obn 8neft.tben ...... ... ... ... Wayne Tp Is""o~. Iron ............ fnrtl eOl'etlk f'p 'l'blld Ztmme .. wdll ......... .. Wllyne Tp Ii,· "

New Suits. Let' R. Rltnd"ll VS. WIlliam R Ranallll Hnli .fohn F . Rtmtl "". to rl'covtlr ond ,vl(l ed one third pa.rt of eerl"iLi dt,,'ort'bed real etltute ' ~lb W . Brown, IIIturney f,r plain


Disco.u n t Just Think of it-20 per cent Off on All Men 's and Young Men's

Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats I Until J anuary 1, 1910 r,~ 6.110

ga rn l(~ n1 N

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120 Sl6

11440 I 112 110 rnlOlll s . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . 2g~~mcul $9, 60 $9·garnlenl~ .. ...... ~.. .. S1, 91 5 1gurmollts '. 110 . ..

.. . ....•.


t'1 6. IIU

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0 PONSW l '.l'l:C ALL Pl.'H II A ll:S

20 per cent Off on Any and All

Women's, Misses' and Children's ~ uits, Coats or Skirts SPEOI LS FROM 'I' HE ME ~'S ND WOMEN'S . DEPARTMli1NTS Extra IllI"I!e B ed Omrllrt8. white C(1t-Lon 1I11ed : sold In all stOI'08 IU!O and 11.75: metrll welghl .• .. . ...• . . • .. Ladl(\S' 1 1 60 and $2. 00 Leather Dags •..• ..••...• ..

La&w~r!~ .~~~~.d.e.~. ~ .( ... . l.adl '980 Percale and FlooceLlnOO R'OU80 Wrappers • •••• Missos' and 11.76 Swea ter Coat•. •. • . .•


W . B. Hnook, . admlnistrato'r, of t!t'wte of ,A M. Brown vs. AlI\e BrliDdftDborg. I !.nee oompromised "nd ditlDlI8t!en. ' . AQua 'Lytle dhurt.s vs. Benr~ M or Ii DLI /tska for di8mis8l&1 lllad Nme ill' ordered. -'--- --a &rmao-Kea ter ,administra tor Vlt. Viola Leever, e' Ill. C,tU8e settled and dismi8sed.




~urt ~roceedlnls.


' ~ ~ per


Petit Jury.

t..olu M. M~ v£ atnu.,! J Ma.yne t'." ,t'tion for divorce on Hroo'ldd of willfolll ~8ellce lind gro88 ue. lect·· P. H. "ue, attorney 'for plaint.iff

In the History of Dayton


d po it ria9, 'L ball on National and !Uit.iz6ns . NutlOntll . &nk f r the Olont,h nf November 1909 were tludited Ilnd found (' rr t. . Finu 0 i,d tutewonts of uuditor nnll tr.ou ur r h~. w ill g . balance in fluc h fund and accoll11t at the beginn ing of tllo ruon~b were, 'presented and ordered plnoed on file. It is ordar ed tha·t ' 1 00 be transferred tempomrily from the p oiul Bridge Fund of 1906 to t.he County Fund . Comm lssione'r s ' togeth er with engiutle r visHed Muddy Creek Oitoh a nd viewed the same in regard t o tlS8essm~nt of Philip Nickel on November 29. The:a llditor was ujrect ed to remit, entire ussessment togeth. I'll' with t h e penulty ag'ainst Innds of I Ph ilip Nickel. said amount heing ~3-1 50. " Bills-Charles Bencler on, con. i tra ct. ~19; 'hltrl e~ Henrlt'rson. ,I n· rtr',ot., '145; Clint W . t;;tanton , CO Il· tl'li t. ~173 25 ; Frank !3t·okes. coot'!'aot, '98 5; ( .~har l eA B. ",ewi", oon trRct, ~1O:! 75; .J08 t !pb Gilm o nr · 'Iii\! 64; .l osepb Gi lmour , bridgo rapllir, ~. 20; Ore~onilt Brid lto '0 , IcnDtruot.s, ,3163 ; .J ohn Burnet.t. · bridgo repair!', Bu wilton nrHl ll ty. pro pOl flOll f OOAt 01 r pu ir 01 briclf{tI ut Lov I!lncl, ~115 . (i7; Willilln1 Ev.tT" lu wlll'r, 9; La b·,non 1 to & C011 1 I'n. , ioa . ~280; Le bunon Hil l" '0. , g", t2 38; C. W. R 'llldllll, Olrlt.hIOIl. ;t.]; Frllok P . Forgy, nIlt intl.l inio g borse!', '~5 ; b Brd anti wftshlng iUS ; M. W . Earhart, e rvi e% liS olerk ot Soldiers' Re liAf C'lmUl I!lRilll1, " '0 i i-l . Lev . . Itr t\V rll~ :'lt, 110, 25: .Ja.1l11J1! MoMull en, do. 125 i W a t:ltllnllg & Co., blnn k A for s h e ri ff. Ll ; Goor :.e a Andersr. n, burilll of Nancy Airs, t75; 110m D. H nkle. feeR and xpeusell. 129. J .); Va lIey Telephone Co., r l1t·f1 11lld t.oIIA, *14 .to; t.. blln D Pllt,.iot. puuli h ing rnte ul tuxMioll, $22 37 11le W()"tern t;;tn,r , elf), $ll:l III i I,WIITren ol1ot.VTiwe, $U4 11)

98c 8ge 6e 6ge' 8ge 6e

R1~~'l[ ~~wels . . .. . ..... .. . Boys' 11.26 Oxford \V09t Sweat ers, blue and red trlmmOO ... Men's ere and 80 Fancy 'lC Bordered Handkerchiefs _. . . \J Meu's 11.00 Wool Uuuderwear: (limit two suits) . per garment ... ... . ... . .. . . J!e aure to come early; these speclala IDay not ltllt long aud afO only a rew of the (thouAiids of Xmas Bargains In tilia great store,

61' e





--- --~ ---


onneotlng tbe hio and Lfl.k E~I with ship Clinal. 8 nut I' B~ \ ElrIdge f ludiu ll.l intruuo d It r Qolution IIppropril~ting FI00,OUO for a sh ip ennui from 'hi tlgo to '.1'oledo via. Ft. W,ly nl:l bon. nectiog Lake Miobigan I\hu ut,ke Erie. 'I'his proposition would . be the gret1test Rnd the b . t thbll{ tht1t oonlct bRppeo f r N orthem Illdilm~ nnd West.e rn Ohio in pal'tioultll', lind t be whole oouutry in genoral 'l'o ledo uou Du;vton wou!l1 nl). cloul,lt lie lIeTJ efitteu \11 are t han Cinoinu liti lind Uh icn~u. hut , it wnulu be II wond erful IJUp!,\ VOlllent for the whu le CUUIH !'),. !LlIll AR IHlCilll ly for the Miumi aod Mil UOI u vu.l leys . The e two ship 0llnll18 would have their juu ctlOn ut DpLillnee. from whloh both 'Ilonls cu uld Utlliily l> opemted . It IllUY b tilllt th pJ'('.~f'nt gtl U rlt. tion will not 13 e t.h e UUO"H1 UIII til II of tbi gren t tlcheme of lllt.fl l·i,)r COlli merce, uut, it it bouud t o J ilt S, nnd with it Will onllllll~ rovo lutl ' '' ' in IU terl! tll.t~ OO IlJOl I roe lIull nil 1' 1' I If UIl · precedentetl lleveloJ,t'lIwnl f tl l' )) /11' t oo nlld t he MillIni v ltl11'." - l lllytnll Hernl rl


Do you want nice Handkerchief? Men's Xmas Hose, Suspender. the holiday Neckwear, choice of 35c for 25c; men', high-g rade fine s ilk fourin-hand, 39c sell 'e verywhere for 50c ! and 75c, Men's 75c sbirt for 50c; Men.s Night Shirt, 65c worth $100; MelJ's or Boy's Sweater Coats, 6Sc, $1.00 and $1.50 worth more anywhere Men's and Ladies' nice Umbl'ellas, only $1.00 worth $1 .50; Men's dresq Gloves; Boys' dress Gloves. J. A.

.. Alone i':l Saw Mill at Midnight


--- ~-.- -


St. Augustine's Catholic Ch urch. li'nlhcr

Gc\)r~c MU\· l!l1but;,' rt~r.

I ' a :ol lt.,r

~11 .... ~ cVI'rv sl'('un(l !'lull"tl\' 01 lb l' 11,""111 al

ll : uu • .


IU .


Episcopal Church .

lI ev. J . I". Ctulwa lh"Ic!·. '-:untlay Suhuol. 1J ::JtlII. LU

Mtlrll l ll~"r t, t l"

ti l'

The a ~ ,d· fi.l th r and





Th e son say. :" My father and mother o we th ·ir p r ~e nt strength and goud h ath to Vinol. Durin c! the la!.-t two trying winter. neith er of them had a old, anl i were able to wa)k farthe r and do m re than for years. I think Vi nol is p rfectly wonderfu l. It certa' nly is the grea!cst hI d-making, str ngthen ing tonic Jar old people I ever h eard oL"


J. EJ JANNEY, Druggist, Wavn svil)" , . . . . . .. . . . . .mmBmm~~ar~~~. . ._ . . .

7Jetter ,shoes



Methodist Episcopal Ch urch . Hev, U. W. Balloy. l';u.l or.


IltllJIlY Schnol. J) ::I O a . m . •' "," Inll ~ ~r l'le , ttl ::10 a. Ill . ~: plI'onl , '~' ·IIClll· . ; . "11 I'

8\'bnlng Hen'lcc, 7 : 00 p .

Ill .

Pr .ly e r

~ \l~l lll ll,

Latest styles in all leathers $3, $3.50 & $4.00

~ JI, t\\,I'I'lt


7 p . Ill!

Christian Church. Hev. M. E . Dawson,.


umlay Sehrlol, 9 : 30a. m . \) 'Itli 111 0 ling. , 10: 30 a. m. ' hrls tian Ent1erlVor . 6:SO ,'. 111 • • Uc!!'ulur

'u nctuy ~acl.

('hurell son 'fco. . C("(lnri

mOll~ h III JQ:'3U 11. UJ . uull 7: .J O " . UI .


Hi("l{site Friend Church

Orthodox Friends Church . Re v . Dcnjami n Hawkin s.

. abb:nb

obool . II :30

r vf . J Q '''1 11. 7 : :10 p . u:


'U .

n. m.

p",tur, ,·\t uro l·


brl ~tl i1"


fo' irsl /Jay M rf nL:. lU :OO" tn . 1"l rriL II " ·cl.ool. J J :0(1 a, III . \o'o unb Uay M,·t'lilll( I U:O O a. w .

Shoes made by ENDICOTT, JOHN· SON & CO. contain a quality of leather superior to that in any other shoes sold at the same prices! This is the first and only shoe house in the world that tans its own leather and opetates independent of all trusts. The leather In Endb1f1t1 shoes Is the best that can be m ade because it Is tanned to meet the greatest t ests ofwear./,.om a "hoflmake,.tstanda rd 0/ quality. rather than that of tlre leather trust which wor~ for profit only•

~;t,d ea rh o

For I:/lI le by


lUc Cl\Ll. PJI.:'TEItNS

. :, ~IILf· J h'r :\l /lc. IHl f,c t . fi ,',II"I"'d(yand I c ll.Jl,d . 1 n :11' · V ·\V) I . ~ d h I ' :t','}' (. "~ ry ilyhl1 U 10',' n in I ' { ", f . ! :. ,l lI ll t' ,In.ld:l, ( r UV IIlasi 41 :' ",, 1. ' l iHl.· "I I 1 "~l n



n.Y'. leAville's

Waynesville, Ohio.


TIIAWAY I' WALTER MCnLHRE. LeadlIlg .D ensi.8t F'uneral Dire';tor.


Maln. 8t Unmindful of da.mpDess, drafts, • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ storms Qr oold, W. J. At.klns workE!d . HUy (,I lh r .tII ,d. . ~ 'IHJ h~ I I C'C C:1L,I {, lo t: Telephone "tI.v or lli gh~. .. In the ma.tter t') fthtl est(lte of tl8 Night Wa.t()hmll>n, at Hanner .. 1 - '.Ll:S MA>!>AZ~E Va.Iley phone Nl>. '. Long :\ l.Hc ~ u bbr,' hl""' iii Irln n :\", o'l 'r ( .1'; li nt' El8ie Mlirtel:1,ou". minor. Re8illntlISprings, Tann . l:ioob exposure go. ve H1l1 g n Z. l • '-mHlio n a' llh'a lh . 1 1\ , d.,,~' • 1. ..1.. Di t·an e No. 69-9' , ~ t . 81.. Ius! p.ftt ... 11 I1i , l : t, :' '' 1I1 n ~ UI!.! , II h ll ry, tion 808 goardhm of S"rRh E. Houk, Estate of Edward Dlily et ai, him 1\ severe oold tha.t sett led on \ p ~l n 6C\v1I1 J/ , fa ll '- Y ."l. . . d Jc \VO L • h .lil_l n .. 11J,: . tlooepted. . miDors ~'Iri!t and final liooount ap- hi8 lung8 . At last be had to gi ve "llC11H.:tlC, gO'H I h f l 1rl C.." t iC. " n \' 01 n --I I , a IWAYNESVILLE,.. OHIO. car ( \\o rth tl rI U1J1 l·) . im:hllhf'f!: I II t' p, •. 1 r n. up work . . Be tried mnny remedies " uh~"rihc louny, o r 5l'od (1, ,' 5U" pic " IIIY. Eetate of 'J llue B. Evans, deoeu.sed. proved , lillowed and oonfirmed. but 0.\1 failed till be 08ed Dr. KinS's Branch Office, ~arvey Iburg. 0 oe, · ~.ERFUL I NOUCER1ENTS First and ·f inal Recount approveJ al Es~a"te of Mary Brlninger, de· New Dl800very . "After using one ' J\ ',! nt s . PO"::11 h riuf!'s ftr" \i um C"i1 t" :' )" ut: .. , d now c:1:\h Jl ri :c fTc l s. A . f lo J .... lowed and oonfirmed. . oeased. Fir8t and fioal acoount ap· bottle" he writes. "1 went bn ok to get Immediate relief rrom Estate of John F . Bowman, im. proved, allowed "od oonfirmed. work 1i8 well UB ever . " Severe (JoldR ' ':Z '.lcC LL CO.. 218 to ~ W. mt !il.. N~W YO:1 K ' Dr. Shoop's Mal!Jc OIntmell4.. . stubborn Coughs, influmed throats tecile, fiH.t and tinal Account, ap~tate of Elsie Marie Book, minor, Bnd sore lungs, Bemorrhuges , Croup proved, allowed and confirmed. . First acoount approved, ~lIowed aod lind Whooping Cough get quick ra lief and prompt cure from thh ~lo i-,,--'-'-'-'--"""- ta&eOf- Louls F. Mounts, de. confirmed. oeued. Ioventory and appraise Es·tate of Margaret Ada, decetl.sed. flOllS medioine. 500 Bno '1.00 "THE SAFE IIU" NBW ====S A F 'J~ SF==:= SECO~D NANO men' filed: . Fiou.l u<!Count approved, allowed l'ri"l free, guarantefld, by :~. :~ Time Lock and RepaIr ~ork of AJI K •• ds Fred C. Sohwart.z. ., . '\ ·J;.&ate:"'of Charla. Bohner et al and oOllfirmed. _ _ ••_ _ __ RB5IDBNCE SAFES A SPECIAL T~ I Tbird aoooont filed. . Estate of Wi! Uam Ade. Flnalac- NEW EDITOR FOR THE COU~IER Ellclasive Agency for "Century" A!llu ~ table Steel Dr.winr Tables In the maUer of eRtate of Benry count approved, a.llowed IlDd oon· B . Bizar, dt'csased . Petition grant- firmed. Chas. Morris, of Georgetown, as THE C. W, HAIN SAFE CO" Columbus, Ohio, :••1 ~~vm~m eel and a oertifioate onndeb~edness Estate of Otho Evans, deceased. sumed the. editorship of the Oler·· issoed. First lind final account ~pproved, mont Courier hlSt week, and the In matt-er of estate of Eliza. Ann tl.l1owed aod confirm.ed. issue of thllt paper.of to-day will in • Biza.r, deoea8ed. ~tatement of al! Estate of John M. Cochrnn et ai, trodJloe him to its readers . Mr. ~Read eets, indeb'edn68S a'1d expeQ'Je8 of minors. Final "coount apnroved, Morris is Ii capuble newspaper man A h.ndeom oly tlln"Irnloc! ,.eakl,. J .nrcn~ t clr. cul"Uon uf allY ~r.lch tla o Jll n fll nl 'J' o rlll ~. , a _ , administration filed . 1I.110well a.nd oonfirmed, with u lOlig and wide experienoe YOfU'I!{nr mOllthS.• 80)111>1'" 1I ~". ' 1 '·"'\l18 In maUer of John Tocker, alleged Estl~te of Elmira GIlpin, insane. and in additiun is 1\ prllctimt.i priol er R.. CO.381BroadWl1Y. YOi~ lIrane ~Ice. 6'2ro l!' St~ Wnofll '~ I (" '. n. C. In8&ne, Adjodged inBane and en. First acoount a.pproved, allowed an d skilled io overy branch of the tnllle. titled to admission into the Dliyton confirmed . For several years be hnA beb n em_ _ __ _ _ _____ .. ____ __ -- - . ASl'lum Etltate of Mn.bAI Greely, minor. ployedon Georgetown 116wspn per!1, ~~ ~ ~~~..~~~.I..~.~.~ Estat~ of Eliza Tingle deceased. Fiftb aecount approved, alloweq and where he bas given a good aoconnt ~ • • ~~UU~,~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ Fmal acoolln' filed. oonfirJDed. of himself. He is a gentle man of ~ ." '~ . Esta.te of George W. Binkle, de Marriafe Licenses. courteous manner8 whom it gives ~ • OBased. Inver.tory and apprai8eus muoh pleasure to welcome inte ~ ment filed. Albe.rt M088teller, 25, fa.rmer of the local newspa·per field. Mr . Mor. • Estate of Frederiok MUler, de. Muson and Irene Gertrude Gerard, rl~ will remove his fl).mily to BatBVif\ ~ • ~ ceased. Final account filed. 25, of Mason. Rev. E. ' L. Carrier . within 8. short time.-Sun. ~ Estate of Aogust 8eiker, deceased Real Estate Transfers. ---.. First and fioal acoount approved, Stung for 15 Years . . William H. Dowdell to Addie M. by Indigestion'spang~-tr:vin~mn.ny allowed and confirmed. 0 Estate of Amelia E . Ivins, de. DowdeJl real et!tllote in Warren Coun doctor8 Bnd '200.00 wortll of madl ceased. First acooont ed ty, 1500. oine in vuin, B. F. Aysoue, of Ingle. apprev , Mary M. Caskey to KateP. Young side, N. C., at last need Dr . King'l1 IS allowed and confirmed. rellol e8tate in village of WaYI16syille, 'N ew L'lf e P'll I B, an d wrl t es th . ey . Iileta~ of Elizabeth RandAll, de. wholly oured him . ·.rhey cure Con. __ A F irst account approved, a.l- ., 975'. stittl\tlno', I:.illio·u sness, , Sick Hend ~ ~ , • oee.""",. '" D ...

Probate Court.

(>ffice in Keys Bldg.




See our new Christmas Post I Cards. they· are beauties •. !PILES





every and In the Miami



It ' will repay you twofold,

II 11:1

luwed and confirmed. I:I\8tate o,f Ann B . Kelly, deceased



1 I 1 ~~h:~It;t~r:;~~~s~iV::~ ~~~n;~edf.~ I ORE-A-~-'P"':L-A-N FOR I 1 .,

Contrnot8-:Contract was ' entered Sohwartz's

,Tbird aQCount approved, aJlowed into with T. C. Coughiin .for lab'o)' aDd confirmed. (l.nd ·ma.terial to west . . approach t o . Eetate of Cath.o rine ,D. t!obenok, Mathers Mill b'r idge' on WIlmington dooellll~d . . First aocoont approved, roa.d in Turtlp.oreek to~n8hip at the allO~ed and confumed. ti t f 1180 05 e8 nul. e o . . 1IlI&ate of John Phmps, deoe8lled . . Oon~taot wa~ entered into 'with Pinal aooouDt approYed, allowed and, 'f. C: 001 gbUn for ,,'p proaoh to Batho()D1irmecl.-c- .. .. nW!l~ br IIge on Wilmington road in . .tate of PhUip B. Sorf806, de. Tu tl . . r eor e k t OW~bhi p a t ' estima,t e (,.If e~. ,l 'ift'.Ddfinalaocount,aP-J ' S4.75. . poftM,l,'llowedaud OOb&rmed. MiaceI


(jf W e wan t you t

see our

Chr· t mas Post. Car'd s · .rr They are n' I·ce ones too .rr Price, 2 for. ~ .rr , M.I-a·mi· .G·az·e;·tte ,. '0:. ffic,e,.~ ~


Congress has two hills pendiog that Hoold 'provide for the moat va.l• . oabla' inlaid waterways in tuia oountry. Gen~raJ Keifer ot Hn.r1nJdleld.ln=.. ~. _ I....~--::---":--"--------::-----':':--, troduo~d Ii bill appropriating 125,000 • .. . ' . for I&. preliminary surve.v of the Mi. . ' .

n~oUS-ACOOUDL8 .· o~ two!~::::a:r!~.~::tc!~o~i~O~~~~~·· _• • • •U


We wanl every leebl e o ld p erson In this towa 10 try Vlnol. We will return their money without quesU... U It does not acco mplish au we claim for II.




of a promin nt U: t O I . ·twy 'r a£ Iy carri ed th r lub h tl 1ast two winters. by .


Ul' CI \, r

\' I Ct' , H, ::10 a m , Dol}' CotJtl Dunt .. n '1' J ~" ch mODlll,




EVERYTHING NICE TO WEAR We have them, Men's Boy's tadie "

2J!!!S _

I I'

I i« •U .


.. . .

"1' I I '

~.. '. • , -. . , ' .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~JM(_

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--.J.9~""" ,'


. ~rogram of tbt

Wapnesbille jfarmers' lns titu te




.• f .i _ _ _ _ _ _"""'.....~

c9bio, mtttm btt 1'7-\ S, '09

l I Z, , !

It is a regrett a bis fact that · the two holldaYII prinoip allyenj oyed by the ohildre n and youth of the land and widely separat ed in Beason Rnd Qharllo ter Ihould be 80 produo tive of l>t'fsonal injury aod destruo tion of proper ty . The oele ra on 0 Christm as should ne ver be thus marred . Every danger wbioh hilS attende d this Se1180n' 8 festivit ies oan be a voided by the exe~oise of pre· oaution , and"thit. will not entail the sa orifice of a single thing that ie dear to the hea·rt of ohlld or yout,h . DANGE RS IN STORI!lS.

Phill ips' Hall Friday Morning and Afterno on, Decem ber 17th.

High Scho ol Hall Friday Evenin g, Decem ber 17th. Saturd ay Mo.ming and Afterno on, Decem ber 18th.

f'rlday, Decem ber 17-··10 100 a m.

Music Invoca tion-R ev. Bailey Openin g Addres s .. . " .... . .. . .. . . .... . . . . . . . J. O. Carty(r ight Music The Problem of Soil Fertilit y . " . . . .. . . .. : . . " " .. .. .. .. . ... . . .. . M. C. Thoma s, Mingo, Champ aign County . Ohio Discussion Music Feedin g Hogs for Profit . . . ... ": .. . J. P. Davis, Sherida n. Incl. Discussion Qu~tlon Box.' ... I~ charge of Harvey ,Burne tt and Fred ~lbon Appoin tment of Commi ttees' Adjour nment



The spirit of busines s rivalry , very natural ly and properl y, leads the shop-k eeper to display his wares in the most tempti ng fashion w1,thm bls power. It is out of his effort to please the eye and begoile the beart of the sboppe r thAt 'he first of the season 's danger s arises". The eleotrio wiring. treqoen tly io- . stalled tempor arily nnd by hurried or oareless bands, may resolt 10 "orossed wires" and B oonseq uent fire . The use of infiamm able sob stances in displav wiodow s near eleotrio lights or over gas jets is Il source of great danger . Cotton , whioh is so frequently- osed to pro. duoe a snow effeot ebould be elimInated. . If sooh an effort is desired it can s!1tely be done by tbe ulle of minera l wool. The lessene d danger will maoy times overpa y the inoreased expens e. Fires In our stores at tbls S88son are partiou larly danger ous owing to the orowds of shoppe rs. Panio is aIm ,stcerta iu to follow unless there be perfect organiz ation io the store " for the porpos e of meetin g just suoh an emergenoy.

B ig

THE BEST WO MA N'S MA GA ZIN E AND THE BEST NEWSPAPER AT A REM ARK ABL Y LOW PRICE..•.... That 's what comes of get ling togeLh er. We have combined wi th the publish er of the best woma,: 's ~agazin e" Th e P8ul t is t hat you can have the mag azine, Woman 's Home Companion, and The MIamI Gazette for the ve ry low price given below. Woman 's H ome Companion is too well known t o need indorse ment f rom us. With its fi ne st ories, it.s splendi d articles , its many practic al de?artm ents. Woman 's Home Com panion !!tands at t he very front r ank of woman 's magazi nes. The prIce of Woman 's Home Compan ion is·now $1.50 a year , and this offer is a special bargain which we p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ,/ can offe r for a short t ime only. Take S\JMMER STORY IjUMOEA



~ ~ AUGUST=>

.: 1.5 Cf:I'TS,

advant age of the bargain while you can. It won' t be good for long.


Woman's Home' Companion one year and

The Miami Gazette one year

Bo th for $1. 75

.... .... .... .... .... ....

g , I



-_ .... _- -

T""l CaoYflt..4 'VIl I'''' /''''' CO "'h H't


Friday, Decem ber .7·_·.1 00 p. m.

S a o in g

Greater Woma n's Home Compa nion Will be the most interestinK'- the most useful- the most beautif ul woman 's magazi ne publish ed.

The Obristm as tree still lives to delight eaoh I\uooeeding generat ion of ohildre n, but In its bell.uty there . There will be fic~i o~ by Anna Kathar ille.Green, Elizabe th Stuart lurks much danger . But w" 08n Phelps, Mary Wilkins Freeman, Kate Dougla s Wlggm, Margar et Deland, J uli et. Wilbor Tompkins, Myra elimina te the danger s, fmd still have Kelly. Joseph ine D&8kam Bacon- and a host of o thers- all the besl 'W ri ters now before the tree in all its glory . The folthe public. lawing sugges tions have bellO made !All this and The Miami Gaze tte you can have f or only $1.76. Bu before by this ·Depart ment and are t you must order NOW. Remem ber it's a special concession we've secured oonside red worthy of repetit ion: for,You that won' t last long . "Don't leave a.n illumin ated tree Yo u will be in t ime if you order today. unwato bed. " "Don) ' UBe feetoonB of tisBue p ..; per or oottOB batting on 1\ tree." (Miner al wool is a perfect substit ute Ledl_ ' Sealon ---Satu rday• .January 17---91 00 .. m. And and will Dot burn.) "Don't use any ornamentB made Music- Eleano r Earnha, rt and Lucile Cornell Addr ess THE MIA MI CAZ ETT E, Wayn esvil le, Ohio of celluloi d ... . . Devoti onal-M rs. N. L. Bunnel l .. Don't let the ohildre n touoh the In the Maple Orchar d . .. ....... .. .. . ..... . ... M. C. Thoma s "tree. " ",DoD" permit a draft of air to Our Friend s the Birds .. . . . . ... . .. .. .... . .. Miss Edith Crane away the branoh es of atree while it witb its cott·o n batting trimmi Higher Educat ion Toward the Farm for Our Best ngs CHRISTMAS CANDY . is 111ominated." HEN DER SON ,M.D . Harve st-the Boys and Girls . . . . . Miss Elizabe th Chandl er t\nd its false beard an4 wig, 1"boold . •, DOD't put oottou beneath a tree be dipped 1n'solo tion to make Boil togethe r four cups granula ted it fire Vocal Solo- Mrs .L. S. Rhoade s to make the oarpet look like euow proof. No g~thering of ohildre Bugar ILDa boil one-hal f cupful sweet n Wayn esvill e, Ohio. Readin g-Mrs. Edlr&r Stinson oovered ground . " (UBe minera l should be permlU ed unles s OrtlllID . Dissolve a pinch of soda in l ever y Instrum ental Solo-M iss Hazel Gqatin WOOl, asbesto s.) known preoao tlon agains t fir61\od II. oup of wnt,er and odd with" t,\ble- IValley Phone 153 Main Street Woman 's Work Today Compa red with Twenty-five "Don't remove a thing from the panio has been taken bV those . in spoonf ul of lluttsr. Years Ago .. .... . ... : .. . , .. ... . .. .... Mrs. Martha Davis· tree unttl the oandle s on it are obarge . Cook the mixtor e until a th "ok ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Violin Solo-M iss Grace Canna n blown oot. I I PriVAte Homes -Befor e the oon syrup . P laoe in anothe r Bauo~pan I The following extraot from 8.n ar· dIes Oil Christm as trees are lighted ·one_hulf cupful of sweet cream and See Adjour nment our Xmas Post Carq tiole in "In8ura nce Engine eIing," lD private homee, see that ~evera 1 four ta blespoo ufuls grated ohoool ate ! fornish ed by the Boreau of Com pails or basins or boilers are fille·d and simmer gently on t,he baok of I ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~!'!!! bU·Btibles, of Newar k, N. J., is· so with water in 'be kit.ohen P'11daY. Decem ber .7---'71 30 p. m. . They the fire un til the m.ixtur e is thiok . practio al that it is herewi th repro· may be needed i~ II. great When the white m ixture is ready hurry . duoed: pse ootton to batting take from the fire, stir in quiokly Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. sparing ly or bet· Music- Orches tra "Store Windo w Decora tions-C ot. ter still," not d all. Fire will two teaspoo nfuls vanilla extrac t,' fiasb _ Readin g-Mrs. Bruner ton batting , colored paper amt"l1gh Will be foond in the oJd er the surfaoe of thlS materi al and then sift two large spoonf ols into ·\ Time, ~ee and the Farme r : .. . ... . .... .. ... M. C. Thoma s Bank Baildin g, opposi te fabrics of a highly inflamm able na· start B bIg bll\ze in less time tbe oh ooolate mixtor e and turn the than it Nliotional Bank. ture should Vocal Solo-E dna Sattert hwaite not be used as deoora- takes to ~1l. It burns with great remllinrl er onto a buttere d dish. I Teleph one in house and of. tiODS unle8s they have , The Fanne r as· a Citizen .. . ..... .. . . .. .. " . ....... J. P. Davis been dipped heati beoaus e every fibre carries !\ Pour t·bo chocola te mixtur e over fice where I can be called in a ohemioal solutio n to render them tube of oxvgen to supp~rt da.y or night, · , Cornet Solo-F . H. Farr combu s- this , and as soon as 00 01 enough to non-oombustible. Too muoh OlUe tion. Have a good sized rog handl e, pull f\Dd cot into pieoes" I handy. Valley Pbone 14--2. Readin g-Jess e Lewis can not be exerois ed in the matter If the olothin g of an·y one gets This uHLkes t,he striped cll.ody. aU Main re Street. Wayne sviU., Ohio Vocal Solo-F red B. Sherwo od of proper electrio wiriug. On No- do not attemp t to beat out the llame vember 25th, 11107, nearly a soore of wit.b ybur hll.nds, but wrll.p Music- Orches tra the vic· lives were lost and $400,000 damag e tim in the rug and press dawn evdone by fire whioh swept the six sto· erywhe re to smothe r the fire. ry dry goods IItore of the WindA gas will set tire to pa per SaturdaY. Decem ber .8---11 00 p. m. horst Compa ny, of Olavela n(l, Ohio. moslin and similar mat erial , even Gro88ed electrio wires in the show thoogh such stuff be eightee n or Music- Orches tra window were respoDsible. Gas twenty inohes above the fia mos , Our Experi ment Station . . . . ....... ..•.. .. . . .. M. C. Thoma s flames should be protect ed by a globe 8e oartlfol. " Instrum ental 'Solo-M iss Pearl Colvin ohimne y or soreen and all oombu stiSilver is the first If the precau tions thua outlin ed ble .materi al should be kept remote Tax.tio n: ~ Applied te Real Pro.Perty ....... . . Edgar Stinson thought when considering gift, be car",fol ly' observ ed there is sm llH from lIuoh fl!lDle. Do not put for Discu8 lion by S. L. Cartwr ight any season or occasion . No more colored pIlptlr over eleotrio light likeliho od that the house of inil'tb I graceful compliment can be extended than Vocal Duet-H elen Sherwo od and Keller Dunha m wlll be turned into a house of mourn " bolbs, as tihe hellot ill soffioie nt to an offering of rich silver elegant in de.ign, per• . Corn Breedi ng for the Averag e Fanne r•....... . , .. J, P. Davill start a bla7-tl. 800 thlt.' all show ing·at. this gladsom e time. fect in taste and in the newest shapes. JOHN W. ZUB!l!lt, Discul!l8ion window s ara ventila ted. A few ,State Fire Marsha l daye of hot dry a"ir with its attend'instrum ental Solo-M i8!l Margu~~ite ThomP.SQn . " ... ant ohemlo al decomp osition , constt. Report of Commi tteee CUT PRICES AT FUN KEY' S 'n.t e cond~ttons ripe for spontan eous combu stion, Keep OB6 "o r two flre is the mark which represents the higheat perfecWe want to tell everyo neabpu t the · tion in silver plate. With this imprint on every extingu ishers near Avery sbow ~in. great cut-pri ce in every line of goods OPPIC ER8-I9 08 article you can buy dOW, ready for qoiok Ol!e in oaBe of and the most accepta ble Christm as flre. A pail of dry sand may be gifts in every departm "Silber Plate that Wears" en.t. The -worth 1ta weight hi 'gold to smothe r prices will amaze you, 75c fine W~ "H.KeY8 Preside nt .. safely at .0 ~pert. This damp .al.o guu. Shirts, • fire. ·' . . . :,.......'~'~;,{O'/J ut_ that each piece ia:peifect 10 artiatic " 5Oc; the $1.00 Gem Shirt, 95c; the ~. D.-C ·V ice-Pre sident desip and fioMh. . Scbool s and Churo hes-Sh eet tin $1.25 line, of Gloves; $1.0Q. La'lies' , Fnuik ilbon · ~ , Sold , by leadius dealera evcri. or zino sh~nld be piao~ un~er every Gloves; 259, SOc, 35c "al).d Trea.u rer 50c; 50c where. · Send for catalope "CaL" Chrlst mu tree to oatch candle drip OhriBtm8$ Ties, the latest F\ A. IIartIO ck ahowins all daipa. only 39c; _. · ~retary pings. Baild,' . .'aror flre ext,{n- over '100 dozen handke rchiefs .KRIDK .. aRITA.. NIA co. , fie, (IDta,naUoD .&18I1 n r tzo., 8 ........) , Illisber 8 ought to be · kevt in th~ 10c or 3 for 200, 15cor 2 ,for 25c; 25c ••rid.n, Oonrh mOst oonven ient. placa for instaot or 2 for; 46c; 36c and 400 2 ..• fol' 6Qc, Exits .bould -be marked with 50c 2 for 9Oc. Neyer before did Ba~ Bunaett Fred,Elben you 1 J;ed ltghM and kept free aad ol"al': see suc~ a lovely line, ~n patteM'!,S' l Mila Blan~e Riley Mi8 Louella Comell . Every lku&a Claus ooetum e of flail· and· lowest pric. ever shown by any ""'~~~~~~~~~-'-~.~IIIIW"!~~-M""~~~"",,,~_wS· · De~ 01' otbu·qalok buD.... materiar bouse. John A. Funkey .

Twe lve Big Numbers

Music -qrche stra Clover -Its Import ance and How We Handle It .. . J. P. Davis Discussion Poultry . . , . , . .. " . . . . .... ... "... .. . .. . ... .. H. H. Wad8W8rth Music- .orches tra The Live-Stock Farme r .. . .. .... . ... . . . .. . : : . . M: C. Thoma s Discussion ., Music- Orcbes tra ~ Adjour nment

Wo man 's Hom e C9mpanion The Miami Gaz ette (Both ' for only $1.7 5)

je. w. I



Holiday Gifts of Silvervvare



- - -

oee, .


--- --


Truth and Quality

The deep s t tbougbte ,are alway. III gr~at lit 0I1ndH are . aiways full of aIm, and richest Uvea Telephone Just a Few Seconds Ahead Whit They Think of Western Canaaa. I hav a)waYIl at heart an unshllken reof High Wind. pos . -Hamllton Wright Mable. A. N. K.-E (1908-47) 2257. On('o upnn a time ' 11 l{8n~all Zp'llbyr II A party of editors from a ,n. umbe~. ot appeal to. the WeU·Illiormcd iD every hTllk louse and D1'c and red about th cW s and towns ot Minneso ta r ecently walk of life and are ClISenti.u to pertnanent ou n l ry . plek lnl; up various lhlng-s. mad e a tour of W estern Canada, and IIUCCCSS and creditable standing. Accor- nlll Ballmgnrtne;"s te lepholl . !l0 mil s I hayIn g returned to the h' homes they : I 't ' t I ' d tb t r F' awn y I'ang ' a rE' 1I0W te lling In th eir I' s pectlve 109 Y' . I. ~!I no SeC lUIJ\~ a yrup 0 ' lgB " Ie;' t hat ;ou Bill?" y lied an xclt 'c\ nllwsp!\pers of whal I.b y BIlW on tholr Here', where the wear comeL and l.::hXlr of noe IS the only remedy of I' .' Ca nadian trip. The West St. Paul vo ceo . Children', aboea need strong soret. k nown " al ue, b ut ono 0r many rea.!loruJ , " Yes. What's th e mailer ?" T imes recalls tbe exc llr ~lo n ot the why it is the best of personal and family "ThIs hI F rl\uk . We' ve got a cyl'!one ~Jlnll esotn e?ltllrs trom Winnipeg to Buster Brown Shoes bave IOlei that wear. laxati ves is the fact that it d earulcs, down h re, and It's hen,\ cd yo ur w ay . tlte Pacific Coast t e n yeal's ago. ReMotben say they never laW dWdrep', eoJee .1 l' th' te al 1.001, out' 1- " Fronk's Yolce brok e furring to what has happene d In the swC'e tens anu re leyee e III Tn organs I t 'al th It "Tl ... .. . . o l! Rudd e nl y Bill heard a. c rush ane! II e n e WI' e r says: lOusands wear 10 weD. on which it a.c~ ~Ithout an!, !a sputter in g.' th en all WI\S s llencc. H e ot mllcs or new railway lines have afterelTeots and Without haVing to IIICrasO ( galh reet up his fnmlly and rus h ed been built, and the development of Riblion the qUllntity (rom time ·to'time. Ih m to 1\ d ee p rllVln c. The y we I'll just tb e co untry has lUade marvelous I' For younpten, $1.50 to $2.50 It ts..J tl d t all d In time to dodge a funn I-Rb alJed cloud strldcs. Millions or ncres, the u lying ae ~elloStl~ y an .M \lr y lin I that wrN:ked th ' house , ~Icked tip hi s In th e ir wild uud untouche d s tate, White Howe Shoes for I(I'Own.up•• truly as a laxative, (lIlel It componen$ I barn. two cows, and u oollpl e or miles ha\'e sln~e been t1'anste l're cl Into grain Aak your dealer for them. parts !\re known to and approved of rt' nc:e.-Hamplon's Broauway :\I ag o- fi elds. ~owns havo sprullg U(I all It physic ians, as it is frcc (rom all objcction- ;:1 11 1' . I' by th e " and of a mag lclnll. und the Ir , THE BROWN SHOE CO.~ M"en, .St. U. S. A~ 11 b t . T '.. b Ii 'al l - --development Is now In full progress I a ' e 6U S ances. 0 get I ", ene IC I A HINT TO GOLFERS. I II Is a rc \'e lat!on, a record or ConqUC9~ effect.. always purehase th e gcnuin(~ I ! by set t lement that Is romarlUl ble." manufactured by the California Fig Syrup t Tl\!' I [u(c hlnsoll Leade r chnl'8cterCo., only, anll ror sale by allieadiog drll4t' ~. __ Iz('s W es tc rn Canada as "a grent CO IIIl · ~t.. ,t ~y III11il'\, e loped. The BlImme r out. lu g." it . ays, "was nn eye·o pener to FUN FOR "HAPPY COUPLE." el'('ry lII em b I' of the P:l.rty , even t hose ~_ who \\" re on th o exc nrs lon through Modern Wedding Dctscrlbed with Po:!· \\' 1.'. tl' rn Canada ten y cars ago, over lIibly Slight Exaggeration. co usiu e ralJl of th e territory cove red th is y nr, bclng amaze d at Ule llrogT b~ yonn g pai r had so man y fl'le nds I n's:; a nd a (lnw('e Lll('nt made In thut that th c poli ce w ' re quite unabl e to s hort space of tim e. Tho tim e will copc wllh th e sltuotlon . Tho bride (,OlllO wh n W e5 t,,· ru anada will be was h aded up In a barre l and thrown the br ad·basl,et or th e worlel. It Into lh e rlv r. while lhe groom was 'r1l0 \'Isllor- Wll at o n :;l'th docs wa~ u d eJi~htflll outing throlls h a bh~lIIfl(1 afnt! ga gg e fl and suspe nd ed by I tllaL ch \l curr y UUlt Jlhonogl'aph rOll nt! gr('ut country or wonderful posslbllIf I h d t ? !tIcs and r eso urces." , .s eet rom a ta l l tree. At this I)olnt th e military was or' sM 0 bot y~., D t 1 • I I. Since the visit of th ese ecUl orll the om et·-,,,o . \I Ie s t IIDlu . T 11e callec.l out an d arrll'ed at doubl e quick So b e has that talkln ~ rna 'bln to ' Gov rnm cnt bas re vised Its land r egnt. liS ddl t I lations and It Is now posslhle to selus t In tim e to save the baggage frow l i A quick and powerful remedy Is needed to break up- an attack of croup. lOllS11 "101 I '8 ca e kor' I0 cure 160 be I nr; pastcd o,'er with Insulting pla- g vot. n" truc f . acres 0 r w h eat Iand at ' ''oT. 00 Sloan'S Liniment has cured many cases of croup. It acts instantly - when ::ards. maa G a e w we C losen r emor ~ n Iln acre in i1ddltlon to the lGO acres applied both inside and outside of tlle throat it breaks up the phlegm, reA b f h t i l a se h e fozzl 8 hi s drive or does any, that may be homes teade d duces tlle i.nflammation, and relieves the difficulty of breathing. At"~'t:l:rh~ll: t~e ~~~}~ :,:~ I::;or~' d thing e lse ~nnoy~n~_ The crops or ]908 have' bee n !lple n~ul e t and th e authorities, tbough not Her Qualifications. did. and r ports from l h e various di s, j nylng the popularity of the hlgb A IJromln f.'nt ducator te lls ot • trl cts s how good ~r l e ld !! , which at pres· contracting parti es, w 1'e co nfident I wllque r ecommendation made by the ent prlrcs will give exc He nt profits to gives quick relief In all cases of asthma, bronchitis. sore throat, fODsiJitls, tbat til 1'0 would be no more "Io:e rlce. boart.! ot 'e xamlnaUo n WIUl r e ference th e farmers. and pains in the cbeat. PrI. . aao.. !IOc., _d th.oo. --Puck, I to c rtnln Ques tions put to a primary From l\tI1 ~8l0ne, saSka:c I~e wan. school ' ln UII India na town. th ere are r epOl ted y ields of thl. ty bus hDr. Earl S. SloaD. Boston. Masa. " I d s ire to r EO ommcnd Mary \VII. e ls of spring wheat to the acre, while son also for a r e ward of merit." stated the average III about 20 bushels. The on of I he board In a note append ed quail I y or grain to be shipped from to the i·eport. "BE'lng ve ry young. I this point wl11 be about 600,000 bushMary naturally m lsseii th e ' polnt of els. Information r ega rding tree la~d s all th e ques tions In th e examination nnd trans portation will be fre Iy give n Ilapers. but bel' ans wert! were In eve ry by tbe Canadlo.n Government Agents, in s tance so lad ylike and r e fin et! that - - - - ---I think she sboulu be awarded a Nothing prospe rs like a frenzied medal."- Har p r's Monthly. financier- for a time. Mr. Holesale-So old P e pperpot bad Deafness Cannot Be Cured a Itlck coming on that last bill ot goods, eh? Wouldn·t that make you Dy local npp ll ODotlOnJ. Qa Ihey CAnnot reach '/Ie d. .oa......" portion or th e ear. There L'f o nl)' one WILY to Are 50 Cigars '>ore? c\lre l1pa fOi"dS. Bud that is by t"Ollstltut lonal rtDledlr.a. Mr. Lltewate (the salesman)-It did Uenln... I caWO<'d by &1\ Inlbmed Cl<lIld ltlo!' 0 1 thn muc:ous 11111011 01 the F:u.ucbtau 't'u b ~. \\ hen 11I 1o me, sir. He kicked me out. tub. 18 InOomed )'ou 1m,'. n rumbllllg sound or Im, I llerf•• t ht.'ATln g. ftU" when It 10 rutl rnl)' ( I"""". Dcaf"''COl l8 the r""ull. ond unl ... Ih r lnll:lmmnUon CIUl be Headstaken ou~ IUIlI lh.,. tu be rl'lliored 10 113 normal •.oDdlAa He Understood It. lion. heurlng will be df'6troyoo tOf1!\'er j nine C'tLSCfI ~8plte the ImaglQlltive nature of out o( ten "N! cousl'd by Cata rrh. wblch lS nothln" Therefore the child, It has a decided te nd e ncy but nil IJlI ~lmed cond ition of thl' muro u" 8urf&C . D.~;~"::III~!~Dgr".'!.~~~) ~~!~rs ~~~oatt. ~~ to aee things In a lite ral se nse. This for end lo r cIrCUlArs. 1I't>t!. Is noticeabl In the acquiring of lall- t,:; lIoU's l~ t4lTh Cure. F. J. CHENE Y 01: CO" 'foll'llo, O. ~ Id b)' O rwcgl8lJ1. 75c. Cen~ guage. For Instance, little He rbert Tako 11811'8 F.mUy !'1U1 fo r C:OOlJUpntlOD. was pleading to go out of doOra to play. Marvelous, Indeed. "When I see fi t. you shall go," said "By h ck. Cynthia." drawled old his motber, decid edly. Farmer Hardappl e. after his visit to This settled the matter, and the 'lit- Chicago. "them lhar city barhers all' tle fe llow went off to his blocks . In mind readers." about hair an hour he return ed, and "That so. Hiram?" eatd It!s wife. .mId: " Why, I should say so. The one "Mamma. bave YOIl seen him?" met knew that you cut my hall' last. "SeeD whom?" repHeel the Indy, utnnd . by gllm! he never saw yoU In his terly In the dark as to his meaning. Made life." "Whr, seen Fit." DeliciOUS cakes and past rles are pro· Uncle Ben Liked Her. duced by the use ot Souders' Cream ot same tobacA Kant!as City girl recently morrled Tartar Bsklng Powder and Souders! co· used the . a man who lives In one or tho ll malle r Flavoring Extracts. All good groceries, near·by towns , and went th e re with 1 • best 5-cent cigws, him to live. The bridegroom was When men are friends there I. DO naturally eager that his relatives I need of justlce.-ArlstotJe. bUttlie Small leaves should like hi bride anel as one. an .. ~lD" --:-800t hI --_...... ow • nlr 1!11rap. and selected clipold farm e r, voiced no complim entary F or oblldren _tbllla. iIOftelw lhfl"utul, MlClu""," Ia opinion In his hearing he at last IIIUZl1llMUoa.auaJ.patn.c..,.. ...1A4wu... l6callow.. pings-a '~fonn blend WARNED OF TH'E CYCLONE.




tran Qullllzlhg,


AMERICAN TROOPS IN CHINA. Their Work of Great Value During Boxer T roubles.


't' l' cral tubl Is hal'e r('l'('ntl y hec lI t' rl:' ctl.'U In Pe klllg 10 Ih l.' lIlt'nlllrY 01' t hl:' . mCl'lcall !;oldl 1'$ who w rc lti lled during Ih p Sk /{l ' or Ihat ('Il~' III l!lOO. One ur t he In:;CI'lpllolls Oil 111 I'l' mOil· nm£>II(a:; iI; til; fOllow s : " T il , govt' l·n· m lit of t111~ L' nlt II S(lIh' tj hu. · I!laced t hIs tahl ,' t Iu C0ll111ellloral c' Ih t· Iw r: vices or tltt, um 'er~ nou 111 "' 11 or the l ' nll ('1i Stalf'H Ilrmy Hlld IIIl\,Y a nd mu rll1c 1.:01 p>; In Ih r E' II (·r ur th e Iegut loll III P p klll~. " Thllt Ih wurk ot t h .-\ 1llt!I'ICU II l'o lel l rs W Ul< (Jr gl' at "ul u(' Is s hown hy letHlllIuuy froll\ \' nr lo u!> Koun·",!;. Lieu\. Oi:>. of tb e Brit.I ~ h urm.l· say' of I h t!lI1 : " II hI douG lful wh e lher Ii lUu l'e sen1l!1~' t'illtlll'd III' bl ' tl~'1' IIrnll'd b(Jch' ot truopt\ I hall 1 he .r,. III rl cn ull WII~ In (' hhlll. Til t, ill'st ('jlll pl€' r (If Ih ell' 11 11 IIl1 ls In l 'lI lna wos the rallltHI!; t\l,!httr · ~ III fJ l'klll~. wh re hoth Infan t ry 1",,1 hl' IIII,'I' ~' ell a llng ul ~hcel th cmtwlv ' s, unci 1ltl llL·d pug s to th , military hlsl ory ur th e urmy of which no Ameli, I.:lln will " (' 1' be ashamed ." . llrl gllc.ll I' G II . Da gge tt. ill hi s \Jook Oll "A lii rlean s In thE' 'hlnelle ru' ll et Expediti on." quotes t rom the testimony of th tlmp. 'v\'h e n I he alli e d forces nt I' d P k ing, he S IlYK. the government officials had fl ed. Th ere was no gove rnm ent, and absolutE' an· archy r e igned. nd er th Ilrot 'c Uon ot th e AllI erlcan soldl rs, th e Inhllbltants of th e American section returned and lHls lness was re umed . In 81x months affairs were more prollperous than ever . When the Intended withdrawal of the t.roops was made known. neveral thousand of the n .... tlves assem bled and a petition to the authorltl s wus read by Ynell Yu LIJ;lg. "We. represent Ing 2,000 business houses of the Ame l'lcon section, beC YOII to Int~rced In our beha\( to lie." , cute UI _ pOlltponem n t of the with, drawal or the troops. ' Ve are profoundly graterul for be ing so well pro,' tected. You have mllde li S v ry happy. From the beg inning we have been perfectly prot cted by YOIl. but arter YOII leave we may be rohbed Iilld burned by bad men:' LI Hung Chang, the great statb!!man, himself wro te, thanking the Ame rican soldiers for the. fln e behavior of the protectors. The American missionaries In the legation Bent a written tes timonial, expressing their hearty aplJreclation ot the "cour3,e. fidelity and patriotism of the American marlnes, to whom Is so largely due our lIalvaUon." When the troops were wlthdI'llwD from Peking, they were marched through a country unaccustomed to their s lgbt. The Chinese vllla.el's were at 1Irst much frightened, but when they I arned that the soldiers were Americans, their confidence I'etllrn ed liud they I' celved the IItru~ers ladly. AGES OF, VETE.RANS, Some Study of the Statistics and Ae;. tuary Tables. "I have neve r seell an estimate of the number or vete rans living at tUe close or the war, bllt It may be safe to say there were one and a Quarte r m[]]lon In July, l8G5- the average age was about 26 years. If we add the 43 years since the war to the average age of 25, 0111' average now Is 68 years," writes Capt. J . S. Hays In the National Tribune. "1 am llretty sure the a.verage age ot 65 years Is about correct. 1 have been one of the ' medical examining Burgeon s or OUI' cou nty board fOI' several years, and have recently run over the age list. of the last 100 ap· pllcatlons for Increase, and l Hnd the three younges t 60, the oldest on e 88 and two 83. "The average ot the tOO It we could count tbe months would mak o an av e rage of a little more than 68 y eai'll of age. Th.e English longev it y tuble sbows how many will di e of those born t he s am e yeal' each year until th e nin e t y- fifth ),E'ar, wh e n all ar e xpected to be gone. The table re fe lTe d to starts with 100,000: of lhllt number one·half arc dead b tween the ages or 6-1 anc.l 65. I~ ut . It h: utterly hnpossllJl e to make e lCoct s tatistical fi g urea:; when we l'e l1le m ber t.hat th ose muste red out ' of the army In 1865 we l'e fr om 1~ to 5G . Nl:'arly all th e old ones arc: dead anel a large llumlJ !' of . tlw younges t. " If t.hose re m'alplng 633,000 are more than ha lf of thoce living July, 1 65. then It ShOW K that the ove rage was less thlln 25 yem'S' at· that time 01' the numbe r lIIu s te red out was greater t hUll I ha I't~ es timated. "Altho1lgh OUI' raJlk s are thinning, the numb!:!!' or \Ieath s 11'111 Inc t;.Cas e; and I1 lso th death rate, until we have pa's sl,d th e l;\E' Verln;-fitth year when tll IIU IJ IIJer 'of d ea~hs will decline tor. la~1t or mal e l·lu l. : T~ e . d ~atli rate at the ug of ()~ Is oil ·half 'or 'one per cent. This will glv' lhe nllmber ot • dCDLhs elurlng the Year, 'and In ·t II ')'e:I\'9 , frOtll' !lOW, 1919. !.here wm b 240,000 \' ~t runt! s tili re ulIIln· Ing; 400.000 old v eteTlins of the union :trmy will ha\' gono to jOin tit g reat · '1Jlajorl t y In I h ne.xt t e n years. "n la 1919 w h,I!.Te 2.40,000 stiU 11.· Inli t n )'eal's Jnl ...,., 19!!Or we", wW

'IJc 21 .(100:'


~-- -;-











t\ .






Croup Tonsilitis and






Without the



from the


of five different: selected grades of fine domestic tobacco, blended to give an ideal combination of agreeable strength and mild fragrance. And you pay only for what you smoke.

asked: . The charity that begins Ilt home ta "Uncle Den. what do you think ot generally too weak to travel. my wife?" "'Val, tor a fact, George," re~ponded U"e AU ..n'. Foo ...R ..... the old fe llow, "you shore olllmarried f~::;::·1f.~::li'~~~V!n~y~~.ct:lt>c· 'l·I1&I~. . . yourselt."-Kan sas City Tim S . To thp. hungry no bread Is dry, __ I UPWARD START After Changing from Coffee to Po&tum, Many a talented person is k e IJt back because of lhe IlIt e l'fe r(mce of coffee with th e nourishme nt of th o body. This Is especially so with those wbose ne rv cs nrc very sens itive. as lu oft en the cnso with tnl !lted l' ·I'sons. Th ere Is a simple, ensy way t o get rid of coffee evils and a Tenn. la<1y's e x· perle nce alon g th se lines Is worlh con Sidering. She s ays: "Almos t fl'om th e beginnin g ( f Ihe use o( cofT~e It hurt m y Slomact. fl y tho time I wu s fift ee n I WIIS almost u ne rvou s wrec k. I1 C? rv(!s oil nn s trun g. no streng l h to (' lIdu re th e most t : lvlal tiling. e ithe r work or fUll. "Th cro wa s scarccly on y lhin g COllie! eat t.hat wonld a g ree with me. 1'ho Ii ttle I did e at seel1led to glvl! me mo ro lI'oubl e than It wns worth. I finally quit coffee and drank hot wat or, but th e re was so li ttle food I. could digest, [ was literally starvIng; was so woak I could not alt up long at a time. . . ,·It was then n friend brought me Ii bot cup of Postum. .i drank part of It and afte r an hour I fe lt os t hough I had had something , to eat - :!elt s t l'engthene d. That was about llve ' years ago, and after contlnulpg Pustu.m In Illace or cortee nnd gradually getting strongor, to·daY I can eat and digest anything I want, walk as much as r want. My .ne rves ar ~ stes.dy. " .. I be lieve the first thing I hat did IDe 'lny good and gave me . an upward IIlu!' , wo..i Postum, aild y. use I t ait:~ gp.tber 'nov, Instead or co~ee." '''rhere's a Renson." Nama gIven by ?ostum .Cp" Datlle Creek, Mlch, Reael "The Road to Well"XlIe," In pkgs. ' Ev.r rend ... aboTe letter'

t...... ....

A .. _

.ae ap_a.,. ,,"DID tim. to .fl..... TIo~ are ...a·u1De, ,aU of ... _


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Pullman Drawing ·Room Sleepin~ Cars, Pullman Tourist Sleepiilg Cars, Free' Reclining Chair Cars, Coac1,1es and Dining Cars.

EXPECTORANT If yc;>u have a Cough Jr Cold ·ou

cannot afford to experimentyou '~nolD Jayne's Expectorant to be a reliabl.e rem~dy. It is also a splendid medicine Cor Bronchitis, Pleilrisy, Croup,· Whoop. ing-Cough and Asthma. Oct it at your . d.r uggillt's-in tl1ree size bottles, $1.00, SOc. and '25c, Dl'.D.J.,lle'.S.aatl•• 1'Ulllautborouah ly relhbtalaxaUvt:, pur· aat(ve. cathartic and .'omacb tonic.

Let .me se.rid you.books fully describing,. the Northwest a~d the trai'n service .via .

Aah about thia--AJask.Yukon-Pacific EspoaitioD at Sa.ttI•• ~, f_


a. trip. ·. . . . . . . . . . . to .y..~_ ....... "'Iow ""e ._ d.f~ Iidteft. Write ior--.... E• .L. LOMAX.·· General Paa.en••, Agent. .



t f






yUUl' el f OJ' t tlth !'he I, III 1' 1 ·11 , (i ,"l '11 'J> . <\ ., I t.I C~, :';Po rf-t ~ , ...~regonja. l ~n' \\' ~YI1' '· Ule . oblo whitt y o n Itn uw. Pnjlnlu tidn 111 ) 14\' 1 )·, ·p,"rrll-' lI.t' 'f A~r\C I1 t. n" PUbll h tl \ e~kly .it . Zuin Armitlige Iltlended a dunc" - -OF----r li to·j g . 1"1)011 "tl pply t1 c r flll!'i n g'. --- ~ .... tn .Lebanon Sllhlrdll.Y nIght. ( e . ~l I N !-I'I RI'! Y,'I' More p oplil li "i n" ill tnwlI all 1 , lilCI '. AL \l \ . C FOR 19 t() T.lle bUlllne s meetiu~ of the ~ E i n th eouil lr. i\lorc cnnSlllllOr oOletv was well II.t~ended Friday nigbt. Lells pl' oll n 'I r:4 Exhlll, .. rl1ft H'd '" I H",,,l .'H)'· ~ II "" - r li') ' 11, 1IJOII. " .,.,..--,---" 'l'J~ I ,KPl:J ' 1\ ' .1. NO . 1 J ~ ~U1 tt. lI pI'll/lt Ign',runt, our I d~ ., "'It"llll ill ,,·,.\I·h,u, k , PU 1l!ollrllfl l1 ID YO Som61 of the young people of the Santa Claus town hR ve form d the Bona. T dmfu. rl1l iu g ll ll~t r y . fn ,·tll lty Til' IIlIti IIH ' , '''', 1\ 'C·\· . tl,,- ,lilly Oil *' In D. L. CRANE, Edito l' and Manager pora ·Inb . Tb (meers Are ; Preli. , ".Has surel y com ," said the littl e ('llIlIHl'OI' null dt"lltlll rl 1111 , 1 r:r·'~"~lll t .\' t', I"I" !' 'I". " , iJ,(I'I'" "l l lO lu~ WAa t,her E.lnn. penD J:. i Vio~ Pres ., Luoile five·yea r-old, "for he has I ft a lot of for li lillinll~ II f,t,.lhr..: "'.ll thll ! ,. Il l. 1" '1 1' ' :I~ I , ~v ,,, ,, ', l-/o-t t'jlRI ·i , a50. Nort un ; ' 0. , Lu oi le Mason j und things at Whi te's store." H r~ you Ratos of Subscription l"l-IJIClld h ' f' 1 tllI.' ·r If l Olllt, I~ II W" "1,. Il:l "',,' ',' I., :1' C. 0n B o PS fr, A TrellB , Gllldys ~peucer will find t he late t and be t Toys out On e Y un r (~ lrl ~ lIyfn u!l\';\u c(' ) . ' 1.0(, inu of will II It "11 .. 1 (,ul ,1 h., ," k"1l ", HI!" \ "" • "I:h.ror lprioll t,l ,V, tll l A sp .olal pro~ram is being pre- - 8 supply of useful as well as orna. In J,! lt: o l'Y.... . . .. . ,05 1!" l rlll ·, !"lIh"\· ":tIl"th ",, ~l" I\llollrl' ,"<) \\' .. 1•• , 111 " I{ v . 11' 1 R H IO ~ H pa red tor .'he (. E ~ ee ting nex t mental articlE:s . 8uQdliY DlRht It Will oonllist. of - ------------IIbl>! I,ll 11" 111, 0 11 \' '" ' . ' \~' , li l" \ \1 "" ' :1 \ 1.1'.' " 1.1111' I I, ... bflSt 8"lolll quartet-t·es and disoussions of For the Children . Rates of Advertisements OUI' bU~IOl'~M . ' .' _ \I\~- YU,'l\M I-tr " hll " 10 1'1111, \1 'I, MIII .' r" ·'1 II!~M llo t.sou Christmas. I,et ~ very one oome. Read In g LOU;ll . pe r Hny ... ... ' . 5c 11l1I.. ...I· ~ tn 'tl1111l 11I1/-1401 Agents V . F . Myer s severed bls o.mneotion Dolls, Carriages, Folding Go-Carts, Innl1~' ub,lnd " nl'<1 t' .rlll!olll ll rl,le~ ,· rt· · d Re adlnl/loc'" l • • blul'k f ~c,·. I"'r II II'!. . .•. IOu Iloill elc! , 1)I'I:II n",·. t'rUIII II"I-(!pet IIntl : w,p",-d H''' ''''· III ItI-' '·. rlt !' genuine with th,~ Uregonil~ Mills Saturday Games, Drums, 0 011 Beds, Pocket CllIssl llc d Ad s: n ll l to eX"'11 1\"0' lilies , night, After eighteen y~ars of ser· Knives, Express Wagon~, Magic Lan- wl ~ o .. f', II ", "1 11 1 It II " 111 ,' 01 111 " " b~ (t l llt,· , .. H I.. k ~ I.' " "1' ,~, " " , , . not lJublish el l 'j'hrec IlIserlioIlR. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . 25c vlOf~ Thill oame a bout 8S" result terns, Picture Books, Rattle Boxes, Iy unprod ll4' 1\'1 . 'l'It" d[<""' rr rI h "liP ' ,,, ,,·,·v l,,',,,, .-1' ,·-r,", I! t' t them onl y Obituaries . tin' fn cht's fre ' ; IIvc r (h'e of t.hEl selling ot the ml1\s by Mpen- Balls, Money Banks etc. I nc bes. por line .... . ... . .... . .. .. . Sc is /I ,,",l "11I 'I'brlt' ~"'· I' ,· r llr\' ,01 I I ' , It I" " , ,, l" tI"" ",,,",, ,, W,'rd and oer & Monroe. Mr Myers has ao Oard or l b"llkM. .. . .. .. . .... , •.. . ... . .... 2:lc Ag- I'ir n ile11 1'1' '\ ' 11"""1 . \\· "I"h l ll"," "I. I- \\" II ~" I 1/ '· II,l lI ll !.! ,''', ~l!lJ L LOO Il,l u oepttld I~ Iuorlltlve position in the For the Older Children R es lu tlons ... ..... . .... . . . .... . . . ... _ flOc IlIlt-II nril,\' r OI l' t it. ~I " 'I ""'1 11 t it ,,, ' II, ." I _ II " . \I . , nurthern put of the state. and will . . S ocIals e l C, wit ' I'e ohun:~ h I llI a llc .... .. ~;jc leave Wednesday . He is followed Skates, All' Rifles, Tool Sets, Ham· mUll .\' HI' 'I\ " II ~ "I :\ ... '" Y 'r\( I"f'.\' l)lsl/lav ,\(he rll~lug . pe r In c h . . . : ..... . 100 bv the bellt wis hes 01 tho:!e ,who men. Hatch€'ts, Trunks , Albums . Bob t.ll ird 1'11 1'111 H d "~ ' · I· I ,· .t It 14\ Ih l" ''''" Dl scou n l s Kl von 011 cO lIll·a c t . IIOLl IH V T[ \\ES know bim I\S an expert miller, aud Sleds, Foot Balls, Automobiles [n - ttl ..... 11~t (' . An II/l ,, '<,rll I' ,11"" fl IJn·... ! I IIbnlul gentIHID8n. . g ersoll Watches. Blackboards , Writ- dent r 'l' nl I\' !" 'Ild tltlLl OI L) tll 'I'ulInt Th e Sl,lrf'S hel'l a rt' putti ng Que DEOEMDER Hi, 1909, • .... • ing Desks, Folding Tables ew . . of nf!t.(l eo fe<i lin d Itl iH ll!'l1d ,"uil rhH th eir huli ullY gllt ,Ii" . alld it looks lik Harveysburg. e l il l e rn I"tH I "~ wll u ltl "',)'llIl)l' l'l'IJ.\rw_ t:ia n Ld r.) HlI';. Wal ch l~l e G azet t e for For ~rown-Up Folk's iog on l.\' " (:,,!I"!.!I' Illp l. il lI "" Hud I ad v"l·ti. inK 1'0 1' the next fe,v weks. Dr I N . !:lelll hall beau oonsiderllLamps , Pocket Knives, Ca rving YOUR TIME IS OUT bly 'ndi .. posoo for severtil dllYs bllt Sets. Safety Razo' s, Watches, Watch E (l~ f<l1 r o,)I"." Bv 11 11 ' I P ' '11:1 IlI II'ltd 'I is thought to be Improving tit this NonCE th p in ~ t i tuttl . Ar (',wll IIll ll vpry At,tbiM tim e of t·be yeltr we 8.r Chains, Carpet S'weepers, Clothes writing. It 111 iu ':)lt i l.) t,hi" yAtl l' til e anxi ous to ~f\ti OUi' books ill sbope ~Ilm Ilnd John Weldy, of Von Racks and Wringers·. China Salads, Stllt fl B Ill',ll)f A\.(rir ull u l'H b ~iv I Hav ing sold our Ol'ego nia MillFI. Wert )()unty, 08,id their ststers, Mrs Cups and Saucers, Lanterns, Iron ing for-th Ht' mlUing yeur. lind would rAe 'l i n. tl'U thll1:4 thul. t ill" W( rlt of t, b (~ : w' wish tu close out ou r entire bus i Frank Wilson and Mi98 Lou Weldy Boards etc. ques t th Ol'l£1 knowiD g th em fl lves inExperillltm t ."tntton. t1' e 'o ll e~eo f ness atonce .. it- visit over Bnndll.Y, Monday /lond Cand."es TueElduv, nnd Wednesday left for Agl'i oult.llI'H, t~n t1 th e De pllrltu ellt nf , All person ' holding flour tickets debted t·o us for the 11O)J r to oome in I:!ablna to visit their stster, Mrs Agricultul'I" ... h til be Illily eX [llnlnpri of e. change on the Ol'egonia Mills We have a fin e selection of Candies, and seLt,IA We s ure ly hl.\ve been .lonlls I...esh . . price 8c to 20c a lb. Special pricp. to "~v t\ rv CI 11'-4 0 !lil ou"l kn ,lw ho w \v ill all and have th em redeemed by leni e nt wit,h Born e of O UI' I=lltruns ~ , l. Rnd Ohas William ', of West Teachers and Sunday·Schools. t he!:lll b ig IU Htit,llti oll"OUD b lip the ' Dec 'mb l r 15Lh. Virginill, oa.Hed on their fat.1~er Ilond alld IlB it is ti me to olol<e OUI' 11109 fa rm er 0 111 0 to th o in tltUtu and l SI'EN 'ER & MONROE. mot.her t Mr. and Mrs . Gus Williams Nuts books we hope t hfl.v will not forg t on 8\ln(l~y. Mis es Add e Madden ' and Anna . Guaranteed to be All New. Mixed U ti, but OO lD e forw tl.rd prompHy. - - -__ e _ _- - _ ~toop'S wer9 .,bopping in Wilming- Nuts 15c a lb . . ton Raturday . I Florida Oranges Looking One's Best Mi8s Kllte Hisey, of tbe l:ltate Hos. . . pita1 at D~yt.on made Mrs Mattie All SIZes, RICh, JUICY and Sweet. It's a wO.toU 0 's dijlt l('ht to look her best but, ph o plf'll, t' kin eruptioD!!, Flnoh II. visit this week for sever~1 IOc to 2'ic a dozen. ·Also Pallanas , sore ou'(1 bCllI14 rub life of jov. days . Appl'2s and other fruits. List,en I Sn kl en's Arnilhl Suivil OUas. Bogan, of Hamilton, i8 Wishing all a Merry C hristmas, Ol1r 8 t·hem ; ml\kp.8 t.he s kin soft 8nd visiting his patents here for II. short Your's respectively A Great Opportunity velvety It ~l ' klfle~ t-he fnoe dme ' Oor s Pimpl,.!', Spre E VflS, Void for Miami Gazette Clyde Levi y has hrought bi p M ral', OrlHlk d Lips, 'blipped Hllnds well bred gelding iu forUle winte ,·, • • . I 'I'ryit I',fullih l .or1'11 118. 250 u.t Readers "Dd i8 contemplll.tiog hending him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fred U. ~o hWHrl l'-'ll East in the e~rly' "pring to pn~ him ,in trllinlng ~or a 'ljIpeedy HAS WIRELESS STATION \VONT TAkF THE CHOL~A The Miami Gazette has ~noces8 Clyde , just concluded an e1Ctraor · Frell Virtue, . of Oll.ytoll, Ohi O, WlIl'hington U 11 . ho c\ wireles£I dinary arrangement by Many farmer .. n re oon Idering t,he representing 'rbe. MoCoy. Howe Go , which we can. send you the. 8tn.ti(,lJ with a OU IJA of fiv e huudred II.dvisn.bility of raiSing mule foot Qf Indilmapolis, trllnsll.oted bQsiDe~ S new and greater Farm and hogs . . mile8. It is 00 ' the roof of the Vom- p~r cent. , tn our t.own recently. Fireside, the greatest far'!l ~eroial ba.nk bu Iding und stllnds The ellrly predi ,tiClns of a ·b oant!. The f10~ orop Is "leinjC rnoved very It is claimed tbat t.h "y arAimmline and borne paper in Amer8eventy .teet a.bove the ground . fol oorn huveBt are now fully veri· rapidly in thls seotlon bdnging good from oholeru, unusual vitality ica, absolutely without cost Elli8' Bishop Imd Je se Hubbard, tied . The estimllted oorn area 88 prices. to yourself. Farm and and oommtl.nd It better pl'ioe in the Fireside comes twice every W. W. Weloh and wife·dAd m,arkAt thun the ordinary hog. with a number ' of other' young men. retnrned by the towushlp 8SII(lS80I'S month, twenty-four bigishave lute t·ed t.h m!lelves in ttl< WAS 3,050,825 _ore8 Ilnd from this the tuneral of NaDoy Butterworth . Dr. Vlarenoe tl . Kay is rtlising sues during the year. htl8 been prodoced 12'1,127, 5'32 bush. Mr E. B. Dakin is entertaining oonstrnotion, nnd it i olaiqtf'd thllt, mule foot bOilS on his farm near The publ,iRhers of Farm . produot per aore of ll~nt, Mr8 . S. J Wil80n, of Mar. Washington . '8. is the only town els , an averagA London. He vo.riteJl DS fOllow s oon . ~ . . tlDsvllle, Iud. and Fires de have just Th e th'Ir d num b p.r a f our Le0 t ore oerning his investlgtltions and ob . «?f it size in t he oountry wlt.h soob 39 bushelR, Compared wltb the esspent $60,000 in improving an equipment, tima.ted harvest of 1908 this Is an· Course Wlt-S given at town 'hall Oe servllotions : this great paper which for ~~.-----3~1 years has been the staninorea8e of 17.497,786 boshels, the cember 7th, to a. large audieDc~ and The department of IIgrioulture Ilot dard farm paper of' AmerCRANE EATS rgOUT bellovlee~ produotlon sinoe 19()6. it is a{)knowledged by 911 pr~ltent WI\. bington D. V. , some ' o~o ica, They want more of Ourrespondents report the q08lity of that Or. J . B: AI .,Olay gave os the our readers to know this -. be8t lectoretbat hasever been giyen the Mule I!'oot hog on invfst i . ' When the sODS of Charles Hewitt, the gram all most 8 ~tlsfactory . It io oar ha.ll He handles tbe English gotlLln and tbe foll owing is ttl.keo great farm and home pa~ere visiting tbeir traps recently is e!ltimated tbat 4 per cent of the language graoefully with plenty of from their report : p'lr, and that is why we near t:!i1 ver I:IlJrings . they found a crop was put into silo, The II.ver wit II.nd humor. 4t any time he are able to .mak~ you this ., After a oneful soarch oovering siok orune Ising in the weeds beside /lo/((I date of oribblng was October wiebee to retarn, we will give him offer in connection witb s'everal years ",e ftdl to find the Fann and Fireside Free to You the Miami Gazette. the s~ream D·nd ol1r'ri d him home, 18th. a fJlll house. ~ oo~.h Sea Islands or any othElr island ------.---~.~----pliloing b1m io tbe henhou6e over Tbe yield of apple8 80S oompared or oountry whose history gi ves uny night: New Burlington. with an II.verllge is estimated at 43 acco.lnt of tbe Mole Ii'oot hog, an~ ,4-hoot an bonr afterward tbey per oent . we find no men~ion or reference t o -Ohas_ Mendenh"l1 is very siqk with went to see h ow he Wlll'I coming 'on, Tobllool) produotiop per Ilore is es. 'IL gathering in hi8 throat. But t his is not all. This the origin of the breed, exoept onij ~nd loood him !'I ttl od \11 g five ' fe.,t timated at 889 ponods. offer includ s not only the Olass No ..-5, of the Friends'S. S writer who oJalms they were THE B~C-ALENDAR high and on the .fioor }ny 1).1l 11 inoh Farm and ireside for a Vompare<1 with last year the nom- held a sool,,1 at the oharoh on brought to this oountry in 1687 by whole year, but the most brook tr ut wbloh bn,d s tuok io the ber of cattle bein" f~d for spring Wednesday evening . the ~wedes and la.nded on th6ooast.beautiful and oriJlinal art orane's t.h r Ol ·t, /l,nn mnde him m. markets is estimated at 69 per oeut. 1910 .Jl.'rank Reevee h~ lene to }\jew now . the state of Delll.ware. The cal ndar for 1910. . Th e -~.----', Ind., to work: .aaby Ca I ndar is 11 by ] 7 'lUthor of the 'Oz!lfk Hog' olalms glch Men's Oifts Are Poor Mrs (JI~a!' . Mo!pnney and dll.nlJh "- CHRISTMAS AT FUNKEY'S ' in ches in size, an:) i printed in many col ors Oil th e bElllide this: "I WBnt tOl{O OB record ter Bessie were in DlI.yton E!hopplng they. origina.ted from the 'fexll9 · . TJle latest style Hats and Caps re- as tl8.ying that I regal'd Eleotrlo Bit I~st week . Pecoary : 'fhe 'fexas Peooll.ry bas a most exp(rn. ive ar t- tock . ,. ~ived to·day. A grand Christmas t.l'rs I1S one of the gre"teIIt gifts thut You get th~ calendar, fl' e W Illton Comptou t8 oonfiDed to s plit hoof. The Ameriolln wild of cost, with this oft· I'if · gift for hust;>and, son or the "best God has t" woman, writes Mrs, his bome wit-h II. gathering In his bOtlf ba'.! It snlit hoof, and every you a t at once. O. RhioeVtt.ult, of Vesta·l Cent,er, sid J. fellow. " We have some of next speoie or knowu swine hU8 thA split N. Y • "1 Oiln never forget whllt it. Th . origina l pa ill t in ~ of Jesse Hawkln8 oonduoted the fu- hoof exce pt, thl) Mrlle, Foot, !lnd we spring styles. John A. Funkey. bus done for me." This . gloriouA uerlll servioes of Dr. Ward, of ne'~r thi::; baby hal; excited more oluim theil'origin Is Utlll:nown . We medicine gi",e8 II. wowan buoyant: Btlrvey"burg, 00 SunwLY . admiration and d t'lig-h t spirit!', vigor of body Bnd jubilant ·than an y haby pi cl U l'e ever II.lso leuru th!ltt.bey hove b,e en rUi!'ltlc1 Mrs . Billie R 'leV8S aild daughter health. It quiokly 'o ures Narvouli. ,Jennie were D .. yton vhlitors, Fri lay tty II ",act of pflo ple 111 'be elHly flet xhibitcd It i. trul y wonnesll. 8leeple"snesl, .Melanoholy, d ' I' f u I. I~ v e l' v timt' yu u t·lemeot, of Wetltern PennsylvHni !1 Mrs. Bar"ey Mill II. ·nee Olive tiEllldllohe. jlllokaohe, Fainting and 1 look a t this :-;Ie-epy boy you DO'. To Find Oat. . Dizzy t:!pel\s; !loon builds up the Hegler, dIed very s\lddenly' at her n,nn Eu~tEl I'nOl1i(l '101872, or th ere wan L to 'yawn , tuo Th Fill a bottle or common glass with your w~a.k, alling Ilnd sickly. Try them. borne north of town Suod"y evening. ubont, ther were Intr oduoll'} tnt,u cal endal' will be shipped to water aud let it stand twenty-four hours; GOo at Fred V Hohwa.rt.z's. -------..---~.------yrr u car; fully roll _c1 in a MIl.rlon Olluut.V. I{Y. The breed II.S n brick dust sediTOBACCO MOVING ------+e~·~.~----Lu I)·, rll ~ I Ag-e f ully prement, or settling', we now h~ va tht-w i8 IIItUO t;Jo itleu ti, pftid . To ' t the l'a l 'nda l' strit'lgy or milky A CURIOUS FLOCK Large shipments of tobaooo ure Old with tbuse ruhmd n·t that time, you shnu ld a l tod ay . ~pP,Cllranceoften From J'ost a plain Bird, tbroagh a We find they are now und nllve for mdicates an UIl· now being reoelverl at the various healthy condi- suooession of 00gnomeu8 of the The J'lismi Gazette Olnoi.mllti wareboal'les, some of tleveral YE'nrs been bred iu lurge ~Ofa' qf the kid· feathered tribe. Mrs . Eliza:beth Buz numbers in MiHlouri and Minn esot41 N ·eds nu il1 LI'oliu cLiun, as them the largellt in years ThA q~:i "J:re'r;:; , of PlI.ris, Ky" hus feathered our read 1'. know that it i q uillity is good lind ' bri ngs fllnoy II.nd (rom every trnoe we 0110 run '*. ~. , ____ pasa it oq~~lIin her net!t weiland boldl' probllhly the th e best n ws d i s p en~(' 1' in prioes. 'l'he farmers also have bel n down, the deolltration is all lilis ~alcndar Free to Yun · the ~ iarc; also sYmptoms 'that te11 You t 1 di ti ti f the counly, Illong t~e line, that they bn·ve never S no on or sur- reoeivlng good prioes for thllir to , the kidileye and bladder are . ont- of order moe slnga ar ' aJld·needattention. ..: ~ames of anyone on reoord. baooo. from 14 to 14~ oent!' Ii pounel . knowna Mule Foot to the obol. ; W1aat.To Do• . " She begau as ElIzabetb Bird, in Most of thie tobacoo Is oomiug from e~. • __ ---There 18 colIlfbrt in the knowledge so t:I Co K d fi ~fteD eltp~, -'. ~t Dr. Ia1m~r'. "ni80o unty, y., an . rst ven Maysville epd from 8mall towos . .SwamPiRoot, the grel(t ' kidney n!Illlenv.- ' '~red from the home nest when she along the 'Ohio . river.-Glermont FAgMER INSTITUTE IMPORTANT For a short time only the . Miami aazette make8 fnIfiUs aliribst everY wish m'arr'ied ' 'Bud . M8rtin. When Mr. you this great subecrlpt~on offer. We will eend you ., The sellMon lor faimer instituteS J rh<ewilal:i8J111. pain in the Martin died' (lhe mArried ' E!iwa~d Courier. is soon Il~ hand- . A splentlld foroe Farm and Fireside twice every .montH, for one year; . .Cro~, a farmer. W.hen the .time ~!'!!!!~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~: of leotorers h$o;\ 'b('6n . plaoed in th~ . we.·wlll aleo send you the Baby C!"lendar, carefully came to change nests I!h~ alli8d her ~~-IIII!'I'IIlIi!I!."IIIIi"_"_".·· fie~d. ~o; p,:ogres"ive fllrmer . packed In atube, postage prepaid, 'a nd we 'wlll eend .· Bell .with Wlllhln Robin and Uv6ii 6tford .t{) miss tbee'e meet,tnge.· Bethappily' ~ri~til the matri~oDial8ea8oo you the NlJaml aazette ALL FOR ONLY ', ., the p'rlce ter ' wages can bEl' -nade by atteDdtn~ of M~. Robin again roUM' ·along. . of t~e . ~zett,e ·.aIOne. Thl8 'offer Is 'unparalrele.d. · It these institutes than' bY . ·stayhlg at David ' ~uzzard •• ' ~idow~r, hOrhe. BOlltness men ~nd Dleroblinttl wont,. laet lOng.. You' 8ho~1d 'act. rI'g ht away. more atir8 ~t.tve·· pfl f8ona.Jly ;ancl 80: . 'are Illked.· to Urlwaod elicoura"e to~ oiall; than' hit! name.wpul~ indicate, teree~ in: tJ1ia' ,vork. '. ·Th~re. is ~old and Mrs. Robt~ .. ~~e·. tn, dirt if Wfl 'l_~n, ho~ to get It .oot. A fariner ihould ' strive · t9. get up' stain tn htl" b'o81ne., 'he same .88 In room' formerly ocoopie4 by :any man 'in any' other oOoupation. -.Kiltber,lJie 'Alu.nder, .: . .' . A ,.plug" f ....mer has l~ 'b eauty Att.n~ ' .... to liiU a "pIng horte, aDd· desenea. Money must accompany order DEPARTnlENT OF AARICULTURE TUIl foll' .Iw lrIg report p re£l~nts un estimllte of OMn produclion for the Pl'll n~ yea r . ILnd t.he 0 odi tion of ot.hpJ' Qr OJ.! 01'1 oomputad from re turns r ecelv ct from tbf! offi oitt.l orop O()l' r(\"pnud ~ ntR of tbe Depart·m ento: Whfln t-(llIndUion oom pured witb Itn /I V ra gc', 93 p e r o~u t . Uo rn -· Ar e~ pl anted in 1909 tiS ret urn d by townllhip IlS!leS!lOrs. a ,OGO, ~5 1I0rtl<l ; t t u.l. pstimll.t.Ad proclnot for 1909. 121,127.fl 32 bUllh e ls Clo ver-urea sown in 1908 out for fled 17 per ('ent; Il.verage yillld per /lore, 1 4 bosh Is. Apples- Probable tot".! yield 0000pnred with an Ilverage 43 per cent Tobo oco-Probllble average pro duot, per nore, 839 pounds . Vllttle-Number being fed for !'Iprtng mark f1t with laRt yenr 69 per oent. Sheep-Number being fed for mutt on oompllred with last yell.r 74 per oent. Exceptionally fine wellther dorlng a greater Plut of the pilat month has tend ed to greatly improvo the grow Ing wheat, its oonditlon being now'lted Ilt 93 per cent oompared witb lin HV6rllt(e, Iln advllnoement· of [0 per cent since the h'suance of the lust report. La8t month oorre!'l pondents genenlly expressed ~rllve frars tbut owing to late seed· ing I1nd unfa vora ble weather oondl. tiODS the plaot would be unable to lI.t.'tlIin s offiolent growtb 110d strength to withlltlind severe well.ther, but this h!ls been allayed by tbe remarll:llble growth during the month of Novemter. While the oondltion of ·~tNt at t.his ttme is most promiFllng, in antioipating the result of the future httrvest due olnsideration mU8t be given to the exoeedingly tlmall arello seedf;'d The damage to the plllnt by IiEl881an , fiv lind gt'ob worm i8 80 llight that no etitimates of Bame are publi8hed . The amount. of t,he orop @old 8S 800n Il8 threshed is estimltted Itt 43 per oent. Oom. pllrAd with the conditio~ of wheat. Ild reported on the 00rr8spondinjr dute one year ago, its pr ..s8nt oondltion showll Iln improvement of 33

Assortment I . -' Hobday Presents


.. - -


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The Best farm Paper free for aYear"

J W Whete.




A Beautiful Calendar, Too

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',nolAnds Hue KldoeJ

Trouble.aDd Neyer Suspect.It.





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...~...IIIIiII!!'ii _ ' luU~u"


&lid 1euD IOmethlD, ' -______..-oI!'~_'!'"'-..,.-'!fII"'"I---~---~~~~~,

J grinnIn g te r rfbly; but be

Ill,.. _the mark t the Good ~ It h's ki ss upon he r forl!licll(! and stoptf d short, m~ tlonill' th e olh I"S n t t o touch he r . " We> dnr not harm I his- II tt l girt " h sfl!u to I h m, "for s h Is I1 rotected by tb PO" '!! I' o r ,ood " nnd Ul llt Is g l'Nlt r I bUll tho l~ow ' I" of Evil. A ll \I' ' I'lllI dll is h I' to l h e cas tl (Jr Ihe WI k tod cal'ry Vdtch nnd leave h I' hl'l'l": ' ~o . cnr rll ll y und g ntly, th e y 11ft eI Tlor01 h y In th Ir arnis ~n d carried h r swift ly Ihr ough th a ll' until th ey ('am . to I he r osll , whe ro th r t;l' t h e r c1n wlI u])on tho froll t i100r stO\). The n Ih p le:t{\ 'I' said to tho Witch : . " W I' hlIV(' obe)'('c\ YO U as fnr os we weI' a ble. 'I'll T in \\'oodmllll nnd t h ::;(,11 .. pc ruw an' lll'Rtl'O)' ' d , a nd tho Lion Is UI't1 IIIl lu your ya rd . T h littl e gi rl IVO dlln, not horm, nor til ' dog s be arrit' H in IIll I' ILrIll S. YOUI' powe r o ve r filiI' Iillnll It; nll w P lHh eI , lI ud you will

was ullhll.PPY, nnd thnt m a Clc hIm liDo jlR.illlY, l oo. Now tbo WI IlI( d W itch had a g reat lo nging to h av fo r h l' ow n th s\l· v I' s ho s whl h Ul girl always wo re. B l' 13 S ond 11 r rows and h e r Wolves were lying In be a ps and d ry lill: U11, lind 8h ha d uBed up all t he . -- -- - - - - - - - - - -. . , powe\' ot th e Gold n Ca p ; bu t It s he PlatCo rm Used {or Years by New York Horti cultur ists of the Caliro~ia F ig Syrup Co. and tha scientific attainments of its cho'mists have with ImprO Veme nts as Time could onl y g t hold ot th o tl ll ve l' s ho 9 t h y would give her mar pow I' tha n rendered possible ,the. producti on of 'yrup Sugge sted, a ll th e Olll I' (11lngB s b b ad los t. Sb e of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in u11 of it. walch d Doro t hy arefully , to se If· e xcellence, by obtainin g tho pure modicThe all.;omp a nying lJIuslra tlon gives nJlotb el!' 1s In pre pnrnt/on sll 0\1 l' took off h e r s ho ·s, th l llldn~ , A gallon inal a principlcs of plants known to act most gooll Idea of I!. prac Ucnl s pra ying ot tills s olution con tai ns t wo pounds 6h mi gh t s tea l th em : n ut th ch ild was so nr onu of he r ure t ty sh o s t h ut pla tform whi ch has b en III us for of oppe r s ul[.li a t , thus g iving a unit beneficially nnd combini ng ' tb III Dlost s h ne vol' toole th III off ex pt a t years, witb llIu ch s uccess. Th r oof III as uremen t. skillfull y, in the right proport ions, with ni ght a nd w h n s h t ook h I' ba lb. IS no t s bown, a nd wblle desi rabl e, Is F ollowin g Is t hc 01 t hod of proced- its wholesome and refreshin g Syrup of Th Wit ch was Loo m uc h afrnl u of th p not necestl nry. 'rhe e n clos d )lart 19 lire In llutUll g 011 a lond of Bordeau x Californ ia. Figs, da r k to du re go III Doro t hy's room a t te n by Blxt L1 fee t, seve n f et n bove m ixLllr an d i ut;e ,t leld . T he wa gon As Ihere i only one ge nuine Kyrup of nl -h t Lo l alw th e shoes, \lnd h I' d l' ',HI t he grou ud, with a n op u plateorr u 13 drl v II nloll!;tlld tb lowe r !llatfo rm of wate r was grea t I' lhan h I' r IU three by tw e lve fe e t, a nd thl' e fee t to co rr ec t pos ltloll . If power is used Figll a nd E lixi r of .. una ulIll ns t ho genof Ih' unr l" 8 0 sh II \' e r a m . n ellt b<:low Lho lev(11 ot the rest. Abou t the to e le va 0 water th e PUIllP Is at onco uine ill m unufactu red by an original wh en DoroLh y was bathin g. fnd ed, oIlly use wo make of th ltl plutfo l'lll Is ~ t ar t e d. · 1'h n Lhe wnle l' Is s UII-ted method known to tbe California Fig 8 yrup l1 (' v (~ r He ll S a~ai ll ." 111 old W it ch nc ve r tO llcht!c1 wn tl!r, tra ns rerr lng bn rr Is of limo a nd s ucks lunnlng fro m til SUP1)ly tan l< Into th o Co. only, i is alwuys no(.'Csso ry to buy the o[ cOPll", r !!ulplla te, e t c., fl'o m the m ixl nl; ta nks. T he li llie a nd COPlle r T hl'lI nll t hl' \Vl n~ II , lo nk e YR, with Tlor v l' I t wat r t all 'h h I' la nny By L. Frank Baum g nui ne to g t its bencficia l cfTects. wallon to tho mixing platf orlll, wh er e s ulphuto tlo;ullo ll !l lll'O Ill llch l a1l!.; hln ~ Hl lll ('hnlt ri ng u nd w ny. SLlne!!, th o A knowled ge of the nbovo fue ts ('nables But th e wlclled ( T nt m \VII S \' ry th dl ffe re ll ce In level Is u g reat coo- l,rop ' l' a illO'.ut of li mo put lu one of nol sc, fll ' \\' Ill to th ' a ll' a lld we re soo n v£' ul ence, ul\ bllu g two me n to ha nd le th n mi xing h \ll k>l, a ud or c llnn i n ~ , nnd s he Oll ll ll y tho ug ht of u .t· I .' .j.,;1 t. I I .\.' \11 " n !lh"-~ .\I~ · rri11 ( '0. ' Dill of "i ·h l. OPP I' s ui· one to decl in imi tationll or to return them l of li me oas ll y, an d In filling I hllto III th e othe l'. T h Pllrls ,, ' .' , ~ ,I. I'r J. 10' ","1, LlIIIIIII &. , Yo ' v. T ile \\'1..t'N! \Yil ch was bo th s ur, tI'l It thnt wou ld golv la 'r whal s h hth ebarre g reen if, upon viuwillg the pnckage, tho full name wago n ta nk t hi s low j11nt for m e n- ur a rt;cua Le 01' I 'nd is Lh ) 1'.-' I\!'ilH\\ " Sh )lla cell II hnr of 11'011 In Jlrl ~(' d alit! \\'o rrl NI wh en s he so w th o waut d. ' n m ix 'u und of the aliIornia F ig Sy ru p o. ill not found ma rk on Do roth y's fo rehead, for s he t he m iddl e of th e 1(l tc h n 11001', un d u bl dd a m all Lo hu nd le the hose frOID pu t In o nu of th e ml xlllg lo n ks Pn ri s SY NOPSIS , Lbe mIx ing t a nlts wlt bou t ge tting in Lo gor n In w lt. h the co ppc ras s ulphate printed on the front thereof. Iwo w well tha l neit he r the WI nged Ih n by he r mag ic a r ts mud !' Ihe Iron a tor tuo uB pos ition. lin d nrsena te or lea d with lhe lime. Th e 1"or,) ' h), l" n,1 In 1,nn~ l l~ wit h E m ~[ o nllC Y s nor she , h rse H, cla re h urt in vl:iibl u io hum an <'yes. So lhnt wlll' n The wa LeI' s upply t a n k Is set fOllr wat ' l' Itl shu t ofT us s uou a nll I '" ' 11' 11"11 1'),. A cY" lont' 11(1Aunt D O l'o t h ~' walked ac ro ss th e noor she t.I Illl' ll' t ho gi rl III au y way . as t il mixin g WORK OF A BUDDING GENIUS he looked down h OJll t! Jlltf' 1ht' af r, 1 llr<'1h y CH it in).;" 1l:i1, o, .p foct abov e t ho pla tfo r m le v I, a nd in L, III,s a\'o full nnu while R lI1 lt.1 ~ 1 I II,' t!X ·1I"mcnl. .\ emsl a Wllkened one tuan a t Dorot hY' B f 'ot , 11.11(\ S 'Ing Uw s ti - s tll nl l>ho \1 0\, (' 1' tho bur, no t helng n bll' a nti corn e l' o ut or the way. This may tit 11't; lh ' mi xtu re ( a se h (·1. 'l'I, house' hnd land tI III 3. c'o unlr)' ve r sho('s, b gn n to tl' pnr a te paddle Couplet That Laoked Some th ing of m ble wit h fear . lo see it, an d fe ll at fu ll Ic ng lh . l5h ot man'clous bon ll l)·. C rou p ~ o C qu hold :lOO, 40 0 01' , 500 the Divine Fire, But Striking ly •. ".· gallon s, los to fo r each Lauk). t il o Lhe r pin eo a lIt lie p oplc II'l'e I d her 10 lhe Lnnd or for sll Im e w t ha t a powe rfu l (' ha rm wa s not m il ch hu rt, hut In Ill' l' fu ll 011 tll lo, an d along the e dge of the pla t- s ll'l\l ne l' in Mu n hklns. 'fhe hous hod kil led til l'lr bolon g!' ll to t h Origina l. oC til s ll vc r s hoes Ul c e am wagun olT, all d lit' tank and leta m. At fir s t th Witc h @neJ'rl Y. tho wick ed wllch U'Ir- was t mllte oth y . ook the Wll cll's sl h' oI't s1~1I"1. d to run awn y [rom Do ro- for ' shc ould reach It th e \\ ILch had ho('s. Sho The len -yea1'·o ld dau g hte r- oj' a n a rlBlnrled for Ihe Emerald lIy 10 flnd · t ho t h y; but Bh e h a pp n ed to loole In to sn:Jlc he d It a way a nd put It 011 11<'1' " ' IIt/lrd ot 01, who, she was proml! d, 1s t b lIuv s sh o Is desti ued t o fi ll m lghl fl ll tl f\ wny 10 Bend her back to the ch lhl's ycs und Baw how s Im p le ow n. l; kln ny foot. a gr Ilt pluce In lIte m tll l" , a nd a ll her K ansns. Dorothy relea"ed 0. 8Cll rccrow, .the soul b ehi nd Th e wlclled wom an was grc a l ly t hom waB, and t ha t gIving him IIr". Ho wn8 <I slrous oC acSllu ra mome nts nr de voted to wr lll Jig plea sed WIUI the s uec t he li qulrl n!, .brolns n nll s lll rled · wllh h'r S little oC be g r irl tri c did k, 110t kno w of the to )Joetry ll110ll t v ry conceiv able su bO. wi za rd 10 g I Ihe m. 'Tho w wonde r ful po we r tb e Bll v r s hoes gave for as long as sh e had 011e of the t old his hil' lory. Th cy mel 0. scarecro j ect, a ccordin g to th e San Fran Isc ti n woodsho s s he owncd her half th po w r of . So tJl O Wlckeu " ' Itch laughed to man ", ho IOn Ke d t or II hoarl. He alRO \V as p, R ec ml y s he all nd ' d h l' joined th m. They cnme upo n a ter rlbl h erse lf, a nd t ho ug ht : " I a n s ti li make th II' c h a ml , a nd Doro tby oul d not lion. The lion ' ontessed hc' had DO co firs t churc h w dd lng, a nd so Hlled w llh ura ge. H decl(11'r! to nccompllny th til to h OI' m y Blavc, 1:01' s l1£' do 8 not know usc it agains t he r, ev ' n hnll BlI ' k now n Iu s plra tion was s he th at s he Imm . the W I ~n rd ot z 10 ge t so me. Th scur - ho w to li S h I' \low r. " Tb en s he s ald how to do 80. crow In pus hing Ih dlnte ra tt becnlllc 1m - to ly beglln to write a I.oo m deBcrlp · Thl' IItl! g irl, s oeln g s h had lost Dorot hy, ba rRhly a llll sove r Iy : pnl .1 upo n his polo In tho ot tho tlv e of the e v lit. A f w d ol'S afterrlvcr. T he s a rearow W 88 middle r s lied by a on e of h er pre tty "Com s hoes, gr with ow a m ng c ; ry, und s 0 t hat you fri endl y s tork. T hey entered ward, whe n b e l' m other was nte rta lll tlel,1, whi ch' caused Doroth n. toPOppy ra il mind v ryl hlng J t ell )' OU , ror It you a nd s old ~o th e WlLch : Ing frl nd s, th e youthfu l prOdigy a s lted II.I!lccp. The s nreorow nnd t i ny wood ma n do not , I w lIl m alt!' un c ud of YOII , a s "GI\'o me back m ~' s hoe ! " r1l8Cu d h r and h I' d o ~ from p rmlsBloll to r ead he r po ttl b for deadly floweTa. T he lion f e ll asl. p a ndlhe "1 will not," r eLort d Lhe 'W ltch, beIng too I di d of th T in Wo od ma n a nd tb e th ' g ues t s, H e r mothe r l>u DlOl'ed ber h en \' y to li ft. W (\ 8 lefl. On t he search for Scnrecr " for ow It Is ." now DIY sho , a nd not )'01lrs.'\ th e ronr! of y lIow 'brlck which led ~o tho with not a little Becret pride . Stn nza Emernld Cliy lhey met a wild Ilt a nd "You l11'e a wicked c reatu re !" cried Dorothy follow ed he r throll gh ma n y by s tanza the l>o m progr ssed un tit 6eld mIce. Tho woodm nn Idll 'd the wild of th e beulluru l rooms In he r cas tl e Do rothy. "You b,w e no rlgbt to take cat, The Quel'n mous e becnme th e young lady r eached t he poi nt fri endly. 8h 8 Ilt thollsan ds of her mlc s ubjecllI until th ey came to th e kitche n, wh re m y IIhoe from me." whe r e the d s cription Of the brldeBto draw tho lion a way fr(lm the 'poppy th e Wit 11 bade "I s hall Iteep It, jus t the same," snld h e r cl an th e pots and "Illd. maids waB set forth. Tho re Ol1e of Dorot hy 8woll0 !rllm her long ke ttles a nd Bwe p the fioor and kee p the Witc h, laug hing at he r, "and some Ileop, They st.nrter! agaIn he r couple tB r ead thus : ald lI y road, ·They cameon tothea Emerfence, the fire Ced wi th wood. day I shall ge t he other on trom Som burl pug noses and so me hall palntcd grocn. Tn ro were fa rmers or gree n, houses of green and peQple dressed n oma n, Dooro thy we nt t o work m eekly, YOII, too!' In gr en. It was the Land of 0., They wi th h er And n ell wore a blu ribbon UbClUl her This made Dorothy so ve ry angry mind made up to worK o:s m et thc guardIan of lhe gi\.tes. abdomen . de- ba·rel ____ ... B _ _ __ _ thnt sho picke d up th .crlb d the power ot lhe WIzard He e bucke t a or s she wate cotlld r ; for she of O z. was glad All put o'n gr en sp clnoles 118 lhe brlgh that Btood near tand daslled the Wicked It nver "Julius th Wltcb e Caesar" Sent to Bed, had decided not to' JIM'" (lnd glo r ~' <It E mero.ld blind d Itll! b el'. Witch, w e tting her from hea\! to foo t. them. T he wizard decided toCIty At tbe BrltlBb Authors ' club ,banreeeiv ot the pa rty each day, All w fe pu tone Inslnntl y tb e wicke d wom a n gave a In qu e t In his bonor, Lie ut. Sha~kl e ton With Dorothy h a rd at work the cr en rooms, Dorothy went to the throne told an amus ing s tory of a mun who room. In 0. hair spark)ln g with emer- WItch thoug ht s he would go Into tbe loud cry of fear; and the n, rl s Dorothy alds 8h beheld a n enormou s head with- courtya rd and looked at he r In wonde r, th Witch went hom e one night after dlune r and harness the Coward ly out boil v, legs or a rms , bl ll'ger an the Lion biggest glnnt, "I am Oz, th q grth at took wi t h him tour or fiv e otbe rB, like a horse ; It would amuse her, began to shrink and faIJ I\ way. and t errible," I5Illd tho hend. Oz l61d her th a t Bhe was s ure, "S ee wbat you have don e !" she "Come ln, boys," he said, "and have to make him draw her when 8he killed th e wl cl{od of th c Bcre amed, "In a minute 1 shsll melt a las t drink ." EMt he would send her home,witch The B careaway," crow, ed mlt! d to thc presence beau"But your wife mlgbt not like it." " Uful lady, who sa id she W08 thote awizard, "I'm very sorry, lndeild," s aid Doroone of th e party I' plie d. Wtlll promlBed bra ins when he leltled tho thy, who wos truly frlabt e ned to Bee witch. The wood man beheld a terribl e "My wife !" waB th e IlIlSWe r; "I am beast with a hend ot a rll1nocor 08 tb e Witch ac tuall y m ll ltlng aw a y li ke Julius Caesar In my hou se." tlve eyes. Tho wizard promise d himaud a brown Bu gar befor e 11.i:lr very eyes. heart It he would slny th e witch. The On ente ring the y were r eceive d by lion S8W a bn11 ot Ilr nnd a volt;:e from "Didn' t you Imow watei' would be , th e lady of th bouse with the words: '.he object promised him courngo It he th e e nd of me ?" IlBked tho Wilch, In "l ew the wH ch. Th senr 11 common cd. "Oh, walk Ill, gontle men; the r e Is The wit 'h saw the part y when It ntl!red a wailing , des pairing voleI'!. ple nty o[ drink In the dIning room . b e l' domnln a nd caused a pack or wolves "Of course no!.," ans werell ~potby; to nttack It. T he woodma n killed th c As for Julius C,aesar , lie Is going to wol ves. Sho S lit crows whloh th scnre"how should I?" bed." row scal'l'd nnt1 1(111 d, Bees were dIs"We ll, In a (ew minutes I sbaH be patc hed nellt. but tho woodman received A Practica l Sprayin g Platform . th sli ngs. , 011 me lte d, nnd you will hll ve the r.Il B· Purchas Ing Power_ A young gentle man of our acUe to yoursel f, I have been wicked In form, ure I.¥'o mixing tanks, made by down th e dischar ge hose, the lime and CHAPT ER XII.-Co ntlnued·, q: mlnton ce, who b"d jus t re ached th my day, but I neve r thoug b t a lilli e sawlog a 200-gaIJon 011 barrel throug h oppe r sulpbat e mixing as they run oge of s ix, waB I' ce nlly waiting with So tbe Wi cked Wit ch tool, l he goldglr!' like you would e ve r be able to the middle. A discharg e hOBe from without forming uny precipit ate, These his moth r ' Cor a tl'aln at a' railway melt me and end my wlclted deeds, each of th ese joins togeth e r by m eans s olutions s hould en call from h er c Ul1boa rd and placed always be pre )lared s tation, when he noti ced a penny-InLook out-be re I go!" It upon h er ead. The n s he Btood of 11 "Y" connect ion 'In to one hose, It and diluted before mixing, and Borne tlte.s lot we ighing up on bel' left ro ot and said, s lowly; With these wordB the Witch fe ll will be found convenl ellt to bave a method machin e, H e !lsked llke the one describ e d Is the his motlle r n gr nt many Question s dowll In a brown, me lted, s hapeles s hose at la r ge di a meter (two Inches) only satisCac "Ell-P , pop·pe, k ak-Ile !" tory way to ' do It, about It, and at las t r ecolved [.e rmlsmass and bel!an to spread ovel' tbe wit h a valve shut-off neal' tb e tank, Nex t sbe s too d upon b I' ri g ht foo t s ion to drop In hili Ilenny a.n d be 'tl ea.1I boards of th e kitch e n floor. S ee- and just low enou gh to r each eithe r of a nd sa id : Give Poultry Milk, The Brave Little Dog Flew at Her. welgb ed. Ha ving obtaIned tbat Im:Jlg that s h e had really melted away to tbe mixin g tanks, and anothe r fiv eEv~ ry farme'r should allow th e poul· f· HIJ-10. hol-IO, h el·lo!" portant Informa tion, h e salcl : " How Aft.or this s he Btood upo n chnrlot wh e ne ve r s he wi shed to go lo nothing , Dorothy drow anothe r bucke t Eighths 01' onl\-Inc h hose long enou g h try a s hare at lhe milk, Ins t ead ot IlIlIch wOllld 1 bav w Ig bed, mumma , nnd cri ed In a lourl I'ol c : dr'tve, Bul a s s be opened th e gate the of water and thre w It over th e mass, to reach nny var t of tbe platform , with reeding all to swine, It hos b ee n pro, If l 'had drolJPed In n dollnr?" "Zlz·zy, ~uz-z r. z!\( !" Lion ga v u lo ud roar a nd hounded at She th e n s we pt It all ou t the door. n shut-off nozzle. On the corner across ven thnt when milk is a dd e d to the ~---- --Now the ~ ' b arm b ' ga n to worlc h I' so f\c rce ly that t be Wi tch was Afte r plcldng Ollt th e Bllver sboe, from th e supply tonk Is 1\ lIme-Bla king grain ration, young chicks galn nearly Dr, S, F, Spohn, Preside nt of the which was 011 that was left of t.ho old box, about two t eet wid e, four feet twice as faBt In w Igbt as when grain sk y was Ihuk ned, 'a nd I\. low ru m- nf rlllel, lind l'a n out 'and s hut th e gate woman, s h e clean ed and dried It with long, and one foot dee p, elevate d tbree nlone Is used, and 8S skim-m tlk and Spohn ~ e dical Co" proprie tors ot bUn g sound was h enrd In th e 11.11'. aga in . a elotb, nnd put It on h er foot again. feet from tbe platform , ' This Is pro- bulterm llk contain n early all the ele- Spohn's Dis tempe r Cure. was rece uUy Tb re wus 11. rll s hln ~ of mo ny wing!! : " If 1 cann ot ha rness you," said tb e The n , be ing at last free to do us !lhe 'flded w.lth a (our or' fiv e-Inch slide ments ot food, eggs Ilre m(\re easily elected mayor of Gosben , Ind., by a n g reat ci]...ltt 'rlug nu d la ughing : and V. itc h to th ' L ion. s peaking througb cho se, s he ran out to th e courtya rd opening and spout on the end near the produce d by he ns fe d upon sucb thaD good majorit y, ~rr, Spohn ' WI18 t or a the sun 1'\00e out of the da rk sky t o th e bar a of th e gate, " I can starv e yotl. to tell number of years. County Supt, of th e Lion tllat the Wlcl,ed Witch bottom, Half a barrel of lime Is when they are not so pr ovide d . show thll W icked Wllc h s nrl'ound ed YOII shall have lI o Utlng Lo a t until of th e Schools , makIng such a reco1:'d thut his W est had come to an e nd, and dumped into tbls mixing box, the gpo. by a crow rl of monltey !! , eneh wlU\ II. you do as I wl .. h! ' neighbo urs and frlendB, regardle Bs ot Power In Gasolin e. thut th ey we re no longe r prisone rs in E>rator slands on a box one or two fe pall' of Inl1ne l1 sll nnd Ilo\\' e r ful win gs f:io uft e r th nt s he toolt nQ food to tb e et The power In gasolln'e IB really mar- politica l lines, Insisted on his accepti nl on hi s s hl uldl'rs. higb and useB hose and hoe to com. impris on d Li on; bllt e ve ry day she a s tran ge land. (TO BE CONTI:-lUED.) On e, mlld l hiJ,lgcr tbun t.h o oth rR, came 10 tue ga te a t 1100n I,lete the slaking . The ,mIxture Is velous, The man who haB uBed gaso- the nomina tion for mayor, and [l.s ked : s ee med t o he the ir I ' ade r . He !l ' w then run out of tbe spout through a line power for years does not marvel He Knew the Reason. South Carolin a Horse 8wappe ra, "Are YOII read y to be harness ed lII,e clos 10 tho \"I t h nn u s ol d : "I clln Bay one thing In ravor of Mr, s trainer into a 50-gnllo n barrel. This at It aB does tb ~ recent purchas er. A Tho horRe s wappe r's bus iness la a hors C' ?" gallon of this liQuid will eas ily carry Feather ly," remal'k " You ha v nll NI li S for Lh e thlrll nn d ed Mrs, Hend.rlc ks, rather nourish ing In this Bectlon just barrel Is then filled uP, and one gal- five l)aSseng And \b e Lion would nnBW 1' : ers ten to fifteen miles,' the landlad y; "he neve r takes las t tim e. 'Wh at do you oIDmflnd?'" th e last "N,). If you come In thi s yard I will now, Many old plugscl tnnge bands Ion will contain two pounds of lime, or It will grind feed cheaper than the pi ce of bread on the plate." "No, In"Go to t he Rtrnn g I'S who nre with- bite you." and many jockeys are made to rejoice The barrels for the differen t 'solutlo ns man wltb hortles that n eell the exer- do ed, Mrs, Hendric ks." aSBented DumIn my lflllrl ancl rl eSI roy t be m all exTh e r E- uson th e Lion dId not have for a short while, at least untll tbey are placed where conveni ent. . In dis- clBe can do It. Great Is gasolin e. ley, cordiall y, "Feathe rly aIn't quick ~eJ1t tb e Li on," said th e \\' ic kpd \Yltch . Lo do ns tb Wltcb wished was that find out that tbe otber fell e w knew Ilolvlng copper sul!lhat e we place a "Bring that beas t to \I n ' , f01' f have n e ve l'Y nl ghl , while enough ."-Baza r, Give Hens Work. th e woman ,w as some thIng that he forgot to tell; then sbort lrlpod on the end of an open 50mInd to harneR5 ),Im li ke· I\. hor se and a 'l lee p, Dorotby carri In the extreme ly cold weathe r It 18 ed him food from be loses confiden ce In his tormer (;allon bllrl'el near full of water, s'ue~ Debut of the Green.E yed. malee him work." 111 e CUllboor d . Afte r he had eate n be friend- and doesn't look upon him ae pend 100 pounds of tbe copp,er sul- most Importa nt to give the hens work Adaml couldn' t beJteve my eyes " Your comman d!! sh nll bo obeyed ," wO <l ld li e uown on his t,hate In a sack, dipping a conside rable to do by scatteri ng millet bed of straw, being the pink of perfecti on as he dId and small wh en 1 first beheld you! . said the lend e r : and IIH' Il , wllh B Ilnd Dorothy would distanc e Into the water. As before, the copbut grains they in get the better as soon lie besIde him and scratch ing room. On Eve (wratbf ully)-S o you we re ex· gre at deal of cb 'l (l e rlnp; a nd no ise . th e put he r head on his 80ft, shaggy mane, as they have time to think It all over per sulpbat e dissolve s the sack Is warm days they do not need thts so pectlng Bom~ other woman, were you? Winged M on l« ('~· t1 n \I' a w ny to th o whil e th ey tallIed of raised, While using from one harrel mnch It they have plenty of range. th e ir troubles and and realize that this Is not the first pluce wb ore Dc rolbr a nd h ' r frI e nds tri ed to pl a n s ome way to escope. But time the trick has been turned, and were wnll(ln ~ . Ihey co uld find no way to ge t out of probabl y not the last, Perhaps . ihe Some of th Ulonk!'ys sp. lzed t ho Tin th e castl e, for It was cons tantly otber fellow will do the turning next Woodm an alld a rri ed him through guard ed by the yellow Winkles , who tlme,-C alhonn X-Ray. the 0.11' un ti l th ..,y were o\'e r a country were the sla\'es of the 'Vlcked Wltcb Steins Arc Burglar Alarml. tblckly cov red with s hnrl> rocks. a nd t oo afra id of ber not to do as she In a New York rathske ller th~y Here they (i ro ppod th e poor Wood- La Id th em . man, who fe ll a grea t dist an ce to th e Th e girl had to worl, hard during have lIevlsed a novel way to protect the orname ntal IItelns on the shelf roclls, wl1l.' re he lilY so ha lt e red and th e da y, and ' often the Witch threat- running along dent ed th a t h e co uld neIt he r move nor oned to bent he r tbe side ot the room, with the same old groan . umbrcll a . sh e IIlways carrIe d In her Each stands upon' a burglar alarm con· nection and when one Is remove d a Oth er s of t h o m o nl, e ys cau ght tbe ba ni\' Dut, In trutb , she did not dare contact Is made, a drop falls OU lhe IScarec ~ow , a nd \vltb th e ir long fin - to strllte DOI'oth y, because of the marl{ annunc iator Indloati ng tbe pOSition of g e r s 111I1I ed nil t he s tm w oul of his upon 11 I' for·e head. The child did not tbe table and a bell rln?;B, In a second c10l hes and head. They made hi s ha t Iwow this, a nd was full of fear for half a dozen walters ere In attenda nce nnd boo ts and clo Lhes Into a sm all he r self und Toto. Once th e 'Wltch at that ta ble and ' the Bteln goes back bUll dl fi nd thr w It Into ' th e top sL rncl, Tolo a blow with h er umbrtilJa branc hes of a 101\ tr e. nnd th brave UtUe <Iogfiew at bel' on 'Its peg. The pro},rle tors have lost Th e re m a InIng mon l, e r s threw and bit h I' leg, In re LlIrn. The Witch so many valualil e pieces ot brie-a-b rae that they were conBtra lned to adopt pi e cs of stant rope nrolmd th e Llou uld not bleM wher ' s he was bitten , this mea.s ure, Since the alarm system and wQu nd m a ny colis a bollt bls body: fop sbe 'w u s BO wi cked" th ut ·th e blood has gone Into effect there have beeD a nd hetH" nor! Ie s. IIntll he wnH' un- In her had dt-Ied up many years be- many surprise . ~h'e torm <?f a horse's (oot detet~ , 'dle Une of the body. s, but no 10sBes. abl e' to bite o r scmtch o r s tru ggle In Corc, }iorses that are . IIllnes · the pecullll rlUes of th "hoe ~at "toe-wi de" are likely a ny wny. 1'I1en tll ey li fte d hIm UP . to interfer e ' Doroth y's life beoame ver y snil as Charac terlltlc. , Is best -ada.pte d to It, Viewing the : v:tieli. In motion, anl1 ne w a wn)' wlth ' hlm to h Wltch'B s.he g r",w to \ . undel-st and thllt It would "He bas gran<llo se ' v lews, Coot ·from .you s81' tbe sldfl the regular . c astle, \Vl1 r': )le was placed In a 's mall ' be harde r tblln e ver . , . , Lo get ba~k to Oreams ot futurt' power and great- Uon Is ui*'t sho~n In ·,.whlcl,l t!le . w~gbt yarll wit h iI hI gh Iroll fe nc aronnd It. · Kansus and ; .un t ... Work ·for Top 0; ~.dder, . . Em a~aln . Some- ness and wealth soon·:to be aC'Q ulred? wui lie. borne ·to. best ad va~ta~e_ Wltb . . Do not he"ltate tp WOrk.. far the top ao t11a l he 1)\I1d no t scape . ·tlme s ,he' would-c ry bitterly tor hours, Wal1~s with hlB bead In the clouds and . _ . h e tegular or nbrmill &bape the weight ro tnds Qt the Inddet: But D 01'0~ lu' th ey did 1l0t hOi'm at wi th Toto illtUng a ! her ' in the J,oultfY feet 'and look- 10Qks as IC he conside red the .wo.rld ~I" falls nee.r the centel' of the .lioot. and busines s.' T\1e higher you get the less alJ, She st ad, with To lo In her arms, Ingdnto he r fa e ·s.teJ:1 I f 1 '_""bl~lln'g dlsmallY.:..t . I la eveDIy distribu ted over the wtiole crowde~ It C ~al'!h lng ~ 'flft -ot bel' comrn es sbow t., and ' tIIerelo re tbe 'b~ 'Mw ·sorl'Y he was ~or hi!! lItl:je "Those are Ute aympto ms," Ilottom ot thl; . hoof. '. The ·toe ,p oints ter U.e bu~neaJ pay _od thlnlU n e~ It would s oon be her m~treBS" rota did •• aay, a wrtter 10 "Then be m.uet be threate ned wltll 'tralght (Qnnrd ' I! d not really' care tUMJ , Tb h: ader of the Winged Mon- wethe r he \\'a" when the hOne ' e-.chao p. YOII. ma,.· leel a Uttle In Kansas or . the eoftenln g of the. braID," Is moving (o'r war"t 0 a straigh t l10e l·lo08l0l l1e at times, ftow \lJJ to bel' hIs long, haIry La but It fa lbe Jdad of Oz 'so long as Dorothy: was "Nothin g of the JUnd. Be'. a rial U.e' hoofs are vom_ ·; ....·('hed out and his ugly face wi d him; 'Plckec1 up ilIld carried . of 10~eUn..iI that I. but he knew the little IIrl e.tate IUl'flDt," au, ~ bear• . lorward 111 a UIaO (I8I'allel to the JbI4. '10 I Uf. buaHe rQr rllht tile top.


za rd z










The Ex cep tio nal Eq uip me nt




For t·he · Hostess Chat on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds. by a Reco~ni~ed Authority


Out of the PChrlstmas Jar_ To make the departm nt especially helpful, Mme. Merrl will give the department to·day entirely up to Ideas for the approaching Christmas season. The dally papers for some time have been warning us to make our pur hases early, but there are always somo who by torce ot circumstances or habit are late. For . some wceks past e very available suggestion for the holidays has ' been jotted down, hoping that overy reader would In this way be abl to find something for " er own special need. Many of these are merely hints upon which to enlarge as each Individual deems best. The first olt the spind le Is n now and Jolly method of distributing pres~nts, suitable for a Sunday Bchool , club or a large party for ohlldren. Arrange a stage with a curtain , which, when raised, will s how a windmill revolving with Santa Claus In his usual costume. but acting In the capacity of the miller. Swarming around In busy manner, Brownies, In costumes ot the dude, policeman, the Irishman and the Indian, all dumping the con, tents of paper sacks Into tbe hoppe r from which "Santa" explains the "gifts fol' all, both great and small, will soon emerge." As the arms of .the mill turn. out ot a big spout tumble the t1ssue-paper·wrapp <J parcels, lI;Iuch to the astonis hment of the spectators. During all this performance music played softly adds to ·the mystery, and the proper lighting of the stage Is also Important. To give a touch of seasonable Interest the mill might be r epresented as being on top of the nOrth pole, usi ng Quantities of diamond dust and cotton for the back· ground and .having two figures drcssed as "Cook" and "eeary" as "Santa's" assistants. Just ~the right person must be cbosen to Impersonate "Sanla," olle who can keep a string ot nonsense gOing and mystify the children.


Jack Horner's Dream. With Mother Goose In mind, have a little Jack Horner sound asleep on the stage wit.b a big helt-eaten pie beside him ; turn out the Ught and announce "Jack's Dream," the lad still asleep, but with two enormous pies (made from washtubs) beside him. A fairy appears. who wakes him and he proceeds to cut Into the pies and d eliver the "plums" (gifts) to mUe miniature "Santa Clauses" who dl8trlbute th e presents, much to tile .d ellght of t.he children, and grown people, too.


Jack In ·the Box. ' At a club party for children Inst year they hnd a big bo\: on a plat.form covered with red ('ambrlc to ~hlch sprays of holly were, plnn ra. At just the right moment Santa ' Claus appeared, saying he had an assistant this y4tar who was so popular he just bad to keep him 5hl.\t up. He said all eblldren loved him so that ·he was ....... ....



sure be would be r ecogni zed lrumedlat Iy. Then he unhooked the hox aOlI "Jack" leaped out with a spring, 1;19 arms full of packages; "Jack" Is p'lsh· ed down Into the box with a great deal ot difficulty and "Santa" command s him to look for more presents, and hooks thc box, In a D;loment unhooking, 'when "Jack" springs up with m07e !.'arcf>ls. This act may be repeated se" ral times. A Post-Card HUllt. Most cblldren are ardont post card collectors, so this party will app al to them. Tbere s hould be enough cards to per mit o( each guest having three or four when the final di stribution takes place. Use ordinary cards, Inexpensive, with a few coiored ones and Q half a dozen with Christmas symbols. Hide them throughout the rooms, explaining that uncolored cards score one, colored ones count two points, and Chrl stmlls cards scoro three. Allow ten minutes for the hunt. then blow a whistle, which means that all turn In thlrtr cards to have the score made up. The Christmas cards go to wlnnels, und the remaining cards are divided equally between the guesta, atter readl\!g off the scores.

North Pole Table Center. For any function with a Christmas flavor this centerpiece would tie suitable. Take a large uneven block ot Ice, place In a low tin receptacle; on tho Ice place a tube covered with cot· ton dipped In glue, then In diamond dust for the pole. Then use diamond dust on the Ice and on the table. Have a couple of tOY white bears and two figures to represent the two latest contestants tor the pole, "'one holding (In American fiag. Trim the room profusely with greens sprinkled with diamond dust. MADAME MERRL



a ,","

or .


carolcssly, yo u do not oxpect Providence to make It palatable; nelthcr It through years ot folly you misguide YOU r Own 11 re. nc d you xp ct divine Interrcrcnc(l to brIng round Ilverythlng at last. all If yOU ' hall Ilnltc right ? .. .....rohn Ruski n. Thoughts for the Home Nurse. plain cotton dress with little starch to causo rustling Is a desirable gow n for th nurse. In case ot In· fectlous diseases her h a ll' should be covered with a cap. Perfumes and scented soaps should be avoid ed by those In care of the sick . A trained nurse who bas been most successful In caring tor diphtheria pa· tlents and has escaped taking the dis· ease she thinks because ot the pre· caution to always cov r the nose and mouth of the patient with a handker· cblef 'wet In a solution or one-fivcthousandth per cent. ~r bichloride. This protects one from the ge rms that might fly out ot his mouth while spraying the nose or throat. Another Important rule for a nurse to remember Is never to eat anything tn the sick room, and always rinse her mouth with 118terlne or some anUsep· tic wash before eating. A nurse's hands should be dipped tn a disinfecting solution each time aftet caring for the patient. The nails should be trimmed quite close and scrubbed carefully with a nail brush, as t4ey form a good hiding place for germs. A solution of one one-thousandth of bichloride should always be on hand, tor the ' nurse and the doctor. A

Dishes for One or Two_ As most of our r ecipes In cookbooks are made for [amtlles of flve and six, It Is hard to find reclpelJ tor quantities small -enougli tor two. Many recl· pes will not divide nicely so it Is well to have a tew well worked out, and tested, so that one may have small amounts well served. Suoh dishes as vegetables, stews and soups do not . need proportions given as judgment l!! a fair guide. Cakes, puddings and other made dishes must be carefully measured In order to have success.



Milled From a Mangled Mail Bag, They are Recovered From . Car Trucks. It does not always {ollow ·that the disappearance ot registered mall packages Indicate a robb ry of the maU. This was demonstrat d on Tbe Overland Llrulted train No: 2 Friday, Ncv mber 5th, wh en a package of flve regl st red letters trom Schuyler disappear d between that poInt and Omaha. The recove ry of the lost package was as strange as Its dlsappenranc . The Schuyler pouch Is pl·clted up from a crane by mean s or a pouch c~tch er as th o train pnsses. This pouch catcher Is attached to the mall car and hooks onto the pouch suspended from tho crane as tho train passes. In tbls partlculnr Instance tho pouch catcher did not mnko a good cstch aod the pouch Cell 'unde r the wheels of th tmln and WIlS cu t in two. The mall was scall red alon g the track for a consid erable di stance. but the flve r gist red lellers. which were In a packet, could not h found when tbe othel' mall was picked up. The Impression at once prevailed that tbe registered package had been found and kept by somo one and it was reported as lost Postoffice Inspector L. A. Thompson was started out to InvesUgate. His first visit was to Council BluD's to make Inquiries of the postal clerks on the car, and scarcely had he reached there wben he r eceived word that the reglslered package had been tound by the car cleaner resUng snuglyon the trucks under the dining car, where It had been blown or thrown when the mall pouch was fiung under the wheels at Schuyler. That the package was not Injured in the slightest, nor jarred from Its position on the trucks, Is simply an- I other tribute to the Union Pacific's UDsurpassed roadbed and perfect track_

Little Nephew-Auntie, I marry au In dian?



Aunt- Why do you ask such a sllly ·. question, Freddy? Lilli e Neph ew- ·Well. I saw some scalps on your dressing tnble. Foreign Trade of United States. Or Ilt Ilrltaln buys more goods from the ' nlt d Stilt s than CrolU nny other three prln Ipnl counlrles In th e world - $620.000.000 worth In 1908: $10,000 .. 000 more thnn from Fran c' . ( ; ~rma IlY a nd Holland COUllJl ned. Rl' CO I'dillg to th e JuJy I'cport of the d part III lit of tradc Dnd comm crco of Canada .

H. M. WILLIAMS , Lsw Building Toledo,O'io (000 oddrOl8 neArl!llt 10n.)

................-.............................. ........., i! CRUJSE Ii ii TotheORIENT It

Tho less a IllOIl Imows ahol1t WOUl· e n the more .b e til inks he know!!.



The finest assortment of







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, ::':

An IdeAl Trip undsr most Pertect Conditions ' A18o e ruh&e. t,o tho Weet l.ndles and 8 0uth America RAllnURO.AMERlCAN LINE



I! 80 days $325~p i i

table china In

.•.•.............•.............•..........-....... .





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Quaker Oats DYSPEPSIA . 1:1

Family Size Packages

The Cost of Politics. In his rem iniscences or Grov{lr Cleveland, George F. Parker tells a story concern ing. prodigal expenditures In politics. A rloh man who J of thla peper de. had b en nibbling at the Democra~c .irin~to buy anythll" adyernomina tion for governor ot New York tiled in it. colulI1IIA .bould iDIiA upon asked William O. Whitney's advice. having what the, aak (or, rdwiDa all This Is the advice: "Ot course, you ~ oc imitatiolll. ought to run! Make your prellmlJlary canva ss, and when you have put In $200,000 you will have become so much Interested In It that you wlll Health Hints. feel like going ahead and spending For the person who leads a seden· som.e money." tary lUe, care should be taken as to The Fez a Nece88lty. the roods. Heat producing food Is not All through the markets ot every necessary as It Is to tbe person much The,. a1110 relieve 01. in the open air. The craving for Turkish city and village are little from Dyspepsla,lngesLlon aod Too Heart,. sweets may be saUsfied by figs, shops where the fez can be pressed g. A pufecL remand ironed ·fo r a few cents. At his prunes or candled ginger. tor D1z~ lneas, NauSimple, wbolesome tood, plenty of prayers a Moslem ,<ould not use a h~t Orowsloeas, Dad sleep. regular habits, frequent baths with a brim, as his head must press the Mouth, Co"ted Toogue, Pain In t40 and well ventilated rooms are a good the prayer rug a certain number of =_~.JSldc, TORPID LIVER. Urnes-during ellch prayer. As the bead They regulate Ravings bank-for- health-. - - . tbe Bowel8. Purely Vegetable. musl be cover ed at all times, a fez or some oth'el' brimless covering must be used.


"Having taken yoar wonderful ~ reb' for three months and being eDtireJ1 cured of stomach catarrh aDd dyspepef.8. I think a word of ~ Is Clue fG 'Calcareta' for their wonderful c:om~ tion. I have taken DtlmeroUII other ec,)e called remedies but without avail. aDd I find that Cascare!;a relieve more in • da1 th.n all the others I have taken 'WOuldlla a year." lames McGune. loS Mercer Stlt Jersey City, N, J. Pleasant, Palatable. PoteDt. Taste GoocL " Do Good. Never Slcken,Weaken or Grtpe. lOc.2Sc,5Oc. Neverao1dhlbtillt. Tbe.- , ulDe tablet sta~Pod C C C. G\IIInIIIIeeCl tQ ' CI1II'O or 70ur moaorlMldE. _



The Jet button craze alr~ady sllOws Signs of waning. Rough homespun Is Intended for m()o tor coat a nd outing wear. Bullet-shaped buttons are more In use now' than lozenge shapes. The toque still reigns supreme for walki ng in Paris and Is !leen in wide variation. Kimono silks that have large watered silk blotohes of blurred Unts are fashionable. Fur Is to be generously used on Genuine Must Bear many ot the afternoon as w'e ll as unCatarrh Cannot Be Cured Fac·Simile Signature dress tallormade1l. ITTLE WIth LOCAL APPLICATIONS. so they cannot reuIl . Ulo aea t 01 Ibe Cl lseaae. Cal4rrb 18 a blood or eollllUo IVER Smart tailored suits are being made ~lIon. 1 dl5eUe. and In order W nure It you mulL tate E: TAND t.he To-day Interoal PILLa. ot the new diagonals. which are very remedies. .0.11'8 Catarrh CU~ .. taken Inhas given. tem~lIy. aod acUl dlr.clly upon I~ O blood &!ld mueou. rich In coloring. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. .urlacCOl. lI aU's Catarrh CUro II not" QUl\tk ,nrdlTo mnlte or to mar our lot; It "U Ilrl'llCl'lbod by 000 01 lb. bcot. physlclAll8 The newest fur muffs are finished We rna)' fill It up to the brim wit" cioo. In IIJII eountry lor YCA... and 18 .. ~lAr pl't8<'rtptlon. heaven. with dangling heads and tails that alIt II eomtlOoed 01 lhe bHt Wolce known. oomblned BaO'WN'& Wllb lbo IMlst blOOd purlQ ·no. actlng dlreetly on Ule Or blur It with stain or blot. most sweep the ground. surla_. Tbe porte<'t eombln&tlon 01 lho Bravely may toll tor the good o.nd true mueoua BRONCHIAL TROCHES two InrrrodlenUl \I wbat produ .... such wondertul .... Earncs tI y lrl v a nd pray : .... .... ~~~·e~~e.:::c:!~~~~'We1 Mil In Durlnll cal_nTh. Bond lor t COlllmODIAI.. tree. lnatanll,. nUIYC Sore Th_t, Hoancncu and But tho goo or tho J\l we !lit may do F . J . CHBN"F.V '" CO.• Pro",,". Toledo. 0. Coua:ha. UnazccUod for clearing the volc.. At.o. are 0 0 fartber trom your Ilome o~ oftlee tham' the nearest phooo or ~' 801cH>v Drul!1llst8. prloo 1Sc. Must bo done In the splln of to-day." Sut.fy .... from ",,'.1. . or • .nythms: harmful.; U.S.mall bol<. Agents ~ 'l'J,U Jl&Il'. F&mlll' Pilla lor eonattpatloo. Pricet 25 ant., 60 «nls sod $ 1,00 pOI bozo - M. E. Sangster. ,.anLcd. Oet clnalo\:. SamPII unt on Nquut. Presorlptions Not General. JOHN I. BROWN &: SON, ~, Ma. The ' Dietetic Value of Some of Our "'lIltUIf II. 1I01K1J1, w~ D. e. Some people look on a doctor's pre-------No ,ut.QI1!!!r·s (eennW pat.oDth Food~. scription In the same. light as a cookt.Qlnod. Write tor In'fenWr'. G . Beets and carrots are valuable foods ery I'eclpe and pass It on to their tor IItnroblng as they contntn . a large amount of friends for general use. They 'forget flDcs,lInena. W. N. U.~ CINCINNATI, NO. 49-1909i sugar. the mineral salts ot the carrot that some symptoms may come. tram are also of value. totally dlD'erent causes and that to Onions are valuable tor their pun- take a medlcln prescribed for a gont 011, and nre orten prescribed for friend Is a very risky thing to do and sleeplessness; they' are also good ap· may do a great deal of harm. erlents. 1 Spinach contains a large quantity ot Tile next t.ime rou havc 11 cold 0 11 t he iron Ilnd has been called the "broom lungs try ru bbing Wimrd Oil on your che t ond Rce how quickly it will draw out of the system." Lettuce has the same quality as on· the inflammation and break up the cold. Ions, a beneficial form of opium, Rnd A man may be as brilliant, as clever. should be eaten plentifully by peoplo as s trong and as broad as YOI1 )llcose, troubled with "nerves." but. witb all this, It h Is not good he Tomatoes are good to make 'acthe may be a paltry fellow.- J. S. l:l1ackle. THE LARGEST MANurACTURER OF' the torpid liver. Eggs. More Eggs! 1 get twlco as MEN'. FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD Grape fruit has a form of Quinine, Eggs, mnn y C!lI:H wlnler unll su mmer slnc I WenrW, L. Dou"ta. comfortable. and bas often beeD prescribed by phy· dl scu\'ereu n ncw method how. and what easy·walkln. shoos, Thllyare win mal,e hens IllY mor eggs. It's trc'e. slclans as a plea.s ant medicine. Wrlttl lItrs. h AII!!y. JI:.,w Madrid, Mo. made upon honor, of the best Illath-------Fruit .contalns a iarge amount ot e,.., by thll mOlt skilled workmen. In the opinion of the beauty doctor In all tho latest 'ash Ion .. ShOll. In water, and we 'eat it be<lluse ot that, ma ny a homely woman has a fin e face every strlll and shaplI to .ult mlln together wltb Its sweetness and flnIn all walkS 0' 11'11. . for business. vor, as most fruit has little nutritive If • could takll you Into m, 1ar". factories nt Brockton. Mo .... and value. The baD ana Is an exoepUon, as WTlEN YOU'RE 04.8 HOA.R~EI\8" row. When show you how care'ully W. L. Dou.It may be called a food. Dried · (rul ts, J~~~r~nc::J'~~~~~~!c:.s~l8~U.k'o ~~?.J,'1~~~g: ,y!t la. ehoes afe made, 'OU woutd as the date, fig and raisin, have even lOW. !!old by 1111 drutral.u,~,600and 11.00 boll Ie.. then understand why the, hoi d a higher food value than tbe banana. thill, shape, fit better, 10n •• r The season IS her when many a and are of .reater value than nn, Weight tor weight, dried ' figs are [amlly man would like to swap his big other mako. more nourlshtng than bread. automobile for a small coal yard. CAUTION.- Seo th., W. I •. Dougills name II/Id Lho rotall price \8 • .nmped on Apples, peacbes, plums, melons and the bottom. Take No 8ub.Utnto. lUr", Wlnalow', Soothlnlr Ryrn,•• Rre a number ot hoolts on which to ,rapes are Natur~'s aperients, and 1"0 r t blldreo teet blDg • !WItl eOJ ,he /luru, rOdu ee8 lit" hang scissors, pincushion, emery bag, . should be eaten freely' by all those llammRtloD. allara pOID. cure. wlnll collll. ~. boLlle. tnpe measurel\nd other lltUe thtn~8 who envy a good complexion. The worm may turn, but the grind· one needs. Sour frults j like lemons, are taken stone has to be turned. A.nother v~l-y illief~' arUcle Is a ease by sufferers from rheUDulUsm, as the for embrold'e ry sUks . or . t~ead, fruit acid, .turnlng to alkaU, acts upon "mched ·in seotlons, the threads run- tbe uric acid. Illng thl'ough 110 they can be easliy CeIar .... IOCM!aIlrl....., .... fulareotontllBlI.II'otIIer41:ir OM100,..bis oeIon sill'*" dyelll .coIdWlte, lIe11er 'han "" other d,.. You can 4... pulled . out-. This tilUst , be hting flat Wrilalorlna ...... I lalbl.lltaGlland MlaColon. .MO_RDE DR"" 00•• Ou/no" """.1•• or: ,the tJc~eeD. by it,. two ' uppel' 'cornElrs. .,..... .If n.. gIrl bas a *~1!-11 room and yet 11111'\01. Veraua Miliouri. \\:ould rntber have a aewlng table than' A .Mlssourlan Informed a 'travelm ' ~ ~ oJ .thelie screens, . tl1ere, Iii ~ v~fY' "lio ' had Inquired. about ,,\corn, that 11\ tmctlve' ijure. "IIf~ogany ~ble . ~ ill Ot' IIi 'any room. It 'Is a perfectly "each litn:lk had nine ear, on H r. iralght square w,th two UtUe drawers aild was 16 feet hJgh'~'~ .. "That's no,thlJig compared to our four ~-aJgh" 1e-" Sotne .... f · these' 11." ~ .ar~ .,v ." "U e d t h floth er, .Q.u1 ~ k1. y. "U.~ sq,l iare table!! Quite plain aod " corn...,'. re .. are- band'som~ly Inlald. I ' In illinois, .where I came trom, we · al . One great ~onveltleDce 'In aliT .... ibg table. 18 to have th,e~rawer. 4J. ~Icled lntQ· C()lJlI)ar~Dta 110 that the (Uferent UtU_ tblbgs atILT be kept .epo nrate• . Whipp . ' JOt. thin.. • draW!!!!'.t . .oat lDevltabl.J


m.~ r, ~ ~ ~O l





Sewing ,S creen






The sewing sCreens are In many WAYS the greatest comfor~ a sewer can hav~ for everything Is ready to use the ~o'tnent It Is wl\Jited. 'rhey ' are made with elth'e r t~o or three panelsI' . cOTered· ·oli tbe outside with. brocade; cretonne ' Of senIle such firm ~l'aterlal. Tbe covering may be !alltened on with bras&'h~a4ed : natls or fltillibed with R glml;. .0 n? tM' inner side' are .tlie ,ius, 1l0c~et's an;d str~1)R to hQ.Jd'. the ·at:-. ticles used 'ln sewing. ..'. 'I .' :rhe {la'cltets "are )nade, of ~e 8sme. matet.lnl 'nl;\" tbo otltercoye.rl'llg, p"t on wltb a lIttre ful~eil.s,··8\1d an ela8~.dtl the tOl): Tliey may b~ Qt 8'!l.3;" alze one ·c.hooses·. ' On ' tlie 'm1ddlt!, plUtel , ot a tbr~panel ,, ~cro. , .,or i:m!!". sld~ or 1'Vo-panel Is a 1It~le' '. Wooden' . -tal!tened' with o~'n8 •.t the optet t or. . llers. ThJa (oldll UP wnen the I!\Cr03cn 1& put' awny Rnd h,ulgs 111 a horizontal llOsltiOD When In U3(!, £1lJ' . , ~ . a

t.ble· to Pt,l.t tbtm;tt on. T\\'o IIttl. .of . h!lTa smaU' tjlld9r


.,..,...,.'"IbouI ...........


·.fClUI~". '


SQ&Q ......

' 1



' :OW '

---"'D·OI·)'·H·e·ad·s"-~-~~~"'H·a'i·rl•. - . ' ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

10::~~ f p_~_~~ :".":~" !."~~"~" I~~,,~~,,~, ., , , .~,~~,,~.~,: . ~ <

1:: ::~


.....-·SOHWARTZ'S-. ~ The Ideal Store for Xmas Shoppers.


Never haveline we Xma~ . Every




Salad Dishes and Berry Sets

A large assort· ment of saI8d ~ ~~f'Y..~-rliJ['t~'~~~~~i Dishes decorated in flowers and gold ranging in price from 25c to ' . $1. 00 each. Berry ets in several di!ferent ~orted colors. Each set ,conslsts of one l ar~ . ber! y bow l, and SIX berry dlsnes to match, ~Il hIg hly deeoorated m fl owers and goli:l - makes useful present. P rices. $1 to $1.75

Ladies' Handkerchiefs Special

MEN'S PURSES Picture Frames Mlifl .. t ,II I. , Id 1 "rill 2 Pllut·lll'

toc each


been so wellofstocked, in the lint;s for is brilTful bargams and variolls the assortment is still complete. ,

lOt S5c and

We pride ou rselvel! on ou r assOl:t· ment men's purses, We have the lar· gest line we have ever car ried , Th ..y consist of all Special offerings in I the various. shapes and sizes ,and range in price white handkerchiefs, from 15c to $1.00. ·4c each,'






of 16 Candles

$ .$ \

A Hair Brush makes a pra'ltical and useful Xmas gift. See our line before buying 45c, {)Qc, 6Oc, 115c 90c each. , Our toilet sets must be Be6n to be We surely can please toilet sets both in· price and We have truiffi as low as 5Oe, and as high as $5.00. '

Knives .

:25c each

Holly Wreaths

,$ $

Iml' tlltion-oan be u8ed for 86Ver ILl yeurs

10c each


$ $


Better prepared than ever to supply your wants. Phone us yQu..ti:r order for Xmas, we w.ill do the rest. Useful Presents



Come in and ask for one of our new 1910 calendars. They are worth asking for.


$$ .




Salad dishes in domestic and Necties, Suspend ers, Handker- Fancy canned Pea,ches, Apri· Japanese at, . . . ,25c to $2,00 chif'is Sox 0 1' Hosiery, We cots,Cherries, Plum~, PumpFancy Plates in domestic and have ine Holeproflf Hose fol' kin, Spinach, Sour Krllut, Japanese at .. " ,25c to $1:00 men,6 pairs for $1,25, guarBeets, String Beans, Corn, Tea Sets , , . , . , . , .. . 7Sc to $1:50 anteed fol' 6 months, Cap!l, Peas. Tomatoes, I"ancy Dried Imported Japanese Cups and Toques, Underwear, Shirts fl' ui ts, Peaches, Apricots, Saucers , .. , . . , . .. . 25c to 60c Corduroy Clothing, Shoes, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Chamber Sets Overshoes, ~"elt Boots, Rub· Citron , Olives, Pickles. Horse 1 fine Dinner Set, imported bel' Boots. Arctics, Rugs, a Radish. Olive oil , Salad dresschina 100 piece.q only . ,$15.00 ' nice lot of Velvet and Ax' ing , J ellies. Apple Butter, minster Rugs at special price:! Honey . Heinz Mince Meat, Ormolu Olocks Heinz SOliI' Krau t , CI'eam And Jewel Boxes these make Candies Cheese. Brick Cheese, EdgE" m(lnt, Star and Old Fa hion handsome presents , . " Undefwood's Candles, Futter Crack 1'S, We have . ' .. , . . . . " .. , .$1.25 to $1.98 . PUre, Clean and Wholesome an up-to-dat e line of g rocerNickle Alarm Clocks . " .. . . 69'c We hive<a nice line of pur can· ies and only ask a trial order Mrs. Potts' Irons nick Ie plated, dies from lOe to 40c per Ib We always have fi ne country set of 8 ... . , .. ... .. . , " .9i<c . ard cut mix, Fr ench B It I' on hand at reasonable Nut Crack and S tofPicks .75c cream mix, Hand Dipped u e Child 's Set of Knife" Fork, creams, and chocolates, taffy. prices. mint rings, cocoanut Bon Fruits Spoon Cup and 'Napkin Ring only . . . . . . .. , .. ... , . ... 75c Bons, pure stick, chocolate OranSfes fancy Florida nice, Roger Bros. Knives and Forks; cream:!, chips, peanuts. al· sweet and juicy . .. " . . . Teaspoons, Tablespoons etc. mO{1ds, clusters also Lowney's per doz. , . . . . ... ,. 15c to SOc Shears. Coat and Trouser Hangchocolates in X Ib, lib and 21b By the Box 176 size on .. ~2. 25 erSt Thimble~ , b o x e s . If you want pure Bananas, rape Fruit. Also a nice assortment of Xmas cand~ adk for Underwoods, ines, Apples, Lemons, stationary . . " . .. .. 25c to 50c Special pricf>,s to schools and · aga Grapes, Pineapples, Sunday Schools. Dates, Nlitll, For the Children bage, Swee't Potat.oes, California In Oysters We have a nice line of Dolls, you will find elery. just what from " ., . .. , .. . . l e to $1 50 By the way don't forget that want and our prices will be Al so Teddy Bears, Teddy Lions, th I Sto th t low as the lowest. Bilikens, Dishes, Blocks, Dom . he dIe e ory y S Ie 8h' a inoes, Hors(\~, Guns, Rattles, an es genume ea lpt . Wanted W Sled B II K' Oysters. Send us your order t " agons, s. a s, mves, for oysters if you want the We want your Chickens, Tu very b est. keys, Ducks, Butter~deggs Whips, Harps, Tops, Piano, 2 fine upright Pianos at speHighest market price paid cial prices.






$ $

Xmas Tree Candles




tOe a Box

, : 80ys'

$ $ $ ~ ~

" for 60 2 for 50 tic eaoh 100 eAoh


, Pocket


Post ,Cards

~ '$


'i 1$




I !

#~. '

$ $


$ $ $ ,


If you want a ni,ce Chicken or The largest line of Xmas and Turkey fOl' Xmas let us have New Years Cards in town at your order. We only kill the . only lc each. very best.


$ Wishing all a Merry ChristmB8 a"d '" Happy New Y"'Ir . $ WALTER J. KILBON. ,$ W~:r;;~mas --~""~~~"" ~ ""~,~"~~

1 - - - - -1)

Harps 50~ "

Our tov assortment consists of the followBlocks, Trains, Horse Banks, Stuffed iAJlllma~. Tops, Games, such as Parlor Cro- . Chlldren',Cups -. quet, Ten Pins, e~., ,H orns, Toy Carts, ~~ . Walking Dogs, Knives, Rubber Balls, and many other toys too numerOUg to mention, . :



10c each




_Heart shaped, 'size 7x7X inches, in floral designs of red and blue celluloid ' top with . centerpiece trimmed ,in gilt $1.25 each. ' Black seal grain leather size 7x8 in. with strap handle trimmed inSide with doth, $1.60 each:

made to look


¥anieure , Sets ,1.00 .each .

35c,4Oc,60c,60c,78c . $ I .00 $1 .40 $ I .80 Special New Effects in large Novelty Hand Bags, extremely popular and practical, and' make an acceptable Xmas pr~ent.

Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. met in regular sessiQIl Monday even- ' ing and ·had a very intere,stjn~ me~t: iug: Brother and sister Bruner were admitted as members; also installation of officers' as ,follows: - - - - - - .' Worthy .kiatron, Stella _ Co~Dell i Worthy Patron, ChllS. M, Rubit,zer i Perfume' Assooiate} Matron, Sue Hawke; ~~o . EachiBortle in , retary, Lnnrll MoKinsey i Treasurer, A~"nda Maffit j Conductr~s8, Ruth . Holly, Box ,JaDney; A8S0: Gond Aotre 8, Donn&. 15c a box . M': Hawk\.1i Ada ,. LeOt-a 'Bruner,; If.!Jt.h, Edith Barris j Esther, l~lleila - - - - - -.... UorJ)el,l 'i Mlutha, Edna Ridge i Elec'- ' tra, M/lbel Farr j Warder ; Blanoh So.hwa~tz i,, J, C. aawke; .chaplain, Christie .M~Kin8ey; 'Mar-' shal, Susan Arnold i Organist~ LIl~ rlloMosbet. They were all installed except aix. Rister Bruner gavA two readings, which were exo~lieDt.

Fountain Pens $1 & $1.50

.- _.------,.





I ~ Ibs Candy;

Prices 10c to liSe a Ib

Special Sale in Pictures

... . Hand

Mirrors 25c, & 50c

We bought up quite a large . 'a ssortment of pictures. They comprise abOut, a dozen or more subjects framed in nice neatgilt size 5X x15X in. the money AL.'15c EACH

Post Card . Albums .1 OC, 25c. 35c, 50c;, 60c, 75c, $ J.00,. '$1.50,"






. 'Dr, F . C. WIlS in Pl.ealBnt.. ' ~Iie. Fllh:fle~d , (Jounty &tllr~~y 50c &', 75e : evening, wh~n he ·.toc,lk hi" . la.~t deI-_~_~_'II· 'gr~ in Ma'8 onry. 'After the work, " bounteous 'spread Wll8 beld, an:il everYbody .had a gdod time; .. ',. . .

' I

_. _



Ziinm~rman's -1' Christmas '.Candies, ' Orange,s,

:aOYT,' ,


Exper~ " Qpticia~J , 'Will iile , Gustin !


H~tel~ ?


Born to Wm. Bergdall and wife December 15th, a daughter.



\' . T.


lit D

. ~()';I' TI ' )N


AT ClIRltiTlAN H ReH lllc \V ayut! and i\I1a~it! Towll sh i~ Our mirrors are the best values Friday, December 24th, 7 p. m. Protective and'Detective Association we ever had. J. E. Janney. The Best Ever Held Here-A Complete Report Given by Music at their last meeting, decided to ho,ld JO!leph Hisey and wife attended Song........ ...... ....... . .. .. ... By School an oyster supper, and Saturda) ev'· the meeting of State Grange in the Gazette---Pro,ram Was Fine. ening, December 18th. was the dat~ Scripture Reading-Prayer Springfield last week. Good· Addresses Song ........... ... .... ... .... .. .. .. ... .. School decided upon. Christmas is near-We can show "Address of Welcome" .. ... .. .... ... .. Well, they held it. and such a time! you the largest assortment of usflful ......... ...... ...... ... ... .. James Philips Therearemroundnumbers227memGifts ever shown in Waynesville all ' of the Waynes- of beef, 49 lb. of veal, 39 lb. of mut- "A Gl a d L'ttl bers, an d (103) respon ddt The annual' Bession l e G'It·JII ... ........ . ........ e 0 ro II 'en II . Mrs. E. A. Weller, of Centerville, this month. John A. Funkey. ed Fl Le d h' h 'tl th' lad' v ilIe Farmers' Institute conven in ton, 30 lb. of lamb and 465 lb. of ............... ,....... . orence onar w IC , WI 1 ell' les rna de th e wag in Waynesville Tuesday. Our old friend, B. D. Roberts, of Phillips' Hall Friday morning, the pork. To supply this demand con- Recitation ............ ~ ....Kenn~th Elz~y 1, ompany assembled reach up to ~24. Mrs. J. H. Coleman and MI'S. D. L. Osweg'), Kans., in. renewing his sub president, Warren H. Keys presiding fronts the farm th' b ' Ouet ........ Eva Oa\,1 and Olive LeWIS fhe cold wealher was certa.mly S 1" . t h' te t . b t II er, el e emg no "L tt Crane spent Wednesday in Xenia. scription says: After two days of in his usual genial mariner. Ideal difficulty. in selling good live stock. e er to anta aus ... .. . ~ ... .:... . Iagams t e~r en . r amment, u a The telephone girls will enjoy rain .the last of the week, 'Sunday, it winter weather added its charm to The fact that inferior stock eats ......... .. ...... . .. .... M,un ~Jlppmc?tt IIJ1'ellent enjoyed It. to the fullest exChristmas day from 12m until 4 p. m. froze, and Monday snowed, and we the en.tire session. more and never reaches a desired Son?' ... :.. ........... .... l, ou r LIttle GlrlS tent. Our toilet sets can't help but ap- hav'9 had thr~e ~r four days of zero' . A very impre~ive . invocati~n was standard should be remembered. ~K e~lt~t~on8·· :"k··:Cla~'~nMce Mel1deLnha.lI , Td he Ldytle dOrch ~t)'all t'lvas pre~ent peal to your wishes and desire.. J. E. weather, which IS unusual here, but glVf:t~ by Rev. BaIley af~er whIch the The mixing of breeds was properly I tIe 5 toc mg. argaret e":'IS', an rna ~ goo musIc a. 1e evenmg. . has moderate.d now and the snow is openmg address was gIven by J. O. discouraged The d·ff. , b t Quartet ............ .. Four Young Ladles At 7 0 clock the preSIdent. Frank . I el ence e ween "0 Ch' t D " T d L . Zell d tl f ~I . Janney. ' ann~~~ce le I 0d~V~~g pr~all gone. Wheat looks fine. Wfl Cartwright, mayor-eleet, whose vivid the honest and dishonest stockman ".;. . r}s ;~. ar, . ., ~. or~ Dew~s i Ed. Thomasand .family were week- are all well. picture of farm life and other well was strongly contrasted. In conclud- D I!nme sD PImIT on "B" " mme G~vIIR gram, w IC was sp en Iroug . end guests of Jason Sheehan and •- • chosen remarks were an inspiration ing he mentioned that raising better e ~rte nl.. . wo oys, Two n.s out: Jive stock made better farriu,rs and Reading ............. .. ......... .. Eva Davis l . . Muslc-Ol'chestr~ family. A SCORE OF ACCIDENTS . to the many hearers. 'ss D .. During both the morning and b tte f '11 . h Song ... ...... ........ Kenneth Elzey and ReCItatIOn .................. LUCIle Cornell onpa h e r armers WI Improve t e U . L" R" J . M I Hawke and MI Mrs. Geo. . ...... :............... . .uane. IPlJlnCOt~t ec~tat.\On .; ............ .... essIe ar aU Hawke were shopping in Dayton T e little daughter of Dan!. Wool- afternoon sessions. Miss Grace Car- agriculture of this country. .; Saturday. lard fell against a stove last Wednes- men accompanied by her father Th roug h th e k'md ness 0 f t he IocaI Recitation Ross Irons . . .... .. .. ... ... ... Edward LeWIS I Recltatlun ...................... ' . day and was severely burned near pleased the audience with he'r excel- Board of Ed t' th .. RecltatlOn ...... .... .. ... H ward Burton MUl!lc- Orchestra Mrs, James Dakin and Mrs. Eph. the left eye. She is getting better. lent violin solos. . . uhcaldl?n h e I'hemallHmnlgl Song ........ ... ..... ............... .Ry . chool ·dtation .......... ... .. Ruth Dinwiddie s~lO ns were e . .. .......... .. ... Mn:. J . W. LeW IS . RecltatlOll . . .... , ........... Luella Cornell . h . D I . M Th . . m t e Sc 00 a. . Readmg S uut and son were m ayton ast 'ttle Fred RI 'chards wh'l I'd' . C. Thomas, of Mingo, Ohio. in e evemng sessIOn was ver) satls · "J L' IP S " 'I' Ik . . .... · . ......... .. .. . LI , I e ·s I mg d' . h "P bl f S '1 F f '1 db' f • led ust a Itt e ep at ant.a .. .... a on ASSOclatlon Wednesd ay. t th h Ih Th _..J af Iscussmg t e ro em 0 01 er- actorl y opene y musIc urllls 1 Miss Nannie Moon, of .the Friends' a ne ~ 00 ouse U.lOUay . te~- tility" emphasized the necessity of by an orchestra consisting of Misses .. ...... ... ...... ... ........... ... FOUl" Boy •. ... ... .. ... ... .. Rev. J .. F. Cadwallader '1 ·th t 't b J t' H ts k A CI "Santa's ecret" .. .... .. 'an ta ~l nUl"" • \)J}g .. .. ... ... ........ MIlton Thompson Boarding Home was a Dayton visi- noo , sl pped and fell breakmg hiS tud' th , left arm-near the wrist Th !'ttl s ymg e SOl a I may e SO u lOa ar oc, nna ements. '.. ' . tor last week . e l e t ted th t't f ' h th f d Ethel Hos' N' S't\ R th d PantomIme. J esu. Lover of My MUSic- Orchestra . fellow is getting along nicely. rea . a I may ~rms. . e ~o Ma : M'lller , mda Mml Fl, HU Fan Soul," (By rel]u esL) H dtation ...... .... ..... ..... Ethlyn Jones ' necessary . I er an rd l' . h .d arr. . Some more of those good cakes · for.Hour rapidly t .... · tedmcreasmg N t ' ·.·1....rleCAB h Solo ··.... ·.. .. ... ...... .. ... .... Lu cy ElTll'YjI ong .. ... ............... ·Clara Hawke and .... q a ure s "Lfl, • • runer e Ig te . for Christmas at Phillips'. Ad a Gulleday, whose parents live popu1a t Ion. · econ th '} d th t f h ' 'th d' h' h er. Tableau ... ...... .. ........... . Eleanora Earn hart · to on the Wm. Gard' farm , · while skating way 0 f t reat Ing e 801 an a 0 earers WI a rea mg w lC wa~ S .. d N W Ib " ']' II N h J ones d . 'Th f I1n I . to f II db I . ong, An ow aY ' Gool yc . U ( ........ .... ............. at an Mas ter H 0 Imes StoopS,of Day n, 8 is here to spend the holidays wiih his atur ay, feU and. struck her head mhan. '1 . e h Of er afways gdlYes d 0 owe yap easmg encore. .--Music Orche tra d A Sto . d 'f and was unconscIOus for several t e 801 m t e orm 0 moss, ecaye "Time. Chance and the Farmer" ORTHODOX FRIENDS CH RCR I:gran parents,. ops an Wl e. hours. She is getting along very plants, leaves and other vegetation was the theme of an e'xcellent address Sunday December 26th 7 p. m. President Zell then announced s~pJohn A. Ful)key is now closing out nicely. while the latter is often inclined to givef,1 by M. C. Thomas. Although ' , per, and a general rush was made . '- - - . . continually take from the soil. He mallY uncertainties continually face Songs· .. : .. ···· .. ~· Chorus fort.hedining hall. a large lot of ~adiell' and Misses' ea Bmlf~ rayer After supper was . over a general Underwear, '85c a~d 40c Pants or . AB Mrs. Susan Haysbt was cop-ling stated that the ' dairyman took the the tanner he gave "luck" no credit S~~~t~r: g rlS maq e ~ . 8 f good ti me was had by all in conversa· Vest only .28c; the 40c Union Suits home from th~ Orthodox FrIends least from the soil as 's tatistics show whatever. The more thought more ;nl '. will be closed 28c; one lot of Blue churc~, Mon~ay morning, she walked that in producing a ton of butter but conscience, more pride, more 'brains \1 et~me .. .... ...... ...... P ~~'Ie u~tce tion .and good fellowship Rib Mens. Shirts and Draw('rs, the off the step m front Qf Walter Elzey's abOut fort~one cents' worth of fer- the farmer uses the better' are the D 0 ;on S~ng .. ......... .. lI~la~'Y1 Cas~ Rev. Cadwallader's talk was along 35c and 40e now at 2oc. • residpnce. and fell, striking on the. tility was ut'lized and not returned. results. 80 much fann work is done Soec amatlon ···· .. ···i'{I· .. ;h e asd the line of the advantages of the as- . e~d W~::o sociation. and it was explained fully. Lindley Mendenhall and wife at- frozen ' ground ~q her ,~ace, H4f ' J. P. ·Davis, of Sl\~ridan, Indiana, without metho~, The speaker de- D nf .. .. ·~:· ..... , ..... . ro tended the State Grange in Spring- nose ",:as fractufeu, and she was baa- gave in a concise yet instructive sired more farmers to be I'Meth- O~clamat~on'""".". R HI eriel' Nathan Jones is a charter member ly brUised . . "FA...1' . . t'Ion Wh'IC h h as been field last Wed d . and Th rsd . . about the fack" and arms .• manner h'IS ~perlences 10 '='!ling 0d"IS~.' Agricultural Education in ee ama Ion ... ·· ... · .... " · . eva orme . ,,0f th e organlza , . p .es BY " . ".~ : ,:\y. Shelsdomgve~welLu~er/~eClr- Hbgsforprofil'." Oftbevariousva- botliruralandhighschoolsisdesired ~onf .. ·· .. ~~?f DaVid organized for forty-two years,and Don t fall to ~ our china plates cumstances. rieties he said he discarded the Po- and Should be taught by persons sent ~ ama on ......... u ~mmerman he very interestingly told how the . ' . . ed an d of sever· at 760 per dozen or 10e each'. J . E . Helen, Haines dau..Lter bf James land-China because they were not · out by the Experiment station or by Duet , Lela D '11Bogan b EIand LUCile G'· IBormell company wasorgamz Janney • IS II l'fi " b th Be ' lest.:· be ' rl y even Ir s 1. tant t th h d ad e r ulre . othe~ equally competen~.. Declamation .................... Ross Irons a I~PO~ . cap ures eya m e . . , . Haines, 9f Gorwin, fell on the iey hill pro I c enoug. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Colvi and coming home from school one day cause they would not .make the de- MISS Edna SatterthwaIte dehghted S 0'0' M'd' ht' Q . t Pl' "durmg Its hfe. y d hte M' P I 'red wth th Cb te Wh't be-' d" . ong, er I mg S Ule ams It' . t' th'a t grbo , e -' es r : C I es h t,e au lence WIth two excellent vo- Declamation ......... .. Helen Sherwood b . IS an orgadmfza Ion .h eldvebr . augC'h :' , ISS . ear wSer~ guests last week aud dislocated her wrist. et at a rl8tmAS d mner at prIng Val.. .. . ~~ t ey.were not.h 8al lollY enoug ca~ solos. She was accompanied by Solo ........................ ..Raleih Bo n usmess man an. a~er ~ ou aMlSS LIZZie CarrolimetWltba most lli h18locahty, and rrused the Duroe. MISS Ruth Hartsock. Ex . b P' gCI ga long to. Its malO obJect IS to overley on Sabbath. ft.. te 'd t 1 . Frid ' Am th . I h . ed J .. . erclses y rlmary ass k" I . th ft' d • 11 Bee Lunch room, a nicec1ean place un or una .acC! en . ast ay · ong . e po~nts Ie. e~p as~ . P .. DaVIS m speakmg of the Solo ........................ Mar Sherwood ta e crimina s m e , an a JO. Y ' w · hl'le I'n town d'o)' gO ' She. was spendmg the day at the home 'W6re the necessIty of ellJoYlng sw . me "Farmer as a Citizen" touched a D I t' M' 1 .y B k lot of good fellows are members of It. ~ n y ur f Ch C~ ts d had . h b d h .' 1 t' . . ec ama IOn ...... ..... e Vln rac ney Lo l' h W T P & D A --to eat, Ohliatmas shopping. Oysters a spe- 0 as. 'Iem~n an gone mto us an ry, t. e ~re m se ~c mg VItal pon~t. Too often we look at Solo ..................... Ruth Zimmerman . . ng Ive t e • . .' . ANIU" cialty. th~ basem~?t on som~ errand . ·Not stock, marketmg those of ~ u~lform the ques.tton of success upon tbe Readin ..................... .. Maria Stout cI,atlon. • being familiar With tl1mgs she stepped color 8I\d the value of hommy hearts farm maInly from a business or pe.g P . CI - - -... Miss Jildith Mosher arrived home into a drain and waS thrown violent- as a finishing ration. , cuniary standpoint but it is In'that Song ..;;.... · .. rl~ry &SS EVERYTHING NICE TO WEARTuesday~ after a deli~htful visit ~f ly to the floor. straining her hip 8l.1Q The question box canducted by higher interpretation of th~ meaning reat rom anta aus · three InO~t~ wi~h .Mr. and M~. bruising her up considerably. The Messrs. Harvey Burnet and Fred EI- of success the production of a clean Song................................... Chorus Do you want nice., Iiand.'~erc~ef~? . Frank Taylor 10 Ohlcago. . latest acccount is that sh& is getting bon was an important featore of the and sturdy manhood and womanhood . ' . b We have th~m, Men s Boy s LadIeS , " 1 '11 1.1 be " , . The Lowell HIli school taught y Men's Xmas Hose Suspenders toe Our stock is still generous in yari· a ,ong as we $8 CQU '" expected. program. "Clover-Its Importance that the farms offer the greater con- Hel)rietta McKinsey will give theIr holiday Neekwear: choice of 35~ for ' ety, you will b~ pleas~ . with our CHRISTMAS- DANCE and ~ow We Ban~le It" was dis· tribU.tions toward t~e sum of hu~an Xmas Entertainme~t Thursday ev. cu~u by .J. P. DavU!. . Its value. as happmess . ' . . Attr:ac . bve surround.mgs enin........ 25c; mea', high-grade fine silk fourpop1,llar and.. d.eslraple hne of books J E J fIt od d te d Ig in-hand, 39c sell everywhere for SOc d hin , an .c ~, . . • anney. '. .Dainty · invitations ar~ out for humus and - ood w~re pam y go rea .mg mat l' an ~oC1ates and 75c, Men's 7·5c shirt for 50c; <=- .- - '-:- . " . '..' " a Christmas Eve dance at the bro;Ugbt. out. To aVOid d~der, . ~re eac?' lmportant f,:\ctors m securST, MARY'S CHURCH . .. . , . . '. ' buckhOrn and other weeds it is im- mg the Ideal. Too often city life a Friday Christmas Eve at seven Men.s NIght ShIrt, 65c worth $100, . A.mbro~ Maffi~ . and w,fe had as · their gu~ts at dinner ~turday, ~ J. O. O. F. ·l:tall .• Alex Mart and 'p ortant to purchase only the best vision of fine hou~ eleaant c~r~ o'clock the Sunday.Scho~1 festival Men's or Boy's Sweater Coats, 65c. Dtland<' and w'lll'e Dav's Sneathen ' . . . " Tlilges . . ' .comes ... 'of carols, recitations-etc. , $1 .00,and .p~1 . 50 ~o~ th .more anyw Ilere McF~. ., l , . 'Wv ge . I Grove '. -. _Wlll • . be the hosts. irAde of seed. The s~~er adVised and much. leisure before Singing and Wife., . Chnt Cl~ver and Wife, A NEEDED IMPROVEMENT sowing one bushel of clover to six us, while in thinkipg of the country Christmas Day, Holy Communion Men s and L~dles m~e Un:brellas, Chas. Shldake~ a"d ro'~f~, ~f ~ar,veys- . acres and one bushel of t.imothy to we picture to ourselves the hard- at 10:00 a. m., a half hour earlier y $1,00 ~ol,th $1 50, Men s dres bdurg , and Horace .Klrby, wife '·and A subScriber writes the following twelve acres, stating tbat· he usually worked farmer with few comforts. than the regular time for morning Gll'ves; BQ'ys dress Gloves. J. A. augh ~r. . ~ . . . . ,. !jnteresting article; sowed the clover and timothy togeth- One is measured by its widest possi- service. Funkey_. - - -- .. - - - - DO yotl want the nicest arid the , Were you ever in Corwin on an er as it made a better pasture, pre- bilities the ot.h~r by 'its narrowest Sunday, December 26th, F h:st after Card of Thanl(s l4lte:st style of Hat; ('~rile. and see .the ening when the two evening acconi- venting bloat. His m~tbod of clip- limitations If compared fairly th.e Christmas, Mprning Prayer 'and pe.rlatie assOrtment received this week. rnodation trains stop the,r e to ·let off ping the y~ung clover about August m,eanest Rut ever called a farm house mon at 10:80. At. tMs service the We desire to thank our friends and neighbors £()r their kindness Il-nd We can give y~u the t new . .Gobelin .a ?d ,take on passengers, : an~ n.otice 1st was discussed by M~rs. George woul.d be. a palace by the stde of the Christmas music will be rendered~ .lJl\le. We have three of the eoming 'people groping about in the dark, I Ril~y ' and Edwin Chandler. l'eekmg filthy abodes of the poorest ;Everybooy invited to these oervices. sympal hy at the time of the dea th .lIiuing styles-corne and John wading around in the mud, slush andM. C. Thomas in opening his dis- in the city's tenement houses. Fo~ CORWIN WHOOIJ of our fathe.r, Wi\lia~ Ward, ~Iso A . Ftinkey. . . , waterl~kingforfl'iends? Ofco'urse cUEsio.n · of the. "~ive Stock Farmer" the money inveSted and the labor . .. . Rev. HawkinS for hlg comfortmg . .. you have. One does not have to do astonished the audience by present- perform~ there is far Illore real Th~ Corwin school.wlli gl~e, an en- Vlordll, and ?d·r , Maffi t for his cour. L. A ..Zim~erman ~l}d Mrs. S~r~h ' SO ariy mor~, from th:efact we have I~ng .th~ sta,t~tiC8 that in this country comf?rt in the cOl)ntry ho.merthan in tertamn'lent on . Chpstmas Eve. A tesy and thoughtfulne s. 1 • Z!mme~~an. entt>rtal~ed at. a · SIX ' had placed at the corner of the depot if the meat consumed in the past the city. The speaker beheved there s~al~ Chsl'pge ~1"'11I ~Iel hmadehfor ~d. The Children. O~loC~dmn~rS~t, u. rday , ', evem~g:th,e l an~thet.avenueanicelli.rge lampJjt year'hadbeeneqUallYdiVidedamongl,can not be too many farmers or mISSIOn. UPI8 WI avet eprlv.-. f~llow,tng ~uests. Ch~. ,S~ldaker I' up witli acetYlene gas, m~ing it. the population each family of 4.6 farm homes. ilage of bringing presents to be disNOTICE .an.? wlf~, Chnt Cl~v~. ~ aud ~fe, ligh; ~ d~y-~ lOng.felt·w~nt to,.the 'persons ~ould nave reeeivod 421 lb. [Concluded in next issue] tributed. •. ___ - - McFar~and. and WIfe.· George DaVIS travel.m~ pubh~. WednesdaY .Dlght HELD ELECT,ION a,nd WIfe, of . Harvey~purg •. and ArJi- wa~ the first as it was Qnly .., ' . . . , , All persons \cnowin~ themselves inbrose Maffit and. wife pla·c·e Wednesday' " It 's-' ta " I ' . .. NOTICE· .BUSINESS MEN SASS N . debted to W. H. Madden & Co., , . ' . ' . • . I ·cer my a . . The sto~kholders. of the Waynes- please call and settle at once, as we : . B~y your Sbo~ now at the.old and gr,e at i~provement as it is equal_toan Th to kli Id -'f the Citizens Th~ reg~lar meeting of . the VIlle ~annm~ Co .. met ~t the com- wish to c~ose up a partnership arid very tow pi'ices. ,The)arge Q4vance electric li~nt 'at t~at:~orneri ','.' • . e s .c. 0 0 . ' • h ld ·Waynesville Business Men's" Ass'n. pany s office 1Jl ~ayoesvll le . O;cem- oblige. W. H. MADDEN & 00. On,ShOfS\ Rubbers, Overshoes,' Rub! " .• - .. , Bank of Wayne1vIlle, .OhiO, Will 0 " '11 b h Id I'n th d' to rs ' , f ber 21, 1909,. ani:! electe(~ the followberBootsandFeJtBoot5wlll&U'r prise .: .. BUSI~~S~ (~E~SCLU~ their annual' p1eetJng 'o n Mon.daY, ltwhl · Neti.E! I ·S ek, IM"ec d' ro~p ing' offic'ers for the . ensuing year: - .. ,I , . ', '" '.. .' '". . January 8 1910, between the hours I ~ ~ a,n, Qn ~y ev~nmg . ' . '" CliQISTMAS AT FUNKEY'S 1ihe older' citizenS.- Our Sue rhQUS'J.'h'e Harversbu~g Business Men',, · " . 1 t d' t ,December 27,1909. The presIdent Pres., J . G. Wilson, VI e Pre, R y . , al}il Dollar, ~tq¢k will . make ~~, GIn\> viiSh ·. to notify ' the" owners of of' l d 3 ~. m:, to e . ~ Iree ors rand sec~~ .will make· theiirepo~ts Irons;: See'y. : Treas. and 'Mgr., J~ F . . ' Th lat tfl\;yl.e Hats and . Cap~ repe~11I h~ppy , wl1en. call . 1e8:80n· t~ekets that there ' b~ a fOI' ,t e ~ns~~~~~OCK" Ciishier'. I of,the confetence ~f b\l8~ness associ- Snoo~;' Dire~t~rs, Geo. ZeJl~ 'V'!m. c .1v~d to·day . .A grand C~ristm8;S , 'oF. . "-_ ~ . ..... . ations ofthe sta~ held 111 CoI~mb~s Zell, J.. Q., W~lson, R \3Y lr.o1l8, J . .F'. glf tfor husbaf!.d, sOfi or .tlie ' ·'best·· _ ;~he pri~~ ~e ~1~ ?ut .sqCh. lluinberfurni8heclf~ by the' burel\'" .juajanteed Sn~.. Remem~~ ·we FepruilrY ' 17: 1910.·. .Mr. Cope .. .. . December-16th. Also other interest: ,Snook.,' ~!!,anda O. R e~.' .The COn1.- f Itow. ,~ We have some of next \, ~ ",U~ou .th~ ~.B~l?~aiid a~.t . ,c~n'1es be,ore'a9 9r. the ' .~bove · date. . Noti~e' to Fanners '. ing repOrts :.villbe.made. ~t tJler:e, p~by thtiO,u~h its appre.Clatlon of·s~r·,. sprit1g stylcs.'. John 1\. Funkey~ atf4 .00, w..«?rth9Pw.,5,~, Felt~ta. hiahly'~'8PQken of 'by 649 different " be a'fuU attend",nce at this·meeting.. VICes. of tltelr Man.a ger Mr . npok 111'. • -. . ~-eanbu~ , the~at , the. old; pn~,a ~tert;aihn:ten' :Tbete iltoo ~I) ". ~.e W~esvtlle Cenning Co. is', F. B.. SH~RWOOD, ~~y: , c~e~ .his saiar), ' ~nd' .exte~d~~ to SONS OP ·VETERA~.S ~orth from 69ctol76C,more~. Don t ,why ' our' enerjiea" Ibould not be a no. ~eldy to cootTact for com &n.d .. - , . hlni/thelr thanks tor Ius antll'llllf ~co~ while we Qv.e th.e~. :a~ -becOme i~tred ; and turn tomatoes fQt. the year 1910, at theIr If you want to see the l.rpst ~d eifo.:rts aruL very Sllccessf~l. manage- . The Sons of· Ve~rans' will hold . tlW118 pd to aaveJ0i:l~on· ~r aupwrt in tbiI direCflo~ ... :. Waynesville Qfticc. ' ~assorted Cap ~t9Ck, see the <h!f-o mellit of tbe compan~!s busme$S du~- a ' meeting .Chriistinas afternoon in in the ~ anclRUbber : , : . • ~. . r " '. . WAYHBBVILLIil CANIIING Co. plaJ·, prices 28e. 400., ' 5()c and 65c:. ing bis continuance In office as their the To'W1lPlnp Ho~. Busineae '\~._' JobaA.~• . ", ......ct.l.MtaiD\~V._. . · J.F~8noOk~Seic·y. , ' . ·JohnA,.tunk..,. . . ser ...ntdurinathepaSty~ . ,importan~e.

Ice cream for hristmas at Phillips' Fred Hartso~k was in Lebanon last Wednesday. StevePh'illips was a visitor in town Sunday and Monday. Our 25c books can't help but delight you. J. E. Janney.


R.. ·d:...... ....





f..·....S· ..
















The Miami Gazette D, ,. CRANE.


?fAT R8VTl,T.E,

Foetbal1 ooUJsion.1I simply canJlot be preTeDte4. No one ha.s yet detected Balle,.1 comet willi the nnked eye, In mlUl1 Instancell au t omo bll e BCOI'ClliDg la Its own punlllhment.

The one buslDess tbat wlU go wttl)· Ollt advertislug Is runnln, tbe ftirnaooe . Quite naturally that oamagtng cloudburst ilL Tabasco, Mex., was "hot Gome is reported scarce In Maine, b "t tllere are nlenty of guides to blaze • • away at. Halley's oomet Is beginning to look brighter, and so Is eeneral trade to tbls country.



. K"~rt John.toD ia Th. Standard

8y Robert Johnston, . Lukt' 10:37, "00 thou .and do IIkewfee." The city or Jerloho lay at a dlsta'nce of Ilome fi!teen miles i rom ierusalem, and at a considerably lower level. The road between the two cities traT' ersed a wIld and rocky country, and was Inrested 2,000 years ago, all In. deed It Is to.dny, by bands ot robbers. St. Jerome tells us that In his day this rond, by reason ot the frequent murders occurring . upon It, wns known as "the bloody way." The perilous characler, tb n, cannot have been un· known to anyone 'ot those tou\' per. sous who on a certain day long ago,

trav~rs ed 'It.


mell yoq and me, 'tDl' men ~ds heart. rull or hatf.e d and m·wH'. war wlll not die, heartll llke YOUl'8 and mine, for such olir Lord spoke this parable: "who III , my neighbor?" asked the laVo'yer, wllling to excuse hllnllAlf, "Every man," replied Chrillt, "to whom you have tbe oppor· tunlty to show kindness, even though he be of aU men the wan whom you most bitterly hate. That man It Is wbose name la In the mind ot Ood wben he says to you: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor." "But, Master," my heart cries out, "who then can be saved? For this Is Imposslble; this Is more than h eart or . fle~h can atWn to," " 'Yes," says Christ, "with man It Is Imposs ible, but not with Oo~; for with Ood all tblngs are possible. And so this parable brings me back, as eTery parable brings me, to the foun· taln opened for sin and for unclean II· ness. Must I overlook alld forget and rise superior to unldndness anll t t d t j dl d III III aun s on 0 pre U ;9 an -w as th is Samaritan did. Then can 1 only cry: "Create In me a clean heart, 0 O~,d, and ronow a right spirit within roe. To him ~ust I go who can take from mo my hating and hate· ful spirit ond can give to roo a heart pu rl ned by his grace, fllled with his OWll spl rlL I s imply cannot tell you, and I need no~ try, the thoughts tb~t passod thlough that wou nd ed man s half·con· selous mind as he found hi mself car d for and h Iped by a Samarltsn. 1 have read of a white man who on a certain occasion had driven a hungr.y Indian from his cabin door with harsh words, ~nd who, months afterward, lost In a distant part of the forest, stumbled wea~ and spent, upon this very In· dian s tent. There he was taken III and c,a red for, and when able to walk was conducted by easy stages back to within sight of his home. One ne~d s hardly to ask which of these two wall nearer to the kingdom of Beaven. Nor need one a~k which ,of the three m~~ of our Lord s story, the priest wllh hill broad phylacteries and his many ,praY' e rs, the Levlle ~lth his sacrifices and his temple offices or the Samaritan whom they In th~lr orthodoxy caUed un unbellevInl\ dog and an · outcast, was nearest to that kingdom.



FED UKE PRIZE STOCK T':Jese Gors-eous Winter Flowers Are Pet.ted. Car.Cully Tratned. and Made Ready Cor Aunu~l Show. It I, Dot a OlatUlr of common Intor· mation that a chrysanthemum ls atall fed for months previous to a show In a manner tbat Is little different from tbat rollowed In preparing a prime porker or any other of the blue ribbon winners to compete for bonors. Yet s uch Is tbe case. It Is further a tact that tbe chrysanthemum Is the great· cst gourmand of the flower world and consumes such quantities of focd as would surfeit and kill any of tbe other entries In a flower ' show. The department of agrIculture at Wasblngton PlltS on each year the big· gest chrysan.themum show In tho whole country. It lasts for two weekll nlong In mld·November and !nticlers from · far and wide come to see It. Tbere are shown on tbat occas ion the grentest aggregation of wonders that have ever been got together under one canvas, or, to be more exact, undf'r one ilass. Being the omclal collect· Ing agency of tbe entire countr} for varieties, It has beoome the custom of fanci ers and nllrserym en tar and wide to send to tbe government hothouslls specimens of whatev"er new var letfe~ may bave' been developed, . The gov· ernment experts have themselves donA

Lhow. The greatest lIuccess 80 far aB flower fs concerned may be only an Inlllgniftcant alralr when grown under normal conditione, but when put tn the hands of the tralners aDd tattenerll It wlU be given an opportunity to show Its tine points as would an object too small for appreciation by the naked eye when placed under tbe wlcroscope. ..Tbe natural tendency of all varieties of chrysantbemums Is to put torth many sboots and produce many flow· ers. It ·allowed to do tbls no plant Pl'O!luces a flower bigge r than the mouth of a teacup, These would bp poor specimens In a cbrysanthemum show wbere there are hundreds of flowers that are larger across tban a dinn er plate. These big flOWOTS al'e produced In the COllrse of the training for the show or for a fnncy Olarket The first prln· clple In their dev lopme nt Is to con· fine the Tlgor or the entire plant to one stalk and to allow this stalk to produce only one flower. From the b eginning or tbe growth of the plant Its developOll\nt Is constantly watclJed and every attempt to sboot out bra.nches Is "nipped 1n the bud." The




New Ho"..Mad. 8y..".. (Cltt this (hit.) From Boaton Polt. Progreel In mecU~ eompcrIlll~ ae"er ceases, aDd now It II stated 'bT a prominent medical man that aOT deeJHleated cough or cold QQ the lunKI (lan be actually cured k1 flve bours . by the cloc.k, Opium or morphine have been relorted to III the . pallt, as rellef measurell, But aow It III learned tbat. the lIystem . mUlit be treated to rid It of InfiammutloD and congestion. A tonic laxative coug" .yrurp does the work 110 Quickly anll tborougbly as 00 be almost magical. What beretofore hall taken weeki to cure can be accomplished In llouJ'l, Get this formula filled or mix It at hOOle and alwaYII keep It on band: One-halt ounce fiuld ' wild oherry bark, one ounce compound easeace cardlol and three ounC4)1I syrup white pine compound. Shake the bottle and take twenty drops every half bour tor fO\lr hours. Then take one-hall to one toaspoonful tbree or four tlmeJI a day until the systeIIl Is purified and toned up. GIve children losll acoordlnc to age. One filling wlll us.a.11y cu,e a whole tamlly. as tho 40ae Is small.

. The Traveler, Apart from what 1B told U8 In the In. JaplW hl1ll potisess lon of Korea, but c1d ent, we know nothing of this "cer. It la still paying Installments on tbe taln man" who went down from Jeru. Good tor the Nerves, purcbase price. al t J eri ho. Dut r confess there At n recent archery tournllRle.Dt ID em 0 London 300 WOIll n toolt part 10 'he Something like 2,000 years nro certain tblngs I would Ilko to contest, tho gaine having b come very Greece l'uled the world: now It can· know obout him . As, for Instance, after wbat manner dld h e commence popular. . It Is r eoommended by lAIn· not rule itllelf. that day on which he wus to take that don physlcl£.~s as splendid for tbe lJervlls. Am~ncnn women ba ve never Those who care for that sort of perllolls journey? What was his pray. wken very klnaly to tbe sport, but the thlQg call look forward to a busy win· er at hi fam ily altar that nlornlng? Or had he "family altar at all at renewal of 'Inter st abroad may effect ter 01 puglllstic gossip. which he was f\ccustomed to commend, a change In this country. The pemmican that has w be cut himself and his family to the care of with an ax and the IltlooB that have · an ever.watchful God? One Dye for All Goode. Up to quite recently, wool, snk aDd to be buJlt by tbe Iceman wlll never The Print Who Passed 8y. cotton each required a separate dye. become ,Popular In this country. "By chance," said our Lord, who An enterprising chemist has now per· knew, as no one else ever could know, fected Dyola Dyes whlob color au AU the freight CRrS In the country how foreign Is chance to the govern. goods with one dye, produc ng same are III use, but the loads tbey carry ment of him without whom not even a results, Ask your dealer. If he lIave Dot been marked down. so far al sparrow faUs to the ground, but who baa not stocked them yet, saud 10 , the uI~le consumer Is concerned. accommodated himself to the current cents to DY'o-ln, Burl1nl) on, Vt., statlanguage of his day. "By chance," he Ing color desired and we will send Now It ta Bul~arl11 which Is facing a said, "there came down a certain Bame with color card and book or cr1s1s, The da, 'n which some of the priest that way." U the unfortunate dkecUons,_ _ _ _ _ __ coveraments of the world do not face victim of the robbers' rapacity and Taught by ExperIence, a crisis Is a very dull one. In contem· "'h II unconscious "So the jury r turned n verdict 'POrary history, . . crUJl Ity was no t 0 y , without leav ing the courtroom," said what hope must have filled his h eart the visitor. An acwr In a Toronto mUlllo, hall as with rast·dulIIng ears be heard "Yep," answer d Broncho BOb. lWas stricken with blindness In the steps approaching and tn a lltHe, rec"That's the way rhtlson Gulch juries middle of a lIong. It might bll_e been ogolzed In the one approaching him <a Inspiring Object Lesson, always do nowadays. The boys ba'ge better aU around had h110 audience priest, "A prlestl" he muttered to had . 0 much trouble thnt they stay, "A priest of tbe temple!" The picture of that Samn< rltim tall.' bJmselt. ~ stricken with deafness, "Here Is belp," he said to himself. Ing olr his cloak that he might wraII where they are Instead of taking chances on gettlng seillirllted trom It Is announced tbat Oount Zepp. "God Is, Indeed, gracious who has sent tho naked man In It, setting him on their 1!ats and overcoats." 1ln In planning to trom France to a servant of his own to me In the his own mule and supporting him there as comfortably as h e might, New York In hta d!oPlglble. It will be hour of my d.lstress." How's This? , No, I have no excuse for the priest, while the mule bobbled down the road • pOl'fectly sate proposition If be -doea We ot1f'f' One ITundre(\ DoIIanI n_~ IlIr . . Dot do any more tban merely to plan. with all the press of his' Important that leads to Jericho, Is a picture for _ of Catarrh lilal _ 0 \ bo OUted by Ball.. temple appolntmentil, and with< all his you and me'- to hang In 'Imagination's .eawrll CUre. F.. Olil,l!:NEY '" CO.. 1'01., 0. Princess VlcOOrle. .Loulae of Prussia wel).thougllt-out speechcoqoernlng the gallery and " oftentlmes study ~ntll \he UDdonIRQ'J, have kuown F. J . Ob...,. , rvrwe.. the IMt 1& ytIL.... and bt!IleYe him !1('r/eClU, hoo- .... has been appointed colonel ' of the necessity. ot every man's lying on the we learn Its Inspiring les£on. But orable In aU bualnba tranaeUolll and 1InruI~1aIIr neath's HeniJ Hussar Regiment. Th11 bed that he has made tor himself. think not, I beseech you, ·that It Is 1liiie to carry out IIDY obl",,,tlowI mAdo by bill 111m. WUllIXO, KI"""" ok lIARVI1f, baa no bearing ·upon the mJlltaJoy ilt- Nor have I any. excuse for myself only to those wounded by poverty Wbol....1e DruIIlILsY 'l'IIIIdo. 0. SaIl',eatarrb _ Cure II lalIen 1n1NTh41/r, aet/III uatlon In Europe, Its point lies In the when In similar hurry and with' simi' that you can bring help. There are dIteclI,. apon the blood an4 muoout aurr- 01 U. f~t that the prlncesl can now wear: lar specious arguments, I foUow the wounded spirits" there are broken ====§~:l::5Ea:::--.l . "nem. TelitlmOl1/AIa lent f,... 1'n..'6 !III hlttl.. Bold by_ all OnlSlollrl•• " hussar Jacket with dolman, trimmed priest oli the highway between Jeru· hearts. lt may not be yours to give 'TaU U&\l" n.m.ul· 1'1IJ.a l1li' ClOMt1pa~ to black astracban and Bllver; a fur salem and Jericho, rather tban him money; give them the 011 of kindness Not Even Sandy. buehy .-tth IIll"er decora~lon; ,on who was the friend of sinners and of and , the wine of cheer, his ft1.tber'e Wilford was sltUng to 0QIT8IIpoDd, , whose Ufe the record Is "He I beard by ' a tew daYIL ago of a 100 e ~ wat.chlng his molber arrauslng went about doing good." young ' woman, a domestic In a .~ome, ber lIalr, . Apotber Indication Ia furnished of TJle Levlte. who loved her Saviour and "~hose the lI'0wth of liberalism In China. An "Papa hasll't any Marcel wavel Uke Our translation gives the Impres· heart he bad filled with a love ,for her Imperial edict has heen IBsued reeQg· 810n tbat the Levlte who came b~ -reUow·men. Opportunities for ,aervthnt." said ber rnther, laughl ng1" nlsing the . forthcoming provincial .... after th'e priest was of the two the Ice Buch as the world recognlzell w~re , Wilford, looldng UJl at lIls fatber's bnld 'pate, re~lI ed: "Nope, no waves; semblles, Tbese asllemblles wtll cre- more heartless, for he Is represented few, but every night she was accus· It's all beacb,"-Colum bla Jester. tbe Imperial 88sembly cbarged as coming and looking upon the suf· lomed to gatber the dally; papers after -,vltb the duty of preparing a conltltu· ferer and even then beartlessly pass· they bad been thrown s,slde. , Taking Thl. Will Interest Mothe.... JIOll for the nation, This Is the first I.n g on. ,H is actlon, however, was slm- thes" to her room abe used to cut Hother Orny'a Sw ot Povrders fOl' Cbll· dren, 118ed by Moth er Gmy, u nil," In step taken by tbe government looking ply that of the prIest whQ had ' passed from them the list of deatb nottces,' ('hlltJren's Home, NoW YOl·k. cure Ccl1l8U to -actual effort ,In llehalf of COD8t1tu, betore him. We take, It for granted, nnd laying :these before her .sbe knelt patlon, FeverlljhnAs, Telltltlng DfIIorderl<, tlo~alllm. ' < Slomncl-! Traub) II nnd •.Destroy :w'OMnll ; and i think rightly, that In our Lord's and In prayer co,nmended those In sor30.000 t CStlmonJ llls of our 9. All itrvggtatll. thought, <the priest, tbe Levlte and row <to the gra~lous help ~t .ber 26c. Sample I, HEro. Ailllre..u Allen S. One 'of the big New York , banks Ohrultea, Le Roy, N. T. • the traveler were all Jews. The Ro- Father In Heaven, ahe did 'oot know FeedIng baa Issued a circular criticising the Spoon In a H othoUI•• man historian Tacitus, though he them, but they were In sorrow, and In A Thing, designs of tbe latest 1,20, 110 and ,~ "I think I'll go ·bome;" gold pieces, saying the coins may ·be paints the uneoclal disposition of the the only way sbe could Ihe ministered' some rather remarkable,' Btunts In side stalks ,are pulle(l air 8S fsst as "But it's only 11 , o'clock, old 1DIlD." artistic In appearance but subject Jews In darlcest colors, yet admits < to them. We are not judges, bu.t I breeding tbls evolUted dalllY and what they develop. Tbe sl1lgle great, sturdy "Well, there;s nothing doing at Oe to abr8j!lon to an extent which Is ob· ~ts' to their credit, that however un- much mistake Sf In ,tbe eyes 'of him with the huge feeding the show that stalk attains m~lch strength and vigor. It almost bursts itself with the grow, club." ' Jectlonable, However, tbe i average friendly to outsiders, "nmong them· who judges not as man judges, such Is put ~n Is really worth white. ,As far }lack as lIrecedlng February Ing. "I know; but cimalder. One. I person Illto whose possession they selTes their compassion was ever services as that does not rank high up 'At th(s pOint Is begun the feeding went hotne , at 11 o'clock and cam. DOme Is not likely to object to the ready," Even In this grnce, however, above the princely gifts t,ha~ attraC)t the development ot t~e plants that deelgp IY\ lon~ as he c!pl get enough the priest and bls Levlte follower the ~ttentlon of the world. Let us were to produce the" rlze winners process.,· There , are ns great 1\' va- , near establishing a dange~ , were sl1dly lscklng. Both of tbem had seek to be mlniliters ,of Christ. To- w~s begun Tbe ' decet>tlve tempera. rlety of foods for plants as there are 1ent." of tbe coins, read, more than once or twice, that, dll;y let, us hang that picture of ~he , tur~s of th~ hotbouses led ,the- hlber. to,r nnlmals, and the , chrysanthemum p'Jne TonIc Mixture. ',China' ha~ made another advance law In which mercy even to tlie Snmarltan who' lIh<1 wed mercy. In o~r natlng roots of last year to believe ' groom Is thoro\lghly ramillar with A superior tonic, appetizer aDC1 etbD· toward liberal ru1e, The government stranger Is repentedly enjoined upon · hearts, and let us hear our Master's that springtime' had come and shoots these, He beglns tho feeding , witH ulnnt for tbe exhausted o~f\rworked Is . prenrlng plans for electtn!; an 1m' Ood's peoille, "Thou shalt not see thy voice a~ .. he says: "Go, and do thou were seia forth. The eady pi'a'nts some SUch fertilizer as , plant blood, Iystem la one·hal( pint good wblskey ~ were selected and potted, TheY '.were which contains tiltrate ot soda, sUl- which should be sdded one au 11M com~ perlal assembly, whtcb wl11 consist of brother's ox or his ass fallen down likewise. an ' upper and a lower house. Anum· by the way, ~nd hide thyselt from placed under condltlona most favora. phate ot soda, ammonia or aome sucb pound Duld balmwort and ODe .UIlCla Alone, Yet, Not Alone. ble for their development and soon substance., ,These are plant appetlz. comppund syrup snrsaparlllQ, 'As an ber of provincial assemblies are al· them; thou shalt surely belp him to There are, within the range ot ·· erf! and are like Iron' In tbe blood and 8ppetlzer ,take a <tablaspoonful lIetore ready In exIstence, and tl}ey 'are r;lv· lUt them up again." And how much lime In the bones ,of the human race. menls. ~9 a tonic tnke atter IDeaJa tng hearty support to the govern· more the brother himself when he everyone's life. processes of ute wPlch Tbe dose Is car!!f\1l1y stucUed that ev. aDd at bed.tioJe. . niant's progressive policies, Including was In distress sllch as had overtaken <must be solitary; passages of duty .Any druggist can mb: It Quleldt', ery plant may bave what It needs the Buppresslan of the opium traffic, this man by the wayside: "Bebold," which throw one absolutely upon his and no more. It Is administered \1bout The new regime In China Beems to said Jesus, thlnl(lng of such men as IndlTldual, moral forces, and admit of Rebuked, these of the ploture, whether of his no aid whatever from another. Alone tw-Ice a week In the growing perIod, have made a fair start. Clarlce-Don't YOll think thnt OUI own day or of ours, "Behold, be that we must stand sometimes; and If our The condition of the plant must of /Ia~ Is IOlS ulcer thun tbe Br01'{D&'1 There does not seem to be any heareth my word nnd doeth It not, I better nat'ure ' Is not to shrink Into necessity be carefully looked Into. If , . Frll!1ld- ·TiH, tilt, "chil'lco! It's ~ad doubt tbat the rainy season bas be- will show you to whom he I.s like. He weakness, we must take with us ' thlr plant 'geta .a backset; tor Instl1nce, form· to match quarters: and temporarily stops growing, It must ~n II. the Philippines. Following thf Is like a Ulan who built his bouse upon thought which was the strength of 'rlestructlve typhoon tn ' Luzon 111 the sand. And tbe floods came and Christ. "Yet I am not alone, because be as carefully ted as would be<an 'U One ThIng That Will LIve Forever, the Father Is with me." 'The sense of baby; , To give It Its 'regull\: meaJ PEmT'S E~E !)ALVE, ant bOx eold in tnches of rain fell In nine bours lind beat upon that house and It fell." rIght can more readlly 'lndurate the woilld be ' 'I dentically, IIlte giving n 1807, 100 yellrs ngo, sales incrCG!IC yet\l'lI. 26 Incbes In 24 hours. There was a The SamarItan Who Showed Mercy. I have no modem parallel with tender than melt the rocky soul; and fevercd cblld beefsteak, It would kill All druggists or Bow·nrdBl'OII." Butr~, N. y , rise of GO teet In the Bued river, Thlo beats all storm records In that<quar· which to lllustrate and set fortb (or that Is the most finished the plliDt. Its diet must<be made ver>' . When lila siltanlc mUJesty tempbs ter, and a;so suggests wbat might be YOll the bitter hatred and Indeed de· 'which begins. In beauty and e~ds ' ilght until it has . reeovElred. from Its Borne people t1ley,,,ant blm te ,et ',' . , done In the way ot conservation could testation with wblch Jews and Sa· power; tbat leans on the loveIndisposition. Thls._ prepared bl'!lak- hind them-a~d' pulib: , that surplus water be stored up and marltans In our Lord's day mutuallY kindred while it may, and ' when fast food for flowera Is ted to them kept against the need of a dry period, regarded each other. The Jew cher· may not, can stand erect In the love with · a spoon, The caretaker goea n 1O~~~o~~~I~n~.Ql1~r~I!~'!~t.w. r. ... lta. 8Impl,!,lII\tc,qneuu,.." ~cl""'" P",•• about and administers the portion Iu Ished It In his heart as an object of of Ood; that slielters' itSelf, amid the prlce_:ltKt, I!W IIna lUll! bolllo.. , ,.' It Is not ne essary for tbe young· desire that he might never so much domesticities ot life wblleduty ,,,,,Ills, ne~ded with al< ) th' care and dlscrlm. Flattery 1& furbed Ito good MICO\&Dt liters to relld \lIme novels to flnd ho all see a 'S amaritan. He cursed him and when It forbids can go <1prth un. , " Itlf~tlon < o~ a tr~lned nRrs" , ,. ~be,n u6M as a < guidepost· ~u aU' on.' ' roea worthy · of Imitation, The ten publicly In the synagogue. He pr.ayea del' the expense of ImmQrtall~y, The diet o~ tbe plant must be· care- ought to ·be .....::Sample, . ,ear-{)ld New York "kid" wbo retusel! that no Samaritan might have apart face any storm that bOats, ,arid ',trav· fully 'y arled, for .&ny'< palate In nnture' w keep quiet when . burglars threat· In the resurrection of life . . He pub· erse any wilderness tbat lies beneatb , revolts:';' at , monotony. .T he plant ..... ·.Wloe1ow'. SootWDIif 8J+ao. .' chlldreil teetblu!I, IOtUlDI Ib, 1flJ''', red_1.. oen:\d him BlIII who In his nlgbt dre.. Ilcly declare4 that whoBoeTer recet'ved that canopy.-Martlri'c au. '· " ' ,blood ' Is . follow,ed ' by- sbeep fertilIzer, Gamm~ •• I)aYIpa1D"nu""'W,lndCOUIi. ~.~< Cbasfd the rohbers until he llU1ded a Samaritan Into. his hOllse ~vas lay· 'caJ'e(uliy ' ste~illzed, ~o ·. prevent Its .' them In the hllnrls of the police Is ,far Ing up judgment for hll! children. N~r , Shut Awa~ the . F~a,lt.:" ' ~rhltJnK $f otber· vEigetab)e: ure Into . A~,. an : eye~penerl w~at's 'the J1~ar()r the real tblns than < any char· was the Samarltan any less 'bitter In '·Go~ asks our ob~dlence tor only one ' ' the '· poL ,When ·the. cbrysanth~mum tAlI" .Ith <an ~I~rm clo~k. a~ter that onD be round In cheap lit· his halred oC 'tbe Je,W nor any ' more rea$O~i ' that·. w~ maJ': t~erebY permit • o, t" haa Ured of this foqd · othe~ tertlllzers oratur . Hill exj)lolt bent that of the reticent In hll! open declaraUon of him to give us the joY" and tbe bless· , , are' substltuted and eatt!n by ilie plant ordlnan "Dnredevli DIck," clear oul that hatred. Indeed, . 1t hnd beco~e ' Ings that he' wants U9 't o 9ave. ET4!~ . . , S.ronz,e and Whit. Arlltocr.~ ., *Ith .the relish of novelty. There -are of sigbt. a matter. both of natlol,l~l pride as w~H call of his. to 'the dolDg ot ,a .dl,lty ill o~~r younge brotii\3r& ~ wer~ C6~~~d _do~e~~< of feedl Ulat' nre; lntroduc~~ 'In of re,llgfon ,that no ,o,?por,t nnlty., an Invitation to 'feaBt-tb.e g;.e,i\t :"up- 'fo·rth .a nd' II.e11~tl1E! race' a,'lap bel1 lnd, this ~"y ~ID the p~ ~be"ii~v~lop-: ~ Greek ~I.\r ·-Ill deproab)e, not 'ocl, as sho~ld be missed . tor showIng their ll'i\r or ,w}llc~ . o.ht1st .tpld,· ln ,;<t~e 0.0. !.W hen' the ,normal -Beason opened bun. ,~ent 9' tba; 1>lan~" ..,' . follilthe blooCl spl1le'a , but' for ' tbe CUOII' mut!u~l lIt>horran~e , or ·, eac~ other,. P.~t ' And ppr evaslpns of our_~pb: are d'redl , of :'chrysanthemums ,· of . ". .• rJJlan:~ the. g.r at lltalk comels to tM words It provokes In tbe proofroom 01 <.Mea~lnli Our Lord's Parable, / .'no more rea,s onable thl!-J,l', were the ~x" bredds colorS .Ize of bloom and age wtie,n the '~owe.r:.fs tQ PUt,- forth, a newppnper over thE' UJlpronOUDoe· 1 have ~o mO,dllt:D parallel to set suses given ~y_ thpse w~oto .tbe I!~t .acte ~f emi were entered Into the Only .o~e ~ud /s ~l1o,\Ved to deV910P' tiD able names. ,' . .sIde by ··flde with thIs 10ng·lItandlng. ' ha~ hOJ)ed to make his, K1!8sta ~t th~ raee~ m~orlty of these 'wer&. ,u;' -a tius~ and this under the mOllt · fa. ~nmlty o! Jew <and S~Olarltan. . But great sup;per,; we baI§ -' ~oqlbt '.a field . . .orabl~ condlt,lon!l. All of..the etrength '- . Tbe cJ ~tI"ta b!lve noticed c:hang perhaps 'l 1r6ed none, Jor.' to~ yourlie~t ,or<~ntet\ d ulioa .• mllterlal, ~ the eXAlel'!en~l) ,nur.t~l'ed plant 11\<to 6D- Mars whlcb conv,l~ce. tbem th.,- JD<ay. be abl&. from your own beart ~ or we baVe ''hptn~ d1)t.~s.' _· So, into ODe ftow~r. All the car" of a tbere ha... been a t!:lrrlOc convulsloll 0. , sl1pply one, Have' y;au: e.ver hat~d .. cver), disobedience ,w~ .tsJ . aw~1 froID six montbs~ ile~elopm"~1t II to gO to the ·plan t, one result of wh!cb must any, one with your ' wbole beart? Can ·tbe rlchn,,8i of the banquet that 00cI the maklngohbl1 one bloom tbat wUI laaYe b II to destroy .all life, If , 8IlJ yoU think or Borne one now aialDiK-j ' bhDseu hU prepared for oa.. c.heatllll dJapoi1 itself for a abort two wee• ..~ exlsled tllere., Where la the dIU' whom you bave cbert.hed a IODg aad 0\11'881\'ee, lPievlng bbo, ao~ ~; . . . avtator wbo wtll ma)e a trip bitter U1 will' Theo you have' tile about- proyelV..tt1cke'o and Beee e: dire tfoD aoct uoertalo '1IIIt llJ,pllcaUOD or thla parallel of cn.~ ;"88' be would. 151f t , U ariltWli.-, .... "'.........,......, b.. h, ppellid' Lo1'd'. III Q.a bod, tor, tor:..








be:. '



.fron, .














~.A.LDON ~AWC!t~T~T~lIl!dl 7

T I~, doubtl ess new!> to many r r adors tlmt. the ' United · !! gOY rom nt onducts a Chrl tnms !mrgaln saJe, but su'h Is th e cu~o . or cou rse Uncle Sam's holiday "flye r" In tbe )llarta ot t rade Is nOl officially d ~ Ignated by a ny su cb fancifu l title, but the event amounts to that all the snme. In of1Iclal )lnrla nce tbls fed oral contrlbu, tion to tho Yule-tide shopping actlyit), Is t ('med "Th e Sale ot Artlc es ACCUDluiated In th e Divi sion of Dead Utt r5," and It takes plnce each year during the hrl stmas holidays, by ord er or tbe pos tm as te r general.






TALES OF THE CHRISTMAS GREENS "And III y lOund writte n In the law Go forth In to the mount and fetch olive bran ches, and pine bl'anch s. and myrtl e br.anohes, and palm bran ches , Iuld branches of thIck trecs lo make booths."

'l'hI8 Y ar the sale lJptl n d on Mon·.day, Dec mb I' ).I , and ontlnued all week. It Is an :IUCUOIl so.le and just about the live lest sort of an auction sale tbnt could pos;:llbly be Imagined. 'l£lach day the pro!teriug and illuding begins at ten o'clock In the morning .nnd conUnues with v I'y brief InterrlllltlOIl8 until dark. Then at seven ()'clock In the evening the auctioneer l'esumes hl~ oratorical el!orts, and the ,sale grogresses until, say 11 o'clock, ~hel' m adjournment Is taken until the t"~lowing day. Althuugh this unique sRle takes place at the, nnd make room for the ,naOon,,1 capital, the purchasers are by no year's accumulation or, meanp llmlted ' to persons residing or visIting unclaim ed parcels. at the seat of government. The postDffice- de· How ever, there oro partme nt tssu s thousands of cntnlogues-thls zeveral circumstances year's catalogue is a 'book or 2.35 pages-o!. Ita which malte the holl· no\'el sncrlfice sale, and these are mailed to all day !:easoil an especialparta oC the United States upon request. So ly appropriate time for many ,ou\-()f-town residents desire to bid for this governm ntal barthe articles put up for sale that there has of ga in sale. In the first Jate years developed a distinct field of actlv· place 0. surprising proIt)· In Washington for "brokers" who act on portion of the articles behalf ot absent clients In bidding on deslgnat contnined In tbe sale ild articles as per t'be Instructions !:lent them. £fe such as tho averNo I?erson w~o has · not atten~e,d o~o ot age p~r s on prefers to these quaint sales can have an adequate con· give as Christmas gifts ceptlon of the nu mber and bewllderhig ,variety - gloves, Chri!:'tmas illf thtl articles wblcb are annually lost In thtl cards, handkerchiefs, JID8US with no clew to the owners, For, be It dolls, toyS, books and .xplalne", only a ' fractlon of the total Dumber jewelry. Indeed, It Is from tbe wreckage 0' .- of aruoI~8 ~at~ go astray In the malls ultlmate- tha bolidny postal rush that t.li6Oead letter b' find their way to tbls ploturesque clearance s81e of the following year Is chloHy r e(lruited tlcle, ,disposed of ,ule, The major portion of the waifs ot the At the holidays many persons who are not fa' at the sale, was Imalle' thnt are cOD,slgned to the pead Letter mlllar with' the preparation of parcels for the bis pro p e r t y office because of Inck or absenlle of address or mails mR'ke use ot this service with tbo towhen los t In thE\. any other cause ultimately find their way to bc-e>""Pected sequel of Improperly wrapped par· mails, the govern· ,their rightful ownet:I!, thanks to the exception· cels, missing addresses, etc. Thus, too', It Is ment wlll re tore al discernment ot the "bUnd readers" and oth· during the Chrlst'm as l~o .td!1Ys when the vo' 'to that Ind ividual er tracers ot ' lost letters In this branch of the ume of moll Is , beavlest tha't the greatest prothe s um derly d ,postal In,s tltutlon, It Is only the Jetters and portion of wrappers are accidentally torn {rom at the snle, from parcels that are absolutely bnffilng In their parcels In transit. thus creating waifs of the the disposition of his property. Becau se ot lack of means or Identification, "that have a malls. Finally there Is less tracing of lInokages ' thl t3 responsibility It is necessary for the govchance of finding tbelr way Into the ' stock of 10l;t at' Chrlstmas than at 'other seasons (or the ernm ent olll lal s to keep an accural.e de tailed 'the Ohristmas hargaln salO'. reallon that many a ' prospeotlve recipient of a record of the transac tions at each sal , wi th Even at that there is a further sifting of Christmas, ,gift, unless Independently advised, the notation as to the sum received fOj' each these unidentilled postal vlctlms for after the has no·, means of knowing that a parcel has arUcle sold. experts of ~e Dead' Letter offiCe 4re ,forced been mailed to his address, whereas the giver, ' There fs always plenty of amusement tor , to abandon hope of tracing the orIgin or In- unless 8..Il ach'lOwledgement 'Is reguested, has the vast tbrOUgS Ul nt crowd each d ~ad letler ' :tended destlnatlon of a '!Itrayed pareel, th~ no meaus ot knowing that tbe 'g ift failed to auction sole. For a ll that each lot oITered Is comprehensively, UlOugh bileHy described In ,'W!llt Is held at th~ postoHtce department for a reach Its destlnntlon. Doubtless many a heart· tear In the hope thnt the owner may on his burn has been caused by the failure to deliver the catalogue, there are Invariably nume rous 'own Initiative apply to the department for his the artllces that have ptace In Uncle Sam's bidders who through fallure to consult lhe cilt, ' nuIslDl property ' and thus enable Its restora. . huge auction stock. a]ogue ' or heca\1se they are carried away by llon, \Vben , tinally, there,seems to be no hope The annual"auctlon aale of postal odus and tb e ~plrlt of the occasion, purchn e on the of reading the riddle by thla me8..llS, either, the ends ha;olng been so largely . derived from Hilig In a poke" plan, and the dismay that reunclaimed parcel Is consigned , to the great an· , Chl'll[ltmas Dostal derellcts It \s peclillarly apsuits when some of these "slgbt unseen" parnual auction ' sale, ' , propl'late that tl)e 'articles should be sold at cels nre opeuell, Is sufficient to recompense , it Is a woeful commentary on the proportlon the hoUday , seRson when these ,,'e lf.same arthose spectators who have come to tb'l sale ot ollr clUzens who evlden'tly do not know bow ticles can 'be made to a seM1\d time do servo merely for the fun that Is 'p rovlded for the onlooker. , to, take the first step to trac~ articles lost lD , Ice as gifts: There Is no doubt' that the the 'malls that'. thle annulll postal ' sale ~contalns disposition to whlen many of the purchases are , ThEs average price, per "lot" brougqt at the ' thousands Ullon thQusands , of arU,c les. 'l'here put. then ' too" Jl, Is a genulhe bargain sale. dead letter sale Is well above $1. The lowes,t . Are upward ot 1.000 dlff.r~nt ~'lota ," III & few . Une~e ' 8am hilS no "reserve price" and he nevprices recorded are usually for the parcels of ·1lD8t!luces a "lot" couslsts of' a , single article, er , I bids in" an nrticle. The artlcles are sold vocal and lIistrumental muslo which go for 30 .but as a rule. :Item comprls~s (rom ,su to .. In regular, ord er, numerically; as they are Jist- , or 40 cents lIer "lOt." whereas the tl)l,)-notch l;. t ~ . 'artielAs are" thus ed~ In the cutalogue,, and ,elich, lot In : tu'r n Is, ,twe, 1ve ' 8ep",ra " .... ~ ·...,;,hlch ~ ",' pI'lees are derived of course, trom the jewelry, lit 0 r, ch.... d~wn to the highest 'bidder without Kl'ouped because 0t s ImJt a'y' arac""r· or knocked " sRles, notably the diamoJid rings. A solid golr1 tor lome, other r~ason, Many of,the unclal~ed ..relleJlVe, an~ ' W1thoUt ,r egard to how Inadequate , ' arUolss are o~ s'u~h Bm~U r al,ue, : lndlyldU~lI~.' ,t he pr~ce may be . as 'co~pared with the real 'ring set with 0. dlam.ond weighIng slightly thai tho' thouJht might sugges~ itaelf thlit ·the' v.alue ot the arHelle. ~ore than hafr a karat 's old for $&G-a' dec1d' . " '''", , pOstal' ' , :'sale 'I~, 'conduot. " eei" bar~~{n, at the ' prices" at' which dla.p1on4!J l -e-' _ ... bad not c'oDsldered 'It .J..;, ,,",o rth W,bile ' to ', " ',' Although,,'the annl!al tra~e tb!l)Jl. but on the ', other... ball" th6re cd uDdff ~e dlrect\pn and luperVislon , of the , were ' 'tbun selun,g. A~l the , packages containare taullclrecl 'Qt r('~1l1 valu,a bre, ,arUc1.s , ~clu '. Omllla1s ' ot ,t he ~ad , Letter office, the actUl\l , Ing .jewelry v~lue are sealed, ~ut the postdID. numbfi~' of. dlll~,o~il ~g." goUI . ~4 Ill· b, Ii In the ha~ds of I' p~b'ate auctlpneer.-:- " ~mce ofll<;~_l!! l ,u pervh,lnil a lIale ' ",m us~any ' v.r ",.tch.. and other p~e~ea ~r 3e",elr7. v lblt task behsg bestowed by' contract upon the break th~ se~~s and dlsl?la~ In adv~nce any -Ti IIOme readera tJuLguest10n mv natunU, Ilnvest ,,,tddet'-t.)lat Ia', the- who ls--.cieslgnated ploces..of jelYel.ry It re uested to do,_ - pnJHill 1~elt .or ~hJ . thti' sale tl elil eacb wtIffiig to ,s ell the postal stock 011 the 10welt 110 bJ ~oDa-fl"" hldde~s. Not all the parcels , . . j~t ' at Chtl~ tlme. Th' reasOD ad· percentqe of ~omIDIl!alo1s. The' terms are offered a~ the p stal Ba}e are such.ll~ ca~ b~ ) .aaoH 1>1 the. prplala polto~ce departmeD't II C81b. Vnclo Sam uluanJ derives crols carrted hOD)8, by the ll~rchlUler· Mall1 a lo~ It .. the tame tor & cl~lJce ..Ie ID AC:e1s8 ot rrom thi8 l&1e. h contained ill , a huge wooden bolt. l.Il th&8 wheD the ..ark fit til.. tor the OOIt anil other '7«IIU"S ..Ie oae Item' ... reprelilellted b:- a packcJOie l'4e8D8 TJaJa IDc cale, as I&rle as a plano box, AUeel with '.'Ilv.wr ~L almost .. lar,'" h~ct. ';' JlifP.~t1I.~!:qi~~.~ of oa.eQ 1wllltJ, I



n th o days of Jo!'hua the custom of U Ing gr ens for midwInter festivals was Ilopu'ur among the Hebrews-In fa t. It wa obli ga tory. ' nd the use of mis t! toe py the old Druids and or hal y by 'the -nomans were customs al· r~:\d y cen t uri es old whe n Chrlstlanlty ndopted them, The u e of Christmas g r ens bega n bofore hrlstroas. Kow )'ou are preparing, doubtless, to decorate your horne , to twine Ivy about the palnUngs In the 'drawlng room 01' parlor, to hang on wall. and In windows holly wreaths !lod suspend mistletoe from chandeliers and .. door fra mcs, But do YOll know the legends of th(~se greens, the significance of tbe Ivy, the holly and the mistletoe? Holly was used by tbe Romans In t.he feasts of Saturn, to whom It was dedi cated. It was an emblem of peace and good will. When tbe early Chris. tlans began to celebrate the birth ot Chrlsbt, holly became the symbol 01 resunecUon, Even the Persians re, ga rded' this plant as saored and be, , lIeved that "tbe slln n evor shadowed the holy, (ree," They would drench


The Portl and Oregonia", crf }'eIt. land, Orogon, published a oartoon 011 the Immigration ot U. B, r1cople hi Canada, in Its Io;suo of Octol.ler 6, 1909. The picture was acoompanled by following article: "Losln~ Am rl ean Citizens. The ex· odus of Am erican rurm f' rs to Canndo contlnuA9 to be a ph enomenon of tbe first Imllorlance. Mor of them are cros.lng ' the border this fall Lban ever beCore, and they are Ilo,klng from all parts of the conntry. Former· Iy It was the Middle West alone wblcb t,h us lost tho heart or Ita citizenship, Now all secUons of the Union suITer alike, Tbe r egret wblch we _nnot belp feeling over the ml~aUoD 01 many tholliands of excellent citizens bal an economic side wblcJa muses some concern. The 70,80& farmel'll who will go to Canada to ,lTe thlll faD w11l tllke with them some '10,001,00' In cllah and eITects. Thill is lIy no meul a negligible sum, an. mllkes It Yery apprecia ble drain on ellr resources. But, ot course, the lIl.)!!t S8 rlous lOllS Is the men tllemselvell 8Jut their families, who have fors aken tho land of the free and tbe home er the brave to dwell under the rule .r a monarch. Why de tbey 10? Nllt01"aWy the cheap and fertile land of Wastern Oanada attract. them, Each emigrant loel with II reasonable ex-pectntion ot betterln~ hll fortune, Indeed, 1n a few yearll he may grow rich through the abundant crops he en Mllse and tho Increase of land value.. Jalll terhops that Is not the sole ' reaso. for tbe astonishing migration. There 18 a common no tion abroRd that In ea. ada life and property are appreciably aarer than they are h'9re. Harders are not 80 frequent, and are more IIpeedily and lIurel)' punished . Mobe and the lo·cnlled 'lInwrltt~n law' are virtually unknown In Cannda, Aga,la the law Is a vastly more ascertainable enUty tbere, Canada does Bot permit Its judge. to veto aota or the lei1I;lative body, When 11 statute ha_ been enacted It Is known to be the law of the land unUl It Is repealed. this naturally Imparts to Oanadlan civilization a security , and stability ""hleh we have not yet attained. "We must remember" In the earn. eonnectlon, that the Oana dilln ,rotecU"e tarlff Is far leslI exorbltallt th8..ll ours, and much leBs boldlJ arranged for the benefit of special faTl>rites. Hence there Is an Impression, 'fery widely dlffuled, that the Canadians are not 10 .wlckedly robbed by the trults 18 we are In tbll country. Reasonll like these lIufficlently account tor the exodus or a bod)' ot eltlzens, whom we can III afford to lose, but they not mucb assuage our regret that they cannot be retained ID tU UD.l~ States." Speaklnp; of thIs, a CaDadlaa CloT· ernment representaUve lIaJII that the Americans wbo cross 'the border are most welcome. The splendid areu. of virgin Boll, a large quantity of whleb la given away as free homestea,d s, U. close to exillting railways and to tbose undE'r construction . The railway linea that are assisting In this development are the Canadian Pa.c1f\c, the Oanadian Northern aQd the Orand Trunk Paclfio: The latter Is built entirely o~ Canadian sol1, and 'has ope:ned up a wonclerful etretch of lAnd. Along thJa line during the year about closed thou·, Ban~s ot American settlers have madetheir homes. They have built the towns, and In'lmedlatdy began as ~.... tors In the building up ot the great CanAdian West. Agents of tbe Government are Jo. eated In various clUes throughout the United States who will be plealled to give any Information that may be deIlred to further the ., til. .ettlor.


A Decoy,

the faces of babies- with wa t r In whlqb the barl( was saturated. In France It was hung otlt!;lde 'o f hou ses to protect them from llghtnlng. Ivy, which lent itsnlf to tho decorat1on of I\oll s es, was the vine of Bacchus. \Vhenoe the old proverb: Nay, In', n llY , It shall not be, I WY H; J_et H olly hate lh e n .... ys tl' l'y us til ntane r ye. H ull >' SI\,(1 In tho hli llo. t rtY!''' to behold ; I vy Htood \Vlt tloul lh e door ,: 6 h III rnll so re a. co l<1 ,

Hoily wall preferred, but Ivy became popu· lar In the course of time. Mistletoe has al· ways shared with Ivy the [.opularlty of Christmas, Mistletoe Is more rare and mor6 al&oelu ted with myths. or old lhe Druid priests st their yearly cele· bratlons were wont to send out p~rs on9 to dls· cover t~e n ewest of til", mlstletol' growth at a season " 'ben the voice or a cuc1(oo was first heard. Only that wblch grew on 'nn oak tree was acct:ptable. When It was found; creat sacrl Hces were I1re\lal'ed. ' On, the day appointed, when tbe moon was six ca3lS old, there were led to ',he place two ,wh.1te bul1~; a. white- 'obed prl~8t :wouJd a.· cend the tree and.' Cll' the mlsl':etoe with a sickle of gold .. Tb e s(ckle was t' ever used for any othel' pnrpo e ; all' ,the Cr,asm enta ot the pla nt we,-e glllhered, and ' .vllh great rejoicing ~he ' DrUtile proceeded to. th Ir sacre\! gr ove, where the saerUlces w(lre .made and partloles "of tbe plant dlst/ ltiut d. , It was believed that the inlsUetoe brour;h~ wltb It the go04 will a~d blesslugs ot tbe raj. ,:Ieo, (or, It hl' sald, they !!oll~ht protection with, In it ,during he wlntel' when all other tr~el were .lpaftess. ' In Sweden for many years It has beE'n ' r&o . garded -al.l '" oure ot epilepsy aJld an antidote for 'poisons, In southern Willes It Is 'Wons about the neck al a protection agalnllt snake blt~B. Tbe he~ler of the old Druids that the DOII8Istnn cuaranteecS children t. WU.l'~

of. "* Or

III ..... .

_lud tel UdlIW'. '


Tbe mInister who bad excha.ged with Rev . Mr, 'folcoin \Vus scandalized to see Oeacou SlIowbali In the .,estry, , arter servJce, dellbel'otely taking II, 60oent pi ece Oll~ of th e contribution-bolt and substituting a dime. ' "Urer Snowl.lulI." he c-xc la.lmed, In horror Rnd AllIazement, "that's plaia dishonest doings !"


ROUG}f AS BARK. Boy Had Intense Itching Hum-. -Scratched Till Blood Ran. Found a Cure In Cutlcura.

, "Our son, two old, W&saflUeled with a rash. After he sullered wl~ the trouble severnl weeks I took him to the doctor but it got worse. The rash ran together and nlade larga bllsterll. Tbe lit tle fellow dlda't want to do anything but sC\'atch and we had to wrap his hands up to keep him trom tearing the fI ")1 open till the blood would run.. The Itching Was In.. tcnse. The skin on lils back became hard and rough ,like the ha.rk ot ~ , tree. He sul!cred Intensely , for about. , three months. ' But I f()und ~ remedy In Out1cura Soap and CuUcurn. Oint.ment. The result , '\VIIS ntmost mag., ' Ical, T,hllt 'wa~ Dlore ..tban two y~ara ago and \.here has not beeu tho ,a lightest symptom of It since be was curecL J. W. Lauck, Yukon, Okla:; Alig. J8 and ,Sept. 17, '1908.' floIi., Druc '. ObelUo Ootp., 80le Prop&., . . . . . •



We do nol know now flbeap ' tbe ' ieeds or bo,llllllH,ll:iS U'l'8, or we Ih~'Ilcf scatter th\lUI 01 f~n~r,-:-Lowell, •




" Old

- :n.non Pleas Court. N~w SUits.

NI.r.1 MulltlD v (:llHl' ltlM Mullen J;>~tlt' h'II ' {or dl voroe Ptl rti e!'l btl Vf! heen IU>lrri ed III CIt' Ft!bl'ullry 3, 1897. and to I hem on!' ohild. Edwi,rd. liM hll~1I l,orn . PltHlltlft· IIVMS thllt de f '/1 .1.... , III !!lIilf .v of grOHM /) eg l ~ct , and ol·ufll r. " ·tltd '\!Ik!'l fflr !'IH,," rll t.i()n . IIhmollY 'lutl o U~ I "d y "" ohlil . .ViI lI'rd J . Wright Ilttorney for pIn-In tift' . AlLert t;obnell. ul:mi niHtrlltor of Dllvid Ullrroll. V8 Frlluk C Ander. • on, .E1xeoutor of PI'lsclllll Irelanfl . P etitinn for mooey on promissory nottl to arnount of . '200, William MoDIlf1,~ 11 at.tortll-':V tor p]/Iint.iff

Court Proccedin2s. Emma Lewis VII ~1It,on NBvlnr et tt!' Oefenrlunt hall lelLve to flIl' answAr \U 30 dfl .vr\ Ju lm A MlInfort. \' Hirllm L Bat61< t1t, ttl Plniotifi' hel'NII bll!' l('3vt' toll fil( h o" I'OVlv to Ilnswer ()f lipfp,"ll1/1 t,1I fort.b wi t.h U. ,Ihf'rilltl t-;UU " K VI! LebLnoD Cttn ntll >! ( ~n mpltIlY . Plilint-ift' .hull leave to fi. ·· I'Hpl.v h er,.to forth wi th , .11 li n ~uJlivlln v~ E]Jzlibeth l:ulJl v,.n Conrt flllJrI d~'uurrer not well tak,·n ttlld .-lIm., is overruled . U!· ri:4 t.IOa Hllrdlllg VI!. Chttrles W. Tho 'llpson el, III Leave at court it~ Ilrllllled d~fend"nt W /!:I . Pence of 30 «'''IY!! 10 whlcll to· llletl.{l N·· w York 'l'ru .r. Co vt\ D L & C




Mi,s~ AllUll lllil ho Ji tAJ'1I 11y huUt. ber j'lt 1·)1l'll ll l.1 U of Il ltl l/ltu Imild. iugs. ill e< tIlLl t l·\ ./I ,r. Itl Wt:' . " <'Iii Ii~tll'lt r,llr • "ud. 1U0l't' tblin 1111, lut, I.hl' i'n. dlV1Ul\Idll/ld lorlll)t'lIt,/:l life I)/" h~/ ' g II tJ rllti nu /llld oi\.y C'O Itt'III'Ul I Ut; her ,Ilv tl ol encli'!. lIv lug, a m i \\' M lt lit. fir t tu tll e at- ran el etl old llHIH lu l.l \I t til e Hull family. wlii oh I.liId bflO Oll 16 all hllluigrlLDt telltlll Hl llt . h il LHlI1, witll the 1l"lp qf tth OI!H wb o shltr tl IHlI' Mllirit-ftlre 1II0 t /I UlOlI g wh ) Ul the hefr of tbe Bull (1 til te eel Ute lio be-she trans for/Jletluo~ ouly t h e homostelHI but ueady tho whlll e blnok surrounding it tnl,o "Hnll /1110;11'." I,ll lUl'gest lost b.~ luti" ll l. , 1111 prllcr,ioullyef • fecti ve lIet.t,It.mwn t. pill ut iu t.he wol'1d. AcruliMt htl !'Itn·tlt. Illl:l ohum bere un d det,\J llti uu h,,"1l' 01' the .Juvenile Court of (Jo,,);: Cu ut)' u.ros~ in reo SPOIl!46 tu rh o IlllLinllve gIVen Ly a groujI of WOUI 8U IIlr1ung whom she WIl S O U A, wh u. witlt th a I /{ul !lid of two tHO thruu IUUIl. Wl' oue,:ht t.h ei r hi gll l1 l' ide'lI of I.htl tren tm6ut of delinquent unu tlt· pl. Ud fl llt ildren into Ille \\(lrlt.l ·/, lir!'l t IIlld mOSL t.ypi . oll l ju venil e .l Uft. l'he Juvenile Pl·t.)t. e tlvt-I i.Jt>lI g ll l f, )ll o,,"url in the slim e wuy . iuil.!II WI1, mUll ugllrl, I~nd u lli ned b.y tb ,)sc tllU u:l ·uciul.ed in the Chl oll goW oUlllu's'lnL And so wHh mnny ot .Lha JlO bile B.nd 'prl vat", f nstftnti o n~ !.llld rig 1101('>1 whioh hn ve Ilri:-~ en or U wl .v davel '])0(1 wi thio thtl lnst t.w nty' y .lorS io Chi. ongo und 11110 01", Mi~~ AddlllDli bus been so idt'ntified th llt. while. Qn the one bund, their history 0 uld 1:!0llroe Iy be ncootln ttld f ~l r without her. on the other 11 UI 1. !l b t~ wou lrl be tbe Illst t,o ola im t il ,t tUf' ir ori~lu ad progr 8S W l l'6 rl ll A t.ll ber 0011 /1 . otl n wit.h them , It 18 t il glory I)f h r work tl.l-fit. ootwlth tupding the im pres i nit b I, f her troog IOfU vldunlity, in h iLt! nlwuys he 11 done \vjth othal's uud 0/' dl tell by her far more to th m thu u to h r8C11 f . -~ l'om

Santa's On · His WHY'"

Bis Headquarters at Lebanon Wi 1 be at

Fred's Big Store Wher~ hundred~ of useful and pretty gifts await your choosing. Many d partment on broken lots (.f 1TI0st appropriate Christmas presents.


ductions have been made in most every

Toy Land

Is ready to see you. Amazing is the sight to see. Real and alive old Santa Claus awaits to greet you at the Big Store where the gl'andest display of Holiday Goods of every description is at its best.



Whil e service is best- and th~ crowd the least . Xmas Eve or on XI' mOrD1l1g. ttl

GJt~at Sal~

Your purchases will be cared for until you are ready for them-':Iate



Has been arranged at prices that al'e sure to break all r ecords heretofore announced .



Me-n's Fine Dress Suits and' Overcoats

. . The kind y~u'll par Twenty Dollars fOl' everywhere. PIcked from ou r Ime at Eighteen and Twenty Dollar values. All thi aeason' s patterns Specially pric d for this sale at...... ........ •

Men's Suits and Overcoats Which sold this Fall for Thirteen·Fifty and Fifteen dollars. HOW on sale at .. .. ·. .. .. .......


$14 75



Lebanon,O. I••••••••••••- ••••- •••--~-••~-•

Lebanon, 0.


Sylvan A. LewIs AX VS. ~ylvan A.l Co., rubber ba.nds for sorveyor, '2 i New Burlington. Corwin.· Lewis et 1\1. Rep'>rt of s",le oon.' ~ylvan A . Lewis, 'servioes IlS infirm Ry . 1) 0 tl~ III "ellve is given Uin. firmed and distribntion of prooeedlliar y direotor, $63.70: Xenia City 'fhe .f uoeral of Olive Hegler ~1tlls 'Th~ COl'~~n Fchoo! ~U1 have their otODlltl, Lebftnou !lIId ~()rthern d d Workhouse bOI1'r ding of prisoners Rho dIed suddenly of blo od POlson. , exorCIses 1irlday evenmg. " Jamellon assignee of lD' . ' Kfttllo\lllY oornpbny to fi Ie Itn !tmend• or ere . 11276' M A on on d ay n i g ht Wit h e Id a t W J . KIlboo's s~ore has put on mellt to its BlIlendtid answer ·.lnd Marriage LIcenses. Ed Bl i the M. E. Chorph on Tuebda.y of holiday littire., The show windowE r . C ta r.I last week. being tustefully deoor,ated makln'" orOSs petition. . f f Lab C , 8 . H1;lmbert, iat 88 i _.. ., . Ellis H, Cowan 61, armer 0 ' . servloes to pr soper, ",,': en . ra. Revli oldest daogbter of MT. arid it look 811 if It ;were headqQar~t1rs for '. S"moaIS WoodwRrd VI! . Village tinonllnd Mrs. Lizzie K . (Jox: 41, of UnionTelephooeCo"rentsandtolls.IM ' s. Mont Mills. formerly of this /!:IlintaClaus . . of Franklin Upon Ilppllootlon of Leb.noD. Rev. W. A , Coopei '12.20. pl"*,.oe. uew Hying Dear I:;pripgfield, Miss ... tl.urlL MoKlOS y W s shop. defsnclant, in the event of It taking G t K fmann 21 'baker of •- • OhIO, died on Mondal' of last week ing in Xe III. l'horllduy. . If b d d h 0" an " A P of long fever. The funerll.1 servioes an appe~ rom t e nr ~r ma e ere Union Connty and Mary Cummings, , Rich M~n's Oifts ~ oor were held at. th e Eriends ohuroh The u unl rUtlh of holidliY express in ma.~lnK tbe injonot.ion pel petaal 2 f F kl1 .... -~ide tbis: III want to "'0 OB reoord h Th d t goods is urri viog. keeping our gen. A_ 2 ,0 ran ' n. ....,..saying that I regard Eleotrio ... eralllgent RD.'" ~tnlth .pre t.lY bu~y is hereby lU."d at sum-of 1300. as Bit ere "R onJ ors ay. h , d hi h of '.TILD a AddlllD s-Intarprtlt. r" by , ones,y wars0 ago mn with e his 8 Ptl.r ome l' Mi ' s I) rlld tiles was Warren Na'it>Dlll .&ok va G~m Real Estate Transfers. ters 0.8 ooe of ,the grelltesll .gift.s tbat hereay several t W d h I fin Xonia Graha.m '1'I~y l r, in the Amerioan Ci C ~ I 0 God hos made til womaD, writes Mrs. en'~ Dr. nnd Mra E "' . Jon"s WAS 08 e nes uy 8 opp ng t U , ty ·nore eo, e •• R , n ml).. Ennis Cox -et 0.1 helrs of I(.obert 0 Rhi It f V '~l C te .... .. ~. " " ," Mr nd Mr L' dl M d b 11 Revie w of RAvlmvs fOI' 0 cerob r . . tlon ·o} dAfendl+nts •• default for Iln. . . . oevtl.u, o. es.... en~, in town' last week Be is sa.lelilll!'n· . \I . " 1U , ef en en a s~er Is , o....ned aod al.1 defendllnts Oax, deceased to Jobn M. GrlqlmN. Y ., "I ol\n nev~~ for~et whllt It I fo,' 0, buggy whip firm. 'filtteode~ th e lStu.te (.:h'tl.oge Ilt 'pring "l' • f''' and wffe real estate in Clinton and has done for me. .ThlS glorions I B t M Ch W 'I eld last week. are "iy,.n 20 d,,-S from , thts ' da"te 10 '" . di 1 .' b 1: l orn 0 rs as. 1 son nee . . ., UDJ W .. rrtln conotle!', t2400. I mspetrl' tosOvel'gKolrVe08f ~~dWyO~ntl°d J'uubol~~~t' Je"sle Robiul:\o'D, December 15th, II. i~t~tI. LheDIl Lewtls. °Mf Daytdon • i , it. HA'J'HA W .AY \1vhtob ~ ·p~.,'..d d II J Ch t" k t I t WilUa. · uv... .., Id ghter . V SllDg er p Ireo ·s. ·r. 00 MrtI. .... C A e a, . • 1 10 e 1\ . 0 , m b8aJth. It qoiokly oures Nervous. , liO .' . Elli ' /!:Illra-y. ' . . T /l~' J . B . -Q08 ompa.n y va Soonvol11b real est.ate in Warren ness Sleep!ellsnesl Melanoholy I ,Catherine Complou hilS bnen oon M' d MAth I I k f " .y !.1esviUe·s Lell.d\ng DautJttt Beot't!' Murph" ""o'ortordersplal'n . . .~ , . , Fainting . and, fi ntl d t 0 h er' h' ed f or severll~ ' I d anpe t '. r d r ur Jev 0 elm C6 1D : K eys Bid g. 1lA , s' t " ... v • Coonty 11. aelldaobe. Backache ays X r. i ' tli h ' '. I \nl1llJ u tl1f, t.o. r~.Q.ver from defendilnt s~m Frit;n~ .Monrne to Louisa F. Lewis Dizzy t;peHs; I!oon' boiJdli up ~he ~ith stom~oh_ troul:tle.. . . o.::e , ~~ aDlf~' I~: ~!lUd: el~: b of 't23 2.~. . ' ~ w~ak, ot}inR and siokly. 'fry them. WllltonUoruptondoes.notlmprOve' . c . Emma Boch Vlt. Martha Ingram real estate in ,W arren Conaty, 11. 60c. at Fred O. Sohwartz's . a s rapidly 8.S his fl-ietlds would like • __ .~_'-Mary V . Parker and hnsband to • - • 'fhe fo'Howing officers ,were eleot. e~ ~~~, ~rders ~her~ff to distribute Allen T. Layook I,\n(1 , wife. $7500. FENCF. RAIL PH.lLOSOPHY at the M!lsonio lodge on 'fu'l.,,18V WAYNESVILLE CHU~CHES. .. Celia J '. Shawhun~to George Fry. f n\gh t of IIl':lt WfiAk: W . M t W N. · prooeeds of sale borger relll estll&6 in Hamiltpn town. McKay: 8 , W ., 8 B Miller i J . W St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Stllte of Ohlo' VB Edward Bane ship 11. ' . I ' As a de!lpoiler of be,a uty, of faoe, ~ , W. Brit-ton i Seo • A H. Harlan: Fatber George Mtll'enboetcr, Pa~tot" ComliJainl~g · wit~ess ..nrit witlhln,R to ' N d'Lilli N dil'oonteQlment with whlltyoohave frtll\s., IsEtllo Evan: l:; , D, W . A Massevfry IICCO IIl'l. undar of tbe mo"th III protloonte of,)mplatnt, by Ilgreement Barvey ew~rry an e, ew- or what you haven't bolds first rank. tlll:vers; J D "R 'B, Lewis i tite~ar~8 9 :110 a," ru. , .08 Sf' il dt's.m ls88d. ' , berty tl;'! Thomas Fannoo, rell.l est"te The must diffionlt things we ha ve ,1 .W. Fletober I1n,d ' G. A. Pbl\ltps: :St. Ma!j"s Episcopal Chu·rC'h • . io Cozaddale Warren ()oonty, Trustee, frev r <". Hllydoot. ; TYltlr'l P Co . D . D Ron an et al heirs of Ben. to deal with are ~ot ~l w~ys the hug. (.:).; F Collett. , 'l'be offioers were in"; HoI' . ~ . t·" CndwalJtlde r. Ito~tor . .. ' robate _urt. . . . y • , est. sM iled S/.lm eyentn~ by Trev()r Suntlay School. U :80 n. m' MornIng cr· ry Ronyll.o to Anoa Oberlin rellJ . C H d k PM ' vIce. 10 :30 a. ro o Hol y Communion tbe Il r st ,, . 11\ ml\tter of A8t~te of Co·t,hulne , '. , W C' Beo/l.use Ii man oao' not do much . ay ot) . . . undny oj ea 'h moutb , Mou~t.8 ·Kt,,,,bey. ~eoeosed. Ordered est~te In Bntlervllle, arren oont.y It! DO exouse for 'hill doing nothing ,.~:...- - htethodlst Episcopal Churcb. to file oMms set forth in pe.ltion. t~OO . . , . In doiog something :well worth do.. HICKS ALMANAC FOR 1910 Rev. H. W. Bu..Iley. Pastor. In rellB8lgnment , of J. ·L 'Vail in Fannie . R" Pipef to Rlohard E. ing flvery 'man ought' to find his ' . " . UUWIY Scbool. II : :lO a. m, MornIng lIer' -' t b b fit ' f hi dlt Minge.reoll 'estlLte In Warren Coon . . h ' h i f i Ready N:ovember. 16t.h . 1909, a t , t f vIce. 1IJ :110 ~ . m. Epworth LCtlgue. 7 :00 : p. " rq,~ or e eDe 0 , s ore orl" , . Ig est sat s aot 00 . · I did b k n t '" m. von lU g scrvlt;e, 7 :'00 p . m. .MId WL'O.k :Art~df ijryant filed ' deed 'o("88silln. ty, It M ' t F ' kA h The paop'le who 09ulplain of ' too Sl.)den t yeJa\, 00 th" 0 l/1.s r ono!»y Pr \yet" AI.oeloing. 7 p. m. In t ' t iii ' . ' Minnie A. Qnger 0 ran ro· . 'f t th t· " on me eoro o~y. · .e on J ooe OvD ~n . o ..t' "'f ,,', 'A ~h B t 'deacon llnd .othels real e~tate in muoh rlun ot:~e .. a n 'maY mean tuinln g the nJi~jnt~I " ' n~ok ' WeatbE1r . Christian Church. J 1\ tqa. er 9 al"ove r,·... or .ryan .' . .. ' an inoreased orop later 'on: . . ,. t ·· 3 filed bop,d' of.1.2000 with E .B .Sohatz 91ear9r~ek township, IS800 . " Those Who s'p end 'mnoh time try . ..Foreoast$. 8y rno)" p,o stpni ii. 50, Rev. M. E. Do.W80Il. Pll8tor. . WALTER MC('LIT . . d B L 0 '-. ti .~ i Joshua Chenoweth to Albert-G",r~ . ' it I 'I" t thO on ne wstana ., 30c. , ~ne oovy fr e;:aea~r~!aJj~oo~~~: . " J RE ~ ~~ ,~ 'I' ' .! W·, onH,ove!~. snre ,ead· E' C· ttsOn realeetate in Warren Coonty, lng toI hB~C t" uPbun p eta8a~, Il~f~s l with ,tl ye~r's ubsoript.ion to ,Word negulnrQb~fh servlce. Second ' 8Wld~y each .... ""r e, , '. . ,. ' , . ore a ways 00 , .osy 0 .enloy . I e.. -an'd W ' QrKS, I. th Oe R ev . I r I R : , B" IC ks m(loUi u.~ a.m.IUId 1:0 0 p. m. '. Funeral, Dite·;tor. ~: .... . . .D«7rger . ' ab . . . 11. . . ' BarnU&on appointed appraisers. G t R ' 'bert B Farm little and .well t'l\ther thun I M,' thJ M . th b t -1 . Hicks . ite Friends ' .,' Iil tate . f iIoA~ T B It d Albert aretson 0 0 ' . .', on y aguzlDe , e es ., • ,,' ' ' . 0 ._ ~ ..r - ase Ine, e· I::3trone8 real estate in Warren Coun. moob and·poorly. ' . , " mOnthlv tn AJl)erioll , Uiscounts on First Day Meellnl(. 10 :00 B. m. First Day Telephone day 0' 'night. oeased. ' Final aooonnt fil"d. Farming exteosively and farmtng " " . . , ..' , SO~ 001 , 11 ; 0(1 a . m. Founn Day MeetIng , . f "W'. ' ~. A With . . . Jy soo~ d a good d' eo.1 a I'k Agents 10 .00 a. m. Vollev Nn . . Lon'" E,t •••• __ 0 "am, de ty,'1 . mtensive I a, :Almanaos . 'd ' R 10 qO/l.n~ltltm. b 'th . . . ' phone . M. Berryhill Mn~ry to Eliza ~ane but t~ey are vastly diff~reDt . ' ~9nte , eme~, er, . ,e ge~olDe Orthodox FrieJlds Chur~h. Distance No. 69-'J~. oeased. Foor'h accoont tiled. · Sylvan A. Lewia execotor' vs Syl ,' Kelsey, real et.Itate in W I1rren . Ooon- Good hitentions do not oompensll.te ' Hicks ,Forecas~ not pubJ~8herl Rev. BenjamIn Ra"klos. Pllijtor, WAYNESVILLE eo • OHIO . . A L8 I , .' I ' 0 d d to ell ty 11. ' . if ,' , anywher~ ellJe-you get them only Sabbath ScbOOI. II :30 a. m. Rellular ohurov ' van " W 8 ea. . . . ... ere s . 'Raohol A . Perrln~ to C. W. Wads'. for rude or gru ~anners. in his own publioutions. W ord !lnd 80~1'11lO. 1Q qo n. .111 . CbnllLlan I Jl:ndoaerb . .1 Branch Office, Harvey jburg. Q s:eal ',lj8tate of Anna .._ .. Lewls,deWhen we tiQdlt el\8y to borrow , 7 : 30 p.1Xl "' . .._... d' B' I B W 1 J h worth real estate in Warren Conn, 1 t d 't Works Pubhshing (Jo., 22tH Locust oeanau ~n. . r o~ . or ey, 0 n money we soon. earn 0 regar 1 II.S St \ St L i M . W. Dunham and William Hatfield ty ,6483 50. . of little vllloe .. ' . , I, no EI, 0. " · are appolntet-\appraieers. Joseph C. Ohamberlai~ to Aodre~ It is tIIlls to Rssume thll.t t.he ma.D I • - - - Estate of . William W. SUtt. de- T, Ritttg relll estate 10 Franklin who oft'er8 mooh will expeot much Sp~lng Valley. oeaJed. Inv~ntory and appraise. towDship, .1600. in retutn. ment filed. Saml G. Slater et 1'1 to Charles P. We Olin forgive the fool, the· Estate of Mary E. Oary, dooessoo. Pl1rker et al real ebtate io village of Jess or even the selfitlh man'-but he Inv ntory aod appraisement filed . ,Franklin J. H. SMITH, Prop. Estate of Mary E. Oary, deoea~ed. Commissioners' Proceedlnrs. I Ordered to sell personal property at' Contt'aots-Oontru-ot wall entered Waynesville, Ohio. · private sale. into wi"th the . Oregonia Bridg~ Co., 'In r Oom formerly oooopied 1)1 beaati~s • • Estate of Levi Fannon, deoealled. fer repair work at 1185.11.awD ohllrll'en become vioes in tbe Kutherine ' AlexLl.nder . .Firs' and tinal aoooont flIed. Contr~t was entered into .with children of our neighbor~. E$tata of Henry. DUatosb, de. the Oregonia lJridge Compaoy for MII.ny II. wa.n wbo appears a sajn t ~~~~~~~~~~~ I 8peclal Attention elYan to • Chlld~en'8 Hair ·c~tti~• . ,o,ease~. .Flnal·aQ90unt, filed. repair ' work at tl~7 . 77. . , in publlo Is devil at home. " 811,,&B A. Le,!is, ex V8 . Hylvan A.. 'ContTaot was entered tnto with ' ........._ __ .. '. , , Lewl. et al. Repar' of appraise· John ~ron8 fOf repair of l>rldges on . CUT PRIC~S AT FU'NKEY'S meot returned and it is ordered to Stubbto~n pike e.nd 'Jl\ok Pike and pr9.p.rty at priva~e sal~. wJtere dtreot~in 'l'ortlecreek t' )~n . Will bE) fouOd· tu . tbe oJd ' . 1 " , .', . . . , WU....rd J. Wright ex V8. Mary A. , 81l~k '~unding, oppo~ite ~aynesvilJe ·:~O ·' bfo' .. . t.he Natlona:1 B!lnk. . I ' , • J'.S '4h-y'et a1. Rr~t of , publication . 'l:eJeP:tlone in, house ~n!l of·' J ValleY.';Pho~e··153' ': ~ Main Sk$, cfioe wbe e J can 'be oa.Ued " . " .. '.,, " y. n. ; ,. '


,. .








tl ..



See our. new Christmas Post Cards. They I






A. ' M'A FFiT :




;nde~a~er ~_lid,E~balme~.1 c. W. tlE'NQERSON,M~'D :, I'" "



, ,



PII\Jlh; h ' d

W ~ck ly



GAZE1'TE W tl)'n .. ~ vl ll c ,

0 11 1




'len v r WIlS bome ovor . It IR reported, thllt .10seph Bogan nne of our citizens lost his pooket· OI~ I" lI I~ I N 1\ 1.[ ,1, :-1 IJ will MA l t·WIl . prO~rl\Ul w[ ll be ~Iv­ bo ok with '49. The finder ell by r,he !lCbool children hare Fri- nrAly be el!.tltled to a reward. . W. W . Weloh transltoted t>Utlinefis ALI'J ~: Y '1'RL I>: I'll ON I.: ·A f ,r. NO . II :! u.y Aft rnotln _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , MI~ Luci le Mason will have in Lebanon Tnesday of lllst week. uliu rge of the lIIi l</il I oDltry nlf'eting W . L; Hurvey nr Corporation D. L RAN E, P.uiLor and Manag r of th e .c. E. kunday evening. RelL! E!!t.ute appraiser met the t;tate A sJ)eoia I offering for mtsRions will B, tlt·u Wednel!dllY in olunlbus. h '\'ukell 10 the c( urse of the evenFrank Shiuaker, F. L. liarris, Rate of Subscription iug. Mtll'Y Curr Sllrvey. Sllclie L. Heason, Ou e Yl'a r (s t rh·t!y 10 ull"aIlCl') . * 1.1111 Tbe Missell LpUll M.v ers, Uludyl'l 89rttld und Ethel Smith wf,lre D"yton , Slu!! l · CuPY.. , .... .... . ,Hr, /I nd Erllln ~ ))£'DOe l', Will Myers n,od villi tol's Wednesday of Iu ~t week ,,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z liD Armitage. Dud Mrs . C A. 'pellMlloy citizens from here IlttPnded That's what come:; of getti ng' tVg't.:lhl!l. We: h"\ 1: ,',,"1('1"1''( " II lIl ' pUI , I" ner u l l il e b e~ Rates of Advertisements CHI', of LelmDoD. form ed Ii jolly party t.he Farmer's Institute ut Wavnes R dl r I to s e "Qulnoy Adnms !::luwYtlr" ut woman's magazine. The result i ~ that YtlU ran ha .... e lite llIagazi II:! , \'P1ll an' s Hom\:! · ompan ion . and ea ng .(lea s. pe r 1I0e ..... ..... .. ~c t,be Lebtinon Opera Bouse Friduv ville t;lltul'day, and on thllt night. The Miami Gazette for the very 10)\' prire g ivell bel ow. \\' lIlllall',; , 11"111 ' CU l11pa nion is to well enjoyed t he Oyster Supper gi ven Read ing loctllR. b hlOk face . pe r Il ne ...... 100 nigll t . Oln s ill e d A,h,. not 10 c xce,.'<1 ll \' ~ li nes. ___ ..._ _ __ bv the Wayne Township Hor8e known to need indorsement from us. .. ith i t s nn e stlll·ii '.', ils srli· ntl id :)1' i, ·It,,,. its n1tlny \Jr a :Lical Rangers 'rbrc ... I,," ·rtloll s .... ............ !!r,c departments , Woman 's Home Compan ioll s(an<'l ' at til\' \'ery fl'"nt l'lIl1k uf w o ma n'~ Il lag"uzi nt's. Th · Ohllua r lcs. rt \'" I lI c h~;, rn ··. uY er fl ~e Ridgeville , The High !::lohool entertainment price of Woman's Home Com panion is n,,\\' $ I. SO a year , all d Lhl,; fl! r e l' i" a Sp t: ' inl bUl'g-a in which w e Inc b eH . pc r li ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So ThursdllY night, Deoember 23. At.. cal l i) lfe r f IJ I' a " hl ,r t l illi e only. Tak e Carll I f tllllllk ~ ...... .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ft c Mrs . Dr . Lang i!:l slowly impiov. tend and assist in making it 1\ suo· a!l Y<.1nlag-t: llf t h · uargaill whil e yu u Resolutl tJ Il H................ . . .. .. .. .. r,oc tng . oess. SUMMER ~TORV "'Uf04BER Soc lal8 cl o. w he !'e l'hu r !( c 1M lIlade ...... !?:,c (;all . It ,I'U It ' ! Ul' good fot' long. Mr. Ilod Mrs 'Lafe Graham and Mrs. ,Tohn Vandervoort was the I)ls r,lav Allv c rll ~ lll g I,c r lll el , . . . ... .. .. . 10 ' dllUghter, Miss Murtha were Dilyton g"ueMt of her brother, Qulnoy King 1)18C.oU IltH II lv!!1I " 0 co ntraCL. shopperl! FridllY. . FridtlY· -= Miss Mn.ry Parlet·1; anrl Mr. Jesse tlliding down hill is heing inAOOUST ~ . I ~C£WTS Thomas attended the Farmers ' InDEOEMDER 22, 1909 , dlll~ed in . Some of our older oiti stitute on F'riday. zenSllre desiroul' of having it'st,opped Our sohool will give an entertainWm . liowland, of Cinolnnati, is YOUR TIME IS OUT ment on December 22nd . They buve a. long program und here Ilssisting his brother_in_lItw, John 'ruoker who:ts quite poorly at A t this tiDl A of tbe year we nre all hope it will prove a sucoess. one year and this writing, Rumors say 11 wedding in this Bnxious to got ou r books In shape vioioit.v before long. We are soon to huve a MA8que for the enlming yellr, und would r llMr Geo Riley and duughter . Miss Box Booial t,he time has not been . ques' tho e knowi ng themselves in- BlaDche attended tpe Inlltitute on named . 'This will be one of the Irrl1nd eVAnts of the seasoo, and we debted to us for the paper to come in l1'ridll.Y. Mr. Throokmorton is the guea& of invite putrooage from t.his a,nd adone year joining territory. Bnd settle. We s urely have been Mr. Bnd Mrs. Albert Btll1l. A. T, Moler hus several teams leni1lDt with Bome of our I=lltrons . Elmer JlJl1nson blls boen the guest hauling oGal, and delivering it of Ella Bogan . and I1S it is time to 0108e our 190{) Cutting wood, stripping tob'1.000 among our oltizens . books, we hope they will not forget and butoherln~ is the~ order of the Grandpu 8hidaker went to Wilus, but oome forwurd promptly. dq. mington S8 tnrday and puroha sed remembrances for his g-randohtldren. A NOVE.L 6Y There was a hog butohered bere Greater Woman's Home Companion KATE DOUCLAS WIGGIN la st week wl'ighlng 800 pound~ Will b tit mos t int resting-- the most T ... e CI.O'WI!L4 ,"Vk Ilo ... 1N(. COM " "''' making S50 , worth of l~rd. .... U!i fill - t h m _t beautiful woman's Uur stores are w~Jl supplied with magazin e Jlllbli ' hed. ~ood f.hinl{s for the holidllYs ItDd the prioes are right. . r A Great Opportunity Mr and Mrs. B L Dakin visited for Miami Gazette friends 10 Waynesville Friday. . rIf Dr. I. N . ~e 'll Is oonsiderllbly bet There will be ficti on by Anna Katharille Green, Elizab th Stua l-t Phelps , Mary Wilkins FreeReaders ter of his severe oold. man, Kate Douglas Wigg in ,'garet Deland, Juli L Wilbol· Tompkin , MY1'a Kelly, Jo phine DasWe have many happenings tn bus· kam Bacon- and a hpst of others-all the b t 'w ri lers l lOW be for e til public. The Miami Gazette has iness thi 8e&SOU ot t,be year as fnl · just concluded an extraor- low8: Brloe Smith, bltloksruitb. dinary arrangement by says he Dever put on more shoes in All this and The Miami Gazette you aan have for only $1.75. But you which we can send you the one day thaD Friday, Deoem ber 17th must order NOW. Remern bet· it 's a s pecial onctlssion w 've secured new and greater Farm and Lew &ars, blAoksmith, 8ays hip for you that won't last long . You will be i , Lime if you ord er tuday . Fireside, the greatest farm trAde the vear througb hilS been and home paper in Amer- he~ter thlm ever before . We have ica, absolutely without cost five _rooeries Ilnd flll report bn sine ~p to yourself. Farm and fio tl-two dry goods stores and thA Fireside comes twice every trade WRS better in 19(\{) than ever month, twenty-four big is- before. F. Wilson, tbe fire InsnrBnc.And sues during the year. man reports bosine£Os in his line on thfl inareRse. Bllrbers 08n be hell.rll The pubJiRhers of Farm Address THE MIAMI CAZETTE, Waynesville, Ohio. and Fires'de have just tnlJtflg how maoy they bllve sklnoed bot do not wl1nttbenumber known. spent. $60,000 in improving Two butober shops bot·h dOIng this great paper which foJ:' 11 thriving ~alliness 'I'wo restaur· 3:.: years has been the stantc • aod the proprietors are flLt and dard farm paper of Amer- aotR SllSIlY. Three phvsloians. in prao ica. They want more of Loo"ing One'S Best our readers to know this t,ige who bave fl. hberol potronugA The health of our oommunity i@ It't! a womun '8 deh'lht to look her great farm and home pa- Ilo',d, and the morals of ()1]r town beRt but plmple'l, !!kin tlruptiofl l', pp.r. and that is why we sor68 and bOIls r ub life of jO, are able to make you this o lDOot be qaeat.ioned uil:ltenl Buoklen's Arnillil Sulv .. ------~.~.~~.------offer in connection with o:nes thew i 'makes t,be ski n soft u n tl . Alone in Saw Mill at Midnight Nothing more accept ble can be offered than the Miami Gazette. velvety It glor.fie:ol t.he fn ce , attractive silverware, combining good laste with a Unmindful of dampness, drafts, ' ures Pimpll-l~, SlIre Eyes, '010 storms or oold, W . J . At-klns worked 'ores;Uraoked' Lips, UhIlJJPt'd Hllnds quality of endurance which assures lifelong aervice. 1111 Night Wat"bman, at I$onner Trv it. Infollihle ,or Piles. 25 >11 Such characteristics make tipring!l, Tenn t)uoh exp sure gave Fred e. 8obwurt,z'~ h\m 11 severe oold tha.t settled on r But this is not all. This bts lungs , At last he had to give offer include not only the Wellman. TIlE BM[f-ALENOAR up work . Be tried many remt'ules Farm and Fireside for a bot all flLiled till lie ueed Dr. King 'II whole y~ar, but the most New Disoovery "Aft,er u ing olle , Mr. and Mrs . Frank 8 nrt !'1 ocll ware most desirable f9r gifts . To-day this renowned . beautiful and (l 1'i~inal art be writes, "I went bllol, t.o SI)llnt Wl1dneschy with Geor" o Dllv \, '; hlltJtle" ltad!! mark 'assures !he purchaser I)ot only of Securing calendar .for 19l0. The WOrk 118 Wflll118 ever . " t;evere ColdR lind fl.lmily .. the original brand of R oger. but the heaviest grade C ~areffdU'i' is 11 by 17 stn bborn Ooughs. inHumed thron t8 Mrs Williftm Rich culled on Mr ~ . inches in size. an~1 is print~ plate guaran teed by Lhe makers to give absolute lIud sorn IUDlrs, &emorrhuges. Croup Ed Martin Fridll.Y. ed in many colors on the satisfaction. 'Iod Whooping Cough get quick r e most expen iv~ art-stock. Raurs Rplm t We<1nf"~,j,, \ Mr. ,Jaoeb The rcmarkablc durability of "1847 ROGERS BROS." h et und prOW\Jt oure from I,hl. glo You get the calendar, free with bis ;!Hughter, Mr:ol. Elvin Fire" Silver has woo it the popular title medioille. 500 I1nd 11 00 ri OLlII of cost. with this olfe l' if Mr, Bno Mrll . WHIter ~ti " er ClIllflll Trilll bot,t·11l free, guarll-otepd by "Silver Plate tltat Wears" you act at once. on .1Rmf'M Hrll,.V Ilnd j II Olily I::lnudllY i<'1It'd C. Soh wlI.rtz . Klllv(!t, forks • •poons and foncy serving piec:ea may The original painting of nfternoon be procured in numerous design•• lOme foney, lome this baby has exci t~ more Mr und MrR li p.o r~f'l Elli~ ~pl;lnt . impl" Bnd ch ...le. admiration and deli g ht Sold by lending dealers everywhere. Send than· any baby picture ever WOmeR II u ladellserabl8 ~'~~::~~c1t1Y Wlt./l M·· . lind !Vl rs O. lorC4lalogue "C-I,," .howing all pallerus. exhibited It is truly wonMERIDEN BRITANNIA COderful. EVE-I'Y time you by Kidney and Bladder Treable. Rnl' S Allrtr'onil IIJlent Snnduy wltb (luler ulI1lonhl 8 11 " ", Od , s ~cc~ ...,t. ) ·look at this sleepy boy you Loni!" "~11 A~. i Morldori, Conn. ~~~~~ffl~~ Kid.ney trouble preys upon the mind, want to yawn, too The discouragesandll:sseusambitiollj beauty, M r!' . • 1011n Ht'ilZh WllV lIf\ent Sat.calendar will be shipped to vigor nud cbeerful- Ilrllflv with Mr<l . Mor\' Klltbetine you carefully roll ed in a ness SOOIl disappear VII VII'. I tube, J'ostage fully pre· when the kidlleys are t>aid. To get t.he calendar out of order or disMrs Wllrrt'n BOllan ofllled on ybu should act today. ~m~WI~=~ eased. Geor(te Roglin and fllrnily Tl:..ursdny ! Kidney trouble has Ii tternoon . - The Mianli u. azette become so prevalent I ,",,_-..\11'\\ __ • that it is not ullcomThere will \:e ChTistmn~ r' XflfO\"CS Needs no int roducLion, as 'IIo.."""".la::~o mon a child lobe BpeohAGrove our .readers know that it is born for afflicted with lit u\ght. goocl Uhurob p : ogrllDlUhr is i!'tu)Il!! being ! ;~=-=-;;~;:-;;-~~::=:~~~~~::~;~=~~:==~;;~:! ~~RJ.if1iI. . ~eak kidlleys, If the vrepued . the best news dispenser in fh,; ';!1 ...: .I:Jir ~r.!.: tt> '('''11 .the county. chitdurinntestoooften,iftheurinescalds Mrs Milry Cleaver and Mrll Mag- I the flesh, 'o r if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control th'e gie Sbuttr oalled on Mrs lieorge , , . passage, it is yet amicted with bed-wet- Davis Thursduv ufternnon , . ting,dependupon it, thecauseofthediffi• _ • 320 acres, fenced and cross-fenced, Oacres hog-tight, 290 acr~ culty is kidney trouble, and the first Stung for IS Years tillable; orchards and small fruits; 2 set.~ of improvem ents, 5-room 8tep should be towards the treatment of hou, e and l arr~e barn, steel wind-mill, tower and tank; beautifu\' For a 8hort ~Ime only the Miami Cazette makes theseimportantorgans_ . Thisunpleasant bylndtgeetton'sJ)"ngM-tryingmlLny living stream: fl ows more than X mile acl'OSS this farm. Finely you this great '8ubaCriptlon offer. w~ will .end you trouble is due to o. ,dilealled condition' of dootors Bna 1200 00 wort,b of medi adapted to peaches and other fruits; oX mi . we$t of ,Rit:Jger , 3Y. !lIi. tbe .~idneys and bla~lder and not to a cine In vllln, B F Aysoue, of luglt~· soQth west of Lookeba, (both nice . R.·R. towns.) Fme farmmg Farm and l'ire81de twloe every month~ for one yea" habIt as most people 8Up~. • Ride N, 0 . at last used Dr King's cou ntry, 6 cotton-gins and 3 grain levator!;! within easy reac,h of we will al80 send you the ~bY Calendar, carefully Women as well asmenaremademtser' , Lt.fe , Pi'l d h . able With ,kidney and bladder trouble New I II, Ilnwrlte~ t ey this farm; X niile to school. Up-to-date p'rog resslv~ .peop Ie a II packed I~ a"tube. Po8tQe prepaid. and we wlll ..send and both need the "me great r,emedy: . wholly our~ ~ ' m 'fhey oure .Con arl)und U!l. Telephone in our house an4 R. F. D. ThIS IS a moneyThe mild nnd , the immediate effect of stipatton, bllhollsne88, Blok Head 'makingcountry, anQ an e ntrge,t ic family can pay for th'l'I farm you the MIamI Cazette ALL I'OR ONLY t', the price Swamp-Root is 800nrea14e<i. 'Itiuold Rohe, ~toqlBob, Ikver, KidDf~Y R'nd ing coLtoT,l and alfalfa and corn and hogs. ,Good markets and shIp" the ~ette alon~. Thl. · offer' I. unparalleled. ~ by druggists, in fifty.Bowel .troubles. 2110 at 1hed C ping facilitie, Very mild climate. Price $22 X per. acre; $1000 c~bt and one-dolJa:r Sollwartz'M down. 100ig time on balance, or will all.ow a heavy dIscount on ~1l, ..t long. You'8~ould aCt rlSht. away. aue,botUea. Y9umllY .-. cash 'p'aid over $1 O. . .' • 'r have a sample bottle AN 000 ' FINO . JI' )IOU prerer, you enn wri~o to Obis 1ll1dley. Lookeba, Okia:. l'


'uullny Alb I'i






Woman's Home Companion

The MIami Gazette

Both for $1.75



_ _---

The Best farm Paper free for aYear


Twelve Big Numbers

Woman's Home Companion ( Both for only $1.75 ) The Miami Gazette




'Gifts of Silv~rware

A Beautiful Calendar, Too




WeD len are

G' I


1---'--.-- -



. 0;.


fr~ , ~


......., ...-~....

. Mr.


Hvcil nt 'Va)lu08vlllo. ami wbo wlU ullswer your ~lu 08 t10nll or shall' )IOU thu

Thom.. _Walker, of pedar

C. B~

Or address

j1DcJucliD,g man)" ~~~da':tr~ ville, a ~ew day. ago while dlgglug ...I~,:t..o,.. be



the , a ditch .bout tbree feet; 'deep dis-

Dr~~ covered -' Piece of hon"81 comb rook aD)"

Read eveib ad \iazel:tet It w

fibat bali all fibe appearau08 of ·'he ....... b

i1i8~L.iDi'sI; .• I pDQlDe utloltla ..... 'hloben and JIrIIiP


Phelps, Owner!:;-

R. D. ',Binger.' Caddo CO••




Per ODD MtlTAft.


·zard Short,..Slgltlled Old GenUoman- Row lOur mHo IIov has grown! Ou t you altouAdn'l let him go out withou t a bat.



't J.uafly


Are Othe.- Troublo8 to Provo It.

Pain III tbe baok Is pain.. III the kid· III most cases, and It pOinte to the need of a speo(af remedy to reo move and oure Ule congestion or in· flammatJon of the kldoeT8 Ulat Is In· terferlng with their work and causing that pain t hat !p'akes you say: Oil, my bllKWa.· Thompson Watkins. profe8slonal nurse. 430 N. liard St., Paraons, !tan., Bays: "For some Ulne't . . atllleyed with sharp twinges ~ . , small ot my back and Ir· .,.... ,assngtlS of t~e kidney secrethana. StDoe using Doan's Kidney Pill •• r am free from tla08e troubles." &memlMlr dle name-Doan'a, Sold by all dealers. 6. oents a box. J'olta~ 1II1b~ Go.. BuJralo. N. Y.




May Palto Mllllo" POltora, Artists, Wllposters, prlnteu ~ape r lIlanufaGturers and tuberculosi. Ogbl· VB are all anJted In a glgantio cc-usade qainsl tuberculosis which IJl about to be started uOder the direct10n of tho NatJollBi Assooiation for the Study ad PTenlDUon ot Tuberculosis. In addition IiO too gifts or tree space on billboards and free printing or posters IIlade by the ASsOolated Bl1lposters ad Dlatrlbutors of America and the POster PrInters' ASSOCiation., several Itundred paper manufacturers have ....0 paper, tor the posters to the ulue of soyeral thousand doUara, and wtJats from aU over the United States are coDtrtbutiDl sketches for posters, free ot oIlar,e. The local, state· and bational UlU-tuberculosls alsoclatlons WW aee that the polters are pllic~d Iil clUes and , towoa where they are most 8eeded. Tbe poatera are nlDe teet long and .yen feet wtde and will be printed In .yeral eoION. If suftlolent paper Is ~ou.recl a mllUon will be pasted up, "l'be 'fa&ue of these .arloua contrlbu· UOH would reach fully 12,000,000 11 pald lor at commerolal rates. Unburdening. ""'08 IlION at least gl"e that 'candi· .... e~Jt for speaking hlB mind," .-.,-," , replied Miss Cayenne, "But Ire uDfortuDate that people most will· toe to speak their minds are so orten tboBe .!Ioso mentalities 'are more or 19811 unpleasant." All tho Samo to Her. "1 must warn you, dearest," he said,

L. Frank Baum

"1!11~""!'"-I1!11"~~~"~-I!I!IIII!I~ SYNOPSIS.


CHAP XIII. r"'2, ot


'0. ------

Tbe OfUcian would soon be look· tng for another job If beer glasses lm· Ill'Oliled. tb(! f)ye~lgbt. RESULTS OF FOOD ......t.h . .d Natural Conditions Com. From Right Feedlng_

MaD. pf!J-slcaUy, should be like a lIeTteM17 regulated machine, each part -working 088111 In fts appropriate pll1c~. J.. aUght dera.ngement causes undue trlotion gd wear, and frequently rulna the entire system. A weU-known eduoator ot Boston found a way to keep the bralu and the body in that harmonious co·operatlon wb.lch mtlkes a JOY of living. , "Tw. yoors ago," she writes, "being .' ID a oondlUon ot nervous exhaustion, I t'eslgnod pOSition as teacher, which I had beld over 40 years, Since then the en1;1re rest has, or course, been a Beholdl He.c Was the Scarecrow al Ileoeilt, but the use ot Grape-Nuts has Oood 8S Ever nmoved one great cause or lUness in the past, Damely. constipatlon' and Its ever after, lu,d spent th e thne In [east· lug and dan cIng. .tten~ e"lls. "If our frl" nds, th Scarecrow aud ... generally make my enUre breakfast oil • U\W egg heaten into four th e Tin Wood'llan, we re only with us," . 'iIIIOOnfuJa 01 Grapo. Nuts, with a little f;altl llle Lloi1., "I should be quite Me.1 fto~ ' mIlk or hot water added. I like I\ll ~ py.:' ' Kerril t. e edromoly. my food , asslmUates and ' "Don't you SI1l)J)OS ~ we could resoue for oai~ boWel!.! thke care of them6elv~s, I th e m 1" a slted ' the girl, ' anxiously. "We call tl'Y," anSwer d the Lion. ' o~ J, . L~ brain pOWE\r and physl~1 can· So they called til\:) 'yellow Winkles 1 mucfl greator and I know that of de.btea1::iO fII. the Gf'arle-Nuts has contrll). IIt,d IIs ked 16e m If they wOuJd belp to rescua theh' friends, and th ~VLnkle8 , liar" llrgaly to tlJls result. ' Proof ot pal w1t1l feelings of gratitude that said that- they WQuld be Ilellgl:ted to .~pojlo'DUtD' A Ulls tesUmonJal, aDd trust .. do all In theIr 110wer for Borolhy, who of L , Vail Ute means ot aiding others ,iII hlld set th('In fro o from bondage. So lehe . hose a ' ul\ml>el' ot tbe Winkles , udJ Cor health." uad apprailel ... pkga, for the lIttie book, "The who loOlted as I( thoy Imow the most 'W(>UvUIf3." "There's a !tuRson," and tb ~y nU ,started :nVQ)', They 'tray: ea. • .... boye ' hlttnr A. . _ eletl that dar 'I.lld part of tbe DeX\ UDmI t,.. tlme to fi ..eo 'l'II.~ til they came ttl tho rocky plaiD wbere .... el'll" ... 'Id• •r • __ the Tin W.oodman lay. au ~attered I



days at the Yellow CaaUA where th y found everything th y IUMded 'to make them com'fortable. But one da, the girl thought of Aunt Em, and said: , "We must go back to Oz, and claim his promise." "Yes," 'old the WoodmlUl, "at, last I s baH ge t. m y h eart." .,And I shall g l my bralnl," arld otl t il Scnr ,c row, joy full y. "Anrl I s hall et my courage," saW th e Lion , th oughtfully. ., nd I !;h all get back 0 Ka nsas," rl d Dorothy, clol11>lng her h ands , "Oh , let us slnrL (or the E me rald City to·morrcrw! .. Thill LII Y rl ochlcd to do. Til nex l day th ey ca ll d the Winkles tog I h r and bnrlo th em goo ·by. Til Winkles \ve re sorry to ha va t hom go, and th ey bad growll 80 fond of tho Tin Wood· man t hal t hey begged him La s tay and rul over th e m a n!! th e Y llow Land of the Wost. Findin g th ey we re de· te rmln ed to go, Lho "\'Inltlcs gav Toto and the Lion euch a golden collar; Llnd 1.0 Doro thy they J1r Bent d a benu· tlful bFacele t, studded with dlamoudll; and to th e crew they gave a gold·head ed walkln stick, to ke p him Cram s tumbling; a nd to tho Tin Wood· man they alTered a Hllver oll·can, In· laid with gold a nd aot wi t h precious jewels, Every one at the tra\'ele rs made the Wlnkl s a pretty s peech III return, ,aUli all shook hands with UI rn un ll l lhelr arms nched, Dorotll'y went to tho Witch's cu,,board to flll her basltet 'with rood ror the journey, nnd there she saw the golden cap. She t ried It all h e r own hoad and found tha t It fitted be r ex· actly. Sbe did not know anything about the charm of the gold n CU P . but sbe saw that It was pr tt y , so s be made up he r milld to weal' It and curry he r sunboune t In the bnsket. Then, be ing pre pared for the jour, n y, th ey all sta rt ed for the Em raid City ; nnd the Wlnl<los ga ve them three cheel's and mnny good wlahes to carry with t bem.

Dorotn y li ved In Ka nsfls wtth Aunt E m And ·n.. te H ~n r y , A y,'I"oo IItt rJ their homo In to t h ulr, Dorut hy rnlli ng Rslee p Ilmldst t he cxo!l tlJJn cnt. A ('ms h Rwnll cned h~ r , The hOU80 had tnnd c1 In n 'ou otry or rn u n'~ " )U8 b 'olll Y, Groups o[ queer tl tt lo peoplo gr~\' t ct h<'r to the IAnnel or Munchk lna. The hOIl>lo had kill rJ th tr pnent)'. the wi 1;('(1 wlle ll o [ East. Dnr· othy 10011 t h' ",It<'h's allvl'r sho 's. Sho IIta rl ed tor the Emera"] Ity to find tho WIza rd ot Oz, who, she was promta d, mig ht fi nc.l a WilY to lIend her back to l{nI1M". Dorothy I' I ~ns d a 8cnrec row. gh'lng hI m lire. li e WOII dest rous or ac· Qu irI n;.: brnl ns a nd .lIu rt d wI th her to the willard to Ret the rn. The 8car crow totd hts histor y, Th ey m t a tin woodrna n who tongpd [or u It nrt, JIe n tRO jotned IIw m, They came upon a terrIble lion, Tho lion "onr sGe(1 ho had no our· a!>, 11 e d ~"' dc d to accompnn)' th em to tht; Wi za rd (I( 0:01 to ge t !10m , The 8care· ra ft hC'co me imcmw In pU8hlng til paled upon hts pole tn the mtc1<'llc or th e rl,· r, T he s 'o r crow was r st!U d by u frl ond ly storl.. They enter d a. POIlPY field. whl h caused Doroth y to f alt n8 te P, T he scnre(' row It nd lin wood mnl1 r~sclI('d her n nd h('r dog fr om t.he d 'ICil y Ilowers, The lion rell /1.81,. 1'1 and bt;llIg 100 heavy to II tt. was left. It the s nr h Cor Ih roult f yellow brIck wht h I d to tlla E'T1ernl!l Cit y they 01 l IL wild at and n~ld mk, Th woollman killed the wild I (·u t . The QU n m OUR bocli lne frl,'mll y, She " III thousa nds ot h I' ml c 811bj cts In draw the 11011 awn y from the pOppy field orotlly awoko Crom h I' long 81p p , Th y elart d a gain on tr.e 'Flln r'tl cl Cil y rond, They came to n f nc , IlI.l1t1tcd grelln. There were f arm rl' of grven, houses of grll nand po/){)Io drol'l ".,d tn Fl'rE'l!n, It was the f.llnd of Oz. 'rh(lY m" t t h gUardian ot th e gal 8, H de· ect :bed t he power of th Wiza rd ot 7.. II Pll t on gree n Ape ta I s n il the brlghtno\s an d glory of 'Flmera ld Ity bUnd d Ih"'m, Tho wlzllrd d<!clded to r cclvo o n ~ ..r th e party al' h dflY. All were put In l~r 1! n r(lOma, n orothy went to th e throne 10 'm , Tn n ohfltr sparkling WlUl emer1\11\8 aha beheld nn 1l0rmOU 9 helld wlthtl lI ~ body, legs or "rlnS, btgger th nn the ol""I'(;·"t , Ia nt. "( am Oz, th e grent and IN'rlbl " sn ld the head, Oz told hoI' th nt ;l!!len she killed th e wtcked wl tcb ot tho , ~f lBt he woultl send her home. Th scnreI nw, all mlltetl to lhe prosenoe ot a beautiful lady, who BoJd flh ll was th wi zard, "' ...9 promIsed brains vhen he Itllted tho ",ttch. The wooamn.n boheld fL tcrrlbl tl!!Ollt wl~h a h nd ot Il. rhinoceros a nd vc eyt's. Tho wizard promIIII'd him a heart It be ~vould 81ay the wttch, The lIon lIaw a bo.lI ot fire Ilnd a vol OR fr om 'JI object pr mlscd him ('ourago It he tlew th e witch. The Bearch ommenccd. the wltt'h SIlW th party when It enter d domain nnd ('auscd fl pnck of wol\'os 0(1 auncl< IL The woodman kltllld the "'olves, She scnt crows wh tc h th o IICO r c. rrow sca red oorl kt11 d, B ell were dlsj)l\tched n c.~t , bll t th o woodm an receIved I,he IIUn g!!. Flnalt y winged monkeys took 'hl'm prt!lon"r nnll convey d th em to · ~ h c wlt cberl' f'lorot hy lhrew water on lho wIcked 'Wit h. des troying her.

The Cowardly ,i"I. ..tbat after we are married you will LIon W3.l; much '«Iry Ukel, find me Inclined to be ar pl ~ as.ed to hear ,bural'7 and dlctatortal 10 my manner." thnt th e Wicked "No matter," she replied, cheerfully, •• [ woo't Da, the sUgbteet attention to Witch hOld breo mel led b) a buc'ke t of water, anll Dor~ 88,J." othy at once unlocked the gate of his 1)1'1 50'" Rn ll sel him free. Thel' went No Hobnobbing, , MI8.~t-When she's abroad doel 10 (ngl! chf'I' to tho cas tle. whe r.~ Dor<r .Ihe hobnob with royalty? thy's first act wus to call all the WinMI'8. JIlODaught~Mercy, no! Her. be· kl es togeth er and t ell tbem tlJat they 'h ay.our Is always 'extremely proper.- we re no 'anger sla \'es. ' Smart Set. 'There Was great rejo,clng among tho ;sellow Wlnll.les. :or they had been SuffiCIent Evidence. lOad to WorK hard during many )rears "I'aHtJr was evldontly drinking ror the Wicked Witch, who had alwaYFl 10lit nfght." ~r e ate d t1wm w\l'h great cruelty. They "WIlat makes you think that?" kept thi s ,loy u.s a holiday , Ihen and "He tWl8ed Ute Janitor when ' he cUlle 1iI."-Loulsville Courler·Journal.


.Jut IIer Mellde· e,ellt • fl. 'a1)'"

an5 be1lt. Hf. u . . . eAr "fill, 1nIt the blad WIUI rusted and the handle broken ott, sbort . The Winkles lifted him tenderly In their arms, and carrIed him back to the yellow !lstle again, Dorolhy shed· dlllir a tow ten rs by th o way at the sad pli ght of her old trlend, and the Lion loolcln g sob r nnd so rry, When til y reac hcd the cnstle Dar thy said to the Wlnld s: .. A ra any of YOllr peoJ1l E! ti nsmiths ? ~' "Oh, r II; some of u s nre ve ry good tlnsm llh s," th ey told h r. "Theil bring th em to mc," she sald. And wb n ' th e tinsmith s, bring· Ing wllh th em all th ei r tools In bas· Iwls, she Inqulr d : "Can you ti l ral ghte n out th ose d nts in t he T in Woodman, nnd b nd him bacl, In to sh npQ I1galn, and solder Mm tog ther wher he Is brol, n ?" Tho tins mI th s lool,ed th Woodman 0 \ ' "I' aref ull y nnll lh e n uns were d 'tl1at tbey tholl gh l lh ey could meud him so h o woul d b as good U8 ever. So they set to worlt III one of the big yellow , r ooms of the caatle and worked for t hree days Rnd four ni ghts, hammer· Ing aud lwls tlng and b ndlng nnd sold· e rln g and poli s hing and pounding at tb e I('gs and body and bead of the Tin Woodman, \lnlll at last be was s l raJ ghl ened out Into his old form. and bls joints worked' as well as ever. To be sure, th e re were Reveral patcbes on him, but th e tinsmIths did a good job, and as th e Woodmnn was not a vain lU an he did not mlud the patches at nil. When, ut Illst, he walked into Dora· thy's room and thanked he r for rescu· Ing him, b e was so pleased that he

You will r em embe r th ere Was nl) road-not ve n a pathway-between the cas tle of the ~\ Iclted Witch Rnd the Eme rald City. When th e four travelers we nt In search of the Witch she hud s en them coming, and so sent tile Winged Monkeys to brln ~ tbpm to he r. It was mucb harder to find tbelr ,','lty back through the bl{; fields of butt ercups ana urigbt dalsltls than It was being carried. They knew, of course, tlley must go straight ealt, A Wtnkle, toward the rising sun; and th ey started ott In the right way. But at wept tears of joy, and Dorothy had to noon. wben ' the sun was over tho!lr wipe every tear carefully from his heads, thpy did not know which wns face wi h her apron, so his jOints east and which was west, and tLat would not be rusted. At the same , was the reason they were lost In the time her own tears fell thick and fast great fields. They kept on walking, at the joy of meeting her old trlen,d however, and at night tbe moon ' cafll.Q again, and th es e lears cUd not neelt out and shone brightly. So th ey lay to be wiped away. As tor the LIon, he down among the sweet smelling sel1t'. wiped his eyes so oCten with the tiP let ftowers and slept soundly unr.1l of bls tall tbat It became .quite wet. mornlng-alJ but llie Scarecrow. and and he was obliged to go out into the tbe Tin Woodman, court·yard and 110ld It In the SUD tJll The next morning the sun was ba. lt dried. hind a oloud. but they started on. 1111 "It we only had the Scarecrow with If thE'Y were quite sure which way us again," said the Tin Woodman. they were going, when Dorothy bad flnlshed telJlug him "U we wa1J{ far enough," said Dor<r everytblng lhat had happened, "I tby. "we shall sometime come to some should be quite bappy," place, I am sure." "We must try to find him," said the But day by ' day passsd, away, and girl. they sttlJ s a w nothing before them So she called the "Inkles to help but the scarlet fleldA The Sce.recrow her, and th ey walked all that day and began to grumble a bit. part of the next until they came to the "We have surely lost, our WilY" be tall tree in the branches of which the I!ald, "and .unless we find 'tt again 10 Winged MCjlnkeys had tossed the Scare- t1m~ to reac~ the Emerald City I shall craw's ciothes. never get my brains." It was II. very tan tree, and the' "Nor I my heart," declared th~ TIn trunlt was so smooth that no one could Woodman. "It seems to me ' I clln climb it; but tae Woodman said at scarcely walt tllJ I get to Oz, and YOIl once: must admit this Is a very long jou~ ''I'll chl)p it down, and tben we can ney.'· . get the Sca r ecrow's clothes," ' "You see," said the Cowardly Lion, Now while lhe tinsmiths had been with a whimper, " I havun't the courat worlt 'mending the Woodman hlm- age to keep tramping torever, without selt, another of the Vllnkles, who was, gettlng anywhere at al\''' a goldsmllb, had made un Q."(-handle (T<? BE CON'l'lNUED.) at solid gold aud fitted It to the Wood· man's ax, Inste ad of Ihe old broken Copy American Lawl, handle. Others polished the blaae England has been ,:ery slow to tab until all the rust was removed and It up the matt(:! ~' at helping the children gllslened like' burnished slJver. by means of legislation. but neW lawlll wUJ cl'ange aU that. A boy under 16 As soon as he had spoken, the Tin may not ,buy cigarettes, cigarette pa , Woodman bugan to chop, and In a short time the tree, felJ over with a pers nor tobacco, and a juvenlJe courl. crash, when the Scarecrow 's clothes Is provided for, The work alon~ thesE' lines In the United States has uvl , -fell out of the branches and rolled ott dently proved an Incentive, and tb" on the ground, Dorothy pIcked' , the m up and had w'omen or America are r esponsible for th e Wlnldcs cnrry Ut em back to the thes" laws In this country. castle, where tiley we re stulTed wll!! For ' Any MIn. olce, clean 811'8 w; and . behold! ' here "Tbere Is no particular reason why was the Scarecrow, ns good as ever, Mary Gal'den shouldn't marry If Ihe thanking them over and over again wants to." for savlug him. , "No, Indeed, That woman Is a fino No,,! thOY were reunited, Dorothy meal ticket."

Made the Eulogy ci Farce ,~

Blehop Potte,,'s lIlustratlon of, the Inadvisability of Rolylng Too ' MUch on Notel. The late Rev. Henry Co'dmall ' Potter' greatly objected to the use or' notes, At one' time lie was addressing a nupltier of young theologians on the tmportance ,of not being 'too cltlllel, con· t1ne~ 't9 a By., way of U· lustriltlon he told the follor,ing .. ueedote' about Ii ,clergyman who waa called lipan ,to officiate at Q funeraT. "When the ' D1lnWer arrived at the town where the deceased had Ilved he had just tilde to' make a tew -in9ulrles about IUs traits alld flclllevementa, the rellults of wliich be notlJ'l OD' a ' me~oran(lum. , Hie euIoD at tbe aervlCle. all 'l'8ported. was ~t

.. raJlon ,



' 'Our dear brother, whom we mo~rll to'day, ,was a man of, rare charactur and ability. He ha,d a mental ' capa. city o( a':-r,e ferrlng ,tp ' hls no elWeb liter. ,the tac, 'of 'a'--~Pln ' tlng his memora....,da~·Henr)' , .: thl!, . ..ertlllacity at a'-anoth'" reterence- mysles' S. Grant. "We clili only ',mourn him" wIth Pfdtolmd aM sorrowful regret now that he" b,I' gone to meet hls)-another reterenc(' to biB ~ nCltee-'God,' "--Judge:


A Rell.blo F'orecalt. , "Tills Is fine weather," remark(!t. the t;'''mtr (lonstable. " "n Id alwaYI fine w"atbel' "'lea til" automobUee are ,al'OlInd," 'r8martecl the' lItiral JuatUt.e1 ___ be~.. to


1 ~J OO


.After reachtDl the II.lre of terl7' ... blDaJl 1,ltem Iradually deelln... The accumulated pollonl 1D the blood cause rheumatic palnl , III the, joinb, mURclell and back. These WII.rDllI,. .hould be promptly rellevet! (lnd NrlOUI lIlness avoided by usin g the foJ. lowing prelcrlptioD which shows "'Oil' dertul r es ults eve n alter Ule first few dosel nnd II will enntually restore •• ' \ lie W!lo Ul " o:nh r \\' 'fllth phys ical strengU: O UI' (ashlon. ,I niarC'h or t il' el1crollC'hlul( city "One ounce compound lIyrup of I'rl\' \,,'3 n u ~Xlll' Sarslll!arllla; one ounce Tarle comFroUl lhe h '/lrth of hIs flnc 'lit ral hllm cpound; halt pint of blgh cfa(le whis"tcai!, key. ':hls to be mixed and used III We mu:v IJUtl<1 mo rC' epll' ndlcl hab lt t\ lI nn~ , tabl eslJOontul doses before ench meal F ill (Jill' rooms wllh P"llItll1g8 u nci with nod at bcdtlme. The bottle to be wen eulplUI'Cll, s bal,en 'ca ch Um e," Aoy dru ggist hml ' n UL w e ("an nat Buy with go td lile old u "so('\:I t1 on~." th ese Ingredi ents or can get them from his whol !lale house. Old-Fashlonod Favorites. No muttel' how mnch we may de· li g h t In n ew thin gs In cooker y, new ways of servin g nnd pre pa ring dishes o all Idnds , w e never Cjllile lose our w..., .... Hln. the Qreet ....... aft cllon for th e o!d·fnshloned cook· . . . AItout It. Wh •• t.Prodlldnc Pow.,. ery that was tb e pride , of our grand· of mothe rs. \\'e have outgrown the ne· cesslty Cor pi e Cor ureakfost; but who would give up pie as an occasional dessert?



Cream Pie. Use any r e cipe for Inyer cake tbat Is light and delicate; bake In round layer cake tins and put toge ther wllh sweetened flavored whipped cr eam . If It Is wanted especially nice Rlld with a modern tou ch In garnishing, sprln· kl e the top at the cake afte r putting on the cream roughly with chopped candled ch e rri es. This will then be a verita ble WaBhlngton pIc, modernIzed. A cake may be removed from the Uns nicely, 1f allowed to stand for a few mom ents to sweat and loosen from the bottom. A delicious fllllng for a layer cake Is sour cream, sugar one CUll ench and hopped hJckory nut meR ts. Coole the s ugar and cream and add the nuts just be Core tnk lng ott the heat. Suet Pu'd dlng. Mix nnd sift togetb er two nnd three·fourlhs cupfuls of flour, one-halt a tea s poonful ot soda, one and one· hair teas poonfuls ot salt, on e t ea· POSitively cated by 1100uCul of cinnamon and one·hall a. theso LUtie PaUl. teaspoonful each of gInger. clove and T bl', IiIAO rrUeu DI. nu l. meg . Add one, cllpful each of mo· Ircss Crain 0,. lIe pllla', IDlasses, suet nnd milk, toge th er, then tll gcsUou a nu '1'00 lIea", EMtng. A p~rte", ~ .... combine mixtures. Three·fourths at edy Cor Dl u tnellia, N.a cupful of ourrants , one and oneS"". Dro,,'lil oeS8. BI . fourth cupfuls of raisins, one·half cupIbe UPoulb, eoa", (ul of citron . Cut fin e. Turn Into a ~~~~~-:--J 'flUlte cd TOIn Dgue. a in 'In 'bl B I II •• 'ronl'lD LIVBJL buttered mold. cove r and steam three Tbe, relrUlaw 'be Bowel.. Purel), hours. Serve with egg sauce.


Egg Sauce. Deat two Sgs until light and [oamy; , add a tabl espoonful or sugar, a half oup of rich milk, a teaspoonful of val1l11a, and serve at once.

~ :;'\

~~ ~~ ,

l! W HAT


would lhe world bo to


th e chl1<lren were no more. would dread th e dC3ert belllntl us 'Worso than tho dark betore,

If We

Yo nre beUer tlmn 1\11 th e ballo.d.1I ThaI ever were sun g or lIold, For ye nrc livIn g POCf'1 S, And all th o rest are dead. -LongCollow

SMALL PilL. SMALL DOSE. SM~lL PRICE. CARft'DS Genuln'e Must 'Boar

I'! .

Fa.·Slmlle Slgna.ure


LlLf~ ~~



SOUTH AMEICA BRAZIL. ARGENTINA URUGUAY ~nd CHI1.E Plrat trip of Ita kind enf arn.nred,,111 be made IIr tho K.8. (J 2,500 tons) le~Ylni New York jaDua~ UU, 10JO.

Ouratloo ,

81 Days. $3S0,BP Aiaocrulaoato ihe We ..

Chlldren'l Parties. Chlldren's parties are functions that occur at any and all seasons, and the chief thought with the mother Is to give the )'()ungllngs a good time and food that win be wholesome. The ent ertainment Is a · simple matter, tor ohlldren ' are easlly amused. a 'puzzle ·party or a soap bu,bble party gjvlng a small ~rlze to the on~ who puts the puzzle together flrst and the one who blo'w s thO largest b~bble. IJ'he old games are always popular; drop the handkerchief, blind man's butt, 'putting a tall on ' the donkey 'and any number ot games which'· are slm· pie enough tor small chfJdren may be played. The refreshments are the Impor· tant feature ot a chlldren's party and the part Cor them of the most Interest. The honest small boy who was being entertained at' a chlldren's party expressed the feellngs of most chll. dren ' when he asked: "When Is llie party to begin 1" Sandwiches of dltterent var1eUes, cut. In fane shapes, are always favor. Ites, and Ice 'c ream with small cl\kes are most gratifying. Thl:' llttle c~kes may be (rosted with white or choloCllte and decorated with , ca"~Jes to 'delight the beart at ' thtl child. , , In preparing the sandwlohes If ,the meat used Is ' chicken or ham, It should always be chopped. Sweet sandwl~hes of grated maple sugar 'and salted almonds chopped make a sand- ' wlch which Is most dele£table. ' . The little paper '08ses may be used with 'creamed chlck~n If one cares t.o 'liave a more ~la~orate menu, ' and ' ClO' coa Rnd qJt1k for the drink. A tiny, box or ('nndy given eacb flhlld to take home will be something tI) 'r emember with ,:;oy for mllny dayso' I,' the par.ty II! a blrtMay one the )\ike. ,m ay be" deoorated witH , .... '·UU ...81 . \ 1nd ltghted' when brollgfit In. pleasure that: never 10~el! lt~ '''',mUll .. ' even" whep the )'c~ndleB num.bflr ' ,the t1l1rtles.,



Indlu.nd Orlont , P.o, Bmr 1781

RAlImunO-A.Al£RJVAN LJN1II , . • • - - Nt"" York

o..s DroB4 ....'


The di renee

IImemller thls- ,.

it may IIBve ),our life, Catbart1ce. . biro ~bot and CanDon ~I,l , pil1~tea

lpoQD dosci of cathartic medIcine. aU depend on irritation oftbe bowela until they 6weatenougll to moye. CM(,IJrets strengthen the bowel museJea 10 th~y creep and tta,.l aaturaUy. This meanl a 'cure and only tbrough Cascarets can ),011 get it quickly and aaturally. .' • CallC&rell-l00 bolt-~" !natmont. All druqtsts. Blr..eltlel'III tile wodd-miWaoboau" mOAUa.,


ii .;

For the Hostess .




IDterestiD4 Topics of MaDY KiDd.. a Reco4aized Authority

W •• r w.... DOUllial comfortabl., a.I,-walkins .hoe.. The, are upon honor.oftho belt Iloththl moet Iklllid workm.n, In all the I.telt f... hlon.. .hoelln a.a" 8tJlo .nd Ihape to ault m.n In all walk. of IIr.. If • could take ,ou Into I..... tactarl'l at .rockton. M ..... and ahow,ou howca,.full, W.L.Doulr laa ahoel madl. ,ou would th.n underst.nd wh, thl, hold their, fit blttar, w •• r lon •• r .nd are or .....t.r Y111ua than .n, othor mak •• ClACTlON.-8ee that W Doua1OD u •~1Ii!IIi~""~~" DUlle and the 1IIt,,1I prloe b .•L. •ampe4

"or Infant. and 0hU4re1ls


..... b,

Kind You Hava Always Bou I



A Chrl.tmaa. Cvd Party. were 25 gueats, so there were the TIItIt party promises to be rather Inme number of little fillh whittled out ynlqM In many ways, as the hostess of wood by the hondy man In the Iii ewl_vorlng to observe many of family. Each fish bad a small screw the Christmas symbols. Of course tbe eye In Its back. Tben there was a decoraUoos are to consist of wreaths Inrge wash tub placed In the middle tho boLtom, Tako No 8ub.Utnte. ot .".erz-reen aDd holly, festoons of of tbe room. decorated with holly and roped creeDs, clUBl rs of mllstletoe evergreen to represent a pond. Promorrs Digestion,CileertulRUSpelldeoil by rod ribbon and Quanti. In the Invitations the guests were U Ii Qf red and wh ite candles with asked to bring a gift securely ltlsand Resl.tonlains neithrr --_. - . red an4 wblte trosted shades. Opium,Morphine norMineral wrapped not to cost over len ('~ltts . laaa_=a~=~~a~aaaa~_==~., Ttle Invitations ure to be ornament· A member of tbe family recelvea lhe NOTNARCOTIC ed WIUI bolly s prnys, tbo red berries packages and numbered them. Flso(':s 1ft,;. .rOItl t;siKVnlY1UlII' cut oDt at the top of tbe note paper. with numbers corresponding were A..,Init 3MtIA smaH lad dressed as Santa Claus then placed In the tUb. Each fish er' is HERPES ECZEMA ""bc.JMIOe • is CHAFING ITCHING BURNS SCALDS AhU.s./b_ will deliver th ese missives. In a large man was given 0 pole and line UpOl' is ABRASIONS POISON IVY ~in.r..J • bay window th e re Is to be a tree lIgbt- which there was a hoole, and all begun iJoI :~'tr~18:~ :Nrr~~~~~ ~~,.i.... .. ed wltb e lectricity, wilh stocking- to fi sh at the same lime. The one .f(.tI • shaped score cnr~s, red pe ncils, tiny catching the first fish was awarded an ~'~,.fi'_ .f¥~,,~ Is. perl~ct ointme nt-stops Itchlne Instant I,. PrescrIbed by leadlnr phYSicians thJOUCllout th.. ",.".",.".:,q,...,. candy ClanCB and hUJldreds of wee Ca· extra prize, also lhe one who hoolepd ....orld . A l ew oppll"'tllons will cure t h.. worsl ca . .. or Itchlne ond Inflame" pllu. For ... .. Ie b, all drunlsu or sent direct on receip t 01 price. 50 eents pcr In. vors for keeping th'e score. Banta the last. There was no unlucky fishAperfect R£medy forCOMllpa· Claus will be on duty all tho evening erman, and when all had caught one RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY. BALTIMORE, MD. lion, Sour Storrlach.D· arrhOea distributing the counters ufter eacb the p'ac1cnge bearIng the duplicate I am rlad to IA)' lb.t Resiool Ointment hilS completely cured me of itching piJ,es. Worms ,Convulsions ,feverishgame. '1'0 facllltat · things, tb ese number was brought out, and sucb a is J. H. Kidall, Dentist. ~It. WasIaiortoo. Ohio. ness and Loss OF SLEEP. trinket! nrc ti ed to the tree In merry time as followed; the sounds bunchet, and th ere nre as many come ecbolng down tbe years right buneba. WI ' l here will be games now. The dining-room table had a played. Over the b ad table tbere Is big mirror for a . pond, and on It was a For to bfo a kuge bell ornamented with large sized Nooh's ark. Around the huU,. nnd the tnble wU! have a baton table, safe on dry land, were the aniC_tIM b ..... bo""", ill Catarrhal Fever If IIare core IUId pOIlU ... preyentt .... DO at ';0,_ an IIItoet<ld ... wltb wll!cb th e bell Is to be struck. mals, each tied to the ark by a long 0, . . ! t1I ~ .. lJquJd."I .... OD thO,OD/JUOj ..,'" 00 tho Blood ..,~ tho The prlt:es are Lo be done up In pa- bit of red ribbon. As they marched Qo ~~~~~l:"'!!f:m~~~ltOe~~~?"'d:~DlADoa;,= ::J.";:,.l' -::~mAD I~'l'~ &Ddl. aan.f1fdne,.~mod7. eoeand'labQttle . UandIlO&do-.en. eu'tthLaont. lC ... pe r wlUl rell ribbons crossed with nround the table each child look an II. I!bow to Jour drug"ll! . who ,,111 . ."Uor lOU. )..... Bookie!, .. n_par, 0 . _ ~I:tl!:~ aodCu.-" 8pocla I IlPDto.aIltM. gr eD rt-'boDS, ending In a good big onlmal, and at a given signal all rosette. Tbe knnck ot doing up preLty pulled and wee barley sligar anImals SPOHN MEDICAl CD .. .f.~~:!~:~a'~~ BOSH EN, IND •• U. S. A. packages Is fas t becoming a real art. came out of tbe ark. It Is certalnl:r a etl'Y. Refr IIbmeDts will be served at the delight to find these quaint confecMakes Shaving Easy card tnble aDd will consist ot tomato tions made of pure barley sugar on ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NO STROPPING NO HONING soup wltb a spoon hil ot whipped th e market. They ' disappeared for . creaJII , tiny buttered biscuit, scalloped many years, nnd even now I believe oystel1l I. ramaklns, with n sprig ot · they are Imported, as are many of our holl, 01 top; Waldorf salad In red ap- holiday con~ctlon s. MAOAMJil Ml'JRRL ple cases, cheese waters, with Individual pluDl puddings Itor the finale - , brougbt In surrounded by burning , =~'::.~J~ I Tbompson'. EJ' Water PlUnu:t n. BO~Gn. 'tadbll", c:. ----~.- ~ , - - - . NIlI1 IJ Orn CJ"8 f c lunlll lllll.l .Iaobbrand7, aD4 8 holly wreath encircling N. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 50-1909. laloe<1. Wrll.8rurlnYODwr'. d •• each plate. Outing the game ChristInaa e.:g·Dog will be serv ed from the big Sauatly punch bowl. Th I' > Is a n ew kind of hook and eye A Chrl.tma. Tree for Dolly. which comes In gray as well as black For children who are of doll-house and white. "ge, a1ld It's pretty bard to define at In sewlng ·on hooks and eyes the just nat period In girlhood that age silk or thread used should match the ev.ds, I 'v tblng will be found more sat· material, not the hooks. Isfactol7 than a doll's party to be Adorably quaint little purrs and given ~ this season. Let the notes frllllngs aro one of the favori te trimit lIont the doll who Is to be the mings on evening and afternoon host.esa be written on the very smoll gownll. in~urably stallone.., to be found by a little seekDnlnty hand embroidery and . fln" Ing. Hue a small tree trimmed with loces run riot over the fashionable Un· dlmlnatln ornaments and light It gerle, whlcb has never been as eltU with 8audle8 DO bigger than a match. tr\lvaganUy beautiful WI It Is this aeaGirts .Ior ·each doll "hould be wrapped son. . It up an. marked. Everytblng used by A delightfully whimsical mlngllng of adults t. now made tor dolly, and the the oriental and the modern are the _ ".yU,.... cl bab, dolls, boy ond girl dolls Arabian capes. which bid fair to beand dolla trom foreign countries, may cOme a favorite model for evening all be wpplled, and the articles for wear this season. . . Horse buying and trading offer hundreds Qf opport..... kltcbeD and the furniture [s' fascinatA winsomely pretty little danclng Ing te &hose ot us far past the doll school frock Isot apple blossom pink silk nities and temptations to use trickery and sbarp pracace. Serve simple refreshments on with a 'Qualnt old lace collar and pink tbe cIGlrs dishes, and I assure you suede belt fastenl'ng with a beautlful . tice. Tbere is only one·way to meet it :-read thl8 'Christmas tree wl1\ live In the old·fashloned han d-made gold buckle. . mamol'l' ot the chlldren for many a In making the fall coat, care should eome. be taken to have a little warm inter· lining put In, as the autumn winds are It will protect you-will make you horse-wise and crook-proof,/lntl. C Party for Children. apt to be' just the least bit froBty. VIsave you from being ch~ated by dopes or tricks when buying, Tbls affair was arral,lged Ilrlmarlly julia flannel is an excellent moterlal tor yHtlg folks, but I think It would for this purpose, us It Is light weIgbt, selling, or trading_' . It exposes and makes you acquainted with the be fun · tor grown·ups. There though very warm_. tricks and handling methods of gyps and a certain class of unscr\lp-

Bears the Signature of


In I

} _ _--




Usa II

For Ovar Thirty Yaars

~~CASTORIA ... -..nw._.......... ___


""ri1 t::1..~OHN;,







----- '-




..... OU...........__ itthe Horse Sharner Did you ever find a lemon in a horse's nose? How and why did get there? Did the last horse you bought go lame the next day? Do you know why? Why were his ears tied together with a fine silken thread? .Perhaps you are about to buy a horse because you like hl·s · ginger"? Are you sure it is health and high spirits, or IS ginger-commercial ginger? Are you sure you could. tell the age of a horse by its teeth? Or would your experience_be like that other man's, who paid $3500 for a .,year-old horse, thinking he was buying a ,-year-old? The horse had been" Bishoped."



,eat' ...



- . Dainty Candle Shades

ulous dealers. Many of the secrets .of this bOOk are . now' made public for the first time. No such collection of Horse Trading, Horse Buying, Horse Training, and ,~orse Feeding informatio~ has . ever before been published. It is impossible even in this large space to give a complete list of the secrets in this sensational book. \ • Horse Sec.-ets" has been prepared by Dr_ A S. Alexander. the famous veterinanan, who has had upwards of 25 years' exp~rience in Horse-Buying and .Breeding:

........ ~

How to Secure "Horse Secrets" 'z

~~tr,. rJ)tN'~ W""N'~ .$"i/r~ . ' ~h/N~ .

, Horse Secrets bas aU the interest of an exciting story. The reader goes along from page to page wi~h increasing wonderment at the clcver dishonesty of trickl horse traders. It is a book.that will sharpen your wits, and already the demand bas far cltcceded our expectations. We could sell this boqk nnd make large s~e~, too, at almost any price we wanted to ask. Dut we ~clieve _that WE CAN DO MORE GOOD in another way; therefore we offer It only JJl connc;ction with the following offer': .

i 4-


Doped and Doctored horBu HorSe Secrets'and sU.bscription to are Bola every day; be FARM JOURNAL for 5 years, both for 5 on your guard• ..

FARM JOURNAL Is the pap~r tnken by most fo.rm!!r,. and by nt least 150,000 people to towpl anti vlllag!!1 all over the Uniled Smles. 650.000 casb·in·udvimce subscrib~rs read every Isaue with deUgbt and profit. It is a farm paper Cor fa nners, but It is fur more than thllt. Splendid ~ ments on V~getnble 5, Flowers, Poultry, Household Hints and Recipes, Fasbions, H1Cb Grade Plat· tom., tbe Family Doctor, Legnl Qu!!stions, Boys' and Girls' pages, etc.. as well as on ·Honu. COWl, Sheep, SWine, Orchord, and Field Crops. . 10 ahor1, it Is for everybody. tOW)1 as well as countty, Uld at the same time practical, lilItracliG, amusing, nnd cheerful. . ' FARM JOURNAL Is CleM and pure. It never bas to be carried out of the bouse with the t~~ The advertising oollUllns nmve 'the most careful scrutiny and the bars are up all the limo. medical, decepliRe, sugcellive or nasty advertising of 1lIl)' Idnd whatever. . -.:.;. fAR,~ JOORNAL 1s thirty:three years old, and has grown. to btl by rar the 1a,~.t In thl! .. __ Its ICQI'e of editors are me'D and women who write .. with tbelr sleeves roUed u.p. They kaow wbllt they_ are IllklDg about, and can quit Wh~n they are througb. · . By It,e~ FAR-to! JOURNAL I, worth many dollars !' )'ear to every American who nTH I.. or llear tbe country. Yet the price; WITH" Horse Secrets ' Is 001)' $1.00 for FIVE YEARS. . .

A '~artial List of Secrets




The .~ shoe trick. The tUI])eDtine and .gasoline swindles. The 'ho~balr trick. The fresb birtie'r:and:fl&Xseecl tricks. , Making. ' a borSe

.f you sead your dollar wltliliJ 10 . days,

we will Include free .. Poor ~Ielt~ · . ReVIved, I I our .plen,dld 1910 Farm Almaaac. ,.8 papS 01 u,.rut aad ...._ _ nadial, weadU for tb. year 191.o,.etc. . • '

appear' ."'clo~8- or . unsound~.~Sb~ttlng'!· .~ l,...l,llugglng" a " .ro:arer." HI~ID. :8pavblS or Ia...e.n~s. Tbe ginger t(lc~. TrickS . ,.. of crooked auctioneers,;' ,T he Widow trick. The

.' •• ti~v~r~'!'

. . .....burglar ~;:dOclp':":' .D~ many others. . . ..l . :~ . .~: '.. ,. . ~'" .." . . .... ,"i,. . SECRETS' OF, ·: nORSE ,PEEDINO . , :' ,.', " iANO,RAlSIN(J': .. ···.,· : ..';' . '\






. , saic:ceSSful.'aU.p. .~ , h.()i'ses_,.sec,",to~ .' . ,: ......d ,r..1itng-. "1~hSei:ref metJtOd of fatten.. . ." i .. d.ra&igh~~. : ~... Of· ~, ICS,.f~ln~ for. •


~b!?~ ,,"'1 ~ ~).

.~_ .t~·






.. • • •_.a_II+II_......... •





. j




D D _.....~



.Race· Street, Phl~adelph~, Pa~ ..

. Gen1tletnen ; -;- Enl'lq~~d fi'~d $1.pO for &copy of Horse Secret.: and to Farm ]ournllt for nvoycul .








seven ye"lrs, 1ivin~ the g reater part !I____~-~----.I-~~~IIIi III!I~~.--~-------of h 1" ,fe in or neal' Bellb rook. It , W' S I I'.Po I' n . h join dth l\t, E. hurcb Your O 'o llars Co wl1O'I'e h r Ul t'lI1bel'. hip r emained unFarthest ." til Rh' I' 111(\ it with her husband t join thE" Or thodux F'riends' church I H re Christmas CanJlcs Th tin 5t . '>!ortm nt of pur ill W . aynes\'ill .. He.r .she vel' tried ... ndi at l Oc a pound you d ev l' saw . 20 different kind:i, I II\'e up to It prmclp les an re10c a pound . Iqui rem nl . I The Lirth f their fi r t born son, i Nu Candles Coml> and Collar Button S"" ct Florida Oran~es Littl ~ J ohnnie. was a blessing to Brush Holder Specia l For Xmas 25 Boxe:; - 12c to 30r a P (l1: n th m. both in his life and in his Plcl<s C' ( 1\'urllt! with groUJl ~pecidl pri c by t.h Box - G('t I d a th. His little lif wa bri £, as l Trec \ n dozon "ollllr Ix plr.ks In n jJnllOr. 'ood nnd "11 • priee'" \ butIHII'.-JlIllIlo or 1)<);\ _ __________ Ill' d h,rl in hiR f urth y aI' , but in ' "IfI In st rout; ; : 0,,,,1(11 0(: or 10c 10c U ml.\ . . . . . 111 ,\.. . • . •.• 10c cuell o ... • 1 C w oUlI. U 1I1iz . !\u l'·a .. Nu! :;·- ut I t.ld,:; shurt t im e he spoke volum es to Fresh Roasted pean~ts, 10c H I his paJ'(!nts and fli end s, for they repound; Walnuts, Almonu s 8m· I HliJ~ ·d, e.'" p t th ey liv eu gouly lives Cocoanut Bonbons, a Ib 26c zils. Pecans, Mixed Nuts. Cum Drops, a Ib 10c I t,lwy Ilt:'Vl' l' cou ld meet him again . Caramels, a lb . , . 10c Fruits---Fruits---Fruits I We b('li · V . th~y tri ed to liv with Special Embroidcred and Jumbo Mixed, a Ib 10c edge scalloped ....ancy Apples, Bananas, Gra, e this in vi w . i Cut Mixed, a lb . , 10C Hanrlk rchiefs , Fruit, Lemons. Wutp.r Mel During ~ ister May's illness she I Chocolate Drops, alb I 3c; 2 for 25c ons, Malaf{Q Grapes, Catawua was permitted to see Johnnie. She l 4c each Grapes, Oat s, '''igs. Rai. in . An assortm ent of Ladies' sal'd th ere was a I1a I0 0 fl'Ig ht aroun d I' To\' Woll Fountain Lodies' Rwcet Pota!o£'l' . P(ltatll ('hips about him, and she was permitted 1 • Embruid ered Handl< rchiefs Hay Carts Mirror Cdtla rs Pens I Oc; 3 for 25c not on ly to see him but t o be with rnnbcl'I'i es L ar g() Wall 1Ilirror. 1 u tl~. t S \ ~· I . 111hild's U n), I ·lIrt. Special Ladi s' embroidhim. The summer following his , $1.00 aild oak trame. with bruitl rod 'l·ollnt'S. 11 A Inrgo ~lze tor Lho . ered linen handm.Hlo)' Illrge vurlot)' 25c ~1I1 trnrFancy Holly fu II of pret.ty red death she r econsecrated her life to I, 50c $ 1,25 tac. or 2 tor Ull~ . elll'll .. kerchiefs, () in a neat box, nl'll • . .... 15c Herri e , Holly Wreaths, Magthe service of the Master, while atall difl'er nt dc!>igns, nolia Wren '; hs. tending the Bible School in Cincin60c box; worth 75c Holly Wreaths nati. Durin ::- her last illness she Red Bell asked t hat her f riends would a ll We have the goods and our Tinsel pra~ that she mIg ht get well again. pI'ices .i!·e right . Get our And other Pap r Decorations She kissed her Bible and xclaim d, I prices before you buy. For Schools and Churches Also, Santa I\'\a 1,5 "Yon Llessed book." "Let me die I Berry Sets Baldwin Apples, $3.00 a Barrel the death of the righteou , and let Pale Yellow background, my last end be like 'his." M. 8. We have that good oil, specjal with gilt edge and deRign in Hair Br ush Collar and Cuff Pocket Books price 12'x c a $fallon ' Use it center-six dishes and bowl , GOT IN BAD Boxes and ~ ou will have no more $1.25 'lmflky chimneys. Special Green and · brown Berry E. V. Barnhart I' ceived a letter . Set with ros decorationsMerry (.j 1r ist mas to all from the Pennsylvania r~ilroad last iii dishes and bow l, week, claim ing he had damag d a $1.25 Black bcrossing gate at Eggleston A venue, I ony finish Cincinnati, one day last fall. It happened that on this date Eph HAIR OF COITRSE I had answered roll-call at SundayBRUvH school , and the railroad company evBig asso rtm nt of with i1v r !!!~....~!!!!!!~!'!'!!!~~!'!'!!!!'!'!!!~~!'!'!!!~ ' idently got hold of the wrong auto : ornam e n t Bread & Cake Plates number. Men's Pocket on . back; ' OBITUARY ea It in a 35c and 50c Books box, i nclu- Heart ' shape collar May E Pepper was bom March 20, ding black nnd cuff box, COy red Salad Dishes ISC, 2sc, 3S C, with glnzed p lper , 18 1 and ,dif.d Dece!'lber 18, 1~09, cornb, colol'ed with flowel's, SPECIAL-9~{ in salad dish, aged '28 years, 9' wonths ~d 2 days. SOc, 7SC, & decora! ed in gold and pink, She WB.R married' to Chas. Surface $ . .. 00. 50 cents $1.25each 28c ea'c n October 28, 1902 . .To this union were . An aQsortment of other born two sons. the first of whom presalad dishes at OHRISTMAS ceded her to the Home beyond, leav. 3Sc, SOC, 75c, $ I Fnncy box dOI'orated , Lolllt box d leorn I Lnrg SCjl Ja ro bOX. , Juv nllo !>ox. pa· ing the husband and infant son iil""t'he wltb 8WOO~ pOliS nucJ lh boll)'. r.,'OOu p lLR,cr f\ lCoroto l III II lie per. Ulllllo 1.0 rotlre· h ome 80 surely and un expectedly 1'0_. 35c nnd IlUvolo\IOS 2~c IUId vlolot $1 00 n t 0. bouk 10c a box. . . . . . abo. . . . . . f1 box .. '. • . on h .• ... . bereft. Th'ia ~ife and -nlOt ber was the secCAMES ond d"ughter, the youngest child of James' and Martha Pepper. She was , IOc, IS and 25c . born in Virginia, coming to Ohio :...-------~ . . ~~ with her parents at the early age of






It ' will- pay you to d() yo'ur Xm' as ' Buying , Here

. Note · These Attractive p'r ices:

Women's Handkerchiefs


_____ 2£2b

Book~ Make v. ry RlJPl'Opl'iate gifts Flower Edition f th Poe t-'l , bound in Ii g ht~

color ,d stiff 1 ack with hig hly co lor 11 flow 'I'" nn 'ove r, each in an al tl'8 tiv box ,



75c each Leather Bound Ed ition f th Po ' t, /It:!xi·


bit! lea Uw r cover, print.ed in color ed Ho wct's , $1.25 each Children'~

Painting Boo){s



IOc and 25c

Larg'e Letter ABC Books 15c




Boys' Books 25c


, each






BIC As.<: ortm·ent of children's toj.y book ' , a" IOc and 2Sc


Teachers' Bibles Flexible bl ack g rain leather gilt dge, complete III every resp ct, $1.75 · ea·ch

See our new




are beauties •.

n'The' ~""""""~'" """""""~""" '"'''l Dayll- ght Store '


. "'"

.' ~

' ./ '. -


$ $


..." ..." .. "

" .." .. " "

, ..., ,.. "


.." ..." ..." " " " .."


$ ~


S.' $ .

.." ..." ..." ..."

..." .."


.." ...... N . ."


. ..... .." ...' ' '' . .." ..

Useful Presents '

Sal$d dishes t'in domestic and J apanese a ... . . 25 c to $2 .00 F ancy PI a t as lO . . d omCils t'Ie, an d Japanese at . .... 25c to $1.00 Tea Sets . . .. .. ..... 75c to $1.50 ImpOrted Japanese Cups and Saucers .. .... .. .. . 25c to 50c Chamber Sets 1 fine Dinner Set, imported china 100 pieces only . . $15.00 'o ,lu Clocks Orm And Jewel Boxes these make hand some presents . . . . . . .......... ; .... $1.25 to $1.98 Nickle- Alarm Clocks . ... . .69c Mrs. Potts' Irons nickle plated, set of 8 9~c Nut Crack' Wl~i Se't'~i P'ick~ : 75c Child's Set of Knife, Fork,

~~;~: .~~:.~~~.~~~~~~ .~~~~

Roa-er Bros. Knives and Forks, Teaspoons, Tablespoons etc . ShearsJ.,.Coat and Trouser Hangers, Thimble:! , A1so a nice assortment of Xmas , stationary . . ... .... 25c to50c



of J. L , b Calendars '9fdeb,&eaD\\t:'.nmeJ·n .an ", d _ -'I. ,for on'e of' our t'ADA • of , ....rY' tunew 1910" calend~. They . Proof PUll are wor.~ asking tor.


~~8D,~ :------

of J.



'''' ~,

..." .." .. " .."

..." .."


...., ,"

, ..,



L.·VaiJ. t





'xma;Ooklets I (Jc,IS .a nd

Necties, Handker- Fancy CIcanned Peache ', Ap' ri h' fSuspenders, ' H' C l ~ . , 8ax or oSlery. We cots, 1erries, Plum. ,. Pumph ave ,.h e t'r 10 IeorOflf Hose f h Sour K raut, or l '<tn, S' ptnac. men , 6 pairs for $1.25, guarBeets, String Beans, Corn, anteed ' far 6 months, Caps, Peas, Tomatoes, Fancy Dried Toques, Undel'\\'ear, Shirts. Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Corduroy Clothing, Shoes, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Overshoes, Felt Boots, RubCitron, Olives, Pickles, Horse ber Boots, Arctics, Rugs, a Radish, Olive oil, Salad dressnice lot of Velvet and Axing, J ellies, Appl e Butter, minster Rugs at special prices Honey, Heinz Mince Meat, Heinz Sour Kra ut. Cream Candies . Cheese. Brick Cheese. EdgeUnderwood's Candles, mont, Star and Old Fashion Pure,' Clean and Wholesome Butter Crackers. We have t d t r f We have a nice line of pure canan up- 0- a e, me 0 grocerdies from 10c to 40c per lb . ies and only ask a trial order in Hard cut mix, French We always have' fine country cream mix, Hand Dipped Butter on hand at reasonable creams, and chocolates, taffy, prices.

~~~~, r;~re' sti~k~a~h~co~~~

and the the spacious room. / A carload of material arrived in Columbus h~st week for the decbra-, '-\ tors, while a force of 20 men, under Charles T~vJor of Sterli~g. & Welc~ . We h~ve for yo'ucompany . of C.leveland, . contractors New ·Nuts, all kinds . f or th e d ecora t Ions, s t al·ted t 0 wor k R·· . 01·Ives . h d't' F 'd ' alsms 111 t e au I onum t rl ay. . WOl'k will be pushed uncea ingly FIgs fancy Cal<es 0 P' kl . until the show opens, and the dit·ty, ranges Ie es time· worn old auditorium will be Cranberries Honer turned ,into a bower of beau ty never Mince ·D-ates


~~:;;, !~~ :~~~:~b~:h~f~~~ ~~i:; to thehabl't of




__ __ ________ __ ~~




If you wm.t a ' nice Chicken or The 'la~~est ·line. ~f ~m·as'~an.~ .. ' .

____________ ______





keepI·ng some~hing u, p ~



Gustin Hotel, WaynesVille, Ohio, First Satu~day ·In Evtsry

. '


Classified Ads

and the Grown- up Folks


....... ...........-~~

be Inserted unCI r ~hl fl lie ad ' f~f tw e uty·llve cen lS ,tor ~b ree lnscrtl .''1't, wbou IlftllllJ not m(lrc tban live- lIn llll:

Ads \\'111 .

Wishing' all n Merry Ohristmas a,nd a Happy New Y ar, . ·Very respectfully,

J W Wh·t



N .. HOYT, Will be at the

Ch· d GI ancy ma an aSSW8re Beautiful presents for the- Children








Expert Optician,

their sleeve until the lasl minute there isno tel\i;lg whl1tsurprises may be in store. ' " ~" '. , 1 One of the mo!';t _unique ilutoma. '~~'~~~~~;=~=~=~=~ " . ' biles ever t~ h1lve bee~ ~een in this get Immediate· relief, country, WIll ~e exlllblted at the W Dr.ShooD's~84icOintmeJit. " .


NYC d . ' .~ . ew ears ar $" m toWn 'a t '.' .only 'le each .




Turkey for Xmas.1et us 'have your ·o rder. . We only kin the very best. .

Candies- Purest and ~est Etc. Etc. Etc.

Something new, either great or small, will be found in nEarly evel'Y



You read and look afar with equal facility, but' no ,one db~ervea that you are wearin! bif60 . ,call became the wual linea'! are' absenL W ~ar the .renuine 'KRYPTOKS awhile.and you will never ' willingly return , to olct. atjle bifocal gluses. . ' .


to have been seen b fore in Col um- Fresh Oysters, 30e to ~Oc per qt. .bus. Spanish Onions F~esh Crackers Hund~edsofAmericanbeautyroses Car Load Fancy Apples

Oranges nice, creams, chips, peanuts, alsweet d" monds,clustersalsoLowney's an JuIcy .. . .. . .. chocolates in X Ib,llb and 21b per doz . . , , . , .. . . . 15c to 30c boxes. If you want pure By the Box 176 size only . ,$2.25 candy at!k for Underwoods,. B~~:~,asA~~~~ Fl~~Q~~n~~= Special priCE',s to schools and agaGrapes,Pineappl!,!s, Figs. Sunday Schools D t N Co C b ' b:g~'Sw~~~' Po~~t~~,~a:cyOysters California Celery. In fact you wiJI find just what you By the way . d 0 n't f orge t th a t . wan t an d our prIces WI·11 b e as we are the only Store t hat low as the lowest. . handles genuine Seal Shipt , Oysters. Send us your order Wanted f te·f t h or ~ys rs 1 you wan t e W e want y~ur Chickens, .T ur very beat. ' k~ys,Du~ks, Butter ~d eg~s Highest m~ket price pard Turkeys " P, ost ' ar' d s · ".,'


In the) j' Wls


boo hs, while thousands of lights will be required to I properly illumi nate

orchids, Japanese wisteri a, sunfiowers, holly and mistletl e will be used in the scheme of decoration, while American flags, vases, pillars and shields will ,e foun d in profusion.


~~~~~~ .

$$ $

. "



~Ieo~::~~y::~~~!rfl~:: fl~~;!a~f ~~I!


For the Children . , ". ' We have a nice line of Dolls, " Also from . . ..Bears, ... . .... 1c toLions, $1.50 Teddy Teddy B. ilikens, Dishes, Blocks, Dom ' , . moes, H 0l'Se$, Guns, Rattles, . ) .a Wagons, Sleds', Balls, Knives, Whips, ~!lTps, rops, Pianos, Met_ ~ MerrU ~'.. 2 fine uprIght PIanos' at spe' cial ~rices, '


CHRISTMAS. SPECIALS .~ ~ 'Better prepared than ever to supply your wants. PhOne us your- order for Xmas, w~ WI·II::.J00 t he rest.


$ $ $ $

'.') .

, .." . ." ..."


# ~d~~led~~~~a~:~I~~~~~\:~~~~~o~~=



S,C HW ' 'A RTZ"



automobile how. Jus twhatitlook ' like, or what the rnateri~ls \yill be, is hard to tell, but £i·om· one "who ' , knr>ws" it is aiu that t he ., machine i ~ In Columbu for the autO'mooll eshow wii l be gold-plated and decol'ated 1 with 1110tQel'~of"i:>earl. ' 11 ~ I ·to be held there ho liday week. Three


~ ,,;u,~il




Christmas Post Cards. ' They











CRAVENETTE rain coat, gray, between F. W. Hathaway's on Harveysburg pike and C.H. Clem. ents'. Finder leave at Clements' grocery. -~::=====::::;::======! " 'FOR SALE


a JX'l'IE Tli YEAR .






Farm ers' Inst itute XM,\S


.DECEMBER 29. 1909.


-- '

MU_.U_~~~U __ ~~ I


WHOL E .NUMBER 3086 . , • •t

- -- -- - -- ---

I ..




~!EN TION Th~~~~~~~ sildine was in DaJto~~~~f.j~


The celebration of Christm as at '. . the Childre n's Home was enjoyed on ~ J!;f. _ , :r . I;:i Eli B~l'nett and wife were in Leb. , ~ rs. Jos. Chapm an was in Cine~. Friday. The taste j.'(;' and skill 'o f Mrs. . ' " . • • • anon Friday . Continuance of Notes ..f rom Caskey. with the aid of her hUEband natl Monday. - - - -• - - ...... - -~+ ' ' .. ;".; . t f Mrs. Joh n Hawke was a Dayton vis. Edwin Ricks was a vis~tor to and assistants were very eviden t ita qin-; ~ Last W ~ek's Is~ue f itor last week. the beautif ul and harmonious decor· cinnati this week . ~, I, . ations, A tree so exquisitely adorne d " " . ~ ' 1& H C t~ml f L ba ~ll&t 'n tl& Ronald ~X= Hawke, of Dayton , -nff ~ arry oyne. o. e non , was I that it must have appear ed an ,en· jJi -,," I' " ~ town Monda y. Christm as at home. All presen t were proud of our POl'lt , '~ " . to the eyes of the AX }'laster when Mr. F. H. Farr rendered chhlldrlden, as It almo~t rea~hed Sheriff Forgy was a business vis.Misses Ruth and Marie Miller, 81'&\ t;a~ to , en beautif ul cornet solo. Mr. Jesse teo er persons w 0 were so itor here Friday. guests of l'elatives in Dayton . or uLewis 'in his usual charact eristic man- nate as to be ~resent. . • ~: I ~ ~ ~ l!l Miss Clara Hawke is spending a Harold Osborne, of Sligo. is yiltitby nerpor trayed Rip Van Winkle before enbtertammtetnt k thde . being qriven from home by his wife c I :1 re~ eJan a o 0 c oc ,a? lifr, I'S Vl' sl'tl' ng ing his aunt, Mrs. Nora . .t ~ Mr. Lewis made up on the stage for the patience of their ~~clber relaJohn Strawn and aiate.n. May and 'h MISS jji t~ this im'pel'sorill'tion, and his acting St. John, was. very pam y ~ tives in Cincinnati this week. Ona are visiting friends at Vincennes. s o~. . 'f th fi t H has evidently One could. reahze the amoun t oftra1O- : ~ Ind. . Wias 0 ~ I Herber t Edward s was a Dayton e tneds'l fe tud to thl'S require d to have them so thorI g ven a grea ea 0 s Ying d ' led visitor Th Satur~ay and Sunday. ' · rendl'tl'on of I't oughly Ed. Strouse, of Guthrie , Okla., is I ch aracter , an d h IS r11. ere were recl'ta. ,." ., - - - - .-:. . - - - .- _. - - _ _ -+ It' . th makes anothe r strong 'Jlumber cif his ~t ons ~ar~~es a~d. solos, I the.guest 0 fre , F re d H aw k e WI'11 en t er th e N a IVe! here duru~ orma e two ,~r • __ School at Lebanon next Monday. reperto ire, A.!3 an encore he gave t ree 0 tea ter emg so holidays. . swee y . ' anothe r excellent selection. Home l'~nd~red that .we found o,,:rselv ~.. Miss Lizsie Baily is the holiday es , talent is always apprec iated. and wlshmg t~e VOICes ~uld enJoy . Miss Esther Wolcot t~ of Matnevl.lle, guest of her brother , George .the Baily, . U. U" Uf tf tn..~ IS the guest of A. B. SIdes aJld WIfe. in Cincinnati. when it reaches the high standa rd of ad,vantages of a musical educati on. . i r ' 'nga gl·ve · n by Mr. LeWIS' nn. MlSS St.,Joh n played al.l ,o f the ac- ~~~~~~~~~ the readl ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ v ~~~~~ Howard ~ol1ett ~d ~f~ have Misses India Ranker and h Alte Pauline ' taken up their abode m Wilmington. f C f _..2 ' the hearty applause it received, after Claus appeared, ~IS ~rrlval bemg Born, Friday, 24th, tp 0 raw :.1'\& ani which the orchest ra ' rendere d well nounced by the JinglIng of bells. Frank Havens and WIfe, a qaught er. ' • • - .... - - - - - - - - - - - . '. . • :. • ' . " A libe:~~ "supply of presen ts was h. Mrs. Ida Githens, of Da~toD. was " ~osen select Ions., : -" . . Mrs. Sherma n Dyke and Clifford the guest " ", ,,\dld ' h' _ C nsbn~ . ~C?f' 1909 of Mrs. Eva Mtller and was ush~red Saturd ay a. m. bemg Ladles' Sea- ?IStrlh,Utf,ld, tl._. ... r~n. s ey~ 10 ,The home of Mr. and Mrs. E .L. Burnet t, were in Dayton Thursday. famil Christm .s.. ~.\ ~y Q.. Ji'ls.-ftich snow, the first real Thomas was the f"cene as Day. l" of the family lion, ,Miss Luella ~rnell presided 109 With hapPiness as they recelve y • _ • +' a whiteC bris~m as for about six years, gatheri ng this Christmas where the We are indebted to Mark Davis with Miss Blanche Riley as secreta ry. them. Many of your readers for NEW CENTURY CLUB are an<l the day was more like an old- families of David and Frank Thomas a but?r.h of fine celery. of his own raisThe piano d\let by Misses Lucile Cor- aware, doubtless, that M~ l~, a~onh fashione4 Christm as than for a long joined them at dinner served at a ing. nell and Eleano r E~r~hart was e:'~el- 0!a~~~ ~:~~~=;!si~~f~ t~~ The New Centur y Cl~b met at the timp. , ' . . r·shaJle d table ' lent. Very a~proprlate devotJo'\lal y wit? the , u~ual red Mrs. Cyntltia Evans i spendin g home of Mrs. Cynthi a Evans,' Friday . . ' , . , d 1 The 10 almost the and green decorations. After , exercises were conducted by Mrs add to the ('.hildren s JOy hall all th h I'd 'th 1 ti 'C" _ aftl9rnoon Decem ber twenty -fourth . Christmases. St. did justice to the dinner they reN. L. BU!lI'lell. ' . ~ 0 I ays WI re a ves m mem Seven teed membe rs responded. to I We know that suc ace e ra, had service at 10 paired to the Christmas room draped na . Mr. Thomas ,in discussing the "Ma- tion of t~~ day means a v~t amou~t roll-call. o'clock, folks made ' the air in red and green with the large red R. C. pIe Orchar d" gave II. 'description of of work m the prepar ab?n Sparlin g and wife. of After the reading of the minute i . fo; It. mertY ~th r salutationlJ and for bell suspended over IL lighted Christ- St: Louis, the maple sugar ' industr y frol'll the but ~~l'\gratuls,te the sup~rlltten are the guests of Dr. and and other business the pro~ram for ~ e~ first time this winter sleigh- bells fnl/,ij tree which greatly pleased ' the Mrs. Hyatt. time it was commenced bl the In- m~t~~n, teacher an~ a connec the day was taken up. heard. children and made ~hristmas merry. dians to the presen t time. His meth· WIth It, that cve~ything was ' , " Mrs. W. H. Allen so sue- The to~ was almost deserte d after Such gatheri ngs I C}ip children 's Ther~ w.III. b~ moving PI~tures at paper on "Santa read an eXcellent 'ods are the m'o st improved and the cessf?Uy and d~I!.~u1IY manage Claus in the Thir- . d. . unti150 'clock, w . hen th~ stores memories when th it= halr is very SW . Cd' Phll,IIPhS · fac t t" every FrIday and 'I tee~ Colonies... • which showed care- ; resuIts th ere fore sa t IS ..;..J , • ory. ,M'ISS CHRISTMAS IN RURAL SCHOOLS open.:IU f b ' B t I't' . agam or usmass. atur ay mg . u 1 gray. I Edith ~rane pre~,ente~ a ~ref~lly . .~ : ful prepara tion a~d was very tn, -,- -- . ' . ' r' tle bUSlDe8I! ,,:as done, however. . Mr. and Mrs. Chlla. Rye enter- Nate Hawes and wife, of Spring ' structiv p~epar~. .Our Frlend~ the Oh~lstmas With all I.ts happmees e. This was followpd by a ,In tbe.~enmg a dance wasgl~en .ained Sunday at a Christmas dinner, ~l~ Valley, were guests of Mrs. Lewis recitation approp riate to the . ," In wh~c~ bIrds and ~helr ~e- and- J~~ has .o~ce agam ~ome and in.! ~. :t ~. O. nail and a merl')' tlm~ . Hartso ek and w,ife. Allen Christmas day. 1ation to, pl~nt, and hUman hfe were gone. .the W~ne TownshiP . , ' given by Mn. C. 8C~ooli A. Bruner was Dad. . whlj:h .1 , , Hole and famtly, Walter McClure. nJade very,pl ..,n. . , all fittmgl y observ~ the hohd~. chatine d all her hearepi. Mrs.l;l aw- ' m~~han ts 10 town c)81m wife, and son, Karl, Frank Carey and "Highe r Education toward the I On '1;hursday evenlDg Lowell MI5..'\ Helen Stokes went ~ ~a.n kins then read a pleasing pa~r ijdl this on Farm ~or Our , Best Harves t- the and Sugar each gavee1abor;ate fl?r to ' liave been the banner year f ami'1y,' Ed ward Hartaock an d WI'fe ,Wert Monday for a few days VISit .IChristmaa Its Givings and M;amv- l theine and that more good and .James .Jobns_ and family and Jesse WIth . . frIends there. , Boys and Gi~ls" ~~ 'very ably ilia- Christm as program s: , ings." Mrs. F. H. Farr in an able . u~fu~ preSents were sold an or- ThomaS. c~, by.Mlss Eh~abeth Chandler, Veda, daught er of . M Mr. t. ,aolly and Mrs. enter tamed manne r presen ted "Topic s of the on Friday. merly. . .1.' • h'l th th hi T __ W II f' 0 t ' Th~, thou.ghhts ,presenUt:d. w,edre' d~p evem~gt . k Day" Afteras ele-ctio n on the pian.' H ' wI. I e be ted° ethr sc 00 s ap.o· The usual numbe r of family dinners M Eu he mla h t t· ed""'" 00 ey, 0 . t rs ' p d . an~ wort y of earn~t consl er, tlOn ~rQpn~ e Y ce le eEdral~~ with typhoid fever.ay 01', IS very SIC l ola the ~a e Club and ~p~rs, were had, and families a a xmas . ~nner °Sugden adjourn ed. . . ( un ay, W...,y , It 18 ho~ the futul'~ SC?oots o( ~hls 109 hohday on F,rlday afterno DUI ing the social hour dehclous 'j on: were reunite d for the day. Lots of and Wlfe, ~ernon H~ugh cotn~umty may p~ov.e ti)L seed ""': l!lacb $Chool 10 the townsh a~d Warne r Devitt, of Cincinnati, was ; refresh ments were served in buffet Ip ~~ out-ot- town membe rs of fam iJies famdy, of Belmont, and MISS ElSIe the Christm as Day g ue. t of Emmor I , soWn by thill vaoal'. fell inro 'good c'eived a complete set of Carpent style. e~'$ wer~ horne, and lots of home r~sL Hartsock. Baily and family. ground a ,Ii bro,ught'~orth fruit. .' G'eographical ~aders. a usefu~ ' Mrs. A, T. Wright and Mrs. 'J . B. gift Were out of town. Sherma n Dyke and wife gave a Four ehoicj! selectIOns each great- and one that IS much apprec iated. , ' Chapm an wel'e guests ~f the hostess. " 'IlI~ Who Entertained Christm as dinner to Eli Burnet t and John Beach was called to ly; added to the success of the ladies' " The schools all cloSed on Chris~ Xema ' mas . -- • ., family Mrs Jane Dyke and Forest Monday, on accoullt of the , S~lon. They ,were ,t he vocal ~olo eve and wmresu~e work on !1el'iOU8 RESOL U:rION S Januar y J. Thomp son and family en~r-: Graha~. , by Mnl f L, S . Rh~a4es, the readlDg S~"after a week s ,rest and illness of his mother. rec.rea- ~lned at dinner Frank ThomPson and . . ' . py Mrs. . ~,gal' Stinson, the,piano bon. . _ . Where as. The Sj)~nt Messenger, ' ._. " wife,Qf' Sprin~ Yalley, and George ~11l Cornell and family en~~rsolo bo Miss _Hazel· (tustin. and tile . E L B rgd~lI and fa mily, of D~Y· whom none. can resISt, has called ARRIE D OVE R A YEAR wife, and daught er Mar- tam~ the , Cornel l-Prate r famIlie s, ton, violin solo bv'Miss ·Grnce Carmen. ~ere Chl'lst~ as g uests of Philip , fl'om our mIdst our beloved Brothe r M " guei'ite and lIOn Milton. Chnstm~D.ayasfoll~ws: Chas. Cor- s and family. l.Womil~'s Work T~ay" was viv- It leaked out last week that , ~iss : Dr, William Ward, whose unselfifh , nell. and wI~e, Morns Cornell ~nd idly compar~ with ~a.t <it twentY-,1H/!ttitl Hawke had been m~rrie . ' nt } ~evotion to humanity, endear ed him d in W~ :H. Allen and wife enterta ined family" Harry Co~ell an? famIly, five yeare- ago bf M1'8.~artha Davis. I Augus t 1908, in Covin,g ton, .Oscar. Edward s sp Ch~i,st~ a~ to all with who~ he came incon~~! .; Ky .• , 'J; 'Po i)avis gave a ,v ery interes t- : Mr. Jesse Q~ars. Mrs. Sears to Miss ,Georgia Hadden and Mias Liz. Hen~y Prater and WIfe, MISS Luella With hIS mot~er: Mrs. 'Mo,he Ed therefo'l'e be it· " had zie Stiw,ar t Cllristmas Day. , ' , Cornetl-an~ -H arry Prater. wards and family In Dflyton. .. 1~l\C;i<?' the ladies It\enti? ningthe . kept ~t a secret until recentl Resolved, That the members of ' , y. when . , Mrs: A. T. Wrigh t and sons, AI- Mr'l. Timothy Smith and children, ril. ys~r,y of ttie~r ,wars whjch h,e be· ' ~ .. went' to join 'her husband ' Hm'veysburg LOdge·No. 312 F. & A. Otto Horpick and wife had as the,ir fred. and E!lliott. spent Christm " 1 ed -,.,;.: as of Spring Valley, were guests of her M. wi th deep sympat hy with .", ' ,', l lev~' ls pas t Ii.n d mgo1,1t . ''t:r ';lo~1> ~~. Cfilcaito, w~re they will go to the beA ' Mrs. Hornic k'spare nts! h!,."" DAy" ,w.!m ~~I.atives in Spring boro. reaved relative s of ,the deceased, we ,z , " ,wqman on a hlgh~r m6ra~ and ~PIr,t·, keeping. father, John M. Davis last week. \~ . express ' our hope that even .eM-'Wi so great f~j)t",~[ep). , and ual Btanding thaw man, and stated _',' . .. . L . ,... ' and wife, of Day- Crawfo r -;Perry 'and famlly had " tl~~t· bften sh~\vli., h'is: superio r in.' , as Mrs. Agnes WrIght and daught er a 10::lS to us ~Il may be overru led t~r SLASHING t'l(ll..'ttS , :, 'ton. · . .' " their Christm as Day ' guests A. B. Susan, were Xmas g~ests of , tenectu~lly. ' 'He spoke of theiropok'-, Frank good by Hill1, who doeth all things 1 - . A ' " ' " ' Sides arid wife. and the MiSses Paul· Cadwallader and family ,at Lebano . tAnee of domestic scien'ee. Whatev~ W,e wa~t ~ call a~~entlo~ to ~., 9~ n. well" Fred B. Sherwood !lnd fam~ly' had. ine Perry and IndIa Ranker , of 'tf '! " rr.'b ~~.. ",l.. h " 'It\ Leb- ' ' h ." , Schwar ~ " s bIg ad, 1D whl~h he ' I. their usual ChristmAS dinner .... ,ests· anon Re olved, That a copy of these res- . , er contn u""'" w our ea :n. appI- . k' bl ed ti · · 11 h I'd Mrs. BettIe ' , Clements started from olutions be spread upon the records nee8 ana dipi y we:e.hould 8tri~e to 9'l~ng ~ g.r hUC / 0 lD~ I 0 I. ay 'Q.r.~and . , "-" , C" . W d d ' f Mrs. Sh.erwood, Miss Lizzie K ' " attiin, to ,distniss~ the things w.a'do go ,e. d 'f " 1 te mcn~at ~ e ~Ies a m~~OI,n~ hor of this Lodge and Ii copy be sent to OW.1S tl e Ime f ay191Dl~oa, Baily,' ReV.. 'ilnd Mrs. Cadwallader J M'lt 1 . 'ed ch . ,eys aDn , ahmlfYll en. r- ~ew eXICO, were s e WI VISI nQ,t qeed;, to i~prove AtKe things" 8ll.P~"1 of usefu prrsent s ,. or er the f~mily and that they be prinud ." • • , 'ana ~ils Elsie ~artsock. " tam rl8tm~ ay t.e 0 .owmg: sIster. ' d to ' • te 'th , . 'It Will pay 'YOU to buy in the local papers. now and bold, : , ' ~u~d u,s ,' 1;Ul ' , , ~cI,a Albert Terrell and Wife, of New A one' th !' r next ear ' d f , " M L" Ell' tt , anothe llinauc ham.n ner asWIto cr.e. d' d S Vienna JELLIS ON , / Benj Hawkin ' em 0 s , and farr~il Y ,' . car rom I ' rs. F'~B IZZle " Hendet'8oban famdy ha " 10 , ' , , ,'. •• • ,. . )' , •~• .y, Clark Pleases endour papel't o t d' , 'tho ,day a~ a pleasan t atmosphere" and - l\v~ J, H Coleman C. T. Hawke W.A. MERRl~ ..__ _ and famIly Mrs. A h c says' NOTICE ' " e ' a ~ner IS,.. . • . . "in :t arid (;oloy' if. , H k M' M -. Ha Comm lbee. "N ' " d V Lytle for if all goes well we WIll be " ' . >, ,and wife, and mrs. Lauisa Woolley. awe. -, ' t , " .. - . ~ jl . ," \ I8a \ ary ~ e an ' er· home soon. . 1 " . I ' " . ' LECTU ...., The !dternqon.lJ9SS~qn open~,4 Wlth , 4-~1 'persons kMwln RE nOD COURS Hawke E g th~~.. vea, ' ·\Fted Ha' tSock' and fami! ate din' m~le QY tqe ~r~hestra af~ Which .ipd-ebted to m~ ,will please , . , d who .. an.~:. . t th ~ ' . d " '1 Y '. . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapm an en· T. W. Raymo~ an wife ,t4f.. TQQmas 'di~Jls8ed" "0qr :Elxperi~ 'lsettietheSal'lleatoilCe" asI~ T 'f I f Durmg therus hofCh nstmas wo"k, . ~~t ,i~.~a . ,e , .ar~ls oml,clA, , tertain oo about twenty of thf;lir w.a6~orn l\ roe~t.gtation: '1 , ~'.fhef\~t8t:a~jOrf~&.!I .-to leave Waynesville !loon. ' I· ' J~n Sh~han , and -damily had as friends very ple~tly last Wednes- Cmcmn '1?rlY MISS Alma e:/,(l we forgot the last lecture cou~ , \ '"" ~~~liaQ~near.'th\~ ,Qnio ~ta~':1ni- fQI'¥~Ie.onelarge: .steel atl, are the ~uests 0 ame!! numbe r last week-t }le Piercei. ~gel:..~~ke !~eir~est8froh)Ce~~tvi.lle. 'Mllton . daye'Vening. "'500': was tbe ,~ '" m~in yerslty ~t Qolu,!\l>u1! \n..18sa, ,b qf, Q~ '~~W; also, Qn~ ,very fine combln Prende rgast and famIly. Th~y were no strange rs here. ~4 .' atiJD S eehan and wife and CW. Sheehan fe ...ture of the ev~mmg after which Read the adverti sement of Oktaho- theIr work was ~, l~ ~tq~. ~~lley: . o , tlle '~Qle,iitjl':ltY J~~dtn~ ped with bOC?k ~ an'd'~[.t-.:; up to the standarCl. " ...M .wife. '~. '," delight ful ~efl;'eshments were served. rna Fa~ for sale. It is a good , rl~eri at1;~ iQ!, otqer.~!\e. it plOVed . ·'ng ,desk. , prop, Mr. ~ierce s.tand~ high in his impei. " ,{ i, DR'; "F. (,. ~AlIS. ,.' ' , , ' ' . , ~".,~~~qi~~le. ll.l~ee to , perform th~ . osition for anyone wantin g to buy a sonatlons,- IO fact next t;? the . ~- . , . ' " ", ,Mr.' and ¥rs. J.• 0 .. ~twrl~~t, ~. Mum Emma Helghway enterta med Western improved farm. \ !3"~ed.e~perirn~~~tl~' w~.r.e~oyed ~ ,-: In ' N~.'f.IC~ his sketch Of. ~.:. the ,Bh,ta d~wn-e sses J~et( ut , i Mrs. Rogers , "ft!i. the Card dlub very pleasantl~ last to ~~'Il~t n)(:atioil'at w.~ter i~, , ~ '. Yank~ ,. h£ was SImply Ii~e. Mr8. I t '~ ".; J ' Kizzie, Merrttt an.d·lm lma9&r ~w. n ~h.t Thursd ay afterno on. . t.~ ~ Tnat the sOiI:al\d C~1l<{ition9' of ,T~~ tJtOck\l61de,r8 \ of ht.h~ ~:~: RartPok of, _ ~arren Edward s, of , ~owerston, Pierce did excellent work m th~ lUi' .1• OhrlStmas dml\er WIth . ~ - • ..uL_lI t IQ.... llti- ,m¥.aht · a-1st ,.I,;e Ballk of W~n~,VltI~, 0 10, , OhIO, was home for Christmas and sketch of the down-trodden wile. dO, Mr:'~ and ..,It"·~ ..........,0' ., ,, , . ~rs: I' • S. " Lev. Cartwr iiht. "" th ir' annual ' meetin g on mon ay CHINA WEDDING werit back Monday , Wa'rren says Their work wlis hiiq·cJ ass, clean , " " . ,.Wor~,8~bs~do~ ",liave" ~eeri<eit:iib. J~~~ry.g~ l~lQ., ....,... 1 k ~t,ween' the 'h9U~ Mark Davis 'a nd 'family eiljoye d :, John " , ,' Ste~ai't' ~d ~ennie ~dam!!, he.has a dandy p a~e to wor. . , wholesome. llihed 10 d~tfer,entJpal'l:8 "of ~be lltat(e" ., l , aD(~ 9 p,' • _ .' . , /'" • t.o elect . dil:eeto n (nlriBtmas with Nathan Austin and of,Barvey sl)uri, w,e r.e ma~ed De- B, F. ' Parker . of Char~eston.. The 8Peak~ ,told: f'~J;pe .~l.ingnt3S ·, :ic>r fb.~,en,~in~ ),'ear. , " ARRESTED IN,'LEBANON . family'. ' ' I ' \" • cem~t, ~.l~, and December ~. Va., was'the Ku~t of rel~tives . W. of ,t!i~ln chs,l'Ire, tc? Msi,at aoy'Ooe • , h ere IURTSOC,. Q$8hie ~ .. ,' , , , . " 1~, bel~, ~wenty yea~~ hela th~lr last, w~ek. Ben was ent:0ute tn;ubled by peslJ8. e~., at)d6ltpl~h'l~ to the Andrew Yeazell was: arrelMd ~ iD I ' \ . '. _ . . " : , sem" JaineS and Wife a~Cliria~, C)l~~ Weddl~. foI'l.y' guests bel~g sOuth where he spentChrl8tmas. .the worts.of thea~tlo~ in a way,that ' 'f "tlSLL.O GIRLS" OONJ(FVL Lebanon Monday by OGnsQbl.. Bar- ", I 'dinner With FAUiuncl Retallick preeen t. ~d ","ern. bered ~em Wltl). W'ill,:JlQreIY :rtv6 .....1 full coit(ldeDee , ' . ' /, . II f B >, k t ry COyne and Gordon Joy OD uaftl- ! ~~f~J.lf. ' r ; " ~inety-one p~eces . ofChinaware. A th), bulled .. the" r~~e ~nd Mt;'.~~.n.kCot~re ,0 .ro:o son. davittil t:d bYhiswif 'Dte Valley elepMDe Jirla ecl~_- . f IUDlptuous' dinner was .pread , ~ Ind., /lenOs U$ Xni8!J g:reetmgs, ihow them ,hJ»w much ~ ~ rl~11Ii'D~ kindly nmem~~ 01) Xrilaa and su rt. The case will ~me d.,." up fo, -...Ji Eclu1uu d Retallj( 'k and family ~ 1~uaic WU'.re ndered ~d • very .en-, aa~ ah~ enjoye the <:azette ve1 h=1f in Squire • aOD carll~"t ' Sam .~Itb, Walter _ Jolmlo n'a .. court their in ;• 1tU~ Simd.,. _ Robt. C~w joyable ~e . w88 had, al~ wishi~~ much as It alwaya contalDS. new~ 0 Lebanon, Januar y 6th: " ·(Ooncl~ .GIl'" 5l, ' ~'_ Baj .. Bowell. . ' " _ wife aDd PbIneU Cook. ' them DWl1 more happy amuve naneat some.o fber frtt!D"or ~ativ.. · ..

I I I tlCb ~ , , "t" "" I I ten.b", a 7" ' g 'II Rear!t , w rtt tIn

ch~nting si~ht



b .an a, Rappp »tw ~ear ' ,to all t reabers. ...



. ,. .




~, l fe'Mv rdsa.YLsl.innaDaDYetvol~t·t





_U• •

~~~~:r'=::~s !~~~!~~~·we~~e~=.'::~::~e::b~~.~a: ~;:" San~

r-- -

~ -C-h;l·~;:na·~8- -D·-ay--D--Ol:-n-gs- -,



~::~~:~ f~;il~~esta








.1 . .












! ;t,

and •






u..m.. '














'The l'y1iami Gazette IIru.

lIow II' Tere WIW! tho oold you got' Why should a good barber wnnt ,t o pOBe as 8 w.ri~e r? , Soon th ey'lI be crack!n;"j01ces abo.llt the fel1o\~ .that rocks the nlr btp, . N w lorl! botels are crowded, No wond er champagne bns gone up. King Mnnllel of Portugal Is looking for a wife 10 belp keep his throne trom rocldng, Uncle S;m--n-o-",-p-o-s,,-e-s-s-es tbo est bIg b&ctlf'11hlp III Ihe world. feels Its p nce ful as e \'er. . Don't b; Is'!!y this wint er. else IIIny be seW-cd and put under u chine that delocls hookworm s,


rn st· but yon mo·

What if ltutt r rloes soar if one bas tile mon ey to buy It and the bread to lipread It oa1 WTerythlng Is looking .p. A sttper,sll!)er Drendnougb t Is to lIave a dfsplacemenl of 30.000 lons. It lIlay .soon ate IHlOeflsary to wldcn tbe ocean. It Is da hned that life can be IIUS' twned In Ne w York city on 13 centft a day. but few are wllling to test the matter . \

Late l'eturoo trom New Jersey Indloate tbat the mosquitoes carrled the entire state fill 8pite of the cool weather. An astroncnller says Mars Is surrounded by a "r;loomy veU." Wbat a striking resemblance to tbe push headquarten I The turbIne type of engine seems to have scored a great triumph In the !Mindel's' trla] test ot the battleship North Dakota. The taxicab Is DOW up against the In Japan, and It Is not winDing BO easily as It did In the contest the bor8e~ ........-...,----: Tbo camera· .s cODselence]ess In the h&.nds oC a consolence]ess man. whether he be .'o n the top of a mountaIn or tn the depths ot the sea.

~Drtcklsh "


The 1bre&,-year-old Boaton boy wbo has in~lItered tb.e primer In two weeks will be tn Browning before his playmates I" e out of pln~ores . I

The rattroedll have the .bonor to report that there 8J'9 DO lODger any empty freight cars standing on the _ ~ lddlngs_ Prosperity has 'fcame." I


Women who wear big bats ' flnd little satisfaction In the declaration of a teacber tbat ·men have a rlgbt to Jaugh at suell pfeces ot heaqear. An English ' workhouse bas ~rnnR­ aU Its snoring conUngent to the deat dormitories. The bumanltarlan movement Is widening OD all sIdes. ~rred

. The secret 800lety man wbo gave the sign 'o f dlatress to the' jury whlcb .....a. U:1iug h18 case. bas 'i'lghtly now aD opportunity to test the same upon .• janer. . .'

------The QUeeD qt Holland bas Invented

aD ~mproved ba~y carriage. Over In Bolland the best people conUnue to "gard It as wurth wblle to ralae babies. I I 'I

Tbls country never did dread any

fo.e that It might have to fac.e. so that ','ttll pOssession of the greatest Dread-

Dought ship 18 typical of Its characterfst2 q attUua.,. . A Cblcagoan has won the title of a . ~odel husband. Doubtless lie, did the ./tJl1-asblng of the children blmself, In"stead of throwing the burdllD 00 an overworked wife.


Something flurely Is doing In tbls eountry when OUI! of tbe New York ·trunk Unes ot railroads flnds Ita traffio for September and October greater thaD In any ·t1\·o months of Its previous history, and Is able to ' expend f85,OOO.000 f.o r new equipment and tiettermenta. The new tennis cotirt .at the White . HoUt\1! occupies a pla~ nea~ the larKe fountain OD the BOuth lawn and a· pereet view ot It may be obtained at all times trom the portico IUU1 wIndows .of the White House. 'l;hus It the presl" t\~t plays, Mrs. Taft qin lilt In a rocktng c·,JIitr at the window with her seW',ng and watcb him nimbI;,: hoppln! around to meet the ball. " The announcement that the Culebra cut Is halt completed foreshadows the lInlsh of Ute Panama canal. Tbe cuI 10 through "the backbon~ of the heml· spbere." the rldge whIch passes down and connects the "three Ame.r lcas." The work there bas been steadily pUllbed under the supervision of tbe Ameri can engineers. who took up the task tbe French excavators ]eft un· done . . AssU1'ance that tbe cut will be completed In four years Iltrengthens beJlet in the assertion ·that tbe conn] wDt be I'~ tor operation by .1916. Will Souih America never learn Hlat the ,evolut!ons are a dangerous foe to Jta ~ogress? The curative properties of mdlum have been for som.etlme recognized. but tbe · 8'Xpe1lS8 InvOlved hall placed the treatment far beyond , the reach ef the average man. Every encourage· !bent, therefore. Is to be given the JUoyement und erts~en by eclentlsts to . .tabllsb such treLtment under cbilrlt. .ble ""uapleee. It. will be anotber .tep ....ar4 III ameUoraUD, >ike fII. of bQo




f '



D. l. CflANE, WAY , 'ES:VU,LE .


"'a are not SU11>rfse4, ,.th~,..,torl ilia' Realnol In Three Weekll Doe6 What QUESTION. ., It Should ~st Paul a crucllbtlO\l. The Other Remedies Failed to ,Do In surprl Is tl1a.t we should ever bope Four Months. to ])0 sess lb'ls supreme expell-lell&QjP41L..J ,. - My bnby'll 'faco . as !ltD a raW and less os t. No one BUrr nders tb e houst! bloedlng piece of meat. I was at my lO J sus as ' Lord wlt.hout a dr~t of wits· ends wbat lo do. Medicine [row a ths mnne's oup. And yet It' Is the three llhyslclans and ointments 11 comBy Relv. W. Robert-on Nicoll, D. D. full es t. fr est life. In a day when selt, mended seeUi d to make tbe. Eczema. . of London Ishn s Is paraded a8 a dlvill right ; worse. Then anothel' motber spoke o~ \Vh n men of great poss 8slon ', In gold Reslnol which I procured at once-:-reor talenls, complain IUld rebe l the momember I had no more faith In It tban WH .~T·S THE ANSWER ? I I I meul Ih<,y are Bsked to honor thelJ ' In 1111 the rest I had trled-but I , . - -. .- • •~ ~ VIEW or hi Las} st ward ship by 'just service nnd SUI" tbought It ' woultl be wasUng oolIY 60 · Wb o,t Ind nn w.oman was call ed pa so \' t'I', our ore re nd pr- In su h a day It ls not easy . more. Never did 1 spentl SOc to bet/' nt n i)rl vat mes· and th crefore It Is imp mtiv . that aU ' . ...ady R becea ?··..:.,Pocahont fU!. ter odvnnlllgp. · tor the fu'8t and set· Wbo 'rol c, "Snow-Hollnd ?"-J . G. slIge 10 un unkn own who fe I the charm of Jesus s hould ond days 1 noticed u remarkable ' fl'i nel In J I'll al m. I' cOt;lIl ze his unique olalms. 'l'h crOSB \Vhltti I' . chongI' . nnd ·now at the end of th \\ ho W,lS "The Poet Puln t r?"to Bay: " I will k op in 011 1' x\lerlence must be as r enl lUI the tblrd ~v e k I have my pre tty blue I h(' pas over a t thy ("'0 S on the H ili. until he gruns his Thollln JIll banan Read . eyed. rosy cheeked. cOOi~fir '-'baby hou ' .," Tb e fne t of (hrOIl within. Then hIs sov I'e lgnt,y . \ ho wa s the , 'mos t cel bra ed well lignin. I 11111 saCe In snYlng he Is (h e lil t'S IIg" being becomes no nbldlng joy. obedlem:a Amerlc n poet ?- l..ongfellow . perfecLly cu r d nnd th e 01l11) was sur li t' (h' d nod tho wa y Who I. tb e " Hoosier Po t1"-Jnmes ~el1t . s bow to him n lumi nous passion. lY soruothlng remarkable. Your SoaII III whi ch It wa ll The ch urcbes of all lands have gr~ \t , bitcomu Ril y . nnd Ointment di d In three .wooles what Whnt (uthl'r nnd son we re t)l'~sl­ tbat tll ' re "'-0 5 need to rid Ih rull Iv s or what. o,te everytlJlng else I 11'1 d faIled to do In Hey-dldJ ! ders landlng nnd spoak I' fit tb I'ec nt Students' Chrl!l ' dents ?- .J Ihn lind John Quincy Adums. Cour·months. My baby waG poslUvely Th e re runa nn 01" riddle IlI!'lIt be lIY E1en th e l\I :ulter Mil tlan Mo\' ment conf re nce called "t\I~' Wha t India n gave land III Rhode dfsf1gur d. now his comple:.:lon Is aU That u cow jum~.ed over Ihe moon: fri IIdly clUzen. And y t Ihe IIlnn was cumulat ed lIudlscipleshlp." both within ISlnnd 10 Roger WllIlnms ?- CaponlDut It she .lId so right agnln. not taken unawa res ; w'h en tb e two the m and around tbe m. Admiration CllS. W ' would mil c h like to know Mrs. II. F. Clemmer. Sunbury. Pa. llo\\' she 0 " 1'1' got down 80 aoon . dIsciples de l" e red Ih r (')u cst. h must ripen Into rellowshlp. f 110wshlp Who WI\S tb author or "Home. ,-------' The .... aoant Chair, s ho\\'E'd thpm a " Ili:'ge npllcl' room fllr· Into surrender. surrender Into unmln. Swe t 110!lle""-Jobn Howard Payne. And In Ih(\1 snmu riddle Whnl Slid III Illorl tts linger around nl sllC'd twd I'l'ady." If h p. did 1l0t f el gled gladness. Social reform at hOIDll, Who was the "Sage _o f Concord '!"A c ut' s In It tlddlo; the o It! vacllllt chllir. Sitting III th Hut ho w <lId sho e\'I'r g t there~ !O UI'l', he wa ' xp ctant. h wa s hopeful mi ssionary nt rprls abroad. both are Ralph Wllldo Em tson . . ]" 01' no (\001' hus n 1111,11 0 middle nr th t' floor, with a pJalntlv nr beIng prlvl\l'geci to ent rtaln the mpans or expressing the so erelgn stlWhat Indi an chief was tho grandAt "nll 0 1' at mlllllle; look niJollt II !! frayC'd a011 eecm.lngly 111 11 /11 (' 1' nnd bl s dlsclpl s that Pa schal nlflcnn ce of life as a wonderful Insu u, fath r of 'rhoDlas Rolf ?-Powhatnn. Su thal Is mos l strunge. 1 declarel eve. WaUl'Y uncll , It brings huck 1\ tumultu · What write r was known as ·'H. H. 'f" His guest arrlved . He and the ] 2 ment- Ihe mos t wonderful on eal'tb- -H l(On Hunt Jackson. And ' llI al ridtllEl tlo tI aay. ous riot of RIII I recollections that tim cnpaul e of the highest use In lllel\sln8 'l'hat nn Ih ut sumo day passod Into the gu st chamber . But cnn lIe \'!!!' eft'nc.C'. VoJumes of bitter Who wu>! tho "Uach lor Poet ?"A dIsh l'n" aW Il Y \\'lIh a spoon! the man hlmselt did not join thl"m at Ul e Lord Jesus Christ. anguis h COlli to lIle whon I arrlvt> John' G. Whhtler. But olns and nJu rlt! ' row n tl 8 wllh this succ ess at len.,t, lable. He 'had the pure yet haH·anx, bome III tlnJil to cuteh the rullltma,u A s Ih!'y ne Vl' r enlO e !Jack What stlltP. Is known as the "Pral. ; ' hrlij t, In fjny. lous JOY of knowing Ulut th y were In 'I'hey must hn" gono up to the m DOIL swiping the 1008 0 f\ll'l1lture uround tli!' 1'1 stat ?'·- llIInols . t 11\ (' d ORe or dnybls hou'se; he might lien r Ihelr \'ol c s " y " UI' work jR tlono : I fUn pll'(lsed!" plac . llIlI.! tuk t:l ofT my slloes to avoid Who In"f' nl d Ih lh enoom e tor ' JIGSAW PUZZLE WITH CARDS publh:1ty. IIUtI strike my !test tO to occasIonally In conversatloll , and tbe - From the hrlslIan Work and the Fnhreuhel . s inging of the last hymn. Yet h was. };\':lDg list. I ngnlns l th l'ock!'I' or tbe eLI. vacaut Who was J enny Lind ?-A fnmous Part of Animal on Each . Pasteboard 'hull'. Th en. (org tUng for tie 010 ' In his hou se. an outsld r. He tlld Dot sInger of weden . and Object Is to Assemblo Them him self partake of Ihnt enclinrlsllc TEACH A LESSON IN TRUST !Dent illY ullclad teet. I ldok tbe obalr Whllt Is r mflrkable about th site to Make One Complete, f nst of Jlcrfect lov. Did b feel a on the otllel' rockel·. That Is when . or Forl IIlD te r?-It Is built on nn arwish to b. with tberu nod or th m, or Christians May Learn Much from tificial Island . the sadn es!> ulI .1 sul'ferlng that Ilngerb A "atlaUou on the jigsaw or ordIn- around th' old bcllr OOUlQII out with was he cOntent? Was It enough (or Contemplation or the Bird s What Is the weaning of Costa Rica? ary cut·up puzzle has boen designed an extTII tlilion and great o&vnks of him tbat J esus should be In hi s hOllse? of the Air. -The rlcb COlllI\.. Tbe qu stlon suggests lho relation Whnt author was known as "Boz?" by a New York man. ]n this Jle \1 gloolll !;cll ic ovel' me like !\ berd or 11\, Th e birds teach us how to lI.e tn -Charlell 01 leens. of many to Christ. They provide him Il ntwel1 liIes.-Or gon Journal. with the b>uest·cbamber. and no more. reference to our future. They do the Detected, They do not Ignore him. or treat him hest that they can In providing for Th consul III London of a continenwith scorn; he Is to th m. If not al- tbemselves; then they t1'llst In God TWO APlER-DINNER TRICKS tal kingdom was Informed by his go\'· together lovely. th cblef s t among for their to-morrow. We nre bidden In Order nnd Ca,.. ernment tllnt ono of his ooontrythe tbousllnd. at leas t admlruble. He !lot to drag to-morrow Into to-day. We Picking Up rylng Another Five · F~e.t Full of women. 8ullposed to be living In Great Is more thnn nn .ll1teres Ung s tranger, are not to add the burden of to-morWnter Without Splfttn~ '" Britain. hnd been left a mUlion of soen nsslng the door and nil bllt for- row to the burden ot to-day. And money. Arter nllvortlslng without regotten. He Is In the gllest-chambel'- what Is to-morrow? Wbence comes It? Glasses numbered 1. 2. 3, 4 In the sult. ho applied to the police. and a withIn c1os:!d doors. His presence No man can teU. To-morrow Is the Illustration are empty; those numSlllal·t young detective wns set to gives di stinction to the hOll se. Tber n~xt thing that we are to come upon; bered r;. 6, '11. 8 are partly fl.lled . The work. 18 admiration, but It does not lead to but It Is a riddle not to be solveti. trick Is to pick adjacent When a tew weeks had gone by his fellowship. He hold s the Imagi nation, We cannot see one day before our- glasses nt n time moves chler aslled him how be was gOing ~n _ but dooll not e"erclso sovereign au- selves. Our fulurehelongs to God. It change tbe positions al'''l've found thll Indy. sir." thorlty In the realm' of conscience. He Is enwrapped with many folds. No tern ate glass will be "Goot!! Wher Is s he?" Is the Cbrlst of history. but not of ex- human hands are deCt enough to take says People's Home "At my place. . I got mArried to her . perlence. ot! the folds that the mystery of to- move 2 and 3 lo the extreme end; yesterday!" Receiving His Grace . morrow may be read. One of the then .tll1 the gap with 5 and G. Fill We reacb this second stage tn such wisest and most beneficent provIsions gap with 8 and 2; then finish with 1 The Exc~ptlon. an experience as thI s: "I will come In which God has made for lP~ erCli aud 6. . In a homo where tbo mo~ber 1& somewho t aggrellslve an.l tbe tatber to him. and will sup with him. and he In tbe fact that he c8Jltioi see ~d Another trick Is to state that rou goud·llutured and peace·lovlng, a with me." He who entered as guest. know what lIeJ!l~ond the CJf do not believe 10any of those 'Present chlld's el'tlmate ot home conlilUons has now become host. and the host to-day. " , ,I can 11ft n glass lull of water and carry Variation of Jigsaw Puzzle. was tersElly expressed other day. who welcomed him has become his Our Imagination Is wtnged; Its te~d- It flve feet In five seconds without Wh1Je dressing. the mother pauaed I.n guest, Tbe door was opened as though ency Is to fly into the future. Whllb spilling most of It. Of course several we were showing . him grace. but we we should use foresight In reference wlll at once claim the ability to per- game the object Is the same as In ! the aet of putting on her &boes and soon discover tbat tbe grace Is all on to our future. we are not to yield Belt form the feat, and the time for your the old type-that of assembling the srud: "I certainly am easy on oboes. various parts to make a whole an· I bave worn these for four IDOlltb8. I his side. He does not despise our pro- to tboughts of to-morrow that cbafe, trick has come. vlslons-our ponltence, our faith, our tbat rnsp. that devour. Sucb overFill a tumbler with water and com- Imnl ' or birds, as tbe case may be-- ! don·t know what YOIl would do, Jobn , better thougbts. But after the journey anxious thoughts w'aste our nature. pletely cover the top w.\lh a stout but It Is In some respects more dlt- l if I were not. 111m' easy on everyand the IItorm tbey are scanty fare. dissipate our nenOJ18 _ enerC_ .......IL.j"ilheet of writing paper. By pressing ficult. can be prlnted elth· I thing." Tbe little girl looked up trom "Except So he brings forth the rich provisions prey upon our .Ital [oroes. Such the pape r flrmly against the top of ' er with a part or only one object on her dolls and remarked: of his grat:e. and we are called to sup overa nxious thoughts distemper our the glass you may salely turn the one corner or with pal'ts of various ob· . father."-Success. jects on all the corners or along the _ _ _ _ _ __ with him. We no longer move about ImaglnaUon. bring our mind Into a Now Ind Then. edges. In playing the game tbe the house. aomewho.t subdued by the morbid condlUon and destroy comIdea Is to see who can makt . H e Is a capitalist now In ao 0111 sense of a Divine Guest In the upper pletely the gerentty of our soul. As up , tbe greatest numbel' -:.f · tbese I town. bllt he was not alwaY8 thus. room. catching, as we pass the door. the gardener seeks to keep weeds out objects. ellher I In 11 rolVen time He bas progressed along var1o~s line , whIspers of holy conversaUon. of deep of bls garden. so should we seek to or In an unlimited tlIpe. TnoO!gh I and ono mark of his progress Is the revelations; we have been Invited to keep Buch thougbts out of our ute . It may not appe~r so, this type of o~en -back shirt, a colnparaUvely mo~ "the 1)la(;e of banquet and of song." As the way to take care of the ha.... 11 -IIDOl,lt ns there ern Invention. To he1s . yet ne\\. ' 'fhls 18 the Christ of experience. vest Is to take the best possible care puz~1e Is , unusua y Q , and r cently commented upon It· to a And yet there Is an Inmost depth of of 'the seed-Ume. so the way to take are no curiously cut edges by which I f I d who was In his room while he. tbe various . pieces may be Identified r en I I experlenoe which Paul had reached car e of to-morrow Is to take the beat when ho ,;rote: "Christ li veth in me." possible care of to-day. God. having by neighbors. The animals, or wbat· w~~~s~:;e." he said. sUoklng b1s The host owns the house. Not merely shut us up wlthln the lImltaUons of ever the objects may be. are formed head through his shirl "Wh'oo I oa~ the guest chnmber Is hts, but the se- to-day. says: Work well to-day. and by thll mat~hlng of lines entirely,. ane] to this town I hodo't a sh irt to m . eret key of every room. Every feast when to.morrow comes you will bave a knowledge of the apllearance of tbu back and now-now 1 baven.t a baok Is a sacrament of obedIence. To sup the strength to meet' Its problems. objects In question aids greatly In t • I Irt " • . _ _ _ _ __ o my Sl _ forming them. with him Is to rise arte r supper. and Lite comes to us. not In long gird ourselves wltb the towel. and stretches. but a day at a time. Living IndOJ'Cllng Shackleton'. Ctalm. wash his disciples' feet. He Is not only day by day Is the secret of all true, MANY TOYS ARE IMPORTED Grlmm-I'm Inclined to laave COD. the Christ or the convention and con- brave. trllllDpbant living. If live , . Iderable cOllfidence tn ExploTer Mllllona of Dollars' Worth Come Il'Ito Sh' Ckleton. Trlc'k with" Gla,aes. ference. but of the olty slum and the our 1Ile accol'dlng to ·the !'. United States, Moatly from . prhnni~W~y V' far-oil' lonely field In heathen twJ1lgbts. Jesus teacbes. when he ",!iole 'hl~g "uP8lCJ'e ' do,)\,n,'1 ' 01' 'Invert To grant him the guest chamber the birds of the 011':' we by, r Sonneberg, GermallY• Grllum-He may be a little teo posl ~ may, utter all, den ote little more than Th I lit ' rI h our hope It. Rest It on a table. 'and the top 0 h Uve in assertlng tbat he didn't dISday. en B our e c er. the table will press ' the paper so Over $50.000.000 worth ot toyS ave rollglous good nature, which may be brlgbtel-.oUl' outlook fairer and be oven firmly ngainst the edges of tbe glass been Imported Into the United States cover the south pole, but I'm ready to Inherited through pious famlly tradl- seems nearer. Blessed are they wbo h I t J. rs DurIng the give hlul tbe benefit of the doubt.that not. a drop of water will com, e same duringperiod t. e as ~en yea . tions. a "prophet·s chamber" make tooilay sweet with consecraUon out. something like" '5;(100,000 Clevellind PI~tn Denier. In tbe There lives OIs f all . who bave been to d t f ant with the breath of t d Limits the Size. u Y. ragr .' " ~o* 011 carefully withdraw the pa- worth of toys were expor e . brought up In ChrlsUan homes. When Chl'lst\an prayer. and holy wlt.h ~or,k per. arid .tlJ" jtl'Stlll 'Kept).i~ t~e.. . During th~ last ftaoaJ year the hlgh"Marry me." pleaded the mere he comes tG say: "I keep tbe passover ,,'ell done In their Master's llame'. and .... ' k 11 b' bed in so fa at t.hy bous e." the mel'C! courtesy of de- be for to-morrow trust him woo glass. this time by the table-lop al9ne. water mar lUI Ieen reaoI rnedp, man. "and your slightest wish shall be votl on may constrain many to let him t . When anyone tries to utt the glue as export trade nf toys .-d 8 conce f n ds the birds of the air t d r ., granted." "But." queried tbe w18e woman , . the water will at once come, out. The total value upass Into the ullper room. They bon or ee h 0 t expor..., th ft t f>YS time ex l t d I th 'love Beyond flede~'ptron, Ing that time as or e rs _ "how about the larg\! ones?" his name, they are ntel'es e n e . 111 tb A Corn Game. ceeded '1.000.000_ literary documents of his life. they "God was In Christ. reconc ng e The value of toys Imported. h1\8 f&1IHABIT'S CHAIN !lIng his hymns. Dut he Is little more world unto blmself."-2 Cor. T. 19. Tbe ' following· corn game may be h t Cartaln Habits Unconscloualy Forrnecf to them Ulan a marginal Christ. Let U8 take care never" to 8upppse played. hut fOT tbls cards will bave to en somewhat since 1908, when ~7 ~5: and Hard to Bre~k. ' Sacrifice's Demanded, that the blood of the eros . s D~dheld bl!peacedslSatrftlb e urtedeac' h tqllUeestcloanrdws he~:v~: ~~,;~:~:~:r:f:: ~::he ind; :An ingenious pbllosopber estimates ease s h • to make God ]ove us. to.!, In the living experience of C Orls. vengeance. or to wr Ing f rom hi be ft'rltten : pendent. the figures were '5.000.0001& that the amount 11of will power neeel,s un- allswers "'ay ... .. thm'e must be moral passion. ne U I - What corn Is used by a musician' round numbers. sary to break a Ce-long habit would. never sits down to sup with Christ The willing an lay edict of redemp on. (Oornet.) Toy' manufacturers In the United If I could be transformed, Utt a welght loveband of God beblnd the cross. . 2-What corn Is used by carpenters? States had Investments In plants and of many tons. without giving up muoh. There Is a Jesus \Vas God-"God was In Cbrlst In stock of les8 than '1.000.000 In 1880_ It sbmeUmes requires a hlgber defellowship of his sut!erlngs. as well as reconciling the world unlo himself." (Cornice.) 1\ power of bls resurrection. Other en 3-A coru tbat children han with In 1905 such Investments bad crown gree of berolBm to break t,be chaLoa 'or d- The Fatber does not love us because gagemenls may have to be cancele • Jesus died. but Jesus died becaus!'! the delight? (Popcorn.) to ",750.000. Tbe value of Importa· a pernicious hahlt than to lead a forother visitors dismissed. before the Father loves us.-Rev. F . B. ' Me yer. .."- The chief corn of a building' tlOllS of toy merchandIse bas In the lorn hope In a bioody battle. A lady fenst of his pardon and pence ~an be (Cornerstone.) meantime shown a constantly Increas- writes from an IndIana town: . worthlly partaken. It Is this that toThe Spirit of Christ. 5-A language? (CornIsh.) Ing trend. Trade In to),8 has 'largely "From my earUest childhood I was a day stops many who ndmh'e Chrlst Behind a1\ our splendid knowledge G-A corn In which florists dellghU been developed during the last ten or, lover 'of corree. Before 1 was out of my Crom becoming Christians. In tbe In- of medicine. behind all our glorious (Cornflower.) , a dozen years. . teen!! 1 was a miserable dYspeptio, suf. vlted guest they begin to recognize victories tn the campaign against dls7-A1l ornamental corn? (Corn. Toys are very largely "ma~e In Ger- ferlng terribly at times with my stomtbe signs of 11 Impreme 10l'dshlp; and eaEe and pain. beblnd al1 the great and ucopla.) many." That Is to 8ay, Germany Is by acb. . 8--;A corn dear to tbe heart of the far tbe largest sourc~ oC supply In the ~'I was convinced that It Wtla Oofree they are afraid. Were' It only a matter noble names of the medical profesUnited States. Tho little German that was causing tbe trouhle "and yet of sitting down with hIm at endless slon. there stands that spll'l,~ ,oF., 'p~I1- southerner. «lorncake.) feast. tbere would still be mlsgtvu.lgs; anthropy wblch Is the splrlt,.)#. Oh 41ft· 9-A corn that flies? (Corncrake.) town of Sonneberg, In the ducby of I could not deny myself a QUP ' for " for his pl'esenco creates a moral en- - Rev . C. Waldo Cherry, PfesoYteHan. 10-A corn In which rodents de- Saxe-Melnlngen on the .. ~pthen. III. breakfast. At the age of 36 I. waa In vll'onment. But wbat other chdm 111 Troy. N. Y. light to' reslde ? '(Corn crib.) , perbaps the largest toy manufaoturlng very poor hea1t~. Indeed. My 's ister tbls?-"I am cruclfled wltb Cbrlst. corn used by the cook? (Corn- center. In addition to Its summer te- told me I wall .!Ianger of . becoming Christ live th In ·me. "He II! more tllan Life's Taoleland. Btarcb.) eort business It hti8 been credited wltb 0. corree ornnlmrd. ' . a silent guest In a r.oom. mOle Most people lc.cZ{ upon middle age as the 'annual producUob of some 24.009.- ' ''But I 'never COUld gtv.e lq) drinking \lven than a ,desirable compllnlon at upOIl ' an oasis. 1'hey call It a rlc~ ta. . w~lghlng Smoke, . ' ' 000 toy' \lnlt~, ,.havlng. an ' aggre.g ate · . correa for breakfast. a,1thougb tt. kept table; he Is th'e I"ord of lire • .o~, every bleland . .harV(,stclud, , sloPtd~gl f·b~Ck; Did. you ever flear tne story of b01!'vo.lue of .4,000/000. ,. ' . . : . , ' me COns\JLDUy 111. unUll trled '. postum • . part ot lIf~. "Wbatsoevel' he salth Un- ward toward u desert name .- aIley. Sir Walter Ralelg~ made 'a wager wlt~ , Nuremberg $.Dd certain other I\lster I learned to make It p 9perly according' r we caJl hai'dly' to you, do It." .He may 'c ommand one slopIng forward toward an l:Inpl'Odufl: Queen Elizabeth tllat lie <:ould weigh, 'cltl~s are .also to. be rec)toijed, with a. to directions. alld now to a difficult journey. promising no cal- ,tlve des~rt named old nge.-Rev. N. D. the smo,ke qIat ~~e from a pille f~U", tor" makers. ..The value ot tOY8 Import- . ~o 'w1tJiout Poslum tor bieakfnstj and culablEi success; he may bid another Hillis, . CongregaUo:nallst, BI'UOkl~n, of tobacoo' ,}JOW ': do you ill!Ppose h~ ed'. IDto >the V~It?d . States . trom . Ger- .. care' nothlng for cortee. :' :. . did It ,you can guess . YO\l 'are many 10' 1908 :was $6,600.000, out of a . '1 am 'no longer troubled :wIth dYII to sts.y In bumble privacy. prOl'(llslng N. Y. . no earthly consolaUon. For the consoan would be ltke. Job If more clev~r .,than queen .Ellza~eth, total, of $7.260,O~Q Imported tha~ rear; pepsla. do .not have spells ot 1I\1lrerlng ·Iation. the success Is In obeying blm: tt ~I~ny : C:st 80 much. '.II~ yet. tbe 101utioll ~ II~ple. , ' , '. < ' " willa my stomach that used'- to .t rouble Ihe taslt \tselt Is his boon . . If the dlt)l-I n.o .< , ,1 . 'r,1'I1t .rh." ~e ;"tobacco care ..... A · Lad,. m,e 80 when t drank eofree." . cult jOllrney Is hiR. wby cOmlllal!!? U l.{ost people 8l1p up em' their ~.n em lila BCal.. h~ put, ,It' in ~ tar. the bellt' d~flnltiOD of a lady LoOk lri pkgs. tor tho IUtle book,"The ,tbe weftry cl'osa '111 his, why demur? In 8moothness. bja I!~, ,DIl a,t~~ ~e t:sad tI~9J.te4 Jt lleem. t9 H~e that 0 Obarles :,a~ ROad' to WeUvllJe.!';-"There'. a tte880n~" !.bat Journey. In I bat cross. be deslrea J' ~.. kboclted ' GQ' the asbea and W.,!lhf14 Gibson: , ,. lady Is • WOJl!ill1. 0 '. eWe\' ....a '••" . aJWte. rr A ' . Tho greatest 8OITOW1I 1.1'8 thOle, ft" cUfterence, ot. CO\U'lle, .~4lY8 re1D8tri~,r.. olbert and lle\'er fo~ . to reveal bi.l1 lICe through each or -,i. dlsl'fplas. , We never reacb , ,,,' , the ",I,)t Q' . ~. 'moke. ' , pt. ber.elt. ...-..d. ..,















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CO~..e...rCT.H':r 'P'Ir~ . . ~rrE~o~

• _ _ _. . HIS is one of tho (ew ' ilics in the couutry where til t! , old·fashlu ned cus' lom of k cplng op· en hOll se on New Yoar'R liay holli s uD changed. T h u men who IU'\) foud of d igging luto matt e rs histor icn l say tha t the ' ew Y a r's cu i I I n g practice originated among tbo Dutcn au MuuhullUlI he· land . Wa sblngton began th prae· llc In tho yeur that the elty · was rounded, and It has kept It up with all 1(,8 social formalities from that day to thi s. Tb e greatest New Yenr's rocep· I Ion that the world knows Is held overy year In the White House with the president and his wifE' and the cabinet officers and t heir wives In tho rece iving line. Th : guests are a multitude, and they com e dressed In all sorts or ral· ment rrom the blue and gold t ra ppings or the ambassadors and army omcers or all nation s, to t he toll·stalned clotblng of tho In· bore r. and the calico gown ' and bandannas o( the old·tllll c plan· tat lon negress. The Wblte House, at neceRslty, must be democratic. tor this Is a r1 mocracy, and the sa m ·I; reet· Ing Is given th e workmen th ut Itl glv n to lhe ambassador of a ll Lh Ru sslas, There Is no more picturesque affair In the country than the White House r cepllon on N w Year's. Long b fore th gntes are thrown Ollen th ave· nues leading to tb ex cuUve mansion and Lafay tt squal' , which all tiles th preSid e nt's grounds, are jamm d wltb people, and It Is tho duty of the Iloll ce to

Th o Itl nd ll8t tlllngs In t ho kindest ,.,a".

The really kind person will never annoy another even if th.e doing may be something In Itself admissable. Some llcople think by excusing themselves or b gglng pardon, gives them the latltude to do auythlng which In tbelr selfisbness they de· sire, no matte r how rude It muy be. Train t he cb lld p u to oat all wholesam food, so that tb y need ne vel1 emharrass you. tb Diselvos or their bostess, . This Is the seuson when warnes s nd up their fragrance to the chilly a ll' and here Is the best I'eclpe for \ them that cannot be equaled: ', ~




let the IDlmense crowd In line and to maln· tilDordtlr. > President Roosevelt came Into ' office In the month of Septesnber, and because or tbe assas· slnatlon of President McKinley while holding a public reception, In the Music hall at Buffalo. It was urged that the New Year's recelltlons at the White House should be given' over, (t was reared that some halt·erazed person might succeed In geltlng to the presldent's person and repeat the awful crime of Buffalo, Mr. Roosevelt, however. would not listen to the ar· guments of the fearful onos, and the rece ption was held as It always had been held, and Mr. Taft wlll keep up tho custom, Tbere ba ve been no Interruptions to the New Year's day recep· tions during the history ot the republic. Precedence necessity bas be considered to some ex(ent at the p.esldent's receptions, When thfl officials of Washington Ufo have passed In front or the president nnd his wife and have exchanged the greetings or tbe New. Year, the plnln clvillans nnd their wives, daughters and sons. follow In whate ver ord er they may have haplJened to reach th olr place In line, If'the millionaire does not want to be preceded by the poverty·strlcken he can s tay at home ~nless be chooses to get \lp early enough to make aure that he can got a first place, n any discrimination were shown the president woul~ hear of it, and there would be no end of· a row, ' Out 01 courtosy to the inen who In a sense are guests of tile nuUon, the ambassadors and mtn.lsters and the attaches ot legaUons !\re received Orst, The ambassador who has b.e en longest In the Washington service heads lhe .. Une and It makes no dt1ference whether he omes from a g,.eat ·power 0.1' trom a weak 110Wet. for the length of his Washington . resl· donce alone decides the matter. The master ' of ceremonies ~t ~tbe White House takes the diplomat,,, lIi1t and tbe :American oIDelal list and , studies them for a week prior to tbe reeeptlon. If h~ s~ould stv,a. place to some offlcial wbt~b b, precedence 'r lgbt belonged to anothctr; ' there would ' be lIulldng; Indignation and yetJ likel, loud 'complaint. 'It III one of the moat delJcftte t&lIks' lD the wprla to arrange the omdal l'Ueata at a Neir Year'.' reception that there wlU be no rricUoD and DO heart-




P'oUowhlC tile "ambalQdOl'a ' aDd IDIIUIt,mI of forelp the of .... ,..



o nr 1M 1",.(" RU ,I""r, SO Itl nd hrn ulfrlll Il~ l "I1I.:ln~7

T ab le Don'ts, Don 't Illay II iLh th o slll'or durin g the 11 1(.>11 1. Don't mn lw 11 nolstl with ~ho mouthwh il e ('l1 tlng ROOp . Don 'r fo ld tb no pk ln wh en you are g ucRt for one rnf'n l, lay It at the left at' tho plate. Do n't ta lk abO'Ut th good thln gR YOII ba I' U hali servf'd you In oth I' hO/lIes, " n s compnrlsons ' are od ioIl R." Don't talk with fooll in tho mouth , Don't (Is It necossary to say It?) (lilt tho ImlJo In yO'Ur mouth. Don't scrape a fitsh or Up It to get. lhe laRt drop. Don't use a knife wIth fi sh; use the tork for carving k. Don't spread la rgo pieces or bread, lay Lng them on the cloth, Break orr a small pl ec , butter it and convey It to the mouth. Do be polite and that w1l1 be 'kind, 'or lhe old couplet says: Pol\tonD88 Is til do and lIay

~..e:.!P '~.:r.s ~



Rut wl' lI l,! "'f' r f'lll'h IIr("" ~ r"'lt ('st "'0 (,) "'I, ll- II \\'~ n r ' 1I01ll'l y \V rtl ll 1;in~, Jil l' 1I\' 1'~ IIl ll s t I'lirnu f r l 'ln llO"Po to hops A nd J-.-oa ll zp ( tu r l on~~l tI~: ~



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trail come the senators an.d representatives In cougreS8. and . then come the officers of the army and of the navy, Then the bureau cblers and the higher oIDclals of the various depart· ments of government greet the president. and after them the ' ordinary citizen has his place In IIDA, ' , On New Year's day President Tart shakes handa with somet hing like 8,000 of his fellow citizens and clUzencsses. Mrs. Taft does not shal(8 hllnds. (or It the president's wife should attempt It she could not bold the pen for a good many days thereafter. Shaking hands Is a Illore trying occupation than most people may Imagine. Grover c'leveland had to give over th e praclice for. Bome time because be actual· Iy lam ed hlR rlgbt hand nnd rl gbt arm uutll he could not 11ft them without pain. Mr. Roose· velt had a handshake which enabled him to givo a seetulngly hearty grip to everybody and yet to s pare hla own hand 'tb e s lightes t mus· cu lul' strain. Mr. 'faft must have had the Ilo.o sevelt secret Imparted to him, for he gives th e sarno kind or n hand greeting tbat was glv· en 1>.y his predecessor. At the White Hou se reception on New Year's day alTuil's move fo\,\vard as .smoothly as tho proverblal 'clock work. The guests enter at tbe main doorway which opens townrd Pennsyl· vania ave nue. 'I'h II' course toward the presl· dent Is lined with watchful men In civilian dress. Th'e line moves Quickly and It Is accel· erated In Its course by the politely wdrded reo qu ests of the ush ers, requests hy the way whi h have the for r.e of orders, altbough the words a rc s poken In such a way that the guest' hn : no thought tbat he Is beIng unduly burrled. Wh en consldel'atJon" la given to the fact that thouRnnds upon thousands of peopie must greet th e presld ~n i w~thln a llmlled · time, there Is every excuse fol' tbo chamtllQnsjllp by tile .ush:' ers of wbat Dlay be called tba "forward move'm nt." . , . President ' Taft bas said that b..e will carry alit Uie Roosevelt Iloltc:les·. He does not con· sider It necellsary~ however, In 'order to keep his pledge to aay: "~ellithted" to ev~ryone wbom be greets, "Glad to see ' ·you." I. tbe preslden~'s stock of welcome and all . bls (ntonatlon IS as beartlly 81ncere as 111 h ....im1Ie. be leaves a pJeasaDt hopres8loD,. Once' In ' a wbUe In the courao or a New. Year'. reception, the president will '''hold up the line'; 10111 eDOUlb to chat tor a moment wlUl lIGUle .one wbombe Imow. weU penooall7. or wltllloQle

officlal wbo has como from a distance to pay his respects, Mr. Roosevelt had a habit of holding the line ' up quite ' rrequenUy, and as a r esult his receptions were likely to be rat bel' long drawn out, IC Mr. Roosevelt ever bad seen a man before, no matter how many yenrs· back. nor In what kind of an out·oC·the·way plnce, he wus su re 10 remember h1m. and as a result his acquaintance was very wide. He never liked to let a mnn whom be had once known pass by wi th merely a prerunctory handsha ke. Receiving with th e President and Mrs. Taft on New Year's day aro tbe vlce·presldent's wife Ilnd women of the cabinet who I'snge them· seh'es to the right In order of the cabinet rank 'o f their husbands, Mrs, Sherman has the first place a nd then comes Mrs, KnoX'. the wIre of the secretary of state, Th en comes Mrs, MacVeagh. the wife of the secI' ta ry of the treasury. and so on In order of cabin et Ilrecedenl)e, unUI the wUe of Mr. Nagel Is reached who bold s tho lust placo In line as the wife of th o head or tbe department most recently crellted by act of congress, A few other women In oIDclal life are Invited by the president's wife to assist her ' In her duUee as h08tess, and It Is not at all an unusual thing to Invite some of the older residents of Washin gton whose families have no govern, m ent conn cctlon . The cnblnet officers and tbelr wives remain with the receiving party until the reception Is about two·thlrd s ended, and then they go to their homes where they hold seml·publlc receptions of their own . ,The Vlce·presldent and Mrs. Sh!!rman receive on l'1ew Yeal"[, day, and anyone who will, may call. At the White House no refreshm ents are stlrve d because It would be a physical Impossl· blllty· to cnre Cor the wants or the enormous crowds that are pre'Bent. At the hou Res of tbe vlce· preslden t and the cabinet ofllclals, how· ver, great tablell covered with good things to CRt, a nd In somt! houses. with good things to drink, are pre pared for the vlsltorR. The wom en or official life .In Washington In t.he main, Bre just as good ,lollUclans as are thclr hus· bandl:!. The humhlest calle r. 9n New .Year's day Is tl'eate(l with all <tbu consideration which Is sbown the most promInent people, The Incon· splcuous one of to-day Is likely to be the can· ~ plcuous one ·of to-morrow, and no one appre. . clates this better tban the trained 'wlves at bf· flcl~l(lnm,. . It Is ' probably lr)le In some measure at least. . that more Ilmbltlons have been killed by the mlstakl!s of tbe wives of persons newly ap-· pointed to high om.c " than by the mistakes the oftlclals themselt"es, Wallhtngton _III ful! 'or lIt,orlell of resentment caused by .tho ,til1hire . of the wlvell of new cabinet"tllember;a to recolaille ner80na wbo 8UPDOllecl that , . .11 the .world


knew them. Tb 5 mlstu kcs are can· fin d larg Iy to th e officlals and thei r wiv es who nre n ew to 'Va"blngton so· clet y and nPo w to the polltlcnl lite gen· erally. 111 e n a re appo int e ll to cabinet positions freque ntly wbo 11 vel' II fore bpld om e, The 'ODgressmnn who tlnd s himsel f promoted to higher of· tlce knows wha t Is call cd the soclnl gam all we ll as he know s politics, a nd bls wife by association knows It as well as be docs. So It Is th nt at the great receptions on Ncw Year's and other da ys, the hosts and bostesses who are accus' tomed to tbe ways ot Washington, ma llage to get through the trying hours of crowd ed receptions without giving orrense to anybody. It Is the bounden . duty of every subordinate official In Washington to call on his chl et on New Year's day. Arter all the offiCials have paid tbelr respects to the presid ent, tbey go at once to the home or the chief of the department In Which they serve, From the ranking major general or the army to the youngest second lie utenant on duty at the cap· ital all the am eel's call upon the secretllry of wa~. Tbe naval officers from Admiral Dewey down to th stripling enRlgn. make their way to tbe hous'e of Secretary of the Navy Meyer. and the re, In order or .rank, pay the ir respects. The New Year's day reception at the White House Is the only formal reception of the year that IR ollen to all citizens, There are otber receptions givcn by the president and hIs wife during tbe winter wblch are seml·publlc in Ihelr nature, but to which ndmlsslo r Is by card only. The Ilrst of these receptions hi given on the' second Thursday after New Year's day, In the evening, It Is called "the diplomatic reo ce ption," a nd the guests are Invited to meet the ambassadors and ministers who are accredited by foregln governm ents. to the United States. Another receptlon Is given two weeks later and the guests of honor whom tbe other guests are Invited to mcet are th e justices of the BIl' preme court of the United States. Tho thlrc\ rec plion I ~ for the scuntors and represcntn· ti\'.cs In congress, nnd the fourth and las t, Is for lhe officers or the army and nav y. Nearly very l1ay of th e yea r th e pr sldent greets visitors In the omces of tho \Vblte Hou se at noon , and so It Is possible for the Amerlco n citizen to exchange greetings wltl! the chief execu tive ev n though circumstanced PI' vent his saying "!-lappy Ne w Year," on Ja n· nnry 11;t, nt the grcat While Housc holiday gat herln g.

Thought Much of Pet Dogs

Waffl es.

T ka one and ono·fourth cupfu ls or fioqr 51 d with one·fourth of a teu· sponful of alt. Beat two eggs, yolks !lnd wh ites 'S1:\J)arately, ad d one·halr t I\spoonful of 'soda ' to ono cupeul of thick. sour milk, t1tep add tho beaten yolks and tbe flour, then three table· spoonfuls of mclted but't6l{ and' the .wbltes of the eggs beaten Stlt!.. Have the warne iron ho t, g rease with ~ but· tered bru sh, nnd 8 I'V'" the warn'lts- '-. . crisp and brown.

T.. ., '~, W, "'"' " '" "

,"d , ,

not be n s lrLve to the pnlacc.

OUI' homo Hh ,u ld be WI beautiful n s our t ast o lIud 111 f'U ml enn mnko It; ' but, like

tho nest yonder, it I ll!

p u rposo, lell vlng

s ~ultl


simply aerv .. ~me a nd

t he

m eans to got nil tho good out ot theworld Ulat \Vo cu n, " - El, 1', Roe.

Meats Not Often Served. 'fhere are several parts of the ail'· mal 'whloh few people sene that are enllrely wholesome and may be prepared In a most attractive manner, viz: brains, kidneys. tl'1pe aDd ox· tails. Soak In cold water. remove all lh() red membrane, Pllt them into a pint or cold water with a tablespoonrul of lemon juice or vinegar. ' BoU ten ml~ utes, then plunge Into cold water, Serve In drawn butter sauce wltb leJDon and parsley or chopped 001<* added to a rloh wblte sauce. . Lamb.' Kidneys. Split tho kidneys In halvee leng t~ wise. trim ort all the fat nnd sinews. Cut Into small ph ces, Fry one .,. Ion In two tableslloonfuls of butter. add the Iddneys and cook three min.lItt'S, add one tablespoonful of flour, one gill of stock or water. a g1ll of Pourrant je lly, salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving add e nough FOW' rl ered assafo etida to make the amount tb e slzo of a small Ilea, Sen'e at once. Tripe is tho flrst st omach or the )x and Is consid ere d asy of dlges. lion. Cut It In strips two Incbes long by ·on e·ha lf Inch In width, bavln three cupfuls. Put In n pan an In th e o\' en to draw out the w tel'. Cook one tableEPoonful at flnely clloppell onion In two ta blespoonfuls of blltt er until slightly brown ed. Add the tripe, (Imlned. nnd cook five min· uttlS. Spr inkle with s alt. pepper and fiD t!ly chop)led parsley. Oxta il s:oup Is consldered:1 great d e ll '~ l\cy . ellt Ih e oxta il In smull pIeces, wash .. dr-lin, s prlnlde with suit, Ile pper. dredge with flour :tncl fry In hutter len IIIlnutes. Add Rlx CUllS of brawu. stock., one·half cllpful- each of ar rot . ' nd turnip, cut In fancy shapes, one· nalf cu p each of onion and cele1'Y, cu~ lu sma ll pieces. tb e vegetllbles are. aU )larbolled b ofore audlng to the stock:. Simmer the slock one hollr l· foreudcllng the \,'egctnbles. when they ure soil add onc·fo Irth·. of a ~up of 01"nn,,' ju l e. on tf,'n\pQo nCnl o[ Wo"': ce ~ t er shlro sau ce , fLfld one ' tOll peon· rul of loman juice,

FOIII' metrica l epitap hs reveal to liS a pleas· tng a nd IIn E' xpe ted sld o of the Roman charne· t r. Th ey I1re opltaphs on pet. dogs, On r was I\. gren t white hunting dog Ilum ed MUI'garlto, \\'ho cOI1l'sod through t.he trackless fore s t~, ns Rho tell s .II S on h l' tombotone. Another "never hark d without r aSOD, but now he IR fl Uent." l\\yrla, t hl) little Gallic dog. llarked fl r cely It she found a rival lyin g In her mi stress' lap. The stone of Palrlc\1s, nn Itnllan dog, at Sa· lernum contains this tribute from his mistress: " My eyes Were wet with tears, OUl' dear lit· ' Ue dog, when I bore thee . (to tbe , grRVe). a service which I should have rende,'ed thee with, less grief 'three lustrum.s !l£:o. ,'30, Patrlcus. n ver again.' shalt tbou give me a ' thousand Tight Wads. kls/les. Never canst thou lie contentedly In Ward e n ~1-1oW'8" the-campaign going my lap In sadness have I burled thee, a.a , thou deser-vest, In a res ting place of marble, IIp your way? Sort 0' !i .close COlitest? Sellers (gloomlly1 -(!J!Jselt 1 eve, and 1 have put thee for all time by the side or my sbade. In .thy qJlallth!s. sagacious tbou .•aw. NeIther ' sIde Is gJvhll up awert like a buman being, Ah, mel wbat , 8 blamed cent, 'Mecl ~mpllnloD . have we lost! "-From "SO Tbe m.D-w"''b;-o-I-'-d-Q-,,-.~ah-UM "orlt clo\)' aoel POlltlCII ,in AncieDt Rome," III the moat hafd Q.




••• •••••• u ••u.~.ttIt ,' . " , '.,


I BU'.~O~'~:i::·V. ~JI I B ft ~









CoJIHte, IldDlini ~tratt\r of the es t.t.t:l f W , J Collelte, defeodant. Per.illon .olllim!! IImount .tue him 811 pUI't.l\er in MlI r ro~ I3rtl win g com-



By M. W. Lang, M. D.

'Tis nig ht; the fire burns low. the flickel'ing flames }<'eel half inclined to cease and shroud the room In gloom- the dying embers struggJe on,

Soft flames leap u p and lap th mantel~ece, Then nuickly perish in th eir la~t vain hope 1:1 "", ,\1' (\ " Coil tl ttl' , adwin'istutor of e~ttl t" Of To live. Again, a I~f of flame beams up ,W .•1~Collett~, defoodunt . Penti()II till And struggling, dies. The glowing coals emi l flll'Iuooel' . PlaiotlffolnimR ' ,mOllnl Faint bands of light diffusing radiance Around about . These too soon feel the touch dlle to be $2,ODO on promiss ory n OI." Oolmokele"" L'uel Of death, and paling , fading . assume t.he ., .... I! oOlnp"ny , Vii Ashy hu e of dissolution, 'fhe flames Am ')!! B. tUdes Petition for mOl1e~' ~mt>uot olaimed b"iDI{ 1125 80 un Are·dead . They fain would live to comfort, cheer The aching hearts that had commlmed within promislnry not."! T U. UtI rl tltle ut Their radiant glow. They lived their life - a life tor,'ey tor pltli nt,1tf ~ Of usefulness. A life that shone above Court Proceedin~s. i:!6 Beyond the blackened waste. Outside, the wind M.trthll D. Biz",' VII J ohn L. ~ Doth chant a mournful dirge, harmonizing . Biz'.r e," III iOD of 1'6 111 es f.I With the gloom within. I sit and dream. The Ilrdf,lred by O')UI t ~~ Patterinsr raindrops keeping time to thoughts that A'tn:!<, Wllhnws vs. Willillm T ~ Carry me far back along the years that Now live but in memory, years of sun and Rol .. 'rtt4on ~t. "I. ~herlft"8 t!lllt or_ II del·,',l by (!oort. Shade-years whose fragrant breath instills desit es ·:-I "r" MUlltlll VI". Charles Mnllen . To be of benefit to struggling ones. t; IIrt. t!ttle'-s dtt"'odn nt t.o pill' ~ Again the breath of years now dead floats in j)J,~rlll'lft..", II tl orn ... y wit.hin 30 dtlys jji Upon me; its perfume just as sweet as '2il '~ url relnrllllllll~ order so fa.r 1\t4 ~ In those years when life was joy. The fire is h" .,M tire OOIlC, J Il tj ,1 II' bertlby per ' 4 Dead, The growing coldness of the room can hHr \pd to di"po:4tl ot lll1rue I~ Not supplant the warmth engendered by the "'IlZltbet,b R 'Joorttl v... til\118 Rob ~ Thoughts of happier years. My heart beats time to er'>I 'I Divorc.-t Krnnted on ~rouud8 ~ Flowers dropped along the cheerless way, the , " ,' ~.rOM neglect, lIud pluin~iff ~\ven ~ Life-stream coursing faster, swifter, carrying (.'" I'~ ot chiJdrtH' Sweet remin(lers of my manhood's mom, makes All my being glow. Probate Court. Basking in the sun &ttate of Nhooia R snrl lieoilte ~ Of recollection, with its alternate • W. iC.tgle, 811"'IC"oril, A~siKnee filed iji Shade of cloud makes me unmindful of the r~IJOr' of Olllilll , • Fireless grate. Some ashes fall upon t~e '!o QUlttel' of abuve . First und ~, reminders of .t he fire that.burned and lInl11 aooouut tlled . • /~" GIOWed with fervor but a few hours ago. . EM~te of Miles VunnK, minor ~ . How vividly those ashes call to mind I Final aOOOuDt, tiled, .~ ~ The years that lie in sterile waste, wherein . Ee'-~ of l'houlI&1C Mnlder Third aC;·I '~ The shade refused to live congenial with oo.o~, fiJed . ' ••" ~ The sun. The years that ~tand in bold relief ' .~se of Ed ",in I JatIer, d a8ed ~ Against the golden sunset-standing there . FinaJ acoonnt filed. ' A s relics ,ashes of a life. The room \ .. Eslat8 - of • Feels col~l. The chilling thoughts of gloomy 'years, Flffb aooonnt • The darkened spots of wasted day-s, reacts E~lI~se ot Mary V. Upon the fevered glow, and c')ldness wraps 'Wdaou Ruardilln giving His icy arms around. and holds me close. PhiUp tipenoe liS I rise to stir the ashes, hoping there To find some spark that may be fanned into E..",~ of E_thlyn Jones, mtnor, A flame; but no! the sense)ess relics of i'ifth aooOunt filed The glowing coals lie motionless and ~ead. . )C,.~~e Of V}lAudia MurflloG, mlnor. No life is there. The room is Oh! so cold. Fpurtel!oth tI.~bunt flied. I throw a cloak about me. Sitting down '. Clara ,Merritt, administrator vs. Again, lli~ten to the battle of ~,E Merritt et a1. Report of sRle The elements without; the timbers of approved tl.nd o,ODfirm.,d and dlstri. The old colonial house wherein I sit b~tion of prooeed, ordered. Cry out in protest as they creaK and moan Ee~te of Catherine Mounts KillIn agony. The shutters flapping, add b8~,.. !1~a8ed, Ordered to sell oerThe,ir dismal voice, but all in vain. the stbrm ...t~ ,hares of stock lit vlllue lip_ Unheeding. rages in its fury. The , . ' pr.dled, · , ~ Wind in its inflection8, moans a plaintive ' ~n .tbe mlif.ttlr of Minerv~ Beatty ~ . Song in token of the fireless room. I u,alleied iD8.1lneperson, Adjudl{ed G Draw my cloak the closer round me as the , ".tna.IiDe but ordel't'd not entitled to jji ' I , ' • admJeaioD into Rsylum Ilt Dayton "" Jlome RD.d property i8 in .MIl tison, i8

WiL,:!!:!:! 74


amU\'1111 IJTH." " II foo l' M , r j d O,l , lJ l.l ll lllf, V20









Storm incr~es in its wanton frolic. I gaze into' the fireless grate, thinking Perhaps t he wind that howl~ and whistles down The chimney' place may animate and , tart H h tl I'f I \' f tI ~r;g·e~t I ;n::a;, lf~ :ca~t;r~,n~l revenge, The r f use o'er the hearth. Listl eH. . I walch, And watching , fa ll asleep. . The distant bells Tolling the death of the old year bl'eak in Upon the silent coldness of my romll ; The sounu seems far away; softly it steals In throug h the lattice work lest it disturb My dreamy solitude, The solemn tones Swell out up' on the air in voices sad And dirgelike. Waiting, I realize th e Passing of another year-a year . 0 Full of memories sad to thousands of the Poor unfortunate. Looking back upon The year that now so soon shall pass away, The coldness of t he room is warded off By thoughts that rush and crowd upon me. The Deathlike gloom that hovers o'er so many Homes. The empty cradle yellrmng for the First-born, The agony of mothers as They stoop and ki~ th e leaden lips now dumb, The cry of babe for her who silent lies With folded hands upon her breast of peace. The lover, husband, sitting, brooding O'el' The one of all the world. The head of the Old man bowed with his last grief. The widow Bending over locks now moistened with her Tears, brushing back from forehead cold and gray Those silvery locks that once were black as night. Living again those bright glad days when all Was joy and hope, she feels her loneliness. She presses on his lips a long last kiss. The be\ls have ceased- the year has passed with those , Who had not lived to see it close. I light My fire afresh. The flames at first refuse To lend their gladdening rays to light the gloom As tho' they too were pensive at the death Of the old year. They' sputter, hesitate, Then taking life they leap and lap again The mantelpiece, dancing with joy to know A bright New Year has come. The glowi ng fire Diffusing round about its waves of warmth Jnvites me to remove my cloak . . The cold And gloom have vanisred with the passing'of The year now dead. I light my pi e and watch 'lhe curling wreaths of smoke flo&t proudly up Thro' chimney place to greet the glad New Year. The_storm h~ ceased; .thq clouds i~a t hovered near Have beE!n dissolved. The sentinels of night Again send forth their silyery flood to greet The visitot..uCfjrne. · Shining down their Mute but radiant welcome, they twinkle with Delight to know t:lew hopes and new resolves Become instilled to make man breathe of that That betters him: New strength, imbued with hope Enl\bles him to better battle with The sea of life. I put fresh fu el 0 The·tire- the flames again reach up and throw A radiancy of softly blended beams Upon the hearth. Tokens of P.eac·e on Earth Good-will to men.





. ~ ~ ;



I{ ~


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fj." o ,to H. E. I::l A'J'H A WA Y " .~ 'J es ville's Leu.ding Densia' l MI1PD Bt ~ 'lffioe in Keys BIr1~ . ~

~ ~


~ ~


TRACE MARK' . DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c , AnYODII8 enlUII K n . h ~l~ h """ ~' .Qr ll'"nn ~,., qnlok l, u corln in o llr " l lI lUn (uu W IOli l e r aD 1\11' utln n I. prOh n blr J1 IUCIILu,hlu Co m " l1 l1l1Cfto I Oll . . IIANDBDOK olll ' u' h llLe l anL f roe. OIl1e. t "~ O I1f' Y f or II OCU,rrtat PUl tJ lIl 8 . Pa ~c nta 'h r<l uuh 111 UIIII 1'1. Co. ro oOl. . .".<10 ' .,oUte, wilh OUL cbRrllO, Iu t ho

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lrlollyooIIII.101l1l,,1. tAkell

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Sdtntlflc Jlmt'rltan. '3• MUrUrum<lll. &Co'a~~BS,~~~:'~ Uew"Yorl tills


II lI_nlllomel,. \II"~l",ietl





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'rurl utt.

II' Rt.. \V.~ '~'(" l. D. Co

Funeral Dire·;tor.

1:1 ~ Iff

Tfl lepbone dllY or night. Vlllley pbone N'l. " LODI{ DiRta.noo N" . 6g.~ ...

~ W A,YNESVII.LE, OHJll • ~ Branch Office, HarverJbu.-rr. Q

II i I



aj;!i •

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J. H. SMITH,. Prop. . Waynesville, Ohio. In ' room formerly oconpied by Kut·herlne Alexllnder. Special Attention

Clven to Children'. Hair Cutting.


' . , ,-'~'Q' Jo ;.flIed m ..&tel'

. of \ tJle estde of phone Btook belonging to .".},aD L, Merritt; deceased . Claim prIvate sale . .~Dted biadmini.tratrlx against Estate of Bertha Meir, miuor o:..,....tal8 fell' ,1200 with interet:Jt and Finll} account filed. .. . faoaole is set for hearing on Jlin. Estate of Julia Stober, deoeased ,- .1'1. 28. . . Fit'st aDd finalo.oooont fi led. , . I 'E!I,t ate of Simon Mhumsker. Or. Marrisle Licenses. ,,~'.\ 4e~ to ~li oertain bank and tele. Earl (ioodwiD 29, farm~r of New Hopt', Ohio, and LeDa. Collinll, of New )jope,Obio . . Boyd P. Doty 33, attorney of Seat' tlu, Wasb .. and Bessie A. Orehuugh 29, teaoher of Franklin. Rev . A, J . KeRtle, William E. Hoffer 23, of Muine, ville aud Mary P. Rogers 20, teaoher of Morrow, Emet L. Goodwin, 23, Blanohester and Luill. M, Foster. Rev . Fulton.

J .•\tIrod ott.


.,.~ .



Culnl.l un He ,\U ,lwi II LtUo JII \1 r11%


~~~~;:;.. IDvento.ry of Sololllon Rosna gle, de MU. • • •U.U.U • • • •.~·• • • •- . U • • •_lC tl.Dd appraIse· . ' . ' .

k ~~.a.

oording to t.he rep()Tt,~ n.(lw onrr.,ut among til fllrru ers of ~ b O"IIlWU ntt,y, who urA e'lger for I btl frtLY. With ttre vi si t. of M. Y. 81111.rp, of I' en, K .v . " t o Wllrren Bowlin g oonll r.y Il I'X I. wr\\:' ~ , \lilt n fl \Vd I Ufl per\,pOI NI wlt erob,\' th " tig llt wIll Qe OIlr d ed on. Mr. ' \.l1r p is t·bl" ~ tllte orgllni zer of t,ohu oo() Intel'es t tl f(lr K:. ntuoky fllrm ers re[Jl'et'enting t·he EquHy ~ o ci p. t .v , Il u ll ('um tI llij,(1I1v recommend ed His vi"lt will meaD the orglluizulion of tb e fl1rUl ers raisi ng tnultcoo here !lguinst t.he trust!! of tlle oountry . Be will be In Warr U COllot y prounbly a week. during wb il: h '" b WIll muke IIIllny SpllllO IHHI t.Il !ludlen as in Springboro, Wllynpsvill , Bllrveys· btl.rg, Lyt,le Ritb AVIll a, ILfld probubly Franklin. Bi wmk will be 0011flntld wh oll y t o·lhe Dllrt.lI'· rn part of thtl count.ry.



. ~

~ Ill' oglllnat. Ioll a tobl'Co trllstA is abollt to be d~ IIII' d III Wurrfl ll OOUDtv'by the grower . f til wped, I\O~



':o,itJ non Pleas Court.

.p"ny ,



CO~II~ty Cou~ts

ZlmmermtlD '8, KUbon's, White'!!, Mountjoy's

'Springfield, Ohio.


THE MIAMI GAZETrE w uynCsY·lH e. Oh \


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OFFICI': I N AL l , J~ N B


r. e, ,

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'rEfjl!l l'I\O N I;;


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D. L. CHAN E, Editor and Manager Rates of Subscription Oll e Ylla r (s t rlclly In IIdv an c c )

Sin Al;:



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OPY. . . ... .. ..... . .... . . ....



Ratcs of Advcrtisements Reading L oca iN. pe r li n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. r,~ Reading 10CIlIH. blook f ace . per IIn o ...... 10c 011188111011 AdH. nol 10 ex 'oed tl" e lIuCl/,

'I'hree 11I8crllons . . ..... ....... . ... :!Go Obllua r lcs. U" c In c h e. rr ·c: o\·"r five I nches . por line . . .. . . • .... . ...... . So Card a t lhuuks . ... .. . : ...... ........... 25c Res olutl o ns . .. . . .. ..... . . .. .. .. ...... .._ 60c Socla1s oto. w hore c hll rl/c Is w ade . ..... 250 OIHIll a y Ad\, erllsloll . per I n c h ........ . . 10 lJI scou nl ~ gl " ol1 un cn l1 lr ac ~.

DEOEMIlER 29, 1909,

YOUR TIME IS OUT At this time of the year we are anxious to gOIi our books in shope for the ~nsulng year, Bnd would request thoBe knowing them8'elves Indebted to us tor the paper to oome in and Rettie. ,We surely been lenient · with some of our }:l1trons, and as it is time to ololle our lllO\} books, we hope they will not forget. us, bnt oome forwllrd promptly.



OV6.r hij If a .million doll"rs worth of automobiles will . he seen on the fl oor f) f G0 0 d a 1e Audlt orillm, ' w,h en Goveroor alArmon turns the switoh Cbtl!'ltmall 'n lght whloh will throw the Il~ht Into thou@llnds of electrio lights openipg t·he show wnioh will .. l>e held und er t·he ausploes of the Cl1lumbus Automobile Ciub. One of thfl exhibits will ooutalu '''0,000 worth of automobllell, while ot-hers will have exhibits qf oarll rllnginl( from ,16,uOO to ,35,000 Only American made ons will be shown Ilt the sbow, and this fellture is .,mique in thu history of aut-omo bile shows The deoortitors are rapidly ohan~ ing the looks of tbe auditorium and thA bower of beanty promised by the show oommittee Is !lssured. While Christmas night will be in



the nlLture of a sooiety night, evell.,. ing dress Is not on the program Ilnd mere mao has been able to breathe a sigh of relief at the news. That Colum b1l8 itl automobil~ IIhow enthuRll1s~io Ie evid8nced by the in. terest that is bt>lng taken by the general public. Columbus is not alODe In itll enthusil"m for the ma.ny letters received from tbe 8urroundmg oltles indicate that a larger attendanoe than waS oounted on mlly be loo'"ed forward to. A For the first time In flfteen years the floor of the immense Iluditorlum hilS be~n sorubbed Rnd the dlffereooe In &he oolor is ap~rent.

-=;;:~:-::-:-==:-=-=-::_:_= : _:=;;:;;;;:;;~~~==::::::::::=~~==~~~=:.



Stung for IS Years


byJndigestion 's pangR-':'trying many dootors a.nd '200. 00 . worth of medi oine in vain , B. F. Aysoue. of lngleside, "" . N." v., ,'It last nsed Dr .Kin ... New Life Pills, and' · writes t bRY wholly oured h Im . ''chey oure Coo , stiplI.tloo, I)i lliousness, Sick Henel ' Rohe, t:!toma ch, rJiver, Kidney li nd Bowel troubles. 260 at l!'red C Sohwartz's;


A Great Opportunity for Miami Gazette Readers The Miami Gazette has just concluded an extraor· dinary arrangement by which we can send you the new and greater Farm and Fireside, the greatest farm and home paper in Amer· ica, absolutely without cost Farm and to yourself. Fireside comes twice every month, twenty·four big issues during the y~. The publiRhers of Farm and Fires:de have just spent. $60,000 in improving this great paper which fat 8:.: 'Years has been the stan· dard farm paper of Amer· ica. They want more of our readers to know this great farm and home pa· per, and that is why we are able to make you this offer in connection with the Miami Gazette.

A Beautiful Calendar, Too But this is not all. This offer· includes not only .the Farm and Fireside for a whole year, but the most beautiful and original art cahmdl!U' . for 1910. The is 11 by 17' "I.<o'''_.UL.. is print"F--=~::':;"-'-a:ny 'on the expensive art-stock. You get the calendar, free of cost, with t.his offer if if>u act at once. .The original painting of this baby has excited more admiration and delight than any baby picture ever exhibited . 11 is truly wonderful. Every time you look at this sleepy boy you want to yawn, too The calendar will be shipped to you carefully rolled in a tube; ' postage fully prepaid. To get t.he calendar you should act today. The ~\inmi 9azette Needs ' no introduction, as our readers know that it is the best news dispenser in the ~ounty.





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.: '

The Mark on Silverware








: l1n

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.......................... ...................


Big Saving


L~::~~~~~~~~~~~==~ Iit is, Resolved, Fifth,

'. "*

f.II H !

CartwriiJbt i to' the readings by' _.- esdame.Bruner and StinsOD Rnd . . . . . . Mr. Lewis; the lDlltrumental mU810, by the orchestra and Mia8es }learl Colvin, Bazel Guattn, Mar,oerite TbonJpson and Grace Carman and F . B. Farr 8nd the voc...l musto by Mrs. t). L. Rhoados, MiNles Eleanor Earnhart, Luoile Cornell, Edna tiatterthwaUe, Helen Sberwood Kl>lhlr Dunbllm and Frfld B. Sherwooq, lAnd thllt our thllnks are tendered te 001' preSident. seoretary and oommlttee , the sohool trustees Ilnd all who hllve oontributed to make this a very fin~ tnstltute. Resolved, Fourth, That we request our Congresswan t(' insist I)n the oleom"rgel'ine jlAw standing as

For a ehort time ~IY the ' Miami cazette maka you thle. sreat 8Ubecrlptlon offer.' We will eend you Parm and Plreeld8 ,t~1ce e~ery month• .for 'one yean ' we .will aleo eend ' you the , Baby Calendar. carefUliy ~aOke~ In a tube. poeteae . prePII~' 'and ~e will eend " YOutheMlaml' caZette'A~L ,POR ONLY .,,·the price of the c.zette" aione.. ~"er ' ia .unpardeled. It '. wont · I"t -~n8. 'YOu ~ Rt riaht .~Q.' .' , .f,. , ,



Onr oonnty aaditor was preaent 320 acres, f nced ann cro s-fenc'e . 0 ltCI':> hog-tight. ,290 acres and gave "n instrllotive talk on ... t ifiabJe; orchar ~ an I ~nlall fl'ui~s : Z ,;~,t:< cd illlprovem llt~ , 5'I'oom "Taxation' As AppUed to Real hous and lar~e bn.rn, SlC d windon i . , .),i. e' : :1:<1 'l:!l: , I U ·LlIf.lfll l Property. ,: The vocal duet b . livin g st.ream, fhJ\vs m~'I·(· Lh:lIl .' " rnil(~ acTf\' :~; t his f::lrm. Fin('I.v·· adapted to peaches alJeI oJl' \) ,. ft'ui fF :;1/; 11l i \\'P.'t l) f ginger. 3>~ m i. , Belen Rh~rwood and Keller Donham so uthw~ st of Lpok bu. (b t ni" I". It F . t.. , ' 1S. F'in farming was an attraotive feature of the proc untry , G co. 'lI1-gin. ~nrlagrai r, if> ",fnt " wi hin p.a ·y r ach o.f gram as WaS also the pi,nb solo by hi ~ farm; ){; mil t· to ~ l' h1)1I1 UII- .,." I 1\)'I"':- "!-':;~ iV f' P npJ e all . Miss Marguerite Thompson. I ar Jund u-; T t?ll'pl ,.1' '1 . l\ ',I' • \: Tl i i ';~ \,;'Ie .J,. Sun'. Helt to Endure lo"g. \ lnakil').! Cr'UI,l ....y. 'l1hl "I! "\1. IiI 'I' ' I.' I ' Ii' ....., ,'a rm raj$" Mr. Davis strongly advooated It Is estimated that the B UD wllJ be ing l'oLtOIl a d I! alfa a... ; C"r!' ;til' I 1 ~'-' ; ·"d nal'k ts anclllhil>"Corn Breeding for the Average able to lupply the prl'Bent amount of ' Jlin ~' fat:iliti t':;. \' 'ry m ' ,I CIl"I>I' ['I , 1;(· .';:J '~ ; pp r acre: $1000 Fiumer. '.' Be gave bis own state, '-at 'n .. 80.000.000 Yllar.. I down . long t1m \' UII l)a1nnee, 0 1' \\'ill all o\\' a h 'avy disco unt on ",11 ndlana, lUI the leadiD~ oorn atate of cash paid over $1l100. our UnIon and aUributed the MUlle . It you profer . ynu (,IHI writ" f <> (111~ II n.<i'C'},. Lookol.Jr. . Okla .. who fOmlQrlv 11 " 00 nt \\'u)' n(\8 \'1II . HIIU who will nll~w ' r your questIons r show you th"nbov8 ra nn . to their 's oore card to meet the reLOOkiDS: Best Or arld re~s C. B. P helps, Owner. ~ {.; quirements of whloh thft perfect ear It's a woman 's deli~ht t,o look her would be 10 in. in length, three R . D. I, B inger, Caddo Co., Okla. best skinlifeerupt H ores but ond phuplE'fl, bolls rub of lon!l, jov. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m ___:eE_I!IIIDIlltEl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ fourths 'of the length in olroumferenoeand oylindrlolll or very slightly fJlst·enl Bucklen's Arni llfl Sn lvlI ! tapering in shape, having eighteen r:ores them; lJla.kes th e skin !loft und t ------------~---------...- - - - - or twenty rows of uniformly In velvety It glor1fie ~ the 111 00 I Cur8li Pimples, Sore EYCll, 'old " THE un MU" =dented and polored grains. The ~ore", Craoked LI ps, Ubn ppP,J 1::111 nds speaker dlsoouraged the buying of Try It. Infallible (or Piles. 2!ic ti t. seed oorn trom different iocalitles, Fred U. Sohwu.rtz's. hut adTised gathering seed corn HICKS' ALMANAC FOR 1910 from fully matured stalks In the field Ready November 15th, 19lH) . n I Both state ep9akerll WAre Ilppre. ... plendld yeurbook, on !lstr onomy oiated by those ILttending the insti. li nd meteorulogy, t,he ool .V an A c· m tute Bnd .all who became acquainted I.alning the original ' 'Hick!! WAn'r ~ I • \ !~ f~ G' ~ '1~" w!lih them during their visit to Forecas t.'I.'· By mltil, postplll ;'. :150, W"yoesville and all unite In wish- " 0 neW!!tl1nd ll, 300. Uoe co py fr e .~ . ... ':~ , ~' :;' . ing they may agam be sent her" with a ye~r 'R !'ubsoriptioo to Wor d , .. : . . - :. I The same offioers were eleoted and Works, the Rev . lrl R. Hi ckR • '~ I ' . - ' / ., . , . " for next. year after whloh the meet,- Monthly Mn gll·zine . tli e hel' t, $ 1 '; ~ ~../ ing adjourned sine die. The mOIL beauUhII, rDonthlv io Americil . lJi!1(\Quot o n moal dll r~ bl e IUnr· AlmannOtl in qUllntlt.iell. Al!entFl I) 1/\ I e II t orkl , lPOODa R«:80IutloDS Adopted IIml rRlIey IMlI'V lnl! pi"".. wonted Reluem ber, the gen uioe v ( 1 h" tire Ilarnr",d wllb lb. r .. Wherellll, First, Agrloultu re III " Hicks Forecust' .. IIr not JJllbli Flbed .. owned t rl\(l o mar k, y •• t I r n . i. . :- l .'. c "!! lUAC A -""3 a.nywhere elll<' l -:;ou get t,bem only Ilt the foundation of all phYllioal and j\1 ·d C ... tI" ~\ ldlll.!t tlt .• 11 , ", .,01 ,.,. il .. ' • •• • , oommeroial life, is the most servloe in his own publications W\)rd nod m .l :.!il 7.ila: lUi. ,r'lt n III I ' • '. L . C " l ~ "tvl ~ . I ,IH 'I . , ,I. II ''' . I n 'F tible, healthy and honorable of all Works PubJil'hing Uo, 22U1 Looust p ~C \\' ll d.! . Y I ,, \' ' I;t. nh \ ~. g. CII'1UL' t H ' , ttllll i t O rll· ... . I 'r, ~ I II V ~~l r. n t ~ a occupations, and produoes IL type of St .. St.. Louis, Mo. " (' ar (-'('11., ,I -tid,), ia H ' ;'t' : I f 'r,< n. ~uh :.'" n t l! t (ll. I:' , o r I I I b:JI ~ . · 1.- l OI' Y. oltlzenshlp who have never over· rlbl. mark only cftn yoa , -: .: -- DEll F UL IN D~J C EMEI\i15 d l.lInl/ul_h til e orllllo ..1 thrown a government but hal fur. 1. ,\ ~ (·l1H . P Od .&! l, rin. ' ," }" ,' · '''In \: " I ,:";! l1r !tONer. " ;1lI'8 ( nrol DltWo ln :.: 1\1 C'!tS lIl ,ri ;c one rs ....\ d l a .. :,. nished t.he nation with its hllrdleet .....~ra 18(1). amI UllUro younolt r=E IIl t CAU CO .. 2J8 10 2.lS W. :'711 SI.. X:W YOI:1i ot UI O IM'.., In Quality, recruits and the cities with many of Oull" and dealgn. ItS I.Itrongest and most suoceasful Undertaker and Embalmer. !lold by Iloadllll C. W. HEN DERSON ,M. D. d ealer••.ery",bero. merohants, lawyers, rreaohers and Selld tor calalOlIMl Will be foond In the old other ... "CL abowtDI Bank BuUdlng. opposite aU dca4lna. . And, SeOO'ld, Because the SIa.te Waynesville, Ohio. the National Bank M.I!:SW£!f Board of Agrioulture haa pro't'lded Telephone In house Ilnd ofValley Phone 153 Main Street BRIT A1IINU. co. fioe where) can be called for our U86 and a881lltanoe 600,000 (I.'........... 81f. . day or night. 1:0.,_.) pieces of printed matter 40 refitullAr ...t~()_ VaJle,. Phone 1...2. Looturer~ and IDspeotorll of Com. get fmmtdlate relief from Waynesville, Ohio meroial , )l'erttliz.,e, Feeds, FrUit!', Main Street. Dr. ShooD'S Mll6c Ointmen~ Foresta; Htook aud Hoils and pro villell tor institutes wherner de sired, 306 having been held withi.n a ~-year. And Third, . Whereas: it is be. coming 'aoreaalngly diffioult to ae· oure help on the farm . Th.!l~efore, Rellolved Firat That we Rill oontinue to do onr par,t to produce above all the higheat type 01 men and women of an~ na'ioD .on earth who ehaU be ready for every duty of oit'zens . ResolJ:ed, Second, That we- will use every, meaDS provided by our Staia Board of Agrionlture for our .That's what comes of getting together. We have combined with · the publisher of the b~t BB,lstance and especially ita inspeo woman's magazine. The result is that you can have the magazine, Woman's Home Companion, and tore and lecturers. The Miami Gazette for the very low price given below. Woman 's Home Companion is too well Resolved, ''chlrd, . That we ' have known to need indorsement from us. With its fine stories, it.s splendid articles, its many pra.!tical listened wUh plessure and profi& to departments, Woman's Home Companion stands at the very front rank of woman's magazines. The tbe etat.e .l ecturera, J. P. Dam, of price of Woman's Home Companion 'i s now $1.50 a year, and this offer is a special bargain which we Shf'ridaD, Ind., and M. C. Tho,m as can offer for a short time only. Take of Mingo. OhiO, Mr. PaUeraoD, of advantage of the bargain while you Lebanon, and to the addr888 of weI· SUMMER STORV .,UMBER. can ~ It won't be good ·for .long. oume by our Mayor.elect Bon. J O. t

The Best farm Paper free for aYear


'111" '

That we SllllK?st &0 our writera thllt farm Ufe fnlDishes as good . 'bllels for poetry~ love, storiea and heroism BB any other field of literature and reque.t· them to work thill inexhau8tible miDe of literary rioheS,.and 110 ohaln ' the youtht.o t,he soil. ' Resolved, Hixth, rhat . we . will try to make that iartQ, ,uor~ ,attr.". tlv8 to our ', boy. aDd girls, b, .de.: . .. creasing the houre. of labor to the mioimum,affordiilg~h~m ~ore hom.~

amriaemenu, goodl$brarle. a~cl gtv , ln, 'hem ~ IIhare ,In .' th~ · proflta of ' , tbe farm niereb'y, ItlDlU!a\iDI beir I8Dle of lndepeDcie~oe and decr•• . , . bag tbelr ree,I_II... BelIo}vec1, t!e~8Dth, .That ·w~ . reqUelt the H*-~ Board to hold ~oo~h. 81' IOltitute oe~' ,8&1'. . , & L: CAirrWRioHT

11_ 110. . . SILva" B, W, B~~ ..,',. . .


, _AUCiUSf


Woman's Home Companion one year and

TIle Miami Gazette one year

Bo 11 for $l.75 · A NOVEL BY Grca l r \\ 1'lllaH's Ilome Companion


-_ _---

, ... c.c7wt~,


P'VS4. olt-l INCI

co,..,,, ...

WillI e Ill' III".;L inLl' I·!.::Iting- the most u. eful - thl' rnosl heautiful woman's magazin e pliulished_


Twelve Big Numbers There will be fiction by Anna Katharine G"een, Elizabeth Stuart 1 heLps,' Mary Wilkins Free. man, Kate Douglas Wiggin, r.fargaret Deland; Juliet. Wilbor Tompkins, My ra Kelly, J 0 ephine DasBacon-and a host of others-all t he best writerll now b fo re the public. .




A,1l this and The Mi~mi Gazette YQU can ,have for only $1.70. Bu t you must order NOW. Remember It's special 'concession we've secured for you that won't last )ong; . You will be in time .if you order today ..


.WoID.n'i··Heine,. CO~paniQIi . And The Mjaini . Gazette. Addre.. THE " .IAM'~ C.A ZETTE, · Waynesvill., '.


for they, are tun ot mIschie f and th'nk da,. 1ullt before the wed"'nl. tV It gl'l'at (un 10 Illagu u ." , ' grandfnther was fl)'i n out wllh bill "Won't t1l e~' hurt rue7" uslted .th hand vh n he saw Qa lala wailting gt rl , n.oxlol:.sly. " besl(l! h riv r. H wa d ressed 10 "Oh. no: Ule~- mu st o b y l he II' arer a 1'1 h :ostlllll of pink si ll, a nd pllrpl . of th np, Oourl-hy!" and sh scam· vely I. and my Hrulldtath \' tilOu g ht p red oul of s l 'h t. with [111 ' Ih mlc h would see wbot h e ouhl do . Al bl~ hu rt'ylng of! I' II 1' . word t.h ' band fI w do wn lUid Sfllz ' (I Be Grown On Any son {rom Sand to Clay. Pro. Drll·c·t hy 1 olwd IlIsl(1 t b Qut> lala. carried him In th 11' arm !; 1111 ' vlded Oilier Conditions Are Made Rlghtcn.p nnd IlO W 110 m worrl s Wl'ilt n up on 111 th y WI" Ih mllhlf .. o,r Iht' l'iI' 1', How to Raise.. th p linin g. 'I'll s . 1111 t hQug11t, mll ~t :l nd Ihem drol1Ptlc\ him In to the wat 1', h th hlll'lll , so s h ' read tll dlr c." wim Ollt. nt)' /:lll l fpll o \\',' 1'1'1 'd II ns cn r fu ll y !l od put I:h call lI\1on my grllndflllhl'r. 'lind II If lIlt Wil t l' It r ·head. hHS KpoliNI ),0111" cloth's: QIlt:lalfl wus " I~p·fle. p - p -)lc. Im lt-I. !" s it , Hald . nlllch too wille not to 611'1111. an d h l' 511111lli ng 0 11 h l' I ,n foo t . wa~ nOI In l it it'l1st !1(Jol1f'd by al l hi " "'hal IIld YOU say?" /lsk rI \ll(' /!oo d fUl'llIll e . H inll!(hl' rt . w hcll II cal'ec row, who did nol ) uo w what cn m 10 the tOI! of tltt' wal l·r. \1111 hI' wa t:; doIng. RWlIlIl 111 to 1'1101'1' . Tl llt wh c ll Ga y 11'1 11' "Hit-Io, hol.lo. hel ·lo !" orothy rall1l' r ll llnln~ O\ll to hlfU ShH fOIlI~d w nt on. sln nllln Ihl !\ tim e on he r bl !! sill\!; aud \,cl\'pl a ll ru l1ll',1 by th l) rtA'hl foot. rll'( ' r. "H e llo!" I' l' pll"r1 IhE' TIn Woodrnau. " 1'11(1 ' flr illt: 'ss was vl'ry Iln "Ty' aud cnlillly. " hc IUl"\\'. of rO llrs . wlto dill il. Shl' '·7.lz-zy. ZU7.·zy . zllt!" suld l oro l hy, had al! lit " \Y lng rI 10llltt·ys broll ~ lt t who wus no\\' ... tarlfllu~ un bot h f "L 11"101'(' her . a nrl !'he> f;;1\(1 n !Inn I hil t This eu ded til(' s a yllll; of th c ha rm. t h r ll' wIngs s hou ld hn II II :llld th,' ), a nrl Ib E'Y h ani n great t.! ha lt e rln g a nd s hould tiC tr ulPtl ItS Ih l'Y li nd Irl'lItHI nap]l lng or wln Jo:lI 1111 th e band or Qu lain . nml (Iro(l11{'d In \I!P dv r. nut Wln gf'd l\ionlil'),s fl e w 11 P to th m. lilY gmnclfnlh r l)if'udNI hard , fol' be ' rll(' King 1. )\1' tl' lOll' b r 0 ' th . ul I (' ore 01 0 ~ , 1\11 w the 1110nl;('),8 wou ld IInllyn ill th e unll as ked : rivcr with Ih e lr win gs tll'd. nn d "Wh at 1:1 yo ur com m a nd?" QII Il\l n aid n kind wo rd for Ihem . "\\'0 wi llb to go to th e E m · raId also: s o t ha i Guye l ttl.' finally !!pllrpd Ity," t!nld th e child, "and we have tlt e m, on condltlOIl tbnt the ~ In ....ed I " ost OUI' woy ." MonltC'Y!l should G\" I' ofte r rio th rel' "\v will urn' yo u," r e plied tbe lim es the hlddln~ or th o owner of th e Arranging Boards for Blanching Celery. King, and no s ooner had h e spolte n go lden cap. Th cn p ba.d bee n mad !> thon two of the monlteys caught Doro- for a w dllfllg pres nt to Qu lain. anrl Celery moy be grown on any soU then be sown without daogcr from the from s od t I Id d tile on c hemical. The seedlings arc trans· thy in their a rms nnd fi e w away wIth It Is said to ha ye os t th o ' prillcess a 0 cay, prov e 0 r c . be r. Othe rs toolt the Scarecrow and hnlf he r Idugdolll. or co urse my g rand . dlllons are made right. Success III planted to flats and th e n to cold tb e Woodman nne! the Lion. and one fath r nnd a ll th o olh r monke ys Ilt large ly a matter of fertility and mols· framos. though' tbey are not so rIgoronc ng re d lo thu cOndition and' thnt ture. Fertility III maintalnod by tbe ously bardened as cabbage plants. A , use of ove I ' nnd Is how It hap p ns I but we nre three c r crop!!, m ne manure, full ton of a high grade fe rllllzer, run· times the slave s of the own r of the commercial fertilizers. writes Paul nlng about six per cent of nitrogen, golden co p, wbomsol vor he lllay be." Work In Rural New Yorker. Crimson e ight of phoaphorlc aCId, and ten of ""nd " ' hat hecnme of them?" askerl clover and ryo are the standard hum· potash. Is applied to each acre. Tbe D 01'011),. I I I " b '0 11 grea IIy Ilit 1" us·maklng crops, with the latter pre- fertilizer sbould be put on 1ust before W lOla.. ('st rI In th e story. ferred. The clover is of value as a the plants are sol, about ~bu middle of "Qllo lala bing tbe first o\\'u or of nitrogen gatberer, but unless it con be May. The distances arc 33 tnches be· th e gold en call," re plied th e .monkey. sown earlier than Is posslhle on hlgh- tween rows, and seven In ches In tbe "he was th e first to lay his wlllh s priced and Inte nsively far~ed land, row. Great care s l10uld bo taken to u pon us. As his brIde ould not bear the gain does not cover the e xtra cost avoid setting the plants too de 1', as th e sight of us. he called us a1\ to him of sced. Rye bas the advantnge of a tbe crown Is partly covered nnd the In tb e fores t afte r h o had marri ed h e r greate r bulk of 'humus and an assured )llant Ileriously 's tunted, IIBulllly ruined . aud ordered liS to always ke ' l) wbel'e stand. A row plante d by a cnre l ss worker s h e co uld n ver ngaln set eyes on a Seed for the early CI'OP s hould be Is a , consfllc uous monument to his 'Vlnged Monl' wtll h i d I • Y. w II' r g a sown In flats about Marc h 1. Eurller m mory tbroughout the season. to do, for we weI' all afraid or her. Tbe wate r problem Is a ve ry serious s owlngs s bow a marked t endency to "Tbls wns all we e v r hud to do unrun to sced, and thor e Is IItll e ad\'nn t- mOWlI:, 8n(1 eape lally In growing til lh golde n Cal) f 1I Into th e hands age In rnarketln~ befol'e Augus t 1. celery. There ' is hardly a year wben of the Wlclted Witch of the 'W es t, who drollght do es not c urtail the crop. lr· mad li S . ns la ve the 'Win ki s, and nft. rlgatlon ' Is tbe only r e medy. ~eat I'ward drive Oz hlo\S If out of h e s pot or e lery bllght Is the most serLand or th e 'W st. Now the gol(1 n io us pest. 1t can be b eld In check by Cal) Is yours, and three times you have faithful applications of Dordeaux mix· the right to lay your wish es UfJon \Is." ture. As the Monke y King finls tU'a bls Dlancblng cele ry Ln hot waether IB slol'Y Dorothy loolted down and lIa W no t so easily accomplis hed as In the til" green . s hining wall s of tho Em. , b fall. SoU at this season affords most erald City before them. S wondered favorable conditions for rust. Instead at the rapid flight or tilO monkeys, bu ot thi s ru e thod. 12-lnch boards are was g lad the joul'ney was ove r. Th used. ' Only good lumber Is purchased, lltrange creatures set th e travelers c1ents are nailed on to pre vellt split· down carefully before the ga~. of th tlng, and the boards are as well cared clly, lh I(l ng bowed low to Dorothy, for as hotbed sash. far better thnu an d II1 II fl ew swIftl y away, t0 II owe d many n gard e ner cares ' for them. b~- all bis band . r Eacb hoard does serv·lce six to seven ' TI d i ' lat was a goo r de," said the IIttimes In n season. When the plnnta wo girl. are · 12 Inches hIgh, tbe boards are , "Yes. and a (Jill cit wny out of our s et beside them and fasten I'd In place trollbles, " r e plied t b e Lion. "How Wltil clamps made from a piece of little monkey seized Toto and fie w aCt- lucky It was you brolls ht a.way that beavy wire about 10 Inl'hes ~ong. nnd I' them, althougb t he dog tried bard wonderful cap!" bent to a little less than n right angle to bite 111m. two inches trom each end. Pairs of The Scarecrow a nd tbe Tin Woodrows are selected at Intervals over the 'man were r utber rrlghtened at first, field for the first blanchlns. In this tor they 1'emem bered how badly the way wagon-ways Ilre ope ned and labor Wing~d Moillteys had treated them be· Is saved In moving tb e boards from fore; but tbey snw that no harm was row to row. The process requires intended. so tbey rode tbrough the nlr from 10 daya to two weelcs , according quite cheerfully , and had a fin e time to weatber .:ondltlons. When ready looking at the pretty gnrde ns Ilnd for market, the celery Is dug with woods tar below them. spades aJ'ld stripped of outside leaves The four tl'avelers wolkt't1 up lo tbe Dorothy found b erself riding easily great gnte of the Emerald OIty and In tbe field. It is ,bauled to a ahed, between two of the biggest ,monkey s, rang lho bell. After ringing several trimmed, washed with a hose. bunch· one of tbem tbe King himself. They times It was opened by the samo ed, ar.d scrubbed. The root is cut to had made a chair ot their bands Ilnd Guardian of tbe Gate they had met be, a four-slded wedge and three or four were careful not to 'hurt her_ fore. stalks are tied at lop and bottom Inti' "Wby do you have to obey the a tlat bunch., "What! arc you baok again 1" he Typical Bunch Ready for Market. cbarm of the 'golden cap!" she asked. asked, In surprise. "That is a long story," answ,ered "Do YOU not s ee us?" answered the Eome . troubie is experienced with Educate Collie Pup •• the King, with a laugb; "but 8s we' Scorecrow. t$amplng off. Dee,p fiats and ' careful Tbe C'o llle ~up, like the cblld, must have a long journey before us I will "But 1 thought you had gone 19 visit watering are Important factors , In be , tboroughly educ!ltell. A cblld that pass the time by telling you a60ut It. 'avoiding this difficulty, or recpnt Is ~ot educated la almply a back numthe W icked Witch of the West" It you wish." , "We did vlsJt her," snld the Scnre· years the seed bas been sown in ber and has QO standIng In the better "I shall be glad to hear It," she reo beds, the 8011 of which has be:ln society circles, 80 the' Scotcb Collie crow. plied. sterll1zed. For this purpose a qllart, of that Is not educated up In tbe prpper "And she let you go again?" asked "Once," began the leader, "we we re formalin Is mixed with a ' barrel or lines Is little beneftt to his master. a fre e people, living happily In tbe the maD, In wonder. "She could not help It, for abe Is water, and a gallon of thl8 liquid ap. Tb~ Scotch Collie Is almost. if not aigreat forest, flying from tree to tree, plied to each cubic toot of soli. Arter togett.~r aa susceptible to an ednca· eating nuts and fruit, clnd doing jllst melted," esplained the Scarecr"w. two weeks It Is dug over. and seed may tlon or lI-nlnlng as the cUld . "Melled! W e ll, thut Is good new!!, as we pleased without calling anybody mas te r. P erhaps somo of us we re Indeed," 3ald th man: " Who 'molted rath er too full of mischief at tim es, ber?" ''It wos Dorotby," lIald the Lion, fiylng down to pull ·t he , tails of the . ' animals tbnt had no wings . cbasing gravely. , "Good gracious!" exclaim .. !! the birds, and throwing nuts at tbo people wbo walked In thf' forest. But we nla.l1, unrl he bowed "ory lo ~' Indeelt were careless and ha ppy and full of be fore he l·. \TO BE CO!':TINUI!:D.) futl , a nd enjoyed ye ry minute of the day. This was lIluny years ugo, long before Oz came Ollt ot lhe louds to -alshop Opposes Woman Suffrage. rule over this land. llIsbop Jam s A. l\IcFaul of the "There lived h 1'(' th 11. away at the Roman Catholic of Trenton Is another prelate who does Ilot thlnlt north, a bea ut Iful princess. who was I hftve bad tbree years' experience Of course. In estimating the sur\' ry highly of woman suffrage. rn ... a Iso a power ru I so rce ress. All hc l' with the system of green feeding tace required for a given number of discussing tltl s inte resting topic ' reo mag Ic was useeI t 0 IJe I P th e peop I e, cently the bi s hop saki: "Most women here' described and know what I nm fowls ' a great deol depends upon the I and s b e was novel' , I Im own H to lIut any to·day arc opposed to de parting from t,nlklng about. To the poultry keep- luxurlllnce ot growth of the plants. one w 11 0 was goou. el' nnmo WIIS lpelr own dom es tic sph ere and usurp- "._r - who· Is obliged to economize space. The soil rnu!;t; be well prepared and Oaye Ie tl e, nnri s I1(' II\'e d I n a h at\(· I t.he green food problem Is most vex. rich, the runr. "11ust be located to reIng the plac occllple d by me n, amI I b 11 II t f I'nlll g reat bl orlnJ 0 f SO I11 " pn nce atlons, but Dr. , George W. Little, tile ceive ample sunlight: In event of II. me n, us a rul e. Ita 'c so much re garll ru b y. Ev ery on o Iove rI IIe I', b II t I101' pheasant fancier. s, olved the problem protracted drought they must be g l' alest sorrow was that she coulcl and affection for th e ir mothers, sis· -ken' he Invented. grass t .. u ns , writes tered with a hose, and lastly tbe seed (. d t I I t I II te r!! and "'h'es that th ey!l test any· "~ .In no on 0 0 1' n I'e ul'lI. !; Ilce a Dr . A. H. Phelps In Orange. Judd mpst be sown tblckly'. Tb~ hens walk IIIe m e n were l11uc h too !;tupld and thing l e ndIng to bring WUOl cn luto the ":o'r mer. These arc {ra . mes ,tollr ,feet. around on the top of the wire and rough struggle with ru en. · Art!;r all r ' ug Iy lo mil t (0 W II. Ilone s o b 0811t If n I an d' wide 13 teet long, made wltb hem- keep the ' plants cut oft as smoothly has been said in fav ur of wuman ~ut.· • .. loc'. boards six inches wide'. standing ail wou,l d be done by a lawa mower. w Ise. At I aBt, Ilo wr:we r. S IIe found n " boy w I10 was Itall d some nn d manly 'frage and again s t It ,every tru e man upon edge, the top being covered with realizes tit a t the bond that one-Iocll-mes .... chicken \Vlre . . Beneath an d' w Ise Ileyon d Ili. S yenl's. 0 Ilyele tte and woman . rucks thl:l ' cradl rul es the world." U made lip IIe I'm In d t Ila t wb e n ho g re w this frame cHmson ' clov.e r, oats. wheat' tu be a man s h Q would , mnke him h el' . ' _, ." hUBbana, so sh e look' him lo bel', l'uby . But We May Vet See It. and. rye are. ~o .. n. . ... , 'I' valnce nnd I)sed all he r magic powers A Frenchman ' uom 'd Bourdai.. says) ~' Tllew~re, ~,hlch ti ,~x i!,<;~es '!obove l'f malto him as s trong and gOod ,""au lbe San Francisco hronlcl ' , has dft. the gTollnd. pr,b ttiet8 the' young. ,growhi llc ly as any woman could ",Ish . vised a floatln g ' cit y 'whIch will IH;I'I!!U ' ing plantjl . t;lutU tb.~ -pass ' tbl'ougb ' When b~ grew tu manhood, Qllelnla,' persons who . wish to cross th e oc6\ll: ' th wlr.c , ",hen tbe fowls beglp ,plckas lit! was called, wos saId to be the Without r!1 nnln g the risk of sea sick· lng off the ,en~. o~ , t~~,,_top ., le~ves: bes t and wisest Juan in all the land, n.ess to do so. It Is' to :be 's bout three ' They , ~nnot get at t~e roots Qr ot~,er· b ' • . whUe' l1is manly beauty was so 'g reat thousand teet In length, wlt.h an appro, ' wise dest'to~ 'tbe p~ants •. wbicb .COD-- .Where ,t e aged !I<!~ ~" I~tter er!3 ,wbeD tha,t Qayelette loyed him dearly, nnd prillte breadth. ' Will bave 'avenue" linue" to: gro" wltlt increasing vigor t,h ey were-:b_o....,r_"f~..............~-.;. hast ned to malte everythllJJ: ready for planted With tree,·, rtat'den", aqu... e.. ~b~OUihout . the . ae!"SOD , ~"ce ", . th OS,, _ runa ba. kloaks for music bands a t.... eater ell' ' with over :100 0 Keep on' PlOWIng-, th VI ddl '" e e 11 ",. .' • • • n-ed that Lake!lvelden aDd Ham. WhU" tbe weatller 1a DIce aDel tbe "My grandfather was at t.hat time ,cular rallwaya, abopa. etc. . He 1I0et ... -. ba ~Qur ."nare , .....t ground in 'g ood condltlOll,"get out w.l... the kIng of tile Winged 'Monke-ys not' 1,,11 how be III going to propel It. ·bu.... DUlht to.. ve.f' . """ Of •• d 1 . d I .... whlcb lIve d In the for~lJt near Gaye: but be I.s aure that' it. will bt? s~e., aDd .. b.nI; ~btl4t, ~"e':O~ea &lid ,other , the .team.aD' p ow an aut lome ol~. 1 too's )Jall/oce, and thli old fellow loved more comfortabJe th~ other antpe. I\t aaflO b~' nMd .Ix or .ev.~ teet oats and com grOUJl4 ~bro~e.... It ~ a JOR belter than .. !lood dJDDir. ODe lateat a::.:GUD'" ... W. . lUll at -.db, bel, m"ttera alon, De~ ,p.~ ,


'11ie IZ rd




L. Frank Baum

~ l.' prrl"lIt. 11,· ( liP Uob Is -l\1 ur l'lll Co.,

Bnum &: 'iV. \V. Ut·lIslo",.) , SVNOP.SIS. Dorothy U\'ell In (,: lUlsa:< with UII( Em !,nd ncle H IIry. A Cyc:lo ll~ IICl cd tll('lr hu m!> Into th rtl r. Dorothy flllllllK 1).81 'I'P " mIdst tho excltemllnL A rH sh IH\'nllenl'd Ilpr The 'hOU8bea hnd In u. country ,C .marvelous uty.landed OfOUPS oC qu eer little IJ (lple greeled her to th Land oC ) 1 Jnchkln8. The hous had klllod their " n~ll1 Y, th e wlc1ted witch of \!! Dorthy took the wltch'a Ih' or 8ho08. She etn rted {or the Emeroll.l City to find the " o (ly r l!;h l


I,. I· rnn l

~I~~[dt\~~ ~z,...:~,oio S!,e~d"'~erP~~~~s~o

Kansas. DorotlJy releas d n SCllrecrow. givIng hIm lifo. Ho wa.a d08lroU8 of aoII lrlnf{ braIns and ato.rted with her to I \ wIzard to get them. The I!Icare row ;" . I)!(~ 1~~\OhI1~~7e'd r:reYa .rr;\~tort lI'H.~V~~~~ oll1ed them. They came upon 11 terrible .llon. Tho lion 1l0nfe811 d he had no r,our~ S~· ' He decldo<l to aecompany lhem 10 (h e Wlaard "t all to get 80me. The 8eare' r,lW In pushing theIn raft becamoot Im.pnll'd upon hIs pole the mIddle the .'I ,·pt. The s arecrow wae reacl1ed by 0.

~'~!ld~dl~I~I~~~k. caJ~o1 ~~~~~y" toPO~~h

\I ~ I ,-,p. The IIca recrow and Un woodmnn 11"8('U II her Bnd her dog from lhe deaoly (lllW rs. Tho lion fell asleep nnd being too 1, nv)' to 11ft. WBS tett. On th e Boo.rch tor 'he road of IIyollow ch lell to th e l~mern 1(1 y thoybrick mot whi 0. \vllll Cllt o.nd 11 Id Ill! ·e. 'fho woodQ'lnn killed lho wtld t'llt. 'rh QU n mouSb bocame frI endly. nh , I' nt t ho u~a nd8 of b r mlo subjocts dl'llw lho lion away from the poppy fie ld.(I. They Dorothy nwok e trorn hor 10llg ·~I etarl«.>a ngo.ln 011 lIle Elmer~ It Jty road. They cnmo to II. fence. 1mlnted grenn. There were fa.rme.ra of


IIi &~~el~~ui~s \~~81;~te.n l~~l~~Pbz.d r .;~:~

1ru~ t tit (;'uardllln or th Jmles. HI! der rib d the power of th WllIllrd of Oz. A II put n grc n s pl'o 's as the bright-

R and glory pf lilmeral(l CIty bli nded 'Icm, Thl' wlzard decided to ree Ivo one ~ r th Pllrty day. All wore put In p' n rooms. Dorothy W ht to th e, Ulron 1'0 m. III n spurkllng with em rlIds s ho b held I1n enormous hoo.d wlthut body. legs or IU'mo. bigger thnn the bIggest giant. "I am , Oz, the gTQlll Rnd terrIble" sllld th o hoo.d. Oz told her lImt vhen IIhe killed tho wIcked wit h ot th li:ll8t he wou ld sond her homl'. The scare;"rQW. admitted to th o prc8c nc of l\ b au· Itnt Io.dy. who 8111d s he was th ",I/lurd. "vas promIsed brnlnll when ho Ilkilled tho ""Itch: The WOodman b held t rrllll M\ wit" a h Clld ot 8 rhIno 'WOII nnd (h'e eyoe. Tho wlznrd promll!ed him -n hea rt tt.,he woold s lay tho wItch. Tho tlon lIaw a boll of firo and a voI ce from be ob~ect (lromlsed him courAge It h 1IIew the wItch. Th seo.rch ommollccd. The witch "o.w tb e party when It enl (:rell her domaIn and cllused. 0. pnck ot wolv 8 10 attn k ·It . Th woodm l1.n kill d th o w IV s. She eont crows wh Ich tho scar· 'T QW 8cllt'ed and killed. Bllcij w c n~ dls\'lil t ch d n xt, but tho WO<J(lI1UlO recol ved -th stings. !I'lnu.)ly winged monlccye took 1 h m prl"oncr nnd cOnvoYNI them to 'the ' )VJt chery. Dorothy threw water on ho wIck <l wltoh. destroying h ~r. Dorth n lion; wood man o.t\d ",thy r eseucd ~cllrecr "w. She (ound 0. oltllrmcll goldon cup <lnd s tarted bllck to 7. . She be· :ram o lost . .

CHAPTER XIV"-continued. Then Dorothy lost II art. She sat "own on the grass and looked at her companions. and they sat down and looked at her. and Toto found thnt for t he .first time 'n his · life he waB too tired to chlUle a, butterlly that lIew !past bla head; so be put out his Itongue and panted nnd loolte d at Dor' othy as if to ask what tbey sbould do 'llex~'. "Suppose we call the Field Mice," l:!he suggeated. "Tbey . coultl probably teli us the · way to the Emerald CIty." "To be sure tbey c~ulc\," cried the 'Scarecrow; "why didn't 'w e thlnk of Ulat before?" Dorothy blew tbe little whistle she !lad always carried about ber neck I!}Jnce the Queen 01 the Mice had gl ven it to h!3r. in a tew minutes tb e r heard the pattering ot tiny feet. and mony of .th~ small gray mice came ruunlng up





The Dis~c~O~~tJ:


10 her. Among thom w u~ t.h e Quee n b'lrself. who asited In h'I' fHjlleaky 1ft.

III' )'oice: "What call [ do for my frhmds ?'"

" We ba.y lost our way," snld 001'0' ,, ' an you 1,~11 li S wllere thc Em· . raId .Clly Is 1" J'Certai nly," answe r c! th· Que 'n ; ~ 'b ut It Is a grel10t way ofl'. for yoil hav .. hnd It at your bac lc!\ all this t.lme." Thou she nolle d Dorothy's ~oldert· cap. an d said ~ "Wh y don't you , lIse the· charlO, of UI O eR p. !lud «;aU the Inged Monke YOli ? 'l'hey will ·~rI'Y you (0 the City o[ Oz In less r;hl1n an h~ur." "I dlllu't know Hl e l'lI Wl\f;' u ()barm." alJl:lW l'l!t.I Dorothy, ill 8ur11rlse. "Wbo.L Is It 1" "n 16 wrlLt&Jl Insldb (lie goLden d lp/ ' replled - the QIJ en ot the ·Mice; '"but U you are SOlos to call tbe WlDaed ¥onke)'8 we must run awaf.

Miss SmltT- Oh , dopt()r, do know YOII look perfeobly kUling eveni ng? Doc tor-Tbank YOII, bnt r am n ot. r'm 011 !luty . YOU Iw ow.

AGONIZING ITCHING. Eczema for a Year-Got No Relief Even at Skin Hospital-In Despa ir Untll Cutlcura Cured HJm.

"I was troubled with a. severe Itcbing and dry, scrufy sk in en my ankles. teet. arms and scalp. Scralehing mnde it worse. Thousands of small red pimples form d and tiloBe eaesed Intense itcblng. I was advise d to go to ~ hospital for diseas es of· the sldn. I <Dd 80, tbe cblet surgeon saying" "I Dever saw such a bad caBO ot eczema.... But I got little or no reUet. Then I tried many s()oca11ed remedies, b1Jt I became so bad tllat 1 al~ost gave up 10 despaJr. Atter suffering agonies for twe lve months, I was relieved ot the alnlOl!t unbearable itching atter twa or threo applications ot Outlcura Ointment. I continued its use, combined with Cuticura Soap and Pills, Illld I was ()()m· pletely cured. H enry Searle, Uttle Rock, Ark., Ocl 8 nnd 10, 1901." Potter Draa " Cbom. Corp., Sole Plops., Dolton.

,- -

Every Little BIt Halps. The lecturer rills rI hi V'Ol ce with empblltlc confid n c . :'1 v naJ1'o tu nss rt," he s ahl. "that thera 15l1' t 1\ mun In this audie nce who b ll5 \- r elone an ything t.o prevent the d stru . lion of our for ests." A modes t-looking man in th bac\! of the hall stood up. "1- r- I've sbot woot.lp c\ce!'!!." ho s nld.- Eve ryborl y·s 1agllllWe. Nct Up to Modern Standards. "Your wifo's n ew bnt mnkes h r look like a Queen." said themnn who tries to be complimentary. "Don't le t her heur yoU sa)' (hat." answe red Mr. Dllgglns; "1 h ave looked throu gb til e histories and I n.eve r yElt sa IV 11 picture at a QU e n who looked as If sho enjoyed 3 firs tclass milline r." Taking the Tlpe, "Why did Dollarby sell his hote l ?" "He wasn't making money fae t enough." "What Is b e 0 ng now?" . "He's luxuriating In the position head walter," When It com s to ' being elllJrltnble to tb e faults of ot.bers. the MOth rhood of man · bas th e slsteTbood of woman beate n lo a frazzle. 1i11"l~.

1I1.r.. W!opow·. Soothlolf


::,=~:~.t?eyt~W!~ri. ~~r;:;':'~3 ~H~' £:c ~f:.lJ:: We help ourselves when others.-W. J . Bryan.

we h e lp



"'Suppose We Call the Field Mice."


Your Liver is Cloggc -1'up That'.


""p. ,

You're Tired-oat 01

CARTER'S UVER PILLS will f,ut you riaht

ills ew daylo

They do

their duty. .C:UIIS

Coutipa. ' tioa, Bil. I••••ea•• IDrllgutiotl,


IIlALL PILL, SIW.L DOSE, SIWl. 'IlCl GENUINE must bear aignlture:: '





Soru-Have No


RUBBER STAMPS fRrther 'rom your boqle on'l ftlco than

.. re

SeA\II, s&onc!lll,DACl«1l1ll, TrMlo Ohecks, ctc., Wu


Iha oeauHt PhOIl~OI"~ .. U.B . ulI~1I holl'. Agents 'H ' wa~lAId. q~~



. •

rr=~=================:w I SOUNDS liKE A FA1RY ' -TALE

E:'" r' the Hostess !








CO-UGHING BURST BLOOD VESSEL 8a~ , Danger Avoided ' and Cure. Coughs In 5 Hours •. A writer . JQr .the medical pr~~iJ slate th at coughing 11:1 r esponslbl tor the bursting ot blood ve/lsels Quite frl'lju ntly. A cough or cold ID\?anS inO,a mmalion ([O\'er) and con~estlon, fllld til R in turn ' Indicate that tbe body Is full Of I d ' ste ma lter. Simple r . II~~ s~:~O~~d i n , pntent cough modi ines, 'and whlsI key, often result In 1Il0r harm than Yood; IlS th Y calise more congestion. i A tonlc·lnxlltlve cough syrup will wo~k mnn'E'ls anrl her.e follows n pre-

And Therein One 8houfd Find the Contentment That Ii Chl.f Part of Life,


mall doesn't love his wOl'k, lle had bett()r ge,t sQmatbl ng lse to flo. nut th 'trOUble Is that stich people will hardly love o.ny kind or work. The lrollule Is in tb m. They la It Intellig nc'. If they knew !lough to know good work, ttl y would soon learn to love It. The manual·train· Ing !leh mc has this ,In view-to s ur· round the job a man Is !loing with s uch Intelligence lIud taste as wUl make It a ttractiv e to 111m. "The man who .Is In lo\' wl tb his I job g tl'l Illore eontcnt ment out ot 'I thnn OilY othf'r," suys Branuer Mat· th ews: and hEl g('!ls It gr at pal·t or hIs cOlltt~ ntlnent in !lolng his work right. :-:0 ml'ln can lo\' hi s worl( wbo HlIlrl(R. • a mun can I) c> .contentt:'U who Is dis. I hon <'s Laboul his worlc This Is shirk- i ing 01' clolng It ncgligputly. So thes I t hings always go to~f'th r- honest : work, ('uot ntlne~~ anll 10\'e or th job. If

~\fC\l\l4 J\~S d[ \lX\f<! Se,,\\a.


Up In th.e Provln.ces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta the prov, 10ces that compose Central Canada _ _ a.·,~~,~IlDiz~d Authority have such a <luanUty of land- suitable for the growth ot smnll grains, which . . grow so abundantly, an~ yield 110 hand, of the day on Christmas, thi s sup-lsomel Y that no f ar need be feared A' Merry Chrlltmal, CO\\l!>\\\l"'\\Q"~ What better wish · can be sent forth per was planned to satisfy but not of a wheat tamlne on this Continent. overworTc the Inner man WllO Is gt.ner-I The story r eproduced below Is only A<:\s l\(\\uT<l\b. Qc\S Q8 to lliJ the~ depal'tni'ent teaders than this one mnde by Charles Dickens so o.lI y taxed to the utter~losl on teast one of the hundreds of proofs that I ~~~ Jl:i~u p~I~~)I~ ~~Ii~icoa~:~gth~:~~\ll~ , Q L{\~'-\.\\v~. days. First, there was an appcli2:lng could be )lroduced to show the results cures. 1t rids the syst m of t~e mony years a~o? . SO\' Me."~~"UIl\ <lnd "Many merry.- , Christmases" many combination of fruits served In orunge that may be obtained frolI.l cultlva- caus. exc pt It be consumption bappy N~5v YEl'it~ , unbroken fri end· CIlIIS I'ostlng on a dolly mad e ot lion or the land s In tbese provinces. Dou't walt for cOllsumptlon to grasp \'e\\-yO\\,,~ (\"~ shIps, sreat o.c~'tmulatlons of cheer- b()l1y lea ves. The mixture consisted Almost any section of the coontry will its \'lcUm, bllt begin this treatment, ot oranges. grape fruit. bana nas, do as ", ell. which cures som In 11\'e hours. Mix To ~e\ Ws beneS't.\Q\ eS1ec\s.. ful recollections,' affection on earth grated pineapple, lemon juice and With t.h country recently opened by In a bottle oll('·hnlf oun c Ould "'lid Q\~~s b\l\l ,,\~ Oe\\u\\\e., and he'a VeD at last for all ·, f us." s herry with sugar to sweeten It was the Gralld Trunl. Paclflo the latest of ch e r~y bnrl(. on e uunce compound cs, . . " sence <'IIrdlul Rnd three ou nces syt'u p Tbore It IS 'a11 In a nutsb ~ lI, just the mal\ul.. clu"'<l. by ,Iw wleb Mme. Merrl extends to everyone chilled and see med to be jlls t th Q-p. the great transcontinental lines to en· wblt )lln(' compoun d. Tnke twiaot petlzer necessnry. Then came fried ter the field of th e d velopment of the drops cI'ery hnlf hour for four bour:' on the duy of the Chrlstchlld'B birth, when the joy bells are ecbolng Hlelr oysters, old,fushloned cold s lnw. hot I Canaalan West, there Is 4lforded added Th en un p·half to one teaspoonful fiG SYRUP message of peace round thIs great biscuit, potato chips, Individual molds ample opportunity to do ns was done thrc(" or fOtlr times u uay. Give chilI dren I ('!;' according to age. of cmnberry jelly, shrimp sallld, loast- In the case cited below: SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGIStS world . But to Ins ure "accumulations '1'0 buy a seatlon of land, break it - - - - - .of ch el'tu.l recollections" we must be- ed crackers, coffee, cheese, nuts and SUFFERED TERRIBLY, HIS STATUS. OI\e ~lIze only. re~ular pnce 50· per bottle . gin thIs "NY minute to lay liP our white grapes. Th e salted nuts were up and crop It, make $17,650 out of In littl e sled·shaped boxes and tbe the yield and $10,880 out of the Increase treasu rl'8 by thinking of the next one ~lief from Distressing Kidney : ~ ESTERN wbo may need our ministrations, rich name cards were tied to small Christ· of value all wi lhln tho sbort period I Trouble Was Found, mas t.ree boxes, which were filled of two years, was the record estab· , as woll 8S poor. with boubons wrapped In gUt paper. IIshed hy James Bailey, 0. well known j I was os})cclally to~ched last week Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf, :lR8 W. Morgan What Govemor Deneen"of Illinois, fllrmer within n few miles of R egina. I when 1 saw a d eeply veiled woman, St., Tipton , Mo., says: ''In!1alllluatio n Say. About It: A Ch stmas Chimney. ,Mr. Bailey bought the 640 aCI'cs of wbom sorrow bas touched wllb a of the b Iud d e r De':.'t°~;'~~IIlll,~n'11!~~~t~:~ A generous hostess Is to ORk 60 land near Grand Coulee twV years ngo. l'each d Its climax Ou, .."I... no bu. ","<1 I"; heavy b.a nd, llavlng lost every memo children from an Institution for a I He Imm ediately prepared the whole UD IlItO"IOI'l1 ber at ber own family within a very Chrlp.tmas p:u·ty. There Is to be a ' section for crop and this year bas 600 I ast spring and I sufI ~m short tim e, leaving her absolutely chimney built of candy boxes In oxact aQl'es of wheat and 40 acres of oats. I fer d terribly. My alone. making purchases of daillty Imitation of rell brick. Saota Cluus The wheat yielded 19,876 bushels, and back acbed and trifles Cor children, for servants and .wl1\ emerge from bcblnd tbls plio and the oats y{elded 4,760 bushels. The pain d so I could frlenus on botb sides of the conthl nt. It will have the e f'fect of com ing out whole of tbe ·graln hU8 been market. hardly get around UUt' R a 8 \\' 1'11 horse youse got, JimIt took n stout heart to join with tbe 0{ the chImney. He will take down ed and Mr. Balley Is now worth $17,560 ml ! ',hut III h , a charger, or-?" and the 8 cretions m rry throng and It was to me true and dlstl'lbule the bricks , wblch con. from the grain o.lone. He bought the were scanty, fre· "Aw, by de way ho is alw:;l)'s klokln'. bravel'y to even attempt to get nway taln candy and nuts. Th en they will la:Jd at $18 an acre, and the other I guess he's just a plain mule!" quellt ot passage !rQm wbat I knew her true teellngs play wiggle "Santa Claus," whlcb con· day refused an offer oC $35 an acre, and painful. 1 was Stated to be. As I grow older I think the slsts of distributing bits of cardboard just Q. $17 advance for the time of his Ured aU the time and very nervous. I ' It osts on an In Cold Figurel. $260 avera-ge about grealest Brt In tbe world Is that of bogan using Donn's mdney Pills, o.nd s elf.Corgetfulness. We are so npt to with pencils on which dots are drawn, purchase. The Ip.nd cost $11,320 In to cure an Incipient onsumlltlve or after taking a few box es was cured from which there are to be lines con· the first Instnnce, Here are the figto care .for nn nd \'anced cnBO ot tuber. thJnlt that we may be exoused If we and have been well ever sin e." personally do not feel like rising to an nected so as to make a figure ot San· ures of the caso.-Land cost, 640 culosls umil death. It he Is left In des· Remember the name-Doan's. Sold occasion or entering Into the spirit of tao He may be represented at full ncres, at $lB, $11,320. Wheat yielded tltute clr urnstnllces without proper by nil dealers, 50 cents 0. box. Fosterlength, bust only, carrying his pack, 19,876 bushels, at 84 cents n boshel, I attention he will !lurely Infect with this hle ssed holiday time. Tl1ere Is a or without It, or with his sleigh and $16,695. Oats yleld,e d " ,760 bushels I his discus at least two other I)Or80nS, ll1lburn Co.• Buffalo. N. Y. 00\101; girl who b~ had heavy finanreindeer. Twenty minutes may be al· at 28 cents a bushel, $865. Offered I and possibly more. ' Considerin g tbal Safe P la ce for the Author. cial losses, making her usual gifts lotted for the drawing and tben all for land, 640 cl'es at $35 an acre, th e av rage lire Is worth to society "In a small town wherll tb fIIllll· Impossible, but t.l assure her friends tba t she dges not forget sbe Is writing wll1 bo Quiet and ready tor the re- $22,400. Incroase value of Innd. $10,880. I In dollars and cents about $1,500, the cnce co.lls fol' th e nlltilOr of tbe pi ce freshments or Ice cream and cake. A Total earnjngs of crop. $17,550, togeth- , n ' t loss which would accrue to a com· LO come before th cllrtaln , he always the denrest notes on scarlet paper with "Santa Claus" candy box may be er wltl1 Increas';l In value ot land a to- I munlty by not treating Its poor coo· f(,f ls bettor If the curtain bas a lot lold Ink, sealing the envelopes with a as a prize for tha best "wiggl e." tal of $28,540. . . sum ptl vcs In proper Institutions would of local advertisements on It," snld given Christmas emblem. I tblnk even tbe MADAME AlERRl. , It is interesting to note the figures b , for each case, Including those who the manager. overburdened postman wIn smile "Why so?" askp.d hi s friend. when he delivers tbese bright mls· r=~---=======:;:~--- of the yield pe.r aCl'e, ' Tbe wheat are unnecessurlly infected, at the very lowest figure, $4,260. On this basis, It "WIlY, the people In th nudl nee slves. By the way. how many of us ~I\C-'.""~~~ OZ::::~' yielded 33~ bushels to tbe acre, and .I'. oats 118.7 bushels to the acre. The fi g- , the poor consumptives In tbe United or no t going to thl'ow egg!! antI take el'er thInk of t,he postman or ask If ~~~ • .• ~nL\ "mm~. ures are a fair indication of the aver- States who are now sick were segre· a cbnn e on spoiling their own adv r· be bas children to whom we could at . .LI.~J.l.LlU\YI~'" _ nge throughout the dlstrl<lt. gated from tbelr families, and either t1i1ements, are they'!"- Yonkers States· least send a Christmas postcard? Agents ot the Canadian Government kept In In Rtitu~lons until they died, or man. Girts of home·made c'akes. fine marLong sashes are being worn with In the dJfferent cities will be pleased ' else cured of their disease the sav· "I have auffered with piles lor thirtymalades, mince pies and cookies are coat suits. to give you ' Information as to rates, eta. Ing to tb country would be' the enor· Precoclou8. six years, One year ago last ,A pril I beacceptable ~o young bouse keepers, Fur neckpleces are very wide and mous sum of $1,276,000,000. . The little girl was acting naughtily gan taking Cascarets for constipation. In bacbelors alid college tolk who may muffs are lluge. HE DID HIS BEST. before compnny. Her mothel' warncd the course of a week I noticed the be unable to participate In the fesFishing Extraordinary. Some of the dainty new silk stock· hel' sharply. began to disap~r and at the end 0 rrix UNIties at their own bomes. Speak- Ings have lace Insteps. R epresentative Flood ot Virginia "1! you do tbat ngaln, I'll smack weeks they (hd Dot troubl~ me at all. Ing ot things to ent. as nearly every tells 1\ good story In which one of you," she said. Red Is a brilliant exception to the I Cascarets have done wonders for Iilne dll1~ sumptuously In the mlc!dle rule lhat makes for dun·hued colors. the characters was Gen . Reuben Lind· "N,? you won·t:' replied the pert am entirely cured and feel litre a new say Walker of tbe confederate army. daughter. , "I'll sit down on myselt nnd mau." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. , ...... ............ ... .............. .... .,. .~- ....... On one occnslon the genel'al was walt· tbon you can't." Pltluast, Palatable, Porest, Tillie Good. ·Ing for h18 breakfast, 'and his faithful Do Good. Never Slclrell.Weakllo or Gripe. lOc,25c, SOC. Never laId 10 bulk. TbelrCD' negro servant had gone to catch some Important to Mothors. alne tablet stumped C C C. GuatlUlleed to fi sh for the feast. When tbe servant Examlno carefully every boWe of cure or your mODe), bacll. 920 was away an unusually long time tho CASTOR[A, a Bafe nod sure remedy tor general called to him Impatiently: "Why don't you come here with that fisb, Bam?" Signature Of • • ~~.Rell.vcR sore, tlrn<! rcct, cures rhllllIDI\Ullm In ~ feet nuel legs, removeR otTell81,o OOOrR fmln Sam In the meantime had caught a In Use For Ovel' 30 Years. fee t. Keeps your leet WBrm. I.e Rellll IInblllty t.o coldH. Qulel.8 yC)ur DcrTe'R. XV EItV LADY fiountler, which Is white on one side, Tile Kind You Have Ahvays Bought.. N EEDS TlIEM. Price by mnl1l1.'1 C 111". Try with 1\ whiteness that looks like raw a pair. Uc)lle~ 1'etUllded U JlO~ BIUllllactory. With or Wltl)out, ACME ELECT"IC INSOLE (JO. Merchant-What? You were robbed fl sh meat. "All right, Massa Reuben!" called TOLEDO, OHIO "The chicken stew has two prjces of !:lverythlng on the way? Messenger-Yes, but don' t worIi'. out Sam. "l'se comln' des ez soon ez III the blll of far. How Is Ulat, 'I kotch de uvvel' ha'C 0' dis here flsh." walter?" They gave me a receipt. - Washington 'l'Imes. "With ' chicken In it It Is 30 cents; Slow Recovery. I wJthout It, 10." . ONE DWE FOR. ALLOOODS $100 Reward. ~IOO. "Is th editor Ollt?" asked ' It visitor l~ ~~)f\ r~~t~~'i:'J°f&; 1~8:r v:'1~~d:.1 ~t!'~~ ALLEN'S LUNU DAJ,SAM ~ readers 01 this paper ... 111 be plea8t!d to ,..,. IU C " III be soot wIth dlrocllOB ~k and aolor oont. to the office or the Ridgevill Banner. that I. W,e old reliable <on~h r '!Dell,. iluund In overy sa tbere II at leaat oDe drel!lled d _ t/IM Ul'-()-I.A DurllngtOll. Vt. and that II ~;UJ'ttr~~n2l:,.~ 'i.'~~r,f.c3~nYru~. f'ur ... Iu "Yes, sir," answered the editor's baa _ able to CIIn! In all 11.1 C3t&rrb. BAIl" CatarTh Cure \I lJle OolF IJQIlth'o small assistant. "He's gone out to CIIn! now known I<) thll medical lratc.'mlt)'. Clltarrb ~~~':I~'ft~.~~ ll~n~Fn"\~1 !~~; HeroIc souls III old Umes had no :.!;*~,r~ill~~~ a con.oUtuUOnai d1acMe, requIreS a C!OoaUtllput away a jug of .1Icker left by a sub· beIn~ wrtto rourwButa. hIm Hxobo.u"o, YarOltO,ill(', O. tlollal lI'tatOltnt . Hall'. CAlDrrh Cure II taken in- more opportunities than we have; but scriher." . ternally. DClWI{ d,"",tlF upon .Ihe blOO4 and rollcoua "Do you tblnk it will take Wm long rc:~~J:lonOI OtlJlLt. T::e, t~::b:tv;~I1I~t:'~ thoy used them .-Charles KJngsley. stteAA'lh by bulldln. UI" lha con.otllutloo and _ ..... to put it away?" ilia nature In dol1ll1 Ita work. Tho proprl"tort havo Inexpensive White Elephant. "Naw, sir, It wOll't take him lang 80 much 13llh In \1.1 ouratlve powe", th.~ thev lifter 000 Bundnld Dollnre lor any CAlC tha~ It u.u. !AI put It away, ' but after thtlt he ClUte. Send tor uat 01 teIItJOlontata ' won't be able ter do Iluthln' ·fur a Add .... F. J. CH ENE Y'" 00 .. /lOll! by all Dru ... lll.I, 750. week." 'bU.IUII" i'UDIU' FUll tor OODSt./Da ~

Chat': OD ,IDtei'~~tiQIl Topics ' of Many Kinds.



C\e(.\~ses \"e. S,ys\e.m









I !W I



D\spels co\ds and Headoe"es <\ue\0







.1 .



PILES riles

.... -..






Nursery Screens

I~:::: t~~d ~ children, nnd:~

The Acme Electric Insoles





Anti LaGrlppe Remedy. It la DOW claimed by severat western medlcnl men that a whIskey mixture obtainable at any drug store Is an ' absolute preventative and quick cure for bad colds aud lagrlppe. To make this powerful system tonic add one ounce of compound fiuld balmwort and two ounces of glycerine to a llalfpint of gopd .whiskey. Dose, a tablespoonful three to six times a day,


A DailY Top.

OWADAYS the ' nurser)' ot ' eacb h~~8e Is not an extra room Into wblcl: the cut-otr turniture from other rooms and the left-over rugs and draper. lee are thrown. Parents recognize tbe value of environment wben theIr ebl.dr~'8 U~~ ,are In ,~e IInpresslona~le ~tage of dflvelo'p ment, and playrooms are turnlabed .wltb ·a view to giving· beauty plus comfort for the little ones· ' . S~~~ are ne~essfry to protecf'~hUdr~ trom draugbts, for they ate on tile floors.' Ql' very , low down, In their pla~ hours; Tl1elJe pieces of furnUure ~re DOW ~rated with l>lcture.~ of a:olmals, ftowers and figures tbat bring · to us 0,,1' stqry;·book days. and are a· joy to .chJldlsb eyes. They ,are penSive it bo\lgbt \n the stores• . Wbf.not decorate your own nursery 8Creens! You ' .the special IIkln~ of .your children, ~n~ can buy plain forms. upon which pkltures can be pasted or painted. · . ' . '. .' , ~eaJai is proe\Jrab~e In all ~~ple' .had~1 ,S creens In two or ~bl'ee ~ " :, !Jo~~ ;"'~ G~ dl~e,rent h~lgb~, are. .easl~;r bought, and, the plctul'es you wlll ·Bup. , ply .J,o~r. . '.' " _ " .' I ' .,. , : ' , . ,. . · .. ' . ADlrpa~ " l1re ,:,I~~;re int~reBUDg t~ ',UU,I~ to~s. A clever plder person o'u gbt ," to be, a.ble, lQ , ~rll:W"Q~ ww~e . m'l,IsJl.D :a~\ ~lep~aot: :' T~e Hnes must . be simple; . to~ ,~h~I~, are " , w,ttl1, d~awlDga ~b1c~. s~em ~lp:1ost .crude to, u/t, It Ie · . .~.n 'p.~, .\.~te~ to ,;~u~' ,0th~1' : eJe~ha~ts' f~()Il! : ~he. flrst~ pattern, . and ·'.wben . · have; 's~~~.Ued.' ~e :~~e'81 e~ ~d· a" e!l.:~eil~ '.mlnltles; .plI:Bt.e ihe. foryDs: J'n a ' '. ' ~'Ugbt( ~rde~'r'l!-t t~e. ~op, ot· you~ sc~eell, T~e~ ,wllJ :I!e~er be 'anything but . ~lefllur~~~lng :w~lte ~Iepb.ants to you ~n~ . ,ql,\f ch!ldren: ' . ,' .. ' , , \'''' Tbf!l:\ ' ~b~re' la ~~ d~!Brt9P:' , fh~p. ,~1:IIte ~~owe~ wSth .yellow cen~eril aniS · , ~OD 18I1Ye8,took ,v el r ~~ell on Iq)lue baqk:gro\lnct.,.., ':Yellow petals are effect. '''~e' on br~~n d lillltD·ol' a w.094en pan~l a~, the, top. , They shOUld, be arranled 1D • P9swr~ue, fa~hJoti; -wl,th: t b.e flowers' grouped- at ODe side. ' . , . T~., ,~Ibtlltletl· are 'legtpp, an 'pla'li sare4!Da wb~Cb q.rr;rout the coio... 1~. of t~e ~61'8Bl'~ le~ . P!cturea, mad.a at *'.OtDq, a1a(~e, ~~.t. in JD!!I:(leD.ive &lory ' f~' .~.~., ,P9..tdea ~Qw- ~~11 w~rP1 ' )'~ur !~ort.· ~hea. ,a,lmpl, .~ecorated · 8~reeDi ~e, ' ,;-.e~~ 8Clr:ll.,boq)l'Il aD 1\ Alrge .ca1e,Qd .... ClO~T"PO"dID'" · " ._oPCtZ1.0i~M l1'.Uu~".H~ . lftt1~' bon ,.aact .srli. " " .;.'''<... . ' • . ..




Coming to Term •• Possible 1301U'aer-Ah, that was a ripping dinner, and tr that was a tall' Rheumatism nad Ncurnlgi never could sample ot your meals, I should like to g.e~t nlong with Rilmlills Wizard Oil. Wizard Oil nlwo.ys tlrivCfl tbem away come to terms. Scotch Farmer-Before we gang from the prcmi~es in wort order. any further, was that a talr sample Many a man's wife prevents him 0' yer appetite? from losing a lot of money In specu· latlng by not ullowlng him aoy to specDccQl lette: ulate with. Lady In Box-Can 'you look over my shoulder? . JIIlPOSSUU.fl TO F1ND ANI'TRl.SO Mnn 'rom Country-I've lilst been ':o~,:!; J~:,"~~~~r~Wi',,~.""~mr.~ I~~~~:'~~ I~~~~ , lookln' . o'v er both of 'em', an', by gosh, CbeAl"'ll. .A~ all drullllllll.a, 25e. 85c OlIQ 60a bo~tlc .. they're all rlght!-~oU8ton Post. It Is said that a cat baa ·nlne Uves, but a cnt Isn't Iii It with an old cow If you would be bappy, keep your when It comes to klcktn,g tbe bucket. ey~8 wIde open 'durlng ' oou~tsblp and ' balf closed ' after ~arrla&e. . Our Ide~ of heave.r;t III ' a place bIg enougb to ~a.!'e , It P,0881ble lor people to be without · nelg~J>ors.

,ou' "'


Woman's Oaring Deed, In south ern Tunie; lies lin extensive salt mnr h desert caHell the Shott Jerld , of which the Arab's stand In terror, tor mnny a caravan bas been lost In the salt Incrusted momss, which, aecorillng to De Lesseps Is much as 1,200 feet Ileel' In places. This region has heen cl'ossed tor th first time In (t small automobile by a woma:I, Myrlam Harry, u well·known Fl'eJlch novelist.



We.,W. L. DOuala. comfol1l1ble. eaay-walklns shoe.. Theil are modo ""on honor, olthe bellt leathe,., by the moat .kllied workm.n, In all the latelt fa.hlon.. Shoe. In e,ery Ityle and ah • .,. to ault m.n In all walk. or Iff.. If I could take 'au Into m, la,.. factorle. at BrooktO!l, M •••• , and .how you how carefully W. L. Dour ' Ia. Ihoe. are made, you would then und.,.tand wh, the, hold ,th • ., Ihape, fit better, wear Ion a.' and are o~ a,.ater ,alu. than any othermak.. ,


the rotall price II • •ainptld OD the boltoul. Take No SlIbttltute.






. '


Cure. the alek an4 aet.e . . . pfe'lmtlYe for otber.. Liquid glYcn on thetonttue. Sare tor brood mares and "II other,.. Bellt kidney remedy' fie)


" \



, .







Waynesville, Ohio


, 35c


Salad Dishes

Salad lJishes

Wall ,Mirrors









Salad Dishes




Games at

Games at


, 12'c ., ..

Ladies' Handkt>rchiefs 610 bx Cut·to '







Cake Plates

Bt>rry . Sets

8e Beau'y Pins 2 on Card

43e 3e a Card








Cut Price· Sale

I 15c

$1 .25




Pictures 2 for ,


Books at

Books at

Books at

Books ('ut to


\$1 .00





$1.00 • $3.00





~hildren's '

Ink Stands

Toilet Sets'

Toilet Sets

Toilet Sets

Sewing Boxes













Colored Paints a box





Collar and Cuff Boxes


Metal Pic-

Fountain Ppns

Fountain Pen's

Ladies' Handkerchiefs












DoJlti& at

Post Card Albums

Manicur.e Sets



Beauty Pins 2 on card





Pocket Knives


7e a Card




Bru,s h Holder

Match Holders 'e ach



Ten Pins,

Child's Tea Set, China ,

Blocks at






Comb and


Waynesville, Ohio

Ink Stands '


Ladies' Collars each





Dolls at


I The Neighborhood News

•• ••





10c Picture Frames Holds 2 pictures



Come \ in and ' hear the ,4-minute Recor~s. ,

They p !ay twice as long as the old records. , Let us equip your machine for playing them.



.... . _

_ 29

'KRYPTOK ~:-: 'F

~:::." ~'",'1,"'~~_'~

, Will . tie , at the

GJls~in Hotel,

, , Waynesville, Ohio, '




First Saturday In ' Month

Every '

'alasslftad ;Ada ·



We wis!} to th~nk, Ol 'r many friends for theil' " genero~s patronage _~uring the paSt


........... .... •





AIlJ! will lnscrted under SblB bead "fol' • tweo lV ' l1ve ' cents fQr\ three , ln8er~I"1\~. ' when, usloU nO.l mq", than 'uve lInea,

. . . ~....,. I<;:;~-:-'~:, ~ '1" .. ~. ..


·L' . I

, ,



. . .. ~ .

osT':"':.Il~i~i~,. ,R~tum: to this of~




( ,

reefllve fewa~4. ,




• \


.WAYN1,S7IJ,LE, · OHIO. WEJ;)NEf3n/Y JANUARY 5: 11110



c"iti;;;j ~

. ______

·1+~ P;;~~I ~f~;ti~;·H;r~-;';d-

At :~:::~:'::I~~.F::~oek

on Thurodey ••ening the citizmu 01 Or. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• __

Th;;e· ·1

= __ = _ ,; ___ =

W.HOI.E NU ' BElt :iu37


COUNCIL SWORN IN •I· ,.,Social - ,., -

Council met in regular _ion




Carrie Brown Evans and da~ghter, egonia were aroused by the cry of Mrs. Chas. Rye is seriously sick. \ . Mi. lrb,rtha O'Neall' t h ' k Monday evening, After hearing re- • - - - -, ,. - of Indianapolis, have gone to Califor. .fire. As the c~ brought the people . ). IS on e SlC penta of the committees and a resume Frank ZelI 'f and puemg Nathan Jonesand andWI wife at ' nia for the wl'nter. from their firesIdes and supper tables 'sbF. C. M Schwartz was a Cincinnati 1st, ,d ' of the year,s bustnees, . ' e enter it was at once ~n that the flouring" opper on ay. Joe ThomptlOn wu a Lebanon vis- bllls ~ th~ amount, of $~OO,. the old Year's dinner-. . . mill WbS in flames. The fire started C. G; WilliaDllOn was up from Cin~ itor Monday. council adJourned sine dIe. --iit top of the building at the cinnati one day last week. , Or. Ellis and wife are spendi!1&' a The new mayor J. O. Cartwright, The Card Club wilJ be ente 'iled and best wishes. f~ont and soon the ~ames ~er~ burst- Frank Snook and ~y Irons were in ffIW days in Dayton, ' took the chair~ at 8~15, and awore in at the home of Mrs. J. H. Coleman !l.g ou~ from all atdes, hghtmg up Dayton Tuesday on bU3iness L A Z' , . the new council, clerk, treasurer and Thursday evening. ' .. the entIre valley and threatening the ' " : . I~merman was in Cincm- board of public affairs. t in a letter to a friend Louisa Jan- whole .town with destruction. . to Dallas Boyer and wife, of natIon bustness Tuesday. F. C. Schwartz, was elected presi- Miss Clara Hawke Dey Zell'says their daughter Grace's . The Morrow fire departm~nt was Utica, Thursday Dec. 3O,adau&,hter. Allie Huffman, deputysherUf, was den~ of council. a number of friends at a slumber Mi.qs An'\ie U, Brown returned to jn to~n on bu.lnesa Tuesday. After the bond'! wer~ approved. par~y Saturday night in honor 0' Miss husband has appendicitis. summoned and ~ould have come to the rescue, but It was soon seeR that her school duties in Xenia Sunday . Horace Co mp to' f N the mayor made his appointments aa Sybil Hawke. . ' Mrs. Kate Faulkner, Lena, Ohio, the could not be saved and that Surlin&,ton w . n, n;:eId ew follows: . . :: who so quickly formed a , . . ' ao:! 10 wn ay. ; . Irons and entertamed sends New Year's greetings along the with a renewal fo)' the Gazatte, buck~t brigade and were working so I aubna Butterwo~~ .has ar~ved ChM. Cornell was in Lebanon Mon- Finance -Sh~rwood and Hartsock, at d~nner Sunday, Will Benecke and Law and ordmance- Hartsock and famIly and Fred Swineha~en~ of bravely throwing water from the ~ome from a pleasant VISIt to fnends day ahd Tuesday on the iTa d . race upon the near-by buildings m Dayton. _ . n JUry. Schwartz. Hardin County. George R. Thorpe, of Richmond, were 'su eed' . th ," Al, M. Terry, of Dayton atteDded Fire and prison- Schwartz and --I Ind., sends his renewal, and wishes tHe spr::d o;~~el~re e:::v;~!~n:! vi: D~ald AJl~, ~f ~ashviUe, Tenn., t~~ f':lneral of Jacob Sears'Saturday. Parshall. J: H. Coleman and wife had as ~t Al~.en ~r~ 0 his uncle, W. H. . II F k T I f " , Side~alka and iutters- Funkey theIr guests New Year's day, Mrs. the Gazette household a happy arid sent to the Morrow ~ompan prosperous New Year. come y no 0 w • rs. ran ay or, 0 Chl~o. IS and Sherwood. Louise Woolley, D. L. Crane, wife . Th; dwell'n 'ed b W lte ,- Ralpb Williamson, of Richmond, ~eat of her mother, ' Mrs. Edith Streets and alJeys- Parshall and and son Ethan, and Fred B. HenderI •lP OCCUPI Y a r w. the guest of his t 111 .& _ • IS. 111 la . wi! d tw d h Tr""thryn aun, n ' R A l l a . ar tt.. . . IOn, e an 0 aug ters. All J ohn Fromm and family, of Dayton Cleland and family was closest to the it i . entertained Sanday at dinner. TboS(! fire and the stores of David ' Mason r ght, last week.. ' Fre. Swtnehaa'en, of Hardin Coun- No conllng before the new and Esther. Jobn 'Liddy and wife were the ty; haa been the guest of W. Benecke cowncil, adjournment was made. M CI Le' . tertai ed las present were John Hawke and wife. and Michael Cody just across the of Wayn...iIIe. M!,,_ Clara !Whorl'.. railnwl . It Wll' tb. hard..t "".... 01 M. C. Liddy and wit. Sat· .j"e pononnel 01 our new city olli· week'"the n J. C. Collett and Wife, and MISS' Mary work that these build10gs were saved. u~y~d Sunday. . ~rof. C. A. Bruner and wife spent ciala are ~01l0W8: "Lewis and family, of Lytle; Lewis Collett, all of Dayton. 'P e hou~hold effects of the Cleluda'!f. H. Allen and wife attended the ~e;rvacation in Mason, and returned Ma,yor-J. O. Cartwright. BaUleyand family, of Miamj,burg, . . were. ~arrnsa out and the hOUile was funer.' (,f Mrs. s&rah BArley, in home Sunday. I Clerk--c. D. Reed. Henry, Dearth and family, of Yankee ~rs. Tom Burch. of Sidney. Ohio, dr~nclied from top to bottom with Spring Valley Monday ~ ~urer-Th08 Pierce street h,M been the holiday guest of her wl\ter. . Wliittier' automobilet, at "Your Own . . 818~r, Mrs, Clyde ' Grey Rialt, of lhe residents of the village are cf' . ' t' Burnett IIId f~Uy, of P~~ January 1st to 15th, at the CQuncilmen-F. C. Schwartz Fred C. T. Hawke an~ family very W~chester. I~d,. and whil~ there ~te~ul that their homes were not O.r:;.I;:":;e:er. gueats of hlB father, M~tor Inn, Lebanon, IE. Sherwood, F. C. Hartsock, 'M, L . hospi,tab~y served a" boua.~U8 New '!JOyed reneW-lOg old a&tuatntance swept away by the an&'l'Y flam. ,' this .',. . ,Saturday. . Mr andMn Warre Paraha11, T. J. 'Marlatt and J. F. Year sd1OJlertoth~fol1owm~guests. WIth Mi8s Mary . Goodr,ich Deem, being due to the fact th~t the brave Fred .E. Sherwood and.famllywere to .WI·lm· to'M d n Batrnettdwent Funkev Rev: and MI'I. BenJ. Hawkins, Mr. h W . fi ,," . . S .' bo I . , Ina n on ay 0 atten the J " d M J U" K U -..:I • AI' f V 11 C. eJntllvtlle r.e-fighters were so untiring in their m prlD&, ro ast w.eek, &'U~tB of fuberal of a relative. Board of Public Service-J. W. an rs.... eye, lfu_,ames Ice o a e~ lty, w om people W11,ll'emember as the daugh. labors ~d that Nature uelsted by H. O. Kellison and family. ' White. J. E. Janney. P. E. Kenrick. and Ida Hawke, Misses Do~na, Em~ ter of the Rev. Mr. J}eem. former having a coating of the beautifulGolclJlocka doee a little dulce ~tI\ and 111'1. Ward will CO to Da,y" . mao Mary and Clara ,Hawke, Helen PB:'tor ot the Methodist churcb here. ~o\v over the roofs, and sent her I a real, live Teddy B.... at-Sebool Ball ~~ week, they will prob- · !'.,-or Cartwright took hold of tbe Hawkins .and Ella Keya and Me$lrs M188 D,eem was the guest of her ~n.ds from a favorable direction. Fri4Y eveniq, January 14th ~lY' spend the HIt of the win~r. ~ Uke an old hand, • and the out;.. Fred Roriald and Vernon Hawke and The cause of the fire is unknown, '. ' " . .' . . • ' look ~or the affain of government Warren,Keys. . mother s 'peoplethe Gooodrich's an old and prominent family of Win- but:. it 8tJrted in a corner known Itt.. S,bll ~wJce, of Delawarehu ,~ III , Pari ~lvtn bad .. New look very btf&'ht for the cornin, two . ' chester. • ;. • . . as the ~ust room a theory of sponta- re~med ~ h~ stwdiea ~ter a plea&- . I,peate. MI_ Hunah Harp. ~~. .,' There w~ a ~tcb. ~ IP,ven ~t DFATtiS n~s c!ombustion of the dust i8 8ci- an~l'!~ti!-n.spent at home. . ~~ ~abel Babb,ofSpri!1&'V~ley, Th~ '~uncil is composed of &,ood the home of NI8I ~h~beth Duk~ 10 . va c;ecl. Hoy irona, wife'" lOll KOII were . ' bU8ine. younc men, and men who Lytle. Those present were Janey 8onof Mr. and .... was D() insurance on the New Peat:' of IIr. 'irona' ¥ ,uw.•lls, Buleb!.:, Forda, all will will at from view- and Helen J?nea, Eva Lacy, _ -' Mre: 10hn W. stewart. Of WUber. ... aboutb&lf • .;. arg8 pffer" pointa. , Itistheundentandmg.that Cornell El8le and Re1?a Eariihart in Xenia lut iDsunmce. . . K:Upatricik'a flMab ()tfer.. .Ian1lU'7l.at1016th, IIaraha1 Thompson will en(orce the Stacy. Leroy, Raymond and force University, Tuesday, of cOnsumption, and was The has for aeveral years been" 8aeriAce AUtomobile s.le, at ,' " , LeIJuo...· law more than it bu, Alvah 1Ja,t1.sock, Raymo-bd Gebhart, .and operated by Mema. lit to.16th. at the Motor 1M Jaa. been: oheerved. . Lee.Earnhart, Wilbur-Lacy., CharIeI . brought here Thursday tor buril&l an4 services were held in the chapel. & Monroe, and but DOn. ', ' . :.!:tt1e ft:»lb p,ve a Mqor Cartwrfpt and Marshal and Alfred Jones:---'l1le -=- - -Mr. Stewart leaves a wife and four wu,lOld to W.,E. Swartz, a promi. . Vi . ' operetta, A are a as the evenmaby all. children. nent real e8tate man of Clai'kaville, ' Mila WlutaUr. of Richmond. Ind•• MWt .n;::-~~ancl ~t tJae opera enforcement of the laWII, and both Th h fM d M C M ." ' . reua. -.rho 'wu to talie po_"on. bu " ~rcIed to her bonle after a ~ U'-" ~entna'''-Xenia will.;"ork hard for the bettennent e ome.o r. an n. . . . aged 68 years, died 'in ' visit wiU:t Butterof thefown. and good government. Hough a happy New Thursday mornin&'f . 1m I"';, consisting of the bunding wm1b. ,. . . . . lira.. J. and daua-hter The old council are to be commend"!bose so.fortunate ,were held at the Frie?da the machiner" IOmething over tWo .IsU.c 'Stout' of New Carlisle rehave beeniuestsof Mn: eel ,foJ the they wereSidne COO among y there, ltev. Sargent officlat;. thousand bushels of wbeat, flft)" or turatid to his duties Konday mo;.uq Marfitt'l brother in ICy while m council, for they have great- J h d Y if n : Cbasci was D)ade in Miami besides feed after a week'8 vacation with relations tor days. ' ., 17 . the appearance of the d it an ls of ated at abOut here. , . . 1" . . ' - .4 we hope the new council W1 Th an wean mus cemetery. . . and other .s tuff. II , . __ ' . $15,000.," . .. r " ~ Maxwell 14 Runabouts, will tUe.-up the work and still make Carm~~... e ~~I menll on IUch WIlson Ktrby, agt!<!,67 .died Ql'egonia, Mills, .the home of C.'{", Brunertook the Common eqUlPpef with top, &'lla front, 6 improvements. . by t at the State , Hospital m Dayton the I Acme flo h ' . telo- School te,acher'l Col- lamp!f etc.• at KU• the addition of &'OB: cheese and poor at 11 o'cloclr. The body ei\inc historY. :. Tne :'hich umba . 'week and received a life patllc '. "lIake Off.r" Automo. .' '. OBITUARY cake which Mrs. Ward's Was . here ,the burn8d the other ni&itt wu built for. certifttate. . . blle .. ,e. tat to 15th, at tbe was beld at bll bte home Mondat at a w.tehoUse and \the old mill toad ....- J4.other GooIe ' Old Kin Col 1I0te». Inn, Lebanon.. J ' C f J hn d El' ·by as,a Christmas present from 10 o'clock, Rev • .Cooper officiatin&,. ' I ~. . I ~ • &'.' . . , •- • ,. &eo., IOn 0 0 an tza.. Norway. The deceased .leaves '1 ~~ Iouth of the p~t nw mill. Kothe&: Hubbard and the rea~ofthem . FOUND . beth Sean was bora June 16, 1841. :' • - • daU&'bter and &event one Tb. old mill on .tSch'oo1 Frida, ·Jan·. Was married to lIaraVet. Rich Oc- . HAD ' A FINE XMAS . . . Mr. Kirby was, well-kno fI Imas 1852. by the cFele. of l1ary nth. .. . . . On the weat bank of the Miami tober 18. 1880, anti died at Harvey. , '. I Y8nf8 ;;vas f:ilia; ftrecn.ckel'l. ,At.,tIlla & ', J, c. 'llawKe "and wife 8PfD to Dr. J;llia aDd wife ta bu.... December SO, sa are there i• proprietors. Year's dW in.Dl,Yton a1it18ts of more attractive than the,randeurof Yearl, I and l' He . ftlUre op our streetS here. 'I nter- Sher>wOOCi Dient was made in Miami cemetery. y.e an after the of th! 'mdl their dau&,titer, lin. Jobn Fromm, the Rocky mountainJ · and for Dr. wu born and ·lived his entire lit. in loytn, old qe on an Inheritaace, \ .'. • " .. _ '. • , I, from th, WhItehill 'and fal.nily. . ." , CIiptt and family more healthful ,!arren County. The .. part ot and the .J CiTIZENS' 'BANK ELECTION mIll was put.tnto the warehouse MIld . .• than the 8Unny clime of Florida. hIS life was on the farm. Seven of fnenda.. ', . ., . from ~t . time until' the p~nt ~ B~~. ~ ~~~ drJ cells, oi~: Anyone wantinc an id~ place for years q'O t~y moved to HarVey. . Nicholas, or N~ck, as. he is kgoWIl Th, t\le. Citizens' mdhng busihers hal been s . Make An Offer a home should profit by the exwbere, they have since made In wasralsed. Bankhtldtheirannualmeeting~on- nedon~ere.,. . :A.utomob~I.Sa1e;Januarylsttot~th, perience of th. . tourists and not theirhome. ' , byMlssJean McMill~, on Lu~l()w j day Sra; to offic,rs and diis only one man in the nei&'h- at "Lebapon. overlOOk this locality. • After almos1; forty-nine yean of Dayton, .Ohio and.. was the. fqr yeai-. Tbe .onlt Wb9 ,witnessed both oWen Burnet anu wifelast . . .• - . . ' wedaed life thistie was bl·oken. Just ·comfort o.f her hfe for a number ,o f made was" irrthe board of Henry a *":ta.n WhIttier THE KILPATRICK-FRENCH MO- twelve w:eeks &&,0 ' today the wife ·years unttl her death two,years reetOn. Nathan . Jones .who has, !:>9y at tune . ra,fam!ly, of Walnut BillR, TORCAR COMPANY that had cone hand in hand with alld W88 brought to Wa,yne8Ville servf'(l ai ·a the orcanithe 'fire and .· waa ope' .and Mabel Dinwiddie and children.. for al,moat half a centurY, was . zation of in his res- .o f firemen. at the last one. . .. . , You . can buy an automobile at Incorporation papers' Iia,e been from his FouJ,' were laVishes of hiS .: .,,Mayor of 'Own, at Kil trick'i out for a AutomobUe Con- born thl;S sons and care NIck. at. her home .Ignation ...e~and FrankZeU . was chOten to w~ .f or . a 10nR' t~me tbe. owner and "Milk An Off ,,' Sal J ~ l ' cern in Lebanon. The purpose, as and! two daughters. All were around WJf::h her ~ou8\Jls, · .GorOCln Joy and .ftll the While the with- nl8l1aaer. of milling in.dustry here, to 15th at' the anr:.!n st stated ·in the incorporation paperl, is the bedside of their father when his on . drawal o',~t. Jones froM "the dileet-I having different men &JJ pa.rt~en, ~he ' ". ' , . . :, DD, on. for th~ buyiD&', selling and dealing Ipirit took itS fti&'ht. . · .., But · Nicks :.fnends and admIrers ora~ II. ~ ' 80':JrCe of legret to' the last being Mtr' M~n~ of !h~ recent . Dr. Claaett and family arrived inmoto~ and motor vebicl.. of · Jacob was. qu[et~ l~w-abid- are not · con~fted to his i~~ediate ~ffi~lala ~f 'I~e bapk, ~er are 'Con- "fir~n;. Mr Stubb~ selhng hlB ~nte~t home from St. Pe~raburc. Fla., !ast .very kin~ and d~riptfon, an~ in ill&' and ho~oied ci~~; a kind!?ld. and .~as t~e reclple~t.of .tllat the vaK. Spencel";some years th. materials, and 8u.,pliea a thougbtfultathon fron,t , cancy' .~ filled by a map , of Mr. t:be loss lo the town amd 'communl- in ro:o~ at L. A: ~mmen,nan s .· for for ~e, IIId .tor the pu~of con- er; a moat devoted and tender hus- and· L~dl~ F1uhar~, ~rom Hot ' ~ll's abil(t)': '.: .... . . .' ,t'Y 11} . k~nly f~l~, f?r the Ol'eKQnia ~e WInter.. ' dilctiqa ~.ral m~torearandauto- band bis invalid Wife. . ' SP~~s. C(lDSlStm&, «,)fa damty blue £bei,r ~I!-id.·je .rioW compOsed of Mn~' ~as patromzed .by· tile farmen "'Mother Goose ta cOmiDji with her mobile bWlineaa. a ~ and repair At , ~ early ue he accepted 'Christ ~tiQ. collar an~ a po~tal o~er ' .tor . . "the' ;.followinr. F ,for " and intereatin, faDUly to viait and to do 'any and all thioP in- .. ' his lQide . and councelor. Be money WIth ,some , ahU•. ,GI A. Hinsch, ;W;· T., '. , " • -: -. . ." the people of ,Waynesville. Jllluary cldentthereto. Theincorporatoraaa united with the Free Balltlit"Ohurh, .tradamt)'.f()r W. A. Merrit.t ,:P.D. KILLED BIQ triven. are J. A. Kilpatrick, Arthur 'a nd 'wp a' 'o f &ech Grove a .toy. whIch WM. dQly enJoyedb, · Elbon,;li7r&1)k Zell, F. C. Halt- . .' .' es.. quamt C08cumes.\ ,AdJnIaaion,:i5c N. Albert Howard 'Church at the time of hi8 'death hIm. ..' ~ .... ~k .. ,'" " . ~ N.:",· . '. <. . ' Jeff~Sinith'.IJ.?g~te~ ,a ,bic·.-ork- Oo'Tuead .~ ., ..," W.Jviria·and ~ ·Wllbur-iV,iJla. \ .' When .the ,wi ' ne~ of h' th ' Nick is alJ.nOst ~leven years' ,!Id, ' . I.~ • . , _ • . . 1••ar latlt. week .wlhch "wetCbed ct_ iiO . .• a,y • rnQOn.· Mila Pearl . Mr. Kilpatri~ baa 'J;»,een ' in lhe au.- to b" hi .de it . " ea and weighs 17Y. po~nds. . . "' " ' ,HANDED IN .. pOunc;la. · The hams' avo tomobileituainelain 'L-tiUlonforthe .sic:. ' ; ~ , .'. , " . ' ! . , ' , I. . . ' eraaed'~ut'~tY flv6poundl... • . , ~,,~ ~n,. in SPn.D&' : Vaalv. ~lit 'three ,ars ...A _ _' h 10. __ ~ t:' " Cbtl'" ~t, 0 , 0 .. FILLED ICE .HOU.SE . ~.•':".I , "..",, Gao .Zell hUtded iil h. . _ . .. a '~niliicellaneoua in, ~ , . , -"" 'I-Y~' e ,~ ",ura lon~ ' '"' :'" ''t Y one week ago : be ." l' ' . .' I '. , Hi!. ~ ~a...The moe,t·of thil ~!wen~ fnto lar~. h fl. 't ... :....:.....1 llU;... ~_~.v.~. , )MieD han)pered for .-;eoDiodadOna.· was itricken Witll that dread diseaSe C M' Rob'tz 'h";;" l............ ' k' " ". ',. .. '. • _ • . ooor 0 .1"ftIII1II. _ _ _ CoPI'IY. It' II the pal'pClll of .",.. ""-_i " . . . . . . . . .... ' ' . ' - I er - ~~ wor 1O~ . un to the .VaUey Telephone Co • tUrday. :.,W1i~er ' the ':~m~ ~· . '. . .. " '. ama1i . ;. ' . . . .' ~. ' . , ~ ' ,~~' ~u~~bia and it ~n ),cli~ ita w,or~. ,harci ~ . ~l~, his ice ho~, whl~ bt? , /.' . , '.;..111 . " t it' 1_ . of ' · ~HRI~Tr",~ CHI)R~1t . ~ In*1i1Htooll "4H.P.: ..tJontoc:arr,J.. ......... , of • • Tohilaiater. MUy ",.·Oleavel' 'his· .ccomplisheabeforethe~w' ae·iil~ ,, : ' W ,IU aceep ,01' not .. a ~_ ,. , ' , . ",' ... .eqlne.laltabl. for ·. t·1iII¥I reo ~nad .uWmobU.. . Ii . • cbud '. 'cl .: ' .. ,. . . " . to' · . ' " " · h.. • .Scbool, .abop' ma, be . ..........t have I , an'd reo III '.. . ex,h:e \l) about .. :' pohle ud .. ..... tlie b7 ,..r.lIoV .)Cllpoibie!t....- AD Ofrer" aillo- N(III( .. we ,.boDl.~t .. ..... ~loath to ... E. DaWlOD, aUO:IO:a. m.IIlCl'l,p.m. JDObUe~.. JaD~ lit to ........ . . . to "Sa. Joy~' TOll" we IiVe 'fOU Several th )~am81Ier' lei " , bbilAO. "" aartattInEn4_vor•.e:80p.m, ,tIIr.! . .". . ... ;. :. A,Niece•. .,' i ,





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Sc!~ces chu~

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Thu~ay b~~t









~' burned



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Alpe~ ~tub~. Leba~o~, ~~Your ~e

~U88el Duk~. ~ e~oyed

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' porh~ ~res-:di~ K~rse.y.-~ough ~nl~ d~ ev~ing./ente~ned ~he ~elY dl8t1O~tly ' Bur:net, ~d me~bers· ~rst th~

direc~prsince th~. b~~;. ha~d~ o~ ~c~o~nt ~dy4Ul~ vac~ncy. ·


~_'Iat K.ilpa~rlck






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3 1

tbe palslng hOUTII of time ItO IIcsO. h CLIP THIS OUT. CIRCULAJUTIES. be merged ,Into etdrnlty. · , " Tq~ effect that thls truth hlUl upon Valuable Recipe When AffIIct.ed ~Ith COI!f1UC~ Is d!splaYed In many ways, . Rheumatism or Backache. D. l. CRANE • • not the It-ast evident of which Is tbe 'T bl ij Is 1\ renownod doctor's \'ery WAYNEsvn .. r:E,-OHtO. maimer of deal ing with Jives that beat Ill'OS 'rl,>llon fa I' rbe umatlsm. dwell within the s hadows. The trav"One ounce COlllnOll nu ' syrup Sar sa· eier may search amid the ruins of parllla: oue Ollnee 'l' rls compounc1 ; By A~dlson Moore otton Is again on bis tbrone ' all Ramo and Greece or wander among hal! Jllut hlgb gl'ado whlskey_ MIx: klns' of the south. the recently excavated cities long ngo them IIno tak e a tllblet; lloonlul boror burl e{l beneatl1 the tlust of the cantu· TndlllJl Bl1l11mer's absence makes tbe each ' \lI 'n l and at bed time, 'rhe bOI At evcnln&, .tlme tt .hllli be IIght.-zech. rles, but nowhere will he flnd the slIg' llcul't grow fonder. Ue must bo \\' ell "l!l\lH'n t'llch lI llI ," The Clr Ie Ch lldren'lI Clrolo Cat CONUNDRUMS, U:7. gestion of a hospital or an asyluw for Any drll gg l ~t has tbeso lo grcdl 111 11 I s very II10e nod gooll . Tbat min dl!ms ter was just about ..,.--_ _ _ _ HE last rays of the th e un tortunatcs or tbe aarth. ' Sh e /lover quarrels. but b hllve8 Tbe or he wi ll gl' t tbem (rotU llJa wh olt'· Wh at burns t o keep a secre t ? Sealall bad as, pos6lble. • Exuctly as sho sl.ould. departing sun sweep oare which the modern world bestowp Ing wax. sale houlle,. Into the silent skies upon tbose who lIuffer tram the Ill s And with tho Ir 'Ie doS and P18 "Doos farmIng pay?" asks a Maine Wb en Is a ship IOte a tallor? Wben IMPERTINENT. and IIgbt the stars and misfortunes of our human lot Ilo Sh ~ plnys fO I' IlIlYs nnd duys, ne wspaper. It It pays In Maine It 111'111 s heerIn g orr, And show" h er Clr-culnr-I·t), that, are waiting to bostowed In the name of out: riser Ilay anywbere. What Is tbut 'of whl h the oommon In "~ry m UIlY way •. become nlgbt's 8en- Lord . ,Th e words we speak to solaco sort Is tho b ~t? Seuse. The laborhearts b reft of ioved companlon!hll) ·Unels. It bRS been decldfld omclal1y that Wh at animal would you like to b e BETSY ROSS PAPER TRICK er's t ask s ar e are dol'laratlons of our kinship with "urks aro whit. ev 'n If they do not done and trom field blm whose r esurrection I! a pl,edge or on a cold day? A little 'otter, always act IL Wh y nre hay anel 110 raw llke specta' Cutting Five·Polnted Star of Freedom and toll weary sleps our own . The assurance with which Since tl1 ' re are so many excell ent are turned tov.'ard home. Tho afler- we close our eyes to sleep the last cles? B caus th ey Ilre for-age. with One Clip of a Pair of Scls· What I ~ that which Is full of holes causes to 111('1 In, football Is not wortb glow has fiam ed from horizon to ze- ' 6leep Is poss ible because as he lI \'elo 80ra-Best Way of $olvlng. and yet holds water? A sponge. nnybody's dl'atb. nlth and back to horizon again and we have the promi se of an eterna! Wh E' n docs a farme r bend his sbeep As the Betsy noss trick at cutting a Death bas clalm ecl the sauerkraut tbe world so r ecently alive with light Ilwakenlns. vdthout hurting them? When he folds five-pointed slar with one clip of a pul l' fades Into the time of reve rie and I The BlessIng of This Light. king and It Is propt'r tbat briny tears them . of sciE;sors bas never been Intell ige nt· res.t. And y~t at eventide It shall be Because or th e r l'ality at this me\!l sbould fiow for blm. When Is the soup likely to rijn out Iy presented, I will enden vor to sbow light. The prophet Is somebow kin sage we am " persuaded tbat neither or the saucepun ? When there's a leall how It wa s xplnln eil to llIe In illY Tbe pol e dash game has been In· to the Bcotcb minstrel whose song I dea tb nor life, nor things presc nt nor In It, early youth, sa ys a 1o' rlter In Peopl e's vent d. The dasbes must represent of tile "Cotter's Saturday Night" best things to come. can separate li S from What Is that from which tbe wbole Hom e Journal. I wis h It 10 b - kn o wn th o unprlnlnble words. lends meaning to the proph etic word . th e love of God." But we clln perl\lI ss[Ollll ry - Yo li ha n' n't Iwo n to For t he v uing light Is surely not Buade nobody to beli eve us unl ess we llIay be t a ken. and l'et som('l wlll reo that I was born In close proximity to Sunu ll)' school I'llI' 1I 1lI0llili, J d01l't Calamities from unavoidable causes tbe- sun light, nor Is It yet the moon- II v6 the resurrection lite. , 1<~or the mnln ? Th· word wbolesome. that lilt! house on Arch stl' t In (,XII 'l't III IlII'PI you III h ' :~ v \' o! Which Is easIe r to ,spell- fiddle·de- Phllad Iphla are pathetic; calamities from avoid· light; but It Is candl e light that cheers message Is of such a kind thltt to bewh e re Detoy Hoss 1{ld -()~! I Il hJn't know you wuz or fluc11i~ ,d ,dum? Th e form er, be, de able causes a re criminal. s how ed George Wash Ington and Hob, lhe bour that ".. ould else be fi ll ed wl lh lIeve It trnn sforms t be believer. He " a l! as b:ld :\s all catlse It Is sp 11 d IV itb liol'e e's, orl MorrIs how to desIgn th e fiveMerry-go,rounds are unpopular In the deepening gloom of dusk and Is no longer Indifferent to his per· What Is that which Is bl ack, wh ite r or f l' edam. poInted sta Siamps of GCl'mlln ,Domestics, South AmerIca, where they are trying dark. Not unt il nlost recent years sonal obll gaton to Individuals whom and red all over. wh Ic h s ho ws some The ro ar soveral ways of \lerform· I:: II l'i I Wl' l'lC t hl're' I ~ I'.u;t od In I h could tbe twilight hour be filled with be may oomtort by bls testimony o r to get ove r'tbe revolutionary babl t. pilO pl e to be gr e n, Clnd makes others Ing th e feat. but I cons Iller the follow· lilt I,' blunl! hflnk IllClt llve ry H'rvanl any other light than that of the prlml. to the agencies througb whi ch be may Ing to bA the bcst ODd mos t easily gil'l In r; e rtn llllY I llll h l 1l0 SSCllS 1\ )lOlll The new socIety for the study and tlve , candle, whose pleasant rays, send the grent gift of tlle truth to look blue? A neWspape r, V. hat Is the best' advice to give a age s la llll) 10 the \'1\111 1' of uholll fl v • preventfon of Infant mortality Is wei· tbnugJt sort and fe eble, s uftl ced to set hearts and lands sh adowed by IgnojusUce ot the peace ? Peace. ':t' lI ts , come In tbe long Ust of worth·whlie ablaze that great light whlcb makes rance, by sorrow and by sin. Who commIts th gre at st abomlna· '~'h l!; ~ tamll \" !\ dona lion. COIII IIUJ, clear nnd plain life's JlnUlway For Th e tlrst effec t of this wondertul Institutions. : ry und I' tho G -rmall law, whI ch lh,' In the ,lIgbt at the candle our fathers manifestation at God's care tor us Is tlons? Nations. Who Is the greatest terrlfier? "FIre. "Come hi to our store and have a rend the Book (rom which the true to compel the man who b elhlveB the ml strtJsB Ulllst afford the Rorv nn 1. What is tbe best way ot mnklng a !It," reads a local taUor's ad. We sup· IIgbt shines, Shou ld the gIrl fall III, tbe staw p!! nr(> Robert Burns bas revelation ot Immortality whIch Jesus pose the "fit" takes plac~ when tbe caught tbe spirit of tbe prophetic makes to say, "Lord, what wilt thou 'c oat last? Mak the trousers and red [\\ 'd by th e guv,-r ulllI:nt, or til\' bill fs presented. st'l'vant may retaI n tlw stamps Iud fl trutb as be says: bave me do ?" And when he has done all wals tcoal first. If you drIve a nail In a board and he can to tell the story, finding the nIt Iy until, "'h 1\ shu bas a ttained ;.1Latest tn the line of Inventions Is Th. cheerful Bupper done, with lIerlous need at lh e world so much greater clinch it on lhe other , s ide, why Is rip 0111 a!; €' . the gov('ruDlcllt puys hel' ' face ' an automobile equIpped as an aerothan be Is able to meet. he seeks alit llke a s ick man? Because It Is In firm. II Ilf IIIIUUl for t!t <'\U,-Tbo ~U !' d t1y In&l. form a cIrcle They 'round the 'Plane des troyer. The automobile ,h as Why Is a game of tennis like a those like minded wltb blineeU. Wide; Magnzln , lIome reason to feel resentful. The IIII'fI lurn. o'er with pl1trl8roha grllce These kindred souls form an assem· party of children? The re Is always a 'r t\e prec.lou. Bible, onco hili fath 1"11 bly, "church. For a church fs simply racket. Home-Made BltterL The Denver scIentist who says 11m· pride. ' Loss of nppetltc lit 'this senson acWhat sweetmeat Is like a person proan assembly of men and women who burger cheese wlU cure cancer must companI ed by ,lass itude Is n symptom believe tbose cancer germs bave a Then kneeUnc down, to Heaven'lI Eternal haye the mind ot Christ, wbo are posed for sonie omce r Tbe' . candled of weaken d vitality, Improve tho ap(candidate). dat e TheK~:fnt, the tllther, and U:e bUlband mInded to do bls work In the world. lIense of smell well 'developed. petite and dig stion and na ture wUl do Why Is tbe Ill' Inter like tbe postproYII. w1l0 as Inillvldual members of the as· the rest says n wcll·ltnown medica l man? Because he distributes letters, Sitting In Nome, a United State. Su~h sceoes have not been peculiar, sembly and In their corporate capac· man . Thi s is highly recommended and Wbat Is tbe difference between a ~udge 18 cond,u ctlng a case In Seattle. however, tt> Scotland, but they bave Ity as an assembly much used III some parts or tbe COUD seek ' to do as :As the distance Is 2,000 miles, tbe trial been characteristic of the bomes of Cbrlst did and become lights In the sun·bonnet and a Sunday boon!!t? A try. Ask any good druggIst to ' mix com pound fluid balmwort one oun cannot help being long drawn out. Cllrlstian tolk of every ldndred and world. And the candle power of tbe day's dlrrerence. and one oun e syrup sarsaparilla c;omWhy are an artist's colors, u8ed In tribe and tongue since that ' long ago church Is Incr~!Qsed only as each memo pound to a bllit pint at good wblske~' Dr. Hillis Is perfeetly ufe In malt: painting, like a piece ot pork being and tal(e a tablespoonful tbree to s ix tng prophecies ' to be fulfilled 10 the Easter dawn which heralded tbe rllen ber ot the churob lets his light shine. sent home tor dinner? It Is pigment BetlY R08s Tflck. As the traveler returning from tim s a ' dllY, Excellent too as a tonic , year 2909. as fe" of us wbo haug, upon Lord. When shadow8 have been deep. enlng ijIe faith of Christian bearts abroad nears San!lY . HQok It may be for the palate. described. Take a rectangular piece SY6tem oleanser. bill words 111'111 be be1'9 at that time. Why Is a sword like tbe moon? Be· of paper, sny five by three and a balf bas been as the light of a ~ candle to his fortun e to a~Pl'oacb tbe barbor at A Remnant of the Da rk, . Emperor William II satisfied to let let ablaze the beacon 1Igbt of endless evenUde. Tbe shadows are covering cause it Is the . knight's cbief orna· Inches, and first fold It double aB A color cd mnn .11{',d without llledl' tbe Wright br9tb'e rs be monarcbl of day. A.nd herein Is evidenced the true tl!e face of the deep wblle tbe ship ment and glory. s bown In Fig. 1. Then fold on a line Ical nttenuallce. nnli lhe coroll or went Why Is coal tbe most curious arU- from the center A to tho two cor, P.resently ~e air. If be can be lord of the lanft wortb of our religion, for It alone t?lunges on towards port. In ves tigate, and of 'the . .aeas that will 'be enough among all tbe religions the 'world has as night descends the skies begin to cle known In commerce? Because ners, folding the corner marked B to "Old aDl uC'1 \\Illliams \Iv here?". known gives IIp:ht at eventide. reflect an ocoaslonal beam of light. when . purcbased, Instead at going to forward and tile corner C backward, tor Illm. he asked th 'ee plp.g wom~ ~ Though stili 'tar at sea the 'traveler the buyer, It goes to the cellar. Fal80 and True LIght8. as ,sbown 'In FIg. 2. Now fold the pa, opened the door. .. ~ . ' Street dust 11:11111 26 '])er cent. of All men bave not al,.!a,s thought lel)orns' that the night \1I\S bee~ pierced per on on a line from C to the center "Yassuh," s he rc plled betweeD 80b . tho8e tbat breatbe It. but ,f they did , 10, and when the pages of bJstory are by an arrow ot light from thO light. IS WATER REALlY POROUS? polot A, so as to bring the edge 0 "I want to see lbe r mai ns." not breatbe tbe dust tbey would pick consulted scenee are witnessed that bouse on tbe highlands of Navesink, parallel with the .lioe B as IIhowo In "I ' Is de remains," s he nns w reci , up germs, and It'll all the same In the port ray 'the efforts men bav:e made to a IIgbthouse whose la1tern qatrles a EXperiment Te'1d8 to Show That Two Fig. 3. Tben fold tbe end EJ back· proudly,-Everybod y's Magazi ne, loog run. Portions of Matter Occupy Same lighten the shadows of ure's wanlng~ light of ~OO.OOO candle power, ~Islble, ward, bending It on the line from B Space at Same Time. Oyola Is the Best Dye to tbe center point A' 80 the paper will In .plte of tbelr recent rile. egp day. Here Is a banquet Hall In Rome, when reflected from the -clouded skies, be folded as sbown In Fig. .. Now I bave ever used. It makes a lloe color are u,o t , asbamed to be lIeeD In com· flooded wltb the myriad lights of for 40 mlles. At eventide' It Is light Is water porous? cutting a straight clip rrom F to G, " all any kind of goods, cotton, wool or pany with tbe bumble balX\, U anyone lamps and brilliant with tbe sclntll. and the light Is from the harbor of Our bellet that two pflrtfons at mat· will produce a five·polnted star when mlxod goods. So Mrs, Corb tt writes, . .tm baa tbe requisite prI ce for bring· lating gems that bedeck the gorgeous- bome. sweet home. 10 cents per package at dealers. If tel' cannot occupy the ~Ilme space' at unfolded. The Glory of the Leifer Light.. ly appareled personages o, ·that Impsing tbe,m togetber. not In stock, send 10 cent8 to Oyola. tbe. same time 1s almost shaken. by rial city at the Caesars. Tbe dellca. How many Christians ~ a,re tbere! Burlington, Vt. M",ntl on LolaI' desired this experhnent. . " Considering tbat newspapers ar, cles ot the market and ' th'e choicest About 500,000,0001 One candle added QUAINT STORY WITH MORAL and we will s end you samo with color published In 27- languages II this coun· vIntages of the -years are 'placed b., to another unlll' there are 'bnlt a bU· If we Introduce slowly Bome fine card and direction book. try-a fact not generally bown-why tore the favored guests. .Tbe SJtreme 110n Cbrlstlan hearts lighted. And powdered sugar Into a tumblerful of Wile Pupil Who Profits by InBtrue· 1 - - - - -- .houl4n't tl1e excbange editor have an ot IndulgeJ;lce Is permitted in the sen. are all tbese oandles shln\.pg? No, tlon 18 Delight of the Muter " The Strategic Point. Increase of s'!'lary r •, ~ . IUa) pursuit of p\easu re and the some are hldlng-, tJIe lIgh ~ for, various -Unique 'T eat. "General, we are olitgenorlllad ." , Ca ra rubu ! nut how IR tha t?" A. New Jersey InstitUtion for the lounds of revelry arise whlie and ·reasons. P~rhaps It Is . ,tljo}lght that "The otber sI de has beaten II ~ to furious grows the spirit ot' mlsrule. the little lI~ht Ls too feebl!! to be ot prevention at tuberculosis' bas been ~ I The far e'a st abounds in Quaint little the cable office." Beneath that hall a different com. use, perbaps beeaus~ to let tbe light named Ii ..preventor'l um." " Eng· IItorles, each leadln'g up to nne,of tbose gathers. Tbey bave no blazing shine out would mean tn. ~lear away p.!'ny ' lIsb language. al .we\1 ~a _t}le buman moral e pigram's whIch seem so to d\,!, You a n't blalll the mnn who bas lights nor flashing gems. , No costly som,e sell1sh love of e.a,s e . . li!u,~ bY ·:80 1Iody, .needs defenders. ': ' • Ught the hearts of all raoes. Here IH got hi s wlnter's coal In for feeling \ ·food .,nor vintages. Tbe room In "'blch ,muoh : as -the . .JIgb,t : I~ -hld~~, »y , ~o tbe story ot ,the, "'1'111'0 P!ll'lls:: whose just a littl e b tt I' than the rest ot ....... u t. ' said tbat tbe .ocilety beUes of they meet Is bare Qf lux}!r,. 'and far much Is tbe consummatlon' 'of' 'ClIl'Is· moral,whlob. ¥Ou w111 r~ad again when ~h e neighborhood, trom the light o~ day, and such IIg~t tlanUy delayed. With 'tremetidbul Bt. Pet~i'lbur, are angry over the situ· you have finisHed the st~r.i, ls, "A wise '. ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ aUob tn Finland. slnoe tbe omcera as III provided serves to accentuate meaning Jesus *&14: "Let ' your light pupJ! Who profits by lnstruction' ls the wbo ftgure largely 10 1II0cial -affalra the IIhadows of the catacombs Into so' shine before men that ', tbey may dellgbt of the master." ' "fiU DOW . bave ,to leave ' with tbelr which the little oompany has ca'utlous. see your good w,o rks and ~lorlry; your , In a certain great city there · dwelt 11 found Its, way. A,s eyes grow ac. Father." It Is for us to let shine such troops for tbe recalcitrant ducby and 'aged .ph,I,I!>psopher· who l1ad two tadesirable plU'tnera will be lacklulJ In customed to tile place a table Js seen IIgbt as we p6ssess. So did two· . vorlte pupils, The day ~ame at ·Iast court-c:lrcle danceB. .T hls is sad, but and on It there Is a cup at native clples not knowing wh'" t othey dJd. wben he was to part with tbem, for, bardl, the most tragtc circumstances wine, and some bread which Is being They beUeved Indeed that Chrls't was all young men will, they were deter· broken as one says, "This do tn r. dead. And the str811ger with wbom whlcb will arise from the situation. mined to travel and see something or membrance of me," But where Is tbe they walked to Emmaus, tbough he the world. In order to settle a doubt Two bankers In New York have true lIgbt shining? In the ball of the .tirred their bearts, remained unreo· Experimenting. In bls mind as to whlcb had most prof· been sente)lced to prison tor taking Caesars or In tbe catacombs? ognlzed. Eventide hsd come and they money for tbelr own use trom a lIav· Tbe. sbadows are gathering rapidly (bad reached the home that was to warm water a considerable quantity Ited .under his Instruetlon, the sage ings association of which they were nnd Rome's day Is nearly done. "Eat shelter them. Rest and r.,treshment may be dissolved In -the water without gave to eacb youth a sum of money. ,"Go buy with tbls money somethlog otHclals. (n sentencing them the drink and 'be merr.. " Is the Roman'~ awaited them, but for their companion Increasing Ittl bulk. tbat shall fill a whole room," be said, judge said they were simply plain motto, and soon the day wlll' end In there was only the deepnnlng . shad· It Is thougbt that the atoms of the One pupil hied him to the market. tbleves. , Tbere Is a great deal In a night. The SI;lRdpws are gathering ows and the coming night. Pitying water are so disposed aB to receive name when It Is used In this blunt fast and faster and the Christian bls loneliness, tbey gave him urgent the sugar between them, as a ecuttle where he Pllrchased a quantity of fssblon, for Itatrlps much ot the hearts In Rome mIght well be strick. welcome to what they I'ad. "AbIde tilled with coal might accommodate straw. This he had taken to hIs room, which It nearly filled. Next morning, Uluslon from lU dnlng. en with despaI r as persecutions and with us, for It Is toward evening and a quantit)' of sand, ' he Invited hl.s maste r to call and see martyrdoms become . their lot. BlI~ the ~he day Is far spent:" Aud accepting A New York man Is BuJng his wife fal,th of Christian hcarts Is tile candle the Invitation he entere<.l the bonse what be had done. "SitU and ~'Set".' , . . "Not bad! Not bad!" commented the - .. - ,..._-" for separatlon because he says she sh ining In the gloom . and ItE ! with' 'them . 'W ondrousiy did ' the light' stayed out at night and left him to little flame the great light of eternal' sblne tbat ' eventlde! !\foft'memorable Some one who believes In teaohlng I by example hlis concoCted ' lesson in w!\e mnn, 'IV b en h e b ad glanced In at t~ mind the children and make the bed ... tnltb Is set ablaze. the- door, , Then, turning. to tbe other that hour when at the t ,w!lIgbt meal The masculine marital worm Is berln· Ui~ use ot two : little words' which pupil, who had n.ccompanled him he ¥~r~k0\',e,8 'In~"'UIII}:lIlllr~lIlent.. The Light That JeBu8 Casts, 00 became known to tl>em In the haye been a source of mortlfioation k d " " d , ,I"" " .. '1 . . uea nlog to turn, but the high French ,heel ad f:::;~.!;.:~U:r:Ull~u::~~ll~ln r,!oeM And It Is all . happening because Jo- bl'cakln'f , of br!3 . . , .B,e llavlng blm and trouble to many well.meanlng per. as" e :, of modern femininity Is Bet so firmly sons: ' And what ' have you bought wl~ ~ 'H~I&\'ln L""woeu, AU"ytl \.~~ Jour money?" = 0 .... not IIlIator, relllove the hair on tbe wrlt.hlng Insect that It II lUll bad light for the shadows. His dend. he had neverth ~le~s risen :In talth In God was the candle that at , their hearts. ' HIli presence tb~re had A man; or woman ' eltber, can Bet & " lot.", ' •• &:;dl\Y tho horso up, .~ 00 .. doubtful It the turo will amount to hen, although they cannot sit her', Master, If It please yO\!, I hnve got AmJOIU"~I, I~;n .. (I!~?'~~~<1I:~~l.f free. much more than a franllc but fugl· hIe eventide enabled blm to r ead God' I made poss ible their tenderness and only a small lamp and Bome 011 . Tbe I !.~rlt lI,nvovllll •. 'stnoll1 •• UOll t )' or 1I"""m.. ~u~~ me'lsage and to Interpret It tor al~ ' their · ministry to the stranger's need neither, can they set on her, although 1\ ht f hi r' I Alrl'~ ~5 R, ar cooo V.lnll, Vllrl rooulo B d I Uve squirm. f. Imill . .VOlllr <lrul/lIln CU ll .II,,'plyrI ~b~1Y".; mankind. The message which be read Tbe IISht they bad they let shine out tbe hen mlgb't sit on them by tbe thg o t I s thlamp, d kbowever ' will ,fill TO' ron"" .. W, lI ' oli you lIlorO It 1, lie e room ~ e ar evening bou'rs. turfru"blJOkllll<i "",U lllunllll .. AI .t'~:')'~j D4 A Roman paper says that negotia- In bls sou) was tbe principle of tb In that evening tlme, and lo! at even· hour, 'lf they would allow it. A man cannot set on the wash. Dy this means we may continue our ". P. lOUG, P. D. r.• 1111 T•• ,,1o 8t.. 8P..........:.... tions are going on, cn the part or the rellurrection. He himself was the res~ Ing time tbe ltgbt of the w()rld was -a - ,- - ---- - - --- -, American gove rnment. for the sille ot urrection. Such he was to Martha. revealed to them, risen, as he baa bencb, but h~ could set the basln ,on studies after the day Is done. when we . wish to do so." OWN' e!I a bouse "destine" to be the seat at The v.'oman that sbe became, fllled said. It Is true beyond any qU I .IIl1on It, and n'elth~r tbe .basln nor thegr~m· " "BI'av"o! Brav,o!" cried the dell"'hted DRONC-.... 'TRO-~ . the ~merlcan e mhassy," Perhaps the with loyalty to her Lord she -became that to talk of Cbr!st and to IIvo tor marlans would ' object. gr, "Hl'PC"",atlonol !lUPCrlO"m.rlt ---..... f -111:9 sage. Now, Indeed, a~t thou fit U ' state depar tme nt Is trying to find a because be had lnllu en~ed her life Christ Is to let him live !n us, mov~ng He could sIt on the dog's tall, It tbe loto the world!" I lnofacn·"Tand I.,.ltatlon of th':tH. oI."lrtgt~ home for Its DeW ambnssador, merely fhe man that Saul of Trlrsus became' U9 to worthy deeds and Inspiring us ,dOl: ,vere willing, or he mIght set hIs A ' ung roublca Blond ' la ' :I :trrut ......<1. as a convenl nt'e to blm. so that It .... hen ae tbe apostle to ' the Gentl.les f ~r use f u I serv Iceo Ba b y th,e teet!· foot on It, But It he 'shoul'd set on nd he judged that tlle purcbase of ~"'!" aplat.. or an~ harmfu~t I aredl AItIuna. p . may be ready wh en he reaches Ramo. 'monv of our ltve h 11 d , the ,atoresald tall; :, or, sIt. bts foot the second pupil was the wiser. s~:i/~.1k;r.;..5!!.qucocn.:. andn!I.O~o::. .... But It Is not buying the ,bouse on its ' ,he urged men to beco me ChrI stians. , . s s a we, sen ~ut . JOHN r ... be became because Christ bad brought the light toO ~bose who' sit In darknt,'lsB ' there. thlf grartimarlans lis well as 'the ' : FlOwer .Telll Cj1~rch Time. - . . BROWN at SON, ~, My.... ' own account. , , blm to Ufe and to the l1ght ot Immor: nnd In tlje . 811nd?~ . Of death, till aU Ilog would' howl-melallhorlo'llJ ly " 'at ' 1i.1~)\vers ,~re, rrequelitly put to fane!. 'al! b c.h h h man~lnd shall sa,: ' '~Truly the light ,.., .. '. " ",. ful an,,- prelty uses. but on e of Ule iII. . . . . . . . ...: least. T e uro t at was eonstitut· Is sweet, ,o, Ut 1'1 lit - bl b ' hi '1' . There wn Ei a IfJrl!'e Inrrea'!e In the "ed ty, by men who ' had -been ~owards ,' , e ~ 111' C S n ng at And iYl}t, the man mlght,6et the' taU. prettiest ' Is to be ' found, ' In the' FIJI • humber :of 'di vorces In 1IIalne last year, whlln they fled from ' tbe disaster of evenlns ttme re~eals the ' way ' that but 'an IJ'c reRF f only two In sui· his deatb was possible be""u58 he' leads ;to the, sale, harbor of th~ S~U1'8' asl,de art if sit'. dowo, and be 'a ssailed islands. \vbere a flo we r tells til \)eo, llel,ther by, ,th~ , dog, nor by . tl}~ ,: gra~.' ,pIe wben to go to church. ' , cldes, ... l1eth .;!' tll Ill ttcr tact Is to . , .". ... . etl:!rn~ home -Fr th Gp' J tlfl, .,{ .. " . T,ry' ,to Ima,~lne n sweely smelling b e, explained' by tile tormer Is nol hf\d made tbese same men c~uragaou9 ' Work . a~'d rilvtnge1~~ 'I ' e ,., r ,~ , ,U rm'8.rlalls. - ' ', ": " ::,;, :: blossom (It Is caUed ,,;the. Bnullnln), . , ...' , , '" by his resurrection. Always , when. he j' . , ,stated. 'wllieb ,elCJlanlls Ifs petals In the eal'ly , Chrls\mall In Norway,' h,afJ to,u ched human near\.B. jt ,bas het;!a i, , Revolution of 'Clvll/zatlo.n. One ~f the pretUfts~ of ..Chrlstn:'al m,ornl~g, 'W hll~,t It , Is cool 'llnd 'pleas. If thli\ Industrial revolution which That S r\'l lIn prelate who dreamed to mute them grow )iumane; wb!'" ~e h~8 touche~ bum~~8 tte has made w'omen's ..efurancA ,jnto Industrial' pro." cllstoms is the ~ractlce, 10 Norway;' of ant, before the su.. 's ,rays ' bar . ~ha.t Klns Pel I' wa deposed ,had the . orne 'tactlessness to tell bis dream 'to' them just; when be has Infiuelloed ,h u· duelloD Is making Is carried Into the 'Jrlvlng, a 9Iirl."!"~_~lo~el" ~ ,t ,e powerful. (rlende. In on6<l l'Dc . Thereupon ltlan Institutl:ms. h~ has made them :rlolltfcal field It must mean- chanp, ,tllrdll. <?n, ,r,~TJ8tm~s morning ' erery , The miSSIOnary wstelles this flow er K1n~ PteI' hltd n better dreanl ; the sacred. Because ·hls tQuah bas result., 1;0 vast and so ta,~reachIDg as to, bl- gatew's)" gab-Ie 01' barndoor )s ,daco- ani:! lust IUl. it opel:!s, Instead of rin : ,rated with a sheat .ot, (:0111, .fh,e~ '\lPon , It.I g a bell he beMs, a' wood'en drlll~ pr,late Ie t,() bl' trIed for hlgb t~eason. ,ed In an awak~nlnB to a sellse ,(>f llte'~ , volve substantially, ,the revolution ~ft.... tbls l'!'Vllln prelates wUl talra 4"ndlessnesl a~d hJ~f Influence baa our present clvlUzatloD.-Rey, A.. A. ~e top of • tan P91~, from ,.J1lch It nnd :pr~renl1y by twos nnd threes Itnf oaUttI men to ... ~ ,8IC2'8doeu ot Berle, COD&I'epUO~ sOltoa, . . . ., .. Iptendec1 that ~e blrcl~ Bbould make lD Quiet ~ro\! , tbe Islander'! r..fI~ ... pO" 1'0 'dera, and not drea11l. tIa~r CbrlBtmaI duel', ..... comlDC to rhUrCb

The 1\1iami, Gazelte






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For Years Propa gation W as Almost Monopoly of Stat.e of N e w J e rsey-Fruit Is Considered Luxu r:y of Season.

Memory Saved $31,000,000 ~~---------------------------

How MexIcan Claim for Enormoul Damages for. Depredations Com. mltted by Our Ind.lano Was Shattered by J. H. Aohton. By E, J. EDWARDS. It Is a pllrt of American history that urlng Grnnt's first administration tho 11;0vornm e ut of Mexico valniy end eav· or II to convince nn International a rbl· I rntlon convalltlon that It should be o warded $31,000 .000 damages against tho nlted Stales, for de predatfbns " ommltted by our Indians In Mexico fo llowin g the close of the. Mnlcan Will' and tho year 1853. Dut. so tar 8S I have been ab le to learn, there Is no I' ord anywhore of tho fnct that, even whon It se III d cortaln to many that Ihls government would bavo to pay t ho heavy damages asked, the Mexl· <!au cla im was comple tely ~hattere d lIy &8 marv lous a fent of memory as has been recorded. This now light on an Important ,'ve nt In the hi s tory of world arbltra· Ion WIIS glv n to m sam" Urn since lJy a dls tingrrlsherl la wye r who hns hoe n prominent In American diplomacy. And II'h n he told me the OItory, he profaced It with th remark that he snw ' lIo reason now why he !lbould not tell it, leav ing me to Infer tbat his lips had hean Healed by the IIlan wbo performed the fent of memo Iry after the lattcr's death. TIle cntral flgure In this dramn of IIIlIIlons was J oscph Hubley AshtOll, who was one of the fouod ers of the A merlcan Bar association, and who -dlod in Wasblngt4Ju a few years ago.

He was ono of the great intellects of the Ame ri can bar, y t his career iIIus· tt'ates the tl'Ut il of the saying that groat lawyers often have no fame. Besides his marv lous mastery of th o fundamental pri ll clpi s of law, Mr. Ashton probably had the most extraor· dlnary memory of auy Ar.H' rlcan law· yer. I mean .by thi s his memory was a bsolutely accurate. It was n phe· nomenal storehouse of facts , dntes, names, events. The cou rts needed no verification of auy statement that he made. And of the archives of the stnte departlll nt, where hie work frequently t oolt hi m, Mr. Ashton 's memory was almost a8 good as au Index. Tbls able lawyer was chosen our gove rnm ent's agent wh en the Indian clalmll wer placed before n board of arbitration consisting of two Amer· Ican and two 1\1 xlcan members, wit h the British minis ter to this country, Sir Edward Thornton, as umpire. Mr. Ashton had opposed to him G n. Caleb Cusb lng, who ha d been our first mini ster plenipotent iary to hlna, and who for years ha d been looked upon as tbe 'eQual of a ny great American lawyer who cou ld bo nam ed. At this time he was at tbe height of his world· wide reputation as n lawyer. a scholar, a nd a di plomat who could talk fiu ent· Iy In the language spolten at any Eu· ropean court. Right here comes In Mr. Asbton, with that wonde rful memory of his. As has al ready been ' remarked, he frequently oonduct d r ellcarches In the archives of the state d epartment, which were not then kept hnndlly nor

Indexed, as now. Casting ubout for a s uitable defe nse to make before thll , onventlon, he recalled that during ono of hla sear ches amon g the .chooll of slate department pa llers he had nccluenta lly come across and casuu ll y reod lloDle official docume nt In whi ch, It aemed to him , as he recallHd It, l\f xlco had walve u her In dl~ ~lal m8 against this government. In co.;t1de r· a ll a n of t he fac t that the Un ited SU...'!:!!> had paid to Mexi co $10,000.000 fOI what la ('ommonly known as t he GadN' dell llurchase. Dy this purchase mad e III 1853, this country outalned tcrrl· tory that now lies In Arizona and part· I Iy In ew Mexico. , Hundreds, thousands of papers I were exam ined by 1\lr. Ashton. Then, fin a lly, there came a day wh en he pull ed some loose papers from a dirty envelope-his task was over. For among thes papers, whose ve ry exist· ence had been fo r gotten by e veryflody exce[lt the JUan who accid entally stum· bl d upon them long before when about oth r busin ess, and glanced· ually over th em, WRS found a note . from Gen. Almonte, written when he was the Mexican minister at Washing· on In which It was offiCia lly stated ~hai. In vi w of tbe terms of the Gads. ha e Mexico waived all d c~a~msP~~~ d:p~edatlon8 committed by ou r Indians on her terr itory.

"So your fiancee is smaller than you." "Yes, shu comes up just t o there."


SORE EYES CURED. Eye-Balill and Lids Became Terribly Inflamed-Waa Unablo to Go ·About -All Other Treatments Failed, But


Cutlcura Proved Successful.

"About two years ago my eyes gob In such a condi tion that I was unable to go about. They were t e rribly infl amel!, both the balls and lids. I tried home remedies without r elle r. Then I decid ed to go to our family physician, but h" didn't h elp them. Then I tri ed two more of our most prominent physlclans, but my eyes grew continually worse. At this time a trlend of mine advised me to try Cutlcura Ointment, and aller using It about one week my eycs were can· slderably Imp roved, and lD two weeks Peac h Pltll for Planting. they were almost well. They have neve r given me any trouble since and Th e pench, wh ich is supposed to be I south, when takcn up to plant In the I am· now slxty·flve years old. I shall a native of Pers ia nnd Chi na, was I orchard, we re aB a rule devoid at fi· always praise Cutlcura. G. B. Halsey. brought from Persia . Into Italy uy t he brous roots, and only a straight or tap Mouth of Wilson, Va., Apr. 4, 1908." Romans, and soon found its way Into root, with one or two coarse s ide Britain Ilnd France, a nd Is supposed to roots, which made them unpopular POUer Dru, '" Ollem. Oorp., Solo Pro~ lJoIIoa. b ave been brougbt to this country with tbe planters. Public ~entlment Aroused. There remained just onc thing to about 1680 by t he settl rs. Fall [llnnting and leaving tbem un. Every state wesl. at the Mississippi do. Wh n t he convenUon met, with I In ItR ada ptabil ity to the soli and di sturbed In the nursery row was the except Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Ne· Gen. Caleb and his client cocks\lre at cllmnte of tbls country the peach has r oason a ssigned for tho lack' of fibrous vada and New Mexl~o b as now joined victory , !\Ir. Ashton Quie~~y produced as wide a range I\S any other fruit nnd or lateral roots. the fight against tuberculosis. state the Mexican waiver. I he brllliunt t he fruit 18 considered the greatest Th e New Jersey nurserymen sanitoria for the treatment of tubercuCushing a nd t he Mexicans were utter· luxury of Its Beason , writes E . S. Black thought that the winters ot this sec. losis patients ha ve been now estab· Iy onfounded; Sir Edward Thornton, In Rural New Yorker. New J ersey had tlon w'e re too severe; or the constant lIshed In Minnesota, Idaho, Missouri, as umpire. gave judgment for the t he distinction for years at bei ng freezing and thawing would heave the Ar kansas. North Dakota, South DaUnited St.ates-an Infallible memory one of the greatest peach.growlng pits olit of the nursery row, and to kota and Oregon . State Antl·Tuberhad saved the counrty a fortune. states In the count ry, ond old men avoid the poor root system In par ticu. culosls associations haye been organ· (CopyrIght, 1909, by E. J. Ed wllrll.a.) I ha\'c told me of tbe Immense cr ops lar of tbe fa ll·planted seed, avoided the Ized and are a t work In Washington, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ottb e yhaveseen g rownonth e ~ e n ~ 11 sys~m of ~antln g ~ togethe~and .Oregon, Ca Jtro~nla, Arizona, Montana, pro ved by ocular d emon stralion tbat ' virgin soll, and whlcb often had to be adopted the bedding system-putting North Dakota, Colorado; Nebraska, bls plan was f as lble. At that time made Into peach brandy, as the mar· tbe pits Into a bed about four teet Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota, we got the Id ea of having tbe te le- kets were gl utted with the fruit and wl tle anti extending It according to Io wa, Missouri, Arkansl18 and Louis· lana. In all these states, strenUOUB ef· graph sticks about the height of the transportation facilities wer e few and quantity of seed bedded. the venerable engineer oontlnued, with ordinary clothes pole, but before we far to reach, Delaware, Maryland, The seed was put In tbe beds from forts to wipe out tuherculosls are beProf. Morse Pers uaded to Adopt Plan a remln :scen t sm ile. "You see, my began tile work of securing and pia· I Virginia, New York, California and all five to eight Inches deep, and some Ing taken . . Suggested by Alfred Vall al a Sub· e ngineering experience served me. I clllg the poles, we all three decided I the western s tRtes looked to New J e r· sand or soil mixed with them, then the Old. Diet nlt~to for Too Expenllive told Prot. Morse that Vall's plan was that a higher pole would be better- I sey for a s upply of peach trees. Nul'- covered over about four Inches deep A sane diet for a per son of 70 or 76 Subway. perfectly feasible. . It would kee p the wires out of reach serymen In other states soon found It with sand or soli and left untll they should be made up largely ot vege"At Inst we persuaded Prot. Morse of people and voblcles, out of harm's prOfitable to grow the trees. !!ond many sprouted In tlie Bprlng. tables and fruit, some fish, Bome eggB, By E, J, EDWARDS. to put aside the trench, or burled wire way. So a pole about the height of budders from New Jersey found profit· a little meat and simple cerealB, If In these days of almost instantane- Idea, nnd to turn to sticks, or poles. the present telegraph pole was de- I able employment among them, so that I ncubatora and Brooders, tbere Is no Inclination toward obesity. OliS worl'd communication, the te le· In the meantime. however. Vall ha d clded on. Vat!, I belle'" e, determining I now tbe growing of peach trees, as Incubators and brooders cost: BomeDrinking with one'B meals Is not .. gTnl'>-~"~ Hit the bad boy Is ublqul· set UI) some clothes poles and strung the h eight." with other nursery stock, IB not can· thIng; It pays to put them away wben considered advisable, eapeclally as lI· tous. ~ (be lay mind It Is 8S much t elegraph wire along them, a nd thus (CopyrIght, 1909, by E. J . Edwu.rll.a.) ftned to any section, and a tree grown no longer needed. They sbould be put qulds are apt to wash down the food a n essential part oC the telegraph a 8 I. one section Is just as good as tbat away olean and In a dry. clean place; before It Is properly masticated. Two Ihe Morse key Itself. Yet In the orlg· . grown In anotber, If It was strated then, when needed, they w1l1 be ready quarts of wate r, or more, should be Inal plans of the Inventor of the t elet ~T I from as good a seed grown In healtby, for use and more apt to give good re- taken between meals, however, during g rapb the te legrapb pole did not fig· clean soli and condltions, and budded sults. Disease germs. lurk In the the day. Hot water II! eBpeclally good . ure by so nluch as a tleetlng thought. with a healthy bud, and labeled true brooder that Is put away without a for one who' does not exercise !:m~u~c~h:!!.~_ _ How the telegraph pole did come -'/~~,..._ _,--_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ to nam o. thorough cleansing ' and disinfecting. aB It flushes out the entire Ilystem. Kept matler E; wh ich crowded his days . Into existence was told to me a short In the 1\lustratlon Fig. 1 shows seed Some of the new brooders are so con· Stimulants, suc h as tea qnd coffee, How. a Favor to • Constituent time bef.ore his death by one 0 f th e Yeal's late r, following the Inaugura. washed out of Bhell; these would structcd they cnn be easily taken apart should not be very stroDg.-Harper's t wo men who wer" associated with Him from LOSing New York Stato lion of Old.Rough.and.Ready as presl sprout In a few daysi '2, coming to clean or put away. Bazar. Prot. Merse In building the firs t ex· Patronage under PresIdent dent, Mr. Weed journeyed to Wash. through sbell; 3, roots started out; ·Just MarrIed. Examine the Harness, Zachary Taylor. Ington, thinklnJt that he might be reo 4, Accomac' county seed; 6, North Car· IlOrlmental telegraph line between Gwendolyu seemed a bit nnhappy . It Is a good 1>lan to examine the BaltLmore and Washington. celved with some favor by the new alina-Tennessee seed; 7, twin s eed. My informant was Gen. Edward By E. J, EDWARDS. dmlnistratlon since he had been In the ' south the Beed was sown harness every time the team IB hitch· "What Is It, dearest?" murmured As every student ot American po· chlcfty Instrumental In bringing about tblckly In nursery rows In the tall, and ed up. A horse can be burt and the Harry solicitously. Wellman Serrell, wbo died about three "I was merely thlnklns how terrible years ago; and while It may have Utlcal history knows, ThurlOW Weed. Prcsldent " Taylor's nomlna·tlon. But tho followIng spring came up more or use of him lost for several days 01 been stated before that the original who died In 1882 at the green old age almost as soon as he had arrIve d at th" leps Irregularly, and was budded In even months by working him 'In an Ill· It would have been!" said Gwendolyn, plan was to place ' the first commer· ot 86, was one ·of the most remark· capital he discovered that both he anll August and September. flttlng harness. Less danger from run· with a Bhudder. "Terrible? What would kave been cJal telegraph line In a subway, but able and astute politicians that tbls WIlliam H. Seward, then senator from Trees grown In this way In tbe a waYB, too. . terrible?" gaspe d Harry. that poles wore used Instead, I hard- country has ever produced. No!w York, and a political ally, were -~-""'~--"'--~-~----~----¥". .~--- -.,,&....-...... -,,-...-....--.......,,-~-....-...... "Ob," returne d Gwendolyn, "If your Iy believe that thO' full story ot how Many an~ notable were his political not In favor at the White House. factories. Wblle prloes paid by these father and mother had never met! thls came about haa been told.. victories, not a few of them looming It was a serious situation that Mr. factories are not nearly so InvIting Or mine had never met! Or we 'd "The Inte Alfred Vall, whose varlouB large In our history. Yet perhaps the Weed faced, that of being bereft of as those received from other sources, never have been born! Or ha.d n't lIul'geBUons led to ,rent Improvements victory out of which Mr. Weed derlveci the powerful pOlitical patronage of yet there Is some advantage In grow· loved euch otber-or, Harry-Qh! In Prot. Morse's Inv~ntlon, and myselt as ·much quiet · satisfaction as any New York state. However, he de. Ing crops for them. If the factorIes wouldn't It have been too t errlble! "were clollely aSSOCiated with Prot. came to . him mo~t unexpectedly at a olded that he would not le'a ve Wash are n ear at hand not much care will . torse In establishing the first operat· moment when he had acknowledged Ington without at least calUng to pay Propare Product. with Same Care be needed In pscklng or handling the IlIustmted Sunday Magazine. duC-telegupb-plant between Baltimore defeat-when he saw the political pat· hls "'respeets to the-p~ldont So het.hat-EuUt.s · ReceIVe-Farmer crop • The mnln point being to pro- ,' 8raft or 01110 ern or ~ tf .. LUCAS COUNTY. nnd Washln,ton," the general said, aB ron age of New Yorlt State, and all tile went to the White House, and sent Will Suon Have Trade No duce the greatest bulk at the le ast ex· I J'urnt J . Ctt&NU mall. oatb tha, lie .. _ _ we sat In the library at his home. power that Its possession implied, tao In his cnrd by an attendant. ODe OaD Take Away. Danner' ofIn tba linn 01 F . J. ClltNSY .. co .. do_ pense. \ ' e ry Iittl e Is nee d e d In the buoln_ the City of Toledo. (JoII"',. and State "Mr. Vnll, who nfterwardB became ken away from him. And the manner In a moment a young man, comlnl way of packages and many ItemB of UW-Id. and tha~ ...Id ftrm Win pay tbe IlUm 01 , ONE HUNDR F.D DOLLARS tor eIIch and c""" o ne of the great lenders In American In which this vlotory-wblch, I believe, from an Inner room. almos t effusive. The following good advice to mar· expense are . saved. To be profitable, _ 01 CATARIIU 'bllt cannot be cllJ'Oll bJ Ule ..... 01 tel~nphlng, bad some money, and has bltherto escaped chronlcllng- Iy rushed up to Mr, Weed, grasped his ket gardene rs Is taken tram the Min- the acrenge should be as large as pas· ,. JIAU, •• CATAUU ouu. FRAHl( J . CHENEY. WIUI wllllng to back Prof. Morse as far came to Mr. Weed, Inevitably calls to hand and exclaimed : "You are Thur. nesota Horticulturist: slblc so that wben the gathering S"om to belore me and IUbecrlbed In my prceeDaa. • . lb. GIb day 01 DeoeDlbe6'. A. D .. 1886. . as be could. But Prof. Morse had the mind tbe Biblical injunction to cast low Weed. I am very glad to see you. "If you are located near a clt.y comes it will requ I re stea d y h au II ng _J _ A. w. GLEASON. Ide& that, It the telegraph waB goIng your bread upon the waters. that It lowe you a debt of gratitude." where you can mnrket produce tram to the factories. In this way the ex.'. f aSAt. ~ . NOTART PuBuo. to be commerclaliy successful. It may be returned to you after many Mr. Weed looked Inquiringly at the the wagon, ' you will find tbat It you tra h ell) can be fully employed. There u;;u:; Catanb Cure • tabn ~t.e:rnally &lid aa\a young nlan as though trying to recall prepare vegetables with the same care wlll be no loss of time or crops In dhcU, upon the blood and mUCOUI ... rtaaM 01 U. would have to be . carried throl\gh · days. Bead lor lallmonlall1. I.ree. Back In the · tblrties, when Old· him. Seeing his dilemma, the othe r that you do fruits, and be honest all hnving to stop and hunt for help when '1JI\4Im. pipes, laid In trenches, exactly aB the · F. J. Ol1&NKY .. 00., TDIeIItt. 0telegraph and te lephone wires are Rough·and·Ready Zachary Taylor was sald: the way down to the bottom of tbe needed, or take chances on getting ~bJ~l!.~':!~~tt;J:ior OCIIWlIDeUoA. now Installed In cities where overhead e ngaged In fighting Indians mostly, a "You don't know me. You havf' basket, you will have a trade that no them Just when wanted." Then t:,e ~cllilior8 \.out In. wires are not allowed b'y law. Vall, man who had great lumber camps and neve r seen me before, I believe. Bul one can take from you, and your prod· "You way be s harp," said the thread who waB a practical' Inventor. and I, ml\ls on· the northern slope ot the It It had not been for you I would nOl uce will bring a premium over tbe Autos for Hauling Milk, In the needle, "but 1 notlco YOll are who was 'a clvll engIneer, reallzed AdIrondack mountaIns, called one day now be here. You secured my ' ap· average market. The same rule holds At a recent western dairymen's con· always gettlng It In the eye." thut to dig a trench from BalUmore to ifpo~ Mr. Weed and explained tha~ he polntment as cadet from ' an Adlron. true It you are shIpping to other mar~ "Oh, I don't know," answered the Washington, put hollow' pIpes In It, was most anxious that tht'l son at the dack lUIl\ber I am Col. ,WlIl kels. A packet rightly packed Is balf ventIon. according to a newspaper reand haul telegrapb wires through the foreman of one of bls camps should lam C. Bliss. I am the private secre. sold, and Is an Invitation to !Juy an- port, producers were present (rom five needle, "I notice that wheuever you pIpes would cost a great deal more be appointed to a cadetshlp at West tary or the president. I served with other . It Is always advisable, before s tates tributary to the Elgin and WIs- get In a hole I · have to pull you money than Vall had to put bac.!, of Point. The callei' had been of great him In MexIco." planting your crop, to know to some consin creamery districts. Of thOle through ." "Hush up, you two," cried the thlm· \1orse, or than Morse could obtain political servJce to Mr. Weed, and, • Following a little pleasant conver. extent where and bow you will dispose attending 112 were asked as to the from other sources. So the situation therefore, the latter, after li stening to satlon, Col. Bliss asked Mr. Weed II of It. Make all preparation before the use of automobtJes; 30 ot these owned ble.! "If It wasn't for my push you looked dubloUB for days. and. Prof. the other's request, said heartily: he could do anything for him. MI' time of harvest. What might be seri- automobiles and used them constant· would neIther at you get along." Morse, naturally, was much dlscour"You see your congre8sman and I Weed 'explalned that he was anxlou~ ous losses are often avoided by look· Iy In business, mainly In marketing Important to Mothers. cream. Several farmers said tbey aged. wtll endorse the application." to see the presIdent. The young man lag ahead. Examine carefully evory bottle of uttllzed the power to operate sepa· "To some, a good outlet for eorne "Finally, there came a day when "But," protested the man, ' "I have responded : "You shall see him Imme CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Mr. Vall, who h~d been thInking al· seen him, and he tells me tbat he dlately." And a moment later Mr veg~tables Is found .'n the canning rators. most constantly over the grave prob- has promised the cadetshlp to a con· Weed was being Introduced ·to th.Bears tbe ~ ~;'fY~ lem confronting us, said to MorBe In Iltltuent." president . by Col. BIlBS I1S the man to Signature Of~~ my prElsence: ' "Well, It he bas pro!Dlsed It he must whom the colonel owed his appoint· In Use For Over ao Years. "'I wonder how It would do to keep' his promise," declared Mr. Weed. ment to ' \Vest PoInt ' and hla subse· The Kind You Have Always Bought, However, 1 will see- that the boy is Quent army career. . s tring the wires on sticks?' \ A tew' hours later, when Mr. Weed '" 'It "",ouldo't do at all,' Morse re- appointed a JIlldllh,1pman at . the Naval Dlllappro·lal. pUed. ; 'The wires would constantly be Academy," . ' . sta'r ted back for New ' York, . he took What makes those two wqmen turn " . broken, or"otherwlse Interfered with,' But the lumberman Insisted strenu· wltb him the pr.o mlse of Pre~ldenl up their noses at each otber so sliperclllous ly?" .' "AI Vall was ' 'a m!ln who alwayS oUBly on the .caue~shlp, and, among 'mylar tbat h!! 'should ha ve aU the pa· ...;'........ "Possibly," replied l>USB Cayenne, spok~ ·bls mind. ,.: . . 'other ·th.l ngs, ref!llride~ M~. Wee~ tha,t tronage he wanted (or ': New York 'rf' ,·tl ,6"'r ',," "" !"'" 'to; """Mtitte..... t . . . .it' .~ -* '''each :got a glimpse of the cunent . "'I don't bellne It,' he 'Baid, blunt- 'thls ' was ·the sole ravor' be had Bsked state. He bad sIgnally trlum~bed over ':. novel' tbe o tlier 'was reading." Iy to Mors,e>: '1 ha"~ 'made se~eral ex· of Mr: ' Weed ~n' all th,e . y rs, lhat . he ~ose of b'l s euem4es , who had ,ven· perlment:a , $trll!,t~1 wirel upon sUcks, 'had been content to execute faitbfully ture(~ a~ first to s~t' President Taylor NOT A(J(lEPT A SQUSTlTUTJo: A bandy fow" catcher ha~ been cle- I!- Jard or coop ' that IB too Inrie ·to "1IH1DO jou "'Iln~ P rrY. I)IlVIs' ""1"I<.l Ih r. I\ ~ uOl hlnl . At ibe sticks, 'I ~Ilye . r~n ' the · wires the pollUcl:\1 o~ders glv~n. hl ~u bY .Mr. qgalnst , him. . . . Ie 11M1J004 for rll u roMlsm, n fl uI'1l16lhl 1\1111 sllllllnr by a .' ~(jrcta, p. o ultJ'YID.a~, . by. mak. ~ It 1>(18slble to reach .them wlih , tti1'o~b the ..' neck!l of broken bottles . Wee d. '. . ..' It II! only necessary to ad~ thl;\t the LrOllbl... '10 "eII" ID con"'lUI~ u~ ~llIou luulOOo. to' InBulatl! them, ~!ld ', they .wor~ al' , . ThiB W~B true, ane) .MI'. 'Ye.~d .knew YOUng .~an who ,thus unex.pectedly, ~Jltcll a long piece of he~vy wIre 1.s the hand. _~_~_""":-::-:The man~cf\n ' mlLlntaln a r epu· . rl,bt. . Now, .(If- we let, tall· enoutb It, 'So, at last; I)~ pr~lsed tb~t be andnt. a most , opportune moment, fut0 e4 . to " , broom ban~~e with , Place for ' Tools. taUan 'for wIsdom. In t he presence of a sacks, aud 'utlllze tr.e ea · 'Wherever -,ve wc;mld do what he ' cou.l d ~ ~et· U1~ 0&' more th.all full, repaid his debt: of ~ 1'eW8 or 'by' binding wIth a finer wtr.e. l;Iave a pI~ce for the hand toolB. The Y9uth just· alit coneg~ . 1$ a wondsr. ftild "them 'along the ' ~Qu~e; 1 am .Bure .~de~blp fOr . the" fore~an s . boy, m gratitude to Mr. ~eed, Will the Jlrst A lone hook II ~ent ' on the ' extended 8&\Yi u£. hammer, screw driver, • I -~ ... ; Wlna1 .. ,,'. ~'hlnll' !il11'DP. . that we can ' string our WireS . at- 'very cou.· ree his. apP!lal to the ' co~gTesBm~n . buaband of that r.~cently ddce!\led for· end ' of the hea1'7 wire,' allowing only w~nch, etc., should ~ be well kept to ?OHhll/lreR lo.lhlnl{, 8Ilfltmll l h. ~UI'II", rciollHle~!!, lImiLU Co,it, ~d 1l04ilnk abort- ot -.. hi. 'was 'all B~fJlcle~t and ~e north wood!' mer . ~llitresB ,of . the ' Whlte I;IO~II~ who ~.'10Il.&lIal'JNI1D. , c1ltU""lIIdaOll",. ~ abO_ . a lmall apace on, the book ~t. The gtYe, be8t 8ervlce. ·"A ~Iace for every wlDdatorm or bQl!.Y.J 8nowstorm' would youngster ~nter!ld West : PQint, ~.d was known to the pro8~t ,eneratioD tdwl " ~aught br the Tbll d.-, tblne and ev@ut.hlnc In tta place," tlaar We' don' t bllWle a mlln for grOwlhlC do them IUl7 Jrlr. W8~iJ forlJpt all . a~\lt. thE! lqcl· as Mrll. D~d~dge. : '. . a"e &!P' be wll~re COWIe anI ,lIl !a·the motto to tie to. If b1s ....Ue. treats him ua "' .401(, . ..... took .atdftl ~tla j~ at OD.... ,deDl. ~bnp1y ODe of We .m &n1 m1DOI' (CC)P)'rllbt) llIOII, bt II. 1', lMwarda-t





Origin of Telegraph Poles


The Bread Returned to ,.r eed '

----.. . . . . . . -.. .-.. . . .

. .-. . .-. .---.. . -. . . .--.. . .¥. . . .". -... -.. .

.. ,.- . .








. van






R.I K E' S -~......."- - - - -..

A t this' tlrue of tbe y ar we sr anxloul:I to g ~ our book ill sbl.lp for the enttoing ye~r, and wOllld r Aqt;les& thoBe knowing themsel ves in-l debted to us for tbe paper to oome in and ' settle. We sorely hu ve ueen lenient with some of oar i=utron and as it is time to olose our 1909 books, we hope they will not .forget os, uut come forward promptly.

We· announce our

January' Sale our custom, · excapt a few minor items we sell under contract at a fixed price,



Unquestioned durability and exquisite design . -the highest ideals in plated ware-are ass~red m spoons. forks, and fancy serving pieces beanng the renowned trade marl

Leb!lnon Ilud Warren ooonty mllY reBp tbe benefits of a wile of typioul tnrnpik~ ad the county's share of the additional Sta te uppruprilltioD of highways if the latter is Illlowed by ~tate L9gisillture that Will oon. vene next MllOduy. The oounty commissioners· ,purpo!le to ORe tbis money in part for building a trial rOlid out! mile in length. oommeno lug at the bridge over Tortleoreek on North Broadway , This - WIll be of gre~t benefit to this oow munlty The road will be macadamized !luoh as the roads in the Centerv1l1e neigb. borhood. -Patriot.

January the Third IS



For Monday Morning As



1841 ROGERS BROS. T~P~E There are various makes of silverplated tableware which are claimed · to be "just ~s good," but, like ~11 imitations they lack the beauty and wearing quahty identified ~th the original and genuine 1I!.ll1 R06ERSBROS~; ware popularly known . as H SiltJer Plate thaI Wears. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue to C-L" showing all designs.

IERmEN BRITANNIA CO., (1IITlI".A:!::!~!~tvalt co .. Meriden, Conn.

- - -.. -+-- - -

THE RIKE-KUMLER CO. ......_ -....- _ . - Dayton, Ohio - - - - - - - - Mms and Bertie May Evans 20, of Kings Mills. Rev. G. W. Miller. WlLlter Benge 19, farmer of Frank. lin and Alma Mo{;aud.1ees, 18, olerk of Ridgeville. Rev. Dalley, Spring. boro. Real Estate Tl'8D!fers. .

hlaking Life Safer Everywhere life Is being made more safe throagh the work of Dr. King's !\jew Life Pills in Constipll. tion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indi. gestlon, Liver troubles, Kidney OIt!ell.sElS and Bowel Disorders They're easy, but sore, and perfeot. Iy build up the health . 250 IltFrt'd O. t;obwartz's.

------------------~--------------------------~-------Time Lock .nd Rt'palr Work

hclusln Agency for "Century" Ad]" table Stetl Dr. win,t' Tables

THE C. W, HAIN SAFE CO" Columbus, Ohio, ~i.r ~~vm~m

Bi1ls-W, C. St. John, repairs at Court HOUS8, ,24 5 j J. M. Mulford , XENIA MAN SUICIDES stamps, j Oregonia Bridge Co , Lyin~ in a pool of hil:! own blood oc,ntraot, '185.11 j oontraot, 187.77 j W. B. Stanage & Co., bla.nks for tbat triokled from a bullet WOUDU in Corpmon Pleas Court. treasurer, ts.50 j Ruggles-6ale Co" his head lind the revolver tbllt bat'! New Suits. blanks for probate j)ldge, 16 j B. C. ended his life gripped tightly in his C.rl Guthrie va. State pf (,)hto. Dakin, ~xamination of oommiseion. band, the bedy of Benry Bankard, Pe"tloa:tlledinerror. B.F. Barwitz, ,Sylvan A. Lewis to William S. ers' report,·,aO. J. P. O\Vens, 8ame, former superintendent of the Green attorney for plaintUJ tn error. Bettlemeir real estate in Warren ISO. oounty infirma ry Clnd township . . County 11. •- • trustee.eleot, was found in his bed Court ProceedloiS. Sylvan A. Lewi8 exeoutor, to ~ A Wild Blizzard Raging Wednt!8day morning. Be ha.d been . I Wllliam A. Bet&lemeir l'eal estate in brings danger, soffering, often death , melanoholy of late, but his friend., Sarah' E. Simonton vs, William ' Wanen County Turtleort1ek town- to thousand8, who take OOids, ooughs dtd not 8uspeot thllt he oontemplated SimontoD. Coan 'orders p~aintiff Ihlp 13150.' . lind lagrip~tha' terror of Winter suiolde. and Spriug. Its danger signals are . , . . ' . to ha... Genam desoribed real eatate William Ward,,> Alpha T. Ward "8tuffed up" nosf.l'ils, lower part of Mr. Bankard is one of tbe best. III alimony. real estate in Warren and Clinton n08e sore, ohills and tever, paiu in 'known men in the couut·v a.nd wal! Jaoob Shumaker vs, Jal. E. Shu· ooun"6II, 11, love and e8teem. ' back of head, and a throa'-grlppln g oonsidered to be in. good finanoial maker. ' 1'laiDtur dilmillM aotion. WUUam Ward to James W. Ward oough. When Grip attaoks, as yon oiloumstf\noe8. He 1 ft UO note to '," . . . rTI value your life, don't delay gett\ng I Lydia, Van-Barl\ng8n ...... E. P. relll estate in Warren and vlinton Dr. Kiug'8 . ~ew Discover.y... "On ~ -explain the deed . NelUe. Court. oidera· aUe.-aUon in oountiel, 11, and other valullblboon bottle oured me," writes A. 'L. Duun . - , petUton ai 'p rayed,for. aideratton. ?f ~ine ,Valley, Miss., "after. bein~ Saved at Death s Door Ii. •.Baker:Bewttt Va. O. S. MOUDY William S . Unglesby to Marianna Iud up three weeks with .Grip. The door ot dea t,hseemed rendv to · De ... .cleo! ed t 11 Butz real 68tiate in Franklin town. For sore, lungs. Bemorrh!lge " open for Morrllv W Ay rs, of '{'fa n aI t e • ~~~er . ar no we .. Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, i B'd N Y h hi I'f Uk_and same ta ov~rruled. . Ihip', II. Bronohltis, Asthma, its supreme. ~~n;!rr:iIY sfl.~e~. e?I ei;a= Oarl Guthrie 'VI. State of Ohio. Ben Reed to Walter and Mary E. 500. '1.00. Guaranteed by Fred C. dreadful oondition," ha writes, "my &nnW hil petition in er· Fitts real esute in Springboro, Ii, Schwartz. • _.. skin WIlS almost yell w j eyeH l'unk. r~r~ , , and Qther JOosideratton8. ONE WAY .TO CUDE A KICKED en; tongue oouted; eml\olRted from Tb deC Ei Id d Ala Etta " " losing 40 poondEl, growing weaker ' Wtl11aiD Sebald Bre"ing Co. "'1. eo or . e an ry " daily. Virulent liver trouble poll JohaBohner. Oourt rules '''7.10 Jrteld to Mary ,A. Main, real estate Rere is a simple way of corlnl a 'og me down to ' denth tn spite of due .;plalnti1t · . in FrankUn ,,>wnship, Warrenooun. kioking horse. It wa. only an old dootors. Tben that matohless meal I Probate Court. ty, '1000. saok filled with hay and suspended oine, Elaotrio Bitters oured me. I . • by a rope from the ceiling so that raj,tained the 40 pounds lost aud now am well aOd strong. .. For ",11 Commlaalooers' ProceedInIS. ·Estate of Julia Stober. Jeoeased. the 1"10k hung jost at the heels of stomaoh, liver and kidney trOUbles, Fira' aDd'flnal aooount. Contraote-Contraot was entered a ViOl0US horse as he etood In the thfly're Bupreme. 500 at Fred C. Boward W. hinl; admini8trator,' into with Sbar~leandBevls Maohine etall. Whe!l the sllok W'IlS first Sohwartz·s. • _ ••_ __ VI..Sarah B. King et al. Ordered to Company, for labor and material in pIs oed in pos~tion the kioker let fiy Of oourse none of us believe in 8811 real 8I&ate at J>rivate sale. repairing Sixth .treet Canal bridge both feet at it as soon 8S lt touohfld ghosts, but after all, iin't it a fact Eaule of Geol'le IA. Dmnbaoher, in Franklin at esU~\te '41.66. I him, but atter ten minutes of that ,~hat you would ra.ther have some of work he oome to tbe oon· d-~---. D1etrtbuUveaooouutfiled. Contrao' was entered into with kind 1 i b k one along when you have to walk III real eaute of Mahala Ward Jerry Greely for lumber a8 de80rt~ 0 Ul! on t at; the sao would ret·ui'n the oemetery at night? deoeuecl. -Ordered to P"y Inber: M,isoellaneous-A petition signed just as often as he struok it aDd he • _ • itanoe tax amoUD,'of 'whioh is fixed by John O. Simpkins and others finally gave up trying to "knook it Everyone has too muoh oonfidenoe byoeurt. . ' . praying for the laying outand estab· out." This same horse oan now be in medlolne. Boward W. hins, admm18trat'o r Iishing of a oounty road along a cer. hitohed to auy vehlole and he will - - -••-.----._--n. sarah. B. King et 801. Report of tain de~oribed rQute is presented in not kiok at anything that hs.ppens WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES.. ule OQnflrmed and wstrtbutioIi of accordanoe with law. to strike ,h is heels. proceeds ordered. Petition signed by l!'rank Mlller • ~ ...- - " St. Augustine's Catholic Church. ' i and others for the alteration of An Irish evallgelist always ad. Fatber George Ml1venboefer, Pastor , Union road in Franklin township 4reseed 'his hearers as "dear soulll," Mass every !;ccol1d Sunday of tbe mOQtb I road for first time. bllt be oome to grief when addre8s· \I :00 a. ID. Edmond,Schooley 24, farmer of On motion James Follen /dr., is ingtl.naudienoe in Ireland, be called St. Ma.."Y's Episcopal Church.] Pleaeant Plain aud .1 AuraC. Waites, employed as janitor at ooort house them "dear Cork souls. " Rev. J. F. C~dwalJllder, Rector. 19, domestio of Lebanon. Rev. W. for ,50 per mODth and Raymond • - • Sunday Scbool. 0 :30 ~. m M'ornl ng lIer' . We'd give "lot for ~n ~pple "turn vice. 10 :30 a. m. Holy Communion tbe first A. «?ooper. ' Harshbarger as 6sslstant at $40 per .... ~ Sund~y 01 eacb montb. Olear Arnold 22" laborer of KingB) month. over" Ih~t tasted as good IlB some we ate ~bout thirty' years ago. _ Methodist Episcopal Chur"b. Rev, H. W. Bruley. Pastor. ' Sunday Scllool, 0 : 30 a. m. Morning lIer· WAS OF THIi EARTH. EARTHY. v\lle. 10 :30 n. m. Ep,,:ortb Lengue, 7 :00 p. m. Ii:\'onlng Rervlce , 7 : 00 p . m . Midweek ' LIttle Baby VIncent Not Ple••ed wIth Prlyer MeetIng, 7 p. m.

County Courts


The Best farm Paper free for aYear









That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for

Oelicate Children -



. - ,• • ~ old - . . . . ... ...a W ' DO appetit.. I ..~ ... ViDOi, ............. to ....... at o.c..' sa.. ,.....npiclIy a '....t. c,oIOI' ....W.H.GILIIORF.,DaruId,MicIa. ,~.-Ie,

'i s -

Ytno. . "My two t'ildrea, who we" puay and ailina, "'idly _aiDed f1eeh uad"


atnqth· whea I to pe them ViDol. I proYed that Vmol Ie &apl_. did tonic for delicate cJUW,..~Mra. C. AlLEN. New 1Ieclh,I:di ...... ~p healthy flesh' and mak~ tlPn litt1e. li~~s rooJid Children love to take it. .: . .. . .

buUde • e .....·

=. __

~ ey 'wiaaoa. ......... 'U 'vIaoa . . . . . . . .elJlnlt .............. ..".•• TI7 ..........

..,. E. ,JANNEY, Drull~8t, WaynesvUle. ·

Christian Church. Rev. M. E. Dawson, Pastor•. There t. an eternal masculine .. Sunday Scbool 9:30a. m, Social meetln,. tl an eternal femInine, and tn 10:3011. m. Obr/qtlan Endeavor. 6:80 p. m. the "oung ma8cullne animal of tbe Regul~r church servlce.~Second Sunday eacJa i . human race the Idea that It la Dot con· month at 10:80 a. m. and 7: 00 p. m. al.tent with bls dIgnity and strength Hkkslte ,Friends Church of cbaracter to be conlldered too good First Day l4eetlnl{, 10 :00 11. m. lo'lrst Day develoPI earl". This was sbown the SQt.ool, other dl17 bt a vary llttle man nauaed 10 :0 0 a.1'1m.;00 n, . w. Founb Day Mce'inr Vincent, who Is 10 .small that bll bowledle of tbe _ .. worda .Is a. . Orthodox Friend. ChUrch Jet TeIT rudlmentarr. t'he little IIrl, Rev. Benjamin Bawlll.ns. Pastor, wbo ta older. had retuttod from Bun· ~C:;abbatb Scbool. 9 :30 a. m.- ReltUlar:ch'ureb day scbool, and gradmamma had Borvlce, lQ ·qo a,' w. CbrllItlan Emloa.vor. alked. .her, 011 general ,prlnclplei, what .. ;30 p. DI tll. lelson waa about. " '" ' "Oh, ,aboot ~gell," replied the llttle 'ClrI fnd~llnttely. and then~ ieelng a po .. IIbla application, .be tll1'1le4 ' to tbe baby, alldlng, "And ,011 are. a ' UtUe and Embab,ner. ~I,el, ~Il't 7~\1, VluflentT" . .' . Baby mtaJl~ ' hai. beell expected to Will be found' ,in . t~e old .lie ' pleased a~ Okll compliment. d\,Oo .' Bank Bunding;·. <?pposite tionat811 glyPt ' but Dot . at . '.u.' 'He: , the National Bank. ICrewecl up btl liDall face, ' threw au Telepho~'8 . fn, .houie and of· . the· force of ,ilia lmaD.aDd Into thl fi08 where 'T .OM1 be aeJ1ed lIuUiQ toaeth4Pnlll tile JI'OJII" ..... day or nlght• uad bunt O1Jt: : Valley Phone 16-" " "H~I .... 1MQ'... ,

Farm and Fireside Free to You



which we can. end you the n w ami g rcater Farm and Fil'esid ,the greate t farm and hom e paper in Amcrica, absolutely withoutctlst Furm al ld to· ' yonr.;;{'lf. FireSlitle com s rwi'trll .....:....;:=:n· . month. twenty· four big issues during the ye~lI' . The publi'lh 1'.'\ of arm and Fir de have just sp n1' $60,000 in improving thi great pap r which, for 3:; years has b en the tan· durd farm pap~l' or Amer· ica. They want more of our readel'i! to know this great farm and home pa· p·w. and th at is why we al' able to make you this offe r' in connection with the Miami Gazette.

A Beautiful Calendar, Too But this is not all. This offer includes not only the ,Farm and l'lreside for a whole year. but the most b.eautiful and ol'isrinal 'art calendar for 1910. The Baby Calendar is 11 by 17 inches in size. an:1 is pl'inted in many colors on the most expensive art-stock. You get the calendar, free of cost, with this ' offer if you act at once. The original painting of this baby has excited more admiration and delight than any baby picture ever exhibited. It is truly won· derful. Every time you look at this sleepy boy you want to yawn" too The calendar will be 'shipped to you carefully rolled in a tube, postage fully prepaid: To get the calendar you should ~lct today. The ~\iamj Gazette Needs no introduction, as 'our read ers kllow that it is the best news dispenser in the county.


, 1910


fh IS ~abndar fre! to VI)n

.. For a short time only the Miami C8zette make8 you t~ls great- subscriptiOn offer. We will ,ent:l YOU Farm and P'1;eslde twice every month, . for one ye~lr; we will also8~nd you ttte Baby Calendar, carefully packed In a tube, .,ostage prepaid. and we will send 1

A~ MAF.F IT'-"

you the Miami Cazette ALL POR ONLY t'"the price of : the :Cazette alone. 'This offer 18 .unparaileled. It wont last long.• , You.should act rtght away. ' . "







Un4ertaker ............. -

. "'Vi"~1 and· plump.


Implied Compliment.

A Great Opportunity for Miami 'Gazette Readers The Miami GUl. tte has just concluded all extraor·



0' AII KHda





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Send your order todaY to



Kala StnIet,

Wa,...riIi... Ohl

Money must aceompany order -.~_ _~~"!!"!!"'~~~~. . ._ _ _ _ _. . .~...._~~


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Tb,c.,.:~o::C;:·~:~~.Y EP;"O.!rt;·;:;:;::·~:;:;:.:;:;·;.;;::~;,;~;:;,;,;,;:;:.:;,;:;,::;:;:;,>:;;,;:;,:;::;,:;,;,:::;:;t;,~:~:::::~'~':~:~~::~::::;,;,;~;;,;:;\;,::;;::,:':,;::,:,:.:.: :. :..',.,::

THE · MIAMI GAZETTE . I f'u 1)11 It d

pil i ohuroh Wednf)s~I'y evenlng, I::: ~:l' t htlt fl nded In Mi8s ,Jose Mu.rie Uhm. ::: .:. .\' beoomlDlot I,he bride of Robert Hill, 1~ geD0rul1 y deolared to be the I ~:~ ~:~ II~U,.t bllliut,lful lind Im pre!!l8i ve wed. ::: ::: clillK h e ld in M1UUJi lD u nUUlber of ::: :::, yeurs, ::: ::: As 6 11 rl .v liS Ii :110 0 'olook, the :i: ~:i churoh Wuil well fill ed wlt.h friends ::: ::: of tha bl'ide Il.nd g room, anti I1t !!lX ::: :~: 0 clOCk . the b t)ur IlpPoiuted fol' the !::: ::: ct1 rt!mony, th e ohuroh wuS fill ed ' l::: ::: with mllnv tltandinK on tbe porcb ' I::: ::: J Utlt before the bridlil purty en ~:l i:~ tel'~d, MI'8 _ B. Pierre Brllnning, }.Ire ::; ::: " .. ~1(liDg ut the organ, played u sbort ' :,::. ::: volnotl\ry. This wus followed by • • , "The Voice O'er Eden," the hrldal ::: ::: IJI'OClltlsion1l1, t o the mllsio of tbllt b~lIutiful hv mn • "Jerus~lem the :::• • :::• Gulden " Th e firtl~ ver8e WIiS sung ::. ::: IU tbe oboir rllom by the large choir ::: ::: "f Millm l '8 best singer"" and At the :~: ::: bl' ghming of the !!ecQud varse, tbe ~: ::: oholr 6ntnred t,he ohurch . ::: ::: I'he bymn ended, the ohoir lm- ::: mediately b~gan t·osing Lohengrln's ! ::: bridal chorus, wbloh signaled tbe :::' ::: e ntranoe of IhA brldul plirty. Tho ::: :::



RatctI 'of Subscription On ' \'l''' r(~tr\oo l l\' III Ililva n ,.) ..... . . . . . .~ I. lill

~ 1" " ll'

Cu py .. .


. .. ....... .



Rates of Advcrti!lements Headin g Loc" I•. vet line ..... .. . . . .. . ~c ~leadllnlldloeul~. "ll'CK fae '. JXlr 11',1' . .. .. 100 ntis Ilc , \ dli, nul I f) exec'" 11\'1' II nt:w. 'I'hrae I,,"cn lo lls.. . ""'.""" 260 OI,ltu nrlc!I, In ch.'s fr eo; u y,c r fl ye 5e n' por Itn~ ... . . . .. . . .. . . ... Card of th n nk • . .. . . . • .•. •.. .. ... .. ... . . 2r.e

Res(llullon ~ ... . . . . . ... . ....... ....... r,oc

:Socials ctu, where c1ulrgc lij maue ...... 'lI~pl a V Ad \'l' nl.lul( . 1I1'r I IIeh. . . . .. . ... DI8CO LIlltH Kh 'c lI 0 11 co nlract.

~5c lUe

JA 1'V AH¥ 5. 1910 .

We mok" rnt.I!~ll!es of course, we ara buml1n hke'ynu . Weoverhellril two individu.lll talk1ng I1bout thf' way we run thlll paper. Imr! it mllde U8 feel like a Mexican peso with II bole punohed in it. We doublf'. timed it down to our den and crawled 1n through a blil'lk w1>:dow, resolv iog not t,o go borne uotil the 8had ows or nigbt had f,\llen over Mars Bo' wben we !lrrivec\ ut our dOl!k anrl looked into oor lIobsorlptio,D bookll, to onr OWHzement we di800v ered this know all.things well 80n of uHtnre Wlhl no' a sub 8«lrlber. Now, whllt we "re tryiug to find out Is. whoso pllper did he borrowP-Mu.rll (P" ) Disparob.


--... TOOT!



T . TooUes, a tOt,or, Instruoted 11 lo.)ter To tootle t\VO tout.s on a nute, 'l'be tootor, T . Tt'~ I er Would tittHr und tl ~ te r And ohew t·uLtl.t r ULti, to boot.


'1'0 show h o w

' tWIIII flut.ed ; T . Teeter thell t,,"I,t:d it, t oo. "¥il11 -~r tbH ," 'l'be tlltor "old Te t, r And tooted: "l'wo 100tH , '2 . 0~. "


12,02 t·o tnt or Paid T eeter thtl toote r; 'I'ben Tllotl II Ne nl Illlt I 'll' Il tt)Of, Thi8 'oote r whu Wllt el! He ..oooted Imd hooted vVhlle tooting b\s' wUd 12.02 toot, U" me Teet-er tbe t",oter To hil.4 tootlug tutor And went on t,be toot with hhu too. Than tl ttere<1 T. : "This toot's uo r('pellte r, A '2 02.lcss tlltor Ilre you ." . the two tnotflrQ r'totlng At 2 WAt§: Q!!illPllI i og - ~ The .02 the toot· left of 12.02, "Com~, ' borne In ns t · t.te r," They t!i~bed, "lor loa wntt'rWe two need tlJ " cd ODr toot., too. " - W e~torn PIl hlisb ur,

Do You Get Up , With a Lanie Back?


,~.~.~ ~:~



'11 b b f th t . l~,:~ .: :.:: WI e y ar e grea est semI-annua :.: :;: '.'•


: : :.:.:~. .:.


::: :::

:!: :::

We have ever held, on account of our large s·tock, due to the mildness of the season, and it will be your greatest opportunity to save money on the reliable merchandise for which this store is known.

::; '.:~.': ::. :.: .:. ::: :::

Come for Bargains, Monday, January 3rd.

1~~ ~~~

'.:~'.; .~ :.:

':. :::

::: .', H un t er & H ard · : : : Ie :: :: ,:~:.

::: .'.

:~: ~:~

~;~',' ~:~': ~


••,.••..•••.•..••......•.•••...•••••••.•••....••••••.•.••...•. ...•.. ·r.·.·..........'•.•.X, .. ~i~~8;~ ~r~~:~:~ a!: ~ l:Sm ~~~: .'! !~:.! ! !.:.! ! !'!:!!!!:.:!.:.~:.:~. ! ! :!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:~.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:! ! !.:.! ! !:.~:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.!!!!!:.=!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!!.:!!'!.:! !'.:..:!!!!!.: ~: .!!!!!:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:!!.:.!!!!!:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!!.:!!!!!.:'!!!!!:.!!!!!!.:~.:.!!!!!:.:!!!'.:.~:.~!.:~.:.! ! ••!:~".:~t:t~~:':"t!~.~.:~.:.~:.:~.:.~:.~:.:~.:.~:.:~.:.~:.~:.:~.:.~:.:~.:~.:.~:.:~.:.~:••!!!!!••:~.:.!!:.:!!.:!!.:.!!:.!!!.:.!!:••!!••:!!.:.~:.:!!':!!I":'II!:.:~':!!.:.!!:.:!!..••!!:.:!!.:!!!!!.:t!!!!!:.:!!!!!.:.!!!!!:.!!:.:!!+!!:.:!!.:!!.:.!!!!!:.:!!.:.!!:.!!:.:!!.:.! :.:! .:! .:.~:....: ::: t ..

l!'ollowing the bride 's muld8 was 3d iss Florence Prioe WiUilLm., milid of honor, and next came the bride, IElllnlng on the a rw of har unole. Mr. Fred .1 . Milgill, 'l'be bri"e groom Ilnd his bAst 1II8n, Benjamin t)bep pl\rd entered thtt oburoh from tbe rector's 8tudy, and met the bride at· tbe aitar. Bere the ImprrS81ve mu rriage 8ervloe of tbe Ept800pal ohurob wap read by the reelor, Rev. N, B. Fal. le r . At the oonclusion of t he lIer_

ding marob, beau,lfolly pl~yed by Mrs. Brlinning. A bride never looked more beau. tiful tban Mrs. BtIl, Ber go Rn W8S bellutifully simple, of whIte 8lltln, with train, and wtthout ornament exoo'p t 1\ mllgnifl~nf; point llloe flnbll IUllde by M.r8, L . E Maglll, mother IIf the bride's uPole. 'l'he veil, wbich Wllo8 also woro by the ·bride·to .. unt stlveral years ago waa crowned witb peJlrls, aud the briue ollrrled 8 prayer }>ook, Mill!! ~loreDce Prioe Wllli~ms, tht' moid of _h (ltiur W88 handRomely gownedin II. white moll gown, wtt.b an 1i1l over llice tuniC, and Ilke lobe bride's maidlil, oarried a oluster of yello.v ohrY"Rnlhemum8. MillS Amy Sruitb, the first of the hride's mutds to enter was gowned In a wbite lioRerie frook, trimmed wit b lace, llnd MIs8 Julia B M.onroe wore IL blind80we white )8ce dre8", '11tlde Ml1ry Jilne st,yle, wlth pink silk medallion8. Mill8 May MaVDllrd wore" pretty white swis!! frook, mllde M... ry Jane 8tyle. . MIf'1I Maud COtlohman and MiSll Lillian l:mgb, the ribbon bellrers UD folded tbe long wbite ribbons, all tb~ brida.l psrty left th" c~\1rch . A recept.ion was bela I\t the hOllle of tbe bride's unole and aunt, Mr lind Mrs Fred.J. McGill. after tbe wedding, v-bere tbe hridlll party ohoir t1~d 0. few frhmda Ilnd rei "lives of Mr bod Mrs ., Hill showered ooogratull\tlons un tbe popular Joung couple. , D licioo8 ohiokllD sllllld, olives,

• •••••••••• ,

, •••••• , .

, •••••• , .



• •••••••••••• •

• ,.......

• • • • • • • • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •••••••••••••• ••••••• ••


.-..!.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• •


frieuds, will spend two week8 in the l .----------------------------~ I Elomestead dl8triot, on a hunting I I A Purely ,vegetable Laxative f trip ·-The Miami Metropolis. I Mr. Bill, a former resident of J Cures Chronic Con8tipatioD, and All Warren ooun\y, i8 a brother ot Mrs. Liver and Kidney Troubles. 1 ~~----Clem Barnett, or thi8 pillce. For ute at Inc !ollowlng pla ~eII : Tbe Gazstte extend8 hearty oon, gra t.latlon8. Zimmerman's, KUbon's, TUDE MAlIK • ---DESIGNS White'., Mountjoy's Springfield, Ohio. CO,"YRIGHT8 &0. A Wretchtd Mistake An,oa. len dln • •• keteb .nd d...".IJ>t1Oft 111., , qaJoVI, u certall' Qu.r opinion wb. tber aD Inyonllnn II probabl, p(Io ummB~.()ommunl_ to endure th~ itobing" painful dis· tiona II.rlclll oon OdentlaJ •. """ It on I'atenla IHIDL tree. Oldeat, for leeDr nlf.pat lnr.. tres8 of Piles. There 8 no need to. l"ateDta takeu. th ruu,,1t .Iunn • co. ......1. . Li,ten: "I lIu1rered much from ~ ftOl«<:e, wi t ho lit cb..... in tb. PUe~," writes Will A. Mtuah, of tiller City, N 0 I "till I got; a box of c. W. HENOERSON,M.O.[nu. HATHAWAY bandlo", el, IIII1. tr.ted weekI,. l, Cfto 1 c~ulatltJll BaokleR'e Arnica Salve, and was ('I t. ,,"y , elontlGc Journal. Torn.I, ea. ,el\l' : rour month., 80111 b,~ n."IId.. I..... 800n oured . .. Borns, BoH8,. Uloerlil, Waynesville, OhIo. 1' . R . 'Jes vme's Lea.ding .D eon8' 1 Fever Sores, Eczema, Cnts, ' .happed R. S · a lSroacMr· IYew Office in Keys Bldg. MaIn at; I Bands, OhllbllliDS, vani8h before it. Brancll ~l!Ic:e, &16 r St... W...w ,.111<10 D.~ Valley Phone 153 Main Street I 250 at .Fred C 8ohwartz '8.


The Albpa Chemical Go.

.- ...




Sdtntific JlmtTlcan.




. -.,

HICKS' ALMANAC FOR 1910 Ready November 15tb, 1909, a splendid yearbook, on aatronomy and me't!orology, the 'only one o.)n tainiog the ori&ino.l"Bioks Weathtlr Foreoiuts. I t By mail, postpai il, 350,






o nnewstal~all~~k-~we.~O~~~41._--~--~~--------~

with a yellr'8 subsoription to Word I\nd Work8, the Rev. Irl R . Biok8 Monthly Magazine , the be8t II mont,l1ly tn America. lJisoounts on Almanllo8 tn qountities. AgeutR wanted . Remember, the genuine "Bioks Forecast!''' are not publi8hed anywhere eille-yoo get them only in his own publication8, Word and Works Publillbiog Vo, 2201 Looust St.. St.. L outs, Mo. • _ ••- - It novt'r lower!! a ma.n's dIgnity' to· side atep trouble. ~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~!!"!!'!~~!!!!!!!!"'!!'!!


TI;iE BEST WOMAN'S MAGAZINE AND THE BEST NEWSPAPER AT A REMARKABLY LOW PRICE...... . That's what come8 of getting together. We have combiDeo with the publish r of t he best woman's magazine. The r esul t is that you can have the magazin , Woman's Home Companion, and The Miami Gazette for the ve r y I w price given beJow. Woman's Home ompanion is too well known need indorsement from us. Wi th its line t ories. it"~ sple ,did l,ti'J 'S, i~ m!1ny pra:!tical departments, Woman's Home Companion stands at th very i ront rank of w man 's magazines. The price of Woman's Home Companion is now $] .50 a y r, an d Lhi. offor is a s ectal bargain which we can offer for flhort time only. ' Take adva ntage of the bargain while you SVMMER STOR.V NUMSER can, It won't be good for long.




J. H. SMITH, Prop.

Home Companion

Waynellville. Ohio. one year and

In room fornierly oooupled by Katbe~ine Alexander. Special , Attention




The .Miami Gazette


one yea,





~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.~ .-.~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~

lt14Dc1 Troublc ItIakcs You IllsenblCo Chlld,e~'s Hal,·Cutttna· AlmOlt everyone knows of D ,'. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney • liver and bladder remedy, .be· ,. ~ ~ C!luse of its reul!lrk. ealttnes-and pineapple punob W8' (1 able health restoring lJer"ed, itS well 'I ll'the wedding oake, ALTER C JL lTRE, properties, Swamp. Root fulfilla almost ('ut hy the bride /lod groom. FU'o eral Dlrer.tor. every wish ill· The we"dt'l~, wbloh united two cODllng rheumatism, of Miami's yonn~ people, w.a one ~in in the back, kid· neys, liver, bladder of the most interelltlng In the ."ity'8. Telephone day 01 ulght. , I" and every part of thfl history. The bride, who came h ere Valley phone No, :. f.ang - urinary J?u!IIlge. It ___ ~_lS ... k:::50-·, corrects mability to lIeveral yearl! SilO, t. h en a .mere g I r I, Distanoe No, 69-'-. hold water and scaldirigpain in pa88in~it, bill! Rcquired friends in epdles8 uom . • .; OHIO. orbadeffectafoll,owinguseofliquor,wlDe hflrll, I1nd ber beauty a8 well 88 be.r WAYNESVILLE, or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant I B -'- om H b '0 necelility of being com~lled to go o.f un hrl~ht bappv dii\pollit.ion, hJ\ ve all ranAi . ee, _"e1:1. Urc' • thiough the ·day, and to get up many ·oomblned to hold thAse friendlt . times QuriJ!g the night. ' bride groom bas 1)ee.n, a reel . SwamP-Root il not·r,ecommended for evetYthillg but if y(?U have kidney, liver dent of 'M1ami about four yea~, and .o r blladder: ' trouble. it "ill be.found just for t,he palt ,two years h!is ~eld the the remedy you n.eed. ·. It has been.thor. . . 11 .,~!ldhas re.~nslb1e p08itiop 9.' ~ylng te er proved 80 8ucce88ful .. that a spec~al ar· ,10 the ,Bal1k of 811Y B~rne ~ H~, sangement hal ,been made by whIch ~1l I~ a yoqng ' man ofmuob bU8ine8s '. . . .' " ..Ii ': . feadera of thiS paper. who have not ,al· resdy tried it, may hav~··a I18mpl~ bottle., 8 blli t,y, ",,~.he pO~8e8M6$1~0r.e;.bi~nu' . .lent free ,by mail, alia a . ~k tel~nK, tha.u· t:be average yo.uD~ man. . ' more '.bout Is~mk~Root, and bow to', .' i'he present8 .. .rowered' IlPoD the Cele'bmlc\,l ~Dlj ·.I,.)e, perf~ 6' LslmplldtYllld findoatifIouhave la.e . ' . , .,.'. rellablllt)' n~rl)' to )''''' I:S... ~ tirtld· In II~Qrt)' bi.ader·troQble. ' brt'd e werp . 'maRnUloent : aod innn , e Ter)' cit)' ,,!,d lO"'n.l" . lh~ u',;I~,1 S.!'I~C. Dlld • . . ' , '. ~ i . . . ' . Ollftllda, or .by: mall . d,recl. ~'nra I n , \ Ih~ n ;C Writing.m~tiOD merabltil, and the manl' pre-noptial·, lui, other ,make; Selld rr lree call1lo~ reading thiS generoul ' t th 'l)nd IleCAU.. ~G.UINE ' " offer in this paper and aUen tlone It van e , e .r~ ~~ . Iolote · sUMcTlbers ,bill • ..,. otber fuhloll . IeDd ~r .Aadreu to .nreoedea&ed tn Ilillmi. " 1D"..~lne-.. lll1on. month. J ,yjjl ~b!e. La," . r . . ell at)'lea, pauem. , . dre....Hn ••. m.lII'D~. ' I mer N& Y COft" !:..;.I·r·~ ut I 'Ur .ILDtl Mrs, Bill . left yesterday Dr. pl~ _lrir;faaC1 lleeclIftrotk.liaJt4mal.,. BbI.bamtoa •• e a,"&_ ~ , .u~... IIiIod, ,,~ U" IY'IQ CCH~ • . aDd- ~o~ bottl_ are 101d for" ten dAY liMY In lia:VIDa, 111• • · l -.(.ortIitktublc). Illcludln, .. flee P,lt~ miatake an Don't maJte 1 of Hr .Ddlln. E~ B.RiaD relattv. ..biCrlbe lOr . aU batclnsUiltl. . her the· name 8wamp-Root, • • . '" WO:aIDI'VI. 1IIDUAM$i.8 ,


~;: ::; .. '.' .:. .::'.' :.:•. . :::


three u8hers, Allen T. Bill, J. WlLtt 14 16 and 18 Third St. .'IIUeli lind W1lliam Burdine entered ::: ::: • X ~ fi"8t They were followed by the .:. :".~.!.-•••••••••••••••••lI.·.·•••••••••·.·•·.•.·.••·•·•·............:•.•:.:.:..•:•••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:...:.............. .·.·.·.·.·.·t·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·

vloe, tbe ohoir Rllng the Seven Fold Aruen, at tbe oonolu&ion of whiob the bridal partv left the oburoh to the I!tfllins of ' Mende)~lIohn '8 wed

"Two toots," snid the too ter To Tootles, tl'e tut.ur, • ' A re l\ \I tbe Ln, t,1I 1 would root." ~'Tut, tilt,, " 8I\.ld thll tutor Addres8IUg t,be t('oter ; -"12.02, th~~n-:-;;;' to toot"





I::: ::: I::: :::



.. •

To begin MON . DAY, JA





Ilayton's Grea ·D ry Goods .. • •




""K " UT



I::: :;:

D. L ' Itt\Nf,; , EJitor


tilda" .. tell.

Both for $1.75 4 '

A NOVEL- BV Greater Woman's Home Companion


Will be the most interestlnlr-the moat useful-the ' most beautiful woman's magazine published.

Twelve Big Numberi ~ere

~a Katharin~' Green, Eli~beth': Stu~rt

wit! b:e'fic;tion by Phelps, Mary Wilkips Free-. man. K~~ DO.uglB:S Wig'gi,n , Mar~~t Del!lnd •. Juliet Wilbor .TompkinS, Myra Kelly, Josephine Das· . .... . . kam ,Baco~.~and a host of.ot~el'fl-all the ,.peSt ~riters llowbefore ·the public, . .


' .'





.All th\s an~ne MiiUili Gazette.yoU can·have:' for ·oniy .$1.7S• . Bu . you

.must ·order .NOW • . ~memberW~ a special oonci!8Bion we've se<!llred ~or 'y'ou that 'w~n't' lastOlong. .You be in time if you 'order tOday.

... •











' .



• •

<~~.nan'T · ·h'H. eOM~~·IalDI · C:~";~~tt~n. '(BOth 'irir ~niY $1.75\ And uage e .. '. .... l· .-


i - '




QAZE·TT~. · Wa,"~.vlll~. 5


· ~~~~~~~ · ~~~~~~l~~~~~••~.~.~.~•••~~•••~•••••~~~•••••~••~••~••~

. ........,....._... y ...... eftI7~ . hen. lb. aa4 lin. lUll, With It few ....... ee. . . . ..... . .... . iIw . . . . "


ID 10 poor a faabloa. .fter MIld· Ing them to IInder«o hardshlpa and slave!T. So the Scarecrow at last askod tbe green girl to tAk ' anoth r messag to Oz. lIaylng It he cUd not let them In to seE! blm at once they would c~1l tb WInged MonkeY'1 to help t hem. and find out wb tber he kept his promises or not. "'ben Ule Wizard was given this message he was so frightened t.hat be s nt word for them to orne to the throne room at four mlnut s aCter'· nine o'olock the uext mornin g. - He had once me t tbe Winged Monkeys in tho Lalld of the West. and be did Qat wl sb to m et th III again . Tbe rour travelers pass d a sleep· less nlgbt, each thinking ot lhe gltt Oz had promlsod to beslow II pon him . Dorothy r II aslt' Jl only once. lind then sbe dreamed sh e wal5 In Kansas. wbere Aunt Em was tOlling her how glad she was to have her IIltie gtrl at home again. Promptly at nine o'clock Ihe next morning t he STeen whiskered soldl r came to them. ILOd four minutes later th y all went Into t.h e throne room of the Great 015. or course oac h one ot t hem ex· pecte d to II e t he Wllal'd In the sbape he had taken befor e. and al1 were greatly surprised whe n they looked about amI saw no oue at 0.11 in tho room. They leopt close to the door and closer to one anoth r. ror tbe sU l1ness of tho empty room was more dreadful tban any of the forms tbey bad see Oz ta ke. Presently they bard a Voice. seem · Ing to come from somewhere u ar tbe top of the great dome. and it said solemnly : . "I am Os. t be Great and T e rrible. Why tIo you se k me?" They looked again In every part of the I'oom. and then. lIeelng no one, Dorothy asked: . "Where are you?" "I am everywhere." answered the Voice. "but to tbe eyes of common mortals I am Invlslbl . 1 will now leat myself upon my throue. that you ma, convene with me." Indeed. the

rn ~" an"fb IDr "". "ut me to... • Our frlendll lcoked at bim hi IUrprlso nud dillmay. "I t hough t Oz WIlS a gre~t Head." said Dorpthy_ "And 1 thou ht Oz- ' WM a lovely Lady." Sllld the Scarecrow. .IA nd I thqught Oz was a terrible Beas t." said th"! Tin \Voodm'a n. "And ·1 thou~ht Oz was a ·Ball of Fir ." exclaJmeli the Lion.. "No; YOII a re all wrong." aald the BOY BETRAYED GEN. MORGAN littl e man. meekly. "I have been IDa· king believe." ' Mystery Finally Cleared-For Years "Mallng b 11 ve!" cried Dorothy. . Betrayal Was Laid at Door "A re yo u no t a sr at Wizard 1" of Young Woman. "Hush. my dear." he sald; "don·t speak s o loud or you will , be over· A whole lot of Q1Iestions that !>urheard- and I should be ruined. l'm vived th -1\' 11 war wUl be dlscus8ed supposed to be a great Wizard." and ne\' r se Wed so lon g as an) of "And aren't you?" she asked. th participants are alive. One of "Not a bit or It. my dear ' I'm jus~ thes Is nround the death of Gen. John a common man." H. Morgan. the confedcrate lea ler. "You're more than that." sa id tbe who led a raid Into Ohio and Indiana Scarecrow. in a. CTleved tone; "you'rf! and Jl netrated fartber Into north rn II. humbug." territory tqan any other southern "Exactly eo!" dec lared the little! cOlUmander. Gen. Morgan was cap· man. rubblllg his bands together al If lured nea r the OhIo rl\'er. carrlt.d to It pi ased hlmj "I am a humbug." tbe Ohio penitentiary. escaped. r eor"But t his Is terrible." said the T1n ganized his command and was k1l1ed Woodman; "how s hall I ever get my at Greene,·l11e. Tenn. beart 1" N. H. Gaines. a Kansas City dent"Or I my courage ?" asked the Lion. Ist, was an adjutant In Gen . Morgan's "Or I my brains?" walJed the dcare· ommand and saw his commander crow, Wiping the tears from hll eyes killed at Greene ville. He had Investiwith his coat-sleeve. gated the causes of the surprise. cap· " My dear fri ends," said Oz. "I ture. and shooting of Morgan. An pray you not to spea\{ of these little answer to a le tter written to Greenethings. Think of me. and the ter· ville roc ently Is, he beli e ves. Ule true rlble trouble I'm tu at being found story. . out.·J "I had a lways believed that a "Doesn't anyone e lse know you're young woman. the daughter·ln·law of a humbug?" asked Dorothy. Mrs. Catherine D.. Williams . whose "No one Imows It but you 'tour-and busband was with tbe union ' army. myself." repli ed Oz. "I bave fooled ga ve th federals Information whoch everyone so long tbat I thougbt I led to tho surprise. capture and deutt\ should never be found ouL It was 11 of Gen. Morgan." MI'. Gaines said. great mIstake my ever le tting you tnto "When we approacbed the Williams the throne room. 11sually I will not home on the day before Morgan was see e ven my subjecta, and so they be- kl\led we saw this young woman ride lieve I am something terrible." away from the house. Gen. Mvrgan "But, I don't understand:' said Doro- was suspicious and asked Mrs. Wil· thy. In bewilderment. "How was It IIams wbo the young woman wall and that you appeared to me as a great wb ere she was going. The reply was Head 1" . that the young woman was going to a "That was one of my trIckS." Iln· ne lghbor's bouse (or watermelons. swered Oz. "Step tbls way. please. The answer was frankly given and and I wlll tell you all about It." we b elieved It at the time. But after He led the way to a small cht\mber the g eneral's death everyone believed in the rear of the throne room, and that the woman who was seen to ride tjley all follow d him. Ue po\nl.,d to away from the house went to where one corner. in which lay the (heat Gen. A. G. Gillem, the federal com· Head. made out of many thlcknNlses mande r. was campeJi and told him ot pap r. and with a carefully pllitJ ted where Morgnn could be found. Mor· fnce. g'a n s tayed all n'ght In the WlIIlams "ThIs 1 bung from the celllng b1 a hOllse and was captured early tbe wire." said Oz; "1 stood behind Ule next morning. He was shot after he screen and pulled a thread. to malte had surrendered and given up his t.he eyes move and the mouth ope n." arms. "But how about the voice?" she in"I wrote to Greeneville some time quired. ago, asking postmaster to refer . ·'Oh. I am a ventrtloQuLst:· aatd tbe my letter to some one who knew ·ot little man. "and I c~m tbrow the souod the c1.rcumstances of Gen. Morgan's of my voice wberev(lr I wish; so .tbat death. I received an answer from A. you thought it W!UI coming out of the B. Wilson of that place. wbo looked \ Head. Here are 00 oth'!r thlna. I Into tbe matter. His answer acquits "Doe.n't Any One EI.e Know You're used to deceive you." He sho'll'ed '.he th~ young woman ot treachery 45 Scarecrow the dree. Rnd the mask he years after the d eath ot Morgan." • Humbug?" . had worn when he soemed to be the Mr. Wllson'S account of tbe death Voice seemed just then to come lovely Lady; and the Tin Woodman straIght from the throne itself' so saw that his Terrltlle neast was Dtlth- of t.he soutbern raider follows: "It Is impossible to run down or rethey walked toward' it and stood 'in a ing but a lot of skins. eewn togetller, row while Dorotby saId: with slats to keep the ir aIdes out. AI fute all reports In rehitlon to this "We have come to claim our prom- for the Ball .of Fin!. the fa\se Wizard event. Because a woman leCt the ise. 0, Oz." had hung tbat also frolA the ceil1ng. home at Mrs. Wi11lams shortly after the arrival of Morgan. Oen. Duke "What promise?" as\{ed Oz. It was really a l)all of cOttoD. but "You promised to send me back to when 011 was pOUNd UpOA it the ball jumped to tbe conclusIon that sbe had acted traitor and' reported MorKansas when the WIcked Witch was 'burned fiercely. '~n's whereabouts to Gen. Gillem. destroyed:' said tbe girl. "Really," said the Scar1jQrow, "you "And you' promised ' to gIve me ought to be ashamed of ~Irselr for This ill talse. The young Mrs. Williams. daughter·in-Iaw of Mrs. Cathbrains:' said the Scarecrow. being such a humbug," erine D, Williams. wb\1e her husband "And you promised to give me a "I am-I certainly am:' &nswtlred was,' I suppose. a union man and heart:! said . the Tin Woodman. the lltUe man. sorrowfuUJ~ "but It "And you promised to give me cour- was the only thlll3 I coulE 40. Sit wltbin ~be federal Unes. was II. south· age." said the Cowardly Lion. .dQwn, pleue. there are I1"'nty ot "Is the Wicked Witch really de· cbaJrs. and I will tell you my .ton." strayed?" asked tbe Voice. and DproSo they sat down and IIs~ned wbU thy thought it trembled a little. he told the following tale: "Yes," she answered. "I melted her "I was born in Omaha-" with a bucket of water." "Why. that isn't very far 'from Kan"Dear me," said the Voice; "bow sasl" orled Dorothy, sudden I Well. come to me to-mor~ "No; but It's farther from. here," he row. tor I JIlust have time to think it said, sbaklng hla head at her, ladly. over." ''When I grew up I became a ventrll~ "You've had plenty at time already," qUist. and at tbat I waa Very w(\l1 saId tbe Tin Woodman. angrily. trained by a great master. I can Imi"We shan't walt a day longer." said tate any kind of a bird or beast." the Scal·ecrow. ' "You must keep your promlaes to Here he mewed so like a kitten that Toto pricked np his ears and looked us!" exclaimed Dorothy, everywhere to see where Ihe was. I The Lion tbought it might be as "After a time:' continued Os, "1 Ured well to frighten the Wizard, so he of that. and became II. balloonist." gave II. large. loud roar. wblch was so "What is that?" asked Dorothy. fierce and dreadful that Toto jumped' "A man who goes up tn a balloon away from him In alarm and tipped' on circus day. so as to draw a crowd over the screen that stood In a corner. of people together and get them to As It fell with a crash they looked pay to see the circus;" he explained, that way. and the next moment all of "Oh," she said; "I know." : them were filled with w9nder. For "Well, one day I went up in a bill· they saw. standing in just the spot loon and the rones got twls~~, 110 the screen had hidden. a little. old that I couldn't come down tigaln. It man. with a bald bead and a wrinkled went way up above the clouds,lIo far face, who seemed to be as much sur- that a current ot air struck It and prised as the), were. The Tin Wood~ carried It many, many miles away. !llan. raising his ' ax. rushed toward For ' a day and a night I traveled "The Person Who Did Give the Info ... the little man and cried out: through the air. and on tbetIlornlng .mallon W.. a Boy Named John "Who are you?" of the eecond day I awoke ahd toun~ Leady." . ."1 am Oz. the Great and Terrible." ~e balloon floating over a . 'strange said the little mlln, In a trembling .a nd· beautiful cbuntry." . ern sympat~lzer just the saine. She voice, "but ,don·t strike me-please (TO ' BE CONTINUED,) ' was, before her marriage a Run· -:-.........,.,,.""""-:---.........,.,,....,.........................___.....;..x;:-____......;,..........,....___..;....,.._.........._.... baugh, one the best tamliles of Vir· tli~m


izard w-Oz



L. Frank Baum

(Copyright. by tho BObbs-Morrlll 0.) Frank Baum &: ·W . W. Denslow.)

I r.o~ht. b)' L.

SYNOPSIS. DorothY lived In l{nn88.e wllh Aunt Elm Uncle Henry. A cyclOIl IIfte,1 tholr Ilomo Into the air. Dorothy fn illng m!lee p .. nildst tho exdtomcnt. A eraa h awak ned ber. The hou s~ had landed In Ii country of ma.rvelous beauty. Groupa ot queer IItlle peoplo greeled her to the Laml ot Munchklns. 'I'h. house had killed their enemy, the wicked wltoh ot East. Dorothy took tho wit b'a sliver shoe8. She IIlnrted (or tho Emeral~ City to I1nd the \VI&ard 0: Oz. who, aho waa promised. might dnd a ,ay to send hor bacle to KanaM. Dorothy released a lIoareorow. 6;lvlng him II Co. He wall d081roila ot aoqulrlng brains and atarted with her to 111. wizard to cot them. The scarecrew told hi. hletory. They mot a tin woodman who Ion god tor a heart. He aleo joIned tbem. They came upon a terrible lloq. The lion conCessed he had no courace. He decided 10 accompany them 10 the Wlaard oC 011 to &,et aomc. Tho lleareClI'OW In pushln~ U\e ratt became Im~&Ied upon his pole tn the middle of the ver. The II oreqrow WBII rellcued by a ~rlle..ndIY IItork. They entered a POppy ue _ wbJcb caulled Dorothy to full 'tbe Icareorow and Un woodman cued her nnd her doS from the dend ly gowel'll. The lion cell. 1l81eep and beIng too eavy 110 Uft. wnll lett. On the search tor tEbO road of yellow brIck whloh led to · the lnorald City they met a wild cat nnd field mIce. The woodm"n k\lled the wild uat. Tbe queen mouse 'bolC1\me frI endly. rheAunt tboulUlnd" of her mIce lIubJecta o "ra.w thll lion away trom tho poppy field. Dorothy "woke from her long ~~ePC'ltThey lltarted agaIn on the Emer)' road. ,They came to a fence P~llted «reen. There were farmlers ot ren. bou8el of green and people dresR d een. It waa the Land ot ·Oz. They lltgrth me • cuardlan ot the Kates. He de-I IIcrtbe« the power of the Wlsard ot ' Oz. ' AU put 011 creen Ipectaoles '&II the brlghta~d glory of Emerald CIty blinded t~emth' The wts."rd deol . ded to receIve one o • party eaoh day. All were put In creeD rooms. Dorothy went to the throne room. In a chaIr IIparkllng with mllralda IIbe beheld an', enormouB head wlth~~t bod)" Ie.. or arms. bIgger tban the nlCPllt ,~nt. "I am 011. the «reRt and terrible, IIBIlI the hend. Oll told her that =nblhe killed the wIcked witch of the t e would lend her home. The,!1mttted to the presence of a beau. . .....y. who aald ahe wal the wIzard ~ ..Pl'Omlled brainll when he killed the , ~. The woodma,n beheld a terrIble . WSth a bead . of a rhInoceros and d!!-'~I"'f . The wt&ard promIsed hIm a van. be would lila)' the witch. The ~ll aaw a ban of n.., and a voIce from • object problJeed )1JrI'l ceural'e It he ~- .!.b.!bWStch. The search commenced. ...,"" aaw thll party when It entered her cJOmalD and cauacd a pack of wolves to attack It. - Ths woodman killed the wol.,... She Mint crowl which the IIcareC20W ~ and kllled. Beell were dlllf:tched nexl, but the woodman received • • tiD", Ftn&1l)' winged monkeys took :::- prlloner and conveyed them t" the WStcbery. Dorothy threw water on e WScke4 witch, de.troylng her. Doroth )' l'eaCue4 the lion, woOdman and IIC&I'eCrow. Sh. fQund a charmed solden aup and ltarted back to 01. 8lle be~.!.]oet. 8lie Wle4 the cup to call Ule ........... monkeYII who took them to the Iilmerald CIty. '1'be oharmed cup'•• tory Ro d






401l't! -uc!



CHAPTER XV-Contlnued. Tbea he led them loto his IttUe room and locked the spectacles from tbe great box on all theIr eyes, jusl "&8 be had done before. After'w ard .hey pusee! 'on through the gate into the Emerald City. and ' when tbe peoIlle beard trom the Guardian of tbe <late that they had melted the Wicked Wltcll of th~ Weat they all glltbered around tbe travelerll and followed t.hem In a great crowd to the palace -of 0..


The soldIer with the green whiskers was tiWl on guard before the door. but. be let them In at once and tbey wore again met by the beautlful ,green ~r1, who showed ell.Ch oC them to lhelr


Took I. I

· Oz. ttJe Gre"t and T,rrlble, old rooms at· ouc .• so ·tbeY might rest . untJI the Great , Oz WIUl. ready to reo ceive them. . . . . , ,Tbe 'soldler had the news caT'l'led ' trat ht to 0 h II g. z t at · I?orotby .and the other tra~elers 'had come back again,' alter &stroylng the Wicked Wttcb; but 01 made no ro'fI'ly. They thoilght the Great. Wlza r 9 would send for them 1\\ once, but he did nOt. .T hey had no ward 'f rom blm the next day, nol' .... D.... :nor the .. ne"'t. Tbe --Itlno. ......,...... .. .... ~ was Ureeome and wearln.. ... and at last at 81'0 ell that 0% IllfJll)C treat



oncel·t from ur. ft ·ckens ;\'

Among sorile stories told the other you don't seem, to notice thIs,' I:!e day by W. P . Frith. the Royal Acad· said, pointing to his moUstache. eml~lan. who at 90 years of age "'Ob. yes. I do: was the reply. .It smokes 'ill x cigars a day and sits up enables me to see lesa of. you ' Ind until midnight .playlng cards. Is tbe that's an . advantage.' "-London' Tttfollowing concerning Charles ·D lcKens: Bits, . Frith. many yenrs ago. was comml.. s Ione d t a pal~t .a . portrait of ,the nov.The BUIY Biographer.. eUst,.· "The~? was .a hitch ,about the "Don't' you ,.want "to ilve' in ' first . says the nonagenarian, 'm~ds 'of posterity?'" the: "DIckens had ~~artp4 growing a mus· ~.. ·"Yes." an8weredS~nator SOr«h~~ tache which was c~nslder~d . alnlost. '''although It .js a little dlscou In L a crime In those days The d I 1n rag 8' 'IV . .., . . e ay see' how miich more lnterest watetff'1' the sittingS continued. an<\ ,one morn- 'sems to take tn a ~eat man:. WeMt. Ing. wb~n' we expected to find Dlck- l10cses and pecullaTltf~s U , a_ I ' .. ,. ens ·hl\d ·relented and had shaved ~J! :llUtional llclUiVelnenta J' ~- 0 ~ hI" mustacQe, to our dismay he ,had . . . started groW[lIg' more hair on bls chin. The Hard"ll ·Talk. "Landseer called that mrning, and i can euter tuach 20' wliat wert be ga,vo a great start' when be saw Iruuu, _.:.. .. to be 'A_ , 010. t.baa .be one, of n8 thAn Dickens' face. DlC1. ~-k tbe "/\ • I f '"e "'" "l" . to &01 ~w min. teada ........ · bull by tlle borns. '. 8ay. old. fellow. Shau.P,Ure. · . ... f

.o n

ginla. andarmy. had two in th~, southern One brothers was a captain the other a major. "The truth Is that she · went to a (arm owned by her mother-In-law tou.r miles from Greenev,llIe. wher~ sbe was seen by a · nu'mber"ot persona. ,She intended to returrt with waterpie10DS;;' tor the dlstingiilshtld guest. On account of a heavy ' rain . ahe iHd , 't urn "un til"h . t d ay. bu t not ' re .. ~ e nel' spent . t~e nIght wttl). MTs: ~aa:tley. , a' ·tenant ;on the fa~m. aDd came into GretlDe:vtlle ' that morri"~g·. ~ust: ~fter tbe federal!' . had en~ered· the to~p~ ~he < was·' e3coree.d into :town by fed· eral ' ptcltets. thus roulltng the : s·u-a·. a~d



t~at .she




grown succossfully np te tlfe ~ parallel and In tbe year. te come jour vacant land will be .kIN a' a rate of which you have at proseD' no conceJ:ltlon. W bave enough p~ tn the nHed stat s alone. whet wan' homes. to take up this lllnd. "What you must do tn Western Oan· nda Is to raise mnre JIve etooTt. When YOIl are doing whal you ought to do in this regard. the land w"eh Is now. selUng for $20 p:;r acre wUl be worth Wi-fAT PRESIDENT TAFT AND Cram $60 to $1 00 pre n.cre. It Is ns ' good land as tba t which ill seUlllg fo r OTHERS THINK OF CANADA. more tba n $100 por ncre to lIbo oern be lt. "I would rather rals cattle In WestAnother Fat Year for the Canadian ern Rnnda than In tile cern belt of West. the t ni t d Stat II. You CUll get your food cheaper and the ellmate It! be tOur Canad ian neighbors to Ihe nerth ter ror tbe purpose. We havo B bet· are again rejOicing over an abundant ter marke t, but your market will Imharvest. Pond reports from r eliable provo fast r t han YO'lJr farmers wlll sources go to show that the total yield proiluce tho flllJlplles. Winter wheat of 1909 will be far above that of any can ho grown In one-balf Itf the coun· other year. try throu gb whi ch I have passed, and It Is estimated that $100.000.000 alfalfa Rnd one or \.be l'llrlotles of will this year go into the pockets of clover In three·fourths of !'t. Tho tbe Western farmers from wbeat farm ers do not believo 1Ihfs, Imt it Is alone, another $60.000.000 from oats true." and barley, while returns from other Keeping pace v.1th wb6llt pro<luccrolls and from stock will add , $40.- tlon. tho growth of ru,lways bas boen 000.000 more. Is It auy wonder then Qui te as wond erful. !\ond tlte wbole tbat the farmers of the CanadIan country from Wlnnlp g to Ule Rooky West are happy? Mountain s will Boon he a net-work of Thousands of American farm ers trunk and branch JInes. Throe great have settled In the above mentioned trnnscontin · utal lIoos are poshlng provinces during the past year; men ('onstructloll In e very tJlrectAon. and wh~ know the West and its p08siblll- at each s iding the gram 'elevator Is ti es. and who also know perhaps bet- to be found . ManItoba 1telng tbe ter than any other people, the best first settl ed province. IIIl6 tte'W an e l vator capaclt)' of opwards ef a5.000,OOO methods for profitable farming. President Taft said recently In bushels. nsltatchewM 20.IIDO.00. and speaking of Canada: Alberta nhout 7.000.00(), while the ca· "We have been going ahead s o rap. pacli.y of lovators at Fort WII1Iam IdlY.ln our own cO).lDtry that our heads and Port Arthur. on the Groat Lakes. have been somewhat swelled with the is upwards or 20.000.008 more. Idea that we are carryhig on our shoulWithin tho provln 66 at Manlto\)a. deI'S all tbe progress there Is In the Saskat chewan and Alberta there ar world. We have not been conscious flour and ontmeal mms wftb a coni' that there Is on t~e north a young blned capacity of 2o.0oe lIarrols pe r cOllntry and a young nat.1on that Is day. and s ituated along some famoll A looking forward, as It well may. to e. water pow rs in New Ontario, the re grea t national future. They bave are larg r mills thfUl w!.1l be found 7,000,000 people. but the country Is anywhere In the Prairie ~...lnces. sun hardly scratohed." Last year the wh nt crop totaled Jas. J. Rill speaking before the over 100.000.000 bushels. Thts year Ca nadian Club of Winnipeg a few days the crop will yield 30.000.000 more. A a go said: recent summa ry showe t em the 1st "I go back tor 63 years, when I of January. 1909. tho sll."IJYed lands came West from Cannda. At that time of the three "'cstern provlnOO8. totaled Canada had no North-West. ·A young 134.000.000 acres, or widell about 32,boy or man who desired to carve hlaOOO.OOO have been given Be nb6ldies to own way had to cross the Iloe, and railways. II .OO U.UIIII tliS I.061?d of In othlo-day it mllY surprise you-one out er ways and 38.000.01 gtTen by the ot very five children born in Canada' Canadian Government as free bom . lives in the United States. Now you steads. being 236.0011 lomest.eads of are playIng the return match. and the 160 acres each. Of this enennons terNorth-West Is getting people from the rltory. Ulere is probably Dnder crop United ~tes very rapidly. We nt tho pr sent timc lesa than 11.000.hrought 100 land-seekers, mainly from 000 acr s; what the reaulta will be Iowa and Southern Minnesota, last when wille awake settlers have taken Dlght out of St. Paul. going to the advantage or Canada's offer and are - orth·West. NoW. ~these people have cultivaUng the fertile lI"'8irle landl. all the way from flve. ten to twenty one can scarcely Imaiine. thousand dollars each, and they \ ~Ill make as much progress on the lanulD THEIR 'Pb\{:E ' {)F -~(t one year as anyone man coming from the ConUnent of Europe can make. do- Inferenoe Plainly Set Fo,u, Waa Not ing the best he can. fn ten, fifteen, or by Any Means What the Lady twenty years." Dean Meant. It Is evIdent from the welcome given American settlers in Canada The lady dean ot a well-known that the Can~dl2.n people appreciate girls' coli ge. being very much an . them, Writing frOID Southern Alberta noyed that tile gIrls after chapel on recently an Amerlcan farmer says:- Sunday morning waited IlrGUlld the en''We are givIng them some new Liance of the as sembI, room and Ideas about being good ' farmers, and stood In groups on the stairs Instead they are giving us some new Ideas of dIspersing at once. 1'"01\"941 to 1nabout beIng good citizens: They have s tltute a reform. So at Mie regular a law against iaking liquor Into the chapel service one mornlng she arose Indian Reservation. One of our fel- with much dIgnity lUlIl made MJe fol:ows was caught on a reservatJon with lowing remarks: a bottle on hIm. and It cost 'him $50. . i' I have noticed a grcrwlng flendency One of the CanadlaD Mounted Pollce among tbe young women ht linger found him, and let me tell you, they about the chapel SUllday mornlngll find everyone -who tries to go up blocking the halls and stairs. Hera: ag.~inst the law8 of the country. .after the following order wtll be preOn Saturday night, every bar-room' served in leaving chapel: Ftrst tbe fll closed. at exactly 7 o'clock. Why? presIdent will pass away. Then I wUl Because It is the . law, and It's the l1ass away. Then tbe talmlty memberl sa~e with ·every other law. There wlll pass away. and finnlly die atu. tsn:~ a bad man In the whole district. dent body by classes will J)U8 away. nnd a woman can come home from and we will all meet below-" town to the farm at mIdnight If she It Is needless to say why slie nayer wanta to, alone. That's Canada's tdea tlnished . her sentence: bow to run a frontier; they have cer. \ I. Prayer GeographIcal? talnly taught us a lot. Not long ago. In an Important coun"9n the other hand, we are running thefr farms for them better than any ty In Ohio. the women and others other clan of farmers. I guess ,I prayed that it would go ·\t!ry" and It can say this -without boasting, and the did. A few days later, the people In Caandlans appreciate us. We turn Nassau Rnfr Suffolk counties. Long Island, prayed tbat tbeso eountles would ou~ to celebrate Dotnlnlon Day; they are glad to have us help to farm the become desiccated and a count of c~untry '; ~ey know how to govern; the votes showed that there was noth. Ing doing. In both cases only 'those we know how to work." people prayed who were aOC\lstomed Another farmer, from Minnesota to that form of weapon. Aecordlngly who settled ' in Central Sallkatchewa~ there Is a strong sllggestlon that some yearll ago, has the following to prayer. like tbEl tarlIY. hi a 10c81 IS8Ue. say about the country:The Country'S 8pread. "My wife and 'I have done 'rell enough since we came from the States; we cnn While the area coroeded tet the 13 live anyway. We came in the spring of o,rlglnal states by the peace treaty ot 1901 with tbe first carload of settlers' 1783 was 828.000 square miles, theIr effects ' unloadeiltn these parts and present area Is but 32G,oeo .,quare built the first shanty between Sas- miles. the other 602/81)0 square miles katoon and Lumaden. We brought forming In whole or I. part 13 other with ' opr car of aetUers' effects the states. sum of '1800 in cash, to-day we are .. A Rare Qood '"''''g. worth ' '40.000. We 'proved up' one Am ulllng Allen's Foot-leaR aDd of the fin~st farme in Westeni Canada truly lillY 1 would not hue' ~ wlth~: and ~ught 320 ncres at per acre. It a'> long. had I Imown the relief It would We took good crops off the land for give my ae/ltng feet. r thlnle It a rare thlng ·for anyone hnvlng aore or Ul"tldrot . four years, at the end ot which we L!:I~1l0·ldMbatlldllnDHoltwert, J>revtdencie ~ . had 'SOOO worth of Improvements In . y• rugg18t., 2110. AIIk to-day. the way of buJldmgs, etc., and bad . 'pla~ted three acrea of ~rees. Two A Burden. years 'ago ... we got liuc~ a good offor ' Stella-Was ber dlYorc6 ) mUafac. tb,a .t' \\'e .. !lold our land, at U5 Per acre. . tory? . Fr.O.Dl tl(e ,a~ove l'yOU will lIee that we Bella-No, she bas to' kOO1' the chilo have pot done badly ' slnce'· our '.~ dre.n the whole year.' . rival''' ' . ...... . .. pt~f;' ThomaB' Bhaw of st. .paui, ·~fn. t:~me ~.~ople d~ffer ' .COf)~illll~~ with '" belota•. with a Dumller of other \VeU 'th~ \~~~n~o~ .J,~~~lcn."1' ~~ttJe. ·tlo . ,]mowp .edltp~1I of· ~erlcan" t~rio jo~ ' OM ' 911; J Rub it, in.l~t ~~ .:. Wiz. D!lI~.. , toQ~ed "restern Can.da rectnUi" th~liftiJ, hllP.PlG feet hi tM '~in~. ha~e . , .and In ati inJervfew 'at Winnlpeg 'satd ' WhAt . . . .. ' '. . • III P8rt:.- · . . . " a young man earne la' the ., "With. regard ,t o' the sllttleweut of time goes Into ltls poc.k~' but "hat he In.. W ~t J._·' I 8h , It fa o~ll ' spend8 lo the 'eVenIng 1008. ''''' - -"1 !-'lEt ouI d . sar'"that cbaracter.-Dr· C . '1 u'"' u I .. : uy er. . w,en be~a.: ~ have, estimated tI1at In , ~ltoba o~e-~ntb of the ' land haS '. ALL~1JKO "lt,At.U.JI ' . .b~en .bro~n, Saautclfewalll on..: ='l:-c:r.~T.b~tltt'~ti'ottl--...




•• e P,erson wbo..dl~ ~~fo", matlon • to Gen. GllteDl!, whloh caused Morgan's d'lath "and the, captur.1i' of hls cotnmand, "was. a , boy named John Lceadr and. 9tlierB 'W~o tl .... h f tbe dl- tblrtl~~· ~lbe~, ODe;h~~ '.~u" u~ \'eC mOD n 'order to ~On8 fr'_A' 88t'"·.v OW - to '; .... ... ~d .,v.U'~~. '1 am laU'-'.tIIat· .. A. ' IOOd . . ~ ........ ¥e IIU~¥. __ 0& G.en, :1&¢o til alf t~tnYbl~· ,paID .. " . .. Ida IDtulU~ .





..~..,.~ ..... &1;1,,-. ............ :GI .- .' .

~rF= I =========='_======--T EARL-r-LOCOMOTIVE, I" I'"

For the Hoste'Ss,,' ,. '





~nlJine. Uied Half 'Out • of Century 'Mil'". Are Now Com-


BosteD,-Less than ten years after the f'amo\l s old Stevenson locomotive, the Rocket, was , turned over to the Chat OD Interestiait Topics of Maay K~d.. 'by Llverllool & Manchester railway, In a ,Rec::ollaized Authority England, to pull passengers and trelght over Iron ways preparations were be· Ing mad e fOI' rail connections Ibe tweeD New Year's Greetlnll, are not expensll'e. FollOwing are Machlusport and Whitneyville, In the 'E ven now, rollowlng fast upon the lome ot the quotations which will be 10utheI'D part or Washington county, heels 0( the merry Ohrlstmas tide, written on cards out In shape of Maine. This road, built in 1841. and recently eliminated (rom the landwe can bear tbe rustling or the little bull. : scape ot the Machals river valley, was New Year's wings as he presses bard Gort ·,Iellil the muter ot t.hl. hou.e, between seven and eight mil s long, upon old Father Time, bent with the LikewIse the mlatrP,8l1, too, and was for freight carrying only. weight ot many centuries, Take it And all the little oolldrcn To whom the day hi new. Tho occa sional passenge rs who went all In all, It haa been a good year aa . from town to town and back oga ln, we look back at tbe rapid procession W elcom(' lJe yo that are h e re. rod e at their OWIl ri sk and pa id !loth· or days, some gray, SODle dark, but W c lcom o nil Bnd 'rllake good cheer, many radlnnt with dazzling sunlight. \\' 01 orn e n il another y enr. Mm , Merrl wish es to take thla op· U nder ntlSlletoe ntHl holly portunity to thank all readers of tho A part y «ay tUtd Jo lly department ror their many kind let· In gu m a w ill va ss tho houl'8 nway tf,lrs expressing In highest terms their ur thI s ou r r e~ tlv e New Year' u day . appreclatlon of the column. Here's t o t h" ol d y ee. r , drh1k. boys, drink, All 0. personal tavor she begs that H e r ' II t o Ih o dRYS Ihnt ha\'o fl ed. no oue as k a reply to queri es In alII f rI o li ds, o lu wlll,e , old m e m or lcl!, I r l ll k t o I he J O)'8 th u t arc dead . "next Sunday's paper," as It Is ulterly Impossible to comply. Questions that RIn g ou t th e 01(1 , ring In the ne w., will b natil many, It Is we ll to answer R IIl ';- h np!'y b C' ll s ac rOBS th e snow: In th e paper, but prlval ans wors are T il" year Is ,",olnJ.;, I'lt hIm go: ftl llg OUI lI .e rfll~e , r Ing In th e true. Willingly sent It a self-addressed, stamped e nvelope 10 Inclosed, Let· )I'l uy c \'cry JO)' attend you. The Tiger. ters are fil ed and answ ered p rsonal. All" henv ·n d Il y sp nl! yo u, D I s.,l n g s In h eart and h om e. !ng. It was not the first rallway In 1,. or through the paper jus t as fn s t A r esf)l u llo n lot us 'mak e. ~l n in , as t here was a s tretch ot 'as It Is possible to handle th m. Orlg. trac k In Penobsoot county. known as On t his 'brIgh t New Year'a day, Inal BUgg stlons or Interest to all are welcolUO contl'lbUtiops, as we aim to T lt r o IShou t tlt e Y(l8r w e' ll wear a emile, th Bangor & Oldtown, 01' 'Veazie's And fr ol d u ll care Ilway , railwa y, wblch was laJd down In ] 836, . mak the d partment 11 clearlug house foUl' y ill'S after the Baltimore & Ohio , tor the hostess ot all successful enter. o rn e, lot'll j oIn the m e rry thron l;', gllv up horsepower Cor sleam. talnment schemes. May the coming 1 pon th e cOBc h at life w e 'll tldC', tlln g the comi ng y e nr !llo ng Th e firs t railroad to be operqted by ),eAr be laden with blessings, may w(' Sp~~ IILlPP Y w o'lI be what'or h tide. steam In this country was the South all be fitted to take each day as It MADAME M E R1U. comes, rememborlng that "(Jod's In Carolina, somo time between 1828·'30, his heaven, aU's right with the Make Your Hatplnl. but trials with an experimental locoworld." • happy New Year to you For your dressy bat. why not make moUve had been made before that every -one. your own batplns of lace? An old time by the Balthnortl & Ohio, who form cnn bo covered with Il crocbeted wero reluctant, howe\"er, to relinquish medallion or lace flower. The stitches the slow sure horse powel' until A New Year'l Dinner. Olft making at Ncw Year's Is not IUllst necessarily b close In order to the rellahllity of tbe steam locomotive so pro val nt In tbls country as It Is cov l' the foundation, but when an had been proven. When laine's first over the water, where It Is the day Irl!lh lace daisy curls Its petals over , rond was laid down In 1836, the pres. par excellence for excbanglng pres· a hnlpln you will pierce your crown ' ent town of Veazie wa) the seventh ents, Christmas Is a royal festival wltll JOY In tbe knowledge of having ward of Dangor, and Oen. Samuel Vea· zle was conspicuous aB a lumber optime tor the children there, and the something home-made but new. rator and property owner In that part . flret day or the year Is a time thor· oughly enjoyed by the grown·ups. ~II.~'" 2:> of the city. He owned largely In the mllroad, and that's why the stretch There are baHs, calls, receptions ga· ~~ 01 r~. ~ of track from Bangor t.o Oldtown wa. lor , wltb elaborate gifts-In tact, It e , • J!~HlDI~ e , called Veazie's. , Is one Brand, merry holtday, while Freight on the MachIasport & Whit, with us, especially of late years, It Fashion ill trying to c!rh'e out the neyVIlle road 'was first pulled by nn bas been 'rather a Itate day, with little doing save In Washington, where button trom tbe tull-dres8 Bcheme, .as ,Engllsh·bullt locomotive sent to Maine by tbe old Boston locomotive builders, , the president holds a reception, It la far as It Is posslhle to do. Many of the prettlest serle yacbt· Hinkley & Drury. It was to keep lum. the day for a family dinner, and, by the way~ I must describe this very Ing suits, Instead of being all white, ber on the move until the old Tiger, one of the two engines recently sen,t beautitul dinner which Is to be glvon have black moire collar and eulf•. Collurs and buttons made trom trom Washington county to Portland on tbe flrst. 'rhe New Year's bell Is tbe keynote black satin are considered smart on was being built. The name of the Eng, IIsh engine, the tlrst to mnke steam for decoration, and the color Is red Un en coats ot both whJte ' aDd oolora. Corset covers and chemises ftt al· noises along the way, was tbe Pbenlx. wltb plenty of .-bolly and mistletoe. Red ' ng' uatywhere ; the most stralgbt across the front, there The Tiger was completed and sent by candle shades are t(\ be red bells and being Uttle or no (ulLness at the top. schooner to Machiasport In 1842. The "rhe restaurant coat of supple cloth, followIng year marked the arrival ot th conterplece a big red bell'8haped :'Jack Horner" .vIe. with red rIbbons with Its flowing Spanish 01' Japanes.e the LIon from the snme firm, and the going to each plate. Even the nut lines, III superseded by' the jetted Phenix having done duty while the ' American engines were being made, ond bonbon holders are to be bell· coat. Since taD Is only suitable for mom· was returned to Boston. ~apCd;-the ices are to be frozen In bell molds to be eaten with. bell· Ing and the country, bronze Is the shaped cookies. Bridge Is to be the nlcest sboea for wear with CABLE IS NOW IN OFFICE after dlnn r paollme, tbe score to be colors. Jet buttons are psed even on 110en kept with gold and stiver costume bells slipped onto silver leey rings, suits, und jelted chalDs and flexible Chicagoan Sworn In and Takes Up Duties as Assistant Secrewhich the guests wl\l have for favors . brooches and bracelets are among the tary of Commerce, 'Ihe wee bells bought by the ,hundred many forms that appear.





-=-.- f - -



million, '

1~IN:~ ~~"L'T'I""T"TT" I

~~J~J' , ~ I

neg lec t m ay b r eed . groat ml schld, F or wn llt of n nail th e s hoe w as lost, f or w an t ot 0 IIhoo the h Ol'se was 108l : t or w ant of the horao th e rl tl~ r WIl.8 los t, belns ov erta.k n by t he nem y: a ll tor wont ot a lit· tie enre a bout a

ho rse· s hoe

F0tly OD the livet. Cure


na.ll." -B~n­

Sm.n Pill. Small D_, S ....u Price.

GENUINE mlllt besr ~.ture: · The :\Yayol' - .lust thlnl\, numl ral, manleu 20 p ople In two boul·s. Th e Acimirul- We ll, tha t's only ten Im OIS nn hou r.

\' \"I:!


Salts and Castor r OIel-bad . on



A Teat. "Well," said Mr. Cumrox, "your party wall a great success." . "How can you tell?" a sked his wife. "Whenever a crowd comes ulong eeRIs; StencUa, Bn.dge... '1'rRdu Oheckil, ete. Wo that makes me feel like a stranger In are 110 fllrtl!er frollr ),our bowe 0" tlJllce Ulhn lIearl!8t llhOll ~ ,or~ . ..' my own house I know It's a brilliant the .S ,mllll bbll. Mlt-nla Hi: oocaslon," / WAnted. a t cAmlo!r. ".;-






Sbe. Im$ madE> .~ tJ<llle~bl... ' .


a J»e<'tnltf

0' ·

paTENTS c. A i!'i:~mU~~:fo~~,:~\~:~t;;:ll'~~~ ------------------~1'1I.,1.L111 II. HOIlOII; "'........... D.

Worth Its Weight In Gold. PETTIT'S EYE ALVE strengthens old

eves, tonic fOI' C)'C stl'Uin, weak, watery eyes. ______.. Druggistd or Howord Bro8" Duffalo, N. Y. I.r ::;'~~~I~~~! Ey. A married lDan can always get a lit· --_._- ,, ' __ tie olr his s entence for bad behavlol·. W:N~ u,, ' CINCINNATI, NO. 52-1909 '






PinkEye. EplsooU~ Sh1~D'DIl Fe~er & Catarrh.l Fe~e.


Houlehold Hints. 'A child's wasbboard that can be ' bought for five or ten cenls, 18 a han· I dv arUcle to \lse to rub out the dish t~wels or If there Is a baby n the home tbe small things may be eastly i ruhbed out In ' a bowl using the small \ board. Use old socks or stockings tbat bave paased tbelr usefulness as ,sucb, tor cleanIng cloths. Cut <1ff the teet, cut Ben/amln S. Cable, opeD tbe legs sellm togetber enougb to ment of commerce and labor to prac make a square, put Into the mop and . tlce law. It wl\1 be I(ound "'D'\.· IImort a~e the atU! Unen collars with ftannel or cotton ,,'alsts, I "ftkexcellentthas thet k.nlt· ~... t d b Oa\>lo IB a son of the late R. a. ted mater a ..... es up e wa er so . ,anoJ n sort, daintilY embroidered neoktle Is both pret y an ecom· Cable ot the Ohlcal:o, Rock Island and ~ea_dIlY and It Js ' so casUy W1'ung, . ' Ing wltll them, " , " Paclflo railway. He I a lawyer b) ' A black ,stocklog:1eg should he used :. S hadow embrQldery will appeal to ,t he gl~1 whose time tor sewl)erson81 cholo~ when cleaning black ~~ dark clotblng . i', , Ing If! limited,' tor It Iii qulc" IN and easily, ,done. A very sheer proCession anti ,Is tile , as there Is n'o lint lett to sbow 8S '. " , llrlelll lawn "should be cho,ien because tbe e~broldery Is done of Secr!ltary Nilgel , there is ,no lint left to show, as there , • en tJl ' wrong side and ,s hould ' sbow through, Lay tbe material. . 18 with light cloth. , ' , velo the",dea'ign and hold In 'place with th~rQb tac.kB' Draw . ,all ~und ~omen , F.a'r mer. In ,Welt, Emery powder ' ~1IJ remove any or :h~ deBlgn with a s.harP P~1l0'\ makJ,ng the ~t~B ,darker tbaJL~e tl~wer' Mlsi:1 iVIatiul ~\Iddutb, n unlvOl'lIlty, ' dlnary staJDs (rom ,Ivory 'knife baD' and leif putllUjl9 p..!clius~ _tl;ie st«:m.~ 'W1l\ be w~r.ked ,In ~l tl~ne.,st1tch, 011 t.he" of , Cblca~o ,girl, took up abome'Btead , dies., , , , tilnse OUt the dIsh towels after din. 'r( ' bt side 'Of .the s~,ltch'. ,The::scallops ?Iso .. are d~Il~ , o~ tbe rlgbt II~~ and , ~Ialm ,of 160 . 8Cl·e/3 Dellr ' ~roadvlew, g k ~ ., i btittonbole · .tlto~, ' Use a medium, size w~lte embr~ldery cotMont" , 3,5 miles Iroll) Billings. ,~be ner e'acb, day and 1)011, tbem ,once a ' 1,l:l!'ln ",t~~ '~l!-v,\ P!l~S at ~e , pol~~ neares~ '~~ , Btem" ,,', " l1~ed ru '.a t~tirW_n:"e.' ge~t,lng .b6~ s~ac" ~ee~: .'. ,,'~." .: , ' ' J "_ 'Wttb. k -tnlo needl~, ta~e up a Iltt!e. . of- tbe ,m. a t er a;1. ILtiQll.t thr~e , ready, a£terwl(Lrd e de.signPd and ' ~ good ',cle&user to hilv~ . o~ ban~ Ss thre~ belilg en,ou~Jl~D t~e oUl;$l~~ edge of :tbe p:tal, ,Mgl)t OD. ,the ' pencil < ' ~ullt a " pleasant bungt\lo~v ~ , compO~ed .. ~ .small . bqtU.e ,of cbloro!om),'1l1f l~ w.11 ';l1oe aDd 'cro~1I hOrlzo.Dtnll~ to the .,encll :llIi,e ~D t~,e «?t~er, edge apd tak? ,uP" eDtirely, qf ' logs. ~h,!, has 'now tatteD. not ln1ure the most deUCAta fabric8, . .. few thread : tileD ~8~k ,to the, ~U18r I~de, ~r~salng b~~k aDd forth ,until ~ ,lUore prh:e& . for .ber farm than a~ 'and ~ever lea~e.s a ring. '" . I ttl .. BCe ~f>' III ed When ·tbe Up of tbe leat Ja fl!8tlbed, work tbe ~~rea.d ' other ~x.~b.hQr In a re~ent e;cvoaIUe;ln ' T" .renlovo ,the smen ot filb or on. '1;I':ki:, ihl.\ '.~.. ung ~lnt With dainlng .tltch. and bell~ ~e I)~xt nearest , at Oheyeilne. " Mts8,~n~a Chrl$~MeD I~"n, trom a frtln, 9&n. Pllt a UtUe vin le&f or Dotal: 'Tlle ' stltc1J~a'.'IIhoulcl tie ~t~abe~ De~ ,e Dou,b,to.ether to nearly Wl1o: ,was •(o~lPerly Il nUMe, .I~ 11 ~o. elPlr ~n It . ~ctlf after lIih~i l~. and. toUch. . [I'tIl.! In : Nilw York olt)', Is aqot.hef q~ pl~e over, tile Ire to bea~ ' , . the .w otJ\en settlera wlto baa pros·



Rather Ambiguous. Th · Re v. Mr. Do:.~ e n had not gain the gold 11 opinions of bls congr gao tlou, who were unanimous In assert· Ing that he was fooli s h and conceite d. H cOlisldered him self gr ally sIan· dered, and . 'meetln g an old Oermon .tuff D • • • cure" fri e nd of hi s In the s treet one tl.a.y, only 'makes bow~1s . move ,bebegan to re taJlhls woes, ending up by cause it irritates and sweats them, saying: ., And Lh e cbmc!) ward n actually like poking finger in your eye. The best called me n perfect nss.. My cloth pre· Bowel Medicine ;. Ccucar«•• vented. me from resenting insults, but user should J think 1 shall refer to It In the pulpit Every Salts and Castor next Sunday. What would you ad· get a boz of CASCARETS and try v1se?" them juat once. You'll He. 1184 " Mine frlendt ," repl1ed the German '1' TRIS OUT, ' mall I~ with y our Ad"uc..... Lo soothingly, "1 know not, but I tlnk dat lC Ite mildy Co., ChiCAGO, III., Rna re 'elvol all you can do vlll be youst to bray tiwrlfll '" lA .. ullaoml> ..,,,,,u .. l1· ' 0111 l.Iou lWu 1!'l t1t B, for them as us ual! ','-Detrolt , New s· 4,. Tribune. A Ll8ht or a CIo6e Shave . The Mother of Invention. NO STROPPING . NO H~G An insurance man In 0. small lo~ was giving a dlnner to a trlend par· ticularly blgh 'Up In Insurance circle s. Alas! he recalled at the last moment his trlend smoked. It was too Inte, Every cigar stand WIlS closed, What could he do? An Idea occurred' to him and IJ e went out Into the hall. The re hung his trlend's ove rcoat. It mlgbt contain- be was now searcblng the pockets, In n moment lie brought forth a cigar. Non chalantly be returned to the 11· brary, ;':\11," he said, pau sing 011 the threshold, " here Is 'an unusually fin e cigar. Will you not try It? 1 don't smoke, you know."

, Generalltlea, When baking potatoes If they are rubbed wIth a bit ot lard the skins wben baked, win be thin and tender. It potatoes must stand tor tbe tardy !JIember 01 the family, roll them In tbe ,hand until . they c~ck open, the steam escapes and leaves tbe potato dry and mealy. They will keep 20 mlDutes atter they are donq, If tl'eated ID thla wuy.

Wasblnglon.-Chlcago has reason Is den ned to feel proud, for no city In the coun· Few uso tho granu pre rogaUvo. of mInd. liow fe w thInk Jl stly at the thlnkln. try has as many representatives In few! Important positions In Washington ' How mnny never tl Ink who think they than the Wlmly City. The latest of dO;" -Jane Taylor. President Taft's selections from Cbl· cago Is Benjamin S. Cable, who 'fa! The WaIte Basket. sworn In a few days ago as assistant A small basket to recclve threads secretary of commerce 'and labor. Mr. Cable &ucceeded Ormsby Mc· and bIts or tblngs that litter a ' room, Harg, wbo reUred frQm the depart· is an Indespensable artiole. For a bed· room It may be made wIth a fouDdatlon of card hoard covered wltb cretonDe, dfnlm or art cloth. to barmon· Ize wltb the furnishings of the room. For the library one mny bave ODe' as handsome as the purse ca~ alrord. In Lhe serving room one made ot cre.tonne with several shirred pockets fastened t.o the IDS Ide wllJ be found most convenient. There Is not a room In the house where a suitable receptacle Is not useful. Perbaps It 18 a letter or a faded flower, one does not care to decorate the furniture with such scraps and remalnR, so tbat the waste basket Is a splendid belp to keep the room In order.


What Prof. Shaw. the wen.Kno_ ...... New Formula Cures Coughs, Colds, culturflt. SII)'S About It I "I Bronchitis and Hoa'rseness In Five Houri, Mucb Is befh g done In these da y,s to stop tbe ravages ot con s umption, but prol.mbly nothin g hall bcon s o eff ctlve as teaching the public how to breale up a colcl , nnd cure cOllgll S, bronchitis, tons illtls( e tc" w Itl! simp le A laxative home·mixed mt!d lc ne. cough' syrup, fre fr olll whisk ey Is th e pritlle neeei. A cou gh Indl c~lt es in· fl a mmation Dnd congestion and these In turn ar du e to an xcess of waste and poisons In tbe system, A ton ic la xati ve cough syrup rid s t be Syst m of congestion, whil e reli eving tbe painful coughing, Get th following and mix at home: One·h a lf ounce fluid wild cherry ba rk, one ounce com· pound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pin compound. Shake th e bottl e and talee twenty drops every hnlr hour for four hours, Th ~I1 one· bait to on e teaspoonful , three or tour times doll y, Olv children les8 , ac· cording to age. Cut this out and save It for sOlll e fri e nd,

.salad Drel6lng. Two tablespoonfuls ot .almond but· ter, two tablesjloonfuls of augar, onefourth ot a teaspoonful of salt, add tw().tblrds of a cupful or water and two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, adding the liquid very slo'l\'ly, stirring constantly. Cook In a doubh. boller u'n tll thick. 'fhls dressing Is very nice on equal parts of apple and banana. To prepare meat for a delicate stom· ac:h, Take a slice ot steak and scrapE' with a spoon, make tbe pulp Into flat balls, season and boll over hot coals. Place on toast and garnish with a bit of parsley.



jamln Fra nklin.

Afternoon Tea. The delightful custom of sen lng tea ",'hlcb our EngUsh cou sln!1 do so bracefully, Is becoming more and more pO[l' uiar wltb us. There Is a ncarn eSh whlcb one gets to one's frl nd s over u cup ot tea thal ' Is ne ver relt In the tealess drawi ng room calls. The ve ry simplicity of th e ente rlalnm ent ap· peals to all, for a cup of tea with a bit of bread and butte r may ue served to one's fri end s by e ven lh e bostess whose purse Is n ever full. Tb en there a re th e Scotch scon s and simple littl e tea ca kes, a nd IIn y varie ty of sim ple brend s tha t a ro al· ways apprecia ted, easy to pr(' pare, a nd Inexpens ive enough to be 110 dra in IIpon th e purse. The t ca- service may lJe the s implest of china, or the slive r of on e's grandm ot hcr, Reall y beautl, tul things In table service need not mean much expenditure. The tea table covered with tho IlOOWY cloth em· broid ered by hand, or simply hem· stlched, with the lemon dish and the sliced le mon, the sugnr bowl and the creamer for tbose who do not prefe: Russian t ea, th e teapot, cups and sau· ct'rs, the table Is complete. It Is 8 pleasure to see the kettle boll, but one can ea sily prepare the tea In the kltch· en and s erve It tram tbe table, Man, like to use the dainty tea ball or thf samo\'ar, but without lhese, hospital · Ity, may be just 8S delightfully giveD.

c.. quickly be OYOI'COIM by -.c.t lurely aad



The Wretchednea \ of Constipation




In flchln\t "r.d Irrftablo cOndllfons the 6kln produces a ' ccUne at comfort to tho aufforer belore e>:perfenced. It Is tho recornlztd specl/Ie for Itchlnr piles and the It~ r~od~ In . eaeml. :;0 cents alar IU dru ~ ~ i sls, or sent dlroel on receIpt of prfce,

RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPA."iY, BALTIMORE, MD. As an application ,for Ecuma. BW'IIS ud Scalds, I ronalder Resinol Ointment better tban an,thiDr else. '" )ltL Georae.u, BrGh. Deal1ice. ~. .r.., ;., Neb. ' f



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SaleconimencesSaturday . January the 8th . at 9 a. m. ,



Women's and Olrls'

Suits, Overcoats,

,Men-s . and Boys'






======::;::::::=====ALL STOV'ES Special Prices on FURNITURE, CARPETS, . MATTINOS and .RUOS.





Cloaks, Suits arid Furs REOARDLESt:; OF 'faE



AT COSTi---============= Sale begins Saturday, January the 8th, at 9 a. , m • .

m plInv, fRED eo. _:



.___ !2!2k! _ I

Wash Day Made Easy I::




Tlie Neighborhood News :: :: 'JJc,*,,*,*,*,**,*,*,***,*,*,,*~*,*,,*,*,*'J!c****

~~ZofINO -~:~:::=;::::'~¥:~i~f.~~~§, ~i SA~~~~!~w. m~~I!!~~~~~ Pri~fU; A ViSIt fro~m ; _ ' 1 * KER "* I B. '


has taken the snow. plaoe . tion to get our stleets bullt up with . Mr. and Mr8. Pearl Stewart, of orushed atone. Our town i8 out of Having sold stock of automobiles. machinery, tires, tools, , . Wllllling&on, apent ~und~y the debt witb money abead 1n the dtffer- ... supplies, good will aDd business entire to the Kilpatrick,French ~ ~ves ~wo houri hard-rubb1Og, at gueltl of Mu. 8tewart'8 unole Ilnd ent funds Ilod the citlze08 should be ~ Motorcar Co., what is then unsold to be invoiced January 15,1910. . 3:. a cost of only twentY.-fou~ cents. aunt, Dr. J. G. Maoyand Mr8. MH- proud ot'it. You Can Buy UntO 1ihat time. any car.ln the stock at a price 80 ..... ~UDdreda of, ~ome teetimonials fur- dred E ~gle, of East Mlitn I;teet. •- • . . low thaI; It would be a IIIlsrortW'le tor you to ....... nished as to Its worth For sale'by ....... the opportunity. ' . '11\. . ' EdDll, Maria and Isaac Stout. of 'olI-' Maxwells. Bulcks Fords . '>Ie j WaynesvUle, called un triends here FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ..... and Others Sarno Of' th ~n ue\\' -lI<mll) ot aecond -ho.nd- """" Friday, we always weloomE them all at .~ .. . , ' :~ baok-they are some of our folks . Murdered Prices L1kowlll6 Tires. Oils. Dry ~1lI and lIomo ot tho machinery. which 18 too ilInaU , for tho ~ " OKI Our new lamps are dandy, mak,ng ' 'olI-' enlarged busln088. . ' + Wa Vft";"hle, 0 fine Ught and are under ehlU'ge of IUId ot~e:¥:~~e 4 H .P. Engine, small Lathn. Drill. ~d ., . , , Manbal Shtdaker ., SOHWARTZ'S Make An Offer If you 'olter muCh .WOI,I,ld "'" ~ee .of -Ker-o-zino caD be W,.toh meetlDg was o"-erved at ers. you wlU get tbo Car. pl'Obubly be Invoiced by II board of apprals- '~ hadbV cillina' at MI'8. Omar Le.wis', A. M. E. obUl'oh New Year's eVA • _.. % An Opportunittj For Dootors. }'armel'll. L1vCl')'!Ilon, Every\:>Qdy. 'oIIi nezf~oor to the ,, 'Itian C,hu~h. .Obu. Sean, of FerTY, and Morris ·S· B h 'olI-' to .8~, ' u.J!:ood new or IIOCOnd hllud Runabout 'k pnng rane .... ,.. ur Family Oar at a VER LOW PRICE. . "tit -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'l'erry, of Dayton, a'tended the fu. ..... All or my lICCOod· hllud Cars havo been O\'OrlllluIOO Ilnd put In 'gqod COntll- 'olI-' -. neral of Jaoob 8ea1'. I;'\&urday. I ...tlt tlon. Those which we have used oU!'8eh'OI! haye alway!! iJOOo kept In JCOOd of our ol'tiz~l1s .. t'-nd Mr. and Mn. Frank 'Daktn had a8 'olI-' condltlon. Some have bOOll , taken In trnde tor lIew ClIl'!I. Sol,lle hllvo boon .'Jlt' ! . . . . . . . .11111~..... A lIed l--~ uau " .. ..., thetr lUestsoo Chrfstmaa . Day Mr'. ....... left ,for 8ale . when ~he owners ha\'e ' orde~'ll. ".,.. tbe .opera at Wilmington Tburs· d F k U ' k' d -d 'bt '.... T~ Them Out Every ar rna}, be tl;Jed out 80 tha )'011 can 'olI-' nilbt. . " an Mrl. t:an , 00 an aUR er for )'ouraeU whuth r or uo~ It will cUmb hUIlI, ....... . Maud, Mr. and Mn. Ber' ~4Ilrlat& · run &at or slow. . ' '+ The boliday'! haye' ooIDe and gone and daughteT LenA, Mr. and Mrs ,. . Twenty Cars ~r more will be o~ered Ilt this 0:1. 'nil lind SEE -111, and we are baok in the har· 8i~m ' Daki n, ,,,r 1 HEM. . III costa lOU oothwg to look. 1 mllY h ave .... • .... mr . • nd . _rl . ."IIjunea . just wbllt you want.. '.!LIo',.. neM .triving for what we think 11 ' Dakin and son RolII¥'l. They all had ... Here is a partial list: t . . +Idue 01. . a lood time. : Ford Runabout- I5-I8 H. P., top, 5 lamps, SO-inch wheels .!oL Jaoob S~r., one of oUr, mOlt 88· Mr. and Mrs. Hiram, Dakin and' Ford Touring Car, 'SO H. P ., tpp, 5 lamps. 32·inch wheels. 'iT ,"med oitlzeJiB died Thursdayand Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dakin and ohU·· 3 Maxwell Runabouts, 15 H P. tops, 6 lamps, ~in. wheels. was buried Saturdl'Y; 8e will be dren, were entertllined . bV Mr. Idld. 1 2 M~well Tourin~ Car$', 20 H. P'L~ , ps: 51a~ps" SO-in ..w.~eels. 'J!c I:reatlym~, ieavtngbebtnd many Mn. Bert Marlatt, 'of &1t'. Holly, on Lo,an Runabout, 24.tI. P;, top, b l~mps, 32-mch wheels ....... ,nelida, ' ' . New Year's day ,_ BUick Model 10, four passengers, new top and' wind sbield..!LIo', 1,' .lou Tuoker at tbll writing i8 Elde~ ~eorge A Bretz was ' enterBuick MOdel F, five passengers, new top and wind shield '.fJ !!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! q~tte po01'ly. , ~iJied by Natban' Au.tin ~ndfaml'Y , , Buick f4,odell.7, five' passengers, new top aud wind shield. ~ .I'~ and Mr.: A. K Barflent enter- on Saturday n~ght. , , '~. :. , TERMS-Cuh or 'Bankable 'Note.



, H L EVANS ,'



2qt 65e at




. .,.






POSt EmorY as the' Oare



C , hri

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2'!~~..~~~~:n!~~l!: ~~D::r la::.i,,!,!~ ~~ 1I="~~?'l:f4r ,* J. A.' KI'LPATRIOK,

i *** . *u*,'**,*,***.""'i;t*'*'*'****'* .



Florence Lacy. . and. two SODS 'U ,~ very I 10k ,a t' Cor. Main and ' Mechanic Lebanon. Ohio. )1 -~.. Cbu• BOrstler ,_ _n. 01iar1611 R ye ... "' 8te., . B,!ns,lers of thta writing. . Levt .. eaup, dur- Mrs. J. B . Chenoweth spent Sat- . . holiday.. , , urd.,.y night and Sunday with Aunt ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!'!!!'''!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ 11'0,110"1nlrf~~~:;!.~u;~,::r:v~ Lydia Auatln. · '.' Rail~ay MailClerks Wanted quaUfied aDd are now in pOaea~ion Mr. and Mrs. New~op SD,lUb en , '. .). . , Dr. C. B. Adams leavel!.this, ~ontb TIle Government pavs Railway Mall of .~betr dnties: Fran~ WU.oo, ~rt_inedAat'Bl;l1tndaY. dI,ndntet, EJder ". ", ' '--.-". Mayor; Bern Sbidaker" 'Marshal-; ueorge . ra ,z, OJ n a~a, an d for Selma, where he will n ctice . ~ . . ,' . y .......... Jo.Ok afar Ulyde LeV10Y Olerk' B'rank b. aar Miu Rosa Davil. . ' .. ...ta Clerks $800 to $1,200 and other ..... 1aciIi~ .-tao' .~ '. Cou~otlmen-Cba8. '1Ill&8e8 Alice Chenoweth, and JDe9,lcme. I?r. Adams has been here e~,PIO"yeeS up t~ $2;5.00 an.n"aIIYo / _ _ dial P,eeldeD' . Fa;ank Hhidaker Bertha Smith, Mt' aDd Mr• • ObarUe J>ut a short·tlme, but has made many __ 1_ L ___ ..t:-. ' uc . ti.i Randall, I , N .' dreamer, ,of Kings Mills, and the friends, who are sorry he is going to !I;IUa . . . . . .dt . ' Uncle ~Ilm' wUl hold aprlDg exlWl ... .at.-t. W. A. _en U. o I1r· Bb ar d 'I , II; U' er,. mo tb . ,er, (\r I nan., wh 0 t 8 leave. ' ination8 throughollUhe oountry for AT ....VD'IY\Ir. ' ...... i8 oompoaed of five of our visiting him were enterdtatned by • - ~ "atlw&y Man Clerk8', "us'tom' 80..... e ftA',,1I .~ , ~...,. whave takeD the oath lin. Amanda Smtth aln !lster at NOTICE v ;L~ tuJ;D ,to duty faithfully and I'm Sunday dinner. . Clerks, ' tenograpbers, BOOkkeeper".' SCHOOL HA~L, ....... . '., .' .T he Mayor 1. ohairman . ' ' Departmental Clerks and other JOv . , , , .' ." boat'dand' the five membe!'8 . '. ' J,nuary 7, 1~10. the W. C. T. U. ernment p081tion8 Thou8~l1ds · C\r ' -.rH@~T J N. . meet at the homeofMn. T. J. appointments will be made An"] .' Benjam,ln 'W ee k fI, 0 'r.. . ~vening~' • • '& C. O~ 'Oleaver. E. J . Olmpbe-ll" BO ' T W ' ' ... , ' TER BO'foT , LES Marlltt on Fourth 'street 2 p. m. man or woman over 1. ' In oity or I '" ... ~ d Th A di. .. .lS. ~ ,. ! . ' " '.. eorantry O.ilp g.etinstru )tlon and trea 1:'_ ' ) • .' uuwar I. e a .!"ugooJQe . ~me one, come all, and ald' ln the InfOl'nllltlon by writing at onoe '0 a"ppointed" by. the mlL~or is; . ~work. ,'. the Bureau or Instrilotlob, 4u·'t.1 . , A., Merritt; Ohos. Madden and • - • ~. .' Hamlin ,Building. Roohe8h~... N 'Y:' WID be at,QJe ,: , . A. &&1088. , - SOS ·W ' ~ "R .....'8 CANNERS' OONVE"TION . ~ - .. .- At 8 P. m. , ' . , . ~e oorPoratJon books show more ' . •...' ' ~' .&I! ' Hotel, . mQney oolleoted for rents" lioonses '. , . . ' NOTICE , ., , fiaes' than has Qe9n tn a great ' ,The Ohio Canners will meet in conWayne8vllle, Ohio" .y~a.r8 ; our ma'rahall ~as made 'vention next Tuesdayat the AlgonAll persons knowing themselves . ,Showing tn the poll-tax 00 New Bur~lnJttori. quin ho~l, Dayton. In all probabil- indebted to me will please call and Admission, - Firat Saturday In Every Olll' streets than h"s been for some i'y J. F. Snook and Roy Irons will be settle the same at once, as I expect Month 'im~; . our Ol)unoilmen give their 1'be Women's Foreign Mtsalonary present. Jas. StOops is seCretary of.l·to leave Waynesville sOon," I have Children under 14, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! soctety met at the Ertend's ohuroh the as&OCiation. for sale one large Steel Range, like • p~ ;:; . on Wednesday afternoon. •- • new; also, one very fine combination iIt'iItillt.~t• •tt• • t~·*~~.·•• Carl Peterson had a runaway ao ' FINE SLEIGHING folding bed with book case and writ- No extra charge for re..... ved _ ••• eiden' Monday evenluir of lest week . d k D ....... _18 Wbil I ' h tdi i t i \0 t .. 109 es. R. F. C. ADAMS. .. au



Moth6P Goose Operetta

__.I ...







Friday . January 14th .

2qt, 6Se. a"t ',.'

a:.xpert OJjtiCUUl



**********'*.******* . . . *'***' • • ********'*******'*****'*'********: .*' ~*' . !~~ ~~:;~~~ou~:~~~ ~!:r~;i ';le'f;:r:~a::d a!'~~d::e ~~~: ~~~ ~RAP~ER;,-A";'-E-N-T-ION! Transmission ~f Money by !', ! i&~h~:r~~~!:~!o~;~~~~h~fo:::' ~o:adi:~:;~:r~~ut, b~t littl~ UU!~f ~::t~~!~:~a.:i;:~_::Il~~g:~:~ I... _~~a~~~dB w_ . *' '* ' II . *' *' TeIegraph 'he 81eigh

~einentl h~ve

been consummated between this bank and the Western Union Telegraph Company for the transfer of

.' , . . " amOs'YI-lle' a ' Uonal ~



,N ':






Mr. Ben Hawke and Miss EII3a famtly in I~iohmond, Ind. ' COPley, will be married at the bride's Mt8s ·Bernioe Haw,kins is attend I hom~ In Spring Valley Thursday. inl the Student Volunteer Conter. • -. enoe at Roohester, N. Y. LOST VALUABLE HORSE


For this purpoeethe bank has been appointedah .

reached, by the Western:' Union; can do IlO with peatel; ease ~d lesi coat than ever befor~.


i :'*' N:!:Y:'~s~~hthe:'s:eb:r;~n'!:l 7f'

=~:!::o~~;:~ 'se;:::~~~::~~=

llightly damaged. f~t horses surely enJoyed It. Some

racing this vi1la/te on Thur8day w Caesar's ' ,• - • . Ads " 111 "'" Creek ohuroh whsrethe servl;)88 ' 1mll}9 is strioUf forbidden on my t:enly.u:~!~~t~fs ~~~et~r!~18In~~~~~~~r .; ,vera beld. '. ' ....... I WILL ·WED THURSDAY falm. EDWIN 1;. FURNA8. when using nol more lban live lines. "

*'*' *. . Money hr *'i ! *' , t t ,



--.. ,


All persons lmowingtheniaelve8 in~

A. 8,eUers. of Dav.ton, had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse by blood p'oison~nllli8t Saturday.

t :~~~~l' !d ~ttl:::~:e~~r:~ , Youoan:t,~n:~~~o 'm~oh,







-.H. . . . . .f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . ... . . . . ,




I lib. 0\/. 1910••t thoil' Did a~ oome . . o~oc. ·, . , . , ' .la:tbe .a:"tlower? ~e:. 'WAYNI'8VIl.LIi ~G,Co. •.....h ..... ·of Diaabftl'e,.' of ~e '

~D\&t.oeI for the



J. F.


f :".




LOaT:-Hatp\n . . Return 'to tW,' .',

111,355 '.



....'........"!................ .

ll· Imerman,',s .

OUr Cracker and Cake busineSs ' for 1909 was ~ne, we h'andled

'J' Me~ber'· Ani~rican :Qank~' A~ociation, . ;!.:f~~~i::!~C:-;~omC<>';'~ i~"'I"·' year n.. ;';1~~,';, be,. P;:Of ~1. mr Wayruimll. ' 911.09. *., :'" :' ~ SQaW,s.c-" .~ . ",... . " ,

. responsible party to .~elp__ take ~re of a year-old child, 10 WaynesvlIJe. Ad.dress P. O. rox 195, WaynesVille, OhiO.

.:* wish to close up a partn~rship' andI ieeaay to ,MY too .muoh , Pound,8. of *'t * !•. ' oblige.. W. ·H.-MADDEN ,& Co. . . '. (~ - . . . Green &' Green's Celebrated . . 'Reoord,of.n ,w fall..rqr winter of :" i . Noti~~ F~e"'" : , 1=';·:'Ii.:=~~"':?ti::; ~':i Whenc:~:iI1~to~ .! . .. . ' : ' ...,w,fall, 26 ."011-. ' '. . "' . . . Earth, try them.




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ficeandreceive .teward,

.,FOl!~D "





'. , ' . -',

inIl'O"'11I!'X:re~·~~~: S.U '." ':. . '.



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